HomeMy WebLinkAboutzW-0303SetpF RFC NTE hAK NO._ 2 ."V �`aE9 2� '� 20 1968 N. E.4 SECTION 5 T W P 23 N, R 5 E, W M. r - - - - -- _ KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 1 FREDERICK M. DRAKE - ENGINEER - APRIL 1968 G D_-EPP�y( SCALE I INCH= 100 FEET DESCRIPTION This plot of % NTERLAKE NO 2 "4ddition to the City of Renton, King County,Washingtan comprises that portion of Tracts 262 anrd 273 of C. O. N1//man's Lake Washington Gorden of Eden Addition ro Seattle, Division No 4 as recorded in Irolume // of Plots, page 82, Reco ds of King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the NW. Comer of said Trcct 273; thence SO°29'37 "w along the west line of sold tract 200 feet to the True Point of Beginning; - THENCE continue SO°29�37'* long said west line 38,960 feet to the SW. Comer of said Tract 273; thence N89°1341 F along the .south line of said tract 25248 feet to the S.E. Corner of said tract; thence NO 29'54`•E along the east line of said Troat 273 a distance of 238 T Peer, thence N 8 /34/,�F poraitei to Me south dine of said Tract 262 a. distance of 25250 feet to the east line of sold Tract; thence N003010 E along the east line of said Tract 262 a distance of 25183 feet to a point 100 feet southerly from the N. E. Corner of said Tract 262; thence S 89'07'13"W pans /le/ to the north line of sold Tract 262 a distance of 102.53 feet; thence SO°2954 °W parallel to the west line of said tract 35 feet,' thence S89°0713 W 99.99 feet; thence NO 2954£ 135 feet to Me north line of said - tract; thence S 89 O713•µ' along said north line .50.01 feet to the N. E. Corner of said Trocf 273; ,..... _- .HILLMANS LAKE WASHINGTQN GARDEN OF EDEN Am i yN TO SEATTLE DIVISION IN0.4 VOL. II PAGE 82 S. E. _loony. St ten._ sag °o713 °w 5 .84 - 277.55 227.53 28255 -- - - - - -- — - -- -- 1 25254 1 ! 20252 I 'o � 50. F NOT IN PLAT pl IO N0T IN PLAT O �I� NNB907 /3'EaI N ng �e/2.5 9959 14 �2 N thence S0129'54•'W e east line of said Tract 2w feat- thence S89°0713!4r ara//el to Iy ) I , s maon�h� "w 9ri9 5O I .ex. ..fit -.8� 9 P the north line of said Troct 252.52 feet to the True fbinf of Beginning. Iltl �i �76'Oo52p" de@ 99.. 9a v" 43.E ;2a R. \` O p.iaaii ` Vi"o5i95'W 92.50. DEDICATION N o ^ 1VB9°!3'4f E 252.50 f in I KNOW ALL MEN Br THESE PRESENTS Mat we the undersigned Kenneth C. A / /en old FMYicio O O ✓. Allen, his wife and Robert S Shone and Mary D. Shone, his wife and Interlake Construction Co., cn � owners in fee s/lrpte of the /ands hereby p/a/W hereby declare and dedicate to the public forever a//, streets and avenues thereon ad the use thereof for al/ public purposes not inconsislont with 7 o the use Mareof for public highway purposes; also Me right. to make a// necessary slopes for cuts . 61.W 2 env' fills upon the lots and blocks shown on this plat #? the origmal reasonable grading of 201 504.96 Me streets, alleys ore avenues shown hereon. C-4 Z W5 ESS WHEREOF we have hereunto set our hands and seals this_ - - _ -day d _Q GA- _196W, Ih G e - micro ✓. In - - - - - - - - 'SMIQ - Ro ert S Shone`- Mali Interlake Constrrrct/on Co. %`2 r i ' �� - -- lam. (--- K nneth C A / /en, Pr�s�s Robarf � Congdon, Sec. Tres. ASCK111OWLEDGMENT STATE of WASH INGTON ` CODNTYof KING S.S. THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on this 3A4 day of April, 1968, A.D., before me, Me undersigned, a Notary Public, personally appeared Kenneth C. Allen and Robert r- Congdon, to me known to be the President and Secretory - Treasurer, respectively of Me Interlake Construction Co, the corp- oration thot executed the within dedication, and who acknowledged to me ft said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses and purposes therein menfioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to executedthe sold dedica- tion and Mor the seal affixed is Me seal of said corporation; also personally appeared Kenneth C. AI /en and Patricia J. AI /en, his wife; also Robert S. Shone and Mary D. Shone, his wife, to me known to be the individuals who executed the within dedication and who ocknow- ledged to me that they signed and sealed the some as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Pub/lc in an for the _ State of Washington, resi_d- inngof, T V 2 UO m ✓ hiµ M Nr ?2z°e�._ .._Q19 iry 11j3' W5111 ry 0 y M S89 °l3 4/ "W N 10T- 5 .4B I 00 2 X048 eWl� �h I I 52 i Y �c 07 iu 'eQi- sespido6 - 11.86 RpB O Iltl �i �76'Oo52p" de@ 99.. 9a v" 43.E ;2a R. \` O p.iaaii ` Vi"o5i95'W 92.50. - N o ^ 1VB9°!3'4f E 252.50 f ` se9°ia'a/ty ap 02 ry I 8 w 7 o 61.W 2 I 201 504.96 RESTRICT IONS No /of or portion of a lot in Mis plot sholl be divided and sold or roso /d, or ow wrship changed or transferred whereby the ownership of any portion of this plat shall be less than the crew required for the use district in which located. APPROVALS _ Examined and approved this-_ _ _ day of _ 1968, A. D. pity Enpineg , City-o7k'..Non Examined and approvea this- — - - _ day of - - 1968, A. D. Planning Direyho� Chairman, City of Renton City of Renton Planning Commission / hereby certify that there ore no delinquent spacial assessments and Mot a// special assess- ments on any property herein contained dedicated as streets or avenues or for other public use are paid in full, fh /s _ _ _ - day oL - - _ - - - -1966, A. O. City of Renton Treasurer 1 hereby certify that all property foxes ore paid this_ --day of - _ - - _1965, ,1968, A.O. N.J. R Williams By: _ King County Treasurer Deputy County T ensurer CE."RTIFICATE Confirmed by the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington Mis _ _doyof- - _ - 1966,AD ! hereby certify that the plat of 'INTERLAKE NO. 2 °/s based upon on actual survey and Attest. By: subdivision of Section 5, lownshfp Z3 north, range 5 east, W. M.; that the courses and distances City C %erk - Depury, City Clerk Mayor are shown correctly thereon, that the monuments have been set and the Jot and block corners staked correctly on Me ground; and that / have fully complied with the provisions of the Filed for record o! the re statutes and of the regulations governing plotting. r b i .� quest of the City Engineer of Renton Jhis _ boy of -- - _ _f 1968; A.D., o/ _- _minutes post _ -_.M, and recorded in Volume_ ___-of Plots, page Records of King County, Washington. FREDERICK M. DRAKE -f' ti By: Cart. No. 3933 -Lic. No. 2357 ``., Deputy, County Auditor Couniy Auditor q .✓° � , MICROFILMED ",-E Two X�m �m so COW ov",%wo. I Gp,.-c,F_ EI I -�- nil o 1 3 �! S•� M V o j coma; -wvm__ CHAT E. - �)E \00-1 VV-_ 1 ' I � FOR po"Wo. "M wwom"WAOW W"U"� ntnmmm��, i -T- 7'