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Award Date: 'x s it;-0 0 3 CAG—U:3 - U x 3 Awarded To: n Gt n rt Tr��Iii A d �jCGGVa'�i ,,r�c 2 3 e Fat P �Y O ti City of Renton Bidding Requirements, Forms, Contract Forms, Conditions of the Contract, Plans and Specifications (See Separate Set of Reduced Plans ) f�o � v w City of Renton NE 10TH ST / ANACORTES AVE NE DETENTION POND AND STORM SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PROJECT NO. SWP-27-2266 City of Renton 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 aw Surface Water Contact: Daniel Carey (425)430-7293 rr Printed on Recycled Paper CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF NE 10TH ST / ANACORTES AVE NE DETENTION POND AND STORM SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT SWP-27-2266 AM ��0 wASh+ ®� vs / Z�-63 39578 4,�♦ -090 9 ?STE� � +�F :N. ``+�� NALEv� H EXPIRES _Zr-Ott 5 3v�1,-onj EXPIRES 1 o/16/Z0p j City of Renton Planning/Building/Public Works Department May 2003 Prepared by: CH2M Hill, Consulting Engineers, City of Renton Surface Water Utility Planning / Building/ Public Works Department ® Printed on Recycled Paper TRUCKING&EXCAVATING,INC. 23316 NE Red-Fall City Rd.,#647 June 30,2003 Redmond,Washington 98053 r Project: NE 10`"Street/Anacortes Ave NE Storm System Project (425)868-1111 •Fax: 868-1611 City of Renton �r The following is a list of names,addresses and phone numbers of the responsible people for Santana Trucking& Excavating, Inc. for the aforementioned project: �r Responsible Officer: Robert J.Thompson, President .. Santana Trucking& Excavating, Inc. 23316 Redmond-Fall City Road,#647 Redmond, WA 98053 Telephone: (425)868-1 1 1 1 Project Manager: ■r Keggen M. Thompson Santana Trucking& Excavating, Inc. 23316 Redmond-Fall City Road,#647 ,. Redmond, WA 98053 Telephone: (425)868-1 1 11 Emergency: (425)864-0647 Superintendent: Mark Carter Santana Trucking& Excavating, Inc. 23316 Redmond-Fall City Road,#647 Redmond, WA 98053 Telephone: (425)868-1 1 1 1 Emergency: (206)730-4752 Bonding Agent: Mike Cotton Bush, Cotton&Scott, LLC. PO Box 3018 Bothell, WA 98041 Telephone: (425)489-4500 rr �r w w P r DEPARTMENT' Off' LABOR AND INDUST'RIE3 � qY1 REGISTERED AS PROVIDED BY LAW AS CONST CONT GENERAL ,r REGIST. # EXP. DATE CCOl SANTATE236BJ 03/01/2004 EFFECTIVE DATE 01/11/1977 SANTANA TRCKNG/EXCVTNG INC 23316 NE REDMOND FALL CITY RD REDMOND WA 98053 F63-g-5-052 000(8/97) im io go ..�-o-.-o-:.-a-�- .:.-�_ -,.9�,�.�- _•-.-a-•_°-, - - - i IrY im i CITY OF RENTON BUSINESS LICENSE T3- 2003 Licensee has made application fur a City of IJM3E ISSUE©AEv LC3CAyC .. .y 3X . Renton business license in accordance with the 24469 2/3/2003 22725 NE RED/FALL CITY RD provisions of Title V, Business Regulations Chapter 1, Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton and agrees to comply with all the requirements of said ordinance. Licensee shall further comply with and all other City Code Ordinances, State Laws and Regulations applicable to the business activity licensed. Post SANTANA TRUCKING & EXC INC this License at place of business. 23316 NE RED/FALL CITY RD#647 REDMOND WA 98053 City of Renton Licensing Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton,WA 98055 (425)430-6851 DP 3133 12/94 4M CITY OF RENTON NE 10th St / Anacortes Ave NE Detention Pond and Storm System Project SWP-27-2266 CONTRACT DOCUMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS Summary of Fair Practices Policy Summary of Americans with Disability Act Policy Scope of Work Location Map Instructions to Bidders Call for Bids *Combined Affidavit& Certificate Form: Non-Collusion Anti-Trust Claims Minimum Wage Form *Bid Bond Form *Proposal *Schedule of Prices *Subcontractors List (for bids over $1,000,000) vBond to the City of Renton vFair Practices Policy Affidavit of Compliance .� vContract Agreement (Contracts other than Federal - Aid FHWA) vCity of Renton Insurance Information Form vCity of Renton Standard Endorsement Form +•� Prevailing Minimum Hourly Wage Rates (New job classifications) Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages Affidavit of Prevailing Wages Paid .r Certificate of Payment of Prevailing Wages Environmental Regulations Listing City of Renton Supplemental Specifications Special Provisions Traffic Control Information City Survey Control Information and Monuments Geotechnical Information Project Photos Standard Plans And Details Construction Plans (see separate set of 11x17 reduced plans) Documents marked as follows must be submitted at the time noted and must be executed by the Contractor, President and Vice President or Secretary if corporation by-laws permit. All pages must be signed. In the event another person has been duly authorized to execute contracts, a copy of the corporation minutes establishing this authority must be attached to the bid document. w * Submit with Bid v Submit after Notice of Award CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, Washington 98055 H:File Sys\SWP\27-2266\1100 Specs\0305096 Forms/DWC rr an CITY OF RENTON SUMMARY OF FAIR PRACTICES POLICY ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION NO. 3 2 2 9 It is the policy of the City of Renton to promote and provide equal treatment and service to all citizens and to ensure equal employment opportunity to all persons without regard to race, color, national origin, ethnic background, gender, marital status, religion, age or disability, when the City of Renton can reasonably accommodate the disability, of employees and applicants for employment and fair, non- discriminatory treatment to all citizens. All departments of the City of Renton shall adhere to the following guidelines: (1) EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES - The City of Renton will ensure all employment related activities included recruitment, selection, promotion, demotion, training, retention and separation are conducted in a manner which is based on job-related criteria which does not discriminate against women, minorities and other protected classes. Human resources decisions will be in accordance with individual performance, staffing requirements, governing civil service rules, and labor contract agreements. (2) COOPERATION WITH HUMAN RIGHTS ORGANIZATIONS - The City of Renton will cooperate fully with all organizations and commissions organized to promote fair ,., practices and equal opportunity in employment. (3) AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN - The City of Renton Affirmative Action Plan and Equal Employment Program will be maintained and administered to facilitate equitable representation with the City work force and to assure equal employment opportunity to all. It shall be the responsibility of elected officials, the Mayor, the Affirmative Action Officer, department administrators, managers, supervisors, Contract Compliance Officers and all employees to carry out the policies, guidelines and corrective measures set forth in the Affirmative Action Plan and Equal Employment Program. (4) CONTRACTORS' OBLIGATIONS - Contractors, sub-contractors, consultants and suppliers conducting business with the City of Renton shall affirm and subscribe to the Fair Practices and Non-discrimination policies set forth by the law and in the City's Affirmative Action Plan and Equal Employment Program. err Copies of this policy shall be distributed to all City employees, shall appear in all operational documentation of the City,including bid calls,and shall be prominently displayed in appropriate city facilities. CONCURRED IN by the City Council of the City of RENTON,Washington,this 7thday of October, 1996. CITY OF RENTON: RENTON CITY COUNCIL: Mayor Council President rr Attest: City Clerl CITY OF RENTON SUMMARY OFAMF.RICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT POLICY ADOPTED BY RBSOL UT10N N0. 3007 The policy of the City of Renton is to promote and afford equal treatment and service to all citizens and to assure employment opportunity to persons with disabilities, when the City of Renton can reasonably accommodate the disability. This policy shall be based on the principles of -equal employment opportunity, the Americans With Disabilities Act and other applicable guidelines as set forth in federal, state and Iocal laws. All departments of the City of Renton shall adhere to the following guidelines: (1) EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES - All activities relating to employment such as recruitment, selection, promotion,termination and training shall be conducted in a non- discriminatory manner. Personnel decisions will be based on individual performance, staffing requirements, and in accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act and other applicable laws and regulations. (2) COOPERATION- WITH HUMAN RIGHTS ORGANIZATIONS - The City of Renton will cooperate fully with all organizations and commissions organized to promote fair practices and equal opportunity for persons with' disabilities in employment and receipt.of City services,activities and programs. (3) AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT-POLICY-'Me City of Renton Americans With Disabilities Act Policy will.be maintained to facilitate equitable representation within the City work force and to assure equal employment opportunity and equal access to City services, activities and programs to all people with disabilities. It shall be the responsibility and the duty of all City officials and employees to carry out the policies and guidelines as set forth in this policy (4) CONTRACTORS' OBLIGATION - Contractors, subcontractors, consultants and suppliers conducting business with the City of Renton shall abide by the requirements of the Americans With Disabilities Act and promote access to services, activities and programs for people with disabilities. Copies of this policy shall be distributed to all City employees, shall appear in all operational documentation of the City, including bid calls, and shall be prominently displayed in appropriate City facilities. CONCURRED IN by the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington, this 4th day of October 1993. CITY% RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL: Mayor Council President Attest: % City Clerk CITY OF RENTON NE 10th St / Anacortes Ave NE Detention Pond and Storm System Improvement Project SWP-27-2266 SCOPE OF WORK "" The work involved under the terms of this contract document shall be full and complete installation of the Project, as shown on the plans and as described in the construction specifications, to include but not be limited to installation of approximately: • Excavation and construction of an approximately 1.7 acre-foot detention pond, • approximately 2,800 LF of new 30-inch, 18-inch, and 12-inch stormwater pipeline, • 24 Type 2 Catch Basins, 20 Type 1 Catch Basins, • connect to the existing storm water system, • disposal of excess and unsuitable material, • asphalt patch, sidewalk, curb and gutter repair, • and cleanup and restoration. do The estimated project cost is $880,000 to $1,030,000. A total of 80 working days is allowed for completion of the project. Any contractor connected with this project shall comply with all Federal, State, County, and City codes and regulations applicable to such work and perform the work in accordance with the plans and specifications of this contract document. rrr +r rr Aw W. H:File Sys\SWP\27-2266\01 Pond Design\301 Final Specs/DWC ar agih N 35th St SE 89th St 88th P7 v N 34th St N 3°4th St ' SE 90t St N 33rd PI u7 E 33rd St SE 91st St- b' 4g °=SE n Alm N 32n7 St ° Sc-92nd St SE gist N 32nd St ,....�; �°c� �........_m 4,, NE 31st St a .- r > N 30th St N 30th St SE 9 rd do N 29th St )1A 95th`Nay <SE 95th Woy, z SE ... o SE Noy t'olleY Rd N 28th St N th St 4-95th s SE 95h PI -; m 9sy4 \ Woy ^` �o = 27th St - \ N Nh St. ? �.> SE 96th�A.\mm SE 98th St .._. a NE 25th II NE 26th Cl NE 24th St.° NE 24th t SE 100th St NE 25th Ct _ _ f N 24th NE 23rd PI '� SE-tOt�i•-S6 � NE 24th NE 24th 5<100th PI NE 23r SE 102nd NE 22nd pis NE 23rd f NE 23rd 4w Q N 22nd NE 23rd St i ? z n g; t NE 22nd St NE 22nd NE 22nd PI NE 21st NE 2;st S Tjt 'F R NE 21st St ix m NE 21st NE i0th St. NE 20th 'i £, dl s: NE 2 19th S---`""'---. Yo frG. NE 19th St ;E i a a P'ry '• <NE 19 3 u *1 NE 18TH St c _ I N 16th ...^"`_ NE 77th�.. yhitman < NE o S7 NE 17th \ < NE 77th P T NE 16th SL NE _ SE 107th PI _ z cN s a I 5 NE 74th St Y NE12th St. < >: i. fir NE 11th St SL 'a 11th "NE 11'h`? NE 10th PI. AOtfi w _€ NE 70bth Ct. �- n NE 10th PI NE 10th PI. t o�o Nf 7 NE 10th ln. ?� NE 10th St N 70TH St ,.-.-� NE 9th Pt. NE 91h 07h 9y NE 70th St. y �. NE 9th St. 9th St. ..k SE 118th St Q� , v NE9C E N 8th PI. V'9Lh St I. i; 8 NE 9th Ct. Hli y o' z N 8th t. m NE 8th CL NE 7th NE 8th St.^ g N 8th St s % 8N t. NE 7th St. NE 7th NE 7th PI SE 121st St x° NE �,h 5� \ ` 71h St W NE 7th S 'c " SR-405 NE 6th d FFFMMM��i 6 PI �^ �' NE 6th ° °�i� App PL _ N 6th SL m A�, HfEyd Q\' N c �:..._...s ` E 6 St. ? S _ ,w,_ NE 6th St 5th PI. . ° [� ` i z NE 5th St-,.., N 5th St. i d �� 3 NE �°.Ea n ct ° `•• / &-"- E 3 a 0 NGhd50t FemE P IIE�m K y":_ i x Nr 4th St. tt _ NE 4th St. NE`4th t. NE 4th.5,t ' r St d �, = P_" t1Ed Sh a T 3rd Ct ^� 5k o H HE xd < < N d ° --•-^� NE 2nd St {-, I SE 1321d 5t NE 7";. SE Ist PI E t SE 2nd PI v } \ SE 2nd PI °- SE IN d% bi dIY PROJECT LOCATION y. 0' 2000' NE 10TH ST/ANACORTES AVE NE I I DETENTION POND AND N Scale: 1' = 2000' STORM SYSTEM PROJECT City of Renton Surface Water Utility D. Carey 5/03 �E1. MINE i =in / i ■■ ■ice i■ in IR win ■ �u�l: t� ���r� C■ �/� ■ utJ■11'l1�1111 �� iffm' � �>� ���■■ �A�■ ■AAA!■■11■� � ' ��= ��YC■■Ir1ti■iili■/ = � �1�11���� ■■ ■ :■ i1ii��i����i■°i■ �,�m■�i� i1111���v�C ■�` �■� �� ��11�■ � ■Ir1►,��` � �7 ��.�- ■■1111.x! i■���� �IIII�IIII.AIIIII■ ■■■■■■ ��■IIl■111■� , in 11111 Li111 �IIIIJIIIIIL111111C �,■ ifl7 In 111 1 �I■111 ■■■ ■■■ ■�II��r�� �' ■■���iilllll ■ .■ IN ■■�■ ■� MM �■ .s �►ff ■ J :1 1!I ► ��. . Ica ■■■■ ro UPS ���� a�-.,a �„� ��I1 �rW I •rte fit. �� '■ InR11�!!lw11!!■11111 �� �1►����� ► � � `- �'. : �II■�iF:� � ��.`.�� .., .,. .. ■■■■■■■■/,A/1// � � n+ �► Icy 1'!'11©IE� r ■�""�"��� �� ■s111!��� ■��II/�► �4 �11�i� i�I ii ��11� 1111■il isu�►�►�.�•�'r F� �_ � � �■ I� �� 111111..■. 1lIlllliii►�i��iiA1�C c� u � ���iJ�Y�= � � � �■��'I/111►� b X1111! 111111111111 1111!:!■ :� �� �i L'IIi ! IIIIIIy11111 IIIICi9 � ■IIIa w\ �� • ■„� ♦e� 111111�'I n■nnnl� �t�ll■ l�'_ _ �s3\\�trJ■ = inl� .■■■■■■■■�1. � ,it■ �t�ItF=�I �Mul►� � -- -_ -- ■iii. � -- � -�.: C. = IID�■�■■+�-� �. � 111111_-� � i,� � � ■� - ■■�■■■ 111111 �Q �- no- ■�■ ■■■■■■■.mot_-'; �///Illttl! 111 ,rEJ �■ "' � 11111 Fi air INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1. Sealed bids for this proposal will be received by the City of Renton at the office of the Renton City lift Clerk,Renton City Hall,until the time and date specified in the Call for Bids. At this time the bids will be publicly opened and read, after which the bids will be considered and the award made as early as practicable. r. No proposal may be changed or withdrawn after the time set for receiving bids. Proposals shall be submitted on the forms attached hereto. 2 Any omissions, discrepancies or need for interpretation should be brought, in writing, to the attention of the Project Engineer. Written addenda to clarify questions that arise may then be issued. r No oral statements by Owner,Engineer, or other representative of the owner shall, in any way,modify the contract documents,whether made before or after letting the contract. 3 The work to be done is shown in the plans and/or specifications. Quantities are understood to be only approximate. Final payment will be based on actual quantities and at the unit price bid. The City reserves the right to add or to eliminate portions of that work as deemed necessary. 4. Plans may be examined and copies obtained at the Public Works Department Office. Bidders shall satisfy themselves as to the local conditions by inspection of the site. arr 5. The bid price for any item must include the performance of all work necessary for completion of that item as described in the specifications. 6. The bid price shall be stated in terms of the units indicated and as to a total amount. In the event of errors,the unit price bid will govern. Illegible figures will invalidate the bid. rr 7. The right is reserved to reject any and/or all bids and to waive informalities if it is deemed advantageous to the City to do so. .� 8. A certified check or satisfactory bid bond made payable without reservation to the Director of Finance of the City of Renton in an amount not less than 5% of the total amount of the bid shall accompany each bid proposal. Checks will be returned to unsuccessful bidders immediately following the decision as to award of contract. The check of the successful bidder will be returned provided he enters into a contract and furnishes a satisfactory performance bond covering the full amount of the work within ten days after receipt of notice of intention to award contract. Should he fail, or refuse to do so,the check shall be forfeited to the City of Renton as liquidated damage for such failure. 9. All bids must be self-explanatory. No opportunity will be offered for oral explanation except as the City may request further information on particular points. 10. The bidder shall, upon request, furnish information to the City as to his financial and practical ability ++■ to satisfactorily perform the work. 11. Payment for this work will be made in Cash Warrants. ■r 12. The contractor shall obtain such construction insurance (e.g. fire and extended coverage, worker's compensation, public liability, and property damage as indicated on forms enclosed under Attachment ,�, A herein and as identified within Specification Section 1-07.18. do 40 13. The contractor, prior to the start of construction, shall provide the City of Renton a detailed bar chart type construction schedule for the project. do 14 Before starting work under this contract,the Contractor is required to supply information to the City of Renton on all chemical hazards Contractor is bringing into the work place and potentially exposing City of Renton Employees. 4" 15. Payment retainage shall be done in accordance with Section 1-09.9(2) "Retainage and Section" 1-09.9(3) "Contracting Agency's Right to Withhold and Disburse Certain Amounts" located in City of Renton Supplemental Specifications. go 16. Basis For Approval 40 The construction contract will be awarded by the City of Renton to the lowest, responsible, responsive bidder. The bidder shall bid on all bid schedules items of all schedules set forth in the bid forms to be considered responsive for award. The total price of all schedules will be used to determine the an successful low responsive bidder. Partial bids will not be accepted. The owner reserves the right to award any or all schedules of the Bid AD to meet the needs of the City. The intent is to award to only one BIDDER. 17. Trench Excavation Safety Systems as As required by RCW 39.04.180, on public works projects in which trench excavation will exceed a depth of four feet, any contract therefor shall require adequate safety systems for the trench excavation that meet the requirements of the Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act, Chapter 49.17 RCW. we These requirements shall be included in the Bid Schedule as a separate item. The costs of trench safety systems shall not be considered as incidental to any other contract item and any attempt to include the trench safety systems as an incidental cost is prohibited. do 18. Payment of Prevailing Wages In accordance with Revised Code of Washington Chapters 39.12 and 49.28 as amended or supplemented herein, there shall be paid to all laborers, workmen or mechanics employed on this contract the prevailing rate of wage for an hour's work in the same trade or occupation in the area of work regardless of any contractual relationship which may exist, or be alleged to exist, between the CONTRACTOR and any laborers,workmen,mechanics or subconsultants. The most recent issue of the prevailing wage rates are included within these specifications under .. section titled "Prevailing Minimum Hourly Wage Rates". The Contractor is Responsible for obtaining updated issues of the prevailing wage rate forms as they become available during the duration of the contract. The wage rates shall be included as part of any subcontracts the Contractor may enter into for work on this project. 19. Employment of Resident Employees The CONTRACTOR and subcontractors shall employ Washington State residents in accordance with the requirements of RCW 39.16. 20. Pollution Control Requirements Work under this contract shall meet all local, state and federal requirements for the prevention of environmental pollution and the preservation of public natural resources. The CONTRACTOR shall err conduct the work in accordance with all applicable pollution control laws. The CONTRACTOR shall comply with and be liable for all penalties, damages, and violations under Chapter 90.48 RCW, in performance of the work. The CONTRACTOR shall also comply with Article 4 in the Puget Sound r Air Pollution Control Agency Regulation III regarding removal and encapsulation of asbestos materials. 21. Standard Specifications �r All work under this contract shall be performed in accordance with the following standard specifications except as may be exempted or modified by the City of Renton Supplemental Specifications, Special Provisions other sections of these contract documents. These standard specifications are hereby made a part of this contract and shall control and guide all activities within this project whether referred to directly,paragraph by paragraph, or not. 1. WSDOT/APWA"1996 Standard Specifications for Road,Bridge and Municipal Construction" and 'Division 1 APWA Supplement"hereinafter referred to by the abbreviated title "Standard Specifications." A. Any reference to "State," "State of Washington," "Department of Transportation," "WSDOT," or any combination thereof in the WSDOT/APWA standards shall be modified to read "City of Renton,"unless specifically referring to a standard specification or test method. B. Ail references to measurement and payment in the WSDOT/APWA standards shall be detected and the measurement and payment provisions of Section 1-09.14, Measurement and Payment(added herein)shall govern. 22. If a soils investigation has been completed, a copy may be included as an appendix to this document. If one has not been provided for this project by the City or Engineer, the Bidders shall familiarize themselves adequately with the project site and existing subsurface condition as needed to submit their bid. Upon approval of the City, the Bidder may make such subsurface explorations and investigations as they see fit. The Bidder shall be responsible for protection of all existing facilities, utilities and other buried or surface improvements and shall restore the site to the satisfaction of the City. 23 Bidder's Checklist 0 It is the responsibility of each bidder to ascertain if all the documents listed on the attached index are included in their copy of the bid specifications. If documents are missing, it is the sole responsibility of the bidder to contact the City of Renton to obtain the missing documents prior to Am bid opening time. ❑ Have you submitted,as part of your bid, all documents marked in the index as"Submit With Bid"? an ❑ Has bid bond or certified check been enclosed? ❑ Is the amount of the bid guaranty at least 5 percent of the total amount of bid including sales tax? to ❑ Has the proposal been signed? ❑ Have you bid on ALL ITEMS and ALL SCHEDULES? ❑ Have you submitted the Subcontractors List(If required) ❑ Have you reviewed the Prevailing Wage Requirements? ❑ Have you certified receipt of addenda, if any? CITY OF RENTON NE 10TH ST/ANACORTES AVE NE DETENTION POND AND STORM SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT SWP-27-2266 : f CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received until 2:30 p.m. June 17, 2003, at the City Clerk's office and will be opened and publicly read in conference room 511 on the 5th floor , Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way. The work to be performed within 80 working days from the date of commencement under this contract shall include,but not be limited to: Excavation and construction of an approximately 1.7 acre-foot detention pond, approximately 2,800 LF of new 30-inch, 18-inch, and 12-inch stormwater pipeline, 24 Type 2 Catch Basins, 20 Type 1 Catch Basins, connect to the existing stormwater system, disposal of excess and unsuitable material, asphalt patch, sidewalk,curb and gutter repair, and cleanup and restoration. i The estimated project cost is $880,000 to$1,030,000. The City reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and to waive any and/or all informalities. Approved plans and specifications and contract forms may be obtained from the City of Renton, Planning/Building/Public Works Department, sixth floor Customer Service Counter, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. There is a non-refundable fee of$32.00 ($29.41 plus $2.59 sales tax) for each set. If ordered by mail, add $5.00 for postage, which is also non-refundable. No telephone orders will be accepted. Questions regarding this call for bids or the plan holders lists should be directed to the Public Works Customer Service Counter at the above address or at (425) 430-7200. If a bidder has any questions regarding the project, please contact the Project Manager, Daniel Carey at (425) 430-7293, 1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98055. A certified check or bid bond in the amount of five percent (5%) of the total of each bid must accompany each bid. The City's Fair Practices, Non-Discrimination, and Americans with Disability Act Policies shall apply. Michele Neumann,Deputy City Clerk 's Published: Daily Journal of Commerce June 3,2003 g Daily Journal of Commerce June 9,2003 ow CITY OF RENTON Combined Affidavit and Certification form: Non-Collusion,And-Trust,and Minimum wage (Non-Federal Aid) NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT "Being duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is the identical person who submitted the foregoing proposal or bid, and that such bid is genuine and not sham or collusive or made in the interest or on behalf of any person not therein named, and urther, that the deponent has not directly induced or solicited any other Bidder on the foregoing work or equipment to put a sham bid, or any other person or corporation to refrain from bidding, and that deponent has not in any manner sought by collusion to secure to himself or to any other person any advantage over other Bidder or Bidders. VND No CERTIFICATION RE: ASSIGNMENT OF ANTI-TRUST CLAIMS TO PURCHASER am Iendor and purchaser recognize that in actual economic practice overcharges resulting from anti-trust violations are in fact usually borne by the purchaser. Therefor, vendor hereby assigns to purchaser any and all claims for such over-charges as to goods and materials purchased in connection with this order or contract, except as to overcharges resulting from anti- rust violations commencing after the date of the bid, quotation, or other event establishing the price under this order or contract. In addition, vendor warrants and represents that such of his suppliers and subcontractors shall assign any and all such claims to purchaser, subject to the aforementioned exception. AND 10 MINIMUM WAGE AFFIDAVIT FORM -, the undersigned, having been duly sworn, deposed, say and certify that in connection with the performance of the work ..,f this project, I will pay each classification of laborer, workman, or mechanic employed in the performance of such work; not less than the prevailing rate of wage or not less than the minimum rate of wages as specified in the principal ontract: that I have read the above and foregoing statement and certificate, know the contents thereof and the substance as et forth therein is true to my knowledge and belief. FOR: NON COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT, ASSIGNMENT OF ANTI-TRUST CLAIMS TO PURCHASER AND MINIMUM WAGE AFFIDAVIT NE 10th ST /Anacortes Ave NE Detention Pond and Storm System Improvement Project Name of Project Santana Trucking & Excavating, Inc. ame of Bidder's Firm .481gWture of Authorized Representative of Bidder ubscribed and sworn to before me on this day of vN , 200 N M. ry loor- MMMNI � ow ���� NOTgRy 0 No Public m an for the S 'e of Washington a19LIC Notary (Print) L,, �9; O My appointment expires: iVy v WASH iY File Sys\SWP\27-2266\1100 Specs\0305096 Forms/DWC JW BID BOND FORM Herewith find deposit in the form of a certified check, cashier's check, cash, or bid bond in the amount of $ which amount is not less than five percent of the total bid. Sign here Know All Men by These Presents: That we, Santana Trucking & Excavating, Inc. , as Principal, and _ United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company T as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City .. of Renton, as Obligee, in the penal surn of Five Percent (5%) of the total amount bid Dollars, for the payment of which the Principal and the Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns,jointly and severally, by these presents. The condition of this obligation is such that if the Obligee shall make any award to the Principal for NE 10th St / Anacortes Ave NE Detention Pond and Storm System Improvement Project according to the terms of the proposal or bid made by the • Principal therefor, and the Principal shall duly make and enter into a contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of said proposal or bid and award and shall give bond for the faithful performance thereof, with Surety or Sureties approved by the Obligee; or if the Principal shall, in case of failure to do so, pay and forfeit to the Obligee the penal amount of the deposit specified in the call for bids, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect and the Surety shall forthwith pay and forfeit to the Obligee, as penalty and liquidated damages, the amount of this bond. SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED THIS 17th DAY OF June , 217 03 ar na Tru Excavating, Princip rr Zed State delity and Guaranty Company s I Surety Roxana Palacios, Attorney-in-fact " Received return of deposit in the sum of$ M:File Sys\SWM 27-226611100 Specr1030509B Fortes/DWC air �y �'Surety St.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company Q9l St.Paul Guardian Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company St.Paul Mercury Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,Inc. Seaboard Surety Company St.Paul Medical Liability Insurance Company Bond No. Nll� RIDER CONTAINING DISCLOSURE NOTICE OF TERRORISM COVERAGE war This disclosure notice is required by the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002 (the "Act"). No action is required on your part. This Disclosure Notice is incorporated in and a part of the attached bond, and is effective the date of the bond. r You should know that, effective November 26, 2002, any losses covered by the attached bond that are caused by certified acts of terrorism would be partially reimbursed by the United States under a formula established by the Act. Under this formula, the United States reimburses 90% of covered terrorism losses exceeding the statutorily established deductible paid by the insurance company providing the coverage. Under the Act, there is a cap on our liability to pay for covered terrorism losses if the aggregate amount of insured losses under the Act exceeds $100,000,000,000 during the applicable period for all insureds and all insurers combined. In that case, we will not be liable for the payment of any amount which exceeds that aggregate amount of $100,000,000,000. The portion of your premium that is attributable to coverage for acts of terrorism is 0.00. IMPORTANT NOTE: THE COST OF TERRORISM COVERAGE IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE ON ANY BONDS THAT PREMIUM IS CHARGED ANNUALLY. +� TheSfPdul POWER OF ATTORNEY Seaboard Surety Company United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company St.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company St.Paul Guardian Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,Inc. St.Paul Mercury Insurance Company Power of Attorney No. 23693 Certificate No. 1 I JJ 799 J 79 J 7 r,rr KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:That Seaboard Surety Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of New York,and that St.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company,St.Paul Guardian Insurance Company and St.Paul Mercury Insurance Company are corporations duly organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota,and that United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Maryland,and s that Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Iowa, and that Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,Inc.is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Wisconsin(herein collectively called the "Companies"), and that the Companies do hereby make,constitute and appoint Steven K.Bush,M.J. Cotton,Nancy J.Osborne,Mike Amundsen,Darlene Jakielski,S.M.Scott, Cindy L. Scott,Julie M.Glover,Jim W.Doyle,Michael A.Murphy,Lawrence J.Newton,Andy D.Prill and Roxana Palacios � i of the City of Bothell State Washington their true and lawful Attomey(s)-in-Fact, each in their separate capacity if more than one is named above,to sign its name as surety to,and to execute,seal and acknowledge any and all bonds,undertakings, contracts and other written instruments in the nature thereof on behalf of the Companies in their business of guaranteeing the fidelity of persons,guaranteeing the performance of contracts and executing or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings reiIii4ed or permitted in any actions or proceedings allowed by law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Companies have caused this instrumenktp Signed of •sealed i t s 20'h day of March 2003 Seaboard Surety Company b°� toted States Fidelity and Guaranty Company St.Paul Fire and Marine Insu a om`�►any Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company St.Paul Guardian Insuranepanys,.- Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,Inc. St.Paul Mercury Insurance Come � r SaSFT r,0.E 6 ,,M!MS P��NSUA !. Y J 4 �\.�_...,G,➢ O . 9,,,'s mow.. * 4 . - �.�P jf.OPPORA�F;� ficOPVORATf Pi ` e •^^�.u�V11ED :,SE AL;o r d`.SSALjp n �Q 'g �9Jr t PETER W.CARMAN,Vice President 1927 � � 1898 � 1977 g �' a�ovtrEW sMµ�ucE C� djS..At .r N+ bill ANtfi'" s 1 State of Maryland �Y City of Baltimore THOMAS E.HUIBREGTSE,Assistant Secretary On this 20th day of March 2003 before me,the undersigned officer,personally appeared Peter W. Carman and Thomas E.Huibregtse,who acknowledged themselves to be the Vice President and Assistant Secretary,respectively,of Seaboard Surety Company,St.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company,St.Paul Guardian Insurance Company,St.Paul Mercury Insurance Company,United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company,Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company,and Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,Inc.;and that the seals affixed to the foregoing instrument are the corporate seals of said Companies;and that they,as such,being authorized so to do,executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein contained by signing the names of the corporations by themselves as duly authorized officers. L �Gcp EAS�r In Witness Whereof,I hereunto set my hand and official seal. VOTARY UettC t My Commission expires the 1 st day of July,2006. �ipq f cal�o REBECCA EASLEY-ONOKALA,Notary Public 86203 Rev.7-2002 Printed in U.S.A. This Power of Attorney is granted under and by the authority of the following resolutions adopted by the Boards of Directors of Seaboard Surety Company,St.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company,St.Paul Guardian Insurance Company,St.Paul Mercury Insurance Company,United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, , Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company,and Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,Inc.on September 2, 1998,which resolutions are now in full force and effect,reading as follows: RESOLVED,that in connection with the fidelity and surety insurance business of the Company,all bonds,undertakings,contracts and other instruments relating to said business may be signed,executed,and acknowledged by persons or entities appointed as Attomey(s)-in-Fact pursuant to a Power of Attorney issued in ' accordance with these resolutions. Said Power(s)of Attorney for and on behalf of the Company may and shall be executed in the name and on behalf of the Company,either by the Chairman,or the President,or any Vice President,or an Assistant Vice President,jointly with the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary, under their respective designations. The signature of such officers may be engraved,printed or lithographed. The signature of each of the foregoing officers and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any Power of Attorney or to any certificate relating thereto appointing Attomey(s)-in-Fact for purposes only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof,and subject to any limitations set forth therein,any such Power of Attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signature or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company,and any such power so executed and certified by such facsimile signature and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is validly attached;and r RESOLVED FURTHER,that Attomey(s)-in-Fact shall have the power and authority,and,in any case,subject to the terms and limitations of the Power of Attorney issued them,to execute and deliver on behalf of the Company and to attach the seal of the Company to any and all bonds and undertakings,and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof,and any such instrument executed by such Attomey(s)-in-Fact shall be as binding upon the Company as if signed by an Executive Officer and sealed and attested to by the Secretary of the Company. r I,Thomas E.Huibregtse,Assistant Secretary of Seaboard Surety Company,St.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company,St.Paul Guardian Insurance Company, St.Paul Mercury Insurance Company,United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company,Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company,and Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,Inc.do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Power of Attorney executed by said Companies,which is in full force and effect and has not been revoked. r' IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I hereunto set my hand this �day of (A n Q, �� 3. �tY '�4\RE 6� Q\RN_I NSp9 Jp ,H3Ugg4 ��pE�St�'t't'OC �M°roa,t r '� 19ZT 'n'S f�lORRNRq>Ei y'�OMORglF�P �4`I V� G � .� s9�oO�, Nas�me �:SEALjo"1 �1SSbL;%� N � ~O� 1951 � Thomas E.Huibregtse,Assistant Secretary To verify the authenticity of this Power of Attorney,call 1-800-421-3880 and ask for the Power of Attorney clerk. Please refer to the Power of Attorney number, the above-named individuals and the details of the bond to which the power is attached. i r r r r r r I CITY OF RENTON 1 NE 10th St / Anacortes Ave NE Detention Pond and 'w Storm System Improvement Project 1 SWP-27-2266 rPROPOSAL w� TO THE CITY OF RENTON 1 RENTON, WASHINGTON Ladies and/or Gentlemen: rThe undersigned hereby certify that the bidder has examined the site of the proposed work and have read and thoroughly understand the plans, specifications and contract governing the work embraced in this improvement, and the method by which payment will be made for said work, and hereby propose to undertake and complete the work embraced in this improvement, or as much thereof as "" can be completed with the money available, in accordance with the said plans, specifications and contract and the following schedule of rates and prices: (Note: Unit prices for all items, all extensions, and total amount of bid should be shown. Show unit prices both in writing and in figures.) Printed Name R.B. Phillips Jr. ow o Signatur Address: 23316 Red-Fall City Rd #647 Redmond, WA 98053 rNames of Members of Partnership: +ww r as rOR O Name of President of Corporation Robert J. Thompson r I aw Name of Secretary of Corporation Amber Thompson rCorporation Organized under the laws of Washington * With Main Office in State of Washington at 23316 Red-Fall City Rd, #6 4 7 Redmond, WA 98053 No H:File Sys\SWP\27-2266\1100 Specs\0305096 Forms/DWC r. irr r CITY OF RENTON—NE 10TH ST /ANACORTES AVE NE 60 DETENTION POND AND STORM SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT r SCHEDULE OF PRICES g Note: Unit prices for all items,all extensions and total amount of bid must be shown. Show unit prices in both words and figures. Where conflict occurs the written or typed words shall prevail. See Special Provisions for Bid Item descriptions. UNIT ITEM APPROX. ITEM NAME WITH UNIT PRICE PRICE AMOUNT NO. QUANTITY (Unit Prices to be written in words) (figure) (figure) r1. 1 Construction Survey, Staking, and As-Built Lump Sump Drawings $ AV1<rEEy TiroL�nn;a�iyE lraz��c� $l3�✓�= $ 1 2. 1 Stormwater Pollution and Prevention Plan i �o Lump Sump $ Tiva T�a�sw.ur�rivcssavaeE��l � $ Z� $ 2�Gl� 3. 18 Utility Potholing Each $_Z90 $ 4. 1 Moblization and Demobilization �o �i i Lump Sump $ Tiri2Ty�iyC r,�ayscu�a.�,/c►�—" $ �'D� $ 3 �- 5. 1 Traffic Control Lump Sump $&,rr r&Q41X4AW «,r,/ *vivo $50 000%$ O 000,2-' 6. 1.1 Clearing and Grubbing Acre $ T,Q,r T//oGts.4.U/J Th Efe �1/urliO.Pc%7an./�jt — $ 3 % $ 6 C� C'• r7. 250 Remove/�Re��to Existing Fence $ /G � Z Linear Foot $ re, $ 8. 220 Remove Concrete Sidewalk a' Square Yard $ Sixrcz.v t/ $ ©: 9. 26 Remove Catch Basin Each $ TH,�t �r� ,ec��.� v%rr $ $ O. 10. 1,410 Remove Piping ' Linear Foot $ 4' ��N 11. 12,500 Sawcutting Linear Foot $ Z,v / %�--- $_ 1 $ /Z 12. 1,060 Embankment Compaction Cubic Yard $ / a' $ i $ /(�(0, HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th SA01 Pond Design\301 Final Specs\ Page 1 ow UNIT ITEM APPROX. ITEM NAME WITH UNIT PRICE PRICE AMOUNT NO. QUANTITY (Unit Prices to be written in words) (figure) (figure) 13. 1,950 Pond Embankment Fill Incl.Haul Ton $ $ A� _ $ J " 14. 8,000 Pond Excavation Incl. Haul Cubic Yard $ $ 7°� $ �- 15. 55 Control Density Fill �r Cubic Yard $ ,5�✓�,r/iY `rF� / �°a�,— $ $ o 16. 570 Construction Geotextile for Permanent Erosion Square Yard Control $ 7 i $ M o �- n / o 17. 750 Crushed Surfacing Top Course Ton $ ;���,� «,.,� %.�------- $ � ' $ 18. 700 Asphalt Conc. Pavement Cl. B Ton 19. 19. 565 CPEP Storm Pipe 12-Inch Diameter Linear Foot $ l! ,rrry E,c. r �,�� % $ $ s 20. 585 CPEP Storm Pipe 18-Inch Diameter Linear Foot $_Iyre� ne r' %o— $ S Z �% $ / 7' dw 21. 1,485 CPEP Storm Pipe 30-Inch Diameter Linear Foot $ ,Ge7- 5 22. 1 Debris Barrier Each $_�,e�� s&w�w "2'-', $ 300 $ soa 23. 220 Ductile Iron Storm Pipe 12-Inch Diameter Linear Foot $ rrv,� a ��- $ $� ? 24. 27 Ductile Iron Storm Pipe 18-Inch Diameter Linear Foot $ SEV�AJ� �-H.e�r,�,��,%arr---- $ �3 30 $ lel7f 0 25. 20 Catch Basin Type 1 Each $ Six i, r, HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 1 0th St\01 Pond Design\301 Final Specs\ Page 2 UNIT ITEM APPROX. ITEM NAME WITH UNIT PRICE PRICE AMOUNT NO. QUANTITY (Unit Prices to be written in words) (figure) (figure) 26. 4 Catch Basin Type 1L Each $ 71&,9 $ `� 27. 7 Catch Basin Type 2 48-Inch Diameter Each $�11Nn ruv yd� ✓� �i�>Y�i�� ,l��rr- $ $ 795 ` 28. 1 Catch Basin Type 2 48-Inch Diameter Each - Over 9 Feet $ Z, $ $,i1 29. 9 Catch Basin Type 2 54-Inch Diameter Each $Ll,,nvikso,uo Ayr&A a-) iL;; i✓i=:� 1.���iw�" $-1 �' � $ .S 30. 5 Catch Basin Type 2, 54-Inch Diameter Each -Over 9' deep $ 3 31. 1 Catch Basin Type 2, 72-Inch Diameter Each $/`urn a "liz 32. 1 Catch Basin Type 2, 72-Inch Diameter Each -Over 9' deep $�E TNOLXtI�'//JJL:�%!1G/(67/c'C'✓�%/�-i"'' �/�i^" $_� 7� $ Q '� 33. 1 Concrete Inlet Each $ 34. 55 Modular Block Wall Each $ 2&ffi ll ridE d,/ -Z7 �. 35. 1 Flow Control Structure Each $ ' >v�s sr��� ��� ! — $_Z r' $ 5 36. 1 Overflow Structure Each 37. 21,000 Shoring or Extra Excavation Class B 0 Square Foot $ Zia 3 S. 18 Plugging Existing Pipe Each $lJ,r.���ti = �7r/6.P1Y ri�E�..� r- $ %ZS $--�T� HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 1 0th St\01 Pond Designt301 Final Specs\ Page 3 i ,,. UNIT ITEM APPROX. ITEM NAME WITH UNIT PRICE PRICE AMOUNT ' NO. QUANTITY (Unit Prices to be written in words) (figure) (figure) 39. 5,200 Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill ` Ton $ T�cw� $/Z G_ 40. 12 Concrete Deadman Anchor Blocks Cubic Yard $ (,,UF- 41. 2 Relocate 6-Inch Water Main Each $reAr HsA10AEY V&6WA0rW F fidV'-t/ o s -3715" $ 2. 42. 1 Relocate 8-Inch Water Main Each $ w- fr $ � $—S 900 43. 1 Relocate 10-Inch Water Main Each $_use r&ui ,I Aa _wlir&,u CC& wasv�,�rl $ $ CIO 44. 1 Abandon Septic System, Install Side Sewer Lump Sump $ y rHOL1Aaf/D SEVEtJ}!!/R!"°JO F/f1PE.t�tea.( � $--4-,715 $_ -7/5: i 45. 510 Relocate Side Sewer Linear Foot $ Tlcrr .U�,vE L.,�/ �� $ 59 4i $ ` 46. 180 Stabilized Construction Entrance SG Square Yard $ �,,���,,� ,� r� $ / $ l 47. 1,000 Erosion Control Blanket So Square Yard $ Two .=.u/ a $ Z 48. 1. Temporary Water Pollution/Erosion Control Lump Sump $ %!v rua .�w! {L9!! i�r--`-- $ Z,l"'O�mvv $ Z.06-20- I 49. 42 Catch Basin Filter o� Each $_ � k /o�--�___._ _ $ �D $ 50. 630 Clearing Limit Fence S�� Linear Foot $ $ 3''! $ US iH,��-w, ,/,� Z.2 51. 1.0 Seeding,Fertilizing, and Mulching Acre $ $ 52. 370 Silt Fence v� Linear Foot $ iie HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 Final Specs\ Page 4 .� UNIT ITEM APPROX. ITEM NAME WITH UNIT PRICE PRICE AMOK NO. QUANTITY (Unit Prices to be written in words) (figure) (figure) 53. 80 Street Cleaning Hour $_�uE�y 54. 7 PSIPE Western Red Cedar(Thja Plicata) Each $ ✓�;vr� Fvf ��.r �iov 55. 8 PSIPE Leyland Cypress (Cupressocyparis Each Leylandii) 56. 7 PSIPE Douglas-Fir(Pseudotsuga Menziesii) Each $ 75 $ S�v�.irrr `i�� u.,.r `%rte---- $ 57. 7 PSIPE Mock Orange (Philadelphus Lewisii) o Each $ i�e Y / l $ �� $ 2/D 58. 11 PSIPE Oregon Ash (Fransmus Latifolia) Each 59. 8 PSIPE Red Osier Dogwood(Corpus sericea Each Var. Sericia) $ 3p o, $ Tier ' %� $ /7`-0 60. 29 PSIPE Camellia(Camellia Japonica) Each `��-------_ $ $ �SZ .w 61. 9 PSIPE Evergreen Clematis (Clematis Armandii) $ T�,�-3- / �° $ D�' Each ' ' $-- 070 62. 1,250 Topsoil Type A Cubic Yard $�-,�;_ , $ � $ �� 63. 200 Cement Conc. Curb and Gutter Linear Foot $_Tw�,�rY $ Z4 $ Q 64. 930 Coated Chain Link Fence Type 1 Linear Foot 65. 1 Double 20 ft. Coated Chain Link Gate w Each $��i 'rovs4.c!� ,Ciy ,iau�e r.L/%— $ 66. 9 Reset Monument .w Each $ 12o y�v��n �,� $ O $ f Z. 250 HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 Final Specs\ Page 5 l UNIT ITEM APPROX. ITEM NAME WITH UNIT PRICE PRICE AMOUNT NO. QUANTITY (Unit Prices to be written in words) (figure) (figure) 67. 110 Cement Conc. Sidewalk Square Yard $ 3� 68. 80 Sidewalk Ramp Type 2A 70 � Square Yard $ ,av,s, ,Fr-6Nr ®nom/ ?%a---- $ 69. 1 Control of Water Lump Sump $ Al'D.E'E/> 70. 130 Quarry Spalls Ton $_Ti�cvr✓ �.��e,,,/ ��� $ Z 7 71. 30 Riprap Ton $J�r�T Y G,��� `��-----__ $ zC 01 $ 9 72. 60 Compaction Testing Each $ (� / do rC/r� _ .r niJ�O t�!/!%NT1� t� /C7� $--!/(/ �D�e� 73. 1 Remove Siphon and Culverts I Lump Sump $_r w�l.O N,..lnoF� $Z. '$ I 74. 4 Plug Large Culverts lam, Each $Two THOUa Ti,� f s�irrlll��� <i�t✓nR� °i�D' $ Z $ �� 75. 55 Remove, Replace, Wood Fence and Dumpster Linear Foot Corral 16. 1 Remove Trees,Restore Planting Strip Lump Sump $_-"IX tiv PQ�o �. �� °/.oc�'_ $ U��/ $ 6�)a 77. 300 Sod Installation Square Yard $�:v� n�/ '� $ 70 $ e 78. 26 Ductile Iron Storm Pip 8-Inch Diameter $ $ �� Linear Foot $ &g p• /r / _ 79.9 1 Restore Pavement Markings ` Lump Sump $1)Avf nOV�4,r,x �/, � I $ I 80. 1 Television Inspection Lump Sump $ ayF THaysA.ua ��Hr</U.ckaL aXrw,.,,{ [ HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 Final Specs\ Page 6 UNIT ITEM APPROX. ITEM NAME WITH UNIT PRICE PRICE AMOUNT NO. QUANTITY (Unit Prices to be written in words) (figure) (figure) 81. 1 Minor Changes Lump Sump $ Five Thousand Dollars $_5:.000 $ 5,000 G o Qs Subtotal: $ 7,33, q 8.8% Sales Tax: $ �� Total: $ >" MIMsr Moth Correef"i.h rr D w c- HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 Final Specs\ Page 7 L SUBCONTRACTOR LIST PROJECT NUMBER PROJECT NAME RCW 39.30.060 requires that for all public works contracts exceeding $1,000,000 the bidder shall submit the names of all subcontractors whose subcontract amount exceeds ten percent (10%) of the contract price, and whose work involves either heating, air conditioning, ventilation, plumbing, or electrical. iim If the subcontractors names are not submitted with the bid, or within 24 hours of the bid, the bid shall be rconsidered nonresponsive and, therefore, void. Complete one of the following for contracts that exceed $1,000,000: rA. There are no subcontractors proposed whose subcontract amount exceeds ten percent (10%) of the 6W contract price. rName: Title: Signat e: rM B. The following subcontractor(s) subcontract amount exceeds 10 percent of the contract price: (list subcontractor and bid item) Bid Item (s) rSubcontractor Name 40 Address rPhone No. State Contractor's License No. rr Bid Item (s) rSubcontractor Name Wo Address rPhone No. State Contractor's License No. r Bid Item (s) + . Subcontractor Name Address +rr Phone No. State Contractor's License No. rBid Item (s) IM Subcontractor Name Address Phone No. State Contractor's License No. rr hAfile sys\swp-surface water projects\swp-27-surface water projects(cip)\27-2266 ne loth st-anacortes\Ol_pond design 2001-03\1100-3 specs draft\030509d sublist vo0.doc Revised 7/2002 i wr TRUCKING&EXCAVATING,INC. 23316 NE Red-Fall City Rd.,#647 Redmond,Washington 98053 (425)868-1111 •Fax: 868-1611 aw June 30,2003 it Letter of Authorization To whom it may concern, Santana Trucking& Excavating, Inc. has authorized the certain people to sign job contracts for Santana ' Trucking& Excavating, Inc. The following is a list of names and sample signatures of the company personnel who are authorized to sign job contracts: be Robert J.Thompson, President R.B. Phillips,Jr., Estimator/Project Mgr. IIr 'ZI eggen M. Thompson, E ator/Project Mgr. no a* to `r. - BOND #SL121'1 DOND'.T . TAE CITY R:? ®N . 1dV A BY THESIS. 'phut we, tie undersigned mruGking & .Excavat.in'g, 'Znc. .-......... ._,.. . United States Fidelity and Guaranty as principal, and: Company corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Maryland as a surety corporation, and qualified under the laws of the State of Washington, to become surety upon bonds of contractors with municipal corporations, as surety are jointly and severally held and firmly bound to the City of Renton in the penal sum of * for the payment of which sum on demand we bind ourselves and our successors, heirs, administrators or person representatives, as the case may be: *Seven Hundred Ninety Eight Thousand Five Hundred Forty Eight and 48/100 Dollars ($798,548.48) This obligation is entered into in pursuance of the statutes of the State of Washington, the Ordinance of the City of Renton. / w+. Dated at Bothell , Washington, this �7 day of , 200, Nevertheless, the conditions of the above obligation are such that, WHEREAS, under and pursuant to Public Works Construction Contract ����providing for construction of: .� NF1 I.M St / Arnacortes Ave N)E fl?etention Pond And Storm System Rnngrovement Proiect (prpiccr name) ... the principal is required to furnish a bond for the faithful performance of the contract; and WHEREAS, the principal has accepted, or is about to accept, the contract, and undertake to perform. the ,— work therein provided for in the manner and within the time set forth; +• NOW, THEREFORE, if the principal shall faithfully perform all of the provisions of said contract in the manner and within the time therein set forth, or within such extensions of time as may be granted under said contract, and shall pay all laborers, mechanics, subcontractors and materialmen, and all persons who shall supply said principal or subcontractors with provisions and supplies for the carrying.on of said work, and „_ shall bold said City of Renton harmless from-any loss or damage occasioned to any person or property by reason of any carelessness or negligence on the part of said principal, or any subcontractor in the performance of said work, and-shall indemnify and hold the City of Renton harmless from any damage or expense by reason of failure of perfortztance as specified in the contract or from defects appearing or developing in the material or worlan,anship provided or performed under the contract within a period of one .r year after its acceptance thereof by the City of Renton, then and in•that event this obligation shall be void; but otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. Santana Trucking _& Excavating, Inc. United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company or r1 al Surety Signatur Sig Jim S. Kuich Attorney-in-fact Title Title �— Approved by Tarry warren 2/14192 H:File Sys\SWP\27-2266\1100 Specs\030509B Forms/DWC w rr to p St.Paul Fire and Marine.Insurance Company United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company St.Paul Guardian Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company St.Paul Mercury Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,Inc. Seaboard Surety Company St.Paul Medical Liability Insurance Company f Bond No. SL1211 RIDER CONTAINING DISCLOSURE NOTICE OF TERRORISM COVERAGE arr This disclosure notice is required by the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002 (the "Act"). No action is required on your part. This Disclosure Notice is incorporated in and a part of the attached bond, and is effective the date of the bond. 4► You should know that, effective November 26, 2002, any losses covered by the attached bond that are caused by certified acts of terrorism would be partially +r reimbursed by the United States under a formula established by the Act. Under this formula, the United States reimburses 90% of covered terrorism losses exceeding the statutorily established deductible paid by the insurance company providing the coverage. VW Under the Act, there is a cap on our liability to pay for covered terrorism losses if the 4W aggregate amount of insured losses under the Act exceeds $100,000,000,000 during the applicable period for all insureds and all insurers combined. In that case, we will .. not be liable for the payment of any amount which exceeds that aggregate amount of $100,000,000,000. 4W The portion of your premium that is attributable to coverage for acts of terrorism is 0.00. IMPORTANT NOTE: THE COST OF TERRORISM COVERAGE IS SUBJECT TO "� CHANGE ON ANY BONDS THAT PREMIUM IS CHARGED ANNUALLY. ■, fiePdu� POWER OF ATTORNEY Seaboard Surety Company United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company St.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company St.Paul Guardian Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,Inc. St.Paul Mercury Insurance Company irr 23919 1834841 Power of Attorney No. Certificate No. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:That Seaboard Surety Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of New York,and that St.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company,St.Paul Guardian Insurance Company and St.Paul Mercury Insurance Company are corporations duly organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota,and that United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Maryland,and that Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Iowa, and that Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,Inc.is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Wisconsin(herein collectively called the "Companies"), and that the Companies do hereby make,constitute and appoint Steven K.Bush,M.J.Cotton,Nancy J. Osborne,Mike Amundsen,Darlene Jakielsld,S.M. Scott, Julie M.Glover,Jim W.Doyle,Michael A.Murphy,Lawrence J.Newton,Andy D.Prill, Roxana Palacios and Jim S.Kuich of the City of Bothell ,State Washin gton ,their true and lawful Attorneys)-in-Fact, each in their separate capacity if more than one is named above,to sign its name as surety to,and to execute,seal and acknowledge any and all bonds,undertakings, contracts and other written instruments in the nature thereof on behalf of the Companies in their business of guaranteeing the fidelity of persons, guaranteeing the performance of contracts and executing or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings recuied or p,%"titted in. ny actions or proceedings allowed by law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Companies have caused this instrument st&net!as sealed 16th day of June 2003 Seaboard Surety Company ited States Fidelity and Guaranty Company St.Paul Fire and Marine Insura om a Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company St.Paul Guardian InsurancB Cempgoy ��� �° m Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,Inc. St.Paul Mercury Insurance Comy �° Si1Rrly 'vpne 64i Po�pP iygG9 4�pt 1M6pey4 W.nenn.. * 4 �rtORVORR�F�m FiVORRlP^ ^^rNUta) 1927 �� 1 '� 1951 PETER W.CARMAN,Vice President m :,SEAL o"1 s8ar.;,: 1977 ��FOO »7-y,�e0 AN�ar� Yr.......•� AIN°' ! // State of Maryland / City of Baltimore THOMAS E.HUIBREGTSE,Assistant Secretary s On this 16th day of June 2003 ,before me, the undersigned officer,personally appeared Peter W. Carman and Thomas E.Huibregtse,who acknowledged themselves to be the Vice President and Assistant Secretary,respectively,of Seaboard Surety Company,St.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company,St.Paul Guardian Insurance Company,St.Paul Mercury Insurance Company,United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company,Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company,and Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,Inc.;and that the seals affixed to the foregoing instrument are the corporate seals of said Companies;and that they,as such,being authorized so to do,executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein contained by signing the names of the corporations by themselves as duly authorized officers. EA In Witness Whereof,I hereunto set my hand and official seal. ARy UC My Commission expires the Ist day of July,2006. City�o REBECCA EASLEY-ONOKALA,Notary Public HE 86203 Rev.7-2002 Printed in U.S.A. • 4 ' This Power of Attorney is granted under and by the authority of the following resolutions adopted by the Boards of Directors of Seaboard Surety Company,St.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company, St.Paul Mercury Insurance Company,United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, ' Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company,and Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,Inc.on September 2, 1998,which resolutions are now in full force and effect,reading as follows: RESOLVED,that in connection with the fidelity and surety insurance business of the Company,all bonds,undertakings,contracts and other instruments relating to said business may be signed,executed,and acknowledged by persons or entities appointed as Attorney(s)-in-Fact pursuant to a Power of Attorney issued in ' accordance with these resolutions. Said Power(s)of Attorney for and on behalf of the Company may and shall be executed in the name and on behalf of the Company,either by the Chairman,or the President,or any Vice President,or an Assistant Vice President,jointly with the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary, under their respective designations. The signature of such officers may be engraved,printed or lithographed. The signature of each of the foregoing officers and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any Power of Attorney or to any certificate relating thereto appointing Attomey(s)-in-Fact for purposes ' only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof,and subject to any limitations set forth therein,any such Power of Attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signature or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company,and any such power so executed and certified by such facsimile signature and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is validly attached;and ' RESOLVED FURTHER,that Attomey(s)-in-Fact shall have the power and authority,and,in any case,subject to the terms and limitations of the Power of Attorney issued them,to execute and deliver on behalf of the Company and to attach the seal of the Company to any and all bonds and undertakings,and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof,and any such instrument executed by such Attomey(s)-in-Fact shall be as binding upon the Company as if signed by an ' Executive Officer and sealed and attested to by the Secretary of the Company. I,Thomas E.Huibregtse,Assistant Secretary of Seaboard Surety Company,St.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company,St.Paul Guardian Insurance Company, St.Paul Mercury Insurance Company,United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company,Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company,and Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,Inc.do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Power of Attorney executed by said Companies,which is in full force ' and effect and has not been revoked. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I hereunto set my hand this day of ...w...uxu.. ,RSY ;AM�ry J,ARE 6 0\RM..�NSGN �P�........A9y ��•V+.�A� �� 8 — /* W r�wR�r�°^ �� �1927 m� # � �;•,SSa� N � 1977� � ++ �SYx�NCECC S:AN�r 6�° "" �f ��dr p�` Thomas E.Huibregtse,Assistant Secretary ' To verify the authenticity of this Power of Attorney,call 1-800-421-3880 and ask for the Power of Attorney clerk. Please refer to the Power of Attorney number, the above-named individuals and the details of the bond to which the power is attached. 1 1 1 CITY OF RENTON FAIR PRACTICES POLICY � AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE Santana Trucking & Excavating , Inc . hereby confirms and declares that Name of contractor/subcontractor/consultant/supplier) I. It is the policy of Santana Trucking & Excavating , Inc . to • offer equal (Name of contractor/subcontractor/consultant/supplier) opportunity to all qualified employees and applicants for employment without regard to the race, creed, color, sex, national origin, age, disability or veteran status. deem II. Santana Trucking & Excavating , Inc . complies with all applicable (Name of contractor/subcontractor/consultant/supplier) federal, state and local laws governing non-discrimination in employment. II. When applicable, Santana Trucking & Excavating , Inc . will seek out and ++.r (Name of contractor/subcontractor/consulant/supplier) negotiate with minority and women contractors for the award of subcontracts. �w. Robert J . Thompson .. Print Agent/Representative's Name President 460M Print Agent/Representative's Title Agen pr e ative' ignatu ne Dat6 Sjjned «�.. Instructions: This document MUST be completed by each contractor, subcontractor, consultant and/or supplier. Include or attach this document(s)with the contract. Contracts other than Federal-Aid FHWA Page 1 of 4 + . CONTRACTS OTHER THAN FEDERAL-AID FHWA THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this_ L-� day of , 200,3 . by and between THE CITY OF RENTON, Washington, a municipal corporatio o�te of Washington, hereinafter referred to as "CITY" and Santana Trucking& Excavating,Inc. ,hereinafter referred to as "CONTRACTOR." ir. WITNESSETH: 1) The Contractor shall within the time stipulated, (to-wit: within 80 working days from date of commencement hereof as required by the Contract, of which this agreement is a component part) perform all the work and services required to be performed, and provide and furnish all of the labor, materials, appliances, machines, tools, equipment, utility and transportation services necessary to perform the Contract, and shall complete the construction and installation work in a workmanlike manner, in connection with the City's Project (identified as No. S"-27- 2266 for improvement by construction and installation of: _NE 10th St /Anacortes Ave NE Detention Pond and Storm System Improvement Project All the foregoing shall be timely performed, furnished, constructed, installed and completed in strict conformity with the plans and specifications, including any and all addenda issued by the City and all other documents hereinafter enumerated, and in full compliance with all applicable codes, ordinances and regulations of the City of Renton and any other governmental authority having jurisdiction thereover. It is further agreed and stipulated that all of said labor,materials, appliances, machines, tools, equipment and services shall be furnished and the construction installation performed and completed to the satisfaction and the approval of the City's Public Works Director as being in such conformity with the plans, specifications and all requirements r. of or arising under the Contract. The Consultant agrees to use recycled materials whenever practicable. 2) The aforesaid Contract, entered into by the acceptance of the Contractor's bid and signing of this agreement, consists of the following documents, all of which are component parts of said Contract and as fully a part thereof as if herein set out in full, and if not attached, as if hereto attached. r a) This Agreement b) Instruction to Bidders +w c) Bid Proposal d) Specifications e) Maps and Plans rr f) Bid g) Advertisement for Bids h) Special Provisions, if any o„ i) Technical Specifications, if any Fr. Yr HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 Final Specs/DWC r Contracts other than Federal-Aid FHWA Page 2 of 4 3) If the Contractor refuses or fails to prosecute the work or any part thereof, with such diligence as will insure its completion within the time specified in this Contract, or any extension in writing thereof, or fails to complete said work with such time, or if the Contractor shall be adjudged a bankrupt, or if he should make a general assignment for the benefit of his creditors, or if a receiver shall be appointed on account of the Contractor's insolvency, or if he or any of his subcontractors should violate any of the provisions of this Contract,the City may then serve written notice upon him and his surety of its intention to terminate the Contract, and unless within ten (10) days after the serving of such notice, such violation or non-compliance of any provision of the Contract shall cease and satisfactory arrangement for the correction thereof be made, this Contract, shall, upon the expiration of said ten (10) day period, cease and terminate in every respect. In the event of any such termination,the City shall immediately serve written notice thereof upon the surety and the Contractor and the surety shall have the right to take over and perform the Contract, provided,however,that if the surety within fifteen (15)daYs after the serving upon it of such notice of termination does not perform the Contract or does not commence performance thereof within thirty(30)days from the date of serving such notice,the City itself may take over the work under the Contract and prosecute the same to completion by Contract or by any other method it may deem advisable, for the account and at the expense of the Contractor, and his surety shall be liable to the City for any excess cost or other damages occasioned the City thereby. In such event, the City, if it so elects, may,without liability for so doing, take possession of and utilize in completing said Contract such materials, machinery, appliances, equipment, plants and other properties belonging to the Contractor as may be on site of the project and useful therein. 4) The foregoing provisions are in addition to and not in limitation of any other rights or remedies available to the City. 5) Contractor agrees and covenants to hold and save the City, its officers, agents, representatives and employees harmless and to promptly indemnify same from and against any and all claims, actions, damages, liability of every type and nature including all costs and legal expenses incurred by reason of any work arising under or in connection with the Contract to be performed t hereunder, including loss of life, personal injury and/or damage to property arising from or out of any occurrence, omission or activity upon, on or about the premises worked upon or in any way relating to this Contract. This hold harmless and indemnification provision shall likewise r apply for or on account of any patented or unpatented invention, process, article or appliance manufactured for use in the performance of the Contract, including its use by the City, unless otherwise specifically provided for in this Contract. In the event the City shall,without fault on its part, be made a party to any litigation commenced by or against Contractor, then Contractor shall proceed and hold the City harmless and he shall pay all costs, expenses and reasonable attorney's fees incurred or paid by the City in connection with such litigation. Futhermore, Contractor agrees to pay all costs, expenses and reasonable attorney's fees that may be incurred or paid by City in the enforcement of any of the covenants, provisions and agreements hereunder. lilt Nothing herein shall require the Contractor to indemnify the City against and hold harmless the City, from claims, demands or suits based solely upon the conduct of the City, its officers or employees and provided further that if claims or suits are caused by or result from the concurrent negligence of(a) the Contractor's agents or employees and (b) the City, its agents, officers and employees, and involves those actions covered by RCW 4.24.115, this indemnity provision with respect to claims or suits based upon such concurrent negligence shall be valid HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 Final Specs/DWC Contracts other than Federal-Aid FHWA Page 3 of 4 .+ and enforceable only to the extent of the Contractor's negligence or the negligence of the Contractor's agents or employees. 6) Any notice from one party to the other party under the Contract shall be in writing and shall be dated and signed by the party giving such notice or by its duly authorized representative of such party. Any such notice as heretofore specified shall be given by personal delivery thereof or by depositing same in the United States mail,postage prepaid, certified or registered mail. 7) The Contractor shall commence performance of the Contract no later than 10 calendar days after Contract final execution, and shall complete the full performance of the Contract not later than �r 80 working days from the date of commencement. For each and every working day of delay after the established day of completion, it is hereby stipulated and agreed that the damages to the City occasioned by said delay will be the sum of per Section 1-08.9 of Standard Specifications as liquidated damages (and not as a penalty) for each such day, which shall be paid by the Contractor to the City. 8) Neither the final certificate of payment not any provision in the Contract nor partial or entire use of any installation provided for by this Contract shall relieve the Contractor of liability in respect to any warranties or responsibility for faulty materials or workmanship. The Contractor r. shall be under the duty to remedy any defects in the work and pay for any damage to other work resulting therefrom which shall appear within the period of one (1) year from the date of final acceptance of the work, unless a longer period is specified. The City will give notice of w observed defects as heretofore specified with reasonable promptness after discovery thereof,and Contractor shall be obligated to take immediate steps to correct and remedy any such defect, fault or breach at the sole cost and expense of Contractor. The Contractor agrees the above one year limitation shall not exclude or diminish the City's rights under any law to obtain damages and recover costs resulting from defective and r . unauthorized work discovered after one year but prior to the expiration of the legal time period set forth in RCW 4.16.040 limiting actions upon a contract in writing, or liability expressed or implied arising out of a written agreement. 9) The Contractor and each subcontractor, if any, shall submit to the City such schedules of quantities and costs, progress schedules, payrolls, reports, estimates, records and miscellaneous data pertaining to the Contract as may be requested by the City from time to time. arr 10) The Contractor shall furnish a surety bond or bonds as security for the faithful performance of the Contract, including the payment of all persons and firms performing labor on the construction project under this Contract or furnishing materials in connection with this Contract; said bond to be in the full amount of the Contract price as specified in Paragraph 12. The surety or sureties on such bond or bonds must be duly licensed as a surety in the State of Washington. irr IM wr irr HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 Final Specs/DWC f "` • Contracts other than Federal-Aid FHWA Page 4 of 4 .. 11) The Contractor shall verify, when submitting first payment invoice and annually thereafter, possession of a current City of Renton business license while conducting work for the City. The Contractor shall require, and provide verification upon request, that all subcontractors participating in a City project possess a current City of Renton business license. The Contractor shall provide, and obtain City approval of, a traffic control plan prior to conducting work in City right-of-way. 12) The total amount of this contract is the sum of $798 548.48 num ers Seven Hundred Ninety Eip_ht Thousand,Five Hundred Forty Eight Dollars and 48 cents +r. which includes Washington State Sales Tax. Payments will be made to Contractor as specified in the "Special Provisions" of this Contract. ON IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City has caused these presents to be signed by its Mayor and attested by its City Clerk and the Contractor has hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above- written. rr CONTRACTOR CITY OF RENTON it Presl en i`(ner/ wner M r ATTEST J it 6 f.L,l�l • (NQ�i� � Secretary City Clerk dba &JA1. "Q�Q�y41Y_11461 14� GxCAv1\; IQ Firm Name check one +r ❑ Individual ❑ Partnership q Corporation Incorporated in rcA./ Attention: If business is a CORPORATION, name of the corporation should be listed in full and both President and Secretary must sign the contract, OR if one signature is permitted by corporation by-laws, a copy of the by-laws shall be furnished to the City and made a part of the contract document. If business is a PARTNERSHIP, full name of each partner should be listed followed by d/b/a (doing business as)and firm or trade name; any one partner may sign the contract. If business is an INDIVIDUAL PROPRIETORSHIP, the name of the owner should appear followed by d/b/a and name of the company. w HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 Final Specs/DWC CSR TW DATE(MM/DD/YYYY) A. ORD CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 9SANT1- 07/03/03 I PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION f ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE Bannon, Carlson & Kessel, Inc. HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR 2121 70th Ave W Ste B ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. University Place WA 98466-7664 Phone: 253-565-3500 Fax:253-565-7209 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURED INSURERA: Transportation Ins Co Santana Trucking & Excavating, INSURER B: Inc. - - - - Attn: John Dailey INSURER C: 23316 NE Redmond-Fall City Rd. INSURER D: Redmond WA 98053 - --- - INSURER E: COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED.NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS,EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. I DD'L AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE -- - - - —__—_ - POLICY EFFECTIVE -POLICY EXPIRATION LTR NSRD TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER DATE MMIDDIYY DATE MM/DD LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 !--- DAMAGE TO RENTED - — A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY 2024864002 04/25/03 04/25/04 PREMISES(Ea occurencel $ 100,000 CLAMS MADE X OCCUR MED EXP(Any one person) $5,000 PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $ 1 OOO 000 GENERALAGGR----- $2,000,000 j GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $2,000,000 POLICY FX7 JECT LOC i AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ 1 0OO 000 A X ANY AUTO 2024864050 04/25/03 04/25/04 (Ea accident) r r ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) $ HIRED AUTOS —_ BODILY INJURY $ - NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE $ (Per accident) GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY-EA ACCIDENT $ ANY AUTO EA ACC $ OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY: AGG $ 7 EXCESSIUMBRELLA LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1 0001 000 A X OCCUR F7 CLAIMSMADE 1081127740 04/25/03 04/25/04 AGGREGATE $ 1 OOO OOO I $ DEDUCTIBLE $ X RETENTION $10,000 $ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND H- TORY LIMITS ER EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY STOP GAP E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $1 OOO OOO ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE _, . A OFFICER/ME-NIBEREXCLUDED? 2024864002 04/25%03 04/25/04 E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $ 1_,_0.0.0,000 If yes,describe under --- _ SPECIAL PROVISIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT I $2 000 000 OTHER A Mobile Equipment 2024864002 04/25/03 04/25/04 Per Sc eduanjnn DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES I EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT I SPECIAL PROVISIONS 116AL e(,`elved RE: Business Operations - Additional insureds apply per the attached G-17857-G (01/01) . Primary wording applies per attached G-17857-G (01/01) JUL 7 2003 Human Resources& CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION nt CITYREN SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF,THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT,BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL City of Renton IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER,ITS AGENTS OR 1055 S Grady Way 7th Fl REPRESENTATIVES. Renton WA 98055 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTAT E Mark D. Hanks ACORD 25(2001/08) ©A 0 TION 1988 G-1 7857-G (Ed. 01/01) THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. CONTRACTOR'S SCHEDULED AND BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED ENDORSEMENT WITH LIMITED PRODUCTS-COMPLETED OPERATIONS COVERAGE This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Name of Person or Organization: Designated Project: City of Renton Business Operations of the Insured (Coverage under this endorsement is not affected by an entry or lack of entry in the Schedule above.) A.WHO IS AN INSURED(Section II) is amended to include as an insured any person or organization, including any person or organization shown in the schedule above, (called additional insured)whom you are required to add as an additional insured on this policy under a written contract or written agreement; but the written contract or written agreement must be: 1. Currently in effect or becoming effective during the term of this policy; and 2. Executed prior to the"bodily injury,""property damage,"or"personal and advertising injury". B.The insurance provided to the additional insured is limited as follows: 1.That person or organization is an additional insured solely for liability due to your negligence specifically resulting from "your work"for the additional insured which is the subject of the written contract or written agreement. No coverage applies to liability resulting from the sole negligence of the additional insured. 2.The Limits of Insurance applicable to the additional insured are those specified in the written contract or written agreement or in the Declarations of this policy, whichever is less.These Limits of Insurance are inclusive of, and not in addition to, the Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations. 3.The coverage provided to the additional insured by this endorsement and paragraph f. of the definition of "insured contract" under DEFINITIONS (Section V)do not apply to "bodily injury"or"property damage"arising out of the"products-completed operations hazard" unless required by the written contract or written agreement. When coverage does apply to"bodily injury"or"property damage"arising out of the"products- completed operations hazard"such coverage will not apply beyond: a. The period of time required by the written contract or written agreement; or b. 5 years from the completion of"your work"on the project which is the subject of the written contract or written agreement, whichever is less. 4.The insurance provided to the additional insured does not apply to "bodily injury," "property damage," or "personal and advertising injury'arising out of an architect's, engineer's, or surveyor's rendering of or failure to render any professional services including: a.The preparing, approving, or failing to prepare or approve maps,,shop drawings,opinions,reports, surveys, field orders, change orders or drawings and specifications; and b. Supervisory, or inspection activities performed as part of any related architectural or engineering activities. C.As respects the coverage provided under this endorsement, SECTION IV—COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS are amended as follows: 1.The following is added to the Duties In The Event of Occurrence, Offense, Claim or Suit Condition: e. An additional insured under this endorsement will as soon as practicable: (1) Give written notice of an occurrence or an offense to us which may result in a claim or "suit"under this insurance; (2)Tender the defense and indemnity of any claim or"suit"to any other insurer which also has insurance for a loss we cover under this Coverage Part; and (3)Agree to make available any other insurance which the additional insured has for a loss we cover under this Coverage Part. f. We have no duty to defend or indemnify an additional insured under this endorsement until we receive written notice of a claim or"suit"from the additional insured. 2. Paragraph 4.b. of the Other Insurance Condition is deleted and replaced with the following: 4. Other Insurance b. Excess Insurance This insurance is excess over any other insurance naming the additional insured as an insured whether primary, excess, contingent or on any other basis unless a written contract or written agreement specifically requires that this insurance be either primary or primary and noncontributing. CITY OF RENTON CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS INSURANCE AND RELATED REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM INSURANCE COVERAGES AND REQUIREMENTS The(CONTRACTOR)shall obtain and maintain the minimum insurance coverages set forth below. By requiring such minimum insurance, CITY OF RENTON shall not be deemed or construed to have assessed the risks that may be applicable to the(CONTRACTOR)under Contract Number . The(CONTRACTOR)shall assess its own risks and if it deems appropriate and/or prudent,maintain higher limits and/or broader coverages. Coverages r (1) Commercial General Liability-ISO 1993 Form or equivalent. Coverage to include: • Premises and Operations • Explosion,Collapse and Underground Hazards A, • Products/Completed Operations • Contractual Liability (including Amendatory Endorsement CG 0043 which includes defense coverage assumed under contract) • Broad Form Property Damage Am • Independent Contractors • Personal/Advertising Injury • Stop Gap Liability w. (2) Automobile Liability including all • Owned Vehicles �++ • Non-Owned Vehicles • Hired Vehicles mwr (3) Workers'Compensation • Statutory Benefits(Coverage A)-Show WA L&I Number (4) Umbrella Liability • Excess of Commercial General Liability and Automobile Liability. Coverage should be as broad as primary. (5) Professional Liability - (whenever the work under this Contract includes Professional Liability, including Advertising activities) the (CONTRACTOR) shall maintain professional liability covering wrongful acts, errors and/or omissions of the(CONTRACTOR)for damage sustained by reason of or in the course of operations under this Contract. (6) Pollution Liability - the City may require this coverage whenever work under this Contract involves pollution risk to the environment. This coverage is to include sudden and gradual coverage for third party liability including defense costs and completed operations. �w .r w 030509FInsurancepk.doc\ irr „r LIMITS REQUIRED The(CONTRACTOR)shall carry the following limits of liability as required below: Commercial General Liability General Aggregate* $ 2,000,000 s Products/Completed Operations Aggregate $ 2,000,000 Each Occurrence Limit $ 1,000,000 Personal/Advertising Injury $ 1,000,000 Fire Damage(Any One Fire) $ 50,000 Medical Payments(Any One Person) $ 5,000 Stop Gap Liability S 1,000,000 rr *General Aggregate to apply per project(ISO Form CG2503 or equivalent) Automobile Liability �. Bodily Injury/Property Damage $ 1,000,000 (Each Accident) a. Workers'Compensation Coverage A(Workers'Compensation)-Show WA L&I Number rr Umbrella Liability Each Occurrence Limit $ 1,000,000 General Aggregate Limit $ 1,000,000 Products/Completed Operations Aggregate $ 1,000,000 a.r Professional Liability(If required) Each Occurrence/Incident/Claim S 1,000,000 ow Aggregate $ 2,000,000 (The City may require the CONTRACTOR keep this policy in effect for up to two(2)years after completion of the project) Pollution Liability(If required) To apply on a per project basis Per Loss $ 1,000,000 Aggregate $ 1,000,000 ..r air a�rr •w• 030509F Insurancepk.doc\ irr ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS (CONTRACTOR) shall Name CITY OF RENTON, and its officers, officials, agents, employees and volunteers as Additional Insureds(ISO Form CG 2010 or equivalent). (CONTRACTOR)shall provide CITY OF RENTON Certificates of Insurance and copies of policies, if requested, prior to commencement of work. Further, all policies of insurance described above shall: +■• 1) Be on a primary basis nor contributory with any other insurance coverages and/or self-insurance carried by CITY OF RENTON. .r 2) Include a Waiver of Subrogation Clause. 3) Severability of Interest Clause(Cross Liability) 4) Policy may not be non-renewed, cancelled or materially changed or altered unless forty-five (45) days prior written notice is provided to CITY OF RENTON. Notification shall be provided to CITY OF RENTON by certified mail. The (CONTRACTOR) shall promptly advise the CITY OF RENTON in the event any general aggregates are reduced for any reason, and shall reinstate the aggregate and the(CONTRACTOR'S)expense to comply with the minimum limits and requirements as stated above and shall furnish to the CITY OF RENTON a new certificate of insurance showing such coverage is in force. The CITY OF RENTON may require the CONTRACTOR to keep Professional Liability coverage in effect for two(2)years after completion of the project. err r. 030509F InsurancepkAoc\ r aw im PREVAILING MINIMUM HOURLY WAGE RATES low so KING County - Effective: 3/5/2003 Page 1 of 11 State of Washington DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES Prevailing Wage Section -Telephone (360) 902-5335 PO Box 44540, Olympia, WA 98504-4540 Washington State Prevailing Wage Rates for Public Works Contracts The PREVAILING WAGES listed here include both the hourly wage rate and the hourly rate of fringe benefits. On public works projects,workers'wage and benefit rates must add to not less than this total. A brief description of overtime calculation requirements is provided by clicking on the benefit code. KING County Effective 3/5/2003 Benefit Code Key Prevailing Overtime Holiday Note Classification Wage Code Code Code ASBESTOS ABATEMENT WORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL $30.86 1M 5D BOILERMAKERS JOURNEY LEVEL $33.32 1 BRICK AND MARBLE MASONS JOURNEY LEVEL $36.87 1M 5A CABINET MAKERS (IN SHOP) JOURNEY LEVEL $16.67 1 CARPENTERS ACOUSTICAL WORKER $37.01 1M 5D BRIDGE, DOCK AND WARF CARPENTERS $36.85 1M 5D CARPENTER $36.85 IM 5D CREOSOTED MATERIAL $36.95 1M 5D DRYWALL APPLICATOR $36.79 1M 5D FLOOR FINISHER $36.98 1M 5D FLOOR LAYER $36.98 1M 5D FLOOR SANDER $36.98 1M 5D MILLWRIGHT AND MACHINE ERECTORS $37.85 1M 5D PILEDRIVERS, DRIVING, PULLING, PLACING COLLARS AND $37.05 IM 5D WELDING SAWFILER $36.98 1M 5D SHINGLER $36.98 1M 5D http://www.Ini.wa.gov/prevailingwage/J*wages/20031/col7.htm 03/06/2003 KING County-Effective: 3/5/2003 Page 2 of 11 STATIONARY POWER SAW OPERATOR $36.98 1 M 5D STATIONARY WOODWORKING TOOLS $36.98 1 M 5D CEMENT MASONS JOURNEY LEVEL $37.89 1 M 5D DIVERS & TENDERS DIVER $78.52 1 M 5D 8A DIVER TENDER $39.62 1 M 5D DREDGE WORKERS ASSISTANT ENGINEER $37.22 1B 5D 8L ASSISTANT MATE (DECKHAND) $36.78 1 B 5D 8L BOATMEN $37.22 113 5D 8L ENGINEER WELDER $37.27 1B 5D 8L LEVERMAN, HYDRAULIC $38.66 113 5D 8L MAINTENANCE $36.78 113 5D 8L MATES $37.22 113 5D 8L OILER $36.88 113 5D 8L DRYWALL TAPERS JOURNEY LEVEL $36.64 1J 5B ELECTRICAL FIXTURE MAINTENANCE WORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL $18.69 1 ELECTRICIANS - INSIDE CABLE SPLICER $48.36 1D 6H CABLE SPLICER (TUNNEL) $52.24 1D 6H CERTIFIED WELDER $46.59 1D 6H CERTIFIED WELDER (TUNNEL) $50.30 1D 6H CONSTRUCTION STOCK PERSON $24.33 1D 6H JOURNEY LEVEL $44.83 1D 6H JOURNEY LEVEL (TUNNEL) $48.36 1D 6H ELECTRICIANS - MOTOR SHOP CRAFTSMAN $15.37 2A 6C JOURNEY LEVEL $14.69 2A 6C ELECTRICIANS - POWERLINE CONSTRUCTION CABLE SPLICER $47.12 4A 5A CERTIFIED LINE WELDER $42.90 4A 5A GROUNDPERSON $30.59 4A 5A HEAD GROUNDPERSON $32.34 4A 5A HEAVY LINE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR $42.90 4A 5A JACKHAMMER OPERATOR $32.34 4A 5A JOURNEY LEVEL LINEPERSON $42.90 4A 5A LINE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR $36.21 4A 5A POLE SPRAYER $42.90 4A 5A http://www.Ini.wa.gov/prevailingwage/jwages/20031/col7.htm 03/06/2003 KING County-Effective: 3/5/2003 Page 3 of 11 POWDERPERSON $32.34 4A 5A ELECTRONIC &TELECOMMUNICATION TECHNICIANS JOURNEY LEVEL $12.07 1 ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTORS MECHANIC $46.46 4A 6Q MECHANIC IN CHARGE $51.14 4A 6Q FABRICATED PRECAST CONCRETE PRODUCTS ALL CLASSIFICATIONS $11.35 2K 6S FENCE ERECTORS FENCE ERECTOR $18.71 1 FENCE LABORER $12.77 1 FLAGGERS JOURNEY LEVEL $26.18 1M 5D GLAZIERS JOURNEY LEVEL $37.46 2E 5G HEAT & FROST INSULATORS AND ASBESTOS WORKERS MECHANIC $37.93 1 F 5E HEATING EQUIPMENT MECHANICS MECHANIC $33.65 1 HOD CARRIERS & MASON TENDERS JOURNEY LEVEL $31.34 11M 5D INDUSTRIAL ENGINE AND MACHINE MECHANICS MECHANIC $15.65 1 INDUSTRIAL POWER VACUUM CLEANER JOURNEY LEVEL $9.07 1 INLAND BOATMEN CAPTAIN $32.28 1 K 513 COOK $28.31 1 K 513 DECKHAND $27.65 1 K 513 ENGINEER/DECKHAND $29.95 1 K 513 MATE, LAUNCH OPERATOR $31.25 1 K 513 INSPECTION/CLEANING/SEALING OF SEWER &WATER SYSTEMS BY REMOTE CONTROL CLEANER OPERATOR, FOAMER OPERATOR $9.73 1 GROUT TRUCK OPERATOR $11.48 1 HEAD OPERATOR $12.78 1 TECHNICIAN $7.01 1 TV TRUCK OPERATOR $10.53 1 INSULATION APPLICATORS JOURNEY LEVEL $36.85 1M 5D IRONWORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL $39.02 113 5A http://www.Ini.wa.gov/prevailingwage/jwages/20031/col7.htm 03/06/2003 KING County -Effective: 3/5/2003 Page 4 of 11 LABORERS ASPHALT RAKER $31.34 1M 5D BALLAST REGULATOR MACHINE $30.86 1M 5D BATCH WEIGHMAN $26.18 1M 5D CARPENTER TENDER $30.86 1M 5D CASSION WORKER $31.70 1M 5D CEMENT DUMPER/PAVING $31.34 1M 5D CEMENT FINISHER TENDER $30.86 1M 5D CHIPPING GUN (OVER 30 LBS) $31.34 1M 5D CHIPPING GUN (UNDER 30 LBS) $30.86 1M 5D CHUCK TENDER $30.86 1M 5D CLEAN-UP LABORER $30.86 1M 5D CONCRETE FORM STRIPPER $30.86 1M 5D CONCRETE SAW OPERATOR $31.34 1M 5D CRUSHER FEEDER $26.18 IM 5D CURING LABORER $30.86 1M 5D DEMOLITION, WRECKING & MOVING (INCLUDING $30.86 1M 5D CHARRED MATERIALS) DITCH DIGGER $30.86 1M 5D DIVER $31.70 IM 5D DRILL OPERATOR (HYDRAULIC, DIAMOND) $31.34 1M 5D DRILL OPERATOR, AIRTRAC $31.70 1M 5D DUMPMAN $30.86 1M 5D FALLER/BUCKER, CHAIN SAW $31.34 1M 5D FINAL DETAIL CLEANUP (i.e., dusting, vacuuming, window $23.86 1M 5D cleaning; NOT construction debris cleanup) FINE GRADERS $30.86 1M 5D ' FIRE WATCH $30.86 1M 5D FORM SETTER $30.86 1M 5D GABION BASKET BUILDER $30.86 1M 5D ' GENERAL LABORER $30.86 1M 5D GRADE CHECKER & TRANSIT PERSON $31.34 1M 5D , GRINDERS $30.86 1M 5D GROUT MACHINE TENDER $30.86 1M 5D HAZARDOUS WASTE WORKER LEVEL A $31.70 1M 5D ' HAZARDOUS WASTE WORKER LEVEL B $31.34 1 M 5D HAZARDOUS WASTE WORKER LEVEL C $30.86 1M 5D ' HIGH SCALER $31.70 1M 5D HOD CARRIER/MORTARMAN $31.34 1M 5D JACKHAMMER $31.34 1M 5D ' LASER BEAM OPERATOR $31.34 1M 5D MINER $31.70 1M 5D , http://www.Ini.wa.gov/prevailingwage/J*wages/20031/col7.htrn 03/06/2003 KING County- Effective: 3/5/2003 Page 5 of 11 NOZZLEMAN, CONCRETE PUMP, GREEN CUTTER WHEN $31.34 1M 5D USING HIGH PRESSURE AIR & WATER ON CONCRETE & ROCK, SANDBLAST, GUNITE, SHOTCRETE, WATER BLASTER PAVEMENT BREAKER $31.34 1M 5D PILOT CAR $26.18 1M 5D PIPE RELINER (NOT INSERT TYPE) $31.34 1M 5D PIPELAYER & CAULKER $31.34 1M 5D PIPELAYER & CAULKER (LEAD) $31.70 1M 5D PIPEWRAPPER $31.34 1M 5D POT TENDER $30.86 1M 5D POWDERMAN $31.70 1M 5D POWDERMAN HELPER $30.86 1M 5D POWERJACKS $31.34 1M 5D RAILROAD SPIKE PULLER (POWER) $31.34 1M 5D RE-TIMBERMAN $31.70 1M 5D RI PRAP MAN $30.86 1M 5D SIGNALMAN $30.86 1M 5D SLOPER SPRAYMAN $30.86 1M 5D SPREADER (CLARY POWER OR SIMILAR TYPES) $31.34 1M 5D SPREADER (CONCRETE) $31.34 1M 5D STAKE HOPPER $30.86 1M 5D STOCKPILER $30.86 1M 5D TAMPER & SIMILAR ELECTRIC, AIR & GAS $31.34 1M 5D TAMPER (MULTIPLE & SELF PROPELLED) $31.34 1M 5D TOOLROOM MAN (AT JOB SITE) $30.86 1M 5D TOPPER-TAILER $30.86 1M 5D TRACK LABORER $30.86 1M 5D TRACK LINER (POWER) $31.34 1M 5D TUGGER OPERATOR $31.34 1M 5D VIBRATING SCREED (AIR, GAS, OR ELECTRIC) $30.86 1M 5D VIBRATOR $31.34 1M 5D WELDER $30.86 1M 5D WELL-POINT LABORER $31.34 1M 5D LABORERS - UNDERGROUND SEWER &WATER GENERAL LABORER $30.86 1M 5D PIPE LAYER $31.34 1M 5D LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION IRRIGATION OR LAWN SPRINKLER INSTALLERS $11.07 1 LANDSCAPE EQUIPMENT OPERATORS OR TRUCK $10.63 1 DRIVERS LANDSCAPING OR PLANTING LABORERS $8.42 1 http://www.Ini.wa.gov/prevailingwage/jwages/20031/col7.htm 03/06/2003 KING County -Effective: 3/5/2003 Page 6 of 11 LATHERS JOURNEY LEVEL $36.79 1M 5D MACHINISTS (HYDROELECTRIC SITE WORK) MACHINIST $16.84 1 METAL FABRICATION (IN SHOP) FITTER $15.86 1 LABORER $9.78 1 MACHINE OPERATOR $13.04 1 PAINTER $11.10 1 WELDER $15.48 1 MODULAR BUILDINGS CABINET ASSEMBLY $11.56 1 ELECTRICIAN $11.56 1 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE $11.56 1 PLUMBER $11.56 1 PRODUCTION WORKER $9.26 1 TOOL MAINTENANCE $11.56 1 UTILITY PERSON $11.56 1 WELDER $11.56 1 PAINTERS JOURNEY LEVEL $29.53 2B 5A PLASTERERS JOURNEY LEVEL $37.48 1R 5A PLAYGROUND & PARK EQUIPMENT INSTALLERS ' JOURNEY LEVEL $8.42 1 PLUMBERS & PIPEFITTERS JOURNEY LEVEL $46.81 1G 5A , POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS ASSISTANT ENGINEERS $35.14 1T 5D 8L BACKHOE, EXCAVATOR, SHOVEL (3 YD & UNDER) $37.60 1T 5D 8L , BACKHOE, EXCAVATOR, SHOVEL (OVER 3 YD & UNDER 6 $38.04 1T 5D 8L YD) 'BACKHOE, EXCAVATOR, SHOVEL (6 YD AND OVER WITH $38.54 lT 5D 8L ATTACHMENTS) BACKHOES, (75 HP & UNDER) $37.24 1T 5D 8L , BACKHOES, (OVER 75 HP) $37.60 1T 5D 8L BARRIER MACHINE (ZIPPER) $37.60 1T 5D 8L BATCH PLANT OPERATOR, CONCRETE $37.60 1T 5D 8L BELT LOADERS (ELEVATING TYPE ) $37.24 1T 5D 8L BOBCAT $35.14 1T 5D 8L ' BROOMS $35.14 1T 5D 8L BUMP CUTTER $37.60 1T 5D 8L ' http://www.Ini.wa.gov/prevailingwage/jwages/20031/col7.htm 03/06/2003 KING County- Effective: 3/5/2003 Page 7 of 11 CABLEWAYS $38.04 1T 5D 8L CHIPPER $37.60 1T 5D 8L COMPRESSORS $35.14 1T 5D 8L CONCRETE FINISH MACHINE - LASER SCREED $35.14 1T 5D 8L CONCRETE PUMPS $37.24 1T 5D 8L CONCRETE PUMP-TRUCK MOUNT WITH BOOM $37.60 1T 5D 8L ATTACHMENT CONVEYORS $37.24 1T 5D 8L CRANES, THRU 19 TONS, WITH ATTACHMENTS $37.24 1T 5D 8L CRANES, 20 - 44 TONS, WITH ATTACHMENTS $37.60 1T 5D 8L CRANES, 45 TONS - 99 TONS, UNDER 150 FT OF BOOM $38.04 1T 5D 8L (INCLUDING JIB WITH ATACHMENTS) CRANES, 100 TONS - 199 TONS, OR 150 FT OF BOOM $38.54 1T 5D 8L (INCLUDING JIB WITH ATTACHMENTS) CRANES, 200 TONS TO 300 TONS, OR 250 FT OF BOOM $39.04 1T 5D 8L (INCLUDING JIB WITH ATTACHMENTS) CRANES, A-FRAME, 10 TON AND UNDER $35.14 1T 5D 8L CRANES, A-FRAME, OVER 10 TON $37.24 1T 5D 8L CRANES, OVER 300 TONS, OR 300' OF BOOM INCLUDING $39.54 1T 5D 8L JIB WITH ATTACHMENTS CRANES, OVERHEAD, BRIDGE TYPE ( 20 -44 TONS) $37.60 1T 5D 8L CRANES, OVERHEAD, BRIDGE TYPE ( 45 - 99 TONS) $38.04 1T 5D 8L CRANES, OVERHEAD, BRIDGE TYPE (100 TONS & OVER) $38.54 1T 5D 8L CRANES, TOWER CRANE UP TO 175' IN HEIGHT, BASE TO $38.54 1T 5D 8L BOOM CRANES, TOWER CRANE OVER 175' IN HEIGHT, BASE TO $39.04 1T 5D 8L BOOM CRUSHERS $37.60 1T 5D 8L DECK ENGINEER/DECK WINCHES (POWER) $37.60 1T 5D 8L DERRICK, BUILDING $38.04 1T 5D 8L DOZERS, D-9 & UNDER $37.24 1T 5D 8L DRILL OILERS -AUGER TYPE, TRUCK OR CRANE MOUNT $37.24 1T 5D 8L DRILLING MACHINE $37.60 1T 5D 8L ELEVATOR AND MANLIFT, PERMANENT AND SHAFT-TYPE $35.14 1T 5D 8L EQUIPMENT SERVICE ENGINEER (OILER) $37.24 1T 5D 8L FINISHING MACHINE/BIDWELL GAMACO AND SIMILAR $37.60 1T 5D 8L EQUIP FORK LIFTS, (3000 LBS AND OVER) $37.24 1T 5D 8L FORK LIFTS, (UNDER 3000 LBS) $35.14 1T 5D 8L GRADE ENGINEER $37.24 1T 5D 8L GRADECHECKER AND STAKEMAN $35.14 1T 5D 8L HOISTS, OUTSIDE (ELEVATORS AND MANLIFTS), AIR $37.24 1T 5D 8L TUGGERS - http://www.Ini.wa.gov/prevailingwage/jwages/20031/col7.htrn 03/06/2003 KING County-Effective: 3/5/2003 Page 8 of 11 HORIZONTAUDIRECTIONAL DRILL LOCATOR $37.24 1T 5D 8L HORIZONTAUDIRECTIONAL DRILL OPERATOR $37.60 1T 5D 8L HYDRALIFTS/BOOM TRUCKS (10 TON & UNDER) $35.14 1T 5D 8L HYDRALIFTS/BOOM TRUCKS (OVER 10 TON) $37.24 1T 5D 8L LOADERS, OVERHEAD (6 YD UP TO 8 YD) $38.04 1T 5D 8L LOADERS, OVERHEAD (8 YD & OVER) $38.54 1T 5D 8L LOADERS, OVERHEAD (UNDER 6 YD), PLANT FEED $37.60 1T 5D 8L LOCOMOTIVES, ALL $37.60 1T 5D 8L MECHANICS, ALL (WELDERS) $37.60 1T 5D 8L MIXERS, ASPHALT PLANT $37.60 1T 5D 8L MOTOR PATROL GRADER (FINISHING) $37.60 1T 5D 8L MOTOR PATROL GRADER (NON-FINISHING) $37.24 1T 5D 8L MUCKING MACHINE, MOLE, TUNNEL DRILL AND/OR $38.04 1T 5D 8L SHIELD OIL DISTRIBUTORS, BLOWER DISTRIBUTION AND MULCH $35.14 1T 5D 8L SEEDING OPERATOR PAVEMENT BREAKER $35.14 1T 5D 8L PILEDRIVER (OTHER THAN CRANE MOUNT) $37.60 1T 5D 8L PLANT OILER (ASPHALT CRUSHER) $37.24 1T 5D 8L POSTHOLE DIGGER, MECHANICAL $35.14 1T 5D 8L POWER PLANT $35.14 1T 5D 8L PUMPS, WATER $35.14 1T 5D 8L QUAD 9, D-10, AND HD-41 $38.04 1T 5D 8L REMOTE CONTROL OPERATOR ON RUBBER TIRED $38.04 1T 5D 8L EARTH MOVING EQUIP RIGGER AND BELLMAN $35.14 1T 5D 8L ROLLAGON $38.04 1T 5D 8L ROLLER, OTHER THAN PLANT ROAD MIX $35.14 1T 5D 8L ROLLERS, PLANTMIX OR MULTILIFT MATERIALS $37.24 1T 5D 8L ROTO-MILL, ROTO-GRINDER $37.60 1T 5D 8L SAWS, CONCRETE $37.24 1T 5D 8L SCRAPERS - SELF PROPELLED, HARD TAIL END DUMP, $37.60 1T 5D 8L ARTICULATING OFF-ROAD EQUIPMENT ( UNDER 45 YD) SCRAPERS - SELF PROPELLED, HARD TAIL END DUMP, $38.04 1T 5D 8L ARTICULATING OFF-ROAD EQUIPMENT (45 YD AND OVER) SCRAPERS, CONCRETE AND CARRY ALL $37.24 1T 5D 8L SCREED MAN $37.60 1T 5D 8L SHOTCRETE GUNITE $35.14 1T 5D 8L SLIPFORM PAVERS $38.04 1T 5D 8L SPREADER, TOPSIDE OPERATOR - BLAW KNOX $37.60 1T 5D 8L SUBGRADE TRIMMER $37.60 1T 5D 8L TRACTORS, (75 HP & UNDER ) $37.24 1T 5D 8L http://ww-w.Ini.wa.gov/prevallingwage/jwages/20031/col7.htm 03/06/2003 KING County- Effective: 3/5/2003 Page 9 of 11 TRACTORS, (OVER 75 HP) $37.60 1T 5D 8L TRANSFER MATERIAL SERVICE MACHINE $37.60 1T 5D 8L TRANSPORTERS, ALL TRACK OR TRUCK TYPE $38.04 1T 5D 8L TRENCHING MACHINES $37.24 1T 5D 8L TRUCK CRANE OILER/DRIVER ( UNDER 100 TON) $37.24 1T 5D 8L TRUCK CRANE OILER/DRIVER (100 TON & OVER) $37.60 1T 5D 8L WHEEL TRACTORS, FARMALL TYPE $35.14 1T 5D 8L YO YO PAY DOZER $37.60 1T 5D 8L POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS- UNDERGROUND SEWER & WATER (SEE POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS) $0.00 POWER LINE CLEARANCE TREE TRIMMERS JOURNEY LEVEL IN CHARGE $31.05 4A 5A SPRAY PERSON $29.39 4A 5A TREE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR $29.79 4A 5A TREE TRIMMER $27.60 4A 5A TREE TRIMMER GROUNDPERSON $20.28 4A 5A REFRIGERATION &AIR CONDITIONING MECHANICS MECHANIC $44.76 1 G 5A RESIDENTIAL BRICK & MARBLE MASONS JOURNEY LEVEL $27.05 1 RESIDENTIAL CARPENTERS JOURNEY LEVEL $23.47 1 RESIDENTIAL CEMENT MASONS JOURNEY LEVEL $22.64 1 RESIDENTIAL DRYWALL TAPERS JOURNEY LEVEL $36.64 1J 513 RESIDENTIAL ELECTRICIANS JOURNEY LEVEL $26.24 1 RESIDENTIAL GLAZIERS JOURNEY LEVEL $25.84 2E 5G RESIDENTIAL INSULATION APPLICATORS JOURNEY LEVEL $17.60 1 RESIDENTIAL LABORERS JOURNEY LEVEL $18.12 1 RESIDENTIAL PAINTERS JOURNEY LEVEL $18.36 1 RESIDENTIAL PLUMBERS & PIPEFITTERS JOURNEY LEVEL $22.95 1 RESIDENTIAL REFRIGERATION & AIR CONDITIONING MECHANICS JOURNEY LEVEL $44.76 1G 5A RESIDENTIAL SHEET METAL WORKERS http://www.Ini.wa.gov/prevailingwage/jwages/20031/col7.htm 03/06/2003 KING County- Effective: 3/5/2003 Page 10 of 11 JOURNEY LEVEL (FIELD OR SHOP) $19.48 1 RESIDENTIAL SOFT FLOOR LAYERS JOURNEY LEVEL $30.58 1B 5A RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER FITTERS (FIRE PROTECTION) JOURNEY LEVEL $24.86 1B 5C RESIDENTIAL TERRAZZOITILE FINISHERS JOURNEY LEVEL $26.30 1 RESIDENTIAL TERRAZZOITILE SETTERS JOURNEY LEVEL $34.23 1H 5A ROOFERS JOURNEY LEVEL $33.78 1R 5A USING IRRITABLE BITUMINOUS MATERIALS $36.78 1R 5A SHEET METAL WORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL (FIELD OR SHOP) $42.63 1J 6L SIGN MAKERS & INSTALLERS (ELECTRICAL) SIGN INSTALLER $23.36 1 SIGN MAKER $16.84 1 SIGN MAKERS & INSTALLERS (NON-ELECTRICAL) SIGN INSTALLER $17.31 1 SIGN MAKER $15.61 1 SOFT FLOOR LAYERS JOURNEY LEVEL $30.58 1B 5A SOLAR CONTROLS FOR WINDOWS JOURNEY LEVEL $12.44 1 5S SPRINKLER FITTERS (FIRE PROTECTION) JOURNEY LEVEL $44.84 1 B 5C STAGE RIGGING MECHANICS (NON STRUCTURAL) JOURNEY LEVEL $13.23 1 SURVEYORS CHAIN PERSON $9.35 1 INSTRUMENT PERSON $11.40 1 PARTY CHIEF $13.40 1 TELEPHONE LINE CONSTRUCTION - OUTSIDE CABLE SPLICER $25.42 2B 5A HOLE DIGGER/GROUND PERSON $13.51 2B 5A INSTALLER (REPAIRER) $24.31 2B 5A JOURNEY LEVEL TELEPHONE LINEPERSON $23.53 2B 5A SPECIAL APPARATUS INSTALLER 1 $25.42 2B 5A SPECIAL APPARATUS INSTALLER II $24.87 2B 5A TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (HEAVY) $25.42 2B 5A TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (LIGHT) $23.53 2B 5A http://www.Ini.wa.gov/prevallingwage/jwages/20031/col7.htm 03/06/2003 KING County- Effective: 3/5/2003 Page 11 of 11 TELEVISION GROUND PERSON $12.73 2B 5A TELEVISION LINEPERSON/INSTALLER $17.47 213 5A TELEVISION SYSTEM TECHNICIAN $21.10 213 5A TELEVISION TECHNICIAN $18.82 213 5A TREE TRIMMER $23.53 213 5A TERRAZZO WORKERS & TILE SETTERS JOURNEY LEVEL $34.23 1 H 5A TILE, MARBLE & TERRAZZO FINISHERS FINISHER $28.06 1 H 5A TRAFFIC CONTROL STRIPERS JOURNEY LEVEL $28.97 1 K 5A TRUCK DRIVERS ASPHALT MIX ( TO 16 YARDS) $34.89 1T 5D 8L ASPHALT MIX (OVER 16 YARDS) $35.47 1T 5D 8L DUMP TRUCK $34.89 1T 5D 8L DUMP TRUCK & TRAILER $35.47 1T 5D 8L OTHER TRUCKS $35.47 1T 5D 8L TRANSIT MIXER $23.45 1 WELL DRILLERS & IRRIGATION PUMP INSTALLERS IRRIGATION PUMP INSTALLER $17.71 1 OILER $12.97 1 WELL DRILLER $17.68 1 http://www.Ini.wa.gov/prevailingwage/jwages/20031/col7.htm 03/06/2003 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE AND MACHINE MECHANICS - Effective: 3/5/2003 Page 1 of 1 State of Washington DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES Prevailing Wage Section -Telephone (360) 902-5335 PO Box 44540, Olympia, WA 98504-4540 Washington State Prevailing Wage Rates for Public Works Contracts The PREVAILING WAGES listed here include both the hourly wage rate and the hourly rate of fringe benefits. On public works projects,workers'wage and benefit rates must add to not less than this total.A brief description of overtime calculation requirements is provided by clicking on the benefit code. INDUSTRIAL ENGINE AND MACHINE MECHANICS Effective 3/5/2003 Benefit Code Key Prevailing Overtime Holiday Note Classification Wage Code Code Code Counties Covered: ADAMS, ASOTIN, BENTON, CHELAN, CLALLAM, CLARK, COLUMBIA, COWLITZ, DOUGLAS, FERRY, FRANKLIN, GARFIELD, GRANT, GRAYS HARBOR, ISLAND, JEFFERSON, KING, KITSAP, KITTITAS, KLICKITAT, LEWIS, LINCOLN, MASON, OKANOGAN, PACIFIC, PEND OREILLE, PIERCE, SAN JUAN, SKAGIT, SKAMANIA, SNOHOMISH, SPOKANE, STEVENS, THURSTON, WAHKIAKUM, WALLA WALLA, WHATCOM, WHITMAN AND YAKIMA MECHANIC $15.65 1 http://www.Ini.wa.gov/prevailingwage/J*wages/20031/INDE.htm 03/06/2003 Forms and Publications - Washington State Department of Labor and Industries - L&I Pre-... Page 1 of 2 CAM! Forms and Publications Prevailing Wage Online Survey Statement of Intent to Pay Request for Release Building a better Web with prevailing Wages Wage Claim Form you _ Affidavit of Wages Paid Complaint Report Form — --—� – Electronic filing How to obtain forms and m Certified Project Payroll publications Provided by Google Prevailing Wage Home Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages (F700-029- Wage Rates 000) General Information Forms and ■ Completed by each employer when awarded a public works Publications contract Electronic Filing ■ $25 filing fee View Approved Forms I Scopes of Work Affidavit of Wages Paid (F700-007-000) Laws and Rules ' ■ Completed by each employer when work is completed Debarred Contractors $25 filing fee Wage Surveys Prevailing Wage j Intent and Affidavit forms were revised February,2002 Advisory Committee ; Effective January 1, 2003, only versions dated 2-02 and later Employment ; will be accepted .Standards ! Construction ■ The notary requirement has been eliminated ;Compliance I ■ The 4-part form has been reduced to a 2-part form Find a Contractor ■ Clear instructions on the back of the forms Specialty Compliance :Home j Electronic Filing L&I Home i Intent and Affidavit forms can also be submitted via the s I Internet. Find out more about it. Contact Us Certified Project Payroll (F700-065-000) Upon receiving a written request by any interested party, a contractor must, within 10 days, submit Certified Project Payroll (pdf format) records to the awarding agency and to the Department of Labor and Industries. WAC 296-127-320 Request for Release (F263-083-000) The prime contractor must submit the Request for Release form to the Contractor Compliance/Release Unit at L&I when the project is complete. Wage Claim Form (F700-039-000) If an employee has not been paid the proper prevailing wage, the employee is entitled to file a wage claim with the department. This involves filling out a form and providing information showing work hours and rates of pay. In a wage claim investigation, the employer has the right to know the name of the claimant. RCW 39.12.065. Wage Claim Form (pdf http://www.Ini.wa.gov/prevailingwage/f&p.htm 05/09/2003 Department of Labor and Industries STATEMENT OF INTENT TO sr•r� Prevailing Wage °= PAY PREVAILING WAGES (360)902-5335 s Public Works Contract www.lni.wa.gov/prevailingwage 'y���«�''°Y 25.00 Filing Fee Required •This form must be typed or printed in ink. Project Name C=Aract w •Fill in all blanks or form will be returned for correction( see back). •Please allow a minimum of 10 working days for processing. Contract Awarding Agency(public agency-not federal or private) APPROVED FORM WILL BE MAILED TO THIS ADDRESS Address Contractor,company or agency name,address,city,state&ZIP+4 City State ZIP+4 "EXAMPLE" Awarding Agency Project Contact Person Phone$ OBTAIN LATEST FORMS FROM County where work will be ) pafonned city where wow will be performed THE STATE DEPT OF LABOR & IND. Bid due date (m/d/y) Date contract awarded (m/d/y) Prime contractor(has contract with the public agency) Contractor Registration No. Do ou intend to use subcontnctors? Do yw intend to use apprentices? Yes No 5 Yes (3No Craft/trade and occupation (Do NOT list apprentices) Rate of Rate of hourly Estimated no. hourly pay fringe benefits of workers i i Company name,address,city,state,ZIP+4 Indicate total dollar amount of your contract $ w M I hereby certify that the above information is correct and that all workers I employ on this Public Works Project will be paid no less than the Prevailing Wage Rate(s) as determined by the Industrial Statistician of the Department of Labor and Industries. Contractor Registration No. UBI Title Vignature Email address Phone number "�For L&I llxf)nl For L&r Use Only Check Number= ❑$25 or $ APPROVED: Department of Labor and Industries Issued By_ i By Industrial Statistician F700-029-000 statement of intent to pay prevailing wages 10.02 After APPROVAL send white copy to Awarding Agency. Canary copy-L&I Department of Labor and Industries �����rL r AFFIDAVIT OF WAGES PAID Prevailing Wage (360>9o2-ss3s Public Works Contract www.Ini.wa.gov/prevailingwage �`' "\`' $25.00 Filing Fee Required •This form must be typed or printed in ink. Project Name Contract# •Fill in all blanks or form will be returned for correction(see back). Contract Awarding Agency(Public agency-not federal or private) •Please allow a minimum of 10 working days for processing. : alc .::::.: .......................... . . Contractor,company or agency name,address,city,state&ZIP+4 City State 71P+4 "EXAMPLE" Awarding Agency Project Contact Person Phone# OBTAINLATEST FORMS FROM County where wort was performed City where wont was performed THE STATE DEPT OF LABOR $e IND. Bid due dau (m/d/y) Date oontractawarded (m1d/y) Prime contractor(has contract with the public agency) Contractor Registration No. T Date work completed (m/d/y) Date Intent filed (m/d/y) Craft/trade/occupation and apprentices (For apprentices,give name, Number Total#hrs Rate of Rau of hourly registration#,trade,dates of work on project,stage of progression,wage and fringe) of Workers worked-ea trade Hourly Pay fringe benefits Company name,address,city,state,ZIP+4 Indicate total dollar amount Q . . ........... ............................................ of your contract ........... ........ �D I hereby certify that the above information is correct and that all workers I employed on this Public Works Project were paid no less than the Prevailing Wage Rate(s) as determined by the Industrial Statistician of the Department of Labor and Industries. Contractor Registration No. UBI Title �J \ Signature Email address Phone number ::.;:•:.�:::::::.�:::.�.�::::::::�:::::•>:::: :::..........::::::>::•::::••::;:•::.:::•:..::.: :•:. $25 or $ ier: <e:. n . Cheep Number: >` CERTIFIED: Department of Labor and Industries Issued By. B :,•, Industrial Statistician :c After APPROVAL, send white copy to A warding Agency. encv 17700-007-000 affidavit of wages 11-02 Canary copy-L&I a.. r CERTIFICATION OF PAYMENT OF PREVAILING WAGES Date: Project CAG No. This is to certify that the prevailing wages have been paid to our employees and our �r subcontractors' employees for the period from through in 40 accordance with the Intents to Pay Prevailing Wage filed with the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries. This form will be executed and submitted prior to or with the last pay request. Company Name By: Title: AW .. 40 .r ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS LISTING REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PREVENTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION AND PRESERVATION OF PUBLIC NATURAL RESOURCES In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 62, Laws of 1973, H. B. 621, the Contractor shall secure any permits or licenses required by, and comply fully with all provisions of the following laws, ordinances, and resolutions: King County Ordinance No. 1527 requires Building and Land Development Division and Hydraulics Division review of grading and filling permits and unclassified use permits in flood hazard areas. Resolution No. 36230 establishes storm drain design standards to be incorporated into project design standards to be incorporated into project design by Engineering Services. Review by Hydraulics Division. King County Ordinance No. 800, No. 900, No. 1006 and Resolution No. 8778 No. 24553, No. 24834, No. 6894 and No. 11242 contained in King County Code Titles 8 and 10 are provisions for disposition of refuse and litter in a licensed disposal site and provide penalties for failure to comply. Review by Division of Solid Waste. • Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency Regulation L. A regulation to control the emission of air contaminants from all sources within the jurisdiction of the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency (King, Pierce, Snohomish, and Kitsap Counties) in accordance with the Washington Clean Air Act, �. R.C.W. 70.94. WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY �. W.A.C. 18-02: Requires operators of stationary sources of air contaminants to maintain records of emissions, periodically report to the State information concerning these emissions from his operations, and to make such information available to the public. See Puget Sound Pollution Control Agency Regulation I. R.C.W. 90-48: Enacted to maintain the highest possible standards to ensure the purity of all water of the State consistent with public health and public enjoyment thereof, the propagation and protection of wildlife, birds, game, fish, and other aquatic life, and the industrial development of the state, and to that end require the use of all known available and reasonable methods by industries and others to prevent and control the pollution of the waters of the State of Washington. It is unlawful to throw, drain, run or otherwise discharge into any of the water of this State any organic or inorganic matter that shall cause or tend to cause pollution of such waters. The law also provides for civil penalties of $5,000/day for each violation. R.C.W. 70.95: Establishes uniform statewide program for handling solid wastes which will prevent land, air and water pollution. Makes it unlawful to dump or deposit solid wastes onto or under the surface of the ground or into the waters of this State except at a solid waste disposal site for which there is a valid permit. 40 R.C.W. 76-04.370: Provide for abatement of additional fire hazard (lands upon which there is forest debris) and extreme fire hazard (areas of additional fire hazard near buildings, roads, campgrounds, and .o school grounds). The owner and/or person responsible is fully liable in the event a fire starts or spreads on property on which an extreme fire hazard exists. R.C.W. 76.04.010: Defines terms relating to the suppression or abatement of forest fires or forest fire conditions. .. Pagel of 5 R.C.W. 70.94.660: Provides for issuance of burning permits for abating or prevention of forest fire hazards, instruction or silvicultural operations. R.C.W. 76-.04.310: Stipulates that everyone clearing land or clearing right-of-way shall pile and burn or dispose of by other satisfactory means, all forest debris cut thereon, as rapidly as the clearing or cutting progresses, or at such other times as the department may specify, and in compliance with the law requiring burning permits. R. C. W. 78-44: Laws governing surface mining (including sand, gravel, stone, and earth from borrow pits) which provide for fees and permits, plan or operation, reclamation plan, bonding, and inspection of operations. W.A.C. 332-18: Delineates all requirements of R.C.W. 76-04 pertaining to land clearing and burning. U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS Section 1 of the River and Harbor Act of June 13, 1902: Authorizes Secretary of Army and Corps of Engineers to issue permits to any persons or corporation desiring to improve any navigable river at their own expense and risk upon approval of the plans and specifications. .r Section 404 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (PL92-500 86 Stat 816)• Authorizes the Secretary of the Army, acting through the Corps of Engineers, to issue permits for the discharge of dredged or fill material into the navigable waters at specified disposal sites. Permits may be denied if it is determined that such discharge will have adverse effects on municipal water supplies, shell fish beds and fishery areas and wildlife or recreational areas. "` MISCELLANEOUS FEDERAL LEGISLATION Section 13 of the River and Harbor Act approved March 3, 1899• Provides that discharge of refuse without a permit into navigable waters is prohibited. Violation is punishable by fine. Any citizen may file a complaint with the U. S. Attorney and share a portion of the fine. rr rrr .�r Page 2 of 5 �` ,ar REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PREVENTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION AND PRESERVATION OF PUBLIC NATURAL RESOURCES PERMITS REQUIRED FOR THE PROJECT ARE AS FOLLOWS: KING COUNTY BUILDING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION King County Resolution No. 25789 requires an unclassified use permit for filling, quarrying (including AW borrow pits and associated activities such as asphalt plants, rock crushers) and refuse disposal sites and provides for land reclamation subsequent to these activities. A copy is available at the Department of Public Works or Building and Land Development Division. Shoreline Management Act 1971 requires a permit for construction on State shorelines. Permit acquired by Public Works and reviewed by Building and Land Development Division. King County Ordinance No. 1488 requires permit for grading, land fills, gravel pits, dumping, quarrying and mining operations except on County right-of-way. Review by Building and Land Development Division. WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES AND GAME Chapter 112, Laws of 1949: Requires hydraulics permit on certain projects. (King County Department of Public Works will obtain.) WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY W.A.C. 173-220: Requires a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit before �r discharge of pollutants from a point source into the navigable waters of the State of Washington. W.A.C. 372-24: Permit to discharge commercial or industrial waste waters into State surface or ground A. water (such as gravel washing, pit operations, or any operation which results in a discharge which contains turbidity). am W.A.C. 508-12-100: Requires permit to use surface water. W.A.C. 508-12-190: Requires that changes to permits for water use be reviewed by the Department of .1. Ecology whenever it is desired to change the purpose of use, the place of use, the point of withdrawal and/or the diversion of water. W.A.C. 508-12-220: Requires permit to use ground water. do W.A.C. 508-12-260: Requires permit to construct reservoir for water storage. '• W.A.C. 508-12-280: Requires permit to construct storage dam. W.A.C. 508-60: Requires permit to construct in State flood control zone. King County Public Works An secures one for design. Contractor secures one for his operation(false work design, etc.) .. AN Page 3 of 5 Ir REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PREVENTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION AND PRESERVATION OF PUBLIC NATURAL RESOURCES WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES R.C.W. 76.04.150: Requires burning permit for all fires except for small outdoor fires for recreational purposes or yard debris disposal. Also the Department of Natural Resources reserves the right to restrict burning under the provisions of R.C.W. 76.04.150, 76.04.170, 76.04.180, and 70.94 due to extreme fire weather or to prevent restriction of visibility and excessive air pollution. R.C.W. 76.08.030: Cutting permit required before cutting merchantable timber. R.C.W. 76.08.275: Operating permit required before operating power equipment in dead or down timber. R.C.W. 78.44.080: Requires permit for any surface mining operation (including sand, gravel, stone, and earth from borrow pits). UNITED STATES ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS ' Section_ 10 of River and Harbor Act of March 3, 1899: Requires permit for construction (other than bridges, see U. S. Coast Guard administered permits) on navigable waters (King County Department of Public Works will obtain.) FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT R.C.W. 52.28_.01.0, 52.28.020, 52.28.030, 52.28.040, 52.28.050: Provides authority for, requirements of, and penalties for failure to secure a fire permit for building an open fire within a fire protection district. UNITED STATES COAST GUARD Section 9 of River and Harbor Act of March 3, 1899, General Bridge Act of March 23, 1906, and General Bridge Act of 1946 as amended August 2, 1956: Requires a permit for construction of bridge on navigable waters (King County Department of Public Works will obtain). King County Department of Public Works will comply with pertinent sections of the following laws while securing the aforementioned permit: Section 4(f) of Department of Transportation Act, National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, Water Quality Improvement Act of 1970. PUGET SOUND AIR POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY rr. Section 9.02(d) (2) (iii) of Regulation I: Request for verification of population density. Contractor should be sure his operations are in compliance with Regulation I, particularly Section 9.02 (outdoor fires), Section 9.04 (particulate matter -- dust), and Section 9.15 (preventing particulate matter from becoming �► airborne). Wk Page 4 of 5 AN REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PREVENTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION AND PRESERVATION OF PUBLIC NATURAL RESOURCES ia ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY AN Title 40, Chapter Ic, Part 61: Requires that the Environmental Protection Agency be notified five (5) days prior to the demolition of any structure containing asbestos material (excluding residential structures having fewer than five (5) dwelling units). A. The above requirements will be applicable only where called for on the various road projects. Copies of these permits, ordinances, laws, and resolutions are available for inspection at the Office of the Director of Public Works, 900 King County Administration Building, Seattle, WA. 98104. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to familiarize himself with all requirements therein. All costs resulting therefrom shall be included in the Bid Prices and no additional compensation shall be made. All permits will be available at construction site. r �r. .rr Page 5 of 5 City of Renton SUPPLEMENTAL Aw SPECIFICATIONS AW for the 1997 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction a Y ti o � o N� Adopted May 19, 1997 Washington State Department of Transportation -,, American Public Works Association Washington State Chapter CITY OF RENTON STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS The City of Renton Standard Specifications for Municipal Construction (hereafter referred to as The Renton Standards) shall apply to all work performed within the public right-of-way by, or for, the City of Renton; or work performed as an extension, betterment or addition to any of the City's utility, or transportation systems. The Renton Standards are comprised of the following documents: Standard Specifications The Standard Specifications are "The 1996 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction (English)" published by the Washington State Department of Transportation and the American Public Works Association, Washington Chapter. WSDOT Amendments WSDOT Amendments are changes to the Standard Specifications published on a quarterly basis by WSDOT. The included Index to Amendments lists all amendments received and acknowledged by the time of publication of this document. These Amendments shall be considered a part of the Standard Specifications. Standard Plans The Standard Plans are selected pages of "The Standard Plans for Road and Bridge Construction" as published by the Washington State Department of Transportation and the Washington State Chapter of the American Public Works Association, adopted by the City of Renton, and bound together with those standard plans created by the City of Renton. An appendix contains the original WSDOT/APWA index showing the disposition (Adopted, Replaced, or Deleted) of all original pages. Supplemental Specifications The City of Renton Supplemental Specifications is a compilation of the revisions made to the original WSDOT/APWA document, as modified by the adopted WSDOT Amendments, and is produced to be used together with the original document(s). Where changes are being made to the 1996 Standard Specifications sufficient amounts of the original (WSDOT/APWA) text is reproduced to provide clarity and context. All original text being deleted is shown with a line through the characters. (Thi& is dGIGW4.4 All replacement text or text being added is shown as underlined type. Sections being deleted in their entirety are so stated and not shown. When a section is described as being revised, sufficient text from the original section is shown with cross-outs and boldface to show the revisions. When a section is supplemented, existing text that is not being changed is not shown unless needed to clarify the meaning of the added text. Each item in the Supplemental Specifications signifies the source that wrote the item in parentheses following the listing of the section number and title: (APWA) Signifies an item taken verbatim from the Division 1 APWA Supplement to the 1996 Standard Specifications. (SA) Signifies that the section has been modified from the original State text by an amendment produced by WSDOT. The text of the subject section is shown as modified by the amendment, otherwise WSDOT Amendments are not shown in this document except for their listing in the Index to Amendments. (RC) Signifies an item produced by the City of Renton or an APWA or State Amendment that has been rewritten by Renton. Those documents listed above shall govern all work, except as these standards may be modified or superseded by project-specific plans, special provisions or other documents officially approved by the City of Renton. All work within the public right-of-way performed by other agencies or private parties working under permit authority of the City of Renton shall follow these standards with the exception of those requirements which pertain to payment and financing. Copies of the Renton Standards are on file at the Customer Service desk of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department, Municipal Building, Renton, Washington 98055, where they may be examined and copied by any interested party. Page-RS-i Revision Date:May 19, 1997 �r Table of Contents CITY OF RENTON STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS.....................................................................................i ,ar Division 1 General Requirements........................................................................................................... 1 1-01 Definitions and Terms..................................................................................................... 1 1-02 Bid Procedures and Conditions..........................................................................................2 1-03 Award and Execution of Contract......................................................................................2 1-04 Scope of the Work..........................................................................................................3 1-05 Control of Work............................................................................................................3 1-06 Control of Material.........................................................................................................7 1-07 Legal Relations and Responsibilities to the Public..................................................................7 *r 1-08 Prosecution and Progress................................................................................................12 1-09 Measurement and Payment..............................................................................................14 1-10 Temporary Traffic Control..............................................................................................18 1-11 Renton Surveying_Standards............................................................................................19 Division2 Earthwork.........................................................................................................................22 2-02 Removal of Structures and Obstructions.............................................................................22 2-03 Roadway Excavation and Embankment..............................................................................22 2-04 Haul...........................................................................................................................23 2-06 Subgrade Preparation....................................................................................................23 2-09 Structure Excavation......................................................................................................23 Division 3 Production From Quarry and Pit Sites and Stockpiling...............................•.•••.............................25 3 No supplemental specifications were necessary........................................................................25 '■ Division 4 Bases................................................................................................................................25 4 No supplemental specifications were necessary.........................................................................25 Division5 Surface Treatments and Pavements..........................................................................................26 5-04 Asphalt Concrete Pavement.............................................................................................26 Division6 Structures..........................................................................................................................29 6-12 Rockeries....................................................................................................................29 Division 7 Drainage Structures, Storm Sewers,Sanitary Sewers,Water Mains,and Conduits.............................30 7-01 Drains........................................................................................................................30 7-02 Culverts .........30 ............................................................................................................ 7-03 Structural Plate Pipe,Pipe Arch, Arch,and Underpass.........................................................30 7-04 Storm Sewers..............................................................................................................30 7-0 an 5 Manholes, Inlets,and Catch Basins..................................................................................31 r 7-08 General Pipe Installation Requirements.............................................................................32 7-10 Trench Exc.,Bedding,and Backfill for Water Mains............................................................34 7-11 Pipe Installation for Water Mains................................................................................... 34 �r 7-12 Valves for Water Mains.................................................................................................37 7-14 Hydrants....................................................................................................................38 7-15 Service Connections......................................................................................................39 7-17 Sanitary Sewers...........................................................................................................39 ar Division8 Miscellaneous Construction.....................................................................................................40 8-09 Raised Pavement Markers...............................................................................................0 8-10 Guide Posts.................................................................................................................. 8-13 Monument Cases.................................................... ...................................... .................40 8-14 Cement Concrete Sidewalks............................................................................................ 40 8-17 Impact Attenuator Systems..............................................................................................41 8-20 Illumination,Traffic Signal Systems, and Electrical..............................................................41 .rr 5-22 Pavement Marking........................................................................................................47 8-23 Temporary Pavement Markings........................................................................................48 Page-RS-ii Revision Date.May 19,1997 r . Division9 Materials.................................................................................................................... ......49 9-00 Definitions and Tests......................................................................................................49 9-02 Bituminous Materials.....................................................................................................49 9-04 Joint and Crack Sealing Materials.....................................................................................50 9-05 Drainage Structures,Culverts,and Conduits.......................................................................50 9-06 Structural Steel and Related Materials..............................................................................51 9-08 Paints.........................................................................................................................51 rr 9-23 Concrete Curing Materials and Admixtures.........................................................................52 9-29 Illumination,Signals,Electrical........................................................................................52 9-30 Water Distribution Materials...........................................................................................58 '■' INDEX TO WSDOT AMENDMENTS ......................................................................................................60 WSDOTAMENDMENTS......................................................................................................60 rr o so do r� .rr rr ar Page-RS-iff Revision Date:May 19, 1997 .r� 1-01 Definitions and Terms 1-01 Definitions and Terms Department shall also refer to the Department of D1V1Slon 1 Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator. Special Provisions(RC) General Requirements Supplcmcntal " °gifig"''@Ar, aAd "'M_odifications to the standard specifications d th d 4b speecifisatjeas and supplemental specifications that apply to an individual project. The special provisions may describe work the 1-01 Definitions and Terms specifications do not cover. Such work shall comply first with the special provisions and then with any specifications that apply. The SECTION 1-01.1 IS REVISED BYADDING THE FOLLOWING: Contractor shall include all costs of doing this work within the bid rip ces. 1-01.1 General (RC) State(RC) Whenever reference is made to the State, Commission, The state of Washington acting through its representatives. Department of Transportation Secretary of Transportation, The State shall also refer to The City of Renton and its authorized Owner Contracting Agency or Engineer, such reference shall be representatives where applicable. deemed to mean the City of Renton acting through its City Council, Contract Documents (APWA) employees and duly authorized representatives for all contracts The component parts of the contract which may include, but administered by the City of Renton. are not limited to the Proposal Form the Contract Form, bonds, insurance certificates various other certifications and affidavit, the SECTION 1-01.3 IS REVISED AND SUPPLEMENTED BY Contract Provisions the Contract Plans Working Drawings, the THE FOLLOWING: Standard Specifications the Standard Plans, Addendum, and Change Orders._ 1-01.3 Definitions(RC, APWA) Dates(APWA) Act of god(RC) Bid Opening Date(APWA) "Act of God" means an earthquake flood cyclone or other The date on which the Contracting Agency publicly opens and cataclysmic phenomenon of nature. A rain windstorm, high water reads the bids. or other natural phenomenon of unusual intensity for the specific Award Date(APWA, RC) locality of the work which might reasonably have been anticipated The date of the formal decision of the Contracting Agency to from historical records of the general locality of the work, shall not accept the lowest responsible and responsive Bidder for the work. Contract Execution Date (APWA) be construed as an act of god. Consulting Engineer d. The date the Contracting Agency officially binds the agency to The Contracting Agency's design consultant, who may or may the Contract. not administer the construction program for the Contracting Notice to Proceed Date(APWA) Agency. The date stated in the Notice to Proceed on which the Contract Da C time begins. Unless otherwise designated day(s) as used in the Contract Contract Completion Date(APWA, RC) Documents shall be understood to mean working days. The date by which the work is contractually required to be Or Equal(RC) completed The Contract Completion Date will be stated in the Where the term "or equal" is used herein the Contracting Notice to Proceed. Revisions of this date will be authorized in Agency, or the Contracting Agency on recommendation of the writing by the Engineer whenever there is an extension to the engineer, shall be the sole judge of the quality and suitability of the Contract time. proposed substitution. Final Acceptance Date(APWA, RC) The responsibility and cost of furnishing necessary evidence, The date on which the Contracting Agency accepts the work demonstrations or other information required to obtain the as complete per contract requirements. approval of alternative materials or processes by the Owner shall Material(APWA) be entirely borne by the Contractor. Any substance specified for use in the construction of the project ject and its appurtenances which enters into and forms a part o Owner f The City of Renton or its authorized representative. Also the finished structure or improvement and is capable of being so referred to as Contracting Agency. used and is furnished for that purpose. Plans(RC) Materialman(APWA) The contract plans and/or standard plans which show location, A person or organization who furnishes a raw material, character, and dimensions of prescribed work including layouts, supply, commodity, equipment or manufactured or fabricated profiles,cross-sections,and other details. product and does not perform labor at the Project Site; a supplier. Drawings may either be bound in the same book as the Notice of Award (APWA) balance of the Contract Documents or bound in separate sets, and The written notice from the Contracting Agency to the are a part of the Contract Documents regardless of the method of successful Bidder signifying the Contracting Agency's acceptance binding. of the Bid. The terms "Standard Drawings" or "Standard Details" Notice to Proceed(APWA) generally used in specifications refers to drawings bound either The written notice from the Contracting Agency or Engineer with the specification documents or included with the P__lans or the to the Contractor authorizing and directing the Contractor to City of Renton Standard Plans. proceed with the Work and establishing the date on which the Secretary, Secretary of Transportation(RC) Contract Time begins. The chief executive officer of the Department and other I authorized representatives. The chief executive officer to the Page-SP-1 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 1-02 Bid Procedures and Conditions 1-03 Award and Execution of Contract 1-02 Bid Procedures and Conditions within 5 (five) years from the date of submission Failure to so label such materials or failure to timely respond after notice of SECTION 1-02.1 IS DELETED AND REPLACED BY THE request for public disclosure has been given shall be deemed a FOLLOWING: waiver by the submitting vendor of any claim that such materials are, in fact,so exempt. 1-02.1 Qualifications of Bidder(APWA) SECTION 1-02.12 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE Bidders shall be qualified by experience,-...financing FOLLOWING: equipment, and organization to do the work called for in the 1-02.12 Public Opening of Proposals A Contract Documents. The Contracting Agency reserves the right to _(APW� take whatever action it deems necessary to ascertain the ability of The Contracting Agency reserves the right to postpone the the Bidder to perform the work satisfactorily. This action may date and time for bid opening. Notification to bidder will be by include a pre qualification procedure prior to the Bidder being addenda. furnished a proposal form on any contract or a preaward survey of the Bidder's qualifications prior to award. SECTION 1-02.13 PARAGRAPH I IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS. SECTION 1-02.2 IS DELETED AND REPLACED BY THE 1-02.13 Irregular Proposals(RCZ FOLLOWING. a. The bidder is not prequalifed when so required; 1-02.2 Bid Documents (APWA) SECTION 1-02.14 IS REVISED IN ITEM 3 IN PARAGRAPH I Information as to where Bid Documents can be obtained or TO READ. reviewed will be found in the Call for Bids for the Work placed in 1-02.14 Disqualification of Bidders (APWA) the Contracting Agency's official newspaper. SECTION 1-02.4(2) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY REVISING 3. A bidder is not pf4qualified for the work or to the full SENTENCE I, PARAGRAPH I TO READ: extent of the bid; 1-02.4(2) Subsurface Information(APWA) 1-03 Award and Execution of Contract If the Contracting Agency has made subsurface investigation of the site of the proposed work, the boring log data and soil SECTION 1-03.1 IS SUPPLEMENTED AS FOLLOWS. sample test data, and geotechnical reports accumulated by the Contracting Agency will be made available for inspection by the 1-03.1 Consideration of BidsSRC, APWA) bidders. The total of extensions, corrected where necessary, and SECTION 1-02.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE including sales taxes where applicable, will be used by the FOLLOWING: Contracting Agency for award purposes and to fix the amount of the contract bond. 1-02.5 Proposal Form (APWA) All bids will be based on total sum of all schedules of prices The Engineer reserves the right to arrange the Bid Forms with No partial bids will be accepted unless so Stated in the call for bids Alternates, Additives, or Deductives if such be to the advantage of or special provisions. The City reserves the right however to the Contracting Agency. The Bidder shall bid on all Additives award all or any schedule of a bid to the lowest bidder at its Deductives, or Alternates set forth in the Proposal Forms unless discretion. otherwise specified in the Special Provisions. SECTION I-03.2 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE SECTION I-02.6 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: FOLLOWING: 1-03.2 Award of Contract(RC) 1-02.6 Preparation of Proposal (RC) The contract, bond form and all other forms requiring All prices shall be in legible figures and execution, together with a list of all other forms or documents P ga g �(ne�words�written in ink or typed. The proposal shall include: required to be submitted by the successful bidder, will be 1. A unit price for each item (omitting digits more than four forwarded to the successful bidder within 10 days of the award places to the right of the decimal point), each unit price shall also The number of copies to be executed by the Contractor shall be be written in words; where a conflict arises the written words shall determined by the Contracting Agency prevail. SECTION I-03.3 IS REVISED AND SUPPLEMENTED AS SECTION 1-02.6(1) IS AN ADDED SUPPLEMENTAL FOLLOWS. SECTION. 1-03.3 Execution of Contract(APWA, RC) 1-02.6(1) Proprietary Information (RC) Within 20 10 calendar days after receipt from the City of the Vendors should, in the bid proposal identify clearly any forms and documents required to be completed by the material(s) which constitute "(valuable) formula designs Contractor, the successful bidder shall return the drawings, and research data" so as to be exempt from public signed Contracting Agency-prepared contract, an insurance disclosure, RCW 42.17.310 or any materials otherwise claimed to certification as required by Section 1-07.18, and a satisfactory bond be exempt, along with a Statement of the basis for such claim of as required by law and Section 1-03.4. If the bidder experiences exemption. The Department (or State) will give notice to the circumstances beyond their control that prevents return of the vendor of any request for disclosure of such information received contract documents within 29 10 calendar days after the award Page-SP-2 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 1-04 Scope of the Work 1-05 Control of Work date,the Contracting Agency may grant up to a maximum of 20 10 SECTION 1-04.4 IS SUPPLEMENTED WITH THE additional calendar days for return of the documents, provided the FOLLOWING: Contracting Agency deems the circumstances warrant it. 1-04.4 Changes (RC) The Contracting Agency is prohibited by RCW 39.06.010 from executing a contract with a Contractor who is not registered Renton does not have a formal policy or guidelines on cost or licensed as required by the laws of the state. In addition, the reduction alternatives but will evaluate such proposals by the Contracting Agency requires persons doing business with the Contractor on a case-by-case basis. Contracting Agency to possess a valid City of Renton business SECTION 1-04.11 IS SUPPLEMENTED AS FOLLOWS: license prior to award. When the Bid Form provides spaces for a business license 1-04.11 Final Cleanup (RC) number, a Washington State Contractors registration number, or both the Bidder shall insert such information in the spaces 3 All salvage material as noted on the plans and taken from provided The Contracting Agency requires legible copies of the any of the discarded facilities shall at the engineer's discretion, be Contractor's Registration and business license be submitted to the carefully salvaged and delivered to the City shops. Any cost Engineer as part of the Contracting Agency's post-award incurred in salvaging and delivering such items shall be considered information and evaluation activities. incidental to the project and no compensation will be made. The contract price for "Finish and Cleanup, lump sum," shall SECTION 1-03.4 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE be full compensation for all work equipment and materials FOLLOWING TO THE FIRST PARAGRAPH: required to perform final cleanup. If this pay item does not appear 1-03.4 Contract Bond (APWA) in the contract documents then final clean up shall be considered incidental to the contract and to other pay item and no further 5 Be accompanied by a power of attorney for the Surety's compensation shall be made. officer empowered to sign the bond. 7 Be signed by an officer of the Contractor empowered to 1-05 Control of Work sign official statements (sole proprietor or partner). If the Contractor is a corporation the bond must be signed by the SECTION 1-05.3 IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: president or vice-president unless accompanied by written proof of the authority of the individual signing the bond to bind the 1-05.3 Plans and Working Drawings(RC) corporation(i.e., corporate resolution power of attorney or a letter The Contractor shall submit supplemental working drawings to such effect by the president or vice-president). as required for the performance of the work. The drawings shall be on sheets measuring 24-by-36 22 by 34 inches or on sheets with 1-04 Scope of the Work dimensions in multiples of 8-1/2 by I1 inches. SECTION 1-04.1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE SECTION 1-05.4 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: FOLLOWING. 1-04.1 Intent of the Contract(RC) 1-05.4 Conformity with and Deviations from Plans and Stakes (RC) The Contractor is encouraged to provide to the Engineer prior to progress payments an estimate of lump sum work accomplished If the project calls for Contractor supplied surveying, the to date The Engineer's calculations and decisions shall be final in Contractor shall provide all required survey work including such regard to the actual percentage of any lump sum pay item work as mentioned in Sections 1-05.4, 1-05.5,-1-11 and elsewhere accomplished and eligible for payment unless another specific in these specifications as being provided by the Engineer. method of calculating lump sum payments is provided elsewhere in SECTION 1-05.5 THE VACANT SECTION IS REPLACED BY the specifications. THE FOLLOWING: SECTION 1-04.2 IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: 1-05.5 Construction Stakes (RC) 1-04.2 Coordination of Contract Documents, Plans, If the project calls for Contractor supplied surveying, the Special Provisions Specifications, and Addenda Contractor shall provide all required survey work including such (RC) work as mentioned in Sections 1-05.4 1-05.5, 1-11 and elsewhere Any inconsistency in the parts of the contract shall be resolved in these specifications as being provided by the Engineer. All costs for this survey work shall be included in "Contractor Supplied by following this order of precedence (e.g., 1 presiding over 2, 3, Surveying," per lump sum. 4,5,6, and 7; 2 presiding over 3, 4, 5, 6,and 7; and so forth): 1. Addenda 1-05.5(1) General(APWA,RC) 2. Proposal Form The Engineer or Contractor supplied surveyor will provide 3. Special Provisions 4. Contract Plans construction stakes and marks establishing lines slopes, and grades 5. Amendments to the Standard Specifications as stipulated in Sections 1-05.5(1) and 1-05.5(2) and will perform 6. Supplemental Specifications. such work per Section 1-11. The Contractor shall assume full 7. Standard Plans responsibility for detailed dimensions elevations, and excavation 6.8. Standard Specifications slopes measured from the Engineer or Contractor supplied surveyor furnished stakes and marks. Page-SP-3 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 1-05 Control of Work 1-05 Control of Work The Contractor shall provide a work site which has been with major grade changes shall be slope staked to establish grade prepared to permit construction staking to proceed in a safe and before offset hubs are set. orderly manner. The Contractor shall keep the Engineer or Contractor supplied surveyor informed of staking requirements and 1-05.5(3) Bridge and Structure Surveys (APWA) provide at least 48 hours notice to allow the Engineer or Contractor For all structural work such as bridges and retaining walls the supplied surveyor adequate time for setting stakes Contractor shall retain as a part of Contractor organization an Stakes, marks, and other reference points including existing experienced team of surveyors under direct supervision of a monumentation, set by Contracting Agency forces shall be licensed surveyor. The Contractor shall ensure that required field carefully preserved by the Contractor. The Contractor will be measurements and locations match and fulfill the intended plan charged for the costs of replacing stakes markers and dimensions. The Contractor shall provide all surveys required to monumentation that were not to be disturbed but were destroyed or complete the structure except the following primary survey control damaged by the Contractor's operations. This charge will be which will be provided by the Engineer: deducted from monies due or to become due to the Contractor. 1. Centerline or offsets to centerline of the structure Any claim by the Contractor for extra compensation by reason 2. Stations of abutments and pier centerlines of alterations or reconstruction work allegedly due to error in the 3. A sufficient number of bench marks for levels to enable Engineer's line and grade, will not be allowed unless the original the Contractor to set grades at reasonably short distances control points set by the Engineer still exist or unless other 4. Monuments and control points as shown on the satisfactory substantiating evidence to prove the error is furnished Drawings. the Engineer. Three consecutive points set on Iine or grade shall be The Contractor shall establish all secondary survey controls the minimum points used to determine any variation from a straight both horizontal and vertical as necessary to assure proper line or grade. Any such variation shall upon discovery, be placement of all project elements based on the primary control reported to the Engineer. In the absence of such report the points provided by the Engineer. Survey work shall be within the Contractor shall be liable for any error in alignment or grade. following tolerances: The Contractor shall provide all surveys required other than 1. Stationing +.01 foot those to be performed by the Engineer. All survey work shall be 2. Alignment +.01 foot(between successive points) done in accordance with Section IA I SURVEYING STANDARDS 3. Superstructure Elevations+.01 foot(from plan elevations) of these specifications. 4. Substructure Elevations+.05 foot(from plan elevations) The Contractor shall keep updated survey field notes in a During the progress of the Work the Contractor shall make standard field book and in a format set by the Engineer, per Section available to the Engineer all field books including survey 1-11.1(3). These field notes shall include all survey work information, footing elevations cross sections and quantities performed by the Contractor's surveyor in establishing line grade The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the close and slopes for the construction work. Copies of these field notes coordination of field locations and measurements with appropriate shall be provided the Engineer upon request and upon completion dimensions of structural members being fabricated of the contract work the field book or books shall be submitted to the Engineer and become the property of the Contracting Agency. 1-05.5(4) Contractor Supplied Surveying(RC) If the survey work provided by the Contractor does not meet When the contract provides for Contractor Supplied the standards of the Engineer, then the Contractor shall upon the Surveying the Contractor shall supply the survey work required Engineer's written request, remove the individual or individuals for the project. The Contractor shall retain as a part of the doing the survey work and the survey work will be completed by Contractor Organization an experienced team of surveyors under the Engineer at the Contractor's expense. Costs for completing the the direct supervision of a professional land surveyor licensed by survey work required by the Engineer will be deducted from the State of Washington. All survey work shall be done in monies due or to become due the Contractor. accordance with Sections 1-05.4 1-05.5 and 1-11. All costs for survey work required to be performed by the The Contractor and/or Surveyor shall inform the Engineer in Contractor shall be included in the prices bid for the various items Writing of any errors discrepancies and omissions to the plans that which comprise the improvement or be included in the bid item for prevent the Contractor and/or Surveyor from constructing the "Contractor Supplied Surveying" per lump sum if that item is project in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. All errors included in the contracts. discrepancies, and omissions must be corrected to the satisfaction of the Engineer before the survey work may be continued 1-05.5(2) Roadway and Utility Surveys(APWA) The Contractor shall coordinate his work with the Surveyor The Engineer shall furnish to the Contractor one time only, or and perform his operations in a manner to protect all survey stakes Contractor supplied surveyor will provide as needed all principal from harm. The Contractor shall inform the Surveyor of the lines, grades, and measurements the Engineer deems necessary for Contractor's intent to remove any survey stakes and/or points completion of the Work. These shall generally consist of one initial before physically removing them. -t of: The surveyor shall be responsible for maintaining As-Built 1. Slope stakes for establishing grading records for the project. The Contractor shall coordinate his 2. Curb grade stakes, operations and assist the Surveyor in maintaining accurate As-Built 3. Centerline finish grade stakes for pavement sections records for the project. wider than 25 feet, and If the Contractor and Surveyor fail to provide as directed by 4. Offset points to establish line and grade for underground the Engineer andlor these plans and specifications accurate As- utilities such as water, sewers, and storm drains (with offsets 50' Built records and other work the Engineer deems necessary, the max interval). Engineer may elect to provide at Contractor expense a surveyor to On alley construction projects with minor grade changes the provide all As-Built records and other work as directed by the Engineer or Contractor supplied surveyor shall provide offset hubs Engineer. The Engineer shall deduct expenses incurred by the on one side of the alley to establish the alignment and grade Alleys Engineer-supplied surveying from moneys owed to the Contractor. Page-SP-4 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 1-05 Control of Work 1-05 Control of Work Payment per Section 1-04.1 for all work and materials provided by this Section nor shall the exercise of this right diminish required for the full and complete survey work required to the Contracting Agency's right to pursue any other avenue for complete the project and as-built drawings shall be included in the additional remedy or damages with respect to the Contractor's Jump sum price for "Contractor Supplied Surveying." failure to perform the Work as required. 1-05.5(5) Contractor Provided As-Built Information SECTION I-05.10 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE (RC) FOLLOWING: It shall be the contractors responsibility to record the location 1-05.10 Guarantees (APWA,RCZ prior to the backfilling of the trenches by centerline station, offset, and depth below pavement of all existing utilities uncovered or If within one year after the Acceptance Date of the Work by the Contracting Agency, defective and unauthorized Work is crossed during his work as covered under this project. It shall be the contractors responsibility to have his surveyor discovered the Contractor shall promptly, upon written order by locate by centerline station offset and elevation each major item of the Contracting Agency, return and in accordance with the work done under this contract per the survey standard of Section 1- Engineer's instructions either correct such Work, or if such Work 1 L. Major items of work shall include but not be limited to: has been rejected by the Engineer, remove it from the Project Site Manholes Catch basins and Inlets, Valves, vertical and and replace it with non defective and authorized Work, all without Horizontal Bends Junction boxes, Cleanouts, Side Sewers, Street cost to the Contracting Agency. If the Contractor does not Lights & Standards Hydrants Major Changes in Design Grade, promptly comply with the written order to correct defective and Vaults Culverts Signal Poles, Electrical Cabinets. unauthorized Work or if an emergency exists, the Contracting After the completion of the work covered by this contract, the Agency reserves the right to have defective and unauthorized Work contractors surveyor shall provide to the City the hard covered corrected or removed and replaced pursuant to Section 1-05.8 field book(s) containing the as-built notes and one set of white "Owner's Right to Correct Defective and Unauthorized Work." prints of the project drawings upon which he has plotted the notes The Contractor agrees the above one year limitation shall not of the contractor locating existing utilities and one set of white exclude or diminish the Contracting Agency's rights under any law prints of the project drawings upon which he has plotted the as- to obtain damages and recover costs resulting from defective and built location of the new work as he recorded in the field book(s). unauthorized work discovered after one year but prior to the This drawing shall bear the surveyors seal and signature certifying expiration of the legal time period set forth in RCW 4.16.040 it's accuracy. limiting actions upon a contract in writing or liability expressed or All costs for as-built work shall be included in the contract implied arising out of a written agreement. item "Contractor Supplied Surveying." The Contractor shall warrant good title to all materials, supplies and equipment purchased for or incorporated in the THE VACANT SECTION 1-05.8 IS REPLACED BY. Work Nothing contained in this paragraph, however, shall defeat 1-05.8 Contracting Agency's Right to Correct or impair the right of persons furnishing materials or labor, to recover under any bond given by the Contractor for their Defective and Unauthorized Work(APWA) protection or any rights under any law permitting such persons to If the Contractor fails to remedy defective or unauthorized look to funds due the Contractor in the hands of the Contracting work within the time specified in a written notice from the Agency. Engineer, or fails to perform any part of the Work required by the The provisions of this paragraph shall be inserted in all Contract Documents the Engineer may correct and remedy such subcontracts and material contracts and notice of its provisions work as may be identified in the written notice, by such means as shall be given to all persons furnishing materials for the Work the Engineer may deem necessary, including the use of Contracting when formal contract is entered into for such materials.Section tion 1-05.11 is deleted and the first two o sentences es of the Agency forces. If the Contractor fails to comply with a written order to fourth paragraph of section 1-08.9 is deleted and replaced by the remedy what the Engineer determines to be an emergency following: situation the Engineer may have the defective and unauthorized 1-05.11 Final Inspection (APWA) Work corrected immediately, have the rejected Work removed and replaced or have Work the Contractor refuses to perform completed by using Contracting Agency or other forces. An 1-05.11(l) Substantial Completion Date (APWA) emergency situation is any situation which in the opinion of the When the Contractor considers the work to be substantially Engineer, a delay in its remedy could be potentially unsafe, or complete the Contractor shall so notify the Engineer and request might cause serious risk of loss or damage to the public. the Engineer establish the Substantial Completion Date. To be _Direct or indirect costs incurred by the Contracting Agency considered substantially complete the following conditions must be attributable to correcting and remedying defective or unauthorized met: Work or Work the Contractor failed or refused to perform, shall 1 The Contracting Agency must have full and unrestricted be paid by the Contractor. Payment will be deducted by the use and benefit of the facilities both from the operational and Engineer from monies due or to become due the Contractor. Such safety standpoint. direct and indirect costs shall include in particular, but without 2. Only minor incidental work, replacement of temporary limitation compensation for additional professional services substitute facilities or correction or repair work remains to reach required and costs for repair and replacement of work of others physical completion of the work. destroyed or damaged by correction removal, or replacement of The Contractor's request shall list the specific items of work the Contractor's unauthorized work. in subparagraph two above that remains to be completed in order to No adjustment in contract time or compensation will be reach physical completion. The Engineer may also establish the allowed because of the delay in the performance of the Work Substantial Completion Date unilaterally. attributable to the exercise of the Contracting Agency's rights Page-SP-5 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 1-05 Control of Work 1-05 Control of Work If, after this inspection, the Engineer concurs with the Completion Date cannot be established until testing and corrections Contractor that the Work is substantially complete and ready for its have been completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer intended use, the Engineer, by written notice -to the Contractor The costs for power, gas labor, material supplies and will set the Substantial Completion Date. If after this inspection everything else needed to successfully complete operational testing the Engineer does not consider the Work substantially complete and shall be included to the various contract prices related to the system ready for its intended use, the Engineer wilt by written notice so being tested, unless specifically set forth otherwise in the Bid notify the Contractor giving the reasons therefor. Form. Upon receipt of written notice concurring in or denying Operational and test periods when required by the Engineer substantial completion, whichever is applicable the Contractor shall not affect a manufacturer's guaranties or warranties furnished shall pursue vigorously, diligently and without unauthorized under the terms of the Contract. interruption, the Work necessary to reach Substantial and Physical SECTION 1-05.12 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE Completion. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with a FOLLOWING: revised schedule indicating when the Contractor expects to reach substantial and physical completion of the work. 1-05.12 Final Acceptance(APWA) The above process shall be repeated until the Engineer The Contractor must perform all the obligations under the establishes the Substantial Completion Date and the Contractor Contract before the Completion Date can be established A considers the work physically complete and ready for Final Certificate of Completion for the Work issued by the Contracting Inspection. Agency will establish the Completion Date and certify the Work as 1-05.11(2) Finhl Inspection Date (APWA) complete. The Final Contract Price may then be calculated The When the Contractor considers the Work physically complete following must occur before the Completion Date can be and ready for Final Inspection, the Contractor by Written Notice established and the Final Contract Price calculated: shall request the Engineer to schedule a final inspection. The 1. The physical work on the project must be complete Engineer will set a date for Final Inspection. The Engineer and the 2. The Contractor must furnish all documentation required Contractor will then make a Final Inspection and the Engineer will by the Contract and required by law, necessary to allow the notify the Contractor in writing of all particulars in which the Final Contracting Agency to certify the Contract as complete Inspection reveals the Work incomplete or unacceptable. The A Certificate of Completion for the Work signed by the Contractor shall immediately take such corrective measures as are Contracting Agency, will constitute acceptance of the Work The necessary to remedy the listed deficiencies. Corrective work shall issuance of this Certificate of Completion will not constitute be pursued vigorously, diligently, and without interruption until acceptance of unauthorized or defective work or material. physical completion of the listed deficiencies. This process will Failure of the Contactor to perform all of the Contractor's continue until the Engineer is satisfied the listed deficiencies have obligations under the Contract shall not bar the Contracting Agency been corrected. from unilaterally certifying the Contract complete so the Engineer If action to correct the listed deficiencies is not initiated within may calculate a Final Contract Price as provided in Section 1-09.9. 7 days after receipt of the Written Notice listing the deficiencies SECTION I-05.13 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY REVISING the Engineer may, upon Written Notice to the Contractor, take PARAGRAPH 7 TO READ: whatever steps are necessary to correct those deficiencies pursuant to Section 1-05.8. 1-05.13 Superintendents, Labor, and Equipment of Upon correction of all deficiencies the Engineer will notify Contractor(APWA) the Contractor and the Contracting Agency, in writing of the date Whenever the Contracting Agency evaluates the Contractor's upon which the Work was considered physically complete That date shall constitute the Physical completion date of the Contract will take pursuant to Section 1-02.1, CA the Contracting Agency w but shall not imply all the obligations of the Contractor under the ill take these performance Contract have been fulfilled. tltcse—reports into account. SECTION 1-05 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE 1-05.11(3) Operational Testing(APWA) FOLLOWING NEW SECTIONS. It is the intent of the Contracting Agency to have at the Completion Date a complete and operable system. Therefore when 1-05.16 Water and Power (APWA) the Work involves the installation of machinery or other The Contractor shall make necessary arrangements and shall mechanical equipment, street lighting, electrical distribution or bear the costs for power and water necessary for the performance signal systems, buildings: or other similar work it may be desirable of the Work. for the Engineer to have the Contractor operate and test the Work for a period of time after final inspection but prior to the Physical 1-05.17 Oral Agreements (APWA) Completion Date. Whenever items of work are listed in the Contract Provisions for operational testing they shall be fully tested No oral agreement or conversation with any officer, agent or under operating conditions for the time period specified to ensure employee of the Contracting Agency, either before or after their acceptability prior to the Physical Completion Date. During execution of the contract shall affect or modify any of the terms or and following the test period,the Contractor shall correct any items obligations contained in any of the documents comprising the of workmanship materials or equipment which proves faulty, or contract. Such oral agreement or conversation shall be considered that are not in first class operating condition. Equipment electrical as unofficial information and in no way binding upon the controls, meters, or other devices and equipment to be tested Contracting Agency, unless subsequently put in writing during this period, shall be tested under the observation of the Engineer, so that the Engineer may determine their suitability for the purpose for which they were installed. The Physical Page-SP-6 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 1-06 Control of Material 1-07 Legal Relations and Responsibilities to the Public 1-06 Control of Material its payment if the Contractor bases a bid on a misunderstood tax liability. SECTION 1-06.02(2) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE The Contractor shall include all Contractor-paid taxes in the FOLLOWING: unit bid prices or other contract amounts. In some cases, however, state retail sales tax will not be included. Section 1-07.2(3) 1-06.2(2) Statistical Evaluation of Materials for describes this exception. Acceptance The Contracting Agency will pay the retained percentage only UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE IN THE SPECIAL if the Contractor has obtained from the Washington State Department of Revenue a certificate showing that all contract- PROVISIONS STATISTICAL EVALUATION WILL NOT BE related taxes have been paid (RCW 60.28.050). The Contracting USED BY THE CITY OF RENTON. Agency may deduct from its payments to the Contractor any amount the Contractor may owe the Washington State Department 1-07 Legal Relations and Responsibilities to of Revenue, whether the amount owed relates to this contract or the Public not. Any amount so deducted will be paid into the proper State fund. SECTION 1-07.1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE 1-07.2(2) State Sales Tax-Rule 171(APWA) FOLLOWING: _WAC 458-20-171, and its related rules, apply to building, 1-07.1 Laws to be Observed (APWA) repairing or improving streets, roads, etc., which are owned by a municipal corporation or political subdivision of the state, or by The Contractor shall indemnify, defend, and save harmless the the United States and which are used primarily for foot or Contracting Agency (including any agents, officers, and vehicular traffic. This includes storm or combined sewer systems employees) against any claims that may arise because the within and included as a part of the street or road drainage system Contractor(or any employee of the Contractor or subcontractor or and power lines when such are part of the roadway lighting system. materialman)violated a legal requirement. For work performed in such cases, the Contractor shall include In cases of conflict between different safety regulations, the Washington State Retail Sales Taxes in the various unit Bid Item more stringent regulation shall apply. prices or other contract amounts, including those that the The Washington State Department of Labor and Industries Contractor pays on the purchase of the materials, equipment, or shall be the sole and paramount administrative agency responsible supplies used or consumed in doing the work. for the administration of the provisions of the Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act of 1973 (WISHA). 1-07.2(3) State Sales Tax-Rule 170(APWA) The Contractor shall maintain at the Project Site office, or WAC 458-20-170 and its related rules, apply to the other well known place at the Project Site, all articles necessary for constructing and repairing of new or existing buildings, or other providing first aid to the injured. The Contractor shall establish, structures upon real property. This includes, but is not limited to publish and make known to all employees, procedures for ensuring the construction of streets roads, highways, etc., owned by the immediate removal to a hospital, or doctor's care, persons, State of Washington; water mains and their appurtenances; sanitary including employees who may have been injured on the Project sewers and sewage disposal systems unless such sewers and Site Employees should not be permitted to work on the Project disposal systems are within and a part of,a street or road drainage Site before the Contractor has established and made known system; telephone telegraph electrical power distribution lines, or procedures for removal of injured persons to a hospital or a other conduits or lines in or above streets or roads, unless such doctor's care. power lines become a part of a street or road lighting system; and The Contractor shall have sole responsibility for the safety, installing or attaching of any article of tangible personal property in efficiency,and adequacy of the Contractor's plant, appliances,and or to real property, whether or not such personal property becomes methods and for any damage or injury resulting from their failure, a part of the realty by virtue of installation. or improper maintenance use or operation. The Contractor shall For work performed in such cases the Contractor shall collect be solely and completely responsible for the conditions of the from the Contracting Agency, retail sales tax on the full contract Project Site including safety for all persons and property in the price The Contracting Agency will automatically add this sales performance of the work. This requirement shall apply tax to each payment to the Contractor. For this reason, the continuously, and not be limited to normal working hours. The Contractor shall not include the retail sales tax in the unit Bid Item required or implied duty of the Engineer to conduct construction prices or in any other contract amount subject to Rule 170, with review of the Contractor's performance does not, and shall not, be the following exception. intended to include review and adequacy of the Contractor's safety Exception: The Contracting Agency will not add in sales tax measures in on or near the Project Site. for a payment the Contractor or a subcontractor makes on the SECTION I-07.2 IS DELETED AND REPLACED BY THE purchase or rental of tools machinery, equipment, or consumable FOLLOWING: supplies not integrated into the project. Such sales taxes shall be included in the unit Bid Item prices or in any other contract 1-07.2 State Sales Tax(APWA) amount. 1-07.2(4) Services (APWA) 1-07.2(1) GENERAL (APWA) The Contractor shall not collect retail sales tax from the The Washington State Department of Revenue has issued Contracting Agency on any contract wholly for professional or special rules on the state sales tax. Sections 1-07.2(1) through 1- other services (as defined in State Department of Revenue Rules 07.2(4) are meant to clarify those rules. The Contractor should 138 and 224). contact the Washington State Department of Revenue for answers to questions in this area. The Contracting Agency will not adjust Page-SP-7 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 1-07 Legal Relations and Responsibilities to the Public 1-07 Legal Relations and Responsibilities to the Public SECTION I-07.5(2) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY REVISING THE turbidity shall not exceed 5 NTU over background turbidity when TITLE AND SENTENCE 2, PARAGRAPH 2 TO READ: the background turbidity is 50 NTU or less or have more than a 10 - percent increase in turbidity when the background turbidity is more 1-07.5(2) State Department of Fish and Wildlife" percent 50 NTU; for other classes of waters, refer to WAC 173-201- (APWA, SA) 045 If the work in (1) through (3) above differs little from what The term turbidity means the optical property of sample the contract requires, the Contracting Agency will measure and pay demonstrating the scattering and absorption of light caused by for it at unit contract prices. But if contract items do not cover suspended material as expressed in Nephelometric Turbidity Units those areas, the Contracting Agency will pay pursuant to Section 1- and measured with a calibrated turbidimeter. 09.4. ;iGQ g; by tPFG6 3AIQFk in (4) Discharges to a State waterway caused by aggregate washing drainage from aggregate pit sites, and stockpiles or dewatering of pits and excavations shall not increase the existing turbidity of the receiving waters. SECTION 1-07) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE Turbid water from the Project Site shall be treated before FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: being discharged into stream or other State waters. Turbidity may 1-07.11(11) City of Renton Affidavit of Compliance be removed by the use of lagoons or holding ponds settling basins RC) overflow weir, polymer water treatment, discharging to ground surface, by percolation, evaporation or by passing through gravel Each Contractor, Subcontractor, Consultant, and or Supplier sand or fiber filters. shall complete and submit a copy of the "City of Renton Fair 2. Erosion Control: Temporary erosion control shall be Practices Policy Affidavit of Compliance". A copy of this exercised by minimizing exposed areas and slopes until permanent document will be bound in the bid documents. measures are effective. The minimum exposed area and slopes will be defined in the Special Provisions. Plastic sheet covering shall be placed over exposed ground areas to protect from rain erosion. SECTION 1-07.13(1)IS SUPPLEMENTED AS FOLLOWS. Other alternative methods for erosion control under certain 1-07.13(1) General (RC) situations may include netting,mulching with binder, and seeding. Should rutting and erosion occur the Contractor shall be During unfavorable weather and other conditions, the responsible for restoring damaged areas and for clean-up of eroded contractor shall pursue only such portions of the work as shall not material including that in ditches, catch basins, manholes, and be damaged thereby. culverts and other pipes. No portion of the work whose satisfactory quality or 3. Chlorine Residual: Water containing chlorine residual efficiency will be affected by unfavorable conditions shall be shall not be discharged directly into storm drains, streams, or State constructed while these conditions exist, unless by special means or waters. Chlorine water may be discharged into sanitary sewers or precautions acceptable to the engineer, the contractor shall be able disposed on land for perculation. Chlorine residual may be reduced to overcome them. chemically with a reducing agent such as sodium thiosulphate. Water shall be periodically tested for chlorine residual. ' SECTION 1-07.14 (APWA) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY 4. Vehicle and Equipment Washing: Water used for REVISING ALL REFERENCES TO "STATE, COMMISSION, washing vehicles and equipment shall not be allowed to enter storm SECRETARY" OR "STATE" TO READ "CONTRACTING drains, streams or other State waters unless separation of petroleum AGENCY." products, fresh concrete products or other deleterious material is accomplished prior to discharge. Detergent solution may be ' SECTION 1-07.15 IS REVISED AND SUPPLEMENTED AS discharged into sanitary sewers or allowed to be held on the ground FOLLOWS: for percolation. A recirculation system for detergent washing is recommended. Steam cleaning units shall provide a device for oil 1-07.15 Temporary Water Pollution Erosion Control separation. (APWA , RC) 5. Oil and Chemical Storage and Handling: Handling and storage of oil and chemicals shall not take place adjacent to If done according to the approved plan or the Engineer's waterways. The storage shall be made in dike tanks and barrels orders, temporary water pollution erosion control work will be with drip pans provided under the dispensing area. Shut-off and ' measured and paid for pursuant to Section -1•-x,41-04.1 through lock valves shall be provided on tanks. Shut-off nozzles shall be the lump sum item for "Temporary Water Pollution/Erosion provided on hoses. Oil and chemicals shall be dispensed only �€ Cc Tom"no pay item appears in the contract for "Temporary Water during daylight hours unless the dispensing area is properly lighted. ' Disposal of waste shall not be allowed on oil and chemical spills. Poltution/Erosion Control" then all labor, materials, tools and all be provided around oil storage. Locks shall be Fencing shall equipment used to complete the work shall be considered incidental provided sh valves, pumps,and tanks. to other pay items in the Contract and no further compensation shall be made. 6. Sewage:If a sanitary sewer line is encountered and repair ' or relocation work is required, the Contractor shall provide In addition to other requirements in the Contract Documents blocking and sealing of the sanitary sewer line. Sanitary sewer flow this temporary work shall include, but is not limited to the shall be pumped out, collected, and hauled by tank truck or following water quality considerations: pumped directly to a sanitary system manhole for discharge. The 1. Turbid Water Treatment Before Discharge: existing sewers shall be maintained by the Contractor without Determination of turbidity in surface waters shall be at the discretion of the Engineer; for Lake Class Receiving Waters interruption of service by the use of temporary sewer bypasses. In addition, the excavated materials adjacent to and around a rupture ' turbidity shall not exceed 5 NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Units) of a sanitary sewer line shall be removed from the Project Site and over background conditions; for Class AA and Class A Waters, Page-SP-8 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 1-07 Legal Relations and Responsibilities to the Public 1-07 Legal Relations and Responsibilities to the Public deposited into refuse trucks for haul to a sanitary fill site other temporary obstacles shall be removed by the contractor and Equipment and tools in contact with the above materials shall be immediately replace,after the trench is backfilled, in their original washed by pressure water lines and the attendant wash water position. The contractor shall notify the Contracting Agency and discharged into a sanitary sewer line for transmission to a sewage property Owner at least 24 hours in advance of any work done on treatment plant. easements or rights-of-way. Damage to existing structures outside of easement areas 1-07.16 Protection and Restoration of Property that may result from dewatering and/or other construction activi SECTION 1-07.16(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE under this contract shall be restored to their original condition or FOLLOWING: better. The original condition shall be established by photographs taken and/or inspection made prior to construction. All such work 1-07.16(1) Private/Public Property (RC) shall be done to the satisfaction of the property Owners and the The Contracting Agency will obtain all easements and Contracting Agency at the expense of the contractor. franchises required for the project. The contractor shall limit his D. Streets. The contractor will assume all responsibility of operation to the areas obtained and shall not trespass on private restoration of the surface of all streets (traveled ways) used by him property. if damaged. The Contracting Agency may provide certain lands as In the event the contractor does not have labor or material indicated in connection with the work under the contract together immediately available to make necessary repairs the contractor with the right of access to such lands. The contractor shall not shall so inform the Contracting Agency. The Contracting Agency, unreasonably encumber the premises with his equipment or will make the necessary repairs and the cost of such repairs shall be materials. paid by the contractor. The contractor shall provide, with no liability to the The contractor is responsible for identifying and Contracting Agency, any additional land and access thereto not documenting any damage that is pre-existing or caused by shown or described that may be required for temporary others.Restoration of excavation in City streets shall be done in construction facilities or storage of materials. He shall construct accordance with the City of Renton Trench Restoration all access roads, detour roads, or other temporary work as required Requirements, which is available at the Public Works Department by his operations. The contractor shall confine his equipment Customer Services counter on the 4th floor, Renton Municipal t storage of material, and operation of his workers to those areas Building,200 Mill Avenue South. shown and described and such additional areas as he may provide. A. General. All construction work under this contract on SECTION 1-07.17 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING: easements,right-of-way, over private property or franchise,shall be 1-07.17 Utilities and Similar Facilities (APWA, RC) confined to the limits of such easements, right-of-way or franchise. All work shall be accomplished so as to cause the least amount of In addition to the other requirements pursuant to RCW disturbance and a minimum amount of damage. The contractor 19.122, an act relating to underground utilities and prescribing shall schedule his work so that trenches across easements shall not penalties,the Contractor shall: be left open during weekends or holidays and trenches shall not be 1. call the utilities underground location center for field open for more than 48 hours. location of the utilities; B. Structures. The contractor shall remove such existing Call Before You Di structures as may be necessary for the performance of the work and if required, shall rebuild the structures thus removed in as good a The 48 Hour Locators condition as found. He shall also repair all existing structures which may be damaged as a result of the work under this contract_ 1-800-424-5555 C. Easements. Cultivated areas and other surface improvements. All cultivated areas,either agricultural or lawns,and and other surface improvements which are damaged by actions of the 2. not begin excavation until all known undergrounc contractor shall be restored as nearly as possible to their original facilities in the vicinity of the proposed excavation have been condition. located and marked. Prior to excavation on an easement or private right-of- Location and dimensions shown on the Plans for existing way, the contractor shall strip top soil from the trench or facilities are in accordance with available information without construction area and stockpile it in such a manner that it may be uncovering, measuring, or other verification. If a utility is known replaced by him, upon completion of construction. Ornamental or suspected of having underground facilities within the area of the trees and shrubbery shall be carefully removed with the earth proposed excavation, and that utility is not a subscriber to the surrounding their roots wrapped in burlap and replanted in their utilities underground location center then the Contractor shall give original positions within 48 hours. individual notice to that utility. All shrubbery or trees destroyed or damaged, shall be If, in the prosecution of the work, it becomes necessary to replaced by the contractor with material of equal quality at no interrupt existing surface drainage, sewers, underdrains, conduit, additional cost to the Contracting Agency. In the event that it is utilities, similar underground structures, or parts thereof, the necessary to trench through any lawn area, the sod shall be contractor shall be responsible for, and shall take all necessary carefully cut and rolled and replaced after the trenches have been precautions to protect and provide temporary services for same. backfilled. The lawn area shall be cleaned by sweeping or other The contractor shall, at his own expense, repair all damage tv means,of all earth and debris. such facilities or structures due to this construction operation to the The contractor shall use rubber wheel equipment similar satisfaction of the City; except for City owned facilities which will to the small tractor-type backhoes used by side sewer contractors for be repaired by the utility department at contractor's expense,or by all work, including excavation and backfrll, on easements or rights- the contractor as directed by the City. of- way which have lawn areas. All fences, markers,mail boxes or Page-SP-9 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 1-07 Legal Relations and Responsibilities to the Public 1-07 Legal Relations and Responsibilities to the Public SECTION 1-07.18 IS DELETED AND REPLACED BY THE and shall be cause for immediate termination of the contract at the FOLLOWING. option of the City. The Contractor shall obtain and maintain the minimum 1-07.18 Public Liability and Property Damage insurance coverage set forth below. By requiring such minimum Insurance (RC) insurance, the City of Renton shall not be deemed or construed to State Amendment to 1-07.18 is not used. Renton uses the have assessed the risks that may be applicable to the Contractor. following: The Contractor shall assess its own risks and if it deems appropriate and/or prudent, maintain higher limits and/or broader SECTION 1-07.18(1)IS REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: coverage. Coverage shall include: 1-07.18(1) General (RC) (1) Commercial General Liability - ISO 1993 Form or The contractor shall obtain and maintain in full force and equivalent. Coverage will be witten on an occurrence basis effect from the Contract Execution Date to the Completion Date, and include: public liability and property damage insurance with an insurance • Premises and Operations (including CG2503• General company(ies) or through sources approved by the State Insurance Aggregate to apply per project, if applicable). Commissioner pursuant to RCW 48. • Explosion, Collapse and Underground Hazards The Contractor shall not begin work under the Contract until • Products/Completed Operations the required insurance has been obtained and approved by the _• Contractual Liability (including Amendatory Contracting Agency. Insurance shall provide coverage to the Endorsement CG 0043 or equivalent which includes Contractor, all subcontractors, Contracting Agency and the defense coverage assumed under contract) Contracting Agency's consultant. The coverage shall protect • Broad Form Property Damage against claims for bodily injuries, personal injuries, including • Independent Contractors accidental death, as well as claims for property damages which • Personal/Advertising Injury may arise from any act or omission of the Contractor or the • Stop Gap Liability subcontractor, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by (2) Automobile Liability including all either of them. • Owned Vehicles If warranted work is required the Contractor shall provide the • Non-Owned Vehicles City proof that insurance coverage and limits established under the • Hired Vehicles term of the Contract for work are in full force and effect during the (3) Workers' Compensation period of warranty work. * Statutory Benefits (Coverage A) - Show Washington The Contracting Agency may request a copy of the actual Labor&Industries Number declaration pages(s) for each insurance policy effecting coverage(s) (4) Umbrella Liability(when necessary) required on the contract prior to the date work commences.Failure • Excess of Commercial General Liability and of the Contractor to fully comply during the term of the Contract Automobile Liability. Coverage should be as broad as with the requirements described herin will be considered a material primary. breach of contract and shall be caused for immediate termination of (5) Professional Liability - (whenever the work under this the Contract at the option of the Contracting Agency. Contract includes Professional Liability, (i.e.architectural, SECTION 1-07.18(2)IS REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: engineering, advertising, or computer programming) the CONTRACTOR shall maintain professional liability 1-07.18(2) Coverages (RC) covering wrongful acts, errors and/or omissions of the As part of the response to this proposal, the Contractor shall CONTRACTOR for damage sustained by reason of or in submit a completed City of Renton Insurance Information form the course of operations under this Contract. which details specific coverage and limits for this contract. (6) The Contracting Agency reserves the right to request and/or All coverage provided by the Contractor shall be in a form require additional coverages as may be appropriate based on and underwritten by a company acceptable to the Contracting work performed(i.e.pollution liability). Agency. The City requires that all insurers: 1) Be licensed to do business within the State of Washington. CONTRACTOR shall Name CITY OF RENTON, and its 2) Coverage to be on an "occurrence" basis (Professional officers officials agents employees and volunteers as Additional. Liability and Pollution coverage are acceptable when Insured (ISO Form CG 2010 or equivalent). The CONTRACTOR written on a claims-made basis). The City may also require shall provide CITY OF RENTON Certificates of InsuranceT prior proof of professional liability coverage be provided for up to commencement of work. The City reserves the right to request to two(2)years after the completion of the project. copies of insurance policies if at their sole discretion it is deemed 3) The City may request a copy of the actual declaration appropriate. Further all policies of insurance described above page(s) for each insurance policy affecting coverage(s) shall: required by the Contract prior to the date work commences. 1) Be on a primary basis not contributory with any other 4) Possess a minimum A.M. Best rating of AVII (A rating of insurance coverage and/or self-insurance carried by CITY A XII or better is preferred_) If any insurance carrier OF RENTON. possesses a rating of less than AVII, the City may make an 2) Include a Waiver of Subrogation Clause. exception. 3) Severability of Interest Clause (Cross Liability) The City reserves the right to approve the security of the insurance coverage provided by the insurance company(ies), terms, 4) Policy may not be non-renewed, canceled or materially conditions, and the Certificate of Insurance. Failure of the changed or altered unless forty-five (45) days prior written RENTON.Contractor to fully comply during the term of the contract with notice is provided to CITY OF RENTON. Notification these requirements will be considered a material breach of contract shall be provided to CITY OF RENTON by certified mail_ Page-SP-10 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 1-07 Legal Relations and Responsibilities to the Public 1-07 Legal Relations and Responsibilities to the Public REPLACE SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATION SECTION 1- no obligation or liability of any kind upon the 07.18(3) 'LIMITS'WITH THE FOLLOWING: company, its agents or representatives" 1-07.18(3) Limits (RC) c. Amend the cancellation clause to state: "Policy ay TS REQUIRED m not be non-renewed canceled or materially changed or Providing coverage in these stated amounts shall not be altered unless 45 days prior written notice is provided construed to relieve the contractor from liability in excess of to such limits. The CONTRACTOR shall carry the following b y certified marl. the City". Notification shall be provided to the City limits of liability as required below: b For Professional Liability coverage only, instead of the Commercial General Liability cancellation language specified above, the City will accept a General Aggregate* $2,000,000** _written agreement that the consultant's broker will provide the Products/Completed Operations $2,000,000** required notification. Aggregate Each Occurrence Limit $1,000,000 SECTION I-07.20 IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: PersonaUAdvenising Injury $1,000,000 Fire Damage(Any One Fire) $50,000 1-07.20 Patented Devices, Materials, and Processes Medical Payments(Any One Person) $5,000 (APWA) Stop Gap Liability $1,000,�p * General Aggregate to apply per project The Contractor shall assume all costs arising from the use of (ISO Form CG2503 or equivalent) patented devices,materials, or processes used on or incorporated in **Amount may vary based on project risk the work, and agrees to indemnify, defend, and save harmless Automobile Liability The Contracting Agency, and their Bodily Injury/Property Damage $1,000.000 duly authorized agents and employees from all actions of any (Each Accident) nature for, or on account of the use of any patented devices, Workers'Compensation materials, or processes. Statutory Benefits-Coverage A Variable (Show Washington Labor and Industries Number) SECTION I-07.22 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY THE FOLLOWING: Umbrella Liability Each Occurrence Limit $1,000 Opp 1-07.22 Use of Explosives (APWA) General Aggregate Limit $1,000,000 Explosives shall not be used without specific authority of the Products/Completed Operations $1,000.000 Aggregate Engineer, and then only under such restrictions as may be required Professional Liability(If required) by the proper authorities. Explosives shall be handled and used in Each Occurrence/Incident/Claim $1.000 ppp strict compliance with WAC 296-52 and such local laws rules and Aggregate $2,000,ppp regulations that may apply. The individual in charge of the blasting shall have a current Washington State Blaster Users License The City may require the CONTRACTOR to keep The Contractor shall obtain comply with and pay for such professional liability coverage in effect for up to two(2)years after Permits and costs as are necessary in conjunction with blasting completion of the project. operations. The Contractor shall promptly advise the CITY OF RENTON When the use of explosives is necessary for the prosecution of in writing in the event any general aggregate or other aggregate the Fork, the Contractor's insurance shall contain a special clause limits are reduced. At their own expense the CONTRACTOR permitting the blasting. will reinstate the aggregate to comply with the minimum limits and 1-07.23 Public Convenience and Safety requirements as stated in Section 1-07.18(3) and shall furnish the CITY OF RENTON a new Certificate of Insurance showing such SECTION I-07.23(l) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE coverage is in force. FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH SECTION I-07.18(4) IS REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING 1-07.23(1) Construction Under Traffic (RC) SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATION 'EVIDENCE OF The contractor shall be responsible for controlling dust and INSURANCE': mud within the proiect limits and on any street which is Within 20 days of award of the contract the CONTRACTOR utilized by his equipment for the duration of the project shall provide evidence of insurance by submitting to the The contractor shall be prepared to use watering trucks CONTRACTING AGENCY the following: power sweepers and other pieces of equipment as deemed 1) City of Renton Insurance Information Form (attached necessary by the engineer, to avoid creating a nuisance herein) without modification. Dust and mud control shall be considered as incidental to 2) Certificate of Insurance (Accord Form 25s or equivalent) the project, and no compensation will be made for this conforming to items as specified in Sections 1-07.18(l), 1- section. 07.18(2), and 1-07.18(3). as revised above Other requirements are as follows: Complaints of dust mud or unsafe practices and/or property damage to private Ownership will be transmitted a. Strike the following or similar wording: "This to the contractor and prompt action in correcting them will Certificate is issued as a matter of information only be required by the contractor. and confers no rights upon the Certificate Holder"; b. Strike the wording regarding cancellation notification to the City: "Failure to mail such notice shall impose Page-SP-11 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 1-08 Prosecution and Progress 1-08 Prosecution and Progress SECTION 1-07.24 IS DELETED AND REPLACED BY THE SECTION 1-07.26 (APWA) IS REVISED BY CHANGING ALL FOLLOWING: REFERENCES TO "COMMISSION, THE SECRETARY" OR "STATE"TO READ "CONTRACTING AGENCY." 1-07.24 Rights of Way (APWA) SECTION 1-07.27 (APWA) IS REVISED BY CHANGING Street right of way lines limits of easements, and limits of ALL REFERENCES TO "STATE" OR "SECRETARY" TO construction permits are indicated on the Drawings. The READ "CONTRACTING AGENCY." Contractor's construction activities shall be confined within these limits unless arrangements for use of private property are made. 1-08 Prosecution and Progress Generally, the Contracting Agency will have obtained, prior to Bid opening all rights of way and easements both permanent and temporary, necessary for carrying out the completion of the SECTION 1-08.1 IS DELETED AND REPLACED BY THE Work Exceptions to this are noted in the Contract Documents or FOLLOWING. brought to the Contractor's attention by a duly issued Addendum. 1-08.1 Preliminary Matters (APWA) Whenever any of the Work is accomplished on or through property other than public right of way, the Contractor shall meet and fulfill all covenants and stipulations of any easement agreement 1-08.1(1) Preconstruction Conference(APWA) obtained by the Contracting Agency from the owner of the private The Engineer will furnish the Contractor with up to 10 copies property. Copies of the easement agreements are included in the of the Contract Documents. Additional documents may be Contract Provisions or made available to the Contractor as soon as furnished upon request at the cost of reproduction. Prior to practical after they have been obtained by the Engineer. undertaking each part of the Work the Contractor shall carefully Whenever easements or rights of entry have not been acquired study and compare the Contract Documents and check and verify prior to advertising these areas are so noted on the Drawings. The pertinent figures shown therein and all applicable field Contractor shall not proceed with any portion of the Work in areas measurements. The Contractor shall promptly report in writing to where right of way, easements or rights of entry have not been the Engineer any conflict error or discrepancy which the acquired until the Engineer certifies to the Contractor that the right Contractor may discover. of way or easement is available or that the right of entry has been After the Contract has been executed, but prior to the received If the Contractor is delayed due to acts of omission on the Contractor beginning the Work a preconstruction conference will part of the Contracting Agency in obtaining easements, rights of be held between the Contractor, the Engineer and such other entry or right of way, the Contractor will be entitled to an interested parties as may be invited. The purpose of the extension of time The Contractor agrees that such delay shall not preconstruction conference will be: be a breach of contract. 1. To review the initial progress schedule; Each property owner shall be given 48 hours notice prior to 2 To establish a working understanding among the various entry by the Contractor. This includes entry onto easements and parties associated or affected by the Work; private property where private improvements must be adjusted.. 3 To establish and review procedures for progress payment, The Contractor shall be responsible for providing, without notifications approvals, submittals, etc.; expense or liability to the Contracting Agency, any additional land 4. To establish normal working hours for the Work; and access thereto that the Contractor may desire for temporary S To review safety standards and traffic control; and construction facilities storage of materials, or other Contractor 6 To discuss such other related items as may be pertinent to needs However, before using any private property, whether the Work. adjoining the Work or not the Contractor shall file with the The Contractor shall prepare and submit at the preconstruction Engineer a written permission of the private property owner, and, meeting the following: upon vacating the premises a written release from the property 1. A breakdown of all lump sum items; owner of each property disturbed or otherwise interfered with by 2 A preliminary schedule of working drawing submittals;and reasons of construction pursued under this contract. The statement 3 A list of material sources for approval if applicable. shall be signed by the private property owner, or proper authority 4. A Project Schedule. acting for the owner of the private property affected, stating that permission has been granted to use the property and all necessary 1-08.1(2) Subcontracting (APWA) ' permits have been obtained or, in the case of a release, that the Work done by the Contractor's own organization shall account restoration of the property has been satisfactorily accomplished. for at least 30 percent of the Awarded Contract Price. Before The statement shall include the parcel number, address,and date of computing this percentage however, The Contractor may subtract signature Written releases must be filed with the Engineer before (from the Awarded Contract Price) the costs of any subcontracted the Completion Date will be established. work on items the contract provisions specifically designates may be first excluded from the Awarded Contract Price. The Contractor shall not subcontract work regardless of tier unless the Engineer approves in writing. Each request to subcontract shall be on the form the Engineer provides. If the Engineer requests the Contractor shall provide proof that the subcontractor has the experience ability, and equipment the work requires Each subcontract shall contain a provision which requires the subcontractor to comply with Section 1-07.9 and to furnish all certificates submittals and statements required by the Contract Documents. Along with the request to sublet the Contractor shall submit the names of any contracting firms the subcontractor proposes to Page-SP-12 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 1-08 Prosecution and Progress 1-08 Prosecution and Progress use as lower tier subcontractors. Collectively, these lower tier Permission to work between the hours of 10:00 12.m. and 7:00 subcontractors shall not do work that exceeds 25 percent of the a.m. during weekdays and between the hours of 10.00 P.m. and total amount subcontracted to a subcontractor. When a 9.00 a.m. on weekends or holidays may also be subject to noise subcontractor is responsible for construction of a specific structure control_ requirements. Approval to continue work during these or structures, the following work may be performed by lower tier hours may be revoked at any time the Contractor exceeds the subcontractors without being subject to the 25 percent limitation: Contracting Agency's noise control regulations or complaints are 1. Furnishing and driving of piling or received from the public or adjoining property owners regarding 2. Furnishing and installing concrete reinforcing and post the noise from the Contractor's operations The Contractor shall tensioning steel. Except for the 25 percent limit lower tier have no claim for damages or delays should such permission be subcontractors shall meet the same requirements as revoked for these reasons. subcontractors. Permission to work Saturdays Sundays holidays or other The Engineer will approve the request only if satisfied with than the agreed upon normal straight time working hours Monday the proposed subcontractor's prior record equipment experience through Friday may be given subject to certain other conditions set and ability to perform the work.Approval to subcontract shall not: forth by the Contracting Agency or Engineer. These conditions 1._ Relieve the Contractor of any responsibility to carry out the may include but are not limited to: requiring the Engineer or such contract, assistants as the Engineer may deem necessary to be present during 2. Relieve the Contractor of any obligations or liability under the Work; requiring the Contractor to reimburse the Contracting the contract and the Contractor's bond Agency for the cost of engineering salaries paid Contracting 3. Create any contract between the Contracting Agency and Agency employees who worked during such times; considering the the subcontractor, or Work performed on Saturdays and holidays as working days with 4. Convey to the subcontractor any rights against the regards to the Contract Time• and considering multiple work shifts Contracting Agency. as multiple working days with respect to Contract Time even The Contracting Agency will not consider as subcontracting: though the multiple shifts occur in a single 24-hour period (1) purchase of sand gravel crushed stone crushed slag batched Assistants may include but are not limited to survey crews concrete aggregates ready mix concrete off-site fabricated personnel from the Contracting Agency's material testing lab; structural steel, other off-site fabricated items and any other inspectors; and other Contracting Agency employees when in the materials supplied by established and recognized commercial opinion of the Engineer,such work necessitates their presence plants;or(2)delivery of these materials to the work site in vehicles owned or operated by such plants or by recognized independent or 1-08_1(4) Reimbursement for Overtime Work of commercial hauling companies. Contracting Agency Employees (APWA) However, the State L&I may determine that RCW 39.12 Where the Contractor elects to work on a Saturday Sunday, applies to the employees of such firms identified in (1) and (2) or other holiday, or longer than an 8-hour work shift on a regular above in accordance with WAC 296-127. If this should occur, the working day, as defined in the Standard Specifications such work provisions of Section 1-07.9 as modified or supplemented shall shall be considered as overtime work. On all such overtime work apply. an inspector will be present and a survey crew may be required at The Contractor shall certify to the actual amounts paid to any the discretion of the Engineer. The Contractor shall reimburse the Disadvantaged, Minority, or Women's Business Enterprises firms Contracting Agency for the full amount of the straight time plus that we_re subcontractors manufacturers regular dealers or overtime costs for employees of the Contracting Agency required service providers on the contract. This certification shall be to work overtime hours. supplied with the Final Application for Payment on the form The Contractor by these Specifications does hereby authorize provided by the Engineer. the Engineer to deduct such costs from the amount due or to If dissatisfied with any part of the subcontracted work the become due the Contractor. Engineer may request in writing that the subcontractor be removed The Contractor shall comply with this request at once and shall not SECTION 1-08.4 IS DELETED AND REPLACED BY THE employ the subcontractor for any further work under the contract FOLLOWING: 1-08_1(3) Hours of Work(APWA) 1-08.4 Notice to Proceed and Prosecution of the Work Except in the case of emergency or unless otherwise approved (APWA) by the Contracting Agency, the normal straight time working hours Notice to Proceed will be given after the contract has been for the contract shall be any consecutive 8-hour period between executed and the contract bond and evidence of insurances have 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. of a working day with a maximum 1-hour been approved and filed by the Owner. The Contractor shall not lunch break and a 5-day work week. The normal straight time 8- commence the Work until the Notice to Proceed has been given by hour working period for the contract shall be established at the the Engineer. The Contractor shall commence construction preconstruction conference or prior to the Contractor commencing activities on the Project Site within ten days of the Notice to the Work. Proceed Date. The Work thereafter shall be prosecuted diligently, If a Contractor desires to perform work on holidays vigorously, and without unauthorized interruption until physical Saturdays, Sundays or before 7:00 a.m or after 6.00 p.m. on any completion of the work. There shall be no voluntary shutdowns or day, the Contractor shall apply in writing to the Engineer for slowing of operations by the Contractor without prior approval of permission to work such times. Permission to work longer than an the Engineer. Such approval shall not relieve the Contractor from 8-hour period between 7:00 a.m. and 6.00 p m is not required the Contractual obligation to complete the work within the Such requests shall be submitted to the Engineer no later than noon prescribed Contract Time. on the working day prior to the day for which the Contractor is requesting permission to work. Page-SP-l3 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 1-09 Measurement and Payment 1-09 Measurement and Payment SECTION 1-08.5 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE SECTION 1-08.9 IS REVISED PER SECTION 1-05.11. FOLLOWING: 1-08.10 Termination of Contract (APWA) 1-08.5 Time For Completion (Contract Time) (APWA, RC) SECTION I-08I0(1)IS SUPPLEMENTED BY REVISING ALL REFERENCES TO "STATE TREASURER, DEPARTMENT OF The Work shall be physically completed in its entirety within TRANSPORTATION" IN THE LAST SENTENCE, the time specified in the Contract Documents or as extended by the PARAGRAPH S TO READ "CONTRACTING AGENCY." Engineer. The Contract Time will be stated in "working days", shall begin on the Notice To Proceed Date, and shall end on the SECTION I-08.11 IS ANEW SECTION: Contract Completion Date. 1-08.11 Contractor's Plant and Equipment (RC) A nonworking day is defined as a Saturday, a Sunday, a day on which the contract specifically suspends work, or one of these The contractor alone shall at all times be responsible for the holidays: January 1, the th d Monday-`' f T""'""' ♦hc zhiid adequacy, efficiency and sufficiency of his and his subcontractor's Mgpday of raabFw^n. Memorial Day, July 4, Labor Day, plant and equipment The Owner shall have the right to make use November 11, Thanksgiving Day, the day after Thanksgiving, and of the contractor's plant and equipment in the performance of any Christmas Day. When The day before Christmas shall be a work on the site of the work. holiday when Christmas Day occurs on a Tuesday or Friday. The The use by the Owner of such plant and equipment shall be day after Christmas shall be a holiday when Christmas Day occurs considered as extra work and paid for accordingly. on a Monday Wednesday, or Thursday. When Christmas Day Neither the Owner nor the engineer assume any responsibility, occurs on a Saturday, the two preceding working days shall be at any time for the security of the site from the time contractor's observed as holidays When Christmas day occurs on a Sunday, operations have commenced until final acceptance of the work by the two working days following shall be observed as holidays. the engineer and the Owner. The contractor shall employ such When holidays other than Christmas fall on a Saturday, the measures as additional fencing barricades and watchmen service, preceding Friday will be counted as a non-working day and when as he deems necessary for the public safety and for the protection they fall on a Sunday the following Monday will be counted as a of the site and his plant and equipment. The Owner will be non-working day. The Contract Time has been established to allow provided keys for all fenced, secured areas. for periods of normal inclement weather which from historical records is to be expected during the Contract Time, and during 1-08.12 Attention to Work (RC) which periods work is anticipated to be performed. Each The contractor shall give his personal attention to and shall successive working day, beginning with the Notice to Proceed Date supervise the work to the end that it shall be prosecuted faithfully, and ending with the Physical Completion Date shall be charged to and when he is not personally present on the work site, he shall at the Contract Time as it occurs except a day or part of a day which all times be represented by a competent superintendent who shall is designated a nonworking day or an Engineer determined have full authority to execute the same and to supply materials, unworkable day. tools and labor without delay, and who shall be the legal The Engineer will furnish the Contractor a weekly report representative of the contractor. The contractor shall be liable for showing (1) the number of working days charged against the the faithful observance of any instructions delivered to him or to Contract Time for the preceding week; (2) the Contract Time in his authorized representative. working days; (3) the number of working days remaining in the Contract Time-, (4) the number of nonworking days; and (5) any 1-09 Measurement and Payment partial or whole days the Engineer declared unworkable the previous week. This week] report will be correlated with the Contractor's current approved progress schedule. If the Contractor SECTION I-09.I IS SUPPLEMENTED B YADDING THE elects to work 10 hours a day and 4 days a week(a 4-10 schedule) FOLLOWING: and the fifth day of the week in which a 4-10 shift is worked would 1-09.1 Measurement of Quantities (RC) ordinarily be charged as a working day then the fifth day of that week will be charged as a working day whether or not the When items are specified to be paid for by ton it will be the Contractor works on that day. Contractor's responsibility to see that a certified weight ticket is The Contractor will be allowed 10 calendar days from the date given to the Inspector on the project at the time of delivery of of each report in which to file a written protest of an alleged materials for each truckload delivered. Pay quantities will be discrepancy in the Contract Time as reported. Otherwise, the prepared on the basis of said tally tickets delivered to the Inspector report will be deemed to have been accepted by the Contractor as at the time of delivery of materials. Tickets not receipt by the correct. Inspector will not be honored for payment. The requirements for scheduling the Final Inspection and Where items are specified to be paid by the ton the following establishing the Substantial Completion Physical Completion, and system will be used: Completion Dates are specified in Sections 1-05.11 and 1-0.5_.12. Each truck shall be clearly numbered to the satisfaction of the Engineer and there shall be no duplication of numbers. Duplicate tickets shall be prepared to accompany each truckload of material delivered to the project. The tickets shall bear at least the following information: 1. Truck Number. 2 Truck tare weight(stamped at source). 3 Gross truck load weight in tons(stamped at source). 4 Net load weight(stamped at source). 5. Driver's name and date. Page-SP-I4 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 1-09 Measurement and Payment 1-09 Measurement and Payment 6. Location for delivery. LABORATORY" TO READ "CONTRACTING 'S 7. Pay item number. MATERIAL LABORA AGENCY TORY." 8_ Contract number and/or name The Contractor shall submit a breakdown of costs for each SECTION 1-09.9 IS DELETED AND REPLACED BY THE lump sum Bid Item. The breakdown shall list the items included in FOLLOWING: the lump sum together with a unit price of labor, materials and equipment for each item. The summation of the detailed unit 1-09.9 Payments (APWA) prices for each item shall add up to the lump sum Bid The unit price values maybe used as a guideline for determining progress 1-09.9(1) Progress Payments (APWA) payments or deductions or additions in payment for ordered work Progress payments for completed work and material on hand changes. The detailed cost breakdown of each lump sum item shall will be based upon progress estimates prepared by the Engineer. A be submitted to the Engineer prior to the Preconstruction progress estimate cutoff date will be established at the Conference. preconstruction meeting. SECTION 1-09.2 (APWA)IS SUPPLEMENTED BY REVISING Within 3 days after the progress estimate cutoff date (but not ALL REFERENCES TO "MATERIAL RECEIVER" TO READ more often than once a month) the Contractor shall submit to the "ENGINEER." Engineer for review an Application for Payment filled out and signed by the Contractor, covering the work completed prior to the SECTION 1-09.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE progress estimate cutoff date The Application for Payment shall be FOLLOWING: accompanied by documentation supporting the Contractor's Application for Payment. 1-09.3 Scope of Payment (APWA, RC) If payment is requested for materials and equipment not Unless modified otherwise in the Contract Provisions, the Bid incorporated in the work but delivered and stored at approved site Items listed or referenced in the "Payment" clause of each Section pursuant to the Contract Documents the Application for Payment of the Standard Specifications will be the only items for which shall be accompanied by a bill of sale invoice or other compensation will be made for the Work described in or specified documentation warranting that the Contractor has received the in that particular Section when the Contractor performs the materials and equipment and evidence that the materials and specified Work. Should a Bid Item be listed in a "Payment" clause equipment are covered by appropriate insurance or other but not in the Proposal Form and Work for that item is performed arrangements to protect the Engineer's interests therein by the Contractor and the work is not stated as included in or The initial progress estimate will be made not later than 30 incidental to a pay item in the contract and is not work that would days after the Contractor commences the Work and successive be required to complete the intent of the Contract per Section 1 progress estimates will be made every month thereafter until the Completion Date. Progress estimates made during 04..1, then payment for that Work will be made as for Extra Work g progress of the pursuant to a Change Order. Work are tentative and made only for the purpose of determining The words "Bid Item," "Contract Item," and "Pay Item," and Progress payment. The progress estimates are subject to change at similar terms used throughout the Contract Documents are any time prior to the calculation of the Final. Payment per synonymous. Section 1-09.9(4). If the "payment" clause in the Specifications relating to any The value of the progress estimate will be the sum of the unit Bid Item price in the Proposal Form requires that said unit Bid following: Item price cover and be considered compensation for certain work 1. Unit Price Items in the Bid Form — the approximate or material essential to the item, then the work or material will not quantity of acceptable units of Work completed multiplied by the be measured or paid for under any other Unit Bid Item which may Unit Price. appear elsewhere in the Proposal Form or Specifications 2. Lump Sum Items in the Bid Form — the estimated _Pluralized unit Bid Items a percentage complete multiplied by the Bid Forms amount for each ppearing in these Specifications are Lump Sum Item. changed to singular form. Payment for Bid Items listed or referenced in the "Payment" 3. Materials on Hand — 90 percent of invoiced cost of clause of any particular Section of the Specifications shall be material delivered to Job site or other storage area approved by the considered as including all of the Work required specified or Engineer, described in that particular Section Payment items will generally 4. Change Orders — entitlement for approved extra cost or be listed generically in the Specifications and specifically in the completed extra work as determined by the Engineer bid form. When items are to be "furnished" under one payment Progress payments will be made in accordance with the item and "installed" under another payment item such items shall progress estimate less: be furnished FOB protect site or, if specified in the Special 1. Five(5)percent for retained percentage Provisions, delivered to a designated site Materials to be 2. The amount of Progress Payments previously made _furnished,° or "furnished and installed" under these conditions 3. Funds withheld by the Contracting Agency for shall be the responsibility of the Contractor with regard to storage disbursement in accordance with the Contract Documents. until such items are incorporated into the Work or, if such items Progress payments for work performed shall not be evidence are not to be incorporated into the work delivered to the applicable of acceptable performance or an admission by the Contracting Contracting Agency storage site when Agency that any work has been satisfactorily completed g provided for o the Payments will be made by warrants issued by the Contracting Specifications. nc2Ep Gated i Payment for material "furnished," but not yet Agency's fiscal officer, against the appropriate fund source for the incorporated into the Work may be made on monthly estimates to the extent allowed. protect. Payments received on account of work performed by a SECTION 1-09.8(APWA)IS SUPPLEMENTED BY REVISING subcontractor are subject to the provisions of RCW 39.04.250. ALL REFERENCES TO "HEADQUARTERS' MATERIAL Page-SP-I5 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 1-09 Measurement and Payment 1-09 Measurement and Payment 1-09.9(2) Retainage (APWA,RC) 1-09.9(3) Contracting Agency's Right to Withhold Pursuant to RCW 60.28 there will be retained from monies and Disburse Certain Amounts (APWA) earned by the Contractor on progress estimates a sum not to exceed In addition to monies retained pursuant to RCW 60.28 and 5 percent of the monies earned by the Contractor. Such retainage subject to RCW 39.04.250 RCW 39.12, and RCW 39.76, the shall be used as a trust fund for the protection and payment (1)to Contractor authorizes the Engineer to withhold progress payments the State with respect to taxes imposed pursuant to Title 82, RCW due or deduct an amount from any payment or payments due the which may be due from such Contractor,and (2)the claims of any Contractor which in the Engineer's opinion, may be necessary to person arising under the Contract. cover the Contracting Agency's costs for or to remedy the Monies reserved under provisions of RCW 60.28 shall, at the following situations: option of the Contractor,be: 1. Damage to another contractor when there is evidence 1 Retained in a fund by the Contracting Agency. thereof and a claim has been filed. 2 Deposited by the Contracting Agency in an interest- 2. Where the Contractor has not paid fees or charges to bearing account in a bank mutual savings bank, or savings and public authorities or municipalities which the Contractor is loan association (interest on monies so retained may be paid to the obligated to pay. Contractor). 3 Utilizing material tested and inspected by the Engineer, 3 Placed in escrow with a bank or trust company by the for purposes not connected with the Work(Section 1-05.6) Contracting Agency. When the monies reserved are to be placed in 4. Landscape damage assessments per Section 1-07.16. escrow the Contracting Agency will issue a check representing the 5 For overtime work performed by City personnel per sum of the monies reserved payable to the bank or trust company Section 1-08.1(4). and the Contractor jointly. Such check shall be converted into 6. Anticipated or actual failure of the Contractor to bonds and securities chosen by the Contractor and approved by the complete the Work on time: Contracting Agency and the bonds and securities held in escrow. a. Per Section 1-08.9 Liquidated Damage; or Interest on the bonds and securities may be paid to the Contractor b Lack of construction progress based upon the Engineer's as the interest accrues. review of the Contractor's approved progress schedule which The Contractor shall designate the option desired ea-4ha indicates the Work will not be completed within the Contract Time. When calculating an anticipated time overrun, the Engineer will at make allowances for weather delays approved unavoidable delays, least 10 working days prior to the first progress payment for the and suspensions of the Work. The amount withheld trader this contract The Contractor in choosing option (2) or (3) agrees to subparagraph will be based upon the liquidated damages amount assume full responsibility to pay all costs which may accrue from per day set forth in Contract Documents multiplied by the number escrow services brokerage charges or both, and further agrees to of days the Contractor's approved progress schedule, in the opinion assume all risks in connection with the investment of the retained of the Engineer, indicates the Contract may exceed the Contract percentages in securities. The Contracting Agency may also, at its Time. option accept a bond for all or a portion of the contractor's 7 Failure of the Contractor to perform any of the retainage. Contractor's other obligations under the contract, including but not Release of retained percentage will be made 60 days following limited to: the Completion Date (pursuant to RCW 39.12, RCW 39.76, and a Failure of the Contractor to provide the Engineer with a RCW 60.28)provided the following conditions are met: field office when required by the Contract Provisions. 1 On contracts totaling more than$20,000.00, a release has b Failure of the Contractor to protect survey stakes, been obtained from the Washington State Department of Revenue markers etc or to provide adequate survey work as required by (RCW 60.28.051). Section 1-05.5. 2 No claims as provided by law, have been filed against c. Failure of the Contractor to correct defective or the retained percentag e. unauthorized work(Section 1-05.8) ' 3 Affidavit of Wages Paid is on file with the Contracting d. Failure of the Contractor to furnish a Manufacture's Agency for the Contractor and all Subcontractors regardless of tier Certificate of Compliance in lieu of material testing and inspection (RCW 39.12.040). as required by Section 1-06.3. In the event claims are filed the Contractor will be paid such a Failure to submit weekly payrolls, Intent to Pay retained percentage less an amount sufficient to pay any such Prevailing Wage forms or correct underpayment to employees of claims together with a sum determined by the Contracting Agency the Contractor or subcontractor of any tier as required by Section sufficient to pay the cost of foreclosing on claims and to cover 1-07.9. attorney's fees. f Failure of the Contractor to pay worker's benefits (Title Retainage will not be reduced for any reason below the 50 and Title 51 RCW)as required by Section 1-07.10. minimum limit provided by law. g Failure of the Contractor to submit and obtain approval Pursuant to Section 1-07.10 the Contractor is responsible for of a progress schedule per Section 1-08.3. submitting to the State L&I a "Request for Release" form in order The Contractor authorizes the Engineer to act as agent for the for the Contracting Agency to obtain a release from that Contractor disbursing such funds as have been withheld pursuant to department with respect to the payments of industrial insurance this section to a party or parties who are entitled to payment. medical aid premiums. The Contracting Agency will ensure the Disbursement of such funds if the Engineer elects to do so,will be Washington State Employment Security Department and any made only after giving the Contractor 15 calendar days prior applicable Contracting Agency department or organization are written notice of the Contracting Agency's intent to do so, and if notified of Contract completion in order to obtain releases from prior to the expiration of the 15-calendar day period, those departments or agency organizations. 1 no legal action has commenced to resolve the validity of the claims,and Z the Contractor has not protested such disbursement. Page-SP-16 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 1-09 Measurement and Payment 1-09 Measurement and Payment A proper accounting of all funds disbursed on behalf of the of the responsibility to comply with all laws ordinances and Contractor in accordance with this section will be made. A regulations — Federal, State, or local — that affect the contract. payment made pursuant to this section shall be considered as The date the Contracting Agency unilaterally signs the Final payment made under the terms and conditions of the Contract The Progress Estimate constitutes the final acceptance date (Section ] Contracting Agency shall not be liable to the Contractor for such 05.12). payment made in good faith If legal action is instituted to determine the validity of the 1-09.11 Disputes and Claims claims prior to expiration of the 15-day period mentioned above the Engineer will hold the funds until determination of the action or SECTION I-09.1](2)IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS. written settlement agreement of the parties 1-09.11(2) Claims (APWA) 1-09.9(4) Final Payment(APWA) Failure to submit with the_Final Application for Payment.Final Upon Acceptance of the Work by the Contracting Agency the such information and details as final amount to be paid the Contractor will be calculated based described in this section for any claim shall operate as a waiver of upon a Final Progress Estimate made by the Engineer. Acceptance the claims by the Contractor as provided in Section 1-09.9. by the Contractor of the Final Payment shall be and shall operate as a release: SECTION 1-09.11(3) IS DELETED AND REPLACED BY THE 1. to the Contracting Agency of all claims and all liabilities FOLLOWING: of the Contractor, other than claims in stated amounts as may be specifically excepted in writing by the Contractor; 1-09.11(3) Time Limitations and Jurisdiction 2. for all things done or furnished in connection with the (APWA) Work; This contract shall be construed and interpreted in accordance 3. for every act and neglect by the Contracting Agency; and with the laws of the State of Washington The venue of any claims 4. for all other claims and liability relating to or arising out or causes of actions arising from this contract shall be in the of the Work. Superior Court of the county where the work is performed A payment (monthly, final retainage or otherwise) shall not For convenience of the parties to this contract it is mutually release the Contractor or the Contractor's Surety from any agreed that any claims or causes of action which the contractor has obligation required under the terms of the Contract Documents or against the Contracting Agency arising from this contract shall be the Contract Bond; nor shall such payment constitute a waiver of brought within 180 days from the date of Final Acceptance of the the Contracting Agency's ability to investigate and act upon contract by the Contracting Agency. The parties understand and findings of non-compliance with the WMBE requirements of the agree that the Contractor's failure to bring suit within the time Contract; nor shall such payment preclude the Contracting Agency period provided shall be a complete bar to any such claims or from recovering damages setting penalties or obtaining such other causes of action. remedies as may be permitted by law. It is further mutually agreed by the parties that when any Before the Work will be accepted by the Contracting Agency claims or causes of action which a Contractor asserts against the the Contractor shall submit an affidavit, on the form provided by Contracting Agency arising from this contract are filed with the the Engineer, of amounts paid to certified disadvantaged (DB) Contracting Agency or initiated in court the Contractor shall minority (MBE) or women business enterprises (WBE) permit the Contracting Agency to have timely access to any records participating in the Work. Such affidavit shall certify the amounts deemed necessary by the Contracting Agency to assist in evaluating paid to the DB, MBE or WBE subcontractors regardless of tier the claims or actions. On Federally-funded projects the Contractor may also be 1-09.13 Arbitration required to execute and furnish the Contracting Agency an affidavit certifying that the Contractor has not extended any loans gratuity SECTION 1-09.13(2 or gift and money pursuant to Section 1-07.19 of these ) (RC) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY REPLACING ALL REFERENCES TO "THURSTON COUNTY" Specifications. WITH THE WORDS "KING COUNTY." If the Contractor fails, refuses or is unable to sign and return the Final Progress Estimate or any other documents required for SECTIONI-09.13(3)IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING. the final acceptance of the contract the Contracting Agency reserves the right to establish a completion date and unilaterally 1-09.13(3) Procedures to Pursue Arbitration (RC) accept the contract. Unilateral acceptance will occur only after the The findings and decision of the board of arbitrators shall be Contractor has been provided the opportunity, by written request final and binding on the parties unless the aggrieved party, within from the Engineer, to voluntarily submit such documents If 10 days, challenges the findings and decision by serving and filing voluntary compliance is not achieved formal notification of the a petition for review by the superior court of King County, impending unilateral acceptance will be provided by certified letter Washington. The grounds for the petition for review are limited to from the Engineer to the Contractor which will provide 30 calendar showing that the findings and decision: days for the Contractor to submit the necessary documents The L Are not responsive to the questions submitted; 30-calendar day deadline shall begin on the date of the postmark of ?• Is contrary to the terms of the contract or any component the certified letter from the Engineer requesting the necessary thereof; documents. This reservation by the Contracting Agency to 3- Is arbitrary and/or is not based upon the applicable facts unilaterally accept the contract will apply to contracts that are and the law controlling the issues submitted to arbitration The completed in accordance with Section 1-08.5 or for contracts that board of arbitrators shall support its decision by setting forth in are terminated in accordance with Section 1-08.10. Unilateral writing their findings and conclusions based on the evidence acceptance of the contract by the Contracting Agency does not in adduced at any such hearing. any way relieve the Contractor of the provisions under contract or Page-SP-17 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 1-10 Temporary Traffic Control 1-10 Temporary Traffic Control The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the If the Engineer requires the Contractor to furnish additional statutes. of the State of Washington and court decisions governing channelizing devices pieces of equipment, or services which could such procedure. not be usually anticipated by a prudent contractor for the The costs of such arbitration shall be borne equally by the City maintenance and protection of traffic, then a new item or items and the contractor unless it is the board's majority opinion that the may be established to pay for such items. Further limitations for contractor's filing of the protest or action is capricious or without consideration of payment for these items are that they are not reasonable foundation. In the latter case, all costs shall be borne covered by other pay items in the bid proposal, they are not by the contractor. specified in the Special Provisions as incidental, and the accumulative cost for the use of each individual channelizing 1-10 Temporary Traffic Control device piece of equipment or service must exceed $200 in total cost for the duration of their need. In the event of disputes, the Engineer will determine what is usually anticipated by a prudent SECTION 1-10.1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE contractor. The cost for these items will be by agreed price, price FOLLOWING: established by the Engineer or by force account. Additional items 1-10.1 General(RC) required as a result of the Contractor's modification to the traffic When the bid proposal includes an item for "Traffic Control," control plan(s)appearing in the contract shall not be covered by the the work required for this item shall be all items described in provisions in this paragraph. Section 1-10 including, but not limited to: If the total cost of all the work under the contract increases or 1 Furnishing and maintaining barricades, flashers, decreases by more than 25 percent an equitable adjustment will be construction signing and other channelization devices, considered for the item "Traffic Control" to address the increase or unless a pay item is in the bid proposal for any specific decrease. device and the Special Provisions specify furnishing, SECTION 1-10.2(1) TRAFFIC CONTROL SUPERVISOR IS maintaining and payment in a different manner for that REVISED AS FOLLOWS device; 2 Furnishing traffic control labor, equipment and supervisory 1-10.2(1) Traffic Control Supervisor(RC) (SA) personnel for all traffic control labor; " S ise;," Tthe Contractor shall designate an individual or 3 the Furnishing l s any necessary vehicle(s) to set tit and remove individuals to perform the Traffic Control Supervisor's(TCS)duties the Class B construction signs and other traffic control for the project_ The TCS shall be certified inas-a worksite traffic devices control by f'' ^'ioz i"'° 4 Furnishing labor and vehicles for patrolling and maintaining Xho Rhall not degipWc tho ";°'per in position all of the construction signs and the traffic . The TCS shall assure that control devices unless a pay item is in the bid proposal to pc;: alI the duties of the TCS are performed during the duration specifically pay for this work;and of the contract. 7. Ensuring that corrections are made if traffic control 5 Furnishing labor, material and equipment necessary for devices are not functioning as required. The TCS may cleaning up removing and replacing of the construction make minor revisions to the traffic control plan to signs and the traffic control devices destroyed or damaged accommodate site conditions as long as the original intent during the life of the project. of the traffic control plan is maintained and the revision 6 Removing existing signs as specified or a directed by the b2.r of:the wSDOT TCS is in conformance engineer and delivering to the City Shops or storing and re- with established standards. installing as directed by the Engineer. T r ^' shall id g "ehick f 7 Preparing a traffic control plan for the project and designating the person responsible for traffic control at the work site The traffic control plan shall include i. f f ti ,.,^°;;^d. flagging of time_possession of a current fla card descriptions of the traffic control methods and devices to be g by the TCS is mandatory. used by the prime contractor, and subcontractors, shall be submitted at or before the preconstruction conference, and SECTION 1-10.2(2)IS SUPPLEMENTED AS FOLLOWS: shall be subject to review and approval of the Engineer. 8. Contacting police, fire, 911, and ambulance services to 1-10.2(2) Traffic Control Plans(RC) notify them in advance of any work that will affect and The Contractor shall be responsible for assuring that traffic traveled portion of a roadway. control is installed and maintained in conformance to established standards The Contractor shall continuously evaluate the 9 Assuring that all traveled portions of roadways are open to operation of the traffic control plan and take prompt action to traffic during peak traffic periods 6:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m., correct any problems that become evident during operation. and 3.00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., or as specified in the special SECTION 1-10.3(3)HAS BEEN REVISED AS FOLLOWS: provisions or as directed by the Engineer. 10 Promptly removing or covering all nonapplicable signs 1-10.3(3) Construction Signs during periods when they are not needed. All signs required by the approved traffic control plan(s) as well as any other appropriate signs prescribed by the Engineer, or If no bid item "Traffic Control" appears in the proposal then required to conform with established standards, will be furnished all work required by these sections will considered incidental and by th '" *�^^'�^^ "^°^"" Contractor. their cost shall be included in the other items of work. Page-SP-18 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 1-11 Renton Surveying Standards 1-11 Renton Surveying Standards No separate pay item will be provided in the bid proposal for The item "Traffic Control" will be considered for an equitable Class A or Class B construction signs. adjustment per Section 1-04.6 only when the total contract price increases or decreases by more than 25 percent A11 et13e�-costs for the work to „ provide Class A or Class B construction signs shall be included in The Lump Sum unit contract price psi-k>eu�shall be full the unit contract price for the various other items of the work in the pay for all costs involved in furnishing the pilot car(s),pilot car bid proposal. driver(s), and the appropriate pilot car sign(s)for any one-pilot SECTION 1-I0.3(6)IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: car operation. Any necessary flaggers will be paid under the item for traffic control-laho 1-10.3(6) One-Way Piloted Traffic Control Through "PQF 104,; Construction Zone The Lump Sum unit contract price p"-hour shall be full pay for all costs for the labor provided for performing those iWv;1i_h1-*A1;l;QQt Go-st to the construction operations described in Section 1-103(1) and as authorized by the Engineer.Pay a -i tin b The Lump Sum unit contract price pawl-a;oa-shall be full pay for all costs for performing the work described in Section 1-10.3(3) and Section I-10.3(4). This payment will include all labor, equipment, and vehicles T;a � necessary for the initial acquisition, the initial installation of Contractor-Furnished One-Way Piloted Traffic Control. The Class A signs, and ultimate return of all Contracting Agency- Contractor shall furnish the pilot car(s)and driver(s)for the pilot car furnished signs- control area. Any necessary flaggers shall be furnished by the Contractor Epgiae The Lump Sum 4;t4-4 contract price peday shall be full pay for all costs involved in furnishing the person(s)assigned as the "Traffic Control Supervisor" dwiag > DELETE SECTION 1-10.4 AND REPLACE WITK -All costs for the vehicle(s)required for 1-10.4 Measurement (RC) (SA) the Traffic Control Supervisor shall be included in the Lump Sum u;;.it contract price for "Traffic Control-SupuPAsiez." No specific unit of measurement will apply to the lump sum Tcmpgrar''T- f--� k8��1g;Liss, 1-11 Renton Surveying Standards 1-11 Renton Surveying Standard r 1-11.1(2) Survey Datum and Precision(RC) In those cases where an electronic data collector is used, a hard The horizontal component of all surveys shall have as its copy print out in ASCII text format will accompany the field notes. coordinate base: The North American Datum of 1983191. 1-11 1(5) Corners and Monuments(RC) All horizontal control for projects must be referenced to or in Corner A point on a land boundary, at the juncture of two or conjunction with a minimum of two of the City of Renton's Survey more boundary lines A monument is usually set at such points to Control Network monuments. The source of the coordinate values physically reference a corner's location on the ground. used will be shown on the survey drawing per RCW 58.09.070. The horizontal component of all surveys shall meet or exceed Monument Any physical object or structure of record which the closure requirements of WAC 332-130-060. The control base marks or accurately references: lines for all surveys shall meet or exceed the requirements fora A comer or other survey point established by or under the Class A surve revealed in Table 2 of the Minimum Standard supervision of an individual per section 1-11.1(1) and any Detail Requirements for ALTAIACSM Land Title Surveys jointly established and adopted by ALTA and ACSM in 1992 or corner or monument established by the General Land Office comparable classification in future editions of said document. The and its successor the Bureau of Land Management including angular and linear closure and precision ratio of traverses used for section subdivision comers down to and including one- survey control shall be revealed on the face of the survey drawing, sixteenth corners;and as shall the method of adjustment. . Any permanently monumented boundary, right of way The horizontal component of the control system for surveys alignment or horizontal and vertical control points established using global positioning system methodology shall exhibit at least 1 by any governmental agency or private surveyor including part in 50,000 precisi6n in line length dependent error analysis at a street intersections but excluding dependent interior lot 95 percent confidence level and performed pursuant to _Federal corners. Geodetic Control Subcommittee Standards for GPS control surveys as defined in Geometric Geodetic Accuracy Standards & Control or Base Line Survey (RC) Specifications for Using GPS Relative Positioning Techniques dated 1-11.1(6) August 1, 1989 or comparable classification in future editions of Control or Base Line Surveys shall be established for all said document.. construction projects that will create permanent structures such as The vertical component of all surveys shall be based on roads sidewalks bridges utility lines or appurtenances signal or NAVD 1988, the North American Vertical Datum of 1988, and light poles or any non-single family building. Control or Base tied to at least one of the City of Renton Survey Control Network Line Surveys shall consist of such number of permanent benchmarks. If there are two such benchmarks within 3000 feet of monuments as are required such that every structure may be the project site a tie to both shall be made The benchmark(s)used observed for staking or "as-builting" while occupying one such will be shown on the drawing If a City of Renton benchmark does monument and sighting another such monument. A minimum of not exist within 3000 feet of a project one must be set on or near two of these permanent monuments shall be existing monuments. the project in a permanent manner that will remain intact recognized and on record with the City of Renton. The Control v throughout the duration of the project. Source of elevations Base Line Survey shall occupy each monument m turn, and shall (benchmark)will be shown on the drawing as well as a description_ satisfy all applicable requirements of Section 1-11.1 herein- of any bench marks established. The drawing depicting the survey shall be neat legible, anrd drawn to an appropriate scale North orientation should be clearly 1-11.1(3) Subdivision Information (RC) presented and the scale shown graphically as well as noted. The Those surveys dependent on section subdivision shall reveal drawing must be of such quality that a reduction thereof to one-half the controlling monuments used and the subdivision of the original scale remains legible. applicable quarter section. If recording of the survey with the King County Recorder is Those surveys dependent on retracement of a plat or short plat required it will be prepared on 18 in by 24 inch mylar and will shall reveal the controlling monuments, measurements, and comply with all provisions of Chapter 58.09 RCW. A methodology used in that retracement. photographic mylar of the drawing will be submitted to the City of Renton and upon their review and acceptance per the specific 1-11.1(4) Field Notes (RC) requirements of the project the original will be recorded with the Field notes shall be kept in conventional form_at in a standard King County Recorder. bound field book with waterproof pages. In cases where an If recording is not required the survey drawing shall be electronic data collector is used field notes must also be kept with a prepared on 22 inch by 34 inch mylar, and the original or a sketch and a record of control and base line traverses describing photographic mylar thereof will be submitted to the City of Renton_ station occu ations and what measurements were made at each The survey drawings shall meet or exceed the requirements of op int WAC 332-130-050 and shall conform to the City of Renton s• Every point located or set shall be identified by a number and Drafting Standards American Public Works Association symbols a descriptic . Point numbers shall be unique within a complete shall be used whenever possible and a legend shall identify all job. The ferred method of point numbering is field notebook, symbols used if each point marked by a symbol is not described at page and point set on that page Example: The first point set or each use. found on page 16 of field book 348 would be identified as Point An electronic listing of all principal points shown on the No 348.16.01.the second point would be 348.16.02,etc. drawing shall be submitted with each drawing. The listing should Upon completion of a City of Renton project either the field include the point number designation (corresponding with that m notebook(s) provided by the City or the onginal field notebook(s) the field notes) a brief description of the point and nogjL1n used b the surveyor will be given to the City. For all other work, easting and elevation (if applicable) values all in ASCII form surveyors will provide a copy of the notes to the City upon request. on IBM PC compatible media. Page-SP-20 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 1-11 Renton Surveying Standards 1-11 Renton Surveying Standards 1-11.1(n Precision Levels(RC) 1-11.1(12) Monument Setting and Referencing Vertical Surveys for the establishment of bench marks shall C _satisfy all applicable requirements of section 1-05 and 1 I1 1 All property or lot corners as defined in 1 12 1(5) established or reestablished on a plat or other recorded survey shall Vertical surveys for the establishment of bench marks shall meet or exceed the standards, s cifications and procedures of third be 1.2(1)ie In ns situations wheretsuch at kmarkersi are impractical or in order elevation accuracy established by the Federal Geodetic danger of being destroyed e.g., the front corners of lots a witness Control Committee. marker shall be set. In most cases this will be the extension of the Bench marks must possess both permanence and vertical lot line to_a tack in lead in the curb. The relationshi between the stability. Descriptions of bench marks must be complete to insure witness monuments and their respective comers shall be shown or both recoverablilty and positive identification on recovery described on the face of the plat or survey of record e.g., "Tacks 1-11.1(8) Radial and Station—Offset To h in lead on the extension of the lot side lines have been set n the (RC) curbs on the extension of said line with the curb." In all other cases the corner shall meet the requirements of section 1-11.2(l) Topographic surveys shall satisfy all applicable requirements herein. of section 1-11.1 herein. All non corner monuments, as defined in 1-11 1(5) shall meet All points occupied or back sighted in developing radial the requirements of section 1-11.2(2) herein If the monument topography or establishing baselines for station offset topography falls with in a paved portion of a right of way or other area the shall meet the requirements of section 1-11.1 herein monument shall be set below the ground surface and contained The drawing and electronic listing requirements set forth in within a lidded case kept separate from the monument and flush section 1-11.1 herein shall be observed for all topographic surveys. with the pavement surface per section 1-11.2(3). 1-11.1(9) Radial Topography (RC) In the case of right of way centerline monuments all points of curvature(PC), points of tangency(PT), street intersections, center Elevations for the points occupied or back sighted in a radial points of cul de sacs shall be set. If the point of intersection, PI, topographic survey shall be determined either by 1) spirit leveling for the tangents of a curve fall within the paved with misclosure not to exceed 0.1 feet or Federal Geodetic Control of way,with of the right y a monument can be set at the PI instead of the PC and PT Committee third order elevation accuracy specifications, OR 2 trigonometric leveling with elevation differences determined in at of the curve. least two di rections for each point and with misclosure of the For all non corner monuments set while under contract to the circuit not d exceed 0.1 feet C�of Renton or as part of a City of Renton approved subdivision of propeqy, a City of Renton Monument Card (furnished by the 1-11.1(10) Station—Offset Topography (RC) city) identifying the monument point of intersection (PI) point of tangency-(M, Elevations of the baseline and topographic PT) point of curvature (PC) one sixteenth corner Plat points shall be monument street intersection etc., complete with a description of determined by spirit leveling and shall satisfy Federal Geodetic Control Committee specifications as to the turn points and shall not the monument, a minimum of two reference pints and NAD 83/91 exceed 0.1 foots error as to side shots coordinates and NAVD 88 elevation with the city. shall be filled out and filed 1-11.1(11) As-Built Survey(RC) 1-11.2 Materials All improvements required to be "as-built" (post construction survey) per City of Renton Codes TITLE 4 Building Regulations and TITLE 9 Public Ways and Property, must be located both 1-11.2(1) Property/Lot Corners (RC) horizontally and vertically by a Radial survey or by a Station offset Corners per i-11.1(5)shall be marked in a permanent manner survey. The as-built survey must be based on the same base line such as 1/2 inch diameter rebar 24 inches in length, durable metal or control survey used for the construction staking survey for the plugs or caps tack in lead etc and permanently marked or tagged improvements being as-built" The "as-built" survey for all with the surveyors identification number. The specific nature of subsurface improvements should occur prior to backfilling Close the marker used can be determined by the surveyor at the time of cooperation between the installing contractor and the "as builting" installation. surveyor is therefore required All "as-built" surveys shall satisfy the requirements of section 1-11.2(2) Monuments (RC) 1-11.1(1) herein and shall be based upon control or base line Monuments per 1-11.1(5) shall meet the requirements as set _surveys made in conformance with these Specifications forth in City of Renton Standard Plans page H031 and permanently The field notes for "as-built" shall meet the requirements of marked or tagged with the surveyor's identification number. section 1-11.1(4) herein and submitted with stamped and signed as-built drawings which includes a statement certifying the 1-11.2(3) Monument Case and Cover (RC) accuracy of the as built Materials shall meet the requirements of section 9-22 and City The drawing and electronic listing requirements set forth in of Renton Standard Plans page H031 section 1-11.1(6) herein shall be observed for all "as built" surveys- Page-SP-21 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 2-02 Removal of Structures and Obstructions 2-03 Roadway Excavation and Embankment D1V1SlOn 2 Earthwork quantities and changes will be computed, either manually or by means of electronic data processing equipment, by Earthwork use of the average end area method. Any changes to the proposed work as directed by the Engineer that would alter these quantities shall be calculated by the Engineer and submitted to the Contractor for his review and verification. 2-02 Removal of Structures and Any excavation or embankment beyond the limits indicated in Obstructions the Plans unless ordered by the Engineer, shall not be paid for. All work and material required to return these areas to their original conditions as directed by the Engineer, shall be provided SECTION 2-02.3(3) IS REVISED AND SUPPLEMENTED AS by the Contractor at his sole expense. FOLLOWS: All areas shall be excavated, filled and/or backflled as 2-02.3(3) Removal of Pavement, Sidewalks, and necessary to comply with the grades shown on the Plans. In filled and backfrlled areas fine grading shall begin during the placement Curbs (RC) and the compaction of the final layer. In cut sections, fine grading In removing pavement, sidewalks, and curbs, the Contractor shall begin within the final six (6) inches of cut. Final grading shall: shall produce a surface which is smooth and even, without abrupt 1. Haul broken-up pieces ' changes in grade. to some off-project site. Excavation for curbs and gutters shall be accomplished by cutting accurately to the cross sections grades and elevations shown Care shall be taken not to excavate below the specified 5 When an area where pavement has been removed is to be grades The contractor shall maintain all excavations free from opened to traffic before pavement patching has been completed, detrimental quantities of leaves brush, sticks, trash and other temporary mix asphalt concrete patch shall be required. debris until final acceptance of the Work. Temporary patching shall be placed to a minimum depth of 2 Following removal of topsoil or excavation to grade and inches immediately after backfilling and compaction are complete, before placement of fills or base course the subgrade under the and before the road is opened to traffic. MC cold mix_or MC hot roadway shall be proofrolled to identify any soft or loose areas mix shall be used at the discretion of the Engineer. which may warrant additional compaction or excavation and If pavements, sidewalks, or curbs lie within an excavation replacement. area and are not mentioned as separate pay items, their removal The Contractor shall provide temporary drainage or protection will be paid for as part of the quantity removed in excavation. If to keep the subgrade free from standing water. they i• + -d, .f sbay are get Acceptable excavated native soils shall be used for fill in the ' mentioned as a separate item in the proposal, they will be measured area requiring fills Care shall be taken to place excavated material and paid for as provided under Section 2-02.5, and will not be at the optimum moisture content to achieve the specified included in the quantity calculated for excavation. compaction Any native material used for fill shall be free of SECTION 2-02.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING: organics and debris and have a maximum particle size of 6 inches. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to prevent the 2-02.5 Payment (RC) native materials from becoming saturated with'water. The measures may include sloping to drain compacting the native 2 "Saw Cutting" per Lineal Foot. materials and diverting runoff away from the materials. _If the 3 "Remove Sidewalk" per Square Yard. Contractor fails to take such preventative measures any costs or 4 "Remove Curb and Gutter" per Lineal Foot. delay related to drying the materials shall be at his own expense. 5. "Cold Mix",per Ton If the native materials become saturated, it shall be the 6 "Remove Asphalt Concrete Pavement," per square yard. responsibility of the Contractor to dry the materials, to the 7 "Remove Cement Concrete pavement," per square yard. optimum moisture content If sufficient acceptable native soils are 8 "Remove existing "per not available to complete construction of the roadway embankment, All costs related-to the removal and disposal of structures and Gravel Borrow shall be used. obstructions including saw cutting excavation backfilling an d If subgrade trimmer is not required on the project all portions temporary asphalt shall be considered incidental to and included in of Section 2-03 shall apply as though a subgrade trimmer were other items unless designated as specific bid items in the proposal. specified. If sufficient acceptable native soils as determined by the 2-03 Roadway Excavation and Engineer,are not available to complete construction of the roadway embankment Gravel Borrow meeting the requirements of Section Embankment 9-03.14 of the Standard Specifications shall be used. SECTION 2-03.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE SECTION 2-03.4 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: FOLLOWING: 2-03.4 Measurement(RC) 2-03.3 Construction Requirements(RC) Roadway excavation shall include the removal of all materials The Contracting Agency will use the following methods to measure work performed unless specific exceptions in other excavated from within the limits shown on the plans. Suitable sections provide otherwise: excavated material shall be used for embankments, while surplus 1. At the discretion of the engineer, roadway excavation, excavated material or unsuitable material shall be disposed of by borrow excavation and unsuitable foundation excavation - by the the Contractor. Page-SP-22 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 2-04 Haul 2-09 Structure Excavation cubic yard (adjusted for swell) may be measured by truck in the hauling vehicle at the point of loading The contractor shall 2-06 Sub 'ade Preparation provide truck tickets for each load removed Each ticket shall have the truck number, time and date, and be approved b the en .,Weer. SECTION 2-06.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE SECTION 2-03.5 IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS. FOLLOWING. 2-03.5 Payment (RC) 2_-06.5 Payment (RC) Subgrade preparation and maintenance including watering Payment will be made for the following bid items when they shall be considered as incidental to the construction and all costs are included in the proposal: thereof shall be included in the appropriate unit or lump sum I. "Roadway Excavation" or"Roadway Excavation—Area contract bid prices. A (B, C, etc.)", per cubic yard. When the Engineer orders excavation 2 feet or less below subgrade, unit contract prices for roadway excavation and haul 2-09 Structure Excavation shall apply. If he orders excavation more than 2 feet below Subgrade, that part below the 2-foot depth shall be paid for as SECTION 2-09.1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE provided in SesiiQ&4-Q.,4 Item 3 of this payment section. In this FOLLOWING: case, all items of work other than roadway excavation shall be paid at unit contract prices. 2-09.1 Description (RC) The unit contract price per cubic yard shall be full pay for This work also includes the excavation, haul, and disposal of excavating, loading, placing, or otherwise disposing of the all unsuitable materials such as peat, muck swampy or unsuitable material. materials including buried logs and stumps 04 shall apply, except -vhala th- haul !A th-at gas& tThe unit contract price per cubic yard shall 2-09.3 Construction Requirements include haul. SECTION 2-09.3(1)D IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS. 3. "Unsuitable Foundation Excavation", per cubic yard. The unit contract price per cubic yard for "Unsuitable 2-09.3(1)D Disposal of Excavated Material (RC) Foundation Excavation" shall be full pay for excavating, loading, All costs for disposing of excavated material within the project and disposing of the material. rQ- haul, the . limits shall be included in the unit contract price for structure excavation, Class A or B. _The unit contract price per cubic yard shall include haul. 7. " Xhe -- bir. ya;d-far—=Mh2A,Qa6;-it 1 Q3 31'7W1 If the contract includes structure excavation, Class A or B, ambankmont compagtion shown in the P;gPP&a1 are including haul, the unit contract price shall include all costs for Loading and hauling the material the full required distance., otherwise all such disposal costs shall be considered incidental to Payment for the work. embankment compaction will not be made as a separate item. All SECTION 2-09.4 IS REVISED AND SUPPLEMENTED AS costs for embankment compaction shall be included in other bid FOLLOWS: items involved. 2-09.4 Measurement (RC) 2-04 Haul Gravel backfill. All gravel backfill will be measured by the cubic yard in place determined by the neat lines required by the SECTION 2-04.5 IS REVISED AND SUPPLEMENTED AS Plans or by the ton as measured in conformance with section 1-09.2. FOLLOWS. Gravel backfill used for pipe bedding shall be incidental to the installation of the pipe or paid for as other gravel backfill unless a 2-04.5 Payment (RC) specific separate pay item is included in the contract for gravel backfill for pipe bedding. i;;Gludod in the 1propqr,21.; 1 "Haul", SECTION 2-09.5 IS REVISED AND SUPPLEMENTED AS All costs for the hauling of material to from or on the iob FOLLOWS. site shall be considered incidental to and included in the unit pric e 2-09.5 Payment of other units of work. Payment will be made for the following bid items when they are included in the proposal: "Structure Excavation Class A", per cubic yard. "Structure Excavation Class B", per cubic yard. "Structure Excavation Class A Incl. Haul", per cubic yard. "Structure Excavation Class B Incl. Haul",per cubic yard. The unit contract price per cubic yard for the bid items listed as 1 through 4 above shall be full pay for all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and pumping, or shall be included in the unit bid I price of other items of work if "Structure Excavation" or Page-SP-23 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 2-09 Structure Excavation 2-09 Structure Excavation "Structure Excavation Incl Haul" are not listed as pay items in the contract. "Shoring or Extra Excavation Class B",per square foot. The unit contract price per square foot shall be full pay for all excavation, backfill, compaction, and other work required when extra excavation is used in lieu of constructing shoring. If select backfill material is required for backfilling within the limits of the structure excavation, it shall also be required as backfill material for the extra excavation at the Contractor's expense. Any excavation or backfill material being paid by unit price shall be calculated by the Engineer only for the neat line measurement of the excavation and shall not include the extra excavation beyond the neat line. If there is no bid item for shoring or extra excavation Class B on a square foot basis and the nature of the excavation is such that shoring or extra excavation is required, then shoring or extra excavation shall be considered incidental to the work involved and no further compensation shall be made. "Gravel Backfill (Kind) for (Type of Excavation), per Cubic Yard or per Ton". - . When gravel backfill is paid by the ton, the Contractor shall take care to assure to the satisfaction of the Engineer that such per ton backfill is only being used for the specified purpose and not for purposes where backfill is incidental or being paid by cubic yard. Evidence that per ton gravel backfill is not being used for its designated purpose shall be grounds for the Engineer to dew payment for such load tickets. Unless included in the contract as a separate pay item, gravel backfill used for pipe bedding shall be considered incidental to the installation of the pipe or shall be included in the gravel backfill used to backfill the trench, if a separate pay item is included for trench backfill. Page-SP-24 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 3 No supplemental specifications were necessary 4 No supplemental specifications were necessary Division 3 Production From Quarry and Pit Sites and Stockpiling Division 4 Bases 3 No supplemental specifications were necessary 4 No supplemental specifications were No supplemental specifications were necessary for Division 3. necessary No supplemental specifications were necessary for Division 4. Page-SP-25 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 5-04 Asphalt Concrete Pavement 5-04 Asphalt Concrete Pavemen (2) samples fQ; GgFaPlianco of g;ad-ion and asphalt cam" Division 5 L .t 2. wtadom b2 f:., the h.,,,l'.,an Surface Treatments and Pavements When a sample from uncompacted mix is needed, the Contractor shall ensure that the samples can -be obtained in 5-04 Asphalt Concrete Pavement accordance with WSDOT Test Method 712. Zha plagrtaas-shall SECTION 5-04.3(8)A IS REVISED AND SUPPLEMENTED AS h 9-� FOLLOWS: B. Definition of Sampling Lot and Sublot. For the purpose of acceptance sampling and testing, a lot-is is shall be defined as 5-04.3(8)A Acceptance Sampling and Testing (RC) of 1. General. Acceptance of asphalt cement concrete shall be the total quantity of material or work produced for each job mix formula (JMF) Only one lot per JMF is expected to occur-for.°'rovided under er° cal—es a nonstatistical acceptance. Determination of-s�-eF nonstatistical acceptance shall be based on proposal quantities and shall consider the total of all bid items involving mix of a specific class. ;Id&b2JJ GQQAtiU-t1A 2 IQ;. 04),one lot pa; 44P will be Dense graded mixes (asphalt concrete pavement Classes A, B, expected to ecsur Tile c ct k ,.h",Rs,4, E, F, and G) shallwill be evaluated for quality of gradation on a tI1P-ili4li>aritliFiu� ;,r or pP:a? f_ti9g_9____or_ The JMF dail lot basis by the Contractor. This gradation analysis shall be is defined in Section 9- based on WSDOT Test Method 104 and the results delivered to the 03.8(�A (Basis of Acceptance). The Contractor may not make Contracting Agency by noon of the following working day• This any changes to the JMF without prior written approval of the information shall be used by the Engineer to evaluate conformance Engineer. with Section 9-03.8(6)A.2.-a..d A-asphalt content shall be tested at ,h G r , ;@Racss a Ghange in the AUP rfshc the Eengineer's discretion if the Compaction Pay Factor(Section 5- 04.3(10)B)falls below 1.00. the, the hasir of t@941; 20d The Contracting Agency may take their own independent gradation samples at the stockpile to confirm the gradation testing done by the contractor. If the independent sample gradation vanes from the Contractor's data by more than ±3% for sieve sizes greater than 1/4" and±2% for sieves smaller than the No. 10, then the costs of the sampling and testing shall be borne by the Contractor. If the tTest results vary from the Contractor's data are within the ranges listed above f tho G9ntr.2a4o;s data, then Sampling and testing for nonstatistical acceptance shall be the cost of sampling and testing will be borne by the Contracting performed on a random basis at a minimum frequency of ones A enc . sample for each sublot of 400 tons or each day's production, :e.�fer quality of gradationi only, xog;ill" will he whichever is least. When proposal quantities exceed 1,200 tons for. a class of mix under nonstatistical acceptance, sublot size shall b determined to the nearest 100 tons to provide not less than flu uniform sized sublots, based on proposal quantities, with a maximum sublot size of 800 tons. C. Test Results. The Engineer will furnish the Contiactor with a copy of the results as they become available. is admi..&t 1Q11 4 P r Qf Section 5 04.5(14 of the aem wo;kday afAcT. sampliAg, or.fo; aightumme fQu; h 2f4er- tho bo ing @J:mho ;;* ,.h•A. '1UQ day aft" D. Test Methods. When sample testing of asphalt content is necessary, Aacceptance testing for compliance of asphalt-seatr.# ; -A 3ATSDOXF will use the Nuclear Asphalt Gauge Procedure; WSDOT Test 2. Aggregates. _Aggregates will be accepted for sand Method 722-T. When sample testing of gradation is necessary, equivalent and fracture based on their conformance to the Aacceptance testing for compliance of gradation will use the Quick-- requirements of Section 9-03.8(2)_ Determination of Aggregate Gradation using Alternate Solvent auahlatig... Procedure; WSDOT Test Method 723-T. 3 Asphalt Cement Asphalt Cement will be accepted fQ* E. Reject Mixture tests-based on thole-conformance to the requirements of Section 9- (1) Rejection by Contractor. The Contractor may, prior t 02.1(44). Testing of asphalt properties to assure certification shall sampling, elect to remove any defective material and replace it be the responsibility of the contractor. If the vendor or grade of with new material at no expense to the Contracting Agency. An the asphalt cement changes a new job mix formula (JMF) shall be such new material will be sampled, tested, and evaluated fo> evaluated and approved. acceptance. 43. Asphalt Concrete Mixture (2) Rejection_by Engineer Without Testing out-Usti..g- A. Sampling The Engineer may, without sampling, reject any batch, load o (1) A sample will not be obtained from either the first or last section of roadway--..!Ir batGU, d�e�sestSeA-ef-�ga 25 tons of mix produced in each production shift. Page-SP-26 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 5-04 Asphalt Concrete Pavement 5-04 Asphalt Concrete Pavement m2t@421 that appears defective in gradation or asphalt semwut SECTION 5-04.03(10)A IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING content. Material rejected before placement shall not be THE FOLLOWING: incorporated into py" pavement. Any rejected section of compacted;eadwa} avement shall be removed. 5-04.3(10)A General (RC) No payment will be made for the rejected materials or the The Contractor shall not use vibration when compacting on a removal of the materials unless the Contractor requests that the street where A.C. Line (Transit!) is in place (refer to Ciri of rejected material be tested. If the Csontractor elects to have the Renton Comprehensive Water System Plan to identify locations of rejected material tested, a minimum of three representative samples A.C. Imes.) will be obtained and tested._Representative samples to be removed for testing from compacted pavement shall be removed by coring for 5-04.3(10)B IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: the statiaical 2iws with 5-04.3(10)B Control (SA) Asphalt concrete pavement Classes A, B, E, and F used in traffic lanes, including lanes for ramps, truck climbing, weaving, and speed change, and having a specified compacted course — thickness greater than 0.10 foot, shall be compacted to a specified level of relative density. The testing shall occur on a sublot basis 2A& 1212 of using the definition of a sublot described in Section 5-04.3(8). The specified level of relative density shall be A-4th 2R 2 ;1 cogtion ' "C 7')T ee ` 92.1•.0 percent of the �� Acceptance of the initially reference maximum density ^^ ��*'uaira�d-�iTWSl;1�T-west rejected suspected material will use the acceptance sampling and I14etked=5. The reference maximum density shall be determined testing methods. If the material does not fall within the iob mix as that developed in the job mix formula(JMF)tho•^ ^` ^�,,,Ro formula tolerances of Section 9-03.8(6)A, the mix will be rejected and all costs associated with sampling testing and removal shall be If the Contractor chooses a moving borne by the Contractor. The rejected material must be removed average of the three most recent tests of maximum density may be and replaced with new material at no expense to the Contracting determined through the use of WSDOT Test Method 705 by the Agency. If the material falls within the job mix formula Contractor at the Contractor's expense The specified level of tolerances, the mix will be accepted for quality of mix but will density attained will be determined by the average statistical remain subject to the compaction adjustment of Section 5-04.3(10) eualuation of three €tee nuclear density gauge tests taken in and all costs associated with sampling and testing will be borne by accordance with WSDOT Test Method 715 on the day the mix is the Contracting Agency, placed (after completion of the finish rolling) at locations determined by the st-ati€ed—random Gone,'..:., Method 16 Within each density lot less.The Engineer will furnis a copy of the results of all acceptance testing performed in the field as soon as the results are availablP�2W ^ •tie ^ next ` &7'aftg;WtNi F hW L ith; •F t c Pavement compaction below 89 percent of the reference maximum density shall not be ;QiAimum Q9 Rix sampleg, -9 accepted. Relative densities falling between 89 percent and 92 percent shall be subject to the price adjustments of Section 5 04.5(l)B• teFM_iaed.. indepeAdeAg ��� "�' ��'� ' ' '' ' c" For compaction lots falling below a CPF of 1.00 pa, faGwr- and thus subject to price reduction or rejection, cores may be used gpgr ��) �1 l;et D-esrgss the conuaGaor. rh:all dwwl as an alternatives to the nuclear density gauge tests. lea-Gems pavis—When the Contracting Agency requests cores and the level of relative density within a sublot is less than 92.0 percent t-The cos P-"+-; A_e shall bo wimhurzwd for the-coring and testing shall be borne by the Contractor. When the Contracting Agency requests cores and the level of relative density within a Will bo�`� A-Entire r^• ^ ' ' .r, ry F I n'c sublot is greater than 92.0 percent the cost for coring and testing r re�@Qtad shall be borne by the Contracting Agency shall be-?.5-pePsee& At the start of paving, if requested by the Contractor, a compaction test section shall be constructed, as directed by the Engineer, to determine the compactibility of the mix design. Page-SP-27 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 5-04 Asphalt Concrete Pavement 5-04 Asphalt Concrete Pavement Compactibility shall be evaluated as the ability of the mix to attain SECTION 5-04.5(1) QUALITY ASSURANCE PRICE a ig ven quality level corresponding to a pay factor of 1.00 or ADJUSTMENTS IS DELETED. greater referenced to the specified minimum density (924.percent SECTION 5-04.5(1)A IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH of the reference maximum density 4etw4ained lay Ar-SDOX T 9t lu�tl;eAS). THE FOLLOWING If a compaction test section is requested, a : Compaction pay factor of 1.00 shall apply until compatibility is 5-04.5(1)A Price Adjustments for Quality of AC Mix proven. Following determination of compactibility, the Contractor (RC) is responsible for the control of the compaction effort. If the Nonstatistical Acceptance-Each lot of asphalt concrete Contractor does not request a test section, the mix will be pavement produced and having all constituents falling within considered compactible. the limits of the job mix formula shall be accepted at the unit Asphalt Concrete Classes A, B, E, F, and G constructed contract price. If the constituents of the mix fall outside the under conditions other than listed above shall be compacted on the limits of the job mix formula, the mix shall not be accepted (see basis of a test point evaluation of the compaction train. The test Section 5-04.3(8)Rejection of Mixture). point evaluation shall be performed in accordance with instructions from the Engineer. The number of passes with an approved SECTION 5-04.5(1)B IS REVISED AND SUPPLEMENTED AS compaction train, required to attain the maximum test point FOLLOWS: density, shall be used on all subsequent paving. 5-04.5(1)B Price Adjustments for Quality AC Asphalt Concrete Class D and preleveling mix shall be Compaction (RC) compacted to the satisfaction of the Engineer. For each sublot a Compaction Pay In addition to the randomly selected locations for tests of the Factor r *' RFiG@ xdj st e;g >~art9. (CMA14 will be density, the Engineer may also isolate from a normal lot any area that is suspected of_being defective in relative density. Such determined based on the relative density of the tests. The isolated material will not include an original sample location. A following table lists the Compaction Pay Factors and their associated relative density. minimum of three 5 randomly located density tests will be taken. —The : '° tho `iff4F Rrs The isolated area will then be evaluated for price adjustment in accordance with this section, considering it as a separate-sublotUA. SECTION 5-04.5 IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: Relative Density Compaction Pay Factor 5-04.5 Payment (RC) (average of three tests) "Misc and/or Driveway Asphalt Conc. Appwash Cl. 1.00 91.5 per ton. This item when included in the contract includes asphalt 91.5 0.99 91.0 0.95 paving for areas such as driveways and traffic islands that are not 90.5 0.91 part of other paving work. 90.0 0.85 Jefa ,. 89.5 0.80 Saab, nn si n 89.0 0.75 Page-SP-Z8 Revision Date:May 19,1997 6-12 Rockeries 6-12 Rockeries Division 6 and have a stable appearance. The rocks shall be carefully placed y mechanical equipment and in a manner such that the longitudinal Structures axis if the rock shall be at right angles or perpendicular to the rockery face. The rocks shall have all inclining faces sloping to the back of the rockery. Each row of rocks will be seated as SECTION 6-I2 IS A NEW SECTION tightly and evenly as possible on the rock below in such a manner that there will be no movement between the two After setting a 6-12 Rockeries course of rock, all voids between the rocks shall be chinked on the back with quarry rock to eliminate any void sufficient to pass a 2 6-12.1 Description (RC) inch square probe. The work described in this section regardless of the type of 6-12.3.1 Rockery Backfill (RC) materials encountered, includes the excavation and shaping of the The wall backfill shall consist of 1-1/2 inch minus crushed cut or fill slopes and furnishing and constructing rockeries/rock rock or gravel conforming to section 9-03.9(3): This material will retaining wall where shown on the plans or where directed by the be placed to an 8 inch minimum thickness between the entire wall engineer. and the cut or fill material. The backfill material will be placed in lifts to an elevation approximately 6 inches below the course of 6-12.2 Materials (RC) rocks placed. The backfill will be placed after each course of Rock walls shall be formed of larger pieces of quarried basalt rocks. Any backfill material on the bearing surface of the rock andesite or other igneous rock. Individual pieces of rock shall be course will be removed before setting the next course sound and resistant to weathering. When broken into pieces 6-12.3.2 Drain Pipe (RC) weighing 50 to 150 grams and tested for soundness with sodium sulphate in accordance with aashto t104 the loss through a one- A 4 inch diameter perforated pvc pipe shall be placed as a inch sieve after 6 cycles shall not exceed 35% by weight. footing drain behind the rockeries as shown in the standard plans The rock material shall be as nearly rectangular as possible so and connected to the storm drainage system where shown as to afford the minimum amount of void space between the blocks 6-12.3.3 Rejection Of Material(RC) No stone shall be used which does not extend through the wall The inspector will have the authority to reject any defective The rock material shall be hard, sound, durable and free from material and to suspend any work that is being improperly done weathered portions, seams, cracks and other defects. subject to the final decision of the engineer. All rejected material The rock density shall be a minimum of 160 pounds per cubic foot. The source of supply and representative samples of the will be removed from the construction site and any reiected work shall be repaired or replaced at no additional cost to the Owner material shall be approved by the engineer_before delivery to the site. 6-12.4 Measurement (RC) The rock walls shall be constructed of one-man rocks (85 to 300 pounds) each 10" in its least dimension; two-man rocks (300 Measurement of the finished rock wall for payment will be to 600 pounds) each 13" in its least dimension; three-man rocks made from the footing grade to the top of the wall and rounded to (800 to 1,200 pounds) each 16" in its least dimension; four-man the nearest square yard. rocks(1,500 to 2,200 pounds) each 18" in its least dimension The 6-12.5 Payment (RC) rocks shall range uniformly in size for each classification specifies The four-man rocks shall only be used for the first course of Payment will be made under the item "rock retaining wall" rock in walls over 6 feet in height. per square yard. The unit price per square yard shall be full compensation for 6-12.3 Construction Requirements(RC) the rockery/rock retaining wall in place and shall include all work The rock unloading at the site will be done in such a manner materials, and equipment required to complete the installation as to segregate the rock by the size ranges indicated in the including drainage pipe and all other items. preceding paragraph. The walls shall be started by excavating a trench not less than 6 inches or more than one foot in depth below subgrade in excavation sections, or not less than 6 inches or more than one foot in depth below the existing ground level in embankment sections Areas on which the rockery is to be placed shall be trimmed and dressed to conform to the elevation or slope indicated. The rock wall construction shall start as soon as possible upon the completion of the cut or fill section. Rock selection and placement shall be such that there will be no open voids in the exposed face of the wall over 6 inches across in any direction. The rocks shall be placed and keyed together with a minimum of voids. Particular attention shall be given to the placing and keying together of the final course of all rockeries The final course shall have a continuous appearance and be placed to minimize erosion of the backfill material. The larger rocks shall be placed at the base of the rockery so that the wall will be stable Page-SP-29 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 7-01 Drains 7-04 Storm Sewers Division 7 Corrugated Polyethylene Culvert Pipe 9-05.19 Where steel or aluminum are referred to in this Section in Drainage Structures, Storm Sewers, regard to a kind of culvert pipe, pipe arch, or end sections, it shall Sanitary Sewers, Water Mains, and be understood that steel is zinc coated with Asphalt Treatment I (galvanized) or aluminum coated (aluminized) corrugated iron or Conduits steel, and aluminum is corrugated aluminum alloy as specified in Sections 9-05.4 and 9-05.5. Where plain or reinforced concrete, steel, or aluminum are referred to in Section 7-02 it shall be understood that reference is 7-01 Drains also made to PVC. SECTION 7-01.2 IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: 7-03 Structural Plate Pipe, Pipe Arch, Arch, 7-01.2 Materials and Underpass Drain pipes may be concrete,zinc coated (galvanized)Asphalt Treatment I or aluminum coated (aluminized) corrugated iron or SECTION 7-03.2 IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: steel with Asphalt Treatment I, corrugated aluminum alloy, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), or corrugated polyethylene (PE) at the 7-03.2 Materials(RC) option of the Contractor unless the Plans specify the type to be Materials shall meet the requirements of the following used. sections: SECTION 7-01.3 IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: Concrete Class 3000 6-02 7-01.3 Construction Requirements (RC) Corrugated Steel Asphalt Treatment 1 9-05.6(8) I Corrugated Aluminum 9-05.6(8) PVC drain pipe shall be jointed with a bell and spigot joint Reinforcing Steel 9-07 using a flexible elastomeric seal as described in Section 9-04.8. The bell shall be laid upstream. PE or ABS drain pipe shall be SECTION 7-03.5 IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: jointed with snap-on, screw-on, or wraparound coupling bands as I recommended by the manufacturer of the tubing. 7-03.5 Payment (RC) PVC underdrain pipe shall be jointed using either the flexible Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for elastomeric seal as described in Section 9-04.8 or solvent cement as each of the following bid items that are included in the proposal: described in Section 9-04.9, at the option of the Contractor unless "St. Str. Plate Pipe _ Gage _ In. Diam.", per linear otherwise specified in the Plans. The bell shall be laid upstream. foot with Asphalt Treatment I. PE or ABS drainage tubing underdrain pipe shall be jointed with "St. Str. Plate Pipe Arch_Gage e Ft. In. Span", snap-on, screw-on, or wraparound coupling bands, as per linear foot with Asphalt Treatment I. ( recommended by the manufacturer of the tubing. "St. Str. Plate Arch_Gage_Ft. _In. Span", per SECTION 7-01.4 IS SUPPLEMENTED ADDING THE linear foot with Asphalt Treatment I. FOLLOWING. "Structure Excavation Class B", per cubic yard. "Structure Excavation Class B Incl.Haul",per cubic yard. 7-01.4 Measurement (RC) If no bid item for Structure Excavation Class A or Structure When the contract does not include "structure excavation Excavation Class B including haul, is included in the schedule of Class B" or "Structure excavation Class B including haul" as a pay prices then the work will be considered incidental and its cost item all costs associated with these items shall be included in other should be included in the cost of the pipe. "Shoring or Extra contract pay items. Excavation Class B". If it is not in the contract, then it shall be ' incidental. 7-02 Culverts 7-04 Storm Sewers SECTION 7-02.2 IS REVISED AND SUPPLEMENTED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 7-04.2 IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: 7-02.2 Materials (RC) 7-04.2 Materials (RC) Materials shall meet the requirements of the following Where steel or aluminum are referred to in this Section in sections: regard to a kind of storm sewer pipe, it shall be understood that Plain Concrete Culvert Pipe 9-05.3(1) steel is zinc coated (galvanized),, Asphalt Treatment I Coated Q* I Reinforced Concrete Culvert Pipe 9-05.3(2) ",,.^A:^„J^ Ggat@d (alW;,,:^: corrugated iron or steel and f Beveled Concrete End Sections 9-05.3(3) aluminum is corrugated aluminum alloy as specified in Sections Steel Culvert Pipe and Pipe Arch, Asphalt Treatment 1 9-05.4 9-05.4 and 9-05.5. Steel Nestable Pipe and Pipe Arch, Asphalt Treatment I 9-05.4(8) Steel End Sections, Asphalt Treatment I 9-05.4(9) Aluminum Culvert Pipe 9-05.5 Aluminum End Sections 9-05.5(6) Solid Wall PVC Culvert Pipe 9-05.12(1) Profile Wall PVC Culvert Pipe 9-05.12(2) Page-SP-30 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 7-05 Manholes,Inlets,and Catch Basins 7-05 Manholes,Inlets,and Catch Basins 7-04.3 Construction Requirements 7-05 Manholes, Inlets, and Catch Basins SECTION 7-04.3(1)B IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE SECTION 7-05.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: FOLLOWING: 7-04.3(1)B Pipe Bedding(RCS 7-05.3 Construction Requirements (RC) Pipe bedding for PVC sewer pipe shall consist of clean granular pea gravel consistent with section 9-03 12(3) It shall be All manholes shall have eccentric cones and shall have placed to a depth of 6" over and 6" under the exterior walls of the ladders. pipe. SECTION 7-05.3(1) IS REVISED AND SUPPLEMENTED AS 7-04.3(2) Laying Storm Sewer Pipe FOLLOWS: SECTION 7-04.3(2)A IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS.• 7-05.3(1) Adjusting Manholes and Catch Basins to 7-04.3(2)A Survey Line and Grade (RC) Grade (RC) The existing cast iron ring and cover on manholes and the Survey line and grade will be provided by the Engineer or catch basin frame and grate shall first be removed and thoroughly contractor in a manner consistent with accepted practices and these cleaned for reinstalling at the new elevation. From that point, the specifications. existing structure shall be raised or lowered to the required SECTION 7-04.3(2)G IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE elevation. The ..,.,.o;. 1 2qd :h ,, gi , ., FOLLOWING: `^ ;h@ r4quiromentg spogified in thir and d r,tR G.,,r &h211 __..fgrm to the . f t, st d a Dt 7-04.3(2)G Storm Sewer Line Connections (RC) All connections not occurring at a manhole or catch basin shall In unpaved streets: Manholes catch basins and similar be done utilizing pre-manufactured tee connectors or pipe sections structures in areas to be surfaced with crushed rock or gravel shall approved by the Engineer. Any other method or materials be constructed to a point approximately eight inches below the proposed for use in making connections shall be subject to approval subgrade and covered with a temporary wood cover. Existing by the Engineer. manholes shall be cut off and covered in a similar manner. The SECTION 7-04.4 IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: contractor shall carefully reference each manhole so that they may be easily found upon completion of the street work After placing 7-04.4 Measurement(RC) the gravel or crushed stone surfacing the manholes and manhole castings shall be constructed to the finished grade of the roadway The length of storm sewer pipe will be the number of linear surface. Excavation necessary for bringing manholes to grade feet of completed installation measured along the invert and will shall center about the manhole and be held to the minimum area include the length through elbows, tees, and fittings. The number necessary. At the completion of the manhole adjustment the void of linear feet will be measured from the center of manhole to around the manhole shall be backfilled with materials which result center of manhole or from the center of catch basin to center of in the section required on the typical road way section and be catch basins and similar type structures. thoroughly compacted. SECTION 7-04.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED AND REVISED AS In cement concrete pavement: Manholes catch basins and FOLLOWS: similar structures shall be constructed and adjusted in the same manner as outlined above except that the final adjustment shalt be 7-04.5 Payment (RC) made and cast iron frame be set after forms have been placed and The unit contract price per linear foot for storm sewer pipe of checked. In placing the concrete pavement extreme care shall be not to alter the position of the casting in any way the kind and size specified shall be full pay for all work to In asphalt concrete pavement: Manholes shall not be adjusted complete the installation, including adjustment of inverts to until the pavement is completed at which time the center of each manholes. When no bid item "gravel backfill for pipe bedding" is _manhole shall be carefully relocated from references previously included in the Schedule of Prices pipe bedding as shown in the established by the contractor. The pavement shall be cut in a standard plans, shall considered incidental to the pipe and no restricted area and base material be removed to permit removal of additional payment shall ll be made. uT°o.:•: the cover. The manhole shall then be brought to proper grade �term Sewer$ip�",-.Per li�iea�:-feel. utilizing the same methods of construction as for the manhole Testing of storm sewer pipe if required by the Engineer,shall itself. The cast iron frame shall be placed on the concrete blocks fo considered incidental to and included in the unit contract prices and wedged up to the desired grade. The asphalt concrete pavement for other items. shall be cut and removed to a neat circle, the diameter of which shall be equal to the outside diameter of the cast iron frame plus two feet. The base materials and crushed rock shall be removed and Class 3000 or Commercial Portland Cement Concrete shall be placed so that the entire volume of the excavation is replaced up to within but not to exceed 2 inches of the finished pavement surface On the day following placement of the concrete the edge of the asphalt concrete pavement and the outer edge of the casting shall be painted with hot asphalt cement. Asphalt Class G concrete shall then be placed and compacted with hand tampers and a patching roller. The complete patch shall match the existing paved surface for texture, density, and uniformity of grade The joint between the Page-SP-31 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 7-08 General Pipe Installation Requirements 7-08 General Pipe Installation Requirements patch and the existing pavement shall then be carefully painted with SECTION 7-05.4 IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: hot asphalt cement or asphalt emulsion and shall be immediately 7-05.4 Measurement (RC) covered with dry paving sand before the asphalt cement solidifies. Manholes will be measured per each. Measurement of The inside throat of the manhole shall be thoroughly mortared and manhole heights for payment purposes will be the distance from plastered. finished rim elevation to the invert of the lowest outlet pipe. Adjustment of inlets: The final alignment and grade of cast Adjustments of new structures and miscellaneous items such iron frames for new and old inlets to be adjusted to grade will be as valve boxes shall be considered incidental to the unit contract established from the forms or adjacent pavement surfaces. The price of the new item and no furthur compensation shall be made. final adjustment of the top of the inlet will be performed in similar Adjustment of existing structures and miscelaneous items such manner to the above for manholes. On asphalt concrete paving as valve boxes shall be measured by "Adjust Existing ," per projects using curb and gutter section that portion of the cast iron each which shall be full pay for all labor and materials including all frame not embedded in the gutter section shall be solidly embedded concrete for the completed adjustment in accordance with Section in concrete also. The concrete shall extend a minimum of six 7.05.3(1)and the City of Renton Standard Details. inches beyond the edge of the casting and shall be left 2 inches Connection to existing pipes and structures shall be measured below the top of the frame so that the wearing course of asphalt �h concrete pavement will butt the cast iron frame. The existing concrete pavement and edge of the casting shall be painted with hot SECTION 7-05.5 IS REVISED AND SUPPLEMENTED AS asphalt cement Adjustments in the inlet structure shall be FOLLOWS: constructed in the same manner and of the same material as that required for new inlets. The inside of the inlets shall be mortared 7-05.5 Payment (RC) and plastered. "AdjustbUnhole Existing " per each. Monuments and cast iron frame and cover: Monuments and The unit contract price per each for "Adjust monument castings shall be adjusted to grade in the same manner Existing bd ' ' " "Adjust GasGh Basin" shall be full pay as for manholes. for all costs necessary to make the adjustment including restoration Valvf box castings: Adjustments of valve box castings shall be of adjecent areas in a manner acceptable to the Engineer. made in t c.same manner as for manholes. "Structure Excavation Class B",per cubic yard. SECTION 7-05.3(2)IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: "Structure Excavation Class B Incl.Haul",per cubic yard. Structure excavation for concrete inlets and area inlets is 7-05.3(2) Abandon Existing Manholes (RC) considered incidental to the cost of the inlets and shall be included Where it is required that an existing manhole be abandoned, in the unit contract price for the concrete inlet and the area inlet. If the structure shall be broken down to a depth of at least 4 feet no bid item for Structure Excavation Class A or Structure below the revised surface elevation, all connections plugged, the Excavation Class B is included in the schedule of prices then the manhole base shall be fractured to prevent standing water, and the work will be considered incidental and its cost should be included manhole filled with sand and compacted to 90 percent density as in the cost of the pipe. specified in Section 2-03.3(14)C. Debris resulting from breaking "Connect to Existing Catch Basin,"per each. the upper part of the manhole may be mixed with the sand subject "Connect Structure to existing pipe," per each. to the approval of the Engineer. The ring and cover shall be 7-08 General Pipe Installation Requirements salvaged and all other surplus material disposed of. SECTION 7-05.3(3) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE SECTION 7-08.3(1)C SUPPLEMENTED AS FOLLOWS: FOLLOWING: 7-08.3(1)C Pipe Zone Bedding (RC) (SA) 7-05.3(3) Connections to Existing Manholes (RC) Hand compaction of the bedding materials under the pipe Where shown on the plans new drain pipes shall be connected haunches will be required Hand compaction shall be accomplished ' by using a suitable tamping tool to firmly tamp bedding material to existing line, basin curb inlets and/or manholes. The under the haunches of the pipe Care shall be taken to avoid contractor shall be required to core drill into the structure, shape displacement of the pipe during the compaction effort. the new pipe to fit and regrout the opening in a workmanlike pipe bedding shall be considered incidental to the pipe and no manner. c -Where directed by the engineer or where shown on the further compensation shall c made. plans additional structure channeling will be required. A "Connection to existing" item will be allowed at any SECTION 7-08.3(2)E IS SUPPLEMENTED AS FOLLOWS: connection of a new line to an existing structure or the connection of a new structure to a existing line. No "connection to existing 7-08.3(2)E Rubber Gasketed Joints(RQ will be accepted at the location of new installation, relocation and In laying pipe with rubber gaskets, the pipe shall be handled adjustment of line manholes catch basins or curb inlets. carefully to avoid knocking the gasket out of position or Any damage to existing pipe or structure that is to remain in contaminating it with foreign material. Any gasket so disturbed place resulting from the Contractor's operations shall be repaired_ shall be removed, cleaned, relubricated if required, and replaced or replaced at his own expense. before joining the sections. The unit bid price per each shall be full compensation for all The pipe shall be properly aligned before joints are forced labor, materials and equipment required. home. Sufficient pressure shall be applied in making the joint to ensure that the joint is home, as defined in the standard installation instructions provided by the pipe manufacturer. The Contractor may use any method acceptable to the Engineer for pulling the pipe together, except that driving or ramming by hand or machinery will not be permitted. Any pipe damaged during joining and joint Page-SP-32 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 7-08 General Pipe Installation Requirements 7-08 General Pipe Installation Requirements tightening shall be removed and replaced at no expense to the Pipe shall be kept clean during and after laying All openings in Contracting Agency. the pipe line shall be closed with water tight expandable type sewer Care shall be taken by the CONTRACTOR to avoid over plugs at the end of each day's operation or whenever the pipe pushing the pipe and damaging the pipe or joint system Any openings are left unattended. The use of burlap wood or other damaged pipe shall be replaced by the Contractor at his expense similar temporary plugs will not be permitted. Care shall be taken to properly align the pipe before joints are Where necessary to raise or lower the pipe due to unforeseen entirely forced home. During insertion of the tongue or spigot, the obstructions or other causes the ENGINEER may change the pipe shall be partially supported by hand, sling or crane to alignment and/or the grades. Except for short runs which may be minimize unequal lateral pressure on the gasket and to maintain permitted by the ENGINEER pipes shall be laid uphill on grades concentricity until the gasket is properly positioned. Since most exceeding 10 percent_ Pipe which is laid on a downhill grade shall gasketed joints tend to creep apart when the end of the pipe is be blocked and held in place until sufficient support is furnished by deflected and straightened, such movement shall be held to a the following pipe to prevent movement. minimum once the joint is home. Unless otherwise required, all pipe shall be laid straight SECTION 7-08.3(2)J IS AN ADDED NEW SECTION: between the changes in alignment and at uniform grade between changes in grade. For concrete pipes with elliptical reinforcement 7-08.3(2)J Placing PVC Pipe(RQ the pipe shall be placed with the minor axis of the reinforcement in In the trench, prepared as specified in Section 7-02.3(1) PVC a vertical position. pipe shall be laid beginning at the lower end with the bell end Immediately after the pipe joints has been made proper gasket upgrade. Pea gravel will be used as the bedding material and placement shall be checked with a feeler gage as approved by the extend from 6" below the bottom of the pipe to 6" above the top of pipe manufacturer to verify proper gasket placement. the pipe. When it is necessary to connect to a structure with a SECTION 7-08.3(2)G IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE mudded joint a rubber gasketed concrete adapter-collar will be used FOLLOWING: at the point of connection. 7-08.3(2)G Sewer Line Connections (RC) 7-08.3(2)A Survey Line and Grade Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, all connections of Survey line and grade control shall be provided in accordance lateral sewers to existing mains shall be made through a cast iron with Sections 1-05.4, 1-05.5 and 1-I1 saddle secured to the sewer main with stainless steel bands. When LiAgiuer-in a manner consistent with accepted practices. the existing main is constructed of vitrified clay, plain or The Contractor shall transfer line and grade into the trench reinforced concrete, cast or ductile iron pipe the existing main where they shall be carried by means of a laser beam using 50 foot shall be core drilled. minimum intervals for grade staking. Any other procedure shall Connections (unless booted connections have been provided have the written approval of the Engineer. for) to existing concrete manholes shall be core-drilled and shall have an "O" ring rubber gasket meeting ASTM C478 in a iAter-219 of r morg thaA 30 fact- go:lesr than ri, battor.wards manhole coupling equal to the Johns-Manville Asbestos-Cement collar, or use a conical type flexible seal equal to kore-N-Seal. PVC pipe connection shall consist of tee, nipple and couplers as approved by the Engineer. SECTION 7-08.4 IS REVISED AND SUPPLEMENTED AS SECTION 7-08.3(2)B IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWS: FOLLOWING: 7-08.4 Measurement (SA) 7-08.3(2)B Pipe Laying; (RC) Gravel backfill for foundations, or gravel backfill for pipe Checking of the invert elevation of the pipe may be made by zone bedding when used for foundations, shall be measured by the calculations from measurements on the top of the pipe or by cubic yard, including haul,as specified in 2-09., or by the TON. looking for ponding of 112" or less, which indicates a satisfacto Concrete for plugging existing pipes will be measured by the condition. At manholes, when the downstream pipe(s) is of a cubic yard for the volume which would be required to completely larger size, pipe(s) shall be laid by matching the (eight-tenths)flow fill the pipe for a distance of two diameters. Computation for elevation, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. corrugated metal pipes will be based on the nominal diameter. All pipe, fittings, etc. shall be carefully handled and protected Excavation of the trench will be measured as structure against damage, impact shocks, and free fall. All pipe handling excavation Class B or structure excavation Class B including haul, equipment shall be acceptable to the ENGINEER. Pipe shall not by the cubic yard as specified in Section 2-09. When excavation be placed directly on rough ground but shall be supported in a below grade is necessary, excavation will be measured to the limits manner which will protect the pipe against injury whenever stored ordered by the Engineer. at the trench site or elsewhere. No pipe shall be installed where Embankment construction before culvert placement under the the lining or coating show defects that may be harmful as applicable provisions of Section 7-08.3(1)A will be measured in determined by the ENGINEER. Such damaged lining or coating accordance with Section 2-03. shall be repaired, or a new undamaged pipe shall be furnished and Shoring or extra excavation class B will be measured as installed. specified in Section 2-09.4. The CONTRACTOR shall inspect each pipe and fitting prior to installation to insure that there are not damaged portions of the pipe. Any defective, damaged or unsound pipe shall be repaired or replaced. All foreign matter or dirt shall be removed from the interior of the pipe before lowering into position in the trench. Page-SP-33 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 7-10 Trench Exc.,Bedding,and Backfill for Water Mains 7-11 Pipe Installation for Water Mains SECTION 7-08.5 IS REVISED AND SUPPLEMENTED AS 7-11 Pipe Installation for Water Mains FOLLOWS: 7-08.5 Payment 1 (SA) 7-11.3 Construction Details (RC) Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 for each of the following bid items that are included in the proposal: 7-11.3(4) Laying of Pipe on Curves "Gravel Backfill for Foundations", per cubic yard,or Ton. SECTION 7-11.3(4)A HAS BEEN REVISED AS FOLLOWS. "Gravel Backfill for Pipe Zone Bedding", per cubic yard, or Ton. 7-11.3(4)A Ductile Iron Pipe(RC) "Commercial Concrete",per cubic yard. Long radius (500feet or more) curves, either horizontal or "Structure Excavation Class B", per cubic yard. vertical, may be laid with standard pipe by deflecting the joints. If "Structure Excavation Class B Incl. Haul",per cubic yard. the pipe is shown curved in the Plans and no special fittings are Unless specifically identified and provided as separate items, shown, the Contractor can assume that the curves can be made by structure excavation dewatering and backfilling shall be incidental deflecting the joints with standard lengths of pipe. If shorter to pipe installation and no further compensation shall be made. lengths are required, the Plans will indicate maximum lengths that "Shoring or Extra Excavation Class B", per square foot. can be used. The amount of deflection at each pipe joint when pipe If this pay item is not in the contract, then it shall be is laid on a horizontal or vertical curve shall not exceed one half of I incidental. the manufacturer's printed recommended deflections. 7-10 Trench Exc., Bedding, and Backfill for SECTION 7-11.3(4)B IS SUPPLEMENTED AS FOLLOWS: Water Mains 7-11.3(4)B Polyvinyl Chloride(PVC) Pipe (4 inches and Over) (RC) SECTION;-10.4 IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe shall not be used for water mains and appurtenances. 7-10.4 Measurement (RC) THE TITLE AND TEXT OF SECTION 7-11.3(6) HAS BEEN Measurement of bank run gravel for trench backfill will be by REVISED AS FOLLOWS: the cubic yard measured by the calculation of neat lines based on maximum trench width per Section 2-09.4 or by the ton, in 7-11.3(6) Laying Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings with accordance with Section 1-09. Polyethylene Encasement (RC) 4The Contractor shall lay ductile 7-10.5 IS REVISED AND SUPPLEMENTED AS FOLLOWS: iron pipe with a polyethylene encasement. Pipe and polyethylene 7-10.5 Payment(RC) encasement shall be installed in accordance with AWWA C105. The polyethylene encasement shall also be installed on all 3. "Remounl and Replaceawnt 9f I416;1421als U,atc;ial" per. appurtenances such as pipe laterals, couplings, fittings, and Gubig y" valves with 8 mil. polyethylene plastic in accordance with Section Xb- uAis rubisyard f®r. "Re-mg,„] and 4-5 of ANSI 21.5 or AWWA C105. a of rt •. hl U,r2.o-:21" "hall hp fUll .. ..f...n —0A The polyethylene wrap shall be tube type and black color. Any damage that occurs to the wrap shall be repaired in accordance Payment for "removal with ANSI/AWWA C105/A21.5-93. and replacement of unsuitable material" will be considered Installation of the polyethylene encasement shall be considered incidental to or calculated under other bid items and no further incidental to the installation of the pipe and no additional payment compensation will be made. shall be allowed. 4. "Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill", per cubic yard 7-11.3(7)A AND 7-11.3(7)B HAVE BEEN DELETED AND or ton. REPLACED BY THE FOLLOWING The unit contract price per cubic yard or ton for "Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill" shall be full pay for all work to 7-11.3(7) Laying Steel Pipe (RC) furnish, place, and compact the material in the trench. Also Steel pipe shall not be used. included in the unit contract price is the disposal of excess and SECTION 7-11.3(9)A IS REVISED AND SUPPLEMENTED AS unusable material excavated from the trench. 6. "Foundation Material" , per ton or cubic yard. FOLLOWS. Payment at the unit contract price for "foundation material" 7-11.3(9)A Connections to Existing Mains (RC) shall be full compensation for excavating and disposing of the The Contractor may be required to perform the connection unsuitable material and replacing with the appropriate foundation during times other than normal working hours. The Contractor material per Section 9-30.7B(1). shall not operate any valves on the existing system wit#tetii-spaGi€ic ps;*Aissioa of the Water system personnel will operate all valves on the existing system for the contractor when required. No work shall be performed on the connections unless a ' representative of the water department is present to inspect the work. When not stated otherwise in the special provisions or on the plans all connections to existing water mains will be done by City ' forces as provided below: City Installed connections: Page-SP-34 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 7-11 Pipe Installation for Water Mains 7-11 Pipe Installation for Water Mains Connections to existing piping and tie-ins are indicated on the registering 1 gallon per revolution. The meter shall be approved by drawings. The contractor must verify all existing piping the Engineer. dimensions, and elevations to assure proper fit. Acceptability of the test will be determined as follows: Connections to the existing water main shall not be made Acceptability of the test will be determined by two factors as without first making the necessary arrangements with the Engineer follows: in advance. 1. The quantity of water lost from the main shall not exceed A two-week advance notice shall be required for each the number of gallons per hour as listed in the following connection which requires a cutting of the existing water mains or a table. shut-down of the existing water mains. The City reserves the right 2. The loss in pressure shall not exceed 5 psi during the 2 hour to re-schedule the connection if the work area is not ready at the test period. scheduled time for the connection. All water used to perform hydrostatic pressure shall be Work shall not be started until all the materials equipment charged a usage fee. and labor necessary to properly complete the work are assembled on site. Allowable leakage per 1000 ft. of pipeline*-in GPH The Contractor shall provide all saw-cutting removal and disposal of existing surface improvements excavation haul and Nominal Pipe Diameter in inches disposal of unsuitable materials, shoring de-watering, foundation PSI 6" 8" 10" 12" 16" 20' 24" material, at the connection areas before the scheduled time for the 450 0.95 1.27 1.59 1.91 2.55 3.18 3_82 connection by the City. The Contractor shall provide all materials 400 0_90 1.20 1.50 1.80 2.40 3_00 3_60 necessary to install all connections as indicated on the construction 350 0_84 1.12 1.40 1.69 2.25 2.81 3.37 plans, including but not limited to the required fittings couplings 275 0.75 1_00 1.24 1.49 1_99 2.49 2_99 pipe spools, shackle materials to complete the connections. The 250 0.71 0.95 1.19 1.42 1_90 2.37 2_85 Contractor shall provide and install concrete blocking polywrap 225 0_68 0.90 1.13 1.35 1_80 2_25 2.70 the piping at the connections, backfill and surface restoration at the 200 0.64 0.85 1.06 1.28 1.70 2.12 2.55 locations shown on the plans for the connections to the existing *If the pipeline under test contains sections of various water mains. diameters, the allowable leakage will be the sum of the computed The City will cut the existing main and assemble all materials. leakage for each size. For those diameters or pressures not listed the formula below shall be used: SECTION 7-II.3(II) IS SUPPLEMENTED AND REVISED AS _ The quantity of water lost from the main shall not exceed the FOLLOWS: number of gallons per hour as determined by the formula 7-11.3(11) Hydrostatic Pressure Test (RC) L=NDNFP A hydrant meter and a back flow prevention device will be 7400 used when drawing water from the City system. These may be in which obtained from the City by completing the required forms and L = Allowable leakage, gallons/hour making required security deposits. There will be a charge for the N = No.of joints in the length of pipeline tested water used. Before applying the specified test pressure, air shall D = Nominal diameter of the pipe in inches be expelled completely from the pipe, valves and hydrants. If P = Average test pressure during the leakage test, psi permanent air vents are not located at all high points the contractor shall install corporation cocks at such points so that the air can be during*h@ 15 ..,:,,ws sort„o..;.,a expelled as the line is filled with water. After all the air has been expelled, the corporation cocks shall be closed and the test SECTION 7-.11.3(12)A SHALL BE REVISED AND pressure applied. At the conclusion of the pressure test the SUPPLEMENTED AS FOLLOWS: corporation cocks shall be removed and plugged. 7-11.3(12)A Flushing and "Poly-pigging"(RC) The mains shall be filled with water and allowed to stand Sections of pipe to be disinfected shall first be fhishedpoly- under pressure for a minimum of 24 hours to allow the escape of pigged to remove any solids or contaminated material that may air and allow the lining of the pipe to absorb water. The State will have become lodged in the pipe. If furnish the water necessary to fill the pipelines for testing purposesthe main cannot be "poly-pigged", then a tap shall be at a time of day when sufficient quantities of water are available for provided large enough to develop a velocity of at least 2.5 fps in normal system operation. the main. The test shall be accomplished by pumping the main up to the The "Poly-pig" shall be equal to Girard Industries Aqua- required pressure, stopping the pump for a minimum of two hours, Swab-AS, 2lb/cu-ft density foam with 90A durometer urethane and then pumping the main up to the test pressure again. During rubber coating on the rear of the "Poly-pig" only. The "Poly-pig" the test, the Section being tested shall be observed to detect any shall be cylinder shaped with bullet nose or squared end. visible leakage. A clean container shall be used for holding water for pumping up pressure on the main being tested. This makeup pipe, flushing 61;211 be dons 240T.disinfl�;Qn_ water shall be sterilized by the addition of chlorine to a Dechlorination of all water used for disinfection shall be concentration of 50 mg/l. accomplished in accordance with the City's standard detail. Water The quantity of water required to restore the pressure shall be containing chlorine residual in excess of that carried in the existing accurately determined by either 1)pumping from an open container water system, shall not be disposed into the storm drainage system of suitable size such that accurate volume measurements can be or any water way. made by the Owner or, 2) by pumping through a positive displacement water meter with a sweep unit pumping through a positive displacement water meter with a sweep unit hand Page-SP-35 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 7-11 Pipe Installation for Water Mains 7-11 Pipe Installation for Water Mains SECTION 7-11.3(12)D HAS BEEN DELETED AND Joint restrainer system components: REPLACED WITH: Tiebolt: ASTM A242, type 2, zinc plated or hot dip 7-11.3(12)D Dry Calcium Hypochlorite (RC) galvanized. SST 7:5/8" for 2" and 3" mechanical joints, 3/4" for 4" to 12" mechanical joints, ASTM A325, type 31), except tensile Dry calcium hypochlorite shall not be placed in the pipe as strength of full-body threaded section shall be increased to 40,000 laid. lbs. minimum for 5/8" and 60,000 lbs. minimum for 3/4" by heat SECTION 7-11.3(12)K HAS BEEN REVISED AS FOLLOWS. treating (quenching and tempering) to manufactures reheat and hardness specifications. SST 753: 3/4" for 14" to 24" mechanical 7-11.3(12)K Retention Period (RC) joints. same ASTM specification as SST 7. SST 77: 3/4" same as Treated water shall be retained in the pipe at least 24 hours SST 7, except 1" eye for 7/8" rod. same ASTM specification as but no long than 48 hours. After this period, the chlorine residual SST 7. at pipe extremities and at other representative points shall be at Tienut- heavy hex nut for each tiebolt• SS8. 5/8" and 3/4", least 25 mg/l. ASTM A563, grade C3,or zinc plated. S8: 518" and 314",ASTM SECTION 7-11.3(12)N HAS BEEN REVISED AS FOLLOWS: A563, grade A,zinc plated or hot-dip galvanized Tiecoupling: used to extend continuous threaded rods and are 7-11.3(12)N Final Flushing and Testing (RC) provided with a center stop to aid installation, zinc plated or hot- Before placing the lines into service,a satisfactory report shall dip galvanized. SS10: for 5/8" and 3/4" tierods, ASTM A563, be received from the local or State health department or an grade C3. S10: for 5/8" and 3/4" tierods, ASTM A563, grade A. approved testing lab on samples collected from representative points in the new system. Samples will be collected and Tjerod: continuous threaded rod for cutting to desired lengths, bacteriological tests obtained by the Engineer. zinc plated or hot-dip galvanized. SS12: 5/8" and 3/4" diameter, ASTM A242, type 2; ANSI B1.1. S12: 518" and 3/4" diameter, SECTION 7-11.3(13) HAS BEEN SUPPLEMENTED BY ASTM A36,A307. ADDING THE FOLLOWING: Tiewasher: round flat washers, zinc plated or hot-dip 7-11.3(13) Concrete Thrust Blocking and Dead-Man galvanized. SS17:ASTM A242, F436. S17: ANSI B18.22.1. Installation: Block(RC) Install the joint restraint system in accordance with the Provide concrete blocking at all hydrants, fittings and manufactures instructions so all joints are mechanically locked horizontal ur vertical angle points. Conform to The City of Renton together to prevent joint separation. Tiebolts shall be installed to standard details for general blocking, and vertical blocks herein. pull against the mechanical joint body and not the MJ follower. All fittings to be blocked shall be wrapped with 8-mil polyethylene Torque nuts at 75-90 foot pounds for 3/4" nuts. Install tiecouplings plastic. Concrete blocking shall be properly formed with plywood with both rods threaded equal distance into tiecouplings. Arrange or other acceptable forming materials and shall not be poured tierods symmetrically around the pipe. around joints. The forms shall be stripped prior to backftlling. Joint restraint(shackle rods), where required, shall be installed in accordance with section 7-11.3(15). Provide concrete dead-man blocks at locations shown on the Pipe Diameter Number of 3/4" plans. The dead-man block shall include reinforcing steels, shackle Tie Rods Required rods, installation and removal of formwork. 4" .....................................2 Blocking shall be commercial concrete (hand mixed concrete is not allowed)and poured in place. 6" 2 8"...........................................3 SECTION 7-11.3(15)IS A NEW ADDITIONAL SECTION. 10"...........................................4 12"...........................................6 7-11.3(15) Joint Restraint Systems (RC) 14"...........................................8 General: 16"...........................................8 Where shown on the plans or in the specifications or required by 18"...........................................8 the engineer, joint restraint system (shackle rods)shall be used. all 20"...........................................10 joint restraint materials used shall be those manufactured by star 24"...........................................14 national products, 1323 holly avenue PO box 258, Columbus Ohio 30"...........................................(16-7/8"rods) 43216, unless an equal alternate is approved in writing by the 36"...........................................(24-7/8-rods) engineer. Materials- Steel types used shall be: High strength low-alloy steel(cor-ten), ASTM A242, heat- Where a manufactures mechanical joint valve or fitting is treated, superstar"SST"series. supplied with slots for "T" bolts instead of holes, a flanged valve High strength low-alloy steel(cor-ten), ASTM A242, superstar with a flange by mechanical joint adapter shall be used instead, so "SS" series. as to provide adequate space for locating the tiebolts. Items to be galvanized are to meet the following requirements: Where a continuous run of pipe is required to be restrained, ' ASTM A153 for galvanizing iron and steel hardware. no run of restrained pipe shall be greater than 60 feet in length ASTM A123 for galvanizing rolled, pressed and forged steel between fittings. Insert long body solid sleeves as required on shapes. longer runs to keep tierod lengths to the 60 foot maximum. Pipe 9 used in continuously restrained runs shall be mechanical joint pipe and tiebolts shall be installed as rod guides at each joint. Page-SP-36 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 7-12 Valves for Water Mains 7-12 Valves for Water Mains Where poly wrapping is required all tiebolts tienuts 7-12 Valves for Water Mains tiecouplmgs, tierods and tiewashers shall be galvanized All disturbed sections will be painted to the inspectors satisfaction with koppers bitomastic no. 300-m or approved equal SECTION 742.02 HAS BEEN REVISED AS FOLLOWS: Where poly wrapping is not required all tiebolts tienuts SECTION 7-12.3(1)HAS BEEN REVISED AS FOLLOWS. tiecouplings, tierods and tiewashers may be galvanized as specified in the preceding paragraph or plain and painted in the entirety with 742.3(1) Installation of Valve Marker Post (RC) koppers bitumastic no. 800-m,or approved equal_ Where required, a valve marker post shall be furnished and Tiebolts, tienuts, tiecouplings tierods and tiewashers shall be installed with each valve. Valve marker posts shall be placed at the considered incidental to installation of the pipe and no additional edge of the right-of-way opposite the valve and be set with payment shall be made. 18 inches of the post exposed above grade. SECTION 7-11.4 HAS BEEN SUPPLEMENTED AS FOLLOWS: 7-11.4 Measurement (RC) Measurement for payment of concrete thrust blocking and dead-man blocks will be per cubic-yard when these items are SECTION 7-12.3(2)IS A NEW SECTION: included as separate pay items. If not included as separate pay items in the contract, then thrust blocking and dead-man blocks 7-12.3(2) Adjust Existing Valve Box to Grade�RC2 shall be considered incidental to the installation of the water main Valve boxes shall be adjusted to grade in the same manner as and no further compensation shall be made, for manholes, as detailed in Section 7-05.3(1) of the Renton Measurement for payment for connections to existing water Standards. Valve box adjustments shall include but not be limited mains will be per each for each connection to existing water to, the locations shown on the Plans. main(s)as shown on the plans. Existing roadway valve boxes shall be adjusted to conform to SECTION 7-11.5 HAS BEEN REVISED AS FOLLOWS: final finished grades. The final installation shall be made in accordance with the applicable portions of Section 7-12 7-11.5 Payment (RC) In the event that the existing valve box is plugged or blocked with debris, the Contractor shall use whatever means necessary to "_Pipe for Water Main and Fittings _In. Diam.", per lineal foot. remove such debris, leaving the valve installation in a fully The unit contract price per linear foot for each size and kind operable condition. of valve box shall be set to an elevation tolerance of one- of "_Pipe for Water Main _In. Diam" shall be full pay for fourth inch(1/4")to one-half inch(1/2")below finished grade. all work to complete the installation of the water main including but not limited to trench excavating, bedding, laying and jointing SECTION 7-12.4 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE pipe and fittings, backfilling, concrete thrust blocking, installation FOLLOWING: of polyethylene wrap, cleaning by poly-pigs vertical crosses for 7_12.4 Measurement insertion and removal of poly-pigs temporary thrust blocks and blow-off assemblies, testing flushing disinfecting the pipeline Adjustment of existing valve boxes to grade shall be measured shackle rods, abandoning and capping existing water mains, per each, if included as a separate pay item in the Contract; if not a removing miscellaneous pipes, removing and salvaging existing separate pay item but required to complete the work then value hydrant assemblies, and other appurtenances to be abandoned as box adjustment shall be considered incidental, shown on the plans,and cleanup. Hydrant auxiliary gate valve will be included in the "Concrete Thrust Blocking and Dead-Man Blocks" per cubic measurement for hydrant assembly and will not be included in this yard- measurement item. The unit contract price bid for "Concrete Thrust Blocking and Dead-Man Block" Shall be for the complete cost of labor, SECTION 7-12.5 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE materials, equipment for the installation of the concrete thrust FOLLOWING: blocks and dead- man blocks including but not limited to "Gate Valve from 4 inch to 10 inch in diameter and Valve excavation, dewatering, haul and disposal of unsuitable materials Box," per each. concrete, reinforcing steel, shackle rods and formwork. If this The unit contract price per each for the valve of the specified item is not included in the contract schedule of prices then thrust size, shall be full pay for all labor, equipment and material to blocking and dead-man blocks shall be considered incidental to the furnish and install the valve complete in place on the water main installation of the pipe and no further compensation shall be made. including trenching, jointing, blocking of valve painting "Connection to Existing Water Mains" per each. disinfecting, hydrostatic testing, cast-iron valve box and extensions The unit contract price per each connection to existing water as required, valve nut extensions, adjustment to final grade. mains shall be for complete compensation for all equipment labor, "12 inch Gate Valve and Concrete Vault,"per each. materials required for the connections to the existing water mains. The unit contract price per each for the 12" gate valve assembly, shall be full pay for all labor, equipment and material to furnish and install the valve complete in place on the water main including trenching, jointing, blocking of valve by-pass assembly, cast-iron casting and cover, ladder rung concrete risers as required,adjustment to final grade. "16 inch and larger Butterfly Valve and Concrete Vault," per each. Page-SP-37 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 7-14 Hydrants 7-14 Hydrants The unit contract price per each for the 16" and larger cast iron valve box and cover, 3/4" shackle rods and accessories, butterfly valve assembly, shall be full pay for all labor, equipment concrete blocks and two concrete guard posts (only if hydrants are and material to furnish and install the valve complete in place on outside right-of-way). the water main including trenching, jointing, blocking of valve, Joint restraint(Shackle Rods) shall be installed in accordance painting disinfecting hydrostatic testing, concrete vault, cast-iron with Section 7-11.3(15). casting and cover, ladder, concrete risers as required, adjustment SECTION 7-14.3(3) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE to final grade. FOLLOWING: "Blow-off assembly," per each. The unit contract price per each for each blow-off assembly 7-14.3(3) Resetting Existing Hydrants (RC) shall be for all labor, equipment and material to complete the This work shall conform to Section 7-14.3(1). All hydrants installation of the assembly per the City of Renton Water Standard shall be rebuilt to the approval of the City(or replaced with a new Detail, latest revision. hydrant). All rubber gaskets shall be replaced with new gaskets of "Air-Release/Air-Vacuum Valve Assembly," per each. the type required for a new installation of the same type. The unit contract price per for air-release/air-vacuum valve assembly shall be for all labor, equipment and material to SECTION 7-14.3(4) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE complete the installation of the assembly including but not limited FOLLOWING: to excavating tapping thg main laying and jointing the pipe and fittings and appurtenances backflling testing flushing, and 7-14.3(4) Moving Existing Hydrants (RC) disinfection meter box and cover, at location shown on the plans, All hydrants shall be rebuilt to the approval of the City(or and per City of Renton Standard Detail, latest revision. replaced with a new hydrant). All rubber gaskets shall be replaced "Adjust Existing Valve Box to Grade (RC)," per each. with new gaskets of the type required for a new installation of the The contract bid price for "Adjust Existing Valve Box to same type. Grade" above shall be full compensation for all labor, material, SECTION 7-14.5 IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS. tools and equipment necessary to satisfactorily complete the work as defined in the Contract Documents, including all incidental 7-14.5 Payment(RC) work If not included as a separate pay item in the Contract, but required to complete other work in the Contract,then adjustment of Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for valve boxes shall be considered incidental to other items of work each of the following bid items that are included in the proposal: and no futher compensation shall be made. "Hydrant Assembly",per each. The unit contract price per each for "Hydrant Assembly" shall The t h f. thn al;,@ spovified OWl be full pay for all work to furnish and install fire hydrant assemblies, including all costs for auxiliary gate valve, shackles, tie rods, concrete blocks, gravel, and painting and guard posts required for the complete installation of the hydrant assembly as �� specified The pipe connecting the hydrant to the main shall be considered incidental and no additional payment shall be made., CXG@pl&h@ p;pe, t" the hydr"..t to thu Maiii Will W p2id f r 7-14 Hydrants aG gpggifi(id iA 292-9;9A 7- 11 5- "Resetting Existing Hydrants",per each. I 7-14.3 Construction Details (RC) The unit contract price per each for "Resetting Existing I Hydrant" shall be full pay for all work to reset the existing SECTION 7-14.3(1) IS REVISED AND SUPPLEMENTED AS hydrant, including rebuilding(or replacement with a new hydrant), FOLLOWS: shackling, blocking, painting, and guard posts and reconnecting to the main. The new pipe connecting the hydrant to the main shall be 7-14.3(1) Setting Hydrants (RC) considered incidental and no additional payment shall be made. After all installation and testing is complete, the exposed Now pip@ 4Q;A the M241 to tho hydrant will be ....,.1 "r, portion of the hydrant shall be painted with eaetwo field coats. The . Guard posts shown on the plans shall type and color of paint will be designated by the Engineer. be incidental to the contract. Any hydrant not in service shall be identified by covering with "Moving Existing Hydrants",per each. a burlap or plastic bag approved by the Engineer. The unit contract price per each for "Moving Existing Hydrants shall be installed in accordance with AWWA Hydrant" shall be full pay for all work to move the existing specifications C600-93 Sections 3.7 and 3.8.1 and the City of hydrant, including new tee, rebuilding (or replacement with a new Renton standard details. Hydrant and guard posts shall be painted hydrant), shackling, blocking, painting, and guard posts and in accordance with the water standard detail. Upon completion of reconnecting to the main. The new pipe connecting the hydrant to the project all fire hydrants shall be painted to The City of Renton the main shall be considered incidental and no additional payment �cifications and guard posts painted with two coats of shall be made preEervative paint NO. 43-655 safety yellow or approved equal. . Guard posts shown on the plans shall Fire hydrants shall be of such length as to be suitable for be incidental to the contract. installation with connections to 6", 8" AND 10" piping in trenches 3 - 1/2 feet deep unless otherwise specified. The hydrant shall be designed for a 4-1/2 foot burial where 12" and larger pipe is shown unless otherwise noted on the plan. Fire hydrant assembly shall include: cast-iron or ductile iron tee (MJ x FL) 6" gate valve(FL x MJ), 6" DI spool (PE x PE),5- 1/4" MVO fire hydrant (MJ connection), 4" x 5" Stortz adapter, Page-SP-38 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 7-15 Service Connections 7-17 Sanitary Sewers 7-15 Service Connections SECTION 7-17.3(2)H IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING. SECTION 7-15.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED AS FOLLOWS: 7-17.3(2)H Television Inspection (RC) 7-15.3 Construction Details Once the television inspection has been completed the C) contractor shall submit To the Engineer the written reports of the Pipe materials used to extend or replace existing water service inspection plus the video tapes. Said video tapes are to be in color lines shall be copper. and compatible with the City's viewing and recording systems The Where instalation is in existing paved streets the service lines City system accepts 1/2" wide high density VHS Tapes The tapes shall be installed by a trenchless percussion and impact method will be run at standard speed SP(15/16 I.P.S.). (hoe-hogging). If the trenchless percussion and impact method SECTION 7-17.4 IS REVISED AND SUPPLEMENTED AS fails, regular open trench methods may be used. FOLLOWS. SECTION 715.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED AS FOLLOWS. 7-17.4 Measurement(RC) 7-15.5 Payment (RC) The length of sewer pipe will be the number of linear feet of completed installation measured along the invert and will include Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for the length through elbows, tees and fittings. The number of linear the following bid item when it is included in the proposal: feet will be measured from the center of manhole to center of "Service Connection_In. Diam.", per each. manhole or to the inside face of catch basins and similar type The unit contract price per each for "Service Connection_ structures. In. Diam." shall be full pay for all work to install the service The length of testing sewer pipe in conformance with connection, including but not limited to, excavating or oe- Section 7-17.3(2) will be the number of linear feet of completed hogging), tapping the main, laying and jointing the pipe and fittings installation actually tested. jf and appurtenances, backfilling, testing, flushing, and disinfection Measurement of "Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill of the service connection. Sewer" will be determined by the cubic yard in place, measured by the neat line dimensions shown in the Plans, or by the Ton on truck 7-17 Sanitary Sewers tickets. SECTION 7-17.5 IS REVISED AND SUPPLEMENTED AS SECTION 7-17.2 HAS BEEN REVISED AS FOLLOWS. FOLLOWS. 7-17.2 Materials 7-17.5 Payment (RC) (RC) (SA) Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for Pipe used for sanitary sewers may be: each of the following bid items that are included in the proposal: Rigid Flexible "Plain Conc. or. 17 G Sewer Pipe _ In. Diam.", per linear Concrete ADS-Gempesiw foot_ 1144fied-Clay PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) "Cl. _ Reinf. Conc. Sewer Pipe _ In. Diam.", per linear Ductile Iron foot. Materials shall meet the requirements of the following "PVC Sanitary Sewer Pipe_In. Diam.", per linear foot. sections. "Ductile Iron Sewer Pipe_In. Diam.",per linear foot. Plain Concrete Storm Sewer Pipe 9-05.7(1) "ABS Ct mposite Sows;1'ipo 1n LZiam." i p _ T'�GF:.:.sv.;ova+ Reinforced Concrete Storm$ewer Pipe 9-05.7(2) The unit contract price per linear foot for sewer pipe of the Viuifaed C123,Se3 ver Pip® 9915.2 kind and size specified shall be full pay for famishing, hauling, and PVC Sanitary Sewer Pipe 9-05.12(1) assembling in place the completed installation including all wyes, Ductile Iron Sewer Pipe 9-05.13 tees, special fittings, joint materials, bedding material, and ADS Composke Setiuer Pipe 005 14 adjustment of inverts to manholes for the completion of the l installation to the required lines and grades. All pipe shall be clearly marked with type, class, and "Testing Sewer Pipe", per linear foot. thickness. Lettering shall be legible and permanent under normal The unit contract price per linear foot for "Testing Sewer conditions of handling and storage. Pipe" shall be full pay for all labor, material and equipment SECTION 7-17.3(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE required to conduct the leakage tests required in Section 7-17.3(2). FOLLOWING. If no unit price for "Testing Sewer Pipe" is included it shall be considered incidental to the pipe items. 7-17.3(1) Protection of Existing Sewerage Facilities "Removal and Replacement of Unsuitable Material", per (RC) cubic yard. When extending an existing sewer, the downstream system The unit contract price per cubic yard for "Removal and shall be protected from construction debris by placing a screen or Replacement of Unsuitable Material" shall be full pay for all work trap in the first existing manhole downstream of the connection. It to remove unsuitable material and replace and compact suitable shall be the contractor's responsibility to maintain this screen or material as specified in Section 7-08.3(I)A. trap until the new system is placed in service and then to remove it. "Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill Sewer", per cubic Any construction debris which enter the existing downstream yard, or Ton. system, shall be removed by the contractor at his expense and to The unit contract price per cubic yard, or Ton for "Bank Run the satisfaction of the Engineer. When the first manhole is set it's Gravel for Trench Backfill Sewer"shall be full pay for all work to outlet shall be plugged until acceptance by the Engineer. furnish,place, and compact material in the trench. "Television Inspection", per Lump Sum. Page-SP-39 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 8-09 Raised Pavement Markers 8-14 Cement Concrete Sidewalk Division 8 SECTION 8-13.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: Miscellaneous Construction 8-13.5 Payment "Reset Existing Monument"per each. 8-09 Raised Pavement Markers Resetting an existing monument impacted by construction shall be incidental unless included as a pay item in the Schedule of Prices. SECTION 8-09.5 HAS BEEN REVISED AS FOLLOWS: 8-09.5 Payment (RC) (SA) 8-14 Cement Concrete Sidewalks Payment will be made for each of the following bid items that SECTION 8-14.3(4) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE are included in the proposal: "Raised Pavement Marker Type 1",per eachhuad;ed. FOLLOWING: "Raised Pavement Marker Type 2",per eachl;uad;od. "Raised Pavement Marker Type 3- In.", per 8-14.3(4) Curing(RC) eachhua�. The Contractor shall have readily available sufficient protective covering such as waterproof paper or plastic membrane, "Recessed Pavement Marker",per each €d. T u cover the pour of an entire day in the event of rain or other The unit contract price per eachkuadred for"Raised Pavement Marker Type I", "Raised Pavement Marker Type 2", and "Raised unsuitable weather. P The Contractor shall be responsible for barricading, Pavement Marker Type 3- In." and "Recessed Pavement Patrolling Marker"shall be full pay for all labor, materials, and equipment or otherwise protecting newly placed concrete. necessary for furnishing and installing the markers in accordance Damaged vandalized or unsightly concrete shall be removed and with these Specifications including all cost involved with traffic replaced at the expense of the Contractor. control unless traffic SECTION 8-14.4 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE control is listed in the FOLLOWING: contract as a separate pay item. 8-14.4 Measurement(RC) 8-10 Guide Posts When the contract contains a pay item for "Curb Ramp, Cement Concrete," the per each measurement shall include all— costs for the complete installation per the plans and standard details 8-13 Monument Cases including expansion joint material curb and gutter and ramped sidewalk section. Sawcutting removal and disposal of excavated SECTION 8-13.1 IS REVISED AND SUPPLEMENTED AS materials including existing pavement and sidewalk, crushed FOLLOWS: surfacing base materials and all other work, materials and equipment required per Section 8-14 shall be included in the per 8-13.1 Description (RC) each price for "Curb Ramp Cement Concrete" unless any of these This work shall consist of furnishing and placing monument other items are listed and specified to be"paid as separate pay' cases and covers, in accordance with the Standard Plans and these items. Specifications, in conformity with the lines and locations shown in If the contract does not provide a pay item for "Curb Ramp, the Plans or as staked by the Engineer or by the Contractor Cement Concrete," but the plans call for such installation, the supplied surveyor. quantities shall be measured with and paid for under the bid items for Curb and Gutter and for Cement Concrete Sidewalk. When SECTION 8-13.3 IS REVISED AND SUPPLEMENTED AS curb ramps are to be constructed of asphalt concrete, the payment FOLLOWS: shall be included in the pay item for "Miscellaneous and/ohk., Driveway Asphalt Concrete." 8-13.3 Construction Requirements SECTION 8-14.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE" The monument will be furnished and set by the Engineer o� FOLLOWING. f the Contractor supplied surveyor. When existing monuments will be impacted by a project, the 8-14.5 Payment (RC) Contractor shall be responsible for assuring that a registered "Curb Ramp Cement Concrete,"per each. surveyor references the existing monuments prior to construction. Payment for excavation of material not related to thed After construction is complete the monuments shall be re- established by the surveyor in accordance with RCW58.09.130. construction of the sidewalk but necessary before the sidewalk can be placed, when and if shown in the Plans, will be made ip SECTION 8-13.4 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE accordance with the provisions of Section 2-03. Otherwise, the FOLLOWING: Contractor shall make all excavations including haul and disposal, regardless of the depth required for constructing the sidewalk to the 8-13.4 Measurement lines and grades shown, and shall include all costs thereof in the All costs for surveying and resetting existing monuments unit contract price per square yard for "Cement Conc. Sidewalk impacted by contruction shall be considered incidental to the and the per each contract price for Curb Ramp Cement Concrete." contract unless specifically called out to be paid as a bid item. Page-SP-40 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 i 8-17 Impact Attenuator Systems 8-20 Illumination,Traffic Signal Systems,and Electrical 8-17 Impact Attenuator Systems City reserves the right to make additions or deletions to the trench which prove necessary for the completion of the project THE STATE AMENDMENT TO SECTION 8-17 IS The minimum width for the trench will be at the option of the SUPPLEMENTED BY THE FOLLOWING. contractor. Trench width will, however, be of sufficient size so that all of the necessary conduit can be installed within the depths 8-17.5 Payment (RC) specified while maintaining the minimum cover. _Trench backfill material in roadway and sidewalk areas shall If no pay item is included for temporarey impact attenuators be compacted to 95% of the material's maximum density per then all costs to provide and install shall be considered a part of the Section 2-03.3(14)D. pay item for "Traffic Control." SECTION 8-20.3(4)HAS BEEN REVISED AS FOLLOWS. 8-20 Illumination, Traffic Signal Systems, 8-20.3(4) Foundations (RC) and Electrical of 8-20.2 Materials Q 3(14)C Where obstructions prevent construction of planned SECTION 8-20.2(1)HAS BEEN SUPPLEMENTED WITH THE foundations, the Contractor shall construct an effective foundation FOLLOWING: satisfactory to the Engineer. 8-20.2(1) Equipment List and Drawings (RC) The Contractor shall submit for approval six sets of shop ground lip'66 drawings for each of the following types of standards called for on The contractor shall provide all material for and construct the this project: foundations for and to the dimensions specified in table 1 below. 1. Light standards with or without pre-approved plans. The anchor bolts shall match that of the device to be installed 2. Signal standards with or without pre-approved plans. thereon. 3. Combination Signal and lighting standards. All excess materials are to be removed from the foundation_ 4. Metal Strain Poles. construction site and disposed of at the contractor's expense Concrete shall be placed against undisturbed earth if possible. f; " "i f- ligh. sia;i ar-ds G. f g ; !h d Disturbed earth or backfill material shall be compacted to 95 percent of the material's maximum density. Before placing the The Contractor also shall submit either on the signal standard concrete the contractor shall block-out around any other shop drawings or attached to the signal standard shop drawings all underground utilities that lie in the excavated base so that the dimensions to clearly show the specific mast arm mounting height concrete will not adhere to the utility line. Concrete foundations and signal tenon locations for each signal pole to be installed shall be troweled, brushed edged and finished in a workmanship like manner. Concrete shall be promptly cleaned from the exposed SECTION 8-20.3(2) HAS BEEN SUPPLEMENTED BY portion of the anchor bolts and conduit after placement ADDING THE FOLLOWING: Foundation shall all be Class 3000 concrete. After the specified 8-20.3(2) Excavating and Backfilling (RC) curing period, the contractor may install the applicable device thereon. The contractor shall supply trench within the unit widths and to the specified depths at the locations indicated on the contract Table I plans or as directed by the engineer. The contractor shall have approved compaction equipment on Type of device Dimensions site before beginning any excavation; compaction shall be performed at the time of the initial backfilling of the trench unless Street Light Pole 4'Deep x 3' Sg or Dia directed otherwise by the engineer. Signal Pole up to 40'mast arm 7'Deep x 3' Sq or Dia Trenching for conduit runs shall be done in a neat manner Signal Controller See Detail Sheet with the trench bottom graded to provide a uniform grade. No Street Light Control Cabinet See Detail Sheet work shall be covered until it has been examined by the engineer. Special Base See Detail Sheet backfill material used for fill around and over this conduit system shall be free of rocks greater than two inches in diameter to a depth All concrete foundations shall be constructed in the manner of six inches above the conduit. specified below: Trench within the roadway area shall use select trench backfill 1. Where sidewalk or raised islands are to be constructed as a which shall consist of 5/8th inch minus crushed surfacing top Part of this project, the top of the foundation shall be made course or other material as indicated in the special provisions or flush with the top of the sidewalk or island. (See detail schedule of prices and directed for use by the engineer. The source sheet and quality of the material shall be subject to approval by the I Where no sidewalks are to be installed the grade for the top engineer. Trench backfill within the sidewalk area shall be made of the foundation shall be as specified by the engineer.(See with acceptable materials from the excavation subject to the detail sheet Engineer's approval of the material and shall be considered a All concrete foundations shall be located as per stationing on necessary part and incidental to the excavation in accordance with the plans or as located by the engineer in the field. the standard specifications. Unsuitable material shall be removed and backfill shall be select material approved by the Engineer. The Page-SP-41 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 8-20 Illumination,Traffic Signal Systems,and Electrical 8-20 Illumination,Traffic Signal Systems,and Electrical SECTION 8-20.3(5) IS REVISED AND SUPPLEMENTED AS Pull Wires Shall be installed. FOLLOWS: All conduit shall be rigid non-metallic unless noted otherwise in the Plans or Special Provisions. 8-20.3(5) Conduit(RC) All conduit openings shall be fitted with approved bellends or r , d g 1 Goaduit -shall h t n d- ^t Q6 follo ig Bushings. Wall thickness of conduit shall be consistent within mss; continuous conduit runs with no mixing of different schedule types between terminations. 411 ;24402d The contractor shall provide and install all conduit and z e 11 f :he 1 h $0 414° a=*- ^^tom necessary fittings at the locations noted on the plans. Conduit size bex� shall be as indicated on the wiring and conduit schedule shown on d All 11 dl t r ..ff r ,,.,1 iAGWl., WAS plans- 5, Conduit to be provided and installed shad be of the type indicated below: All d -r{ ,l' 16SR rl 2 font v„^R QMbe,ded 1. Schedule 40 heavy wall p.v.c. Conforming to ASTM standards shall be used whenever the conduit is to be placed other than within the roadway area. P1296- AQ;R;R&4211;- Q941dilit *9 44142110d 2. Schedule 80 extra heavy wall p.v.c. Conforming to ASTM standards shall be used when the conduit is to be placed within the roadway area. All joints shall be made with strict compliance to the manufacturer's recommendations regarding cement used and environmental conditions. SECTION 8-20.3(6)IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING_ of ;ha pr-ovigusly MOPAi0glad 10 foot lang;h 0i galvanized F&GO, 8-20.3(6) Junction Boxes eXampted The contractor shall provide and install junction boxes of the rope and size at the locations specified in the plans and as per detail sheets. The inscription on the covers of all junction boxes shall be as indicated below: c- 1. Street lighting only: "Lighting" f., " 2. Signal only: "Signals" 3 Traffic signal and street lighting: "TS-LT" 'C 4. Telemetry only: "Telemetry" Inscriptions on junction boxes performing the same function, ,, f , a h n 1 0 . rrr: rn i r ti ,,o i.e. street lighting traffic signal or both, shall be consistent throughout the project. All junction boxes shall be installed in conformance with provisions contained in the standard plans and btoolt detail sheets. AA 11' , 6 11 i. 1 .1e o.-;R:rb ..o,+nme^r h„ The unit contract price per each for "Type I" or "Type 11" junction box shall be full compensation for furnishing same and for all costs of labor, material tools and equipment necessary to digwr-bcd without the appr-Qual 0i the Bngi;ies;and 4hen 01415'in the provide and install the junction boxes including excavation, backfilling and compaction all in accordance with plans, , specifications and detail sheets. If allowed in thus.Plans or if obstructions are encountered in All junction boxes shall have galvanized steel lids and frames. jacking or drilling operations, the Contractor will be allowed to All junction boxes and associated concrete pads shall be ' install conduits by open trenching. Open trench construction shall installed on compacted sub grade which shall include six inches of conform to the following: 5/8th-inch minus crushed surfacing top course material installed 1. The pavement shall be sawcut a minimum of 3 inches under and around the base of the junction box. Concrete shall be deep. The cuts shall be parallel to each other and extend I f4ct-one promptly cleaned from the junction box frame and lid. , 1 foot beyond the edge of the trench. The unit contract price per junction box shall include 2. Pavement shall be removed in an approved manner. installation of 5/8th-inch minus crushed surfacing top course and a 3. Trench depth shall provide 24 inches minimum cover 4" thick Class "B" cement concrete pad enclosing the junction box ' over conduits below the roadbed, and 18 inches below finished as per the plans specifications and detail sheets. Installation of the grade in all other areas.. crushed surfacing and the concrete pad shall be incidental to the Q... T h+—width h it be 4 rLa or. the ...i..:r di2 ats unit price per junction box and no further compensation will be made unless the contract includes separate pay items for "crushed 5. Trenches located within paved roadway areas shall be restored per the Renton Standard Detail. surfacing"and/or for "concrete pad." .7 rV. .i r f 11 ri 1,.. ^chi•nL'^ rL nrt:.,n _ _ ____I_. 11 i. '1 'd !@;,@I' to aAd Z�a -� oL. w i .. ;f .,f rl.o p2A'@Me.qt, fQ1193AWd Page-SP-42 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 8-20 Illumination,Traffic Signal Systems,and Electrical 8-20 Illumination,Traffic Signal Systems,and Electrical SECTION 8-20.3(9) IS REVISED AND SUPPLEMENTED AS Upon request of the Contractor, the Engineer will make the FOLLOWS. necessary arrangements with the serving utility to complete the service connections. Electrical energy used prior to completion of 8-20.3(9) Bonding, Grounding(RC) the contract will be charged to the Contractor, except that the cost Owm;nair-es, 1i Gonduk, ow of energy used for public benefit, when such operation is ordered by the Engineer,will be borne by the Mate City. 3,grgunded Alh&r4 2212" Three types of power service are used as indicated below: 1. Type I system shall be single phase 120 volt,2 wire 60 cycle A.C.(traffic signal service only) 2. Type II system shall be single phase 240 volt 2 wire 60 cycle A.C. (street lighting non contactor, individual controlled hall b. photo-cell with no neutral wire) 3- Type III system shall be single phase 120/240 volt, 3 wire 60 ea.uiazn�nt-or�yin�:nD ���a.•c*�. :� .e ,, 0,1 :,, the cr2,,.12;d ]212-9. cycle A.C. (street lighting contactor/traffic signal, grounded neutral service) The power service point shall be as noted on the plans and se»duit- shall be verified by the electrical servicing utility. Identification of the equipment grounding conductor shall The service cabinet shall be marked with the service conform to all Code requirements. agreement letters and numbers. The markings shall be installed on Grounding of conduit and neutral at the service point shall be the outside cabinet door near the top of the cabinet. The markings accomplished as required under the Code. Grounding of the neutral shall be series C using stencils and black enamel alkyd gloss paint shall be accomplished only at the service. conforming to Federal Specification TT-E-489. T..,,,s ...1 h 11 h . II .I ♦ h 1 r 1 , h �p^ 1 SECTION 8-20.3(11) IS REVISED AND SUPPLEMENTED AS E=h .,+�h n r t ,h a . 1 th c. a d DI c FOLLOWS: P o�� a 8-20.3(11) Field Test (RC) .,f 6 fQQt aA Tho fi t &QR1iG6 d d 14211 h Cext'acter.-at-the dee f t es;nr eg� . h t � n . Aash o,.,t:94 a ga;n4wUR; of th ,y,&,_4 h lose th2., IQ foot;., 1 rh 'f+h 1 than Q f or in to th 'f rh 114:.Gh 1 I' t All street light standards, signal poles and other standards on No change to stop and go operation will be allowed after 2 p.m. on which electrical equipment is mounted shall be grounded to a any day nor will the change be allowed on Friday, weekends, copper clad metallic ground rod 5/8" in diameter x 8'0" in length holidays,or the day preceding a holiday. complete with a#8 AWG bare copper bonding strap located in the nearest junction box. All signal controller cabinets and 1. Requests for traffic signal turn on will not be considered until a signal/lighting service cabinets shall be grounded to a 5/8" in pre-turn on inspection of signal system has taken place diameter x 8'0" in length copper clad metallic ground rod located 2. All discrepancies and deficiencies must be corrected by the In the nearest function box with a bare copper bonding strap sized contractor and re-inspected prior to requesting signal turn on In accordance with the plans specifications and applicable codes date. Ground rods are considered miscellaneous items and all costs 3. Requests for signal turn on shall not be considered until are to be included with the system or conductors Ground straps electrical service to the intersection has been provided and has are also miscellaneous items unless a separate pay item is provided been energized by the electric utility. In the "Schedule of prices." 4. A minimum of three (3) working days notice will be required for signal turn on. SECTION 8-20.3(10)IS REVISED AND SUPPLEMENTED AS 5. Channelization at the intersection must be complete per plan FOLLOWS: before requesting signal turn on date. Any deletions of channelization prior to turn on must be approved by the 8-20.3(10) Service(RC) engineer. Power sources shown in the Plans are approximate only;exact 6. City forces shall provide post and maintain proper signing location will be determined in the field. warning of new signal ahead. 8-20.3(13) Illumination Systems coct,,,.. 9,79.69), 2 MOtOr b296 iMt° SECTION 8-20.3(13)A IS REVISED AND SUPPLEMENTED wr,,;.,,,Utility. t t 1 wira AS FOLLOWS: 8-20.3(13)A Light Standards(RC) (SA) The c o h L Rh 211 h r .i .i Page-SP-43 Revision Date: May 19, 1997 8-20 Illumination,Traffic Signal Systems,and Electrical 8-20 Illumination,Traffic Signal Systems,and Electrical All poles and davit arms shall be designed to support a luminaire weight of 50 lbs. or more and to withstand pressures A„ wuharr shall he A A cuTrn M 164 (A ST44 A 215) caused by wind loads of 85 m.p.h. with gust factor of 1.3. All poles shall maintain a minimum safety factor of 4.38 p.s.i. on yield strength of weight load and 2.33 p.s.i. for basic wind 3. Anchor bolts shall extend through the top heavy hex nut two pressure. full threads. Davit Arms: The davit style arm shall incorporate a 5'9" radius bend 449 baltA with d g@d thread 4U as measured from the centerline of the shaft. The outer portion of the arm shall be nearly horizontal to +2' above horizontal and 64age- — ;ate,., shall be furnished with a 2" diameter shipfitter with a maximum length of 8 inches to fit the luminaire specified. The pole end of the davit arm tube shall be fastened securely to the top of the shaft producing a flush joint with an even profile. Anchor Base: A one piece anchor base of adequate strength, shape and 6. Anchor bolts damaged after the foundation concrete is placed size shall be secured to the lower end of the shaft so that the base shall not be repaired by bending or welding. The Contractor's shall be capable of resisting at its yield point the bending moment repair procedure is to be submitted to the Engineer for of the shaft at its yield point. The base shall be provided with four approval prior to making any repairs. The procedure is to slotted or round holes to receive the anchor bolts. Nut covers shall include removing the damaged portion of the anchor bolt, be provided with each pole. cutting threads on the undamaged portion to remain, the Anchor Bolts: installation of an approved threaded sleeve nut and stud, and Four steel anchor bolts, each fitted with two hexnuts and repairing the foundation with epoxy concrete repair. two washers shall be furnished with the pole. Anchor bolts shall 7. The grout pad shall not extend above the elevation of the meet the requirements of Section 9-06.5(3) and 9-06.5(4). The bottom of the slip base. anchor bolt yield point shall be capable of resisting the bending 2. AnGho; be installed plumb, t 1 degree. moment of the pole shaft at its yield point The contractor shall assure that all anchor bolts conform to the recommended ASTM specifications of the pole manufacturer and shall secure and submit to the City for approval all manufacturer data on pole bending moment anchor bolt fabrication data, test leueiiAg—nuts results and any other data that may be required to confirm that the ;;aum half anchor bolts meet these specifications. --° that 2;a Miscellaneous Hardware: All hardware (bolts nuts screws washers, etc.) needed A ti ,, ,. ti u hQ CIA 09 1-1 Q W 2 :AGtio6 abo" to complete the installation shall be stainless steel. I.D. (Identification for poles): „ , ,,, , f ,. ,n t �r�tio" ���.� *ti� The contractor shall supply and install a combination of �� 4-digits and one letter on each pole whether individual luminaire 3. CoupUagg ;h-11 be installed tg within I Is inah to 3.18 ;Arb Qf or signal pole with luminair. The letter and numbers combination shall be mounted at the 15 foot level on the pole facing approaching traffic Legends shall be sealed with transparent film tresrstant to dust weather and ultraviolet exposure. The decal markers shall be 3 inch square with gothic gold white reflectorized 2 inch legend on St2.nd2F-I212asr a black background The I D number will be assigned to each dole at the end of the contract or project by the City traffic engineering office. ho"ampad on rho&Qg4 Cost for the decals shall be considered incidental to the contract bid. ,,,nina;r-a_,,,.,uags Light standards shall be spun aluminum davit style and shall meet the pole detail requirements indicated below and the detail All new light standards shall be numbered for identification in sheets at the end of these specifications. accordance with the Plans using painted 3-inch series C numbers The pole shaft shall be provided with a 4" x 6" flush hand installed three feet above the base facing the travelled way. Paint hole near the base and a matching metal cover secured with shall be black enamel alkyd gloss conforming to Federal stainless steel screws or bolts. Specification TT-E-489. The pole shall be adjusted for plumb after all needed In setting timber poles, the Contractor shall provide a equipment has been installed thereon After pole is installed and minimum burial of 10 percent of the total pole length plus 2 feet plumbed nuts shall be tightened on anchor bolts using proper sized and shall plumb or rake the poles as directed by the Engineer. sockets open end or box wrenches Use of pliers pipe wrenches, The hand hole shall be located at 90 degrees to the davit arm or other tools that can damage galvanizing will not be permitted. on the side away from traffic. A grounding lug or nut shall be Tools shall be of sufficient size to achieve adequate torquing of the provided in the hand hole frame or inside the hand hole frame or nuts the space between the concrete foundation and the bottom of inside the pole shaft to attach a ground bonding strap. the pole base plate shall be filled with a dry pack mortar grout and Page-SP-44 Revision Date:May l9, I997 8-20 Illumination,Traffic Signal Systems,and Electrical 8-20 Illumination,Traffic Signal Systems,and Electrical trowled to a smooth finish conforming to the contour of the pole SECTION 8-20.3(14)F IS AN ADDED NEW SECTION: base plate. 8-20.3(14)F Opticom Priority Control Systems(RC) Dry pack mortar grout shall consist of a 1.3 mixture of All new Opttcom Priority System components shall be SOu Portland cement and fine sand with just enough water so that the mixture will s Series, or approved equal. The Contractor shall supply one copy stick together on being molded into a ball by hand of the manufacturer's software on original disks Controller drain hole shall be le and will not exude moisture when so pressed A one half inch cabinets shall have the 562 harness wired into the cabinet by the ft in the bottom of the grout pad as shown on - the standard detail. supplier. SECTION 8-20.3(14) IS SUPPLEMENTED BE ADDING THE SECTION 8-20.3(15) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: FOLLOWING: 8-20.3(15) Grout (RC) 8-20.3(14) Signal Systems (RC) After the pole is plumbed the space between the concrete All signal conductors shall be stranded copper and shall have foundation and the bottom of the pole base plate shall be filled with 600 volt insulation and be of the sizes noted on the plans All a dry pack mortar grout trowled to a smooth finish conforming to multi-conductors used for the signal system shall conform to the contour of the pole base plate Dry pack mortar grout shall division 9-29.3 and shall be of the sizes noted on the signal wiring consist of a 1:3 mixture of portland cement and fine sand with just schedule and wiring diagram. All stranded wires terminated at a enough water so that the mixture will stick together on being terminal block shall have an open end crimp style soderless molded into a ball by hand and will not exude moisture when so terminal connector, and all solid wires terminated at a terminal pressed. A one half inch drain hole shall be left in the bottom of block shall have an open end soldered terminal connector. All the grout pad as shown on the standard detail terminals shall be installed with a tool designed for the installation SECTION 8-20.4 IS REVISED AND SUPPLEMENTED AS of the correct type of connector and crimping with pliers wire FOLLOWS: cutters, etc., will not be allowed. All wiring inside the controller cabinet shall be trimmed and cabled together to make a neat clean 8-20.4 Measurement (RC) appearing installation. No splicing of any traffic signal conductor shall be permitted unless otherwise indicated on the plans All When shown as lump sum in the Plans or in the proposal as conductor runs shall be attached to appropriate signal terminal illumination system traffic signal yytem boards with pressure type binding no specific unit of measurement g posts. The only exceptions shall will apply, but measurement will be for the sum total of all item:' be the splices for detector loops at the nearest junction box to the for a complete system to be furnished and installed. I Conduit of the kind and diameter specified in the Schedule of SECTION 8-20.3(14)A IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE Prices will be measured by the linear foot for the actual neat line FOLLOWING (RC) length in place, unless the conduit is included in an illumination system, signal system, or other type of electrical system lump sung 8-20.3(14)C Induction Loop Vehicle Detectors(RC) bid item. 11. Splices to loop return cables shall be made with soldered Measurement for unit price items shall be as described in compression type connectors. Section 8-20.5 or as described in the contract schedule of prices SECTION 8-20.3(14)D IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE and/or special provisions. FOLLOWING: SECTION 8-20.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED AND REVISED AS 8-20.3(14)D Test forInduction Loops and Lead-in FOLLOWS: Cable(RC) 8-20.5 Payment (RC) The Contractor shall keep records of field testing and shall furnish the engineer with a copy of the results. Payment will be made for each of the following bid items that are included in the proposal: i SECTION 8-20.3(14)E IS REVISED AND SUPPLEMENTED "Illumination System ", lump sum. AS FOLLOWS: "Traffic Signal Display 2nd Detogtign System _", lump 8-20.3(14)E Signal Standards (RC) sum. =oaf v Signal-Comr-01 System_"' lump SURE 3. Disconnect connectors complete with pole and bracket The lump sum contract price for "Illumination System _ cable shall be installed in any signal standard supporting a " luminaire. 111,,,,Rind,. , .,Fr.,,,.,.., &h 2j, f ,, , •, and "Traffic Signal yytem and �TFaf`^Signal j onug:System Tshall be full pay for furnishing q N f 1 1, 1 h 11 d 1 all labor, materials, tools, and equipment necessary for the construction of the complete electrical system, modifying existing 14. The signal standard and its fabrication shall conform with systems, or both, as shown in the Plans and herein specified all current Washington State Department of Transportation Signal including excavation, backfilling, concrete foundations, conduit, Standard Specifications and current pre-approved plans by wiring, restoring facilities destroyed or damaged during WSDOT. construction, salvaging existing materials, and for making all 15. Installation of all nuts and bolts shall be performed with required tests. All additional materials and labor, not shown in the proper sized sockets, open end or box wrenches Use of pipe plans or called for herein and which are required to complete the wrenches or other tools which can damage the galvanization of the electrical system,shall be included in the lump sum contract price. nuts and bolts will not be permitted. 4. f'--A,,;. _In Mara,=, l,,. a*.foot . Tools shall be of a sufficient size and strength to achieve The unk "AOUastPracePC; linear feet fer. "GOIRduit _ Is_ adequate torquing of the nut(s). Shall ho full „ f. . A;;: hi ali-pipo' r' Page-SP-45 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 8-20 Illumination,Traffic Signal Systems,and Electrical 8-20 Illumination,Traffic Signal Systems,and Electrical The unit per each price for (14)"Service cabinet" shall be full compensation for furnishing and installing the fully equipped cabinet and for risers standoffs and any other materials, labor or costs associated with providing electrical service as required by the QwAduit ;r _ _ into r-al „a;+ of "A electrical utility, the contract plans details and specifications and not included as separate pay items in the contract schedule of riP ces. systepa bar ....Signal head......," per each. All costs for installing conduit containing both signal and ....Signal head mounting hardware,"per lump sum. illumination wiring shall be included in the contract prices for the The lump sum price for (16)"....Signal head mounting signal system. hardware" shall be full compensation for supplying and installing All costs for installing junction boxes containing both all traffic or pedestrian signal head mounting hardware in illumination and signal wiring shall be included in the contract conformance with the plans specifications and detail sheets. prices for the signal system. "Pole mounted terminal box ..."x..."x...", and mounting The unit prices for the items listed below shall be full hardware,"per each. compensation for furnishing and installing each item and for all "2/c shld loop return cable," per linear foot. labor, materials tools equipment and testing necessary and/or "3/C shld pre-emption cable,"per linear foot. incidental for the full and complete installation as per the contract -pair shld interconnect cable," per linear foot. plans detail sheets and these specifications. "Traffic signal controller and cabinet," per each. "Trench and Backfill ........ wide by........-" deep, " per The unit contract price for "Traffic Signal Controller and linear foot. Cabinet" shall be full compensation for furnishing and installing a The unit contract price for (3) "Trench and Backfill" per fully equipped wired and operational controller and cabinet. linear foot shall be full compensation for excavating, loading, "Traffic signal wire,"per lump sum. hauling and otherwise disposing of the waste materials for "Signal standard Type... with ...-foot mast arm," per each. backfilIing and compacting backfill material to specified density "Induction loop vehicle detector." per linear foot. and for the restoration of the trench to its pre-existing condition or The unit linear foot contract price for (24)"Induction loop as shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer all in vehicle detector" shall be measured by the linear feet of full depth accordance with the plans specifications and detail sheets. sawcut required for installation. The unit price shall be full "Select Trench Backfill," per ton. (4)"Select Trench Backfill" compensation for full and complete installation including wire, shall consist of 5/8" minus crushed surfacing top course and the sealant and all other labor, materials tools and equipment required unit per ton price shall include all costs associated with furnishing to complete the installation in accordance with the plans, and installing the material and loading hauling and disposing of specifications and detail sheets. The unit price shall also include waste materials. providing and installing conduit stub-outs and soldered splices, "........Foundation .......," per each.* splices to loop return cables unless separate pay items are included "Type ....Junction box," per each. * in the contract schedule of prices for these other items. Sawcutting *The unit per each price for (5)"Foundation" and (6)"Junction shall be considered incidental to the loop installation whether or not Box" shall be full compensation for full and complete installation there is a separate pay item in the contract for sawcutting. per the plane specifications and detail sheets including enclosing Measurement for a standard 6' x 6' induction loop shall be 28 each item in a finished concrete pad which shall be incidental linear feet Sawcutting for loop "Home runs" shall be done such as unless a separate pay item is included in the Schedule of Prices for to minimize the total linear feet of Sawcutting required by means of "Concrete Pad." proper locating of loop return "Stub-out" by direct routing of "Concrete Pad," per square yard. "home runs" and by combining up to 4 pairs of loop wires in a Measurement for (7)"Concrete Pad" shall be by the square single "home run" sawcut Loop and "Home Run" layout shall be yard of surface area enclosed inclusive of and not subtracting for approved by the Engineer before sawcutting takes place. the area of the junction box or foundation enclosed and shall be full .......Splice kit,"per each. compensation for full and complete installation as per the plans, "Emergency Vehicle pre-emption detector," per each. specifications and detail sheets. "Opticom discriminator card," per each. " Schedule 40 Conduit P.V.C." per linear foot.* "Detector amplifier,"per each. ......... Schedule 80 conduit P.V.C., " per linear foot.* "Street light fuse kit," per each. * The unit contract price for conduit shall include all conduit, "Pedestrian push button with sign " per each. couplings adapters elbows bends reducers bell ends, bushings, "Pedestrian push button post," per each. and any other material labor or equipment necessary to complete "Pedestrian signal pole Type I 10-feet," per each. the installation of the conduit. Measurement shall be by linear foot "Relocate existing.......pole " per each. from end of conduit to end of conduit as measured from the top of The unit per each price for "relocate existing ....pole" shall be grade along the middle of the trench line and adding a vertical full compensation for removing the pole from its existing measurement at the end of each conduit run equal to the design foundation removing and salvaging or re-installing existing depth of the trench No payment shall be made for additional equipment plugging holes as required and installing the pole on its conduit used by the contractor due to horizontal or vertical weaving new foundation and shall include all labor, tools, materials, of the conduit within the trench line. equipment and any other costs necessary and/or incidental to "Street Light Standard ......... per each. complete the installation and make the electrical equipment " . ...-watt...Luminaire and lamp," per each. operational all in accordance with the plans specifications and -watt Luminaire and lamp with photocell," per each. detail sheets. AWG....copper wire," per linear foot. "Remove existing.......Foundation," per each. "Service cabinet " per each. Page-SP-46 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 8-22 Pavement Marking 8-22 Pavement Marking The unit per each price for "Remove existing foundation" Traffic I cruel Legend shall be full compensation for full and complete removal and A WHITE marking conf;ming to the�P=A r�;,ga;;,,, hauling and disposal of the foundation. pFepea:tieausing alphabetical letters.. 8-22 Pavement Marking tho .1:IrQ2d h t all TM fF• 1 tt h rl be 2fast SECTION 8-22.1 IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: #igh,See contract plans and detail sheets. 8-22.1 Description (RC) SECTION 8-22.3(5)IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS. Skip Center Stripe 8-22.3(5) Tolerances for Line Stripes (RC) A BROKEN YELLOW line 4 inches wide. The broken Length of Stripe: The longitudinal accumulative error or "skip" pattern shall be based on a-4044ot 24-foot unit consisting within a-49-feet 24-foot length of skip stripe shall not exceed plus I of a feet 9-foot line and a-30 feet 15-foot gap. Skip center or minus 1 inch. stripe is used as center line delineation on two lane or three lane, SECTION 8-22.3(6)IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS. two way highways. Double Yellow Center Stripe 8-22.3(6) Installation Instructions (RC) Two SOLID YELLOW lines, each 4 inches wide, Installation instructions for plastic markings shall be provided separated by a 4-inch ^r Z-i wh space. Double yellow center stripe for both the Contractor and the Engineer. All materials shall be is used as center line delineation on multilane, two way highways installed according to the manufacturer's recommendations and-a and for channelization. f�es�StFifaApproach Stripe A SOLID WHITE line, 8 inches wide, used-at-freeway R6 A 99;Q SWipo is 21w wed to delineate turn lanes SECTION 8-22.3(7)IS A NEW SECTION. from through lanes, for traffic islands, and for hash marks. Hash 8_22.3(n Removal of Traffic Markers(RC) mark stripes shall be placed on 45 degree angle and 10 2Q-feet apart. — The work to remove all old or conflicting stripes lines Lane Stripe buttons, or markers as required to complete the channelization of A BROKEN WHITE line, 4 inches wide, used to the project as shown on the plans or detail sheets shall be delineate adjacent lanes travelling in the same direction. The considered incidental to other contract pay items and no further broken or "skip" pattern shall be based on a-44449&24-foot unit compensation shall be made unless a separate pay item or items are consisting of a IQ fQQt 9-foot line and a-3A-feet 15-foot gap. provided for such removal. Drop Lane Stripe(Skip Approach Line) SECTION 8-22.4 IS REVISED AND SUPPLEMENTED AS A BROKEN WHITE line, 8 inches wide, used to FOLLOWS. delineate a lane that ends 29 aA @4 -^-^^ The broken or "skip" pattern shall be based on a 2444-foot unit consisting of a 9-3-foot 8-22.4 Measurement (RC) (SA) line and a 1542-foot gap. The measurement will be based on the travel distance-ce"ired Ne-1?ass-tea t f of a marking system capable... A-201-ID YIZI LOW ling,-4 inches wide. laeFeApproach stripe, barrier stripe, crosswalk stripe, and stop bar will be measured by the linear foot of each marking type. YELLOW Our liner, each ,, inghoo , .:a sopar-awd by a ,, • h Traffic arrows will be measured by the unit with each arrow Q ush sprig head defined as a unit. T...^ BROKEN 34LI t rnv UAOG h ,, • h •d Traffic Ietielslegends, handicapped parking stall symbols, preferential lane symbols, railroad crossing symbols, drainage barsd on 21 40 foot unit Goagiq;ng ot:a 1Q"t lips 2.nd 2 3o L=L markings, and cycle detector symbols will be measured by the unit. gap. Measurement for paint/plastic stripe line removed shall be by Two Way Left Turn Stripe the linear foot of .... wide line or shall be included in the lump A SOLID YELLOW line, 4 inches wide, with a sum price for "remove existing traffic markings" unless specified BROKEN YELLOW line, 4 inches wide, separated by a 4-inch to be paid as a separate pay item. If not specified as a separate pay space. The broken or "skip" pattern shall be based on a-404"24- item, then removal of existing traffic markings shall be considered I foot unit consisting of a-18-feet 9-foot line and a-39-feet 15-foot incidental to the payment for other items of work and no further space. The solid line shall be installed to the right of the broken compensation shall be made. line in the direction of travel. SECTION 8-22.5 IS REVISED AND SUPPLEMENTED AS Crosswalk Stripe FOLLOWS: A SOLID WHITE line,-I-2 8 inches wide and 10-feet long, installed parallel to another crosswalk stripes 8-22.5 Payment (RC) and parallel to the direction of traffic flow and centered in pairs on lane "Painted Fo4:oApproach Stripe", per linear foot. lines and the center of lanes. See detail sheet.. "Plastic Ggre Stripe",-p l ;fe@ Stop Bar "Painted Traffic I1:Legend",per each. A SOLID WHITE line,-4.9 12, 18 or 24 inches wide "Plastic Traffic ;Legend",per each. unless as noted etharwise-in on the Contract plans. "Remove Paint Line ....." wide," per linear foot.* Page-SP-47 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 8-23 Temporary Pavement Markings 8-23 Temporary Pavement Marking "Remove Plastic Line......" Wide," per linear foot.* 8-23 Temporary Pavement Markings "Remove existing traffic markings, "per lump sum.* * The linear foot contract price for "Remove Paint Line" and SECTION 8-23.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED WITH THE "Remove Plastic Line" and the lump sum contract price for FOLLOWING: "Re°nove existing traffic markings" shall be full compensation for removal of existing traffic markings as per the plans, specifications 8-23.5 Payment (RQ and detail sheets. If these pay items do not appear in the contract schedule of prices then the removal of old or conflicting traffic If no pay item is included in the contract for installation or for markings required to complete the channelization of the project as removal of temporary pavement markings then all costs associated shown on the plans or detail sheets shall be considered incidental to with these items are considered incidental to other items in the other items in the contract and no further compensation shall be contract or included under "Traffic Control," if that item is included as a bid item. made. The unit contract prices for the above listed bid items shall be full pay for furnishing all labor, tools material, and equipment necessary for the completion of the work as specified. Page-SP-48 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 9-00 Definitions and Tests 9-02 Bituminous Materials Division 9 material for payment may be produced for use on a project until the job mix formula has been approved by the engineer. The mixture Materials shall be designed to meet the test criteria listed in Section 9-03.8(2) and remain within the limits set forth in 9-03.8(6). The determination of the job mix formula shall be the responsibility of 9-00 Definitions and Tests the Contractor. The intermingling of asphalt concrete mixtures produced from more than one JMF is prohibited. Each strip of asphalt concrete SECTION 9-00 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE pavement placed during a working shift shall conform to a single FOLLOWING: job mix formula established for the class of asphalt concrete 9-00(A) Recycled Materials (RC) specified unless there is a need to make an adjustment toin the JMF. The City encourages the use of recycled materials whenever The JMF shall be submitted in writing by the Contractor to practicable, provided that those materials meet or exceed all the Engineer at least 10 days prior to the start of paving operations applicable requirements described elsewhere in the contract and shall include as a minimum: specifications. Should recycled materials be utilized the City a. Percent passing each sieve size. requires that a Recycled Product Reporting Form be completed by b. Percent of asphalt cement. the Contractor. c. Asphalt grade. d. Mixing temperature. 9-02 Bituminous Materials e. Compaction temperature. f. Anti-strip agent content. 9-02.1 Asphalt Material, General The Contractor may not make any changes to the JMF without SECTION 9-02.1(10)IS A NEW SECTION: prior written approval of the Engineer. Should a change in sources of materials be made, a new JMF must be approved by the 9-02.1(10) Loop Sealant (RC) Engineer before the new material is used. Unless specified otherwise in the contract or permitted by the WAGUR4 Of asphalt ..,or°n.,, and anti-strip ddi to be ,,,, d t Engineer upon request from the contractor, loop sealant shall be boon w4ablishad hot-melt, rubberized asphalt sealant (Crafco Loop Detector Sealant 2'—lob Mix 130;M442 er l AGGepwirs or approved equal), shall meet the penetration flow and resilience specifications of ASTM D3407 and shall be installed with an approved applicator in conformance with manufacturer's losigu-l� tsuttettd°tiens�shall be the Jh4&, recommendations. '^°�s^� tea'„ter.., .,r .,f r'r, r f rl, T*Rli r The contractor shall request and obtain approval from the Engineer for the type of loop sealant to be used before installing 23. Job Mix Formula Tolerances-and-Adju&4ma ts. detector loops and shall submit manufacturer cutsheets or other a. Telownses Statistical Asstawce.After the JMF is data if requested by the Engineer in order to enable the Engineer to determined, the several constituents of the mixture at the time of determine the acceptability of the sealant. All loop sealant shall acceptance shall conform to the following tolerances: only be installed in thoroughly clean and dry pavement and shall be Constituent of Mixture Tolerance Limits applied in conformance with the methods required as to The tolerance limit for each temperature and means of application such as to completely fill the mix constituent shall not sawcut area, encapsulate the loop wires and adhere to the exceed the broad band pavement. specification limits specified in Section 9-03.8(6). 9-03 Aggregates Aggregate passing 1”, Broad band specification 314 5/8" 1/2" and limits Section 9-03.8(6). SECTION 9-03.8(6)A IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS. 3/8" sieves Aggregate passing 114" sieve t 6% 9-03.8(6)A Basis of Acceptance(RC) Aggregate passing No. 10 sieve t 5% 1. Asphalt Concrete will be accepted based on its Aggregate passing No. 40 sieve t 4% conformance to the project job mix formula (JNM. Po; the Aggregate passing No. 200 sieve t2% Notel Asphalt cement t0.5%Note2 For open graded mix: Tolerance limits shall be for aggregate cared alnno Wi4h the 9;aga4;9^ data AowiiRg r+ gradation only and shall be as specified in Section 9-03.8(6). Note 1 — 2.0% if less than 50% RAP (Recycled Asphalt Pavement),2.5% for 50% RAP or more. Note 2 — 0.5% if less than 20% RAP, 0.7% for over 20% tae–.Eat; will dewrrnine the asphalt cen r " RAP, but less than 50% RAP, 1.0% for 50% RAP or greater. I !d asphalt retaluiw;facto;in the- mix degign pr-oG These tolerance limits constitute the allowable limits used in Using 'the - -amp!es sabrniaod and PF.GPQ Section 5-04.3(8)A to determine acceptance. No Page-SP-49 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 9-04 Joint and Crack Sealing Materials 9-05 Drainage Structures,Culverts,and Conduits t W . t 1 n R SECTION 9-05.7(3) IS DELETED AND REPLACED BY THE d r d rh GoarAituantR of the 'Xt,,.e 2t the t;eno__nf - FOLLOWING: 9-05.7(3) Concrete Storm Sewer Pipe Joints(RC) Joint assembly design shall be reinforced concrete bell and AdjugLments spigot type incorporating a fully retained single rubber gasket in Aggregatar, U 'tten esr fin.., the cow;.,,. accordance with ASTM C361 or AWWA C302. Rubber gasket -a material shall be neoprene. -- f 7 t t rh m rorn;ned on rho No ���no SECTION 9-05.7(4) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY THE e and h 1 nr fgr-rhn atnr�c the No IQ � �;e ., �,-_-,-o...o „orao--- � 'm� .,,o p� FOLLOWING: No, nn dnc tf S� -t#e 9-05.7(4) (RC) Concrete Storm Sewer Pipe Joints D r A 'd d ;he rhango will p;oduG ..,om�;ol�€ `=) cqual gr bettor. quaiky The above adjustmentr and lo;any AX' � they Hydrostatic testing of rubber gasket joints shall be performed in accordance with ASTM C361 or AWWA C302 except test rull :P d' r ^d AW 1 the . ,, 11 .E pressure shall be 5 psi. t 1 h 11 he v6thin th® range e€ rho br.Q2d hand SECTION 9-05.9 IS REVISED AND SUPPLEMENTED AS r,P@Gif4Qa4i9A&, FOLLOWS. 7 Asphalt !'' r r Th r).n;ect Enn;nsor. may @;:des- @ 9-05.9 Steel Spiral Rib Storm Sewer Pipe (RC) Q9 n Z PP;GGA;_-F the app;0*0d TA= No Stec! spiral ;;b stoR:n Rowe; pips shall moot ths ;:QRuir4R;"1;t6 r 1 A r t' t r t shall he ar rhn.: in rho Ulm , .21�_of the M24@r:elr.�:noe; tug sporifivattoag, The manufacturer of spiral rib storm sewer pipe shall furnish 9-04 Joint and Crack Sealing Materials the Engineer a Manufacturer's Certificate of Compliance stating that the materials furnished comply in all respects with these SECTION 9-04.11 IS A NEW SECTION Specifications. The Engineer may require additional information or tests to be performed by the Contractor at no expense to the State. 9-04.11 Butyl Rubber (SA) Unless otherwise specified, spiral rib storm sewer pipe shall be furnished with pipe ends cut perpendicular to the longitudinal Butyl rubber shall conform to ASTM D2000, M1 BG 610. axis of the pipe. Pipe ends shall be cut evenly. Spiral rib pipe shall I be fabricated either by using a continuous helical lock seam or 9-05 Drainage Structures, Culverts, and a continuous helical welded seam paralleling the rib. Conduits r dl h F d J�GM ..le th:.-U..eco .,f_ om +1 ..d SECTION 9-05.4 IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: 4 n A CUTO M 36 cewtion� '1 2 9-05.4 Steel Culvert Pipe and Pipe Arch (RC) n �" h L 1'4 ' h wids by n 43" kwh (mini Steel culvert pipe and pipe arch shall meet the requirements of 314 iAGb wido by 548 h desp Q 'n"h@° G@;Aor to AASHTO M 36, Type I and Type II. Welded seam aluminum sit- coated (aluminized) corrugated steel pipe and pipe arch with metallized coating applied inside and out following welding is d gpiral •b pip h 11 he h:t„m:nQrtr_tF.6240pt acceptable and shall be asphalt treatment coated. paucd rh h't &;e2smoat f al .:h pipe Shell G9 f SECTION 9-05.7(2) IS DELETED AND REPLACED BY 'TAE FOLLOWING: Steel spiral rib storm sewer pipe shall be manufactured of 9-05.7(2) Reinforced Concrete Storm Sewer Pipe; metallic coated (aluminized or galvanized) corrugated steel and inspected in conformance with Section 9-05.4. The size, coating, (RC) and metal shall be as shown in the Plans or in the Specifications. Reinforced Concrete Storm Sewer pipe shall conform to the For spiral rib storm sewer pipe helical ribs shall project ' requirements of ASTM C-76 and shall be Class IV. Cement used outwardly from the smooth pipe wall and shall be fabricated from a in the manufacture of reinforced concrete pipe shall be Type II in single thickness of material The ribs shall be essentially conformance with ASTM C150. No admixture shall be used unless rectangular and shall be 3/4 inch plus two times the wall thickness otherwise specified. (2t) plus or minus 1/8 inch (measured outside to outside) and a SECTION 9-05.7(2)A IS SUPPLEMENTED BY THE minimum of 0.95 inch high (measured as the minimum vertical FOLLOWING: distance from the outside of pipe wall immediately adjacent to the lockseam or stiffener to the top surface of rib). The maximum 9-05.7(2)A Basis for Acceptance (RC) spacing of the ribs shall be 11.75 inches center to center(measured All pipe shall be subject to (1) a three-edge-bearing strength normal to the direction of the ribs). The radius of bend of the (D-load) test in accordance with ASTM C76; and (2) a hydrostatic metal at the corners of the ribs shall be a minimum of 0.10 inch test of rubber gasket joints in accordance with ASTM C361 or and a maximum of 0.17 inch. If the sheet between adjacent ribs , AWWA C302 except test pressure shall be 5 psi. does not contain a lockseam a stiffener shall be included midway Page-SP-50 Reivision Date:May 19, 1997 9-06 Structural Steel and Related Materials 9-08 Paints between ribs,having a nominal radius of 0.25 inch and a minimum 1/8 inch wide (measured outside to outside) and a minimum height of 0.20 inch toward the outside of the pipe. Pipe shall be spacing of ribs shall be 4.80 inches center to center (measured fabricated with ends that can be effectively jointed with coupling normal to the direction of the ribs). The radius of bend of the bands. metal at the corners of the ribs shall be 0.0625 inch with an When required, spiral rib or narrow pitch spiral rib pipe shall allowable tolerance of+ 10 percent. be bituminous treated or paved. The bituminous treatment for For wide pitch spiral rib storm sewer pipe helical ribs shalt spiral rib pipe shall conform to the requirements of Sections 9- project outwardly from the smooth pipe wall and shall be fabricated 05.4(3)and 9-05.4(4) from a single thickness of material. The ribs shall be 3/4 inch + For narrow pitch spiral rib sewer pipe, the helical ribs shall 1/8 inch wide(measured outside to outside)and a minimum of 0.95 project outwardly from the smooth pipe wall and shall be fabricate inch high (measured as the minimum vertical distance from the from a single thickness of material. The ribs shall be .375 inch— outside of pipe wall to top surface of the rib). The maximum 1/8 inch wide (measured outside to outside) and a minimum of spacing of ribs shall be 11.75 inches center to center (measured .4375 inch high(measured as the minimum vertical distance of ribs normal to the direction of the ribs). The radius of bend of the shall be 4.80 inches center to center (measured normal to the metal at the corners of the ribs shall be 0.0625 inch with an direction of the ribs). The radius of bend of the metal at the allowable tolerance of+ 10 percent. corners of the ribs shall be 0.0625 inch with an allowable tolerance of—lo percent. 9-06 Structural Steel and Related Materials SECTION 9-05.12(3)IS A NEW ADDITIONAL SECTION: 9-05.12(3) CPEP Sewer Pipe (RC) 9-06.5 Bolts CPEP - Smooth interior pipe and fittings shall be SEC7ION9-06.5(4)HAS BEENSUPPLEMENTEDBYADDING. manufactured from high density polyethylene resin which shall meet or exceed the requirements of Type 111, Category 4 or 5 9-06.5(4)' Anchor Bolts(RC) Grade P33 or P34, Class C per ASTM D1248. In addition the All anchor bolts, nuts, washers and anchor plates for signal pipe shall comply with all material and stiffness requirements of poles, street light poles, strain poles or other types of poles shall AASHTO M294. meet the recommended specifications of the pole manufacturer. SECTION 9-05.14 IS DELETED. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing to the Engineer any and all data concerning fabrication strength test results mill SECTION 9-05.17 IS REVISED AND SUPPLEMENTED AS certification and other data required to confirm that the anchor FOLLOWS. bolts meet those specifications. The following standard specifications shall apply to anchor 9-05.17 Aluminum Spiral Rib Storm Sewer Pipe bolts for street light, signal and strain poles provided that the (RC) Contractor can submit documentation from the manufacturer Unless otherwise specified, spiral rib storm sewer pipe shall affirming that anchor bolts meeting these specifications are be furnished with pipe ends cut perpendicular to the longitudinal recommended for the pole to be installed thereon: axis of the pipe. Pipe ends shall be cut evenly. Spiral rib pipe shall 1. The standard anchor bolt for aluminum street light poles be fabricated by using a continuous helical lock seam with a seam shall be 42 inches in length and shall meet the requirements of ag sket. ASTM A 36 or ASTM A 307. The shaft of the anchor bolt shall be a full one inch in diameter with a hot forged four inch "L" bend owwardly, bo for-mod freiri a single-th' of mawrial, and on the bottom end and a minimum of six inches of die-cut threads on the top end. 1 A�SHT0-A4 196, SoGtion 2. The anchor bolts for signal poles and strain poles shall —QX15;RGI; 1 i4_:.,,.h wide by Q 4375 ;.,,.; meet the specifications as designated on the approved manufacturer's pole plans and/or supplemental plans or 14 :,...14 1,18 :,,,.h ...:,io h„ n oc •Rgh ) doop specifications provided by the manufacturer. All anchor bolts, nuts and washers shall meet the pole 4 3.14 inch wide lay 519 :,,..h do 1-7 h gyj;ta; manufacturer's specifications and shall be hot dipped galvanized seacea- unless such galvanization is not permitted for the type of steel as per Section 9-06.5(4). jointed wich Ggup!;Ag bands 9-08 Paints Whon .:o.l spiral :h pipo shall be bituminour tpv2tad SECTION 9-08.8 IS A NEW SECTION: 9-08.8 Manhole Coating System Products (R For spiral rib storm sewer-pipe, helical ribs shall project C) outwardly from the smooth pipe wall and shall be fabricated from a single thickness of material. The ribs shall be 3/4 inch wide by 3/4 9-08.8(1) Coating System Specification (RC) inch deep with a nominal spacing of 7-1/2 inches center to center. The following coating system specifications shall be used for Pipe shall be fabricated with ends that can be effectively jointed coating (sealing) interior concrete (including the channel) surfaces with coupling bands. of sanitary sewer manholes when required. For narrow pitch spiral rib storm sewer pipe helical ribs shall project outwardly from the smooth pipe wall and shall be fabricated from a single thickness of material. The ribs shall be 0.375 inch + Page-SP-51 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 9-23 Concrete Curing Materials and Admixtures 9-29 Illumination,Signals,Electri Coating System Specification SECTION 9-29.3 IS REVISED AND SUPPLEMENTED AS — FOLLOWS. A. General 1. Buried Manhole 9-29.3 Conductors, Cable(RC) Surface Color Paint System Each wire shall be numbered at each terminal end with a wrap-around type numbering strip bearing the circuit numbe a. Buried and White C_-1 shown on the plans. exposed No splicing of any traffic signal conductor shall be permitted concrete unless otherwise indicated on the plans. All conductor runs shall surfaces. be pulled to the appropriate signal terminal compartment boar with pressure type binding posts. The only exceptions shall be th 9-08.8(2) Coating Systems splices for detector loops at the nearest junction box to the loops. A. High Solids Urethane The contractor shall provide and install all the necessary wiring fuses and fittings so as to complete the installation of th Coating System: C1 signal and lighting equipment as shown on the plans. All material Coating Material: High Solids Urethane and installation methods, except as noted otherwise herein, shalt Surfaces: Concrete comply with applicable sections of the National Electrical Code. Surface Preparation: In accordance with SSPC SP-7 8, Detector loop wire shall be No. 1244 AWG strande (Sweep or brush off blast) copper wire, Class B, with chemically cross-linked polyethylen Application: Shop/Field The drying time type RHH-RHW insulation of code thickness. between coats shall not exceed (11) Six-pat_-.Communications cable shall meet R&' 24hours in any case specification PE-39 and shall have sit--pai&.-No. 19 AWG wire System Thickness: 6.0 mils dry film with 0.008 inch FPA/MPR coated aluminum shielding. The cable Coatings: Primer: One coat of Wasser shall have a petroleum compound completely filling the inside of MC-Conseal high solids the cable. urethane 2( 0 DFT)Finish: The shielded communications/signal interconnect cable sha Two or more coats of Wasser meet the following: MC-Conseal (min.4.0 DFT) 1. Conductors: Solid soft drawn, annealed copper, size 19 awg. 9-23 Concrete Curing Materials and 2 Insulation: solid virgin high density polyethylene c Admixtures polypropylene with telephone industry color coding. 3. Cable core assembly: insulated conductors are twisted SECTION 9-23.9 IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: into pairs with varying lays (twist lengths) to minimize cross taI and meet strict capacitance limits. 9-23.9 Fly Ash(RC) 4. Shielding: A corrosion/oxidation resistant tinted ethylene Fly ash shall not be used around water lines. copolymer coated (both sides) .008" thick corrugated aluminur- tape shield is applied longitudinally with shielding coverage. 9-29 Illumination, Signals, Electrical 005 corrugated tape applied in the same manner is acceptable. 5. Outer jacket: A black low density high molecular weight SECTION 9-29.1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE virgin polyethylene (compounded to withstand sunlight FOLLOWING: temperature variations and other environmental conditions plu abuse during installation) is extruded overall to provide a 9-29.1 Conduit.(RC) continuous covering. 6 Footage markings: footage markings must be printe The conduit P.V.C. - non-metallic shall be of the two types . a minimum of 2' along the outer jacket. indicated below: 7 Filling: the entire cable within the outer jacket is flooded 1 Schedule 80 Extra heavy wall P.V.C. conforming to with petroleum-polyethylene gel filling compound including the ASTM Standards to be used in all installations under roadways. area between the outer iacket and the shield. 2 Schedule 40 heavy wall P.V.C. conforming to ASTM Standards. SECTION 9-29.9 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THZ SECTION 9-29.2 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: FOLLOWING: 9-29.9 Ballast, Transformers (RC) 9-29.2 Junction Boxes(RC) The Ballast shall be pre-wired to the lamp socket and terminal Junction boxes shall be reinforced concrete with galvanized board. steel from anchored in place and galvanized steel cover plate SECTION 9-29.10 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING TM (Diamond pattern)as indicated on detail sheets. FOLLOWING: The inscriptions on the covers of the junction boxes shall be as 9-29.10 Luminaires (RC) follows: 1. Signal only: "Signals" The filter shall be charcoal with elast-omer gasket. 2. Street Lighting only: "lighting" Luminaires shall have a cast aluminum housing of the cobra 3 Traffic Signal and Street lighting Facilities: "TS-LT" head style with a glass ovate refractor. The above inscriptions shall not be higher than the top surface d of the cover plates. Page-SP-52 ' Revision Date:May 19, 1997 9-29 Illumination,Signals,Electrical 9-29 Illumination,Signals,Electrical! The manufacturer's name or symbol shall be clearly marked re-energize without change. :1 .tpa i-rn Ggptr-ollo;s gha on each luminaire. 9-29.11 Control Equipment 5. Conflict Monitor. Upon sensing conflicting signals or SECTION 9-29.11(2)IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH. unsatisfactory operation voltages, the conflict monitor shall 9-29.11(2) Photoelectric Controls (RC) immediately cause the signal to revert to flash; however, the controller shall stop time at the point of conflict. After the conflict Photoelectric controls shall be a plug-in device rated to monitor has been reset, the controller shall immediately take operate on 120 volts, 60 Hz. The unit shall consist of alight command of the signal displays at the beginning of artery sensitive element connected to necessary control relays The unit ellow. shall be so designed that a failure of any electronic component will 6. Flash unit shall be a two circuit type capable of energize the lighting circuit. switching loads up to 1000 watts per circuit alternately at a rate of The photo cell shall be a solid state device with stable turn-on 60 flashes per minute per circuit plus or minus two flashes per values in the temperature range of-55 degrees C to +70 degrees minute. C. The photo cell shall be mounted externally on top of the luminaire. In a contactor controlled system the photo cell to SECTION 9-29..13(3) IS REVISED AND SUPPLEMENTED AS control the system shall be mounted on the luminaire nearest to the FOLLOWS. service/contactor cabinet. The photo cell shall be capable of switching "ON" 1,000 watts of incandescent load as a minimum 9-29.13(3) Emergency Pre-emption (RC) Immediately after a valid call has been received, the SECTION 9-29.13 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE pre-emption controls shall cause the signals to display the required FOLLOWING. clearance intervals and subsequent pre-emption intervals. 9-29.13 Traffic Signal Controllers(RC) Pre-emption shall sequence as noted in the contract. Pre-emption equipment shall be installed so that internal wiring of the The unit shall operate on 120 volt 60 cycle single phase controller, as normally furnished by the manufacturer, is not alternating current and shall use the power line frequency as a time altered. Tamii ^f.hn F;Q amption sequearo ghal! piage a call base. The traffic signal controller shall meet the requirements of on '" h ue,-..,e.o and pedestrian-phases Pre @;q d; • F the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) Standard Publications. fie, Components such as resistors capacitors diodes and Emergency vehicle pre-emption shall be furnished as modules transistors shall be individually replaceable utilizing approved that plug directly into a rack wired to accept 3-M discriminator standard soldering techniques. Intergrated circuits shall be type units. The pre-emption system operation shall be compatible mounted in sockets and shall be easily replaceable without with the 500 Series 3M company "opticom" system which the City soldering. All components shall be standard"Off the shelf" items of Renton is currently using and shall be capable of being activated The traffic signal controller shall be capable of interfacing by the same transmitters. with the Multisonic real time, master computer. The controller The optical signal discriminator system shall enable an shall be capable of both on-line operation(control by the multisonic authorized vehicle to remotely control traffic control signals from a master computer) and standby operation. The controller shall distance of up to 1800 feet(0.54 kilometers) along an unobstructed establish the sequence of signal phases including overlaps in "line of sight" path. The system shall cause the traffic signals conformance with the signal phasing diagram on the plans When controller to move into an appropriate fire pre-emption program operating either in a fixed time mode or in a fully-actuated mode this optical discriminator shall interface to the 562 software for with volume density on each phase as required. All clearance field programmability. It shall consist of the following timing and pedestrian timing shall be accomplished at the local components: intersection. a. Optical energy detectors which shall be mounted on the SECTION 9-29.13(2)IS REVISED AND SUPPLEMENTED AS traffic signal mast arms and shall receive the optical energy FOLLOWS. emitter's signal. b. Discriminators which shall cause the signal controller to 9-29.13(2) Flashing Operations (RC) go into internal pre-emption which will give the authorized vehicle 2. Police Panel Switch. When the flash-automatic switch the right of way in the manner shown on the phase sequence located behind the police panel door is turned to the flash position, diagram.. the signals shall immediately revert to flash; however, the c. Pre-emption Indicator Lights. controller shall "STOP TIME." When the switch is placed on Optical Detector automatic, the signals shall continue to flash for an additional a. Shall be of solid state construction. 8 second flash period. At the completion of the continued 8 second b. Fittings shall meet the specifications of the system flash period, unless otherwise specified, the controller shall manufacturer to facilitate ease of installation. immediately resume normal cyclic operations at the beginning of c. Shall operate over an ambient temperature range of-40°F artery gre,"a ely low. to +180°F(-40°C to +85°C). 4. Power Interruption. On "NEMA" controllers any power d. Shall have internal circuitry encapsulated in a semi- interruption longer than 475 plus or minus 25 milliseconds, signals flexible compound and shall be impervious to moisture. shall re-energize consistent with No.2 above to ensure an 8 second e• Shall respond to the optical energy impulses generated by flash period prior to the start of artery green. A power interruption a_pulsed Xenon source with a pulse energy density of 0.8 micro of less than 475 plus or minus 25 milliseconds shall not cause joule per square meter at the detector, a rise time less than one resequencing of the controller and the signal displays shall microsecond and half power point pulse width on not less than thirty microseconds. Page-SP-53 Revision Date.May 19, 1997 9-29 Illumination,Signals,Electrical 9-29 Illumination,Signals,Electrical Discriminator Each module shall do the following: a Shall provide for a minimum of two channels of optical Qvswaps detector input. b Shall provide for a minimum of two discrete channels of optically isolated output. ind,�tiOA& r timing—intervals ^1=0116r° °""" ;'ida When a pre-emption detector detects an emergency vehicle, t both ;iAg& that Gan h° • "d the phase selector shall hold the controller in the required phase or ,, 1 n f nation shall lag displayed advance directly to that phase after observing all vehicle with Qthe;timiAg data clearances The phase selector shall hold the controller in the phase selected until the detector no longer detects the emergency r, f ~ 11 _°ti=t s -�r f-�.•• °�+ upon an vehicle. ast}tatiett. When the phase selector is responding to one detector, it shall All timing functions and input and output features for fully- not respond to any other detector until calls from the first detector actuated volume-density operation shall be provided in accordance are satisfied Indicator lights shall indicate power on signal being with NEMA standards. received channel called Switches shall control system power and The controller shall provide for setting each timing interval by simulate detector calls for each phase. means of positively calibrated settings. The timing functions shall be on the front of the controller unit or shall have keyboard entry SECTION 9-29.13(2) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE and liquid crystal display. For the standby operation, the traffic FOLLOWING: signal controller shall include all circuitry required to provide all timing and all functions for signal operation in a fully-actuated 9-29.13(4) Wiring Diagrams (RC) mode Standby operation shall automatically occur upon opening The controller cabinet shall have a waterproof envelope with a of interconnect lines failure of central master computer, or when side access attached to the inside of the cabinet door. At the time specified by the master. The standby operation shall follow and be of delivery the envelope shall have four complete sets of schematics coincidental in phase to that phase being displayed at the start of and manuals for all assemblies and sub-assemblies. standby operation Transfer from computer supervision shall not SECTION 9-29.13(6) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE call up a starting yellow. FOLLOWING: SECTION 9-29.I3(7)A IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 9-29.13(6) Radio Interference Suppressors 9-29.13(')A Environmental, Performance and Test A Cornell-Dubiler radio interference filter NF 10801-1 30 Standards for Solid-State Traffic amps or equivalent shall be used to filter the A.C. power. Additionally, all power supplies shall have noise immunity from Controllers (RC) other devices within the cabinet. The traffic signal controller assemblies fi including the trafc signal controller, auxiliary control equipment and cabinet shall be SECTION 9-29.13(7)IS REVISED AND SUPPLEMENTED AS shop tested to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Testing and check- FOLLOWS: out of all timing circuits phasing and signal operation shall be at the City of Renton Signal Shop Renton Washington. The Signal 9-29.13(7) Traffic-Actuated Controllers (RC) Shop will make space available to the contractor for the required Traffic-actuated controllers shall be electronic devices which, test demonstrations. The contractor shall assemble the cabinet and when connected to traffic detectors or other means of actuation, or related signal control equipment ready for testing. A complete both, shall operate the electrical traffic signal system at one or demonstration by the contractor of all integrated components more intersections. satisfactorily functioning shall start the test period. Any All solid-state electronic traffic-actuated controllers and their malfunction shall stop the test period until all parts are supplemental devices shall employ digital timing methods. satisfactorily operating The test shall be extended until a The traffic signal control equipment, unless otherwise minimum of 72 hours continuous satisfactory performance of the permitted in the contract, must specifically conform to current entire integrated system has been demonstrated. The NEMA specifications. W **edT-tie "—�.o QQatF �-r-�R demonstration by the contractor to the Engineer of all components functioning properly shall not relieve the contractor of any responsibility Telative to the proper functioning of all aforestated Actuated traffic signal controllers shall be 8-phase control control gear when field installed. , units. Volume-density timing features shall be provided on all SECTION 9-29.13(7)B IS REVISED AND SUPPLEMENTED controllers. Eve;y Pin of ig plug shall AS FOLLOWS: 9-29.13(7)B Auxiliary Equipment for Traffic Actuated ' idg;giiied "F ~ rhall ' Controllers (RC) • { bit• 1. t W044 4 o;;troil°.r, of an and all �..,,t.. r.. v;lisr,. Uipmens FlashorE, flash-uane.£er_ .,:a, Labo*"6°t-igcri^g., ..1•.- panol souilghes -°„r ,,..{°.i ;.,Fi-r\]!A .,,.hl;r-.{;.n iA 79_4-6_ , Page-SP-54 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 9-29 Illumination,Signals,Electrical 9-29 Illumination,Signals,Electrical Power Switches Computer Interface Unit There shall be a main power switch inside the cabinet that Interface communication devices shall be designed as separate shall render all control equipment electrically dead when turned units or as modules that plug directly into the controller case. The off. There shall be a controller power switch that shall render the communication devices shall be used for on-line computer control controller and load switching devices electrically dead while of the intersection and shall be capable of transmitting all detector maintaining flashing operation for purposes of changing controllers and signal status information and receiving and decoding command or load switching devices. information from the computer all in conformance and within the capability of the multisonic master computer unit and the Stop Time Bypass Switch interconnect cables. There shall be a switch in the cabinet identified as the stop SECTION 9-29.I3(7)D IS REVISED AND SUPPLEMENTED time bypass switch. If the intersection is placed on flashing AS FOLLOWS. operation either by the flash switch or the fail safe monitor, the 9-29.13(7)D Controller Cabinets(RC, SA) controller shall immediately stop time. The stop time bypass 1. Construction shall be of 0.073-inch minimum thickness switch shall remove stop time from the controller and permit Type 304 stainless steel, 0.125-inch minimum thickness clew normal cycling operation while the intersection remains in flashing awxUz ed--sheet aluminum, or cast aluminum. Cabinets shall be operation. finished inside with an approved finish coat of exterior white enamel and outside with an approved enamel finish light gray or DETECTOR test switch aluminum in color. As an alternate to painting the outside and inside of the aluminum cabinets may be clear anodized aluminum. Each vehicle and pedestrian phase shall have a momentary 5. The cabinet door shall be provided with: (spring return) detector test switch. When depressed the switch a. A spring loaded construction core lock capable of shall place a call on its respective signal phase accepting a Best CX series core installed by others. Cast cabinets shall have an approved one point positive latch. Formed cabinets The convenience outlet and lamp socket shall have a three point latch. b. A police panel door with a stainless steel hinge pin and A convenience outlet protected with a ground fault interrupter a lock. Two police keys with shafts a minimum of 13/4 inch long and an incandescent lamp socket shall be furnished in the main shall be provided with each cabinet. cabinet. A door switch for the lamp shall be provided THIS Inside the police panel there shall be a signal on-off circuit shall be protected by a circuit breaker rated at 20 amps switch which shall prohibit any signal display in the field but will allow the control equipment to operate when placed in the "off" Fail Safe Unit position. A second switch shall be the auto-flash switch When placed in the "flash" position controller power shall remain on and Fail safe unit shall meet the NEMA-PLUS specifications and controller shall stop time dependent on switch setting on the shall monitor both the positive and negative portions of the A C auxiliary panel described later. sine wave for all green amber and pedestrian walk indications c The duration of a display of conflicting indications shall not be long Cabinet doors shall be gasketed enough to be visible to motorists or pedestrians before the monitor with one piece, close cell neoprene. They shall be equipped with initiates flashing operation. There shall be a visual indication that some type of stops so the door may be held open in either of two- the monitor has preempted normal operation positions at approximately 90 degrees and 180 degrees and be of The fail safe monitor shall be Model SSM-12LE as suitable design to withstand a 40 mph wind.. manufactured by Eberle Design Inc. or approved equal d. A two position door stop assembly. e. The Controller cabinet shall have a load bay panel with at Surge Protector(Lighting Arrester) least the following items mounted on the face of the panel: transfer relays; load switches; and terminal blocks for termination of all The controller shall have an input voltage surge protector that wires contained on a separate panel (the terminal block shall shall protect the controller input from any voltage surges that could conform to Washington Standard Specifications). damage the controller or any of its components This load bay panel shall be mounted so that when the screws are removed, it will be possible to obtain full access to the Field Wiring Terminal terminations on the back of the load bay panel There shall be a terminal strip for field wiring in the controller cabinet. The terminals shall be numbered in accordance with the schematic wiring diagram on the plans If a different SECTION 9-29.16 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE numbering system is used for the cabinet wiring then both FOLLOWING. numbers shall label each terminal and the cabinet wiring schematic 9-29.16 Vehicular Signal Heads (RC) drawing shall include the field wiring numbers where the terminal strip is illustrated. A common bus bar with a minimum of 15 Vehicular signal heads shall have 12 inch lens sizes unless terminals and a ground bar with a minimum of 6 terminals shall be shown otherwise on the signal plans. Vehicular signal head provided. housings shall consist of separate sections and be expandable type for vertical mounting. Lens shall be glass and meet I.T.E. Specifications for light output. Reflectors shall be alzac Each signal head shall have a 1/4 inch drain hole in its base Page-SP-S5 Revision Date.May 19,1997 9-29 illumination,Signals,Electrical 9-29 Illumination,Signals,Electrical Vehicle signal heads shall be cast aluminum. 9-29.16(2)E Painting Signal Heads(RC) All signal heads shall include a back plate 5 inch square cut Traffic signal heads, including outside of visors and back of border. Signal heads, including outside of visors and back of back back plates, shall be finished with two coats of factory applied plates shall be finished with two coats of factory-applied traffic traffic signal gr@&P-- ely low baked enamel. The inside of visors, signal yellow baked enamel. The inside of the visors and front of front of back plates,and louvers shall be finished with two coats of back plates shall be finished with two coats of factory-applied flat flat black enamel. black enamel. SECTION 9-29.16(3)(RC)IS DELETED. Mounting hardware will provide for a rigid connection between the signal head and mast arm. All mounting hardware 9'19 16(3) 'r..,+ W Signal Head& (RQ will be of the top-mount plumbizer type as shown on the standard plans unless specified otherwise on the plans. SECTION 9-29.16(3)A(RC)IS DELETED. Position of the signal heads shall be located as close as 949.16(3)A Q • h pmt zt, .o Tr..+'+i..Signal UQ2& possible to the center of the lanes Signal heads shall be mounted (RC) �° on the mast arm such that the red indicators lie to the same plane and such that the bottom of the housing of a signal head shall not SECTION 9-29.16(3)B(RC)IS DELETED. be less than 16 feet 6 inches nor more than 18 feet 6 inches above ,7 f2)8 31 . h v t t,���+°�r,..,+�:.. Signal the grade at the center of the roadway. All bolts and other �-� b miscellaneous mounting hardware shall be stainless steel. Hoads (RQ SECTION 9-29.16(2)A HAS BEEN REVISED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 9-29.17 HAS BEEN REVISED AS FOLLOWS: 9-29.16(2)A Optical Units (RC) 9-29.17 Signal Head Mounting Brackets and Fittings Eight mch conventional signals shall employ a 67 to 69 watt (RC) traffic signal lamp rated for 130420 volt operation, 595 minimum pittings pitting v T q; *d and N wounts rhall be ipst initial lumen, 665 rated initial lumen, 8,000-hour minimum, uApaiated—All etha&-hardware for other.--mounts shall be painted 2 7116-inch light center length, A-21 bulb, medium base, clear with two coats of factory applied traffic signal Federal yellow traffic signal lamp. Twelve inch traffic signal heads require green-baked enamel. x.29130 volt, 165 watt, 1,750 minimum initial lumen, 1950 rated SECTION 9-29.18(1)IS SUPPLEMENTED AND REVISED AS initial lumen clear traffic signal lamps with a 3-inch light center FOLLOWS: length, 8,000 hour minimum rated life, P-25 bulb and medium base. Bulbs shall be installed with the opening between the filament 9-29.18(1) Induction Loop Detectors (RC) ends up. Detector amplifiers shall be Detector Systems model 810A or SECTION 9-29.16(2)B HAS BEEN REVISED AS FOLLOWS: equal. Induction loop amplifiers installed with NEMA controls shall 9-29.16(2)B Signal Housing (RC) conform to current NEMA specifications. wp4i{°'° '^°« Each lens shall be protected with a removable visor of pg'yQaFbQAQ;Q pLaW4 aluminum of the tunnel type, unless specified 44. otherwise in the contract. Visors shall have attaching ears for installation to the housing doors. Conventional signal heads shall SECTION 9-29.20 HAS BEEN REVISED AS FOLLOWS: have square doors. 9-29.20 Pedestrian Signal(RC) SECTION 9-29.16(2)C HAS BEEN REVISED AS FOLLOWS: Pedestrian signals shall be either in"PAesseut- fiber optic or neon-grid type, or other types as specified in the contract. 9-29.16(2)C Louvered Visors(RC) Pedestrian signals shall conform to ITE Standards (Standard for Where noted in the Contract, louvered tunnel visors shall be Adjustable Face Pedestrian Signal Heads, 1975).signal heads shall 69PIPIOW—a-436 uwa furnished and installed. Directional louvers shall be constructed to l a c 110,,,,l« ,, "«;,. r« -,,"tt be have a snug fit in the signal visor. The outside cylinder shall be tun t unrn h t. ,.,tt ;, ,, light of aluminum , and the louvers shall « be constructed of anodized aluminum painted flat black. r6 A 71 h,,Ih_ Dimensions and arrangement of louvers shall be as shown in the y, ^ 1_64 , .Ue h;�b Symbol messages, when contract. specified, shall be a minimum of 12 inches high and 7 inches in SECTION 9-29.16(2)D HAS BEEN DELETED AND width. REPLACED WITH. Housings shall be die-cast aluminum and shall be painted with I two coats of factory applied traffic signal ySq2Eff4"enamel. 9-29.16(2)D Back Plates (RC) VACANT SECTION 9-29.20(1) IS REPLACED BY ADDING i Back plates shall be furnished and attached to the signal THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: heads. Back plates shall be constructed of anodized, 3-S half-hard aluminum sheet, 0.058-inch minimum thickness, with 9-29.20(1) Fiber Optic Type(RC) 5-inch square cut border and painted black in front and yellow in The fiber optics shall be drawn from optical glass of high back. purity. The fibers shall be temperature resistant. The fibers shall be resistant to the UV light emitted by the halogen lamp and shall maintain their high transmission properties throughout the lifetime Page-SP-56 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 9-29 Illumination,Signals,Electrical 9-29 Illumination,Signals,Electrical of the sign. The light guides shall contain fibers with a diameter of SECTION 9-29.24(1) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH 53 microns. Each single arm in the harness shall contain THE FOLLOWING: proximately 300 fibers. The optical sheathing shall have a wall thickness of at least 1.5 microns. The common end of each bundle 9-29.24(1) Painting (RC) shall have a hexagonal bundle format. The common bundle end The finish coat shall be a factory baked on enamel light grey and each arm end shall be epoxied and optically polished in color. The galvanized surface shall be etched before the baked The light source shall be a halogen incandescent lamp with on enamel is applied. The interior shall be given a finish coat of dichroic reflector. The lamp shall use built-in lead-in wires instead exterior grade of white metal enamel. of pins. The reflector shall be covered with a hard coating capable Painting shall be done in conformance with the provisions of to withstand a temperature of 400 degrees Centigrade rapid Section 8-20.3(12). temperature changes, aggressive chemical attacks The coating SECTION 9-29.24(2) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH shall be tested by soaking in Oxalic Acid 0.71N for a period of 2 THE FOLLOWING: hours. The coating shall not dissolve during this period The lamp shall be 50 watt and rated for 6000 hours at 10 volts The lamp 9-29.24(2) Electrical Circuit Breakers and Contactors together with the fiber shall produce a light intensity as high as (RC) 3800CD. The 115-volt primary, 10-volt secondary transformers The electrical circuit breakers and contactors shall be as light guides and all wiring shall be enclosed in a sheet aluminum indicated on the contract plans and detail sheets The following housing. The matrix plate shall be constructed of 0.125 thick equipment shall be featured within the cabinet aluminum sheet protected by a 0.125 polycarbonate sheet The 1. Main circuit breaker signal housing shall be weather tight. Each common end of a 2. Branch circuit breakers bundle shall have a clip-on type color filter, one of Portland 3. Utility plug(120 volt-20 Amp rated)G.F.I. Type Orange and one of Lunar White. The viewing end of the fiber optic 4. Light control test switch(120 volt-15 Amp) display shall not require a cone for magnification and shall provide 5. Contactor relay for each circuit a wide viewing angle. Each message shall have a minimum of 82 6. Double pole branch breaker(s) for lighting circuits (240 light points. All components shall be fastened to the flat black volt matrix plate. When the sign is not illuminated it shall blank out 7. One 120 volt, 20 Amp single pole branch breaker (for with no message legible. The low power consumption lamps shall utility plugs) be serviceable without any tools. 8. Type 3-single phase 120/240 volt grounded neutral SECTION 9-29.20(2) IS REVISED AND SUPPLEMENTED AS service FOLLOWS. 9. One 120 volt 40 Amp single pole branch breaker (signal service 9-29.20(2) Neon Grid Type (RC) 10. Complete provisions for 16 breaker poles All neon grid heads shall be equipped with Z crate visors 11. Name plates phenolic black with white engraving except made of polycarbonate plastic designed to eliminate sun phantom. the main breaker which shall be red with white lettering All name Neon tubing shall be enclosed and shockmounted inside plates shall be attached by S.S. screws. a rugged plastic module. 12. Meter base sections are unnecessary "^"°`"'"'°' ^^''"^''°'^"^ °a°^ a" SECTION 9-29.25 IS DELETED AND SUPPLEMENTED BY THE FOLLOWING: The pedestrian signal shall have a solid state message module 9-29.25 Terminal and Interconnect Cabinets (RC) electronic ballast, no external transformer, and operate at 30 watts The heads shall display two symbol messages "hand" (for the The pole mounted terminal box shall be made of molded do not walk mode) in Portland orange and "Man" (for the walk fiberglass, be grey in color, be approximately 16" high x 13-7/8" mode) in lunar white. The message module shall consist of two wide x 5-7/8" deep and have a minimum of 16 terminals on the neon gas tubes enclosed in a housing made of polycarbonate terminal blocks. The box shall be weather tight have a single door plastic. The lens material shall be polycarbonate plastic The with continuous hinge on one side and screw hold downs on the visors shall be flat black in color. door locking side. All hardware will be stainless steel All mounting hardware shall be stainless steel and shall be incidental to SECTION 9-29.24 IS DELETED AND REPLACED BY THE the unit price of terminal box. FOLLOWING: Terminal blocks shall be 600V heavy duty, barrier type. Each 9-29.24 Service Cabinets (RC) terminal shall be separated by a marker strip. The marker strip shall be permanently marked with the circuit number indicated in The signal/street lighting service cabinet shall be as indicated the Plans. Each connector shall be a screw type with No 10 post on the contract plans and detail sheets. All electrical conductors capable of accepting no less than 3 #12 AWG wires fitted with buss bars and conductor terminals shall be copper or brass. The spade tips. cabinet shall be fabricated from galvanized cold rolled sheet steel Cabinet doors shall be gasketed with a one-piece closed cell with 12 gauge used for exterior surfaces and 14 gauge for interior neoprene gasket and shall have a stainless steel piano hinge. panels. Door hinges shall be the continuous concealed piano type One spare 12 position terminal block shall be installed in each and no screws, rivets or bolts shall be visible outside the enclosure. terminal cabinet and amplifier cabinet. The cabinet door shall be fitted for a Best internal type lock The Mounting shall be as noted in the contract. cabinet shall have ventilation louvers on the lower and upper sides Interconnect splice tower cabinets shall be Type F with complete with screens, filters and have rain tight gaskets The nominal dimensions of 22" high x 13" wide x 11" deep and cabinet door shall have a one piece weather proof neoprene gasket constructed of cast aluminum and fitted with a Best internal lock. Page-SP-S7 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 9-30 Water Distribution Materials 9-30 Water Distribution Materials 9-30 Water Distribution Materials SECTION 9-30.3(3) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 9-30.1 Pipe 9-30.3(3) Butterfly Valves (RC) Butterfly valves shall be Dresser 450 or Pratt Groundhog. SECTION 9-30.1(1)IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 9-30.3(5) HAS BEEN DELETED AND REPLACED 9-30.1(1)Ductile Iron Pipe (RC) WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1. Ductile iron pipe shall be centrifugally cast and meet the 9-30.3(5) Valve Marker Posts (RC) requirements of AWWA C151. Ductile iron pipe shall have a The valve markers shall be fabricated and installed in cement-mortar lining meeting the requirements of AWWA C104. conformance with the Standard Drawings. All other ductile iron pipe shall be Valve markers shall be carsonite composite utility marker Standard Thickness Class 5250 or the thickness class as shown in 375"x 6'-0" or approved equal with blue label "water. the Plans. SECTION 9-30.3(7) HAS BEEN SUPPLEMENTED AS 9-30.3 Valves FOLLOWS: 9-30.3(7) Combination Air Release/Air Vacuum SECTION 9-30.3(1)HAS BEEN REVISED AS FOLLOW: Valves (RC) 9-30.3(1) Gate Valves (RC) Air and vacuum release valves shall be APCO- Valve and Valves shall be designed for a minimum water operating Primer Cote "Heavy-Duty," combination air release valve, or equal. pressure of 200 PSI. Gate valves shall be Iowa List 14, Mueller Installation shall be per the City of Renton Standard Detail, Company No. A2380 Kennedy,or MSr.H. latest revision. Approval of valves other than models specified shall be piping and fitting shall be copper or buss. Location of the air obtained prior bid opening. release valve as show on the plans is approximate. The installation All hate valves ves less than 12" in diameter shall include an 8" x shall be set at the high point of the line. 24" cast iron gate valve box and extensions as required. All 12" diameter and larger gate valves shall be installed in a vault. See SECTION 9-30.3(8)IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS. Water Standard Detail for 12" gate valve assembly,vault and 1" 9-30.3(8) Tappu.g Sleeve and Valve Assembly (RC) bypass installation. Gate valves shall conform to AWWA C500 and shall be iron Tapping sleeves shall be cast iron, ductile iron stainless steals body, bronze-mounted double disc with bronze wedging device epoxy-coated steel,or other approved material. and O-ring stuffing box. SECTION 9-30.3(9)IS A NEW SECTION: RESILIENT SEATED GATE VALVES: Resilient seated gate valves shall be manufactured to meet or 9-30.3(9) Blow-Off Assembly(RC) exceed the requirements of AWWA Standard C509 latest revisions. Permanent blow-off assembly shall be#78 Kupferle Foundry All external and internal ferrous metal surfaces of the gate Co or approved equal Installation of blow-off permanent blow- valve shall be coated for corrosion protection with fusion bonded off assembly shall be per City of Renton Water Standard Detail, epoxy. The epoxy coating shall be factory applied to all valve latest revision Pipe and fittings shall be galvanized. Blow-off parts prior to valve assembly and shall meet or exceed the assembly shall be installed at location(s) shown on the plans. requirements of AWWA Standard C-550 latest revision. Valves Temporary blow-off assembly on new dead-end water main shall shall be provided with two (2) internal O-ring stems seals_ The be installed at location shown on the plans. valves shall be equipped with one (1) anti-friction washer. The Temporary blow-off assemblies for testing and flushing of the resilient gate valve shall have rubber sealing surfaces to permit bi- new water mains will not be included under this item and shall be directional flow. The stem shall be independent of the stem nut or considered incidental to the contract and no additional payment integrally cast. shall be made. Manufacturers of Resilient Seated gate Valves shall provide the Cite on request that the valve materials meet the City SECTION 9-30.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE specifications. FOLLOWING: Valves shall be designed for a minimum water operating p 9-30.5 Hydrants (RC) pressure of 200 psi. End connections shall be mechanical joints flanged joints or Fire hydrants shall be Iowa Corey Type (opening with the mechanical by flanged joints as shown on the project plans. pressure) or approved equal conforming to AWWA C-502-85. Resilient Seated Gate Valves shall be U.S. Metro_seal 250, Approval must be obtained prior to bid opening. C)nvv M&H Style 3067 Mueller Series 2370,Kennedy. Compression type fire hydrants (opening against pressure) Approval of valves other than model specified shall be shall be Clow Medallion M&H 929 Mueller Super Centurion obtained prior to bid opening All gate valves less than 12 inches 200 conforming to AWWA C-502-85. in diameter shall include an 8"x24" cast iron gate valve box and SECTION 9-30.5(I) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE extensions, as required. All 12 inch diameter and larger resilient seated gate valves FOLLOWING: shall have a 1 inch by-pass assembly and shall be installed in a 9-30.5(1) End Connections (RC) concrete vault per City of Renton Standard Details, latest revision. Hydrants shall be constructed with mechanical joint connection unless otherwise specified in bid proposal description. Page-SP-58 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 9-30 Water Distribution Materials 9-30 Water Distribution Materials SECTION 9-30.5(2) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH sYnthetic molded rubber gasket and shall be attached to hydrant THE FOLLOWING: adapter with 1/8" coated stainless steel aircraft cable 9-30.5(2) Hydrant Dimensions (RC) Fire hydrants shall be installed per City of Renton Standard Fire hydrants shall be Corey type (opening with the pressure) Detail for fire hydrants latest revisions or compression type (opening against pressure) conforming to SECTIONS OF 9-30.6(3) HAVE BEEN MODIFIED AS AWWA C-502-85 with a 6 inch mechanical joint inlet and a main FOLLOWS. valve opening (M.V.O.) of 5 1/4 inches, two 2 1/2 inch hose nozzles with National Standard Threads 7 112 threads per inch and 9-30.6(3) Service Pipe one 4 inch pumper nozzles with the new Seattle Pattern 6 threads 9-30.6(3)B Polyethylene Pipe(RC) per inch, 60 degrees V. Threads outside diameter of male tread 4.875 and root diameter 4.6263. Hydrants shall have a 1-1/4" Polyethylene pipe shall not be used pentagon operating nut opened by turning counter clockwise(left) 9-30.6(3)C Polybutalene Pipe (RC) The two 2-1/2" hose nozzles shall be fitted with cast iron Polybutalene pipe shall not be used threaded caps with operating nut of the same design and proportions as the hydrant stem nut Caps shall be fitted with SECTION 9-30.6(4)HAS BEEN REVISED AS FOLLOWS• suitable neoprene gaskets for positive water tightness under test Fittings used for copper tubing shall be compression type with pressures. gripper ring. The 4" pumper nozzle shall be fitted with a Stortz adapter, 4" SECTION 9-30.6(5) HAS BEEN SUPPLEMENTED AS Seattle Thread x 5" Stortz. Stortz adapter shall be forged and/or FOLLOWS. extruded 6061-T6 aluminum alloy hardcoat anodized Threaded end portion shall have no lugs and 2 set screws 180 degrees apart 9-30.6(5) Meter Setters (RC) Stortz face to be metal no gasket to weather. Stortz cap to have Meter setters shall be installed per the City of Renton Standard Details for water meters latest revision. Page-SP-59 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 WSDOT AMENDMENTS WSDOT AMENDMENTS INDEX TO WSDOT AMENDMENTS WSDOT AMENDMENTS The following WSDOT Amendments shall be used in conjunction with the WSDOTIAPWA 1996 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction, and with any project specific Special Provisions contained within the contract document. The following "Index - Amendments," as issued by WSDOT, has been edited to signify (with the letters SAX followed by the subsection number) specific subsection amendments that have been issued by WSDOT but are not used by the City of Renton. Those SAX subsections have been deleted from this document. The following Amendments to the Standard Specifications are made a part of this contract and supersede any conflicting provisions of the Standard Specifications. In case of conflict, the order of precedence of the various contract documents shall be as specified in Section 1-04.2 as modified by the Renton Transportation Supplemental Specifications. For informational purposes, the date following each Amendment title indicates the implementation date of the Amendment or the last date of revision by WSDOT. SECTION 1 SECTION 2 02.AP1 SECTION 1-02, BID PROCEDURES AND 03.AP2 SECTION 2-03, ROADWAY EXCAVATION CONDITIONS AND EMBANKMENT (March 3, 1997) (March 3, 1997) "Irregular Proposals" revised. A new Amendment. Sub-section 2-03.3(2) Rock 04.AP1 SECTION 1-04, SCOPE OF THE WORK Cuts is revised. Sub-section 2-03.3(14)K Select of (March 3, 1997) Common Borrow is added. "Increased or Decreased Quantities" revised. "Embankments at Bridge and Trestle Ends" 07.AP1 SECTION 1-07, LEGAL RELATIONS AND formula revised. RESPONSIBILITIES TO TAE PUBLIC 09-AP2 SECTION 2-09, STRUCTURE EXCAVATION (March 3, 1997) (March 3, 1997) A new Amendment. Sub-section 1-07.9(5) A new Amendment. Sub-section 2-09.3(4) Required Documents is revised. Sub-section Construction Requirements, Structure Excavation, 1-07.13(4)Repair of Damage is added. Class B, Sub-section 2-09.4 Measurement, and "Required Records and Retention" revised. Sub-section 2-09.5 Payment are revised. Sub- 09.AP1 SECTION 1-09, MEASUREMENT AND section 2-09.3(1)E Backfilling, Controlled Density Fill is added. PAYMENT (March 3, 1997) "Measurement" drywells added. "Payment for Material on Hand" revised. SECTION 3 l0.AP1 SECTION 1-10, TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL 02.AP3 SECTION 3-02, STOCKPILING (March 3, 1997) AGGREGATES A new Amendment. Sub-section 1-10.3(5) (March 3, 1997) Temporary Traffic Control Devices is revised. "Asphalt Concrete Aggregates" revised. Sub-section 1-10.5 Payment is added. "Conformance to Established Standards", "Traffic SECTION 5 Control Labor" and "Payment" have been revised. 04.AP5 SECTION 5-04, ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT (September 30, 1996) A new Amendment. Sub-section 5-04.3(10)B Control is revised. Page-SP-60 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 WSDOT AMENDMENTS WSDOT AMENDMENTS SECTION 6 SECTION 8 02.AP6 SECTION 6-02, CONCRETE STRUCTURES 09.AP8 SECTION 8-09, RAISED PAVEMENT (March 3, 1997) MARKERS A new Amendment. Sub-section 6-02.3(2)C (March 3, 1997) Contracting Agency-Provided Mix Design, Sub- A new Amendment. Sub-section 8-09.1 section 6-02.3.(6)A Weather and Temperature Description is revised. A new section, Sub- Limits to Protect Concrete, and Sub-section 6- section 8-09.3(5) Recessed Pavement Markers is 02.3(24)C Placing and Fastening are revised. added. Sub-section 8-09.5 Payment is Subsection 6-02.3(6)A Temperature and Time for supplemented and revised. Placement is added. Sub-section 6-02.3(11) Section revised St. Item from plural to singular. Curing Concrete is added. 10.AP8 SECTION 8-10, GUIDE POSTS "Face Lumber, studs, Wales, and Metal Forms", (September 30, 1996) and "Field Bending" are revised. A new Amendment. Sub-section 8-10.2 Materials l0.AP6 SECTION 6-10, CONCRETE BARRIER is revised. Sub-section 8-10.3 Construction (March 3, 1997) Requirements is revised. A new Amendment. Sub-section 6-10.5 Payment 11.AP8 SECTION 8-11, GUARDRAIL is supplemented with an additional item. Sub- (March 3, 1997) section 6-10.3(1) Precast Concrete Barrier is Anchor Installation revised. added. "Precase Conc. Barrier" curing revised. 15.AP8 SECTION 8-15, RIPRAP (March 3, 1997) SECTION 7 "Materials", and "Measurement" are revised. 17.AP8 SECTION 8-17, IMPACT ATTENUATOR 05.AP7 SECTION 7-05, MANHOLES, INLETS, AND SYSTEMS CATCH BASINS (March 3, 1997) (March 3, 1997) Construction Requirements revised. Revised to include drywells. New standard item 20.AP8 SECTION 5-20, ILLUMINATION, TRAFFIC 1062 "precast cone. drywell". SIGNAL SYSTEMS, AND ELECTRICAL Revised standard item 7345 "Abandon Existing Manhole". (March 3, 1997) A new Amendment. Sub-section 8-20.3(4) 06.AP7 SECTION 7-06, CONCRETE PIPE Foundations is revised. Sub-section 8-20.3(13)A ANCHORS Light standards is added. (March 3, 1997) "Equipment List and Drawings" revised. This section is deleted in its entirety. 21.AP8 SECTION 8-21, PERMANENT SIGNING 08.AP7 SECTION 7-08, GENERAL PIPE (March 3, 1997) INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS A new Amendment. Sub-section 8-21.3(6) Sign (March 3, 1997) Refacing is revised. Sub-section 8-21.2 Materials A new Amendment Sub-section 7-08.3(1)C Pipe is added. Sub-section 8-21.3(9)F Bases is added. Zone Bedding is renamed to Bedding the Pipe. Sub-section 8-21.3 Construction Requirements is Sub-section 7-08.3(2)D Pipe Laying-- Steel or added. Aluminum, Sub-section 7-08.4 Measurement, and "Construction Requirements", and "Materials" Sub-section 7-08.5 Payment are revised. are revised. "Materials", "Trenches", "Jointing of Dissimilar 22.AP8 SECTION 8-22, PAVEMENT MARKING Pipe", and "Payment" are revised. "Standard plan for pipe collars pending. (March 3, 1997) A new Amendment. Sub-section 8-22.4 17.AP7 SECTION 7-17, SANITARY SEWERS Measurement is revised. (March 3, 1997) "Materials" revised. A new Amendment. Sub-section 7-17.3(2)C Infiltration Test is revised. Sub-section 7-17.2 Materials is added. "Infiltration Test" revised. 18.AP7 SECTION 7-18, SIDE SEWERS (October 28, 1996) Page-SP-61 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 WSDOT AMENDMENTS WSDOT AMENDMENTS SECTION 9 10.AP9 SECTION 9-10, PILING OLAP9 SECTION 9-01, PORTLAND CEMENT (September 30, 1996) A new Amendment. Sub-section 9-10.1 Timber (September 30, 1996) Piling is revised. Sub-section 9-10.5 Steel Piling A new Amendment. Sub-section 9-01.3 Tests and is revised. Acceptance is revised to reference "Mill Test Use message revised. Report Number". 02.AP9 SECTION 9-02, BITUMINOUS MATERIALS ILAP9 SECTION 9-11, WATERPROOFING (March 3, 1997) (March 3, 1997) Asphalt waterproofing revised. "Anti-Stripping Additive" revised. 12.AP9 SECTION 9-12,MASONRY UNITS 03.AP9 SECTION 9-03, AGGREGATES ( (March 3, 1997) March 3, 1997) A new Amendment. Sub-section 9-03.15 Bedding Revised. Material for Rigid Pipe is revised. Sub-section 9- 13.AP9 SECTION 9-13,RIPRAP, QUARRy SPALLS, 03.14(2) Select Borrow is revised. SLOPE PROTECTION, AND ROCK WALLS "Gravel Backfill", revised to include drywells. (March 3, 1997) 04.AP9 SECTION 9-04, JOINT AND CRACK "Concrete Slab Riprap" section deleted. SEALING MATERIALS 16.AP9 SECTION 9-16, FENCE AND GUARDRAIL (March 3, 1997) (March 3, 1997) "Joint Mortar" revised. "Posts and Blocks", revised. 05.AP9 SECTION 9-05, DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, 17.AP9 SECTION 9-17, FLEMLE GUIDE POSTS CULVERTS, AND CONDUITS (September 30, 1996) (March 3, 1997) A new Amendment. Sub-section 9-17.1 General A new Amendment. Sub-section 9-05.6(4) is revised. Structural Plate Pipe Arch, Sub-section 9- 21.AP9 SECTION 9-21, RAISED PAVEMENT 05.6(8)A Corrugated Steel Plates, and Sub-section MARKERS (RPM) 9-05.12(2) Profile Wall PVC Culvert Pipe and (September 30, 1996) Profile Wall PVC Storm Sewer Pipe are revised. Anew Amendment. Sub-section 9-21.1(1) Sub-sections revised and added concerning piping. Physical and Chemical Properties and Sub-section "Coupling Bands" revised. 9-21.2(2) Optical Requirements are revised. Sub- 06.AP9 SECTION 9-06, STRUCTURAL STEEL AND section 9-29.6(5) Foundation Hardware is revised_ RELATED MATERIALS 29.AP9 SECTION 9-29, ILLUMINATION, SIGNALS, (March 3, 1997) ELECTRICAL A new Amendment. Sub-section 9-06.5(3)High (September 30, 1996) Strength Bolts is revised. A new Amendment. Sub-section 9-29.4 "High Strength Bolts" and "Anchor Bolts" are Messenger Cable, Fittings is revised. revised. Correction to "Bolt, Nut, and Washer Specifications. 33.AP9 SECTION 9-33, CONSTRUCTION 09.AP9 SECTION 9-09, TIMBER AND LUMBER GEOTE0, (March 3, 1997) (Septembeer r 3 30, 1996) A new Amendment. Sub-section 9-33.2 A new Amendment. Sub-section 9-09.3(1)B Geotextile Properties is revised. Placing in Treating Cylinders is revised.. Page-SP-62 Revision Date:May 19, 1997 SPECIAL PROVISIONS SPECIAL PROVISIONS DIVISION 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS The following Special Provisions are made a part of this contract and supersede any conflicting provisions of the 1996 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction (English) including the American Public Works Association (APWA) Supplement to the Division 1, and the foregoing amendments to the Standard Specifications. 1-01 DEFINITIONS AND TERMS 1-01.2 Abbreviations 1-01.2(2) Items of Work and Units of Measurement Supplement this section with the following: ACP Asphalt Concrete Pavement Conn. Connection E East Ex, Exist Existing ID Inside Diameter - Inv. Invert MON Monument MUTCD Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices N North No. Number OD Outside Diameter PC Point of Curve PT Point of Tangency PI Point of Intersection PCC Portland Cement Concrete PVC Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe R/W Right-of-Way S South SS Sanitary Sewer or Side Sewer W West 1-02 BID PROCEDURES AND CONDITIONS 1-02.2 Plans and Specifications HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 1 0th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 1 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued See "Instructions to Bidders" and "Bidders Checklist" contained in the Contract Documents herein for pre-bid information. 1-02.4 Examination of Plans, Specifications, and Site Work 1-02.4(1) General Add the following to the end of Section 1-02.4(1): Locations of existing utilities shown on the Drawings are approximate and some existing utilities may have been omitted. It is the Contractor's responsibility to verify the locations and elevations of existing pipelines, structures, grades, and utilities prior to construction. The Owner assumes no responsibility for any conclusions or interpretations made by the Contractor on the basis of the information made available. Before submitting a Bid, each Bidder will, at Bidder's own expense, make or obtain any additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, and studies and obtain any additional information and data which pertain to the physical conditions (surface, subsurface, and underground utilities) at or contiguous to the site or otherwise which may affect cost, progress, or performance of the work and which the Bidder deems necessary to determine its Bid for performing the work in accordance with the time, price, and other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. The Bidder shall be responsible for all costs associated with these additional examinations including all restoration work and damages that may result of such investigation. 1-02.5 Proposal Forms Delete the first sentence of this section and replace with the following: The Proposal and associated forms are included in these Contract Documents under Documents Submitted in Sealed Bid Package. These forms shall not be altered by the bidder. Reference herein to the Proposal Form(s) shall mean the "Proposal" and "Schedule of Prices." 1-03 AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT 1-03.1 Consideration of Bids (Addition) The Contract will be awarded to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. 1-03.2 Award of Contract (Supplemental Section) The Contract award or bid rejection will occur within 30 calendar days after bid opening. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 1 0th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 2 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued 1-04 SCOPE OF WORK 1-04.3 Project Coordination (New Section) 1-04.3 Project Coordination (New Section) It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to coordinate all work to be performed under this contract, including the ordering and acquisition of all equipment and materials. This coordination shall encompass all work to be performed by the Contractor, their subcontractor, the City and any public utilities that may be involved. 1-05 CONTROL OF WORK 1-05.4 Conformity With And Deviations From Plans And Stakes (Deletion) Section 1-05.4 Conformity With And Deviations From Plans And Stakes is deleted in its entirety and replaced by the following: 1-05.4(1) General (Supplement) The Contractor shall be solely responsible for retaining a Professional Land Surveyor, registered in the State of Washington, to set all construction stakes and marks establishing lines, slopes, and grades, and prior to commencing work shall receive written approval of the layout from the Engineer. The Contractor shall provide at least 48 written hours for the Engineer to approve the layout. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for detailed dimensions, elevations, and excavation slopes measured from these stakes and marks. All survey work shall be done under the direct supervision of a qualified surveyor licensed by the State of Washington, and in accordance with the City of Renton Surveying Standards. The Contractor shall be liable for any error in alignment or grade from the Contract Plans. 1-05.4(2) Detention Pond, Structure, Grading, and Utility Surveys (Supplement) Contractor Surveying Copies of the City provided primary survey control data are available for the bidder's inspection at the office of the Resident Engineer. The Contractor shall be responsible for setting, maintaining, and resetting all alignment stakes, slope stakes, and grades necessary for the construction of the detention pond, drainage, stormwater ponds, surfacing, paving, pavement markings, signs, and any and all other all other construction items. Except for the survey control data to be furnished by the City, calculations, surveying, and HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 3 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued measuring required for setting and maintaining the necessary lines and grades shall be the Contractor's responsibility. Detailed survey records shall be maintained, including a description of the work performed on each shift, the methods utilized, and the control points used. The record shall be adequate to allow the survey to be reproduced. A copy of each a. day's record shall be provided to the Engineer within three working days after the end of the shift. The meaning of words and terms used in this provision shall be as listed in "Definitions of Surveying and Associated Terms" current edition, published by the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping and the American Society of Civil Engineers. The Contractor shall be responsible for surveying to determine all construction quantity computations, including all earthwork quantities, for progress payment purposes. Before starting any phase of construction, the Contractor shall verify that the existing conditions shown on the Plans are valid. The Contractor shall survey the horizontal and vertical location of all existing facilities to be removed and replaced, including existing monuments. The City shall back check the survey field notes prior to the removal of any facilities. The Contractor shall also provide construction staking for those facilities to be removed and replaced. Prior to approval of payment, the City may spot-check and verify all construction quantity computations prepared by the Contractor. The survey work shall include but not be limited to the following: 1. Verify the primary horizontal and vertical control furnished by the City, and expand into secondary control by adding stakes and hubs as well as additional survey control needed for the project. Provide descriptions of secondary control to the City. 2. Establish clearing and construction limits for the detention pond site by placing stakes at all angle points and at intermediate points not more than 50 feet apart. 3. Establish grading limits, placing slope stakes at centerline increments not more than 50 feet apart. Establish offset reference to all slope stakes. 4. Establish the horizontal and vertical location of all drainage features, placing offset stakes to all drainage structures and to pipes at a horizontal interval not greater than 25 feet. 5. Establish intermediate elevation benchmarks as needed to check work throughout the project. 6. For all other types of construction included in this provision (including but not limited to drainage pipes and structures, pavement marking, detention pond, and signs), provide staking and layout as necessary to adequately HARe Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 4 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued locate, construct, determine any and all earthwork quantities, and to check the specific construction activity. The Contractor shall provide the City copies of any calculations and staking data when requested by the Engineer. The Contractor shall ensure a surveying accuracy within the following tolerances: Vertical Horizontal Slope stakes ±0.10 feet ±0.10 feet Stationing on roadway N/A ±0.1 feet Surfacing grade stakes ±0.01 feet ±0.5 feet The City may spot-check the Contractor's surveying. These spot-checks will not change the requirements for normal checking by the Contractor. When staking roadway alignment and stationing, the Contractor shall perform independent checks from different secondary control to ensure that the points staked are within the specified survey accuracy tolerances. The Contractor shall calculate coordinates for the alignment. The City will verify these coordinates prior to issuing approval to the Contractor for commencing with the work. The City will require up to seven calendar days from the date the data is received. Contract work to be performed using contractor-provided stakes shall not begin until the stakes are approved by the City. Such approval shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for the accuracy of the stakes. As-Built Survey After construction has been completed, the Contractor shall perform an as-built survey and provide the information in an AutoCAD 14 or AutoCAD 2000 file to the Engineer. This as-built survey shall consist of the following: 1. Survey of rim elevation and invert elevations of all storm drainage structures installed, modified or left in place within the limits of this contract. This shall include all drainage structures between the back of sidewalk to back of sidewalk only. 2. Finished grade shots on all utility appurtenances within the limits of this contract, including, but not limited to vaults, handholes, valves, fire hydrants, water meters, junction boxes, signal poles, transmission poles, etc. Appurtenances with round covers should have one survey shot in the center of the manhole or valve cover, or at the center of the fire hydrant. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 5 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued 3. Final detention pond geometry including all horizontal and vertical grade breaks necessary to accurately describe the finished surfaces; and calculate storage capacity. All survey information shall be provided in a single AutoCAD file utilizing separate layers for each type of survey information. The CAD file shall include contours as well as spot elevations. Drainage information shall be summarized in callouts to each structure that includes the size and type of structure as well as all rim and invert information. A second AutoCAD file shall be provided that includes the symbol, description, point name, and elevation of each survey point on separate layers. The Contractor's surveyor shall provide the City with field books, as-built notes, prints with the existing utilities encountered and locations, and surveyor's seal and signature. The surveyor shall provide the as-built drawing stamp and signature on the City mylar plan sheets, after the City adds the as-built drawing information. At the end of the project the Surveyor shall submit a plan sheet showing all City monuments and street centerline monuments in the construction and giving their x, y, and z coordinates. The Surveyor shall establish new reference points to existing street monuments where construction destroys an existing reference point (curbs, sidewalks, etc.). The Survey shall submit a new City of Renton Monument card with the updated monument and reference point information. Record Drawings Throughout construction, the Contractor shall keep a set of redline drawings that record as-built information at the project site. This set of drawings shall be provided to the Engineer at the end of the project. This record drawing information shall, at a minimum, consist of the following: 1. All changes to the Contract Plans. 2. All pothole information gathered by the Contractor. 3. Lengths of all water main spools installed and notes describing the fittings used and final dimensions of all waterline relocation work. 4. Existing utility information not included in the Contract Plans, or that differs H. from the Contract Plans. 1-06 CONTROL OF MATERIAL 1-06.1 Source of Supply and Quality of Materials (Supplemental Section) No source has been provided for any materials necessary for the construction of this improvement. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 1 0th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 6 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued The Contractor shall arrange to obtain the necessary materials at this own expense, and all costs of acquiring, producing, and placing this material in the finished work shall be included in the unit contract prices for the various items involved. If the sources of materials provided by the Contractor necessitates hauling over roads other than City Streets, the Contractor shall, at his own cost and expense, make all arrangements for the use of the haul routes. 1-06.7 Shop Drawings and Submittals (Additional Section) 1-06.7(1) General (Additional Section) Shop drawings and submittal review will be limited to general design requirements only, and shall not relieve the Contractor from responsibility for errors or omissions, or responsibility for consequences due to deviations from the contract documents. No changes may be made in any submittal after it has been reviewed except with written notice and approval from the Owner. By approving shop drawings, submittals, and any samples, the Contractor thereby represents that he has determined and verified all field measurements, field construction criteria, materials, catalog numbers, and similar data, and that he has checked and coordinated each shop drawing with the requirements of the work and of the contract documents. Shop drawing and submittal data for each item shall contain sufficient information on each item to determine if it is in compliance with the contract requirements. Owner will pay the costs and provide review services for a first and second review of each submittal item. Additional reviews shall be paid for by the Contractor by withholding the appropriate amounts from each payment estimate. Shop drawings and submittal items that have been installed in the work but have not been approved through the review process shall be removed and an approved product shall be furnished, all at the Contractor's expense. The Contractor shall review each submittal and provide approval in writing or by stamping with a statement indicating that the submittal has been approved and the Contractor has verified dimensional information, confirmed that specified criteria has been met, and acknowledges that the product, method, or information will function as intended. 1-06.7(2) Required Information (New Section) <. Submit five copies of each submittal to the Engineer. Shop drawings and submittals shall be submitted on 8Y2"x11", 11"x17", or 22"x34" sheets and shall contain the following information: 1. Project 2. Contractor 3. Engineer HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 7 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued 4. Owner 5. Applicable specification and drawings reference 6. A stamp showing that the Contractor has checked the equipment for conformance with the contract requirements, coordination with other work on the job, and dimensional suitability 7. A place for the Engineer to place a 3-inch by 4-inch review stamp 8. Shop or equipment drawings, dimensions, and weights 9. Catalog Information 10. Manufacturer's specifications 11. Special handling instructions 12. Maintenance requirements 13. List of contract exceptions 14. Other information as required by the Engineer 1-06.7(3) Review Schedule (Additional Section) Shop drawings and submittals will be reviewed as promptly as possible and transmitted to Contractor not later than 30 working days after receipt by the Engineer. The Contractor shall revise and resubmit as necessary to obtain approval. Delays caused by the need for resubmittal may not be a basis for an extension of contract time or delay damages at the discretion of the Owner. At least one set of shop drawings will be returned to the Contractor after review. Additional sets will be returned to the Contractor, if remaining. 1-06.7(4) Substitutions (Additional Section) Any product or construction method that does not meet these specifications will be considered a substitution. Substitutions must be approved prior to their installation or use on this project. 1-06.7(4)A After Contract Execution (Additional Section) Within 30 days after the date of the contract execution, Owner will consider formal ' requests from Contractor for substitution of products in place of those specified. Submit two copies of request for substitution. Data shall include the necessary change in construction methods, including a detailed description of proposed method and related drawings illustrating methods. An itemized comparison of proposed substitution with product or method specified shall be provided. In making a request for substitution, Contractor represents that he has personally investigated proposed product or method and has determined that it is equal or superior HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th SAW Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 8 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued to, in all respects, the product specified. Contractor shall coordinate installation of accepted substitutions into the work, making changes that may be required for work to be completed. Contractor waives all claims for additional costs related to substitutions that consequently become apparent. 1-06.7(5) Submittal Requirements (Additional Section) The Contractor shall provide the following submittal items to the Engineer. The Contractor shall provide additional submittal information to the Engineer if required by the Engineer. 1-06.7(4) Substitutions 5-04.2 Asphalt Concrete Pavement Materials 7-04.2 Storm Sewer Pipe Materials 7-05.2 Manhole and Catch Basin Materials 7-08.3(1)B Shoring 7-17.2 Sanitary Sewer Pipe Materials 7-17.3(1)B Pipe Bedding 7-17.3(1)C Pipe Foundation 7-17.3(1)D Trench Dewatering Plan 7-17.3(3) Backfilling Storm and Sanitary Sewer Trenches H:\File Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 1 0th SAW Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 9 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued 1-07 LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE PUBLIC 1-07.1(1) Archaeological Discoveries and Historic Preservation Clause (Addition) The Contractor shall adhere to the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and 36 CFR 800 which provide for the preservation of potential historical, architectural, archaeological, or cultural resources (herein called "cultural resources") and fair compensation to the Contractor for delays resulting from such cultural resources investigations. In the event that potential cultural resources are discovered during subsurface excavations at the site of construction, the following procedures shall be instituted: 1. The Owner shall issue a Work Suspension Order directing the Contractor to cease all construction at the location of such potential cultural resources find. 2. If archaeological findings include human remains, the Engineer shall contact a qualified archaeologist in consultation with the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) to evaluate the remains. 3. Such Work Suspension Order shall be effective until such time as a qualified archaeologist can be called by the Engineer to assess the significance of these potential cultural resources and make recommendations to the State Historic Preservation Officer. If the archaeologist, in consultation with the State Historic Preservation, determines that the potential find is a significant cultural resource, the Owner shall extend the duration of the Work Suspension Order. 4. Suspension of work at the location of the find shall not be grounds for any claim by the Contractor unless the suspension extends beyond the contract working- days allowed for the project, in which case the Engineer will make an adjustment for increased cost of performance of the contract. 1-07.2(1) State Sales Tax Add the following to Section 1-07.2(1): The work on this contract is to be performed upon lands whose ownership obligates the Contractor to collect state sales tax from the City of Renton. Payment of sales tax to the Washington State Department of Revenue is, under this contract, required to be made by the Contractor. The Contractor shall, at the time of making payment of sales tax, identify the work as having been performed within the City of Renton and for the City of Renton. 1-07.5 Wildlife, Fisheries, and Ecology Regulations (Addition) The Contractor shall comply with all construction related provisions of the Short-Term Water Quality Exceedence permit and other permits obtained by the City. The Contractor shall be responsible for making any changes required by the agencies, and payment of any fines, for violation of any construction related permit provisions. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 1 0th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 10 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued The City will not make additional compensation for any changes or fines due to the Contractor's violation of construction provisions. 1-07.6 Permits and Licenses Section 1-07.6 is supplemented with the following: The Contractor shall meet the required provisions of all permits, the cost of which is to be included in the various lump sum and unit prices bid. The Contractor shall not use, divert, obstruct, or change the natural flow or bed of any river or stream, or utilize any of the waters of the State or materials from gravel or sand bars, or from streambeds. The Contractor shall comply with all requirements in said permit documents and all costs shall be included in the various unit and lump sum prices bid. 1-07.13 Contractor's Responsibility for Work 1-07.13(1) General Add the following: Whether or not there appears here or elsewhere herein specific reference to guarantees of all items of materials, equipment, and workmanship, they nevertheless shall be so guaranteed against mechanical, structural, or other defects for which the Contractor is responsible that may develop or become evident within a period of one year from and after acceptance of the work by the Owner. Such guarantees shall include care of backfilling at structures should the fill settle to such extent as to require refilling or resurfacing roadway surfaces to restore the original or intended condition to grade. This guarantee shall be understood to imply prompt attention to any remedy of such defects as those mentioned above if and as they occur after the Contractor shall have written notice of their existence. If the defect, in the opinion of the Owner, is of such nature as to demand immediate repair, the Owner shall have the right to correct and cost thereof shall be borne by the Contractor. 1-07.15 Temporary Water Pollution/Erosion Control (Replacement) This section is deleted in its entirety and replaced by the following: In an effort to prevent, control and stop water pollution and erosion within the project, thereby protecting work, nearby land, streams and other bodies of water, the Contractor shall perform all work in strict accordance with all Federal, State and local laws and regulations governing waters of the State, as well as permits acquired for the project. The Contractor shall perform all temporary water pollution/erosion control measures shown in the plans, specified in the Special Provisions, proposed by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer, or ordered by the Engineer as work proceeds. 1-07.15(1) Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures Plan (New) The Contractor shall prepare a project specific spill prevention, control and countermeasures (SPCC) plan to be used for the duration of the project. The plan HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th SAM Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 11 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued shall be submitted to the Engineer prior to the commencement of any on site construction activities. The Contractor shall maintain a copy of the plan at the work site, including any necessary updates as the work progresses. If hazardous materials are encountered during construction, the Contractor shall do everything possible to control and contain the material until appropriate measures can be taken. Hazardous material, as referred to within this specification, is defined in RCW 70.105.010 under"Hazardous Substances". Occupational safety and health requirements that pertain to SPCC planning are contained in WAC 296-155 and WAC 296-62. The SPCC plan shall address the following project-specific information: 1. SPCC Plan Elements A. Site Information Identify general site information useful in construction planning, recognizing potential sources of spills, and identifying personnel responsible for managing and implementing the plan. B. Project Site Description Identify staging, storage, maintenance, and refueling areas and their relationship to drainage pathways, waterways, and other sensitive areas. Specifically address: • the Contractor's equipment maintenance, refueling, and cleaning activities. M • the Contractor's on site storage areas for hazardous materials. C. Spill Prevention and Containment Identify spill prevention and containment methods to be used at each of the locations identified in B., above. D. Spill Response Outline spill response procedures including assessment of the hazard, securing spill response and personal protective equipment, containing and eliminating the spill source, and mitigation, removal and disposal of the material. E. Standby, On-Site, Material and Equipment The plan shall identify the equipment and materials the Contractor will maintain on site to carry out the preventive and responsive measures for the items listed. F. Reporting The plan shall list all federal, state and local agency telephone numbers the Contractor must notify in the event of a spill. G. Program Management Identify site security measures, inspection procedures and personnel training procedures as they relate to spill prevention, containment, response, management and cleanup. H. Preexisting Contamination HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 1 0th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 12 SPECIAL PROVISIONS-Continued If preexisting contamination in the project area is described elsewhere in the plans or specifications, the SPCC plan shall indicate measures the Contractor will take to conduct work without allowing release or further spreading of the materials. 2. Attachments A. Site plan showing the locations identified in (1. B. and 1. C.) noted previously. B. Spill and Incident Report Forms, if any, that the Contractor will be using. Implementation Requirements The Contractor shall be prepared and shall carry out the SPCC plan in the event of a hazardous spill within the project limits. 1-07.15(2) Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (NEW) The Contractor shall prepare and submit a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPP Plan) that incorporates the requirements of these Special Provisions. The SWPP Plan must integrate, comply and be consistent with the Site Preparation and Erosion Control Plan drawings provided as part of the Plans, and the Spill Prevention ,Control and Countermeasures Plan required in 1-07.15(1) and the TESC Plan required in 8-01.3(1) A and B . The SWPP Plan shall meet the requirements of the Department of Ecology's NPDES and State Waste Discharge General Permit for stormwater discharges associated with construction activities. The SWPP Plan shall document all the erosion and sediment control Best Management Practices (BMPs) proposed, whether permanent or temporary. The plan shall document installation procedures, materials, scheduling, and maintenance procedures for each erosion and sediment control BMP. The Contractor shall submit the plan to the Engineer for approval. The City will have ten (10) days from receipt of the plan to approve it. The Contractor may not begin work without an approved Contractor's SWPP Plan. As a minimum, the TESC Plan included in the SWPP Plan shall include the following: I. A list of BMPs that will be used and a description of any materials proposed by the Contractor that are not included in these Specifications. II. Drawings showing proposed installation and removal of the proposed BMPs. A. A schedule for phased installation and removal of the proposed BMPs including: B. BMPs that will be installed at the beginning of project startup. C. BMPs that will be installed at the beginning of each construction season. D. BMPs that will be installed at the end of each construction season. E. BMPs that will be removed at the end of each construction season. BMPs that will be removed upon completion of the project. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 13 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued A maintenance schedule for proposed BMPs. All BMPs shall be maintained and inspected as specified in section 8-01 EROSION CONTROL AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL. The modifications to the SWPP Plan shall incorporate the requirements for the Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) Plan in accordance with Section 1-07.15(1). The modifications to the SWPP Plan shall also incorporate the requirements for the Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) Plan in accordance with Section 8-01.3(1)A. The Contractor shall submit the modified SWPP Plan for the Engineer's approval before any work begins. The Contractor shall allow at least five working days for the Engineer's review of the modified SWPP Plan or any revisions to the modified SWPP Plan. Failure to approve all or part of any such plan shall not make the Contracting Agency liable to the Contractor for any work delays. 1-07.16 Protection and Restoration of Property 1-07.16(1) Private/Public Property (Supplemental Section) Any private property such as plants, shrubs, trees, fences, mailboxes, walks, driveways, and rockeries that are damaged or removed by the Contractor shall be restored to the satisfaction of the property owner. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to notify each property owner if it is necessary to remove such improvements to facilitate the Contractor's progress, and to remove those improvements to locations requested by the property owner or to restore them in their original condition as possible. Any disturbed lawn areas shall be restored after construction is completed. Restoration shall consist of placing 4-inch compacted topsoil, hydro seed, fertilizer, and mulch. Disturbed lawn areas, after replacement of topsoil, re-seed, fertilizer, and mulch shall be watered a minimum of four (4) separate times a week for three weeks. The Contractor shall periodically water, as needed depending on temperature. The water shall be of such duration as to soak the seeded areas thoroughly and promote good root growth. All cost for removing and restoring Private Property shall be considered incidental to the contract and are the responsibility of the Contractor. 1-07.16(3)A Protection and Restoration of Existing Markers and Monuments All existing survey monuments and property corner markers shall be protected from movement or damage by the Contractor. All existing markers and/or monuments that are damaged or removed for construction purposes shall be referenced by survey ties and then replaced by the Contractor. The Contractor shall coordinate work with the City Engineer and City staff to reference the markers and/or monuments and return and - replace them, as required by state law. Payment for all work needed to furnish and replace monuments, cases, and covers w where existing monuments are impacted or disturbed by the project shall be payed for under the bid item "Reset Monument (per each)". HARe Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 14 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued All existing property corner markers disturbed or removed by the Contractor's operations shall be replaced at the Contractor's own expense. 1-07.16(5) Utility Service (New Section) The Contractor shall maintain the operational service of water distribution mains, and storm drainage mains at all times. Upon approval by the Engineer, individual water service pipes may be off line for 4 hours and catch basins for 8 hours. Sanitary sewer service systems shall be maintained operational in as continuous a manner as possible. No sewer service will be allowed to be shut down for more than 8 hours per day. Where services are to be shut down, affected parties and the Engineer shall be notified in writing at least 72 hours in advance of the time and period of shut-down. The Contractor shall make every effort to keep shut down schedules to periods of anticipated minimum usage and for the least period of time. Where services are planned to be temporarily shut down, affected parties shall be notified in writing at least 48 hours and not more than 72 hours in advance of the time and period of shut-down. The Contractor shall make every effort to keep shut down scheduled to periods of anticipated minimum usage and for the least period of time. 1-07.16(6) Restoration of Property (New Section) The Contractor shall protect property in the vicinity of the work site and in instances of destruction or damage, restore the item to pre-construction condition at the Contractor's expense. 1-07.17 Utilities and Similar Facilities Supplement Section 1-07.17 is supplemented with the following: Locations and dimensions shown in the Plans for existing facilities are in accordance with available information obtained without uncovering, measuring, or other verification. The City will provide existing pothole information to the Contractor prior to construction activities. Public and private utilities, or their contractors, will furnish all work necessary to adjust, relocate, replace, or construct their facilities unless otherwise provided for in the Plans or these Special Provisions. Such adjustment, relocation, replacement, or construction will be done during the prosecution of the work for this project. The Contractor shall protect from damage private and public utilities, including telephone and telegraph lines, power lines, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, water lines, railroad tracks and appurtenances, highway lighting and signal systems, and similar facilities. Attention is directed to the possible existence of underground facilities which are not shown in the Plans. The Contractor shall examine in detail all plans of existing water, gas, telephone, electric power and sewerage utilities available with utility owners as required above. H:\File Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th SAW Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 15 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued The location of existing underground utilities, as shown on the plans, is approximate only, and the Contractor shall be responsible for determining their exact location. The Contractor shall check with the utility companies concerning any possible conflict prior to commencing excavation in any area, as not all utilities may be shown on the plans. The Contractor shall call the Utility Location Request Center (One Call Center) for field location, not less than two nor more than ten business days before the scheduled date for commencement of excavation which may affect underground utility facilities, unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties involved. A business day is defined as any day other than Saturday, Sunday or a legal local, State, or Federal holiday. The telephone number for the One Call Center for this project is 1-800-424-5555. The Contractor is also warned that there may be utilities on the project that are not part of the One Call System. They must be contacted directly by the Contractor for locations. No excavation shall begin until all known facilities, in the vicinity of the excavation area, have been located and marked. The Contractor shall be responsible for any breakage of utilities or services resulting from his operations, and shall hold the Owner and its consultants and agencies harmless from any claims resulting from disruption of or damages to same. The Contractor shall be entirely responsible for coordination with the utility companies and arranging for the movement or adjustment, either temporary or permanent, of their facilities within the project limits. See Section 1-05.14 of the Special Provisions and Standard Specifications. The Contractor shall provide no less than three weeks notice to the Engineer that adjustment or relocation of existing utility facilities is necessary. No additional compensation will be made to the contractor for reason of delay caused by failure to adequately coordinate work with the utility companies. The right is reserved to the Owner and the owners of facilities, or their authorized agents, to enter upon the right-of-way for the purpose of making changes as are necessary for the rearrangement of their facilities or for making necessary connections or repairs. The Contractor shall cooperate with forces engaged in this work and shall conduct his operations in such a manner to avoid any unnecessary delay or hindrance to the work being performed by other forces. Wherever necessary, the Contractor's work shall be coordinated with the rearrangement of utility or other facilities, and the Contractor shall make arrangements with the owner of the facilities for the coordination of the work. When the relocation of these facilities are necessary to accommodate the Work, the Engineer will provide for the relocations of these facilities by other forces, or the relocations shall be performed by the Contractor pursuant to written authorization and will be paid for by applicable unit prices, agreed price, or as force account. All other costs incurred as a result of performance of the Contractor's obligations in this section shall be incidental to the contract and included in the unit prices. No additional compensation will be made to the Contractor for reason of delay caused by the actions of any utility company and the Contractor shall consider such costs to be incidental to and included in the other items of the contract. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 1 0th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 16 SPECIAL PROVISIONS-Continued Contractor warrants and represents that it has personally, or through its employees and/or subcontractors, examined the right-of-way areas subject to this agreement and that it is knowledgeable of specific locations for water, gas, telephone, electric power and combined sewerage utilities within such rights-of-way. Contractor further warrants and represents that it has also examined in detail the locations of such utilities shown on the contract plans. Contractor also warrants and represents that it is fully aware of the statutory provisions contained in RCW 19.122.010 through .900, that it has read and fully understands the same, and that it will comply with the requirements of these provisions which are incorporated by reference herein. Contractor agrees that it shall be an excavator as defined under RCW Chapter 19.122 and that such utilities constitute underground facilities. The parties agree that remedies affected under RCW Chapter 19.122 are also incorporated by reference herein. Any cost to the Contractor as a result of this law shall be at the Contractor's expense. Contractor also agrees that it shall fully comply with Sections 1-07.16 and 1-07.17 relating to Protection and Restoration of Property, Utilities and similar facilities, and public liability and property damage insurance provisions of the Standard Specifications as supplemented by these Special Provisions. Public and private utilities, or their contractors, will furnish all work necessary to adjust, relocate, replace, or construct their facilities unless otherwise provided for in the Plans or these Special Provisions. Such adjustment, relocation, replacement, or construction will be done during the prosecution of the work for this project. The Contractor shall coordinate the maintenance and relocation of existing utilities with the affected private utility companies including but not limited to Puget Sound Energy, Qwest, and Comcast(AT&T). Notification The Contractor is responsible for coordination and scheduling of utility undergrounding and relocation activities with the utility companies. Each utility company shall be notified that their work will commence at least 15 working days in advance of their scheduled start date. It is anticipated that most of this coordination will be handled at the weekly coordination meeting so that the utility companies can organize similar work between H themselves as well. Puget Sound Energy (PSE) Where there exists potential PSE gas line conflicts, either as shown on the plans and/or as directed by the Engineer and/or suspected by the Contractor, the Contractor shall pothole and survey well in advance to determine the exact location of the possible conflicting utility. If it is determined that a conflict exists, the Contractor shall then notify PSE a Minimum of fifteen (15) working days in advance of the required relocation work, and shall coordinate all relocation construction activities with the PSE manager during the relocation process. PSE will furnish all work necessary to adjust, relocate, replace, or construct their facilities, and the Contractor shall work with PSE do determine a suitable location for the relocated utility so that there will be no conflict with the Contractor's operations and construction of the new utility. H:\File Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 17 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued The Contractor's attention is called to section 1-05.14 for additional notification requirements. 1-07.17(1) Contractors Notification of Excavation NEW Prior to the commencement of excavation the Contractor shall notify all owners of underground facilities that excavation will occur by calling the Utility Location Request Center (One-Call Center). See Utilities section of General Special Provisions for more information. Where the construction includes excavation and construction of utilities that cross existing utilities, the Contractor shall contact the Utility Company contacts listed above at least seven (7) business days prior to excavation. The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining communication with utility contacts as schedules change. 1-07.17(2) Contractor's Knowledge of Utility Locations (NEW) The Contractor warrants and represents that it has personally, or through its employees and/or subcontractors, examined the right-of-way areas subject to this agreement and that it is knowledgeable of specific locations for water, gas, telephone, electric power and combined sewerage utilities within such right-of-ways. Contractor further warrants and represents that it has also examined in detail plans of such utilities provided to it by the City and affected utility companies or entities. 1-07.17(3) Utility Potholing NEW If reasonable doubt exists as to the exact location and depth of an existing utility, the City may direct the Contractor to verify field additional locations not shown on the plans. In no way shall the work described under Utility Potholing relieve the Contractor of any of the responsibilities described in Section 1-07.17 of the Standard Specification or these Special Provisions. Prior to any construction activities, the Contractor shall - coordinate with the City and determine the locations of all required potholes. Surveying of the potholed utility shall be in accordance with Supplemental Specifications Section 1- 05.4(1) and 1-05.4(2). Once the exact depth and location of the existing utilities are know, the Contractor shall provide that information to the City in writing prior to the commencement of any construction. The number of potholes shown in the Bid Schedule is not known and has only been estimated for bidding purposes: the exact number may be revised by the City during construction. The Contractor is alerted to the existence of Chapter 19.122, a law relating to undergrond utilities. The contents of Chapter 19.122 RCW are provided below: RCW 19.122 UNDERGROUND UTILITIES HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 1 0th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 18 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued 19.122.010 Intent It is the intent of the legislature in enacting this chapter to assign responsibilities for locating and keeping accurate records of utility locations, protecting and repairing damage to existing underground facilities, and protecting the public health and safety from interruption in utility services caused by damage to existing underground utility facilities (1984 c 144 1.) 19.122.020 Definitions Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply through out this chapter. A. 'Business day" means any day other than Saturday, Sunday, or a legal local, state, or federal holiday. B. "Damage" includes the substantial weakening of structural or lateral support of an underground facility, penetration, impairment, or destruction of any underground protective coating, housing, or other protective device, or the severance, partial or complete, of any underground facility to the extent that the project owner or the affected utility owner determines that repairs are required. C. "Emergency" means any condition constituting a clear and present danger to life or property, or a customer service outage. D. "Excavation" means any operation in which earth, rock, or other material on or below the ground is moved or otherwise displaced by any means, except the tilling of soil less than twelve inches in depth for agricultural purposes, or road and ditch maintenance that does not change the original road grade or ditch flow line. E. "Excavator" means any person who engages directly in excavation. F. "Identified facility" means any underground facility which is indicated in the project Plans as being located within the area of proposed excavation. G. "Identified but un-locatable underground facility" means an underground facility which has been identified but cannot be located with reasonable accuracy. H. "Locatable underground facility" means an underground facility which can be field- marked with reasonable accuracy. I. "Marking" means the use of stakes, paint, or other clearly identifiable materials to show the field location of underground facilities, in accordance with the current color code standard of the American Public Works Association. Markings shall include identification letters indicating the specific type of the underground facility. J. "Person" means an individual, partnership, franchise holder, association, corporation, a state, a city, a county, or any subdivision or instrumentality of a state, and its employees, agents, or legal representatives. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 19 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued K. 'Reasonable accuracy" means location within twenty-four inches of the outside dimensions of both sides of an underground facility. L. "Underground facility" means any item buried or placed below for use in connection with the storage or conveyance of water, sewage, electronic, telephonic or telegraphic communications, cablevision, electronic energy, petroleum products, gas, gaseous vapors, hazardous liquid, or other substances and including but not limited to pipes, sewers, conduits, cables, valves, lines, wires, manholes, attachments, and those parts of poles or anchors below ground. M. "One-number locator service" means a service through which a person can notify utilities and request field-marking of underground facilities. (1984 c 144 2.) 19.122.030 Notice of excavation to owners of underground facilities - One-number locator service - Time for notice - Marking of underground facilities - Costs Before commencing any excavation, the excavator shall provide notice of the scheduled commencement of excavation to all owners of underground facilities through a one- number locator service. All owners of underground facilities within a one-number locator service area shall subscribe to the service. One number locator service rates for cable television companies will be based on the amount of their underground facilities. If no one-number locator service is available, notice shall be provided individually to those owners of underground facilities known to or suspected of having underground facilities within the area of proposed excavation. The notice shall be communicated to the owners of underground facilities not less than two business days or more than ten business days before the scheduled date for commencement of excavation, unless otherwise agreed by the parties. Upon receipt of the notice provided for in this section, the owner of the underground facility shall provide the excavator with reasonably accurate information as to its locatable underground facilities by surface-marking the location of the facilities. If there are identified but un-locatable underground facilities, the owner of such facilities shall provide the excavator with the best available information as to their locations. The owner of the underground facility providing the information shall respond no later than two business days after the receipt of the notice or before the excavation time, at the option of the owner, unless otherwise agreed by the parties. Excavators shall not excavate until all know facilities have been marked. Once marked by the owner of the underground facility, the excavator is responsible for maintaining the markings. Excavators shall have the right to receive compensation from the owner of the underground facility for costs incurred if the owner of the underground facility does not locate its facilities in accordance with this section. The Owner of the underground facility shall have the right to receive compensation for costs incurred in responding to excavation notices given less than two business days prior to the excavation from the excavator. An owner of underground facilities is not required to indicate the presence of existing service laterals or appurtenances if the presence of existing service laterals or H:\File Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 1 0th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 20 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued appurtenances on the site of the construction project can be determined from the presence of other visible facilities, such as buildings, manholes, or meter and junction boxes on or adjacent to the construction site. Emergency excavations are exempt from the time requirements for notification provided in this section. If the excavator, while performing the contract, discovers underground facilities which are not identified, the excavator shall cease excavating in the vicinity of the facility and immediately notify the owner or operator of such facilities, or the one-number locator service. (1988 c99 1; 1984 c 144 3.) 19.122.040 Underground facilities identified in bid or contract - Excavator's duty of reasonable care - Liability for damages -Attorney's Fees. A. Project owners shall indicate in bid or contract documents the existence of underground facilities known by the project owner to be located within the proposed area of excavation. The following shall be deemed changed or differing site conditions: 1. An underground facility not identified as required by this chapter or other provision of law; and 2. An underground facility not located, as required by this chapter or other provision of law, by the project owner or excavator if the project owner or excavator is also a utility. B. An excavator shall use reasonable care to avoid damaging underground facilities. An excavator shall: 1. Determine the precise location of underground facilities which have been marked; 2. Plan the excavation to avoid damage to or minimize interference with underground facilities in and near the excavation area; and 3. Provide such support for underground facilities in and near the construction area, including during backfill operations, as may be reasonably necessary for the protection of such facilities. C. If an underground facility is damaged and such damage is the consequence of the failure to fulfill an obligation under this chapter, the party failing to perform that obligation shall be liable for any damages. Any clause in an excavation contract which attempts to allocate liability, or requires indemnification to shift the economic consequences of liability, different from the provisions of the chapter is against public policy and unenforceable. Nothing in this chapter prevents the parties to an excavation contract from contracting with respect to the allocation of risk for changed or differing site conditions. D. In any action brought under this section, the prevailing party is entitled to reasonable attorney's fees. (1984 c 144 4.) HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 21 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued 19.122.05 Damage to underground facility - No notification by excavator- Repairs or relocation of facility A. An excavator who, in the course of excavation, contacts or damages an underground facility shall notify the utility owning or operating such facility and the one- number locator service. If the damage causes an emergency condition, the excavator causing the damage shall also alert the appropriate local public safety agencies and take all appropriate steps to ensure the public safety. No damaged underground facility may be buried until it is repaired or relocated. 4 B. The owner of the underground facilities damaged shall arrange for repairs or relocation as soon as is practical or may permit the excavator to do necessary repairs or relocation at a mutually acceptable price. (198 c 144 5). 19.122.060 Exemption from notice and marking requirements for property owners An excavation of less than twelve inches in vertical depth on private non-commercial property shall be exempt from the requirements of RCW 19.122.030, if the excavation is being performed by the person or an employee of the person who owns or occupies the property on which the excavation is being performed. (1984 c 144 6.) 19.122.070 Civil penalties - Treble damages - Existing remedies not affected A. Any person who violates any provision of this chapter, and which violation results in damage to underground facilities, is subject to a civil penalty of not more than one thousand dollars for each violation. All penalties recovered in such actions shall be deposited in the general fund. B. Any excavator who willfully or maliciously damages a field-marked underground facility shall be liable for treble the costs incurred in repairing or relocating the facility. In those cases in which an excavator fails to notify known underground facility owners or the one-number locator service, any damage to the underground facility shall be deemed willful and malicious and shall be subject to treble damages for costs incurred in repairing or relocating the facility. C. The chapter does not affect any civil remedies for personal injury or for property damage, including that to underground facilities, nor does this chapter crest any new civil remedies for such damage. (1984 c 144 7.) 19.122.080 Waiver of notification and marking requirements The notification and marking provisions of this chapter may be waived for one or more designated persons by an underground facility owner with respect to all or part of that underground facility owner's own underground facilities (1984 c 144 9.) 19.122.900 Severability - 1984 c 144 H:\File Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 22 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued If any provisions of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected. (1984 c 144 9.) 1-07.18(1) General (Revised) The Owner shall be given 45 days prior written notice by certified mail of any cancellation, reduction or modification of the insurance. 1-07.18(3) Limits (Addition) The limits of liability for the insurance required shall provide coverage for not less than the following amounts or greater where required by Laws and Regulations: A. Worker's Compensation: (under limits of liability stated on the City of Renton Insurance Information for enclosed within Attachment A). B. Comprehensive General Liability: (under limits of liability stated on the City of Renton Insurance Information for enclosed within Attachment A). Policies shall include premises/operations, products, completed operations, independent Contractors, Owners and Contractors protective, Explosion, Collapse, Underground Hazard, Broad for Contractual, Person Injury with employment exclusion deleted, and Broad From Property Damage. C. Comprehensive Automobile Liability: (under limits of liability stated on the City of Renton Insurance Information form enclosed within Attachment A) including Owned, Hired, and Non-owned Vehicles. D. The Contractor will be required as part of the insurance provided to complete and submit the attached City of Renton Insurance Information form, and Policy Declaration pages, Endorsement and Coverage Questionnaire forms included in Attachment A of these Contract Documents, prior to Notice to Proceed. Policies shall also specify insurance provided by Contractor will be considered primary and not contributory to any other insurance available to the Owner or the Engineer. All policies shall provide for 45 days written notice prior to any cancellation or non-renewable of insurance policies required under Contract. "Will endeavor" and "but failure to mail such notice shall impose no obligation or liability of any kind upon the Company, its agents or representatives" wording will be deleted from certificates. Policies shall be provided only by companies with an "Alfred M. Best Rating" of not less than Al2. 1-07.18(4) Endorsement (Addition) HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 1 0th SAN Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 23 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued The Contractor shall also name the Owner and Engineer, and their officers, directors, agents, and employees as "additional insureds" under the insurance policies. Subsequent to award of the contract the Contractor shall submit to the Owner the following: 1. City of Renton Insurance Information in the form Attachment A herein without modification and policy declaration pages obtained from the insurance carrier. 2. Insurance Questionnaire (enclosed within Attachment A herein) completely filled out and appropriate executed. 3. Insurance Endorsement (enclosed with Attachment A herein) executed by an appropriate representative of the insurance company(ies). 1-07.28 Responsibility for Damage; Indemnification (New Section) The Contractor hereby agrees to indemnity and save the City harmless from all loss or damage occasioned to the City, or to any third person (including Contractor's or subcontractors' employees), by reason of any acts or omissions on the part of the Contractors, subcontractors, agents, employees, or persons working directly of indirectly in the performance of the contract, including acts or omissions attributable jointly to the City, its officers, agents, or employees (but excluding those attributable solely to the negligence of the City, its officers, or employees) and shall, after reasonable notice thereof, defend and pay the expense of defending any suit which may be commenced against the City by any third person alleging injury by reason of such acts or omissions, and will pay any judgement which may be obtained against the City in such suit. The Contractor agrees to repair and replace all property of the City and all property of others damaged by itself, its employees, its subcontractors, and agents. In this regard, the Contractor recognizes that Contractor is waiving immunity under Industrial Insurance- Law Title 51 RCW. This indemnification extends to the officials, officers, and employees of the City and also includes attorneys' fees and the costs of establishing the right to indemnification thereof in favor of the City of Renton. In the event Contractor fails, after receipt of timely notice from the City, to appear, defend, or pay as required by the first paragraph of this section, then in that event and in that event only, the City may in its sole discretion, deduct from the progress payments to the Contractor and pay any amount sufficient to pay any claim, or which the City may have knowledge and regardless of the informalities of notice of such claim, arising out of the performance of this contract, provided the City has therefore given notice of receipt of such claim to the Contractor and the Contractor has failed to act thereon. The Contractor acknowledges, and by signing this contract, agrees that the indemnification provisions set forth in this section, including the industrial insurance immunity waiver, are totally and fully a part of this contract and within the context of the competitive bidding laws have been mutually negotiated by the parties. It is understood that the whole of the work is to be done at the Contractor's risk, and that he has familiarized himself with the conditions of excavation, backfill, materials, climatic conditions and other contingencies likely to affect the work and has made his bid accordingly and that he is to assume the responsibility and risk of all loss or damage to materials of work which may arise from any cause whatsoever prior to completion. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 24 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued 1-08 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS 1-08.1(3) Hours of Work (Addition) Work hours shall be limited to weekdays only, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. unless otherwise approved in advance by the City. The Engineer may revoke approval for work before 7:00 a.m. at any time if the City receives noise complaints. Work hours for all work within the Cascade Heights Apt Complex shall be limited Y to weekdays only, between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Truck hauling shall be limited to the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on arterial street. Arterial streets in the area include Union Ave NE, Duvall Ave NE, and NE Sunset Blvd. The Contractor shall give a minimum 48 hours notice to the City prior to work on any roadway and shall do no work on the roadway without a traffic control plan approved by the City Traffic Engineer. Work on weekends will not be allowed, except as approved in writing by the Engineer. 1-08.3 Progress Schedule (Addition) Add the following: The order of work except as may otherwise be outlined herein will be at the Contractor's option, in keeping with good construction practice. The work shall be scheduled and constructed in accordance with the various permits and franchise requirements and/or conditions. Prior to starting construction, the Contractor shall furnish the Contracting Agency with a construction program, indicating thereon his/her proposed schedule and method of processing the work. First order of work: the Contractor shall provide material submittals, shop drawings and other necessary submittal information to the City. Second order of work: the Contractor shall prepare the required detailed plans (such as Spill Prevention, Temporary Erosion Control, Mobilization, Traffic Control, etc.) and proposed Project Schedule, and submit them to the City at least three days before the pre-construction meeting. Third order of work: the Contractor shall attend the mandatory pre-construction meeting. Fourth order of work: the Contractor shall respond to questions by the City, and revise and resubmit any material submittals and plans as identified by the City. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 1 0th SAW Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 25 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued Fifth order of work: the City will issue the Notice To Proceed with the date Working Days commence, the Contractor may start work on that day. Sixth order of work: the Contractor shall call the ONE CALL CENTER (1-800-424-5555) and have utilities "marked" in the field by the various utility owners Seventh order of work: the Contractor shall pothole existing utilities as specifically noted on the Plans, or as otherwise needed for construction. The remaining order of work shall be at the Contractor's option, in keeping with generally accepted, good construction practice. However, the Contractor shall coordinate work "by others" which will effect mobilization and demobilization efforts. Second to last order of work: the Contractor shall complete all preliminary and final "punch list" items identified by the City. Last order of work: the Contractor shall submit the required as-built information and drawings to the City for review and approval. The Contractor shall so schedule his/her work such that all costs of complying with this "Order of Work" will be considered incidental to the Project, and as such, merged in the various items bid. The Contractor shall conduct the order of work to allow all existing facilities to remain operational except as noted herein during the construction of this Project, and to minimize disruption of any utility service. 1-08.5 Time for Completion (Additional Section) The Contractor shall complete all work within the working days specified in this section and within the Contract Documents. Failure to complete the work prior to this date shall be grounds for implementation of liquidated damages in accordance with section 1-08.9 and may require termination of contract in accordance with section 1-08.10. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 26 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued 1-08.13 Compensation for Overtime Work (New Section) Add the following section: The Owner reserves the right to charge the Contractor and may deduct from periodical N and final payment, labor expenses attributed to administrative, engineering, and inspection work incurred by the Owner for overtime work associated with the project construction. The Contractor shall pay to the Owner the costs of certain engineering and inspection expenses in the event that the Owner should grant an extension(s) of time because of avoidable delay. The amount of said expenses shall be computed and determined on the basis of an itemized schedule of engineering and inspection labor charges determined for the actual hours of labor performed beyond a forty-hour work week, or beyond the schedule date of completion. 1-09 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 1-09.8 Payment for Material On Hand (Addition) Section 1-09.8 of the Standard Specifications is supplemented with the following: The Contractor is cautioned against placing orders for full quantities of materials until the work has advanced to a state permitting the determination of the exact quantities required. Estimates of quantities of materials furnished by the Engineer are understood to be approximate only and, unless otherwise specified, the City will in no way be responsible for any increased costs or extra expenses that the Contractor may have to bear on account of materials or work not being ordered at some earlier date. Payment for"Material on Hand" will be made only when considered desirable and appropriate by the City. The City reserves the right to make the final determination as to whether payment will be made for"Material on Hand". 1-09.9 Payments - Supplemented this section with the following: "Basis of Payment" In consideration of the faithful performance of all the covenants, n stipulations, and agreements of this Contract to be kept and performed by the Contractor, the City covenants and agrees to pay the Contractor the amount bid as adjusted when so stipulated in the Contractor's proposal for the work actually performed as determined by the final estimate of the Engineer, less any deductions for failure to complete the work within the time specified; and less any deductions for claims and damages paid by the City due to acts or omissions of the Contractor and for which he/she is liable under this Contract. Items or work clearly indicated in the Plans or in the Specifications as work under this Contract but for which an item has not been set forth in the proposal shall be included in HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 27 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued other items of work. Failure to do so will not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to perform the work indicated and no other compensation will be allowed. 1-09.9(2) Retainage Section 1-09.9(2) of the APWA Division 1 General Conditions is supplemented with the following: Upon completion of the project the retainage shall be returned to the Contractor when all of the following are satisfied: 1. The Contractor and each Subcontractor shall submit to the City of Renton, and to the Department of Labor and Industries, a "Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages." 2. Following the acceptance of the project, the Contractor and each Subcontractor shall submit to the City of Renton, and to the Department of Labor and Industries, and "Affidavit of Wages Paid". This affidavit certifies that all prevailing wage requirements have been met. 3. The Contractor shall submit a "Request to Release" to the Department of Labor and Industries. That agency provides the form. 4. At least 30 days have elapsed since final acceptance of the project by the City of x Renton at one of its regularly scheduled meetings. 5. The City Clerk must have received a "Release" for the project from the Department of Labor and Industries and a "Release" from the Department of Revenue. 6. The City Clerk must have received a letter from the Contractor, on the Contractor's letterhead, stating that all bills and wages have been paid on this project. 1-09.14 Payment Schedule (New Section) GENERAL— Scope A. Payment for the various items of the Bid Sheets, as further specified herein, shall include all compensation to be received by the CONTRACTOR for furnishing all tools, equipment, supplies, and manufactured articles, and for all labor, operations, and incidentals appurtenant to the items of work being described, as necessary to complete the various items of the WORK all in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents, including all appurtenances thereto, and including all costs of compliance with the regulations of public regulations of public agencies having jurisdiction, including Safety and Health Administration of the US Department of Labor (OSHA). B. The Owner shall not pay for material quantities that exceed the actual measured amount used and approved by the ENGINEER. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 1 0th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 28 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued C. It is the intention of these specifications that the performance of all work under the bid for each item shall result in the complete construction, in an accepted operating condition, of each item. D. Work and material not specifically listed in the proposal but required in the Plans, specifications, and general construction practice, shall be included in the various bid prices. No separate payment will be made for these items. HARe Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 1 0th SAM Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 29 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued 1-09.14(1) Basic Bid (New Section) This section is an outline of the basic bid, which determines the low bidder for this project. Bid Item 1: Construction Surveying, Staking, and As-built Drawings (LS) Measurement for "Construction Surveying, Staking, and As-built Drawings" shall be per lump sum. The bid item "Construction Surveying, Staking, and As-built Drawings" shall be the lump sum contract price for Detention Pond, Structure, Grading, and Utility Surveys and shall be full pay for all costs involved in furnishing all labor, tools, survey instruments, materials, and other equipment necessary to perform the work, in accordance with Special Provisions Section 1-05.4, including any re-surveying, checking, correction of errors, replacement of missing or damaged stakes, and coordination efforts. Bid Item 2: Stormwater Pollution and Prevention Plan (LS) The lump sum price for the "Stormwater Pollution and Prevention Plan" shall be full pay for all costs associated with creating, submitting and maintaining the SWPP Plan, including the SPCC Plan required in Special Provisions Section 1-07(15)1 and 1-07(15)2 and the TESC Plan required in 8-01.3(1)A and B. All other costs associated with erosion and sediment control shall be paid for in accordance with those specific bid items. As to other costs associated with spills the contractor may request payment as provided for in the Contract. No payment shall be made if the spill was caused by or resulted from the Contractor's operations, negligence or omissions. Bid Item 3: Utility Potholing (EA) Measurement for"Utility Potholing" shall be per each. The unit contract price per each for "Utility Potholing" shall be full compensation for all materials, labor, tools, and equipment necessary for the fulfillment of all requirements of Special Provisions Section 1-07.17 in the execution of the work shown in the Plans or as required by the Engineer. Bid Item 4: Mobilization and Demobilization (LS) Measurement of "Mobilization and Demobilization" shall be per lump sum. Seventy percent (70%) of this item will be paid after the Contractor is fully in operation and construction of the Project has began; thirty percent (30%) of this item will be paid in the Final Pay Estimate at the completion of the work provided that all equipment has been removed from the Project, record drawings and as-built information has been submitted and approved by the Owner, and the cleanup is acceptable to the Owner. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 1 0th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 30 SPECIAL PROVISIONS-Continued The lump sum contract price for "Mobilization and Demobilization" shall be full compensation for providing, furnishing, and installing all work and materials necessary to move or organize equipment and personnel onto the site, provide and maintain support facilities, cleanup the project site once construction is completed, and obtain all necessary permits, licenses, and bonds. The Contractor shall prepare a Mobilization and Demobilization Plan showing the proposed location for storage of all equipment and material proposed to be located at the site. Any storage within the City R/W shall not interfere with the traffic control and erosion control plans, and the use of traffic lanes. The Contractor shall obtain a Temporary Use Permit for any storage areas on private property. The Contractor shall be responsible for all fees, applications, and work needed to obtain the permit. The Contractor shall allow 3 to 4 weeks to obtain the Temporary Use Permit from the City. The Contractor shall prepare a Work Plan, which shall include the following: A. Proposed construction sequence and schedule for all major items of work. B. Mobilization and Demobilization Plan showing the proposed location for storage of all equipment and materials, and the removal of all equipment and materials following the completion of construction and the removal of traffic and erosion controls. C. Erosion Control Plan for all stages of the project. D. Traffic Control Plan. E. A plan to provide for cleaning and sweeping of any impacted roadways outside the limits of the construction area following completion of construction and the removal of traffic and erosion controls. The Work Plan shall be submitted to the City within 10 days of the contract award for review, revision, and approval. Bid Item 5: Traffic Control (LS) Measurement of`Traffic Control' shall be per lump sum. The lump sum contract price for Traffic Control shall be full compensation for all materials, labor, tools, and equipment required to provide traffic control during the duration of construction, including mobilization and demobilization. The Contractor shall prepare a "Traffic Control Plan" for review and approval by the City. The Plan shall address the proposed working areas, signage, flaggers, contractor access to the working area, truck and equipment haul routes, and public access during construction. The traffic control plan shall comply with Supplemental Specifications Section 1-10.2(2). HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 31 SPECIAL PROVISIONS - Continued Allowable work hours are given in Special Provisions Section 1-08.1(3) and on the plans. Actual work hours will be approved in the Traffic Control Plan. The City may revise the work hours to address traffic problems or neighborhood complaints. The contractor is responsible for placing signs, cones, tape, and any other items needed to restrict parking in the Access Area in the Cascade Heights Apartment complex. The contractor shall notify the Cascade Heights Apartment Manager at least 7 calendar days ahead of the start of construction in the parking lot. The contractor shall place signs and notices to advise the residents of construction and parking restrictions at least 5 calendar days ahead of the start of construction. Any parked vehicles in the Access Area that interfere with the work shall only be relocated with the approval of the City. Parked vehicles shall be moved to a different section of the apartment parking lot out of the way of construction. The vehicles will not be towed off site, impounded, or fined without approval by the City. The Contractor is responsible for controlling mud and dust on any route used by trucks or equipment, as noted in the Supplemental Specifications Section 1-07.23. The Contractor shall be prepared to use power sweepers, watering trucks, and other means necessary to avoid creating a nuisance. Payment for this item will be prorated over the construction period. Bid Item 6: Clearing and Grubbing (Ac) Measurement of"Clearing and Grubbing" shall be per acre. The unit contract price per acre for "Clearing and Grubbing" shall be full payment for all the work described in section 2-01 except "Roadside Cleanup." Bid Item 7: Remove / Relocate Existing Fence (LF) Measurement for"Remove / Relocate Existing Fence" shall be per linear foot. The unit contract price per linear foot for "Remove / Relocate Existing Fence" shall be full compensation for all materials, labor, tools, and equipment required to remove, preserve, relocate, and reinstall, to original condition or better, all sections of fence (wood and chain link) inside and outside of the right-of-way as shown on the Plans, as directed by the Engineer, and as specified in the Special Provisions. Contractor shall coordinate work with property owner(s). Depending on site conditions the amount of this item may vary. The unit price will not be adjusted if the actual quantity used varies by more than 25 percent. Bid Item 8: Remove Concrete Sidewalk (SY) Measurement of "Remove Concrete Sidewalk" shall be per square yard. H:\File Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 1 0th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 32 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued The unit contract price per square yard for"Remove Concrete Sidewalk" shall be full pay for all labor, tools, equipment and materials necessary to remove the concrete sidewalk and curb and gutter including all haul and disposal costs associated with the removal of this item. The quantities for Remove Sidewalk and Curb shown in the proposal are estimate only. Bid Item 9: Remove Catch Basin (EA) Measurement of "Remove Catch Basin" shall be per each. The unit contract price per each for "Remove Catch Basin" shall be full pay for all labor, equipment and materials necessary to remove the catch basin including all pavement removal, excavation, backfill for catch basins to be completely removed, haul and disposal costs associated with the removal of this item. This item includes Type I and Type II catch basins. Bid Item 10: Remove Piping (LF) Measurement of"Remove Piping" shall be per linear foot. The unit contract price per linear foot for "Remove Piping" shall be full pay for all labor, equipment and materials necessary to remove the abandoned water, sewer or storm sewer piping, including all pavement removal, excavation, backfill for piping to be completely removed, haul and disposal costs associated with the removal of this item. Bid Item 11: Sawcutting (LF) Measurement of "Sawcutting" shall be per linear foot of pavement cut. The unit contract price per linear foot for "Sawcutting" shall be full compensation for all materials, labor, tools, and equipment necessary to saw cut the existing asphalt concrete and cement concrete surfaces regardless of the depth encountered or the material to be saw cut, and including flushing of saw cuts with high pressure water as well as pollution control. No wastewater shall be released into the storm sewer system, drainage ditches, or onto private property. Depending on site conditions the amount of this item may vary. The unit price will not be adjusted if the actual quantity used varies by more than 25 percent. Bid Item 12: Embankment Compaction (CY) Measurement for "Embankment Compaction" shall be in cubic yard in accordance WSDOT Std. Specs. Section 2-03.4. The unit contract price per cubic yard for"Embankment Compaction" shall be full pay for all material, labor, tools, equipment, and incidentals required. The quantities for H:\File Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 1 0th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 33 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued embankment compaction shown in the proposal are estimates only. The Engineer will be the sole judge of the actual quantities needed. Bid Item 13: Pond Embankment Fill Incl. Haul (Ton) Measurement of" Pond Embankment Fill Incl. Haul" shall be per ton of material placed. Native or Imported material for Pond Embankment Fill shall meet the following: Sieve Size % Passing 3" 100 1" 60-90 30-80 #40 15-55 #200 10-40 All percentage are by weight. The material shall be placed at or within +/- 2 percent of the optimum moisture content. The unit contract price per cubic ton for "Pond Embankment Fill Incl. Haul" shall be full pay for all materials, labor, tools, and equipment necessary for the fulfillment of all requirements of the Standard Specifications in the execution of the work shown in the Plans and as required by the Engineer. Pond Embankment Fill Incl. Haul shall be used to replace the material removed as part of unsuitable foundation excavation. Depending on site conditions the amount of this item may vary. The unit price will not be adjusted if the actual quantity used varies by more than 25 percent. Bid Item 14: Pond Excavation Incl. Haul (CY) Measurement for "Pond Excavation Incl. Haul" shall be per cubic yard as specified in WSDOT Std. Specs. Section 2-03.4 for Roadway Excavation. The detention pond shall be excavated to the lines and grades shown on the plans. Payment for "Pond Excavation Incl. Haul" shall be per the unit contract price which shall be complete compensation for all materials, labor, tools, and equipment needed for pond excavation, excavating, grading, loading and placing or otherwise disposing of the excavated material, as shown on the Plans and as required by the Engineer. The Contractor shall provide the disposal site per Std. Specs. 2-03.3(7)C. All cost for hauling and disposal shall be included in the unit bid price. The unit price will not be adjusted if the actual quantity used varies by more than 25 percent. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 1 0th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 34 SPECIAL PROVISIONS-Continued Bid Item 15: Controlled Density Fill (CY) Controlled Density Fill (CDF) will be in trenches and excavation where shown on the plans and/or specified by the City. CDF shall conform to the requirements of Special Provisions 9-03.22. Excavation and removal of existing material will be under other bid items, or incidental to other bid items. Measurement for "Controlled Density Fill will be per cubic yard for all concrete installed in conformance with the Contract Documents. The quantity for this item is included to provide a common proposal for bid purposes. The actual quantity used in construction may vary from that amount. Depending on site conditions the amount of this item may be zero (0). The unit price will not be adjusted if the actual quantity used varies by more than 25 percent. Payment for "Controlled Density Fill" will be made at the unit price bid per Cubic Yard, which payment will be considered complete compensation for all labor, equipment and materials required to complete this item of work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Bid Item 16: Construction Geotextile for Permanent Erosion Control (SY) Measurement of "Construction Geotextile for Permanent Erosion Control' shall be per square yard. The unit contract price per each of "Construction Geotextile for Permanent Erosion Control' shall be full compensation for all labor, materials, and equipment. Erosion Control Blanket shall meet the specification of Special Provisions Section 8-01.3 and Section 9-14.5. Bid Item 17: Crushed Surfacing Top Course (Ton) Measurement of"Crushed Surfacing Top Course" shall be per ton. This item includes Crushed Surfacing Top Course and Base Course. The unit contract price per ton for "Crushed Surfacing Top Course" shall be full compensation for all materials, labor, tools, and equipment necessary for the fulfillment of all requirements of Standard Specification Section 9-03.9(3) in the execution of the work shown in the Plans or as required by the Engineer. Measurement for furnishing and installing crushed gravel surfacing top course and base course will be based on actual tonnage weight as determined by measurement from a certified scale. The quantity for this item is included to provide a common proposal for bid purposes. The actual quantity used in construction may vary from that amount. The unit price will not be adjusted if the actual quantity used varies by more than 25 percent. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 35 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued Any water added to the aggregate at the plant or in the field for placement and compaction shall be considered incidental to this item. Bid Item 18: Asphalt Conc. Pavement Cl. B (TN) Measurement of "Asphalt Conc. Pavement Cl. B " (ACP) shall be per ton with no deduction being made for the weight of liquid asphalt, blending sand, mineral filler, or any other component of the mixture. The unit contract price per ton for "Asphalt Conc. Pavement Cl. B ", shall include the cost of all labor, materials, equipment, tools, and incidental costs necessary for placing, compacting and constructing asphalt pavement in and along the Project including asphalt concrete driveways, trench patching, sealing all cold joints, tack coat, raising shoulder to grade, asphalt sidewalk transitions, hauling, notifications, aggregate, sweeping, utility marking and adjustment, furnishing and preparing subgrade, removal of existing asphalt, cleanup, and all other incidentals necessary for a complete paving system to the lines, cross-section and grades as shown on the Plans. The Contractor shall place the permanent trench patch per "Typical patch For Flexible Pavement" (City of Renton Standard Detail H 032A) within 14 calendar days after first opening the trench. The contractor shall plan the work to place permanent trench patches throughout project construction as the 14 day period for each section of trench approaches. Any delay of the permanent patch placement is subject to the Engineer's approval. All areas of trench excavation under the existing road, or driveways shall be restored with a Typical Trench Patch shall be per City of Renton Standard Detail H 032A. All applications of ACP shall be per Supplemental Specifications Section 5-04. All streets in the project area are classified as Residential. All patches and repairs shall be joined to existing pavement with a clean, sawcut joint. Feathering of edges is not acceptable. Any damaged pavement will be restored by sawcutting and removing damaged asphalt, supplementing and compacting the base, and placing new asphalt. The cost for sawcutting due to damaged pavement shall be considered incidental to this item. The 6-inch layer of crushed surfacing shall conform to Standard Specification Section 9- 03.9(3) for top course and placed in accordance with Standard Specification Section 4- 04.3. Payment for crushed surfacing shall be under the bid item "Crushed Surfacing Top Course." Old asphalt, concrete, soil, and other excavated material will be disposed of offsite. Payment to haul and dispose of old asphalt and other excavated material shall be included in the unit bid price. Measurement for furnishing and installing ACP will be based on actual tonnage weight as determined by measurement from a certified scale. The quantity for this item is included to provide a common proposal for bid purposes. The actual quantity used in construction may vary from that amount. The unit price will not be adjusted if the actual quantity used varies by more than 25 percent. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th SAW Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 36 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued Bid Item 19: CPEP Storm Pipe 12-Inch Diameter(LF) Measurement of "CPEP Storm Sewer Pipe 12-Inch Diameter" shall be per linear foot along the invert of the pipe from the center of catch basin to the center of catch basin, or similar structure. Where the pipe does not begin or end within a catch basin, the pipe shall be measured from the ends of the pipe. The unit contract price per linear foot of "CPEP Storm Sewer Pipe 12-Inch" of the type and size specified shall be full pay for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary to complete the installation, including all pavement removal and disposal; storm sewer trench excavation; dewatering (when required); furnishing and installing storm sewer pipe and fittings; pipe bedding; backfill with native material; compaction; connection to new or existing storm sewers and structures, all appurtenances (such as special fittings, bends, connections, catch basin connectors, etc.), adjusting inverts; haul and disposal of excess trench material including unsuitable material; cleaning and testing; and temporary patching asphalt to allow for the passage of traffic. Pipe Plugs for 12-Inch CPEP storm pipe as shown on the Plans shall be incidental to the cost of the pipe. Cleaning and testing of storm sewer pipe in accordance with Section 7-04.3(1) will be included in the unit cost of storm sewer pipe. CPEP storm sewer pipe shall meet the specifications detailed in Sections 9-05.19 and 9- 05.20 of the Special Provisions and Standard Specifications. Watertight joints shall be furnished and installed. Pipe bedding shall be Bedding Material for Thermoplastic Pipe per Standard Specifications Section 9-03.16. Bedding Material shall be placed from a minimum of 6 inches below the pipe to 6 inches above the top of the pipe, and compacted to 95 percent of maximum density per ASTM D1557. The Contractor shall ensure proper placement and compaction of pipe bedding under the pipe haunches. Payment for bedding material shall be included in the unit price bid for pipe in place. Suitable excavated soil shall be used as backfill for the project if it is a clean granular material meeting the general requirements for select borrow material, the maximum particle size shall not exceed 3 inches, and has a moisture content that will allow at least 95 percent compaction when placed. Payment for excavated trench backfill shall be included in the unit price bid for pipe in place. Excess and/or unsuitable excavated material will be loaded and disposed of offsite. This includes all soil, asphalt, concrete, and other excavated material. Payment to haul and dispose of excavated material shall be included in the unit price bid for pipe in place. Bank Run Gravel shall be used only if native material is found to be unsuitable for use as backfill, and after approval by the City. Payment for Bank Run Gravel shall be paid under Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill. Controlled density fill for trench backfill will be measured in accordance with Section 2- 09.4. K HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 37 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued Shoring or extra excavation Class B will be measured as specified in Section 2-09.4. Bid Item 20: CPEP Storm Pipe 18-Inch Diameter(LF) Measurement of "CPEP Storm Sewer Pipe 18-Inch Diameter" shall be per linear foot along the invert of the pipe from the center of catch basin to the center of catch basin, or similar structure. Where the pipe does not begin or end within a catch basin, the pipe shall be measured from the ends of the pipe. The unit contract price per linear foot of "CPEP Storm Sewer Pipe 18-Inch" of the type and size specified shall be full pay for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary to complete the installation, including all pavement removal and disposal; storm sewer trench excavation; dewatering (when required); furnishing and installing storm sewer pipe and fittings; pipe bedding; backfill with native material; compaction; connection to new or existing storm sewers and structures, all appurtenances (such as special fittings, bends, connections, catch basin connectors, etc.), adjusting inverts; haul and disposal of excess trench material including unsuitable material; cleaning and testing; and temporary patching asphalt to allow for the passage of traffic. Cleaning and testing of storm sewer pipe in accordance with Section 7-04.3(1) will be included in the unit cost of storm sewer pipe. CPEP storm sewer pipe shall meet the specifications detailed in Sections 9-05.19 and 9- 05.20 of the Special Provisions and Standard Specifications. Watertight joints shall be furnished and installed. Pipe bedding shall be Bedding Material for Thermoplastic Pipe per Standard Specifications Section 9-03.16. Bedding Material shall be placed from a minimum of 6 inches below the pipe to 6 inches above the top of the pipe, and compacted to 95 percent of maximum density per ASTM D1557. The Contractor shall ensure proper placement and compaction of pipe bedding under the pipe haunches. Payment for bedding material shall be included in the unit price bid for pipe in place. Suitable excavated soil shall be used as backfill for the project if it is a clean granular material meeting the general requirements for select borrow material, the maximum particle size shall not exceed 3 inches, and has a moisture content that will allow at least 95 percent compaction when placed. Payment for excavated trench backfill shall be included in the unit price bid for pipe in place. Excess and/or unsuitable excavated material will be loaded and disposed of offsite. This includes all soil, asphalt, concrete, and other excavated material. Payment to haul and dispose of excavated material shall be included in the unit price bid for pipe in place. Bank Run Gravel shall be used only if native material is found to be unsuitable for use as backfill, and after approval by the City. Payment for Bank Run Gravel shall be paid under Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill. Controlled density fill for trench backfill will be measured in accordance with Section 2- 09.4. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 1 0th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 38 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued Shoring or extra excavation Class B will be measured as specified in Section 2-09.4. Bid Item 21: CPEP Storm Pipe 30-Inch Diameter(LF) Measurement of "CPEP Storm Sewer Pipe 30-Inch Diameter ' shall be per linear foot along the invert of the pipe from the center of catch basin to the center of catch basin, or similar structure. Where the pipe does not begin or end within a catch basin, the pipe shall be measured from the ends of the pipe. The unit contract price per linear foot of "CPEP Storm Sewer Pipe 30-Inch" of the type and size specified shall be full pay for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary to complete the installation, including all pavement removal and disposal; storm sewer trench excavation; dewatering (when required); furnishing and installing storm sewer pipe and fittings; pipe bedding; backfill with native material; compaction; connection to new or existing storm sewers and structures, all appurtenances (such as special fittings, bends, connections, catch basin connectors, etc.), adjusting inverts; haul and disposal of excess trench material including unsuitable material; cleaning and testing; and temporary patching asphalt to allow for the passage of traffic. Cleaning and testing of storm sewer pipe in accordance with Section 7-04.3(1) will be included in the unit cost of storm sewer pipe. CPEP storm sewer pipe shall meet the specifications detailed in Sections 9-05.19 and 9- 05.20 of the Special Provisions and Standard Specifications. Watertight joints shall be furnished and installed. Pipe bedding shall be Bedding Material for Thermoplastic Pipe per Standard Specifications Section 9-03.16. Bedding Material shall be placed from a minimum of 6 inches below the pipe to 6 inches above the top of the pipe, and compacted to 95 percent of maximum density per ASTM D1557. The Contractor shall ensure proper placement and compaction of pipe bedding under the pipe haunches. Payment for bedding material shall be included in the unit price bid for pipe in place. Suitable excavated soil shall be used as backfill for the project if it is a clean granular material meeting the general requirements for select borrow material, the maximum particle size shall not exceed 3 inches, and has a moisture content that will allow at least 95 percent compaction when placed. Payment for excavated trench backfill shall be included in,the unit price bid for pipe in place. Excess and/or unsuitable excavated material will be loaded and disposed of offsite. This includes all soil, asphalt, concrete, and other excavated material. Payment to haul and dispose of excavated material shall be included in the unit price bid for pipe in place. Bank Run Gravel shall be used only if native material is found to be unsuitable for use as backfill, and after approval by the City. Payment for Bank Run Gravel shall be paid under Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill. Controlled density fill for trench backfill will be measured in accordance with Section 2- 09.4. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th SAW Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 39 SPECIAL PROVISIONS-Continued Shoring or extra excavation Class B will be measured as specified in Section 2-09.4. Bid Item 22: Debris Barrier (EA) Measurement of"Debris Barrier" shall be per each installed. The unit contract price per each of "Debris Barrier" shall be full compensation for all labor, materials, and equipment to complete the installation per City of Renton Standard Detail BR10. Bid Item 23: Ductile Iron Storm Pipe 12-Inch Diameter(LF) Measurement of "Ductile Iron Storm Pipe 12-Inch. Diameter" shall be per linear foot along the invert of the pipe from the center of catch basin to the center of catch basin, or - similar structure. Where the pipe does not begin or end within a catch basin, the pipe shall be measured from the ends of the pipe. The unit contract price per linear foot of "Ductile Iron Storm Pipe 12-Inch Diameter" of the type and size specified shall be full pay for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary to complete the installation, including all pavement removal and disposal; storm sewer trench excavation; dewatering (when required); furnishing and installing storm sewer pipe and fittings; pipe bedding; backfill with native material; compaction; connection to new or existing storm sewers and structures, all appurtenances (such as special fittings, bends, connections, catch basin connectors, etc.), adjusting inverts; haul and disposal of excess trench material including unsuitable material; cleaning and testing; and temporary patching asphalt to allow for the passage of traffic. Cleaning and testing of storm sewer pipe in accordance with Section 7-04.3(1) will be included in the unit cost of storm sewer pipe. Ductile Iron storm sewer pipe shall meet the specifications detailed in Section 9-05.13 of the Special Provisions and Standard Specifications. Ductile iron storm sewer pipe shall be Class 52. Watertight joints shall be furnished and installed. Pipe bedding shall be Bedding Material for Rigid Pipe per Standard Specifications Section 9-03.15. Bedding Material shall be placed from a minimum of 6 inches below the pipe to 6 inches above the top of the pipe, and compacted to 95 percent of maximum density per ASTM D1557. The Contractor shall ensure proper placement and compaction of pipe bedding under the pipe haunches. Payment for bedding material shall be included in the unit price bid for pipe in place. Suitable excavated soil shall be used as backfill for the project if it is a clean granular material meeting the general requirements for select borrow material, the maximum particle size shall not exceed 3 inches, and has a moisture content that will allow at least 95 percent compaction when placed_ Payment for excavated trench backfill shall be included in the unit price bid for pipe in place. Excess and/or unsuitable excavated material will be loaded and disposed of offsite. This includes all soil, asphalt, concrete, existing storm sewer pipe, and other excavated H:\File Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 1 0th St\01 Pond Design,301 FinalSpecs\ Page 40 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued material. Payment to haul and dispose of excavated material shall be included in the unit price bid for pipe in place. Bank Run Gravel shall be used only if native material is found to be unsuitable for use as backfill, and after approval by the City. Payment for Bank Run Gravel shall be paid under Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill. Bid Item 24: Ductile Iron Storm Pipe 18-Inch Diameter(LF) Measurement of "Ductile Iron Storm Pipe 18-Inch Diameter" shall be per linear foot along the invert of the pipe from the center of catch basin to the center of catch basin, or similar structure. Where the pipe does not begin or end within a catch basin, the pipe shall be measured from the ends of the pipe. The unit contract price per linear foot of "Ductile Iron Storm Pipe 18-Inch Diameter ' of the type and size specified shall be full pay for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary to complete the installation, including all pavement removal and disposal; storm sewer trench excavation; dewatering (when required); furnishing and installing storm sewer pipe and fittings; pipe bedding; backfill with native material; compaction; connection to new or existing storm sewers and structures, all appurtenances (such as special fittings, bends, connections, catch basin connectors, etc.), adjusting inverts; haul and disposal of excess trench material including unsuitable material; cleaning and testing; and temporary patching asphalt to allow for the passage of traffic. Cleaning and testing of storm sewer pipe in accordance with Section 7-04.3(1) will be included in the unit cost of storm sewer pipe. Ductile Iron storm sewer pipe shall meet the specifications detailed in Section 9-05.13 of the Special Provisions and Standard Specifications. Ductile iron storm sewer pipe shall be Class 52. Watertight joints shall be furnished and installed. Pipe bedding shall be Bedding Material for Rigid Pipe per Standard Specifications Section 9-03.15. Bedding Material shall be placed from a minimum of 6 inches below the pipe to 6 inches above the top of the pipe, and compacted to 95 percent of maximum density per ASTM D1557. The Contractor shall ensure proper placement and compaction of pipe bedding under the pipe haunches. Payment for bedding material shall be included in the unit price bid for pipe in place. Suitable excavated soil shall be used as backfill for the project if it is a clean granular material meeting the general requirements for select borrow material, the maximum particle size shall not exceed 3 inches, and has a moisture content that will allow at least 95 percent compaction when placed. Payment for excavated trench backfill shall be included in the unit price bid for pipe in place. Excess and/or unsuitable excavated material will be loaded and disposed of offsite. This includes all soil, asphalt, concrete, existing storm sewer pipe, and other excavated material. Payment to haul and dispose of excavated material shall be included in the unit price bid for pipe in place. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 N E I 0th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 41 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued Bank Run Gravel shall be used only if native material is found to be unsuitable for use as backfill, and after approval by the City. Payment for Bank Run Gravel shall be paid under Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill. Bid Item 25: Catch Basin Type 1 (EA) Measurement of"Catch Basin Type 1" shall be per each. The unit contract price per each for "Catch Basin Type 1" shall be full pay for all labor, materials, tools, and equipment necessary to complete this item of work according to the Plans and Specifications for each unit, including all pavement removal and disposal; excavation; dewatering (when required); concrete base, precast concrete catch basin sections, catch basin frame, grate or lid, appurtenances; adjustments; foundation material; bedding; backfill with native material; compaction; connections to new and existing pipes; haul and disposal of excess excavated material including unsuitable material; cleaning and testing; temporary pavement patching; and placing of all accessories such as cast iron rings, steps, flanges, and other items. This item includes all the different types of frames and grates (standard, vaned, rolled curb, other) for Type 1 CB's that may be show on the plans. Catch Basin Type 1 shall be per City of Renton Standard Detail B012. Bid Item 26: Catch Basin Type 1 L (EA) Measurement of"Catch Basin Type 1 U shall be per each. The unit contract price per each for "Catch Basin Type 1 U shall be full pay for all labor, materials, tools, and equipment necessary to complete this item of work according to the Plans and Specifications for each unit, including all pavement removal and disposal; excavation; dewatering (when required); concrete base, precast concrete catch basin sections, catch basin frame, grate or lid, appurtenances; adjustments; foundation material; bedding; backfill with native material; compaction; connections to new and existing pipes; haul and disposal of excess excavated material including unsuitable material; cleaning and testing; temporary pavement patching; and placing of all accessories such as cast iron rings, steps, flanges, and other items. This item includes all the different types of frames and grates (standard, vaned, rolled curb, other) for Type 1 CB's that may be show on the plans. Catch Basin Type 1 L shall be per City of Renton Standard Detail B014. Bid Item 27: Catch Basin Type 2 48 In. Dia. (EA) Measurement of "Catch Basin Type 2 48 In. Dia." shall be per each for Catch Basins 9 feet or less in height, as measure from completed manhole rim to the lowest pipe invert. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 42 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued The unit contract price per each for "Catch Basin Type 2 48 In. Dia." shall be full pay for all labor, materials, tools, and equipment necessary to complete this item of work according to the Plans and Specifications for each unit, including all pavement removal and disposal; excavation; dewatering (when required); concrete base, precast concrete catch basin sections, catch basin frame, grate or lid, appurtenances; adjustments; foundation material; bedding; backfill with native material; compaction; connections to new and existing pipes; haul and disposal of excess excavated material including unsuitable material; cleaning and testing; temporary pavement patching; and placing of all accessories such as cast iron rings, steps, flanges, and other items. This item includes all the different types of frames and grates (standard, vaned, rolled curb, other) for Type 1 CB's that may be show on the plans. Catch Basin Type 2 48 In. Dia. shall be per WSDOT Standard Plan B-1 e. Bid Item 28: Catch Basin Type 2 48 In. Dia. Over 9 Feet(EA) Measurement of "Catch Basin Type 2 48 In. Dia. Over 9 Feet." shall be per each for Catch Basins over 9 feet in height, as measure from completed manhole rim to the lowest pipe invert. The unit contract price per each for"Catch Basin Type 2 48 In. Dia.Over 9 Feet" shall be full pay for all labor, materials, tools, and equipment necessary to complete this item of work according to the Plans and Specifications for each unit, including all pavement removal and disposal; excavation; dewatering (when required); concrete base, precast concrete catch basin sections, catch basin frame, grate or lid, appurtenances; adjustments; foundation material; bedding; backfill with native material; compaction; connections to new and existing pipes; haul and disposal of excess excavated material including unsuitable material; cleaning and testing; temporary pavement patching; and placing of all accessories such as cast iron rings, steps, flanges, and other items. This item includes all the different types of frames and grates (standard, vaned, rolled curb, other) for Type 1 CB's that may be show on the plans. Catch Basin Type 2 48 In. Dia. shall be per WSDOT Standard Plan B-1 e. Bid Item 29: Catch Basin Type 2 54 In. Dia. (EA) Measurement of "Catch Basin Type 2 54 In. Dia." shall be per each for Catch Basins 9 feet or less in height, as measure from completed manhole rim to the lowest pipe invert. The unit contract price per each for "Catch Basin Type 2 54 In. Dia." shall be full pay for all labor, materials, tools, and equipment necessary to complete this item of work according to the Plans and Specifications for each unit, including all pavement removal and disposal; excavation; dewatering (when required); concrete base, precast concrete catch basin sections, catch basin frame, grate or lid, appurtenances; adjustments; foundation material; bedding; backfill with native material; compaction; connections to new and existing pipes; haul and disposal of excess excavated material including unsuitable material; cleaning and testing; temporary pavement patching; and placing of all accessories such as cast iron rings, steps, flanges, and other items. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 1 0th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 43 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued Catch Basin Type 2 54 In. Dia. shall be per WSDOT Standard Plan B-1 e. Bid Item 30: Catch Basin Type 2 54 In. Dia. Over 9 Feet (EA) Measurement of "Catch Basin Type 2 54 In. Dia. Over 9 Feet" shall be per each for Catch basin over 9 feet in height, as measure from completed manhole rim to the lowest pipe invert. The unit contract price per each for "Catch Basin Type 2 54 In. Dia. Over 9 Feet' shall be full pay for all labor, materials, tools, and equipment necessary to complete this item of work according to the Plans and Specifications for each unit, including all pavement removal and disposal; excavation; dewatering (when required); concrete base, precast concrete catch basin sections, catch basin frame, grate or lid, appurtenances; adjustments; foundation material; bedding; backfill with native material; compaction; connections to new and existing pipes; haul and disposal of excess excavated material including unsuitable material; cleaning and testing; temporary pavement patching; and placing of all accessories such as cast iron rings, steps, flanges, and other items. Catch Basin Type 2 54 In. Dia. shall be per WSDOT Standard Plan B-1 e. Bid Item 31: Catch Basin Type 2 72 In. Dia. (EA) Measurement of "Catch Basin Type 2 72 In. Dia." shall be per each for Catch Basins 9 feet or less in height, as measure from completed manhole rim to the lowest pipe invert. The unit contract price per each for"Catch Basin Type 2 72 In. Dia." shall be full pay for all labor, materials, tools, and equipment necessary to complete this item of work according to the Plans and Specifications for each unit, including all pavement removal and disposal; excavation; dewatering (when required); concrete base, precast concrete catch basin sections, catch basin frame, grate or lid, appurtenances; adjustments; foundation material; bedding; backfill with native material; compaction; connections to new and existing pipes; haul and disposal of excess excavated material including unsuitable material; cleaning and testing; temporary pavement patching; and placing of all accessories such as cast iron rings, steps, flanges, and other items. Catch Basin Type 2 72 In. Dia. shall be per WSDOT Standard Plan B-1e. Bid Item 32: Catch Basin Type 2 72 In. Dia. Over 9 Feet (EA) Measurement of "Catch Basin Type 2 72 In. Dia. Over 9 Feet' shall be per each for Catch basin over 9 feet in height, as measure from completed manhole rim to the lowest pipe invert. The unit contract price per each for "Catch Basin Type 2 72 In. Dia. Over 9 Feet' shall be full pay for all labor, materials, tools, and equipment necessary to complete this item of work according to the Plans and Specifications for each unit, including all pavement removal and disposal; excavation; dewatering (when required); concrete base, precast concrete catch basin sections, catch basin frame, grate or lid, appurtenances; HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 44 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued adjustments; foundation material; bedding; backfill with native material; compaction; connections to new and existing pipes; haul and disposal of excess excavated material including unsuitable material; cleaning and testing; temporary pavement patching; and placing of all accessories such as cast iron rings, steps, flanges, and other items. Catch Basin Type 2 72 In. Dia. shall be per WSDOT Standard Plan B-1e. Bid Item 33: Concrete Inlet(EA) Measurement of"Concrete Inlet" shall be per each. The unit contract price per each for "Concrete Inlet" shall be full pay for all labor, materials, tools, and equipment necessary to complete this item of work according to the Plans and Specifications for each unit, including all pavement removal and disposal; excavation; dewatering (when required); concrete base, precast concrete catch basin sections, catch basin frame, grate or lid, appurtenances; adjustments; foundation material; bedding; backfill with native material; compaction; connections to new and existing pipes; haul and disposal of excess excavated material including unsuitable material; cleaning and testing; temporary pavement patching; and placing of all accessories such as cast iron rings, steps, flanges, and other items. This item includes all the different types of frames and grates (standard, vaned, rolled curb, other) for Type 1 CB's that may be show on the plans. Concrete Inlet shall be per City of Renton Standard Detail B010. Bid Item 34: Modular Block Wall (EA) Measurement of "Modular Block Wall" shall be per each block installed as shown on the Plan. The unit contract price per each for "Modular Block Wall" shall be full compensation for all labor, material, tools, equipment and installation as shown on Plan. Modular Blocks shall be concrete blocks with plain faces. The blocks shall be approximately 4' to 5' L x 2' to 3" W x 2" to 3" H. Bid Item 35: Flow Control Structure (EA) Measurement of"Flow Control Structure" shall be per each. The unit contract price per each for "Flow Control Structure" shall be full compensation for all labor, materials, tools, equipment, concrete base, precast concrete catch basin sections, catch basin frame, grate or lid, pipe couplings, riser, pipe supports, orifices, shear gate, appurtenances, adjustments, connections to new and/or existing systems, excavation, foundation material and compaction, loading, hauling and proper disposal of excess and/or unsuitable materials, dewatering, and all other items and work necessary to complete this item of work according to the Plans and Specifications. H:\File Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 45 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued Flow Control Structure shall be per City of Renton Standard Detail BR-04. Bid Item 36: Overflow Structure (EA) Measurement of"Overflow Structure" shall be per each. The unit contract price per each for "Overflow Structure" shall be full compensation for all labor, materials, tools, equipment, concrete base, precast concrete catch basin sections, catch basin frame, overflow debris barrier, appurtenances, adjustments, connections to new and/or existing systems, excavation, foundation material and compaction, loading, hauling and proper disposal of excess and/or unsuitable materials, dewatering, and all other items and work necessary to complete this item of work according to the Plans and Specifications. Flow Control Structure shall be per City of Renton Standard Detail BRA 3. Bid Item 37: Shoring or Extra Excavation Class B (SF) Measurement of "Shoring or Extra Excavation Class B" shall be per square foot for all trench excavated to a depth of 4 feet or more for trench that is actually shored. Vertical measurement will be from the existing ground line to the invert elevation of the pipe being installed, or in the case of structures to the bottom of the structure. Horizontal measurement will be one vertical plane measured along the centerline of the trench or structure. If excavation of unsuitable soil is needed the vertical measurement will extend to the bottom of the shoring actually used. The unit price for "Shoring or Extra Excavation Class B" shall cover the complete cost of furnishing, installing, and removing adequate shoring and support for all excavations to provide safe access for workers, prevent soil sluffing, soil loss, damage to pavement, structures, utilities, and ground adjacent to the excavation. Shoring or extra excavation class B shall comply with WAC 296-155 Part N, Standard Specifications Section 2- 09.3(3), and all other applicable State and Federal regulations. The Contractor shall submit a Shoring Plan to the City showing how shoring will be accomplished and detailing the techniques and equipment that will be used. Shoring shall be capable of supporting all earth loads and traffic loads. This bid item shall apply to all excavations needed for the project. Bid Item 38: Plugging Existing Pipe (EA) The measurement of"Plugging Existing Pipe" shall be each. The unit contract price for "Plugging Existing Pipe" shall cover the complete cost of furnishing, tools, equipment, and materials. Plugs shall be concrete per Standard Specifications Section 7-08.3(4), and as shown on the plans. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 1 0th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 46 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued Bid Item 39: Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill (TN) Measurement for "Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill "shall be per ton. The unit contract price per ton for "Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill' shall be full compensation for all materials, tools, labor, equipment and incidentals for processing, hauling, placing, compacting, and compaction testing the materials as specified or as directed by the Engineer. Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, this item will be used for all trench and structural excavations as 100% import backfill. Imported backfill shall meet Standard Specification Section 9-03.19 and Supplemental Specification Section 7-10.5. No payment shall be made for costs due to over-excavation and subsequent backfill, unless the inspector determines that the over-excavation could not be avoided. Over- excavation is defined as trenching outside the maximum trench or excavation width. Unsuitable excavated materials will be disposed of offsite. This includes soil, asphalt, concrete, and other excess or unsuitable excavated material. Payment to haul and dispose of unsuitable excavated material shall be included in the unit bid price for storm sewer piping and drainage structures Measurement for gravel trench backfill will be based on actual tonnage weight as determined by measurement from a certified scale. The quantity for this item is included to provide a common proposal for bid purposes. The actual quantity used in construction may vary from that amount. The unit price will not be adjusted if the actual quantity used varies by more than 25 percent. Bid Item 40: Concrete Deadman Anchor Blocks (CY) This item includes all work and materials needed for concrete deadmen anchor blocks including but not limited to concrete deadmen, vertical blocks, thrust blocks, other types of concrete blocks, and all associated fittings and materials needed for complete blocks and fittings as shown on the Plans. Concrete shall be 3000 psi minimum, or as specified in the plans, and shall meet the requirements of the applicable portions of the Standard Specifications Section 6-02. The work includes, but is not limited to, the following: • Trench excavation, dewatering (if needed), shoring, temporary steel plates, • Removal, hauling, and disposal of all pavement, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and any surplus and unsuitable excavated material, • Furnishing and placing concrete for deadman and blocks, • Deadman anchor bolts, reinforcing steel, shackle rods, clamp assembly, anchor bolts, necessary form work, and all incidentals, • Furnishing, placing, and compacting bedding and backfill, • Replacing, protecting, and/or maintaining existing utilities. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 Fina[Specs\ Page 47 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued Suitable excavated soil shall be used for backfill if it is a clean granular material meeting the general requirements for select borrow material, and is capable of being compacted to 95 percent compaction when placed. If existing soils are not suitable for backfill other suitable soils from the project excavation may be used. Use of existing soils is included in the bid price. If suitable soils are not available Bank Run Gravel may be used after approval by the City. Payment for Bank Run Gravel shall be under that bid item. Payment for Sawcutting shall be under that bid item. The quantity used for this item may vary from the bid estimate. The unit price will not be adjusted if the actual quantity used varies by more than 25 percent. Measurement for "Concrete Deadman Anchor Blocks" shall be per cubic yard for all concrete installed in conformance with the Contract Documents. The contractor shall provide a copy of certified truck tickets, which will accompany each load of concrete used. Payment for "Concrete Deadman Anchor Blocks" shall be complete compensation for all labor, materials, equipment, excavation, hauling, and disposal of excess and unsuitable material required to complete the work as shown on the Plans and specified in the contract documents and City Code. Bid Item 41: Relocate 6 In. Water Main (EA) This item includes all work and materials needed to relocate the water main including but not limited to: • Trench excavation, dewatering (if needed), shoring, temporary steel plates, • Removal, hauling, and disposal of all pavement, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, old pipe, and any surplus and unsuitable excavated material, • Furnishing and placing pipe bedding and trench backfill, • Furnishing, installing, laying, and joining water pipes and fittings of the size, type, and class shown, special fittings, horizontal and vertical bends, valves, shackle rods, temporary blow-off assemblies, and all incidentals including purity and pressure tests as directed, • Coordination and cooperation with City crews to cut, cap, and connect the water main, • Replacing, protecting, and/or maintaining existing utilities. The Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, equipment, excavation, and other work as described in the City of Renton Supplemental Specifications Section 7-11.3(9)A "Connection to Existing Watermains (RC)". The Water Main shall be Class 52 ductile iron pipe and ductile iron fittings. All shackle rods, tie bolts, and associated material shall comply with City of Renton Standard Detail BR27. Water main relocation shall follow the Water Main Relocation Figure shown in the plans. The actual relocation arrangement may vary to adapt to conditions found in the field. The Contractor shall propose any changes to the City for review and approved by the City before construction. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 48 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued NOTE — The 6-inch water main going to the south into Anacortes CT NE is a dead end line. The water main shall be restored the same day as the main is cut. Water main relocation shall be accomplished as quickly as possible. The existing water main was relocated previously (see reference plans). Water main relocation may require both vertical and horizontal (or angled) fittings and blocks. Sawcutting will be paid under a separate bid item. Suitable excavated soil shall be used for backfill if it is a clean granular material meeting the general requirements for select borrow material, and is capable of being compacted to 95 percent compaction when placed. If existing soils are not suitable for backfill other suitable soils from the project excavation may be used. Use of existing soils shall be included in the bid price. y If suitable soils are not available Bank Run Gravel may be used after approval by the City. Payment for Bank Run Gravel shall be under that bid item. Measurement for "Relocate 6 In. Water Main" of the size, class, and type specified will be per each water main relocation. Payment for "Relocate 6 In. Water Main" shall be complete compensation for all - materials, tools, labor, equipment, excavation and disposal of excess and waste materials required to complete the work as shown on the Plans and as specified in the contract documents and City Code. Bid Item 42: Relocate 8 In. Water Main (EA) This item includes all work and materials needed to relocate the water main including but not limited to: • Trench excavation, dewatering (if needed), shoring, temporary steel plates, • Removal, hauling, and disposal of all pavement, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, old pipe, and any surplus and unsuitable excavated material, • Furnishing and placing pipe bedding and trench backfill, • Furnishing, installing, laying, and joining water pipes and fittings of the size, type, and class shown, special fittings, horizontal and vertical bends, valves, shackle rods, temporary blow-off assemblies, and all incidentals including purity and pressure tests as directed, • Coordination and cooperation with City crews to cut, cap, and connect the water main, M • Replacing, protecting, and/or maintaining existing utilities. The Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, equipment, excavation, and other work as described in the City of Renton Supplemental Specifications Section 7-11.3(9)A "Connection to Existing Watermains (RC)". The Water Main shall be Class 52 ductile iron pipe and ductile iron fittings. All shackle rods, tie bolts, and associated material shall comply with City of Renton Standard Detail BR27. Water main relocation shall follow the Water Main Relocation Figure shown in the plans. The actual relocation arrangement may vary to adapt to HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 49 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued conditions found in the field. The Contractor shall propose any changes to the City for review and approved by the City before construction. Sawcutting will be paid under a separate bid item. Suitable excavated soil shall be used for backfill if it is a clean granular material meeting the general requirements for select borrow material, and is capable of being compacted to 95 percent compaction when placed. If existing soils are not suitable for backfill other suitable soils from the project excavation may be used. Use of existing soils shall be included in the bid price. If suitable soils are not available Bank Run Gravel may be used after approval by the City. Payment for Bank Run Gravel shall be under that bid item. Measurement for "Relocate 8 In. Water Main" of the size, class, and type specified will be per each water main relocation. Payment for "Relocate 8 In. Water Main" shall be complete compensation for all materials, tools, labor, equipment, excavation and disposal of excess and waste materials required to complete the work as shown on the Plans and as specified in the contract documents and City Code. Bid Item 43: Relocate 10 In. Water Main (EA) This item includes all work and materials needed to relocate the water main including but not limited to: • Trench excavation, dewatering (if needed), shoring, temporary steel plates, • Removal, hauling, and disposal of all pavement, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, old pipe, and any surplus and unsuitable excavated material, • Furnishing and placing pipe bedding and trench backfill, • Furnishing, installing, laying, and joining water pipes and fittings of the size, type, and class shown, special fittings, horizontal and vertical bends, valves, shackle rods, temporary blow-off assemblies, and all incidentals including purity and pressure tests as directed, • Coordination and cooperation with City crews to cut, cap, and connect the water main, • Replacing, protecting, and/or maintaining existing utilities. The Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, equipment, excavation, and other work as described in the City of Renton Supplemental Specifications Section 7-11.3(9)A "Connection to Existing Watermains (RC)". The Water Main shall be Class 52 ductile iron pipe and ductile iron fittings. All shackle rods, tie bolts, and associated material shall comply with City of Renton Standard Detail BR27. Water main relocation shall follow the Water Main Relocation Figure shown in the plans. The actual relocation arrangement may vary to adapt to conditions found in the field. The Contractor shall propose any changes to the City for review and approved by the City before construction. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 Fina]Specs\ Page 50 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued NOTE — The 10-inch water main at sta. 20+95 runs east- west and feeds a dead end line to the east up SE 116th St. The 8- and 10-inch water mains at the intersection of Anacortes Ave NE and NE 10th St can not be relocated at the same time. They must be relocated in sequence so water service to the east can always be maintained by either the 8- or 10-inch water main. Sawcutting will be paid under a separate bid item. Suitable excavated soil shall be used for backfill if it is a clean granular material meeting the general requirements for select borrow material, and is capable of being compacted to 95 percent compaction when placed. If existing soils are not suitable for backfill other suitable soils from the project excavation may be used. Use of existing soils shall be included in the bid price. If suitable soils are not available Bank Run Gravel may be used after approval by the City. Payment for Bank Run Gravel shall be under that bid item. Measurement for "Relocate 8 In. Water Main" of the size, class, and type specified will be per each water main relocation. Payment for "Relocate 8 In. Water Main" shall be complete compensation for all materials, tools, labor, equipment, excavation and disposal of excess and waste materials required to complete the work as shown on the Plans and as specified in the contract documents and City Code. Bid Item 44: Abandon Septic System, Install Side Sewer (LS) This item includes all work needed to locate and abandon the existing septic tank for the residence at 13642 SE 116th St, and install a new side sewer to connect all the home's drains to the sewer main in the street. The septic tank location is approximate and the actual location may vary. Blackberry bushes and other vegetation will probably need to be cleared from the tank area. The septic tank shall be abandoned per Section 1119 of the Uniform Plumbing Code and Section 4-6-040.1.6 of the City Code. The work includes identifying and locating all drains from the home and connecting them to the new side sewer. The home contains a basement with floor drains. It is not known if the drains are connected to the septic tank, or drain to a separate location. The new side sewer shall be constructed per City of Renton Std. Plan BR35, and all applicable State and County regulations. The work includes all labor, equipment, and materials needed for construction. The work includes removal, hauling and disposal of all excess material. A backflow prevention device shall be installed on all sewer connections from the home per Std. Detail BR35. Pipe bedding shall be Bedding Material for Thermoplastic Pipe per Standard Specification Section 9-03.16. Bedding Material shall be placed a minimum of 6 inches below the pipe to 12 inches above the top of the pipe, and compacted to 95 percent of HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 1 0th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 51 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued maximum density per ASTM D1557. The Contractor shall ensure proper placement and compaction of pipe bedding under the pipe haunches. Payment for bedding material shall be included in the unit price. Suitable excavated soil shall be used for backfill if it is a clean granular material meeting the general requirements for select borrow material, and is capable of being compacted to 95 percent compaction when placed. If existing soils are not suitable for backfill other suitable soils from the project excavation may be used. Use of existing soils shall be included in the bid price. If suitable soils are not available Bank Run Gravel may be used after approval by the City. Payment for Bank Run Gravel shall be under that bid item. The work includes removing, preserving, and reinstalling the wooden fence along the street, and any other fences that may need to be removed for construction. The contractor is responsible for any damage to existing fences during removal and reinstallation. All fences shall be restored to a condition equal to or better than existing. The work includes removing all vegetation needed for excavation and installation. The contractor shall identify to the City Inspector the vegetation proposed for removal. The contractor shall protect and preserve any vegetation outside the work area, and shall not remove vegetation unless needed. Large trees, including the fir tree, shall be preserved. The work includes restoring all areas affect by construction. It includes grading and raking the ground to restore the surface to match existing grade. All lawn and vegetated areas shall be restored with Sod. Payment for Sod will be under that bid item. The contractor shall accurately measure the location and depth of the new side sewer, fittings, bends, and cleanouts in relation to the home and sewer main. The contractor shall prepare a side sewer card for the new side sewer during construction and present it to the City inspector for review and approval when the side sewer installation is completed. Measurement for"Abandon Septic System, Install Side Sewer" shall be per lump sum. Payment for "Abandon Septic System, Install Side Sewer" shall be compete compensation for all materials, tools, labor, equipment, excavation and disposal of excess and waste materials required to complete the work as shown on the Plans and specified in the contract documents and City Code. Bid Item 45: Relocate Side Sewer (LF) This item includes raising or lowering any existing side sewers that conflict with the new storm water system. It also includes rebuilding any existing side sewers that may need to be upgraded, as determined by the City. The Contractor is cautioned that the location of all existing side sewers may not be known and may not be shown on the Plans. Side Sewers shall be considered a "Identified But Un-locatable Underground Facility" per Chapter 19.122 RCW. Where shown, the location may vary by an unknown distance in either direction. The quantity HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 52 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued for this item is included to provide a common proposal for bid purposes. The actual quantity used for construction may vary. Relocating a side sewer shall be accomplished by excavating to the sewer main, constructing a new side sewer to pass under or over the new storm water pipe, and connecting the new side sewer to the existing side sewer as shown in the plans. The relocated side sewer shall be connected at the existing tee where possible. Where an existing tee is not useable a new connection shall be made to the sanitary sewer main using a Romac saddle. Any existing side sewer connections that need to be abandoned at the main shall be capped with a fitting approved by the Engineer. If the side sewer reconstruction extends to the curb, the new side sewer shall be extended to the back of the sidewalk and a surface cleanout shall be installed per City Std. Detail BR33. The cleanout location shall be marked with a stake labeled "Sewer", and placed at the back end of the sidewalk, 1-inch below the top of the walk. The exact construction method for raising or lowering side sewers shall be reviewed with the City Inspector for approval prior to construction. The contractor shall accurately measure the location of the new side sewer, fittings, turns, and cleanouts in relation to the home and sewer main. The contractor shall prepare a side sewer card for the new side sewer during construction and present it to the City inspector for review and approval when the sewer installation is completed. All pipe, fittings, and material used shall be approved by the City of Renton Wastewater Utility. Rubber or neoprene gaskets as specified by the manufacturer shall be used on the joints. Pipe bedding shall be Bedding Material for Thermoplastic Pipe per Standard Specification Section 9-03.16. Bedding Material shall be placed a minimum of 6 inches below the pipe to 12 inches above the top of the pipe, and compacted to 95 percent of maximum density per ASTM D1557. The Contractor shall ensure proper placement and compaction of pipe bedding under the pipe haunches. Payment for bedding material shall be included in the unit price. Excavated soil shall be used as backfill for the project if it is a clean granular material meeting the general requirements for select borrow material, the maximum particle size shall not exceed 3 inches, and has a moisture content that will allow at least 95 percent compaction when placed. Payment for excavated soil backfill shall be included in the unit price bid. Excess excavated material will be disposed of offsite. This includes all soil, asphalt, concrete, pipe, and other excavated material. Payment to haul and dispose of excess excavated material shall be included in the unit bid price. Bank Run Gravel shall be used only if native material is found to be unsuitable for use as backfill, and after approval by the City. Payment for Bank Run Gravel shall be paid under a separate bid item. r. Measurement for"Relocate Side Sewer" shall be per linear foot of new pipe placed. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th SAW Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 53 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued Payment for "Relocate Side Sewer" shall be complete compensation for all materials, tools, labor, equipment, excavation, new pipe, connection to the sewer main line, installation, bedding, all appurtenances (such as special fittings, bends, connections, etc.), placement of trench backfill, compaction, compaction testing, dewatering, disposal of excess and/or unsuitable materials, erosion and sedimentation control, cleaning and testing, and temporary bypass of all system flows during construction etc. required to complete the work as shown on the Plans and as specified in the contract documents and City Code. Bid Item 46: Stabilized Construction Entrance (SY) Measurement of"Stabilized Construction Entrance" shall be in square yard. The unit contract price for "Stabilized Construction Entrance" per square yard shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, and supplies necessary to furnish as shown in the Plans and as specified in the Special Provisions. Bid Item 47: Erosion Control Blanket (SY) Measurement of"Erosion Control Blanket" shall be in square yard. The unit contract price per square yard for"Erosion Control Blanket" shall be the surface area covered and accepted. Erosion Control Blanket shall be placed on all slopes 3 horizontal to 1 vertical or steeper. Erosion Control Blanket shall meet the specification of Special Provisions Section 8- 01.3(3) and Section 9-14.5. Bid Item 48: Temporary Water Pollution/Erosion Control (LS) Measurement of"Temporary Water Pollution/Erosion Control' shall be per lump sum. The unit contract price per lump sum for "Temporary Water Pollution/Erosion Control' shall include preparation of the TESC Plan in accordance with Sections 8-01.3 (A) and (B), maintenance and removal of erosion and water pollution control devices including removal and disposal of sediment, and any additional work deemed necessary by the Engineer to control erosion and water pollution including additional items such as plastic covering, straw covering, etc. All cost for the Erosion and Sediment Control Lead per Special Provisions Section 8- 01.3 shall be included in the lump sum amount. Bid Item 49: Catch Basin Filter(EA) Measurement of"Catch Basin Filter" shall be per each. The unit contract price per each "Catch Basin Filter" shall be for each initial installation structure. Replacement of damaged protection devices will not be measured. H:\File Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 54 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued Bid Item 50: Clearing Limits Fence (LF) Measurement of"Clearing Limits Fence" shall be per linear foot. Clearing limits fence shall be 4-feet high, orange, high density polyethylene fencing with mesh openings 1'/z-inch by 3-inches nominal and weigh at least 7 oz per linear foot. Either wood or steel posts shall be used. Wood posts shall have minimum dimensions of 1'h inches by 1'h inches by the minimum length of 5 feet, and shall be free of knots, splits, or gouges. Steel posts shall consist of either size No. 6 rebar or larger, ASTM A 120 steel pipe with a minimum diameter of 1 inch, U, T, L or C shape steel posts with a minimum weight of 1.35 lbs./ft. or other steel posts having equivalent strength and bending resistance to the post sizes listed. The spacing of the support posts shall be a maximum of 6'h feet. The unit contract price for"Clearing Limits Fence", per linear foot shall include full pay to complete the installation, maintenance, removal and disposal of the system. Bid Item 51: Seeding, Fertilizing and Mulching (AC) Measurement of "Seeding, Fertilizing, and Mulching" shall be per acre of area accepted in accordance with the Plans and these Specifications. The unit contract price per acre for "Seeding, Fertilizing, and Mulching" shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, and supplies necessary to prepare soil, furnish plant seeds and fertilize, and fine grade as specified and shown on the Plans. This item shall be applied in various locations throughout the project site as directed by the Engineer. Meadow Seed Mix as shown on Plans shall be used for all seeding area. Depending on site conditions the amount of this item may vary. The unit price will not be adjusted if the actual quantity used varies by more than 25 percent. Bid Item 52: Silt Fence (LF) Measurement of "Silt Fence" shall be per the linear foot along the ground line of completed barrier. The unit contract price per linear foot of "Silt Fence" shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, and supplies necessary to install the silt fence. Bid Item 53: Street Cleaning (HR) Measurement of "Street Cleaning" shall be per hour for the actual time spent cleaning pavement, as authorized by the City or Engineer. Time to move the equipment to or from the area on which street cleaning is required will not be measured. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th SAM Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 55 SPECIAL PROVISIONS - Continued The unit contract price per hour of "Street Cleaning" shall be full compensation of equipment, tools, supplies and labor necessary to clean the site. Street Cleaning shall be accomplished by self-propelled pickup street sweepers per Special Provisions Section 8-01.3. Extra cleaning needed for mud or debris on the road caused by failure to maintain erosion control, the construction entrance, or poor construction practice will be the Contractor's responsibility. Bid Item 54: PSIPE Western Red Cedar (Thja Plicata) Measurement of PSIPE Western Red Cedar (Thja Plicata) shall be per each. The unit contract price for "PSIPE Western Red Cedar" per each shall be full pay for all materials, labor, tools, equipment, and supplies necessary for weed control within the planting area, planting area preparation, fine grading, planting, cultivating, and cleanup for the particular items called for in the Plans. As the plants that include plant establishment are obtained, propagated, and grown, partial payments shall be made as follows after inspection by the Engineer: Payment of 5 percent of the unit contract price, per each, when the plant materials have been contracted, propagated, and are growing under nursery conditions. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with certification that the plant material has been procured or contracted for delivery to the project for planting within the time limits of the project. The certification shall state the location, quantity, and size of all material. Payment shall be increased to 15 percent of the unit contract price, per each, upon completion of the initial weed control work. Payment shall be increased to 60 percent of the unit contract price per each for the contracted plant material in a designated unit area when planted. Payment shall be increased to 80 percent of the unit contract price per each for contracted plant material at the completion of the initial planting. At the closing of the project the payment shall be increased to 100%. The contractor is responsible for the plant establishment for 1 full year. At the end of 1 full year any dead plants shall be replaced at no additional cost to the City. All partial payments shall be limited to the actual number of healthy vigorous plants that meet the stage requirements, limited to plan quantity. Payments at any stage shall not constitute acceptance of plants, nor shall the ownership or title transfer to the Contracting Agency. Materials found not acceptable at any stage shall be rejected and replaced at the Contractor's expense. Previous partial payments made for materials rejected or missing will be deducted from future payments due the Contractor. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 56 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued Bid Item 55: PSIPE Leyland Cypress (Cupressocyparis Leylandii) Measurement of PSIPE Leyland Cypress (Cupressocyparis Leylandii) shall be per each. The unit contract price for "PSIPE Leyland Cypress" per each shall be full pay for all materials, labor, tools, equipment, and supplies necessary for weed control within the planting area, planting area preparation, fine grading, planting, cultivating, and cleanup for the particular items called for in the Plans. As the plants that include plant establishment are obtained, propagated, and grown, partial payments shall be made as follows after inspection by the Engineer: Payment of 5 percent of the unit contract price, per each, when the plant materials have been contracted, propagated, and are growing under nursery conditions. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with certification that the plant material has been procured or contracted for delivery to the project for planting within the time limits of the project. The certification shall state the location, quantity, and size of all material. Payment shall be increased to 15 percent of the unit contract price, per each, upon completion of the initial weed control work. Payment shall be increased to 60 percent of the unit contract price per each for the contracted plant material in a designated unit area when planted. Payment shall be increased to 80 percent of the unit contract price per each for contracted plant material at the completion of the initial planting. At the closing of the project the payment shall be increased to 100%. The contractor is responsible for the plant establishment for 1 full year. At the end of 1 full year any dead plants shall be replaced at no additional cost to the City. All partial payments shall be limited to the actual number of healthy vigorous plants that meet the stage requirements, limited to plan quantity. Payments at any stage shall-not constitute acceptance of plants, nor shall the ownership or title transfer to the Contracting Agency. Materials found not acceptable at any stage shall be rejected and replaced at the Contractor's expense. Previous partial payments made for materials rejected or missing will be deducted from future payments due the Contractor. Bid Item 56: PSIPE Douglas-Fir(Pseudotsuga Menziesii) Measurement of PSIPE Douglas-Fir (Pseudotsuga Menziesii) shall be per each. The unit contract price for "PSIPE Douglas-Fir" per each shall be full pay for all materials, labor, tools, equipment, and supplies necessary for weed control within the planting area, planting area preparation, fine grading, planting, cultivating, and cleanup for the particular items called for in the Plans. As the plants that include plant establishment are obtained, propagated, and grown, partial payments shall be made as follows after inspection by the Engineer: Payment of 5 percent of the unit contract price, per each, when the plant materials have -. been contracted, propagated, and are growing under nursery conditions. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with certification that the plant material has been procured or HARe Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 Fina]Specs\ Page 57 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued contracted for delivery to the project for planting within the time limits of the project. The certification shall state the location, quantity, and size of all material. Payment shall be increased to 15 percent of the unit contract price, per each, upon completion of the initial weed control work. Payment shall be increased to 60 percent of the unit contract price per each for the contracted plant material in a designated unit area when planted. Payment shall be increased to 80 percent of the unit contract price per each for contracted plant material at the completion of the initial planting. At the closing of the project the payment shall be increased to 100%. The contractor is responsible for the plant establishment for 1 full year. At the end of 1 full year any dead plants shall be replaced at no additional cost to the City. All partial payments shall be limited to the actual number of healthy vigorous plants that meet the stage requirements, limited to plan quantity. Payments at any stage shall not constitute acceptance of plants, nor shall the ownership or title transfer to the Contracting Agency. Materials found not acceptable at any stage shall be rejected and replaced at the Contractor's expense. Previous partial payments made for materials rejected or missing will be deducted from future payments due the Contractor. Bid Item 57: PSIPE Mock Orange (Philadelphus Lewisii) Measurement of PSIPE Mock Orange (Philadelphus Lewisii) shall be per each. The unit contract price for "PSIPE Mock Orange" per each shall be full pay for all materials, labor, tools, equipment, and supplies necessary for weed control within the planting area, planting area preparation, fine grading, planting, cultivating, and cleanup for the particular items called for in the Plans. As the plants that include plant establishment are obtained, propagated, and grown, partial payments shall be made as follows after inspection by the Engineer: Payment of 5 percent of the unit contract price, per each, when the plant materials have been contracted, propagated, and are growing under nursery conditions. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with certification that the plant material has been procured or contracted for delivery to the project for planting within the time limits of the project. The certification shall state the location, quantity, and size of all material. Payment shall be increased to 15 percent of the unit contract price, per each, upon completion of the initial weed control work. Payment shall be increased to 60 percent of the unit contract price per each for the contracted plant material in a designated unit area when planted. Payment shall be increased to 80 percent of the unit contract price per each for contracted plant material at the completion of the initial planting. At the closing of the project the payment shall be increased to 100%. The contractor is responsible for the plant establishment for 1 full year. At the end of 1 full year any dead plants shall be replaced at no additional cost to the City. All partial payments shall be limited to the actual number of healthy vigorous plants that meet the stage requirements, limited to plan quantity. Payments at any stage shall not constitute acceptance of plants, nor shall the ownership or title transfer to the HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 Fina[Specs\ Page 58 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued Contracting Agency. Materials found not acceptable at any stage shall be rejected and replaced at the Contractor's expense. Previous partial payments made for materials rejected or missing will be deducted from future payments due the Contractor. Bid Item 58: PSIPE Oregon Ash (Fraxinus Latifolia) Measurement of PSIPE Oregon Ash (Fraxinus Latifolia) shall be per each. The unit contract price for "PSIPE Oregon Ash" per each shall be full pay for all materials, labor, tools, equipment, and supplies necessary for weed control within the planting area, planting area preparation, fine grading, planting, cultivating, and cleanup for the particular items called for in the Plans. As the plants that include plant establishment are obtained, propagated, and grown,partial payments shall be made as follows after inspection by the Engineer: Payment of 5 percent of the unit contract price, per each, when the plant materials have been contracted, propagated, and are growing under nursery conditions. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with certification that the plant material has been procured or contracted for delivery to the project for planting within the time limits of the project. The certification shall state the location, quantity, and size of all material. Payment shall be increased to 15 percent of the unit contract price, per each, upon completion of the initial weed control work. Payment shall be increased to 60 percent of the unit contract price per each for the contracted plant material in a designated unit area when planted. Payment shall be increased to 80 percent of the unit contract price per each for contracted plant material at the completion of the initial planting. At the closing of the project the payment shall be increased to 100%. The contractor is responsible for the plant establishment for 1 full year. At the end of 1 full year any dead plants shall be replaced at no additional cost to the City. All partial payments shall be limited to the actual number of healthy vigorous plants that meet the stage requirements, limited to plan quantity. Payments at any stage shall not constitute acceptance of plants, nor shall the ownership or title transfer to the Contracting Agency. Materials found not acceptable at any stage shall be rejected and replaced at the Contractor's expense. Previous partial payments made for materials rejected or missing will be deducted from future payments due the Contractor. Bid Item 59: PSIPE Red Osier Dogwood (Cornus sericea Var. Sericia) Measurement of PSIPE Red Osier Dogwood (Cornus sericea Var. Sericia) shall be per each. The unit contract price for "PSIPE Red Osier Dogwood" per each shall be full pay for all materials, labor, tools, equipment, and supplies necessary for weed control within the planting area, planting area preparation, fine grading, planting, cultivating, and cleanup for the particular items called for in the Plans. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 59 SPECIAL PROVISIONS-Continued As the plants that include plant establishment are obtained, propagated, and grown, partial payments shall be made as follows after inspection by the Engineer: Payment of 5 percent of the unit contract price, per each, when the plant materials have been contracted, propagated, and are growing under nursery conditions. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with certification that the plant material has been procured or contracted for delivery to the project for planting within the time limits of the project. The certification shall state the location, quantity, and size of all material. Payment shall be increased to 15 percent of the unit contract price, per each, upon completion of the initial weed control work. Payment shall be increased to 60 percent of the unit contract price per each for the contracted plant material in a designated unit area when planted. Payment shall be increased to 80 percent of the unit contract price per each for contracted plant material at the completion of the initial planting. At the closing of the project the payment shall be increased to 100%. The contractor is responsible for the plant establishment for 1 full year. At the end of 1 full year any dead plants shall be replaced at no additional cost to the City. All partial payments shall be limited to the actual number of healthy vigorous plants that meet the stage requirements, limited to plan quantity. Payments at any stage shall not constitute acceptance of plants, nor shall the ownership or title transfer to the Contracting Agency. Materials found not acceptable at any stage shall be rejected and replaced at the Contractor's expense. Previous partial payments made for materials rejected or missing will be deducted from future payments due the Contractor. Bid Item 60: PSIPE Camellia (Camellia Japonica) Measurement of PSIPE Western Camellia (Camellia Japonica) shall be per each. The unit contract price for "PSIPE Western Camellia" per each shall be full pay for all materials, labor, tools, equipment, and supplies necessary for weed control within the planting area, planting area preparation, fine grading, planting, cultivating, and cleanup for the particular items called for in the Plans. As the plants that include plant establishment are obtained, propagated, and grown, partial payments shall be made as follows after inspection by the Engineer: Payment of 5 percent of the unit contract price, per each, when the plant materials have been contracted, propagated, and are growing under nursery conditions. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with certification that the plant material has been procured or contracted for delivery to the project for planting within the time limits of the project. The certification shall state the location, quantity, and size of all material Payment shall be increased to 15 percent of the unit contract price, per each, upon completion of the initial weed control work. Payment shall be increased to 60 percent of the unit contract price per each for the contracted plant material in a designated unit area when planted. Payment shall be increased to 80 percent of the unit contract price per each for contracted plant material at the completion of the initial planting. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 60 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued At the closing of the project the payment shall be increased to 100%. The contractor is responsible for the plant establishment for 1 full year. At the end of 1 full year any dead plants shall be replaced at no additional cost to the City. All partial payments shall be limited to the actual number of healthy vigorous plants that meet the stage requirements, limited to plan quantity. Payments at any stage shall not constitute acceptance of plants, nor shall the ownership or title transfer to the Contracting Agency. Materials found not acceptable at any stage shall be rejected and replaced at the Contractor's expense. Previous partial payments made for materials rejected or missing will be deducted from future payments due the Contractor. Bid Item 61: PSIPE Evergreen Clematis (Clematis Armandii) Measurement of PSIPE Evergreen Clematis (Clematis Armandii) shall be per each. The unit contract price for "PSIPE Evergreen Clematis" per each shall be full pay for all materials, labor, tools, equipment, and supplies necessary for weed control within the planting area, planting area preparation, fine grading, planting, cultivating, and cleanup for the particular items called for in the Plans. As the plants that include plant establishment are obtained, propagated, and grown, partial payments shall be made as follows after inspection by the Engineer: Payment of 5 percent of the unit contract price, per each, when the plant materials have been contracted, propagated, and are growing under nursery conditions. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with certification that the plant material has been procured or contracted for delivery to the project for planting within the time limits of the project. The certification shall state the location, quantity, and size of all material. Payment shall be increased to 15 percent of the unit contract price, per each, upon completion of the initial weed control work. Payment shall be increased to 60 percent of the unit contract price per each for the contracted plant material in a designated unit area when planted. Payment shall be increased to 80 percent of the unit contract price per each for contracted plant material at the completion of the initial planting. s At the closing of the project the payment shall be increased to 100%. The contractor is responsible for the plant establishment for 1 full year. At the end of 1 full year any dead plants shall be replaced at no additional cost to the City. All partial payments shall be limited to the actual number of healthy vigorous plants that meet the stage requirements, limited to plan quantity. Payments at any stage shall not A constitute acceptance of plants, nor shall the ownership or title transfer to the Contracting Agency. Materials found not acceptable at any stage shall be rejected and replaced at the Contractor's expense. Previous partial payments made for materials rejected or missing will be deducted from future payments due the Contractor. Bid Item 62: Topsoil Type A (CY) Measurement of "Topsoil Type A" shall be per cubic yard in haul conveyance at the point of delivery and as accepted by the Engineer. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 61 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued The unit contract price per cubic yard for "Topsoil Type A" shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, and supplies necessary to furnish and place topsoil as shown in the Plans. Topsoil Type A shall meet the specifications in Special Provisions Section 8-01.3(17). Depending on site conditions the amount of this item may vary. The unit price will not be adjusted if the actual quantity used varies by more than 25 percent. Bid Item 63: Cement Conc. Curb and Gutter(LF) Measurement of "Cement Conc. Curb and Gutter" shall be per linear feet along the line and slope of the completed curb, gutters, including bends. The unit contract price for "Cement Conc. Curb and Gutter' shall be per linear foot of curbing installed. Bid Item 64: Coated Chain Link Fence Type 1 (LF) Coated Chain Link Fence Type 1 shall be per WSDOT Std. Specs. Section 8-12. The chain link fence fabric shall be green vinyl coated. All posts, cross bars, and gates shall be painted or coated the same color as the fence fabric. The color is intended to be inconspicuous and blend with the surrounding vegetation. The proposed color shall be submitted for review and approval by the engineer. Depending on site conditions the amount of this item may vary. The unit price will not be adjusted if the actual quantity used varies by more than 25 percent. Measurement of "Coated Chain Link Fence Type 1" shall be per linear foot of fence installed. Measurement and payment includes all end, corner, and pull posts. All cost for clearing the fence line shall be included in the unit price per linear foot. Payment for "Coated Chain Link Fence Type 1" shall be complete compensation for all materials, labor, tools, and equipment necessary for the installation of the fence including, posts, concrete, hardware, and one five foot wide gate per residential installation, as shown on the Plans and as required by the Engineer. Bid Item 65: Double 20 Ft. Coated Chain Link Gate (EA) Double 20 Ft Coated Chain Link Gate 1 shall be per WSDOT Std. Specs. Section 8-12. The chain link fence fabric shall be green vinyl coated. All posts, cross bars, and gates shall be painted or coated the same color as the fence fabric. The proposed color shall be submitted for review and approval by the engineer. HARe Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinarSpecs\ Page 62 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued Measurement of "Double 20 Ft. Coated Chain Link Gate" shall be per each furnished and installed. Payment for "Double 20 Ft. Coated Chain Link Gate" shall be complete compensation for all materials, labor, tools, and equipment necessary for the installation of the gate including, posts, concrete, hardware, and any other items needed, as shown on the Plans and as required by the Engineer. Bid Item 66 : Reset Monument (EA) This item includes all work needed to furnish and replace monuments, cases, and covers where existing monuments are impacted or disturbed by the project. Reset Monuments shall be per Supplement Specifications Section 8-13 "Monument Cases", and City of Renton Surveying Standards. Monuments shall be per City of Renton Std. Detail HR-04 The Contractor shall supply the monument and survey work. The survey work shall be under the direct supervision of a qualified surveyor licensed by the State of Washington, and in accordance with the City of Renton Surveying Standards. The survey work shall be in accordance with Supplemental Specifications Sections 1- 05.4(1) and 1-05.4(2). For each monument a City of Renton Monument Card shall be filled out by the Surveyor and submitted to the City All existing City Monuments (monuments in cases and R.R. spikes) that can be located by their physical presence or existing reference points/ties shall be replaced with new monuments in cases if they are disturbed or removed by the project. Existing City Monuments that can not be physically located will not be replaced. At the start of the project the surveyor shall inspect the project site and located all City Monuments and reference points that are present so they can be replaced after construction, if needed. City Street Monuments shall be located on the ROW centerline. The x, y, z coordinates shall be established per the Renton Surveying Standards. The Surveyor shall establish new reference points for street monuments where construction destroys existing reference points (curbs, sidewalks, etc.). For each monument the Surveyor shall submit a new City of Renton Monument card with the updated monument and reference point information. Measurement for"Reset Monument" shall be per each. y Payment for "Reset Monument" shall be compete compensation for all materials, tools, labor, equipment, excavation and disposal of excess and waste materials required to complete the work as specified in the contract documents and City Code. H:\File Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 63 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued Bid Item 67: Cement Conc. Sidewalk (SY) The measurement of "Cement Conc. Sidewalk" will be measured by the square yard of - finished surface. The unit bid price per square yard for "Cement Concrete Sidewalk" shall be full compensation for all costs necessary or incidental to furnishing the all labor, equipment, tools, and materials, in connection with preparing the subgrade, placing crushed surfacing, construction of cement concrete sidewalk, furnishing and placing all expansion joint material, adjusting existing residential sidewalks and protecting all sidewalks from damage until accepted by the Owner. Cement Concrete Sidewalk shall conform to Supplemental Specification Section 8-14, City of Renton Standard Detail F 007, and as is shown on the Plans. Crushed Surfacing shall be paid under bid item "Crushed Surfacing Top Course." Sawcutting will be paid under a separate bid item. Depending on site conditions the amount of this item may vary. The unit price will not be adjusted if the actual quantity used varies by more than 25 percent. Bid Item 68: Sidewalk Ramp Type 2A (SY) The measurement of "Sidewalk Ramp Type 2A" will be measured by the square yard of finished surface. The unit bid price per square yard for "Sidewalk Ramp Type 2A" shall be full compensation for all costs necessary or incidental to furnishing the all labor, equipment, tools, and materials, in connection with preparing the subgrade, placing crushed surfacing, construction of cement concrete ramp, warning pattern, furnishing and placing all expansion joint material, adjusting existing residential sidewalks and protecting all sidewalks from damage until accepted by the Owner. Cement Concrete Sidewalk shall conform to Supplemental Specification Section 8-14, WSDOT Standard Plan F-3b, City of Renton Standard Plan F-01(modified) and as shown on the Plans. Crushed Surfacing shall be paid under bid item "Crushed Surfacing Top Course." Concrete Barrier Curb and Gutter, and Pedestrian Curb, shall be paid under the Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter Bid Item. Sawcutting will be paid under a that bid item. Depending on site conditions the amount of this item may vary. The unit price will not be adjusted if the actual quantity used varies by more than 25 percent. HARe Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 64 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued Bid Item 69: Control of Water(LS) Measurement of"Control of Water" shall be per lump sum. Payment for this item will be prorated over the construction period of the detention Pond. This item includes control and removal of any storm water, ground water, and water from any other source from the detention pond excavation per Special Provision Section 8-30. Bid Item 70: Quarry Spalls (Ton) Measurement of"Quarry Spalls " shall be per ton. Quarry Spalls shall consist of broken stone, sound and resistant to weathering. Broken concrete shall not be used. Quarry spalls shall conform to the requirements of Standard Specifications Sections 9-13 and 9-13.6. This item will be used for Quarry Spalls called out for use in the plans, but not including the Stabilized Construction Entrance. This item will also be used when the bottom of excavations and trenches does not present a stable surface for placement and compaction of backfill or pipe bedding, and over excavation is approved by the Engineer. Unsuitable excavated material will be disposed of offsite. This includes all soil, asphalt, concrete, and other excavated material. Payment to haul and dispose of unsuitable excavated material shall be included in the unit bid price. Measurement for furnishing and placing quarry spalls will be based on actual tonnage weight as determined by measurement from a certified scale. The quantity for this item is included to provide a common proposal for bid purposes. The actual quantity used in construction may vary from that amount The unit price will not be adjusted if the actual quantity used varies by more than 25 percent. Payment for "Quarry Spalls" will be made at the unit price bid per ton, which payment will be considered complete compensation for all labor, equipment and materials required to complete this item of work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Bid Item 71: Riprap (Ton) Measurement of"Riprap" shall be per ton. The unit contract price per ton for "Riprap" shall be full compensation for all labor, material, equipment, tools necessary to furnish and place the material as shown on plans. Riprap shall meet the following requirements for grading: Size Percent passing by Weight HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 65 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued 16" 80-100 12" 40-60 4" 0-10 Bid Item 72: Compaction Testing (EA) Measurement for"Compaction Testing" shall be per each test performed. The unit contract price per each for "Compaction Testing" shall be full compensation for all labor, materials, equipment, laboratory costs, etc, needed to sample, test, and report each Compaction Test for the project. This item applies to all compaction tests for all material needed for the project. The test requirements for the different materials are contained in those bid items and/or specifications. For native soil or Bank Run Gravel used for trench backfill the average testing frequency will be 1 test per every 50 CY ( or 80 tons) of backfill placed. Backfill testing will be performed on a continuous basis throughout project construction. The test results shall be furnished to the City Inspector immediately after testing. The City may require additional testing, or may increase or decrease the frequency of testing at it's discretion. The City may require the Contractor to remove any unsatisfactory backfill, place new backfill, and retest any areas that do not meet compaction requirements at the Contractor cost. The actual quantity for this item may vary. The unit price will not be adjusted if the actual quantity used varies by more than 25 percent. Bid Item 73: Remove Siphon and Culverts (LS) This item includes all work needed to remove the existing siphon pipes in Whitman CT NE between the proposed locations for CB-40 and 41, and cutting and removing the existing culverts above the siphon. It also includes all work needed to remove the bottom sections of the existing catch basins at the locations for CB-40 and 41, below the depth needed to install the new catch basins. The work includes excavating, removing, hauling, and disposal of all excess and unsuitable soil, pipe, catch basin sections, and any other material. It includes neatly cutting the old culvert pipes to prepare them for plugging. It includes any dewatering of the excavation that may be needed. Bypassing or pumping the flow in the existing storm system around the excavation is incidental to the work. Shoring for the excavation will be paid under the Shoring bid item. Suitable excavated soil shall be used for backfill if it is a clean granular material meeting the general requirements for select borrow material, and is capable of being compacted to 95 percent compaction when placed. If existing soils are not suitable for backfill other suitable soils from the project excavation may be used. Use of existing soils shall be included in the bid price. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 66 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued If suitable soils are not available Bank Run Gravel may be used after approval by the City. Payment for Bank Run Gravel shall be under that bid item. Measurement for Removing Siphon and Culverts shall be per Lump Sum. Payment for Removing Siphon and Culverts shall be compete compensation for all materials, tools, labor, equipment, excavation and disposal of excess and waste materials required to complete the work as specified in the contract documents and City Code. Bid Item 74: Plug Large Culverts (EA) This item includes all work needed to plug and fill the existing culverts located between the proposed locations for CB-40 and 41. The culverts may be 31" x 50" CMP Arch pipes. Culverts shall be plugged with concrete per Standard Specs Section 7-08.3(4). The work includes all materials needed to form a water tight plug for each pipe end. Each plug shall be constructed so the culvert pipe can be filled with high flow-able Control Density Fill (CDF) and sealed. The work includes filling each culvert section with CDF. Payment for high flow-able CDF shall be under that bid item. Measurement will only be made for each culvert end that needs a plug. If the culverts were previously removed or plugged measurement and payment will be zero for those culvert ends. Measurement for Plug Large Culverts shall be per each culvert end. Payment for Plug Large Culverts shall be compete compensation for all materials, tools, labor, equipment, and disposal of excess and waste materials required to complete the work as specified in the contract documents and City Code. Bid Item 75: Remove, Replace, Wood Fence and Dumpster Corral (LF) This item includes all work needed to remove the entire dumpster corral, and the sections of the existing wood fence needed to construct the new storm water line. It includes rebuilding a new wood fence and dumpster corral in the same location as the existing structures. This item includes removing the existing wood structures, hauling, and disposal of the debris. Waste materials shall be disposed of at an approved and licensed site, or recycling facility, per Standard Specs Section 2-03.3(7)C. This item includes all work needed to rebuild the wood fence and dumpster corral with x. new wood materials, posts, footings, and fittings to match the old structures. The new wood fence will be constructed to match and blend smoothly with the existing fence. H:\File Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th SAM Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 67 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued The new wood structures shall be sealed and painted with two coats of paint to match the existing color. The dumpster corral is 6' tall, 10'-6" wide, and 8'-3" on the west side and 10'-3" on the east side. On the north side it has two swinging doors offset by 3'. Final inspection will be performed by the City. Any items do not match the old structures shall be corrected by the contractor at no additional expense to the City. Measurement for Remove, Replace, Wood Fence and Dumpster Corral shall be per linear foot. Payment for Remove, Replace, Wood Fence and Dumpster Corral shall be compete compensation for all materials, tools, labor, equipment, and disposal of excess and waste materials required to complete the work as specified in the contract documents and City Code. Bid Item 76: Remove Trees, Restore Planting Strip (LS) This item includes all work needed to remove the existing trees and planting strip at the south end of the Apt complex ( north of CB-43 ) for new storm water line construction, and replacing the trees and planting strip in the same location after the new pipe is installed. Depend on conditions, two or three large trees about 40 to 60 feet high, may need to be removed. This item includes removing two or three large trees, roots, soil, and hauling and disposal of the debris. Waste materials shall be disposed of at an approved and licensed site, or recycling facility, per Standard Specs Section 2-03.3(7)C. This item includes all work needed to restore the planting strip and replace the trees with new trees or bushes. The planting strip will be brought the same level as the adjacent section of the planting strip. The top layer of the planting strip will consist of twelve inches of new topsoil. Payment for Topsoil will be under that bid item. New concrete curbing shall be the same type as existing, and shall be installed to match and blend into the existing curbing. Payment for curbing shall be under the Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter bid item. New trees or shrubs shall be Red Osier Dogwood planted approx. 6 feet on center. Payment for Red Osier Dogwood shall be under that bid item. Measurement for Remove Trees, Restore Planting Strip shall be per lump sum. Payment for Remove Trees, Restore Planting Strip shall be compete compensation for all materials, tools, labor, equipment, and disposal of excess and waste materials required to complete the work as specified in the contract documents and City Code. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 68 , SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued Bid Item 77: Sod Installation (SY) This item includes all work needed to provide and install new sod where shown on the plans, described in bid items, and directed by the City. This item includes the fertilizing, watering, and mowing needed to establish the sod. Sod shall meet Special Provisions and Standard Specs Sections 9-14.6(8). Sod shall be cut from fields no more than 24 hours before installation at the job site. Depending on site conditions the amount of this item may vary. The unit price will not be adjusted if the actual quantity used varies by more than 25 percent. Measurement of Sod Installation shall be per square yard of actual sod installed, established, and accepted in accordance to the plans and specifications. Payment for Sod Installation shall be complete compensation for all materials tools, labor, equipment, disposal of excess and waste materials needed to complete the work as specified in the contract documents. Payment shall be in the following sequence for a healthy, vigorous lawn: Item Payment Completion of Lawn Planting 60% of the area Mid Establishment (after 2 mowings) 20 % of the area Final Establishment (project completion) 20 % of the area Bid Item 78: Ductile Iron Storm Pipe 8-Inch Diameter (LF) Measurement of"Ductile Iron Storm Pipe 8-Inch. Diameter" shall be per linear foot along the invert of the pipe from the center of catch basin to the center of catch basin, or similar structure. Where the pipe does not begin or end within a catch basin, the pipe shall be measured from the ends of the pipe. The unit contract price per linear foot of"Ductile Iron Storm Pipe 8-Inch Diameter' of the type and size specified shall be full pay for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary to complete the installation, including all pavement removal and disposal; storm sewer trench excavation; dewatering (when required); furnishing and installing storm sewer pipe and fittings; pipe bedding; backfill with native material; compaction; connection to new or existing storm sewers and structures, all appurtenances (such as special fittings, bends, connections, catch basin connectors, etc.), adjusting inverts; haul and disposal of excess trench material including unsuitable material; cleaning and testing; and temporary patching asphalt to allow for the passage of traffic. Cleaning and testing of storm sewer pipe in accordance with Section 7-04.3(1) will be included in the unit cost of storm sewer pipe. Ductile Iron storm sewer pipe shall meet the specifications detailed in Section 9-05.13 of the Special Provisions and Standard Specifications. Ductile iron storm sewer pipe shall be Class 52. Watertight joints shall be furnished and installed. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 69 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued Pipe bedding shall be Bedding Material for Rigid Pipe per Standard Specifications Section 9-03.15. Bedding Material shall be placed from a minimum of 6 inches below the pipe to 6 inches above the top of the pipe, and compacted to 95 percent of maximum density per ASTM D1557. The Contractor shall ensure proper placement and compaction of pipe bedding under the pipe haunches. Payment for bedding material shall be included in the unit price bid for pipe in place. Suitable excavated soil shall be used as backfill for the project if it is a clean granular material meeting the general requirements for select borrow material, the maximum particle size shall not exceed 3 inches, and has a moisture content that will allow at least 95 percent compaction when placed. Payment for excavated trench backfill shall be included in the unit price bid for pipe in place. Excess and/or unsuitable excavated material will be loaded and disposed of offsite. This includes all soil, asphalt, concrete, existing storm sewer pipe, and other excavated material. Payment to haul and dispose of excavated material shall be included in the unit price bid for pipe in place. Bank Run Gravel shall be used only if native material is found to be unsuitable for use as backfill, and after approval by the City. Payment for Bank Run Gravel shall be paid - under Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill. Bid Item 79: Restore Pavement Markings (LS) The measurement for Restore Pavement Markings shall be per lump sum. Payment will be considered complete compensation for all labor, equipment, and materials required to complete this item of work in accordance with the Contract Documents. This item consists of all tasks necessary to furnish and install new pavement markings for all pavement areas affected by the project. Pavement markings include, but are not limited to stop bars, crosswalk striping, centerlines, lane lines, traffic buttons, and blue fire hydrant marker buttons. It is the Contractor's responsibility to review the project area prior the bid to determine all work needed for this item. The new markings shall be identical to the existing markings except where shown otherwise on the Plans and shall be installed to fit with the existing markings. New markings shall be extended as needed to fit with existing markings. In some areas it may be necessary to replace old markings outside the pavement restoration area with completely new markings (for example: a new stop bar will be placed across the entire lane width where a pavement patch was installed). Pavement markings shall follow the Supplemental Specifications Section 8-22 and Standard Specifications Section 8-22. Bid Item 80: Television Inspection (LS) Measurement of Television Inspection shall be per lump sum. The lump contract price shall cover the complete cost of providing all labor, materials, equipment, and video tape recordings necessary to document the completed condition HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 70 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued of the newly installed pipes. The new storm sewer pipe installed for the project will be inspected between all Type 2 catch basins, approximately 6,500 linear feet. Inspection is not required between Type 2 to Type 1 and Type 1 to Type 1 catch basins. Television Inspection shall comply with Special Provisions Section 7-17.3(2)H. Television inspection shall be performed for the entire storm system main line including CB-40 to 41, CB-42 to 1, CB-1 to 11, CB-17 to 12, CB-12 to 60, CB-15 to 19, and CB-16 and 17 into the detention pond The Television Inspection may be performed during project construction or after all work is completed, as the Contractor chooses. Bid Item 81: Minor Changes (LS) Measurement of Minor Change shall be per lump sum. The unit contract price for Minor Changes shall be $5,000. At the discretion of the Contracting Agency, all or part of this lump sum may be used in lieu of the more formal procedure as outlined in Section 1-04.4 of the Standard Specifications. All work and payment under this item must be authorized in writing by the City Project Manager or Supervisor. Payment will be determined in accordance with Section 1-09.4 of the Standard Specifications. Payment for this item will only be for the changes and amounts approved by the City. If no changes are authorized under this item final payment for this bid item will be $0 (zero). HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 Fina]Specs\ Page 71 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued DIVISION 2 EARTHWORK 2-01 CLEARING, GRUBBING, AND ROADSIDE CLEANUP 2-01.1 Description Section 2-01.1 is supplemented with the following: The construction area of the right-of-way shall be cleared and grubbed by the Contractor. The Contractor shall determine prior to the bid opening the extent of work by field inspection, using the topographic features shown on the Plans as a guide for determining the right-of-way location. Existing landscaping, including but not limited to, rockeries, beauty bark, decorative gravel or rock, bushes, trees, and shrubbery adjacent to the work areas shall be protected from damage and/or temporarily removed and/or relocated as required. The Contractor shall assume all costs for these items to include, but not be limited to, protection, removal, temporary or permanent relocation, watering, staking, etc. No separate monies will be due the Contractor for this work. The property owners shall be requested to remove and/or relocate ornamental trees, shrubs, irrigation, wood headers, ornamental plants, and any other decorative landscaping materials within the work areas that they wish to save. The Contractor shall notify both verbally and in writing all abutting property owners and allow them a minimum of two weeks from the date the property owner is notified for the property owner to remove landscaping within the work area. The Contractor shall temporarily remove all such items not removed by the property owner. For bidding purposes the Contractor shall assume that he/she shall remove and replace all such items. The Contractor shall submit a checklist to the City verifying notification of property owners of landscaping relocation requirements. Shrubs and trees with less than two inches caliper trunks at the bases shall be relocated at the edge of the right-of-way or outside the limits of construction along the property owner's frontage as directed by the Owner. All landscaping materials not removed by the property owner(s) shall be removed, relocated, or disposed of (if authorized by property owner) by the Contractor in accordance with Section 2-01 of the Standard Specifications. Prior to the removal of the landscaping materials, the Contractor must receive approval from the Engineer to begin this work. All costs of the work shall be considered incidental to the Contract and as such merged in the various price bid. If the Contractor removes or damages any existing plant or plants not designated for removal because of any act, omission, neglect of misconduct in the execution of the work, such plant(s) shall be restored or replaced by the Contractor to a condition similar or equal to that existing before such damage or removal at the Contractor's expense. 2-01.2 Disposal of Usable Material and Debris HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 72 SPECIAL PROVISIONS - Continued The third paragraph of Section 2-01.1 is deleted and replaced with the following: Refuse and debris shall be hauled to a waste site secured by the Contractor and shall be disposed of in such a manner as to meet all requirements of state, county, and municipal regulations regarding health, safety and public welfare. 2-01.3 Construction Requirement Section 2-01.3(2) is supplemented with the following: The Contractor shall grub the 12" of top soil or deep enough to remove all roots of blackberries from the detention pond site within the clearing limits as shown on the plans and/or as directed by Engineer. 2-02 REMOVAL OF STRUCTURES AND OBSTRUCTIONS 2-02.1 Description Supplement this section with the following: The work shall consist of necessary removal and disposal of existing improvements, including pavements, sidewalks, curbs, concrete road structures, catch basins, manholes, abandoned piping, and other items necessary for the completion of the project. All removal will be included under the contract unit price for each item to be removed. 2-02.3 Construction Details 2-02.3(1) General Requirements Supplement this section with the following: The removal(s) shall be conducted in such a manner as not to damage existing utilities, roadway, and other structures that are to remain in place. The Contractor shall repair, replace, or otherwise restore damage resulting from his/her activities. The limits of removal for concrete or rigid materials shall be either the edge of the structure, and existing construction joint, or a new sawcut. The depth of saw cuts shall be such as will accomplish the intended purpose, and will be determined in the field to the satisfaction of the engineer. 2-02.3(1)A Salvage (New Section) Unless otherwise indicated in the Plans or Specifications, all removed items of recoverable value shall be carefully salvaged and delivered to the City in good condition, and as directed by the City. Materials and items deemed of no value by the City shall be HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 Fina]Specs\ Page 73 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued removed by the Contractor, and shall become the Contractor's property to be disposed of at no additional cost to the City. 2-02.3(3) Removal of Pavement, Sidewalks, and Curbs SUPPLEMENT Amend with the following: 4. All broken-up pieces shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be removed from the project. 5. Prior to removal, the Contractor shall make a full-depth sawcut between any existing pavement, sidewalk, or curb that is to remain and the portion to be removed. The Engineer shall approve the equipment and procedures used to make the full-depth sawcut. No wastewater from the sawcutting operation shall be released directly to any stream or storm sewer system. 6. The Contractor shall replace at no expense to the Contracting Agency and to the satisfaction of the Engineer any existing pavement, sidewalk or curb designated to remain that is damaged during the removal operation. Payment for removal of pavement shall be incidental and included in the costs of other bid items as described in these Supplemental Specifications. Curb and Gutter Removal shall be included in the bid item for Remove Concrete Sidewalk. 2-02.3(4) Removal of Catch Basins and Piping NEW Where shown in the Plans or where designated by the Engineer, the Contractor shall remove existing catch basins and piping in accordance with Section 2-02 of the Standard Specifications. Removal shall be conducted in such a manner to prevent damage to surrounding facilities including any existing storm sewers, sanitary sewers, electrical conduits, or other facilities to remain. All remaining facilities including storm sewers, sanitary sewers, and electrical conduits damaged due to the Contractor's operations shall be replaced by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the Engineer at no additional cost to the City. Catch basins and piping designated for removal, including all debris, shall be completely removed. All removed catch basins and piping shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be disposed of in accordance with Section 2-02 of the Standard Specifications. All frames, grates, and solid covers shall become the property of the City and shall be delivered to a location specified by the Engineer. Sawcutting (full depth) of existing asphalt concrete pavement and cement concrete curb and gutter surrounding the catch basin, manhole or piping required for removal will be payed for separately. Sawcuts shall be in accordance with Section 2-02.3(4) of these Special Provisions. Backfilling of catch basins to be removed and replaced shall not be performed until the new catch basin is installed in accordance with Section 7-05 of the Standard Specifications. Backfilling of existing piping to be removed and replaced with new storm sewer piping shall not be performed until the new piping is installed in accordance with HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 N E I 0th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 74 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued Section 7-04 of the Standard Specifications. Backfilling shall be considered incidental to the construction and installation of the storm sewer and catch basin or manhole. Backfilling catch basins or piping to be completely removed shall be done with gravel borrow. Prior to backfilling any voids, the Contractor shall plug any abandoned pipe with commercial concrete in accordance with Section 7-08.3(4). Material, labor, tools, and equipment necessary to plug any abandoned pipe shall be considered incidental to Removal of Catch Basin and Removal of Manhole. The Contractor shall maintain existing drainage, where designated by the Engineer, until the new drainage system is completely installed and functioning to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 2-02.3(4) Sawcutting (New Section) Where shown on the Plans or where directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall make a neat vertical sawcut at the boundaries of the area to be removed. Care shall be taken sawcutting as not to damage any of the existing asphalt concrete to remain in place. Any pavement damage by the Contractor due to his/her operations shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor at his/her own expense. Existing pavement shall be precut before commencing excavation, and shall be _ removed, as required, for the construction. All cuts shall be continuous, and shall be made with saws specifically equipped for this purpose. No skip cutting will be allowed. Any pavement which is damaged outside the allowable trench widths, as shown on the Plans, shall be repaired entirely at the Contractor's expense. Wheel cutting or jack hammering will not be considered an acceptable means of pavement "cutting", unless pre-approved by the Engineer. However, even if pre- approved as a method of cutting or if the Engineer directs the contractor to utilize this method of cutting, no payment will be made for this type of work, but rather, it shall be considered incidental to the Contract bid items and no additional compensation will be allowed, and as such, merged in the various unit prices bid in the Proposal. 2-02.3(7)D Contractor Provided Disposal Site (Addition) Waste materials shall be hauled to a waste site secured by the Contractor and shall be disposed of in such a manner as to meet all requirements of state, county and municipal regulations regarding health, safety and public welfare. 2-03 ROADWAY EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT 2-03.1 Description (Supplement) HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 75 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued Supplement this section with the following: The work also includes all excavation and grading work required to construct the Detention Pond as shown on the Plans. 2-03.3 Construction Requirements (Supplement) Supplement this section with the following: The Contractor's material suppliers shall be required to furnish certification and aggregate gradation results from a qualified testing laboratory (approved by Owner) that the materials supplied are in conformance with these Specifications. The Contractor shall further be required to provide the services of a City-approved soils testing firm to conduct "in place" density tests of the gravel materials to verify if the compaction requirements are in compliance with these Specifications. For bidding purposes the Contractor shall assume one test for every 50 cubic yards of material used. For quantities less than 50 cubic yards, a minimum of one test shall be performed. Test results shall be given directly to the Owner by the testing lab and not via the Contractor. All costs for furnishing the services of an approved testing laboratory to conduct testing shall be borne by the Contractor and merged in the various lump sum and unit prices listed in the Proposal. Crushed surfacing shall be compacted to at least 95% of maximum dry density using ASTM D1557. 2-03.3(14) Embankment Construction 2-03.3(14)D Compaction and Moisture Control Test (Supplement) Maximum density and optimum moisture for non granular materials will be determined using ASTM Standard D 1557. , 2-03.3(14)N Pond Embankment Fill (New Section) w When required by the Plans and as directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall use Pond Embankment Fill Incl. Haul meet the requirement of Section 9-03.15 to backfill pond embankment if native material is not suitable for backfill as shown on the Plans and/or as directed by the Engineer. Place Pond Embankment Fill n lifts not exceeding 8-inches prior to compaction and at a moisture content ranging from -2 to +1 percent of optimum and compact to not less than 95 percent relative compaction in accordance with ASTM D 1557. Moisture Content shall be 2% +/- of the optium moisture content in accordance with ASTM D698. Keep embankment at a constant elevation throughout at all times during construction and bring embankment up uniformly throughout the width and length of the embankment. Construct to 2 feet above the elevation of required trenches and pipes, then excavate and install utilities that must penetrate and cross the embankment. HARe Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 76 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued After completion of the embankment to the grades shown, grade the downstream slope to the slope shown. Trim the upstream slope to the configuration shown and then place and compact the treatment liner in place as shown. Construct to the minimum elevation shown and then place Crushed Surfacing Base Coarse as shown. 2-03.3(19) Wet Weather Earthwork (New Section) The following items shall be followed if earthwork is to be accomplished in wet weather or in wet conditions: a. Earthwork shall be accomplished in small sections to minimize exposure to wet weather. Excavation or the removal of unsuitable soil shall be followed immediately by the placement and compaction of a suitable thickness (generally 8 inches or less) of clean structural fill. The size and/or type of construction x equipment shall be selected as required to prevent soil disturbance. In some instances, it may be necessary to limit equipment size or to excavate soils with a backhoe, gradall, or equivalent to minimize subgrade disturbance caused by equipment traffic. b. Fill or backfill material shall consist of clean, granular soil, of which not more than 3 percent by dry weight passes the No. 200 mesh sieve, based on wet sieving the fraction passing the 3/4-inch sieve. The fines shall be non-plastic. C. The ground surface in the construction area shall be sloped to promote the rapid runoff of precipitation and to prevent ponding of water. d. No soil should be left uncompacted and exposed to moisture. A smooth drum vibratory roller, or equivalent, shall be used to seal the ground surface. e. Excavation and placement of fill or backfill material will be observed by the Engineer, to determine that all work is being accomplished in accordance with the project specifications. All costs associated with the above items shall be considered incidental to the project and merged into the various pay items involved. 2-07 WATERING Prior to placing new fills, sub-base course materials, all subgrade areas shall be proofrolled to locate any soft or pumping soils. Proofrolling can be completed using a piece of heavy tire-mounted equipment or a loaded dump truck. If soft or pumping soils are observed, such unsuitable subgrade soils shall be overexcavated and replaced. After completing the proofrolling, the subgrade areas shall be recompacted. The subgrade shall be recompacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density in accordance with the ASTM D1557 test procedure. 2-07.3 Construction Requirements HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 77 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued Section 2-07.3 is supplemented with the following: During construction, the Contractor shall have dedicated to the Project a suitable water truck that shall be operated as necessary to control dust. Failure to have a water truck immediately accessible to the job and failure to use said water truck for dust control shall be adequate reason to "shut-down" the Project construction. Such shut down is herein agreed to by the Contractor upon submitting a bid for this Project. Water for construction may be purchased from the City of Renton by renting a hydrant meter and paying the unit costs for City water. However, the City of Renton retains the exclusive right to operate all hydrants and valves. Furthermore, if conditions warrant, the City can and may elect to restrict the use, amount, location, and time of removal to best comply with the City's own needs. The cost of water placement shall be merged with the unit price bid for"Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill". DIVISION 4 BASES 4-04 BALLAST AND CRUSHED SURFACING 4-04.1 Description Section 4-04.1 shall be supplemented with the following: Crushed surfacing shall be placed beneath the curb, gutters and sidewalk as required, as well as beneath the asphalt concrete pavement widening and driveway repair sections, as shown on the plans and as directed by the Engineer. 4-04.3(5) Shaping And Compaction Section 4-04.3(5) shall be supplemented with the following: The Contractor's material suppliers shall be required to furnish certification and aggregate gradation results from a qualified testing laboratory (approved by Owner) that the materials supplied are in conformance with these Specifications. The Contractor shall further be required to provide the services of a City-approved soils testing firm to conduct "in place" density tests of the gravel materials to verify if the compaction requirements are in compliance with these Specifications. For bidding purposes the Contractor shall assume one test for every 50 cubic yards of material used. For qualities less than 50 cubic yards, a minimum of one test shall be performed. Test results shall be given directly to the Owner by the testing lab and not via the Contractor. All costs for furnishing the services of an approved testing laboratory to conduct testing HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 Fina[Specs\ Page 78 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued shall be borne by the Contractor and merged in the various lump sum and unit prices listed in the Proposal. Crushed surfacing shall be compacted to at least 95% of maximum dry density using ASTM D1557. 4-04.5 Payment See descriptions for units of measure and payment.for bid items "Crushed Surfacing Top Course (or Base Course)" in section 1-09.14. DIVISION 5 SURFACE TREATMENTS AND PAVEMENTS 5-04 ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT 5-04.1 Description Add the following: Asphalt concrete pavement (ACP) shall be Class B. Trench repair patches shall be in accordance with the Contract Documents. 5-04.2 Materials Section 5-04.2 shall be supplemented with the following: Tack coat shall be emulsified grade CSS-1, as specified in Section 9-02.1(6) of the Standard Specifications. Tack coat shall be applied as specified in Section 5-04.3(5)A of the Standard Specifications. The tack coat shall be applied to all existing pavement surfaces and between successive layers of asphalt concrete pavement. All costs associated with furnishing and applying tack coat shall be considered as incidental to the construction and shall be included by the Contractor in other pay items of the Contract. 5-04.3 Construction Requirements Section 5-04.3 shall be supplemented with the following: Temporary Hot Mix During the course of construction, it may be necessary to provide improved temporary access along the streets within the construction route and such major property access roads, as may be designated by the Engineer in the field. Such improved temporary access shall be provided by patching the crossings and designated entrance roads with temporary hot mix asphalt concrete, until such time as the permanent asphalt pavement HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 Fina]Specs\ Page 79 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued ~ is installed. The baokfU shall be thoroughly compacted and brought tma smooth grade prior to placing the material. ^ The temporary hot mix shall be placed, maintained (dai|»), and removed and waste hauled by the contractor. The temporary mix shall be placed in two uniform lifts and shall be compacted using mechanical tampers to the satisfaction of the Engineer. ~ Typical compacted depth will be3inches. For bidding purposes itis assumed that this material will be furnished, p|acad, connpaoted, nenloved, and waste hauled at various locations throughout the project. - 5-04'3(2) Hauling Equipment ~ Add the following tothe first paragraph: If truck has not used canvas to protect asphalt from weather during haul the EnQinaer, or its napreeentative, reserves the right to reject the load. Rejection of load due to non- - pn}tection will not be basis for any compensation. 5-04'3(5)B Preparation of Untreated Roadway � Section 5-O4.3(5)Bshall be supplemented with the following: Before placement ofasphalt on untreated roadways and driveways, the Contractor shall apply soil residual herbicides as specified in Section 5-04.3(5)[>. Cost shall be incidental tothe bid item(s) for asphalt. - 5'04'3(5)C Crack Sealing ~` Delete the first sentence and replace with the following: Contractor shall seal all asphalt concrete pavement joints. Prior to sealing the cracks _ and jointe, they shall be cleaned with a stiff-bristled broom and compressed air. 5'04'3(9) Spreading and Finishing ~ Section 5-04.3(9) shall be supplemented with the following: Asphalt Concrete Pavement (ACP) Class B ~ ACP Class B shall be placed to the compacted depths specified henein, equal to existing ACF,thickness for restored ACP. or as shown on the Contract Plans as leveling and � wearing course. Asphalt over 3 inches in compacted depth or where specified on the plans shall be placed in two equal lifts. Placement shall bein accordance with applicable provisions of Section 5-04. � 5-04'3(11) Joints ~' The first Sentence of Paragraph 5 of Section 5-O4.3(11) is revised to namd as follows: H:\Fi|eSysnSWp'urC|P\a7-zuOswE10thS0Q1 Pond De»ignt}o1 Fma|Specv\ Page 80 ~~ SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued The longitudinal joint in any one layer shall be offset from the layer immediately below by less than 12 inches. Section 5-04.3(11) shall be supplemented with the following: The Contractor shall provide butt joints where the new asphalt concrete pavement meets the existing pavement as shown on the Plans or as directed by the Engineer in a manner to produce a smooth riding connection to the existing pavement. The depth of butt joint required shall be determined by the depth of new asphalt concrete pavement specified on the Plans. The surface elevation of new and existing asphalt concrete pavement shall be the same as all butt joints, see detail in plans. All asphalt concrete joints shall be sealed with asphalt cement AR-4000W per Section 9-02 Bituminous Materials, or as directed by the Engineer. After sealing, a sand blanket shall be hand applied to the surface to help prevent tracking. Excess sand shall be removed and waste hauled. All costs associated with providing, placing and sealing butt joints shall be considered incidental to and included in the unit contract prices for the various items involved. Existing pavement shall be sawcut before commencing excavation, per Section 2-02.3(7) of the Special Provisions and shall be removed, as required, for the construction. The width of pavement cuts shall be approved in the field by the Resident Inspector before cutting or removal of the pavement. 5-04.3(13) Surface Smoothness for Asphalt Concrete Pavement The second sentence of the first paragraph of Section 5-04.3(13) is revised to read as follows: The completed surface of the wearing course shall not vary more than 1/4 inch from the lower edge of a 10-foot straightedge placed on the surface parallel to centerline. 5-04.3(15) Asphalt Concrete Approach Section 5-04.3(15) shall be supplemented with the following: Where shown on the plans and as further directed in the field by the Engineer, the existing asphalt driveways shall be reconstructed to provide a smooth transition to match with the new roadway grade. The approximate limits of reconstruction are noted on the plans and will be determined during construction. The existing asphalt pavement shall be removed in accordance with Section 2-02.3(3). The asphalt concrete sawcut shall be made in accordance with Section 2-02.3(7). Crushed surfacing top course shall be placed in accordance with Section 4-04 and asphalt concrete pavement shall be placed in accordance with Section 5-04 of these specifications. Prior to paving the driveway, the Contractor shall obtain the Engineer's approval that the new approach meets the requirements of the Owner. At some locations, after the HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 81 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued driveway has been graded, the limits may need to be expanded to meet the Owner's requirements. All additional work will be paid under the respective unit bid prices. The asphalt concrete driveways shall be constructed as follows. All asphalt concrete pavement shall be sawcut. The drive shall first be shaped to size and grade, as designated by the Engineer. Two inches (minimum) of crushed surfacing top course shall then be placed and compacted. A two-inch lift of Class "B" asphalt concrete, as specified for this project shall then be placed and compacted. All cold joints shall be sealed with a 6 inch wide strip of AR4000W and sand blanket to alleviate tracking. 5-04.3(17) Paving Under Traffic The following sentence should be added to the second paragraph of this section: No traffic shall be allowed on newly placed pavement without the approval of the Engineer. 5-04.4 Measurement The unit price bid per ton for Asphalt Concrete Pavement Cl. "B" shall be measured in the field and includes furnishing, installing, compacting, and removing and waste hauling. Trip tickets shall be given to the Engineer on delivery. 5-04.5 Payment See descriptions for units of measure and payment.for bid items "Asphalt Concrete Pavement Class B" in section 1-09.14. DIVISION 7 DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, STORM SEWERS, SANITARY SEWERS, WATER MAINS, AND CONDUITS 7-04 STORM SEWERS 7-04.2 Materials (Supplement) Add the following: The storm sewer pipe shall be the size indicated on the Plans. Unless otherwise indicated on the Plans, corrugated polyethylene storm sewer pipe (CPEP) shall be used for all storm sewer pipes. Pipe shall be tested per Section 7-4.3(1)E of the WSDOT Standard Specifications as applicable. No pipe material alternates will be allowed. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 82 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued Ductile Iron Storm Sewer Pipe for storm sewer shall meet the requirements for the Section 9-05.13, Ductile Iron Sewer Pipe. All fittings shall be of the same material and class as the pipe the fitting is attached to. The Contractor shall require the pipe suppliers to furnish certificates signed by their authorized representatives stating the specifications to which the materials or products were manufactured. Certificates indicating non-conformance with these Specifications shall be sufficient evidence for rejection. Approval of certificates shall be considered only as tentative acceptance of the materials or products, and such action by the Engineer will not relieve the Contractor of its responsibility to perform field tests and to replace or repair faulty materials, equipment, and/or workmanship. Controlled density fill shall meet the requirements of Section 2-09.3(1)E. 7-04.3 Construction Requirements (Supplement) "Debris Barrier" shall be installed per City of Renton Standard Plans B047. Field verify location of existing facilities. Water settling will not be permitted. Where the storm sewer pipe has less than 2.0 feet of cover between the top of the pipe and the finished surface, trench backfill shall be controlled density fill. Native material determined by the Engineer to be unsuitable for trench backfill at the time of excavation shall be removed and Bank Run Gravel as specified in the Special Provisions shall be used for the trench backfill material. 7-04.3(1) Cleaning and Testing (Supplement) Prior to testing, the storm sewers will be inspected by the Engineer. Any departures from the best construction practices, such as pipe line misalignment, presence of foreign matter in the pipes or catch basins, poor catch basin construction, etc., shall be corrected by the Contractor at the Contractor's sole expense. Testing will not be authorized until such corrections have been made. Should high groundwater conditions be encountered, the completed storm sewers may be required to be infiltration tested. Infiltration testing shall be utilized only when ordered by the Engineer. H:\File Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th SAW Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 83 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued 7-04.3(2) Coordination with Utility Companies (New) It is anticipated that minor vertical adjustments will need to be made by the utility companies to avoid the proposed storm sewer system. Known relocations have been shown on the Plans to be performed "by others". The Contractor shall identify any additional utility crossings that may conflict with the storm sewer system. The Contractor is responsible for coordinating anticipated relocation work with the respective utility companies as specified in the Special Provisions. This coordination shall include contacting the utility company representative specified in the Plans at least fifteen (15) working days prior to installing storm sewer pipe that may conflict with the utility companies' respective facilities, and coordinating the construction of the storm sewer system with the respective utility construction crews. Coordination with utility companies shall be considered incidental to the Contract and no additional compensation will be made. 7-05 MANHOLES, INLETS, AND CATCH BASINS 7-05.1 Description Section 7-05.1 shall be supplemented with the following: Delete the reference to "Standard Plans" and replace it with "City of Renton Standard Details." 7-05.2 Materials 7-05.2(1) Frames and Covers (New Section) Manhole frames and covers shall be made from superior quality ductile iron and suitable for H-20 loading conditions. The iron shall be of such character as to make castings that will be tough, strong, sound, and of even grain and shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A48, Class 30B. Manhole frames and covers shall be of uniform quality, free from blowholes, porosity, shrinkage distortion, cavities, cracks, or other defects. They shall be smooth and well cleaned and continuously machined to prevent rocking and rattling. Welded or caulked repairs shall not be permitted. Covers shall be easily removable and shall be interchangeable. Castings shall be as shown on the Plans, and storm sewer covers shall be marked "Storm" with cast-in, two-inch-high, APWA standard lettering. The manufacturer's name shall be cast into, and not stamped on, an exposed surface. All catch basins and concrete inlets shall be furnished with a vaned cast iron, rectangular frame and grate, (Olympic Foundry or Owner-approved equal) unless (ring and) solid lid is otherwise indicated in the Plans. All access risers shall have solid lids frames shall be grouted to the body of the catch basin. Catch basins and surface inlets shall be set to line and grade, approved in the field by the Engineer. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 84 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued 7-05.2(2) Precast Concrete Catch Basins and Concrete Inlets (New Section) The concrete catch basins and concrete inlets shall be of precast concrete, per City of Renton Standard Details. 7-05.3 Construction Requirements Section 7-05.3 is supplemented with the following: Delete the sentence "No pipe joint in flexible pipe shall be placed within 10 feet of the manhole." and replace it with "When laying pipe, a pipe joint shall be placed within 12 inches from the outer face of all manholes." Add the following paragraphs: The Contractor shall construct all manholes, and catch basins from precast concrete bases and risers. Cast-in-place concrete bases shall be watertight and may only be used for"straddle" of existing systems. Precast sections with damaged joint surfaces or with cracks or damage that would permit infiltration shall not be installed. Precast base sections shall be set on a prepared bedding material. Before the precast base is set in place, the bedding material shall be carefully leveled to provide full bearing for the entire base section. Precast riser sections and cones shall be set using the specified joint sealant or gasket. Priming and preparation of surfaces and installation of jointing material shall be in strict conformance with the manufacturer's instructions. Only one riser section one-foot high shall be used per structure. Grade rings shall be set in a full bed of cement grout. Frames shall be set carefully to the established surface grade in a full bed of cement grout. The contact surfaces of the frames and covers shall be machined finished to a common plane or have other adequate provisions to prevent rocking. The rim elevation shall be set flush with the existing pavement or grade in paved and improved areas. In unimproved areas, rim elevations shall be set one-inch above finished grade unless otherwise shown on the Plans to be set higher. Channeling of inverts shall be provided, where required, and given a light broom finish, or equivalent, and shall be sloped to drain into the invert. Where new connections are made to existing structures, any existing channelization shall be removed or modified, at the Contractor's option, so that all pipes are channeled to drain to the exit invert. Pre- channelized structures are not acceptable. Steps shall be installed in base sections, riser sections, and taper sections so that the completed manhole will have a continuous vertical ladder with equally spaced rungs. Steps shall be firmly cast or grouted in place. Infiltration from around steps will not be permitted. { H:\File Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 85 SPECIAL PROVISIONS-Continued Frames shall be grouted to the body of catch basins. The catch basins shall be set to line and grade as shown on the Plans or approved in the field by the Engineer. All pipe couplings shall be securely grouted into the structure. The cost of the catch basin shall include "straddling" or interrupting the existing storm system, where required, removing the existing pipeline within the new basin, and connecting the new pipeline to the new structure. "Flow Control Structure" shall be installed as shown on plans and per City of Renton Standard Plans B029. "Overflow Structure" shall be installed as shown on plans and per City of Renton Standard Plans B040. Connections to Existing Manholes shall conform the construction requirement in Section 7-05.3(3), 7-08 GENERAL PIPE INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS 7-08.3(1)A Trenches Section 7-08.3(1)A shall be supplemented with the following: Trench excavation shall include removal and wastehaul of all excess and/or unsuitable material encountered, including but not limited to, abandoned pipelines, concrete, asphalt, tree stumps, trees, logs, abandoned rail ties, piling, riprap, and other deleterious material. It shall also include dewatering. It is not anticipated solid rock will be encountered. Should such material be encountered, however, it will be paid for by change order. Boulders or broken rock less than two (2) cubic yards in volume, will not be classified as rock, nor will so-called "hard- pan" or cemented gravel. The City reserves the right to restrict the Contractor in the amount of trench open at any one time. Should the Contractor, in the Engineers' opinion, fail to diligently pursue adequate backfilling and compaction efforts, the limit of open trench shall be 100 linear feet. Upon completion of work each day, all open trenches shall be completely backfilled, compacted, leveled and temporarily patched, graveled, or otherwise protected (as approved by the owner), as herein specified. If the Contractor purposely or neglectfully excavates trenches to a width beyond the maximum payment limit lines of the trench, as detailed on the Plans, then payment for import trench backfill, and any additional surface restoration (temporary and permanent) of the type warranted shall be limited to the maximum payment width specified on the Plans for that size of pipe and depth of bury. All trench backfill, bedding, and surface restoration required beyond the maximum payment limits, shall be merged in the various items bid and include the additional compaction and testing of same. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 86 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued The width of the trench in the vicinity of the pipe shall be carefully controlled and maintained to insure the structural strength of the pipe is not jeopardized. See details on the Plans. The cost of foundation materials beneath structures (i.e., catch basins, inlets, flow control structure, overflow structure), as shown on the Plans, shall be included in the unit price bid for each structure, complete, and in place. The cost of additional excavation and dewatering required in order to provide space for foundation material and wastehauling of native material shall also be included in the unit price bid for each structure, complete, and in place. 7-08.3(1)B (Vacant) 7-08.3(1)C Pipe Zone Bedding Add the following: All references to "Standard Plan" shall be deleted, and replaced with the details shown on the Plans. Bedding shall be placed in more than one lift. Pipe installation shall be in the first lift of bedding, consisting of compacted (minimum of 90% of modified Proctor maximum density per ASTM D1557-70) granular material. This bedding layer shall extend the full width of the trench bottom after being consolidated by the use of a "flat tamper". This lift shall be spread smoothly and bell holes dug, where necessary, to insure uniform support along its full length of the pipe barrel. Subsequent lifts of not more than six inches shall be placed up to the horizontal diameter of the pipe, carefully placed and firmly compacted to provide a firm, uniform cradle for the pipe. These lifts shall be consolidated first by the use of tamping bars, taking care to work the material under the pipe haunches so that no voids are left. Then a flat tamping bar shall be used to compact the bedding material along the side of the pipe to the trench walls to provide lateral support for the pipes. These lifts shall be individually compacted to 90% of modified Proctor maximum density for the full width of the trench, as determined by ASTM D1557-70. Further lifts of compacted bedding material shall be placed in lifts of not more than 6 inches thickness to a minimum of 6 inches above the crown of the pipe for flexible pipe and to the spring line of the pipe for rigid (concrete or ductile iron) pipe. There shall be at least one-foot of cover over the top of the pipe before the trench is wheel-loaded and three feet of cover before utilization of a hydro-hammer during compaction. 7-08.3(1)D Dewatering HARIe Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 Fina]Specs\ Page 87 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued This section applies to dewatering for the construction of pipes and drainage structures. Dewatering for the Detention Pond shall be a separate pay item as specified in Special Provision Section 8-30 Control of Water. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor to determine what, if any, dewatering measures and efforts may be needed. All costs for dewatering operations, including but not limited to materials, equipment and labor, shall be considered incidental to other bid items as no separate monies will be due to the Contractor for this work. If dewatering measures are necessary, then it shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor to control the rate and effect of the dewatering in such a manner as to avoid all objectionable settlement and subsidence. The Contractor shall comply with all codes, regulations and ordinances of applicable governing authorities with regard to drilling, dewatering, and erosion control. The significant removal of"fines" is not permitted. The Contractor shall submit to the Owner for review and approval prior to dewatering activities, a dewatering plan discussing proposed methods, equipment sizes, and contingency plans should dewatering cause settlement of adjacent facilities. The dewatering plan shall show specific locations, in plan and section where dewatering is expected as well as a general discussion of methods should water be encountered in other locations. Before operations begin, the Contractor shall have available on site sufficient pumping equipment and/or other machinery to assure that the operation of the dewatering system can be maintained. The Contractor shall provide direct power drops or use a "Whisper" generator for the dewatering process and is responsible for coordinating and furnishing all power drops. During excavation, installing of conduit and structures, and the placing of backfill, excavations shall be kept free of water. The Contractor shall furnish all equipment necessary to dewater the excavation and shall dispose of the water in such a manner as not to cause a nuisance or menace to the public. The dewatering system shall be installed and operated by the contractor so that the groundwater level outside the excavation is not reduced to the extent that would damage or endanger adjacent structures or property. The release of groundwater to its static level shall be performed in such a manner as to maintain the undisturbed state of the natural foundation soil, prevent disturbance of backfill and prevent movement of structures and pipelines. Dewatering shall be done by such method as the Contractor may elect. Dewatering sufficient to maintain the groundwater level at or below the surface of trench bottom, base of the bedding course or other foundation shall be accomplished prior to pipe laying and jointing or placement of reinforcing steel for concrete. The dewatering operation, however accomplished, shall be carried out so that it does not destroy or weaken the strength of the soil under or alongside the excavation. If well points or wells are used, they shall be adequately spaced to provide the necessary dewatering and shall be sandpacked or provided with other means to prevent pumping of fine sands or silts from the subsurface. A continual check by the Contractor shall be maintained to insure that the subsurface soil is not being removed by the dewatering operation. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 1 0th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 88 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued Where critical structures or facilities exist immediately adjacent to areas of proposed dewatering, reference points shall be established and observed at frequent intervals to detect any settlement which may develop. Should settlement be observed, the Contractor shall cease dewatering operations and implement contingency plans as outlined in the approved dewatering plan. The responsibility for conducting the dewatering operation in a manner which will protect adjacent structures and facilities rests solely with the Contractor. The cost of repairing any damage to adjacent structures and restoration of facilities shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Permanent piping systems existing or new shall not be incorporated into the Contractor's dewatering system. All wells shall be abandoned in accordance with the Washington Administrative Code Section 173-160.415. Contractor shall procure and pay for any approval(s) and/or permit(s) required by the Department of Ecology in regards to the construction, use and abandonment of dewatering wells. The Contractor shall also be required to comply with all conditions and requirements mandated by the Department of Ecology and is encouraged to familiarize himself/herself with current regulations in this regard. All costs of same shall be included in the various lump sum and unit prices bid as listed in the Proposal as no separate monies will be due the Contractor for this work. 7-08.3(2)E Rubber Gasketed Joints Add the following: Joint gaskets shall be fabricated from a compound of which the basic polymer shall be a synthetic rubber consisting of styrene, butadiene, polyisoprene or any combination thereof, and shall meet the requirements of ASTM 1869, latest revisions. 7-08.3(3) Backfilling Section 7-08.3(3) shall be supplemented with the following: It is the intent of these Specifications to utilize suitable excavated material where available. However, for bidding purposes, it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to estimate the amount of excavated material that will be suitable for backfill purposes, as best determined from the information available. Imported trench backfill shall conform to the requirements of Section 9-03.19 as backfill. Import material will be utilized when necessary, as called out on the Plans and further pre-approved by the Engineer and authorized for payment. Trench backfill shall be compacted to 95% maximum density if pipe is being placed in paved areas. Trench backfill shall be compacted to 90% maximum density if pipe is u being installed in unpaved areas. If the subgrade soils are soft, become disturbed, or are otherwise unsuitable, a separate 12-inch thick foundation material leveling course shall be placed to protect the subgrade and provide uniform support. If organic silt is found at subgrade, the organic silt layers shall be overexcavated if they are present within two feet below the pipe invert or base HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th SAN Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 89 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued of manhole structures. The overexcavated area shall be backfilled with foundation material. If the organic silt is deeper than two feet below the pipe, no overexcavation shall be necessary. 7-17.3(2)H Television Inspection (Replacement Section) Section 7-17.3(2)H shall be replaced with the following: All storm and sanitary sewer lines shall be inspected by the use of a television camera before final acceptance. The Contractor shall bear all costs incurred in correcting any deficiencies found during television inspection including the cost of any additional television inspection that may be required by the Engineer to verify the correction of said deficiency. The Contractor shall be responsible for all costs incurred in any television inspection performed solely for the benefit of the Contractor. The video inspection shall be done after the manholes have been channeled and the line cleaned and flushed. The video inspection shall be done with a minimum flow of water in the pipe and inspected in the direction of the flow unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. The camera shall have rotational capabilities and be used by the operator to view up each side sewer connection and provide best views of any non-conforming items. Once the television inspection has been completed the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer the written reports of the inspection plus the video tapes. Said video tapes are to be in color and compatible with the City's viewing and recording systems. The City system accepts 1/2 inch wide high density VHS tapes. The tapes will be run at standard speed SP (1 5/16 I.P.S.). The Contractor shall use TV inspection report forms as considered industry standard and as approved by the Owner, and provide completed forms and video tapes of the completed TV inspection to the Owner. The costs incurred by the Contractor will be covered by the bid item for such television inspections, and all costs associated with the initial inspection and any requested additional inspections shall be included. DIVISION 8 MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION 8-01 EROSION CONTROL (Replacement) This section is deleted in its entirety and replaced by the following: HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 1 0th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 90 u SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued 8-01.1 Description This work shall consist of furnishing, installing, maintaining, removing and disposing of water pollution and erosion control items in accordance with these Specifications and as shown in the Plans or as designated by the Engineer. 8-01.2 Materials Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections: Mulch and Amendments 9-14.4 Erosion Control Blanket 9-14.5 Construction Geotextile 9-33 Quarry Spalls 9-13 8-01.3 Construction Requirements 8-01.3(1) General Controlling pollution, erosion, runoff, and related damage may require the Contractor to perform temporary work items including but not limited to: 1. Providing ditches, berms, culverts, and other measures to control surface water; 2. Building dams, settling basins, energy dissipaters, and other measures, to control downstream flows; 3. Controlling underground water found during construction; or 4. Covering or otherwise protecting slopes until permanent erosion-control measures are working. To the degree possible, the Contractor shall coordinate this temporary work with permanent drainage and erosion control work the contract requires. The Engineer may require additional temporary control measures if it appears pollution or erosion may result from weather, the nature of the materials, or progress on the work. When natural elements rut or erode the slope, the Contractor shall restore and repair the damage, with the eroded material where possible, and clean up any remaining material in ditches and culverts. When the Engineer orders replacement with additional or other materials, unit contract prices will cover the quantities needed. If the Engineer anticipates water pollution or erosion, the Contractor shall schedule the work so that grading and erosion control immediately follows clearing and grubbing. The Engineer may also require erosion control work to be done with or immediately after grading. Clearing, grubbing, excavation, borrow, or fill within the right of way shall never expose more erodible earth than as listed below, without written approval by the Engineer: Area Date Location 17 Acres April 1 - October 31 East of the Summit of the u H:\File Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 91 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued Cascade Range May 1 - September 30 West of the Summit of the Cascade Range 5 Acres November 1 - March 31 East of the Summit of the Cascade Range October 1 -April 30 West of the Summit of the Cascade Range The Engineer may increase or decrease the limits in light of project conditions. Erodible earth is defined as any surface where soils, grindings, or other materials are capable of being displaced and transported by rain, wind, or surface water runoff. In western Washington, erodible soil not being worked, whether at final grade or not, shall be covered within the following time period, using an approved soil covering practice, unless authorized otherwise by the Engineer: October 1 through April 30 2 days maximum May 1 to September 30 7 days maximum If the Engineer, under Section 1-08.6, orders the work suspended for an extended time, the Contractor shall, before the City assumes maintenance responsibility, make every effort to control erosion, pollution, and runoff during shutdown. Section 1-08.7 describes the City's responsibility in such cases. Nothing in this section shall relieve the Contractor from complying with other contract requirements. - See Section 1-07.15 of the Special Provisions for additional Erosion Control requirements and BMP guidelines. 8-01.3(1)A Submittals At the preconstruction discussions, the Contractor shall submit a plan for temporary erosion and sediment control (TESC Plan) to be included the SWPP Plan, allowing for review as required in 1-07.15(2). Before any work begins, the Contractor shall obtain the Engineer's approval on a TESC plan. The plan shall show the schedule for all erosion control work, whether required by the contract or proposed by the Contractor. The plan shall cover all areas the Contractor's work may affect inside and outside the limits of the project (including all City-provided sources, disposal sites, and haul roads, and all nearby land, streams, and other bodies of water). The Contractor shall revise and update the plan whenever the Engineer so requests in writing. The Contractor shall allow at least five working days for the Engineer's review of any original or revised plan. Failure to approve all or part of any such plan shall not make the City liable to the Contractor for any work delays. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 92 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued 8-01.3(1)B Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) Lead The Contractor shall identify the ESC lead at the preconstruction discussions. The ESC Lead shall have, for the life of the contract, a current Certificate of Training in Construction Site Erosion and Sediment Control from a course approved by WSDOT's Statewide Erosion Control Coordinator. The ESC Lead shall implement the Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control (TESC) plan. Implementation shall include, but is not limited to: 1. Installing, maintaining, inspecting and repairing all temporary erosion and sediment control Best Management Practices (BMPs) included in the TESC plan to assure continued performance of their intended function. All on-site erosion and sediment control measures shall be inspected at least once every five working days, each working day during a runoff-producing rain event, and within 24 hours after a runoff-producing rain event. Damaged or inadequate TESC measures shall be corrected within 24 hours of the inspection. A TESC Inspection Report shall be prepared for each inspection and shall be included in the TESC file. A copy of each report shall be provided to the Engineer. The inspection report shall include, but not be limited to: a. When, where and how BMPs were installed, maintained, modified, and removed; b. Repairs needed and repairs made; c. Observations of BMP effectiveness and proper placement; d. Recommendations for improving performance of BMPs. 2. Preparing and maintaining a TESC file on site that includes, but is not limited to: a. TESC Inspection Reports. b. SWPP Plan. c. Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control (TESC) Plan. d. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System construction permit (Notice of Intent). e. Other applicable permits. Upon request, the file shall be provided to the Engineer for review. 8-01.3(1)C Ground Water When ground water is encountered in an excavation, it shall be treated and discharged as follows: 1. When the ground water meets State Water Quality standards, it may bypass detention and treatment facilities and be routed directly to its normal discharge point at a rate and method that will not cause erosion. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 93 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued 2. When the turbidity of the ground water is similar to the turbidity of the site runoff, the ground water may be treated using the same detention and treatment facilities being used to treat the site runoff and then discharged at a rate that will not cause erosion. 3. When the turbidity is worse than the turbidity of the site runoff, the ground water shall be treated separately until the turbidity is similar to or better than the site runoff before the two may be combined and treated using the same detention and treatment facilities being used to treat the site runoff and then discharged at a rate that will not cause erosion. 8-01.3(1)D Detention/Retention Pond Construction When a detention or retention pond is required, whether it is temporary or permanent, it shall retain/detain the full final design volume of stormwater before beginning other grading and excavation work in the area that drains into that pond. Temporary conveyances shall be installed concurrently with grading in accordance with the TESC plan so that newly graded areas drain to the pond as they are exposed. 8-01.3(2) Temporary Seeding, Mulching and Soil Binding 8-01.3(2)A Temporary Seeding Temporary seeding is used to establish temporary cover on disturbed soil. Temporary seeding shall be in accordance with Section 8-02.3(15) except that temporary seeding may be installed at any time. 8-01.3(2)B Temporary Mulching Temporary mulch, such as straw, wood cellulose (with and without tackifier), compost, or other best management practices as approved by the Engineer, may be applied at any time of the year for soil cover. Temporary mulching shall be in accordance with Section 8-02.3(15). 8-01.3(2)C Soil Binding Using Polyacrylamide (PAM) The PAM shall be completely dissolved and mixed in water prior to being applied to the soil. PAM shall be applied only on bare soil at a rate of not more than 0.5 pounds per 1M gallons of water per acre. A minimum of 200 pounds per acre of cellulose fiber mulch treated with a non-toxic dye shall be applied with the PAM. PAM shall be applied only to areas that drain to completed sedimentation control BMPs in accordance with the TESC plan. PAM shall not be applied to the same area more than once in a 48 hour period, or more than 7 times in a 30 day period. PAM shall not be applied during a rain or to saturated soils. 8-01.3(3) Placing Erosion Control Blanket When required, erosion control blanket shall be placed immediately following the seeding and fertilizing operation. Temporary erosion control blankets as defined in 9-14.5, having an open area of 60% or greater, may be installed prior to seeding. H:\File Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 1 0th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 94 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued Where more than one strip of erosion control blanket is required to cover the given area, it shall overlap the adjacent blanket as specified by the manufacturer, or a minimum of 4 inches. The ends of the erosion control blanket shall overlap as specified by the manufacturer, or a minimum of 6 inches, with the upgrade section on top. The manufacturers recommendations or the following, whichever is the most stringent, shall be used: The up-slope end of the erosion control blanket shall be staked and buried in a 6-inch-deep trench with the soil firmly tamped against the mat. A minimum of three stakes per width of blanket, with a stake at each overlap, shall be driven below the finish ground line prior to backfilling of the trench. The Engineer may require that any other edge exposed to more than normal flow of water or strong prevailing winds be staked and buried in a similar manner. The ends of the erosion control blanket shall overlap a minimum of 6 inches, with the upgrade section on top. -# The edges of the erosion control blanket shall be buried around the edges of catch basins and other structures. Erosion control blanket shall be spread evenly and smoothly and in contact with the soil at all points. Where more than one strip of w erosion control blanket is required, it shall overlap the adjacent blanket a minimum of 4 inches. The blanket shall be fastened at intervals not more than 3 feet apart in three rows for each strip of blanket. There shall be one row along each edge and one row down the center with the stakes centered, both horizontally and vertically, to the edge stakes. The ends of the blanket shall be fastened at 6-inch intervals across their width. Fastening devices shall anchor the blanket against the soil and be driven flush with the finished grade. 8-01.3(4) Placing Plastic Covering Plastic meeting the requirements of Section 9-14.5(3) shall be placed with at least a 12-inch overlap of all seams. Clear plastic covering shall be used to promote growth of vegetation. Black plastic covering shall be used for stockpiles or other areas where vegetative growth is unwanted. The cover shall be maintained tightly in place by using sandbags on ropes in a 10- foot, maximum, grid. All seams shall weighted down full length. 8-01.3(5) Check Dams Check dams shall be installed as soon as construction will allow, or when designated by the Engineer. The Contractor may substitute a different check dam for that specified with approval of the Engineer. Check dams shall be placed in ditches perpendicular to the channel. Check dams shall extend up the sides of ditches a sufficient distance to ensure that water will flow over the center of the dam and not flow around the ends. Check dams shall be of sufficient height to maximize H1File Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 1 0th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 95 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued detention, without causing water to leave the ditch, and spaced such that the elevation of the top of a check dam at the center of the ditch is equal to the ditch flow line at the downstream base of the upstream check dam. 8-01.3(5)A G eotexti le-E n cased Check Dam The geotextile-encased check dam shall meet the requirements in Section 9-14.5(4) Geotexti le-E n cased Check Dam. Installation of geotextile-encased check dams shall be in accordance with the Plans, and shall be anchored to hold it firmly in place under all conditions. 8-01.3(5)6 Rock Check Dam The rock used to construct rock check dams shall meet the requirements for quarry spalls, in accordance with Section 9-13.6. Rock check dams shall be installed in a triangular shape, with approximately 2:1 slopes on both the upstream and downstream faces. 8-01.3(5)C Sandbag Check Dam Sandbags shall be placed so that the initial row makes tight contact with the ditch line for the length of the dam. Subsequent rows shall be staggered so the center of the bag is placed over the space between bags on the previous lift. 8-01.3(6) Stabilized Construction Entrance Temporary stabilized construction entrance shall be constructed in accordance with the Plans, prior to beginning any clearing, grubbing, earthwork or excavation. When the stabilized entrance becomes ineffective due to build up of material, the Contractor shall either rehabilitate the existing entrance to original condition, or construct a new entrance. When the contract requires a tire wash in conjunction with the stabilized entrance, the Contractor shall include details for the tire wash and the method for containing and treating the sediment-laden runoff as part of the erosion control plan. All vehicles leaving the site shall stop and wash sediment from their tires. 8-01.3(7) Street Cleaning Self-propelled pickup street sweepers shall be used, whenever required by the Engineer, to prevent the transport of sediment and other debris off the project site. Street Washing with water will require approval by the Engineer. 8-01.3(8) Inlet Protection Inlet protection can be in the form of internal or external devices and shall be installed prior to clearing, grubbing or earthwork activities. Inlet protection devices shall be as shown in the Plans. When the depth of accumulated sediment and debris reaches approximately one- half the height of an internal device or one-third the height of the external device (or HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 1 0th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 96 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued less when so specified by the manufacturers), the deposits shall be removed and stabilized on site. Internal devices shall be prefabricated units specifically designed for inlet protection and shall have the following features: 1. The strength requirement for the filter fabric shall meet or exceed the requirements of Table 1 for Moderate Survivability, and the minimum filtration properties of Table 2, in Section 9-33.2. 2. Shall be sized for the stormwater structure it will service. 3. Shall have a built-in high-low relief system. 4. Shall have a retrieval system for removal of the device without spilling the contained material. 5. Shall remain securely attached to the drainage structure when fully loaded with sediment and debris, or at the maximum level of sediment and debris specified by the manufacturer. External devices may be silt fence or prefabricated units specifically designed for inlet protection having the following features: 1. Filter fabric shall meet or exceed the requirements for silt fence in Section 9-33.2. 2. The top of the device shall be at least 2 feet above the grate. 3. The device shall remain securely in place over the drainage structure under all conditions. Check dams or functionally equivalent devices may be used as inlet protection devices with the approval of the Engineer. Internal device, Catch Basin Filter shall be used as shown on plans. 8-01.3(9) Sediment Control Barriers Sediment control barriers shall be installed in accordance with TESC plan or manufacturer's recommendations in the areas of clearing, grubbing, earthwork or drainage prior to starting those activities. The Contractor may substitute a different control barrier for that specified with approval of the Engineer. The sediment control barriers shall be maintained until the soils are stabilized. 8-01.3(9)A Silt Fence Silt fence shall be constructed in accordance with the Plans. HARe Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 Fina]Specs\ Page 97 SPECIAL PROVISIONS-Continued Backup support for the geotextile in the form of steel wire or plastic mesh is optional, depending on the properties of the geotextile selected for use in Table 6 in Section 9-33.2. When backup support is used, steel wire shall have a maximum mesh spacing of 2 inches, and the plastic mesh shall be as resistant to ultraviolet radiation as the geotextile it supports. The geotextile shall be attached on the up-slope side of the posts and support system using staples, wire, or in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. The geotextile shall be sewn together at the point of manufacture, or at a location approved by the Engineer, to form geotextile lengths as required. All sewn seams and overlaps shall be located at a support post. Posts shall be either wood or steel. Hardwood posts shall have minimum dimensions of 1 1/4 inches by 1 114 inches by the minimum length shown in the Plans. Steel posts shall consist of U, T, L, or C shape posts with a minimum weight of 1.35 lbs/ft, or other steel posts having equivalent strength and bending resistance to the posts listed. " When sediment deposits reach approximately one-third the height of the silt fence, the deposits shall be removed or a second silt fence shall be installed, as determined by the Engineer. 8-01.3(9)B Gravel Filter, Wood Chip or Compost Berm The gravel filter berm shall be a minimum of one foot in height and shall be maintained at this height for the entire time they are in use. The wood chip berm shall be a minimum of two feet in height and shall be maintained at this height for the entire time they are in use. Wood chips shall meet the requirements in Section 9-14.4(3). The compost berm shall be 1 foot high by 2 feet wide at the base on slopes less than 4 (H):1 (V) and a minimum of 1.5 feet high by 3 feet wide at the base on slopes steeper than 4(H):1(V). Compost shall meet the requirements of Compost Type 2 in Section 9-14.4(8). 8-01.3(9)C Brush Barrier Brush shall be placed in a row, approximately 3 to 5 feet wide and at least 2.5 feet high and with construction geotextile for silt fence placed over the pile. The geotextile shall be anchored in a 6 inch wide by 6 inch deep trench on the upstream side of the barrier, and anchored using stakes on the downstream side. When no longer required, the geotextile material shall be removed, and the brush left in place. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 1 0th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 98 SPECIAL PROVISIONS-Continued 8-01.3(9)D Straw Bale Barrier Straw bale barriers shall be embedded in a trench the width of the bales for the length of the barrier and a minimum of four inches deep. The material excavated from the trench shall be placed and compacted against the uphill side of the bales. The bales shall be placed on their sides so that the bindings are not touching the ground. The ends of the bales shall be tightly abutting one another, and all spaces that do exist between bales shall be firmly packed with straw. Each bale shall be anchored using two stakes of wood or steel, driven flush with the top of the bale and extending through the bale and into the ground a minimum of 18 inches. The first stake shall be driven on an angle towards the previously laid bale. Straw shall conform to Section 9-14.4(1). 8-01.3(10) Wattles Wattles shall meet the requirements in Section 9-14.5(5). Wattles shall be installed as soon as construction will allow or when designated by the Engineer. Wattles shall be placed in shallow trenches and staked along the contour of disturbed or newly constructed slopes, in accordance with the Plans, perpendicular to the flow direction and parallel to the slope contour. The wattles shall be installed at the intervals designated by the Engineer. Trench construction and wattle installation shall begin from the base of the slope and work uphill. Excavated material shall be spread evenly along the uphill slope and compacted using hand tamping or other method approved by the Engineer. On gradually sloped or clay-type soils trenches shall be 2 to 3 inches deep. On loose soils, in high rainfall areas, or on steep slopes, trenches shall be 3 to 5 inches deep, or half the thickness of the wattle. The wattle shall be install snugly into the trench, abutting adjacent wattles tightly, end to end, without overlapping the ends. Wattles shall be staked at each end and at 4-foot centers along their entire length. When trench conditions require, pilot holes for the stakes shall be driven through the wattle and into the soil using a straight bar. Stakes shall be driven through the middle of the wattle, leaving 2 to 3 inches of the stake protruding above the wattle. Wattles shall be inspected regularly to ensure they remain thoroughly entrenched and in contact with the soil, and immediately after a runoff producing rainfall. 8-01.3(11) Temporary Curb Temporary curbs may consist of asphalt, concrete, sand bags, or geotextile/plastic -. encased berms of soil, sand or gravel or as approved by the Engineer. Temporary curbs shall be installed along pavement edges to prevent runoff from flowing onto erodible slopes. The redirected water shall flow to a BMP designed to convey concentrated runoff. The temporary curbs shall be 4 inches in height. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 1 0th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 99 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued 8-01.3(15) Maintenance Erosion control devices shall be maintained so they properly perform their function until the Engineer determines they are no longer needed. The devices shall be inspected on the schedule outlined in Section 8-01.3(1)6 for damage and sediment deposits. Damage to or undercutting of the device shall be repaired immediately. Unless otherwise specified, when the depth of accumulated sediment and debris reaches approximately one-third the height of the device the deposits shall be removed. Debris or contaminated sediment shall be disposed of in accordance with Section 2-01.2. Clean sediments may be stabilized using approved best management practices on site when the Engineer approves. Erosion control devices that have been damaged shall be repaired or replaced immediately by the Contractor, in accordance with Section 1-07.13(4). 8-01.3(16) Removal and Reuse When the Engineer determines that an erosion control device is no longer required, the Contractor shall remove the device and all associated hardware from the project limits unless it qualifies for reuse as described below. When the materials are biodegradable the Engineer may approve leaving the temporary device in place. A previously used erosion control device may be reused on this contract provided: 1. The device has been thoroughly cleaned of all debris. 2. The device is free of tears, holes, or other damage. 3. The Engineer has visually inspected the device and has determined it to be intact and not compromised as to performance. 8-01.3(17) Topsoil Type A Topsoil Type A shall be natural, fertile, frible, loamy material and non-toxic for plant growth. Topsoil shall contain minimum of 6% organic material and not more than 20% organic matters as determined by loss on ignition of sample oven dried to constant weight at 212^F. The pH value ranging from 5.9— 7.0. The topsoil shall free from subsoil, slag, clay, stone, lumps, brush, roots, sticks, grass, noxious weeds and foreign matter. For topsoil to be considered loamy, the fraction pas the No. 10 sieve shall not contain more than 40% of clay. 8-02 ROADSIDE PLANTING 8-02.1 Description HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th SAM Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 100 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued Section 8-02.1 shall be supplemented with the following: This work shall include all planting of trees, shrubs and sod on the site. The planting shall be installed using the materials shown on the Plans and/or as specified in these Special Provisions. The planting shall be installed to grades and conform to the areas and locations as shown on the Plans, or as directed by the Engineer. 8-02.2 Materials Section 8-02.2 shall be supplemented with the following: Trees & Shrubs Trees and shrubs shall be as specified on the drawings and conform to Section 9-14.6., and to the American Standard for Nursery Stock ANSI Z 60.1 — 1996 for quality standards. Fertilizer Tree and Shrub Fertilizer: Agriform 20-10-15 planting tablets for planting pits. Trees: Four (4) 21 gram tablets Shrubs: Two (2) 21 gram tablets Groundcovers: None required. Fertilizer for sodded areas: Initial application: 10-20-20 at the rate of fifteen (15) pounds per 1,000 square feet. Second application: When the grass is two inches high, and prior to mowing, a post- seeding fertilizer(10-20-20), shall be applied at the rate of fifteen (15) pounds per 1,000 square feet. Fertilization after first mowing: After the first mowing, the Contractor shall apply fertilizer (6-2-4) at the rate of thirty pounds (30 lbs.) per one thousand square feet (1,000 sq. ft.). First mowing shall occur when the grass first reaches two (2") inches in height and shall be mowed to a continuing height of one and one half inches (1-1/2"). Mowing shall continue on a weekly basis thereafter until Physical Completion of the project. Mulch Shrub Bed Mulch: Shrub bed mulch shall be Pacific Garden mulch or equal approved by the City. Available through Pacific Topsoil (800) 884-7645. Tackifier. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th SAW Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 101 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued Tackifier to be primarily composed of guar gum. Tackifier shall be incorporated into the wood fiber in the drying process. Percentage of tackifier shall not be less than 2% or greater than 10%, with the percentage used clearly labeled on the outside of package. Tackifier rates shall be adjusted by adding wood fiber mulch with tackifier and regular wood fiber mulch to provide tackifier rates equivalent to or greater than specified. Meadow Seed Mix Meadow Seed Mix shall be as specified as shown in Plans. 8-02.3 Construction Requirements Section 8-02.3 shall be supplemented with the following: Sod: Prior to laying sod, the initial application of the 10-20-20 fertilizer shall be spread and raked into the topsoil. When grass reaches 2" in height and before mowing, apply the second application of 10-20-20. Sod shall be placed in accordance with standard horticultural practices. Dry soil shall be moistened by sprinkling. All butt joints shall be staggered. On sloped areas, the sod shall be laid with the long dimension parallel to the toe or top of slope. After placing, the sod shall be rolled and heavily watered by sprinkler. The Contractor shall be responsible for watering and fertilizing the sod during the establishment period. Watering shall be scheduled to prevent drying of joints between sod strips. Four weeks after the first mowing, 6-2-4 fertilizer shall be applied and reapplied at six week intervals. Maintenance: The maintenance of all sodded and seeded areas shall include watering, weed treatment, mowing (between April 1st and September 30th) with a mower with soft pneumatic wheels, and edging adjacent to paving, curbs, or walls. Maintenance shall continue until physical completion of the project. Inspection and Substantial Completion: After completion of all sodding and seeding, including the post-planting fertilization, which follows the first mowing, the Engineer will review the sodded or seeded areas for adequacy. Areas not fully established (sod) or germinated (seeded) with a uniform stand of grass, or areas damaged through any cause prior to this inspection shall be resod ded/reseeded, as herein specified at the Contractor's expense. "Uniform stand of grass" shall signify complete cover of lush, thriving, green grass with no bare spots. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 Fina]Specs\ Page 102 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued Reseeding: Reseed and fertilize with 6-2-4 at a rate of four hundred pounds (30 lbs.) per 1,000 sf, all areas failing to show a uniform stand of grass after germination of seed, or damage through any cause before physical completion of the project. 8-02.3(2)A Chemical Pesticides No chemical herbicides will be allowed in planting or ground cover areas. 8-02.3(4) Preparation, Cultivation, and Cleanup The costs of removing all excess material and debris shall be incidental to other contract pay items. Cultivate topsoil backfill materials, including imported topsoil and soil amendment, into the existing subgrades to a minimum transition depth of 6 inches. 8-02.3(4)a Finish Grading and Topsoiling Finish grades of planting and seeding areas shall allow for soil preparation and mulch. Finish grades shall be as follows: Planting Areas: 2 inches below all walks, curbs, and/or hard-surface edges. Seeding Areas: 1 inch below all walks, curbs, and/or hard-surface edges. Perform all excavation and backfill necessary to provide finish grade of landscape areas as indicated and specified. Remove from site excess and unsuitable material. Any fill material required to bring landscape areas to finish grade shall be imported Topsoil Type A. Landscape areas shall be graded to lines, grades, and cross sections indicated. Grades shall meet the following: 1. Maximum 2:1 slope, unless otherwise indicated. 2. Smooth and round off surfaces at abrupt grade changes. 3. Feather grades to meet existing gradually. 4. Provide minimum 2 percent crown or slope in all landscape areas. The -• Contractor is responsible for any adverse drainage conditions that may affect plant growth, unless he contacts the Project Engineer immediately indicating any possible problem. Finish grades shall be inspected and accepted by the Project Engineer prior to commencing planting or seeding work. The costs of removing all excess material and debris shall be incidental to other contract pay items. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 1 0th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 103 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued 8-04 CURB, GUTTERS, AND SPILLWAYS 8-04.1 Description Add the following: Work includes replacement of curb and gutters removed or damaged due to construction activities. 8-04.3 Construction Requirements Add the following: Curb and gutters shall match the existing curb and gutter, including type and dimensions, unless otherwise noted in the Plans or by the Engineer. Grade shall meet adjacent curb and gutter in a smooth transition. 8-04.3(3) Width of Replacement (New Section) Contractor shall replace curb and gutter to the nearest construction joint, unless otherwise authorized by the Engineer. 8-12 CHAIN LINK FENCE, WIRE FENCE AND WOOD FENCE 8-12.3 Construction Requirements Section 8-12.3 shall be supplemented with the following: All fences within the designated work area as shown on the Plans that are disturbed or damaged shall be repaired or replaced to at least original condition. All fences outside the designated work area that are disturbed or damaged shall be repaired or replaced to at least original condition at no additional cost to the City. See Bid Item "Remove/ Relocate Existing Fence" for units of measure and payment. The chain link fabric should not extend above the plane of the top rail. The top rail should be smooth, continuous surface. 8-30 Control of Water New 8-30.1 Description The work to be performed includes but is not limited to the control and removal of water from the construction of the detention pond. 8-30.2 Construction Requirements HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 1 0th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 104 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued The Contractor shall remove and exclude water, including stormwater, groundwater, irrigation water, and wastewater, from all excavations. Dewatering wells, wellpoints, sump pumps, or other means shall be used to remove water and continuously maintain groundwater at a level at least two feet below the bottom of excavations before the excavation work begins at each location. Water shall be removed and excluded until backfilling is complete and all field soils testing has been completed. The Contractor is required to provide, operate, and maintain dewatering systems of sufficient size and capacity to permit excavation and subsequent construction in the dry, and to lower and maintain groundwater level below the lowest point of excavation. Continuously maintain excavations free of water, regardless of source, and until backfilled to final grade and accepted by the Engineer. The dewatering systems shall be designed and operated to prevent the loss of ground as water is removed, and to relieve artesian pressures and resultant uplift of the excavation bottom. Sufficient redundancy in each system shall be provided to keep excavation free of water in the event of component failure. The Contractor shall obtain a discharge permit for water disposal from authorities having jurisdiction, and pay all applicable fees. Discharge water as required by discharge permit and in a manner that will not cause erosion or flooding, or otherwise damage existing facilities, completed work, or adjacent property. DIVISION 9 MATERIALS 9-03 AGGREGATES 9-03.10 Aggregate For Gravel Base Section 9-03.10 shall be supplemented with the following: Gravel Base material shall be free of rock fragments larger than three inches. 9-03.22 Controlled Density Fill (New Section) Controlled Density Fill (CDF) shall be a mixture of Portland cement, fly ash, aggregates, water and admixtures proportioned to provide a non-segregating, self-consolidating, free-flowing and excavatable material which will result in a hardened, dense, non- settling fill. Where not specified in this section, Measuring, Mixing, Delivery and Placement shall follow ASTM C94 or WSDOT 6-02.3. 9-03.22(1) Materials Description HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 105 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued Controlled Density Fill shall be a mixture of Portland cement, fly ash, aggregates, water and admixtures which has been batched and mixed in accordance with ASTM C94 or WSDOT 6-02.3. Materials 1. Portland Cement: ASTM C150, AASHTO M85, or WSDOT 9-01 2. Fly Ash: Class F or Class C 3. Aggregates: ASTM C33, WSDOT 9-03.14, or WSDOT 9-03.1 4. Water: WSDOT 9-25 5. Admixtures: WSDOT 9-23.6, AASHTO M194, ASTM C494, or ASTM C260 9-03.22(2) Proportioning The table below provides a guideline for Controlled Density Fill mixes. The weights shown are only an estimate of the amount to be used per cubic yard of CDF. Actual amounts may vary from those shown as approved by the Engineer or approved trial mix data or field test results for proper strength, workability, consistency, and density. Class of CDF A B C Maximum Compressive Strength, lbs. per s . in. 100 300 300 lbs./s .ft. 14,400 43,200 43,200 Max. gals. of mixing water per cubic yard 50 50 30 Lbs. of cement per cubic yard, approximate 30 50 50 Lbs. of fly ash per cubic yard, approximate 200 250 250 tr Lbs. of dry aggregate per cubic yard, approximate assumed S .G. 2.67 3,200 3,200 3,200 1. If air entraining or water reducing admixture is used for flow-ability, total water and aggregates may be adjusted for yield. 2. Coarse aggregate size of 1-1/2" minus assumed. For flowable or excavatable CDF, 3/8" minus or sand is recommended. 3. Weights may be adjusted for flow-ability and pump-ability. 9-03.22(3) Placement CDF can be proportioned to be flowable, non-segregating, or excavatable by hand or machine. Desired flow-ability shall be achieved with the following guidelines: Low Flow-ability below 6 inch slump Normal Flow-ability 6 — 8 inch slump HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 1 0th SAW Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 106 - SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued High Flow-ability 8 inch slump or greater CDF shall be placed by any reasonable means in to the area to be filled. Flowable CDF shall be brought up uniformly to the elevation shown on the plans. Trench section to be filled with CDF shall be contained at either end of trench section by bulkhead or earth fill. CDF patching, mixing and placing may be started if weather conditions are favorable, when the temperature is at 34 degrees F and rising. At the time of placement, CDF must have a temperature of at least 40 degrees F. Mixing and placing shall stop when temperature is 38 degrees F or less and falling. Each filling stage shall be as continuous an operation as is practicable. CDF shall not be placed on frozen ground. 9-03.22(4) Compaction For flowable CDF compaction is not necessary for placement. The Contractor may as an option, adjust the water content to obtain a 0 to 1" maximum slump mixture which if used will be compacted in lifts not to exceed 12 inches. Compaction will be accomplished by use of acceptable compaction means. 9-03.22(5) Protection Contractor shall provide steel plates to span utility trenches and prevent traffic contact with CDF for at least 24 hours after placement or until CDF is compacted or hardened to prevent rutting by construction equipment of traffic. 9-03.22(6) Testing Testing shall be performed per WSDOT 6-02.3(5) for slump and compressive strength. If laboratory trial batches or field trial data confirm weight and strength, no further testing will be necessary, if approved by the Engineer. For hand excavatable material, the unconfined compressive strength shall be 100 psi maximum at 28 days. Laboratory trial batches or field trial data may be submitted to confirm strength and weight 9-05 DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, CULVERTS, AND CONDUITS 9-05.19 Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe (CPEP) 9-05.19(1) Description Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe (CPEP) shall be corrugated high-density polyethylene pipe with smooth internal wall manufactured by Advanced Drainage Systems (ADS), or approved equivalent. 9-05.19(2) Pipe Material and Fabrication HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 107 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued CPEP shall be in conformance with the latest version of ASTM F 667 or AASHTO M 294, Type S. 9-05.12(3) Fittings and Gaskets (New Section) Fittings shall be gasketed PVC fittings. Gaskets shall conform to ASTM F 477. Fittings shall conform to ASTM F 1536 or ASTM D 3212. Fittings shall be manufactured by Nyloplast USA, Inc., or approved equivalent. 9-05.12(4) Installation (New Section) Pipe and fittings shall be installed per the manufacturer's recommendations. Lubricate gasket and fitting socket with manufacturer-approved lubricant prior to pushing pipe into fitting. 9-05.13 Ductile Iron Sewer Pipe Supplement this section with the following: Ductile iron pipe for storm sewers shall conform to ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51-91 Standards, except the minimum nominal thickness shall be as follows: 8" = 0.33" (Class 52) 12" = 0.37" (Class 52) Grade of iron shall be 60-42-10. The pipe shall be cement lined and the exterior shall be coated with an asphaltic coating. Each length shall be plainly marked with the manufacturer's identification, year cast, thickness, class of pipe and weight. The pipe shall be furnished with mechanical joint or push-on joint, conforming to ANSI/AVW1/A C111/A21.11-85 Standards. The pipe manufacturer shall certify in writing that the inspection and all of the specified tests for both pipe and gaskets being supplied under this Contract have been made, and that the results thereof comply with the requirements of the Standard. Joints shall be "made up" in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Standard joint materials, including rubber ring gaskets, shall be furnished with the pipe. Material shall be suitable for the specified pipe sizes. All fittings shall be short-bodied ductile iron cement-mortar-lined, with a minimum rating of 250 psi working pressure, complying with ANSI/AWWA C110 or C153 Standards. The type of joint shall be "Tyton", mechanical joints. 9-14 EROSION CONTROL AND ROADSIDE PLANTING 9-14.1(1) Topsoil Type A HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 108 SPECIAL PROVISIONS-Continued Section 9-14.1(1) shall be supplemented with the following: Topsoil shall have a pH value between 5.6 and 7, and shall be capable of sustaining vigorous lawn growth. Topsoil shall not be used while in a frozen or muddy condition. All topsoil shall be furnished as necessary to complete the required restoration and seeding. A certified analysis of the topsoil from each source shall be submitted to the Engineer before delivery to the site. If deficiencies in the topsoil are found as a result of this analysis, they shall be corrected at no expense to the City. 9-14.5 Erosion Control Blanket Organic temporary erosion control blanket shall meet the following requirements: 1. Made of natural plant fibers. 2. Have a minimum weight of 8 oz./sq. yd. and a minimum limiting shear stress of 0.45 lb./sq. ft. 3. Netting, if present, shall be biodegradable or photodegradable. Permanent erosion control blanket shall meet the following requirements: 1. Consist of uv stabilizedl fibers, filaments, and netting. 2. Have a minimum weight of 8 oz./sq. yd. and a minimum limiting shear stress of 1.5 lb./sq. ft. 1 u stability (minimum 80 percent tensile retained) ASTM D4355 (1,000 hour exposure). 9-14.6(8) Sod ( supplement with the following ) Sod Material: Provide sod as follows: Mixture: 60% Perennial Turf Type Ryegrass 20% Hybrid Kentucky Bluegrass 20% Fescue Ryegrass: 60% by weight TARA perennial ryegrass DANDY perennial ryegrass SHERWOOD perennial ryegrass Fescue: 20% by weight SPARTAN Hard Fescue Sod shall: HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 N E I 0th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 109 SPECIAL PROVISIONS - Continued • contain no more than 1% other grasses, none of which is coarse or of undesirable variety. • be free of weeds, pests, and diseases. • contain no more than 1% Poa Anna (annual bluegrass). • be not less than 10 months old and no more than 14 months old; healthy and with a dense, vigorous, well-developed root structure. • be grown on fumigated soil with intensive care and cultivation under rigid quality control. • be cut from fields no more than 24 hours before delivery to the job site. Fertilizer for Sodded Areas: Initial application: 10-20-20 at the rate of fifteen (15) pounds per 1,000 square feet. Second application: When the grass is two inches high, and prior to mowing, a post- seeding fertilizer (10-20-20), shall be applied at the rate of fifteen (15) pounds per 1,000 square feet. Fertilization after first mowing: After the first mowing, the Contractor shall apply fertilizer (6-2-4) at the rate of thirty pounds (30 lbs.) per one thousand square feet (1,000 sq. ft.). First mowing shall occur when the grass first reaches two (2") inches in height and shall be mowed to a continuing height of one and one half inches (1-1/2"). Mowing shall continue on a weekly basis thereafter until Physical Completion of the project. Construction Requirements Prior to laying sod, the initial application of the 10-20-20 fertilizer shall be spread and raked into the topsoil. When grass reaches 2" in height and before mowing, apply the second application of 10-20-20. Sod shall be placed in accordance with standard horticultural practices. Dry soil shall be moistened by sprinkling. All butt joints shall be staggered. On sloped areas, the sod shall be laid with the long dimension parallel to the toe or top of slope. After placing, the sod shall be rolled and heavily watered by sprinkler. The Contractor shall be responsible for watering and fertilizing the sod during the establishment period. Watering shall be scheduled to prevent drying of joints between sod strips. Four weeks after the first mowing, 6-2-4 fertilizer shall be applied and reapplied at six week intervals. Maintenance: The maintenance of all sodded and seeded areas shall include watering, weed treatment, mowing (between April 1st and September 30th) with a mower with soft pneumatic wheels, and edging adjacent to paving, curbs, or walls. Maintenance shall continue until physical completion of the project. Inspection and Substantial Completion: HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 110 SPECIAL PROVISIONS -Continued After completion of all sodding and seeding, including the post-planting fertilization, which follows the first mowing, the Engineer will review the sodded or seeded areas for adequacy. Areas not fully established (sod) or germinated (seeded) with a uniform stand of grass, or areas damaged through any cause prior to this inspection shall be resodded/reseeded, as herein specified at the Contractor's expense. "Uniform stand of grass" shall signify complete cover of lush, thriving, green grass with no bare spots. Reseeding: Reseed and fertilize with 6-2-4 at a rate of four hundred pounds (30 lbs.) per 1,000 sf, all areas failing to show a uniform stand of grass after germination of seed, or damage through any cause before physical completion of the project. 9-16.6 Cleaning Perform cleaning during installation of the work and upon completion of the work. Remove from the site all excess materials, debris and equipment. Repair damage to any project features. HAFile Sys\SWP-27 CIP\27-2266 NE 10th St\01 Pond Design\301 FinalSpecs\ Page 111 -= = = � = = -+ = =~ ~= = -" ~= = = � TRAFFIC CONTROL INFORMATION = CITY OF RENTON TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS—TRAFFIC OPERATIONS TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY: APPL DATE: ADDRESS: PERMIT : PHONE : ( ) CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT: MOB./CEL : ( ) PROJECT LOCATION: N/E/S/R OF: FAX : ( ) WORK TIME: APPROVED BY: WORK DATE: APPROVAL DATE: NOTES: 1) CALL 911 (USING LOCAL PHONE) OR (253) 854-2005 (USING CELL PHONE), FIRE do POLICE DEPARTMENTS BEFORE ANY CLOSURE. 2) CALL METRO TRANSIT CONTROL CENTER AT (206) 684-2732 AT LEAST TWENTY—FOUR (24) HOURS BEFORE ANY STREET OR LANE CLOSURE AND 30 AMMTES BEFORE THE ACTUAL CLOSURE. 3) THIS PLAN MUST BE SUBMITTED AT LEAST THREE (3) WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO WORK. 4) APPROVED TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN MUST BE AT WORK SITE DURING WORK HOURS. COMMENTS: SKETCH NORTH I have been informed of my responsibilities for traffic control and OFFICE COPY T- CONTRACTOR agree to comply with all traffic regulations of the City of Renton. INSPECTOR Nay WATTS/ M GRAY SIGNATURE: DA'L'E: Pour GERBER E ,JNM RAY C:\WMM a 0tAW ns-\TCP\CTRU"1 Ll I, representing agree to comply with all traffic regulations of the City of Renton. I shall prepare a traffic control plan and obtain City approval of that plan. That plan shall be implemented for all street and lane closures, and the plan shall be performed in compliance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. I shall notify emergency services twenty-four (24) hours before any street or lane closures. I understand any lane or street closures not in conformance with the approved traffic control plan and/or without notification of emergency services may result in my receiving a citation for violation of R.C.W. 47.36.200 through 47.36.220, 9A.36.050 Reckless Endangerment, and other applicable State and City codes. I certify I am responsible for the project and the responsible party to be cited for violation of R.C.W. 47.36.200 through 47.36.220 or 9A.36.050 Reckless Endangerment, and other applicable State and City codes. NAME: I D.O.B.: SS#: HOME ADDRESS. WORK ADDRESS: WORK PHONE: HOME PHONE: COLOR EYES: WEIGHT: HEIGHT: COLOR HAIR: WASHINGTON STATE DRIVERS LICENSE NUMBER: h:\division.s\transpor.tat\operatio\traf-conkrines L >,cLi vn o c + ov o o c r E W C W W W E W o D'L U•-- N L O CIOlI t O�- C C 7 N TC Cl O O O 7 W.-Ow N v - E E L V w o N 'f W w E -•o n + u o+ o <d C L > O - a D W O U O_ N D O cW L ww¢ W o o m + O L t L N_ a) 7 N a 4 O 7 W[D O 4 z L O O Q L 03 N W--�� n ° Ix O� 00, O U-t - C U w L L E W O v- ca c >c- c-- L >z N w Y 00 - L 7 W U N O d O E O C L 0 o a+ O �° O L3NW N r-O� Q• w rN W L F O U V C N L W a P O L L E ++ L N w o0 O W 7 L O O _ O >`F E =W L`F C -N N y m OtPV L O -00- U a a 00 N •V 3 E Ot-- O •-3 W- L C> + D f- w t w -LOt - -W d O L .0 w+0`0 C O d n W W + O> C w L C m O L w N O P O L -7 3C U O N Y '7,4 L W U W O 3+ 0 Oc O L 0 L c N Wl L>Y N L L 7C w0 .O V w a 0 �•- C C w V 000 Vw o O w 7 •-�O CO Oa-- O v 3 !"a O'' oQp"a i w i 3 O c E t-- OY LC O L U w O NL W L �F W- - w+ L--W 10 -4- w D }\ Z �+ N In Q IA t0 �O r o } 7► o} N W 3 a O o N } 0 m X O O O Qr\ a a YO B \ c N V S Z S AN m o o w '0 o - Y d� 00 �S N �w CD at C Oct \ L V C Ot O C C O O ail d C +w i C V O L 0 ow O TO °- N ds z� D O O LL V Oil <w c P a N UV D O Q aw- O O O C - � o U 3 rn T r Ow D> L o L C o L d mE .°n o .°i+o _ c d a p yO E0 dco o nc _ dL V d V}d}oN OT30 pP Ln OL/p QF O 2 ° od •d >-- aP d - a 9 w nndc L-N c.-d no-E T+ T, o L dD-O-•V -U °••L pp �i Cod y �.. P-LN° "> - C C O O L PCPO E3n V <UN N O V • y j L N .t Woo O Z i C JLENJ-N DD CC p VNVN n3COnVD ODON To TO CJ OQ it -007 'F 0 e C- lJ C L O O E L-p E p L U P Cl)n0 00NJ Ot OC P--C u - Q ' 00 Q d0 V E NN O Cad O ' 0bp uoN N�DxCL- J•-vL E c o : -o- 7 dLOLC pdu C• C - _ ® ll TNO+F- LL'� N O.C O .0 J d C 3 O S- n (L t pOL 0E -7 Coo 3 - Cam® VOON NOD� � TOC- C- 0L NN O-. tD O EJ V4 CPO LOO C -0 0 W J C C- pC O o n L' -,03 E-dL 00L OHO zN ,D m 0 N O Od ---) o-C o O N D ODE +PC NP C-tO T UEd YN-Dd K O 0Ud N U m n DL dlfOL 0 I O Jt 40 Vt oC-L 7O1C: n o--.O and J ✓ H° - t0 � OE O"E- LL NO>L LUD O° 4 OOLO dN•�L• Wdd LL WLL JO dLL E O 10 N-n•f O>>O I-t l 3 O N 0 a Z 0 O N M P D . 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I 'O \ + a y im \ s / o / T D U so N 0 4C.O U 0 p T L+ 3 mU m V AIN p O ' * C` U W C r rnm 0 O O C Z N O m H O G 3 U � a r o P M t0 w � a J T �Y ti O y � CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL NETWORK Vertical Control 3rd Order, 1st Class North American Vertical Datum 1988 Meters Horizontal Control 2nd Order, 1st Class North American Datum 1983/1991 Meters I'Printing January 1995 2nd Printing January 1997 Revised&Reprinted May 2000 TS_SERVER//SYS2\MAPS\83m\control\scn.doc Title 2 May,2000 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I SURVEY CONTROL NETWORK DESCRIPTION.................................. i SURVEYING STANDARDS ............................................................1-11-1 d„ MONUMENT CASE & COVER STANDARD PLAN.......................H031 SECTION II MAPS,DESCRIPTIONS&VALUES Section Index Map...............................................................................Index Section Township Range Page 13 T23N R4E WM..................................................................F2 14 T23N R4E WM..................................................................F1 24 T23N R4E WM ....................G2 .............................................. 25 T23N R4E WM..................................................................H2 36 T23N R4E WM...................................................................I2 do 5 T22N R5E WM 6 T22N R5E WM...................................................................J5 3 T24N R5E WM............................•-....---.............................D6 so 4 T23N R5E WM..................................................................D5 5 T23N R5E WM..................................................................D4 No 7 T23N R5E WM................•----.......................•.....................E3 8 T23N R5E WM..............................•...................................E4 9 T23N R5E WM..................................................................E5 as 10 T23N R5E WM..............................•--_.. .......... 11 T23N R5E WM.................•-...............................................E7 14 T23N R5E WM..................................................................F7 me 15 T23N R5E WM ........F6 .......................................................... 16 T23N R5E WM.............................•........-----.......................F5 17 T23N R5E WM...•..............................................................F4 so 18 T23N R5E WM 19 T23N R5E WM.....................................................•--..........G3 20 T23N R5E WM..................................................................G4 `o 21 T23N R5E WM 22 T23N R5E WM.........................................•--...._.................G6 do 29 T23N R5E WM..................................................................H4 30 T23N R5E WM..................................................................H3 31 T23N R5E WM.........-•........................................................I3 go 32 T23N R5E WM...................................................................I4 29 T24N R5E WM..................................................................B4 31 T24N R5E WM..................................................................C3 32 T24N R5E WM..................................................................C4 TS_SERVER//SYS2IMAPS183m\convol\scn.doc Table of Contents 2 May 2000 WII AM CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL NETWORK The City of Renton Survey Control Network is the result of a three year project by the Technical Services Section of the Planning & Technical Services Division of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department and several private surveying firms working ,■, for the city. The purpose of this network is to provide an accessible common datum for all public and private projects within the city. Thus facilitating city wide infrastructure management and analysis and assuring compatibility between the various utility systems and system projects. This project started in 1992 with the formation of a Horizontal and Vertical Control Network Committee to prepare a plan for the development and maintenance of a Survey Control Network for the City. The committee members were: 4' Robert Anderson PLS; Bush,Roed&Hitchings,Inc., Carrie Davis; Technical Services Section(Recorder), am Abdoul Gafour; Utility Systems Division, Arneta Henninger; Plan Review Section, Development Services Division, Jae Lee; Transportation Systems Division, 4w Robert Mac Onie; Technical Services Section(Chairman), Jon Warren PLS; Dodds Engineers, Inc., Dennis Wegenast; National Geodetic Survey. The committee developed the standards, specifications and phasing for all ensuing work. All survey work meets the requirements specified by the Federal Geodetic Control Committee in Standards and Specifications for Geodetic Control Networks dated September 1984. The project was split into three phases: 1) monument recovery, 2) horizontal control and 3)vertical control. The monument recovery project was performed by Dodds "" Engineers, Inc., under the direction of Jon Warren PLS in 1992 and early 1993. This project identified existing Public Land Survey System comer monuments and other as monuments (NGS, C&GS, King County, City of Bellevue, major intersections and those located near current and proposed capital improvement projects) important to the development of a survey control network. In most cases, street centerline monuments dw were selected for both horizontal and vertical control due to stability and maintenance considerations. The second and third phases ran concurrently during 1993 & 1994- The horizontal control phase was executed by Bush, Roed & Hitchings, under the direction of Robert Anderson PLS, using Global Positioning Systems (GPS) technology per the Federal Geodetic Control Subcommittee Standards for GPS control surveys as defined in Geometric Geodetic Accuracy Standards & Specifications for Using GPS Relative Positioning Techniques dated August 1, 1989. This phase established NAD 1983/1991, Washington • State Plane, 2nd Order, 1st Class, northing and easting values for 122 monuments in and .r TS SERVER//SYS2\MAPS\83m\control\scn.doc i 2 May 2000 err around the City. Four NAD 1983/1991 National Geodetic Survey (NGS) high precision geodetic network (HPGN) monuments (BROWN, PT B 1962, HAFF and MUD MTN) controlled the GPS survey. All coordinates show are "Washington Coordinate System of , 1983/1991,North Zone." The vertical control phase was performed by Triad Associates, under the direction of , Brad Freeman PLS, using a Wild NA2000 automatic auto reading level and Star*Lev adjustment software. This phase established NAVD 1988, 3rd Order, 1st Class, elevations on 190 monuments in and around the City with 70 of these being horizontal , control monuments as well. The leveling project was divided into seven primary interdependent loops connected at a minimum of two points with common benchmarks. Additional legs were run across the primary loops tying into two benchmarks at both ends. A total of 15 NGS benchmarks were part of the network, four of which were held in the final adjustment(NGS Archive Numbers SY0232, SY0162, SY0163 and SY0617) and provided substantial agreement(less than or equal to 5mm)with 5 others. The City, in 1995, will have reference points set for all Survey Control Network street centerline monuments not currently referenced. Over the next several years monuments in need of upgrade will be reset as part of an ongoing maintenance program or where capital improvement projects would likely disturb them. As an adjunct to the Survey Control Network the city has developed the enclosed Surveying Standards. Al Hebrank of Hebrank & Associates developed the first draft of these standards which were modified to require the use of the Survey Control Network • for all public and private development projects within the city and define the responsibilities of the surveyor in the establishment of new monuments and their associated records. The standards have been reviewed by at least ten licensed surveyors for completeness and suitability. The City of Renton and its urban growth area lie between latitudes 47° 25' North to the south and 47° 32' 30" North to the north. In most cases the combined scale factor (elevation and grid scale) throughout this area can be treated.as equal to 1.0000000. Table 1. shows the grid scale factors for each minute of latitude in the Renton area identified above. Please note that the relative accuracy for the grid scale factors is approximately 1 in 60,000 at 47° 25' N to the south and 1 in 111,000 at 470 33' N to the north and thus for most survey work will have no impact on surveys covering less than 1.5 miles. TS_SERVER//SYS2\MAPS\83m\control\scn.doc ii 2 May 2000 a TABLE 1. A LAMBERT CONFORMAL CONIC PROJECTION TABLE Washington Coordinate System of 1983/1991,North Zone for Renton Tabular. Grid AN Latitude Radius Difference Scale for 1" of Lat. Factor 470 25' 5807452.516 30.88355 1.00001659 40 470 26' 5805599.504 30.88353 1.00001310 470 27' 5803746.492 30.88352 1.00000970 470 28' 5801893.480 30.88351 1.00000638 AN 470 29' 5800040.470 30.88350 1.00000315 470 30' 5798187.460 30.88349 1.00000000 470 31' 5796334.450 30.88349 0.99999693 470 32' 5794481.441 30.88349 0.99999395 470 33' 5792628.431 30.88349 0.99999105 The range of elevation in Renton is between 0 and 200 meters (0 and 656 feet). Table 2 shows the scale factor due to elevation. TABLE 2. SEA LEVEL REDUCTION TABLE Renton Elevation Sea Level Feet Factor Sea Level 1.0000000 500 0.9999761 1000 0.9999522 The worst case relative accuracy for an elevation of 650 feet with an interpolated scale factor of 0.99996893 is approximately 1 in 32,000. When combined with the worst case AW grid scale factor of 0.99999195 it yields a combined factor of 0.99995998 for a relative accuracy of approximately 1 in 25,000. It should be noted that Washington state uses the US survey foot and the conversion between feet and meters is 3937/1200 or 328083333 feet per meter. An analysis of the differences between NGVD 1929 and NAVD 1988 elevations in and around Renton yields a conversion factor of+1.092 meters going from NGVD 1929 to „o NAVD 1988. The information in this document has been extensively reviewed but there is always the possibility that some particulars of the monument locations, descriptions or values are either misleading or incorrect. If any such errors are found please contact the City of Renton's Mapping Supervisor at, 7569. This document will be updated on an ongoing basis as monuments are upgraded, added or as corrections are made. err TS_SERVER//SYS2\MAPS\83m\control\scn-doc iii 2 May 2000 M 40 am City of Renton Surveying Standards City of Renton Standard Plans& Supplemental Specifications Section 1-11 Adopted December 16, 1996 Effective January, 21, 1997 a� do ar TS_SERVER//SYS2\MAPS\83m\control\scn.doc 1-11-1 2 May 2000 im Vertical Datum of 1988, and tied to at least one 1-11 Renton Surveying Standards of the City of Renton Survey Control Network benchmarks. If there are two such benchmarks 1-11.1(1) Responsibility for surveys(RC) within 3000 feet of the project site a tie to both All surveys and survey reports shall be prepared shall be made. The benchmark(s) used will be under the direct supervision of a person shown on the drawing. If a City of Renton registered to practice land surveying under the benchmark does not exist within 3000 feet of a provisions of Chapter 18.43 RCW. project,one must be set on or near the project in All surveys and survey reports shall be prepared a permanent manner that will remain intact in accordance with the requirements established throughout the duration of the project. Source of by the Board of Registration for Professional elevations (benchmark) will be shown on the Engineers and Land Surveyors under the drawing, as well as a description of any bench provisions of Chapter 18.43 RCW. marks established. 1-11.1(2) Survey Datum and Precision 1-11.1(3) Subdivision Information(RC) (RC) Those surveys dependent on section subdivision The horizontal component of all surveys shall shall reveal the controlling monuments used and have as its coordinate base: The North the subdivision of the applicable quarter section. American Datum of 1983/91. Those surveys dependent on retracement of a All horizontal control for projects must be plat or short plat shall reveal the controlling referenced to or in conjunction with a minimum monuments, measurements, and methodology of two of the City of Renton's Survey Control used in that retracement. Network monuments. The source of the 1-11.1(4) Field Notes(RC) coordinate values used will be shown on the Field notes shall be kept in conventional format survey drawing per RCW 58.09.070. in a standard bound field book with waterproof The horizontal component of all surveys shall pages. In cases where an electronic data meet or exceed the closure requirements of collector is used field notes must also be kept WAC 332-130-060. The control base lines for with a sketch and a record of control and base all surveys shall meet or exceed the requirements line traverses describing station occupations and for a Class A survey revealed in Table 2 of the what measurements were made at each point. Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for Every point located or set shall be identified by a ALTA/ACSM Land Title Surveys jointly number and a description. Point numbers shall established and adopted by ALTA and ACSM in be unique within a complete job. The preferred 1992 or comparable classification in future method of point numbering is field notebook, editions of said document. The angular and page and point set on that page. Example: The linear closure and precision ratio of traverses first point set or found on page 16 of field book used for survey control shall be revealed on the 348 would be identified as Point No. 348.16.01, face of the survey drawing, as shall the method the second point would be 348.16.02,etc. of adjustment. Upon completion of a City of Renton project, The horizontal component of the control system either the field notebook(s)provided by the City for surveys using global positioning system or the original field notebook(s) used by the methodology shall exhibit at least 1 part in surveyor will be given to the City. For all other 50,000 precision in line length dependent error work,surveyors will provide a copy of the notes analysis at a 95 percent confidence level and to the City upon request. In those cases where performed pursuant to Federal Geodetic Control an electronic data collector is used, a hard copy Subcommittee Standards for GPS control print out in ASCII text format will accompany surveys as defined in Geometric Geodetic the field notes. Accuracy Standards & Specifications for Using GPS Relative Positioning Techniques dated 1-11.1(5) Corners and Monuments(RC) August 1, 1989 or comparable classification in Corner A point on a land boundary, at the future editions of said document.. juncture of two or more boundary lines_ A The vertical component of all surveys shall be monument is usually set at such points to based on NAVD 1988, the North American TS_SERVER//SYS2\MAPS\83m\control\scn.doc 1-11-5 2 May 2000 physically reference a corner's location on the requirements of the project, the original will be , ground. recorded with the King County Recorder. If recording is not required, the survey drawing Monument Any physical object or structure of shall be prepared on 22 inch by 34 inch mylar, record which marks or accurately references: and the original or a photographic mylar thereof • A comer or other survey point established will be submitted to the City of Renton. by or under the supervision of an individual The survey drawings shall meet or exceed the per section 1-11.1(1) and any corner or requirements of WAC 332-130-050 and shall monument established by the General Land conform to the City of Renton's Drafting Office and its successor the Bureau of Land Standards. American Public Works Association Management including section subdivision symbols shall be used whenever possible, and a corners down to and including one-sixteenth legend shall identify all symbols used if each corners;and point marked by a symbol is not described at each use. • Any permanently monumented boundary, An electronic listing of all principal points right of way alignment, or horizontal and shown on the drawing shall be submitted with vertical control points established by any each drawing. The listing should include the ' governmental agency or private surveyor point number designation (corresponding with including street intersections but excluding that in the field notes), a brief description of the dependent interior lot corners. point, and northing, easting, and elevation (if applicable) values, all in ASCII format, on IBM ' 1-11.1(6) Control or Base Line Survey PC compatible media. (RC) Control or Base Line Surveys shall be 1-11.1(7) Precision Levels(RC) ' established for all construction projects that will Vertical Surveys for the establishment of bench create permanent structures such as roads, marks shall satisfy all applicable requirements of sidewalks,bridges,utility lines or appurtenances, section 1-05 and 1-11.1. signal or light poles, or any non-single family Vertical surveys for the establishment of bench building. Control or Base Line Surveys shall marks shall meet or exceed the standards, consist of such number of permanent monuments specifications and procedures of third order as are required such that every structure may be elevation accuracy established by the Federal observed for staking or "as-builting" while Geodetic Control Committee. occupying one such monument and sighting Bench marks must possess both permanence and another such monument. A minimum of two of vertical stability. Descriptions of bench marks these permanent monuments shall be existing must be complete to insure both recoverablilty monuments, recognized and on record with the and positive identification on recovery. City of Renton. The Control or Base Line Survey shall occupy each monument in turn, and 1-11.1(8) Radial and Station — Offset shall satisfy all applicable requirements of Topography(RC) Topographic surveys shall satisfy all applicable Section IA 1.1 herein. requirements of section 1-11.1 herein. The drawing depicting the survey shall be neat, All points occupied or back sighted in legible, and drawn to an appropriate scale. developing radial topography or establishing North orientation should be clearly presented baselines for station -- offset topography shall and the scale shown graphically as well as noted. meet the requirements of section 1-11.1 herein. ' The drawing must be of such quality that a The drawing and electronic listing requirements reduction thereof to one-half original scale set forth in section 1-11.1 herein shall be remains legible. observed for all topographic surveys. If recording of the survey with the King County t Recorder is required, it will be prepared on 18 1-11.1(9) Radial Topography(RC) inch by 24 inch mylar and will comply with all Elevations for the points occupied or back provisions of Chapter 58.09 RCW. A sighted in a radial topographic survey shall be photographic mylar of the drawing will be determined either by 1) spirit leveling with submitted to the City of Renton and, upon their misclosure not to exceed 0.1 feet or Federal review and acceptance per the specific TS_SERVER//SYS2\MAPS\83m\control\scn.doc 1-11-5 2 May 2000 Geodetic Control Committee third order relationship between the witness monuments and elevation accuracy specifications, OR 2) their respective comers shall be shown or trigonometric leveling with elevation differences described on the face of the plat or survey of determined in at least two directions for each record, e.g., "Tacks in lead on the extension of point and with misclosure of the circuit not to the lot side lines have been set in the curbs on exceed 0.1 feet. the extension of said line with the curb." In all other cases the corner shall meet the 1-11.1(10) Station—Offset Topography requirements of section 1-11.2(1)herein. (RC) All non comer monuments, as defined in 1- Elevations of the baseline and topographic points 11.1(5), shall meet the requirements of section shall be determined by spirit leveling and shall 1-11.2(2)herein. If the monument falls with in a satisfy Federal Geodetic Control Committee paved portion of a right of way or other area,the specifications as to the turn points and shall not monument shall be set below the ground surface exceed 0.1 foot's error as to side shots. and contained within a lidded case kept separate 1-11.1(11) As-Built Survey(RC) from the monument and flush with the pavement All improvements required to be "as-built" (post surface,per section 1-11.2(3). construction survey) per City of Renton Codes, In the case of right of way centerline monuments TITLE 4 Building Regulations and TITLE 9 all points of curvature (PC), points of tangency Public Ways and Property, must be located both (PT), street intersections, center points of cul de horizontally and vertically by a Radial survey or sacs shall be set. If the point of intersection, PI, by a Station offset survey. The "as-built" survey for the tangents of a curve fall within the paved must be based on the same base line or control portion of the right of way, a monument can be survey used for the construction staking survey set at the PI instead of the PC and PT of the for the improvements being "as-built". The "as- curve. built" survey for all subsurface improvements For all non comer monuments set while under should occur prior to backfilling. Close contract to the City of Renton or as part of a City cooperation between the installing contractor and of Renton approved subdivision of property, a the"as-builting"surveyor is therefore required. City of Renton Monument Card (furnished by All "as-built" surveys shall satisfy the the city) identifying the monument; point of requirements of section 1-11.1(1) herein and intersection(PI),point of tangency(PT),point of shall be based upon control or base line surveys curvature (PC), one-sixteenth corner, Plat made in conformance with all of section I-11.1 monument, street intersection, etc., complete and 1-11.3(1)herein. with a description of the monument, a minimum The field notes for "as-built" shall meet the of two reference points and NAD 83/91 requirements of section 1-11.1(4) herein and coordinates and NAVD 88 elevation shall be submitted with stamped and signed "as-built" filled out and filed with the city. drawings which includes a statement certifying the accuracy of the"as built". 1-11.2 Materials The drawing and electronic listing requirements set forth in section 1-11.1(6) herein shall be 1-11.2(1) Property/Lot Corners(RC) observed for all"as-built"surveys_ Comers per 1-11.1(5) shall be marked in a permanent manner such as 1/2 inch diameter 1-11.1(12) Monument Setting and rebar 24 inches in length, durable metal plugs or Referencing(RC) caps, tack in lead, etc. and permanently marked All property or lot comers, as defined in I- or tagged with the surveyor's identification 11.1(5), established or reestablished on a plat or number_ The specific nature of the marker used other recorded survey shall be referenced by a can be determined by the surveyor at the time of permanent marker at the corner point per I- installation. 11.2(1). In situations where such markers are 1-11.2(2) Monuments(RC) impractical or in danger of being destroyed,e.g., Monuments per 1-11.1(5) shall meet the the front corners of lots, a witness marker shall requirements as set forth in City of Renton be set. In most cases, this will be the extension Standard Plans page H031 and permanently of the lot line to a tack in lead in the curb. The TS_SERVER//SYS2\MAPS\83m\control\scn.doc 1-11-5 2 May 2000 rr marked or tagged with the surveyor's rr identification number. 1-11.2(3) Monument Case and Cover (RC) .. Materials shall meet the requirements of section 9-22 and City of Renton Standard Plans page H031. stir err M tro a rr r� a W6 N TS_SERVER//SYS2\M"S\83m\controRscn-doc 1-11-5 2 May 2000 w . c C> .T. u1 r. V A Q > Z co n. V W t o .-a N Cd m y, 00 QA < F- o aw 0 � w z rr o w Q r x cc IQ—G Z _ .• {j O v Z w W v t� J U r G .n Z/�/" _ - . 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Q —-- -- 3 4'' --- -- YII L 1D i 1 r , ! 8 L1 3 -- — - -- -632 E6. 10 T23N RSE NW I/4 LEGEND CITY OF RENTON 1111 ® Horizontal & Vertical SURVEY CONTROL NETWORK 2222 ' MONUMENTS & BENCHMARKS ® Hodz«+tal 0r ` TECHNICAL SERVICES s®s Vertical Only PLANNINGBUUMING/PUBLIC WORKS 02!14/00 0 450 9w �"°'J° Mawment -- Renton Ciw Limits D6 1:54M 3 T23N R5E SW 1/4 18 Q? D6 . 3 T23N R5E SW 1/4 i y ++�6 8 j ; .J85 +386 ' t3$7- n +12637 # - T— th 1\390 2640 } +630 +63i 354+ ' i ++ +392 ; 2 ^� 39+t�*—� i .`�2 + � � i i h68J+ � { — — — U -� -, _ 24 T+ +Z4+7�9 31ri j y,' +190 — 1 / 801 E Z�Cy itl 1� i f ter— 685; r ,2481++631 ll 116688 1+ +635 +1689 + 639+( { — t-h j - t+!68 a INE It , +636 +1682 +1683 ' 220 >n 1539+ ;� ` 2908 I , W 3 +1307 2907+Y CC) •, 1 + 2906+'-- ' 280 I = ;2s L �; r _ .._Y__�. 02 _ —1 I i L-- 1i+ 22,1+ 2207+ }} 2210' y' , ' Y 1 i 2209' ; < F 1 — 7 A i 1 4=_ ' -- 1 g _ T A ' i ! +289_ 29 2901 291 2900 10 T23N R5E SW 1/4 LEGEND CITY OF RENTON 1111 ® Horizontal & vertical SURVEY CONTROL NETWORK 2222 MONUMENTS & BENCHMARKS ® Horizontal 0* zY TECHNICAL SERVICES 3®3 Vertical Orjy + + PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS 02/14/00 Morxnnent ® 450 Reton C ty Limits E6 1:54M 10 T23N R5E NW 1/4 SECTION 4 T23N R5E W.M. 28-Apr-00 Horizontal: NAD 1983/91 Meters Vertical:: NAVD 1988 Meters rw 57 NW Corner 9 T23N R5E Location: Found a 3"flat brass disc with'W'and a punch mark on a concrete post ' monument down 0.5'at the constructed intersection of NE 12th Street& Edmonds Avenue NE. ' Monument: 3 IN BRASS DISC W/ [X] & PUNCH ON CONC MON, IN CASE, DN_ 05 NORTHING: 56830.947 EASTING: 398127.629 ELEVATION: 99.496 159 NW Corner 10 T23N RSE Location: Found a 1-1/2"flat brass disc with a punch mark on a 4'W"concrete post monument down 0.6' in a monument case at the constructed intersection of NE 12th Street& Union Avenue NE. Monument: 1-1/2 IN DISC W/PUNCH ON 4 IN CONC MON, IN CASE, DN. 0.6' NORTHING: EASTING: ELEVATION: 126.782 369 W 1/4 Corner 4 T23N R5E Location: Found a 3"flat bronze disc with a punch mark on concrete post monument down 0.5' in a monument case in the constructed centerline of Edmonds Avenue approximately 185 feet northerly of its constructed intersection with NE 20th Street to the west_ Monument 3 IN BRONZE DISC & [X]W/PUNCH ON CONC MON, IN CASE, DN. 05 NORTHING: 57635.367 EASTING: 398135.222 ELEVATION: 101.368 D5-I SECTION 9 T23N R5E W.M. 28-Apr-00 Horizontal: NAD 1983/91 Meters Vertical: NAVD 1988 Meters 806 Location: Found 2"disc with punch mark on a 4"x 4"concrete monument case at intersection of NE 10th St. and Union Ave NE Monument 2 IN BRASS, PUNCHED DISC ON 4 IN X 4 IN POST 0.25' BELOW RIM OF 10 IN MON. CASE NORTHING: 56389.156 EASTING: 399705.708 ELEVATION: 1502 N 1/4 Corner 16 T23N R5E Location: Found a 2"flat brass disc with a punch mark in a 4"diameter pipe filled with concrete down 0.6'in a monument case at the constructed centerline of NE 4th Street&Monroe Avenue NE. See City of Renton monument reference card number 98 and 1502. Monument 2 IN BRASS DISC W/PUNCH ON 4 IN CONC FILLED PIPE, IN CASE, DN. 0.6' NORTHING: 55202.256 EASTING: 398907.471 ELEVATION: 104.057 1503 NW Corner 15 T23N R5E Location: Found a 1/8"copper pin in a concrete post monument down 0.7' in a monument case at the constructed intersection of NE 4th Street& Union Avenue NE. Monument 1/8 IN CU PIN ON CONC MON, IN CASE, DN. 0.7' NORTHING: 55189.601 EASTING: 399714.506 ELEVATION: 122.231 E5-3 SECTION 3 T23N R5E W.M. 28-Apr-00 Horizontal: NAD 1983/91 Meters Vertical: NAVD 1988 Meters 1844 Location: Found a 2"iron pipe filled with concrete with tack in a monument case at the intersection of Sunset Blvd. SE. and Duvall Ave. SE. Monument TACK IN CONC FILLED 2" IRON PIPE, IN CASE NORTHING: 57084.790 EASTING: 400322.536 ELEVATION: 124.779 1845 NW Corner 11 T23N R5E Location: Found a 1/2"diameter bronze plug and a punch mark on a 3"diameter concrete post monument down 1.3'in a monument case at the constructed intersection of SE 112th Street& 148th Avenue SE. Monument: 1/2 IN BRONZE PLUG W/PUNCH ON CONC MON, IN CASE, DN. 1.3' NORTHING: 56744.950 EASTING: 401312.014 ELEVATION: 142.573 1891 Location: Found 2" brass disk with'W' In concrete in monument case with photo panel marks at the intersection of Union Ave NE and NE 22nd PI. Monument: BRASS DISC WITH [X)IN CONC. IN MON. CASE NORTHING: 57771.347 EASTING: 399722.661 ELEVATION: 138.406 1894 Location: Found 6"monument case at intersection of NE Sunset Blvd. and Union Ave NE Monument MON. IN CASE NORTHING: 56890.539 EASTING: 399704.559 ELEVATION: D6-3 SECTION 9 T23N R5E W.M. 28-Apr-00 Horizontal: NAD 1983191 Meters Vertical: NAVD 1988 Meters 1843 Location: Found a 118"brass pin in a 4"x4"concrete post monument(with broken edges)down 1.1' in a monument case at the constructed intersection of NE 12th Street&Monroe Avenue NE(to the north). Monument: 1/8 IN BRASS PIN ON CONC MON, IN CASE, DN. 1.1' NORTHING: 56815.122 EASTING: 398957.514 ELEVATION: 129.585 1848 Location: Found a 11/2"flat brass disc with a punch mark on a 4"x4"concrete post monument down 0.4' in a monument case at the constructed intersection of NE 8th Court& Union Avenue NE. Monument: 1-1/2 IN BRASS DISC W/ PUNCH ON 4 INX4 IN CONC MON, IN CASE, DN_ 0.4' NORTHING: 55989.266 EASTING: 399708.634 ELEVATION: 125.359 1889 Location: Set PK nail 225 feet east of intersection Northeast 10th Street and Olympia Avenue Northeast. Monument: PK NAIL IN AERIAL PHOTO PANEL NORTHING: 56303.414 EASTING: 399170.187 ELEVATION: 130.434 E5-4 I CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE RENTON,WASHINGTON 23.54 YUN&CIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON.WASHINGTON 98055 • 235-2631 I Nom! NT TIES SKETCH REFERENCE TIES Dr. Wo y How p {99aq FIELD •OOK PAGE OATS MADE •Y �L klTop Curb V� .Sef >e5 �Zz-gam D.6. Yo3o Th' 57 PC. I� \ 1 W/p�. REF MUN h I P.T. � > DESCRI DED BY.! a.. GReooMS. .. . . . .. . .. . .. .. . -- / J /6 88 CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE • RENTON, WASHINGTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON,WASHfNGTON 98055 • 235-2631 MONUMENT TIES SKETCH REFERENCE TIES FIELD BOOK PAGE DATC MADE BY i X/ DESCRI DED BY. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . {i CITY ENGI?N PR'S OFFICE REN N,WASHINGTON i MUNICIPAL BUILDIN� 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH REN ON, ASHINGTON 980 5 • 235-2637 ' 4 MONUMEN�l TIES SKETU , REFERENCE TIES FIELD BOOK PAGE DATE MADE BY T:j n �s will C,B. _ I,j 'N 7o-lo Curti 6r. Vlo.y t DESCRIDED BY. . . . N. . . . . . . CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE RENTON. WASHINGTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING ; i�o MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTO �ASHiNGTON 913055 • 235-2631 j i I MONUMENT TIES SKETCH i REFERENCE TIES FIELD BOOK PAGE DATE MADE 0" I � i 2241 tl f DES CRI DE D'B . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . ate:A'' ,,, .•j .� 1 1 1 1 CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE RENTON WASHINGTON 168 r MUNICIPAL BUILDING f200.MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 • 235-2631 MONUMENT TIES SKETCH REFERENCE TEES t I FIELD BOOK PACE DATE MADE BY i Po/P /K7 035 ' DESCRIDED BY. i . I� . . . . . . . . . .. . . CITY ENGINEER'' FICE NTON. WASH NGTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 I VENUE SOUTH RENTON,WASHM&ON 9'8055 • 235-2631 j j UhENT TIES KETCH l� -j03Z REFERENCE TIES FIELD BOOK PACE DATE MAOE BY D Vj Q5 w \ V L / C. Itr J� %- IB; .. . . . .. . . . . .. .. .c,' . �✓ CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE RENTON, WASHINGTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON.WASHINGTON 98055 • 235-2631 z MON UMEN TIES SIC TCH REFERENCE TIES FIELD BOOK FACE DATE MADE BY 31 7-a 4- Vi DESCRIDED BY..j. . . . . . . . . . . 1/6a CITY ENGINE R'S OFFICE REN N,IWASHINGTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING! 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTO 631 MONUMENT TIES SKETCH REFERENCE TEES FIELD BOOK PACE DATE MADE BY 72Ls 7 w/ DESCRIDED BY. . . /U . .. . . .. . . . CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE RENTON,WASHINGTON 8 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 • 235-2631 MONUMENT TIES SKETCH REFERENCE TIES ' FIELD BOOK PAGE DATE MADE ST N o �\ CSR w I /V..� D Z � ST \ ' F)IR Sp4-e . 2 Or', way h DESCRI DED BY. .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE RENTON.WASHINGTON 235 ► j MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON.WASHINGTON 98055 • 235-2631 it MDN NT TIES SKETCH REFERENCE TIES Or- way (l��o ��0� FIELD .00K /AGE DATE MACE �7 /-I-Z k Top Cvrb —� <e� Tres22-8� D.6 i 03� 1 S r RC, /z-R.15 PIKE \ W/P,N. F-- rREF MON C4RO / 8� l FT s z i � W D�ESCRI DED BY.��. . . .. .. .. . . . . . .. .. ... .. . I-1 coed --- -- ,,. 9-95 �i Ce6l� TGy,¢lYJt f 301 CITY OF RENTON - ENGINEERING DEPT. »✓n, c`o REFERENCE TIES MONUMENT TIES SKETCHFIELD BOOK PAGE DATE MADE BY 1 )po F2• O -Z,3-G �O L 3R- E.T,n. v , T "/2230 C- •//y� �F.�cfl Sn G-vJ— Described by --- _-------------------------- ! CITY OF RENTON - ENGINEERING DEPT. i MONUMENT TIES REFERENCE TIES SSETCH FIELD BOOK PAGE DATE -AVE BY ca,,&°L 4 REF mal 6 31 o°S Lg Sn Gone. �g0 Gu. 8 weeyL � Qy mop Described by L L P��_1L_ ! ---- - ------------------------------- i CITY OF RENTON - ENGINEERING DEPT. ��v?ro i �32 i MONUMENT TIES REFERENCE TIES SKETCH FIELD BOOK I PAGE DATE MADE BY 00 A.P. { i I End o� plug Qo. r .w ti�3y y ° 3ya ,a r <isE Cui �a Dr We _So. air Wav T M b r.: ,Cssse YI, . 6A U Described by ?,_�-.PuA,A -------------------------------- -- -- - _._-- CITY OF RENTON - ENGINEERING DEPT. REFERENCE TIES MONUMENT TIES SKETCH '' FIELD BOOK I PAGE DATE MADE BY O RIP, O I / 4-k Th Conc. .�ur ty. \ Mon Tv% Lose S-E. 1 I s T-n CIO tic i 3 � I Described by P-11 -- _A --------------------------------- GEOTECHNICAL INFORMATION Boring Logs and Soils Sample Test Data from April 1997 Geotechnical Report -- for the Storm System Improvement and October 2001 Geotechnical Report for the Detention Pond ( Complete Geotechnical Reports May be Viewed at the City Hall) i 1 NE 10th Street/Anacortes Ave. NE Storm System Improvement Geotechnical Report Prepared for City of Renton Renton,Washington APRIL 1997 C/ MH1LL P.O.Box 91500 Bellevue,WA 98009-2050 I j g r`' iI1W �^ - : fN -- --- ox r �. :.LJ zz NE 10 TH P -- r - .. ._._- —--�- _ f i_NE_ i s I -- Jt i vmi 10T PE ------ IL ' H� ST !m NOT N 10T} --......... X01~_ e• t ..—_, t �"`� u?s;;.+.- -' c't—�:?_� •,i i f Y o 0 S T - — C31— rn Xrn l + I iYll r—rC m I ` Zmm oDD ANN Alderwood Gravelly Sandy Loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes (AgC) occupies most of the pipeline alignment. This soil unit typically consists of materials smaller than 3 inches and ■ classifies as silty sand (SM) under the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) and as A-1 or A-2 according to the AASHTO Soil Classification System. Typical engineering characteristics include low compressibility, perviousness when compacted, low shrink-swell potential, and moderate to high corrosivity for uncoated steel and concrete. Permeability normally ranges from about 2 inches to 6 inches per hour but can significantly reduce to less than 0.06 inch per hour from about 2 feet and below,due to the presence of consolidated till. Arents, Alderwood Material, 6 to 15 percent slopes (AmQ can be found somewhere along the southwest portion of the Project site. This material is very similar to the Alderwood Gravelly Sandy Loam(AgC) in terms of soil classification and characteristics. Ragnar-Indianola Association, Sloping (RdQ can be found immediately south of Sunset Boulevard (or north of the project alignment). This soil unit is a combination of Ragnar fine sandy loam and Indianola loamy fine sand. Classification under the USCS indicates silty sand (SM) and poorly-graded sand with silt (SP-.SM). Permeability can range between 2 to 20 inches per hour for the silty sand (SM) and greater than 20 inches per hour for the poorly- graded sand with silt (SP-SM). Typical engineering properties include low shrink-swell potential and moderate to low corrosivity for both steel and concrete. Subsurface Soil Stratigraphy The soils encountered in most parts of the Project site during this exploration program were primarily fill from previous construction activities and, where undisturbed, dense to very dense glacial deposits (Vashon till) consisting of a mixture of sand, gravel, silt, and cobbles in various proportions,consistent with the geologic units described in the "Regional Geology and Seismicity " section of this geotechnical report. Classifications of these soils under the USCS generally indicate silty sand with gravel (SM), silty gravel with sand (GM), and poorly- or well- graded sand with silt and gravel (SP, SP-SM, SW, SW-SM). Lacustrine deposits (Q„t) were only encountered in test borings B-1 and B-9 near Sunset Boulevard. The discussion that follows summarizes the subsurface soil conditions from north to south along �. the proposed Project alignment. The summary is presented according to five locations within the proposed pipeline alignment, namely: • Whitman Ct. NE Segment • NE 11th Street Segment • Anacortes Avenue NE Segment 0 NE 10th Place Segment • NE 10th Street Segment 7 Whitman Ct. NE Segment This segment covers the north-south trending pipeline alignment along Whitman Ct. NE between Sunset Boulevard and NE 11th Street. The ground surface slopes upward from elevation 394 feet at the north to elevation 411.5 feet towards the south. Three test borings (B-1, B-2, and B-9) were drilled along this alignment. Test borings B-1 and B-9 were drilled a few feet south of a pair of existing stream culverts while B-2 was drilled near the intersection of Whitman Court NE and NE 11th Street. Test borings B-1 and B-9 were drilled to 10 feet and 25 feet, respectively. Both test borings were drilled for the dual purpose of providing subsurface data at this end of the alignment, as well as to provide information for the design of the proposed junction box structure at this location. Due to the samples already collected in the upper 10 feet of soil at the location of B-1, no SPT samples were collected for the upper 12.5 feet in B-9, but were collected between 12.5 feet and 25 feet. The subsurface condition at this location consists of about 2-inch thick asphalt concrete pavement underlain by 6 to 8 inches of silty gravel (GM) base. Medium dense gravel and sand with silt and minus 6-inch cobbles (SP-SM/GP-GM) were encountered from post-hole digging, which extended to a depth of about 5 feet. Very dense and slightly mottled, well- graded sand with silt and gravel (SW-SM) to silty sand with gravel (SM) were recovered between 5 feet and 7.5 feet. This layer is underlain by medium dense to very dense poorly- graded sand (SP) with some gravel from 7.5 feet to 16 feet. Mottled samples were observed to extend to a depth of about 9 feet. Interlayered silt (ML), silty sand (SM), poorly-graded sand (SP), and poorly-graded sand with silt (SP-SM) were recovered between 16 feet to 26.5 feet,the bottom of the test boring. All the materials recovered in test borings B-1 and B-9 are interpreted to be part of the thin strip of lacustrine deposits (Q„i) described in the " Regional Geology and Seismicity" section of this geotechnical report (see Figure 2). �r Additional information gathered from the drilling of B-1 and B-9 are the very wet, slurry-like cuttings from 12.5 feet which indicate the presence of water at or close to this depth, and a thin gravelly layer which was encountered between 23 feet to 24.5 feet. Heaving sands were also detected at about 16 feet to 20 feet but were thought to be either directly underlain by or interlayered with low permeability material, as evidenced by the test hole not readily responding when water was pumped into the hole at this depth to control the heave. Groundwater observation well P-1 was installed at the location of test boring B-1. At the south end of this segment, the soil conditions were defined by drilling test boring B-2. ' Roadway pavement material (i.e., AC pavement and silty gravel base) encountered at this location was very similar to that recovered at B-1 and B-9. The upper 5 feet of soil recovered during the post-hole digging was loose to medium dense silty sand (SM) to sandy silt (ML). 8 AM A layer of more silty material that is mottled, and probably weathered, exists at a depth of about 2 to 3 feet. Between 5 feet to 16.5 feet, the bottom of test boring B-2, very dense silty gravel with sand (GM) to silty sand with gravel (SM), interpreted to be Vashon till (Q,,t), was encountered. Within this layer, drilling was rough and difficult due to the very dense and compact nature of the soil and the presence of gravel or rock particles. As a result, SPT sampling within this layer was characterized by rod bouncing and inadequate sampler penetration, yielding mostly refusal blowcounts and poor sample recovery. Groundwater was not encountered during drilling at B-2. NE 11th Street Segment The ground surface along NE 11th Street is sloping upward towards the east from Whitman Ct.NE (elevation 411.5 feet)to Anacortes Avenue NE (elevation 416 feet). Two test borings (B-2 and B-3) were drilled along this segment. Subsurface conditions at the western end of this segment are defined by the information from boring B-2 as described in the preceding section. Test boring B-3 was drilled near the eastern portion of this segment, west of the Anacortes Avenue NE intersection. The 2-inch thick AC pavement at this location is underlain by about 12 inches of base material (a silty gravel, GM). The native material was AN encountered directly below the base material and was predominantly dense to very dense silty gravel with sand (GM). Posthole digging of the upper 5 feet was rough and relatively difficult. A Very similar materials were encountered between 5 feet and 16.5 feet, consisting mostly of silty sand (SM) with varying amounts of minus 2-inch gravel (up to 30 percent). These 40 materials were slightly cemented and very dense, as evidenced from the mostly refusal SPT blowcounts during sampling (Vashon till). Drilling was particularly rough and difficult at about 15 feet. At this location of the alignment, no groundwater was encountered within the me depth of 16.5 feet. WO Anaeortes Avenue NE Segment AN This north-south segment of the pipeline is bounded by NE 11th Street at the north and NE 10th Street at the south. The ground surface slopes downward towards the south from elevation 416 feet to elevation 410 feet. Three test borings (B-6, B-4, and B-7) were drilled •. along this alignment. Test boring B-6 was drilled about 60 feet south of the NE 11th Street intersection. In this location, the gravel base material for the pavement was found to be fairly dry. Post-hole digging was very rough due to the presence of big cobbles from 3.5 feet. The native material consisted of silty sand with gravel (SM) having a silt content of as much as 30 percent and extended to 16.5 feet, the bottom of test boring B-6. Rough and cobbly drilling was felt to a depth of about 7 feet. Drilling was relatively smoother from about 10 feet, 9 r. wr however, sample recovery was very poor due to inadequate penetration of the SPT sampler which is indicative of the very dense nature of the soil (Vashon till). Recovered samples between 10 feet and 15 feet contain some broken pieces of minus 1.5-inch gravel. Test boring B-4 was located near the NE 10th Place intersection. Bulk samples recovered in the upper 5 feet indicated silty gravel with sand (GM) and the presence of 3- to 4-inch cobbles. Grain size analysis data for this sample indicate 43 percent gravel, 39 percent sand, and 18 percent silt. Drilling from 5 feet and below was very rough and difficult, at times sounding like drilling through a zone containing rocks. The native material was very dense ` silty sand (SM) which was estimated to contain up to 50 percent silt. and 10 percent fine gravel. This material was comparatively more silty but less gravelly than the soil encountered at B-6. All the recovered samples were slightly moist with no indication that the groundwater table exists within the upper 11.5 feet at this location. Test boring B-7 was drilled at the NE 10th Street intersection. The base material underlying the AC pavement at this location was vastly different from the other locations discussed in the preceding section. This base material extended to a depth of about 21 inches below the ground surface and was visually classified as a black, moist, and slightly spongy organic silt (OL) with sand, fine gravel and plant roots. Cobbles were encountered at a depth of about 1 foot. The native material underlying the organic silt was very dense silty sand with gravel + (SM) to silty gravel with sand (GM) at the upper 6.5 feet with up to 28 percent fines. The amount and size of gravel appear to decrease at 7.5 to 11.5 feet, although the bottom sample recovered at 10 feet contained broken pieces of gravel. Drilling for the entire depth of this test boring was rough due to layers containing gravel and cobbles, as indicated by the refusal SPT blowcounts. NE 10th Place Segment Subsurface conditions along this segment were established from the results of test borings B- 4 and B-5 which were drilled to depths of about 11.5 feet. The existing ground surface for this segment slopes slightly upward from east (elevation 409.8 feet) to west (elevation 411.6 feet). Subsurface conditions at boring B-4 were described in the preceding section. At test boring B-5, which was drilled at the Anacortes Ct. NE intersection, the silty gravel (GM) base material was about 12 inches thick. Below the base material was a loose to medium dense poorly-graded sand and silt mixture (SP-SM to SP) which is interpreted to be fill. The fill material was in turn underlain by a loose to medium dense silty sand (SM) which appeared to be weathered Vashon till. This mottled soil extended to a depth of about 5 , feet. Between 5 feet and 11.5 feet, the soils recovered were very dense assortments of Vashon till with up to 40 percent silt and USCS classifications of silty sand with gravel (SM), ' 10 :air silty gravel with sand (GM), and sandy silt with gravel (ML). Isolated lenses of perched water appear to be present in the recovered samples between 5 feet and 11.5 feet. Arr NE 10th Street Segment Test borings B-7 and B-8 were drilled along this east-west segment of the pipeline. The existing ground surface is fairly level between B-7 and B-8. Both test borings were drilled to a maximum depth of 11.5 feet. Subsurface conditions at the location of B-7 were discussed in the previous section under the Anacortes Avenue NE segment. Test boring B-8 was drilled near the opposite end(west end) of the NE 10th Street alignment. In this location, the AC pavement was underlain by about 6 to 8 inches of silty gravel (GM) and about 16 inches of medium dense silty sand/silty gravel (SM/GM) fill. The native material encountered directly below the fill during the post-hole digging consisted of very dense and mottled silty sand with gravel and cobbles (SM). Grain size analysis data for a sample of this soil indicate 36 percent gravel, 41 percent sand, and 23 percent silt. About 3- to 4-inch diameter cobbles +• were also encountered in the upper 4 feet. Very poor sample recovery occurred between 5 feet and 11.5 feet due to the very dense and cemented nature of the soil. SPT blowcounts were all refusal in this boring location, yielding only 4 to 5 inches of sampler penetration. The recovered samples also contain broken pieces of 2-inch minus gravel. Groundwater Conditions ar The typical groundwater condition in the Puget Sound area is characterized by a shallow, perched groundwater system within the weathered upper few feet of the till layer, and a deep regional groundwater system within the more permeable layers underlying the till (e.g. advanced outwash). The perched groundwater system is recharged by direct precipitation. Due to the very low permeability of the unweathered Vashon till, rainfall that infiltrates into the more permeable weathered till layer moves laterally by gravity along the interface of the weathered/unweathered zone. The groundwater movement is relatively slow due to high silt content of the weathered till and the low gradients of the till surface. This type of groundwater system is anticipated in the majority of the pipeline alignment except at or near the location of the junction structure. The groundwater regime that was encountered at test borings B-1 and B-9 (at or near the location of the junction structure), although occurring in the more permeable sand, silt, and clay mixture, is interpreted to be part of the perched water trapped within the lacustrine sediments deposited on top of the Vashon till. A groundwater observation well was installed in B-1 for follow-on monitoring by CH2M HILL and/or City staff. Readings taken on April 11 a . r.r 10, 1997 indicated that the groundwater level in this observation well was at a depth of 5 feet bgs. However,based on moisture and mottling of the samples recovered from test borings B- , 1 and B-9, it is anticipated that groundwater at this location can fluctuate between 5 feet to 10 feet below the existing ground surface. GEOTECIINICAL RECOMMENDATIONS ' This section discusses the earthwork-related geotechnical recommendations for construction of the proposed NE 10th Street/Anacortes Ave. NE Storm System Improvement Project. ' Criteria addressed under this section include site preparation, excavation, and backfill requirements. Site Preparation Site grading activities will mainly involve demolition of existing asphalt concrete pavement along the Project alignment. Any topsoil and organic layers encountered should be removed and disposed off offsite. Strippings should not be used as backfill in trench excavation or in areas under the roadway pavement or structures. Excavation The new stormwater pipeline trench excavations will typically range in depth from about 5 feet to 15 feet. Most of the trench excavations will be within the footprint of the existing roadway. Excavation for the new pipeline can be classified as common excavation, which involves non-rock material that does not have to be drilled and blasted systematically to be removed. Although bedrock is not anticipated to be prevalent in the area, geologic information and subsurface exploration data suggest that cobbles and boulders may be present locally in the natural material in the excavation. The presence of cobbles and boulders, together with the very dense or hard nature of the Vashon till can make the excavation potentially difficult. The test borings were located 5 to 10 feet from the existing sewer and water pipelines. Materials recovered during the subsurface exploration did not indicate the presence of trench backfill material from the existing sewer and water pipelines. This is partially because these , borings were generally located so as to stay as far away from the existing utilities as possible. This could also suggest that the original excavations for these existing utilities were conducted on very steep or near vertical side slopes, which are achievable in very dense or hard material like Vashon till. 12 ' ■r Depending on their location relative to the proposed stormwater pipeline alignment, some of the existing buried underground utilities may need to be temporarily protected or relocated. Depressions created by the removal or relocation of these utilities should be backfilled with compacted granular fill. The gradation of this material is discussed under the section " Backfill Requirements "of this geotechnical report. Applicable side slopes for trench excavations should be limited by applicable federal, state, or local agency safety requirements. Trenches will have to be supported, braced, or designed to minimize the effect of construction on the adjacent property and existing utilities. The type of backfill used in the existing sewer and water trenches is not known. The backfill material used in the existing trenches could have the tendency to flow into the new excavation. It is also very likely that more permeable backfill material in existing trenches will contain water perched atop the less permeable glacial till. Except for the area near Sunset Boulevard (B-1 and B-9), perched groundwater was not encountered in any of the test borings. However, based on our knowledge of glacial till characteristics, it is possible that local pockets of perched groundwater may exist in or above the top of the till surface. Also perched water may have collected within gravel backfilled trenches for other utilities. Consequently, the construction for this project could encounter areas where groundwater has collected in trenches and is perched on top of the till surface. Near the northern limits of the Project (i.e. immediately south of Sunset Boulevard) where water inflow is very likely during excavation, groundwater control and/or shoring of the trench or excavation side walls will be necessary to protect the excavation sidewalls during construction of the new concrete junction structure and pipeline trench excavation. In such a case, groundwater should be maintained below the base of the excavation. r Recommendations regarding temporary excavation, shoring, sheeting, and bracing, are not within the scope of this geotechnical report. As these items are highly dependent upon the AN selected excavation method and construction sequence, the design of such systems is left to the Contractor. Control of groundwater and diversion of surface water during excavation is also the Contractor's responsibility. low 13 ,Am Backfill Requirements The native soils should be suitable for placement and compaction above the pipe zone provided that construction work is conducted irr a relatively dry weather period. Relatively , dry periods are required because the native soils contain sufficient fines (material passing the No. 200 sieve size) so as to make the soil moisture sensitive. If the work is conducted during , rainy or wet periods, imported materials may be required for proper compaction of fills. Any imported materials intended for backfill should be granular material, well-graded from coarse to fine, and should contain less than 5 percent passing the number 200 sieve size. , Material to be used for the pipe zone (6 inches below the pipe barrel to 6 inches above the pipe) should be imported granular pipe bedding material containing less than 5 percent passing the No. 200 sieve size. .. It is recommended that all backfill materials be compacted to at least 90 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density and at a moisture content within 1 percent of optimum. The glacial till should be acceptable for use as backfill above the pipe zone but may be potentially difficult to compact to maximum density, especially if the moisture content is above that required for optimum compaction. After placement and compaction of the backfill, the surface of the trenches should be capped with a clean granular backfill under all roadways. Areas not under roadways should be protected from further disturbance or erosion by the placement of topsoil and the establishment of a vegetative cover. Construction restoration should comply with all the provisions specified in the City of Renton Trench Restoration and Street Overlay Requirements. REFERENCES , Luzier,J.E. Geology and Groundwater Resources of Southwestern King County, Washington. Water Supply Bulletin No. 28, Washington State Dept. of Water Resources in conjunction ' with the U.S. Geological Survey, 1969. Snyder, D.E., Gale, P.S., and Pringle, R.F. Soil Survey of King County Area, Washington. , United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, November, 1973. 14 irr rr r jjf i I - ep s o - .- if W� t I 1S H181t 3S Wm L�O i I � YV I I ; __ I _-- { r:w¢ _ I � I �---_ li '• 1 j lea m ,: E;-' i o z uz uj Li • � .i—L i o I i , i Z L1S H19tt 3S -' 't-n--.;. er: tip" i I i + < + . i -�. _T�_ �� 1S H10t N -= -ld lot 'iA?`(I 3N�— i�- -- H10t `3N ' 00 srr am is ca ' f I t i al 0 c� stir �. srti ui LLJ ZI W —� f . - 8 "MY TIVAnO'3'N. - 1-sa•Y� \1 t I1 11 11 I1 ¢WNUIN -I1 > Ow N \1 Q�N _j-J .......... ... ...:.... ...:.]]......:.........:.........:....... ........o a 7 W 4 R O�J� a .........:.........:.. W� W :O R� •'.N NN � M O� O WN _ + n Z _ O � •„ F ..:........ i ..... ..... ..... -- c •g '3Tr 36Y 53! 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LLJ •o N a V Ini o- 0 /I :° •0 1 30003113 Table 1 Summary of Subsurface Exploration Program Test Ground _ Total Boring Location Surface Depth Number Elevationb (feet) (feet) Whitman Ct. NE Segment B-la Near Sunset Boulevard 394.01 11.5 Intersection Whitman Ct. NE Segment B-2 at NE 11th Street 411.49 15.4 Intersection NE 11th Street Segment B-3 Near Anacortes Ave. NE 416.02 15.3 Intersection Anacortes Ave. NE Segment B-4 at NE 10th Place 409.81 10.5 Intersection NE 10th Place Segment B-5 at Anacortes Ct. NE 411.64 11.5 Intersection Anacortes Ave. NE Segment B-6 Near NE 11th Street 413.58 15.5 Intersection Anacortes Ave. NE Segment B-7 at NE 10th Street 410.32 10.5 Intersection NE 10th Street Segment B-8 Near Anacortes Ct.NE 409.87 10.4 Intersection Whitman Ct. NE Segment B-9 Near Sunset Boulevard 394.00 26.5 Intersection NOTE: a Groundwater observation well P-1 was installed at this location. b Based on NGVD 1988 datum. i Table 2 Summary of Soil Laboratory Test Results , Classification Sample Using the Natural Boring Sample Depth Unified Water Grain Size No. NO.a (feet) Soil Distribution Content (Percent) Classification (%) System (USCS)b Gravel Sand Silt B-1 BG1 1.0-3.0 (SP-SM) 3 NT NT NT B-1 BG2 3.0-4.0 GP-GM 11 NT NT 7 B-1 S3 5.0-6.0 SW-SM to SM 12 NT NT 7 B-1 S4 7.5-9.0 SP 22 6 80 14 B-1 S5 10.0-11.5 SP 24 NT NT NT B-2 BG1 2.5-4.0 (SM/ML) 42 NT NT NT B-2 S2 5.0-6.5 GM 10 NT NT 22 B-2 S5 15.0-15.4 (SM) 6 NT NT NT B-3 S 1 5.0-5.8 SM 7 NT NT 28 B-3 S2 7.5-8.0 (SM) 7 NT NT NT B-3 S3 10.0-10.4 (SM) 7 NT NT NT B-3 S4 15.0-15.3 (SM) 6 NT I NT NT B-4 BG 1 2.5-4.0 GM 7 43 39 18 B-4 S2 5.0-5.8 (SM) 12 NT NT NT B 4 S4 10.0-10.5 (SM) 8 NT NT NT Table 2 Summary of Soil Laboratory Test Results (cont.) B-5 Hl 2.5-4.0 (SM) 14 NT NT NT B-5 S2 5.0-6.5 (SM/GM/ML) 11 NT NT NT B-5 S3 7.5-9.0 (SM) 10 NT NT NT B-5 S4 10.0-11.5 (GM/SM/ML) 16 NT NT NT B-6 H 1 2.5-4.0 (SM) 10 NT NT NT B-6 S2 5.0-6.5 SM 11 NT NT 30 B-6 S3 10.0-10.7 (SM) 9 NT NT NT B-6 S4 15.0-15.5 (SM) 6 NT NT NT B-7 HI 0.5-2.5 (OL) 35 NT NT NT B-7 H2 2.5-4.0 SM 18 NT NT 28 B-7 S3 5.0-5.9 (GM) 8 NT NT NT B-7 S4 7.5-8.3 (SM) 9 NT NT NT B-7 j SS j 10.0-10.5 (SM) 9 NT NT NT B-8 BG1. 2.5-4.0 SM 15 36 41 23 B-8 S4 10.0-10.4 (SM) 7 NT NT NT B-9 S1 12.5-14.0 SP 21 NT NT 3 B-9 S2A 15.0-16.5 (SP) 20 NT NT NT B-9 S2B 15.0-16.5 (ML/SM) 23 NT NT NT B-9 S3A 20.0-21.5 (SP) 21 NT NT NT B-9 S3B 20.0-21.5 (SM) 27 NT NT NT B-9 SK 20.0-21.5 (SM) 22 NT NT NT B-9 S4 25.0-26.5 SM 15 NT NT 29 J Table 2 Summary of Soil Laboratory Test Results (cont.) NOTES: (a) H indicates sample collected using hand-auger or a post-hole digger and stored in sealable sample bags. S indicates soil sample recovered from the standard split-spoon sampler. , BG indicates bulk sample collected using hand-auger or a post-hole digger and stored in 50-1b CH2M HILL bags. , (b) Symbols enclosed in parenthesis indicate classification established from field visual classification only while symbols not enclosed in parenthesis indicate classification established from both field and laboratory visual classification. NT Not Tested APPENDIX A Subsurface Exploration The Standard Penetration Test The Standard Penetration Test is performed by driving a standard split-barrel sampler 18 inches into undisturbed soil at the bottom of the borehole by a 140-pound guided hammer or ram, falling freely from a height of 30 inches. This test is conducted to obtain a measure of the resistance of the soil to penetration of the sampler and to retrieve a disturbed soil sample. The number of blows required to drive the sampler for three 6-inch intervals, for a total of 18 inches, are observed and recorded on the soil boring log. The sum of the number of blows required to drive the sampler the second and third 6-inch intervals is considered the Standard Penetration Resistance or the SPT blowcount, N. If the sampler is driven less than 18 inches, but more than 1 foot, the SPT blowcount is that for the last 1 foot of penetration. If less than a foot is penetrated, the number of blows and the fraction of 1 foot penetrated are recorded in the boring logs. The values of N provide a means for evaluating the relative density of granular (coarse-grained) soils and the consistency of cohesive (fine-grained) soils. Low N-values indicate soft or loose deposits, while high N-values are evidence of hard or dense materials. The criteria used for describing the relative density of coarse-grained soil and the consistency of fine-grained soils based on N-value are presented in Tables A.1 and A2, respectively of this appendix. Field classification of the soil based on this criteria is incorporated in the boring logs presented in the following section. Table A_1 Relative Density of Coarse-Grained Soil(Developed from Sowers, 1979) N Relative Field Test (blows/foot) Density 0-4 Very Loose Easily penetrated with 1/2-in. steel rod pushed by hand 5-10 Loose Easily penetrated with 1/2-in. steel rod pushed by hand 11-30 Medium Easily penetrated with 1/2-in. steel rod driven with 5-lb hammer 31-50 Dense Penetrated a foot with 1/2-in. steel rod driven with 5-lb hammer 50 Very Dense Penetrated only a few inches with 1/2-in. steel rod driven with 5-1b hammer Table A2 Consistency of Fine-Grained Soil(Developed from Sowers, 1979) N Consistency Field Test (blows/foot) <2 Very Soft Easily penetrated several inches by fist 2-4 Soft Easily penetrated several inches by thumb , 5-8 Firm Can be penetrated several inches by thumb with moderate effort ' 9-15 Stiff Readily indented by thumb,but penetrated only with great effort ' 16-30 Very Stiff Readily indented by thumbnail 30 Hard Indented with difficulty by thumbnail Test Boring Logs The logs for test borings are given in the following pages of this appendix. PROJECT NUMBER BORING NUMBER 139198.T3.31 -1 SHEET 1 OF 1 - SOIL BORING LOG PROJECT. RENTON STORM SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT LOCATION WHITMAN CT. NE/SUNSET BOULEVARD,RENTON, ELEVATION 394.01 feet DRILLING CONTRACTOR HAYES DRILLING, INC., BOW, WASHINGTON DRILLING METHOD-AND EQUIPMENT 4" ID HSA/GEFCO STRATA STAR 15 W/ DOWNHOLE HAMMER WATER LEVELS SEE READINGS FOR P-1 START 02/5/97 FINISH 02/5/97 LOGGER KLS SAMPLE STANDARD SOIL DESCRIPTION COMMENTS PENETRATION W w a ° RETEST ULTS SOIL NAME, USCS GROUP SYMBOL, COLOR, M 0 > a Cr w MOISTURE CONTENT, RELATIVE DENSITY DEPTH OF CASING, DRILLING RATE �w a U_ Cr M 0 6"-6"-6" OR CONSISTENCY, SOIL STRUCTURE, DRILLING FLUID LOSS ow N z >_ z Uj (N) MINERALOGY TESTS AND INSTRUMENTATION Test boring is located near the art 2-inch Asphalt Concrete (AC) Pavement intersection of Whitman Ct. NE and t.0 underlain by 6 inches to 8 inches thick Sunset Boulevard. SILTY GRAVEL (GM) base course. Used post hole digger to dig the upper 5 OORLY-GRADED SAND WITH SILT. feet. GRAVEL. AND COBBLES. (SP-SM), Water Content = 3 % HAND DUG brownish gray, moist, medium dense, with BG1 N/A (N/A) 4- to 5-inch cobbles (FILL). 3.0 POOR Y- RAD D GRAVFI WITH SILT. Hit native material at about 3 feet. BG2 N/A HAND DUG SAND. AND COBBLES. GP-GM, reddish PERCENT PA IN SIEVE #200:(N/A) brown, moist, dense, 4- to 6-inch cobbles, Silt Content = 7 %Water Content = 11 % 4.0 fine to coarse gravel, medium to fine sand. 5.0 Big pieces of cobbles to 5 feet 5.0 according to driller. WELL-GRADED AND WITH SILT AND S3 0.9 29-50/6" GRAVEL to SILTY SAND. SW-SM/SM, brown P ERCENT PASSING SIEVE X200: (50/6") to gray/brown, moist to very moist, very Silt Content = 7 % 6.0 dense, predominantly medium to coarse Water Content = 12 % err sand, fine to medium gravel, slightly mottled. 7.5 Relatively smooth drilling from about 5 POORLY-GRADED SAND. SP, brown to feet to 10 feet. gray/brown, wet, predominantly fine to RA AN medium sand, medium dense to dense, Gravel = 6 % S4 1.5 9-12-20 zones of isolated mottling. Sand = 80 % rr (32) Silt = 14 % Water Content = 22 % 9.0 r�r 10.0 10.0 POORLY-GRADED SAND. SP, as above. Smooth drilling. ar S5 1.5 11-15-25 Water Content = 24 % (40) 11.5 BOTTOM OF TEST BORING AT 11.5 feet. "-Installed a groundwater observation well at 10 feet. The well consists of a 4-feet long perforated (1-inch rrr diameter) PVC connected to 1-inch diameter PVC riser pipe. About 5 feet of sand was used to backfill the hole around the PVC pipe. Bentonite chips was used above the sand to about 2 feet bgs. Installed flush monument with quick-setting concrete above the bentonite chips. PROJECT NUMBER BORING NUMBER - 139198.T3.31 B-2 SHEET I OF 2 SOIL BORING LOG PROJECT RENTON STORM SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT LOCATION NE 11th STREET/WHITMAN CT. NE, RENTON, WA ELEVATION 411.49 feet DRILLING CONTRACTOR HAYES DRILLING, INC., BOW, WASHINGTON DRILLING METHOD-AND EQUIPMENT 4" ID HSA/GEFCO STRATA STAR 15 W/ DOWNHOLE HAMMER WATER LEVELS NOT ENCOUNTERED START 02/4/97 FINISH 02/4/97 LOGGER KLS 3� SAMPLE STANDARD SOIL DESCRIPTION COMMENTS o� PENETRATION _j r TEST mUj a °z� w RESULTS SOIL NAME, USCS GROUP SYMBOL, COLOR, DEPTH OF CASING, DRILLING RATE =a > ac, MOISTURE CONTENT, RELATIVE DENSITY DRILLING FLUID LOSS OR CONSISTENCY, SOIL STRUCTURE, aI am o 6" °6' -6" MINERALOGY TESTS AND INSTRUMENTATION W Z >_=1 w (N) O In r Z x Test boring is located near the 2-inch Asphalt Concrete (AC) Pavement intersection of Whitman Ct. NE and NE J, underlain by 8 to 12 inches.thick SILTY 11th Street. GRAVEL (GM) base course. Used post hole digger to dig the upper 5 feet. Relatively easy hand digging. Hit gray/brown, more silty material, 2 5 mottled and weathered with very fine SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT. (SM/ML), sand. brown, slightly moist, loose to medium BG1 N/A HAND DUG dense, fine to medium sand. Water Content 42 0 (N/A) 4.0 d i - 5.0 5.0 Top 2 inches: SILTY SAND to SANDY STLT. (SM/ML), as S2 0.9 13-18-21 above. (39) Bottom 9 inches: SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND. GM, gray to PERCENT PASSING SIEVE #200: 6 5 gray/brown, moist, dense, mottled, 2-inch Silt Content = 22 Y minus gravel, fine to coarse gravel, fine Water Content = 10 `a sand. 1 7.5 36-50/4" POOR RECOVERY: SILTY GRAVEL. (GM) at GM is moist as in S2. Broken pieces of S3 0.3 top 1 inch. Broken pieces of gray and rocks are dry. 8.3 (50/4') angular rock at bottom 2 inches. 10.0 10.0 10.4 S4 0.2 50/5" POOR RECOVERY: SILTY SAND WITH Rough drilling. Driller feels like there's a GRAVEL (SM), gray, moist, very dense, fairly good amount of cobbles/rocks. fine gravel. 15.0 PROJECT NUMBER BORING NUMBER 139198.73.31 B-2 SHEET 2 OF 2 - SOIL BORING LOG PROJECT RENTON STORM SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT LOCATION NE 11th STREET/WHITMAN CT. NE, RENTON, WA ELEVATION 411.49 feet DRILLING CONTRACTOR HAYES DRILLING, INC., BOW, WASHINGTON DRILLING METHOD"AND EQUIPMENT 4" ID HSA/GEFCO STRATA STAR 15 W/ DOWNHOLE HAMMER WATER LEVELS NOT ENCOUNTERED START 02/4/97 FINISH 02/4/97 LOGGER KLS 3F, SAMPLE STANDARD SOIL DESCRIPTION COMMENTS 00 PENETRATION ES ww Q z Cr RESULTS SOIL NAME, USCS GROUP SYMBOL, COLOR, M > air w MOISTURE CONTENT, RELATIVE DENSITY DEPTH OF CASING, DRILLING RATE C-1 w LL w wm 0 6"-6' -6" OR CONSISTENCY, SOIL STRUCTURE, DRILLING FLUID LOSS w� }� w (N) MINERALOGY TESTS AND INSTRUMENTATION ocn Z z C�: S5 0.3 50/5" POOR RECOVERY: SILTY SAND. (SM), as Isolated mottling in S2 through S5. above, in top 2 inches. Water Content = 6 % Bottom 2 inches are broken pieces of granitic rocks, light gray to white, dry, 2-inch minus rocks. _\-Restore road surface using Black Top BOTTOM OF TEST BORING AT 15.4 feet. patch (Asphalt). 20.0 25.0 PROJECT NUMBER BORING NUMBER 139198.T3.31 B-3 SHEET 1 OF 2 SOIL BORING LOG PROJECT RENTON STORM SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT LOCATION NE 11th St./ANACORTES AVE. NE, RENTON, WA. ELEVATION 416.02 feet DRILLING CONTRACTOR HAYES DRILLING, INC., BOW, WASHINGTON DRILLING METHOTAND EQUIPMENT 4„ ID HSA/GEFCO STRATA STAR 15 W/ DOWNHOLE HAMMER WATER LEVELS NOT ENCOUNTERED START 02/4/97 FINISH 02/4/97 LOGGER KLS ' SAMPLE STANDARD SOIL DESCRIPTION COMMENTS 30� PENETRATION mW a o } TEST m RESULTS SOIL NAME, USCS GROUP SYMBOL, COLOR, DEPTH OF CASING, DRILLING RATE , =vQ 'm aW MOISTURE CONTENT, RELATIVE DENSITY DRILLING FLUID LOSS w wm o OR CONSISTENCY, SOIL STRUCTURE, 6°-6'-6' MINERALOGY TESTS AND INSTRUMENTATION wn Z r� w (N) o rn z cc Test boring is located along NE 11th 2-inch Asphalt Concrete (AC) Pavement Street and west of the Anacortes underlain by 12 inches SILTY GRAVEL (GM) Avenue NE intersection. base course. Used post hole digger to dig the upper 5 feet. Hit dense to very dense silty gravel (GM), probably TILL, at 1.5 feet. ----'Very rough and difficult post hole digging. SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND. (GM), brown, moist, very dense. 5.0 5'0 PFRCENT PASSING SIEVE #200: S1 0.8 37-50/3" SILTY SAND. SM, gray, slightly moist, very Silt Content = 28 % dense, fine to medium sand, trace of fine 5.8 to medium gravel (TILL). Water Content = 7 Rough drilling. > 7.5 50/6 SILTY SAND WITH GRAVEL. (SM), gray, 8.0 S2 0.5 (50/6") slightly moist, very dense, cemented, approximately 30 percent of minus 2-inch Water Content = 7 % gravel (TILL). Rough drilling. Silty Gravel with Sand in hole cuttings. 10.0 10.0 Water Content = 7 % 10.4 S3 0.4 50/5 SILTY SAND WITH GRAVEL (SM), gray, slightly moist, very dense, with broken pieces of granitic rock, cemented (TILL). Rough drilling. SPT sampler scraped a little bit on the sides, probably due to sharp rock edges. 15.0 PROJECT NUMBER BORING NUMBER 139198.T3.31 B-3 SHEET 2 OF 2 SOIL BORING LOG PROJECT RENTON STORM SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT LOCATION NE 11th St./ANACORTES AVE. NE, RENTON, WA. ELEVATION 416.02 feet DRILLING CONTRACTOR HAYES DRILLING, INC., BOW, WASHINGTON DRILLING METHOD-AND EQUIPMENT 4" ID HSA/GEFCO STRATA STAR 15 W/ DOWNHOLE HAMMER WATER LEVELS NOT ENCOUNTERED START 02/4/97 FINISH 02/4/97 LOGGER KLS SAMPLE STANDARD SOIL DESCRIPTION COMMENTS o LL PENETRATION _j- TEST TEST mw a ° cc RESULTS SOIL NAME, USCS GROUP SYMBOL, COLOR, DEPTH OF CASING, DRILLING RATE =a ¢aw > MOISTURE CONTENT, RELATIVE DENSITY DRILLING FLUID LOSS r-ti w w CO o 6"-6'-6" OR CONSISTENCY, SOIL STRUCTURE, TESTS AND INSTRUMENTATION WD z r� w (N) MINERALOGY o U) z (� S4 0.3 5014" POOR RECOVERY: SILTY SAND WITH Rough and slow drilling. Broken pieces GRAVEL (SM), as above, with,broken of dark gray rocks at sampler tip. pieces of dark gray rocks. Water Content = 6 % BOTTOM OF TEST BORING AT 15.3 feet. estore road surface using Black Top patch (Asphalt). 20.0 25.0 PROJECT NUMBER BORING NUMBER ' 139198.T3.31 B-4 SHEET 1 OF 1 SOIL BORING LOG ' PROJECT RENTON STORM SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT LOCATION NE 10th Pl./Anacortes Ave. NE, RENTON, WA ELEVATION 409.81 feet DRILLING CONTRACTOR HAYES DRILLING, INC., BOW, WASHINGTON DRILLING METHOD AND EQUIPMENT 4" ID HSA/GEFCO STRATA STAR 15 W/ DOWNHOLE HAMMER WATER LEVELS NOT ENCOUNTERED START 02/4/97 FINISH 02/4/97 LOGGER KLS , SAMPLE STANDARD SOIL DESCRIPTION COMMENTS 30LL PENETRATION J-- r TEST W W a o RESULTS SOIL NAME, USCS GROUP SYMBOL, COLOR, DEPTH OF CASING, DRILLING RATE mQ aw > MOISTURE CONTENT, RELATIVE DENSITY pRILLING FLUID LOSS 6"-6' -6" OR CONSISTENCY, SOIL STRUCTURE, TESTS AND INSTRUMENTATION wj rM a (N) MINERALOGY ocn Z t z a: Test boring is located near the 2-inch Asphalt Concrete (AC) Pavement intersection of NE 10th Place and underlain by 6 inches to 8 inches thick Anacortes Avenue NE. SILTY GRAVEL (GM) base course. Used post hole digger to dig the upper 5 feet. , BGt was sampled from hand-dug hole 2.5 using a post hole digger. SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND AND COBBLES. GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS: GM, brown, moist to dry, very dense, up to Gravel = 43 % BG1 N/A HAND DUG 3-inch to 4-inch cobbles, fine to coarse Sand = 39 % (N/A) gravel, fine to coarse sand. Silt = 18 % Water Content = 7 4.0 5.0 5.0 SILTY SAND. (SM), gray, slightly moist, Very rough and difficult drilling. Driller S2 0.8 39-50/3" very dense, slightly cemented, with feels like drilling into a zone with some 5.8 (50/3") occasional fine gravel, fine to coarse" rocks. sand. Water Content = 12 % 7.5 7.8 50/4" SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT. (SM/ML), Rough drilling. S3 0.3 Field Estimate: gray, slightly moist, very dense, slightly Silt = 40 to 50 cemented, with some fine gravel. Gravel < 10 % 0 10.0 10. 50/6" SILTY SAND. (SM), gray, slightly moist, Rough drilling- S4 0.5 Water Content = 8% , 10.5 50 6'• very dense, cemented, with fine gravel, fine to coarse sand. Field Estimate: BOTTOM OF TEST BORING AT 10.5 feet. Silt = 40 to 50 Gravel < 10 estore road surface using Black Top patch (asphalt). �"' ° PROJECT NUMBER BORING NUMBER 139198.73.31 B-5 SHEET 1 OF t - SOIL BORING LOG PROJECT RENTON STORM SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT LOCATION NE 10th PI./Anacortes Ct. NE, RENTON, WA ELEVATION 411.64 feet I DRILLING CONTRACTOR HAYES DRILLING, INC., BOW, WASHINGTON DRILLING METHOD AND EQUIPMENT 4" ID HSA/GEFCO STRATA STAR 15 W/ DOWNHOLE HAMMER WATER LEVELS NOT ENCOUNTERED START 02/4/97 FINISH 02/4/97 LOGGER KLS SAMPLE STANDARD SOIL DESCRIPTION COMMENTS XP 0LL PENETRATION �— } TEST mw a ° Cr RESULTS SOIL NAME, USCS GROUP SYMBOL, COLOR, DEPTH OF CASING, DRILLING RATE =a a W > MOISTURE CONTENT, RELATIVE DENSITY pRILLING FLUID LOSS U- w wm o 6"-6' -6" OR CONSISTENCY, SOIL STRUCTURE, TESTS AND INSTRUMENTATION wD Z r�w (N) MINERALOGY O U) Test boring is located near the 2-inch Asphalt Concrete (AC) Pavement. intersection of NE 10th Place and 12 inches thick SILTY GRAVEL (GM), dark Anacortes Ct. NE. gray, slightly moist to dry. Used post hole digger to dig the upper 5 12 inches POORLY-GRADED SAND WITH feet. SILT to POORLY-GRADED SAND (SP-SM/SP), brown, moist. 2.5 SILTY SAND. (SM), brown, moist, loose to Sample Ht is mixed with the overlying SP medium dense, mottled and weathered, fine to SP-SM. H1 N/A HAND DUG to coarse sand. ater Content = 14 % (N/A) 4.0 5.0 5.0 `jILTY SAND WITH GRAVEL. (SM), gray, very moist, very dense, mottled at upper 4 inches to 6 inches, grades to SILTY Water Content = 11 % S2 1.3 34-25-38 GRAVEL WITH SAND. (GM) and to SANDY (63) SILT WITH GRAVEL. (ML) towards the bottom. 6.5 7.5 SILTY SAND WITH GRAVEL. (SM), gray, Loose at top 4 inches of sample. Very very moist, wet on the sides, very dense dense at bottom 10 inches. at bottom 10 inches, approximately 30 to Minus 1.5-inch gravel at tip of sampler. S3 1.2 12-30-50 40 percent silt, up to 20 percent gravel, (80) fine to coarse sand. Water Content = 70 % 9.0 10.0 10.0 Top 4 inches: WELL-GRADED SAND WITH SILT AND 36-19-47 GRAVEL (SW-SM), gray, very moist, dense Water Content = 16 % S4 1.5 to medium dense. (66) Middle 3 inches: SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND. (GM), gray, 11.5 wet, loose to very loose. Bottom 11 inches: SILTY SAND WITH GRAVEL. (SM), gray, moist, very dense, grades to SANDY SILT road surface using Black Top (ML), gray, moist, hard, till-like material. patch (Asphalt). BOTTOM OF TEST BORING AT 11.5 feet. PROJECT NUMBER BORING NUMBER ® 139198.T3.31 B-6 SHEET I OF 2 SOIL BORING LOG PROJECT RENTON STORM SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT LOCATION NE lith St./ANACORTES AVE. NE, RENTON, WA. ELEVATION 413.58 feet DRILLING CONTRACTOR HAYES DRILLING, INC., BOW, WASHINGTON DRILLING METHOD-AND EQUIPMENT 4" ID HSA/GEFCO STRATA STAR 15 W/ DOWNHOLE HAMMER WATER LEVELS NOT ENCOUNTERED START 02/4/97 FINISH 02/4/91 LOGGER KLS a�- SAMPLE STANDARD SOIL DESCRIPTION COMMENTS ow PENETRATION � TEST -- Y mW a m RESULTS SOIL NAME, USCS GROUP SYMBOL, COLOR, DEPTH OF CASING, DRILLING RATE > m w aw > MOISTURE CONTENT, RELATIVE DENSITY =a ¢ DRILLING FLUID LOSS F w W W o 6" -6' -6" OR CONSISTENCY, SOIL STRUCTURE, TESTS AND INSTRUMENTATION w� Z r� w (N) MINERALOGY o co t-z m Test boring is located along Anacortes 2-inch Asphalt Concrete (AC) Pavement Avenue NE and south of NE 11th Street underlain by 8 to 12 inches SILTY GRAVEL intersection. (GM) base course, dry. Used post hole digger to dig the upper 5 feet. Very rough digging. 2.5 SILTY SAND WITH GRAVEL AND COBBLES, Water Content = 10 (SM), brown, moist to slightly moist, dense H1 N/A HAND DUG to very dense, fine to coarse sand. (N/A) Very tight digging from 3.5 feet due to 4.0 big rocks/cobbles. 5.0 5.0 SILTY SAND WITH GRAVEL. SM, PFRCFNT PASSING I V #200. gray/brown, slightly moist, grades to moist Silt Content = 30 % with depth, very dense, slightly mottled, - Water Content = 11 S2 0.8 14-24-37 minus 1.5-inch gravel, up to 20 percent (61) gravel, fine to coarse gravel, fine to coarse sand. 6.5 Rough drilling. Very cobbty. 10.0 10.0 POOR RECOVERY: SILTY SAND WITH Relatively smoother drilling, but the S3 03 29-50/2" GRAVF1 (SM), as above, with broken driller feels like the soil is still very 10.7 (50/2") pieces of gravel - minus 1.5-inch dense. , diameter. Water Content = 9 % 15.0 PROJECT NUMBER BORING NUMBER - 139198.T3.31 B-6 SHEET 2 OF 2 - SOIL BORING LOG PROJECT RENTON STORM SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT LOCATION NE 11th St./ANACORTES AVE. NE, RENTON, WA. ELEVATION 413.58 feet DRILLING CONTRACTOR HAYES DRILLING, INC., BOW, WASHINGTON DRILLING METHOD AND EQUIPMENT 4" ID HSA/GEFCO STRATA STAR 15 W/ DOWNHOLE HAMMER WATER LEVELS NOT ENCOUNTERED START 02/4/97 FINISH 02/4/97 LOGGER KLS 3� SAMPLE STANDARD SOIL DESCRIPTION COMMENTS 0u_ PENETRATION --I r TEST mW a � RESULTS SOIL NAME, USCS GROUP SYMBOL, COLOR, DEPTH OF CASING, DRILLING RATE L) > aCC w MOISTURE CONTENT, RELATIVE DENSITY =< � w > DRILLING FLUID LOSS LL w wm 0 g�_6• _6• OR CONSISTENCY, SOIL STRUCTURE, TESTS AND INSTRUMENTATION CL ~ a}? w (N) MINERALOGY o cn Z z cc 15.0 S4 0.3 50/6" POOR RECOVERY: SILTY SAND WITH Water Content = 6 % 15.5 (50/611) GRAVEL (SM), as above, with broken pieces of granitic rocks, - minus 1.5-inch size. BOTTOM OF TEST BORING AT 15.5 feet. estore road surface using Black Top patch (Asphalt). 20.0 25.0 � Yw f �r PROJECT NUMBER BORING NUMBER 139198.T3.31 B-7 SHEET 1 OF 1 - SOIL BORING LOG PROJECT RENTON STORM SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT LOCATION NE 10th Street/Anacortes Ave. NE, RENTON, WA , ELEVATION 410.32 feet DRILLING CONTRACTOR HAYES DRILLING, INC., BOW, WASHINGTON DRILLING METHOD AND EQUIPMENT 4" ID HSA/GEFCO STRATA STAR 15 W/ DOWNHOLE HAMMER WATER LEVELS NOT ENCOUNTERED START 02/4/97 FINISH 02/4/97 LOGGER KLS SAMPLE STANDARD SOIL DESCRIPTION COMMENTS 30L PENETRATION r TEST MW a ° RESULTS SOIL NAME, USCS GROUP SYMBOL, COLOR, DEPTH OF CASING, DRILLING RATE w > a� w MOISTURE CONTENT, RELATIVE DENSITY =a ¢ w > DRILLING FLUID LOSS L LL U m o 6"-6'-6" OR CONSISTENCY, SOIL STRUCTURE, TESTS AND INSTRUMENTATION W Cr Z CL_D w (N) MINERALOGY. o cn z Test boring is located near the 0 - 3 inches:Asphalt Concrete (AC) intersection of NE 10th Street and Pavement Anacortes Avenue NE intersection. HAND DUG 3 - 21 inches: ORGANIC SILT WITH SAND Used post hole digger to dig the upper 5- Hl N/A AND GRAVEL. (OL), black, moist, spongy, feet. Some cobbles from 1 foot bgs. (N/A) with plant roots and organics, fine gravel. -'--Water Content = 35 % 2.5 SILTY SAND WITH GRAVEL. SM, bluish PERCENT PASSING SIEVE #200: gray, moist, loose to medium dense, up to Silt Content = 28 % 30 percent of minus 3-inch gravel, fine to Water Content = 18 % H2 N/A HAND DUG coarse sand, fine to coarse gravel (N/A) (FILL). 4.0 5.0 5.0 Rough drilling for the entire depth. SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND. (GM), dark S3 0.8 28-50/5" gray to gray, moist, very dense, -- minus 5.9 (50/5") 1.5-inch gravel, fine sand. Water Content = 8 % 7.5 SILTY SAND. (SM), dark gray to S4 0.8 27-50/3" gray/brown, slightly moist, very dense, 83 (50/3") slightly cemented, with some gravel, fine to Water Content = 9 % coarse sand. 10.0 10.0 .5 50/6" SILTY SAND. (SM), grayish brown, slightly Rough drilling. Broken pieces of gravel S5 0 10.5 50 6, moist, very dense, trace of gravel, fine to near the sampler tip. coarse sand. J�estore ater Content = 9 % BOTTOM OF TEST BORING AT 10.5 feet. road surface using Black Top patch (Asphalt). PROJECT NUMBER BORING NUMBER — 139198.T3.31 B-8 SHEET I OF I SOIL BORING LOG PROJECT RENTON STORM SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT LOCATION NE 10th Street/Anacortes Ct. NE, RENTON, WA ELEVATION 409.87 feet DRILLING CONTRACTOR HAYES DRILLING, INC., BOW, WASHINGTON DRILLING METHOD AND EQUIPMENT 4" ID HSA/GEFCO STRATA STAR 15 W/ DOWNHOLE HAMMER WATER LEVELS NOT ENCOUNTERED START 02/5/97 FINISH 02/5/97 LOGGER KLS 3 SAMPLE STANDARD SOIL DESCRIPTION COMMENTS PENETRATION _j } TEST MIA a ° Cr RESULTS SOIL NAME, USCS GROUP SYMBOL, COLOR, DEPTH OF CASING, DRILLING RATE =a > aw Uj MOISTURE CONTENT, RELATIVE DENSITY DRILLING FLUID LOSS � U_ w wm o 6'-6'-6- OR CONSISTENCY, SOIL STRUCTURE, TESTS AND INSTRUMENTATION wa) Z r� w (N) MINERALOGY o U) z Test boring is located near the 0 - 2 inches: Asphalt Concrete (AC) intersection of NE 10th Street and Pavement Anacortes Ct. NE Intersection. 6 - 8 inches: Silty Gravel (GM) - Base Used post hole digger to dig the upper 5 Course. feet. 8 - 24 inches: SILTY SAND WITH Approximately 3- to 4-inch cobbles in GRAVEL/SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND. the upper 4 feet. (SM/GM), dark brown, moist, medium dense (FILL). ncountered native material at about 2 2.5 feet bgs. Tight drilling. Hollow stem SILTY SAND WITH GRAVEL AND COBBLES auger sounds like locked-in between big , SM, brown to brownish gray, moist, dense cobbles. to very dense, mottled, looks weathered, RAN SIZE ANALYSIS- BGl N/A HAND DUG with 3- to 4-inch cobbles. (N/A) Gravel = 36 Sand = 41 % 4.0 Silt = 23 % Water Content = 15 % 5.0 5.0 50/5" POOR RECOVERY: Broken pieces of rocks 5.4 S2 0.2 mixed with Silty Sand (SM) soil, similar to above. Rocks are minus 2-inch granitic, dry, and whitish color. 7.5 i.8 S3 0.1 50/4" POOR RECOVERY: Two broken pieces of Took samples of cuttings between 5 feet dark gray rocks underlying Silty Sand and 10 feet (Sample No. CT1). Cuttings (SM). is STI TY SAND WITH GRAVEL/SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND. (SM/GM), gray, moist, minus 1.25-inch gravel. 10.0 10.0 50/5" SILTY SAND. (SM), gray, slightly moist, Water Content = 7 % 10.4 S4 0.4 very dense, slightly cemented, with up to 15 percent minus 1.25-inch gravel. BOTTOM OF TEST BORING AT 10.4 feet. —Road surface restored using Black Top patch (Asphalt). PROJECT NUMBER BORING NUMBER 139198.T3.31 B-9 SHEET 1 OF 2 - SOIL BORING LOG PROJECT RENTON STORM SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT LOCATION WHITMAN CT. NE/SUNSET BOULEVARD, RENTON, ELEVATION 394.00 feet DRILLING CONTRACTOR HAYES DRILLING, INC., BOW, WASHINGTON DRILLING METHODI-AND EQUIPMENT 4"IID HSA/GEFCO STRATA STAR 15 W/ DOWNHOLE HAMMER WATER LEVELS SEE READINGS FOR P-1 START 02/5/97 FINISH 02/5/97 LOGGER KLS SAMPLE STANDARD SOIL DESCRIPTION COMMENTS o� PENETRATION j } TEST mw c° G.1: RESULTS SOIL NAME, USCS GROUP SYMBOL, COLOR, DEPTH OF CASING, DRILLING RATE U > aCr w MOISTURE CONTENT, RELATIVE DENSITY =a Cr w > DRILLING FLUID LOSS �w w wm 0 6"-6' -6" OR CONSISTENCY, SOIL STRUCTURE, TESTS AND INSTRUMENTATIQN w� ~ r= w (NI MINERAL06Y o� Z z cc: Test boring is located near the intersection between Whitman Ct. NE and Sunset Boulevard, and 2 feet north of B-1. Used post hole digger to dig the upper 5 feet. 5.0 Similar materials as in B-1 in the upper 5 feet. No sampling done in the upper 12.5 feet. See logs of Test Boring B-1 for soil type (s) in this zone. Smooth drilling. 10.0 Cuttings look very similar material as those encountered in the upper 10 feet at B-1. 12.5 POORLY-GRADED SAND SP, brown to gray Very wet cuttings with slurry-like brown, wet, as in B-1 samples S4 and S5, consistency. 21-34-42 except with four pieces of minus 1.5-inch ERCENT PASSING SIEVE #200: S1 t.5 (76) gravel in the middle 4 inches of sample, Silt Content = 3 dense to very dense. Water Content = 21 14.0 15.0 ® PROJECT NUMBER BORING NUMBER - 139198.T3.31 B-9 SHEET 2 OF 2 SOIL BORING LOG PROJECT RENTON STORM SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT LOCATION WHITMAN CT. NE/SUNSET BOULEVARD, RENTON, ELEVATION 394.00 feet DRILLING CONTRACTOR HAYES DRILLING, INC., BOW, WASHINGTON DRILLING METHOD AND EQUIPMENT 4" ID HSA/GEFCO STRATA STAR 15 W/ DOWNHOLE HAMMER WATER LEVELS SEE READINGS FOR P-1 START 02/5/97 FINISH 02/5/97 LOGGER KLS 3F SAMPLE STANDARD SOIL DESCRIPTION COMMENTS o w PENETRATION TEST mw a ° o RESULTS SOIL NAME, USCS GROUP SYMBOL, COLOR, DEPTH OF CASING, DRILLING RATE < > Q� w MOISTURE CONTENT, RELATIVE DENSITY tai w wm o OR CONSISTENCY, SOIL STRUCTURE, DRILLING FLUID LOSS 6"-6' -6° MINERALOGY TESTS AND INSTRUMENTATION wD Z �� w (N} o U) z ¢ 15.0 Top 14 inches: S2A contains the top 14 inches. POORLY-GRADED SAND. (SP), as above, S2B contains the samples from 14 inches S2A/B 1.5 9-30-35 very moist to wet and no gravel. to 18 inches. (65) 14 to 16 inches: SILT. (ML), brown, wet, firm to stiff, Water Content 20 % 16.5 homogeneous, with a little organic smell. 16 to 18 inches: SILTY SAND. (SM), brown to gray/brown, wet, similar in appearance to the top 14 inches, with approximately 30 to 40 Water Content = 23 percent silt. Fill hole with water to stabilize potential heaving. Driller feels like the hole is not taking any water. Soil at the bottom of the hole probably has low permeability. 20.0 20.0 Top 6 inches: POORLY-GRADED SAND. (SP), brown, very moist to wet, medium dense, fine to medium Water Content = 21 Y - 3A/B/ 1.3 9-20-13 sand. (33) Middle 4 inches: SILTY SAND. (SM), brown, wet, firm to 21.5 stiff, fine to medium sand. Bottom 6 inches: Water Content = 27 % SILTY SAND. (SM), gray brown to brown, wet, medium dense, fine to medium sand. Water Content = 22 Hit more gravelly formation at 23 feet to 24.5 feet bgs. Just occasional gravel according to driller. 25.0 25.0 Top 9 inches: Piece of 1-inch gravel near the tip of POORLY-GRADED SAND WITH SILT. sampler. 15-19-24 (SP-SM), brown, very moist to wet, fine to S4 1.5 (43) coarse sand. Bottom 9 inches: SILTY SAND. SM, brown to gray brown, PERCENT PASSING SIEVE #200: 26.5 wet, dense to very dense, fine to medium Silt Content = 29 `Y sand. Water Content = 15 Y BOTTOM OF TEST BORING AT 26.5 feet. oad surface was restored using Black Top patch (Asphalt). APPENDIX B Laboratory Testing Program 1 Laboratory testing was performed at Geo-Engineers, Inc. The laboratory tests performed included ' natural moisture content, grain size analyses, percent passing sieve No. 200, and visual description. The results of the laboratory tests are included in this appendix and are summarized in Table 2 of this geotechnical report. The test results are also incorporated in the logs of test borings which are contained in Appendix A of this geotechnical report. Brief descriptions of the various laboratory tests follow. Natural Moisture Content The natural moisture content test determines the weight of water contained in a given weight of , soil. The results are usually presented as the weight of water divided by the weight of dry solids, expressed as a percentage. Moisture content(along with unit weight and specific gravity of solids) provides the basis for determining the phase relationships of a soil and may be useful in estimating soil consistency, compressibility, and strength. Moisture content was determined in accordance with ASTM D 2216. Grain Size Analyses Grain size analyses were conducted in accordance with ASTM D 422, Standard Method for Particle Size Analysis of Soils. The lab procedure includes (a) mechanical sieve analysis for samples estimated to contain less than 50 percent fines(material passing the No. 200 sieve), and (b) combined (sieve and hydrometer) analysis for samples estimated to have at least 50 percent fines content. The sieve analysis consists of shaking soil through a stack of progressively smaller opening screens, each with known opening size and determining the portion (by weight) of particles retained on each sieve. The hydrometer analysis is based on Stoke's law for the velocity of a freely falling sphere. The method involves determining the settling rate of soil particles by measuring the density of the soil water solution, and calculating the particle size in suspension at particular time intervals. Percent Passing Sieve No. 200 Percent passing sieve No. 200 is usually conducted when the percentage of fines contained in the sample is required. This test is conducted by washing a representative soil sample of known weight through sieve No. 200. The soil retained on the sieve is then oven-dried and weighed. The percentage passing (by weight) of the sample through sieve No. 200 can then be calculated based on this information. This test was conducted in accordance with ASTM D 1140. Visual Description The visual description of soils allows convenient and consistent comparison of soils using a standard method for describing the soil. The use of this method of classification provides a basis for comparison of soils from widespread geographic areas. Visual classification of soils was performed in accordance with ASTM D 2488. Soil Classification Systems Soil classification systems attempt to group soil with similar engineering behavior based on index tests. A number of classification systems have been developed, usually for a specific application. The system most generally accepted for a wide range of engineering applications is the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). Soil classification systems generally use index test methods (particle size analysis and Atterberg limits) to permit rational grouping of the soil. Laboratory classification of soil was performed in accordance with ASTM D 2487. The results were used to correct some of the visual classifications contained in the boring logs of Appendix A. The corrected USCS classifications can be identified from the boring logs as those not enclosed in parenthesis. i ■■n n Omni ■mn■ = ...... ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ..■.■■■ ■■■■MOEN M .. . . . _ ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Wmm ..■■■■■MEN■■■■■■.■■. ■■■...■■■�■■■■■ ..... .MEMO �___v�_______■�_____ ■n■■■■■■■■n®■ ■ID■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ .. ■■■■■■■■■■■NONE■■■■■ wommommomm no mmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm ■■■■■�■■mom ■■■■■n■ ....■ ..■■.■■...■■■ .......�......_.... GRADATION CURVES Particle Size Analysis Worksheet Job Name: CH2MHILL Renton Sewer Job No: 4759-010-06 Date: - 02/14/97 Tested By: CAJ Boring No: B-1 Sample No:S4 Depth: 7.5-9.0 Soil Description: Brown fine sand w/silt&w/occ.f gravel (SP-SM) (Loose,Wet) Test Type: -200 Sieve Analysis Hydrometer Estimated%-200: Moisture Content -200 Wash Pan# L2 Pan # 1-2 Pan + Wet Soil 1033.0 * Pan +Wet Soil (Before), 876.10 Pan +_Dry Soil 876.1 Pan + Dry Soil After 848 Moisture Loss 156.90 -200 From Wash 28.10 Pan Wt. 173.181- Pan Wt. 173.18 Dry Soil Wt. 702.92 IDry Soil M. 702.92 Moisture Content 22.3 /.of-200 4.0 Total Washed Soil Wt: 674.82 Sieve Analysis Fractional Sample Total Sample Summary Sieve Accum.M. Accum.Wt. Sieve Size Retained Retained %Retained %Passing Size %Passing 3.0' ********** 0.00 0.0 100.0 3.0' 100.0 1.5' ********** 0.00 0.0 100.0 1.5' 100.0 3/4' ********** 9.47 1.3 98.7 3/4' 98.7 3/8' ********** 34.29 4.9 95.1 3/8' 95.1 #4 ********** 38.30 5.4 94.6 #4 94.6 #10 1.21 47.85 6.8 93.2 #10 93.2 #20 5.86 84.54 12.0 88.0 #20 88.0 #40 33.55 303.06 43.1 56.91 #40 56.9 #60 67.13 568.05 80.8 19.2 #60 19.2 #100 77.09 646.65 92.0 8.0 #100 8.0 #200 80.38 672.61 95.7 4.3 #200 4.3 Pan 80.66 674.82 Note:the fractional sample correction equals the weight of washed-#4 divided by the weight of the washed-#4 sieved. Classification Data Description I %Total Gravel Coarse 1.3 Fine 4.1 Sand Coarse 1.4 Medium 36.3 Fine 52.6 -200 4.3 Classification based upon analysis: Brown m-f sand P Loose,Wet 11 ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ MEN■NEON■■■MEN■■■■■■ ca IIU 11 1111■■■■■■ 11 ■■■■NE■.....■MEN..■■ - __..__...._.________ __ ___ sssssss�sss�s�s���s� _ ■■ ■■Ism■■■■ ■■Emil • ONE BE ■■� Div-��___i��_�■������ - sssssssos.�; ss • ■��■ ������rr,•�������a���� _ sss=ss; =ss�s� mss ■..EVAN......■■■.NOME MOM mmomommm WE MEMO .. 1■111111111111111111 ..■MEN.........■..■. .. GRADATION CURVES GeomapEngmeers Particle Size Analysis Worksheet Job Name: CH21VIHILL Renton Sewer Job No: 4759-010-06 Date:-- 02/14/97 Tested By: CAJ Boring No: B-4 Sample No:BG-1 Depth: 2.5-4.0 Soil Description: Brown silty c gravel w/fine gravel&w/f-c sand (GM) (Loose, Moist) Test Type: -200 Sieve Analysis Hydrometer Estimated%-200: Moisture Content -200 Wash Pan# T5 * Pan # T5 Pan +Wet Soil 5329.8'* Pan +Wet Soil Before 4998.67 Pan + Dry Soil 4998.67 * Pan + Dry Soil After 4173.12 Moisture Loss 331.13 -200 From Wash 825.55 Pan Wt. 329.53 * Pan Wt. 329.53 Dry Soil Wt. 1 4669.14 Dry Soil Wt. 4669.14 Moisture Content 7.1 % of-200 17.7 Total Washed Soil Wt: 3843.59 Sieve Analysis Fractional Sample Total Sample Summary Sieve Accum.Wt. Accum.Wt. Sieve Size Retained Retained %Retained % Passing Size %Passing 3.0' ********** 0.00 0.0 100.0 3.0' 100.0 1.5' ********** 987.30 21.1 78.9 1.5' 78.9 3/4' ********** 1293.20 27.7 72.3 3/4' 72.3 3/8' ********** 1621.80 34.7 65.3 3/8' 65.3 #4 ********** 2021.00 43.3 56.7 #4 56.7 #10 1217 2408.30 51.6 48.4 #10 48.4 #20 23.25 2760.92 59.1 40.9 #20 40.9 #40 33.59 3089.99 66.21 33.8 #40 33.8 #60 42.75 3381.50 72.4 27.6 #60 27.6 #100 49.64 3600.77 77.1 22.9 #100 22.9 #200 56.97 3834.04 82.1 17.9 #200 17.9 Pan 57.27 3843.59 Note:the fractional sample correction equals the weight of washed-#4 divided by the weight of the washed-#4 sieved. Classification Data Description %Total Gravel Coarse 27.7 Fine 15.6 Sand Coarse 8.3 Medium 14.6 Fine 15.9 -200 17.9 Classification based upon analysis: Brown si ty -c grave w -c sand M (Loose, Moist nm■n - = .................... ■■■■■n■■■�■■��■�■�■ ..................... cc CD cu • • GRADATION CURVES .................... .o Engineers Particle Size Analysis Worksheet Job Name: CHWHILL Renton Sewer Job No: 4759-010-06 Date:_, 02114/97 Tested By: CAJ Boring No: B-8 Sample No:BG-1 Depth: 2.5-4.0 Soil Description: Brown silty f-c gravel w/f-c sand(GM) (Loose, Moist) Test Type: -200 Sieve Analysis Hydrometer Estimated %-200: Moisture Content -200 Wash Pan # _ T-20 * Pan# T-20 Pan + Wet Soil 5171.0 * Pan +Wet Soil Before 4545.07 Pan + Dry Soil 4545.07 * Pan + Dry Soil After 3560.76 Moisture Loss 625.97 -200 From Wash 984.31 Pan Wt. 215.24 * Pan Wt. 215.24 Dry Soil Wt. 4329.83 D Soil Wt. 4329.83 Moisture Content 14.5 %of-200 22.7 Total Washed Soil Wt: 3345.52 Sieve Analysis Fractional Sample Total Sample Sum ma Sieve Accum.Wt. Accum.Wt. Sieve Size Retained Retained %Retained %Passing Size %Passin 3.0' ********** 0.00 0.0 100.0 3.0' 100.0 1.5' ********** 713.50 16.5 83.5 1.5' 83.5 3/4' ********** 958.20 22.1 77.9 3/4' 77.9 3/8' ********** 1230.80 28.41 71.6 3/8' 71.6 #4 ********** 1559.60 36.0 64.0 #4 64.0 #10 11.13 1915.44 44.2 55.8 #10 55.8 #20 20.12 2202.86 50.9 49.1 #20 49.1 #40 30.06 2520.66 58.2 41.8 #40 41.8 #60 39.46 2821.19 65.2 34.81 #60 34.8 #100 47.01 3062.57 70.71 29.3 #100 1 29.3 #200 55.01 3318.34 76.61 23.41 #200 23.4 Pan 55.86 3345.52 Note:the fractional sample correction equals the weight of washed-#4 divided by the weight of the washed-#4 sieved. Classification Data Description %Total Gravel Coarse 22.1 Fine 13.9 Sand Coarse 8.2 Medium 14.0 Fine 18.4 -200 7777W Classification based upon analysis: Brown silty -c sand w -c grave Loose, Moist) Final Report Geotechnical Report for the NE 10th Street/Anacortes Avenue NE Stormwater System Improvement Project Submitted to City of Renton � m NTH October 2001 CH2MHILL WIRE FENCE w 1 z SP-03 1 z w w BLACKBERRIES o 1 0 1 " 3 1 1 140' s 4 1 z I BLACKBERRIES 4 Z 3 1 Z 60" I a " ,JE� -04 e t 3-t 1 BLACKBERRIES PIEZOMETERS 1 3-1 2-1 FOUND s/ra° REBAR _ BORING I' BORING FENCE B-tA y 1 CH2M x 1000 POST WETLAND REBAR 8 CAP _ GAP IN 0--- BOUNDARY I N 185148.267 FENCELINE 8 8 '-_®�5 ) (SURVEYED I E 1312801.060 ' AUGUST 9, EL 418.41 2000) 1 ®8-7 FOUND �4" 4 ID TILE PIPE �� B-4. I TOP OF PIPE - 419.75 W/ � ® IY BOTTOM HALF OF PIPE ' r SP-02 I ° BROKEN AWAY Eq FOUND IP W/ PLUG B-10 A@=3 a 1 LJ SP-01 .' � r) 8-2 1 r r Y v _ A i 36" FOUND REBAR & CAP SOS 42" I y, BEGIN SPLIT BORING ,8'2 BLACKBERRIES i RAIL FENCE IRE F A 0 S.E.116TH ST. CH2M x 1020 PK NAIL N N 184961.486 E 1312762.956 EL 418.25 Site Layout and 0 20 40 60 Boring Locations Scale In Feet FIGURE 1 GEOTECHWAL REPORT FOR THE NE 10TH STREERANACORTES AVENUE NE STORMWATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ' 5.2 Laboratory Testing Program Laboratory testing was conducted on representative soil samples selected by CH2M HILL's field engineer.The purpose of the laboratory tests was to confirm the field visual classification of soils and to establish index properties for the soil for use in design.Geo- Engineers,Inc.,of Redmond provided the laboratory testing services under subcontract to Am CH2M HILL. The testing program consisted of the following: • Sieve Analysis(ASTM D422) • Natural Moisture Content(ASTM D2216) am • Visual Description(ASTM D2488) Table 1 presents the laboratory test results performed on selected samples recovered during .. field exploration.A brief description of the procedures used to perform these tests is presented in Appendix B of this report.All test results were reviewed by CH2M HILL geotechnical staff.Complete results of laboratory tests are presented in Appendix B.Results �. of these tests are incorporated into the comment section of the test borings logs in Appendix A. wr TABLE 1 Summary of Laboratory Test Results Geotechnical Report Sample Natural Test boring Sample depth USCS types Water Grain size distribution number number (feet) content (percent) "'" (percent) Gravel Sand Fines AN B-1 S-1A 5 ML 11 15 41 44 B-1 S-6 30 SP-SM 19 4 88 8 ear 8-2 S-2 5 SM 9 19 46 35 a Classification of soil based on the Unified Soil Classification System(USCS). AM 6.0 Subsurface Conditions Section 6.0 discusses the subsurface conditions at the NE 10th Street/Anacortes Avenue NE Detention Pond Project site based on the results of the field exploration,laboratory-testing program,and discussion with area residents.This section is subdivided into three sections: Test Boring B-1,Test Boring B-2,and Groundwater. 6.1 Test Boring B-1 Test boring B-1 was drilled August 4,2000,near the center of the proposed detention pond (see Figure 1) to a depth of 31 feet bgs.At this location the vegetation is grass and blackberry brush. SEA111SIMBAIPROJI1598671GEOTECHNICAL REPORTiRENTON_GEOTECH FINALDOC 8 GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR THE NE 10TH STREET/ANACORTES AVENUE NE STORMWATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT The boring encountered dark brown,stiff/medium-dense sandy silt to silt with sand with scattered organics from the ground surface to a depth of about 3 feet bgs.Till was encountered from about 3 feet bgs to about 25 feet bgs,consisting of gray,slightly moist silty sand with scattered gravel.The upper zone(from 3 to about 5.5 feet bgs)was found to be weathered and slightly less dense than the underlying material.This till layer acts as an aquitard at the proposed site,perching surface water above the till layer.Outwash was encountered below the till (below about 25 feet bgs),consisting of very dense silty sand to poorly graded sand with gravel. The samples recovered at a depth of 25.0 to 25.8 feet bgs and 30.0 to 31.0 feet bgs contained brown,very dense silty sand to poorly graded sand with silt and scattered gravel(SM to SP).The outwash typically contains less than 15 percent fines(i.e.,material passing the No.200 sieve size). Groundwater was encountered at a depth of about 30 feet bgs during drilling.Water could be heard entering the open borehole when the hollow stem auger was removed.A piezometer was installed with a screen from 25 to 30 feet bgs and a sand pack to 23 feet bgs to monitor the groundwater level in the lower outwash strata at this location.A bentonite ■. plug was installed above the sand pack to prevent infiltration of surface water. A second boring,B-1A,was drilled about 8 feet from B-1,to a depth of 15 feet bgs to install a piezometer.This borehole was not logged because it is assumed that the stratigraphy is the same as that in boring B-1.A piezometer was installed in this borehole to measure the shallow surficial water table,if one exists,within or above the till surface.A screen was installed from 10 to 15 feet bgs and sand pack to 8 feet bgs.A bentonite plug was installed above the sand pack to prevent direct infiltration of surface water into the borehole. 6.2 Test Boring B-2 Test boring B-2 was drilled August 4,2000,in the southern end of the proposed detention pond.The boring was drilled to a depth of 41.5 feet bgs. At this location the ground surface is covered with grass and blackberry brush. Dark brown,organic,stiff/medium-dense silty sand to silt with sand was encountered in approximately the upper 2 feet of the boring.Till was found to underlie the surficial organic layer,from a depth of 2 feet bgs to about 25 feet bgs.The till consisted of gray,slightly moist silty sand and silt with sand with occasional gravel.The top portion of this zone consisted of weathered till composed of gray-and rust-mottled,very dense silty sand with scattered gravel and cobbles and extended from 2 feet to about 4 feet bgs.Below the weatherd till,the soil was unweathered and very dense. Outwash was encountered below the till (below about 25 feet bgs),consisting of very dense silty sand to poorly-graded sand with gravel to the bottom of the drilled borehole.The outwash typically contains less than 15 percent fines (i.e.,material passing the No.200 sieve size). Groundwater was encountered during drilling at an approximate depth of 35 to 40 feet bgs. A piezometer was not installed in boring B-2. rr SEA\ASIMBA\PROJ1159867\GEOTECHNICAL REPORTiRENTON_GEOTECH_FINALDOC 9 GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR THE NE 107H STREET/ANACORTES AVENUE NE STORMWATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 6.3 Groundwater In areas of till, the groundwater is often characterized by a shallow,perched groundwater me system within the weathered upper few feet of the till layer.If more pervious material(e.g., the outwash material encountered at this site)is found to underlie the till zone,a deeper regional groundwater system within more permeable strata might exist. A shallow,perched groundwater system was encountered at the proposed site,and is recharged by direct precipitation,runoff water from the localized area,and seepage within the shallow groundwater system. Due to the low permeability of the underlying '" unweathered glacial till,rainfall that infiltrates into the more permeable weathered till layer collects and moves laterally by gravity along the interface of the weathered/unweathered till zone. The groundwater movement,even in the weathered zone,is relatively slow due to "' high silt content, the well-graded nature of the weathered till,the compactness of the formation,and the relatively low hydraulic gradients along the till surface. Estimated coefficients of permeability for both the weathered and unweathered till material are presented in this report. It has been reported by long-time residents of the area that the proposed pond site and surrounding area is under several inches to more than 1 foot of standing water during storm events and at other times during the rainy seasons of the year.This area is believed to have existed as a local bog prior to development,and is topographically at a slightly lower elevation than its surroundings,making it a natural area for collection of surface water and shallow perched groundwater. AW As discussed previously,two piezometers were installed during the field exploration to further examine groundwater conditions at the site.In addition to determining the groundwater level,the piezometers were placed to examine the groundwater levels of the .� surface water(perched water table on the till)and the possible presence of a deeper regional water level within the outwash material. If a surficial perched water table were found,it would also be useful to determine if the gradient or seepage was always downward toward the underlying outwash,or if,during wet seasons,the deeper water table rises to the surface,creating an upward gradient.In either case,it is a requirement that the proposed detention pond be designed so that any groundwater that flows naturally into the pond is allowed to gravity drain out in order to maintain the required detention volume needed to store stormwater inflows.The results of the groundwater monitoring over the period of this study and our conclusions are presented in the section that follows. 6.4 Groundwater Monitoring Two piezometers were installed at the project site after drilling the test borings(August 4, 2000).Piezometer B-1 was installed in the logged borehole of test boring B-1 to a depth of 30 feet bgs with a 5-foot screened section from 24.2 to 29.2 feet bgs.Piezometer B-1A was installed approximately 8 feet southeast of piezometer B-1 in a 15-footdeep unlogged "�' borehole.Piezometer B-1A was installed with a 5-foot screen from 8.7 to 13.7 feet bgs. The subsurface stratigraphy is assumed to be the same at both piezometers due to their proximity. Piezometer completion diagrams are provided in Appendix A. Several water-level readings were taken from August 30,2000 to May 22,2001. The water- level readings are presented in Table 2 and plotted in Figure 4. Except for the first reading, SEA111SIMBAV'ROJU598671GEOTECHNICAL REPORTIRENTON_GEOTECH_RNALOOC 10 rrr GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR THE ob NE 10TH STREEVANACORTES AVENUE NE STORMWATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT taken August 30,2000,piezometer B-1 detected no water present at the time of the readings. a• However,readings at piezometer B-1A detect the groundwater fluctuations varying from 3.86 feet to 11.43 feet bgs.These readings indicate that water is perched on and in the upper till layer throughout much of the year,if not year-round.It should be noted that this year has been one of the drier years on record,therefore groundwater levels may have been lower than normal. TABLE 2 Summary of Water Level Readings Geotechnical Report rr B-1 B-1 A Ground elevation=412.81 Ground elevation=413.09 Ipr Top of casing elevation=416.05 Top of casing elevation=414.99 Total depth from top of casing=32.4 ft Total depth from top of casing=15.6 ft Depth, Depth, Depth,top of ground Depth,top of ground casing to surface to casing to surface to water water Groundwater water water Groundwater Date (feet) (feet) elevation (feet) (feet) elevation 08/3012000 32.2 28.98 383.83 11.85 9.95 403.14 ' 09/14/2000 DRY DRY N/A 12.85 10.95 402.14 10/10/2000 DRY DRY N/A 14.13 12.23 400.86 10/19/2000 DRY DRY NIA 14.67 12.77 400.32 1/12/2001 DRY DRY N/A 7.10 5.20 407.89 5122/2001 DRY DRY N/A 5.93 4.03 409.06 , Monitoring of the two piezometers over a period of time revealed that a deeper,permanent , water table might be present part of the time at this site;however,the deep piezometer was found to be dry at the time of all but one of the readings that were taken for this study. Although the deeper regional groundwater system was not encountered in the piezometer during most of the observation period,this groundwater can be expected to vary in elevation in proportion to,but probably with a lag time,the seasonal variation in precipitation. Based on the field investigations and piezometer readings,the data show that a minor ' quantity of groundwater that originates from the shallow water table will flow into the proposed pond excavation.The deeper groundwater table remained well below the bottom of the proposed detention pond during the entire period of groundwater monitoring. ' Although the winter season was exceptionally dry during the period when the groundwater was being monitored,it is unlikely that the deeper water level would rise to the ground surface or even to the level of the bottom of the proposed pond in the future. SEAWIM8ANROAI598MGEOTECHMCAL REPORT\RENTON_GEOTECH_FINALDOC » ' GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR THE NE 10TH STREFVANACORTES AVENUE NE STORMWATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FIGURE 4 0 Water Level Readings Geotechnicat Report o (D O 0 O N 0) �f O O i C) m N m cc) E N 0 O m it L O lC E ❑ m O O � N O O O O O N O N T T O O O N O O T MM Q W O O O N N O LO O LO O In O N N co 07 ( )aaepng Punojq mola8 y;dap SEAT\\SIMBATROJ1159867\GEOTECHNICAL REPOR7\RENTON_GEOTECH_FINALDOC 12 GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR THE 16 NE 10TH STREE VANACORTES AVENUE NE STORMWATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT An analysis was made to estimate the groundwater inflows to the pond from the shallow err surface water sources that are known to exist at the site.Based on preliminary pond layouts, shallow groundwater inflows into the pond were estimated to range from about 2 to 20 gallons per minute(gpm)during ordinary,non-flood periods.This estimate is based on an irr average estimated coefficient of permeability for the till of about 1 x 10-4 to 1 x 10-5 centimeters per second(cm/sec),with the water table surrounding the area of the pond assumed to be at or near the ground surface.Subsurface conditions at the pond site might vary slightly from the soil conditions encountered at the two borings,resulting in slightly more or less inflow. 7.0 Geotechnical Recommendations Geotechnical recommendations for the NE 10th Street/Anacortes Avenue NE Detention Pond Project are based on the subsurface explorations and on a review of the literature ' presented in the previous sections.Criteria addressed include site grading and subgrade preparation,excavations,groundwater,temporary and permanent slopes,reuse of onsite material,onsite soil permeability,trench stabilization materials,pipe base and pipe zone materials,and trench backfill.All recommendations are intended for the potential pond site only;they do not include improvements of facilities outside of the pond site area (i.e.,pipe replacement and improvements in the neighboring subdivision). , 7.1 Site Grading and Subgrade Preparation The project site,including areas to receive embankments,should be cleared before ' construction by stripping and removing all vegetation,organic surface soils,and any other deleterious materials.A stripping depth of 2 feet or more might be required to remove the surficial organics and organic rich topsoil materials. Prior to and during construction and land-clearing activities,a temporary erosion and sedimentation control plan should be prepared and implemented consistent with local, ' county,and state requirements. Appropriate best management practices(BMPs)should be implemented to help prevent and control runoff and erosion of exposed soils during construction.This could include:silt fences,interceptor ditches,rock check dams,temporary sediment traps,straw bale diversion,gravel outlets,and temporary sediment ponds. Disturbed surfaces should be protected as soon as practicable after completion of the construction. All stockpiled material should be covered with plastic during wet weather to minimize erosion.Stockpiling of materials adjacent to wetland areas should be avoided.Roads should be cleaned regularly at the point where trucks enter paved roadways and along existing roads where work is occurring. All surfaces,whether exposed through stripping,cutting,or filling,should be proof-rolled or tested to delineate the soft areas.The subgrade should be hard and non-yielding.Soft rl� areas should be excavated to firm bearing soils and replaced with granular fill.Granular fill should be placed in uniform loose layers not exceeding 10 inches in thickness prior to compaction,and should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum dry ••� density and within 2 percent of optimum moisture content,as determined according to ASTM D1557.A geotextile fabric,used in conjunction with granular fill,can be used to limit SEA\\1SIMBATROJU59W7\GEOTECHNICAL REPORT\RENTON_GEOTECH_RNALDOC 73 r1IW GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR THE NE 10TH STREETIANACORTES AVENUE NE STORMWATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT �. excessive excavation depths in areas of soft subgrade as approved by the engineer for design conditions. Because the native soil is well-graded and contains a high percentage of fines it is very sensitive to moisture and is difficult to work or compact if excess moisture is present in the soil or if construction is done during wet weather conditions.If the existing soil proves unsuitable for subgrade or reuse,granular soil that meets the Washington State Department of Transportation(WSDOT) Standard Specifications for Gravel Borrow,Section 9-03.14(1) should be used. The underlying undisturbed native soil consists primarily of glacially consolidated till.The material is very dense,is likely at or near its optimum moisture content,and has high strength so long as it remains undisturbed. Glacial till typically consists of well-graded mixtures of silt,sand,and gravel.The fines content(i.e.,percent passing the No.200 sieve) typically exceeds 15 percent and might approach 30 percent or more.The material is very moisture sensitive.If the till is disturbed while in the presence of excess moisture,it immediately takes on additional water and begins pumping or yielding under traffic loads. This results in the development of excess pore water pressure in the soil voids. This in turn leads to more disturbance and additional loss of strength. To protect the glacial till soils from loss of strength,the moisture conditions of the till must be controlled during construction. Additionally,an adequate thickness of clean granular fill material that is not moisture sensitive should be used where necessary to spread and distribute surface live loads into the till and avoid disturbing it. 7.2 Excavations Excavations will be required to construct the detention pond and associated facilities onsite. The excavations will encounter primarily weathered and unweathered till when the organic surface layer is removed. Excavation in the unweathered till can be slow and difficult because it is very dense and cemented. Refusal blow counts acquired during the test borings in this material indicate very dense soils that will require large powerful excavation equipment for its removal. On the basis of subsurface explorations and published geologic and soil mapping in the area,the excavations for this project can be classified as common excavation. Common law excavation is defined as non-rock material that does not require systematic drilling and blasting for removal.Furthermore,based on the characteristics of glacial till in the area, isolated boulders could be present locally in this material.Excavation in areas with isolated ..r large boulders might require blasting or fracturing to accomplish the excavation. The subsurface explorations indicate good base conditions. These base conditions consist of glacial till containing a dense mix of silt,sand,and gravel.Construction should occur during the dry summer months to minimize or avoid encountering perched groundwater in excavations. err wr SEA\11SIMBAV'ROJ11598671GEOTECHNICAL REPORT\RENTON_GEOTECH_FINALOOC 14 rrr GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR THE NE 10TH STREET/ANACORTES AVENUE NE STORMWATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT During construction,a qualified professional should monitor the soil conditions exposed during the excavation to confirm that suitable base soils are exposed.This individual should be qualified to provide design modifications if necessary. 7.3 Groundwater Trench and excavation side walls and slopes are expected to be less stable where adverse soil conditions exist,such as in areas of shallow groundwater,where non-cohesive sand or gravel exists,and where the excavation is well below the water table.In such areas,the trenches and slopes must be sloped at flatter angles and/or additional erosion control, shoring,or a combination of these might be required to control erosion of the slopes of the proposed pond. Shallow groundwater was recorded during the groundwater monitoring program and is expected to be present in excavations that extend more than a few feet bgs,even during the dry summer months.The dense fine-grained till material that will be exposed in the excavation is expected to have a relatively low coefficient of permeability(1 x 10-5 cm/sec or less).Based on our knowledge of the site conditions and our calculations,the inflow is estimated to be less than 20 gpm for the entire proposed pond excavation.However, additional water might be encountered during construction as a result of the initial drawdown of the surrounding water table.The contractor should be prepared to deal with and remove the water as necessary to complete construction operations.Perimeter trenches or other collection points might be required to adequately control the groundwater during 11'I' construction to avoid overly wet excavated materials. 7.4 Temporary and Permanent Slopes The soil conditions are considered good for trenching and excavations at the project site. ' Temporary side slopes are expected to stand temporarily at relatively steep slopes(1H:2V) where groundwater seepage does not occur.Trench boxes or other devices should be used, as required,to meet all regulatory safety standards for temporary excavation. ' All permanent cut-and-fill slopes should be constructed with a final grade of no steeper than 2H:1V.Embankments should be constructed in compacted lifts according to WSDOT , Standard Specifications Section 2-03.3(14)C,Method B,Compacting Earth Embankments,with the exception that compaction and moisture control tests should be based on ASTM D 698. Embankment fills placed on sloping areas such as existing fill slopes or hillsides,should be constructed only on properly benched and keyed slopes,as specified in WSDOT Standard Specifications Section 2-03.3(14),Embankment Construction.In such a case,fill construction should start from the bottom of the fill and should be placed and compacted in horizontal lifts. Proper measures for erosion control should be used on finished slopes,such as trackwalking,compacting,and vegetating the slope face.Final grades at the slope crests ' need to facilitate surface drainage away from the slope crest.Pond side slopes should be covered with a protective rock erosion blanket. A suitable material should be less than about 3 inches in maximum size,crushed,angular product,and reasonably well graded.Shoulder ' Ballast(9-03.9(2)) of the Standard Specifications would be such a suitable material.If access to the bottom of the pond is required for the cleaning out of built up silt or for maintenance, SEA\\ISIMBA\PROAIS9867\GEOTECHNICALREPORT\RENTON_GEOTEC4 FINALOOC 15 ills AIN GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR THE NE 10TH STREETIANACORTES AVENUE NE STORMWATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT An 12-inches or more of quarry spalls may be required to avoid damage to wet subgrade soils. This thickness is dependent upon the type of equipment to be used as well as the time of the year.The quarry spalls should meet the requirements of WSDOT Standard Specifications, Im Section 9-13.6. 7.5 Reuse of On-Site Materials Most of the excavation for the foundations and pipe trenches will be in weathered or unweathered glacial till consisting of medium-dense to very dense mixtures of silt,sand, and gravel.Some localized areas might also encounter very dense fine sand. The high fines �. content of the till makes it unsuitable for pipe zone material,pipe bedding,or free-draining structural backfill.The high fines content might also preclude its use as trench backfill in areas where a structure or roadway is to be placed over a pipeline if the native soil is too wet.The till,where it is used for embankments and fill,should provide a firm foundation when placed at a moisture content near optimum(plus or minus 2 percent of optimum) and compacted to a minimum of 95 percent relative compaction in accordance with ASTM D1557.The weathered till might be too wet for reuse as embankment material if it is excavated from or placed below the water table.The underlying unweathered till might be suitable for embankments if the moisture content of the material is at or near optimum at the time of reuse. It is expected that the till material will be difficult to reuse,however, because of the likelihood that it contains excess moisture. "" The strippings from the site are suitable for landscaping and general grading in areas where structures or other facilities are not planned.The strippings might be suitable as trench backfill above the pipe zone in locations where surface settlement is allowable and no go structural support is needed. The strippings might be reused for nonstructural uses. 7.6 On-Site Soil Permeability The coefficients of permeability for onsite soils are presented in Table 3.Soil permeability is a highly variable property and might vary by several orders of magnitude in the same soil unit(Fetter, 1994). The values in Table 3 are estimated values determined from relationships between soil type and/or grain size distribution. TABLE 3 Summary of Onsite Soil Permeability Geotechnical Report Soil Unit Typical Permeability Range (Cm/S) Aft Weathered till 101 to 10-6 Unweathered till 10-5 to 10-7 7.7 Trench Stabilization Materials Trench stabilization materials should be used to provide a stable base when soft,wet unsuitable soils are encountered below the pipe grade.Trench stabilization material should SEA\AS1MBAIPRO11598671GEOTECHNICAL REPORTIRENTON GEOTECH_FlNALDOC 16 GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR THE NE 10TH STREETIANACORTES AVENUE NE STORMWATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT consist of poorly graded gravel or crushed rock with a maximum size of 2 to 3 inches,and it should be free of fines.Trench stabilization should be used when field conditions require overexcavation of the soft base soils.Usually 1 to 3 feet of overexcavation of soft materials and replacement with trench stabilization material is sufficient to provide a firm base.The trench stabilization material should be wrapped with a non-woven geotextile,if necessary, to prevent loss of fines so that the surrounding finer-grained materials such as clay,silt,and sand do not pipe into the voids.The material should be graded smooth and pipe base material should be placed overthe top.A suitable trench stabilization material should conform to WSDOT specification 9-03.17,class A or B.This material is not available from project excavations and must be imported. 7.8 Pipe Zone Pipe zone material should be used to provide a firm foundation and lateral support for the pipe.In all cases,a minimum of 4 to 6 inches of pipe zone material under the pipe is recommended.Pipe zone material should consist of well-graded granular material compacted at proper moisture content(plus or minus 2 percent of optimum).The material should consist of imported 3/4-inch minus,well-graded sand and gravel containing less than about 5 percent fines(i.e.,percent passing the No.200 sieve). Pipe zone material should extend a minimum of 12 inches above the top of the pipe.The pipe zone backfill should be thoroughly compacted to fully support the pipe.Special effort should be made to place and compact the material under the haunches of the pipe.The backfill should be placed in lifts not more than 6 inches thick or as required to achieve adequate compaction.In these areas,the backfill should be placed within 2 percent of optimum moisture content and then compacted to a minimum of 95 percent relative compaction(per ASTM D698). +rl. 7.9 Trench Backfill Trench backfill extends from the pipe zone to the ground surface or to the base of any special surfacing materials at the ground surface.Trench backfill material should be the err same as the material recommended for pipe zone backfill where surface settlement cannot be tolerated,such as under roads,structures,parking areas,piping,or special crossings. In , these areas,the backfill should be placed in horizontal lifts not exceeding 6 inches in thickness prior to compaction.The backfill should be thoroughly compacted to a minimum of 95 percent relative compaction at plus or minus 2 percent of optimum moisture content in ' accordance with ASTM D698. In unimproved areas,where settlement is not as critical,but where it should be controlled, ' the excavated trench material may be useable for backfill in some areas.Organic soil,refuse, and excessively silty or clayey material should not be used for backfill.Trench backfill should be placed in lifts not exceeding about 12 inches in thickness prior to compaction,at ' optimum moisture content,and should be compacted using excavation equipment or mechanical tampers.Regrading will be required to fill the trenches after initial settlement has occurred.Where maintenance roads are required,sufficient thickness should be allowed ' for gravel surfacing. SEA\\\SIMBAI PROD,75986AGEOTECHNICALREPORTiRENTON_GEOTECH FINALDOC 17 ' GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR THE NE 10TH STREETIANACORTES AVENUE NE STORMWATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT In areas where consistent compaction is required but minor settlement can be tolerated,the soil should be placed at optimum moisture content and should be compacted to not less than 90 percent relative compaction.Organic soil and refuse should not be used in these areas,but otherwise the native soil can be used so long as it meets the placement moisture content criteria for compaction. 8.0 Limitations This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of the City of Renton and its consultants and contractors for specific application to the design and construction of the NE 10th Street/Anacortes Avenue NE Detention Pond Project,as described in this report. This report Am has been prepared in general accordance with the standard of geotechnical engineering practice applicable at the time of this work.No other warranty,express or implied,is made. The general soil descriptions,estimated soil properties,groundwater levels,and design MW recommendations presented in this report are based on the results of the subsurface exploration program conducted August 4,2000,and of the groundwater monitoring program conducted from September 2000 through April 2001.The data from the borings AN indicate subsurface conditions at specific locations and times and only to the depths penetrated.They do not necessarily reflect strata and groundwater variations that might exist between such locations.The passage of time might also result in a change in subsurface conditions.If subsurface conditions different from those described in this report are encountered during subsequent explorations or construction, the information in this report should be reevaluated. Geotechnical recommendations and conclusions presented in this report were developed during the design phase of the project.As design concepts are finalized,a CH2M HILL A■ geotechnical engineer should review the proposed design to verify that the conclusions and recommendations in this report are still applicable. If appropriate, the report should be modified or verified in writing to reflect the final design changes.CH2M HILL is not .m responsible for any claims,damages,or liability associated with interpretation of subsurface data without express written authorization of CH2M HILL. 9.0 References CH2M HILL. 1997.NE 10th Street/Anacortes Avenue NE Storm System Improvement, Geotechnical Report. Prepared for City of Renton,April. Luzier,J.E. 1969. Geology and Groundwater Resources of Southwestern King County, Washington. .. Water Supply Bulletin No.28,Washington State Department of Water Resources,in Conjunction with the Unites States Geological Survey. RSP/EQE and Woodward-Clyde.1996. Seismic Vulnerability Assessment,Vols. 1 and 2. Prepared for Tacoma Public Utilities. Snyder,D.E.,P.S.Gale,and R.F.Pringle. (1973).Soil Survey of King County Area, Washington. ' U.S.Department of Agriculture,Soil Conservation Service.November. SEMMIMBATROJ115986TGEOTECHNICAL REPORT\RENTON_GEOTECH_FINALOOC 18 rr 4. APPENDIX A Field Data Forms and Boring Logs 1. APPENDIX A Subsurface Exploration A.1 The Standard Penetration Test d The Standard Penetration Test (SPT)is performed by driving a standard split-barrel sampler 18 inches into undisturbed soil at the bottom of the borehole using a 140-pound guided hammer or ram,falling freely from a height of 30 inches. This test is conducted to 4' obtain a measure of the resistance of the soil to penetration of the sampler and to retrieve a disturbed soil sample. The number of blows required to drive the sampler for three 6-inch intervals,for a total of 18 inches,are observed and recorded on the soil boring log. The sum "" of the number of blows required to drive the sampler the second and third 6-inch intervals is considered the Standard Penetration Resistance or the SPT blowcount,N. If the sampler is driven less than 18 inches,but more than 1 foot,the SPT blowcount is that for the last 1 A' foot of penetration. If less than a foot is penetrated,the number of blows and the fraction of 1 foot penetrated are recorded in the boring logs. 0 The values of N provide a means for evaluating the relative density of granular(coarse- grained)soils and the consistency of cohesive(fine-grained)soils. Low N-values indicate soft or loose deposits,while high N-values are evidence of hard or dense materials. The �. criteria used for describing the relative density of coarse-grained soil and the consistency of fine-grained soils based on N-value are presented in Tables A.1 and A.2,respectively of this appendix. Field classification of the soil based on this criteria is incorporated in the boring logs presented in the following section. Table A.1 Relative Density of Coarse-Grained Soil (Developed from Sowers,1979) AW N Relative Field Test (blows/ft) Density 0-4 Very Loose Easily penetrated with 1/2-in.steel rod Pushed by hand 5-10 Loose Easily penetrated with 1/2-in.steel rod Pushed by hand Iw. 11-30 Medium Easily penetrated with 1/2-in.steel rod Driven with 5-1b hammer AM 31-50 Dense Penetrated a foot with 1/2-in.steel rod Driven with 5-1b hammer 50 Very Dense Penetrated only a few inches with 1/2-in. steel rod driven with 5-1b hammer Table A.2 Consistency of Fine-Grained Soil (Developed from Sowers,1979) N Consistency Field Test (blows/ft) <2 Very Soft Easily penetrated several inches by fist 2-4 Soft Easily penetrated several inches by thumb 5-8 Firm Can be penetrated several inches by thumb with moderate effort 9-15 Stiff Readily indented by thumb,but Penetrated only with great effort 16-30 Very Stiff Readily indented by thumbnail 30 Hard Indented with difficulty by thumbnail A.2 Test Boring Logs The logs for test borings are given in the following pages of this appendix. PROJECT NUMBER 159867.DP.03 BORING NUMBER B-1 CH2M H I LL Sheet:1 of 2 SOIL BORING LOG PROJECT Anacortes& 10th Ave. Detention Pond LOCATION North of Wetland Boundary ELEVATION 412.8 ft DRILLING CONTRACTOR Cascade Drilling, Inc. DRILLING METHOD AND EQUIPMENT HSA w/CME 75 Truck Rig WATER LEVELS See Comments START 8/4/2000 FINISH 8/4/2000 LOGGER J.Theodore SAMPLE STANDARD SOIL DESCRIPTION COMMENTS PENETRATION 30 c p 2' TEST RESULTS j za > SOIL NAME,USCS GROUP SYMBOL,COLOR, m a w MOISTURE CONTENT,RELATIVE DENSITY OR DEPTH OF CASING,DRILLING > W > RATE,DRILLING FLUID LOSS, t=LL Q W W O CONSISTENCY,SOIL STRUCTURE, M Cr ED. 0 6"8"�"(N) MINERALOGY TESTS AND INSTRUMENTATION W> >}} W pN Z ZF Cr 0 Ground Surface SANDY SILT TO SILTY SAND Start @ 8:25 AM (ML TO SM);dark brown,slightly moist, Grass covered at the ground stiff/medium dense,scattered gravel,organic surface matter(roots). 5 SIEVE ANALYSIS(S-1A) 5.0 S-1 17 18-30-50/5(80/11') ATOP 6";SILT W/SAND&GRAVEL ML ° 6.8 gray,moist,hard,scattered cobbles. 15%Gravel (WEATHERED TILL) 41%Sand B_:.Bottom 11";SILTY SAND W/GRAVEL 44%Fines Moisture content=11% (SM);gray,slightly moist to moist,very dense, scattered cobbles.(TILL) 10 Less silty than S-1. 10.0 SILTY SAND W/GRAVEL(SM) 10.5 S-2 4 (50/6") gray,slightly moist,very dense,estimated 10% to 20%fines.(TILL) 15 SPT hammer was bouncing 15.0 S-3 2 (50/2°) POOR RECOVERY and re-striking after 5 blows(1") 15.2 SILTY SAND W/GRAVEL(SM);gray,slightly moist,very dense_(TILL) 20 Broken 1/2"gravel peices in 20.0 S-4 4 (50/4") SILTY SAND W/GRAVEL(SM); tip of split spoon. 20.3 same as above_ 25 PROJECT NUMBER 159867.DP.03 BORING NUMBER B-1 CH 2M H I LL Sheet:2 of 2 SOIL BORING LOG PROJECT Anacortes& 10th Detention Pond LOCATION North of Wetland Boundary ELEVATION 412.8 ft DRILLING CONTRACTOR Cascade Drilling, Inc. DRILLING METHOD AND EQUIPMENT HSA w/CME75 Truck rig WATER LEVELS See Comments START 8/4/2000 FINISH 8/4/2000 LOGGER J. Theodore SAMPLE STANDARD SOIL DESCRIPTION COMMENTS PENETRATION c o z TEST RESULTS j za y, SOIL NAME,USCS GROUP SYMBOL,COLOR, DEPTH OF CASING,DRILLING m U Q ¢ w MOISTURE CONTENT,RELATIVE DENSITY OR RATE,DRILLING FLUID LOSS, ' > w > CONSISTENCY,SOIL STRUCTURE, f=a ¢ m w p TESTS AND INSTRUMENTATION a¢ w 20. U 6" 6"�'"(N) MINERALOGY W D H W O p1 Z Z� cc 25.0 POORLY GRADED SAND W/SILT,SP-SM; SIEVE ANALYSIS(S-6) ' 25 8 S-5 8 23-50/4(50/4") brown,moist,very dense,scattered gravel,fine 4%Gravel to medium sand(OUTWASH). 88%Sand 8%Fines Moisture content=19% 30 POORLY GRADED SAND W/SILT(SP-SM); Could hear water entering hole 30'0 S-6 12 50-50/6(50/6") at depth once augers removed. 31 tan-brown,wet,very dense,est.10%silt OUTWASH . BOH @ 31 ft. End of Boring Set Piezometer with: Screen:25 ft to 30 ft; Sand:23ft to 30 ft; Bentonite Plug above 23 ft. Set Piezometer in unlogged 35 hole approx.8 ft away from B-1. Screen:10 ft to 15 ft; Sand:8 ft to 15 ft; ' Bentonite Plug above 8 ft. 40 i 45 ' 50 PROJECT NUMBER 159867.DP.03 BORING NUMBER B-2 CH2MHILL Sheet: / of SOIL BORING LOG PROJECT Anacortes& 10th Ave. Detention Pond LOCATION Southwest Corner of Lot ELEVATION 413.8 It DRILLING CONTRACTOR Cascade Drilling, Inc. DRILLING METHOD AND EQUIPMENT HSA w/CME 75 Truck Rig WATER LEVELS See Comments START 8/4/2000 FINISH 8/4/2000 LOGGER J. Theodore SAMPLE STANDARD SOIL DESCRIPTION COMMENTS PENETRATION c in _j ? TEST RESULTS za SOIL NAME,USCS GROUP SYMBOL,COLOR, w w ¢ DEPTH OF CASING,DRILLING to U a ¢ w MOISTURE CONTENT,RELATIVE DENSITY OR > w U. ¢ m m O CONSISTENCY,SOIL STRUCTURE, o ¢ w a 0 6"-6"-6'(N) MINERALOGY TESTS AND INSTRUMENTATION r- ovi ? zr ¢ 0 Ground Surface SANDY SILT TO SILTY SAND Start Drilling at 10 AM. (ML TO SM);dark brown,slightly moist, Grass coverd at the ground stiff/medium dense,scattered gravel,organic surface. matter(roots). Contact @ approximately 2 ft. 2.5 S-1 4 7-25-5/50(75/11") SILTY-SAND(SM); 3.9 gray-rust mottled,slightly moist,very dense, scattered gravel and cobbles.(WEATHERED Contact @ approximateey 4 ft. TILL) 5 SIEVE ANALYSIS(S-2) 5.0 SILTY SAND W/GRAVEL,SM 6.5 S-2 18 15 26-5016(50/6") gray with black,green and pink(broken)gravel, 19%Gravel slightly moist,very dense. (TILL) 46%Sand 35%Fines Moisture content=9% 10 10.0 SILTY SAND W/GRAVEL ISM); 10 8 S-3 7 32-50/3(50/3') gray,slightly moist,very dense.(TILL) 15 Sample S-4 did not appear 15.0 SILTY SAND(SM); to be Till. 16.5 S 4 18 8-18-30{48) moist,dense,fine sand. gray-tan, Driller noted different material at 15 ft. 20 1-inch gravel peice in split 20.0 S-5 1 (50/6") spoon VERY POOR RECOVERY on ti P- SPT blow count 20.5 SILTY SAND W/GRAVEL(SM);gray,moist, potentially misleading. very dense. Increased rig chatter and more gravel in trimmings at 23 ft. 25 PROJECT NUMBER 159867.DP.03 BORING NUMBER B-2 CH 2M H 1 LL Sheet:2 of 2 SOIL BORING LOG PROJECT Anacortes& 10th Detention Pond LOCATION Southwest Comer of Lot ELEVATION 413.8 ft DRILLING CONTRACTOR Cascade Drilling, Inc. DRILLING METHOD AND EQUIPMENT HSA w/CME75 Truck rig WATER LEVELS See Comments START 8/412000 FINISH 8/4/2000 LOGGER J.Theodore SAMPLE STANDARD SOIL DESCRIPTION COMMENTS PENETRATION z TEST RESULTS J� Z >- SOIL NAME,USCS GROUP SYMBOL COLOR, w Q Q DEPTH OF CASING,DRILLING m v Q ¢ w MOISTURE CONTENT,RELATIVE DENSITY OR RATE,DRILLING FLUID LOSS, x a > w > CONSISTENCY,SOIL STRUCTURE, I. u, GC m W o 6'-6"b" N TESTS AND INSTRUMENTATION a.x W a U { ) MINERALOGY W In F' }} W Do Z 2F- Q 25.0 SILTY SAND W/GRAVEL(SM); 25.5 S-6 6 {50/6°) gray,slightly moist,very dense.(TILL). 30 POORLY GRADED SAND W/SILT(SP-SM); 30.0 S-7 8 30-50/3(50/3") 30.8 tan-gray,moist,very dense,fine to medium sand,interbedded silty sand layers (OUTWASH). 35 35.0 ATOP 2";POORLY GRADED GRAVEL WITH 36.0 S-8 8 19-50/6(50/6") SAND TO POORLY GRADED SAND W/GRAVEL(SP TO GP);brown,wet to moist, very dense,coarse sand_ B:MIDDLE 1";SILTY SAND(SM); tan,moist,very dense,fine sand_ C:BOTTOM 5";POORLY GRADED SAND TO POORLY GRADED SAND W/SILT(SP TO 40 SP-SM);black,moist,very dense. OUTWASH 40.0 S-9 15 18-37-40(77) SILTY SAND(SM); Groundwater table @ 41 ft(') ' 41.5 tan,wet,very dense,fine sand. _ End of Boring BOH @ 41.5 FT Sample S-9 had 7'of slough in top of spoon. Well graded sand(SW);black,moist,fine to medium sand. (OUTWASH) ' 45 50 PROJECT NUMBER BORING NUMBER ® CH2MHILL 159867 B-1 SHEET 1 OF 1 PIEZOMETNER COMPLETION DIAGRAM PROJECT:NE 10th Street/Anacortes Avenue NE Stormwater System Improvement LOCATION: Near pond center ELEVATION:41281 It DRILLING CONTRACTOR:Cascade DnIfing DRILLING METHOD AND EQUIPMENT USED:CME 75 Truck Mounted Rig w/Hollow Stem Auger WATER LEVELS:Not measured START: 8/4/2000 END:8/4/2000 LOGGER: J.Theodore 3� 2 2a 3a Ground elevation at well 412.81 feet —'�� 2-Top of casing elevation 416.05 feet a)vent hole? WA 3b 3-Wellhead protection cover type None a)weep hole? WA 5.0' b)concrete pad dimensions WA 23.0' 4-Diameter/type of well casing V Schedule 40 PVC with field slots 24-2' 5-Type/slot size of screen Field slots 7 4 6-Type screen filter a)Quantity used Sand;2 bags 7-Type of seal a)Quantity used Benonite Chips to near surface;10 bags 5 8-Grout a)Grout rnix used WA-soil cover over bentonite seal b)Method of placement WA c)Quantity of well casing grow WA 5.0' 6 Development method Inside Augers Development time 1 hour Estimated purge volume 1-2 gallons Comments See Boring Log B-1 for soil Stratigraphy O.T W eK omplebontoge-1.xls PROJECT NUMBER BORING NUMBER CH 2M H I LL 159867 B-1 A SHEET , OF , PIEZOMETER COMPLETION DIAGRAM PROJECT:NE 10th Street/Anacortes Avenue NE Storrnwater System Improvement LOCATION: South end of pond ELEVATION:413.09 It DRILLING CONTRACTOR:Cascade Drilligg DRILLING METHOD AND EQUIPMENT USED:CME 75 Truck Mounted Rig w/hollow Stem Auger WATER LEVELS:Not measured START: 814/2000 END:8/4/2000 LOGGER: J.Theodore 3� 2 2a i\ 1-Ground elevation at well 413.09 feet 3a 2-Top of casing elevation 414.99 feet a)vent hole? WA 3b 3-Wellhead protection cover type None a)weep hole? WA 3.0' b)concrete pad dimensions WA 8.0' 4- Diameter/type of well casing 1'Schedule 40 PVC with field slots 8.T 5-Type/slot size of screen Field slots 15.0' q 6-Type screen filter a)Quantity used Sand;2 bags 7-Type of seal a)Quantity used Benonite Chips to near surface;5 bags 5 8- Grout a)Grout mix used WA-soil cover over bentonite seal b)Method of placement WA ' c)Quantity of well casing grow WA 5.0' 6 Development method Inside Augers Development time 1/2 hour ' Estimated purge volume 1 gallon Comments See Boring Log B-1 for soil Stratigraphy , OT ' Wef1Comp4etonLogB-1 Axis ' r APPENDIX B Laboratory Test Results AN 'W APPENDIX B Laboratory Testing Program Laboratory testing was performed by GeoEngineers,Inc.The laboratory tests performed included natural moisture content,grain size analyses,percent passing sieve No.200, modified proctor compaction test and laboratory visual classification. The results of the laboratory tests are included in this appendix and are summarized in Table 2 of this geotechnical memorandum. The test results are also incorporated in the logs of test pits that are contained in Appendix A of this geotechnical memorandum. Brief descriptions of the various laboratory tests follow. B.1 Natural Moisture Content Test The natural moisture content test determines the weight of water contained in a given weight of soil. The results are usually presented as the weight of water divided by the �. weight of dry solids,expressed as a percentage. Moisture content(along with unit weight and specific gravity of solids)provides the basis for determining the phase relationships of a �. soil and may be useful in estimating soil consistency,compressibility,and strength. Natural moisture content was determined in general accordance with ASTM D 2216. B.2 Grain Size Analyses Grain size analyses were conducted in general accordance with ASTM D 422,Standard Method for Particle Size Analysis of Soils. The lab procedure includes(a)mechanical sieve analysis for samples estimated to contain less than 50 percent fines(material passing the No. 200 sieve),and(b)combined(sieve and hydrometer)analysis for samples estimated.to have. at least 50 percent fines content. The sieve analysis consists of shaking soil through a stack of progressively smaller opening screens,each with known opening size and determining the portion(by weight)of particles retained on each sieve. The hydrometer analysis is based on Stoke's law for the velocity of a freely falling sphere. The method involves determining the settling rate of soil particles by measuring the density of the soil water solution,and calculating the particle size in suspension at particular time intervals. B.3 Visual Description The visual description of soils allows convenient and consistent comparison of soils using a standard method for describing the soil. The use of this method of classification provides a �. basis for comparison of soils from widespread geographic areas. Visual classification of soils was performed in general accordance with ASTM D 2488. AW B.4 Soil Classification Systems Soil classification systems attempt to group soil with similar engineering behavior based on index tests. A number of classification systems have been developed,usually for a specific �. application. The system most generally accepted for a wide range of engineering application is the Unified Soil Classification System(USCS). Soil classification systems generally use index test methods(particle size analysis and Atterberg limits) to permit rational grouping of the soil. Laboratory classification of soil was performed in general accordance with ASTM D 2487. The results were used to correct some of the visual classifications contained in the boring logs of Appendix A. The corrected USCS classifications can be identified from the boring logs as those not enclosed in parenthesis. . rrr Va . err so 1■■■■■111■■■■■1111■1 Monosson■■■■■■SON■■■ ■E MIMMEMIN M ■M M rrrr�•a�.r�w�a�arr>•aar�aas�r�r�r�r>• 11■■■illfll■■■■off■1 � - SEEMS M■■1111■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■t■■■■SEM■E■■■ .......r.�..�....... ' ������f,����tl•1•�� noun far- 7a1•��7ai7�s >I=:7rrlr�rr>tr)rl.rrrrf �raa��aar=r�rr>.�.r>•r�.r�r�nw rlrtrrar� U Iill_.�/ ■■■■■■■r■r.•_ .M■■■■■ - • .. .--..rW.AN AM-N.-m----. mm -_.tm,Ammmm_---mm_m 1 - rl•all�rll7rl•aaa77al1�as7ar�7 rr�s�ar�rru� J•rrr:rr>•r�ra��r�r�ar�r>•r�rar� a ■■■off■f ■��■ri�■■■■■■MESON■■■ ■m��■MEN 0 ■■■■■■■■ WA pia'/,raa7a7�77��7a 77aa r��r►.�►.rw•��a�raa�aaaaaa aaa� ��,s�w.wwrwwwrr�aaaaaaar�a� _ r�■■■■■■M■■■■M■■■■■■■ y .. ��■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■MEN .................... ���a���a�t•a��a•a�arrrr..rrl1 a��..�wwwaa��a�aaaaaaa� ■■■■11111■11■1■11■11 . .� .. . 111■■111■■1111111■■■■■■■ ■�n���aAI■■MMI M■NNEN ��a>•�ala�aas�a��aal��� rrrl�rl•arrlr�aairrrl rl•rl•rr�rrr)r�r�7r�rrla • arrt�aalaarl•rr�rr�ar�rr�arrrlrr�aarr�a • �.rur�aararrrrr�r�rrrr�rr�rwrwrrar ra.�� • • 08/31/00 THU 11:10 FAX 425 861 6050 GEO ENGINEERS CHM HILL 0 004 Particle Size Analysis Worksheet Job Name: Renton Detention Pond Job No: 4759-071-00 Date: 8124100 Tested By: KJB/Jake Boring No: B-1 Sample No: SAA Depth: 5.0' Soil Description: (SM) Moisture Content -200 Wash Pan# B-10 Pan# B-10 Pan+Wet Soil 439.31 " Pan+Wet Soli pre 404.48 Pan+ Dry Soil 404.48 " Pan+Dry Solt(Meq 268.49 Moisture toss 34.83 -200 From Wash 135.99 Pan WL 8528 ' Pan Wt. 85.26 PR Soil WL 319.22 PfY Soil WL 319.22 Moisture Content 10.9 %of-200 42.6 Total Washed Soil Wt: 183.23 Sieve Analysis Fractional Sample Total Sam le Summa Sieve Accum.WL Accum.Wt. Sieve Size Retained Retained %Retained %Passing Size % Passi 3.0" 0.00 0.0 100.0 3.0" 100.0 1.5" . '"""""' 0.00 0.0 100.0 1.5" 100.0 3/4" 0.00 0.0 100.0 3/4" 100.0 318" """'"""""" 2726 8.5 91.5 3B" 91.5 ' #4 """"'"'"'""" 46.58 14.6 85.4 94 85.4 #10 9.07 64.75 20.3 79.7 #10 79.7 #20 15.85 78.34 24.5 75.5 #20 75.5 ' 940 24.93 96.53 30.2 69.8 #40 69.8 #60 36.59 119.89 37.6 62.4 #6Q 62.4 #100 48.41 143.58 45.0 55.0 #100 55.0 , #200 6528 177.38 55.6 44.4 11200 44.4 Pan 68.20 183.23 Classification Data Descxi tion %Total ' Gravel Coarse 0.0 Fine 14.6 Sand Coarse 5.7 Medium 10.0 Fine 25.3 -200 44.4 Soil Classification: Silty fine sand (SM) 08/31/00 THU 11:10 FAX 425 861 6050 GEO ENGINEERS CHM HILL [ 005 Particle Size Analysis Worksheet Job Name: Renton Detention Pond Job No: 4759-071-00 Date: 8124100 Tested By: KJB/Jake Boring No: B-1 Sample No: S-8 Depth: 30.01 Soil Description: (SM) Moisture Content -200 Wash Pan# B-2 • Fan-it B-2 Pan+Wet Soil 349.45 Pan+Wet Sot! or 306.81 Pan+D Soil 306.81 Pan+D Soil Afte 289.48 ' Moisture Loss 42.64 -200 From Wash 17.33 Pan Wt. 84.67 pan VVL 84.67 .Dry Foil Wt. 222.14 Dry Soil Wt. 222.14 Moisture Content 19.2 %of-200 7.8 Total Washed Soil Wt: 204.81 Sieve Analysis Fractional Sample Total Sam le Summa Sieve Accum.Wt. Accum.Wt. Steve Size Retained Retained Retaine % passing Size % Passing 3.0" """•""""""" 0.00 0.0 100.0 3.0" 100.0 1.5" *"`""""""'" 0.00 0.0 100.0 1.5" 100.0 314" *""""""'"" 0.00 0.0 100.0 W4' 100.0 318" 1.72 0.8 99.2 318" 99.2 #4 """"""""""" 8.62 3.9 96.1 #4 86.1 #10 1.87 16.23 7.3 92.7 #10 92.7 #20 3.34 22.21 10.0 90.0 #20 90.0 #40 11.63 55.94 25.2 74.8 #40 74.8 #60 32.27 139.92 83.0 37.0 #60 37.0 100 43.44 185.36 63.4 16.6 #100 16.8 #200 47.99 203.87 91.8 8.2 #200 8.2 Pan 48.22 204.81 Classification Data Description %Total Gravel Coarse 0.0 Fine 3.9 Sand Coarse 3.4 Medium 17.9 Fine 66.6 -200 8.2 Soil Classification: Fine to medium sand with silt (SP-SM) 08/31/00 THU 11:10 FAX 425 861 8050 GEO ENGINEERS CHM HILL 0 006 Particle Size Analysis Worksheet Job Name: Renton Detention Pond Job No: 4759-x71-00 Date: 8124100 Tested By: KJB 1 Jake Soring No: &2 Sample No: S-2 Depth: 5.0' Soil Description: (SM) - Moisture Content -200 Wash Pan# _ B-4 Pan# B.4 Pan+Wet Soil 579.88 ' Pan+Wet Soil(Before 537.72 Pan+Dry Soil 537.72 ' Pan+Dry Soil(After) 387.78 " Moisture Loss 42.18 -200 From Wash 149.94 Pan Wt. 84.28 ' Pan WL 8428 Dry Soil Wt. 453.44 Dr y Soil Wt. 453.44 Moisture Content 9.3 %of-200 33.1 Total Washed Soil Wt: 303.50 Sieve Analysis Fractional Sam le Total Sam pi Summary Sieve Accum.WL Accum. Wt. Sieve Size Retained Retained % Retained %Passing Size %Passing 3.0" """"`"""""` 0.00 0.0 100.0 3.0" 100.0 1.5" ""*"""""' 0.00 0.0 100.0 1.5" 100.0 314- """""'"" 17.55 3.9 96.1 3/4- 96.1 3/8- """"*'"' 54.11 11.9 88.1 318" 88.1 86.60 19.1 80.9 #4 80.9 #10 6.25 116.68 25.7 74.3 #10 74.3 #20 12.83 148.38 32.7 67.3 #20 67.3 #40 20.22 183.93 40.6 59.4 #40 59.4 #60 28.79 225.18 49.7 50.3 #80 50.3 #100 35.98 259.79 57.3 42.7 #100 42.7 #200 43.57 296.33 65.4 34.6 #200 34.6 Pan 45.06 303.50 Classification Data Desaw 'on %Total ' Gravel Coarse 3.9 Fine 15.2 Sand Coarse 8.6 ' Medium 14.8 Fine 24.8 -200 34.6 , Soil Classification: Silty fine sand with fine gravel (SM) PROJECT PHOTOS TREES, FENCE- FROM x N CT LOOKING NORTH 'I h �1 S DUMPSTER CORRAL FROM APT LOOKING SOUTHEAST i DUMPSTER CORRAL FROM APT LOOKING SOUTH CIR r 4 f I t DUMPSTER CORRAL TYP INTERIOR CONSTRUCTION I r G _ FENCE, TREES, SOUTHEAST SIDE OF DUMPSTER CORRAL t y ii. �'. Ri A 4} STANDARD PLANS AND DETAILS REFERENCE PLAN — 6" WATER MAIN TO ANACORTES CT NE From City Plan W-726 r Anacortes Ct NE uT4. f .,W -- North ----> ' • i t 7, TZ�� -..........-................................_.,... 01, 1,2 ZT ilk M X4000.1 TFf /`1✓xFL� 1T t lv�''.r7/. l�l4T6Q p/f a t ? rn At, f yrE-/n/,YJ rE ,rJyG'/T cn f it NOTES: I. Steel tie rods to be heavily coated wtih asphalt after installation. Four tie rods — VB with turnbuckles \ Thread 6" -4 O d– IF e vt p d V y D Q L a o 4 Cement- Concrete °C �— S TYPE B BLOCKING FOR 45° VERTICAL BENDS Type B Blocking for 45° Vertical Bends VB S d L U) rn C L }� dC L C 4-Op `~ T)N _N 7 In 1 aU•--• —m O O} O C LO+m U L- a) (n L-4)ca } O N U- `- N � LQ) L O L W O U O L v� D En+ Cl- EU} v- N UC . _ CL E } L z_O L 7U p _O Hy > U CO Ln Q 4 250 45 22 O 0 7 s/R 17 BLOCKING FOR CONVEX 6 250 45 50 3. VERTICAL BEND 8 250 45 89 4.5 % 17 WASHINGTON 57ATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 10 250 45 139 5.2 20 OLYMPIA. WASHINGTON 12 250 45 200 5.8 T 24 14 250 45 272 6.5 1 27 - 16 250 45 355 7.1 1%8 30 ADOPTED 8*4� CITY OF RENTON Standald PIaDs last Date 6/30/1995 -30-9 RctY rnwi to CAOD. Re51yx0. SJD B0�/ DATE REVISION a AP:s•D Plan No g_22 SP PAGE b rn 00 O cn m U a w o N W Q o O � �0 o U W a E- d !!D— c C O+ ul°p O O °c Z Z O1 V 0 Z N `«C a O:-•O cFO a 0.O y00N'O 3L _O n h.°, vim rrnn QCil O+U O',C z W D W a_o c1, „E. c IF Iv c ° z E c at- ONLe a>.°O ),o a as oA aD o'c c« °__ 00 O Z • ccc\C oo u"' Uo O Q Q 6F 41 a 000 U N c—c D•N'cc r LN y c O" c ,_2 "6 z:s 1 '60 V;2 cr Lij �°o.-cm c - �a I '� .wa m 3o°ao a3 .°D > I Q n�j�n� d Q• C y .-o d a>>O'«O y °-•O .B'S iO o-- aO O>VV QN O ND O VV _ pc UONQ)oc wc*3QYcz-30-- LD V«c I v amcr :1'5 --Do I ? o c _ v O v ua W N C W p_ y d« O V y U—O U o O O a y V C C °! V O m N _k F I- ,I N � O O C y y_2 o N 7 N J O m- E o- _ oar Nv-a,y� c. - , E. -y v V O V -c o 0 cc c ODNO N =�� pr pO'�vNO `�C OONNO NO Q c°'U y 0 in 3 E o°o y.,° d N o rn c y v v oc=¢co T- d E•- �_ -�-� .O+N V y N O y c v n¢L-na Ql o O-- C oD 3'av j C C°�QU ° -3 o OT 0 0� o —°O O c N y-�d o°3 3 E C,(31 y L O O y o NOD�' y TN C T N N o.°u ar . MMO _ Off— PV?"".DN >>D V OON O I �Ny OODOOOv py Lym�0C°-_03: ow ¢¢� C C Nr�L..•C¢3 N3 nNa N�iD N ... Ln CN�O >¢¢7 Z O W a° O O N of n to w c o - V d r c c c° n w O , O h � Q t N O C V N as m N Im m O W c N �._oE Ny P ¢ o r v J C N M V a d W o?y= i y l y �o;�2 0O o it, mE n 0 o y {n L L o " .o o M c v O D a>c ° v co y a r CD c v v N.L+O a o o - C O� W °c'o�o—ri'o \ O OQ IN�dM..u�� - nL N�N!n ��.-. O- o r Mm N N O° T J>. ° N O y p to u �'� ac �.O m d M N y^L O 4! Q > o O F.D.L N a V)° �¢ C— N L NN�tp> N=c o«=� W y I O�ofn «L O�-O O�.Oy O! -N d E N O y C Z C 0 0 N 8 OaMa �� � aCN J_NE U� °� O L� «�¢ > N a s 3�'3 n °y .U+d E�. 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