HomeMy WebLinkAboutW-3717023 Y a w Q Surface Water Drainage Notes and Specifications W 1. BEFORE ANY CONSTRUCTION OR DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY OCCURS, 0 A PRE - CONSTRUCTION MEETING MUST BE HELD WITH THE CITY OF RENTON PLAN REVIEMER. 2 All construction shall be in accordance with the 1996 Standard W Specifications fa Road. Bridge and Municipal Construction prepared by WSDOT and the American Public Works Associulim (APWA), as Q amended by the City of Renton Public Works Department 3. The surface water drainage system shall be constructed I- according to the approved plans, which are an file in the Public cn Works Deportment My deviation from the approved plans will Ash require written approval from the City of Renton Public Works I.L Department. Surface Water UtiBy SecUm. W " 4. A copy of these approved plans must be an the job site } whenever construction is in progress. 5. Datum shall be NAVD 88 unless otherwise approved by the City of Renton Pudic Warts Department. Reference bmchmork and J elevators are noted an the plans. 6. All sedmenlation /erosion facilities must be in operation prior to clearing and buidng construction. and they must be satisfactorily maintained unti construction is completed and the potential far on-site erosion has passed. 7. All retentor /detedim facilities must be installed and in operation prior to or in cmMnctm with all constructim activity unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Department, Surface Water Utility Sector. 8. Grass seed may be applied by hydroseeding. The grass seed mixture, other than City of Rmtm approved standard mixes, shall be submitted by a Landscape Architect and approved by the Public Works Department, Surface Water Utility Section. 9. All pipe and appurtenances shall be laid an a properly prepared foundation in accordance with Section 7- 02.3(1) of the ctment State of Woshnglm Standard Specificotion far Road and Bridge Construction. This shall Include necessary leveling of the trench bottom or the lap of the foundation material, as wdl as placement and compaction of required bedding material, to uniform grade so that the entire length of the tripe wil be supported an a uniformly dense, wyiddng base. All pipe bedding shall be APWA Clan 'C', with the exception of PVC pipe. All trench hock2l shall be compacted to minimum 95% far pavement and structural NI and 90 f otherwise per ASTM D- 1557 -70. Pea gravel bedding shall be 6 inches ax and under PVC pipe. 10. Galvanized steel pipe and aluminized steel pipe far all drainage facilities shall have asphalt treatment IT or better inside and outside. 11. Structures shall not be permitted within 10 feet of the spring line of any dorm drainage pqe, or 15 feel from the top of any channel bank 12 All catch basin grates shall be depressed 0.10 feet below pavement level. 13. Open at road crossings through existing public right of way wit not be allowed unless specifically approved by City of Renton Plonning/Buiding/Public Works Administrator. 14. Rock far erosion protection of madside ditches, where refused, shall be of sound quarry rock placed to a depth of me (1) fool and must meet the following specifications: 4 - 8 inch rock / 40 - 70% passing; 2 - 4 inch rock / 30 - 40% passing: and less than 2 inch rod / 10 - 20% passing. 15. All building downspouts and fooling drabs shall be connected to the storm drainage system, unless approved by the City plan reviewer or Surface Water Utility Section. M accurately dimensioned, certdxd m -butt droving of this drainage system will be submitted to the City upon completion. 16. Issuance of the building or construction permits by the City of Rmton does not relieve the owner of the continuing legal obligation and /or liability connected with storm surface water disposition. Further, the City of Rentm doe: not accept my obligation for the proper functioning and maintenance of the system provided during construction. 17. The Contractor shall be rwoonsble far providing adequate safeguard, safety devices. protective equipment, Baggers, and any other needed actions to protect the life, health, and safety of the public, and to protect property in correction with th e Performance Pnance of work covered by the contract. Any wick within the traveled right of way that may interrupt normal traffic flow shall require a traffic control plan approve by the Public Works Department. Transportation Systems Division. All sections of the WSDOT Standard Specifications 1 -07 -23 Traffic Control shall apply. 18 Special drainage measures will be required if the project location is within the aquifer protection area (APA). 19. BEFORE ANY CONSTRUCTION OR DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY OCCURS, A PRE- CONSIRUCTON MEETING MUST BE HELD WITH THE CITY OF RENTON, PUBLIC WORKS DESIGN ENGINEER. 20. All Iknits of clearing and areas of vegetation preservation as presabed an the plan(s) shall be dearly flogged in the field and observed during construction. 21. AN required sedmentator /erosim control facilities must be constructed and in operation prim to land dewing and/or constmctim to ensure that sediment laden water does not enter the natural drainage system. All erosion and sediment facilities shall be maintained in a satisfactory condition until such tune that dewing and /or construction a complete and potential far an -site erosion has passed The implementation, maintenance, replacement and additions to erasion /sedimentation control systems shall be the responsibility of the permiles. 22 The erosion and sedimentation control systems depicted an this drawing are Intended to be minimum requirements to meet anticipated site conditions M construction progresses and unexpected a seasonal confitims dictate, the pennilee shall anticipate that more erosion and sedimentation control faciities will be necessary to ensure complete siltation control an the proposed site. During the course of constructor, it shall be the obligation and responsibility of the permitee to address my new conditions that may be created by the activities and to provide additional facilities, over and above minimum requirements, as may be needed, to protect adjacent properties and water quality of the receiving drainage system. 23. Approval of this plan is fa erosion / sedmentation control only. It does not constitute an approval of storm drainage design, size nor location of pipes, restriclors, channels, or retention facilities. 24. During the time period of October 1st through April 30th, dl project disUbuted wall areas greater than 5,000 square feet, that are to be left un -worked far more than 12 hours, shall be covered by mulch, soddng a plastic covering. 25. In my men which has been dripped of vegetation and where no further work is onU ipaled far a period 30 days or more, all disturbed areas must be immediately stabilized with mulching, gran planting or other approved erosion control treatment applicable to the time of year. Crass sewing done will be acceptable only during the months of April through September, inclusive. Seeding may proceed, however, whenever it is in the interest of the pennitee. but must be augmented with mulching, netting or other treatment approved by the City of Realm. outside the specified time period 26. Far all woson/sedmentation control prods where the dead storage depth exceeds 6 inches. a fence is required with a minknum height of three (3) feel, 3:1 side dopes 27. A temporary gavel construction entrance, 24 feel x 50 feel x 8 inches of 4 to 6 inch quarry spoils shall be located at all points of vehicular Ingress and egress to the construction site. N KEYWAY J \ ORIGINAL GROUND tg 12" MIN. THICKNESS 2 " -4" QUARRY SPALLS MPX e GRAVEL BACKFILL FOR DRAIN PERFORATED PIPE 4" MIN. FILTER FABRIC NOTES: 1. SEE SECTION 4.30. 2. SEE WSDOT/APWA 9- 03.12(4) 3. FENCE OR HANDRAIL MAY BE REQUIRED WHEN ROCKERY HEIGHT EXCEEDS 30 INCHES AND IS LOCATED IN A PUBLIC AREA. 4. THE WALL FOUNDATION IS TO BE CLEARED OF ORGANIC MATTER AND DEBRIS AND THE UNDERLYING MINERAL SOIL COMPACTED TO 95 PERCENT OF THE MAX. DRY DENSITY. THE EMBANKMENT MATERIAL IS TO BE GRAVEL BORROW MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF 9 -13.14 OF THE WSDOT STANDARDS. THE BACKFILL IS TO BE PLACED IN THIN LIFTS, NOT EXCEEDING SIX INCHES IN THICKNESS AND COMPACTED TO 95 PERCENT OF THE MAX. DRY DENSITY. 5. (NOT USED) 6. ZONE OF INFLUENCE, FLATTER SLOPE MAY BE REQUIRED IN LESS STABLE SOILS. ALL DRIVEWAYS, PARKING AREAS, AND ROADS SHALL LIE BELOW THE ZONE OF INFLUENCE. 7. EMBANKMENTS BEHIND FILL SECTION ROCKERIES EXCEEDING 4 FEET IN HEIGHT SHALL BE GEOSYTHENTIC FABRIC OR GEOGRID. B. ROCK WALLS SHALL BE PLACED NO CLOSER THAN 5 FEET FROM THE EDGE OF ANY PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY, PUBLIC EASEMENT OR RIGHT OF WAY. 9. MAXIMUM HEIGHT, AS MEASURED FROM THE KEYWAY, IS EIGHT (8) FEET. ALL WALLS FOUR FEET OR HIGHER SHALL REQUIRE A BUILDING PERMIT. ALL WALLS TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN A FILL SECTION OR THOSE WALLS SUPPORTING A SURCHARGE (DRIVEWAY, ROAD, BUILDING OR PARKING AREA) SHALL REQUIRE DESIGN BY A LICENSED ENGINEER. 10. THE TOP OF ALL ROCK WALLS SHALL BE CONFIGURED TO PREVENT SURFACE DRAINAGE OVER THE TOP OF THE WALL. ROCK WALL, CUT & FILL SECTIONS D oG'ST -26 & ST -27 F 1 THE LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTUTES IS SHOWN HAGENS ON IN AN AY 1r K 9EPAMTE M9E BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. CONTRACTOR AGREES w TO BE FULLY CONSULTANTS, LLC a 6 = W an I O _ 4 � phone 206 938 -6168 fax 206.938 -7645 W email H.Hageneon000MCAST.NET SIR = w as0_ r 4s• �N x3 Z W Tip• HNDHa1D r 00 of Ir am 021 g4• i o) 3 0 7S Q DO Ir 026 W Q 12 N• < \ 029 O I a _ / N KEYWAY J \ ORIGINAL GROUND tg 12" MIN. THICKNESS 2 " -4" QUARRY SPALLS MPX e GRAVEL BACKFILL FOR DRAIN PERFORATED PIPE 4" MIN. FILTER FABRIC NOTES: 1. SEE SECTION 4.30. 2. SEE WSDOT/APWA 9- 03.12(4) 3. FENCE OR HANDRAIL MAY BE REQUIRED WHEN ROCKERY HEIGHT EXCEEDS 30 INCHES AND IS LOCATED IN A PUBLIC AREA. 4. THE WALL FOUNDATION IS TO BE CLEARED OF ORGANIC MATTER AND DEBRIS AND THE UNDERLYING MINERAL SOIL COMPACTED TO 95 PERCENT OF THE MAX. DRY DENSITY. THE EMBANKMENT MATERIAL IS TO BE GRAVEL BORROW MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF 9 -13.14 OF THE WSDOT STANDARDS. THE BACKFILL IS TO BE PLACED IN THIN LIFTS, NOT EXCEEDING SIX INCHES IN THICKNESS AND COMPACTED TO 95 PERCENT OF THE MAX. DRY DENSITY. 5. (NOT USED) 6. ZONE OF INFLUENCE, FLATTER SLOPE MAY BE REQUIRED IN LESS STABLE SOILS. ALL DRIVEWAYS, PARKING AREAS, AND ROADS SHALL LIE BELOW THE ZONE OF INFLUENCE. 7. EMBANKMENTS BEHIND FILL SECTION ROCKERIES EXCEEDING 4 FEET IN HEIGHT SHALL BE GEOSYTHENTIC FABRIC OR GEOGRID. B. ROCK WALLS SHALL BE PLACED NO CLOSER THAN 5 FEET FROM THE EDGE OF ANY PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY, PUBLIC EASEMENT OR RIGHT OF WAY. 9. MAXIMUM HEIGHT, AS MEASURED FROM THE KEYWAY, IS EIGHT (8) FEET. ALL WALLS FOUR FEET OR HIGHER SHALL REQUIRE A BUILDING PERMIT. ALL WALLS TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN A FILL SECTION OR THOSE WALLS SUPPORTING A SURCHARGE (DRIVEWAY, ROAD, BUILDING OR PARKING AREA) SHALL REQUIRE DESIGN BY A LICENSED ENGINEER. 10. THE TOP OF ALL ROCK WALLS SHALL BE CONFIGURED TO PREVENT SURFACE DRAINAGE OVER THE TOP OF THE WALL. ROCK WALL, CUT & FILL SECTIONS D oG'ST -26 & ST -27 40 45 40 475 0 +00 Td BAR2A4Ti 439ARFA e3E". A....... -Mir NE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF SEC \� ONE48 BAR xOOP FOR rlEgNr T WO IN arch xOOPa FOR+2 xElOxr RECTANOUWt. ADJUSTMENT SECTION D BRRF.P.CH MIN GIW 1r NIN PRECAST BASE SECTION a NOTE1 ALTERNATIVE PRECAST BABE BECTH M PIPE ALLOWANCES NOTE Nor mm THE LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTUTES IS SHOWN HAGENS ON IN AN AY 1r DETERMINER THEME ACT LOCOATION OF ALL EXISTINGG UTILITIES 9EPAMTE M9E BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. CONTRACTOR AGREES 1r TO BE FULLY CONSULTANTS, LLC LOCATE AND r PRESERVE AANYNANDAALLL UNDERGROUND UTUTESEThY CIVIL ENGNEFRING k LAND DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS I 6484 -48TH AVE SW Seattle WA 98126 CALL 48 HOURS phone 206 938 -6168 fax 206.938 -7645 BEFORE YOU DIG email H.Hageneon000MCAST.NET SIR M• 1- 800 -424 -5555 40 45 40 475 0 +00 Td BAR2A4Ti 439ARFA e3E". A....... -Mir NE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF SEC \� ONE48 BAR xOOP FOR rlEgNr T WO IN arch xOOPa FOR+2 xElOxr RECTANOUWt. ADJUSTMENT SECTION D BRRF.P.CH MIN GIW 1r NIN PRECAST BASE SECTION a NOTE1 ALTERNATIVE PRECAST BABE BECTH M PIPE ALLOWANCES 23N., Nor mm PRSRRTWLLL INNS• OIaNiTGx xElxFax ®ax 1r pwxcaxcRErE 9EPAMTE M9E ALLAETALPIPE 1r Cif ? (em. aPE0.9a620) r Sam WALLPi 1S (rice ePEC.9aa12(01 GTOH ansN FRA•E AND VANm LatATE tOal"Dof PROFILE WALLPVC PRO. 1r SPE1190B12(2)) 0.19 amiD1(MTm P YT arpeNsE PIM NOTES 1. As acce ble afiemabm to the mbwehx In the PRECAST BABE SECTION, Them (placed according to the Standard Specifications), or calm mesh having a minimum area of 0.12 equal Indies perfoot shell be used with are minimum metaled mbar shown in Una ALTERNATIVE PRECAST BABE SECTION. Wks mesh Mall not be placed In the knockouts. 2. The knodDd diameter shall not be greater than 20•. Knacanuts shell have a well thHmess of 2' minimum to 2.5• mudnun. Provide a 1.5' minimum gap between the knockout: wag and the outelde of the pipe. After five pipe Is Installed, 11 tw gap with joint mortar in accordance with Sterdam Specification 9-04.3. 3. The maximum depth berm the BlMwd grade to the kinad pipe Invert ahal be 5'. 4. The rums and grata must be Installed vdth the Berge down. 5. The Protest BMO Section may have a rounded III and the wells may be skilled at a Fees or 1:24 ordaeper. 6. The opening fail be mmBeuad at tar top of the placed bees section. 7. All pickup hubs dill be gre+led full after the basil has been placed. 8. AN grade rings and rratngs shall be ant In mortar In amnmanmwm Standard SpKftm m 9-04.3. PUBCJC WORKS CATCH BASIN TYPE i DEPARTMENT E%PPES 11 /13 /16 L 1 +00 CROSS SECTION,- JVET�pETENTlON POND SCALE: HOR12: 1 = 0 VERT 1 " = 5' ,al I . 'ill 475 MARCH 2005 32, TWP. 23N., RGE. 5E., W. M. NOOK U SIZE YWYIIN pSfAflfx: 00.9E lEVffgGaLG SrEF1 WAL all oeEarlON BETWEEN DJOaNOUm 9EPAMTE M9E NIEGRAL BASE 4r 4• r our r am 0.15 61• GTOH ansN FRA•E AND VANm LatATE tOal"Dof r 6 r 0.19 SIR M• s r 4s• r x3 ON Tip• HNDHa1D r our Ir am 021 g4• i 12 7S Ir am 026 gel• r 12 N• IT �gRC�OI'�usa 029 ran GRouy TYPDAL.(assmorEy) RATaLADi o o w.er.zr. N•aner ° NaarNlmPa b VMA =Lo NIXtTM FILLET z s < i rawwaraaam�rnT.l Z 11, aRUSL a•MTLF<n PI£EXE NCMn -f r -is Si@o M m I&ASE INIEORNL BABE aA6TJNFLALE PREVar Wlrx RaiER CATCH SASIN DIMENSIONS CATC1H D RRAM WALL THIgOEae BAS: 11HexeES6 NOOK U SIZE YWYIIN pSfAflfx: 00.9E lEVffgGaLG SrEF1 WAL all oeEarlON BETWEEN DJOaNOUm 9EPAMTE M9E NIEGRAL BASE 4r 4• r our r am 0.15 61• W r 4T r 0.19 SIR M• s r 4s• r alb ON Tip• r r our Ir am 021 g4• r 12 7S Ir am 026 gel• r 12 N• IT am 029 NOTES 1. No steps am nequlred when Height Is V or less. z. The bad= of the Precast catch basin may be sloped to fadRaW clearing. 3. The rectangular fiarne and grate mud be Installed with this flange down. The frame, may be oast Into the adjustment section. 4. Knockouts shall have a well thicknem of 2' minimum to 2.5' maximum. Provide a 1.5• minimum gap between the knockout wall and the outside of the pipe. After the pipe is installed, fill the gap with joint nroder in Sarsdw with Standard Spedtcetion 9043. 5. At grade rings, risers, and castings shall be sat in molar in accordance with Standard Specification 904.3. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PIPE ALLOWANCES G1121 PPE MATERWLw MAXIMUM NBmEDWE1m BASIN op T� COIICJSIE ram y CPaeP Q WALL PVC© WNL PYcGi 4r N our 2P a a are• 30' our 3V 2T all our our 4V all a 42• >T 42• W 4T all 4r N• a• our a4' our 4B' Br er 7Y 6P all 4r + conepW palvent. Sam sew pp(ss. bas sam (9hLSae 12(1D (em. Salo.941 1 CATCH BASIN TYPE 2 BID, PLAN - 201.00 MARCH 2008 W- 311102 CHECK FOR COMPUANCE TO CITY STANDARDS OH P• wxmx N o oN CITY OF NOTES AND DETAILS _ 5/1/73 xa¢anu: war ,vw /rev, v 4 REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS HEH 3/19/14 1 " =20' 3 REVISED & ADDED POND SIGN HEH /31/1 a`a�EH LAKESIDE FAIRWOOD PLAT D°B0p RENTON 2 REVISED PER 8/16/13 CITY COMMENTS HEH 3730713 "we" HEH II -ou6 xcx II 18621 - 116TH AVE SE axaea w. 1 INITIAL PERMIT SUBMITTAL HEH 1 13 HEH ATI FlgLg/ar l DATUM Planning /Building /Public Works Dept. RENTON, WASHINGTON C13 F xar au:.nor NO. REVISION BY DATE APPR HEH LAKESIDE INVESTMENTS, LLC 9149141". W. Ee 13 (�? A- NNNNA( a _n N G � � N 9 C O O m d -o r a -H