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ORD 1476
ORDINANCE No. 1476 f%AQF� b 3lad AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND OMyatD& 4Y 3 q RECREXTIONAL FACILITIES, ESTABLISHING A BOARD OF t PARR COMMISSIONERS, PRESCRIBING THEIR POW= AND �� DUTIES, REQUIRm A BUDGET, AND PROVIDING FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF RULES AND REGULATIONS PROMULGATED Br SAID BOARD OF PARK GGWSSIONERS, DECLARING A VIOLATION OF ANY SUCH RULE OR MMIIITION TO BE A VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE, PRESCRIBING PENALTIES THEREFOR AND REPEALING ANY ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HERMTH. BE IT OM AIW BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON: Section 1s Definitions Words used in this ordinance shall have the follow- ing meaning: "Parks" means areas of lands, with or without grater, developed and used for public recreational purposes, including landscaped tracts, picnic grounds, playgrounds, ath1gtic fields, recreation centers, camps, foot, bicycle and bridle paths, motor vehicle drives, wild -life sanctuaries, mumoums, zoological and botani- cal gardens, facilities for bathing, beating, hunting and fishing, as well as other recreational facilities for the use and benefit of the publico "Board" means Board of Park Commissioners., "City, Council" means the legislative body of the City of Renton, Section �2: Creation of Board of Park Commissioners and Eligibility. There is hereby created a Board of Park Commissioners, consisting of throe members, who shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to the approval of the City Council, and the se- lection of such Park Commissioners shall be made from the citizens of recognized fit- ness for such positions who reside in this city. No Commissioner shall receive any compensation for his services. Seddttion 3: Terms of Commissionerss Filling Vacancies. The terms of the Com» missioneers so appointed shall be for a period of one, two, and three years respee- tively from the date of their appointment, it being understood that the first Com• nissionsr so appointed shall serve for a period of throe years, the second Com- missioner so appointed for a period of two years, and the last Commissioner so ap- pointed for a period of one year. The terms of office shall begin on the first Mon- day in Jame and at the expiration of each Commissioner's term, the Mayor shall ap. point, with the approval of the City Council, one member for a three year term. Idem» bore of the Board'may be removed at any time by the Mayor, subject to the approval of the City Council, and vacancies for the remainder of unexpired terms as heretofore specified shall, be filled in the same manner that original appointments are made. The Board of Park Commissioners shall, by majority vote, elect one of its members to be President thereof and it may appoint such other officers as may be deemed necessary by them. aeg4o Put 931atd So soumua4uTsm Pue 4uemasmutm 'uoT4maedo ag4 JOS sBaT4mTn2aa Pm saTna gong 03MM 04 as&ed aAmg TTegs Paeog agl s9uoT4lT-aa'd pum asTng •S uaT40aS •14T3 eq4 3o emu aq4 uT aq TTmgs peaTaboe pum peATeoaa os sel;Vedoad Am pue TTo�moo A4T3 eq4 3e Timeadde sq4 gnmg4TY eesTmJelg4o ao UTs Aq 'Avedoad An aaTubom o4 .resod ou eAmg TTmgs tie -uoT98TMOD :4-mcl So p rxeg etgy saaaed (C) ae q% ueg4 atom JOS peTaed s JOS pe juwa2 eq TTegs esaTTATad ao uoTssaouoo ou 41g4 pus 'eomTd oTTqud dam uT aaaq ao '®uTa '94TzTde 'TogooTm 'eaonbTT 2uT4moTxo4uT Am So aTms ago JOS Pe4UVa2 eq aaAa reqs a$eTTATad ae u©Tssaouoo ou 'TWR4 'ae1T4so,T paPTAoad fsaeasTesTm¢oo :qamd So pxecq eq4 Act ueT4 -om gons Js sdmp (0C) AVTg4 uTg4Tx TTaunOO A4T0 sq4 e4 Tmaddm So 4g2Ta ego aAeq TTmgs seBaTTATad Pum ueTssaouoo gong BuTAttep ao 2uT4uMa8 uT pasoB ego Aq poAe-;j22x A4amd AT 41144 Poo4saePun BuTaq 4T UTtto sesodmd :q nd JOS peon aq TTmgs anetaaaa goas pile CMA 3MYCI eq4 JOS aaanssaay A4To eq4: 04 aaA0 pauan4 eq g4TAlgV*; TT'sgs aepun9zeg4 pTned 6aT4aad0ad ao saTuom Alza pum egTaosead TTmgs 4T sm uoT4msu9dm6o gans JOS Pus suoT4oTa4sea guns aepun uToaeq ee88TTATad paw suoTsseouoo 4>famag o4 Peetaog4nm a9g4anJ OT P"Off PM '=j 31fd eq4 se u"uj aq o4 ; 9144 uT Poomtd Sq TTmgs gimes Pere aaamsseas AIT) eq4 04 Pled g4T&gVo; eq TT1gs A4To So jTvqeq uo pamag aq4 Aq paATeoaa suoT4suoP gsso AaV •aepuneaaq g4ao3 49s ss s000dznd sq4 o4 Aama4uoo ao TnjumTun 'aedoaduT paaepTsuoo eq uoT4muop gons Aum 4sg4 4ueAe aq4 UT 'TTounOO I'M eq4 Aq uoT409C0a guns So TmAoaddm ego o4 4oergns 'suoT4suop goes Sue 400P9a o4 W41 ag4 saAaesaa Paeog 9q4 'peuT38p eaojo4eaeq se seam TsuoT4 -maaoea a0g40 Pum satard So 4uemaA0achaT eq4 JOS sdnoas ao sT1n'PTATpuT Aq pe4euop A4aadoad .rag4o ao saTuom TTm 'A%Ta aq4 So O mu aq4 uT 'aATaoaa Jslg4xrLT TTmgs Moil ®q4 498TUTTom3 TmuoT4mea09a aeg40 Pres sesnoq PTeTS 'sTood suTurW 's=Tsmuraa 'spumoaBAmTd 'sajamd uTe%uTem pum e4masdo 'oAoz&q 'esTAaadns eTea4ueo eJOS oaeo 94o=,4aueo 'pTTnq o4 ptm smm x3oad T+su0T4xea0ea 2uT43nPfzea Jo ssAmd aq-4 aaa sumT4 -msTus2ao oTTgnd Bons Am ao '4.oT-z4sTp Toogos 4'40Ta4sTp awed "=04 JO A4T0 'A4unOD An 'IIe42uTg9mj �0 84149 eq4 '894148 ps4Tufl ego g4TA uoT4ouu�'u®o uT ao A W P - uQdsPuT 2uT40'e guT%-rJA uT 40va4uoo Aue G%uT a04us 0% f emms e114 luameu zo pare eAo zdkT put `sBuTP'[Tmq A4TCMUM90 BuTpnTouT e88TUTTo13 uoT4maaosa pau►►o' ATT8dToTunm aeg4o ao/Pum sPunoaB Tmu0T4mea09a Pum As -Ed Iepa*AoTn*q, 'skvxX ed essamnbe 'saiamd 1184TMTT ATO egq. 4nog4� ao uTg4Ts. aeg4Te ''a4saedo tram uTm4uTmm 'deTeAep '4ona4sueo east prem e04=oad 'umTd aeggm; Am paeog pTsS *ATO sq4 04 BuTBu®Teq 'peuTjap G-TeSO4 -e eq so 'sxavd TT1e So uoTsTAaadus Pum Tox4u®o aAmq TTmgs pus aair amosaTega pus aAT4ona4suoo m uT eTdoed sq4 So WTI eanaTaT eq4 AoTdas tT� 41g4 A4TATIM Tman4 -Tao acr u0T4msaoaa ;o uzao; due 4onpuso o4 aaKed eq4 eAmq TTsgg Pamog PTeg '88M PumoaS aq� 3A 99T%T0 SO saauoTseTaPzOD atald So spasog s4 3uT4eTaa u®42uTg8vA ;o 941e4S eq4. ;a sxeq eq4 Aq pepTaaad 9eT4up ego TTe mao,Taad pue saasod aq4 TTm BAmq TTmgs 9a9tizaT22T=00 X"d SO PasoB aqy "OT4nQ pas sas"cl Ttaeuep •t uoT4099 recreational facilities as heretofore defined, including the power to fix charges for the Esse of axq mnaic pally owned or controlled park or recreational facilities, All rules and regulations and use charges and amendments or changes thereof shall be by resolution of the Board of Park Commissioners and notice thereof shall be posted in at least three (3) public places within the City Limits of the City of Renton, a copy of each such resolution to be filed with the City Clerk and the Police Department of the City of Renton. These rules and regulations as heretofore defined shall be in full force and effect from and after the date of such posting in three (3) se public places. This ordinance and all rules and regulations,!/charges and amendments pursuant thereto shall be enforced by the Police Department of the City of Renton, Violation thereof shall be considered a violation of this ordinance. Section 6. Appointment and Duties of Superintendents The Board shall have the power to appoint a superintendent who is specially trained and qualified, Such training and qualification shall include at least two years of experience as an ad— ministrator of a park or recreational program or its equivalent and such appointment to be subject to confirmation by the City Council. Said Superintendent, under the direction of the Park Board, sha1.1 have the management of the park and playground system and the appointment and supervision of qualified employees thereof for the efficient administration, construction and development of the public park and recrea— tion system as specified hereunder. Said Superintendent may be the executive officer of the Board but shall have no vote thereon, and he shall have such powers and duties as prescribed by the Board from time to time or as may be imposed upon him by reso— lution or ordinance of the City, Section 7, Park Budgets The Board of Park Commissioners shall annually sub— mit a budget to the City as required by law, Section 8, Penalties: Any violation of this ordinance shall be punished, upon conviction thereof, by a fine not to exceed $100.00 or thirty (30) days in jails or both, Section 9, Repealed Ordinances, Any orUiuvzces or parts of ordinances in con— flict herewith are hereby repealed, Section 10, This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, publication and approval as provided by law, PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 23rd day of March , 195 4•. APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 23 to form: V t// /C Wile Tprooks Uty Clerk 4 ll f � ,I, ---- —3— Date of publication: Apr 1 1, 1954