HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-381416W O O U W J LL 0 0 W Z UJ w 0 O 0f U i X z O c� z Y J Q C0 v U V) a. Ln Ln 0 CV v E 0 is E 00 W.C: On 00 to V) 0 0 0 W� Z W a) TOP WIDTH Of BOW CONTROL STRUCTURE ENEaAGEsyCY OVERFLOW WS B. MfI I?tI5• Wt OVERFLOW WS — a FOR ACCESS ROAD, .1 POND DESM INS DESAIS tIARRER BERtr EXI STWG GRt3U . fiOFIL F 7 °v mI /1� ����_- --ter► ..._..._ _ ._♦,, C RCUMFFRIE4 ,F LE413TFI Of 's�ERFL�3 s3S . POND Ms" a W.S.... ........ 1-•i NW)G tiTF t0k SFCOICARY 14 FT. PROVIDE VERTU. BARS h't FRAME. 4-G.C. (OTHER SYSTEUS ACCEPTABLE IF APPROVED BY DOES; SEE ALSO THE SEPARATE OVER F LOW STFRU( TUBE 'r sECIM ba has 2 opsom ws ) Am 2* ASP44ALT (FOR SPIL1 A S t°ffil CCE R xADS C>ti/ERf t Ud,r UIS DESIGN WS Y OVERFLO* WS 7 ROCK LNG PER COMPACTED W*Tffs 1.Ttiis d" k a sdwna& repr on only. AcluW owdguradon vA vary dapendAIV on speck 9Me constrales and appllcade design a wfiL 2.Acoess Rood alai meet " foloss44ng design atwla. 2.1. rria*num grade shat be 15 % for asphail pav V and 12 % for grated or mod lm god paAng. 2.2 Oulaide tort kV radars shat be 40 feet. reti *rum. 2-1 Feriae galas shat be located only on sank gh sec/on of road. 2.4 Access roads shat be 15 feat In wife on coves and 12 AW n strabht sections. 2.5. A paved apron shat be pro4ded wtw a sooass roads connect to pawed put& rase. 3. N faces shall be fences. Feriae shah be provided around tedby aloe* g proper nmkowume pet Standard detals uriess oowvA@o spedled. ,. x '_` .1,0 PUBLIC WORKS TYPICAL DETENTION POND . PI" DEPARTMENT _ SECTIONS MARCH 2006 � 5' siGecsk DRAINAGE FACILITY DETAILS FOR COPPERWOOD PTN OF THE NW1 /4, OF THE SEII/4 OF SEC. 15 TWP. 23 N., RGE 5 EAST, W. M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, STATE OF WASHINGTON Zy OWNERSHIP OF STORMWATER TRACT ON RESIDENTIAL DEWLOPME TS, When Saes and/or other lanlefascepkq feattuers sits ioevied in sWffwratr Uwft, nhsel 48nence of sod "Ot will be V* r*spw"*ty of the property owners W**n the Wt&Visiora. The home owners ass ociat orIs (RCA) vA be responhsibise lot the maintenance Lan of sold storrrwirater tract ewiudirsrg Ohs drainage facil)l es contairIed therein. A rut #that saw9m each Prop" trawler as heving equal and tax9vded intsmst am the rmesirt *ounce of the sI€smvwa1er tgaet sib be phrAd in the ilntlf pbt An overtyirng sasement under and upoo said draitvtags3 tract stall bex corweayed to #tart City art Ronson lot the ;Kxposa of operating, ma k4alining, knpmr*V, rphwAr.9 sivi kr rng to goad repair the tlrsinaps fatties conlained twain. Tract bou+dery Fence boeNon► as raquired. ReW bo Germ* Noles. � 3.1 M"WUM SIDE SLOPES. VFFiTIC.AL WALLS A 41WED. FENCE REOUN ED ON TOP Of WALL ssleaa n*rrisrn ban lap or too d skips to %Vd acuFawy. ERAL MOTES: This detail is a ache nasc represenielim only. Actual configurabon will very an specillc aft constraints and appiic - h- deo gn cAlrea- On siorw#waler h , ON - ID be maintained by tun Cky. a in ics shall be pieced at the lop of the barn w t slaw mainlanance sc own road In the inebe of On beetles: OR 5 lost marlin w n Tram lop of berm if dare k: no waft lsnsnce womm rood Nlowlng proper rrAWnOwwww of law betty. No v N avowed inside the fence. Larowsspi>fg stall be pbntod in sommoNnos with the require nenN ihwaded in set 1'n 5.3.1 d the KCS*VW sklnicth preclude tandecaping in any blame itw WVou nd water or wfihin 10 lace of any slnuceure. Exposed earth on l he pond bollom and ithaim sift slopes shat be sodded or ssedde0 oft an appropriate seed mNlure. At rerneiwtg areas of tlhs Irttdc rust be plor4ad *Ah gran as approved under aria KCSiiM W as AN tress and o0w plantings shall conform to Ne KCSVVDM requirwrw to and reafricdone reWding location over o#w infrealruckwe such as water. Wwer. power. etc. Fences 9NO be 6 feet in hei^ For exan designs. we WSOOT Standard Plan L -2 Type 1 or Type 3 chain fence. For Wicks to be maintained by the Ctty.1- ice material Owl be 9 gauge geNw ized Neel fabric wath boded whyd mfg. For steel fabric lances the fokwAng appka: Vinyl t shat be compe" wlrh 11hs st oundir q *n%*onrrwru (s.q. groan in opem grassy areas and block in or brown n wooden u em4 all pow, Cross bars, and gages shall be pwdod Cr coated to same color as vinyl chain link Is Fens post and raft " conivrm to WSDOT Standard Plan L -2 Types 1,3, or 4 dwin ink ianece. Wood lances are allowed in subdivisions where the lance will be macnlNned by homeowners ssdocellone at ad)scent lot o%wwm or in priwws conwrArc d or kndustriM sills *+hers Una farce will be p nvsWy rnsina4ak - The wood laim shall be placed on private properly. •• Wood fences (when 1 N, hoed by the City) shall haws presm " Weelied post (ground =ltd raaled) when W in 24-inch deep conerele floorings or atradked 10 footings by 9*varized breacea. Reis and lance LANDSCAPING ALLOWED PER SECTION 5.3.1 Or T14E KCVAMM AND REED i90ar�As shah be ceder or fir a hamiock BY FWC d- -4-070 SOO OR SEED WITH APPROPRIATE SEED kXXTURE -- — OWY ORAS , GROUNMOVER AN MR StL+IALL SHRLISS MAY BE ALLOWED I LANDSCAPING9 TREES, +. PUBLIC WORKS POND GEOMETRY AND DEPARTMENT FENCING STANDARDS CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS APPROVED BY I v f DATE 1- • Z.�i !S APPROVED BY DATE / t APPROVED BY DATE APPROVED BY DATE 3 REVISED PER CITY REVIEW 2 REVISED PER CITY REVIEW 1 REVISED PER CITY REVIEW -T N0. REVISION STD. PLAN – 234.30 AUGUST 2012 i 41r' I I an Lj Stormwater (florae/ N Mld tNefa dttar sls.wa. a N r,N..rrf DESIGNED: BJT BJT 4/22/15 wearily r scarf 040 go wad elms alas it N RAG 3/30/ 15 Pond V"*NDW &I Wow"" flaw. TAle how «mot BJT 1/15/15 do wialreon AsedM@ and waaima saved help CHECKED: BJT BY Gb o t Mw waist. Far Iwo• Ydsiwatiow or to rapnt 24** 13.T veadellew r sewer 40.74 4'' Z LJ Z �, W g Q t'n>rllc waft oanbwuet ex (N N surews wow tmft Rend now w Nwalw O N 0 0 Z� {{ 00 (0 SPEClFICATlONS: Size: 48 inches by 24 inctwe Material: 0.125 - gauge akiminum Face: Non -reflec i ve vinyl or 3 coats oukk)or enamel (sprayed). LefterkV: Site Sit enamel where possible, or vinyl leleESrs. Colors: Beige ba&gmund, teal mss. Type face: Helvetica condom. Title: 3 inch; Sub - Title: 1 - inch; Text: 1 inch; fluter border: Inch border distance from edge: Inch; all text 1 4 - inch from border. Posts: Pressure treated, beveled tops, - inch higher &m sign Installation: Secure to chain link fie if available. Otherwise install two 4ax4" posts, pressure treated, mounted atop a gravel bed, installed in 30 -inch concrete filled post holes (8 -inch nwimum dim), with the tap sib no higher that 42 inches from ground surface. Face sign In direction of primary visual or ploys access. Do not block any access read. I)o riot place wil1hin 6 feet of sbn,Icbxal facififies (e.g. manholes, spillways, pipe irilets). • Vie. ♦f V* fm*0 hw a A .VI to resffid M iWVm• o st( I i r wsft , Ow !'b#ow ,T note must be addlod to ft face of the sigh: "This facOy is tined to prohwt goundkivater quaW y. " In ac#im, Spec inforrnabon about the firw must be added to the back of the align as sperm in Section S. 2.4. STD. PLAN Im +� PUBLIC WORKS PERMANE'T SURFACE WATER DEPARTMENT I Cti�ITRO#. POND S#t3N FEBRUARY 2010 E SCALE: HMIZ.: N/A VERT.: N/A ONE INCH AT FULL SCALE IF NOT ONE INCH SCALE ACCORDINGLY VERTICAL: NAVD 1988 HORIZONTAL: NAD 1983/1991 DATUM SMOOTiA VERTICAL MRS f' CIIA ETER S16 TH BAR'S` EWALLY AOIED A '`as__ is ;c,iosrw now 1 havA Mrs bo•a +« a■rd baiDw t W R STEEL s 1Arlt f)t 4 FORMED TO FIT 04 GRCWF Of C.S. RISER TYPF 2 C tt(.K CLAMP 1tlETJIIC<iL #i<►!i!C GLAMP tNTa fool -ALtt14 Vlaw NTa by alk&V 4 Uaubdm to 4 `r•r`A hers as dww, f*w Low WX% No atiWQW bait and vrorb• bon i Wed« *) on bww aria. Los:au sups dlbdy bd&aL I.- DM. SMOOTH ROUelb BARS WELDED EQU^LLY SPACED. BARS %AAL L K WEL 0f 0 TO UsPPER a LOW" BANDS 124 LADS EVE+ILY SPACED SEE 24' NOTE It UPPER ST1 FL SEE UPPER ~ 8A*) ui` 4' `, < MOTE 1 WIDE V V sSlCTbiMN ALMA MTa STAADARD GALVAI ED STEPS OR LADDER I�TEs:: 1. i*visions are for iMustratlbn on 54" diatywief C8. For 4ferent d irmser cas a*ust to malralain 45'an* on "vedi ar tears and 7' reap. tilax*I7 um spackV of tars arowd ixwer sled band 2. taleial parts must be corrodon redstant, stet gars must be glalvardw& The use d sled b prefer. t_ This debris barrirer Is also recomrruencled for use on the lrl t to roadway croinocL arts wih Ngh potaridd for dabda rt pn (except can Mv 2 shears) 4. T W debris barrier is V Use out" of road silght- tit -stmt cam. For A a t i a cages wAMi► road rlphl -ofwsy =- CITY OE ma RENTON Planning /Building /Public Works Dept. 7 PUBLIC WORKS OVERFLOW STRUCTURE STD. PLAN — 254.0 DEPARTMENT MARCH 2008 R- 381416 DRAINAGE FACILITY DETAILS COPPERW`00D QUADRANT HOMES 14725 SE 36TH ST. SUfI'E 20p BELLEVUE, WA 98006 \ � 4 3 Q �4rk- '�\Qv VJ Z SURVEYED: BCE an Lj E— :D IJ� z zr DESIGNED: BJT BJT 4/22/15 BJT RAG 3/30/ 15 BJT °� RAG BJT 1/15/15 BJT CHECKED: BJT BY DATE APPR APPROVED: SCALE: HMIZ.: N/A VERT.: N/A ONE INCH AT FULL SCALE IF NOT ONE INCH SCALE ACCORDINGLY VERTICAL: NAVD 1988 HORIZONTAL: NAD 1983/1991 DATUM SMOOTiA VERTICAL MRS f' CIIA ETER S16 TH BAR'S` EWALLY AOIED A '`as__ is ;c,iosrw now 1 havA Mrs bo•a +« a■rd baiDw t W R STEEL s 1Arlt f)t 4 FORMED TO FIT 04 GRCWF Of C.S. RISER TYPF 2 C tt(.K CLAMP 1tlETJIIC<iL #i<►!i!C GLAMP tNTa fool -ALtt14 Vlaw NTa by alk&V 4 Uaubdm to 4 `r•r`A hers as dww, f*w Low WX% No atiWQW bait and vrorb• bon i Wed« *) on bww aria. Los:au sups dlbdy bd&aL I.- DM. SMOOTH ROUelb BARS WELDED EQU^LLY SPACED. BARS %AAL L K WEL 0f 0 TO UsPPER a LOW" BANDS 124 LADS EVE+ILY SPACED SEE 24' NOTE It UPPER ST1 FL SEE UPPER ~ 8A*) ui` 4' `, < MOTE 1 WIDE V V sSlCTbiMN ALMA MTa STAADARD GALVAI ED STEPS OR LADDER I�TEs:: 1. i*visions are for iMustratlbn on 54" diatywief C8. For 4ferent d irmser cas a*ust to malralain 45'an* on "vedi ar tears and 7' reap. tilax*I7 um spackV of tars arowd ixwer sled band 2. taleial parts must be corrodon redstant, stet gars must be glalvardw& The use d sled b prefer. t_ This debris barrirer Is also recomrruencled for use on the lrl t to roadway croinocL arts wih Ngh potaridd for dabda rt pn (except can Mv 2 shears) 4. T W debris barrier is V Use out" of road silght- tit -stmt cam. For A a t i a cages wAMi► road rlphl -ofwsy =- CITY OE ma RENTON Planning /Building /Public Works Dept. 7 PUBLIC WORKS OVERFLOW STRUCTURE STD. PLAN — 254.0 DEPARTMENT MARCH 2008 R- 381416 DRAINAGE FACILITY DETAILS COPPERW`00D QUADRANT HOMES 14725 SE 36TH ST. SUfI'E 20p BELLEVUE, WA 98006 \ � 4 3 Q �4rk- '�\Qv W S' 8 o co*g 10/08/2014 T VJ Z T 8 an Lj E— :D IJ� z zr m M z z o 07 M D get w a. C X Z Z LJ Z �, W g Q CV r� (N N z O N 0 0 Z� Z0) 00 (0 r-- f>0 Cr C*4 Q I T— I V— L j w Z Ln in U Z -�� Z u7 Ln w '— (V 00 Uj .44- --d- J > Y 00 W S' 8 o co*g 10/08/2014 T VJ Z T 8 IJ� z zr m M JL� M D D rr U, 1 • =rn T � Z T ID Z � 1 0 n D Z 2 C 3 m m M C� c T.. C O T 8 O M -4 C Z �,