HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 5211Amends ORD 5180 CITY OF RENTON,WASlllNGTON ORDINANCE NO.5211 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON, APPROPRIATING THE NEW PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS TO MEET THE NEED OF NEW CIRCUMSTANCES AND OPPORTUNITIES IN THE 2006 FISCAL YEAR. WHEREAS,the City Council passed the City of Renton's 2006 Annual Budget Ordinance (Ordinance No.5180)on December 12,2005;and WHEREAS,it is a priority of the City to appropriate new programs and projects to meet the need of new circumstances and opportunities for the City; NOW,THEREFORE,THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASlllNGTON,DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I.Ordinance No.5180 establishing the City of Renton's 2006 Annual Budget is hereby amended as follows: 1.The General Fund (Fund 000)IS hereby amended to reflect the following appropriation amendments: GENERAL FUND <Fund 000) FY2006 REVENUES New Revenue Use prior year revenue Revenues EXPENDITURES Budget Appropriation Fire Department Wellness Program Total Appropriation Ending Fund Balance Expenditures Amended 2006 Budget 50,096,256 o 50,096,256 50,084,947 o 50,084,947 11,309 50,096,256 Current 2006 Budget 50,096,256 649,881 50,746,137 50,764,637 (18,500) 50,746,137 o 50,746,137 o 649,881 649,881 679,690 (18,500) 661,190 (11309) 649,881 ORDINANCE NO.5211 2.The Fire Wellness Program Fund (Fund all)is created and the appropriation is transferred from the Fire Department Operating Budget. FIRE WELLNESS PROGRAM FUND <Fund 0 II) FY2006 REVENUES New Revenue Transfer in from Fund 000 Revenues EXPENDITURES Budget Appropriation Expenditures Amended 2006 Bu&ret o o o o o Current 2006 Budget o 18,500 18,500 18,500 18,500 o 18,500 18,500 18,500 18,500 3.The Park Fund (Fund 10 1)IS hereby amended to reflect the following appropriation amendments: PARK FUND (Fund 10 I) FY 2006 REVENUES New Revenue Use of Prior Year Revenue Revenues EXPENDITURES Budget Appropriation Expenditures Amended 2006 Budget 11,260,376 5,000 11,265,376 n,265,376 11,265,376 Current 2006 Budget 11,260,376 37,000 11,297,376 11,297,376 n,297,376 o 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 4.The Street Fund (Fund 103)IS hereby amended to reflect the following appropriation amendments: STREET FUND <Fund 103) FY2006 REVENUES New Revenue Use ofPrior Year Revenue Revenues EXPENDITURES Budget Appropriation Aerial Photography/Topographic Mapping Expenditures 2 Amended 2006 Budget 6,738,878 o 6,738,878 6,738,878 o 6,738,878 Current 2006 Budget 6,738,878 28,000 6,766,878 6,738,878 28,000 6,766,878 o 28,000 28,000 o 28,000 28,000 ORDINANCE NO.5211 5.The HotellMotel Fund (Fund 110)is hereby amended to reflect the following appropriation amendments: HOTELIMOTEL FUND (Fund 110) FY2006 REVENUES New Revenue Revenues EXPENDITURES Budget Appropriation Professional Services Contract Expenditures Amended 2006 Budget 220,000 220,000 220,000 o 220,000 Current 2006 Budget 242,500 242,500 220,000 22,500 242,500 22,500 22,500 o 22,500 22,500 6.The LID Debt Services Fund (Fund 220)will be eliminated.The appropriation will be transferred to Fund 406. LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT DEBT SERVICE FUND (Fund 220) FY 2006 REVENUES New Revenue Use of Prior Year Revenue Revenues EXPENDITURES Budget Appropriation Transfer Fund Balanee to Fund 406 Expenditures Amended Current 2006 Budget 2006 Budget Change 9,500 0 1,5(0) 22,525 67,826 45,301 32,025 67,826 35,801 32,025 0 i'Y 07''\\ 0 67,826 67,826 32,025 67,826 35,801 3 ORDINANCE NO.5211 7.The Municipal Facilities Capital Improvement Fund (Fund 316)IS hereby amended to reflect the following appropriation amendments: MUNICIPAI.,FACILITIES CAPITAI.,IMPROVEMENT FUND (Fund 316) FY 2006 REVENUES New Revenue Use of Prior Year Revenue Revenues EXPENDITURES Budget Appropriation Capital Projects Expenditures Amended 2006 Budget 2,100,000 3,231,096 5,331,096 5,331,096 o 5,331,096 Current 2006 Budget 2,100,000 3,521,096 5,621,096 5,331,096 290,000 5,621,096 Chanlle o 290,000 290,000 o 290,000 290,000 8.The Water Utility Fund (Fund 405)is hereby amended to reflect the following appropriation amendments: WATER UTILITY OPERATION FUND (Fund 405) FY2006 REVENUES New Revenue Use of Prior Year Revenue Transfer in from Fund 425 Revenues EXPENDITURES Budget Appropriation Aerial PhotographyfIopographic Mapping Total Appropriation Ending Fund Balance Expenditures 4 Amended 2006 Budget 7,787,792 571,736 o 8,359,528 8,359,528 o 8,359,528 o 8,359,528 Current 2006 Budget 7,787,792 599,736 3,239,850 11,627,378 8,334,528 28,000 8,362,528 3,264,850 11,627,378 o 28,000 3,239,850 3,267,850 !'H {",i,', 28,000 3,000 3,264,850 3,267,850 ORDINANCE NO.5211 9.The Waste Water Utility Fund (Fund 406)IS hereby amended to reflect the following appropriation amendments: WASTE WATER UTILITY OPERATION FUND (Fund 406) FY 2006 REVENUES New Revenue Use prior year revenue Transfer in fund balance from Fund 220 Revenues EXPENDITURES Budget Appropriation Aerial PhotographyfIopographic Mapping Total Appropriation Ending Fund Balance Expen ditures Amended Current 2006 Budget 2006 Budget Change 3,846,688 3,846,688 0 84,074 112,074 28,000 0 67,826 67,826 3,930,762 4,026,588 95,826 3,930,762 3,930,762 0 0 28,000 28,000 3,930,762 3,958,762 28,000 0 67,826 67,826 3,930,762 4,026,588 95,826 10.The Surface Water Utility Fund (Fund 407)IS hereby amended to reflect the following appropriation amendments: SURFACE WATER UTILITY OPERATION FUND (Fund 407) FY 2006 REVENUES New Revenue Use of Prior Year Revenue Soft Capital Reimb from Fund 427 Revenues EXPENDITURES Budget Appropriation Aerial PhotographyfIopographic Mapping Residual Equity Transfer out to Fund 427 Expenditures 5 Amended 2006 Budget 3,089,240 152,711 o 3,241,951 3,241,951 o o 3,241,951 Current 2006 Budget 3,089,240 180,711 29,793 3,299,744 3,241,951 28,000 29,793 3,299,744 o 28,000 29,793 57,793 o 28,000 29,793 57,793 ORDINANCE NO.5211 11.The Water Utility Construction Fund (Fund 425)is hereby amended to reflect the following appropriation amendments: WATER UTll.-lTY CONSTRUCTION FUND (Fund 425) FY2006 Amended Current 2006 Budget 2006 Budget Change REVENUES New Revenue 6,715,000 6,715,000 0 Use prior year revenue 1,476,700 4,716,550 3,239,850 Revenues 8,191,700 11,431,550 3,239,850 EXPENDITURES Budget Appropriation 8,191,700 8,191,700 0 Transfer to Fund 405 0 3,239,850 3,239,850 Expenditures 8,191,700 11,431,550 3,239,850 12.Waste Water Utility Construction Fund (Fund 426)is hereby amended to reflect the following appropriation amendments: WASTEWATER UTll.-ITY CONSTRUCTION FUND (Fund 426) FY 2006 Amended Current 2006 Budget 2006 Budget Change REVENUES New Revenue 2,600,000 2,600,000 0 Use prior year revenue 2,022,000 2,022,000 0 Transfer in Bond proceeds from Fund 451 0 212,664 212,664 Revenues 4,622,000 4,834,664 212,664 EXPENDITURES Total Appropriation 4,622,000 4,622,000 0 Ending Fund Balance 0 212,664 212,664 Expenditures 4,622,000 4,834,664 212,664 6 ORDINANCE NO.5211 13.The Surface Water Utility Construction Fund (Fund 427)is hereby amended to reflect the following appropriation amendments: SURFACE WATER UTILITY CONSTRUCTION FUND (Fund 427) FY 2006 REVENUES New Revenue Use prior year revenue Transfer in from Fund 427 Revenues EXPENDITURES Budget Appropriation Expenditures Amended 2006 Budget 2,300,000 ],545,000 o 3,845,000 3,845,000 3,845,000 Current 2006 Budget 2,300,000 1,545,000 29,793 3,874,793 3,874,793 3,874,793 o o 29,793 29,793 29,793 29,793 14.The Waterworks Revenue Bond Fund (Fund 451)is hereby amended to reflect the following appropriation amendments: WATERWORKS REVENUE BOND FUND (Fund 45]) FY2006 REVENUES New Revenue Use prior year revenue Revenues EXPENDITURES Budget Appropriation Transfer bond proceeds to Fund 426 Expenditures Amended 2006 Budget 3,103,500 108,300 3,211,800 3,211,800 o 3,211,800 Current 2006 Budget 3,103,500 310,964 3,414,464 3,201,800 212,664 3,414,464 o 202,664 202,664 'r;{;Oln 2]2,664 202,664 15.The Firemen's Pension Fund (Fund 601)is hereby amended to reflect the following appropriation amendments: 7 ORDINANCE NO.5211 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND (Fund 601) FY 2006 Amended 2006 Budget Current 2006 Budget REVENUES New Revenue Use prior year revenue Revenues EXPENDITURES Budget Appropriation Expenditures 223,000 223,000 234,300 254,300 457,300 477,300 457,300 477,300 457,300 477,300 o 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 SECTIONll.A list of all individual budget adjustments and descriptions are hereby attached as Attachment A and are available for public review in the Office of the City Clerk,Renton City Hall. SECTION ill.This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage,approval,and five (5)days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 12 th day of __J_u_n_e_----",2006. Bonnie 1.Walton,City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 12th day of __J_u_n_e "2006. Kathy Kee1ker,Mayor Date of Publication:6/16/2006 (summary) ORD.1258:6/07/06:ma c.~'.i\ .~~r \ 8 ORDINANCE NO.5211 Tide and Description General Fund 1 Mayor's Office Staff Reorganization (Mayor's office -New request) Request for the reorganization in the Executive Division 2 Finance Operating Appropriation Request (FIS Q New request) $20,000 to eontinue the internship program and $10,000 for regular staff overtime to meet the Business Licenses system implementation need;$10,000 for Eden Finance System Study 3 Human Resources OperatiBlg Appll'opriatioBl Request (HR -New request) To assist in dealing with unusual staffing challenges facing the department this year 4 Voter's Registration &Election Costs (City Clerk Office -New request) $11,200 for voters'registration costs and $29,750 for election costs to King County due to actual billing over the budgeted amounts 5 Human Semces (Community Services -Budget Adjustment) Reduce $8,660 intermittent salaries and benefits;increase $2,500 eontractual account;and reduce $36,600 Summer lunch program since reimbursement from the State ended.We are contracting with The Salvation Army (TSA)to run the program 6 Aerial PbotograJ!)bvfTopographic Mapping (PBPW -New Request) Increase Budget appropriation in Utilities,Technical Services and Street Engineering Professional Svcs budget by using prior year Fund Balance 7 COlin"Jail Services (police -New Request) Increase Budget appropriation to meet contract obligations General Food (Fund (00)Total Fire Welmess Program 8 Fnnd 011 Fire WeUness Program (Fire -Budget Adjustment) Transfer appropriation from GF 000/009 Fire department operating budget to create new fund for Fire Wellness Program Fire WeUness Program Fund <!ood (11)Total Pall'kFund 9 Integrated Pest Managemelll!t Program (Commnnity Services -New request) Need to meet eontract obligation Park Fund (Fund 1(1)Total Street FUlll!d 10 Aerial Photography/Topograpmc Mapping (pBPW -New Reqnest) Increase Budget appropriation in Utilities,Teclmical Services and Street Engineering Professional Svcs budget by using prior year Fund Balance Page 1 Attachment A Amount 85,000 40,000 10,000 40,950 28,000 500,000 661,190 I 18,500 18,500 I 32,000 32,000 I 28,000 1258 A ORDINANCE NO.5211 Title and Description I Street Fund (Fund 103)Total Hotel/Motel Fund 11 HotellMotel Fund Professional Contract (EDNSP -Increase appropriation) Increase the revenue budget and expenditure appropriation to pay for Hamilton/Saunderson and Chamber contracts Hotel/Motel Fund (Fund 110)Total LID Debt Service Fund 12 LID Debt Services Fund 220 (LID -New Request) Close Fund 220 and transfer the budget authority and FE to Fund 406 Wastewater Utility Operation Budget LID Debt Service (Fund 220)Total Municipal Facilities CIP Fund 13 Library Master Plan (Community Services -New request) To complete the master plan of the City Library System as discussed 14 Recreation Center Storage Facilitv 2nd Building (Comm Svcs -New request) Provides additional funds to construct 2nd storage building at the RCC 15 Henry Moses Pool Lighting (Comm Svcs -New request) Provides additional funds to complete project Municipal Facilities CIP Fund (Fund 316)Total Water Utility Fund 16 Water Inventorv Consumed (pBPWlWater Operating -Budget Adjustment) Budget correction to 2006 budget 17 Aerial PhotographY/Topographic Mapping (pBPW -New Request) Increase Budget appropriation in Utilities,Technical Services and Street Engineering Professional Svcs budget by using prior year Fund Balance 18 Ending Fund Balance Increase Increase due to water inventory consumed (25,000)and fund balance transfer from fund 425 to 405 (reversed the transaction transfer from Fund 401 to 421 in 2005 Carry Forward ordinance) Water Utility Fund (Fund 405)Total Wastewater Utility Fund 19 Aerial Photographv/To))ographic Mapping (pBPW -New Request) Increase Budget appropriation in Utilities,Teclmical Services and Street Engineering Professional Svcs budget by using prior year Fund Balance Page 2 Attachment A Amount 28,000 I 22,500 22,500 I 35,801 35,801 I 130,000 80,000 80,000 290,000 I (25,000) 28,000 3,264,850 3,267,850 I 28,000 1258 A ORDINANCE NO.5211 Title and Description 20 Ending Fund Balance Increase (LID -New Request) Close Fund 220 and transfer Ending Fund Balance to Fund 406 Wastewater Utility Operation BudgetI Wastewater Utility Fund (Fund 406)Total Surface Water Utility Fund 21 Aerial Photograpbv/Topographic Mapping (pBPW -New Request) Increase Budget appropriation in Utilities,Technical Services and Street Engineering Professional Svcs budget by using prior year Fund Balance 22 Surface Water Project (pBPW -Budget Adjustment) 2005 Transfer to fund 427 was not posted in 2005 Surface Water Utility Fund (Fund 407)Total Water Utility Fund 23 Transfer fund balance from fund 425 to 405 (pBPW/Fund balance Transfer)Transfer fund balance from Fund 425 to Fund 405 (reversed the transaction transfer from Fund 401 to 421 in 2005 Carry Forward ordinance) Water Utility Construction Fund (Fund 425)Total Wa~ie Water Utility Construction Fund 24 Ending Fund Balance Increase Transfer the last 2004 bond proceeds from Fund 451 Waste Water Utility Construction Fund (Fund 426)Total Surface Water Utility Construction Fund 25 Surface Water Project (pBPW -Budget Adjustment) 2005 CIP Soft Capital expenditure was not posted in 2005 Surface Water Utility Construction Fund (Fund 427)Total Waterwork.s Utility Debt Senice Fund 26 Interest appropriation (pBPW -Budget Adjustment) Budget correction to 2006 27 Transfer 2004 Bond proceeds (pBPW -New request) Transfer the last 2004 bond proceeds to fund 426 Waterwork.s Utility Debt Service Fund (Fund 451)Total Firemen's Pension Fund 28 Fire Pension Medical.(pension Fund -New Request) Pension Board approved reimbursements to the Insurance Fund 522 for medical disbursements effective 1/1/2006.Funding source is Fund balance Firemen Pension Fund (Fund 601)Total Page 3 Attachment A Amount 67,826 95,826 I 28,000 29,793 57,793 I 3,239,850 3,239,850 I 212,664 212,664 I 29,793 29,7931 212,664 202,6641 20,000 20,000 I 1258 A