HomeMy WebLinkAboutBook 07 (9/15/1931 - 3/29/1938) klll) 1 � Sept. 15, 1931. The Council met in reg-lar session at 8 P. Iv,. with ( yiayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: , Kane , Miller, Pasco, zLvey and. Jane . Minutes of the last meeting read and adproved. Petition of C. J. Faull to reshingle house at 724 Renton :eve: read. 1 Mloved by Miller, seeoncled by Kane that :acne be granted.. 0 arri e d. Petition of Elden Fisler to erect sign board on Lots 2 and 4, Block 1, R. F. P. Lna sign board on Lot 5, 3iock 6, Smithers read. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Kane that both petitions be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. Petition of "I. E. Sherlock to make addition to garage on Lot 12, Block 1, Car dorks. Moved by KL-:ne , seconded by 'Ivey that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee 6-�.a.ited a..d recommenced for pay- ment the following: CURR�i T Pay Roll St. Dedt. J332.96 01'1-027 �. John Tachell Painting at Library 159 .00 018 Stoneway Dock Oo. Material (S,,ecial) 129 .10 629 Olympic Foundry Co. Material (Special) 34.00 630 Williams & OtHara Gas & Oil 13.37 1 E. ��. Rowan Repairdork 0.00 2 Reid & Cook Labor & IZLAerial 7 .25 3 Winegar Printing 2.i-inting Legals 20 .36 4 Renton Garage Labor & Material 11.55 5 71m. Kane Supplies 1.05 6 Union Oil Co . Gas & Oil 34.01 7 'talkers Cafe Prisoners ' Keals 19.85 8 ,xug. Johnson Repair work .80 9 Lawrence Fuel & Tsfr Fuel 18.00 040 J. R. Storey Fuel 63.00 1 w. J. Thompson & Co . Gas & Oil 10.07 2 Renton Hdw & Furn Sup.,,lies 21.50 051 D. D. " .tson Dog Catcher 12.00 3 Pay Roll w512.04 172 -88 Renton Garage Labor & Material 4.4U 189 Union Oil Co. Gas & Oil 11.37 190 Reid & Cook Labor & Material 12.89 191 dilliams & O'Hara Gas & Oil 4.9 .35 192 :menton Hdw & Furn Su�,plies 5:; .20 194 SPECT "aT' Stoneway Dock Co. Material 43.50 19;� t STORM SE721a Pay Roll 60.73 u "48 15.00 049 Falkenburg & Co. 1396.56 050 Glad-ding, Die Bean & Co. J i Moved by Iriiller, seconded by Kane that the recommendp tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried.. yngr's re ort read recommending the payment (1: X2320.80 under Dist 14 to R. G. Stevenson. Yloved by Hiller, seconded by nvey that the report be accepted and reeo=iendation carried out. Carried. Reports of the Treasurer and Clerk for the month I of rugust read and filed* hibrarian"s report for nagust read and filed. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor J r Sept . 22, 1931. Regular meeting of the City Council vvas celled. to order at 8 P. Y. by Tdayor Beunblossom. Present : Lawrence, Kane , Biller, Pasco, _Vey and Jane. 1: inutes of the last meeting read and dssroved. Petition of j)roperty owners on Bronson i`day and lst sive . North asking for widening, straightening and re-surfacing of lst __ve. No. and Bronson 70ay read. Moved by miller, seconded by vey that same be re- ferred to the Engr. for checking and resort: Carried. The question of free telephone service from Renton to Seattle was discussed whereudon it was I:loved by Pasco, seconded by Killer that same be re- ferred to the Lava & Ordinance Committee cna the City tty for resort. Carried. Moved by �vliller, seconded by Kane that the question of enadditional fire hydrant at the end of Third _give ,;est be referred to the Fire , Light & 7�da,ter Committee and the City Engr. for resort. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor. Sept . 29 , 1931. Regular meeting -of the City Council was calle(i to order at 8 P. L.. by Mayor Beanblossom. Present: Lawrence, Kane, Tiller, Pasco , —vey and Jane . �-inutes of the last meeting read. and approved. Petition of L. D . Jones to reshingle house on Lot 1, Block 4, Y�o tor• Line .'',.dan read. ;roved by Jane , seconded by .,vey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Seattle Gas Company to run gas service on dilliams at Third. rive . 1�loved by .2asco, seconded by ,vey that same be grant- ed under the su.,)e rvision of the City EnEr. Carried. Petition of P. S . P. 1f. Co. to set poles on Cedar St. & 6th zve end Shattuck St. at 4th eve. read. Moved. by "vey , seconded by Pasco that same be granted. subject to the supervis ion of the Citi Zngr. Carried. The Engr. reported on the ist ._.ve. pe tition where- upon it vias' Tb oved by Pasco, seconded. by J�-ne that the petition be filed and a Resolution of Intention for the improvement of First _:ve. North and Bronson Way be d.r« ted. Carried. No further ousiness , meetinE-, ,4 ourned.. City Clerk .ay o r a an 5 Cl October j, 1901. n 5.pecial ,sleeting of the City Council v4a.s called to order at 8 2. IVI. by P,layor Beanblossom, for a hearing on the 19.32 budget . Present: Lawrence, Kane, T� ilier, Pasco, t�vey and Jane. There being no oojections to the budget as read, it was Moved by Kane , seconded by Lawrence that same be adop ted. Curried. On. mot-ion by Miller, seconried by Pasco , the meeting Ldj ou rn.ed C le rk , . r &gay o r,. 6 pct. u, 1931. The Council met in regul .r session at 8 r. ,';. with %Iayor Boanolossom presiding. Present : Lativrenc e , Kane, avey and Jane. Minutes of the last regular axxi speciwl meetings read and approved. Petition of :oilso n uia rlowe to rapair foundLAi on of house at 505 Cedar St. read. T-loved by Jane, seconded by _.vey that same be granted. C arr ie d.. The Fin,-.nce Committee audited and recommended for payment the following bills : f Current Pay x-1oll St. Dept . . . . . . X270 .95-667-78 Talkers Cafe Prisoners Meals 23.75-679 :'l.J.Thomp Son & Co. Gas & Oil . . 7.27-680 .4heeler Publishing Co. Library Book. 26.82- 1 Remington Rand Repair ;fork 11.00 2 F. Vt. Loive Library -expense 6.00 3 Pac. Tel &; Tel. Co. Teley3hones 0 14.40 4 Seattle Waxine Co . SuP,)lies 6.;59 5 Packer-Scott Co . Supplies 8.U3 6 Pac. Car & Foundry Co. Repair cork 14.40 7 F. `i. Crowe Carp . Material 6,.25 8 Lowman & Hanford. Co . Library Nooks 33.47 9 Seattle Blueprint Co. Blueprints 2.25-690 Kuker-Ranke n, Inc * Su,'plie s 00 7 .50 1 ;m. Kane Labor w „LL.terial. . 21.75 2 Ser. Ldry & C1eG.ners Lary . . . . 7 .8U 3 North Coast Chem &: Soap Tkrs Sup,)lies . . . 14.25 4 :vinegar Printing Co. Legal 2uoii�,.tions . 4.61 5 Bert Mayner Gas & Oil 0 0 18.30 6 ',fim. 71aller La�;or . . 2.00 7 C. Haleway La.uor & Material. 8.65 8 Ed. �dolski Gds &: Oil 32.61 9 E Shearer Labor 1.50 700 Brendal Drug Co. Supplies :5.30 1 Pettie Printery Printing Bonds . 16.50 2 Third terve . Stoneway' Dock Co . Mter 1 7 .95-703 Q . Kirk Hillman Co. Rental. Compressor . . 37.15 4 Renton Sand &c Gravel Co. AIL.terial 61.60 5 viater Pavy Roll X1093.19-198-2:51 Stoneway Dock Co. Material 12.30-232 City of Seattle Water 51.00 3 '.'iilliams & YcKnieht Supplies . 14.36 4 Pet-tie printery Printing 7 .50 5 Moved by Jane, seconded by Kure that the reco imenda- tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. ;�, Ordinance leo . 913 ad.optin�- a budget for the year 192 read and. on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No . 914 fixing the amount of tax levies necessary to raise the amount of estimated expense read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee . The Ordinance Committee re.iorted favorably on prdinance No . 913 and. Ordinance No . 914 whereuijon Ordinance No . 913 was ,placed upon its second and. third readings and �asse� as a whole , all councilmen present vo tiny aye : Lawrence , Kanei .'.vey and Jane . Ordinance No . 914 was placed upon its second sand third road.ings �,Ud ,passed as a whole, ' al l councilmen dresent voting .aye : Lawrence , Kane , «vey and Jane . Re,iresentatives of the Garden Club were present and pre, ented. petitions signed by residents protesting ag�_.inst the erection of bill boards . ,Loved. by Lawrence , second.ed by Kane that same be filed for future reference. Carried. 1,,o further business ay.Lj earine, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor �r O I i Oct. 1�), 19;61. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. 1si. with F. -7. Kane , ,_ayor Pro Tera j)residing. Present : Lawrence, r iller, 11-vey and Jane. ,� �,.inutes of the last .meeting read and a.L;l roved. Petition of Jas . Evans to reshingle house on Lot 15 , Block 25, Town, read. moved by vey , seconded. by Lawrence th . t sane be gr.�.nted. Carried. Rey ort of Engr. read recor�unending the daynent of : 1230.54 to it. G. Stevenson on the 15th for L.I.D.181. Moved by` Miller, seconded by Lawrence that the rejort be accejited and recoiYwiendation carried out. Carried. Re.jorts of the TreG.ti:ur. r and Clerk for the month of Sete,)tember read and or tiered filed.' Librarian's reyjort read and filed. The Engr. made certain recoiiwierdations relative to the widening of 1st .1ve . north. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Turiller that we roc eed under the recommended by the engr. end. that the city clerk cnirrrauni to t.i the f jtate Highv�ay De jartment r' 'lwtive to obtain— ing financial assistance ate for this imgovemant. Carried. -oved by La.°arance, seconded by ;��iller that the end r. obtain all available data on the droy o s ed. Tobin St . extension and rel,ort to the Council. Carr ie d. yo further uus iness , meeti ng G. cd j ourne d. i - City Clerk Mayor Pro Tem Oct. 20 , 1931 Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at. 8 2. ftl . by Llayor 3z�anblossom. Present: Lawrence , Kane, miller, Pasco , '"Vey and Jane . "iinutes of the last meetinc read and a ,pzoved. Petition of Wilson & Ua.rlowe, to erect garage at 505 Cedar at. read. Loved by Jane , seconded by Lavirence that same be grant ed. Carrie d. petition of Pac,. Tel & Tele Co . to se lace certain poles on the hill react► :roved by Paseo , seconded. by Kane that same be granted.. Carrie C.. - t The Finance Committee �.udited an(l recommended. for gay- ment the following.- CU RRENT Pay Roll St. Dept. 587 .41-717-31 Pac. Tel &_ Tel. Co . Telephones 15.35 2 Union Library iLssln. Library Books 5 .97 3 Inc . IT it 10.55 4 Jno . Dower Lumber Co. 'Materia 1 50.46 5 Reid & Cook. Labor, & gas 28.68 6 1�l 1;7organ Gas & Oil 45.28 7 Union Oil Co. asphalt & gas 33.56 8 Renton Garage Labor &: Gas 3.95 9 Al Trimm Fue 1 9 .00 740 D. D. 'datson Dog Catcher 9 .00 715 Joe flood. Fees 70.00 741 Palace of Sweets Supplies 5.10 2 Bert Ma.yner Gas & Oil 13.87 3 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 70.40 4 `Nilson & 1darlowe tT r 45.00 5 H. R. Huntting Co, Library 3ooks U*25 7 Trick & Murray Supplies 30.36 7 "lest Coast HospitaI Supply Resuscitator 352.89 8 Seattle rk_s`;Co, Gas 3.67 9 Lewis k7otor Co, Labor 1.25 760 Geo V. Du-:e Keys 1.45 '714 j Ones E . Rrc hmo nd .Exp ens e s 13.35 751, J. Mills Day Ju.zgment-Plesko 591.80 2 Mr, 7:1m. C. Kindtner, Fees - Plesko 65 .00 6 Jno . St -rd `%tnese Tees- 'lesko 6.40 4 i nn Kelly It it it 6.40 5 Roy Kelly rT rr rr 6.40 6 Guy W. McPh arson rr rr n 6640 7 Pay Roll 51,428.57-23&-4©-til in D. ilexander Leather 2 Pao. '`later . ks Supply. Co . Material 53.69 3 Neal Turner EXI)10sives 25.00 4 .,gnes N. Richmond Ex,, enses 3.35 5 Grinnell Co. Material 76.23 6 Renton Feed Co, IT 6.40 7 J. S. Hardie ial'. ater4:3.01 8 Ll Llorgan Gas & Oil 35 .40 9 Renton Garage LaAo r 21.25 7O Renton auto Freight Drayage 1.00 1 clPnto n "Aw x Tern Sur plie s 7-7 .15 2 Pao . 'MC-Aer `;'Vks 6rd tve. il,vlaterial o3)6.UU 758 Pao- 'later 'dks ;;pct water 71.09 273 10 Moved. by Lawrence, seconded by Kane that the recommersia- tion of the finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Communicc.tion i°c id from Clarke Bros i[iptor Co . thanking, the Council for their cooperation at the Ford caravan celebration and fi 1 ed. Communic ati on read from north Renton Im rov went Club relative to drainage of tract of land in forth Renton, 2,11oved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that sane be re- ferred to the City ntty. , City End,,r and Health Officer for in- vestigation und_ rey ort. Carried. 1,1oved by Paseo , seconded by Ivey th4t the City, Pro�er y� Committee be _.uthorized to jurchase a car for city engr. in a sum not to exceed .„;45Q.00. Carrie d, ivlayor Beanblossom suggested. that the City of Denton j)ay its respects to the memory of Thomas ,. Edison by ceasing all businesses and industries and. i)qy silent tribute from 11;55 to 12 noon. .Loved by K-ine, seconded by .,.vey that the ;,payor T s proclasmmtion be accepted. Carried, lio. further Business, meetin- �.:djourned. I City Clerk i �, 11 October 27, 1931 . The Council met in regular session at 8 P. Y1. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call; Lawrence Pasco vey and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read aril ajproved. Petition of "I Duncalf to make basement at 308 Cedar St . read. Loved by Lawrence , seconded by ivey that same be granted. Carried. City Property Committee recommended that we call for aids "(Far for engineering dept . in a sum not to exceed ,7-0.00. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Jane that the report -be received and concurred in. Carried. Communic at ion read- from Mrs . M. Tonaghan stating that her tank had burst on account of high water pressure and. asking that the city compensate for the damage. The Fngr stated that the pressure was not greater than had been at previous times when the city was cleaning the reservoir. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Jane that the matter be referred to the Fire , Lid;ht & :'pater Comrgittee for investigation and reo rt. Carried. IZr. Ej. n. , She arer suggested the purchase of a stoker fo thecity hall. Toved ' by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that the matter bei referred to the City Property Committee for re ;ort . Carried. I�To further business , meeting adjourned. City Clerk May or 12 Noveimber 3, 19a1 . The Council met in regular session at 8 P. ivl. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding . Roll Call: Lawrence, Kine , i'�liller , Pasco , r,vey and Jane . Minutes of the last muetin,�, read and a..,proved. Petition of Lee ,-onohon to erect house &-,garage at end of Park ILve. read, Move, by Kane, seconded by Lawrence that same be grant ed. Carrie d. Petition of Frank 1, iLler • to remodel lalker' s Cafe read, iuioved by Kane , seconded by , iller th_=�t same be granted. Carried. Petition of Phil Plano to erect small house and j garage on Lo` 17 , 3lock 16, F. P. read. Moved. by Biller, seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Co miiittee audited and reeoryiiended for payf-iie nt the fo lowin` Current Pay Roll St. hey t. . oX900.51-'1`73-`790 Olympic Foundry Material . . 2.85-'791 Seattle Gas Co,mijany Gas . . . x.69 2 Lowman & Hanford Library Books. . 41.79 3 Renton Sand & Graiel IIat erial. . . o 54.03 4 Renton Garage Lauor & Material. . 24.95 5 Lawrence Fuel & T s fr Fuel . . . . . . 17 .25 6 N. :V. Testing Laboratmries Testing Concrete 8.00 7 Wm. .VaLler Labor 2.UO 6 nuto Part reeking Material 1.50 9 Bert Magner Gas & Oil 16.08-800 V. J. Thompson & Co . Gas & Oil . . . . 17.31 1 !"e-vj.ce Ij ry & Cleaners Ld..r. rr , < .5 .. � 2 Eureka Press Supplies . . . . . 3.15 3 y�.ter City Pay Roll 94.42-277-280 City of Seattle .later 44.52 2.81 Grinnell Co. Material 9 .14 2 Renton Garage Labor & Material 5.10 3 Hyland, lillvidg•e & t�ltrord Exyjenses (Downie ) 1U .�U 4 A.. AN . Richmond 9 .4U 5 Moved by Jane, seconded by Kane that the reco:.iizendia-- ,tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried:. This beink the ni,:ht for odening bids on the garage and plans not prepared it was Moved by Lawrence , seconded by ;;Tiller that the opening of bids be continued to next Tuesday. Jurriedo Councilman Lawrence on be hal f: of the .penton Fire r Dept. extended an invitation to the city administration to bangyuet Satura.ay at 6:45 in the ;;$piseopal Churcho invitation accep ted. Io further ousiness appearing, meetin -' __ djourned., erk mayor 13 november 10 , 1931. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Beanblos som. �. Roll Call: Lawrence , Kane, ;,Tiller, Pasco , ,vey and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read arxt ap roved. Petition of Jas Widdall to erect garage on reax of l,ot at 1315 7th "ve. read. Moved by Miller, seconded by Lawrence that same be re- ferred to the at . & ;,.!ley Committee and the City Zngr, with power to act. Carried. Petition of Chas. J. Faull to erect shed. for rabbits read. , oved ,by Lawrence , seconded by ;,filler that same be referred tcthe Health Officer. Carried. Petition of John Girias to enl<xge greehouse at 508 _;mithers St . read. ,roved by Pasco , seconded by Kane that same be granted. Carrie d. Petition of the Pac . Ilel & iel . Co . to re±lace pole at 6th & Park read. 1.1oved by Kane, seconded by ,�vethat same be granted. Carried. .,. Petition of Seattle Gas Company to open street to re- pair gas leak at Burnett & 3rd Ave. read. �;Toved. by Pasco , seconded by Kane that same be grantee. Carried. Oity rroperty Committee reporting on stoker for hall does not recommend the purchase of same at the present time . Yloved. by y ille r, seconded by Lawreme that the rey ort be accepted anci inst s=uctions carried out . Carried. Iie1,,orts of the TreL.surer wru Clerk for the month of u; to b er read and filed.. Libruri is reyo rt for the month of Ucto ber re----,d- and filed. This being the night for o,uening bids on the car the following were opened rand read: Fcenton Icotor Company - Plymouth Coupe 027.50 V. Armstrong; & Sons - Plymouth Coupe . . . 615.00 Hub City Ohevrolet Oo- 1931 Chev closed cab 585.OU or 19';l Chev Coupe 0 045 .00 Clarke 3ros . ;rotor 'Co- Ford Coupe ,latest model 800.00 Moved by Pasco , seconded by l,a.wrenrse that the bids be referred to the City rroperty Committer and the City r for recommendati Qn. varried. The following bids for Service .Building• for city were opened and read: i I i 14 . Lester Hilliker . . i5995.00 Geo . W. Cus ter . . 0440.00 Leonard Sepanen . . 6620.00 S. 11Z. t,tiberg . . 6253.00 ~;. i.Fuller & Thos. Jura s. 6990.00 I+Toved 'by Lawrence , seconded. by lasco that the bids be referred to the City :property Committee for retort Lrid. recommenda- tion. Carried. Bili: Bennett , reydraseritative of the .�merican Legion stated. that upon c om letion of the neva nigh school ba. ilding, the ocassion would be celebrated by flag raising and asked the support sand c ooperution o f the City Council. i:'oved by 2asco , seconded by ,Tiller that the matter of purchase of a flab for the celebration be referred to the ;Pays Means Committee . Carried. No further business , m,,.eting adjourned.. i City Cierk i i uay or ,f.. 171ovemb ar 17, 19 51 . The Council met in regular session at 8 P. hl. with Mayor 3eaziblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence , Kane , Kill er, 1' vey and Jane. l,iinutes of ti7e last meeting read Gn(j alx,roved. The City +rod arty Corimittee reyorting on the ;service Building recommended the bid of Lester Rilliker in the amount Of X5995 .00. i,,Ioved. by Miller, seconded by Kane that the recommenda- tion of the City Property Committee be concur_r°:gid in wid the ,, yor & Clerk authorized- to enter into contract with hilliker. Carrie d.. The Finance Committee auaited and recominenied for pay ment the following bills : CURB ' Pay Loll St. Dept, 567 .14 814-827 Reid w Cook Labor & T,iaterial. 9 .95 828 t''.enton Motor Co . Gas & Oil . . . 24.92 9 :Renton Tire ,Shop Gas & Oil . . . . 19 .15 30 Union Oil Co . gas & Oil . . . . . . 51.72 1 Pratt Fael Co . Fuel . . . . . . 18.75 2 Arthur R. 7domr;.th, Inc . Library Books . . . . 8.15 3 I . r. n;J. Co . Freight 5.n9 81 -:Vinegar Printing Co. Legal Publications . . 5 .85 834 :gest Disinfecting Co , Su�,plies 14.25 5 ;LLT" Union, Oi1 Co . Gas & Oil . 57.86 301 Renton Tire Shop Labor & aaterial. . . 3.50 2 Reid I Cook Labor I MLterial. 7 .25 3 0 . Priebe. Labor 61 ;Material. . . 29 .80 4 Pay Roll :later Dept . 238.13 289-30(1 Moved by filler, seconded. by Lawrence that the recommenc.ati on of the Finance Committee be c o ccurred in. Carried During the absence of Joe - oou , the I"aFyor ap,,ointed. J. McFarlane . ,loved by Kane, second-ea by JGne that the adpoint:_ ,int of J. E. McFarlane as Police Judge duri.rrg-, the �_, Usence of L-ro ood be coniruied. Carried.. Ordinance No . 915 appropriating the sum of ;x;5995.00 from current and water funds to erect Service building read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance lommittee reported favoraoly on Orrin nce No, 915 whereupon it wati placed upon its second arra gird readings aril passed. as a, whole, all councilmen �gresent voting aye : Lawrence , Kane , .:_filler, l.vey and Jane . The City Property recommended the bid. of -7..4.rmstrong w "ons Lor Plymouth Couioe in the stun of e15.UO . ;roved. by ; i11er, seconded by Kane that the report be accented and Plymouth car purchased from ,-.rmstrong. Carried. The City Prop arty Committee regio.u ie'nis that t he ci t� call for o ids zor light pick-up truck and ton. and a half hydraulic dump truck. i,Ioved. by lAller, seconded by Lavirence that the ree- ommend.ati ons be concurred in. Carried. Moved by Jane, seconded by nvey that the curb at 4th Park be referred to the St . «' ley Committee Gird the City Engr. with ,,ovier to act . Carried. sleeting adjourned.i,li�YvR i 16 I ovemb er 24, 1931. The Council met in regular session r:t 8 z. iii: with Mayor 3eanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Kane , Pasco , tsvey and Jane . �I Minutes of the last meeting read and ayiproved. Petition of George Peacock to erect garage on Lot 19 , Block 33, Smithers read. Moved by iivey, seconded by Jane that same be referr- ed. to the Fire, Light dc ;Mater Committee with Gower to act. 'Carrie d. St W Liley Committee rejorts unfavorauly on the petition of Jas . Waddell for garage. Moved by La�,,renc e , seconded by Kane that the rerecom- mend.ation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. City °2ngr. stated that a new garbage dump should be ac yuired 'and stated. -that 7th Cc 8th _,.venus north were much below grade and recormended that same be used as a dumu . ' moved by Pasco , seconded by Kane that the city engr take the 'neessary steps to make a sanitary fill on 7th & 8th .ves . North . Carried. In view of the fact that the city had r;ceived an unfavorable decision in the case of xllen. vs . City it was Tloved. by Pasco, seconded by Lawrence that the case be taken to the Supreme Court and the city attorney authorized to procure legal assistance in a sun not to exceed jp256.J0. Carried. loved by, Pasco , seconded 'by Kane that the city engineer' be instructed not to loan any engineering instruments. Carried. The Finance Corroittee recommended that the foliowi bills be paid: V. .�romstrong & Sons , . . . 1615 .00 4,tLT:�al :507 First Natl 3ank, Park Labor 99 .00 U ,Prl' 8501 Moved by xvey ,, seconded by Lawrence that the .r e- commenaation.of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further ousiness , meeting adjourned. I I City Clerk Mayor. a u, 17 December 1, 1961. Regular meeting of the City :Council w,.z. called. to order at 8 P. 11. by I;Iayor 3ea i tilos som. fir►' Present : Lawrence, Kane, 2assco , Levey and J-ne. Zinutes of the last meeting reach anti approved: Petition of Geo . W. Caster for Mrs. Al Nilson to re- ' shingle housq at 400 Cedar St. read. moved by Kane , seconded by Lsvey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of E. E. Duff for Hail Est---te to rey air side- walk on Lot 10 , Block 22, Town read. :loved by Pasco , seconded by Kane that same be gr�:nted under the suy, ervis ion of the city engr. Carried. Lester Hilliker made written request that the contract for Service Bldg Cntered into between City ad.himself be sublet to George Hardenburg. .'oved by La.,:;rence , seconded by r�vey that re .uest be grantea. Carried. The Finai ce Committee audited arid. recommended for pay- ment the following. bills : CURREIi T Pay :Zoll St. Dept. y�543.67-852-6�3 J. R. Storey Library Fuel 5 .00-809 First national Sank Park -U' ,-bor 121.50 70 Gould �; Gouls Insurance 37 .85 1 Pac . rel . c! Tel. Co . Telephones 12.40 2 Lo��man & Hanford Library Books 108.70 Renton Tire Shop Tires 175 .60 4 T m. Wal l e r La bo r 2.0 O- 5 Bishop & Jenkins Fue 1 20 .60 6 Morgan IiicDonald Labor 2.00-851 Hooker Electro-Chemical I terial 270 .00 877 C? Kirk Hillman :sir Compressor 122.64 8 Thos Harries , P. II. Envelopes 22.24 9 Williams 3 Ir^icKniCh t Supplies 18.75 880 Renton Hdw urn Supplies 32.65 1 � t 2.48 2 Seattle Gas Co . Gas Tom Dobson Lot Sons Insurance 60.60 Renton :Motor Co . M,Aerial 21.66 4 Shasta Cafe Prisoners Ilea�ls 10.50 5 Clarke Bras iiotor Co . Labor & Material 20 .84 25 7 6 ",Vinegar Printing Co. Leg als etc . 266.23 1623 .74 g P. S . P. & L. Co . Li-hts County rsuditor FiiinFr Deeds 8 .10 9 d'TL.Z Pay Zoll �p262.12-: 08- Howard Tache 11 Serving su'bdeonas ( s11en} 1.60 X22 Ckty of Seettle dater 44.92 ,'Jilliams &C lv_chni,Sht Supplies o.90 4 Clarke Bros :Motor Co. L uor x Llaterial 4 .71 5 Seattle 31uey�Tint C o . 6 abs 1.40 6 Glauber Brass Iianfg Co . 1,Iaterial 5'4, •88 ✓ Pac . 741uter ':forks Sup,,ly T;aterial Z9 .61 8 Trick & 'Murray Supyoliea 22*6i� 9 P. S. 2 rL L. Co . Power 423.25 5`0 18 ' Ljoved. by Lawrence , se co ndedi by Kane that the recommendu- tion of t'ja Finance Committee be concurred. in. Carried. Ordinance No . 916 authorizin- the City Council to enter into lease with J. ,V. Harries, Trustee i'or property to be used -.s 'garbage dump read. and. on motion referred to the Ordinance ommittee . The Ordinance Committee re)oris iavora'oly on Orc - 0 e No . 916 thereupon it was placed. upon its second and third. read.- ings and ,;assed. as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye; Lawrence, Kane , Pasco , e'vey and Jr_ne . Carried. No farther business , meeting adjou.rneu. i r.19 124 17J y Clerk 1dayor. I y 1.9 December 8, lel . The Council met in reeul&s session at 8 rt. 1. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. i Present : Lawrance, Kane, hiller, Pasco , nvey and Jane . t 1inutes of the last meeting read ancd a�proved. Petition of E. Driscoll to reshinele house oil Lot 8 , Block 3, Yotor mine .addition read.. Yloved. by 1Ivey , seconded by JG.ne that s�r11e be erwnted. Carried.. Petition of Faget $a. P .&L, Co. to set two poles on Tonin St and remove one on i,"K.e St. read.. Loved by �:riller, seconded by Kane that same be granted. Carried. Reports of the Treasurer and Clark for the month of idovember react aria filed. Librarian's rejort for the month, of iVovemuer read' and ordered filed. .ssie ment of contract for Service Builaing from L. Hilliker to Stoneway Nock read. -oved. by Pasco , seconded by i;Mlle r that same be re- ferrea +to the City ,.ttorney for proper action. Carried. oven by Pasco , seconded. by - vey thLt the _ues tion of s idewalks on menton Ave . be turned over to the ciity engr for re' ort and recommendation. Carried. loved by Kane , seconded by :eve thwt Mae' city clerk be instructed to ci>11 for bias for city' s _,rinting for the year 19 Carried. wo further business , meetiiL- �. djourned. City Cerk a�7or M 1 a December 15, 1931 The Council met in regular session at 8 P. I.. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Present : Lawrence, Kane, Miller, CROOK, Pasco, Avey and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The Finance Committee audited. and recommended i"or payment the following: CURRENT Pay Roll St. Dept. w,379 E18-923-357 37 Renton Tire Shop Gas & Oil 41.:.5-900 B & R Garage Storage 16.65 1 1A.. R. *Womrath, Ines Library Books 11.70 2 F. A. Owen Pub. C o. ►t tt 5.71 3 Rainier Fuel & Tsfr Corel 'Llood. 12.00 4 C. Carlstrom Roping 6.25 896 Columbia Lumber Co. Lumber 5 .25 905 Bowles Comp any Material 13.50 6 Eureka Press Supplies 1.25 7 Wt. Kane t' 4.90 8 Renton Garage Material 6.90 9 Service Ldry Ldry 1.85 10 Calif. Ink Co . Supplies 1.39 11 Packe*co#,t Co�. ' ; . i Supplies 18.50 2 Test Made Desk Co . Library Supplies 12.50 3 Kuker-Ranken, Inc . Supplies 6.55 4 Gladding,MeBean & Co'. Material 23.00 5 Armour & Co. Material 9 .00 0 Trick & Murra)i Supplies 6.77 7 Bert Mayner Gas 2.09 8 Union Oil Co . Gas & Oil 7.13 9 Walkers Cafe Prisoners ' Meals 11.40 920 J. R. Storey Fuel 20.00 1 First National Bank Park Labor l34.Q 2 First National Bank 12l .o0 899 W,,TER Pay Roll 9398.60-333-42 A. B. Johnson Labor on tools 1.20 -343 Renton Garage Gas etc . 1.75 4 Renton Tire Shop Gas & Oil 39 .47 5 Agnes N. Richmond Expenses (Church) 1.80 6 Peter A. Kimple, Transcript (Church & Allen)305.00 7 Moved by Jane, -seconded by Kane that the reeommenda� tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carrie d. This being the night for opening bids on trucks , the following were opened and read.- General ead:General Motors Truck Co. , General Motors . 1030 .20 V.Armstrong & Sons , 2 ton track, Dodge 555 .00 V. Armstrong & So#s , 12 " " Dodge 998.60 � Hub City Chevrolet, 1932 closed cab pickup . . 629 .00 Hub City Chevrolet, 1932 11 ton truck . - 990 .00 Hub City Chevrolet, 1931 12 ton track . . 900.00 Clarke Bros . 4 ton chassis, 0 584.50 21. Clarke Bros. 1- ton Ford Chassis 4972.50 Renton Motor Co . International 12 ton 965.00 ;'Foods hoist und. body unit complete inst al le d 1191.80 Moved by Pasco, seconded by Lawrence that all bids be referred to the City Property Committee for recommendation. The mayor declared a short recess to consider the bids, after which the City Property Committee asked for more time to consider the bids, whereupon it was Moved by Pasco , seconded by Miller that the Committee be given until next Tuesday to bring in a report, and recommendation. Carried. The matter of employing local men on the new city garage was brought up and discussed. Moved by Miller, seconded by Kane that same be re- ferred to the City Property Committee and the contractor with power to act. Carried. No further business, meeting act j ourne d. City Clerk Mayor I ; I 22 December 22, 1931 . Council met in regular session at 8 .P. M. with Mayor Beanblossom'presi ding. Present: ` 'Kane, Miller, Crook, Pasco , jLveji and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and a�;proved. Petition of J. G. Manville to erect house for chickens zaxii.at 703 Grant St. read. Moved by Miller, seconded by nvey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of property owners in Highland Addition to quit claim a fi (94trip for proposed alley read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Miller that same be re- ferrea to the city engr and city attorney for proper procedure . Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended fc� pay- ment the following: CURRE17T Pay Roll St . Dept X199.85-951-65 Jno Dower Lumber Co . Material 13. 78 - 9 66 Joe -`+ood Fees 7.50 7 J. E. McFarland Fees 15.00 8 Joe Venishnik Labor F. D. 1.12 9 Reid & Cook Labor & Material, Gas 206.50 970 Wilson & Marlowe Library Insurance 39 .00 1 First National Bank Park Laoor 90.UU 2 A. J. Lane Park Labor 8.50 3 Gaylord Bros Library Supplies 18.75 4 J,' K. Gilt/Col Library Supp lies 4.26 5 Gl, dding, McBean & Co. Mat erial 59 .16 6 `►lilliams & O'Hara Labor & Material 11.95 7 Tom Pratt Fuel 25 .00 8 .T. J. Bonnell Nurseries Park shrubbery 28.75 9 art Trudgian Laoor & Material 10.10 980 Y�111 Pay Roll '.'nater Dept. 0142.21 -351-5$ John Dower Lumber Co , Lumber '29 .51 - 359 Reid & Cook Gas & Oil 34.56 300 x_merican `Yater Wks i.ssn ;Membership fees 2.50 1 Moved by Jane , seconded by Crook that the recommenda- tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried.. The City Dope rty Committee reporting on bids for car recommended the following: Hub City Chevrolet Go . 1-z truck , 19 2 $990 .00 Clarke Bros . 3/4 ton chassis 584 .50 Moved by Pasco , seconded by Miller that the recommenda- tion of the City Property Committee be concucred in. Carried. I This being the night for openinE, bids for city's legal publication year 1932 the follow i.r*° were opened and read: Renton Chronicle 30 cents iter inch of eight point type, nine lines to an inch for the first insertion, Lad 10 centsfor subsequent insertions.. ldinegar Printing Co. 2Ucents per inch of eight point type, nine lines to an inch, first insertion and 10 cents for subsequent insertions. Moved by Miller, seconded by Pasco that the contract be awarded the lowest bidder, Winegar Printing Company, Carried. Moved. by Kane , seconded by Crook that the contract for chlorine for the year 1932 be signed by the proper city .. officials. Carried. En_gr re ,ort read reco mmendi ng the payment o x,1032.18 to Lester Hilliker on his contract for erection of service bldg. (T7ts . 981 & 982) Movea by Miller, seconded by Kane that the recommenda- tion be concurred in. Carrie d. Resolution No. 457 for the tearing on Whitworth St. assessment roll read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Miller that same be adopted. C arrie d. Moved by Kane, seconded by Miller that the gue stion of certain stock in North Kenton be referred. to the Health Officer for investigation. Carried. City i'roperty recommend a steam heating sytem for g"ara,€e . Moved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that pie call for bids steam heating, system for garage as specified by the city engr. Carrie d. No further business, meeting adjourned. �I✓ City C le rk VdA Mayor I. } 24 December 29 , 1931. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. IV% by Mayor Beanblossom. Roll Call: Lawrence, lvlilletv Pasco , �Vey and Jane. Minutes of last meeting read and, roved. Pe pit ion of T. Righi to erect garage at 24 Loi, .n St. read. Moved by �vey , seconded by Jane t hat same be granted. Carr�iecl. Petition of tai. Grady to build wire fence on So line of Lot 12, Block 22, Town read. 11oved by Ivey, seconded by Jane that same be referred to the Fire , Light & eater Committee with power to act. Carrie d. , St . a-l,_Jley Committee recommended that the city engr be instructed to place another board on railing as a safety measure, on Jeels St. bridge . Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lvey that the recommendation be co,icurred in. Carrie d. Engrts report read reco:rmendin -, the payment of 4600,00 to Lester Hilliker on contract for erection of service building. Moved' by Pasco , seconded by 2,vey that the repo rt be accepted and recommendation carried out . Carried. ( ,Vt .#:985) Application far water at the lower end of Park rive. having been m a.de , it was Moved by Pasco , seconded. by Lvey that the same be re- ferrel to the Fire , Li-ht & later Committee , city attorney and city engr for report, with power to act. Carried. No further business , meeting; adjourned. 1 M!,2 City Clerk i Msy or. 25 NATER Pay Roll $164.49-362-73 Renton Tire Shop Gas & Oil 22.19-374 City of Seattle 1Tater 51.24- 5 P. S. P. &, L. Co. Power 84.62 6 J4 S. Hardie Supplies 15.91 7 Moved by Miller, seconded by Jane that the recommenda- tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Moved by Kane, seconded by Miller that the contract for city advertising for year 1932 with Xinegar Printing be executed by the Mayor &; Clerk. Car rie d. w;oved by Miller, seconded by Avey that all alleys in bad condition be investigated by the St & 1s11ey Committee and they be given joower to act. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor Jany. 5, 1932. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with ^,fay o r B e anbl o s som presiding, Roll Call: Lawrence, Kane , ilailler, Lvey �An d Jane , Minutes of the la -_t meeting read and a,$,roved. Petition of Clarence Davis to tear down old building and erect doable garage at 212 mill St. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded. by Kane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of L. Hilliker to erect garage on Lot 2, Block 2, Smithers 5th .-dd. read.. Moved by Miller, seconded by tixey that same be granted.. Carried. Petition of Rainier Pressed Fuel Co. to construct and operate a Fuel Processing Plant on site knova as Jackson Fuel Yard read. Moved. by Kane, seconded by I;Iiller that same be granted. Carried. 4.Lilications for license read from B. d. Fey for Renton Theatre James McRae for pool hall known as Pastime ': nil Fontana for pool hall known as Eagles Moved by Kane, seconded by Lawrence that same be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: CURIZ:,MT Pay Roll St. Dept. 4298.04-1009-25 First Natl Bank Park Labor 200.00-983 TI, L. Slser Gas 1.80-984 Stoneway Doak Co . Mat eril 8.10-966 Renton Sand & Gravel Material 4.95- 7 Renton Tire Shop Gas & Oil 42.08 8 E. �t. Shearer Material 2.13 9 0. Priebe Labor & Material 14.15 990 3m. 4aller Labor 2.00 1 Pao. Tel &,Tel. Co . Telephones 11.35 2 Seattle Gas Co . Gas 2•J4 3 Brend.al Drug Coo Supplies 5.75 4 J. 1,11. Reans Labor 3.50 5 Pao. Goodrich Rubber Co. Fire Hose 348.88 6 R. G. Brown Laoor for F. D. 15.75 7 Williams & McKnight Supplies 2.22 8 Renton Feed Co . Material 8.07 9 Renton Hdw. Co . Supplies 7.20-1000 C . Bevan Labor & Material 38.07 1 Remington Rand, Inc . Library Expense 13.00 2 Literary Guild Library Membership 21.00 3 Lowman & Hanford Lib racy Books 79 .33 4 J. H. Lawrence Fuel 17 .25 5 Service Ldry & Cleaners Ldry 5.30 61 J. E. y`cFarland Fees 20.OU 7, P. S. P. & L. Co . Lits 387.7;;-1026 Shasta Cafe Prisoners „deals 22.70 7 Y'ayner Yotor Co. Labor & Material 16.45 1028 Winegar Printing Legals 2.70 9 k_n 2'7 Jany. 12: 1932. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Beanbl ossom. Present : Lawrence, Kane, Miller, Ivey and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following applications for license were read; Pool Hall - Ticknor & Boisseau Soft Drink W. -�. xlveyo Same having been o. k. 'd by the Police & License :ommittee , it was Loved by Kane , seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended f o r payment the following : Current Pay Roll Fire De,Nt. 4177 .88 -1030-37 Renton Sand & Gravel 11 IT Mat eri al 81.26 -1038 R. ,G. Broom " " Labor 9 .00 9 Pao . Car & Foundry ' " Material 22 .50 4U Renton Clothing Co . Police Deit . vat erial 37.20 1 Tom Dobson & Son Inusrance 51.00 2 First National Bank Park La-o r 209 .00 Renton Garage Labor & Material 23.22 4 Frank Littlefield it if 16.00 5 'Walt Schultz It it 44.UU 6 Pat Hogan it It 68.00 it Ed Swanson If it 150.00 2 Tom Pritchard It " 150.00 3 Eureka Qress. Supplies 5.10 4 til fr e d T ri mm Fuel 24. 00 5 ,Villiams & McKnight Supplies 5.15 6 H & ids Ribbon Carbon Co. Police Deist. Supplies 3.00 7 ';Villiams & O 'Hara Gas & Oil 8.95 8 Renton Tire Shop Tires , gas & Oil 62.95 9 First Natl Bank, nssignee Material 541.81 10 Hub City Chev Truck 1010.10 11 Gould & Gould Ins , 51.00 12 Renton Sand & Gravel Sevier Material 4.1;� 16 :'pater Clarke Bros Motor Co. Truck 583.50 x)78 Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Jane that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in, Carried. Report of the Health officer on sanitary condition of dairy�n No. Renton etc. read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Lawrence that same be accepted and filed. Carried. Regi,,ort of Engr. read recommending the payment of 0,'2599 .99 to Lest--r Hilliker on his contract for erection of service ouilding. (Wt x=381-389 ine. ) Moved by Kane , seconded by Pasco that the report be received and recommenclationcarried out. Carried. 28 Engr. rey)o rting on the Renton Lve. valks recommended that same be graveled for the present. 111J1ov ed by Pasco , seconded by Miller that the engr be authorized to gravel walks on Renton "ve. Carried. This being; the night for opening bids on heating �.► plant in the Service Building , the following were read; Chris Bevan . . . . . 41059 .90 Renton Hdw & Furn 12: 4.34 J. S. Hardie . . 1085.00 :,fovea by 'Pasco , seconded by Kane that all bids be referred to the City Property Committee . Carried. i Moved by miller, seconded by .Lawrence that the improvement of First -ive. Too . be referred to the St. ob °.,Uley Committee. Carried. St . & Miley Commitee recoa-Enends the improvement of First rive. North. Idloved by Miller, seconded by Lawrence that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in and the nec- essary steps taken to improve First .4Tve . North. Carried. City Property Committee after a short recess recommenddj ,"e bid of J. S. Hardie for heating plant, Moved by Pasco, seconded by IJiller that the recommendation of the committee be concurred- `.n Gnd contract awarded J. S. Hardie. Carried.. No further business, meeting adjourned. i r City Clerk May or i �n 29 Jany. 19 , 1932. Council met in regular session at 8 P. .i. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding: Present: Lawrence , Kane , « iller, Pasco, Lve j and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and ap�oroved. Petition of Pac. Tel & Tel . Co. to set one pole at Till & 2nd nve. read. Moved by Kane, seconded by 1-Lve j that same be granted. 'Carried. City Property Committee reporting on the alleys stated. that most of them were in fair condition and recommended that the owners' of unimproved alleys be noted to Eek, same in passable condition. Moved by Miller, seconded by Lawrence that the rej)ort be aeoe.Lited and the clerk authorized to notify the owners . Carried. Communication read from Fred Natucci protesting aEC-Anst the assessment roll Dist 181. The engr was instructed to get in touch• with Mr. Natucci on same. - Ordinance No , 917 approving and confirming the assessment roll Dist. 181 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee . The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ord. No. 917 "whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen ixesent voting 4' e Lai--rence , Kane , 'Miller, Pasco , X'.vey and Jane. Resolution No . 458 for the improvement of Bronson ':lay from Main St, East of eh brillge and First wive. North from bridge to the east city limits read. Moved by Pasco, seconded. by Kane that the Resolution be adopted as read. CarrImd. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Jane that the question of pedestrians not stopping at arterial hi6bways be referred to the Police & i,ic ease Committee' with power to ac t. Carried. Mr. Paul Green, representative of the Community Fund submitted a proposition to the City Council asking the cooperation and help of the City Council in making provision for destitute and indigent families , the plan being that the city wo=uldfurnish work to the heads of families, Moved by Kane, seconded by Jane that the matter be referred to the lays & Means Committee for r ego rt. Carried. The Finance Committee auaited ana recommended for payment the following : • Pay Roll Wat er Der t . 4113.14 - 391-400 Pay Roll St. Dept . 641.13 24-39 Geo . Duke Keys 1.05 2.3 F .rst ?�'� t .nk Park ,: r 22 . 40 Moved. by Kane, seconded by :tiller that the recommenda- tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carrie d. No f�irther business, meeting adjourned. J - ��'v� �o��-.���r-��.-�.��• ,itp clerk :ayor I 1 3 I Jany. 26, 1932. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Bea.nblossom presiding. Roll Call: La.wrenc e, Kane, LIi lle r, Pasco , ILvey and Jane. R2inutes of the last meeting read and apr roved. Petition of Mrs . Elizabeth Peenik to erect garage at 525 lAll St . read. Moved by Kane, seconded by hvey that same -be granted. Carried. Petition of y. S. Martin for &I Morgan to make garage into general repair garage on Bronson Way read. ;Moved by Kane, seconded by Jane that same be referred to the Fire , Light & -,Vater Committee with power to act . Carried, application for soft drink license read from J. D. "Wi11iams . Moved by Pasco , seconded by Jane that same be granted . Carried. The Finance 'Committee audited and recommended for Lay went the following: Current Pao. Tel L Tel . Co . Teleahones 417 .10 - 53 Lawrence Fuel & Transfer Fuel 16.50 4 E. J. Kendtner Truck Hire 18.00 a Renton Feed Co . Material 4.80 6 Gladding, Mc3ean & Co . Material 48.18 7 Reid & Cook Labor & IL teA al 43.03 8 Renton Motor Co. Gas & Oil 25.37 9 cx XW W WS 1#194 aq West Coast Hospital Silly Material 5.78 1 Sanderson Safety Silly Material 6.65 2 Hub City Chev Labor & lolaterial 28.95 3 Standard Oil Co. Material 4.63 4 Pac . Car & Fdry Mat e rial 92.20 5 Jno Dower Lumber Co. Lumber 11.18 6 Tom Dobson & Son Ins . 6.25 7 P. S . P. & L. CO . LiE;hts 41 .41 8 J. S. Hardie Labor & Material 130 .5U 9 Clarke Bros . rotor Co . Labor &` Material 1.75 70 Nater Hersey rife. Co . Material 3.67 403 Gri nnel Co. Mate rial 367.50 4 Reid & Cook Gas & Oil 16.51 5 Neal Turner Explosives 2.00 6 Clarke Bros. iv.ot or Co . La u or & L&.te rlal 83.59 7 P. S . P. & L. Co. Power 90.84 8 J. S. Hardie Material 1.21 9 Moved. by La. rence , seconded. by Jane that the recommenda- tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. The St . 1 LUley Committee reporting on the extension of 2nd -Ive. recommended the aeeptance of the Deed subject to approval of City Atty. K,oved by Kane, seconded by Lawrence that the recommencda tion be concurred in. Carried. �n 31 Repo rt of City Engr. rlco;nmending the payment of 9255 .00 to L. Hilliker on Service Bldg. , C'.Vts "'411-4121 t Moved by Kane , seconded by Avey that he recoximenda- tion be concurred in. Carried. Engr t s report read recommending the payment of •.� 1500.00 to . J. S. Hardie on Service Bldg. Heating Plant. x-410 Moved by Kane, seconded by xivey that the report be accepted and 4500.00 laid J. S. Hardie . Carried. Report of Police Depte far the year 1931 read. Fire Dept . report read covering the year 1931. The Mayor highly commended Doth departments for their efficient workYoved by Pasco, seconded by Lawrence than both re- ports be filed. Carrie d. Librarian's report for the month of Dec. read and tiled.. lhe,,orts of the Treasurer and Clerk read and filed. Resignation of :]. :l. Campbell as Chairman of the Renton j�'ublie Library read. Moved. by Xc..ae, seconded by nvey that the resignation be acce}ted, and letter.of commendation written !rx. Oampbell. Carried. The mayor ap_uointed 2i.. G. Nelson, Chairman of the Library Board. 11oved by Kaner, seconded by Lawrence that -zhe appoint- ment be confirmed. Carried. ,1r. Zee Yonohon spoke of the possibility of the C. 1:1. & St. Paul Railway locating a packing house a.t the south end of the city. Moved by Kane, seconded by Lawrence that the city go on record favoring such a proposition. Carried. No further business, adjourned. City Clerk Mayor* I i 32 i Febi 2, 1932. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. � Present : Lawrence, Kane, Miller, JI'vey and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Mrs. Mary Sharra to erect g ara`-e at 311 Cedar,St . read. Moved by Ivey, seconded by Kane that s .me be referred to the St. & .11ey Committee with power to act. Carrie d. Petition of Mrs. Mary Sharra to erect .r- _;e on Lot 14, Block 3, Car 7 orks read. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by 'Hiller that same be granted . Carrie d. i Report of Engr. recommending the payment of91.19 to .L. Hilliker on Service Blag. , contract. ( +Jts .A7-8& t ) . 11oved by Kane , seconded by Miller that the rrecommenda- tion be concurred in. Carrie d. Er�-_rls report read recommencing the payment of 4300,W / to J. S. Hardieii.on heating ,dant at Service Bldg. , 426 V Movea by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that the rejort be concurred in. Carried. Mr. Shoal of the P. S. P. & L. Co . was present and suggested some changes in the street li .hting system. The matter w�.s referred to the City Engr and Chief of Police for recommend-Ai on. Ir. Bill Bennett on behalf of the city employees asked permission to have a grand opening and dedication program of the new Service Building on Sat . Feb . 6th. Yloved by TY-iller, seconded by t�vey th-t the request be grantent. Carrie d. The Finance Committee audited ana recommended for jay- ment the followin€': Pay Roll St . Dei,t . ;943.36 - 71-91 Pay Roll ;Water Dept. 172. 78 -413-25 Moved by Jane, seconded by Lawrence that the recommenda- tion of the Finance Committee be doneurred in. Carried. No further business , meeting adjourned. 6�) j City Clerk i. ay or I I 33 Feb. 9 , 1932. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. 1,1. with F. 71. Kane , Mayor Pro' Tem presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Miller, Avey and Jane . 1.1inutes of the last meeting re--a and- ani;roved. Petition of Y. Grady to lay concrete floor in base- ment of building located on Lot 12, Block 22, Town . Moved by Miller, seconded by "vey That same be granted. Carried. Petition of Louis Traverso to erect garage on Lot. 12, Block 4, Town read. Moved by kvey ,, seconded by Lawrence that same be referred to the St & �Uley Committee with ,)o-wer to act. Carried. Petition read from property owners on Morris St . agreeing to cyuit claim to the City a five strip for alley pur.,oses. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Jane that same be referred to the City ,.tty and City Ener for action. Carried. 6t . & rilley Committee resorting on !ex's. Shara's petition for garage on Cedar St . recommended that said gar:;. e be built on the rear of lot and the owner so notified. W11oved by Miller, seconded by -�vey that the recommend.a,- tion be concurred in. Carried.. The Finance Committee audited and recommended. for payment the following. Current Renton Gara~e Labor & Gas ;, 28#45-10U Mrs . B. ktkinson Police Dept . Material . 4.00 1 Reid & Cook Labor & gas & oil 57 .61 2 'rlilliams & McKnight Supplies . . 41 6.35 .5 Joe ',Mood 5 qts fire extincyuisher 5.00 4 Eureka Press Supplies . . . . . . 6.00 5 Tom Dobson & Son Fireman's Ins. . . . . 226.50 6 linegax Printing Co . Legal .'ub 1 is ati ons . . . 7.49 `r Columbia Lumier Co . Lumber 0 20 .50 8 Ed Wolski Gas & Oil a 68.00 9 Pratt Fuel Co . Fuel24.0 0 110 '1. J. Thompson & Co . Gas & oil 1.95 1 Gould & Gould Ins. 4.40 2 Seattle Gas Co . Gas 2.16 Strain Coal Co . Fuel 7.84 4 E. „ She arer Labo r 12.00 5 1,Vm. Taller Labo r 2.00 ti Rento n Sand & Gravel Material . . 112.99 7 Shasta Cafe Prisoners Meals 1`3.40 8 Union Oil Co. St . icZa.terial gas etc . 4=.77 9 Jno Dower Lumber Co . Lumber . . . . . 35.79 11;0 .rt Trudgian Labor & Material . 23.30 1 ;eater City of Seattle 'hater . . 39,68-4-62 Ido"racken , Ripley Coo bla.terial . . . . . 2.20 3 Savage Lumber Co . Lumb e . . . . . 3.00 4 J. S. Hardie iviaterial . . . . . 44.43 g Ed Wolak i Gas & Oil . . . . . 14.41 ; :penton :;Motor Co . Gas & Oil & Labor. 19.82 7 Moved by lHiller, seconded by Lawrence that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be ccucurrA in. 0arried. 34 Engr's report read recomiending the p yment of y 88.95 �. to L. Hilliker on Service Blag. eo nt rac t. (',Yt i4;38) Yov ed. 'by Lawrence', seconded by Kliller that the reeommendati on be concurred in. Carrie d. Reports of the Treasurer and. Clerk for the month of Jany." read and filed. Librarian's report read and filed. This being the night for hearing , rotests on the First) eve improvement the Clerk notified the Council that many written protests had been received, whereupon the iEayor asked t6 En.gr. if he had checked. same . The Fngr. stated. there was protests enough to kill the improvument. T.'oved by Lawrence , seconded by Jane that the petitions be received and placed on file . Carried. No' faather business, meeting adjourned. i I C i ty Cl rk Q1 (�7- " LA' Mayor 35 Feb. 16, 1932. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. 1d. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Doll Call: Lawrence, Kane, i:iille r, Crook, Pasco, Avey and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and apy roved. Petition of Union Gil Co . to install 2000 gal tank at 3rd Smithers. :.roved by Kane , seconded by Lawrence' that same be granted 1.nder the sup ervis ion of the City ' ''ngr. Carried. The followi:gig repo its and. recommendations tivere read from the City Engr. allowing the following payments: L. A. Shearer, Stoker . . . . 43UO.G0 x449 J. S. Hardie , final es timet e , he ati ng pkat - X122 .25 t'14C `.'gym. Kane , Wiring Contract , Service Bldg. - 246.50 -550 � Lester Hilliker, Final Payment , tt it - ° I Moved by Miller, seconded by Crook that all recommenda- tions be 'concurred in. Carried. 'City Engr. resorting on map submitted by Mr. Shoal of the P. S. P. & L. Co. for better street lighting, recommend- ed the adso jtion of the plan. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Jane that same be turned over to the Fire,Light & ;'rater Committee for immediate action. Carried. The City Engr. recom:hended the j,ureha:se of zm air eompress6r for Service Bldg. , IYoved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that the matter 'be referred to the City Property Committee aria the City Engr. with power to act. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommenced for pay- ment t he y f o l l ow ing : Pay Roll St . Dept. ; 592.86- 122-37 inc. tt tt eater " 137 .08 439-46 inc . First National Sank Park Luxor 9 .00- 138 Moved`by Lawrence , seconded by Kane that the recommenda- tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Committee appointed to investigate unemployment situ- ation submitted its report u.nd urgea the necessity of doing certain street work in a sum not to exceed w2U0 .0U and recommend- ed that the City Council authorize a contract for same . Moved by Pasco , seconded by ,.vey that th,-e report be acce.,ted and recommendations carried out. Carried. No further business, meeting; adjourned. d City Clerk May or . 3 Feb . 23, 1932. The Council met in reguulaf session A 8 P. . . with Mayor Beanblossom presiding . Present . Kane , Miller , �Lvey and Jane, Wad. Pasco . Minutes o fthe last mee ti ng read and approved.. Petition of Seattle` Gas Compaiy to 14 gas mains on Whitworth St . read. Moved. by mane, seconded by Pasco that same be granted under the su,:e rvision of the City Engr. Carried. The Finance Coiamittee audited and reeornmended for pay- meet the following: Current J. R. Storey Lib rary 'Pae lP 20,35 - 153 J. -'v. Graham & Co . " Books 4.03 4 Gay for Bros Inc . " Books 35 .40 5 Junior Literary Guild " Books 74.00 6 .Ll Trim " Fuel 18.00 7 D. D. ',';atson Dog Cat cher 9X00 140 i iv'hite Fuel Co . Fuel 19 .50 158 Ed '101ski Gas & Oil 9 .52 9 Valley Oil Co . Gas 76.95 160 Lawrence Fuel & Tsfr Fuel 17.90 1 Shasta Cafe Prisoners ' l:eals 5.20 2 i J. So Hri DIE Power Machine 1.2U.00 3 P. S. P. & L. Co . Li mht s 438.02 4 Pac . Tel Tel. Co. Telephones 14.94 5 Jno. Stkom labor F. D. 3.25 6 Gl e,d.dinE, YcBean Co. I1a.terial 35.89 7 Howard Tachell Labor Police Dept . 16.25 8 17ater P. S. P. dc L. C o . Power 111.08 554 Moved by Jane, seconded by Kane that all bills o. k. 'd by the Finance Committee be allowed. Carried. Loved by Pasco, seconded by Jane that the city engr.. be instructed to bring in plans arra cost of a dog pound and report next Tuesday evening. Carrie d. City Zngr. recommended th.: t First Lve. North be closed. to through traffic or same be paved. No action t a.ken. I.ioved by Dane, seconded by iviller that the matter of ':Main Sto from the city limits to Second i,.ve be made an arterial highway be referred to the City �tty .. for immediate action. Carried. No further business , meeting adjourned. w' City C 1e rk Mayor. 37 * ' Iviarch 1, 1932. Regular session of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. IT. by Mayor Beanblossom. Roll Call: Lawrence , Kane , miller; Pasco , Avey and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Clarke Bros. Motor Co. to enlarge Ford garage read. I Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried., of lairs . B. Atkinson .pplieationor permit to wreck all but first floor of ILTIelrose and remodelsame for store building- read.. l:loved by Kane, seconded by �Lvey that sane be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommenced for pay- ment the following: Current Pay Roll °r6?9 « -1ri9-1E35 t"later IT " 15i.8e- 555-5b4 Moves by Lawrene e , se coned by kliller that the recommen- dation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. fir. reco.,m.ended the Iiayment of 9100 .00 to relief Contracting Company - as Estimate Irl on cleaning city sidewalks. Moved. by Layarenc e , seconded by Kane that same be concurred in. Carried. P,ngr. recommended purchase of chlorine. in larger quantities at a saving in cost and also recimmended that the erection of dog pound be turned over to the City rro.�erty Committee . 11.oved. by Pasco, seconded by Miller that both matters be referred to the City Proyj erty Committee with power to act. Carried. Moved. by Pasco , seconded by Kane that the question of pLinting interior of City Service Building be referred to the City Property Committee for adjustment. Carried. I"loved by Lawrence , seconded. by Kane that. the City Health Officer notify all persons not having a garbage can to procure one immediately and that the Chief of Police notify all persons dumping ashes in the alley to place same in garbage cans . Carria d. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clete Y_L� L4�� . I..ay or. 3 v'i�-_rch 9 , 1932. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. Y.. with Mayor Bepnblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence , Crook, Pasco , Ivey and Jane. minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petit ion of G. 1 . Harner to rep air old Twine Factory Bldg. read. 11oved by Pasco , seconded by Jane that same be grant ed. Carried. i 1pplication for soft drink license read from Grub Box at 631 3rd r ve . Moved by Pa co , seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Mrs. Mary Shara to repair foundation of house on Lot 18, Block 4, Tovn react. Moved by Jane, seconded 'by Crook that same 'be grant ed. Carried.. Petition of Thos Faull, Jr. to make addition to house on Lot :Blockml8, Town react. Moved by Avey,, seconded by Jane +'..at same be grant ed. Carried. Communication read from Renton Garden Club and filed. Communication read from Wired Hancock Post, meric�.n Le€ion and filed. Communication read from Max Clarke relative to cess pool waters running through his property. Moved by Crook, seconded by Jane that same be re- ferred to the City Erngr and Health Officer for investi';ation and recommendation. Carried. Reports of the Treasurer and Clerk for the month of February read and filed. Librarian's report for the month of February read and filed. Ordinance No. 918 authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to is-sue bonds against L.I.D. No . 181, Whitworth St. read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Whe Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ord. No . W, whereupon it was placed upon its second and third read- ings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye .- Crook, ye :Crook, Pasco , Avey and Jane. Resolution No. 459 fixing the 29th day of March 1932 as date of hearing on assessment roll read. Moved. by Pasco , seconded by Crook that same be adopted. Carried. Resolution urging the ldashington Delegation in Con- gress to arx•an€;e for the introduction and passage of a bill providing for survey of Green River, syashington read. Moved by Pasco , seconded by rvey that same be aaop ted. Carrie d. Ee Burrows and Bill Bennett of the local peri Can Legion and sponsored by the National ane rican Legion Council for their co opers.ti on ani a?zn�prt in puin�' ome dthe ial e men to work. Moved by Pasco endorse theprogram and extend all theseconded cpa era Bonk that we Carried. pons ible. further business, mee tinE, ad,journeri _ 39 arch 16, 1932. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. hi. by TJayor Beanblossom, Roll Call: Lawrence, Lliller, Cmok, Pasco, W.vey and Jane Mi nut e s of the 1 as t. meeting read and- approved. Petition of Joe Edwards to tear down old shed and erect new one on Lot 5, Block 22, Town read, roved by Avey, seconded by Liille r that same be re- ferred to the Fire , .Light & 'slater Committee with power to act . Carrie d. Petition of T4irs . Julia Selawich to move house back 4 ft . on Lot 15 , Block 27 , Town read. T.Toved by Pasco , seconded by lLvey that same 'be granted. Carried. Petition of F. Rhodes , to install 3000 gal. gas tank read and\ on motion by 1 Crook, seconded by ��vey same was granted under the supervision of the City i„ngx. Carried. The following bills , all being audited by the Finance Committee , were recommended for payrne nt : Cur rent - 226-36 `,.. ,.Day Roll Ot. Dept. F. B. Jones To making keys 42.50 - 187 D. D. Watson Dog Cat cher 7.50 - 188 Floyd Foughty Wi the s s Fees - City vs ,unit o. 2.20 0 197 Elmer Crosby ?? it ?. ?? ?? 2.20 - 198 C.iv .& St. Paul Ry Freight4.61 - 199 Ray Hanson '"fitness Fees - City vs ;Zinito . 2.20 - 200 Chas Sequin ?? it _ i? �' ?t 2.20 - 201 Seattle ,Ten & "wning Flag . . . . . . . . 16.90 - 202 Kuke r-Rankin,Inc Engr. Supplies . 2.00 - 203 Al Trimm Fuel . . . . 12.00 - 204 Jno . Farrow Labor - F. D. . . . 2.82 - 205 `Yrinegar Printing Co . Legal EUb . . . 1.96 - 6 Pac. Car & Foundry Material . . . 50.89 - 7 Strain Coal Co. Fuel . . . 9 .22 - 8 McPherson Furn & Hdw Supplies F. D. 3.00 - 9 W. J. Thompson & Co . Gas & Oil 4.46 - 210 Unique Grill 1-'risoners Meals. 3.95 - 211 Al Mo rgan Gas 0 . . .90 - 212 Lowman & Hanford Library Books .138.61 - 213 A. A. Anderson Labor F. D. . . . . . 4.00 - 214 . Jno. I.N. Graham & Co. Library Books . . . . 2.15 - 215 B & R Garage Storage . . . . . 14.30 - 216 w1m. Valler Labor . . . . . 3.25 - 217 Seattle Gas Co . Gas . . . 3.63 - 218 Rainier Fuel & Tsfr Wood . . . 6.00 - 219 Renton Sand & Gravel 11a.terial . . . . . . 38.05 - 220 Valley Oil Co. Gas . . . . . . 22.30 - 221 P. S. P & L. Co . Light s . . . . . .410.62 - 222 Shag a Cafe Prisoners Meals . . . 26.40 - 223 Joe 'Mood Fees # * . . . 17 .50 224 J. S. Hardie Labor & Material . . .135 .99 225 i 40 YV_�lE City of Seattle `tater Dept. 9'43Y►64- 573 McPherson Furn & Haw. Labor & Material 60 .0O 4 Renton Garage Gas etc. 3.25 5 Lacer Corporation Ltd. it Compressor 144.00 6 Valley Oil Co . Gas 36.60 7 0. Priebe Labor & Material 8.40 8 P. S. P. & L. Co . Power 52.15 9 S Pay Roll '.'dater 23 .32.-582-92 F.��.Shearer Sal on stoker 74 .00 581 Moved by miller, seconded by Jane that the recommenda- tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried, F.ngr's recommendation that final payment in the amount of 4162.75 be paid J. S. Hardie on heating plant read. A roved by Crook, seconded by Miller that same be con- curred in and estimate paid. Carried. ('aYt .J560)� Opinion read from city attorney on First �'�ve . North and filed . St. & alley Committee recoa,,.ended that the right of way of the P. S. P & L. Co . leadin€; to the brickyard be acquired for street purposes. lJoved by Pasoo , seconded by Miller that the city atty. communicate with the P. S P. & L. Co. regarding possiblity of getting their right of way for street purpose leading .to the brick ard. Carried, loved by irSiller, seconded by Lawrence that the Yain t. pump matter be referred to the City Pro.,,erty Committee for investigation and report. Carried. No further business , meeting adjourned. 'City Aprk Mair o r • 4 •,. . s in 41 1 March 22, 1932. Council met in regular session at 8 P. II. March 22, at 8 P. LT. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence , Kane , Crook, Pasco , .vey and Jane . Minutes of the last meeting read and a_pproved. Petition of firs. Ellen Thomas to erect wood shed in rear of Lot 18, Block 31 , Smithers Add. read. 1,11oved by Kane, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. Petition of John Delaurenti to enlarge shed on Lot 4, Block 36, Smithers read. Moved by Kane , seconded by l�vey that same be grant ed. Carried. Petition of Urs. Clara Balmert to erect garage on Lot 17, Block 32, Smithers read. Moved by Ivey , seconded by Lawrence that same be €;ranted. Carrie d. Engr's redort read recommending the payment of / :p43.60 to .17m. Kane, final payment on wiring City Garage. .s9� i�2oved by Crook, seconded by Avey that the reeommenrla— tion 'be concurred in. Carried. I;Ioved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that the matter of having old water wagon put in condition for washing streets be referred to the City Property Committee. Uarried. No farther business, meeting ad j ouraed. City Clerk i Mayor I I 42 i March 29 , 1932. , The Council met in reguL� r sessaion at 8 P. M. with. Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence , Miller v Crook, Pasco ,_ ,.vey j an.d J ane Minutes of the -Last meeting read anci apsroved.' The following applications for license , all' being approved by the Police & License Committee were read: Hansen Confectionery - soft drink parlor .66, C . Kibbe@ _ it cr tt J Vioue It It Mrs. Jno Stewart - it it IT 3rendal Drug Co . - it ,t It 2-11oved. by Crook, seconded. by Jane that same be granted. Carried. City Property Committee resorted that main Ste pump had been ordered disconnected until further' notice. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following : Current McFarlancls Bargain store Police Dept . Material - 428 .25-251 Renton Stimulator Printing 8.75 2 Pratt Fuel Co. Fuel 2.6.00 3 E. �. Shearer Material 40.60 4 Geo . ;vans Park Labor 4.50 5. Jno. Farrow It It 4.50 6 Art Newman It it 4.50 7 Tom Dobson & Son Ins 5.00 8 Jno. Dower Lumber Co. Lumber 12.15 9 Union Oil co. Material 52.58-260 Gladdi ng,Me Bean & Coo It 9 .40 1 Columbia Lumber Co• Lumber 7.68 6 3 orth Coast Chem & Soap Wks Supplies Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 140.30 4 Kuker-Ranken Inc Engr. Supplies 7.50 5 Sanderson-Safety Suugply Co. First kid Lanua.ls 1.33 6 Pac. Tel & Tel. Co . Telephones 8.25 7 :lest Disinfecting Co. Supplies 8.00 6 West Coast Hostital Supply it 11.56 9 Thos . Harries , P. 11. Post Cards 12.00-270 Packer-Scott Co. Supplies 27.91 1 Seattle Waxine Co. Supplies 26.JU 2 Lowman & Hanfo rd Library Books 5U.07 3 R. x. .VILSON Supplie s 1.00 4 Ser. Ldry & Clearne rs Ldry 8.15 5 Pettie x'rintery Printing ;:9 .75 0 Seattle Gas Co . Gas o.87 7 Yater Grinnell Co . Material 1.92-597 Renton Feed Co. It 24.80 8 Olympic Foundry Co. It 24.00 9 E. _' . Shearer " L6.17-600 Fred Schneider tt 7 .50 1 Renton Hdw & Furn " 7 '30 2 R. 0. Brown La or on tools 1.30 3 Jno Dower Lumber Co . Material 14.85 4 Moved by Yliller, seconded by Jane that the recommenda- tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. 43 Detailed repo rt of the activities of the�Unemployment Relief Contracting Committee read. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Yiller that the report be accepted and filed and the committee in charge thamked for their very efficient ,jjork . Carrie d. This being the night for hearing protests against the North Renton alley assessment roll, the following Resolution granting an extension of time was introduced. Resolution No. 459- 1 fixing the 19th day of ,p ril 1932 at 8 P, hi. as hearing on , ssessment Roll Dist 180 was read. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Miller that same be adopted.' Carried. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Miller that the city uu-uorney be given another week before reporting on the acquiring of property of P. S. P u; L. Co. for street purposes to brick yard. Carried. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that the Fire , Light & ''later Committee bring in report on' the Mill St. sign . Carrie d. Resort read f rom Engr. recommending the payment of "100.00, final payment on first contract of the Unemployment Relief' Contracting Com. i Toved by I'liller, seconded by Jane that the recommenda- tion be concurred in and amount allowed. Carried. Mr. Cochran, of the Park Board spoke of the pn,-sibil- ities of Jones Park and stated that the Park Board was going to convert same into an up to date playfield for the s amll er ehildern of the community. hloved by Pasco , seconded by 4.iller that the City Clerk communi"cate with Rev. Crawford notifying him to move his garage off city property . Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. M City Clerk May or. ::44 A�;ril 5, 1932. Council met in regular session at 8 hI. with Llayor Beanblo ssom presiding. Roll "all: Lawrence , Crook, Pasco , ivey and Jan e. Iinutes of the last meeting read and apdrovect. The Finance Committee audited and recoimriended for payment the following: ;urr. ent Pay Roil -t. Dept . . a ; 453.89-281-25iL Hyland, Elvidge & avord, Services rendered in re Downie appeal - 200.00 Wt.J293 ! cuter Pay Holl . ?142.10-605-12 Agne s N. Richmond, Expenses Downie case 3.00 613 Shorett, Shorett & Taylor, Appellants costs on appeal 239 .60 1, 614 Moved by Jane, seconded by Crook that the recommenda- tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. . Iloved by Pasco, seconded by Avey that the matter of finding a hall large enough to accomodate the South End Improvement Club be referred to the City .2ro.,,erty Committee , for investidation and report. Carried. ' Engr reporting on estimated cost of sidewalks around Service Building stated that it would run about :;'468.82. Tyloved by Pasco , seconded by Jane that same be referred to the 'Vays & Means Committee . Carried. Engr re orted off. condition of First _,gyve . North and recommended that we tear sam: all up and replace with gravel until such time as the State eanE,•ive us financial assistance on same . Loved by Pasco, seconded by Ivey that the engr bring in an estimate on tearing up the brick and graveling same . Carrie d. No further business, meeting- :;,djourned. i I City Clerk lila,y or. 45 t� Lpril 12, 1932. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. 1-'. by Mayor Beanblossom. Roll Call: Lawrence, Kane, i4iller, Pasco , nvey and Jane . iIinutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of T. H. 'Williams to erect a garage on hot 10, Block 2, Yotor Line Addn. read. Moved by Pasco , seconded by �ve;i that same be granted. Carrie d. Petition of Howard L. Bennett to erect garage on Lot 5, Block 3, Car 71orks "Adn. :,Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Peti tion of pr opert y owners as d business men on 3rd Ive. petitioning the City Council to establish a road to be known as Third .ve. extension read. Dloved by Pasco, seconded by Lawrence that same be ' received and filed. Carried. Moved by Paco , seconded by ,,.Vey that the City Council endorse the ' Third .:eve. extension project. Carried. The 'clays & Means Committee recommended that • 200.00 be paid the Relief Contracting Company. }4- 30 ;Moved by Pasco , seconded by ,filler that the recommend�a- tion be concurred in. Carried. The Engr submitted the following figures on rep airing First eve . North: Removing brick c=-nd gravelling - 1600.00)ikioved by Paco, Placing 211 coat of asphalt - 3900 .00) seconded by "Vey that same be referred to the Jays & Ideans Com, for redort. Carried. K.�g r. reported that the garage belohging to the Presbyterian Church extended over on Jones Park from 2911 on one side to 3651 on other side. Moved by T;,iiller, seconded by Ivey that City Clerk notify Trustees and have same moved forthwith. Carried. :,:oven by Pasco , seconded by Laxirence that the Water- way Commissioners be notified to place sidewalks , on the north approach to the ;'hells St. bridEe . Carried. Rel-Iorts of the Treasurer and CL rk for the month of March read and filed. hibrariants rejort for the month of 1,.arch read and fi 1 ed. ldoved. by Pasco , seconded by Ililler that the City Clerk notify the owner of sign on iviill St. that same must be vacated. Carried . Resolution endorsing the application or the Seattle- Renton Stage bine for extension of service read. Tvioved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that same be adop ted. Clarri ed. Y-o further business, meetin€, adjourned., City Clerk May or i 46 np ril 19 , 1932. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. Y. by Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call; Lawrence, Kane, 1 iller, Crook, Pasco , hvey and Jane, .Minutes of the last meeting read and a.pProved. Petition of J. -LI. Clarke to redair building at 600 Cedar St . read. Yovea. by .�vey ,, se co nded by Jane that same be grant- ed. Carried. Petition of Ed Goudal to erect garage on Lot 12, Block 18, Gunn's lLddn. read. �tiioved by .vey, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carrie d. .LLpplication for soft drink license of firs . Thos. Raymond read and on motion referred to the Police & "Acense Committee . Nays & Means Committee reio rtin€ on First nve . North recommended that same be patchea'with asphalt . Loved 'by Pasco , seconded. by Lawrence that the report be received and recommendation carried out . Carried. The Finance Committee audited andireeommended l cr payment the follow ing Current .,rt Newnan Patk Laoor 411.25 - 305 D. D. Watson Dog Catcher 25 .50 - 279-80 Renton Feed Co . Sacks 17 .50 - 304, E. IzL. Shearer, Laoor & Material 2.93 6 Savage Lumber Co . Lumber 17 .08 7 Good ;dill Store Ragw .50 8 Renton Motor Co.' Labor & Material 7 .05 9 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 20 .20 310 Jno. Dower Lumber Co . 11aterial 52.15 1 Strain Coal Co , Fuel ' 9690 2 Renton Garage v aterial 1.95 3 Vinegar Printing Co . Printing Leals 3.25 4 Al Dorgan Labor 3.15 5- Williams & YcKni`;ht Supplies 5 .55 6 Frank E. Rhodes F. D. Material 6.10 7 1m. ;°faller Labor 4.75 8 J. R. Storey Fuel 7 .50 9 Pae . Coast R. R. Land Rental 1.00 320 Pettie Printery Printing 3.9 .50 1 Ser. Lary Lary 14.2.5 2- Ballou & `fri ght Material :;b 0 66. 3 Shasta Cate Prisoners ' Meals 28.80 4 Kane & Harcus Co. Material 3.72 5 Reid & Cook Labor & Material 27 .79 6 Joe 'Hood. Fees 55.00 7 Eureka Dress Supplies 33.05 8 2. a. P. & L. Co . Lights 425.00 9 Joe `flood Fire Extinguish. 40 .50 330 'Mm. Kane Labor & Materi al 50 6UO . 1 Pay Roll St. Dept,, 471.33 332-42 in¢ Hub City Chev. Labor & 111ateri <�,1 :53.70 343 Water Neter HanseA Sacks 1.98 618 47 kn ON ureka Press (Printing) ;eater 70.00 - 620 City of Seattle nater 422.92 619 American :later '.orks Membership Fee 10.00 62i Pao . :'Tater 17orks Supply 11ateria1 499 .56 622 P. S. F. L. Co . Power 168.09 626 Pay Roll pater Dei)t. 92.26 ri24-d30 :io ved by Lawrence , seconded. by Jane that th e reco_�mendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Claim for damages in the amount of . 1000 .00 filed. by R. B. Downie . Moved by Pasco, seconded by :�vey that same be referred to the Finance Claims Committee and' the City iitto rney for report. Carried. Communication read from Elders & Trustees , First Presbyterian Church, asking that Jones Park be kept a park for flowers and shrubs rather than a play-ground . Tuloved by Pasco , seconded by 'Tiller that same be re- ferred to the Park Board. for coins iderati on°. Carried. Communication read from Department of ?ub lio '=orks asking that signs be erected at' all grade crossings . sLovel by Pasco , secended by Hiller that same be referred to the Police Dept . and the City ingr with power to ae,t . Carried. This being the night for hearing on the assessment Roll Dist 180, protests were read, and on motion by Kane , seconded by Pasco that the hearing be continued. for two weeks and the protests be referred to the City Engr for checking and the city at to rney for written op inion. Carried. .,.,. The matter of d.rivinL- too fast through alleys was discussed. .roved by Pasco , seconded by C m ok that sane be referred to the city engr and the chief of police . Carried. The extension of 3rd ,ve . North to the east city limits was broiWht up . ;;roved by Kane, seconded by 1.1iller that same be referred to the city engr for an approximate cost. Carrie d. No further business, meeting adjourned. (7qz24e,z,/1&�(WI77 A A�I City Clerk Mayor , 48 xpril 26 1932 , I The Council met in regul-r session at 8 P. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Present : Lawrence , Kane , Piller , Crook, Pasco , svey and Jane . ;inutes of the last meeting read and a.;proved. Petition of -merican Legion to move frame building from high school to tract between Burnett & -filliams Sts . south of waterway read. i Moved by Crook, seconded by Ivey that same be grant' ed. Carried. Petition of Geo . Peacock to wreck old auilding and clear lot of refuse on Lot 16, Block 53, Smithers addition read. ivfoved by iaiiller, seconded by Crook that same be' granted. Carried. Petition of Ed Swanson to erect house on hot 6, Block 18, R. F. P. read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Lawrence that sane be grant ed. Carried. Petition of H. Evans to reshingle house on i;ot 7, 31ook 10, "Lown read. Moved by Miller, seconded by Jane that same be re- ferrel to the Fire , Light & ':dater Committee with .,)ower to act. Carried* tp;)lication to operate a tamale wagon on the streets read from Roy Gross * 1 0 Moved by Kane, seconded by Lawrence that application be denied. Carried. -olice & License Committee reportea. favo rauly on soft drink license of Mrs . Thos . H4mond. by Kane, seconded by Lawrence that the report be received and license granted. Carried. Idoved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that an ordi- nance regulating the speed in all alleys be drafted. Carried. Communication read from ": aterway District relative to sidewalk on the north approach to the ','ells St . bridge. T?oved by Pasco, seconded. by Miller that the communication be filed and district notified to construct sidewalks . Carried. Communication read from &,-nerican 'i,'ater iVorks _Lss to relative to annual meeting in 'Jenatchee, T'yioved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that same be filed. Carried. 3ill Bennett, on behalf of the menton 3aseball League extended an invitation to City Officials to attend the first game of the season. lyloved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that the invitation be accepted and thediayor throw the first ball. Carried• New No further business , meeting adjourned. Carried. MAYOR In 49 o �n 1,.1ay 3, 1932. Regular meeting of the City Council vias called to order at 8 P. NIL. by Mayor Beanblossom. Roll Call: Lawrence , Kane: avey and 'Jane . Minutes of the last ms e ti nF-• read and approved. Petition of Howard L. Bennett to erect house on Lot 5 , Block 3, Car "forks read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Lawrence thGt same be granted. Carried. Petition of J. _�_. Kennedy to erect storeroom in rear of Lot 8, Block 7 , R. F. P. read'. 1,1ove(I by Kane, seconded by Jane that same be grL�nted. Carriedr . Petition of hl Morgan to erect canopy over grease racks and sidewalk on Main St . read. Moved by Kane, seconded by X-Lvey that same be granted. Carrie d. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Pay Roll St. Dept . X789 .32-372-85 D. D. Matson Dog Catcher 24.00-357 Seattle 'Gas Co . Gas 3.73 8 J. S. Hardie Labor & Material 15.15 9 v,.. Pao. Tel & Tel Co .Telephones 9 .70 360 Vm. ,,'aller Labor 2.00 1 Gould & Gould Insurance 22.39 2 :V. J. Thompson & Co ' Repair 71ork 1.00 3 Lawrence Fuel Fuel at Library 17. 00 4 Wash . 3indery Library Expense 61.85 5 Unique Grill .PrisoAars Yeals 19 .95 6 Jno 'N. Graham & Co . Library Books 2.42 7 Packer Scott Co . Supplies 8.75 8 Joe "food 2-Fire Extinguishers 20.00 9 .: l Trimm Fuel 11.00 371 Pioneer Bakery Pound Expense 3.25 l Special Ord :eve NePa.ge ,YcKenny Co . Re.,,a.ir light pole 19 .06 386 Nater Pay Roll ,ater Dept. 58.51-6:53-36 City of Seattle 'eater 20 .04-637 'Vinegar Printiike Co . Printin€ 125.90-e38 moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carrie d. City attorney asks another week before reporting on the alleys and asked that the hearing be continued one week 1:,Toved by Kane , seconded by Jane that the attorney be grante$ another week ani the hearing continued one week. Carried. Ila further business, meeting adjourned.* City Clerk �1 0 Mayor 50 Ilay 10 . 1932. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with IIrayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call : Lawrence, Kane , Miller, Crook, Pasco, .Avey and Jane . minutes of the last meeting, read and a, yoroved. Petition of Geo . 7f. Johnston to move railway coach to bots 1 and 2, Block 6, Smithers 2nd ��.ddn and erect one story frame structure , same to be used as a dining car lunch room read. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Kane that same be re- ferred- to the Fire , 'Wight a, ,Mater Committee and city e ngr with pov.er to act. Carried. Petition to repair foundation of house and store building on Lot 11, 1ockmZ, R. F. P. read from Frank"Shaver. i,ioved by Crook, seconded by Lawrence that same be gramted. Carried. Petition of Peter Hansen to erect house w garage on Lots 13 and 14 , Block 19 , R. F. P. I,loved by Kane , seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of H. L.. Jenkins to erect house & garage ori Lot 8, Block 7 , R. F. F. loved by Crook, seconded by Lawrence that same be grant ed. Carrie d. Finance Claims Committee reporting on the Doz�nie case recommended that same be denied. Yloveb_ by Crook, seconded by Jane that the resort be received and concurred in. Carried. Communication read from C . L. Dixon, and H. W . Nightingale , Sanitary Engr relative to Mushroom Plant in old Twine Factory . Ir.oved by Pasco, seconded by Ivey that same be accepted and filed. Carried. Communication read from City of Seattle enclosing copy of Resolution ac'-i.ng for a reduction in tele.,,hone rates and asking that a similar resolution be adopted by the Renton Council. Loved by Lawrence , seconded by Jane that same be turned over to the Service Committee for re.,;ort. Carried. bitten report read from City xtty . on District 180, Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Kane that sarne be accepted and Ordinance Approving iissessment Roll drafted. Carried. I No further business, meeting ad.j ourne.d. -LIT City Clerk .,,iay o r i 1 �s sY�4i I'7 lulay 17 , 1932. Regular session of the City Council was called to- gether at 8 P. Y. by Mayor Beanblossom. Roll Call: Lawrence, Kane , ldiiller, Gook, Ivey and Jane. Minutes of the la;,t meting read and ,_.�� roved. Petition_ of .i. Beerman to make basement l,ot 21, Block 1rp Smithery 5th -Ldd. read. Moved by Crook, seconded by Jane that smile be granted. Carried. Petition of Roy Pratt to erect garage at 712 Grant St, read, moved by Crook, seconded 'by "vey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Saly Ilaki to make repair to garage on Lot 8, Block 37 , Smithers read. Yoved by Jane, seconded by Kane that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recomuiended. for pay- ment the following: CURRENT Pay Roll St. Deft. W474.37-41U-24 Shell Cil Co. asphalt 0#:)04U 396 Standard Oil Co. Mat erial 11.65 7 Renton Gara€e Labor 9 .80 8 Lowman & Hanf ord Library Books 72. 24 9 H. R. Huntting Co . " " 16.37 400 Piston Service Co. Ivlateria.l 21.07 1 North Coast Chem if 2.00 2 Tom Pritchard Gravel 156.00 3 Ed Swanson It 1 156.00 4 0. T . Hogan it. 100 .50 5 "Dalt Schultz it 104.25 6 iirt Trudgian Ia.terial 16.20 7 Hooker-Electro Chem Chlorine 270.00 8 Ser. Ldry & Cleaners Ldry 7.60 9 Harry 'teele Park Labor 18.00 425 y'LtT ER Pay Roll '..Vater Dept• 4278.56 -648-5e Olympic Foundry Material 2.90 - 642 Palmer Supply Co . tt 9 .41 3 Ballou & Jri dit " 17.00 4_ Renton Feed Co. Lime 7.80 5 Bretld.al Drug Supplies 9 .60 6. J. Y. Kyes Fuel Ser, Ywood 2.75 7 Shorett ,Shorett & Taylor ":xp .-Downie case 9 .40 641 Kov ed by J�n e, seconded. by Crook that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Repo its of the Treasurer & Clerk for the month of ril read and filed. i 52 I I i i .Librarian's rep ort for the month of 4ril read and filed . Reports read from State Sanitary Zngr, Dept. of Health stating that our drinking water and savers conform to the U. S. standard and statement from Health Officer Dixon that our drinking water is the best in ti-e State and the sewers the purest. Ordinance No ., 918 regulating the speed of vehicles travelling, through alleys rea4 and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee . Ordinance No. 919 approving and confirming the assessment Roll Dist 180 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee . i f The Ordinance Committee reports favorably on Ord. No. 918 and Ord. No . 919 whereupon918 aas placed upon its second and third readings and passu as a whole , all council- ment present voting aye: Lalr;renc e , KE e, Crook, Ivey and Jane, Ordinance No. 919 was ;laced upon its second and third readings and gassed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Bane, Crook, &vey and Jane. The Iliayor appointed J. E. McFarland, Police Judge to fill the vacancy of the late Toe ',Mood. A:Ioved. by Kane , seconded by avey that the a.pointment be confirmed. Carried. Ik . I4ir. Sehoal of the 2. S. P. & L.Co. suggested that a new contract for street lighting and power be entered into the new ogntraet to include the new low ratgs. Moved by IdIiller , seconded by Jane that the nutter be' referred. to the fire , Light & 'dater Committ ani City attorney for rejort next Tuesday. Carried. I,toved by Crook, seconded by Lawrence that a Resolution of Condolence be sent the bereaved family of the late Joe Vood. Carried. Moved by Crook, seconded by Killer that the city attorney cokmunicate with the organization of Veterans of Foreign ';Fars asking- them to refrain from selling poppies in Renton advising them that the poppy sale will be handled by the local organization. Carrie Cl Moved by Kane, seconded by Crook that the city e ngr be authorized to proceed to replace the watermains on 2nd Ive. No. with a,pipe sufficient to accomodate the families on that line . Carried. Ho further business, meeting- adjourned. City Clerk May or i 53 IJ ay 24, 1962. Council met in regular session at 6' P. I`,T. with ivayor Bea.nblossom presiding. Roll Call : Lawrence , Eane , Crook, Paseo , ,vey and Jane . Minutes of the last meeting read and asproved. Petition of Guy Stafford to erect garage on Lot 15, Block 32, Smithers read, Moved by ,.vey, seconded 'by Jane that same be granted;. Carried. 2eti tion of Urs . L. ;.i tche ll to erect wood shed u.nd put concrete floor in garage on Lot 24, Block 1, Smithers read. Moved by Crook, seconded by Kane that same be granted. Carrie d. The Finance Committee audited and recoinmended for payment the following: CURRENT D. D. tiatson Dog Catche rr X12.UO-42a Renton Garden Club Tree ;dark 5.5U 7 J. J. Bonnell Trees tr 7.50 6 Unique Grill Prisoners I,Ieals 9 .10 9 Tac. Tel &� Tel. Co . Telephones 12.40 430 'toward Tachell Labor 7 . 60 1 Jr. Literary Guild. Lib Books 10 .00 , 2 Earl ingto n Improvement Club Lights 30 .60 3 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 5.UU 4 Lowman & Hanford. Lib Books 34.06 5 Adm. Dane Labor 21 .00 6 Reid, & Cook i,bor -Library 1.25 7 ; . n. Anderson Fire Dei; t. Labor 2.0.25 S Cl arene e Dullahant it tt it 20 .25 9 Union Gil Co . asphalt , Gas &. Oil 241.97 440 �J."T Grinnell Co . Ivtaterial 11.51-uo0 Valley Ail Co . GRs 36.40 1 Loved by Jane, seconded by Crook that the reeoli-menda.- tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Service Committee recommended that no ac tion be taken on the telephone resolution. Itioved by Kane, seconded by Jane that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. Fire , Night 3. "later Committee was granted another week before resorting on light & power contracts. Communication read from L'ureka Fire Hose Manfg. Co . relative to dearth of Fire Chief, Joe `wood. Same ordered file d. Communication read from Renton Volunteer Fire Depto recommending the appointment of Clarence Dullahant to fill the unexpired term of the late Joe Wood, Sr. The miayor thereupon recommended the appointment of Clarence Dullahant. itilove,i by Pasco , seconded by Crook that the appointment be confirmed. Carried. 54 i Resignation of U . N. Cochran as Chairman of the i Park 3o and read. luoved by Crook, seconded by lane that same be accepted and a vote of thanks exteiA ed L'-r. Cochran for service rendered. Carrie d. Re,)ort of the activities of the Relief Contracting Company read stating that their funds are exhausted. jioved by ,awrence , seconded by Crook that the report be accepted and the eorzaittee commended for their food work and the matter referred to the ;days & Mear-s Committee F for additional finanicial support. 'Carried. %to further business, meeting adjourned. I i City Clerk May o r I 55 May Sl , 19 32. Council meeting called to order at 8 2. id.. by J. F. Crook, Mayor Protem. > Roll Call: Lawrence , Kane, Miller, Ivey and Jane . IAinutes of the last meeting read and approved. The Finance Committee. audited and recommended for payment the f ollowin€-: N. .21 RY • Freight Pay Roll St . Deyot. .0 -455-4''U 4 Pay Roll :'later " . . . . . ---- Moved by Kane, seconded by Jane that the recommenia- ti on be concurred in. Carried. ',„Nays & means Committee recommended the payment of p100.00 to Relief Contracting Company. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Kane that the recormnendati on be concurred in. Carrie d. Petition read from K. P. Lodge to remodel and repair K. P. Hall on Lot 5, Block 4 , "rotor Line addition. Moved by Kane , seconded by Lawrence that same be grant ed. Carried. Engr. reported that the D. S. . & 1,. y1o . will deed to the City of Renton -for street pur,,o ses a strip 25 ft. wide fa om west margin of Tall St. paralleling Pac. Co"t R. It. track to the west `limits of the Gladding,Mc3ean plant . roved by Kane , seconded by vey that the engr. pro- ceed with the work as outlined. Carrie d. i ;,roved by Jane, seconded by Kane that a notice be placed in the papers notifying all persons desiring oiling to get in touch with city engr and all oiling must be done under the supervision of the enr. Carried. No further business , the council adjourned. City Clerk Mayor. 5 i I June 8, 1932. 1 Co-ancil met in regular session at. 8. P M. vdth J. F. Crook, .', ay or Pro Tem presiding., Roll Call: Lawrence, Kane , Pasco, xvey and Jane* b:inutes of the last meeting read and ar droved. Petition of P. S. P. da L. Co . to erect tool house on "tilliams St . So. read. Moved by Ivey, seeonded by Lawrencethat same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Morgan McDonald. Aitness Fees , 2.20 472 Reid &; Cook Labor & Material 67.84 3 Sanderson Safety Supply Co . Fire Dept . 111aterial 10,33 4 . Stoneway Dock Co. Material 10.00 5 Natl Bank of Commerce tT from Stoneway Dock 32.05 6 71ash. Mchry & Stora,,*e Labor 1.50 7 Pao. Car & Foundry i,Taterial 2.3Q 8 Renton News aecord Legal Publications 22.].0 9 Sheel Oil Co . Gas 200.35 480 Pioneer Bakery Pound Food 2.90 1 C. Kirk Hillman Co . Boiler tubes 75.00 2 Dave Kitchell Expense to Yakima 4.55 3 Garland Company Paints 80.19 4 ,19'i.lson � Marlowe Insurance 50 tOO '5 Torn Dobson & yon Insurance 55.00 6 Renton Chronicle Printing 19 .70 7 , H. R. Hunt ting Co , Library Exdense 6.U6 a , 0 J. F. Barnett t�uction Co . is ti 12.00 9'' Cochran's Paint- Store Supplies 3.55 49W Seattle Gas Co . Gas 4.28 1, Crescent Office 5u,,;1.,1y Co . Book 44.00 2 Dlake,Aloffitt &: Towne Supplies 9 .25 3' Taller Labor 2.00 4 Thos. Harries, P. Id. Envelopes , etc . 77 .88 5j Lawrence Fuel & Tsfr Fuel 9 .60 61 P. S. P. & L. Co. ;,ight s 419 .09 71 Joe Wood Estate Fees 17.50 81 J. E. McFarland Fees 45.00 9' City of Seattle Water 426.88 672 Renton Chronicle Printing 4.75 3 P. S. P. & L. Co • Power 47 .83 4 Pieomte Grocery Scythe stones 1.50 5 Renton itotor Co . Labor a iiaterial 4.30 6 Strain Coal Co, Fuel 4.81 7 ase 2.50 8 Strnards Photo Shop Pictures - Downie c idoved by Jane, seconded by Kane that the recommenda- tion of the Finance Cormnittee be concurred in. Carried. 57 Ordinance relating to the regulation of traffic in case of fire read and on motion by Kane , seconded by Janco referred to the Ordinance Committee . 1VAoved by Kane, seconded by Jane that a Resolution of Condolence be sent the Vaughn family. Carried. Moved by Kane seconded by .,vey that a letter commending, the School Boy Control be forwarded 2upt of Schools . Carried. The , ayor & Council promised their fall co -operat- ion in putting over the 4th of July program sponsored by the �nerie an Legion No further business, meeting adjourned. i City Clerk Payor `,too, ..r June 14 , 19 32 . Council met in regular session at 8 ice. I;;. with Vi8yor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call; Lawrence, Kane, Killer, Crook, Pasco and Jane . TIinutes of the last meetin€ read and a ..,rovedd. Petition of Chas Cassinat to repair foundation of his home on 1st ..ve. No . read. loved by Jane , seconded by ,wawrence that same ` be granted . Carried. Fire , Light & Dater Committee report favorably on the P. S . P. & L. Co . contract after the addition of a certain clause. recommended by the city attorney. Moved by Crook, seconded by i; iller that the council meet :Monday nit to go into the contract more thorough ly. Carried. Regort read from H. Nightingale , State Sanitary yrs;r on water analysis . Moved by Jane , seconded by Crook that same be turned over to the Health Officer. Car ied. Engr. made verbal x-e ort on estimate(! cost of extension of 3rd &eve . North and iiaprovement of Third :eve . , south roved by Wane, seconded by Lawrence that the mutter be referred to the St & Willey Committee to ork in conjunction with the city engr and bri nE in re,,ort next Tuesda.y.i Carried. Ordinance perta.ini.-.- to the licensing; of all dray vehicles was on motion by Miller, seconded by Crook re- ferrel to the Ordinance Committee ror regio rt. Carried. I - 'The Ilayor appointed L. H. Stokes as a. member of the Park Soa.rd to fill the vacancy of 0. iu. Cochran. Moved by Crook, seconded by Kane that the ay,;point- ment be confirmed.. Carried. Re,orts of the Treasurer, Clerk and Librarian covering month of May read and orderea filed. No further business , meeting adjourned. Clerk Z� ivla,v or *4100� 59 June 21 , 19 3 2. Council met in regular session at 8 P. 1. with MayoryBeanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Kane, ;.Tiller, Crook, y asco , � ..� Ivey and Jane , Petition of C. R. Temme to make minor repairs tnd renew rear outside stairway in 'testern Hotel read. hlovea by Fasco , seconded by avay that same be re- ferred to the Fire , might & Y'ater Coimnittee with power to act. Carried. Petition of Edward Hoffman to make addition to house at 421 Tobin St. read. ;dIoved by Kane, seconded by Lavrrence that same be granted. Curried. .petition of J. a. Covey to tear down garage at 317 '.,.ells St. read. Moved by Crook, seconded by Avey that sane be granted. Carried. ;:loved by Kane, seconded by Crook that the city attorney communicate with C. & F. 6. Py, relative to grade crossing on 3rd .eve . No . extension. Carried. Engr. gave approximute cost of hard-surfacing i.ve. and other streets on the hill. Re,:ort received and matter continued. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for +`1 pCayment the following: Current Pay Roll St . Dept. 50O.2Q-529-42 Strain Coal Co. Fuel 7 .00-5U9 Renton Meh & Mfg. Co. Laoor 3.8U 10 P. S. P. & L. Co. Light s 415 .30 11 til Morgan Tire, etc . 6.15 12 Renton Chronicle Library Printing 7.50 13 Lowman & Hanford Library Books 27.86 14 Crescent Office Supply Co . Supplies - atty . 10.70 x115. Reid & Cook Labor & T::aterial 6.75 16 Bishop & Jenkins Fuel 2.35 17 Grinnell Co . Material 51.18 16 Eureka Press Fire Dept.Pritting 8.U0 19 Gladding,TvlcBaan & Lo. Material 31.89 20 Pao . Car & Foundry brat e r i al 10.08 21 Frank E. Rhodes , Inc . Tire, etc.Fire Dept . 58.50 22. Cochran's Paint Store Paint - Park 3.25 23 Thos . Overton Park labor 27.00-5U$ Renton I,,IQtor Co. Laoor & Uaterial 12.27 524 Renton Garage Labor & Material FireD. 4.45 25 Hooker-Electrochemical Chlorine 540.00 26 Renton Hdw & Furn Material 143.07 27.- Water lay Roll 'Water Dent . �27E�.41-ob2-92 k Olympic Foundry Co . Material 9 .80 69 4 Pae. -ter ',a, s Material 177.41 4 Glauber Brass Mfg. Co. Material 35.92 5 Grinnell Co. T,laterial 10.30 P. S. P. & L. Co . Power 55.88 r ' Renton Haw & Furn Co . Suj ,lies 5•�� 8 i I 60 bloved by Crook, seconded by Lawrence the.t the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Ordinance 920 relating to the regulation of traffic ' in case of fire read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee . The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ord j No. 920 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third read- l ings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye ; ' Lawrence, Kane , Miller, Crook, Pasco , _��vey and Jane . The Mayor stated that he had attended a meeting held by the Mayors of the State , in Seattle , June 18, and they adopted a Resolution calling for an immediate session o:' the Legislature to pass public relief and employment legislation, whereupon it was I' ,,,roved by Kane, seconded by nvey- th at a like Resolu- tion be adopted by the Council and the proper authorities j notified of our action and a copy sent to the local newspapers. Carried• The Fire , Light & .'later Committee having reported favorably on the contracts ofthe P. S. P. & L. Co . the following Resolution No . 460 was read. Resolution No . 460 authorizing the exectuion and delivery of contracts with Puget Sound Power Light Company for power and street lighting read. i;loved by Kane, seconded by Lawrence tha t same be adopted. Carried. ' Resolution No . 461 authorizing the or x Clerk ' to execute a suit Claim Deed to the purchaser of bots 31,32, 33 G.nd 04, Block 3, Renton Real Estate Company 's 1st nadition to rent'on upon payment in full of all outstanding assessments upon d property., ,>F loved by Crook, seconded by hiller that the Resolu- tion_ be adopted. Carried. The '.'lays & Mleans Committee reconr:iended. theayment Relief of 4200.00 to Contracting Company. ('lit t526p Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Kane that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. Moved by Kane , seconded by Lawrence that the Mayor act as a committee of one in loaning city trucks or. equipment or furnishing gas to the amount of 50 gals to relief the unemployed. Carried. 1v.oved by Kane, seconded by Miller that the engr submit 'cost of resurfacing *, ells St . bridge . Carried. Engr stated that it would cost about •;,211.00 for material. ' Moved by Hiller, seconded by Crook that same be referred to the St. & Alley Committee and city engr. with power to act. Carried. 14loved b,: Pasco , seconded by Idliller that if the proper legal not ice has been given to ,Tater way Commissioners to put sidewalk at north ap,droaeh to ,dells St . bridge then a Resolution of Intention be drafted otherwise the city attorney give the proper notice. Carried. Committee was given more time on the vehicle ordinance. 1,'o further business , meeting adjourned, City Clerk Mayor 61 June 27 , 1962. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 2. Y1. by iylayor Beanblossom. Roll Call: ;rook and Jane . There oein� no quorum, the council adjourned. J -ALoq 1-4 City Clork May o r 62 July 5 , 1932. Council met in regular session at 8 P. Ii. -ith Mayor Beanblossoin presiding . Roll Call: Lawrence , Kane , Miller, Crook, nvey and J an e . Minutes of the la.-Lt meeting read and approved. Petition of peter Ballatore to erect house on Lots 1 and 2, Block 4 , Sartorisville read. 1.oved by :uIiljer, seconded by i.vey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Wm. Reid to move garage 15 ft . forward and make double garage at 1st .,ve. No . read. Ivloved by Kane, seconded by Jane that slime be granted. Carried. Petition of F. .' . Fuller to reshingle house on Tract 15 , Tobins D. C . read. 1,oved by Crook, seconded by nvey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Tony ,xnone to remodel and. reshingle house on Lot 11, Block 31 , Smithers . read. Koved by Kane, seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried Petition of Val IiaVneck to erect garage at 435 Renton _ve. read. Loved by ..vey, seconded by Jane that same -ie granted, Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recome+aded for pay- ment the following: Current . . Pay Roll . 4537 ,41 -558-e6e inc uoy-'lo inc i Nater . . Pay Roll . 413.93 -701-712 inc . Loved by Jane, seconded by Crook that the recommenda- tion of the Finance Coilimittee be concurred in. Carried. Communication read from St . Lukes Church relative to Jones 2 ark. I,.oved by Miller, seconded by Crook that same be filed. Carried. Ordinance No . 921, authorizing the L."ayor coc City Clerk to issue bonds against L.I.D.#180 read and on motion referred to the 0r dinance Committee . The Ordinance Committee resorted favorably on Ord. No. .921, whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed- as a whole, X11 councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Kane , L.1iller, Crook, s.vey and Jane . i Eng. gave estimated cost of enlarging watermain on .5rc1 1Ive . ',Fest and placing two fire hydrants . Liovecd by Kane , seconded by Crook that the engr pro- ? teed with the e:,ork as outlined. Carried. ..ir. Haddock of the I;arlington Impt Club stated that they were discontinuing their li aht ing system and asked if the city would maintain the three lights at the end of: mrd ;,ve .-Vest "oved. by Kane, seconded by 1diller that the city clerk get in touch with the . S .P L� L. Co . relative to the abpve lights beim y laced on our lighting system. ;;arrieLL. ..: " `?JI.TRNl+;D. Q,�y�QQ__Cd 01 07^. 63 July 12, 19;b2 . The Council met in regular session at 8 P. m. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding . 11111 Call: Lawrence, Kane, Crook, Pasco , Ivey and Jane. ' Minutes of the last meeting read and u,,.roved. Petition of Edward Fountain to erect garage and break curb for driveway read. Moved by Kane , seconded by xLvey that same be granted under the supervision of the St & Alley Committee and the engr. Carrie d. j Petition of Mrs. Ben Atkinson to erect garage on Lot 1, Block 15, Town read. Yloved by .i,,.vey, seconded by Jane that same be re- ferred to the Fire , -Uiight & eater Committee with po-:ger to act. arrie d The Finance C(,mmittee audited and reeommendea for payment the following: Current D. D. 'Watson Dog Catcher 47.50 554 Chas. amborini 1.1itness Fees 2.20 574 J. T. Snyder Fitness Fees 2.20 5 Thos. Harries , P. M. Stamps. 5.00 -584 VioueIs Pharmacy Supplies 3.80 5 Standard Oil Co. Material 1.38 Renton Hdw L! Furn F. D. Expense 6.60 7 Stoneway Ddck Co . Material 2U.00 - 8 Renton Sand & Gravel it 23.21 9 `Ar Rent on Garage Labor 1.00 90 Gladd ine,Me Bean & Co . Material 8.70 1 "lilliams & McKnight Supp lie s4.45 2 vieFarlandts 3argain Store Police De )t. Exp. 6.00 0 Republic Creosoting Company Material 2.25 4 J. M1. Kyes Woocd 1.00 5 Shell Oil Co . Gas 124.71 6 C. Kirk Hillman Co . Steam Roller 16O .U0 7 Union Oil Co . T�aterial 1.33 8 E. a. Shearer Labor & Material Steam Roller �5Q t 74 9 Pac. Car &; Foundry Labor & 1Taterial 36.32 000 Cochran's Paint Store Material 13.95 1 .;art ,,nderson F. D. Labor 4.50 w Seattle Gas Co . Gas 3.90 3 dim. 7aler Labor 7.00 4 Seattle Vaxine Co . Supplies .90 5 Kuker-Ranken, Inc . Fngr. Supplies 5 .14 Packer-Scott Co . Supplies 3.50 '1 Sanderson Safety Su,,.)ply F. D. Material 1.50 8 ',test Disinfecting Co . Material 1.30 9 Trick & 14 urray Supplie s 6.40 010 Tom Dobson 1' Son Ins . 45.99 1 J. E. iatcFarland Fees 52.50 2 Pao. Tel dc gel . Co . Telephones 14.95 3 Coml. Boiler corks ,abor & Material Roller 140.05 4 i;agle Cafe Prisoners lueals 57.50 5 Pioneer Bakery Pound. Feed 6 2.00 7 Bancroft 7hitney Co . Law Book 10.00 John Dower Lumber Co. Lumber 34.61. 8 i :�-T E Olympic Foundry Co . Material 35.90 -715 Renton Stimulator Print ing 7.50 6 F. Hyde Sharpening tools 3.80 7 City of Seattle eater 92.86 8 Renton Feed Co. Material 22.50' 9 .n/r J. S. Hardie Labor W -material 16.10 720 I1oved. by Lawrence , seconded by Crook that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred. in. Carrie d. Reports of the Trea--,urer and Clerk for the month of June read and filed. Librarian's resort for the month of June rea do filed. Cokmunieation read from Renton Local, U. P. L. thanking the L ayor for cooperation mid requesting the Council wire Gov. Hartley for a special session of the Legislature to devise ways and means to relief the unemployed. iaioved by Kane , seconded by Pasco that the communica- tion be received end filed and the city clerk authorized- to wire the 'Governor. Carrie d. The ene.r re jo rted the dangerous condition of the rails on ,:ain ,St. ' Koved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that the city attorney be instructed to write the P. S. P. &: L. Co. relative to this and bring in report. Carried. No further Business , meeting adjourned. City Clerk i;,uS o r 65 July 19 , 1932 Uouncil met in regular session at 8:00 o`clock P.T . , with A+ayor rieanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Jane , Avey, Paeco , Kane , Lawrence and Crook. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Joe Plavec for permit to build a basement in house on Lot 3, Block 8, Car Works Addition to laloved by ,,vey , seconded by Kclne that same be granted. Renton read. Carried. The Finance Committee audited a.nd recommended for pay- :nen t : Pay Roll -'-'t . D.edt . - 9"380.15 &:- Pay .Roll 73ater Dept . ,Its . 620-33 '$407.31- 722-34 ine . Moved by. Jane, seconded by Lawrence that same be allowed. Carried. `Here being no further business it was moved by Crook and seconded by Kane that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. �... City Ulerk may or i I i 66 July 269 1932 The Council met in regular session at 8 P.b. with i,myor Beanbloesom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, &ane, Crook, Pasco , Avey and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approves'.. Petition of Margaret Bunstine to remodel house at No. 117 Logan Street read. Moved by �-� �c C , seconded by ( � Ic�X1 tha t s ame be gran, ted. Carried. There beim no Further business , the meeting adjourned. City Clerk fly Vay or 67 Alig. 2 , 19 32. Council met in regular session at 8 P. . . tuith. Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll C il : Kane , Crook, Pasco, ,�vey and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and ai proved. Petition of Peter Ballatore to erect house at Lot 1, Block 4, Sartorisville read. Moved by _.vey, Seconded by Kane the t same be grant ed. Carried. Petition of Frank Gust ine to erect brick house and garage on Lot 1, Block 2, Car ',' orks read. c oved by "vey , seconded by Crook that s=:me be grant ed. Carrie d. Petition of '"yrs. Ida iAlle r to rejnod el house on Lot 4, Block 17 , R. F. P. read. Moved by Paseo , seconded by Jane that sum be granted. Carried. Petition of H. R. 71ellman to make addition to garage on Lot 16, Block 18 , Toim read. Moved by ,ivey, seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carrie d. Petition of telex Cugini to erect a gasoline sub- station and storage tanks on Lots 4, 5, 6, Block 11, K. F. r. read. The Fi re , :Light w dater Committee reported favor- ably avor- ably on same, whereupon it was iroved by Kane, seconded by Lvey that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended. for payment the following; CURRR"1i.'in T Pay Roll St. Dept . 4503.54-649-63 D. !), I' =<v'atson Dog Catcher 6.00 b34 Tom Dobson w Son Insurance 20 .00 664 Renton Neves Record Legal "Publications 7 .50 0 Steve Tamb orini Park Labo r 27.00 6 dvm. '.7a11er Labor 2.00 7 Eagle Cafe Prisoners' meals 35 .70 8 Union Oil Co . Material 62.93 9 Reid & Cook i,abor & Material 10 .12 670 Hooker-Electro Material 3.00 1 North Coast Chem supplies 6.42 2 , ash.� Bindery Library exp . 2.75 6 Funk & 17ragna.11s C o . it it 6.65 4 Trick & Murray supplies 1.00 5 ;Seattle Gas Go . Gas 4.36 6 Pae . Tel & Tel . Telejhones 12.70 7 Gladding,McBean & Co ., wiaterial 3.00 8 Renton ri i 68 i Yoved by Jane, seconded by Crook that all bills o . k. td by the committee be allowed. Carried. City ratty made a verbal report on the Fac . Coast crossing at 3rd :give . No, stating they did not want to make a grade crossing at 3rd eve . No at the pr:sent time Moved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that the Tlorth Renton I:ep rovement Club and citizens interested get a petition signed up for the improvement a,nd present same to the Council. Carried. rngr recommended that the citJ spread oil on the. highway near the reservoir. :Moved by Kane, seconded b;y Crook that the engr be authorized to go ahead with the oiling. Carrie d. . oven by iuiller, -econded bj Dane that the i,etition of Edward. Fountain be referred to the SA. & ,Llley Committee with sower to act. Carried. No further business, meting ,I,cL ourned. City Clerk Mayor * k 69 Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. I& by ;:payor Bzanblossom. Roll Call: Lawrence , IrIiller, ;;rook,, and Avey . ;Minutes of the laz_t meet ME, read and a.,,,Ljroved. petition of 0. Priebe to reshingle house on fot 15, Block 26, Town read. Moved by ;tUller, seconded by i,.vey that same be referr- ed tothe Fire, .Bight & -,'vater 3ommittee with power to act. Carried. Petition of J. J. 8auma to make basement on Lot 8, Block 18-, Tovm read. Moved by rivey , seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Y. Jorgenson to rejair rear porch on Lot 6, Block 2, R. F. P. Moved by killer, seconded 'by Lvey that same be granted. Carried. etition of M. Grady to widen garage on Lot 5, Block 17 , Town, read. Bloved by Crook, seconded by nvey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of R. LleComb to move house forward on Lot 5 , Blook lb,, p. F. P. and make basement. aloved by -Lawrence , seconded by 'rook that same be grant ed. Carried. Petition of Joe Thomas to erect garage on Lot 15 , Block 2, R. F. P. read. Moved by Crook, seconded by Ivey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of iters. Iii. L. Fairchildto reshingle house on Lot 1, Block 5 , Sartorisville read. h1oved by Crook, seconder by Miller that same be granted. Carried. Reports of the Treasurer and Clerk coverin€ the month of July read and filed. Librarian's report for the month o.f July read and filed. No further ous iness, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor. 7® tiu 10, 19 v2. aegular session of the City Council was called to order at 8 2. l.i. by Mayor 3eariblossom. Roll Call : Lawrence, Kine , :Miller, Crook .and ,�.vejT . Petition of 'Mario Hubatino to eniurge garage at 033 Smithers St. read . ',roved by Ivey , s.econded by Kane that same be granted. Carrie d.. Petition of property owners on the west side of Burnett St. from 2nd , ve . to Lot 7 , 3lock .4, dotor Line nddne asking that the property be imdroved by concrete k, dewalks. Moved by Kane, seconded by Crook that the engr proceed with the work. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: Current Pay Roll ;;t. De_,,t. 4375.82-694-706 D. D. 'Matson Dog Catcher 16. 00-684 Thos . Harries , r. L. Fire Deyut . iia.terial 10.62-69V Hooker-Electrochemical Chlorine 534.60- 707 Penton 311otor Co . Labor & 11aterial 2.7U- 8 rt tinderson F. D. Labor 4.50 9 Peter Dullahant F. D. Labor 2.25 71U Pettie Printery Printing bonds 19 .50 1 Lowman & Hanford Library Books 31.82 , 2 slash. 3elting & Rubber 14ateria1 1.75- 3 J. L. McFarland Fees 40.00 4 J. S. Hardie -Laoor & la,,,,teria.l 70.54 5 1. J. Thompson & Co. Labor 1.U0 6 Eureka Press Supplies 5.05 7 Reid & Cook Tires, e tif. 16.95 Clarke 3ros. Motor Co. Labor w Mk_terial 16.35 9 Gladding ,11,11cBean & Co. Material 27 .UQ- 7.21 71m. Kane Labor & Material 12.954 i Jno Dower number Co. ivlaterial 51.65 \ 3 t1:�T�R Pay Roll Water Dept, 168.2.3-749-54 Clarke 3ros. lwotor Co . Labor & Y-Uterial 11.05 755 Graton & Knight Co . Material 1.42 6 Renton Feed Co . . ateria1 5.40 7 ivlovecd by Miller, seconded by Kane that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. City ILtty submitted. a report on Tr:a in St . as follows: That the Hofius Steel Corp . has agreed to relinquish all rights to the rails as it would be too costly to remove them at this time ; that the Puget Sound 'Electric Ry. is willing to abandon its franchise; that in view of all the circumstances it vaould be to the best interests of the cite to accept the offer. It was moved by Kane, seconded by �:iller that the report of the atty be accepted and recommendations carried out , and that the city atty be authorized to take all necessary steps to terminate the matter. Carried. 71 Communication read from Relief Contracting Comi)any submitting final repo rt of work done . I oved by Crook, seconded by xveS that the re,,)o rt be acceptecd and filed and city clerk write a letter of ai,,)redi- ation. Carried. Communication read from John F. Dore relative to borrowing funds from Reconstruction Finance Corporation. Yoved by Kane, seconded by Lawrence that the letter be filed and the city clerk instructed to answer same . Curried.. 141oved. by Kane, seconded by Miller that the city engr do the necessary work in connection with a road to the head works and cleaning up around sd rinc-s in a sum not to exceed 4500.00 . . Carried. I Moved by Miller, seconded by Kane that the city engr check up on the street south of the library to ascertain whether or not s aerie belongs to the city . Carried. No further business appearing, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Lay o r. 72 "ug. 23 , 1932. Regular session of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. Y. by JEayor, Beanblossom. Roll Call: Lawrence , Kane, btiller, Crook, Pasco , �vey and Jane. Petition of ldrs . &�. V. Erickson to erect garage on Tract 17 , Tobins L. CO . read. Moved. by Crook, seconded by Miller that same be granted. Carrie d. Petition of Z. Driscoll to remodel house on Lot 81 Block 3, Motor Line exddition read. lov ed by Miller, seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of YIrs . Hannah Prine:le to reshingle house on Lot 6, Block 3, l_-otor Line hddn. read. Moved by Jane, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited arii recommended for pay- ment the followi4r : Clarence DuJ4ant j . Fire Dept* i,:xjenses of nine men to _737 �;q� pp sther Lastman - Stenographic se 20 738 ' ',ioved by Crook, seconded by Idiller that the recommenda- tion be concurred in. Carried. :droved by Crook, seconded by hiller that the parking conditions at 3rd & Mill St. be referred to the St w hlley Committee , city engr and Police Dept. Carrie d. Ilotice read from the State of ','vashin€;ton citing the City of Renton, et a , to appear in court Sept. 2nd. , relative to property at Falls City . Councilman Pasco e.�Lqlained that this property was being purchased by the Commercial Club for a sign directing traffic through Renton. roved by Miller , seconded by Lawrence that the matter be taken uq by air. Pasco with the Commercial Club and the matter referred to the City rtty- Carried. Councilman Kane presentdcl petition signed by residents of IlTorth Renton asking that a grade crossing be ecnttrcuted by the C . & P. S. at Third .ve . No. Moved by Kane, seconded by Lawrence that the petition be turned over to the City itty . with instructions to procure franchise from C . & P. S. Carried. The Fire, -ig:ht & ,`dater Committee recommendea that lights be installed at the following places : On :Burnett near K. P. Hall On 2nd in fron of New nigh School On 4th & Shattuck at Catholic School l4ove.L by .6.iller , seconded by ,.vey that the recommenda- tions be concurred in. Carried. Loved by Mrille r, seconded by Crook that the cyue sti on of moving drinking fountain at side of dity Hall on account of traffic be Deferred to the City .Property Committee for recommenda- tion. Carried. Fire Chief Dullahant extended an inviation to the Mavor & rolanc it to attend the "Jonventi on at Yekima. Eo further business, meetin€ adjourned. 1 City Clerk 73 Aug . 309 1932. The 0•ouncil met in regular session at 8 P. ivl. with J. F. Crook, Mayor Pro Tem g residing. Roll Call: Kane, T, ille r, Pasco and . vey ,. Minutes of the laLt meeting read and a,.roved. ,eetition of �f. C. D. Edwards to move four cabins around on same lot and erect building for service station read. Lloved by ..vey, seconded by Tiller that sante be re- ferred to the Fire , Light c� 'rater Committee with sower to act. Carried. The Finance 0ommittee audited and recommended -for day- ment the following: Current Crescent Office Supply Co. Supplies 2.70 -739 Seattle Waxine Co . tt 2.50 740 Seattle Gas Co. Gas 2.68 1 C1ark a Bros. Motor Co . Labor 6c 1dlateriall 6.37 2 C. Haleway Labor .75 13 Fac. Tel w Tel. Coo Telephones 12.10 4 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 8.00 5 Republic Creosoting Co. aterial 2.25 6' City of Seattle Fire Beat . 1daterial 8.00 7 R. Li. Wilson Supplies 1.00 8 Lowman & Hanford Library Books 37.17 9 Thos . Harries , P. Y1. Stamp-s 5.00 75C ,Lrt 13eil Garage Laoor & Material 4.25 1 Union Oil Co . Gas & Oil 166.14 2 Nerage ',. eKenrry Co. Installing light pole- 85.00 3 Water iCity of Seattle ','►pater x;67.68 - 761 Palmer Supply Co . Material 27. `?6 2 Union Oil Co. Gas & Oil 11-.08 3 iv oved by iulille r, seconded. by Kane that the recommenaa.- tion of the Finance Committee be concurrecL in. Carried. Moved. by Pasco , seconded by i;.vey that the city engr. proceed at once to connect the wa.termGin on ',yells at. with 7lilliams St . and clean out all other dead end watermains at once . Carried. , Moved by Kane, seconded by .vey that the cord wood at Sdringbrook be sold at ; 3.50 per cord iroviding wood be taken at once and the matter handled by the City 2roperty Committee aria the City np.•r and they be given power to act. Carried. Vo further business, meeting adjourned. • City Clerk 1ayor.Pro Tem i 1 74 ! Sept Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 F;. N. by Mayor r3eGnbloesom. Roll Call: Lawrence, Kane, iviiller, Crook, Pasco , hvey and Jane . idinutes of the last meeting read and aey)roved. Petition of F. 3. Lawrence to reshingle house on :Lot 2, Block 18, R. F. P. read. .'Loved by Crook, seconaea by :ane that same be granted. Carrie d, Petition of Velma Beerman to reshingle house at 1108 4th rive. read. ;Moved by Kane, seconded by Ijawrenc e that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Chas. R. Temme to re-roof Temme Bldg. read. a;oved by Pasco , seconded by Jane ghat same be referred to the Fire , �,iCht & '.va.ter Committee with dourer Yto act. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for .dayment the. following: Current Pay Roll St . Ded t. 4426.431- 755-66 Pay Roll 'Nater Dept . 96.41 764-71 ( Cur) D. D. 'Natson, Dog Catcher 13.50 797 .Koved. by Jane, seconded by 'awrenge t bE t the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. 'roved by Pasco , seconded by kvey that the cyuestion of maintenance of lights at end of Third hve. Nest by the city be referre4 to the Fire, -ight &,:'rater Committee for rejort. C arrie d. , Moved by Pasco , se Bonded by Crook that the city atty. get all necessary information aril data as to ways and means of acquiring the highway on Third rive. Nest from Shattuck 6t . to city limits . Carried. lviovec_ by Pasco, seconded by Lawrence that we call for bids for cleaning and replacement of ornamental lights . Carried. l;o further business , meetin :t:.djourned. City Clerk iva.y or. 75 Sept. 13, 1932. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. 1 . with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Carl: Kane . Crook, aseo , ,,.vey and Jane . Minutes of the last meeting read. and €L�j;roved-. Reports ofthe Treasurer & Clerk for the month of august read and ordered filed. Librarian's re,Uort read ana filed. Commur-ioation react from ,Washington -unia ' al League asking that the City be re,,resented at a meeting of all, municipalities at Centralia Sept. 16th. �: oved by Pasco , seconded by Kane that the matter be left in the hands of the Idayor to arrange, for a committee to re.;uesent the city at the meeting. Carried. ldoved by Kane, seconded by Crook that we rent pile driver from ;Waterway District to place piles under ',Williams St. bridge . Carded. wr. Pasco stated that arranEements had been made with the County for use of tractor to do necessary work at S�ring- brook, the only charge being cost of operation. lloved by 4rook, seconded by Jane that the action be ,eonf irmed.. Carrie d. No further business , meeting adjourned. City Clerk playox. r 76 Sept. 20 , 1932 Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at, 8 P. id. by 11dayor Beanblossom. Roll Call: Lawrence , Kane , ',:iller, Crook, Pasco , Hvey and Jane . Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of, r�ntonio Fornaciari to erect wood shed at 6 Logan St. read. Moved by livey ,, seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Firs. J. 0. Edwards to reshingle house at 525 Tobin St. read. Idoved by Lawrence, seconded 'by %.tiller that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Henry Cooks to make basement on ;tot 129 j Block 7, R. F'. r. read.. I Koved- by Kane, seconded by Iwi-iller that wane -be granted. Carried. xpplic'ation for license to practice phrenology in Renton read. '. oved by Kane, seconded by Crook that same .be denied. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Pay Roll St. De�;t. ; 346.43 -779-791 Eagle Cafe Prisoners$ Meals 31.50 - 792 7m. 'Valler Labor 3.00 - Packer-Scott Co. Supplies 12.15 4 Al Trimm Fuel 20.00 5 J. R. Storey Fuel. 16.00 _0 --- - - ---_ -�--- ;;train-Coal Co . Fuel 3.75 8 Jno . Dower Lumber Lumber 11.47 9 - ,ti illiams <I: IvlcKnight Supplies 4.10 800 J. E. I-KcFarland Fees 35 .00 1 Clarence Dullahant Dues- P. S. F. n. 5.00 2 Gaylord Bros. Sup.L;lies - Library 5.15 3 19. D. Watson Dog Catcher 10.50 778 0. G. Gilliland Lx,)enses to Olympia 1.08 8U4 ,day Roll 77ater Dept. , 179 .65 776-782 City of Seattle ';dater 60.76 -783 Olym±is Foundry Co . Material 17 .70 4 L'.oved by I,;iller, seconded by Jane that the recommenda- tion of the Finance Committee be concurred. in. Carried.. Engr. stated that the property owners on Burnett ot. from Lot 1 to Lot 7 were willing to deed suifici.ent dro�jerty to the city so that the smdewalk can be placed inside the curb, I-doved by Kane, seconded by Crook that the city engr. and city atty . groceed. to get the deeds dra. d and go ahead with thework. Carried. No further business , meetinU adjourned. -" mayor. 77 Sect . 27 , 1932. The Council met in regular session .i; 8 P. 1.;. with F. 71. Kane , 17-ay or Pro Te41 Liresid.ing . J.oll Call: Lawrence, Diller, Pasco , «vey and Jane . _,-inutes of the last meeting read and aryjroved.' 14:oved by .:filler, seconded by Lawrence that the at . &. alley, Committee and. the City �r. bring in re,)ort on estimat- ed cost of re-enforcing 4illiams St. bridge and the kind of material to be used, next Tuesday evening. Carried. So further business , meeting 6Ljourned. 4 1,L) City clerk�4alel'4 Nrayor ,, .firo Iler:�. October �), 1932 . L SPLCIiI, 1412.TING OF TI; C1TY CCU WIL 'W"6 C".iI'ED `l'0 ORD S' 1: T 8 P. 11. BY T':i iYOR r,Tur��i1�U.`i:;liI;I, FOR ,, H�..RiNG uE THE 19:5 _3 TflG'r,T. Present : LGwrenc e , Kane , ii illor, Crook, Ivey :Lnd Jane . There beim; no objection to the budget as read, it was 11"o-ved by 1'"e, seconded by IiIiller that the budget be adopteds read. Carried unanimously. on motion by Crook, seconded by Jane , the meeting adjourned. L/L�J _ City Cl qr k May or Oct. 4, 196c3. Regular meeting of the City Council vr'.s calleL. to order at 8 P. ivl. by vlz or Beanblossom. Roll Call: Lawrence , Kane, '.tiller, Croox, ivej �<nd Jane . elinutes of the last meeting read- aad a-,,roved, o f Ed ",;o od Peti tion to reshingle house on Lot 4, Block 25 ,, Tovin. read. -11,rfoved. by .,-ille r, seconded by Lav,renc e that same be re- ferred to the Fire i+ight w �t ter Cormiiittee -with power to act. Carried. The Finc.rlce Committee 1-udited and reconu,iended for pay- went the following: Current Pay Roll St. Dey,)t. ;364.2ti-820-833', D. D. '.Vatson Dog Catcher 15.00- 819 1 Remington Rand, Inc . Labor 10.UU- 834 Seattle Gas Co . Gas 2.68 b Lowman a; HAn.ford Lib. Books 26.62 U Literary Guild it l�lemb ership 21.00 7 ,art BeilTs Garage Labor & Material 8.UU 8 Viking Steel Corgi orati on MateriG.l 155.U3 9 r'Y Eagles Cafe Prisoner ' ldea3 ls 7 .10 841 Eureka Press Sui;plies 4.75 Lawrence Fuel 6c Tsfr Fuel 18.UU 2 Aldridge 1,Iotors Inc . Labor 6, Material 18.85 3 Renton Tire Shmp Labbr 5 .UO 4 Renton Sand & Oravel ISIateri ,l 6.70 o Pao. Car ! Fdry Te 44.60 e UlAon Oil Coo Gas & Gil 83.03- 71m. 3.01"Tm. Kane Supplies 16.01 8 Thos. Harrius , r' . 'Le Stamps 5.00 9 j L. iv'. Richmond Expenses 6.15 b60 ; J. Z. Storey Fuel 4. 8,UU 1 &656 Kane & Harcus (3o . Supplies 5.54 2 i Crescent Uffice Supply au1).,jlies 6.UO 3 Psc. Tel & Tel . Coo Telephones 12. 85 4 Toni Dobson & Son Insurance 5.UO 5 "dry. "taller L._uor 2.UO 6 Hertzberg Bindery Library Books 11: .OG 7 'f tat e r Pay Roll tater Dept. 168.71-787-794 tunerican Cast Iron ripe Co. Material 174.72 790 City of Seattle ',Yater 48 .48 b Union Oil Co . Gas & Oil 63.52 7 Olympic Fo.1_cxy Co. Material 50 .40 8 Eurek—a -Press ,;-:)Lrinting 9 .0U 9 ;Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Jane that the recommendation of the Finance Cormllittee be concurred in. Carrie d. Ordinance ho . 922 -�Ldop ting a Bud get for the y e :.r 1933 read and upon motion referred to the Urainance Cowmittee. The Urdiname CoiLmittee retorted favorably ori Urd. No* 922 -hereupon it vias ply: ed up04 its second and third readings c..na passed as a vvhole, u'n cQuncilcnen voting t e: l.nr Lawrence , .,filler, Crook, xveJ and Jane. 79 rn Ordinance No . 923 Fixing the az.ount of tax levies for tale year 1933 read and- on motion referred. to the vriiinance Coiinittee . The Orainance Coinmittee rej�ortea. fa oraoly on Ord. No. 923 whereupon it was i;laced upon its second and third re.-d- ings aril passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting s.ye ; Lawrence , Kane , Miller, Crook, zvej and Jane. This beim the night for opening bias on street light cleaning , the following mere o.,;ened and read= arm. ;taller . . . . . . 4100.00 Francis Van 7 inkle . . 130 .U0 I.ioved by hiller, seconded by Ivey that same 'be re- ferred to the Fire , Light iter Committee for report next Tuesday . Cnrrie d. IIoved by ;,tiller, seconded by i,.vey th�.t the light on Garden between is t <r- 2nd be referred to the Fi ro, Lji ght .ter Committee and Chief of Police for report. Carrie a. i.�oved by Lawrence , secondei by, Crook thwt the ray` firing j of , ai.n St . , material to be used etc. be referred to the ..�t. & nlley C omilli;ttee emd City EnEr. for estimate next Tuesday. Carrid. sir. Bennett pros ente,a le iter from 1V'o rth Renton Improvement Club statim the 2. S. P. & i,. Co. were contecuplating renewing poles on 2L�rk eve . and asking the co operation of the Council in getting these poles plaeea in alleys. Moved by Lawrence , seconded .by Crook that the letter. (� be received and filed ate. the mutter referred to the ,St & "iley Committee for investigation wncd bring in resort next Tuesday. Carried* Ed Elliott was present incl eomplailB a of •conaiti on of the right of way of P. S. Co. auovea by Lawrance , seconded by Crook that saw be referred to the City ynLr and Hewith 0ffie er _or action. Carrie a. IUtovec by Crook, seconded by La-vr ice that the question of ,)ianting Bras$ at the reservoir lb be T the hanas of tree City Engr. Carried. No further ousiness., meeting; adjourned . Ov City Clerk 'lay or so Got. 11, 19�_26 Council met in regul,,:;x session �_t 8 P. ii` . Reith HEV or Be�-zblossom presiding. Roll will: L6. hence , I'filler, Crook, .4.vey -and J'aneol 1viinutes, of the last special and re6ul�°,r meetings rea� and aijroved. Petition of Jess IvicCowill to -_:cect house &; Cara,,,-e on Lot 18, Block 17, R. F. Y. read. Moved. by Jane,* seconded. 101 , "ve; that st�me be granted. Carried., Petition of Gebiniii to rashinCie and remodel house on Lot 9 , 3lock 4, iine �Ldaitian reao-. 1�.-oved -by _.vej , seconded. bIJ, Crook thwt s:,me be era; edlo C arrie L, Fire ,, Lif�_-ht & Water Committee rejorting on the st light cleaning bids , recomiiiexidea the bid of Francis Van ',Vinkle in the sum of 41't5,U -UU* Yoved by Jane, seconded by 3vey that the -report be acce.ited ---;.nd contract awarLed Francis Van ','tinkle. Carried.. Councilmen Jane rejortineL on removal of poles of 2. o from Park ',.ve. to alleys asked ,that the mattax be con ter the com puny had an o.�.&ortunity to m,-,et with Iii the North Renton L.L)rovement Club. - _.yore time &,r&nted.. The Engr reportedon cost of rejax- iring ,11&in 0 t u.nd. also the -;'filliams St. bridge . Moved. by Lawrence , seconded by 'Crook that both mzAtters be laid over uiiltdl ,rays and means of' f inancing same be found. Carried. Reports of the Treasurer and .3Jerk lor the wonth of Sei;tember read. Lni filed.. I Librarian's re).,ort for the ,:,ont h of wept ra;_LL and. filed, Lner ve an estimated cost of ranewlin6 pipe line from 1lain St . to Reservoir. ho action taken. The L ng.r was instructed to check u.Lj on a.11 poor cro ssings at street intersections . Loved. by second-ed byidliller that the city cons`,ruct sidewalk on west sine of '..".'illiams St . liorth, Carried. Yo iurther business , meetin , z:,ajournel, City Clerk Ilay or 81 i Oct . 18, 19N . Cour.cil met in regulv.r session at 8 P. 2 . i&th itavor Beanolos som presiding, . 11011 C'-11 : Kyrie. lililler, Crook, ;fiasco , Ivey and Jane. ,inutes of the last meeting re«d and a, proved. Petition of Paul lautti to erect small house on ,ot 1, Block 15, R. F. P. read. :oven by Crook, seconded by nvey that s whe oj granted. Carried. Petition of 2. S. lam. & L. Co . to replace poles on 2cark eve. read. ;Ioved by ;fiasco , seconded: by -vey that `the petition be riled. . Carried. Petition of Sta.ndara Uil Co. to remodel service station �:nd erect rest rooms on Lot 1, Block 1, A. F. k. reed. .loved. by Pasco , seconded- by Jane that s_me be referred to the Fire , :UE--ht 'ter Oozmnittee uv ith i,ow er to .c::t. Carried. the Finance Comn�ttee audited and. reeorril.ended. for payment the f ollowin ;: Current Pay Roll, St. Deft . r450a9-8i7-880 Shell 0il Co . I,IL.terial 31.19-861 Dr. A. Bronson Jail Service S.UU 2 Renton News 'record Legal Pubiieutions 21.35 3` i Reid & Cook Material 8.5U 4 1illiams, & iLeKniCht Supplies 4.24 ' 5 �••+� G1a.dding,MlcBean Ka.teri ,l 1 .50 6 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 3.20 7 Rainier Fuel & I'sfr LibrLxy Fuel 5.5U 6 Wm. mane. Supplies 17.26 , 9' Renton Gorden Club Park labor 2U.00 890 ' Seattle vaxine Co . Supplies 6.37 1 Fra.nr, E., Rhodes ,Labor & Material 25.39 2 C.B.DeivTille Genl -L eney Insurance 49 .51 3 Pao . Tel &- 'J el. Telephones 16.65 4 Roy 'Lvey Exlenses F. D. 1.50 5 Rent ori Sandi Gr&vel _eta rial 213.32 6 r�a.ter Pay Roll Nater Dept. 127.95-802-8U9 Pao. 'h-t ex 'o rks 1lat er ial 192.85 81U J. S. Hardie Lajor & %laterial 15.79 1 Neal turner explosives 15 .25 2 Brenddal Drug Co. Supi;Iies 1.46 3 :iove _ by Jane, seconded by avey that the recommenda- tion be concurred. in. Carrie d. St . & �liey -Commitee r eeomi:ended. that the engr. proceed. �.ith the improvement of the 'villi ns 5t . bri-LL e . is:.oved by Crook, seconded by lane that the recommendation oe c a.rrie c out . Carrie,d. )t. _,.11ey Committee -e,, ortec� that it is not feasible at t pis time to go 1-:.head �:,ith the lain .6t. ifgdroveaent . !�Ioveu by fivey, seconded by Crook that the re:,ort be received and: concurred in. Carried. ...oved by Crook, seconded- by t,vey that a U toj tiign be placed. °t the corner of 3rcL &c Wells . Street .Ca,rried,I .Io furthor Uusiness , meetiz6.• adjourned. alloILMYUA I 82 Oct. Z , 19:2 . Regular session of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. l:. by Mayor Beanblossom. Roll Call: Lawrence , KL,ne , :rook, Pasco , 1veS1 and. J ane . Linutes of the last meeting read and GV;,roved. Petition of '4. J. Thomias cin to rep air fouma.ti on of house and erect wood shed on Lot 1, -Block 21 , H. F. P. Kov eco by. Crook, se concLed. by :ivej that s ;.me 'be ;ranted. Carried. ' petition of H WOOD to break curd for dfivew- y on Lot 5, Block 2 , Tovai read-. „-oven by Lawrence, seconded by Crook that sariB be referred to _ the' St. & .�iley Committee and. the City Dngr. -with p oiv er to act. Carrie d. The Finance Jommittee uuditeci .nd recommended fo r payment the following: Current 1 Renton Garage Labor & Nkzterial Fire Lep t. -11.0 Roy Ivey Labor Fire Dept. 9 .00 art 4nderson It r' it 9 .00 J. `i. Ree'ns Painting Fire Station 25.00 P. S. P. Co . s 338 .25 J. 3. 114cFar land Fees 15.00 ;Nash. Bindery Library Books 62.15 . Jr. Literary Guild, it tf 37 .00 Jno. . GrL.ham & Cos It rr 12.91 Ga&lord Bro s . 1t t' 59 .39 Frank E. Rhodes :laterial 4.75 � Lowman & Ha:nford. Library Books 27.89 'J. F. Bennett, ;;r. Park Labor 9 .00 Jno . Farrow' 2 rk L&i;or 9 .00 ateid w Cook' !L-, terial 1.59 Owl Cafe Meals 2.40 T. F. Shueffer Supplies- Fire Dekt . Ser Ldry & 'C l e G.ne r s Ldry ;4 ate r Grinnell Co'* �• P. S. P. tk L. Co . Power 40.01 ,ovea by inane, seconded by Jane that the res ort of the Finance Committee be concurred. in. Carrie d. 1' oved. by Pasco, seconded by ,vey that the glue sti on of more lights on ceVtain streets be referred. -to the Fire , Light & ',dater Counnittee for installation. Carrie d. oved.. by Crook; weconded b;;; Ivey that the city purchase necec-sary material from ',olumbia Lumber Co. in amount o-L- ;2UU:vU a. Ura Beil in amount of 9� ft. for piling ark. lumber _ for ',';illiacns St. bridge . Carried.. ,oveu by Pasco, seconaed by Crook t$o.t the. petition of the Z. 6 . P. L. Jo . ordered. filed last weak be grant ed. Carrie d. �► ;Moved by Kane, seconded by 2"oo thL t the sidewalk under construction at the garage be extended -vest on kst .eve , to a point opposite the rear of the garage . C=w'r•ried. Igo further business , meetin€ adjourned.. p p Cityle rk 83 Nov. 1, 19 The Council met in reE-ala.r session at 8 2. lri. with Mayor Beanblossom i)residing. Roll Call: Lawrence , Crook, Pasco and J--ne6 a 1�-st meetin6; read. and z;i..,,).)roved, ;Minutes of the :petition of J. Driscoll to erect on Lot 8, Blk. -I, -iotor Line ,dd. Loved. by Crook, seconded by Jane th�.t same be erc-ntea*, Carried.. Petition of Raid & Cook to erect ouno L �y over grease rack read. Fire , Lii-ht & i. ter Cowaittee re.,--orted favorably on same -,,,hereu�on it iwa,s .41oved by Crook, seconded by Jame - that same be granted. a r r i a d The Finance Committee -- uaited and recommendedi . for i,- yment the following-: Current Pay Roll St. De,,t. -x;569 .0 -9L.11-52 G. H-,.rner Sand & Gravel 202.13 93& VVater P�.y Roll Hater Jett. 224.-36-819-u9 Moved by Lwwr once , seconded. by Jae that the r000m�aenk--'"' tion of the Finenae Committee be concurred in. Cbrriedb �4 No fu-2ther business, 'hieetinl-- a-djo d City Clerk or 33 L 'C'PAL COW I�Ov. The Council met in r-- -ul,:,r session at 8 P. L!, with Ttilayo r $ .z=-nbl os s om �re s i cLi ng . Roll Call: Kane, Liiller, Crook, 2asco , Ivey and. Jan e. Iinutes of the last meeting.rea.d and ar rov�a. , :petition of H. tl. Smith to install 550 gal, tank I and pump at 351 2 a.rk read. ;loved by Kane, seconded by hvey that same be grant-j ed under the su�ervi :ion of the Fire Chief'. Cara�i.Qa, Petition of Seattle Cl-�- Comdany to lay gas mains on Main i3t. North read, Moved. by Kane, zeconded by Crook that s ame, be granted under the sui,ervision of the cite engr. Carried. Rejorts of the lreasurur aria Olerk for the month of October read and filed. Librarian's rajort for the month of October reau and. filed.. .Moved. by Crook, , seconded by hvey that the condition of Main St,k'100 block, be referred to the St 6C -j-ley Coallnittee for reioz°t. Carried. W ove( by 4ane,, secynn.eu uy Jrook treat the cit,; engr be auth orized to roc eel r�ith the re uuUding of ',`r'illiulT : ; t. urid. e arid. ,t eke su:Ch stei,s as necessary to com.. lete the work .,i thout (lelay , calliriv for bias if neceEC;,try , <,.ria do aii thin6•s nec- essary to complete it Lith out unne;,essary Ue.lay . C rrie d. Councilman Kane on behalf of the RentU n Fire Dey„t. extended an invitL-tion to the City Officials to attena the banquet of the Fireman in the y..)isoodal Church Hall, Nov. 19th. loved by P-sco , seconded by Crook that we accept the invitation. Carrieci. L-loved by Kane , seconded by -Tiller that tree city e.ri€;r be instructed to take the necessary stel,s to iik.ke slat showing ch:nCe of Liro�,erty between Zeb Shearer and City of Kenton in order to re-locate a short unnamed street between 'Nilliams and Burnett St . south of .�,,�..ter,, ay ais tris t and extend the ally through said �,roporty to the said street. Currie a. No further business , metting adjourned. City Clerk Z-1 Ma./or. ter►°' kn 85 Nov . 160 19 ;. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor � 3eahblossom pre suing . Roll Call: Lawrence , hare, Miller, Jm ok, Pa: co,Jane and A'�_vey . inutes of the laut meeting read and approved. The Finance Committee ci.ud ted and reeommenae(i. for ment the following: Current Pay Roll St. De,.�t. Y83u 046 -964-86 D. D. Watson Dog Catcher 19 .50 903 Union Oil Co . Gas 51.00 987 �. T. Crosby Laver & lvlaterial� 4.25 8 Strain Coal Co . Fuel 11.25 9 Jno. Dower Lumber Co. Dumber 108.U4 -ago r. J. Thompson � Co . Repair 'Mork 1.50 11 Shearer's Sheetmetal Shop- Labor & Tdateriia,l 9.07 2 C3.a,rke 3ros. Motor Co. Tabor : 'Idaterial 1.65 Renton T-Ich & Mfg. ' "Coo L,: bo r on tools 1.90 4 _,. ','faller Labor 2.UU 5 L''ureka Press Supplies 11.05 6 Seattle Title Trust Co . Research Yrork 50.00 7 P. S. P. & L. Co. Li€)ats 619 .10 8 Hub City Chev LEao or , Material 8.1:3 9 Natl Fire 2rot ection assn. Fire De p t. ,,xp . 0.75-1000 Pac. Car ;I Fdry. Materiel 48.00 1 Cal. Lumber Co. Lumber 212.90 2 diarquis Co. Library Books 7 .88 3 �✓ Seattle C: s Co 9 Gas 2.16 4 Seattle 'Maxine Ca. Supplies 0u.50 5 Eagle Cafe Prisoners' meals 14.00 0 7m. Kane Labor w Id, terial 7 I ',r`ater Pay Roll 'nater Dept. 96.42 &)2-35 .art Beil's Garage Labor x Y'iaterial 7.10 BZ6 City of Seattle ,eater 2o.4U 7 Union Oil Co . Gas 88.91 8 Grinnell Coo Caterial 63.74 9 ;'roved by Jane , seconded by Crook that the recommenda- tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. ,oven. by Pasco, seconded byl�vey that the city attorney acid. the ordin44100 committee ring in Ord repealing a.11 Urdinances in conflict with repeal. of State Prohib . ;,aw & such other Ord. as may be 4eoessary for.reEulation ui control and. consistent vdith State & Federal Law. Carrie d. :,roved. by Pasco, se co nded by Miller that the Fi re , Li ht ': _.ter Coromittee be authorized to have installed. if they find it necesswry , c, light on Renton eve. between Ord x Pipeline `:nd.at enc- of Srithers St, Carried. No further business, meeting adjournec-. J. _7 Jity Clerk La -or 22, 19Z)26 oancil met in re€ular session < .t 8 r. . r�ith Mayor Be�;,nblossom i)resicL"ng. Roll Call: Lawrence, Kone , gook, :fiasco , xve� and Jtirze . in-ates of the 'Last meeting, re�_(i acid. a.,.,,rovecl. Petition of Fred Raymon,_ to riY,..L ke basement - Lot 14, Llock 18, Town reud. Moved. by Jane, seconded by Ivey th-t same be grz;;sit ed. C��.rried., Petition of I,Lrs. Mary Grooel to erect twos room house , at 1516 ,Jones St . read. , l�"oved. 'by K�.ne , seconded by Jane that same be grunted. Carrie d•. , Petition of P. �;. P. & L. Co. to reset doles on .veils St. North :na `',ea(iovv St. read. ,oven by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that same be re- ferred. 'ti, the Fire , Li --ht (3)Q 'VL,ter Committee with dower to act. Car rle Cl�„ "fir. re orteu on cost on re, �.iring .gain St,1U0 Bock, --ort received, no u.ction t ..ken. This being the night for od ening bids on repairing Williams, St. bridge, the following were o,dened nd read: G. ,,. earner 35Ei�.72 J. T. SnydLe r 35Q5.22 loved. by Pasco, seconded. 'by ,vey that same be relerrecii to the St (3-, Wiley Oucim ittee fur resort next Tuesday. Carried. No further business,, meeting adjourned. i i ty "lark . or �n 87 Nov. 29 , 192. ,IeFul"- r meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. i<'. by J. F. lirook, D,ayor Pro Tem. Holl Call.: Lawrence, Kanerp ::Tiller, Pasco, Lvey .end Jane. Minutes of the last meeting ream and s ..,;,,rovea. :petition of Ed. Fountain to erect house on Northeast corner Cedar ' Pii,eline reud.. 1,oved by Pasco , seconLec by Miller that same be :ranted; Carried. The Finance Committee audited anct recommended. :Cor �ay- ment the fo llov4inE-: Current Thos . Harries , P. irl. St:�.m�s Seattle Gas Co • Gds l.cl, .5 Bl-,ck, Inc . Library Books 11.54 4 Rent o n Ho w & Run n Sut,,i l i e s 6.90 5 Lovvman & Hanford Jo . Library Books 86.29 6 H. L. Huntting Co . , Inc . Library Books 164.85 7 University Society , Inc it Books 18.42 8 °nest Coast Hos=j.,ital Su.,,,�ly Fire Dc.;t . Li, ter:L 1 2.89 9 Pratt Fuel Co . Fuel 21.W 10 0 Trick & 1yiurray Su�&Jjlies 9 .5u 1 Tom Dobson & Son Ins urL-rice 38.45 2 J. -5. 1"Ie F ar le.nd Fees 17 .50 3 Renton 1-4ev.s Record.. Legal 2ub. , Printing 19 .13 4 iiotor 1jist :o . 20lice Exp . 1. 5- 5 Cochre.n�s Point Store i, 'te-rial 0.20 6 Stella :'ikon Sui, ilies 4.UO 7 Renton Feed Co . 1&Lterial 9 .oU 8 Strain Cou.l Co . Fuel 4.6;, 9 Lenton aGna w Gravel idaterial 163.64 1046 s rt .Beills Garage LaU or w lvlaterial 57.95 1 ...rt eil Piling 159 .:10 2 Water Shell uil Co . Gas & Oil 40.75 84: rove d. by Jane, s aconaed. by Lawrence that uLL bills be laid as recormnended by the Finance Comiaitutee . Carried.. St . c� alley Committee recom.men6-ma tk t the contract for repairing 7 illiams St. bridge be awara.ecl the lowest bidder, J. T. Snyder in wiount of ;x;)505.22. !:roved by Lawrence , seconded. by Pasco that the recouvuend ation ba concurreri in raid G.fter bond. has been filed, contract be sij-ned 'by the i,isy or � Clerk. Carried. Communication react from ��,ierican LeE;ion inviting City Uffici�-,ls to attend the aedicwtion services wt LUL--ion Hall, Dec . :nth. i4ioveci by Pasco , seconcieci oy Jane that the invitation w aeceljtea. Carrie d.. ' esolution No . 462, a,,,roving ana coni"irwing the actin of the City Council of date UL-LV 22, 192„ in 01CL of School :dist P for the ,uruha.se of the Fire Hail reaii , 8Q t7 I i i i i i IOv eta 1v by Ps,sco, seconae� by La-vrrence that tale. i aesol.ution pe d. I .esoluti on favoring the �assa6e by the Senate o :Resolution reit ing to Green River :.41aL lire ton flood co ntrol ir gid. »:oval by Kane, saoondeLl 'a ,tiller the t s c e be adodteLL as react. ;,I d. I eir. Louis Peretti stated that 6th & 7th ..ves were very dark streets -nd also that the street should- have som gravel. -ov ed by Basco , seconded by --vey t1hat -, �,, be referred- to the Fire , yi,•ht &owcr to act and. the condition oma. the street be re 'erred to the �t. & I .Lley ;;ommittee .- Carrie(i Tio further business , meetin�-; adjourneda, i v it j v le rk ori I i i I 89 Dec . 6, 192. Council met in re ul-r session ut 8 2. vi. with May or Be:�.nblossom 'j)residing* Zoll Call: Lavvrenee, Kane , Pasco , Ivey and linutes of the last meeting, read and a�,,)roved. The Finance CoiLmittee auditea. and. reeorn.ilended for ..� men t the fo llow i ne: Pay moll rr2nt 4568.01 10`4 Pay Roll -Nater 26.25 coved by Lawrence, seeonaeci by June that the recomrlaenda.- tion of the Finance CoimTittee be concured in. Carri2ci. Communication reu.0 from north Renton Iiii it . Club , l oved by Lawrence, secondod by Pasco that save be filed. Carried. UrLina.nce ITo .924 redeu.lin�; Urainw�x;es relatinL to the manufu.eture , sale, etc . liquor in the City of menton, react and on motion referred to the Cr-_inL nce CoinAttee . The Ur4inance Corimiittee re,o rtea fa,vorub-ly on bra 924 -whereu on it zvus �lacea. udon its second and this reaLin�s -::end ja.ssea us w whole , all councilmen present voting aye : Lava ;nc e , Kane, Milit;r, 2a,-co , ��vay and JcLne . 1:40 further 'business , meeting ad.journea. City Clerk 1'iiCb,} or - 90 December l.'J, 19"2. Council met in regulL.r session LA 8 P. di. Ath uayor Bez.afiblossom ,rasidinL. Roll ,Cal: Lawrence , Crook, P�sco, "vev �..,nd. J&ne Vinutes of the L-,-t maetin6 read. roved . �- .,loved by Crook, seconded by ,vey that the City Hil be closed. during: the funeral of L. J. Hughes , former 1,17ayor of the City of Menton. Carried., o varth,:,.r biLsiness , meeting; C-ciljjurneds -Le rk 91 Dec . 20 Council Regular session of the City l was called to L L order at 8 P. by Mayor Beanblossom, Roll Call; Lawrence , Kane, li:illar, Crook avley and Jane . nut e s o f the last mee t4-Lng read and a.L),L,ro ve a. Petition of Jas AdLeron to make basement - Lot 6, Block 17 , Totvin re-aa. Kovea by Ivey , seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Petit ion of 'Dave 1-itchell for R. !,dtchell -,st. to erect garage at 515 Tobin St . read . 1,,.-'oved. by Crook, seconded by June that same be granted.. ' Carried',. Carrie d. "etition of P. S . P. L. Co . to set two doles or, Wells at. l'orth 1,11oved by Lawrence, seconded by Kane that same be grantt ed. Carrie d. The Finance Coiamjttee audited and recomiaendeb- 'Lor day- : rent the following. : Current Pay Ro 11 St. Do, t y5 0 Roy Wiley F. D. LuLo r 2.25-lU64 P. & L. Co Lights 647 .18- 6 Blake , idoffitt ' Tovne Su U '1hite Fuel Co . Fuel 21.03 7 McKnight 3uj�i 1 i e s 11.36 6 Renton -Luto Freight Freight 8.23 9 Reid cIA"; Cook Labor x L"aterial. 22.65 1070 '71�--sh. State Firemancts "ssn Fir emens Dues 6.00 1 Art :enders on F. D. Lauor 7.85 Ser. Ldrj 6Q Cleaners LcLry 5.80 3 3acle Cafe Lrisoners , 1-41eals 10 .05 4 Vince Stewait :31xii e n s e s 1135 5 hriT L,--- U j. n a Sud.L)1 i e S 2697 Ross Sherlock F. D. L� ,o r 2.25 7 C.3.Del'All Geyil "' E-,enay Insurance 101.70 6 Renton Hdw �',6 Flurn Co. Sul,j lies 1*78 9 Wm. ',taller Ijajor 3,()0 1080 0. :Priebe Labor & �a_t e r ia 1 6.45 1 11'c2hersozi Firii & Hdw F. D. Su,�.dlies .75 2 Smith-ars Fair, Dairy Sacks 4.24 4 Laher nuto S.,,ring Co. Labor &- 14aterial 10.74 5 Frank Ozura Labor 4.00 6 L Julius Shoe Sboij io Kterial 1.50 7 Strc-in 11'joaLl Co . Fuel 4.08 8 E, Hyde LL-,L-;or on tools 8.80 9 2ac , Czar % Foundry laterial 130.28 1090 City of "Seattle Rel,air -,'pork 61.05 Renton Feed Co . SU.Pi 1 i a 8 3.00 .irmour 6. Co . Material 7.91 J. 1j. ldcFL.rland Fees 15.00 8 Standard Oil Co. gas 130 .86. 28,y Roll Water Deft . Union Oil Oloo00-850 Oil 46 City of L'ieattle 11 q.L., ir ,'o rk 6.53- Rax .14.ata1 -I;o rks t r i al 76.61 Stand-!rt-�? Oil_ Co . ('T,?S 141 .79 City of Seattle ',`pater 17 .88 Olym.LAo Foundry o Material 17 .40 5 Co . 2ower 41.62 U 92 I C 1,ioved by Lawrence , seconded by Jane that the recommend..- tion of the Finance Committee be c unc arred in. Carried. ,ngr. Rejort read recougnexxIing the L;ayment of . 553.00 to J. T. Snyder on the '�Jii iams St. Bridge job . iioved by Kane, seconded by Crook that the esti to be allowed. Carried. Ordinance declarixiE an emergency ancL a.Lj,L'oropriatixie the sum of 43,505 .22 for erection of, 'ti'illiwns St. brill e out of the Sypecial Building & Paving Fund read and on Lnotion 1 referee` to the Ordinance Committee . This being the night for opening bi cis on orintixiC city's legals for the year 1933, the followin. vqere opened and r e wd.: To be set in eight ( B) point type, nine lines to the inc h: Renton Trews` Record: 1st publication 30� per inch and " 15;x' per inch Remo n Chronicle : j 1st �,ublicati on 25�' per inch 2nd It 15 pe r inch !,loved by Pasco, seconded by Crook that the bi d be I awarded the lowest 'bidder: Penton Chronicle . Cu,ried- Councilman Lawrence stated that mo t of the ornamenta street liphts 'were badly cracked on accoui.t of expansion etc and. said. that 'the P. S. P. & L. Co .would rer,lace 'a.il such globes at once . lvloved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that the city clerk comuiuiiicL;.te with the NeP�;Ce i:lcKenny Co . relative to the wa,tter. Carrie d. 1VLovod by Crook, Eecunded by I.vey that the city atty . proceed with the necessary stei,s to have 7th .eve . forth extende . ii,o further business , m --tin ' .djuurned, or 93 Ijuo 27 1932o "ounci 1 m et in rep-ular, s ession at 8 P. - M. with Ida'y or Beanblossom �ressidiinF,-. -Roll "JaII: Lawrence , Kane, :;filler, (;rook and. Pasco . 7 ,, read androved. ,,linUtaS of the last meetin€ Petition of P. S. P. & L. 'Co . to reilace two doles on G z,.r d'L e n St. at 3rcL "ve. i1To, read. roved by eco"rook, sed- by 1� thatvirence that eawe be re- ferred.erred to the St. & _,Iley Coimuittee with to act. Carried. The Ordinance thi Committee re whereu Q orts favorably on Urd- 9Z5 on -it was j�laced uj)on its second and thisreadl�s and _uassed. as a whole, ,.11 councilmen vrasent votine, aye Lawrence, LLLae ,' ".rook G.M_ 2ac-;co. Thi I s being the night ior oreninL: uicis o-n materi4.1 to oe furnisht-d for javine at Liberty Park, the foliowinE, -dere o_,)ened and* read.- Renton Sand Gravel Co . I Stoneway Dock Co. 'loved by Pasco, seconded by Crook that suaw be re- ferred to the it 61L alley ',oumittee anu the 1}ark 30ard. Carrie �Tter a short recess the t . � ,,Iley 13u",,Littee reort - ed. as fbll'ows: llacofnmend that Doth bids be rejected, the sam,O oeine,' iwmoki higherth,.;.n the enErls estimate Grla the enE--;r proceed to' do the work. -by avirenue that thu re.,ort i�'Oved by Pasco , seconded be received and recorameniat- iuns carried. out. ar r i e d• _,-c) further business, t_,ueetinr &djourned, C i ty J1 erk r w Jany . Re ul r rrieetir o f th ; City Council vr. s called. to order at 8 P. ,i. by J. F. C rook, or 2ro TeriO4. Roll Call: Lawrence, INIiller, Pasco , ,.vey &.nd Jane . :inutes of the last meetir�• read and a�jeroved. j The fo 1lowinL bills , were recommended laid by the Finance 'committee : Current : Pay 11011 St. De.,,t. X11 -, 265.25 1138-30 Thos . Harries, P. Stam.�,s 1.00 1123 Elmer cDon,,ad "ir drill, etc 51.92 1137 Seat t;Le Gus Co . Gas 3.04 1131 Crescent Office ;,uy�y;ly Sud,elies 1.4G 2 Tom Dobson w Son Insurance 101.05 11aleway Labor & aterial F. D. 29 .0G 4 Gla dding,K-c3evn Co . yt"Aerial 1.2U 5 Strain Coal Co . Fue 1 8.03 6 J. a. Hardie KatariL,.l 1.38 7 CL-,rke 3ros. ;r otor Co . iia.terial 1.05 8 Renton News Record Legal sub lic ati ons 4.43 9 Pratt Fuel Co . Fuel 21 .00 1160 Lawrence F)}el (I � r sf , Fuel 14. 25 1 aireka Fire Hose Fire Hotta etc F. D. 209 .90 2 7dm. 7.1aller i,8 00r 2.00 :J Travelers Ins . Jo . Ins urs.nce 39 .00 4 k1 I.IorEan F. D. GLs 3.40 5 Cochran I s Paint Store 3,iaterial. 2.70 6 Pao. Tel & Tel . Co . Tele y,hone s 24.40 7 N Jno , Dower Lumber Co. LUL10er 115 .95 8 J. 'AdFarlund Fees 20.00 9 Wate r Pay Roll Water De;,-,t . Y' 76 .34 877-82 City of Seattle .eater 27 .72 883 Olynr?ic Foundry Co . YLL.teria1 12.00 4 Palrie r Sup�,ly Co . Material 25 .08 5 Elmer Y.aDonald Pumi 25.00 0 1 lioved by Jane , se oonded. by Lav rt= e that the r� comme4cla- t ion of the Finance Conunittee be concurred in. Carried. "rlr r. reported that no better price on L;ravel could be obtainted tlkan the pr ice :,uoted in the bids sutL,itted. ::roved by Pasco , seconded oy J:�ne that the matter of paving-; at the ark be dropped. for the i resent . Carried. �, o further ousiness, meetin - adjourned. I . city Jlerk or �n 95 Council met in regular session at 8 P. vii th J. F. Crook, „ ador :fro Tem ;residing. Roll 'all : Lawrence , Kane, Pasco, Ivey and Jane . I.Tinutes of the last m„etin`, read and -. L roved. The Finance Cor_,mittee audited and recoinifiended for payment the, fo llowin6-: Current Thos . HF.rrie s , 121, Eureka.. Tress Su ,, lies 117Renton Hdw & sIlirn Library rhwteriLl : ; --11 4 Lo,rwnan &Q Hanford Liurury -Books 183.:59 1175 Tom Jobs on w Son Insurance 19 .91 6 Eagle Cafe Prisoner T ,.: is 37 .4E 7 Stardard Gil Co. Gasoline 100.27 8 Tom 2ritch zrd Gravel 151 1 9 Owen Hog an Gravel 93.7d 1180 I Ed Swanson Gravel 151.88, i Aa.lt Schultz Gravel 1GG .80 kl Trimm Fuel 22.75 3 Hooker- le•etro jhecm C1-110rine 3g6,gU 4 Western 'T-ire Service Tires 2j,25 6 E. Hyde La uo r on tools 2.4U 7 Agnes 11. richmond exp .- 'i'rarlscmi t 4.50 t Bancroft-1hitney Co . Law Books 43.U0 9 Frank Rhodes Tires :U .OU 1185 "Y,ter j Standard Uil Co • Gasoline 96.56 890 '�.• I oved by K::;.ne, secondees by Jane th.,t the rac.owmenja.- ti on o i the Finance Cornmitteer,, be concurred in. Car ried. Resolution of the forth Renton Improvement Club favoring' state a.iropria.tion to repave :;unset' hi h—,;a.ybet%V,een brill e ,a.nd city limits read. �aIoved by Pasco',seconded by Lawrence that the Resolution be filed for reference and the matter re erred to the City 1.1-A vity i-tty . to. ,%ork in conjunction : ith the -uod-Roads Committee froiii the Corunercial Club for investigation and recommendation. Carried, for execsion Park Board recomiiende� a Lease running from th e City t o Jack 'dillia.ms for Sweet Center Bldg . , IToved by Lawrence , seconded by Pasco that the sax'iie cue referred to the City ro.;c.rty of-rimittee for colfirtnation. Resolution of the North Rentor: lmdr6vement Club opirosing any scheme to increase the flour of Cedar .River read. l oved by P:_�sco , seconded bj K6ae thwt the Aesoiution be f1led and the city engineer investigate and resort back to the Council on the iro jest. Carried. i The dangerous cunaition existing at the eild of Na.l.la. Va-L.la sive i;Lnd 2urnett i5t . 'ras discussed at length. ovecL by Pasco , secunded by Lawrence that the matter be referred. to the City ngr ana the city attorney f:or recommenb.ation. Carried. a Vo fu ther business, meet] ng i�,�vurne d. Cit'7 Clerk ,v or 96 Jany. 17 , 1933. Co,a.ncil met in regular session at 8 P. 1111. :vith T„ayor Beanblos som iresiding , Roll, ;;all: Lawrence, Kc--ne, 14'rook, Pasco , -.Vey a rli Jori e. ;inutes of the l�avt tneat_ri€ retia and a�rrovect.. Petition of �oroi,ertj owners on 2nd ,Lve. to have survey mace to connect u.L, the west end of Second .Lve . -with the new aeattle Highway . ;ov ed by Pasco , s eco nded. by Kcne that the survey b made bj tie eik;r as suggested. Car rie+. �Iilication for Popl H-1.1 licenses rawa frog:: the � f o,ll ow i ng.:, :a.. W. Ticknor Emil Fontana. 11,icRae & Zook B. W. Fey for Theater License I 3renda_1 Drug Co . for Soft drink license . Police 6 Sicense Committee reported favoruoly on same, whereu.�o It w&S ::ovei by gook, seconded by ,awranue that s tIIe be -ranted.. varri e d. The Fin;:nc e Consnittee cLuditea and reco=iiendeci for payment the following : Current , Pay Roll St. Dey,t . V477 .54 1202 14 ngnes richmond!; enses 6.25 -1`-,15 ,y tar lay RollV:ater Devt. e C. 0. ,jeiss , aterial 44.15 897 Pace letter Co . nbstract of record Church v. .dGrnes 71.x0 898 oval uy Jane, second-ea Uy 1,awrence that the recom.rlenda:t iori o the Finance Committee be c�iii;ur1°eu in. C a.rri e d, Resolution favoring the wy,, ror,ria.tion of Tunas I from the State HighiNay Funa to repave aunset HiChway etc . read. Moved by Paseo , seconded by X�.ne that same be aaop ted as, read. Carried. ngr. �i .ae varoc;l resort on flood control y�roject Thengr was instructed to keej himself y�osted on this �,rojeet and re,,,ort to Council any new developments. The Mayor ap.,,ointed rieter Prins "s Police JuaLe said. &.pI ointment to expire with the Ilajorls term. I oved. by :rico , seconded by Crook th«.t the appointment be confirmed. Carried• Resolution recomnendin€ that the State HiEhwa.y Laws relative to aistribution of gasoline tax fmbe amended read. ' i i i A� 97 ,..oved by Inane, seconded uy Grook thwt the ne,solution be adoj,ted. tarried. jvovaci by 'casco , seconded by Jrook that the city at tome,- draft droj)er Resaltuion uL.kin � the 6-tate to -turn the bed of 31aek river over to the 'County , the satiie to be used for trunk sewer at some future time . Carried. ,Aged b Lawrence , seconded by Kane that the Clerk be authorized �o makL certain transfers from L. I. General Fund to L. I. D . Fund in order to close out ,certain serveral dis- tricts . Carried. No furth,.;r ousiness , meetine. aajourne4. i t j 1 erk .fray o r i i i Q , Jany. 24, 1933. Council met iri rej_ul .r session at 8 ��. �I. with ;:Mayor Beanblossom iresiding. Roll Call: L; rence., P ane , Iv filler, Crook, Pasco , %vey ana Jane . Ir .i.nutes of the 1z;zt mcetin ., read and a�,;rovedL. Petition of Geo . Peacock to re.Lja.ir foundation and roofs of houses on Lots 12 and 16 , Block 2o , To n read.,& iVovec7 bj Miller, seoondea by Crook thLLt same be grantee . Carried. The Finance Coriunittee �_.uuiteci a.na recomwendea for payment the fo11owi.n6 : .art 3eii' s Gard.€:e yFs.Cio_ra,8c Trlateri� l 4 .45-12.30 D. D. 'Watson L.,� C�.tcYier X21 .60 -1201 Geo . Hood Park Labor 13.'j6 -1�17 John i,.Enessani 2&rk Labor 13.50- 8 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 132.90 9 Gladding,! c Sean & 0o . V a.teri al 3.00 1220 Pau . Car & Fdry. L:a.terial 175.80 1225 Renton Gar&. -e F. D. �Ia.terial 1.80 1221 ��. Shearer F. D. Z�teria,l. 4.60 2 Packer-Scott Co . SuP.,)1ie8 4.00 3 Strain Coat Co . Fuel 3.50 4 0. Bevan F. D. Exi;ense 1.50 0 Union Cil Co . Tv utarial 12.35 7 ' ite Fuel o . Fue 1 19 .75 8 0ochra.n's Paint Store F. D. 1L teri��l 2.35 9 xr:k Renton Auto FfeiEbt Drayage 4.10 1231 J. d.2. 1,icFarland. Fees 22.50 Z. Rentoi, �'� S H, word i: oved by Miller, seconded by Kane that the recoririrendation of the Finance 0oulmittee be concurred. in. Carried. Oral rejort , re crossing at ;;51.15 j;alta & 3urxiett at. :oveci by Miller, secondea by Mane that the City Engr. iia the :its ��bty. t ,<; ste;?s to h"ve vl.4xi carried out . CLrrie d� The W dyor submitted. the following list of JuuCes and Insuectvrs for the L)rimGry election to be held. Feb . 14, 1933: Ins.jeetor: W. F. Bennett , Sr. , Judges : Kt�gh Bruce to ert May SECC; D V.,LL.D, FIRS.L PRECINCT Ins,Ljactor: Lloyd ;vans, JudEes: Thos . 'd. 11'aull Geo r€;e 3rown S ECGND 17 asv, i'da riMj1IV01 . Insjec or: Violet :4,anich, JudL,es : Mary KonaEha.n Ignazio Toschi THIRD `�%`IaD Ins�e ctor: Chas Tamborini Judges : Jane Hanco ck TT^nnnh 'ri n,pZe i 99 Moved by Paseo, seconded by "vey that the ajpointments be confirmed.. Carrie d. He re bill to le,°islature that riE:ht of way to oed o� Slack =giver be deeded. to Kine ounty , read. 1,.oved by Kine , seconded by Jjrook that same be grunted. ; Ja.rriea. Re .Liort of Renton .police Departwent for the year 19.":;'2 read. :_oved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that same be re- ceived- ara the Police cormended. varried.. .fie;ort of Renton Fire dei, � rtw read. ent for the year endinE 192 Tlloved by Pasco , seconded by "ller that su.uie be ro- ceivea ana the Department col,Menieai for its excellent aervice anra thwt the reeonhiiendations of the Fire melt. be referred to the Fire , Lid-;ht x Jla.t er ;J'omm2ittee for Lotion. Carrie d. Lad onohon urged that a.n atteuijt be Tilade to reconcile the t :.o fwctions ill re help from the State Der rt: ent in �,avine First ..ve. '.orth and in re extension of l'jiird y�ver�ue . ...oved by :#filler, seconded by 1L ne th- t the meeting I I � Cit, rn or i i i I i i I i � JLOO Jany . 61, 1963. Council met in reEul.-i- session at 6 P. 1-,. with itia.yor Bea- riblossom -,resid-ing. ?1'011 Call Lawrence , Kane , Crook, Pasco and. JLne . Petition of T. ir. Climer to e-azt St-.tion on Lot 17 , r", s '�U-V,Yel by 2asoo , st-aoncLea _Ile ame t v t,n e Firs , -,i -ht & Wa t u r 0 o-Lifa i t t 0 i e I njrlioation of Thos Raymond. to conduct a soft drink 1 parlor at Is t ve . Jorth , read. IL:oved- by Kane , seconded. by Lawrence th---,-t s-nine be referred to the 2oli.2e & iiuense Coff-imittee with "ovier to 6at, The Finance Coimnittee j.uLited and recoiwaend-ao- for ry me nt t h e f o l"11 ow i nf- 2ay oll it �)ayt .92 Pay toll ',.7ater 233.84 a; owed by Lawrence. , seconded by Jane that the reconmentLation be concurred- in. Carried. aunded by Orook that z�ai. ordinaaje 1.:o v e.d by 2i:;�sco , se- IJ reeul-�.tinC the li(�anse fee on ,00l hails , -Je drafted., 'ul -UhE; ordinance committee and city attorney. Carrie d r. estil.-i'Ae re wd reco'lwiendi ne the ii1eilt of 410Z6 ,60 to J. T. Snyder on '.Villiams it. bridge contrt.,ot. I,Iovad. by Crook, seconded by Lawrence that the recommendation be concurred in and esti.:.'F�te allowed. I'I"Ie CL Hooker-!UectroahemicE�l "J'o . submittec! cc)ntract for furnishinf-, chlorine during the year 1963. Moved. by Pasco , seconded by Crook that the contract be executed with said companyand the i--<: or & C",'lerk. Carried .. 3ner. re.,ortal that after investigation he found. th-,t the bed of Slack River is ±xvasted in the U. S. Government r,'-ther than the St-, te, of 74ashington and when the City wishad to use same for sewer jur- oses 0 as eiiie nt fo r z affie can be o b t aineld No further business, meeting adjourned. ity 1®1 February 7 , 1933 Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 ?. M. by J.- F. Crook, Mayor Pro Tem. Roll Call: Lawrence , Kane , Miller, kvey and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting; read and ar.,roved. Petition of Pao. Tel & Tel . Co. to set two new poles and redlace one old one on the east side of No. '.tells & 2nd Ave• read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. Fire , Light & Water Committee re forted favorably on the petition of J. Clymer to erect Service Station on Lot 7, Block 4 , Smithers 6th Addn. Moved by Lawrence, seconded. by Jane that the recommenclati on be concurred in. Carried. Engr. reporting on the Herdie water system recommend- ed that same be taken over by the city. Fire, :tight & 'Yater Committee concurred. Moved by kvey , seconded by Miller that the City Council take the system over. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Cur rent D. D. Watson Dog Catcher 410.50 --1267 Seattle Gas Go . Gas 2.82 1245 J. S. Hardie Supplies. 1.35 1268 'Nm. Waller Labor 2.00 9 Crescent Office Supply Supplies 23.60 1270 NOW Vioue's Pharmacy Supplies 1.75 1 Renton Sand & Gravel Co. Material 36.15 3 'dim. Kane Supplies 5.60 4 Howard-Cooper Corp . Material 10.33 3 Renton Hdw & Furn Co. Supplies 1.89 6 Shearer's Sheetmetal Wks Supplies 1.27 7 Strain Coal Co. Fuel 5.25 8 Pratt Ebel Co. Fuel 21.00 1260 Eagle Cafe Prisoners Meals 25.90 1281 C. Haleway Labor 1.00 2 Pao.Car & Fdry Co . Material 7.75 3 Clarke Bros Motor Co. Material 3.13 4 Western Tire Service Material 9.90 5 V. Armstrong & Sons Material 15.68 6 Pieter Prins Fees 15.00 7 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 336.18 8 Pao. Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones 13.25 9 Jno. Dower Lumber Co. Lumber 42.tt'i 1290 Reid & Cook Material 3.90 1 Sulco Products Co. Material 2.35 2 Union Oil Co. Oil 59 .20 3 Water P. S. P & L. Co. Power 29.84 910 V. krmstrong & Sons Labor & Material 15.50 1 City of Seattle "'tater 51.80 2 '�- Jno. Dower Lumber Co. Lumber 13.71 3 Moved by Avey , seconded by Miller that the resort of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Moved by Kane, seconded by Jane that the rep ort be concurred in and bills paid. Carried. Ordinance fixing the license fee to be charged for bowling alleys read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee# to report on next week. No further business, meeting adjourned. t . i City Clerk Mayor Pro Tom y I i I i 103 \ I February 14 , 1933. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding.- Roll residing:Roll Call; Lawrence, Miller , Crook, Pasco and Avey,. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of M. Volpe to erect garage on Lot 6, Block 36, Smithers Addn. read. Moved by tivey, seconded by Lawrence that same be grant ed. Carried. Petition of the P. S. P. do L. Co. to replace pole at 5th & Cedar St. read. Moved by Crook, seconded by Avey that same be granted. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Miller that the Ordinance covering licensing of shows be amended to change yearly license fee to : 50.00 . Carried. No further business , meeting adjourned. City Clerk r mayor 1 i February 14, 1933 . Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Pro Tem, J. F. Crook, presiding . Roll Call: Lawrence, Pasco , Avey and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and ar,provect. Petition of Benj . F. Coates to remodel house at 436 Mill St. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by ivey that same be grut ed. Carrie d. Peition of B. H. Custer to rebuild garage on Lot 17, Block 13, Town of Renton read. Moved by Lavre nc e , seconded by Jane that same be referred to the Fire , Light & Water Committee with sower to act. Carrie d. The Finance Committee az di ted and recommended for payment the following: Current Pay Roll St . Dept. $445.72 -1317-30 Geo . Brown Election Boarcl 7 .50 1294 Kate White " 7.50 5 Lloyd Evans . " 7.50 6 Thos . Vt. Faul l - n 7.50 7 Parrie C. Williams " 7.50 8 Alice Davis it 8.00 9 Chas Tamborini 8.00 1300 Jane M. Hancock u 8.00 1 HAnnah Pringle " 8.00 2 Andry Adams K 8.00 3 W. F. Bennett, Sr. n 8.00 4 Hugh D. Bruoe '* 8.00 5 Edith Evans " 8.00 6 Albert May TM 8.00 7 Mabel Morgan. TM 8.00 8 Thos . Jenkins n 7.50 9 Ignazio Toschi " 7.50 1310 Susie Pratt ': 7.50. 1 Mary Monaghan tt 7.50 2 Violet Lanic h TM 7.50 3 Treas . M. E. Church Hall Renton - Election 5.00 41 Treas . Catholic Church " n " 5.00 5 .Armour & Coo Material 13.70 1331 Strain Coal Co. Fuel 5.13 2 E. Hyde Labor on tools 4.65 3 Gladding,Mclean & Co . Sewer Pipe 2.24 4 Hub City Chev Material 2.30 5 Alfred Trimm Fuel 66.00 6 Lawrence Fuel & Transfer Fuel 34.00 7 Lowman & Hanford Library Books 20.22 8 'test Disinfecting Co . Supplies 14.80 9 Wm. Kane Supplies 11.22 1440 Pao . Tel & Tel. Co . Telephones 10.80 1 Smithers Farm Dairy Sacks 5.44 2 McFarland.s Jail supplies 7.90 3 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 330.22 4 Renton Feed Co . Material 2.85 5 Union Oil Co. Supr,liea 090 6 Geo. M. Mantor Material F. D. 120 .00 7 Owl Transfer & Storage Drayage 4.00 8 s.n 105 04 WATER Pay Roll Water Dept. $230.52- 915-21 Moved by Jane , seconded by Avey that the report of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Bngr's report read recommending the Ayment of $699 .72 to J. T. Snyder on Bridge contract. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Jane that the estimate be allowed. Carried. Ordinance Committee granted more time before reporting on pool hall license ordinance. Ordinance No. 926, :emending Ordinance No. 900 licensing of theaters was read and on motion referred to the UrdinanceCommittee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the ordinance, whereupon it was jlaoea ui,o4i its second and third reading sand passed as a whole, all couizil- men present voting aye: Lawrence, Avey, Pasco and Jane * No fur the r business, meeting adjourned. C i ty Cl erk May or _06 Feb. 289 1933. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence , miller , Crook, Pasco , Avey and Jane . Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Ben York to erect church building on Lot 1, Block 11, Calc Works react. Moved by .Miller, se condea by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Thos Dinning to sink gas tank on Lot 3, Block 1, R. F. P. read. Moved by Pasco , seconded by xvey that same be re- ferred to the Fire , Light & Water Committee with sower to act. Carried. heti ti on of Jae . Evans to erect abed to rep air automobiles on Lot 15 , Block b , Tovm read. Moved by Avey ,, seconded by Jane that same be re- ferred to the Fire , right & Water Committee with power to act. Carried.. The Finance Committee audited. and recommended for payment the following: Pay Roll Stdeet Dept . . . . X403.1®-1�t�2-74 Pay Roll Water Dept. . . . . 94.99-925-29 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by lane that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carrie d. Ordinance No. 927 fixing the license fee to be e charged for bowling alleys read and on motion referred. to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 927 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole , all council- men present voting aye: Lawrence , Miller , Crook, Pasco , Iivey and Jan e. No further business, meeting adjourned.. i j City Clerk i i I error i i I a , 107 Maroh 7 , 1933 Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. with J. F. Crook, Mayor Pro Tem. Roll Call ; Lawrence, Kane , Pasco, Ivey and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and arproved. Petition of Valley Oil Co . to install 8000 gal. gasoline storage tank on Lot 5, Block 1, Town read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted subject to supervision of the Fire Chief. Carried. Petition of Mrs . J. 0. Edwards to resh ingle house on Tract 20 , Tobins D. C . read. Moved by Awe-y, s eaonme' uy Jane that same be granted. Carried. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Jane that the city engr be authorized to place temporary storm sewer on west side of Burnett St. between 2nd & 3rd Ysves; in front of Presbyterian Church on Main St. and in fzn nt of Library at 1s t Lve. No. Eng r. r e�or t e d that tank installed by Al Ivio rg an was not incompliance with city ordinance and same would be taken care of shortly. No further business , meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor lour c h 14 1925Z . Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Kane, Miller, Crook, Pasco, kvey and Jane . Minutes of the last meeting read and arsroved. No business appearing, meeting adjourned. City Clerk M a,Y or .r k-, 1®9 Ncl March 21 , 1933 Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. 11. by J. F. Crook, Mayor Pro Tem. Roll Call: Lawrence, Kane, Miller, Pasco , Avey and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of John Erzen to reshingle shed at 615 Iuiain St. So. read. Moved by Avey, seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carri ed. Petition of John Podriznik to remodel house on Lot 9 , Block 7, Car 'Norks Add. read. !,loved by Lawrence, seconded. by Kane th. t same be granted. Carried. Petition of P. S. P & L. Co . to seta new pole on Grant St. read. Carried* Moved by Miller, seconded by Jane that same be granted. The Finance Committee audited and recom -e ncled for payment the following : CURRANT Pay Roll St. Dept. $630 ,54 - 1387-99 D. D. Watson Dog Catcher 18.00 1375 Seattle Gas Co . Gas 2082 1400 Lawreno e Fuel & Tsfr Fuel 12.75 1 .• C.B.DeMille Genl. Agency Insurance 63.00 2 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 226.50 3 Crescent Office Supply Supplies 21000 4 Pieter Prins Fees 17.50 51 W. J. Thompson & Co . Repair Work 1.00 6 Eagle Cafe Prisoners Meals 24.15 7 Ser Ldry & Cleaners Laundry 15.90 8 Strnardfs Photo Shop Roosevelt Photo 2.00 9 V. _',Rmstrong & Sons Labor & Material 35.75 141U Owl Cafe Me a1s 2.60 1 Puget Sd News Co. Library Books 5.60 2 Wm. Kane Labor & Material 2.75 3 The Flax Co . Supp lie 3600, 4 E. Hyde Labor 4.70 5 Pettie Printery Printing 25.00 6 Renton Feed Co. Material 13.90 7 Pratt Fuel Co. Fuel 31.50 8 YTm. ;caller Labor 3.75 8 Lowman & Hanford Library Books 27.47 1420 Jno . Dower Lumber Co. Material 24.40 1 Strain Coal Co. Fuel 11.88 2 Garland Company St. Material 84.57 3 Shell Oil Coo Gas 107.88 4 N.W.PreCote, Inc . St. MA erial 69.20 5 Western Tire Service Rep air Wo rk 1.50 6 Gladding,MoBean & Co. Sewer Piye 3.08 7 Pao. Car & Fdry Material 69.38 8 Hub City Che v Coo Labor & Material 9 .05 9 Clarke Bros. Motor Coo Labor & material 5.05 1430 Renton Hdw & Furn. Co. Material 48.99 1 N. 71. Ridge Supplies 1.7U 1376 i _0 YhTLR Pay Roll Water Dep t. $59 .45 -Q33-37 Renton News Record Printing ZOd 60 941 Olympic Foundry Material 32.75 938 Shell Oil Co. Gas 88.04 939 j City of Seattle Water 43.56 940 Moved. by Miller, seconded by Lawrence that the report of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried* Resignation as member of the Libraxy Board read from A. W. Dimmitt. No action taken at this time. Moved, by Pasco, seconded by Miller that the city attorney and ordinance committee dsadt an ordinance aiv iding the First V7ard into two precincts. Carried. Mr. Gowers and Mr. Jackson, representing the u.n- em.ployed spihke of the u.nemploiment situation. I Moved by Pasco, seconded by Miller that the city do not handle the employment situation nor furnish any work to them until the Kind County Relief and the unemployed arrive at some settlement. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor Pro Tem. fi March 28, 1933. Council met in regular session at 8 P. Ari. with J. F. Crook, Mayor Pro Tem, presiding. Roll Call: Kane , Miller, Pasco, nvey and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Geo. W. Custer to remodel nrmstrong i s Garage read. Carrie d. Moved by kvey, seconded by Jane that same be granted. Petition of Al. Morgan to raise canopy at Service Station one foot read. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Kane that same be grant— ed under the superivision of the City Engr. Carrie d. Erg i t s report read recommending the payment of Estimate #4 in the amount Of X461.06 to J. T . Snyder on Williams St. Bridge contract, Moved by Kane, seconded by �svey that the report be concurred in and estimate allowed. Carrie d. Communic ati on read from Fred Han oo ck Post No. 19 , American Legion, to the effect that the Post stz.;nds behind the Council in the present crisis for the enforeement of law and or der. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Jane that the letter be received and a letter of appreciation sent the Poe t for their willing cooperation. Carried. Ordinance dividing the First v%rd into two precina is read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee . Ordim nee licensing and regulating the sale of beers, etc. read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Dr. Dixon spoke of the City of Seattle letting a contract for a pipe line to ;Lake Youngs and barring a1,1 outside firms from bidding on same and suggested that a committee meet with Mayor Dore and the Board of Public Works, March 29th and ask them to include not only Seattle firms but outside of Seattle firms and call to their attention the fact that the ordinance governing such call for bids reads, "Seattle and the State of TPashington." Moved by Pasco, seconded by kvey that the Mayor, two councilmen, Dr. Dixon and Thos Dobson, Sr . be asked to attend the conference. Carried. Moved by Pasco , seconded by kvey that the meeting be adjourned to 8 P. M. March 29th. Carried. d/ City Clerk , Mayor Pro Tem March 29 , 19;�Z . .."% Adjourned meeting of the City Council was called to order at 6 P. M. by Mayor Bean blossom. Present : Lawrence , Kane , Miller, Crook, Pasco , nvey and Jane . No . 928 The beer ordinance/which had been left in the hands of the ordinance committee was discussed at c-o-n-s-i-d- i e-r-a-b-1-e 1-e-n-F-t-h section by section, after which the Ordinance committee resorted on favorably, whereupon it was placed upon its second and ,third readings and sassed as a whole , al 1 counci lmen present vat ing ay e : Lawrenc e, Kane , Ajiller, Crook, Pasco , i►vey and Jane. No further business, meeting ad j ourne d. I City Clerk .wiay o r 113 April 4, 1933 Council met in regular session at 8 P. M4 with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence , Kane , Cm ok, Pasco , Avey and Jane . Minutes ofthe last meeting read and approved. , Petition of J. p:. Jorgensen to make basement .Lot 6, Block 2, R. F. P. read. Moved by Jane , seconded by Crook that same be grant- ed. Carried. Petition of Mrs . J. Uri ek to erect garage on Lot 2, Block 36, Smith ers read * Moved by Kane , seconded by Jane that same be grant ed. Carrie d. Petition of Edward Plut a to erect ,,.use on Lot 17 , Block 11, Car forks read. Moved by Crook, seconded by Avey that same be grant ed. Carrie d. Petition of Smith6s Service Station to turn station around on Lot 13, Block 6 , R. F. P. read. Moved by Crook, seconded by Avey that same be grant ea. Carrie d. The following ai;plications were received; Renton Ice Cream Co. . . Distributors License Frank S. Delaurenti & R. Bellando , Beer parlor Angelo Breda tt is Joe Walker IT IT ,,.. J. R. Durneg it IT Owl Cafeunc Beverage Liit c ense A. W. Ticknor tt n John McDaniel tT n Joseph S. Covey IT IT Emil Fontana tt It Louis De la.ur en ti It Tt Olin Hansen It n Roy B. Ke Uy IT n John Delaurenti F. C. Brendal TT Chris Pis to r e s i IT Irene Scag pini tT Moved by Crook, seconded by Kane that same be re- ferred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carrie d. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following; Cur ren t Pay Roll St. Dept. 4590.58 -1447-60 Yam. Naller Labo r 3.00 -1461 Seattle Gas Co . Gas 3.02 2 xl Trimm Fuel 26.25 3 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 38.45 4 W. J. ldcCowin IT 152.90 5 Pae . Coast R. R. Land Rental 1.00 b Frain i s Van Winkle Labor - Light Globes 32.50 7 D. D. Matson Dog Catcher 13,50 1445 Mater Pay Roll outer Dej t. 4175.97-944-49 Rex Metal 'i'Jotks Material 75.04 950 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that all, bills recommended by the Committee for payment be allowed. Carried. Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance I No. 929 dividing the First Ward into two precincts# whereupon it was plaf ed up on i is s econd and thi rd r eadings and p as sed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence , Kane, Crook, Pasco, Avey and Jane. Ordinance. No. 930 establishing rules and procedure • for the conduct of election contests read and on motion re- ferred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ord.930 whereupon it was plat eit upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence, Kane, Crook, Pasco , Avey and Jane. The resignation of A. W. Dimmitt as a member of the Library Board was read. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that we accept the regignation and a letter of thanks forwarded Mr. Dimmitt for i Iks his faithful services . Carried The Mayor appointed Mrs. -iA Wolski as a member of the Library Board. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Kane that the appointed be confirme d. Carried. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Crook that hereafter all persons , committees or companies desiring to use any room in the City Hall must first procure a permit, no charge to be i ttade for any civic affair. Carried. No further business , meeting adjounned. I City Clerk May or . i I ',j April 11, 1933. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor B,�anblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Kane , Miller , Cm-ok, Avey and Jane. Minutes o fthe 1 as t meeting read and approved. Application for beer parlor licenses were read from the following: Al Boas, Boas Bldg . , 3rd & Main J. R. Durney - Lewis Motor Co . Bldg . , lst Ave. No. Edwards Cigar Store - Bronson Way Store License , Economy Malt Shop 901 Walla 1,11alla Ave . Restaurant License, "Barrel" 111 3rd rive. , Distributors License - Pistoresi Bros . Roved by Kane, seconded by Crook that same be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. Petition of John Michael to remodel front of Edwards Apts. on Potain St. read. Moved by Avey ,, seconded by Crook that same be granted under the supervision of the City Engr. Carried. Petition of I. Tosohi to erect garage at 539 Cedar St. read. Moved by Crokk, seconded by -.vey that same be granted. Carried. Petition of H. Ev .ns to repair foundation of Alki read. Moved by Miller, seconded by Kane that same be referred to the Fire , Light & !Fater Committee and Health Officer. Carrie do Petition to construct bouchy play at 445 Smithers St. read$ from 11ohn Delaurenti. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that same be re- ferred to the Police & License Committee. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay6 ment the following: _ Current Crescent Office Supply Co . Supplies $5.20 -1476 Renton Feed Co. Material 10 .18 7 Eage Cafe Prisoners Meals 26.20 8 Lawrence Fuel & Transfer Fusl 5.00 9 Eureka Press Supplies 4.40 1480 A. M. Johnson Labor - Park 5. 00 1 Haino Fiskaali " FIre Dept . 4.50 2. E. Hyde It 2.60 3 Williams & McKnight Supplies 2.65 4 C.B.DeMille agency Insurance 50 .05 Ray G. Brosrn F. D. Material 20.00 Hub City Chev Material 1.62 7 W. J. Th4.m9son & Co. Rapri `Mork 1.OQ 8 Wm. Kane Material 9 .70 9 Stoneway Dock Co. " 11.05 1490 " Gladding,MoBean & Co. 6.72 5 Pao . Car & Fdry. t' 6.12 1 Renton Garage Labor & Material 4.45 2 Gingham Girl Supplies 070 4 Pioneer Bakery " 1.28 Kermit "orkman Park Labor 9 .00 5 ;'Vat e r Olympic Boundry Co . Material $69.90 -953 City of Seattle Water 28.92 4 Moved by Jane, seconded by Kane that the recommenia— tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried* Resolution to the Board of County Commissioners favor- ing the re-appointment of Dr. C. L. Dixon as County Health Offic er Read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that same be adopted. Carried. Communication read from North Renton Improvement Club relative to parking strips. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Kane that same be turned over to the Park Board to work in conjunction with the City Attorney. Carrie d. Resignation of Geo. G. Pasco read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by biller that same be aecejted and a letter of appreciation sent Mr . Pasco for services rendered the City. Carrded. Moved by Kane, seconded by avey that the hauling of logs over city streets be referred to the Chief of Police . Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk —ILL. Mayor a • err' 117 April 18, 1933. Council met in regular session at 8 P. J. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Kane, Miller, Cm ok, e'-Vey cnd Jane * Minutes of the last meeting; read and approved. Petition of Jack Durney to install gas tanks and pumps at Lewis Motor Bldg. , 1st Ave . No . read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Jane that same be granted under the sugervilion of the City Engr. and Fire Chief. Carried. Petition of Fred Peacock to move old kitchen of Melrose to Lot 16, Block 19, R. F. P. Moved by Kane, seconded by Crook that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Mary Arthur to break curb on Xhitworth and 3rd ,ve. for Service Station read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Crook that sane be referred to the St. & alley Committee and the City Ener. Carried. Application for beer parlor at 221 Main St. read from R,RcRae & Zook. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Kane that same be referred to, the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. Petition of Trustees of Presbyterian Church address- ed to Park .Board for an easement over property at the South- east corner of Jones Park read. Recommendation read from the Park Board refusing the yeti tion. Moved by Crook, seconded by Miller that the report of the Park Board be accepted and concurred in. Carried. The Finance Committee audited anL recommended for payment the following bills : Current 1498 Pay Roll St. Dept. 4501.16-1512 Hertzberg Bindery Library Books 144.00-1013 Jno Dower Lumcer Co. Lumber-Library 6.62 4 Arthur Niemi Park La -bo r 37.70 5 Kermit Workman Park Labor $.45 6 Renton Chronicle Legal Publications 4 7 Pac. Tel & Tel . Co . Telephones 37.77 8 Lawrence Fuel & Tsfr Hauling at Park 8.utr 9 Pettie Printery Printing 9 .50 1520 Water Pay Roll Tillater Dep t. 181.82-955-62 Moved by Lw�vren c e, seconded by Jane that the reoom:-iendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carrie d. The committee reporting on the :vans petition made written recommendation about the necessary improvements - that should be made. Moved by Kane, seconded by Lawren:; e that the report be received and permit granted provided work is c arri ed out as outlined., said petition granted under the sup erivision of the City rngr. Carried. Communication read from Fred Hancock Post stating that the Post were working on the 4th of July celebration plans, and asked the Council for their 'cooperation and. assist- ance. Moved by Crook, seconded by livey that the Council r so far as legally possible cooperate to the filles t extent i permitting no outsiders to put on any exhibition unless under the management or control of the Legion. Carried. Communic ati on read from �Lmeric an Water Works _.ssn notifying us of the annual meeting of the association. Moved by Killer , seconded by Kane that the mayor attend the meeting. Carried. Communication received from Elizabeth and 'd. L. DeLuche . „Moved by Kane, seconded by IUller that s&me be received and filed. Carried. Communication read from proprietors of beer parlors making certain suggestions relative to the beer ordinance. Moved by Crook, seconded by Jane that same be received and filed for future reference. Carried.. Police & License Committee reported unfavorably i on the bouchy field asked for in the petition of John Delaurenti. The committee stated that they hid received many protests against the erection of such a game . Moved by Lawrence , seconded. by Crook that the report be received and concurred in. Carried. The Mayor appointed ft. Moran to fill the unexpired term of Geo. G. Pasco. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by kvey that the appoint- ment be confirmed. Carried. loved by Miller , seconded by Crook that The City proi,erty :. immittee and the City Ltty. were instructed to procure ueadsto the following property: n 16 ft. on alder St. uIth Ave. No. Carried. ��ioved by Crook, seconded by ,Miller that the St. and Ailey Committee investigate and report back to Council why street is closed at 6th & Burnett St .' Carried. No farther business, meeting adjourned. Gi ty Clerk May or. npril 25 , 1933. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. 141. by Mayor Beanb loss,lm. "" Roll Call: Lawrence, Kane , Miller, Crook, Moran, Avey and Jane . Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Pac . Tel & Tel. Co . to replace pole at 4th & 'cells St. read. Moved by Kane, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Geo. Diem to erect garage on Lot 15, Block 10 , Town read. Moved by Kane, seconded by rvey that same be referred to the Fire , Light & -Hater Committee with power to act. Carrie d. Petition of Louis Champa to reroof house on Lot 29 , Block 12 , R. F. P. read. Moved byYLawrenee, seconded by -,Avey that same be grant ed. Carrie d. Petition of Mustin Forniglia to rebuild garage at 531 Burne tt St. read. ,Moved by :Miller, seconded by Kane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Louis Balzarini to build small house at 411 Renton Ave. read. Moved by Jane, seconded by iivey that same be granted. Carrie d. The Finance Committee audited. and recommended for pay- ment the following bills : CURREIGT Thos Harries, P. Y. Stamps 43. 00 - 1522 Horace Shepherd F.D.Labor 13.50 1535 Edmund Cross F.D.Labor 20.25 6 Joe Fil lon F.D.Labor 15 .75 7 H. Fiskalli F.D.Labor 9.00 6 McPherson Fern & Hdw F.D,Material 5.10 9 E. hyde Labor on tools 1.30 1540 Clarke Bros Motor Co . Material 1.15 1 Reid & Cook Labor & MateriA10.25 2 Renton Garage Material 72.50 3 Pao . Coast Stamp las Park Material 18.35 4 Cochran Paint Store Painting at Park 35.75 5 Cochrans Paint Store Material 5.00, 5 Lowman & Hanford Lib . Books 13.12 6 v"r r.T r.}R G. 'N. BE;ZTBlossom, Expenses to Convention - 10 .00 966 Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Jane that all bills be allowed as recommended by the Committee. Carrie a. Engr's repo rt read recommending the payment of $149.72 to J. T. Snyder, final estimate on the Williams St. Bridge contract. Carrie d. ,int. #1547 . 120 A. Communication read from Restaurant Proprietors relative to beer ordinance. Moved by Lawrance , seconded by Crook that the communication be received and filed. Carried. The new Councilman , A:filliam Moran took opportunity to thank the Mayor & Council for his appointment as council- man, Second 'lard. Councilman Crook read his written resignation as Councilman, stating that on account of his health ke felt it his duty to resign as Councilman and stated that he must return to the hospital within a few days. Yoved by Lawrence, seconded by Miller that we accept the resignation and a letter of thanks for service rendered be extended Tvr. Crook, Carried. Yr. Crook then addressed the Council stating that he would like someone appointed who would carry out the progressive program and sugested that Geo . Pasco be appointed, whereupon the :.payor ad do int ed Geo . Pasco to fill the unexp fired term of J. F. Crook. Moved by ►filler,-, se oonded by Kwne , that the appo intme nt be e onf irme a. ie d. No further business , meeting adjourned. s City Clerk Mayor 121 , �iaS 2, 19. 3. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. 11. by Mayor Bean blossom.' Present : Lawrence, Kane, Hiller, Pasco , Moran, Avey and Jane . Reading of The minutes of previous meeting appmved. Ap.;lication of H. L. Phinney for permit to re-shingle house at 212 Logan Street read. i4?oved by Jane , seconded by Moran thatthe permit be granted. Carried. Report of Finance Committee recommending the payment of the following: pay-rolls read: St. Dept. $552.57 "alt . J1548-62 WaterDept. 115 .75 967-71 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that all bills allowed by the FinLnee Committee be paid . Carried. I1ir. Pasco suggested that the City Council adopt a plan for Daylight Saving in conformity with the plan ado ,ted by the CCity of Seattle . Moved by Pasco , seconded by June that the City Council adopt the plan of setting the clocks ahead one hour; that same become effective as of May 7th and remain in effect until September 24th of this year . Carried. Mr. Dullahant brought up the question of the closing of Sixth revenue. ' i,.fter a grief discussion it was moved by Pasco, seconded by 114oran that this question be referred to the City Attorney for action. Carried. Geor-pe _�tkinson brought up the question of the beer- ordinance and asked that changes be made in order to give f«ir play to all parties interested. after an informal discussion Mayor Beanbloszom announcea that a meeting would be hely Friday eevening at 8:U0 o'clock at the City Hall; that 'all persons having any suggestionsto offer, or requests to be made , to the City Counal1 with reference to the advisability of amending the present beer ordinance should attend said meeting; that the dro pos ed meeting would be entirely informal, and for the sole pur.,ose of enabling those who believe they have any valid reasons for asking the Ci ty Council to make any changes in said ordinanc e to prese:.t same; that no offieird. action will be taien Friday night , I�R_wy 5th, but the City Council will consider all matters submitted at said meeting. Councilman L Cawrence asked the support of the City ouncil to make a success of the projosed Memorial Day exercises to be held under the auspices of the American Legion. I.1oved by Kane, seconded by Moran that the City Hall be closed from the hour of 1:00 P.Tri. to 3:00 P-11,14. >+ednesday, May 3rd, on account of the funeral of Mr. Morri son, the father of Mrs . ngnes Edwards, City Clerk . Carried. }It was moved by Kane, seconded by Lawrence , that the matter involving the breaking of curbs andreplacing same at the orner of Ord & i;iorris St be referred to the City Atty. for re,p ort . Carried. There being no further business to come before the City Council, on motion bey lawrence , seconded by Kane , the meeting adjourned. .ala yor. 1-22 May 90 1933. Council met in regular session at 8 P. Y. with F.W.Ka.ne ,' Mayor Pro Tem presiding . Roll Call: Lawrence, ::Tiller, Pasoo , Moran, "vey and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and. appn,vecl. Petition of Richard C . Storey to reshingle house on Lot 8, Block 24, R. F. P. read. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of. P. S. P. &. L. Co. to set pole on Factory St. near MJ Trion read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Pasco that same be grant d.. Carried. - Petition of Earlington residents asking Renton to take over the Earlington distributing water systdm read, moved by Lawrence, seconded by �Lvey that same be referred to the Fire , bight & i'Jater Committee and the City '.rngr and City kitty. for full rep ort. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- meat the following: bills : CURRENT D. D. Watson, Dog Catcher 427.00- 1-560 Seattle Gds Co . Gas 2.68 1565 Biose 'd'h it a Labor & Mat e ri al 2.50 6 Western Tire Service " " 3.65 7 Renton Sand & Gravel Material 37 .50 8 Al Morgan La'bo r .75 9 Nm. ?taller Laaor 2.00 1570 Stoneway Dock Co . Material 17.95 1 C. M. Leonard Supplies 1.15 Calif. Ink 13o, Supplies 1.41 3 Eagle Cafe Priosners ITeals 5.25 4 Newcastle Coal Co. Fuel 12.00 i. Strain Coal Co. Fuel 30.25 0 Louie Torre & Bert Mangini Reloase of Claim 20 .00-1564 z"�nT R American Cast Iron Pipe Co. Material X421.63 974 City of Seattle 'Nater 16.64 973 ,merican We-ter Wks nss 'n Fees 10 .00 972 Moved- by Moran, seconded by Ivey that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Moved by Ivey , seconded by Lawrence that the Ylay or & City Clerk sign up lease on the Comfort Station. Carried. Engr. made verbal reg,ort on the 6th 1,,ve. crossing stat- ing that same was a very dangerous crossing, seldom used and the state reeommiended that same be closed, temr,orarily at least, until a good grade crossing could be installed. 11oved by Pasco , seconded by ITiller that the amendment to the beer ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee with power to act. Carried. No further business, meeting; adjourned. City J"lerk � ( r 123 1;ay 16 , 1933 . Council met in regular session at 8 "r . Y. with Yayor Beanblossom presiding. Present : Lawrence , Kane , Moran, avey and Jane . minutes of the last meeting read and approved * Petition of L. H. Reynolds to make basement - Lot 21, Block 1, Smithers Add. read . :Moved by Kane, seconded by avey that same be granted . Carried . Petition of P . A . Slough to repair and enlarge garage on Lot 10, "Block 2, Smithers Add . Moved by Jane , seconded by Iawrence that same be granted. Carried. ' Petition of Annie V. Johnson to erect house and garage; on Lot 3, Block 9 , R. F . P . read. ;Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Jvey that same be grant�de Carried . application for transfer of license at 1,:elrose to Geo . a . atkinson read. Moved by Kane, secondee by Lawrence that same be refwrred to the Police & License Committee with power to act . Carried. ' The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: Current } Pay Roll St . Dept . . X623 .55-1599-1014 Sanderson Safety Supply Co . Material 1..35 -15b8 Reid & Cook IT 6 .80 1589 Cochran' s Paint Store " 13 .05 1590 Renton Sand �& Gravel if 137 .76 . 1 Pac Car & 2dry if36 .00 2 Hub City Chev Labor & A1a,terial 8 .03 4 E. Hyde L-.bor 2 .35 4 Renton Hdw Co Supplies & Material 216 .21 5 P . S . P & L. Co . Lights 592 .31 o Pieter Prins Fees 30.00 7 Jno Dower Lumber Co . Lumber 47 .35 8 County liuditor Filing Deeds 6.90-1015 County Tteasurer Taxes 402.49-1587 'dater Pay Roll eater Dept . 155 .66-981-89 Olympic Foune-ry Co . Material 80.50 -978 P . S . P . & L . Co . Power 104.42 9 Shell Oil Co Gas & Oil 112 .48 980 coved by Jane, seconded by Moran that the recommenda- tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in . Carried . The Engr was granted more time before reporting on lo" line leading to reservoir . Ord. 931 providing for daylight saving read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee . Ord . 932 repealing Ord. 928 (Beer Ord ) read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee . { Ord . 933 licensingiand regulating the sale of beer read and on motion referred. to the Ord . committee . Ord 934 repealing Ord Fos . 203, 276 , 320 and 321 read and on motion referred to the Ord . committee . 124 The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the following Ordinances 931, 932, 933 and 934 , whereupon Ord 931 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a r whole; all councilmen present voting ,-,ye : Lawrence , Kane , Moran, Avey and Jane . Ordinance No . 932 was read a second and third time ,and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence , Kane, Doran , Avey and Jdne . Ordinance Ilo . 933 was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a. whole , all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrt�nce , Kane, Loran , Avey and Jane . Ordinance I o . 934 was read a second and third time and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting a;ye : Lawrence , Zane , Moran, Avey and Jane . 'gloved. by Kane, seconded by Lawrence that we redeem 45000.00 of water bonds , this being r1500r. in excess of mount required. Carried. loved by Kane, seconded by Lawrence that the matter of regulating closing of beer parlors within one mile of the city limits be referred to the city attorney to ascertain if the city has any jurisdiction over same . Carried. i l"o fuether business , meeting adjourned . aallf I'V pr'&am"' C I'`IY CLERK M 125 IC ."day 23, 1933. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with moor Beunblossom presiding. ~� Roll Call: Kane, Miller, Pasco , Moran, xvey and Jane . Minutes of the last meeting read ad approved. Petition of Dave Mitchell to make basement at 515 Tobin St. read. Moved by Kane, seconded by 1,10ran that sane be grant- ed. Carried. ' Petition of Foster & Kleiser to erect three signs on 3rd jive. between Whitworth & Shattucl� St. read. Moved. by Pasco , seconded by Jane that same be referred to the License Committee for report. Carried, application for beverage dispensary at Eagle Cafe read from John McDaniel. Proved. by Kane, seconded by Jane that same be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. Engr made verbal report on the band. stand to be erected at the park stating that same would cost appznximately X79.00. Loved by Kane, seconded by Pasco that the city engr. be empowered to proceed with the vork according to specificat- ions, sane to be charged to the Park Fund. Carried. Letter of appreciation and thanks received from prop erty owners on 4th jive . between Iu�Iill & Cedar St. for work done in that vicinity on the street. Moved by Kane , seconded by _Iud lle r that same be re- ceived and filed. Carried. Moved by 2 s co , seconded by Jane that the next regular meeting o fthe Council be held on rYedrA slay May 31s t on account of Tuesday being I.emorial Day . Carried. Mr. Mc Cowin was present and addressed the Council relative to the movement to divide¢ King County and suggested that a committee be appointed to get as much information as possible on the subject. Moven. by Pasco , seconded by Miller that the' Mayor appoint a Committee of three to get all facta��oss ib le. Carrie d. Councilman George G. Pasco presented the suggestion of Mayor-Elect, .E. P. Wilson, that it might be advisable to hold the installation of June tutu " a larger �_udi to rium that the City Hall, Moved by Pasco , seconded by Kane that the matter be turned over to a committee to report on next meeting night. Carried. The Mayor appointed the gays & Means Committee. No further business , meeting adjourned. r City Clerk May or A [ay May 31, 1933. Council met in re�ula.r session at 8 P. Q.. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Kane, Pasco , Moran and. Jane* Minutes of the last meeting read and ajjproved.. The Finance Committee audited and reeomaL-nded for yment the following: Current Pay Ro 11 St . Dept . 4622.90 -1654-107U J. S. Hardie L-bor & Material 8.79 - 1029 Pae. Tel & Tel . Co . Telephones 13.50 1030 P. S . P. & L. Co. Light s 330.29 1031 Renton Feed Co. Sacks 12.95 2 171m. Kan a LzN Uo r & Mat e ri al 4.00 3 Renton Chronicle Legal Pub lie ations 19 .11 4 C. F. Gage , Depty Clerk Road Pem it 1.50 5 Ser Ldry & Cleaners Ldry 11.75 0 Lawrence Fuel Fuel 8.00 7 R. 1i. Wilson Supp lies 3.00 9 Chas . H. Harden & Co . Material 11.77 Pao . Car & Fdry Material 12.27 1640 Carl Mattison Supplies 2.00 1 Shell Oil Coo Gas & Oil 189.16 2 Seattle Gas Coo Gas 3.84 3 Sanderson Safety F. D. Material 3.UO 4 Union Oil Co . Gas & Oil 49 .53 5 4hi.they Nurseries Park Shrubs 20 .UO J. T. Snyder Lanterns 1.50 7 V. ,,,rmstrong & Sons Material 9 .45 8 Lowman & Hanford Lib . Books 32.98 9 Puget Sd. News Co . 't it 24.83 1650 D. D. 'Matson Dog Catcher 19 .5U - 1628 Kuker-Ranken, Inc Supplies 6.80 - 1651 E. Hyde L t ^r 2.10 1652 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 10..00 1653 Pay Roll Water Dept . ',*IAT:M 255.56-996-1003 Rensselaer Valve Co. M .terial 44.25 -092 P. S. P. & I,. Co . Power 27.08 3 J S. Hardie Labor & Material 13.11 4 Olympic Fury Co . Material 199.44 3 Mo ved by Jane, seconded by Lawrence that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carrie d. says & Means Committee asked more time before reporting on the meeting place of the Council on June kith. The Mayor appointed the following Committee on "Feasibility of dividing King county" George Pasco , Wm. Jane and Floye d Lawrence . The Fngr. made verbal resort on the 10" main lead- ing to city from reservoir stating that he had taken the matter up with the Surveying & Rating Bureau and they stated that there would be no increase in insurance rates if the line was abandoned. Reporting on the 1411 line the eng r said that the 14" line would deliver enough water to take care of Phe city 's needs for some time to come but that it should be tied into the 8" line at 5th �,ve . as soon as possible . moved by Pasco, seconded by Jane thatthe re,,ort be received and recommendations carried out. Carried. 127 - City Property Committee recommended that the Comfort Station on Walla Walla be cleaned up and painted. Moved by Kane, seconded by Lawrence that the City Property Committee be authorized to proceed to have the work clone . Carried. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Lawrence that the Mayor appoint a committee to wait upon the County Commissioners to have the County take care of the water rent for the indigent under the same arrangement as in Seattle . Carried, The Mayor appointed the Fire, Light & `Nater Committee. City ., tty. stated that the city had no control user the sale of beer outside the city . Dr. Dixon addressed the council regarding his property on the lake front stating that people continue to use same for a bathing beach disregarding all signs placed there and that under the Health & Sanitation Laws , drinking water must be on the premises and that he does not. care to be put to that expense andasked the city to see that people are kept off the beach or water placed there, Moved by Lawrence , seconcled by Pasco that same be turned over to the '.days & I&ans Committee , City Atty and City P,ngr. Carried. No farther business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk :ayor. 128 June 6, 1933. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Beanblossom presiding: Roll Call: Lawrence , Kane , Pasco , Moran, .vey and Jane . Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Certain petitions were read and on motion made by Kane, seconded by ;zvey-, same were referred to the new Council for action. Carried. The Finance Committee audited' and recomme ndect for payment the follo,%ing: Current Eage Cafe 2risoners Yeals 33.40-101 Thos Harries , P. 11. Env elop es 9.72- Jno. Dower Lumber Co . Lumber 914.96 J Stoneway Dock Co. Material 2.5.35 Tom Dobson &: Son Insur ance 5.00 0 Pieter Prins Fees ZO.UO n Martin & Dickson Printing Brief 39 .40 r Howard T ac he ll Painting at Comfort Station 70.0.0 8 ','illiams & McKnight Supplies 3.15 9 J. v. Hardie Labor & Material 13. 60 108U Shell Oil Col asphalt 43.76 1 Wm. Waller LLwor 3.75 2 H. Shepherd Fire Dept. Labor 4.50 3 H. Fiskaali Fire Delft. Labor 4.50 4 D. D. Watson Dog Cat cher 0.00 5 Jno . W. Graham & Co . Lib . Books 7 .22 E. Hyde Labor 1.25 7 N.,1.Paint Coo Material 4.50 8 Renton Feed Co . n 6.10 9 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 59 .78 1690 Bancroft 'lhitney Co . Law Books 45.00 1 Pay Roll St . De,,,t. 438.84 1090-1712 Ja to r City of Se at tle Wate r 18.64 -lU04 Iffm. Kane Labor &: Material 31.00 5 Pay Roll 71ater Dept . 63.70 lUu0-8 moved by Lawrence , seconded by Moran that the recommenc.ation of the FinLnce Committee be concurred in. Carried. Treasurer's report covering the month of M was read and filed. There being no fhrther business to come before the present Council, Mayor Beanblossom turned the gavel over to E. P. Wilson, ldayor-deet. The newly elected officers , all having subcribed to the Oath of Office, and furnished bonds, where recuired., were then seated, to-wit: E. P. Wilson, play or T. F. Meehan , Treasurer .i.gues Edwards,City Clerk j John W. Dobson, ,,ttoxney ••rr' Douglas Lewis , Councilman-at-large Frank Delaurent i, Councilman, First 1.161ard L. E. Plano , Councilman, gni ;lard M. H. Deaey ,, Goune ilman, 3rd award k-0 129 D� The following appointments were made by the Mayor: Patrick Hogan Chief of Police Dr. Hugh Acari Health Officer Lot Davis Police Judge George Hood City Engineer-, Peter Dullahant Street Suit . i Following committee appointments were made by the May or: P--.RK BO,.RD Ed Stokes, Chairman Floyd Lawrence Mrs . Winona Smith LIBRARY BO ARD Mrs . Aila.rion Fairchild, Chairman John Thomson ,7. H. Watkins Mrs. Olive Kirwin John Delaur ent i r FIRE CHIEF: Cl arenc e Dullahan t ILI Chie,f a�`oIice :_, then' celled itpon. to i The Mayor then rlaced the Councilmen on the following comnittees: 1.1 YS & I4H;r,: :: C ODIVII TT EE�: Geo. Pasco, Chairman Floyd Lawrence Douglas Lewis FIN_..NC E-CLr IMS & aCCOUNT S Lawrence Plano, Chairman George Paseo uUk e De acy STREET w ,L LEY 001MITTEE y;m. jane, Chairman Frank Delaureitni Lawrence Plano L,�ol, ORDINANCE COD1MITTEE Floyd Lawrence , Chairman Im. Jane Douglas Lewdss POLICE 8c LICENSE CO1Z. !ITTEE r Douglas Lewis , Frank Delaurenti, Mike De acy •r CITY PROPi ?TY COMMITTEE Mike Deacy, Chaim an Nm. Jane George Pasco FIRE, LI CIT & C OIMITTEE Frank Delaurenti , Chairman I,a.wre ne a Pl An o Floyd Lawrence J_ Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that a l l appointments be confirmed. Carried. The Chief of Police was then called upon to make his appointments L.nd the following were named : Jame s Chadwic k Dave Reid Dominick C arp ini The new administration was then given an opportunity to talk - after the Council was asked to name their President , Loved by Jane, seconded by Deaoy that Floyd Lawrence be elected President of the Council. varried unanimously . The Council, all being proiierly installed referred. back to petitions, the following being read: Petition of John Peternell to mcke basement on Lot 16, Block 11, Car "."forks read . Moved by Lewis, seconded by Pasco, that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Joshep Bianco to erect house on Lot 161, Block 9 , Tovn read. Moved. by Lawrence , seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carr ie d. Petition of E. Bressen to erect small house at 29 High St. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Deacy that same be grant ed. Carried. Petition of P. S. P. & L. Co. to set two poles on Factory St . between 4th & I.Tarion. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carrie d. Petition of n. T. Morgan to replace old sidewalk 22 ft on Main St. and break curb to the extent of 6 ft on Bronson Way and replace same with driveway. I;Zoved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be referred to the St. & alley Committee and the City Engr. with power to act. Carried. >pplication of B. d. Fey to remove sign from Theatre Bldg and erect same on 3r6 & Lorris St. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Lewis that same be referred to the St . & .,.11ey Committee with power to act. Carriedo loveu by Pasco, seconded by Lawrencethat the retiring salaried officers receive two weeks pay as h-as been done in the past. No further business , meeting &d journed. i rCity Clerk _ Mayor 131 June 13, 1933. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Wilson presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence , Delaurenti, Lewis, Pasco , Plano, Reacy <;nd Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Centennial Flour Co. to conduct a cooking school at 3d & Morris St. 11oved by Lawrence , seconded by Plano that same be granted.. Carried. Petition of Florence Guitteau to reshingle house on Lot 9 , Block 1, Car ."corks read. IT by Lewis , seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Joe O 'Brien to erect house on Lot 19, Block 2, Smithers xdd. read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Zeb Shearer to reshingle porch at 4 Burnett St. read. Moved'by Plano , seconded by Pasco that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Jess McCowin to erect house on Lot 19 , Block 17, R. F. P. read. Moved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried., npplioation for licenseSto sell beer at Safeway Store at 165 Wells St, and Safeway Store at 217 3rd .ve . read. Moved by Jane, seconded by Pasco that same be referred to the Police d -ieense Committee to rep ort next Tuesday . Carried. St . X1.1ley Committee reporting on petition of e,1 Morgan to break curb on Bronson Way recommended that same be denied. Moved by Jane, seconded by Pasco that the report be received and petition denied. Carried. St . & -Uley Committee on petition of kd Morgan to re- place 22 ft of sidewalk on Main St. recommended that same be granted. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Lewis that the recommenda- tion o f the Vommittee be concurred in and permit granted. Carried. The City Treasurer designated the First National Bank of Renton as depositary of the city 's funds. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Jane that the First Rational Bank named by the treasurer as depositary be approved. Carried. d ' Reoort was made that certain outside distributors of beer are delivering inRenton without a city license. -- :Moved by Pasco, seconded by Lewis that the matter be referred to the Police & license Committee and the city atty, with power to act. CaT ri ed. _- Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that the city atty. notify the Northern Pacific Railway to repair crossing at 6th (% Park. Carried. 7 ovecd by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that the St. Supt bring in estimated cost of repairing Main St. South at 6th; also investigate and report on retaining wall at 4th blain. Carried. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that the question of piping water to Dixon's Beach be referred to the St. Supt for estimated cost and the city atty . as to our liability in the m Ater. Carried. The dangerous condition existing at Burnett & ',Valla ,flaila was discussed, whereupon it was Aloved by Jane , seconded by Deacy that the city atty,. communicate with the Pacific Coast Railroad .0 pGny relative to installing a warning sign. Carried. Mr. Dulla.hant recommended that the 10" main from city to reservoir be replaced with cast iron pipe at an approximate cost of , 1500.00* loved by Pasco , seconded by :vewi s that this matter be referredto the Fire , Light & :Yater Committee and the ,Hater Supt for investigation and report. Carried• Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that the railroad crossing at 6th ,ive. So. , and Burnett St be referred to the St. Supt & the City "tty. and the N. P. Ry . Co. Carried. Chief Hogan reported that the prowler car needed a general over hauling . The Chief was instructed to have the necessary work done at the city's garage . No further business, meeting adjourned. fa City Clerk 70— Mayor Mayor •.r' A n 33 0� June 20 , 1933. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to ofder' at 8 P. 1,1, by Mayor Wilson. Present; Lawrence, Delaurenti, Lewis, Pasco , Plano, Deaey and Jane . Minutes of the last meeting read and a proved. Petition of Joe Baxter to reshingle house on Lot 12, Block 9 , R. F. P. read. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Application of 11. H. Rutherford (Barrel) for beer parlor license read. Moved b,) Lawrence , seconded b,, Pasco that sLme be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. Petition of Thos Fault, Jr. to erect house at 504 Renton _,ve. read-. Moved by Jane , seconded by Deacy that same be granted. Carried. _lI,plication of Chas . Filendo & Co . for beer distribut- or 's license read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that same be re- ferred to the Police & License Committee for report next Tuesday. Carried. Petition of property owners on Renton iNee a.skin,� that a more adequate force of water be provided them. 1 4v d bZ Paseoo , teQonded by I,ewi that the pet -tion bei ed d he a er up ins ruc,�8d to nvesti�ate an report nextues ay. arrie Police & License Committee reported favorably on the beer ap,;lications of the Safeway Stores. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Jane that the retort be received and licenses granted. Carried. Report read from '',rater Supt relativeto approximate cost of piping water to Dixon's Beach in the amount of 4142.50. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Pasoo that the report be received and filed for future reference . '.dater Supt ' s re+ort estimating that it would cost about :;'1998.00 to replace 10" main from reservoir to City. Fire, Light & 11ater Committee asked for another week bej ort acting on the ',Vater Supt 's report. Yore time granted. Engr'sreport read on crossing at 5th & Main So . thence south to crossing on 6th estimating that it would cost for asphalt paving :2'241.00 or for concrete paving . 300.00. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Delaurenti that same be referred to the, St. Supt for recommendation. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommend for pay- ment the following bills ; Current Pay Roll St. Dept. W415,4,79-17Z8-47 %78 V. .Lrmstrong w Sons Gabor & Material 3,50- l fib Hooker-Electro Chem Chlorine 405.00 9 Sto neway Dock Material 24.80 1750 North Coast Chem & Soap Supplies 8.25 1 711TE Pay Roll Water De t. � 51 ,87 -1013-15 x_34 ;Tm. Kane Suj,�ilies +y3.25 -1752 Brendal Drug Co . Supplies 4.65 4� Reid & Cook Supplies 5.95 4 Eagle Signal Corp . Signal re,,,air 4.28 5 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 25.00 6 Shell Oil Co. 'ksphalt 43.80 7 Columbia Lumber Co. Lumber 18.OQ 8 E. Hyde Labor on tools 1.35 9 Rainier Fuel Co. Food 6.00 1760 Kuker Ranken, Inc . .mgr's Level 8.13 1 Strnar&ls Photo Shop Park Exp.ense 2.00 2 J.J.Bonnell Park Shrubs 30 .00 3 Bauder's Fire Dept. Expense 3.10 4 Cochran' s Paint Store Fire Dept. Supplies 1*60 5 Ray Howard Park Expense 4.25 7 Lot Davis Fees 5.00 Jno Dower Lumber Coo Fire Dept . Ex�,ense 3140 8 Totts Bunstine Labor at Park 2.00 9 Treasurer, King Co. Gravel 499.50 1770 Funk & 77agnalls Library Expense 6.15 1 Shine-rill-Sale s Co . Library Exp ens e - 30.25 2 Lowman & Hanford Library Books 31.70 3 Puget Sound News Co. Library Books 3.75 4 77ashington Bindery Library Hooks 8.25 5 Mo2herso n Furn Library & Fire De.;t . Exp 5.62 6 Foster Nursery Park Shrubs 27.15 7 :fat e r Pay Roll 'Vater Deit, la g:7 X13-16 Reid & Cook Labor at reservoir u.UO-1U17 Rensselaer Valve Co. Material 51.00 1018 moved by Lewis , seconded by Deacy that the recommenda- tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Notice read of meeting of East. Side Federate Clubs at __--irkland Hall, June 21st at 8 P. Y. to discuss sanitary sewers* moved by Pasco , seconded bl Lewis that Ills. Dullahant and Mr. Hood go as representatives of the City . Carried. St. & ,lley Committee reported favorably on the petition of B. W. Fey to erect sign at 3rd & Morris . 111oved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that the rei,ortal be accepted ani permit granted under the supervision of the St. Supt . Carried, Councilman Plano rei;ortdd that the gutters on Mill St. were in very poor condition. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Delaurenti that the matter be left in the hands of the St. Supt. Carried* tioved by Pasco, seconded by Plano that the city atty .- instruct the Police Dept. as to the interpretation of the beer ordinance so that same may be enforced. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk r May or 135 June 27 , 1933 Council met in regular session at 8 P. All, with Mayor Wilson presiding. Roll Call : Lawrence, Delaurenti, Lewis, Paseo , Plano, Deacy and Jane. Minutes of the last meetin,- read and s.�pr'oved. Petition of Valentino Bellinato to repair founda- tion of house at 629 Burnett Lt read. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Lewis thwt same be grunted. Carried. Petition of Lae Williams to tear down old garage and erect new one , read.' :Moved by Lewis , seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted. Carried. Petition of �nd.y Gorjup to reshingle house on Lot 10, 31oak 8, Town read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by June that same be granted. Carried. Petition of John Delau rent i for ;u ern istion to make a boucio gzme read. Roved by +asco , seconded by Lawrence that same be referred to the Police & License Committee for reg ort next Tue slay. Carried. ".pplication of werica.n Legion for license to handle beer on July 4th read. i� Loved by Lawrence , seconded by Jane thL..t same be referred to the Police & License Committee with poA,.,er to act. Curried. Police &: �Acense Committee reported favorauly on the applic ation for beer distributors license of Chas Filenda Co . I'Loved by Pasco , seconded by Plano th�_..t the report be received and license granted. Carrie d. St. Supt recommenti.ed that the crossing at 5th & Main be asphalted. .loved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that the recommendation be concurred in and crossing Mixed up . Carried. 'Nater Supt made verbal report on the water pressure on Renton rive . Supt granted more time to ascertain cost of getting the proper water pressure. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the fo liow ing: Current Thos. Harri- s , P. M, Znvelopes 444.20- 1779 Lot Davis , Police Judge Fees 2.50 1794 Lawrance Fuel & Transfer Hauling �A Park 35.00 1795 :3ishop & Jenkins Hauling at Park 35.00 1796 Toots Bunstine Park L, Uor 2.00 1797 Renton Realty Co. Insurance 15.00 1798 �— Seattle Gas Co . Gas 3.61 1799 L oved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that the recommenda- tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. City ratty . made verbal report on the crossing at 6th ' Burnett stating that he had taken the matter of a new crossing up with the Railroad Company and vvas assured that when conditions warranted the crossing would -be reopened. Contract between the City of Rento n aad Fits t IWO) N::.ti onal Bank of Renton relative to city 's deposits was m esented. Moved by Lawrence , seconded. by Delaurent i that the 111'ayor & Clerk be authorized to execute contract. Carried. .eater Supt & lire, Light & Nater Committee recommended that about 400 ft. of pipe be laid from the reservoir to the city. I oved. by Pasco, seconded by Jane that the city engr prepare specifications for,3$600 t. of cast iron ,pipe Laid the necessary material and call for bids . Carried. The cuter Supt was instructed to flush all dead end water pipe ends every two weeks during the summer months . 12r. Dullahan t made report on the meeting held i at Kirkland rela,t iv e to sanitary sewers . I-Ar. Sneddon addressed the Council relative to the closed crossing at 6th & Burnett Sts and asked the council to have same opened. T,-Toved by .Lawrence , seconded by Pasco that the city atty. oommunieate with the company insisting that the crossing be re-opened or show reasons why same should not be re-opened. Carried. Next Tuesday being the 4th of July it waw moved by Lawrence , seconded by Delaurenti that our next meeti;� held on 'lednesday July 5th. Carried. No further business , meeting adjourned. Ci ty Clerk I ) ' Mayor .i 137 ` July 5, 19 33. Regular meeting of the City Council ivas called to order � t 8 p. m. by yEi yor Wilson. Roll Call : Lawrence, Delaurenti , ;,etvis, Pasco , Plano, Deasy & JGne . ,Tinutes of the last meeting read. and ay proved. Petition of George Custer to repair and remodel building formerly occupied by 1.Tci'hersons read. Droved by Plano , seconded b, Lewis that the petition be granted. Carried. Request that license of Jack Du.rney for beer parlor be transferred to Millard H. N :wton read. Moved by Lawrence , seconded b; Jane thA same be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. :roved by Lewis , seconded by Delaurenti that the grater Supt be given more time before reporting on the Renton �,ve water project. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the follow ing Cur rent Pay Ro 11 St, . Dept. 9`799 .97-1800-31 Wat e r Pay Roll Water Dept. 959 .49-1022-25 Written protest against issuance of permit for boueoio game to John Delaurenti read. The Police ,& License Committee reporting on the auove ..... petition recomme rt ed tb at same be t a.bl.�,? . , i:Toved byLaWrenge: eeonded by 2asco .-tet the permit be denied. -, vote being taken on the same resulted as follows: lyes , Lawrence, ,I,ewi s , P-.c Deasy & Jane . Nos . Delau rent i Plano . Motion carriAd. Resolution 'No . 463 authorizing the I:Iayor '& City Clerk to execute a quit claim deed to Lots 14 and 15 , Block 6, R. F. P. upon receipt of x;228.80 to cover juLgment , interest and costs. -Loved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrencethat the Resolution be adopted. Carried. Lngr. made report on Renton ;.ve . oved by Paseo , seconded by Lewis that the St. & Alley Committee and City Fngr. investigate and report back to the council next Tuesday on their fi na6ngs of the suggestions made by engr .. Carried. Mr, Ilax Clarke spoke of the First :,ve. Ifo . paving job stating that finanical assistance was available and urged the Council to get in touch with the State on same . Moved by Paseo, seconiied by Lawrence that same be re- ferred to the St . & "lley Committee. Carried. No forth er business , meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mw or. July 11, 1933 . Council met in regular session at 8 P. ll11. with Ilayor 'Vilson presiding. Present : Lawrence, Delaure nti, Lewis , Pasco , Plano , Deacy and. Jane . N, ldinutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of property owners adjacent to 6th & Burnett St. asking for immediate action on the re-opening of railroad em ssing at 6th & Burnett St. read. Moved b Pasco , seconded by Jane that same be received and filed for future reference . Carried. Tentative application for water received from -,u"ashington ,Jockey Club. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that same be re- ferrel to the Nater Supt & City Egr for investigation and report as soon as possible . Carried. Report read from 'eater Supt estimating the cost of in- creasing the water pressure on the hill from Morgans Drive to Renton Ave in the sum of "518.00 . Moved by Pasco, seconded by Deacy that the matter he laid over for a wekk. Car ried. The Finance Committee auddted and recommended for pay- ment the following: Current Strain Coal Coe Die 1 ;x,5.65 -1832 E. Hydge Shar.Nening tools 2.05 3 Pao. Car & Fdry Material 4.00 4 Gladding, McBean & Co . Sewer Pipe 1.40 5 NEW Eureka Press Supplies 10 .65 b Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 5.00 7 Shell Oil Co . Gas & Oil 156.07 & Paeke r-Seo tt Co . Supplies 24.75 9 Francis Van Winkle lashing St. Globes 32.50 184U Wt. 1,11aller Labor 2.00 1 Pae. Tel & Tel . Co . Telephones 12.83 2 Service Ldry & Cleaners Ldry 18.80 Union Oil Co. Laphalt 106. 00 4 Hub City Chev Labor 3.52 5 King Co. Road Dist j2 Gravel 258.UO 8 'Stoneway Dock Co . Gravel 65.90 7 Nestern Tire Service Tires 15.50 8 Renton Feed Go . Material 11.10 9 Shearer's Sheetmetal Shop Fire Dept. _gip . 12.65 1850 Hano Fis kalli Fire Dept Labor 4.50 1 Edmund Cross Fire Dept. Lab or 4.50 2 Joe Fillon It Ti tt 4.50 3 :girt Anderson It 1t tt 2.25 4 Roy Avey It " Expenses 1.50 5 Renton Hdw Coo It " Supplies 2.68 6 McPherson Furn it It It .80 7 Williams & McKnight n It n 1.70 8 Clarence Dullahant, Chief - Expenses 7 men to Convention 108.00 -1859 Reid & Cook Police - L-bor & Material ; 3.00 -160 V. ' rnstrong & Sons Police Dept. Labor & Hlaterial "91.61 -1861 Eagle Cafe Meals 1.25 2 Owl Cafe " 2.80 Pacific Coast Stamp Wks Police Badges 9.15 4 Wt. Kane ItSignal repair 3.50 0 Jno Dower Lumber Co . Material 126 .26 R, hn 139 6� � Current Bob's Shoe Repair Park rbgpense X1.65 -180 Rento n Clothing Co . Park - Balls & Bats 11.91 6 Savage Lumber Co . Park Ua.terial 2.50 9 0. Priebe Park Material 1.20 1870 Rento n Hdw & Furn Park Material 1.60 1 Toots Bunstine Park Labor 4.00 2 Bishop & Jenkins Drayage - Park 7.00 3 Foster Bursery Park Shra.bs 11.65 4 Aow Coe hran's Paint Store Park Paint 1.75 5 'dater City of Seattle :later 947 .72 -102u Pay Roll ',ia.ter Dept . e6 .97 -1030-34 Moved by Lawrence, seconded. by Lewis that the r:;port of the committee be received and all bills paid. Carried. Reports of the Treasurer & Clerk covering the month of June read and filed. Librarian's report for month of June read and ordered filed . Fire Chief Dullahant invited the i,liayor & Council to attended the "dashington State Firemen's Convention in Bellingham July 14, 15 and 16 . This beim the night for opening bids on 10" pipe the following were read: Pacific ',Vater Works Supply Co. . 300 ft 10" C.I. Bell & Spigot Pipe . .96 pr ft. Hugh G. Purcell Co. - 300 ft 10" Class 150 , 12 ft. lengths price, 41.085 per foot. -- 11oved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that the bids be referred to the Council for re.1;ort. Carried. Idioved by Lewis , seconded by Plano that the city engr. bring in estimate of changing location of sewer on Lst 1.ve. between 71illiams & Burnett Sts. Carried. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Delaurenti that the steps at the corner of 4th & Cedar St. be repaired. Carried. The question of placing drinking water on the street at Diizn's Beach was discussed. Moved by Pasco, seconded by ha;viren; e that same be re- ferred to the First, -ight & dater Committee for reNort next week. Carried. No further business, meetin€ wdjourned. City Clerk Mayor 140 i July 18, 1933. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. ITL. by Mayor ti,lilson. Roll Call: Lawrence , 'Delaurnti , Lewis , Pasco , Plano, Deacy and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and a_,ilroved.. Petition of the Pao . Tel & Tel . Co . to replaoetwo poles in the alley between 1dorris & Smithers 11t. read. Moved by Jane , seconded by Plano that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited ana reooma,ended for payment the following: Pay Roll St. Dept. 9578.23 - 1887-1913 Pay Poll Nater Dept. 63.97 - 1030-1034 Moved. by Jane , seconded by Lewis that all pay rolls o . k. ' b;y the Committee be allowed. Carried. ','later Supt reporting on the Application of the Vlashington Jockey Club for water states that the tapping will be mde for p30 .00. Fire , Night & '.later Committee reporting on the bids for cast iron pipe recommends that we purchase 300 ft of pipe at this time . Moved by Lewis , seconded by Plano that we award the bid to the Purcell Company, for tLnerica.n made , cast iron pipe . Carried. Engr made report on the sewer at Burnett & Williams Sts. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that the matter be turned over to the St & hlley Committee and the city engr for reeommend ati on. Carried. Communication read from Northern Pacific Railway relative to crossing at 6th & Burnett St. The Mayor suggested that the Council as a whole visit the cimssing also the street at Dixon's Beach relative to placing water on the street. Moved by Lewis seconded by Delaurent i that water line be put on Penton t�ve . Carrie d. The pipe line was suggested as a desirable highway. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that vie write the City of Seattle relative to using their right of way as a highway. Carried. Suggestion was made that we limit the time of parking on Bronson Way. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that the matter bw referred to the St . & Willey Committee for resort. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. .r City Clerk Mayor. 141 July 25, 19 cZ . The regular meeting of the City Cou ,cil was called to order at S P. Y. by IAW or Milson. Roll Call: Lawrence , Delaurenti, Lewis , Pasco , Plano , Deacy & Jane. Yinutes of the last meeting read a..d a.,,provea. Petition of J. E. Duke to reuuild house on Lot 14 , Block 2, Car 11ork s, read. 11oved by Lewis, e CouncLed by Delaurenti that same be granted. Carried. St & alley Committee recommenced one hour parking on Bronson Way. Proved by Lewis , seconded by Lawrence that rucoiamenclati on be carried out . Carrie d. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by 2asco that the City '�ngr. cooperate withthe Utate Ili rhv,-ay �r r in regarc to First ,,.venue Forth. Carried. Loved by Lewis , seconded by Delaurenti that the city continue the water line to Dixon Beach. Carried. lriovea uy i,awren;e, se ondea by Deacy that the light on the flag pole be referred to the Fire , jitht & nater Committee. Carried. The c ounei i desires that the crossing at 6th l�venue and Burnett St . be reopened and instructed the City sttorney to communicate with the Railway Comj,any in re6�,ard 'to the matter. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that the matter of alterations at the Baseball ?ark be referred to the City Prof erty Committee and the Park Box- d for res ort. Carrie d. No further business , meeting adjourned. 4-9�_� Clerk, Pro Tem i May or . 142 Council met in regular session at 8 2. Id.. with hiiayor Wilson presiding. Present: Lawrence , Delaurenti, Lewis, Pasco, Plano, Deacy & Jane . Minutes of the la�;t meeting read and approved. Petition of Undo Breda for pezmit to repair house on Lot 25 , Block 15, R. F. P. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Application of ILII. I. Morton to peddle buttermilk in the ci ty read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that same be re- ferred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. Petition of Joe Monti to erect garage on Lot 13, B3.ock 5, Town read. Moved. by Pasco , seconded by Levris that same be granted. Carrie d. Petition of III. Jorgensen to remodel house on Lot 6, Block 2, R. F. P. read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Plano that same be granted-. Carried. Petition of Edna Llewellyn to make addition to house on Lot 2e, Block 5 , R. F. P . Moved by Jane , seconded b,y Lawrence that same be grant- , W ed. Carried, i�pplication of Cascade Beverage Distributing Co . for beer distributors license read. Moved by Pasco , seconded. by Delaurenti that same be granted. Carried. application of Tom Rubattino for beer parlor license read. Moved. by Deacy, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited sand recomme naed for pay- (f ment the following: lb Current Fay Roll St . De.,;t. X513.96-1933-51 Thos . Harries, P. M. Starnes 3.UU-1886 Lot Davis Fees 2.50-1915 Geo . Hancock Par_K Hauling 27.35-1916 Pat Hogan Police Expense 19 .00-1917 Gaylord Bros , Inc . Library Books 42. 75-1952 Lowman & Hanford Library Books 37 .82 3 Ross Diem Park-Hauling .30 .00 4 T. F. Ideehan Expenses 1.65 5 Reid & Cook Labor 2.75 6 Jno Dower Lumber Co . Lumber 3.38 7 Eagle Cafe Prisoners Meals 1.8U 8 Rent on Hdw & Furn Supplies 2.05 9 Sanderson Safety Su.�;ply F. D. Material 1.50-1960 Seattle 7!axine Co. Supplies 11.50 1 Toots Bunstine Park Labor 6.00 2 Williams & McKnight Park Material 25.32 3 Seattle Gas Co. Gas 3.10 4 'gest Disinfecting Co . Supplies 2.02 5 Renton News Record Printing 7.50 6 I'm. YRne Labor w Vf1 terial 14.05 7 State Treasurer Licenses 2.U0-1918 to 143 E� Pac . Tel & Tel . Co . Telephones 10.30-1968 Renton Feed Go. Material 7.60 9 R. 0. Drown Labor 1.00 ' 1970 Union Oil Co . Friehgt ClE s 19.15 1 Renton Sand & Gravel Material 8.40 2 MAW Laher Auto Spring Co . Material 1.20 3 Lawrence Fuel Tsfr Park-Hauling 7.00 4 1,1m. `.faller Labor 2.00 5 P. S. P. 8c L. Co . Light s 613.56 6 60ER Pay Roll Vater Dep t. -1037-51 Hugh G. Purcell 4o . Cast Iron Pipe 323.34- 1052 P. S. P. '% '�. rower 42.99 3 Yov ed by Jane, seconded by Del auren ti that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carrie d. The City iLttomey was instructed to draft a Resolution adopting the National Recovery Let. City Atty. stated that the Downie case would be heard about the 21st of _ugust. :Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that city council and the city atty. get together on this case before trial date . Carried. --Engr. made verbal resort on the prggress of the lst ,,ve. No. improvement . ItiIloveb- by Lawrence , seconded by Delaurent i that the engr. bring in estimate as soon as possible on cost of wrecking and erecting store building on lst .-ve. No . Carried. 1dov ed by Lewis, seconded by Delaurent i that the 'Nater Supt make the necessary water connections on lst .eve . No. when same is torn up . Carried. Yr. Lee I'llonohon addressed the council relative to the Metropolitan Sever 2riject and suj;gestea that a Committee be appointed. ook into the matter. The Mayer appointed the following committee to investi- gate wia kepo rt L)ack to the Council. Lewis , Lawrence and Pasco. Fire chief Dullahant spoke of the danger of cars running to fires when the alarm is sounded and suggested that the Police Dept . cooperate in keeping cars away from fires and recommended that fire alarms be installed in di fferenet parts of the city. Aioved by Pasco , seconded by Jane that the matter be referred to the Fi: e, Light & ':''ester Committee in conjunction with the Fire Chief and reioort back to the Council. Carried. No further business , meeting �,d journed. (Alt City Clerk !vIsy or . 144 bug. 8, 1933. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Wilson. Roll Call: Lawrence , Delaurenti, Lewis , Pasco , Plano & Deacy . ..r Minutes of the last meeting read. and approved. Petition of idrs . J. D. Hughes to reshingle house on Lot 9 , Block 19 , Town read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Plano thz t same be granted. Carried. Petition of Ed Morgan to reshingle house at 127 Main St . read. Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Lawrence that _.ame be grant ed. Carried. Petition of Vince Stewart to erect garage on Lot 8, Block 3, R. F. P. and also break curb for driveway read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Pasco that garage petition be granted and the curb be referred to the St & Llley Committee with power to act . Carried. Petition of Tom Rubbatino to remodel building at 806 3rd «ve. read. 11ov ed by Plano , s econa ed by Deacy that same be grant- ed under the supervision of the Fire Chief. Carried. Petition of John Peternell to re-roof garage on Lot 7 , Block 11, Car 70orks . Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Lewis that same be grant ed. Carrie d. Petition of Pao . Tel ,& Tel. Co . to set new pole to replace a broken one at at Park rive & 4th .eve. Torth read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted. Carried. .,,p.,lic ati on for transfer of license from Roy Kelly to Frank Tonkin read. Move& by Lawrence, seconded by Deacy that the transfer of license be granted. Carried. Resort of engr. read showing estimated cost of wreaking and remodeling Edwards Market on lst live . No . in amount of X1234.00. Fire, Light & Water Committee recommended the install- ation of three alarm signals on trial . Moved by Pasco, seconded by 'Lewis that the Fire Chief have the fire akarms installed. Carried. Reports of the Treasurer and Clerk covering the month of July read and filed. Librarian's rep ort for month of July read and filed. Communication received from Keystone Development Co. relative to complaint of L. rIzzolo that water overflows ,.nr his property at Springbrook when the city 's water valves are opened. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Delaurenti that the matter be referred to the Fire, Light & _Xateyr Committee 'Nater Supt for frill resort and the communication be referred. to the City Atty for -r_ r. is d. 1n 145 IC p_n Kecol.ition "y 0.463,endorsi.ng the work of the Nation- al Recovery �►dministration read. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that same be adopted . Carried. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that the broken curb on Bronson 'day in front of nl Alore-an' s Service Station be replaced in as good condition as same was originally and the owner be so notified. Carried. ratty. resorted that the 11. P. woula replace crossing at 6th & Burnett St. :loved by Lawrence , seconded by Pasco that the council meet with the city attorney on the Downie case. Carried. on ist .ve. No. City Engr. recommended/that intakes between the catch basin be installed same to be run on a minus and .plus grade . Engr. was given authority to use his own judgment regarding the same. charger. St. Supt recommendea that the city purchase a battery Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that same. be re- ferred to the City Property Committee and Councilman Delaurenti , for investi-cation and report back to Council. Carried. Mr. 'feimer asked to have sewer tasped at Ord 4rhit- worth St. The St . Supt was authorized to tap same. . ! Fire Chief Dullahant stated that Browning Bros . were desirous of bringing their carnival to Renton under the auspices; of the Renton Fire Dept. and asked next week. permission to show in Renton .► :Lfter considerable discussion as to the advisibility of having a carnic al in town at the present it was Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that the same be placed on the table . Carrie d. No further business , meeting adjourned. City Clerk May or. i i 146 •�ug. 15, 196 a Council met in regular session at 8 P. 11. with Mayor °filson presiding. j Roll Call: Lawrenc e , De laurenti , Lewis , Pasco, Plano Deacy. .rr Minutes of the ld s t meeting read and ro ve d.. Petition of D. F. �jilliams to reshingle house on Lot lo, j Block 24, Town read.. Moved by Plano, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried . . Petition of John Suffia to reshingle house at 547 i'elly i St . read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Plano that same be granted. Carrie d. Water Supt rei;orting on the L. ilzzolo complaint stated. that aame would be taken care of satisfactorily. City Pro,derty Committee and Coancilman Dela.urenti recommended that we i)urehase a battery charger in an amount not to exceed 9'39 .00. ,,loved by Lawrence , seconded by Plano that the reeommenda-' tion be concurred in. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and reeommenied for pEW - me nt the following: Current Pay Roll St. De. t. ,1365.98-1987-03, Pay Roll ErE.r. Dept . 62.86-2004-7 1 Puget Sd Title Ins. Descript ion 2:50- 8 .k�uto Parts & ,Wrecking b1laterial 6.U0 9 Lot Davis Fees 15 .00 2010 Reid & Cook Labor & Material 39 .05 1 Toots Bunstine Park Labor 4.00 2 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies-Park 2.00 3 Ser. Ldry & Gleams Ldr)t 9 .60 4 I Union Cil Co . Gas 149 .48 5 Bob 's Shoe Re pa it Material-Park 2.40 6 Renton Chronicle Legs & Printing 22.10 7 J. E. Vioue Sui,,plies 1.25 8 Grolier Society Library Hooks 79 .90 9 Lowman & Hanford Lib ary .3o oks 24.63 2020 Tom Dobson & Cons Insurance 100.00 1 C. N. DeBalto Labor on mower-Park 3.U0 3 Renton Clothing Co . P ark Hate rial 12.80 4 Stoneway Dock Co . Material 15.90 5 Pac. Car & Fdry Material 52.00 5 E. Hyde Labor on tools 2.40 7 Jno , Dower Lumber Material 10.21 8 H. Fiskalli F. D. Labor l9 .0 9 Jbot�k-tsol h Supplies Dog Catcher 9:0 2031 Water Pay Roll Iater De.L,t. V564.44- 1057-86 Reid & Cook Labor 5.U0 1087 Rensselaer Valve Co . Material 21.12 1091 City of Seattle ,'Vater 88.08 9 . oved by Lewis, seconded by Jane that the recommendation vowy� of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. i 147 ION Communication read from NcthemPaeifie Railway Co. stating that the crossing; at oth & i3urnett would be replaced as soon as L,o s s ible . City "tty. recommended that the Downie case be settled out of c ourt for ;x;200.00 in full for all claims of damage . (fl090) Loved by Plano, seconded by Lewis that the i�:ayo r & City Clerk be authorized to sign warrant in favor or Downie in the sum of X200.00 and city attorney draft the necessary release papers . Carried . idioved by Pasco, seconded by Lawrence that the St. Shpt make a survey of the city noting all streets without the name of street indicated on poles and work in conjunction with the St. �c rlley Committee in getting approximate cost of putting names on all streets . Carried. No further business, meeting Gdjourned. City Clerk Payor 14 Aug . 22 , 1903. Regular meeting of the City Cou.lcil wus called to order at 8 P. M. by May or 'Milson. Pretient : Lawrunc e , Delaurenti , Lewis, Deacy , lano i and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting were read. and a�sroved. Petition of Mrs . Emma Jones to reshingle shed on Lot 18, Block 37 , Smithers ,dd. ".loved by Lewis , seconded Uy Plano that same be grant ed. Carried. Petition of G. h. Harrier to reshingie house on Lot 24 , Block 1, Smithers 2Ad . read. Moved by Plano , seconded by Lewis that same be grant- ed. Carried. A.,.,,lication of H. i.. Wellman for juii.k license at 419 Main St . &loved by Lawrence , seconded by Delaurent i that same be granted. Carried. ti.oi)lication of J. 1,71. Willitt for beer jurlor license ." Moved eq Plano , seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted. ^arried. :._�.jlicat ion of J. 11. Vioue for liquor iieem e . Lewis and Delaurent i recommended grant 1tut, of s=e. Moved by Plano , seconded by Delaurent i that license be granted at regular fce . Carrie d. No further business, meeting adjourned. Clerk 2ro Tem. Mayor. r� 149 �� rug. 3U, 1933. Tuesday, august 29th, being; a legal holiday the Council met in regular session at 8 P. Id, Wednesday , August 30, with Yayor Wilson presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis , Pasco, Plano , De acy & Jane . Minutes of the last meeti nL: read and erproved. Petition of Jos. Covey to repair house on Lot 7 , Block 8, Town , read. granted. T^oved by Lawrence , seconded by Lewis that salve be Carried. on 3rd rivietition of i.1 Duncalf to remodel store in Temme Bldg , Moved by Lewis, seconled by Delaurenti that same be granted under the supervizf.on of the Fire Chief. Carried. Lngr. stated that he needed certain instruments and equipment for the engineering department . Moved by Pasco , seconded by Plano that the matter be referred to the City Property Committee and the �q_� r. with power to act . Carried. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Lawrence , that xx the city atty investigate and re�aommend to the Council the feasibility of licensing outside motor vehicles . Carried. Fire Chief Dullahant extended an invitation to the T4layor & Council and City Officials to attend the meeting of the Puget Sound Firemen6 association to be held in Renton Sednesday, Sert . 6th. Mr. Thos. Sneddon th anke d theiay or & C ouneil for prompt action in getting; the oth ave. crossing re-opened. uIayor Wilson resorting on the jjroerees of 1st rive. No . stated that he had had a conference with Gov . I.Tartin and that the sum of money allotted for j)avjng is t hve . N. had been in- creased from X18,000. to X23,000 . and that the wprk Could begin soon. Lioved by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that a Resolution be drafted signifying the willingness of this administration to widen, a.t some future time,. that yjortion of 3ronson aay from the bridge to 2nd ave . at the ex.,ense of the parking strip and sidewalk. Carried. No further ousiness meeting djourned. LT City Clerk V May or. i i i i 150 Seat . 5, 1933 . The Council met in regular session ut 8 2. JI. with Mayor 1,7i 1 so n j re s icli ng . Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurent i , Lewis, Pasco , Plano , Deacy & Jane . Minutes of the last meeting; read and ae,,roved. Petition of E. F. Betz to erect garage on Lot 9 , Block 23, R. F. P. read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that same be granted. Carrie d. Petition of Mrs . Antrew Crookston to erect house, garage on Lot 6 , Block 11, Car 71orks siddition read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Deacy that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Renton barbers asking the city council to regulate by ordinance the o_pening and eldtsing of local shojs ', the same as Seattle h*19 under the new Enabling nct. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that same be referred to the Law & Ordinance Committee for resort next week. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and reeomiiiended for .Lja,yment the following. : CURRa7T Pay Roll St. Deft . ; 404.61 - 2047-63 Pay Roll Eagr. De.L,t. 17.96 - 2064-65 i-jay Roll Park De.,,t . 130.21 - 2066-74 qW Renton Sd & Gravel Material 4.20 2075 Renton Garage Labor x lvla,terial 1.45 6 R. 0. Brown Laoor on tools 2. 8U 7 F. L. Hixenbaugh Library Books 9 .u0 8 Ifm. "taller Laoor 2.00 9 Renas & Truagian L,-uor at Park 38.00 2080 Seattle Gas Co . Gas 2.89 1 .art «nderson F. :ij. Labor 4.50 2 H. ;,�. Fiskaali F. J. Labor 9 .UU 3 Ser. Ldry Ldry 4.85 4 Rainier Fuel & Tsfer rood - St. 8.00 5 Standard Oil Co . Gas 34.U5 6 Remington Rand Ino . Machine Service 10 .00 7 :.L. J. Cronin Co. Charger 38.25 8 ;dim. Kane Labor & Material 8.75 9 Crescent Office Supl)ly Sup.L,lies 5. 60 2090 Pac . Tel & Tel . Co . Tele�,hones 11.20 1 West Coast Hospital Supply Material F. D. 5.78 2 Stoneway Dock Co, Material - 2ark 46.00 3 Owl Cafe Prisoners E.eals 4.90 4 Cochra:n's Paint Store Mz terial 11.10 5 N. P. Ry . freight F. D. 1.52 2046 ':7.CATER Pay Roll Sater Deit. 1.18.98 - 1J94-1101-5 Olymj;ic Foundry Co . Material d .75 1102 Renton Feed Co . Material 2.90 1103 City of Seattle ?later 82 .44 1104 loved by Lewis, seconded by Pasco that the recommendation of the Finance Coiamittee be concurred in. Carried. 151 Resolution No. 464 stating that the City Council go on record as being in favor of granting the :State of Washington a 40 foot road-bed on Bronson lay between the bridge and 2nd rive. at the expense of the parking strips and sidewalks and not by acquiring by condemnation of any farther right of way, read. iGIoved by JUawrenc e, seconded by Lewis that the Resolution be adopted as read. Carried. Br. Broneon addressed the Jouncil stating that the amoulance service furnished by Seattle for Renton Una vicinity indigent cases had been discontinued and suEgestad that the City of enton make provision to take care of such ambulance service from Renton to Harborview after patients had been given first aid by local doctors. The matter was discussed and motion made by Delaurenti, seconded by Lewis that the matter be referred. to the Ways & Means Committee and the local doctors for rejort next Tuesday. Carrie d. !3o further business , meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor. I x_52 ep t. 12, 1933. Regular meeting of the City Council was O�dled to order at 8 P. i, . by ;Mayor Wiison. Roll Call: Lawrence , Deluirenti , Lewis , Pasco , Plano , Deacy & Jane . .rr Minutes of the last meeting read and a_,y)roved. Petition of .-nnie Marlowe to erect garage on Lot 6, Block 26, Town of Renton. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Pasco that same be grant ed. Carried. Petition of L. Thompson to reshingle house on Lot 23, Block 5, R. F. P. Ikloved by Lewis , seconded by Delaurent i that same be granted. Carried. Petition of s-.. H. Lynn to reshingle house on Lot 6, Block 27 , Town. Moved by Plano , s econdea by Lewis that same be grant ed. Carried. Petition of C . H. & St. Paul Ry, to stub trans- mission poles on 3rd :Lve. No . and- along alley between Shattuck & '7hitmorth Sts . Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be referred to the St. & Jilley Committee to resort next week. Carried. Petition of P. S. P & L. Co . to remove two poles ��.�/► on Mill St. and set one new one read, lilov ed by Lewis , seconded by Delaurent i that same be granted. Carried. HeNorts of the Treasurer & Clerk for the month of august read and fi7{ed. Fire Chiet rejorted that the sirens had been installed. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk May or 153 Seat . 19 , 1933 Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. wi th ?payor ?Nilson presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence , Delaurenti, Lewis , Pasco , Deacy & Jane . Minutes of the last meeting read and avproved. 'etiti on of Geo . r. (."uster to reside court of Gieldseth Bldg, on Lot 6 , Block 1.b , Town renls Moved by Lewis , seconded ,by Pasco that same be grant e 0 . Carried. Petition of D. 3cisseau to make addition to ,house on Lot 14 , Block 2, liotor Line . IJloved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane th t same be grant ed. C arrie d. application for a junk dealers license read from r. H. Johnson in premises at *ally `,galla & :cells Sts . Iloved by Pasco , seconded by Jane that same be re- ferred t.o the 2olice & -icense Committee with power to act. Carrie d. application to have two card tables rA 11elrose read from Geo. A. ..tkinson. Moved by Jane , seconded by Lawrence that same be re- ferred to the Police & -icense Committee for investi •ation and report back to Council. Carried. The Finance Committee auaited and recommended for pay- ment the following: r• CURRI N T Pair Roll St. Dept. yp438.87 -21U9-27 Glen E. Blegan Labor on Sireas F. D. 28.OU 2107 Edmund Cross Labor on sirens F. D. 10 .00 8 Pay Roll Eng r. Dept. 35.92 2128-29 V. nnnstrone &.Sons Material 9 .40 2130 Renton Sand & Gravel Park ;'vTaterial 47.30 1 Shell Gil Cos Gas & Oil 258.79 2 Kuker-Ranken, inc . EnEr. Supplies 39 .25 3 Lowman & Hanford Lib . Hooks 40.31 4 H. :.. Fiskaali Labor installing sirens 18.00 5 E. Hyde F. D. Expense 2.25 6 Lawrence Fuel & Transfer Full 37 .25 7 J. R. Storey Fuel - Lib rary 45.UO 8 P. S. P. & L. Co . Ligh is 382.04 9 Rnton Feed. Co . Cement 5.10 2140 Seattle 7Vzxine Co . Supplies 8.00 1 Union Oil Co . Gas & Oil 98 .79 2 Hub City Chev Material 5.00 3 Eureka ;Kress Supplies 1.35 4 Hooker Electro Chlorine 405 .00 5 I,Villians &. l,:chnight Supplies 2.86 6 Frank E. Rhodes Tire & Tubes 31.85 7 Clarke Bros . Iv"otor Labor & Material 13.62 8 Jno Dower Lumber Co. Lumber 11.70 9 Cresent Office Suuply Registration Supplies 17U .UO 2150 F. E.. Lawrence Fuel 10.00 I aiCriT";� Pay Roll Water Dept . 92.05 1109-13 Seattle Steel Co . Material 381.60 1114 Union Oil Co . Gas & Oil 71.90 5 P. 5. P. & L. Co . Power 70.46 6 154 !6oved by Lewis , seconded by Delaurenti that the r ecom genda- tion of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. St. & alley were granted more time before- rej;orting on the petition of the C . -,,1. & St. Paul Ry. Protest of property owners on Ord rve. No. read against granting the C. Id. & St. Paul the right to stub ,poles . r.rr Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis th�-.t same be filed for future reference . Carried. Yr. Lino Azzolo complained of the city's re,servoir flodd- irig his property at times. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that same be referred to the St & 7.7ater Supt for recommendation and report next Tuesday . Carried, lst Ave. North project was discussed and, condemnation pro eeedgins suggested to acquire the necessary .right of v�,ay. Moved. by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that the matter be referred to the City Atty. and this meeting be adjourned to 8 P. Iti, Wednesday Sept. 20th. Carrie d. No further business , meeting adjourned. to 8 2. Me Sept . 20th. A&dl City Clerk i IJ ay or I . I i a I I I rrr'` i Sept . 20 , adjourned meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Wilson. �3e11 Call: - Lawrence, Delaurenti, Juewis , Pasco, Plano , Deacy & June. iv inutes of the last meeting read and a�.,j mved.. Ord-inance 14'o . 935 providing; for the 1V ing off, opening, widening etc. of 1st .eve. No was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee . The Ordinynce Committee re,,ortect favorauly on Ordinance No. 935 whereupon it was Aaced upon its second and third read- ings and ;gassed as a whole, all councilmen ,resent voting 4e: Lawrence , Delaurenti, Lewis , Pasco , Plano, Deacy & Jane e IT further business , meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor Sem t. tri , 190:j. Regular meeting of the City Council w4s caller. to order at 8 P. L7. by mayor ''ilson. Roll Cal: De lourenti , Lewis, ra.sco, Plano , Deasy and Jane , IN'linutes of the last meetings read and a.p�;roved. Petition of y. D. rngwin to reshin�,le house on Lot 170 Block 20, R . F. r. read. Loved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that satne be :ranted. Barrie d. j Petition of Xillard. DeLuche to rQ:shingle house at 530 Ren tonrive . read. 6:oved by Jane , seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted. Carried. Folie e License Committee re.,orted f avorably on the license of H. Johnson for junk license , a half years license to be charger= and.. lieense to expire Dec . 31st , this year. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Plano that the recommenda- tion of the Committee be concurred in and license granted. Carrie d. Police &: License Committee re.�,ortin€: on the application for card tables at l�elrase , recommend same provided same be partitioned- off from the beer parlor. Idoved by Pasco, seconded by Jane t1.$ license be granted for the remainder of this year. Carried. :dater Suit stated thz t he had to lkec with nzzolo and it was agreed that if the city dig the aitch to prevent overflow from reservoir and make a deduction of 45.00 on his water bill for last month that the claim would be considered settled. Loved by Pasco , seconded by Deaey that the recommenda- tion be concurred in provided Lir. hzzolo signa=l waiver of claim for damages up to date . Carrie d. 'dater Supt re,orting on the piers at `dells 6t. bridge said the waterway commissioners were removing gravel bar from center of river end recommended that a wing be placed on each side of piers by the city. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that the matter be referred to the ':iter Supt & St . & elley Committee for investi- gat ion and rejo rt next Tuesday, on approximate cost of such work . Carried. Communication read from Seattle Savings & Loan rss'n. giving us the right to take possession of their ,jro. erty on First rive. No. for the widening etc of said street , the com- pensation therefor to be deterridned in condeinnation proceedings, was :- led.for future reference . No further business , meetinE adjourned. City Clerk May or 157 Uctober 193. ri SPECI" ME MNG OF 'THE' CITY COUNCIL '.1't..`a C1%LLED TO ORD--"q �,T 8 P. iuc. BY X.LYOR �TLSON. Roll Call. Delaurenti, Pasco , Plano , Deasy ,iift There being no objection to the buaeet as read, it was moved by ±asco , seconded by Jane that the same be adodtad &,E read . Carried. On motion by Delaurenti , seconded by Deacy, the meetin adjourned. City Clerk May or . Oct. )' , 1933. Council met in regular session at 8 P. L.. with i4:ayor Wilson presiding . Roll Call- Lawrence , Delaurenti, Lewis , Plano , Deacy and Jcn e. ;,iinutes of the last regular and srecial meetings read and approved. Petition of ". C . Kemp to erect gara4 e on Lot 16, Block 19 , R. F. 110 Moved by Lewis , seconded. by Plano that same be grant- ed. Carried. Petition of P. S. P. & L. Co . to move role and set guy stub on lst ,.ve. No . & '.lilliams St . read. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Lewis that same be re- ', ferred to the St. & :,lle.y Committee with Nower to act . Carried; The Finance Committee audited and recommended. for �aay- ment the following: Current Pay Roll .jt. Dep t. x;419 .90-2166-83 PV Roll Park 22.45-2164-88 Pay Roll 3ngr. Dept . 13.47-2189 Llmer Crosoy Laoor on cars 1.25-2165 R. ails on Supplies 1.OU-2190 Stoneway Dock Co . Material 22.48- 1 Seattle Gras Co . Gas 2.75 2 Service Ldry 1 Cleaners Ldry 7 .10 3 Renton Feed Co . Material 8.00 4 7dalla.ce �, Tierman Material 54 .50 5 71m. "Faller Labor 2.(.)0 e Frank E. Rhodes ;Material 6.70 7 lac . Tel & Tel . Co . Telephones 14.00 8 Kuker-Ranken, Inc . Engr's Expense 5.00 9 eater Pay Roll 'Nater De t . 53.88-1119-22 Adm. Kane Labor 2.00-1123 iMloved by Lawrence , seconded by Lewis that the recom- mendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. • Carried. Resort read from 'rngr . on meeting of the ','iashington Construction League and filed. I Ordinance No . 936 adopting a budget for the year 1934 read and on motion referred. to the Ordinance Committee . 1 The Ordinance Committee retorted favorably on Ord No. 936 whereupon it was placed upon its seconded and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence , Delaurenti , Lewis , Plano, Deacy and Jane. Ordinance No . 937 fixing the amount of tax levies for the year 1934 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably ori Ord No. 937 .hereupon it was placed upon its second and third read- ings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis , Plano , Deaey and. Jane . �t 159 eraveline of ':'oved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that theL street paralleling- the "Leu Shearer property be referred to the St . &. alley Committee, with power to act. Carried. roved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that the park- ing of cars in alleys be referred to the Police Dept for immediate action. Carried. Moved by Jane, seconded by Lewis th�-t- the heavy traffic and the parking of cars on &rd. :.ve. betwen Burnett & Logan Sts. at certain times be referred to the Police Dept . for investiation and resort next Tuesday. Carried. Representatives of U. P . L. addressed the Council asking for gas 8c oil to be used for hauling wood to the needy familes . Idayor referred the matter to the Council a.s a whole to re;iort on next Tuesds.y. No further business , meetin4 adjourned. CITY CL ;RIL LL,iYOR 160 October 10, 1906 . Council met in regular session at 6 2. Ili. with Mayor 11i i s on p re s i di ng . Roll Call: Lawrence , Delaurent i , Lewis, Pasco , Plano , � Deacy & Jane . lviinutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of John Parker to erect double garage at 340 Smithers St . read. !roved by Lawrence, seconded. by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. i Re,)ort read from St. Supt stating that it would cos t approximately X233.00 to drive a. bulk-head at the `:dells St . bridge . St &: hlley Committee recommended that the repo rt be received and work authorized. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Lewis that the recowmenda- tion of the St -: nlley Committee be concurred in. Curried. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Levis that thelreciuest of the U. P. L. be tabled for the present. Carrie d. Re,jorts of the Treasurer & Clerk eoverinL; the month of Sei,tember read. and file d. Librarian's r,�,,ort for the month of ept, read and fi le d. Ordinance fixing the license fee of motor vehicles and trucks read and on motion referred to the Ordinance ` Committee for report next week, if possible . The Engineer was instructed to get approximate cost of storm sewers in North Renton. City atty. stated that the Alen•. case would be he and in the :supreme Court shortly and asked for some legal assistance . Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Pasco that the city atty . be authorized to employ legal assistance , the maximum fee to be 9150 .00 and same to be taken out of the water funds. Carrie d. !,r,Lr. . ,ir. iyiax Thorne notified the Council of a meeting to be held in Seattle Wednesday, Oct. 11th , with King County . Commissioners and ``Telfare Board and sue-�-ested that some one rervesent the City of Re,.ton there . The ?Mayor accepted the invitation. No iiirther business , meeting adjourned. IMOI City Clerk Mayor 161 Oct. 17 , 19.53 . Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. 141. by mayor Bilson. Roll Cail. Lawrence , Delaurenti, Lewis, Pasco , 21 ano , D e acy & Jane , .lUinutes of the last meeting read and aj,,proved.. Petition of Vincent Dougherty to remodel house at 420 Williams St . read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Jane the t same be granted. Carried. Petition of J. R. Storey to enlarge garage at 350 jelly St . read. Moved by Plano , seconded by Lewis that same be grant- ed. Carried. Petition of A. Romiti to, reshingle house at 419 Cedar St . read. Moved by Delaurenti , seconded b ! Plano that same be granted. Carried. St . & Alley Committee resort unfavorably on the petition of the C. ?vI. & St. Paul Ry. and recommend denial of permit. Proved by Lawrence , seconded 'by Lewis that the resort be acceited and concurred in and all companies notifed to remove all stubs as soon as possible . Motion carried. The Finance Committee audited and recom�::ended. for pay- meat the following: CURR ldT Pay Roll St. Dept. . 390.61-2209-27 ►f " End r. Dei,t. 13.47 28 n it Park ➢eats 368.18-222.9-$7 Lowman & Hanford Lib . Books 33.04 38 A. J. Burney Library Painting 95.50 39 I,IVm. Kane Labor 1.50 40 Pac. Car w Fary Material 2.UO 41 Joee"dhite Labor & Material 5.30 42 Franic Van .Hinkle Cleanin€, Globes 32.50 43 Trimm Fuel Co . Fuel 32.10 44 Renton Feed Co . Park Material 192.25 45 dilliams Sweet Center Park Material 2.00 46 Toots Bunst ine Park Law r 18.00 47 'Wayne Armstrong , Treas Fire Dept Fees 5.00 46 Cochran's ,paint Store St . Paint 1.15 49 L. Hyde Labor 3.55 50 V. tirm:, trong & Sons Material 5.45 51 Erickson Bros Cedar Piling 80 .25 52 Eagle Cafe Prisoners meals 6.50 53 J. S. Hardie Labor & Material 4.73 54 John Dower Lumber Co . 11aterial 1.68 55 OIATME Pay Roll Water Dept . 53.88-1126-27 C"ity of Seattle ;dater 62.16 1128 Rummens & Griffin Legal Services 150 .00 1129 :Moved by Jane , seconded by Lewis that the recommends tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. F r 162 Communication read from Wm. J . Yardley relative to state control of liquor. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that same be re- ferred to a special committee for disposition. The Layor referred the same to the '.gays & Means Committee . Iwo Communication read from Ivirs . Harold Evans telling of injury `received and damage done when she fell on a poor sidewalk on 2nd Ave. and asking; JOU .00 damages. Loved bj Lawrence , seconded b.; Lewis that same be re4 ferrel to the city atty. & Finance Claims Committee . Carried. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Delaurent i that the licensing ordinance be discussed at a public meeting, Friday 6ct .20th at 8 P. M. in the City Hall. Carried. stated Mr. Schoal of the P. S. P & L . Cy that the new low rates became effective Sept . 1933 and asked- the council for letter of acceptance of same . Loved by Pasco , seconded by Jane that sane be referred to the Fire, Light & Water Committee for recommendation and they be given sower to act. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. (Inawd IT04 _City Clerk Mayor rrr/ 4 163 Oct. 24, 1966. n n.cil met in regular session at 8 2. Li. with .'Milson iresidine. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis , 2 sco , Plano and Jane . Minutes of` the last meeti.ne read and ai;.�roved. Patition of Um. Reid to break curb at 305 1st ,.ve . No. read. ;fit . & alley Committee recommended that same be granted. loved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence t h A the recommendation of the committee be concurred in. Carried. of Communication read from .,lay or/.Yakima. asking thLA the city send two delegates to a meeting. in Yakima Uct . 26th relative to liquor control. 'otred. by Lawrence, seconded by i,ewis that the ,mayor a.LiNoint two delegates to Atend the meeting, ex.L;enses to be )aid by 1,i.e city . ,arried. Ordinance Committee was Eiven more time before re,;orting on the vehicle licensing ordinarn e. ,ngr submitted written red ort on the apVroximate cost of the worth Renton storm sewer. The question will be laid before the North Renton Im,)rovernent Club for endorse- ment or rejection. JAo further business , meeting adjourned. 7-7117 11 City Clerk Mayor 164 Oct. 31, 1963. Regular meeting of the City Council was e fled to order at 8 P. Y,. by Ivlayor Wilson. i Roll Call: Delaurenti , Lewis Pasco , Plano , ` Deacy & Jane . LTinutes of the last meeting react and a+ ,roved., Petition of Frank 'Manifold to erect house on "Tillian s St . read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Jane that same be grant ed. Carrie d. Petition of ii-. Me iiiae.rd to erect garage on Lot 6, Bloc k 2g, R. F. P. read. Moved by Plano , seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. retition read from U. P. L. i+loved by Pasco , seconded by Delaurenti that same be filed. Carried. Petition of certain business men asking that vehicle licensing ordinance be iassea, read. j !Moved. by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that same be filed for reference . The Finance Committee auciiteci L..nd recoaLuended for la a`v yient the foll:.,wing: , i Current Pay Roll St. Dart. X47'7 .23-2270-87' Pay Roll -,:ngr. Der t. 17 .96 2288-89' Seattle Gas Co . Gas 3.52- 229U Eureka Press Supplies 15 .30 1 Reid & Cook, ma-terial & Labor 25.08 2 Rento n Garage Labor & Mat e ri al 7 .50 Z Bob Shoe Repair Park Expense .80 4 Pao. Tel & Tel . Co . Telephones 10.25 5 E. P. MLSon Lxpens es-Delegation to Yakima 42.80 6 Clint `,J. .Lee Co . Supplies 17.95 7 H. Fiskaali F. D. Labor 4.50 8 Art i,nderson F. D. Labor 4. 50 9 Standard Oil Co . Supplies 8. 00 2300 United Yotors Service Labor & ivIaterial 7 .44 1 Art Burnside Sirens 127 .50 2 Totts Bunstine Park L=,bor 2.00 3 & i,. Co . Lights 593.45 4 Bishop & Jenkins Fue 1 6.50 5 Union Oil Co . Gas 74.74 6 Gladding,McBean & Co . Material 74.25 t Rent o a Chronicle Legal Pub iicati ons 23.70 8 ;'later Pay Roll ',Vater Vert. 58.37 -1133-36 P. S. P. & L. Co . Power 60.53 1137 Union Oil Co , Gas 74 .74 1138 ivioved by Lewis, seconded by Delaurenti that the reeomriiendation of the Finance Conuiiittee be concurred in. Carried. '� 165 spar+ The Finance-Claims Committee reeorting on the Evans claim fpr damages recommend denial of same . 1,11oved by Jane, seconded by Delaurent i that the ' report be concurred in and claim denied. Carrie d. T No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk i i May or I i I i i i I j � I i i I I Irovember 7 , 19 . ve Council met in regular session at 8 P. T with Mayor Wilson presiding . 'Noe Plano , DeacyR Drell: Lawrenc e , Delaurent i, Lewis , Pasco , Minutes of the last meeti xk read and ar, proved. Petition of J. Allison to erect house and garage at Lot 20 , Block 7, Car -%,orks add. Moved by Lewis , -seconded by J:ne th«t same be gra,.ted. Carried. Protest against passage of truck licensing ordinal le read. 2aition for passage of truck licensing ordinance :L �c Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Delaurent i that both e petitions be filed for reference. Carrie a. Resorts of the Treasurer Lm Clexx for the month of j Octobar react and filed. Librarian. Is r•eio rt for the month of October read an c; 3s filed. Resolution No . 465 relative to eonEtruetion of State , '-le Road No . 2 throu€'h Renton read. r, oved by Pasco , seconded by Lav+ren--e the t sLmie be adopt el. Carried. oved by Pasco, seconded by Lewis that the license fees in thesrososea. ordin� rice be changeCL to read -;'lU.UU - '25 .00 and _'50.00 , am that we hold a public he arirng on s gime Thursday, Oct. 9th at F P. Y. in the City Hall. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned, y City 'lex'k 1 May or i , i i I I i o 167 Dovember 14 , 19�63 . Council met in regular session at 8 P. 25. with Mayor Vilson presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence ,e , Delaurenti , Pasco , Plano , Deacy & Jane . Minutes of the last meeting read and a,,�roved. Petition of Puget Sound tower & Light Mo , to set three poles on Tobin ve. read. Tvloved by Lawrence , seconded by Pasco that same be granted. Carried. Petition of J. R. Storey to tear down old wood shed on Lot 9 , Block 24 , R. F. .P. read. Yloved by Jane , seconded 'by :l,awrenc e that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Union Cil Co. to move g:as tanks from west side of building to rivar of building at 3rd & Logan St . read. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Deacy that same be; granted. Carried. City Witty commenting on the drol.,osed vehicle ordinance stated that that section of the ordinance allowi4g an offset on taxes paid on �L op erty situated in Renton against the license fee irovided in the ordinance is illegal. Loved by Pasco, seconded by Lawrence that the prol,osed vehicle ordinance be tabled. Carried. No further business, meeting adjournea. C T TY aL:I RK MZfOR 168 November 21, 1933 Regular meeting of the City Council Was c ailer.L to order at 8 P. i.i. by IrLay or Wilson. Roll Call: Lawrence , Delaurenti , %,e°pis, Pasco , Plano , Deacy and Jane . ;Minutes of the last meeting recta ana al,�roved. Petition of J. R. .Villiams to repair roof of game in Lot 17, Block �,5 , Town. Moved by Plano , seconded by Lawrenc t- that same be referred to the Fire , Light & ''Fater Committee . Carried. Petition of n. L. Strnar5 to ,eartition of Evans Bldg , at 3rd & Main St. read. Moved. by Ilei aurenti , seconded by Jane , that sane be granted. Carried: tion of �.Iatt Stipanich to :;rect aaal l shop on z.rd xve . between Shearer' s and Dobson Clothing read. Idioved by Lewis , seconded by Jane that same be referr- ed to the Fire , Light & ",later Committee . Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recon:, ended for payment the following: i C ur r ent Pay Roll 'St . Dept. X404 .06-2,319-34 IT 2 _ Engr. Dejt . 13.47 2335-37 Lagle Cafe Pris o ne rs meals 4 .65 38 lac. Tel & Tel . Co . Telei,hone s 11.95 39 Lowman & Hanford Co. Library Books 53.13 40, Literary Guild of hmeriea Library Books 21.60 41 Reid & Cook Tv:aterial F. D. 26.5U 42 Lavirene e Fael & Tsfr Fue 1 15.65 43 Toots Bunst ine Park Labor 7 .00 44 John IN. Graham & Co . Library Books 8.24 45 13ashin€Eton Bindery Library Books 24.90 46 Vioue Pharmacy Sudplies 1.10 47 F. E. Rhodes, Inc . Material F. D. 4.50 48 Williams & McKnight Sui)plies F. D. 1.20 49 `;Jest Disinfecting Co . Supplies 17.50 5U :rbm. '`caller Labor 2.00 51 Service Ldry Launiry 8.40 52 Renton Realty Co . Insurance 40 .60 5:) J. S. Hardie Supplies 1.50 54 H. L. Fiskaali F. D. Labor 5.50 55 Bauder's Jewelry Store F. D. Engraving 1.50 56 P. J. Cronin Co . ;Material 0.47 57 Cochran' s Paint Store Paint 10.75 58 Western Tire Service Material 3.35 59 E. Hyde Labor on tools 2.40 6U Jno . Dower Lumber Co . Lum>uer 38.52 61 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance : 8.45 62 Standard Oil Co . Gas 112.40 63 Pat Hogan Police Ex,&ense 1.25 64 V. krmstrong & Sons Labor 21.90 65 P. S. P. & L. Co . LiE,bts 318.41 66 Kroll Map Co. Map 1.UO 67 ,n 169 AT ER Pay Roll 'dater Dept . Q'69 .50-1142-44 Tax Commission Water Tax 150.35-1145 City of Seattle Water 35.48 6 I Grinnell Company Material 232.24 7 P. S. P. dc L. Co . Power 27.80 8 Moved by Lewis , seconded by Delaurenti that the reeommerh.ati on of the Committee be concurred in and bills ,,a id. Carried. Loved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that Mr. Beil be paid at the r-te of ; 4.00 per day after three days if pumps are not installed ready for pumpir*7 €as . Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk mayor 170 November 28 , 1936 . Council met in regular session at 8 P. hi. with LIa,yor Wilson presiding . Roll "all: Lawrence , Delaurenti , Lewis, Pasco, Plano Deacy & Jane . ' NTinutes of the last meeting read and ay.,I)roved.. Petition of B. 11. Schumaker to remodel building at 3rd & Shattuck read. !.loved by Lewis , seconded by Plano that same be .-ranted. Carried. Petition of P. S . P. L. Co . to replace five defective ) doles on 5thve. read.. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that same be g rG.nt ea. Carried. Petition of Pac . mel & Tel . Co .to remove three i;oles on' is t _ ve . No. read . Moved by Plano , seconded by Lewis that sale be granted. ' Carrie d. Petition of Pao . Tel. & Tel. Co . to re�;lace ani reset .doles and install anchors on certain streets vead. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Deacy that all re iluce- 1 went s be allowedand the question of anchors be referred to the St & alley Committee for retort next wee:it. Carried. i Moved. by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that the ,,e ti ti on of vatt StePanik be laid over another week for further investi- gation. Carried. I loved bar Pasco , seconded by Lewis that the ,t alley Committee investiE- to the dossi bility of securing the P. S. Interurban right of- way for street dur�o ses to connect the east side of Burnett, lilliams, 7Jells and h:ain Sts . Carried. T,,To further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk r Tay or 171 December 5, 1933. Council met in regular session at 8 P. lvi. with McV or 71ilson presiding . Roll Call - Lawrence , Delaurenti, Lewis , Paseom Plano and Jane . Minutes of the last meetin€• read and approved. Petition of Henry Veniani to erect- chiziney at 120 Logan St . read. Moved by Lawrence , secondle(t by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of the P. S. -e & L. Co. to reilace poles on Logan, Burnett and Third Wives . read. i.-loved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis th�A same be granted. Carr iad. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following ; Cur rent Pay Roll Library X44.34 - 2381-83 it IT mark 8.9S - 2384-85 TI rr is t "ve. No. 242.47 - 2386-2415-28 rr .tt r. Dept . 152.66 - 2087-98 " rr St. Dept . 331.88 - 2399-2414- y'hite Fuel Co : Fue 1 25.00 - 2429 Strnards Photo Shop Pictures is t No. 6.00 - 2430 Seattle Gas Co . Gas 3.59 1 V. nrmstrong & Sons Labor 20.95 2 Bishop & Jenkins Fuel 6.50 3 'Pm. -.Mal 1 er La:b o r 2.0 0 4 E. Hyde Labor 3.60 ,5 Ser. Ldry & Cleaners Ldry 4.90 6 Jno Dower Lumber Co . Lumber 2.05 7 Reid & Cook Supplie s 12.0- 4 8 Lot Davis Fees 62.50 9 C. Hale way Labo r 2.50 2440 Harry McDonald Services 7.50 1 John 7V . Dobson Zxyj en s e s 6.60 2 ,Y 1T :R. Pay Roll Via ter Dep t. 1151-58 Olympic Foundry Material 15.50 1159 Win. Kane Labor 1.00 1160 :-loved by Lewis, seconded by Jane that the recommendation of the Finance Copwui.ttee be concurred in. Carried. St. & Tilley Committee- re,; ort favorably on the petiton of the Pao. Tel & Tel . Co. for installing; anchors on certain poles. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Lawrence that the recommenda- ti oa be concurred in. Carried. Commur ieation received from Triayor Stratton of Yakima asking that the city be represent ed &t Olympia on the liquor problem. `awl Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Lewis that two represents atives from this city attend the meeting in 8lympia, the 6th. Carried. i 1-72 I.1'oved by Lawrence , seconded by Lewis that we call for bids for printing, city 's legals for year 1934. Carried. Yoved by Pasco , seconded by Lewis , that the money .woe collected. by Bryn Hughes for a fire hydrant on Benson ','Tay in amt :; 15 .00 be returned and the material furnished by them in the amount of "18.14 be durchased by the city and warrant in the amount of 1618.14 be drawn in favor of Bryn Hughes and the Y15 .00 deposit be returned.. Carried. Communication read from North Renton Impt Club asking that lst ..ve. ITo . be changed to Sartori 'i,ay. ' Moved. by Pasco , second--,,d by Delaur enti tha.t same be referred to the St & nlley Committee. Carried. I!Ir. :.lexander, on behalf of the Veterans of Foreign � 71ars invitted- the Count it to attend their first meetirig in the American Legion Hall Dec . 16th at 8 P. m. I Tr. Gowers complained of water on .Norris St. The Y2ayor refereed to the matter to the St. su. jt . I,Toved by Pasco , seconded by Jurle that the Clerk be authorized to mdk e certain transfers from i,. I. General Fund to f.. I. D. fund in oraer to close out certain districts . Carried. No further' business , meting adjourned. i I City Clerk i I May or i i i I I I I ' i i 173 S& M ;december 12, 19: 3 Regular meeting of the City Council vas called to order at 8 P. Ivy. by i4iayor Wilson. Roll Call : Delaurenti , Lewis, Pasco , Plano and Jane. Minutes of the last m�jeti ng read and aQ,,roved. Petition of F. Betz to erect a wood shed at 238 .Fain St. No . read. Moved by Plano , seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carr ied. Petition of P. S. P. & L. Co . to reconstruct line on Firstv e. No . read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. �z,,plication to operate a beer parlor at 70e vr(i ve , read. I Yoved -by Jane , seconded by Plano that same be referred to the Police & License Committee with -4dower to act. arried . .4plication of Frank R. Vai se :Post to conduct "Smokers" and "Boxing datohes" in the City read. Moved by Pasco , seconded. by Plano that same be referred to the Police & Li cense Committee for red ort . Carried. St . Alley Committee recommend that First Ave. No . from Bronson St . Bridge to �� ' . tracks be changecL from First zLve . No . to Bronson ,ray Tvorth . !.loved by Lewis , seconded by Pasco t..at the recommenda- tion of the Committee be concurred in and the necessary steps taken to accomplish same . Carrie d. Councilman Pasco gave a detailed. resort of meeting held in Ulymjia to-_di ., h e liquor problem at which he and Yayor Wilson were present . � %iovek by Pasco , seconded by Jane that County Health Offider Dixon be askel to address the Council on the dis..josition of sewage , :ou.L%L`1t�; CL _ Lngr. stated that the :orth Renton n storm sewer. would be c cnstructecL by the overnii.ent with no expense t� the i)roperty , the city to furnish the trucks and tools. ,fit . Suit reporting on tkB water on ;Morris St . stated the , only thing that could be clone would be to acquite an ease- mL-nt to run the water away from the street . No further business , meeting adjourned. (2�� &--rl-4 City Clerk i Mgy or 174 December 19 , 1936. j Regular meeting of the City Council wac; called to order at 8 P. t�. by mayor 1,11ilson. Roll Call: Lav,,,rence , Delaurenti , Lewis , Pasco , .� Plano , Deacy & Jane . I:inutes of the la; t meeting read and approved. Petition of C . IL. Sehumacker to break curb at 506 3rd rive. St. & nlley Committee report unfavorably on same . Iroved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that the re.�;ort be received and cuncurred in. Carried. Police & License Committee resorting on the beer parlor license application of E. 3arei at 706 3rd rive . recommend that same be granted. Police & License Committee were granted another week on the ar,plicati on of the Frank R. Vaise Post. The Finance Committee audited and reco..icriended for payment the following Current Pay Roll Eng r. Dept . x,155 .33-2433-55-07 Current" St. Dept. 62.80-24b8-73 Pay Roll St. Dept. 353.94-2474-92 Thos Harries , P. 11. Stamps 5 .00-2443 John W. wham & Co . Lib. Books 3.70-2506 cowman & Hanford Lib. Books 65.04 7 :Vas . State Firemen' s assn. Dues 3160 8 Rrendal Drug Co . Supplies 2.30 9 E. Carlstrom 1. aterial 4.40-2510 Renton Hdw & Fur, .. Supplies 3.40 1 Renton Realty Co . Insa rance 100.10 2 Lawrenc e Fue 1 & Tsfr Fue 1 17.UU 3 nrt Beil's Gara •e Material 40 .83 4 E. P. 'Nilson, L ayor Delegation to Olympia 14.00 5 Nm. Kane 'Tdiri n€ at 1§t No. 5.00 6 Standard Oil Co . Gas 96.33 7 E. Hyde Labor on tools 6.80 8 Gladding,YcBean & Co . Material 63.87 9 Hano Fiskaali F. D. Dabo,r 13.50-252U i Water Pay Roll grater Dept . x226.72-1105-73 Standard Oil Co . Gas 93.86-1176 City of Seattle ',`rater 4U.OU-1177 Olympic Fou.nary Co . Material 16.95-1178 Grinnell Co . IVIateria.l 11.30-1179 Moved by Lawrence, s eco nded by Jane that L h e reeomymencdation of the Finace Committee be cuncurrcd in. Carried. This being the night for opening bids on Lirinting city ' s legal for the year 1934 the followinE were opened and read: Renton Chronicle , to be set in eiE:ht (8) point type nine lines to the inch. 1st publication . . 25y' per inch 2nd publication . . 20V per .inch Renton News Record, to be sed in eight (8) point type nine lines --o the inch. 1-Qt publication . 23 per inch 2nd publication . 13� per inch I � i 175 s:oved bir Lawrence , se conded by Lewis that the contract be awe}.rded the lowest bidder. Carried. unanimously . Ordinance No. 938 changing the name of First live . No. from the northerly end of 3ronso n St . 3ri dL;,e to the east city *41MV limits from First .ve. North to 3ronson ',tay North read on and motion referred tothe urdinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee re,) orted favorably on Ord No . 938 whereupon it was placed u,�)on its second and third read- ings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence , Delaurenti, Lewis, .Pasco , Plano , Deacy and Jane . Tvioved by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that during the construction of First _eve . No. all parking on the east side of First give. north be prohibited. Carried. County Health Officer, Dixon, gave an interest talk on server dispoal plant and the water system and made certain recommeridati ons that were necessanj from a health and sa.ni.tLry stand mint Frr stated that he ',vould do all viithiii his , ower to secure Federal help . oved by Pasco , se conded by Lawrence that the 6t iilley Committee meet with Dr. Dixon regarding theWbove matter . Carried. Teo tlarthe r bus irless , m e ting; Ldj ourned.. City Clerk . i _ or i 'i C jecember 2e, Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Wilson presiding. Roll Call: Ladr�rence , Delaurenti , Lewis , Pasco , Plano and Jane. I:Tinutes of the last meeting read and a..,proved. The i ayor stated that the IN. C. M. had made a. reo_uest that the City of Renton appropriate about 410 ,000 . for the con- templated improvement of Porth Renton by storm sewers . oved. by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that we appropriate ;; 4,000 . provided we secure a W75,OOG . or 1�80 ,UOO improvement in the dity of Renton'. Carried. I4:ovea by Lewis , seconcdea by Pasco that the approaches to the 7:7illiams St . bridgd Yorth be referred to the at & Alley Committee for investi _ation ana re., ort. CaY?ried. Councilman Lawrence brought up for discussion the advisibility of tearing down old gara€e in rear of City Hall and erecting a brick garage. After some discussion it was Moved by Pasco, seconded by Jane Oat the same be re- ferred to the City Property Committee for investi, ion u.rd re_.,ort. Carried. Fire Chief Dullahant spoke of the work the Volullteer Fire Der, artment has been aoini-.- in pum�,in€ out flooded basements but stated that it was very expensive to the Fire Deptas it required the services of two men and many gals. of gasoline and wished to know if such work should be continues. Moved byr'asco , seconded 'by Lewis that the matter be keferred to the Fire , Light 66 '.eater Committee to work in co-.- junction with the Fire Chief. No further business , meeting adjourned. City Clerk .,.ay or i , kn 177 1140 k_f, Jany. 2, 19: 4. Council met in regular session &t 8 P., M. with 21ayor " ilson presiding. „`, Roll Call: Lawrence , Delaurenti, Lewis, Pasco, Plano , Deacy & Jane . 'Kinutes of the last meeting read and a.L;proved. �pplicati on of 1. Bare.i for six card tables at 706-3rd t.ve read. Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Lawrence that ,same be referred to the 2olic e &: License Committee with ,,ower to act. Carried. to the bridge: St . & Alley Committee recommend that wooden approaches be erected on Williams St . North. ,:oved b Lawreno e, aeccnded by .,,ewis that the recoruae nd - tion of the committee be concurred in. Carried. The Finance alommittea audited and recomuiendea for payment the following : Pay Roll St. Dep t. . 519 .81-2521- Li Proauc is Ij h Bis hpporation Police Supi►lies 6.37-2543 op .& Jenkins Rel 6.50 4 Seattle C;aa Co . Gas 4.78 5 Renton Fled :o . ;Material - 4.10 6 xl Trimm Fue 1 19 .25 7 Cochran's Paint Store F.. D. !�-Iateria1 10.60 8 �.. Pao. Tel •& Tel. Co . Televhones 9 .80 9 :"ir :'faller Labor 2.00 2550 Juniro Literary Guild Library Books 37 .00 1 Hassel Bc:anblo ssom F. D. Labor 52.87 2 H. Fiskaali F. D. Lab r 33.75 a Mothers on Hdw 'Co . F. D . Supplies 1.00 4 Reid & Cook. F. D. Supplies 2.75 5 Renton Garage F. D . Labor &, Liaterial :50 .70 6 " Thos. Harries, P. HII. Envelopes 66.44 7 Eagle Cafe Prisoners meals 7.70 8 Aug. Johnson Labor 1.50 9 I Lot Davis Fees 7 .50 2560 '-Vill trams & McKnight Supalies 4.6 9 1 .Pay Roll Water Dept . 89 .81-1181-86 State of ';Yash 'dater tax 46.88 1180 YIaved by Lewis , s econdea by Jane that the recoirunendation be eontcurea in. Carried. The chlorine contract between the Hooker -Zie ctrochemi- cal and the city was reaa. Moved by Lawrence , seconaecL by Lewis that the contract be exeeutea by the Iilayor & City Clerk. Carrie a. -City Pro.; ,rty were given one more week before re.,,orting on the garage. Urdinance fixing license fee of boxing matches in the City of Renton reaa am. on 'motion raferred to the Ordinance Committee . ti I-loved by Delaurenti seconded t,yy Plano that thePn r• prepare A r .ening of streets or plae es in town thatlNed c le aping up and the St . Supt and Y.V or present same to the C.;7.r . for the services of 15 or 20 men to do the work. Carried. Yeeting a.djourneci. ' u Jany. 10, 1934 Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Wilson presiding. . Lewis Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Pasco , Plano , Deaey & Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Jack Durney to erect garage and a fence on Lot 8, Block 35, Smithers Add. read. Moved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that same, be gr.anted. Carried. Petition of Geo . A. Crawford to break curb at his home on Main St. read. Yoved by Lewis : eeonded. by Deaey that same be referr- ed to th t. Street and Alley Committee with dower to act. Carried. Petition of Columbia Lumber Co. to tear down old shed aril erect new one on Lot 1, Block 35 Smithers Add. read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Plano that same be granted. Carried. Application for beverage lie ens e in restaurant at 615 3rd Ave. read. Moved by Plano, second by Delaurentl that same be referred to the Police & uic ens a Committee. Carri ed. Petition of C. M. Sehumacker to break curb on Third Ave. read. Moved by Pasco , seconded. by Lewis. that same be re- ferred to , the St & Alley Committee with power to act. Carried.] Petition of Frank Gus t ine to have curb placed in same condition as before street was paved. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be referred to the St & Alley Committee, St. Supt & City Engr. with power to act. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Ser Ldry & Clearers Ldry $9 .55-2566 Cochran's Paint Store Material 8.20- 7 Pao. Car & Fdry Blue Prints 1.32 8 E. gyne Labor on tools 2.60 9 Western Tire Service Material 2.55-2570 , Owl Cafe Prisoners Meals 29.75 1 Lot Davis Fees 5.00 2 Hub City Chev Material 32.76 3 Lowman & Hanford Library Books >405.19 4 Renton Hdw & Furn Material 125:14-258.4 V. Armstrong & Sons Material 4.22 83 N. H. Proctor Bridge Timbers 3.00 5 Howard-Cooper Corp . Material 8.24 6 Tater Ci try of Seattle Water 39.76 -1187 Moved by Lewis, seconded by Delaurenti that the resort be concurred in. Carried. 179 City Property Committee reporting on the garage in rear of building recommend that nothing be done at the present time . Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. Communication read from the Renton Garden Club asking that water be piped to +.r; Aast and west portals of Renton as some project beatiti.fying the adjacent roadside is contemplated. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Lewis that same be referred to the St & Water Supt for estimate. Carried. Mr. Mitchell, former employee of the City addressed the Mayor & Council and asked to know the c aps e of his dis- charge. The Mayor advised Mr. Mitchell it was for political reasons; he had promised a new deal and it was for no other reason. Mr. Pasco then asked the city attorney his opinion of the matter. The city atty . stated that any position under the control or supervision of the head of a department 11'114 bgre.moved. The atty was then asked if the garbage system was under the head of a department and. he stated in "is opinion it was not. It was then Moved by Pasco, seconded by Deacy that Vic Lassoie and Dave Mitchell be restored to their respective jobs and the city atty procure a restraining order, if necessary, same to be effective Jany. 15th. The same being put to a vote resulted as follows: Ayes - - - four nos - - - two Carried. Dr. Mikkelson asked if any action had been taken to procure ambulance service for indigent cases. Mr. Pasco , Chairman of the Committee to whom the above matter had been referred stated they were ready to meet with the doctors any time and after such meeting would report back to the Counoil• Sam Zanga called to the attention of the council the dangerous condition of the grandstand. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that the city engr be instructed to get an approximate cost of a new grandstand with a seating capacity of 1500 or an estimated cost of repairing the old one,. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk May or � 0 Jany. 16, 1934. Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Wilson. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis , Papco, Plano, Deacy & Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and upon motion by} *. seconded by Lawrence, the following correction 1w._..macde: ` r That part of the motion relative to Vic Lassoie and Dave r Mitchell being restored to their respective positions, reading as follows: "The same being put to a vote resulted as follows: Ayes - four Nos - two."' be corrected to read: "The same being put to a vote resulted, as follows.- Ayes, ollows.Ayes - four Nos - one." The above motion being put to a vote resulted as follows: Ayes - six Nos - one. Carried* The Mayor then asked the city atty .. his opinion on the control and supervision of the garbage jobs. The atty stated that after locating the ordinance he found that the garbage department was under the control and supervision of the street sup t. Report read from the Water Supt on installing water at the east and west portals of the city limits in an approximate cost of $54.80. QI Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that the report be received and the expendttire made. Carried. i Police & License Committee were given more time on the. Veer application of Mrs. Holliday , The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment fhe following : Current Pay Roll St. Dept. $392.80-2564-89-Z&07 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 29 .18-25U8-9 Williams & O'Hara Labor & Material 33.25-2610 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 8Z.15-2u11 White Fuel C`6 . Fuel 22.75-2612 Standard Oil Co. Gas 171.38-2613 Bishop & Jenksins Fuel 6.50-2.x;14 Pay Roll Nater Dept. X8.37-1191-94 ine. Moved -L Jane , seconded by Lawrence that the report be concurred in and bilis j,aid.. St & Alley Committee made the following reports: Curb of G. A. Crawford had been broken but was left in a very poor condition but St & Alley Committee was assured that same would be taken care of shortly. St & Alley Committee granted permission to Money- Savees Mkt to break curb on Third Ave. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that in leu of title to property owned by Zeb Shearer to be used by the city for street purposes, said street being in line with Tobin St, the city would, when so requested by Mr. Shearer change the sewer. Carried. The Mayor spoke of Senate Bill No. 75, a bill re— quiring all cities to insure their buildings, bridges , etc to the value of 80% with the State. Moved. by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that the Mayor Make an investigation ani if the bill is as stated above, the city make written protest against the passage of the bill. C arri•e d. Councilman Lewis suggested that in the future all voting be done by roll call. ^91e Engr stated that the North Renton sewer had been approvedby the State but was not sure when work would commence. No further business , meeting adjourned. City -Clerk May or Jany. 23, 1934 Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Wilson presiding. Present: Delaurenti , Lewis, Pasco , Plano and Jane, Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Lewo Armstrong to remodel garage at 1st & Bronson Way North and bre4k curb. Moved. by Delaurenti , seconded by Lewis that same be referred to the St & Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. Application of Hemrich Brewing Co. for a distribut- ors license read. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Jane that same be re- ferrel to the Police & License Committee for report. Carried. ° The Police & License Committee report favorably on the Hemrich application and also on Mrs. Holliday's application for beer parlor. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Plano that tht: report be accepted and concurred in. Carried. Reports of the Treasurer & Clerk for the r1month of December read and filed. j Librarian's report for the month of December read i and filed. Police Dept repirt from June 7th to Dec. 31st, 1933 ! read. Moved by Delaurentiseoonded by Lewis that same be filed. Carried. Resort of the Fire Dept. covering the year 1933 read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Delaurenti that the report be received ani filed and the Department commended for their efficiency and the recommendations by the Fire Dept re- ferred to the Fire , Light & Nater Committee for investigation and report. Carried. Engr reporting on erection of new grandstand at park stated that it would cost about $560. for lumber or about $1285.00 for labor & material and all old lumber would be salvaged, the seating capacity to be about 1200. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that the report be turned over to the City Property Committee for inveetigation and recommendation. Carried. Resolution urging the U. S. Senators aad Represent- atives in our district to support all adequate measures in Congress for the continuance of the work of the G.W.A. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Jane that the Resolut- ion be adopted. Carried-. No further business, meeting adjourned. r` Clerk Yavor i Jany. 30 , 1934. Council met in regular session 'at 8 P. M. with Mayor Nilson presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence , Delaurenti , Lewis, Pasoa, Plano , Deacy an d Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of E. E. Duff to reshingle part of house at 509 3rd Ave. read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and reeommenddd for payment .the following Current Pay Roll Park 54.41 "> 32-45-48 'Pay Roll St. 449 .42 -?650-66 Thos Harries, P.M. II.O.for St. Treas 4 .50 2626 Union Oil Co. Tire & tube 20.95 2.631 Shell Oil Co. Gas 95.00 2669 Pao . Tel & Tel . Co. Telephones 15.53 2670 P: S. P. & L. Co. Lights 316.83 2684 CQ1f;kba Lumber Co. Lumber 9.88 2672 E. Hyde Labor - on toibls 6.UO 2671 Jno Dower Lumber Co. Lumber 13. 59 3 'Nest Disinfecting Co. Supplies 6.25 4 Packer Scott Co. Supplies 19.25 5 Chas Andrews Park La uo r 6.00 6 Lando Feed Co. Park-Sacks 10.00 7 - Lawrence Fuel & Tsfr Fuel 19 .40 8 Seattle Gays Co. Gas 2.82 9 Pao. Car & Foundry Co . Labor 2.00 2680 Eureka Press Supplies 15.85 1 Renton Chronicle Legal s - 2rinting 26.75 2 Art Beil's Garage Gas 12.30 3 Water Pay Roll Mater Department 53.88-1188-1200 Grinnell Company Material 38.99-1201 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 28.56-1202 Moved by Lewis , seconded by Delaurenti that the. recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Report read from Engr on grandstand stating that his information was that the plans and specifications for the grandstand must be drawn by a registered architect. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that the repo rt be filed for reference. Carried. City property Committee reporting on the grandstand recommended that a new grandstand be erected. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Lewis that the report be concurred in and the question of a registered architect drawing up plans be referred to the city attorney for report. Carried. Communication received from C. C. Dill and telegram from $ H. T. Bone assuring the Council of their support in any legislation for the continuance of the Civil Works program. Moved by Plano , seconded bar Pasco that sane be filed. Carried* No further business, meeting adjourned. Llr — C:ty er Mayor r� Feb. 6, 1934. Regular` meeting of the City Council was called to order at 6 P. M. by Mayor Wilson. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis, Pasco , Plano, Deacy & Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Application of Paul Urban for beer parlor license at Kirkman's Confectionery store read. Moved by Plano , seconded by Jane that same be referred to the Police & "icense Committee with power to act . Carried. Reports of the Treasurer and Clerk covering the month of Jany. read, and ordered filed. Librarian's report for the month of Jany :read and filed. City Atty . advised the Council it would be necessary to have a licensed architect draw the plans for park grandstand$ The dangerous condition of the street' exis ting at Walla Walla Ave and Burnett St. was brought up for'discussion. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that the"city atty communicate with the C. M. & St. Paul Ry. and Pao. Coast R. - R, advising them that some sort of a warning sign'must be install- e& at Walla Walla & Burnett St . Carrkdd. " No fuicther business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk May or 185 t=� lli4l " ' February 13, 1934. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Milson presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence , Delaur ent i , Lewis , Pasco , Plano, Deaey & Jane , Minutes of the last meeting read and asproved. Petition of M. H. Wood to tear down old shed and erect garage on Lot 7, Block 22 , Town. Moved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that same ,be re- ferred to the Fire , Light & "later Committee with power to act. Carried. Petition to break curb at 1st & Bronson Way read from Clarke Bros. Y'otor Co . Moved by Lewis , seconded by Delaurent i that same be referred to the St & Alley Committtee with power to act. Carried. Petition of J. G. Manville to move house back on Lot about 20 ft and remodel same at 734 Grant St. read. Moved by Jane, seconded by Plano that same be granted. Carried. Petition of D. Camparolli to erect garage at 608 Cedar St. read. Moved by Lewis seconded by Delaurenti that same be grantea. Carried. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that we call for bids for erection of grandstand at Liberty Park coat to be borne be 3rd Ave . fund. Carried. Moved by Pasco seconded b j Lewis° that the city engineer hire the necessary local labor and tear down old, grandstand in park, salvaging all lumber possible. Carried. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Paseo that the city clerk notify 'Mr. Pettey that he must fix sidewalk within twenty days. Carried. Police & License Committee resorted favorably on the petition of°Paul Urban for beer parlor license. No further business, meeting adjourned. Gity Clerk Mayor Febraary 20, 1934 . Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Wilson, Roll Call: Delaurenti . Lewis, Pasco , Plano , Deacy and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and. approved. Petition of G. Usibelli to erect garage at 7th & Cedar g read. Moved by Delaarenti, seconded by Lewis that same be •ranted. Carried. Petition of John Diambri to tear down old barn and erect new one at 523 Wells St. North , read. Moved by Plano , seconded by 'Delaurenti that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended :'or ,,ay- meat the following: Current Pay Roll St. Dept. $369.96-2698-2711 , Western Union Telegrams 1.89 2685 Paley Roll Engr. Dep t. 6.73 2697 Wallace & Tierman Material 57 .24-2726 Pao. Car & Fdry Material 16.75 7 Bishop & Jenkins Fuel 7.00 S V. Armstrong & Sons Labor & Material 45.72 9 Eagle Cafe Prisoners Meals 16.15 2730 Kuker-Ranken, Inc , Engr. Supplies 8.38 1 P. S . P. & L. Co . Lights 329 .59 2 Lawrence Fuel & Tsfr Fuel 5.50 .3 Frank E. Rhodes , Inc. Material 3.40 4 Remington Rand, Inc . Supplies 1.01 5 White. Fuel Co . Fuel 23.00 6 Pao. Tel & Tel . Co . Telephones 11.00 7 Wm. 'Haller Labor 2.00 8 K. Fis kaali F. D. Labor 4.50 9 Bemis Bro . Bag Co . F. D. Expe ns a 6.50 2740 Reid & Cook. Supplies 26.15 1 Tom Bobson & Son Insurance 210.00 2 Standard Oil Co. Supplies 1.36 3 Ser. Ldry & Cleanre Ldry 3.75 4 Duro Test Corp. Supplies 22.02 5 W. A . BeaeocX Repair Work-Patrol 1.25 6 Williams & McKnight F. D . Mcpens e 1.00 7 Al Morgan Gas F. D. 4.00 8 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 3U.25 9 Shell Oil Co . Gas 95.00 2750 Water Pay Roll Vater Dept. 444.90-1206-7 City of Seattle Water X53.56 1210 P. S. P. & L.Co. Power 29.80 1211 Moved by Lewis , seconded by Jane that the reeo mme nda- tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Communication read from President, Association of Washington Cities and ordered filed. No further business, meeting adjourned.* AA "r- 4�,,,� ��• fir t � City Clerk Mayor. 187 Feb. 27 , 1934. Council met in regular session at 8. P. M. with Mayor Wilson presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis , Pasco , Deaey & Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read an9. ai,proved. Petition of John H. Carey to reshingle house at , 334 Morris St. read. Moved by Jane , seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. This being the night for opening bids on grandstand the following were read: Harry Ingram & J. C . Terpening $3075% Tear down grandstand and erect bleachers . 275.00 Total 43 S. YT. Wiberg . . . . . . . . .43183. Grandstand & bleachers . . 3537:10 3598.10 1illiam Mills . Grandstand. . 2500. Bleachers 700, 3200.00 Geo . W. Custer Grandstand 2.775. Bleachers 200 2975 .;;" Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that the contract be awarded the lowest bidder, Geo . W. Custer. The same being put to a vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis, Pasco , Deaey and Jane. Nos: None Motion carried. Ordinance No. 969 providing for the appropriation from the special building and paving fund of the sum of $3300.00 for the erection of a grandstand in Liberty Park read. Moved and seconded that same be referred to the Ordinance Committee for report. The same being put to a vote resulted as follows: Ayes : Lawrence, Delaurent i , Lewl s, Pasco, Deacy and Jane. Carried unanimously. . No further business, meeting adjourned * City Clerk Mayor* i March 6, 1934. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Wilson presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurent i, Lewis, Pasco , Plano , Deacy & Jane * Now Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Anna �Lnd.erson to tear down old garage and, erect garage and wood shed at 640 Morris St. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. I Petition of Mrs. Mary Shopin to tear down old garage and erect new garage at 230 Meadow St . , Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried.. _application of B. W. Fey for theatre license at 611 3rd Ave. read. pp The following applications for licenses were read: Emil Fontana - Pool Hall license at Burnett & Walla Walla James Ovens - Pool Hall license at 22.9 Main St. Junk license - Dale & Johnson at 32.0 ','Jells St. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that, all license applications be referred- to the Police & Lic ens a Committee with power to act. Carried. Petition of Geo. Peac-ock to, move small building from west end of Third Ave. to 521 Williams St, and remodel same for garage and workshop , same to be covered with sheet metal. Movea by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that same be referred to the Fire , Light. & ;`dater Committee and Fire Chief for resort. Carried. Protest against the Diambri Dairy on Williams St . North read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Lawrence that the matter be referred to the City Health Officer for investigation and report. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for jay- ment the following : Current Pay Roll St. Dept . x,260.05-2753-65 Pay Roll Engr. Dept . 6.73 2766 Lot Davis Fees 42.50-2752 Seattle Gas Co. Gas 2.96-2767 Tno Dower Lumber Co . Lumber 3.30 8 Renton Auto ,Freight Drayage 1.50 9 J. S. Hardie Labor & Material 3.66 2770 Ser. Ldry & Cleaners Ldry 11.05 1 Cochran's Paint Store Material & Labor 4.20 2 N. Fiorito Labor 10.00 3 Frank E. Rhodes F. D. Labor 2.25 4 Pao. Coast R. R. Co . Freight 2034 5 Thos Harries Stamps 5.UO 6 Albert Sanchez Dog Catcher 15 .00 7 •.w Wm. `Nal ler Labor 3.75 8 Katherine Sartori Gravel 34.70 9 Enoch Hyde Labor on tools 2.65 2780 Shell Oil Co. Gas 90 .00 1 189 Current Co . Lights 4325.67-2782 H. Fiskaali F. D. Labor 4. 50 3 Trio k & Murray Supplies 5.16 4 McPherson Nursery Park Labor 1.50 5 Brendal Drug Co. Supplies 3,25 6 Water Pay Roll ?Yater Dept . 80.82-1212-14 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 27 .79 1215 City of Seattle Water 36,84 6 Moved by Lewis , seconded by Delaurenti that the recommendation of the Finanance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Resorts of the Treasur:;r and Clerk for the month of February read and filed. filed. Librarian's report for the month of Feby read and Petition of property owners in Highland Addition agreeing to deed property to the city for alley �,ur,,oses read. Moved by, Pasco , -econded by Lewis that same be referred to the city atty and city engr. Carried. The Ordinance Committee after making the amount of appropriation $3500.00 reported favorably on Ordinance No. 939 whereupon it was ;laced upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole , all councilmen voting aye : Lawrence, belaurenti , Lewis , Pazeo , Plano, Deacy & Jane . Carried, Resolution No, 466 authorizing the Mayor oc City Clerk to execute a quit Claim Deed to the owner of Lot 19 , Block 5, Renton Real Estate Add. upon the payment of all assessments. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that same be adopted as read. Carried, The Police & License Committee recommended that a bullet proof windshield be purchased for the prowler car. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Plano that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried, No further business, me et ing adjourned. City Clerk ' May or March 13, 1964. The Council met in regular session at 8 2. M. with Mayor Wilson presiding . Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis , Plano , Deachy Jane . Minutes of the last meeting read and assroved. Fire,, Light & Water Committee reporting on the Peacock petition recommend the denial of same. Moved by Jane , seconded by Lewis that the report be concurred An and petition denied. Carried. Dr Adams resorting on the Diambri ranch said that same was kept in a good clean way, and he could find nothing un- sanitary about same . Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that the resort be ::accepted.. Carried. Letter read from the Civil Works Administration and ordered filed. City Property Committee recommended that eerta.in tinning be done around grandstand to preserve the wood. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Lewis that the city ever look into the above suggestion and have the work done , Carried. Fire Chief Dullahant with the aid of a chart gave a very interesting talk on just how the insurance rates are arrived at by the underwriters and asked the cooperation of the Council in keeping the rates down, and stated that ,the under- grite�rs would be here very soon making a survey of the city. No further business , meeting adjourned. City Clerk May o r. 191 %larch 2U , 1934. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. iii., b,- Mayor Nilson. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis , Pasco , Plano , Deacy & Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and ayproved. Petition of Paul Snook to erect house & garage at 7th & Dorris St. read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Geo . Peacock to make addition to warehouse at 333 Burnett St. read. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Lewis that same be grant- ed under the supervision of the Fire Chief. Carried. Petition of Al Morgan to break 71 ft. of curb and replace with driveway on Bronson May read. St. & Alley Committee recommend the denial of same . Moved by Pasco , seconded b, Deacy that the recommen- dation of the St & k1ley Committee be concurred in and petition denied. Carried. Petition read from Geo. Peacock asking that the Council re -,^rsj_d.er their action of last week in denying his petition to remodel building at 321 Williams St. Moven by Pasco , seconded by Delaurenti that the petition be filed for future reference. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payrpent the following: Nt s No. Current 2801-3=78=3 & 24 Pay ,Roll Grandstand : 117.37-2788-90/ Pay Roll St. Dep t. 454.72-2806-22-25-28 rlbert Sonehez Dog Catcher 14.00-2804 Howard-Cooper Corp . Park -Labor on mower 55.19-2829 Pac. Car & Fdry Material 5.00 30 Eureka Press Supplies 3.15 1 Lowman & Hanford Library Books 77.69 2 Western Office Supply Supplies 2.75 3 E. Hyde Labor on tools 6.00 4 Renton Feed Co . Material 33.00 5 Renton Iidw i Furn Supplies-Library 4.32 6 Al Trimm Fue 1 16.56 7 Renton Sand & Gravel Co. Material 1.80 8 Wash . State Penitentiary Sims 3.75 9 Reid & Cook Supplies 5.70-2840 Williams & McKnie�ht Supplies 1.75 1 Pao. Tel & Tel. Co . Telephones 12. 70 2 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 306.76 3 Hooker-Electro Chem Chlorine 405.OU 4 Water Pay Roll ;later Dept. $74.08-1220-23 National dieter Co . Repairing meters 81.71-1224 Renton Auto Freight Drayage 1.94 5 P. S. P. & L. Co . Power 39 X38 6 Grinnell Co. Material 4.73 7 Moved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Communication read from C . 17. A. relative to application made by City for sewer project . Moved by Pasco, seconded by Deaey that the i 10001 ' instructions of Mr. Young of the C . N. A. b•e followed and all assistance rendered the city engr. in obtaining C . W. funds. Carried.. Cotamunication read. from The Earlington. Women 's Club asking our co-operation in getting an adequate signal placed on Earl ing to n tri Seattle Renton Highw av . Moved by Lewis , seconded by Jane that we give the Club our support. Carried. Communication read from Secy. Lssociation of Washington Cities advising of a meeting at Chehalis, March 22, and asking that the City be represented. , Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that two representatives be sent from the city . Carried . Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that the Oriinance Committee and City ratty . draft a peddlar's ordinance, covering all lines of merchandise ani commodities. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Cle rk Mayor. • k-n 193 vl kf� March V , 1934. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Wilson Pres iding . Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis , Pasco , Deacy and Jand. Minutes of the last meeting read and. approved. Petition of P. S. P. & L. Co . to replace pole at 5th & Williams St. read. Moved by Lewis , seconded b�, Pasco, that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Mrs. Mary J. Walker to erect garage at 339 Park Ave. read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Deacy that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Joe Edwards to repair and remodel Bogden Bldg. , at 4th &,Williams St. read. Moved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Joe Edwardo to move in snull cabin from Bianco Mine to 416 Tobin St. and remodel same for house read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted. Carried. Application for license for two card tables at Melrose read from Geo . A. Atkinson. The Police & License Committee recommend that a�,plication be granted. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Jane that the recommenda- tion be concurred in and license granted. Carried. County Health Officer Dixon sent report on samplesof water from Renton water supply system showing that same conforms with the U. S. Standard for drinking water and stated that Renton water was excellent and rated very high. Ordinance No. 940 licensing peddlers and hawkers read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on ordinance No. 940 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence , Delaurenti, Lewis, Pasco , Deacy and Jane . Ordinance No. 941 relating to intoxicating liquors , read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No . 941 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all c ounc ilmen present voting aye: Lawrence , Delaurenti, Lewis, Pasco , Deacy and Jane. Written report read--,, from delegates to Chehalis. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that same be filed. Carried. Fire Chief Dullahant stated that March 2.6th to 31st would be Fire Prevention Week in Renton, programs would be put on at the schools and asked the support of the Coon it in eliminat- ing as many fire hazards as possible . 194 Yoved by Lewis, seconded by Delalc inti that we concur with the Fire Chief in his rrecommends.tions . Carried. The North Retiton drol)osed. storm sewer was discuss- ed at some length but no definite action taken. No further butiness, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor. i 5 4 April 3, 1934. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Milson presiding . Roll Call : Lawrence, Delaurenti , Pasco , Plano, Deaey & Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Frank Ozura to erect a garage at 504 Smithers St . read. Carried. , Moved by Jane, seconded by Deacy that same be granted. Petition of U. Barei to remodel store room in Temme Building for beer parlor read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jame that same be granted under the supervision of the Fire Chief. Carried. Report read from City Engr. on sanitary sewer at grandstand, and filed. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Plano that all matters pertaining to the completion of the grandstand be turned over to the City Property Committee with power to act. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: Current -.. Pay Roll Park - Grandstand 0163.30-2845- 2864-78 Pay Roll Engr. Dept . 8.98-2879 Pay Roll St . Dept . 515.20-2880-97 Albert Sonchez Dog Catcher 10.00-2847-62 Geo . Swift Labor- Library 18.00-2863 Frank Delaurenti Exp. to Chehalis 7 .50-2898 Harry Arnold Labor-Library 15.75-2899 Pao. Coast R. R. Co . Rental Land - Park 1.00-2900 Owl Cafe Prisoners Meals 20.45- 1 Jno Dower Lumber Co. Lumber 14 .12 2 Wm. "Val ler Labor 3.00 3 Rwn to n Feed Co . Material 2.6.35 4 Frank E. Rhodes, Inc. Material 10.85 5 Geo . W. Custer Est J1 - Grandstand 1500.00 � Toots Bunstine Park Labor 54.00 76 Ser. Ldry & Cleaners Laundry 7.80 8 McPherson Furn Supplies 1.58 9 Tom Dobson & Son Ins . 32.30-2.910 Renton Realty Co . Ins 48.05 1 R. IV. Thorne iarchitectural Ser- Grandstand 148.75 2 Shenrer's Sheetme tal Labor & Material IT 42.75 3 A. Belmonda Labor & Material 10.40 4 Renton Sand & Grawel Material 168.09 5 Douglas Lewis Expenses to Chehalis 7.50 6 Seattle Gas Co . Gas 3.72 7 Renton Garage Material 12. 70 a Renton News Record Printing - legal pubiie ations 18.11 S "vPATER Pay Roll Plater Dept , 71.84-1230-33 Olympic Foundry Co. Material 7.40-1234 City of Seattle Water 10.56 1265 IL96 Mov?c b Jane , seconded by Lawrence that the recommendation o tht Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Councilman Pasco , one of the representatives from the Commercial Club sent to ascertain and report back the stats of the North Renton storm sewers reported that the la'" application for $148,000. had been sent in to Olympia and nothing further coula be done until the application was granted or denied. No further business, meeting adjourned, • I City Clerk Mayor IL J'7 • xpril 10, 1934. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M* by Mayor Wilson. Present : Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis , Pasco , ••- Plano, De acy & Jane . Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of W. J. Seguin to remodel and reshingle House on Lot 16, Block 19 , R. F. P. read. Moved by Plano , seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Paul Gallagher to repair, remodel and 'reshingle house on Lot 3, Block 25, Town, read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Leo V. Armstrong to erect sign on Lot 1, Blockm3, R. F. P. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended (for payment the following•: Final Estate of Geo . IN. Custer on grandstand less 15A'reserve in the amount of $1239 .35. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Delaurenti that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred° in. Carried. Resorts of the Treasurer and Clerk for the month of March read and filed. Librarian's report for the month of March read and filed. Councilman Lawrence on behalf of the Athaletic Club extended an invitation to the Mayor & Council and all city officials to attend the opening of the ball season at the new grandstand on npril 22nd, at 12:30 M. Ed Burrows asked the aN.,roval and cooperation ressonsibiliv of the Council of the action of Fred Hanock Post No . 19 in assuming to put over the 4th of July celebration. Moved by Jane seconded by Lawrence that the Post have the cooperation and support of the Council in their undertaking. Carried. The question of a refund to beer parlors that had paid their license after the lst of the year was dT.scu,sed. Moved by Pasco , seconded by I:ewi s that the matter be referred to the Finance and Claims Committees with yower^to Carried. The Water Suet was authorized to oil the highway in the vicinity of the reservoir. The City Property Committee resorted that they had let a contract for the painting of the grandstand. No further business', meeting• adj ournecl, City Clerk I,fay or i April 17, 1934. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Filson presiding, Delaurenti Roll Call: Lewis , Pasco , 2lano , Deacy & Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. •.r+ application of Eagle fool Hall for a pool table at Burnett & Walla valla read. IToved by Jane , seconded by Delaurenti that same be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act . Carried. Finance & Claims Committee reported that Barei Bro s had been refunded 475 .00 on their beer parlor license. i The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following : Current Pay Roll St. Deat . 9465 .47-2956-74 Lowman & Hanford Lib. Books 19 .02 2975 Hub City Cheb Material 3.15 6 Gladding,McBean & Co . Sewer Pipe 2 .59 7 Washington Bindery Library Exl,ens e 57 .60 8 Korth Coast Chem " a 4.15. 9 Renton Feed Co. 14.25 2980 Coch ran 1 s Paint Store Material 2.45 1 Al TrimmFuel 11.50 2 Nh i t e Fuel Co , rue 1 22.7 5 3 Art Beil 's Garage Material 1.40 4 Reid & Cook Material 5.70 5 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 1.27 6 Toots Bunstine Park Labor 45.00 7 Seattle Waxine Co. Supplies 12.50 8 H. Fiskaali Labor Fire Dept. 4.50 9 Frank E. Rhodes, Inc . Material Fire Dent . 19 .35 2990 Penton News Record Fire Dept . Printing 11.25 1 Bladding ,IMcBean & Co . Material 3rd ',.ve Fund 126.70 3 Renton Hdw & Furn Material n " " 13. 75 2 Grinnell Co . Material 18.20 4 Water Pay Roll Water Dept . 60. 61-1239-42 Grinnell Co. Material 25.30 1243 Federal Pipe &- Tank Co. Pipe 213.42 4 3rd rive ,Fund Pay Roll Labor on grandstand_ 219 .46-2933-35-47 Pay Roll Sewer tt 148 .17 2948-55 Moved by Lewis , seconded by Jane that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. :Moved by ,Pasco , seconded by Plano that the St . Supt . be authorized to place the proper warning signs around the grand- stand at Liberty Park. Carried. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that on account of Tobin, Logan and 2nd Ave. being public highways accomodating the � Nino heavy traffic to and from Se4ttle , the St. Supt be authorized to purchase one tank of oil provided the residents in that vicinity purchase two tanks , the same to be spread under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. No further business , meeting adjourned. City Clerk bray or April 24, 1934. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Nilson. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis , Pasco , Plano , Deacy & Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and auproved. The Finance Committee audited and recomaetb6dfor payment the following : Third Ave Fund Wm. Taehell (& others) painting at grandstand . . . . . . . .$203.34-3012. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that the recommendation of the Fins nce '3omrnittee be concurred in. Carried. Communication read from the Renton kthletie Club thanking the administration for the grandstand erected in Liberty Park. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that same be filed. Carried. Communication read from Secretary of kssoe iE,tion of Washington Cities inviting city official to attend the Convention in, Seattle , May 3rd & 4th. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that the Mayor appoint two delegates to represent the city . Carried. Police & License Committee recommend that a radio be purchased for the Police Dept . Moved b,,� Pasco , seconded by Lewis that the recommendation be concurred in and radio purchased. The same being put to a vote resulted as follpws: Ayes - six Noes - one . Motion carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk May or May 1, 1934. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with mayor Wilson presiding . MAW Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Lewis , Pasco , Plano , Deacy & Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and apjirovea. Petition of Carl Machem to erect garage on Lot 7 , Block 17 , R. F. P. read. Movea by Lewis , seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recomr.ertled for pay ment the following: i Current Pay Roll St. Dei;t. $425.62-3026-42 Lot Davis, Fees 67 .50-3043 SV)neway Dock Co . Material 2.�5- 4 Toots Buns ti ne Park Labor 49 .50 5 Gladding,McBean & Co. Material 2.07 6 Jesse Young Police Exp). 58 .70 7 Seattle Gas Co . Gas 2.75 8 Wm. Wal le r La.bor 2.0 0 9 Packer-Scott Co. Supplies 2.48-3050 Springs Products Co. Supplies 2.50 1 Frank Klashke Material 1.50 2 Shell Oil Co . Gas 136.20 3 R. 0. Brown Labor on tools 3 .60 4 P. S. P. & L. C o. Lights 315.84 5 0. Priebe Labor & Material 13.50 6 Pao. Coast Coal Co . Briquets 1.80 7 Pao . Tel & Tel . Co. Telephones 13.15 8 N. Fiorito Paving at park 25.95 9 Renton Hdw & Furn Material - Park 13.50-3060 McPherson Furn Material- Grandstand. 30.65 1 J. S. Hardie It " 69 .24 2 J. G. :shite it " 36.87 3 Cochran's Paint Store It It 54.25 4 E. A. Shearer It " 10.58 5 Williams & McKnight 2 2 145.50 6 Renton Sand & Gravel Material 14. 34 7 Pay Roll '-`Gra.ndstand 4123.59-2996-3013-25 P. S. P. & L. Go . Power (Wt�.TER) 25.57-1275 Pay Roll Nater Dept. 655.38-1249-74 Moved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that the St. Supt, be authorized. to rebuild portal on Bronson Way. No . , Carried. Moved by Pafqonded by Delaurenti that the Water Supt be authorized o 668ft. 10" pipe for water line on Benson Highway. Carried. No flzrther business , meeting adjourned. &J City Clerk May Dr 201 may 8, 1934. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. b,� Mayor .Vils on. Roll Call: Lawrence, Lewis , Pasco, Plano, Deacy & Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and a_,pro'ved. Application for two card tables at 234 Williams St. , read. On recommendation of the Police % License Committee, it was moved by Jane , seconded by 'Plano that the recommendation be concurred in and license granted. Carried. Petition of L. G. Pravitz to remodel house and, enlarge garage on Lot 4, Block 2, Smithers 4th ,'Ad.. read. Moved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Mrs Leota Bowers to erect coal shed on Lot 14,' Block 14, R. F. P. Read. Moved by Plano, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of E. E. Duff to erect wood shed on Lot 3, Block 34, Smithers 2nd Udition and. tear down old barn, read. Moved by Lewis , second*d by Pasco that same be granted. Carried. Reeorts of the Treasurer and Clerk covering; the month of April read and filed. Moved by Pasco , seconded? by Lewis that the County Health Department be permitted to use the city garage, May lith, for purpose of inoculating dogs. Carried, was read. Resolution to join kssociation of Washington Cities Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that same be adopted as read. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. 10-4 City Clerk May or 202 May 15, 1934. Council met in regular session at 8 P. Y. with Mayor ffilson presiding . Roll Call: Lawrence , Delaurenti , Lewis, Pasco , Llano .r✓ and Jane. Minutes of the last meetin'E, read and a,)proved. Petition of Geo . H. Freidn to ,reshingle house on 'Lot 22, Block 1, Smithers, read. Moved by Plano , seconded by Lewis, that same be granted. Carried. The Fine.nce Committee aiad.ited ani recommended for day- ment the following: Current Pay Roll St. Dept. $327 .87-3081-91 ;ng r." 4 .49-3080 it IT Grandstand 8.98-3079 T. T. Leathley Park Labor 30 .00-3092 Toots Bunstine ti It 49 .50-3093 Moved by Lewis , seconded by Jane that the re commend at ion sof the Finance Committee be conour°red in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk May ibr i 203 May 22 , 19 34 . Regular meeting of the City 'Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Wilson. low Roll Call : Lawrence, Delaur enti , Lewis , Pascol, Plano, J)eacy & Jane . Minutes of the last meeting; read and approved. ,pplication for reserved parking space at the Southwest corner of 3rd & Main St read from Harold McDonald. Moved. by Jane , seconded by Lawrence that same be reefgrred to the Police & License' Committee for report. Carried. The Finan e Committee audited and reeommnerided for payment the following: Current Bancroft Whitney Co. Law Books - - - - - $10.00 3096 Jno Dower Lumber Co . Lumber - - - - - 79 .70 7 Reid & Cook Labor & Material- - 121 .45 8 Geo,. ?Y. Custer Bal on grandstand Cont- 483.41- 3089 Reid & Cook Material - - - - - 14.05-3100 Howard-Cooper Corp * Material - - - - - 4.02 1 Al Morgan Repair ','fork - - - - •95 2 Hano Fiskaali F. D. Labor - - - - 13. 50 3 Art Anderson F. D. Libor - - - - 13.50 4 Eagle Cafe F. D. Exp. - - - - 9 .00 5 Renton Realty Coo Ins . Grand s t and - - 35.63 6 Ser Ldry & Cleaners F. D. Ldy - - - - 1.90 7 Williams & McKnight F. D. Supplies - - 1.20 8 Cochran's Paint Store Supplies - - - - 1.35 9 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights - - - - 310107 3110 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance - Grandst and -" 35.63-3111 J. S. Hardie Material - - - - 4.10 3112 R. Barthell, Ex. Secy Membership dues - - 20 .00 3 Huker-Ranken, Inc. Engr's Supplies - - 31.21 4 Gla(iding ,McBean & Co. Material - - - - 4.55 5 E. Hyde Labor on tools - - 3.40 6 �toneway Dock Co . Material - - - - 7.00 7 Jno W. Dobson Exp . 2 delegates to Conv . 8.00 -3118 Alaska Junk Co. Park Material - - - 1.00 3119 Material ri al - - - 8.99 3110 art Beils Garage - Renton Chronicle Library Printing - 9 .50 41 1 2 Gaylord Bros* Library �+:xp • __ _ _ 3 J. R. Storey Library Fuel - 20.70 _ 16.45 4 Jno Dower Lumber Lumber n �- �dater Material - - - 11.37-1310 Grinnell Co. „ _ 119 .99 1 Federal ripe & Tank Co . 71.40 2 City of Seattle Nater - - _ P. S. P. & L. Co . Power _ _ _ 24.00 4 Reid L% Cook* La bo r 2.60 5 J. S. Hardie Material - - ` Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that the repo ndation of the Finance Committee be coneuvred in. Carried. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Plano that the city go on 3 of the oiling of any street provi ed the record as paging ay 13 ard provided that all oiling" one property owners pay 1/3, Carried. under the superivision of the St. Supt . No further business, meeting adjourned, Cit Clerk May or 204 May 29 , 1934. Regular meeting of the Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Wilson. Roll Call: Delaureriti , Lewis , Pasco ; Plano, Deaey & Jane . Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Police & License Committee was given another week before reporting on the a,,plication of Harold McDonald, Petition of John Peternell to make concrete basement at 541 Xplls St. Carried. Moved by Plano , seconded by Jane that same be granted„ Carried. Moved by Pasco seconded by Lewis that the city pay additional cost over the balance of $38.00 on hand to complete the oiling of Kogan & Tobin Sts . Carried. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Deacy that the city cut at once all grass that is on parking strips , intersecting steets etc. that interferes with the use of sidewalks and streets-. Carried. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that the City Cle rk notify the City of Seattle ',Vater Dept . to cut all. wes and grass on their ,right of way within the city limits . Carried. Moved s by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that the city atty prepare a redort as to taxing gross revenues of public utilities. Carried. Moved'by Pasco, seconded by Plano that the city engr report on approximate eos,t of grading and graveling alley between Renton rive and Cedar St and the city attorney the legal end of same. Carried. No further business , meeting adjourned. { City Clerk I Mayor i k-n ?®5 en June 5 , 1934. Council met in regular session at 8 P. vi. with Mayor Wilson presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence , Delaurenti , Lewis, Pasco, Plano , Deacy & Jane,. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of S. M. Wiberg to make repairs on Junior High School, Henry Ford and Sartori Schools read. Moved by Jane , seconded by Plano that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Jess McCowin to erect store building on location formerly occupied by Barrell read. Moved by Plano , seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Bpyalic,ation read from Hansen Confectionery for two card tables in rear of store at 901 3rd Ave. MovedbyPasco , seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Application of Tom Rubbattino for two card tables iA rear of Owl Annex read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Plano that same be granted. Carried. Police & License Committee reporting on the petition of H. McDonald report unfavorable on same. Moved -by Pasco , seconded by Jane that the reconunendation o-' the Police & liicense Committee be concurred in. Carried. City Atty made reyaort on taxing public utilities. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that the city a,tty draft ordinance taxing the gross revenues of public utilities, the -rate to be the same as the City of Seattle. Carried. City Engr reporting o1i the approximate cost of improving alley between Renton Ave and Cedar $t .stated that it would costp150.00 . Move� by Pasco , seconded by Plano that if the property owners �bu�l'�d deed to the City sufficient ground to establish a 16 foot alley the city wQ2uld make the improvement;and. the same be le.ft in the hands of the city engr and. the city atty. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: Current Pay Roll St. Dept. $554 .34-3145-65 it n Engr. Dept. 6. 73-3166 Dave Mitchell Park Labor 4.49-3141 Lot Davis Fees 24 .50-3142-67 Lewis Super Ser Repair `York .75 3168 E. A. Shearer Labor 6.87- 9 Stoneway Dock Material 2.10 3170 Col Lumber Co . Lumber 9 .95 1 0. Priebe Labor & Material 25.10 2 E. Hyde Labor 3 .25 3 Kuker-Ranken, Inc . Engr. Supplies 5.77 4 ';Test Disinfecting Co . Supplies 13.50 5 Totts Bunstine Park Labor $54.00-3176 Seattle Gas Co . Gas 2.89 7 'Western Office Supply Supplies .95 92 J. S. Hardie Park Material 105.54-3180 Pae. Car & Fd.ry Material 15.11 1 � IPJm. Waller Labor 2..00 2 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 130.00 3 Shell Oil Co . Gas 64.40 4 Cochran's Paint Store Supplies x.30 5 H. Fiskaali F. D. Labor 9 .00 6 Ray Brown F. D. Labor 2.25 7 C.' Bevan Materi4l 1.00 8 Ser Ldry & Cleaners Ldry 12.70 9 Eagle Cafe Prisoners Meals 10.00-3190 Sleeman Transport St . Oil 137 .00 1 Water Pay Roll 76Tater Dept. 412.49-1316-38 City of Seattle Alater 49 .76-1339 Rensselaer Valve Co . Material 3.00-1340 Federal Pipe & Tank Material 451.52- 1 Columbia Lmbr Co. Lumber 44.40 2 Moved by Lewis, seconded by Delaurenti thatthe recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. City Property Committee recommended that a level be purchased for the engineering department. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that the recommenda- tion of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. City Engr was instructed to go ahead with the erection of the 'portal on Bronson Way North. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Plano that the balance of Cedar St . be oild at the expense of the city. Carried. The St. Supt was instructed to to rebuild steps leading from Mill St . to Cedar at. Fire Chief Dullahant called to the attention of the Council the inadequate fire protection at the grandstand and recommended 'a fire hydrant. 1.4oved by Lewis, seconded by Jane that sane be referred to the Fire , Light & ''later Committee for report . Carried . No further business , meeting adjourned. t City Cler May or. 2®? June 12, 1934. Regular session of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor "Nilson. Roll Call- Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis , Pasco, Plano , Deacy Jane . Minutes of the last meeting read and aitpmved, Petition of M. Phillips to remodel house , raise and- move ndmove back on lot at 100 `dells St . read , Moved by Lewis , seconded by Plano that same be granted. Carried. . Petition of Thos101sen to re-roof store building on Lot 3, Block 3, R. F. P. read. Moved by Lawrc;nce, seconded by Lewis that same be granted . Carried* application of Browning Bros for carnival license read. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that same be denied. Carried. Fire, Light & 'Nater Committee reporting, on the fire hydrant at grand stand stated that it would be impossible at this time to place a hydrant there but suggested that certain posts be sawed off at park thereby shortening the route to grandstand in case of fire. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Lewis that the report be concurred in and recommendation carried out . Carried. Ordinance relating to taxing the gross revenues of °`- public utilities read and on Motion by Pasco , seconded by Plano referred to the Ordinance Committee for redo rt July 3d. Garried. that the . S PL. Co .bg d notified . Moved by Delatrenti , seconded y Rano that a e- teriorat.epole at 515 Wells St. be removed as a safety measure, and a new one replaced. Carri ed-. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that the matter of persons arrested. laying out their fines in the city jail for lack of money to pay same be referred to the Police & License Committee and the Police JAagistrate fbr recommendation. Carri ed'. No . further business , meeting adjourned.. City Clerk C, Mayor 2®8 June 19 , 1934. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Wilson presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence , Deluarenti , Lewis , Pasco , Plano, •rrr` Deac.y & .Jane . Minutes of the last meeting read anal a�.,proved, Petition of Mike !,.rnone to tear down old shed and erect new one on Lot 5, Block 2 , R. F. P. read, Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Joe Delaurenti to erect garage at 525 Morris St. read. , Moved. by Plano , seconded by Jane that same be granted Carried. Petition of prdiperty owners on Cedar & ?Mill St asking that a. concrete sidewalk be constructed read., Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that saine be re- ferrel to the City Fnpr and City ktty for report. Carried. j The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment' the following : Current ( Pay Roll St . Deist . X544.88-3203-23 Pay Roll Engr. Deft. 49 .94-3224-25 ` Diesel Oil Sales Co . St. Oil 74'.00-3226 ( Renton Realty Co, Ins, 15.00 7 P. S . P. &^ L. Co. Lights 319.31 8 Sleeman Transport Corp , St. Oil 166.50 9 C. M. & St. Paul Ry, Freight 1.32-3230 Kuker-Raaken, Inc . Engr. Level 125.00 1 J. E Vioue Supplies , 1.00 2 V. A",rmstrong & Sons Labor 1.65 3 E. Hyde Labor on tools 4.15 4 Genl. Petroleum Corp , Tires, 4O .50 5 Union Oil Co, Gas 56.50 6 Piemonte Grocery Supplies 7.25 7 ; Standard Oil Co, Gas 44 .10 8 J.rt Beil's Garage Labor & Material 11.80 9 krt Bunrside Police Supplies 11.50-3240 Toots Bunstine Park Labor 49 .50 1 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 12.14, 2 ill Morgan Oil F. D. 1.20' 3 McFarld.nd.'s Engr. Level 8.50 4 Pac . Tel & Tel. Co . Telephones 16. 80 5 J. Jones Park Labor 13.50 6 Pac . Car & Fdry Material 10.82 7" (Williams & Mennight Supplies 1.50 8 Bancroft Whitney Co. Law Book 12 ,00 9 H. I. Rassmu.ssen Repair work 5.00-3250 , Lot Davis Fees Nater 2.50-3264 Pay Roll Nater Dep t . 355.94-1358-76 P. S. P. ,� L. Co. Power 35.02-1377 Moved by Lewis , seconded by Delaurenti that the recommend.a- 1400 tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried.. I I i tun 2®9 Re.ports of the Treasurer and Clerk for the month of May read and ordered filed. Librarian's report covering the month of May read and filed. ,R.► Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that two rings left with the former Police Judge as bail be returned tothe &weer. Carried. Williams Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that tke street North in front of the city garage be oiled. Carried. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that the matter of a grindstone for the city garage be turned over to the City PProgerty Committee for investigation and rejort, Carried. Moved by Pasco, seconded b;r Lawrence that the question of prohibiting bicycles on certain streets be referred to the Police Rc License Committee for investigation and recommendation* Carried. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that the wire at the reservoir on poles W not in use ?.t the ;resent time be taken down and stored for future use . Carried. City Attorney stated that the condemnation suit on First Avenue North would be heard on August 14th . No further business, meeting- adjourned. City Clerk gray o r `.i.- 2�.0 June 25 , 1934. Council met in regular session at 8 P. u . with Mayor° 71ilson presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence , Delaurenti ; Lewis, Pasco , Plano and Jane . Minutes of the last meeting read and aliprovedz Petition of Mrs. ;,lary Horney to make addition to house at '437 Pelly St . read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Communication read from Renton iderchants thanking the Council for their action in banning a Carnival from showing in Renton. itoved by Pasco, seconded by Lawrence that same be received and filed for future reference and a copy of same turned over to the newspapers for publication. Carried. police & License Committee reporting on the bicycle situation recommended that placards be placed in all bicycle shops warning them to keep of certain streets. I.ioved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that the matter be left in the hands of the Police x License Committee and the Police Department to m rk out. Carried. IToved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pasco that the advisability of changing a street light at 2nd & Whitworth from the middle of the block to the corner be referred to the Fire , Light &- '7ater Corunittee for action. Carried. ;roved by Delaurenti , seconded by Lewis that on account of the 4th our regular meeting of July 3rd be adjourned! to July 10th. Carried. on Councilman. L4wre4ce% behalf of the American Legion invited the '."ayor, Council una. ail city officials to partici- pate in the parade on the 4th of July. :loved by Pasco , seconded by Jane that the invitation be accepted. Carried. Loved by Pasco , seconded. by Lawrence that the alley between 5th & nth and IUll & Cedar St. be referred to the St. Supt for investigation and report. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor 211 July 10, 194. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. Id. by Mayor Wilson. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Lewis, ,Pasco, Plano , Deacy & Jane, ldinutes of the la--t meeting read and approved. Petition of H. 0. Lunsford to reshingle house at 311 Smithers St. ,read. , I:Ioved by Lewis, seconded by Jame that same be granted. Carried.. Petition of R. H. Pratt to erect green house on Lot 4, Block 1, Smithers Add. read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Plano that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Mike Cooper to remodel and repair foundation of house on Lot 24, Block 23, R. F. P. read. Moved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petit ichn of P. H. Greiser to tear down old garage and erect new one on Lot 23, Block 6, Car ':forks Add. Loved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of H. S. Gieldseth Company to tear down smoke house in rear of Gieldseth Bldg. , read. Tloved. by Lewis , seconded by Deacy that same be granted. Carried. Petition of A. Cugini to erect small house at 6th & Burnett St. read. IMove'd. by Plano, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Pao. Tel & Tel . Co. to reset and remove certain poles read. Moved. by Lewis , seconded by Pasco that same be referred to the St L Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following : Current Pay Roll St. Dept. 4372.19-3265-83 11 It Engr. Dep t. 138.28-3284-88 Walter Anderson Park Material 3.00-3289 Seattle Gas Co. Gas 3.17-3290 H. Fiskalli F. D. Labor 9 .00 1 Joe Fillon F. D. Labor 4.50 Stoneway Dock Material 14. 60-3302 Toots Bunstine Park Labor 45.00 3 Renton Clothing Co. Repair Work F. D. 1.00 4 Renton News Record Park-Printing 5.25 ► Wm. Waller Labor 2.00 � Lot Davis Fees 2.50 7 Packer-Scott Co. Supplies 7.80 8 Eagle Cafe Prisoners Meals 1,75-- Seattle .75 Seattle Waxine Co. Supplies 19,25_ 3310 McPherson Furn & Hdw 11 12.75 1 0. Pribe Labor on tools 18.00 2 xrt Beils Garage Labor & Material 1.75 3 Col Lumber Coo Lumber 20 .60 4 Gladding ,McBean &: Co. Material 421.00-3315 Ser Lary F. D. Lary 1.30 6 Hub City Chev Labor & Materia I 22.37 7 Diesel Oil Sales Co. St. Oil 95150 8 Sleeman Transport Corp . St. Oil, 55%100 9 Reid & Cook Labor & Material Union Oil Co. Gas 108.79 1 V. Armstrong & Sons Labor & Material 8.45 2 Art Burnside F. D. Siren 55.00 4 Joe Fillon Park Labor 9 .00 3 'Nater Pay Roll Nater Dept. 9580.30-1382-1408 Grinnell Co. Material 12.92-1414 Hersey Mfg. Co. iT 18.61 - 5 City of Sea t-tle ;Vater 115.92 6 Reid & Cook Material 6.02 7 T:Ioved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Reports of the Treasurer and Clerk covering the month of June read ,and filed. Librarians report for the month of June read and filed. Report read from engineer of conrete sidewalks at 4th & Mills St. read. Moved by Pasco , seconded by liewis that report be tabled for the present and property notified of estimated cost. Carried. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that the pur- chase of a grindstone for the garage be left in the hands of the City Property Committee with power to act . Carried. Ord. Committee given another week to report on Ord. taxing public utilities. No further business , meting adjourned. i City Clerk Yay or bn 21.3 July 17 , 19 34. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 2.1A. by Mayor Wilson. Roll Call: Lawrence , Delaurenti , Lewis , Pasco , Plano , Deacy, and Jane. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Petition of M. J. McFadden t� wreck old garage and build a new one at 125 Williams street , Lot 14, B. 24. Moved. by Pasco , seconded by Jane that the same be granted. Carried. Petition of John T,IcLoir to dib a basement on Lot 11, Block 18 was read. Motion by Lewis , seconded oy Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. A request w .s read from the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company for setting poles on Cedar Street. Loved by Pasco , seconded by Jane that the same be turned over to Fire , Light, and Water Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter of thanks was read from the Garden Club, and request for walk at portals. Moved by Lawrence. Seconded by Plano that the City Engineer -give an estimated cost of the same. Carried. Ordinance coi.Tgittee recommends that the Utility taxing ordinance be dropped. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Delaurenti that the recommendation of the committee be carried out. Carried. The Chief of Police was instructed to sellun and give the proceeds to firs . Hasbrook. Moved by Pasco, Seconded by Lawrence that the same be done . Carried. Notion by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that the City Attorney investigate the possibility of liability of Swimming Hole in Cedar River, Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk�GD ? i Mayor 9-1 A July 24, 19 34. The regular meeting of the City Courcil was called to order at 8 P.IVI. by Mayor Wilson, Roll Call: Delaurenti, Lewis , Pasco, Plano, Deacy and Jane , The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The Petition of Joe Peiroli to build a chimney at 712 Renton Avenue. Moved by Plano , seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. The petition of French Colombo to tear down house at 402 Factory Street , Lot 20, Block 1Z, Moved by Lewis , seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted. Carried. The petition of Chris O'Brien to reshingle house at 327 i4Iorris Street. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Jane that same be be granted. Carried. The petition of Lee Monohan to reshingle house at 108 Logan St. N. Moved by Jane , seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. It was moved by Jane and seconded by Lewis that ' the Firemen's expense bill to Vancouver convention, O.K. by Finance Committee be allowed. Carried. Amout.t '108.00. The City property Corrmittee recommended the constructing of sidewal_cs at City Portal First Ave . North. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Lewis that recor.unendation be carried out and the vjorll done as soon as possible. Carried. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Jane that Street and Alley Cormlittee and Street Supt. get together and have the channel on the west side of the Bridge straightened out. Motion carried. 4 7 Moved by Fasco, seconded by Jane that the Res olution,�presented by the City Attorney for the improvement of Fourth venue between Cedar and ?Mills Streets be adopted. Carried. The City Property Committee recommended the purchase of Grinder for the City Garage * also two new stones. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Pasco that recomriendation be carried. out•. No further business the meeting adjourned. City e r j Mayor 21.5 July 31, 1934. Council met in regular session at 8 P. 1,1. with Mayor lVilson presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis , Pasco, Plano , Deacy & Jane* T.Iinutes of the last meeting read ark. approved. Petition read from I. Toschi to remodel porch on house at 539 Cedar St. 11oved by Jane, seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted. Carried. Petition read from P. S. P. & L. Co. to set a pole at corner of 2nd lhitworth St. rea T:ioved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Chas hndrews 'to reshingle' house at 818 Marion St. read. Tvioved by Lewis, seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Ed Swanson to reshingle house at 123 Cedar St. read. Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of C . P. Doran to more store building Brom Lot 1, Block 1, Si,iithers 6th Add. to Lot 1, Block 2, Smithers �► 6th Add. read. Moved by Plano, seconded by Deacy that same be granted. Carried. Report read from Engr. recommending that a safety guard be placed on Bronson Way bridge. 1;Ioved by Pasco, seconded by Lewis that same be re- ferred: to the St & Alley Committee for report. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following : Current Pay Roll St. Dept. $471.26-3358-76 Renton Variety Store Park Supplies 8.65-3377 J. M. Jones Park Labor 4.50 8 Brendal. Drug Co. Supplies- Park 4.14 9 Toots Bunstine Park Labor 54.00-3380 Howard-Cooper Corp. F. D. Idaterial 4.60 1 V. Armstrong & Sons F. D. Expense 12.80 2 Lowman & Hanford Lib . Books 20 .03 3 Frontier Press Co. Lib . Books 11.50 4 Funk & Wagnalls Lib, Books 6.15 5 Hooker-Electro Chlorine 427.50 6 Wm. Kane Labor & 111aterial 31 .10 7 Forsyth Electric Co. Garage Material 60 .00 8 Clarke Bros. lotor Co . T-iaterial .95 9 Genl, Petroleum Corp. Material 6.70-3390 ..• Seattle Gas Co. Gas 2.61 1 Pace Tel & Tel . Co. Telephones 12.90 2 Seattle Electric Co. Labor & ITaterial 4.20 3 Owl Cafe Prisoners Meals 3.55 4 Salvador S. Halo Radio- Police Car 64.50 5 r J Cochran's Paint Store Supplies w15 .20-3396 R. 0. Brown Sharpening tools 6.60 7 Engr, Pay Roll Pay Roll 28.05-3355-75-7 Water Pay Roll 'Nater Dep t. $188.59-1459-72 . Rentbn Feed Co. Supplies 2.90 1473 Cochran's Paint Store Supplies 1.10 4 71, J. Thompson & Co. Labor & Idaterial 56.00 5 Moved. by Jane, seconded by Lewis that the recommenda tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried, roved by Pasco seconded by Lewis that we communicate with the Waterway Commissioners asking them to take precaution- I F ary measures at this time to teenforce the river bank at the park. Carried. Moved. by Lewis, seconded by Lawrence that a Resolution of Condolence be drafted. and sent to the Thos , Olsen family. Carried. The !favor appointed the follow- ing to prepare the Resolution. Pasco, Lewis and Lawrence. No further business, meeting adjourned. City (clerk May or. f� Aug. 7 , 194. Regular rmeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. i. By LIayor Ydilson, Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis , Pasco , Plano and Jane . inutes 6f the last meeting read and aijproved.. Petition of Joe Delaurenti to erect garage on Lot 19 , Block 4, Smithers read. Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carri ed. Petition of E. ' . Puller rebuild rear stairway of Idasonic Hall read. 1.1oved by Plano, seconded by Jane that same be granted. ` Carried. St . & Alley Committee recommended that a guard be placed on the Bronson :'day bridge as suggestea by the city engr. Idoved. by Lewis,, seconded by Lawrence that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. Hovel by Pasco, seconded by Lawrence that the question of Marion St. being some below grade be referred to the St & alley Committee , St. Supt & City Engr. for investigation and recommendation. Carried* counailmf4ived by Pasco, seconded by Jane that an ordinance �- nominating by wards and electing by the city' as a whole bg drafted by the Law & Ordinance Committee and submitted to thG council. Carried. Loved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that the sewer connection on Lot 1, Blk 2, Sm 6'th be referred to the City Engr & St. Supt with poorer to act . Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk ay or i X18 Aug. 14, 1934. Council met in regular session at 8 P. T, . -. th Tlayor 11ilson presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence , Delaurenti , Lewis , Plano , Deacy & Jane. .r I,Zinutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of the P. S. P. &: L. Co. to set one pole on south approach to ,'fells St . bridge read. Moved by Jane, seconded by Plano that same be granted.' under the supe rvi si on of the St. Supt. Carrie d. Petition of Joseph Covey to break curb at 418 Main St. read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Jane that saaa be granted' under the sup erivison of the St. Supt . Carried. Petition of Joe Cavaletto to reroof house at 622 Morris St. read. Moved by Plano , seconded by Deacy that sane be granted. Carried. Petition of Standard Oil Co. to hang sign at 425 is t Ave. No. read. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Lawrence that same be referred to the St L- Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. Petition of property owners on Shattuck St, asking that the street be improved between 3rd & 2nd Ave . by grade, gravel, etc. Tdoved. by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be turned over to the city engr and city atty for report. ' Carried. Reports of the Treasurer aril Clerk for the month of July were react and filed. 'This being the night for hearing protests on the improvement of Fourth Ave. between Cedar & Mill St by cement sidewalks and none being received, Ordinance No. 942 providing for the improvement of Fourth Ave. between Cedar & .Hills St. was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favors-bly on Ordinance No. 942 whereupon it was placed upon its second and thirct read- ings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis, Plano , Deacy and Jane4, i i No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk •.r 1,-layor i 1 I 219 1 q7 August 21 , 1934, Re gular meeting of the City Council -v .s called to order at 8 I'. Iii. by Mayor Wilson. Roll Call;- Lawrence , Delaurenti, Lewis , Llano , Deacy Jane. nutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of John F. Danielson to tear down old. garage and erect new one on Lot 22, Block 2, Smith ers 5th Add-, read. Droved. by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be ,,granted. Carried. Petition of Benj . F. Coates to tear doim old shed and- erect nderect new one at 436 Bill St, , read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted. Carried. Petition of J. F. Vioue to enlarge garage at 301 71illiams St. read. Moved by Plano , seconded by Jane that same be granted under the supervision of the Fire Chief. Carried. Petition of TIrs. Roxie 7,71illiams to reshingle house at 204 Hill St. read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of G. Peacock to reshinFle house at 309 '.villiams St. read. Moved by Jane, seconded by Plano that same be granted under the sup eririsi on of the Fire Chief. Carried. Communication read from Hershey Foods, Inc . asking for commercial rate on water outside of city . Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be referred to the Fire , Light & Water Committee and 'Pater Supt . for recommendation. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- men# the following: Current Pay Roll St. Dept. ; 488.94-3410-33 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 33.67-3434 Clarke Bros. Motor Co. Labor 29 .00- 5 Art Beils Garage iviaterial 16.75 6 V. Armstrong & Sons Labor 3.35 7 J. S. Hardie Supplies .83 8 John 71. Dobson Jud gnent Fee 6.00 9 Cragin & Co. Material 4.66-3440 Hub City Chev rdaterial 1.58 1 101m. Wal le r Labor 2.00 2 Pao. Tel & Tel . Co. Telephones 13.25 3 National Bank of Seattle material 36.95 4 Jno Dower Lumber Co. Idateri.al 5.33 6 Reid & Cook Supplies 3.25 7 Gladding,McBean & 'Co. 11aterial 48.16 8 Renton i:dto Freight Drayage 6.80 9 McPherson Furn & Hdw Co. Supplies 1.50-3450 Penton Feed Co. Material 5.80 1 Westerr mire Service Tire & tube 10..1.E Pao. Car & FotuAry Co. Blue_ prints 2.40-3463 220 L. Co. Lights t.�626.73-3453 Al.exand.ers Shoe Shop Park Labor 2.50 4 Toots Bunstine Park Labor 49.50 5 Renton Haw & Furn Park x ens e 9 .40 6 H. Fiskaali F. D. Labor 4. 50 7 Ser Lary & Cleaners Lary 1.45 8 Howard C000per Cojvporation F. D. T'Laterial 3.65 9 J. F. Vioue Supplies 2.15-3460 Sanderson Safety Supply F. D. 11aterial 5.17 1 Lowman & Hanford Library Books 18.74 2 !,loved by Lewis , seconded by Jane that the report of the Finance Committee be accepted and concurred in. Carried. Idr. Carson on behalf of the property owners on alley between Renton & Cedar St. stated they were ready to deed property for alley as soon as the city would open up the approach to same. Fovea by Lawrence, seconded. by Jane that the St. � Supt be instructed. to give all assistance possible to the property owners in establishing alley. Carried. i No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk hiay o r 221 Aug . 28, 1934. Council met in regular session at 8 P. LI. with Mayor Wilson presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Pasco , Plano, Deacy and Jane. 11inutes of the last meeting read and ai.)proved. Petition of J. Durney to erect canopy over Market at 3rd eve. , ,'fes t read. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Deacy that same be gr granted. Carried. Petition of Joe Peiroli to reshingle house at 712 Cedar St. Moved by Plano seconded. by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Peter Dullahant to repair house on Lot 10, Bloak 2, R. F. P._, Hoved. by Jane, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried." Petition of Mrs. G. Shepherd to make addition to garage on 415 Pelly St. read. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Plano that same be grant e d. C arri e d. Petition of Chas n. 'Turner to make addition to house at 8 Logan St. read. 11oved by Lawrence , seconded by Plano that same be granted. Carried. Resolution No. 468 aut hori zing the Mayor City Clerk to issue a warrant in the amount of ; 2520.00 to satisfy judonen� entered °in Cause No. 267917 re , condemnation, Bronson Way North Moved by Pasco, seconded by .,awrence that same be adopted: Carried.. Ordinance No. 943 approving plans and specifications for improvement District No . 1821, was read and on motion re- ferred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 943 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lativrence y Pasco , Plano, Deacy and Jane. ZLoved by ,fiasco , seconded by Lativrence , ' that the city attorney take all the necessary steps to divide North Renton into two precincts. Carried. No further business, meeting ourned. C tit y C le rk ,, May aa'. Sept. 4, 1934. Council met in regular meeting with rayor 7filson presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis, Pasco, Plano , Deacy and Jane . T.�inutes of the last meeting read and a,p ,)roved. Petition of Geo. Hood to reroof house and remodel porch at 629 Cedar St. , %roved, by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Louis L:rvich to remodel house on Lot 16 , Block 10, Car ,,orks read. Yoved by Plano, seconded by Lewis that same be granted, Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following t Current Pay Roll St . Dept. $665.03-3482-91-11 n rr TEngr. Dept. 8.98-3490 Abe N. Olson, Co. Clerk 1st t�ve No. Conaemna.2,510. 3481 J. Doyle, et al, Painting streets 26. 3483-91 Eureka Press Supplies 3.75-3512 Mo person Furn & Hdw Supplies 8.70- 3 Western Tire Service l:�aterial 1.75 4 Renton Feed Co . idaterial 12.38 5 R. O. Brown Labor on tools 2.40 6 E. Hyde Labor on tools 1.80 7 Stoneway Dock Co. 'Kat erial 12.91 8 0. Priebe Labor on grader blades 9 .85 9 71m. Ylaller Labor 2.00-3520 Remington Rand, Inc . Services on machine ll 05 1 Seattle Gas Co . Gas 2.75 2 j Toots Bunstine Park Labor 54.00 3 Cochran's Paint Store Paint , etc 30.05 4 "later Pay Rolla Water Dept. 53.88-1494-6 Shell Oil Co. Gas 9.70 1497 Olympic Foundry Co. 1.1aterial 10.00- 8 Grinnell Co. ldlaterial 53.44 9 Shearer's Sheetmetal Works idatarial x.25-1501 Tovell by Lewis, seconded by Delaur enti that the re ort of the Committee be concurred in. Carried.. City '�tty. re.,;orting on the division of North Renton stated that same would be taken care of alter the General Election and before the 1st of the year. i No further business, m-etinL adjourned* j AA dity Clerk f May or. M 223 sceM z September 11, 1934. Council met in regular session at 8 P. 1:i. with Mayor I%W 1ilson presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis , Pasco, Plano , Deacy & Jane. I'Anutes of the last meeting read and ay,_)proved. Petition of W. D. Barnes to put siding on house on Lot 1, Block 16, R. F. P. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded. by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of 77. J. Thompson to remodel rear porch of house on Lot 1, Block 21, R. F. P. 1.ioved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that same be granted. Carried. Petition of R. Paglia to tear down old house and erect new one on Lot 28, Block 10, Town read. ,;roved by Lewis, seconded by Delaurenti that sajae be granted. Carried. Petition_ of D. Rochia to erect house on Lot 10, Block 21, Town read. Moved by Plano, seconded by Lawrence that same be grant- ed. Carried. �.► Petition_ of '... E. Church to repair garage read. Hovel by Lewis , seconded by Deacy that sarae be granted. Carried. Petition of 1vIrs. Edith Dunham to erect two brick chimneys on Lot 4, Block 13, Town read. Yoved by Lewis , seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of E. D. Vilson to make new slope into driveway read. 1V�oved by Delaurenti , seconded by Lewis that same be grant- ed.. Carried. Petition of Baptist Church to erect sign at 3rd & Smithers St. read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Deacy that same be granted. Carried. This being the night for opening bids on 4th iLve . sidewalk the following were read: Louis King & Azelia Grassi 0485.00 E. E. Duff 0 500015 !loved by Pasco , seconded by Deacy that contract be awarded the lowest bidder. Carried. I:oved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that letter be y... sent Hershey Foods, notifying them that water will be turned off if same is not paid forthwith . Carried. .1; oved by Pasco, seconded by Plano �h4 t question of a larger light on 71illiams St. between 2nd & e. be referred } to the Fire, Light & Water Committee with power to act. f; Carried. F X24 I:itchell asked the Council to consider opening Shattuck St . from 3rd Ave. to Dixie Ave. I Idoved by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that same be referred to the St. &: Alley Committee for investigation and rei)ort. Carried. I �; No further business, meeting adjourned. I !` I I City Cle rk i I I ' i Tray or f I I I r I L M 225 � Sept. 18, 1934. Council met in regular session at 8 P. "i. with 1:Iayor Nilson presiding. Roll Call: Lawr«nce, Lewis , Pasco, and Deacy. Minutes of the last meeting read and a_proved.. Petition of Columbia Lumber Co . to erect fence around their property in Block 35, Smithers addn. read. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Deacy that same be re- ferred to the Fire, Light & ':.rater Committee with powerto act. Carried. Petition of I. ',dilliams to move small house from rear of lot to front part of Tract 18, Tobins D. C. read. 11oved by Lawrence, seconded by, Lewis that same be granted. Carried Petition of '1. I. Thomas to tear down old garage and erect new garage on Lot 14 , Block 32, Smithers ,Idd. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. Petition of P, S. P & L. Co. to set pole and remove one pole on 3rd & Factory St. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Communication read from P. S. P & L. Co. relative to checking street lights and filed. Naw Communication read from Royal Indemnity Company relative to bond of Seattle Light Co. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Deacy that same be re- ferrel to the city attorney with instruction to procure another bond from Seattle Lighting Company in the amount of ;;5000 .00. Carried. Notice read from association of viashington Cities of meeting to be held in Spokane, Oct. 4th & 5th and urging a delegation to be present from Renton. l,ioved. by Lewis , seconded by Pasco that two delegates, be sent . Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recoiiLaend.ed for payment the following t Current Pay Roll St. Dept. 4415.98-3535-51 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 24.69-3552 Kuker-Ranken Co. Engr. Supplies 32.35- 3 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 50.71 4 V. armstrong & Sons Labor & T,iaterial 1.20 5 Jno Dower Lumber Co . Material 3.82 6 71. C. Trimm Park 1 aterial 18.00 7 Toots Bunstine Park Labor 49 .50 8 Union Oil Co. Gas 353.65 9 Diesel Oil Sales Co. St. oil 56.42-3560 Eagle Cafe Prisoners T:Teals 5.95 1 11dest Disinfecting Co. Supplies 20.65 2 Lawrence Fuel Transfer Fuel 20 .00 3 Crescent Office Supply Supplies 10.40 4 �destern Tire Service Repair `;`:ork 1.00 5 Cochran' s Paint Store Paint 5.90 6 A. J. Burney Library Painting 5.65 7 Lowman & Hanford Library Books 16.63 8 I 2 2 �.rt Beills Garage Labor x;2.50-3569 Renton Auto Freight Drayage 6.30-3570 Ser Ldry L Cleaners Laundry 8.70 1 Hano Fiskaali F. D. Labor 4. 50 2 Fyr Fyter Sales Co. F. D. Yaterial 4.16 4 R. 0. Brown Labor on tools 3.20 ,'Vat e r Pay Roll Water Dept. 53.88-1506.8 i City of Seattle 'Nater 149 .80-1508 Grinnell Co. Material 6.81 1510 11oved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that the recommenda- tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. i Reports of the Treasurer and. Clerk for the month of August read and filed. Librarians s report for the month of August read and filed. , ° Surety Bond of L. King and Grassi on sidewalk job received. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that same be, accepted. Carried. No further business , meeting adjourned. i City Clerk Bayo r 227 4� Sept . 25, 1934. Council met in regular session at 8 P. U. with I.Iayor Nilson presiding. Roll Call: Delaurenti , Lewis, Pasco, Plano .. Deacy, and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and- approved. Petition of G. Esterlee to reshingle house on Lot 12, Block 19 , Town read. , oved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Ronald 1.acDonald. to reshingle house at 120 1illiams St. read. IIoved by Lewis, seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted. Carried. ° Petition Of John J. Harries to erect garage on Lot 2, 3lock 2, Srnithers 2iddn read. Moved. by Lewis, seconded by° Deacy that same be granted. Carried. Petition of G. H. Conklin to repair house on Lot 20, Block 16, Town read. Moved by Plano seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Dan Hogan to reshingle house at 4th Burnett St. 1Yloved by Jane, seconded by Plano that same be granted. Carried The Finance Cor��mittee audited and reco�miaended. for payment the following: Current C . 0. Jackson, witness fees V7.20 Lot Davis , Fees 42.50 'Moved by Lewis, seconded by belaurenti' that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried, T ,r. D. Mitchell stated that his ,)roperty on Tobin St. WELs being trespassed upon, pedestrians disregarding all signs . Moved by Pasco, seconded by Jane that the matter be referred to the Police � License Committee for investigation and recommendation. Carried, No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk 1'+lay or I 228 i October 1, 1934. n SPECIAL T, LTIN� OF TI3I CITY COUNCIL WAS C I'dI E T 0 � ORDER iiT 8 P. 11.10 by I, iffOR WILSONp FOR PIPRPOSE OF "" DOPTING BUDGET. Roll Caja.: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Plano and: Jane. There beim no objection to the budget as read, it was Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that sane be j adopted as read. Carried. ! On motion by Jane, seconded by Delaurenti, meeting j adj ourned. Carried. i j City Clerk r T,Tayor 229 October 2, 1934. Reg4lar meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. iii. By , ayor lilson. Roll Call: Lawrence , Delaurenti-, Lewis, Pasco , Plano, Deacy and Jane. rte.► Kinutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of C. A. Kendtner to make basement at house at 427 Williams St. read. I'loved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Frank Gustine to remodel market on Lots 15 and 16, Block 1, Car 5Vorks addition read, loved by Pasco , seconded by Delaurenti that same be referred to the Fire , Licht & 'Mater Committee with power to act. Carried. Petition of Williams & 11Y2cKnight to repair and remodel store buildings on Seutheast corner of tells and 3rd nve. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recormgended for pay- ment the following: Current Pay Roll St. Dept. w416.29-3592-3608 rr ri Engr. Dept, 17.96-3609 S. E. Harrison Chimney Sweep 3.50-3591 Seattle Gas Co . Gas 2.68 3610 0, Pribe Labor on tools 6.00 1 �•• T. F. Meehan Expenses 2.70 2 P. S. P. L. Co. Lights 315 .64: 3 J. S. Hardie Labor P -ateri al 8.97 4 Standard Oil Co . 1,,Iaterial 15.75 - 5 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 135.74 6 1dm. 'idalle r Labor 12.00 7 Eureka Press Supplies 16.15 8 The Hertzberg Bindery Library Books 163.65 9 H. R. Huntting Co. Library Books 288.17-3620 Pac. Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones 13.50 1 Frank E. Rhodes, Inc . Tires & tubas F. D. 72.00 2 Leo Armstrong F. D. Dues 5.00 3 Ser Ldry & Clea .ers Laundry 1.65 4 Renton News Record Legals & Printing 29 .47 5 'dater Pay Roll Water Dept. 98.78-1512-17 P. S. 2. & L. Co. Power 47.16 1518 City of Seattle 'eater 72.80 1519 Lloved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that the recommends- tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Report read from Engr. recon-zilending the payment of :�50. 0 to L. King and E. Grassi on their sidewalk contract in L.I.D. 182. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that X50.00 be allowed as recommended. Carried. Ordinance IIo . 944, adopting a Budget reail and on motion ; referred to the Ordinance Committee. i I 230 - Ordinance No. 945 fixing the amount of tax levies read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ord No. 944 and Ord. No. 945 whereupon Ordinance No. 944 was placed upon its second and third readings , all councilmen present voting, aye : Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis, Pasco , r.r/ Plano , Deacy and Jane. The Ordinance Committee rey)orted favorably on Ord No . 945 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readinEs , all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence, Delaurenti, Lewis, Pasco , Plano , Deacy and, Jane, moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that the St & 'illey Committee anal St. Supt. investigate and report back to council on alley between Renton and Cedar St. Carried. Ordinance providing,tor ,the. manner of nominating can- didates for councilmen read and. on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. No further business , meeting adjourn d. City Clerk May or 231. Oct . 9 , 193,!- Council 934Council met in regular session at 8 P. i:;. ti-ri.th layor dilson presiding. Roll Call; Lawrence, Lewis , Pasco , Plano , Deacy ;%W and Jane. �Tinutes of the last meeting read and approved. Application of Dick Lay for three card tables in Delaurenti Bldg on INilliams St . read. I.Ioved by Jane, seconded by Plano that same be re- ferred to the Police Cc License Co.unittee with pourer to act . Ca.rri ed. Petition of J. T. amstrong to repair roof of house ,on Lot 13, Block 19 , Town, read. ;loved by Lawrence , seconded by Jane that samebe granted. Carried. Petition of %.nton Valetich to erect a house ori Lot 9 , Block 9 , Renton Farm Plat, read. Moved by Plano , seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Pac. Tel & lel . Co . to set one pole and replace old. pole on jest side of Factory St. read. Moved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that sale be granted.. Carri ed. The Finance Committee audited and recommenced for payment the following : Current i:. P. I'lilson, expense to rJashington Cities Convention, Spokane , 1;31.20 Lawrence Plano, expenses to 'Washington Cities Convention_, Spokane , 31.20 11oved by Lewis, seconded by Pasco that the recommenda- tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. St. & t�lley Committee reporting on alley between Renton rive L Cedar St. stated that grader could hot be put in alley until certain w3rk is donw by the pro_,erty owners in that vicinity. I oveL, by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that -the report be accepted and the matter dropped until such time as the property owners are willing to deed the necessary properly for alley and form an improvement district. Carried. The treasurer named the Peoples Bank 6� Trust Co. as depositary fo the city's funds. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that the recommendation be confirmed. Carried. Repprts of the Treasurer and Clerk for the month of Setp temb er -read and filed. Rey,;ort of the Librarian for the month of Sept read and filed. Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 946, being an ordinance providing; for the manner of nominat- ing and, electing candidates for councilmen, whereupon it was X32 placed uponnits second and third readings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye ; Lawrence, Lewis , Pasco , Plano , Deacy w Jane. ' Roved. by Pasco, seconded by Lewis that a Ilemorial be erected in Jones Park in honor of Kr. David H. Jones , the donor of the park site. Carried. Police & License reported that there would be no trespassing on the Mitchell pro )erty on Tobin St. Councilman Pasco discussed the proposed raise in milk j prices, stating that if it was possible to assist the local dairymen in the controversy to keep milk prices down that the I city c o1znc it sh oul?- do s o, vh ereup on it was moved by Pasco, seconded by Lewis that the city attorney be instructed to look into the legal angle of same and make report to Council. ' Carried. No further business, meeting adjurned. I City Cie rk P1Iay or i i e i i II , I 233 Report read from Ener. -reeom _ending the payment of ; 362.25 to Lou King & E. Grassi on their sidewalk contract in L. I. D. 182. iioved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that the recor=enda- tion be concurred in and amount allowed. Carried, i,Ioved by Pasco , seconded by Deacy that the City zttorney and Ordinance Committee draft Ordinance licensing and, regulating milk deliveries in the City of Renton. Carried. Moved. by Jane , seconded by Plano that the traffic signla on Bronson :'lay be referred to 'Police & License Committee and Police Dept. Carried. ,loved by Pasco , seconded by Jane that no slot machines of any description be allowed in Renton. Carried. No further business , meeting adjourned. City Clerk i Mayor ti� i X34 Oct. 16 , 1934. Regular meeting ,of the City Council was called. to order at 8 P. IIe by idayor 'Nilson. Roll Call: Lawrence , Delaurenti, Lewis, Pasco , Plano , Deacy & Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read. and approved. Petition of h. S. Fournier to erect garage on Lot 9 , Block 12, R. F. P. read. :Moved by Lewis, seconded. by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of I.rs. Jane Hancock to reshingle house i on Lot 4, 'Block 4, =''lot or Line .oda. read. Yoved by Lawrence, seconded by Levis that same be granted. Carried. t Petition of J. Carson to erect garage at 737 Renton "' vee Yoved. by Laurence , seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Comiiiittee audited and reco .inendea for payment the following: Current Pay Roll St. Dept. x;473.21-3642-59 Pay Roll Engr. Dep t. 11.22-3660 Thos, Harries, P. Til. Envelopes 22.24-3628 Jas. Candwick, Expenses 10.00-3641 White Fuel Co. Fuel 26.25-3661 Renton Clothing Co. Park -'xpense 24.70 2 :jvilliams & I.IcKhight Supplies 8.00 3 H. Fiskalli F. D. Labor 4.50 4 Renton Chronicle Printing 33.50 5 Clarke Bros . Motor Yaterial 1.15 6 Jno Dower "Lumber Co. Lumber 1.08 7 Gladding,HcBean & Co. Material 2.29 8 Hub City Chev Material 3.80 9 Toots Bunsinte Park Labor 49.50-3670 ;standard Oil Co. St. Oil 8.25 1 Art Bail' s Garage IdIaterial 1.10 2 Renton Luto Freight Freight Chg. 3.80 3 Menton Haw & Furn Supplies 16 .999 4 Cochran' s Paint Store Material 2.25 5 Bishop & Jenkins Park Expense 7 .50 6 V. Lrinstrone &: Sons Material 1.20 7 West Disinfecting Co . Supplies 9 .50 8 Lot Davis Fees 7 .50 9 Mater Pay Roll dater Dep tl ,;107 .76-1524-27 R. 0. Brown Labor on tools 3.40 1523 Iovea by Lawrence , seconded by Lewis that the recol=endation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Bond in the amount of X5000. extecuted. by etna Casualty & Surety Co. from Seattle Gas Cornpanyy received. I:Ioved by Lawrence, seconaed. by Lewis that same be, referred to the City .kttorney. Carried. 235 Oct. 239 1934. Counoil met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor 1 ,N— Wilson presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Lewis, Pasco, Deaoy •and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of A. W. Dimmitt to remodel house at 426 Cedar St. read. XoTed by Lewis, seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted. Carried. Recommendation reed from engineer asking that a gauge be built to show the rise and fall of Cedar River. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Delaurenti that t-he engineer be authorized to erect such a gauge. Carried. Resolution No. 469 fixing the 20th day of November as date of hearing on assessment roll of Dist 182 read, Moved by Pasco seconded by Jane that sine be adopted. Carried. St. Supt was instructed to investigate and report to Counoil on widening the N. P. right of way at Walla Walla & Burnett St. No further business, meeting adjourned, s 04 y City Clerk 04 I[ayor r 236 Oct. 309 1934. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Gilson. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis, Pasoo, Plano, Deaoy and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting react anus ,approved. Petition of Owen Hogan to reshingle house on lot 20, Block 19 , R. F. P. read. Moved by Plano, seconded by. Lewis that same be granted. Carried. 4 Petition of J. S. Covey to tear down old building in rear of store on Williams and Walla Waila Ave. read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Olaf Lindgren to reshingle house at 305 Meadow St. read. Moved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of 0. F. .Denz to remodel Grand Theatre read. Moved by Jame seconated by Delaurenti that same be granted. Carried. St. Supt reported on the crossing at Burnett & Walla Walla Ave stated that it would be impossible to widen the crossing on account of the derail#switch. j Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that the City Atty communicate with the Northern Pacific asking their co- operation in widening the curve at Burnett & Walla ;dalla o Carried. Petition of Frank Allen to hang sign at 4th & Park Ave was discussed. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Pasco that same be feferred to the St & Alley Committee for investigation. Carried.* No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk f j Mayor I 23'7 November 6, 1934. Counoil met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Wilson presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaur ent i, Lewis , Pasco , Plana and Deacy. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Application of C. F. Denz for show license in the Grand Theatre Bldg for b clam e of year 1934 and year 1935 read. The Police & License Committee reported favorably on same. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Plano that the report be acapted andd license granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current 3716 Pay Roll St. Dep t. 0584.15-3695- Engr. Dept. 20.20 3717 lot--Da-Vi's Fee e 14V4@10 Thos Harries, P. M. Envelopes 66.44 3694 Wallace W. Waters Supplies 1.40-3719 Pao. Tel & Tel . Co. Telephones 12.65 20 Renton Hdw & Furn C o. Supplies 7.1.91 1 Standard Oil Co. Gas 208.54 a Gladding, MoBean & Co. Material 4.66 3 Eureka Press Supplies 2.35 4 McPherson Furn Supplies 6.50 5 Tom Dobson & Son Insurarne 5.00 6 Cochran's Paint Store Supplies 3.00 7 Wm. Waller Labor 2.00 8 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 313.48 9 Renton Feed Co. Material 5.45-3730 Clarke Bros Motor Co. Labor & Material 2.56 1 0. Priebe Labor on tools 6.00 2 Pae. Car & Fdry Bluepr ints 3.48 3 Renton Realty Co. Insurance 79.05 4 Art BeiL's Garage Labor & Material 6.05 5 Seattle Gas Co. Gas 2.47.371Q Brendal Drug Co. Supplies 7.75 3737! Renton Laundry Laundry 3.60 - 8 Toots Bunstine Park Labot 51.75 9 Kroll Map Co. Engr. E4 . 17.37 -3740 Reid & Cook F. D. Exp. 7.00 1' H. A. Fiskaali F. D. Labor 6.75 2 Art Anderson F. D. Labor 6.75 3' J. W. Reans F. D. Painting 52.50 C Gaylor Bros Libraxy Books 16.45 5 Lowman & Hanford Library Books 14.75 6 A. N. Marquis ,Co. Library Books 7.88 7: Renton News Record F. D. Printing 9.20 -37481 Pao. Car & Fdry Material 3.48-3749; Water Pay Roll Water Dept. 125.71 -1531-35 City of Seattle Water 41,88 -1536 Grinnell Co. Material 31040 -1537 P�. S. P. & L. Co. Power 39.43 8 Moved by Delaurent i, seconded by Lewis that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. j Mr. Carnesky of Garden St. asked that aalother light be placed in the middle of the block between 2nd & rd ,fives. The Mayor referred tht matter to the Fire, Light & Water Committee for investigation. Councilman. Delaurenti asked ... the Favor why a change in mechanic had been made at the`garage. ?fter dibcussion. Move& by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that an Ordinance be drafted giving the City Council jurisdictio _ and complete control of the garage and personnel at the city garage. The same being put to a vote resulted as follows: Yeas - Sig Nos - None Carried. Mr. James Chadwick, former police officer addressed the Mayor and City Council, stating that he had been clisoharged and that he be given a hearing. Moved by Pasco seconded by Lewis that the Council meet in special session, Wednesday, November 14th at 8 P. M, for the purpose of ascertaining why Chadwick was discharged. Carried. No further business , meeting adjourned* i City Clerk i Mayor i i I I ' I I 239 November 13, 1934. Regular session of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. Y, by Mayor Wilson. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis, Pasco, Plano, Deaey and Jane. P+inutes of the last meeting read and approved. Ordinanoe No. 947 placing the control and manage- ment of the Sdrvice Building. and personnel in the hands of the City Council was read and on motion referred -to the Ordinance ' Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance Ni. 947 whereuponnit was placed upon its second a.nd third readings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye- Lawrance, Delaurenti, Lewis, Paspo , Plano, Deacy and Jane. St. & Alley Committee reporting on crossing of Northern Pacific Railway at Burnett & Walla Walla Ave stated that the N. P. had moved the derail and that red lights had been placed there and if that was not sufficient same would be 1ai..kad. Councilman Paaeo stated that no sale had been made of the Duelaw gun, whereupon it was Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that a warrant in the amount of --$10.00 in favor of Mrs. Hasbrook be drawn on city and sent Mss. Hasbrook, Carried. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Deaey that the city engr bring in an approximate cost of storm sewer at end of Nhitworth St. Carried. I Moved by Plano seconded by Lewis that the matter of a stoker be left in the hands of the City Property Committee for investigation. Carried. Moved by Pasco seconded by Jane that the delapidated and dangerous condition of the old Twine Factory Bldg. be referred to the Fire Chief �ttk�, Fire, bight & Water Committee for investigation an eel .endati.on. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk t �s Mayor a November 14 , 1934, s2ECI u, CITY COUNCIL WAS CALKED TO ORDER AT 8 P. M. BY MAYOR WILSON FOR THE PURPOSE OF ASCERTAIN- ING THE REASON FOR D I S14I SSAL OF J. R. C HADWIC K FROM THE POLICE FORCE. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Lewis, Pasco , Plano, i Deacy and Jane. After discussion, it was Moved by Pasco, seconded by Deacy that Mr. Chadwick be given a letter showing that he had been dismissed for conducting a raid on a gambling establishment in the City Prosecuting Attorney of Renton on the advice of th2/Council, Attorney and at i, the instance of the Acting Mayor of the City of Renton. The motion being put to a vote resulted as follows: Lawrence - - - Yes Delaurenti - - Yes Lewis - - - Neutral Pasco - - - Yes Plano - - - Neutral Deacy - - - Yes i Jane - - - Yes Motion carried* r, motion to adjourn prevailed, City Clerk Mayor 241 L November 20, 1934. Council met in regular session at 8- P. M. with Mayor Wilson presiding. Roll Call. Lawrence, Delaurenti, Lewis, Pasco, Plano, De acy and Jane* Minutes of the last meeting read and approved.- Minutes of the special meeting read and after correction approved. Petition of J. X. Taylor to tear down old sheds and repair garage at 317 Smith ers St. read. ' Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that same be granted. Carried. Petition to reshingle part of Library Building read. Moved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of P. S. P. & L. Co. to set pole and remove one pole on Logan and Whitworth Sts. read. Moved by Jane seconded by Plano that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following; Current Pay Roll St. Dept. X519.68-372-83 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 17.96-3784 Glen Holt Labor 2.25-3750 Chas E. Peat Labor 2.25 1 Lot Davis Fees 5.00-3760 Totts Bunstine Park Labor 33.75-3785 P. DeLorenzo Park Labor 4.50 6 Theodore Walker Park Labor 13.50 7 John Peternell Park Labor 15.75 8 Renton Clothing Co. Police Expense 8.85 9 Good-Will Old Rags 2.00-3790 Trimm Fuel Co. Fuel 23.85 1 McPherson Furn & Hdw Co. Supplies-Park 2060 2 Seattle Waxine Co. Supplies 3.22 3 Western Office Supply Co. Supplies 4.00 5 Junior Literary Guild Library Books 58.00 6 Tom Ddbson & Son Insurance 31.90 7 Pac. . Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones 17.65 8 Mrs. Jennie Hasbrook Gun 10.00 9 Water Pay Roll Water Depto, 31.43-1542-43 Rensselaer Valve Co. Material 45.57-1544 Moved by Jane seconded by Lewis that the report be concurreeino Carried. Engr's Report read recuiwaending the 15% reserve amounting to $72.75 be paid to L. King and E. Grassi in Dist J182. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Jane that the recommendation law be eonceured in. Carried. Report read from Engr on proposed storm sewer drain of Morris and Whitworth Sts. read. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Delaurenti that the report be referred to the St & Alley Committee, Engr and St . Supt for investigation and such recommendation as they see fit. Carried. p. S. P. & L. Co. submitted an estimate on flood light that' oould be used at Burnett & Walla Walla Ave. in the amount of $76.14. This being the night forhearing protests against the assessment roll Dist. 182 and none having been filed Ordinance No. 948 approving and confirming the Assessment and Assessment Roll was read and on motion referred° to the Ordinance ..,• Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 948 whereupon it was placed. upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence , Delaurenti, Lewis, Pasco , Plano, Deaey and Jane. Carried. Ordinance No. 949 authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to issue a warrant in the amount of $600.00 against the Guaranty Fund in payment of bonds in Diste 160 and 163# was 'read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee, The Ordinance Committee retorted favorably on Ordinance No. 949 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence, Delaurenti, Lewis; Pasco , Plano , 'Deacy and Jane. Carried. Ordinance No. 947 placing the control and manage- ment and personnel of the city garage under the city council which was passed at the regular meeting November 13, 1934 was returned by the Mayor with the following notation thereon: "Nov. 20, 1934. Vetoed for reason that in my opinion same conflicts with State Laws. E. P. Wilson, Mayor." o Upon opinion given by the City Attorney that same was legal, thereupon it was Moved by Pasco, seconded by Lawrence that the Council proceed to reconsider the vote by which the Ordinance was passed Iand. that the same be passed over the 3=1 veto of the Mayor. The same being put to a vote resulted as follows Lawrence, Yes Delaurenti Yes Lewis Declined to vote Pasco Yes Plano No Deaey Yes ° Jane Yes Carried, Fire, 1,jght & Water Committee recommended that a light be installed . on Garden St . between 2nd & 3rd Aves. . Moved by Lewis seconded by Jane that the reeommencla- tion be ooncurrea in. Carried. The management of the Grand Theatre extended an invitation to the city administration to visit the show on opening night, Nov. 23d. The feasibility of a gas chamber for, killing dogs was discussed. Moved by Jane seconded by Plano that same be re- ferred to the Police & yieense Committee. Carried. loved b Pasco, seconded by Lawrence, that J. R. Chadwick, formerly police officer ° be given a months salary. .r.' The motion being put to a vote resulted as follows: Lawrence, Yes Delaurenti Yes Lewis Neutral Pasco Yes Plano No Deacy Yes Jane Yes, ',�oiinn oarric�d. mus mau'uer Inas referre(i to the ciT aity as To legality. (� o1Meeting adjourned. j •� KN.�� hUYOR CITY CLERK 243 Nov. 27, 1934. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Milson presiding. •.- Roll Call: Lawrence , Delaur ent i , Lewis ,, Pasco ., Plano, Deacy .and Jane , IrZinutes of the last meeting read ,and approved. Report read from Fire Chief on old Twine Factory Building. City Property Committee reporting on stoker for City Hall recommended that ,no stoker be purchased at this time . Loved by Delaurenti seconded. ,by ,Lewis that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Moved by Pasco seconded by Deacy that Mr. Emmon Beil be placed in charge of the city garage beginning Dec. 1st, 1934. The same being put to a vote resulted as follows.- Lawrence ollows.Lawrence - - ,yes Delaurenti - yes Lewis - yes Pasco B yes Plano - no Deacy - yes Jane - fes Mot ion carr:i+-d . No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor 244 December 4, 1934. Coun611 met in regular session at 8 P. Me with Mayor Wilson presiding. Roll Call: Delaurenti , Lewis, Paseo, Plano, Deacy 490 and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following : Current Pay Roll St. Dep t. $532.14-3815-17-313 inc If n Engr. Dept. 25.81-3834-35 Thos , Harries, P. M. Stamps 2.00-3800 Seattle Gas Co . Gas 2968-3836 'Nest Disinfecting Co. Supplies 6.28 7 Seattle Rubber Co. Eng r. Supplies 4.75 8 Wm. Waller Labor 2.00 9 Service Laundry Laundry 6.50-3840 Ernest Isackson Police Exp. 1.50 1 Reid & Cook Labor & Material 22.58 2. Renton Hdw Supplies 6.55 3 . Wallace 1. `Haters Supplies - 1.15 � Renton Hdw. Library Supplies 3.75 5, Lawrence Fuel & Trsfr Fuel 19 .00 6 E. A. 'Shearer Supiolies 4.37 7 Frank E. Rhodes, Inc. ILaterial 1.20 8. Trick & 11drray Supplies 31.50 9. . H. Fiskaali Fire Dept. Labor 18.00-3850 Toots Bunstine Park Labor 4.50 1 J. J. Bonnell Nurseries Park Shrubs 55.00 2 The MacMillan Co. Library Books 71.10 3 National Law Book Co . Library Law Book 10.50 4 Lowman & Hanford Library Books 30.63 5 Packer-Scott Co . Library Supplies 5.75 6 Lawrence Fuel & Tsfr Library Fuel 38.00 7 Washington Bindery Library Books 54.65 8 J. R. Storey Library Fuel 19 .00 9 Jnohn Dower Lumber " waterial 27.94-3860 Nater Pay Roll `'Vater Dept. X71.84-1547-50 Federal Pipe & Tank Co . Material 29 .65-1551 Tjoved by Lewis, seconded by Jane that the recommenda- tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Resolution read from Board of County Commissioners dividing the Firitt 'hard into two precincts, Precinct No. 1 . being that portion lying east of the centerline of Parr rive and 2reeinet No. 2, being, that portion lying ,Vest of the ce'au ine of Park Ave. Move& by Jane seconded by Lewis that same be received and filed and proper notice given. Carried. IeToved by Lewis seconded by Plano that Ordinance No. 947 placing the control and management of the city garage under control of the Council be repealed. The same being put to a vote resulted as follows: Delaurenti No. Lewis Yes Pasco No Plano Yes Deacy No Jane No LIotion :failed to carry. No further business, meeting adjourned. ttr 4 U�t 245 a 4Z December 11, 1934. Council met in regular session at 8 P. if. with Mayor Filson presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis , Pasco, -- Plano, Deacy and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and appzoved. Petition of Seattle Gas Company to lay gas mains on Garden St and 3rd Ave. N. read. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Lewis that same be granted under the supervision of the Street Supt. Carried. Petition of Archie B. Gustine to build gas station aryl out curb on Lot 3, Block 22, Town read. Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Lewis that same be referred to the St & Alley Committee for report. Carried. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Plano that we call for bids for city's printing for year 1935. Carried.. Moved by Pasco , seconded byoLewis that the request of Chris Rigon to connect with sewer at 7th ark. Mcorils be referred to the St. Supt for recommendation. Carried. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Jane that ,; 100.00 be transferred from L.I'.G. Fund to L.I.D. 115. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City' Clerk Mayor j December 16, 1934. Regular session of the Cittiy Council was called to order at° 8 P. M. by mayor Wilson. Roll Call.- Lawrence, Delaur enti , Lewis , Pasco , Plano , Deacy and.' Jane. V4001 Minutes of the last meeting read and approved, ` Petition of Matt Grady to move s ma]..1 building from rear of Grady Building to location outside of town . /loved by Lewis , 8 eeonded. by Bel,,j-Wenti thatseme be granted . Carried. Petition of Messenger Sign Co . to erect sign on topl of C . his substation, read, moved by Jane seconded by Plano that same be granted. Carri ed. Petition of nutokolar stokers to erect a sign at 816 Bronson. 1..7ay read. St. .& Alley " Committee reported favorably on same, Moved by Lewis , seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. Coo Petition of P. S. P. & L. Go. to straighten pole ate intersection of 6VI Ave. iVo. and CPillialns St. o. and install an anchor rod at 5th Ave and Williams St. read. Moved by Lawrence seconded by Lewis that same be granted under the superivsion of the St. Supt . Carried. Report read from St . Supt recommend.ii3g that sewer be laid on 7th Ave and 11orris; St. at a cost not to exceed 465.07 . loved by Lewis, seconded by Delaurent i that the report be accepted and sewer laid. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following bills t 3980-87 Current St Dept '35424 -3871- 7'9 Pay Roll 17 ..96 -3989 , n n Engr. Dept. Renton Feed Co. Material -3990 Insuranc a 95.3.0- 1 Renton Realty Co . 5.8u 2 Owl Cafe Me ads 1.9 6 3 Williams & McKnight Supplies Renton Auto Freight Dray age 15. 33 4 Standard Oil Co. Gasoline 86.10 5 C. Haleway Reapair Work 2.40 6 Union Oil Co. Asphalt 28.61 7 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies , 2.95 8 Ed 'Nolske Tires & Tubes-Pol. Dept* 37.55 9 Frank E. Rhodes Inc* Labor 2.50-4000 Sanderson Safety Supply Co. Material F. D. 13.27 1 General Petroleum Co . Tires & Tubes F. D. 56.00-3888 Jno Dower Lumber Co. Lumber 2.70 2 5.50 3 J R. Storey Library Fuel Lowman & Hanford Library Books 38.90 4 3.00 5 'Nash. State Firemen Due s 8.606 "Nest Coast Hospital F. D. Material 2.00 7 E. Carlstrom Material .75 8 17m. T r imm 1.60 9_ Hub City Chev Labor & Material 1.55 -4010 Wm. Armstrong & Sons Material 11.21 1 KukergRanken Co. Engr. Supplies P.S.P. & L. Co. Lights 648.22-4012 Fes 5.00-3861 Fees Lot Davis e . Pep t. 85 .31-4014-18-20-26 Pay Roll I ko 247 v r� o z Water Pay Roll Water Dept. $58.37-1554-55 City of Seattle Water 43.68-1556 Grinnell Co. Material 3.31 7 P. S. P. & L. Coo - Power 81.,'0 8 Current Pay Roll (S. Lewis) o . K. by one member eommiitee) 52.75 (E. Beil ) os ke by two members committee ) 52.75 Moved by Lawrence seconded by Jane that 'all bills o.k. td by a majority of the Finance Committee be allowed. Roll Call on the motion resulted as follows: -awrenoe - yes Delaurenti yes Lewis - np Pasco - yes Plano - no Deacy - yes Jane - yes Motion carried. Resolution read from Renton Commercial Club recommending to the Council the appropriation of $500. for a complete survey and plan for a storm sewer in North Renton with the thought the Federal Emergency Relief Funds may be available this winter to cover part of the expense of such drainage project. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Lawrence that we go on record as adopting the Reso lut ion submitted by the Comore rci al Club and turn iia e task over to them of securing, an engineer acceptable to the Washington Emergency Relief Ass In in a sum not to exceed $500.00 for a complete survey and plan for a storm sewer. Carried. St & Alley oomittee reporting on the Petition of A. B. Gusti.ne reeommen '.sd- .-twat same be granted under the supervision of the St . Supt; with the f ollowing curb to be out.- 30 ut:30 ft, of curb on Williams St. 30 ft & 20 ft on 2nd Ave.. Moved by Lewis seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted. Carried. Communeation read from Fred Hancock Post #19 relative to continued service of the Seattle & Rainier Valley Railway into the 'City of Renton. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that the communea- tion be filed and the city attorney instructed to keep us advised as to what steps to be taken to keep the service of the street car. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti seconded by Deaoy that the Council meeting be held Wednesday December 26th on account of the regular night being Christmas. Carried, Moved by Pasco , seconded. by Lawrence that the city attorney be instructed to go to court in an action to have the Mayor and St. Supt show cause why Emmon Beil should not be allowed to work at the oity garage. The same being put to a vote resulted as follows: Lawrence yes De laur en ti yes Lewis no Pasco Yes '".. Plano no Deacy yes Jane yes. Motion a arried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor / 248 iDecember 26, 1934 . Council met in regular session at 8 P. ,M. with Mayor Wilson presiding. Roll Call.- Lawrence, Delaur erg ti , Lewis , Pasco , Plano ,, Deacy and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of George Peacock to reshingle house at 333 Burnett St. read. Mored by Delaurenti, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Alden See to make alterations on the ground floor of the K. P. Hall on Lot 5 , Block 4, Motor Line Addition read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Jane that same be granted j under the supervision of the Fire, Light & ',Nater Committee. C arri ed. 0 This being the night ib r opening bids on the city's printing .the following were opened and read: Renton News Record 25V. Per inch first :insertion 14V per inch second Insertion Renton Chronicle 20V per inch first insertion 5� per inch second insertion i Moved by Lewis , seconded by Plano that the contract j be awarded to the lowest bidder. Carried. I Moved by Pasco , seconded by Jane that, the St. Supt j get in touch with the Northern Pacific Railway Co. relative to placing a guard rail or sometAing on Burnett St. in rear o3 K. P. Hall preventing cars from parking too close to tracks. Carried. :loved by Pasco seconded by Deacy that we write the Association of �11ashington Cities asking their cooperation in repealing the 1931 statute pertaining to appointments. -f The same being put to a vote resulted as follows; Lawrence Yes Delaur en ti No Lewis neutral Pasco Yes Plano No Deacy Yes ,Jane _Yes Motion Carried. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Lewis that a salary of $25.00 per month beginning Jany 1, 1935 be allowed the Police Judge Carried. No further business, meeting a4journed. City Clerk May or . 249 ,dam Jany. 8, 1935. Regular session of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Wilson, , Roll Call- Lawrence , Delaur ent i , Lewis, Pasco, Plano, Deacy and Jane, Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. to set anchor guy and re±lace anchor on Williams St. at 6th and 4th- Ave #nd Park# read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Pasco that same be re- ferred to the St & Alley Committee with power to act. The following applications, all being approved by the Police & 3iicense Committee were read.- Theatre ead.Theatre License - B. W. Fey Junk Store License - Dale & Johnson Junk Store License - John A. Johnson. Moved by Lawrence,, seconded by Jane that the applications be granted and licenses issued. Carried. The Finance, Committee audited and recommended for payment the followings Current Pay Roll ' St . Dep t. '„,309 .34-4045-57 't nP Engr. Dept. 8.98-4040 tt a (S.Lewis) o, ke by one member committee 55.55 (E.Beil ) o. k* by one member committee 51.63 Wm. Waller Labor 2.00 4058 McFadden & Son Fuel 28.50 -4044 & 4059 Trick & Murray Supp Iie s 30 .00-4060 Viouets Pharmacy Supplies 1.55 1 Dobson & Sons 1935 lioenses 11.25 2 Seattle Gas Co. Gas 2.47 3 Owl Cafe Prisoners Meals 5.80 4 Paco Tot & Tel . Co. Telephones 11.05 5 Ray Barrett Fuel 19.00 6 C. Bevan Labor & Material 1.25 7 Wm. Kane Electrical Work 5.50 8 Pao. Car & Foundry Material 4.50 9 J. S. Hardie , Labor & Material 5.50-4070 Renton News Record Legal Publ is at i ons 15.02 1 0, Priebe Labor & Materi al 12.05 2 Standard Oil Co. 4as 93. 10 3 Frank E. Rhodes, Inc. Labor & Material 4.00 4 Howard-Cooper Corp . F. D. Exp en se 49.74 5 Hassel Beanblos s om F. D. Labor 4.50-4041 Service Laundry F. D. Exp en se 1.35 4076 Fire Protection F. D. Exp en se 5.00 7 Renton Clothing Co. F. D. Merchardise 28 .00 8 Eureka Fire Hose Div. F. D. Material 133.85 9 Bill Reans F. D. Labor ,22.50 -4080 Ed Cro ss F. D. Labor 22.50 1 Frank Bowron F. D. Labor 13.50 2 Renton Hdw & Furn Co. Supplies 6.75, 3 John Dower Lumber Co. Park Lumber 1.01 4 Albert Moe Park Labor 2.25 -4042 Stoneway Dock Co . Park Material 2.20 4085 Shearerts Sheetmetal Park Labor 1,25 6 David Luke Park Labor 5.00 7 j Geijsbeek, Roof Tile Co. Library Expense X314.00-408 Tom Dobson & Son Library Insurance 40 .08 9 r Lowman & Hanford Library Books 77 .15 409 The Macmillan Co. Library Books 42.07 Eagle Cafe Prisoners meals 11.75 409 Water 3 &k Pay Roll ,dater Dept . 44.90-1562 John Dower Lumber Co. Lumber 6.67-1565, City of Seattle Water 32.24 6 Olympite Foundry Co. Material 28.30 7 Move& by Jane , seconded by Lawrence that all bills o. k. 1i by a matority of the Finance Committee be allowed. The motion being put to a vote resulted as follows .- Lawrence ollows ;Lawrence Yes Delaurenti Yes Lewis leo Basco Yes Plano No Deacy Yes Jane Yes Notion Carried. Resolution read from north Renton Improvement Club apposing the expenditi-ire of 4500.00 appropriated by the Council for making survey for proposed drainage sewer Loved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be received and filed for future reference. Carried. Petition with about 100 signors of North Renton property owners protesting the appropriation of X500.00 for survey for ,storm sewers read. Moved. by Lawrence , s ecundecl by 1,elaurenti that same be accepted, and filed for i'uture refergace. Carried. Gommu.nieation read fro Directors of Renton Commercial Club asking that they elieved. of re�onsiba.114- in connection with North Renton storm s6wers "which was placed upon them by the City Council, Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be accepted and placed on file . Carried. Roved by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that we rescind the motion relative to appropriating "'500.00 for survey of North Renton storm sewers. Carried. Gontrac t of Hooker Electrochemical C o. was j presented for- supply of chlorine for year 1935 , Moved by Lewis , seconded by Delaurenti that same be executed by the proper officials. Carried. Contract for printing city' s legal ±or year '1935 of Renton Chronicle was read. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Plano that the enntract be executed by the Mayor ,- City _Clerk. Carried. Detailed report read from Renton ire Department for year 1934. Joved by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that the re ,�ort be filed and ttm Chief Dullahant ani the Department commended for their efficient work and the: recommendations in the report be referred the Fire , bight & ''later Committee for reeommenda,- tion. Carried. Moved by Pasco , seconded by s,ewis that the City Council through its Mayor contact the Seattle Commeraial Clab kmm and the Seattle City Co:znciland appeal -W rhea to cOr.- tinus the street car service to Renton. Carried* No further business, meeting adjourned.. City Clerk e lilay or 251 a Jany. 15 , 1935. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Milson presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Lewis, Deacy, Plano and' Jane. n Minutes of the East meeting read and ayjgroved. Petition of Matt Oehm to tear down old garage and erect a new one on Lot 11, Block 19 , Town read. Loved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Tom Dobson, Jr. to erect garage at 309 lst Ave. No. read, Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of property owners on Marion Sts urging the eounoil to take care of the dead end water pipes. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that same be referred to the Fire, Light & Water Committee and Water Supt. for report and recommendation. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Pay Roll St. Dept. 4372.20-4105-20 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 20 .20-412 . Pay Roll(S.Lewis & J. Denzer) o.k. by one 51.07 Pa, RoljkE.Beil) o. bY one 51.0 ��os rr3es a�amps e*9ter 10108-4122 Pay Roll Water Dept. 67 .35-1571-3 Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Delaurenti that all bills o, ks by the Finance Committee be allowed, Th-I, Pn.ma being put to a vote resulted as follows: Lawrence,- - Yes Delaurenti - Yes Lewis - No Plano - No Deacy - Yes Jane - Yes Motion carried. Ordinance No. 950 authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to issue Bonds in L. I. D. 182 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee re- ported favorably on the Ordinance , whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis, Plano , Deacy and Jane: Carried* The Clerk notified the Council that papers had been served by John Dore in behalf of wages of S. Lewis. The matter was referred to the city attorney for recommendation. No further business, meeting adjourned. ' City Clerk Mayor - V i 2521 Jany. 22, 1935. Council met in regular session at 8P- Y. with Mayor Wilson presiding,. Roll Call: Lawrence, Lewis, Pasco , Pla4o, Deady and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting react and approved, Reporting on the Marion St. petition, the Fire, Light & "Nater Committee in conjunction with the ` 'rdater Supt . stated that same was not a dead end and that the water was in good condition, Moved. by Pasco, second ed by Jane thatthe report be accepted and. filed. Carried. The Mayor submitted the following list of Judges and Inspectors for the primary election to be held Feb. 12, 1935: FIRST WARD, FIRST PRECINCT: Inspector: Mrs. Sam Smyth Judge Albert May n Mrs.. Bert Hasbrook FIRST WARD, SECOND PRECINCT: Inspector: Thos . James Judge John Farrow Mrs. "Elmer McDonald SECOND WARD, FIRST PRECINCT:, Inspector: batt Oehm Judge Mrs, Jas Crook tt Mrs. Ed Elliott ' SECOND WARD, SECOND PRECINCT: Inspector: Milton Marlowe Judge Mrs. Mary Monaghan Howard Taahell THIRD WARD Inspector: Miss Jennie Edwards Judge Jane Hare o ck Andy Adams Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that the appoint- ments be c onfinned. Carried. 110 further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk t Mayor !0 253 ON -Jany. 30 , 1935 Council met in regular session at 8 P. Lit with Mayor Milson presiding, Roll Call: Lawrence , Delaur enti , Lewis , Pasco , Plano, r.. Deacy and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and a.�proved. Retition of Ray C . Lemon to remodel house at 2nd & 'Sells St. for funeral parlor. :Moved by Plano , seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted. Carried. The following applications for license were read: Emil Fontana, pool hall at Walla Walla & Burnett St. James Ovens, Pool hall on Idain St. The above applications having beexi approved by the Police & License Committee, it was 1Move& by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Application of the P. S. P. & L. Co. to set certain poles and remove certain poles . The same having been approved by the St & Alley Committee it was Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that same be granted. C arri e 4 Fire, Light & eater Committee recommended that a fire hydrant be placed on Burnett St. between 1st & 2nd eves. 21oved by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that the recommenda- tion be concurred in. Carried. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that all dead ends of city watermains, viz: P.Iarion St. orris St and Whit- w*6rth Sts be connected up as soon as possible . Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor Feb. 5 , 1935. Council met in regular session at -8 P. M. with Mayor Wilson presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence , Deleurenti , Lewis, Pasco, Plano , Deacy and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of G. M. Townsend to remodel rear porch for small green house on Lot 16, Block 2, R. F. P. read:. Move& by Lewis, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted.. Carried. Petition of John Ballatore to repair and improve house at 325 Burnett St. read. Moved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Mrs . Ethel Martin to tear down old warehouse and fix small building for coal, shed located at ILain and 4th Ave. read. Moved by Lewis seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Al Morgan to repair garages at Main and Bronson Way read. Moved by Plano, seconded by Deacy that same be re- ferred to the Fire Chief and Fire, Light & Water Committee with poorer to act. Carried. Petition of Hamilton Bros to take down oldsign and erect new one at Service- Station on Bronson Way read. Moved by Zewis, seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of P. S. P. & L. Co. to replace certain poles as per sketch on file. Moved by Jane , seconded by Deacy that same be grant- ed under the supervision of the St. Supt* Carried. Petition of City of Seattle to set poles on the north side of 2nd Ave. from Logan St. westward to Seattle Pipe Line R/W, also to remove poles on west side of Logan Sto from pipe line right of way to 2nd Ave. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be referred to the St. & alley Committee for report. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current 4141 to 416 Pay Roll St. Dept. $487.25-4136-38 n n Engr. Dept. 13.47-4139-40 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 30.63-41164 Clarke Bros, Material 4.50 -4165 I. Sartori Gravdl 61.10 6< Strain Coal Co. Fuel 13.37 a Hooker-Electro Chlorine 427.50 9 Seattle Gas Go. Gas 2.53 -4167 John W. Dobson, Ippearance Fee (Lewis vs C) 3.00 4170 ,,�► Pettie Printery Printing 25.50 1 255 Renton Feed Co. Material ; 2.00-4172 Sunset Monument Co. Monument - Park 125.00 3 Wm. Waller Labor 2.00 4 See Lumber Co. Lumber 3.70 5 Western Office Su_,oply S.z�,�)li-1s 2.55 6 Vioue Pharmacy Supplies 1.25 7 .'Vest Disinfecting Co. Supplies 19.10 8 Cochrans Paint Store Door Glass 3.00 9 Dennis Tully Witness Fee 2.00-^1.80 Brendal Drug Co. Supplies 2.:$5-4181 Hub City Chev. Material 1.25 2 Frank E. Rhodes, Inc. Material 7.31 3 J. R. Storey Fuel 20 .15 4 Pae. Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones 9.10 ' S Union Oil Co. Gas 71.94 6 Howard-Cooper Corp. Material 17.49 7 Tom Dobson & Sons F. D. Insurance 210.00 8 Water Pay Roll Water Dep t. $199.22 -1577-86 City of Seattle Water 50.12 -1587 Renton News Record Printing 75.60 1588 Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Material (Current) 66.664189 Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that all bills o.k. td by three members of the Finance Committee be allowed. Carried. The following payrolls were read: S. Lewis Garage - - - - - 462.86 (o.k. td by one member) E. Beil 59 .49 (o .k. td by two members) Moved by Lawrence, seconated by Jane that garage pay- rolls oktieby a majority of the Finance Committee be allowed. The same being put to a vote_ resulted as follows.- Lawrence ollows:Lawrence Yes Delaurenti Yes Lewis No Pasco Yes Plano No Deacy Yes Jane Yes Motion carried. Report read from City Engr. relative to North Renton storm sewers. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Plano that same be received and placed on file . Carried. Fire Chief extended an invitation to the Mayor, City Council and city officials to participate in their banquet, iaturday, Feb. 9th at 7 P. M. at Episcopal Church. Invitation accepted. No iurtner ousiness, meeting adjourned. City Clerk ZVL�o a,i Mayor 256 Feb . 12, ,1935 . Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Wilson, Roll Call: Lawrence , Delaurenti, Lewis, Pasco, Plano, Deacy & Jane , , Minutes of the last meeting read and approved as read. rr Petition of Del McConnel to reshingle °house at 214 2nd Ave. No. read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Plano that same be granted. Carried. n + Petition of Mrs. Irene Scappini to make basement and move in house from l�ewcastle read. Moved by Plano, seconded by Lewis that sane be granted. Carried. petition of Joe Thomas to wreck building at 401 Mill St. read. Moved by Plano, seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of John Suff is to reshing le and make general repairs on houses at 539 and 547 Pelly St. , read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of 'John Efzen to erect wood shed at 615 Main St . read. Moved by Plano , seconded by Deacy that same be granted. Carried. Petition of P. S. P. & L. Co. to remove aryl replace six poles read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be granted under the supervision of St. Supt and St & Alley Committee. Carried. Moved by Jane, seonded by Delaurenti that the question of cars or trucks parking oil city streets for an indefinite period be referred to the Chief of Police and Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Lewis that the petition of Al Morgan be granted subject to the approval of the Fire Chief. Carried. Moved bIT Pasco, seconded by Lewis that the dangerous 1 holes and air 'shafts in certain vacant property on the hill be referred to the City Attorney for action. Carried. St. & Alley Committee recommend the denial of petition of City of Seattle for poles on 2n& Ave but suggest that another jstreetmight be desirable. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Deacy that the recommenda- Ition be confirmed. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. vnr City Clerk May o r i 257 Feb. 199 1935. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M.'with Mayor Wilson Council Roll Call: Lawrence, Ddaurenti , Lewis, Pasco , Plano, Deacy & Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of P. S. P. & L. Co. to set 5 poles and remove five poles on certain sts read. St. & Alley Committee report- ed favorablynon same, whereupon it was Moved by Lewis , seconded by Pasco that the reoommenda- tion be concurred in. Carried. The Finance Committee audited ant recommended for pay- ment the following: Current Pray Roll St. Dept. $452.27-4202-2]� Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 26.94-4222-T2 Bill Haley Dog Catcher 1.00-4200 A. Sullivan Making Keys .70-4201 Renton Feed Co. Material 2.85-4226 Paco Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones 10.10- 7 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 324.31 8 McFarlandts Bargain Old stove 3.50 9 Garland Co. Paint 91.00-4230 Williams & McKnight Supplies 1.45 1 Service Laundry Laundry 7.10 2 Trick & Murray Supplies 17.30 3 Trimm Fuel Co. Fuel 21.40 4 John I.Y. Graham & Co. Library Books 3.00 5 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 2000 6 Gaylord Bros. Library Exp . 3.40 7 Trimm Fuel Co. Libary Fuel 22.50 8 Len Whitworth Fire Dept. Labor 4.50 9 Art Anderson Fire Dept. Labor 4.50-4240 Those James Election Board. 7 .50 1 Gertrude Campbell n 11 7.50 2 Nellie Beil It " 7.50 3 John Wm. Farrow " " 7.50 4 Jemima McDonald 11 1t 7.50 5 Matt Oehm t' it 7 .00 6 Nora Elliott " It 7.00 7 Alma Crook " 1t 7.00 8 E. A. Fuller rt 1t 7.00 9 Kate E. White 1t 11 7 .00-4250 Jean Bennett tt It 7.75 1 Frank S. Ullom n n 7.75 2 Jennie Hasbrook " it 7.75 3 Mylda May it it 7.75 4 Winona Smyth 1t " 7.75 5 Jennie Edwards IT " 7.00 6 Jane Hancock It 1t 7.00 7 Andrew Adams it It 7.00 8 Alice k. Davis It 1t 7.00 9 Hannah Pringle 1t if 7.00-4260 Peter Hansen It it 7.50 1 Howard Taehell It it 7.50 2 Mary Monaghan it it 7.50 3 Eva Roberts it 11 7.50 4 r Susie Pratt it n 7.50 5 Treasurer, M. E. Church Hall Rent 5.00 6 It Catholic Church 1t 1t 5.00 7 School Dist #7n 11 5.00 8 Andrew ,.dams Erection booths 4.00 9 Bob Wood IT " 3.00-4270 Peter Hansen " " 102.00.37 2 Standard Oil Co. Gas wkf.TER g .80 1593-98 Pair Roll --mer 4.20 -1599 RR �ra�r age Olymp¢c Fo tndro o Freight Material 7 .65 -1600 Grinnel P. x L. C 0. �' POWER � 25S Pay Rolle (0.kela by one) S. Lewis $57.77 ; to 259 Ln Feb. 26, 1935. Council met in regular session at 8 P. 11, with Mayor 'Filson presiding, Roll Call: Lawrence , Delaurenti , Lewis , Pasco , N,., Plano, Deacy and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Pao. Tel & Tel . Co. to remove certain poles on 2nd rive. between Jells and Williams St. read. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Lewis that same be re- �erred to the St. Supt with power to act. Carried. :�e�ort of the Police Department for the year 1934 read. Moved by Jane , seconded by Lewis that same be accepted and filed. Carried. Complaint was made of water standling on street at 5th & Smithers St. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that city engr, investigate and report back to Council. Carried No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk d Mayor s b l.a 200 March 5 , 19 35 . Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P: Llr: by Mayor Wilson. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Leviis, Pasco , Plano , Deaey and, Jane. o ..r j 11inutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Blas Telban to place chain on posts in parking strip to protect garage door at 508 Cedar St. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be referred to the city attorney for report next week. Carried. Petition of City of Seattle to set guy pole on Logan St and make certain replacer_Zents on Logan St . read. j Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that same be °re- ferred to the St. Supt with power to act . Carried. Petition of Pac . Tel & Tel . Co. to set pole on Burnett St. read. Moved by Jane , seconded by Deacy that same be re- ferred to the St. Supt with power to act. Carried. Engr reported that the water on street at 5th & Smithers St . could be taken care of for a small amount of money.) Moved by Jane, seconded by Pasco that same be taken care of at once. Carried. j The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: Current 4287-8 Pay Roll St . Dept. 9322.32-4292-4309 day Roll Engr. Dept. 26.94 4289-91 Pay Roll Park 57 .27 4310-13 Pay Roll (S. Lewis) o, k. td by one member 53.88 Renton Feed Co. Material 2.30-4314 Eage Cafe Prisoners meals 14.85 5 71hit e Fuel & Transfer Pael 26.25 6 Seattle: Gas Co. Gas 2.47 7 Jesse Young Labor & Material 2.00 8 1 Olin Hansen Police 'Exp ease 6. 00 9 akin, I,an a Labor 1.50-43201 Kuker Ranken Co . Engr. Supplies 20 .00 l McPherson turn & Hdw Co. Supplies 5.00 2�, Junior Literary Guild Library Exp. 6.95 Vim. 'Nal le r Labor 2 .00 4i See Lumber Co . Park Lumber 39 .76 51 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 5 .42 6 - Gas Union Oil Co. 74.58 7 V. nxmstrong & Sons Labor & Material 1.45 Reid & Cook Material 27.26 9 0, Priebe Labor on tools 2.65-4330 Eureka Press Supplies 7 .651 Art Anderson Fire Dept , Labor 4. 50 �{ Water Pay Roll Iffater Dept.. $94.29-1605-08 Rensselaer Valve Co . Material 30.36 9 r !,,,Loved. by Jane , seconded by Lawrence that all bills oo k* td by a majority of the Finance Committee be allowed. Carried. Lloved by Pasco, seconded by Deaey that the City Clerk 1 have published in two newspapers, a true , certified copy of the millage , DAQL%s , gas money received from the state for the last five gears and check proof before publication. Carried. INT,m r�thQeer business, meeting adjourned. 261 fl March 12, 1935. ReF)lar meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. III* by Mayor Wilson. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurent-i, Lewis , yasco , Plano , Deacy and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Tr.Ioved by Pasco , seconded by Plano that the Police & License Committee check un on all housbs rewiring licenses. arri ed. No further business, meeting adjourned. P City Clerk Lay or il i March 19 , 1935. Council met in regular session at 8 P. Id, with Mayor Nilson presiding. s Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis , Pasco ,, Plano , Deacy & Jame. Minutes read and approved as read. Petition of Frank Columbo to erect house and garage at 4th & Factory St . read. Moved by Jane, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. Application of Ticknor & Jenkins for pool hall license at 3rd & Main St. read. Police & License report favorably on same. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended the following:. Current Pay Roll St . Dept. 4396.89-4340-09 Engr. Dept. 33.67-4360-1{ rr n (S. Lewis) 59 .42-43814- A. 9 .42-43814A. 3. Johnson Police Exp , 1.00-4362 Western Office Supply Co. Supplies 1.20-4364 Totts Buns tine Park Labo r 54.00- 4 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 1.08 5; Lowman & Hanford Library Books 35.80 6 Puget Sound News Co. it 11 4.88 7 Bishop & Jenkins Fuel 8.88 8 Service Laundry & Cleandrs Laundry 5.30 9 Pao . Tel & Tel . Co. Telephones 10.15-4370 Union Oil Co. Gas 92.70 1 Reid & Cook Supplies & Labor 48.79 2 Renton Auto Freight Drayage 1.05 3 J. S. Hardie Library Exp . 4.63 4 Frank E. Rhodes, Inc. Labor & Material 30 .87 5 Western Tire Service Material 6.75 6 Hub City Chev material 1.50 7 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 579 .19 8 Eureka Press Supplies 20.50 9 J. E. Denzer (City Garage Labor 46.58-9380 S. Lewis " " " 287.37-4381 + Water Pay Roll Water Dep t. 989 .80-1613-14 City of Seattle Water 55 .80 1615 Grinnell Co. Material 1.38 6 Reid & Cook Material 1.80 7 P. S. P. & L. C o. Power 52.02 8 Iv�oved by Lawrence , seconded by Delaur enti that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. The question of the: boundary line of the city property and the 11anifold property was discussed. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that the matter be referred to the city engineer and, city attorney for investiga- tion and report. Carried, looved by Pasco , seconded by Plano that the claims of Lewis and Denzer for labor at garage be allowed also the claim of John F. Dore in the amount of $14.00. Carried. w#4382) I 263 City ,Attorney reporting on the Telban petition stated that it would not be safe to put a chain or post on parking strip . `Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that the r ey,ort be accepted and 11r. Telban notified. Carried. Movecd by Pasco, seconded by Delaur en ti that the erection of fence by the Columbia Lumber Company be stopped at once and. city clerk instructed to notify the company. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk ,May or i 2i 4 March 2 6, 19 35 . Council met in regular session at 8 P. Tvio with 11 ay or 'Nilson presiding . Roll Call- Lawrence, Dela.urenti , Lewis, Pasco, Plano , Deasy and Jane. T,�:inutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of P. S. P. & L. Co. to remove one pole and set one pole on the north side of 2nd r',ve . Nos read, roved by Jane, seconded by Deacy that same be referred to the St. Supt with power to act . Carried. Petition of Joe Plute to erect house and garage on Lot 7 , Block 7 , Car ,"forks read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted. Carried. Petition of 'vfm. Tonkin to erect house on Lot 3, Block 20, Town read, yToved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that same be granted, Carried. Petition of Foster & laeiser to erect 4 sign boards on Sartori property on Bronson '.'fay North read. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Jane that same be referred to the Police & Lieens.e Committee for resort . Carried. Report read from City 3n r, recornmendi.ng that a certain strip of land fronting on Wells St. adjoining the: anif.old. property be deeded to the Manifold. Koved by Mawrence , seconded by Lewis that -the matter be referred to the city attorney to draw up the necessary papers. Carried. moved by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that the city erect the necessary sidewalk in front of the Sartori prop arty on Bronson ',Vay North in lkeu of property acquired in the widening of the street . Carried. ;Moved by Lewis, seconded by Delaurent that the St. Supt proceed with the above sidewalk. Carried. ,:oved by Pasco , seconded by Plano that the St. & alley Committee bring in report and recommendation on sidewalk along the pipe line between Cedar St. & I;iorgans Drive . Carrie . No further business, meeting adjourned. j City Clerk I ' .a 17 or i I 'n 265 April 2, 1935. Coundil met in regular session at 8 2. iri. with Mayor Nilson presiding.. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Lewis , Pasco , (� Plano , Deacy CIC Jane, ilirra-f�eb os th" las c meeting reaa ^na approved. .kpplica.tion of Wilson 114arlowe to tear down burnt house at 5M5 Cedar St. , read. Moved by Lewis seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Thos Ldwardo to remodel Front porch of house at 320 North Wells St. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Lewis 'that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Owl Cate to remodel kitchen and general repair work at 802 3rd ave . i:owed by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Cosmos Wrecking Co. to tear down old- twine ldtwine factory read. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Ca.rri ed. The Finance Committee aud1ted and recommended for pay- ment the following : Current Pay Roll St . Dept. 11;456.94-4398-4415 it n Eng r. Dep t. 26.94-4416-17 ti n Park 78.57-4418-22 G. Harner Old p ip e 21.80-4423 Renton Feed Co . iviaterial 8.95 4 0. Priebe Labor on grader teeth 6.00 5 7dm. Waller Labor 2.00 6 Trick �c Dirray Supplies 9.00 7 McPherson Furn Supplies 21.80 8 The. Macmillan Co. Library Books 12.37 9 Service Laundry Laundry 2.85-4430 Seattle Gas Co . Gas 2.40 1 Vioue pharmacy Supplies 3.35 2 `Lenton Realty Co. Insurance 47.05 3 1j . Bevan laiateri al- park 7.59 4 Bishop &: Jenkins Fuel 7 .40 5 Lawrence Fuel & Transfer Fuel 19.00 6 Union Oil Co. Gas U iviateria.l 120 .93 7 71estern Tire Service Eaterial 10.55 8 Fenton Chronicle Legal Publications L print-. 51.85 -9 Water Pay Roll Water Dept. 96. 75-1622-26 Union Oil Coe` ..Tires 38.81 1627 ivioved by Lawrence , seconded by Jane that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Police & License Committee reported unfavorably on application of Foster � Kleiser to erect sign boards* h;ioved by Jane, seconded by Plano that the report be acceluted and application denied. Carried. 266 3t . °&� Alley Committee reported unfavorably on erection of sidewalk along pipe line. moved by Lewis, seconded by Deacy that the report be concurred in. Carried. Communication read from Department- of Highways rely t-i ire to gasoline tax money. iuToved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that the matter be turned over to the 'lays & !t,Ieans Committee and city attorney for recommendation. Carried. Refunding of lzenton water bonds was liscussed. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that the matter be turned over to the city attorney and council with power to act. Carried. :Moved by Pasco , seconded. by Plano that a sidewalk leading to the portal on the south sicle of Bronson Way North be constructed . Carried.. Representatives of the Columbia Lumber Company were .present and stated that fence would be out down to five feet. Loved by Pasco, seconded by Lewis that permission be granted to erect fence not higher than five feet. Carried. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Plano that, the parking strip on 4th ,Ive. between Mills and- Cedar be cut down to conform to sidbwalk. Carried. No farther business, meeting adjourned. i Ci-by Clerk o 267 April 9 , 1935 . Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Floyd Lawrence , Mayor Pro Tem. Roll Call; Delaurenti , Lewis,• Pasco, Plano , Deacy and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Clinton Betz to reroof Owl Cafe at 804 3rd Ave. read. Moved by Jane, seconded by Deacy that same be granted. Carried. Petition of property owners on Williams St. between south margin of 2nd Ave. and the north margin of 01al la Walla Ave. asking that street be widened, etc. Moved by Jane , seconded by Lewis that same be referred to the engineer to check. Carried. Petition of property owners on Williams St. between the margins of 2nd Ave. and Walla Walla St, asking for ornament- al lights . 'gloved by Delau_ renti , seconded by Lewis that same be re- ferred to the Fire, Light & 'hater Committee and City Fngr. Carried. Reports of the Treasurer and Clerk for the month of Y March read and filed. Librarian's re.;ort for the Month of March read and filed. Communication read from Stanley Fournier relative to meter asking that same be taken out. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Ldwis that meters be in- stalled on all water users outside the city limits. Carried. Notice of meeting of annual convention of Washington Cities to be held in Centralia, May 9 and 10, read. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that same be laid on the table for one week. Carried. X.oved by Pasco , seconded by Deacy that tive have a special meeting April 10th, at 8:30 P. T,1. for purpose of arranging to refund our water bonds . Carried. The attention of the council was called to the large number of dogs rn.nning loose by several people in the audience and asked that some immediate action be taken to elimnate this nuisance. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Deacy that the Chief of rolice be instructed to get a dog catcher at once. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. �..► City Clerk lay o r /�iW 268 April 10, 1935 . SPECIAL YMNING OF THE CITY COUBCIL &Z CALLED° TO ORDER AT 8 P. .4T. BY hUfOR 'JIL30N., Roll Call; Lawrence , Delaurenti, Lewis , Pasco , Plano , Deac.y and Jane . Resolution No . 470 providing for the calling for bids for refunding bonds of the City of Renton in the principal sum of 485 ,000. to be dated Jane 1, 1935 read. "loved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be adopted as read. "'loved by Lawrence, seconded. by Lewis that we employ the firm of 2reston, Thorgrimson & Turner, attorney 1, to furnish opinion on the :=dater Revenue Bonds ina sum not to exched ;?200.00 . Carried. i Ordinance No. 951 providing for the issue , and sale of refunding water revenue bonds in the sum of 9"85,000. was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee for re.`)ort. Carried. ° Upon motion made and carried, meeting adjourned. City Clerk J „la.�;ro r 269 April 16, 1935 . Council met in regular session at 8 P. id. with I4:ayor Milson presi ding . Roll Call: Lawrence , Delaurenti , Lewis, Pasco, Plano , Deacy and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved., Petition of �ksel Anderson to erect house on Lot 15 , Block 20 , R. F. P. read. Moved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Seattle Gas Company to lay gas mains on 2nd Ave. from Logan to a point 450' west of Logan. read. Loved by Lawrence, seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt . Carried, The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: Current Pay Roll St. Dept. : 522.81-4449-56-79 TT Tt Engr. Dept, 44.90-4454-55 Hub City Chev Labor a- Material 6.70-4480 Columbia Lumber Co . Lumber 8.48- 1 Pao. Car & Foundry Co . Laterial 3.91 2 J.11%Keyes Fuel Fuel 15.00 3 E. Hyde Labor on tools 4.00 4 P.S.P.& L. Co. Lights 331.32 5 �., Voigt Leather Co. Repair work - Police 1.50 6 Western OL Sup )ly Supplies 4. 00 7 Crescent Office ". Supplies 3.40 8 Tom Dobson w Son Insurance 41.75 9 Ray Brown F. D. Labor 13. 50-4500 Renton News Record Printing 23 .85 1 Arthur Trudgeon Library - Expense 7.50 2 Columbia Lumber Co , " Lumber 25.50 3 �Aigat Soanft News Co. TT Expense 12. 69 4 Art Anderson Fire Dept. Labor 4.50 5 "nest Coast Hospital F. D. Material 28.35 6 Toots Bunstine Park Labor 48.95 7 Cochran T s Paint Store IJate rial 15.45 8 Renton Hdw . Fun Supplies 27.35 9 Len 7Mitworth F. Do Laoor 2.25-4010 Jose White Park Labor 9 .05 1 Chas E. Peterson TT It 32.00 2 Pao. Coast Co Park Lease 1.00 3 qay Brown F. D. Labor 4.50-4453 Dan McGovern, P. M. Stamps Labor �.�?g 451 Frank A. i llen ',Vat e r Pay Roll Water De,,,) t. X94.29-1631-34 Williams & O'Hara material 12.10-1633 City of Seattle Water 56.00 6 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 32.74 7 moved by Lewis , second-ea by Jane that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Report read from Engr, relative to improvement of Williams St. stating that no report had. been received from Olympia yet accepting the project. Moved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that report be tabled- until ableduntil some definite information is received. Carried.. i 27 !loved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that two delegates be appointed to rei)uesent the city at the annual convention May 9 and 10 in Centrlia. Carried. The, Ordinance Committee rej)orted favorably on Ordinance -NTo. 951 providing for the issue and sale of refunding l water revenue bonds , whereupon it was placed upon its second and t1ird readings and passed as a vvhole , all councilmen dresen' voting aye : Lawrence, Del aur en ti , Lewis, Pasco , 21ano , Deacy and 11 Jane.. St . Supt submitted a report of improvements that should be made on city streets with the gas money from the state t Resolution No , 471 designating the percentage of monies that will be used for street construction and mdintenance and interest and. principal bond payment read. Mloved. by Lawrence, second=ed by Jane that the Resolution be adopted as read. Carried. Complaint was made by Tobin ,.ve. residents of the dust on Tobin St. Moved by Pasco seconded by Jane that Tobin St. & Logan St. be oiled as soon as funds are available. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. Aft City Cler:r -ray or 1:1 i f O J J c J I 2't :r :pri& 23, 1935. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. Y. by Floyd Lawrence, 1ayor Pro Tem. Roll Call: Lewis , Pasco, Deacy and Jane * mlinutes of the last meeting read and .,,;proved. Petition of F. vianifold to erect house and double garage at 22 ',Wiliiams St . read. Moved by Lewis ; seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of C . Rueci to erect garage at 436 Tobin St . read. Moved. by Jane, seconded by Deacy that swiie be granted under the supervision of the St . Supt . Carried. Petition of x. T. Butler to reshingle and repaint foundation of house at 500 i=i11 St. read. Iv:oved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that scale be grante(:_. Carried. Petition of P. S. P. & E. Co. to set one pole in �lley off 71hitworth St. Moved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that s arfe be re- ferred to the St. Supt with y ower to act. Carried. This being the night for opening bids on Renton Refunding Revenue Bonds, the following were opened and read: National Bank of Commerce of Seattle , Ferris & Ha.rdgrove : '9'23,000 0 4J interest and 62,000 Q Q 0 T1at the rate of 9100.31 plus accrued interest to date of delivery, for each A00. par value . First National Bank, Seattle, Ift. P. Harper & Son & Co. , Seattle : 18,000 Q1 3;o interest and 967 ,000 Q 4jo " aril at the rate of 9100.13 and accrued interest for each 9100.00 bond, and we also agree to furnish blank bonds for the issue. Richards & Blum, Inc . Harold H. Huston & Co. , Segttle, Vash . 985,000. Q 3,�fo, als o pay for eac h 9100.00 bond the rate of 9100.515 plus accrued interest, also furnish bonds. Peoples Bank & Trust Co . Bramhall & Stein: 923,000 Q 47 interest and 62,000 4 4o interest also furnish blank bonds. Seattle Trust Company Grande , Stolle & Co. 9189000 Q 3/ interest 29 ,000 D 3 0 ti, 438,000 9 4' t' also pay $100.17 for each 9100. par value thereof. also pay for printing the bonds. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Lewis that the bonds be awarded the lowest bidder, Richards & Blum, Inc . Seattle, ''ashington. Resolution No. 472providing for calling for payment of all the water revenue bonds of the City i7ead. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Jane that same be adopted. Carried. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lewis that the exterior of the City Hall be cleaned. Carried. No further business, meeting adjo4rned. City Clerk May o r ., ��, , 273 April 309 1935. Council met in regular session at 6 P. M. with Ila}yor 1,1i is presiding. Roll Call : Lawrence, Delaurenti, Lewis, Pasco , Plano, D e acy and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and a1il,roved.. Petition of P. N. Emmons to erect garage and tear down old one on Lot 5 , Block 28, Town of Renton, read. itiToved by Jane , seconded by Deacy that same be granted. Carrie d. Petition of J. 3. Taylor to resp ingle house on Lot 24, Block 2, Car '; orks Iddition read. IVoved by Lawrence , seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carri ed. Communication read from Peoples :bank & Trust Co . Bank relative to interest rate on city deposits. !,loved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that, same be received and y laced on file . Carri ed. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following : Current 4531-55 inc Pay Roll St. Dey t. 4626.25-4520 and- Pay ndPay Roll St . Dept. (Drainage) 37.02-4556-8 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 28.06 4559 Toots Bunstine Park Labor 49 .50-4560 MI. E. j,Iard Dog Catcher 11.00 1 Pay Roll, -.,later Dey,,t 94'112.25-1643-47 b1ovel by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that the reyort of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Frank Columbo asked for sewer connection on Lot 21 , Block 13 , Car -.4 ork s _za.dit ion. The matter was turned over to the, St. Supt . The Iia or a1,Aointed attorney Dobson and Councilman Jane to represent the city at the Centralia Convention, 11ay 9th & 10t h. Ioved by Lawrence, seconded by Piano that e�ens es at the delegates be paid. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk (,F ;lay or 274 Hay 8, 19 35 . Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. 1d. by F. E. Lawrence, Mayor Pro Tem. Roll Call; Delaurenti, Pasco, Plano , Deacy and Jane . Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Patition of d. R. Huitt to remodel house on Lot 25, Block 12, Car !forks Addition read. Moved by Jane, seconded by Deacy that same be granted. Carried. Petition of J. R. °Storey to tear down old barn on lst Ave . No. and Pelly St. P:Ioved by Jane , seconded by Deacy that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Renton Laundry to repair part of roof on laundry, r}loved by Delaurenti , seconded by Deacy that same be granted. Carried. Communication read from American Legion inviting the city administration to participate in the Memorial Day , observance . - MoveL by Jane, seconded by Delaurenti that same be acce, ted and° filed. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following : • Current Seattle Gas Co . Gas 2.61-4562 Ray Brown F. D. Labor 13.50 E. Hyde Labor on tools 2.00 4 Cochran Paint Store Idaterial 3.85 616 C . Haleway Labor on tools .70 . r Peoples Bank & Trust Co . Stoneway Dock sand & gravel 62.75 8 Western Tire Service Material 15.90 9 Square Deal Grocery Supplies 4.65-4570 Service Laundry & Cleaners Laundry 9 .15 1 Pacific Coast Stamp Works Supplies 2.22 2 Strain Coal Co. Fuel 7.77 3 Hub City Cheb Material 17.65 4 Lawrence Fuel & Trsfr Fuel 19 .38 5 Union Oil Co . Gas & Oil 148.14 6 V. Armstrong & Sons ,!Iateria1 34x58-4632 Columbia Lumber Co. Lumber 7.11 8 Emmon Beil Labor on mower 4.00 9 John Dower Lumber Co. Lumber 88.53-4580 Reid & Cook Hateri al 11.55 1 Lowman & Hanford Library Books 65.50 2 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 42.61 3 Pae . Tel & Tel . Co. Telephones 12.00 4 Tri c & iv�urray Supplies 19 .00 5 ,Packer-Scott Co. Supplies 8.75 6 (Hoard Engineering Co. Apprisal- Market Bldg. , 15.00 7 i Eage Cafe Prisogers Ideals 16.60 8 Wm. Kane Labor & Material 17.50 9 j Wm. laller Labor 3.00-4590 Len 'Whitworth F. D. Labor 4.50 1 Eureka Fire Hose Div. F. D. Material 7.31 2 275 ':lat e r Palmer Supply Co. Katerial X51.09-1649 Hersey Manufacturing Co. Material 1.34 1650 City of Seattle 'dater 59.20 1 ldo ved by Del.aur ent i , s e co rn1 e d by Jane that the �... recommendation of the committee be concurred in. Carried. Reports of the Treasurer and Clerk for the month of A,pril read and filed. Librarian' s report for the month of �"p,ril read end filed. St . Supt reported on the Columbo sevder connection on Lot 21 , Block 13, Car ''''Forks , and. stated: that it would cost about 460.00 to make the connection. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Delaurenti that the St . Supt be authorized to males the connection providing the owner, Mr. Columbo vdll pay for connecting both lots in a sum not Aaceeding X58.00. Carried. Resolution No. 473, employing the firm of Preston, Thorgrimson aril. Turner to pass on the validity of the issuance of Refunding :dater Revenue Bonds, and they be paid the sum of 4200.00 out of the premium obtained from the sale of said bonds read. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Jane that same be adopted as read. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Ida or Pro Tem. 2 I I�ay 14, 1935. i Council met in regular session at S° P. M. with F. L. Lawrence, '`iayor Pro Tem presiding. Roll Call: Delaurenti , Lewis, Pasco , Plano , Deasy and Jane. j Fiinutes of the last meeting read and approved. r.r� Petition of Mrs. Emma Jones to make minor repairs to house on Lot 18, Block 37, Smithers lidd. Illoved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carr ied. Petition of Robinson `Nilson to make basement under house on Lot 22, Block 3, Car ;'lorks iddition read; also break curb for driveway. Moved by Jane, seconded by Plano that same be granted under the superivision of the St . Supt . Carried. Petition of Dom. aiment to repair foundation of house at 554 blain St. read. Moved by Delauxenti, seconded by Lewis that same be granted . Carried. ° Petition of Zeb Shearer to erect a garage on Lot 1, Block 24, Town read. Moved by Plano , seconded by Lewis that same be' granted. Carried. Petition of Pac . Tel & Tel . Co. to set poles on certain streets read. Moved by Jane, seconded by Deacy that sane be granted. under the supertirsion of the St. Supt . Carried, Councilman Pasco brought up for discussion the purchase of three additional acres adjoining the ball park stating that his information was that same could be purchased from Sattori for X6500. After some discussion, it was Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that same be referred to the City Property Committee for investivation and recommendation next Tuesday evening. Carried. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that the advis- ability of the purchase of a street grader be referred to the St. Supt and City 2roperty Committee for report arxt recommenda- tion next Tuesday evening. Carried. i1;Ir. Clarke and. ivir. Rochet representatives of the Commercial Club asked the cooperation of the i:iayor a City Council in putting over "Coal Week" in Renton, May 19th to 25th, and asked permission to hang banners over certain streets. Moved by Pasco, seconded by Delaurenti that permission be granted and that the City of Renton administration do every- thing possible to make the week a success. Carried. Itiloved by Pasco, seconded by Jane that �iay 19th to IVIay 25th, be proclaimed "Coal Neek" by the Mayor. Carried. ho further business, meeting adjournede i City Clerk Islay o r Pro Tem . 277 tkl� May 21, 1935. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. Me by F. E. Lawrence, Mayor Pro Tem, Roll Call: Delaurenti, Lewis, Pasco , Plano , Deacy and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of A. Romiti to reshingle house at 419 Cedar St. read. Moved by Plano, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Jostin Deery to erect a garage on Lot 18, Block 13 . Town, read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Pasco that same be granted under the supervision of the Fire Chief and the Fire, Light & Water Committee, Carried, City Property Committee reporting on the purchase of additional land for park adjoining Liberty Park reported that same could be purchased for $6500. from Sartori a_rd. recommended the purchase of same provided clear title could. be had. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that the recommends- tion be concurred in. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following : Current (4564 Pay Roll St. Dept. $617.28-(4594-5-6 28 ince Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 35.92-4633-4 Western Union Telegram .76 4593 Andrew Crookston Park Labor 6.75-4630 M. C. Ward Dog Catche r 5.00- 1, V. Armstrong & Sons Labor & Material 23.75 4642 Ike Hancock Park Labor 24.75 3 Tom Prtichard Park Labor 24.75 4 Toots Hunstine Park Labor 49.50 $7 Lowman & Hanford Library Books 39.88 �8 J. R. Storey Fuel 38.50 9 Puget Sound News Co. Library Books 18.90-4640 Renton Hdw & Furn Sulpp lies 8.14 1 VAl Morgan Mat a ri al .75 4 643 Pao. Tel & Tel . Co. Telephones 10.10 4 P. S. P. & L. Coo Lights 327.71 5 E. Hyde Labor on tools 2.75 6 Frank Rhodes Mat a ri al 20.9 6 7 Renton Feed Co. Supplies 50.25 8 Clarke Bros Motor Co. Labor & Material 16.11 9 Renton Chronicle Legal Publications 46.5 0-4650 Renton Chronicle Police Dept . Printing 107.25 (o.d. rc4 by John W. Dobson & Wm. Jame Expenses to Centralia 35.00 (one) ,;4652 Water Pair Roll Water Dept. 80.82-1652-3 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 34.71 1654 Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that the recommenda- -- t ion be concurred in. Carried. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Jane that the bill of the Renton Chronicle for police department printing be rejected and the Chronicle notified to take their supplies back. The same being put to a vote resulted as follows: Yes - 5 No - 1. Carried I i i i St. Supt stated that he had looked at several street graders but was not ready to make any recommendations. The j Mayor appointed as a committee to work with the St. Supt - City Property and Lewis and Delaurenti. i Moved by Jane, seconded by Plano that th a money re- eeived from the sale of the refunding water bonds, 1935, shall be deposited. in the Renton Utility Yater Bond Fund. established by Ord No. 884 and shall be used for no other purpose than re- t firing the old bonds and paying for the legal opinion on the Refunding Water Revenue Bonds , 1935. Carried, Proposed Ordinance declaring an emergency aryl approp- riating the sum of $5414.87 for the purchase of adjoining property at Liberty Park read ani on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. No further business, meeting adjourned, City Cle rbc i i lWor, Pro Tem. I i i - i I i I ' I f i 279 k May 28 , 1935, Council met in regular session at 8 P: M. with Mayor Nilson presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaur enti , Lewis ,, Pasco , Plano, Deacy and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and ai)proved. Petition of Joe'Baffaro to tear down porch around house at 505 Morris St. read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Ernest Brown to erect garage at 609 6th Ave, read, Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. 'Carried. Certified bill in the amount of $107 .25 for printing received from Renton Chronicle. The City Clerk was instructed to write the Chronicle notifying them that the council had refused to pay the bill and asking them to take back printing. Ordinance No. 952, declaring an emergency and approp- riating the 'sum of $5414.87 for the purchase of property adjoinr ing Liberty 'Park read► and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on same, whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a 'whole , all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis, Pasco , Plano , Deacy and Jane . Carried. Resolution uring the construction of a permanent, four lane traffic highway from City limits of Seattle to the Junction of '.3rd Ave. Renton and State Highway No. 2 read. Moved by Jane , seconded by Lawreneethat sage be adopted as read. Carried. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Pasco that we extend the Mayor a -vote of thanks for his efforts in the purchase of additional property adjoining Liberty Park, Carried, City Property Committee reported that they had a purchaser for the old Chevrolet touring car. Moved by Pasco , seconded by Lawrence that the car be sold to Harold McDona3d for the sum of "'15 .00, the city attorney to draw up the neessary papers. Carried. Mr. Roc het, representative of the Commercial Club thanked the city administration for their splendid cooperation in putting over Coal Week# ani stated that the Renton float had won second place. Moved by Jane , seconded by Plano that we write a letter of thanks to the Highway department in behalf of Officers Wentworth & Ross for their assistance with the parade during Coal week. Carried. I Moved by Jane , seconded by Lawrence that we transfer $7,751.00 from Water Fund to Renton Utility Water Bond Fund. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. Aw 1 r City Clerk Mayor i i 2801 jum 5, 19 35, i Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Wilson presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis, Pasco, Plano, Deacy and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Geo . M. Wolff to erect sign on parking strip at Park Inn on Bronson Way North• Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Lewis that same be referred to the St & Alley Committee for report next Tuesday. C :pried. i The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment; the following : Current Pay Roll St. Dept. $559.34-4668-90 n it Engr. Dept* 56.12-4691-3 W. E. Courtney Cleaning Hall bldg. 95.75-4667 M. E. Ward Dog Catcher 3.00-4666 Renton Feed Co. Material 18.05 4694 Seattle Gas Co . Gas 2.47 5 Palmer Supply Co. Freight 1.55 6 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 9.40 7 0. Priebe Labor 6.75 8 Jess Young Repair Work 2000 9 I " Stoneway Dock Coo Material 10.88-4700 Wm. Kane Repair Work 1.50 1 Smithsonian Institution Library Books 97728 2 H. Fiskally F. D. Labor 11.25 3 Len WYE it wor th F, D. Labor 2.25 4 Art Anderson F. D. Labor 4.50 5 John Doter Lumber Co. Lumber 8.70 6 Wm. Wall er Labor 2.00 7 Toots Buns tins Park Labor 54.00 8 Cochran's Paint Store Paint , etc. 56.86 9 Emmon Beil Labor on mower 3.00-4710 1J. S. Hardie Labor & Material 10.05 1 Clarke Bros . Hot or Co. Idateri.C.1 .98 u Water Pay Roll Water Dept. $136.93-1662-4-9 ine. Daily Journal of Commerce Publication 14.00-1658 Water Utility Bond Fund Preston, Thorgrimson & Turner Legal Opion - bonds - $200.00-1663 Moved by Lewis, seconded by Jane that the report be concurred in. Carried. Communication read from Lot Davis, Police Judge th a,nking the administration Jbr their cooperation 'during his term of office. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Jane that: same be accepted and placed on file . Carried* -- There being no farther business to come before the _ present Council, Mayor Wilson turned the gavel over to 0. N. Cochran, Mayor-Elect. The newly elective and appointive officers, all hav- ing subscribed to Oath of Office and Tarnished bonds, where required, were then seated, to-wit : t_n 281 \Nt� in 0. N. Cochran, Mayor T. F. Meehan, Treasurer Agnes Edwards, City Clerk John W. Dobson, Attorney Douglas Lewis, Councilman-at-large Floyd E. Lawrence , Councilman, First Ward J. G. Duncalf, Coin ilman, Second Ward William Jane, Councilman, Third Ward The following appointments were made by the Mayor: Vincent Stewart, Chief of Police Dave Reid Fred Illian James Chadwick Dr. P. C . Mikkelsen, Health Officer J. E . McFarland, Police Judge Frank Harris, City Engineer Peter Dullahant, St. & Water Supt . PARK BOARD Floyd E. Lawrmce, Chairman Ftp. Stok.s Mrs, N'adAe Underwood LIBRARY BOARD Mrs. M. E. Fairchild, Chairman John Thomson Mrs. Olive Kirwin 19. H . Watkins Miss Jennie Edwards FIRE CHIEF Clarence Dullaha.nt Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that all appointments by the Mayor be confirmed. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Lewis that L. E. Plano be elected President of the Council. Carried, Mayor Cochran briefly outlined his program for the coming year, after which each city official was given an opportunity to talk. The City Property recommended that we call for bids on a street grader. Moved by Lewis,, seconded by Plano that the recommendation be concurred in and we advertise for bids. Carried. No further business , meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor R-,a- June 12, 1935. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis , Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Jane. -.. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved* Petition of Matt Lux to repair house burnt by recent fire at 1400 - 7th Ave. , Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Lewis that sam be granted. Carried. Petition of Joe Venishnick to .e reet garage on Lot 19, Block 7, Car Works Add. read, Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that s arra be grant ed. Carried, Petition of C. H. Maehen to move in house to Lot 7, Block 17 , R. F. B. and repair same. Moved by Jane, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carr ie d. Petition of property owners of the Talb� � istrict asking that something be done to remedy the law p sure exist- ing. Moved by Jane, seconded by Lawrence that same be turned over to the Fire , Light & Water Committee for investiga- tion a nd report next Tuesday evening. Carried. St. & Alley Committee and. St. Supt recommended that the Texaco petition for sign be granted. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that the report be received and, recommendation concurred in. Carried. Floyd Lawrence , on behalf of American Legion asking the support and cooperation of the Council in putting over the 4th of July celebration and asked p ezmis si on to use the streets during parade. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Lawrence that the request be granted. Carried. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Deacy that the opening of 3rd Ave . No. be referred to the St. & Alley Committee for ini vestigation end report. Carried. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that engineer make sewer connection for Crist Rigon on 6th Ave. Carried. Ordinance No. 953 relating to closing hours of retail beer and wine dispensaries read add on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinam a Committee r9ported favorably on Ordinance No. 953 whereupon it was placed upon its seconds and third readings and passed as a mhole , all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Delavrenti , Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Jerrie• Moved by Duncalf seconded by Lewis that the Park Board have grass out on our newly acquired land adjoining Liberty Park, Carried. Police & License were asked to check up and report on compensation of outgoing police officers ani, city engineer. 283 v� Chief of Police reported that the prowler car was in a deporable condition. After some discussion it was moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the matter be referred to the Way & Means Committee for report and the Police & Lic ens a Committee advertise for bids on prowler car. Carried. Moved by Lawrence, seoond.ed by Deaoy that the Renton Chronicle be requested to make eorreetion in their paper regarding motion to eleetinq the;President of the Council' showing that motion was unanimous as set forth in the proceed- ings of the Council. Carried. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that we transfer $7,778.50 from water fund to Bond Redemption Fund (1930) Carried. No farther business, meeting adjourned* Clerk Pro Tem y May o r 9 ;7 r s a 9- r June 18, 1935. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of J. X. Taylor to maks addition to house on Lot 22, Block 34, Smithe rs Addition read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that same be granted. Carried. Petition of R. M. Thorne to break about 16 ft. of curb on Lot 16 , Block 22, Town read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be re- ferred to the St & Alley Committee and St. Supt with power to act. Carried. temporary Petition of Frank R. Vaise Post to erect a/display stand at 3rd and Burnett St. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Dunealf that same be granted. Carried. Police & License Committee recommend that the outgoing police officer and city engr. be given check equal to two weeks vacation. Moved by Plano seconded by Delaurenti that the recommenda- tion be concurred in. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following bills Current Pay Roll St. Dept. 4428.32-4731-52 ...� Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 19.46-4753-54 Thomas Harries Ins. 5.00-4755 Ser Laundry Laundry 10.20- 6 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 327.50 7 PiemontR V-n^ery Scythe blade 3.75 g Coohrants Paint Store Material 7 .09-4790 Williams & McKnight Supplies 4.55-4760 Pacific Coast Stamp Works n 19.33- 1 C. Haleway Keys 1.25 2 Renton Auto Freight Drayage 1.95 3 F. W. Swenson Supplies 1.00 4 E. Hyde Labor on tools 1.80 51 Tom Dobson & Sons Insurance 65.00 61 E. P. Wilson Co. " 55.00 7 Wm, Reans F. D. Labor 4.50 8 Art Anderson " " t1 6.75 9 Clarence Dullahant Expenses to Convention 30.00 -4770 Leo Arens t ro ng " " it 30 .00 1 John Neal " " It 30000 2 Hassel Beanblosscm F. D. Labor 10.00 + Len Whitworth " 4.504' West Coast Hospital ZIF. D. Expense 3.25 6 Frank E. Rhodes F. D . Material 24.39 71 Lowman & Hanford Library Books 5,62 9 Puget Sound News Co. " n Gaylord Bros Ino. if " 44.47 8 Columbia Lumber Co. n Material 57.99 -4780 VAWj Chas. E. Peterson " Labor & Material 9.00 1 25 Renton Feed Co. Park Material 45.17-4782 Toots Buns tine Park Labor 49050- 3 Howard Tache ll Painting at City Hall 50 .40 4 John Tache ll Paint , etc it n 109.31 5 Im. Taohell Painting it 52.20 6 Robert Taehell " TM 50.40 7 John Tachell it " 111.87 8 E. A. Fuller Labor at C. H. 13.50 9 "J'ochran's Paint Store Supplie s 7 .09-4790 Gas Fund Pay Boll $104.77-1-9 Water Pay Roll Water Dept. 53.88-1673-76 City' of Seattle Water 79.20 - 7 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 40.78 8 Grinnell Co. Material 81.26 9 Moved by Lewis, seconded by Delaurenti that the reoommend.ation of the Committee be concurred in, Carrie d. Bill in the amount of $107.25 received from Renton Chronicle. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Jane that same be tabled. Carried. Report of the Treasurer covering month of May read and filed. Clerkts report for May read and filed. Librarian's report covering the month of May read and filed. St. Supt reported that he had all data and information on hand relative to purchase of chlorine in larger quantities. Moved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that the matter be referred to the Fire , Light & eater Committee , City Engr and St. Supt for investigation and report next Tuesday. Carried., This being the night for opening bids on the street grader, the following were received and read: Western Tractor & Equipment Co. -(423-00 3224.25 Service Equipment Co. (3473.25 (2900. Feenaughty Machinery Co. (3310.25 (3430.25 J. D. Adams &,Co. (3681.25 (3816.25 Howard-Cooper Corporation (3330.25 (3701. (3833.25 Caldwell Machinery Co. (3210,25 ,� (3701. Moved by Lawr enc e , seconded by Delaur en ti that we consider the three bids, viz: Western Tractor & Equipment; Feenaughty Machinery Coo; Howard-Cooper Cordoration and make report next Tuesday. Carried. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Deacy that the old fountain at Jones Park be tarn out and prices obtained for a new fountain. Carried. Moved by Lawrence, secodded, by Jane that .the opening of Railroad Ave. from 3rd to 4th be referred to the St. & Alley Committee for report next Tuesday night. The same being put to a vote resulted as follows.- Lawrence ollows;Lawrence --- Yes Dela.urenti No Lewis Yes Duncalf Yes Plano Yes Deacy Yes Jane Yes Mot ion e arri ed. ° No further business, meeting adjourned. i I i City Clerk I i Mayor I i I ' a I I I a ° I I I , I i I A 287 June 25, 1935. Regular meeting of the Council was called to order°at 8 P. M. by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Lewis, Dunealf, Plano, Deacy and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Edward Betz to tear down greenhouse and erect a new one at 235 Pelly St, read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Lawrence that same be grant- ed. Carried. Petition of L. F. Mann of Signal Oil Station at 620 Bronson Way North to erect display stand (temporary) read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Delaurenti that same be referred to the St & Alley Committee and Fire Chief with power to act. Carried. Petition of J. S. Covey to erect garage in rear of store on Lot 8, Block 21, Town read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Eba Mutual Groceries, Inc. to remodel front of store building owned by M. Thome on Wells St. Moved by Jane , seconded by Lawr enc a that same be granted. C arr ied. Petition of John Girias to reshingle house at 508 Smithe rs St. read. Moved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. City of Seattle asks permission to replace certain poles on south side of 4th Ave from Cedar St. to Burnett St and on west side of Burnett St. north of 4th Ave. , read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be granted under the superivision of the St. Supt with power to act. Carried. Petition of Mrs. Annie Marlow to move small building at corner of 4th Ave and Mill St to rear of Lot 6, Block 26, Town, read. St. & Alley Committee reporting on the 3r& Ave. No* question asked that the city attorney communicate with the railroad company relative to a grade crossing at that point. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that the request be concurred in. Carried. St. & Allev Committee reporting on the bids for street grader reported as follows: That the tmajp.x:it►y of the committee was in favor of the bid of the HwardC•dagCoprsatn Company Moved by Lawrence , seoonaed by Jane that trae report of the committee be concurred in. The motion being put to a vote resulted as follows: Yeas - three. Nos - four. Motion lost. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that we accept the bid of the Western Tractor & Equipment Co. , specifications #10. A roll call being taken resulted as follows.- Lawrence ollows:Lawrence - no Delaurenti - yes Lewis - yes Dunc al f - yes Plano - yes Deae y - no Jane - no Motion carried. This being tie night for opening bids on the prowler car the following were read: Clarke Bros. Motor Co. - - Net cost, Ford V8 Sedan, $651.00 Hamilton Bros* , Terraplane Standard Sedan, . caravan car - - - - - - 812.00 it It " (less $170.00 fof Oakland) rail shipped - - - - - 875.00 (less $-170.00 for Oakland) V. Armstrong & Sons, 4 door Plymouth Sedan fully equipped Net 685 .00 rr ►t " " 4 door Dodge Sedan fully equipped, net 769 . Hub ,City Chev, 1935 Chev Standard Sedan, somplete, net 561.10 It " Master Sedan, complete, net 802 .10 1935 Pontiac Sedan, complete, net 759 .75 ' Frank K. Rhodes , Plymouth De Lux, 4 door sedan Net 726.10 " it " Plymouth Standard Sedan 4 doov, net 629 .60 rr " Chrysler Airstream 6, 4 door sedan', net 866.10 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that the bids be referred to the City Property for report. Carried. A recess was declared for consideration of th e bi ds by ,City Property Committees City Property made the following recommendation: ` The majority of the Property Committee recommend the purchase of a Ford V8. Moved by Lawr enc e , seconded by Jane that the r e co mme nda- tion of the Rommittee be concurred in. Roll call resulted as follows: Lawrence - yes Delaurenti - no Lewis - no Dunc alf. - no Plano - no Deacy - yes Jane - yes. Motion was lost. 11oved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that the bids be left in the hands of the city property committee for report next week. Carried. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the council as a whole attend a demonstration to be given by the bidders of the above cars at 6:15 June 26 on some of the city streets . Carried. ofL, Cher business, meeting adjo4aned. �' + YOR C ITY CLF RK 289 July 2, 1935. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis , Dunealf, Plano, Deacy and ,Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Mrs. Emily Henwood to reshingle house on Lot 4, Block 24, R. F. P. read. Moved by Jane , seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Mrs. Margaret Storey to repair floor in porch on Lot 7, Block 25, Town of Ranton read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of H. S. Gieldseth to remodel entrance to build- ing on `Hells St. and change stairway . Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Plano that same be grant- ed. Carried. Petition of Ernest Anderson to erect stand at 120 Mill St. read. Moved by Deacy seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. Communication read from Clarke Bros-expressing their appreciation to the Mayor & Council for their cooperation in the demonstration for the police department. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that same be received and filed. Carried. Communication read from Clarke Bros* stating that the city does ndit have to pay the Federal Tax and asking that same be deducted from their bid on the prowler which reduces the Ford V8, $21.70 or a net cost to the city of $613.30. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that the correction be made in the bid of Clarke Bros for Ford V8 to read, net cost to city of $613.30. Carried. St & Alley Committee reported favorably on petition of L. F. Mann to erect stand. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Deacy that the recommendation of the committee be concurred in. Carried. City Property reporting on prowler car reported that the majority of the committee were in favor of a Ford V8. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that the report of the majority of the committee be concurred in. Roll' Call being taken, resulted as follows: Lawrence - yes Delaurenti - no Lewis - no Duncalf - no 'Plano - no Deacy - yes Jane - yes Motion lost. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that we purchase a Plymouth Deluxe. Roll call on the motion resulted as follows: Lawrance - no Duna alf yes Delaurenti yes Plano yes Lewis yes Deacy no Jane no. Motion c'arri ed. 290 The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Pay Roll St. Dept, 453.88-10-11 Pay Roll Water Dept. 994.29-1682-86 Current Pay Roll St. Dept . 4422.83-4812-29 McPherson Furn & Hdw Co. Supplies- Park 6.12-4830 Toots Bunstine Park Labor 51.75-4833 Ed Munn it " 9 .00- 4 Chas Doak It " 9 .00 5 Geo . Highton It " 9.00 .6 ` Trick & Murray Supplies-Engr. 8.00 7 John Tachell Paint 6.39 8 Howard Tachell Painting 18.00 9 John Tachell Painting 19,04-4840 ' Robert Tachell Painting 10.80, 1 Will Tachell Painting 18.00 2 Pao. Tel m Tel . Co . Telephones 10.85 3 Eagle Cafe Prisoners meals 1.05 4 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 1.90 5 Renton Realty Co. Insurance 15.00,-4831 Ass 'n of Wash Cities Membership dues 20.00 4846 Seattle Gas Co. Gas 2.24 7 Wm. 'taller Labor 2.00 8 Washington Bindery Library Books 24.79 9 Stoneway Dock Co. Park Material 4.50-4850 E. Hyde Sharpening tools 2.40 1 Lowman & Hanford Supplies 16.15 2 D. D. Watson Dog Catcher 15.00-4811 Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Delaurenti that the reoommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Bill of the Renton Chronicle for printing in the amount of 4107.25 o . k. 'd by two members of the Finance Committee was presented. Motion to pay the bill was made but was declared out of order. It was then Moved by Plano , seconded by Delaurenti that a previous motion, to-wit: "that bill be tabled" be rescinded. After considerable dideussion on the question, pro and con, the Mayor informed the Council that he had figured to show that the bill was too high. The motion put to a roll call vote , resulted as follows: Lawrence - no Delaurenti - no Lewis - no Dunc alf - no Plano - yes Deacy - no Jane - no Motion lost. Floyd Lawrnce , on behalf of the American Legion asked the Mayor and Council and City officials to partiempate in the 4th of July garage. Moved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that we accept the invitation. Carried. Mr, A. Gowers complained of water standing in front of his property on Morris St. after a rain. The Mayor re- ' ferred the matter to the St & alley Committee for report. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk May o r 291 July 9, 19 35. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Cochran, Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Lewis, Duncalf, Deacy and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Mrs. Ethel Hughes to erect a garage on Lot 17, Block 6, R. F. P. read. Moved by Deacy, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of P. H. Greiser to reshingle house on Lot 23, Block 6 , Car Works Add. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Duncalf that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Mrs. Irene Scappini to make basement and remodel house on Lot 3, Block 27 , Town, read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Frank Manifold to break curb for driveway at 19 Wells St. read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Seattle das Company to do certain work on Morris St. between 5th & 7thAves. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Pacific Telephone Company to install one plank anchor, 1 - 11'rod and anchor guy on Burnett St. & 5th Ave. read. Moved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that same be referred to the St. Supt with power to act. Carried. Petition of L. F. Mann to break curb cn Meadow St. and Bronson Way North read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Delaurenti that same be referred to the St. & Alley Committee for report next Tuesday night . Carried. Communication read from Works Progress Administration and filed. Attorney Dobson reporting on the 3rd rive. North railroad crossing stated- tba.t he had a letter from the company ,in Which they refer to letter addressed to the city attorney under date of Sept. 23, 1932 which sets forth their reasons for objecting to a crossing. i Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that we aoknowledge receipt of the letter and refer the matter to the city engr to confer with the county engineer and report back to council* Carried. Moved by Delaurenti , seconded. by Lewis that we pur- chase a power control grader from the Western >Tractor & Qu.ipment Company provided they enter into a contract immediately to deliver the grader by July 20th or forfeit their contract. Roll Call on the motion resulted as follows: Lawrence No Delaurenti - Yes Lewis - Yes Dunc al f - Yes Deacy - No Jane - No The motion being a tie the Mayor cast his vote which was - No. Motion lost. Moved by Lawrence , seconded, by Jane that we rescind the previous motion of June 25th, for the purchase of i a caterpillar grader from Western Tractor & Equipment Co. The motion being put to a vote resulted as follows: Lawrence - Yes Delaurenti - No Lewi s - Yes Dunc alf - Yes Deacy - Yes Jane - Yes Motion carried* Reports of the Treasurer and. Clerk for the month of June read and f i 1 ed. Librariants report for the month of June read and, filed. Emergency Ordinance for the purchase of a prowler car and appropriating the sum of $685.00 read. Moved and seconded that samr be referred to the Ordinance Committee for report next week. Carried. The Mayor referred back to the communication re- ceived from "Works Progress Administration" and suggested that the public meet with the Mayor & Council on Friday at 8 P. M, in the City Hall to consider all projects that might be accept able to the work relief program, same to be submitted in writingo Fire Chief Dullahant gave a report on the Firemen's Convention in Spokane. Moved and seconded that the meeting adjourn to Wednesday at 7:30 P. M. July 10th. Carried, City Clerk May or 293 July 10, 1935. Adjourned meeting of the City Council was called to order by 7 :30 P. M. by Mayor Cochran. Now Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Lewis, Duncalf, 'Plano , Deacy and Jane. The purchase of a street grader came up for final disposition. The Mayor & St. Supt made verbal reports of their findings in Seattle as to delivery of grader etc, whereupon it was Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Lewis that we purchase the caterpillar grader from the Western Tractor & Equipment Co. , power control, provided they sign contract, July lith, guaranteeing delivery on July 20th. The motion put to a vote resulted as follows: Lawrence - No Delaurenti - Yes Lewis - Yes Duncalf - Yes Plano - Yes Deacy - No Jane - ,No Motion carried. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Deacythat a penalty of $100.00 a day be imposed for each day afer July 20th until gradQr, is deliveredr motion be amended' 1Q jead tat a Moved by Lewis, seconded by Delauren 1 hat ��ie penalty of 420.00 per day be imposed until delivery of grader is made, the date of delivery to be July 20th. The motion being put to a vote resulted as folllws: Lawrence - No Delaurenti - Yes Lewis - Yes Duncalf - Yes Plano - Yes Deacy - le Jane FSO Amended motion carried. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Deacy that a penalty of 420.00 per day be included in the contract for every day's failure to deliver grader after the 20th day of July. The motion being put to a vote resulted as follows: Lawrence - Yes Delaurenti Yes Lewis Yes Duncalf Yes Plano Yes Deacy Yes Jane Yes Motion carried. Motion to adjourn prevailed. 077 City Clerk I42ayor i 294 i ! July 16, 1935. Regular meeting of th-, City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Cochran. Minutes of the last meetings 'read and approved. Petition of L. E. Plano to erect a garage at 435 Cedar St. read.* Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Joe Thomas to reshingle house at 124 Pelly St. read. T.Zoved. by Lewis seconded by Dunc alf that same be granted. Carried. Petition of P. S. P. & L. Co . to replace pole at inter- section of Smithers St. and 7th Ave. read. Moved by Lewis, peconded by Duncalfthat same 'be granted. Carried. Petition of Raymond Paglio to tear down old house at 538 Burnett St. read. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Lewis that same be granted.' Carried. Petition of E. P. Wilson Co. to move house forward. 22 ft. on Lot 49 .Block 7 , Car storks read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that same be granted. Carried. Communication read from J. S. Covey relative to bonds in Dist 157. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Lewis that same be re- ` ferred to the city attorney action. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following bills : Current Pay Roll St. Dept. $394.08-4866-82 E. P. Wilson Co. agents Gravel 26.50-4883 See Lumber Co. Lumber 16.28 4 Packer-Scott Co. Supplies-Park 9.00 5 Standard Oil Co. Gas 182.59 6 Toots Buns tine Park Labor 49.50 7 Al Morgan's Ser. Sta. Gas 2.10 8 C. Haleway Labor - keys 6.60 9 E. Hyde Labor 2.60-4890 Wash. Liquid Gas Material - F. D. 2.00 1 West, Coast Hospital It F. D. 6.58 2 Joe Fillon Labor F. D. 2.25 3 Carl F. Roehet Typewriter F. D. 15.75 4 West Disinfecting Co. Supplies 5.00 5 Trick & Murray Supplies 27.50 6 Buader t s Jewelry Repair 'Mork 2000 7 Brendal Drug Co. Supplies 4.05 8 Waters Specialties Inc. n 3.25 9 Clarence Dullahant n F. Do 9.59-4901 E. N. Isackson Labor - F. D. 2.25 2 Renton News Record Printing 33.92 3 V. Armstrong & Sons Labor & Material 9 .05 4 Trick & Murray Furniture 49.50 5 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 323.10 6 Nom' Water Pay Ro 11 Water Dept. - 94.29 1691-4 Renton Auto Freight Drayage 18.77-1695 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 42.54 6 City of Seattle Fater 108.92 7 Grinnell Co. Material 20.73 8 Gas Fund Pay Roll $94.29-12-15 Diesel Oil Sales Co. Road Oil 66.87-16 Union Oil Co. Asphalt 53.30-17 Standard Oil Co. Road Oil 25.78-18 Moved by Lewis , seconded. by Delaurenti that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. The St & Alley Committee reported as follows on the L. F. Mann petition to break curb: That the curb be broke reserving 2 ft. on the north & south side of the sidewalk on Bronson "lay No* Moved by Lewis , seconded by Deacy that the report be accepted and recommendations carried out under the: superivison of the St. Supt . Carried. Ordinance No. 954 appropriating the sum of $685.00 for the purchase of a police prowler car was reported as favorable by the Ordinance Committee and passed on to its second and third readings, and passed as a whole , all council- men present voting aye: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deaay and Jane, The question of drainage of the Betz greenhouse to be carried under the parking strip was discussed. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Planb that same be referred to the St. Supt. with power to act . Carried. St. Supt , reporting on larger water pipes on Benson Highway as requested by property owners in that district stated that it would cost approximately $333.00. Moved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that the matter be referred to the Fire , Light & Water Committee and St. Supte to take up with the property owners and make recommendation to the Council. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor 296 f t t . 1 f • 1 1 t � 297 July 23, 1x35 Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. IT. by Mayor Cochran. Roll call; Lawrence, Lewis, Duncalf, Deacy, and Jane. ��✓ The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Petition of Itrs. Irene Scappini to connect with sewer on Burnett Street, Lot 3, Blk. 27 read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis, that petition be granted, under supervision of street superintendent. Carried. Petition from City Light to replace four poles on the west side of Logan Street and thriteen poles on the North side of Second Avenue read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by D- y, that same be granted under super- vision of street super intend ent� "'Re�commended by street superintendent that poles on Second Avenue be set back. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf, that recommendation be concurred in. Carried. Communication from Allen and Church in regard to removal of pipe line read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Deacy, that same be referred to city engineer and city attorney foriecommendation. Carried. Fire, light, and water committee recommends city offer Benson property owners the labor necessary to install pipe, if property owners furnish all materials. Moved by Jane, seconded by Lawrence, that recommendations be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Cler 11ayor zse II I • 299 e� Renton, Washington, July 30th, 1935. The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Petition of Pilary C. Peterson to operate lunch room at 359 Factory St. was read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that the Petition be granted. Carried. The matter of Third Avenue extension was brought up and after some discussion the Payor stated that for the benefit of 'those present that any one having any project in mind that would create jobs, same could be presented at any time. On motion by Lawrence, s--conded by Delaurenti that assigp4ment of lease at Comfort Station be aplroved and the City Attorney to prepare papers. Carried. In the matter of Church and Allen it was referred back to Fire, Light & Water Committee; City Engineer and City Attorney for further investigation. In regard to requests from Benson road property owners for water, Mayor suggested Fire, Light `�' Water Committee look up Ordinance relative water consumers outside City in order to ascertain how far the City can go in furnishing such service. No further business, meeting adjourned. CITY-CLERK PRO-T�24 YOR "+ 300 August 6, 1935. Regular session of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deaoy. Minutes of the last meeting read and ai,proved.. Petition of Ed Cross to make addition to house on Lot 6, Block 6 , Car Works read:. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be grant- ed. Carried. Petition of E. P. Wilson to remodel house at 400 Cedar St . read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that same be granted. Carried. Petition of G. ISI. Townsend to remodel garage at 118 Pelly St. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be grant- ed. Carried. Petitionmof Mrs. J. 0. Edwards to reshingle house at 525 Tobin St. read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted. Carried. Petition of See Lumber Co. for Mrs . J. Hancock to ea- lafti garage 8 ft. at 126 Logan St . read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Plano that same be granted. i Carried. Petition of property owners on Williams St. between 2nd Ave. & Walla 'Halla Ave. asking for the widening off' Williams St. read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Delaur en ti that same be i referred to the city attorney and city engineer for checking and to vcrk out a project plan for Federal aid. Carried. i Communication read from Auburn Post inviting the city to participate in their Auburn Day celebration August 10th, read. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- went the following: Current Pay Roll St. Dept. X365.34-4928-39 V. Armstrong & Sons Prowler Car 685. -4909 Paul Weiss Park Labor 4.50-4912 D. D. Watson Dog Catcher 15.00-4927 J. E. Vioue Supplies .95-4940 Joe Fillon F. D. Labor 9.00 1 Art Anderson 't " " 2.25 2 H. Fiskaali " " " 11.25 3 Wm. Waller Labo r 2.00 4 Paget Sound Mews C o. Library Exp . 10.85 5 Lowman & Hanf ord It Books 9 .55 6 J.W.Pifer & Co. It it 31 .50 7 The Macmillan Co. tt " 5.96 8 C. Hal eway Park Exp. 1.80-4949 Pao . T 1 & Tel. Co. Telephones 16.20-4950 N.P.Ryo Freight 1.16 1 Western Office Supply Co. Supplies 7.30 2 Seattle Gas Co. Gas 2.68 3 W. J.Stevenson Supplies 1.00 4 Tonkins Cafe Pris ote rsneals 50.65 5 IT. J. Manger S-pplie s 1.00-4910 n 301 Current State Treasurer Driverst Licenses $4.00-4956 Art Bei 1 r s Garage Labor & Material 10.30 7 Standard Oil Co. Gas 99.47 8 Hub City Chev Labor & Material 1.02 9 Reid & Cook Labor & Material 43.27-4960 Gladding,MeBean & Co. Material 66.07 1 Pao. Car & Foundry Material 17.08 2 Renton Feed Co. Supplies 23.50 3 E. Hyde Labor 8.10 4 Western Tractor & Equipment Tractor eta. 3207.05 5 John Dower Lumber Co. Material 6.48 6 Hooker-Electrochemical Chlorine 285.00 7 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 174.77 8 Frank- E. Rhodes Labor & Material 7.25 9 Toots Buns tine Park Labor 58.50-4970 V. Armstrong & Sons Labor & Material 34.75 1 Water Pay Roll Water Dept. 71.84-1702-4 City of Seattle Water 136.56-1705 Frank E. Rhodes Material 12.85- 6 VJallave Merman " 4.83 7 Grinnell Co. " 94.23 8 Gas Fund Pay Roll X558.52-19-36 Moved by Delaurent i, seconded by Lewis that the re- commeneation of the committee be concurred in. Carried. Fire, Light & Water Committee reporting on the Allen claim stated that Mr. Allen was asking $2000.00 for a small strip of land and water rights with reservations for a certain amount of water and recommended that same be left in the hands of The attorney. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Deacy that the report of the a-ommittee be accepted and recommendation concurred in. Carried. Fire, Light & Water Committee , stated that they had make an investigation of the Benson Highway matter and recommend- ed that the motion relative to city furnishing labor stand as regommended in a former motion. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Lewis that the chief order a warning button or flash for the end of Wells St. South and have proper sign installed indicating that same is a blind street. Carried. The City engineer asked that a certificate ai,prov- ing the project as prepared, by the city engineer be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk and accompany the "Project Proposal" to be submitted to the Federal Works Administraion. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Deacy that the above suggestion be concurred in. Carried. No Jhrther business, meeting adjourned. Mayor Lit City Clerk Aug. 13, 1935. Council met in regular session at 8 P. Id. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti , ,Lewis , Duncdl.f ar.l Minutes of the last meeting read aril app 3mved. Communication read from Pacific Coast association of Fire Chiefs. Moved by Lawrence, seconded. by Delaur en ti that same be referred to the Fire Dept, for recommendation. Carried. Mr. W. G. Love asked for the indorsement aril support of the City Council in putting over a project to open and clean out the channel of Black Rivers also that some represent- ative attend the meeting of County Commissioners. The Mayor & Council endorsed. ,the prWect and promised their support. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Lewis that a notice be published 'asking that all citizens remove dry grass and clean up their vacant lots. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk I ' J 4 May or -, 303 August 20 , 1936 . Meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. AT. by Mayor Cochran presiding . Roll Call : Lawrence, Delaur enti , Lewis , Dunealf and Plano., Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Joe T. Edwards to maw addition to LiE7hthouse on 3r(i Ave . West read. Moved by Deaey , seconded by Duncalf that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Mrs. Margaret Erickson to reshingle house at 532 Tobin St. read. Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Duncalf that same be granted. Carried. Petition of property owners on Williams St. asking for installation of street lights# read. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Delaurentii, that same be referred to the city engr and city attorney. Carried.. The Finance Committee audited and. recommended for payment the following bills : Current Pay Roll St . Dept. $324.49-4984-98 Seattle Wa.xine Co. Supplies 31.50-4999 C. Haleway Making keys 2.40-5000 J. C. Kirkman F. D. Expense 10.30 1 Service Ldry Laundry 19.70 2 Renton Realty Insurance 10.00 3 Western Office Supply Supplies 23.32 4 Pao. Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones 18.70 5 J. S. Hardie Supplies 1.71 6 See Lumber Co. Park - Lumber 2.76 7 Funk & Wagnalls Library Expense 6.15 8 John W. Dobson Atty. Expense 1.00 9 E. Hyde Labor on tools 2.60-5010 Renton Feed Co. Supp),ies 8.45 1 Gladding .McBean & Co. Sewer Pipe 25.32 2 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 326.06 3 Renton auto Freight Drayage 9.65 . 4- Western Tire Service Material 6.35 5 Trimm Fuel Co. Fuel 12.68 6 Toots Bunstine Park Labor 54.00 7 Water Pay Roll Water Dept. 80.82-1714-16 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 38.79-1717 Renton Feed Co. Supplies 3.20 8 D. Alexander Material 1.50 9 Federal Pipe & Tank Material 39, 49-1720 Gas Fund Pay Roll $510.55-39-5t Home Oil Co. St. Oil 231.26-56 Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Lawrence that thr: recommendation be concurred in. Carried. Reports of the Treasurer and Clerk for the month of July read and filed. Librarian's report covering the month of July read and filed. 304 Moved by Lawr enc e , seconded by Delaur enti that the widening of Williams St. be submitted to the P. W. A. as a works project. Carried. Moved by Plano , seconded by Delaurenti that the engro be instructed to bring in an estimated cost for the widening and extension of Third Ave. and the erection of a new bridge to connect with the Maplevalley highway. Carried. Moved by Lewis , se Bonded by Lawreno e that signs indicat- ing the street be placed where necessary, in the judsnent of the St. Supt. Carried. 1 I City Clerk Mayor i 1 kug. 28, 1935. .Council met in regular session at 8 P. ISI. with Mayor Cochran presid-ing. Roll Call: Lawrence, Lewis , Duncalf, Plano , Deacy and Jane . Minutes of the last meeting read and a_,)proved. Petition of 0. B. Evans to repair foundation of house on Lot 8, Block 8, Car 71orks read. Iaoved by Jane, seconded by Plano that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Geo , W. Custer for Dan McGovern to erect house and garage at corner of 3rd &. Shattuck St . read. Moved by Plano , seconded by Dulicalf that same be grant ed-. Carried., Petition of u . Rig on to move house back 15 ft at 408 7th Ave. So. , read:. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Peter Dullahant to remodel house on Lot 10, Block 2, R. F. P. read. IaIroved by Lewis , seconded by nano that same be grante Carried. Resolution leo. 474, aithorizing the City Engineer to file application for a loan and grant in financing the construct- ion of widening Williams St . read. 140, I,loved by Lawrence , seconded by Lewis that same be adopted. Carried. Third rive. extension was discussed. but not enough data presented for action of the Council. A special meeting of the: Council was called for Friday august 30th for final disposition of the 3rd xve .. project. No further business, meeting adjourned.. i City Clerk Mayor 306 3®7 Sept. 3 , 1935. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call: Lawrence, Lewis , Dune alf, Plano , De aoy �.. and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of J. Browne to tear down old garage and erect new one on Lot 23, Block 1, Smithers read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that same° be granted. Carried. Petition of F. Giggli to reshingle house at 725 Renton Ave. read. Moved by Plano , seconded by Duncalf that same be granted. Carried. Petition of property owners on Third Ave. for the extension of 3rd Ave . read. Moved by Jane, seconded by Deacy that same be referret:L to the City Engr. for checking. Carried. Communication read from Dept. of Public Lands grant- ing permission to clear out the old river channel of �lok River. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that same be receiver and filed for reference. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: Current St. Dep t. Pay Roll .$316.95-5034-44 Engr. Dept . It It 12,47-5033 D. D. Watson, Dog Catcher 22.50 5032 Water Dept * Pay Roll 114.49-1723-29 Gas Fund. Pay Roll St. 579.85-57-78 Emmon Beil, Labor & Material on arbor Jones Park 74.00-5046 Toots Bunstine - Park Labor 58.50-5045 Seattle Gas Co. Gas 2.24-5047 Moved by Lewis, seconded by Jane that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Chief Stewart recommended that caution signals be placed on 3rd Ave. at "Jells and Williams St. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Plano that the recommenda- tion be concurred in. Carried. Resolution No . 475 asking for a loan and grant from Federal Emergency to aid in the extension of Third Ave. read. Moved by Lawrence , s ec oncled by Lewis that same be adopt e d. C arri ed. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Lewis that the old building in rear of city hall be tern down. Carried., , �— No further business, meeting adjourned* City Clerk Mayor. 308 Sept . lm, 1935 . Regular meeting of the City Council was called to otd.er at 8 P. I.r. By Vim. Jane, Mayor Pro Tem. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti Lewis, Dunc alf and Deacy. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of S. D. LeBlanc to 'resurface room of I . I.O.F. Hall read. Moved by Delaur enti , seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. ° Petition of R. H. Morri son to remodel houseat 112 iima St. No. read. iioved by Lawrence, seconded by Dunealf that same be granted.. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- men t th e following: Current Western Union Telegram 4.75-5059 John Dower ,umber Co. Lumber 7.46-5060 Hub Cite Chev Labor & Katerial 6.43 1 0. Priebe it It it 6.52 2 Xestern Tire Service Material 7.00 3 Pac. Car & Fdry It 8.78 4 Gla dd.irig ,McBean & Co. Brick 7 .40 5 art Beil's Garage Labor & Material 76.60 6 V. Armstrong w So4.s Material 1.85 7 Renton Hdw & Furn, Supplies 11.47 8 Tom Dobson & Soris. Inszrand a 84.90 9 Reid & Cook Supplies 4.80-5070 Remington Rand Inc, Mch Nork 10.00 1. 'Nilliam s & McKni.ght Police � ens e 50.05 2_ Good 71ill Old Rags 2.00 31 Sanitary Supply, Co . Supplies 4.80 4 Bancroft 'Whitney Co. Law Books 10.p0 S H. Fiskalli F. D. Labor 9 .00 6 "Im. ':faller Labor 4,`50 7 Service Laundry, Ldry 15.95 8 P. S. P. & L. C o. Lights 318.89 9 McPherson Fern & Hdw Co. Supplies 8.86-5080 Union Oil Co. Gas 153.86 1 D.D.Watson alater Dog Catcher 22.50 2 P. S. P. &: L. Co. Power 53.67-1734 Grinnell Co. Material 10.18 5 } Renton Feed Co. n 10.00 6 City of Seattle ,'later 166.72 7 Clarke Bros Motor Co . Labor & Material 4.45 8 Gas Fund 11cPherson Furn. & Hdw Co . Material 55.05-79 Stoneway Dock It 46.75-80 National Bank of Cornmerce ,Assirfss, Material 30.00 81 Renton Auto Freight, Drayage 9 .65-82 Union Oil Co. St. Material 76.00-83 Home Gil Co . Moved by Lewis, s St. Material 622.58-44 econded by Lawrence that the report - of the Committee be concurred in. Cki=ED. to 309 I "I by ;awrenc e, seconded. by Lewis that the St . Supt be authorized to go ahead with the labor on the Benson Highway when the' material- is furnished by the residents. Carried. j Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Duncalf tiat the st. Supt dispose of the material in old building in rear of oity'hall as he sees fit . Carried. 0" Resorts of the Treasurer and Clerk for the month of gugust read and filed. Librarian's, rep ort for the month of August read and f i le do No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor 310 Sept. 17 , 1935. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. ,71. by Mayor 0 . No Cochran. Roll Call : Lawrence, Delaurenti, Lewis, bu.nealf, Plano , Deacy & Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The Finance Committee a--.dited. and recommended for payment the following : Current Pay Roll St. Dept. :'274.99-5083-92 Toots Bunstine Park Labor 45.00 51P3 'Water Pay Roll 62.86-1739-42 Gas Fund Pay Roll 9560 .50-86-101 ;:loved. by Lawrence , seconded by Lewis that the recommendation of the committee be concurred in. Carried. Claim in the amount of "'20.00 for damage done to pasture was filed by G. Leno. Idoved by Lawrence , seconded by Lewis that the claim be referred to the City Lttorney , ',Vater Supt ani the Finance. Claims :;ornmittee . Prelii$inary budget for the year 1936 was read. ,roved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that same be adopted as read. Carried. St. Supt recommended the purchase of an electric drill costing about 918.00. Moved by Plano, seconded by Lewis that same be I referred to the City Property Committee with power to act. Carried. City Engr made the following recommendations : That we monument the city at a cost not to exceed 4250.00; That the ordinances be codified at a cost not to exceed : 125 .00. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that the project for codification of ordinances be endorsed and the city engr instructed to submit the project. Carried. George Dobson, representative of the Young Dens organization suggested to the Council that the Park be fenced, lighted and the field used for night football and baseball games. The Mayor referred the matter to the city attorney and Park Board and suggested that a special meeting be arranged with the Board to discuss the matter and report back to the Council. No furhter business, meeting adjourned. I City Clerk Y,ayor �., 311 Sept. 24, 1935. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. 11. by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call: Lawrence, DOIurenti, Lewis , bunc alf, piano , Deacy and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and al,proved Petition of 11. Jorgensen to reshingle house and erect ( garage on Lot 4, Block 2 , R. F. P. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Mary Tamborini to put on composition roof on house on Lot 16, Block 4, Smithers Addition, Moved by Plano , seconded by Duncalf that same be granted. Carried.. Petition of Jobie White to erect double garage and, shed for trucks on Lot 3, Block 9 , R. F. P. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by DunaaIff that same- be granted. Carried. Petition of Seattle Gas Company to 4ay gas mains on Garden ,.ve. read. I.I.oved by Jane , seconded by Lewis that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the followinV: Current Renton Chronicle, To ,printing : 81.00 -5209 I,Ioved , by Lewis , seconded by Delaur ent i that the recommendation of the committee be concurred in. Carried. Health Officer Mikkelsen reported pn health conditions in general and. stated that something should be done to blot out smallpox. The Clerk was instructed to write to the County Health Dept. asking their cooperation. Protest was made about cars of the Seattle Renton Valley lines parking on tracks between Burnett and Logan Sts all day long* , The city attorney was instructed to write the Seattle line about the matter. l:Toved. by Lewis , seconded by Duncalf that the crossing of the �N. P. , Ry at 71alla Walla & Burnett St. which is_ in -----, bad condition be referred to the St c, slley Committee and the City attorney f or rep ort next meeting night . Carried, No further business, meeting adjourned.. City Clerk V1 312 Oct. 1, 1935 . Regular meeting of the City Council was calleat to order at 8 P. Me By Mayor Cochrane Roll Call: Lawrence , Delaurenti, Lewis, Dunealf, Deacy and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Chas J. Faull to tear down old garage and erect new one at 724 Renton Ave. read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that same be granted. Carried. Petition of J. He McKnight to reroof part of ,roof of bakery shop on 3rd Ave. read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Deacy that same be grant- ed. Carried. Petition of Me Rees to reshingle house on Lot 4, Block 12, Town of Renton, read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Application of T. L. Keller for license to operate a skating rink in Masonic Hall Read. i Police and License Committee reported favorably on same whereupon it was Moved by Jane, seconded by Duncalf that license be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Pay Roll St. Dept. X294.56-5210-20 it n Engre Dep t. 9 .98-5194-5221 Standard oil Co. Gas 88.38-5222 Charles Re "watts & Co. Material 16.79- 3 Jesse Young Labor & Material 6.00 4 !Nm. 71aller Labor 2.00 5 McPherson Furn & Hdw Supplies 16.55 6 Renton News Record Printing 37 .95 7 Seattle Gas Co. Gas 2.68 8 0. Priebe Labor & Material 6.50 9 E. Hyde Labor on tools 11.70-5230 J E. Vioue Supplies 1.15 1 i Pioneer Rubber Stamp Supplies 1•2,5 2 Strnard' s Photo Shop F. D. Exp . 24.00 r4 D. D . luatson Dog Catcher , 5 F.S.Cooks, Map 2`50 Trimm Fuel Co. Fuel 31.50 6 11m. Kane Labor 5.00 7 54.00 8 Toots 3unstine Park Labor Tonkins Cafe Prisoners Meals 40.65 9 Waters Specialties Supplies 6.25-5240 8.55 1 Packer-Scott Co. Supplies pace Tel , & Tel . C o. Telephones 16.35 2 Lou Cross Park Supplies 4.00 3 Frank E. Rhodes Labor & Material 24.40 4 Library Books 8.48 5 J.V1.Graham & Co. n ,t 76.08 6 Hertzberg Bindery 11 „ 9 .70 7 Lowman & Hanford 313 H. R. Huntting Co. Library Books $171.91-5248 Junior Literary Guild t' Tt 7.56 9 Puget Sound News Co. 't It 3.00-5250 Dan McGovern, I'. '0 -nvelopes 74.64 1 Water Fund Pay Roll Water Dept, 53.88-1745-47 Grinnell Co. Material 15.22-1748 State Gasoline Fund Pay Roll $424.30-102-16 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Delaurenti that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. St . & Alley Committee reporting on the crossing at Burnett & '.galla `Halla recommend that the Pao. Coast company be notified to repair same . Moved by Lewis, seconded by Lawrence that the report be received and recommendation carried out . Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. ,e2 417 0111/ City Clerk Mayor 314 Oct. 7 , =1935. A SPECI�� 1,EENING OF TH CITY COUNCIL I WAS CiLLED TO ORDER X'�T 8 P. i'_. BY MAYOR COCHRAN f FOR PURPOSE OF kDOPTING BUDGET. ROLL Ci LL: Lawrence , Del aur enti , Leviis , Dunc alf, Deacy and Jane . .There beim; no objection to the budget as read, it wa,s Moved by Jane, seconded by Lawrence that same be adopted as read. Carried. Meeting a._,,, :uitxwa. C i.,r C le.rk Mayor 315 October 8, 1935. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. a7. by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call. Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis, DunOalf, Plano, Deaey and Jane . Minutes of the last regular and special meeting read and app ro ve d. Petition of Edw F. Betz to reroof garage on Lot 8, Block 23, R. F. P. read. !Roved by Plano , seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of iirs. H. Evans to reshingle store building occupied by Chili Nook on 3rd _eve. read. Moved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that same be referred to the Fire , Light & ':Fater Committee with power to act. Carried. Petition of John Peternel to make addition to house at 541 Wells St. 'read. Moved by Plano , seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted. Carried. Petition of '11. Hoyt to repair house and two garage at 220 and 228 Park _eve. read, 141oved by Lawrence, seconded by Duncalf that same be , granted. Carried. Petition of Clarence Dullahant to tear down house on Lots 1 arra. 2, Block 2 , Morgans Grand View riddition read. T-Aov e d by Jane, seconded by Dunc a if that same be -- granted. Carried. Petition of James I. Price to move in garage from Newcastle and reshingle part of house at 226 Main St. read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Deacy that the reshingling of house be referred o the Fire , Light &: '.'7ater Committee and Fire Chief with power to act and the petition for garage be denied. Carried. Communication read from I:ss. C. A. Kendtner relative Ito dogs. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Duncalf that same be referred to the Chief o1 Police. Carried. Reports of the Treasurer and Clerk for the month of September read and filed. Librarian's report for month of September read and filed& I Moved by Jane, seconded by Plano that all street lights! be referred to the Fire, Light & :'Fater Committee and Police- Department for checking and report. Carried. Ordinance No. 955 , adopting a budget for the year 1936 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Ordinance No. 956, fixing the amount of tax levies for the year 1936 read and on motion referredto the Ordinance "` Committee. 316 The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 955, whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen ypresent voting y - ewis Du .calf Plano Deacy aye . Lawrence, Delaurenti , L > > � and Jaye . Ordinance No. 956 was reported favorable by the Ordinance Committee, whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis , Duncali, Plano, Deacy and Jane. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Delaur enti that a letter of thanks and appreciation be sent the Eagles Band for the serenade prior to Council meeting. Carried. Fire Chief Dullahant brought to the attention of the Council certain parades in Renton which were preceded by cars blowing sirens and requested that sirens be reserved for i emergency purposes only. The Mayor instructed the Chief of Police to give the Fire Chief full cooperation in this matter. The Fire Chief invited the Magor & Council to visit the Club room and view the exhibits pertaining to fire preven- tion week. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk I May o r 317 Oct. 159 1935. Council met in regular session at 8 P. Ivi. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence , Delaurenti , Lewis, Duncalf, Plano , Deacy aid Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved, Petition of h. Shearer to erect house and garage on Lot in Block 24, Town, read. I,,loved by Lewis , seconded by Dunc al f that s am be grant eu. Carried. Petition of Joe Paglia to pattition store building at 305 71ells St . read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by 21ano that same be granted. Carried. Application for card table license for R. Bellanda at Snappy Tavern read. Same was ap piuv ed by Police & Lie. Committee . IVtoved by Plano , seconded by Duncalf that the application be grant ed. Carried. Petition of James Price: to enlarge mod shed at 226 Iain St. read. Moved by Plano , seconded by Deacy that same be granted. Carried , The Financ e Cofamittee audit ed and r eeommended for payment the f ollowinE: Current Pay Roll St . Dept. X214.61-5263-69 Tonkins Cafe Prisoners meals 23.10-5270 P. S. P. L, L. Coo Ligh is 32(' .32 1 `,fest Coast Hospital Supply F. D. Material 4.30 2 Renton News Record F. D. Printing 9.25 3 floe Fillon F. D. Labor 4.50 4 Elmer Kangas F. D. LaL)or 4.50 5 Bill Klinga F. D. Labor 2.25 6 Han o Fi skal li F. D. Labor 31.50 7 Frank E. Rhodes , F. D . M terial 1.50 8 Kroll Map Co . Maps 1.75 9 Puget Sound News Co. Library Books 4.88-5280 H. R. Huntting Co. Library Books 3.85 1 A. Frank Allen Labor 3.00 2 National Fire Prevent. Assn F. D. Llaterial 1.00 3 Service Laundry R Cleaners Ldry, F. D. 1.80 4 Toots Bunstine Park Labor 49 .50 5 Art Beils Garage Labor & Material 2.95 6 Clarke Bros Moto r Co. F. D. Labor 1.60 7 Shell Oil Co . Gas 70.53 8 markwell Seattle Co. Supplies 4 .65 9 C. Haleway Polic e Exp . 1.60-5290 .`lilliams & McKnight F. D. Supplies .72 1 ;,fat e r Pay Roll `,Mater Dept. 134.70-1752-59 Grinnell Co. Material 3.92-1760 �.. P. S. P. & L. C o. Power 38.08 1 City of Seattle later 97 .80 2 State Gas Fund. Pay Roll 366.43-118-35 Columbia Lumber Co. Itiaterial 4 .60-136 Stoneway Dock " 90.00 7 John Dower Lumber Co. " 105.03 8 Renton Auto Freight Drayage 18.57 9 XxX xxx=7 xi t d. 1A. Keyes Fuel 4.00- 1 See Lumber Co. Ilaterial ;'220 .92-142 mloved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Fire, Light & Vlater Committee reporting on petition referred to them recommend that pe tit ion be granted ..r► provided they use composition shingles. - I,,ioved by Lewis , seconded by Dunc alf that the reyoort be accepted and recormiend.ations carried out . Carried. A. Beerman presented bonds , in Dist 162 for payment . Moved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that same be referred to the city atto iney . Carri ed. St . Supt reported the larger water mains had been installed on the Benson Highway . No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor e 319 Oct. 22, 1935. Council met in regular session at 8 P. %.':. with mayor 6ochran presiding . Roll Call: Lawrence , Lewis , Duncalf, Deacy and Jane6 minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Louis Delaurenti, Jr. to remodel roof of house on Lot 2, Block 20, R. F. P. read. T�Ioveu by Lewis ,, seconded by Duncalf that s&me be granted. Carried. City Attorney recommended that Bonds No . 11 to 17 inc * in Dist 162 be paid out of the Guaranty Fund. Ordinance No. 957 authorizing the Mayor & City Clerk to issue a warrant in the amount of VUO. against the Gua rant y Fund read ani on .motion referred to the 0 rc-i nanc e Committee., The Ordinarce Committee reported favorably on Ord. Np . 957 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third read- ings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence , Lev:ls, Duncalf, Deacy and Jane . Moved. by Lawrence, seconded by Deacy that the mechanics at the garage and the garbage helper be given an in- crease of 50� per day beginning T ov. 1st. Carried No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk i Mayor 32 Oct. 290 1935. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M* by 11ayor Cochran. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis, Duncalf, Plano and Janes Minutes of the last m�:eting read and approved. Petition of R. F. Benton to reshingle house on Lot 12, Block 2, Car 'Works read. Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Lewis that sane be granted. Carried. Petition of Joe Monti to repair and remodel house on Lot 3, Block '5, R. F. P. read. Loved by Legis , seconded by Duncalf that same be gral ted. Carried. Petition of P. S. P. & L. Co. to make certain replace- j ments and set one guy anchor on certain streets read, Loved by Lawrence, seconded by Delaurenti that same be referred to the St. Supt for his approval, with power to ,act Carried. Yo further business, meeting adjourned.. City Clerk mayor 321 Nov. 5 , 1935. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. 11,11. by IMayor Cochran, Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis , Dunealf, Plano , Deacy and Jane . Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following : Current Pay Roll St. Dept. :„;498.23-5307-23 Eagle Signal Corp . St . Signals 127 .07-5Z61 Renton Feed Co. Material 3.20 6 Seattle Gas Co. Gas 2.61 7 Western Office Supply Supplies 4.40 8 Waters Specialties , Inc 't 8.20 9 Al IvIorgans Repair Work 1.00-5330 Pao. Tel & Tel . Co . Telephones 15 .35 1 Tom Dobson & Son > Insurance 34.x;0 2 'gym. "Faller Labor - 2.00 3 AT.c 'herson _urn Supplies 2.50 4 Cragin & Co. wla.terial 517 .05 � Clarke Bros 1v,otor Co. " 19.61 6 E. Hyde Labor on tools 3.80• 7 TIePa€;e, McKenny Pole w installation 100.00 8 1estern Tire service Material 2.15 9 Gladding ,McBean & Co. Material 21.74-5340 Reid & Cook " 11.12 1 Shell Oil Co. Gas 122.86 gxx 4AV;G1 i Renton Hdw & Furn 90.70 4 J. G. GILL CO. Library Books 7.48 5 Lowman Hanford It " 19 .91 6 Reino Rosenstrom Fire Dept. Exp . 5 .00 7 Sanderson Safety Supply It it It 4.50 8 Toots Bunstine Park Labor 45.UO 8 0. Priebe Labor on tools 3.20-5350 D. D. latson Dog Catcher 19.50 5306 Vater Pay Roll 'rater Dept. 62.86-1765-7 Olympic Foundry Oo . Material 42.00 1769 City of Seattle dater 47 .48-1770 Chas H. Harden & Co. Ialaterial 2.43 1 Reid & Cook 1T 2'50 2 Grinnell Co . ' 9.84 3 State Gas Fund Pay Roll X159 .15-143-9 Stoneway Dock Co . 39 .00-152 Standard Oil Co. ksphalt 103.96 151 ;;loved by Lewis, seconded by Jane that the report of yhe committee be received and concurred. in. Carried. The Finance-Claims Committee reporting on the l,zzolo claim for damages reported unfavorably. .�„ Moved. by Lewis, seconded by Jane that the report be received and claim denied. Carried. Resorts of the Treasurer and City Clerk for the month of October read and filed. Librarian' s report read and. filed. No further business, meeting adjourned. '1 UlT y er v Gro+ November 12, 1935. Council met in regular session at S P. jsl. with J.Iajor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence , Delaurenti, Lewis , Duncalf, Plano and Jane . minutes of the last meeting read and ajproved. Petition of Gilbert Belmonda to erect house and. garage on Lot 10, Block 27 , Town, read. Moved by Lawrence, pecondea by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of telex Cugini to erect garage on Lot 1, Block 2 , 7ood addition read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that same be granted. Carried. Petition of P. S. L. Co. to set one pole at the corner of Shattuck & Tobin St. read. Idovedd by Lewis, seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted under the superivision of the St. Supt. Carried. ngr. reported that work would begin immediately on the Park job which would. be under the * . P. h. i No further business , meeting, adjourned.' City Clerk I mayor D i 323 Council met in regular session at 8 P. Me with .'iayor Cochran 'pre siding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Lewis , Duncalf, Deacy and Jane. 1inutes of the last meeting read and aygproved. Petition of Taus. Hilma Kuhonen to erect garage on Lot 9 , Block 33, Smithers iiddition read. Moved by Jane, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Vim. Strain, Jr. to erect a Service Station on Lot 8, Block 1, Car 'JIorks :add. also move house from Lot 8 to Lot 7, read. vioved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be referred to the St & Alley Committee and St. Supt with povier to act. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following; Current Pay Roll St . Dept. 9434.46-5364-81 Cliff Toakey, Dues, Puget Sd Ass 'n. 5.00 5363 7illiams & Swanson Labor & I aterial 2.85 5382 Art Beil' s GaraLe It It 8.95 3 C. Beaven it It 1.50 4 Shearer's Sheetmetal It it 7.00 5 Eagle Cafe Prisoners meals 5. 60 1*7 P. S. P. & L. Co . Libhts 323.37 8 Fred Uder Prisoners meals -1.00 9 Renton iuto Freight Drayage 1.00-5390 Lyle J. Ficklin '.lash State Dues , F. D. 3. 00 1 Service Lauddry & Cleaners Laundry 15.65 2 J. R. Storey Fuel 20.35 3 Bishop & Jenkins Fuel 8.89 4 Gaylord 3ros Library Books 7 .25 5 Puget Sound. News Co. " It 4.68 6 H. R. Huntting Co. " It 3.31 7 Puget Sound News Co. " " 18.75 8 Harry Hartman " it 54.64 9 Renton News Record Printing & Supplies 7.32-5400 V. Armstrong & Sons L .bor & Material (Police ) 5.25 1 ''Inters Specialties Co . Supplies 1.25 2 J. S. Hardie Labor & Material 4.00 3 Toots Bunstine Park Labor 42.75 4 V. Armstrong & Sons Labor & 1-Iaterial (Fire Dept ) 79 .80 5 E.lme r Klinga Fire Dept . Labor 4.50 6 Union Oil Co . Material 39.61 7 Pao. Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones 13.85 8 Lawrence Fuel & Tsfr Fuel 27 .90 9 Renton Clothing Co . Fire Dept. 'Ecp. 3.40-5410 ':later Pay Roll ,later Dept. X44.90-1777-78 J. S. Hardie Material 2.31 9 P.S.P.& L. Co. Power 38.50-1780 Gas Fund Pay Roll x`71.84-153-7 Renton New Record Printing Supplies X4.20-158 i i 324 Renton nut o Freight Drayage X5.60-159 Standard Oil Co. asphalt 31.31-160 !loved by Lewis , seconded by Delaurenti that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business , meeting adjourned. v :;ity Ci6rk �;_ay o r 325 November 26, 1935. Council met in regular session at 8 P. II, with mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Delaurenti , Lewis, Duncalf, Plano , Deacy and, Jane, T,rinutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of W. J. Walkup to erect garage at 246 Pelly St. read. Moved by Duncalf, seconded by Jane , that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Zeb Shearer to erect a 50 ft. sidralk on 71illiams St. read. 11oved by Jane, seconded by Duncalf that same be grant- ed under the supervision of the city engr and street Sunt . Carried, Councilman Jane reported on the Regional meeting of 'Jashington cities held at auburn on the 25th, which he and the Mayor attended. The question of a, stoker in the City Hall was dis- cussed. Moved by Plano, seconded by Lewis that same be re- ferred to the City 2roperty Committee for investigation �nd re)ort. Carried. Mr. Pasco, representative of the Commercial Club asked the cooperation of the city in decorating the streets for the Christmas festivities. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Delaurenti that we endorse the movement . Carried. -.Moved by Jane, seconded by Deacy that we transfer the following: 4x100 . from L. I . Genl Fund to Dist 115 ; X37 .00 from L. I. Genl to Dist 120 . Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Z,,�Y4. May or s — Ilei December �, 1930. Regular meeting of the City Council, was called to order at 8 P. 1�1. By Mayor Cochran. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis, Duncalf, Deacy and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and. aliproved. Petition of T. Cugini to erect a garage and ;creak curb at 6th rive . So. rectao moved by Jane , seconded by Lewis that same be, granted. Carried. Communication aria contract r for the 1936 chlorine received from Hookerelectrochemical Co. 11oved by Lewis, seconded by Jane that same be referred- to eferredto the city attorney for recommendation. Carried:. Easement from PacificCoast R. R. to City for right to maintain and construct a drainage pioe line between i-,.-orris and Shattuck St read. , Moved by Lewis , seconded by Duncalf that same be executed by the Mayor and City Clerk. Carried. i T':oved by Delaurenti , seconded by Deacy that we call for bids for the printing of city' s legals. ..tarried. The Finance Committee audited. aid recortuaended for payment the following: Current j Pay Roll St. Dept. ,296.76-5,126-37 it Tr TT Engr. Dept. 2.24 5438 D. D. Watson Dog Catcher 16.50-5425 Tonkins Cafe Prisoners meals 15.75-5440 Lawrence Fuel Fuel 20 .00 1 Seattle Gas Co . Gas 2.75 , 2 Service Laudnry Cleaners Ldry 9 .03 3 1,1cPherson Furn P, Hdw Supplies 2.25 4 `Ym. Mall er Lauor 2.00 5 Waters Specialties , Inc . Supplies 45.77 6 Stoneway Dock 'Co . Material 5 .25 7 Cross & Williams Repair "lork 1.UO 8 '�lestern Tire Service " " 1.50 9 See Lumber Co. Lumber 14.14-5450 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 46.27 1 0. Priebe Fire Dept. Exp. 1.90 2 H. Fiskali Fire Dei; t. Laoor 6.75 3 Williams & �.:cKnight Supplies 9 .09 4 Toots Bunstine Park Laoor 33.75 5 Pettie Printery Printing 32.00 6 ',Vater Pay Roll :`later Dept. ,40.40-1783-85 State Gas Fund Pay moll 233.48-161-71 Gladding,TllcBean & Co . Material 252.89-171 Moved by Lewis , seconded by Delaurenti that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Fire , bight & ''tater Committee recon mended that a light be placed on high St. So . 1.1oved by Lewis, seconded by Deacy that the recommendation be conceured in. Carried. City Atty. notified the Council that the project for codifying the ordinances had been approved. No further business , meeting adjourned. YLAYOR C ITY CLFaK 327 December 10, 1935. Council met in regular session at 8 P. i,i. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Lewis , Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Jane: Minutes of the last meeting; read and aiproved. Petition of Clarence Dullahant to erect house on Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, .Morgan's Grand View r_dd.ition read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that same be granted. Carried. Reports of the Treasurer- and Clerk for the month of November read and filed. Librarian's re ort for the month of November read and filed . Requestm for certain street lights was referred to the Fire, Light & ',''ater Committee for investigation and. re,,ort. :,Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that we oommunicate with the 'rV P A office and request that local girls be placed on the project for the codificai;ion of ordinances. Carried. Fire Chief Dullahant recommended that the city carry the State Insurance :br the Fire Department , and reduce the other insurance policy thereby saving about $75. per year. ;Moved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that the matter be referred to the city attorney to bring in the proper forms to make the° ehange. Carried. Nb further business, meeting.- adjourned. City Clerk may o r 32- December 17, 1935 . Regular meeting of the City Council was called to ord.e at 8 P. 111. by Irlayor Cochran. Minutes of the last meeting read and __,proved. Petition of Jones Estate, by S. 1L. 'Jiberg, to re- shingle building on Lot 3, Block 21, Town. K:oved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that same be referred to the, Fire, Light w + ..ter Committee for investigation and report. Carri ed. Petition of . a. P. & L. Co . to remove certain poles and set new poles read. Moved by Jane , seconded by Deacy that same be re- ferred to the St. auy,t with power to act. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the fol-Lowing: Current '2ay Roll St. Dept. w478.74-5467-85 Frank E. Rhodes Supplies 1.50 5486 E. :1. Hall Co . Typewriters rental 12.00 7 Lawrence Fuel & Transfer Fuel 47 .45 8 E. •Carlstrom Cedar Rope , etc 2.00 9 nrm. Trimm dolly wreath .75 5490 Renton Realty Co . Insurance 101.70 1 Lowman & Hanford. Library Books 12.36 2 Commonweatlh Book Co. " " 15.61 3 International Textbook Co 4.40 4 Harry Hartman TT 50 .25 5 Puget ;pound IT Co. TT Tr 36.17 6 Strnards hoto Shop Police Exp , 2.22 7 Bishop & Jenkins Fuel 7 .45 8 Hub City Chev i�1ate ri al 3.31 9 Shell Oil Co . Gas 66.00-5500 Renton Feed Co . Material 1.20 1 nrt Beils GararZe Labor ._aterial 19.00 2 Reid & Cook TT T, •T 2.45 3 Wayne Armstrong Services - Fire Dept Ternbers 496.00 6 D. Alexander Supplies 1.00 4 ,Water ;dater 8.98-1787-88 PayRoll rr 28.16-1791 City of Seattle 2ri.75_ 2 Olympic Foundry Coo Mat e ri al State Gasoline Fund X233.48-174-87 Pay Roll Moved by Lewis , seconded. by Delaurenti that the recommendation of the COL`lmittee be concurred in. Carri-d. Fire, Light & '!dater Committee recommended that certain lights be installed: One on Brook St and one on Wellst St. So. ic1. ved by Jane, seconded by Duncalf that the redo rt be received and recommendations carried out . Health Officer re�jorted on sewage conditions at the end of 3rd Ave. The matter was referred to the Engr for re,�ort. ourned.. �o urther business meetin€� ad j City Clerk v� 329 Decerqber 24, 1935. REGUTALR IV.EET ING OF T IFE CITY COUNCIL. NO QUORUM. q e / City Clerk December 31, 1935. REGUL&R 1,1EETING OF TH:� CIT°Y COUNCIL. No quorum present. kaVz City Clerk 1 330 i i, Jany. 7 , 1936 I Council met in regular session at 8 P. .TT. with Hayor Cochran presiding. Lawre.lce , Delaurenti , Lewis, ,Duncalf, Plano , Deacy and. Jane . I r:Iinutes of the last meeting read and ayoproved. Petition of Paul F. Green to move house 'rom Lot ;b Block 12, Town of Denton to Lot 5, Block 1, Smi'ihers --ddition read. I:Ioved by Lawrence , seconded by Lewis that same be granted subject to ordinance pertaining to moving buildings . Carried. Fire, Light (3� il'ater Committee re��orting on the Jones Building on Williams St. denied the permit to reshingle. Letter of Protest against improving, the building was read. luoved by Deacy,- seconded by Lewis that the rey,ort be received and concurred in. Carried. The Finance Committee audited. and recommended for payment the following: Current 5525-35 inc Pay Roll St. Dept. Y269 .92-5522-24 Frank .-Lllen Labor 3.00-5536 Standard. Oil 0'o , Mat eria.l 20.71- 7 John Dov6r Lumber Co. Lumber 19 .09 8 Renton Realty Co . Insurance 77.45 9 Remington Rand, Inc. Supplies 1.00-5540 'slaters Specialties, Inc. (T 29 .50 1 Pao. Tel .c dl Co . Telephones 18.70 2 Shine-all-Sales Co . Library Expense 27.50 3 The Macmillan C o. 11 !1 12.80 4 Eureka Fire Hose Div. Fire Dept . IIaterial 100.00 5 Hooker-Electrochemical Chlorine 285 .00 6 Sanderson Safety Supply 11daterial, Fire Dept. 110.75 7 Renton Hdw &: Fu.rn Supplies 26 .04 8 Harry Hartman Library Books 19 .88 9 Frank L. .Rhodes Material 3.39-5550 Seattle Gas Co . Gas 3.24 1 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 329 .18 2. Renton Hardware Co . Library Iiaterial 144.25 3 '.White Fuel & Transfer Fuel 26.25 4 S. Pd. Wiberg Labor- Library 111.60 5 I Puget Sound News Co. expense 2.63 6 Lowman & Hanford Library Books 19.64 7 The Macmillan Co . Tt TM 15.05 8 Renton Feed Co . 11aterial 5.25 9 Eagle Cafe Prisoners meals 29 .40-5560 Stoneway Dock Co. Idlaterial 6.00 1 H. Fiskaali Fire Dept Labor 4.50 5578 Wm. "faller Labor 2.00 9 Tom Dobson &: Son Licenses 8.75 5581 Ser Laundry Laundry 10.90 5580 0. Priebe Material- L.,_bor 967. X59 2 Jesse Young Labor & I:�Iaterial 3 "lestern Tire Service Material 2.00 4 krt Bunside Police Dept, TaIaterial 67 .35 5 C . Hal eway P,Iaterial & Labor 5.25 6r Bishop & Jenkins. Fuel 7 .82 7 Vioue Pharmacy Supplies 3.30 8 Renton Chronicle Legals and Printing 57 .85 9 Pay Roll St. Dept. 327 .03-5562-77 G. ]. Duke Park Labor 35.40 5521 331 ;'later Pay Roll ':'later Dept. Y4 90 1795-97 T_'oved by Lewis, seconded by Jane that the report of the committee be concurred in. Carried. The Mayor advised the Council that the Sewing Project for Women had been started in the Library basement and asked that the city assume any additional expense such as light , fuel and services of janitor in, the maintenance of the project. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Duncalf that the j additional expenses , if any, be assumed by the city and the j Library Board so notified. Carried. The City Engr reported that the end of, 3rd '.ve. "Jest can be connected up with the sewer. Ordinance No. 958 relating to and creating the Renton Volunteer Fire Department read and on motion referred to the ordinance committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 958 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole , all counci - men present voting aye: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis, Duncalf, Plano,, Deacy and Jane. Resolution No. 476 for khi& financing the widening of � ,5illiams St. from 2nd I.ve. to Walla 7 ally eve. read. F,ioved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be adopted as read. Carried. Resolution No. 477, for financing the extension of Third Ave. read. NMI III oved by Lewis , seconded by Delaurenti that same be adopted as read. Carried. Summons & Complaint in the case of Joseph S. Covey vs. City of Renton, et al, was served on the city; same was referred to the city attorney. This being the night for opening bids #'or the pub- lication of the city T s legals , the following were received a nd read. Renton News Record, 30¢per"column inch"for the"-ffrs insertion; 30V per column inoh ..for the subsequent insertions . Renton Chronicle . 18rper- ddlumn fhdlf`for- flrst1-1—- insertion; for second insertion of same matter, consecutive , 5,V ,per column inch. Tv7oved by Lewis , seconded by Delaurenti that same: be awarded to , the lowest bidder, Renton Chronicle . loved by Lawrence, seconded by Duncalf that the city attorney communicate with the owner of building on Lot 3, Block 21, Town of Renton and request that same be torn down. Carried. No further business, meeting; adjourned. City Clerk T Illayor 332 i �I Jany. 14, 1936. Council met in regular session at 8 P. 1,11. with 2ilayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Lewis , Duncalf, j Deacy and Jane. 1001 11rinutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Seattle Gas Company to lay mains on 2nd the. No . and on Factory St. read. Idoved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be granted under the superivision of the street suet . Carried. Petition of V. rirmstrong & Sons to er t shed 130 ft x 18 ft for used cars on Bronson tJay North,o,�OiNly occupied by Edwards Ykt. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that same be referred to the St & Alley Committee with power to act . Carrie The Finance Committee audited and recommended for paw j ment the following: Current Fyr Fyter Sales Co . Fire rept Material .x;10.20-5608 Renton Hdw & Furn " it Supplies 1.40-5607 Geo. Bruner T' tt !&-terial 58.50-5850 H. Fiska.11i Tt " Labor 13.50-5591 Fill Klinga 'T „ it 2.25 2 Len rYhitworth " " If 4.50-5590 E. Kangas rc " IT2.25 3 Renton News Record ,r T1 Printing 5 .75-5605 Frank E. Rhodes " " I:Taterial 1.10-5604 See Lumber Co. It IT IT 1.15-5609 lwioved by Lewis , seconded. by Jane that, the rei.,ort of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. The following Resolution, all endorsed by the - orth ��enton Improvement Club were presented to the City Oouncil for, their approval and endorsement : 1; That a grade separation be made on I,11orris St between 4th & 5th fives and on Tobin St between Burnett & Logan Sts. .Moved by Lewis, seconded by Lawrence that same be re- ferred to the St & :'alley Committee and the City "Engr fokeport . Carried , ° 2: That the Bronson -;ay briC_ge be widened to provide four lanes of traffic . %,loved by Lewis , seconded by Delaurenti that the city eo on record as endorsing the Resolution. Carried. I 3: That the right of way along Sixth eve . No. crossing Cedar River and connecting with Rainier 2�venue be improved with a roadway and a brill€;e across Cedar River. 1 owed by Lawrence, seconded by Delaurenti that rae endorse the movement. Carried. Report of the Police Department for the year 1935 was read. Itioved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that the report be accepted and filed and the department commended for their good. work. Carried. Fire Department' s report covering the year 1935 read. Movea by Jane, seconded by Lewis that the report be received and filed and recommendedions made referred to Fire , Light & '"'later Committee and Police Department and the department commended for their efficient work. Carried. 333 moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that Councilman Jane be elected as a member of the Board of Trustees in aecorda,n.ce with Ordinance No. 958 -relating to- the Renton Fire i Department. Carried unanimously. Resolution No. 478 authorizing the 11 or and City ...' Clerk to, execute a ',,uit Claim Deed to the purchaser of Lot 10, Block 27 , Town of Renton* read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Duncalf that the Resolu- tion be adopted as read. Carried. 11oved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that we execute the agreements for purchase of gas from the Union Oil and Shell and any other company submitting a like estimate for the year 1936. Carried. Communication read from the 'JashinE;ton Surveying and Rating Bureau.read. Toved by Jane, seconded by Duncalf that sane be referred to the Fire , Light "dater Committee for report . Carried. No further business , meetin ; adjourned. �IC — City Clerk 334 Jany. 21, 1936 . Council met in regular session at 8 P. SvI. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence , Legis , Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Jane . I;'inutes of the last meeting read arid. approved. Petition of Dave ':�[illiams to remodel garaCe on Lot 16, Block 24, Town read. ,,loved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co . to reset two poles , one on !Norris and one on 6th ,,venue . LIovea by Jane , seconded by Plano that smile be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt , Carried. The Finance Committee audited ana recommend-ea for pay- 1 ment the following: Current Pay Roll St . Dept. 308�73-5611-21=24 Pay Roll ~'later Dept. 26.94-1805-06 Pay Roll Gasoline Fund 164.63-197-203 Idoved by Jane , seconded by Lewis that the payrolls J be allowed as recommended by the committee . Carried. �n offer of : 225 .00 was read from R. H. Seppi for ,ot 5 , Block 2, Smithers 6th iUdition. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Plano that the same be referred to the City Property Committee for report. Carried. Re orts o f .the Treasurer and Clerk for the month of December read and filed. Librarian' s report covering the month oi' December read uzid filed. Councilman Lewis spoke of the new highway into Renton which the State is desirous of opening up , the highway to follow he line of the old Interurban Railway, width of highway wherd $ame enters Renton to be 80 ft. This width is maintained up to the intersection of 5th rLve. & Hain St; from 5th .eve . to 2nd rve . the present width of ,Iain St. gill be 60 ft. The State Highway Dept, has done all the engineering work and made the detailed plans and and is in general charge of the project . The City of menton has been requested to furnish all necessary right ofwpy or assist in securing the same for that pDrtion of the improvement extending from the city limits to intersection of 5th & Main St. Tv;oved by Lewis, seconded by Jane that the project as submitted be approjElhby the city and we assist in every way possible to get this Vv ay which will connect Three Tree Point Road and City of Renton. Carried. Fo further business, meeting adjourned, f NOO City Clerk or iG _ 335 y , ' Jany. 28 , 1936. Rwg� u.lar meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. h10 by Mayor Cochran . ' 1 Roll Call ' Lawrence, ielaurenti, Le-Ass Duncalf, \✓ Plano , Deacy and Jane,, inutes of the last meeting read and a.r.�)roved. Petition of Geo . Custer to remodel house on Lot 17 , Block 13, Town, read. ' Moved by Plano , seconded by Duncalf that sar_ie be granted. " The following applications for licenses were read: B. 7 . Fey Theatre James Ovens Pool Hall �l.ex F errat Pool Hall Shuter & Thomas Card table ' Dale & Johnson Second hand. store & junk shop . The same having been. o . ke by the Police & Lic ens e Committee , it was moved by Plano , seconded by Duncalf that licenses be issued. Carried 9 Contract of Standard. Oil Co . was submitted for execution by the proper city officials. Communication read from Department of Highways relative to the new highwby on Main St asking that an mount of ';260 . be set up to cover the cost of preparation on the city portion of the project. " s Resoltuion Iyo . X79 , setting up an amount of V, for the +purpose of covering the costs of preparing plans and sped ieation for the proposed Renton Junction High,,,ray was read. Moved. by Lewis , seconded. by Duncalf that same be adopted as read. ' I The .iiayor stated that he and the city attorney had conferred. with officials'of Rainier Valley line and they were willing to remove their Y on Main St . and aSke d for the co- opeartion of the Renton Council in obtaining a temporary Y location on the right of way of the City of Soeattlels property ax between Logan and Liorri s Sts . City 'roperty Committee report favorably on the offer,of .:r. Seppi to purchase Lot 5 , Block 2, Smith ers xddn . Yoved. by Lewis , seconded by Delaurent i that the i reeorfmiendat ion 'be concurred in and. Lot sold to llr. Seppi. Carried. 'Ir. George Custer, representative iof the second Lve, group , asked the support and cooperation of the City Council in obtaining the necessary tight of way over the City of Seattl$ pipe �ine for the extension of Second eve '.'fest. 11oved. by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that the Mayor appoint a committee to 116i't the County Commissioners regarding same., Carried. i No further business, meeting adjourned. J City Clerk Mayo r 33(,--) Feb. 49 1936. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call: D Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of P. S. P. & L. Co. to set one pole and base anchor on 2nd & Morris St. read. Moved by Jane, seconded by Plano that same be granted under the supervision of the Street Supt. Carried. Application of Alki for pool hall license read. The Police & License Committee oo k. 'd the application, whereupon it was Moved by Plano, seconded by Deacy that same be granted. Carried. Communication read from H. Williams offering X500.00 for lot adjoining the site formerly occupied by twine factory. Moved by Plano, seconded by Lewis that same be re- ferred to the city property committee for neport next week. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following; Current Pay Roll St. Dept. $541.74-5640-57 D. D. Watson Dog Catcher 16.50-5625 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 335.82-5658 Seattle Gas Co. Gas 3.87 9 Vioue Pharmacy Supplies 1.80-5660 McPherson Furn & Hdw Supplies 4.03 1 Seattle Waxine Co. " 8.75 2 E. P. Wilson Co. , Agents Gravel 21.00 3 Bishop & Jenkins Fuel 8.04 4 Joe Wood Fire Dept. Material 9.00 5 Renton Clothing Co. Police Expense 64.05 6 Ton Dobson & Son Fire Dept. Ins. 80.00 7 E. W. Hall Co. , Ino. Supplies 1.50 8 Elmer Kangas Fire Dept* Labor 9.00 9 Shell Oil Co. Gas 109.35-5670-1 Pae. Tel & Tel . Co. Telephones 21.45 L Art Beil's Garage Material 28.89 3 Renton Feed Co. Material 6.40 4 E. Hyde Labor 4.10 5 Tonkins Cafe Prisoners meals 60.40 6 J ,M. Keys nel Service Fuel 15.00 7 Im, real le r Labor 2 .00 8 Trimm Fuel Co. Fuel 20.00 9 ' J. . S. Hardie Material 18.93-5680 McFa.deen & Son Fuel 24-56 1 Wat e r Pay Roll Nater Dept, $ 71.84-1809-13 Pettie Printery Printing 21.50-1814 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 39.42 5 Grinnell Co. Material 5.38 6 Inda6trial Paint Works n 6.62 7 Moved by Lewis, seconded by Delaurenti that the recommendation of the committee be concurred in. Carried. 3 3'7 Communication read from Preston & Thorgrimson relative to interest coupons on water revenue bonds. Move& by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that the holder be paid �Z8,96 upon the ' surrender of said coupons. Carried. Wts. #1821-22. Communication read from. Department of Highways relative to Black River Junction highway asking that the city adopt a Resolution providing for the maintenance of the highway inside the city limits. Resolution No. 480 providing for the maintenance of the Renton Junction Highway within the boundaries of the city and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement to that effect, read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Dunoalf that same be adopted as read. Carried. Ordinance No. 959 relating to the office of Police Judge read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 959 whereupon it was placed upon its second and thirst readings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, De aoy and Jane* Move& by Lawrence, seconded by Deaoy that the city engineer draw up plans and specifications and cost of erection of a sound-proof dog pound. Carried.. No further business, meeting adjourned. i City Clerk Mayor I 33S February 11, 1936 . Regular Tmeeting of the City _Council was called to order at S P. M. by Mayor Cochran., Roll Call: Lawrence, Duncalf, Llano, Deaey and. Jame* Minutes of the last meetin g read and approved, i• Petition of G. Manifold to remodel house and erect garage on Tract 53, Tobins Addition read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded. by Deacy that same be granted. Carried. Petition of L. E. Luck to repair foundation, remodel and erect garage on Lot 10, Block 1, Car 01orks read. Moved by Plano, seconded by Dunealf that same be granted. Carried. Petition of C. S. Huitt to, remodel house on Lot 2, Block 2 , Car Works Addition read, Loved by Duncalf seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Harvey Jackson to erect house on Lot 13, Block 6, Car Works Addition read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Dunealf that same be granted. Carried. City Property reporting on the offer of H. Williams to purchase lot from city recommended that same be sold for X750.00. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the report be reeeivad and concurred in. Carried. Mayor Cochran stated that the P. S. P. & L. Co. were contemplating the removal of all high tension wires on 3rd Ave; but the removal of the pole on the SW corner of 3rd & Main Ste would necessitate additional expense in laying cable to supply electricity to the ornamental lights on 3rd Ave. ,Yove�.L by Jane , seconded by Plano that the 7. S. P. & L. Co. be' permitIPd -to remove all poles on 3rd. Ave. the city to bearral� expenseg incidental to aomeating ornamental lights to new connection and the city furnish the labor in opening and clos- ing the sidewalk at 3rd & Main St. Carried, Fire Chief Dul.lahant invited the Mayor & Council and all city oft'ieialsto attend the Firemen's Banquet, Feb. 22nd at the Espieopal i;hureh. Moved by Jane, seconded by Plano that the invitation be accepted. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor k� I 339 Feb. -.8 , 1936. Regular session of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call: Lawrence, Lewis, Duncahf, Plano and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Independent Sheet Metal Co. to put up marquee on Evans Bldg. read. Moved by Jame, seconded by Plano that same be granted. under the supervision of the St. Supt . Carried. Communication read from Department of Highways asking that the city secure the necessary right of way for the pro- posed Black River Junction road to Renton. Moved by Plano, seconded by Lewis that same be referred to the city attorney and city engineer for further information and report as soon as possible to council. Carried. The' Finance Committee audited art recommended for pay- ment the following : Current 5711 Pay Roll St . Dept. $355.81-5696- Paeker-Soott Co. Supplies 9 .85-5712 Standard Oil Co. Prepaid frt _ 8.16- 3 Lawrence Fuel & Trfr Fuel 7 .45 4 Art Beil's Garage Material 8.25 5 See Lumber Co. Lumber 4.49 6 Frank E. Rhodes, Material 6.84 7 Renton Hdw & Furn Fire Dept. Supplies 1.07 8 Reid & Cook Labor & Material -Signals) 103.74 9 Frank Allen Labor 2.50-5720 �- Trick & Murray Supplies 5.95 1 E. Hyde Labor on tools 3.15 2 Stoneway Dock Material 6.00 3 Service Laundry Lmicdry 14.95 4 D. D. Watson Dog Catcher 12 .00-5685 Renton Realty Co. Insurame 61.25-5725 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 350.49 6 Staters Specialties Supplies 8.05 7 J. R. Storey Library Fuel 40.00 8 Harry Hartman Books 17.72 9 Americana Corp . " " 89.50-5730 Lowman & Hanford " " 6.34 1 Junior Literary Guild a " 37.00 2 Washington Bindery " " 62.22 3 ,Vater Pay Roll Water Dept. 44.9 -1823-24 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 40.921825 City of Seattle Water 28.92-1826 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that the reeommend.a- tion of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Reports of the Treasurer and. Clerk for the month of Jany read and filed. Librarian's report read and filed. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Janus that the city pay fbr St. Supt 's telephone. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. Clerk Mayor e. x Feb. 250 1936. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Cochran. Roll C all: Lawrence$ Lewis, Duna alf, Plano and De acy. Petition of L. Kerstein to reshingle house at 540 Morris St. read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that same be granted. Carried. Petition of John Thompson to make basement and make addition to house at 128 Garden St. , Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carri ed. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by . wis that the city engineer work with the committee on plans "'� the development i of the park for a lighted athletic field. Carried. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Dunoalf that the city engineer, and street supt . investigate and report back on the practioability of placing woolen curbs and gutters in North Renton for drainage . Carried. Moved by Dunt alf, seconded by Lewis that we extend avote of thanks to the Fire Chief and his department for the wonderfal banquet last Saturday night . Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. I o City Clerk Mayor i 341 March 3, 1936. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Calls Lawrence , Delaurenti , Lewis, Duncalf, Plano , Deaey and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and a.�;proved. Petition of the P. S. P. & L. Co. asking that their action be approved in the installation of an anchor brace at Walla walla & Burnett St. , read. Moved. by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be approved subject to the recommendation of the St. Supt , Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the followings Current Pay ,Roll St. Dept. $269 .20-5752-62 Dan McGovern, P. M. Stamps 5.00 5749 D. D, Watson Dog Catcher 16.50-5750 Western Union Telegraph Co. Police Earp . 1.00 1 Shearer's Sheetmetal Shop Material F. D. 2.15-5762 Elmer Kangas Fire Dept, Labor 15.75 4 Service Laundry Laundry 15.55 5 Charles R. Watts & Co. St. Material 2020 6 J. H. Lawrence Fuel 7.00 7 Hub City Chev Material' 14.47 8 Wm, Waller Labor 2.00 9 Strnard's Photo Shop Police E . 6.00-5770 Western Office Supply Supplies 15.95 1 Eagle Cafe Prisoners meals 40.25 2 Pae. Tel & Tel . Co. Telephones 20 .00 3 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies ` 35,15 4 Seattle Gas Co. Gas 4.92 5 West Disinfecting Co. Supplies 2.50 6 Maters Specialties Supplies 17.00 7 Trick & Murray Supplies 5.30 S Ross Diem Fuel Fuel 22.50 9 Water Pay Roll Water Dept. $26.94-1829-31 Grinnell Co. Material 25.13 1832 City of Seattle dater 37.56 3 Moved by Lewis , seconded by Delaurenti that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. City Engr reporting on gutters for Notrth Renton said it would not be advisable at this time to install wooden gutters. Moved by Delaurenti , seoonded by Lawrence that the report be accepted and filed. Carried* Moved by Lewis, seconded by Dunealf that we urge the County Commissioners to take immediate action to acquire the necessary right of way for the Renton Junction Road. Carried. Resolution relative to the Renton Junction Road submitted by the State read, and referred to the city engineer for report next Tuesday. No further business, meeting adjourned* Ah y 4ekrt My or 342 March 10, 1936. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call: Lawrence , Delaurenti , Lewis, Dunealf, Plano, De a ey and Jane* MOP Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Lena Kane to remodel house on Lot S. Block 22, R. F. P. read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted. Carried. Petition of A. E. Boil to remodel garage, erect service station and grease racks on Lot 5, Block 8, Car Works kddition read: Moved by Lewis , seconded by Dunc alf that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt . Carried. Petition of Chas Zilla to install two C aso line tanks, capacity 4000 gal, each at 3rd & Whitworth St. read. Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by --Lewis that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt . Carried. Petition of Renton Stage Line to remodel building on is t & Garden formerly known as Lewis Bldg by putting in rest rooms and partitions read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. City Property Committee recommended that we paint . the Council Chambers, Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that we call for bids for such painting as necessary in City Hall. Carried. Mr. V. Burnmester of the Young Mems= Business Club presented tentative plans for a lighted athletic field in Liberty'Park, the same to be a 71 P.i. project. The Council and the Park Board arranged a meeting on Thursday March 19th at 7 P.' M. in the Council Chambers 6o which the public is invited. No further business , meeting adjourned. c City Clerk Mayor 1 343 March 18, 1936. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M, by Mayor Cochran, Roll Call: 'Lawrence, Lewis , Dune alf, Deacy and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Tealey oto install a 280 gasoline tank at 500 Morris St. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be turned over to the Fire Chief with power to act. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following : Current Pay Roll St. Dept. $448.02-5793-6007 Renton Hardware & Furn Supplies 4.40 8 Frank Allen Labor 1.75 9 Brendal Drug Co. Library Expense 44.30 6010 Marry Hartman " " 14.07 1 Puget Sound News Co. " " 9 .93 2 Lawrence Fuel & Transfer " Fuel 40.00 3 Western Office Supply Supplies 7 .00 4 Renton News Record Print ing 26.65 5 Toots Bunstine Park Lab or 27 .00 6 Reid & CoQk Labor & Mat eri al 66.05 7 Stoneway Dock Co . Material 8.25 8 Union OillCo. Gasoline 161.33 9 Renton Feed Coo Material 3.20 6020 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 337.10 1 See Lumuer Co. Lumber 8.88 2 Water Pay Roll Water Dept. 70 .70-1838-41 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 46.60-1842 Moved by Lewis , seconded by Jane that the report of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. St. Supt made the following recommendation: that we lay, about 730 ft. of 10" pipe from the reservoir down to Main St, at a cost not to exceed $766.00. 11:oved by Lewis , seconded by Delaurenti that the St. Supt be authorized to purchase the pipe calling for bids if same exceeds $500 .00. Carried. The City Engr. recommended that all parking strips be improved if same could be made a W P A project., Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that the engr. be instructed to vcrk out the details and submit sanne as a project. Carried. The opening of Tillicum ave was discussed. The city engr was instructed to make an estimate of the cost and present same at the next meeting . The St. Supt was instructed to do the nieessary work in connection with draining Logan St. between. 2nd & 3rd '.ve s. The question of the grade on Faetcry St• was dis- cussed. Moved. by Lewis , seconded by Duncalf that the matter be referred to the St & Alley Committee and city engineer for report. Carried. proposed Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that the_/ lighted athletic field be approved by the Council and the moving of the grandstand and erection of a fence ani the other necessary work incidental thdreto be submitted by the city engineer as a W P A paojeot. Carried. Health Officer Mikkelsen asked the Council if they 'would pay $5.00 for each indigent emergency case taken to the county hospital this to be for ambulance service. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that the matter be referred to the Ways & Aileen s Committee and Health Officer for report next Tuesday night . Carried. The City Attorney reported that the copy work on the codifying of the ordinancesis finished and the services of an attorney is necessary in indexing same. Moved by Duncalf seconded by Delaurenti that same be referred to the Law & Ordinance Committee with power to act. Carried. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Deacy that on Maroh 29th the Sportsmen's Club be given permission under the supe rvision 'of the Chief of Police to shoot all predatory animals. Carried. Reports of the Treasurer and City Clerk for the month of February read and filed. Report of the Librarian read and filed. No farther business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor 345 March 24, 1936. The Council met in regular session -at 8 P. M. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Lewis , Duncalf, Plano , -Deaoy and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of S. J. Yount to erect a seven foot wire f enee around Lots 7 and 8, Block 11, Town of Renton for storing space for cars read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Duncalf that same be granted with the proviso that only used cars for sale to stored there. Carried. Petition of Lino kzzolo to remodel interior of store building on Lot 12 , Block 25, Town of Renton read, same to be used for a beer parlor. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Jane that same be re- ferred to the Fire, Light & ';later Committee for report next Tuesday night . Carried. Petition of Ronald McDonald to repair foundation of house on Lot 4, Block 23, Town read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Duncalf that same be granted. Carried. Petition of E. P. Wilson Co to erect house at 505 Cedar St. read. Moved by Duncalf seconded by Plano that same be .,,. granted. Carried. Petition of Ralph Nielsen to reshingle house at 500 Williams St. read. Moved by Plano , seconded by Duncalf that same be grant ad. Carried. Petition of Mike Struznik to erect chicken house at 736 Grant St. read. Moved by Deacy ,, seconded by Lewis that same be grant- ed. Carried. This being the nightfor opening bids on city hall p int ing, the following were received: a� Frank Beale w24 . 0 TacheBrothers 2499.550 k. J. Burne$ 319 .70 11oved. by Lawrence, seconded by 'Deaey that same be referredto the City Property Committee to report next Tuesday. Carried. The Finance reeommenaed for payment the following: Gas Fund, $41.21 to State for painting street intersections . Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Delaurenti that the recommenda- tion be concurred in. Carrie4. No further business appearing, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor March 31, 1936. Council met in regilar session at 8 P. M. with Mayor C oeh ran presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delauren ti , Lewis , Duncalf, Deaey and Jane , 1 Minutes of the last meeting read and appzuvea. Petition of Louis Peretti, Sr. to remodel house at 616 Burnett St. read. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Lewis thats)same be granted. Carried. Petition of B. '11. Fey to erect a theatre and apart- ment house on Lots 1 and. 2. Block 6 , Smithers 6th addition read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Duncalf that same be referred to the Fire, .light & Water Committee and "'ity Engr. with power to act . Carried. Petition of Thos Dobson, Sr. to reshingle Eagle Pool Hall at Burnett & Walla Walla Ave. read. Moved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that same be referred to the Fire, Light & 'dater Committee with power to act. Carried. Petition of C. M. Schumacker to break 40 ft of curb on Lot 5, Block 6, Smithers 6th Addi t ion also remodel store building on Lots 3 and 4, Block 6 , Smithers 6th kddition. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by, Lewis that same be referred to the St & Idley Committee with power to act. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: Current 6039 Pay Roll St. Dept. 9444 ,77-6052 Pay Roll Eng r. Dep t. 14.97-6053 Toots Bunstine Park Labor 48.38 4 Elmer Kangas Fire Dept. Labor 9 .00 5 D. D. Watson Dog Catcher 25 .50-6038 Vincent Stewart Expenses 5 .45 6056 Water 1846- Pay Roll Water Dept. 4103.27-1850 Moved by Lewis, seconded by Jan; that the recommenda- tion of the Committee be concurred. in. Carried. Fire, Light & ,Water Committee recommended that the L. Azzolo permit be tabled. Moved by Lewis , seconded. by Duncalf that the recommenda- tion be concurred in. Carried. City Property Committee reporting on the bids for paint- ing City Hall recommended that the contract be awarded.the lowest bidder, Tachell Brothers. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Delaureati that the report of the committee be concurred in and contract awarded Tachell Brothers. Carri ed. The Engr was iueted to survey Third rive 'nest and establish the �trel monument and the city attorney was instructed to draft ora Hance establishing the lines, No further business, meeting adjourned. AA 9AJ(KY',Ar-ffh'0267_' y le rk Mayor 347 e� April 7, 1936. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call:, Lawrence , Delaurenti, Lewis, Duncalf, Deac y and Jane , Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of property owners abutting on Tillicum Avenue ask that Tillicum Avenue be opened. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be referred to the- St & Alley Committee , City Engr. and City Atty, Carried. Communication read from Association of ',Yashington Cities advising that the nssoeiation Convention will be held in Wenatchee , May 6 to 8th and urging a representation. The letter was received arri filed arA a comkittee will be named later. St. & idley Committee reporting on the curb at Money Savers recommend a 25 foot break only. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: Current Seattle Gas Co. Gas 4.43-6057 Packer-Scott Co. Supplies 7 .50 8 Tom Dobson & Sons Insurance 100.97 9 Renton Realty Co. Insurance 50 .05-6060 Renton Hdw & Furn Co. Supplies 39 .58 1 E�. 'N. Hall Co . , Inc. Rental Typewriter 8.25 2 Trimm Fuel Co . Fuel 31.05 3 Pacific Coast R. R. Co. Lease-Park 1.00 4 J. S. Hardie Labor & Niateri al 1.95 5 Waters Specialties, Inc . Supplies 7.15 6 Stone way Dock Coo Material 6.00 7 Service T aundr & Cleaners Laundry 15.90 8 Pace. Tel & Tel . Co. Telephones 21 .15 9 Trick & Murray Supplies 9 .50-6070 Wm. '"Taller Labor 5150 3 Renton Auto Freight Dryage 5.65 1 John Dower Lumber C o. Lumb er 10.39 2 Art Beil's Garage Labor & Material 2.50 i S. M. Wib erg ;ng r. Exile ns a 15.50 5 George E. Mitchell Engr Supplies 9 .65 6 Tonkin Grocery Prisoners meals 24.10 7 J. Al. Keyes Foie l Fuel 20 .00 e Frank E. Rhodes Tires & tubes 141.23 6080 E. P. Nilson Co. Insurance 100.97-CO79 Water City of Seattld Water 23.20-1851 Olympic Foundry Co. Material 26.25 2 Moved by Lewis, seconded by Jame that the report and recommendation be concurred in. Carried. Reports of the Treasurer and Clerk for the month of March read and filed. Librarian's report for the month of march read and f it ed. This being the night for opening bids on wood pipe the Following were received: 730 ft of 10" wood pipe - - $71.20 per 100 ft. (Will off. Cook, Seattle , ',Washington) 730 ft of 10" woodipe - - $70.10 per 100 ft. (Federal tripe & Tank Co. , Seattle, Wash) * ... Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that contract be awarded the lowest bidder, Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Carried. The feasibility of a sanitary sewer on Renton Ave and other streets on the hill was referred to the City Engr for investigation and report next Tuesday night. The u;ayor advised the Council to tune in on the "Greater Washington Hour" , April 30th at 7:30 P. M. station KJR when Renton will be on the air and asked that anyone having any interesting data on Renton to present tome to him as soon as possible. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk •ow Mayor Ln 349 April 14, 1936. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Cochran, Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaur enti , Lewis , Dunealf, Plano, Deacy & Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Geo . W. Custer to repair foundation and remodel house at 511 Burnett St . read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Geo . W. Custer to reshingle shed on Lot 19, Block 22, Town , read. Moved by Duncalf, seconded by Plano that same be granted. Cal,ried. Petition of B. W. Fey to block off 10 ft of sidewalk on Morris St. and sidewalk on 3rd Ave, during building construe- tion and construct a temporary sidwglk read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be granted subject to the supervision of the St. Supt . Carried. Moved by Plano, e c d qb Lewis that the city engr. establish the building id: t. �"$$8rth of the center line of Third Ave, original Plat' of the Town of Renton, projected west. Carried. Resolution No. 481 appropriating the sum of 441.21 to State for painting street intersections read. Moved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that same be adopted as read. Carried. Resolution No . 482 guaranteeing to the Department of Highways the acquisitil.on of all necessary right of way in connection with the proposed Renton Junction highway read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that same be adopted ,as read. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor April 210 1936. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call: Delaurenti , Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Jane. �.• Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Jas Toman to remodel house and make basement on Lot 8, Block 4, Town of Renton read. Moved by Jane, seconded by Plano that same be granted. Carried. Petition of M. Fillon to move house from Lot 11 to Lot 12 , Block 189 read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Dleaurenti that same be granted. Carried. Petition of John Peternell to reshingle shed on Lot 59 Block 13, R. F. P. read. Moved by Duncalf, seconded. by Delaurenti that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Williams & Cross to erect 4 graage on 3rd =Ave. West adjoining service station read. Moved by Jane, seconded by Deacy that same be referred to the Fire , Li,�:ht & 'lJater Committee with power to act. Carried. Petition of R. Snavely to erect office building on 3rd Ave. west in ;awards auto Camp read. Moved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that same be referred to the Fire , Light & I ater Committee with power to act . Carried. Petition of Ben Lindgren to make curb on Lot 6, Block 250 R. F. P. read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Duncalf that same be re- ferred to the St & Alley Committee with, power to act. Carried. - The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following : Current Pay Roll St. Dept. X408.15-6093-05 n n Engr. Dept , 19 .96-6119 Rwnton FeecL Coo Park Ecp. 19 .20-6106 Renton Auto Freight Drayage 7.70 7 Western Tire Service Material 3.25 8 Al Morgan's Ser Sta. Labor 1.25 9 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 339 .03-6110 Puget Sound News Co. Library Expe, 10.18 1 Trick & Murray Supplie s 1.00 2 w7m. Taohell Engr. Exp , 5.15 3 I . Reid & Cook Labor 13.50 4 1estern Office h0iup11ly Supplies 9.55 5 Lawrence Fuel & Transfer Fuel 6.00 6 'Xashington Bindery Library Books 21.54 7 Toots Buns tine Park Labor 49 .50 8 Water Pay Roll Water Dept . 28.06-1856-58 Renton Feed Co. Supplies 3.20- 9 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 47.63-1960 Moved. by Lewis , seconded by Jane that the repor-t of the committee be concurred in. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. U 4460�4i� Mayor City Clerk .3 51 April 28, 1936. Council met in regular session at 8. P. M. with Mayor Cochran presiding . '~ Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurent i, Lewis , Duncalf,, Plano , De aey and Jane . Minutes of the last metting read and asproved. Petition of Puget 6ou.nd Power & Light Company to install anchor at 2nd Ave & Mill St. read. Moved by Deacy seconded by Lewis that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt . Carried. Petition signed by business men of Renton and sponsored by the local Union asking that the City bring the necessary pressure upon Congress for a continuation of the W. P. A. at union wages read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that the petition be adopted as read subject to the confirmation by the Sponor's Union, Carried, The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following : Current Tachell Bros, per contract gaiting at City Hall - - - - - - - - 4249 .50-6235 Lot Davis, on account, codifying Ordinances - - - - - - - 41.00-6236-37 I-Ioved by Lewis seconded by, Delaurenti that the recommen-dations of the committee be concurred in. Carried. The Mayor stated that the contract had been let for the new highway into Renton and the work would proceed at once and suggested that the new highway should be given a name . Various names were suggested but the name "Grady 1,71ay" suggested by Councilman Duncalf was the favorite , whereupon it was Moved by Lewis , seconded by Dunealf that the new highway be named "Grady Way." Carried unanimously. Moved by Lewis seconded by Delaur enti that we call for bids on 850 ft. 14 inch Class "B" cast iron pipe for Grady 'F'ay r Carried. Ordinance No. 960 providing for the estabiishin€ of Grady '.'lay read ani on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee : The Ordinance Committee resorted favorably on the Ordinance-whereupon it was placed upon its second ani third readings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Delaur enti, Lewis , Duncalf,, Plano, Deacy aryl Jane. Resolution No. 483 req�iesting the amendment of the spe ci fi cati ons for new Pos t of f is a Bldg. , r ea&. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that same be adept- ed as read. Carried. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that we 'request of the District Fngr the brick removed from Main St, the same to become the property of the city ani to be placed where the city designates. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. G�• y e r _ Mayor 3E2 i i May 5 , 1936. Council met in regular session at 8 P. hi. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Lewis, Duncalf and ars Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Frank Rhodes to renew foundation and change southwest corner of building read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that some be granted. Carried. Petition of Jas Murdock to erect house and garage on Lot 7, Block 23, R. F. P. read. Moved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Richard Storey to widen door of Chevrolet garage on Burnett St. and cut curb an additional twelve feet read. Moved by Jane, swconded by Lewis that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt . Carried. Petition of Ed elute to remodel small house on Lot 17, Block 11, Car 'iorks nddition by addiing an additional room. ' Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Frank Davis to remodel house by chaniging roof at 120 Mill St. , read. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Communication read from Matt Grady expressing his appreciation for the honor in naming the new thoroughfare * "Grady Way" read and filed. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following.* Current Pay Roll St. Dept. 9328.67-6239-54 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 12.47-6260 Seattle Gas Co . Gas 3.80-6255 Frank t,llen Labor 2.50- 6 Wm. Id ller rr 5.50 7 ElmeraKangas Fire Dept, Labor 22.50 8 Bill Klinga ,r it 4.50 9 Dan McGovern, P. M. Envelopes 44148-6261 Toots Bunstine Park Labor 54.00 2 D. D. 'Natson Dog Catcher 19.50-6238 Pay Roll Water Dept. 338.99 -1863-73 dMoved by Jane, seconed by Lewis that the recommenda- tion of the Committee be concurred in. Carried i Moved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that the P. S. P. & Light Co. ao~d the Pao . Tel & Tel. Gompany be notited to remove poles on Main St. assoon as possible under the direction of the city engr. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. tile r May or 353 Current H. G. Hammond Engr. Exp. 35.00 -6289 Lot Davis On a�a codifying or&. 25.00 6295 Eage Cafe Prisoners meals 26.20 6290 0. Priebe Labor on tools 17.00-6291 Vallate & Tierman Material 51.60 2 0, N. Cochran Wenatchee-Convention Ea. 26.60 3 Hooker-Electro Chemical Chlorine 285.00 4 Harry Hartman Library Books 72.62 6 Literary Guild 11 11 21.00 7 sr stro ng & Sons Labor & Material 40.80 8 X.U,XX X cx x ac c c 9r esley Tult i,��'c . =.00-0600 Water Dan McGovern, P. M. Envelopes 21.96 -1874 V. Armstrong & Sons Material 3.00 8 W. J. Thompson & Co. Service Car 13.21 City of Seattle Mater 27.96 9 P. S . P. & L. Co. Power 45.341880 Daily Journal of Commerce Publication 4.00 1 Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Pipe (Contract) 529.26 2 Crane Co. Material 15.18 3 Moved by Lewis, seconded by Delaurenti that the recommendation of the Committee be ooneurred. in. Carried. The Mayor gave a detailed report on the Wenatchee Convention of Washington cities which was very instructive. This being the night for opening bids on pipe the following were read: Hugh G. Purcell Co. 850 ft. 1411 class 150, B & S, 12 or 18 ft. lengtha, $2.27 per foot 1- Tee 36.00 (Certified check attached) American Cast Iron Pipe Col 850 ft 14i1 161 lengths C1assJ150, Mono-Cast een as is p, ktx at $2.13 ft. 1- Tee 22.25 (Certified check attached) Pacific Mater Works, 850 ft. Glass B. B & S Sand-cast iron pipe, 12 ft. lengths, $2.04 per foot , le y 40.0 (No check attac: ,ed) Crane & moo.-T 950 ft. at "2.24; Tee X36.66 (Zerti ied Check) Moved by Lewis, seconded by Delaurenti that the bid of The American. Cast Iron Pipe Co. be accepted and contract entered into.for same. Carried. Mayor Cochran stated that Mr. Morris of the W P A would life to begin a class in radio and asked permission tc( use a room in the City Hall, two evenings a wekk. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that the re- quest be granted. Carried. Moved by Lawrence, seconded. by Lewis that we call for bids for erection of a dog pound. Carried. City Property Committee reporting further on the price of the property opposite city garage stated that they recommend that same be sold for $625.00. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Lawrence that the recommendation of the committee be concurred in. Garried. Mr. McGovern commenting on the action of the U. S. Treasury Dept, changing the specifications for brick in the New Post 'Office Bldg. , stated that the change was made largely through the efforts of Sen. Sehwellenbach and asked that the 354 May 12, 1936. Council met in regular session at 8 P. Id. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved* Petition of James Mgtinda to erect house and garage on Lot 5j, Block 2, Car Works addition read, h�oved by Plano, seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. , Petition of Lee Mlonohon to rebuild douse at 108 Logan St. read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Piano that same be grant- ed. Carried. Petition of `"lard Thompson to enlarge basement, repair foundation and extend chimney down, .rea Moved by Lawrehee seconded hd.Li s that same be granted. Carried. Petition of John Repose to remodel house by adding two rooms and making basement at 803 Grant St. Moved by Plano seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of R. J. Pettie to repair foundation and add porch in reariof Lot 13 , Block 18, Town, read, Moved by Lewis, seconded by Deacy that same be granted. Carried. Petition_ of Mayne Armstrong to break curb at 105 main St. North for driveway read. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Jane that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt . Carried. Petition of L. E. Luck to break curb at 125 Ideadow St. read. Moved >by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that same be granted under the sup erttsion of the St. Supt . carried. Communication ,read from U. S. Treasury Dept , advising that the specification s for ,the new P. 0. Bldg. , would call for buff face brick read and filed. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Renton Feed Co. Material 16.70-6275 &rt Bei l t s Garage rr 4.30 6 Reid & Cook Labor & Material 45.65 7 Trick & Murray Supplies 53.75 8 Stoneway Dock Co. Material 10.50 1? Clarke Bros. Motor Co. Labor & Material 22.22-6280 Maters Speeilati es, Inc. Supplies 5.30 1 J. Warsh all & Sons Police Exp . 27 .40 2 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 328.73 3 R. 'Bunstine Police Exp . 2050 74 Washington Liquid Gas Co. Fire Dept. Exp. 3.00 84 Eda Evans Police Exp. 1.50 5 Pae. Tel & Tel. Co. Tebep hones 25.35 6 Service Laundry 6, Cleaners Laundry 8.00 7 Remington Rand Supplies 1.00 8 C ,�. z 'a 355 Council write Schwellenbach a letter of appreciation. Moved by Duncalf seconded by Lewis that a letter be written Schwellenbach and also Sen. Bone thanking them for their efforts in having the speoifioations changed. Carried. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that the St. Supt be authorized to erect a small room at sewer plant to house the electric switches . Carried. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Delaurenti that >the Council adjourn to Wednesday at 6:30 P. M. Carried. City Clerk Mayor 3�� May 13, 1936. Adjourned meeting of the City Council was called to order at 6;30 P. Id. By Mayor Cochran. Roll Call: Lawrence , Delaurenti , Lewis , Duncalf and Jane , The question of purchase of the unexpired lease of IN. J. Sequin for comfort station was dicussed. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that we offer Mr. Sequin X450.00 for his lease . Carried. Mbved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that Airs . Evans be notified to remodel marquis on Evans Bldg. so that same will conform to the new highway on Main St. Carried. Moved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that the City Clerk write Mr. Walter F. Brown of the Seattle Rainier Valley Line and ask him to remove "Y" on Main St. Carried. Ordinance No. 961 amending 0 rdi na nc a No. 960 for the establishment of a public highway to be known as Grady 'Nay read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee . The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on O rainanc e No. 961 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis , Dunc alf and Jane . No further business, meeting adjourned. rX City Clerk Mayor w 357 May 19, 1936. Regular session of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti; Dunealf, Plano, Deaoy and Jane. Minutes of the last meetings read and approved. Petition of P. C. Mikkelsen to add small room and porch in rear of house on Lot 6, Block 12, Town of Renton read. Moved by Plano , seconded by Duncal,f that same be granted. Carried. Petition of John W. Dobson to erect house and garage on south side First Ave . No. between Main & Wells St. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Deaey that same be granted. Carried. Communication read from Pacific Coast Association of Fire Chiefs read and filed. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Pay Roll St. Dept. $315.72-6302-12 Lot David On a/c codifying Ord 9 .00 13 Toots Bunatine Park Labor 49 .50 4 W. J. Sequin Unexpired Lease 450.00-6299 Water Pay Roll Nater $130.77- 1886-93 Secondary Highway Fund Pay Roll . 90.04-204-9 Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Jane that the recommendation of the committee be concurred in. Carried. The 11ayor stated that Chris Bevan's bid of $50.00 for the fixtures in the Comfort Station had been accepted. Mr. J. E. KoFarland offered to remove the Comfort Station Building for the brick . Moved. by Jane, seconded by Lawrence that the offer of Mr: McFarland be accepted with no expense to the city for removal of building . Carried. The Mayor stated he had been in conference with Walter Brown of the Rainier Valley Lines and Mr. Brown stated that the "Y" on (lain St, would be taken up any time the city requests its removal. Rejorts of the Treasurer and Clerk for the month of rpril read and filed. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk May o r i May 262 1936. Regular session of the City Council was called to I \ order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Cochran, Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis , Duncalf, Plano , Deacy and Jane . Minutes of the last meeting read ani approved-. Petition of Joseph i�rko to reshingle house at 430 Burnett St. read. Moved by Duncalf , seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of James X. Taylor to erect fireplace in house at 317 Smithers St. read. &loved by Lawrence, seconded by Deacy that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Orlando Brgssen to make addition to house at 741 High St. read. Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Frank Riffero to malie basement at 718 Renton nve. read. 'roved! by Jane , seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Ernest Boin to erect chicken house at ' 414 Cedar St. read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that same be granted. Carried. Petition of E. E. dicker to erect house and garage on Lot 13, Block 2, Car "Adorks riddition read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of K. 0. Snyder to erect house on Tract E 29 , Renton Co-operative Tracts read. Moved by Duncalf, seconded by Deacy that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Mary Ditlevesen to move part of house located on corner of Williams & 'Walla Kalla Ave to Lot 6, Block 32, Smithers 1st �.dditiop read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted. Carried. Communication read from Tacoma Fire Department . Moved by Lawrence , seconded by, Plano that same be referred to the Fire Chief for recommendation. Carried. iThe Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following : Current Pao. Tel & Tel . Co. 'telephones 415.50-6331 'West Disinfecting Co. Supplies 9 .80- 2 ,or See Lumber Co. Lumber 9 .49 3 Renton Hdw & Furn Co . Supplies 20 .55 4 Western Tire Service Material 10.80 5 Standard Oil Co. rr 36.38 6 Lawrence Fuel & Transfer Fuel 20 .00 7 Ed Johnson Material 3.00 -6330 I ye��t Ck Current T. F. Meehan To Services 915.00 -6273 Williams & Cross To gas 2,38 -6338 Lot Davis On a/c codifying Ord 25.00 - 9 "heeler Publiehing Co. Library books 15.25 40 Puget Sound News Co. TT " 16.17 1 Harry Hartman TT 11 6.78 2 �— Jose White Library & Fire Dept. 35.95 3 John W. Dobson Convention expenses 15.00 4 P. S. P. & L. Co. Labor & Material 77.74 5 Agnes Edwards Convention expenses 15.00 6 Art Beiis Garage Labor & Material 35.22 7 E. W. Hall Co. , Inc. Typewriter rental 6.00 8 Water Grinnell Company Material 14.72-1897 C. Bevan " 1.60 8 Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Lewis that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. City Property Committee reporting on the venetian shades stated that they could be purchased locally for the same amount as offered by Seattle, and recommended that they be purchased here . Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that the report of the committee be concurred. in. Carried. City Engr. reported that the property owners on Tiliicum Ave. had agreed to open up Tillicum Ave. to a width of 10 ft. at the north end of the street, rm s Ardinanc a No* 962 granting to the C. 11. & StPaul Railway p ol) o maintain trolley wires on certain streets read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 962 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third read- ings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Jane. Resolution No. 484 limiting the parking on Main St. to parallel parking read. Moved by Jane , seconded by Lawrence that same be adopted as read. Carried. Resolution No. 485 authorizing the Mayor & City Clerk to execute Quit Claim Deec,'oonveying all right ; title and interest of the city to-/Rayden Williams of a certain strip on 1st Avdnue north on payment of $625.00. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Lawrence that same be adopted as read. Carried. W. J. Thompson Company asks permission to have tempor- ar.tlgas pump on curb at Main St. The Mayor referred the matter to the Police Department an& the St & Alley Committee with power to act. Mayor Cochran stated that he ani representatives of the Seattle Rainier Valley lines had been in conference with the department of public service and recommendation$ w©�Lld�'-be made for the Seattle Rainier Valley to operate a bus between Renton and 51st at the same fare and TTY" will be taken up any timethe contractor wishes. 1,e property of Mrs. Richardson for right of way was discussed. A motion was made by Jane, seconded by Deacy that we offer Mrs. Richardson, $750.00 for the required right of gray in Hill settlement for all damages and for taking of said right of way. Carried. No furt r business,, meeting adjourned. a <J June 2, 1936. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Jane* Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of John Danielson to raise house arra, make basement on Lot 22, Block 2, Smithers 5th Addition read. Moved by Plano, seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted. Carried. Pet'ition of C. R. James to tear down old shed and garage and erect new one on Lot 12, Block 16, R. F. P. read. Moved by Jane, seoonded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Tom Faull to make basement at 512 Williams St. read. Moved by Lawrence, secondqu by Deacy that same be granted. Carried. Petition of E. P. Wilson Co. to move house from Lot 1. Block 23, to Lot 4, Block 23, R. F. P and remodel same and erect garage read. Moved by Plano, seconded by Duncalf that same be grant- ed. Carried. Petition of Seattle Gas Company to extend gas main on Main St. No. from 3rd Ave, 410 feet north; 2" high pressure line and break pavement on 3rd Ave . for service to Feys new , theater, read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt . Carried. Petition of R. H. Seppi to erect dwelling on Lot 5, Block 2, Smithers 6th Addition, read. - Moved by Jane, seconded by Dunealf that same be grant- ed. Carried. Petition of Dr. Harry Storey to put in partition in office of Ranton Realty Company and make another entrance to new office read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plant that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Pao. Tel & Tel . Co. to install and replace poles read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted subject to the supervision of the St. Supt . Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: Current Pay Roll St. Dept. $275.57-6351-60 It „ Engr. Dept_. 12.48 63161-62 Elmer Kangas Fire Dept . Labor 4.50-6363 , Toots Bunstine Park Labor 55.12 4 Water Pay Roll Water Dept . x,107.75-1899-04 Secondary Highway ru.nci Pay Roll 4125,72-210-16 t-, 361 Chief Stewart rep orted that seventy-eight buttons had been given to the school-boy patrol and that he had had a group picture taken and a picture of the group would be given to each boy as a reward for his work. Ordinance regulating the use and sale of firecrackers in the city was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee for report. Communication read from Frank R. Vaise Post for permission to erect temporary stand to sell firecrackers at corner of 3rd & Burnett St. read.. Communication was laid over until the Ordinance regarding firecrackers was disposed of. Resolution No. 486 refraining from permitting en- oroaohments upon the right of way of Main St. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that same be adopted as read. Carried. No further business, mebting adjourned. i City Clerk Mayor I 1 362 I June 9 , 1936. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Del eurenti , Lewis, Duric alf and Jane . Minutes of the last meeting read and a_oproved. Petition of George Carli to reshingle , repair ani make basement in house on Lot 14, Block 22, R. F. P. read. Moved. by Delaurenti , seconded by Dunoalf that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Mary C . Peterson to remodel house making same into apartments on Lot 16, Block 6 , Car ','forks read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be grant ed. Carrie d. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current The Emporium Fire Dept. 11aterial 421.16-6375 Seattle Tent & Awning 1t 1t " 24.00 6 Western Office Supply Co . Supplies 9.55 7 1 J.J.Bonnell Nurseries Park Expense 8.75 81' Cross & 71illiams Gas 1.64 9 Strnard's Photo Shop Police Expense 16.25-6380 Service Laundry & Cleaners Laundry 13.00 1 Valley Window Cleaners Labor 2.00 2 Seattle Gas Co. Gas 3.94 3 Puget Sound Tent & kwning Park Material 30 .80 4 Union Oil Co. Gas 198.22 5 E. A. Shearer Labor & Material 11.48 6 0. Priebe Labor on tools 5.90 7 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 108.29 8 Tom Dobson & Son Ins uranc a 65.00 g Tonkins Cafe Prisoners meals 18.90-6390 Stoneway Dock Co. St. Material 10.33 id P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 327 .02 2 Williams & McKnight Supp lie s 25.70 3 Joe Wood, Fire Dept . Expense 1.35 4 Thomas Harries ! Ins uranc a 5.00 5 Vioue Pharmacy Supplies 1.00 6 General Petroleum Gas 5.90 7 Rater City of Seattle Water 42.88-1907 Olympic Foundry Co . Material 114.90 8 Grinnell Company It 6 .17 9 Rdnton Feed Co. 1t 3.20-1910 Renton Clothing Co . 1t 9.96 1 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 43.94 2 Secondary Highway Fund W. P. Fuller & Company Paint 89.36-217 Moved by Lewis, seconded by Delaurenti tha t the � report of the committee be concurred. in. Carried. City Engr, reported that it would cost about $250 .00 to connect up the water and sewer on the Grady property on account of new highway. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Delaurenti that the report of the engineer be accepted arid. the St . Supt authorized to put in the imppvwement in lieu of the right of way. Carried. 363 The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ord No. 963, regulating the sale of firecrackers, *ereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye .. Lawr enc e , De laur en ti , Lewis, Dune alf, and Jane* Communication read P. S. P. & Co. asking that the plan for moving poles on Main St. ord.eiby the City Council be approved. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Jane that tbeplan be approved and the company so advised. Carried. Resolution No. 487 authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute suit Claim Deed to R. Seppi in consideration of the sum of $225.00 for Lot 5, Block 2, Smithers 6th Add. read. Moved. by Lewis , seconded by Delaurenti that same be adopted.as read. Carried. This being the night for opening bids on dog pound, the following were read: Louis King - - - - - $578.00 S. M. Wiberg - - - - 638.00 Moved by Lewis , seconded by Duncalf that the contract be awarded the lowest bidder, Louis King. Carried. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that the question of maintaining the cemetery lots belonging to the city be referred to the City Property Committee to investigate the advisability of same and report back to the Council. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor 364 June 16th, 1936 The Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Cochran presiding. , Roll Call: Lawrence, Lewis , Lnncalf, Plano, Deacy and Jane. Minutes of the la:-t meetin; read and approved. Petition of Seattle Gas Company to lay gas mains on 3ain Street and Third Avenue forth, read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that permit be granted under supervision of Street superintendent. Carried. Pet it ion to have one light pla ced in front of Veteran t s Hall. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Leacy that permit be granted. Carried. Annual :Report of Police Department read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that same be filed and a vote of confidence be given the Department for their efficient work. Carried. Ordinance No. 9,6,4 was read, relating to parking of cars on certain streets and alleys in penton. Moved by Jane, seconded by ?)uncalf the matter be referred to the ordinance Committee. Carried. After some discussion on the traffic situation on becond Ave— nue and Bronson '.Way it was i.ioved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that a check be made on same. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. CITY CLERK MAYOR 365 June 23rd, 1936 NOW The Council met in re-;ular session at 8 P. 111. with Yayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano and Deacy. Minutes of the last meeting read and ap;)roved. Petition of H. 0. Wellman to reshir�le house at 517 P/ell s Street, read. ?.loved by Plano, seconded by Lewis that Permit be granted. Carried. Petition of James 'Tattinda to break curb on Lot five, Block two, Garden Street, read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Deacy that i the matter be referred to Street and Alley Comri.ittee with _-o.,er to act. Carried. i In regards to Center Street Marking by State Highway Dept. Loved by Delaurenti, seconded by Deacy they be instructed to do the mar:.-ing including the East side of Burnett Street. Carried. Ordinance 719:64r=,ulating the Parking of cars on certain streets and alleys read and on motion referred to Ordnance Committee. Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance ;r964where upon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole; all Council men votin=r, 'aye' Lawrence, Lelaurenti, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano and Deacy. In regards to relocation of poles on Chin Street. Puget Sound Power and Light Company requested a copy of sketch be re— turned with the approval of the Cit..r Council. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same ba granted. Carried. The question of Sand rractice came up at the Park and a demand for chairs. After some discussion it was thought chairs could be borrowed from American Legion. Poved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that Street Superintendent be instructed to move chairs to Park and also r turn them. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. CITY CLERK 27 1 ZIA q i "*Saw i i t i 366 i I June 30th, 1936 • I The Council met in re -',ulcer session at 8 P. with :;ayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Del aarenti , Lewis , Dunca if, Plano and Deacy. t Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Petition of Henry ',`Jain to reshingle house and garage at 104 Burnett Street, Renton. Lot two (2) of Block Twenty-four (24) read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that permit be granted. Carried. Communication from association of WashinTton Cities regarding gasoline tax money. Communication filed. Comiunieation from E. P. ',Milson Company regarding Edv.,ards ?*arket marquee. It was referred to City attorney. i The Renton 'Fire Chief presented the City with a new flag. moved I by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that Council give fire Department a vote i of thanks. Communication from 2rank R. Vaise Post V.P. 'J. in reference to flag for City Hall. The City Clerk was asked to thank the Veterans for their offer explaining a flag was given by the Hire Department. The flag pole to be fixed was referred to City Engineer. Moved by Plano, seconded by Lev.is that City furnish water to Garden Club for Burnett Street between Second and Third Avenue but do not assume any obligations as to maintenance. Carried. Resolution #488 regarding the installation of signals and signal bridges by the Pacific Coast Railroad Company at the intersection of Fain Street and 'aMalla 'dally Avenue was read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that the Resolution be adopted as read. Carried. Question of parking lots brought up. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that Street Superintendent make survey of available property for public parking. Carried. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Deacy that City purchase fifty (50) I folding chairs. Carried. Regularly moved by Lewis and seconded by Delaurenti that all bills O.Ked by Finance Committee be allowed. Carried. C I No further business, meeting adjourned. i CITY CLERK rVIR I 0R i 367 t� July 7, 1936. Regular session of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call: Lawrence, Duncalf and Deaoy. NO QUORUM July 14, 1936. NO Q,UORUIvI July 21, 1936. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. hi. by Mayor Cochran. Roll, Call: Delaurenti, Lewis , Dunealf, Plano , Deacy ..rr and Jane. Minutes of the last regular meeting read and approved. Petition of J. W. Swanson to erect house and garage on South half Tract 31, Renton Co-operative Coal Co. macre Tracts read. Lloved. by Plano , seconded by Duncalf that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Puget Sound Power &. Light Company to set one pole and anchor on Park Road south of library read. Moved by Plano , seconded by Lewis that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt . Carried. The f ollltivwing permits and application for circus having been granted between sessions were read: Seal Bros Circus, July 16th at park Geo. G. Pasco for permit to remodel apartment and reshing house at 424 & 430 Mill St. ? . C. Byers for permit to erect house and garage on i Lot 9 , Block 3 , 11oto r Line hddi tion, Moved by Plano , seconded by Duncalf that the actic z of the e,),incil in granting above permits be confirmed. Carried. Moved. by Lewis seconded by Delaurenti that the curb at Beaman's Service Station be referred to the St & allay Committee and the St. Supt for rey)ort next Tuesday . Carried. Communication read from Garden Club asking for city laborers in installing pipe & fittings on right of way of the railroad on Burnett St , The City Clerk was instructed to send them a copy of a former motion relative to same wherein the council agreed to furnish water but assume no obligations as to maintenance. The Finance Committee audited and reconunencled. for pay- ment the following: Current St . Dept. Pay Roll ( Che ckin�; 429 .95-6514-1e George Ziegenfuss Park Instructor 15.00 7 George Ziegenfuss Park exp . 5.00 8 St. Dept. Pay Roll 408.75-6519-32 Toots Bunstine Park Labor 54.00-6548 Lot Davis Codifying Ord. 25 .00- 9 Louis King On a/c dog pound 250. - 6550 D. D. "datson Dog Catcher 21. 6466 IvIel Bunstine Park Labor 9 . 7 George Ziegenfuss Park Exp . 5. 8 George Ziegenfuss Park Instructor 30 . 9 Seattle Gas Co . Gas 3.56-6470 Pao. Tel Telephones 28.15 1 Service Ls,undry Laundry 10.65 2 Seattle Title Co . Condemnation Suit 10.50 3 Eagle Cafe Prisoners meals 34 .65 4 Renton iidw & Furn Supplies 46.99 5 Gladding ,YLGBean & Co. Material 7.68 6 71est Disinfecting Co . Supplies 7.80 7 C . Haleway Labor 2.50 8 ►� 369 ,' Current Stoneway Dock Co. Material Y18.53-6479 Genl. Petroleum Co. Gas 2.35-6480 F. H. Beale Painting at park 10. 1 Renton News Record Print ing 23.00 2 Trick 0o Murray Supplies 1.63 3 Valley o'indow Cleaners Labor 2.00 4 (� Brenclal Drug Co. Supplies 4.40 5 Renton Realty Co ., Insur anc e 15.00 6. Reid & Cook Supplies 2.65 7 Williams & Swanson Labor & Material 1.54 8 See Lumber Co . Mat eri al 7 .24 9 krt Beil's Garage Libor d: Material 3.00-6490 0. Priebe 'T° It tt 15. 20 1 Shearer's Sheetmetal Shop TT TT tt 5.12 2 Packer-Scott Co. Supplies 11.50 3 Washington Bindery Library Books 11.82 4 Lawrence Fuel & Tsfr Fuel 20.00 5 Harry Hartman Library Books 14. 63 6 J. �. Richards, Inc. tt tT 43.00 7 E. P. Wilson Co . Insurance 55. 00 8 Renton Ildw & Furn Lib. Supplies 1.50 9 Wayne tanstrong Firemen to Uonv. 25.00-6500 George Ziegenfuss Park Labor 30. 6513 ,'later Pay Roll 'Nater Dept . ; 132.42-1943-9 Olympic Foundry Co. Material 83.32-1936 Grinnell Co . " 303.28 7 'Im. Kane Labor 12. 00 8 City of Seattle Water 34.88 9 Rex Metal Works Material 114.13-1940 Secondary Highway Fund Pay Roll Tt 218.11-228-37 George Peacock Per Contract 275.00-238 1.1oved by Jane, seconded by Duncalf that the recommenda- tion of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. 370 Engr*s recommendation read for the �ayment of $275 .00 tq George Peacock on account moving Richardson's house. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Delaurenti that X275.00 be, paid George Peacock. Carried. ".7t. 7T238 woo"' Engineer recommende3 that 0250.00 be paid Louis King on account of work done on contract for dog pound. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Plano that the amount be allowed. Carried. Report read from Engr showing, a survey of traffic crossing the Bronson ,lay Bridge, the daily average for one week being 11, 165 cars. The City Clerk was instructed to send a copy of same to Lacey Murrow, State Highway Director. The city engineer stated that no street lines have been established on Garden St. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Dunealf that the city engineer be authorized to establish the street lines by monument on Garden St, Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. I City Clerk Mayor �g, 311 ,n z July 28, 1936. Council met in regular session at 8 P. T;,1. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: 'Lawrence , Delaurenti , Lewis , Duncalf and Deacy. Minutes of the °last meeting read and adproved. Petition of T. H. Cadwell. to reshingle house at 330 Smithers St. read. Moved by Lewis , se, �nd_ed by Deacy that same be granted. Carried. Petition of E. L. Llexander to r eshingle house at 523 Williams St . read. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Duncalf that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Jas. O'Br&en to erect house and garage on Lot 1, Block 5 , Smithers 6th t'ddit ion read.. Yoved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried.. Petition of I.Irs. H. =vans to erect a five foot sign on building occupied by Chili hook read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Deacy that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited anal recommended for payment the following : Current E. W. Hall Typewriter rental : 6.00-6551 Clarence Dullahant Fire Dept. Expenses 7 .50 2 Pao . Tel & Tel . Co . Telephones 22.40 3 Y"lestern. Office Supply Supplies 2.25 4 :I.ssociation of Wash Dues 10. 5 7 Bancroft-hrhitney Co . Law Book 10. 6 Western. Tire Service Material 2.95 7 C. Bevan Park :q . 2• 8 Seattle Gas Co . Gas 3.59 9 P. S. P. L L. Co. Lights 328.87-6560 Charles R. Vlatts & Coo St. Signs 22.00 1 Standard Oil Co. Gas 109.18 2 Reid & Cook Labor & Material 23. 3 I Howard-Cooper Corp. Park Ew, ense 1.71 4 Joe Fillon Fire Dei t . Labor 9.00 5 Gaylord Bros. Library Books 5.00 6 Harry Hartman TT " 16.38 7 Continental Corporation " TT 15• 8 Funk & °lagnall s " 'T 6.15 9 Puget Sound News Co . " IT 20 .80-6570 Union Oil Co. Gas 75.94 1 plater Hugh G. Purcell Material 56.28-1952 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 53.40 3 Renton taut o Freight Drayage 12.67 4 {� J. S. Hardie Material 1.25 5 Secondary Highway Fund Home Oil Co. St. Oil 114.00- Moved by Lewis, seconded by Delaurenti that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Quit Claim Deed from Edwin LT. Smithers and Ada Thorne to the City of Renton conveying pavjperty located south of and adjacent to the south ,line of the ?lat of Renton for the consideration of $75 .00 read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Dunealf that the pur- chase be authorized and warrant written in the mount of $75 .00 Carried. Steve Tam roini representing the taxpayers on Morris St. present? tition for a crossing over the Milwaukee Railway and Pacific Coact Railway on Morris St. The petition was received aryl filed for reference and the city engineer instructed to meet with petitioners and work out some plan and cost of the project. No farther business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Ul Mayor 7 3 cis flnz raug• 4 , 19256 . Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence , Delaurenti , Lewis , Duncalf, Plano and Dcacy. Minutes of�th e last meeting read and 'approved. Petition of F. E. 'Nicker to build' sidewalk on Lot 13 , Block 2, Car ",forks read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be granteas under siipe'mvision of City Engineer. Carried. Petit ion of Robinson 'Nilson to teat down old garage and. erect new one on Lot 22, Block 3,; Car 'r'Jorks ndd.ition read. Moven by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co . to remove pole and anchor on alley on ,Jells-Main Sts & 3rd :eve. read. I'loved by Lewis , seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Winona Smyth to erect garage on rear of Lot 24, Block 12, Car `forks nddition react. Moved. by Delaurenti , seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of nick Kortes to reshingle house at 627 Morris St . read. { Moved. by Lewis , seconded. by Dui-calf that same be granted. Carried. Petition of S. ,I. Wuiberg to remodel interior of ,Moods Building and change entrance to building read. I:Ioved by Lewis , seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted subject to the approval of the Fire Chief, Carried, Petition „of Jesse Young to move house around on Lot 4, Block 26, Town and remodel same and stucco house a"d shop read. Moved by Lewis , seconded. by Delaurenti that same be referred to the Fire , .might ';later Committee and Fire Chief with power to act. Carried. Petition of Iloward Ratliffe to make shelves and counters in Storey Building on 710 3rd rive. read. Moved by Delaurenti , seconded. by Duncalf that sarae be granted. Carried. Petition of T. J. Leathley to remodel rear of house on Lot 5 , Block 1, R. F. P. read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted. Carried. Walt Shook --nd repr es ent at ives of Frank R.Vai se presented wall flab for the City Hall to the Mayor & Council. Yoved by Lawrence , seconded by Deacy that the flag be accepted and a letter of thanks sent the Veterans. Carrie d. 374 The Finance audited and recommended. for payment the following bills : Current Pay Roll St . Dept . 2�9s94-6574-81`' f n « Eng r. Dept. 14.97 6572 D. D. Watson Dog Catcher 18. 3 0. Priebe Labor &; Material 7.40 6583 Ren to n Hdw & Furn Supplies 59 .04 4 Trick & Murray Supp 1ie s 9 .62 5 Valley Window Cleaners Labor 2.00 6 See Lumber Co. Lumber 7 .23 7 E. x: Shearer Labor on signs 6.3-6 8 Stoneway Dock Co. Material 15.40 9 Viowets Pharmacy Supplies 3.65-6590 Tonkins Cafe Prisoners meals 30.45 1 Service Laundry Laundry 9 .00 2 Toots Bums ti ne Park Labor 63, 3 Standard Oil Co . Gasoline 95. 63 4 Bill Ply no Fire Dept. Labor 2.25 5 .ldater Pay Roll dater Dept . 0264.80-1957-69 City of Seattle dater Rxpd&:. 130.12 70 Secondary Highway Fund Pay Roll X348.24-241-51; Moved by Relaurenti , seconded by Lewis that the recommendation of the committee be concurred. in. Carried. r Communication read from Fred Hancock Post No. 19 invit, ing City officials to celebrate the burning of the mortgage on the American Legion Hall, august 15th. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Delaur°enti that we accept the invitation. Carried. Water Supt Dullahant stated that it would cost about $50 .00 for labor in installing sprinkling system for the Garden Club on the Right of ',Tay of the Northern Pacific on Burnett St. Engr's report read recommending that $285.19 be paid Louis King on account contract dog pound. J6582 Moved. by Lawrence, seconded by Delaur enti that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. St . Supt stated that a tentative offer to purchase all the brick at the garage had been received. The matter was referred to the St. Supt ani City Fxgr. to estimate the brick on hand with authority to sell. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Idayor 375 :"ugust 18, 1936. ' Council met in regular session at 8 P. hi. with Mayor Cochran presiding. R b Roll Call: Lawrence, Duncalf, Lewis and Deacy. " Yinutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Pauline McCowin to, remodel house and rep air' foundation on Lot 23, Block 2 , ',-r Works �,a_" y i on. ;roved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of H. Lynn to reshingle garage on Lot 6, Block 27, Town. Moved. by Lewis seconded by Duncalf that same be granted. Carried. d Petition of J. iiialinga to remodel house on Lot. 6,, Block 13, Town read. Moved. by Lawrence, seconded by Deacy that same be grantee. Carried. Petition of James Yatinda to erect house and garage on Lot 4, Block 2, Car ',7orks read.. 1doved by Duncalf, seconded by Lewis that same be `rantbd. Carried. Petition of Louis Delaurenti to erect garaE;e on Lbt 9 , Block 15 , R. F. P. read. Moved. by Duncalf, seconded by Deacy that same be granted. Carried. Petition of 'a'ro'. Duncalf to erect house 4.nd garage on Lot 10, Block 4 , Sartordsville read-. Moved. by Lewis, seconded by Deacy that same be granted. Carried Petition of J. D. v7illiams to reshingle and repair foundation of house on Lot 7 , Block 22, R. F. P. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of d.. S. Hansen Co . to make addition to Henry Ford School read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Deacy that same be granted. Carried. ,Vplication of aberdeen amusement Co„ for license to operate a skating rink in Masonic Hall for three months i read., I The same having: been approved. by the Police License Committee, it was moved by Deacy seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Pay Roll St. rept. , 242.77-6628-35 n it Engr. Dept. 21,21 ,6608-9 Toots Bunstine Park Labor 58 .50-6610 P. .S.P.& L.CO. Lights 331.90 6636 Elmer Kangas Fire Dept. Labor 6.75-6611 376 Current 71estern Tire Service material X107 .84-6634, H.H.Fiskaali, Secy. Fire Dept. Expense 15 .00 John dower Lumber Co. Material 6 .58 9 C. Bevan Supplies 1.40-6640 aters Sp=ecialties, Inc. Supplies 7.05- 1 Pettie Printery Printing 4.50 2 Williams & McKnight Supplies, Fire Dept. 2.40 3 � Kuker-Ranken, Inc . Engr. Supplies 1.15 4 Frank Allen Labor 2.50 5 Remtpn Realty Co. Insurance 10. 6 Trick & Murray F,ngr. Supplies 18.91 7 Puget Sound News Co. Library Books 12.85 8 Adding Moh & Typewriter Ex. tt Typesriter 47 .25 9 Harry Hartman It Supplies 8.63-6650 The J. K. Gill Co. It Books 32.96 1 Caxton Printers , Ltd. " it 9 .00 2 Junior Literary Guild, Inc. " tr 8.92 3 Nater Pay Roll Water Dept. 9620.91-1975-90 P.S.P.& L.Co. Power 60.33 1991 C. Bevan Material .99 2 Olympic Foundry It 38.30 3 American Cast Iron Pipe C. I. Pipie 1826.36 4 Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Material 10.59 5 Secondary Highway Fund Pay Roll 0121.73-255-60 Moved by Lewis, seconded by Lawrence that the reeommendationnof the Committee, be concurred in, Carried. Resignation of Nadine Underwood as a member of the Park Board received. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Dunealf that the resignation be accepted,. Carried. The I�.Layor appz} to j Wood, Jr. to fill the unexpired term of Mrs. Nadine a Park Board. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that the appointment be confirmed. Carried. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncal.f that the city purchase 50 chairs from Williams & McKnight . Carried. Communication read from Puget Sound Power & right Company and suit claim Deed conveying right of way over their property for the extension of Black River Junction road for the sum of $575 . to cover cost of relocating pules on right of way.: Resolution No. 489 accepting the Deed for the above right of way and. ordering the payment of 91"575.00 to cover the cost of re-locating the poles on the right of way read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Deacy that the Resolution be adopted as read. Carried. City Atty. was instructed to draft the necessary moo i papers cove$Ang a strip of land belonging to the city to Mr. Peternell for 037 .50 and present same at the next regular meeting. o 3177 The Park Board recommended that we approve the transfer of the park lease from J. D. Williams to Janet Templeton and D. P. Reid and that same be extended for a period of five years from date of transfer. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Dunoalf that the recommendation of the Park Board be confirmed and that we enter into a new lease. Carried. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that the St. Supt be instructed to erect a fence around the dog pound. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk h Mayor ? September 1, 1936 . Council riet in regular session at 8 P. ivl. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call.. Lawrence, Delaurenti, Lewis , Duncalf, and Deacy . Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of C . C . Alright to repair and remodel porch on house on Lot 520 dill St. read. Tsloved by Lewis , seconded by Duncalf that same be grantee. Carried, Petition of John Panzica to erect garage on Lot 8, Block 32, Smithers 4th Ldd-ition read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Mrs. J. 0. Edwards to repair foundation of house at 525 Tobin "ve. , read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted. Carried. Petition of C . P. Doran to erect house on Lot 3, �. Block 2, Smithers 6th hddition read. :iloved by Delaur ent 4 s eco ndecl by Duncalf that same be granted. Carried. Petition of ,tnderson to move house forward on Lot 10 , Block 11, Car .'forks Fuad remodel same , read. Moved. by Delaurenti , seconded by Lewis , that same be granted. Carried. Petition of P. S. P. & L. Co . to move poles at the Clarke ITIotor Co. on Bronson 7lay read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Deacy that same be granted under the superlision of the St. Supt. Carried. Petition of Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. to install anshors at 3rd & Shattuck St. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Delaurenti that same' be granted. Carried. kpplication' Il'or auctioneer's lic ens e to sell household goods at X14 3rd Ave. , ',Iest, read, from L. J. Greenfield. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Delaurenti that license be granted. Carri ed. Petition of property owners on Renton t�venue for construction o f sewer read. Moved by Lawre im e , s e co rd ed by Lewis that same be referred to the city engineer for report and. recommendation. Carrie d. Communication read from P. S. P. & L. Co. relative to Renton Junction highway road, and filed. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following; Current Pay Roll St. Dept . 0296.76-6671-78 Pay Roll Engr. Dept , 7.49 6679 Eagle Cafe Pris one rs meal 33.10 80 do 379 Current Shearer's Sheetmetal Shop Material $1.90-6681 0. Priebe " 8.20 2 Renton Feed ,Co . it 5.65 3 Toots Bunstine Park Labor 58.50 4 Valley Window Cleaners Labor 2.00 5 Trick � Murray Supplies 22.75 6 Seattle .Gas. Co . Gas 2.96 7 Renton News Record Printing 13.40 8 Pao * Tel & Tel . Co. Telephones 28.55 9 Lou King Erection - dog pound 50.32-6690 Strnard's Photo Shop Police & Engr. Exp, 4.25 1 Union Oil Co . Material 18.00 2 H. Fiskaali, Secy, Fire Dept. Exp , 16.00 3 Bill Klinga Fire Dept . Labor. 2.25 4 Joe Fillon Fire Dept. " 4.50 5 H. Fiskaali Fire Dept, " 2.25 6 ,Yater Pay Roll Water Dept . X172.13-1999-08 Olympic Foundry Material 16.00 2009 Dan McGovern, P. M. Stamps, 5.00-2010 Secondary Highway FundPay Roll _ X286.12-263-70 Renton rout o Freight Dray age 7.84-271 71. P. Faller & Co. Material 38.50 2 Western Office Supply Material 18.50 3 Moved by Lewis , seconded by Delaur enti that the recommendation of the committee be concurred in. Carried. Resolution No. 490 quitclaiming to John Peternell a tract of land lying east of Grady Way for the sum of. X37.5 0. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Deaay that same be adopted as read. Carried. No further business, meeting adj ournecl. City Clerk. May or r Sept. 150 1936s Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call; Delaurenti, Lewis, Du.noal.f, Deaoy and Jane* Minutes of the last meeting read aril approved. Petition of C. Iverson to erect house and garage on Williams St. read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that same be granted. , Carried. Petition of A. F. Jazbee to move small house from Tract 46 to Tract 47, Renton Cooperative Tracts, ani remodel same* � Moved by Lewis, seoonded by Delaurenti that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Geo .Ozbolt to erect house aryl garage on Williams St. read. Moved by De4ay, seconded by Lewis, that same be granted.- Carried. Petition of Alex Stirling to reshingle house on Lot 9, Block 17, R. F. P. read. Moved by Du.nealf, seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of H. Evans to enclose rear porch at 320 3rd West read. Moved by Jane , seconded by Dunealf that same be granted. Carried. Petition of H. Me Henierson to repair Storey Building caused by recent fire read. Moved. by Lewis, seconded by Deacy that same be granted under the supervision of the fire chief. Carried. Petition of Mrs. Mary Arthur to repair house at 240 Main St . North, read. Moved by Deaoy seconded by Jane that same be grant- ed. Carried. Petition of L. E. Goe to erect house on Lots 20 and 21, Block 109 R. F. P. read. Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Dunc alf that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Dave Mitchell to repair porch on house at 558 Tobin St. read. Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of C. Doran to erect house on Lot 30 Block 2, Smithers 6th Addition read. Moved by Duncalf seeord.ed by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Mrs. Stella Alexander to made shed into garage on Lot 3, Block 26, Town, read. Moved by Duncalf, seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted. Carried• Yrs 3I Petition of R. Hunt to move hou a from Lot 6, Block 21, Town to -Lot 7 , Block 2, Smithers/ Addition read. Moved by Jane , seconded by Du.nc alt that same be referred to the Fire, Light & Water Committee with power to act. Carried. I Petition of A. H. Adams to make concrete driveway at 350 Pelly St. read. Moved by Duncalf, seconded by Deaoy that same be granted. Carried. Petition of P. S. P. & L.Coo to set one pole on Beacon .Ave. between Mill at. & 3rd Ave. , read. Moved by Delaurent i , seconded by Duna alf that same be granted. Carrie d. Petition of H. M. McDonald, Project Engr. W P A to move pile driver over city streets read. The matter was referred to the city attorney for recommendation. Communication read from Asst. Supervis&r Sewing Room on the project in the Library Bldg. Moved by Jane , seconded by Deaey that the project be continued this winter at the Library Building. Carriede, The Finance Committee au&ited and recommended for payment the following: Current Pay Roll St. Dept. 0370.09-6710-21 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 7.49-6722 D. D. Watson Dog Catcher 25.50-6709 C. Bevan Material-Library 1.55-6723 Puget Sound Hews Library Books 12.71 4 John Dower Lumber Co. Material 1.60 5 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 80.95 6 Renton Feed Co. Material 3.50 7 Art Beil's Garage Labor & Material 4.48 8 Stoneway Dock Co. Material 15.21 9 See Lumber Co. Material 8.07-6730 Williams & Swanson Supplies 3.90 1 P. S. Be & L. Co. Lights 328.31 2 Frank Allen Labor 3.50 3 Service Laundry Laundry 9.92 4 Remtington Rand, Inc . Service 10.00 5 Trick & Murray Supp lie s 5.10 6 J. E. Winzeler Park Expense 180.00 7 Bill Klinga Fire Dept. Labor 2.25 8 Elmer Kangas Fire Dept. Labor 9 .00 9 Toots Bunstine Park Labor 54.00-6740 Waters Specilaties Supplies 1.20 1 Water Pay Roll Water Dept 89.31-2013-5 City of Seattle water 150.72-2016 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 60.26 7 Columbia Lumber Co. Material 6940 8 Secondary Highway Fund Pay Roll 286.75-275-85 W. J. Lauekhart Reporter-Condemnation 15.00 286 John Dobson Expenses " 22.76- 7 Diesel Oil Sales St., Oil 57.00 8 w. P. Fuller & Co. Paint 55.40 9 Moved by Delausenti, seconded by Lewis that the recommendation of the committee be concurred in. Carried. City Engr. reported that Renton �Lve . should be graded before a sewer improvement was initiated. City Atty. reper°ted that Yr. Elliott had been awarded $500.00 in the condemnation suit of his property on Main St. No further business, meeting adjourn . &iAH08 �/- Ir" I TY C LEEK c Sept. 22, 1936 Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Cochran, Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaur enti, Lewis, Dunealf, Deacy and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Axthur Boil ,to erect two car garage on Lot 6, Block 8, Car "Joxks read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Deaey that same be granted. Carried. .Petition of Henry Pistores� to reshingle house at 621 Burnett St. read.. Moved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Alex Cugini to tear down old garage at 615 Smithers St. read. Moved by Del aur ent i, seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Leo Peiroli to erect garage at 311 Burnett ' St. r e ad,, Moved by Lewis, seconded by, Delaur ent i that same be granted. Carried. Petition of John Peternell to reroof chicken coop at 831 Marion St. read. Moved by Delaurent i, seconded by, Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Mrs. H. Evans to remodel frame building on 3rd & Main St. also make a 12x90 addition on Walla Walla Ave, read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Delaurenti that same be referred to the Fire, Light & 'Nater Committee and the Fire Chief for recommendation. Carried. Request from the WPk for authority to cut brush on Commercial Ave. for Cedar River bulkhead read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Jane that permission be granted. T Carried. Preliminary budget was read. Moved by Lewis , seconded. by Delaur�enti that same be adopted. Carried. Moved by Lewis, seconded Durealf that the Engr's report reoommending the payment of $129,b6O to Geo Peacock on the Rich a rd.s on house move be al lowed. Carrie de 'Resolution No.491 for the purchase of Right of 'flay on Grady Way was read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be adopted a5 read. Carried. Mr. Frank Davis called. to the attention of the Council the necessity of a Comfort Station at the end of 3rd Ave. or vicinity. The Mayor referred the matter tto the City Property committee to make a survey and report back to the Council. No further business, meeting adj ourne d.. J , City Clext 111 Aw6r 383 Sept. 29 , 1936. Regular meeting of the pity Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by F. F. Lawrence , Mayor pro tem. Roll Call : Lewis, Dunc al f, Deacy and Jan e . Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Mrs. Sarah Rossman to erect a house at 533 Grant St. read. Moved by Jane, seconded 'by Deacy that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Al Morgan to erect a show room 20x22 on. Bronson Way read. Moved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that sate be referred to the Fire, Light & water Committee with power to act. Carried. Communication read from the Association of Washington Cities advising of a Regional Conference in Aburn October 7th. The communication was laid on the table until next meeting. St. Supt state that he would require about 107 street markers. Moved by Jaze , seconded by Dune al f that the Supt be authorized. to purchase markers. Carried. Resolution leo. 492 accepting the offer of the United States to aid in financing the improvenent of Williams St. read. Moved by Jane , seconded by Lewis that same be adopted as read. All councilmen present voting aye. Resolution No. 493 for the impzovement of Williams St. read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Dead- that same be adopted as read. Aliataiurc:ilmen present voting aye. Property owners on Morris &Whitworth Sts again called to the attention of the Council the necessity of a grade crossing at Morris or Whitworth Sts. The matter was referred to the City Lngr. Report was made concerning the piece of property lying east of idbertty Park and it was recommended that the city make an offer to the Pacific Coast Railroad for said property. After some discussion it was moved. by Dunealf seconded by Lewis that the city offer the Pacif i e Coast Company the sum of $1750 the property to be used for street and. park purposes. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned* i city Clem 1 Mayor Pro Tem i I i 384 October 5, 1936. A SPEC I AL ME'.;TING OF THE CI TY C OUNCI L INkS C ALLED TO ORDER AT 8 P. M. BY F. E. LAWRENCE, MAYOR PRO TEM, FOR PURPOSE OF ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1937. �A Roll Call: Delaur ent i, Lewis ,, Dune al f and Tgm- There being no objections to the budget as read it was Loved by Delaurenti, seconded by Lewis that same be adopted as read. Carried. Meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor Pro Tem 1 385 141M October 6, 1936. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Cochran . Minutes of the last meetingsread and appivved. Petition of Jose White to connect down spouts on Storey Building with storm sewer read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt . Carried. Petition of Ivor Williams to make driveway at 537 Tobin St read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Duna alf that same be granted. C arri a d. Petition of Pacific Tel '& Tel. Co. to install anchor guy at 2nd & Main St. read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Deacy that same be granted ux4:er the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Communication read from Pacific Coast Company re- jecting the offer of the city to purchase right of way for 01750 and filed. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following : Current Pay Roll St. Dept . $425.75-6758-70 Seattle Gas Co. Gas 3.80- 1 Toots Bunstine Park Labor 58.50 2 Renton Hdw & Furn Merchanlise 108.21 3 Western Tire Service Material 3.00 4 Standard Oil Co. Gas 60.64 5 Hooker-Electro Chlorine 342.00 6 Lee Monohon Astt Engr 2049 7 Shell Oil Co. Gas 61.26 8 0. Priebe Labor 5.25 9 Tonkins Priso#e rs meals 32.90-6780 Reid & Cook L�!bor & Material 17.51 1 NePage,McKenny Labor & Material 2000 2 Automobile Club Schoolboy equipment 6.00 3 D. D. Watson Dog Catcher 30 . 4 North Coast Chemical Supplies 11. 5 See Lumber Co. Material 36.96 6 Waters Specialties, Supplies 8.60 7 I.Y. H. Smith Witness Fees 4.00 8 Renton Chronicle Legal public & printing 87.14 9 H. A. Fiskalli, Secy P. S. Fireman dues 5.00-6790 Trick & Murray Supplies 13.00 1 H. Fiskaali Labor 9 .00 2 Pao. Tel & Tel Telephones 28.10 3 Valley Window Clean Labor 2.00 4 Vioue Pharmacy Supplies 1.40 5 ?dater Pay Roll Water Dept. $60.87-2021-24 Reid & Cook Labor 3.50- 5 City of Seattle 'dilater 44.40 6 grinnell Co. Material 139 .18 7 ational Meter Co. Meter 55.08 8 Olympic Foundry Material 66.97 9 Secondary Higiw ay Fuel Pay Roll 303.33-292-9 Stonewqy Dock Material 34.88-300 Union Oil Co. tt 32.50 1 Ordinance No. 965 adopting a budget for the year 1937 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 965 Whereupon it was placed upon -its second and third readings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye : Delaur enti , Lewis ,, Dunc alf and Deacy .. Ordinance No. 966 fixing the amount of tax levies for the year 1937 read arid. on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 966 whereupon it was placed upo4. its second and 11hird readings and passed as a whole , all count ilmen present voting eye: Delaur enti , Lewis, Du.nc alf and De ac y. F.ngr stated that he had a telegram advising the city that about $14,000. would be given under the WPA program toward the 3rd Ave extension. Y No further business, meeting adjourned. City Cle rk I may or 387 October 20 , 1936. City Council met in regular session at 8mP. M. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis, Duncalf, Deaey and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of St. Andrews Lodge to remodel and repair Masonic Hall on Lot 16, Block 25, Town read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane seconded by Lewis that same be referred to the Fire , Light & 'Nater Committee and Fire Chief with power to act. Carried. Application of Robert D. Hall to show motion piotures on Alaska read. The same having been o . k 0 d by the Police & License Committtee, it was Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that the recommenda- tion be concurred in. Carried. Petition of Philip Ozbolt to erect house and garage on Lot 15, Block 6, Car Works Addition read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Phil J. Plano to reshingle house at 216 Wells St. North read. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition ,of A. H. Lynn to instal& a gasoline tank in rear of Lot 6, Block 26, Town read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Delaurenti that same be referred ,to the Fire , Light & Water Committee and Fire Chief with power to act. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and reoormnended for pay- mc;nt the following: r Current Pay Roll St. Dept $471.28-6807-19 Pay Roll Engr. Dept., 24.94-68201-21 Toots Bunstine Park Labor '54. -6822 Renton Auto Freight Drayage 5.78 3 Standard Oil Co. Gasoline 60.64- 4 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 329 .75 5 Art Beils Garage Material 3.75 6 Vioues Pharmacy Supplies 1.45 7 Automobile Club of Wash Schoolboy patrol Exp: 4.20 8 Reid & Cook Labor & Material 6.89 9 Service Laundry Laundry 9.96-6830 Renton Feed Co. Material 12.75 1 E. W. Hall, Ino. Rent-typewriter 6.00 2 Gladding,McBean & Co. Material 61.30 3 Waters Specialties Supplies 1.25 4 Williams & McKnight Merchandise 136.80 3 Frank E. Rhodes Material 23.23 6! R. Rosenstrom Fire Dept. Exp ens a 2.50 T Renton News Record Fire Dept. Printing 17.70 . e Sanderson Safety Supply n " Material 68.00 9' Lawrence Fuel & Transfer Fuel 25.00-68401 Joe White Library Exp ens a 1.25 1 Puget Sound News Co. Library Exp ens a 5.05 2 Transparo Co. tt K 12.50 3 Caxton Printers?Ltd. ,r n 14.63 4 Al Trimm Friel " 40. 5 Union Library Assn Library Books 29 .98 6 H.R.Huntting Co. " " 64'21 7 QQ � 38(_7 W oughtpn Mifflin Co. Library Books' ;:;16.79-6848 Harry Hartman n " 29 .00 9 Gaylord Bros, Inc " tt 21.20-6850 Renton Hdw & Furn Supp lies a 14.. Water Pay Roll water Dept. 56.88-2033-34 ' P. S. P, -& L. Co. Power 51.65 5 Secondary Highway Fund Pay Roll 0140.93 - 303V10- Moved by Lewis , seconded by Delaurenti that the recommendation be concurred in. - Carried. Bill in the amount of $122.92 from NePage,McKenny was presented. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Delaurenti that same be referred to the City Property Committee for investigation and. report next Tuesday. Carried. Engr's report read recommending the payment of $71.40 the final.% payment on the Richardson house moving job to George Peacock. Wt J311 Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Duncalf that same be allowed. Carried. Data submitted by Engr pertaining to the Williams St. Improvement job read and filed. The City Clerk reported that no protests had been received against the Williams St. improvement. Ordinance No. 967 for the improvement of Williams Sto read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance Np. 967 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye ; Lawrence Delaurenti , Lewis, Duncalf, Deasy and Jane . , The matter of opening up Williams St. So. was i discussed. Moved by Duncalf , seconded by Deacy that the matter be referred to the city engr and city attorney for investigation and report. Carried. '' ved by Lewis, seconded by Lawrence that the St. Supto be instructed to smooth out the concrete in the triangle on Walla %a.L la Avenue* Carried. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Deacy that we offer the Pacifici Coast R. R. Company $2500. for Right of ',Yay adjoining Libert '' Park and also a piece on this side of Cedar River. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. &A City clerk moo a Mayor a 39 r 1 October V, 1936. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Maycr Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Lewis, Duncalf, Deacy and Jane. ...� Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of i.nn Chernick to enclose rear porch of house at 434 Mill St. read. Moved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that same be granted Carried. Petition of D. Roekey to tear down house at 324 Wells St. read. Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Dunealf that same be granted. Carried. Moved by Lawren%8, seconded by Delaurenti that the necessary twrk and painting be cion be referred to the City Engr. Carried. ( / on Richardson p mpe rty) r Ordinance No. 968 fixing the wage scale to be used in W P k work was read ani on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee . The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on ' Ordinance No. 968 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence, Delaurenti, Lewis, Dunealf, Deacy and Jane. Resolution No. 494 accepting the offer of the U S to aid in financing the extention of Walla Walla ,ve commonly known as the Third eve. extension read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Deacy that same be r adopted as read. Carried. The question of upkQep of the cemetery lots was referred to the City Property Committee for recommendation. No further business, meeting adjourned. I � City Ole rk Mayor 391 November 10, 1936 . Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. Mo by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis , Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Jane. Minutes of the last meetir� read aril ajoproved. Petition of Ll ,Jenni to ,repair foundation of house on Lot 16, Bloch 28, read. Moved by Duncalf, seconded by Jane that same be granted Carried. Petition of "estern Construction Company by J. k, Johnson to erect Postoffiee Building on Lots 4,5,6, Block 21, Town read. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Duncalf that same be granted under the supervision of the city engineer. Carried. Petition of "l Morgan to extend storage garages eight ft to sidewalk on Main fit. anct raise roof three feet read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Dela ur en ti that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt . Carried. Petition of J. H. Larkin to repair foundation of apartment house at 2nd & Burnett St. read. Moved by Delaimenti, seconded by Duncalf that same be granted. Carrie d* Petition of P. S. P. & L. do . to set one pole and removal. -of one on Garden St. South of 4th hve. , North , read. Moved by Jane seconded by Lawrence that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt . Carried. ,No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk May or Nov. 17 , 19.36* Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano , Deacy and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition J. T . Armstrong to reshingle porch on Lot 14, Block 19 , Town, read, Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of E. W. Isackson to erect house on Lot 3, Block 23, R. F. P. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of R. Snavely to erect bungalow court on the Edwards huto Camp property read. (3rd Ave. , 'lest . Moved by Jane, seconded by Delaurenti that same be referred to the Fire, Light & Water Committee, Fire Chief and Health Officer for report next Tuesday. Carried. Application for two card tables read from L. Azzola for kz.^,nlo 's mq.vern on Williams St. The License Committee,having reported favorably on same , it was Moved by Dunealf, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee reported favorably on the following bills durrent Pay Roll St. Dept . 4512.78-6905-20 J. P. Bolton Lib. Books 6.90-6922 Harry Hartman " " 112.19 3 H. R. Huntting Co . 31.92 4 Puget Sound News Co. " " 25 .58 5 Valley '.- inflow Cleaners Labor 2.00 6 .Packer-Scott Co . Supplies 15.10 7 Tolta Bunstine Park Labor 49 .50 8 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 331.67-6930 Nagel Cafe Prisoners meals 19 .60 1 Union Oil Co. Gas 26.08 2 V. xrmstrong &s Sons Labor & h1ater 12.00 3 Lawrence Fuel & Trasnfer Fuel 10.50 4 J. M. Ryes Fuel Co . Fuel 22.50 5 Renton Realty Co . Insurance 35.65 6 Western Tire Service Material 1.50 7 Tom Dobson & Sons Insuranc a 35.00 8 Service Laundry Laundry 9 .59 9 Waters Specialties Supplies 7.65-6940 H. J. Taylor Repair '� ork 3.50 1 0. Priebe Labor on tools 8.20 2 John Dower Lumber Co. Lumber 10.57 3 i Columbia Lumber Co . tr 3.20 4 Standard Oi1.Co, Gas 32.86 5 Art Beilts Garage Labor & Material 18.20 6 Crane Co. Material 29 .48 7 Charles R. Watts & Co . R. R. Signs 12.60 8 Al Morgan Labor & Material 11.60 9 393 See Lumber Co. Lumber 09.34-6950 Shell Oil.Co. Gas 61.26- 1 Stoneway Dock Coo Material 18.00 2 Pac. Tel & Tel. Co . Telephones 24.80 3 H. Fiskaali Fire Dept . Labor 9 .00 4 D. D. Watson Dog Catcher 24.00 5 Water Pay Roll Water wept .- 56.88-2046-7 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 53.46 8 City of Seattle Water 29 .64 9 Secondary Highway Fund Wm. n. Eastman Appraiser, Main St. R/W 50.00-315 Vincent D. Miller Appraiser, Main St. R/W 50 .00 6 Moved by Lewis, seconded by Jane that the report of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. The City Property Committee recommended that the cemetery lots be turned back to the cemetery company. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Lawrence that the report of the committee be concurred in. Carried. Communication read from Pacific Coast Company offering right of way to the city for w3000.00. No action taken on same. Engr. submitted data on the Walla Walla Ave. extension. Resolution No . 495 forthe improvement of Walla Walla Avenue and and fixing the date of protest for December 8, 1936 read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Duncalf that same be adopted as read. Carried. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the city engineer be authorized to employ some assistance in the prepara- tion of the proposed Walla Wall "venue extension. Carried. Moved and seconded bhat the Council meeting be adjourned to Friday, November 20th , at 8 P. hi. Carried. No farther business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk May or 395 RASA November 20, 1936. Adjourned meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. PSI. by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis, Plano , Doacy ani Jane. j This beinC, the niEit for opening bids on the Will- iam Street—improvements he following ,were read: Joe Paduano & Co. . .45364.75 L. J.Dosell 5818.80 neme Construction No. . 5850.70 J. B. Covello 0 . 6345.05 n. L. Watkins 6511.70 Hart & Shaugnessy . . . . . . . 7072.85 Movea and seconded that the contract be awarded the lowest bidder, Joe Paduano & Co. Carried. Meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor November 24, 1936. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. 11. by L. E. Plano , Mayor Pro Tem. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis, Duncalf, Deacy and Jane . Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. ,..► Petition of "' . N. Richmond to remodel house , same to be made into apartments read. Move(? by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that same be granted, under supervision of the Fire Chief. Carried. Fire; bight > & Water, Committee was given another week for report fd�r the Edwards bungalow courts . Health Officer Mikkelsen reporting on the Edwards courts petition recommended that we insist on proper sewerage facilities before granting permit. Moved by, Lewis , seconded by Duncalf that the report be concurred in and recommendations carried out. Carried. i No further business, meeting adjourned, City Clerk, Pro Tem Mayor Pro Tem. i 4 I i 397 December 1, 1936. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. 11, by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis', Duncalf, Plano , Deacy and Jane Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co . to relocate and set new poles on Williams and. 2nd eve . on account of street improvements read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that same be granted. Carried. application of W. C . D. Edwards for sanitary sewer at Cabin City on 3rd mve,West read. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Lewis that same be referred to the City Engr. with power to act. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: Current Pay Roll 9581.30 x-6973-90 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. Hano Fiskalli F. D. Labor 9 .00-6991- Sanderson Safety Supply Material 7.75- 2 Naters Specialties,Ine Supplies 27.75- 3 Philip N. Royal Engr. asst. 60.00 4 Toots Bunstine Park Labor 45.00 5 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 54.2() 6 Service Laundry Laundry 11.88 7 E. r. Shearer Labor & ; a!?x 3 December 8, 1936. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. Y. by Mayor Cochran. Lawrence, Delaurenti, Lewis , Duncalf, Plano, Deaey and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and. approved. Petition of Alex Ferrat to tear down house on hot 9 , Block 2, Car -Yorks Add it ion read Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of A. N. Richmond for Jones -Estate to erect coal shed in rear of Shearer's Shop and raze old store building on 'Williams St. read. Fire, Light & Water Committee reported favorably on same whereupon it was Moved by Lewis , seconded by Duncalf thatthe recommencda— tion of the committee be concurred in. Carried. This being the night' for hearing on the Third ,,.venue improvement project, protests signed by about 88 property owners were read.' The protests were referred to the city engineer for checking. The city engineer reported that the protests amount- ed to 47;0. ,after considerable discussion and deliberation it was Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Deacy that the matter be tabled. �'he motion beim put to a vote resulted as follows.. Lawrence , Yes Delaurenti Yes Lewis Yes Duncalf Yes Plano Yes Deaey Yes Jane Yes Motion carried. I No itirther business, meeting adjourned. r -' Uity Cle rk r 1 CMayor i I I - 1 399 December 15, 1936. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis , Plano, �— Deacy and Jane . Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of 129 citizens asking the Council to reconsider the Resolution pertaining to bus service read. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Lewis that the same be receuved aAi placed on file for fature reference. Carried. Communication read from Paseifie Coast Company relative to right of way. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Plano that same be placed on file . Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: , Current 7022 Pay Roll St. Dept. p 539 .89-7041 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 52.38-7042-44 Stoneway Dock Co. Material 42.53-7045 Columbia Lumber Co. It 8.75 6 Gladding,McBean & Co. If 17.02 7 John Dower Lumber Co. It 92.95 8 Charles R. Watts & Co. St. Signs 88.48 9 Louis King Labor at sewer 53.16-7050 `�-estern Tire Service Materi al 15.74 1 Toots Bunstine Park La.oor 6. 75 2 See Lumber Co . Lumber 2.59 3 Hub City Chev Labor & Material 2.25 4 Williams & McKnight Supplies 15.78 5 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 336.72- 6 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 25 .91 7 Jose White Labor & Material 3.61 8 E. Carlstrom Cedar Rope 2.50 9 Valley 1,1indow Cleaners Labor 3.00-7060 Trimm Fuel Co. Fuel 22.50 1 Renton Realty Co . Insurance 100.10 2 J. S. Hardie Labor & hiateri al 1.50 3 Brendal Drug Co . Supplies, Health Dept.- 11.00 4 H. 1�.. Fiskaali, Secy Fire Dept. Salaries-21 men 482.00 5 EdmundC ro s s Fir e Dept . Exp . 4.00 6 Shell Oil Co . Gasoline 59 .03 7 Dan McGovern, P.Di. Stamps etc* 5.00 S `Mater Pay Roll Water Dept . 9160.16-2059-64 City of Seattle Water 33.96 2065 P. S. P. & L. Co . Pow er 51.52 6 Secondary Highway Fund John Taehell Labor & Material Richardson 38.50-318 property �- Moved by Lewis , seconded by Jane that the recommenda- tion ecommenda- tion of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. 11ov ed by Jane , seconded by Lewis that we advertise for bidsoA)printing legals of the city. Carried. moved by Lawrence, seconded by Delaurenti that we call fbr bids .on lighting equipment for ball field . Carried• lio -irther business, meeting adj ourne d. - / ,l' Lft�n .T�r�YOR 400 Dec . 22, 1936. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. Td. by Mayor Cochran, Roll Call : Lavirence, Delaurent i, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved . Petition of George Peacock to erect garage on Lot 14, Block 26, Town, reads Moved by L awrence, seconded by Jane that same be granted under the supervision of the St . Supt . Carried. Petition of Ben Lindgren to remodel and repair house on Lot 2.5, Block 239 R. F. P. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Duncalf that same be granted. Carried. Petition of E. P. Lilson to erect house and garage on hots 1 and 2, Block 23, R. F. Pe read. Loved by Delaurenti, seconded by Plano that same be granted . Carried . Communication read from Puget Sound , Power & Light Company relative to their property on Williams' St . for exten- sion of Villiams St . Loved by Lawrence , seconded by. Duncalf that the matter be referred to the city attorney and city engin©er for investigation and report next Tuesday . harried . Communication read from Seattle (1, •ainier Valley Railway Company asking for franchise to operate an electric trolley coach. The pity '-�1 :)rk was instructed to write Thr. Brown of the Seattle Rainier 4al ley j ailway and ask him to be prepent at a meeting of the City Council December 8th at 7 :3Q P. Teie to discuss the matters St & Alley Committee reported that they had made a canvass of the city locating all streets where tall and dangerous trees 4nd shrubs were overhanging on sidwwalks. Loved by Jane , seconded by Deacy that the St . Supt and City Attorney notify the owners that same must be taken care of at once. Carried. _ Loved by Plano seconded b• "',eacy that the Police Department serve notice, on campe;La/aP' ng them to vacate within thirty. days . Carried. City Engr reported that the St . job was progressing very slowly. layor stated that the contractor had been authorized to replace old brick gutter on Williams St . with concrete at an , extracost of 4250 ,000 Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Deacy that the action of the Ylayor be confirmed and the 4250 . be laid out of the gen- eral fund. Carried . T10 further business, meting adjourned . WVi I � City Clerk � J4AM- Mayor s 401 December 299 1936, The Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Cochran presiding* f holl Call : Lawrence , Delaurenti , Lewis, Duncalf, Plano , Deacy and Jane. Minutes of `the last meeting read and approved. Petition of H. Veniani to make snull shed into house at 120 Logan St . read . Moved by L awrence, seconded by Plano that same be granted. Uarried . Communication read from Joint Northwest Strike Committee and filed. The Finance Committee audited and recoi:vnended for pay- m ht the following: Secondary Highway Fund Home Owners Loan Corporation - Right of ti,ay 94200. Dept of Highways , st painting 21.93 Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that the recommenda- tion of the Committee be concurred in. Carried . Copy of Resolution adopted by the King County Palnning Council relative to transporation service between Seattle and Renton read and filed. Resolution authorizing the Department of Highways `«.. to paint traffic lines in the City of Renton at a ,cost not to exceed 421.93 same to be taken from the Secondary Highway Fund read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by uelairenti that same be adopted as read . C arried . Contract read from Hookerelectrochemical Co. for chlorine for year 1937. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Lewis that the Mayor and City Clerk execute same . Carried . This being the night for opening bids on printing of city ' s legals the following was read : Renton Chronicle - 18¢ per column in, 1st publication 5¢ n It is 2nd It Moved by Lewis , seconded by Delaurenti thatthe contract be awarded the Renton Chronicle. Carried. Bids for fixtures and equipment for lighting Renton Athletic Field were opwned and read: NePage ,MeXenny Co. . . . . . 429575. General Electric Supply Corp 19272 . Graybar Electric Company - (1,254. or 19128. Alternates 19740. " 1,200 ►� 19320. ) North Coast Electric 1,740 or 41320. Westinghouse Electric Supply 19200. Reid & Cook 19275. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Delaurenti that the contract be awarded Reid & Cook. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned . __"J Q,14"01.4,Lj it Clerk Z/- �" Mayor i January 5, 1937 . Regular meeting of the. City Council was called to order at 8 P. ireo by i,:ayor Cochran. Roll Call : Lawrence, Delaurent.i, Lewis, Duncal f, Plano , Deacy and Jane. Iinutes of the last meeting read and approved. Application for two theatre licenses read from Be �. . Fey. Applications were received from the following persons: Ke Finos for two card tables in 'Tourtist Hotel on Burnett Ste R. Belland for one card table at Snappy 'Tavern Alex Ferrat for a pool hall license . The above applications having been approved by the Police &. Lice_.se Committee, it was Moved by Lav,rence, seconded by Plano that licenses be issued. Carried . Petition read from Pe S. P. & Le Co. for setting one pole and removing of one at Cedar St. and Denton f1. 11 Loved by Jane , seconded by .0elaurenti that same be granted under the supertision of the St . Supt . Carried . The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current 7087-7102 Pay Roll St . Dept . 821.32-7105-22 Pay Roll Park 24.95-7123 (Al` Pay Roll `+.illiams St . , 57 .40-91-92 D . D. T'at son Dog Cather 2.1 .00-7085 +. S. Darley & Co . F. D. Supplies 86.52-7103 Brendal Drug Co. sbuppIia s 5.17- 24 Pace Tel & 1Oel . Co . Telephones 2.6.60 5 McPherson F'urn Supplies 17 ,32 6 Vioues Pharmacy Supplies 6 .25 7 Daily Journal of Come Publications 5.25 8 17 hit e Fuel Co. Fuel 27 ,50 9 Valley indoor Cleaners Labor 2.00 30 Service Laundry Laundry 12.85 Assn of -.ash Cities Dues-1937 40 .00 2 Bishop & Jenkins Fuel 9.18 y3 Seattle Gas Co. G as 5.13 .4 m. Trimm : reath-holly .75 5 Dan jIcGern ,P.L. envelopes 116.36 6 Emporium Park supplies .78 7 Tonkins Cafe Prisoners meals 60 .10 8 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 4.00 9 Seattle Office Supply Supplies - Fire Dept . 3. 80-7140 rilliams & YcKnight Supplies - Fire Dept . 1.25 1 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies- lire Dept . 2.50 2 J. K . Gill Co. Library Books 8 .75- 3 Harry Hartman " " 13. 71 4 A. J. Burney Painting at Library 88.00 5 He R. Huntting Uo. Library Books 8.18 6 Puget Sound News Co. It it 3.56 7 Chiaago Steel Tape Co. Engr. Supplies 19.60 8 Seattle Blueprint Co. Blueprints 1.02 9 Kuker-Banken Co. Engr. Supl.lies 4.75-7150 Reid & Cook Library expenses 114. 69- 1 Frank Harris Engr. Expenses 1.35 2 He E . Huntt ing Co. Library Book 1.98 3 Harry Hartman " 10.45 4 Lawrence fuel & Tsfr Fuel-Library 20 .00 5 Art Beils Garage 4tax Laterial 8.42 6 Shell Oil Co. Gas 69.91 7 Gladd ing,LcBean & Co. Laterial 9 .66 8 Western Tire Ser it13.39 92 i Zot 403 Wm. Kane Labor on signals 14.00-7160 0 , Priebe Labor & Material 11.10 1 Eureka Fire Hose Fire Dept , 14aterial 196.00 2 Columbia Lumber Co. Material 25.94 3 Stone.,way :Dock Co. It 154. 4 .,,.. See Lumber Co. Material-Park 75.18 5 John Dowex Lumber Co. It It 51.45 6 Bill Klinga lire Dept . 9.00 7 Reid & Cook Light Equip .-Park 1275.99 8 .`rater Pay Roll 4;ater Dept . 89.87-2069-71-74 City of 6eattld t`:'ater 29.40- 75 Grinnell Co. I!ateria1 103.16- 6 Olympic Foundry Co. it 76.16 7 shoved by Lewis, seconded by Jane that the -recommenda- tion of the Committee be concurred in. Carried . Communication received, from County ,Commissioners Office suggesting a joint committee meeting-- pertaining to franchise of Seattle Rainier Valley City Clerk was authorized to arrange a meeting for Friday, at 7 :30 p. m. Notice received from Dept of Public Works on applica- tion of Seattle & Rainier Valley I ailvay Co. o,f hearing to be held Jany. ­14, 1937 in Old Uapital Bldg. , Olympia. The Mayor made a report on proposed Public Utility District 41, and explained the effect such district would have on the tax revenue of the city .-^d after discussing t`he matter it was Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Deacy that we protest against the inclusion of property within the corporate limits of the City of Renton and appoint 0 . 11 . uochran, I,layor, to represent the city at the hearing on the matter. Carried . No. 96 resolution protesting against the inclusion of all property within t e corporate limits of the City of Renton in the Public Utility District Ivo. 19 read. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Plano that same be adopted as read . Carried . City Clerk was instructed to make arrangements for polling places on February 9th. No further business , meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor 404 Jany. 12, 1937. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. :1. by Mayor Cochran. Roll, Call: Delaurenti , Lewis, Dtinealf and Plano. I Iwo, T-Iinutes of the last meeting read arA aa>proved. Communication read from Kirg County Planning Commission and filed. The >Finarce Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following : Current Rentor_ News Record? Fire Dept. Printing v' 2.25-7170 Clarke Bros . Moto re Labor & Material 6.61 1 H. Fiskaeli Fire :Dept . Labor- 9 .00 2 Sanderson Safety Supply " it Material 58.80 3 Howard-Cooper Corp , " " " 12.4.6 4 C. Bevan Park Labor & Material 84.56 5 George Peacock " Moving Grands tanL 80.00 6 Pacific Builder & Engr. kAvertising call 17 .60 7 Renton Hdw w Furn Fire Dept, Supp-lies 43 .00 8 Williams & Swanson Material 3.20 9 The Craftsman Press Supylies 3.45-7180 P. S. P. & L. Co. , Lights 346.14 1 Washington Bindery Library Books 28.x'3 2 Seattle Blueprint Engr. Supplies 6.28 3 western Tractor & Equipment Ik.aterial 12 .20 4 Gladding,KcBean & Co . " 153.66 5 Grinnell Company " 292.93 6 Union Oil Co . Gas 26.63 7 f Joe Padauano & Co. Williams at. 250. 8 Ton. Dobson & Son Insurance 10 .50 9 State Treasurer 'F. D. Dues 44.00-7190 I 'Nater P. S. P. & L. Co . Power w 54.12-2078 a. P. Smith Mfg. Co . Trkaterial 30.97 9 Koved. by Lewis , seconded ,by Duncalf that the report of the Committe4e concurred in. Carried. iiayor Cochran appointed Dominic Carpine, police officer. Moved- by Lewis, seconded by Plano that the appoint- ment be confirmed. Carried. Bill sponsored by the 'r,ashington Congress of Parents and Teachers was read. The Renton Fire Department having endorsed the bill, it was Moved by Lewis, secon&.ed. by Plano that the city council concur in the action of the Fire Dept. and send le tteri of endorsement. Carried. Renton The matter of sale o7 property by the county treasurer was discussed. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Delaurenti that same be referred to the city property committee and the city attorney with power to act . Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. T-j City y Clerk _ Mayor In 405 Jany. 19, 1937 . The City Council met in regular session at 8 P. i . with Mayor Cochran presiding . Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Lewis , Duncalf, Plano Deacy and Jane. Minutes of the lest meeting read abd approved. kpplication for pool house license read from Ticknor 8c Jenkins. The same having been approved by the Police & License Committee it was moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that license be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: Current Pay Roll St. Dept. 9409 .14-7205-17 George Peacock Park Labor & Material 95. -7192 Reid & Cook Labor on sewer 196.76 13 J. H. Lawrence Fuel Fuel 33.95 8 John W. Dobson Expenses-Filing fees 9 .10- 9 E. P. Wilson & Co. Gravel 23.80 7220 Hano Fiskaali Fire Dept. Labor 2.09 1 Bill Klinga " " 4.50 3 Howard-Cooper Corp . " " Material 45.00 4 Pay Roll vuater Dept. 33.93-2083-4 Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Lawrence that the recommendation of the comittee be concurred in. Carried. The Llayor submitted the following list of Judges aryl Inspectors for the primary election to be held Feb. 9 : First yard, First Precinct: Mel Greggs: Inspector J. E . Duke Judge Rose Gamb ini Judge First ;hard, Second Precinct: Hugh 'Ahit e: Inspector LTrs, Chas Dock Judge Mrs. Gertrude Campbell: Juuge Second Nard, First Precinct: E. k. Fulle r: Inspector Kate White : Judge Tvirs . Ed -1 liott Judge Second Vard, Second Precinct: Peter Hansen, Inspector Mary Monaghan, Judge Mary Favro, Judge Third ',yard George ,�,rthur: Inspector ,,.ndy hdam s: Judge l Jennie Edwards: Judge Moved by Lewis , seconded by Duncalf that the appoint- ments be confirmed. Carried. Communication read from Captain Sanislo and filed. Complaint was made of the noise end smoke at Savage Lumber Co. Moved bk Lawrence , seconded by Delavrenti that we contact the Sav4Company and ask that the nuisance be abated, if possible . Carried. 406 i resolution No, 497 refusing the offer of the State Director of Federal Emergency to aid in extension of �'dalla IiIalla revenue read. i Ta.oved by Lewis , seconded by Plano that same be adopted as read. Carried. 14'o further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor r I 4®7 rkr) Jany 26 , 1937 . R-�,'gular meeting of the City Council was called to orcer it 8 P . �. by JYD.ydr Cochran. R011 Call : , Iawrence , Mewi s , veacy and Jame . minutes of the last meetin-, r.-ad. and arproved , i Layor Cochran reported on his trip to Olympia where ': e attend the Session of the Senate at whiel: meeting bills pertainir& to municip4.lizies iv -re discussed . moved. by Lewis , seconded by Leacy that the new police officer have a telephone6 installed at once . Carriea . No further business , meeting adjourned. City Clerk J11 4 Mayor r r January 2, 1937. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. Y, by Mayor Cochran., Roll Call: Delaurenti , Lewis , Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Jane, .r Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Mrs. Lena Kemp to permit to erect house and garage on Lot 17 , Block 9 , R. F. P. read. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Jane that sari be granted. Carried. Petition of James Murdock, Sr. to erect house at i 443 Main St. North, read. Movecl by Delaurenti , seconded by Lewis that sante be grant e d. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following : Current Pay Roll St. Dept , ;442.36-7240-48 P Roll Engr. Dept, 12.47-7249 Bill Klinga F. D. Labor 2.25 7250 Hano Fiskaali " " " 9.00 1 a doll '!dater rept . 427 .94-2087-89 Moved by Jane, seconded by Deacy that the recommendation of the Finarz e Committee be concurred in. Carried. Communication read from Savage Lumber Company advising us that the question of noise had been taken care of. Communication was placed on f.le . Written report and map read from engineer on the under crossing on Morris St estimated to cost about $10 ,500. Moved by Deacy seconded by Jane that same be received and placed on file . Carried. State Examiner's report read and placed on file . No further business , meeting adJourned. City Clerk i May or i I 409 Frank :Alen Labor "5.00-7308 Hub City Cheb Material 7.68 9 Western Tire Service " b 16.11-7310 J. S. Hardie Labor & Material 26.75 1 ,ftow School District §7 Hall Rent 5.00 2 Treas. ISI. E. Church tt IT 5.00 3 L. H. Reynolds Labor 5.00 4 Peter Hansen, et al Election Board 42.50-7315-19 E. k. Fuller, et al It rr 37.50-7320-24 Georgeirthur, et al tt " 40.00-7325-29 Hugh Vhit e , et al rr tt 40 .00-7430-34 Mel Greggs, et al tt tt 35.00-7335-39 Pao. Tel & Tel . Co. Telephdbnes -A.30-:7340 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 341.70- 1 Lawrence Fuel & Tsfr Co . Fuel 53.00: 2 Washington Bindery Library Books 8.90 3 Puget Sound News Co. tr n : 9.32 4 Harry Har tana rr tr 24.78 5 ft Gay lord Bros. tr " 2.75 6 Peter Hansen Inspector 1.00 7 Hugh White if 1.00 8 E. g. Fuller if 1.00-7350 Mel Greggs IT 1.00 1 Georgeirthur it 1.00 2 '0'ater Pay Roll Water Dept . 61.87-2094-96 Grinnell Co. blaterial 9.77-2097 A.P.Smith Mfg. Co. n 4.81 , 8 City of Seattle 'dater 57.20 9 h1loved by Lewis , seconded by Delaurenti that the report of the Committee be concurred ire . Carried. Engr. Report read recommending the payment of X561.00 to Joe Paduana & Co. on the Williams St. job. Moved by Lawrence, secondedby Lewis that the report of the engr be concurred in and warrant issued. Carried. Report read from Engr. on Edwards sewer for cabins . Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Delaurenti that the sewer question be referred to the City Engr. St. Supt.and St & Alley Committee for report next Tuesday. Carried. annual Report received from Renton Fire Department. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Plano_ that same be receiv- ed and filed and a vote of thanks extended the department. Carri ed. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that the city attorney be instructed to draft an ,ordina.nee regulating parking on Williams St. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Plano' that the matter of ambulance service to Renton and vicinity be referred to the Way's and Means Committee for report . Carried. Communication read from Renton Baptist Church and filed. Contracts covering gasoline purchases by the city d from the following oompanie s: Union, Standard, Shell and Signal. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Duncalf that contracts with the above companies be executed by the city officials same to Covera period of three months each. Carried. Chief Dullahant extended an invitation to all city officials- to attend their banquest, Frie,day ,. Feby 25th in Episcopal Church. o they business, meeting adjournedn (�! City Cle k May or 41.0 February 16, 1937. Re=gular meeting o f the City Council was cajled to order at 8 1. 11. by Mayor Cochran, Rill Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis , Duncalf., Plano , and., !Iinutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Clarence 71'illiams to tear down house on Lot- 1, Block 2, . Town , read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Dela urent i that `same be granted. ; arried. I t Petition of Ben Lindgren to re^yodel house on Lot 22, Block 23, R. F. P. read. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Plano that same be granted. -Carried. Petition of George Dobson to erect house a' i. garage on Lot 17, Block 19 , R. F. P. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be grant ed. Carried.. Petition of 1. D. "ngwin to erect house & garage at is t .venue North & lviai.n St. read. Loved- by Plano , seconded by Duncalf that same be granted. Carried. > Petition of n1 Morgan to brea*10 ft . of curb on l,�ain i St. read. 11 Loved by Plano, seconded by Duncalf that same be referred to . Street & .Llley Committee with power to act. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended. for pay- ment the following: 7349 Current 7268-82 Pay Roll St. Dept. Y444.55-7252-53 rr , it Engr. Dept , 59.88-7283-84 Glad.di.ng ,McBean Co. Material 1.80-7285 Charles R. 74%atts &., Co . If 3.12- 6 7" Renton Clothing Co. 1t 5.61 7 Trick & Murray Supplies 45.00 8 Eagle Cafe Prisoners meals 29 .40 9 "dash. Liquid Gas Co. Material , 3,00-7290 Ohio' Chemical & Mfg. Co . " Fire Dept .- 6.28 1 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplie s 28.06 2 Shell Oil Co . Gas 61.75 3 West Disinfecting Co . Sup,)lies 21.63 � 4 Thomas Harr ie s Insur are e 5.00 5 John Dower Lumber Co. Mater i�.l -Park 43.46 .6 Service Laa ndry Laundry 3.82 7 Tom Dobson x Co. Insurance- Fire Dept. 80 .00 8 Trim Fuel Co. Fuel 22.50 9 Pettie Printery Print ing 18.00-7300 Em. Kane Labor 1.50 1 Union Oil Co . Gas 55.08 2 Waters Specialties , Inc . Supplies 10.00 3 Ross Diem Fuel 34.30 4 Seattle Gas Company Gas 6.36 5 Renton News aecord Printing ballots 32.00 7 v..� Valley 1,71indow Cleaners Dog Catcher 2 2. 0-7255 D. D. Watson 411 k_n ON Febraury 23, 1937. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M, with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence , Delaurenti , Lewis, Duncalf, Plato Deacy, and Jane . Minutes of the last meeting read- aryl approved. Petition of Wood's Estate to tear down old garage building on Mill St. read. Moved by Plano , seconded by Jane that same be i;rant:ed. Carried. Petition of P. h. Slough to erect garage on rear of Lot 10, Block 2, Smithers 5th hdd. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that same be granted. Carried. Communication read from Pacific Coast Company suggesting a conference on the Morris St. crossing. The City Clerk was instructed to ask the company to meet with the council 10'clock n. M. Saturday morning in City Hall. with the Puget Sound Moved by Lewis, seconded by Deacy that we negotiate/ Company - - r- - for their right of wa,y on I'lilliams St. South,we to pay for moving their mat,QrJ41 frpu►;p-:re,ggnt site to new location a sum not to exceed :„400.00. Carried. Lr. Angwin asked the assistance of the Council in having a pole belonging to the Postal Telegraph removed from .�., his -propert- on Main & 1st livenue North. City Atorney and City Clerk were instructed to look up all data pertaining to same. No further business, meeting adjourned. A?d--,a City Clerk 0, 71o Mayor' 1- :,. roh 2, 1937, I Tip City Council met in ree�ula.r session at 8 P. _,I. with NaIor Cochr'ar 'presiding . Roll ''ail: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Lewis, Duncalf, i Deacy and Jahe , Kin»-tes ot, the 1=�st meetinL- read and approved?. etiti on of ueorge Peacock to tear down old store building or ,-*, Za. .;alla between Wells w W,-illiams Ot . read. moved by Jane , seconded by ;iewi s, tbG.t same bP granted.) Carried. Petition of 4T, �nard.i to tear down_ old shed and erect new one on Lot 12, dock 37, Smithe'rs `.&cid-ition read. 11oved by Dunca:lf, seconded by Lewis , that Game he r ra.ntec�_. Carried. v Petition of 'tr^1. �. labrtin to move in house frorr: New- ca.stlNand. remodel same to Lot 21 , Block 7 , Car v'rorks, read. Roved by Lawr'enle, seconded by Lewis that same be granted subject to posting of bond., Carried.. Petition of J. Edgar Little to erect small house on Lot in 31oek 21 , R. F. P. read. Moved by D elavrenti, seconded by Duncalf that same be granted. .' Carried. Petition of urnesto :,arei 'to 'erect service station and garage and install gasoline tanks on Lot 3, 31ock 12, Town.t read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be granted subject to the terms of the new fire ordinance . Carried, The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: Current Pay Roll St . Dept. 2539 .94 -7369-86 tT Ener. Debt . 22.47 -7367-62 100-106 TI n Engr . Dept-k183 44.95 - Stoneway Dock Co . Material 15 .35 -7387 Standard Oil Co . Gas 30.92 8 Chas. R. '1 atts Co Mat eri6.1 6.75 9 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 39 .65 -7390 Ohio Chemical & Mfg. iiiaterial Fire D 3.1=1 1 YoFad.een & Son Fuel 34.98 2 Wash , Liquid Gas Fire Dept. Exp 3.00 3 Seattle Gaa Co . Gas 4.01 4 Seattle 3lueprint CoonL:r. Exp . 2.70 5 .'�'illiams &: McKniebt Fire Dept. Exp . 1.67 6 V. nnstrong & Sons Ti Tt it 12.25 7 Packer--Scott Co . Supplies 2.67 8 Renton News Record Printing 16.25 9 J. S. Harlie Labor & 14aterial 3.95 -7400 Valley 7,4indow Clearers Labor 2.00 1 0. Priebe Labor 10.00 43 Union_ Oil Co, Gas 108.61 5 See lumber Co. Lumber 21.00 6 John Dower Lumber Co . ItPark 63.06 Columbia Lumber Co. it 5 .25 7 Service Laundry Laundry 21.13 -7402 Gladding ,LleBean & Co . Material 1.39 8 Pao. Tel Telephones 30.1 9 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 11 -7410 1.50 ]- Tom .11obson & Son ,.,.uto License Pay Roll Park 35.25-7412-13 to 413 Z Water Pay Roll Vater Dept- 56,38 J?airbanks , I,iorse Co . Iaterial 6.20 Moved by Lewis, seconded by Jane that the report 'fir of the Finance Comaittee be concurred in. Carried. Bid of Lli Woyvocdich in the amount of 435 .00 for old water wagon and tank received. I idioved by Lewis, seconded by Delau.rent i that same be referred to the city property committee and at. Supt for recommendation. Carried. Health Officer reported that a quarantine of thirty days had been placed on dogs and all dogs brought to the City Garage March 6th would be inoculated. Ordinance No. 969 regulating the parking of motor vehicles read and on motion referred to the OrdinanceConmittee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 969 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye : , Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis, Duncalf, Deacy and Jane . Carried, Resolution Teo. 498 for the redistribution of the funds in L.I.D.elK read. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Du-nealf that sarne be adopted as read. Carried* koved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that the city engr make a preliminary survey and tentative estimate of a sewer system in North Renton. Carried. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Lewis that the city attorney communicate with Postal Telegraph Co. relative to removal pole from Mr. xn.gwin's property. Carried. TYToved by Dui_calf, seconded by Lawrence that we lease , . for park purposes only, a strip of ground adjoining Liberty Park . Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. i City Clerk rr Mayor 11514 March 9 , 1937. Council met in r�;gular session at 8 P. 11, with Mayor Cochran presiding . i Roll Call : Lawrence, Delaurenti, 'Lewis, Duncalf, Piano , Deaey and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of George Pritchard to erect garage on Lot 1, Block 12, R. F. P. read. 1 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same I be granted. Carried. Petition of Mrs. Lena Roberts to move house from rear of Lot and remodel same and erect garage at 535 Smit he rs St. read. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Lawrence'that same be granted. Carried. Communication read from Mrs. Stella M. Alexander relative to sidewalk. The matter was referrer. to the St. Supt. I City Property Committee reporting on the water tank recommend that the city retain same. Moved. by Plano, seconded by Delaurenti that the report of the committee be concurred in. Carried. Bid of E. J. Kendtner in the sum of V250.00 for all rails , ties , wires ani other equipment accruing to the city under the provision of the Rainier Valley Railway Co. franchise . Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Delaurenti that we give E. J. Kendtner Bill of Sale to the above equipment for x250 .00. Carried. Councilman Deacy made report on the Morris St. ;safety crossing stating that an assessment would have to be made on the abutting property and as the property owners were not willing to form an assessment district, suggested that the matter be tabled for the present. St. Supt submitted a figure in the amount of $37.99 for a fence for the Grady property. Move& by Lewis, seconded by Lawrence that the material for fence be allowed . Carried* hoved by Lawrence , seconded by Delaurenti that we install a telephone extension in the Jdayor' s office. Carried. No further business , meeting adjourned. City Clerk 211, i j Mayor i In 415 Liarch 16, 1937. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with I.-layor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Delaurenti , Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Jane, Minutes of the last meetinc.: read and a.,-,proved. Pptition of Douglas Lewis to erect garage on rear of Lot at 5g2 Wells St. read. . Moved by Plano , seconded by Duncalf that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Krs. H. Evans to repair garage at 320 3rd Avenue read, Moved by Jane, seconded by DuncU f that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Mrs. xnnie Jones to repair house on Lots 1 and 2, Block 34, Smithers Ldaition read, Moved by Deacy, seconded by Jane that same be granted.. Carried. Petition of E. E. Burrows for erection of house on Lot 6, Block 24, R. F. P. Moved by Jane, seconded by Plano that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Thos Edwar-do to repair and remodel house at 320 'Bells St. read, Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried* Petition of .1L. H. Erickson to tear down old building on Tobin Lvenue read. Moved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of E. 1-1. Wilson for erection of a concrete curb on Lots 1 and 2,, Block 23, R. F. P. read* Moved by Lewis, seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted under the supervision of the city engineer. Carried. Petition of E. W. Tyger to repair sidewalk at 320 'Hells St . read. Moved by Duncalf, seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recon"eniied, for pay- ment the following: Current 7426- Pay Roll 6t. Dept. 9669,96-4:3 inc . Engr. Dept, Pay Roll 39.91-7425-44-46 Pay Roll Park 78.93-7412-13-47 Kano Fiskaali Fire Dept* Labor 6.75 7448 Bill Klinga It n it 4*50 7449 Strnard' s 2hoto Shop Police ExL-) * 3.50 7450 1). D. 'Watson Dog Catcher 51.00 1 tart Beil' s Garage Labor & Material 26.15 2 Puget Sound News Co. Library Books 16.65 3 Washington Bindery 11 32.91 4 Western Tire Service Material 2.75 .5 Frzink E. Rhodes Labor & Material 14.50 6 P. so P. & L. Co. Lights 350*71 7 Union Oil Co, Gas 83.76 8 Vfsters Specialties, Inc Supplies 14.25 9 Bishop M' Jankins Fuel 7.95-7460 1 Harry Hartman Library Expense 12.13-7461 Toots Bunst ine Park Labor- 49 .50 2 J. D. Williams " It 49 .50 3 Craftman Press Supplies 20.06 4 Enis Righi Engr. Exp . 3.40 5 V. i"rmstronE & Sons Material 21. 6 .., Water Pay Roll Water X136.21-2111-15 Olympic Foundry Co . Material 13.66-2116 City of Seattle ,dater 55.52 7 P. S. P. & L. CO. Power 139 .77 8 %loved by Lewis, seconded by Jane that the recommenda- tion of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Report read from City Engr, stating that the Williams St. improvement job was complete and recommending the acceptance of same. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf thatthe recommendation of the Engr. be concurred in and the improvement accepted, and the Mayor arra. City Clerk authorized to sign a formal acceptance of same . Carried* roved by Deacy, seconded by Jane that we call for bids for the installation of the flood lights in ball park. Carried. Resolution No. 499 fixing h%Ute to of hearing on the assessment roll Dist 183 read. Moved by Jane, seconded by Lewis that same be adopted. Carried Ybved by Jane , seconded by Deacy that the following transfers be made : L.I . General to L.I.D. #120 . X79.18 L.I .General. to L.I .D. #145 36.14 L.I .General to L.I .D. #148 . . 283.62 Nation Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor ° 417 March 23, 1937. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call: Lawrence , Delaurenti , Lewis, Duncal.f, Plano, Deacy and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of G. F. Wenzel to erect a garage, one story and a half on rear of Lots 16 and 17, Block 17, R. F. P. same to be used for a house temporarily, read. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Lewis, that same be granted. Carried. Petition of `rhos Sneddon to erect a garage on rear of Lot at 601 Burnett St. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be granted subject to the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Petition of Square Deal Auto Wrecking Co. to conduct a used car sales business at 320 Wells St and wrecking yard at '219 Main St. , read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Duncalf that petition be held over one week. Carried. Request for a loading and unloading zone in front of store of Renton Feed Company read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be re- ferred to the St & Alley Committee and Police Department with poorer to act and for report next Tuesday. Carried Report read from Police Department covering the year 1936. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Jane that same be received and filed. Carried. Resolution No. 500 for the improvement of Third Ave. West by installing a sewer read. Loved by Lewis , seconded by Jane that same be adopted as read. Carried. Fire Chief Dullahant spoke of a fire alarm- system for the city. It was suggested that the Mayor & Council me;t with the Chief to discuss the matter. No further business, meeting adjourned., i i City Clerk ]Mayor 41 March 30 , 1937 . Regular meeting of the City Council was called .to order at 8 P. L. by the %yor.-- . Roll Call: Lawrence , Deladrenti , Lewis , Deacy and Jane . Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition \of A. Torisi to remodel Priebe Building at 706 3rd Avenue read. - lioved by Lawrence , seconded by Deacy that same be granted. Carried . Petition of Steve Tamborini to erect garage at 539 Morris St. read . Loved by Lewis , seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted. Carried . Petitiort. of E. A. Shearer to tear down old sheds on Lots 2 and. 3 , Block 19 , Town and erect two new sheds , rear. i proved by Lewis , seconded by Jane that same -be granted . Carried . i Petition of A. D. Angwin to move house from 318 Williams St, North to lst Ave North & 1 in St. read. l��ved by Lawrence , seconded by Jane that same be granted subject to posting of bond. Carried. Applica.ti,on of the Garden Club for water connection on. garden spot leased from N. P. Railway at Burnett St. between 2nd & 3rd lives . read. Y , _ �bved by Lewis , seconded by Delaurenti that the connection be made and water furnished by the city subject to the approval of the Vlater Supt. CarrieO . attend Invitation read inviting the Mayor & City Council to_/ Laying of the cornerstone of the New United States Post Office Building. Same was receiveda-rd filed. Petition of Property owners on south side of First Ave . North between lysin and Wells St asking for concrete sidewalk and curbs read. bbved by Lawrence , seconded by Jane that an Ordinance creating the district be drafted . Carried. St. & Alley Committee reporting on the parking space asked by the Renton Feed Co. stated that same had been taken care of.satisfactorily. Renort read from Engr. recommending the payment of f X600.00 to Joe Paduano & Co. on the Williams St. job . Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Lewis that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried . Ordinance No. 970 for the improvement of the south side of First Avenue North between Dain St North and Wells St. North_ by concrete sidewalks and curbs read. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Deacy that same be re- ferred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 970 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third read- ings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence , Delaurenti , Lewis , Deacy and Jane. Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Jane that the City Clerk call for bids for sidewalk and curbs on First Ave. North between Lhin and Wells St. North. Carried. Lease of the Ball Park to Renton Athletic Club was read section by section. 41.9 4 11oved by Lewis , seconded by Jane that the Yhyor & City Clerk be authorized to sign same. Carried. No further business , meeting adjourned. ,I City Clerk Mayor t April 6 , 1937 . The Council met in regular session at 8 P. Y. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence , Delaurenti , Lewis , Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Jane. ..,► Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Mrs . Lulu Polsky to erect bungalow courts on Lots 25 and 26 , Block 2 , Car 'works Addition read. Moved by Deacy, seconded by Jane that same be granted, Carried. Petition of F. F. Farington to erect a house on Lot 22 , Block 17 , R. F. P. read . Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of F. F. Farington to erect a house on Lot l 21 , Block 17 , R. F. P. read . Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of C. Messano to remodel house and reshingle ' same at Lot 3, Block 3 , ibtor Line Addition. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Duncalf that same be granted . Carried. Petition of Vim. Dagger to erect a garage and reshingle house on Lot 2 , Block 6 , Smithers Addition read. Mloved by Lawrence , seconded by Lewis that same be granted for a two car garage. Carried. Petition of Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. to set pole on west side of Factory St. read. 110ved by Lewis , seconded by Deacy that same be grant ed under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. 'netition of property owners on Second Avenue asking the council to draft an ordinance for a set back of five feet on each side preparatory to the widening of Second Avenue , reaC . 10oved by Lewis , seconded by Delaurenti that the city attorney be instructed to draft such an ordinance . Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: Current Pay Roll St . Dept . $502.09-7484-98 Elmer Kangas F. D. Labor 13.50-7483 Pay Roll Engr. Dept . 19.96-7499-7500 Stoneway Dock Co. Material 59.96-7501 Renton Feed Co. Park Material 147 .75- 2 Union Oil Co. Gas 86.36- 3 Union Oil Co. Sta 283 I'aterial 12.71- 1 See Lumber Co. N;aterial 20.63- 5 Gladding,l'cBean & Co. " 3.49 6 R. 0. Brown Labor on tools 3.45 7 yestern Tire Service I;aterial 10.15- 8 John Dower Lumber Co. " Park 63.02 9 0. Priebe Labor on tools 9.30-7510 •.r Service Laundry Laundry 12 .24- 1 Renton hews Record Printing 24.85- 2 McPherson Furn & Hdw Supplies-Park .98 3 'Nest Disinfecting Co. Supplies 5.50 4 Pacific Coast R. R. Park Lease 1.00 5 Pac. Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones 24.10 6 Frank 7,. Rhodes I%Bteri.al 17 .41 7 I . Fiskaali Tire Tept. "xp. 5 .25 8 Renton Clothing Co. Fire Dept. Exp, 7 .50 9 Trick& Murray Supplies 1.00-7520 421 W Junior Literary Guild Library Books $37 .00-7521 Daily Journal of Commerce Publication 3 .40 2 )eattle Gas Co. Gas 4.71 3 :Pettie Printery Printing 5 .50 4 Lawrence Feul & Tsfr Fuel 20 .50 5 C . Haleway laking keys .50 6 Vioue Pharmacy Supplies 3.08 7 Valley `Nindow Cleaners Labor 2 .00 8 'Packer-Scott Co. Supplies 19.30 9 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 58.68-7530 :Renton Realty Co. Insurance 69.33- 1 C . Bevan Park lhterial 120.66 3 E. Righi Engr. Exp. 7 .60 2 Brendal Drug Co. Supplies .75 4 Tonkins Cafe Prisoners meals 26.70 5 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 18.26 6 Pay Roll Park Dept . 107 .76- 7-8 Water :Pay Roll Nater Dept. 164.15-P121.-29 J. M. Williams lVhterial 8.41-2142 National hbter Co. lb-terial 6.28- 1 Rensselaer Valve 80. it 54.94 2 Columbia Lumber Co. haterial 5 .25 3 City of Seattle Water 41.12 4 Grinnell Co. Material 86 .07 5 Olympic Foundry Co. " 10.50 6, J. S. Hardie " .90 7 Secondary Highway P. S. P. & L. Co. Exp. RIW Vin St. 400.00-320 John Dower Lumber hhterial '? it 35.43 1 J. B. Covello Labor Sc hhterial Main St. 357.48 J. B. Covello Main St. (R/W) Labor 445.60 3 h:oved by Delaurenti , seconded by Jane that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. 1,!r. Zilla asked permission to move ornamental light 20 ft . west on Second Ave & 'dells on account of etoction fir. Sta. on Second Ave. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Duncalf that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. The City engr. recommended that the curb on lst Ave. North at h1gin St. be adjusted. Yoved by Lewis , seconded by Delaurenti that the city engineer be instkucted to adjust curb on the south side of First Avenue North to meet with the curb as nearly as possible on Dain St; the city agreeing to assume the cost of removing clarb on the returns on Main & Wells St. North. Carried. The City Clerk notified the Council that no written protests had been received against the assessment roll for 'Williams St . Dist. 183 . Ordinance No. 971 approving and confirming the Assessment Roll Dist . 183 was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. �. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ord. No. 971 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third read- v ings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence , Delaurenti , Lewis , buncalf , Plano , Deacy and. Jane. Carried. Resolution No. 501 dm authorizing the Mayor & City Clerk to sign Quit Claim Deed to portion of Lots 5 ,6 ,7 and 8 , Rlo�k 6A"tint nitvPt Cemetery to T. J. Pritchard., read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Plano that the Resolu- tion be adopted as read . Carried . Th( city attorney was instructed to ,secure an Ease- ment over Lots 4 and 5 , Block 6 , for sewer connection for Lots 1 and 2 , Block 6 , Sartisville . Carried. Ibved by Lawrence , seconded by Dele renti that ..r► we adjourn this meeting to Thursds.v April 9, atIVIOP. Y. to receive & consider bids on installation of F----flood lights at ball nark. Carried; City Clerk Yayor ra.r 423. .April 8, 1937. Adjourned meeting of the City Council was called to order at 7 :30 P. N;. by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Plano, Deacy and Jane. This being the night for opening bids on the Installation of floodlights in the Renton Ahtletic Field, the following were received and opened: Meacham & Babcock Co. - - - - - - $4,397 .00 City Electric & Fixture Co - - - 4,015.00 NePage McKenny Company 6 - - - - 4,283.00 J. J. Agutter & Co. - - - - - - 4,300.00 Reid & Cook -- - - - - - - 4,047.16 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Deacy that the contract be awarded Reid & Cook and certified checks returned to the unsuccessful bidders. Carried. Meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor April 13, 1937. Council met in regular at 8 P. bf. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Lewis, Plano, Deacy. Minutes of the last meeting, after correction approved. Petition of Joe Edwardo to make addition to small house at 416 Tobin St. , read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of John Bennett to erect house on Lot 12, Block 4, R. F. P. read. Moved by Plano, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. Petition of J.. H. McKnight to tear down old store building on Walla Walla Ave and tear off wooden marque on build- ing on corner of Walla Walla Avenue and Wells St. read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Chas. Zilla to replace old pumps with new ones and rebuild 40 feet of sidewalk and make concrete floor in place of gravel read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that same be granted, under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Claim of the Seattle & Rainier Valley Railway Company for rails removed by city read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that same be turned over to the city attorney. Carried. The 0ity Clerk notified the gouncil that this was the • night for hearing protests against the Second Avenue West, sewer improvement and none had been filed. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that the city attorney be instructed to draft an ordinance creating the improvement district. Carried. This being the night for opening* bids on 1st Avenue sidewalk between Main & Wells St. North. The following bid was --received: W. H. Scherer in the amount of $664.75. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Deacy that the bl(I"I be held up one week. Carried. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis t 'Aat he r-emova.l of Councilman Jane from Third Ward to Second Ward be referred to the City Attorney for report. Carried. No further business) meeting adjourned. . carr✓ City Clerk Mayor r 425 April 20, 1937. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Jane. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Ben Lindgren to remodel house on Lot 22, Block 23, R. F. P. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be grant- ed. Carried. Petition of Ben Lindgren to erect house and garage on Lot 4, Block 22, R. F. P. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that same be grant- ed. Carried. Petition of J. T. Armstrong to erect garage on Lot at 423 Wells St. read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that same be granted. Carried. Petition of A. J. Lanich to move house from Lot 6, Block 330 R. F. P. to Lot 19, Block 19, R. F. P. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be grant- ed upon filing proper bond. Carried. Petition of J. Cugini to tear down old shed on Smithers St. and erect shed on 6th Ave. read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Ralph Nielsen to team down garage and erect a new one on Lot 1, Block 18, Town of Renton, read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be grant- ed. Carried. Communication read from Young Men' s Business Club inviting the Mayor and Council as guests to participate in their celebration of the completition of the new athletic park, Monday April 26, at St. Lukes Church. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Lawrence that we .accept the invitation. Carried. Communication read from Association of Washington Cities advising of the annual convention to be held in Bellingham, May 18th an dl9th, and asking that delegates be sent. The matter was held up for a week. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: Current Pay Roll St. Dept. $437.58-7552-63 it +' Engr. Dept. 24.95-7564-5 it Tf Park Dept. 89.80-7566-67 J. S. Hardie " Material 2.70-7568 Richards Brush Co. " it 4.40 9 Ivan W. Lee " Mower 357.50-7570 ... P. S. Ps' & L. Co. Lights 344.61-7571 J. M. Keyes Fuel Fuel 6.75- 2 Thomas Harries Insurance 18.26- 3 Strnards Photo Shop Police Exp 3:.50 ,4 George E. 19.t,chell Engr. Supplie 5,60 '5 Su lies "' 18.60 6 _ Trick & Murray - PP The Craftsman Press Supplies 2.30 7 Union Library Ass'n Library Books 17.73 8 Puget Sound News Co. " " 22.91 8 Harry Hartman " " 17-.70-759C Gaylord Bros Library Books 6.0 57581 Lawrence Fuel & Transfer Fuel- Library 43.87-7582 Brendal Drug Co. Library Magazines 52.40- 3 Ohio Chemical & Mfg. Co. Fire Dept. Exp 3.14 4 Howard-Cooper Corporation " " " 8.10 5 Pac. Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones 29.85 6 Lawrenc-e Full & Transfer Fuel- Garage 7 .00 7 Water Pay Roll Water Dept. 56.88-2143-4 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 119.72-2145 Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Lawrence that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Delaurenti that the awarding of the contract on the 1st Ave. sidewalk be held up another week. Carried. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that W. J. Thompson be given an extension of sixty days for the removal of gas pump can curb on Main St. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. gal City Clerk L2 Mayor. 427 April 27, 1937. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with L. E. Plano, Mayor Pro Tem Presiding. Roll Call : Lawrence, Delaurenti, Lewis, Duncalf and Deacy. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Petition of N. H. Proctor to erect a house and garage on Lot 22, Block 21, R. F. P. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of E. P. Wilson Co. to erect a house on Lit 17, Block 7, Town, read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted . Carried. Petition of C. L. Dixon to erect a wood shed on Lot 7 , Block 23, Town read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Pederson Bros. asking the city to move fire hydrant located on Bronson & Park to another location as same interferes with their garage business. After discussion it was Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that it is not advisable to move same: Carried. Communication read from Frank R. Vaise Post request- ing permission to sponsor a carnival Aug . 9th to 14th Inc . Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be '*-- granted. Carried. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that the con- for the First Avenue North job be awarded W. H. Scherer in the amount of $764.75, and the Mayor & City Clerk authorized to sign contract. Carried. Ordinance No. 972 for the improvement of the north side of 3rd Ave. by installing sanitary sewer read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ord No. 992 wherdupon it was placed upon its second and third read- ings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Delaurenti , Lewis, Duncalf and Deacy. No farther business , meeting adjourned. City Clerk ,,�, Mayor Pro Tem. 428 May 4, 1937. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to, order at 8 P. M. Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence , Delaurenti, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Jane. •.r Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of George T'rarston, Jr. to remodel house and move garage to rear of lot at 17 Logan Wit. , read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Frank Rosenstein to tear down old ,house and build new one at 526 Cedar St. read. Moved by Plano, seconded by Duncalf that .same be granted. Carried. Petition of E. P. Wilson to reshingle house at 400 Cedar St. read. Moved by Duncalf, seconded by Pla310 that samd be granted. Carried. Petition of Jack O'Brien to erect house at 832 3rd Ave. read.. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Jane that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Herb Smith to put in a 550 gal tank at Service Station corner Park & 4th Ave . read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. ..r , Petition of W. A. Randloph to blow out stump on Martin property on Factory St. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Deacy that same be granted upon posting a $500. bond and under the supervision of the Police Deet. Carried. Petition of John Bernell and Joe Fillon to make sidewalk in front of their property on dells St. South. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Duncalf that same be granted under the supervision of the City Engr. Carried, The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following Current 7605-& 05 Pay Roll St. Dept. $380.76-7610-18 +f " Engr. dept. 24.94-7619-20 +� +f Park Dept. 107.76-7606-7 +t ++ Park Dept. 13.23-7644-45 Eagel Cafe Prisoners meals 40.25-762.1 Stoneway Dock Co. Material 27.75-7622 0. Priebe Labor 5.50 3 W. P. Fuller & Co. St. Paint 32.56 4 See Lumber Co. Material 22.09 5 Shearer' s Sheetmetal Material 2.63 6 Renton News Record Fire Detp. Printing 8.25 7R R. 0, Brown Labor 5.00 8 Clarke Bros . Motor Co. Labor & Material 26.95 9 �..rr Reitron Feed Co. Material 3.50-7630 Standard Oil Co. Gas 127.14 1 Reid & Cook Installing(Ball Park) 2000.00 2 Kuker-R'9nken Co. Engr. Supplies 1.85 3 Underwood Co. Machine 99.00 4 D. D. Watson Dog Cather 21.00 5 Spat+lp Ass'n Credit Mmn Labor & Material 28.95 6 McFadden & Son Fuel 36.75 7 Service Laundry Laundry 12 .01 8 Joe White Labor at Park 15.62 9 i 429 Waters Specialties, Inc. Supplies 2.35-7640 Valley Widow Cleaners Labor 2.00 1 Seattle Gas Co. Gas 4.15 2 Board of County Com'rs Expense-Franchise 12. 90 3 George Abbot Fire Dept. Labor 4.50-7604 23-mer Kangas Fire Dept. Labor 4. 50 5 Water Pay Roll Water Dept. $106.76-2148-53 Seattle Assn Credit Men Material 3.25 2154 `Col. Lumber Co. Material 7 .00 5 NELtional Meter Co. Material 2.28 6 City of Seattle Water 45.32 7 Secondary Highway Pay Roll St. Dept. 301.82-324-35 Moved by Lewis, seconded by Delaurenti that the report of the committee be concurred in. Carried. The matter of acquiring the Mill St. bf'idge when same is replaced by a new bridge was discussed. Moved by Lewis; seconded by Duncalf that we write the State Engineering Dept* for the old bridge when same is taken ,out by the State. Carried. Resolution authorizing director of highways to expend not to exceed $25.00 for painting street intersections, same to be taken from Secondary Highway Fund. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that same be adopted. Carried. Resolution establishing a City Street Fund was Bead. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Delaurenti that same be adopted as read. Carried. Moved by Duncalf, seconded by Lewis that the question of a light on the corner of 7th Ave and Morris be referred to j the Fire, Light & Water Committee with power to act. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. ity,Clerk Mayor May 11, 1937. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano and Deacy. Minutes of the last meeting read -and approved. Petition of Thomas Monaghan to remodel house at 629 Cedar St. , read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that same be grant* ed. Carried. Engineer' s report read recommending the payment of $400.00 to 'if. H. Scherer on the is t Avenye north s id ewalk job . Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the recommendation of the engineer be concurred in. Carried. Report read from Engineer recommending the payment of $428.24. to Joe Paduano & Company. i y Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. Fire, Light & Water Committee stated that a light had been ordered installed at 7th & Morris St. Resignation of Wm. Jane, ,Councilman from Third Ward read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that same be accept- ed and a vote of thanks extended Mr. Jane for service rendered. Carried. Health Officer made report on a small building at 3rd & Mill St. stating that same was unsanitary and should be condemned and torn down. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Delaurenti that the report of th e Health Of f cer be c oncurred .in and owner notifi ed to tear down building. Carried. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Dunc al f that we call for bids for 3rd avenue West sewer. Carried. Nomincations being in order for the office of Councilman, Third Ward, to fill the unexpired term of Wm. Jane i the following were named: Steve Tamborini JoeVuood , Jr. A vote being taken, resulted in a tie. Fire, Light & Water Committee recommended more light at 3rd & Burnett St. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that the report be concurred in and additional light ordered. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. LZ2�229 44 'Now City Clerk Mayor 431 May 25, 1937 . Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M, by Mayor Cochran, Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Lewis, Dunealf, Plano and 'Deacy. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Mrs. Tony Arnone to erect porch on. Lot 111 Block 31, `Smithers 1st Addition read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that same be grant- ed. Carried. Petition of Dick Storey to make driveway into curb and break curb for same on Lot 8, Block 241, R. F. P. read. Moved by Plano seconded by Duncalf that same be granted. Carried. Petition of L. Azzolo to make basement on Lot 3, Block 17, R. F. P. read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Lawrence that same be grant- ed. Carried. Petition of John G. Alexander to erect lean-to on Lot 3, Block 26, Town of Renton. Moved by Deacy, seconded by Plano that same be denied. Carried. Petition of M. 0. Austin to remodel house and make addi- tion tomsame at 411 Renton Ave. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted. Carried. Petition of' R. Gieldseth to change front of building at 914 3rd Ave. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Geo. Kristiansen to make addition to house at 534 Wells St. , North. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Howard Tachell to erect chicken-coop at 529 Mills St. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Delaurenti that same be granted. Carried. Communication read from Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. relative to poles which are to be abandoned. Moved by Lawrence., seconded by Plano that same be turned 'over to the Fire, Light «; Water Committee and Fire Chief for 'recommendation. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment 3 the: following : Current ''Pay Roll St. Dept. $356.52-12-23 ++ y ++ Park Dept. 103.95-7660-2 n +� Ball Park 18.22-7557-5Q tt ++ Engr. Dept. 32.42-1663*,5 Amer Kangas Fire Dept . Labor 13. 50- 7 H. F iskalli it 2 " 4. 50 8 Dan McGovern, P.M. Stamps 5.00 9 Bancroft-Whitney Co. Law Books 15.00-7684 :Al Trimm Fuel 7.20 5 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights (City St . Fundl 342.09 , 33 Fenton "eed Co. Supplies ?.70 7 Seattle Blueprint Co. Eng r. Exp. 2.20 8 o'tiash. State Firemen Ass+n Dues 3.00 if 32 John Dower Lumber Co. Lumber-ball park . 78.96-7609 E. E. Clark Police Expense 4.40- 90 C. Bevan Labor & Material i15 .09 1 Pac. Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones 31.65 2 Reid & Cook Per contract-ball park 1800.00 3 MacMillan Co. Library Books 61.96 4 Caxton Printers Library Books 21,37 5 "' Puget Sound News Co. Library Books 11.02 6 Joe White ' Library Exp 2.20, 7 Harry Hartman_ Library Books 17.06 8 0: N. Cochran Two delegates Convention 22.00 9 Renton Hdw & Furn Co. Supplies 185.66 -7700 Water Pay Roll 'Water Dept . 91.61-2162-66 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 110.79-2170 Chas. H. Harden & Co. Material 37.74 2167 Renton Hdw & Furn City Street Fund 9.02-35 Pay Roll St. Dept. 168.11-1-11 ff if St. Dept. 356.52-12-22 R. 0. Brown Labor on tools 3.00 3 flesee Young Labor on street 2.00 Reid & Cook Labor & Materi.'al 50.12 6 Williams & Swanson Labor & Material 35.49 7 W. A. Randolph Fuel 9.00• 8 Art Beil' s Garage Labor & Material 15.30 9 j Lewis Super-Service St. Equipment 22.20-30 Renton Iron Works St-. Material 200 5.00 1 Bishop 6c Jenkins Fuel i 34 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that be report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. This being the night for opening bids on sewer on 3rd Ave West and none having been received, it was Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that the city proceed with the job under the supervision of the St. Supt , Carried. Franchise from the State of Washington, Dept of Highways for pipe line on Third Avenue West read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Duncalf that we sign acceptance of franchise. Carried. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that we lease property belonging to the Pacific Coast Company for parking purposes at a rental of $84.00 for a term of one year. Carried. Engr' s report read recon en�d�ing the payment of $190.43 to W. H. Scherer on L.I.D.#184. Moved by Plano, seconded by Duncalf that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. Report read from Engr, recommending the payment o ' $46.62 to W. H. Scherer from the general fund on L.I.D.#184. #32 Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Plano that tree amount be inald. Carried. Ordinance No. 976 for the issuance of bonds against District No. 183 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 973 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye.: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano and Deacy. ' Carried. \may/ 33 i Resolution No. 502 fixing the 15th day of June 1937 for hearing on assessment roll Dist .184 read. Moved\ by Delaurenti , seconded by Deacy that same be adopted as read. Carried. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Deacy that Steve ,NOW Tamborini be nominated Councilman from the Third Ward to fill the unexpired term of Wm. Jane. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Duncalf that the nominations be closed. Carried. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Deacy that the City Clerk cast the unanimous balloth fin—Steve Tamborini fptr Council- man, Third Ward. Carried. Moved by Plano, seconded by Deacy that the engr be instructed to bring in cost and also advisability of removing posts in grandstand and substituting trusses. Carried. Moved by Del8urenti, seconded by Deacy that we call for bids for 150 feet of bleachers for ball park. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor X34 June 1, 1937. The Council met in regular session at 8 P. Y. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. Steve Tamborini, having been appointed Councilman and having signed oaht of office was seated to fill za unex- pired term Df Bill Jane. ".Unutes of the last meeting after the -- following correction were approved: Iotion relative to communication from Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. reading: * * same be turned over to the Fire, Ii4t & Water Committee be changed to read "St & Alley Committee." Petition of Robt. Armstrong to erect house at 221 Main St. North was read. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Plano that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Herb Williams to make addition to shed at 511 Bunrett St. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. i Petition of C . Haleway to make basement and change roof of house at 810 Marion St. read. Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Tamborini that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Chas. Starkovich to add siding on house and erect a gerage at 532 Tobin St. read. Moved by Plano, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Pat Ross to make basement and repair house on Grant St. read. Moved by Lawrence , seconded, by Tamborini that same be_ granted. Carried. Petition of Anton Kezele to break curb for driveway at 337 Whitworth St. read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Duncalf that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Bid received from P. S. P. & L. Co. in the amount of $136.50 for water heater. Same etas held over one week. The Finance Committee audited and recommended .for pay- ment the following : Current Pay Roll St. Dept. 405.65-36-49 TT it St. Dept. 313.19-50-57 it ++ Engr. Dept. 14.97-7701-2 TI ++ Ball Park 2.99-7703 " ►+ Park 94.85-7704-5 Hano Fiskaali Fire Dept. Labor 9 .00-7706 `dater Pay Roll Water Dept. 125.73-2171-76 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. 435 CN z Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that the high shrubbery obscuring` t he portals on Park Ave. be referred to the Park Board for action. Carried. Councilman Tamborini stated that the Baby Clinic was badly in need of additional scales to properly take care of the Clinic, according to Health officer, Mikkelsen, Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that we purchase the scales as suggested by Dr. Mikkelsen. Carried. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Lawrence that a Resolution be drafted and sent to the Liquor Board with the request that no more licenses for beer parlors be issued in Renton. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor e 436 June 8, 1.937. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Cochran presiding. r/ Roll Call: Lawrence, Delaurenti, Lewis, '� incftlf, Plano, Deacy ant Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved . Petition of George Paschild to remodel house at 251 Meadow St. read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Tamborini that same be granted. Petition of G. E. Highton to reshingle house on Lot 26, Block 18, R. F. P. read. ' Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that same be granted..; Carried. Petition of Frank Plesko to make basement on Lot 20, Block 8, Town, read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Seattle Gas Company to lay gas mains and services on Burnett St, 5th to Section St aii on Section• St. from Burnett to city limits. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. This being the night for opening bids on bleachers at §ell Park, the following was read: S. M. Wiberg . . . . . $14.01.97 Moved by Plano, seconded by Duncalf that same be tabled, for one week. Carried. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Delaurenti that we lease , from the Pacific Coast Company a 100 foot strip adjoining the ballpark for $50.00 per year, the Renton =Ahtletic Club to pay $25.00 on same. Carried. Resolution No. 503 requesting the Liquor Board not to issue any more beer parlor or tavern licenses in Renton read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Deacy that same be adopted as read. Carried. There being no further business to come before the present council, the newly elected officers, all having subscrib- ed to the oaths of office end furnished bonds, where required, were then seated, to-wit: 0. N. Cochran, Mayor T. F. MEehan, Treasurer Agnes Edwards, City Clerk John W. Dobson, City Attorney, Douglas Lewis , Councilman-at-large E. W. Isackson, Councilman, First Ward, L. E. Plano, Second Ward N. H. Deacy, Third Ward. The Mayor named the following as Police Commissioners: George Thomas for six year term Lou Cross " four year term Frank Delaurenti " two year term M 43'7 1 F The Y-ayor stated that all appointments would be the same as last term with the exception of thenew councilmen who would take over the work of their predecessors; The following appointmets were made by the Mayor: PARK BOARD POLICE JUDGE Floyd E. Lawrence J. E.MCFarla nd Ed Stokes Joe Wood , Jr. LIBRARY BOARD H ALTH OFFICER �! Mrs . M. E. Fairchild John Thomson P. C. Mikkelsen, 1VZ.D. Mrs. Olive Kirwin W. H. Watkins Miss Jennie Edwards FIRE CHIEF Clarence Dullahant Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Deacy that all appointrients by the Mayor be confirmed. Carried. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Lawrence that the city engineer be appointed building inspector, and keep a record of time spent as such inspector, his compensation to be the same as he receives as cilr .engineer. Carried. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Lawrence that L. E. Plano be elected President of the 6ouncil. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor 43S I June 15, 1937 . Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy NOW and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of K. Carnesk$to tear- down old shed and erect new garage on Lot 6 , Block 4, Sartorisville, read. Petition of John Peternell to repair house on Lot 5, Brock 14, R. F. P. read. The above petitions having been approved by the Building Inspector, it was Moved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that same be granted. Carried. Petition of Louis Hansen to erect a coal shed on Lot 8, Block 1, Smith�_rs Add. read. Moved by Deacy, seconded bir Duncalf that same be granted subject to the supervision of the Building Inspector. Carried. Petition of J. G. Alexander to erect small wash house at 308 Burnett St. read. Moved by Plano, seconded by Lewis that same be re- ' ferred to the Building Inspecte . Carried. ' Moved by Tamborini seconded by Deacy that the Building Inspector be given full power to act in the matter of granting permits. Carried. CD The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Pay Roll St. Dept. $379.07-75-86 „ fr 3rd Ave. , sewer 324.78-61-74 }t " Engr. Dept. 38.91-7721-24 n " Park 115.62-7725-26 Va.=! ley Window Cleaners Labor 2.00-7727. Pettie Printery Printing bonds 10. -7728 Trick & Murray Supplies 11.40-7729 WatkinsProducts Police Expense 3.95- 30 Columbia Lumber Co. Lumber 2.48- 1 John Dower Lumber Co. " 27.56 2 Owl Cafe Prisones meals 50.60 3 Strnard' s Photo Shop Police Expense 34.50 4 C . Haleway Repair work 3.85 5 Waters Specialties, Supplies 1.35 6 Renton News Record Printing 9.50 7 Service Laundry Laundry 1.1.93 8 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 65.00 9 Seattle Gas Co. Gas 5.20 `l1 Sanderson Safety Supply Co. sire Dept. Exp. 18.25 2 E & J. MFG. Co. Fire Dept . Supplies 31.96 3 Reid & Cook Material 19.97 4 Renton Hdw & 2urn Supplies 100.43 5 Hertzberg Bindery Library Books 142..37 6 Renton Chronicle Legal Publications 25,67 rl Art Beils Garage Material 27.57 8 Elmer Kangas Fire Dept. La �or 4.50 9 Elmer Kangas 3 Men-Convention Expenses 45.00-7750 439 Water Fund Pay,Roll Water Dept. $218.50-2181-94 City of Seattle Water ,48.28- 5 Palmer Supply Co. Supplies 14.83 6 Frank E. Rhodes Material 9.45 7 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 52.72 8 Rensselaer Valve Co. Material 56 .04 9 Vlowe' s Pharmacy Supplies 4.50-2200 '► Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Material 217.41 1 Columbia Lumber Co . Material 7 .00 2 National Meter Co. Material 53.51 3 City Street Fund Pay Roll y 110.77-58-87-93 Union Oil.Co. Asphalt 116.82-94 Reid & Cook Supplies $2.50-- 5 Renton Hdw & Furn " 3906_.. o Renton Feed Co. Material 8.75 7 Art Boil' s Garage Material 1.85 8 Schwabacher Hdw Supplies 1.25 9 Bishop & Jenkins Fuel 7.50-100 John Dower Lumber Lumber .75 1 W. P. Fuller & Co . Material 2.48 2 G>tcneway Dock Co. Material 81.00 3 Hub City Chev Labor & Material 25.39 4 Frank E. Rhodes Material 8.40 5 R. 0. Brown Repair Work 2.4.0 6 F'. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 33 2.02 7 Union Oil Co. Gas & Oil 81.48 8 Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that the recommend - tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Moved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that the bill �— of NePage,McKenny be turned over to the city attorney for report next meeting night. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Plano that the bid submitted for erection of additional bleachers at the ball park be postponed indefeinitely and certified check returned to Mr. Wiberg, contractor. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Duncalf that the bid of the P. S. P. & L. Co. in the amount of $136.50 for hot water heater be accepted. Carried. The treasurer designated the Peoples Bank & Trust Co. as depositary of city funds. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that the bank named by the treasurer as depositary be approved. Carried. The City Clerk notified the Council that no protests had been filed against thFs assessment roll Dist. 184. Ordinance No. 974 approving and confirming the assess- ment roll Dist. 184m First &venue North was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance committee reported favorably on Or3tinance No. 974 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye. Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, `,. Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. Ordinance No. 9.75 Fixing a penalty against the owners permitting animals to run at large read and on motion referred -to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee report- ed favorably on Ordinance No. 975 whereupon it was placed upon ;its second and third readings and passed as a whole , all council- men rresent voting aye ; Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deecy and Tamborini. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Tamborini that the abandoned trolley poles at 2nd & Burnett St.be removed under the supervis- ion of the St. Supt. Carried. 440 Moved by Lewis, seconded by Tamborini that the guard rail on west side of Burnett St. be extended to Second Ave. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Duncalf that the St. Supt be given power to act in placing guard rails on Wells St bridge. ° Carried. No further business , meeting adjourned. !A/7 / 1 City Clerk Mayor I a j 441 July 6, 1937 . Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with P+fayor Cochran presiding. ° Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. ' Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of the Pacific Telephone Telegraph Co. to more pole at 2nd & Iells St, read. Moved by Plano , seconded by Isackson that same be granted. Petition of J. A. 3terratt °to repair garage on Lot 13, Block '22, R. F. P. ° Petition of llv% Carlson to remodel and add siding to house on 446 Yorris _t. read. Petition of Joe TMonti to renew guttersson house at 455 Cedar St. Petition of It. H. Serpi to erect garage at 209 Morris �t. The above petitions alp having been approved by the 3uilding Inspector, the f ollcwing was- read. Petition of Tom. Dobson, Jr. to move house from 309 1st Avenue north to Lot 17, Block 16, R. F. P. and rerir.odel same was read. The building inspector recommended that permit be granted subject to posting of bond. ' Loved by Tamb orini, seconded by Lewis that permits be grantedas recommended by the building inspector. i Petition of R. H. Seppi to break curb at 209 Morris I .t. for drive-VT.ay 1.oved by Lewis, seconded by Tamborin that same be granted subject to the supervision of the St. Supt . Carried. Communication read from P. S. P. & L. Co.. relative to blink..- tght installed by the State at Main St . South & Grady ,;ay asking the city to assume the operation cost of light. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Isackson that we assume the cost of operation of said light and the company be so advised. Carried. ° Report read from building inspector on the petition of Mrs. J., G. Alexander statin; that same does not conform to building ordinance. after considerable discussion, Mrs. Alexander with- drew her a -plication for permit. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current 70-71 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 50.39-7767-69- Dan McGovern, P. rel. Envelopes 4_.04-7765 D. D. Watson Dog Catcher 21.00 6 Elmer Kangas Fire Dept. Labor 4.50 S Pay Roll Park Dept. 94.30-7772-3 ';deb Brones Police Duty 5.00-7774 'Ah. McCready " it 5.00 5 L. R. Armet Police Expense 1.10 6. State Treasurer Police Dept. Drivers License 130000 78 F'. C. Mikkelsen Clinic scales Valley Windw Clea,rners Labor 8.00 9. 442 Current George Abbott Fire Dept. L 4.50-7780 H. A. Fiskaali ?I ft12.00 1., Elmer Kangas it " " 6.75 2 Clarence Dullahant Convention Expenses 10.00 3 Renton News Record Fire Dept. Printing 5.50 4 Pacific Telephone Telephones 28.89 5 Seattle Gas Company Gas 4.43 �6 .,�, ►" The Craftsman Press Supplies 5.10 7 John IBJ. Dobson Filing fees - Deeds 1,35 8 Packer-Scott Co. Supplies 12.75 9 Renton Reatly Co. . Insurance 25.00-7790 Service Laundry Laundry 12.24 1 J. E. Vioue Supplies 2.28_ 2 Tonkins Cafe Prisoners meals 62.85 3 Amiercana Corp Library Books 6.00 4 Metropolitan Printing Co. " " 9 .75, 5 Trick & Murray Supplies " 6.05 6 American Metal Products Library Books 19.75 7 Puget Sound News Co. Library Books 28.15 8 Rentor. Hdw & Furn. Co. UPPLIES WIV15 9 Water Specialties, Inc . " 19,07-7801 City St. Fund Pay Rol]_ 217.79-109-20 *, ►► 3rd Ave. , sewer 43.48 121-24 it St. Dept. 392.43-125-35 Good-Ni119 To rags 1.00-136 Olympic Foundry Material 37 .35 7 Renton Feed Co. Material 15.75 8 C. M. Segar Sharpening tools 14.90 9 Gladding,MeBean & Co. Material 205.43-140 W. A. Randolph Wood 9.00 1 Union Oil Co. Material 33.73 2 0. Priebe Labor & Material 8.50 3 See Lumber Co. Material 13.60 4 Stoneay Dock Co . Material 41.90 5 Union Oil Co. St. Material 65.14 8 Home Oil Coo St. Oil 189 .00 9 ;water Fund Pay Roll Water Dept. 106.18-2206-10 Harold H. Huston Co. Water Bonds 11,578.75-2211 Olympic Foundry Co. Material 72.22- 8 City of Seattle Nater 82.64 4 2.91 5 Hersey Mfg. Co. Material Palmer Supply Co. Material 3.11 6 Pettie Printery Printing 10.00 7 Grinnell Co. Material 5.81 Renton News Record Publication 9 3 .50 9on H. Scherer Final Payment Dist 184 150.00-111 Moved by Lewis, seconded by Tamborini that the recommenda- tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Engineer submitted data on proposed Comfort Station, \ Moved by Plano, seconded by Duncalf that the city attorney be instructed to bring in an Ordinance licensing all pin-ball, counter and other vending and skillmachines at $10.00 per month and fixing an 18 year old age limit and no machine be allowed within 500 feet of any school grounds. Carried. Chief Stewart suggested the name of 0 . G. Gilleland as a 9necia.l Police. Mayor Cochran appointed 0. G. Gilleland as a special policeman. 443 z Moved by Beacy, seconded by Lawrence that the appoint- ment be confirmed. Carried. Resolution No. '504 fixing the 3rd day of August for hearing on Assment Roll Dist. 185, read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamb orini that same be adopted. Carried, Engr' s report read recommending that we accept a modif- ication of the State franchise for eight of way for sewer. on 3rd Avenue, same to be five feet from the north right of way line. Moved by Lewis,seconded by Tamborini that we concur in the engr's report. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor 444 July 20, 1937. Regular meeting of•the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M'. with Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Lewis, Duncalf, Deacy and Tamborini. Minutos of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, all being o. k' d -by the Building Inspector were read: Mrs . E. Ylartin to erect garage on Lot 21, Block 7 , Car 'forks A. Beerman, re :-ir house by adding eaves at 325 'Shit1nrorth St. Walter F. Evans ,to make addition to house at 216 Park Ave. J. G. Duncalf to tear down old garage and erect new one at 423 +rilliams St. E. 'E. Duff to remove sidewalk an T_ut in new walk ct cornea ',.,illiams 3rd Ave. Ella i. Siegfried to erect house 6� garage at 3rd 6� Garden. Andrew Kauzerich to make basement at 514 Burnett . iii. Pollock to add room to small house on Lot 25, Block 16, R. '. P. Tutt Lux to make basement on Lot 10, Block 2, To,;an . MovEd by Lawrence, seconded by Tamborini that per- mits be issued to petitioners. Carried. The following petitions were .read from the Pu-et Sound Power & Light Company: Replace pole 1st Ave . North, East of Main St Set pole at 6th & Main St. Set pole and remove another at Factory & 4th Ave. Set pole & anchor on I,Iain St,Xorth of Bronson Way. Set pole and remove another, 1 illiams St. North of 5th Ave. Set pole, main St. & 2nd Ave. , North. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lewis that the -permits be granted subject to the supervision of the St. Sunt. Carried. Communication read from Puget Sound Power w Light Co relative to operation of police, fire alarm and street signor wires. Moved by Tamborib.i, seconded by Duncalf that same be referred to the City Engineer to investigate and report next meeting night . Carried. Communication read from John G. and Stella A.I. Alexander. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that same be received and filed. Carried. LOU City Engineer reported_ on the Jesse Young building , stating that a new roof would be put on the building and the building stuccoed in a very short time . Communications read protesting against the erection of a power line by the City of Seattle adjacent to the airport. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Tamborini that a forma rrotPst from t bP City of Rnrton be fo -Ar-rded Major General 445 E. 1 . l..arkham, Chief of Engrs. , vashington, D. C. and W. G. 11agnuson, Congressman. Carried., iuovec_ by Lawrence , s econded by Tamborini that the *ftw airport matter be referred to the city attorney with instruct- ions to investigate the matter and report the possibility of legal action in the matter. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Park Payroll Park `' y ��103.04-7815-16 Engr. Dept . Engr. 49.26-7823-24 E. H. Stokes, Park Material 33.57-7802 Grant 1ilfg. Co. Park Material 190.38-7813 Ralph Parker Park Labor 4.5Q-7814 J. S. IlArdie Park Labor cc Material 48.97-7817 Jno. Dower Lumber Co. Park Lumber 10.05 8 P. S. P. & L. Co. Water Heater , 136.50 9 E. P. Wilson Co. Bond 9 .50-7820 West Disinfecting Co . Supplies 6.68- 1 D. D. Watson Dog Catcher 30.00 2, Elmer Kangas Fire Dept . Labor 4.50-7825 City St. Fund Pay Roll St. Deet. 374.91-151-62 Pay Roll St. Dent. 287 .13-163-72. Renton Feed Co. Supplies 7 .00 173 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 336 .44- 4 Art Beils Garage Labor & Material 46.95 5 Hooker-Electro Chlorine 288.65 6 Guy Thompson Motors, Inc . Material 1.83 8 Bishop & Jenkins Fuel 9.40 9 Guy Thompson Motors, Material 1.83-177 Home Oil Co. St. Oil 129.00-180 Water Pay Roll '.Vater Dept. 61.24-2223-25 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 147.03-2226 A. P. Smith Mfg. Co . Material 33.00 7 Grinnell Company Material 127 .91 8 Renton News Record Printing 42.20 9 Renton Chronicle Printing 67 .95-2230, Moved by Lewis, seconded by Lawrence that the report of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Engr. made verbal report on the 6th Ave. , storm sewer. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that the engineer bring in an estimate on same. Carried. Engr. reported that the car shops were contemplating paving 4th Ave . worth. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Tamborini that the engineer be instructed to do the necessary engineering work on. 4th Ave. North at the expense of the city and the paving be; done under the supervision of the city engineer, the paving NNW expense to be borne by the car shops entirely. Carrited. Ordinance relating to civil service in the Police Department read. Moved and seconded that same be referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee were given one week to report on same. Carried. Ordinance relating to the licensing and reF1.11e-tion. s read and referred to the Ordinance of yin ball machines �r�a Committee. I 446 The Ordinance Commit t-ee asked foranother week before reporting on same. Granted . No further business-, meeting adjourned. A(10 ta'i I City Clerk i -Mayor t I 447 �n f� August 3 , 1937. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deady and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The Building Supt recommended that the following petitions be; granted: John Plese to make basement at 547 Tobin Ave. Dick Storey to put shakes on house at 1st Ave. North and Main St. Mrs. Mabel Evans to tear down old frame building on Lot 14, Block 25, Town. Mrs. Fanny Illian to erect a small house at 313 Mill St. W. P. Reid ,to erect house on Tract 32, Renton Co-operative Coal Companys Acre Tracts. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Plano that the recommenda- tion of the Building ,upt be concurred in. Carried. Petition of Pae. Tel & Tel. Co. to remove four poles on the south side of Section St. remove one pole located at the NW corner of Section St. and Beacon Hill Blvd. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Isackson that same be granted. Carried. Petition of P. S. P & L. Co. to set new poles and remove old ones on Williams St. 3rd Ave. 6th Ave, read. Moved by Deacy, seconded by Tamborini that same be grunted subject to thesupervision ofthe St. Supt . Carried. Communications received from the Young Men's Business Club, Renton Commercial Club and Renton Athletic Club asking the city to refuse franchise to the City of Seattle for trans- mission line. Moved by Lawrence,seconded by Lewis that same be received and filed for future reference. Carried. Communication read from Seattle & Rainier Valley Ry. Co. relative to rails. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamborini that same be referred to the City Attorney. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following : current Pay Roll St. Dept. 410.44-181-93 +t " City St. Fund 389.30-194-203 +f n Engr. Dept. 113.74-7844-5-6 ++ n Park Dept. 17.92-7842-43 ,+ n Park Debt. 11.2.05-7640-1 Trick & Murray Supplies 5.75-7847 Vince Stewart Police Exp. 10.00- 8 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Telephones 24.30 9 Strnard's Photo Police Exp. 6.10-7850 Hano Fiskaali Fire Dept. Exp. 1.0.00 1 Eagle Cafe Prisoners meals 56.40 2 Thomas Harries Insurance 5.00 3 Seattle Gas Co. Gas 1.00 4 Renton Television Co-8 Police Exp. 4.10 5 The Emprium Supplies 7.00 6 Valley Window Cleaners Labor 2.00 7 Renton Iron Works l aterial 50.00-204 Renton Auto Freight Drayage 23.40 205 Current MacMillan Co. Library Books 8.63-7858 Harry Hartman " " 9.75 9 Junior Litery Guild " " 21.00-7860 Washington Bindery " " 47.71 1 Gaylord Bros. " " 36.65 2 Puget Sound News " " 28.54 3 Adolph Bronson,MD Police Expense 2.50 4 Athletic Supply Park Supplies 1.50 5 .�. Pac. Coast Stamp Park " 4.65 6 Vioues Pharmacy Supplies 1.70 7 Frank E. Rhodes, Inc. Fire Dept. & Pol Material 72.11 8 Water Pay Roll Water Dept. 100.99-2233-5 J. E. Vioue Material 3.75-2236 Grinnell Co. Material 47.76 -2237 City of Seattle Water 112.72- 8 11 Moved by Lewis, seconded by Tamborini that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried Report read from Engr. on proposed storm sewer for North Renton; the average cost per lot to be $6.00 and $8.00. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that . a Resolution of Intention for North Renton storm sewer be drafted. Carried. Ordinance Committee was granted another week before report- ing on Police Civil Service Ordinance and Vending Machine Ord- inance. No protests ha ing: been filed against L.I.D.#185 Assessm8nt Rcll rdinanc4 No. 976 , approving and confirming the Assess- ment Roll District No. 185 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on same whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen presentivoting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamb orini• Carried. Mr. Smith, representative tof the City of Seattle spoke relative to transmission line crossing over Renton Streets. No further business, meeting adjourned,* to meet Wednesday August 4th, at 7 P. Me City Clerk i Mayor d iL i a 49 Aug. 4, 1937. Adjourned meeting of the City Council was called to order at 7 P. M. by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call: Lawrence , Lewis, Plano, Deacy, and Tamborini. Resolution No. 505 for the improvement of North Renton by auxiliary. ov relaef trunk sewer read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that same be F adopted as read. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk 4r lllz:a� Mayor 450 ` Aug. 17 , 1937. Council met in regular session at 8 P. lel. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call : Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, .Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. Minutes of the lawt meeting read and approved. '"W The Building Suit. recommended that the following petitions be granted: Herman T. Covey to erect cold storage building on Lots 7 & 8, Block 21, Town. A. Diambori to make basement - Lot 14, Block 15, Richard Martin to change stairway in theatre building Lot 7 , Block 13, Town A. H. Adams to reshingle house on Lot 7, Block 2, Motor Line Addition Mrs. Nannie Evans to change window in building on Lot 4, Block 14, Town. J. L. Davidson to erect house on Lot 4, Block 2, Smithers Nello Pistoresi to remodel house on Lot 7 , Block 2, Car Vdorks Addition. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Duncalf that the recommendation of the engineer be concurred in and permits granted. Carried. Petition of the P. S. R & L. Co. to set one pole and remove one on 8th Ave, east of High -S,t. read. Moved by Lewis, secondE : Oy Duncalf that same be granted under the supervision of the :"t. Supt. Carried . of the City of Seattle Application/for an electric transmission system franchise over certain streets and alleys in Renton read. Moved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that same be received and filed for future Deference. Carried. Notice of meeting of the Association of Valley Cities at Kent, August 25th read.. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Lewis that wane be received and filed. Carried. Invitation received from employees of the Pacific Car inviting city officials to their first annual picnic at Fortuna Park, August 21st. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that we accept the invitation. Carried. a Communication received from County Comrs relative to granting of circus and carnival licenses outside the city limits. ' Moved by Tamborini, secomded by Lawrence that same be received and letter of appreciation sent. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Duncalf that all lapplications for carnivals etc. outside the city be considered by the council as a whole. Carried. Lease covering prgaeerty to be used by the city for parking lot adjoining the ball field at a yearly rental of $50, beginningJune 1, 1937 read from Pacific Coast Company. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that the Mayor and City Clerk execute same. Carried. 45►1. ql The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment th of o ll owi ng: City Street Fund Pay Roll St. Dept. $345.65-208-220 St. Dept. 349.58-221-230 �- Diesel Oil Sales Co. Road Oil 162.80-237 0. Priebe Labor on tolls 5.50-231 Signal Oil Co. Gas 69.75-232 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 338.47- 3 John Dower Lumber Co. Lumber 16.63 4 Western Tire Service St. Material 3.25 5 Stoneway Dock Co. St. Material 53.52 6 Disesel Oil 31les Co. St. Oil 162.80 7 See Lumber Co. Current Lumber 21.96 8 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 132.25-7883-85 ti " Park Dept. 98.58-7886-7 Athletic Supply Co. Park Supplies 1.50-7888 Guy Thompson Motors Park Expense .75 9 Ray Barrett Park " 1.50-7890 Lowman & Hanford Library Books 15.80- 1 Yale University Press " " 20.70- 2 Funk &,uYagnalls " f+ 6.15 3 Service Lauddry Laundry 12.71 4 Pattie Printery Printing 10.00 5 Enis Righi Services 6.40 6 C. Haleway Police Expense 4.00 7 Kuker-Ranken, Inc Engr. Supplies 9.10 8 Stoneway Dock Co. St. Material-Park 11.48 7901 Waters Specialties Supplies 3.75-7900 Renton News Record Printing-Park 6.75-7902 wn. L. Erickson Police-Witness Fees 4.20 3 Western Union Tel Police Telegrams 10.01 4 The Quarrie Corp. Library Books 67.63 5 Harry Hartman " it 3.75 6 Puget Sound News Co. " " 10.15 7 Elmer Kangas Fire Dept. Labor 9.00 8 Water Pa Roll Water Dept. � 47.32-2242-43 Y 172.55-2244 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power Moved by Lewis, seconded by Isackson that the recommenda- tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried* Mr. Gottstein designated August 20th as"Renton Day" at the Race tracks, the proceeds to be turned over to some charitable cause. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Plano that Friday afternoon, August 20th, be proclaimed a holiday by the Mayor. Carried. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Deacy that the proceeds be; turned over to the Community Fund. Carried. Ordinance No. 977 authorizing the Mayor & City Clerk to issue bonds against L.I.D.#184, read and on motion referred to the Ordinane Committee. �- favorably The Ordinance Committee reportedion Ordinance No. 977 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Isackson. Carried. '^hA O-A4n*+nae CAMMIttee rProrted *a�rc+rably nr flr�inonCP No. 978, regulating the use and operation of eertai vending - 452 machines, v&ereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. Carried. The Ordinance Committee was given more time before reporting on Police Civil Service Ordinance. Mowed by Lewis, seconded by Deacy that the city attorney draft an Ordinance regulating live stock. Carried. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Deacy that we start proceedings to erect additional bleachers at ball park and city attorney be instructed to bring in an emergency Ordinance for the payment of bleachers. Carried. Moved and seconded that we adjourn to meet August 31st at 8 P. M. I City Clerk r Mayor r a 453 August 31, 1937. Adjourned meeting of the pity Council was called to order at 8 P. Y. by the Mayor. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Deacy afid Tambbrini., Minutes of the last m:;eting read and ax.proved. This being the night for hearing protests against the improvement of North Renton by auxiliary or relief trunk .• sewer, the engineer reported that the assessed valuation of property benefitted to be $100, 570. and the cost of the im- provement- to be $5,424.00. Protests against the imppuvement received by the Clerk were turned over to the engineer for checking. The Engineer reported that only a 3% protest was received against the improvement. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that we pro- ceed with the sewer and the city attorney be instructed to bring `in an Ordinance creating the district. Carried. The matter of erection of bleachers at park was re- opene4�, Moved by Lewis , seconded by Duncalf that we accept the bid of S. M. Wiberg in the amount of $1413.97 for erection of bleachers at the ball park. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lewis that the Renton Athletic Club be instructed to -set aside 7- of the gross receipts, received from the football games, for the City of Renton. Carried. Ordinance No. 979 for the imppuvement of North Renton by auxiliary sewer read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favor- ably on Ordinance No. 979 wherdupon it was placed upon its setcond and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Deacyrand Tamborini. Ordinance No. 980 appropriating the sum of $1500. for the erection of bleachers at the ball park read and on motion referred to the Ordinance committee for report next week. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Isackson that we call for bids for the North Renton auxiliary sewer. Carried. .Meeting adjourned. City Clerk L"A Mayor September 7, 1937. ' Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Plano, Deacy and Tamboeini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, all having been approved by the Building Supt. were read: Lucy Guitteau for erection of a garage on Lot 9, Block 1, Car Works. Tom Dobson, Jr, for erection of house at 309 lst Ave. North. Mrs. Madeline Lenz, to reshingle house at 327 Wells St. North, John Suffia, to tear down barn and garage and erect new garage. J. B. Owens, to erect house on Lot 20, Block 34, Smit he r's. S. M. Wiberg to remodel and make addition to Telephone Building on Lot 3, Block 10, Town. Wm. F. Gossett to erect small house on Lot 3, Block 171 R. F. P. Thomas Harries to remodel and repair store building formerly occupied by P. 0. on Lot 9, Block 13, Town . J. Garnero to repair houses by adding eave troughs at 536 Williams North and 537 Wells St. North. Herb Smith to remodel garage in rear of Service Station for living quarters on Lot 13, Block 8, R. F. P. Mrs. Estella Spurgeon to erect garage and wood shed combined dtx at 340 Park Ave. C. C. Farmer to repair house by reshingling at 451 Tobin St. U. Barei to erect fence in rear of Lot 12, Block 13, Town., Leoo Rosa to erect gas station on Lots 13 and 14, Block 17, Town. Thos Dinning and L. Peretti to erect a house on Lots. 7 and 8, Block 25, R. F. P. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Isackson that the above permits be granted. Carried. Petition of J. G. Alexander to erect four posts with roof as a shelter for wood at 308 Burnett St. read. The building Supt. recommended that same be granted with the stipulation that the sides are not to be boarded up. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Deacy that same be granted. Carried. Petition of P. S. P. & L. Co. to remove two poles and set two poles on Third Ave .east of Mill St. read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Isackson that same be granted. Carried. Request for franchise .read from the City of Seattle Lighting Department for an electric transmission system fineak- c ,over certain streets and alleys in North -Renton.rmad. 1400 Moved by Tambo rini, seconded by Lewis that same be received and filed for future reference. Carried. Application for automatise pay-off machines for five business houses read from 0. Holtan. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamb orini that same be referred to the Police & License Committee. Carried* 455 .. a < Communication read from Association of Washington j Cities asking that one representative be sent to the Conven- tion in Chicago, Oct. 13, 14 and 15th. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamborini that the Mayor submit same at the next meeting of the Association of Valley Cities. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the fo ll owing : Current Home Oil Co. Streeti;0il 118.25-246 Pay Roll St. Dept. $136.96-240-45 IT it City St. Fund 362.41-247-55 Stoneway Dock Co. St. Material 60.76-256 0. Priebe Labor on tools 7.00- 7 N. H. Proctor Wood 9.00 8 Service Laundry Laundry 14.64-7926 Seattle Blueprint Co. Engr. Supplies 4.10 7 Packer-Scott Co. Supplies 15.25 8 Pac. Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones 35.72 9 Vestern Union Telegrams 3.30-7930 Trick & Murray Supplies 1.00 1 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 1.10.14-7932-34 Pay Roll Park 112.35-7935-36 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 64.75-7937 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 23.27- 8 Remington Rand, Inc. Services 10.00 9 Renton News Record Printing 5.25-7940 Cross & Williams Repair Work-Police 1.00 1 James Henderson Mach Repair 1.00 2 Valley Window Cleaners8 Labor 9.00 3 Ohio Chemical & Mfg. Fire Dept. Exp. 13.67 4 �.... Sanderson Safety Supply " IT " 22.34 5 Wash. Liquid Gas IT IT IT 3.00 6 Howard-Cooper Corp. " IT it 3.24 7 Puget Sound Firemen Assn Dues 5.00 8 H. A. Fiskaali, Secy " Dept. Exp. 16.00 9 Joe Fillon IT " Lgbor 4.50-7950 H. A. Fiskaali " it Labor 6.75 1 Al Morgan Police Exp. 1.25 2 Water Pay Roll Water Dept. 98.85-2247-51 Grinnell Co. Material 25.58-2252 j 124.80-2254 City of Seattle Water Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Isackson that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Plans & specifications for the relief sewer on 6th Avenue North were received from the city Engineer and placed on file. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Isackson hat otithe ed to owner of buildings on Walla Walla & Wells St. be remove same. Carried. Ordinance No. 981 approving plans and specifications f'or L.I.D.186 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Of!dinance Commitee reported favorably on Ord. 110. 981 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third ng read- ings d- ,��ngs and passed as a ,xhole, all councilmen present Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Piano, Deacya 456 The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 980, Emergency Ordinance, appropriating the sum of $1500, for erection of bleachers at park, whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. Moved by Lewis, second by Plano that a Resolution of Congratulations be drafted and forwarded the Renton Athletic Club. Carried. Moved by Deacy, seconded by Lawrence that the Policemen' s Civil _ ;,vice Ordinance be passed on to its second and third ren,94nzs- The motion being put to a vote resulted as follows: Lawrence: Aye Isackson: No Motion lost* Lewis No Plano No Deacy Aye Tamborini No. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Plano thy?t a`Police Com. Fund in the amount of $50.00 be,- eab '6tlished for-? exp. Carried. .Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lewis that the St. Supt and City Engr. get an estimate on removing rails on Third Ave. Carrie de Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that we rescind the motion made under date of June 8, 1937 pertaining to the cont inmation .of the Mayor ' s appointment of three members on the Police Commission. The motion being put to a vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Four NoesL Two. Motion carried. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Isackson that we specify vitrified sewer pipe in our call for bids for the North Renton relief sewer. Carried. , Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Deacy that we call for bids on the North Renton relief sewer. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor t i 457 Sept. 14, 1937 . Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with L. L. Plano, Mayor Pro Tem presiding. Roll Call : Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Deacy ana Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved as read. The following petitions have been approved by the Building Supt were read: Mrs. Jolin Pritchard to reshingle house on Lot 4, Block, 22, Town. Sam Zanga to remodel house on Lot 1, Block 5, Car 1�7iorks. Renton Lumber & Supply Co. to erect a picket fence in rear on K. P. Hall on Lot 5 and part of 4, Block 5, Xl'otor Line Addition. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lewis that permits be granted. Carried. Petition c;' t'ne P. S. P. & L. Co, to set one jole and remove another one on Main St south of 3rd Avenue North. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Tamborini that same be granted under the su.cervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Petition of. the Pacific Telephone �1 Telegraph Co. to remove one pole located on the west side of Factory St; install one 12" Bierce anchor to the north of the Ist pole north of 4th Ave North on the west side of Factory St; lay 260 ft of 14" pipe conduit on the west side of Factory St. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. Carried. Petition for a lawn bowling green in Liberty Park was read. Mr. Jack Browne presented the matter to the Council for the petitioners. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Duncalf that the petition be .received and filed for future reference . Carried. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that the matter be referred to the Finance Committee for investigation and rerort. Carried. Police & License Committee reported unfavorably on the application of 0. N. Holtan for five automatic pay-off machines. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Duncalf that the report be concurred in and application denied. Carried. Ordinance No . 982 approving that portion of the Plat of "Harries Garden Home Tracts" lying east of State Road No. 2, read, and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 982 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Deacy and Tamborini. Carried. Resolution No. 506 requesting the Director of High- Ivays to install Federal Route Markers in a sum not to exceed .125.00 read. Duncalf that same be Moved by Lewis, seconded by adopted as read. This being the night for opening bids on the North Renton auxiliary sewer, the following were received and read: queen City Construction Co. . . . . . $4870. L. Coluccio . . . . . . . . . . . 6047.50 Thos. 3calzo . . . . . . . . . . . 5217.40 Macri Bros. . . . . . . . . . 5742. A. Ioffredo . . . . . . . . . 5158. ..,.,. R. Mastro 4392.40 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that the contract be awarded the lowest bidder, R. Mastro. Carried. 4 Mr. Wm. Reid of 305 1st Avenue North stated that he had misplaced his deed given to him by the City of Renton. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamb orini that the city attorney be instructed to locate same in the city records. Carried. 1' No further business, meeting adjourned. U City Clerk l/�GYn Mayor Pro Tem S i �n 459 a� Sept . 21, 1937. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with -L. E. Plano, Mayor Pro Tem presiding . Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Deaey and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, all having been approved by the Building Supt, were read: Mrs . Mattie Galloway to remodel porch at 1007 4th Avenue. L. E. Walt to reshingle house on Lot 16 , Block 2, Gunn' s Addition. Frank Potts to remodel house at 725 High St. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lawrence that same be granted. Carried. B. W. Fey asks permission to break curb for driveway in front of garages on Morris St. , Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf t1aat same be grant- ed i.nder the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Communication read from E. V1. Badcon relative to purchase of property owned by the Seattle & Rainier Valley Ry. which he is offering to the city for the sum of .$1.000. Moved by LL- -ince, seconded by Tanborini that same be received and filed .for future reference . Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for N%Wi payment the following: Current Pay Roll St. Dept. $404.16-27.7-87 rt it City St Fund 204.69-261-7 » ,t Engr. Dept . 104.10-7976-8 « <+ Park Dept . 103.10-7979-80 D. D. '�i atson Dog Catcher 21.00-7981 Strnard' s Photo Shop Police Exp. 5.00 2 Automobile Club of Nash Schoolboy Patrol Ex. 24.00 3 Waters Specialties, Inc. Supplies 10.83 4 Maxine Elliott Engr.Exp. 3.20 5 Daily Journal of Commerce Legal Pub. 4.20 6 Renton Chronicle Legal Pub. & printing 34,9:' 7 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 47.50 8 Harry Hartman Lib. Exp. 12.94 9 Reid & Cook Supplies 24.97-7990 Water Pay Roll Water Dept . 66.74-2258-60 Renton Chronicle Printing 25.20 -2261 162.51-` ? P. S. P. ' & L. Co. Power P. M. Williams Material 8.17- � City St. Fund Olympic Foundry Co. Material 3 .88-268 tolls 6.50- 9 Labor on to C. 1 . Segar Renton Iron Works Material 4.25-270 16 .09 1 VJ�cstern Tire Service Labor & Material 16.40 2 �.' Art Beils Garage Gasoline 77.50 3 Signal Oil Co. 1.48 4 John Dower Lumber Co. Luigi is 338.94 5 P. S. P. & L. Co. Insurance 79 .19 6 Tom Dobson 6c Son 460 Report read from City Engr. on erection of bleachers v and recommending the payment of $900.00 to S. M. Wiberg as 'stimate No. 1. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Isackson that hhe recommenda- tion be concurred in. Carried. proposed quo The Finance Committee reporting on the/lawn bowling green for Liberty Park recommended that the erection of same be paid for from the receipts received from the Athletic Club. 11oved by Lewis , seconded by Isackson that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Communication read and proposal submitted by the City of Seattle for franchise over certain streets, agreeing to give the City the lowest prevailing rate schedule and $7500.00 cash. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lewis that the city attorney be instructed to draft an ordinance accepting the offer with certain stipulations and submit same to the Council for their approval. Carried. i Prelimary budget for the year 1938 read. Moved bJ Lawrence, seconded by Duncalf that same be adopted as read. Carried. Ordinance No. 983 authorizing the Mayor & City Clerk to issue bonds against L.I.D.#185 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably ,on Ordinance No. 983 whereupon it was placed upon its se secohd and third readings and passed as a whole , all council- went present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis , Duncalf, Deacy and Tamborini. Ordinance repealing the Ordinance relating to and regulating the licensing of vending machines read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee asks more time before reporting on same. Granted. "The engineer reported that the North Renton auxiliary sewer was progressing nicely. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lewis that a telegram of cheer be sent the Mayor during his stay in the hospital. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. t City Clerk ✓� Mayor Pro Tem - X7'3b October 5, 1937. A 3ECIAL LEI STING OF TEE CITY COUNCIL WAS CALLED TO ORDER AT 8 P. M. BY L. E . PLANO, MAYOR PRO TEM, FOR THE PUR'DOSE OF AD^PIING A BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1937. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Dunc al f, Deacy and Tambo rini. There being no objection to the budget as read, it was Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamborini that same be adopted. Carried. City Clerk -' -- Mayor lerk ' --Mayor Pro Tem. r.. i IV J J 461 Sept. 28, 1937. City Council met in regular session at ' P. M. with L. E. Plano, mayor .rro Tem, presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Deacy and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, all being o. k. 'd by the Bldg. Supt. were read: M.E.Fairchild to reshingle house at 512 2nd Pio, John Guisiano to enlarge garage at 201 2nd Ave. No. Mrs. Ethel Martin to erect house and garage on Part of Lot 1, Block 12, Tobins. E. P. Wilson Co to move three houses from Bellevue to Lot 13, Block 7, Car Works; Lot 22, Block 6, R. F. P. ; Lot 5, Block 23, R. F. Pe Moved by Lewis , seconded by Duncalf that permits be granted. Carried. Communication read from 0. M. Hazen, Supt. Public Schools relative to water meters on Junior High and Senior High Buildings. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lewis that the Water Supt be instructed to combine the readings of the Junior and Senior High Schools. Carried. Notice of meeting of Association of Valley Cities to be held in Sumner, September 29th read. Ordinance No. 994 repealing Ordinance No. 978 relat- ing to vending machines was reported favorable by the Ordinance Committee, whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Deacy and Tamborini. Ordinance granting a franchise to the City of beattle was read and rwferred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Commmittee asks for a week before reporting on same. Granted more time. The City Engr. reporting on the cost of removing rails from 3rd Ave. stated that it would cost about $2500. Chief of Police reported that he and his men were attending the American Red Cross first aid classes at Kent. Councilman Lawrence asked that a spot light or a permanent light be installed in the underground passage at tsrc,u.�vz. at. bridge. No further business, meeting adjourned. Mayor Pro Tem (70r 22Z-� U&—,- City Clerk October 5, 1937. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with L. E. Plano, Mayor Pro Tem presiding. Roll Call : Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Deacy and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, having been o. k. f d by the Bldg. , Supt were read: G. M. Stanley to replace building on Lot 3, Block 33, Smithers Add by moving in a building. Van De Kamp Bakeries to remodel store building at 316 3rd Ave. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Isackson that the above petitions be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: Current Pay Roll St. Dept. $476.54-288-301 City St. Fund 143.40-302-308 Gladding,McBean & Co. St. Material 1.75-309 ',rilliams & Swanson Labor & Material 4.19-310 0. Priebe Labor on tools 10.10-311 Renton Feed Co. Material 5.25 2 Western Tire Service Material 27.82 3 Stoneway Dock Co. " 29.27 4 Chas. H. Harden & Co. " 3.09 5 W. P. Fuller & Co. " 24.50 6 Standard Oil Company Gasoline 158.10 7 Union Oil Co. Road Oil 64.90 8 Standard Oil Co. Road Oil 71.71 9 Parjr Pay Roll 103.10-08020-21 Tonkins Cafe Prisoners meals 22.20 8022 C. Halwway Labor & Material 10.00 3 Reid & Cook Labor & Material 114.98 4 Vioues Pharmacy Supplies 1.00 5 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 47.55 6 Tricky. Murray Supplies 3.65 7 Pac . Tel. & Tel. Co. Telephones 32.25 8 Bancroft Whitney Co. Litr Books 15.00 9 Valley Window Cleaners Labor 2.00-8030 Service Laundry Laundry 12.72 1 Joe Fillon Fire Dept . Labor 4.50 � H. A. F iskaali rr ++ rr 4.50 3 Pettie Printery Printing Bonds 10.00 4 Wash. Firemen' s Assn Supplies 2.25 1.80 5 Vince Stewart Expenses ?.55 7 West Disinfecting Co. Supplies !S. M. Wiberg Labor & Ma terial-Bleachers373.79 8 Water 'Pay Roll Water Dept. 143.98-2266-70 City of Seattle Water 64.16-2271 Knott Sales Co. Material 15.00 2 PAY ROLL Engr. Dept. 104.60-112-14 Moved by Lewis, seconded by Tamborini that the report of the committee be concurred in. a 463 OAP) 4 � Engr' s report read recomming the payment of $1500.00 to R. Mastro on North Renton sewer job under Dist 186. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Deacy that same be; allowed. Carried. Wt$ #115. Report read from Engr. recommending the payment of $373.79 on bleacher contract. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Duncalf that same be alowed. Carried. Wt. #8038 Bid of Reid & Cook in the amount of X20.00 for installation of a spot light at North side of Bronson St. brie read. Moved by Lawrence , seconded by Deacy that same be installed under the supervision of the City Engr. Carried. Bid of Reid & Cook in the amount of $118.00 for installation of two flashers for Bronson Way and Third Ave at Main St. read. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lewis that same be turned over to the City Engr. & Fire Chief for report next Tuesday. Carried. Ordinance Committee asks for more time on the Ordinance for City of Seattle franchise. Ordinance No. 985 adopting a budget for the year 1938 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 985 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Deacy and Tamborini. Ordinance No. 986 fixing the amount of tax levies read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee re-ported favorably on Ordinance No. 986 where- upon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence , Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Deacy and Tamborini. Councilman Lawrence, suggested that more W P A projects be worked up by the city. City of Seattle franchise was discussed by citizens in the audience and the Council. Councilman Lawrence stated that the council as a whole would meet with representatives of the City of Seattle Friday afternoon and go over the grounds - for the proposed power lines. No further bustess , meeting adjourned. ity ,Clerk Mayor Pro Tem. i October 12, 1937. Regular meeting of the City Council was. called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call : Lawrance, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy ... and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petition, o. k. 'd by the Building Supt was read: Geo. A. Atkinson to replace old steps with new at 909 uYalla Walla Avenue. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Plano that same be granted. Carribd. Petition of the Seattle Gas Company to lay gas mains on Morris St. read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that same be granted. rried. Communication read from John Lotto, Act. P. M. asking the cooperation of the city administration in welcoming Mr. James A. Farley, Postmaster General to the Post Office Friday at 11:30 A. M. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lewis that the communication be received and as many as possible attend the welcoming. Carried. Communication read from Department of Highways recommendingthat signs and signals be placed on the south side of Wells St. intersection and First Ave. North, south side. Moved by Lewis, seoonded by Plano that same be turned ' over��he St. Supt for action. Carried. Bid of Reid & Cook in the amount of $279.30 for the installation of two flashers at Bronson Way, Third Ave at Main and wiring running from the fire siren to the Telephone Office. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that we accept the bid of Reid & Cook. Carried. The Ordinance Committee was granted more time before reporting on the City of Seattle franchise Ordinance. The Mayor reported briefly on the Seattle franchise and said they were meeting Seattle representatives Wednesday evening. City Engr. reported that the Government would pay 96% of any +'r P AJ,Project if the city would pay 4%. Moved by Plano, seconded by Duncalf that the city engr be authorized to work up a project. Carried. Councilman Plano reported that the light on the i pipe line at Cedar Ste was insufficient. Moved by Plano seconded by Tamborini that same be re-' ferred to the Fire, Light & V" ater Committee with power to act. Carried. The Mayor stated that if we wanted to accept the $50,000 offer of the State to widen the Bronson t. bridge, the' city would have to procure Right o Moved by Lawrence, seconded bybLewis that the ity engineer cont*act Lacey Murrow relative to the city' s application for widening Bronson �'ay bridge. Carried. No further business , meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor 465 October 19, 1937. Council met in regular session at 8 P. Y. with Mayor Cochran presidng. Roll Call : Lawrence , Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The follwwing petitions, having been approved by the Building Inspector were read: J. R. Williams to make addition to garage at 424 Williams St. Albert Rosenstrom to erect double garage on Lot 7, Block 11, R. F. P. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Isackson that the 4permits be issued. Carried. P. S. P. & L. Cc, for permission to move one pole on Burnett St.. No. of 2nd Ave and set one pole and remove another on Garden St south of 4th Ave. No. , read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Tambo.rini that same be granted. Carried. Petition of the Paciric Telephone & Telegraph Co. to remove one pole and anchor on the east side of Garden; place anchor to the north of the 2nd pole 140 ft north of 2nd Ave. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lewis, that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried Communication read from the Italian American Council in favor of the City of Renton granting franchise to the City of Seattle for transmission line. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Lewis that same be filed for future refer6nce. Carried. Notice of meeting of Association of Washington Cities, Oct. 27th in Puyallupt read. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lewis that as many of the administration as possible attend the meeting. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Current Pay Roll Park Dept. $103.10-8052-3 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 49.06-8054 Seattle Blueprint Co. Engr. Exp. 4.76- 5 Kroll Map Company Engr. Exp. 1.00 6� John Dower Lumber Co. Material 29.67 71 Pac. Tel & Tel. Telephones 29.05 D D Watson Dog Catcher 31.50 9 Jose�White Labor & Material 11.78-8060 McFadden & Son Fuel 26.25 D. Alexander Park Exp. 1.00 Trick & Murray Supplies 1.75 Todds Cash Pak Supplies 2.20 City St. Fund 483.20-323436 Pay Roll St. Dept. 122.54-337-►42 ,t n City Sts. 42.01-343 Union Oil Co. Asphalt 80.33- 4 Renton Auto Freight Drayage 1.68 5 Gladding,McBean & CO. Material 338.12 6 y�. S. p. & L. Co. Lights 77 .50 7 Signal Oil Co. Gas 80.50 8 Renton Hdw S�1r,T7 i�g 166 Water Pay Roll Water Dent. 78.46-22� P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 111.36 9 Pay Roll, Engr. Dept, L.I.D.#186 54.79-116-7 Moved by Lewis , seconded by Tamborini that the recommendation of the committee be concurred in. Carried. r... Monday, Oct. 25th at 8 P. NT. wq set as the time for hearing on the City of Seattle franchise the Council, the Service Clubs of Renton and the City of Seattle. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Duncalf that the engr, be instructed to include in a WPA project, curbs for the entire city. Carried. Report read from the engr. recommending the payment of $2000. to R. Mastro on his contract for the construction of relief sewer on 6th Ave. , North. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Duncalf that the recommendation be concurred in and payment allowed. Carried. Wt. #118-21. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Tamborini that the Mayor appoint a committee of three to meet with the Fire Chief and Engr. !to draft a building ordinance, for approval of the Council. Carried. The Mayor appointed the following committee: Lawrence, Isackson, Tamborini. i No further business, meeting adjourned. City ¢clerk Mayor 467 V October 27, 1937. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano Deacy and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, all having the o. k. of the Building Supt. were read: John C. Blasich to make basement at 320 Dill St. Chas. Zilla to erect a garage on Lot 7 , Block 4, Smither. 6th. Dick Clarke to remodel house by addition of sleeping ._porch and room at 1234 3rd Ave. J. I". ITielsen to move tool house from PostOoffice outside the city. Dave Hougardy to reshingle house on Lot 8', Block 20, R. 2* P. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Isackson that the petitions be granted. Carried. Petition of the P. S. P. & L. Co. to set three poles and install one anchor on 6th Ave. No. between Park & Garden and install anchor on Jones St. south of 7th Ave. , read. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Deacy that same be granted. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor a i 468 November 2, 1937. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. m. by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. , low Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, all approved by the Building Supt were read: T. Cugini to move small building across the street at 611 6th Ave. M. J. 701alker to enlarge car for two cars .at 909 Walla ;-galla Ave. Frank Koncon to reshingle house et 518 Burnett St. Mrs . Hilma Muhonen to erect garage at 500 Tobin St. L. Johnson to make addition to rear porch on Lot 14, Block 7, Car Works Addition. < Moved by Isackson seconded by Lewis that the above petitions be granted. Carried. Application for license for two pool tables and five card tables in Woods building on Yain 3t. read from Frank Aliment and John Bausano, Jr. ge". Same was referred to the Police & License Committee. I Permit to break 25 ft,. of curb on Whitworth St for garage of Chas Zilla read. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lewis, that same be ; referred to the St & Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: City St. Fund Pay Roll St. Dept. $435.10-350-362 n ft If " 104.59-363T67 Bishop 7 Jenkins Fuel 13.27-368 Current Fund Eagle Cafe Prisoners meals 30.55-8079 Frank . Rhodes Police Exp. 1.60 80 Bancroft hitney Law Books 10.00 1 Columbia Lumber Co. Lumber-Library 24.67 2 iRenton News Records Library Printing 5.50 3 Shearer' s Sheetmetal Library Expense 46.02 4 Washington Bindery If It 38.05 5 Puget Sound News Co. rt 8.52 6 n ;John W. Graham & Co. " " 20.48 7 Harry Hartman " Books 48.93 8 H. A. Fiskaali, Secy Fire Dept. Expense 39.70 9 Renton News Record Fire Dept. Pritning 17 .20-8090 Trick & Murray Supplies 2.48 1 lVioues Pharmacy Supplies 1.25 2 Lawrence Fuel & Tsfr Library Fuel 5.50 3 iService Laundry Laundry 6.83 4 S. M. Wiberg Bleacher-Contract 140.18 5 Pay Roll Park 89.70-8096-7 Joe Fillon Fire Dept. Labor 4.50 8098 K. A. Fiskaali 4.50 9 , Water Fund Pay Roll Water Dept. 98.54-2282-85 Renton Feed Co. Supplies 3.50-2286 Railway Express Co. Freight Charge 1.11 7 National Meter Co. Material 36.72 8 6ity of Seattle mater 35.72 9 469 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. LI.186 41.86-122-24 Moved by Lewis, seconded by Tamborini that the report of the committee be concurred in. Carried. Report read from Engr. recommending the acceptance of the Sixth Avenue North auxiliary sewer and recommending the { final payment of $996.18 less 15% reserve to R. Mastro. ( 321.18) #125 Moved by Lewis, seconded by Isackson that the recommenda- tion of the city engr be concurred in and the job accepted , and the balance of the contract price paid. Carried. Engr' s report readix recommedning that the final payment be made S. M. Wiberg on the bleacher contract also recommedning the acceptance of the bleachers. 0236.78 #8095 Moved by Lawrence, peconded by Lewis that the recommenda- tion be concurred in and` 'estimate allowed: Carried. Resolution No. 507 fixing the 23rd day of November as time for hearing on the assessment roll Dist 186, North Renton auxiliary sewer. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Tamborini that same be adopt- ed as read. Carried. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Tamborini that the light on the corner of Renton Ave and Beacon Ave. be switched around so as to give more light. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Duncalf that the city attorney be instructed to bring in an Ordinance, Emergency, apprtmiating the sum of $2500, to start the W P A Project for curbs for the city. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. 222 3�1/ l/ City Clerk Mayor 47® November 9, 1937. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: ,Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. VOW Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, all having been o . k. by thF Building Supt. were read: Mr:3. Joe Baima to erect house & garage on Lot 10, Block 7, R. r . P. James Matinda to erect house & garage on Lot 13, Block 3, Car Works. W. E. Fisler to repair roof on garage at 420 Cedar St. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Lawrence that all permits be granted. Carried, Permit to blast concrete on the old factory site of the twine factory read. Moved by Lewis, seconded. by Isackson that same be granted subject to posting of bond and subject to . supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Communication read from Puget .=)'ound Firemen' s Assn. in- viting The Mayor & Council to attend their meeting held in Renton Nov. 9th. Communication read from Secy of Association of Valley ,Cities relative to meeting. e Police & License Committee 'renorted favorably on the .` application of Aliment & Bausano `for pool tables and card tablesm Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Duncalf that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Moved by Deacy, seconded by Lewis, that the 80% clause on the grandstand insurance be removed and the amount fixed to cover the entire grandstand : A bleachers. Carried. f Ordinance' creating a Planning Commission for the City of Kenton read and on mntj.on rpfprrpd to the Ordinance Commlttee. Emergency Ordinance appropriating the sum of 1 $2500.00 as the city' s share as sponsor for a WPA project for the improvement of certain streets and alleys in the City of Renton, read,, and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. No further business, meeting adjourned. I City Clerk Mayor 1-0 471 a�^ November 16, 1937. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call : Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Deacy and Taraborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and after the fol- lowing correction approved: Motion with reference to posting of bond for blast- ing concrete be corrected to read: "posting of $5000. bond" The following petitions, having been arproved by the Building Inspector were read: Frai ` E. Ruppert to erect house on Lot 6, Block 2, Smithers 5th Addition. H. G. White to erect -garage on Lot 3, Block 4, Motor Line Addition. Mike Postoshnik to reshingle house on Lot 8, Block 30 R. F. P. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Tamborini that same be granted. Carried. Communication received from Eber N. Badcon relative to claim for rails taken from the right of way of the Seattle & Rainier Valley Railway Co. in the amount of $525.00. City attorney recommended that only $450.00 be paid for same, as per his understanding with Mr. Badeon. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamborini that the recommendation of the attorney be concurred in and $450. paid. .. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: City St. Fund Pay Roll St. Dept. $446.41-373-85 ►t ►t it ft 98.61-386-90 Col. Lumber Co. Lumber 28.42-391 0. Pribe Labor on to&l.s 8.40 2 Shell Oil Co. Gas 82.90 3 Frank E. Rhodes Labor & Material 2.00 4 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 337.44 5 Art Beils Garage Labor & Material 4.90 6 J. S. Hardie tt It it 1.60 7 Alex Cugini Labor 2.00 8 W. P. Fuller & Co. Exrense 1.00 9 Current Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 91.9 5-8127-2 H. R. Huntting Co. Library Books 120.83-8111. Harry Harttan t' it 48.48 2 International Library tt it 56.94 3 Lawrence Fuel Library Fuel 44.00 4 Valley 'Window Cleaners Labor 2.00 5 10.00 6 Keystone Envelope Supplies Maxine Elliott Services 8.00 7 .• Vioues Pharmacy Supplies 1.25 8 Renton Realty Co. Insurance 45.30-8120 . 50 9 Jas R. Chadwick Expenses 5 53.48 1 Renton Hdw & ,urn Material John Dower Lumber Lumber 5.06 2 1.20 3 J. S. Strnard „ngr• Exp. 3.00 4 C. Haleway n „ 1.50 5 Mrs. Eda Evans 103.95 6 L. C . �'rrtth Co. Machine Water Pay Roll Stater Dept. $66.24-2294-5 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 49.27-2296 Renton Feed Co. Material. 5.25 7 National Meter Co. " 11.35 8 Olympic Foundry " 22.49 9 Moved by Isackson, seconded by Lewis that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. The matter of lease of ball field to Athletic Club came up. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Isackson that the negotiations for the lease be confirmed and the Mayor and City Clerk authorized to execute same. Carried.. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Deacy that Morris St. between 2nd & 3rd be referred to the St. & Alley Committee for report next Tuesday. Carried. The City Clerk was instructed to write a letter to the Puget Sound Power & Light Company confirming their agree- ment to remove our telephone lines from poles of the Pac . Tel & Tel. Company on Main St.oand attach to their poles for the sum of $14.25 the Puget Sound to furnish all necessary attach- ments, and materiels. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor t 473 November 23, 1937. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. 111". by L. E. Plano, Mayor Pro Tem. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isabkson, Lewis , Deacy and Tmmborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and a-pproved. The following petition, o. k. ' d by the Building Supt. was reed: John. T. Armstrong to extend garage three feet on Lot 14, Block 19, Town. Moved by Lewis, seconded' by Isackson that same be granted. Carried. the Ordinance No. 987 appropriating/ sum of $2500. for a IVPA project, was reported as favorable by the Ordinance Committee, whereupon it was placed upon its second and. third .readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: ' Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Deacy and Tamborini. Carried. The City Clerk reported that only three protests . had been received against the improvement &,uxiliary sewer, where- upon Ordinance No. 988 approving and confirming the assessment and assessmat roll Dist 186 was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorablk-on Ordinance INo. 988 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Deacy and Tamb orini. Carried. No further busness, meeting adjourned. /14"o-4 ZRI-Vj City Clerk Mayor Protem November 30, 1937 . Council met in regular session at 8 P. 1,11. with Mayor Cochran presiding.- Roll Call : Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis , buncelf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of the . S. P. & L. Co. to set one pole on Cedar St and Beacon Ave;S%TWo poles and remove another on 7th Ave and Yorris St. , read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Tamborini that same be granted. Carried. Request read from John Guisiano of 210 North 2nd Avenue asking that fire hydrant be moved away from his driveway. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that same be referred to the St & Alley Committee for report. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following: Pay Roll City St. Fund $428.92-400-10 Pay Roll St. Dept. 87.40-411-14 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. L.I.D.186- 57.76-130-2 Pay Roll Water Dent. 70.62-2302-4 Pay Rola Park 80.68-8144-45 Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamborini that the recommendation of the committee be concurred in. Carried. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Deacy that the city attorney be authorized to take an option on the Bronson Way Right of Way as soon as possible. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. L/ City Clerk ! Mayor 475 December 7, 1937 . Regulaar meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call: Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. 11inutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, recommended by the Building Supt were read: Callan Simmons to erect a house on Lot 26, Block 10, R. 2o P. Robert Armstrong to erect a garage on Lot 21, Block 18, R. F. P. Moved b-, Tamborini, seconded by Duncelf 'iat same be granted. , Carried. Robert Armstrong asks rermission to break 10 ft. of cur on Lot 21, Block 18, R. F. P. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that same be referr- ed to. the St. N; Alley Committee and. St . aunt. with power to act Carried. Petiti M Nannie Evans to extend Alki out to Walla Walla Avg"'' ori' tiro new alleys for tenant9 read. Moved by),, Plano, seconded by Duncalf that the petition be held in obeyance and the matter of fire-proof buildings be referred to the building committee for investigation and report as soon aS possible. Carried. hived by Isackson, seconded by Deacy that we dispense with the regular order of business and declare a recess to discuss the right of way on Bronson Way. Carried. The 3t. L, Alley Committee recommended that the city breack the curb and make a 6"concrete crossing on Morris St. between 2nd & 3rd, same to be charged to the property owners. The St. Supt was instructed to proceed with the work at once. St. oc Alley Committee recommends::that the pile of lumber on, corner of 'vuells & Walla Walla Avenuebe removed. Moved by Duncalf, seconded by Plano that owner be nota- fied to remove lumber at once. Carried• St. & Alley Oommittee was allowed another week before final report on fire hydrant at 210 2nd Ave. North. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Duncalf that the Athletic Club present a financial statement and report, to the Council. Carried. Communication received frcir, the Right of Way Department City Light. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Lewis that same be filed with the rest of the ri�7ht of way information. Carried. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Plano that we call for ``� bids for, printing of city' s legals for the year 1938. Carried. Ordinance for the widening of 2nd Ave read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. No further business, meeting adjourned. _V_­ City Clerk Mayor I I December 14, 1937. I Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Lawrene, Isackson, Duncalf, Plano, Dea-cy and Tamborini. i Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions were read: Mrs. Ethel Martin to break curb, 8 ft. for driveway on Wells St. Moved by Lawrence, seconded. by Tamborini that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt . Carried. Petition of Puget Sound Power & Light Co. to set one pole and replace one on Smithers St. north oaf 4th Ave. - Moved by Plano, seconded by Isackson that same be grant- ed under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Communication and bill in the amount of $72.83 for maintaining service during street construction on Main St. read. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lawrence that same be referred to the city attorney for investig-aticn and report next Tuesday. Carried.. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ' went the following : Current Strnard.' s Photo Shop Police Expense 2.50-8158 Williams & Cross " " 1.70 9 Howard-Cooper Copr Fire Deft. Material 5.14-8160 E. Carlstrom Cedar roping 2.75 1 `Nest Disinfecting Co. Supplies 11.75 2 Valley Window Cleaners Labor 2.00 3 Trim. Fuel Co. Fuel 21.00 4 Trick & Murray Supplies 8.50 5 Lawrence Fuel & Transfer Fuel 21.00 6 Renton News Record Fire Dept . Printing 5.50 7 H. Fiskaali " " EXpense 6.75 8 Tom Dobson & Son Ins 3.25 9 Thomas Harries " 3.25-8170 Renton°Realty Co. " 3.25 1 Pao. Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones . 30. 2 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 48.65 3 Macmillan Co. Library Books 20.06 4 Harry Hartman ft ft 29.93 5 Renton Hdw & Furn " Supplies 6.60 6 Puget Sound News Co. " Books 27.38 7 Elmer Kang-�_s Fire Dept. Labor 13.50 8 Ray Elliott ft ft ft 13. 50 9 H. Fiskaali, Secy Salaries, 23 members 559.00-81-80 Williams & Y'.cKnight Park Exp. 27.70 1 Geo. E. Mitchell Engr. Supplies 11.40 2 Painting at park "r' '� 3 J. W, Reans ' Service Laundry Laundry 9.36 4 C. Bevan Labor & Yl&terial-park 49.60 5 John W. Dobson Right of Way 75.00-431- i . City St. Fund Standard Oil. Co. Gas 77.66-420 Signal Oil Co. Gas 77 .50 1 Union Oil Co. Gas 42 .48 2 P.S.P.& L. Co. Lights 352.91 3 0. Priebe Labor on tools 10.70 4 Western Tire Co. Material 2.50 5 lf, 477 r� Shell Oil Co. Gas 66.65-426 John Dower Lumber Lumber 7. 68 7 Gladding,McBean Material 1.58 8 Art Beils Garage " 1.10 9 '`dater P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 49.66-2308 City of Seattle Water 28.16 9 Moved by Iseckson, seconded by that the recommenda- tion of the Committee be concurred in. Carried: Building Committee was granted more time on the -Evans petition. The St. Supt stated that the fire hydrant at 210 2nd Ave. No. could be moved at an approximate cost of $40, and recommended that same be moved. Moved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that the recommendation of the St. Supt be concurred in and hydrant moved. Carried. Written report read from baseball division, Renton Athletic Club. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Plano that the report be received and the Club commended for the splendid show- ing they have made and the members thanked for the service rendered in giving the City of Renton such a successful season. Carried. . proposed The City of Seattle/franchise was discussed. Letter read from. the Cit-T of Seattle accepting the franchise provisions outlined in a letter from the Renton City Council. After considerable discussion, it was Moved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that the communication be filed for future reference. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lawrence that we communicate with the Department of Public Works at Olympia protesting against the unfair way of handling bus tickets, on the Seattle Renton Stage Line. Carried. Moved by Plano, seconded by Isackson that we communicate with Mr. Gottstein of Longacres relative to gate receipts on"Renton Day" at Lo cres. Carried. No furthr business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor December 21, 1937. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Cochran presiding. i Roll Call: Lawrence, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition read from S. M. Wiberg to remodel driveway at 1111 3rd Ave. r Moved by Lewis, seoonded by Duncalf that same be referred to the St. Supt with power to act. Carried. Petition of the Singal Service Station on Lot 1, Block X22, Town for building permit to make addition to station read. Moved by Plano, seconded by Deacy that same be referred to the Special Building Committee. Carried. Petition of Sidney Hitchcock to break 13 ft of curb for driveway on Lot 13, Plock 3, Car Works read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that same be referred to the St. & Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. Petition of the P. S. P. & L. Co. to set one pole and remove another on Mill St. , south of 6th Ave North and sit one pole and anchor and remove one pole on Wells St. south of 1st Ave . North, read. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Plano that same be grant- ed under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Petition read from Nellie M. McCoy asking for a"taxi packing space"only be established at the Central Tavern on Williams St. & 3rd Avenue. Moved by Plano, seconded by Lewis that the petition be denied. Carried. j Written protest received Brom Mrs. Margaret Garnero ! against the granting of a franchise transmission line in North i Renton. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Tamborini that same be j filed for future reference. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recomm ended for pay- ment the following: City St. Fund Pay Roll St. Dept. $511.75-430-32-447 ine• Pay Pay City St. Fund 121.04-448-51 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 65.27 -452-133-34LI.D.186 ID. D. Watson Dog Catcher 21. -8202 Renton Realty Co. Insurance 100.10 -453 Seattle Title Co. Services-Bronson Way 7.50 -254 David T. Young It " " 25.00 -455 Water Fund ( Addressograph Sales Meh. x.75.00 -2318 Pay Roll Water Dept. 98.64-2310-14 Moved by Lewis, seconded by Tamborini that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in, Carried. •rI'' This being the night for opening bids for pr int ing i of city' s legals for year 1938 the following was read: Renton Chronicle, 30¢ per inch of 8 pt type, lst insertion 15¢ per inch for second insertion. 17 Moved by Deacy, seconded by Tamborini that the contract be let to Renton Chronicle. Carried. Contract ,for chlorine for year 1938 received from ..r Hooker-Electrochemical Company. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that same be executed by the proper officials. Carried Report read from Engr. recommending the payment of $297.16 to Reid & Cook balance due on contract for installation of floodlites at ball park. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that balance of $297.16 be allowed to Reid & Cook. Carried. Wt. #8200 The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ord. No. 989 for the laying off, widening, etc of Bronson 'Nay between Main and Paull St, whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence , Lewis, Duncalf, 1xviz, Plano, Deacy and gamborini. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that a communica- tion be sent Lacey Murrow asking that an under-ground passage be established under the new bridge contemplat8d on Bronson dray. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. "',,lRd,"""/,/ City Clerk Mayor I '4 't December 28, 1937. Regular 'meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. Y. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, r.rw Deacy and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition to erect small house on Lot 27, Block 3, by J. E. Denzer was read. Same having been ap---roved by the Build- ing Supt. it was Moved by Lewis, seconded by Plano that same be granted. Carried. Communication read from W. B. Guy protesting against the granting of a franchise to the City of Seattle if same crosses in North Renton. Moved by Isackson seconded by Tamborini IC at same be filed for future reference. Carried. Communication read from Department of- Public Service in Olympia relative to Seattle-Renton Stage Commutation Tickets. read Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Deacy that we write the Deuartment relative to family commutation tickets. Carried,, The Mayor stated that Mr. Bonnell notified him that the city garbage was being dumped on his property. Moved by Isackson seconded by Plano that the City engr and St. Supt locate a new garbage dump. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. i City Clerk Mayor i I i Z44 Oq d t� Jany. 4, 1938. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Cochran. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy, and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, having been approved b,r the Building Supt were read : J. Thompson to erect a house on Lot 1, Block 9, Car ,'forks addition. Frank 3)ubic to erect a chicken coop 10x8 on Lot 18, Block 11, Car Works. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Lawrence that the permits be granted. Carried. Communication read from Northwest Lawn Bowling Assn. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Isackson that same be re- ceived and filed. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: City St. Fund Pay Roll St. Dept. 80.68-465-8 it " " it 404.80-469-78 0. Priebe Labor on tools 5.00-479 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 12.00-480 Renton Auto Freight Drayage 6.50 1 ```W StcnewayDock Material 5.25 2 Williams & Swanson Labor 1.62 3 C. M. Segar Labor on tools 5.10 4 Current Reid & Cook Fire Dept . Exp. 18.23-8206 Williams & McKnight " " " 28.81 7 Shearer' s Sheetmetal Labor & Material 3.60 8 Eureka Fire Hose Hose 150. 9 Howard-Cooper Corp. Fire Dept. Material 44. 20-8210 Bill Reans Fire Dept. " 10.08 1 H. Fiskaali Fire Dept. Exp. 4.50 2 Joe Fillon " " Labor 4. 8 3 Sanderson Safety Supply Co. " " Expense 16.23 11 Tonkins Cafe Prisoners meals 66.00 6 Frank E. Rhodes, Inc. Labor & Material 2. 50 7 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 10.00 8 Allen Fuel Fuel 25.00 9 W.B. Young Labor 55.00-8220 Waters Specilaties Supplies 6.05 1 Valley Window Cleaners Labor 2.00 2 Reid & Cook Light at bridge 20.00 3 •ow, Service Laundry Laundry 11.48 4 Vioues Pharmady Supplies 4.75 5 Pac . Tel & Tel. Co. Telephones 26.30 6 Water Pay Roll Water Dept. 75.20-2319-21 The Lumber ","kt '��+pr M1 16.91-2322 City of Seattle ^later 22.96-2323 Olympic Foundry Material 48.28 4 Moved by Isackson, seconded by Tambo rini that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in and , bills paid. Carried. The City attorney was instructed to notify the Pacific Telephone Company that their franchise had expired and application for new franchise was in order. Resolution No. 508, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Quit Claim Deed to J. E. Denzer for Lot 279 Block 3, Car Works Addition, all assessments having been paid in full by Mr. Denzer, read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that the Resolu- tion be adopted as read. Carried. The matter of better light at the intersection of Park and Bronson Way North was referred to the St. &. Alley Committee for report. F � No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor 4S3 Jany. 11, 1938. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Deacy and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, having been approved by the Building Supt. were read: E. A. Fuller to move garage 15 ft. south on lot and repair same at 28 Logan St. - Hazel McCowin to erect duplex house on Lot 8, Block 6, R. F. P. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Tamborini that the petitions ; be granted. Carried. Jim Leathley asks permission to establish a fuel yard at 312 Main St'. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Isackson that same be granted. Carried. Communication read from Pasific Telephone & Telegraph Co. and ordered f iled. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lewis that the Council endorse a W P A project for the bowling green at Liberty Park. Carried. ••► City Engr stated that the W P A project for the erection of curbs would be started about Feby. 1st. Ordinance No. 990 authorizing the Mayor & City Clerk to issue bonds against L.I.D.#186 read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably ori Ordinance No. 990 whereupon it was placed upo8 Its second and third readings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Lewis, Duncalf, Deacy and Tamborini. No Lrther business, meeting adjourned. ° City Clerk t�C• — Mayor 4 January 18, 1938 Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamb orinf. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Building I Supt. were read: John Dower Lumber Co. to erect a fence On lots 6 to 12 inc. Block 9, Car Works Addition. R. Bellanda to move house on Bronson Way. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Deacy that same be granted provided the fence is not more than 5 ft. high. Carried, Petition of the Pac. Telephone Company to set two poles to replace two existing poles on 5th Ave. read. Moved by Tamborini, se6onded by Deacy that same be granted. Carried. Petition of the Puget Sound Power & Light Co. to set one pole and remove another on Factory St. north of 2nd Avenue North read. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Duncalf that same be granted. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for I ! payment the following : City St. Fund Union Oil 0o . Gas 533.48-485 Si ill Cil Co. Gas 139.10 6 PL.y Roll City St. Fund 100.07-489-494 Pay Roll St. Dept. 393.81-495-504 Orin S. Wilson Fuel 28.00-505 E. P. Wilson Co. Gravel 33.80 6 Gladding,McBean & Co. Materia' . 3.00 7 HookT.--Ecticcl elydcal Chlorine 270.00 8 Art Beils Garage Material 9.46 9 Western Tire Service Material 6.90-510 Lawrence Fuel & Transfer Fuel 12.29 1 Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Material 104.90 2 Chas R. Watts & Co. St. Material 15.00 3 Current Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 12.22-8227 J. R. Baxter Fire Dept. Mater 5.00 8 Renton News Records Fire Dept. Printing 4.25 9 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 24.16-8231 The Lumber Market Fire Dept. Exp. 2.05 2 �C. Bevan Park Expense 11.40 3 Renton Hdw & Furn Fire Dept. Exp, 8.88 4 State Treasurer Fire Dept. Ins. 46.00 5 Reid & Cook St Signals & Alarm 279.30 '61 Western Union Police Exp. 1.26 'r John Lotto, P.M. Envelopes 188.24 el Brendal Drug Co. Health Offer Supplies 9.00 -e-40 Whitney Nurseries Park Shrubs 53.00-8251 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 32.37 2 P. S. P & L. Co. Li Its 336.66 3 g H. R. Huntting Co. Lib. Books 57 .63 4 Lawrence Fuel & Trfr. Fuel 44.00 5 true Z 3 -- 8.50 6 McFadden a mon 485 D. D. Watson Dog Catcher $18.00-8258 Seattle, Blueprint Co. Enrrr. Prints 3.66 9 Assn Wash. Cities Dues 40. 8260 ( Tom Dobson & =on Insurance 35.70 1 North Coast Chem & Soap Supplies8.00 2 Pettie Printery Printing bonds 19.76 3 'Fater Pay Roll Water Dept. 73.25-2331-34 P. S. P. & L. Co. Power 49.36-2335 ° Grinnell Co. Material 102.01 6 Moved by Lewis, seconded by Isackson that the report of the committee be concurred in. Carried. The following contracts for gasoline forthe year 1938 were read: Standard Oil - - 153/4¢ Shell Oil Co.- - 16¢ Moved by Duncalf, seconded by Lewis that the Mayor & City Clerk execute contract with the Standard for a four months period. Carr,-ked. of Seattle be notified that their Moved. by Tamborini, seconded by Isackson that the City letter of acceptance; has been placed on file for future ref- erence* Carried. Emergency Ordinance, appropriating the sum of $6875. for right of way on Bronson Way between Main and Mill St. was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee for report. A proposed franchise was submitted by the Telephone Oompany which was read but no action taken. The Mayor suggested that the same be considered by the Council as a whole and reported upon later. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor i January 25, 1938. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by L. E. Plano, Mayor Pro Tem. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of Al Morgan to enlarge garage 12 feet on Lotb Iwo,2 and 3. Block 11, Town read. The same having been approved it Moved by Tamborini seconded by Isackson that the petition be granted. Carried. Communication read from association of Valley Cities notifying the city of a meeting at Buckely 'r'dednesday Jany. 26th. Contracts for ;asoline for year 1938 from the Union and Signal Oil Companies were read, s:=eprice being 15 3/4¢ gal. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Isackson that e Myyor and City Clerk be authorized to sign same. Carried. The City Attorney was instructed to draft the necessary papers to create an improvment district for INPA curbs. Report of Police dept. for the year 1938 was read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Isackson that the report be accepted and filed. Carried. Ordinance No. 991, emergency ordinance appr6priating the sum of $6875.00 for right of ways on Bronson 'rAiay was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 991 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third read- ings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Deacy and Tamborini. Emergency Ordinance, proposed, appropriating the sum of $2500. as the city' s share as sponsor for a titi'PA project was read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. Resolution No. 509 authorizing the Mayor & City Clerk to execute a Quit Claim Deed to John J. Bisyak, Jr. conveying all interest of the city in and to Lot 7, Block 2, of Morgan' s Grand View Addition to Renton, was read. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Tamborini that same be ADOPTed as read. Carried. i No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor Pro Tem. 48? February 1, 1938. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, '` W Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meet'ng read and approved. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: 0. N. Cochran to remodel and alter frame building on Lot 11, Block 21, Town. hirs. Florence Custer to rerair front porch on Lot 4, Block 5, Sartorisville. Moved by Lawrence ,- seconded by, Deacy that the recommendation of the Bldg. , Supt be concurred in. Carried. The following applications, all approved by the Police & License Committee vire read: 2 card tables - Tourist Tavern _ 6 card tables - Pastime Pool'Hall license - Eagle Pool Hall 1 card table - Lino Azzolo Pool Hall - Alki 1 card table - Snappy Tavern Pool Hall - Frank Aliment & John Bausano, Jr. 2 theatre licenses - B. ,V. Fey Loved by Tamborini, seconded by Duncalf that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Communication read from Dept of Highways regarding the disposition of the Bronson Way bridge and stating that formal application should be made for same. Loved by Lawrence seconded by Deacy that applicatio be made for the baidge. Carried. Communication read from the Dept. of Highways relative to maintenance of street lights during construction of Bronson 'Nay bridge. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Isackson that we notif g the State that we will take care of maintenance of the lights. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following : City at. Fund Pay Roll St. Dept. $448.08-514-24 Pay Roil City St. Fund 89.78-525-8 Frank Allen Fuel 7.75-530 C. M. Segar Labor 3.60- 1 Stoneway Dock Co. St. Material 11.63 2 Renton Feed Co. " " 5.25 3 Union Oil Co. Gas 41.85 4 Renton Iron Works St. Material 1.50 5 Current Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 39.40-8279-81-82 Bill Klinga Fire Dent. Labor 3.75-8280 Pa Roll Park Dept. 112.24-8283-84 Western Union Police Telegrams 5.40-8285 .Haters Specialties Supplies 5.55 6 Al Morgan Police Exp. 1.60 7 Tom Dobson &- Son Fire Dept Ins. 80• 8 Service Laundry Laundry 3.09 9 17.00-8290 Ray Elliott Fire Dept. Labor n �i T+ 12.50 1 Len •*hi t��rorth �� 17.00 2 Elmer Kangas �t « It ,t 6.25 3 George Abbott Expense 2.25 4 H. Fiskaali � Pae. Tel & Tel . Co. Telephones $29.30-8295 Eagle Cafe Prisoners meals 41.00 6 Water Pay Roll Water Dept. 101.80-2340-4 Rensselaer Valve Co. Material 43.51-2345 City of Seattle Water 44.80 6 Grinnell Co. Material 14.50 7 Moved b � Tsackson, seconded by Lewis that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Monday, Feb. 7th at 8 P. M. is the time set for hearing on the Pacific Telephone Company franchise. I Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lewis that the city attorney be instructed to draft an emergency ordinance for funds to set up a bowling green in Liberty Park. Carried. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis, that the install- ation of a larger light on Bronson Way North be left in the hands of the St. & Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. The St. Supt was instructed to investigate the condition of a wooden sidewalk on Cad between Main & Mill St. and report to council. Report read from the Renton Fire Depto for the year 1937. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Deacy that the report be received and the Fire Chief and his department commended for the splendid showing made and the recommendations made therein turned over to the proper committee for report. Carried. Ordinance No. 992 appropriating the sum of $2500. as the city' s share for a WPA project read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. The ord-_nance committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 992 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third read- ings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tambo rini• The Engr' s report read submitting data on the proposed curb improvement and filed. Resolution No. 510 for the imp}aruement of certain streets by concrete curbs etc was read. Moved by Lawrene, seconded by Plano that same be adopt- ed as read. Carried. City of Seattle officials were present relative to franchise for power line. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Isackson that Wednesday Feby. 9th, at 8 P. M. the Council meet in special session to consider same. Carried. Shell Oil Company present gasoline contract for the year 1938. No action was taken on same. No further business, meeting adjourned. 7 City Clerk Mayor 489 February 8, 1938. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 T'. M. by Mayor 0. N. Cochran. Roll Call: Isackson, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. to replace two old poles on Whitworth St. read. Moved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. Written protest from 313 residents in North Renton against the granting of a power line crossing North Renton to the City of Seattle . Moved by Plano, seconded by Dunealf that same be filed for future reference. Carried. St. Supt. recommended that the wooden sidewalk on 4th Ave. between Ruin & Mill St. be removed and Ih`PA put same in a safe condition until the fall when a concrete sidewalk should be placed there by the abutting property owners . Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Plano that the report of the St. Supt. be received and recommendations carried out . Carried. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Plano that the contract for gasoline at 15 3/4¢ received from the Shell Oil Company be executed by the Mayor 6; City Clerk and the city' s gasoline busi- ness distributed four ways. Carried. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Plano that the city attorney exercise the options for the purchase of right of way on Bronson Way. Carried. Resolution No. 511 for concrete curbs was read. Moved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that same be adopted as read and that Resolution No . 510 be cancelled. Carried. Moved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that the Pacific Coast Company be notified to repair crossing at Ilill St. Carried. John Bausano, Jr. of the A x B Sportsmen Hdgters asked for permission to transfer beer na: - or .license from the Lighthouse to their place of business. Moved by Tamiborini, seconded by Plano that same be referred to the Police & License Committee for report next SA►eek . Carried. No further business , meeting adjourned. nA.10 City Clerk Mayor SPECIAL MEETING OF TIS' CITY COUNCIL WAS CALLED TO ORDER AT 8 P. M. Wednesday, February 9 , for the purpose of a hearing on the City of Seattle' s request for franchise for power- line. Present : Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf ,, Plano, Deacyand Tamborini. Councilman Laube and Mr. Smith, representatives of the City of Seattl were present and presented the franchise matter for the City of Seattle. i After considerable discussion,- it was Moved. by Lewis, seconded by Isackson that the franchise be denied in its present location. Carried unanimously. City Clerk Mayor g k . i z 1 g y� • 4 to 491 February 15, 1938. Council met in regular session at 8 P. P.I. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. ( Minutes of the last meetings read and approved. �•� The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read: . J. Dieringer to tear down old store building and erect house and garage on Lot 7, Blnck 9, RL, F. P. ''tiilliams & McKnight to relay floc and strength found - tion of Pioneer Bakery on Lot 1, Block 14, Town. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that the recommenda- tion of the Building Supt be concurred in and permits granted. Carried. J. Biama by H. Scherer asks permission to break 12 feet of curb for private driveway on Lot 10, Block 7, R. F. P. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lewis, that same be granted under the supervision of the 3t. Supt. Carried. Zeb Shearer asks to have sewer changed from his lots to the alley between Burnett & ' illiams St. St. Supt. stated that it was impossible to do this on account of sewer being higher at that point. Protest si�med by Renton citizens against the action of the City of Seattle in cancelling stops of the Renton bus. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Tamborini that same be filed for future reference . Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following: Current - City St Pay Roll City Sts 67.35-539-43 " ff Sts 442.65-544-53 Union Oil Co. Gas 66.78 4 Bishop & Jenkins Fuel 13.52 5 Standard Oil Co. Road Oil 22.43 6 vvestern Tire service Material 5.60 7 Guy Thompson X.otors Labor && Material 12.88 8 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 334.96 9 0. Priebe Labor 12.85-560 The Lumber T1Iarket Lumber 29.26 1 Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 138.78-562-65 Current Grand T:Iattress Co . Police Exp. 17.25-8308 Harry Hartman Library Books 31.13 9 Junior Literary Guild " " 37.00-8310 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lights 31.31 1 Frank E. Rhodes, Inc . Police Exp. 35.30 2 D. D. Watson DI-o Catcher 22. 50 3 Bancroft ',hitney Co. I$w . Books 7'•50 4 Lawrence. Fuel & Tsfr Fuel 21.40 5 Valley Window Cleaners Labor 5.55 6 Renton News Record Printing 26.60 7 Trick & Murray Supplies 6.83 8 Renton Hdw & Furn Supplies 15.20 9 �'Iater Pay Roll uuater Dept. 83.84-2352-53 P. S. P. & L. Co. Pourer 51.92 2354 492 Moved by Lewis, seconded by Isackson that the recommendations of the Comraittee be concurred in. Carried. Owner of bonds Nos. 9 to 112 inc in Dist. No . 169 presented same for payment from the Guaranty Fund. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Tarr�borini that the city attorney draft Ordinance to take up these bonds. Carried. Emergency Ordinance appropriating the sum of $1200.00 for erection of bowling green in Liberty Park read. Moved by Duncal f, s econded bir Isackson tha t same be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk TvIayor - . f I E 9 493 March 1, 1938. Regular meeting of the City Council was called. to order at 8 P.' N. by liaycr Cochran. Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. YLInutes of the last meeting read and approved . The following petitions, approved by the 3uilding Supt were read: Owl Cafe to make alterations in store on Lot 10, Block 221 Town. Alex Ferrat to make addition to house on Lot 83, Block 2, Car ` orks Addition. 1.4m. Farrell to reshingle house at 122 Bronson Way North. k'argaret Gieldseth to erect house and garage on S15 13 and lot 14, Block 17 , Town read. G. F. vuenzel to erect L-arage and workroom on Lots 16 and 17, Block 17 , R. F. P. 1,oved by Isackson, seconded by Lewis that the above petitions be granted. Carried. The r'inance Committee audited and recommended for pay- ment the following=,: City St. Fund Pay Roll City St. Fund $374.22-569-79 Pay Roll It " " 107 .76-579-82 If if Engr. Dept. 96.84-583-86 Schrengohst auto Freight Drayage 8.92-587 north Coast Chemical Supplies 9.50 8 Lumber Yarket Lumber 12. 17- 9 Union Oil Co. Gas 70.88-590 C. Tv Segar Labor on tools 3.50 1 Current Ray Elliott Fire Dept. Exp 23.75-8334-35 George rbbott " If If 12. 50-8336 H. Fiskaali If it " 2.25 7 Len urhitworth If It " 12. 50 8 Elmer Kangas " " " 23.75 9 B. F. Goodrich Co. If " 11aterial 100.00-8340 Ohio Chemical Co. Yaterial- Fire Dept. 3. 00 1 Service Laundry Laundry 11.68 2 Pac. Tel - Tel. Co. Telephones 31.65 3 American City Magazine Subscription 2.00 4 North Coast Chem Supplies 1.50 5 Waters Specialties " 21.90 6 y. E. Com-Qt-on Co. Library Books 57 .10 7 J. J. Vonnell Co . Park Shrubs 65.00 8 Packer-Scott Co. Supplies 20.10 9 E. A. Shearer Fire Dept. Exp. 1.00-8350 Owl Cafe Prisoners meals 19.95 1 Jack Vd1liams Park Labor 8.98 2 Toots Bunstine Park Labor 8.98 3 INditer Pay Roll Water Dept• 40.42-2358T6O �-- Shearer' s Sheetmetal Material 8.72-2361 if OV ins i ZO1 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lewis that the report of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Police w License Committee recommended that the liquor license of the Lighthouse be transferred to the A rr. R Sportsmen' s Headquaw s in the 71dood Building as per their request if same meet e approval of the :Mate Liquor Board. Ca Moved by Isack_son, seconded by Tamborini that the report be concurred in and recommendations carried out. Carried. This being the night for hearing protests on curbs the City Clerk notified the Council that some protests had been received. The same were turned over to the City Engr for checking. protest The City Engr. stated that only a 14`,o had been received. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Deacy that the City Attorney draw up an Ordinance creating the district. 'Carried. Report read from Engineer on the City of Seattle' s transmission line and recommending that same be located as out- lined in their application for a franchise. Moved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that we rescind the motion of February 9th, 'relative to denial of fran- chise to the City of Seattlein its present location. ' The same being put to a vote resulted as follows : Lawrence: No Isackson: No Lewis Yes Duncalf Yes Plano -Yes ' Deacy Yes Tamborini Yes lotion carried. Moved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that the city attorney be instructed to bring in an ordinance granting a franchise to the City of Seattle. Carried. Re-port read from the Athletic Association showing a balance of $302.21 in the Park improvement Fund. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Plano that the report be accepted and the amount turned over to the Park Board for bowling green. Carried. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Duncalf that the city engr contact the N.P.Ry. relative to changing their spur track i on 6th Ave. and then proceed to open up 6th Ave. from Williams � to Garden Avenue, this work to be done under the WPA. Carried. (The N.P. spur to be move( '-om the south side of the street to the north side) . Ordinance No. 993 authorizing the Mayor � City Clerk to issue a warrant in the sum of .;x400. against the Guaranty Fund to take up 400 .00 in bonds of Dist 169 read and on motion referred to the Ordin«nce Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ord- inance No. 993 whereupon it was paced upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting a-ye : Lawrence. Isackaon, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamb or ini. Ordinance No. 994, appropriating the sum of $12O0. for a bowling green in Liberty Park read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. i 495 The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 994 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole , all councilmen present voting aye : Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncal f, Plano, Deacy �- and Tamb or ini<. St. Sunt. stated that the Zeb Shearer sewer kz could be changed and connected ,?O at an approximete cost to the cit, of 9225.00. Moved by Lewis,seconded by Deacy that same be referred to the St. 8c Alley Committee, City Engr. and St. Supt for investigation and report. Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk r M ayor i I r i 4 March 8, 1938. Council met in regular session at 8 P. M. with Mayor Cochran presiding. Roll Call: Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf,, Plano, Dea.cy and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved.. The following petition, approved by the Building Supt was read: Mrs . Chas Ca`ssinat to tear down old garage and erect new double garage at 118 Bronson ;^fay Yorth read. 1 oved by Isackson, seconded by Lewis that same be granted. tarried. Petition of th. P. S. P. & L. Co. to set one pole land remove another one on Meadow St . North of 3rd Avenue North , read. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Duncalf that same be granted. Mr. Swain of the Pacific Telephone Company spoke relative to telephone franchise with the city. Moved by Tamborini , seconded by Isackson that Monday, March 14, at 7 P. M. be set as the time for hearing I and discussion of the telephone franchise. Carried . City Health Officer spoke of the necessity of a Comfort Station adjoining the athletic field. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Tamborini that same be referred to the City Engr and Park Board for the proper location and sewage facillities. Carried. i Ordinance No. 995 creating an improvement districts for the erection of concrete curbs read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee. j The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Or No. 995 whereupon it was placed upon its second and third read- ings and passed as a whole, all councilmen present voting ave : Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. City Clerk was instructed to call for bids. Ordinance granting franchise to the City of Seattle was introduced. Moved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that same be referred to the ordinance Committee for report next U►eek. Carried. Initiative No. 127, asking that a larger portion of the gasoline money be given to the cities was presented by the Mayor. Moved by Plano, seconded by fir, ._ -, that the City Council go on record favoring the initiative. Carried. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Tamborini that we have a public hearing March 18, at 8 P. M. with the oimers of the Renton Stage,&the Department of public utilities on the commutation tieketst Carried. No further business, meeting adjourned. i City Clerk 'Mayo r 497 March 15, 1938. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P. M. by 0. N. Cochran, Mayor. The following petitions, approved by the Building Supt. were read : Clarence Holmes to erect house & garage on Lot 13, Block 13, R. F. P. R. Bellando to move back building on proposed 20' strip for widening Bronson Way, Lots 9, 10, 11, Block 11, Town. Ruby Evans to remodel house making same into apart- ments on Lot 82 Block 8, Car Works. Vdm. Kane to reshingle house at 409 Cedar St. Don Custer to erect a garage at 336 Williams St. K. D. Barnes to reshingle house on Lot 1, Block 16, R. Y. P. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Lewis that the above permits be granted. Carried. Petit[on of the Pace Tel & Tel. Co. to replace deteriorated poles with new ones on certain streets read. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Duncalf that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt. Carried. The Finance Committee audited and recommended for payment the following City St. Fund Pay Roll St. Dept. $351.26-595-604 it r+ City St. Fund 89.80-605-8 `• P. S. P. & L. Co. St. Lights 328.97-609 0. Priebe Labor on tools 11.00-610 Western Tire Service Material 22.00 1 Stoneway Dock Co. if 19.89 2 Union Oil Co. Gasoline 68.36 3 Current Fund Pay Roll Engr. Dept. 14.97-8365-6 +► tf Park Dept. 98.78-8368-9 f. t+ Engr. Dept . 81 .39-8370-73 fr ,r Park (Bowling Green) 106.03-8.374-80 Roy Bright Labor " " 66.00-614 D. D. Watson Dgo Catcher 17.00-838 2 Karadio Specialty Co. Police Radio 35.00 3 Gaylord Bros Library Books 3.90 4 Harry Hartman it " 12.94 5 Puget Sound News Co. " " 37.05 6 p. -. P. & L. Co. Lights 32.89 7 George Abbott FireeDept. Labor 9.00 8 Valley Window Cleaners Labor 2.00 9 Al Trimm Fuel 20.60-8390 Joe White Park Labor & Material 16.76 1 J. S. Hardie Labor Rc Material 7.25 2 Brendal Drug Co. Library Magazines 52.05 3 F. E . BOOTh Labor on Bowling- Green 8.12-8381 Reton Chronicle Printing & legapub. 62.72-8394 News Record Printing::., WATER) 14.50 2373 Pay Roll Water Dept. 59.38-2365-9 p. S. P. & L. Co. Power 46.73-2370 City of Seattle Water 24.92- 1 Renton Chronicle Legal pub. & printing 29.35- 2372 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Isackson that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance granting a franchise to the City of Seattle for transmission line through North Renton, whereupon it was placed upon its seconded and third readings. Moved by Plano, seconded by Tamborini that same be adopted as read. Roll call being taken, resulted as follows: Lawrence - Np Isackson - No Lewis - Yes Duncalf - Yes Plano - Yes Deacy - No Tamborini - Yes Motion lost. Ordinance granting to the Pacific Telephone & Tele- graph Co. a franchise to do a general telephone & telegraph business in the City of Renton read and on motion referred to the Ordinance Committee for report next Tuesday. Dr. Ambrose representing the American Legion asks permission to hold a carnival in the city. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Isackson that same be referred to the Police & License Committee for recommendation. Carried. Fire Chief Dullahant, on tkt behalf of the Fire Department invited the city administration to attend their annual banquet to be held in the Social Hall of the Episcopal ChurchThursday, Marfh 17th. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Isackson that we accept the invitation.., ii Carried. No further business, meeting adjourne City Clerk Mayor 499 March 22, 1938. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8 P.' M. by L. E. Plano, Mayor Pro Tem, Roll Call: Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Deacy and Tamborini. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The following petitions, all approved by the Building Supt were read: J. R. Durney to erect house and move garage back on lot and make addition to. same at 420 Morris St. Th6s Sneddon to erect house & garage on Lot 5, Block 36, Smithers. John Grubrick to remodel house on Lot 26, Block 7, Car -;orks. Thos Sneddon to erect house & garage on Lot 4, Block 15, R. F. P. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Isackson that all permits be granted. Carried. Petition of P. S. P. & L. Co. to remove pole on Commercial Ave & Logan St. and remove one on Commercial Ave east of Lake St. read. Moved by Lewis , seconded by Duncalf that same be granted under the supervision of the St. Supt . Carried. Communication read from the Association of Washington Cities advising of meeting in Tacoma, May 5th &, 6th. This being the night for opening; bids for furnishing material for concrete curbs, the following was read: S.toneway Dock Co. - - - - $3940. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Isackson that the con- � tract be awarded the Stoneway Dock Company. Carried. The Ordinance Committee feported favorably on Ordi- nance No. 996 granting to the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. a franchise for twenty-five years, whereupon it was placed upon its second and third readings and passed as a whole , all council- men present voting aye : Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Deacy and Tamborini. Motion Carried. Councilman Tamborini reporting on the meeting with representatives of the Bus Comnany and the Dept. of Public Ser- vice stated that a family commutation ticket had been filed which should take care of the matter. No further business, meeting adjourned. City Clerk. Mayor 500 f lvarch 29 , 1938. Regular meeting of the City Council was called to order '- at 8 P. aha. by Ya-yyyor Cochran. Roll Call : Lawrence, Isackson, Lewis, Duncalf, Plano, Deacy and Tamborini. Minutes of the l .st meeting read and a7proved. � I The following Petitions, approved by the Building Sunt 4 were read: Alex Capelli to remodel house and tear down old shack on Lot 22, Block 33, Smithers Addition. Warnie TY'oline to repair and remodel house en Lot 2, Block 4, R. F. P. Ethel Martin to reshingle house on Lot 9, Mock 15, Town. Louis Delaurenti to make a basement at 206 lst Ave. No. Moved by Isackson, seconded by Duncalf that the recommendation of the Building Supt. be concurred in and permit granted. Carried. Petition of H. G. 7,'hite to install a 100 gal gasoline ! tank for private use at 128 Logan ,tet. read. 11oved by Isackson, seconded by Lewis that same be granted under the supervision of the Fire Chief. Carried. St. &Z Alley Committee reported that it would cost the city about X190.50 to change the Zeb Shearer sewer. Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Lewis that the St. erupt be instructed to go ahead with the work . Carried. No further business , meeting adjourned. City Clerk i Mayor I I C