HomeMy WebLinkAboutBook 10 (1/20/1948 - 3/7/1950) Renton, 7 ash January 20th 1948 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order, Mayor Perry H. TZitchell presiding. Roll Call: Tamborini, Richardson, Swift, Baxter, Delaurenti, Reid and Gigli. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Baxter, that the f minutes of the meeting January 6th 1948 be approved as written. Carried. With the unanimous consent of the City Council, 1"Tayor 11itchell dispensed with the regular order of business in order to hear anyone in the audience who had business to discuss with the Council. APPLICATION of the Renton Realty Company for- a permit to erect a neon sign over sidewalk at 334 - Williams street, to be 8' or more above the sidewalk and to comply with all the requirements of the building code of the City of Renton. APPLICATIOTT of Nathan Brook, for a permit to erect a neon sign over sidewalk at 304 - Wells Street. 8' or more above the sidewalk and to conform to all the requirements of the Building code of the City of Renton. APPLICATION of Roy A. Homer, for a permit to erect a wire fence around property at 12530 - Bronson Tilay Yorth. Not to exceed 42" in height and to conform to all the requirements of the building code of the City of Renton. APPLICATION of Gabriel Delaurenti , for a permit to place a residence on Block 1, Lot 2, V. A. Kelly Addition to Renton, Wash. , (residence to be moved on to lot) and to conform to all the re- quirements of the building code of the City of Renton. APPLICATION of Fred Peacock for a permit to re- model a V x '6' extension on utility room and repair front porch on residence at 328 - Wells Street north, and to conform to all the re- quirements of the building code of the City of Renton. APPLICATION of Dr. D. L. Mlorell, for a Certificate of Occupancy as a Dental Office and :»emodelling of a residence at 1015 - - Walla Walla Avenue, converting the building from a residence to a Dental Office as per plan submitted to the City Engineer and to conform to all the requirements of the building code of the City of Renton. APPLICATION of George Ti. Williams for a permit to erect a residence on Lot 25, Block 16, Renton Farm Plat #4, (406 - 7illiams Street North ) formerly 406 - ,dells Street T?orth) frame con- struction, masonry foundation and to comply with all the requirements of the building code of the City of Renton. APPLICATION of Albert Lincoln Tilkinson, for a permit to erect a 2 car garage 20' x 20' to be constructed of wood siding same as house, with concrete floor and foundation and to also con- vert present garage to room as hart of house . This to comply to all the requirements of the Building Code of the City of Renton. Residence at 12686 - Grandy .lay, Windsor Hills, Renton, Washington. APPLICATION of Elmer 0. Varner, for a permit to erect a picket fence at 124 - Park Avenue . Not to exceed 42" in height and to conform to all the requirements of the building code of the City of Renton. APPLIC_�TIOTT of Tess. Joyce Stellmacher for a permit to erect a wire fence at 606 - Shattuck Street, 42" high or less. To conform to all the requirements of the building code of the City of Renton. wg APPLICATION of Elmer 0. Varner, for a permit to erect a sign 18" x 48" at the Jdood Building. To be 8' above sidewalk and to conform to all the requirements of the Building Code of the City of Renton Tloved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the above applications approved by the City Engineer and the Police and License Committee be allowed. Carried. Several protests were- made at the Council meeting by businessmen of the City of Renton, against the suggested prohibiting of parking on 3rd Avenue between the hours of 4:00 P.M. , to 6:00 P.12. , stating that should this rule be put into effect, it would greatly impair the business of the merchants of the City of Renton. Sergeant t.lcCarthy, Traffic Division, of the City of Renton Police Department advised that the announcement in- serted in the local newspapers was for the purpose of ascertaining the opinions of the businessmen on 3rd Avenue regarding the discon- tinu ance of parking between the hours of 4:00 P.M. , and 6 :00 P.1T. , and assured them that it would not be necessary to take such steps at the present time. Iayor Mitchell stated that the welfare of the City of Renton has been taken into consideration, that traffic ex- perts have been consulted and a great deal of time has been spent by all concerned to perfect a system that will alleviate the traffic congestion that exists in the City of Renton, without injury to the interest of anyone. Mr. Burl D. Bramhall of rllessrs . Bramhall &, Stein, submitted a written proposal for refunding the outstanding 1943 Iiiater Revenue Bonds at a reduction of the interest rates from 3�o to 2lO subject however, to further check of ,Vater and Sewer Depart- ment financial records during the past five years and subject to the approval of their attorney. Notice of Call for the redemption of all outstanding 1943 ',Vater Revenue Bonds to be made not later than January 29th 1948. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tarmborini, that this matter be referred to the A?ayor, City Attorney, Superin- tendent of Utilities, City Clerk and Finance Corunittee for investi- gation and with Pourer to Act. Carried. Mr. Harley Robertson, State Supervisor of Health and Education, Olympia, TVashington, discussed the reasons why an INDOOR SIMMING POOL would be more advantageous than an OUTDOOR POOL, advising that the Renton School Board was in the pro- cess of planning a new physical Education Building and recommended that the City Council contact the School Board to ascertain the feasibility of combining the two projects. Moved by Tamborini; seconded by Swift, that this be referred to the City Attorney, Park Board and Property Committee to arrange a meeting with the Renton School 3oard to discuss this matter and report back at the next Council Meeting. Carried. APPLICATION of ',"alter Jordan, RIoute- #4, Box 333, Renton, ;'lash. , operating (3) taxicabs, one 1947 sedan, one 1948 Ford Sedan and one 1947 Chev. Sedan, under the name of JO' DAN T.UI- CAB C OrMAS', for apereitto transfer his interestst in said taxicab Company to Harold Jordan, J-53 Cedar Diver Park, Renton, 73ashington. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Baxter, that this be referred to the Police and License Committee and the Chief of Police with Power to Act. Carried. APPLICATION by the following Taxicab Companies for a 1948 taxicab license in accordance faith the provisions of the Ordinances of the City of Renton. 1. Highland Taxicab Company 1-5 passenger sedan 2. Black & White Taxicab Company 4-5 3. O.K. Taxicab Company 2-5 4. Jordan Taxicab Company 3-5 " n 5 Yellow Taxicab Company 5-5 '* " 11'oved by Tamborini, seconded by Baxter, that this matter be referred to the Police and License Cor!wLittee and the Chief of Police with Power to Act. Carried. A request was submitted by Tom Dobson & Son, Agent, for approval of the assignment of the lease on the concession space of the North Renton Recreation Center, from ','Iilliam A. Hess to Arthur Holstead and Elizabeth Holstead, also approval of an amendment to the lease permitting use of the storeroom space at the north end of game room for living quarters for the lessees, restricting said use to adult persons only. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, that this be referred to the Property Cor:mittee, the Park Board, and the City Attorney with Power to Act. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. Jack Schneider, Campaign Director of the MARCH OF DIIMS, for the National Foundation of Infantile Paralysis requesting permission to use the City parking meters as a source of collections for dimes, to be conducted from the 15th to the 30th of January 1948. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini that the Mayor of the City of Renton, designate a day that all dimes deposited in the parking meters be given to the NATIOTHAL FOUP'?)ATION for the treatment of INFAITILE PARALYSIS . Moved by Richardson, seconded by Baxter, that the motion be amended to read, that the committee for the I ARCH OF DITt1ES be notified that permission is Franted to attach the MARCH OF DIMES coin boxes to parking meter posts to facilitate the collection of dimes . A vote was called on the amendment which was approved, a vote was thereupon called for the original motion which carried. No protests having been received regarding the rezoning of lots 5,6,718 and 9, Block 1, Wefanc' s Addition to the City of Rentr,n from a residential zone to a commercial zone, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the City Attorney be in- structed to prepare an ordinance requiring said lots to be changed from a residential to a coercial zone. Carried. The City Engineer and the Park Board submitted their joint recommendations relative to the construction of the Tunicipal Swimming Pool and recon- vended calling for bids on the following basis : 1. Recommend that the bathhouse be a frame building with 2 x 6 studding, plaster finish on the inside, stucco finish on the outside leaving sufficient footinr-s for later brick veneer if decided. 2. Omit pipe tunnel, bleachers, clock and anything except cement as floor covering and all Roman brick, glass brick and glass tile on the bathhouse itself. 3. Call for bids on the following basis: A. Excavation and concrete work in the basement on the pool and pool finishings. i. Alternate bid on gunite construction on above. B. Plumbing, drains, piping, sewers and heating. C . The structure itself (bathhouse) and concrete decking around pool. D. Electrical complete i. Alternate bid for underwater lights. E. Filtration and all special equipment F. :renting, baskets, boards, ladders and landscaping. T..oved by Swift, seconded by Reid, that this be referred to the City Attorney, City Engineer, Property Committee and the Park Board. Carried. APPLICATION of Mr. H. G. White, Contractor, Renton, ."Washington, for rezoning of the following property: From Zerwoodis' property line south along the Maple Valley High- way 642.80 ft. by 100 ft. of depth. From the northeast corner of ?erwoodis' property line along the Cemetry Road, 300 ft. by -- approximately 100 ft. of depth. Proved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this be referred to the Planning Conmission. Carried. A report vias- read from Pdr. �'h. B. Pond, Director of Recreation, Renton, 'lash. , relative to the cost of the recreation program for the year 1948. This communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from Sergeant P..cCarthy Traffic Division of the City of Renton Police Department, advising that the State Superintendent of Public Instruction had adopted neer pro- ceedures regulating the placement and use of portable SCHOOL GIRL AND SCHOOL SONE signs. The Renton School District will furnish the signs to cover the five ( 5) schools inside the City but the installation of the mountings for these signs adjacent to each school crossing:, should be done by the City of Renton. P,Toved by Tarlborini, seconded by Richard- son, that this be referred to the Street and Alley Committee, Superin- tendent of Utilities and Sergeant T.cCarthy and with Power to Act. Carried. The following recommendations were submitted by the Traffic Department of the City of Renton Police Department for approval by the City Council: 1. That the west side of Burnett Street between 3rd and 4th J Avenues be designated and maintained as a ONE WAY Street for southbound traffic only and that proper signs where Burnett meets 4th Avenue on the west side of Burnett Street be installed. This should be a STOP sign. 2. That the East side of Burnett Street between 3rd and 4th Avenues be designated and rlaintained as a OT, WAY Street for Northbound traffic and proper signs be installed. 3. NO PARKING signs be installed on the R.R. , property adjacent to the R.R. , tracks on Burnett Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues opposite shop entrance to Y',Tilliams and Swanson Garage. Proved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that this be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. I A communication was read from the Chief of Police, Mr. Vincent Stewart, recommending that the Pacific Coast R.R. , and the Chicago Milwaukee and St. Paul R.R. , be contacted relative to cooperating in the construction of a GRADE CRCSSITTG west of the North- ern Pacific right-of-way on Burnett Street connecting the west side of Burnett Street between 3rd and 4th Avenues with the west• side of Burnett Street south of 4th Avenue. Loved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that this be referred to the Street and'Alley Committee for investigation and a report back. Yoved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the motion be amended to include the construction of a GRADE CROSSING on Morris Street between 4th and 5th Avenues. A vote was called on the amendment which was approved, a vote was thereupon called for the original motion which carried. P:.r. F. E. Lawrence, Fire Chief, of the City of Renton submitted a report on an accident by which Fire Truck No. 2, driven by Captain James Ashurst of the Renton Fire Department damaged a PTercury 1941 sedan owned by Fir. Orvil Nelson - 242 - Meadow Street, Renton, Wash. , and also damaged a 1946 Hudson Sedan owned by P.r. Joe "'[all, 2322 - Gth Avenue. Damage to the two cars amounted to approximately X225.00. A complete report was made to the Police Department. 11oved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson that this be referred to the Finance Committee and the City Attorney with Power to Act. Carried. lair. G. B. 1 yers, Jr., representing the Trailway Bus Company was present at the Council meeting in regards to the complaint of 11r. George Bacon of the Renton Transit System, that the Trailway Bus Company were picking up passengers contrary to the City Ordinance. 11r. Myers advised the Council that it was not the intention of his Company to compete with the Renton Transit System, but it was their desire to cooperate with the City of Renton and to protect any property rights that had been invested in their Company by the i'lashington Department of Public Vlorks and the Federal Govern- ment and that they did not feel that they were violating any laws. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Attorney be authorized to investigate the legality of the Ordinance relative to Bus Transportation with the Attorney General, Smith Troy, and if the Trailway Bus Company has violated this law, that the City of Renton institute proceedings to prevent the Trailway Bus Company from encroaching on the rights delegated to the Renton Transit System by the City of Renton. Carried. A report of the activities of the Renton Fire Department for the year 1947 was submitted by Fire Chief, F.E. Lawrence, This communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from the Association of 1.1ashington Cities re: ITNITATION TO BID on radio equipment, at 511 - County City Building, Seattle, dashing ton. This communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from the S'lashington - Department of Transportation, Paul Revelle, Director, Olympia, flash. , j enclosing a resolution from the T. eridian Community Club protesting that the City of Renton does not permit Pylarlowe' s East Dill Bus Line to deliver passengers to any other point in the City of Renton except' at 3rd Avenue and 1aain Street. 11oved by Baxter, seconded by Tamborini, that this be referred to the Police and License Committee and Chief of Police for investigation and report back.at the next Council meeting. Carried. A communication was read from the ?'lar Assets Administration advising that a meeting would be held in San Francisco, Calif. , at 10:00 A.M. , on January 21st 1948 re donation of approxi- mately ten and one half million dollars worth of Electronic Equipment and component parts to State and Local Governments as well as non- profit education, Public Health and Charitable Institutions. This communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from the Department of Public Utilities of 54ashington, CAUSE 110. �'1-8133, ORDER SUSPLZIDING TARIFF of the Seattle Gas Company. This communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from the State Chairman, Air. Lyle Lemley, of the Tunicipal Finance Officers Association of • Washington, advising that a meeting would be held in Olympia, Wash. , February 20th and 21st 1948. 11oved by Richardson, seconded by j Delaurenti, that expenses be allowed to any member of the City Council, the City Clerk and the City Treasurer, if they attend this meeting. Carried. 11oved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that a short recess be declared. Council was called to order by 1.ayor Perry H. k."itchell, the following- answering when the roll was called. Tamborini, Richardson, 33wift, Reid, Baxter and Delaurenti. kid N .L i.w`ru+ r A permit was requested by the American Legion, Fred Hancock Post #193, Renton, ;lash. , to hold a public dance on February 14th 1948 at the American Legion Hall. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Baxter, that this permit be granted. Carried. The City Attorney submitted the following communication regarding R7SIDENCE REQUIM. NTS FOR CITY OlFFICIALS AND E11PLOYEyS: Request has been made for an opinion as to residence qualifications required under second-class City statu. tes for City officials and employees. The original law on this subject, applicable to second-class cities was enacted in 1907 and is Rem. Rev. Stats. Section 9104, reading as follows: "No person shall be eligible to hold any office in such City unless such person be a resident and elector of the City at the time of his election or appointment. No person shall be eligible to hold office of Mayor, member of the City Council, ' street commissioner, treasurer, city clerk, city attorney, police judge or chief of police unless he be a resident and elector of such city at the time of his election or appointment and unless he shall have resided in the City for at least one year next preceding the date of his election or appointment." There have been two changes in the above original law. One change was made in 1935 by enactment of the present Civil Service laws for Police and Fire Departments, taking those two departments out of the operation of the 1907 law. The other was made in 1941. Chapter 25, Session Laws of 141 (Rem.Rev. Stats. 141 Sup-,,1. , erection 9213-3 and -4) reads as follows: "Residence of appointive officials or employees of cities or towns. Any city or town may by ordinance of its legis- lative authority determine whether there shall be any resi- dential qualifications for any or all of its appointive officials or employees, and in event such legislative authority does not fix any residential qualifications for any of such officials or employees, there shall be none: PROVIDED, This act shall not authorize a city or town to change any residential qualifications prescribed in any city charter for any appointive official or employee ." "Repeals. All acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith are hereby repealed." Under the above amendment of 1941, which expressly repeals acts or parts of acts in conflict therewith, it is clear that all appointive officials and employees of any city are not subject to any require- ments of residence within the city unless the city council by ordinance affirmatively requires such residence. The City of -Renton has no such ordinance requiring residence. This amendment does not apply to elective officials ; hence, the mayor, councilmen and police judge are still governed by the 1907 law requiring one year's residence in the City preceding date of their election. Under the Civil Service laws for Police and lire Departments which were enacted in 1935 for Fire Departments and in 1937 for Police Departments, all personnel of these departments who had held their positions for six months before the city qualified under those Civil Service laws, were automatically and permanently inducted into office (regardless of their place of residence) ; and personnel under those Civil Service laws cannot be removed from office except for cause and under the procedure prescribed by such Civil Service laws. Furthermore, in 1946 the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 1255, stating: "Hereafter there shall be no residential qualifications for applicants for positions of any kind under Civil Service in the Police Department of the City of Renton: In respect to the Fire Department, there is no similar ordinance waiving residence qualifications. On the contrary, the Regulations adopted by the City Civil Service Cor.unission require that new applicants for positions in the Fire Departrlent must have ninety days residence in the City, consequently the present situation _ is as follows: II I (a) Applicants for Fire Denartment positions must be u residents of the City for 90 days by virtue of the Present Civil Service Regulations governing Fire Department only. (b) There is no reouirement of residence in the City for any position in the Police Department. ( c) There is no requirement of residence in the City for any other appointive city official or employee. (d) Elective city officials - Mayor, Councilmen and Police Judge - must be residents of the city for one year prior to election. Respectfully submitted. Arthur L. Haugan, City Attorney. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the above information be recorded in the minutes of the regular coun::il meeting January 20th 1948. Carried. PROPOSED ORDINANCE No. 1297, was read, an ordinance of the City of Renton, amending Ordinance No. 9469 PROVIDING FOR THE 1 AMTER OF NO111INATITIG AND ELECTITTG CITY COTJ1TCI11,MT and on motion was referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1297 'ZIEREUPON it was placed on its second and third readings and approved as a whole. T.loved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the ordinance be passed as read. All Councilmen present voting aye : Tamborini, Richardson, Reid, Baxter, Swift and Delaurenti. PROPOSED ORDINANCE No. 1298 was read, an ordinance of THE CITY OF RENTON PROVIDING FOR A SYSTE11 OF HOUSE Tv'UIVIBERING ,AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR P_1,RT3 OF ORDITUUTCES ITT C OTTFLICT T1-iERE?,1ITH and on motion was referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance 1298 ,HEREUPON it was placed on its second and third readings and approved as a whole. 1roved by Tamborini, seconded by Swift, that the Ordinance be passed as read. All Councilmen present voting aye: Tamborini, Reid, Swift, Baxter, Delaurenti and Richardson. The Ordinance Committee recommended that PROPOSED ORDITTANCE ITO. an ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ENTON, 1ASHI1TGT0N, LICENSING TEL USE OF C012T OPERATED PHONOGRAPHS A�'"D SI11ILAR T.TUSICAL DEVICES: LIMITING THE HOURS OF THEIR USE: PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF: AND REPEALING CONFLICTING ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDIT?UTCE, be referred to the Police and License Committee and the Chief of Police to determine the different amounts that are to be charged for the PfASTER LICENSES per month and to whom the MASTER LICENSE should be awarded and to report back their recommendation at the next council meeting.. Carried. C012 "TEE REPORTS The City Engineer recommended that "a call for bids" be made for material on traffic control signals for the City of Renton, ,'lash. , to be opened at the regular council meeting February 3rd 1948 as per proposal sheets and general stipulations submitted by the City Engineer. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardsons that the re- commendation of the City Engineer be concurred in and that call for bids be made. Carried. f=t; The Property Committee requested more time regarding the installation of a COAL OR OIL BURNING HEATING SYSTE1,1. in the City Hall. More time granted . The Law and Ordinance Committee requested more time re: the preparation of the following proposed ordinances - P11EAT AND RESTAURlUTT INSPECTION ORDINANCE, Local 864 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS, PENSION UTID RETIR +TLP' IMTT ORDINANCE and CHANGING THE PARKITTG ON 3RD AVT-',N= WEST OF MORRIS STREET TO TIM VMT CITY LIP.ZITS. More time granted. The Law and Ordinance Committee recommended that the maps prepared by the Washington State Census Board, be transferred from the Law and Ordinance Cor..unittee• to the City Clerk for filing. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the recommen- dation of the Law and Ordinance Committee be concurred in. Carried. The Fire Light and I'dater Committee re- commended that the previous request of the Kennydale Fire Depart- ment be granted and that the Superintendent of Utilities be in- structed to install the two (2) fire hydrants requested and that the Kennydale Fire Department be billed for same. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Delaurenti, that the recommendation of the Fire Light and Water Committee be concurred in. Carried. The Finance Committee requested and was granted more time regarding the easements for sewer laterals on Renton Hill. The City Attorney requested and was granted more time regarding Mr. C. R. Fleming, Deputy Regional Director, War Assets Administration communication re: Plancor 156, Boeing Renton Plant. (Lease on Fire Truck) After a discussion regarding the number of FREE telephones the City of Renton is entitled to under the Telephone Franchise, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the City Attorney and the City Clerk be instructed to contact the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company and determine if the City is being credited with the correct amount for FREE telephones. Carried. The Superintendent of Utilities requested and was granted more time regarding the GARBAGE COLLECTION SURVEY. Mayor Perry H. 11itchell reported that at a Committee meeting held January 14th 1948 members of the City Council and the Planning Corunission net with the Earlington Committee con- sisting of Ttlessrs. George Dobson, Lee Hansen and Frank 1',atheiison, to discuss the annexation of Earlington to the City of Renton and re- commended same. Proved by Tamborini, seconded by Baxter, that the re- commendation of the Planning Commission of the City of Renton be con- curred in and that the residents of Earlington be notified that the City Council has approved the annexation of Earlington to Renton. Carried. The Property Committee requested and spas granted more time re the construction of lavatories for the Police Department. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the Property Committee and the Park Board investigate the pro- perty of Messrs. Aarhus and Meynick, between Renton and Grants Streets south of 8th Avenue, as a possible site for playfields and report back their recommendation at the next council meeting. Carried. The subject of the City of Renton furnish- ing a fire extinguisher for AIRPORT INN, located at the entrance of the Renton Airport was discussed. Poved by Baxter, seconded by Richard- son that this matter be referred to the Airport CoLmission for their action. Carried. 9 Councilman Swift recommended that the portion of property between the present city limits and the east line of Rainier Avenue belonging to the City of Renton- at the present time , be included in the City limits. P.loved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance regarding the above. Carried. RESOLUTION No. 696, was read, Z 'REAS the City of Renton through arrangements with Reconstruction Finance Corporation, an Agency of the United States, has since 11-ay lst 1947 i- been using a fire fighting crash truck and certain equipment per- taining thereto. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that .. the Resolution as read be adopted. Carried. The Property Cornnittee recommended that the City Clerk, and City Treasurer be authorized to purchase furniture and equipment for the new addition to the City Hall. Moved by Reid, secon d ed by Richardson, that the recommendation of the Property Committee be concurred in. Carried. The Property Committee recommended callin,~ for bids for a new three (3) compartment sink at the Park Building (Sweet Center) also the necessary plumbing to make the change to conform to the rules and regulations of the State Board of Health governing sanitation. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the re- commendation of the Property Corlmittee be concurred in and that the Superintendent of Utilities be instructed to purchase and install said sin k and plumbing. I-loved by kichardson, seconded by Reid, that the motion be amended to read: That the Property Committee call for bids for the purchase of a sink and the installation of the plumbing. A vote was called on the amendment which was approved, a vote was thereupon called for the original motion which carried. The Property Committee reconmiended that the Superintendent of Utilities investigate as to -the necessity of re- pairing the furnace- in the Administration Building at Ilother.s Park. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the recommendation of the Property Cormittee be concurred in. Carried. The subject of vacating the property at the northeast corner of the Ilanifold property was discussed. Ioved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this be referred to the Street and Alley Committee, City Engineer and City Attorney for a report back at the next council meeting. Carried. The City Cl-;rk to notif7 all Department Heads re signs on City equipment. Mr. G. P. Lockwood, State Examiner from the Division of l.lunicipal Corporations, suggested that statements be mailed to all customers in arrears on their water and sewer rentals, notifying them that their water service will be discontinued unless the past due balance is received within a reasonable length of tire. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the suggestion of Yr. Lockwood be concurred in. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: CURRENT �j Pac. Tel & Tel. Co. Phones 26.00 1128 Payroll Office 771.20 1129-1141 Payroll Engineers 419.65 1142-1144 Payroll F.Dept. 2364.40 1145-1165 Payroll P . " 2519.30 1166-1186 Payroll Garbage & 3t.Clg. 896.08 1187-1197 BsMrMeHtrgh R)E»ease 1TF518 1199 i'JATER Hing County Medicale-b dues 29.75 6468 John Lotto, Postmaster Post Cards & stamps 85.00 6469 Payroll dater (office) 324.30` 6470-6476 10 � NATER C OITT'D ' Payroll ?'later 737.13 6477-6483 CITY STI'=TS King County Iedical Feb . dues 30.50 3852 Payroll City Sts - (Office) 162.84 3853-3857 Payroll City Sts. 1172. 99 3858-3869 SEWER DISPOSAL King County Yedical Feb Dues. 19.75 923 Payroll Disposal Plant 885.80 924-935 Payroll Sewers & Drains 405.29 936-942 AIRPORT Payroll Airport 364.85 299-301 King County Medical Feb . dues 7.00 302 Renton Trews Record Supplies 13.09 303 LIBRARY King County Medical Feb. 3.50 1371 PARK Kind; County Medical Feb. Dues 8.25 809 Payroll Park 421.41 810-814 ATHLETIC PARK Payroll At.ileti.c Park 135. 21 200-202 King County 14edical Feb . Dues 10.25 199 CU11ULATIVE FUND ;'1183 Vere O.Thompson Labor 140.27 232 John Repovz " 103.59 233 C.C.Losh " 161.57 234 d.E. Hjelm " 123.42 235 gym. D. Johnson " 101.87 236 King County Medical February dues 4.75 237 Ioved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the above bills be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. There being no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Reid, seconded by Tamborini, that the -- meeting adjourn. Carried. ty Clerk ayor U Renton, Wash. February 3rd 1948 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order, Mayor Perry H. Mitchell presiding. Roll Call : Tamborini, Richardson, Swift, Baxter, Delaurenti, Reid and Gigli. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the minutes of the meeting of January 20th 1948 as written be corrected to read - "Mr. G. P. Lockwood, State Examiner from the Division of Municipal Corporations, suggested that statements be mailed to all customers in arrears on their water and sewer rentals, notifying them that their water service will be discontinued unless the past due balance is received within a reasonable length of time. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the suggestion of Mr. Lockwood be concurred in and then approved as corrected. " Carried. APPLICATION of Mr. R. C. Finley to erect a sign, Permit No. 1161. APPLICATION of Mr. Vaughn C. Viets, for a Certificate of Occupancy. Permit No. 1163. APPLICATION of Mr. George Carli for a permit to move a tool shed, Permit No. 1162. APPLICATION of Mr. Charles F. Shane for a permit to erect a residence at 430 - Williams Street North. Permit No. 1164. APPLICATION of Mr. R. E. Brightman for a permit to remodel residence at 126 - Williams Street. Permit No. 1165. APPLICATION of Mrs. Grace Faull for a permit to .... erect a garage. Permit No. 1166. APPLICATION of Mr. M. Raymond for a permit to re- model the Evans Building. Permit No. 1167. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the above applications approved by the City Engineer and the Police and License Committee be allowed. Carried. APPLICATION of Mr. Earl L. Gavin for a Certificate of Occupancy, Permit No. 1168, to erect a dry cleaning building. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini., that this be referred to the City Engineer, Fire Chief and the Police and License Committee with Power to Act. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. Ben Lindgren, 129 - No. Main Street, Renton, Wash. , requesting permission of the City Council to proceed with the construction of the apartment he is building to be used as living quarters, stating that due to a misunderstanding the building was placed up to the line of the dedicated alley. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Baxter, that Mr. Lindgren be advised that inasmuch as the rules and regulations of the Building Code of the City of Renton have not been complied with, that this request be denied and Mr. Lindgren be so notified. Carried. APPLICATION of Stella. J. Barnet and Eva F. Hagedorn, for a Certificate of Occupancy to establish a dressmaking and alteration shop at 307 - Morris Street. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that this be referred to the Fire Chief, City Engineer, and the Police and License Committee with Power to Act. Carried. APPLICATION of Mrs. Robert Losey, Route 4, Box 753, for a Certificate of Occupancy for a Children' s Exchange to be known as 12 THE KIDDII?-KONOMY, to be located in the Totem Realty Building formerly known as the Brendel house, at the corner of 3rd Avenue and Morris Street. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that this be re- ferred to the Fire Chief, City Engineer and the Police and License Committee with Hower to Act. Carried. APPLICATION of Mr. Vaughn C. Veits, for a Certificate of Occupancy of the building at 229 - Park Avenue, Renton, Wash. , to be used as a SERVE YOURSELF LAUNDRY. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Richardson, that a Certificate of Occupancy be granted. Carried. APPLICATION of Mrs. & Mr. Ben Barnett, Box J 532, Kirkland, Wash. , for permission to operate a POPCORN WAGON at 226 - Wells Street, Renton, Wash. , on the vacant lot across from the City Hall. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this be referred to the City Engineer, Fire Chief, Chief of Police and the Health Officer for investigation and report back at the next regular council meeting. Carried. A petition was read from the property owners in the vicinity of 3rd Avenue and Morris Street requesting the in- stallation of a FULL STOP AND GO LIGHT. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this be referred to Sergeant McCarthy, Traffic Division of the Renton Police Department, Chief of Police and the Fire Light and Water Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. A petition was read from the property owners on the west side of Burnett Street between 3rd and 4th Avenues, pro- testing the fencing of a portion of Burnett Street by the Wright Motor Company and requesting removal of said fence by the City of Renton. This communication was referred to the Street and Alley Committee for a report back. The City Engineer recommended paying the sum of ,1:3 ,326.37 to the VALLEY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY - 7708 - Rainier Avenue, Seattle, Washington, contract for pipe and hydrants on Airport Way, Lake Street and portions of Logan Street and Tobin Avenue. Amount of the contract - w39807. 50 Pay 85% now - 3 22 6.?7 Balance in 30 days - L 571.13 Moved by Gigli, seconded by Richardson, that the recommendation of the City Engineer be concurred in and this a- mount be paid. Carried. A statement was read from the AMERICAN PILE DRIVING COMPANY, Everett, Washington contractors for the construction of the Logan Street bridge for work performed and material furnished in the amount of $6,794.61. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Richardson, that the sum of -',"6,794.61 be paid. Carried. RESOLUTION NO. 698 A Resolution was read to appropriate from Cumulative Fund No. 1182, $5, 589.60 and from Cumulative Fund No. 1184, $1005.01 for payment to the American Pile Driving Company, Everett, Wash. , for labor and materials on the Logan Street bridge. Payments to apply on the contract price to be paid the contractor for the con- struction of said bridge. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that Resolution No. 698 be passed and approved as read. Carried. ..: A communication was received from Mr. Jack Gorrie, Assistant to the Governor, State of Washington, Olympia, Wash. , re : THE STATE-WIDE CITY IMPLOYEE' S RETIREMENT SYSTEM. This com- munication was ordered filed. A communication was read from the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, Renton, Wash. , advising that the 13 present telephone concession of the City Hall is being applied to three (3) different accounts and requested permission to apply the total con- cession of `�-�1.00 to one account for the City Hall. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the City Attorney for checking and report back at the next council meeting. Carried. A report of the Renton Library activities for the year 1947 was read from Miss Winifred Daniels, Librarian as follows : Circulation Renton - 56,634 Highlands - a6�2116 92-9 K6 Borrowers ' registered during year 21839 Total number of borrowers ' registered - 61120 Books added during year 29425 Total book stock 16,041 Circulation for January 1948 an all time high - 99715 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that Miss Daniels be commended for the excellent and efficient manner in which the affairs of the Library are conducted and that the report be included in the minutes. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. C. G. Myers, Secretary of the Planning Commission, recommending that the fee for building permit and plan checking fee be combined as one fee, calling it Building Permit Fee. This communication was referred to the Ordinance Committee. A communication was read from the Planning Commis- sion recommending that a Certificate of Occupancy be granted to Mrs. Elsie M. Crussel for the premises located at 222 - Main Street. This communica- tion was ordered filed. Communications were read from Messrs. A. 0. Thor. , Superintendent of the Chicago Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company Tacoma, Wash. , and E. W. Maxwell, Vice-Pres. & Supt. , of the Pacific Coast R. R. Company, Seattle, Wash. , acknowledging receipt of copy of Ordinance No. 1034 relative to blocking streets, alleys, etc. This communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from Mr. F. E. Lawrence, Fire Chief of the City of Renton, recommending to the City Council that action be taken regarding the hazardous condition of the wiring and elec- tric equipment in the Cedar River Park Housing Project. Moved by Richard- son, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Fire Light and Water Committee and Fire Chief, and that the Renton Housing Authority be contacted to ascertain what steps can be taken to remedy this condition, and to report back at the next council meeting. Carried. January 20th 1948 being the date set for the opening of the bids for the material on traffic control signals for the City of Renton, the following bids were submitted : Westinghouse Electric Supply Company Incomplete bid submitted 1051 - lst Avenue South in the amount of .x'.4,463.10 Seattle, Washington and could not be considered ,.., by the Council. General Electric Supply Corp $9,123.16 1212 - 1st Avenue South Extra - 75.00 Seattle 4, Washington Sales tax 272.94 . 7 .10 14 ...es Chapman Bros. p `=91350.82 Electrical Contractors Sales Tax 280. 52 911 - Walla Walla Avenue Renton, Washington 1'9,631.34 Charles R. Watts & Company 4121 - 6th Avenue N. W. "x;9,632.66 includes Seattle 7, Washington sales tax. Graybar Electric Company Inc King & Occidental Seattle, Washington $67376. 54 i Moved by Rich^rdson, seconded by Gigli, that the meeting recess as a whole to consider the awarding of bids. Carried. After the recess the Council was called to order by Mayor Perry H. Mitchell, the following members answering when the roll was called. Tamborini, Gigli, Reid, Baxter, Swift, Richard- son and Delaurenti. The Finance Committee recommended that the bid for material on traffic control signals be awarded to the lowest bidder. THE GENERAL ELECTRIC SUPPLY CORP, 1051 - lst Avenue South, Seattle, Wash. , their bid being x+9,474.10. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. PROPOSED ORDINr.NCE NO. 1299 was read, ATd ORDINANCE of the City of Renton, Wash. , providing for the issuance of water revenue refunding bonds in the principal sum of $74,000.00 for the purpose of providing funds for the redemption of a like principal amount of outstanding water revenue bonds of the city dated March lst 1943, providing the date, form, terms and maturities of said refunding bonds, creating a fund for the payment of the principal and interest thereof, and confirming their sale, and on motion was referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1299 WHEREUPON it was placed on its second and third readings and approved as a whole. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the Ordinance be passed as read. All Councilmen present voting aye. Tamborini, Richardson, Baxter, Swift, Reid, Delaurenti and Gigli. PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 1300 was read, AN ORDINANCE of the City of Renton, Washington, annexing certain terri- tory to the City, making same part of adjacent Ward, and affirming acceptance and jurisdiction thereof and on motion was referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1300 WHEREUPON it was placed on its second and third readings and approved as a whole. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Richard- son, that the Ordinance be passed as read. All Councilmen present voting aye. Tamborini, Richardson, Baxter, Swift, Reid, Delaurenti and Gigli. PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 1301, was read, an ORDINANCE of the City of Renton, Washington, CHANGING THE CLASSIFI- CATION OF LOTS FIVE TO NINE, INCLUSIVE IN BLOCK ONE OF WEFANC ' S AD- DITION to the City of Rentor_ from residential to commercial use dis- trict and on motion was referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1301, WHERE- UPON it was placed on its second and third readings and approved as a whole. All Councilmen present voting aye. Tamborini, Richardson, Baxter, Reid, Swift, Delaurenti and Gigli. The City Engineer presented ENGINEER' S CERTIFIC ^.TE of Assessment Roll in accordance with Ordinance No. 1280, said Ordinance created L. I. D. , No. 224 ordering the improvement of Airport Way and Lake Street from Airport 'day to Tobin Avenue thence east on Tobin Avenue to existing 4" water main, by installation of a 4" water main in the amount of ,,4,120.00, in connection with which the City Attorney presented Resolution No. 697, fixing the date of hear- ing on said assessment roll as of March 16th 1948, at 8:00 o 'clock to be held in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Renton, Washington. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the recommendation of the City Engineer be concurred in and that notices be sent out. Carried. RESOLUTION FOR NOTICE OF HEARING ON ASSESSMENT ROLL was read. Resolution No. 697 BE Irl' RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Renton, that the 16th day of March 1948 at 8:00 o' clock P.M. , is hereby fixed as the date of hearing on the assessment rolls for the L. I. D. , No. 224, for the improvement of Airport Way and Lake Street from Air- port Way to Tobin Avenue thence east on Tobin Avenue to existing 4" water main, by installation of a 4" water main. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that Resolution No. 697 be adopted as read . Carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS The Police and License Committee advised that no application has been received relative to delivering passengers within the City of Renton at points other than 3rd Avenue and Main Street as stated in the Resolution from the Meridian Community Club protesting that the City of Renton does not permit Marlowe ' s East Hill Bus line to r3eliver passengers to any other point in the City of Renton except at 3rd Avenue and Main Street, and recommended that the Meridian Community Club be ad- vised by the City Clerk that they should make a detailed application giving all of the facts. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Baxter, that the recommendation of the Police and License Committee be concurred in. Carried. The Police and License Committee requested more time regarding the different amounts to be charged for the MASTER LICENSES per month and to whom the license should be awarded. More time granted. Re vacating the property at the northeast corner of the Frank Manifold property. The Street and Alley Committee advised that the exchange of property by and between Mr. Manifold and the City of Ren- ton was completed in 1925 and recommended the retaining of the small triangle for the purpose of widening the curve on the street by using this property. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the recom- mendation of the Street and Alley Committee be concurred in and Mr. Mani- fold be so notified by the City Clerk. Carried. The Street and Alley Committee recommended that the Superintendent of Utilities be instructed to proceed with the installation of the mountings for SCHOOL GIRL AND SCHOOL ZONE signs adjacent to each school crossings. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the recom- mendation of the Street and Alley Committee be concurred in. Carried. The Street and Alley Committee reported regarding the recommendation of the Chief of Police that the Pacific Coast R. R. , and the Chicago Milwaukee and St. Paul R. R. , be contacted relative to cooperating in the construction of a GRADE CROSSING west of the Northern Pacific right-of-way between 3rd Avenue and the south side of the Pacific Coast R. R. , tracks on Burnett Street and a GRADE CROSSING on Morris Street between 4th and 5th Avenues, advising that the Committee does riot deem either of the GRADE CROSSINGS advisable at the present time, but the feasibility was discussed of paving the Northern Pacific Railway tracks on the east side of Burnett Street between 3rd and 4th Avenues, making a four lane street. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that this be referred to the City Engineer for investigation and checking with the Northern Pacific Railway regarding an easoment and to report back. Carried. The Property Committee requested more time re the installation of a COAL OR OIL BURNING HEATING SYSTEM in the City Hall and the securing of property for playfield purposes on Renton Hill. More time granted. The Property Committee requested more time re: calling for bids for the purchase of a sink and the installation of same at the Park Building (Sweet Center) . More time granted. The recommendations of the City Engineer and the Park Board regarding the construction of the Swimming Pool and calling for bids was referred to the City Attorney, City Engineer and Property Com- hd -„ 16 l.r�d mittee for a report back, to be held in abeyance until a later date. A meeting was tentatively arranged for Fri- day, February 6th 1948 between the School Board, the Council Committees, the City Attorney, City Engineer and the Park Board to discuss the feasibility of the City of Renton and the Renton School District co- operating in the combining of the construction of an INDOOR SWIM14ING POOL. THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE requested more time re: 1. MEAT AND RESTAURANT INSPECTION ORDINANCE 2. LOCAL NO. 864 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS, PENSION AND RETIREMENT ORDINANCE. 3. CHANGING THE PARKING ON 3RD AVENUE WEST OF MORRIS STREET TO THE WEST CITY LIMITS. More time granted. The Superintendent of Utilities made the following recommendations : 1. That due to the rapid growth of the City of Renton, considerable expansion in City facilities have been necessary and suggests consideration be given to acquiring a tract of unimproved land lying to the west of the present garage property. This tract would be bounded on the east by the western line of the garage property as stated above, on the south by Cedar River, on the west by the Northern Pacific R. R. , and on the north by the north line of the present property produced westerly. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that this be referred to the Property Committee. Carried. 2. The repairing of the decking on the Houser Way bridge. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that this be referred to the City Engineer and the Street and Alley Committee for a report back at the next Council meeting. Carried. 3. That the City of Renton employ a full time painter and sign maker. (This recommendation to be discussed at the next council meeting. ) APPLICATION of Mr. H. G. White, contractor, Renton, Wash. , for rezoning of the following property: From Zerwoodis ' property line south along the Maple Valley Highway 642.80 ft. by 100 ft. of depth. From the Northeast corner of Zerwoodis ' property line along the Cemetry Road, 300 ft. by approximately 100 ft. of depth. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that this be referred to the City Engineer, City Attorney, City Clerk with Power to Act. Carried. With regard to the installation of street lights on Renton Hill, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Fire Light and Water Committee be authorized to contact the Puget Sound Power & LiCD ght Company to ascertain if they are going to install the lights on Renton Hill and if not that the City of Renton purchase these lights and install them immediately. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the purchasing of the furniture for the City Clerk ' s and City Treasurer' s offices and the Council Chambers be referred to the City Clerk, City Treasurer, Property Committee and Finance Committee with Power to Act. Carried. The Property Committee recommended the con- struction of a lavatory in the Police Department as requested by the Chief of Police and that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plans for same to be presented to the City Council for action. Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Richardson, that the recommendation of the Property Committee be concurred in. Carried. A communication was read from Mayor Perry H. Mitchell stating that due to the parking situation in the City, he recommended to the City Council the study of the purchasing of parking lots by the City of Renton to be used for parking automobiles of the people who patronize the City. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that this be referred to the City Attorney, City Property Committee, City Engineer and Chief of Police to investigate and report back at the next council meeting. Carried. Mr. James Denzer, Chairman of the Planning Commis- sion, advised the City Council that the Building Code Ordinance was nearly completed and that copies of same would soon be available to mem- low bers of the City Council for study. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: CURRENT B.l%McHugh Exnense p 1. 50 1198 Rent:�n hews Record Clerks' s Exp. 106.87 1199 7lestern Union Tel. P.D. Expense 1. 98 1200 King County l.?ed. Feb. Dues 235.50 1201 Payroll- Engineers 433.25 1202-1204 Payroll Office 799 .20 1205-1217 Payroll F.D. Department 2360 .90 1218-1237 Payroll P.D. " 2625.85 1238-1258 Payroll St. Cleaning 407.24 1259-1263 Payroll Garbage 706.85 1264-1272 WA= Payroll Office 330.30 6484-6490 Payroll ';later 824.86 6491-6497 C rTY STREETS Pedersen -jros. Motor Expense 80.29 3870 " it " Capital Outlay 3033.76 3871 Payroll Office 162.84 3872-3876 Payroll City Streets 1323.23 3877-3888 r... SEVER DISPOSAL Payroll Sewer Disposal 759.98 943-954 Payroll Sewers & Drains 459 .48 955-959 AIPJT ORT Payroll Airport 465..66 304-307 LIBRARY Payroll Library 842.40 1372-1379 PARK Payroll Park 453.83 815-819 Gene Glazier Ex,)ense 30.00 820 ATHLETIC Payroll Athletic Park 145 .46 203-205 CL'l [7LATIVE FUlTD X1183 Payroll Cumulative Fund 1183 654.51 238-242 11oved by Richardson, seconded by 7-1amborini, t_,,at the above bills be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. There beim; no further bus_ness to come before t. Le Council, it z:7as moved by Peid, seconded by 3"'wif.t, that the meeting 4 adjourn. Carried. City lerk Zwk=- _X, Iayor. _— 18 Renton, 'mash , February 17th 1948 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order, Mayor Perry H. Mitchell presiding. Roll Call : Tamborini, Richardson, Swift, Baxter, Delaurenti, Reid and Gigli. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that the minutes of the meeting February 3rd 1948 be approved as written. Carried. i APPLICATION of Mrs. George L. Artus, for a permit to remodel building at 905 - 3rd Avenue corner of 3rd and Wells Street. Permit No. 1169. APPLICATION of Mrs. Jeanellan Pullis, for a permit to remodel a residence. Permit No. 1170. APPLICATION of Katherine Rosa for a permit to tear down old house at 520 - Tobin Avenue. Permit No. 1171. APPLICATION of Mr. Ted.R.Olson, for a permit to erect a garage at 8 - Williams Street. Permit No. 1172. I APPLICATION of Mr. T. Collman, for a permit to erect a sign at 112 - 3rd Avenue. Permit No. 1173. APPLICATION of Mrs. Cecelia De Winter, for a permit to erect a garage at 443 - No. Main Street. Permit No. 1174. APPLICATION of Mary Tachell for a permit to remodel basement of residence at 529 - Mill Street. Permit No. 1175. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the above applications approved by the City Engineer and the Police and License Committee be allowed. Carried. The City Engineer reported on the applica- tion of Mr. Earl Gavin, Permit No. 1168, for a Certificate of Occupancy to erect a dry cleaning building on Lot.2, Block 5, Wefanc ' s Addition and advised that an application for changing from residential to commercial zone must be made before a Certificate of Occupancy can be granted. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the recommendation of the City Engineer be concurred in and that this matter be referred to the Planning Commission. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. John W. Dobson, attorney, representing Mr. Carl Haniff, owner of the Maplewood Water Company, advising that since the annexation of the Maplewood area to Renton, Mr. Haniff has been questioned by several of the water users concerning the City of Renton acquiring and operating the water company in that area and that if the City of Renton is desirous of pur- chasing the Company from Mr. Haniff, he is willing to enter into negotiations with representatives of the City regarding the price to be set upon the property. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that this matter be referred to the City Attorney, Superintendent of Utilities and the City Engineer to arrange a meeting with Mr. Haniff and Mr. Dobson and to report back to the City Council their recommendations and that the City Engineer and the Superintendent of Utilities check the valuation of the property and the amount that is involved. Carried. A communication was read from Mrs. George Artus, applying for a Certificate of Occupancy for a candy store to be called the CHOCLATE HOUSE at 905 - 3rd Avenue. Moved by Gigli , seconded by Richardson, that a Certificate of Occupancy be granted. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. Joe Boydson, requesting permission to operate a radio and appliance store at 304- - Wells Street. Moved by Reid, seconded by Tamborini, that this permit be granted. Carried. '19 A communication was read from Messrs. John H. Bennett and Emory E. Goodman, applying for a Certificate of Occupancy for the premises located at 190 - Sunset Boulevard, Renton, Washington, (known as the old Alemeda Tavern) to be used for the operation of a retail store, selling new and used and unfinished furniture. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that a Certificate of Occupancy be granted. Carried. A communication was read from the Puget Sound Power and. Li -ht Company, requesting permission to mount a 1000 watt flooflight to illuminate the Associated Service Station at 2nd and Williams Street. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this be referred to the Fire Light and Water Committee with Power to Act. Carried. A communication was read from Messrs. Reginald J. Lothe and John Heddy applying for a permit to install an amusement machine in the Azzola Tavern, Renton, Washington. The machine is known as the GREEN MEADOWS and is to be operated by the proprietor of the tavern, paying off in merchandise only. It is manufactured in Kent, Wash. , by G.I. 's and will be serviced by Reginald J. Lothe, also an ex-serviceman and a resident and businessman of Kent. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gigli, that this permit be referred to the Police and License Committee with Power to Act. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the motion be amended and that this be referred to the Police and License Committee, City Attorney and Chief of Police for investigation as to the legality of the license and if an ordinance is required and to submit a report to the City Council at the next regular meeting. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. Melvin D. Lurie Attorney representing Mr. Allen Lurie, of Lurie ' s Jewelry Company, requesting permission for him to open a retail jewelry store at the corner of 3rd and Wells Street. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that this permit be granted. Carried. A communication wasiead from Huldah A. Smothers 111 - Williams Street, Renton, dash, , making application for the position_ of assistant janitor to care for the new ladies ' room when completed in the City Hall. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that this application be filed for future reference. Carried. Special assessments against Commercial Waterway District No. 2, in the amount of $300.81, were read. Moved by Richardson seconded by Reid that this be referred to the City Engineer and City Attorney for checking and with Power to Act. Carried. A Tax Statement in the amount of ?'6.32 for the Kennydale Water Company, Kennydale, Wash. , was read. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gigli, that this be referred to the City Engineer and City Attorney with Power to Act. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. Burle D. Bramhall of Messrs. Bramhall & Stein, Investment Securities, regarding refunding bonds and issuance of new bonds. The Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to carry out the recommendations regarding same. This communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from the Department of Highways, Olympia, Wash. , enclosing copy of the Manual of Traffic Control Devices. This communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from the Puget Sound Power and Light Company, Seattle 11, Washington, advising that the City of Renton may resume normal use of Electric service effective March 1st 1948. This communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from the Department of the Army, Army Map Service, Washington, D. C. , requesting two (2) copies of the latest DATE CITY PLAN. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this be referred to the City Engineer. Carried. A communication was read from the Assocaition of Washington Cities, advising the appointment of a new vice-president, Mayor Harry Kling of Kelson, Wash. , and a new executive Co:,nmittee 20 member,. Mayor L. "Hum" Kean of Bremerton, viashington. This communi- cation was ordered filed. A communication was read from the Association of Washington Cities regarding the prevailing wage law, laws of 1945, Chapter 63. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Richardson, that this be re- ferred to the City Attorney and Superintendent of Utilities for checking. Carried. A petition was read from the residents and property owners of Windsor Hills Addition to Renton, petitioning the City of Renton to take the necessary steps for the improvement of Windsor Hills by constructing standard concrete sidewalks six feet in width for lots marked on the attached map and widening present four foot walks to standard six fort walks, also as shown and doing all incidental work as may be necessary in connection therewith. The cost to be based on the front footage at the street marginal line and in proportion to the width of the walk to be constructed for each tract or lot. The City Engineer recommended checking the petition and if correct, a resolution declaring intention to improve will be prepared and presented at the next council meeting. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the recommendation of the City Engineer be concurred in. Carried. A communication was read from the Planning Commission recommending to the Mayor and City Council that they act favorably upon the petition of Mr. H,.zgh G. White for the rezoning from residential to commercial the following property : 1. From Zerwoodis ' property line south along the Maple Valley Highway 643.80 ft. by700 ft. of depth. 2. From the Northeast corner of Zerwoodis ' property line along the cemetery Road, 300 ft. by approximately 100ft, of depth. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the re- commendation of the Planning Commission be concurred in. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that March 2nd 1948 be fixed as thecb.te for NOTICE OF HLARING on the application of Mr. H. G. White for rezoning from residential to commercial zone of the above described property and that the City Clerk be authorized to publish said notice in the local newspapers regarding same. Carried. PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 1307 was read, AN ORDINANCE of the City of Renton, Washington, adopting, establishing and defining a Building Code and an Electrical Code for the City, to regulate the construction, alteration and moving of structures in the City and plumbing installations therein, and electrical wiring and apparatus therein; creating a building department and the position of Building Official; requiring permits, providing penalties for violations; and repealing conflicting ordinances and provisions. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gigli, that Ordinance No. 1307, be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Mr. R. Herman of Herman' s Mobile Plumbing Company and ATr. T. E. Cavanaugh, Plumbing and Heating, Renton, Wash. , were present at the Council meeting in the interest of the proposed building code. After a discussion Councilman Richardson, suggested that Messrs. Herman and Cavanaugh obtain a copy of the proposed building code from the City Clerk for study and to report back at the next council meeting their suggestions. PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 1304 was read, an Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, licensing the use of coin-operated phonographs and similar musical devices ; limiting the hours of their use; providing penalties for violation thereof; and repealing conflicting ordinances or parts of Ordinances and on motion was referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee re- ported favorably on Ordinance No. 1304 WHEREUPON it was placed on its second and third readings and approved as a whole. Moved by Richardson seconded by Delaurenti, that the Ordinance be passed as read. All Councilmen present voting aye : Tamborini, Richardson, Baxter, Swift, 21 Reid, Gigli and Delaurenti. PROPOSED ORDINANCE No. 1302 was read an Ordinance requiring all meat sold, offered for sale or resale, or exposed for sale for human consumption within the corporate limits of the city of Renton, to have been inspected previously; declaring any violation thereof to be a misdemeanor and prescribing penalties for the violation thereof. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Baxter, that Ordinance No. 1302 be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. PROPOSED ORLINANCE NO. 1303, was read, an Ordinance defining restaurants, drinking places, itinerant restaurants, groceries, food markets, meat markets, employees, utensils, health officer, and persons; requiring permits for the operation of such establishments, prohibiting the sale of unwholesome food or drink; regulating the in- spection of such establishments under prescribed rules and regulations ; and prescribing penalttes for violation thereof. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Baxter, that this be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 1305 was read, an ORDINANCE of the City of Renton limiting parking of motor vehicles on Third Avenue from Morris Street to the west City limits; establishing a parking meter zone; and providing penalties for violation thereof, and on motion was referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1305, WHEREUPON it was placed on its second and third readings and approved as a whole. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Reid, that the Ordinance be passed as read. All Councilmen present voting aye: Baxter, Reid, Delaurenti, Richardson, Swift, Tamborini and Gigli. PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 1306, was read, an Ordinance of the City of Renton, providing for the appointment, terms of office, duties, and compensation of the Clerk and Treasurer of said City; and repealing Ordinance No. 1272 and other conflicting Ordinances or parts of Ordinances. Moved by Gigli, seSonded by Reid, that Ordinance No. 1306 be referred to the Ordinance ommittee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1306, WHEREUPON it was placed on its second and third readings and approved as a whole. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Reid, that the Ordinance be passed as read. All Councilmen present voting aye: Baxter, Reid, Delaurenti, Richardson, Tamborini, Swift and Gigli. Mr. Ned Stokes, Manager of the Renton Airport re- quested the City Council to grant the sum of ` 15,000.00 to be placed in a separate Airport Building Fund in order that an application could be made to the Federal Goverment for a matching fund in the same amount which would enable him to pay preliminary engineering costs for the construction of a Seaplane Ramp at the Municipal Airport. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the City Attorney be authorized to prepare a resolution creating and establishing a special fund. Carried. Mr. Stokes further requested authorization to proceed with the plans for the construction of the Seaplane Ramp, ad- vising the retaining of an Engineer on a 6% fee and that as soon as the contracts of the Engineer are officially approved by the Airport Board and the City Attorney, they will be presented to the City Council for their consideration and approval. Moved by Swift, seconded by Baxter, that P.zr. Stokes report back to the City Council the recommendation of the Airport Board and City Attorney. Carried. J RESOLUTION NO. 699 was mad, WHEREAS THE CITY OF RENTON through its Renton Aviation Board has applied for a Federal Assistance Grant in the amount of ; 15,000.00 for the construction of a Seaplane Ramp at the Municipal Airport, to match city funds expended therein; and WHEREAS it is necessary that funds so spent be separately accounted for and managed through a special fund. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Richardson, that Resolution No. 699 be adopted as read. Carried. 22 �a .oved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that a short recess be declared to discuss the proposed Ordinances. Carried. Council was called to order by Mayor Perry H. Mitchell, the following answering when the roll was called; Swift, Richardsons Delaurentil Tamborini7 Reidl Baxter and Gigli. COM14ITTEE REPORTS The City" Engineer requested and was granted more time re : contacting the Northern Pacific Railway regarding the � recommendation of the Chief of Police and the Pacific Coast R.R. the Chicago Milwaukee and the St. Paul R.R. relative to cooperating in the construction of a GRADE CROSSIPIG west of the Northern Pacific _right-of-way between 3rd Avenue and the south side of the Pacific Coast R.R. Itracks on Burnett Street and the grade crossing on Morris Street. The City Engineer reported that the cost of repairing the decking on the Houser Way Bridge would be �;�24,000.00 and that one-half of that amount may come from the State on approval. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the City Clerks City Treasurer and City Engineer be instructed to check and determine what fund the sum of $12,000.00 for the repair of the decking on the Houser Way Bridge may be drawn from and that the City Engineer be authorized to prepare plans to be presented at the council meeting March 2nd 1948. Carried. The City Clerk was instructed to write Roy Marlowe, Kent, IAashington, in connection with the Meridian Community Club's application regarding the delivering of passengers within the City of Renton at points other than 3rd Avenue and Main Street. Sergeant McCarthy reported relative to the petition of the property owners in the vicinity of 3rd Avenue and Morris Street, who requested the installation of a FULL STOP AND GO LIGHT, that the above intersection would be one of the first lights to be installed. The Street and Alley Committee requested and was granted more time regarding the petition from the property owners protesting the fencing of a portion of Burnett Street by the Wright Motors Company and the removal of said fence by the City of Renton. The City Attorney submitted the following statement from the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, showing how much credit is being applied for telephone service under the telephone Company franchise and upon checking same found it to be satisfactory. 1. - 12LCDL switchboard 7.00 oer :1-o. 3 - Trunks @ $10. 50 31. 50 " " 8 - 'phones (Stati )ns ) @ 1.25 10.00 " It 1 - Extra @ 1.25 1.25 " 4 - Extra listings C) .25 1.00 7 - Quarters, mileage between stations 10.00 TOTAL - $60.75 Credit by concession per Franchise Ordinance . . . . . 31.00 Balance payable by City 4p29.7 Moved by Gigli, seconded by Richardson, that the City of Renton accept the report as submitted by the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company. Carried. p The City Attorney repc:rted relative to the meeting held February 6th 1948 with the Renton School Board and a delegation from the City of Renton including Mayor Mitchell, City Clerk, City Attorney, City Engineer, the Park Board, Councilmen Reid, Delaurenti and Mr. Shearer, with regard to combining the proposed Municipal Swimming Pool with the Renton School Board project. The School Board recommended that the City of Renton and the School District enter into the enterprise by poolimg their resources for the construction of the Swimming pool utilizing a tract of land located at the rear of the High School which could, under the State law, be sold or leased. This procedure would provide funds for the School District to install a heating system etc. , and a possible second story to the building. The attorneys handling the City of Renton bond issues approved this procedure and the King County Attorney will shortly render a final decision on the matter. The questir-n regarding the legality of the 15 mill tax limit leve will require additional in- vestigation by the City which will entail an added expense of approxi- mately X50.00. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti that the recommendation of the City Attorney be concurred in with re- gard to the fee to be paid for the attorneys' opinion. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the City Engineer, City Attorney, Property Committee and the Park Board be instructed to proceed with their negotiations regarding the Municipal Swimming Pool. Carried. The City Attorney requested and was granted more time regarding the purchasing of parking lots by the City of Renton. A meeting was scheduled for February 24th 1948 �r at 8:00 P.M. , with the Fire Chief, Mayor and Council as a whole to discuss the LOCAL NO. 864 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS, PENSION AND RETIREMENT ORDINANCE. The Fire Light and Water Committee requested and was granted more time regarding the hazardous condition of the electrical equipment and wiring in the Cedar River Park Housing Project, RE: MASTFR MUSIC BOX LIC =:NSE. The Police and License Co" mittee recommended that the MAST`'R LICEINSE FEE be 1", 250.00 per year and that an additional fee of "20.00 per machine per year or $55.00 per quarter be charged. A minimum number of licenses be re- quired for 30 machines and a maximum for 50 machines and further re- commended that a MASTFR LICENSE be granted to Mr. Ghn. L. Roberts. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson that the recommendation of the Police and License Committee be concurred in. Carried. The Property Committee recommended the placing of the matter of a heating system for the City Hall in the hands of the Finance Committee and the Property Committee. Moved by Reid, seconded by Tamborini, that the recommendation of the Property Committee be concurred in. Carried. The Property Co mittee recommended that a price be offered for the property on Renton Hill which may be used for play- field purposes and which is being sold by the Varner Realty Company. The price for this property to be set by the Finance Committee and the Property Committe and to report back to the City Council before further action. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the re- commendation of the Property Committee be concurred in. Carried. The Property Committee recommended the pur- chasing of a stainless steel three (3) compartment sink for the Sweet Center Building at Liberty Park. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, 24 c P V�l that the recommendation of the Property Committee be concurred in and the Superintendent of Utilities be instructed to proceed with the purchase and installation of same. Carried. The Property Committee requested and was granted more time regarding the acquiring of the tract of unimproved land lying to the west of the present garage property. A communication was read from the Superintendent of Utilities recommending to the City Council for their consideration, the classification of the City of Renton' s Municipal Water Department as a water utility as prescribed by the Division of Municipal Cor- poration, State of Washington. Moved by Richardson , sec-ended by Tamborini, that this be referred to the Fire Light and dater Committee for study and investigation and for a report back at the next regular council meeting. Carried. The Finance Committee recommended that Mr. E.W. Isackson and the City Engineer be authorized to secure the signatures of the property owners on the easements for sewer laterals on Renton Hill. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gigli, that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. The installation of lights on the Bronson Way Bridge was discussed and suggested that the Puget Sound Power and Light Company be contacted to ascertain whether they are going to in- stall. said lights. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson , that this matter be referred to the Fire Light and Water Committee with Power to Act. Carried, Councilman Swift, recommended that the City Engineer investigate the property at North ?Hells and lst Avenue No. , with regard to widening the street corner at this location. Moved by Swift seconded by Richardson, that this matter be referred to the City Ingineer for a report back at the next council meeting. Carried. I The Superintendent of Utilities recommended to ..J the City Council the purchasing of an Air Compressor for the City garage at a cost of approximately !495.00. Moved by Baxter, sec-)nded by Gigli, that the Superintendent of Utilities be authorized to pur- chase same. Carried. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Tamborini, that the Property Committee and Finance Committee be authorized to meet with Mr. Davis Insurance Agent for the City of Renton with regard to insurance on automotive equipment for the City of Renton. Carried. The Chief of Police reported that the Assistant Chief of Police Mr. Angelo Busato would attend the F. B. I . , School at Washington, D.C. , April 5th 1948. Mr. Wm. Pond, Director of the Recreation Council of the City of Renton, requested clarification of the Amusement Code of the City Ordinance of the City of Renton, pertaining to carnivals and rodeos using City Parks and City property. Moved by Dela.urenti, seconded by Richardson, that this be referred to the Property Committee, City Attorney, Park Board and the Police and License Committee for chekcing and report back. Carried. Councilman Richardson recommended that the City Engineer, Superintendent of Utilities and the Street and Alley Committee take into consideration either by paying or black topping, the street located at Houser 'Tay from the corner of Mill Street to the Houser Way bridge and from the entrance to Cedar River Park to Bronson Way North. Mr. F. F. Lawrence, Fire Chief, recommended to the City Counci, that the Superintendent of Utilities, level off a �•Y foot path on Bronson Way North between the junction of Sunset Boule- vard and Maple Valley Road and the entrance on Bronson Way North to Windsor Hills to assure protection to pedestrians. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Commettee were presented. CURRENT Harley Davidson Sales P. D. Outley 496..44 1273 Osborne Camera Shop P. D. it 224.68 1274 Owl Cafe Jail Meals 159. 50 1275 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Phone 26.00 1276 D. F. Williams P. D. Expense 2. 50 1277 "r Mary Williams Reg. Births & Deaths 11)9.00 1278 Wms. & Swanson Police Dept. Outlay 890.21 1279 American Blue Print Co. Engineer Exp 19.61 1280 Automatic Deodorant " C. H. Expense 2.00 1281 W. E. Beggs Company F. D. " 4.18 82 No H. Bice F. D. & P. D. Expense 37. 50 83 Chapman Bros. Co H. & F.D " 46. 53 84 Cochrane Hardware Co. F. D. & C. H. " 51.13 85 H.L. Collier, Treas. P. D. Expense 4. 57 86 Cross Radio & Sound F. D. if 1.39 87 Custer Hardware Co. Expense 25.44 88 Harper-Meggee Inc. F. D. & P. D. Expense 325.37 89 Kuker-Ranken Inc. Engr, Expense 50.16 90 Lottos Grocery F. D. Expense 7.41 91 The Lumbe r Market F. D. " 12.78 92 Puget Sound Stamp Treas. " .98 93 Radiotelephone Ser. P. D. Expense 140.32 94 Renton Auto Supply Pkg. Meter Expense .72 95 Renton Heating F. D. Expense 9.48 96 Renton Radiator Service P.D. " 9.73 97 Rent-)n Tire Shop " 2.45 98 Renton Vet. Hospital Pound 52. 50 99 Renton Mach. & Welding P.D. " 1.75 1300 Schwabacher Hdw. Co. P.D. " 17.00 01 r, Seattle Radio Supp. it " 14. 58 02 Sunset Coal Co. C.H. " 76.48 03 Sunset Electric Co. P.D. " 18.05 04 Trick & Murray Treas. " 115.40 05 Trimm Fuel Co. F. D . 63.61 06 United Janitor Supply P. D. & F.D. Exp. 48. 57 07 Valley Window Cleaners C.H. Expense 5.00 08 Waters Expense 24.09 09 C. Bevan C.H. Expense 45.74 10 Wm. F. Davis Insurance 2,256.65 11 Renton Chronicle Stat. Postage & Print, 97.14 12 Treasurer, U.S.A. Garbage Expense 41.67 13 Payroll Engineers 417.20 14-16 Payroll Office 764.20 17-29 Payroll F.D. Deot. 2,3 56.40 30-50 Payroll P.D. " 2, 503-05 51-71 Renton Motor Parts F.D. & P.D. Expense 149.16 72 Seattle Police, Ath.Ass . P.D. Expense 15.00 73 Dorothea Gossett C.H. " .45 74 Payroll Garbage 625.90 75-82 Payroll St. Cleaning 394.67 83-87 Op. & Maint. Plan Comm. Expense 437.30 88-94 Void Void - - - 95 Chapman Bros, St. Light Expense 524.74 96 Howard Cooper Corp. Garbage Expense 10.98 97 D. & I. Office Supp. Stationery 10.97 98 James E. Denzer Opr. & Maint Plan Comm. 2. 50 99 James L. Highton Engr. Consult. & Dontgs. 110.00 1400 Wm. P. Hughes Engr. Expense 4. 50 01 Walt Isackson P.D. Expense 25.00 02 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 699.18 03 Pac. Tel & Tel. Co. Phones 224. 56 04 L.J. Proby P.D. Expense 3.00 05 CURRENT Renton News Record Expense 310.62 1406 Renton Realty Co. Insurance 37.70 1407 Treasurer, U. S.A. Garbage Expense 91.91 08 Western Union Tel. Co. P.D. Expense 1.30 09 King County Medical March Dues 272.25 10 Hub City Drug P.D. Expense 1.65 11_ Mrs. .Harriet Beaman Op. & Maint Plan Comm 50.00 12 Treasurer, U. S.A. Garbage Expense 20.41 13 WATER Addresso. 14Iultigraph Co. Treas. Expense .88 6498 Custer Hardware Co. Supplies 11.73 99 I The Lumber Market " 6500 Reid & Cook " 7.84 of Rensselaer Valve Co. " 392.89 02 Renton Auto Freight Expense 3.72 03 Seattle Radio Supply Supplies 12.10 04 Seattle 'dater Dept. Water 85.62 05 Van Waters & Rogers Inc Supplies 159.60 06 Payroll Office 323.80 07-13 Prins Distributing Co. Supplies 120. 55 14 Hank's Welding Expense 10.30 15 Stoneway Dock Co. Supplies 32.19 16 Payroll Water 796.36 17-23 Fred W. Hanks Co. Supplies 36.66 24 Hills-McCanna Co. " 65.87 25 Marckmann & <lilliams it 88.67 26 P. S.F. & Light Co. Power 474.35 27 Worthington-Gamon Meter Supplies 38.20 28 Pump & Mach. Corp Supplies 215.82 29 King County Medical March Dues 33.50 30 CITY STREETS Williams & Swanson Outlay 1,094.67 3889 11 it 11 27912-33 90 Clarke Bros. Motor Co. Supplies 2.68 91 Custer Hardware Co. " 19.25 92 Evergreen Motor Freight Expense 1.03 93 Gen. Elec. Supply Corp Supplies 49.75 94 Gladdin.g McBean & Co. it 5.38 95 King County Road Dist.2, if 9.75 96 The Lumber Market it 22.95 97 Nortti�west Precote, Inc. " 7. 59 98 Pac. Hoist & Derrick Co. " 66.44 99 Pac. Radiator Shield & Mfg. " 60.00 3900 Radiotelephone Ser. Co. " 38. 52 01 Renton Auto Frei#ht Expense 4.00 02 Renton Tire Service " 52. 57 03 Sunset Coal Company Supplies 59-35 04 United Janitor Supp. Co. " 65.20 05 Union Oil Co. of Calif. Gasoline 446.62 06 Payroll Office 162.84 07-11 O.K. Signs Expense 20.60 12 Renton Motor Parts Co. Supplies 33.36 13 Charles R. Watt & Co. it 19. 57 14 Stoneway Dock Company it 11,33 15 Payroll City Streets 1,378.79 16-27 Bonnell Nurseries Supplies 37.39 28 King Cty. Road Dist #2, " 277. 50 29 Renton News Record Outlay 208.92 30 Wright Motors Supplies 3.36 31 King County Medical March Dues 37. 50 32 SEWER DISPOSAL Chapman Bros. Expense 171.26 960 Custer Hardware Co. Supplies 5.33 961 Dale & McLendon It 28.33 962 Galbraith & Co. it -A4.68 963 Gillette Publishing Co. Expense 2.00 964 Scientific Supplies " Supplies .76 965 Payroll. Sewers. & Drains 149.15 966-68 Cruickshank & Howson Expense 21.47 69 Payroll Disposal Plant 770.86 70-81 Payroll Sewers & Drains 99.40 82-83 Bonell Nurseries Outlay 549.72 84 P. S.P. & Light Co. Power 211.29 85 King County Medical March Dues 27.75 16 66t 27 AIRPORT Helmer Anderson Expense 20.15 308 Bills Texaco Service Tower Expense 1.08 9 Coast Wide Supply Co. Supplies 22.03 10 Cochran Hardware Co. " 3.26 11 The Lumber Market it 1.24 12 Seattle Water Dept. Water 52.60 13 Union Oil Co. of Calif Supplies 188.04 14 Payroll Airport 36x3. 59 15-17 Renton Motor Parts Co. Supplies 1.2.4 18 - Void Void - - - 19 Meads Renton Heating & Air Conditioning. Expense 54.80 20 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 107.75 21 J. F. Strnard Expense 8.00 22 King County Medical March Dues 8.00 23 LIBRARY The Alaska Sportsman Books 7.00 1380 Amer. Library Assoc. it 2.00 81 C. Bevan Expense 1.03 82 A. J. Burney Supplies 8.36 83 The Caxton Printers Ltd. 'hooks 7.49 84 Demco Library Supplies It 10. 50 85 Doubleday & Combany it 22.28 86 George H. Briend Expense 60.00 87 J. K. Gill & Co. Books 28.81 88 Gaylord Bros. Inc. Supplies 120.10 89 E.M. Hale & Co. Books 46.20 90 Lackie ' s Renton Elec. App, Supplies 1.34 91 The Lumber Market it 13-47 92 The MacMillan Company Books 9.13 93 The A.N.Marquis Co. it 4. 50 94 Oceana Publications it 2.00 95 P. S.P. & Light Co. Power 18.46 96 Pac. Northwest Biblionra. Subscription 30.00 97 Potlatch Yards, Inc. Supplies 23.91 98 Puget Sound News Co. Books 76.82 99 �.� Renton News Record Supplies 51.63 1400 Science Service Subscriptions 7.00 01 Shorey Book Store Books 02 Sunset Coal Co. Suvplies 83.69 03 H. W. Wilson Co. Books 20.00 04 King County Medical March Dues 4.00 05 PARK VOID VOID ---- 821 Ivan W. Lee Supplies 204.15 822 Payroll Park 420.x+1 823-27 P.S.P. & Light Company Power 5.28 28 Sears Roebuck & Company Supplies-Outlay 131.27 29 King County Medical March Dues 9.25 30 Void VOID ---- 31 ATHLETIC Cochran Hardware Co. Supplies 9.03 206 Custer Hardware Co. It 6.78 7 Reid & Cook if .93 8 Payroll Athletic 134.21 9--11 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 18.64 12 Renton News Record Supplies 2.05 13 Sears, Roebuck & Co. Supplies-Outlay 15.01 14 King County Medical March Dues 11.25 15 CUTMULAT I VE FU11',1D w...� N0.1182 American Pile Driving Co. Logan Street bridge it if if J7 ' -�� 9 CUMULATIVE FUND 1183 100 • The Lumber Market Sup;olies 715.00 243 Pac. Car & Foundry Co. It 151.92 244 Sa.fway Steel Scaffolds Co. it 78.00 245 State Lumber Co. if 11.33 246 Stoneway Dock Co. it 252.88 247 Payroll Labor 426.99 248-52 Pioneer Sand & Gravel Co. Supplies 51. 50 53 King County Medical March Dues 5.25 54 28 c� CUMULATIVE FUND `= No. 1184 American Pile Driving Co. Logan Street bridge $1,205.01 404 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the above bills be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. There being no further business to come be- fore the Council, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini$ that the meeting adjourn. Carried. Ciqy Clerk Mayor .d i 'J 29 Renton, Wash March 2nd 1948 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by the President of the City Council, Mr. Steve Tamborini, Mayor pro tem. Moved by Swift, seconded by Gigli, that the minutes of the meeting of February 17th 1948 be corrected to show the sum of $12,000.00 instead of $24,000.00 for the repair of the decking on the Houser Way bridge and then approved as corrected. Carried. I APPLICATION of Fred Allingham, Jr., for a permit to yr, remodel residence at 615 — Morris Street. Permit No. 1177. APPLICATION of the Puget ,Sound Power and Light Comoany for a permit to erect an outdoor substation. Permit No. 1178. APPLICATION of Mr. George A. Bruce, for a permit to remodel machine and welding shop at 523 — Park Avenue. Permit No. 1179. APPLICATICN of Mrs. Ben Lindgren for a permit to remodeldwelling house at 125 — North Main. Permit No. 1180. APPLICATION of Mr. J. S. Covey for a permit to remodel and repair buil.di.ng at 3rd and Morris Street. Permit No. 11,01. APPLICATICN of Mr. Cliff Bergman for a permit to remodel Drug Store at 920 — 3rd Avenue. Permit No. 1182. APPLICATION of Delphia Lodge No. 2, K. of P.J. for a permit to remodel Knights of Pythias Building on Burnett Street. Permit No. 1183. APPLICATION of Mr. Nate Davidson for a hermit to repair building at 205 — 3rd Avenue. Permit No. 1184. y Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the above applications approved by the City aigineer, and the Police and License Committee be allowed. Carried. Mr. George L. Sowers, of the Renton Lions Club, was present at the council meeting with regard to securing the approval of the City Council for the Merchants' Exposition to be held April 23rd and 24th and 25th 1948 in the North Renton Recreation Building, Mothers Park. After a discussion it was moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that permission be granted to the Lions Club to hold the Merchants' Exposition. Moved. by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the motion be amended and that this be referred to the Property Committee and the Park Board with Power to Act. Carried. A ,vote was called on the amendment which was approved, a vote was thereupon called on the original motion which carried. A communication was read from Mr. Calvin Schmid, Executive Secretary of the Census Board, relative to determining the population of every tom and city in the State of '.iashington as of April 1st 1947 to April lst 1948 respectively. (Chapter 51, laws of 1947) enclosing schedule Form D, to be completed and returned not later than April 5th 1948. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Richardson, that this communication be referred to the City Clerk to complete schedule Form D. and return by the 5th of April 1948. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. Robert A. Morris, Board of County Commissioners, advising that the Board of County Commissioners had set the date of hearing on the petition for annexation of Farlington Heights to the City of Renton, the hearing to be held on March 15th 1948. This communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from Mr. Earl Spangler, Allied Builders Company, with regard to SPRAYCOTE treatment of the new addition to the City Hall, the City Clerks office and the new public lav4tory in the amount of $915.00. This communication was ordered filed for future reference. A communication was read from the Association of Washington Cities relative to instructions for determining City Street needs. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli., that this be referred to the City Engineer and Superintendent of Utilities. Carried. 30 A communication was read from the Renton Central Labor Council, advising that they had an the proposed codes for Meat Inspection and Sanitation. This communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company with regard to the City of Renton's request for installation of STOP-AND-GO traffic lights at the intersection of Main Street and Walla Walla Avenue, Renton, Washington. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Delaurenti, that this be referred to the Fire Light and Water Co-mittee. Carried. A communication was read from the Park Board of the City of Renton, requesting the City Council to transfer from Cumulative Funds the necessary sum to complete the work at the new Windsor Hills Park. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that this be referred to the Property Committee, Finance Committee and City Attorney with Power to Act. Carried. Mr. Ned Stokes, Manager of the 1vhmicipal Airport, advised the Council that a problem had arisen regarding the property needed for development of the seaplane ramp at the Airport, in that a small. tract of land adjacent to the present site was privately owned and it would be necessary accord- ing to C.A.A., officials for the City to acquire this land in order to participate in a Federal Loan. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Baxter, that this be referred to the Airport Manager, .Airport Board and City Attorney to contact the owner of the property in regards to its acquisition and to report back at the next council meet- ing. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by nichardson, that a short recess be declared to discuss proposed Ordinance No. 1307. Council was called to order by Mr.'Steve Tamborini, Mayor pro tem, the following answering when the roll was called. Tamborini, Swift, Reid, Baxter, Delaurenti and Gigli. The Ordinance Committee requested more time for a study of proposed Ordinance No. 1307 with the different committees who assisted in compiling same. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on proposed Ordinance No. 1302 an Ordinance requiring all meat sold, offered for sale or resale etc., WHEREUPON it was placed on its second and third readings and approved as a whole. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti that the Ordinance be passed as read. 411 Councilmen present voting aye: Tamborini, Richardson, Reid, Baxter, Swift, Delaurenti and Gigli. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on proposed Ordinance No. 1303 defining restaurants, drinking places, itinerant re- staurants, groceries etc., WHEREUPON it was placed on its second and third readings and approved as a whole. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Ordinance be passed as read. All Councilmen present voting aye: Tamborini, Richardson, Swift, Delaurenti, Baxter, Reid and Gigli. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Baxter, that the City Clerk be instructed to notify Dr. Emil E. Palmquist, Department of Public Health that Ordinance No. 1302 pertaining to meat sold etc., and Ordinance No. 1303, an Ordinance defining restaurants, drinking places etc., have been adopted by the City of Renton. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on proposed Ordinance No. 1308 an Ordinance of the City of Renton, idashington , establishing a fireman's relief and pension system and a pension fund, adopting Chapter 91 of Washington Session Laws of 1947 and declaring effective date, WHEREUPON it was placed on its second and third readings and approved as a whole. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Richardson, that the Ordinance be passed as read. All Councilmen present voting aye: Tamborini, Reid, Baxter, Swift, Delaurenti, Gigli, and Richardson. A statement was read from the American Pile Driving Company, Everett, Washington, submitting their estimate to February 29th 1948 for work performed and material furnished on the construction o" the Logan Street bridge, in the amount of $12,006.09. Moved by lichardson seconded by Swift, that this be referred to the City Engineer and the Finance Committee with Power to Act. Carried. RESOLUTION No. 700 was read, a Resolution to appropriate funds .from Cumulative Fund No. 1182, for purchasing materials for the construction of the Logan Street bridge, the said fund to apply on the contracted amount allowed for the construction of the Logan Street bridge. That the sum of $12,006.09 be, and the same is hereby appropriated from Cumulative Fund No. 1182, to be expended for the payment for materials to be used in the construction of the Logan Street bridge and said amount to be applied as a payment on the contract of the contractor fur- nishing same. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that Resolution No. 700 be passed and approved as read. Carried. RESOLUTION No. 701 was read, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Renton: That it is the intention of the City Council to order the improvement of all streets in Windsor Hills Addition to Renton, by construction of standard 6 foot concrete sidewalks, widening of existing 4 foot sidewalks to 6 feet with crossings where necessary. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Baxter, that the Resolution be adopted as read. A comrv=*cation was read from the Chief of Police, Vincent Stewart, recommending the following change in the parking Ordinance on Williams and Wells Streets between 4th and 5th Avenues as follows: To designate the above streets as one hour parking zones between the hours of 5:00 A.M., and 6:00 P.M., and to install proper signs to indicate same. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Reid, that the recommendation of the Chief of Police be concurred in. Carried. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Swift, that this be referred to the Ordinance Committee and that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an Ordinance regarding the recommendation of the Chief of Police. Carried. The City Engineer recommended the payment of Tax Statement in the amount of $249.42, to be paid before the 15th day of March 1948. (City Clerk to notify the King County Treasurer's Office that Tax statement for Lots 4,5, and 6, Renton Real Estate Addition to the City of Renton is in error as they are not owned by the City of Renton) Moved by Gigli, seconded by Richardson, that the re- commendation of the City Engineer be concurred in and that the other two parcels of property on which no statement for assessments have been received, be included and with Power to Act. Carried. A statement was read from the Lambert Constriction Company presenting their statement for labor and materials furnished on the City Hall building addition, in the net amount of $4,504.65. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this be referred to the City Engineer, City Clerk, Property and Finance Committees with Power to Act. Carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS the City Engineer requested and was granted more time regarding GRADE CROSSINGS. More time was requested and granted to the City Engineer regarding securing the signatures of the property owners on the easements for sewer laterals on Renton Hill and the widening of the street corner at North Wells and 1st Avenue North. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the City Engineer, be instructed to include 3rd and Renton Avenues with the widening of the corner at North Wells and 1st Avenue North. Carried. The Fire Light and Water Committee requested and was granted more time relative to the hazardous condition of the electrical equipment and wiring in the Cedar River Park Housing Project and the classification of the City of Renton's :Municipal Water DeDartment as a water utility as prescribed by the Division of Municipal Corporation, State of Washington. The Street and Alley Committee requested and was granted more time relative to the petition of the property owners on the west side of Burnett Street between 3rd and 4th Avenues, protesting the fencing of a portion of Burnett Street by the Wright Motor Company and requesting removal of said fence by 32 the City of Renton. The Finance Committee recommended that action regarding the heating system for the City Hall be deferred until further advised. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Baxter, that this be referred to the Finance Committee and Property to bring in their recommendation at a later date. Carried. The Finance Committee recommended that the Park Board be instructed to advise the Finance Committee as to the amount of property that is required for the playfield and when this information is received an offer will be made for the property. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Baxter, that the recomm- endation of the Finance Committee be concurred in and the City Clerk be instructed to advise the Park Board and Mr. Wm. Pond of the recommendation and for them to report back their recommendation. Carried. The Finance Committee recommended that the filing fee of the City Clerk and the City Treasurer be refunded. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. The Finance Committee recommended that the officials of the City of Renton who attended the Municipal Finance Officers' Association meeting held February 20th and 21st 1948 at Olympia, Washington be reimbursed for their expenses incurred at the meeting. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. The Property Committee requested and was granted more time regarding the City of Renton acquiring the tract of unimproved land lying to the west of the present garage property and re}arding the clarification of the Amusement Code of the City Ordinance pertaining to carnivals and rodeos using City Parks and City Property. The Property Committee was requested to make a report on the matter of the overall insurance plan for the City of Renton at the next Council meeting. The City attorney requested and was granted more time ,;. AN with regard to contacting the Superintendent of Utilities and the City Engineer to arrange a meeting with Mr. Haniff owners of the Maplewood Water Company, re- lative to the City of Renton acquiring and operating the water company and con- tacting the Superintendent of Utilities regarding the communication from the Association of Washington Cities relative to prevailing wage law and the purchasing of parking lots by the City of Renton. The Ordinance Committee recommended the adoption and passage of a Milk Inspection Ordinance and that sufficient copies of the ordinance be made and distributed amongst the distributors of milk and then placed on its first reading, when a meeting will be held with all the parties concerned to study the Ordinance for any changes necessary. gloved by Baxter, seconded by Swift, that the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee be concurred in. Carried. The City Engineer recommended that the driveway off Whit- worth Lane in the south end of Renton be given a name. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. The Street and Alley Committee recommended that the Fire Light and Water Committee, City Engineer and the Superintendent of Utilities make a survey of the street lights in the residential districts of the City of Renton and to report back at the council meeting. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee be concurred in. Carried. The Chief of Police recommended that the parking area at the rear of the City Hall Building be blacktopped. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that this be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for a report back at the next council meeting. Carried. Councilman Swift, recommended that as soon as negotia- tions with regard to the proposed amalgamation of the City Swimming Pool with the Renton School District Pool, has been legalized and completed, that the City Clerk be instructed to advise the citizens of the City of Renton of the final disposition by publication of a notice in the local newspapers. Moved by Richard- son, seconded by Delaurenti, that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. 33 Councilman Swift recommended that a fireman from the City of Renton Fire Department be appointed to attend school in connection with obtain- ing first hand information with regards to the MODEPN METHOD OF FIRE FIGHTING. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that this be referred to the Fire Chief and the Fire Light and Water Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. The Property Committee recommended that PAY TOILET METERS , be installed on two (2) of the toilets in the new public lavatories of the -City Hall. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that this be referred to the Property Committee and the Superintendent of Utilities with Power to Act. Carried. r The repairing of the sidewalks of the City of Renton was lwr.• discussed. Moved by nichardson.. seconded by Reid, that this be referred to the Superintendent of Utilities to make an inspection to determine the number of sidewalks to be repaired, the cost and the locations and to report back to the City Council. Carried. A short recess was declared by Mr. Steve Tamborini, Mayor pro tem to witness the operation of the GREEN MEADOWS AAUSE1,1ENT MACHINE, with re- gard to the application of Messrs. Reginald J. Lothe and John Heddy to ir_stall said machine in the Azzola Tavern, Renton, Washington. Council was called to order by Mr. Steve Tamborini, Mayor pro tem, the following answering Then the roll was called; Tamborini, Swift, Baxter, Reid, Richardson, Delaurenti and Gigli. Moved by 4ichardson, seconded by Reid, that the application of Messrs. Reginald J. Lothe and John Heddy be referred to the Police and Licazse Committee, City Attorney and the Chief of Police with Power to Act. Carried. The following bills having been p,•eviously aduited by the Finance Committee were presented. CURFQT John Anding Dog Pound Expense $ 244..00 1414 Payroll Engineers 433.70 1415-1417 `r. Payroll Office 803.20 1418-1430 Payroll F. D. 2360.90 1431-1450 Payroll P. D. 2625.85 1451-1471 Mrs. Zelima S. Vidmar Opr. & Mant. Plan Comm. 8.00 1472 Wiley Crook Clerk's Expense 27.38 1473 C. J. Delaurenti Council Expense 28.19 1474 Dorothea Gossett Treas. Expense 27.35 1475 Payroll Gar. & St. Cleaning 1103.45 1476-1487 Epeeke-FItatleeery Ex-nense 44:43----1488 Wlekekie-gpept-Shep ET-P -E"-eeee 4-994 1489 P&e:-bels- -del:-6e. -Pheees Q4;47 14.98 Ned-stekee E*peeee ?iQ5 1491 Etate-� eaee er :- :-E�esenee 3sAA 1-492 WATER Nose Gigli Overtime 10.00 6531 Payroll Office 330.00 6532-6538 Payroll '.Tater 772.54 6539-6545 CITY STREETS Payroll City Streets (Office) 162.84 3933-3937 Payroll City Streets 1426.44 3938-3950 SEWER DISPOSAL Payroll Disposal Plant 794.14 987-998 AIRPORT l Renton News Record Expense 10.00 324 Payroll Airport 417. 17 325-328 LIBRARY Payroll Library 815.10 1406-1413 PARK Payroll Park 425.76 832-836 ATHLETIC Payroll Athletic 145.46 216-218 CUMULATIVE FU_1D #1183 Payroll Cumulative. 273.86 255-257 CUANLATIVE FUND #1182 American Pile Driving Co. ogan Ree bridge , 41000.00 10 34 Moved by Gigli., seconded by Delaurenti, that the above bills be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. 'there being no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. CiJr Clerk yor. j 35 Renton, Wash March 16th 1948 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order, Mayor Perry H. Mitchell presiding. Roll Call: Tamborini, Richardson, Swift, Baxter, Gigli, Reid and Delaurenti. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the minutes of the meeting March 2nd 1948 be corrected and approved as corrected. Carried. APPLICATICN of Carl Cook for a permit to erect an office for used car sales establishment, corner of 3rd and Whitworth. Permit No. 1185. APPLICATION of the Renton Hardware and Furniture Company for a permit to remodel and repair by installing 2 steel sash windows in the second story of the Renton Hardware Building, corner 3rd and Williams Street. Permit No. 1186. APPLICATION of Ronald Pratt for a permit to remodel Renton Flower Shop at 410 - 3rd Avenue, Permit No. 1187. APPLICATION of E. H. Pritchard for a permit to erect a tool shed at 5111 - 2nd Avenue. Permit No. 1188. APPLICATION of W. H. Sweeny, for a permit to erect a sign at 230 - Main Street. Permit No. 1189. APPLICATION of R. H. Smuda, for a permit to erect an addition to present building. Lot 41 Block 5, Renton Farm Plat Addition to Menton. Permit No. 1190. APPLICATION of the Shell Oil Company for a permit to erect a gasoline service station at the N.W. corner of 2nd Avenue and Wells Street. Permit No. 1191. APPLICATION of Mrs. Tom Lamro for a permit to erect an ice cream parlor building approximately 300 feet from the intersection of Maple Valley and Issaquah Highway on the left hand side of the ,Maple Valley Highway. Permit No. 1193. APPLICATION of Eloise Traverso for a permit to erect a residence at 626 - Shattuck Street. Permit No. 1194. APPLICATION of Ernesto Barei for a permit to lay concrete between sidewalk and curb at 321 - Cedar Street. Permit No. 1195. APPLICATION of Adele Morgan for a permit to erect a fence at 423 - Park Avenue. Permit No. 1196. APPLICATION of Leonard Sepanen for a permit to erect a garage 101 x 201 with a concrete foundation and floor at 315 - 1st Avenue North. Permit No. 1197. APPLICATION of George P. Bacon for a permit to erect a garage on portions of Lots 14-15-16 and part of 17, Block 10, R.F.P., No. 3, addition to Renton. Permit No, 1198. Moved by 1ichardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the above applications approved by the Oity Engineer and the Police and License Committee be allowed, and that the application of Pedersen Bros., Motor Company for a permit to erect a garage building at the corner of Park Street and Bronson Way North, be held pending further investigation by the Fire Chief and the Police and License Committee. Carried. Permit No. 1192. With the unanimous consent of the City Council, Mayor Mitchell dispensed with the regular order of business to hear anyone in the audience who had business to discuss. ... March 16th 1948 being the date fixed for hearing protests on the assessment rolls for the L.I.D., No. 224, ordering the improvement of Airport Way and Lake Street from Airport Way to Tobin Avenue thence east on Tobin Avenue to existing 4" water main by installation of a 4" water main in the amount of '4,120.00. A communication was read from Mr. John Edwardo, 412 - Tobin Street, protesting the amounts assessed against him on Lots 4, 5, and 6, in Block 1, Renton Real Estate Company 1st Addition, in connection with L.I.D., No. 224, Ordinance No. 1250 for the installation of a 4" water main. After a discussion with regard to the verbal protest of Mr. Rico Veniani, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that there being in- 36 n a+d . �V sufficient protests received, that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare and present an Ordinance to the City Council. Mr. Dom Gaspari was present at the Council meeting with regard to the paving of the strip between the curb and the sidewalk on Cedar Street near the crossing of the Seattle pipe line. Mr. Gaspari advised that as a result of un— favorable parking facilities due to the narrowness of the street, he feels that the above mentioned strip should be paved or blacktopped and that the City of Renton should absorb the cost for the amelioration of this condition. Moved by Reid, 1 seconded by Richardson, that this be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and City Engineer for further checking and report back. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. William P. Monoghan, Commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Frank R. Vaise Post No. 1263, Renton, ?Jashington, requesting permission to have the American United Shows in Renton from April 10th to 18th inclusive and to locate on the Azzole property near Mothers Park, and further requested that the license be waived and that no permit be granted to any other outside shows prior to April 18th 1948. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Tamborini, that this permit be granted and that the clause THAT NO PtMT BE GRANTED TO ANY OTHER OUTSIDE SHOWS PRIOR TO April 18th 1948 be stricken out. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the motion be amended and the dates April 11th and 18th 1948 also be stricken from the permit as these dates fall on Sunday. A vote was called on the amendment which was approved, a vote was thereupon called for the original motion which carried. A communixation was read from McFadden & Son Fuel, Renton, `clash., making application to the City Council for a Certificate of Occupancy to occupy the premises at 1008 — 3rd Avenue, Renton, Washington, for the purpose of establish— ing a fuel oil office and selling heating appliances. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this be referred to the Fire Light and Water Committee and Fire dhief with Power to Act. Carried. A communication was read £rom the Jordan Cab Company seeking permission of the City Council to adda fourth taxicab to their fleet of three taxi— cabs. It is their intention to use the fourth taxicab as an extra during the tourist and race track season. The fourth taxicab to be used exclusively as a City taxicab. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Reid, that this be referred to the Police & License Committee and Chief of Police with Power to Act. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. R. E. Thiel, 2608 — 14th No., Renton, Washington, making appli,•ation for a license to operate a box score base— ball machine to be located and used at the Victory Tavern, 3rd and Rainier Avenues, Renton, Washington. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that this be referred to the Police and License Committee and Chief of Police for investigation and report back. The Motion being put to a vote resulted as follows: Yes — 2, No, 5, Motion lost. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the City 81erk be instructed to notify Mr. Thiel that this application was rejected. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. W. Chapman, Electrical Con— tractors, advising that Mr. Sam Zerwoodis and Mr. John Bennett were desirous of installing floodlights at the intersection of Sunset Highway and Maple Valley Road. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gigli, that this be referred to the Fire Light & Water Committee and Chief of Police with Power to Act. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. W. H. Sweeny, Real Estate Broker, requesting permission of the City Council for a Certificate of Occupancy to establish and maintain a Real Estate and Insurance Office at 230 — Main Street in the City of Renton. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gigli, that this request � be granted. Carried. A communication was read from Mrs. J. A. Coomes, 220 — Main Street, requesting permission to open a furniture reconditioning and exchange shop also renting spare rooms. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this be referred to the Fire Light and Water Committee, Fire Chief and City Engineer for investigation and report back. Carried. A protest and petition w as read from the residents and/or business owners in the City of Renton, petitioning the City Council to amend Ordin— ance No. 1304, Section 3, reducing the minimum sub--licenses required from 30 to 15. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Baxter, that this matter be referred to the 03 7 Police and License Committee for study and report back. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. Bert D. Boyd, of the Valley Music Service, Renton, Wash., protesting Section 3, of Ordinance No. 1304, and re— questing the City Council to amend Ordinance No. 1304, reducing the minimum sub— licenses required from thirty to fifteen. Moved by hicha.rdson, seconded by Tamborini, that this be referred to the Police and License Committee for study and report back. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. F. E. Lawrence, Fire Chief, ad— vising the City Council that at a meeting of the paid Fire Department held March 3rd 1945 the following were elected to represent the Fire Department on the Board of Control of the Fireman's Relief & Pension Fund: Capt. James Ashurst — Elected for a 2 year terns F. E. Lawrence (Fire Chief — to U 1 n n Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this be referred to the City Attorney for chelccing and report back. Carried. A communication was read from the Valley Construction Company, Seattle, Wash., in connection with Ordinance No. 1280 — L.I.J., No. 221,., Water mains, en— closing their bill for sales tax in the amount of 1114.23 and the balance of 15% of the bid 03,921.73) in the amount of $571.13, making a total of $685.36 due to the Valley Construction Company. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that this be re— ferred to the Finance Committee, City Attorney and City Engineer with Power to Act. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. W. H. Hecker, Executive Officer of the King County Planning Commission, requesting the City Council to confer with them re: the application of Mr. John Douglas, for rezoning property extending from the lake to Rainier in the vicinity of the Airport. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that this be referred to the Airport Board and that the city Clerk be instructed to reply to this communication. Carried. After a discussion relative to the acquisition of the privately owned property needed for the development of the seaplane ramp at the Airport, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be tabled until the next regular council meeting or to such as Mayor Mitchell calls a special meeting to discuss this subject further. Carried. A communication was read from the City of Renton Planning Commission advisin,, that the following Resolution was passed: RESOLVED: that we recommend to the Mayor and City Council that immediate application should be made to the State of Washington for an extension of Logan Street to connect with the Lake Washington Boulevard near the Shuffleton Plant. The City Engineer recommended that steps be taken to continue the ex— tension of Logan Street to connect with the Lake Washington Boulevard. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the recommendation of the City Engineer be con— curred in and that this be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Mr. Lee Monohan, former Waterway Commissioner was present at the Council meeting urging the Council to take immediate steps to take Federal control of King County Commercial Waterway District No. 2. Councilman Baxter advised that the Waterway District in its present status of depreciation will become an extremely heavy burden to the City of Renton and, therefore, urged that immediate action be taken by the City- of Renton to obtain Federal control over the Waterway District. In order to achieve the necessary improvements required, suggested that recommendations be made to Federal Legislators to obtain this result. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the recommendation of Councilman Baxter be concurred in and this be referred to the Fire Light and Water Committee, Superintendent of Utilities and the City Attorney to prepare a Resolution for this purpose. Carried. A communication was read from the City of Renton Planning Commission as follows: RESOLVED: That we recommend to the Mayor and City Council that they take immediate steps for the acquisition of additional property adjoining the property on which the City garage is located to allow for its expansion and future development, and that steps be taken for securing an underpass under the Northern Pacific tracks near the Renton School District Athletic 38 Field for the use of the City as an extension of First Avenue North. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that this matter be referred to the City Engineer and the Street and Alley Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City of Renton Planning Commission, requesting the City Council to take the necessary steps to have 4th Ave., North extended to the West with a grade crossing connecting it with Logan Street. This communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from Mr. Paul W. Houser, Jr., -.w Executive Secretary of the Housing Authority of the City of Renton, enclosing check in the amount of $15,898.54 from the Housing Authority in lieu of tax payments for the year 1947. "We have deducted from the total in lieu of tax payment which would normally be due, the amount of $19, 229.90 covering $16,1/2.00 for garbage collections and $3,087.90 for street lighting. Garbage collection and street lighting costs normally borne by the City of Renton were furnished by the Renton Housing Authority in 1947. The garbage deduction of X16,142.00 represents two-thirds (2/3) of the actual cost of garbage collection to this authority". This check having been given to the City Treasurer for deposit to the credit of thb Current Fund of the City of Renton, the communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from the Housing Authority of the City of Renton with regard to the platting of WASH-45059 - 500 unit permanent project. This communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from Agnes Stewart, Acting Chairman of the Community Health Council, Renton, Washington, inviting a delegate of the City Council to attend their next meeting. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Gigli, that Mayor Mitchell appoint a member of the City Council to represent the City of Renton at the next meeting of the Community Health Council. Carried. Now A communication was read from Mr. Howard J. Rice, Sr., 1068 "G" Street, Renton 2, Wash., with regards to improving the lights at the intersection of "H" Street and Sunset Boulevard. The report of the Renton Public Library for the month February 1948 was read. Total receipts $84.45. This communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from the Association of Washington Cities advising that the 14th Annual Convention of the Association of Washington Cities would be held in Spokane, Washington, May 20th and 21st 1948. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Mayor, City Clerk, City Treasurer, City Attorney, Airport Manager, City Engineer, Superin- tendent of Utilities, members of the present City Council who are desirous of attending this Convention be allowed their expenses and that the City Clerk be in- structed to make reservations for all who are eligible and plan to attend said con- vention. Carried. PROPOSED ORDINANCE No. 1309 waszead, an Ordinance of the City of Benton, relating to and regulating the sale of milk and milk products, providing for grading and for the inspection of the production and processing thereof, re- quiring permits; defining offenses and prescribing penalties; and repealing all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gigli, that the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee be concurred in and .,.. that this be referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee recommended that the City Clerk be instructed to have copies prepared of Ordinance No. 1309 relating to and regulating the sale of Milk and Milk products in the City of Renton for distribution to the vendors of milk in this vicinity for study. A date will be set to meet with the Ordinance Committee, the Council as a whole and the distributors of milk, to dis- cuss any advisable changes to be made in the Ordinance. PROPOSED ORDINANCE No. 1310 was read, an Ordinance of the City of Renton limiting parking of motor vehicles on certain portions of Wells Street 39 and Williams Street; establishing parking meter zones therein; and providing penalties for violation thereof. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that this be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. PROPOSED ORDINANCE No. 1311 was read, an Ordinance of the City of Renton, changing the classification of certain tracts near Cedar River Park in the City of Renton from residential to commercial use district. Movedby Tamborini, seconded by nichardson, that this be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. PROPOSED ORDINANCE No, 1312 was read, an Ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll of Local Improvement District No. 224 for the improvement of portions of Airport Way, Lake Street and Tobin Avenue by ..r installation of water main under Ordinance No. 1280 and assessing the amounts thereof against several lots, tracts, parcels of land and other property as shown on said roll; establishing a local improvement fund; transferring funds from current funds to said local improvement fund as a loan and providing for repayment thereof. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Tamborini, that this be referred to the Ordinance Committee, Carried, PFOPOSED ORDINANCE No. 1307 as revised was read, an Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, adopting, establishing and defining a Building Code and an electrical code for the City to regulate the construction, alteration and moving of structures in the City and electrical wiring and apparatus therein; creating a Building Department and the position of Building Official; requiring permits, providing penalties for violations; and repealing conflicting Ordinances and pro- visicns. The Ordinance Committee recommended the adoption of Ordinance No. 1307 as revised. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Tamborini, that this be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that a short recess be declared to discuss the Proposed Ordinances. Council was called to order by Mayor Perry H. Mitchell, the following members answering when the roll was called: Tamborini, Richardson, Baxter, Reid, Swift, Delaurenti and Gigli. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1307, as revised, an Ordinance of the City of Renton, adopting, establishing and defining a Building Code and an electrical code, etc., WHEREUPON it was placed on its second and third readings and approved as a whole. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gigli, that the Ordinance be passed as read. All Councilman present voting aye: Richardson, Delaurenti, Baxter•, Swift, Tamborini and Gigli. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1310 an Ordinance of the City of Renton, limiting parking of motor vehicles on certain portions of Wells Street etc., WHEREUPON IT WAS Placed on its second and third readings and approved as a whole. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Richardson, that the Ordinance be passed as read. All Councilmen present voting aye: Swift, Delaurenti, Richardson, Baxter, Gigli and Tamborini. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1311 an Ordinance of the City of Renton, changing the classification of certain tracts near Cedar River Park from residential to c orrnercial use district WHEREUPON it was placed on its second and third readings and approved as a whole. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Ordinance be passed as read. All Councilmen present voting aye: Richardson, Baxter, Tamborini, Delaurenti, Swift and Gigli. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1312, an Ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll of L.T.D., No. 22-4, WHEREUPON it was placed on its second and third readings and approved as a whole. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Ordinance be passed as read. All Councilmen present voting aye: Richardson, Tamborini, Delaurenti, Baxter, Swift and Gigli. COMMITTEE REPORTS The Fire Light and Water Committee requested and was granted more time re: 1. The installation of a STOP AND- GO traffic light at the inter- section of Main Street and Walla Walla Avenue. 2. Contacting the Fire Chief with regard to the hazardous condition of the electrical equipment and wiring in the Cedar River Park Housing Project. 3. Re: the recomrendation of the Superintendent of Utilities re- garding the classification of the City of R.entonts Municipal Water Department as a 40 water utility as prescribed by the Division of Municipal Corporation, State of Washington. 4. Contacting the City Engineer and Superintendent of Utilities with regard to making a survey of the street lights in the residential districts of the City of Renton. The Property Committee requested and was granted more time re: 1. Contacting the Finance Committee and City Attorney with Power to Act re the request of the Park Board for the City Council to transfer from Cumulative Funds, the necessary sum to complete the work at the new Windsor Hills Park. Now 2. Report on the acquisition of the tract of unimproved land lying to the west of the present garage property by the City of Renton. 3. Report on the meeting held with Mr. Davis, Insurance Agent, regard- ing the overall insurance plan for the City of Renton. The Property Committee recommended that the City Clerk be instructed to direct letters calling for estimates for the laying of asphalt tile in the new + addition of the City Hall. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the recommendation of the Property Committee be concurred in. Carried. The Property Committee recommended. that the amount of the Insurance Premiums to be paid by the City of Renton on Blanket Insurance be pro-rated equit- able to the different Insurance Companies doing business in the City of Renton by the Insurance Board. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the recommendation of the Property Committee be concurred in. Carried. A statement was read from Mr. Wm. F. Davis, Insurance Agent for the City of Renton, stating the amount of the premium due for complete liability coverage on the automotive equipment of the City of Renton is $3,337.61. The Finance Committee recommended that this bill be allowed and ordered paid. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the recommendation of the Finance 6ommittee be concurred in. Carried. The Street and Alley Committee requested and was granted three 0" months additional time with regard to the petition of the property owners protest- ing the fencing of a portion of Burnett Street by the Wright Motor Company. The Street and Alley Committee recommended that the blacktopping of the parking area at the rear of the City Hall be deferred until all pipes for sewers have been installed. The recommendation was concurred in unanimously by the Council. The Street and Alley Committee recommended that the driveway off Whitworth Lane in the south end of Renton be named MCSES LANE in honor of .one of Rentonts oldest pioneer families. Moved by nichardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee be concurred in. Carried. The City Engineer requested end was granted more time with regard to the Burnett Street GRADE CFOSSING and to securing the signatures of the property owners on the easements for sewer laterals on Renton Mill. The Fire Chief was granted more time re the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee, as to the feasibility of sending a fireman to attend a school to obtain first hand information with regards to the MODKV METHOD OF r'IRE FIGHTING. The Superintendent of Utilities requested and was granted more time with regard to the complete survey for repair of the streets and sidewalks of the City of Renton. The City Attorney requested and was g ranted more time with regga.rd to: i. Contacting the Superintendent of Utilities and the City Engineer to arrange a meeting with Mr. Haniif, owner of the Maplewood Water Company relative to the City of Renton acquiring and operating the Water Company, to check the valuation of the property and the amount that is involved. 2. Purchasing of parking lots by the City of Renton. The City Attorney recommended that the City Engineer secure estimates of the cost of printing the Building Code in book form and to report back 41 on the same at the next council meeting. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the recommendation of the City Attorney be concurred in. Carried. The following bills having been previous audited by the Finance Committee were presented: CURMT Hickok's Sport Shop P. D. Experme 4.95 1489 Pacific Tel & Tel. 'Phones 24,47 11+90 Ned Stokes Expense 2.25 91 State Treasurer F. D. Expense 3.00 92 Payroll Office 768.20 1493-1505 Payroll Engineer 417.20 1506-1508 Payroll F. D. Dept. 2356.40 1509-1529 Payroll P.D. If 2513.55 1530-1550 John Lotto, Postmaster Postage 17.32 1551 Perry H. Mitchell Mayor's Salary 125.00 1552 Councilmen (7) Payroll Councilmen's salary 210.00 1553-1559 A. A. Tremper Property Taxes 284.86 1560 Payroll Garbage & St. Cleaning 1106.56 1561-1573 American Blue Printing.Co. Engr. Exp 23.15 1574 Automatic Deodorant Co. C. H. Expense 2.00 1575 Brooke Stationery Stationery 11.07 76 Bruce Welding Shop Garbage Exp. 2.06 77 Charles Bruning Co., Inc. Engr. Exp. 16.09 78 Chapman Brothers St. Lights Exp. 45.25 79 VOID VOID - - 80 R. L. Collier, City Treas. P. D. Expense 4.07 81 Cross Sound Service F. D. " 4.12 82 L. N. Curtis & Sons F. D. " 6.75 83 Custer Hardware Co. Expense 17.08 84 James E. Denzer Planning Commission Exp. 3.15 85 Graybar Electric Co., Inc. P. D. Expense 3.29 86 Harper-Meggee Inc. P. D. It 6.68 87 Hub City Drug P. D. If 1.65 88 Frank Jeray Garbage Expense 35.50 89 Kuker-P.anken, Inc. Engr. Expense 11.62 90 Lowman & Hanford Co. City Clerk's Expense 3.51 91 The Lumber Market Engr. Exp. 11.64 92 H. M. McHugh Engr. Expense 2.50 93 Motorola In.c P. D. " 25.03 94 Ohio Chemical & Mfg. Co. F. D. n 13.10 95 Owl Cafe Jail Meals 11.3.05 96 R. C. Patek C. H. Expense .41 97 Price & Lundberg F. D. Expense 2.58 98 P.S.P. & Light Co. St. Lights 688.30 99 Puget Sound Stamp Works City Clerk's Expense 23.18 1600 Reid & Cook P. D. Expense 4.36 01 Renton Auto Supply Co. F. D. 1.22 02 The Fenton Chronicle Postage & Printing 97.51 03 Renton Motor Parts Co. Expense 57.73 04 Renton Realty Co. Ins. & Bonds 153.75 05 Menton Tire Shop P. D. Expense 2.52 06 Renton Veterinary Hospital Pound Expense 18.00 07 Ser. Laundry & dry Cleaners Expense 42.71 08 The Stationery Store Expense 244.71 09 ''unset Coal Company Expense 107.74 10 Treasurer, U. S. A. Garbage Expense 41.67 11 Trimm Fuel Co. F. D. If 66.85 12 V. C. Ummel If If 4.00 13 United Janitor Supply Co. Expense 54.64 14 „J Valley Window Cleaners C. H. Expense 17.65 15 Waters Expense 30.54 16 Wright Motors F. D. Expense 85.61 17 Pac. Tel. & Tel. If it 184.82 18 King County Medical April Dues 274.75 19 WATER Payroll Office 323.80 6546 -6552 John Lotto Treas. Exp. 150.00 6553- Tax Commission Excise Tax 421.07 6554 42 A. WATER CONT'D Payroll Office 802.57 6555-6561 ,aP Addressograph Sales Agy. Treas. Exp. 12.26 6562 Dale & McLendon Supplies .60 6563 Hickok's Sport Shop " 36.77 6564 Marckmann & Williams " 133.73 6565 Pittsburgh Equitable " 21.63 6566 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 481.49 6567 Prins Distributing Co. Supplies 38.13 6568 Renton Auto Freight Expense 5.72 6569 Renton Motor Parts Supplies 26.78 70 Renton News Record Expense 33.99 71 Renton Tire Shop " 9.10 72 Seattle Water Dept, Water 73.36 73 King County Medical April dues 33.50 74 Van Waters & Rogers Inc. Supplies 232.00 75 CITY STREETS Payroll Office 162.84 3951-55 Payroll City Streets 1392.41 3956-68 Brook's Stationery Supplies 7.83 69 Custer Hardware Co. " 36.23 70 Dale & McLendon " 9.27 71 King County Road Dist. #2. " 235. 00 72 The Lumber Market " 242.54 73 The Miller Paint Co. " 6.67 74 Olympic Foundry Co. " 49.44 75 Reid & Cook Elec. Service " 7.40 76 Renton Motor Parts " 43.42 77 Menton Tire Shop " 91.98 78 Republic Creosoting Co. " 4.89 79 Star Machinery Co. " 294.27 80 Stoneway Dock Co. " 52.27 81 Union Oil Company of Calif. Gasoline 548.21 82 King County Medical April dues 37.50 83 SEWER DISPOSAL Payroll disposal Plant 736.97 999-1010 Payroll Sewers & Drains 105.15 1012 Bonnell Nurseries Outlay 333.98 1013 Chapman Bros, Expense 11.64 1014 Custer Hardware Co. Supplies 1.47 1015 Galbraith & Co. " 69.94 1016 Gladding, McBean " 4.78 1017 Pennsylvania Salt Mfg. Co. " 216.30 1018 P.s.P. & Light Co. Power 205.04 1019 Stoneway Dock Co. Supplies 9.53 1020 White Construction Co. Expense 12.00 1021 King County Medical April Dues 27.75 1022 AI RPO RT Payroll Airport 372.83 329-333 The Aero Tribune Expense 4.25 334 Brendel Drug Co. Supplies 2.78 335 Custer Hardware Supplies 2.58 336 Duncalf's Grocery & Mkt. " 1.13 337 Chas. F. Metsker Expense 4.38 338 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 105.50 339 Renton Motor Parts Co. Supplies 1.71 340 Renton News Record " 10.00 341 Seattle Water Dept. Water 31.10 342 Smith Automotive Parts Supplies 5.97 216 344 Union Oil Co. of Calif. The White Construction Co. Expense 24.00 345 King County Medical April Dues 8.00 346 LIBRARY The Caxton Printers Ltd. Book y 3.33 1414 �..i The College Blue Book " 6.50 1415 Ernest E. Crussell's Shop " 5.15 1416 Doubleday & Co. " 21.00 1417 The Shorey Book Store it 5.56 1418 The MacMillan Co. " 3.64 1419 Yale University Press " 22.12 1420 Imperial Book Co. " 2.77 1421 J. K. Gill Co. " 68.21 1422 Puget Sound News Co. " 228.50 1423 P.S.P. & Light Col Power 15.54 1424 King County Medical Mrs. Daniels 4.00 1425 43 PARK Payroll Park 456.20 837-842 Cochran Paint & Hdw. Co. Supplies 5.36 843 The Lumber Market Outlay 105.93 844 Potlatch Yards, Inc. Supplies 4.91 845 VOID VOID - - United Janitor Supply Co. Supplies 13.39 847 White Construction Co. Expense 12.00 848 King County Medical April Dues 10.50 849 ATHLETIC Payroll Athletic 134.21 219-21 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 9.00 222 Renton Plumbing & Heating Expense 3.91 223 Sunset Coal Co. Supplies 83.69 224 United Janitor Supply Co. " 9.27 225. King County Medical April dues 11.25 226 CU14MATIVE FUND #1183 Payroll Labo'Y- 346.41 258-260 Belknap Glass Co. Supplies 138.02 261 The Lumber Market " 273.51 262 Renton Plumbing & Heating " 387.85 263 Safway Steel Scaffolds Co. " 26.00 264 Savage Lumber & Mfg. Co. " 776.07 265 Stoneway Dock Co. " 620.39 266 King County Medical April dues 5.25 267 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gioli, that the above bills be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. There being no furtherbusiness to come before the council, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. CI . CLERK YOR CT1 44 Renton, r-lash April 6th 1948 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order, Mayor Perry H. Mitchell presiding. RollCall: Tamborini, Richardson, Swift, Baxter, Reid, Delaurenti and Gigli. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the minutes of the meeting March 16th 1948 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATION of Mr. Alan Lurie for permission to Now install t wo(2) signs (marquee type) 4' x 71 x 6t1 deep, at the S.E. corner of the intersection of I-Tells Street and 3rd Avenue. Permit No.. 1421. APPLICATION of Mr. �. H. Smuda, for a permit to remodel an apartment at 215 - Park Street. Permit :o. 1422 APPLICATION of 1•4r. Gordon M. Henderson to re- model a garage at 12512 - 115th S.E. (Windsor Hills) Permit No. 1423. APPLICATION of Mr. G. W. Jones for a permit to repair the foundation of the Jones Building, 224 - 226 Main Street. Permit No. 1425. APPLICATION of Mr. Wm. H. Marshall for a per- mit to remodel a building at 202 - Sunset Boulevard. Permit No. 1426. APPLICATION of Mr. G. F. Sebelist, for a per- mit to repair roof by composition shingles, at 520 - ?Fells Street, Renton, Ilash, Permit 111o. 1427. APPLICATION of Mr. Charles E.. Palmer for a permit to tear down old garage and rebuild at 420. Renton Avenue. Permit No. 1428. APPLICATION of Mr. Harvey C. Laird, for a per- mit to erect a prefabricated garage at 12728 - S.E. 143rd - Maplewood. Permit No. 1429. NowAPPLICATION of Minnie 0. Morrison, for a permit to move and remodel garage at 809 - Brook Street. Permit No.. 1430. APPLICATION of Virginia Cartwright for a permit to break curb at 219 - Park Avenue for a driveway installation. Permit No. 1431. APPLICATION of Mrs. Leola Welti, for a permit to remodel upstairs into sleeping room. Permit No. 1432. APPLICATION of Mr. R. B. Skinner, for a permit to erect a dwelling house next to 617 - Moses Lane. Permit No. 1433. APPLICATION of the Puget Sound Power and Light Company for a permit to install 1 - 1000 watt broad beam flood light at the signal Service Station, location - on the S.Zl. corner of 4th and Park Avenues. Light to be mounted on existing telephone at a height of approximately 25 feet and directed so as not to cause a traffic hazard, to install one (1) anchor at Renton Street and 9th Avenue, TO set and remove one pole at 4th Avenue North and Park Avenue, TO remove 1 pole at Walla Walla Avenue and Main Street, TO set 4 poles, remove one pole and install one anchor at 6th Avenue between Whit- worth and Shattuck Streets. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the above applications approved by the City Engineer and the Police and License Committee be allowed and that the ap -lication of Mr. James 1".hite to remodel building, Permit No. 1199 be held pending the securing of further information. Carried.. With the unanimous consent of the City Council, U04 ; ayor Mitchell dispensed with the regular order of business to hear anyone in the audience who had business to discuss.. The Ordinance Committee recommended that the City Council set a date to meet with the vendors of milk in the City of Renton to dis- cuss the passage of proposed Ordinance No. 1309, Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee be concurred in and that Tuesday April 13th 1948, at 7:00 o'clock P.M., be set as the date to meet with the distributors of milk and that the City Clerk be instructed to notify all con- 45 cerned of the date and time set for the meeting. Carried. A communication was read from the Board of Water Co,nmissioners, District No. 78, requesting the City Council to continue to furnish water on the same basis as previously served and that they be granted an extension of six months to enable them to further the installation and completion of their own water district. Moved by Richardson, seconded. by Gigli, teat an extension of six (6) month's tine be extended to the Board of ;tater Commissioners, District No.78. Carried. The Property Committee, after giving due consideration to both applicants for leasing a portion of the Administration building in Mothers Park, recommended that the lease be given to Mr. G. W. Eagg, of the Hagg Heating Service, 16234 - 51st Avenue South, S-attle, Wash., for space in the Dormitory Building, to r. the extent of 4000 sq, ft, in the Northwest and Northeast portion, at a rental charge of two (2) cents per sq. ft. for a term of three to five years from May 1st 19481 upon the approval and reco,=,endation of the officials of the City of Renton. Moved by Richardson_, seconded by Swift, that the recommendation of the Property Committee be concurred ir.. Carried. A co-Ilz=ication was read from Mr. Stanley Belden_, State Organizer, The New People's Party, Seattle 88, I.ashington, requesting permission to employ cross radio and sound equipment for one hour on the afternoon of Thursday April 8th 1948 to announce a meeting at the Labor Temple in Rentor_. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this be referred to the Police and License Committee and Chief of Police with Power to Act. Carried. A communication was read from Messrs. Frank M. Hale, Route 3, Box 735A, and Frank Siebens, Route 3, Box 710 - Renton, Wn., requesting the City of Renton to furnish water to sixty families living south and east of the Highlands and that Tuesday April 13th 1948 at 8:30 o'clock: P.M., be set to discuss this matter.. Moved by Baxter, seconded by :gift, that this be referred to the Fire Light and ?tater Committee and Superintendent of Utilities for immediate attention. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. Harold L. Eelwick, 2638 - 10th Place, Renton 2, ?dash., requesting permission to operate a small cabinet shop on the Sunset Highway, Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Swift, that this be referred to the City Engineer for investigation and with Power to Act. Carried. `'o A communication was read from Mr. Steven Zerr, 3018 - 6th requesting irfornati.on z.;rith regard to the need of a Avenue North, Renton 2, Wash., license for a gum vending machine. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this be referred to the Police and License Committee and Chief of Police with Pouter to Act. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. James L. Lee, LEES ICE CREAM COMPANY, 174.9 - 13th Avenue, Seattle 44, Wash., requesting a renewal of their license to vend ice cream in the Renton Highlands for the year 1948. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that this renewal be granted. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. R. E. Belling, Mgr., of the Pacific Finance Loans, Seattle 1, Wash., requesting permission to open an office at 511 - 3rd Avenue, Renton, ?mash., to engage in the business of making small loans from $10.00 to ?500.00. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, that this be referred to the Finance Committee and City Attorney for investigation and report back. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. J. R. Cashatt, Sergeant, Rentor, ?gash., petitioning the City Council to reserve for Washington State Patrol, the use of the Washington State Patrol Cars, exclusive parking privileges on the west side of Williams Street between Walla Walla. and 4th Avenues. The Chief of Police, recommended that due to limited parking facilities in the above described location., that this application be denied. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the re- comm;iendation of the Chief of Police be concurred in. Carried. A petition was read from the residents and/or property owners in the vicinity of sixth Avenue and Whitworth Street, petitioning the City Council to remove two poplar trees located in the lanes of Court Addition. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the City Clerk be instructed to notify the Superintendent of Utilities to proceed with the removal of said trees and report back at the next Council meeting. Carried. A comr..unicatier_ was read from Minnie E. S`nith, Assistant Clerk, King County Commissioners, Seattle, ' ash., enclosing copy of Resolution No. 10832, calling special election to be held May lith 1948 for annexation of territory to the City of Rentor_. This communication was ordered filed. 46 p The following protests were read relative to the improvement of all streets in ?Jindsor Hills Addition to Renton, by construction of standard 6 foot concrete sidewalks, widening of existing 4 foot sidewalks to 6 feet with crossings where necessary: Hazel Workman - Box 29 - Windsor Hills Mrs. Betty Lloyd - 12693 - Grandey Way John Kostelnik - Box 34 - Windsor Hills Emory E. Goodman - 12644 - Bronson Vay North Loved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that these protests be referred to the City Engineer for checkin and report back. The City Engineer reported that owners liable for five percent (5%) of the cost of the J improvement had protested the project. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that in view of there being an insufficient number of protests to legally nullify the improvement, that the Ordinance Committee and the City Attorney be instructed to prepare and present an 0_-dinance creating a Local Improvement District. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. H.J. Lehr, 1201 - nYn Street, Vancouver, Wash.., requesting information with regard to garbage and disposal service. A communication was read from the Association of Washington Cities with regard to TOPICS OF GENERAL IKTEREST to be discussed at the Association of Washington Cities Convention, to be held May 20th 1948 in Spokane, Washington. This communication was ordered filed. A statement was read from the Lambert Construction Company, Seattle, Wash., contractors for the construction of the new addition to the City Hall for work performed and material furnished in the amount of $4,322.78. The Property and Finance Comnmi.ttees and the City Engineer recommended that 15% of the amount of the bill be withheld pending further chec-,ing and final approval by the City Engineer of the work done. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the recor:mendation of the Property and Finance Committees and the City Engineer be concurred in and they be given Power to Act with regard to pay- ment. Carried. A statement was read from the American Pile Driving Company, Everett, ?lash., contractors, submitting their bill for work performed and material furnished for the construction of the Logan Street bridge in the amount of $11.,361.82. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that this be referred to the Finance Committee with Power to Act. Carried. RESOLUTION No. 702, was presented by the City Attorney, a Resolution to appropriate funds from cumulative funds No. 1182 and 1184 for the purchasing of materials and payment of labor to apply on the contracted amount p lowed for the construction of the Logan Street bridge. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that Resolution No. 702, be passed and adopted as read Carried. A commun5.cation was read from the LIONS CLUB OF RE-1-701T expressing their disapproval of the City Council's action in granting per=mission to another Organization to operate a carnival one week prior to the dates arranged for by the LIONS CLUB OF RENTON, for the Merchants' Exposition to be held April. 23rd 24th and 25th 1948 at the I,lorth Renton Recreation Hall. Moved by Richardson, seconced by Sirlft, that the City Clerk be instructed to reply to this communication by letter and express the feelings of the City Council of the City of Renton on the above matter. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seccnded by Richardson, that a short recess be declared for Committee discussion. Carried. The council meeting was called to order by Mayor Perry H. Mitchell, the following answering when the roll was called: Tamborini, Reid, Shrift, Baxter, Richardson, Delaurenti and Gigli. I PROPOSED ORDINANCE No. 1313 was read, an Ordinance providing for improvement of all streets in Windsor Hills addition to Renton, by construction of standard six-foot concrete sidewalks, widening of existing four-foot sidewal-,.s to six feet, with crossings where necessary; and other necessary work in connection therewith and on motion was referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee r< ported favorably on Ordinance No. 1313, WHEREUPON it was placed on its second and third readings and approved as a whole. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that the Ordinance be passed as read. All Councilmen present voting aye: Tamborini, Richardson, Baxter, Swift, Reid, Delaurenti.. and Gigli. 47 PROPOSED ORDINANCE No. 1314 was read an Ordinance relating to closing hours for retail beer and/or wine dispenseries, repealing Ordinance No. 953 and providing penalties for the violation thereof and on motion was referred to the Ordinance Co,nmittee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance IJo. 1314, WHEREUPON it ,.pas placed on its second and third readings and approved as a whole. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that the Ordinance be passed as read. All Councilmen present voting aye: Tamborini, Richardson, Delaurenti, Baxter, Swift, Reid and Gigli. COT• ,aTTEE REPORTS A communication was read from the Park Board of the City of Renton, recommending to the City Council the purchase of the property site on Rentor_ Hill for a playfield, for sale by the Varner Realty Company, and that a maximum cost price of 01500.00 be considered and an amount equal to this cost be allotted as a total investment in the improvement of said property. Moved by Richardson_, sec?=Ced by Baxter ,that the recommendation of the Pari: Board be con- cu.-.--red in and the City Clerk be instructed to notify the Varner Realty Company that the City of Renton of'feres „1500.00 for this property. Carried. Fire Chief Lawrence -reported on the premises located at 190 - Sunset Boulevard, Renton, wiash., (known as the old Alameda Tavern) to be used for the operation of a retail store, selling new and used and unfinished furniture, was inspected by him and at the present time does not present a fire hazard. Noved by Richardson, seconeed by Tamborini, that the recommendation of the Fire Chief be concurred in. Carried. Fire Chief Lawrence reported that the old building on the northeast corner of 2nd and Burnett Street, now the property of Hartwig and Eakle, is a fire hazard, that Hartwig and Eakle are aware of this fact and are mak:ng every effort to have the building torn down or removed. Moved by Reid, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Clerk be instructed to notify Messrs. Hartwig and Eakle thatthis building must be torn doiTn or removed within a reasonable length of time. Carried. A communication was read from sir. I?ed Stokes, Manager of the Renton Airport, recommending that due to the increasing activities in sea-plane flying and the improvements planned in the sea-plane ramp, it is felt that the acquisition of a water-borne vessel would be a desirable step. That a boat for such "" a purpose can be acquired from the U. S. navy, such an acquisition is authorized under Public Law 649, and enables the Navy to donate obsolete boats to cities and counties. Such a boat could be acquired without charge, provided a sly-itable vessel is declared obsolete. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the Airport Manager be authorized to proceed with negotiations to acquire this vessel. Carried. The application of the Pedersen Bros., Motor Company for a permit to erect a garage building on the corner of Park Street nd Bronson ?ay North, was investigated by the Fire Chief and the City engineer who advised that, as far as a fire hazard is concerned it was found to be satisfactory. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli that the recommendation of the Fire Chief and City Engineer be concurred in. Carried. The City Attorney -requested and was granted more time re- garding the purchase of narking lots by the City of Renton and recomnended that this subject be suggested as a topic for discussion at the Association of Washington Cities Convention. I140ved by Reid, seconded by Tamborini, that the suggestion and recommendation of the City Attorney be concurred in. Carried.. The City Attorney reported that a meeting was held with Ir. Ianiff, owner of the Z✓iaplewood ; iter Company relative tohe City of Renton acquiring and operating the water Company and advised that/further will be made to the City Council when more data is obtained. llore time was granted. rThe Street and Alley Committee requested and was granted more time relative to the paving of the strip beti,een the curb and the sidewalk on Cedar Street near the crossing of the Seattle pipe line. The Street and Alley Committee recommended the extension of Logan Street to the junction with the Lake Washington Boulevard, provided the City of Renton incurs no expense in the project. The City Engineer was requested to investigate further in regard to this matter. After a discussion about securing property for the ex- tension of 1st Avenue North via underpass to Logan street, and the property adjacent to the City garage, it was moved by Baxter, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Engineer be instructed to investigate the above as to how much property is involved 48 and report back. Carried. The Fire Light and Water Co�-ruaittee recommended tt at the following permits be granted to - The McFadden & Son Electrical contractors, for a Certificate of Occupancy at 1008 - 3rd Avenue, Renton, Washington. Mr. W. Chapman, Electrical contractors, to install flood- lights for Messrs. Sam Zerwoodis and John Bennett, at the intersection of Sunset Highway and 2aple Valley Road. { Mrs. J. A. Coomes, 222 Main Street, Renton, ?V.'ash., to open a furniture reconditioning and exchange shop and also renting spare rooms. !loved by Gigli, seconded IV Richardson, that the recommend- ation of the Fire Light and Water Committee be concurred in. Carried. The Fire Light and Water Committee requested and was granted more time regarding the preparation of a Resolution relative to Federal control over King County Commercial ? aterway District r;o. 2. and the cla sification of the City of Renton's I,funicipal Water Department as a water utility as prescribed by the Division of A'inicipal Corporation, State of Ztashir_gton. The Fire Light and Water Coraittee recommended that the installation of the STOP-AND- GO traffic light at the intersection of Main Street and Walla Walla Avenue be held over until the new traffic system is put into operation.. The Fire Light and Water Committee reported on the survey made with regard to the street lighting in the residential districts of the City of Renton and recommended STREET LIGHTS be REPAIRED OR INSTALLED according to the list submitted to the City Council by the Fire Light and Water Committee and that said lights be staggered on all streets. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Baxter, that the recommendation of the Fire Light and Water Committee be concurred in. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Fire Light and Water Committee follow through on said recommendations and report back on their progress. Carried. The Police and License Committee requested and was granted more time with regard to amending Ordinance 1o. 1304, so that a minimum of only fifteen instead of thirty sub-licenses would be necessary in order to secure a MAST-F.R. LICEITISE for the operation of coin-operated musical machines. The City Engineer requested and was grunted more time with regard to the Burnett Street GRADE CROSSING. The City Engineer reported that the estimate of printing the Building Code in book form would be from $750.00 to e800,OO. Twenty copies were ordered from the Pacific Coast Conference @ $2.50 per copy and same are now on hand. The City Engineer recommended that the City Clerk notify the property owners on Renton Hill, that April 20th 1948 is the DEAD LINE relative to signing for sewer late2$1s on the easements and quit claim deeds; after which a new district will be formed including only those who have signed, or those who at the ,resent time have access and desire to proceed. Moved by iuchardscn, seconded by Paid, that the recommendation of the City Engineer be concurred in. Carried. The Property Committee requested and was granted more time re the transferring from Cumulative Funds, the necessary sum to complete the work at the new Windsor Hills Park. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the City Clerk be authorized to make reservations for six (6) rooms at the Davenport Hotel, Spokane, Washington, for the Association of Washington Cities Convention to he held May 20th and 21st 1948 and that an advance reservation fee be forwarded. Carried. The Superintendent of Utilities was granted more time with regard to the survey to be made for repair of the streets and sidewalks of the City of Renton. Mayor Mitchell appointed Dr.C. L. Dixon and Councilman Richardson to represent the City of Renton at the next meeting of the Community Health Council. 49 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Baxter, that the pedestrian lane crossing Sunset Highway adjacent to the Alameda Tavern and the one crossing Maple Valley Highway at Cedar River Park be painted and illuminated and that the Fire Light and Water Committee instruct the Superintendent of Utilities to comply with this recommendation as speedily as possible. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented. CURRENT Ang Busato P. D. Expense $ 13.00 1620 Nat. Inst. of Municipal Law officers Attorney Expense 3.00 21 Western Union Tel. Co. P.D. Expense 1.68 23 Seattle Tile Co. Attorney Expense 82.00 22 Payroll_ Engineers 433.70 24-26 Payroll Office 803.20 20..30 Payroll F. D. Dept, 2363.38 40-60 Payroll P.D. It 2637.85 61-81 Wm, F. Davis Insurance 3337.61 82 PScific Tel. & Tel. Co. Phones 37.4-0 83 Payroll Gar. & St. Cleaning 1157.24 84-94 Adelaide Miller Office 19.40 95 WATER Pac. Water Works Supply Outlay 409.26 6576 n n n It n 364.76 77 n rr n n +r 498.25 78 Payroll Office 330.30 79-85 Payroll Water 869.48 86-92 CITY STPEETS Payroll Office 162.84 3984-88 Payroll City Streets 1401,92 89-4003 SEWER DISPOSAL Payroll Disposal Plant 773.36 1023-1034 Payroll Sewers & Drains 279.£7 35-38 A.Ii2cRX Payroll Airport 437.68 347-51 LIBRARY Payroll Library 864.25 11.26-1433 PATE Payroll Park.. 462.70 850-854 ATHLETIC Payroll Athletic 145.46 227-229 CUMULATIVE No. 1183 Payroll Cumulative 239.7 268-70 American Pile Driving CUMULATIVE No. 1184 '773622 405 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that the above bills be allowed and ordered Daid. Carried. Moved by Tamborini,seconded by Richardson, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. City 61erk ' yor. 50 � eY� Renton, Wash April 20th 1948 s *d The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order, Mayor Perry H. Mitchell presiding. ROLL CALL: Tamborini, Pichardson, Swift, Baxter, Gigli and Delaurenti. Moved by Aichardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the minutes of the meeting April 6th 1948 be corrected and approved as corrected. APPLICATION of "ibbert Wiber, for a permit to remodel and repair residence at 2312 - Garden `street. Permit No. 1434. J APPLICATION of Richard R. Clarke, for a permit to erect an addition to residence at 1234 - 3rd Avenue. Permit No. 1435. APPLICATION of William R. Favro, for a permit to complete basement at 500 - Cedar Street. Permit No. 1436. APPLICATION of J. F. Strnard for a permit to erect a garage at 115 - Garden Street. Permit No. 1437. APPLICATION of Pat Ross, for a permit to remodel and re- pair residence at 808 - Grant Street. Permit No. 1438. APPLICATION of W. W. Moreland, for a permit to erect a garage and storeroom at 141.007 - 125th S. E., Renton, Wash. Permit No. 1439. APPLICATION of Mrs. Eva Blair, for a permit to remodel a residence at 41. 2 - Pelly Avenue. Permit iao. 1441. APPLICATILN of Mrs. Jason Whitish, for a permit to erect a dwelling house at 529 - Pelly Avenue. Permit No.1442. Total valuation $6000.00. APPLICATION of Mrs. Alberts for a permit to remodel and repair residence at 5,06 - Main Street, North. Permit No. 1446. }} Moved by Gigli, seconded by Tamborini, that the above PrP applications approved by the City Engineer and the Police and License Committee be allowed. Carried. With the unanimous consent of the City Council, Mayor Mitchell dispensed with the regular order of business -to ' ear anyone in the audience who had business to discuss. After a discussion with regard to the securing of sifgmatures of the property o:mers for sewer laterals on Renton Hill, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gigli, that the Committee working in connection .%ith the securing of sig- natures for sewer laterals on the easemeits and quit claim deeds, be granted an ex- tension of two week's time in order to complete this work. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. George Sowers, Chairman, of the LIONS CLUB EXPOSITION C01,11ITTEE, requesting permission to hand two banners across 3rd Avenue durin the menton Merchants Exhibition, April 23rd 24th and 25th 1948. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Baxter, that this permit be granted. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. James S. Burnes, 2109 - 7th Avenue, menton, mash., making application for a Certificate of Occupancy of the vacant lot directly across the street from the City Hall, running through from Wells to Main Streets, to be used as a parking lot and occupied by a popcorn and cotton candy wagon. Moved by r'ichardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and chief of Police with Power to Act. Carried. A communication was read from Harold J. Jordan, J-53, Cedar jtiivr Park, advising that he contemplated purchasing from Jack Gannon, 315 - North Main Street two (2) ice cream scooters, who formerly operated these scooters in aventon and requested permission to operate same with the privile_e of adding to the number if business warrants. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Richardson, that this be referred to the Police and License Committee and Chief of Police with Power to .pct. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. Joe Regis, requesting a Certificate of Occupancy for a linoleum and Paint Shop at 205 - 3rd Avenue, Fenton, Wash., (formerly occupied by the archery) Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, 51. that this be referred to the Fire Light and Nater Committee., Fire Chief and City Engineer with 'ower to Act. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. George P. Bacon, of the 1enton Transit System, Fenton, 'cash., advising that due to the decrease in passenger count, it would be feasible to discontinue two short runs to Renton Highlands and to revise the Sunday Schedule and requesting the City of Renton to uphold the franchise given to the Denton Transit System. Moved by Richardson, see.,nded by Tamborini, that this be referred to the City .httorney., the Street and Alley and the Law & Ordinance Committees. Carried. A communication was read from the City of Renton Planning Commission, advising that at the meeting of the Commission held March 31st 1948, the following resolution was passed: "That we recommend to the City Council that they take stens necessary to the acquisition from the State of ;dashington, the old Black Fiver Channel in its entirety as a possible location for a future fire hall on the property near 3rd and Rainier Avenues and for the possible site for a future main trunk sewer line." Moved by lti.chardson, seconded by Swift, that this be referred to the City Attorney and Property Comittee with Power to Act. Carried. A communication was read from Chester Biesen, Executive Secretary of the Association of Washington Cities, requesting that the attached QUESTIOIMATIE be filled out, listing the types of public facilities that may be needed in this community or county to aid establishment of new industries and businesses or expansion of existing businesses. Moved by achardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Clerk, Mayor Mitchell and the City Engineer be instructed to complete this question— naire and forward same. Carried. A communication was read from. the Denartment of the Army Corps of Engineers, 500 — Pittock Block, Portland 5, Oregon, with regard to the investigation for the improvement of the Green River, Washington, for flood control and the Duwamish River for flood control and improvement for navigation in the State of Washington. Moved by Richardson, secondedby Swift, that this Public Notice be inserted in the local newspapers. Carried. A communication was read from Yaymond M. Foley, administrator of a Housing and Home Finance Agency, Washington 25, D. C., with regard to the development of a Uniform Plumbing Code for Housing. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Svift, that the City Clerk be instructed to acknowledge this communication, advising that the City of Ienton has found this ordinance to be very satisfactory and re— commended the adoption of same in all communities. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. Paul W. Houser, Jr., Executive Secretary of the Housing Authority of the City of Renton, advising that a meeting; was held April 7th 1948 relative to the platting of Project .dash-45099, Renton Highlands, for sale purposes, that the surveyorts preliminary plat will be forwarded to the hegional Office of the Public Housing Administration in San Francisco, California, where a conference will be held, and that in :.he interest of the City of Renton, Air. Houser suggested that the City Council authorize the attendance of the City Engineer, at the platting conference in San Francisco, California, the date of which will be announced later. Moved by 'Lichardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Engineer be authorized to attend this conference and that his expenses be allowed. Carried. A report of the Kenton Public Library was read for the month of march 1945, total receipts $115.00. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that Miss Daniels, librarian be commended for the very efficient manner in which her work has been conducted. and for the punctual and complete reports of the same. Carried. After a discussion with reg7rd to the offer of X1500.00 made to the Varner :ealty Company by the City of Renton, for property on Renton Hill to be used for playfields, it was moved by Fdchardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred back to the Property Committee and the Park Board for further study. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that a short recess be declared for committee discussion. Carried, Council was called to order by Mayor Mitchell, the following answering when the roll was called: Tamborini, ichardson, Delaurenti, Swift, Baxter and Gigli. 52 The Ordinance Co�,mittee reported favorably on proposed y= Ordinance No. 1309, an Ordinance relating to and regulating the sale of milk and milk products, etc., 'v1HE"IZUPON it was placed on its second and third readings and approved as a w_lole. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Ordinance be passed as read. All councilmen present voting aye: Tamborini, idehardson, Delaurenti, Baxter, Swift and Gigli. PFLPOSED ORDINANCE No. 1315, was read, an Ordinance of the City of Renton, adopting, establishing and defining a plumbing code for the City, regulating the installation, construction, alteration and repair of plumbing and fixtures, apparatus and equipment pertaining thereto, in the City requiring permits, providing for the administration and enforcement thereof; providing penalties for violations and repealing conflicting ordinances and provisions, and on motion was referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee re— ported favorably on Ordinance No. 1315, WHE=PON it was placed on its second and final readings and approved as a whole. Moved by Gigli, seccnded by Tamborini., that the Ordinance be passed as read. All Councilmen present voting aye: Baxter, Delaurenti, i'schardson, Swift, Tamborini and Gigli. PROPOSED OIDI dANCE NO 1316, an Ordinance of the City of Re<.ton, designating Fourth Avenue North as -nn arterial Highway and providing for erection of appropriate traffic signs thereat, and on motion was referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1316, WHEP UPON it was placed on its second and third readings and approved. as a whole. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the Ordinance be passed as read. All Councilmen present voting aye: Baxter, Idchardson, Delaurenti, Tamborini, Swift and Gigli. The Ordinance Committee recommended that the City Clerk be instructed to notify all concerned with regard to the passage of Ordinance No. 1315, and also Dr. Emil Palmquist, of the King County Health Department, Seattle, Washin-ton, be notified of the passage of Ordinance No. 1309. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee be con— curred in. Carried. C0111ITTEE REPOIRTS i The Fire Light and Water Committee requested and was granted more time with regard to the preparation of a Resolution relative to Federal control over King County Commercial Waterway District No. 2, and the pro— gress that is being mde with regard to the installation and repairing of lights in the residential districts of the City of Benton. The Finance Committee recommended that the application of the Pacific Finance Loans, Seattle 1, Wash., for a permit to establish an office at 511 — 3rd Avenue, Renton, ?Mash., to engage in the business of making small loans, be granted. roved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the recommendation of the Finance ommittee be concurred in. Carried. The City Engineer reported that 2.5 acres would be in— volved in the acquisition of lst Avenue North via underpass to Logan Street and the property adjacent to the City Garage. (City Clerk to The Superintendent of Utilities reported that the tenants of SWEET CENTER in Liberty Park had requested screens for the upstairs apartment. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that screens be not furnished by the City of Renton. Carried. Ploved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that call for bids be made for twenty (20) parking meters complete with standards) bids to be opened May 18th 1948. Carried. The rroperty p Committee recommended that the ...� sidewalk in f rontof the SWEET CLNTER at Liberty Park be repaird. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the recommendation of the Property Committee be concurred ins and the Superintendent of Utilities be instructed to proceed with this work. Carried. The City Attorney reported that the attorney representing the Bonding Company and the Renton School District, had approved the proposal of combining the construction of the Municipal 53 Swimming pool with the Renton School District project. After a dis- cussion, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the property committee, City Engineer and the City Attorney be authorized to proceed with negotiations relative to the completion of the swimming pool in conjunction with the Renton School District. Carried. The Street and Alley Committee recommended that in- dividual fronting property holders pave the strip between the curb and the sidealk on Cedar Street, if they so desire , but must do so at their own expense. If a gravel fill only is required, the City of Renton should furnish same. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee be concurred in. Carried. The Police and License Committee requested and was granted more time relative to the communication from Mr. Steven K. Zerr 3018 - 6th Avenue North, Renton, Wash. , requesti_ng information with regard to the need of a license for a gum vending machine. The Police and License Committee recommended that the amending of Ordinance No. 1304 relating to MASTER LICENSE for the operation of coin-operated musical machines be referred to the City Council as a whole for a committee meeting to be held April 27th 1948 at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Q. and that the City Clerk be instructed to notify all concerned regarding this meeting. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the recommendation of the Police and License Committee be concurred in. Carried. The Property Committee requested and was granted more time with regard to transferring from Cumulative Funds , the necessary sum to complete the work at the new Windsor Hills Park. The Property Committee advised that a meeting was held with the Finance Committee, City Attorney and the Mayor' s Committee, with regard to the overall insurance for the City of Renton and re- commended the adoption of this report. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that the recommendation of the Property Committee be concurred .� in. Carried. Mr. Ned Stokes, Airport Manager advised the City Council that little progress had been made relative to the development of the sea plane ramp, due to the fact that the owner of the property refuses to accept less than $4000.00. In the opinion of the Airport Board, this price is excessive and is their recommendation that- a Time limit expiring April 28th 1948 be set for negotiations to con- summate the transfer, otherwise the City of Renton should start con- demnation proceedings. Mr. Warren, of the C.A.A. , recommended speedy action in order to protect the holding of the Federal funds set-up for this project. It was his opinion that some work should be started on the section of the property owned by the Port of Seattle, thereby assuring the Federal Government that the project would be developed. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Attorney be instructed to advise the owner of the property that an a greemeni must be effected by April 28th 1948 otherwise the City of Renton will take steps to condemn the property. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Engineer, be instructed to secure a close estimate of the cost of a table for the council members and a desk for the Mayor and to re- port back at the next council meeting. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the Property Committee and the Superintendent of Utilities be authorized to determine the amount of furniture that will be required to furnish the Ladies ' Rest Room in the City Hall and to report back at the next Council meeting. Carried. Moved by Richardson? seconded by Delaurenti, that Councilman 'Malt Reid, be granted thrlty (30) days leave of absence. Carried. A communication was read from the Civil Service Commission, Renton, Wash. , advising of a vacancy in the Renton Fire Department, due to the resignation of Mr. Robert Spice"' and recommending 54 the appointment of Mr. John Alexander, who is next on the eligible list, for the consideration of the Mayor and City Council, WHEREUPON the Mayor appointed Mr. John Alexander. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gigli, that the recommendation of the Civil Service Commission and the Mayor' s appointment be concurred in. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Planning Commission recommending to the City Council, the adoption of the UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE FOR HOUSING (Technical paper No. 6.) as the plumbing code for the City of Renton. A report was read from the City Engineer, B. M, McHugh, regarding the organization of the Board of Appeals as set-up by the ... Building, Plumbing and Electrical code. Mr. Alden See was selected as acting Chairman for the meeting, Mr. Guy Stafford was elected Chairman. The duties and powers of the Board of Appeals were thoro- ughly discussed and moved by Bevin seconded by Hardenberg , that the Board of Appeals, recommended to the City Council the adoption of "The Uniform Plumbing Code for Housing" . (Technical paper #6, Feb. 1948) to become an Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington. Carried. The meeting time of the Board will be set at the call of the Chairman, provided, however, one meeting will be called for further organization as soon as all members are available. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Attorney and the Ordinance Committee be authorized to prepare the necessary ordinance relative to advancing the City of Renton from a City of a 3rd class to a City of a 2nd class, including the change in salaries for City Officials. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: CURRENT John Anding Pound Expense $ 166.00 1696 now Katherine E.Crockett Clerk' s " 1.83 97 Owl Cafe Jail Meals 1R-)+075 98 PacTel. & Tel. 'Phones . 99 Coll. of Int. Rev. Withholding Tax 4632.40 1700 Dept. of Lab. & Ind. Ind. Ins 621.27 01 Knights of Pythias P.D. Expense 120.00 02 Payroll Engineers 417.20 031705 Payroll Office 768.20 06-1718 Payroll P.D. Dept, 2522.90 19-1739 Payroll F.D. " 2362.58 40-1761 Payroll Garbage 647.99 62-1768 Payroll St. Cleaning 363.17 69-1772 Amer. Blueprint Co. Eng. Exp. 2.64 73 Automatic Deodorant Co. C.H. Expense 442.79 75 Baker Co. Inc C.H. "' Bancroft WhitneyCo. Atty, Expense 15.97 76 Bert' s Signal Ser. P.D. " 1.03 77 C. Bevan " it 31.28 78 Brendel Drug Co. " " 1.03 79 Charles Brunning Co. Engr. " 31.67 80 H.L.Collier, City Trea. P.D. " 4.41 81 Colling Pub.Co. Engr. " 50.00 82 Cross. Radio & Sd. Ser. P.D . " 6.28 83 L.N. Curtis & Sons. F.D. " 4.59 84 Custer Hardware Co. Expense 84.90 85 Dow Fuel Co. F.D. " 44.81 86 Harley-Davidson Sales P.D. " 8.72 87 Harper-Meggee, Inc. F.D. & P.D. Expense 6.75 88 C. Haleway C.H. Expense 5.60 89 King County Engrs. Engr. " 3.00 90 King County Medical May Dues 266.75 91 Kuker-Ranken, Inc. Engr. Expense 11. 3 92 Lotto Grocery D. D. Expense 18.63 9,3 The Lumber Market C.H. & Engr. Exp. 28.20 9 Carl V. A. Mattison P.D. Expense 92.70 95 Pac. Aerial Surveys Inc. Engr. 11 10.30 96 pPP CURRENT CON'D Puget Sound Stamp Wk.s Treas. & F.D. Exp. 67.57 1797 Renton Vet. Hospital Dog Pound Expense 40.50 98 Service Laundry F.D. Expense 17.81 99 State Lumber Co. Engr. " 1.55 1800 A. T. Sullivan C. H. " 4.64 O1 Sunset Electric Co. P.D . " 44.88 02 Tradewell Stores, Inc. P.D. " 8.03 03 Treas. U.S.A. Garbage Expense 41.67 04 Treas. U.S.A, " " 40.r. 05 Trick & Murray Expense 109.12 06 Trimm Fuel Co. F.D. 52.22 07 - United Janitor Supp. Co. F.D. " 39.09 08 Valley Window Clearers C.H. " 5.00 09 Victoria Salvage Co. P.D. " 46.16 10 Waters Expense 33.26 11 Western Union Tel.Co. P.D. " 1.C2 12 Wright Motors Eng. " 1.36 13 Pac. Tel & Tel. Co. 'Phones 221.86 14 P.S.P. & L. Co. Power 820.63 15 WATER Coll. of Into Revenue Withholding Tax 5?3:480 6593 Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. Payroll Office 323. 0 95-6601 Payroll Water 806.69 02-6608 Addressograph Treas. Exp. 3.97 09 Auburn Concrete Products Supplies 103.00 10 Badger Meter Mfg. Co. 50.78 11 Cruickshank & Howson Expense 5.46 12 Custer Hardware Co. Supplies 11.02 13 Hank's Welding Expense 12.88 14 N.C. Jannsen Drill & Mfg. Supplies 21.63 15 King County Medical May Dues 33. 50 16 Marchmann & Williams Supplies 298.19 17 Northern Pac. RR. Co. Expense 1.00 18 Renton Mach. & Weld. Wks. It 2.00 19 Seattle Water Dept. Water 64.0/6 20 Steam Supply & Rubber Co. Supplies 11.33 21 Van Waters & Rogers Inc. " 40.00 22 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 531.71 23 CITY STREETS Armor-Flex Dist. Co. Supplies 161.57 4004 Al. Niestradt it 30.00 05 Coll. of Int. Revenue Withholding Tax 798.40 06 Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 64.80 07 Payroll Office 162.84 08-4t)12 Payroll City Streets 1194.66 13-4025 Cochran Paint & Hdw.Co. Supplies 17.92 27 Custer Hardware Co. " King County Rd. Dist. #2. " 156.00 28 King if Medical May dues 37.50 29 Northwest Precote Inc. Supplies 81.58 30 Renton Auto Freight Expense 18.46 31 Renton Radiator Ser. it 15.45 32 Sound Paint Mfg. Co. Supplies 167.48 33 Stoneway Dock Co. " 55.34 34 Standard Oil Co. of Calf. Is 127.61 35 Transport Clearings Expense 1.46 36 Union Oil Co. Gas. 544.43 37 United Janitor Supply Supplies 18.03 38 SEWER DISPOSAL Jack Stewart Expense 24.00 1039 Coll. of Int. Revenue Withholding Tax 695.70 40 Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 85.75 41 Payroll Disposal Plant 724.64 42-10 33 Payroll Sewers & Drains 297. 57 54-108 Tony Azzola Expense 18.00 59 Custer Hardware Co. Supplies 10.46 60 Gladding McBean & Co. , 3.58 61 King County Medical May Dues 38.25 62 56 1 �q SEWER DISPOSAL P.S.P. & Light Cc. Power v 195.87 1063 scientific Supplies Co. Supplies 17.16 64 James Scott Expense 14.00 65 M. E. Taylor Supplies 22.15 66 United Janitor Supply Co. it 18.18 67 9Fuieks1iaigk-&-Hensen Expense 69 AIRPORT Coll. of Int. Revenue Withholding Tax 205.18 352 Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 39.78 RSeattle Water Dept. Water 37.60 Payroll Airport 388.25 55-59 .J Coast Wide Supply Co. Supplies 21.05 60 Herold Aerial Thotos Expense 3.86 61 King County Medical May Dues 8.00 62 Osborne Photographers Expense 12.46 63 P .S.P. & Light Co. Power 94.14 64 Union Oil Co. Fuel Oil Supplies 259.97 65 United Janitor Supply Co. Supplies 6.70 66 Western Flying Expense 15.00 67 PARK P.S .P. & Light Co. Power 4.20 855 Coll. of Int. Revenue Withholding Tax 127.00 56 Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 27.30 57 Payroll Park 429.13 58-62 C . Bevan Supplies 167.29 63 Dale & McLendon it 13.68 64 C . Haleway Expense 9.12 65 The Lumber Market Supplies 22.31 66 P.S .P. & Light Co. Power 4.31 67 Renton Feed & Seed Co. Supplies 8.14 68 Renton Plumbing & Heating Supplies 79.60 69 King County Medical May Dues 10.50 70 ATHLETIC PARK Coast Wide Supply Co. Supplies 10.41 230 Coll. of Int. Revenue Withholding Tax 127.20 231 VOID VOID 232 Payroll Athletic 134.21 233-35 George Kam & Son Expense 20.00 36 The Lumber Market Supplies 2.44 37 King County Medical May Dues 11.25 38 P.S .P. & Light Co. Power 67.63 39 CUMULATIVE No. 1183 Coll. of Int. Revenue Withholding Tax 285.90 271 Victoria Salvage Co. Supplies 51.50 272 Best Universal Lock Co. Supplies,Gar.Bldg. 5.15 73 C . Bevan Expense, " " 33.84 74 Custer Hardware Co. Supplies " " 129.13 75 The Lumber Market " " " 177.93 76 Star Machinery Co. " " " 39.00 77 Stoneway Dock Co. it " " 37.53 78 CUMULATIVE No. 1182 LIBRARY Coll of Int. Revenue Withholding Tax 264.40 1434 Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 1.59 35 Beckley Cardy Co. Books 6-47 36 A.J. Burney Outlay 340.24 37 Caxton Printers, Ltd. Books 5.00 38 The Crowell-Collier Pub. Books 5.00 39 Winifred C. Daniels Expense 11.50 40 Dedier Publisher Books 8.39 41 J Doubleday & Co. " 40.24 42 George H. Friend Expense 40.00 43 The H.R. Huntting Co. Books 1.06 44 The Lumber Market Supplies 1.81 45 Mrs. D.E. Morrison Books 4.00 46 Oceana Publications Inc. it 1.00 47 Potlatch Yards, Inc. Supplies 28.18 48 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 14.82 49 Puget Sound News Co. Books 180.51 50 Renton Hdw. & r'urn. Supplies 6.13 51 7 LIBRARY CON'D Renton News Record Supplies $ 1.55 1452 Royal Typewriter Co. Furniture & Bldg. 124.76 53 Sunset Coal Co. Supplies 45.06 54 King County Medical May Dues 4.00 55 CUMULATIVE FUND #118 General Electric Supp. Co. St. Signal Lights Outlay. 80.54 406 n n n n n n n 646.82 407 Chapman Paint & Hardware CITY HALL BLDG FUND 41.81 4 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, �. that the above bills be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. There being no further business to come before the Council it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. s City Vlerk ayor. i i r 9o- 4,a✓ i3 Renton, Wash May 4th 1948 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order, Mayor Perry H. Mitchell presiding. Roll Call: Tamborinil Richardson9 Swifts Reid, Baxter and Gigli♦ Delaurenti. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gigli that the minutes of the meeting April 20th 1948 be approved as written. APPLICATICNS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPART- MENT. N0, AMOUNT NAME LOCATION TYPE WORK 201 21 00.00 S .G.Shaudies2+T233--3rd Avenue Remodel 202 400.00 E. G .Hansen 318 Whitworth Basement 3 500.00 A. Nunn 323-Park Pvt. Gar �+ 80,000.00 Church of Jesus Christ Lots 10,11 & 12 L.D.S. Wefanc' s Add. Erect Church 5 750.00 Renton Printers & Publishing 911-3rd Avenue Hang sign 6 400.00 R. Provin 712-Renton remodel 7 100.00 Garland Jewelers 926-3rd Avenue 118 27000.00 Richard K.Clarke 1234-3rd it 9 350.00 Ray L. Barrett 1100-Bronson Remodel tire shop. 10 400.00 O.S.Svermungsen 544?Whitworth Pvt.Garage 11 500.00 Gust Saari 95-Williams Remodel Dwell. 12 700.00 H. Bruer 112-3rd " new siding 13 20.00 Automotive Service & Repair 809-4th Hang sign 14 51000.00 George Guerin (Mrs) 636-Shattuck Erect frame residence 15 15.00 James S. Burns 2109-7th Ave No. Elec.Ser.Con 16 234.00 Tom Olson 417-Mill Inst.Gas furn 17 51000.00 Ben Kalk 7th & Grant Frame Resid. 18 100.00 J. A. Overman 524-Renton Erect fence 19 400.00 Mrs. George Guerin 631-Shattuck Pvt. Garage 20 61000.00 Katherine Rosa 402-Tobin 4 room dwg. 21 61000.00 R.L.Garrison 520-Shattuck fr. residence 22 650.00 George H. Thomas 132-Pelly Inst. furn. 23 400.00 Arthur King 235-Meadow Pre.Fab.Gar. A delegation from Renton Hill was present at the Council meeting seeking the cooperation of the City of Renton to lease the property on the east side of Jones Street and the Southwest side of the City of Seattle pipe line, offered by the Puget Sound Power and Light Company to the City of Renton for a playfieldt at a rental fee of $1.00 per year provided the City of Fenton will clear and level off said property. Moved by Richardsons seconded by Reid, that this be referred to the City Attorney,Property Committee and Park Board with Power to Act. Carried. An application for a permit was read from the Puget Sound Power and Light Company for permission to install one 1000 watt floodlight unit on Company pole to illuminate the front of Marshall' s Grocery located on the east side of the Sunset Highway just north of the Cemetery Road between Bennett and Goodmans and the J Alameda Tavern, mounting 25 ft. high and directed 90 degrees from traffic. Movedby hichardson7 seconded by Delaurentil that this be re- ferred to the Fire Light and Water Committee with Power to Act. Carried. A communication was read from the City of Renton Park Department, requesting the City Council to allocate the sum of $ 2500.00 for work to be completed by the Park Department on the Windsor Hills Park property and $1000.00 for the development of the proposed playfield on Renton Hill. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Reid, 59 that this be referred to the Finance Committee, Park Board and City Attorney. Carried. The Finance Committee approved the appropriation of the sum of $3500.00 to be used by the Park Department in the development of playfields as per above recommendation. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the amount of $3500.CO be allowed for Park and playground improvements as requested by the Park Board. Carried. A petition was read from the property ovmers in the vicinity of Shattuck Street from 4th to 7th Avenues in the City of Renton, petitioning the City of Renton to construct a 6" water main with hydrants and appurtenances from 4th to 7th Avenues. The Super- intendent of Utilities recommended that the district from 2nd to 4th Avenues be included in this proposal for the L.I.D. , requirements. Moved by Swif t, seconded by Richardson, that the Superintendent of Utilities be instructed to secure the proper signatures to legalize this recommendation and that the revised petition to establish an L.I.D. , for the construction of a 6" water main on Shattuck Street from 2nd to 7th Avenues , be given to the City Engineer to check as to the ownership etc. , and to report back at the next council meeting! May 18th 1948. A communication was read from F. E. Lawrence, Fire Chief, submitting his report on the results of the SPRING CLEAN-UP CAMPAIGN. This communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from Frank Plesko, 329 - Mill Street requesting the City Council to take action in the removal of a holly tree hedge. A communication was read from Mr. Lester Leeman, Secretary of the Renton Yiwanis Club requesting the City Council of the City of Renton to repair the present broken sidewalks within the City limits of the City of Renton. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini,. that the Superintendent of Utilities and the City Engineer be instructed to make a complete survey of the sidewalks of the City of Renton as to the cost and as to whether the condition of said side- walks is the responsibility of the property owner or from normal wear-and-tear and to report back on the same to the City Council at the next regular council meeting May 18th 1948. Carried. A communication was read from Dr. M. J. Schultz, re questing that no power or telephone poles be permitted on the parking strip in front of the new medical-Dental Building located on 3rd place near the Renton Hospital. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Swift, that the request be granted. Carried. A communication was read from Messrs. H. Peter, Rt. 2, Box 868, Fred Simmons, Rt. 3, Box 5750 and Alex. A. Book, Rt. 21 Box 862, Renton, Wash. , advising that there were 25 families living East and North of Renton Highlands who requested the City of Fenton to serve them water. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Delaurenti that this be referred to the Fire Light and Water Committee, City Ittorn.ey, Superintendent of Utilities for consideration and report back at the next council meeting. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. Dan J. Meggs Agent for the Bailey Bros. , Circus Inc. , requesting permission of the My Council to use the vacant lots immediately west of the Pacific Car and Foundry Plant, to allow the Bailey Bros. , Circus Inc. , to exhibit their show in the City of Renton ONE DAY either May 17th 18th or 19th 1948. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that this be referred to the Police and License Committee , Chief of Police and the Fire Chief with Power to Act. Carried. A communication was read from R. H. Osborne, 304 - Williams Street, Renton, Mash. , advising the City Council that he wished to sell his interest in Building "D" in Mothers Park to Messrs. Jim Overman and Harvey B. Cox, of the Bargain Basement of the City of Renton and requested permission to assign the above lease to the aforesaid gentlemen. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that this be referred to the City Attorney and Property Committee with Power to Act. Carried. 60 A communication was read from Mr. H. R. Johnson, Secretary of the Rotary Club of Renton, requesting permission to install a coco-cola dispenser in the City Hall. Cost of an electrical outlet will be paid by the Rotary Club. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gigli, that this be referred to the Property Committee with Power to Act. Carried. A communication was read from the Health & Safety Committee , business and Professional Woments Club, offering suggestions and recommendations to the City Council for consideration as ordinances, for the promotion of safety in the City of Renton. Mcved by Delaurenti,, seconded by Richardson, that this be referred to the City Council as a whole for consideration. Carried. ... A comr.-unication was read from Messrs. Parker & .Hill, consulting Engineers, Seattle , Wash. , re: the Association of Washington Cities Convention in Spokane Wash. , on May 20th to 21st 1948. This communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from the American Pile Driving Company, Everett, Wash. , contractors, submitting their state- ment in the amount of $21,701.40 for work performed and material fur- nished in the construction of the Logan Street bridge. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Reid, that this be referred to the Finance Committee with Power to Act. Carried. A comrunication was read from Messrs. Bebb and Jones , architects, Seattle, Wash. , submitting their statement in the amount of $4,500.00 for architectural services in connection with the Swimming Pool Project. Moved by Richardson seconded by Delaurenti, that this be referred to the Finance Committee and City Attorney for further study and report back. Carried. Moved by Richardson seconded by Delaurenti, that the opening of bids for the construction of sidewalks in Windsor Hills be deferred until the next regular council meeting May 18th 19489 and that the City Clerk be instructed to readvertise CALL FOR BIDS for the L.I.D. , in this weeks publication of the local newspaper. Carried. May 4t1I 1948 being the date set for the opening of bids for twenty (20) parking meters for the City of Renton, the following bid was submitted: The Dual Parking Meter Company Price per Unit 117 - Walnut Ave. , N.E. $62.00 Canton 2, Ohio. Freight prepaid to destination - 0 $62.50 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this be referred to the City Council as a whole . Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that a short recess be declared for Committee discussions. Carried. Council was called to order by Mayor Perry H. Mitchell, the following members answering when the roll was called: Tamborini, Richardson , Delaurenti, Swift, Baxter, Reid and Gigli. The Finance Committee recommended accepting the bid of the DUAL PARKING METER COMPANY as presented, less the in- stallation. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the recommen- dation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. PRCPOSED ORDINANCE No. 1317 was read, an Ordinance of the City of Renton, Wash. providing for the organising and governing of said City as a City of the Second Class, enumerating the officers thereof, providing for appointment, terms of office, duties and compensation of Officers, and the appointment of assistants, continuing in effect the existing Ordinances; and repealing conflict- ing Ordinances and provisions , and on motion was referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1317, WHEREUPON it was placed on its second and third readings and approved as a whole. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Ordinance be passed as read. All Councilmen present voting aye: Tamborini, Richardson, Swift, Delaurenti, Baxter, Reid and Gigli. A communication was read from Mr. Henry Reynolds, Secretary of the Renton Chamber of Commerce, requesting a representative of the City Council be present at the meeting to be held with Col. Hewett, U.S., Engineer, Seattle, Wash., Tuesday, May 11th 1948 at 10:00 o'clock A.M., with regard to the Federal Government assuming the responsibility of controlling$ing County Commercial Waterway District No. 2. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Fire Light and Water Committee be instructed to attend this meeting. Carried. A communication was read from the United Janitor Supply Company, Seattle, Wash., submitting an estimate of $78.15 for supplies and dis- penseries to be used in the Ladiest Rest Room of the City Hall. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that this be referred to the Property Committee and Superintendent of Utilities. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Banter, that the Renton Transit System be permitted to alter their bus schedule as per written request, providing it does not reduce the service they are now giving. Carried. The Police and License Committee recommended that the aprlli- cation of Harold W. Jordan, to operate ice cream scooters in Renton, be granted and that a license for gum vending machines is not required. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, -that the recommendation of the Police and License Committee be concurred in. Carried. The City Attorney requested and was granted more time with regard to the request of the Renton Transit System, that the City of Renton uphold their franchise. The City Attorney advised re: Renton Planning Commission's recommendation that the City Council take steps necessary to the acquisition from the State of Washington, the old Black River Channel in its entirety as a possible location for a future fire hall on the property near 3rd and Rainier Avenues and for the possible site for a future trunk sewer line, that the State Land Commissioner will require a map in triplicate of proposed site, also a map of proposed trunk sewer -- right-of-way along Black giver Channel to Green River. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare the required number of maps needed. The City Attorney and Mr. Ned Stokes, Airport Manager, re- commended council authorization to submit the question of the purchase price of the property needed for the construction of the sea plane ramp at the Airport, to arbitration by three Real Estate appraisers, one to be chosen by the City of Renton and one by the owners of the property adjacent to the sea plane ramp, and a third by these two, the decision of the Board of Arbitration to be binding on the City and the owner of said property. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid.. that the re- commendation of the City Attorney and the Airport Manager be concurred in. Carried. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Tamborini, that Mr. Thomas Dobson, be appointed appraiser for the City of Penton. Carried. The Property Committee requested and was granted more time relative to the construction of the swimming pool in conjunction with the Renton School District and with regard to securing furniture for the Ladies, Hest Room in the City Hall. The -ire Light and Water Committee requested and was granted more time with regard to the progress being made relative to the installation and repairing of lights in the residential districts of the City of Renton and the pre- paration of a Resolution with regard to Federal control over King County Commercial Waterway District No. 2. Two bids were submitted for the construction of the Council table for the Council chambers as follows: Smith Cabinet Shop $320.00 with an additional $ 44.00 if Renton, Wash if individual drawers are included 364.00 Plus 3% sales tax. . . 10.92 Total . . . . . . . 1374.92 Black River Cabinet Shop $419.00 with additional 42.00 if Renton.. Wash individual drawers are included 461.00 Plus 3% sales tax . . . . _ 13.83 Total . . . . . . 474.83 62 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the bid by the Smith Cabinet Shop of $374.92 (including 12 individual drawers) be accepted and that they be instructed to proceed with the construction of the table for the Council Chambers, same to be installed by June 8th 1948. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Property Committee be instructed to investigate and determine the cost of a Mayorts desk with Power to Act. Carried. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Richardson, that the Superin- tendent of Utilities be instructed to have the City Clerk's office and the Ladiest Rest Room painted and also provide a sign indicating direction to the Ladies' Rest Room. Carried. rj A communication was read from the State of Washington Department of Health, Division of Public Health Engineers, Section of Operational matters, Seattle, Wash., submitting two copies of the Operation report on the Renton Sewage Treatment Plant. The Superintendent of Utilities spoke briefly on certain recommendations with regard to Renton's Sewage Treatment Plant and suggested that this matter be referred to a committee for further study. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that this matter be referred to the City Council as a whole for study. Carried. A request was made by the Fire Chief for additional maps of the entire City of Renton, Commercial Industrial and Residential zones. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Baxter, that this be referred to the City Engineer. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Superin- tendent of Utilities and the City Engineer be authorized to attend the Convention of the Pacific Northwest Section, American Waterworks Association, to be held in Boise, Idaho, May 11th to 15th 1948 and that their expenses be allowed. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: CURRENT Angelo Busato Training Expense $ 160.00 1816 Leo Segel P.D. Expense 8.00 17 It a F.D. Outlay 25.00 18 Charles Bisiack Garbage Labor 26.67 19 Chapman Bros. St, Light Expense 147.77 20 City of Renton Tax & Assessments 1487.46 21 Municipal Finance Off's Ass. City Clerk's Expense 10.00 22 Osborne's Camera Shop P.D. Outlay & Expense 336.93 23 R.L. Polk & Co. C.H. Expense 78.15 24 Tonnis H. Prins P.D. Expense 96.05 25 Treasurer, U.S.A. Garbage Expense 41.67 26 Payroll Engineers 595. 59 27-1830 Payroll Office 799.10 31-1843 Payroll P.D. Dept. 2636.60 44-1864 Payroll F.D. 2063.84 65-1885 Walt Isackson P.D. Expense 49.50 86 The Renton Chronicle Postage & Printing 101.48 87 Sunset Coal Company C.H. bcpense 301.64 88 Payroll Garbage 707.76 89-1896 Payroll St. Cleaning 388.86 97-1900 King County Medical Dues-Garbage 4.00 1901 Reid & Cook Expense 18.66 02 Renton Motor Parts Co. F.D. & P.D. Expense 85.20 03 Renton News Record Expense 153.43 04 Renton Tire Shop P.D. Expense 7.57 05 E.W. Kenyon, Jr. P.D. a 26.27 06 Mary Williams Registrar, births & deaths 75.00 07 Williams & Swanson Expense 1729.03 08 AZ R State of Wash. Dept of Cons. Expense 20.00 6624 Tonnis H. Prins Supplies 37.71 25 Payroll Office 330.30 26.6632 Payroll Water 886.87 33-6639 Reid & Cook Supplies 5.25 40 -Renton Motor Parts Co. " 18.24 41 63 WATER CON12 Renton News Record Supplies 34.15 6642 Jack Duncan Salary 109.04 43 Williams & Swanson Supplies 2.70 44 CITY STREETS Tom Tobacco, Expense 175.00 4039 Tonnis H. Prins Supplies 18.85 40 Payroll Office 162.84 41-45 Pioneer Sand & Gravel Supplies 370.£30 46 Sunset coal Co. ° 58.34 47 Payroll City Streets 1376.79 48-4060 Pacific Car & Foundry Co. Expense 43.94. 61 Renton Motor Parts Co. Supplies 514.26 62 ' Renton Tire Shop "` 13.49 63 General Electric Supply Corp. " 37.00 64 Williams & Swanson Expense & Outlay 415.03 65. SEWER DISPOSAL Cruickshant & Howson Expense 55.72 1068 Charles Bisiack Labor 18.38 69 Payroll Disposal Plant 786.61 70-1081 Mine Safety Appliance Co. Supplies 2.32 82 Payroll.., Sewers & Drains 176.57 83-1085 Jack Duncan Salary 28.46 86 Williams & Swanson Supplies .67 87 A..IUO.IU Payroll Airport 365.73 368-71 Renton News Supplies 19.89 372 PARK Railway Express Agency Expense 3.84 871 Payroll Park 461.77 872-877 Renton Motor Parts Supplies 11.97 78 Renton Tire Shop Supplies 7.40 79 ATHLETIC FIELD Chapman Bros. Expense 26.76 240 Payroll Athletic 145.46 241-243 Sunset Coal Company Supplies 80.48 244 LIBRAPayroll L905.30 1456x1463 CUA vLATIVE FUND #1184 American Pile Driving Co. Log Street bridge 21,701.4(3 408 CITY HALL BLDG, FUND Cochran Paint & Hdw. Co. City Hall Bldg, Find 308.54 5 CUMULATIVE FUND #11U Tl i(omeer Sand & Gravel: uu�p lies- arage Bldg. 403.76 279 CITY HALL BLDG. FU%;D Moved by hichardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the above bills be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. There being no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. v City erk. j MAYO Renton, Wash May 18th 1948 The regular metting of the 6ity Council was called to order, Mayor Perry H. Mitchell presiding. Roll Call: Tamborini, Richardson, Swift, Baxter, Reid and Gigli. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Swift, that the minutes of the meeting May 4th 1948 be corrected and approved as corrected. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT: KLMER AMOUNT NAME LOCATION TYPE WORK Steve Tamborini 539 Morris Install oil burner #225 31500.00 Frank Rhodes 1006 2nd Move house, const Basmt. 26 5,000.00 J. C. Penny Co. 715 3rd. Install new fixtures 27 Pederson Bros. 1100 Bronson Way Change of plans submitted 3/11/48. 28 100.00 Dean Bennett Tower Bldg, Remodel for bakery Renton, Wn. 2-9 100.00 Dr. Mallory 409 No. Wells Remodel garage 30 500 00 Leonard Sepenen 315 1st Ave No. Install plumbing 31 4,000.00 Ed. Shekter 934* "H" St. Install Launderett 32 R. B. SKinner 632 Shattuck Wiring Permit for #1433 33 850.00 Meads Heating & Air Conditioning 232 Williams Install furnace 34 100.00 E. Belmondo 528 Cedar St Erect Chimney 35 100.00 Art Hammond 12516 Bronson Way Elec. wiring 36 100.00 Vet See 353 Meadow St. 37 Art Hammond 12516 Bronson Way Plumbing permit 38 50.00 George Waters 11422 Windsor Place Place 4" drain tile in S/1W 39 700.00 Lackie's Jewelery 906 3rd Erect 4 car garage 40 100.00 G. C. Banasky 359 Bronson Way Install driveway 41 100.00 Tillie Cole 631 Cedar Wire for range 42 100.00 Dora Hurt Kent, Wash Move Cabin 43 400.00 John C. Blasick 320 Mill Remodel House 44 375.00 V. J. Staley 502 No. Williams Erect 161 x 241 45 2,000.00 Williams & Swanson 900 3rd Move House 46 3,000.00 Floyd Hughes 512 Bronson Remodel Hse & Garage 47 90#000.00 D. M. Pettibone, Ochs & Schultz 138-200-206 3rd P1, Medical Clinic 48 100.00 S. A. Griffin 341 No. Wells Reroof 49 100.00 Al. Erickson 55 Logan Wiring Permit. A communication was read from Mr. John Lotto, Post- master, Renton, Wash., requesting the City Council's consideration in designating a name for the driveway skirting the North bank of Cedar River from Williams Street North to Bronson Way North and recommended naming this driveway RIVERSIDE PLACE. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this matter be referred to the Planning Commission, Superintendent of Utilities, City Engineer and City Attorney for investigation and re- port back to the City Council. Carried. A communication was read from Dr. C.P.Ambrose, Commander of the American Legion, Fred Hancock Post No. 19, requesting permission of the City Council to bring to Renton the REDWOCD EMPIRE SHOWS for the meek of June 29th to July 5th 1948 inclusive and to be located across from the Pacific Car and Foundry Company on Garden Street. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that this permit be granted as requested, but that gambling for money be prohibited and only carnival games paying in merchandise be permitted as games of chance. THAT Sunday July 4th 1948 be excluded from the permit and that this matter be referred to the City Council as a whole to meet with the American Legion, Fred Hancock Post No. 19. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Baxter, that the license fee for this carnival be waived as it had been in the past to all Fraternal and Service Organizations. Carried. A communication w as read from Mr. J. V. Sullivan, Box 802, Enumclaw, Wash., requesting the City Council to grant authority to install a POINTER SIGN at 3rd and Main Street, indicating direction to GREEN RIVER GORGE, for the convenience of tourists. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Richardson, that this be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and Superintendent of Utilities with Power to Act. Carried. 6! A report was read from Miss Winifred Daniels, Librarian, of the Renton Public Library, for the month of April 1948. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that Miss Daniels be commended on this rport and same to be included in the minutes of this meeting. Carried. CIRCULATION ADUL Renton Library - 3983 Highlands Branch - 1604 5587 JUVENILE Renton Library - 1622 Highlands Branch - 2� 8 Total circulation - 9376 FINANCE RECEIPTS Renton Library - $81.40 Highlands Branch - 25.50 Total Receipts — $106.90 A communication was read from Leonard G. Haeger, Director Technical Staff, Housing and Home Finance Agency, Washington, D. C., acknowledging receipt of our communication May 14th 1948 and forwarding under separate cover twenty copies of Technical Paper No. 6. This communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from F. E. Lawrence, FireChief of the City of Renton, recommending to the City Council the preparation of an Ordinance relative to the followings 1. Prohibiting smoking in or near gasoline service stations. . 2. Prohibiting the sale of gasoline in glass containers or the storing of gasoline in glass containers in or near gasoline service stations. 3. The routing of gasoline tank trucks through the City of Renton. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Tamborini, that this be re- ferred to the Ordinance Committee, City Attorney and Fire Chief for study and report back to the City Council. Carried. A communication was read from the lessors of the buildings in Mothers Park, requesting that the City of Renton provide proper street lighting to safeguard the buildings and contents against robbery. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Gigli, that this be referred to the Fire Light and Water Committee and City Engineer for investigation and report back. Carried. A verbal request from Mr. Bud R. Fisher, President of the Spider Staging Company, Inc., to exercise their option to extend their lease at their present location of the southerly portion of the Administration Building, situated in Mothers Park, containing 41250 square feet of floor space, as per section 13, of the original lease dated May 10th 1947 and expiring May 10th 1948; the request being for an extension of said lease to May 10th 1948. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Reid, that the request of the Spider Staging Company Inc., for ex- tension of their lease be granted and that the City Attorney be instructed to pre- pare a lease ectending the time one year as per the option in the existing lease. Carried. A communication was read from the Association of Washington Cities, advising that two voting delegates who will cast the official ballots of the Municipality at the Annual Convention of the Association of Washington Cities, should be selected in advance. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that Mayor Perry H. Mitchell and Arthur L. Haugan, City Attorney, be appointed as voting dele„ates from the City of Renton. Carried. A verbal complaint was made by Mr. Ghione, of 44 - Tobin Avenue, Renton, Wash., to the City Council, that the drainage from Earlington Hill will not flow out through Culvert near the Airport, thus flooding his property and basement; and further that the drain on the original Black River Channel has been blocked up at 3rd and Rainier Avenues, preventing proper drainage to the south. Mr. Ghione requested that action be taken to alleviate this condition. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Swift, that the City Engineer, and Superintendent of � Utilities be instructed to make an investigation and report back to the City Council. Carried. Moved by Baxter, secondedly Gigili, that the City Clerk be instructed to contact the State Highway Department, requesting that they clear the obstruction in the culvert at 3rd and Rainier Avenues on the old Black River Channel.. Carried. May 18th 1948 being the date set for the opening of the bids for the improvement of Windsor Hills Addition, to the City of Renton by construction of standard concrete sidewalks and driveways, etc., the following bid was submitted: Superior Construction Company Total bid for job complete - $22,201.50 ..+ 4610 - 37th S.W., Certified check in the Seattle 6, Washington amount of. . - 1,200.00 Phone WE 2803 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gigli, that this be re- ferred to the Finance Committee and-that a short recess be declared for study. Carried. The Council was called to order by Mayor Perry H. Mitchell, the following answering when the roll was called: Tamborini, Reid, Swift, Baxter, Richardson, and Gigli. The Finance Committee recommended that the bid iii the amount of `$22,201.50 submitted by the Superior-Construction Company, for the con- struction of sidewalks in Windsor Hills be accepted. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Tamborini, that all bills that have been approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 1318, an Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington establishing daylight saving time in the City during the months of June, July and lugust 1948 was presented to the Council and on motion was re- ferred to the Ordinance Oommittee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 13181, WHEREUPON it was placed on its second and final- readings and approved as a whole. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Ordinance usi be passed' as read. All Councilmen present voted as follows: Richardson, Aye, Reid, Aye, Tamborini, Aye, Baxter, Aye, Gigli, Aye, Swift, No. Motion Carried. With the unanimous consent of the City Council, Mayor Mitchell dispensed with the regular order of business in order to hear anyone in the audience that had business to discuss. Mr. Thomas Dobson, of Tom Dobson & Sons, Real Estate Company, representing Mr. Wm. Bennett, was present at the Council meeting and ad- vised that Mr. Bennett was ready to negotiate with the City of Renton for the sale of his property adjacent to the City garage. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Property Committee and City Attorney meet with Mr. Bennett, Saturday May 29th 1948 to discuss negotiations and report back at the next council meeting June 1st 1943. Carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS The Fire Light and Water Committee recommended that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plans for the lighting of the Maplewood District, also for 2nd and Bronson Way from Sweet Center to the west side of Logan Street. Moved by .4chardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the recommendation of the Fire Light and Water Committee be concurred in. Carried. The Fire Light and Water Committee advised that when more dateiis received a further report will be submitted relative to the Federal Government assuming the responsibility of controlling King County Commercial Water- way District No. 2. The Finance Committee requested and was granted more time relative to the statement submitted by Messrs. Bebb and Jones, architects, Seattle, Wash., in the amount of $4,500.00 for architectural services in connection with the swimming pool project. More time was requested and granted the President of the City Council relative to the Council as a Committee reporting on proposed improve- ment of the Renton Sewage Treatment Plant. 67 Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that items Nos. 1, 29 3, 4, 8 and 12 of the suggestions and recommendation of the Health & Safety Committee, Business and Professional Women's Club, be referred to the Police Department for investigation and report back. Carried. Moved by nichardson, seconded by Gigli, that items Nos. 5, 6, and 11,, be referred to the Superintendent of Utilities and the Street and Alley Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that items Nos. 7, and 9, be referred to the Mayor and City Council as a whole and item No. 10, be referred to the Rotary Club. Carried. The Property Committee recommended the purchasing of supolies and dispenseries to be used in the Ladies' Rest Room of the City Hall in the amount of $78.15. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the recommendation of the Property Committee be concurred in. Carried. The Property Committee reported that seven (7) pieces of furniture in the amount of $150.00 have been purchased for the Ladies' Rest Room in the City Hall. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that the recommendation of the Property Committee be concurred in. Carried. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that upon submission by the architects of the plans for the swimming pool, that a public hearing be called in order that the citizens of the City of Renton may express their ideas relative to the location of the swimming pool. Carried. The City Engineer requested and was granted more time relative to preparation of maps re the Old Black River Channel. The City Engineer advised regarding additional maps of the entire City of Renton, that the zoning of Renton Highlands and Maplewood, etc., should be referred to the Planning Committee for consideration. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Richardson, that this be referred to the Planning Commission for their consideration and report back. Carried. The City Engineer requested and was granted more time relative to an L.I.D., petition for a 6" water main on Shattuck Street from 2nd to 7th Avenue. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a Resolution of Intention for the improvement of Shattuck Street from 2nd Avenue southward to 7th Avenue, by the installation of a 6" water main and that a date be set for the hearing on same. Carried. The Superintendent of Utilities requested and was granted more time relative to making a survey of the sidewalks of the City of Renton. After a discussion relative to adjusting the salaries of the City Clerk and the City Treasurer, it was moved by Baxter, seconded by Tamborini, that the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney be instructed to investigate to determine if some provision can be made to establish a definite salary basis for the above mentioned officers. Carried. Moved by Richardson, "seconded by Reid, that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plans and specifications for construction of sewer laterals on Renton Hill. Carried. After a discussion regarding the statement from the Universal Sign Company in the amount of $87.55 for work perfored on the doors of the Treasurer's office, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that this bill be referred to the Property Committee to secure an itemized statement before payment is made. Carried. The City Clerk was instructed to notify the Mayor's Insurance Committee and all members of the City Council, that a meeting is scheduled for Tuesday June 1st 1948 at 7:00 o'clock in the Council Chambers, City Hall for dis— cussion of City Insurance. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Tamborini, that the action of the City Clerk in publishing a call for bids for the construction of lavatories in the Police Department be approved. Carried. Councilman Swift recommended that upon the completion of the Logan Street bridge, that dedication ceremonies should be planned. Moved by b8 , s �.a Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the recommendation of Councilman Swift, be con— curred in and that this be referred to the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the City Clerk be instructed to advise Mr. A. H. Neistradt, that rental on the property under lease by him from the City of Renton, must be paid promptly the lst of each month; also that Mr. Neistradt make a special effort to pay the rent now in arrears. Carried. The Superintendent of Utilities advised the City Council that a meeting was held with the City Attorney, the Fire Light and Water Committee and Mr. Carl Haniff, owner of the Maplewood Water System, relative to the City of Renton purchasing the Water System and that a tentative figure of $25,000.00 was set by the owner for same and recommending that an appraisal as to the value of the properties be made by the Committee and report back. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the recommendation above mentioned be concurred in. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: CURRENT Payroll Engineers559.55 1909-12 Payroll Office 789.50 1913-25 Payroll F. D. 2443.90 1926-46 Payroll. P.D. 2600.85 1947-67 Payroll Garbage 667.85 1968-74 Payroll St. Cleaning 229.35 1975-78 WATER Payroll Office 230.50 6645-50 Payroll ?,,Iater 817.10 6651-57 CITY STREETS Payroll Office 162.84 4066-70 Payroll City Streets 11447.61 4071-84 SEWER DISPOSAL Payroll Disposal Plant 738.12 1088-98 Payroll Sewers &- Drains 528.13 1089-1104 AIRPORT Payroll. Airport 392.55 373-377 PARK �J Payroll Park 505.10 880-86 ATHLETIC FIELD Payroll Athletic 142.01 245,,1+7 LIBRARY Moved by Richardsons seconded by Giglil that the above bills be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. There being no further business to come before the Council., it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. City lerk ayor. 69 Renton, TvTash June lst 1948 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order, Mayor Perry H. Mitchell, presiding.. Baxter, Roll Call: Tamborini, Richardson, Gigli, Swift, Reid and Delaurenti. Pfoved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the minutes of the meeting May 18th 1948 be approved as written. Carried. NUMBER AMOUNT NAME LOCATION TYPE WCRK Move house, 250 21900.00 Tom Dobson 707 Tobin Ave const. base. 251 100.00 Mrs. Riffero 718 Renton Ave Remodel. porch 52 100.00 Pat Ross 808 Grant it House - Chg. wiring. 53 350.00 Mrs. Raymond 129 Garden Replace Gables with asbestos. 54 100.00 R. H. Smuda 215 Park Remodel plumb. & wiring. 55 100.00 Dora Hurt Kent, Wash Moving house 56 100.00 J. A. Fortune 401 Pell.y Remodel Base, wiring. 57 400.00 Geo. J. Spady 347 Meadow Repair Found. 2 new porches. 58 80.00 A. E . Kohler 21736 SE 144 NE Erect Fence 59 700.00 Geo. P. Bacon Pinehurst, Wash Erect Add to Gar. 60 100.00 Mary & Dennis Tully 127 Logan Rewire for range 61 100.00 George Thomas . 132 Pelly Remodel wire Ser. 62 100.00 R. H. Smuda 215 Park Move service 63 100.00 Minnie Russell 216 Park Rewire new Ser. i 64 51000.00 Douglas R. Rowe 339 Meadow Erect 4 room Dwell. No base. 65 350.00 Emil Traverso 626 Shattuck. Plumbing 300.00 Pat Foss 808 Grant Encl. Porch chg. wiring. 67 1001000.00 Wright Motors 233 Burnett Erect Garage & show-room 68 100.00 C. Carey 334 Morris Rewire range & Water 69 100.00 Mrs. J. Jovelli 125 Burnett Install range & Water. Mr. Wm. Pond, Director of the Renton Recreation Council advised the City Council that in connection with the Memorial Youth Camp on Cedar River, which has been provided for the City of Renton through the Lions Club, it is the desire of the Recreation Council to purchase a 50 passenger bus for transportation purposes. This bus to be operated by the Recreation Council for the benefit of the entire community. In order to operate the bus it would be necessary to carry required insurance on which the estimated premium would be approximately 4.80.00 to $90.00 for the remainder of the year. The Recreation Council requested this policy be secured through the City of Renton and carried under its blanket insurance coverage. After a discussion the City Attorney suggested that an arrangement be entered into between the Lions Clubf the City of Renton and the Renton Recreation Council, for the City of Renton to provide the insurance under the City Blanket coverage. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Richardson, that the suggestion of the City Attorney be concurred in and that the City of Renton assume the obligation of this insurance policy. Carried. Mr. Clarence Dullahant, President of the Renton Volunteer Firemen'sAssociation spoke in behalf of the Volunteer Fire Department of Renton and presented the matter of pensions for the 24 members of the Department. He advised that volunteer firemen, can, if they so wish, collect pensions amounting to 4:14.00 to `.25.00 per month after twenty-five years' service or upon reaching tl.e age of 70 65 years. The City of Renton to pay $ 13.00 per year for each member and the member to pay ° 10.00. After a discussion, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Baxter that this be referred to the Fire Light and Water Committee and Lty Attorney to report back to the City Council at the next meeting. Carried.. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the City Clerk be instructed to communicate with the Volunteer Firemen's Insurance and Pension Agency at Olympia, Wash. , with regard to the above mentioned Pension Fund. Carried. The Residents of the Renton Hill_ District presented a petition to the City Council for the provision of water service for their district, also attaching to petition ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION AND BY-LAWS of RENTON HIL WATER ASSOGIATIGN which upon request of Councilman Baxter, was read to the City Council. After a discussion it was moved by Baxter, seconded by Tamborini, that the City of Renton furnish water service to the Renton Hill District after the approval of their contract and legal papers by the City Attorney and the installation of their water mains as per specifications approved by the Superintendent of Utilities and the City Engineer. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. Jack Gannon Renton, Wash. , requesting the City Council to renew his license to operate an ice cream scooter in the City of Renton. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that this be referred to the Police and License Committee and Chief of D olive with "ower to Act. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. Merrill. E. Gordon, Rt. 1. Box 412, Kent, Wash. , requesting permission from the City Council to peddle ice cream in Renton, excluding downtonw streets. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that this be referred to the Police and License Committee and Chief of Police with Power to Act. Carried. Applications were received from the Puget Sound Power and Light Company requesting permission of the City Council to l Remove anchor east side of Park Avenue North, between Bronson Way North and 2nd Avenue North. Mai Install anchor north side of 8th Avenue North, near old Administration Building. Remove pole and set pole west side of Wells between 2nd Avenue and Cedar River. Set 2 pole, remove anchor and 1 pole south side Airport Way, between Logan and Lake Street. Set 1 pole at corner North side 3rd Avenue, East side of Logan Street. Set anchor North side 6th Avenue, midway between Park and Wells Street North. Set 2 poles and 1 anchor in alley between 6th and 7th Avenues and between Shattuck and Whitworth Lane. 1,-loved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the request of the Puget Sound Power and Light Company be granted, and that the above stated changes be allowed subject to the approval of the Superintendent of Utilities. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. Edward J. Logan, Superintendent of Elections and Registration, requesting a typewritten list of the names and addresses of all registered voters of the City of Renton. The City Clerk advised that this list was completed and for- warded to Mr. Logan. This communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from Emil E. Palmquist, M. D. , M.P.J. , King County Director of Public Health, acknowledging receipt of Ordinance No. 1315, requesting that Mayor Mitchell appoint a special committee to meet with Dr. Palmquist for a preliminary dis- cussion as to the amount that should be charged to the City of Renton 71, by King Count-.r Health Office for M,E,AT, MILK AND, RESTAURANT INSPECTIO1 COSTS , etc. This communication was referred to the "Finance"and "Ways and Means" Committees to arrange a date for this meeting. A communication was read from Mr. Calvin F. Schmid, Executive Secretary, of the Census Board enclosing copy of the latest series of population figures for the towns and cities of the State of Washington. This communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from the Department of Conservation and Development, Olympia, 1�4ash. , relative to Declaration of Ground Water Claims , #814, 15, lh and 17. This communication was ordered filed. The following Resolution was read f rom the American Legion, Fred Hancock Post #19, Renton, 'Jashington as follows: ITHEREAS : The American Legion Hall, at 55 Williams Street in the City of Renton, has been used for public meeting, dances and similar meetings and WHEREAS : Although all of these gatherings are orderly, there still is a noisy condition of talking, automobiles starting, car doors slamming etc. , at late hours, and WHEREAS : This condition did exist almost twenty years before the present zoning laws of the City of Renton were enacted, and due to the nature of the building, will continue to exist in the future and WHEREAS : The present location of the Legion Hall is zoned, residences and buildings are being moved into the District to be used for residential purposes. NOW THEREFCRE BE IT RESOLVED: By Fred Hancock Post No. 19, American Legion Department of 7vlashington, that we respectfully request the Mayor and City Council of the City of Renton at their next regular meeting to the receipt of this resolution, make note and acknow- ledge, that the conditions set forth in this resolution have existed and do exist and do show every indication of continuing to exist, and that note of these conditions be made part of the Council' s minutes of their meeting, at which this resolution is read. PASSED by Fred Hancock Post No. 19, American Legion, Department of '-Tashington, in regular meeting assembled, this twenty-fourth day of May, 1948. Dr. C. P. Ambrose Dr. C . P . Ambrose, Commander. M. TOI DA M. TOriDA, Adjutant. After a discussion of the above Resolution by different members of the council, adknowledging tht the statements of said resolutions were true and factual, it was moved by Baxter, seconded by Reid, that the Resolution be inserted in the minutes of the reeting June ist 1948, for future reference. Carried. A com:..uni cation was mad from Mr. Earl Coe, Secretary �.- of State, Olympia, Washington, relative to alteration of precinct boundaries. The City Clerk was instructed to forward to Pair. Coe a list of precincts and their present status as to boundaries , area and number of registered voters. A communication was read from Mr. Paul W. Houser Jr. , Executive Director of the Housing Authority of the City of Renton, submitting the proposed preliminary replat of WASH-45059, (the 500 permanent units) of the Renton Housing Authority Project to the City Council for approval. A copy of the letter of request from the Public Housing Administration in which Mr. Houser requested that he be notified as to when the tentative plat will be submitted to the Planning Commission for their consideration and recommendation so that a repre- 72 sentative of the Public Housing Administration may be present. Also a letter was read from the ''ublic Housing Administration dated May 11th 1948 requesting the cooperation of the Council by granting Mr. Houser's request as previously stated. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that this be referred to the Planning Commission and City Attorney. Carried, Mayor Mitchell recommended that all members of the City Council who could conveniently do so, attend the Planning Commission meeting relative to the above. A communication was read from Mr. Paul UJ, Houser, Jr. , Executive Director of the Housing Authority, advising that the Public Housing Administration had sold the electrical overhead system at the Highlands to the Puget Sound power and Light Company, to be taken over by said Co�>>any July lst 1948. This communication was ordered filed. The bid from T. E. Cavanaugh, Renton Plumbing and Heating, Renton, Wash. , was read for the installation of plumbing work to be done on the construction of lavatories in the Police Department. To include all materials and labor for the installation of one (1) closet and one (1) hand basin, and to include changing tile in utility space, to cast iron pipe and connecting to downspout. The City of Renton to furnish basin $428.65 plus tax. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the bid of the Renton Plumbing and Heating be referred to the Finance Committee and a short recess be declared for Committee discussions. Carried. At the termination of the short recess the Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Perry H. Mitchell, the following answering when the roll was called: Tamborini, Richardson, Baxter, Reid, Swift, Delaurenti and Gigli. rJ The Finance Committee recommended that the bid of T. E . Cavanaugh, Renton Plumbing and Heating, in the amount of 0428.65 be accepted and referred to the City Engineer, Plumbing to be commenced after carpentry work is completed. Moved by Swift, seconded by Tamborini, that the recormRendation of the Finance Committee be con- curred in. Carried. PROPOSED ORDINANCE INTO. 1319, was read an Ordinance of the City of Renton, ","ashington , licensing the use of Coin-operated Phonographs and similar musical devices; limiting the hours of their use; providing penalties for violation thereof and repealing con- flicting Ordinances or parts of Ordinances and on motion was referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1319 WhIEREUPON it was placed on its second and third readings and approved as a whole. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Swift, that the Ordinance be passed as read. All Councilmen present voting Aye. Richardson, Delaurenti, Reid, ,Swift, Baxter , Gigli, and Tamborini. RESOLUTION NO. 703 was read, BE IT ORDAII`ED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON7 that it is the intention of the City Council to order the improvement of Shattuck Street from 2nd Avenue southward to 7th Avenue by the installation of a b" water main. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that Resolution No. 703, be adopted as read. Carried. A verbal communication from Mr. H. R.. Johnson, Secretary of the Rotary Club of Renton relative to the recommendations of the Health and Safety Committee , Professional Women's Club of Renton, Wash., that a large display sign to include two large ther- mometers for the purpose of keeping an indication of the number of last year's serious traffic accidents on one ; the current Year' s re- cord on the other in order to show a month by month comparison of 1947 and 1948 accidents. Mr. Johnson reported favorably upon the above re- 73 commendation for the Rotary Club whereupon it was moved by Richard- son, seconded by Swift, that this be referred to the Ways and Means Committee to work in conjunction with the Rotary Club to install and maintain said display sign. Carried. More time was granted Mr. Swanson, Chairman of the Advisory and Planning Commission, relative to the request of Mr. John Lotto, Postmaster, that the City Council select a name for the driveway skirtinff the North Bank of Cedar River, and the re- quest of the Fire Chief for additional maps of the entire City of Renton. The Superintendent of Utilities requested and was granted more time relative to item No. 11, i.e. , illuminated cross- walk on Wells Street between 2nd Avenue and 3rd Avenue, in the recommendations of the Health & Safety Committee , and making a survey of repairs to the sidewalks of the City of Renton. Moved by Reid, seconded by Swift, that the City Clerk be instructed to advise Mr. Ghione, what progress has been accomplished relative to the City of Renton rectifying the drainage from Earlington Hill through the cul- vert near the Airport. Carried, The City Engineer requested authority to employ additional help in regard to the work involved in preparing maps etc. , regarding the Old Black River Channel. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the request of the City Engineer be granted. Carried. Reports and recommendations were read from the Chief of Police and Sergeant McCarthy of the Traffic Division of the Renton Police Department, relative to the recommendations submitted by the Health and Safety Committee. Moved by Richardson seconded by Reid, that Council as a whole meet Tuesday, June 8th 148 at 7: 30 o'clock to discuss recommendations submitted. (City Clerk to notify council- men elect regarding the above meeting and to also notify Mr. J. V. Sullivan, Enumclaw, Wash. , that permission is granted to install a sign at 3rd and Main Street, indicating direction to GREEN RIVTJR GORGE) The Ordinance Committee requested and was granted more NOW time relative to the recommendations of the Fire Chief, that "Smoking be prohibited in or near gasoline service stations , etc." The Ordinance `Committee recommended that Wiley Crook be appointed Utilities Assistant to the Manager of the Renton Airport at $25.00 per month and that Mrs. Dorothea Gossett, be appointed Secretary to the Superintendent of Utilities at X25.00 per month. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gigli, that the recormnendations of the Ordinance Committee be concurred in. Carried. The Fire Light and Water Committee requested and was granted more time relative to providing adequate street lighting for the buildings situated in Mothers Park and with regard to the Federal Government assuming the responsibility of controlling King County Commercial Waterway District No. 2, and stated that a report will soon be made relative to the City of Renton purchasing the Maplewood Water System from Mr. Carl Haniff, the owner, after the meeting schedule for June 4th 1948. The Property Committee reported ,hat a meeting was held with the City Attorney, Mr. William Bennett and his representative, Mr. Tom Dobson, relative to the City of Renton purchasing the property adjacent to the City Garage and the property necessary for the ex- tension of 4th Avenue North over the R.R. tracks to Logan Street. The follow'Ing prices recommended as fair and reasonable by the Committe: 3 acres @ 47500.00, adjacent to the City Garage 4th North Triangle @ X1000.00, north of 4th Avenue North. 30' right-mf-way C $1500,00, lst north to R.R. track. The Property Committee recommended the purchasing of this property when the money is available. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Gigli, that this matter be held in abeyance to be discussed with the Property Committee , Finance Committee and councilmen elect at a Committee meeting June 8th 1948. Carried. 74 The Ways and Means Committee reported that dedication ceremonies for the Logan Street bridge were scheduled for July 3rd 1948 at 11:00 o'clock A.M. , More time was requested and granted re- lative to improvement of the Renton Sewage Treatment Plant. The Finance Committee recommended that the City Attorney be instructed to notify Mr. H. A. Neistradt that unless pay- ment is received within the next few days, for rental on the property under lease by him from the City of Renton, that said lease shall be cancelled. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Peid, that the recommen- dation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carr:i_ed. The City Clerk was requested to see if there is an Ordinance regulating the parking of cars 20' back from the entrance to Arterial & stop Streets. The Ordinance Committee recommended that the Traffic and Penal Code be revised and brought up-to-date. This work to be done in connection with codifying and indexing of the Ordinances of the City of Renton now being done by the Attorney Donald G. Holm. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Swift, that the recommendation of the Ordnance Committee be concurred in and that Mr. Holm be authorized to complete this work with the assistance and approval of the City Attorney. Carried. 1-roved by hichardson, seconded by Reid, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. Councilman Swift, recorml.ended that the Planning Comriissien be requested to change their -I='EETIi G DATES in order that they could report their recommendations to the City Council on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. roved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the City Clerk be instructed to contact the Planning Commission in order to ascertain if their meeting dates could be so changed. Carried. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Richardson, that the City Engineer and Chief of Police investigate the property damage caused by the Northern Pacific Railroad Company at 6th Avenue North and North Wells Street and the Railway crossing at 6th Avenue North and Park Avenue and to report back to the City Council. Carried. The City Attorney was requested to investigate as to the legality of signs being posted on Utility poles. The Building Inspector was requested to investigate the incompleted building located near 3rd Avenue and Rainier Avenues . The City Clerk was requested to notify all Depart- ment Heads that signs must be painted on their cars, indicating the City of Renton property. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: CURRENT r Mayor & Council Salary Salary � 223.34 1979-1986 The Allen Shops F. D. Expense 45.94 87 John Anding Dog Poung Expense 232.00 88 Armor-Flex Distributors St. Light Expense 154. 50 89 Automatic Deodorant C. H. Expense 2.00 90 Bruce Welding Shop Parking Meter Expense 14.42 91 H.L.Collier, City Treas. P.D. Expense 3.89 92 L.N. Curtis & Sons F.D. Expense 3.61 93 Custer Hardware Co. F.D. , P.D. , C.H. Exp. 45.26 94 D & L. Office Supply. Stationery. 3.55 95 Daily Journal Commerce Engr. Expense 12.65 96 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 350.30 97 Dual Parking Meter Co. Pkg. Meter Expense 3.60 98 King County Water Dst.#69. P. D. Expense 1.00 99 Kuker-Ranken, Inc. Engr. Expense 18.51 2000 F. E . Lawrence F. D. it 8. 50 1 Nelson Equipment Co. F. D. Outlay 221.71 2 Owl Cafe Jail heals C6.90 3 75 CURRENT CONT'D Pac. Tel & Tel. Co. 'Phones 24.75 2004 P.S.F. & Light. Co. Power 621.58 5 Reid & Cook. F. D. & P .D. Expense 7.31 6 The Renton Chronicle Expense 99.01 7 Renton Feed & Seed Co. F. D. Expense 10.32 8 Renton Hdw. & Furn. Co. C.H. P.H. & F.D. Exp. 19.21 9 Renton Tire Shop Garbage Expense 16. 54 10 Renton Vet. Hospital •Dog Pound Exp. 33.00 11 Square Deal. Grocery F. D. Exp . 10.26 12 Sunset Electric Co. P.D. " 11.78 13 Trick & Murray Expense 381.53 14 Treasurer, U.S .A. Garbage Exp . 21.05 15 Valley Window Cleaners C . H. Expense 6.00 16 Waters Expense 91.00 17 Charles R. Watts & Co. St. Light Expense 124.01 18 Western Union Tel. Co. Clerk's Expense 1.44 19 Williams Hardware Cc. C . Ii. Expense .45 20 Williams & Swanson P.D. & Garbage Exp. 54.46 21 Chapman Bros. F. D. & St. Lights Exp. 109.27 22 Service Laundry F. D. Expense 21.01 23 Sunset Coal Company F. D. " 21.53 24 Osborne 7hotographers P. D. " 104.65 25 King County Medical June Dues 269.25 26 Payroll Engineers 576.05 27-30 Payroll Office 82.4.50 31-43 If F. D. 2146 .81 44-63 it P.D. 2727.25 64-84 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Phones 22.9.40 85 Payroll Garbage 708.62 86-92 Payroll St. Cleaning 411.45 93-97 H.L. Collier, City Treas. P. D . Expense 3.71 98 Katherine Crockett - Election " 19.00 99 Wiley Crook Clerk' s Expense 62.26 2100 Dow Fuel Company F. D. Expense 09.68 01 Rose Gigli Election Expense 9 . 50 02 i Arthur Haugan Attorney Expense 50.00 03 Donald G. Holm " " 300.00 04 Err The Lumber Market C . H. & P.D. Exp . 22.00 05 B. M. McHugh _ Engr. Expense 77 .10 06 11 If fi H 69 .51 07 Perry H. Mitchell Mayor's Expense 6277 .66 08 Irene O'Lonnell Election It 9.50 09 Pac. Builder & Engem Printing 5.50 10 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. 'Phone 25-35 11 Prins Distributing Co. Garbage Expense 14.72 12 Renton Motor Parts Expense 31.35 13 Renton News Record Postage & printing 4111.67 14 B . J. Richardson 1,1ayor & Council Exp. 3.55 15 Payroll Engineers 559.55 16-19 " Office 783.17 20-33 " F. D. 2447.69 34-55 " P. D. 26o4.95 56-76 Garbage 717.88 77-83 " St. Cleaning 489 .79 84-88 WATER Addressograph Sales Agy. Treas . Expense 25.22 6658 Badger Meter 1,1fg, Co. Supplies 56.60 59 Cascade Plachinery Co. " 14.04 60 Dale & McLendon " .52 61 Custer Hardware Co. " 2.47 62 H. D. Fowler Co. 14.60 63 Marckmann & Williams " 213 -75 64 Neptune Pieter Co. " 2. 7 65 Pac., Water Works Supply Co. " 28.10 66 . Pioneer Inc. Treas, Expense 19.07 67 P. S. P. & Light Co. Power 328 .71 68 Puget Sound Stamp Works Treas. Expense .80 h Renton Tire Shop Expense 14.43 70 Rockwell Flfg. Company Supplies 62.99 71 Seattle Water Department Water 51.76 72 Van Waters & Rogers, Inc. Supplies 420.00 73 Worthington Gamon Pieter Inc. " 29.18 74 76 WATER CONT'D King County Medical June dues 33 .50 6675 Tax Commission Excise Tax 423.44 76 Payroll Water-Office 239.50 77-82 Payroll -dater 841.47 83-89 Chapman Bros Expense 265,26 90 Dorothea Gossett Ex_ense 61.61 91 Renton News Record Treas. Expense 28.32 92 Standard Oil Company Supplies 6.14 93 Payroll Water-Office 330.60 94-6700 Payroll Water 1084.09 6701-6708 CITY STREETS Armor-Flex Distributors Supplies 72.10 4085 Custer Hardware Co. It 47.60 86 Flash' s Ten Cent Store " 3.09 87 W. P. Fuller & Co. " 7.79 88 The Garland Co. " 161.25 89 King County Road Dist. #2. " 310.75 90 Frank Manifold " 13.00 91 Olympia Foundry C o. " 2.19 2 Potlatch Yards, Inc. " 70.61 93 Preservative Paint Co. " 159.39 94 Renton Hardware & Furn Co. " 4.39 95 Sewing Machine Service " 1.23 96 Sound Paint Mfg. Co. " 23.43 97 Stoneway Dock Company13. 2 98 Wright Motors " 4.32 99 King County Medical June Dues 42.75 4100 Payroll City Streets, Office 162.84 01-05 Payroll 11 It 1493.70 o6-19 The Lumber Market Supplies 26.01 20 Renton Auto Freight Expense 4.60 21 Renton Motor Parts Co. Supplies 208.88 22 Renton News Record " 11.07 23 Union Oil Company of Calif. Gasoline 591.64 24 Payroll City Streets , Office 175.34 25-30 Payroll if it 1531-51 31-44 SE14ER DISPOSAL Tony Azzola Expense 30.00 1105 Custer Hardware Co. Supplies 11.71 06 Dale & McLendon if 3.81 07 Marine Service, Inc. If 12.88 08 P .S .P. & Light Co. Power 174.58 09 Pennsylvania Salt Mfg, Co. Supplies 206.00 10 Ready Electric Co. it 16.27 11 United Janitor Supply Co. if 71.79 12 I',r. J. E. "orrison Expense 115.11 1 King County Medical June Dues 37.00 1�+ Payroll Disposal Plant, Office 800.25 15-25 it Sewers & Drains 414.06 26-30 Shell Oil Company Supplies. 19.82 31 Payroll Disposal Plant 760.22 32-42 Payroll Sewers & Drains 397.32 43-46 AIRPORT Cochran Paint & Hdw. Co. Supplies 12.39 378 Jerome V. Faull Expense 35.00 79 Matt's Motor Shop if 7.50 80 P.S.P. & L. Co. Power 77.86 81 Seattle Water Dept. Water 36.70 82 Seattle Tent & Awning Supplies 16.86 83 The Sherwin-Williams Co. It 72.75 84 United Janitor Supply Co. it 10.20 85 Chapman Bros. It 9.27 86 King County Medical June dues 8.00 87 Payroll Airport 597.85 88-94 C. Bevan Expense 6.18 95 J. V. Faull Expense 15.00 96 Renton Motor Parts Supplies .72 97 Renton News Record " 12.36 98 Ned Stokes Expense 49.66 99 Union Oil Company . Supplies 82.07 4o0 P. S. P. & Light Company Power 166.14 01 Payroll Airport 451.41 02-07 PARK A. & B. Sportsmen's Hdqts. Supplies 76.12 887 f6t 77 PARK CONT'D Dale & McLendon Supplies 4.42 888 Matthie Fixit Shop it 8.24 89 P.S.P . & Light Co. Power 10.76 90 Potlatch Yards , Inc. Supplies 53.36 91 Renton Feed & Seed Co. " 75.23 92 Renton Hdwe. & Furn. " 53.69 93 Zelball_ Company " 23.60 94 King County Medical " 19.75 95 Payroll Park 718.62 96-903 CITY HALL BUILDIT\G FUND Bjorklund Builders and Cabinet Shop. City Hall Bldg. Fund 21.63 6 Chapman Bros. if it 47197 7 Lambert Const. Co. Final and, Complete 2,055.97 8 CUMULATIVE FUND ##1182 Chapman B rothers. Supplies - Garage 464.04 11 CUMULATIVE FUND #1183 Chapman Brothers Supplies - Garage 432.91 280 The Lumber Market It 316.97 281 CUT-°ULATIVE FUND 1184 Chapman Brothers Supplies - Garage 418.12 409 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gigli, that the above bills be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. There being no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. City erk J2 LIA� yor .. Y MoM 0,\hAse V t 78 Renton, titiJash June 7th 19+8 The special meeting for the changing over from a 3rd Class City to a City of the 2nd Class and the installation of Officers as prescribed by law, was called to order by Mayor Perry H. Mitchell. i Roll Call: Tamborini, Richardson, Swift, Baxter, Reid, Gigli and Delaurenti. In opening the meeting Mayor Mitchell outlined briefly the activities and accomplishments of the City Council during the past ...; year and in behalf of the citizens of Renton thanked the members of the Council for their sincere efforts. Mayor Mitchell pledged that he I would cooperate with the Council to continue the plans now underway relative to the different improvements which are necessary for the progress of the City of Renton. The OATH OF OFFICE was administrered to the Mayor, the incoming councilmen, other elective officials and appointees as follows: Mayor Perry H. Mitchell was sworn in by the City Clerk, Wiley Crook. The incoming councilmen were sworn in by the City Clerk, Wiley Crook. Donald G. Holm the duly elected Police Judge, was sworn in by the City Clerk, Wiley Crook. Appointments by the Mayor and confirmation by the City Council of appointive officials are as follows: Wiley Crook was appointed City Clerk for a two year term. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the appointment be confirmed. Carried. Unanimously. DOROTHEA S. GOSSETT, was appointed City Treasurer for a two year term. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the ..� appointment be confirmed. Carried. Unanimously, ARTHUR L. HAUGAN, was appointed City Attorney for a two year term. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the appoint- ment be confirmed. Carried. Unanimously. J. E. MORRISON was appointed Superintendent of Utilities for a two year term. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Delaurenti, that the appointment be confirmed. Carried. Una1mously. B. M. MCHUGH, was appointed, City Engineer for a two year term. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the appoint- ment be confireum. Carried, Unanimously, WILEY CROOK, was appointed Purchasing Agent for a two year tern. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the appointment be confirmed. Carried. Unanimously, DR. C. L. DIXON was appointed Health Officer for a two year term. Moved by Reid, seconded by Trimm that the appointment be confirmed. Carried. Unanimously, DOROTHEA S. GOSSETT was appointed Assistant Registrar of Voters. Moved by Trimm seconded by Delaurenti, that the appoint- ment be confirmed. Carried. Unanimously. NED STOKES was appointed Airport Manager for a two year term. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Davidson, that the appointment be confirmed. Carried. Unanimously. WILEY CROOK, was appointed Utilities Assistant to the Airport Manager, at a recopmended salary of $25.00 per month for the balance of 1948. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the appointment be confired and the recommendation approved. Carried. Unanimously. 07 ! e ll DOROTHEA S. (DSSETT, was appointed Secretary to the Superintendent of Utilities at a recommended salary of $25.00 per month for the balance of 1948. Moved by Baxter seconded by Delaurenti that the appointment be confirmed and the recommendation approved. Lrried. Unanimously, Perry H. Mitchell.The- City Clerk, Wiley Crook, was sworn in by Mayor The City Treasurer, Dorothea S. Gossett, was sworn in by the City Clerk, Wiley Crook, Arthur L. Haugan, City Attorney, was sworn in by the �... City Clerk, Wiley Crook. Mayor Mitchell. made the following Committee and Board Appointments& CITY OF RENTON OFFICIAL ROSTER FOR 1948. TERM EXPIRES CITY CLERK. . . .WILEY CROOK. . . . . . . . . . 6/5/50 City TREASURER. . . 9 . .DOROTHEA GOSSETT . . . . . . . 6/5/50 CITY ATTORNEY . . s . . . .ARTHUR L. HAUGAN . . . . . . . . 6/5/50 ASST CITY ATTORNEY. . .WILLIAM V. COWAN . . . . . . . . 6/5/50 DEPARTMENT HEADS AND ASSISTANTS AS FOLIOWS: SUPT. OF UTILITIES . . . . J.T. MORRISON . . . . . . . . . . . 6/5/50 CITY ENGINEER . . .. . . . B. M. MCHUGH . . . . . . . . . 6/5/50 PURCHASING AGENT. .. WILEY CROOK . . . . . . . . . . 6/5/50 CITY HEALTH OFFICER . DR. C.L. DIXON. . 0 0 . . 6/5/50 ASSIT REGISTRAR OF VOTERS. . . .. DOROTHEA S. GOSSETT 6/5/50 i COUNCIL COMMITTEES WAYS & MEANS A. Andrew Gigli, Chairman, Be J. Richardson, J. L. Davidson, Olin/Hansen STREET AND ALLEY George Swift, Chairman, Thomas We Trimm, Steve Tamborini. FINANCE CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS Steve Tamborini, Chairman, Andy Gigli, Charles Delaurenti, Herman Freyman. POLICE AND LICENSE Charles Delaurenti, Chairman, Walter P. Reid, Thomas W. Trimm. FIRE LIGHT & WATER Walter P. Reid, Chairman, Olin A. Hansen, Joe R. Baxter, Hugh D. Bruce. LAW AND ORDIriANCE Be J. Richardson, Chairman, J. L. Davidson, George Swift. CITY PROPERTY COMMITTEE Joe R. Baxter, Chairman, Hugh D. Bruce, Herman Freyman COMMISSION AND BOARD APPOINTMENTS CITY PLANNING COMMISSION TERM EXPIRES ' James Denzer . . 1 2/ + William Reid . 1/2/54 Alden A. See 1/2/1+9 Max Clark .raes �,q._ t_ -, 1/29 Tom Dobson, Jr. . , ,. t - 5 1/2/50 John Swanson Q.ha.i ,rryt P.-M . ,oe ,_ t -� & - , 1/2/50 Vern Burmester . . . . . . . . . . 1/2/51 — Jack Lanich . . . . ' . . . . . — G. G. Myers . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/2/52 Alec. Pelto . -0� .•/ z sl/2/52 Wm. Cowan 1/2/53 Oliver Hazen 1/2/53 80 �v COMMISSION AND BOARD APPOINTMENTS CONT'D POLICE DEPARTMENT TERM CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION EXPIRES George H. Thomas 6717T9 Louie Delaurenti, Jr. 6/1/51 George Pasco 0 6/1/53 FIRE DEPARTMENT CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION George H. Thomas 0 1/21/53 Stanley Hovland, Chairman . . 1/21/51 George Pasco . . ,. 1/21/49 THE RENTON AVIATION BOARD 11/6/49 E.E. Wicker . . Paul W. Houser ./Z-.7-sw 11/6/48 George Dobson --Cha.► rma 7t- Ray Schneider . . . . 0 11/6/50 Richard K. Clarke . . . . . . . 0 11/6/50 LIBRARY BOARD ' E. E. Weser--G ha i Y rn 0.rt �1^; '-.. 6/5/50 Mrs. Anabel Jorgenson . . . . . . 0 . . . . 6/5/50 Jack Allison . . . . . . .. 6/ 5/50 Mrs. Alice Williams . . . . 6/5/50 Miss Laura Shook . . . 6/5/50 PARK BOARD. Lon Tackett Chai r rrl art _ ,. 6/5/50 Hugo Toschi . . . . . . 0, . . . 6/5/50 Rev. Cecil Wakelam -W ,. . . . . . . . a, 0 0 0 6/5/50 Councilman Richardson nominated Councilman Baxter for President of the City Council; the nomination was second- ed by councilman Swift, Carried, Unanimously. Lots were drawn by the Councilmen, according to law, to determine the length of terms to be served on the City Council with the following results: 1ST WARD TERM EXPIRES J. R. Baxter, President of the City Council (1 year ) 6/5/49 H. D. Bruce (2 Years) 6/4/50 Charles Delaurenti (" it ) 6/4/50 George Swift (1 Year ) 6/5/49 2ND WARD Olin R. Hansen (2 years) 6/4/50 Walter P. Reid (" it ) 6/4/50 B. J. Richardson (1 year ) 6/5/49 Thomas W. Trimm (1 " ) 6/5/49 3RD WARD J. L. Davidson (2 years) 6/4/50 Herman Freyman (1 year ) 6/5/49 Andrew Gigli (2 years) 6/4/50 Steve Tamborini (1 year ) 6/5/49 The City Attorney submitted for approval by the City Council, the appointing of Mr. William V. Cowan, of the City of Renton, to serve as ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY, and also requested Leave of Absence from his duties as City Attorney for a period of three (3) weeks, the Assistant City Attorney to serve as City Attorney during his absence. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the appointment of Mr. William V. Cowan, as Assist- ant City Attorney be approved and a three week' s leave of absence be granted to the City Attorney. Carried. Councilman Baxter expressed his appreciation to the Mayor and members of the City Council for the honor bestowed upon him in electing him President of the City Council and informed them that he would cooperate to the best of his ability in the per- formance of the duties required for the betterment of the City of Renton. There being no further business considered essential, it was moved by Richardsons seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. City erk May 82 6d� RentonWash : June 15th 1948 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order, Mayor Perry H. Mitchell presiding. Roll Call: Tamborini, Richardson, Swift, Reid, Baxter, Delaurenti, Gigli] Bruce, Freyman, Hansent Davidson.and Trimm. Moved by Swifts seconded by Tamborini, that the minutes of the meeting June lst 1948 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPART- MENT OF THE CITY OF RENTON. NO. AMOUNT NAME LOCATION TYPE WORK 270 19200.00 Union Oil Company 541 Park Erect tank & Platform 1 500.00 Anthony Arnone 54,3 Norris Erect two car Gar 2 250.00 W. J. Phillips 724 Grant Instl. Plumb. 3 650.00 R. Gieldseth 506 Wells St. " Fur & Tank 4 250.00 Renton Plumbing & Heating. 319 Williams Erect sink. 5 35.00 Victor H. Sutherlen12641 Bronson Wy Concrete floor North. in Garage 6 100.00 Alex Gowers 423 Dorris St. Reshingle Res. I 7 100.00 E. E. Crussell 128 Park Erect Chimney 8 27000.00 Randall Rockhill 440 Pelly Remodel house 9 400.00 George Old 511 Pelly It 80 400.00 Len Leathley 815 2nd Ave N. r� n 81 400.00 J.Clulow 615 High 82 400.00 Frank Abbott 12060 SE 141st Erect Playhouse 83 100.00 T. K. Anderson 240 No. Wells Remodel porch 84 100.00 T. E. Cavanaugh 619 Morris Plumb. Permit 85 400.00 August Suffin 420 No. Williams Remodel Gar. 86 100.00 Thos. E. James 231 No. It Install Hot �.. Water Tank. 87 100.00 Hartwig & Eakle 2nd & Williams Erect sign 88 100.00 Dobson i Williams & Swanson Move House 89 100.00 Roy J. Manifold 74 Williams Erect Driveway 90 39000.00 Hagg Heating Mothers Park Bldg. & Elec. Manufactors Inc. Permit. 91 400.00 City of Renton 227 Wells Plumb. Permit A corimunication and Resolution was read from the Board of County Commissionerst Robert A. Morris , Clerk of Board, en- closing copy of Resolution No. 10946 as passed by the Board in regular session on June 7th 1948 calling for the annexation of territory (The Community of Earlington) to the City of Renton. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Baxter, that this Resolution be accepted from the Board of County Commissioners and that the City Attorney be instructed to pre- pare and present an Ordinance for the Annexation of said territory7 same to be presented at the next regular council meeting. Carried. A communication was read from Lilly K. Hedberg, requesting the City of Renton to rezone the lot on the SW corner of 2nd Avenue and Lcgan Street, adjoining the Savage Lumber and Manufact- uring Company from a residential to a commercial zone. Moved by Richardson seconded by Bruce, that the City Clerk notify Mrs. Hedberg regarding the necessary procedure to follow with regard to rezoning. Carried, A petition was read from the property owners in Windsor Hills requesting the City of Renton to install the necessary storm drains to alleviate the overflow of water coming from the Renton Highlands across the gravel pit road into the yards of the Windsor Hills homes and also repair the street which has been damaged by the water. Moved by Delaurentiy. seconded by Richardson, that the City Clerk be instructed to advise the King County Commissioners regarding this complaint as the gravel pit road is outside the City limits of Renton ti_ _ 83 and any damages should be repaired by King County. Carried. A communication was read from, Mr. T.J. O'Brien, 310 - No. "L" Street, Tacoma, Wash. , making application for approxi- mately 1500 square feet of floor space in one of the buildings owned by the City of Renton in Mothers Park, to be used in the manufactur- ing of NEV'R WAX FLOOR FINISHES. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that this be referred to the Property Committee. Carried. A communication was read from Dr. C.L. Dixon, Md. , approved by Vincent Stweart, Chief of Police and F. E. Lawrnece, Fire Chief, advising that the Rentona Nursing Home, 516 - Wells St. , had been inspected and recommended that a renewal of this permit be granted for a PLACE OF REFUGE HOME with 26 beds. Moved by Gigli, seconded by ichardson, that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. A communication was read from Messrs. John Morino, Clarence Dullahant, Frank Vidmar and Mrs. Carolina. Tonda property owners of the 1300 block on Beacon Avenue! City of Seattie right-of- way (pipeline) requesting the City of Renton' s cooperation with re- gard to closing this road for through traffic. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that this be referred to the Superintendent of Utilities, City Engineer and the Street and Alley Committee with in- structions to carry out this request and to report back to the City Council at the next council meeting. Carried. A communication was read from the residents of the property on Bronson Place in Windsor Hills, petitioning the City of Renton to repair the storm sewers adjoining this property which is causing damage to said property by the overflow of water. Moved by Delaurenti seconded by Reid, that this be referred to the Super- intendent of Utilities, City Engineer and the Street and Alley Committee for immediate action. Carried. A communication was read, signed by 21 property owners residing at Windsor Hills, approving the opening of a BEAUTY SHOP at 511 - Bronson Place, Lot 12, Block 6. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that this be referred to the Police and License Committee and City Attorney for investigation and report back at the next regular council meeting. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. Robert Keil, of The Williams Hardware, - advising the City that a street light pole on Williams Street located between the Goodwill Store and the Williams Hardware is broken and- leaning over the sidewalk and suggested that same be removed. Moved by Swift seconded by Gigli, that this be re- ferred to the Fire Light and Water Committee for investigation. Carried. A communication was read which was a NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS AND CREDITORS OF A HEARING ON THE PETITION TO CONTINUE RECEIVERSHIP AND TO SELL ASSETS, between James Lovelace, Plaintiff vs DIAMOND CLEANERS, INC. , a Washington Corporation, Defendant. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Richardson, that this be referred to the City Attorney, to ascertain if there are any outstanding rentals due to the City of Renton. Carried. With regard to the request of the Housing Authority of the City of Renton, that after July 1st 1948 the City of Renton negotiate directly with the Puget Sound Power and Light Company in regard to payment for street lighting in Renton Highlands. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that the request of the Housing Authority of the City of Renton be granted and that the Puget Sound Power and Light Company be authorized to bill the City of Renton for Street lights in the Renton Highlands commencing July lst 1948. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the matter of street lighting and the amount of power to be consumed in the Renton Highlands be referred to the Fire Light and Water Committee for investigation and report back to the City Council. Carried. 84 --� A communication was read from the Planning Commission advising that a meeting of the Renton Planning Commission was held June 9th 1948 relative to Preliminary Plat of WASH-45059 the permanent unit of the Renton Housing Authority Project and submitting their recommendations as per the request of the City Council on each of the ten (10) separate items as stated in the letter to the Renton Housing Authority from Jesse Espstein, Director of Region 1. After a discussion, it was moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that this be referred to the Council as a whole and the City Engineer to meet June 29th 1948 at 7:30 o'clock P.M. , for discussion. Carried. A communication was read from Donald C. Samp- son Municipal Research Consultant Association of Washington Cities, advising that a telegram had been forwarded to $he two U.S. Senators ..r and all Congressmen of the State of Washington, requesting that their influence and votes be used to secure social security privileges for I Municipal employees in relation to HR 6777 AMENDING SOCIAL SECURITY ACT NOW PENDING and recommended that if the City Council deemed it advisable they should telegraph the members of Congress in an effort to secure such legislation. Moved by Gigli seconded by Richardson, that the recommendation be concurred in and that the City Clerk be instructed to contact Mr. Donald Sampson relative to the above and to forward telegrams as per Mr. Sampson's recommendation. Carried. A report was read from Miss Winifred Daniels, Librarian, Renton Public Library for the month of May 1948. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that Miss Daniels be commended on this report and same be included in the minutes of this meeting. Carried. CIRCULATION ADULT Renton Library - 3680 Highlands Branch - 128 4963 JUVENILE Renton Library - 1667 Highlands Branch - 3404 TOTAL CIRCULATION - 8367 FINANCE RECEIPTS Renton Library - $75.90 Highlands Branch 12, TOTAL RECEIPTS - The City Engineer recommended payment to the American Pile Driving Company, Everett, lvlash. , in the amount of $2,751.67 for work performed and material furnished in the construction^ of the Logan Street bridge. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that this be referred to the Finance Committee with Power to Act. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that a short recess be declared for Committee discussions. Council was called to order by Mayor Perry H. Mitchell, the following members answering when the roll was called: Tamborini, Baxter, Richardson, Delaurenti, Swift, Reid, Gigli, Bruce, Hansen, Freyman, Davidson and Trimm. Mr. Frank M. Hale, Route 3, representing the Renton Hill Water Association was present at the Council meeting in re- gard to the petition for the construction of water mains along the highway south of Honeydew and requested the City of Renton to approve of their request for this franchise. After a discussion, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the City Engineer and City Attorney be given power to assist the Renton Hill Water Association in ,negotia- ting with King County Commissioners for this right-of-way. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. J. E. Morrison, Superintendent of Utilities giving a summary of the major projects completed during the past five years of his employment with the City of Renton, and also in this cer.munication Mr. Morrison tendered his resignation effective July 1st 1'948.. 4 P� Mayor Mitchell recommended that Mr. Morrison be allowed a two weeks vacation with pay. Moved by Richardson seconded by Tamborini, that the recommendation of Mayor Mitchell be concurred in and that Mr. Morrison be given a vote of thanks and appreciation for his loyalty, cooperation and dependable service to the City of Renton during the time of his association with Renton as City Engineer and Superintendent of Utilities. Carried. Moved by Bruce7 seconded by Davidson! that the accepted. Carried. resignation of Mr. J. E. Morrison? Superintendent of Utilities be A communication was read from Mayor Perry H. Mitchell recommending due to the resignation of Mr. J. E. Morrison, Superintendent of Utilities, that Mr.. B. M. McHughq present ,City Engineer be put in charge of the different Departments previously supervised by Mr. Morrison, at a substantial increase in salary and that he be allowed to select foremen for the different divisions of which he will be the supervisor and other necessary key-men for the different City operations. Moved by Richardsons seconded by Baxter, that the recommendation of Mayor Mitchell with regard to the appoint- ment of Mr. McHugh be tabled until the recessed council meeting June 22nd 1948. Carried. A communication was read from Mayor Mitchell regarding the 1949 budget in which he suggested that a committee meeting be called consisting of the Mayor, Ways and Means and Finance Committees, City Clerk and Heads of the different Departments at which time they are to submit their estimated figures for the operation of their departments for 1949. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the recommendations of Mayor Mitchell be concurred in and the City ,Clerk be instructed to notify all Department Heads to prepare and submit their budgets to the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. A communication was read from Mayor Perry H. Mitchell regarding the wards and precincts after the annexation of Earlington has been completed and recommending that a committee be selected to submit an outline of the changes necessary for dividing the City into six (6) wards with two (2) precincts each which is re- quired by State law. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Maurenti, that this be referred to the Ways and Means Committee, The Ordinance Committee, City Attorney, City Engineer and City Clerk. Carried. The Ordinance Committee presented to the City Council ORDINANCE No. 1402, of the City of Hoquiam! Washington, An ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING AND DESIGNATING CERTAIN STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE CITY COUNCIL? PRESCRIBING THEIR DUTIES, ETC. , said Ordinance was read in its entirety by the City Clerk. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurentil that the Ordinance be referred back to the Ordinance Committee for their study and consideration in their task of preparing an Ordinance of similar nature which would apply better to conditions now existing in the City of Renton. The Ordinance Committee reported on SECTION 309 of Ordinance No. 1048 an Ordinance relating to the operation of motor driven vehicles within the City limits of the City of Renton, Wash. , and advised that an investigation was made by the Ordinance Committee , City Attorney and Police Judge and that the City of Renton is in violation of Section 30, of Ordinance No. 1048 and is the recommenda- tion of the committee that these violations be immediately rectified if feasible. Moved by Baxter? seconded by Reid, that the City Council as a whole meet with the Ordinance Committee for a study of subject Ordinance. Carried. ar. COMMITTEE REPORTS The Fire Light and Water Committee requested and was granted more time relative to the matter of pensions for the members of the Volunteer Fire Department of the City of Renton AND providing adequate street lighting for the buildings situated in Mothers Park. The Finance Committee reported on the meeting held with Dr. Emil E. Palmquist, King County Director of Public Health with regard to the amount necessary for the City of Renton to allocate for payment to King County Health Office for MEAT AND RESTAURANT 86 Y„Je INSPECTION. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Delaurenti, that Dr. Palmquist be advised that the City of Renton is agreeable to negotiate on a basis of the original plans as outlined by Dr. Palmquist at a previous meeting. Carried. More time was requested and granted the Ways & Means Committee relative to the recommendation of the Professional Women' s Club of Renton, that a large display sign to include two large THERMOMETERS for the purpose of keeping an indication of the number of year' s traffic accidents. The Ordinance Committee requested and was granted more time relative to the recommendation of the Fire Chiefs that SMOKING BE PROHIBITED IN OR NEAR GASOLINE SERVICE STATIONS, ETC. , by Ordinance, - The City Clerk requested the City Council to authorize a request to the State Finance Committee for matching funds up to 50 percent of the cost for the new City Hall Addition, the City Garage Addition and the redecking of the Houser Way Bridge. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this be concurred in. Carried. Councilman Tamborinit recommended that a four (4) way STOP SIGN be erected at the Renton Hospital, 4th and Shattuck Street, and that also a 15 MPH ZONE be established at St. Anthony's School. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gigli, that this be referred to the Street and Alley Committee, Chief of Police and Superintendent of Utilities with Power to Act. Carried. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plans and specifications for traffic control signals and that a call for bids be made on same. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the Property Committee be instructed to purchase two (2) electric fans from Messrs. Reid and Cook for use in the Council Chambers. Carried. Moved by Delaurentit seconded by Freymen, that UM the City Clerk be given Power to Act with regard to the matter of preparations for the forthcoming REGISTRATION OF ELIGIBLE VOTERS Program. Carried. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the Street and Alley Committee contact Mr. Dominic Fockey, 334 - Wells Street re the moving of his o.rage and dedicating part of his lots to establish an alley from 4th Avenue to Walla Walla Avenue between Main Street and to report back as soon as possible. Carried. The following are the minutes, recommendations and motions of the Committee meeting of the Council as a whole, June 811 1948: Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce , that the matter of Insurance and bond premiums and the method of handling the City' s Insurance for the balance of 1948 be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for study and report back to the Council at such time as they are prepared to report on same. Carried. A report from Councilman Baxter on the claim of the Universal Sign Company for. $87.55 for lettering on the front door of the City Treasurer' s Office was madeq Mr. Baxter stating that the $66.96 was for work done and material furnished on the doors and $20.60 for lettering Police Department car and motor cycle. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Giglio that the bill for $66.Q5 be allowed and ordered paid after being approved by the Finance Committee and passed on by the Council in the usual procedure and that the amount of $20.60 be re- ferred to the Finance Committee for their investigation and recormien- dation. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini� that the Street and Alley Committee investigate traffic conditions on 4th Avenue from Burnett Street Westl with emphasis on the connection with Shattuck Street. Carried. 87 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Street and Alley Committee and Police Department investigate and report on the advisability of placing traffic sign on 9th Place reading STOP; CHILDREN AT PLAY. Carried. After a thorough discussion on the location of different taxicab stands, it was moved by Delaurentil seconded by Richardson, that the Street Department be notified to paint NO PARKING ZONES from Street corner back to and including first meter zone on each corner where taxicab stands are located. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter of crosswalks be referred to the Street and Alley •� Committee for their study and report back to the Council as soon as they deem practicable. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the City Clerk be instructed to notify the Business and Profess- ional Women's Club that an Ordinance prohibiting keys from being left in parked cars has been construed by the Attorney General of the State of Washington to be unconstitutional. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that a Traffic Council be created consisting of representatives as recommended by the Traffic Division of the Police Department. Carried. It was the recommendation of the Council as a whole that the City Clerk be instructed to answer by letter, the Business and Professional Women's Club regarding ADULT DRIVING INSTRUCTION CLASSES, informing them that such classes are now being conducted by the Renton School District No, 403. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli that a communication from Four (4) residents adjacent to the 1300 block on Beacon Avenue be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for their study and recommendation and report back to the Council as soon as possible. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gigli, that the Law and Ordinance Committee be allowed more time for the prepara- tion of a BICYCLE LICENSE ORDINANCE in order that they may have the opportunity to contact other Cities of similar class and size regard- ing their method of handling this problem. Carried. Moved by Reid, seconded by Davidson, that the City Property Committee meet with Mrs. Taylor of the SWEET CENTER with the idea of assisting her in the disposition of her business and assets at the SWEET CENTER building. Carried. A suggestion was made which was concurred in by the Council as a whole, that Mr. J. E. Morrison, Superintendent of Utilities prepare a photographic record of the survey of the major breaks in the City water mains between Spring Brook Dam and the City limits; also to photograph the corroded and broken pipes at such time as same are being repaired and investigated in an effort to show the effects of electrolysis and galvanic action. These records and photo- graphs to be used to instruct the public in regard to the condition of said pipe lines, when, and if it should be necessary for a bond issue , in order to replace with newua.ter mains. It was also suggested that the City Attorney and City Engineer ascertain the ownership of the stream of water .�. originating on a hill near Mt. Olivet Cemetery, with the idea of securing information as to the feasibility of the City of Renton acquiring the ownership of said stream either by purchase or condemnation. A suggestion was offered that the Council authorize at their next regular meeting June 22nd 1948 bids to be called for the installation of the traffic control sysiem, the major portion of the materials for same now being in storage at the City Garage. After a full and thorough discussion regarding the many problems involved for the construction of the swimming pool, it was suggested that the question be given full. discussion at a date 8$ L in the near future by the City Council in regular convention, and that ° the proposition of referring the plans for the construction of same in conjunction with School District No. 403, be referred to the voters of the City of Renton. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Swift, that the above recommendations and motions be approved as submitted. Carried. The following bills having been approved by the Finance Committee were presented: CURRENT F. L. Allingham Att'y Expense $ 11.63 2189 John Anding Pound Expense 11.8.00 90 Automatic Deodorant Co. C. H. Expense 2.00 91 Bosley' s Upholstery F. D. " 103.00 92 Burrows Richfield F. D. " 49.61 94 Central Typewriter P. D. " 12.75 9 Coast Wide Supply Co. C. H. " 5.67 95 Howard Cooper Corp. F. D. Outlay 53.05 96 Wiley Crook Postage 10.00 97 L. N. Curtis & Sons F. D. Expense 25.10 98 Custer Hardware Co. Expense 7.42 99 D. & I. Office Supply Stationery 7.32 2200 Daily Jr. of Commerce Printing 34.68 O1 Wm. F. Davis Ins. & Bond Premiums 25.00 02 Dow Fuel Co. F. D. Expense 74.68 03 Gen. Elec, Supply Corp. F. D. " 9.67 OLE Dorothea Gossett C. H. Expense 2.00 05 Herold Aerial Photos Eng. " 221.45 06 Kuker-Ranken, Inc. Engr. " 4.61 07 The Lumber Market P.D. & F.D. Exp. 5.68 08 Matt's Motor Shop P. D. Expense 4.75 09 B.M. McHugh Egr. Expense 6. 52 10 Irene O'Donnell Council Expense 35.00 11 Osborne Photographers P. D. Expense 16.76 12 Pace Builder & Engr. Postage & Printing 4.20 13 Prins Distributing P. D. Expense 8.00 14 P.S .P. & Light Co. Power 616.24 15 Radio Products Sales Co. P. D. " 2.84 16 Radiotelephone Serve Co. P. D. Expense 30.90 17 Reid & Cook F. D. " 4.27 18 Reid & Cook Elec. Ser. F. D. " 1.61 19 The Renton Chronicle Printing 99.49 20 Renton Radiator Servo Garbage Expense 2.32 21 Renton Realty Co. Bond & Ins. Prems 5.00 22 Renton Tire Shop Garbage Exp. 5.77 23 Renton Vet. Hospital Dog Pound Exp. 29.25 24 Seattle Pol Ath. Assoc. P. D. Expense 19.50 25 Ser. Laundry & Dr. C1o, F. D. " 29.85 26 A. T. Sullivan C. H. " 1.03 27 Sunset Coal Co. " " 109.66 28 Treasurer, U.S.A. Garbage " 22.96 29 Treasurer to It " 41.67 30 Trick & Murray Expense 163.36 31 United Janitor Supply F. D. 2$.33 32 Valley Window Cleaners Co H. " 7.00 33 Waters Expense 46.82 34 West Disinfecting Co. C. H. Expense 39.96 35 Williams & Swanson P. D. " 37.01 36 Wright Motors F. D. " 9.44 37 WATER Addressograph Sales Agy. Expense 5.77 6709 Auburn Concrete Products Supplies 103.00 10 Baker Co. , Inc. " 1.55 11 Custer Hdw. Co. " 8.87 12 H.D. Fowler, Inc. " 8.87 13 Herman's Mobile Plumb. " 9.18 14 International Harvester Co. " 34.31 15 Marckmann & Williams " 302.20 16 Pittsburgh Equitable Meter " 19.37 17 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 306.17 18 Puget Sound Stamp Works Treas. Expense 5.31 19 Renton Hdwre. & Furn Supplies 4. 54 20 9 WATER CONT'D Seattle Water Department Water $ 54.40 6721 Van Waters & Rogers Inc. Supplies 1+0.00 6722 Wallace & Tiernan it 276,82 23 Waters it 8.09 21+ Williams & Swanson It 5.16 25 CITY STREETS Armco Drainage & Metal Supplies 222.82 411+5 Custer Hardware Co. " 35.01 46 Gladding McBean & Co. " 4.49 47 King County Road Dist. #2 316.75 1+8 The Lumber Market " 35.66 49 Northwest Precote Inc. " 27.19 50 Dewey Novotny Expense 41.20 51 Olyjpic Foundry Co. Supplies 68.80 52 Pac. Car & Foundry Co. if 19.89 53 Renton Machine & Welding Expense 25.75 5 It Radiator Service 14:42 Sunset Coal Company Supplies 60.88 56 Union Oil Co. of Calif. Gasoline 563.61 57 United Janitor Supply Co. Supplies 29.87 58 SEWER DISPOSAL Bonnell Nurseries Outlay 60.09 111+7 Coast Wide Supply Co. Supplies 8.70 1148 -Custer H ardware Co. it 1+.21 49 Dale & McLendon it 24.05 50 P.S .P. & Light Co. Power 186.69 51 Scientific Supplies Co. Supplies 8.09 52 Shell Oil Company it 19.82 53 AIRPORT Cochran Paint & Hwre. Co. Supplies 3.42 408 Overall Cleaning & Supp. Expense 2.58 09 Renton Feed & Seed Co. Supplies 18.08 10 Seattle Water Dept. Water 23 .60 11 B. F. Shearer Co. Supplies 6.85 12 Union Oil Co. of Calif. #1105:54 13 White Construction Co. Expense 12.00 14 9Ug14l}es PARK The Lumber Market Supplies 4.87 904 William B. Pond it 52.91 5 Prins Distributing Supplies 11+.72 6 William B. Pond (Payroll) Park 885,19 7-16 Coast Wide Supply Co. Supplies 22,25 17 Charles Haleway " 3.24 18 Ivan W. Lee "' 17.16 19 Matthie-Fixit Shop Expense 1.80 20 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 2.00 21 White Construction Co. Expense 24.00 22 LIBRARY Caxton Printers Bow 4.33 1464 Brendel Drug Co. it 142.69 65 Winifred C. Daniels Expense 18.50 66 Ralph Ernest Downie Books 65.35 67 J.K. Gill Co. "' 37.57 68 Imperial Book Co. "' 33.24 69 The MacMillan Co. W 4.67 70 The A. N. Marquis Co. "t 11.38 71 Meads Renton Heating & Air Expense 6.18 72 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 12.34 73 R. L. Polk & Co. Directing 25.75 74 Puget Sound News Co. Books 191.23 75 CITY HALL BUILDING FUND Potlatch Yards, Inc. City Hall Bldg. Fund 181.23 9 ATHLETIC FUND P.S.P. & Light Co. Tower 57.50 248 CUMULATIVE FUND #1183 The Lumber Market Supplies-Garage 35.94 282 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Trimm, that the above bills be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti9 seconded by Richardson, that the meeting be recessed until June 22nd 1948. Carried. �Y City QSerk yor. 90 Renton Wash June 23nd 1948 ' 1 The recessed meeting of the City Council was called to order, Mayor Perry H. Mitchell presiding. Roll Call: Tamborini, Richardson, Swift, Reid? Baxter, Delaurenti, Giglij Bruce, Freyman, Hansen, Davidson and Trlmm. Moved by Delaurenti seconded by Tamborini, that the minutes of the meeting June 15th 1946 be approvdd as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. �. NUMBER AMOUNT NAME LOCATION TYPE WORK 292 $ 100.00 Tradewell Stores Inc. 1925 8th Ave Remodel Seattle, Wash 3 19000.00 Matt L. Minerich 629 Burnett Repr.Resid. 4 100.00 Phillip Grubesic 331 Main (Install 5 100.00 Mr. Frye 310 Whitworth _ (new Service Repair 6 600.00 R. B. Skinner 632 Shattuck Erect Garage 7 100.00 H. C. Anderson 614 Shattuck Install Service. A communication was read from Messrs. Marvin Prentiss, and Lonnie Williams, requesting a temporary Certificate of Occupancy for a period of six (6) months only, for an AUTOMOBILE BEAUTY SHOP to be located at 316 - 2nd Avenue, under Building Permit No. 303. Moved by Delaurentil seconded by Tamboriniq that a Certificate of Occupancy be granted for a six (6) month's period only. Carried. A communication was read from the Department of Labor and Industriesq Olympia, Wash , requesting permission for space in the City Mall for taking of testimony at a hearing scheduled for Friday July 2nd 1948 from 10:00 A.M. until 2:00 P.M. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that this be referred to the Property Committee with Power to Act. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. L. Roberts of the Modern Music Company, requesting permission for a license to install music boxes at the Cedar River Malt Shop and SPUDNUT SHOP, 304 - Wells Street. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this be referred to the Police and License Committee with Power to Act. Carried. The program for DEDICATION CEREMONIES for the opening of the Logan Street bridges to be head July 3rd 1948 at 11:00 o'clock A.M. was presented to the City Council by the Ways and Means Committee. I was the recommendation of said Committee that the City Clerk be instructed to request the local newspapers- to publish this program in their next issue as a news item and that a sufficient number of copies also be printed for distribution to the public. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurentil that the recommendation of the Ways and Means Committee be concurred in. Carried.. A communication was read from Mr. L.J. Canfield, Estimator, CITY ELECTRIC FIXTURE COMPANY requesting consideration of the City Council relative to submitting a bid on any contemplated Street lighting system to be installed in the City of Renton at any future date. Moved by hichardson, seconded by Freyman that this be mat referred to the vire Light and Water Committee. Carried. A communication was read from Chas. J. Bartholetq Consulting Engineers Department of Conservation and Development, re- lative to Declaration of Ground Water Claims #814 to 817 acknowledging receipt of affidavit of publication of notice of the aboveznumbered declaration claims . This communication was ordered filed. 91 A communication was read from Vincent Stewart, Chief of Police, advising that a number of 25¢ punch boards, paying off in valuable prizes and anoth- r type of board familiarily known as the slot-machine type, are being operated within the City limits of Renton. Chief Stewart advises that these types of boards may develop into serious and undesirable practice and requested the council' s opinion as to what action the Police Department should undertake. Moved by Swift, seconded by Baxter, that this be referred to the Ordinance and Police and License Committees, for investigation as to the legality and the possibility of controlling punch boards by Ordinance and license; and to secure some financial remuneration for the City of Renton to defray the expense of controlling the operation of punch boards and re- port back. Carried. A group of residents from the Honeydew Water Extension appeared before the council requesting clarification as to the water extension in their district. After a discussion it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli that this be referred to the Super- intendent of Utilities, City Engineer and the Fire Licht and Water Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. Mr. Jas. Zerwoodis informed the City Council that he was experiencing considerable trouble caused by the seepage of water that drained from a pool which had collected in a gravel pit just East of his property and that this water is unsanitary and is also a dangerous hazard for children who play in that vicinity. Immediate action was requested to remedy this condition.by the City Council. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that this be referred to the Street and Alley Committee, City Engineer and Superintendent of Utilities to in- vestigate and report back. Carried. PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 1320 was read, an Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, annexing property to the City of Renton, a SUB-DIVISION HEREIN DESCRIBED AND KNOWN AS EARLINGTON. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Trimm that this be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. The Ordinance Committee recommended that an Ordinance be prepared authorizing the payment of City employee' s salaries in order to conform with the laws of a 2nd Class City. Moved by Delaurentiseconded by Trimm, that this be referred to the City Attorney and the Ordinance Committee to prepare an Ordinance and present same at the next regular council meeting, July 6th 1948. The City Council considered the recommendation of Mayor Mitchell regarding the selection of a successor to Mr. J. E. Morrison, Superintendent of Utilities. Mayor Mitchell recommended that Mr. McHugh, the present City Engineer be appointed as the City's official Engineer and Superintendent of Utilities thereby coordinating the functions of these major departments for a more efficient operation. Mr. McHugh to be delegated the authority to have charge of the personnel of these Departments. After a thorough discussion by the City Council, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the recommendation of Mayor Mitchell be concurred in, the motion being put to a vote resulted as follows: Baxter No, Bruce, No, Trimm, No. Tamborini, No. Reid, Aye Richardson, Aye, Swift, Aye, Hansen, Aye, Davidson, Aye, Gigli, Aye. Delaurenti, Aye, Freyman, Aye. Motion Carried. In connection with the discussion regarding a successor to Mr. Morrison, the question arose as to the legality of said successor appointing departmental assistants, without authorization or approval of the City Council. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that this be referred to the City Attorney and the Law and Ordinance Committee to investigate regarding the legality of such appointments without council confirmation. Carried. The Ordinance Committee recommended the following changes to be made in SECTION 309 Ordinance 1048 an Ordinance relating to the operation of motor driven vehicles within the City limits of the City of Renton: STOPPING AND PARKING PLACES - FORBIDDEN PLACES. - TIME LIMITS. (a) That no person shall stop, stand, or park a vehicle except when necessary to avoid conflict with the other traffic 92cc or in compliance with the directions of a police officer or traffic control device, in any of the following places: 1. On a sidewalk 2. In front of a public or private driveway or within five ( 5) feet of the end of the curb radius leading thereto; 3. Within an intersection; 4. Within fifteen (15) feet of a fire hydrant 5. On a crosswalk 6. Within twenty (20) feet of a crosswalk at an inter- section. 7• Within thirty (30) feet upon the approach to any flashing beacon, stop sign, or traffic-control signal located at the side of a roadway. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that article No. 7, be changed to read within thirty (30) feet upon the approach to any flashing beacon centrally located; in an intersection; and/or twenty (20) feet from any STOP SIGN CROSS WALK or TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL located at the side of a roadway. Carried. (See article 7) 8. Between a safety zone and the adjacent curb or within twenty-five (25) feet of points on the curb immediately opposite the ends of a safety zone, unless a different distance is indicated by signs or markings; 9. Within thirty (30) feet of the nearest rail of a railroad crossing. (This to be left to the interpretation of the City Attorney) . 10. Within fifty ( 50) feet of the driveway entrance to any fire station within seventy-five (75) feet of said entrance when prop- erly sign posted; and within twenty (20) feet of the nearest boundary line of any public alley or driveway. The Ordinance Committee also recommended that a RED LIGHT be installed on the City Hall Building at the northeast corner as a pedestrian warning sign. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Davidson, that the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee regarding the change in article No. 10 be approved and that the Fire Light and Water Committee be instructed to have the RED LIGHT installed as per recommendation. Carried. 11.0 Alongside or opposite any street excavation or ob- struction when any such stopping, standing, or parking would obstruct traffic. 12. On the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the edge of curb of a street. 13. Upon any bridge or other elevated structure upon a highway. 14. At any place where official signs prohibit stopping. 15. No parking in any alley9 except for LOADING AND UN- LOADING. N- LOADING. Moved by Tamborini seconded by Bruce, that the re- commendations and changes in SECTI6N 30, of Ordinance 1048 be accepted and the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an Ordinance. Carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS The City Attorney requested and was granted more time relative to determining if there are any outstanding rentals due to the City of Renton re: NOTICE TO STCKHOLDERS AND CREDITORS OF HEARING ETC. , between James Lovelace, Plaintiff vs Diamond Cleaners Inc. Defendant, AND to ascertain the ownership of the stream of water originating on the Sartori property near Mt. Olivet Cemetery with the idea of securing in- formation as to the feasibility of the City of Renton acquiring the ownership of said stream either by purchase or condemnation. . The Property Committee advised that the application of Mr. T. J. O'Brien, 310 - "L" Street, Tacoma, Wash. , for floor space 9 in one of the buildings in Mothers Park be placed on file until a vacancy occurs. The mire Light and Water Committee reported that the complaint of Mr. hobert Keil, re the broken pole on Williams Street be removed, had been investigated and recommended that same be re- paired. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Giglio that the recommendation be concurred in and that the City Clerk be instructed to notify Mr. Keil. Carried, The Fire Light and Water Committee requested and was granted more time re the request of the lessees of the buildings situated in Mothers Park that the City of Renton provide proper street lighting �.. to protect the lessees of the buildings from burglary and theft AND the matter of street lighting and the amount of power to be consumed in the Renton Highlands relative to the City of Renton negotiating directly with the Puget Sound Power and Light Company in regards to pay- ment of same. The Police and License Committee requested and was granted more time re the application for a permit to open a beauty shop at 511 - Bronson Place, The Superintendent of Utilities and the Street and Alley Committee recommended that the portion of the road be closed as re- quested by the property owners of the 1300 block on Beacon Avenue and that signs be installed reading NO THOROUGHFARE. Moved by Richardsont seconded by Delaurenti, that the recommendation of the Superintendent of Utilities and the Street and Alley Committee be concurred in. Carried. The Street and Alley Committee recommended that the City Engineer investigate the storm sewers on Bronson Place in Windsor Hills in preparation for repairing of same and also to repair or replace grating over catch basins. Moved by Richardsons seconded by Reid, that the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee be concurred in. Carried. -� The Ways and Means Committee requested and was granted more time re the recommendation of Mayor Mitchell that the wards and precincts be changed as required by law after the annexation of Earl3.ng - ton has been completed. The Ordinance Committee requested and was granted more time relative to study of Ordinance No. 1402 of the City of Hoquiam, Wash. , and that an Ordinance be prepared requiring that SMOKING BE PROHIBITED IN OR NEAR GASOLINE SERVICE STATIONS, ETC. The Street and Alley Committee recommended that CAUTION SIGNS on 4th Avenue and STOP SIGNS on Shattuck Street be installed and that a 15 mile zone be established at St. Anthony' s School. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurentil that the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee be concurred in. Carried. Moved by Richardson seconded by Reid, that the Finance Committee be given rower to Act w1th regard to payment of the bills incurred in the construction and installation of placques for the Logan Street bridge. Carried. Moved by Baxter9 seconded by Delaurenti that the City Clerk be instructed to purchase a flag and flag pole to be erected in front of the City Hall Building. Carried. The Property Committee recommended that permission be granted to the Police Judge to move his quarters to the old Council Chambers and that the required furniture be installed and the Chambers redecorated. Moved by -L_�ichardson9 seccnded by Freyman that the re- commendation of the Property Committee be concurred in. Carried. The Property Committee recommended that the LADIES AND MENS toilets in the SWEET CENTER BUILDING be repaired and that the roof and gutters of said building be investigated by the Property and Finance Committees as to the cost of repairing and report back at the 94 L at the next council meeting. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the recommendation of the Property Committee be concurred in. Carried. The Property Committee recommended that WARNING SIGNS be posted in the NEW LADIES REST ROOM, City Hall, warning against damage to the City of Renton property. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson that the Property Committee be given power to act relative to the installation of these signs. Carried. The speeding of cars through the alleys of the City of Renton was discussed. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift that the Superintendent of Utilities be instructed to install 10 MPH hGNS ... going through and at the head of each alley. Carried, Councilman Baxter, recommended that traffic signs be posted at the entrance to the City Park by the Renton Public Library, indicating CHILDREN AT PLAY and that this be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. Councilman Reid advised the City Council that a meeting had been held with Commercial Waterway District No. 2, Mr. Clark of the Army Engineering Department and Mr. Henry Reynolds, Secretary of the Renton Chamber of Commerce , relative to requesting the Federal Government to take over the operation of Commercial Waterway District No. 2, as a Federal activity. Councilman Reid stated that the Federal Govern- ment could possibly be induced to improve Commercial Waterway District No. 2, by removing the old piling used as bulkheads and installing new bulkheads of large rock to be placed on the bank of Cedar River, but that the Government would require the City of Renton and Commercial Waterway District No. 2, would hold them free from any damage claims that might be filed against the Government for injuring property while doing this work. Councilman Reid suggested that it might be proper for Commercial Waterway District No. 2, and the City of Renton to accede to this request by sending a letter to the Army Engineers in care of Mr. Clark, stating that the City of Renton and the Commercial Water- way District No. 2, would accept the responsibility required by them. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the recommendation of Councilman Reid and the Committee be concurred in and that Mr. Cowan, Assistant City Attorney be instructed to prepare the letter in conjunction with the Commercial Waterway District No. 2, notifying the Government of the willingness of the City of Renton and the Commercial Waterway District No. 2, to meet the conditions required by them in order to secure the improvement as per above recommendation. Carried. The following bills having been approved by the Finance Committee were presented: CURRENT Chapman Bros. St. Lighting 86.82 2238 R. H. Hoyt P.D. Expense 7.94 39 Osborne Photographers it If 103.46 40 Owl Cafe Jail Meals 122,10 41 Radio Products Sales Co. P. D. Expense 29.87 42 Renton Motor Parts Co. Expense 116.E 4� Renton News Record Expense 92. Smiths Cabinet Shop C. H. Outlay 467.62 45 P.S .P. & Light Co. Power - St. Lights 13.91 46 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Phones 216.15 47 Payroll Engineers 576.05 48-51 Payroll Office 892.40 66 -85 Payroll F. D. 2 Payroll P.D. 2727.25 86-2306 King County Medical July Dues 275.75 2307 Payroll Garbage 678.71 2308-2315 Payroll St. Cleaning 494.65 20 Payroll Mayor & Council 456.21 21-2333 Coll, of Int. Revenue Withholding Tax 3684.35 34 Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 376.17 35 WATER Dahle Davis Supplies 24.00 6726 Renton Motor Parts if 12.18 27 Stoneway Dock Co, it 4.28 28 Payroll Water-Office 313.93 29-34 King County Medical July Dues 27.00 35 Payroll Water 925.14 �6-42 Coll. of Int. Revenue Withholding Tax 501.50 3 Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 79.16 44 CITY STREETS Stoneway Dock Co. Supplies 1.85 4159 Payroll City Streets , Off.158.67 60-64 King County Medical Ser, Juy Dues 42.75 65 ,m Payroll Ci y Streets 1 83.83 66-78 Coll. of Int. Revenue Withholding Tax 55.80 79 Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 66.37 80 SEWER DISPOSAL Stoneway Dock Company Supplies 58.33 1154 Payroll Disposal Plant 795.71 55-64 King County Medical July Dues 37.00 65 Payroll Sewers & Drains 383.74 66-70 Coll. of Int. Revenue withholding Tax 586.60 71 Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 107.52 72 AIRPORT Chapman Bros. Supplies 59.57 415 Renton Motor Parts Co. " 9.09 16 Renton News Record " 26.70 17 Ned Stokes (Payroll) Airport 421.80 18-22 King County Medical July Dues 8.00 2 Coll. of Int. Revenue Withholding Tax 146.60 24 Dept* of labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 39.24 25 PARK Stoneway Dock Co. Supplies 314.26 923 Payroll Park 734.30 24-31 King County Medical July Dues 19.75 32 Coll. of Int. Revenue Withholding Tax. 216.60 34 Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 44.80 3 LIBRARY -- King County Medical Miss Daniels 4.00 1476 Payroll Library 833.40 77-84 Demco Library Supplies Supplies 4.00 85 Doubleday & Company Books 23.61 86 Edwin Allen Co. " 111.15 87 A. J. Burney Expense 4.14 88 W. D. Estep Co. " 8.24 89 J. K. Gill Co. Books 42.52 90 Hertzberg's Wash. Bindery Expense 48.73 91 The MacMillan Co. Books 4.34 92 Ocean Publications, Inc, it 2.00 9� P.S .P. & Light Co. Power 11.66 9 Puget Sound News Co. Books 1 50 .03 95 Neal" Tolbert 1196 Trick & Murray Expense 93.70 97 King County Med, Ass, Miss Daniels 4.00 98 Payroll Library 860.90 99-1506 Coll. of Int. Revenue Withholding Tax 221.70 07 Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 1.59 08 ATHLETIC King County Medical June Dues 11.25 249 Payroll Athletic 153.26 50-252 Payroll It 142.01 53-55 The Lumber Market Supplies 21.39 56 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 46.42 57 Sunset Coal Co. Supplies 123.60 58 Payroll Athletic 1531l.01 59-61 King CofyitMeRev:l � IV�gFU� 6:0; 63 Col l. o American Pile Driving Co. #1183 2751.11 283 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Trimm, that all the bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. There being no further business to come before the council, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. , U19t Clerk May 96 �' A �1 kNA Renton Wash :.9;_0 June 2�th 1948 R" Minutes of the Council Committee meeting June 29th 1948. The Council as a whole met as a Committee; the meeting called to order by the President of the Council, Mr. Joe Baxter, Mayor pro tem. Councilmen present: Tamborini, Swift, Reid, Baxter, Richardson, Gigli, Freyman, Hansen, Davidson, Delaurenti, Trimm and Bruce. Councilman George Swift, was appointed as Raw Secretary for the meeting. First order of business was the discussion of the disposition of the permanent homes in Renton Highlands, Mr. Paul Houser Jr. , Executive Director of the Housing Authority of the City of Denton explained the status of the platting of the area in which the permanent homes are located. Mr. Houser read a communication from the Planning Commission of the City of Renton regarding the proposed disposal of the homes and the platting of this area, in which they gave their recommendations re- lative to the agreement reached by/ and between the Housing Authority of the City of Renton and the Mayor' s Committee. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the revised preliminary platting of the permanent area be accepted by the City; said motion to include the playfield area in Blocks 19 and 20 and the improvement of the unim- proved area in Blocks 4 and 6, by adding sewer and water lines and street improvements to same; also the acquiring of necessary property from Mr. R. Storey for an access street into the Park area in Block 23, with the understanding that the City will construct the street without any assessment being charged to Mr. Storey. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurentil that a letter of thanks be sent to the Housing Authority, the Planning Commission? the Mayor's Committee and the City Engineer, for their work in the platting of the permanent homes area in Renton Highlands. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti seconded by Reid, that the Property Committee be given Power to Act in regard to the com- pletion of the finishing on the furniture in the Council Chambers. Carried. A thorough discussion was held regarding the problem of dividing the City of Renton into six (6) wards and twelve (12) precincts; said problem now being under advisement and study by the Ordinance and Ways and Means Committees. These Committees to meet with the City Engineer at 7:30 o'clock P.M. , July 8th and 13th 1948. The City Clerk being instructed to notify the members of these Committees relative to said meeting. There being no further business that was deemed imperative at this time, the Committee meeting was adjourned. City Jerk Mayo . 1 Renton, Wash July 6th 1948 Regu;_ar meeting of the City Council of the City of Renton was called to order by Mayor Perry H. Mitchell.. Roll Call: Baxter, Swift, Delaurenti , Bruce, Freyman, Hansen, Davidson, Trimm, Reid, Gigli, Richardson, and Tamborini. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen that the minutes i of the Committee meeting of June 29th 1948 be accepted as written. Moved by Tamborini , seconded by Davidson that the minutes of the recessed meeting of June 22nd 1.948 be accepted as corrected, Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT: NUMBER AMOUNT NAME LOCATION TYPE WORK 298 11000.00 S. G. Schaudies2+233-3rd Ave Gar. to residencE 9 150.00 Perry Mitchell 1210 2nd " Remodel porch Fix garage. 9A 700.00 Bill Morgan 340 Pelly Repr. Found, Etc. 300 300.00 FranX Delaurenti 315 Renton " Roof. Asph. 1 17500.00 A. D. Angwin 903 1st Remodel, Furn Inst. etc. 2 10.00 Williams & Swanson 3rd & Burnett Erect wood sign 3 100.00 M. Prentiss, L. Williams 116 2nd Ave Fireproof tent. 4 21000.00 B. Richardson 722 High Add.rm & bath, repair. 5 100.00 Mrs. Doris Faulls 609 Grant St. Remodel, Range & W. Heater. 6 00.00 John Diambri 525 N.Williams Put in driveway 7 107 00.00 Renton School District #403 Highland Nur. Remodel Bldg. 8 100.00 A . W. Dimmitt 341 Pell.y Pt. & Repair House, Fence 9 100.00 Western Hotel 818 3rd Footgs. & Vents 10 11200.00 W. Bruer 112 3rd Repr. Brd. Bldg, 11 600.00 Rose Drazich 511 Bronson P1 Remodel 12 (This permit will follow #334) 13 100.00 J. C. Todd, 3061 7th No. Range, Hot W. Highlands Heat. 14 100.00 Mrs . Fannie Hillian 313 Mill St Inst. Oil Bur. 15 700.00 Joe Tomac 314 Morris It new cedar sid. 16 400.00 Wiley Crook 427 Wells Reroof & Gutters 17 100.00 G. M. Henderson 512 Windsor P1. Add. to garage 18 100.00 Hurt House Move Co. Kent, Wash Move Bldg. 19 21900.00 Henry Ford School 418 Wells Catch Basin, 20 500.00 John Konak 214 Meadow Remodel Sun Por. 20A 150.00 Mrs. C . Temme 3rd & Wells Repr. & Install Walks 21 100.00 Renton Transit Sys .y . 22 400.00 F. C. Ausman 1240PBrBronson Erect Gari. 23 37000.00 F . A. Coll.man 112 3rd Ave Remodel 2 cabs. 24 400.00 Mrs. May Tunin 108 Burnett Reshingle roof 25 400.00 Val Donati 500 Tobin New basement 26 400.00 John Podriznik 218 Meadow Reshing;e (Seattle) 27 21000.00 Zwick & Laughlin 5223 18th S.W. Erect Factory 28 100.00 Theo M. Staak 1232 H. St. Reqire for range 29 600.00 Renton School Dist. #403 Hgld. Nursery To use for school 29A 400.00 Lande Feed Co. 95 Burnett Remodel roof This being the date designated as the time for the hearing on L.I.D. N. 226, protests were heard and a petition presented with the names of those protesting the improvement of Shattuck Street by the installation of a 6" water main the cost of which was to be borne by assessments against the abutting property. Moved by Tamborini and seconded by Richardson, that this protest be turned over to the City Engineer to check and report back. Carried. This being the date designated to open bids for the way installation of traffic signals , the Clerk reported that no bids had been received. Moved by Richardson and seconded by Tamborini that the Fire Light and Water Committee be instructed to contact Electrical Contracting Concerns regarding suggestions as to the most feasible plan of installing the traffic signals and the cost thereof. Carried. A communication was read from Honeydew Water Association containing a joint application for franchises to install water mains along State Highway No. 2 and also the Councy Commissioners to install. water mains along the Newcastle road. Such Franchises to be J granted the City of Renton and the Honeydew Water Association jointly. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that this be referred to the City Attorney, City Engineer and the Fire Light and Water Committee with Power to Act. Carried. A petition was read for the annexation to the City of Renton Wash. of territory "beginning at a point on the west line of Shattuck Street 80' south of the center line of 6th Avenue; thence west and parallel to the center-line of 6th Avenue produced West 1201 ; thence North and parallel to center-line of Shattuck Street 501 ; thence West and parallel to center-line of 6th Avenue produced West to the intersection of the East line of State Highway No. 5 thence Northerly along said East line of State Highway No. 5; to its in- tersection with the South line of the Chicago Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway right-of-way; thence Easterly along said south line of said right-of-way to its intersection with the West line of Shattuck Street; thence south along said west line of Shattuck Street to the point of beginning" . Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid that this petition be turned over to the Planning Commission for their recommendation regarding same. Carried. A petition was presented regarding excess water gutters on Burnett Street between 3rd and 4th Avenues caused by the washing of automobiles by Wright Motors, the water running and standing from the garage building south to 4th Avenue and west to Smithers Street and thereby becoming a nuisance on warm days. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Hansen, that this be referred to the City .Engineer to investigate and report back. Carried. The Clerk submitted to the Council a verbal communication from Mrs. Jessie Clulow, 615 - High Street, regarding the disposi- tion of the old LOOK-OUT Station on Renton Hill, and requesting that it be removed. Moved by Tamborinir seconded by Trimm that this be referred to the Property Committee to dispose of buidling as they see fit. Carried. A communication was received from the Renton Police Department recommending that the northwest curb from the south end of the driveway near the Logan Street bridge around the curve and also the curb in front of the Airport Inn be painted yellow, the purpose of this,is to eliminate parking on this curve as a safety precaution and to prohibit parking in front of the Airport Inm. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that this request be com- plied with. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this motion be amended to refer this to the City Attorney to determine the legality of restricted parking in this area. Carried. Original motion as amended carried. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Hansen that yellow strip be painted. Carried. ORDINANCE NO. 1320 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTONI WASHINGTON ANNEXING PROPERTY TO THE CITY OF RENTON, which had been read in its entirety at the last regular Council meeting, was pre- sented by the Ordinance Committee who recommended the passage of same. Moved by Tamborini9 seconded by Tri;m, that the Ordinance be placed on its second and final readings. Carried. Thereupon the Ordinance was given its second and final readings. Moved by Richardsont seconded by Giglil that the Ordinance be adopted as read. Roll Call Vote: Baxter, Aye; Swift, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye; Bruce, Aye; Freyman, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Davidson, Aye; Trimm, Aye; Reid, Ayre; Gigli, Aye; Richardson, Aye; and Tamborini, Aye. Carried. Mr. Delaurenti, Chairman of Police and License Committee recommended that application to install music boxes at the Spudt-Nut Shop and Cedar River Malt Shop be granted providing licenses for same had been paid. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the recommendation of the Police and License Committee be con- curred in. Carried. 1. More time was asked by Police and License Committee regarding application to op en a Beauty Shop at 511 - Bronson. Place. More time granted. 2. Mr. Reids Chairman of the Fire Light and Water Committee reD orted that a red light would be installed on a pole at the entrance to the Police Station. 3. Recommended that four (4) to six (6) lights be installed at Mcthers Park which are to be controlled on the inside of the buildings7 installation to be supervised by the City Engineer. 4. Reported that the rate of charge in the Highlands for Street Lighting is the same as the rest of Renton. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Trimm that Council concur in the recommendation of the Fire , Light and Water Committee. Carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS reported: Mr. Richardson, Chairman of Ordinance Committee 1. That his committee was working on the Punch Board Ordinance and requested more time. More time granted. 2. That Ordinance No. 1320 has been taken care of. 3. That the Committee needs moje time for the study of an Ordinance for changing and/or increasing number of Council Committees. Granted. 4. That more time is needed for the preparation of an Ordinance regarding smoking in or around gasoline stations. More time granted. reported: Mr. Swift, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee 1. More time was needed in investigating the seepage of water onto the James Zerwoodis property. More time was granted. Mr. Baxter, Chairman of Property Committee reported: 1. More time is needed regarding the repairs of gutters and roof at the Sweet Center Building. More time granted. 2. Reported that sign for Ladies Rest Room is up and that signs regarding the defacing of property will be placed in the Ladies Rest Room soon. Mr. Gigli, Chairman of Ways and Means Committee reported: 1. That the Committee is working on the boundaries of the Wards and precincts and that a meeting will be held on July 8th 1948 for disucssion of same. More time granted. Mr. Crook, City Clerk reported that he had ordered a flag for the City Hall and was using a borrowed one until same was received. Mr. McHugh, City Engineer reported: 1. That storm sewers on Bronson Place in Windsor Hills was in the process of being repaired. 100 may. � w 2. That the water running from the Renton Highlands into Windsor Hills was a City of Renton problem and not a King County problem. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm that this matter should be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and the City Engineer to see what can be done with it. Carried. 3. Reported that the Hearing regarding right-of-way franchise for the Renton Highlands Water Association will be held at the office of the County Commissioners on July 26th 1948. . 4. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Davidson, that if the by-laws of the Honeydew Water Association are acceptable7 that the City Attorney and City Engineer be given power to act and make applications for franchises. Carried. 5. Mr. McHugh, City Engineers reported that he needed more time to properly check the number of protests on L.I.D. , No. 226. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Baxterg that recommended acceptance of this report and that the Hearing be set-over to July 20th 1948. Carried. City Engineer reported that signs at 4th and Shattuck had been installed as per previous instruction of the Council. Moved by Richardsons seconded by Tamboriniqthat the placing of signs in the 1300 Block on Beacon Avenue reading "NO THOROUGH FARE" be left in the hands of the Street and Alley Committee and the City Engineer with Power to Act. Carried. The redecoration of the Police Judge' s Chambers was left in the hands of the Property Committee and City Engineer. Mr. Ned Stokest Airport Manager, made an oral report regarding the acquisition of land needed for sea-plane ramp installation. Moved by Tamborinij seconded by Richardson that Mr. Stokes bring in a written recommendation from the Airport Board re- garding the acquisition of said land. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Bruce that the motion be amended to allow Airport Board to proceed with the engineering plans for the ramp. Amendment carried,. Original motion as amended carried. Moved by Swift l seconded by Gigli, that the question of rent of the Scale Model Company for months of June and July be investigated by the Property Committee. Carried. Moved by Delaurentil seconded by Richardson, that the Street and Alley Committee investigate condition at the S.E. corner of the Bronson Way Bridge in regard to placing guard rail protection of pedestrians. Carried. Discussion of extending 4th Avenue North to Logan Street was held with the understanding that the City Engineer would continue negotiations with the Northern Pacific Railway regarding right-of-way for same. Recommendation of Fire, Light and Water Committee that twenty-six (26) mercury lights be placed from the intersection of Park and Bronson Way down 2nd Avenue to Logan Street. Moved by Richardson7 seconded by Delaurentil that council concur in recommen- dation of Fire? Light and Water Committee and refer this to the Finance Committee to ascertain the probable cost of the same. Carried. A report was received from Ordinance Committee re- garding recodifying of Ordinances and repealing of obsolete ordinances. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman that the Ordinance Committee and the City Attorney be instructed to proceed with this work and report back at next meeting. Carried. Moved by Swift seconded by Trimm that the matter of placing a stop sign at the south end of Logan Street bridge be referred to the City Attorney to check as to the legality of same. Carried. 1.01 Moved by Richardsons seconded by Tamborini, that the City Attorney be instructed to contact owner of old dance floor at third and Rainier regarding the unsafe condition of this property and to request the owner to take some steps to remedy said condition. Carried. Mr. Tamborini, Chairman of the Finance Committee re- commended that the following bills which had been approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Moved by Richardson seconded by Trimm that the council concur in the recommendation of the Finance Committee. Carried. Councilman Bruce made a report regarding the enter- tainment extended to the Naval Officers in charge of the visiting destroyer. Moved by Freyman and seconded by Reid, that a vote of thanks be given to Mr. Tamborini, for the efficient way in which the Logan Street bridge Dedication Program was carried out. Carried. The following bills having been approved by the Finance Committee were presented; CURRENT Bjorklund Builders C.H. Outlay $y 334.04 2336 Ang. Busato P. D. Expense 376.75 37 H.L.Collier, City Treas . t' 0 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Phone 24.75 39 Renton Plumb. & Heating Co. C. H. Outlay 446.25 40 B. J. Richardson Council Expense 15.00 41 George Swift it 21.63 42 Steve Tamborini it 15.50 43 Payroll Engineers 694.38 44-48 Payroll Office 857.40 49-62 Payroll F.D. 245 .08 63-85 Payroll P.D. 260.95 86-2406 Payroll Garbage Labor 733.09 07-1 Payroll St. Cleaning 425.36 14-19 WATER Payroll Office 313.93 6745 -50 Tax Commission Excise tax 439.33 51 Payroll Water 928.81 52-59 CITY STREETS Payroll Office 158.67 4181-85 Payroll City Streets 1431.89 86-4200 SEWER DISPOSAL Payroll Disposal Plant 722.88 1173-82 Payroll Sewers & Drains 307.47 83-86 AIRPORT Payroll Airport 279.96 426-29 PARK Payroll Park 690.48 935-942 ATHLETIC Payroll Athletic 583.21 264-271 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Giglil that the above bills be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. There being no further business to come before the council, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. Cit Clerk May 102 Renton, Wash July 20th 191+8 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order, Mayor Perry 11. Mitchell presiding. Roll Call: Tamborini, Richardson? Swift9 Reid, Baxter, Delaurenti, Gigli, Bruce, Freyman, Hansen and Trimm. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini , that the minutes of the meeting July 6th 1948 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIC 'S FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT NO. AMOUNT NAME LOCATION TYPE WORK 312 $ 400.00 Domonic Tarro 621 Burnett Convert Coal to oil 30 100.00 Oscar Alila 503 Mills Repr. Steps & walks 31 100.00 S. A. Griffin 341 N. Wells Rewiring range 32 100.00 Lee Backman 525 Burnett Repair porch 33 100.00 Mrs . Felix Gigli 725 Renton it 34 100.00 H. E. Feldmiller 2814 15th No Instl. Elec.Range 35 101000.00 St. Anthony' s Sch. 4th & Shattuck Add, to building 36 100.00 Dr. C. L. Dixon 800 2nd Shingle roof 37 400.00 George McKail 541 Park Ave Erect 1000 Gal. tank for gasoline. 39 50.00 Tom Nelson 118 Park Erect sign ' 38 600.00 J. S. McCrae 519 Smithers Repair house 40 100.00 Gust Macris 3rd & Rainier Repr. rest rooms 41 100.00 Custer Hardware 230 Wells St. Erect sign 42 400.00 F. A. Coleman 11.2 3rd Cabin Cty Change garage 43 100.00 Phil Plano, Sr. 210 N. Williams Remodel 44 400.00 J. Bighin 558 Tobin Repair roof 45 550.00 G. C. Bartlett 512 N. Wells Inst. Plumbing 46 100.00 Jeanellan Pullis 308 N. Burnett Remodel house 47 400.00 Tony Starkovich 220 Tobin Erect garage 48 600.00 Pac. Fin. & Loan 519 3rd Ave Erect sign 9 100.00 Glen Clow & Lea Knight. State Highway Plumb & Wiring No. 5. The regular order of business was dispensed with by Mayor Mitchell with council consent, in order to discuss L.I.D. , #226, the improvement of Shattuck Street by the installation of a 6" water main; the hearing on same having been continued from July 6th 1948 in order that further check could be made by the City Engineer on the number of protests submitted. The City Engineer reported that the percentage of protests was not 60o against the improvement, providing all_ the footage adjacent to the proposed improvement district was included, but stated that the area outside of the City limits could not be assessed for the improvement and that if the pro rata share of this area was included in the district, the amount of assessments due from same would have to be assumed by the City until such time as said area might be annexed to the City. Upon the advice of the City Attorney that it was doubtful that it would be legal to assess the owners of said area after annexation, it was moved by Baxterl seconded by Bruce, that the proposal be rejected.Carried. Moved by Tamborinill seconded by Baxter, that the City Engineer and the Ways and Means Committee be instructed to make a further study of this proposition with regard to the possibility of procuring water for the residents that are living within the area in question and report back. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that August 3rd 1948 be designated as the time to discuss with representatives of the i Paramount Pest Control Company the problem of controlling rodents in the various parts of the City which are infested by same. Carried. 10 A communication was read from the American Pile Driving Company, Everett, Taash. , in the amount of „6,101.34 being the June payment due for the labor and material expended in construction work on the Logan Street bridge . Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that this be referred to the Finance Committee and City Engineer with Power to Act. Carried. A communication was read from S . J. Ristesund, Pastor of the Renton Lutheran Church, requesting the City Council to grant permission to connect the sewers of their Sunday School and Youth Building with the City of Renton sewer system. The Building is located adjacent to the Renton Highlands. Moved byGigli, seconded by Reid, that this be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for investigation and to report back their recommendation regarding same. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. Carl D. Cook, owner of COOK'S SUPER CREAMERY, requesting permission to secure the installation of a pin ball machine at 91G - 3rd Avenue. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that this be referred to the Police and License Committee and Chief of Police for investigation and that a recommendation be submitted at the next regular council meeting in regard to this request. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. K. B. Guest, Managerof King County Water District No. 68, extending the courtesy to the City of Renton,, use of their 2" drilling machine free of charge. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Clerk be instructed to send a letter of thanks to King County Water District No. 68, for this courtesy. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. Alex Gowers, 423 Morris Street protesting against the Pacific Coast Company in regard to their making flying switches on the Railroad track near Morris Street, blocking Morris Street at Walla Walla Avenue . Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that this be refe-rred to the Street and Alley Committee and City Engineer for a report back at the next regular council. meeting. Carried. Now A communication was read from Commercial Waterway District No. 2 , King County, advising that dunning on the Sanitary fill is not being carried out by the City of Renton according to their agreement with the Waterway District. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this be referred to the Property Committee and City Engineer for investigation and a report back at the next council. meeting. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. Chester Biesen, Executive Secretary of the Association of Washington Cities , requesting suggestions from the City of Renton as to the most suitable place for holding the. Regional meetings this Fall.. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that an invitation be extended to hold the next Regional meeting for this area in Renton and that this be referred to the Ways and Means Committee and City Clerk to arrange for the meeting in case it is held in Renton. Carried. A Communication was read from the City of Renton Planning Commission, advising that the following resolution was passed: "That we recommend to the Mayor and City Council that the portion of Block six (6) of Renton Highlands Housing j Project which is across the street from the present J` commercial area, be rezoned from Commercial to Residential" . Moved by Richardson, seconded by Baxter, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be concurred in. Carried. A communication was read from the City of Renton Planning Commission advising that the following resolution was passed: "That we recommend to the Mayor and City Council that the Secretary of the Renton Planning Commission be paid an annual salary of $300.00 per year as of January lst 1.94911 . Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that this 104 be referred to the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. A communication was mad from the Planning Commission advising that the following resolution was passed: THAT we recommend to the City Council that the Street skirting the north bank of Cedar River be named North Riverside Place and the Street skirting the south bank of cedar River be named South Riverside Place, and further recommend that the City Attorney be asked to pass on the legality of the right of a City to name streets along the waterway district. Moved by nichardson, seconded by Freyman that the names as suggested by the Planning Commission for the above mentioned streets be referred to Commercial Waterway District No. 2, for their recommendation in regard to same and that the City Clerk be in- structed to direct a letter to the Waterway District requestir:.g a report of their action on this matter. Carried. Reports for the month of June 1948 were read from the Renton Public Library, the Renton Recreational Council and the Park Board. Moved by Richardson seconded. by Tamborini, that these Departments be commended on their very fine reports. Carried. A communication was read from the Chief of Police advising that a dangerous condition existed due to lack of street lights at Units Nos. 2106 and 2116 9th Place, Renton Highlands, and recommended that lights be insLlled in this area. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that this be referred to the Fire Light and Water Committee and City Engineer. Carried. Recess was declared for Council as a whole to meet with the Ways and Means Committee. Council was called to order by Mayor Perry H. Mitchell, the following answering when the roll was ca1_2ed: Tamborini, Reid, Baxter, Swift, Richardson, Freyman, Delaurenti, Bruce, Hansen, Trimm and Gigli. The Finance Committee reported that several of the councilmen had been put to considerable expense in their various activities in checking on and transacting different items of business for the City; said councilmen requesting that the council as a whole approve their claims for reimbursement for these expenses. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the requests of the councilmen be granted and that said expenses be allowedg and ordered paid. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. Wm. F. Bennett, submitting his proposal in the amount of $9000.00 for the sale of his to the City of Renton, said property being located north of Cedar River along the East side of the N.P. Railway right-of-way. After a discussion, the Property Committee recommended the purchasing of this property by the City of Renton, providing Mr. Bennett is agreeable to bear his share of the expense of improving the Street adjacent thereto. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the recommendation of the Property Committee be concurred in and that this be referred to the Property Committee and City Attorney with Power to Act. Carried. • Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the City Engineer be instructed and given Power to Act to paint a yellow strip for NO PARKING on the curve from the S .W. corner of the Logan Street bridge to and in front of the Airport Inn as per the recommendation of the Palice Departments and to place a STOP SIGN at 6th Avenue North entering Logan Street and also 7th Avenue and Renton Street. Carried. The City Engineer requested and was granted more time relative to completing negotiations with the Northern Pacific R. R. , regarding right-of-way to be used for extending 4th Avenue North to Logan Street. .05 The Property Committee requested and was granted more time relative to repairs of gutters and roof at the SWEET CENTER building. The Police and License Committee recommended that the granting of a permit to Rose Drazich at 511 - Bronson Place, to operate a Beauty Shop, be referred to the Council as a whole. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Baxter, that the recommendation of the Police and License Committee be concurred in and that a permit be granted to operate said beauty shop, and that the Manager of said beauty shop be notified that the placing of signs for advertising purposes must NOW be restricted to windows of said home. Carried. The Ordinance Committee requested and was granted more time relative to the preparation of a Punch Board Ordinance and to further study of an Ordinance for changing and/or increasing the number of council committees . The Street and Alley Committee and City Engineer advised that an investigation had been made relative to the seepage of water onto the James Zerwoodis property and this controversy is between two private parties, but that the City of Renton should be willing to cooperate within reason if the property owners can come to an agree- ment on a plan. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that the re- commendation. of the Street and Alley Committee and City Engineer be concurred in and the City Clerk be instructed to notify Mr. Zerwoodis regarding the action of the council on this problem. Carried. The Street and Alley Committee recommended that the problem of water running from the Renton Highlands into Windsor Hills be referred to the City Engineer for study and a recommendation on the same. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the re- commendation of the Street and Alley Committee be concurred in and the City Engineer be instructed to investigate as to the probable cost of said rail and report back' to the City Council. Carried. The Ways and Means Committee requested and was granted more time relative to the problem of establishing new boundaries for the Wards and precincts that should be changed as re- quired by Law. The Finance Committee reported that an in- vestigation had been made relative to determining the cost of 26 mercury lights which the City plans to install from the intersection of Park Street and Bronson ti-lay down 2nd Avenue to Logan Street and stated that same would cost $600.00 each, making a total of approximately $16,000.00 which amount includes the expense of installation. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that this be referred to the Ways and Paeans and Finance Committees for study and report back. Carried. A communication was read from Ned Stokes , Manager of the Renton Airport and the Renton Airport Board, recommen- ding to the City Council the purchasing of the property (40) foot strip at the North end of the Renton Airport to be used for the construction of a seaplane ramp , at a purchase price of $2500.00. Moved by Richard- son, seconded by Reid, that the recommendation of the Airport Manager and the Renton Airport Board be concurred in. Carried. The Property Committee reported that clearance had been obtained from the Puget Sound Power and Light Company to remove the LOOK-OUT STATION on Renton Hill and recommended selling the same to Jessie Cluclow for "'35.00. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that the recommendation of the Property Committee be concurred in. Carried. The Property Committee recommended that a sign be installed under the marquee of the City Hall indicating direction to the new COMFORT STATION. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that this be referred to the Property Conunittee with Power to Act. ,Carried. 106 The City Engineer requested permission to attend the Institute of Governments at the University of Wash- ington, Seattle , Wash. , for two (2) days July 27th and 28th 1948 . Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that permission be granted the City Engineer to attend the University of Washington. Carried. The City Engineer recommended to the City Council, that call for bids be made for the sale of the timbers removed from the Logan Street bridge. Moved by Richardson, - seconded by Reid, that the recomr.:endation of the City Engineer be concurred in and that call for bids be made. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. M. L. Armstrong, Publicity Chairman of the Kent Lions Club Sky Fair, requesting permission of the City Council to drop leaflets from the air relative to the Kent Lions Club who is sponsoring a Sky Fair to raise funds for an air-age program in the Kent Schools. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Baxter, that permission be granted. Carried. Councilman Richardsen, at the request of the proprietors of the Armstrong Garage verbally requested the City Council, to consider the possibility of rezoning 4th Avenue from Williams to Wells Streets to a commercial district, in order that parking restrictions could be eliminated so that the business in said area would not be hampered by parking restrictions. Moved by Reid, seconded by Tamborini, that this be referred to the street and Alley Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini; that establishing the salary of the Superintendent of Utilities and City Engineer, Mr. B. M. McHugh be referred to the Inlays and Means Committee for study and report back their recommendation to the City Council. Carried. A communication was read from the Housing Authority of the City of Renton requesting the City of Renton to prepare a plan for the ultimate disposition of the temporary and demountable portions of the Renton Highlands , as well as the Cedar River Park Project. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that Mayor Mitchell be requested to notify the Dis- position Committee to prepare a plan for the ultimate disposition of the temporary and demountable portions of Renton Highlands and the Cedar River Park Project, such committee to work in conjunc- tion with the City Engineer City Attorney and Officials of the Housing Authority of the City of Renton in order that their re- commendations on this question may be submitted to the Regional Office of the Punlic Housing Administration, San Francisco, California. Carried. Councilman Reid recommended that two (2) lights be installed between the alley at 3rd and 4th Avenues. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the Fire Light and Water Committee be instructed to investigate the cgst of this install- ation and report back to the Council. Carried. A committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday July 27th 1948 at 8:00 o'clock in the Council Chambers , to meet with the Fire Light and Water Committee, City Attorney, Ordinance Committee , Fire Chief and Building Inspector. The Following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: CURRENT The Allen Shops F . D. Exnense36.77 2419 American Blue Print Engr. " 5 2 20 Automatic Deodorant C. H. 0 2 21 2 Bert' s Signal Serv. F. D. 8.2 William Bogh Attorney " 8.00 23 Clark Bros Motor Co. F. D. 2.06 24 Howard Cooper Corp F. D. Outlay 72.31 25 107 CURRENT CONT'D L. N. Curtis & Sons F. D. Expense $ 5. 17 2426 Custer Hardware Co. Supplies 94.67 27 D. & I. Office Supp. City Clerk' s Expense 19.02 28 Wm. F. Davis Bond & Ins. Prem. 5.00 29 Harper-Meggee, Inc. P. D. Expense 18.77 30 Tom Harries Agency Bond & Ins. Premiums 85.00 31 Holmes Electric . C . H. Expense 2.83 32 Kuker-Ranken, Inc. Engr. Expense 3.66 33 Matt' s Motor Shop F. D. " 4.25 34 Osborne Photographers P. D. " 24.74 35 Pac. Coast Stamp Works P. D. " 9.32 36 P.S .P. & Light Co. Power 614.98 37 Rainbow Cafe Jail Meals 7.20 38 Renton Realty Co. Ins. & Bond Premium 10.00 39 Normal Riddell, Attorney Expense 54.00 40 Vernon Scott C .H. Expense 17.30 41 Seattle Rubber Stamp Engineer Exp. 123.60 42 Service Laundry P.D. & F. D. Expense 86 .82 43 Sunray Service C. H. Expense 91.46 44 Treasurer, U.S .A. Garbage Expense 24. 55 45 Trick & Murray Registration Supplies 117.68 46 United Jan. Supply Expense 128.80 47 Universal Sign Co. G. H. Expense 66.95 48 Valley Window it " 7.00 49 Waters Expense 49.29 50 Western Union Tel. Mayor ' s Exr)ense .84 51 Wright Motors F. D. Expense 206.44 52 King County Medical August dues 281.00 53 Rentor_ Motor Parts P. D. Expense 50.77 54 Renton Vet. Hospital Puund Expense 16. 50 55 A. T. Sullivan P. D. " 30.37 56 Renton Chrcnicle City Clk. and "ol Court Exp. 46.85 57 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Phones 231.82 58 O .L.Matthie P .D. Expense . 50 59 Payroll, Office 896. 50 60-73 Payroll , Engineers 698.70 74-78 Payroll , F. D. 2144.31 79-98 Payroll, P .D. 2727.25 99-2519 Payroll, Mayor & Council 456.21 20-32 Chapman Bros. Expense 214.82 33 Dual parking Meter Parking Meter Expense 39.90 34 Renton Auto Freight C .H. Expense 1.00 35 Renton Hardware City Hall Outlay 169.49 36 Renton News Record Expense 253.41 37 Renton Plumbing Co. City Hall Outlay 157.28 38 Treasurer, U.S . Garbage Expense 21.67 39 Western Union Expense 24.68 40 Williams & Swanson Expense 74.43 41 Payroll Garbage 863.55 42-49 Payroll St. Cleaning 444.01 50-54 Treasurer , U.S .A. P.D. 23.40 55 WATER Addressograph Sales Treas. Expense 6.07 6760 Cascade Machinery Co. Expense 135.73 61 City of Seattle, Water Water 78.92 62 Dale & McLendon Supplies 2.60 63 Herman's Mobile "lamb " 24.66 64 Marckmann & Williams " 425.18 65 tt if " 243,76 66 Pac. Water Works Supp. " 7.62 67 P.S.P . & sight Co. Power 804.44 68 L.. Reid & Cook Supplies 34.98 69 Renton Feed & Seed it 9.58 70 Rockwell Mfg. Co. " 416.43 71 Steam Supply & Rubber " 10.20 72 Stoneway Dock Co. " 3. 50 73 Van Waters & Rogers " 81.20 74 Waters Treas. Expense 15.76 75 King County Medical Aug. Dues 35.00 76 Renton Motor Parts Supplies 4.29 77 The Renton Chronicle Treas .Expense 53.05 78 108 WATER Payroll 1.1ater-Office $222.43 6779-83 Renton News Record Supplies 65.12 84 Payroll Water 1008.01 85-92 CITY STREETS Custer Hardware Co. Supplies 105.76 4201 Dale & McLendon "' 11 .68 02 E .I.Dupont De Nemours " 61.80 03 Feenaughty Machinery " 21.78 04 Gladding Mcbean & Co. " .91 05 King Cty, Road Dist. No.2 " 401.00 06 Pac. Hosit & Derrick 1-2.45 07 Pac. Marine Supply Co. 11.59 08 Polson Implement Co. 7.84 09 Preservative Paint Co. " 1-4.94 10 Renton Auto Freight Expense 58.50 la Renton Machine & 1r7eld. " 25.75 12 Stoneway Dock Co. Supplies 45.69 13 King County Medical August Dues 42.75 14 The Lumber Market Supplies 95.06 15 Renton Motor Parts " 65. 58 16 Truck Welding & Equip. " 12.24 17 Union Oil Co. of Calif. Gasoline 688.91 18 Payroll Office 96.17 19-22 Williams & Swanson Supplies 12.27 23 Payroll City Streets 1373.27 24-36 SEWER DISPOSAL Cochrane Builders Supplies 11.23 87 Custer Hardware It16.22 88 Matthie Fixit Shop It 92.70 89 Pennsylvania Salt Mfg. it 206.00 90 P .S.P. & Light Co. Power 174.77 91 Stoneway Dock Co. Supplies 12.83 92 King County Medical August Dues41.00 93 Payroll 673 .60 94-1202 Payroll Sewers & Drains 308.52 03-05 AIRPORT Bonnell Nurseries Supplies 78.40 430 Cochran Paint & Hdw. " 5.67 31 Tom Dobson Expense 45.00 32 Overall Cleaning it 2..06 3� P.S .P . & Light Co. Power 101.03 3 Renton Auto Supply Co. Supplies .36 35 Renton Machine & Weld. Expense 12.36 36 Renton Refrig. Ser. Supplies 1.36 37 United Jan. Supply it 20.39 38 Western Flying Expense 2.00 39 King County Medical August Dues 4.00 40 Union Oil Co. of Cal. Supplies-Oil 20.05 41 Payroll Airport 345.51 42-46 Occidental Pub. Co. Subscription 3.00 47 Renton Hardware Co. Supplies 5.92 48 Renton News Record Rental on typewriter 10.00 49 Seattle ';,'ater Dept. Water 196.75 50 PARK Custer Hardware Supplies 4.67 943 P.S .P. & Light Co. Power 7.54 44 VOID VOID VOID VOID Renton Feed and Seed Supplies 26.68 46 Seares Roebuck & Co. 73.95 47 Stoneway Dock Co. " 213.73 48 King, County Medical August Dues 19.75 49 Payroll Park 734.30 50-57 C . Haleway Service & Material 1.96 58 LIBRARY E. Winifred Allen Books 203.42 1509 Central' Typewriter Supplies 8.96 10 Consumers , Research Hooks 5.00 11 Didier, Publishers it 2.13 12 Doubleday & Co. it 10.21 13 George Friend Expense 10.00 _o LIBRARY CCNT'D J.K. Gill Co. Books 23.22 1515 Imperial Book Co. It 9.58 16 The MacMillian Co. 36.86 17 Puget Sound News Co. " 100.00 18 " it it Power 5.82 19 Remington Rand, Inc. Supplies 27.30 20 Wilcox & Folett Co. Book 1.56 .21 The H. W. Wilson Co. . " 6.00 22 King County Medical August Dues 4.00 23 Payroll Library 845.45 24-30 ATHLETIC Jack O'Donnell Payroll 84.90 271 A. & B. Sportsmen' s Hdq. Supplies 56.70 72 Custer Hardware 1.80 73 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 9.64 74 Stoneway Dock Co. Supplies 2.06 75 King County Medical August Dues 11.25 .76 Payroll Athletic 755.16 - 77-85 CUMNLATIVE; FUND ##1183 - American Pile Driving Co. Logan Street bridge 6,101.34 284 CUMULATIVE FUND #1184 General Electric Supp. Light Equipmenn 61809.26 410 Moved- by Gigli, seconded by Richardson, that the above bills be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. There being no further business to Come before the Council, it was moved by hichardson, seconded by Tamborinil that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. CAYY Clerk ` yor. 110 Renton, Wash August 3rd 1948 ` The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Renton was called to order by Mayor Perry H. Mitchell. Roll Call: Baxter, Swift, Delaurenti, Bruce, Freyman, Hansen, Ttimm, Reid, Gigli, Richardson, and Tamborini. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Richardson, that the minutes of the meeting of July 20th 1948 be approved as written. Carried. THE FOLLOWING BUILDING PERMITS HAVE BEEN ISSUED BY THE BUILDING 1 DEPARTMENT: NO. AMOUNT NAME LOCATION TYPE WORK 3�j0 2000.00 Mr. Erickson 12208 141st Pl. Remodel residence 52 100.00 George Redelfs 228 Burnett Rewire for range 5,3 400.00 Emmon Beil 247 Pelly Repair roof 54 3000.00 Service Laundry 4th Ave & Wells Sprinkler system 55 1000.00 F. A. Collman 112 3rd Remodel cabin 56 100.00 Bennetts Highland Cr Shopping Cen. Install new Service 57 100.00 Mrs. A. Weaver Bx. 111 Wd. Hls Concrete driveway 58 750.00 Bob' s Central Hwre 227 Williams Erect sign 59 100.00 Annie 74hitaker 122 Garden Repair Garage 60 100.00 Bargain Basement 306-j Wells Vent for boiler room 61 100.00 J. T. Cooper 2613 13th No. Install elec. range 62 100.00 Harold R. Caldwell 2628 15th No. Remodel rge. & W.H. 63 100.00 Philip Pomeroy 344 Meadow Wiring for W.H. 64 100.00 A. Nunn 323 Park Erect porch • 65 100.00 C. W. Tyndall 104 lst No. Erect sprinkler sys. 66 1000.00 Knights of Pythias 121 Burnett Repair building 67 100.00 Joe Breibach Earlington Install wiring for Rge. 68 1000.00 H. Winecka 103 Burnett Erect garage 69 100.00 R. Jackson 310 Meadows Erect driveway 70 100.00 Emil Beale 1507 Walla Walla Remodel wood shed 71 100.00 City of Renton 227 Wells Erect traffic light meter loops . 72 100.00 John P lese 509 Tobin Erect driveway 73 2000.00 JoeSabaliS 13421 Rainier Remodel Bldg, 74 100.00 L. P . Wood 316 Cedar Remodel Rge. Service 75 100.00 St. Anthonyts Sch. 4th & Shattuck Install wiring 76 400.00 Sylvia Motor Co. 1217 Bronson 1°firing 77 100.00 Tom Dobson 707 Tobin Install new Electric Service for range. Mayor Mitchell dispensed with the regular order of business in order to hear Mr. Fisher , a representative of the Paramount Pest Control Service explain their proposed Rodent Control campaign. Mr. Fisher advised that if the City of Renton was interested in this program, they, without cost to the City, would conduct a survey. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Reid, that Dr. C. L. Dixon, City Health Officer be requested to make a survey of the City of .Renton regarding condition relative to the controlling of rodents in the City and r eport back his recommen- dation. Carried. A further discussion was held relative to L.I.D. , No. 226,. the improvement of Shattuck Street by the installation of a 611water main and the procuring of water for the residents within the area in question. Councilman Richardson suggested that a petition be prepared for the installation of a permanent system and signatures of the property owners affected by the proposed L.I.D. , be secured stating that they want water service from the City of Renton. This petiion to be presented to the City Council at the recessed Council meeting August 10th 1948. Moved by Baxter , seconded by Reid, that the City Engineer, City Attorney and the property owners within the area in question, be authorized to circulate the above mentioned petition. Carried. Moved by t'ichardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Clerk be instructed to notify all property owners interested in the L.I.D. , on Renton Hill, for the installation of sewer laterals , that a public hearing will be held Tuesday, August 10th 1948 at 7:30 o' clock P .M. t for the purpose of determining a feasibile plan for the construction of said laterals . Carriedl. A communication was read from Heberling Bros . , making application for a license to operate a Rockolla Shuffle Board at the Victory Tavern,_ located at the corner of 3rd and Rainier Avenue , Renton, Washington. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift? that this be referred to the Police and License Committee for investigation and report back and that Mr. Heberling be requested to demonstrate said machine. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. Harry D. Fletcher, requesting permission to operate a PAINT AND WALL PAPER STORE at 307A - Wells Street in the new Tonkin Building for the purpose of retailing paint and wall paper and sundry items. Moved by Reid, seconded by Freyman, that this permit be granted subject to the regulations and requirements of the City Ordinance. Carried. Copy of a letter directed to the Puget Sound Power and Light Company from the District Engineer of the State of Washing- ton, Department of Highways was ordered filed. A communication was read from Mr. Wm. B. pond , Director of the Park Department, advising that the Red Cross Swim School held at Pritchard Beach, Seattle, Wash. was very successful. Mr. Pond advised that Mr. Lou Evans of the Seattle Park Board, had given every consideration toward making this a success and recommended that aletter of thanks from the Mayor and City Council of the City of Renton be sent for the cooperation in this event. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Clerk be instructed to write a letter of thanks as per the recommendation. Carried. A communication was read from the Association of Washington Cities relative to the 1948 series of regional meetings. This communication was ordered filed. A short recess was declared for Committee discussions . Council was called to order by Mayor Perry H. ►� Mitchell, the following members answering when the roll was called: Tamborini, Reid, Richardson, Delaurenti, Gigli, Baxter, Hansen, Bruce, Freyman, Trimm and Swift. The City Engineer reported that the cost of an iron pipe guard rail for the Houser 'clay bridge would be approximately $250.00 and that in his opinion the present guard rail provides adequate protection. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Tambcrini, that the guard rail at the Houser Way bridge remain as it is. Carried. The Street and Alley Committee recommended that the proposed Renton Luthe m Church sewer connection to the City of Renton' s sewer system be allowed because of the proximity of the connection to the City of Renton's water well located in this area and further re- commended that the City Engineer investigate as to the possibility of connections for other residents of this immediate area, stating that agreements in writing specifying time and method of payment should be made with those who are granted sewer connections. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the City Engineer contact some of the residents of this area and suggest that should the area be annexed to the City of Renton, sewer connections can be furnished for the area so that if a sufficient number would petition the City for annexation, the proper solution to their sewer problem would be achieved by the annexation. Carried. The Street and Alley Committee recommended that the Pacific Coast Railway Company be notified by letter of the complaint of Mr. Alex Gowers in regard to cars that are left on the siding near 423 - Morris Street. Moved by Richardson., seconded by Delaurenti, that the recommendation be concurred in and the City Clerk be instructed to write said letter. Carried. The Street and Alley Committee recommended that the Pacific Car and Foundry be requested to remove the box cars that are being used by itinerants on Walla Walla Avenue between Burnett and Morris Streets.- Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gigli, that the re- commendation of the Street and Alley Committee be concurred in and 112cc the City Clerk be instructed to inform the Pacific Car and Foundry Company of this request. Carried. The Street and Alley Cor,,.mittee requested and was granted more time re the request of the Armstrong Garage, that the City Council consider the possibility of rezoning 4th Avenue from Williams to Wells Streets to a commercial district in oder to allow an extended parking time. The Ways and Means Committee recommended that the Secretary of the planning Commission be paid an annual salary of $300.00 per year, effective January 1st 1949, and that this be provided for in the 1949 budget. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, that the recommendation of the Ways and Means Committee be concurred in. Carried. The Ways and Means Committee requested and was granted more time relative to establishing new boundaries for the wards and precincts that should be changed as required by law. The Ways and Means Committee regported that there is X10,000.00 provided for in the 1948 street Department budget for the 26 mercury lights which are to be installed from the inter- section_ of Park Street and Bronson Way down 2nd Avenue to Logan Street and that the additional funds required must be provided from the Emergency budget. Moved by Tambori_ni, seconded by Fryman, that the recommendation of the Ways and Means Committee be con- curred in and that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plans and specifications and call for bids for the installation of these lights. Carried. The trays and Means Committee recommended that the salary of Mr. B. M. McHugh whose duties effective July lst 1948 were increased from City Engineer to City Engineer and Superintendent of Utilities be increased. After an opinion rendered by the City Attorney that it would be legal for Mr. McIiugh "Co receive the salary that had been allowed to the former Superintendent of Utilities in the amount of , 450.00 �-)er month, it was moved by Baxter, seconded by Delaurenti, that the salary of Mr. McHugh in the amount of C-450.00 per month effective July lst 1948 be allowed. Carried. The Police and License Committee requested and was granted more time relative to the application of Mr. Carl D. Cook for permission to secure the installation of a pin ball machine at 919 - 3rd Avenue. The Property Committee requested and was granted more time relative to the repairing of gutters and roof at the Sweet Center Building. The Fire Light and mater Committee recommended that three (3) lights be installed at units Nos. 2106 and 2116 9th Place Renton Highlands and that the City Engineer be instructed to present an estimate relative to same at the next regular council meeting. Moved byRichardson, seconded by Trim, that the recommendation of the Fire Light and Water Committee be concurred in. Carried. The Fine Light and Water Committee requested and was granted more time relative to the cost of installation of two (2.) lights in the alley running from Smithers to Morris Streets between 3rd and 4th Avenues. The Fire Light and Water Committee recommended that the permit to burn refuse, requested by the contractor constructing the new Wright Motors Building, located in the area bounded by Logan and Burnett Streets and 3rd Avenuen. Rento , b^:'ash. , be denied by reason of violation of Ordinance No. AlO. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the recommendation of the Fire Light and Water Committee be concurred in. Carried. The Ordinance Committee requested and was granted an extension of time for further study of Ordinance relating to 113 Punch Board and changing and/or increasing the number of council committees. A petition was read from the property owners adjacent thereto, requesting the rezoning of that portion of Tax lot 2, of the NE-1- Section 19, Township 23, North, Range 5 East, lying within Renton City limits and lying south of 7th Avenue , from residential to commercial. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Baxter, that this be referred to the Planning Commission for their recommendation and report back. Carried. The Property Committee recommended that the City lease r.. the SWEET CENTLE building in Liberty Park to SAM AND IRENE MANDIC , at wr50.00 per month for a period of two (2) years only, with an option to renew same at expiration date for a period of 2 years, amount of rentals for the second two year period to be set at time of renewal. Moved by Swift, seconded by Tamborini, that the recommendation of the Property Committee be concurred in and that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare said lease. Carried. The Property Committee recommended that the lease of Gervase H. Stafford & R x M- C all, operating a business known as the Scale Model Company ove y' Gigli, seconded by Richardson, that the recommendation of the Property Committee be concurred in and that the City Attorney be authorized. to notify the leasee of this action. Carried. The Property Committee requested authority to contact Mr. Niestradt to inform him that the property he is leasing from the City of Renton is not to be sub-let for storage space. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the request of the Property Committee be granted with Power to Act. Carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the City Engineer be instructed to notify the property owners between Park and Garden Avenues on 4th Avenue North and also the property owners of the lots in the same district, that the weeds and grass must be cut and the sidewalks kept cleared. Carried. Moved by Bruce , seconded by Reid, that the City Engineer be instructed to establish the proper City limit boundaries in the district known as Earlington. Carried. The City Engineer requested authorization to purchase pipe to hold in storage as stock. Moved by Trimm, seconded by ichardson, that this request be granted and that call for bids be made for the necessary pipe requirements . Carried. The City Engineer requested authorization to employ Mr. Saxon for the Engineering Department, as soon as satisfactory arrangements are completed. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that this request be granted. Carried. A report from Fire Chief Lawrence was read relative to the fire in the North Eenton Recreation Building. , This communication was ordered filed. Mayor Mitchell recommended to the City Council, that a Committee of the City of Renton and the Planning Commission make a study of the following probabilities that might affect the future welfare of the City of Renton: `w 1. The establis' ment of a King County Public Utility District. 2. The proposition of the City of Seattle taking over the Puget Sound Power and Light Company holdings. 3. The question of the City of Renton acting as its own distributing Agency by purchasing the distribution system inside the city limits of Renton from Puget Sound Power and Light Company and securing electrical current from whatever source available at the least expense. The distribution of light and power to be set-up as a utility for the purpose of making enough profit to off-set loss of tax received from the City's share of the tax levied on the Real Estate holdings of Puget Sound Power and Light Company within the City limits of Renton. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this be referred to the ''ire Light and ?�jater Committee and Planning Commission for further study and report back. Carried. Moved by hichardson, seconded by Swift, that the Committee from the Planning Commission and the Fire Light and Water Committee be allowed their expenses to Ellensburg and Centralia, Washington, if necessary in the study of the foregoing problem. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti , that the Eire Light and Water Committee contact Mr. Dominic Rockey - 334 - Wells Street re the moving of his garage and dedicating part of his lots to establish an alley from !^!alla Walla Avenue to 4th Avenue between Main and Wells Streets and report back to the Council. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: CURRENT John Anding Pound Expense w' 100.00 2556 Joe Baxter Council " 18.00 57 Hugh D. Bruce rr n 17.50 58 Herman Freyman " " 17.00 59 Andrew Gigli, 16.00 60 Olin D. Hansen �" " 17.00 61 Walter Reid "' " 18.00 62 Thomas W. Trimm " " 19.00 63 Dual Parking Meter Outlay 11697.58 6 Owl Cafe Jail Meals 87.00 65 Pac. Tel & Tel. Co. Telephone Expense 24.75 66 Mary Williams Registrar Brths.&Deaths 97.50 67 H. L. Collier-City Treasurer P. D. Expense 4.07 68 Payroll Office 861 .50 69-82 Payroll Engineers 500.10 83-86 Payro�_1 F. D. 27452.07 87-2610 Payroll P. D. 27604.95 11-2631 Payroll Garbage 708.94 32-38 & 2644 Payroll Street Cleaning 397.15 39-43 WATER Dorothea Gossett Treas. Exp, 2.40 6793 Chapman Bros Expense `:1.62 C�4 Payroll Office 309.93 95-6800 Payroll Water 980.06 01-09 CITY STREETS Payroll Office 196.17 4237-41 Payroll City Streets 11529. 52 42-56 SEWER DISPOSAL Payroll Disposal Plant 636.77 1206-14 Payroll_ Sewers & Drains 279.50 15-17 AIRPORT Payroll Airport 224.75 451-56 PARK Payroll Park 695.99 959-67 ATHLETIC Payroll Athletic �� 209.91 286-89 Moved by Tamborini, sec�R4ad 8yjiccaa rdson, that the above bills be allowed and ordered le here being no further business to come before the council, it was moved by hichardson, seconded by Gigli, that the meeting be recessed until August 10th 1.948. Carried. City Tlerk �gt: r�yor. Renton, 'dash August 10th 1948 The recessed meeting of the City Council of the City of Renton was called to order by Mayor Perry H. Mitchell. Roll Call; Tamborini, Richardson, Swift, Reid, Baxter, Delaurenti, Trimm, Freyman, Hansen, Bruce and Davidson. Moved by Bruceseconded by Tamborini, that the minutes of the meeting August 3rd 194A be approved as written. Apetition was read from the property owners on Shattuck Street from Walla Walla to 7th Avenues petitioning the pity of Renton to create a Local Improvement District for the improvements of Streets of the City of Renton, beginning at Walla Walla Avenue and Whitworth Street running thence westerly on Walla Walla Avenue to Shattuck Street thence south on Shattuck Street to 7th Avenue, with standard fire hydrant, auxiliary valve and pumper connection to be installed at 6th Avenue and Shattuck Street, with the understanding that the City of Renton will pay for the construction of the line on Walla Walla Avenue from Whitworth to Shattuck Street, the balance of -said improvement to be paid for by assessments against the properties on each side of Shattuck Street from Walla Walla Avenue to 7th Avenue. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Local Improvement District be created and that the City of Renton temporarily assume the cost for the 370 feet of property that is situated outside the City limits; the property owners of said property to be assessed at a later date, and that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare specifi- cations and call for bids for this improvement. A discussion was held with regard to the in- stallation of a 6" water main from 3rd and Shattuck Street to 3rd Place o$' Shattuck Street, with a water hydrant at that point and a water main for service to the Medical Dental Building Inc. , and the Church of -- Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints. The City Engineer stated that the cost of said installation woule be approximately $900.00 and suggested that the City of Renton assume one-third (1/3) the cost of said improvement, The Church of Latter Day Saints and the Medical Dental Building Inc. , to assume the balance of the cost of said installation. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Baxter, that the City Engineer be authorized to irmediately proceed with the installation of said water main provided the Church of Latter Day Saints and the Medical Dental Building Inc. , agree to pay two-thirds (2/3) of the cost of same. Carried. A group of property owners from Renton Hill were present at the City Council to discuss the fusibility of the installation of sewer laterals on Renton Hill.. The City Engineer advised that the total cost would be approximately $22,540.00. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare an estimate of the actual cost of constructing sewer laterals on Renton Hill and that the City Clerk notify each property owner as to the amount of his individual assessment. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Baxter, that the date of hearing of protests on proposed Local Improvement District, (sewer laterals on Renton Hill.) be fixed at the next regular council meeting August 17th 1948. Carried. A petition was read from the property owners of Block 1 Wefanc's addition to the City of Renton, requesting that improvements be made on 3rd Place off Shattuck Street, by paving of the street and the installation of curbing and sidewalks on the north side of 3rd Place, to be done after the present construction work is completed. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare and present Resolution of Intention relative to the above. Carried. 116 =1 N A communication was read from the Spokane Junior Chamber of Commerce, Spokane, Washington. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Richardson, that this communication be referred to the Planning Commission. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. D.J.Mulholland, New Armory, Seattle, Wash. , requesting information relative to re- gulations governing the use of sound equipment in the City of Renton. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that this be referred to the Police and License Committee. Carried. THE FOLLOWING BUILDING PERMITS HAVE BEEN ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DEPART- MENT: EPART-MENT: AMOUNT NAME LOCATION TYPE WORK 378 $100-00 Dominic Pelachiali 212 Burnett No. Repair residence 79 100.00 Mrs. G. Winfrey 1515 Marion Remodel 80 100.00 R.P. Baldwin 526 So. Wells Remodel range to W.H. 81 100.00 John Swanson 320 Renton Inst1. New elec. Service 82 100.00 Chapman Bros, 911 Walla Walla Erect sign 83 50.00 Harry D. Fletcher 307-A Wells Erect if 84 100.00 E. A. Shearer 410 Williams Repair porch 85 97000.00 Otto Sundholm 9119 132nd P1. Erect Duplex Dwl. 86 700.00 Fred O'Brien 327 Morris Remodel house A communication was read from the Traffic Division of the Renton Police Department' submitting the following recommendations regarding Traffic Signal lights: 1. Adjust the timeing so that the color sequence shall be red followed by AMBER for four (4) seconds followed immediately by GREEN. 2. Remove the STOP SIGNS from each intersection that has been signalized on 2nd and 3rd Avenues. 3. All other signalized intersections shall have a sign attached to STOP SIGN reading as follows: STOP WHEN S IGNAL IS OFF. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the recommendations of the Police Department be concurred in. Carried. A communication was read from Sgt. C.E.McCarthy, Traffic Division of the Renton Police Department, requesting permission to barricade the side streets on 3rd Avenue, including and from Renton Street, to and including Wells Street, for the purpose of using 3rd Avenue from Renton to Wells Streets, for the BOX CAR DERBY, August 15th 1948. Moved by Tamborini., seconded by Hansen, that this request be granted under the supervision of the Police Department. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. Wm. B. Pond, Director of Recreation, requesting permission to barricade Houser Way from the North side of the Cedar River underpass to Bronson Way, for the bicycle competition to be held at Liberty Park August 20th 1948. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that this request be granted. Carried. A communication was read from the Association of Washington Cities. This communication was held in abeyance until the next regular council meeting August 17th 1948. A communication was read from Mr. Wm. V. Cowan, Attorney for Commercial Waterway District No. 2, advising that the Commercial Waterway District No.2, had unanimously voted to name the Waterway right-of-way between Bronson Way bridge and Logan Street bridge along Cedar River as follows: 1. Cedar River Drive North, on the North side of laid River AND 2. Cedar River Drive South, on the south side of said river. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the recommendation be concurred in and the City Clerk be instructed to notify Mr. John Lotto, Postmaster, relative to the renaming of this right-of-way. Carried. Communications were read from the Park Board and the Planning Commission of the City of Renton recommending that Mr. Wm, Pond, Recreational Director, be sent to the National Recreation Council Conference, September 26th through September 30th 1948, to be held at Omaha, Nebraska. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that this be referred to the Ways and Means and Finance Committee for study and re- port back at the next regular council meeting August 17th 1948. Carried. A communication was read from Wanda Sepptij Executive Secretary of Greater Renton-Community Chest, Inc. , advising the City Council that at a meeting of the Board of Directors, it was resolved that the Community Chest go on record as recomm,aending to the City Council, that it increase the Park Board appropriation to at least a sufficiamt sum tocarry on a basis recreation program. This communication was referred to the Ways and Means Committee. A communication was read from the Planning Commission advising the City Council that the following resolutions were passed August 4th 1948 1948: 1. That 4th Avenue North be extended to connect with Logan Street with a grade crossing over the N.P. tracks; and, that said extension of 4th Avenue North and grade crossing be under the supervision of the City Engineer and with the cooperation of the N.P. Railroad. 2. That, with the supervision of the City Engineer and the cooperation of the N.P. Railroad, they obtain the use of underpass under the N.P. tracks in the location which would be an extension of 1st Avenue Northl for pedestrian use. The Property Committee reported that they had been unable to complete the final arrangements for the purchase of Real Estate from Mr. Wm. F. Bennett, in order to complete arrangements for the completion of 4th Avenue North through to Logan Street and to open the pedestrian underpass at 1st Avenue North under the N.P. Railway track, but are informed that Mr. Bennett will soon return at which time ffinal arrangements will be made for the purchase of this property. 3. The Planning Commission recommended to the City Council that the petition of Nick Angelo for the rezoning of portion oftax lot No. 2, Northeast 1/4 Section 199 Township 23 North Range 5 East, lying within the City of Renton be rezoned to industrial with the exception of a ten (10) foot portion along 7th Avenue and a ten (10) foot section along Grady Way. After a discussions it was moved by Tamboriniq seconded by Freyman, that this be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. The Planning Commission recommended that the City Council act favorablyu on the rezoning petition of Mr. H. G. White to rezone the Northeast lX of Section 179 Township 23, North, Range 5 East of W.M. bounded on Northwest by Bronson Way North (County Road 174) on northeast by Mount Olivet Cemetery and bounded on south by Snoqualmie Falls right-of-way- and that said property be rezoned to Industrial. Moved by Delaurentil seconded by Bruce, that the re- commendation of the Planning Commission be concurred in. Carried. A communication was read from the Planning Commission recommending to the City Council that the petition for annexation of a section west of Shattuck Street to State Road No. 5, and south of Chicago Milwaukee and St. Paul ri .ht-of way and as much property to the south of 6th Avenue as the 75ratification will justify7 be annexed to the City of Renton. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson 4-y'mi V that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be concurred in. Carried. The City Engineer advised that the residents North of the Honeydew School were desirous of securing permission to connect with the City of Renton Water System for the purpose of securing water and requested the council to advise him as to their wishes in this matter. Moved by Richardson seconded by Tamborini, that this be re- ferred to the Fire Light ands Water Committee , City Attorney and City Engineer. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by TamboriniIn- structed the Fire Light and Water Committee and City Engineer be to investigate as to the advisability of a traffic signal at 3rd Avenue and Morris Street and report back their recommen- dation at the next regular council meeting August 17th 1948. Carried. The City Clerk and the City Treasurer requested authorization of the Council to pay employees who are woking over- time in connection with registrations for the forthcoming elections, same to be charged to election expense. Moved by Richardson seconded by Reidt that this be referred to the Finance Committee, City Clerk and City Treasurer with Power to Act. Carried. There being no further business to come before the council, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. City Clerk f7 Renton, Wash August 17th 1948 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order, Mayor Perry H. Mitchell presiding. Roll Call:Baxter, Bruce, Davidson, Delaurenti, Freyman Gigli, Hansen, Reid, Richardson, Swift, Tamborini and Trimm Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the minutes of the recessed meeting August 10th 1948 be approved as corrected. THE FOLLOWING BUIIDING PERMITS HAVE BEEN ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT: NO. AMOUNT NAME LOCATION TYPE WORK 3$7 0.00 Harry D. Fletcher 307 Wells Erect sign 88 400.00 M. Williams 201 Burnett Repair roof 89 2000.00 Lee. G. Hansen Box 486 Remodel Store Bldg. 90 100.00 Nick Angelo Walla Walla Rewire Building 91 100.00 U. I. Duckworth 232 Wells Move building 92 100.00 W. J. Thompson 714 1st Ave No. Repair house 93 400.00 Mrs. Peterson Cor. 4th & Factory Repair shed 94 100.00 Mrs. Robt. Gasper 929 J. Street Erect oil burner 95 100.00 Esther Raymond 525 Wells Repair Steps 96 150.00 Dominic Alexander 429 Mill St Instl. Oil Bur. Fur. 97 100.00 R. J. Storey 10151 1st Ave No. Repair foundation 98 100.00 E. J. Calvin 13409 89th So. Inst. Oil Burner 99 100.00 W. J. Evans 428 Williams Repair garage 400 100.00 Oscar Alila 503 Mill Rewire range W.H. O1 400.00 S. Gigli 13810 So. 88th Install wiring 01A 100.00 A. Natucci 102 Williams It it 02 2500.00 Clayton R. Spencer 110 Burnett Repair House 03 100.00 William Dale 449 N. Wells Move Garage 04 400.00 Henry Zwaduck 721 Jones Inst. Oil Burner 05 100.00 J. W. Allan 419 Williams Erect bulkhead ... A communication was read from the American Pile Driving Compan , Everett, Wash. , submitting their final bill in the amount of $17 76.56 for work performed and material furnished in the construction of the Logan Street bridge, and enclosing two (2) copies of the last estimate including completed hand rail for said bridge. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that this be referred to the City Engineer, City Attorney and Finance Committee with Power to Act. Carried. A communication from the Association of Washington Cities was read requesting the City of Renton to submit their suggestions for DISCUSSION TOPICS at the 1948 Regional meetings, to be held at Enumclaw, Wash. , Wednesday September 22nd 1948 and Kirdland Wash. , Thursday, September 23rd 148. Councilman Reid suggested that the sub- ject of the establishment of a King County Puhlic Utility, etc. , be recommended for discussion, additional subjects to be submitted soon. THE CITY CLERK ADVISED THAT Mr. Ted Nelson, proprietor of the Maple Leaf Tavern had requested that the City Council. consider allowing him a rate for his Dance Hall license for the balance of the year comparative to the length of time that his dance hall will operate in the corporate limits of the City of Renton during 1948 . Moved by Richardson, seconded by Baxter, that this be referred to the Police and License Committee with Power to Act. Carried. A communication was read from Emil E. Palmquist, M.D. , M.P.H. , Director of Public Health, advising that the Board of Directors of the Renton Hospital had agreed to give space to the Department of Public Health Center, which would serve Renton and the southeastern part of the county. The station should be opened after September 1st 1948 and also submitted for the consideration of the City Council, that the City of Renton for the calendar 1949; budget the total amount of $4,500.00 for public health services to be given in the City of Renton by King County Department of Public Health. This amount would pay for the salary of the stenographer-clerk for the Renton District Health Center, one-half the salary of a senior general sanitarian who would 120 t., also work out of this center, and the remainder for travel expense for the sanitarian. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for their con- sideration and recommendations. Carried. The following was submitted by the City Engineer, Mr. B.M. McHugh as per the request of the contractor of the Superior Con- struction Company in connection with L.I.D. , No. 225, side walks for Windsor Hills. 6103.1 Square yards of walks @ $3.10 - $189919.61 327.2 " it of driveways " 4. 50 - 1,472.40 170 Feet of drain pipe it 1.00 - 170.00 $20, 5 2.01 Less 15% for 30 days - 3,0 4.30 Pay contractor - $17,477.71 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that this be re- ferred to the Finance Committee , City Engineer and City Attorney with Power to Act. RESOLUTION OF INTENTION No. 704, was submitted by the City Attorney - That it is the intention of the City Council to order the improvement of 3rd Place from Shattuck StreettD Rainier Avenue, by paving said street and constructing curbing and side walks of the north side of said 3rd place. Moved by Richardson seconded by Tamhorini, that the Resolution as read be adopted and hat the 21st of September 1948 be fixed as the date for the public hearing on same. Carried. The City Engineer reported that he had contacted the Northern Pacific Railway and Mr. Wm. A. Stancer, Chief Engineer of the Department of Transportation, Olympia, Washington, with regard to the grade crossing on 4th Avenue North. The Northern Pacific Railway advised that the Department of Transportation, Olympia should approve the crossing in order that the proposal would not have to come up for a hearing. Mr. S tancer refused to concur in this proposal.. It is the contention of the Department of Transportation that a 50 foot flat space at the elevation at the top of the rails, with the crossing leading directly into the stadium parking lot, be constructed before adequate traffic safety measures could be pro- vided. After a discussion, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the City Council go on record as soliciting the aid of civic groups to promote the 4th Avenue grade crossing. Carried. THE CITY ENGINEER RECOMMENDED that a date be fixed for a meeting with Mr. Blanchard of the Westinghouse Electric Company for a discussion relative to the type of mercury lights to be installed from the intersection of Park Street and Bronson Way down 2nd Avenue to Logan Street. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Freyman that the re- commendation of the City Engineer, be concurred in and that August 24th 1948 be fixed as the date for this meeting. Carried. The Fire Light and Water Committee recommended the in- stallation of street lights at Units Nos. 2106 and 2116-9th Pla ce Renton Highlands. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Trimm, that the re- commendation be concurred in and lights similar to those now being used in the Highlands be installed under the supervision of the City Engineer, Carried. After a discussion relative to the proposed sewage connec- tions of the Renton Luthern Church and residences adjacent thereto, to the City of Renton's Sewage Disposal system, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the City Engineer further in- vestigate this proposal and also that the residents of the area in question be requested to petition the City of Renton for annexation. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Baxter, that the motion be amended to instruct the City Engineer to notify the residents in this area that they cannot connect to the City's sewage system until the area in question has been annexed to the City of Renton. Carried. Mayor Mitchell, pursuant to this motion and amendement vacated the chair in favor of Councilman Baxter, President of the Councilin order to present his views relative to the Cityts sewage facilities being made available for connections to residents adjacent to, but outside the City limits; providing sewage connections in dis- tricts such as are now under discussion, can be made at no cost to the City and would result in an annual income to compensate the City adequately for the service rendered. Mayor Mitchell pointed out that in his opinion, it would be wise to change the present policy relative to connections with the sewage system. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that this question be tabled until August 24th 191+8 for further discussion. Carried. The Police and License Committee reported on the application of Heberling Bros . , for a license to operate a Rockolla Shuffle Board at the Victory Tavern, requesting that this be tabled until such time as the City of Seattle and County places a license fee on such games of amusement. Request granted. The Police and License Committee requested and was granted more time relative to the application of Mr. Carl D. Cook, for per- mission to secure the installation of a pin ball machine at 919 - 3rd Avenue. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Baxter, that the City Clerk be instructed to notify Heberling Bros. , to the effect that it is necessary that the Police and License Committee be contacted before the installation of amusement machines. Carried. The Street and Alley Committee recommended that the City Council should not permit the creation of a Commercial District on 4th Avenue from Williams to Wells Streets. Moved by Gigliseconded by Delaur.enti, that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. The Ways and Means Committee requested and was granted more time relative to establishing new boundaries for the wards and precincts that should be changed as required by law. The Property Committee requested and was granted more time relative to the repairing of gutters and roof at the Sweet Center Building. The Fire Light and Water Committee requested and was granted more time relative to the cost of installation of two (2) lights in the alley from Smithers to Morris Streets between 3rd and 4th Avenues. The Fire Light and Water Committee requested and was granted more time relative to - (1) Establishment of a Publc Utility District, (2) The City of Seattle taking over the Puget Sound tower and Light Company holdings. (3) The City of Renton acting as its own dis- tributing Agency , The Fire Light and Water Committee requested and was granted more time relative to changing the location of Mr. Dominic Rockeyts garage at 334 - Wells Street and reported that Mr. Rockey had been contacted and had advised that one corner of his garage is on the proposed alley and that he is willing to permit the City of Renton to use the space now open as an alley. (This was left in the same Committee, the City Engineer and the City Attorney to check and determine the feasibility and legality of the proposed action) Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that September 7th 1948 be set as the date for the hearing on the rezoning of petition of Mr. H. G. White of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 17, Township 23, North, Range 5 East of W.M. , bounded on Northwest by Bronson Way North (County Lad 174) on northeast by Mount Olivet Cemetery and bounded on south by Snoqualmie Falls Power line right-of-way. Carried. 122 The Dolice and License Committee requested and was granted more time relative to the communication of Mr. D. J. Mulholland's requesting information as to regulations governing the use of sound equipment in Renton. The Ways and Means Committee recommended that a fund of $275.00 be set-up for Mr. Wm. Pond, Recreation Director, to be sent to the National Recreation Conference at Omaha, Nebraska, September 26th through September 30th 1948 and that this sum be paid from the Planning Commission expense budgeted funds. The Finance Committee recommended that the re- quests of the Planning Commission and Park Board regarding the proposed trip of Mr. Wm. Pond, Recreation Director, to the National ... Recreation Conference, to be held at Omaha, Nebraska, be rejected. Moved by Bruce, secohded by Swift, that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in and that no expense allowance be allotted for said trip. The motion being put to a roll call vote resulted as follows: Gigli, No, Richardson, No. Davidson, No. Hansen, No. Delaurenti, Yes , Freyman, Yes, Bruce, Yes, Baxter , Yes, Tamborini, Yes , Swift, Yes , Reid, Yes, Trimm, Yes. Motion carried. The Ways and Means Committee recommended that the City Clerk be instructed to acknowledge the communication from Wanda Seppti, Executive Secretary, of Greater Renton-Community Chest, Inc. , of August 12th 1948, and advise that whatever is possible will be done by the City of Renton to budget sufficient funds for recreational activities during the fiscal year 1949. The Street and Alley Committee requested and was granted more time relative to the petition of Nick Angelo for the rezoning of a portion of tax lot No. 2, Northeast 1/4 Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5, Last, lying within the City of Renton, to be rezoned to industrial with the exception of a ten (10) foot portion along 7th Avenue and a ten (10) foot section along Grady Way, The Fire Light and Water Committee requested and was granted more time relative to the request of the residents North of the Honeydew School to connect with the City of Renton water system. The Fire Light and Water Committee recommended that the City Engineer be instructed to install a traffic signal light at 3rd Avenue and Morris Street instead of 2nd Avenue and Morris Street as originally planned. Moved by Davidson, seconded by Richardson, that the recommendation of the Fire Light and Water Committee be concurred in. Carried. A resolution was read which had been adopted by the Renton Chamber of Commerce opposing HJR (House Joint Resolution) No. 13, a proposed amendment to the State Constitution permitting the formation under a charter, of combined City and County Municipal Corporations having a population of 300,000 or more. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the City Council go on record as unanimously approving said resolution. Carried. A short recess was dec.iared for Committee dis- cussions. Council was called to order by Mayor Perry H. Mitchell, the following answering when the roll was called. Tamborini Reid, Swift, Baxter, Freyman, Richardson, Delaurenti, Gigli, Daviason, Bruce and Trimm. Ned Stokes , Manager of the Renton Airport, verbally requested that a petition originating from and signed by the Mayor, be directed to the King County Aviation Planning Commission, for the rezoning of a portion of Lake Washington, to be utilized as a landing field prefix with a channel leading to the new sea plane ramp. This petition is necessary due to the fact that part of the lake is outside of the City limits of Renton. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Trimm, that the request be granted. Carried. The subject of whether the City of Renton should extend daylight saving time until September 25th 19+8 was discussed. Moved by Bruce , seconded by Freyman, that the City of Renton adopt the same custom as other cities in this vicinity. Carried. 123 Councilman Trimm requested the City Council to waive the license fee for a benefit dance to be held September 10th 1948 at the North Renton Recreation Hall; the entire proceeds to be given to Mr. Robert Patterson recently injured in an accident. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Baxter, that the license fee for this benefit dance be waived. Carried. The request of the Planning Commission that Mr. C. G. Meyers, be reimbursed for his services as Secretary of the Planning Commission during the year 1948 was discussed. The City Attorney ad- vised that in the present budget there is an allotment for expense, but nothing for wages or _salary, but that clerical services can be paid for as expense for 1948. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the Planning Commission be notified of the attorney's opinion and that they submit their bill to the Finance Committee for approval. Carried. Councilman Swift, recommended that the ARTERIAL STOP SIGN at 2nd Avenue and Burnett Street be removed. Moved by Richardson seconded by Freyman, that this be referred to the Street and Alley ands Fire Light and Water Committees as a combined committee. Carried. Councilman Reid introduced the subject for consideration, the widening of 3rd Avenue from Mill to Renton Streets. Moved by Reid, seconded by Bruce, that this be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. The City Clerk requested council's approval to pay employees for further overtime in connection with processing voters registration records. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that this request be granted. Moved by Richardson,. seconded by Trimm, that the City Engineer be instructed to contact the Puget Sound Power and Light Company relative to securing the thirty (3) feet of property that has never been dedicated to the City of Renton and which is right on the city limits, or to secure an easement or the right to use said property with regard to having 9th Avenue cut through from Renton Street to Grant Street, Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: CURRENT Joe Usibelli Garbage labor $ 44.84 2644 American Blue Print Engr. Expense 5.63 45 Automatic Deodorant Co. City Hall Exp. 2.00 46 Chas, Bruning Co.', Inc. Engr. Exp, 13.48 47 Cochran Paint & Hdw. Co. F. D'. " 3193 48 Gene Cralley Election Exp. 25.00 49 Burrow's Richfield Ser. F. D. Exp. 2. 0 4 50 Katherine Crockett Elec. Expense 14.00 51 Custer Hardware Co. F.D. ,C .H. , P.D. Exp. 46.82 52 D. & I. Office Supply Stationery 48.03 53 Wm. F. Davis Insurance 165.48 54 Jeanette Diede Election Exp, 12.00 55 Fire Appliance Co. F. D. Expense 41.58 56 Rose Gigli Election Exp. 6.50 57 Harley-Davidson P. D. " 11.69 58 Harper-Meggee, Inc. P. D. " 27.68 59 Holmes Elec. C. H. " 4.21 60 Howard Cooper Corp. F. D. Outlay 255.23 61 The Instrument Lab. P. D. Expense 14.78 62 Orville Jone F . D. it 3.68 63 F. E . Lawrence F. D. If 3.40 64 The Lumber Market F. D. it .93 65 Orpha McDonald Election Exp, 25.00 666 7 Mine Safety Appliances Co. P. D. 1 .3 Irene O'Donnell Election " 19.50 68 Owl Cafe Jail Meals 169.80 69 J. C. Penny Co. F. D. Exp. 22.00 70 . G 4 Ma.:..y CURRENT C ONT'D �• ' Potlatch Yards, Inc. C. H. Expense $ 45.20 2671 P.S .P. & Light Co. Power 902.55 72 Railway Express Agency P. D. " 1.64 73 Reid & Cook. F. D. "' 13.54 74 Renton Motor Parts Expense 22.81 75 Renton Realty Co. Ins. & Bond Prem. 290.00 76 . Renton Tire Shop Garbage Exp. 8.19 77 Renton Veterinary Hosp. Dog Pound Exp. 7.50 7$ Service Laundry Expense, P.D. & F.D. 24.02 79 The Stationery Store Expense 51.10 80 Sunray Service Sales C. H. Expense 38.11 81 Sunset Electric Co. P. D. " 103.26 82 Treasurer, U.S .A. Garbage Expense 41.67 83 .... Trick & Murray Expense 38.24 84 Union Oil Co. of Calif. F. D. Expense 24.06 85 United Janitor Supply C . H. Expense 6.70 86 Valley Window Cleaners C. H. " 7.00 87 Waters City Clkj P.D. Exp. 5.92 88 Western Union Tel. Co. P. D. Exp, 4.32 89 Wright Motors Eng. Expense 8.45 90 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Phones 246.56 91 King County Medical Sept. dues , 271.75 92 C. Bevan Public Bldgs. Exp. 6. 0 93 Russell H. Fluent Pen. & Retirement Exp. 603.00 9�+ Vincent Stewart P. D. Expense 7.85 95 Payroll Current 896.50 96-2709 Payroll Engineer 519.10 10-13 Payroll P. D. 2727.25 14-34 Payroll F. D. 2144.31 35-54 Payroll Mayor & Council 456.21 55-67 Steve Tamborini Expense 6.18 68 Payroll, Garbage 728.67 69-75 Payroll St. Cleaning 522.98 76-80 WATER Addressograph Sales Treas. Exp. 3.97 6810 Dale & McLendon Supplies 3.30 11. Marckmann & Williams It 317.56 12 P.S .P. & Light Co. Power 818.19 13 The Renton Chronicle Supplies 98.35 14 Renton Motor Parts it 6.06 15 Rockwell. Mfg. Co. It 16.59 16 Seattle Water Dept. Water 73.92 17 The Stationery Store Supplies 17.72 18 Stoneway Dock Co. " 22.66 19 Trick & Murray "' 19.06 20 Van Waters & Rogers "' 40.00 21 Waters Treas'. Exp. 6.18 22 Belmondo Radio Ser. Supplies 3.50 23 Cochran Hdw. Co. " 4.58 24 King County Medical Sept. Dues 35.00 25 Payroll Water - Office 313.9,3 26-31 Payroll Water 1079.44 32-40 CITY STREETS Coast Wide Supply Co. Supplies 47.38 4257 Custer Hardware Co. " 18.48 58 Howard-Cooper Corp. it 28.71+ 59 The Lumber Market " 116.90 60 King County Rd. Dist. #2 " 101.00 61 The Radium Hand Soap Co. " 6.18 62 Reid & Cook, 3.86 63 Renton Motor Parts " 2.47 64 Sound Paint Mfg. Co. " 4.37 1.44 65 .r Stoneway Dock Co. "' Union Oil Co. Gasoline 603.28 67 United Janitor Supply Supplies 1$.03 68 Charles R. Watts & Co. Outlay 219.18 69 Western Tractor & Equip. Supplies 20.82 70 King County Medical Sept. dues 53.25 71 C. Bevan Supplies 13.69 72 Payroll City Strs. Office 158.67 73-77 Payroll itit1697.15 78-92 Paypell SEWER DISPOSAL 125 SEWER DISPOSAL CONT'D Ralph B. Carter Co. Supplies $ 11.10 1218 Coast Wide Supply " 21.01 19 Custer Hardware Co. " 1.70 20 Dale & McLendon " 45.86 21 Gillette Publishing Expense 3.00 22 P. S. P. & Light Co. Power 183.43 23 Renton Machine & Weld. Expense 90.48 24 Smiths Cabinet Shop it 20.60 25 King County Medical Sept Dues 39.75 26 Payroll Disposal Plant 744.70 27-3 Pgyroll Sewers & Drains 339.74 36-3 AIRPORT Amer. Aviation Assoc. Expense 5.00 457 Baxter's Sign Co. 15.45 58 B onnell. Nurseries " 90.02 59 Clifford Dowding " 12.88 60 Overall Cleaning & Supp. Expense 1.03 61 P. S . P. & Light Co. Power 112.88 62 Renton Motor Parts Supplies 10.17 63 Seattle Water Dept. Water 23.75 64 The Sherwin-Williams Co. Supplies 2.18 65 The Stationery Store it 10.00 66 Ned Stokes Expense for Air Tour 37.85 67 Union Oil Co. of Calif. Supplies 61.29 68 White Construction Co. Expense 12.00 69 King County Medical Sept. Dues 4.00 T C . Bevan Supplies 13.13 71 Payroll Airport 404.85 72-78 ATHLETIC FIELD Athletic Supply Co. Supplies 13.91 290 Custer Hardware Co. it 37.93 91 Flash's 10¢ Store it 2.01 92 P.S .P. & Light Co. Power 26.92 9 Renton Auto Supply Co. Supplies 132.22 94 West Disinfecting Co. it 77.10 95 King County Medical Sept Dues 11.25 96 Payroll Athletic 221.16 97-300 •- LIBRARY Bancroft Whitney Co. Books 15.97 1531 Beckley-Cardy Co. " 1.45 32 Caxton Printers " 5.33 33 Winifred C. Daniels Expense 21.25 34 Doubleday & Co. Books 72.08 35 Gaylord Bros, Inc. Supplies 26.80 36 J. K. Gill. Co. Books 13.87 37 Hertzberg's Wash. Bindery Expense 25.01 38 The Lumber Market Supplies 11.12 39 David McKay Company Books 57. 51 40 Julian Messner, Inc it 38.82 41 Puget Sound News Co. it 11.0.39 42 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 6.15 43 Randon House Inc. Books 52.17 44 Renton Plumbing & Heating Supplies 1.30 45 The Shorey Book Store Books 14.32 46 Sunset Coal Co. Coal 96. 56 47 The H.W. Wilson Co. Books 62.20 48 King County Medical Sept Dues (Miss Daniels) 4.00 49 U. S. Post Office Postage & Cards 32.00 50 Payroll Library 836.10 51-57 PARK Custer Hardware Supplies 2. 53 968 The Lumber Market it - Outlay 243.09 69 North Coast Chem. & Soap Supplies 5.68 70 P.S .P. & Light Co. Power 7.21 71 Renton Motor Parts Supplies 2.66 72 Stoneway Dock Co " 55.07 73 White Construction Co. Expense 12.00 74 King County Medical Sept Dues 19.75 75 Payroll Park 638.71 76-82 126 M,.s zd CUMULATIVE FUND NO. 1183 VOID - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - VOID - - - 285 American Pile Driving Co. Logan Street bridge $17,768.56 286 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Superior Construction Company, Windsor Hills Sidewalks 17,477.71 1 ' hw% be" =3fuTtKhow&w1nassc toxcmnoc 0PbirextXe ftunoaIK, xdtc 'rax rfovedY W )BAift� &ex AUdd �b:r- R�a.kte--r x fhA xtR;9 xrn&ixi be )xwwwdc wtd1 August -�24tlx IL9Lkx CamVedY. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the above bills be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Baxter, that the meeting be recessed until August 24th 1948. Carried. City- Jerk ayor. .r 127 Renton, Wash August 24th 1948 The recessed meeting of the City Council was called to order, Mayor Perry H. Mitchell presiding. ROLL CALL: Joe Baxter, President, Hugh Bruce D. L. Davidson, Charles Delaurenti, Hermay Freyman, Andrew Gigli, Olin Hansen, Walter Reid, Ben Richardson, George Swift, Steve Tamborini, and Thomas Trimm. Mr. Donald C . Sampson, consultant, Municipal Research of the Association of Washington Cities was present at the council meeting to explain the Pension Retirement Plan for City employeed and advised that under this plan the City will contribute matching funds with its employees , who may withdraw their share upon termination of their employment. The rates of contribution under the lan will be 5.14 to' 7.56 percent for men, and for women 5.88 to x$.64 percent and for uniformed employees 5.66 to 8.10 percent of their salaries. Mr. Sampson stated that the pension date of Rentonts Retirement Plan could be set as of September 1st 1948 if the City Council approved. Date to be set later. Mr. Wm. A. Stancer, Engineer for the State Depart- ment of Transportation, Olympia, Wash. 1 discussed with the City Council the problems involved in the proposed grade crossing on 4th Avenue North, across the Northern Pacific Railroad tracks from Burnett Street North to Logan Street. Mr. Stancer informed the council that the State required a minimum of 50 feet flat area at the top of the railway crossing in order to protect traffic safety re- gulations and recommended that a further survey be made to determine the best location for the grade crossing and to submit this to the State Department of Transportation for their consideration and approval. A short recess was called for discussion. Council was called to order by Mayor Perry H. _. Mitchell, the following answering when the roll was called; Baxter, Bruce, Davidson, Delaurenti, Freyman, Gigli, Hansen, Reid, Swift, Richardson, Tamborini and Trimm. Mr. Blanchard of the Westinghouse Electric Company gave an interesting demonstration of the mercury lights that the council has under consideration for installation in the City of Renton from the intersection of Park Street and Bronson Way down 2nd to Logan Street. RESOLUTION No. 705 submitted by the City Attorney was read - BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Renton that the sum of $14,000.00 be transferred from the current expense fund of the City to Local Improvement District Fund No. 225, as a loan to the latter fund, in order to save interest on warrants which would otherwise be issued to the contract or against said L.I.D. , Fund No. 225 such loan to be repayable with eight percent (8f) interest from said L.I.D. , Fund No. 225, to the Current Expense Fund as and when monies accrue in said L.I.D. , Fund No. 225 from collection of assessments levied for the same. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that Resolution No. 705 be adopted as read. Carried. _ A petition was read for annexation to the City of Renton by the undersigned, James Milstid, Robert Clevenger, Arthur C. Lovinger, Arthur Virgillo, Joe Mance, Kena Jensen and Edward -` Lundquist of the following described property: "Beginning at the intersection of the west line of Shattuck Street and the north line of 7th Avenue , thence along the said north line to a point that is 1201 at right angle to the west line of Shattuck Street; thence north and parallel to said west line to its intersection with the south line of 6th Avenue produced West, thence west along said line produced west to its intersection with the westerly line of State 128 A;r:M Highway No. 5; thence northerly along said easterly line to the S.W. corner of Block 2, Wefancs addition, thence easterly along the south line of said block to the west line of Shattuck Street; thence south along said west line to the point of beginning. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that this be referred to the City Engineer for checking as to legality of ownership of property and report back. Carried. The Property Committee recommended that the City Attorney be instructed to advise BUD DAVIS INC . ,. lessee of City property in Mothers Park, that unless overdue rent is received with- in a reasonable length of time, that they be requested to vacate the premises. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti,- that the receommendation of the Property Committee be concurred in. Carried. A communication was read by the City Attorney from the Northern Pacific Railway Company, dated August 10th 1948 acknowledging receipt of application of the City of Renton to use the roadway under their bridge No. 2-1 as a pedestrian underpassf advising that it had been approved and enclosing the proposed permit No. 69029 in favor of the City of Renton for use of underpass. Special attention was called to paragraphs 1 and 2 of this communication which provides that the City of Renton will maintain the crossing and lighting at its expense and indemnify the Railway Company against loss or expense arising out of the City's failure to properly maintain or light the crossing. (2) THAT the City of Renton will pay the costs incurred by the Railway in the maintenance , repair or reconstruction of the bridge. The City Attorney recommended accepting the responsi- bility as outlined in paragraph 1, of said communication and re- quested authorization to notify the Northern Pacific Railway Company that the City of Renton will not agree to the stipulations as out- lined in paragraph 2. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the recommendation of the City Attorney be concurred in. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting be recessed until August 31st 1948. Carried. • a_L_6� City Jerk I r yor. i i i i I 29 Renton, Wash August 31st 1948 The recessed meeting of August 24th 1948 was called to order by Mayor pro tem, Joe Baxter, President of the City Council. ROLL CALL: Baxter, Bruce, Davidson, Freyman, Gigli, Hansen, Reid, Richardson, Swift and Trimm. NO. AMOUNT NAME LOCATION TYPE WORK 707 $ 100.00 C . F. Bertolin14 - N. Burnett Remodel garage 7 100.00 George Guerin 636 - Shattuck Wiring house 8 400.00 Mrs. F. Custer 109 Garden Reroof house 9 3000.00 Chas. Bisiack 1318 9th Ave Erect house 10 1000.00 E. J. Morgan 65 Williams Repair church 11 400.00 Daniel J. Jones 434 Windsor Way Remodel house 12 100.00 Wms. & Swanson 116 Wells Repairing S. Walks 13 8000.00 Gladding McBean 1500- Walla Walla Erect boiler room 14 2000.00 Dr. J. M. Howell 344 Morris Remodel residence 15 2000.00 Long-Bell Lbr. Box 242 Renton Addition to Bldg. 16 1000.00 Andrew Paglia 13403 Rainier Add. to structure 17 400.00 C. F. Shane 430 N. Williams Wire new house 18 Mrs. Ed. Morgan 119 Main Erect heater 19 400.00 Mr. George Ames 207 2nd Ave. Constr. sidewalk 20 100.00 Charles Johnson 505 Bronson Erect con. Blkhd. 21 1000.00 Eagles-Renton Aerie #1722 719 4th Remodel building 22 100.00 Hugh Bruce 335 Park Repair residence 2 700.00 Archie Gustine A15 Wells Install 2 Oil tanks 24 2000.00 P.C.R.R. Coy. 11 - Alaska Way Erect Building 25 700.00 Lumber Market 120 Mill St Addition to Bldg. 26 100.00 PC.R.R. Coy 811 Alaska Way Move building 27 100.00 W. T. Morgan 340 Pelly Remodel coal shed 28 100.00 Angelo Breda 800 Grant Rewire range 29 400.00 C. E. Hanson 217 lst No. New oil burner 30 100.00 Charles Puckett 401 7th Wire shed for shop 31 400.00 E. Fey Roxy Theatre Repair columns 32 400.00 E. C. Glossop 13817 88th S . Eemodel windows 33 100.00 Frank A. Fligge 416 Whitworth Wire for range 34 100.00 Robert Moffatt 251 Meadow Install- oil burner 35 2000.00 Pac. Tel. & Tel. 225 - Williams Erect building. A group of property owners from the Renton Highland addition, the C.C .C. addition and Morgans Grand View Addition to Renton 'were present to hear a further discussion with regard to the construction of a lateral sewer system as contemplated and initiated in proceedings under proposed Local Improvement District #223- A petition for Local Improvement was read by the City Clerk and after a discussion, the City Engineer advised that the cost of the sewer line would be approximately 10°1 higher than the estimate for the original assessments, and that the petitions to be circulated must be signed by the owners of 60% of the lineal frontage of the property involved or 75 of the property owners of the district; petitions should be in the Engineer' s office by September 7th 1948 for checking as to the correct location and addresses of the property owners. To allow the audience to hold an open discussion on this subject, a short recess was declared. Council was caped to order by Joe Baxter, Mayor protem, President of the Council. Those answering the roll call were: Baxter, Bruce, Davidson, Freyman,Gigli, Hansen, Reid, Richardson, Swift and Trinuri. A communication was read from Irving G. Chapman, requesting permission to construct a small building to be used as a Dental Clinic, on Lot 15, Block 23, west side of Wells Street, Renton, Wash. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce that the City Clerk be instructed to notify Mr. Chapman, that a petition must be 30 presented to the City Council requesting the rezoning of this district before any action can be taken. Carried. Communications were read from the Association of Washing- ton Cities, Seattle, Wash. , advising that Regional meetings will be held at Enumclaw, Wash. , September 22nd 1948 and Kirkland, Wash. , September 23rd 1948, requesting that reservations be made as soon as possible for those desiring to attend and suggesting that candidates for legislative positions should be extended a special invitation to attend. A communication was read from Mr. B. F. Fugitt, advising that pending the outcome of council decisions relative to the in- stallation of sewer laterals on Renton Hill, he would sell his lots 11 29 39 49 5, and 20 and 21, Block 2, Morgans Grand View Addition to the City of Renton and requested that he be notified when negotia- tions have been completed for installation of sewer laterals. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that this be referred to the -City Engineer and City Attorney. Carried. A communication was read from King County Commissioners enclosing copy of Resolution No. 11066 as passed by the Board of County Commissioners in regular session on August 23rd 1948 changing the boundary lines between Commissioners' District Nos. 2 and 3, by transferring territory known as Renton Highlands from Commissioners ' District No. 3 to Commissioners ' District No. 2Z said territory having been annexed to the City of Renton. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the City Clerk be instructed to acknowledge receipt of this communication. Carried. Application for and agreement with the Puget Sound Power amd Light Company to furnish electric lighting service required at 3rd and Rainier Avenues for the operation of traffic signal lights was received by the City Council. The City Engineer and City Attorney after checking recommended that the contract be changed from a five ( 5) year period to a three (3) year period. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the recommendation be concurred in and that_ the City Clerk be instructed to acknowledge receipt of this communication and the P.S . P. and Light Company be notified of this recommendat-ion. Carried. A petition was read from nineteen (19) property owners petitioning the City of Renton for water service by the connection of a proposed water main to the City of Renton's water main near Honeydew School House, and agree to construct said main line and maintain same for a period of five (5) years free of cost to the City of Renton and at the end of five ( 5) years to dedicate said line to the City of Renton free. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that this be referred to the Fire Light and Water Committee, City Engineer and City Attorney. Carried. After a discussion with regard to State of Washington, Statewide City Employees Retirement System, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that October 1st 1948 be fixed as the date to begin participation in the Statewide City Employees Retire- ment System. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the City of Renton choose FULL PRIOR SERVICE CREDIT in connection with Statewide City Employees Retirement System. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the City Clerk and the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the application for membership in the Statewide City Employees Retirement System and that the amount of money necessary for membership fees, operation and dues , be paid from the proper funds as set-up in the 1948 budget for those purposes. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swif t, that the City Clerk be instructed to contact Messrs. Gladding McBean & Company Walla Walla Avenue and request that something be done to alleviate the dust condition now existing at their plant. Carried. 13 Moved by Swif t, seconded by Richardson that the City Clerk be instructed to publish notices in the two ?2) local newspapers to advise the public that DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME will be extended until September 25th 1948, in the City of Renton. Carried. The Property Committee recommended a clarification of the policy of the City Council in regard to the management-operation and leasing of the North Renton Recreation Building. Moved by Swift seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the City Property Committee for their recommendation as to the d elegation of authority for management, supervision and leasing of s pace in the North Renton Recreation Building. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the fixing of a location and a date for a public hearing regarding the feasibility of the City of Renton and Renton Public School District #403 pooling their resources and consolidating their efforts for the construction of a swimming pool, be referred to the Property- Committee and City Attorney for their recommendation. Carried. Moved by Reid seconded by Trimm, that the City Engineer, City Attorney and the ire Light and Water Committee contact Mr. Carl Haniff, owner of the Maplewood Water Company, to ascertain the amount that Mr. Haniff wanted for said water system. Carried. There being no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Davidson, that the meeting be ajourned. Carried. 2L , City C rk Major. L. 132 Renton, Wash September 7th 1948 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order, Mayor Perry H. Mitchell presiding. ROLL CALL: Baxter, Bruce, Davidson, Delaurenti, Freyman, Gigli, Hansen, Reid, Richardson, Swift, Tamborini, and Trimm. Moved by Richardson seconded by Tamborini, that the minutes of the meetings August 1' th 24th and 31st 1948 be approved as written. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPT. AMOUNT NAME LOCATION TYPE WORK 77 00.00 Joe Plute 226 Meadow Repair roof 37 100.00 J. E. Denzer 311 Meadow New chimney 38 2000.00 Williams & Swanson 700 3rd Repair roof 39 100.00 J. Hajny 8650 S . 138th Finish house 40 400.00 Pac. Tel . & Tel. 225 Williams Install wiring 41 100.00 S . Schaudes 4151 3rd Ave Wiriing 42 : 100.00 L. Platner 503 Bronson Way Erect bulkhead 43 400.00 J. E. Tharp 3332 Renton Reshingle roof 44 700.00 D. Polachiol_i 212 Burnett Remodel, move Bldg. 45 C . F. Shane 430 Williams Install Plurnbing 46 100.00 T. - P. 509 3rd Remodel bldg. 47 100.00 V. Gooden Maplewood Wiring in duplex 48 6000.00 Gooden & Co. 425 Airport Way Erect store 49 100.00 Renton R. Estate 314 Wells Change sign 50 100.00 Harold Offer 310 Wells Erect sign 51 100.00 Thomas Anderson 554 Main Remodel range A representative of the Washington National Guard was present at the council meeting requesting information as to whether floor space would be available to them this winter in the Recreation Building, Mothers Park, for training their men. After a discussion, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Baxter, that the Washington National Guard be denied the use of the Recrea- tion B uilding unless provision is made to provide adequate floor covering to protect the floor; this to be under the supervision of the Park Board. Carried. A communication was read from Dr. C.P . Ambrose, Commander, Fred Hancock Post No. 19, requesting the City Council to make a thorough survey of their property located at 55 - Williams Street, from the Waterway to Tobin Avenue and from Williams to Burnett Streets. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the American Legion (Fred Hancock Post No. 19) be notified that inas- much as this is private property the City of Renton cannot make a survey. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the City Engineer be instructed to survey the American Legion property now being used by the City of Renton on the North side of Cedar River, between Williams Street North and Burnett Street North. After a discussion, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the motion be amended to instruct the City Engineer to establish the boundaries on the City property north of Cedar River between Williams Street North and Burnett Street North and also to establish the boundaries of the alley south of the American Legion property on Williams Street. A vote was called on the amendment which was approved, a vote was thereupon called for the original motion which carried. A communication was read from the Pacific Coast Inter-Mountain Association of Fire Chiefs advising that the 53rd Annual Conference of the Pacific Coast Inter-Mountain Association of Fire Chiefs would be held in the City of Sacramento, Califo, October 31, November 1,. 2 and 3, followed by the International 13 Association meeting in Miami, Florida, November 9, 10, 11 and 12, 1948 and urged that representatives from the City of Renton who have direct supervision of the Fire Department attend these meetings. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that this be referred to the Finance Committee for study and report back. Carried. A communication was read from the members of the laving Memorial Association of Kennydale, Wash. , requesting the City Council to install. meter and water service free of charge for said group, the property being located at 11456 - S . E. 97th Street. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this be referred to the Fire Light and Water Committee and City Engineer. Carried. �.. Petitions were read from the Rev. S . J. Ristesund, Renton, Wash. , making application for annexation to the City of Renton, making application for annexation to the City of Renton of Lots 18, and 19, Weeds View Addition adjoining the City of Renton and the property owners in the vicinity of "E" Street from the present City limits North asfaras State Highway No 2. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that these petitions be referred to the City Engineer for checking of signatures as to legality of ownership of property and to report back. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the petitions of the property owners from the Renton Highland Addition the C .C .G . , Addition and Morgans Grand View Addition to Renton, relative to the proposed construction of a lateral sewer system, be referred to the City Engineer for checking the ownership of the lineal frontage and the ownership of 75% of the property to determine if there are a sufficient number of signatures. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids for 6" water pipe, the following bids were submitted: Jahn-Mannville 1000 lin. ft 4" @ 85/lin. ft 850.00 777 - Thomas St 5000 it " 6" @1.32/ " It 6600.00 Seattle 9, Wash TOTAL - X7450.00 Hugh G. Purcell Co. 500 lin ft. 6" @ 1.61 per ft 805.00 Colman Building 1000 " if 4" @ 1.05 " it 1050.00 Seattle 4, Wash TOTAL - X1855:00 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that this -be referred to the Finance Committee . Carried. RESOLUTION NO. 706, submitted by the City Attorney was read for the annexation of territory adjoining the Southwest corner of the present City limits of the City of Renton and fixing the 21st day of September 1948 at 8:00 otclock P.M. , at the Council. Chambers , in the City Hall, Renton, Wash. , as the time and place for a public hearing on said petition. Moved by Bruce , seconded by Swift, that Resolution #706 be adopted as read. Carried. A short recess was declared for checking of the bids submitted. Council was called to order by Mayor Perry H. Mitchell, the following answering when the roll was called: Baxter, Bruce, Davidson, Delaurenti, Freyman, Gigli, Hansen, Reid, Richardson, Swift, Tamborini and Trimm. .M0 The Finance Committee recommended that the bid for 6" water pipe be awarded to the JOHNS-MANVILLE SALES CORPORATION, Seattle, Wash. , their bid being �- 7,450.00 with freight paid to Renton, Wash- ington. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Baxter, that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 1321 was read , an Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, changing the classification of certain tracts in the City of Renton from residential to commercial use District. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1321, WHEREUPON IT was placed on its second and third readings and approved as a whole. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gigli, that the : 134 l:w.•q Ordinance be passed as read. All councilmen present voting aye. M; The following recommendations to improve traffic con- ditions were submitted by the Traffic Division of the Renton Police Department: 1. Pedestrian crosswalk be installed on 3rd Avenue at Martins Market; an overhead pedestrian light to illuminate crosswalk, be installed between opposite poles. 2. The STOP SIGN at S .W. , corner of 2nd and Burnett Street be replaced with an illuminated flashing sign on curb, the word STOP to be neon tubing. No 3. The present NO PARKING zone in front of Tonys Cleaners now painted yellow, be extended west to the edge of first driveway of Williams & Swanson gas station. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the recommen- dation of the Traffic Division on Items Nos. 1 and 3, be concurred in, but that Item No. 2, be held in abeyance until a recommendation is received from the Street and Alley and Fire Light and Water Committees. Carried. The Ways and Means Committee suggested that the Council should consider in the preparation of the budget, the question of budgeting money for participation in the King County Health Office activities in Renton. More time was requested and granted relative to estab- lishing new boundaries for the Wards and Precincts that should be changed as required by law. (Ways and Means Committee) The Police and License Committee requested and was granted more time relative to the application of Mr. Carl Cook, for permission to secure the installation of a pin ball machine at 919 - 3rd Avenue and the request of Mr. D. J. Mulholland for information as to regulations governing the use of sound equipment in Renton. The Committee further stated that a meeting would be held Saturday, September 11th 1948 for a Committee discussion on these questions. The Fire sight and Water Committee requested and was granted more time with regard to - 1. Submitting an estimate of the installation of two (2) lights in the alley from Smithers to Morris Streets between 3rd and 4th Avenues. 2. The establishment of a Public Utility District 3. The Possibility of the City of Seattle taking over the Pugeat Sound Power and Light Company holdings . 4. The City of Renton acting as its own distributing Agency. 5. The request of the Honeydew School to connect with the City of Renton �,Iater System. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Attorney be instructed to write Mr. Dominic Rockey 334 - Wells Street and advise that the City of Renton contemplates condemning the pro- perty which is required for the proposed alley. Carried. The Property Committee recommended that call for bids be made for the repairing of the roof and installation of gutters at the S14EET CENTER Building, Liberty Park. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the recommendation of the Property Committee be concurred in. Carried. The petition of Nick Angelo for the rezoning of portion of tax lot No. 2 was referred back to the Council as a whole for their recommendation. No action taken. The Street and Alley Committee requested and was granted more time relative to the removal of the AYTERIAL STOP SIGN at 2nd and Burnett Street and reported that a meeting is scheduled for Saturday, September 11th 1948 at 11:00 A.M. , with the Fire Light and Water Committee on this subject. The Street and Alley Committee recommended that the widening of 3rd Avenue from Mill to Renton Streets be referred to the City Engineer for investigation and to submit an estimate as to the cost of said improvement. The Property Committee recommended the assigning of the lease which had previously been assigned from Wm. Hess to Arthur and Elizabeth Eveline H alstead, said lease covering the premises known as the game room, snack bar and check room in the Recreation Building, located in Mothers Park, to Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Hawks , Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that the recommendation of the Property Committee be concurred in. Carried. The Property Committee requested and was granted more time relative to the fixing of a location and a date for a public hearing regarding the feasibility of the City of Renton and the Renton School District No. 403 pooling their resources and consolidating their efforts for the construction of a swimming pool. Moved by Swift, seconded by Freyman, that the City Clerk be instructed to contact Mr. Donald Samson, Municipal Research Consultant, University of ,Jt.shington to ascertain if he could be present at the meeting scheduled for September 14th 1948 at 8:00 o' clock in the Council Chambers, to explain to the employees of the City of Renton the WASHINGTON STATEWIDE CITY EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Freyman, that the City Engineer, be instructed to contact the State Highway Department and request permission to extend 4th Avenue North across the Northern Pacific Railway tracks to connect with Logan Street. Carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Swift, that the City Engineer be authorized to investigate and purchase a reasonable amount of 6" pipe to have in stock for use when needed. Carried. The incompleted foundation for a dance hall at 3rd and Rainier Avenues was discussed. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti that the City Attorney be instructed to contact the legal owners of the above mentioned property and to notify them that the City of Renton contemplates condemnation proceedings due to the Dangerous condition of said. foundation. Carried. Councilman hichardson, introduced for discussion the feasibility of installing bus service to Earlington. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Baxter , that this be referred to the Police and License Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. The property Committee recommended that upon the expiration of the two (2) leases from the City of Renton to Mr. A.H. Niestradt, October 31st 1948 and November 30th 1948 that said leases should not be renewed. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the recommendation of the Property Committee be concurred in, and the City Clerk be instructed to notify Mr. Niestradt. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: CURRENT Katherine Crockett Election Expense 20.00 2781 Jeanette Died.e " " 6.00 82 Rose Gigli It " 14.50 83 Shirley Odle If " 5.50 84 Katherine Crockett If it 2.50 85 Agnes Edwards Civil Service Expense 75.00 86 Irene O'Donnell Election Expense 33.50 87 y f r+*q 4uJN �J v P CURRENT CONT'D The Amer. Magazine City Clerk's Exp. $ 3.00 2788 Ailey Crook Postage 5.20 89 Rose Gigli Overtime (Election Exp.) 6. 50 90 Payroll Office 830.20 91-2804 Payroll Engineers 500.10 05-08 Payroll P.D. 2604.95 09-29 Payroll F. D. 2462.05 30-55 Payroll Garbage 744.68 56-62 Payroll St. Cleaning 440.50 63-67 Payroll Engineers 281.71 68-69 WATER Pavroll Office 309.93 6841-46 Tax Commission, Ex. Tax Water Distribution 450.84 47 Payroll Water 939 .30 48-55 John Lotto, Postmaster Post Cards ( 500) 50.00 56 CITY S TREE TS Payroll Office 158.67 4293-97 Payroll City Streets 1483.62 98-4312 SEVIER DISPOSAL Payroll Disposal Plant 651.17 1239-1247 Payroll Sewers & Drains 279.50 48-50 AIRPORT Payroll Airport 326.72 479-83 PARK Payroll Park 580.81 983-89 ATHLETIC Payroll Athletic 152.21 301-3 I,'oved by Tamborini, seconded by Gigli, that the above bills approved by the Finance Committee be all-owed and ordered paid. Carried. N owed by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting be recessed until September 14th 1948. Carried. Ci Clerk M61ore i z 37 Renton, Wash September 14th 1948 The recessed meeting of the City Council was called to order, Mayor Perry H. Mitchell presiding. ROLL CALL: Baxter, Bruce , Davidson, Delaurenti, Freyman, Gigli, Hansen, Reid, Richardson, Swift, Tamborini and Trimm. The main purpose of the meeting was authorized by the City Council in order to hear Mr. Donald C . Sampson further explain ! the plan of operation of the WASHINGTON STATEWIDE CITY EMPLOYEES r. RETIREMENT SYSTEM to the employees of the City of Renton. Moved by Swift, seconded by Baxter, that the matter of deciding by the City Employees on the Pension plan, be held in abeyance until the regular council meeting September 21st 1948 at which time each Department Head shall obtain the necessary information from his employees and submit same to the City Council. Carried. Recess was declared for discussion relative to the Pension Plan. Council was called to order by Mayor Perry H. Mitchell, the following answering when the roll was called. Baxter, Bruce, Davidson, Delaurenti, Freyman, Gigli, Hansen, Reid, Richardson, Swift, Tamborini and Trimm. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Delaurenti, that four (4) captains be allowed for the Fire Department personnel and that the estimate for maintenance and supplies be lowered in the amount of $480.00 to balance the contemplated increase in pay necessitated by this change in personnel rating. Carried. The City Clerk proposed to the City Council that the Preliminary Budget be accepted as presented. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Richardson, that the Preliminary Pudget be accepted as presented, the motion being put to a vote resulted as follows: Baxter, No, Bruce, No. Delaurenti, No. Tamborini, No. Davidson, Aye, Swift, Aye. I Hansen, Aye. Trimm,. Aye, Gigli, Aye , Richardson, Aye. Freyman, Aye , two Reid, Aye. Motion Carried. A communication was read from Mayor Harry M. Everett, of the City of Kirkland,- requesting information as to how many officials of the City of Renton would be attending the Regional Meeting of the Association of Washington Cities, September 22nd and 23rd 1948, the following volunteered to attend the dinner and meeting: ENUMCLAW, WASH - September 22nd 1948, Councilman Richardson, Freyman and Tamborini. Arthur L. Haugan, City Attorney. KIRKLAND, WASH - September 23rd 1948 - Mayor Perry H. Mitchell, and City Clerk, Wiley Crook. A communication was read from Messrs. Gladding McBean and Company in acknowledgment of a complaint made by the City of Renton relative to dust created by the operation of their plant, advising that special stainless steel baffles have been ordered to repair the dust collector and that as soon as materials are received, repairs will be made which will alleviate the dust condition now existing. The City Attorney advised the City Council that Mayor Mitchell and himself had a conference with Mr. McGarrigle, Local Manager of the Puget Sound Power and Light Company relative to the proposed P.U.D. , taking over the facilities of the Puget Sound Power and Light Company in Renton and stated that according to Mr. McGarrigle, it is not the intention of the P.S.P. & Light Company to relinquish their holdings in King County outside of the City of Seattle and further advised that he would secure a map and plans outlining the exact territory involved in this proposed P.U.D. , which is to be voted upon September 27th 1948. The City Attorney recommended withholding any action until a communication and map is received from Mr. McGarrigle stating specifically the intention of the P.S .P. & Light Company re- garding this matter and stated that in the event the P.S .P. & Light Company decides to sell their holdings in Renton, it would probably 1- 38 be advisable for the City of Renton to request therivilege of having the first opportunity to buy same. Moved by lichardson, seconded by Reid, that the recommendation of the City Attorney be concurred in. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gigli, that councilman Reid, be granted a month's leave of absence from his duties as council- man. Carried. ' A further discussion was held with regard to the Wash- ington National Guard using the Recreation Building in Mothers Park for training their men. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid t that the Washington National Guard be notified that if adequate Fl=oor covering is provided to protect the floor, the City Council will grant permission to use same; this to be under the supervision of the Park Board, the same as previous council action on this subject. Carried. Councilman DaVidson9 informed the Council, that due to a change in his residence from 3rd Ward to the 1st Ward, that it was his intention to resign, effective September 21st 19+8 and re- commended that Mr. Arnold Hagen, who received only 5 votes less in the City election than Mr. Davidson, thereby evidencing that the voters considered him to be thoroughly qualified for the position of councilman- be appointed as his successor. The City Attorney presented the proposed contract from Mr. Tom Dobson, for the property that the City of Renton contemplates buying from Mr. Wm. Bennett, adjoining the City Garage and the pro- perty necessary for the extension of 4th Avenue North over the Northern Pacific Railroad track to Logan Street, and advised that a reduction in price from $9000.00 to $8500.00 had been agreed upon; $500.00 as a down payment and the balance of w8000.00 to be paid the 1st of January 1949. Moved by Richardson- seconded by Reid, that the Mayor and City Clerk be empowered to negotiate this contract with Mr. B ennett. Carried. The City Engineer recommended that the City Council go on record as favoring a permanent railroad crossing at Park Street and 6th Avenue. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the Northern Pacific Railway Company be notified of this recommen- dation and to ascertain if such a plan is feasible. Carried. With the unanimous consent of the City Council, per- mission was granted to the members of the Airport Board to attend the Northwest Aviation Planning Council Convention, to be held in Vancouver, B. C. , September 19, 20 and 21st 1948, the City of Renton to assume the cost of the registration fee and hotel expense, etc. There being no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. City Clerk ayor. 139 Renton, Wash September 21st 1948 The recessed meeting of the City Council was called to Order, Mayor Perry H. Mitchell presiding. ROLL CALL: Baxter, Bruce, Davidson, Delaurenti, Freyman, Gigli, Hansen, Richardson, Swift, Tamborini and Trimm. Moved by Delaurenti seconded by Richardson, that the minutes of the meetings September 71h and 14th 1948 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPT. NO.. AMOUNT NAME LOCATION TYPE WORK 375- w100.00 Otto Sundholm, Rainier Ave Plumbing 452 100.00 A. Bressan 801 High Inst. Oil Furn. 53 100.00 I. Hancock 440 Williams N. " Bath tub & H.W. Heater 54 100.00 T homas M. Rouse 420 Burnett Erect Chimney 55 1000.00 U. Barei 306 Wells Remodel 56 100.00 Dave Boisseau 229 Burrett Rewire 57 850.00 John S . Weber 7206 S . 127th Erect garage Seattle , gash 58 100.00 Angelo Phillips 75 Logan Erect Oil Tk. 59 100.00 Joe T. Tomos 436 Mill " Bulkhead 60 100.00 R. Bellando Riverside Service Repair roof 61 100.00 Renton Tire Shop Bronson & Factory Repair " 62 100.00 John Lotto 315 N. Williams Erect fence .63 100.00 Harry Califf 223 Garden Repair Garage 64 100.00 I. Hancock 440 Williams Wiring 65 100.00 U. Barei 306 Wells Rewire 66 1000.00 V. Gooden 500 Tobin Instl. Plumb. 67 250.00 Dr. J. N. Howell 344 Morris Rewire house 68 100.00 Wallin & Edwards 213 Wel] s Erect awning 69 200.00 0. B. Dil ey 243 Sunset Blvd Repair garage 70 400.00 Mrs. A. Ballatore 247 Garden Repairing 71 100.00 Dr. Mallary 401 No. Wells Rewire house 72 350.00 Shaw Bros 220 Wells Repairing 73 100.00 Huntington Motors 3rd & Rainier Instl. ]sights 74 100.00 Wm. Niemi 605 Walla Walla Rewire house 75 100.00 Pat Hogan 341 Smithers Instl. wire service 76 100.00 Williams & Swanson 2nd & Burnett Relay sewer line 77 100.00 Mr. ?darner 125 Williams Instal)_ range & Water heater 78 100.00 Cedar River Malt Shop Maple Way Flood light 79 100.00 C . B. E]_lefson 446 Pelly Instl. Burner September glst 1948 being the date fixed for the hearing of protests for the annexation of the property gest of Shattuck Street south of Wefancts addition and East of State Highway No. 5, adjoining the Southwest corner of the present city limits of the City of Renton; there being no protests to said annexation, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce , that this be referred to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney for the preparation of an Ordinance annexing this territory to the City of Renton. Carried. A communication was read from the Fraternal Order of Eagles , Aerie I�,o. 1722, requesting permission of the City Council �. to display fireworks- at the Renton Stadium September 24th 1948, to be supervised by the Hitt Fireworks Company and the Fire Chief of the City of Renton. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Swift, that this request be granted. Carried. A communication was read from the State of Wash- ington Joint Fact-Finding Committee on Highways , Streets and Bridges , Olympia, Wash. , advising that a meeting is scheduled to convene 140 at 1:30 p.m. , September 24th 1948 in the Senate Chambers , Legislative Building, Olympia, Wash. , relative to the study of long-range highway, Street and Bridge needs in the State of Washington, and extending an invitation to all interested persons to attend this meeting. This communication was ordered filed with a suggestion that anyone wishing to attend contact the City Clerk in regard to same. A copy of a communication was read from King County Commissioners, Seattle , Wash. , to the Renton Hill. Water Association. This communication was ordered filed. After a discussion relative to the proposed contract ,,,rith JOHNS-MANVILLE SALES CORPCRATICN for transite pressure pipe , in the amount of 47,450.00, Councilman Tamborini recommended that in view ofthe clause in the contract stipulating that a possible price change might be effective within a sixty (60) day period, that action be tabled until an approximate date of delivery is established. Moved by Richardson, seconded by `.!,amborini, that this matter be tabled. Carried. A communication was read from Paul Coughlin, in ex- planation of the operation of King County Public Utility District, and in regard to taxes which might be derived by the City of Renton from electric power Companies owning property within the City limits of Renton, Washington. This communication was referred to the Fire Light and Water Committee who are studying this problem. . A communication was read from Chapman Bros . , Electrical Contractors , requesting authority to install a FLOCDILIGHT at the entrance of the parking area at the Renton Stadium, said light to be on the east side of Logan Street and to illuminate the area on the west side of Logan Street. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Richardson, that this request be granted and to be supervised by the City Engineer. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. G. F. Baer, Commercial Representative of the Puget Sound Pourer and Light Company requesting permission to install. one (1) 1000 Watt narrow beam floodlight on the N. E. , corner of 3rd and Park Avenue ; floodlight to be mounted on existing pole and directed across Park Avenue to illuminate the front of Bill. Bennett' s grocery store. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Freyrr!an, that this request be granted. Carried. THE CONTRACT FOR INSTALLATION OF WATER MAIN was read, this Agreement entered into and executed this 10th day of September 1948 by and between: (a) The City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation, hereinafter referred to as FIRST PARTY; (b) N. J. Schultz , D. M. Pettibone and J. B. Cc.hs , all of Renton, 1, ashington, hereinafter referred to as SECOND PARTY; ( c) The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints , of Renton, Mash. , by and through its trustees and Officers , hereinafter referred to THIRD PARTY. The parties aforesaid have executed this contract at Renton, Washington and same has been approved by the City Engineer . Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the City Engineer be authorized to proceed with the construction and installation of a six (6) inch water main from the intersection of 3rd Avenue and Shattuck Street in the City of Renton. Carried. This being the date fixed for the opening of bids for one (1) accounting machine for the City Treasurer's Office , the following bids were submitted: Burroughs Adding Machine Company, Style 25 17 21 with stand 1118 - 4th Avenue @ %;37520.50 Seattle 1, ,,lash. Less discount 10% �._5 3 ,1 Total - 141 Underwood Corporation, 1 Model A-111+090 1021 - 2nd Avenue 18FF �>1,386.00 Seattle 4, Wash Wash, Sales Tax 41.58 Total including tax $1.427.58 Moved by Baxter, seconded by Richardson, that this be re- ferred to the Finance Committee , Property Committee and City Treasurer. Carried. A communication was read from the RENTON TRANSIT SYSTEM, Mr. Benn Trapp, Manager , requesting permission of the City Council to commence bus service to Earlington Hill October 4th 1948. Mr. Trapp ii.. advised that with the addition of Earlington Hill to the bus schedule it would necessitate a change in schedule to North Renton, effective October 4th 1948 as follows: 2 buses in the A.M. , and 2 buses in the afternoon to North Renton, 2 buses in the A.M. , and 2 buses in the afternoon to Earlington. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Trimm, that the request of theRENTON TRANSIT SYSTEM be granted and that this be _ referred to the Police and License Committee with Power to Act, the motion being put to a roll call vote resulted as follows: Baxter, Ave , Bruce , Aye, Davidson, Aye , Delaurenti, Aye, Freyman, Aye , Gigli, Ave, Hansen, Aye, Swift, Aye , Trimm, Aye and Tamborini, No. Motion Carried. A short recess was declared to discuss the awarding of bids. Council was called to order by Mayor Perry H. Mitchell, the following answering when the roll was called: Baxter, Bruce , Davidson, Delaurenti, Freyman, Gigli, Hansen, Richardson, Swift, Tamborini and Trimm. The Finance Committee , Property Committee and City Treasurer recommended that the bid for one (1) accounting machine be awarded to the lowest bidder, the Underwood Corporation, Seattle , Wash. , their bid being $1,427.58 including Washington State Tax. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. PROPOSED ORDINANCE No. 1322, was read, an Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, annexing territory to the City of Renton. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1322, WHEREUPON it was placed on its second and final readings and approved as a whole . Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Trimm, that the Ordinance be passed as read. All Councilmen present voting aye. PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO . 1323 was read, AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE BUSINESS OF OPERATING MOTOR BUSES ON THE STREETS OF THE CITY OF RENTON FOR TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS FOR HIRE. :REQUIRING LICENSES OR FRANCHISES FOR THE SAME; AND PROVIDII`1G A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION THEREOF. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Hansen, that this Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee recommended that Ordinance No. 1323 be held in abeyance until the next regular council meeting October 5th 1948. RESOLUTION NO. 707, was read, WHEREAS a petition has been filed for the submission to the electorate of a proposal to create a Public Utility District in King County to engage in the business of generating and distributing electrical energy, and the King County Commissioners have fixed the 27th day of September 1948 for a hearing thereunder, tocbtermine the boundaries of such proposed District. Moved by Bruce , seconded by Freyman, that Resolution No. 707 be adopted as read. The motion being put to a roll call vote resulted as follows: Baxter, Aye, Bruce , Aye, Davidson, Aye, Delaurenti, Aye , Freyman, Aye, Gigli, Aye , Hansen, Aye , Richardson, Aye, Swift, Aye , Tamborini, Aye, Trimm, Aye. Motion Carried, RESOLUTION NO. 708 was read, WHEREAS the City of Renton has completed the construction of anaddition to its City Hall at a cost of $12,825.87 now fully expended, and has completed the con- struction of an addition to its City Garage at a cost of $7,834.80 now fully expended, and WHEREAS the State of iashington through its Finance Committee has heretofore authorized and allocated matching funds to the City of Renton for such projects to the extent of one-half the cost thereof, etc . Moved by hichardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that 142 Resolution No. 708 be adopted as read. Carried. � RESOLUTION NO. 709 was read, that it is the intention of the City Council to order the improvement of the south side of Walla Walla Avenue from Whitworth Street to Shattuck Street and Shattuck Street from Walla Walla Avenue to 7th Avenue in the Uity of Renton, King County, Wash. , by constructing six (63 inch water main, installing fire hydrants gates , valves and fittings . Moved by Bruce , seconded by Baxter, that Resolution No. 709 be adopted as read with the following amendment "That the cost of said improve- ment on Walla Walla Avenue from Whitworth Street to Shattuck Street shall be borne by the City of Renton and the cost of the improve- ment on Shattuck Street shall be assessed against the property fronting same and liable therefor as provided by law. Carried. The City Engineer advised that the cost of widening 3rd Avenue from Mill Street to Renton Street would be approximately 831900.00 . With the unanimous consent of the Council, this matter was tabled until the rettrn of Councilman Reid from his vacation. The Ways and Means Committee requested and was granted more time relative to establishing new boundaries for the wards and precincts that should be changed as required by law. The request by Carl Cook for a permit to install a pin ball machine at 919 - 3rd Avenue, Renton? Wash. , was considered by the City Council and upon the recommendation of the Police and License Committee the application was approved with the proviso that pin ball machine would be operated according to the rules and regula- tions set forth in Ordinances governing the operation of such machines in the City of Renton. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Tamborini, that the recommendation of the Police and License Committee be con- curred in. Carried. The Police and License Committee recommended that an amendment be made to the Ordinance governing the operation of pin ball machines , providing that if any infraction or violation of the Ordinance occurs , a specified penalty time should be invoked, so that machines could not be operated in said place of business during the penalty time so specified. Moved by Swift, seconded by Freyman, that the recommendation of the Police and License Committee be re- ferred to the Ordinance Committee for study and a report back. Carried. The City Engineer advised that he had contacted the State Highway Department regarding the alternative plan for the grade crossing over the Northern Pacific Railway tracks at 4th Avenue North. This plan provides that there would be no turn to the North going off of 4th Avenue North at Logan Street and that all traffic would be diverted south and requested authorization to present this plan to the State Highway Department. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Delaurenti, that the request be granted. Carried. The City Engineer reported that the petitions from the Rev. S. J. Ristesund for annexation to the City of Renton of Lots ;8 and 19 - Weeds View Addition, adjoining the City of Renton and the property owners in the vicinity of "E" Street from the present City limits north asfar as State Highway No. 2, had been checked and recommended that the City Council proceed with the annexation. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this be referred to the Planning Commission. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that the property immediately west and extending southwest of the area pro- posed for annexation, extending to and including State Highway No. 2, from its entrance into the City of Renton, a short distance east of 116th Avenue southeast, to its entrance to the present City limits of Renton near 7th Avenue North, be included in- the above proposed annexation area, and referred to the Planning Commission for consideration. Carried. 1.43 The Police and License Committee recommended that governing the use of SOUND EQUIPMENT within the City limits of the City of Renton be referred to the Ordinance Committee for preparation of an Ordinance regarding same. Moved by Tamborini, seconded. by Bruce , that the recommendation of the Police and License Committee be con- curred in. Carried. The Street and Alley Committee recommended that the ARTERIAL STOP SIGN on the south side of 2nd Avenue and the west side of Burnett Street be repainted and moved back from the corner to the regulation distance. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Delaurenti, that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. The matter of fixing a location and a date for a public hearing regarding the feasibility of the City of Renton and the Renton School liistrict I` o. 403 pooling their resources and consoli- dating their efforts for the construction of a swimming pool was dis- cussed by the council and after considerable deliberation, it was moved by Richardson? seconded by Del.aurenti, that this matter be tabled until more information and plans are obtained from Renton School District T1o. 403. Carried. The Property Committee recommended that the City of Renton not participate, at the present time, in the PARAMOUNT PEST CONTROL SERVICE. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the recommendation of the Property Committee be concurred in. Carried. Councilman Swift recommended that an improvement be made on the Banks of Cedar River between the Northern Pacific Railway tracks and the Logan Street bridge, to forestall any additional baclnwash. hToved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that this be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and City Engineer with instructions to contact the Commissioners of Commercial Waterway District No. 21 regarding same . Carried. The Property Committee recommended that the condition of the garbage dump adjacent to the Boeing Renton Plant and on property of Comrercial Waterway District No. 2, be investigated. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this be referred to the City Engineer. Carried. Moved by De laurenti, seconded by Richardson, that expenses be allowed for the members of the City Council, City Clerk, and City Treasurer to attend the State Finance Officers Convention at Yakima, 11ash. , October 19th and 20th 3.948 . Carried. A communication was react from Councilman Davidson, officially terminating his membership with the City Council and re- comrending as his successor, Mr. Arnold Hagen, Councilman Richardson commended Mr. Davidson for his splendid work and cooperation during his term of office and as a member of the Ordinance Committee. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that Mr. Arnold Hagen be appointed as successor to Councilman J. L. Davidson. Carried. The City Clerk requested a two weeks vacation beginning October 10th 1948. Moved by Richardsons seconded by Freyman that this request be granted. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: CURRENT American Blueprint Co. Engr. Expense $ 9.49 2870 Automatic Deodorant Co. C .H. " 2.00 1 Behnett & Goodman C . H. " 64.81 2 C . Bevan F. D. " 30.90 3 Burrow's Richfield Service F. D. " 19.60 4 Coast Wide Supply Co. Expense 31.62 5 H.L. Collier, City Treas. P. D. " 3 .89 6 Howard-Cooper Corp. Expense 189.98 7 Katherine Crockett {'lection Exp . 6. 50 8 1liley Crook P .D. Expense 2.19 9 Cross Radio & Sound Service Electicn Expense55.73 8f) 144 CURRE14T Custer Ilardware Co. Expense n 19.36 2881 Dual Parking Meter Co. Pkg. Meter Expense 38.76 82 Donald G. Holm, Judge' s Expense 3.30 83 Hub City Drug P. D. " 1.70 84 Orville Jones F. D. " 2.45 85 Kuker-Ranken, Inc. Engr. " 2.78 86 The Lumber Market F. D. " 5.66 87 H. C . Nielsen P. D. " 5.90 88 Shirley Odle City Clerk' s Expense 7.21 89 Shirley Odle " " " 11.50 90 The Owl Cafe Jail Meals 169.90 91 P.S .P. & Light Co. St. Light Expense 447.65 92 P . S . P . & Light Co. P ower 936.36 93 Reid & Cook_ Expense 2.63 94 The Renton Chronicle Expense 19.46 95 Renton Hardware & Furn. Pkg. Meter Expense 1.44 96 Renton Motor Parts Expense , P.D. & F.D. 47 .80 97 Renton Radiator Service P.D. Expense 1. 55 98 Renton Tire Shop P.D. it5.28 99 Renton Vet. Hospital Dog Pound Expense 12.75 2900 Rivily' s City Service P .D . Expense .98 01 Service Laundry & Clnrs . F. D. Expense 17.29 02 Vincent Stewart P.D. Expense 4. 51 03 A. 1. Sullivan C. H. 1.55 04 VOID VOID ----- 05 Tradewell Stores , Inc. P. D. Expense 5.70 06 Treasurer, U.S .A. Garbage Expense 32.34 07 " 11 11 if 20.38 08 „ 41.67 09 Trick & Murray Election Expense 128.21 10 United Janitor Supply C . H. Expense 77.40 11 Valley Window Cleaners C. H. " 7.00 12 Waters Expense 20.82 13 Western Union " P .D. , Nayor & Cncl. 2.94 14 Merle ' s Tailor Shop F. D. Expense 5.1.5 15 King County Medical October Dues 276.50 16 John Anding Dog Pound Expense 108.00 17 Payroll Office 892.70 18-30 Payroll Engineers 519.10 31-34 Payroll. P.D. 2727.25 35-55 Payroll F. D. 2148.41 56-75 Payroll. Mayor & council 456.21 76-88 Pac . Tel. & Tel . Co. 'Phones 234.29 89 Payroll Garbage 791.37 90-97 Payroll St. Cleaning 480.93 98-3002 Payroll_ Engineers 337.96 03-04 Coll. of Internal Rev. Withholding Tax 3372.85 05 Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins . 389.29 06 WATER Addressograph, Multi- graph Corp. Treas . Expense 10.24 6857 Auburn Concrete Products Supplies 55.62 58 Badger , Meter Mfg. Co. " 34.65 59 Marckmann & 'vl ill.iams Outlay 448 .10 60 P.S .P. & Light Co. Power 581.78 61: Reid & Cook Supplies .93 62 The Renton Chronicle 'tif79. 06 64 Rockwell Mfg. Co. Seattle Water Dept. Water 67.36 65 R. W. Sparling Supplies 16.80 66 University Place Water Co Outlay 442.97 67 Van Waters & Rogers , Inc. Supplies 130.00 68 Worthington Gamon Meter " 49.88 69 King County Medical October dues 35.00 70 Payroll Water Office 313.93 71-76 Payroll Water 1016.00 77-84 Coll. of Internal I?.ev. Withholding tax 379.80 85 Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins . X5.21 86 CITY STREETS Clarke Bros . 11otor Co. Supplies 28.39 4313 Custer Hardware Co. 24.43 14 Flash' s 10¢ Store " 1.96 15 Kent Delivery Service Expense 1.00 16 1. 4- CITY STR' ETS The Lumber Market Supplies 62.54 4317 Renton Motor Parts Co. " 60.75 18 Renton Tire Shop it 5.58 19 Stoneway Dock Co. it 68.19 20 Union Oil. Company of Calif . Gasoline 513.56 21 King County Medical October Dues 48.00 22 Payroll City Streets , Office 158.67 23-27 Payroll City Streets 1766.71 28-43 Coll. of Int. Revenue Withholding tax 581.40 44 Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 73 .44 45 SEWER DISPOSAL .. Amer. Meter Company Supplies .78 1251 Custer Hardware Co. " 2.23 52 Dale & McLendon " 5.06 53 Pennsylvania Salt Mfg. " 216.30 54 P.S .P. & Light Co. Power 172.74 55 Renton Feed & Seed Co. Supplies 4.64 56 Renton Machine & Welding Wks Expense 92.70 57 King County Medical October Dues 39.75 58 Payroll Disposal Plant 682.92 59-67 Coll. Internal Revenue Withholding Tax 533 .20 68 Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins . 89.78 69 AIRPORT Martin Plumbing Sign Co. Expense 15.45 484 Shirley M. Odle " 1_2.36 85 P.S .P. & Light Co. Power 104.30 86 The Renton Chronicle Expense 15.00 87 Seattle Water Dept. Water 21.20 88 King County Medical Oct. dues , O'Brien 4.00 89 Payroll Airport 276.95 90-93 Coll. of Int. Revenue Withholding tax 131.10 94 Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 24.19 95 PARK Athletic Supply Co. Supplies 57.11 990 Custer Hardware it 1,03 91 VOID VOID ----- 92 Now P.S.P. &. Light Expense 5.00 93 P.S .P. & Light Co. Power 11.0.67 94 Jim Scott Expense 44.00 95 Stoneway Dock Company Supplies 30.90 96 King County Medical October dues 19.75 97 Payroll Park 515.50 98-1004 Coll. of Int. Revenue �Iithholding Tax 192.80 05 Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 47.04 06 ATHLETIC P.S .P. & Light Co. Power 10.64 304 Reid & Cook Supplies 3 .79 05 United Janitor Supply Co. " 232.32 06 King County Medical October Dues 11.25 07 Payroll Athletic 153 .26 08-10 Coll. of Int. Revenue Withholding Tax 230.50 11 L.I.D.,##225 LIBRARY Edwin Allen Company Books 20.69 1558 The Caxton Printers Books 2.67 59 Winifred C. Daniels Expense 71.05 60 Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc Books 2.85 61 The Etude Magazine Books & Mags. 5.00 62 George H. Friend Expense 40.00 63 J. K. Gill Co. Books 35,99 64 David McKay Co. Books 1.47 65 The Macmillan Co. "' 1.33 66 Puget Sound News Co. " 41.54 67 P.S .P . & Light Co. Power 10.18 68 Renton Chronicle & Shopper Supplies 3 .45 69 The Yale Review Magazine 8.00 70 King County P,`edical Oct Dues 4.00 71 Payroll Library 862.55 72-79 Collector of Int. Revenue Withholding Tax 170.50 80 Dept of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins . 1.59 81 '146 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the above bills be allowed and ordered raid. Carried. There being no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Gigli, seconded by Trimm, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. Wil Crook Cit Clerk Pe k. Mitchell Mayor. 4. Renton, Wash October 4th 1948 The Official Meeting the first Monday in October for hearing on the budget, pursuant to published notice was called to order by Mayor Perry H. Mitchell. This meeting being one set by the State for hearings on the budget only. ROLL CALL: Baxter, Bruce, Delaurenti, Freyman, Gigli, Hansen, Richardson, Swift, Tamborini and Trimm. After a discussion concerning the proposed WASHINGTON STATEWIDE CITY EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the Pension Fund be accepted effective January 1st 1949, Carried. Councilman Baxter, declined to vote on this question stating that he did not fully comprehend the operation of the Pension Fund. Councilman Bruce introduced the subject of establishing basic salaries for the Police and Fire Departments and after a discussion, it was moved by Baxter, seconded by Tamborini, that the starting base pay for the Fire Department remain at $240.00 per month and for the Police Department $250.00 per month with in- creases for satisfactory period service as approved by the Civil Service Commission. Carried. After a discussion regarding the advisabi;ity of establishing a position of Police Captain in the Police Depart- ment it was moved by Baxter, seconded by Bruce, that the Council should not incorporate in the budget a ranking officer as Police Captain. The motion being put to a roll call. vote resulted as follows: Baxter, aye, Bruce, aye, Delaurenti, No. Freyman Aye, Gigli., No. Hansen, No. Richardson, No. Swift, aye, Tamborini, No. Trimm, No. Motion lost. -- Councilman Baxter requested council action re- garding the salary of the Superintendent of Utilities and City Engineer as submitted in the Preliminary Budget. Moved by Swift seconded by Richardson that the Superintendent of Utilities and the City Engineer's salary (one position) be approved as set-up in the budget for 1949. The motion being put to a roll call vote re- sulted as follows: Baxter, No. Bruce, No. Delaurenti, Aye. Freyman, Aye, Gigli, Aye, Hansen, Aye, Richardson, Aye, Swift, Aye, Tamborini, Aye, Trimm, Aye. Motion Carried. With the unanimous consent of the City Council, the subject of discussing the addition of three (3) new patrolmen for the Police Department was tabled until the regular council meeting October 5thl94$. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Baxter that the employees of the City of Renton be assured that the $19.00 per month across the board increase in salary for 1949 be approved. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting be recessed until October 5th 1948. Carried. City rk yor. 148 tuu=.p .eCks+ Renton, Wash October 5th 1948 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order, Mayor Perry H. Mitchell presiding. ROLL CALL: Bruce, Delaurenti, Freyman, Gigli, Hansen, Richardson, Swift, Tamborini and Trimm. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the minutes of the meeting September 21st 1948 be approved as written. —r APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPT, NO. AMOUNT NAME LOCATION TYPE WORK 480 $ 100.00 Richard Storey Jr 517 Bronson P1. Erect Oil tank 81 400.00 Arthur L. Lovenger 350 Garden Remodel house 87 400.00 Jacob Lind 12425 SE 145th Erect garage 88 400.00 Art Robinson 439 Grandey Way Erect driveway 89 400.00 Chas. Mitchell 1107 4th Ave Remodel kitchen 90 100.00 Chas. Mitchell 1107 4th Ave Reqire ranbe 91 2000.00 Shaw Bros. Drug 220 Wells Repair front bldg. 92 100.00 F. A. Fligge 416 Whitworth Install furnace 93 400.00 Milk Maid Bakery 706 . 3rd Erect sign 94 100.00 E. Belmondo 528 Cedar Install range & WH 95 100.00 Williams & Swanson 700 3rdErect sign 96 700.00 A. MacSpadden 863 So. 140th Remodel house 97 400.00 R. D. Jenkins 111 3rd Erect garage 98 100.00 L. A. Yuckert 2713 8th No. Rewire range & WH 99 750.00 Earl Waltner 1526 3rd No. Repair Oil burner 500 500.00 G. Delaurenti 443 Tobin Erect C & W furnace O1 250.00 Diana Rivily 519 Airport Way Install furnace 02 250.00 Mrs, L. Thomas 516 Wells Plumbing With the unanimous consent of the Council, Mayor Mitchell dispensed with the regular order of business in order that the Oath of Office could be adminstered to Mr. Arnold Hagen who previously had been unanimously elected by the- City Council to fill the unexpired term of Councilman Davidson who had resigned. Mr. Arnold Hagen was sworn in as councilman to fill the unexpired term of councilman Davidson for the 3rd Ward, by the City Clerk, Wiley Crook. A communication was read from the WINDSOR HILLS COMMUNITY CLUB, requesting council action with regard to the following complaints registered by the residents of this community: 1. Stagnant water in Windsor Park 2. The problem of water coming from the Highlands at "E" Street into Windsor Hills on the 500 block. 3. Also the problem of water coming from the spring in the 400 block on Windsor Way. 4. The incompleted sidewalks on the southeast and east corners. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swif t, that this be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and City Engineer for investigation and report back. Carried. A petition was read from members of the Windsor Hills Community Club and also residents of this district, petitioning the City Council to change the bus schedule serving the Windsor Hills District and requesting a hearing with the council and the representatives of the Transit System with regard to same. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that this be referred to the Police and License Committee to contact the residents of this district in order that ameeting could be arranged for the discussion of this problem. Carried. A communication was read from Mr, H. B. Cox, requesting permission to install 4 pin ball machines and 6 amuse- ment novelty games (no cash or prizes paid out by novelty games , played for amusement only) at 3061 Wells Street. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that this be referred to the Police and License Committee and Chief of Police with Power to Act. Carried. A communication was read from HEBERLING BROTHERS requesting permission to install 4 in ball machies 2 novelty games and 2 rockolla shuffleboards at 3061 Wells Street, to be operated by Mr. H. B. Cox. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Tamborini, that this be referred to the Police and License Committee and Chief of Police with ... Power to Act. Carried. A communication was read from the Department of Labor and Industries requesting permission to use space in the City Hall, Friday, October 15th 1948, for taking testimony. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that permission be granted. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. Otto N. Sundholm requesting the council to consider the problem of placing a bulkhead and heavy guard rail at the point where Old Renton Avenue ends at 91st South and the old Tobin Bridge and viaduct started. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that this be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and City Engineer for investigation and report back. Carried. A communication was read from the State College of Washington, Pullman, Wash. , (Library Department) requesting the courtesy of being placed on the City of Renton' s permanent mailing list, relative to copies of published reports of the various Municipal Agencies which have been issued. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that this be referred to the City Clerk. Carried. A communication was read from King County Planning Commission, requesting the legal description of the lands which the City of Renton lease or own and are using as a garbage dump or sanitary fill. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Richardson that this be referred to the City Engineer and City Clerk to comply w1th this request. Carried. The following Resolutions passed by the Planning Commission, September 8th 1948 were read. RESOLVED that we recommend to the City Council that they accept the report of our Committee on the rezoning of the Maplewood area recently annexed. This report stated that the area in the residential part was platted and zoning regulations written into the deeds, so that there could be no change as to this part; and that the area containing the Zerwoodis property and H&gh White's property remain industrial as now zoned and the remainder to be zoned residential. RESOLVED that the zoning of the Earlington area recently annexed be allowed to remain as now zoned by the County, with the exception of certain lots which are now zoned as commercial and that these be allowed to remain as commercial and that any remaining unzoned property be zoned residential. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that this be referred to the Council as a whole to report back at the next regular council meeting. Carried. A short recess was declared for discussion with the Ordinance Committee and Police and License Committee. Council was called to order by Mayor Perry H. Mitchell, the following answering when the roll was called: Bruce, Hagan,Delaurenti, Freyman, Gigli, Hansen, Richardson, Swift, Tamborini and Trimm. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1323, an ORDINANCE REGULATING THE BUSINESS OF OPERATING MOTOR BUSES ON THE STREETS OF THE CITY OF RENTON FOR TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS FOR HIRE, REQUIRING LICENSES OR FRANCHISES FOR THE SAME: AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION THEI:EOF, Moved by Delaurenti, 150 . u seconded by Bruce, that Ordinance No. 1323 be placed on its second and final readings, Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the ordinance be passed as read. All councilmen present voting Aye. Bruce, Hagen, Delaurenti, Freyman, Gigli, Hansen, Richardson, Swift, Tamborini and Trimm. ORDINANCE NO. 1324, was read, an ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF 3rd Place, from Shattuck Street to Rainier Avenue in the City of Renton, by paving said street known as 3rd Place con- structing curbing and sidewalks on the north side thereof and doing such other work as may be necessary in connection therewith, all in accordinace with the plans prepared by the City Engineer. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1324 WHERE- UPON it was placed on its second and final readings and approved as �,. a whole. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Ordinance be passed as read. All councilmen present voting aye. Bruce, Hagen, Delaurenti, Freyrpn, Gigli, Hansen, Richardson, Swift, Tamborini and Trimm. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter of calling for bids for the improvement of 3rd Place, from Shattuck I Street to Rainier Avenue in the City of Renton, be referred to the City Clerk and City Engineer, Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Freyman, that the investi- gation of the Public Utility District which was being made by the Fire Light and Water Committee , be discontinued because the proposition would not appear on the ballot for a vote at the November 2nd election. Carried. The Finance Committee recommended that the matter of the Fire Chief attending the 53rd Annual Conference of the Pacific Coast Inter-Mountain Association of Fire Chiefs at Sacremento, California, be left in the hands of the Finance Committee for an indefinite period. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the recommenda- tion of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. The Mays and Means Committee requested and was granted more time relative to establishing new boundaries for the wards and ..r precincts that should be changed as required by law. The Street and Alley Committee requested and was granted more time relative to improving the banks of Cedar River between the Northern Pacific Railway tracks and the Logan Street bridge to fore- stall any additional backwash. The Ordinance Committee requested that the preparation of an Ordinance governing SOUND EQUIPMENT within the City limits of the City of Renton be held in abeyance until more information is received. The Ordinance Committee requested and was granted more time relative to amending the Ordinance governing the operation of pin ball machines providing that if any infraction or violation of the Ordinance occurs, a specified penalty time should be invoked so that the machines could not be operated in said place of business during the penalty time so specified. The Finance Committee recommended that the City Clerk be instructed to publish another CALL FOR BIDS for one (1) Ten-Key Accounting Machine. (Double Crossfooter Model) for the Treasurer's Office. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in. Carried. The City Engineer's Certificate was read covering local Improvement District No. 225,, created under Ordinance No. 1313, was filed with Assessment Roll for said District No. 225, in the amount of $22,201.50, dated September 28th 1948. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that this be referred to the City Attorney and BAaeee-Ce �ttoe for preparation eg_�Aa®�c�inscncc=can � msng=eke of Resolution for a Notice of Assessment Roll. Carried. 151 Councilman Richardson recommended that the City Clerk be instructed to forward a letter to the Renton News Record, requesting a detailed explanation relative to the editorial published in their September 30th edition regarding the City of Renton's proposed pre- liminary budget for 1949. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the recommendation be concurred in. The motion being put to a vote resulted as follows: Bruce, No. Hagen, Aye, Delaurenti, No. Freyman, Aye,-, Gigli, Aye, Hansen, Aye, Richardson, Aye, Swift, Aye. Tamborini, Aye, Trimm, Aye. Motion Carried. Councilman Richardson, Tamborini and the City Attorney reported briefly on the Regional meeting of the Association of Washington Cities, held at Enumclaw, Wash. , September 22nd 1948. Mayor Mitchell appointed councilman Arnold Hagan as a member of the Ways and Means Committee and of the Law and Ordinance Committee. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen that the appoint- ment made by Mayor Mitchell be concurred in. Carried unanimously. Upon the request of the City Council for an explanation as to the necessity of incorporating -in the budget, salary for a captain in the Police Department personnel. Chief Stewart informed the council that a Captain rating was necessary in order to arrange for the extra duties now being performed by one of the Sergeants. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gigli, that the rating of a Captain as in- corporated in the budget be approved. Carried. Police Chief Stewart also informed the council that in his opinion there was no necessity for considering the appointment of a matron in the Police Department at this time, as the jail facilities now provided by the City has no accommodation for women prisoners. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the City Attorney be instructed to investigate and report back to the Council the legal regulations of a 2nd class city as it pertains to the employment of a matron in the Police Department. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that Pages 1 and 2 of the Preliminary Budget be approved in its entirety for assembling item by item into the final budget. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that page three (3) of the Preliminary Budget be accepted with the exception of item No. 117 (patrolmen to start in the service) this to be corrected to basic salary of $250.00 per month, also the legal opinion concerning 2nd class cities employing a police matron. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that Page four (4) of the Preliminary Budget be accepted in its ,entirety for assemb- ling item by item into the final budget, as voted upon and passed by the City Council. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen that page five ( 5) of the Preliminary Budget be accepted in its entirely for assembling item by item into the final budget, with the exception of the Health Officer's salary, which was held in abeyance until the recessed meeting October 6th 1948, Carried. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Richardson, that Pages 6 and 7 of the Preliminary Budget be accepted in its entirety for assembling item by item into the final budget. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: CURRENT j Payroll Office $ 932.25 3007-20 Payroll Engineers 532.48 21-26 Payroll F.D. 2445.50 27-47 Payroll P.D. 2610.20 48-68 American Asbestos Products F.D. Expense 38.85 69 American Blue Print Co. Engr. at 16.85 70 Cochran Hardware Co. F.D. C .H. Exp. 158.56 71 H. L. Collier P.D. Expense 4.07 72 -PSfi Y _l a4 t_3� CURRENT C ONT'D Custer Hardware Co. Expense $ 21.72 3073 W.D. Darley & Co. P.D.Expense 46.20 74 Harper-Meggee Co. P.D. Expense 3.81 75 Holmes Electric C.H. Expense 9.04 76 H ub City Drug P.D. it 11 03 77 .44 78 Huletz Electric Co. P.D. " Kuker-Ranken, Inc. Engr.. " 4.58 79 John Lotto, Postmaster Postage 10.00 80 Mead's Renton Heating Co. C.H. Expense 6.18 81 Shirley M. Odle City Clerk's Exp. 26.47 82 O.K. Signs F. D. Expense 97.85 83 Price & Lundberg F. D. " 2.06 84 Puget Sound Stamp Co. Council Expense 9.31 85 Reid & Cook P.D. Expense 63.79 86 Renton Feed & Seed Co. F. D. Expense 3 .96 87 Renton Motor Parts P.D. & F.D. Exp. 26.44 88 Renton Radiator Serve P.D. Expense 7.50 89 Renton Tire Shop Engr, & P.D. Exp. 6.48 90 Smith's Cabinet Shop C.H. Outlay 140.35 91 Vincent Stewart P.D. Expense 4.93 92 Stoneway Dock Co. F. D. " 6.95 93 Treasurer, U.S.A. Garbage Expense 41.67 94 Trick & Murray Election " 117.18. 95 Tradewell Stores, Inc. P.D. Expense 8.25 96 Trimm Fuel Co. F.D. " 67.75 97 United Janitor Supply F.D. " 115.62 98 Valley Window Cleaners C.H. " 7.00 99 Waters Expense 30.96 3100 Wm. F. Davis Ins & Bond Prem. 55.00 01 Eagle Signal Corporation St. Lights Exp. 13.20 02 Payroll Garbage 610.01 03-09 Payroll St. Cleaning 453.27 10-14 WATER Payro;l Offl-ce 309.9 6887-92 Addressograph Sales Treas . Exp. 4.18 9 Bruce Welding Expense 5•�5 94 Custer Hardware Co. Supplies 3 .28 95 D.& I. Office Supply " 2.22 96 Marckmann & Williams " 99.431 978 Pac. Water Works Supply '' 7.9 9 Puget Sound Stamp Works Treas. Expense 19.57 99 Reid & Cook. Supplies 1.85 6900 Renton Boiler Works " 1.03 01 The Renton Chronicle Treas, Exp. 98.11 02 Renton Motor Parts Co. Supplies 10.57 0,3 Renton Tire Shop Expense 16.24 04 Richfield Oil Corporation Supplies 51.42 05 Rockwell Manfg. Co. It 3.98 06 Seattle Water Dept. Water 59.84 07 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Supplies 3.28 08 Trick & Murray Treas. Expense 8.65 09 Van Waters & hogers Supplies 130.00 10 Waters Treas . Exp. 20.96 11 Worthington Gamon Meter Supplies 3.91 12 Wallace Tiernan Sales Corp it 8.50 13 John Lotto, Postmaster Treas. Exp. 5.00 14 Payroll Water 870.15 15-22 CITY STREETS Payroll City Streets 158.67 4346-50 Cochran Paint & Hdw. Co. Supplies 14.46 51 Custer Hardware Co. It88.85 52 Matson Brothers, Inc. " 58.20 53 Olympic Foundry Co. 4.38 54 Overall Cleaning & Supply " 5.16 55 Frank Purcell Radio Repair " 9.79 56 Renton Machine & Welding 15.40 57 Renton Motor Parts " 143.53 58 Shaw Bros. Drug. Co. , " 2.82 59 Sound Paint Mfg. Co. " 29.61 60 Stoneway Dock Company " 50.81 61 C . Bevan Expense 157.52 62 Union Oil Company Gasoline 556.79 63 1. 5 e CITY STREETS CONTID Renton Clothing Company Supplies 33.78 4364 Payroll City Streets 1611.63 65-81 SEWER DISPOSAL Payroll Sewer Disposal 580.34 1270-78 Custer Hardware Co. Supplies 2.56 79 Dale & McLendcn It 40.16 80 Liquefied Gas " 280.89 81 Renton Motor Parts Co. " 1.13 82 Scientific Supplies Co. " 11.85 8 United Janitor Supply Co. " 61.80 84 PARK Payroll Park 435.35 1007-12 Custer Hardware Co. Supplies 6.23 1 ® East Hill Hardware Co. It 3.20 14 White Construction Co. Renton Hill Park Exp. 485.00 15 White " " Windsor " " " 305.00 16 AIRPORT Payrill Airport 310.95 496-500 Cochran Paint & Hardware Supplies 1.00 1 Diesel Oil Sales Co. it 55.62 2- Overall Cleaning & Supply Expense .80 The Renton Chronicle Supplies 1.29 Ray Schneider Expense 42.00 5 Ned Stokes Expense 42.00 6 Seattle Water Dept. Water 24.80 7 United Janitor Supply Supplies 30.31 8 Union Oil Company if 91.55 9 ATHLETIC Payroll Athletic 146.21 312-14 Custer Hardware Supplies 8.44 15 Renton Plumbing & Heating it .62 16 United Janitor Supply Co. of 39.96 17 CUMULATIVE FUND NO. 1182 General Electric Supply Corp. Signal Lights 1984.81 12. L.I.D.#225 Superior Constr. Co. Windsor Hills sidewks .3084.30 2 Moved by Richardson seconded by Tamborini, that the bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the meeting be recessed until October 7th 1948. Carried. Cit Clerk Ma r. L.. 154 � 1 Renton, Washy October 6, 1948 The recessed meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor pro tem, Joe Baxter, President of the City Council. ROLL CALL: Baxter Bruce, Hagen, Delaurenti, Freyman, Gigli, Hansen, Richardson, Swft, Tamborini and Trimm. Memorandum - Police Matrons, Rem. Rev. Stats. Sections 9282 to 9287 incl. provide for police matrons in cities of more than 10,000, inhabitants, was submitted by the City Attorney who advised the council, that in his opinion, unless the City followed the practise of confining women prisoners in the jail or having them serve their sentence there, the law of the State did not require the employment of a Police matron. Upon the assurance of Police Chief, Vincent Stewart, that the Police Department is not, and does not, intend to follow the practise of confining women prisoners in the jail or having them serve their sentence there, it was not deemed necessary to employ a Police Matron. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that no item be incorporated in the budget for the employment of a Police Matron, Carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman that the Health Officer's salary be approved as set-up in the preliminary budget for 1949. Carried.. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that Pages Nos. 8, 99 10 11 and 12 of the preliminary budget be accepted in their entirely for assembling item by item into the final budget. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare and present an Ordinance accepting the preliminary budget for the year 1949. Carried. PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 1325, was read, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING A CITY BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1949. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1325 WHEREUPON it was placed on its second and final readings and approved as a whole. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Richardson, that the Ordinance be passed as read. The motion being put to a vote resulted as follows: Baxter, No. Bruce, No, Hagen, Aye, Delaurenti, No. Freyman, Aye, Gigli, Aye, Hansen, Aye, Richardson, Aye, Swift, No. Tamborini, Aye, Trimm, Aye. Motion Carried. PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO.. 1326, was read, AN ORDIN- ANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, F IXING THE AMOUNT OF TAX LEVIES NECESSARY TO MEET THE AMOUNT OF ESTIMATED EXPENSES FOR THE YEAR 19499 LESS THE TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN TAXATIONS INCLUDING AVAILABLE SURPLUS. The Ordinance Committee re- ported favorably on Ordinance No. 1326, WHEREUPON it was placed on its second and third readings and approved as a whole. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Richardson, that the Ordinance be passed as read. The motion being put to a vote resulted as follows: Baxter, Aye, Bruce, Aye, Hagen, Aye, Delaurenti Aye, Freyman Aye, Gigli, Aye, Hansen, Aye, Richardson, Aye, Swift, Aye, Tamborini, Aye, Trimm, Aye. Motion Carried. The Finance Committee recommended that the final payment to the Superior Construction Company in the amount of $3,084.30 for installation of sidewalks in Windsor Hi13s, Local Improvement District No. 225 approved by the City Engineer, be allowed and ordered paid. Moved by Richardson seconded by Tamborini, that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be concurred in and that this be referred to the City Clerk and City Engineer. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti , that the Finance Committee and Ways and Means Committee study the feasibility of raising additional revenue for the City of Renton and to report back to the Council December 7th 1948. Carried. 1. 55 Renton, Wash October 19, 1948 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to Order, Mayor Perry H. Mitchell presiding. ROLI: CALL: Baxter, Bruce, Hagen, Delaurenti, Freyman, Gigli, Hansen., Reid, Richardson, Swift, Tamborini and Trimm. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the minutes of the meetings October 4, 5 and 6, 1948 be approved as written. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. NO. AMOUNT NAME LOCATION TYPE WORK 503 100.00 Charles Mitchell 1107 4th Ave Repair sink & connect H.W. tank 4 400.00 Mrs. L. Thomas 516 Wells Wiring, instl. HW.Heat. 5 100.00 W. F. Bennett 4th & Park Inst. 1 toilet 6 100.00 Van Freeman 411 Windsor Way Erect Oil tank 7 100.00 Simpson Lee 437 Smithers Rewire range & WH 8 150.00 Gladys Gillette 734 Grant Remodel garage 10 100.00 Jesse E . Tharp 1210 Beacon Repair porch 11 700.00 Mrs. E . Johns 150 Park Remodel & Repair Bldg. 12 100.00 Al. Morgan 1000 Bronson Way Remove building burned by fire. 13 100.00 Angeline Delaurenti 525 Morris Remodel house 14 400.00 W. F. Bennett 4th & Park Wiring, Instl. Toilet 15 100.00 Lorenzo Bertagni 446 N. Wells Rewire Range WH. 9 1200.00 Janet Butler 500 Mill Erect garage With the unanimous consent of the Council, Mayor Mitchell dispensed with -the regular order of business in order to hear Mr. Oliver Hazen, Superintendent of School District No. 403, Mr. Stanley Thompson, principal of the Renton High School and Mr. J. H. Dehart, -- Architect of the firm of Mallis, DeHart and Hopkins , explain the proposed improvement of the Physical Education Building and the feasihility of the construction of a swimming pool in conjunction with the City of Renton. Mr . Hazen advised that the preliminary plans were ready and the School Board would like to meet with the officials of the City of Renton to discuss these plans at a meeting scheduled for Thursday, October 21 , at 8:30 P.M. , in the School Administration Building at 1525 - 4th Avenue North. After a discussion, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Mayor, Property Committee, City Attorney, City Engineer and Park Board attend this meeting and report back a definite program. Carried. October 19th 1948 being the date set for hearing protests on Assessment Roll No. 226, ordering the improvement of the south side of Walla Walla Avenue from Whitworth Street to Shattuck Street and Shattuck Street from Walla Walla Avenue to 7th Avenue, in the City of Renton, by construction of a six (6) inch water main, installing fire hydrants , gates, valves and fittings in the amount of $2,784.60. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Reid, that there being in- sufficient protests received, that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare and present an Ordinance establishing an L.I.D. Carried. A communication was read from Messrs. Harold and Charles Mellinger, for permission to operate a twenty-four (24) hour ambulance service in Renton and vicinity under the name of the Renton Ambulance Service. Moved by Reid, seconded by Baxter , that this be referred to the Police and License Committee for investigation and report back at the next regular council meeting. Carried. A communication was read from the Planning Commission advising that the following resolutions were passed: 1. That we recommend to the City Council an effort be made to annex the area as per the petition described in the minutes of the City Council September 21st 1948 and in- clude the area between the present city limits and the northerly line of Highway No. 2 and that the people of this area should be encouraged to come into the City of Renton. 2. THAT we recommend to the City Council that they make an effort to have the area west of southeast 112th Street, running to the west line of Harry's Garden Home Tracts to the present city limits , annexed to the City of Renton, and to encourage the people living within this area to support a petition for this annexation. 3. THAT we recommend to the City Council that they act favorably upon the yeti& of Messrs. Bernard C . Thomas and Archie Gustine for the rezoning of Lots 4 and and Lot A, of Block 6, Renton Real Estate First Addition, from residential to commercial, even though they do not have the 51% property owners due to the fact that the commercial Waterway and the Northern Pacific Railway are in close proximity to their property. The Renton Planning Commission further feels that the property in this location is only suitable for commercial zoning. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the re- commendation of the Planning Commission be concurred in and that the parties involved in recommendation No. 3, Messrs. Bernard C . Thomas and Archie Gustine be notified of Council approval. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the ,City Clerk be instructed to notify the Planning Commission, that their re- commendations presented to the Council be accompanied with a map and location of the property involved. Carried. This being the date fixed for the opening of bids for one (1) Ten-Key Accounting machine (Double Crossfooter Model) the .AM following bid being the only bid submitted was opened: Underwood Corporation One Sundstrand Model "D" 2804090-21+FF 1023 - 2nd Avenue $ 3250.00 Seattle, Washington Washington State Sales Tax . . . 0 Total including tax . . . . . . 3347-50 Moved by Gigli, seconded by Freyman that this bid be re- ferred to the Finance Committee and Property Committee for a report. Carried. RESOLUTION NO. 710 submitted by the City Attorney, was read, WHEREAS the City of Renton has negotiated with William F. Bennett, and Lavina B ennett, his wife, for the purchase by said City of a tract of real estates owned by said Bennett and wife situated between North Burnett Street and the Northern Pacific Right-of-way lying northerly of Cedar River and has agreed with said owners upon a purchase price of $8,500.00 for the same , and said owners have tendered a real estate contract duly executed by themselves where- under the City will purchase said tract for said price , payable $500.00 down and $8000.00 to be paid on or before January 31st 1949. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman that Resolution No. 710 as read be adopted and the Mayor and City Clerk be empowered to negotiate said contract. Carried. ORDINANCE NO. 1327 was read AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE ASSESSMENT ROLL OF LOCK IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 225 for the improvement of all Streets in Windsor Hills addition to Renton, under Ordinance No. 1313 by construction of sidewalks and widening existing sidewalks with crossings and other necessary work in connection therewith all in the City of Renton. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Baxter, that this Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1327 WHEREUPON it was placed on its second and final readings and approved as whole. Moved by Tamborinit seconded by Reid, that this Ordinance be passed as read. All Councilmen present voting aye: Baxter, Bruce, Hagen Delaurenti, Freyman, Gigli, Hansen, Reid, Richard- soni Swift, Tamborini and Trimm. Moved by Tamborini) seconded by Richardson, that the statement from Messrs . Bebb and Jones for architectural services for plans and specifications of the Municipal Swimming Pool in the amount of $4,500.00 as approved by the City Attorney be allowed and ordered Daid. Carried. A short recess was declared for discussion of the bid submitted by the Underwood Corporation to supply one (1) Ten-Key accounting machine (Double Crossfooter model) . Council was called to order by Mayor Perry H. Mitchell, the following answering when the roll was called: Baxter, Bruce, Hagen, Delaurenti, Freyman, Gigli, Hansen, ReidI Richardson, Swift, Tamborini and Trimm. The Finance Committee and Property Committee recommended the acceptance of the bid of the Underwood Corporation for one (1) Sundstrand Model "D" accounting machine in the amount of $31347.50 and that the Underwood Corporation be requested to submit a letter of release on award covering the purchase of a machine on which they had previously submitted the lowest bid. Moved by Richardson seconded by Trimm, that the re- commendation of the Finance Committee and Property Committee be con- curred in. Carried. A communication was read from the Underwood Corporation, Seattle , Wash. , as follows: "You may accept this letter as our authority for release of one (1) Sundstrand Class "A" accounting machine , the award for same being made at the council meeting September 21, 1948. Signed, R.C. LaTorres, Regional Manager" . Moved by Richardsons seconded by Reid, that the letter of release from the Underwood Corporation be accepted. Carried. The Finance Committee recommended the purchase of a GRAPHOTYPE addressograph machine for the Treasurer' s Office, in the amount of approximately $450.00. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be con- curred in. Carried. The Street and Alley Committee requested and was granted more time relative to - 1. The problem of water coming from the Highlands at "E" Street into Windsor Hills on the 500 block. 2. Also the problem of water coming from the spring in the 400 block 3• The request of Mr. Otto N. Sundholm that the council considerthe problem of placing a bulkhead and heavy guard rail at the point where old Renton Avenue ends at 91st South and the old Tobin bridge and viaduct started. The Police and License Committee requested and was granted more time relative to contacting the residents of the Windsor Hills District with regard to their petition that the City Council change the bus schedule serving the Windsor Hills District and to arrange a meeting for discussion of this problem. The Police and License Committee recommended that the Application of Mr. H. B. Cox of the Bargain Basement at 3061 - Wells Street, Renton, Wash. , for permission to install four (4) pin ball machines and six (6) amusement novelty games (no cash or prizes paid w� out by novelty games , played for amusement only) be granted. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce , that the recommendation be con- curred in. Carried. The Police and License Committee recommended that the application of Mr. George Martin, to install a novelty game to be played for amusement only without any cash or merchandise pay-outs in the T - P at 509 - 3rd Avenue, be granted. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. The Council as a whole as per the request of Mr. Joe Baxter, President of th6 Council. were granted more time relative to action on the resoluticns pad!a6d by the Planning Commission, sow September 8, 1948. (See the minutes of the City Council October 5, 1948) The Ordinance Committee requested and was granted more time relative to amending the Ordinance governing the operation of pin ball machines. The recommendation of the Planning Commission re the petition of Nick Angelo for the rezoning of portion of tax Lot 29 Northeast 1/4 section 19, township 23, North Range 5, east lying within the City of Renton, to be rezoned from residential to in- dustrial with the exception of a 10 ft. portion along 7th Avenue and a 10 foot section along Grady Way was held in abeyance until Council Committee meeting, Tuesday October 26, 1948. After a discussion regarding the Water Shed property at Springbrook, it was moved by Richardson seconded by Tamborini, that this matter be referred back to the City Attorney and City Engineer to make a further investigation as to the possibility of acquiring said property at a more reasonable price and to report back. Carried. The Fire Light and Water ComLnittee recommended the installation of the following lights: 1. The first light on Jones Street 2. The light in the alley between Morris and Smithers. 3. Two (2) lights on 2nd Avenue east of Mill Street 4. Two (2) lights at the Renton Airport 5. One (1) light on the south end of Logan Street Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the recommendation of the Fire Light and Water Committee be concurred in and the City Clerk be instructed to notify the Puget Sound Power and Light Company by letter to commence work immediately. Carried. The Fire Light and Water Committee recommended that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plans and specifications for the mercury lights to be installed at the intersection of Park Street and Bronson Way, down 2nd Avenue to Logan Street. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the recommendation be concurred in, plans and specifications to be presented for same at the next regular council meeting. Carried. After a discussion relative to the petition for the L.I.D. , regarding the construction of sewer laterals on Renton Hill, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this petition be referred back to the City Engineer for rechecking of signatures and to determine if there are the necessary 75% of property owners of the district and the necessary 60% of the lineal frontage and to report back.. , Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that all City Officials register their telephone numbers with the Police Depart- ment for use in cases of emergency. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, That the City Engineer be requested to make a report as to why garbage employees I of the City of Renton were not paid for the Columbus Day Holiday October 12, 1948 and to report back to the council at the next regular meeting. Carried. Councilman Richardson, advised the council that represen- tatives of the owners of Gasoline Stat ions in the City of Renton had contacted him relative to passing an Ordinance prohibiting the establishment of SERVE YOURSELF GASOLINE STATIONS in the City of Renton. The City Attorney advised that from a legal standpoint such an Ordinance could not be passed. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee, City Attorney and that the City Clerk be instructed to notify the .... Planning Commission by letter relative to the above. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Engineer be instructed to carry out the recommendations of the Police and License Committee and Police Depart:r:ent, relative to moving taxi cab zones back one parking meter. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that Fire Chief, F. E. Lawrence, be granted lease of absence and expenses allowed to attend the Pacific Coast Inter-mountain Association of Fire Chiefs, to be held October 31st November 1, 2 and 3, 1948 at Sacremento, California. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the Fire Light and Water Committee and Street and Alley Committee investigate the signal light at 3rd and Rainier Avenue and report back. Carried. The Property Committee recommended that the Health Officer be instructed to provide the necessary extermination procedure for rodents at the sanitary fill adjacent to the Boeing Plant, Renton Wash. now occupied by the Aluecto Co poration and that the sum of $10.06 be allowed for same. Moved by 'ichardson, seconded by Reid, that the recommendation of the Property Committee be concurred in and the City Health Officer be authorized to carry out these in- structions. Carried. The Street and Alley Committee recommended that signs be placed at Main and Bronson Way and 2nd Avenue, east of Mill Street, indicating DEAD END STREET. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee be con- curred in and the City Engineer be instructed to install these signs. Carried. Councilman Baxter, advised the council that Col. Hewitt, of the U.S. Army Engineers had informed the Commercial Waterway Commission to the effect that the Army had set aside $50,000.00 as a flood control fund for Cedar hiver in this District. However the amount available for use within the City limits of Renton had not as yet been determined and inasmuch as the Army Engineers had estimated a cost for flood improvements at $140,000.00 it would be necessary for the City of Renton to secure matching funds through county or State aid. Councilman Baxter, stated that it would be impossible for the City to raise this money under the present Waterway Commission and it was his suggestion that the Waterway Commission as it now functions , should be liquidated and the City of Renton establish its own flood control program. This to be approved by the voters in the City election in January 1949. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: CURRENT Puget Sound P & L. Co. Power X51000.38 3115 King County Medical November dues 271.25 16 Payroll Engineers 680.10 17-22 Payroll Office 892.70 23-35 Payroll P.D. 2727.25 36-56 Payroll F.D. 2148.41 57-76 Payroll Mayor & Council 456.21 77-89 60 CURRENT CON T I D Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co.. Phones $ 217.05 3190 John Anding Pound Expense 88.00 1 Owl Cafe Jail meals 213.00 2 Gerald Wiggen Telephone expense 5.00 Payroll Garbage 806.25 �-3201 Pavroll St. Cleaning 451.34 2-3206 WATER P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 689.92 6923 King County Medical November dues 35.00 24 Payroll Office 313.93 25-30 Payroll Water 890.23 31-38 CITY STREETS SOON King County Medical November dues 45.50 4382 Payroll Office 156.67 83-87 Payroll City Streets 1425.68 88-4401 SM1ER DISPOSAL P.S .P. & Light Co. Power 175.56 1285 King County Medical November dues 31.75 6 Payroll Disposal Plant 622.43 7-95 PARK P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 3.39 1017 King County Medical November dues 19.75 18 Payroll Park 430.56 19-24 AIRPORT P.S .P. & Light Co. Power 95.45 510 King County Medical November dues 4.00 11 Payroll Airport 305.75 12-15 ATHLETIC P.Q .P. & Light Co. Powar 3.00 318 King County Medical November dues 11.25 19 Payroll Athletic 153.26 20-22 LIBRARY American Library Assoc. Books 5.00 1582 Caxton Printers Ltd. it 2.67 83 Custer Hardware Co. Supplies 3.97 F Doubleday & Co. Books 61.94 85 The J.K.Gill & Co. It 55.85 86 -- Oceana Publication " 1.00 87 Puget Sound News Co. It 280.35 88 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 9.91 89 Random House, Inc. Books 19.75 90 Renton Plumb. & Heating Supplies 2.59 91 King County Medical Miss Daniels dues 4.00 92 The Spokesman Review Books 5.50 9,3 Payroll. 804.85 94-1600 Moved by Gigli, seconded by Richardson, that all bills approved -by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. There being no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. CAtVv Clerk ... ayor. 16 1_Renton, Wash November 2, 1948 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order, Mayor Perry H. Mitchell presiding. ROLL CALL: Baxter Bruce Hagen Delaurenti, Freyman, Gigli, Hansen, Reid, Richardson, Swilt and �rimm. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the meeting October 19, 1948 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPT. NO. AMOUNT NAME LOCATION TYPE WORK 551 100.00 Art Haugan 115 No. Wells Repair porch, new drainage. N100.00 Mrs. H. Worman 849 J, Street Install Oil heater 100.00 Herbert Hackman 436 No. Wells Repair garage 19 1000.00 Virgil Gooden 425 Airport Way Repair curbs & S . Walks 20 400.00 Dave Boisseau 606 Burnett Move Garage 21 2500.00 Stanford L. Wilson 116th St. B. Mawr Remodel building 22 100.00 Mrs. R.D. Rhoads 916 15th No. Rewire range 2400.00 U. Barei 306 Wells Wiring, new service 24 100.00 Williams & Swanson 3rd & Burnett Erect sign 25 100.00 Lurie Jewelers 3rd & Wells Erect sign 26 Bud Cox 3062 Wells Instal. P. Fixtures N Earl Dennis 3062 Wells Instal. P. Fixtures 100.00 M. W. Scott x+32 Cedar Repair roof 29 350.00 Mr. Baker 221 N. Wells Install oil burner 29A 100.00 Custer Hardware 230 Wells Erect sign 30 400.00 Earl Dennis 3062 We11s Remodel for snackbar 31 100.00 Ruth Tabacco 310 Morris Move and rebuild 32 100.00 Ray Brand 504 Williams Install range & WH 33 100.00 Tonkin 3rd & Wells Repair roof 34 6000.00 Len Leathley 809 2nd Erect House ... 35 100.00 R. Romiti 433 Cedar Repair Garage 36 100.00 M. Garbarino 13210 91st So. Erect chimney 37 100.00 Duane Town 2906 7th Ave No. Install oil heather 38 100.00 Louie Gebenini 106 Logan Extend garage 39 3000.00 A. T. Morgan 10302 Des Moine Way Seattle 88 Erect Service Station 40 Renton S .D. #403 Renton, Wash Addition to Sartori $1111000.00 School. 41 400.00 Stan Hoveland 309 Wells Erect sign 42 350.00 John S . Bayne 8911 Langston Rd. Remodel Oil burner 43 750.00 Paul Snook 642 Morris Install furnace 44 400.00 A. W. Tichnor 405 Wells Repair roof 45 Kennell-Ellis 914 3rd Plumbing 'Permit 46 700.00 Ivan G. Lewis 518 No. Williams Remodel house 47 400.00 Anderson & Knudson 4th & Sunset Erect block bldg. 48 1700.00 R. F . Ray 543 Grandey Way Extend residence Communicaticns were read from Mayor Perry H. Mitchell, The Housing Authority of the City of Renton and the Board of Housing Commissioners recommending that Mr. Arnold Lanich, Commissioner and Board member of the Renton Houp�ing Authority of the City of Renton, be reappointed for another five ( 5) year term. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Hansen, that the recommendations be concurred in. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. T.W. Jenkins, proprietor of the Alki Tavern, requesting council approval to install a shuffleboard, mechanical amusement machine, in the Alki Tavern 917 3rd Avenue. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that this be re- ferred to the Police and License Committee with Power to Act. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. Bert L. Nord, of Bert's Signal Service requesting permission to install a pin ball machine in his service station at 600 - Grady Way, Renton, Washington. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that this be referred to the Police and License Committee for further study and report back. Carried. 62 w. Communicaticns were read from Fire Chief y`A .+A Lawrence, and Mayor Perry H. Mitchell recommending that Mr. John _ Alexander, first year fireman, be appointed as a permanent regular fireman with the Renton Fire Department. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Bruce, that the recommendations be concurred in. Carried. The City Engineer advised that the original petition submitted by the property owners was for the rezoning of Tax Lot #2, of the NE4 Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, lying within Renton City limits and lying south of 7th Avenue, from residential to commercial zone and that at the Planning Commission meeting, it was recommended that the portion of Renton Souty of 7th Avenue and west of Williams Street, (except 10 feet along 7th Avenue and also 10 feet along Grady Way) be rezoned industrial rather than ..r Commercial as it is adjacent to the railroad and further advised that this has not been petitioned for by the property owners of said district. P• oved by Baxter, seconded by Richardson, that this petition be returned to the proerty owners for reclassification. Carried. The Fire Light and Water Committee advised that the matter of the signal light at 3rd and Rainier had been thoroughly discussed with the Department of Highways who agreed to assume the maintenance of the signal light at a cost of $150.00 per year and recommended that the City Council accept this proposal upon receipt of a Resolution of Intention from the Department of Highways relative to same. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the 'recommen- dation of the Fire Light and Water Committee be concurred in. Carried. The Fire Light and Water Committee reported that the signal light at 4th Avenue North and Factory Street had been in- vestigated and found to be working satisfactorily and recommended that this matter be held in abeyance pending a further investigation at a later date. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Swift, that the recommen- dation be concurred in. Carried. Mr. H. B. Cox, of the Bargain Basements 306-1 Wells Street Renton, Wash. , requested permission of the City Council to place a 9RRY-GO-ROUND on some street in Renton on Friday evenings and that any license fee required fogy-- same be waived. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. The Police and License Committee recommended that the application of Messrs. Harold and Charles Mellinger for permission to operate a twenty-four (24) hour ambulance service be granted. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the recommen- dation. of the Police and License Comnittee be concurred in. Carried. The Street and Alley Committee recommended that the City Engineer be instructed to proceed with the following corrective measures relative to the request of Mr. Otto N. Sundholm, that the council consider the problem of placing a bulkhead and heavy guard rail. at the point where the old Renton Avenue road ends at 91st South. 1. Change the direction of the center line 2. Paint stripe Build a bulkhead Addition of more warning signs. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Bruce , that the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee be concurred in. Carried. The Street and Alley Committee recormiended that the City Engineer be instructed to change the location of the Jordan Taxi Cab Company to the Northwest corner of the intersection of 3rd and Main Street back one parking meter from the corner and that the Black and White and Yellow Cab Companiest stands be moved back one parking meter from their present location. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Baxter, that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. aee.0� le�DD _�. :9 V PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 1328 was read an ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF WALLA WALLA AVENUE FROM WHITWORTH STREET TO SHATTUCK STREET FROM WALLA WALLA AVENUE TO SEVENTH AVENUE BY INSTALLING AND CONSTRUCTING WATER MAIN, INCLUDING FIRE HYDRANT, GATES, VALVES , FITTINGS AND DOING SUCH OTHER WDRK AS NECESSARY IN CONI4ECTION THEREWITH; CREATING A LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT THEREFOR; AND PROVIDING THAT PAYMENT FOR SAID IMPROVEMENT BE MADE BY SEPCIAL ASSESSMENTS UPON PROPERTY WITHIN THE SAID DISTRICT PAYABLE BY THE MODE OF IMMEDIATE PAYMENT. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that this Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee, The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1328 WHEREUPON it was placed on its second and final readings and approved as a whole. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen that this Ordinance be adopted as read. All Councilmen present voting aye, Baxter, Bruce, Hagen, Delaurenti, Freyman, Gigli, Hansen, Ried, Richardson, Swift, and Trimer. PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 1329, was read AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHITjGTON, EXTEPTDING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE THIRD WARD OF SAID CITY TO INCLUDE CERTAIN ANNEXED PROPERTY ON EARLINGTON HI16L. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Hansen, that the Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee re- ported favorably on Ordinance No. 1329 WHEREUPON it was placed on its second and final readings and approved as a whole. Moved by Gigli., seconded by Hansen, that this Ordinance be adopted as read. All Councilmen present voting aye. Baxter, Bruce Hansen, Delaurenti, Freyman, Gigli, Hansen, Reid, Richardson, Swift and Trimm. RESOLUTION No. 711 submitted by the City Attorney was read BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL CF THE CITY OF RENTON, that the City of Penton do accept, and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute written acceptance of, that certain franchise granted by the Washington State Director of Highways to the City of Renton and the Honeydew Water Association, granting right to install- and nstalland maintain water mains over a portion of State Highway No. 2, east of Renton; said franchise being dated October 22, 1948 and granted upon application- previously filed for same by said City and Honeydew -- Water Association. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that Resolution No. 711. be adopted as read, and the Mayor and City Clerk be emp owered to negotiate said Resolution. Carried. There being no protests received either verbal or written, relative to L.I.D. , No. 226 providing for the improvement of Walla Walla Avenue from Whitworth Street to Shattuck Street from Walla Walla Avenue to 7th Avenue, by installing and constructing water main etc. , it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Baxter, that the Cty Attorney be instructed to prepare a Resolution of Intention and present same at the next regular council meeting. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the City call for bids for the installation of a 6" water main, Walla Walla Avenue from Whitworth etc. , Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the minutes of Council Committee meeting October 26, 191+8 be incorporated in the minutes of the regular council meeting November 2, 1948. Carried. Renton, Wash October 26, 1948 A committee meeting of the City Council was called to order, Mayor Perry H. Mitchell presiding. ROLL CALL: Baxter, Bruce, Hagen, Delaurenti, Freyman, Gigli., Hansen, Reid, Richardson, Swift, Tamborini and Trimm. After a lengthy and thorough discussion mgarding the issues involved and the requirements of the property owners adjacent thereto, as well as the property to be rezoned, it was moved by Baxter, seconded by Bruce that the question of rezoning the area south of 7th Avenue from Williams Street east to the City limits and south to the City limits, be tabled for further discussion at the next regular council meeting. Carried. A communication was read from the Pacific Car and Foundry Company, re signal light at 4th Avenue North and Factory Street. After a discussion regarding said light, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gigli, that the City Engineer, Fire Light and Water Committee and the Traffic Division of the Police Department be authorized to study the problem involved in the signal light at this location and improve said light to the best of their ability pending a permanent solution. Carried. A communication was read from the Department of �. Highways regarding maintenance of the signal light at 3rd and Rainier, the problem involved was discussed thoroughly. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that the City Engineer and the Chair- men of the Fire Light and Water Committee , Councilman Walt Reid, contact the State Highways Department, instructing them to repair said light and to secure information from them regarding the possi- bility of the City of Renton arranging some system to improve said light to avoid future trouble with same. Carried. A communication was read from the Seattle Chamber of Commerce regarding the action of the Committee for Local Partici- pation in the Green River Flood Control Project. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Delaurenti, that the City Engineer be instructed to attend the meeting Thursday, October 28, 1948 in Room 315, Seattle Chamber of Commerce Building, of the delegation who are to attend the hearing before the Board of Army Engineers at Washington D.C . , at their last GET TOGETHER meeting before leaving for Washington, D.C . Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: CURRENT Payroll Engineers $ 500.10 3207-10 Payroll Office 858.20 11-23 .�. Payroll F.D. 2449.70 24-44 Payroll. P.D. 2610.70 45-65 WATER Payroll Office 309.93 6939-44 Addressograph gales Agy.-Traeas. Expv 2*92 45 CITY STREETS Payroll Office 158.67 4402-06 SEWER DISPOSAL Payroll Sewer Disposal 607.26 12o6-1304 PARK Payroll Park 406.81 1025-30 AIRPORT Payroll Airport 297.09 516-19 ATHLETIC Payroll Athletic 148.41 323-25 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by hichardson,, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the meeting be recessed until November 99 1948. Carried* i y Clerk r. penton, Wash November 9, 1948 The recessed meeting of the City Council was called ,to order by Mayor pro tem, Joe Baxter, President of the City Council. ROLL CALL : Baxter, Bruce, Hagen, Delaurenti, F reyman, Gigli, Hansen, Reid, Richardson, Swift , Tamborini and Trimm. Moved by Tamborini, mconded by Freyman, that the minutes of the meeting November 2, 1948 be approved as corrected. Carried. �-- A communication was read from the War Assets Administration regarding the renewal of lease No. WS-11(s)-40, entered into by the City of Renton and War Assets Administration for the use of the incinerator and a portion of the Reclamation Building (Building "I") located at Plancor 156, said lease having expired July 311 1948. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that this matter be referred to the City Engineer, City Attorney, Mayor and City Clerk with Power to Act. Carried. A communication was read from ',-,he Chamber of Commerce Kent , Washington, relative to FLOOD COTTROL DAM ON THE GREEN RIVER and recommending that the City of Renton pass a resolution covering the following points : 1. Endorsement of the U.S. Army Engineers' proposal for a flood control dam at Eagle Gorge on Green River. 2. The urging of Congress to approve the proposal and appropriate funds therefor. All communications should be addressed and sent to Col. Howard A. Hanson, Chairman, Special Committee for Local Participation in Green River Flood Control Dam Project , Seattle Chamber of Commerce Building, Seattle , Washington. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Richardson, that the a City Attorney be instructed to prepare a Resolution as per the re- commendation of the Kent Chamber of Commerce and a copy of same be forwarded to the Association of Valley Cities and to the Kent Chamber of Commerce. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that this Resolution be published in the two local newspapers. Carried. A communication was read from the State of Washington, Department of Highways enclosing a resolution with a re- quest that same be passed by the City Council relative to the Depart- ment of Highways assuming the maintenance of the traffic light equip- ment at 3rd and Rainier Avenues. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm that this be referred to the City Attorney and that if the City Attorney approved, the Mayor and City Clerk be empowered to sign said resolution. Carried. 7 J Q ` Pte_ I , / q f A Resolution Vas read from the Puget Sound Power and Light Company authorizing the execution and delivery of a contract with the Puget Sound Power and Light Company for furnishing STREET LIGHTING For a period of five (5) years. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that this contract be referred to the City Attorney, Fire Light and Water Committee for a report back at the next regular council meeting. Carried. A NOTICE OF HEARING ON A SSESST4ENT ROLL was read, for Local Improvement District No. 225, for the improvement of Windsor Hills by construction of sidewalks and curbs. Moved by Richardson, seconded- by Reid, that this Resolution be a dopted as read. Carried. A Restraining Order was read, No. 401622, Supreme Court of King County, EVERGREEN TRAILWAYS INCORPORATED VS . the city OF RENT ON. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this be referred to the City Attorney. Carried. RESOLUTION NO. 713, was read - That the Mayor and City Clerk be and are authorized to execute the Fee Settlement and Release Agreement in the amount of $4500.00 which has been hereto- fore executed by Mr. John Paul Jones d/b/a Messrs. Bebb and Jones, settling amount of architectural fees for services performed under contract with the City of Renton in connection with proposed swimming pool. The sum of $4500.00 is hereby appropriated from Current Expense Fund to be used in payment of the above mentioned fees. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the resolution be adopted as read. Carried. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Reid, that the Depart- ment Heads be instructed to submit to the City Clerk their estimated requirements for an Emergency Budget , to be presented to the Finance Committee for their consideration. Carried. A petition for rezoning was read from the Renton Church of God, with an application to construct a Church at a point two hundred and twenty (220) feet north of the City of Seattle pipe line and on the west side of Rainier Avenue, Renton, Washington, with a total seating and standing capacity for 135 people. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this be referred to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. Carried. The City Treasurer requested authorization to transfer the sum of $569.45 from current expense to the City Hall Construction Fund and the sum of $49.37 from the bridge construct- ion Fund. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli , that this be re- ferred to the City Treasurer and the Finance Committee with Power to Act. Carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS The Police and License Committee reco,;mended that the aprlicati.on of Bert L. Nord of Bert' s Signal Service, for permission to install a pin ball machine in his service station at 600 - Grady Way, not be granted. Moved by Richardson seconded by Tamborini , that the recommendation be concurred in. harried. The Street and Alley Committee recommended that the request of Mr. H. B. Cox, be granted for a trial performance. The MERRY-GO-ROUND to be located in Williams Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues in front of Bob' Central Hardware, Friday November 12, 1948 for ONE DAY ONLY. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Gigli, that ,.he recommendation be concurred in. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Trimm, that both local newspapers be notified that all traffic between 2nd and 3rd Avenues will be closed while the MERRY-GO-ROUND above mentioned is in operation. Carried. Upon the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the portion of Renton South of 7th Avenue and west of Williams Street (except tenfbet along 7th Avenue and also ten feet along Grady Way) be rezoned from residential to industrial, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that December 7th 1948 be set as the date for the public hearing on this rezoning. Carried. The Fire Light and Water Committee requested and was granted more time relative to widening 3rd Avenue from Mill Street to Renton Streets. The City Attorney requested and was granted more time relative to a report on the water shed property at Springbrook. The Property Committee recommended that Mr. A.H. Neistradt be notified to vacate the building in Mothers Park known as the Union Hall. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. 167 Councilman Delaurenti advised that the Veterans of Foreign Wars were holding a dance Saturday, November 13 , 1948 and requested that the license fee for same be waived. Moved by Bruce , seconded by Tamborini, that the request be granted. Carried. Moved by Reid, ' seconded by Trimm, that a map of the City of Renton, be placed in the Council Chambers , same to be protected by proper case or covering. Carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that call for bids be advertised for the purchase of one (1) three wheel motor cycle for the Police Department , funds for same to be taken out of - the 1949 budget. Carried. The City Engineer recommended that the City of Renton furnish pipe to the Honeydew Extension and the Renton Hill Water Association, same to be replaced by subject Associations as soon as possible. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the re- commendation be concurred in. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: CURRE ?T The Allen Shop F. D. Expense 33.22 3266 American Blue Print Co. Engr. Expense 23.58 67 Automatic Deodorant Co. C. H. " 2.00 68 C. Bevan F. D. " 24.40 69 Burrow' s Richfield F. D. " 4.58 70 Chapman Bros. Street Lights 49.50 71 " If It 43.97 72 it if It 181.94 73 1f It i, 138.oo 74 H. L. Collier, City Treas. P. D. if 4.25 75 Wiley Crook Posta-e 8.00 76 L. N. Curtis & Sons F. D. Exi-)ense 86.33 77 Custer Hardware Co. Expense36.93 70 James Denzer Engr. Expense 3.00 79 Dow Fuel Co. F. D. It 162.22 80 VOID . . . VOID. . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Federal Laboratories P. D. Expense 268.00 82 Fire Appliance Co. F. D. " 6.03 R Harley-Davidson Sales Co. P9 D. It 573 85 Harper-Meggee, Inc. P. D. " Holmes Electric C. H. " 4.12 86 Hub City Drug P. D. " 1.65 87 Shirley M. Odle Budget 33.48 88 Owl Cafe Jail Meals 15�.00 89 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. ' Phones 7 .25 90 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 987.76 91 Radiotelephone Service Co. P. D. Expense 2. 51 92 Reid & Cook P.D. & F.D. Exp. 13.76 93 Renton Hdw. & Furn. Co. Pkg. Meter Exp. 1.36 94 Renton Veterinary Hospital Dog Pound Expense 24.75 95 Norman R. Riddell Attorney Expense 7.00 96 Riverside Service P. D. " 2.32 97 Sunray Service Sales C. H. it 18.50 98 Sunset Coal Company C.H. & F.D." 193.23 99 Tradewell Stores P.D. it 6.35 3300 Treasurer, U.S.A Garbage It 29.93 01 Trick & Murray Police Court Exp. 66.40 02 iIMS Trimm Fuel Co. F. D. Expense 66.97 03 Underwood Corporation Engineer Outlay 133.11. 0 Valley Window Cleaners C. H. Expense 7.00 05 Charles R. Watts & Co. St. Lights 19.88 06 Waters P. D. Expense9Cty Clk. 34.51 07 Western Union P.D. Expense 4.14 08 Mary Williams H.O. Expense 102.50 09 Wright Motors Inc. Engr. If12.89 10 Payroll.: Garbage Labor 742.01 11--18 Payroll St. Cleaning 444.86 19-23 WATER ak 'ti a WATERx�d Addressograph Sales Agency Treas . Exp, 2.92 6945 Auburn Concrete P roducts Supplies 111.24 46 Chapman Bros. Expense 10.50 47 Chapman Bros. Expense 8.76 48 Chapmari °Bros. Expehse1 .06 49 CusteJ 'Hardware Supplies. 1 .73 50 Dorothea Gossett. Treas: Exp. 34.75 51 MArckmann .& Williams Supplies 121.85 52 Olympic Car<& 'Foundry.Co. 27.81 53 Pacific Car & Foundry Co. " 11.05 54 P.S.P, & Light Co. Power 524.39 55 Hugh G. Purcell Co. Supplies 140.75 56 Seattle Water Dept. Water 92.48 57 -■ Waters Treas. Expense 1.19 5$ Washington Tax, Comm. Excise Tax 430.31 59 Payroll Water 897.95 60-67 CITY STREETS Amer. Asbestos Products Supplies 14.25 4407 Chapman Bros. it 14.42 08 Chapman Bros. it 11.38 09 Chapman Bros. it 73.93 10 Custer Hdw. Co. If 4.74 11 Kent Delivery Service Expense 1.44 12 King County Road Dist. #2. Supplies 145.75 13 Overall Cleaning & Supp. Expense 2.06 1 Renton Radiator Service " 10.82 15 Sound Paint Mfg. Co. Supplies 10.66 16 Stoneway Dock Co. " 4.27 17 Union Oil Co. of Calif. Gasoline 483.63 18 Payroll City Streets 1521.62 19-33 SEWER DISPOSAL Chapman Bros , Supplies 4.36 1305 If If it 2.89 06 if If it3.63 07 Custer Hardware Co. It2.87 08 Galbraith & Co. it 61.80 09 Liquefied Gas. Corp. " 348.14 10 Pennsylvania Salt . Mfg. " 206.00 11 P.S.P,4 & Light Co. Power 166.75 12 Ready Electric Co. Expense 6.18 13 Scientific Supplies Co. Supplies 9.89 14 Stoneway Dock Co. it 6.18 15 United Janitor Supply Co. If 14.94 16 PARK Chapman Bros, Supplies 217.38 1031 C. Haleway it„ 12. 11 � 33 Ivan W. Lee Ivan W. Lee Outlay 509.85 34 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 5.01 35 White Construction . Outlay 101.40 36 It if Outlay 446.40 37 AIRPORT Diesel Oil Sales Co. Suppl les 3. 7 520 P.S.P. & L. Co. Power 2.45 21 Renton Heating & Plumb Expense 28.33 22 Seattle Water Department Water 10.$0 2 F . T. Simms Expense 13.50 2 Washington Equipment Co. Supplies 5.67 25 LIBRARY King County Medical Dec. Dues 4.00 1602 P.S.P & Light Co. Power 13.59 Amer. Library Assoc. Books 2.50 Opt Edwin Allen Co. it 17.21 05 Beckley-Cardy Co. it 8. 58 06 The Caxton P rinters � Ltd. It 3.67 07 Doubleday & Co. It 43.28 08 Gaylord Brosq Inc. Supplies 2.75 09 J. K. Gill Co. Books 9.41 10 Life Subscription 13.00 11 69 LIBRARY CONT ID The MacMillan Co. Books 24.33 1612 David McKay Co. If 7.16 1 Oceana Publications it 1.00 14 Puget Sound News Co. it 75.03 i5 Reid & Cook Supplies 1.24 16 Renton Heating & Air Conditionin .61 17 Parents Institute, Inc. Subscription 4.50 18 ATHLETIC Custer Hardware Supplies 8.34 326 Ivan W. Lee Outlay 178.45 27 North Coast Chem. Sup!alies 10.04 28 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 3.00 29 Stoneway Dock Company Supplies 2.47 30 CUMULATIVE FUND 1182 Chapman Bros. Signal Lights 1652.74 1 Chapman Bros. Signal Lights 1743.99 1�+ it If If it 1512.95 15 It It It it 370.96 16 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gigli, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. There being no further business to come before the council, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. CiV Clerk Ma r. 170 Renton, 'Mash *r November 16, 1948 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order, Mayor Perry H. Mitchell presiding. ROLL CALL: Baxter, Bruce, Hagen, Delaurenti, Freyman, Gigli, Hansen, Reid, Richardson., -Swift, Tamborini and Trimm. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by nichardson, that the minutes of the meeting November 9, 1948 be approved as written. Carried. { APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT: now 140. AMOUNT NAME LOCATION TYPE WO.3K 549 T 400.00 Lynn E. Van Auken 725 Jones Remodel house 50 400.00 Charles Flash 212-214 Wblls Repair bldg. 51 100.00 Lewis Peretti & Panatages 404-402 Grandey Way Erect bulkhead 52 350.00 Anderson & Knudson 4th & Sunset Install plumbing 53 100.00 Garretts Ser. Station Earlington, Jash Install wiring 54 100.00 :service Laundry 934 H. Street Elect. Lie. #8414 55 100.00 William Heindl 512 "I" Street Instl. Oil Stove 56 12,500.00 Bernard C. Thomas 36 - Logan Erect building 57 400.00 L.A. Sculat 414 Grandey Way Erect carport 58 500.00 Pac. Tel. & Tel. 301 Airport Way Remodel Bldg. 59 200.00 Frank Manifold 81 Wells Remodel porch 60 500.00 W. F. Bennett 241 Park Repr. Remdl. hse. 61 100.00 W. T. Edwards 812 D. Street Instl. Oil heater 62 700.00 Francis F. Coleman 438 Windsor Way Remodel garage 63 100.00 Harry Shearer 313 Wells Remodel Bldg. 64 100.00 Jones Bldg. 224 Main Repair Floor 65 100.00 George Doran 337 Pelly Wire range 66 400.00 Dr. J. M. Howell 338 Morris Remodel house 67 C. E. Dearinger 710 - A. Street Instl. Htr. & O.T. 68 100.00 Garrett Smith 1!,147 Dunlap Canyon Erect cement flr. 69 400.00 Tom Hayden 12512 SE. 141st Erect garage APPLICATIONS FOR CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPT: NAME ADDRESS FOR OCCUPANCY AS Bigelow Surplus Corp. Rainier Avenue Retail surplus store Westinghouse Electric 1051 - lst Ave So. Retail Elee. Appliance store Seattle, Washington. The T. - P. 509 - 3rd Add. to restaurant Retail Fabric store 310 - Wells Retail Fabric store Renton P.E. & Ins. Co. 314 - Wells Real Estate Office McDougall. & Southwick 705 - 3rd Appliance Store The Motor Mart 13665 - rainier Ave Public garages Harry D. Fleether 307A - Wells Paint & Wall Paper Store Mrs. Irene Sughroue 233 - Wells Baby Gift Shop Mr. C. Blazer Walla Walla & Main Shoe Shine parlor Mrs. Albert Robbins 1008 3rd Avenue Fancy Work & Pattern shop Elmo Blake 304 - Wells Spudnut Shop Sid, Peritti 814 - 2nd Avenue Service Station & Parkg. Lot. Lackieis 906 - 3rd 4 Car Garage Dean Bennett Airport Way, Tower Pldg. Doughnut Bakery T. H. Lambro Rt, 1, Box 12.70 Ice Cream Store Renton Music Store 214 Wells Music Store. J. C. Penny Co. 715 - 3rd Store. A communication was read from the Earlington Women's Club requesting Council's consideration relative to the following: 1. The collection of garbage on Earlington Hill 2. The installation of additional street lights 3. The installation of City limits SPEED SIGNS on Dunlap Canyon Highway. 4. That signs be erected prohibiting the parking of cars over the sidewalk at the XXX BARREL, Martin's Market and the Lighthouse. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the City 171 Clerk be instructed to notify the Earlington Women's Club relative to the action of the City Council of the following: Item No. 1., that garbage collection for this district will. commerce January lst 1948. Carried. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Richardson, Item No. 2, the installation of additional street lights be referred to the Fire Light and Water Committee for investigation and report back to the council. Carried. Moved by "icha.rdson, seconded by Swift, Item No. 3, the in- stallation of City limits SPEED SIGNS be referred- to the Street and Alley Committee and Chief of Police for investigation and report back. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, Item No. 4, be re- ferred to the Street and Alley Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. John Bausano, Jr., of the A and B. Tavern, Main and Walla Walla, requesting permission to install two (2) Rockolla Shuffleboards at the above location. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this be referred to the Police and License Committee with Power to Act. Carried. A communication was read from D. Delaurenti, requesting permission to install a Rockola Shuffleboard at 114 - 3rd Avenue, Renton, Washington. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gigli, that this be referred to the Police and License Committee with Power to Act. Carried. A communication was read from H. 3. Cox, proprietor of Renton's Famous Bargain Basement 3062 - Wells Street, Renton, Wash., requesting per- mission to install a shuffleboard at the above address. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this be referred to the Police and Licence Committee with Power to Act. Carried. The Finance ICommittee recommended that the contract of the Puget Sound Power and Light Company to furnish street lighting for a period of five (5) years be referred to the City Engineer for further study as to the possibility of securing lower rates and to report back to the Council. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. A communication was read from the Planning Commission advising that the following resolutions were passed at their last meeting November 10, 1948. 1. TNJAT the City Council should not approve the plat for the acreage around the old Earlington Clubhouse as submitted and that the City Engineer be instructed to make suggested changes. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Reid, that the re- commendation of the Planning Commission be concurred in and the City Engineer be instructed to make these changes. Carried. 2. THAT the City Council should approve the petition of the Renton Church of God for rezoning from residential to commercial of the area on which they plan to build a church on Rainier Avenue as per diagrams submitted. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the recommendation be concurred in and the City Attorney be instructed to prepare and present a resolution calling for a Notice of Public Hearing on said rezoning for the next council meeting. Carried. 3. THAT the petition of Dr. J. M. Howell for permission to operate a clinic in a residential district be approved. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Baxter, that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare and present a resolution for a Notice of Public Hearing relative to the petition of Bernard C. Thomas for rezoning from residential to commercial lots 4 and 5 in Block b, Renton Real Estate's 1st Addition to the City of Renton. Carried. A proposed TRAFFIC LIGHT AGREEMENT was read submitted by the Pacific Coast R.H.Co., proposing entering into an agreement by and between said Company and the City of Renton for the installation of traffic lights at Main and Walla Walla Avenue. 172 After a discussion it was moved by Gigli, seconded by Richardson, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said agreement as per the recommendation of the City Attorney. The motion being put to a roll call vote resulted as follows: Baxter, No, Bruce, No. Hagen, Aye, Delaurenti, No. Freyman, No. Gigli, Aye, Hansen, No. Reid, No. Richardson, .Aye, Swift, Aye, Tamborini No and Trimm Aye. Motion lost. - A short recess was declared for discussion. Council was called to order by Mayor Perry H. Mitchell, the following answering when the roll was called: Baxter, Bruce, Hagen, Delaurenti, Freyman, Gigli, Hansen, Reid, Swift, Richardson, Tamborini and Trimm. RESOLUTION NO. 714, was presented by the City Attorney WHEREAS pursuant to previous ection by the City Council, the City of Menton through its Mayor and Clerk have entered into a, certain real estate contract dated September 10, 1948 with William F. Bennett and Lavina Bennett, his wife providing for the sale and purchase from Bennett to the City of a tract of land within the City of Renton lying between the Northern Pacific Railroad right-of-way and Burnett Street north. Southerly from 4th Avenue North and northerly from Cedar River; said contract providing for a down payment of $500.00 and balance of price to be paid on or before January 31, 1949 NOW THEREFOfE BE IT RESGLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, that there is hereby appropriated from cumulative fund No. 1183, the sum of $500.00 which sum shall be paid to William F. Bennett and Lavina Bennett his wife, as the down--payment under the real estate contract hereinabove mentioned. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that Reeolution No. 714, be adopted as read and that the City Clerk be empowered to prepare a warrant for payment as above notated. Carried. PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 1330 was presented by the Ordinance Committee AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHI14GTON DECLARING THAT AN EMERGENCY EXISTS AND APPROPRIATING MONEYS FROM THE VARIOUS CITY FUNDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FOR PAYMENT OF THE NECESSARY EXPENSES AND CAPITAL OUTLAY NECESSITATED BY SUCH EMERGENCY. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the date of December 7, 1948 be fixed for a public hearing for the Emergency Budget and that notice of same be published as prescribed by law. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare and present a resolution authorizing the transfer from the Current Fund $4,500.00 to the Park Fund, to cover expenditures made on the improvement of the Windsor Hills and Renton Hill Parks. Carried. The Fire Light and Water Committee requested and was granted more time relative to widening 3rd Avenue from Mill Street to Renton Street. Moved by nichardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Fire Light and Water Committee be given Power to Act relative to their recommendation of October 6, 1948 re the installation of Street lights. Carried. The Property Committee recommended that call for bids be made for 1 - Police Servi-Car 1949 Model to replace the present 3 wheel motor cycle. Bids may include a turn in allowance on the 192;2 model or bids be submitted on the new motor cycle without turn in allowance on the old machine or bids to purchase the old machine without furnishing a new machine. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Freyma.n, that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. The Chief of Police advised that there are a number of parking meters on hand due to the removal of same throughout the City and requested authorization to use these meters to be installed where necessary. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Swift, that the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney be instructed to prepare an Ordinance relative to installation of these parking meters. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: CURRENT King County Medical December dues 3324 $ 264.25 CITY STREETS King County Medical December dues 4434 45.50 WATER King County Medical e�'ce`mber dues 6968 35.E i i 173 SEWER DISPOSAL King County Medical December dues 1317 a 31.75 PAEK King County Medical December dues 1038 19.75 A I RPO ET King County Medical December dues 526 4.00 ATHLETIC FUND King County Medical December dues 331 11.25 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by itichardson, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered raid. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting be recessed until November 23, 1948. Carried. ty Clerk. /Mdyor,. 174 L Renton, Wash November 23, 1948 The recessed meeting of the City Council was called to order, Mayor Perry H. Mitchell presiding. ROLL CALL: BAXTER, BRUCE, HAGEN, DELAURENTI, HANSEN, REID, RICHARDSCN, SWIFT, TAMBORINI AND TRIMM. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Baxter, that the minutes of the Council meeting November 16, 1948 be approved as written. Carried. A communication was read from the WAR ASSETS ADMINISTRATION advising that the Boeing Penton Plant located at Renton, Wash., would be advertised for sale within the near future and requested that they be notified whether the City of Renton is interested in acquiring said property. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Swift, that this communication be referred to Mr. Henry Reynolds, Secretary of the Renton Chamber of Commerce. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Central Labor Council in regard to the sale of the permanent units in the Renton Housing project, advising that Messrs. James Denzer and Jerry Abbott had been selected by the Renton Central Labor Council to work in conjunction with the Mayorts Committee regarding the above matter, providing the Mayor and the City Council so desired. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the representatives selected by the Renton Central Labor Council be invited to sit in council with the Mayorts Committee in regard to this matter and that the City Clerk be instructed to notify the Renton Central Labor Council and the representatives they have selected, also the Mayor's Committee regarding this action. Carried. The City Engineer advised that the signatures of the property owners on the petition for annexation to the City of Renton of sections 8 and 9 Township 23, N.R., 5 E., of W.M., lying north of the present City limits and south and easterly of the northerly marginal line of State Road #2 (Sunset Boulevard) had been checked and represented over 75% of the property in the area. The City Engineer recommended that a date for a hearing on same be set. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that the recommendation be concurred in and that December 21, 1948 be set as the date for hearing on said annexation. Carried. Authorization to purchase - 1 - two ton dump truck for the Park Department was requested by Mr. Wm. Pond. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Hansen, that December 21, 1948 be set as the date to receive bids for the above mentioned dump truck. Carried. November 23, 1948 being the date set for oepning of bids for the improvement of Shattuck Street etc., by constructing a 6" water main, installing fire hydrants, etc., as outlirn d in L.I.D., #226, the following bids were submitted: Messrs. Thorburn & Logozo Total bid for the job complete 4608 - 36th SW in every detail . . . . . . . . . $31446.00 Seattle 6, Wash, ALTERNATE To perform all labor necessary (Material supplied by owner). . 1,200.00 Frank Bishop & Company Total bid for the job complete 12519 - 15th N.E. in every detail... . .... ..... .. .. 6,214.00 Seattle 55, Wash ALTE144ATE To perform all labor necessary (Material supplied by owner) .. . 4,066.00 Superior Constr. Company 4610 - 37th S.W. To perform all labor necessary Seattle, Wash. (Material supplied by owner) ... 2,395.00 woo I John Patricelli 1534 - 32nd Ave., So. To perform all labor necessary Seattle 44, Wash (material supplied by owner) .. 885.00 Herman's Mobile Plumbing P.O. Box 576 To perform all labor necessary Renton, Washington. (Material supplied by owner.... 835.21 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the above bids be referred to the Finance Committee, Fire Light and Water Committee and the Superintendent of Utilities for their recommendation on same. Carried. 1. 7 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Swift, that recess be declared to consider the awarding of bids. Carried. Council was called to order by Mayor Perry H. Mitchells the following answering when the roll was called: Baxter, Bruce, Hagen, Delaurenti, Hansen, Reid, Richardson, Swift, Tamborini and Trimn. - The Finance Committee recommended that the bid for the improvement of Shattuck Street etc., by constructing a 6", water main be awarded to the lowest bidder HERMAN'S MOBILE PLUMBING, in the amount of $835.21, and that the bid of John Patricelli, in the amount of $885.00 be held as an alternate. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. PROPOSED O MI14ANCE NO. 1331 was read, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON LIMITING PARKING OF MOTOR VEHICLES ON CERTAIN PORTIONS OF WALLA WALLA AVENUE: ESTABLISHING PARKING METER ZONES THEREIN AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Baxter, that this Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1331 WHEREUPON it was placed on its second and final readings and approved as a whole. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Baxter, that this Ordinance be adopted as read. All Councilmen present voting aye: Baxter, Bruce, Hagen, Delaurenti, Hansen, Reid, Richardson, Swift, Tamborini and Trimm. RESOLUTION NO. 715 was read, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FM4TCN, WASHINGTON. That the City of Renton does endorse the proposal of the U.S. Army Engineers for construction of a flood control dam at Eagle Gorge on the Green River in King County, State of Washington, and does endorse the enactment of appropriate legislation by the Congress of the United States to carry out said project. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that Resolution No. 715, be adopted as read. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that all Committee reports be held over until Council meeting December 7, 1948. Carried. The Property Committee recommended that the proposed lease by and between the City of Renton a Municipal Corporation of the State of Washington, hereinafter referred to a s Lessor and R. B. Thatcher db/a/ CATALOG PRODUCTION SERVICE, hereinafter referred to as Lessee, which was presented by the City Attorney, be accepted by the City Council and executed as of the 1st day of November, 1948. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the recommendation of the Property Committee be concurred in and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said lease. Carried. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Richardson, that the City of Renton renew its present lease No. WS-11 (s)-40 with the War Assets Adminis— tration for the use of the incinerator and a portion of the Reclamation Building (Building "I" located at Plancor 156) Renton, Washington. Carried. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Delaurenti, that the City Attorney and the City Engineer be instructed to proceed further on the matter of the 4th Avenue north extension. Carried. After clarification by the City Attorney and recommendation that the City of Renton accept the proposed TRAFFIC LIGHT AGREEMENT between the Pacific Coast R.R., , Company and the City of Renton, it was moved by Richardson seconded by Hansen, that the recommendation be concurred in and the Mayor and City Clerk be empowered to sign said agreement. Carried. The City Attorney recommended to the City Council, that the City of Renton adopt a Resolution endorsing a proposal by the State Advisory Councin on Recreation, for amendment by the 1949 Legislature of the laws, to permit cities to cooperate with Counties, School District, etc., in acquiring and operating playgrounds, etc., Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the re— ... commendation be concurred in and the City Attorney be instructed to prepare and present said resolution, a copy of same to be sent to the Association of Wash— ington Cities. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Police Department be delegated the authority and charged with the responsibility of selecting a safe, convenient and suitable location for the FRIDAY NIGHT DRAWING, sponsored by the business firms of Renton in the SHOP RENTON AND WIN PROGRAM, with the request that the Police Department contact the Chamber of Commerce and businessmen concerned in this program, and that after a consultation with all parties concerned, select a suitable location for the same. Carried. 176 4 to u:tvy After a discussion relative to the underpass at lst Avenue North, it was moved by Baxter, seconded by Reid, that the City Engineer be instructed to proceed with grading the street to line-up with the underpass under the Northern Pacific R.R., a short distance north of the R.R., bridge across Cedar River. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: CU...�.� Payroll Office 892.70 3325-37 Payroll Engineers 525.60 38-41 Payroll F. Dept. 2152.61 42-61 Payroll P. Dept. 2727.25 62-82 Payroll._ Mayor & Council 456.21 83-95 Tom Dobson & Son Ins. & Bond Prem 469.89 96 Harper-Meggee, Inc. P. D. Expense 3.81 97 Stanley Hovland Ins. & Bond Prem. 21.13 98 Kuker-Ranken, Inc. Engr. Expense 6.11 99 F. E. Lawrence F. D. Expense 4.93 3400 The Lumber Market P. D., F.D. Exp. 32.75 01 Osborne Photographers P. D. Expense 64.95 02 Renton Motor Parts Co. Expense 88.68 03 Renton Planning Commission Planning Comm. Exp. 311.00 04 Paramount Pest Control H. 0. Expense 20.00 05 Renton Auto Freight C. H. Expense 1.00 06 The Renton Chronicle Expense, P.D., & Clks. 76.84 07 Renton News Record Expense 649.96 08 Seattle Radio Supply P. D. Exp. 2.16 09 Service Laundry P.D., & F.D. Exp. 56.65 10 Williams & Swanson Expense 175.10 11 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. 'Phones 223.24 12 James C. Tucker Dog Pound Expense 80.00 13 U. S. Postmaster Postage & Printing 33.84 34 Payroll Garbage 723.30 15--22 Payroll St. Cleaning 363.10 23-26 WATER Payroll Office 313.93 6969-74 •�r Puget Sound Stamp Works Treas. Exp. 1.57 75 Renton Motor Parts Supplies 7.54 76 Renton News Record Exp. & Outlay 378.13 77 Rockwell Mfg. Co. Supplies 34.19 78 Van Waters & Rogers, Inc. "' 40.00 79 Viking Automatic Sprinkler Co. "' 6.57 80 Williams & Swanson " 36.49 81 Addressograph Sales Agy. Treas. Exp. 4.38 82 Payroll Water 975.29 83-90 CITY STREETS Payroll Office 158.67 4435-9 The Lumber Market Supplies 202.82 40 Northwest Bolt & Nut Co. a 235.80 41 Preservative Paint Co. it 151.42 42 Renton Auto Freight Co. Expense 4.00 43 Renton Motor Parts Co. Supplies 2.14 44 Renton News Record Expense 51.00 45 Williams & Swanson Supplies 110.46 46 Payroll 1658.76 47-61 SEWER DISPOSAL Payro34 Disposal Plant 628.67 1318-26 U.S. Postmaster Exp. & Supplies 300.00 27 Renton Auto Freight Expense 12.00 28 The Renton Chronicle Supplies 22.15 29 Scientific Supplies Co. "' 18.69 30 Payroll Sewer Dis. 628.67 18-26 U.S. Postmaster Treas.Exp, Supplies 300.00 27 Renton Auto Freight Expense 12.00 28 The Renton Chronicle Supplies 22.15 29 Scientific Supplies Co. "' 18.69 30 PARK Payroll Park 394.29 1039-43 The Lumber Market Expense 4.53 44 Renton Auto Freight " 1.00 45 1.77 ATHLETIC Payroll Athletic 159.66 332-34 The Lumber Market Supplies 568.91 35 AIRPORT FUND Payroll Airport 294.61 527-30 Airports & Air Carriers Expense 2.00 531 Renton News Record Supplies 32.06 32 LIBRARY FUND Payroll Library 876.10 1619-28 General Elec. Supply Co. CUMULATIVE FUND #1183 19.36 287 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that all bills approved by the Finance Co-nmittee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. There being no further business to come before the council, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. i —UTt7 Clerk Ma . 178 Renton, Wash November 30, 1948 A special meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Perry H. Mitchell, said meeting having been called to consider the leasing of the SWEET CENTER BUILDING in Liberty Park and for consideration of/ and action on the suit against the City brought by the contractor who constructed the Sewage Disposal Plant; the calling for bids on the Fire Department service truck and the leasing of certain property in Mothers Park. ROLL CALL: BAXTER, BRUCE, HAGEN, DELAURF,NTI, FFEYMAN, GIGLI, HANSE141 RICHARDSON, SWIFT AND TRIMM. The Property Committee recommended that in view of the fact that the present lessee of the SWEET CENTER BUILDING in Liberty Park, desired to terminate his lease with the City, that the building be leased to �. JOSEPH STEINER, for a period of five (5) years at $50.00 per month, payable in advance for the first two years and the amount of the rental for the remaining time be left open for arbitration between the City and the lessee, with a low price of 050.00 per month and a high of $75.00; with the understanding that the lessee, Mr. Steiner, black top an area in the rear of the building for parking purposes, install some neon signs and new equipment in the building at his own expense; the City to take care of needed repairs on the building proper. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the recommendation of the Property Committee be concurred in and that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a lease by and between the City of Renton and the said Lessee, JOSEPH STEINER. Carried. Re the suit against the City of Renton by R. H. SHELDON, in connection with the contract for construction of the Sewage Disposal Plant, Mr. Tracy Griffin, of the law firm of RUMMENS & GRIFFIN, who had been handling the litigation for the City of Renton, explained the suit in full detail to the City Council, stating his idea of the possibility of negotiating a settlement with the contractor who was awarded the contract to construct the Sewage Disposal Plant and has brought suit against the City regarding same. After a thorough discussion of the case by the Council, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Baxter, that the settlement of this case be left in the hands of the City Attorney, the Mayor, City Clerk, Finance Committee and the .Superintendent of Utilities, and that they be given power to make a final settlement with the contractor bringing said suit and that in no case should the cost of said settlement exceed $10,000.00 ex- clusive of the fees charged by RUH,,MS & GRIFFIN for handling this litigation for the City of Renton, and in consideration of this settlement the City of Renton is to acquire ownership of the two (2) DOFCO DISTRIBUTOR UNITS whieh were left on the premises at the Sewage Disposal Plant at the time of its construction. The motion carried unanimously. A communication was read from the Fire Chief, asking that bids be called for a new service truck. The Property Committee recommended that the request be granted and that money from the 1948 budget be used in pay- ment for same. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hagen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee and that bids be called for opening December 212 1948. The Property Committee recommended renting a portion of a building in Mothers Park to the Cascade Foundry, as the vire Chief had stated that the operation of the Foundry would not be an unusual fire hazard. The scale of rent to be 2¢ per square foot per month, as was in effect for similar property in this area. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Delaurenti, that the council concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee and that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare said lease. Carried. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Swift, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. OW 04_�41�1___- I City Ilerk Ma r. 1) Renton, Wash December 7, 1948 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order, Mayor Perry H. Mitchell presiding. ROLL CALL: BAXTER, BRUCE, HAGEN, DELAURENTI, FREYMAN, GIGLI, HANSEN, REID, RICHARDSON, SWIFT, TAMBORINI AND TRIMM. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that the minutes of the Council meeting November 23, 1948 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PEIMTS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT: NO. AMOUNT NAME LOCATION TYPE WORK 570 100.00 L. H. Burnham 82 Williams Remodel building 1 1,900.00 Don Van Aucken 308 Wells Remodel Store 2 350.00 John Standl 334 Garden Erect furnace 3 750.00 Tony Starkovitch 220 Tobin Erect furn. and tank 4 150.00 Conrad Rynning 9843 SE 94th Kennydale Remove house 5 100.00 Frank Tibbils 1024 I. Place Erect Oil Heater 6 400.00 Williams & Swanson 3rd & Burnett Erect add. office 7 400.00 Dr. Keigwin 1010 2nd Remodel Office 8 150.00 Renton Auto Freight 500 Airport Way Plumbing Lic. #49 9 100.00 Tradewell Store 225 Welis Remodel Light fixtures 80 F. F. Watson 2605 14th No, Instl. Oil heater 1 350.00 0. Kirkman 431 Wells Install fixtures 2 100.00 John Guilian 59 Logan Repair roof 3 150.00 Don Gaspari 339 Cedar Erect porch 4 100.00 Ernest Barei Box 51, Renton Repair floor 5 150.00 G. H. Riley 326 Morris Install plumbing 6 400.00 Magnuson Furniture 2nd & Williams Erect signs (2) 7 400.00 T. D. Fuller 430 Windsor Way Remodel basement 8 100.00 Frank Tonkin 821 3rd Erect gas line 9 15,000.00 The Church of God Rainier Avenue Erect Church Bldg. 90 700.00 Art Lindberg 524 Whitworth Install wiring 1 Veer Staley 502 Williams Construct driveway 2 3,000.00 Henry McKnight 5th & Mill Remodel house 3 100.00 Mike Creegan 531 Smithers Repair garage 4 27,000.00 Renton School Dist. #403. 331 Garden Erect plumbing 5 1,000.00 Bennett—Goodman Fur. 190 Sunset Blvd. Remodel store 7 100.00 The Chronicle 317 Williams Remodel wall 8 100.00 Wright Motor Co. 233 Burnett Erect tank, 2000 gal. 9 700.00 J. Zerwoodis % Springfield Market Repair building 600 1,000.00 J. Milstid 601 Shattuck Remodel Building 1 2,000.00 J. A. Trudgan 328 Burnett St. No. Remodel it 2 100.00 Mrs. F. Johns 150 Park Rewire 3 100.00 Wright Motor Co. 3rd & Burnett Erect sign 4 100.00 Harry Shearer 313 Wells n n 5 400.00 Thomas Viken 610 Shattuck " concrete floor APPLICATIONS FOR VERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT: NAME ADDRESS FOR OCCUPANCY AS Benton G. Wight 30 Wells Renton Amusement Center Earl Dennis 30q Wells Bargain Basement Snack Bar Pederson Brothers 1100 Bronson Way Commercial Garage Gil Duckworth 1008 3rd Real Estate Office Lumber Market 120 Mills Lumber Storage Don Van Ackeren 308 Wells Van's Shoe Store Dale & Lola Pinkerton 412 Sunset Blvd. Retail Bakery & Candy Store Wright Motors Inc. 233 Burnett Garage and Show Room Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. 501 Airport Way Storage Garage No protests having been received on the petitions for rezoning of the following property and — Upon the recommendation of the City Council and the Planning Commission relative to the application of Mr. Bernard C. Thomas, for rezoning of rte, 180 Lots 4 and 5, in Block 6, Renton Real Estate's lst Addition to the City of Renton from residential to Commercial., it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the Ordinance Committee and the City Attorney be instructed to prepare and present an Ordinance changing the classification of this property. Carried. Upon the recommendation of the City Council and the Planning Commission relative to rezoning from residential to industrial, the area south of 7th Avenue and west of Williams Street to the South and West City limit lines with the exception of ten (10) feet on the south side of 7th Avenue and ten (10) feet on Gradey Way, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney be instructed to prepare and present an Ordinance changing the classification of this property. Carried. Upon the recommendation of the City Council and the Planning Commission relative to the petition of the Renton Church of God, to rezone from residential to commercial the area beginning at the intersection of the westerly line of D. C. Mitchell, County Road, etc., it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney be instructed to pre- pare and present an Ordinance changing the classification of this property. Carried. A communication was read from the Office of King County Engineer., State of Washington relative to obtaining information needed for future planning of sewers, drainage and grade control in areas contiguous to Seattle. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Baxter, that this communication be referred to the City Engineer for study. Carried. A proposed contract of the City Dog Pound was submitted by Dr. A. I. Button, for council consideration. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that this communication be referred to the Finance Committee and Ways and Means Committee. Carried. A communication was read from the WAR ASSETS ADMINISTRATION, Property Management Division.. advising that effective November 1, 1948 the cost of steam to tenants at Boeing-Renton Plant was raised $x.025 per thousand. Moved by Richardson., seconded by Delaurenti, that this communication be ,ordered filed and a copy of same forwarded to the Renton Chamber of Commerce. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Scenic Hill Community Club advising that a dance in the North Renton Recreation Hall was scheduled for December 23, 1948. All net proceeds from the dance will go toward buying equipment and facilities for the playfield on Renton Hill and requested the City Council to waive the fee for dance license and for the cost of Police pro- tection. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Baxter, that the license fee for this dance be waived and police protection be given without charge. Carried. A petition was read from residents in Earlington Heights re- questing the City Council to repair the streets in the vicinity of 136th Place to the right of Langston Road in Earlington by grading and filling in the chuck holes. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the City Engineer to make the necessaryxepairs. Carried. A communication was read from Dr. C. W. Wilson, advising that Mr. Rutherford owner of the XXX Barrel across the street from his property on 136th Street had extended his building 25 to 30 feet into 136th Street south and requested the cooperation of the City Council to require the clearance of said street to its full width. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that this communication be referred to the City Attorney and City Engineer for investi- gation and report back to the Council December 21, 1948, Carried. A communication was read from Magor Perry H. Mitchell recommend- ing the reappointment of Messrs. George Dobson and Paul W. Houser, to the Renton Aviation Board, extending their appointments to November 6, 1951. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Baxter, that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. A communication was read from the Pennsylvania Salt Manufactur- ing Company submitting their contract to furnish the City of Renton its 1949 re- quirements of liquid chlorine. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that CALL FOR BIDS BE ADVERTISED for liquid chlorine for the City of Renton for the year 1949. Carried. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Tamborini, that call for bids be advertised for gasoline requirements of the City of Renton for the year 1949. Carried. 18-1 Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that CALL FOR BIDS be advertised for publication of legals for the City of Renton for the year 1949. Carried. December 7, 1948 being the date fixed for opening of bids for street lights to be installed on Bronson Way from Park Street to Second Avenue and thence on Second Avenue from Main Street to Logan Street, the following bids were submitted. CHAPMAN BROS, ELECTRIC 911 Walla Walla Basic Bid No. 1. — $19,763.00 Renton, Wash " " " 2. 110700.00 with alternatives and deductions as per bids submitted. DONALD W. CLOSE COMPANY Basic Bid 2707 — 11th S.W., Alternate for overhead Seattle 4, Washington constructionsame material as above. 10..590.00 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that these bids be referred to the Finance Committee and the Fire Light and Water Committee. Carried. December 7, 1948 being the date fixed for opening of bids for one (1) motor cycle for the Police Department, the following bids were submitted; HARLEY—DAVIDSON SALES COMPANY 1827 Broadway 1 — 1949 ..Model GA Harley Seattle, Wash. Davidson Motor cycle. — 1..115.59 MONTGOMEEY MOTOR CYCLE COMPANY 19th & Fawcett 1 — 1949 Model GA HA HLEY Tacoma 3, Wash Davidson Motor cycle — 1..115.59 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that these bids be referred to the Property Committee, Finance Committee and the Chief of Police. Carried. Recess was declared to discuss the awarding of bids. Council was called to order by Mayor Perry H. Mitchell, the following answering when the roll was called: BAXTER, BRUCE, HAGEN.. D ELAUrENTI, F REYMAN, GIGLI, HANSEN, REID, SWIFT, RICHARDSON.. TAMBORINI AND TRIM. The Fire Light and Water Committee recommended that the bids for the street lights be held in abeyance until the next regular council meeting. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. The Property Committee recommended that the bid of HARLEY— DAVIDSON SALES COMPANY FOR ONE (1) motor cycle in the amount of $1..115..59 be accepted (Trade—in allowance optional) and that the Chief of Police be authorized to complete the transaction. Moved by Richardson., seconded by Freyman., that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. Louis Morley, 1707 — No. 45th Seattle, Wash.., requesting council approval to temporarily install a LOCK AND KEY SHOP in the parking lot across from the City Hall. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Swift, that this be referred to the Police and License Committee and City Engineer with Power to Act. Carried. This being the date set for public hearing on the Assessment Roll No. 225, the improvement of Windsor Hills by the installation of side walks.. PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 1332 was read, AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND CONFITMING THE ASSESSMENT ROLL OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT no. 225, FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF ALL STREETS IN WINDSOR HILLS ADDITION TO RMTON., it was recommended by the Ordinance Committee that the protests against the Assessment Roll for said L.I.D., No. 225 be referred to the City Engineer for checking and report back. Moved by Tamboriri, seconded by Gigli, that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. This being the date set for a public hearing and there being no protests against PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 1330 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON DECLARING THAT AN EMERGENCY EXISTS AND APP ROP KIATING MONIES FROM THE 182 VARIOUS CITY FUNDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FOR PAYMENT OF THE NECESSARY EXPENSES AND CAPITAL OUTLAY NECESSITATED BY SUCH EMERGENCY, it was moved by TAMBORINI, seconded by Gigli, that this Ordinance be placed on its second and final readings. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that this Ordinance be adopted as read. All Councilmen present voting aye. BAXTER, BRUCE, HAGEN, DELAURENTI, FRE`YMAN, GIGLI, HANSEN, REID, RICHARDSON, SWIFT, TAMBORINI AND TF11,19. The Ordinance Committee reported that the protests against PROPOSED ORDINANCE N0, 1332, AN ORDI14ANCE APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE ASSESSMENT ROLL OF L.I.D., NO. 225, had been checked and the percentage of protests being insufficient to prevent the acceptance and approval of the Assessment Roll, recommended that Ordinance No. 1332 be placed on its second and final readings and adopted as read. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Reid, that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. All councilmen present voting aye. BAXTER, BRUCE, HAGEN, DELAUNENTI, FREYMAN, GIGLI, HANSEN, REID, RICHARDSON, SWIFT, TAMBORINI AND TRIMM. RESOLUTION NO. 716, was presented by the City Attorney WHEREAS BY EMERGENCY BUDGET ADOPTED THIS DATE THE SUM OF $4,500.00 HAS BEEN ALLOCATED AND APPROPRIATED TO THE PARK FUND OF THE CITY OF PENTON, NOW THEREFORE THE SUM OF $4,500.00 IS HEREBY APPROPRIATED FROM THE CURRENT EXPENSE FUND, TO BE TRANSFERRED BY THE TREASURER. TO THE PARK FUND, FOR EXPENDITURE THEREFROM UNDER SAID 1948 CITY BUDGET AS AMENDED BY EMERGENCY BUDGET THIS DATE. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Hansen, that Resolution No. 716 be adopted as read. Carried. RESOLUTION NO. 717 WAS presented by the City Attorney, SECTION 11 A PROPER PETITION FOR ANNEXATION THE CITY OF PENTON ACCOMPANIED BY PLAT OR DRAWING SIGNED BY THE OWNERS OF MORE THAN 75% in VALUE OF THE PROPERTY THEREIN DESCRIBED BY LEGAL SUBDIVISIONS OR. PLATS AND PROPOSED FOR. ANNEXATION, HAVING BEEN FILED WITH THE CITY COUNCIL. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that Resolution No. 717 be adopted. Carried. RESOLUTION NO. 718, was presented by the City Attorney, SECTION 1, THAT A PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF STATE OF WASHINGS SESSIONS LAWS OF 1921 CHAPTER 107 SECTION 1, AS RECO101', DED BY THE STATE ADVISORY COUNCIL ON RECREATION TO BE SUB- MITTED TO THE 1949 STATE LEGISLATURE, WHICH AMENDMENT WOULD AMOUNG OTHER THINGS AUTHORIZE ANY CITY OR TOWN TO ACT IN CONJUNCTION WITH OTHER, MUNICIPAL OR GOVERN- MENTAL ORGA1vIZATION IN THE ACQUISITION, OPERATION OR MAINTENANCE OF PARKS, PLAY- GROUND, ETC., AND TO USE PROPERTY BELONGING TO SUCH OTHER ORGANIZATION WITH ITS CONSENT, BE AND THE SAME HEREBY IS ENDORSED BY THE CITY OF RENTON AS BEING A DESIRABLE AP NDMENT OF EXISTING LAW. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that Resolution No. 718 be adopted. Carried. RES, NO, 719-A. Upon the recommendation and approval of the City Attorney, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A CONTRACT WITH THE PUGET SOUND POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY FOR FURNISHING STREET LIGHTING TO THE CITY OF R&yTON be adopted and that the execution of same be held in abeyance pending the receipt of a letter from the Puget Sound Power and Light Company stating that the City of Renton would be allowed to install new street lights when, where, and as necessary, the current for same to be charged for at the same rate for street lighting in said contract. Carried. After a discussion relative to the renewal of BLANKET POLICY FOR PUBLIC LIABILITY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE for the City of Renton, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that this be referred to the Property Committee and City Attorney with Power to Act. Carried. After advice from the City Attorney re this subject, it was moved by Baxter, seconded by Richardson, that a call. for bids be made for a BLANKET INSURANCE POLICY covering PUBLIC LIABILITY AND PEOPERTY DAMAGE. Carried. The Fire Light and Water Committee reported that the request of the Earlington Woments Club had beeninvestigated and recommended the installa- tion of twenty-seven (27) street lights in Earlington. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Engineer be instructed to submit to the Council an estimate as to the probable cost of the installation of the installa- tion of said lights. Carried. The Street and Alley Committee requested and was granted more time relative to widening 3rd Avenue from Mill Street to Renton Street. The Street and Alley Committee reported that speed limit signs 35 MPH have been erected on Dunlap Canyon Road at the westerly line of the City limits on said road and that a similar zone was recommended for Ra.inier.Avenue from the Junction of Airport Way southward to the southwest corner of the City limits. Moved by Aichardson, seconded by Bruce, that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare and present an Ordinance governing the speed of traffic in these zones. Carried. The City Engineer requested and was granted more time relative to making a recommendation in regard to necessary changes needed around the old Earlington Club House in order to make it feasible to plat the area at said place. The City Attorney submitted the leases executed by and between the City of Rqnton, a Municipal Corporation hereinafter referred to as LESSOR and G.M. ALDRIDGE and L. E. Kirstein doing business as partners under the style of CASCADE FOUNDRY COMPANY hereinafter referred to as the lessees, for a term and period of one (1) year commencing on the 10th day of December 1948 and terminating on the 9th day of December 1949« The lessee to pay to the lessor the sum of $40.60 monthly in advance, etc. The Property Committee recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said lease. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Swift, that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. The Ordinance Committee advised the City Council that a copy of an Ordinance covering SERVE YOURSELF GASOLINE STATIONS was received from the City of Los Angeles, Calif., and recommended that this Ordinance be referred to the City Attorney for study to determine the legality of such an Ordinance in the City of Renton and to also investigate and report back what the City of Seattle con— templates doing regarding this situation. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. Councilman Swift recommended that the Street names and numbers in Earlington should conform to the streets in the City of Renton. Moved by Reid seconded by Baxter, that this be referred to the S�lreet and Alley Committee for in— vestigation and report back. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare and present a Resolution authorizing the payment of $10,000.00 judgment against the City of Renton by R. H. Sheldon, in connection with the contract for construction of the Sewage Disposal Plant to be paid from the special fund (Sewer Construction Fund) and that the City Treasurer be authorized to honor the claim from the County Clerk for the amount of said judgment. Carried. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Reid, that the City Clerk be instructed to request the Fraternal Order of Eagles to remove the paper stored in one of the City owned buildings in Mothers Park to provide space for the Cascade Foundry who have leased said building. Carried. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Delaurenti, that the City Attorney be instructed to notify Mr. A. H. Neistradt to immediately vacate the premises leased by him from the City of Renton, said lease having expired November 30, 1948. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Building Inspector be instructed to check the building permit, plans and specifications of the gasoline station located at the corner of Main Street and Bronson Way to determine if everything conforms to the original plans. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: CURRENT Payroll Engineers 506.60 3427-30 Payroll Office 858.20 3431-43 Payroll F. Dept. 2455.18 3444,66 Payroll P.D. 2608.20 3467-87 Amer. Blue Print Co. Engr. Exp. 7.13 3488 Automatic: Deodorant Co. C. H. Exp. 2.00 89 C. Bevan F. D. Exp. 1.55 90 The Bi Lateral Fire Hose Co. F. D. Outlay 281.75 91 Burrow's Richfield Service F. D. P.D. Exp. 29.50 92 Clarke Bros. Motor Co. Garbage Exp. 14./.9 93 Cochran Hardware Co. F. D. Expense 3.41 94 H. 1. Collier, City Treas. P. D. " 4.07 95 Cross Radio & Sound Ser. F. D. " 5.67 96 184 CURRENT L. N. Curtis & Sons F.D ,. Exp. & Outlay 213.73 3497 Custer Hardware Co. Expense 48.20 98 D. & I. Office Supply Clerk's Expense 13.23 99 Dale & McLendon Eng. Exp. 1.13 3500 Dual Parking Meter Co. Pkg. Meter Exp. 16.44 01 Rose Gigli Clerk's Expense 5.00 02 Holmes Electric Ser. Expense 30.23 03 F. E. Lawrence F. D. Expense 25.00 04 Lotto's Food Center F. D. n 56.37 05 The Lumber Market - City Bldgs & F.D. Exp. 188.81 06 Owl Cafe Jail Meals 132.10 07 Paramount Pest Control H.O. Expense 10.00 08 Potlatch Yards Inc. Govt. Bldg. Exp. 8.24 09 Puget Sound Auto Elec. Co. F. D. Exp. 10.30 10 Reid & Cook Expense 150.73 11 The Renton Chronicle Expense 99.83 12 Renton Motor Parts Co. Expense 93.07 13 Renton Veterinary Hospital Pound Expense 6175 14 Sewing Machine Service F. D. Expense 8.76 15 Square Deal Grocery F. D. Expense 64.09 16 Sunray Sales Service City Hall Expense 20.38 17 Sunset Coal Company Expense 94.63 18 Tradewell Store #10 P.D. Exnense 7.26 19 Treasurer, U.S.A. Garbage Expense 83.34 20 Trick & Murray Clerk's Expense 10.17 21 United Janitor Supply Co, Expense 62.72 22 Valley Window Cleaners C.H. Expense 7.00 23 Waters Expense 10.11 24 Western Auto Supply F. D. Expense 3.58 25 Wright Motors F. D. " 12.19 26 Payroll St. Cleaning 412.37 27-31 Payroll Garbage 715.40 32-38 Vere 0. Thompson Engr, Salary 120.10 39 Automatic Deodorant Co. C. H. Expense 2.00 40 C. Bevan Expense, P.D. 18.60 41 Chapman Bros. Expense 169.16 42 Bebb & Jones Architect's Expense 4500.00 43 Nelson Equipment Co. F. D. Outlay 314.15 44 .. Wm. Reans Fire Dept. Volunteers 598.00 45 Service Laundry F. D. Expense 19.27 46 Williams & Swanson Expense 110.01 47 P.S.P. & Light Company Power 1020.12 48 Windsor U. Drive Company P. D. Expense 7.25 49 Payroll Engineers 519.10 50-53 Payroll Office 892.70 54-66 Payroll P. D. 2727.25 67-87 Payroll F. D. 2152.61 88-3607 Payroll Mayor & Council 456.21 08-20 Harley-Davidson Sales Co. P.D. Outlay 1115.59 21 VOID VOID VOID VOID B. M. McHugh Engr. Exp. 19.22 23 Nelson Equipment Co. F. D. Outlay 261.62 24 Renton Fish & Game Club P.D. Expense 70.00 25 Renton News Record Expense 140.21 26 Treasurer, U.S.A. Garbage Exp. 15.53 27 James C. Tucker Dog Pound Expense 64.00 28 King County Medical January Dues 261.50 29 WATER Payroll Office 309.93 6991-96 Cochran Hardware Col Supplies 1.65 97 Dale & McLendon "' .87 98 H.D. Fowler Co., Inc. Expense 299.51 99 Johns-Manville Sales Corp Outlay 7674.38 7000 Marckmann & Williams Supplies 304.69 1 Pac. Water Works Supply Co. Expense 14.04 2 Reid & Coot Supplies 16.38 3 Renton Motor Parts Co. Expense 1.37 4 Seattle Water Dept. Water 60.08 5 Stoneway Dock Co. Supplies 32.19 6 Van Waters & Rogers Inc. Expense 110.00 7 Worthington Gamon Meter Co. Supplies 28.69 8 Payroll Water 911.15 9-16 P6.P. & Light Co. Power 806.32 17- Y WATER CONT'D Payroll Office $313.93 7418-23 Renton News Record Supplies 2.37 24 King County Medical Jan. dues 35.00 25 Olympic Foundry Company Supplies 30.90 26 CITY STREETS Payroll Office 158.67 4462-66 C. Bevan, Supplies 4.12 67 Custer Hardware Co. It 11.20 68 King County Comm. Dist. #2 If 50.75 69 Renton Auto Freight Co. Expense 4.82 70 Renton Motor Parts Co. if, 114.07 71 Renton Radiator Service Supplies 5.16 72 Sound Paint Ma.nfg. Co. "' 18.36 73 Sunset Coal Co. " 70.84 74 Union Oil Co. of Calif. Gasoline 539.80 75 Western Tractor & Equipment Expense 12.71 76 Wright Motors Inc. Supplies 5.41 77 Payroll City Streets 1458.07 78-93 Payroll Office 158.67 94-98 King County Medical Jan. dues 45.50 99 SEWAR DISPOSAL Payroll Sewer Disn_ osal 607.26 1331-39 Cochran Hdw. Co. Supplies 64.89 40 Katherine Crockett Treas. & Clerkis Exp. 4.00 41 Jeanette Diede It "' " 30.00 42 Hermants Mobile Plumbing Supplies 1.29 43 The Lumber Market It. 19.51 44 VOID VOID ---- ---- Floyd Shaff Clerk & Treas. Exp. 30.00 46 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 203.42 47 Payroll Sewer Disposal 662.56 48-56 Jeanette Diede Clerk & Treas. Exp. 33.00 57 Irene O'Donnell Clerk & Treas. Exp. 33.50 58 Floyd Shaff " It " 41.00 59 King County Medical Jan. Dues 31.75 60 PARK Payroll Park 376.43 lOG.6-50 ... McMahonst Explosives Supplies 1.78 51 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 8.53 52 Payroll Park 429.84 53-57 Renton Feed Co. Supplies 14.68 58 King County Medical Jan. Dues 15.75 59 ATHLETIC_ Athletic Athletic 148.41 336--38 Custer Hardware Co. Supplies 8.40 39 Ivan W. Lee Outlay 71.59 40 Pacific Auto Supply Supplies 9.30 41 Sunset Coal Company It 120.51 42 United Janitor Supply It 9.27 43 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 74.22 44 Payroll Athletic 159.66 45-47 King County Medical Jan. dues 11.25 48 AI PPO PT Payroll Airport 299.28 533-36 Diesel Oil Sales Co. Expense 169.14 37 Holmes Electric Expense 52.84 38 Matthie Fixit Shop ' 'it2�0 390 Renton Motor Parts Co. Seattle Water Department Water 9.35 41 Western Union Telegraph Expense 2.02 2 Long Bell Supplies 13.39 S P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 96.19 44 Stoneway Dock Company Supplies 23.95 45 Payroll Airport 313.55 46-49 Pacific Signal Co. Expense 44.45 50 Renton News Record. It 16.50 51 King County Medical Jan. dues 4.00 52 LIBRARY American Medical Association Subscription 6.00 1629 The American Mercury "' 7.00 30 The Caxton Printers, Ltd. Books 2.33 31 Winifred C. Daniels Expense 27.70 32 Demco Library Supplies Supplies 28.30 33 Doubleday & Co. Books 10.28 34 LIBRARY CONTtD Gaylord Bros., Inc. Supplies 75.70 1635 J. K. Gill Co. Books 25.30 36 Hopper Kelly Co. Supplies 10.4.5 37 Imperial Book Co. Books 54.19 38 The Macmillan Co. " 3.17 39 David McKay Co. " 6.4.7 40 Julian Messner., Inc. " 35.74 41 The Puget Sound News Co. Supplies & Books 256.56 42 Random House Inc. Books 9.17 43 Reid & Cook Supplies .77 4.4. The Shorey Book Store Books 26.89 45 Sunset Coal Co. Supplies 116.50 46 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 17.90 47 now Payroll Library 925.40 48-57 King County Medical Jan. dues 4.00 58 CUMULATIVE FUND #1182 Chapman Brothers Signal lights 1621.02 17 CUMULATIVE FUND #118 Wm.F. & Lavina Bennett Payment on Real Estate 500.00 288 L.I.D. #226 Hermants Mobile Plumbing Labor contract 835.21 1 SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND, 45-175 Norman Riddell, County Clerk Settlement of judgment Seattle, Wash and all claims on const. Cont. Sewage Disposal Plant B.H. Sheldon, contractor 102000.00 59 Rum, ens & Griffin, Attorneys Fees and expenses, B.H. Sheldon, Claim and judgment against the City of Renton. 511.50 60 AIRPORT SEAPLANE RAMP FUND Pac. Testing Laboratories Engineering tests 174.00 1 Stevenson & Ruebens Engineers — Master Plan fees. 302.50 2 ..r Move: by Tamborini, seconded by Trimm,, that the meeting be adjourned until December 21p1948. Carried. 2�j� (�A� ity Clerk Mayor Renton, Wash December 21, 194 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order, Mayor Perry H. Mitchell presiding. ROLL CALL: BAXTER, BRUC E, HAGEN, DELAURENTI, FREYMAN, GIGLI, HANSEN, REID, RICHARDSC)N, SWIFT, TAMBORM AND TRIMM. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Delaurenti, that the minutes of the meeting December 7, 194.8 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PEAffTS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT: NO. AMOUNT NAME LOCATION TYPE WORK 596 100.00 Al. Morgan 1000 Bronson Way Wire for. Service Station. 606 150.00 F. Rhodes 619 3rd Avenue Erect 2 signs 7 350.00 H. McKnight 435 Mill 8 600.00 Ray C. Richardson 8227 Langston Road Erect Building 9 100.00 Bargain Basement 306-2 Wells Erect sign 10 100.00 Renton Machine Wks. 333 Sunset Highway Electric wiring 11 100.00 Renton Boat & Luggage 916 3rd Avenue Erect sign 12 100.00 C. B. DuBois 538 Mill Repair roof 13 1000.00 Frank E. Rhodes 617 3rd Remodel building 14 100.00 D. Tilenda 124 Burnett Repair door 15 100.00 Mrs. Jensen 142_20 Rainier Install used bath tub 16 700.00 St. Anthonyts School 336 Shattuck Erect 4' Standard 1.7 6000.00 Renton Sch. District Rewire old Ser. & addition No. 403. 1325 4th North for new building 18 100.00 M. Fiene 1501 4th No. Erect chimney 19 700.00 A. Gustine 2nd & Williams Remodel building 20 400.00 Jeanellen Pullis Burnett Street Repair Sidewalks 21 100.00 L. S. Wilson 13236 Rianier Elec. Ele. #8411 22' 2000.00 Angelo Philips 221 Airport Way Erect house 556 750.00 Bernard C. Thomas Airport,Way Plumbing Permit This being the date set for hearing of protests against the annexation of certain territory to the City of Renton, Sections 8 and 9, in township 23, Range 51 including the territory between the present City limits and the north line of the Sunset Highway connecting said city limits and their being no protests against same, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman that this territory be annexed to the City of Renton. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Ambulance Service recommending that the City of Renton contract for a yearly Ambulance Service, with the Renton Ambulance Service,. enabling the citizens of the City of Renton to have free emergency service. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Baxter, that this be referred to the Ways and Means Committee and City !attorney for investigation and report back. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. Wm. F. Bennett, requesting permission to construct a. double driveway on his property located at Wells and Walla Walla Avenue and requested that the work be done by the City Engineer. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that this be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and City Engineer with Power to Act. Carried. A communication was read from the owners of the YELLOW CAB COMPANY, Messrs. Carl Moen and Lloyd Amundson, operating taxi cabs in the City of Rentonx requesting authority from the City Council to transfer their interest in said Yellow Gab Company to Harold Jordan, J-53 Cedar River Park, Renton, Washington. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that this be referred to the Chief of Police and the Police and License Committee with Power to Act. Carried. A further communication was read from Mr. Louis Morley, re- questing council consideration in granting permission to install a LOCK AND KEY SHOP and advising that the building would be the size of two telephone booths, material to be used would be sheet aluminum. Moved by .ichardson, seconded by F-reyma.n,- that this be referred to the Police and License Committee, City Engineer and Fire Chief with Power to Act. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. E. A. Shearer, 41.0 - Williams e .rw✓ Street advising the City Council of the danger existing at the intersection of 4th Avenue and Williams Street near the Eagles Hall and requesting that immediate action be taken by the Council to alleviate this condition before a fatal accident occurs, Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Baxter, that this be re- ferred to the Chief of Police for investigation and report back. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. Thomas Bromley, Jr., advising that they had purchased a business in Renton known as HAROLD'S CYCLE SHOP, located at 1316 Bronson Way and requesting permission to operate a LOCK AND KEY SHOP in conjunction with said cycle shop. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that this be referred to the Police and License Committee, City Engineer and the Fire Chief with Power to Act. Carried. .or A communication was read from the National Labor Relations Board requestng permission to use Room 206, City Hall, for the purpose of holding a hearing December 23, 1948 at 11:00 A.M., Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this be referred to the Property Committee with Power to Act. Carried. A NOTICE was read from the Department of Public Utilities of Washington, Department of Public Utilities, complainant, vs Seattle Gas Company, Respondent, relative to the raising of gas rates, hearing to be held December 27, 194$ at 10:00 A.M., Room 327, New Armory Building, Seattle 9, Washington. Moved by Baxter, second ed by Bruce, that this be referred to the 'days and Means Committee for investigation and with Power to Act. Carried. A petition was read from the property owners south of-the Chicago Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company between Shattuck Street and State Highway No. 5, to lines between 6th and 7th Avenues, petitioning the City Council to take the necessary steps for the improvement by the installation of-sanitary sewers on the property described in said petition. Upon the advice of the City Engineer that the signatures on the petition had been checked and found sufficient to justify a resolution declaring the intention to improver it was moved by hichardso n,, seconded by Baxter, that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare and present a Resolution declaring intention to improve said property as per the petition by the formation of an L.I.D. Carried. A petition was read from Mr. Nicholas Puhich, the owner of middle Ono one-third (113) of North Hal (2) of Tax Lot 28 r of section 18, T. 23 N, R 5 E, W.M., petitioning the City Council to rezone said property from residential to commercial. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that this petition be re- ferred to the Planning Commission for investigation and to report back their re- commendation. Carried. ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE presented by the City Engineer was read, complying with Ordinance No. 1328, being an Ordinance creating Local Improvement District No. 226 and that the actual cost of said improvement was and is the sum of TWO THOUSAND SEV'M HUNDRED FIVE DOLLARS AND TWE1,14TY S IX CENTS ($2,705.26) this amount assessed against the property owners on Shattuck Street SEVEN HUNDRED TWENTY SIX DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS ($726.50) cost of water main from Whitworth Street to Shattuck Street on Walla Walla Avenue to be assumed by the City of Renton, total Roll 03,431.76. Said assessment roll is a true and correct assessment for the aforesaid improvements. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the ENGINEERtS CERTIFICATE be accepted as read. Carried. A communication was read from the Planning Commission, recommend- ing that the City Council authorize payment of the bill rendered by the Chamber of Commerce in the amount of $1,531.61 covering technical consultation of advertising. After a discussion it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that this be referred to the Finance Committee and the City Attorney with Power to Act. Carried, December 21, 1948 being the date set for the opening of bids for the 1949 requirements of liquid chlorine for the City of Renton, the following bids were submitted: Hooker Electrochemical Company In 100# cylinders, 10¢ per lb Tacoma, Washington F.O.B., Seller's Pland and ton containers 5¢ per Ib. F.O.B. Sellerts Plant. Pennsylvania Salt Manfg. Company In 100# cylinders, 100 per lb Tacoma, Washington F.O,,B., Sellerts Plant and ton containers 5¢ per lb. F.O.B. Seller's Plant. Shell Oil Company NET COST 1219 - Westlake Ave North SHELL P19MIUM 21.2 Seattle, Washington SHELL 19.7 Union Oil Company of Calif. 2901 - Western Avenue 7600 Gasoline .212 Seattle ll, Washington 76 W ..187 State tax included, Federal tax excluded Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti,; that these bids be referred to the Property Committee, Finance Committee and Superintendent of Utilities for their recommendation. Carried. OWN December 21, 1948 being the date set for the opening of bids for the publication of City legals for the year 1949 the following bids were submitted: The Renton Chronicle Legal publications lst insertion .95¢ per col. in 911 - 3rd Avenue " " each additional Renton, Washington insertion. 750 " n n Renton News Record Legal publications lst insertion 1.00 232 - 4 Main Street it it each additional Renton, Washington insertion. .75 n it n Moved by Richardson), seconded by Reid, that these bids be referred to, the Property Committee and Finance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. December 21, 1948 being the date set for the opening of bids for one (1) two ton dump truck for the Park Department, the following bids were submitted: Pedersen Brothers Motor Co. 1 - 1949 GMC Model FC-303 2 ton 1100 Bronson Way North dump track 3,154.78 Renton, Washington Washington State Sales Tax 3,249.43 Clarke Bros. Motor Co. 1-1948 Dodge truck 7:50 x 20 Renton, Washington tires 8 ply heavy duty front axle and two speed rear axle.... .. . . 3,000.00 Washington State Sales Tax... .. 90.00 Williams & Swanson 1-1948 Chev, two-ton 161" W.B. 3,090.00 700 - 3rd Avenue truck, factory equipped..... . .. 2,930.00 Renton, Washington Washington State Sales Tax... .. 87.90 Frank E. Rhodes 1-Studebaker two ton Chasis 31017.90 608 - 3rd Avenue and cab with two-speed rear axel Renton, Wash 750-20 8 ply tires.... .. ... .. .. 2,941.18 Washington State Sales Tax.. ... 88.23 ALTERNATE BID 1-Studebaker truck equipped. with 3,019.41 Galion Hoist and body. ... .. ... . 2,931.04 Washington State Sales Tax..... 87.93 3.018.97 Moved by xichardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that these bids be referred to the Property Committee and Finance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. . December 21, 1948 being the date set for the opening of bids for one (1) delivery sedan 600 x 16 tires for the Fire Department, the following bid was submitted: Williams & Swanson 1 Chevrolet 6 cylinder 116" wheel 700 - 3rd Avenue base sedan delivery, dove gray Renton, Washington without trade-in alloir;ance.. . . . 1,648.15 Washington Sales tax.. .... .. . .. 49.45 If 1939 Ford Sedan Delivery (Engineer's Car) is 1,697.60 traded, the allowance shall be,.... ... ... 125.00 190 kR� .mss Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that this bid be referred to the Property Committee and Finance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Baxter, that the matter of the City of Renton purchasing the Maplewood Water Company be referred to the Council as a whole, the Mayor, City Attorney, Superintendent of Utilities, to meet with Mr. Carl Hanniff, owner of said Company and Mr. John Dobson, his attorney January 11, 1949, at $:00 otclock P.M., in the Council (:Jhambers, City Hall, Renton, Washington for further discussion. Carried. Recess was declared to discuss the awarding of the bids, now Council was called to order by Mayor Perry H. Mitchell, the following answering when the roll was called: BAXTER, BRUCE, HAGEN, D ELAURENTI, FREYMEN, GIGLI, HANSEN, REID, SWIFT) RICHARDSON) TAMBORINI AND TRIMM. The Property Committee and Finance Committee recommended that the bid for the gasoline requirements for the City of Renton for 19/,.8 be awarded to the UNION OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. The Property Committee and Finance Committee recommended that the bid for the liquid chlorine requirements for the City cf Renton for the year 1949 be awarded to the HOOKER. ELECTROCHEMICAL CONLPANY. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. The Property Committee and Finance Committee recommended that the bid for the City Lega.ls for the year 1949 be awarded to the Renton Chronicle subject to approval by the City Attorney. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that this be referred to the Finance Committe and City attorney with Power to Act. Carried. The Property Committee and Finance Committee recommended that the bid for one (1) delL.very sedan 600 x- 16 tires for the Fire Department be awarded to Williams and Swanson in the amount of $1,648.15 plus sales tax of $49.45 with trade—in allowance of $"125.00 for one (1) Delivery sedan 600 x 16 tires from the Fire Department.. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Delaurenti, that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. The Property Committee and. Finance Committee recommended that the awarding of the bid for one (1) two ton dump truck for the Park Depart— ment be referred to the Property Committee, Finance Committee, City Engineer, and.Mr. Pond for further study and report back at the next council meeting. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 1333 was read AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ANNEXING TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF RENTON Sections 8 and 9, Township 23, Range 5, including the territory between the present City limits and the north line of the Sunset Hilghway connecting said City limits. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Tamborini, that this Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported fa.vorableoy on Ordinance No. 1333 WHET.EUPON it was placed on its final readings and approved as a whole. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that this Ordinance be adopted as read. All Councilmen present voting aye. BAXTER, BRUCE, HAGAN, DELUARENTI, FREYMAN, GIGLI, HANSEN, REID, RICHARDSON, SWIFT, TAMBOFI 1I AND TRI101. PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 1334 was read, -AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, CHANGING THE CLASSIFICATION OF CfRTAIN `iRA.CTS IN THE CITY FROM:ESIDENTIAL TO INDUSTRIAL USE DISTRICT, the area south of 7th Avenue and West of Williams Street to the South and West City limit lines with the exception of ten (10) feet on the south side of 7th Avenue and ten (10) feet on Gradey Way. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that this Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1334 ZMREUPON it was placed on its final readings and approved as a whole. Moved by Tamborini, -seconded by Bruce, that this Ordinance be adopted as read. All Councilmen present voting aye. BAXTER, B:iUCE, HAGEN, D ELAURENTI, FREYMAN, GIGLI, HANSEN, REID, RICHARDSON, SWIFT, TAMBORINI AND T RIMM. PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 1335 was read AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON CHANGING THE CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN TRACTS IN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM NESIDENTIAL TO COMMERCIAL USE DISTRICT, described as follows: Lots 4 and 5, block 6, Renton Real Estate Companyis First Addition to the City of Renton. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Tamborini, that this Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1335 WHEREUPON it was placed on its final readings and approved as a whole. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, that this Ordinance be adopted as read. All Council— men present voting aye. BAXTER, BRUCE, HAGEN, DELAUF E1dTI, FREYI�AD1, GIGLI, HAiTS I, REID, RICHARDSON, SWIFT, TAMBORINI AND TRI114. PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 1336 was read AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON CHANGING THE CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN TRACTS IN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM RESIDENTIAL TO COMMERCIAL USE DISTRICT, immediately east of the intersection +�. of 2nd Avenue with Rainier Avenue. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that this Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1336 WHEREUPON it was placed on its final readin-s and apnroved as a whole. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Trimm, that this Ordinance be adopted as read. All Councilmen present voting aye. BAXTER, BRUCE, HAGEN, DELAURENTI, FREYMA.N, GIGLI, HANSEN, REID, RICHARDSON, SWIFT, TAMBORINI AND TRI 1,24. RESOLUTION NO. 720 presented by the City Attorney was read BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington, that Resolution No. 699 adopted February 17, 1948 be and is hereby rescinded, that there is hereby created and established in the office of the Treasurer of the City of Renton, a special fund to be known as AIRPORT SEAPLANE RAMP CONSTRUCTION FUND, that the City Treasurer be and is hereby authorized and directed to transfer the sum of THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($30,000.00) from the Current Expense Fund to said Special Fund known as AIRPORT SEAPLANE WANF CONSTRUCTION nTD, when the matching funds are re— ceived from the United States for said project, the amount thereof together with any surplus from this appropriation shall be repaid to the Current Expense Fund. Moved by Richardson., seconded by Trimm, that Resolution. No. 720 be adopted as read. Carried. RESOLUTION NO. 721 presented by the City Attorney was read BE IT RESOLVED BY the City Council of the City of Renton, Wash., THAT WHEREAS the City has expended $16,442.45 and will in the immediate future expend $1000.00 additional being a total of 017,442.4.5 for street improvements by installation of Traffic signal lights NOW THEREFORE the State Finance Committee is requested to provide matching funds thereon in the amount of $8,721.22 THAT WHEREAS the City has con— tracted for installation of ornamental street lighting in the amount of $12,000.00 NOW THEREFORE the State Finance Committee is requested to provide matching funds thereon in the amount of 06000.00. Moved by Gigli) seconded by Bruce, that Resolution No. 721 be adopted as read. Carried. REsSOLUTION NO. 722, presented by the City Attorney was read BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of 1bnton, WHEREAS under Ordinance No. 1328 there was created an L.I.D., No. 226 said Ordinance providing that the City of Renton shall pay the costs of that portion of said improvement installed on. Walla Walla Avenue from Whitworth Street to Shattuck Street, the costs of which portion are $726.50 etc. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that Resolution No. 722 be adopted as read. Carried. The Fire Light and ?dater Committee recommended that the bid submitted by Chapman Bros.., and opened at the Council meeting December 7, 1948 which was held in abeyance until council meeting December 21, 1948 to furnish materials and labor for the installation of street lights on Bronson Way from Park Street to 2nd Avenue etc., be accepted, their bid being the lowest("$11,569.20) on the equipment-and labor for installing same. Light standards used to be manufactured by George- Bruce, lighting fixtures to be used are, half by General Electric Corporation, horizontal. Overhead wiring system to be installed. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the recommendation be concurred in.-Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman that the City Attorney LW be instructed to prepare ar and present a Resolution transferring-the sum of $115.74 .- from the Current Expense Fund to L.I.D., No. 225 for assessment on sidewalks in Windsor Hills. Carried, 1. The City Attorney requested and was granted more time relative to the complaint of Dr. C. W. Wilson re Mr. Rutherford owner of the XXX Barrel ex— tending his building 25 to 30 feet into 136th Street south and requesting the cooperation of the Council to require the clearance of said street to its full.- width. Moved by Swift, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Engineer be included r with the City Attorney to investigate the above. Carried. 2. The preparation of an Ordinance governing the pseed of traffic in the vicinity of Dunlap Canyon Road at the westerly line of the City limits. 3. Studying the Ordinance from the City of Los Angeles re SERVE YOUR- SELF GASOLINE STATIC}NS to determine the legality of such an Ordinance in the City of Renton and to also investigate and report back what the City of Seattle con- templates doing regarding this matter. The City Engineer requested and was granted more time relative to making a report on the communication from the Office of King County Engineer, regarding the information requested for future planning of sewers, drainage and grade control in areas contiguous to Seattle. The Property Committee recommended that the City Clerk be delegated authority to permit Civic groups, State Agencies and other Govermental Agency Committees, the use of available room space in the City Hall, particularly the room formerly occupied by the Police Judge when same was available for such groups, without inte_rferring in any way with the business of City personnel or officials, Moved by ldchardson, seconded by Baxter, that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti advised that complaints have been received from residents on Morris Street relative to the soot and smoke created by the Chicago Milwaukee and St. Paul R.R., Company's engines and that said Company should be notified to the effect that they stop their engines at the sub-station. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Clerk be instructed to notify the Chicago Milwaukee and St. Paul Ra.il•,;ay Company. Carried. A lease from the Port of Seattle to the City of Renton was pre- sented for tide lands adjacent to the Airport, for a thirty (30) year term at $1.00 per year and further providing that in lieu of a bond the City pledge $500.00 in the Airport Fund as a bond guaranteeing performance of the lease. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the Nayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign this lease. Carried. I Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Trimm, that the City Engineer be instructed to move the ARTERIAL STOP SIGN at 2nd and Burnett to a. location that may be seen by motorists. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by F,ichardsonI that the City EEngineer be authorized to negotiate for the purchase of the necessary drain pipe that is to arrive from Alaska. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gigli, that the City Engineer be instructed to investigate the Railroad crossing at Park and 6th Avenues relative to repairing same and to also investigate the matter of removing the old Seattle Rainier Valley R.x., tracks located. at Whitworth Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues and to report back. Carried. The following-&Ms--ming been previously audited- by the Finance Gommittee were presented: GURMMT Payroll Garbage 754.31 3630---37 Payroll St. Cleaning 413.56 3638--41 Payroll Engineer 341..69 3642---44 Harper-Meggee, Inc. P. D. Expense 58.33 45 Seattle Hardware Company P. D. Outlay 1.32.87 46 J. E. Morrison Engr. Expense 100.00 47 Coll. of Internal Revenue Withholding Tax. 3293.65 48 Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 383.28 49 C. Bevan City Bldg. Exp. .77 50 Angelo Busato P.D. Civil Ser, Expense 2.00 51 Chamber of Commerce Plann. Comm. Expense 1531.61 52 Comm. Equipment Co. P.D. Outlay 92.70 53 Agnes Edwards P.D. Civil Service Exp. 75.00 54 R. H. Hoyt. P.D. Expense 15.66 55 F. E. Lawrence F. D. "' 4.71 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Telephones 24.75 57 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. 'Phone 354.73 58 C1jj M T,i. Ci ONT D Renton Lodge No. 4 I.O.O.F. P.D. Civil Service Exp. 10.00 3659 Renton Vet. Hospital Dog Pound Expense 4.50 60 James C. Tucker W 30.00 61 Valley Window Cleaners C. H. Expense 7.00 62 American Blue Print Co. Engr. Expense .65 63 Bargain Basement F. D. Outlay 30.60 64 Berle & Alls Service Engr. Expense 1.54 65 C. Bevan F. D. Expense 9.61 66 The Bi-Lateral Fire Hose Co. F. D. Outlay 287.50 67 Burrowts Richfield Service F. D. " 34.89 68 Cochran Hdw. Co. Engr, & F.D. Exp. 36.76 69 --- H. L. Collier, City Treas. P.D. Expense 4.25 70 L. N. Curtis & Sons F. D, " 193.13 71 Custer Hardware Co. Expense 37.61 72 Wm. F. Davis Ins. & Bond Premium 812.16 73 Dow Fuel Co. F. D. Exp. 243.34 74 The Dual Parking Meter'Co. Parking Meter Exp. 17.04 75 General Elea. Supply Corp. F. D, Expense 22.66 76 Harper- Meggee.9 Inc. P. D. Outlay 199.75 77 Stan. Hickok Sport Shop F. D. Expense 65.51 78 Holmes Electric F. D. " 12.87 79 Hunter Photo Copyist P. D. Outlay 121.06 80 Industrial Plating Works Inc. F. D. " 11.85 81 Kroll Map Company Engr. Expense 89.15 82 Kuker-Ranken, Inc. Engr. " 14.83 83 The Lumber Market Expense 190.01 84 Magnuson Furniture City Bldg. Outlay 33.99 85 Mathewson's Renton Tire Shop Garbage Exp. 55.18 86 Matthie Fixit Shop P. D. Expense 3.09 87 Mine Safety Appliances Company F. D. 9.97 88 Owl Cafe Jail Meals 126.60 89 VOID VOID VOID VOID Pioneer Inc. Stationery 20.84 91 P.S.P. & Light Company Power 980.98 92 Puget Sound Stamp Works F. D. Expense 32.14 93 Radiotelephone Service Co. Expense 31,66 94 Reid & Cook City Hall, Exp. F.D.Outlay 150.73 95 Renton Auto Freight F. D. Expense 1.00 96 The Renton Chronicle Expense 100.18 97 Renton Clothing Company F. D. Expense 35.64 98 Renton Plumbing & Heating City Hall Outlay 163.10 99 Frank E. Rhodes F. D. Expense 3.61 3700 Seattle Police .Athletic Assn. P. D. " 120.00 01 Square Deal Grocery F. D. "' 13.58 02 Stoneway Dock Company Parking Meter Expense 4.27 03 Trick & Murray Stationery Exp. 6.50 04 Trimm Fuel Co. F. D. Expense 103.14 05 Waters Expense 37.60 06 Williams & Swanson F. D. Outlay 1572.60 07 Chapman Bros, Exp. 121.33 08 Sunset Coal Company Fxp. 242.26 09 Renton Motor Parts Co. Expense 27.25 10 Marier Studios P.D. Expense 2.06 11 Osbornets Camera Shop P.D. " 45.73 12 Puget Sound Auto Electric F. D. Exp. 17.31 13 Renton News Record Stat. & Printing 225.87 14 Service Laundry & Cleaners Expense 40.00 15 United Janitor Supply Co. F cense 21.79 16 Williams & Swanson Expense 120.64 17 ATER Payroll Water 914.98 7027-33 Coll. of Int. Revenue Withholding Tax 341.50 34 Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 75.94 35 e�88hRX w 44j!99MOe- areas. Expense if gnse . Custer Hardware Company Expense 7.87 3q H. D. Fowler Co, Inc. Expense 25.72 40 E. N. Hallgren Company Expense 124.31 41 VOID VOID VOID 42 Huletz Electric Co., Ltd. Expense 2.47 43 Wd WATER CONT'D Lowman & Hanford Company Outlay 65.35 7044 The Lumber Market Expense 69.22 45 Marckma.nn & Williams " 203.31 46 P.S.P. & Light Co, Power 658.68 47 Renton Auto Freight Expense 1.00 48 Renton Feed & Seed Co. Expense 20.60 49 Seattle Water Department Water 64.72 50 Trick & Murray Expense 65.85 51 Western Tire Service "' .36 52 Chapman Bros. "' 20.3$ 53 Rockwell 24fg. Co. outlay 494.40 54 Renton Motor Parts, Inc. Expense 6.59 55 Addressograph Multigraph Corp. Treas. Outiay,Exp. 466.86 56 Diebold Inc. Posting Trays, Treas. Exp. - Outlay 217.54 57 Herman's Mobile Plumbing Outlay. 97.65 58 Underwood Corporation Treas. Exp. - Outlay 2997.30 59 CITY STREETS Payroll City Streets 1729.24 4500-4514 Coll. of Int. Revenue Withholding tax 587.10 15 C. Bevan Expense 4.1.2 16 Dept, of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 73.44 17 Custer Hardware Co. Supplies 11.41 18 King County Road Dist. #2 it 99.75 19 The Lumber Market it 100.86 20 Northwest Bolt & Nut Co. Outlay 33.15 21 Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. Expense 2.00 22 The Radium Hand Soap Co. " 6.18 23 Renton Auto Freight " .94 24 Renton Feed & Seed Co. " 1.44 25 Renton Machine & Welding Works " 5.15 26 Stoneway Dock Company Supplies 45.32 27 Chapman Bros, Expense 47.54 28 Sunset Coal Company Supplies 64.89 29 Union Oil Co. of Calif. Gasoline 612.09 30 Renton Motor Parts, Inc. Expense 13.69 31 .., Williams & Swanson Expense 19.23 32 SEWER DISPOSAL Coll. of Int. Revenue Withholding tax 422.90 1361 Dept, of Labor & Ind. Ins. Ind. Ins. ' 63.30 62 Jeanetts Diode Clerk & Treas. Exp. 40.00 63 Floyd Shaff " " " 40.00 64 The Lumber Market Supplies 23.88 65 Marine Service, Inc. 10.30 66 Pennsylvania Salt Mfg. Co. " 206.00 67 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 210.34 68 Ready Electric Company Expense 15.45 69 Stoneway Dock Company Supplies 5.77 70 Chapman Bros. Expense 6.28 71 Scientific Supplies Co. Expense 22.22 72 Liquefied Gas. Corporation Expense 387.41 73 Park Coll, of Int, Revenue Withholding Tax, 75.50 1060 Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 28.42 61 Custer Hardware Co. Supplies .47 62 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 6.61 63 Renton Feed & Seed Co. Supplies .77 64 Stoneway Dock Company " 6.18 65 AIRPO Coll. of Int. Revenue Withholding Tax 79.40 553 Dept. of Labcr & Ind. Ind, Ins. 24.73 54 Diesel Oil Sales Co. Expense 238.57 55 Holmes Electric " 53.11 56 P.S.P. & Light Company Power 96.19 57 Renton Heating & Air Cond. Expense 33.63 58 Seattle Water Dept. Water 29.20 59 Stoneway Dock Co. Supplies 11.20 60 Seattle Tent & Awning Expense 16.86 61 Renton News Record Expense 10.00 62 ATHLETIC Coll. of Int. Revenue Withholding Tax 50.60 349 Dow Fuel Company Supplies 8.65 50 P.S.P. &. Light Company Power 69.68 51 Sunset Coal Company Supplies 169.96 52 LIBRARY Coll. of Int. Revenue Withholding Tax 176.50 1659 Dept of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 1.59 60 The Caxton Printers, Ltd. Books 14.00 61 Thomas Y. Crowell " 10.35 62 Doubleday & Company " 19.42 63 J. K. Gill " 53.74 64 David McKay Company " 12.07 65 The MacMillan Company " 140.74 66 Puget Sound News Co. " 123.71 67 The Renton News Record Supplies 49.57 68 Time Subscription 13.00 69 The H. Wilson Company Books 7.00 70 P.S;P. & Light Company Power 17.07 71 CUMULATIVE FUND #1182 Chapman Bros. Signal Lights, Labor & Material 1531.48 18 L.I.D. #224 Rensselaer Valve Company Materials 365.24 2 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. City ffl6rk z zz'6e Maq Renton, Wash January 4, 1949 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order, Mayor Perry H. Mitchell presiding. ROLL CALL; BAXTER, BRUCE, HAGEN, DELAURENTI, FREYMMAN, GIGLI, HANSEN, HEID, RICHARDSON, SWIFT, TAMBORINI AND TRIMM. Moved by Reid, seconded by Freyman, that the minutes of the meeting December 21, 1948 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PEFMTS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT: NO. ANDUNT NAME LOCATION TYPE WORK 623 100.00 Robert Bianco 228 Park Erect picket fence 24 100.00 F. A. Collman 112 3rd Move boiler from Boeing to Cabin City Const. 25 10,000.00 M. J. Lackie 409 3rd Erect building 26 400.00 Magnuson's Hardware Airport Way Erect sign at Wrhse. 27 100.00 Frank Gustine 101 Meadow Repair elec. wiring 28 100.00 Mrs. D. Twomey 504 Smithers Rewire for range 29 750.00 Leo Cogeshall 5.138th & 86th St. Erect furnace & tank 30 100.00 Mrs. K. 0. Snyder 338 Renton Erect concrete floor 31 100.00 P. Peralli 112 Cedar Install nrange & W.H. 32 700.00 Jim Ashurst 309 Cedar Remodel residence APPLICATIONS FOR CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPT; NAME ADDRESS FOR OCCUPANCY AS Frank E. Rhodes 617 3rd Automobile Agency A — 1 Cycle & Key Shop 101 Meadow Cycle & Key Shop The Property Committee andFinance Committee recomm— ended that the bid for one (1) two ton dump truck for the Park Department that was held in abeyance for further study and report back be awarded to the lowest ••i bidder WILLIANS AND SWANSON in the amount of $3,017.90. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Baxter, that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. Mr. George Sowers appeared before the Council on be— half of the Community club of the Maplewood District requesting clarification as to when the street lights would be installed in said district. Councilman Reid advised that them lights should be in now as it was the promise of the Puget Sound Power and Light Company approximately two months ago, that said lights would be installed before Christmas. Councilman Reid, recomrlended that the City Clerk direct a letter to the Puget Sound Power and Light Company regarding this matter in order to determine what action might be expected. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that a communication be forwarded to the Puget Sound Power and Light Company as per the recommendation of Councilman Reid. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that the letter directed to the Puget Sound Power and Light Company be incorporated in these minutes. Carried. Renton, Wash Puget Sound Power & Light Company January 5, 1949 Corner Main & Walla Walla Renton, Washington Dear Sirs: Attention: Mr, C. Y. McGarrigle Manager, The Puget Sound Power and Light Company were requested sometime ago to install street lights in Maplewood; plans and locations submitted to them by the City Engineer, Mr. B. M. McHugh. The City feels that sufficient time has elapsed for the installation of said lights and hereby requested that you secure this installation as soon as possible; further delay is unnecessary in this matter. Yours very truly THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON Per. City Clerk. 197 A communication was read from Mr. Elmer 0. Varner of the Varner Realty Company expressing his appreciation for the promptness, efficiency and courteous service received from the Renton Fire Department in response to a fire call. Councilman Richardson, recommended that this communication be referred to the Fire Department, same to be posted on their bulletin board. Fire Chief F.E. Lawrence was instructed to carry out this recommendation. A communication was .read from the Hooker Electrochemical Company acknowledging receipt of signed copies of their contract covering the 1949 liquid chlorine requirements for the City of Renton. This communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from Mr. I. P. Iversen, Superintendent ,— of the Northern Pacific Railway Company, Tacoma, Wash., requesting that action be taken by the City Council relative to cars parking on Railroad property between 2nd and 3rd Avenues on the west side of their main tract. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that this communication be referred to the Chief of Police and the Street and Alley Committee to make the necessary correction. Carried. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Delaurenti, that the City Engineer be instructed to present an estimate as to the approximate cost of black topping Burnett Street to the Railroad Companyts right—of—way on the west side of the street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues. Carried. A communication was read from the members of the Committee seeking the enactment of a Bill by the Legislature of the State of Washington legalizing loans by the State to Municipalities, establishing a fund; defining crimes and fixing penalties in connection therewith; making an appropriation therefor; said fund to be used to aid Municipalities in the construction of water drainage, sewer and sewage disposal systems, etc. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that this communication be referred to the City Attorney and the City Engineer for study and report back to the Council. Carried. A co?:munication was read from Mr. Henry J. Reynolds, Secretary of the Lake Washington Good Roads Association, relative to the development of Good roads in this area and requesting the council's consideration in adopting the attached Resolution. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this Resolution be referred to the City Attorney, City Engineer and the Ordinance .._ Committee for further study and report back. Carried. RESOLUTION NO. 723, was read January 4, 1949 from the Puget Sound Power and Light Company authorizing the execution and delivery of a contract with the Puget Sound Power and Light Company for the furnishing of SODIUM VAPOR LIGHTING at the intersection of 3rd and Rainier Avenues, City of Renton. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Richardson, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign this contract upon the approval of the City Attorney. Carried. The City Treasurer requested council approval for payment of the following bills: Addressograph—Multigraph Corporation — 466.86 Diebold Incorporated — 217.54 1 — D24091--24 FF Accounting machine Underwood Corporation — 2997.34 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli,, that this be referred to the Finance Committee and City Attorney with Power to Act. Carried. RESOLUTION NO. 724 presented by the Ordinance Committee was read, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, that in fulfilment of Real Estate contract entered into by and between William F. Bennett and Lavina Bennett, his wife, as sellers, and the City of Renton as purchaser, pursuant to Resolution No. 710, adopted by this Council October 19 1948, there is hereby appropriated from Cumulative Fund No. 1183 the sum of 000.00 and the City Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay and disburse said sum, to be paid to afore— said sellers in full performance and payment of all obligations of the City of Renton under said contract, etc. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Delaurenti, that this Resolution be adopted as read. Carried. RESOLUTION NO. 725 presented by the Ordinance Committee was read, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, thatthesum of $115.74 be and is hereby transferred from the Current &pense Fund to Local 198 Improvement District Fund No. 225, in payment of assessments made against the City of Renton by the Assessment Roll of Local Improvement District No. 225, as " duly confirmed. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Freyman, that this Resolution be adopted as read. Carried. A RESOLUTION Presented by the Ordinance Committee was read, BE IT OMAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, that it is the intention of the City Council to order the improvement of alleys, streets and sewers in the City of Penton as follows in the area south of C.M. & St. Paul Railway Company, from Shattuck Street to the westerly city limits, by construction and installation of sanitary sewers. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that this Resolution be referred to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney. Carried. The following recommendations were read from the Traffic Division �.. of the Renton Police Department: 1. THAT A SCHOOL BUS ONLY parking zone be designated on the SW corner of 4th Avenue North. Curb to be painted yellow. 2. Replace the present STOP SIGN on 2nd Avenue at Burnett Street with an illuminated STOP SIGN. 3. Install a guard rail or bulk-head parallel to R.R., tracks on the west side of tracks on Burnett Street from 3 rd Avenue. 4. Install a sign STREET ENDS on Burnett Street at 4th Avenue North facing east. 5. Erect barricades and warning signs at the N.E. corner of Airport where Cedar River empties into the Lake. 6. Install STOP SIGNS on Wells and.. Williams at 4th Avenue. 7, Install STOP SIGN on Burnett Street at the intersection of 4th Avenue and Walla Walla near the Eagle Tavern, sign to be white blocks cemented to the pavement. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Baxter, that items Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that the recommendation of the Traffic Division of the Renton Police Department on item No. 6, be concurred in. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the City Engineer be instructed to replace the sign as recommended in item No. 7. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the City Attorney and the Ordinance Committee be instructed to prepare and present an Ordinance supple- menting or amending STOP SIGN Ordinances. Carried. A communication was read from Perry H. Mitchell, publisher, advising the City Council that the Renton Chronicle was withdrawing its bid submitted December 21s 1948 for the publication of City legals for the year 1949. This communication was ordered filed. The City Engineer advised the Council that the Northern Pacific Railway Company had proposed a pedestrian underpass crossing on the north side of the Rail- way bridge over Cedar River which would permit the underpass walk to be continued under the highway bridge on Logan Street in order that pedestrians would be pro- tected from both rail and highway traffic. Moved by Reid, seconded by Freyman, that the proposal of the Northern Pacific Railway Company be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and the City Engineer for further study and report back. Carried. The Ways and Means Committee reported that the application of Messrs. Mellinger of the Renton Ambulance Service, relative to their communication that the City of Renton contract for a year's ambulance service, had been investigated and recommended that this proposal be rejected. Moved by Freyman., seconded by Swift, that the recommendation be concurred in and referred to the New Renton Hospital and the City Clerk be instructed to notify Messrs. Mellinger regarding Council action. Carried. The City Attorney requested and was granted more time relative to presenting an Ordinance governing the speed of traffic in the vicinity of Dunlap Canyon Road at the westerly line of the City limits, and also study the Ordinance from the City of Los Angeles re SERVE YOURSELF GASOLINE STATIONS, etc. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that with the con— sent of the Councils the Council Committee meeting scheduled for January 11" 1949 for a discussion re the proposition of the City of Fenton purchasing the Maple— wood Water Companys be postponed until January 17, 1949 at 8:00 otclock P.M.., in the Council Chambers, and that the City Clerk be instructed to notify all parties concerned relative to the change of date. Carried. The City Clerk requested council's approval for payment of the following bills: Payment of dues to Pension and Retirement Fund Payment for motorcycle for the Police Department Payment for truck for the Fire Department. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that this be re- ferred to the Finance Committee, City Attorney and City Clerk with Power to Act. Carried. The City Clerk presented the name of a proposed clerical assistant for his office, ( the salary for same having been allowed for in the 1949 budget), for council approval and requested that the Council authorize the employment of said person. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that the re— quest of the City Clerk be granted. Carried. After a discussion regarding the fact that the proposed employee for the Clerk's office, recommended by the City Clerk, did not live within the corporate limits of the City of Renton, it was moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the former motion granting the City Clerk's request in this matter be rescinded. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the City Clerk be instructed to advertise in the Local newspapers for a clerical Assistant with the required qualifications for the position to be filled, who resided within the corporate limits of the City of Renton and to report back the results to the Council. Carried. The City Attorney reported that he had been in communication with the officials of the City of Hoquiam and also the Association of Washington Cities in regard to plans for presenting a Bill to the forthcoming Legislature, recommending changes in the laws governing Cities of the Second Class. The City of Hoquiam is putting forward such a program and the Association of Washington Cities is cooperating. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Baxter, that the City Attorney be authorized to contact the City Attorney of Hoquiam and the prepare a Bill to be presented to the City Council for approval after which same will be forwarded to the Association of Washington Cities for the Association to present at the 1949 session of the State Legislature. Carried. Councilman Bruce advised the council that he had received a number of complaints from residents in the Renton area regarding the noise created by the jet propulsion experimental station of the Boeing Company located at the Shuffleton Plant and suggested that a letter be directed to the Boeing Company requesting their cooperation in eliminating or minimizing this disturbance. With the unanimous consent of the City Council the City Glerk was authorized to write said letter. Councilman Richardson, introduced the subject of the install— ation of fire hydrants on Renton Hill. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli" that this matter be referred to the Fire Light and Water Committee and the Fire Chief for investigation and report back. Carried. ..., The Finance Committee and Ways and Means Committee reported on their study of raising additional revenue for the City of Renton as follows and recommended that their recommendations be referred to individual committees for further study and report back: 1. Increase water rates 2. A charge for garbage service in the business districts of the City of Renton 3. Licensing of shuffleboards. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman that the recommen. 400 cc C4. w j RwRi{ dation to increase water rates be referred to the Fire Light and Water Committee " for study and to report back their recommendations. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the suggested charge for garbage service in the business districts of the City of Renton be re- ferred to the Mayor and Superintendent of Utilities to decide what committee should study this recommendation. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the licensing of shuffleboards be referred to the Police and License Committee for study and to report back their recommendations. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson,; that the City Clerk be instructed to direct, a ltter to the employees of the Street Department of the City of Renton expressing the appreciation of the Mayor and City Council for their efforts in maintaining the streets of the City of Renton in a safe condition for traffic during the recent cold spell. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Baxter, that the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney prepare and present an Ordinance pertaining to the bonding of persons making LOCKS AND KEYS in the City of Renton. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: CURRENT Payroll Office $1032,60 3718-28 Payroll Engineers 624.20 28-33 Payroll F.D. 2681.91 34x-55 Payroll P.D. 3061.20 56-78 Statewide City Employees Retirement System Pension 850.00 79 Assoc. of Wash. Cities Dues 460.00 80 Western Union Tel. Co. P.D. Ebcpense 4.97 81 Payroll Garbage 699.33 82-88 Payroll St. Cleaning 264.36 89-92 W.AT R Payroll Office 347.70 7060-65 loop Wash. Tax. Commission Excise tax 428.38 66 Payroll Water 966.38 67-74 CITE STREETS Payroll Office 105.00 4533-34 Payroll City Streets 1500.90 4535-50 SEWER DISPOSAL Payroll Sewer Disposal 625.30 1374,-81 Payroll " " 113.80 82 PARK Payroll Park 339.48 1066-69 AI RPO RT Payroll Airport 331.72 563=66 ATHLETIC Payroll Athletic 208.11 353v55 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gigli, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. Ci Clerk Ma r. 6i?d 0 1 Renton, Wach January 18, 1949 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order, Mayor Perry H. Mitchell presiding. ROLL CALL: BAXTER, BRUCE, HAGEN, DELAURENTI, FREYMAN, GIGLI, HANSEN, REID, RICHA RDSON, SWIFT, TAMBORINI AND TRIMM. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the minutes of the meeting January 4, 1949 be approved as corrected. Carried. APPLICATI(VS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT: NO. AMOUNT NAME LOCATION TYPE WORK 633 300.00 Dora Hurt 106 E. Willis, Kent, Wn. Move building 34 1000.00 Elmer Varner 124 Park Repair building 35 100.00 William Dale 449 Wells St. No. Tear down garage 36 100.00 Harry Dickeson 8436 Langston Rd. Wiring & Plumbing 37 100.00 Oscar Alila 415 Williams Erect Utility room 38 100.00 Evans Estate 1008 3rd Avenue Remodeling 39 800.00 Ralph Herman 708 Renton Remodel basement 40 100.00 Covey Bros. 3rd & Morris Remodel 41 400.00 Mrs. M. Lee 429 N. Williams Remodel & repair 42 700.00 City of Renton (Joe Steiner) Park & Bronson Way Erect (3) signs 43 100.00 W. 0. Gallway 12447 141st Place Const. chimney 44 5000.00 Art King 107 Williams Erect duplex 45 700.00 Olive Guitteau 13257 Rainier Erect garage 46 1000.00 Sutton & Eckle 2nd & Williams Erect sign 47 350.00 J. J. Rauma 121 Wells Remodel furnace 48 100.00 Tom Nelson 116 Park Remodel part of building. APPLICATIONS FOR.CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT: NAME ADDRESS FOR OCCUPANCY AS Al's used Furniture Store 1008 3rd Furniture Store Frank Tonkin 307-7 Wells Beer Tavern Edmond Cross 116 Park Radio Sales & Service With the unanimous consent of the Council, Mayor Mitchell dispensed with the regular order of business to hear Messrs. John E. Van Amburgh, Chief Sanitarian and John Gerrard of the King County Department of Public Health, give a resume of the work that has been accomplished in the inspection of restaurants, meat markets and grocery stores in this community. Mr. Van Amburgh advised that offices have beenestablished at the New Renton Hospital to be opened from 8:00 a.m., to 5;00 p.m., through the week and is to be known as the SOUTHEAST DISTRICT HEALTH CENTER. Mr. Gerrard to be in charge. Councilman Baxter recommended that the number of the Renton Health and Sanitation Ordinance be printed on the permits issued to firms operating in the City of Renton. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Baxter, that the recommendation be concurred in and this be referred to the Finance Committee fox their recommendation as to the best means of cooperating with King County Health Department to best serve the City of Renton. Carried. A communication was read from Mrs. A. Neuberger, 526 — Pelly Avenue, Renton, Wash., enclosing a statement of expenses incurred as a result of an injury sustained by tripping on a broken sidewalk in the 400 block on Pelly Avenue. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that this matter be referred to the City Attorney and Finance Committee with Power to Act, and that the sidewalk in question be re— ferred to the City Engineer for investigation and report back. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. Frank J. Tonkin, requesting a Certificate of Occupancy for a tavern to be located at 307J Wells Street and also making application for a license for pin ball machines to be installed at the same location. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the request for a Certificate of Occupancy be granted and the application for a license for pin ball machines be referred to the Police and License Committee with Power to Act. Carried. A NATIONAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL PROGRAM was read which was proposed by the United States Public Health Service, Washington, D. C., to assist States, Municipalities W AW ;� and interstate agencies in the control of water pollution caused by sewage and . : industrial wastes, said program to be carried out under Public Law No. 845 passed by the 80th Congress on June 30, 1949. Under this law, the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service under the supervision and direction of the Federal Security Administrator, will provide financial and technical assistance to the States and political subdivisions thereof in the formulation and execution of their water pollution control programs. The City Attorney recommended that a resolution be prepared asking the State Legislature to pass a water pollution control measure to work in conjunction with the National Public Law No. 845. Moved by Reid, seconded by Freyman, that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. The City Clerk requested authorization to pay the sum of $812.16 to Mr. Davis, the authorized agent handling the Insurance for the City of Renton, ... Upon the recommendation of the City Attorney that calling for bids for the insurance for the City of Renton, was not necessary, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Temborini, that the recommendation of the City Attorney be concurred_ in and the amount of ,°'812.16 be allowed and ordered paid on Insurance Policy No. 49-15724, to the Northwestern Mutual Fire Association. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Fire Department Committee recommendin the names of Drs. John Vukov, Rudolph Heilpern and M. J. Schultz, to serve their Department under the Firemants Pension and Retirement Law. Moved by Reid, seconded by Baxter, that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. A communication was read from Vincent Stewart, Chief of Police of the Renton Police Department, requesting that bids be callyd for 3-1949 model cars to replace the present prowler cars and attaching specifications for same. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that this be referred to the Property Committee, Finance Committee and Chief of Police with Power to Act. Carried. A communication was read from THE EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF FrENTON, challenging the Mayor and the members of the City Council to a basketball F.RF'E THROW CONTEST, sponsore by the March of Dimes Committee, to be held January 20, 1949 at the Renton Hight School gymnasium at 7:30 otelock p.m., Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gigli, that the challenge be accepted and Councilman Freyman be appointed the Captain of the Mayor and City Council team. Carried. A communication was read from the Planning Commission advising that a meeting was held with the Commissioners of Waterway District No. 2, to discuss problems facing them in respect to Cedar River. The Planning Commission recommended that a committee be appointed to work with Messrs. Tom Dobson, Alden See and Jim Denzer, the committee appointed by the Planning Comissicn to study the problems of King County Waterway District No. 2 and recommended further planning for flood control. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Baxter, that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. Councilman Tamborini, advised that he had contacted King County Commissioners regarding bulkheads above the Newcastle bridge and recommended that a letter be directed to Mr. Les. Evans regarding the possibility of securing flood control funds for this work. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Delaurenti, that the City Clerk be instructed to contact Les. Evans relative to securing flood control money for this work. Carried. After a general discussion relative to the purchasing of the Maplewood Water Company for $17,500.00 by the City of Fenton., it was moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Fire Light and Water Committee and the City Engineer for further study before a final decision is made and that the Maplewood Improvement Club be contacted to ascertain if the residents of Maplewood would be willing to establish a Local Improvement District for the pur— pose of bearing their share of the expense involved in the purchase of said water system. The Fire Light and Water Committee recommended that the City of Renton Water Department place and connect the water pipe at the actual cost for the Renton Hill Water Association, no other responsibility to be assumed by the City of Renton; all other work to be done by the contractor that the Renton Hill Water Association employs for the job. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. Representatives of the Talbot Hill Water District No. 7$ requested permission to use the property at the City Reservoir for the construction of a pressure tank to serve the residents on top of the hill, the use of the site for the pressure tank to be installed and operated by Talbot Hill Water District No. 78 at their own expense, to be partially offset or wholly so, by adjustment of the Water District assessment against the City reservoir property. Moved by Ricyardson.. seconded by Trimm, with the approval of the Superintendent of Utilities that every assistance be given and that the Committee be notified that permission is granted to use the property in question. Carried. RESOLUTION NO. 725 was presented by the City Attorney, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON: SECTICN 1. That the offer of A. I. Lagreide and wife to sell certain Lake Washington tide lands to the City of Renton, with grant of ingress and egress ease- ment at a price of $2500.00 determined by the Board of arbitrators as its fair value, be accepted. SECTION 2. That the City Treasurer is authorized to disburse the sum of $2500.00 from the AIRPORT SEAPLANE RAMP CONSTRUCTION FUND in payment for said property upon receipt of a proper warranty deed conveying same to the City. AND SUCH FURTHER sum as may be required to obtain a title insurance policy title thereto in the City. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, that this Resolution be adopted as read. Carried. A PROPOSED ORDINANCE was read an ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON REGULATING THE LOCKSMITHS AND THE MANUFACTURING OF LOCKS AND KEYS FOR SALE IN THE CITY OF RENTON. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Reid, that this Ordinance be re- ferred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. The Ordinance Committee requested and was granted more time on this Ordinance before placing on its second and final readings. The Street and Alley Committee recommended in regard to the Police Department's request for a SCHOOL BUS ONLY PARKING ZONE on 4th Avenue North, that the School bus use Garden Street and keep 4th Avenue open for all traffic. .r. The Street and Alley Committee recommended that the request of the Police Department for an illuminated stop sign at 2nd Avenue on the west side of Burnett Street be denied and that a STOP STRIPE be painted across the South half of 2nd Avenue West on Burnett Street and that the present STOP SIGN be moved back to a more visible location for the traffic. The Street and Alley Committee recommended in regard to the Police Department's request, the installation of a guard rail or bulkhead parallel to R.F.., tracks on the west side of tracks on Burnett Street from 3 ad Avenue, THAT inas much as the Northern Pacific Railroad were protesting, that they be required to install this bulkhead on their own property. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the recommendations be concurred in. Carried. The Street and Alley Committee as per the request of the Police Department, recommended the installation of a sign STREET END where the west end of 4th Avenue North is discontinued because of the Northern Pacific Railway grade. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. The Street and Alley Committee recommended the erection of barricades and warning signs at the N.E. corner of Airport where Cedar River empties into the Lake. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freymanr that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. .�, The Street and Alley Committee requested and was granted more time regarding the proposal of the Northern Pacific Railway Company relative to a pedestrian underpass crossing on the north side of the Railway bridge over Cedar River which would permit the underpass walk to be continued under the highway bridge on Logan Street in order that pedestrians would be protected from both rail and highway traffic. The Fire Light and Water Committee requested and was granted more time relative to - - 1. Contacting the Fire Cheif regarding the installation of Fire hydrants on Renton Hill. 2., Studying the recommendation of the Finance Committee and 204 Ways and Means Committee that the water rates of the City of Renton be in— creased. The Police and License Committee requested and was granted more time relative to studying the recommendation of the Finance Committee and Ways and Means Committee re the licensing of shuffleboards. The City Engineer advised that the cost of black topping along the Northern Pacific Railroad from 2nd Avenue to 3rd Avenue on the west side of the tracks would be approximately $3000.00. This would include excavation and back fill with gravel for foundation and a 3 inch coat of black top. After a dis— cussion it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Engineer be instructed to contact the Northern Pacific Railroad regarding this matter and ALSO that the cost of the above black topping be included as one of the projects for the matching funds to be received from the State; this to be referred to the City Attorney. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the Northern Pacific Railway Company be requested to dedicate sixteen (16) feet of their right—of— way west of the Railway track between 2nd and 3rd Avenues for the purpose of widening and black topping in order to eliminate congestion over this portion of this street which is part of State Highway No. 2. Carried. The City Attorney recommended that the communication from Mr. Henry J. Reynolds, Secretary of the LAKE WASHINGTON GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION, relative to the development of good roads in this area, etc., be tabled until further notice. The City Attorney requested and was granted more time relative to preparing an Ordinance supplementing or amending STOP SIGN ORDINANCES and pre— senting an Ordinance governing the speed of traffic in the vicinity of Dunlap Canyon Road, etc. The City Attorney recommended that a committee be delegated to assist him in the study and approving of the bill received from the City Attorney at Hoquiam relative to CHANGES IN LAWS GOVERNING CITIES OF A SECOND CLASS. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Mayor, City Clerk, City Attorney, Councilmen Hansen and Reid, and any other council member that desires to attend .. this meeting be appointed to study the aforementioned bill and with Power to Act. Carried. Moved by Reid, seconded by Swift, that the matter of employing a clerical assistant for the City Clerk's office be left in the hands of the City Clerk to take whatever action he deemed proper. Carried. Mayor Mitchell was granted more time relative to the recommendation of the Finance Committee and Ways and Means Committee, that the Mayor and Superintendent of Utilities decide what Committee should study their recommen— dations concerning A CHARGE FOR GARBAGE SERVICE IN THE CITY OF RENTON BUSINESS DISTRICTS, relative to raising additional revenue for the City of Renton. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that January 25, 1949 at 7:30 o'clock p.m., be set as the date for the City Council as a Committee to meet in the council Chambers with the Recreation Council for discussion of problems. Carried. RESOLUTION NO. 726 was presented by the City Attorney, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, that the City Council of the City of Renton, does approve the bill proposed for adoption by the State Legislature providing for creation of a Washington State Municipal Revolving Fund uo make loans to Cities for construction of water systems and sewage and drainage systems; and recommends adoption of such legislation. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Richardson, that the Resolution as read be adopted. Carried. Fire Chief Lawrence requested council approval for the installation of 'phone service between the Renton Fire Station and Kennydale Fire Station, this approval asked because of the inadequate facilities at Kennydale and the lack of manpower to operate the fire department efficiently — the Renton Fire Department could render the required service at no additional expense to the City; Kennydale agrees to pay for all expenses incurred for installing this service. Moved b Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti that this be referred to the Fire Light and Water Committee, City Attorney and the Fire Chief for investi— gation and report back at the next council meeting. Carried. 205 Fire Chief Lawrence requested that some action be taken by the Council to improve the heating system in the Fire Station, that their present coal burning system is consuming 10 tons of coal every 15 days during the cold weather. The City Hall heating system was also discussed. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the above matters be referred to the Property Committee, Fire Chief and the City Engineer for investigation and report back. Carried. Councilman Swift, advised that there are no directional signs to indicate where through traffic should turn at 8th Avenue North and Logan Street. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that this be referred to the Fire Light and Water Committee and Street and Alley Committee for investigation .� and report back. Carried. Councilman Swift recommended to the Council that an effort be made to work out a system for constructions, repairs and other types of work performed by the different Departments, whereby a record and check could be kept through triplicate work order form of the work performed, etc., that might otherwise be overlooked. Moved by Swift, seconded by Bruce, that this problem be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for study on the possibility of such a plan and to report back at the next council meeting. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Engineer be instructed to estimate the cost of black topping Morris Street from 2nd Avenue to 3rd Avenue and to check into the possibility of securing State matching funds for same and investigate the possibility of the property holders adjacent to the improvement assuming a portion of the expense. Carried. Councilman Bruce suggested that the City should immediately investigate the possibility of King County Public Utility Districts being formed in order to be in a position to see that the City of Renton does not suffer from such activity and that if it became imperative for self—protection, that the City be prepared to handle its own distribution system for light and power. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the City Attorney be requested to check into this problem and report back to the Council. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: CURRENT J. E. Morrison Engr. Expense 160.00 3793 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Seattle Tel. 86.32 94 Payroll Engineers 527.50 95-99 Payroll Off.ce 900.73 3800-10 Payroll P.D. 2788.34 11-34 Payroll F.D. 2352.31 35-58 Payroll Mayor & Council. 456.21 59--71 John C. Tucker Dog Pound Expense 10.00 72 King County Medical Feb. dues 277.75 73 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. t:hones 189.08 74 Payroll Garbage 629.20 75-82 Payroll St. Cleaning 275.49 83-86 WATER Payroll Office 417.88 7075-81 King County Medical Feb. dues 35.00 82 Payroll Water 919.21 83-90 CITY STREETS Payroll Office 105.00 4551-2 King County Medical Feb. dies 41.50 53 Payroll City. Streets 1585.09 54-68 SEWER DISPOSAL Jeanette Diede Clerical Assistance 30.00 1383 Floyd Shaff It " 30.00 84 Payroll Disposal Plant 598.34 85-92 King County Medical Feb. dues 27.75 93 Payroll Wallace Barnes 109.79 94 PARK Payroll Park 403.72 1070-74 King County Medical Feb. dues 15.75 75 AIRPORT Payroll Airport 382.18 567-69 King County Medical Feb. dues 4.00 70 C. Bevan Expense 2.32 71 c 20(; ATHLETIC Payroll Athletic 186.68 356-58 King County Medical Feb. dues 11.25 59 LIB RAR Coll. of Int. Revenue Withholding tax 176.50 1659 Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Insurance 1.59 60 The Caxton Printers Books 14.00 61 Thomas. Y. Crowell Co. Books 10.35 62 Doubleday & Co. Books 19.42 63 J. K. Gill Co. Books 53.74 64 David McKay Co. Books 12.07 65 The MacMillan Co. Books 140.74 66 Puget Sound News Co. Books 123.71 67 Renton News Record Supplies 49.57 68 Time Subscription 13.00 69 The H. Wilson Co. Books 7.00 70 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 17.07 71A Payroll Library 644.41 72-81 King County Medical Feb. dues 4.00 82 CUMULATIVE FUND #1182 Chapman Bros. Signal Lights 1531.48 18 AIRPORT SEAPLANE RAMP FUND A.S. Lagriede & Wife Real Estate 2500.00 3 Moved by r'ichardson, seconded by Tamborini, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. CiClerkd Y or. 207 Renton, Wash 1 February, 1949 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order, Mayor Perry H. Mitchell presiding. Councilmen present at roll call were: Baxter, Swift, Delaurenti, Bruce, Freyman, Hansen, Hagen, Trimm, Reid, Gigli, Richardson, and Tamborini. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen that the minutes of the Council meeting on 18 January, 1949 be approved as written. Carried. Mr. Girard From the King County Health Office appeared before the Council regarding City of Renton Ordinance #1303 and permit forms to be issued to restaurants, grocery stores, meat markets, etc., as per requirements of said Ordinance. Mr. Girard requested permission to print a sufficient supply of said Ordinances and permit forms for use in the City of Renton; the expense of said printing to be borne by King County Health Office. He was instructed to carry out this work as outlined. A communication was read by the City Clerk from the State of 4a.shington Pollution Control Commission regarding House Bill #119, relating to loans to municipalities. Communication ordered filed. A communication from the State of Washington Finance Committee was read concerning State voucher forms for payment of X14,721.22 to the City of Renton as matching funds for traffic signal lights and street lights on Second Avenue. The City Clerk stated that he had signed and forwarded the vouchers and a certified copy of Resolution #721 to the State Finance Committee as per. request. Communication ordered filed. A communication from the State Department of Highways was read requesting that the City Council insert the words "Per Month" in Resolution #719 after figures 11$12.5011, the amount to be deducted from gasoline tax allotments for the City of Renton. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that the Mayor, City Attorney and City Clerk be delegated power to act regarding this request. Carried. A discussion was held concerning Resolution #719, establishing the fact that a bill .�. was going to be introduced in the State Legislature requiring the State to assume the maintenance of all traffic lights on arterial highways. A petition was read requesting the paving of Morris Street between Second Avenue and Third Avenue asking for such work to be done as is necessary and requesting that an application be made for matching funds from the State Finance Committee. The above—named street to be widened to approximately 40 feet when so improved. The petition was signed by property owners adjacent to the proposed improvement. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Delaurenti that the petition be granted and that the City Attorney prepare a Resolution of Intention for an L.I.D. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the City Engineer, the Street & Alley Committee, and Ways and Means Committee estimate the cost of said work and report back to the City Council. Carried. A communication was read from Mayor Calloway of Sumner in regard to Civil Service Bill #136. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce that the City Clerk send a telegram, followed by a letter, to the proper Legislative Committees at Olympia, stating that the City Council of Renton favors the passage of this bill only if the Police and Fire Departments are omitted from the text of the bill. Carried. A request was read from Frank J. Tonkin for a permit to have a shuffleboard installed in the Turf Tavern, 307 [Jells Street, Penton. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman that the request be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act on same. Carried. Mr. William Roberts made a request for a master license and sub-licenses to operate coin—operated phonographs in 32 establishments in Renton. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Bruce that the request be referred to the Police & License Committee with Power to Act. Carried. A request was read from Steven K. Zerr, 3018 6th Ave., No. for permission to operate combination cigarette & gum ball machines in ten establishments in Renton. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Baxter, that the machines be investigated by the Police 08 � & License Committe and their findings reported back to the City Council. Carried. A communication was read from Renton School District #403, Penton, regarding the water bill at the Sartori School, received January 10, 1949. Due to a bad leak in the water line between the meter and the building; their bill for water amounted to $158.18, whereas the average monthly bill is x$5.00. It was requested that the City make an adjustment on the bill as the Sartori School received no benefit from the water. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Gigli, that the request be granted and the December, 1948 and January, 1949 bills be reduced to the amount of the average monthly bill. This consideration to be granted in lieu of the fact that the public schools are non—profit public institutions, supported only by taxes paid by the public. Motion Carried. Resolutions made at the last Planning Commission meeting held on 19 January, 1949 were read (1) "We .recommend to the City Council the approval of the revised plat of the Earlington property in the area of the old Earlington Clubhouse, as per the drawing submitted to the City Engineer and such approval be subject to the minimum area for roads as approved by the City Engineer. (2) "We recommend to the City Council that they do not approve the re— zoning petition of Nicholas Puhich from residential to commercial of the area described in said petition, but suggest that they be granted a permit to build as non—conformants under specifications and approval of the City Engineer for a specified occupancy, and a permit of occupancy be granted for its use." Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman that the City Council concur in the re— commendation of the Renton Planning Commission concerning the revised platting of the Earlington property which was formerly occupied by and adjacent to the old Earlington Clubhouse. Carried. After a discussion on the recommendation of the Planning Commission regarding the petition of Nicholas Puhich to rezone certain property in Earlington from residential to commercial, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be concurred in. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Hansen that the motion be amended to allow further time for a study of this question and that the same be considered at a later date by the Council. A vote on the amendment being called, the amendment carried. On the motion, the motion lost. A letter was read from the City of Renton Building Department regarding the < application of C.L. Matthie, 100 — 3rd Avenue for a Certificate of Occupancy. Por. Matthie wishes to operate a service station, saw and lawnmower sharpening and key shop at that location. The key shop is mounted on a movable truck, the filing shed on a trailer and a trailer is to be used for living quarters. The wiring and sewer are in bad condition and will require action by the Building Department before a Certificate of Occupancy can be issued. Mr. Lee Hanson and Mr. Frank Collman appeared before the Council protesting the granting of the above—mentioned Certificate of Occupancy to Mr. Matthie. They stated that the sewage system in that locality at the present time was not adequate to handle the additional service required, and that the location was not suitable for parking trailer, either for business activities or for living quarters. _ After a discussion as to why this matter was brought before the council, Mr. Denzer explained that the letter was written because the Building Department felt that the council should interpret the scope of authority and the duty of the Building Department to act on said petition for a Certificate of Occupancy, said petition being quite complicated in regard to reconciling same to the re— quirements of the existing Ordinances. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Hansen, that the City Engineer be instructed to issue no Certificate of Occupancy to Mr. Matthie for the use of the above— named location and request Mr. Matthie to remove the trailers which he had located on the said property without permission from the Building Department or the City and that the City Engineer and Fire Chief be requested to submit a report regarding the necessity of condemning buildings at this location 209 which are considered fire hazards and are of unsound construction. Carried. k A discussion on the cost of Cleaning the culvert which is plugged up' in tie Old Black River channel at 3rd and Rainier was held. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the City Engineer be instructed to investigate and report back to the council on the cost of cleaning out and opening up the culvert. Carried. The minutes of the Committee meeting of 27 January , 1949 were read regarding the complaints of noise at the Shuffleton Plant of Puget Sound Power and Light Company. The minutes were discussed by the Council and ordered filed. Communication from Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific R�ilroad Company was read concerning the complaint of the Council to the Company about the excessive smoke escaping from locomotives. The Company explained they would correct the condition immediately. Communication ordered filed. Annual Deport of the Library read. It was discussed briefly by the Council and ordered filed. Committee report on the meeting of the Recreational Council, Park Board and City Council of 25 January, 1949 was read. City Clerk reported he had contacted Mr. Hazen of the School Board and he stated that he would report back to the Committee on the action taken after the School Board meeting of 17 February, 1949. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Delaurenti, that the City Clerk cooperate with Superintendent Oliver Hazen, School District #403, in arranging for a meeting of the different committees and report the action of same back to the City Council as soon as the Committee have met and made out a report. Carried. Fire Chief Lawrence invited the City Council to attend the Puget Sound Firemen's Meeting at the Fire Station next Tuesday, 8 February, 1949. 14r. Richardson stated there were several bills being considered by the Legislature in Olympia that the City Council should investigate. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that House Bills #239, #179 and Senate Bills #117 and #123 should be referred to the City Attorney and Senate Bills #112 and #126 should be re- ferred to Mr. McHugh and that they were requested to explain ghe same to the City Council with their recommendations regarding the approval of certain bills by the Council. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: CURRENT Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. 'Phones 24.75 3887 PAYROLL Engineer 567.54 88-92 Payroll Office 989.44 93-3904 Payroll Fire Dept. 2700.00 05-26 Payroll P. Dept. 2920.58 27-50 Amer. Blue Print Co. Engr. Expense 14.02 51 Automatic Deodorant Co. C.H. Expense 2.00 52 Charles Bruning Co. Inc. Engr. Expense 6.12 53 Art Burnside & Co. P.D. Expense 94.11 54 H.L. Collier P.D. "' 3.89 55 Colling Publishing Co. Engr. " 3.50 56 Carl Cook's Service P.D. Expense 2.73 57 Wiley Crook Expense, Postage 15.67 58 Custer Hardware Co. Expense 7.26 59 Robert D. Eckman P.D. Expense 35.00 60 Dorothea Gossett Expense, Postage 12.06 61 Harper-Meggee, Inc. P.D. Expense 1.11 62 King County Water Dist.#69 P.D. Expense 1.00 63 Kuker-Ranken, Inc. Engr. Expense 15.62 64 The Lumber Market C.H. Garbage Exp. 26.67 65 Mathewson's Renton Tire Shop Garbage Expense 12.48 66 Matt's Motor Shop P.D. Expense 11.84 67 Kathie Fixit Shop P.D. "' 5.56 68 Nudleman Brothers, Inc. P.D. "' 31.22 69 Pac. Coast Stamp Works P.D. " 48.05 70 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Seattle Phone 85.78 71 Paramount Pest Control H. 0. Expense 10.00 72 --P.S.P. & -Light Co. St. Lights 1024.21 73 Radiotelephone Sbrvice Go. P.D. Expense 27.17 74 Service Laundry & Dr. Clnrs. P.D. Expense 20.59 75 Vincent Stewart P.D. " 3.30 76 Sunray ,Service Sales C.H. Expense 31.21 77 Treasurer, U.S.A. Garbage Expense 4.1.67 78 210 CUTTMT CONT t D ` Treasurer, U.S.A. Garbage Expense 41.67 3979 ' Trick & Murray Expenes-Outlay 132.27 80 United Jan, Supply C.H. Expense 73.39 81 Valley Window Clnrs. C.H. " 19.65 82 Warshals P.D. "' 249.78 83 Waters Expense 52.43 84 West Disinfecting Co. Expense 62.01 85 Western Tire Service P.D. Expense 14.73 86 C.S.Williams P.D. " 6.29 87 Mrs. Mary Williams Health Dept, Expense 72.00 88 VOID VOID ----- 89 Payroll Garbage 691.38 90-96 Payroll St. Cleaning 238.89 97-99 Statewide Retirement System, Pension 2994.70 4000. Chapman Bros. 2ND AVE ST. LIGHT FUND 1225.70 4.01 WATER Payroll Office 290.54 7091-95 Cochran Hdwre.Co. Expense 15.45 96 Custer Hardware Co. Expense 1.80 97 H.D. Fowler Co. Expense 254.40 98 Huletz Elec. Co., Inc. " 4.91 99 Matthie Fixit Shop 4.84 7100 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 712.47 01 Seattle Water Dept. Water 74.24 02 Sherman Supply Co. Expense 16.41 03 Standard Oil Co. Expense 3.56 04 Trick & Murray Expense 16.45 05 Waters Treas. Expense 14.84 06 Dept. of Conserv. Expense 6.00 07 King County Auditor Expense 3.00 08 Payroll Wader 990.31 09-16 CITY STREETS Payro4 Office 184.00 4569-71 Sound Paint Mfg. Co. Expense 16.07 72 Payroll City Streets 1651.88 73-88 SEWER DISPOSAL Payroll Sewer Disposal 566.12 1395-1402 Ralph B. Carter Co. Expense 21.72 03 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 200.13 04 United Janitor Supply Expense 14.94 05 Wallace H. Barnes Salary 116.56 06 PA RK Payroll Park 346.85 1077-80 Custer Hardware Co. Expense 7.99 81 C.Haleway Expense 2.31 82 The Lumber Market Expense 31.10 83 P.S.P.& Light Co. Power 4.96 84 Williams & Swanson Outlay 3017.30 85 AIRPORT Payroll Airport 365.56 572-74 Cochran Builders Supply Exnense 17.77 75 Diesel Oil. Sales Co. Expense 245.95 76 Holmes Electric Expense 2.71 77 The Lumber Market Expense 9.69 78 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 123.65 79 Seattle Water Dept. Water 57.20 80 ATHLETIC Payroll Athletic 191.77 360-62 Frank W.Audsley & Co. Expense 9.79 63 Custer Hardware Expense 19.76 64 Ivan W. Lee Expense 28.74 65 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 72.52 66 The letter shop (Fxnense)AIRPORT SEAPLANE RAMP FUND 10.82 4 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Trimm, that the City Council meeting be recessed until. Tuesday, 8 February, 1949. Carried. WAlev Crook Cit Clerk Mayo - Per . Mitchel . 2 1 .A. Renton, ?,lash 8 February, 1949 The recessed meeting of the City Council was called to Order, Mayor Perry H. Mitchell presiding. ROLL CALL: BAXTER, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN, HAGAN, TRIMM, REID, GIGLI, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hagen, that the minutes of the meeting 1 February, 1949 be approved as corrected. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERIITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. N0. AMOUNT NAME LOCATION TYPE WORK 649 500.00 Bernard C. Thomas 36 Logan St Wire garage 50 100.00 Brendel Estate 3rd & Wells Remodeling (for Don Shaw) 51 400.00 Temme Bldg. 3rd & Wells Remodel store 52 400.00 Renton Investors 315 Williams Move front door 53 100.00 John Weber 544 Wells No. ?Dire house 54 700.00 Argana Bldg. 613 3rd Ave Remodel 55 1000.00 Mary Claar 407 Williams Remodel 56 100.00 Bob Clevenger 557 Shattuck Street Wire new house 57 100.00 Janet Butlet 500 Mill Street Wiring 58 100.00 Arthur A. Lucas 519 Airport Way Remodel basement 59 350.00 Clarence Kirkman 1207 3rd Ave Remodel furnace 60 350.00 Diesel Oil Sales Cor, Walla Walla Erect neon sign and Williams. 60A 400.00 Nate Davidson 205-21 3rd Ave Remodel 61 100.00 H. Sandal & G.Codiga 444 4th Ave 62 100.00 Clarence Kirkman 1207 3rd Ave Install range & heater 64 100.00 Pac. Tel & Tel. 227 Williams St. Remodel 63 100.00 Far West Photo Unit D. Mothers Park Install wiring 65 400.00 John Glowscheski 641 Park Erect hot house 66 100.00 Paul Ockwig 611 Smithers Install wiring APPLICATIONS FOR CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT NAME ADDRESS FOR OCCUPANCY AS Eastside Glass Co. 31 Tobin Ave General Glazing business Snappy Delivery Service 120 Logan St. Furniture Storage Dr. Howard Hall 613 3rd Ave Optomertristts office Renton Auto Wrecker 317 7th Ave Wrecking lot & parts Communication was read from the Earlington Women's Club calling attention to the hazard of crossing Dunlap Canyon Road at the intersection of 140th Street and 86th Avenue South, and requesting that a pedestrian crossing be installed at this locstion with a flash;ng caution signal and side sign reading "pedestrian crossing STOP WHEN OCCUPIED". Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti that the matter should be referred to the Street & Alley Committee and Superintendent of Utilities and their recommendations regarding this matter be brought back to the council as soon as possible. Carried. Communication was read from Renton Scenic Hill Community Club thanking City of Renton for keeping the hill open to traffic during the recent weather. It was recommended that a copy of this letter be posted on the City Garage bulletin board. r Communication was read from Boeing Airplane Company thanking the City Council for discussing the complaints of the night work at the Shu.ffleton Plant with Mr. Wiberg. Communication ordered. filed. Communication read from Renton Planning Co,rmission regarding rezoning petition of Nicholas Puhich stating they have not had a meeting since the communication was received from the City Council and that action will be taken on this matter at a later dated. 212 Communication was read from the Renton Aerie No. 17221, F.O.E., ; Renton, inviting the members of the City Administration to attend a City Employee's night, Wednesday, 16 Februarf, 1949 at 8:30 P.M., Communication ordered filed. Communication from the Association of Washington Cities was read acknowledging receipt of warrant in the amount of $460.00 for 1949 Service Fee in the Aseociation. Communication ordered filed. Communication was read from Messrs. Lee G. Hansen, S.M. Wiberg and Joe Gabalis regarding Time Oil Companyts property on Rainier Avenue at the Junction of Third Avenue, protesting the key shop and trailers now on the property, owned by C.K. Matthie. Mr. Reid said the Fire Chief had investigated and would make a report to the Council. Mr. Haugan, City Attorney, stated that he had investigated Group Insurance for City Employees as requested by Mr. George Sowers. The matter was ordered filed until Mr. Sowers appears before the Council at a later date. An application was read from the Fraternal Order of Eagles, Renton, requesting a sub-license for a coin-operated phonograph in the Eagles Club Room at 719 4th Avenue. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman that the matter be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Bill presented by Chapman Brothers for street lighting in the amount of J1,225.70. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce that the matter be re- ferred to the Finance Committee and Fire, Light and Water Committee with power to act. Carried. A short recess was ,asked by Councilman Richardson to discuss changes in Ordinances. Granted. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Perry H. Mitchell. RILL CALL: BAXTER, SWIFT, DELAUf?ENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN., HANSEN, HAGEN, TRIMM, REID, GIGLI, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. A PROPOSED ORDINANCE WAS SUBMITTED, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON REGULATING SPEED ON CERTAIN STREETS, AND AMENDING EXISTING ORDINANCES. This Ordinance would change the maximum lawful speed from twenty-five to •r thirty-five on Alternate Primary State Highway #2 (Dunlap Canyon Highway from Rainier Avenue to the Westerly City limits of Renton) . Moved by Baxter, seconded by Delaurenti, that the speed limit at the above location remain at twenty-five and a bigger sign be put in that area and the speed limit be en- forced by the Police Department. Carried, The City Clerk was requested to notify the Police Chief and Mr. McHugh regarding the above matter. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1337 an ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO, REGULATING, AND REQUIRING LICENSES OF, LOCKSMITHS, KEY MAKERS AND LOCKSMITH SHOPS: DEFINING OFFEIiCES, AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that Ordinance No. 1337 be placed on its second and final readings. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Baxter, that the Ordinance be passed as read. All Councilmen present voting aye - BAXTER, SWIFT, DELAIIRENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN., HAGF14, TRI144, REID, GIGLI, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. RESOLUTION N0. 727 was presented, WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of Washington be and is hereby requested to enact appropriate State legislation to enable cities to qualify for and receive financial and technical assistance benefits through the United States Public Health Service under Public law No. 845. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Freyman that the Resolution as read be adopted. Carried. RESOLUTION NO. 728 was presented, BE IT ORDAINED that it is the intention of the City Council to order the improvement of Morris Street from Second Avenue to Third Avenue by widening said street to a width of approx- imately forth feet, paving same, installing curbing and drains. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Richardson, that the resolution be adopted and a public hearing be held on 15 March, 1949. Carried. The City Attorney reported that he had contacted the Finance Committee with regard to the claim of Mrs. A. Neuberger, 526 Pelly Avenue, for injuries caused by tripping on a broken sidewalk. The City Attorney stated that the law requires a waiting period of 60 days on claims. 213 The City Attorney reported on the mater of black topping along Northern Pacific Railroad from 2nd Avenue to 3rd Avenue on the west side of the tracks. He stated that matching funds for street repairs are controlled by the State Finance Committee and could not be allocated to the City of Renton until said repairs have been provided for by the City of Renton and a contract let for same, or until an L.I.D. has been formed for such improvement. Mr. Haugan reported no action has been taken as yet on the recommen- dation of Councilman Bruce regarding the possibility of King County Public Utility Districts being formed. He requested and was granted more time on this matter. The City Attorney, Mr. Haugan, by previous request of the Council, re- ported on bills to be brought before the present Legislature affecting cities in the State of Washington. After the City Attorneyls report, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the City Attorney, Mayor and City Clerk dispatch communications to the Chairmen of the Senate and House Committees on Cities, Towns and Counties with the following recommendations by the City Council.. 1. The City Council opposes the passage of Senate Bill #123 substituting a Federal census after 1950 for State census figures are now used for a basis of allocation of monies to Cities and towns. 2. Also that the City Council is opposed to the passage of House Bill #239 relating to formation of a combined City-County corporation as the Council feels that the City of Renton as a part of King County, along with the rest of the County outside Seattle, would be adversely affected by such legislation and wishes to re- gister a protest against same. 3. That the Council favors the passage of Senate Bill #117, which would authorize cities and towns to provide off-street parking facilities for motor vehicles as the Council considers the passage of this bill would be a definite help in solving traffic problems. 4. The Council is in favor of the passage of House Bill #179 which would authorize cities and towns to require abutting property owners to construct and repair sidewalks or to have said work done at the owner's expense. The Council considers that said bill or similar legislation would be a definite benefit to all cities and towns. 5. The Council further considers that Senate Bill #52 providing for higher maximum limits on salaries in second-class cities and Senate Bill #60 providing for election of certain officers in second-class cities, should each be passed because the salary limitations fixed many years ago for officials of second-class cities are in some instances extremely unfair to the City personnel involved at the present time and also that the officers of second-class cities should be elective as in third-class cities rather than being appointive. Senate Bills #112 and #126 were referred back to Mr. McHugh to give him more time and it was requested that he report on them at the next meeting. Mr. McHugh was requested to report at the next meeting on the following matters: 1. Dedication of land by Northern Pacific Railroad, 2. Cost of cleaning out and opening up the culvert which is plugged up in the Old Black River Channel at 3rd and Rainier. 3. Cost of black topping Morris Street from 2nd Avenue to 3rd Avenue and possibility of securing State matching funds. The Police & License Committee reported the application of Mr. Frank J. Tonkin for a license to install pin ball machines and a shuffleboard at 3072 Wells Street was granted. The Property Committee reported that bids for 3 - 1949 model cars for the Police Department have been called for. More time was requested and granted the Property Committee to investigate and report back regarding the heating system at the Fire Station and City Hall. The Fire Light and Water Committee reported the installation of fire hydrants on Renton Hill is almost completed and will be reported on at the next meeting. More time was granted to the Fire Light and Water Committee on the following matters: 1. Recommendations regarding increasing water rates of the City of Renton. 214 2. Recommendations regarding purchase of the Maplewood Water Company 3. Recommendations regarding installation of Directional Signs indicating where through traffic should turn at 8th Avenue North and Logan Street. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee reported on the proposed pedestrian underpass crossing on the north side of the Railway bridge over Cedar River. The Committee does not believe that the benefits to be derived from the construction of said underpass would warrant the expenditures necessary to install same. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. The Ways and Means Committee was granted more time regarding work orders for constructions, repairs and other types of work performed by the different Departments, whereby a record and check could be kept through Triplicate Work Order Forms of the work performed. The Mayor was granted more time to contact the Superintendent of Utilities to decide which committee should assist the Mayor and Superintendent of Utilities regarding a suggested charge for garbage service in the City of, Renton business district. The City Clerk reported he had written Mr. Les Evans regarding the possibility of securing funds for bulkheads above the Newcastle Bridge over Cedar River but that no answer had been received as yet. The City Clerk was requested to send telegrams, followed by letters, to the proper Legislative Committees at Olympia stating that the City Council favors the passage of Civil Service Bill #136 providing the Police & Fire Departments are excluded from the text of said bill. The City Clerk, City Attorney and Mayor wez•e enpowered to insert the words "Per Month" after the figures 11$12.50" in Resolution #719. The Police & License Committee requested more time regarding the appli— cation of Mr. Williams Roberts for a Master License and sub—licenses to operate automatic musical phonographs in 32 establishments in Renton. More time was granted. The application of Steven K. Zerr was not acted on by the Committee as Mr. Zerr had been requested to demonstrate one of his gum ball—cigarette .,,. machines to the Committee but has not complied with the request to do so. Councilman Baxter stated that the Hagg Manufacturing Company is in arrears in payment of rent, but have agreed to pay same within 90 days in the amount of $492.00 and will start paying rent promptly from the first of the year, and further stated that they are using only the western end of the building and can rent space in the eastern end and middle of said building and that the Property Committee recommends the issuing of a new lease to the reorganized Company. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hagen, that the recommendation of the Committee be concurred in. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Baxter, that the City Treasurer notify the Property Committee and the Council when any rent due the City is not paid promptly. Carried. A discussion was held on the proposed extension of 4th Avenue North over the Northern Pacific Railroad track to Logan Street. Mr. Baxter stated that this problem had been referred to the City Engineer for a report back to the Council. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Swift that 25—miles per hour speed limit signs be installed on 4th Avenue North. Carried. Councilman Bruce stated he was still receiving complaints regarding garbage collection. Mayor Mitchell stated that a committee will soon investigate these complaints. Councilman Hagen introduced the subject of the problem created by self— service gas stations in Renton, stating that a gas station in Renton was recently granted a Certificate of Offupancy as a regular station but is being operated as a self—service station. The City jlttorney stated that a public hearing on self—service gas stations is going to be held in Seattle on 23 February, 1949 and suggested that the Fire Chief be instructed to attend. Moved by Hagen, seconded by Delaurenti, that the suggestion of the City Attorney be concurred in. Carried. o Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the matter of sewer laterals for the Renton Hit] District be referred to the City Engineer to see if he can work out a plan whereby an L.I.D., can be established to install said sewer laterals. Carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Freyman, that the matter of cars being parked in private parking lots too close to the sidewalk, thereby creating a hazard to pedestrians when said cars are bing backed out of the parking places, be turned over to the Police Department for their recommendation on same. Carried. A discussion was held on the possibility of creating more committees in the City Council, such as Legislative, Garbage, etc. Moved by Reid, seconded by Tamborini, that this matter be referred to the Ways and Meq.ns Committee for investi- gation and a report back to the Council 'at the next meeting. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the City Clerk, on behalf of the City Council, personally thank the individual Departments for their fine reports. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurentij, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. Wiley Crok - City Clerk Perry H. 'tchel.l - Mayor. 216 Renton, 'clash 15 February, 1949 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order, Mayor Perry H. Mitchell presiding. ROLL CALL:.BAXTER, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FHFT-1AN, HANSEN, HAGEN, TRIlh1M, REID, GIGLI AND TAMBORINI. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by 3ruce, that the minutes of the meeting 8 February, 1949 be approved as corrected. Carried. The minutes of the Board of Trustees of the Statewide City Employees Retirement System meeting on 28 January, 1949 were presented. Moved by Temborini, seconded by Freyman, that this report be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for study and report back. Carried. A communication was read from the Statewide City Employees Retirement System requesting a list of City of Renton employees showing the amount of prior service credit for each. The City Clerk stated this letter had been answered and a check sent. The list of employees and prior service credit was submitted to the council for their approval. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Hansen that the list presented to the Council for their consideration be approved and that the City Clerk be given authority to certify same to the Board of Trustees of the Statewide Cities Retirement System. Carried. A statement was presented for taxes levied on City Property, special assessment for Commercial Waterway District #2. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman that the statement be referred to the City Attorney, City Engineer and Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Hansen, that the City Engineer, City Clerk and Finance Committee pay the statement before 15 March, 1949 in order to secure the 3% rebate allowed. Carried. Communication wasread from Association of Washington Cities informing the Council of the Association's support of House Bill No. 217, pro- viding for full State maintenance of all primary and secondary highways through now cities and towns. The Association stated they were -opposing the passage of House Bill #247, amending Section 1 of the so-called "prevailing wage law". Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that House Bil #217 be studied by the City Attorney and report back. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Tamborini, that House Bill #247 be referred to the City Attorney for report back. Carried. The City Clerk reminded the Council of the "City Employees Night" to be given by the Eagles on 16 February, 1949. 15 February, 1949 being the date set for bids to be opened for three (3) prowler cars for the Police Department, the following bids were submitted: CLARKE BROS. MOTOR COMPANY, RENTON) WASHINGTON Allowance on 1947 Chevrolet 4 door $$1042.00 Allowance on (2) 1948 " " "' 2216.00 $3258.00 1949 Plymouth 95 Horsepower 1941.60 4 door sedan 6.70 x 15 6 ply tires Comfort Master Heater and defroster Total 3 units 5824.80 Allowance 3258.00 Bid $$2566.80 FRANK E. RHODES, RENTON, WASHINGTON Three (3) Studebaker ComTria nder 4-door sedans Model or Year - 1949 Horse Power - 100 Tires 6.50 - 15 6 ply Body type - 4-door Sedan Color - Black or Dark Blue 2,17 Heater - Studebaker Climatizer & Defroster Three (3) at $2239.00 each $6717.00 Trade-in allowances: 1947 ©hevrolet 4 dr. Sedan Fleetmaster $1367.00 1947 " It it Stylemaster 1313.70 1948 if " It Fleetmaster 1529.70 4211.10 $2505.90 Overdrive transmissions can be furnished to give these cars 6 (six) speeds forward ,... for $$83.70 each. The above quotation does not include sales tax and Federal Excise Tax Exemption Certificate is to be furnished by the City of Renton. One unit can be furnished within 3 days or all can be furnished within 30 days. WRIGHT MOTORS, RENTON, WASHINGTCU 1949 Ford Sedans Three (3) only New 1949 Ford Regular Sedans 6 cyl. 95 H.P., including Magic Air Heater, cbfroster, 5 16x600 6 ply tires Price per unit $$12741.90 State Sales Tax 52.26 Total price per one unit - $1,794.16 Total price three (3) new units as equipped - 5082.48 Less: Trade-in Two (2) 1947 Chev. $52,456.00 One (1) 1948 " 1.316.00 - 3.772.00 Total cost three (3) new 1949 Ford 6 cyl. Sedans $1,610.48 Alternate bids on three (3) only new 1949 regular Sedans V8 - 100 H.P. including Magic Air Heater, defroster, 5 16x600 - 6 ply tires - Price per unit 1,826.40 State Sales Tax 54.79 Total price per one unit $512881.19 Total price three (3) new units as equipped 5,643.57 Less: Trade-in allowance, same as above 33772.00 Total cost three (3) new 1949 Ford V8 Sedans - $51,871.57 Delivery within 45 days from date of acceptance. BARNARD,MOTOR COMPANY, PENTON, WASHIPJGTON Nash 600 super car Horse Power 82 Tires 640-15 6 ply Body type 4 door sedan Color Black Model and Year 1949 - Nash 600 Super Accessories (a) Heater Nash ",leather Eye :vumber of cars required Three (3) Delivery Date On or before 45 days Trade-in Allowance Two (2) 1947 and one (1) 1948 Chevrolet Four Door Sedans, totaling $3,250.00 Cost of three (3) 1949 - 600 Super Nash - $6,276..45 plus tax. SYLVIA MOTORS, RENTON, WASHINGTON Models K-4911 and K-4916 - following specifications are common to both models: Color: Blue or Academy Blue Body: Four door sedan Tires: 7.10 x 15 6 ply natural Equip: Rubber seat pads, bumper guards, heavy duty oil filter, cigar lighter, 21 gallon fuel tank, K-F automatic, thermostatically ,controlled heating ventilating system, 1232 wheelbase. 218 px..nne 4.h,A 4.' V Kaiser Model K-4911: Engine: 226 cu" 100 HP @ 3600 RPM Transmission: Standard 3 speed forward, 1 reverse R Axle: Standard 4.09:1 ratio Equip: Cloth upholstery, either brown or grey; automatic dome light operation on front doors only, 35 ampere generator. Kaiser Model K-4916 Engine: 226 cu" 122 HP @ 3600 RPM Transmission: Standard 3 speed forward, 1 reverse, overdrive 6 speed forward, 1 reverse optional at extra cost. R Axle: 4.09:1 ratio with OD transmission of 3.73, 3.19:1. Optional ratios with OD transmission of 4.27, 4.82:1. All optional ratios at extra cost. Equip. 45 ampere heavy duty generator, heavy duty 10" clutch, heavy duty grill guard, heavy duty springs and shock absorbers front and rear, dome light and last warning light automatic on both rear doors, heavy duty seat cushion springs, aluminum kick pads on doors, vinyl (synthetic leather) upholstery, whistling unit in fuel tank for minimum filling waste. Delivery 45 days following order, maximum. Schedule: Price K-49111 $2250.00 Schedule K-49161 2350.00 Standard # Racing Camshafts, $40.00 each • OD transmissions, 60.00 each # Available on K-4+916 only. Special cylinder heads for both models, spotlights and other equipment available. Price on request. Above prices include delivery service, 1000 and 2000 mile inspection service, federal excise taxes, 6 qts. oil 21 gals premium fuel, all standard equipment as noted, less State and local taxes. A trade-in allowance of $1310.00 each for the 1947 Chevrolet and $1430.00 for the 1948 Chevrolet is offered herewith, subject to final approval based upon NADA price changes and condition of vehicles at the time of trade. DEXTER-TONKIN MOTOR COMPANY, RENTON, WASHINGTON. Three (3) 1949 Hudson Super Six 4 door sedans @ `x'2495.65 each for a total price of $7486.95 Used car allowance for (3) Chevrolets - 4191.00 Cash difference $3295.95 Above price includes a 7 to 1 aluminum high compression head, which will increase the horsepower in excess of 130 H.P. Standard horsepower is 121 H.P. Six ply tires are not recommended by the factory for low pressure tires but they are available if necessary at $36.29 per car. Delivery on one car, immediate, and 30 to 45 days on the other two cars. WILLIAMS & S19ANSON I RENTON, WASHINGTON 1949 Chevrolet No. 1503 Styleline Special four-door sedan, equipped as follows: 6.70 x 15 6 ply tires Chevrolet Heater and Defroster Color - black or dark blue $1721.55 „r 3% Wash. Sales Tax 51.65 $1773.20 This excluded Federal Excise Tax of $69.75. City of Renton to furnish exemption certificate. 1947 Chevrolet Sytlemaster Four-Door Sedans Trade allowance 1073.20 Net difference $ 700.00 1219 Estimated delivery 30 to 45 days. Appraisal subject to change or readjustment if trade-ins have been wrecked,, defaced, or injured between time of submitting this bid and delivery of new car. 1949 Chevrolet No. 2103 Styleline Deluxe four-door sedan, equipped as follows: 6.70 x 15 6 ply tires Chevrolet Heater and defroster Color - dark blue or black $1796.55 3% sales tax 53.90 1850.45 This excludes Federal Excise Tax of $73.75 City of Renton to furnish exemption certificate. 1948.Chevrolet Fleetmaster four-door sedan Trade a11014ance 1175.45 Net difference $ 635.00 Estimated delivery in 60 days Appraisal subject to change or readjustment if trade-ins have been wrecked, defaced, or injured between time of submitting this bid and delivery of new car. SUTTON-EAKLE, MITON, WASHING`T'ON 1949 Pontiac Chieftcn. - Standard model L,--dr. sdn. - 6 cyl. 90 H.P. $2056.00 4 "` " 8 cyl. 104 H.P. $2124.00 1949 Pontiac Streamliner - Standard model 4 Dr. sdn. - 6 Cyl. - 90 H.P. 2035.00 " " in g n - 104 " 2103.00 Color of car, black. Included in each car is a spare tire and wheel. Tire size is 710 x 15 - 4 ply; these are Air-Ride low pressure tires and equivalent to a 6-ply 650 x 16 standard tire. Car is equipped with a GM Underseat heater and defroster installed at the factory. The price per unit is $68.25. Prices are F.O.B. Penton and delivery can be expected in 30 to 45 days from date of order. Trade-in allowance for 2 1947 4 dr, sdns., Chevrolet $1455.00 each 1 1948 4 dr. sdn., it 1655.00 Moved by Baxter, seconded by Hansen, that the bids be put in the hands of the Council as a whole and that a committee meeting be held Monday, 21 February, 1949 at 7:30 P.M., for the Council, Chief of Police and the Mayor to study the bids and report back at the next council meeting. Carried. The Mayor stated that he and the Superintendent of Utilities requested the Ways and deans Committee to assist t1i.em in the matter of charging for garbage collection in the Renton business district and the opinion of the Finance Committee and several businesses should be requested on this problem. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Freyman that this request be complied with. Carried. A report was read from Fire Chief Lawrence of his findings regarding the property at the junction of 3rd Ave., and Rainier Ave. He stated the trailer is not as much a fire hazard as the adjoining building and he is following up with the Building Inspector, for a later report. Communication ordered filed. A report from the Chief of Police was read regarding the matter of cars being parked too close to the sidewalk adjacent to private parking lots. He stated that Tradewell and Safeway stores have been contacted and their parking lots will be remarked so that cars when backing out will bebackinginto thelot rather than on the street. Communication ordered filed. Mr. McHugh reported that the new 25-mile limit signs have been installed on the Dunlap Canyon Road. The City Clerk reported he had sent communications to the House and Senate Committees regarding the recommendation of the Council on Senate Bills #123, #117, #52 and #60 and House Bills #239 and #179. City Clerk stated he had inserted the words "Per Month" after the figures 11$12.5011 in Resolution #719. The City Clerk reported he had sent telegrams and letters to the Legislative Committees in Olympia advising that the City Council favored Civil Service Bill 220 �A #136, providing the Police & Fire Departments were excluded from the text of the bill. The Street & Alley Committee recommended the installation of a pedestrian crossing at the intersection of 140th St., and 86th So., with the Dunlap Canyon Road and a flashing caution signal and side sign, reading, "Pedestrian Crossing Stop When Occupied". Also recommended a similar installation at the interesection of Langston Road (91st Ave. So) with the Dunlap Canyon Road. Installations re- commended as soon as weather permits. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti that the recommendations of the committee be concurred in. Carried. The City Clerk was requested to notify the Earlington Women's Club of the action taken. Mr. McHugh reported he had taken up the matter of an L.Z.D. for the construction of sewer laterals on Renton Hill with Mr. E.F. Eldridge and Dr. Pasch but stated that neither of them could give definite information regarding money to be secured as matching funds for L.I.D., construction of sewer laterals. Mr. McHugh stated Senate Bill #112 concerns the matter of giving the City authority to construct sewers but does not authorize the City to promote L.I.D., whereby the assessments against the abutting property would be greater than the assessed valuation of said property. Mr. McHugh stated he had written a letter to the Northern Pacific Rail- road regarding dedication of a part of their railway on the west side of Burnett street between 2nd Avenue and 3rd Avenue, but he has had no reply. He stated that in former discussions with them it was his understanding that the Company did not want the City street to be closer than 12 feet of the centerline of the railroad track because of the signal system. He said they had not given their final report on this matter. Mr. McHugh reported the cost of cleaning out and opening up the culvert which is plugged up in the Old Black River Channel at 3rd and Rainier Ave., would be approximately $x225.00. Mr. McHugh stated the cost of black topping Morris St. from 2nd Ave., to 3rd Ave., would run close to $7.00 per foot and an effort would be made to secure 50% in matching funds from the State for this improvement. err Mr. McHugh estimated the cost of pedestrian crossings on the Dunlap Canyon Road as previously recommended, would be around $350.00 but stated that he would investigate this and report back at the next meeting. Mr. McHugh stated that he was conferring with the Street and Water Depts. of Seattle to find out which Department owned the right-of-way which formerly belonged to the Seattle and Rainier Valley Rallwa.y so that the matter of removing rails for street improvements abd cleaning off brush and rubbish from said right-of-way could be requested of the proper Department. Moved by Swift, seconded by Baxter, that Mr. McHugh be given authority to work on the culverts at the junction of 3rd Ave., and Rainier Ave. Carried. The Police and License Committee was granted more time regarding the application of Wiliam Roberts for a master license and sub-licenses and the Eagles request for a sub-license for coin-operated phonographs. The Police & License Committee reported that Mr. Steven Zerr had not contacted them yet regarding license of cigarette gum ball machines. The Finance Committee reported the bill from Chapman Brothers for partial payment of materials on the Second Avenue street lighting jobs in the amount of $1,225.70 had been paid. The City Property Committee reported they had not checked on the heating systems of the City Hall and Fire Station as they did not think it wise to attempt either to overhaul the present system or to change to a new system during cold weather. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Gigli, that the Finance Committee work with the City Property Committee on this matter. Carried. The Fire Light and Water Committee was granted more time on the follow- ing matters: 1. Feasibility of increasing water rates of the City of Renton 2. Recommendations regarding installation of Directional Signs indicating where through traffic should turn at 8th Avenue No. and Logan Street. 221, 3. PReommendations regarding purchase of the Maplewood Water Company. 4. Recommendations regarling installation of fire hydrants on Renton Hill. The Ways & Means Committee was granted more time regarding the matter of work orders for constructions, repairs, and other types of work per'ormed by the different Departments, whereby a record and check could be kept through Triplicate Work Order Forms of the work performed. The Ways & Means Committee reported on practicability of creating new committees, stating that they would have their recommendations ready at a later date. The City Treasurer reported that the Spider Staging Company is in arrears in rentals due the City and that they had promised to pay all rentals due to 31 January, 1949 by 28 February, 1949. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the City Engineer investigate the condition of the manhole covers at Mothers Park and report back. Carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Baxter, that the City Engineer be instructed to board up the broken windows in the building formerly occupied by the Nation Guard at Mothers Park. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Baxter, that the Fire, Light and Water Committee and City Engineer bring in an up—to—date report on the condition of street lighting in the City as many street lights are out and some are in bad locations. Carried. Moved by Reid, seconded by Swift that the Park Board be instructed to in— vestigate the condition of the light poles around the ballground in Liberty Park. Carried. The City Clerk was instructed to notify the Park Board of the councils request. A discussion was held on the matter of the 4th Avenue No. extension from Burnett Street North to Logan Street North. Mr. McHugh estimated the cost at $7,000 to 4;8,000 and was instructed to continue negotiations with the State Highway Department for permission to make this improvement. Moved by Hagen, seconded by Swift that the City Clerk contact a mailing service regarding proposed and pending legislation and other matters of importance to the City under consideration by the Legislature or other State departments to find out what the cost of such a service would be. Carried. Mr. McHugh discussed Senate Bills #112 and #126. He stated #126 would route traffic away from Renton. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Reid, that the City Clerk send communications to our Senators and Representatives at Olympia, informing them that the City of Renton does not favor the passage of Senate Bill #126. Carried. Mr. McHugh brought up the matter of the Council preparing a resolution on the Highlands property. After a lengthy discussion about the matter, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hagen that the City Attorney and Ordinance Committee report back at the next meeting regarding their recommendation as to how this problem should be handled. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee, were presented: CURRENT Payroll Engineers $ 584.01 4001-05 Payroll Office 1013.89 4006-17 Payroll F.D. 2350.99 4018-37 Payroll. P.D. 2928.60 4038-61 Payroll Mayor & Council 1,56.21 4039-74 King County medical March dues 278.25 4075— C, Bevan F.D. Expense 13.18 76 A.J. Burney P.D. 'i 1.64 77 Art Burnside P.D. It 37.84 78 222 -17 CURRENT CONTID - Chapman Brothers Expense- Engineer 213.62 4079 Howard Cooper Corp. Garbage Exp. 13P.87 80 D. & T. Office Supply City Clerk's Exp. 6.28 81 Dual Parking Meter Company Parking Meter Outlay 77.76 82 Jack. Duncan, Engr. Expense 1.13 83 F. B. Lawrence. F.D. Expense 28.10 84 Northwest Medical Supply H.O. Expense 3.78 85 Owl Cafe Jail meals 93.00 86 Puget Sound Stamp Works City Clerk Expense 25.87 87 Vincent Stewart P.D. Expense 8.50 88 Treasurer, U.S.A. Garbage Expense 12.39 89 Western Union Telegraph Co. P.D. Expense 2.10 90 James V. Torgerson P.D. Salary 117.22 91 Payroll Garbage 584.27 92-98 Payroll St. Cleaning 280.11 99-4101 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. 'Phones 159.73 02 King County Health Dept. H.O. Expense 175.00 03 Mine Safety Appliances Co. F.D. " 1.92 04 Osborne Photographers P.D. Expense 7.73 05 Record Stat. & Office Supp. Expense 70.49 06 Renton Motor Parts Engr. & P.D. Expense 16.74 07 Renton Veterinary Hospital Dog Pound Expense 7.50 08 Seattle Rubber Stamp Co. City Clerk's Expense 1.19 09 Sunset Coal Company C.H. Expense 92.29 10 Williams & Swanson P.D. & F. D. Expense 23.23 11 Wright Motors Inc. Engr. Expense .62 12 WATER Payroll Office 295.29 7117-21 King County Medical March dues 35.75 22 Pacific Water Works Supply Expense 39.87 23 Payroll Water 1176.63 24-33 Record Stationery & Off.Supp. Expense 4.16 34 Van Waters & Rogers, Inc. Expense 130.00 35 CITY STREETS Payroll Office 184.00 4589-91 King County Medical March dues 45.50 92 Coast Wide Supply Co. Expense 50.21 93 .., Pedersen Bros. Motor Co. Expense 13.34 94 Union Oil Company of Calif. Gasoline 605.96 95 Payroll City Street 1487.06 96-4610 Renton Auto Freight Expense 1.00 11 Renton Feed & Seed Co. Expense 7.82 12 Renton Motor Parts Expense 106.41 13 Republic Creosoting Company Expense 6.06 14 Stoneway Dock Company Expense 45.84 15 Sunset Coal Company Expense 73.00 16 Williams & Swanson Expense 9.28 17 SEWER DISPOSAL King County Medical March dues 27.75 1407 Payroll Sewer Disposal_ 699.77 08-16 Chapman Bros. Expense 16.68 17 Stoneway Dock Company n 14.42 18 PARK Payroll Park 387.94 1086-90 King County Medical March dues 15.75 91 AIRPORT King County Medical March dues 4.00 581. Payroll Airport 355.11 82-84 Chapman Bros. Expense 15.12 85 Seattle State Treasurer Expense 1.00 86 Supt. of Documents, Expense .75 87 Osborne Photographers Expense 7.73 88 LIBRARY P.S.P. & Light Company Power 17.48 1683 Coronet Subscription 4.00 84 Curtis Circulation Company if 10.00 85 Diesel Oil. Sales Co Supolies 34.25 86 Doubleday & Comnany Books 23.44 87 223 LIBRARY CONT'D George H. rriend Expense 125.00 1688 Imperial Book Co. Books 37.25 89 Institute for P,esearch " 7.91 90 The MacMillan " 5.62 91 Pac. Northwest Bibliographic Membership 30.00 92 Puget Sound News Company Books 92.10 93 Reid & Cook Expense 18.54 94 Renton News Record Supplies 6.18 95 The H.W. Wilson Co. Books 3.00 96 Winifred Daniels, (Payroll) Library 842.79 97-1706 King County Medical March dues 4.00 07 David McKay Company Book 5.41 08 Random House, Inc. " 3.88 09 Thomas Y. Crowell Co. it 2.37 10 J. K. Gill Company Supplies & Books 18.84 11 ATHLETIC Payroll Athletic 199.02 367-69 King County Medical March dues 15.25 70 North Coast Chem. & Soap Wks. 5pense 25.24 71 A I RPO RT SEAPLANE _RAMP_ F_TJND_ Seattle Title Company Expense 30.40 5 CUMULATIVE FUND #1182 Chapman Bros. Signal lights 130.41 19 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that all bills approved by the Finance Coramittee beallowed and ordered naid. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting be recessed until Monday, 21 February, 1949. ';arried. � Cit Clerk �. Mayo i 224 Renton, Washington February 21, 1949 The recessed meeting of the City Council was called to order, President of the Council, Joe Baxter, presiding as Mayor Pro Tem. ROLL CALL: BAXTER, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, FREYMAN, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, AND TAMBORINI. This being the date designated to report on the bids for three prowler cars for the Police Department, Councilman Tamborini, requested that a recess be granted in order that the Council could study the bids. Recess granted. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Joe Baxter. ROLL CALL: BAXTER, SWIFT, DELAU _ENTI, FREYMAN, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI, Councilman Tamborini, Chairman of the Finance Committee reported that the majority of the Council favored the purchase of 3 — 1949 Pontiac Streamliner automobiles, standard model, 4 door sedan, 6 cylinder, 90 H.P., 710 x 15 — 4 ply Air—Ride low pressure tires, including defroster and heater. The total price of the three cars is ?'6,309.75 less trade—in allowance on 3 Chevrolets of $4,565.00 net balance to pay $1,744.75. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the recommendation of the Council be concurred in. Carried. Moved by .4 chardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Clerk be instructed to send the checks submitted with the bids back to the other dealers. Carried. Mr. Ned Stokes, Manager of the Renton Airport, reported on the progress of the new seaplane facilities at the airport and submitted plans and specifications. These plans are to be left in the office of the City Engineer for study by the Council. He requested that the Council report their recommendations back within two weeks. The approval of the plans is required by the C.A.A. before construction can begin. .rr Mr. Thompson appeared before the Council requesting permission to have diago— nal parking on 3rd .Avenue and Whitworth Street, by the new building which is being erected for Thompson's Old Fashion Freeze. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the request be referred to the Street and. Alley Committee and City Engineer with power to act. Carried. Mr. Thompson stated they plan to open the store on the 1st of April and would like to have the Street ?c Alley CorrLmittee and City Engineer act as soon as possible. A bill was presented from the King County Health Department in the amount of $175.00 for sanitary inspection service rendered to the City of Renton during the month of January 1949 . Moved by Richardson, seconded by 'Tamborini, that this bill be paid. Carried. A communication was read from Tom Dobson & Son with reference to Group Insurance for the Renton Volunteer Fire Department, enclosing renewal Certificate #277 for United Pacific Insurance Policy GFD 1160, extending Group Accident Policy for another year from- r'c_bruary 2nd. The principal sum of the policy is :; 2,000.00 and the weekly indemnity is aalO.00. The cost of the renewal certificate is x;175.00. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Richardson., that this matter be re— ferred to the Finance Committee with power to act, and action be taken by the 25th of February. Carried. The City Clerk stater that the Council had not taken action regarding the withdrawal of the Renton Chronicle's bid of December 21, 1948 for the publication of City legals for the year 19/9. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the Council accept the withdrawal of this bid and the bid be awarded to the News Record. Carried. The City Treasurer requested permission to transfer the funds from one of the Cumulative funds to the 2nd. Avenue Street Fund. Moved by Aichardson, seconded by Delaurenti that the City Treasurer be given authority to transfer the funds as per request. Carried. 225 A Legislative Bulletin from the Association of Washington Cities, .regarding proposed bills in Olympia was discussed. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the City Attorney and the Superintendent of Utilities study these bills and report back. Carried. Additional statements were presented for taxes levied on City property, special assessment for Commercial Waterway District #2. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that these statements be referred to the City Attorney, City `hgineer, and Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. V A communication was read from Parker & Hill regarding S.B. #112. As action has already been taken on this bill, communication was ordered filed. A bulletin was submitted by Nelson Equipment Company explaining their construction machinery. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this bulleting be referred to the Property Committee and City Engineer for study and report back. Carried. Fire Chief Lawrence stated that the Redondo Beach Fire Department is interested in obtaining the Renton Fire Department's 1927 Howard—Cooper Fire Truck, Chief Lawrence stated if the truck were sold the money could be used when it was deemed necessary to purchase a new truck. After a discussion it was decided to make no decision on this question until a later date. Fire Chief Lawrence stated that the King County Zire Protection Group is attempting to organize a portion of King County into Fire District f27 and wanted to know if Renton would be interested in housing one of their pieces of equipment, the housing and upkeep to be paid by the "moire Protection Group. The piece of equipment is to be manned only by volunteers and not by the paid personnel of the Renton Fire Department. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, that the Fire, Light and Water Committee and Fire Chief study this matter and report back. Carried. A communication was read from Budd Davis Creations regarding the street lighting and signs adjacent to the Renton Industrial Building in Mothers Park. As this matter had previously been referred to the Street and Alley Committee and City Engineer, they were at this time requested to report on this condition as soon as possible. i Councilman Richardson stated that the assessed valuation on the Renton Hill property had been adjusted so that at the present tine it should be possible to get enough signatures on a petition to have the sewer laterals constructed. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up a Resolution of Intention for the creation of L.I.D., for sewer laterals on Renton Hill and have it ready by March lst in order that the hearing could be held on March 15. Carried. A discussion was held on the two new signal lights installed on 3rd Avenue. Councilman Richardson, stated that the light at the Fire Station and the one at 3rd and Main turn green at the same time and cars are going over the 15—mile limit in order to make both lights. The Police Chief said he would check on this matter and report back. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the Mayor be empowered and requested to appol.nt a committee, including two Councilmen, Fire Chief, Police Chief, Manager of the Power Company, Mana_;rer of the Telephone Company, several Renton contractors, one of the Bus Companies, the City Attorney and City Engineer, to formulate a plan whereby immediate action could be taken for the protection of life and property within the corporate limits of the City of Renton in case of flood danger. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that the City of Vancouver, Washington had passed an Ordinance on self—service gas stations and as the Ordinance Committee is working ... on a similar ordinance at this time, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm that the City Clerk write to Vancouver, Washington for a copy of said ordinance. Carried. The Property Committee stated there was a possibility of renting space in the buildings owned by the City in Mothers Park to the Hydraulic Engineering Company and requested the council's opinion on the matter. Councilman Richardson, stated that in his opinion the Property Cmmmittee should go ahead and negotiate a lease with said company. 226 After a discussion of this matter by several of the Councilmen, it was moved ,.�• by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini., that the Property Committee and City Attorney be given power to act in regard to this matter. Carried. The Property Committee requested permission to store a small oil furnace, located in the building formerly occupied by the Aeronautical Union in Mothers Park, in a suitable place. The Committee stated the printing company now occupying the building does not use the furnace. Moved by Reid, seconded by Trimm, that the request of the Property Committee be granted. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Trimm, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. .o1 .40 .09 Cit Clerk Ma r. .� t Renton, Wash March 1, 1949 The regular meeting of the City Council was c^-lied to order, Mayor Perry H. Mitchell, presiding. BOLL CALL: BAXTEP., SWIFT) DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSERT, HAGEN, TRIMti, PEID, GIGLI, RICHAi',DSON AND TAMBORINI. Moved. by Richardson, seconded by Hagen, that the minutes of the regular meeting of 15 February, 1949 and the recessed meeting of 21 February, 1949 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATICNS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT - NO. A14OUNT NAME LOCATION TYPE WORK 667 100.00 Clark Bros. Garage Bronson Way Install meter 667A 500.00 Bert A. Tachell 401 Wells St. Ins. Porch & Siding 668 3000.00 U. Barie 225 Main St. Repair building 669 100.00 Till Thompson 1527 Marion Move service to rear of house 670 100.00 Housing Authority Ci ter of Renton Cedar River Park Inst. Range, H.W. & 3 outlets 671 5000.00 C. Sande 95 Burnett Erect shed 672 100.00 Med. Dent. Bldg. 206 3rd Place Inst. flood light 673 100.00 W. R. Wilson 830 L. Street Rewire range 674 400.00 Walt Reid 205 Main Remodelling 675 400.00 Renton Chronicle 317 Williams Wire for motor 676 100.00 William Faura 500 Cedar St Repair garage 677 100.00 Barie Bldg. 306 Wells St. Rim 6" sewer connection 678 4000.00 P. Brendgard P.O. Box 2.62 Erect 5 room house 679 100.00 Albert Downs 3.207 3rd Ave Wiring for heater 680 700.00 L. E. Plano 435 Cedar St Repair roof 681 100.00 Mrs. Gallacher 817 3rd No. Relocate elec. Serv. 682 690.00 T. C. Thompson 1527 Marion Ave Remodel 683 100.00 Evan's Estate 236 Main St. Install sink 684 600.00 Henry Veniani 50 Logan St. Reroof 685 700.00 City of Renton Wells St.(Tent.) Inst. 220V & 440V Serv,, 686 100.00 Mrs. E. J. Turny 98 Williams St. Erect fence 687 100.00 Carrie Parker 340 Smithers St. Reroof garage APPLICATIONS FOR CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. NAME ADDRESS FOR OCCUPANCY AS Hydraulic Hoist Corp. 8th Ave. No. Machine Shop & offices Dr. M.D. Pettibone, Dr. Ochs 138th-200-206, 3rd Medical-Dental Bldg. and Dr. Schultz Place Mrs. J. Regis 409 3rd Ave Linoleum Shop Pat Costner 55 Williams St. Saw shed Lumber Market 3rd & P.inier Crab stand A communication was read from Renton School District No. 403 requesting the Ways and Means Committee, the Recreation Board and the Park Board to meet with the School Board on Thursday, March 17, at the Admin .strati_on Building, 1525 4th Ave., North at 8:00 P.M., to discuss problems regarding recreational activities and financing same for the coming year. The City Clerk was requested to notify said Committees of the meeting. A communication was read from the Renton Planning Commission approving the plat i.. of the 500 permanent homes in the Renton Highlands Housing Project, as submitted by the City Engineer, Communication ordered filed. A request was read from the Lions Club asking permission to hang a few banners across Second Avenue and. Airport Way advertising the Second Annual Renton Merchants Exposition to he held on March 25, 26, and 27, which is sponsored by the Lions Club of Renton. It was also requested that they be granted a tax-free license or permit to operate games and a merry-go-round and other rides. Moved by Swift, seconded by Freyman, that these requests be granted. Carried. 228 R cud .a R.xry.k `d A communication was read from George L. Sowers, Representative of the Equitable Life Assurance Society, requesting that a committee be appointed to study a Group Insurance Plan for the benefit of all. City employees. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the City Property Committee for a report back_. Carried. A communication was read from the King County Commissioners requesting payment of $15.75 for advertising in the matter of Franchise Application No. 1929. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the check for $15.75 be forwarded to Mr. Robert Morris, Clerk of Board, King County Commissioners. Carried. Estimates regarding the cost of automotive equipment insurance, liability and �+ property damage, were submitted by different insurance companies for Council consideration. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that, this matter be referred to the Property Committee, Finance Committee and City Attorney with power to act. Carried. A committee from Talbott Hill appeared before the Council on the matter of water rates for Talbott Hill. Mr. Sutton of Sutton—Eakle Pontiac Company requested permission to discuss the various equipment to go on the three prowler cars which the City had ordered from said Company. A short recess was granted in order that the Council could meet with the Committee from Talbott Hill and the Property Committee could meet with Mr. Sutton as per request. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Perry H. Mitchell. ROLL CALL: BAXTER, SWIFT, DELAU}MENTI, B FdJCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN, HAGEN, T RIMM, REID, GIGLi, RICHARDSON AND TAMBO RINI. Mr. McHugh stated that the statement for taxes levied on City property had not been paid as yet but would be paid before the 15th of March. Mr. McHugh reported on the matter of pedestrian c ross-ngs on the Dunlap Canyon Road. He stated it was decided to have one crossing Instead of two and that would be in front of the F,arlington Post Office. On the matter of the culvert which is to be cleaned out at the Junction of 3rd Ave., and Rainier Ave., Mr. McHugh reported that it would not be feasible to work on the culvert until the danger of floods is over. Mr. McHugh stated that he would investigate the condition of the manhole covers at Mothers Park in the near future and report back, and further stated that the broken windows in the building formerly occupied by the National Guard in Mothers Park were being boarded up. Mr. McHugh was granted more time in regard to a report on the matter of the 4th Ave., No. extension from Burnett Street North to Logan Street North. A discussion was held on the matter of black topping Morris Street from 2nd Avenue to 3rd Avenue. Mr. McHugh stated that Mr. Bails, a property owner of the district, reported that he had contacted all but one property owner on said street and that the majority desired to have the curbs remain where they are now and pave the street with concrete Instead of blacktopping. It was also re— quested that there be no parking on the west side of Morris Street. Moved. by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter of no parking on the west side of Morris Street be referred to the Street & Alley Committee, City Engineer and Fire Chief to check and male a report. Carried. The City Clerk was tgran,.ed more time on the following matters: 1. Notify the Ea.rlington ?Jomer_'s Club of the action taken with regard. to their letter to the City Council requesting a pedestrian crossing at the intersection of 140th Street and 86th South with the Dunlap Canyon road. 229 2. Instruct the Park Board to investigate the condition of the light poles around the ballground in Liberty Park. 3. Contact a mailing service tofind out the cost of supplying the City with pro- p®sed and pending legislation and other matters of importance to the City under consideration by the Legislature or other State Departments and. report back as soon as possible. 4. Send communications to our Senators anc? Representatives at Olympia, informing them that the City of Renton does not favor the passage of Senate Bill #126. 5. Send communication to the City of. Vancouver, Washington requesting a copy of •� their ordinance on self-service gas stations. 6. _j,eturn the checks submitted with the bids on 3 prowler cars for the Police Department back to the dealers. The 'Nays and Means Committee was granted more time in the matter of studying and reporting back on the minutes of the Board of Trustees of the Statewide City Employees Retirement System meeting on 28 January, 1949. The Ways and Means Committee was granted more time on the matter of charging for garbage collection in the Renton business district. More time was granted the '-lays and Means Committee on the matter of work orders for constructions, repairs, and other types of work performed by the different llepartments, whereby a record and check could be 1,Ppt through triplicate work order forms of the work performed. The City Attorney stated that he had studied House Bills #21.7 and #247 and that they would be desirable from the City of Rentonts standpoint. H. B. #217 is an amendment to the law in regard to the State Highway Department having jurisdiction over state primary highways, H. B. #247 is an amendment to the law regarding wages of laborers and mechanics on public works. Mr. Haugan, the City Attorney, stated the resolution on the Highlands property would be ready at the next meeting. r.. The City Attorney stated he had not drawn up a Resolution of Intention for the creation of L.I.D., for sewer laterals on Renton Hill as there was a question of easements and right-of-ways. Councilman Richardson stated it would cost less to condemnthree pieces of property on Renton Hill than to get right-of-ways. The City Attorney stated that it would take four to five months to condemn the property and Council action would be necessary to authorize him to start procedure for condemnation and the hearing on the sewer laterals will have to be postponed. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the City Attorney and Super- intendent of Utilities be instructed to start condemnation procedure on property on Renton Hill. Carried. The Fire Light and Water Committee was granted more time on the following matters: 1. Feasibility of increasing water rates of the City of Renton. 2. Recommendations regarding installation of directional signs indicating where through traffic should turn at 8th ^venue North and Logan Street. 3. Recommendations regarding-purchase of the Maplewood Water Company. 4. Recom .endations regarding installation of fire hydrants on 'penton Hill. The Mayor questioned the need for a committee to formulate a plan whereby immediate action could be taken for the protection of life and property within the corporate limits of the City of Renton in case of flood danger. He stated there were several organizations already p-epared for this purpose. It was pointed out by some of the councilmen that most of the organizations are prepared to work for the whole country incase of floods, or are primarily interested in food and shelter for evacuees and not City property. The Mayor agreed to appoint a committee and councilman Richardson volunteered to work on the committee with him. Another councilman will be named at a later date. 230cc The Fire Light and Water Committee stated they needed more time on the matter of housing one of the nieces of equipment of the King County Fire Protection Group. Fire Chief Lawrence stated the group has not had a hearing yet and that he will report back to the council when a report is received from the King County Fire Protection_ Group. The Finance Committee was granted more time on the matter of the renewal certificate of the Group Insurance for the Renton Volunteer Fire Department and will report back next meeting. The City Property Committee requested that the bulleting from the Nelson Equipment Company regarding construction machinery be filed. On the matter of renting space in the buildings owned by the City in Mothers Park to the Hydraulic Hoist Company, the Property Committee reported that the City Attorney had made out a lease for the center section of the Administration Building with the above-named Company. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Hagen, that the Council concur in the recommendations of the Committee. Carried. A discussion was held on the building now leased by the Hagg Manufacturing Company. As this Company is soon going out of business; it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the City Attorney and City Clerk be empowered to request the Hagg Manufacturing Company to`acate the west end and east end of this building. Carried. The Street & Alley Committee reported the request of Mr. Thompson for permission to have diagonal parknng on 3rd Avenue and Whitworth Street by the new building which is being erected for Thompson's Old Fashion Freeze was refused as the expense involved by petitioner and the added traffic hazard incurred by the City would be too -rea.t and would offset any benefit gained. The Street and Alley Committee stated they had no report on the condition of the ` Street lighting and signs in Mothers Park. A discussion was held on the lights and signs in Mothers Park and it was moved by Baxter, seconded by Frey*ran, that the City Engineer install lights and signs in Mothers Park. Carried. The City Engineer was requested toc�cide on a name for the street near Mothers Park. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the City Clerk and the Post Office be notified when there is a new named street. Carried. The Police & License Committee recommended that Stephen K. Zerr be granted a license to operate a gum-ball-cigarette machines in Fenton. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hagen, that the Council not concur in the recommendation of the Committee. The motion being put to a vote, the iresult was as follows: Baxter, Aye, Hagen, Aye; Trimm, No; Reid, No; Gigl, No; Richardson, Aye; Tamborini, Aye. Swift, Aye; Delaurenti, Yo; Freyman, Aye; Bruce, Aye; Hansen, Aye. Motion carried. The City Clerk was requested to notify Mr. Zerr that his application had been disapproved. A discussion was held on the matter of securing funds for bulkheads above the Pacific Coast Railway Newcastle bridge over Cedar lover. The City Engineer said it was possible to get the logs from the County, but the City Clerk had not received written approval from Mr. Les. Evans, King County Engineer. Councilman Bruce brought up the matter of a P.U.D. in Renton. Mr. Haugan, City Attorney, stated there was no possibility of a P.U.D., in Renton for two years. Fire Chief Lawrence reported on the Seattle Council meeting regarding self- service gas stations. Fire Chief Lawrence said there were arguments on both sides of the question and Seattle is still studying the matter and their decision will he postponed for awhile. The Committee in Seattle is watching several cities which are allowin these stations to operate to see what success they have before allowing' them in Seattle. Councilman iteid ° eported on the committee meeting with the representatives from Talbott Hill, regarding the water rates. He stated the recommendation of the Committee was that the City Engineer and City Attorney check into the matter of grater charges. There is to be another meeting on March 22nd with the Talbott Hill Committee. 2.3 1. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported the State Attorney's opinion regarding that matter OP veterans being required to pay a peddler's license fee if they are not bona- fide residents of the City or County concerned. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Clerk be notified of this opinion. Carried. Council-man idehardson stated no definite action had been ta.cen on S.B. 52 with reference to the higher maximum limits on salaries in Second Class Cities and S.B. 60 providing for election of certain officers in Second Class Cities. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Baxter that the City Attorney be requested to send another telegram, followed by a letter, to the proper legislative committees in Olympia. �. Carried. Council-mann Gigli stated that due to the delay in receiving revenues there is a lack of sufficient funds in the Park Fund and in the Athletic Fund and suggested that money be transferred from the Current Expense Fund to the Park Department Fund as a temporary loan and to be repaid and retransferred to the Current Expense Fund when funds become available in said Park Department Fund. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee and Finance Committee. Carried. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Fire, Light and Water Committee investigate the ordinance regarding charge for installing meters to see if any changes are necessary and report back. Carried. Councilman Richardson brought up the matter of the poor condition of the roads in Renton due to the weather. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Street & Alley Committee and City Engineer investigate this matter and give an estimate of the cost of repairing same and bring back a report. Carried. Mr. Ned Stokes, Manager of the Renton Airport, appeared before the council requesting their approval of plans and specifications of the seaplane base. He stated that he would like permission of the council to call for bids in case the CAA approves the plans. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council ap;�rove the plans and give Mr. Stokes permission to call for bids. Carried. '-' Fire Chief Lawrence stated that as now is the time for burning leaves, etc., he would like to recommend that the council allow people to burn trash all during the year instead of accumulating it during the summer months. He stated if people were going to burn grass or brush on a vacant lot a fireman could be stationed at the lot until the fire was burned out. Fire Chief Lawrence stated he would like to try it and if it worked out an amendment could be made to the present ordinance. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Hansen, that the council concur in the recommendation of Fire Chief Lawrence. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: CURRENT Payroll Engineers 555.04 1113-4117 Payroll Office 955.94 15-29 Payroll F.D. 2943.75 30-50 Payroll P.D. 2594.55 31-74 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. 'Phones 24.75 75 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Seattle Phone 59.87 76 Statewide City Emp. Retirement Pension 3044.00 77 A, A. Tremper Taxes 1606.59 75 State Treasurer Vol. Firemen's Pen. 553.00 79 Payroll Garbage Labor 654.14 80-56 Payroll St. Cleaning Labor 366.10 87-90 WATER Payroll Office 339.79 7136-41 Tax Commission Excise Tax 421.43 43 Payroll Water 1154.21 44-52 CITY STREETS Payroll OfI:ice 141.27 4618-20 Payroll City Streets 15"9.36 21-37 Payroll SEGTER DISPOSAL Sewer Disposal 678.34 1419-27 232 ` AI RPORT Payroll Airport 365.56 589-91 PA i3K Payroll Park 1,26.41 1092-96 ATIl1,ETIC FITND Payroll Athletic 187.77 372-374 Moved by Riicliardson., seconded by Tamborini, that all bids approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. Moved by ' ambor-ini, secorf ed by Richardson., that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. Ci_ Clerk 6payor, now lrrlr� Renton, ?gash March 15, 1949 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order, Mayor Perry H. Mitchell, presiding. ROLL CALL: BAXTER, SWIFT, DELAU EvTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSELT, HAGEN, TRIMM, REID, GIGLI, RICHARDSON & T_AMBORINI. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the minutes of the meeting of March 1, 1949 be approved as written. Carried. ISM APPLICATI0NS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. NO. AMOUNT NA11E LOCATION TYPE WORK 688 100.00 Dr. H. G. Storey 7042 3rd Ave Remodel & Repair 89 700.00 Anglo Phillips 219 & 221 Airport Way Install siding on two houses 90 100.00 Wm. Smothers 111 Williams St. Adding Porch 91 1.00.00 Cabin City Ser.Sta. 90 - 3rd ivenue Rewire 92 100.00 Dacey Property (Joe Madison R.E.) 4.19 - No. Wells Rewire. 93 100.00 Powell & Hill Doughnut Shop 306 - Wells Hang neon sign 94 1.00.00 Bennets Creamery Highlands Shopping Center Rewire 95 400.00 Harvey J. Delaurenti 201 Tobin Avenue Erect Garage 96 400.00 Signal Oi_l Co. 331 Park St. Remodel station 97 6000.00 Timothy Morgan 13262 Rainier Ave. Repair Garage 98 4.00.00 W. J. Thompson 803 3rd. Ave. No. Concrete foundation 99 400.00 Joe A. Klepach 515 Morris St. Repair roof 700 1000.00 Arthur Robinson 439 Grandey Way put in basement O1 100.00 Renton Serv. Laundry Highlands Shopping Center Hang neon sign 02 100.00 Ray Hamer 506 Bronson ',lay No. Repair garage 03 100.00 E. V. Coleman 112 3rd Ave. Lay apron 9 yds in front of lighthouse. 04 100.00 T. Johnson 31.0 Garden St. Install wiring 05 400.00 Thatcher Litho. Co. 103 8th Ave. No. Remodel 06- 400.00 Hazel Steele 205 Burnett St. Reroof 07 100.00 Nate Davidson 205 3rd Avenue Plumbing fixture O8 400.00 Dale & McLendon_ 320 Wells St. Erect log bulkhead for Parkin-. 09 10,000 May Teinin 2.19 Garden St. Erect house 10 100.00 Nary Ta:mborini. 130 Burnett St. Repair house and garage 11 100.00 H. D. Walcott Rt. 1, Box 430 wire new house 12 5000.00 Anna Warhol 515 Renton Ave. Erect new house 13 400.00 Helen Matthews 13637 S. 84th Erect garage 14 400.00 Robert A. McKinney 420 Williams St. Repair porch 15 100.00 James Overman 524 Renton Ave. Erect arbor 16 100.00 Brende_l Building 206 Wells St. Install toilets 17 100.00 Joe Gabolis 1.3421 Rainier Ave. Rewire APPLICATIONS FOR CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. NAME ADDRESS FOR OCCUPANCY AS E. L. Bauder 3022 Wells St. klatch repair and jewelry sale. Julian M. Button 704r 3rd. Ave. Pet shop and pet supe. This being the date designated for the hearing on the proposed L.I.D., ##227 for the paving of Morris Street between 2nd Avenue and 3rd Avenue, the Mayor asked if there were any protests -from the property owners. There being no protests, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the City Engineer and City Clerk be instructed to call for bids on the paving of a 30-foot wide street at Morris Street between 2nd Avenue and 3rd Avenue. Carried. A communication was read from the Housing Authority of the City of Renton stating that $35,533.11 had been allocated to the City of Renton as a total payment in lieu of taxes for the year 1948; from the above amount $17,591.92 had. been deducted for Garbage collection in the Housing Authority during 1948 and i 234 Air street lighting from January to Juno, inclusive, 1948 leaving a bet balance of = 17,94.1.19 The City Clerk stated the check for $17,94.1.19 had been turned over to the City Treasurer. Communication ordered filed. A communi(.,ation_ was read from the State of Washington, Statewide City Employees Retirement System stating they had audited the City of Renton T')2.yroll for February and foiind it to be correct. Communication ordered filed. A communication was read from Washington Outing Parks Association requesting permission to erect new highway pointer signs throughout this locality. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by rreyman that this matter be referred to the City Engineer and Street & Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the Windsor Hills Conran city Club, Inc., protesting the Street Department hsing the :Windsor Hills Park as a borrow pit_ for gravel, stating that the excavating had been done without consulting the Park Board and requesting the Superintendent of Streets to, cease_ at once. Mr. McHigh, the City Engineer stated that the reason the gravel was removed was be— cause of the snergency caused by the bad weather and that the gravel was needed to repair the streets, and stated that he would do everything he could to restore the Park to the condition in which it eras prior to removing the gravel. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Swift, that the Council concur in the Community Club's request and to _request the Superintendent of Utilities to restore the Park to its prior condition as quickly as possible. Carried. A communication was read from the Windsor Hills Community Club, Inc., enclosing a copy of a letter addressed to the City Engineer to which they have had no reply. The letter to the City Engineer is a complaint about the unsatisfactory manner the garbage is being handled at ',Windsor Hills. Mr. McHugh stated that the matter has been under consideration but it had not been completed at the time the Community Club wrote the letter. A request was read from Frank R. Vaise Post No. 1263, Veterans of Foreign Wars asking permission to operate a carnival in Renton from April 30, 1949 to May 7, 194.9, inclusive, said carnival to operate at 6th and Wells Streets, adjacent to Mothers Par'_ . It was also requested that the usual license fee be waivered becRuse all proceeds will go into the V.F.W., Relief Fund. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the council concur in the request with the provision that the Carnival not operate on. 'unday, May 1, 1949. Carried. A communication was read from Fran R. Vaise Post No. 1263 Veterans of Foreign Wars asking permission to hold a dance at the American LegionHallon March 26, 1949. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Delaurenti, that we concur with their request. Carried. A bill was presented from Chapman Brothers Electrical Contractor in the amount of ',1,225.70 for 10 poles to be used in the 2nd Avenue Street Lights project. The Finance Committee stated that they do not feel that the Council should pay any more bills on the project until the work has actually started. After a thorough discussion about the above matter, it was moved by Delai,.renti, seconded by Baxter, that this matter be referred to the City Engineer and the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. Mr. Girard from the King County Public Health Office appeared before the Council regarding the matter of printing permits to operate food and drink establisrunents. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that this matter be referred to the Mayor, City Clerk and Mr. Girard with power to act. Carried. A request was read from 0. H. Martin owner of the B-29 Cafe, "located at 14057 Sunset Highway, for permission to install a pinball game. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Baxter, that this request be referred to the Police and License Committee with P014er to act. Carried. Applications for Locksmith & Keymaker's License were submitted by the following people: Charles L. Matthie — 100 — 3rd Avenue, Renton, ?gash A. F. Sullivan, — Route 1, Box 136, Issaquah, Wash Thomas Bromley, Jr.— 3638 — '.doodlawn Avenue, Seattle Wash. 2 3,.5 The Chief of Police recommended that license be granted to A. F. "ullivan and Thomas Bromley, Jr., but stated that Charles L. Ma.tthie did not have a Coxtificate of Occupancy so could not be issued a license until he received same from the City. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hagen, ,tha.t the Council accept the recommendation of the Chief of Police. Carried. A resolution from the Puget Sound Power & Light Company submitted for furnishing power for municipal water pumping to the City of Renton for five years. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delau-renti, that this resolution be referred to the City Clerk, City Engineer and City Attorney for a report back at the next council meeting. Carried. A communication was read from the Menton Police Department thanking the City Council for the telegrams and correspondence directed to the Legislature on H. B. #136. Communication ordered filed. A communication was read from the Renton Police Department requesting that an ordinance be drawn up limiting parking on Bronson Way from the intersection with Second Avenue to the Cedar River Bridge to one (1) hour. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Baxter, that this matter be referred to the Law & Ordinance CoTwTa ttee for drafting of said ordinance. Carried. A communication waszead from the King County Auditor stating that voters' registration shall be cancelled if they have failed to vote for four years prior to April lst of each-odd numbered year and stating that in cases where any election precinct contains more than 3M registered voters, it shall be imperative to divide such precincts so that new precincts formed shall each contain 250 electors or less. The King County-Auditor stated that the City Clerks should assist in outlining new precincts within their cities or towns and as there is a possibility of a state—wide Special Election being called for September 13, 19492 it was re— quested that this precinct division be made as soon es possible. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that this matter be turned over to the Ways and Means Committee, the City Clerk and City Engineer for a report back at the next council meeting. Carried. 1 After a discussionon the above matter and consideraing the amount of r work involved, it was moved by ttichardson, seconded by Baxter, that the motion be amended and that-a committee consisting of the Council as a whole meet with the Ways and Means Committee, the City Clerk and City Engineer, on Tuesday, March 29, 1949 at 8:00 o'clock. On being put to a vote, the amendment carried and the motion carried. A communication was read from the City of Renton Planning Commission regarding the rezoning petition of Nicholas Puhich stating that the following resolution was passed at the 23 February, 1949 meeting of the Planning Commission: "Resolved: That we wish to reaffirm our original recommendation against the rezoning of the property described in the petition of Hicholas Puhich f romzesidential to commercial, but the Planning Commission wishes to withdraw its recommendation that he be granted a permit to build as a non—conformant under specifications and approval of the Citi* Engineer for a specified occupancy". Moved by ``ichardson, seconded by amborini, that this matter be re— fe-rred back to the Planning Commission for clarification. Carried. Mr. Overman appeared before the council stating that he had built a board fence over the specified 42" but did not know that a permit yjas needed. He requested that he be given permission to leave the fence as it is. Moved. by Delaurenti, seconded by Baxter, that this matter be referred to the Police & License Committee and City Engineer with power to act. Carried. Councilman Tamborini requested a short recess in order to meet with the Finance Committee. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Perry H. Mitchell. TOLL CALL: BAXTER, SWIFT, DELAt1I'tENTI, BRUCE, FFEYMAN, HANSEN, HAGEN, TRIMM, REID, GIGLI, RICHARDSON AND TAIMOP.INI. 236 N 4.n./ The City Clerk stated that he had instructed the Park Board to investigate the condition of the light poles around the ballground in Liberty Park and read a communication from the -Park Board stating they had checl-ed the poles and had them double checked by the Puget Sound Power & Light Company and. the poles were found to be in a safe condition. On the matter of the City Clerk contacting a mailing sel-rice, he reported the Association of Washington Cities was treeing the City informed of legislation and other matters of importance to the City. After a discussion by the Colzncil, it was requested that the City Clerk and City Attorney check on the possibility of a mailing service and report back. The Ways and Means Committee was granted more time for investi-ation of charging for garbage collection in the Fenton business district and also their recommen- dations on the matter of work orders for constructions, repairs and other types of work performed by the different Departments, whereby a record and check could _ be kept through Triplicate Mork Order Forms of the work performed. The Ways and Means Committee reported that they had studied the minutes of the Board of Trustees of the Statewide City Employce-c Retirement System meeting on 28 January, 194.9, and as they were in order it was requested that they be filed. The Ways and Means Committee stated that together with the Finance Committee they had investigate) the possibility of transferring money from the Current Expense Fund to the Park Department Fund and Athletic Fund and it was agreed that this transfer was in order. It was recommended that �„6..000.00 be transferred to the Park Fund and $5,000 to the Athletic Fund from the Current Expense Fund, and said monies to be repaid and re-transferred to the Current Expense Fund when funds become available in the Park and Athletic Funds. It was further recommended that such a resolution to this effect be presented to the Council for consideration. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. P.ESOLUTION NO. 729 was presented: BE I^i RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Renton that the sum of $6,000 be transferred from the Current Expense Fund to the Park Department Fund and the sum of $5,000 be transferred from the Current Expense Fund to the Athletic Fund, in the nature of a loan and said amounts to be repaid and re-transferred to the Current Expense Fund as and when the monies become available therefor in the said Park Fund and Athletic Fund. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by "i.chardson, that the Resolution be adopted as read.. Carried. The City Property Committee requested more time on the matter of the Group Insurance Plan for the benefit of all City Employees, as submitted by Mr. George L. Sowers, Representative of the Equitable Life Assurance Society. The City Property Committee and the Finance Committee will meet with Mr. Sowers on Thursday, March 17, 1949 at 7:30 P.M., and will have more information at the next Council meeting. The Property Committee was granted more time on the matter of studying estimates submitted by different insurance companies on the cost of automotive equipment insurancep liability and property insurance. The Finance Committee recommended the acceptance of the renewal certificate of the Group Insurance for the Renton Volunteer Fire Department at ?137.50 less a credit from last ,year of $37.50 making the total cost of the insurance 100.00. The Finance Committee requested the City Clerk to notify the Insurance Company of this action. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the council concur in the recommendation of the Finance Committee. Carried.. The Fire Light and Water Committee was granted more time on the following matters: 1. Feasibility of increasing i-mter rates of the City of Penton 2. Recommendations regarding purchase of the Maplewood_Water Company. Q. 3. Investigation of ordinance regarding charge for installing meters to see if any charges are necessary end report back. The Fire Light and Water Committee stated that they would wait until the sewers are in at Renton Hill before giving their recommendations regarding install- ation of fire hydrants. 37 The Street and Alley Committee was granted more time on the matter of investi— gating the possibility of no parking on the west side of Morris Street between 2nd end 3rd- Avenues. The Street and Alley Committee reported it would be quite some time before they would have a report on the condition of the roads in Renton and estimate the cost of repairing same but would report to the Council when the investigation was' completed. Mr. Arthur Haugan, the City Attorney, stated he had been putting quite a bit of work on the condemnation procedure on certain property on Renton Hill and would have a report at the next council meeting. The City Attorney reported that the Hagg Manufacturing Company had vacated the West end and East End of the Administration Building in Mothers Park. Mr. B. M. McHugh, the City Engineer, stated that he had studied the statements for taxes levied on City Property and found that three of the statements did not cover City property. He stated. that tax statements have not been received for some of the Sewage Disposal property, the Fire Station site and part of Liberty Park and the old Sewage Disposal property in South Renton, so he does not know if the City will be entitled to the 3% reduction allowed if taxes are paid before March 15, 191;.9 on the latter property. The City Engineer stated that he-had investigated the manhole covers at Mothers Park and found them to be in good shape. The City Engineer was granted more time on the matter of the 4th Avenue North ex— tension from Burnett Street north to Logan Street North. The City Engineer stated that he had installed the signs in Mothers Park but the lights could not be installed .for a month. He further stated that the streets in Mothers Park will be a continuation of Wells Street North, and Williams street North and are so named. Cdr. McHugh started that he had notef__ed the City Clerk and Post Office of the new—named streets. - Mr. McHugh reported thwt he investigated the matter of the proposed water charges on Talbott Hill and. suggested a rate of $1.25 _a month for each consumer. Councilmnr Richardson suggested -that the Council meet with Mr. McHugh and. the City Attorney next Tuesday= night, March 22, 1949 at 7:30 P.M., in order to discuss the water charges before the meeting with the Talbott Hill. Committee. A discussion was held on the V.F.W., Carnival and it was moved by i,ichardson, seconded by Reid, that the Police Department be notified to police the grounds thoroughly and to strictly prohibit gambling and that the V.F.W., be notified that the Police Department are going to see that the City Ordinance prohibiting gambling is enforced. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the sidialk in front of the Barei Building has a hole in it about a foot deep. Mr. McHugh stated that the sidewalk and street had been dug up to install_ a_ larger sewage outlet from the building to the sewer main in the street and that the street and sidewalk would soon be restored to a datisfactory condition. Councilman Bruce stated that he had been contacted by Mr. George Thomas, Secretary of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, Aerie #17221 Renton, Washington, and had been informed by Mr. Thomas thdt the Fraternal Order of Eagles of Renton desired to have their club liquor license transferred from its present location to the new location to which the Eagles intend to move soon. As related by Councilman Bruce, Mr. Thomas further stated that the Eagles would appreciate a letter from the City Council approving the change in location of said license. The Mayor stated that it vra.s the policy of the State Liquor Control Board to request the Mayor in incorporated towns or cities and the County Commissioners in the County to approve or disapprove the issuance of liquor licenses, of the change of location for s ame, and that to the present time he,had no request from the_ State Liquor Control Board asking for his approval or disapproval for a change in location of the Eagles Club liquor license. After a thorough discussion, the Council seemed to reach the conclusion that a letter from the Council to the Fraternal Order of Eagles could have no mandatory effect on the action of the State Liquor Control Board but might be con— sidered as a recommendation for, or a protest against, the change in said license. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Ta.mborini, that a vote be taken to find out if the z3 Councilmen individually are in Favor of expressing their opinions in regard to the Eagles being granted permission by the State Liquor 1,entrol Board to have the location of their club liquor license changed to their new location. The Motion being put to a vote and a roll call vote being requested, the vote was as follows: Baxter, aye; Swift, aye; Delaurenti, aye; Bruce, aye; Freyman, aye; Hansen, aye; Hagen, No; Trimm, No; Reid, No; Gigli, No; Richardson, No; Tamborini, aye; Motion carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that a letter be drafted to the_Eagles informing them of the action taken by the Council. The motion beim; put 'to a vote the result was as follows: Baxter, a.ye; Swift, aye; Delaurenti, aye; Bruce',-aye; Freyman, aye; liansen,aye; Hagen, No; Trimm, No.; Reid, -No; Gigli, No; Richardson , No; Tamborini, aye. Motion Carried Councilman i ichardson stated that Ordinance No. 1202 regarding narking on certain streets should be changed as parking is being allowed on some of the streets on which parking is forbidden by Ordinance No. 1202. Councilman Richard- son also stated that some of the streets have been renamed si-nee the passage of Ordinance No, 1202. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hagen, that this matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney and that a retort be brought back to the Council soon. Carried. Mr. Ned Stokes, Manager of the Renton Airport, appeared before the Council, asking if April 5, 1949 would be a satisfactory date to set for the opening of the bids on the construction of the seaplane base. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that Mr. Stokes advertise for bids and set the date of the opening of same on April 5, 1949- Carried. The following bills having-been previously audited by the Finance Committee were rresented: CUPTIM King County Medical April dues 364.00 4191 Amer. Blue Print Co. Engr. Expense 29.07 2 Automatic Deodorant Co. C.H. Expense 2.00 3 John C. Becklund Dog Pound Expense 84.00 _ 4. C. Bevan C.H. Expense 4..12 5 Bosley' s Upholstery P.D. " 7.21 6 Art Burnside P.D. , " 321�.78 7 Chapman Bros. St.Lights & Expense 1166.72 8 H.L.Collier, City Treas. P.D. Expense 3.59 9 Wiley Crook Postage 10.50 4.200 L.N. Curtis & Sons F.D. Expense 2.58 1 Custer Hardware Co. P.D. n 4.78 2 D. & I. Office Supply Stationery 2.93 3 General Elec. Supply Corp. P.D. Expense 67.98 4 Gordyts Camera. & Snort Shop P.D. " 2.85 5 Dorothea Gossett C.H. n 1.55 6 Hsrley-Davidson Sales Co. P.D. It 19.61 7 Harper-Meggee, Inc. P.D. & F.D. Expense 7.24 8 Frank A. Henry P.D. Expense 25.89 9 King County Dept. of Pub.Health reb. King Cty, Insp, 175.00 10 Lande Feed Company Dog Pound Expense 3.04 11 Laucks Laboratories, Inc. P.D. Expense 25.00 12 Lewis Standard Station P.D. " 1.03 13 The Lumber Market En,-r. Expense 1.73 14 Mathewson's Renton Tire Shop P.D. it 23.94 15 Mine Safety Appliance Co. F.D. it 1.92 16 Nat. Police Automobile Directory P.D. It 6.50 17 Olympia. Garage, Inc. P.D. n 4.22 18 P.S.P. & Light Company Power 962.12 19 Radiotelephone Service Co. P.D. " 11.06 20 Reid & Cook Expense 68.83 21 The Penton Chronicle En-r. Expense,printi.ng 99.20 22 The Renton `'hronicle "tationery 99.67 23 Renton Motor Parts, Inc. P.D. Expense 17.80 24. , tradewell Stores, Inc. P.D. " 1.57 25 Trick & Murray Stationery 55.03 26 Valley Window Cleaners C.H. Exoense 7.50 27 Owl Cafe Jail meals 127.20 28 Payroll :Engineers 584.01 29-33 2.39 CURRENT Payroll Office $1023.89 4234-4245 Pay.toll F.Dept. 2356.44 46.-65 Payroll P. Dept.PDe t. 3051.57 !r7-89 P Payroll Mayor & Council 456.21 90-4302 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Phones 203.22 03 Payroll Garbage 594.42 04-10 Payroll St. Cleaning 392.50 11-16 Coll. of Int. Revenue �4ithholding Tax 4002.37 17 Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 318.24 18 WATER King County Medical April dues 48.75 7153 Addressograph Sales agy. Treas. Exp. 4.38 54 Badger Meter Company Expense 28.84 55 Cascade Machinery Co. Expense 345.01 56 Chapman Bros. Fx;ense 118.46 57 Concrete Products Co. dense 14.27 58 H.D. Howler Co. Tnc. Expense 64.44 59 Hersey Mfg. Co. Expense & Outlay 376.77 60 Matthewson's Renton Tire Shop Expense 10.56 61 P.S.P. & Light C,o. Power 815.39 63 63 Renton Hdwre. & Furn. Co. Em ense 9.66 Renton Motor Parts Inc. Expense 14.91 64 Western Utilities Supply Expense 158.59 65 Payrei_1 Office 345.29 66-71 Payroll slater 1127.143 72-81 Coll. of Int. Revenue Withholding Tax 576.30 82- Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Insurance 66.63 83 CITY STREETS King County Medical April dues 70.75 4638 Custer Hdw, Company Elxnense 48.50 39 East Side Glass Co. Expense 5.53 !+0 The Lumber Market Expense 1+8.41 41 Machinery Service &-- Supply It 14• Mathewsonis Renton Tire Shop 't 8.61 43 Northwest Chains & Sprockets Inc. it 10.92 44 Renton Boiler Works " 7.21 45 Renton Motor Parts Inc. " 12.22 1+6 Union Oil Company of Calif. Gasoline 598.78 147 Payroll Office 141.27 48-50 Payroll Citi Streets 1661.49 51-65 Collector of Int. Revenue 'Jithholding 758.10 66 Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 95.07 67 SEWER DISPOSAL King County Medical April dues 38.00 1428 Chapman Bros. Expense 2.63 29 Coast Wide Supply Expense 22.50 3-0 P.S.P. & Light Company Power 185.53 31 United Janitor Supply Co. Expense 5.36 32 Payroll Sewer Disposal 725.65 33-41 Coll. of Internal Revenue Withholding Tax 329.10 /+2 Rept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 146.77 43 PARK King County Medical April dues 15.75 1097 Ivan W. Lee Capital Outlay 129.95 98 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 14.72 99 Stoneway Dock Oompany Expense 7.21 1100 Payroll Park 513.34 01-05 Coll. of Internal I.evenue Withholding Tax 163.10 06 Uept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 39.41 07 ATHLETIC King County Medical April dues 15.25 375 Custer Hardware Co. E�cpense - Outlay 41.15 76 The Lumber Market Expense 19.50 77 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 72.04 78 Sunset Coal Company Exnense 274.31 79 United Janitor Supply Co. Expense 18.49 80 Payroll Athletic 203.02 81-83 Coll. of Internal Revenue Withholding Tax 58.80 84 ` 40 LIBRARY Allegro Records Hooks & 14tgazines 6.70 1712 Beckley-Carder Co. " If 3.33 13 Brendel Drug Co. " " 177.7$ 14 Diesel Oil Sales Supplies 28.98 15 Doubleday & Co. Books & h;ags. 27.72 16 George Friend Maintenance 25.00 17 J. K. Gill Books 24.36 18 E. M. Tule & Co. Books & Mags. 135.74 19 The H. R. Huntting Co. Books & Mags. 12.28 20 Imperial Book Co. It 26.12 21 Long-Bell Supplies 6.30 22 Potlatch Yards " 102.74 23 Puget Sound News Co Books & Magazines 250.49 24 Reid & Cook Supplies 9.27 25 Renton Hardware &° Furn. Co. Supplies 3.07 26 Sunset Coal Co. if 80.34 ° 27 King County Medical April dues 4.00 28 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 15.73 29 Payroll Library 845.29 30 Thomas Y. Crowell Co, Book 2.18 31 Julian Messner, Inc. Book -1.95 32 Coll. Of Int. Revenue Withholding Tax 210.30 - 42 Dent. of Labor & -Ind. Ind. Ins. 2.16 43 ATRPORT King County Medical April dues 4.00 592 American Blue Print Co. Expense 3.00 3 C. Bevan Expense 53.67 - 4 Chapman Bros. Expense 13.59 5 Cochran Fl�cpense 7.52 6 Diesel Oil Sales Co. Expense 196.93 7 J.P. Gruble Expense 37,50 - 8 The Lumber Market Exoense 21.68 9 P.S.P. & Light co. Polrer 103.28 600 Renton Hdw. & Furn. Co. Expense 6.33 01 Seattle 4,a ter Dept. Water 53.25 702 Payroll Airport 377.85 03-05 Coll. of Int. Revenue Withholding Tax 144.70 06 Dept. of Labor &f Ind. Ind. Insurance 2,x.;.29 07 AIRPORT SEAPLANE RAMP Stevenson & Rueben Expense 65.00 06 Moved b;T Richardson, seconJed by Hansen, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gigli, that the meetinJ be adjourned. Carried, CrUy Clerk yo r. Renton, Vash April 5., 1949 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order, Mayor Perry H. Mitchell presiding. ROLL CALL: Baxter, Swift, Delaurenti, Bruce, Freyman, Hansen, Hagen, Trimm, Reid, Gigli, Richardson & Tamborini. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Baxtert that the minutes of the meeting of March 15, 1949 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PETMITS AS SUBMITTED BY 'THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT, AQA_ AMOUN NAME LOCATION TYPE WORK 718 100.00 M. P. Lazare 89 Logan Street Post under floor joist 19 100.00 May Tunin 217 Garden Break curb and lay concrete driveway 21 700.00 Time Oil Company 2737-Commodore Way Repair Ser. Station Bremerton, Wash 22 200.00 Mrs. S. Carneski 248 Park Reroof 23 100.00 Mrs. Geo. Hannan 13807 89th Earlington Install elec. tank 24 1500.00 John Anardi Earlington, wash Erect basement 25 100.00 Harold W. Walcott 437 Windsor Way Erect fence 26 100.00 Woodrow Poling 509 Grandy Way Instl. oil tank 27 700.00 Mr. R.D.Petexmeyer 217 - Mill St. Remodel 28 100.00 Geo. H. Thomas 132 Pelly Remodel 29 100.00 Al. Morgan 1000 Bronson Way Erect flood light 30 1000.00 John Gerias 508 Smithers Repair house 31 ' 100.00 Renton Valley Fuel Co. 315 Wells Erect furnace Dem. 32 700.00 H. Burnham 62 Williams St. Erect garage 33 100.00 American Legion 55 Williams St. Erect new 3 wire ser. 34 2000.00 Emil Fontana Burnett St. Remodel & Repair house 35 100.00 Brendel Bldg. 3rd & Wells Remodel 36 4000.00 Charles A. Rand 520 High St. Erect house 36A 100.00 F. A. McKenna New Sign 37 400.00 J. Button Pet Shop 7043rd Ave Erect sign .. 38 400.00 Robinson Wilson 215 Tobin Remodel 39 100.00 David Mitchell 315 Tobin Repair garage 40 100.00 Jack Rambo 423 Windsor Way Erect wall 41 400.00 William Rigg 504 Bronson P1. Install oil tank 42 900.00 T. C. Robarger 509 Bronson Way No. Remodel 43 100.00 Wm. Hansen 315 Pelly Remodel 44 1500.00 Ruby Barrett 123 Factory Remodel 45 100.00 Bernice Webber 3rd & Morris Erect trap 46 2999.00 Carl Cook 3rd Whitworth Erect bldg. 47 100.00 William Hoyt 220 Park Erect fence 48 100.00 George Gambini 300 Meadow St. Erect fence 49 9000.00 R. H. Sepgi South 140th St. Erect house 50 100.00 R. Romiti 433 Cedar Repair chkn. Coup 51 100.00 Emil Fontana Burnett St. Move house 53 100.00 W.M. Rock 343 Whitworth Install wiring 54 700.00 Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints 3rd P1. & Shattuck Erect sidewalk & Curb. 55 100.00 H. Bruer 112 - 3rd Ave Erect Gar. Platform 56 100.00 Frank Rhodes 3rd & Burnett Remodel 57 350.00 Joe Tielon 533 --Wells St. Remodel 58 524.00 Mrs. R. H. Murdock 432 Williams Instl. -foundation 59 Mrs. May Tunin 217 Garden Plumbing 60 100.00 Nate Davidson 205 --3rd Ave Erect sign 61 100.00 Wallin & Edwards 213 - Wells Const. parking lot. 63 300.00 Shaw Bros. 10¢ Drug 220 Wells Repair roof 64 750.00 Dr, Glossop 13817 88th So. Instl. Oil burner 65 700.00 Nate Davidson 205 3rd Ave sidewalk & curb 66 100.00 Homer Wren 319 Meadow Remodel 67 2000.00 Mrs. Earl Conklin 13639- 86th So. Remodel 68 100.00 Elmer E. Porter Box 1510, Kent, Wash Move houses 69 800.00 Lee Hansen Box 4860 Renton, Wash Install furnace APPLICATIONS FOR CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY AS SUBMIT'T'ED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. NAMEADDRESS FOR OCCUPANCY AS Frank. Baffaro 23 Wells Music studio Gertrude E. Hurley 234 Wells Stenographic School and w Public stenography The usual order of business was changed in order to have hearings on the proposed construction of an apartment house at the S.W. corner of the intersection of 2nd Avenue and Shattuck Street, the Talbot Hill water hearing and the opening of the bids on the Airport Seaplane Ramp. Mayor Mitchell introduced the high school students who will be in charge of the City on April 19th. Mr. Mitchell stated that the approval of the Council was necessary in order for the students to be in charge of the City. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Baxter, that the students of Renton High School be given permission to take over the City offices on Tuesday, April 19, 1949. Carried. This being the date designated for the hearing on the proposed construction of an apartment building consisting of from 25 to 32 units on --. the property situated on the southwest corner of the intersection of 2nd Avenue and Shattuck Street in the City of Renton, by Clarence W. Magnuson, the Mayor asked if there were any protests. There being no protests, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the Council approve the construction of the apartment house upon written receipt of the Planning Commission's approval. Carried. A communication was read from Mayor Mitchell stating he had re— ceived the resignation of Mr. E.E. Wicker from the Airport Board, who had re— signed because of the press of business and other duties and the Mayor appointed Mr. Frank Ames to fill the un—expired term of Mr. Wicker which terminates October 1949. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the appointment. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. Guy Stafford, Secretary of Water District No. 78 stating that careful consideration has been given to the rate for water which the Council offered the Talbot Hill District whichcas $1.25 for each customer for 800 cubic feet and 6¢ a 100 cubic feet over 72.,000r cubic feet. The Water District suggested a counter proposal of a flat rate of 10¢ a 100 cubic feet with no minimum and would like a 3 year contract renewable from year to year and containing a provision that the City would not sell water to anyone in the district during the life of the contract. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Richardson, that this matter be referred to the Fire, Light and Water Committee for a report on same. Carried. This being the date designated for the opening of the bids on the construction of a Seaplane Ramp facility at Renton Municipal Airport, the following bids were received$ LARSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY COLEMAN BUILDING, SEATTLE, WASH. Proposal 4. 1 2. 3. $26,800.00 $29,964.00 $25,140.00 $25,240.00 Deduction Deduction Deduction Addition for Shorter Piles longer Piles 1. 2. $.18 $.25 $350.00 $450.00 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY SEATTLE, WASHINGTON Proposal 1. 2. 3. 4. $26,000.00 $28,300.00 $24,000.00 $26,400.00 Deduction Deduction Deduction for Addition for 1. 2, shorter piles longer piles $500.00 $600.00 $.40 $1:15 GILBERT PILEDRIVING COMPANY MERCER ISLAND, WASH Proposal 1. 2, 3. 4. $22,123.37 $25,213.37 $19,194.05 $22,284.05 Deduction Deduction Deduction for Addition for 1 2. shorter piles longer piles $244.11 $339.90 $.70 L � � 24 MANSON CONSTRUCTION CO SEATTLE, WASH Proposal 1 2, 3. 4. $25,600.00 $289800.00 $21,700.00 $24900.00 Deduction Deduction for Addition for 1 2,, shorter pile longer pile $360.00 $450.00 None $.30 RUMSSEY & COMPANY SEATTLE, WASHINGTON Proposal .. 1 2, 3. 4. $33,423.49 $37,073.49 $30,264.75 $33,954.55 Deduction Deduction Deduction Addition for shorter pile longer pile $606.00 $686.00 $.21 $.21 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the above bids be referred to the Finance Uommittee, City Engineer, Airport Manager and Airport Commission for study and report back, Carried. A recess was called to meet with the members of the Talbot Hill hater District and to study the bids. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Perry H. Mitchell, presiding. ROLL CALL: BAXTER, SWIFT, DELAU -ENTI, BRUCE., FREYMAN, HANSEN, HAGEN, TRIMM, REID, GIGLI, RICHARDSON AND TA1BORINI. The Finance Committee reported they had studied the bids with the C.A.A. Board and Superintendent of the Airport and it was agreed to award the bid to Gilbert Piledriving Company on their Proposal #2 in the amount of $25,213.37. It was recommended that the longer piles be used and as the total cost of the ramp will be $1,000.00 more than the estimate, it was thought that it would be better to use the longer piles. The Finance Committee recommended that the Council guarantee to underwrite $500.00 on the bid. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendations of the Committee. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the City Attorney be in— structed to draw up a resolution of intention on the above matter and present it to the council at the next meeting. Carried. The Fire Light and Water Committee reported they had not reached a decision on the matter of the water rates for Talbot Hill and requested that another meeting be held Tuesday night, April 12, 1949 at 8:00 p.m., with the Council as a whole. Moved by Reid, ,seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the re— commendations of the Tire Light and Water Committee and requested the City Clerk to notify all the councilmen of the meeting. Carried. 0 A communication was read from Jimis Garbage Service enclosing a petition signed by the owners and/or managers of various business houses in the City of Renton requesting permission to collect refuse and garbage from their places of business at no expense to the City of Renton. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the City Engineer, City Attorney and the Council as a whole for their consideration next Tuesday night, April 12, 1949. Carried. An invoice was submitted by the Statewide City Employees Retirement System in the amount of $232.50 for services rendered for Acturial Valuation re the participation of the City of Renton in the Statewide City Employees Retire— ment System. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hagen, that this invoice be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. — A communication was read from the State of Washington Statewide City Employees Retirement System stating that their group is interested in purchasing L.I.D. bonds and would like the City of Renton to notify contractors that they are in the market for such securities and would like to purchase them if possible. It was also stated that the System would purchase registered warrants. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Freyman, that the communication be filed with the City Clerk. Carried. A communication was read from the Statewide City Employees retirement System explaining new membership regulations in the Retirement System. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Baxter, that the pity Clerk be instructed to distribute a a copy of the new regulations to all employees in order that they may understand them. Carried. 244 A communication was read from the Department of Highways relating to the provision of Section 5, Chapter 220, Laws of 1949 (House Bill No. 217) wherein the Department of Highways assumes the responsibility for the construction and- maintenance of the routes of the primary and secondary State Highways, through the City of Renton as of April 1, 1949 and stating that in the near future the City Clerk will be furnished a description of the routes of the State Highways through the City involved in said transfer of responsibility. The communication was ordered filed. A petition was presented for necessary steps to be taken for the construction of a sewer main on the southeasterly side of Sunset Boulevard., between 7th Avenue North and 9th Avenue North in the City of Renton. The prop- perties affected are Lots 28, 29, 30, 31 and 32 of Harries Garden Home Tracts and a portion of Renton Highland Housing Authority. As there were only two signatures on the petition, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the City Engineer be instructed to have the proper amount of signatures_ on the petition before presenting it to the Council. Carried. A communication was read from the Band Box Restaurant, 142-.20 Rainier Avenue, Renton, Washington, stating that they had received an "H11 license to sell liquor by the drink and stated they would conform with Renton City Ordinance No. 1303 governing Food and Drink Establishments and any other regulations governing same. A similar communication was read from the Beacon Restaurant of Renton, Moved by Baxter, seconded by Hansen, that the two communications be placed on file for future reference. Carried. A communication was read from the Maplewood Improvement Association, Inc., stating that at their last regular meeting April 4, 1949s a discussion was held on the bus service to Maplewood and the following recommendations were made which they believe would increase the revenue of the Transit System: 1. Accurate connection with Seattle bus schedules. 2. Busses should always arrive on schedule 3. An evening bus at 5 or 5:30 for Boeing employees coming home. 4. Bus service through the streets of Maplewood 5. Suggest the Transit System find out from the residents of Maplewood a more��ta sfactory ,schedule. Mr. Bacon, owner of the Renton Transit System was at the Council meeting and stated that it would be necessary for him to discontinue running a bus to Maplewood and North Renton as it was a losing proposition. Mr. Sowers, representative of the Maplewood Improvement Club stated it would not be a losing proposition if a better schedule was in operation. During a discussion it was noted that Mr. Bacon's franchise for operation of the Transit System had been effective only to December 12, 1947. Mr. Haugan, the City Attorney, stated that due to the fact that the Transit System continued to operate the franchise was still in force. After a lengthy discussion, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the City Attorney and Police and License Committee check on this franchise and come back with a recommendation. Carried. Mr. Bacon notified the Council that the Maplewood and North Renton bus schedules would stop running on Wednesday.. April 6, 1949 but the other runs would still be in effect. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gigli, that the Maple- wood and North Renton runs be dropped and the other runs be kept going and the Police & License Committee will have a report on what action should be taken on Tuesday, April 12, 1949. The motion being put to a vote, the result was as follows: Baxter, No; Swift, No; Delaurenti, Yes; Bruce, No; Freyman, Yes; Hansen, No; Hagen, No; Trimm, Yes; Reid, No; Gigli, Yes; Richardson, No; Tamborini, No. Motion lost. Councilman Bruce stated the loss of bus service to Maplewood is a serious matter,that the Council should act on this matter as soon as possible. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Swift, that the Council reconvene Wednesday night, April 6, 1949 at which time some action would be taken in obtaining bus service for Maplewood. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Highlands P.T.A., requesting permission to drop pamphlets over the City of Renton from an airplane advertising a carnival on April 8, 1949. As it appeared the consensus of Council opinion was that the Council had no authority. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Baxter, that the Council do not approve of the request. Carried. A request was read from C.L. Matthie for a locksmith license. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Baxter, that this matter be referred to the Police and License Committee and Police Chief with power to act. Carried. A request was read from Ethel Pedegani for permission to install a pinball machine at Ethel's Confectionary at 101 Park Avenue, Renton. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that this matter be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Proposed Resolution NO. 729 was presented BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL to order the improvement of the property within the following described district and boundaries, known as (a) Highland Addition to Renton (b) Morgan's Grand View Addition to Renton and (c) Renton Co-operative Coal Company Acre Tracts, Plat No. 1, by constructing lateral sanitary sewers with man-holes and all appurtenances and doing such other work as may be necessary in connection therewith, in accordance with plans prepared by the City Engineer. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this Resolution be adopted and May 3, 1949 be set as the date of hearing. Carried. PROPOSED ORDINANCE N0. 1338 was read which is an ORDINANCE APPROVING THE PLAT OF RENTON HIGHLANDS. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that this Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for a report back. Carried. PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 1339 was read which is an ORDINANCE REGULATING PARKING OF VEHICLES ON CERTAIN STREETS AND AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1202. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Tamborini, that this be referred to the Ordinance Committee for a report back. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1338. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and that the Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. Subject Ordinance having been given a second and final reading, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the Ordinance be adopted as read. Motion being put to a roll call vote all councilmen voted aye. Motion Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1339. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman that the council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. Subject Ordinance was given its second and final reading. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Baxter, that the Ordinance be adopted as read. The motion being put to a roll call vote, all councilmen voted aye. Motion carried. The City Engineer reported that a call for bids would be published for the paving of a 30-foot wide street on Morris Street between 2nd Avenue and 3rd Avenue and May 3, 1949 would be the date designated for opening of the bids. The City Engineer stated he had notified the Washington Outing Parks Association that it would be permissable for them to erect new highway pointer signs through this locality providing they do not design the signs for advertising purposes. The City Engineer stated more time was needed on the matter of the 4th Avenue extension from Burnett Street north to Logan Street north. The City Engineer stated more time was needed on the matter of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company's resolution authorizing the execution and delivery of a contract with Puget Sound Power & Light Company for furnishing municipal water pumping power. The Police & License Committee reported they had checked with Mr. Overman and the board fence on his property will be cut down to everyone's satisfaction. The Police and License Committee reported Mr. O.H. Martin's request for permission to install a pinball game at the B-29 Cafe, 14057 Sunset Highway was granted, provided license fee connected with the machine be paid to the City Clerk. The Property Committee reported that insurance covering Public Liability, property damage and bodily injury in the operation of automotive equipment or other City activities, was awarded to Mr. William F. Davis, lowest bidder. 246 r William F. Davis submitted a bill with the insurance policy for insurance above referred to in the amount of $4,423.92, plus $197.22 which in- cludes coverage for additional liability not included in the original policy. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurentit that this matter be turned over to the Finance Committee, City Clerk and Property Committee with power to act. Carried. Mr. Sowers of the Equitable Life Assurance Society appeared before the Council regarding the Group Insurance Plan for the benefit of all City employees and asked if May 3, 1949 would be a satisfactory date for Mr. Kindigp Insurance Representative to appear before the Council to explain the plan. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Swift, that May 3, 1949 be designated as the date for Mr. Kindig to appear before the Council. Carried. The City Clerk reported he had on file in his office a list of measures enacted into law during the 1949 Legislative Session and stated that if any of the councilmen wished to have a copy of any of the laws they could check the names on the list and the City Clerk will send for them. The committee consisting of the Ways and Means Committee, City Clerk, and City Engineer submitted a map showing the recommended changes in precincts in the City of Renton. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Committee and the map be submitted to the proper authority. Carried. The Street and Alley Committee stated that they do not recommend the granting of NO PARKING on the west side of Morris Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues until a survey has been made of similar problems elsewhere, especially on the 301 streets, and a plan made for the entire area. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommendations of the Committee. Carried. Mr. Bill Chapman appeared before the Council requesting a certificate of occupancy for a restaurant in the building at 222 - Main Street. The City Engineer stated he would not recommend the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy as he did not feel the building was suitable for a restaurant. Moved by Baxtero seconded by Swift, that the council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and Building inspector. Carried. Mr. George Sowers -stated Maplewood is interested in getting sewers in the district. It was suggested that a petition requesting this improvement be drawn up and brought before the council. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: CURRENT Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. $ 318.24 4318 Payroll Engineers 558.04 19-23 Payroll Office 985.79 24-35 Payroll F.D. 2665.64 36-59 Payroll P.D. 2896.33 60-83 Statewide City Emp. Pension Pension 3139.46 84 Payroll Garbage 760.66 85-92 Payroll St. Cleaning 456.70 93-97 WATEg Payroll Office 339.79 7184,89 Payroll Water 1425.71 90-7200 CITY_STREETS Payroll Office 141.27 4667-70 Payroll City Streets 1414.48 71-85 Payroll SEWER DISPOSAL Sewer Disposal 737.35 1444-53 IAA- Payroll Park 477.20 1108-12 LIBRARY Winifred Daniels Expense 20.00 1744 Diesel Oil Sales Co. Supplies 10.83 45 Doubleday & Co. Books 39.18 46 George Friend Expense 62.00 47 Gaylord Bros. Supplies 180.50 48 J. K. Gill Co. Books 35.01 49 24 ATHLETIC Payroll Athletic 126.92 385-37 AIRPORT Payroll Airport 365.56 608-610 CUMULATIVE FUND #1183 Wm.F. & Lavina Bennett Payment on Real Estate 8000.00 289 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gigli, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting be recessed until Wednesday, April 6, 1949. Carried. City Ferk Ma r. 248 Renton, Wash April 6, 1949 The recessed meeting of the City Council was called to order; due to the absence of Mayor Perry H. Mitchell, the President of the Council, Joe Baxter presided as Mayor Pro Tem. ROLL CALL: BAXTER, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN, HAGEN, REID, GIGLI, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. A representative from the Maplewood Improvement Club was present to ascertain what action was necessary in order for the residents of Maplewood to .... secure connections with the Renton water and sewage systems. The City Council in- formed them it would be necessary for them to go to the City Engineer and have him draft a petition and when the majority of the property owners in Maplewood have signed said petition, bring the petition to the City Council and a hearing date will be set in order that the council may hear any protests against an L.I.D., for acquiring and/or constructing said sewage and water systems. If there were no protests against the formation of an L.I.D., the City Engineer would estimate the cost of acquiring and/or constructing the systems and an L.I.D., could be set- up and the property owners would be assessed according to State laws governing L.I.D.'s. Another plan was suggested whereby the City or the Maplewood property owners would buy the present Maplewood water system from Mr. Haniff, the owner. A discussion was held relative to previous attempts on the part of the City to purchase said system but it was stated no agreement could be reached on the pur- chase price. Mr. Dobson spoke on behalf of Mr. Haniff stating that Mr. Haniff had appeared before at a committee meeting of the City Council at which time he was told he would be notified by letter when to appear before the Council; as no communi- cation was received by him, he believed the matter had been dropped. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the Council, City Engineer, City Attorney, Mr. Dobson, (representing Mr. Haniff,) members of the Maplewood Improvement Club and other interested parties, meet with Mr. Haniff on Wednesday, 13 April, 1949 at 8:00 p.m., in the Renton City Council Chambers, in order to see if some agreement can be reached on the purchase price of the present Maplewood water system. Carried. The City Clerk was notified to remind the above parties by a letter of the meeting. Mr. Bacon, owner of the Renton Transit System appeared before the City Council and submitted a proposed schedule for the approval of the Council. Under the new schedule the Renton Transit System would run busses to Maplewood at the following times: 6:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m., and 4:35 p.m., excluding Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Bacon also asked permission to raise the fare to 15¢. Representatives of Maplewood stated it would be satisfactory with them to have the rates raised to 15¢ providing they received better service. Mr. Bacon was asked if the busses would begin to come into the main Street of Maplewoodo but he informed the Maplewood Improvement Club that the roads were still toDbad for him to attempt it. After several members of the Maplewood Improvement Club had stated their protests and Mr. Lynn, U.S. mediator between Mr. Bacon, the bus drivers of the Renton Transit System and representative of the bus driver's Union had spoken; a short recess was called in order for the Council and City Attorney to meet with Mr. Bacon to see if some plan could be worked out in regard to this problem. Meeting called to order by President of the Council, Joe Baxter, presiding as Mayor Pro Tem. ROLL CALL: BAXTER, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREY*AN, HANSEN, HAGEN, REID, GIGLI, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that an Amendment be made to Ordinance No. 1256 allowing Mr. Bacon an extension period of six (6) months on his franchise, running the busses on the proposed schedule as presented to the City Counci, and stating that any changes of any kind in the schedule will have to be approved by the Council or by a Committee. Carried. ,A 249 Moved by Reid, seconded by Bruce, that the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney draw up an Amendment to Ordinance No. 1256 and bring it before the Council on 19 April, 1949. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated another telephone was needed by the Fire Department to take care of calls for fires. Moved by kichardson, seconded by Tamborini and Finance Committee with power to Act. Carried, Councilman Baxter stated that the Army Engineers required easements from the City in order that they may trespass on the City Park property and other City property while doing work on the Cedar River banks in Renton. Councilman Baxter stated this work includes putting rocks along the banks of the rivers, etc. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the City Attorney and Park Board be instructed to prepare easements for the Army Engineers in order that this work can be done. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that a traffic light, operating on a timer, working from 7:00 to 8:30 a.m., and 4:00 p.m., to 5:00 p.m., be installed at 6th Avenue North and Logan Street North, and a traffic survey be made at 8th Avenue North and Logan Street North and Airport Way and Logan Street. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the above motion be amended to include the provision that an investigation and check be made by the Finance Committee and Police Department before installing a traffic light at 6th Avenue North and Logan Street North, and that a report be brought back to the Council regarding same at the next meeting. The amendment being put to a vote, the amendment carried, the motion being put to a vote, the motion carried. Councilman Bruce requested permission to have a leave of absence from the Council from 26th April to 17 May 3.949. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that Councilman Bruce be granted a 30 day leave of absence, beginning 26 April, 1949. Carried. A discussion was held on the signal light at 3rd and Main and the one at the intersection of the Sunset Highway and Maple Valley road. It was stated the lights have been installed but are not operating. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and City Engineer and a report be brought back to the Council. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. -City erk or. . Lo i 250 Renton, Wash April 19, 1949 The regular rmeting of the City Council was called to order, Mayor Perry H. Mitchell presiding. ROLL CALL: BAXTER, SWIFT, DELAURENTI., BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN, HAGEN, TRIMM, REID, GIGLI, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. The Renton High School Government Class of Mr. Andrew Gray, held positions of the Councilmen and other city officers during the council meeting. Moved by Reid, seconded by Bruce that the minutes of the regular council meeting of April 5, 1949 and the recessed council meeting on I April 62 1949 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT I NO. AMOUNT NAME LOCATION TM WORK 752 400.00 Dan Tilenda 12056 S.E. 141st Install driveway 70 100.00 Mrs. Robarge 509 Bronson Way Wiring outside 71 100.00 Harry Schellent 1509 Marion St. Concrete floor 72 700.00 R. N. Jardine 111x.11 Sunset Blvd. Erect barber shop 73 100.00 Robinson Wilson 215 Tobin Avenue Install sink 74 150.00 Angelo Phillips 221 Airport Way Install plumbing 75 100.00 Robinson Wilson 215 Tobin Street Install range 76 400.00 Howard Humphrey 429 Wells St. No. Asbestos Shingle siding 77 150.00 Carl Cook 3rd & Whitworth Plumbing 78 100.00 Chris Diede 519 No. Wells Rewire Range 79 100.00 Williams & Swanson 700 3rd Avenue Break curb & install driveway 80 300.00 Ann OtBrien 103 Wells Install furnace 81 1000.00 W. J. Thompson 803 3rd Ave. No. Remodel residence to duplex. 82 700.00 Mrs. Herman Neilsen 228 - Pelly Ave Shake siding 83 100.00 Mary Geneva Kovar 451 Pelly Ave Repair garage roof 84 100.00 L. 0, Garrety 322 Meadow St. Erect fence 85 100.00 Joe Gabalis 13421 Rainier Ave Install plumbing 86 100.00 Angelo Phillips 221 Airport Way Ins. range & W.H. 87 400.00 R. A. Blair 4[ - Pelly Ave Concrete foundation 88 850.E A. Newman 1,003 3rd Ave N. Plumbing 89 300.00 Fred Marchetti 205 Tobin Ave Erect garage 90 100.00 Harry Shearer 313 Wells Erect shelves 91 26,000.00 Frank Chapman 112 3rd Ave Erect & Repair bldgs. 92 100.00 G. J. Spady 347 Meadow St. Remodel garage 93 4W.00 H. C. Anderson 614 Shattuck St. Add, to house 94 400.00 War Assets Corp. Gate #12 Boeing Plant Rewiring Service 95 100.00 L.P. Wood 316 Cedar St. Ins. switch box 96 400.00 Hermans Mobile Plumb.14034 Rainier So. Erect open shed 97 100.00 Alex Malesis 3rd & Rainier Ave. Repair fruit stand 98 100.00 R. N. Jardine 11411 Sunset Blvd. Plumbing 99 100.00 William M. Dole 449 No, Wells Concrete walk 800 400.00 Hazelton - % 1200 Bronson Way General repairs Tom Dob son 1 100.00 Sutton & Eakles 2nd & Williams Install pole 2 100.00 Wm. Thompson 205 Williams St. No. Rewire range & HW 3 31,000.00 Umberto Barei 221+,-226 Wells Erect building 4 1,000.00 Kena Jensen 14220 92nd So. Remodel 5 100.00 Kena Jensen 14220 92nd So, Plumbing 6 375.00 Custer Hdwe Bldg. 230 Wells St. Repair roof 7 100.00 Custer Hdwe Bldg. 230 " " Install sew. conn 8 400.00 Mrs. E. J. Turney 98 Williams St. Repair garage 9 150.00 Alex Ferrat 220 Garden St. Reroof 10 500.00 Peoples Nat'l Bank 3rd & Williams Replace doors 11 100.00 Button's Renton 704 - Third Ave Erect marquee Petland 12. 400.00 Art N^wman 3rd & Pelly Wire Duplex z, A communication was read from the Renton Recreation Council stating that they wished to go on record as opposing any move which would mean a planned, covered, all-year swimming pool. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that this communication be placed on file for future reference. Carried. A communication was read from William B. Pond tendering his re- signation as Executive -Director of Parks and Recreation of the City of Renton, effective May 15, 1949 as he is to accept an appointment by the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission a s consultant on recreation. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hagen, that the council accept Mr. Pond's resignation. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that a letter of commendation ..� be sent to Mr. Pond. Carried. Communications were read from the Renton Recreation Council and Renton Park Board recommending Mr. Gene Coulon for the vacancy left by the resig- nation of Mr. William Pond. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Renton Recreation Council and Renton Park Board and that Gene Coulon be appointed Executive Director of Parks and Recreation in the City of Renton. Carried. A communication was read from James L. Lee, Lee's Ice Cream Co., 1749 13th Avenue South, Seattle 44, Washington, requesting renewal of an ice cream vending license in the residential area of Renton. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the Association of Washington Cities notifying the council that the dates of the 15th Annual Convention at Hoquiam had been changed from Thursday, June 2, 1949 and Friday June 3rd 1949 to Friday, June 10, and Saturday June 11, 1949. Communication ordered filed. A communication was read from J. H. Nolen, General Manager of the Renton-Talbot Ball Club, requesting permission to operate a pop and hot dog stand at Liberty Park during the home games of the Ball Club. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that this matter be referred to the Park Board, Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Lions Club thanking the Mayor and City 6ouncil for the quick and friendly manner which certain permits were issued which were necessary to the successful operation of the recent Merchants' Exposition. Communication ordered. filed. A communication was read from the Renton City Planning Commission stating that the following resolution was passed at its last meeting: „Resolved: that we recommend to the City Council that they act favorably upon the building permit of Mr. Magnuson for the erection of a 32-room apartment house and court as per the submitted plot plan and building specifications." Moved by Gigli, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendations of the Renton Planning Commission. Carried. A communication was read from the War Assets Administration stating that Mr. Nelson Vaughn has been assigned to duty as Project Manager at the Boeing Renton Aircraft Plant, Renton. Communication ordered filed. A letter was read from Mr. George H. Thomas, notifying the Council of his resignation as a member of the Police and Fire Department Civil'Service Boards. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that Mr. Thomas' resignation be accepted. Carried. Moved by T&mborini, seconded by Richardson, that a letter of commen- dation be sent to Mr. Thomas. Carried. A bill was presented from Chapman Brothers in the amount of $59745.77 for the work and materials on the 2nd Avenue Street Lighting Contract. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Swift, that this bill be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. 25 2 A letter was read from Ned Stokes, Mana#er of the Renton Airport, recommending that the City Council accept the offer of the Northern Radio Company for the purchase of a radio transmitter, now a part of the Airport property. The Northern Radio Company has offered the Renton Airport Board $750.00 for the transmitter. A communication was read from Radio Tech, C.S. Williams, of the Renton Police Dept. to Mr. Ned Stokes suggesting that the Airport Board accept the offer of the Northern Radio Company. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hagen, that the money received from the sale of the radio transmitter be used for new airport equipment. Carried. A communication was read from B. M. McHugh, City Engineer, re- questing permission to change the title of Jaynes E. Denzer, from Building Inspector to Assistant Building Official of the City of Renton in,order that Mr. Denzer would have full authority when he was out on a job to act in Mr. McHugh's stead. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Swift, that this matter be turned over to the council as a whole. Carried. A communication was read from City Clerk Wiley Crook appointing Dorothea S. Gossett as Deputy City Clerk in his absence. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the appointment. Carried. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. 730 was presented BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that the appointment of Dorothea S. Gossett as Deputy City Clerk, made this day in writing by Wiley Crook, City Clerk of Renton, be approved and confirmed. Moved by Hagen, seconded by Baxter, that this Resolution be adopted as read. Carried. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. 731 was presented BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL to order the improvement of the property within the following described district and boundaries, knoim as (a) Highland Addition to Renton; (b) Morgan's Grand View Addition, to Renton, and (c) Renton Co-operative Coal Company Acre Tracts, Plat No. 1, by constructing lateral sanitary sewers with man-holes and all appurtenances and doing such other work as may be necessary in connection therewith, in accordance with plans prepared by the City Engineer. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Freyman, that this Resolution be adopted as read and May 17, 1949 be set as the date of hearing. Carried. PPLPOSED RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 732 was presented BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that it is the intention of the City Council to order the improvement of area along Sunset Blvd, lying easterly and southerly thereof to the north and west lines of Renton Highlands Federal Project and West of rrErr Street, all in the City of Renton, king County, Washington, by the construction of sanitary sewer system with man-holes, etc., along thn, easterly and southerly line of said Sunset Blvd. from Seventh Ave. North, thence North and Easterly to "E" Street, with laterals as may be required. The hearing shall be held on May 17, 1949 at 8:00 p.m..,- Moved by Hansen, seconded by Freyman, that this Resolution be adopted as read. Carried. PROPOSED RESOLUTION OF INTENTION No. 733 was presented BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that it is the intention of the City Council to order the im- provement of the area near 6th Ave. and Shattuck Street in the City of Renton, by construction and installation of sanitary sewers with man-holes and appurten- ances. The hearing on the improvement will be held on May 17, 1949 at 8:00 p.m., Moved by Trimm, seconded by Baxter, that this Resolution be adopted as read. Carried. PROPOSED RESOLUTION N0. 734 was presented ADOPTING AND APPROVING THE EXECUTION of the grant agreement to be submitted to the Administrator.of Civil Aeronautics, U.S. Department of Commerce, to obtain federal aid in the develop- ment of the Renton Municipal Airport. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Gigli, that this resolution be adopted as read. Carried. PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 1340 was presented AN ORDINANCE consenting to temporary change of schedules and routes of motor bus transportation by Renton Transit Company under Ordinance No. 1256. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that this Ordinance be turned over to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. 25,i The Ordinance Committee recommended that the Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Tambcrinij seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendations of the Ordinance Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading of the Ordinance, it was moved by Gigli, seconded by Bruce, that the Ordinance be adopted as read. The Ordinance was passed by the unanimous consent of the Council. The minutes of the 12 April, 1949 Council committee meeting regarding Talbot Hill Water District proposition and the proposal of Jim's Garbage Service regarding collection of garbage from the business properties in Renton �.. were read. Moved by Hagen, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes be incorporated in the minutes of the 19 April, 1949, meeting. Carried. The minutes of the Fire, Light & Water Committee meeting with the Council Committee on 13 April, 1949, regarding the purchase of the Maplewood Homes Water System were read. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Bruce, that the Council accept the minutes of the meeting. Carried. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Hansen, that a short recess be held. Carried. Meeting called to order by Mayor Perry H. Mitchell, presiding. ROLL CALL: BAXTER, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN, HAGEN, TRIMM, REID, GIGLI, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. The Police Department submitted the report of the traffic survey made at Airport and Logan St. No.; 8th Ave. No. and Logan; and 6th Ave No. & Logan Street North. Moved by Hagen, seconded by Freyman, that this report be turned over to the Street & Alley Committee for study and report back to the Council. Carried. Mr. McHugh, City Engineer, was granted more time on the matter of the 4th Avenue North extension from Burnett St. North to Logan St. North and also was granted more time on the matter of the Puget Sound Power and Light Company's resolution authorizing the execution and delivery of a contract with said Company for furnishing municipal water pumping power. The Finance Committee reported the bill in the amount of $232.50 submitted by the Statewide City Employees Retirement System for services rendered for Acturial Valuation re the participation of the City of Renton in the Statewide City Employees Retirement System has been paid. The Finance Committee reported the bill from William F. Davis for insurance in the amount of $4,423.92 plus $197.22 for additional coverage has been paid. The Finance Committee reported the matter of the traffic light being installed at 6th Ave North and Logan Street North had been investigated and the report turned over to the Street & Alley Committee. The Street and Alley Committee was granted mo--e time on the matter of the signal lights at 3rd. and Main, intersection of the Sunset Highway and Maple Valley hoad which are not operating. The Fire, Light and Water Committee was granted more time on the following matters: ,r 1. Feasibility if increasing water rates of the City of Renton. 2. Investigation of ordinance regarding charge for installing meters to see if any changes are necessary. The Fire Light & Water Committee was granted more time on their re— commendations on the matter of work orders for constructions, repairs and other types of work performed by the different Department, whereby a record and check could be kept through Triplicate Work Order Forms of the work performed. 254 The Police & License Committee reported a temporary Locksmith license will be issued to C. L. Matthie. The Police & License Committee reported the requests of Mr. J.E. Hagen and Ethel Pedagani for permission to install pinball machines were granted provided proper license fees are paid. Mr. Haugan, the City Attorney, reported it would not be necessary to draw up a resolution of intention for the underwriting of funds for the completion of the Seaplane Ramp facility at Renton Municipal Airport as there was enough money in the fund to cover it. Councilman Reid inquired as to when the turn was going to be cut off at 3rd and Renton Avenue. Moved by Hagen, seconded by Gigli, that this matter be referred to the Fire, Light and Water Committee. Carried. A discussion was held on the condition of the Renton Dog Pound. Moved by Hagen, seconded by Tamborini, that an investigation be made by the Ways and Means Committee and a report brought back to the Council. Carried. A discussion was held on the possibility of having a traffic caution sign on the Northwest corner of 124th and 4th Avenue North. Moved by Swift seconded by Freyman, that this matter be turned over the Street & Alley Committee and a report be brought back. Carried. The matter of the speed limit of 25 miles an hour on the Dunlap Canyon Road was brought up. It was stated that it should be increased to 50 miles an hour and a caution light installed on the highway across from the Earlington Post Office. Moved by Hagen, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be turned over to the Ordinance Committee for an investigation and a report be brought back to the Council. Carried. Councilman Reid stated that since the State of Washington passed a bill raising the pay of councilmen, that the City Council should investigate to see if they can raise their own wages. Moved by Reid, seconded by Swift, that this matter be turned over to the Ways & Means Committee and the Pity Attorney. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated the City has no Ordinance regulating Class "H" licenses or Club "H" licenses which are the licenses governing the sale of liquor by the drink. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the Ordinance Committee draft such an ordinance and report back. Carried. A discussion was held on the problem of the high school students having to take their shoes off for the dances held at the North Recreation Hall. It was pointed out that the floor is used for basketball and that shoes ruin the floor. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that this matter be placed in the hands of the Property Committee and representatives of the student City Council and that they meet with the Park Board to work out some solution to this problem. A communication was read from the Renton Police Department regarding the valuable prizes being given away on a punchboard at the Cougar Den. These prizes include radios and a television set. The Police Department wanted an opinion from the Council as to future installations of this type of board. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Police & License Committee and City Attorney and bring back a report. The motion being put to a vote the result was as follows: Baxter, aye; Swift, aye; Delaurenti, aye; Bruce, No; Freyman, aye; Hansen, No; Hagen, No; Trimm, No; Reid, No; Gigli, No; nichardson, No; Tamborini, aye. Motion lost. After a discussion of the above matter, it was decided that the City Attorney and the Mayor investigate this matter and if it is necessary to draft an ordinance then this matter should be brought before the Council. The following are the minutes, recommendations and motions of the Committee meeting of the Council as a whole, April 12, 1949; to consider the Talbot Hill Water District proposition, Mayor Perry H. Mitchell presiding. Those present were: Baxter, Swift, Delaurenti, Bruce, Freyman, Hansen, Hagen, Trimm, Reid, Gigli and Tamborini. Councilman Reid reported on the status of negotiations to date. Mr. H. M. McHugh, City Engineer, outlined the different proposals as follows: #1. $1.25 per unit per 800 cu. ft., plus 6 cents per hundred cubic feet over 72,000 cubic feet on an estimated 90 units. #2. $1.00 per unit per 600 cubic feet, plus $.10 per 100 cubic feet over` the prescribed unit. #3. Charge $1.75 per unit and the City read the meters, bill customers and maintain lines, providing the new standard pipe line system is installed. The Fire, Light & Water Committee recommended that proposal #1 be offered to the Talbot District. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gigli, that the Council concur in the recommendations of the Fire, Light & Water Committee and this action be considered as a final offer. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the" Talbot Water District be notified by letter of the action taken on proposal #1. Carried. A discussion was held regarding the matter of the Maplewood Addition Water System. Moved by Reid, seconded by Baxter, that the City Attorney investigate the legal status of the present water syst^m and circumstances under which it was originally constructed, and if possible bring back a report on 13 April 1949. Carried. A discussion was held on the proposition received from Jim's Garbage Service regarding collection of garbage from the business properties in Renton. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the Mayorts Committee confer with the Chamber of Commerce Committee on ways and means of solving the garbage collection costs in the business houses. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. George Swift, Secretary Pro—Tem. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that all rills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were" presenteds CURMW Atlas Packing & Rubber Co. Engr, Expense 10.60 4398 Automatic Deodorant Co. C.H. Expense 2,00 99 John C. Becklund Dog Pound Expense 40.00 4400 H.L. Collier, City Treas. P.D. Expense 4.25 01 Colling Publishing Co. Engr, Expense 39.00 02 03 Wiley Crook Postage 15.00 L.N. Curtis & Sons F.D. Expense 6.18 04 Custer Hdw. Co. Expense 17.63 05 Wm, F. Davis Insurance 4621.14 06 -- Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 100.00 07 Dow Fuel Co. Expense, Fire Dept. 107.63 08 Cochran Hdw Co. F.D. Expense •$8 09 General Elec. -Supply P.D. Expense 4.64 10 Gordyts Camera Shop P.D. " 19.98 11 Harley—Davidson Sales Co. P.D. 30.69 12 F. H. Jeffrey, Treas. St. Lights 151.02 13 King County Health Dept. King County Inspection 175.00 14 Knights of Pythias P.D. Expense 120.00 15 Lande Freed Coo Dog Pound Expense 5.56 16 17 Floyd E. Lawrence F.D. Expense 4.48 256 r" CURRENT CONT I D The Lumber Market P.D. & F.D. Expense 25.42 4418 William J. Martin P.D. Expense 200.00 19 Mathewsonts Renton Tire Shop, Garbage Expense 6.33 20 Spencer Millett Attroney Expense 4.40 21 The Oasis Jail Meals 14.21 22 Owl Cafe Jail Meals 216.90 23 Pacific Auto Supply F.D. Expense 2.60 24 Pac. Coast Stamp Works P.D. Expense 4.67 25 Pac. Tel & Tel. Co. 'Phone 24.75 26 Paramount Pest Control H.O. Expense 20.00 27 Potlatch Yards, Inc. Dog Pound Expense 6.45 28 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 986.34 29 Radio Products Sales Co. P.D. Expense 1.81 30 Renton Radiator Service P.D. 0 1.03 31 Renton Veterinary Hospital Dog Pound Expense 12.00 32 Ser. Laundry & Dry Clnrs. F. D. Expense 20.19 33 Statewide City Employees Retirement System Pension 232.50 34 Stoneway Dock Co. Engr, Expense 1.80 35 Sunset Coal Co. "H. Expense 310.03 36 Treasurer, U.S.A. Garbage Expense 41.67 37 Treasurer, U.S.A. Garbage Expense 34.76 38 Trick & Murray Expense 105.97 39 United Janitor Supply Expense 96.16 40 Valley Window Cleaners C.H. Expense 7.50 41 Verdaray Corp. C.H. Expense 77.12 42 Waters Expense 76.59 43 Western Union Expense 38.10 44 Wright Motors Inc. Engr. Expense 5.85 45 Payroll Engineers 584.01 46-50 Payroll Office 1023.74 51-62 Payroll F.D. 2360.44. 63-82 Payroll P.D; 3017.63 83-4506 Payroll Mayor & Council 456.21 07-19 King County Medical May dues 362.00 20 Sutton & Eakle P.D. Capital Outlay 3154.75 21 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. 'Phones 180.20 22 Thomas Auto Rebuild Engr. Expense 22.92 23 Payroll Garbage 651.42 24-31 Payroll St. Cleaning 451.43 32-36 John C. Becklund Pound Expense 60.00 37 Statewide City Employees Retirement System Pension 3111.68 38 Paul J. Henry P.D. Expense 4.15 39 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. 'Phone 24.75 40 WATER Concrete Products Co. Supplies 60.51 7201 Custer Hardware Co. Expense 3.22 02 H.D. Fowler Co. Inc. Expense 7.37 03 E. N. Hallgren Co. Expense 37.08 04 Hersey Mfg. Co. Expense 24.34 05 Neptune Meter Co. Expense 63.65 06 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 783.45 07 Seattle Water Dept. Water 68.00 08 Seattle Water Dept. Water 74..68 09 R. W. Sparling - Expense 3.61 10 Stoneway Dock Co. " 64.38 11 Underwood Corporation Treas. Expense 49.94 12 Waters if " 10.61 13 Worthington Gamon Meter Expense 29.37 14 Payroll Office 345.47 1.5F-20 King County Medical May dues 54.00 21 Payroll Water 1111.77 22-31 Tax Commission Excise Tax 435.1:9 32 CITY STREETS Custer Hardware Co. Supplies 54.54 4686 VOID VOID VOID 4687 Lubri-Gas-Northwest Expense 7.20 88 The Lumber Market Expense 32.51 89 Matson Brothers, Inc. Expense 589,88 90 Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Expense 108.59 91 Overall Cleaning Supply Expense 4.39 92 Pac. Car & Foundry Co. Expense 1.03 93 12/ra P s CITY STREETS CONTID Pacific Marine Supply Co. Expense 13.91 4694 Panther Oil & Greese Mfg. Co. Expense 100.61 95 Renton Mach. & Welding Works Expense 2.00 96 Steneway Dock Co. Expense 21.38 97 Sound Paint t,fE. Co. Expense 10.55 98 Sunde & D'Evers Co. Expense 1.36 99 Sunset Coal Co. Sixpense 73.54 4700 Truck Welding & Equip. Co. Expense 19.08 01 Union Oil Co, of Calif. Gasoline 675.56 02 Western Tire Service Expense 28.1(8 03 Western Tractor & Equip. Co. Expense 72,97 04 King County Road Dist. #2 Supplies 476.50 05 +- Payroll City Streets(Office) 141.27 06-8 King County Medical May dues 65.00 09 Payroll City Streets 1602.4$ 10-25 SEWER DISPOSAL Bearing Sales & Ser. Inc. Expense 9.83 1454 Gladding McBean & Co. *ense 8.65 55 Hooker Electrochemical Co. Expense 210.00 56 Matthie Fixit Shop Expense 8.65 57 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 197.66 58 Payroll Sewer Disposal 718.69 59-67 King County Medical May dues 44.0 68 PARK Custer Hardware Co. Supplies .99 1113 Ivan W. Lee it 4.33 14 C. Haleway Expense 2.58 15 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 4.85 16 Renton Feed & Seed Co. Expense 145.60 17 Stoneway Dock Co. Expense 37.29 18 Payroll Park 464,01 19-23 King County Medical May dues 15.75 24 LIBRAR C. Haleway Expense 2.58 1750 The H.R. Huntting Co. Books 13.52 51 Imperial Book Co. Books 18.48 52 Long - Bell Supplies 6.63 53 -WowLong Macmillan Co. Book 2.34 54 Mead's Renton Heating & A.C. Expense 3.61 55 Puget Sound News Co, Books 215.05 56 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 15.86 57 Sunset Coal Co. Supplies 107.1.2 58 Payroll Library 792.40 59-69 King County Medical May dues 4.00 70 Caxton Printers, Ltd. Books 2.00 71 APRT_ Coast Wide Supply Co. Expense 8.50 611 Diesel Oil Sales Co. Expense 104.63 12 Gen. Elec. Supply Corp. Expense 3.61 13 The Lumber Market Expense 1.80 14 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 75.80 15 Seattle Water Dept. Water 43.45 16 Wash. Equipment Co. Exoense 7.21 17 Payroll Airport 370.00 18-20 King County Medical May dues 4.00 21 ATHLETIC Athletic Supply Co. Exoense 44.24 388 Custer Hdw. Co. Expense 29.57 89 The Lumber Market Expense .67 90 Mathie Fixit Shop Expense 7.21 91 A.L. Morgan Expense 40.89 92 ... P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 54.29 93 Sunset Coal Co, Expense 100.43 94 Payroll Athletic 120.92 95-97 King County Medical May dues 11.25 98 2ND AVENUE ST LIGH Chapman Brothers 2nd Avenue St. Lights 5748.31 403 Moved by Swift, seconded by 'Ychardson, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. 04 Cit lark Mayo Renton, Washington MAY-3, 1949 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to ordery Mayor Perry H. Mitchell, presiding. ROLL CALL: BAXTER., SWIFT, DELAURENTI, F REYMAN� HANSEN, HAGEN, TRIMM, REID, GIGLI, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the minutes of the council meeting of April' 19, 1949 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. NO. AMOUNT NAME LOCAT 0 TYPE WORK 812A $100.00 B. N. Jardine 1143-1 Sunset Blvd. Wire barber shop 813 400.00 Lloyd E. Cline 8651 Langston Road ^Reroof house 814 1000.00 W.E. Hansen 315 Pelly Inst. siding 815 100.00 Douglas R. Rowe 334 Meadow Erect fence 816 100.00 Steve Chesnik 619 Main St. Inst. water heater 817 100.00 Knights of Pythias 129 Burnett St. Remodel roof 813 300.00 Sam Petchnick 503 Renton Ave. Stucco Building 819 400.00 Nello Pistaren 234 Garden St. Remodel upstairs— Insul. .& wiring 820 200.00 B. K. Davies 404 Cedar St. Reshingling House 821 400.00 Alex Ronald 321 N. Williams Erect garage 822 100.00 Garret's Service Dunlap Canyon Road Erect fence 823 100.00 Joe Patche 216 Wells St. Install wood sign ' 824 100.00 Steve Chasnik 619 Main St. Inst. toilet & WH 825 850.00 Mrs. Tunin Garden St. Oil burner & tank 826 200.00 Fred Marchetti 205 Tobin Ave Repair roof 827 700.00 Mrs. Shapton 334 Williams St. Repair foundation & remove porch 828 100.00 M. J. Lackie 403 3rd Ave Const. cone. drive 829 100.00 'E. R. Robertson 410 N. Williams Erect fence 830 400.00 Iver Jones 515 2nd Avenue Lower ceilings 831 150.00 L. Azzola 317 3rd Ave Plumbing now 832 250.00 Ione Scappini 410 Burnett St. Inst. floor furn. 833 1000.00 Sam Pellergrino 508 Morris St. Reroof house 834 2000.00 ' J. E. Thorp 3331, 333, 343 Renton Repair houses 835 700.00 Frank Vidmar 500 Renton Ave Repair-porch & lower ceilings. 836 950.00 Chas,, Ruud 520 High St. Plumb, new house 837 4000.00 Gooden & Co. 405 Airport Way Install plumb. 838 100.00 Stan Hoveland 329 Wells St. Move meter 839 100.00 W. Bella.ndo 123 Mills Reqire range & H.W. APPLICATIONS FOR CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMMT. NAME ADDRESS FOR OCCUPANCY AS Hagg Heating & Service 3rd & Rainier Ave Heating Serv. & Sales Room Bernard C. Thomas Airport Way & Logan Automobile Repair Shop Thomas Auto Repair. Stanford L. Wilson 13236 Rainier Ave. Renton Electronics William Bellando 129 Mill St, Machine Shop C. B. Yahne 105 Park Ave. Vacuum Cleaner Sales & Serv. Super Taste Ice Creamery 205 3rd Ave. Retail. Ice cream A communication was read from Harold W. Jordan requesting permission to operate a Jordan Cab from a Yellow Cab stand., or vice versa, as business warrants. Moved by RichardsonY seconded by Reid, that this matter be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from Harold W. Jordan, J-53, Cedar River Park, requesting permission to operate two ice cream vehicles and permits for such operation. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gigli, that this matter be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. 259 A communication was read from Mayor Perry H. Mitchell recommending the name of Herb Williams to the Board of Police Civil Service Commission and Frank Mathewson for the position of member of the Board of Fire Department Civil Service Commission, to fill the unexpired term of George Thomas. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Hansen, that the council concur in the recommendations of Mayor Mitchell. Carried. A communication was read from the Earlington Women's Club thanking the Council for establishing the cross walk and stop signs on the corner of 86th Avenue, and 140th Street South and also protesting the increasing in the highway speed from 25 miles to 50 miles on Dunlap Canyon. A communication was read from the Earlington P.T.A., protesting the increasing of the speed limit on Uunl.ap Canyon from 25 miles to 50 miles. Moved by ..� Reid, seconded by Baxter, that these two communications be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. A communication was read from Mrs. Henry Leiker and Mrs. Everett Charboneau, representing parents who are interested in seeing Mothers Park developed for the use of their children. It was requested that a modern playground with a good building, basic creative play and work projects be started now so the children could benefit from them this summer. It was requested that a representative from the Council attend the meeting of this group on Thursday night at 7:30 P.M., May 5, at the North Renton Recreation Hall under the auspices of the North Renton Improvement Club. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by hichardson, that the Property Committee and Park Board attend this meeting. Carried. A communication was read from the National Rivers and Harbors Congress stating that the Green River Flood Control Project had been classified by the Projects Committee as Class I. Class I is defined as follows. "Endorsed. This means that the Committee is convinced that the project is sound, needful and sufficiently advanced in status, and should be promptly constructed in the public interest." This communication was referred to the Property Committee.. A communication was read from B. M. McHugh, City Engineer and Supt. of Utilities, recommending the names of Mr. S. R. Waller as an assistant in the Utilities Department and Mr. Marston Winegar as assistant in the Engineering Depart- ment. Mr. Waller lives at the North City limits toward Kennydale and Mr. Winegar is now a resident of Longview but is planning to move to Renton. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council approve the appointment of Mr. Winegar as assistant in the Engineering Department. Carried. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter of the appointment of Mr. Waller as assistant in the Utilities Department be referred to the Council as a whole. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. Frank Countner, of Countner Inc., 3207 Eastlake Avenue, Seattle, requesting a master juke box license and one sub- license in location known as Triple XXX Barrel in Renton. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Baxter, that this matter be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A bill was presented from Sutton-Eakle Pontiac Inc., for the balance due on three Pontiac cars for the Police Dept. in the amount of $495.86. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gigli, that this matter be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from Carl Cook's Service, 3rd & Whitworth, Renton, requesting permission to install a pin ball machine in Hamburger Inn, Renton. .. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that this matter be referred to. the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from Carkeek, Harris & Harris stating that the Commissioners of Water District No. 78 had accepted the proposal of the City Council regarding water rates. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman that that the City Attorney, Superintendent of Utilities and Fire, Light and Water Committee be instructed to draft a contract with Water District No. 78 and report back to the Council. Carried. 260 6 A communication was read from Eugene Sylvia, Black & White Cab Company; H. W. Jordan, Yellow & Jordan Cab Company; J. Cowan, Highland Cab Company; requesting clarification of Ordinance #1287. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that this matter be referred to the Law & Ordinance Committee, Police & License Committee and City Attorney and that they meet with the taxi—cab owners next Tuesday night, May 10, 1949. Carried. A communication was read from the Association of Washington Cities regarding the Convention at Hoquiam suggesting that if the City officials have any subject they wished to be discussed that a card be filled out and mailed to the Association. Councilman Delaurenti requested that the expenses of the delegates be paid by the City. Mr. McHugh stated that he and Mr. Willis Sparrow wished to attend the Northwest sewage and Water Works Convention at Bellingham, to be held May 11, 12, and 13th. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that Mr. Mc— Hugh and Mr. Sparrow be given leave of absence to attend this convention and that their expenses be paid by the City. Carried. The Police & License Committee reported the request from James L. Lee of Lee's Ice Cream Company, 17/+9 Oth Ave. So., Seattle 44, Washington, for a renewal of an ice cream vending license in the residential area of Renton had been granted,, providing proper license be taken out. More time was granted Mr. McHugh, City Engineer on the matter of the 4th Avenue North extension from Burnett St. North to Logan St. No. and also more time was granted on the matter of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company's resolution. The Ordinance Committee was granted more time on the matter of increasing the speed limit from 25 miles an hour to 50 miles an hour on the Dunlao Canyon Road. More time was also granted the Ordinance Committee on the matter of drafting an Ordinance regulating Class "H" licenses and Club "H" licenses. The Ways and Means Committee stated they had drafted a work order form for use by the different Departments on special jobs. It was suggested that these work order forms be made in triplicate and used only when the Council requests special jobs. Councilman Swift recommended that only one item be put on each work order. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the City Clerk be instructed to have these forms printed and made into pads. Carried. The Ways and Means Committee stated they had investigated the condition of the Renton Dog Pound. They reported it has just been painted and it was in good condition. A discussion was held on the matter of only keeping dogs 48 hours before killing them. Councilman Tamborini suggested that another investigation be made with regards to selling the dogs instead of killing them and the money being turned over to the Finance Committee. Carried. The Ways and Means Committee reported no action could be taken on the matter of raising the City Councilments wages until the new budget was drawn up. The Fire, Light and Water Committee recommended that the matter of increasing water rates of the City of Renton be brought before the Council as a whole for discussion. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the reconmendation of the Fire, Light and Water Committee. Carried. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Hagen, that this matter be brought before the Council as a committee next Tuesday night, May 10, 1949. Carried. More time granted the Fire Light and Water Committee on the investigation of ordinance regarding charge for installing meters to see if any changes are necessary. The Street and Alley Committee reported on the matter of the signal lights at 3rd and Main, intersection of the Sunset Highway and the Maple Valley Road which are not operating and stated that there is to be a meeting with the vendor of these lights Thursday morning, at 9:00 P.M., in Mr. -Reid's office and all councilmen are invited to attend the meeting. 261 The Street & Alley Committee recommended that a traffic caution sign be installed on the northwest corner of 124th and 4th Avenue North. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. The Property Committee reported they met with the representative of the student City Council, members of the Park Board and Recreational Council regarding the matter of the students dancing in their stocking feet at the North Recreation Hall. The Property Committee stated that in the future the students will be able to dance with their shoes on, providing they don't have cleats on their shoes. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hagen, that the council concur in the recommendations of the Property Committee. Carried. •.� The Finance Committee reported the bill from Chapman Brothers for 2nd Avenue Street lights had been paid. Mr. William B. Pond recommended the request of J. H. Nolen, General Manager of the Renton—Talbot Ball Club for permission to operate a pop and hot dog stand at Liberty Park during the home games of the Ball Club be granted and 10% of the gross amount taken in be turned over to the City. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be turned over to the Park Board with power to act. Carried. A short recess was called in order for the council to meet with Mr. Sowers and a representative of the Equitable Life Assurance Society regarding group insurance plan for City employees. Meeting called to order, Mayor Perry H. Mitchell, presiding. ROLL CALL: BAXTER, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, FREYMAN, HAGEN, TRIN1M, REID, RICHARDSON, GIGLI AND TAMBORINI. Councilman Delaurenti stated that there have been %everal complaints from the residents of Maplewood that the new bus schedule is not being adhered to and that no busses are running to Maplewood on Saturdays. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Baxter, that the Police Department investigate this matter and report back next Tuesday night. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the matter of installing a new furnace in the City Hall be turned over to the Property Committee and Finance Committee. Carried. A discussion was held on the licensing of shuffleboards in the City of Renton. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that this matter be referred to the Police & License Committee and a report be brought back at the next meeting. Carried. The Property Committee made the following recommendations: 1. The hallway of the City Hall should be painted. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation. Carried. 2. A portion of the room now used as a rest room in the City Clerk's office be sealed off and used as storage for supplies and other equipment for which there is now no room. Moved by ttichardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the council concur in the recommendations of the Property Committee. Carried. 3. Cabinets and locker space for supplies and, storage should be built in one of the back rooms of the Treasurerts office. Said cabinet to be supplied with locks for the security of equipment and supplies that might be stored there. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. 4. It was recommended that the wall in the Clerk's and Treasurer's Office be painted to a level with the door glass situated between the Clerk's and Treasurer's office, with a washable paint which would be easier to clean and furniture not now painted should be painted to conform with the general color scheme of the offices. Moved by Reid, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. 5. It was recommended that the water fountain now in front of the Sweet Center Shop be moved to some more favorable spot in Liberty Park. It is also recommended that the sidewalk at this location be repaired. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that this matter be referred to the Park Board with power to act. Carried. 262 6. It was recommended that a polishing and waxing machine be purchased for the purpose of keeping all city floors in good condition. It could also be used for floors at the Recreation Building and Library as well as the City Hall. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the Property Committee get an estimate on the cost of purchasing a polishing and waxing machine and report back to the council. Carried. 7. It was recommended that a roll map be purchased for use in the Clerk's and Treasurer's office. This map could be hung on the south front wall of the Treasurer's office. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the City Engineer in— vestigate the cost of such a map and report back. Carried. 8. The Property Committee recommended that all City cars and equipment be washed at least once a week and the Police cars and Superintendent of Utilities cars be waxed. Moved by Richardson, seconded bt Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommen— dations of the Property Committee and the cars be washed and waxed at the City garage. Carried. A discussion was held on the matter of more lights at certain locations in Renton. The Fire, Light and Water Committee stated they and the Engineering Department had made an investigation and estimated the cost of installing lights at between $1,800. and $2,000. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Baxter, that the Council accept the recommendations of the Fire, Light and Water Committee and Engineer and that they proceed to have the lights installed. Carried. Proposed Resolution No. 735 was presented: BE IT YTMLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RRENTON — That Tuesday, the 7th day of June, 1949 at the hour of 8:00 P.M. at the Council Chambers in the City Hall of Renton, is hereby fixed as the time and place for Hearing Upon the Assessment Roll for L.I.D., No. 226, the improvement of Walla Walla Avenue from Whitworth to Shattuck Streets, and of Shattuck Street from Walla Walla Avenue to 7th Avenue by installation of Water mains and appurtenances. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Richardson, that Resolution No. 735 be adopted as read. Carried. Councilman Baxter stated that with the selling of the homes in the High— lands additional water meters will have to be installed. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that this matter be referred to the City Engineer and Fire Light and Water Committee. Carried. Mr. McHugh stated that Mr. Logan, Superintendent of Elections, informed him that the precinct map of the City of Renton would have to be revised and not over 350 registered voters be allowed in any precinct. Moved by Swift, seconded by Gigli, that this matter be considered next Tuesday, May 10, 1949. Carried. The matter of Nicholas Puhich's application for rezoning his property from residential to commercial was discussed. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman that this matter be held over until the next regular Council meeting and the Deputy City Clerk notify Mr. Puhich to appear before the Council on that date. Carried. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Freyman, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following bills having been previously aduited by the Finance Committee were presented: CURREN Payroll Engineers 558.04 4541-45 Payroll Office 983.29 46-57 Payroll F.Department 2660.15 58-78 Payroll P. " 2892.38 79-4602 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Phones 63.91 03 10 Payroll Garbage 609.14 04r- Payroll St. Cleaning 390.73 11-15 U.S. Postmaster Envelopes 86.50 16 WATER Payroll Office 339.79 7233-38 Payroll Water 1074.33 39-48 CITY STREETS Payroll Office 141.27 4726-28 Payroll City Streets 1488*84 29-43 SEWER DISPOSAL Payroll Sewer Disposal 723.30 69-78 PARK Payroll Park 523.25 1125-30 AIRPORT Payroll Airport 357.07 622-24 �. ATHLETIC Payroll Athletic: 174.34 399-400 Moved by Gigli, seconded by Tamborini, that all bills approved by, the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. City C rk r. ir. Now 264 )&-d kak.J Renton, Wash May 17, 1949 - The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order, Mayor Perry H,, Mitchell, presiding. ROLL C ALL: BAXTER, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN HAGEN, ZRIh24, REID, GIGLI, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. Moved by Reid, seconded by Trimm, that the minutes of the May 3, 1849 meeting be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT: NO.. AMOUNT NAME LOCATION TYPE WORK 840 700.00 Leo Azzola 317 3rd Ave Erect building 842 1000.00 School Dist. #403 Box 359 Remodel stage 43 1QO0.00 Wm. Thompson 234 Williams No. Plumbing 44 100.00 J. E. Denzer 1310 3rd Ave No. Wiring 45 100.00 R. W. Luckey 601 I St. Rewire 46 100.00 Ellen Evans 215 Meadow Cone. foundation 47 25,000.00 Renton Airport Wells St. Erect Seaplane ramp 48 11000.00 Renton Hdwre. Co. Wms. & Walla Walla Add balcony 49 400.00 Rivily Serve Sta. 3rd & Morris Overhead canapy 50 400.00 Leo Azzola 317 3rd Ave Rewire 51 100.00 Renton Hdwre, Co. 309 Wells St. Remodel office 52 100.00 Old Fashion Freeze 304 3rd Ave Erect sign 53 100.00 Renton Valley Fuel 315 Wells St. Inst. ceiling light & outlet 54 12,000.00 Lande Feed Co. 95 Burnett St. Erect building 55 400.00 Joseph Vanarb General Delivery Erect house 56 100.00 Jack Carlin 516 Shattuck St. Rewire 56A 100.00 Lloyd C. Hill 1233 H. Street Rewire 57 100.00 Alvin Martin 8625 So. 140th Erect wire fence 58 10000.00 Lee G. Hansen Box 486 Erect building 59 350.00 Lee G. Hansen Box 486 Plumbing 60 100.00 Stan. Hickok Main St. Repair building 61 300.00 Pace Auto Supply 1019 Bronson Way Inst, neon sign 62 100.00 Ansley M. Mitchell 736 Cedar St. Repair house 63 700.00 H, Casterline 746 Renton Avenue Repair house 64 350.00 Chas. Johnson 505 Bronson Way N. Remodel furnace 65 100.00 Art, Johnson 236 Meadow St. Rewire 66 700.00 May Tenin 217 Garden St. Erect garage 67 385.00 John Diamb ri 518 No, Burnett St. Inst. furnace 68 300.00 Alex Rivily 571 Airport Way Inst. garage & bedroom 69 700.00 R. L. Garrison 520 Shattuck St. Erect garage 70 1.00.00 Dr. E. Glossop Brendel Bldg. Inst. cabinets, wiring and sink 71 300.00 Chapman Bros. 222 Main St. Demolish bldg. 72 300.00 Dr. H. G. Storey 706 3rd. Ave. Repair roof 73 100.00 W. Rock 343 Whitworth Remove chicken house 74 22000.00 Iver Jones 515 2nd Ave Repair fire damage 75 100.00 D. E. Pearson 1022 E. Street Inst. wiring 76 12000.00 R. H. Seppi 8212 So. 140th St. Inst, plumbing 77 700.00 J. C. Penny Co. 715 3rd Ave Add, to buil-ding 78 400.00 Tonkin Estate 307f Wells St. Remodel building 79 40,000.00 Tom Dobson & Sons 11.2 Park St. Erect garage 80 100.00 P. Delaurenti 233 Williams No. Wiring 81 100.00 Iver Jones 515 2nd Ave Inst. wiring 882 32000.00 H. G. White 155 Sunset Blvd. Remodel Building 883 6,000.00 C. F. Shane 524 Burnett St. No. Erect duplex 84 100.00 Jasper Merlino City Hall Move house APPLICATIONS FOR CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPT. ADDRESS FOR OCCUPANCY AS Carl Cook 3rd & Whitworth Hamburger stand Margaret McCoy 100 3rd St. Service St. & lawn mower shop Thompson Freeze Co. 401-403 3rd Ave Ice Cream store. ' 265 This beinfi the date set for hearings on L.I.D. No. 223, regarding sanitary sewers in Highlands Addition to RentonP Morgan's Grand View Addition to Renton and Renton Co-Operative Coal Company Acre Tracts, Plat No. 1; L.I.D.t No. 229 regarding sanitary sewers on Shattuck Street and State Highway; and Resolution No. 732 for sanitary sewer along Sunset Blvd., North of Seventh Avenue North. There being no protests on L.I.D., No. 229, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the City Clerk call for bids. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hagen, that the protests on L.I.D. No. 223 and Resolution No. 732 be turned over to the City Engineer to be checked against the assessment roll and .report back. Carried. Mr. Lon Tackett, a member and representative of the Park Board., requested the Council to set the salary of Gene L. Coulon, who was previously appointed to supersede William B. Pond, who had resigned as Exeuctive Director of the parks and atheletic fields, and speaking for the Park Board recommended a salary of $3600.00 per year for Mr. Coulon. Moved by Richardson., seconded by Bruce, that the salary of Gene L. Coulon be set at $3600.00 per ,year, as per the recommendation of the Park Board. Carried. A communication was read from Fred Hancock Post No. 19, American Legion, inviting the Mayor and Councilmen to participate in the Memorial Day parade in Renton. Moved by Tamborini, .seconded by Delaurenti, that the council accept the invitation. Carried. A communication was read from-the Renton Planning Commission stating that the following resolution was passed on April 27, 1949: "That we recommend to the City Council the acceptance of our Committee's report on the zoning of the area recently annexed to the City of Renton. This is the area on the Sunset Highway near Millers Corner as described- in the zoning map presented by the City Engineer". Moved by Baxter, seconded by Reid, that that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be concurred in. Carried. A communisation was read from Wallin-Edwards, Inc., in which they made a presentation of an aerial mosaic of Renton and vicinity with their compliments. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Hansen, that the City Clerk send a letter of thanks to Wallin-Edwards Inc. Carried. A communication was read from Mrs. A.S. Martin making an application for her son$ Donald Martin, to have a newspaper stand to sell the Seattle P-I in front of the Victory Markets 3rd and Rainier Avenue, Rentonx Washington. Moved by Baxter) seconded by Richardson, that this matter be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the North Renton Improvement Club reporting that the Club had unanimously adopted a recommendation urging that more land be added to the Recreational area of Mother's Park and this land to come from that portion of the park now known as the Industrial area. It was also the feeling of the North Renton citizens that this area be used purely as a park and recreational playground for the children and citizens of the community. It was also suggested that any new buildings which are added to the area should be for the purpose of park and recreational development. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the park Board and Property Committee, Carried. A communication was read requesting the extension of the Honeydew-New Castle water line, the extension to be known as Twilite District #12 and to be approximately 2500 ft, in length from end of present line. All main pipe to be laid along Sunset Highway on same side of road as that already in. The request was signed by five property owners in the district. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that this matter be referred to the Fire, Light and Water Committee and City Engineer and that they report back to the Council. Carried. The Police & License Committee was granted more time on the investigation of the complaint that the new bus schedule agreed upon by Mr. Bacon was not being adhered to and that no busses are running to Maplewood on Staurdays. 2c exp. a. ar .. ywo.,u The Property Committee reported they met with the Park Board and North Renton Improvement Club and it was their recommendation that the Infirmary wing of the building formerly used by the National Guard be used for recreational facilities, under the supervision of the Recreational Council and Park Board. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommen— dation of the Property Committee. Carried. The Property Committee was granted more time on the matter of installing the furnace in the City Hall. More time was granted the Property Committee on the matter of securing an estimate on the cost of a polishing and waxing machine. ... The Ordinance Committee reported on the meeting held Tuesday nighty May 31 1949 with the taxi—cab owners regarding possible revision of Ordinance No. 1287. The matter was referred to the Police and License Committee and Ordinance Committee and another meet!ng was held Mondy, May 16, with the City Attorney, Assistant Chief of Police and taxi—cab owners, and it was the re— commendation of this committee that the ordinance not be revised. Moved .by Gigli, seconded by Reid, that the council concur in the recommendation of-the Committee. Carried. It was the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee that the speed limit at the following locations be set at 35 miles an hour; Dunlap Canyon from City limits to 3rd and Rainier Avenue. 3rd and Rainier No. to City limits. Airport Way and Logan Street North to 8th Avenue North Grady Way stop light to City limits. Cross Walk by Beacon Restaurant on Sunset Highway to City limits. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the, re— commendation of the Ordinance Com=ttee. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the Ordinance Committee bring in a revision to the Ordinance, changing the speed limits. Carried. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Bruce, that the Superintendent of Utilities be instructed to have the signs painted so they may be installed. Carried. The Ordinance Committee was granted more time on the matter of drafting an Ordinance regulating Class "H" licenses and Club "H" licenses. The Police & License Committee reported the request of Harold W. Jordan for permission to operate a Jordan Cab from a Yellow Cab stand, or vice versa, was rejected. The request of Harold W. Jordan, requesting permission to operate two ice cream vehicles in Renton, was granted. The request of Frank Countner of Countner, Inc., 3207 Eastlake Ave., Seattle, for a master juke box license and one sub—license in location known as Triple XXX Barrel in Renton was granted provided proper license fee is paid. More time was granted the Police & License Committee on the matter of licensing shuffleboards in the City of Renton. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the Council accept the recommendations of the Police & License Committee. Carried. The Fire, Light and Water Committee was granted more time on the in— vestigation of cost for installing meters to see if any changes are necessary. The Finance Committee reported the bill from Sutton—Eakle Pontiac, Inc., for the balance due on the Pontiac cars for the Police Department, in the amount of $495.86 had not been paid as yet as the committee wished to meet with the Property Committee. More time granted. More time was granted the Finance Committee on the investigation of the dog pound. The City Attorney reported the contract with Water District No. 78 would be ready in about a week. 267 The Street and Alley Committee recommended that the Superintendent of Utilities be instructed to have crosswalks painted on 6th Avenue North and Logan Street North and 8th Avenue North and Logan Street North. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Richardson that the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee be concurred in. Carried.. The Street & Alley Committee was granted more time on the matter of in— stalling a traffic signal light at Airport Way at Logan Street. Mr. Irving Ell appeared before the Council regarding the storm sewer from the Highlands emptying on his property. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that this matter be referred to the City Engineer and Street & Alley Committee for in— vestigation and report back to the council. Carried. The Annual Report of Building Permits and Certificates of Ouucpancy issued by the Building Department for the period from May 1, 1948 to April 30, 1949 and also the recommendations of the Building Department were submitted by James E. Denzer, Asst. Building Official. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Trimm, that this report be turned over to the Property Committee and City Engineer for investigation and report back. Carried. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Trimm, that the minutes of the committee meeting of the Council on Tuesday, May 10, 1949 be incorporated in the regular Council minutes. Carried. The Property Committee recommended the Superintendent of Utilities be re— quested to have the light switch repaired in the Council Chambers. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. The Property Committee recommended that Mr. McHugh be instructed to have the Sweet Center Shop painted. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Hansen, that the council concur in the recommendations of the Property Committee. Carried. A short recess was called. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Perry H. Mitchell. ROLL CALL: BAXTER, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN, HAGEN, TRIMM, REID, GIGLI, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. Mr. McHugh, the City Engineer, reported on investigation of proposed sanitary sewers on Renton Scenic Hill. He estimated that 67% of the property owners were for the sewers and 33% were against them. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance and that the City Engineer be instructed to get easements for lateral sewers as per the L.I.D., and that In cases where easements cannot be secured, the City Attorney start condemnation pro— ceedings. The City Engineer was instructed to have the easements brought in to the Council on Monday night, June 69 1949, Carried. A discussion was held on the matter of having a fire escape in the Council Chambers. , Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that this matter be referred to the City Engineer and Property Committee to devise some system for a fire escape. Carried. Councilman Reid stated three street lights were needed between 3rd Avenue and the railroad tracks on Williams Street. The approximate cost would be $175.00 each. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Fire, Light and Water Committee, Finance Committee and Superintendent of Utilities with power to act. Carried. Councilman Baxter stated the light at the intersection of 3rd Avenue North and North Wells Street is hanging at an angle. This matter was referred to the City Engineer. A discussion was held on the paving of 3rd Avenue Place. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that the City Engineer be instructed to call for bids on black— to paving of 3rd Avenue Place. Carried. As no bids were received on the paving of Morris Street, it was the re— commendation of the City Engineer that another call for bids be sent out and if no bids were received the second time, the City would do the paving. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. 268 , A discussion was held on the matter of Mr. Puhich's application to have his property rezoned from residential to commercial. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that this property be rezoned and Mr. Puhich be granted per- mission to build a cleaning establishment. The motion being put to a vote, the result was as follows: BARTER, NO; SWIrT, NO; DELAURENTI, YES; BRUCE, NO; FREYI,iAN, YES; HANSEN, YES; HAGEN, YES; TRIM14, YES; REID, NO; GIGLI, NO; RICH.ARDSON, YES; and TAMBORINI, YES. Motion carried. The matter of sanitary sewers along Sunset Blvd., No. of 7th Av6nue North was postponed as the City Engineer requested more time to investigate. Mr. McHugh reported a representative from the State Highway Dept. was coming from Olympia, on Thursday, May 19, at 2 o'clock, to discuss the matter of the 4th Avenue North extension from Burnett Street North, to Logan Street North. Mr. McHugh was granted more time on the matter of`the Puget Sound Power & Light Company's resolution. More time was also granted Mr. McHugh to secure anestimate on the cost of a roll map of the City of Renton for the City Treasurer's office. More time was granted Mr. McHugh and the Fire, Light and-Water Committee on the matter of installing new meters in the Renton Highlands. A copy of a resolution sent out by the Chamber of Commerce to the members of the Washington State Racing Commission and the Governor of the State was read, urging that the owners of the Longacres Race Track and the State Racing Commission resolve the present controversy in the public interest without delay to the end that Longacres Race Track will be opened on June 25, 1949 as schedule. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Council draw up a similar resolution and send it to the proper parties. Carried. Councilman Hagen requested permission to have a leave of absence from the City Council from June 19th to July 19th in order to attend summer school. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council gua.nt Mr. Hagen a leave of absence. Carried. A communication was read from Arthur L. Haugan, City Attorney, sub- mitting for council approval the appointment of Attorney Vernon E. Bjorklund of Renton as Assistant City Attorney for the one year term commencing with the month of June, 1949 to replace William V. Cowan, who is resigning on May 31, 1949. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of the City Attorney. Carried. It was requested that the Council meet as a committee on Tuesday night, May 24, 1949. May 10, 1949. The City Council met as a Committee, Mayor Mitchell presiding. Those present were: Baxter, Swift, Delaurenti, Freyman, Hansen, Hagen, Trimm, Reid, Gigli, Richardson and Tamborini. Moved by Reid, seconded by Freyman, that the Police & License Committee, Ordinance Committee and City Attorney meet with cab owners on Monday, May 16th to formulate a plan for presentation to the City Council. Carri.ed.. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Freytpan, that the City Council notify the Park Board. that they are favorable to the American Legion having a small show for the use of children for the week of July 4, beginning Longacres Day and including July 4th. Amended by Richardson that City waive all license fees. Amendment carried. Motion carried. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Hansen, that Mr. S. R. Waller be con- firmed as Assistant in the Utilities Department. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richards( n, that Department Heads seeking to hire Department assistants or deputies be authorized to canvass the Greater Renton area after first checking the area within the City limits. The Greater Renton area is defined as that area now known as School District #403 and Hospital District #1. Carried. Moved by_Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter of the new precinct areas be referred to Mr. McHugh and when the map is completed he contact the council. Carried. Moved by'Baxter, seconded by Reid, that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare specifications and call for bids on 2000 ft. of 20 in. water pipe of various types. Carried. Moved by_ Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the Finance Committee and City Attorney be granted power to act on redemption of first lien Water Department Bonds. Carried. George Swift, Secretary Pro-tem The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: C URREr1T King County Medical June dues 366.25 4617 The Allen Shops F.D. Expense 10.97 18 The Amer. Blue Print Co. Engr. Expense 28.98 19 Automatic Deodorant Co. C.H. Expense 2.00 20 Chas. Bruning Co. Inc. Engr. " 22.64 21 A.J. Burney P.D. Expense 1.65 22 _ Burrows' Richfield Ser. P.D. It 1.50 23 Chapman Bros. P.D.E'.D. It St.Lights 425.12 24 L. Collier, Treas. P.D. Expense 3.89 25 Wiley Crook Postage 15.00 26 Custer Hardware Co. Expense 14.75 27 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 10.00 28 Dual Parking Meter Co. Pkg, Meter Expense 53.64 29 General Elec. Supp. Corp. P.D. Expense 6.18 30 Gordyts Camera & Sprt. Shop P.D. Expense 19.00 31 Dorothea Gossett C.H. It 1.01 32 Lande Feed Co. Dog Pound Expense 5.56 33 B. M. McHugh Engr. Expense 56.60 34 Mun. Finance Offcrs. Assn, Clerk's Expense 10.00 35 C.G. Myers Plan Comm. Secretary 100.00 36 Osbornets Photo.Store P.D. Expense 11.38 37 Owl Cafe Jail Meals 109.80 38 Pac. Hoist & Derrick Co. Garbage Expense 45.05 39 Paramount Pest Control H.O. Expense 10.00 40 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 966.64 41 Puget Sound Stamp Works City Clk & Treas. Exp. 4.51 42 Radiotelephone Ser. Co. P.D. Exp. 41.22 43 Renton Plumb. &- Heating C.H. Expense 196.92 44 VOID VOID --- 45 VOID VOID --- 46 Record Stat. & Off.Supply Expense 555.27 47 The Renton Chronicle Stationery 99.15 48 The Renton Chronicle Stationery 99.97 49 Renton Vet. Hospital Dog Pound Expense 15.75 50 Seattle Pol. & Ath.Assn. P.D. Expense 82.50 51 Ser. Laundry & Dry. Clnrs. Expense 57.77 52 Shaw Bros, Drug C. H. Expense 1.55 53 Stoneway Dock Co. Expense 3.50 54 Sunset Coal Co. Expense 108.17 55 Sutton & Eakle- P.D. Expense 222.22 56 n n " n 5.85 57 Treasurer, U.S;A. Garbage Fxpense 35.11 58 it n n if 41.67 59 v>'I Y b�+a CURRENT CONT'D Trick & Murray Expense $ 71.93 4660 United Janitor Supp, C.H. Expense 23.07 61 Valley Window Clnrs. C.H. " 7.50 62 Waters Expense 43.42 63 Western Union Tel. Co. Expense 15.89 64 Mary Williams Regis.Births & Deaths 59.25 65 King County Health Dept. King County Inspection 175.00 66 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. 'Phone 24.75 67 Reid & Cook P.D. Expense 21.49 68 Dual Parking Meter Co. Parking Meter Outlay 360.00 69 n n n 8 If n' 360.00 70 It It It it If u 360.00 71 it If if It it n 360.00 72 Sutton & Eakle P.D. Expense 495.86 73 Treas. U.S.A. Garbage " 41.67 74 Payroll Engineers 681.54 75-80 Payroll Office 1023.74 81-92 Payroll F.Department 2360.44 93-4712 Payroll Police Dept. 3055.71 13-4736 Payroll Mayor & Council 456.21 37-4749 Payroll 'Phones 181.72 50 P.S.P. & Light Co. St. Lights 95.00 51 Williams & Swanson Expense 42,27 52 Payroll. Garbage - 745.74 53-59 Payroll St, Cleaning 445.67 60-66 John Becklund Dog Poumd Ecpetmse 64.00 67 Renton Motor Parts Expense 458.71 68 A. T. Sullivan C.H. Expense 2.06 69 Statewide Emp. Retirement System Pension 3085.20 70 Payroll Emcgimeers 826.14 71-77 Payroll Office 983.29 78-89 Payroll F.D. 2661.35 90-4810 Payroll P.D. 2894.48 11-34 WATER King County Medical Jume dues 48.75 7249 Cochran Builders' Supply Expense .40 50 Concrete Products -Co. " 92.70 51 Custer Hardware Co. " 5.13 52 E.N. Hallgren Co. " 91.67 53 Hickok's Sport Shop n 48.77 54 The Lumber Market If 22.04. 55 Mathewsons' Renton Tire Shop " 6.35 56 Northwest Filter Co. "' 324.45 57 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 677.83 58 Record Stat. & Off. Supply Expemse 89.56 59 Renselaer Valve Co. if 217.69 60 Rockwell Mfg. Co. It 100.4.9 61 Seattle Water Dept. Water 77.88 62 . Stam and Oil Co. Expense 3.2$ 63 Steam Supply & Rubber Co. " 8.24 64 Viking Automatic Sprinkler " 25.04 65, Western Utilities Supply Outlay 467.05 66 n e " Expense 291.59 67 Waters Treas. Expense 15.15 68 Chapman Bros Expemse 18.81 69 Payroll Office 345.29 70-75 Renton Auto Freight Expense 6.00 76 Van Waters & Rogers I=. " 240.00 77 Williams & Swanson " 23.75 78 Payroll Water 1212.74 79-88 Renton Motor Parts Expemnse - 15.77 89 Payroll Office 200.00 90-95 CITY STREETS King County Medical June dues 72.25 4744 A-1 Cycle & Key Shop Expense 2.47 45 Custer Hardware Co. " 8.61 46 GladdingjMcHean & Co. it 4.41 47 The Lumber Market " 10,35 48 Northwest Paint & Supply " 27.40 49 Overall Cleaning & Supply " 2.06 50 Polson Implement Co. " 8.48 51 t1-1L-k 271 CITY STREETS CONTtD Sound Paint Mfg,, -Company Expense 31.00 4752 Union Oil Co. of California Gasoline 677.55 53 if Expense 20.11 54 Western Tractor & Equip. Co. " 1.29 55 White Construction Co. " 24.00 56 Pacific Hoist & Derrick Co. " 28.55 57 Renton Auto Freight " 2.40 58 Payroll Office 141.27 59-61 Williams & Swanson Expense 10.40 62 Payroll City Streets 1617.27 63-77 Renton Motor Parts Expense 14.01 78 Payroll Office 169.77 79-82 SEWER DISPOSAL King County Medical June dues 38.00 1479 Bearing Sales & Service Inc. Expense 9.33 80 Cochran Builders Supply " 6.44 81 Dale & Mc;Lendon " 6.44 82 The Lumber Market " 109.63 83 Pacific Car & Foundry Co. " 92.45 84 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 203.62 85 Scientific Supplies Co. Expense 13.91 86 Stoneway Dock Co. it 113.20 87 Garlock Packing Co. it 6.67 88 Renton Auto Freight if 1.20 89 Payroll Sewer Disposal 1449.64 90-1508 LIBRARY A.J. Burney Expense 17.42 1772 Diesel Oil Sales Co. Expense 10.97 73 Doubleday & Co. Books 110.75 74 Encyclopedia Britannica) Inc. " 237.37 75 The Foundry " 5.00 76 Gaylord Brost Inc. Expense 1.75 77 The J. K. Gill Co. It & Book 5.04 78 Imperial Book Co. Books 17.59 79 The Macmillan Co. if 11.91 80 Oceana Publications " 4.50 81 Pergande Publishing Co. " 3.33 82 Puget Sound News Co. " 280.34 83 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 12.27 84 Renton Music Store Expense 23.73 85 The Shorey Book Store Books 20.61 86 King Coun,.y Medical June dues 4.00 87 Reid & Cook Expense .53 88 Caxton Printerts Ltd. Books 4.34 89 Payroll Library 811.78 90-1799 The A.N. Marquis Co. Books 5.75 1800 AIRPORT King County Medical June dues 4.00 625 A.J. Burney Expense 4.53 26 Coast Wide Supply Co. to, 23.28 27 Harper-Meggee it 11.59 28 Holmes Electric tt 31.81 29 Pacific Coast Stamp Works Expense 5.52 30 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 92.24 31 The Renton Chronicle Expense 6.30 32 Record Stationery & Office Supp. it 47.22 33 Seattle Water Dept. Water 40.00 34 C. Bevan Expense 20.87 35 Chapman Bros. it 394.52 36 Payroll Airport 454.16 37-40 Diesel Oil Sales Co. Expense 61.37 41 Kohn S. Maier n 28.30 42 Washington Equipment " 3.35 43 Payroll Airport 373.85 44-46 ATHLETIC Gene L. Coulon Salary 47.30 400 VOID VOID VOID VOID Custer Hardware Co. Expense 18.24 02 Matthie Fixit Shop " 28.32 03 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 27.13 04 James Scott Expense 8.00 05 King County Medical June dues 5.50 06 Payroll Athletic 299.42 07-11 272 PARK King County Medical June dues $ 15.75 1131 Millers s i:o'. _,ti,<<Ga.rdens Expense 30.90 32 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 22.95 33 Chapman Bros. Expense 172.21 34 Payroll Park 571.84 35-40 Renton Feed & Seed Expense 9.27 41 Payroll Park 42-46 CL14ULATIVE FUND #1182 Chapman Bros. Signal lights 470.38 20 CUMULATIVE FUND #1183 Custer Hardware Expense, Mothers Park 4.23 290 The Lumber Market " " 84.36 91 Chapman Bros. " " 38.10 92 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gigli, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting be ad- journed. Carried. Wiley rook - City Clerk May . 273 Renton, Washington May 24, 19L;9 A special meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Perry H. Mitchell. ROLL CALL: BAXTER, SWIFT, DELAMENTI, BRUCE,, FREYMAN, HAGAN, TRIMM, REID, GIGLI, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. i The meeting was called for the purpose of considering the passage of a resolution regarding daylight saving time, to determine some a method of controlling water pressure and supply at the water reservoir in Renton Highlands; and to secure Council recommendation regardinf the con— dition of the pressure tanks at Renton Highlands and Kennydale. Proposed Resolution No. 737 was presented by the Ordinance Committee, as follows: "THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: "That in order to achieve uniformity with other municipalities in this area, DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME is hereby adopted for the City of Renton by advancing Pacific Standard Tiem one hour, effective and commencing at 12:00 P.M. (midnight) on May 31, 1949 and continuing to and terminating at 12:00 P.M. (midnight) on Septem b er 30, 1949". Moved by Baxter, seconded by Gigli, that Proposed Resolution No. 737 be adopted as read. Carried. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Delaurenti, that immediate action be taken to safeguard the water supply to the pressure tank at the Renton Highland reservoir. Carried. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hagen, that the Engineering Dept. now check the condition of the pressure tanks for Kennydale and the Highlands. Carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Reid, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. George Swift, Secretary Pro Tem. r � Wiley C k — City Clerk Ma I i 1274 c� Renton, Washington June 6, 1949 The special meeting, which is mandatory by State Statute for the installation of elected City officials was called to order, Mayor Perry H. Mitchell, presiding. ROLL CALL: BAXTER, SWIFT, D ELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN$ HAGEN$ TRIMM, REID$ GIGLI, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. Wiley Crook, City Clerk, administered the Oath of Office to the following elected Councilmen: Joe R. Baxter, Herman Freyma.n, Thomas Trimm, Ben Richardson, George Swift and Steve Temborini. Mayor Mitchell stated he had received the resignation of Police Court Judge Donald G. Holm but as yet had not found a qualified person for the position. The Mayor further stated that Police Judge Holm had agreed to continue fulfilling of his present duties until either a dispensation can be received from the Attorney General of the State or until someone else is appointed to the position. Mayor Mitchell recommended that the Council Committees be continued as they are until a later date. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendations of the Mayor. Carried. Councilman Tamborini nominated Councilman Richardson as President of the Council for the ensuing term. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Delaurenti, that the nominations be closed. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Baxter, that the City Clerk be instructed to record in the Council minutes that Councilman Richardson was unanimously elected as President of the Council for the ensuing term. Carried. As previous arrangements had been made naming Mayor Mitchell and former President of the Council, Joe Baxter, as voting- delegates to the Association of Washington Cities Convention at Hoquiam, it was moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson that two alternate voting delegates be appointed by the Mayor. Carried. Thereupon Mayor Mitchell. appointed Councilman Richardson and Councilman Bruce as alternates. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gigli, that the Council concur in the appointments. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. Wiley ook — City Clerk or 27 Renton, Wash June 7, 1949 Mayor Perry H. Mitchell being absent, the regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by President of the Council, B. J. Richardson, acting as Mayor Pro tem. ROLL CALL: RICHARDSON, BAXTER., SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN.,. HANSEN, HAGERi, REID, GIGLI AND TAMBORINI. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council minutes of May 17, be approved as correct. Carried. Moved by Hagen, seconded by Bruce, that the minutes of the May 24th meeting be approved as written. Carried. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Gigli, that the Council minutes of June 6th be approved as written. Carred. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT: NO. AMOUNT NAME LOCATION TYPE BUILDING 885 400.00 D. H. Spray 301 Pelly Siding residence 86 700.00 J. E. McFarland 423 ?dells St Siding residence 87 100.00 S. M. Wiberg 111 3rd Ave repair steps 88 100.00 Patricia Ash 121 Neadiw Plumbing 89 100.00 Renton Concrete 4th No. & Sunset Move bui7.ding Products Co. Highway 90 700.00 James B. Taylor 211 Meadow St. Remodel house 91 100.00 Emil Fbntana 113 Logan St. Cone. foundation 92 400.00 Wm. Thompson 234-236- N, Inst. furnaces & Williams water heaters wiring 93 100.00 John Crowell 520 Morris St. Wiring 94 1000.00 Dominic Gentile 525 Whitworth St. Remodel house 96 100.00 Joe Cabolis 3rd & hainier Ave Wiring 95 100.00 Gordon Henderson 512 Windsor Place Erect wire fence 97 2000.00 Frank Coleman 112 3rd Ave Plumbing 98 100.00 Dr. H.G. Storey 706 3rd. Ave Wiring 99 100.00 Anthony Frnak 718 Renton Ave Wiring 900 100. ;0 W. E. Grover S. 140th between Wiring Ol 700.00 Marie Del Guzzo 84th & 86th Ave. 11712 Sunset Blvd. Remodel gararre 03 100.00 Mike Lotto 107 Factory St. Rewire range 04 100,00 Louis Delaurenti 243 N. Williams Erece sidewalk 905 100.00 Grace Dobson 909 lst No. Erect floor in garage and driveway 906 400.00 A.J. Donway 8231 S. 138th St. Remodel house 07 100.00 L.M. Whitaker 12.2 Garden St. Repair roof 08 100.00 Williams & Swanson 700 3rd Ave Tear down bldg. APPLICATIONS FOR CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. NAME- ADDNESS FOR OCCUPANCY AS O.C. Bailey 528 - 26th Ave. So. Shoe Shine Stand Warren G. C ryer 1045 I Street Service Station Orin Phillips 319 3rd Ave Ice Creamery Feil L. Gavin 1200 4ronson Way Top Cleaners This being the date set for the hearing on Assessment Roll for L.I.B., No. 226, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hagen that the City Engineer notify the property ownel's that the hearing has been postponed to June 14th_ at 8 o'clock. Carried. Mr. Wiley Crook, City Clerk read a. communication to be sent to the Seattle Water Department requesting permission to install a 4" pipe to the water tank on Renton Hill to replace the 2" one now in use. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Hagen, that this communication be sent to Seattle Water Department immediately so work may be started. Carried. A communication was read from the association of Washington Cities reminding the Council of the Hoquiam Convention. Communication ordered filed. 276 b ee'as Mr. McHugh, City Engineer, requested permission to call for bids on 2900 feet of 2011 pipe. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Hagen, that the City Engineer be instructed to call for bids and that the same be published two consecutive weeks, as per State statute. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Bruce, that all Department Heads be notified, and they in turn notify all City Employees under their supervision, that June 28, 1949 Mr. Sowers and Mr. Sherlock of the Equitable Life Assurance Company will #peak to them about a group insurance plan in the Council Chambers at 8:00 P.M. Carried. Renton Aerie #1722. Fraternal Order of Eagles requester permission to have two street dances, the first on June 17th and the next on June 25th These dances to be held in conjunction with the celebration of Longacres Day. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the Eagles be notified that permission is granted to hold said dances under the supervision of the Penton Police Department. Carried. Mr. William L. Roherts requested permission to install a coin— operated phonograph in the Coffee Cup Restaurant No. 2, located at the Main Gate of Renton Boeing Aircraft Plant. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Freyman, ' that this matter be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the -Finance Committee were presented: Moved by Baxter, seconded by Freyman, that the meeting be-adjourned. Carried. Wiley -ook yor r 277 Renton, Wash June 142 1949 The recessed meeting of the City Council was called to order, Mayor Perry H. Mitchell presiding. ROLL, CALL: RICHARDSON, BAXTER, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN HANSEN, HAGEN, T RIMM, GIGLI AND TAMBORINI. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the Council meeting of June 7, 1949 be anproved as written. Carried. ..r APPLICATIONS FOR. BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT NO. AMOUNT NANIT LOCATION TYPE WORK 902 $ 100.00 Elias Niemi 447 Park Remodel house 09 100.00 H. Laws 108 Logan St. Remodel garage 10 100.00 L.M. Whitaker 122 Garden St. Erect garage 11 100.00 Tony Walevitch 433 Park Ave Wirin- 12 200.00 Adam Donaway 8231 So. 138th Rewire basement 13 300.00 Al. Erickson 51 Logan St. new roof 14 100.00 E. A. Shearer 410 Williams St Replace driveway _15 1,000.00 Umberto Barei 224-226 Wells Wiring 16 112000.00 Order of Eagles 416 3rd. Avenue Remodel building 17 12400.00 Mrs. Ira Manvell 345 Factory Remodel 18 200.00 Mrs. J.C. Shapton 334 Williams St Rewire house 19 350.00 Lelia Welty 445 Burnett Renair foundation 20 100.00 A.D. Angwin 312 Burnett No. Rewire house 21 100.00 James Zerwoodis Rt, 1, Box 1270 Erect fence 22 250.00 Mrs. Irene Scappini 410 Burnett Remodel garage 23 100.00 Walker—Raise 320 3rd Ave New sewer line 24 750.00 Anna Warbol 515 Benton Ave Plumbing 25 100.00 Carl Cook 3rd & Whitworth Erect sign 26 100.00 Pete Balzarini 329 Renton Connect heater 27 11500.00 Glen Clow 358 Bronson Remodel house 28 100.00 Anton Dime 321 Williams St Erect bulkhead 29 400.00 City of Renton Liberty Park Erect neon sign 30 100.00 Yellow Cab Co. 3rd & Morris Remove sign 31 100.00 Cochran Hdwe. Co. 2nd & Williams Erect sign 32 100.00 James H. Walls 414 Main St. Remodel sidewalk 33 400.00 Fred Marchetti 205 Tobin Ave Erect storage shed 34 400.00 Umberto Barei 224-226 Wells Plumbing 35 100.00 George H. Friend 321 Morris Install window 36 100.00 T. K. Anderson 240 N. Wells Remodel garage APPLICATIONS FOR CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT: NAME ADYESS, FOR OCCUPANCY AS Clifford K. Cox Rt, 3, Box 462 Kent Kenyon Machine Shop The hearing on the assessment roll for L.I.D., #226, was held. There being no protests, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the assessment roll as submitted by the City Engineer be confirmed. Carried. Mr. McHugh, the City Engineer, introduced Mr. McCrossen -of the State Highway Department, lst District in Seattle, whotalked on the new State Bill, Chapter 220, laws of 19492 regarding cities and State's responsibility for the construction and maintenance of primary and secondary State Highways through the cities and towns of the State. In behalf of the City of Renton, Mayor Mitchell thanked Mr. McCrossen for his courtesy in this regard. r.. A communication was read from Alvina Albin and Inez Jones requesting permission to place two young women to vend shoe shines on the corners of 3rd Avenue and Wells Street, 3rd and Williams Street and one at the bus stop at the Highlands. Moved by Reid, seconded by Freyman, that this matter be referred to the Police and License Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. A communication was read from Mrs. Cora Rogstad requesting a license for a "Place of Refuge" for the Bronson residence at 202 — Mill Street, Renton. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Baxter, that this application be referred to the Fire Chief, Chief of Police and-City Health Officer for investigation and report back. Carried. 278 An application for a. Locksmith & Key Maker's License was received from Eugene C. Sorensen. Moved 17j P chardson, seconded by Hagen, that this matter be referred to the Chief of Police for investigation and a report back. Carried. A communication was received from the Windsor Hills Community Club, Inc., stating they had requested the Puget Sound Power & Light Company to clean their right—of—way of stumps, litter and debris but to date nothing has been done and requesting Council action on this matter. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Clerk send a copy of said letter to the Puget Sound Power & Light Company and that the City Engineer be instructed to check with the Company in regard to same. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Chamber of Commerce re— questing consideration regarding the advisability of installing a pedestrian crosswalk between Tradewell Store and the Shaw Bors., Drug Store or any other location on Wells Street between Second and Third Avenues that the Council con= sidered safe and practical. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for a report back. Carried. The Police & License Committee requested a short recess in order to meet with Alvina Albin and Inez Jones regarding vending shoe shines in Renton. The recessed meeting was called to order, Mayor'Perry H. Mitchell, presiding. ROLL CALL: RICHARDSON) BAXTER, SWIFT, DELAUFENTI, BRUCE, -FRES'.MAN, HANSEN, HAGEN, TRIMM, REID, GIGLI AND TAMBORINI. A communication was read from the Renton Chamber of Commerce request— ing permission to sublet a portion of the Testing Station at the Renton Airport to Ralph Patek to manufacture and package clam chowder commercially; following same a communication was read from Mr. Ned Stokes, Manager of the Renton Airport, acting .for the Renton Airport Board, stating that the Airport Board had approved the request of the Chamber of Commerce for permission to sublet part of the Testing Lane Facility subject to Council approval and the granting of S. certificate of occupancy by the Building Department of the City of Renton. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Reid, that this matter be referred to the City Property Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. A communication was read from the Earlington Women's Club requesting that Mother's Park be used for recreational purposes only as originally planned. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that this matter be referred to the Property Committee and Park Board. Carried. A request was read from George Martin, requesting permission to install two pinball machines at the main cafeteria of the Renton Boeing Plant. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this matter be referred to the Police & License Committee and the Chief of Police with power to act. Carried. A request was read from Robert 0. Voit for permission to install pinball machines at the Coffee Cup No. 2 at the South Gate of the Boeing—Renton Plant, Personnel .Building. Moved by 1�ichardson, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Police & License Committee and the Chief of Police with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from R. N. Jardine requesting permission to install a pinball machine at Jardine Barber Shop, 11/+11 — Sunset Boulevard in Renton. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Baxter, that this matter be referred to the Police & License Committee and the Chief of Police with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from Orrin Phillips requesting permission .., to install a pinball machine at his place of business at 315 Third Avenue, Renton, Moved by Gigli, seconded by Bruce, that this matter be referred to the Police & License Committee and the Chief of Police with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Central Labor Council re— questing the City Council to turn back the industrial acreage that was originally a part of Mother's Park, to Park Board supervision for community recreational use. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that this matter be referred to the City Property Committee and Park Board. Carried. 247 A communication was read from the Chief of Police stating that under Ordinance No. 12363, Section 163, he was requesting that the City cab driver's license issued to Emery L. Benson be revoked for nailing to report an accident in which the said Emery L. Benson was driving a taxicab in the City limits of the City of Renton at the time said cab caused injury of two small boys. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Freyman, that this matter be referred to the Police & License Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. A communication was read from the Traffic Division of the Police Department requesting that the following suggestions be given immediate attention by the City Council. 1. (a) That the installation of the lanes, signs, islands; buttons and the necessary stiping be completed to enable the traffic lights at the Sunset—Maple Valley Highway intersection, and the Third Ave. Main Street and Walla Walla intersection; to be operated stop and go as originally intended. (b) The intersection of Sunset Blvd., and Maple Valley Highway be illuminated with an overhead floodlight, showing a white light down on the point of convergence. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Freyma.n, that these requests be referred to the City Engineer for a report back to the Council. Carried. 2. That Fourth Ave. from Burnett Street west to Shattuck Street be designated as an arterial and all cross streets be posted with stop signs. Moved, by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Street & Alley Con 'ttee with power to act. Carried. 3. That a middle of the block pedestrian crossing be established on Wells Street between Third and Second Avenue, the location to be opposite the Van De Kamp Bakery or Tradewell Store, and the crosswalk to be supplemented with an overhead pedestrian light illuminating the crosswalk. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that this matter be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for a report back. Carried. A petition was read for installation of 611 water main from 2nd Avenue to 3rd Avenue on Shattuck Street and from Shattuck Street to Whitworth Street on 2nd Avenue. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that this petition be re— ferred to the City Engineer for investigation. Carried. A petition was read for the construction of concrete sidewalks and curbs along Shattuck Street from 2nd Avenue to 3rd Avenue. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that this matter be referred to the City Engineer for investi— gation. Carried. A petition was read for the rezoning of Lots 10, 11 and 12 of Block 2, Sartorsville Addition to Renton from residential_ to industrial, and signed by the property owners. Moved by hichardson, seconded by Hagen, that this petition be re— ferred to the City Planning Commission. Carried. PROPOSED ORDINANCE N0. 1341 was read AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSMENT ROLL OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 226. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Tambori.ni, that this Proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. .... PROPOSED OI'DINA.NCE N0, 1342 was read AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON REGULATING SPEED AND AMENDING EXISTING ORDINANCES. Moved. by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that this Proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. PROPOSED OEDINANCE NO. 1343 was read AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF PORTIONS OF HIGHLANDS ADDITION TO RENTON, MORGANS GRAND VIEW ADDITION TO RENTON AND RENTON CO—OPERATIVE COAL COMPANYtS ACRE TRACTS (PLAT NO. 1) :�80 L pn��y, �., BY CONSTRUCTING LATERAL SANITARY SEWEPS WITH MAN—HOLES AND ALL APPUPSENANCES. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Bruce, that this matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. The Ordinance Committee requested a short recess to check over the Proposed Ordinances. Recessed meeting called to order, Mayor Perry H. Mitchel]., presiding. ROLL CALL: RICHARDSON) BAXTER, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN, HAGEN, TRIMM, REID, GIGLI AND TAMBORINI. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1341. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Gigli, seconded by Hansen that the Ordinance be adopted as read. The motion being put to a roll call vote, it unanimously carried. The Ordinance Committee requested that Section 1, part v. of Proposed Ordinance No. 1342 be amended to read "Sunset Avenue (formerly Sunset Highway) from a point 300 feet North of the North line of Bronson Way North at the inter— section of Bronson Way North and Sunset Blvd., to the east city limits." Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that the Proposed Ordinance be amended as recommended by the Ordinance Committee and placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1342 be adopted as read. The motion being put to a roll call vote, it unanimously carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Proposed Ordinance No. 1343. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Tamborini, that the Proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the Ordinance be adopted as read. The motion being put to a roll call vote, it unanimously Carried. The Police & License Committee reported the request of Mrs. A. S. Martin for permission for her son, Donald Martin, to have a newspaper stand to sell the Seattle P.I. in front of the Victory Market, 3rd and Rainier Avenue had been granted. The Police & License Committee was granted more time to investi— gate the complaint that the new bus schedule agreed upon by Mr. Bacon was not being adhered to and that no busses were running to Maplewood on Saturdays. The Police & License Committee was granted more time on the investi— gation of the m tter of licensing shuffleboards in the City of Renton. The Fire Light and Water Committee was granted more time on the matter of the extension of the Honeydew—New Castle water line. A di.scussion,as held on the matter of people in the Renton Highlands watering their lawns after 8 o'clock P.M. It was reported that the Housing Authority had sent letters to the occupants to water their lawns between the hours of b P.M., and ' P.M., but quite a few people were leaving hoses open all night. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the City Attorney check the ordinance covering the above matter and then a notice be published in both' Renton papers advising the people of the water situation and instruct the Police Department to check to see that the Ordinance is adhered to. Carried. The Fire Light & Water Committee was granted more time on the investigation of the cost for installing meters to see if any changes are necessary. The Fire Light and Water Committee reported that the street lights were ready for installation between 3rd Avenue and the railroad tracks on Williams Street and would be installed in a few days. 281 The Property Committee was granted more time on the matter of the recommendations of the Building Department and annual report of building permits and certificates of occupancy referred to them for investigation. The Property Committee was granted more time on the matter of checking the furnace in the City Hall and the furnace at the ,ire station. The Prop rty Committee reported they had investigated the cost of polishing and waxing machines and had also investigated the feasibility of using another method of maintaining the floors, other than by waxing. They were granted more time for investigation. The Ordinance Committee recommended that the City Clerk direct a ... .letter to the Washington State Liquor Control Board stating that the Mayor and City Council of the City of Renton were willing to abide by their decisions as to who should have Class "H" licenses in the City of Renton. Moved,by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee. Carried. The Finance Conmittee was granted more time on the investigation of the Renton Dog Pound. The City Attorney was granted more time on the matter of drafting an ordinance for Water District No. 78. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the City Engineer be instructed to call for bids on the blacktop paving of Third Place. Carried. The City Engineer reported the cost of a roll map for the City Treasurer's Office would be approximately $80.00. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that this matter be referred to the City Engineer and Property Committee with power to act. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Engineer, City Property Committee and Fire, Light and Water Committee investigate the matter of installing new meters in the Renton Highlands and bring back plans and specifications forsameas soon as possible. Carried. ' More time was granted the City Engineer on the matter of Lith Avenue North extension. The Street & Alley Committee was granted more time on the matter of installing a traffic signal light at Airport Way and Logan Street. The Police & License Committee reported the request of Mr. William L. Roberts for permission to install a coin—operated phonograph in the Coffee Cup Restaurant No. 2, located at the Main Gate of Renton Boeing Aircraft Plant was granted provided proper license fee is paid. Moved by Swift, seconded by Baxter, that the City Clerk write a letter to the City of Westport, Washington thanking them for the courtesy shown the delegates of Renton to the Association of Washington Cities Convention. Carried. The Ways and :`deans Committee recommended that Mr. Waller, Assistant Engineer, be sent to Vancouver, Jdashington to study the method of handling garbage in that city and that his expenses be paid by the City of Renton. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Council. concur in the recommendation of the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. The matter of NO PAF.KTNG signs on 6th Avenue North and. 8th Avenue North and Logan Street North and other places referred to in Ordinance No. 1339 was referred to the City Engineer. The Property Committee recommended that the City Engineer be instructed to repair the ,lest Wing of the Administration Building in Mother's Park in order that it can be rented. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delarenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. 9G C The Property Committee recommended that the Assistant City Engineer and Property Committee investigate the temporary stand located next to Steiner's Sweet Center Shop to see if a permit has been granted for same and report back. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the Property Committee. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Gigli, that the matter of a signal light at 3rd Avenue and Wells Street be referred to the Fire Light and Water Committee and Street & Alley Committee. Carried. The Police & License Committee reported on the meeting with A1_vina Albin_ and Inex Jones regarding shoe shine vendors. They requested time to make an investigation and power to act in this matter. Moved by :Swift, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred back to the Police & License Committee with power to act and if the request is granted, it be approved for a 30-day trial period.only. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that the Fire Chief would like to have the grass cut around the Administration Building at Mother's Park as the people are worried about amass fires. The Fire Chief stated if the grass was cut the Fire Department could burn off the grass away from the building. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Freyman, that the City Engineer be instructed to get in touch with the Park Board regarding this matter. Carried. Councilman Richardson suggested that a member of the Park Board should look over the entrance to the town of Montesano, Washington for ideas for fixing up the entracnes to Renton. The Fire Chief stated that the fence around Liberty Park is at an angle, especially near the place where the scoreboard used to be. Councilman Baxter stated Gene Coulon, Park Supervisor, is working on the matter at the present time. CUR.RE11T Payroll Garbage 725.67 4835-42 Payroll St. Cleaning 466.75 43-47 Council Expense Expense 72.54 48-49 City Clerk Expense 34.43 50 Olin A. Hansen Council Expense 34.02 51 Arthur Haugan Attorney Expense 34.00 52 B.M.McHugh Engr. Expense 14.60 53 Perry H. Mitchell Mayor's Expense 36.52 54 Council Expense Expense 96.07 55-57 Automatic Deodorant Co. C.H. Ex-cense 2.00 58 Baker Co., Inc. C.H. If 5.15 59 Bevan Plumbing F.D. " 4.36 60 Charles Bruning Co. Inc. Engr. " 10.29 61 Burrow's Richfield Ser. F.D. " 45.64 62 Wally Carlson F.D. If 2.58 63 Chapman Bros. C,H. " St. Lights 110.39 64 H. L. Collier, City Treas. P.D. " 3.89 65 Katherine Crockett Pkg. Meter Expense 1.50 66 67 Custer Hardware Co. Expense 49.69 Wm. F. Davis Bond & Ins. Prem 75.00 68` James E. Denzer Engr, Exp. 1.2.5 69 Gordy's Camera & Sport Shop P.D. n 60.75 70 Harley-Davidson Sales Co. P.D. " 52.25 71, Tom Harries Agency Ins. & Bond Prem. 35.00 72 E. W. Isackson Ins. & Bond Exp, 21.11 73 King Cty. Health Dept. King County Inspection 175.00 74 Kuker-Ranken, Inc. Engr. Expense 13.51 75 Lande Feed Co. Dog Pound Expense 12.10 76 F.E. Lawrence F.D. Expense . 12.70 77 Lowman & Hanford Co. Expense 18.18 78 The Lumber Mkt, Engr. Expense 1.98 79 Perry H. Mitchell Expense 97.87 80 The Owl Cafe Jail Meals 158.50 81 Pac. Tel & Tel. Co. 'Phone 83.29 $2 Paramount Pest Control Garbage Expense 10.00 83 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 969.18 84 Radiotelephone Ser. Co. P.D. Expense .73 85 Reid & Cook C.H. Expense 6.44 86 2�t.ry4l CURRENT CONT'D Waters Expense 60.68 4897 King County Medical July dues 381.75 98 WATF� Payroll Water 1176.00 7296-7305 Dorothea S. Gossett Treas. Exp. 35.40 06 Badger Meter Mfg, Co. Expense 17.47 07 Joe Boydston's Radio Store Expense 12.57 08 Concrete Products Co. Expense 120.51 09 Custer Hardware Co. Expense 2.47 10 H.D.Eowler Co., Inc. Expense 270.04 . 11 Northern Pae. R.R. Expense 1.00 12 .� Olympic Foundnj Co. Expense 57.47 13 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 905.12 1/4- Record 4Record Stat. & Off.Supp. Expense 37.18 15 Renton Hdw. & Furn.Co. " 7.74 16 Seattle Water Dept. Water 86.68 17 Sound Concrete Products Expense 185.40 18 Stoneway Dock Co. if 4.28 19 United Jan. Supply Co. " 30.90 20 Van Waters & Rogers Inc. '" 80.00 21 Wallace & Tiernan Sales " 8.44 22 King County Medical July dues 48.75 23 CITY STREETS S.R. Waller Extra labor 28.50 4782 Payroll City Streets 1505.88 83-97 Cliff Brown's Expense 18.54 98 Burrow's Richfield " 3.09 99 Coast Wide Supply Co. " 47.38 4800 Cochran Hdw. Co. " 14.03 01 Custer Hdw. Co. " 5.41 02 King Cty. Road Dist. #2. 624.50 03 Lubri-Gas Northwest " 61.80 04 Mathewson's Renton Tire Shop " 10.62 05 Overall Cleaning & Supn. " 2.06 06 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. " 115.98 07 Radium Hand Soap Co. " 6.18 08 Renton Motor Parts, Inc. It 34.20 09 Sound Paint Mfg. Co. it 13.00 10 Union Oil Co. of Calif. Gasoline 667.05 11 White Construction Expense 12.00 12 King County Medical July dues 72.25 13 SEWER DISPOSAL Custer Hardware Co. Expense 4.87 1509 Hooker Electrochemical Co. it 200.00 10 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 194.74 11 Renton Motor Parts Expense 1.10 12 Scientific Supplies it 1.60 13 King County Medical July dues 38.00 14 LIBRARY 1$01 Coast Wide Supply Expense 17.84 Diesel Oil Sales to. Expense 10.24 02 Doubleday & Co Books 31.76 03 Encyclopedia Britannica it 2.85 04 J.K. Gill Co. if 36.58 05 R.S. Henderson Expense 51.50 06 P.S.P.& Light Co. Power 9.21 07 The Puget Sound News Books 221.66 08 Renton Music Store Expense 2.77 09 The Shorey Book Store Books 4.64 10 .... Wilcox & Follett Co. it 85.53 11 The H.W. Wilson Co. if 9.00 12 King County Medical July dues 4.00 a3 Payroll Li.braxy 14,-221 AI_RPaRT Diesel Oil Sales Expense 36.34 647 Edmonds Cushion Shop " 14.68 48 Harper-Meggee " 6.58 49 Lampkin Laboratories, Inc. " 1.09 50 Renton Motor Parts, Inc. " 70.63 51 9 V A �A�0 AIRPORT CONT'D Renton News Record Expense 10.00 652 s King County Medical July dues 4.00 53 ATHLETIC The Lumber Market Expense 3.41 412 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 76.29 13 King County Medical July dues 5.50 14 PARK Jack Smart Extra labor 28.96 1147 Earl Snelson " " 24.96 48 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 4.18 49 King County Medical July dues 15.75 50 AIRPORT SEAPLANE TV-,MP FUND White Construction Co. Expense � 353.75 7 Moved by Tamborini, seccnded by Gigli, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Moved by Gigli,, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. y Clerk Maor'- 285 Renton, Washington June 21, 1949 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by President of the Council, B. J. Richardson, presiding as Mayor Pro Tem. ROLL CALL: RICHARDSON, BAXTER, SWIFT, DELAURE114TI, BRACE, FREYMAN, TRIh'1M, REID, GIGLI AND TAI.4BORINI. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the minutes of the recessed meeting of June 14, 1949 be approved as written. Carried. • APPLICATICNS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBIITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPT. r' NO. AMOUNT NAME LOCATION TYPE WO RK 937 $100.00 Fred Turner 319 Tobin Reroof garage 938 400.00 Robt. Murdock /44.32 Williams St. Remodel porch 939 450.00 The Beacon Sunset Highway Install plumbing 940 400.00 Knights of Pythias 123 Burnett Pl. Erect neon sign 941 100.00 Tim Morgan 2nd & rainier Inst, plumbing 942 400.00 Paul Ockwig 611 Smithers St. Remodel. kitchen 943 330.00 Chas. Bisiack 1.318 9th Ave. Inst. plumbing 944 100.00 Ted Johnson 310 Garden St. Remodel. upstairs " 945 100.00 Leno Azzola Main & Walla Walla Erect sign 946 400.00 Joe Covey Sr. 419 Second Ave. Remodel, store 947 300.00 Mrs. Mary James 231 No. Williams St. Erect foundation 948 100.00 City of Renton 1201 Bronson Way Erect temporary (Joe Steiner) concession 949 300.00 Renton Eagles 316 3rd Ave. Wiring work 950 350.00 C. D. Cook 415 Cedar St. Remodel furnace 951 4000.00 Union Oil Co. Third & Logan Remodel Serv. Station 952 100.00 Geo. A. Atkinson 111 Factory St. Repairs to house 953 700.00 Tom Richter 325 Factory St. Repair house 954 300.00 Harry H. Killian 432 Smithers St. Reshingle roof 955 100.00 Frank J. Radosich 530 Burnett St. Wire for range 956 100.00 The Beacon Sunset Highway Rewiring 957 1350.00 Stanley D. Bennett 250 Park Ave. Remodel house 958 700.00 R. D. Baldwin 526 Wells St. Remodel house 959 100.00 A. W. Wood 1510 Brook St. Repair gutter 960 100.00 Umberto Barei 306 Wells Remodel store 961 700.00 W. 14. Wehrli 207 Garden St. Inst. foundation 962 400.00 Anna Warhol 51.5 Renton Ave. Wire house 963 750.00 J. Zier 434 No. Wells St. Inst. furnace 964 100.00 Antonio Catuzo 9800 Langston Rd. Repair chimney 965 400.00 A. A. Boyce 1515 4th Ave. No. Repair foundati_nn 966 1000.00 Charles Shane 524 Burnett St. No. Instl. plumbing APPLICATIONS FOR CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDIZG DEPARTMENT NAME ADDRESS FOR OCCUPANCY AS J. Steiner Liberty Park Teporary stand Boeing Airplane Co. 2 rooms in Ad. Bldg. For Office & Storage of Penton Airport Mary Allen Wells Street Miladys Hat Shoe & Corsets Mary Barnes 905 3rd Ave. Lending Library Several communications were read from different groups regarding the return of industrial area in Mother' s Park back to the supervision of the Park Department. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Reid, that all communications received pertain- ing to Ifotherts Park being use,. as a recreational area be incorporated in the minutes. Carried. 286 NORTH RENTON IMPROVE ENT CLUB ; Renton, Washington •:; May 10, 1949 To the Honorable Mayor Members of the City Council City of Renton Gentlemen: At a meeting of the North Renton Improvement Club, held on I•Iay 5th, a recommendation was unanimously adopted, urging that more land be added to the Recreational area of Mother' s Par-. This land to come from that portion of the park now known as the Industrial Area. It is the feeling of the citizens of ::North Renton that this area be used purely as a. park and recreational playground for the children and citizens of the communi- ty. The Club further went on record as against any new buildings being added to this area that could not be used by the people of our community as a whole, feeling that such new buildings, were they to be added, should be for the purpose of park and recreational development. ' As per instructions of the members of the North Renton Improvement Club, I here- with present the Recommendations of that body for your consideration. (S) Floyd W. Shaff, Secretary THE EARLINGTON WOMEN'S CLUB EARLIiNGTON, WASH. June 11, 1949 Honorable Mayor & City Council Renton, Was, ington. Gentlemen: A couple of our members attender: the last meeting; of the North Renton Community Club, as all Earlington mothers are very interested in parks and playgrounds in this area. We feel that it would be very u:fortunate for the children in this area if part of the tract Mr. Monohan originally donated to the City of Renton, as a memorial to his mother, was used for any purpose except as was originally designated. We understand, that in some way, part of this tract was later set aside for an industrial sight, but we believe that after considering the matter carefully you will agree that our children are Renton's greatest asset and that it would not be right to deprive them of anything that would help to keep them on the right path in these trying times. You can look the country over and where there is adequate playground and recreation facilities there is practically no delinquency problems. So, we most respectfully request that you see that this tract is kept for the purpose originally designated. Renton, as .you are well aware, has grown past any of our former expectations these last years and the more it continues to grow, the more need there will be for recreation grounds. If this tract is sacrificed, it would mean a detriment to the youth of the area forever, and surely you do not wish to take the responsibility of hindering their proper development into fine and useful citizens. (S) Florence Haddock, Secretary RENTON CENTRAL LABOR COUNCIL June 14, 1949 Renton City Council Renton, Wn. Dear Sirs: The Renton Central Labor Council requests the Renton City Council to turn back the industrial acreage, that was originally set aside as Mother' s Park, back to the Mother' s Park for a park for the community. (S) Wm. M. Quigly, Sr., Pres. (S) Opal Chadwick, Sy. 287 June 1, 1949 1205 6th Ave. North Renton, Washinbton The Honorable Mayor and Councilmen Renton, Washington Gentlemen: Ps chairman of the committee representing the North Renton Improvement Club, I feel it necessary to make one point clear. The movement to have fourteen acres of the Industrial land adjoining Mothers Park returned to Park property originated in our club. We understand part of this acreage is being considered as a county fairground .... site for the l,N. The North Renton Improvement Club believes the two issues should not be confused. The 4H is a wonderful organization. Their Club is welcome in our city. The fact still remains, however, that we are petitioning for the return of the area into Bothers Park, to be used as a large Pioneer Mothers Community Park -- not a 4H fairground. May we suggest a possible solution to the problem? Could the merchants and clubs sponsoring the 4H project buy land located more suitably for their needs? (S) Mrs. Everett Charboneau Mrs. Henry Leiker Mrs. Geo. Tarahonich Executive Committee o.: the North Renton Improvement Club RENTON GARDEN CLUB June 21, 1949 Renton City Council Renton, Washington Dear Councilmen: This letter is to inform you that the Renton Garden Club requests and advocates the following-- The land, adjacent to Park Avenue North and harboring buildings in commercial use at the present time, be returned to the city of Renton for the purposes of a park for which it was originally intended by Mr. Lee Monahan when he deeded this section of land to the City of Renton, wishing to honor his mother, a pioneer resident of Renton. And this park be called "Pioneer Mother's Park". The Renton Garden Club with the help of other organizations and individuals having this same objective are ready and will exert pressur- to achieve the success of this project. /S/ Elinor Zappalo, Secretary Renton Garden Club TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COU CIL CITY OF RENTON June 17, 1949 Concerning the recommendation of the North Renton Improvement Club, which was submitted to the City Council at their re mzla.r meeting of May 17, 1949, that more preperty be added to Mother' s Park for recreational purposes and that this land be acquired from that portion of property now known as the Industrial Area. Wherein this recommendation was referred to the Park Board for investigation, a report of their findings is submitted herewith: In addition to the neighborhood playgrounds, it is deemed desirpble and necessary to have sufficient space in the community to develop a Community park or playfield. For this type of park or playfield it is necessary to have an area of 20 or more acres. Features of this type of park are children's playground, areas for several field games and sports, such as, baseball, fastball , soccer, fottball, etc; batteries of game courts, such as, tennis, badminton, volley ball; area for lawn games, picnic center for small groups and indoor recreation facilities. It is felt that the subject location is desirable because it is adjacent to Mother's Park where recreation facilities are now located. hoc) cc r" These facilities consist of, namely, a gymnasium which is heavily scheduled with physical type of recreation, leaving much to be desired in the way of indoor recreation for young and old alike. It is desirable in any recreation program to have facilities which would take care of other types of recreation, such as quiet games, arts and crafts, social get-togethers, etc. At present there is space available in the Infirmary Wing for just such a program. Whereas, it is understood the 4-H Clubs of King County are desirous of locating in the Community of Renton, it is the contention of the Park Board that their program would definitely be tied in with Renton's present and future recreation de ,elopment if these buildings were so constructed for multiple use. They could then be made available for local recreation purposes as well as for the 4-H Clubs of King County. We, therefore, respectfully request the Honorable Mayor and City Council to consider our recommendations:- That the entire property now known as the Industrial Area be acquired for Park pur- poses and that the buildings now located thereon be put into use for recreational purposes. The Infirmay Win- which is now vacant, could be put into use immediately and the other buildings be taken over at such time as the present leases expire and if said space is not needed at the time lieases expire some ar-angements could then be made with occupants concerned. That if the proposed 4-H plan does materialize, and that an agreement can be reached between the groups concerned, that they be allowed to locate facilities on the Northwest portion of this area, that is the area on which is now located what is known as Building "C' . RENTON PAFY BOARD (S) Cecil E. Wakelam (S) Hugo Toschi (S) Lon Tackett Moved by Baxter, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommenda- tions of the Park Board and that the buildings now being used for indu8trial pur- poses oo,ra.until the gonrsor leases exni_r Carried. Moved by Swift, secondedby' Baxter, that all property north of 6th Ave. between Northern Pacific Tracks and Park Avenue, except residential_ property, be referred to the City Planning Commission for rezoning. Carried. A communication was read from Fred. Hancock Post No. 19 requesting permission to give a fireworks display as part of the American Legion 4th of July Celebration, the night of July 4th at the baseball field in Liberty Park. Moved by Reid, seconded by Freyman, that the request be granted and the display be held under the supervision of the vire Chief. Carried. A communication was read from Guy W. Cotton, 838 C. Street, Renton, stating that as the city owns 12' on 9th Ave. No. and 8' on C Street inside of the sidewalk, he would li7-e permission to build a fence to the sidewalk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gi?li, that this matter be referred to the Building Inspector and City Attorney with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the Modern Music Company requesting permission to install two coin-operated phonographs in the Hi-Class Ice Creamery, 315 3rd Ave. and Eagles Tavern, 340 Burnett St. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that this matter be referred to the Police & License Committee with power.to act. Carried. A communication was read from Mike Banasky, 22.2 Logan Street, requesting per- mission to operate a light truck for a Pickup and Delivery Service. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that tris matter be referred to the Police & License Committee and Chief of Police for investigation and report back. Carried. 28(� A communication was read from the Renton Scenic Hill Community Club reporting on the progress of the Mayfield. at 7th and Jones and requesting a drinking fountain, refuse container and sand for the said park. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Trimm, that these requests be referred to the Park Board and City Engineer with nower to act and the requests be -ranted as soon as possible. Carried. A communication was read from the Police & License Committee, Chief of Police and City Clerk stating that a temporary license had been issued to ifr. L. R. Moran, 3817 Othello St. , Seattle, to operate an ice cream scooter in the corporate limits of the City of Renton for 30 days pending council action. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gigli that Mr. Moran be given a permit to operate his ice cream scooter in the corporate limits of Renton. Carried. An application for a Locksmith License was received from Eugene C. Sorensen, Maple Valley, Washington, for permission to operate from Gene's Chevron Service Station, 3rd and Rainier, Renton. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freymen, that this matter be referred to the Police & License Committee and Chief of Police with power to act. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids for the improvement of an area lying between Sixth Avenue and Seventh Avenue and Shattuck St. and State Highway #5 in the City of Renton, by layin, an 8" sanitary sewer, together with wyes, manholes anci all things pertaining thereto, the following bids were received: Company Total Bid Date of Completion John Patricelli $1552.50 July 20, 1949 Gorig & Russell "";41373.50 July 1, 1949 (`') Joe Coluccio $1532.50 July 31, 1949 Superior Construction Co. $1962.15 July 25, 1949 Scarsella Bros. $1618.40 July 15, 1969 Moved by Gioli, seconded by Delaurenti, that these bids be referred to the Finance Committee and City Engineer for investi;D-ation and report back. Carried. Bids were opened on 2900' 20" Class 150 watermain pipe as follows: r E. N. Hallgren Company - 2900 ft. 20" Class 150 Mono-Cast B&S C.I. Pipe, in 16" lengths, tar coated. - - - $8.622 ft. Total 05,003.80 2900 ft. 20" Class 150 Iv1ono-Cast B&S C.I. Pipe, complying with Fed. Spec. WW-P-421, except A-B body pattern and A-B sockets diameter O.D. of barrel 21.6 in. I.D. of socket 22.6 in. in 16' lengths, tar coated. - - - $8.40 ft. Total $24,360.00 2900 ft. 20" Class 150 Ditto, with Doublex Simplex mechanical joint, C.I. Pine complete with bolts, gaskets and follwer rings. X9.15 ft. Total 4?26,535.00 Huzh G. Purcell Co. - 20" Class 150 Bell & gpigot Cast Iron Pine. - - - d8.05 per foot Total X23045.00 20" Class 150 U.S. Mechanical Joint Cast Iron Pipe - - - $8.67 per foot Total yv25,143.00 Delivery during September, subject to conditions beyond their control. Johns j,anville - 2900 ft. of 20" Class 150 woo (1.53" Th.) water main pipe delivered including sufficient connectings fittings as required. - - - $8.905 per foot Total. 425,824.50 Delivery completed before August 31, 1949. Moved b;T Reid, seconded by Trimm, that these bids be referred to the Finance Committee and City Engineer for investigation and report back. Carried. I I 290 Bids were opened for the improvement of Morris Street between Second Avenue and ; Third Avenue by paving with Portland Cement Concrete Company Total Bid Delivery Date L. J. Dowell, Inc. $8,187.50 August 1, 1949 Meade Sand & Gravel Co. $8,208.50 August 1, 1949 M. R. Green $9,340.00 V,----------- Moved by Trimm, seconded by Freyman, that these bids be referred to the Finance Committee and City Engineer for investigation and report back. Carried. LM Moved by Ta.mborini, seconded by Swift, that a short recess be held to investi- gate these bids. Carried. Recessed meeting called to order, President of the Council, B. J. Richardson, presiding, as Mayor Pro Tem. IULL CALL: RICHARDSON, BASTER, SWIFT, DELAUPENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, TRIMM, REID, GIGLI AND TAMBOFINI. The Finance Committee and City Engineer recommended that the bids for laying of an 8" sanitary sewer be awarded to Gorig & Russell at $1,373.50, subject to check on date of completion and in case the date is not satisfactory, it be awarded to Joe Colucci at $1,532.50. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Finance Committee and City Engineer. Carried. The Finance Committee and City Engineer recommended the bid for tansite pipe be awarded to the Johns-Manville Company in the amount of $25,824.50. Moved by Reid, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Finance Committee and City Engineer. Carried. The Finance Committee and City Engineer recommended the bid for 11orris Street paving be awarded to L. J. Dowell, Inc. in the amount of 48,187.50. ,, Moved by Bruce, seconded by Gigli, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Finance Committee and City Engineer. Carried. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Bruce that the Ordinance Comzulttee and City Attorney draft a resolution or ordinance stating thpt all new streets in the corporate limits of the City of Renton should not be under 40' wide, and report back to the Council. Carried. A communication was read from the Traffic Division of the Police Department, accompanied by a petition, requesting that immediate attention be given to the follow- ing recommendations: 1. That K Street be designated. as an arterial, with all intersections streets declared stop streets with reflectorized stop signs, properly posted. 2. That 25 miles per hour signs be installed at proper intervals, on all main traveled streets in the Renton Highlands. 3. That a pedestrian cross walk be installed from the termination of the sidewalk on the east side of Steiners Cafe, in Liberty Park to extend across the Park roadway near the wading pool and to be supplemented with a pedestal sign reading "Stop Cross- walk". This sign to be moveable and used only when necessary. rim 4. That phrking be eliminated from both side of roadway entering Liberty Park at Steiners Cafe, from a distance of 30 ft. south from corner. 5. That a bus zone be installed on Logan Street between Second and Third Ave. on West side of street beginning at North edge of alley driveway and extending North to Savage Mill driveway a distance of approximately 45 feet. The curb to be painted traffic yellow and a bus zone sign to be installed. 291. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Freyman, that the recomriendations of the Police Department be concurred in and the City Engineer be instructed to start work immediately on these requests. Carried. A communication was submitted by the Board of Examiners & Appeals City of Renton recommendin!r additions to the Building Code and requesting they be adopted by the Council. Moved by Swift, seconded by Dela.urenti, that this matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. A communication was read from James Denzer, Assistant Building Official listing the Building Permits and Certificates of Occupany issued by the Building Department for the month of May, 1949. The Building Department also recommended that an Ordinance be drawn covering the rezoning; of the areas recently added to the City of Renton. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that the recommendation be referred to the Ordinance Comzittee, City Planning Commission and CitST Attorney for a check and if an ordinance is required, same be brought back to the Council for consideration. Carried. Mr. S. R. Waller, Assistant Engineer, reported he expected to visit Vancouver, Washington to study the method of handling garbage in that city on Thursday, June 23, 1949. Mr. Waller also reported that the necessary permits had been granted for the temporary stand located next to Steiner' s Sweet Center Shop. The Finance Committee was granted more time on the investigation of the Renton Dog Pound. The City Attorney was granted more time to check the oridinance covering the matter of people in the Highlands watering their lawns after 8 o'clock P.1 , for investigation. More time was granted the City Attorney on the matter of drafting an ordinance for Water District No. 78. The Fire, Light and Water Committee was granted more time on the matter of the extension of the Honeydew-I1.ew Castle water line. More time was grantee) the Fire, Light & Water Committee on the matter of the i.n— vestioation of the cost for installing meters to see if any changes are necessary. The Fire, Liht and Water Committee and Street & Alley Committee were granted more ti-,:e on the mat-;U-e,- of a slfinal light at 3rd and Wells St. The Fire, Light and Water Committee stated the .lights would be installed between 3rd Ave. and Walla. Walla Ave. on Williams Street as soon as possible and recommended that ,,he invoice from the Westinghouse Electric Supply Company for electric supplies to be used on this job be paid immediately in order to receive the 84.35 discount to be allowed if paid within 10 days after receiving same. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Freyman, that this matter be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. The Finance Com~iittee approved the payment of the bill for reflectors, and notified the City Clerk to pay same. The Police & License Committee reported the request of George Martin for permission to install. two pin ball mac' ines at the main cafeteria of the Renton Boeing Plant, was granted provided proper license fee was paid. The Police & License Commitee reported the request of Robert C. Voit for per— mission to install pin ball machines at the Coffee Cup .No. 2 at the South Gate of the Renton Boeing Plant was :granted, provided proper license fee was paid. The Police & License Committee reported the request of R. I!. Jardine requesting permission to install a pinball machine at Jardine Barber Shon was not granted.. 1 292 The request of Orrin Phillips .for permission to install a pinball machine at 315 Third Avenue was granted by the Police & License Committee providing proper license was paid. The Police Ft License Committee concurred in the recommendation of the Police Chief regarding the matter of revoking the cit; cab driver's license of Emery L. Benson and r recommended that he be notified to appear for hearing before the City Council regarding the question of revoking his license for an indefinite period. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Freyman, that the Cou: cil concur in the recommendation of the Police & License Committee. Carried. The Police & License Committee reporterJ that Mr. Bacon has stated that he is now running busses to Maplewood on Saturdays and that in case any further colmlaints regarding this matter are received, they would report same to the City Council with their recommendation regarding a solution to this problem. The Police & License Committee requested the City Clerk to contact the Association of Was-Kington Cities and the City of Seattle for copies of ordinances on the licensing of shuffleboards. The Police & License Committee reported the request of Alvina Albin and Inez Jones for permission to have shoe shine vendors at 3rd and Wells; and 3rd and Williams; and the bus stop at the Highlands was not granted and requested the City Clerk to notify them of the Committee's action on their request. It was the recommendation of the Property Committee that the request of the Renton Chamber of Commerce for permission to sublet a portion of the Testing Station near the Renton Airport to Ralph Patek to manufacture and package clam chowder commerc;ally be granted. After a discussion on the above matter, and the legality of same, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman that this matter be referred to the City Attorney for an interpretation of the law. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by rrimm, that the above motion be mended giving the City Attorney power to act. The amendment being put to a vote, the amendment carried. The motion being put to a vote, the motion carried. It was the recommendation of the Property Committee that a Heating Engineer be employed to draw .up specifications for the furances at the Fire Station #1 and the City fall and V,e specifications be made up for either coal or oil. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the Council accept the recommendations of the Property Committee. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, that the Law & Ordinance Committee, Police & License Committee and Chief of Police check the ordinance governing taxi-cabs and that they meet Tuesday, June 28, 1949 at 7:30 P.M. for this purpose. Carried. The Property Committee was granted more time on the matter of a polishing and waxing machine for the City Hall. The Street & Alley Committee recommended the matter of a pedestrian crossing between 2radewell Store and Shaw Bros. Drug Store be referred to the Council as a whole. Moved by Reid, seconded by Trimm that this matter be referred to the Council as a whole at the next regular Council meeting, July 5, 1949. Carried. It was the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee that 4th Ave. from Burnett Street west of Shattuck St. be designated as an arterial and all cross streets be posted with stop signs. It was also suggested -that for the first few days the Police Department be notified not to arrest people for not abiding by the new rules but to give them a warning instead. More time was granted the Street & Alley Committee on the matter of installing a. traffic signal light at Airport Way and Logan Street. Mr. F. E. Laurence, Fire Chief, the Chief of Police, and City Health Officer were granted more time on the matter of Mrs. Cora Rogstad's request for a license for a "Place of Refuge" at the Bronson residence at 202 Mill Street, Renton. 293 The City Engineer reported that there were enough signatures on the petition for installation of 6" water main from 2nd Ave. to 2nd Ave. on Shattuck St. and from Shattuck St. to Whitworth St. on 2nd Ave., and on the petition for the construction of concrete sidewalk: and curbs along Shattuck St. from 2nd Ave. to 3rd Ave. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Bruce, that the Law & Ordinance Committee and City Attorney draft a resolution of intention for an L.I.D. for the above improvements and present same for Council consideration on July 5, 1949. Carried. Moved by Feid, seconded by Swift, that July 19, 1949 be set aside for the open- int- of bids on the blacktop paving of Third Place. Carried. The Citv Engineer reported the price for two roll maps, one for the City' T'reasurer's office and one for the City Clerk' s office, woild cost approximately w100.00. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Swift, that the City purchase the two maps. Carried. More time was granted the City Engineer, the City Property Committee and Fire, Lignt & Water Committee o_i the matter of investigating the matter of installing new meters 1-L the Renton Highlands, and bring back plans and specifications for same to the Council.. More time was gr=anted the City Engineer on the matter of the 4th Ave. No. extension. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the ordinance regulating the number of pinball machines to be operated on a master license be changed, and that it be re- ferred to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney for investigation and a report back to the Council_. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Freyman, that the matter of the right of way on the west part of The Northern Pacific Railway Tracks on Burnett St. between 2nd and 3rd Avenues be referred to the City Attorney -and City Engineer for an investigation and a report back to the Council.. Carried. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Reid, that the natter of business places covering up their garbage cans be referred to the Chief `of Police and Health Department and that they report back_ to the Council as soon as possible the result of their activity on this problem. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Baxter, that the City Engineer recommend some firm who could male a survey and estimate the cost to the City of Fenton in case they should desire to acquire their own power system, provided Puget Sound Power Fight Co,ipany sells their system here. Carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, that the City Attorney, Fire, Light and Water Comrnittee and Finance Committee be included in the above motion to find ways and means in which the City Could finance it a.nd where the City could get the noiiey. Carried. Moved. by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that Mr. Reid be granted a 30-day leave of absence from Council attendance. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, that the Ordinance Committee, Police & License Committee and Chief of Police present, as soon as possible, an ordinance licensing and regulating punchboards in the City of Fenton. Carried. Moved by Reid, seconded by Bruce, that the Council meet as a committee with the City Attorney and City Engineer as soon as practicaly on the matter of estimating the cost of needed improveraents in the City of Benton, such as new street lights, street improvements, etc. Carried. The followings bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: CURRENT Payroll Office $1023.74 4899-4910 Payroll Engineers 853.61 11-17 Payroll F.D. 2364.64 18-4937 Payroll P.D. 3055.73 38-4961 Payroll. Mayor & Council 456.21 62-4974 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. 'Phones 181.08 75- Payroll Garbage Salary 724.16 76-84 Payroll St. Cleaning 437.21 85-89 Coll. of Int. Revenue Withholding Tax 4247.05 90 294 c i.. y: w ra•�� WATER Payroll Office 348.79 7324-29 Payroll Water 1278.37 30-39 Statewide City Emp. Retrment Sys. Pension 3152.76 40 Coll. of Int. Revenue Withholding Tax 640.30 41 CITY STREETS Payroll City Streets 1797.06 4814-32 Coll of Int. Revenue Withholding Tax 668.40 33 SEWER DISPOSAL Payroll Sewer Disposal 716.31 1515-23 Coll. of Internal Revenue Withholding Tax 336.60 24 LIBRARY Coll. of Internal Revenue Withholding Tax 214.80 1822 AIRPORT Payroll Airport 441.52 654-57 PARK Payroll Park 959.90 1151-60, Collector Int. Revenue 281.90 61 ATHLETIC FIELD Payroll Athletic 328.50 415-18 Coll. of Int. Revenue Withholding Tax 120.20 19 CUMULATIVE FUND #1182 Chas. R. Watts & Co. C.H. Repairs 17.87 21 VOID VOID 22 Westinghouse Elec. Supp. Co. Expense 219.68 23 CUMULATIVE FUND #1184 Chapman Bros. Supplies — Garage 418.12 409 Moved by Gigli_, seconded by Reid2 that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Trimm� that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. C y Clerk or. I I i I I 29 Renton, Washington June 28, 1949 The meeting of the City Council as a committee and the City employees for the purpose of meeting with Mr. Henry P. Sherlock, Jr., Assistant Regional Group Supervisor of the Occidental Life Insurance Company of California, was called to order by President of the Council, B. J. ... Richardson, presiding as Mayor Pro Tem. Mr. Sherlock outlined the various phases of the group in— surance plan and the probable cost to employees. After a discussion of the plan by the employees and Mr. Sherlock, it was moved by Freyman, seconded by Swift, that the Finance Committee, City Treasurer and City Clerk meet with a representative group of the City Fhployees to discuss the plan and come back with a report. Carried. Mr. Sherlock stated he would be willing to meet with the group if given a few days notice before the meeting. The City Clerk was requested to notify each Department Head to request that a representative be selected from each Department and notify -the City Clerk the name of said representative. After the City employees Committee has been selected in this manner, the City Council will set the -time for a meeting and notify said members. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried.. t L �+ City C rk MR, or. Lr 296 c Renton, Washington July 5, 1949 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order, Mayor Perry H. Mitchell presiding. ROLL CALL: RICPARDSON, BAXTER, SWIFT, DELAUFENTI, BRUCE, FRETIAAN, HANSEN, HAGEN, TRIMM, GIGLI, AND TAMBORINI. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the June 21st' and June 28th meetings be approved as written. AFPIICATIONS FOR BUILDING PEEMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT: NO. AMOUNT NAME LOCATION TYPE WORK 967 100.00 Robt. Lowry 3rd & Mill Inst. H.W. heater 68 100.00 Dave Reid 221 Whitworth St. Remodel parch 69 Kennell-Ellis 914 3rd Ave Plumbing permit 70 25.00 Renton Motor Parts, Inc. 308 Main St. New connections 71 400.00 H.D. Wolcott 8716 S. 136 Erect garage 72 100.00 Standard Oil Co. 75 Burnett St. Replace switches 73 200.00 John ha.msek 322 Morris St. Erect garage 74 34,000.00 School Dist. #403 2nd & Morris St. Relocating 4 new portables 75 400.00 Earl Gambini 300 Meadow St. Reside house 76 100.00 John Morino 1304 Beacon Ave Rewire range & W.H. 78 700.00 Roy Manifold 74 Williams St. Add room to house 79 150.00 W.F. Bennett 3rd & Park Ave Remodel chimney= 80 3,000.00 Harve;; Iverson 518 Grandey Way Remodel house 81 29000.00 School Dist. #403 2nd & Morris St. Wiring portables 82 300.00 W. Deniell 615 Morris St. Conc. foundation 83 100.00 James Marenakos Rt. 1, Box 1.270 Plumbing 84 100.00 Trojan Press 103 8th Ave. N. Inst. lights & switch 85 100.00 L.N. Bonshoff 1922 7th Ave. N. Wiring 86 100.00 James Marenakos Route 1. R,MWire basement 87 1,000.00 Dobson Building 412 Park Ave Plumbing for garage 88 350.00 Renton Eagles 316 3rd Ave Plumbing 89 400.00 Tom Sneddon 528 Renton Ave Reshingle roof 90 350.00 John Anardie 88th & 140th St. Plumb. & wiring 91 100.00 John Lotto 315 N. Wm. St. Remodel house 992 12500.00 R.L. Ward 913 5th Ave Remodel house 93 12000.00 R. N. Jardine 11411 Sunset Blvd. Erect building 94 400.00 George Andlar 510 Burnett St. Lower ceilings 95 180.00 G. A. Poff 643 D. Street Inst. floor furnace 96 500.00 P.H. Grieser 329 Factory St. Remodel and repair foundation & porch 97 100.00 Family Shoe Store 215 Wells St. Erect awning 98 100.00 M. Rubatine 633 Smithers Renair steps 99 100.00 !Dalt Reid 412 Renton Ave Wire water heater 1000 100.00 A.M.Mitchell 736 Cedar St. Wiring 01 4,000.00 Erwin Fey 3rd & Morris Remodel refreshment bar and office 02 100.00 Michael Doll.eman 422 Windsor Way Erect garage 03 200.00 Angela Ballatore 247 Garden St. Replacing gutters 04 100.00 M. McKenzie 325 Pelly Inst. Oil furnace 05 400.00 C.F. Shane 526 N. Burnett St. Wire house 05A 200.00 Paul Ballatore 240 Garden Femodel garage 06 100.00 Paul Scott 825 K. Street Rewiring for range & water heater APPLICATIONS FOR CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. NAME ADDRESS FOR OCCUPANCY AS Dexter Tonkin Motor Co. 222 Mill Street Used Car Lot. An application for a taxi-cab license was received from Robert Howards. It was stated that the Chief of Police had not received his report back on him so it was requested that a temporary license be granted subject to revokation in case there is any dissenting reports on him. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by 297 Bruce, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Chief of Police and Mr. Howards be given a temporary license. Carried. A communication was read from Renton Aerie No. 1722, F.O.E., Renton thanking the City Council for the fine cooperation given during the Renton Longacres Day celebration. Communication ordered filed. An application was read from the Modern Music: Company requesting per- mission to place a coin-operated phonograph in the White Spot at 319 3rd Avenue. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from Fay Monaghan requesting permission to install a pinball game at the Shamrock Cafe at 410 Sunset Boulevard. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that this matter be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. An application was received from Stanley Skerbini for permission to have a Rock-Ola Standard 6huffleboard installed at the Eagles Tavern, 340 Burnett St, Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that this matter be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A request was read from Countner's Incorporated, 3207 Eastlake, Seattle 2, Washington, requesting permission to install one coin-oper-ated phonograph at Cedar River Malt ,Shop and one -coin-operated phonograph at Jim's Cafe. The City Clerk stated the machines have already been installed but no license fee was paid as there was a misunderstanding by them concerning the ordinance. Moved by Baxter, seconded by 1,ichardson, that the machines be allowed to remain at the above-named locations providing retroactive license on same_are paid. Carried. A communication was read from the Seattle Chamber of Commerce on the Status of Green River Dam Project in Congress. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the City Glerk be instructed to make mimeograph copies of this letter and distribute them to the Councilmen and the original be referred to the City Engineer for study and report back to the Council. Carried. A communication was read from the University of Washington regarding the Fourteenth Annual Institute of Government to be. held at the University of Washington on July 11, trhough July 15, 1949. It was suggested that ny member of the Council or Department Heads wishing to attend notify the City Clerk of their intentions. Moved. by Richardson, seccnded by Bruce, that any expenses in- curred by anyone attending this meeting be paid by the City.Carried, A communication was read from the State of Washington Pollution Control Commission attaching a memorandum regarding the diversion of the stream runninp under the plant of the Pacific Car Pt Foundry Company, Renton. The City Clerk was requested to make mimeograph copies of the memorandum covering the meeting held on Ma.y 61 1949 and distribute same to the Councilmen. A communication was read from the Washington State Pollution Control Commission requesting that they be furnished with a copy of the Ordinance of the City of Renton covering control. of oil pollution. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the City Clerk be instructed to send said ordinance to the Washington State Pollution Commission. Carried. A group of Renton Service Station Operators were present at the Council regarding the matter of self-service gasoline stations. A representative of the Washington Gasoline Dealers Association spoke on operational hazards of self- servico gasoline stations and recommended to the City Council that they give care- ful consideration to the unavoidable hazards in the operation of self-service gasoline stations before permitting this type of gasoline stations_ within the WON corporate limits of the City of Renton, Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tambroini, that the City Attorney and Ordinance Committee obtain a copy of the City of Seattle ordinance regulating and controlling the operation of gasoline stations in the corporate limits of the City of Seattle and that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up a suitable ordinance to control and regulate the operation of gasoline stations within the corporate limits of the City of Renton and present the same to the Ordinance Committee and the City Council for consideration as soon as possible. Carried. 298 CC, s A communication was read from Perry H. Mitchell, Mayor, appointing Paul W. Houser, Jr., as Police Judge, effective July lst 1949. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the appointment. Carried. A communication was read from the Planning Commission stating that at their June 22, 1949 meeting the following resolution was passed: "That we recommende to the City Council that they act favorably upon the rezoning petition of Renton School District No. 430 for the rezoning of Lots 10, 11 and. 12, Block 21 Sartoriville Addition, from residential to industrial". Moved by Baxter, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. A communication was read from the City of Seattle Law Department regarding Shuffleboard licenses. The City Clerk stated several other ordinances have been received from other cities regarding the licensing of shuffleboards. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that these ordinances be referred to the Police & License Committee and Ordinance Committee to in- vestigate same and report back to the Council. Carried. The Finance Committee recommended that the meeting date with the City Employees' Committee and Mr. Sherlock of the Occidental Life Insurance Company regarding group life insurance be set at Tuesday night, July 12, 1949 at 7:30 P.M., in the Council chambers. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommendations of the Finance Committee, and the City Clerk be instructed to notify the Department Heads and Mr. Sherlock of the meeting date. Carried. Communications were read from Dr. C.L. Dixon, City Health Officer, and F. E. Lawrence, Fire Chief, stating that the plans submitted by Mrs. Cora Rogstad for a Place of Refuge at 202 Mill Street were up to standards from a ! 1 health and fire hazard standpoint. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyma.n, that the Council accept the recommendetion. of the Fire Chief and City Health Officer and this matter be turned over to the City Engineer with power to Act. Carried. After a discussion of the above matter, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the City Attorney and Police and License Committee make an investigation of Mrs. Rogstad's application and report back to the Council. Carried. The Ordinance Committee requested that a short recess be called. After recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Perry H. Mitchell. ROLL CALL: RICHARDSON, BAXTER, SWIFT, DELAUrTNTI, BRJCE, F=IAN, HANSEN, HAGEN, TRIb1M, GIGLI AND TAMBOR.INI. The Ordinance Committee presented three resolutions and two Ordinances to the City Clerk for first read. RESOLUTION NO. 739 was presented, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to transfer the sum of $202000.00 from the "Sewer Disposal Fund" into the "Renton 1948 Water Revenue Refunding Bond Redemption Fund." The City Treasurer is also authorized and directed to disburse from the "Renton 1948 Water Revenue Refunding Bond Redemption Fund'' the sum of $20,000 together with accrued interest due in payment and redemption of bonds numbered 55 to 74 inclusive, under Ordinance No. 1299. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Gigli, that Resolution No. 739 be adopted as read. Carried. RESOLUTION NO. 740 was presented ordering the improvement of Shattuck Street from Second Avenue to Third Avenue; also Second Avenue from Shattuck Street to Whitworth Street by construction and installation of 6-inch water main, with hydrants, valves and appurtenances; all pursuant to petition filed and approved for the same. Date of hearing was set for August 2, 1949 at 8 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers in the City Hall. 2 9�e) Moved by Freyman, seconded by Gigli, that Resolution No. 740 be* apnroved as read. Carried. RESOLUTION NO. 741 was presented ordering the improvement of Shattuck Street from Second Avenue to Third Avenue by construction and. installation of concrete sidewalks and curbs; pursuant to petition filed for the same and approved. Date of hearing was set for August 2nd, 19492 at 8 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers in the City Hall. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that Resolution No. 741 be adopted as read. Carried. ORDINANCE NO. 1344 was presented AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE IM— PROVE14ENT OF MORRIS STREET FROM SECOND AVENUE TO THIRD AVENUE BY paving said Street, installing curbing and drains, and doing such work as may be necessary in connection therewith, in accordance with plans prepared by the City Engineer, pursuant to Resolution No. 728; creating Local -Improvement District #2.27 therefor; and providing method of payment for same by special assessments. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Trimm that Proposed Ordinance No. 1344 be referred to the Ordinance Committee for a report back. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the above ordinance and recommended that it be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1344 be .approved as read. A roll call vote was taken and Ordinance No. 1344 was unanimously approved. PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 1345 was presented: AN ORDINANCE providing for the improvement of area adjacent to Sixth Avenue and Shattuck Street by con— struction and installation of sanitary sewers with manholes and appurtenances and. other work necessary in connection therewith, in accordance with Resolution No. ... 733; creating Local Improvement District #338 therefor; and providing method of payment for same by special assessments. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, that Proposed Ordinance No. 1345 be referred to the Ordinance Committee for a report back. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the above ordinance and requested that it be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recomw-iendation of the Ordinance Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Freyman, seconded by Delaurenti, that Ordinance No. 1345 be adopted as read. A roll call vote was taken and the motion unanimously carried. A communication was read from Chief of Police Steward stating that the garbage problems with the Service Laundry and Button Pet Shop have been taken care of and both of these operators have been contacted and will keep garbage in proper recepticals. The Chief of Police stated police officers will check from time to time to see that the proper procedure is being continued. The City Engineer was granted more time on the matter of designating "K" Street an arterial with all intersecting streets declared STOP streets with reflectorized STOP signs, properly posted and also on the matter of 25 miles per r.. hour signs being installed at'-proper locations, on all main travelled streets in the highlands. Mr. McHugh, the City 'Engineer, stated the painter was ill which caused a delay on this matter. The City Engineer reported that a. pedestrian cross walk had been installed from the termination of the sidewalk on the east side of Steiners Cafe, in Liberty Park extending across the Park roadway near the wading pool and was supplemented with a moveable pedestal sign reading, "STOP CROSSWALK". He also reported that the matter of eliminating parking from both sides of roadway entering Liberty Park at Steiners Cafe, from a distance of 30 feet south from corner has been taken care of. 1300 The City Engineer was granted more time to work with the Fire Light and Water Committee, City Attorney and Finance Committee on the matter of recommending some firm who could make a survey and estimate the cost to the City of Renton in case they should desire to acquire their own power system, provided Puget Sound Power & Light Company sells their system in Renton. The City Engineer stated a representative of the State Highway Department at Olympia would talk to the City Council July -190 1949 on the subject of the 4th Avenue North extension. The City Engineer, City Property Committee and Fire., Light and Water Committee were granted more time on the matter of investigating the matter , of installing new meters in the Renton Highlands and to bring hack plans and specifications for same to the council. Councilman Baxter stated that Mr. Steiner had contacted him about the mater of eliminating parking from both sides of the roadway entering Liberty Park in the rear of Steiners Cafe 'for a distance of 30 feet south from the corner. He stated that according to Mr. Steiner's lease he (Mr. Steiner) is entitled to a piece of land to use for parking purposes 25 x 90 feet adjoining and immediately in the rear of the Building occupied. by Mr. Steiner as a cafe. After a discussion on the above matter, it was moved by Gigli, seconded by Swift, that this matter be referred to the Property Committee, Park Board and Traffic Division for investigation and a report back. Carried. The City Attorney was granted more time on the request of Guy W. Cotton, 838 C. ,Street, Renton, requesting pe4mission to build a fence to the side— walk and stating that the City owns 12t on 9th Avenue North and 8' on C, Street insdie of the sidewalk. After a discussion on the request of the Renton Chamber of Commerce for permission to sublet a portion of the Testing Station building bear the Renton Airport to Ralph Patek to manufacture and package clam chowder commercially, it was referred to the City Attorney for an interpretation of the law on same and the City Attorney was given power to act on this request. The City Attorney and City Engineer were granted more time on the question of the right—of—way on the west part of the Northern Pacific Railway Tracks on Burnett Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues. 1 More time was granted the City Attorney to check the ordinance in regard to the right of the people in the Highlands watering their lawns after 8 o'clock P.M. More time was granted the City Attorney on the matter of drafting an ordinance for water District No. 78, The Police & License Committee reported the request of Modern Music Company for permission to install two coin—operated phonographs at the Hi—Class Ice Creamery, 315 3rd Avenue and Eagles Tavern, 340 Burnett Street were granted, provided proper license fees are paid. The request of Mike Banasky, 222 Logan Street for permission to operate a light truck for a pickup and delivery service was granted by the Police and License Committee, and the City Clerk was requested to notify Mr. Banasky of the decision. The Police & License Committee reported the application of Eugene C. Sorenson, Maple Valley for a locksmith license was granted and requested the City Clerk to notify Mr. Sorenson of their decision. The Ordinance Committee and City Attorney were granted more time to draft a resolution or ordinance stating that all new streets in the corporate limits of Renton should not be under 40' wide, and bring back to the Council. More time was also ;ranted the Ordinance Committee on the commun— ications submitted by the Board of Examiners & Appeals recommending additions to the Building Code which were referred to them for investigation and a report back. 0 1. The Ordinance Committee and City Attorney recommended that an Ordinance was required to cover the rezoning of the areas recently added to the City of Renton. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney and that an Ordinance be drawn up and brought back to the Council for consideration. Carried. The Ordinance Committee, Police & License Committee and Chief of Police reported they had checked Section 16 of the ordinance regulating the issuance of, and control over, Taxicab Drivers licenses and recommended that no changes be �,. made in same. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee, the Police & License Committee and Chief of Police. Carried. The Ordinance Committee recommended that the City Attorney prepare an amending ordinance regulating the number of pinball machines to be operated on a master license, changing the maximum number of pinball mach -nes allowed for each master license to 70 and leaving the minimum as it now stands. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an amending ordinance as per subject recommendation and to present the same to the Council for their consideration. Carried. More time was granted the Ordinance Committee, Police and License Committee and Chief of Police on the matter of preparing an ordinance licensing and regulating punchboards in the City of Renton. The Finance Committee was granted more time on the investigation of the Renton Dog Pound. The Fire, Light & Water Committee was granted more time on the following matters: ..� Extension of the Honeydew-New Castle Water Line. Investigation of the cost for installing meters to see if any changes are necessary. The matter of the signal light at 3rd Avenue and Wells Street. The Street and Alley Committee stated that information from Mr. Schaffer indicates that the matter of installing a traffic signal light at Airport ay and Logan Street will be taken care of soon. The Property Committee was granted mo-e time on the matter of a polishing and waxing machine for the City Hall. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Freyman, that the City Engineer hire an gssistant in order to complete the job of repairing the Administration Building wing where the Hydraulic Hoist Company formerly operated and also to fix the- fire escape in the Council Chambers. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the City Attorney be requested to investigate the matter of the National Guard not paying the Light bill at the building formerly leased to them by the City. Carried. A discussion was held on the problem of securing casements for the installation of sanitary sewer laterals on Renton Scenic Hill. Some of the residents wished changes to be made in the proposed plans for the installation of said sewer laterals. After a thorough discussion of the subject question, it was moved by Richardson, seconded-by Tamborini, that the City Attorney start condemnation proceedin-;s immediately where necessary to secure a right-of-way for the con- struction and installation of said sanitary sewer laterals. Carried. A discussion was held on the matter of the Renton Airport using City of Seattle water instead of Renton water. The City Engineer was requested to estimate the cost- of piping City of Renton water to the Renton airport and bring back a report on same. 302 L The Property Committee stated that two heating engineers have in- spected the furnaces at the City Hall. and Fire Station and would have their re- ports completed by July 19, 1949. A discussion was held on the matter of the extension of the main water line at honeydew. Several people in that section would like to receive City water but they wanted to ascertain if the City would pay for replacing 650 feet of 2" pipe with 4" pipe. The Honeydew 'dater Association to continue the 4" line far enough to furnish sufficient water for the .Association in that area. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the City Engineer obtain an estimate of the cost and report back to the Council on same. Carried. Councilman Richardson suggested that the bus zone signs be painted at the High School stadium before school commences this Fall. The City Engineer, Mr. McHugh, stated that this would be done. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, that -the Ordinance Committee, Police & License Committee and City Attorney obtain a copy from Kelso of their slot machine ordinance and draw up a similar one and present same to the Council for their consideration. Carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Gigli, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee ba allowed and ordered paid. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: CURRENT Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 338.18 4991 Jack Brattus P.D. Eamense 4.05 92 Angelo Busato P.D. " 9.00 93 C. E. McCarthy P.D. " 5.30 94 H.L. Collier, City Treas. P.D. "' 3.89 95 Paramount Pest Control Garbage Expense 10.00 96 The Renton Chronicle P.D. Expense 24.21 97 Renton Veterinary Hospital Dog. Pound Exp. 3.75 98 S.R. Waller Engr. Expense 30.05 99 Frank Henry P.D. n' 4.50 5000 The Renton Chronicle Engr. & P.D. Fxp 211.98 01 Catherine Neuberger Engineer Exp. 9.55 02 Consultant & Contgcies Pac. Tel. & Tel. Company Phone 24.75 03 The Renton Chronicle Expense 227.53 04 Western Union Telegraph Co. P.D. Expense 1.14 05 Payroll Engineers 820.64 06-12 Payroll Office 979.19 13-24 Payroll F.D. 2649.93 25-48 Payroll P.D. 2894.48 26-72 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Seattle Phone 75.75 73 Payroll Garbage 710.1.7 74-81 Payroll St. Cleaning 399.19 82-86 WATER Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 75.20 7342 VOID VOID VOID 43 Standard Oil Co. of Calif Expense 3.28 44 Tax Commission Excise Tax 410.4.7 45 Belmondo Radio Service Expense 3.00 46 Payroll Office 343.29 47-52 Payroll Water 1108.20 53-62 CITY STREETS Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 96.147 4834 Stoneway Dock Company Expense 18.13 35 W.P. Fuller & Co. Expense 7.39 36 H.W. Thomas Expense 25.62 37 Payroll Office 16.9.77 38-41 Payroll City Streets 1476.79 42-57 SEWER DISPOSAL Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 46.2.7 1525 Stoneway Dock Co. Expense 476.14 26 Seattle Gas Co. Expense 68.11 27 Payroll Sewer Disposal 720.24 28-37 ATHLETIC Payroll. Athletic 161.80 420-21 AI RPO RT Coll. of Int. Revenue Withholding Tax 172.90 658 30 Cit-) AIRPORT CONTID Dept of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 24.59 659 Robt. L. Britzius Expense 20.00 60 Pa.c. Radio Products Co. Expense 105.56 61 Seattle Water Dept. Expense 45.75 62 Payroll Airport 338.32 63-65 LIBRARY Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 2.16 1823. Winifred C. Daniels Expense 20.25 24 Demco Library Supp. Expense 4.80 25 Doubleday & Co. Books 15.81 26 J. K. Gill. Co. Books 18.82 27 .� The Macmillan Co. Books 85.40 28 Puget Sound News Co. Books 127.60 29 The Renton Chronicle Expense 37.00 30 CUMULATIVE FUND #1182 Westinghouse Elec. Supp. Expense 32.21 24 2ND AVENUE ST.. LIGHTS Chapman Bros. 2nd Avenue St, Lights 3780.63 404 Stoneway Dock Co. Expense 6.53 05 AIRPORT SEAPLANE RAMP FUND Gilbert Piledriving Co. 1st Payment on Seaplane Ramp 5167.30 8 CUMULATIVE FUND #118L� General Electric Supply Company Street signal traffic light equipment 6809.26 410 PARK Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 60.41 1162 Stoneway Dock Co. Expense 10.13 63 Payroll Park 479.38 64-69 Moved by .Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. City C rk- Ma . 6W 304 Renton, Washington July 19., 1949 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order, Mayor Perry H. Mitchell, presiding. ROLL CALL: BAXTER, SWIFT, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN, T RIMI11, REID, GIGLI, AND TAMBOrJNI. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Baxter that the minutes of the regular meeting of July 5th 1949 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PEI{MITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPART2�iEI'dT. NO. AMOTRIT NAME LDCATION TYPE OF WORK 1007 400.00 Merle -J. Attridge 320 3rd Ave Erect repair shop 1008 400.00 Stoneway Dock Co. P.O. Box 1509 Add. to building 09 250.00 Albert C. Pfieffer 811 E.- St. Remodel 10 100.00 Frank Zgobimki 227 Garden St. Inst. oil furnace 11 100.00 Robert Binngo 228 Park St. Remodel stens 12 400.00 I. Tichner 1215 6th Ave. No. Inst. H.W. Tank 13 100.00 Robert Connell 216. Pell.y Repair fence 14 600.00 A.J. La.mich 451 Williams No. Build garage 15 60,000 St. Anthonyts Erect 2nd Story on Parish 324 Shattuck St. school. 16 100.00 Mrs. Margaret Enclose back porch Reynolds 419 No. Williams with glass 17 500.00 B. T. B rinkel 914 D St. - - Inst. floor furnace 18 400.00 J. E. Kerkes 2122 6th Place Add. to house 19 500.00 Robert Clevenger 557 Shattuck St. Inst. plumbing 20 100.00 Tony Burzenski 2221 9th Pl. Add. to house 21 250.00 Fay Monoghan 11701 112th SE Neon sign 22 100.00 Ka rtin Hanis 327 Cedar St. Inst. back door 23 400.00 Joseph Arko 430 Burnett St. Erect garage 24 100.00 Walt Reid 311 Whitworth St. Replace front steps 25 100.00 Frank Major 1014 89th So. Remodel. 26 100.00 Herman Mobile 14034 Rainier Ave Inst. plumb. fixt. Plumbing 27 100.00 Mrs. H. Manuell 345 Factory St. Inst. bath, etc. 28 100.00 Erwin Fey 3rd and Morris Inst. 2 sinks 29 400.00 Barei Bros. 229 Main St. Rewire building 30 100-OG A.D. AnLrrin 903 1st Ave. No. Inst. furnace 31 100.00 E. L. Bush 2419 7th Ave. No. Inst. floor furnace 32 100.00 Albert Pbeiffer 811 E. St. Inst. floor furnace 33 500.00 A. W. Ticknor 405 Wells St. Erect garage 34 750.00 H. B. Bodie 915 D Street _'add. of garage 35 1000.00 P. A. Roberts 322 Pelly Ave Add. to house 36 100.00 Joe Corey Sr. 419 2nd Ave Plumbing 37 211.495 C. W. Ma.bnuson 211 Shattuck St. Erect Apt. 38 100.00 Roxy Theater 3rd & Morris Rewiring 39 100.00 Renton Theater 3rd & Morris Rewiring 40 400.00 Ruby Barrett 123 Factory St. Remodel garage 41 400.00 Ike Hancock 440 N. Williams Erect garage 42 100.00 John V. Cralley 2117 6th Place Erect frame door 43 100.00 A. E. Taini 2204 8th Place Erect fence 44 100.00 Elmer C. Penney,Jr. 910 D Street Inst. furnace 45 700.00 R. Breda 319 Renton St. .emodel furnace 46 25.000 St. Andrews Lodge 215 Williams St. Remodel Building 47 350.00 Layton I. Hood 669-11 St. Inst. furnace 48 2000.00 Art Beil 110 Meadow St. Inst. foundation 49 100.00 Sullivan 631 E. Street Weatherstrip house 50 100.00 Chas. Zi118 417 Whitworth St. Erect fence 51 100.00 Chas. Steepy 2513 6th No. lire for H.W.Heater 52 350.00 Joe Paglia 117 Tobin Ave. Inst. oil burner 53 100.00 Clifford Jones 2504 5th Ave No. Erect fence 53A 400.00 Fred Botsford 2315 6th Ave. No. Remodel house. 3 0 APPLICATIONS FOh CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPT. NAME ADDI,ESS FOR OCQJPANCY AS Renton Eagles #1722 316 Third Ave For Lodge Rooms & Club Fay Monaghan 11701 112th S.E. Restaurant Mr. Gruner, Engineer for the State Public Service Commission spoke to the Council with regard to the 4th Ave. No. extension. He stated that a grade crossing over the railrcad tracks wculd be hazardous and that the State Highway Department and the Northern Pacific Railroad Company are opposed to such a plan. He suggested that an underpass by the extension of First Avenue North under the j.,.. Northern Pacific Railroad tracks to Logan Street would be more practicable and would probably be approved by the State Highway Department and the Northern Pacific Railroad Company. Mr. Gruner stated that if the City of Renton wished to go through with their plan for a grade crossing at 4th Ave. No., it would be necessary for the City to file a petition with the State Public Service Commission, at which time an investigation would be made and stated that after the investi— gation is made a notification would be sent to the Northern Pacific Railroad Company and City of Renton to arrange for representation at a hearing on this question and further stated that the hearing would be held before the Public Service Commission in a legal manner and that all arguments pro and con would be heard. He further stated that after this hearing has been held, the Public Service Commission will decide if the grade crossing should be allowed. After a thorough discussion of the above matter, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the City Council file a petition with the State Public Service Commission for a grade crossing at 4th Avenue North. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. Lee Monohan stating that he did not wish 11otherts Park to be used as a t1fair ground" but he desired that this property be kept for park purposes. The communication was ordered filed after the P?rk Department had been supplied with a copy of same. A conmunication was :read from the State of Washington Pollution Control Commission enclosing a copy of various ordinances prohibiting the discharge of oil into sanitary sewer systems. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Tamborini, that this *..t communication be referred to the Ordinance Committee for study and report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City of Seattle Water Department, by J. C. Morse, Superintendent of relater, stating that his recommendation to the City of Seattle Council had been approved and enclosing a copy to the City Council of Renton. This recommendation was that the request of Renton to have their present 2" connection to the elevated tank mst of Renton replaced with a 411 connection be granted and that a supplementary contract be entered into with the City of Renton which will allow a 4" service instead of the existing 211 service, and that all water used above 20,000 cu. ft. for the average day of any one month be paid for at the rate of 7 cents per hundred cu. ft. After a 1 ngthy discussion on the above matter, it was moved by Laxter, seconded by Freyman, that this matter be referred to the Fire, Light and relater Committee and City Engineer for a report back. A roll call vote was taken with the result as follows: Baxter, Aye; Swift, No; Bruce, No; Freyman, Aye; Hansen, Aye, Trimm, Aye; Heid Afire; Gigli, Aye; Tamborinis Aye. The motion carried. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Swift, that the Fire, Light and Water Committee, City .Engineer and City Attorney investigate as to the possibility of developing Cyrstal Springs or the possibility of using a booster pump from our lines as a source of obtaining more water for the Renton Hill District. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. Gordon McGauvran on behalf of his client, Mr. Ray H ansen, stating that Mir. Hansen had requested him to notify the City Council that the water drain installed by the City for the purpose of carrying water along side of his premises had been neglected to such an extent that the water is =undermining his basement and -the adjacent sidewalk. Moved by Swift, seconded by Trimm, that this matter be referred to the City Engineer for examination and report back. The motion being put to a roll call vote, the result was as follows: Baxter, Aye; Swift, Aye; Bruce, No; Freyman, Aye; Hansen, No; Trimm, Aye; heid, No; Gigli, Aye; and Tamborini, No. Motion Carried. Moved by Reid, seconded by Baxter, that the above matter be referred to the Street & Alley Committee and City Engineer with power to act. Carried. 1306 ..�. A communication was read from the Modern Music Company requesting permission to install a coin—operated phonograph in the Shamrock Cafe, located at 412-14 Sunset Highway, Renton. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Gigli, that this request be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to Act. Carried. A petition was presented for a playfield in the Fenton Highlands, between 11th Avenue and Loth Place, accompanied by an Engineer's drawing of the property. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that this petition and drawing be referred to the Park Board and City Engineer for investigation and report back. Carried. The City Engineer presented the assessment roll on L.I.D., //228, as required by law, covering 8" concrete sanitary sewers at the area adjacent to Shattuck Street, North of 6th Avenue and South of C.IN1. St. Paul & Pacific Railroad. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Baxter, that the assessment roll as presented by the City Engineer be accented and that all concerned be notified of same. That a notice of public hearing; be published according to law and the date of said public hearing be set for Tuesday night, August 16, 1949, at Ay 8:00 P.,., in the Council chambers. Carried. A communication was read from Mayor Mitchell appointing Herb Williams to the Police Department Civil Service Commission for the term June 1, 1949 to June 1, 1955. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Baxter, that the Council concur in the appointment. Carried. A communication was read from Mayor Mitchell, appointing George Pasco to the Fire Department Civil Service Commission for the Term January 21, 1949 to January 21, 1955. ?Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the appointment. Carried. A communication was read from Dr. C.L. Dixon, City Health Officer calling the attention of the Council to the stagnant water in the old Black River channel from Airport Way southwesterly to the City limits of Renton and recommending that drains be kept open so that water would have some means-of escape or at least make an effort to cover the stagnant water with a very thin f--lm of oil. ° Moved by Baxter, seconded by Freyman, that this matter be re— ferred to the City Engineer for investigation and- report back. Carried. A communication was read from Chief of Police Vincent Stewart requesting that the City Council authorize a communication to Mr. Eugene F. Sylvia, owner and operator of the Black & White Taxicab Company, of Renton, in— forming him that the Council is not permitting promiscous disobedience of the rules and regulations regarding the operation of taxicabs in the City of Renton. The Police Chief stated Mr. Sylvia had permitted an unlicensed driver to operate a taxicab for his Company. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the request of the Chief of Police. Carried. Three letters were .mceived from the Chief of Police a-inroving applications of Taxicab Drivers License for the following people: Kenneth Miller$ 311 8th Ave. North, Renton Jack S. Smail, 12462 S.E. 141st Street Donald Francis Engelhardt, 4.34 J. Street. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Police Chief and that these applications be referred to the Police and License Committe. Carried. 307 Moved by Baxter, seconded by Bruce, that the City Attorney and Ordinance Committee draft an Ordinance in regard to chaning the industrial area in Mother's Park to a. park area. Carried. After a discussion on Mother's Park it was moved by Nreyman, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council as a whole look over Mother's Park and see what area should be left in the hands of the City to be controlled as an industrial area. Carried. The City Clerk stated that the R. I. Polk Company had contacted him regarding the number of city directories needed by the City of Renton in 1950. The Clerk stated that six should be sufficient and requested the approval of .., the Council to order same. Moved by Reid, seconded by By-ace, that the City Clerk order six City Directories for the City of Renton. Carried. The City Attorney and Ordinance Committee were granted more time to obtain a copy of the City of Seattle ordinance regulating and controlling the operation of gasoline stations in Seattle and to draw up a similar ordinance for the City of Renton and bring back same to the Council for consideration as soon as possible. The City Attorney reported that he and the Police & License Committee had investigated the request of Mrs. Cora Rogstad for permission to operate a Place of Refuge at 202 Mill Street, Renton, and found her application to be alright from a legal standpoint. After a discussion on the above matter, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce that the Police & License Committee be given power to act on the application. Carried. The City Attorney stated he had studied the lease the City had with the National Guard and stated that the National Guard was responsible for the unpaid light bill. Moved by Reid, seconded by Bruce, that, consideri:lg the demand for the use of the building formerly occupied by the National Guard, that the City Clerk be instructed to forward a request to the Puget Sound Power WHO & light Company to connect lights to said building. Carried. The City Attorney stated that condemnation procedures were not siarted on Penton Scenic Hill to secure right-of-way .for the construction and installation of sanitary sewer laterals as the City Engineer had revised the original plans so condemnation procedures would not be necessary. The City Engineer reported that under the new plan the sewers will not be constructed in a way that would require easements across the property owned by individuals who are opposed to granting easements for City improvement and that assessments could be equitably and legally arranged in a way that would be satisfactory to all concerned. After a lengthy discussion on the above matter, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that a short recess be held. Carried. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Perry H. Mitche 11. ROLL CALL: BAXTER, SWIFT, BRUCE, FR=,1AN, HANSEN, TRIMM, PEID, GIGLI �iND TAMBORIIII. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the revised plan of the City Engineer for sewer laterals on Renton Scenic Hill and that should the plan be accepted by the State Pollution Commission, the call for bid s should be sent out on same. A roll call vote being taken the result Now was as follows: Baxter, Aye; Swift, Aye; Bruce, Aye; .ireyman, Aye; Trimm, No; Reid No; Gigli, No; and Tamborini, No; Hansen, Aye. Motion Carried. More time was granted the City Attorney and City Engineer on the matter of the right-of-way on the west part of the Northern Pacific Pailway Tracks on Burnett St., between ,2nd and 3rd Avenues. PHOS rte; The City Attorney stated that a lease had been drawn up by and between the Chamber of Commerce and nalph Patek for subletting a portion of the Testing Station building near the Renton Air_oort to Ralph Patek to manufacture and package clam chowder and that said lease was acceptable to the City Attorney and stated that he had approved the lease, having been delegated the authority to do so by the City Council. More time was granted the City Attorney on the request of Guy W. Cotton, 838 C Street for permission to build a fence to the sidewalk, as the City controls 121 on 9th Ave. No. and 81 on C. Street inside of the sidewalk. More time was granted the City Attorney on the matter of drafting an ordinance to set up a policy to establish rules and regulations regarding the amount of water to be furnished and the price to be charged for same by the City of Fenton when they furnishia.ter to Water District No. 78. The Police & License Committee reported the following requests were granted: Modern Music Comnanyts request for permission to place a. coin-operated phonograph in the White Spot at 319 3rd Avenue. The request of Fay Monaghan for permission to install a pinball game at the L'hamrock Cafe at 1,.1.0 Sunset Boulevard. The request of Stanley Skerbini for permission to have a Rock-Ola Standard Shuffleboard installed at the Eagles Tavern, 340 Burnett Street. More time was granted the Police & License Committee on investigation of ordinances licensing and regulating shuffleboards which have been received from other cities. The City Engineer reported an estimated cost of $3300.00 for the City of Renton to pipe water to the Renton Airport. The estimated cost of replacing 7401 of 2" pipe with 411 pipe at Honeydew was quoted as $1100.00 by the City Engineer. Mr. McHugh, the City Engineer, stated the bus zones signs at the High School stadium would be painted around the middle of August. The City Engineer, Fire, Light and Water Committee, City Attorney and Finance Committee were granted more time on the inatter of recommending some firm who could make a survey and estimate the cost to the City of Renton in case they should desire to acquire their own power system, provided Puget Sound Power & Light Company sells their system in Renton. The City Engineer recommended that the City of Renton call for bids on meters for the Renton Highlands and set the opening of same for Tuesday night, August 16, 1949. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. The City Engineer stated that with the addition of the 500 permanent homes of the Renton Highlands to Renton some arrangements should be made about garbage collection. It was suggested that this matter be taken care of next Tuesday, July 26th, when the :Jays and Means Committee meet to discuss garbage collection in the City of Fenton. a The Property Committee reported the estimated cost for/waxing and polishing machine for the City Hall would be 5,350.00. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Reid, that this matter be left in the -hands of the Property Committee. Carried. More time was granted the Ordinance Committee, Police & License Committee and Chief of Police on the matter of preparing an ordinance licensing and regulating punchboards in the City of Renton. 309 More time was granted the Ordinance Committee, Police & License Committee and City Attorney to obtain a copy of Kelso's slot machine ordinance and draw a similar one and present same to the Council for their consideration. The Ordinance Committee and City Attorney were granted more time to draft a. resolution or ordinance stating that all new streets in the corporate limits of Renton should not be under 4.01 wide. More time was granted the Ordinance Committee on the matter of investi- gation of the communications submitted by the Board of Examiners and Appeals re- commending additions to the Building Code. r.. The Ordinance Committee requested the City Clerk to send a communi- cation to the Board of Examiners and Appeals asking whey they had requested the changes in the Building Code. The Finance Committee stated the matter of the Renton Dog Pound should be tabled until the Council starts preparation of the new budget. The Fire Light and Water Committee stated that the matter of the ex- tension of the Honeydew-New Castle Water Line should wait until the matter of securing the 4" pipe is settled. The Fire Light & Water Committee recommended that no changes be made in the cost for installing meters. More time was granted the Fire Light and Water Committee on the matter of the signal light at 3rd Avenue and ?dells Street. The City Clerk presented a statement from Chapman Brothers for the balence due them on the 2nd Ave. Street Lifhting Contract. The Clerk informed the Council that the statement was for extras not included in their original bid, and stated that if payment was authorized the money could probably be used from one of the Cumulative Funds. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Finance Committee and City Attorney with power to act. Carried. Regarding the heating system in the City Hall and Fire Station #1, the City Engineer reported that he had received an estimate from one Company with a plan for changes in the City Hall heating system which would entail an estimated cost of, 4,400.00 and one plan for a change at Fire Station #1 to cost $3,100.00 and another plan for Fire Station #1, with a more complete overhaul, which *rold cost 161500.00. The Engineer further explained that he was awaiting estimates from another company to compare the prices and efficiency of the systems as pro- posed by different companies. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Reid, that the City Engineer after securing all the estimates he deemed necessary, present same to the Council with a. recommendation as to which would be best considering price, efficiency, etc., in order that the Council may authorize a call for bids on the overhauling of said heating systems, providing the installations proposed met the approval as to price, efficiency, etc. Carried. Mr. Denzer, Assistant Building Official, stated that the building in which Mrs. Cora Rogstad proposed to establish a place of refuge did not meet the requirements of the Building Code at the present time and if the plans and specifications were not in accordance with the code, the building Department would be unable to issue her a certificate of occupancy for same without violating the rules of the Building-Code. After a discussion of the above matter, it was moved by Baxter, seconded by Tamborini, that Mrs. Cora Rogstad be allowed to establish a place of refuge providing the building in which it is established meets all requirements of the ordinances governing same., Carried. Councilman Swift reported the traffic bulkhead on Walla Walla Avenue and Burnett Street was poorly lighted and marked and requested that a line be painted on the middle of the block showing traffic where to turn and check with the Puget Sound Power & Light Company to see about getting more lights in that neighborhood. i Moved by lamborini, seconded by rreyman, that the Council concur with Councilman Swift's recommendation and that this matter be referred to the Fire Light and Water Committee. Carried. The City Engineer recommended that the wild cherry trees by the Water Reservoir be cut down. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. Councilman Swift stated that there were conflicting signs near the Fire Station #1 on Mill St. One sign states "No Parking" and the other one states "Parking between 8 A.M., to 6 P.M.,"" The City Engineer stated the sign allowing parking would be removed. Moved by Swift, seconded by Reid, that the matter of securing a new garbage dump, if necessary, and the matter of the garbage collection at the 500 units in the- Renton Highlands be referred to the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. A discussion was held on whether the 500 permanent units in the Renton Highlands should be billed as new houses or not with regard to water meters. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that this matter be turned over to the City Attorney for investigation and report back to the Council. Carried. Proposed Resolution No. 742 was presented: Be It Resolved by the City Council and the Mayor of the City of Renton that the sum of $9.55 be paid to (Mrs. A.) Katherine Neuberger, for injuries sustained by her as a result of tripping and falling on broken sidewalk in the 400 block on Pelly Avenue on the 27th day of December, 194$2 and that said sum be appropriated and ordered paid from the current expense fund. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Tamborini, that Resolution No. 742 be adopted as read. Carried. Mr. McHugh, City Engineer, requr-sted authorization to make an investi— gation on securing a street sweeper for the City of Renton. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Engineer be allowed to make an investigation and report back to the Council. Carried. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Freyman, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. bills havi-n beenpreviously audited by the Finance The following g y Committee were presented: y CUEMiT King County Medical Aug. Dues 355.25 5087 Amer. Blue Print Co. Engr. Expense 14.63 88 Automatic Deodorant Co. C.H. Expense 2.00 89 John C. Becklund Dog Pound Expense 60.00 90 The Bristol Co. Engr. Expense 3.29 91 Cliff Brown's Garbage Expense 14.42 92 Chapman Bros. St. Lights 105.51 93 Coast Wide Supply Co. C. H. Exnense 13.66 94 Colling Publishing Co. Enar. Expense 39.00 95 Postage l0•00 96 Wiley Crook g L.N. Curtis & Sons F. D. Expense 6.18 97 Custer Hardware Co. Expense 15.07 98 Dale & McLendon P.D. Expense 20.58 99 Wm. F. Davis Ins. & Bonds 10.00 5100 Tom Dobson & Sons Ins. & Bond Prem. 5.00 01 Agnes Edwards Civil Ser. Fbcpense 35.02 02 Gordy's Camera Shop P.D. Expense 61.72 03 C. Heleway P.D. Expense 2.47 04 Harley—Davidson Sales " if 42.18 05 Harper-1;eggee, Inc. " It 8.6o 06 Kenworth Motor Truck Corp. F. D. It 310.26 07 King County Health Dept. Inspection for June 175.00 08 F. E. Lawrence F.D. Fxnense 13.35 09 13 1_ 1_ CURRENT CCNTtD Lowman & Hanford Co. Stationery $ 7.73 5110 The Lumber Market Expense 13.87 11 Mach. Service & Supply P.D. Expense 42.14 12 Matt's Motor Sho-o P.D. " 6.4j�, 13 The Owl Cafe Jail meals 159.60 14 Pac, Car & Foundry Co. C.H. Expense 14.56 15 Paramount Pest Control Co. Garbage Expense 10.00 16 P.S,P. & Light Company Power 1042.62 - 17 =�zick Way Household Products F.D. Expense 2.32 18 Radiotelephone Service Co. P.D. " 12.36 19 r.. Reid & Cock - Expense 37.22 20 Renton Auto Freight City Clkts Expense 1.29 21 Renton Motor Parts F.D., P.D. Expense 10.61 22 Renton Realty Co. Ins. & Bonds 305.00 23 Seattle Police Ath. Assn. P.D. Exoense 48.00 ?1; Sheriff & Police Reporter P.D. It 15.45 25 Sullivan & Son C.H. Expense 1,08 26 George H. Thomas Civil Ser. Expense 15.00 27 Treas. U.S.A. Garbage Expense 16.06 28 Treas. " if if 41,67 29 Treas. " it if 14.36 30 Trick & Murray Stationery 42.35 31 United Janitor Supply Expense 11.3.04 32 Valley Window Cleaners C.H. Expense 20.15 33 Warsha.ls P.D. "' 3.09 34 Waters Expense 31.10 35 VOID VOID VOID 36 Payroll Engineers 859.11 37-43 Payroll Office 1019.64 44-55 Payroll F.D. 2332.12 56-75 Payroll P.D. 3054.71 76-99 Mayor & Council Payroll 456.21 5200-12 Mrs. Nellie Cleveland Police Judge Expense 75.00 13 Pac. Tel. &. Te1. Company 'Phones 186.74 14 Payroll Garba�lc 662.10 15-22 son Pa. roll St. Cleaning 412.73 23-27 John-AeokluRd -fe d- en�e 68:99 28 IST-LT-9e1��e�-9��y-Treas. �-Bs-dense ���X �9- WATER King- County Medical Aug. dues 57.00 7363 Addressograph Multigraph Cp. Treas. Expense 10.92 64 Joe Boydston's Radio & App. Expense 4.53 65 Chapman Bros. Expense 11.13 66 Edmonds Cushion Shop Expense 28.07 67 Federal Pipe & Tank Co. " 15.84 68 H. D. Fowler Co., Inc. " 10.30 69 E. N. Hallgren Co. " 85.79 70 Pac. Water Works Supply Co. ° 396.47 71 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 952.88 72 Renton Auto Freight Expense .94 73 Renton Motor Parts Inc. 't 161.07 74 Rockwell Mfg. Co. if 222.83 75 Seattle Water Dept. ?dater 106.08 76 Underwood Corporation Treas, Exp. 11.85 77 Van 6Jaters & Rogers, Inc;. Expense !n.no 78 Payroll Office 348.79 79-84 Payroll Water 1082.45 85-94 CITY STREETS King County Medical Aug. dues 57.50 4.858 Coast ?Tide Supply Co. Expense 15.61 59 •Ouster Hardware Co. Expense 62.81 60 King Cty. Road Dist. #2 Expense 224.50 61 if it n n it 987.50 62 The Lumber Market n 79.86 63 Mathewson's Renton Tire Shop it 11.14 64 Miro-Flex Co., Inc. " 83.64 65 Northwest Paint & Supply " 136.99 66 Panther Oil & Grease Mfg. Co. " 39.86 67 Polson Implement Co. " 20.30 68 Olympic Foundry Co. " 10.30 69 Overall Cleaning & Supply " 3.68 70 Ready Electric Co. " 130.29 71 312 CID CITY STRFETS CONTtD ' Renton Auto Freight Expense .5.52 4872 Renton Motor Parts, Inc. n 130.41 73 Union Oil Company of Calif. Gasoline 688.49 74 idright Motors, Inc. Expense 6.99 75 Payroll Office 169.77 76•-79 Payroll City Streets 1585.92 80-94 S 14ER DISPOSAL King County Medical Aug. dues 38.00 1538 Chapman Bros. Expense 6.40 9 Dale & McLendon "' 5.98 1,940 Hankts Welding " 3.09 41 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 172.32 42 Payroll Sewer Disposal 812.01 43-52 ATHLETIC King County Medical Aug. dues 5.50 122 The Lumber Market Expense 16.r)4 23 P.S.P. & Light Power 52.18 24 Payroll Athletic 387.50 25-28 AIRPORT King County Medical Aug. dues 4.00 666 Chapman Bros. Expense 196.71 6' Coast Wide Supply " 17.93 68 Cochran Paint & Hardware it 7.83 69 The Lumber Market it 9.37 70 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 87.74 71 The Renton Chronicle Expense 6.30 72 Renton Motor Parts 2.75 73 Pairroll Airoort 394.90 74-77 PARK King County Medical Aug. dues 15.75 1170 Custer Hardware Co. Expense 7.08 71 Ivan W. Lee " 122.20 72 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 4.25 73 Renton Feed & Seed Co. Expense 32.15 74 Renton Motor Parts, Inc. Expense 14.78 75 Payroll Park 831.45 76-83 LIBRARY King County Medical Aug dues 4.00 1831 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 6.34 32 The Caxton Printers Books 5.66 33 Payroll Library 870.03 34-41 FIREWkN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND Milton J. Schultz, M.D. Services for Wilbur Hathaway 16.50 11 S.J. Vukov, M.D. Services for Everett Clymer 3.00 12 Wilbur W. Hathaway Return of Salary withholdings 207.24 13 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Trimm, that the meeting be adjourned. Cerried. City erk 313 Renton, Wash August 2, 1949 The regular meeting -of the City Council was called -to order., -Mayor Perry H. Mitchell presiding, at 8:15 P.M. ZOLL CALL: RICHARDSON, BAXTER, SWIFT, DELAUPFI\TTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HAGEN, TRIMM, REID, GIGLI AND TAMBORINI. Moved by Richardson., seconded by Tamborini, that the minutes of the July 19, 1949 Council meeting be approved as corrected. Carried. w.. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTME191 NO. AMOUNT NAME LOCATION TYPE OF WORK 1054 $ 100.00 O.C. Rouse 821 E Street Erect fence 55 700.00 E. J. Blaine 110 Pelly St. Add to house 56 700,00 John Krieg 921 F St. - Remodel house 57 2000.00 Lawrence Myers 448 Pelly Ave Move house & construct basement 58 40.00 E. D. Sewell 647 G Street Erect fence 59 100.00 D. E. Basley 130 Main St� Erect sign 60 200.00 E. A. Shearer 410 'Williams Encl. porch 61 100.00 C. B. Harris 801 A Street Inst.. furnace 62 100.00 Floyd Ness 2201 8th Ave No Inst. furnace 63 250.00 L. Bensh.00p 1922 7th Ave Remodel chimney* & inst. furnace 64 1000.00 Dan Tilenda 115 Lith Place Concrete slab 65 400.00 iWm. H. Williams 2114 7th Ave No. Const. basement 66 3000.00 Barei Bldg. 226 Wells St Remodel building 67 100.00 H. Jenkins 324 Park Ave Repair porch 68 100.00 R. J. Besecker 934 E. St. Inst. Furnace 69 5500.00 Geo. Butko S. 140th & 88th Erect house & wire 70 100.00 C. Jorgenson 1513 3rd Ave-No. Wire for range 71 100.00 Renton Cleaners 302 Wells St. Erect awning 72 100.00 K. J. Oyler 647 E. Street Erect driveway, curb and fence ..,. 73 100.00 J.V. Cralley 2117 6th Peace Erect basement 74 100.00 Jack Parker 340 Smithers St Inst. furnace 75 300.00 A.H. Adams 208 Logan Remodel garage 76 230.00 C.B. Mack 815 A Street Inst. furnace 77 200.00 L.E. Alskog 665 A Street Inst. furnace 78 Margaret Covey 912 3rd Ave Plumbing 79 100.00 Vincent Sylvester 500 Smithers St Erect fence 80 100.00 Harold S.Taylor 2313 7th Ave N Erect fence 81 1000,00 R.L.Ward 931 5th Ave Remodel home 82 340.00 Foster Barnett 4;15 Whitworth Inst. furnace 83 400.00 Evans Estate 920 3rd Ave Inst. window cases & repair wiring 84 100.00 Margaret Covey 912 3rd Ave Relocate inside door 8s remodel (Blossom's Beauty display window Shop) 85 100.00 Joe Breitback Earlington Inst. furnace 86 200.00 Chas. D. Jones 127 Pelly St. Repair sills 87 100.00 Mrs. C. Tonda 1308 Beason St Remodel porch 88 100.00 Victor R. Moritz 612.-A, G. St. Erect fence 89 100.00 Ivor Williams 419 Tobin Ave heshtngle 90 100.00 E,H.Proctor 716 C Street Tnst. furnace 91 100.00 L.T. Sims 2011 7th Ave No Erect fence 92 100.00 Brendel Bldg. 3rd & Wells Remodel_ neon sign 93 400.00 Frank Darulis 2111. 8th No Inst. siding & erect garage 94 100.00 Al Gabriel 359 Meadow Break curb and erect driveway 95 2000.00 St. Andrews Lodge 215 Williams Inst. new wiring 96 2000.00 St. Anthony's School 324 Shattuck Inst. wiring 97 100.00 Mary Tamborini 531 Morris Repair floor 98 100.00 A. E. Schwartz 625 G Street Erect driveway 99 100.00 S. O'Neil 204 Mill St Repair shed and garage 1100 400.00 L.H. Bowen 661 A Street erect garage 01 100.00 E. Sutton 2nd & Burnett Erect building 02 1500.00 Tom Dobson 1520 Brooks St Move building 03 1000.00 Earl Haynes 2423 B 7th No. Erect garage 314 NO. AMOUNT NAME .LOCATION TYPE OF WORK 1104 $100.00 G. W. Hannus 652 G Street Erect porch roof 05 500.00 Lande Feed Co. 95 Burnett St Remodel shed roof 06 700.00 C.H. Knapp 2237 6th Ave No. Remodel house 07 100.00 J.T. Cerjance 431 Smithers St. hewire 08 400.00 Ed. McGinn 306 C Street Remodel house 09 300.00 J. T. Tomac 436 Mill Street Extend basement APPLICATIGNS FOR CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPT. NAME ADDRESSFOR OCCUPANCY AS Ralph Patek 2017 9th Ave No. Food processing Plant ( City of Renton Airport) R. P. Allen 920 3rd Avenue Baby Shop This being the date set for hearing on L.I.D. #229, construction and installation of 6-inch water main on Shattuck Street from Second Avenue to 3rd Avenue; also Second Avenue from Shattuck Street to Whitworth Street, protests were read from Mary Higdon, Dan B. McGovern and Nary Mary 'McGovern, This also being the date set for hearing on L.I.D. #230, construction of concrete sidewalks and curbs along Shattuck Street from Second Avenue to Third Avenue; also Second Avenue from Shattuck Street to Whitworth Street, protests were read from Mary Higdon, Dan B. McGovern and M. Mary McGovern. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that these protests be referred to the Assistant Engineer for investigation and report back. Carried. A protest was read from Mrs. M. Sheridan regarding the condition of 4th Place. She stated that 4th Place is very dusty and in very bad condition, and requested an investigation. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for investigation and a report back to the Council. Carried. The Finance Committee reported they had checked with the City Attorney on the matter of transferring the amount of ;$695.93 from Cumulative Fund #1132 to the 2nd Avenue Street Lighting Fund in order to pay the-balance'of the Chapman Bros., statement for the 2nd Avenue Street Lighting job. The City Attorney stated that it would be necessary for the Council to adopt a resolution and the Finance Committee recommended that the City Attorney draft-a resolution cover- ing this transfer. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Attorney and Finance Committee. Carried; A communication was read from the North Renton Improvement- Club stating that at the last meeting of the North Renton Improvement Club a motion was made that a letter be written to the City Council asking teat they take- definite action immediately to rezone to residential the areas extending from Sixth Avenue to Eighth Avenue and from Park Avenue to Burnett Street North, with the pro- vision that such land as the City will need for a future railroad 'spur remain industrial. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that this communication be referred to the City Planning Commission. Carried. A communication was read from the North Renton Improvement Club stating that at their last regular meeting a motion was made that a letter be written asking the City Council to endeavor to get the City of Seattle to release the easement through Mothers Park. Moved by Reid, seconded by Bruce, that the City Attorney write a letter to the City of Seattle requesting them to release the easement through Mothers Park. Carried. A request was received from Mr. William Kavaney to operate an ice cream scooter in the corporate limits of the City of Renton. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this matter be referred to the Police& License Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the State of Washington Pollution Control Commission stating that the plans and specifications for L.I.D., #223, sanitary sewer laterals on Renton Scenic Hill, had been reviewed and approved with the provision that 811 sewers be used in place of 61t sewers as shown on the corrected and approved plans. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hagen, that this communication be referred to the City Engineer. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. Millis T. Batcheller Inc., requesting an opportunity of meeting with the Council for an informal discussion in regard to the possibility of the City of Renton purchasing the electric distribution system now oT.med and operated by the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, in the event that the Puget Sound Power & Light Company decided to dispose of their property and distribution service in the City of Renton. Councilman Gigli stated that he had been contacted by Bramhall & Stein regard— ing the above subject. The Fire Light and Water Committee and City Engineer were requested to make a thorough study of the proposition and report back at the next regular council meeting. A communication was read. from Mrs. Arthur Laitila, 1052 G Street, Renton; and Pars. Albin, 1062 G Street, Renton, regarding a playfield between G and H Street in the Renton Highlands. A communication was also read from the Renton Park Board stating that the property referred to in the petition for a playfield between G and H Street in the Renton Highlands was still controlled by the U.S. Government and until such time as overall plans are made for ultimate disposition, it was impossible to make any definite plans regarding a playfield and stating that the persons signing the petition had been notified of this fact by card. These communications were ordered filed. A communication was read .from Mr-s.- Stella Alexander requesting that something be done about her water meter as her bill has been more than doubled the past few months. She also called the attention of the Council to the bad condition of the street in front of -her home .at 1007 4th Avenue from Main to Mill Street. j Councilman Tamborini stated that a repairman from the Water Department had fr•• worked on the water meter today. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Freyman, that-the matter of the water meter be referred to the Superintendent of Utilities and the matter of the poor condition of the road from Main to Mill Street be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. A communication was-read from Edward J. Logan, Superintendent of Elections and Registration requesting that the City of Renton revise the precinct division to a minimum of 25 as soon as possible as King County is preparing their 1950 budget and must have the precinct divisions in the various cities and towns before doing so. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that this matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee, City Engineer, and City Attorney for a. report back to the Council. Carried. A Communication was read from the King County Commissioners, Seattle, acknow- ledging- receipt of Renton's application for a franchise on the Talbot Road No, 80 and stating that they have never received payment for franchise application No. 1929, held jointly by the City of Renton and the Honeydew Water Association, in the amount of $15.75. i Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that this matter be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. A request was read from Mr. Joe Walker requesting permission to install a pin—ball machine at the Holiday House. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Baxter, that this request be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the Housing Authority of the City of Renton stating they had given notice to their garbage contractor not to collect garbage from the 500 permanent units in the Renton Highlands after October 15, 1949, and further stating that they were keeping a record of the date that any of the 500 units were actually sold and will charge the City of Renton the disposal cost I, 16 of collecting garbage from said units from the date of sale to and including October 15, 1949. The communication further stated that the United States Government would withhold the accumulated total of the expense of garbage collection from the units that had been sold from the date of sale to and including October 15, 1949. Said deduction to be withheld from the amount paid to the City of Renton by the Govern- ment in lieu of taxes. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Freyman, that this matter be referred to the City Treasurer, City Engineer and Ways and Means Committee for investigation and _ report back. Carried. A communication was read from T. E. Cavanaugh of the Renton Plumbing and Heating Company, submitting an estimate of ;;1$62_.00 for the alteration, repair and improvement of the heating system in Fire Station #1, this estimate includes several new radiators, booster pumps, pipe, fittings, and labor. Estimate does not include wiring or pipe covering. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the Assistant 'Engineer be in- stnicted to call for bids on the repair, alteration, and -improvement of the heating system in Fire Station #1, and the City Hall as soon as specifications and plans can be drawn-up for same and that the plans, specifications and call for bids be so arranged that alternate bids will be received for either coal or oil as fuel. Carried, A communication was read from George Cureger enclosing a quit-claim deed, duly executed and acknowledged, for and in consideration of $100.00 for a portion of Tract 22, Plat No. 1 of Renton Go-operative Coal Companyls Acre Tracts and re- questing prompt remittance of the money upon confirmation by City Council of Fenton. After a discussion on this matter, it -was disclosed that the acquisition of the property in question was necessary in order to secure a right-of-way for the proposed sewer laterals on Renton Hill, L.I.D., #223. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the City Attorney, Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to purchase this piece of property. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli., that the City Clerk check with the property owners owning the property adjacent to Mr. Crueger's to ascertain if they would be interested in purchasing same from the City of Renton after said property was acquired by the City. Carried. The City Clerk stated Mr. Waller, Assistant Sup. of Utilities, had the easements all drawn-up ready to be signed by five property owners on Renton Scenic Hill and that Mr. Waller would report immediately when said documents were completed and ready for recording with the County records. A communication was read from Spider Staging, Inc., applying for a new lease on the City property which is described in the original lease, dated 10th of May, 1947. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Trimm, that this matter be referred to the Property Committee and City Attorney for investigation and report back. Carried. Assistant Engineer Winegar stated that he had checked the protests against - L.I.D., #229 and L.I.D. #230 and reported that on L.I.TD., ,#229, 81.3% of the property* owners had not protested this improvement and 18.7% had protested. On L.I-.D. #230, 85.9% of the property owners had not protested and 14.1% had protested. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Reid, that the City Attorney draft an ordinance approving L.I.D. #229 and the City Engineer call for bids on same. Ce rried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that September 6th be set as the date for opening bids on the construction of water mains on 2nd Avenue to 3rd. Avenue on Shattuck Street and from Shattuck Street to Whitworth Street on 2nd Ave. Carried. I/loved by Tambori.ni, seconded by Bruce, that the City Attorney draw-up an Ordinance ordering the improvement of 2nd Ave., to 3rd Ave., on Shattuck Street and from Shattuck Street to Whitworth Street on 2nd Avenue. (L.I.D. #230) and that the call for bids be delayed until within 30 days completion of the Magnuson Apartments and that Mr. Magnuson be notified to report to the Council when the 317 apartment building is within 30 days of completion. Carried. PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 1346 was presented ordering the improvement of Shattuck Street from Second Avenue to Third Avenue; also Second Avenue from Shattuck Street to Whitworth Street by construction and installation of 6—inch crater main, with hydrants, valves and appurtenances and establishing L.I.D. , 229. Moved by Giglij seconded by Swift, that this ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. i PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 1347 Taos presented ordering the improvement of Shattuck Street from Second Avenue to Third Avenue by the installation of concrete ilr.r sidewalks and curbs and establishing L.I.D., #230. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Delaurenti, that this ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 1348 was presented: AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE DISPENSING OF GASOLINE, PROHIBITING THE OPERATION OF SELF—SERVICE GASOLINE FILLING STATIONS AND PI'ESCRIBI ,?G PENALTIES. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, that this Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. The Ordinance Committee was granted a short recess to investigate the above ordinances. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Perry H. Mitchell. ROLL CALL: RICHARDSON, BAXTER, SWIFT, DELAUHENTI, BRUCE, FREY1,10, HAGEN, TRIMM, FEID, GIGLI AND TlI�1BORINI. PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO.. 1349 was presented: AN ORDINANCE amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 1211 entitled "An Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, fixing the license fees of pin—ball machines and similar games of skill, within the City of Fenton, providing a penalty for violations hereof, repealing Ordinance No. 1207 and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith", and r repealing Ordinance No. 1220. Moved by Ta.mborini, seconded by Trimm, that this ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 1350, was ;presented: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMIUT OF ZONING REGULATIONS IN AREAS HERETOFORE AND HEREAFTER ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF RENTON. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Baxter, that this ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1346 and re— quested that it be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading, it irras moved by Gigli, seconded by Bruce, that Ordinance No. 1346 be adopted as read. A roll call vote was taken and the motion unanimously carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1347 and re— quested that it be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance ' Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that Ordinance No. 1347 be adopted as read. A roll call vote was taken and the motion unanimously carried.. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1348 and re— nuested that it be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Bruce, seconded. by Delaurenti, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee. Carried. i 318 .� 4>W/ �V After the second and final reading, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the ordinance be adopted as read. A roll call vote was taken and the result was as follows: Richardson, aye; Baxter, aye; Swift, aye; Delaurenti, aye; Bruce, aye; Freyman, No; Hagen, Aye; Trimm, Lye; Reid, aye; Gigli, aye and Tamborini, aye. Motion Carried. The 0 rcinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1349 and re— attested that it be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee. Carried. after the second and final reading, it was moved by Tamborini seconded by Delaurenti, that the Ordinance be a dopted as read. A roll call vote was taken and the motion unanimously carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1350, and requested_ that it be placed on its second and final. reading. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gigli, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that Ordinance No. 1350 be adopted, as read. A roll. call vote was taken and the motion unanimously carried. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. 743 was presented: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNTIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON that the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to transfer the sum of $`695.93 from Cumulative Fund No. 1132 to the Street Lighting Mand for payment for street lighting materials, equipment and installations. Ivioved by Freyman, seconded by Richardson, that Resolution No. 743 be adopted as read. Cerried. The City Attorney stated that he and the Ordinance Committee had not drafted an ordinance in regard to changing the industrial area in Motherts Park to a park area as they were waiting to hear from the City Planning Commission and requested that this matter be held in abeyance until such time as the Planning Comaissionts report is ready. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that this matter be delayed until such time as a report is received from the City Planning Corrnission. Carried. More time was granted the City Attorney and the City Engineer on the matter of the right—of—way on the west part of the Northern Pacific Railway 7 Tracks on Burnett Street, between 2nd and 3rd Avenues. s The City Attorney stated the request of Guy W. Cotton, 333 C Street to build a fence to the sidewalk, as the City controls 12t on 9th Street, North and 31 on C Street inside of the sidewalk, was granted and stated that the City will grant requests for permission to build fences to the sidewalk wb.ere the City owns the property inside -of the sidewalk, providing it is a. fence and not a bulkhead. More time was granted the City Attorney on the matter of drafting an } ordinance to set up a policy to establish rules and regulations regarding the amount of water to be furnished and the price to be charged for s ame by the City of Renton when they furnish water to Water District ; 73. t The City Attorney explained that according to City Ordinances and practices being carried out by the Water Department that meter installations to new water accounts within the City of Renton were charged for at the rate of $25.00 per installation. The water meters remain the property of the City. The City Attorney further stated that the Council had the authority to classify the permanent homes in the Highlands that are sold to private parties as either new installations without costs. Lfter a discussion on the above matter, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the meters be installed FREE OF CHARGE to all homes purchased in the permanent division of Renton Highlands by private parties. A roll call vote being taken, the result was as follows: Richardson, Aye; Baxter, No; Swift, aye; Delaurenti, Aye; Bruce, Aye; Freyman, No; Hagen, Aye; Trimm, Aye; Reid, No; Gigli, Aye and Tamborini, Aye. Motion Carried, 3 3 3 `s V 319 The City Engineer was granted more time on the request of Mr. C.L. Dixon, City Health Officer, regarding the stagnant water in the Old Black River Channel from Airport way southwesterly to the City limits of Renton and recommending that drains be kept open so the water would have some means of escape or at least make an effort to cover the stagnant water with a- very thin film of oil. The City Engineer, Fire Light and Water Committee, City Attorney, and Finance Committee were granted more time on the matter of recommending some firm who could make a survey and estimate the cost to the City of Renton in the event they should desire to acquire their own rower system, provided Puget Sound Power & Light Company sells their system here. ur More time was granted the City To�ngineer on the matter of investigation as to the possibility of securing a street sweeper for the City of Renton. More time was granted the Property Committee to purchase a polishing and waxing machine for the City Hall. More time was granted the Ways and Means Committee to arrange .for garbage collection at the 500 permanent homes in the Renton Highlands, and to secure a new garbage dump for the City of Renton. The Police & License Committee stated they had approved the request of Mrs. Cora aogstad for permission to operate a PLACE OF REFUGE at 202 Mill :Street, Renton, providing the building in which said place of refuge is to be established meets all requirements of the ordinances governing same and requested. the City Clerk to notify Mrs. Rogsted to submit her application to the Building Department for a certificate t of occupancy. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the Council accept the recommen— dati6n of the Police &_ License Committee. Carried. More time was granted the Police & License Committee on the investigation of ordinances licensing and regulating shuffleboards. The Police & License Committee having been given power to act on same, authorized the City Clerk to issue Taxicab Drivers Licenses to the following: Kenneth Miller — 311 8th Avenue North Jack S. Smail — 12462 — S.E. 141st Donald Francis Engelhardt — 434 — J Street The Police & License Committee stated the application from the Modern Music Company for permission to install a coin—operated phonograph in the Shamrock Cafe at 412 — 14 Sunset Highway-was granted provided proper license fee is paid. More time was granted the Street & Alley Committee and the City Engineer on the matter of the water drain installed by the City for the purpose of carrying water along side of the n roperty owned by Mr. Ray Hansen . The Fire, Light and ?dater Committee requested more time on the proposal of the City of Seattle that a supplementary contract be entered into with the City of Renton to allow a 4'l service instead of the existing 211 service to the elevated tank east of Renton and that all water used above 20,000 cu. ft. for the average dpy of any one month be paid for at the rate of 7 cents per hundred cu. ft. After a discussion on the above matter, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Baxter, that the City Attorney be instructed to draw—up the above—mentioned supplementary contract with the City of Seattle and the City Engineer be instructed to install the 411 service as soon as the contract is accepted by the City of Soattle. Carried. The Fire, Light and 'dater Committee, City Engineer and City Attorney were ;ranted more time to investigate the possibility of developing Crystal Springs or the possibility of using a booster pump from Renton's own lines as a source of obtaining more water for the Renton Hill District. More time was granted the Fire, Light and Water Committee on the matter of the signal light at 3rd Avenue and dells Street. 320 �. The Fire Light & Water Committee recommended that three bracket lights be installed near the traffic bulkhead on Walla Walla Avenue and Burnett St., that a line be painted on the middle of the block showing traffic where to turn and that the bulkhead be painted yellow and white. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the recomm- endation of the Fire, Light & :Dater Committee. Carried. More time was granted the Ordinance Committee on the matter of the State of Jashington Pollution Control Commission's communication and copy of various ordinances on the discharge of oil into sanitary sewer systems which eras referred to them for investigation and report back. More time was granted the Ordinance Committee, Police & License Committee and Chief of Police on the matter of preparing an ordinance licensing and re- gulating punchboards in the City of Renton. The Ordinance Committee, Police & License Committee and City Attorney were granted more time to obtain a. cony of Kelso's slot machine ordinance and draw-up a similar one and present same to Council for their consideration. The Ordinance Committee was granted more time on the matter of investiga- tion of the communications submitted by the Board of Examiners and Appeals re- commending additions to the Building Code. A communication was read from the Civil Service Commission certifying that the following men have completed their 6-month probationary period and their services have been very satisfactory and submitting their names for permanent appointment: Captain Ang. Busato, for Asst. Chief of Police Captain C. L. McCarthy Sgt. B. W. Isackson Sgt. Fred Illian Sgt. Dave Reid, whose retirement -pension will be forthcoming about September 1, 1949. The following men finished their six months probationary period as police- men and it was requested that they be certified for permanent appointment: Vincent Hansen Joseph O'Neil William A. Hutsinpiller Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Civil Service Commission. Carried. A communication was read from the Fire Chief recommending John Alexander, who has served a probationary period of six months as captain in the Highlands for permanent appointment as Captain. Station, Moved by Bruce, seconded by 2amborini, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of the Fire Chief. Carried. A communication was read from Mayor Perry H. Mitchell appointing Mr. Wes Storey as a member of the Library Board to the position formerly filled by the late Ed. Wicker. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the appointment of the Mayor. Carried. The Property Committee recom-vended that the Snider Staging Lines, Inc., be granted a. lease for one year. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. The Property Committee recommended that a. drinking fountain be installed in the ;domen's Rest Room in the City Hall and the drinking fountain in the Men' s Rest Room in the City Hall and the drinking fountain in the Men's Rest Room be repaired end that this matter be referred to the Superintendent of Utilities for immediate action. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gigli, that the Council concur iii the recommendation of the Property Committee . Carried, A discussion was held on the matter of calling for bids on the paving of 3rd Place. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that a call for bids be sent out by the City Engineer on the paving of 3rd Place and same be opened on September 6, 1949, if' the necessary arrangements could be made by that time. Carried. It was requested that the City Clerk have 200 forms made of the work orders as recommended by the Ways and Means Committee. A discussion was-held on the traffic problem at the intersection of the Maple Valley Highway and State Highway #10. Councilman Reid stated that City was waiting to find what the State Highway Departmentts plans were for taking over the signal lights on State Highways. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini.. that Mr. Waller and Mr. Winegar from the Engineering Department call on the State Highway Department to discuss this matter. Carried. The Fire Light and Water Committee recommended that the City Clerk send a communication to the Puget Sound Power & Light Company requesting them to cooperate with the Fire Light and Water Committee in making changes and improvements of the Street lights in Earlington. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the re— commendation of the Fire, Light & Water Committee. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated he had been requested to find out if it would be possible to rent the portion of Building C which is vacant, as some firm which is processing metals is interested in renting same. It was suggested that Councilman Richardson inform the Company to contact the Property Committee. Councilman Swift suggested that the commencement and adjourment time of the Council meetings be written in the minutes. By unanimous opinion the Council ordered that this be done. A discussion was held on the bad condition of the road by the American Legion Hall. It was stated that this road is part of the Waterway Property but it is up to the City to maintain it. Councilman Bruce stated that he had been contacted by a representative of a Company who wished to install a mechanical device on parking meters to increase the revenue from same, and suggested that the Council as a whole meet with this repre— sentative. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council meet as a Committee next Tuesday night, August 9, 1949, at 7:30 P.M., to investigate the merits of the device to be installed on parking meters above referred to . Carried. The City Clerk stated that according to State law, the Department Heads, Mayor and City Clerk are required to meet next Monday night, August 8, 1949, to check over Department Head estimates for the 1950 budget. Moved by Swift, seconded by Freyma.n, that the Council meet next Monday night, August 8, 1949, at 7:30 P.M., with the Mayor, City Clerk and Department Heads to check over the budget estimates for 1950. Carried. The following bills have been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: C John Becklund Dog Pound Expense 60.00 5228 H. L. Collier, Cty Treas. P.D. Expense 4.07 29 i" Tom Dobson & Son Ins. & Bond Prem 70.00 30 Internat. Municipal Signal P.D. Expense 3.00 31 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Phone 24.75 32 Renton Motor Parts P.D. Expense 2.38 33 Renton News Record Stat. Post & Print 155.21 34 Valley Window Cleaners C.H. Expense 7.50 35 West Disinfecting Co, e " 31.94 36 Western Auto Supply Coo Expense, P.D. 1#82 37 Western Utilities Supply Co. F.D. Expense 15.32 38 3 "'� CUR11ENT -CONTID Williams & Swanson Expense 102.36 5239 VOID VOID - 40 Pao. Tel. & Tel. Co. Seattle Phone 77.84 41 Payroll Engineers 820.64 42-48 Payroll Office 993.50 49-61 Payroll F.D. 2517.45 62-82 Payroll P.D. 3005.48 83-5306 Payroll Garbage 732.86 07-5314 Payroll St. Clean 423.67 15-5319 King County Medical Sept. dues 389.25 20 WATER Western Utilities Supply Expense 804.64 7395 Williams & Swanson " 3.63 96 Worthington Gamon Meter " 512.98 97 Payroll Office 343.29 98-7403 Payroll Water 1096.61 - 04-13 King County Medical Sept. Dues 57.00 14 CIJY STREETS Renton Motor Parts, Inc. Expense 4.63 4895 Williams & Swanson a 13.79 96 Statewide Employees' Pension Pension 3264.12 97 Payroll Office 169.77 98-4901 Payroll City Streets 1741.28 02-19 King County Medical Sept dues 61.50 20 SEWER DISPOSAL Payroll Sewer Disposal 630.93 1553-61 King County Medical Sept. dues 32.50 62 ATHLETIC Payroll Athletic 161.80 429-30 King County Medical Sept. dues 5.50 31 AIRPORT Ned Stokes Expense 30.50 678 Matt's Motor Shop Expense 8.24 79 Reid & Cook to 3.35 80 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 97.39 81 Payroll Airport 358.68 82-84 Marshall M. Ferris Expense 75.00 85 King County Medical Sept. dues 4.00 86 PARK Payroll Park 464.40 1184-88 King County Medical Sept. dues 15.75 89 BRAE King County Medical Sept. dues 4.00 1842 Allegro Music' Inc. Expense 9.78 43 C. Bevan Expense 2.65 44 Binfords & Mort, Publishers Books 20.66 45 Winifred C. Daniels Expense 11.00 46 J.K. Gill Co. Books 2.18 47 The Macmillan Co. Books 2.34 48 Puget Sound News Co. Books 91.99 49 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 5.58 50 Remington Rand., Inc. Outlay 157.59 51 Renton Music Store Expense 61.90 52 Coo, FUND #1184 Geo. W. & Daisy A.Crueger Quit Claim Deed 100.00 411 2UR AVE ST..LIGHTS Chapman Bros. Expense 695.93 406 AIRPORT SEALLANE RAMP Gilbert Piledriving Co. 2nd payment on Ramp 5956.80 9 Moved by Hansen, seconded by Freymans, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. Moved by Tamborini., seconded by Hagen: that the -meeting be - adjourned. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 12:00 midnight. City tMerk e or 323 Fenton, Washington August 16, 1949 The regular meeting of the City Council was called- to order, Mayor Perry H. Mitchell, presiding. Meeting commenced at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: RICHARDSON, BAXTER, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN, HAGEN, TRIMM,, REID, GIGLI AND TAMBORINI. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Tamborini, that the minutes of the Council meeting of August 2, 1949 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATION5 FOR BMLDjNg PEFMI15 AS SUBIgIXED BY T HE B LDING DPAff NO. AMOUNT NAME LOC T O TYPE OF WORK 1110 900.00 Clara Callahan 437 Pelly St Erect addition ll 100.00 John Mazik 321 Wells N. Erect new chimney . 12 3000.00 Emil Fontana 715 Renton Ave Erect house 13 120000.00 Renton Hospital 4th & Shattuck Reroof building 14 700.00 V. E. Toney 657 D Street Const. basement 15 250.00 Steve Bertelotti 838 D Street Plumbing 16 200.00 L. H. Burnham 82 Williams St. Reroof 17 200.00_ R. J. Bergeron 2333 6th Place Install floor furn. 18 200.00 Tom Nelson 118 Park St. Inst. oil burner 19 400.00 John Bausano 320 Garden St. Erect garage 20 21000.00 St. Andrew's Lodge Williams St. Plumbing 21 200.00 C. T. Porter 621 G. Street Erect retain.. wall 22 100.00 Ernest Henry 705 C Street Remodel kitchen 23 200.00 Edward Harbeck 933 E St. Inst. floor furs. 24 200.00 Joe Finn 821 D St. Inst. floor furn. 25 100.00 L. T. Sims 2011 7th Ave No. Erect retain. wall 26 100.00 Charles Boehme 663 D Street Erect fence 27 400.00 Robert Allen 807 E. Street Erect fence 28 100.00 S. Graham 1094 G Street Inst. Auto washer 29 400.00 Phil S. Plano 210 N. Williams Remodel basement 30 400.00 Frank Rhodes 3rd & Burnett Repair roof 31 370000.00 Renton School 4th & Garden Remodel building District #403 32 100.00 Ralph Canollo 612 6th Ave Pour concrete floor in basement 33 1,000.00 J. E. Sims 826 D St. Remodel house 34 400.00 W. Isotalo 235 Park Ave Tear down garage erect new one and remodel 35 150.00 Herebert Carlson 1916 7th Ave No. Install furnace 36 Lawrence Myers 88th So. & E. 141st Plumbing 37 400.00 Seattle Silk Screen Ad. Bldg., Renton Remodel Ai ort 38 5,000.00 J. E. Tharp 33 Renton Ave Repair 3 houses 39 100.00 Milkmaid Bakery 3rd & Burnett Lower neon sign 40 350.00 Union Oil Co. Sta. 3rd and Logan Erect storage tanks 41 100.00 Al Dillon 4244 Whitworth Wire for range 42 100.00 Irene Schroeder 2119 8th Place Erect driveway Erect lambing fixt. 43 Sch. Dist. #403 Renton p 43 100.00 John Davis & Co. 911 3rd Ave Furnace millboard 5 100.00 Hagg Heating 3rd & Rainier Hang painted sign 45 100.00 C. B. Duboise 538 Mill St- Wiring 47 100.00 Matt- LUX 1400 7th Ave Inst. H. W. tank 48 100.00 A. L. Wheeler 2102 8th Place Inst. furnace 49 100.00 R. A. Schroeder 811 D Street Inst. furnace 50 200.00 Mr. Teagarden 2004 8th Ave No. Inst. furnaces ... 51 100.00 Harold Goetz 2109 8th Place Inst. furnace 52 19000.00 Wm, F. Fisher 14115 125th S.E. Erect garage 53 2,000.00 C. M. Smithson 506 Windsor Place Remodel house 54 400-00 -J. V. Fuller 225 Park St. Erect garage 55 400.00 Jim Taylor 317 Smithers Inst. range & H.W. Erect carport, drive 56 400.00 Robert L. Lines 2203 7th Ave No. Erect house 57 7,000.00 H. M. Shepard 715 High St Remodel kitchen 5 400.00 J. F. Neukirehen, Jr 830 D Street Excavate for basement 59 400.E Theodore Simmerman 2008 7th Ave No. 24 �� NO. AMOUNT LOCATION TYPE WORK 1160 100.00 . Hornbuckle 204 Park Erect fence 61 100.00 Al Dillon 424 Whitworth St Remodel house 63 100.00 Jeanne Wilson 315 Smithers Inst. range & H.W. 62 100.00 Robert Murdock 432 Williams St. Repair bathroom floor 64 350.00 Andrew Zappalo 2424 7th Ave No Erect fireplace 65 100.00 Skelenger 530 H Street Inst. range & H.W. 66 100.00 E.G.Christianson 219 Meadow St Erect brick Wall 67 200.00 E.H.Proctor 716 C Street Carport & Utility room 68 100.00 John Konsak 214 Meadow St Erect fence 69 450.00 John Julian 95 Logan St Remodel furnace 70 350.00 Wm. Reid 908 N.Cedar St Inst. furnace 71 100.00 Harvey Iverson 518 Grandey Way Wiring 72 400.00 F.J.Hickel 12715 SE 144th Inst. furnace 73A 100.00 Bowyn 2226 7th No Rewire range 73 Tony Starkovich 220 Tobin Ave Break curb 74 100.00 John Chanik 11802 Sunset Wiring APPLICATION5 FOR CERTIFICATg§ OF OCCUPANCY SUBaTTED BY ME BMIIQING DEPT NAME ADDRESS FOE OCCUPANCY AS Seattle Silk Screen Inc. Administration Bldg Renton Airport Sign Shop. This being the date set for the hearing on the Assessment Roll for L.I.D.s #228, 811 concrete sanitary sewers for the area adjacent to Shattuck Street North of 6th Avenue and South of the Chicago, Milwaukees St: Paul and Pacific Railroads and there being no protests received$ either verbally or written, it was moved by Richardson$ seconded by Tamborini, that the Council approve the assessment roll and an ordinance be drawn up by the City Attorney confirming same. Carried. A communication was read from the Planning Commission of the City of Renton concerning the rezoning of all the property north of 6th Avenue between the Northern Pacific railway tracks and Park Avenue. Subject communication stated that the Council's letter concerning this matter was referred to three of the Planning Commissionts Committees and a report would be made back to the City Council in September. A petition was read from Mr. Angelo Phillips and signed by the ad- jacent property owners, requesting permission to rezone Mr. Phillips' property at the corner of 2nd and Logan Street, Renton (Lot 1, Block 3, Renton Motor Line Addition) from residential to commercial for the purpose of constructing a building to be used as a retail outlet for ice cream, sandwiches .and soft drinks. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, that this petition be referred to the City Planning Commission, City Attorney and City Engineer for investi- gation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the property owners between,Shattuck St. and Rainier Avenue thanking the City for oiling the road and requesting the City to cut down or burn the dry thistles which blow into their yards and stating that this condition was also a fire hazard. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Baxters that- this matter be referred to the Fire Chief# and City Engineer with power to act. Carried. A statement was presented from the City of Seattle and King County Department of Public Health in the amount of $175.00, for sanitary inspection service rendered to the City of Renton. Moved by Richardson$ seconded by Baxter, that this statement be re- ferred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the Meter Appliance Manufacturing Company of Seattle requesting an opportunity to meet with the Council to ex- plain the advantages to be gained by the installation of magnetic. devices on the parking meters in Renton. Moved by Baxtert seconded by Bruce, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and Traffic Division and that a report be 325 brought back to the Council. Carried. A communication was read from the King County Fire Protection District No, 25, Kennydale, Washington, requesting permission to operate two-way mobile radio units in conjunction with the Renton Police and Fire Departments and stating that the units will be installed and operated according to Federal Communications Commission rules and regulations in their fire trucks and using the City of Rentonts control center as a dispatching station. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Chief of Police and Fire Chief for investigation and a report back to the Council. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. Wynn S. Hess, Route 1, Box 1254, Renton, requesting permission to operate a light delivery service in Renton. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that this request be referred to the Police and License Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. A communication was presented to the Councilmen from the American Municipal Association on the matter of the Public Housing Administration reimbursing local housing authorities for retroactive payments of the differences between whatever might have been paid in lieu of taxes and 5% of the shelter rents. As no action was deemed necessary on this communication, the same was ordered filed. This being the date set for opening of bids for 400 water meters for installation at the Renton Highlands permanent homes, the following bids were opened: NAME DELIVERY DATE WITHOUT CONNEC TIONS WITH CONNECTIONS H. D. Fowler 9/1/49 No bid $6,956.00 Worthington-Damon 9/15/49 $71004.00 7,524.00 Rockwell Manufacturing Co. 7,108.00 7,636.00 Hersey Manufacturing Company 30 days 7,120.00 71652.62 Neptune Meter Company 7,200.00 No bid Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that these bids be referred to the Finance Committee, City Engineer and Fire Light and Water Committee for investi- gation and report back. Carried. This being the date set for opening of bids on L.I.D., #2230 the con- struction of sanitary sewer laterals on Renton Scenic Hill, the following bids were opened. Completion date if NAME Contract is signed immediately Pine Concrete Pipe Thorburn & Logozo 60 days $21,390.00 Rainier Beach Plumbing Co. 10/26/49 $24,972.50 230990.00 Superior Construction Co 11/ 1/49 25,230.88 24,787.22 Joe Coluccio 11/15/49 26,727.50 25,574.00 Valley Construction Co. 10/16/49 26,833.75 25.*860.00 Arvid Larson 25,902.74 Harold E. olds 28,890.85 26,650.90 A.Ioffredo 100 days 28,670.70 270770.50 Goerig & Russell 11/1/49 28,722.00 S. S. Mullen, Inc. 60 days 329714.50 Moved by Swift, seconded by Gigli, that these bids be referred to the Finance Committee and City Engineer for investigation and a report back. Carried. 1326 A communication was read from Mayor Perry H. Mitchell tendering his re— signation as Mayor of the City of Renton effective as of September 1, 1949, for Council consideration, and thanking the City Council, City Employees and citizens of the City of Renton for their fine cooperation during his term as Mayor. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council accept the re— signation of Mayor Mitchell. Carried. Councilman Richardson on behalf of the Council thanked Mayor Mitchell for his whole—hearted cooperation with the Council during his Mayorality and for his sincere application to the job of Mayor for the betterment and advancement of the entire City and all the residents thereof. Councilman Richardson, as President of the Council, stated that a new Mayor should be selected and further stated that at this time he had no aspirations for the office of Mayor but would like to nominate Councilman Joe Baxter for Mayor,, effective September 1, 1949. The nomination was seconded by Councilman Charles Delaurenti. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Bruce, that the nominations for Mayor be closed. Carried. A roll call vote for the election of Councilman Joe Baxter as Mayor was called for with the following results: Richardson, Aye; Swift, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye; Bruce, Aye; Freyma.n, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Hagen) Aye- Trimm, Aye; Reid, Aye; Gigli, Aye; and Tamborini, Aye. Councilman Baxter was eiected unanimously as Mayor. A short recess was held in order for the Finance Committee, City Engineer and Fire Light and Water Committee to study the bids on the water meters and sewer laterals. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Perry H. Mitchell. ROLL CALL: RICHARDSON$ BAXTER, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN, HAGEN, TRIMM, REID, GIGLI AND TAMBORINI. The Finance Committee stated that H. D. Fowler Company and Worthington—Gamon Company were the low bidders on the water meters for the Renton Highlands and recommended that these two bids be held for further investigation and requested the City Clerk to return the rest of the checks to the bidders. The Finance Committee requested that the Council recess until next Tuesday night August 23, 1949, as the bids on the sanitary sewer laterals require more in— vestigation. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the re— commendations of the Finance Committee. Carried. Councilman Richardson presented Mayor Mitchell with gifts from the City Officials and City Employees of Renton and extended Mayor Mitchell best of wishes in his new position. Mayor Mitchell thanked the Council and City Employees for their remembrances and stated that he regretted very much leaving the City of Renton and thanked everyone for their fine cooperation. A communication was read from Mr. Ned Stokes, Airport Manager of the Renton Airport suggesting^ that the new Seaplane Base be officially designated as the Will Rogers—Wiley Post Memorial Seaplane Base on Sunday, August 28, 1949, and also requesting the City Council, if it saw fit and if funds were available for such a purpose, to approve the purchase of a bronze plaque to be located in a suitable location near the seaplane ramp. Mr. Stokes, Mr, Henry Reynolds, Secretary of the Chamber of Commercelp and members of the Renton Aviation Board spoke on the dedication program planned. Mr. Stokes estimated the cost of the plaque to be $500.00 or less- Moved by Baxter, seconded by Delaurenti that the Council concur in the re— commendation of the Renton Airport Board and that the suggestion regarding the. plaque be placed in the hands of the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. The Finance Committee approved the request of the Airport Board for a plaque and authorized the Airport Manager to arrange for same. �l 32( A communication was read from the City of Renton Planning Commission re- questing approval of the City Council for the Renton Planning Commission to become a member of the Planning Association of Washington. Moved by Richardson., seconded by Bruce, that the Planning Commission be granted permission to join the Association and that the City Clerk draw a warrant on the Planning Commission's fund in the amount of $25.00 for membership fees. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. ^Guy Stafford, Chairman, Board of Examiners and Appeals, City of Renton, requesting additions to Ordinance #1307 (Building Code) and explaining the necessity for same. As this request had already been referred to the Ordinance Committee, said committee was requested to report back to the Council their recommendations on same. A communication was read from the Municipal Finance Officers Association of Washington stating that the annual fall meeting of the Association will be held in Chehalis, Washington, on September 26th and 27th, 1949, _and requesting that any one interested in attending send in for reservations as soon as possible and also any suggestions for program talks or speakers. The Council was requested to let the City Clerk know who planned on attending this meeting in order that he could make reservations. RESOLUTION N0. 744 was presented: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Renton that the City of Renton agrees to furnish water to water District No. 78 of King County, Washington, for the period of three years and adopting attached Water Agreement made between the City of Renton and Water District No. 78. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Hansen, that Resolution No. 744 be adopted as read. Carried. Ordinance No. 1351 was presented: Establishing the width of streets rights-of-way on land hereafter platted or sub-divided in the City of Renton and providing that all streets rights-of-way shall be not less than sixty feet in width. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Trimm, that Ordinance No. 1351, be referred to the Ordinance Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1351, and requested that it be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Council accept the recommen- dation of the Ordinance Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that Ordinance No. 1351 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken, the Ordinance was unanimously adopted. The City Clerk was granted more time on the matter of filing a petition with the State Public Service Commission for a grade crossing at 4th Avenue North. The City Clerk stated in checking over the matter of the property owners purchasing the property adjacent to the lots purchased by the City of Renton from Mr. Crueger to see if they would be interested in doing so, he checked with the City Engineer and learned that the City planned to use part of this property as an alley and did not think the property owners would be interested in purchasing the property and then give it back to the City. Councilman 'Tamborini stated that if a petition is forthcoming from the people to use the property as an alley, this matter should be held in abeyance until said petition is received. The City Clerk was granted more time to have 200 work order forms made as recommended by the Ways and Means Committee. The Police and License Committee reported the request of Mr. William Kavaney to operate an ice cream scooter in the corporate limits of the City of Renton was approved. The Police and License Committee stated that the request of Mr. Joe Walker for permission to install a pin ball machine at the Holiday House was granted. The Police and License Committee was granted more time on the investigation of ordinances licensing and regulating shuffleboards. Q 328 The Street & Alley Committee stated that the poor condition of the street surfact on 4th Place .had been improved. The Street & Alley Committee requested the City Engineer to make an estimate on the cost of improving the street surface on 4th Avenue between Main Street and Mill Stteet and report back* More time was granted the Street & Alley Connittee and City Engineer on the matter of the water drain installed by the City for the purpose of carrying water along side of the property owned by Mr. Ray Hansen. The Fire Light and Water Committee and City Engineer were granted more time in regard to investigating the possibility of the City of Renton pur- chasing the electric distribution system now owned and operated by the Puget Sound Power and Light Company. More time was granted the Fire, Light and Water Committee, City Engineer and City Attorney on the investigation of the possibility of developing Crystal Springs or the possibility of using a booster pump from Renton's own lines as a source of obtaining more water for the Renton Hill District. The Fire Light and Water Committee was granted more time on the matter of the signal light at 3rd Avenue and Wells Street. The Finance Committee stated that the request for payment in the amount of $15.75 for franchise application No. 1929 held jointly by the City of Renton and the Honeydew Water Association is to be paid by the Honeydew Water Association and the City Engineer is to instruct them to send a check to the King County Commissioners. More time was granted the Property Committee to purchase a polishing and waxing machine for the City Hall. The Ways and Means Committee stated that their committee, City Engineer and City Attorney would revise the precinct divisions of the City of Renton to a minimum of 25 precincts and the City Engineer would present same to the Superintendent of Elections on Wednesday.. August 17, 1949 for his approval. More time was granted the Ways and Means Committee to arrange for garbage collection at the 500 permanent homes in the Renton Highlands and to secure a new garbage dump for the City of Renton. The Ordinance Committee, Police and License Committe and Chief of Police were granted more time on the matter of preparing an ordinance licensing and regulating punchboards in the City of Renton. More time was granted the Ordinance Committee, Police & License Committee and City Attorney on drawing up a slot machine ordinance and presenting same to the City Council for consideration. More time was granted the Ordinance Committee on the matter of investigation of the communications submitted by the Board of Examiners and Appeals recommending additions to the Building Code, The City Attorney reported he had sent a communication to the City of Seattle requesting them to release the easement through Mother's Park but as yet had not received a reply. The City Attorney stated that he and the Mayor and City Clerk had purchased the property from Mr. George Crueger for 3100.00 in order that the City could secure a right-of-way for the proposed sewer laterals on Rentol Hill, L.I.D. 223'. More time was granted the City Attorney to draw up a supplemen- tary contract with the City of Seattle to allow 4" service instead of the existing 2" service to the elevated tank east of Renton and that all water used above 20,000 cu, ft, for the average day of any one month be paid for at the rate of 7 cents per hundred cu. ft. The City Engineer reported that the reason Mrs. Stella Alexander's water bill had doubled during the past few months was that she had a leak in the pipes in her house. T K , � x The City Engineer reported the call for bids on the construction and installation of 6" water mains on Shattuck Street from Second Avenue to Third Ave.; also Second Ave. from Shattuck Street to Whitworth Streets would be published and the opening of bids will be on September 6, 1949. Call for bids will also be published on the paving of 3rd Place and the City Engineer stated that these bids will be opened on September 6, 1949. The City Engineer was requested to call for bids on the repair, alteration and improvement of the heating systems in Fire Station ##1 and the City Hall. More time was granted the Engineering Department to,call on the State Highway Department-to discuss the Department's plans for taking over the signal lights and crosswalks on State Highways. A representative from a street sweeper firm spoke before the City Council on the possibility- of the Council purchasing a used street sweeper in the amount of approximately $1,000.00. He stated that it was a 1941 model and had been checked over by the Company. He reported that a new street sweeper cost approx- imately $6,000 to $8,000, and stated that if at a later date the Council was interested in purchasing a new sweeper from his Company they would buy the used street sweeper back. . It was pointed out by the. Council that a call for bids is necessary on any purchase over $500.00. Aftex a discussion on this matter, it was moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee, Property Committee and City Engineer for investigation and a report back. Carried. The City Engineer reported on the matter of the stagnant water in the Old Black River Channel. He stated that there is quite a controversy over who owns said property and that he and several of the Councilmen had investigated the channel last Saturday and decided that oil would not be very practical to use to cover the stagnant water. Councilman Swift stated that in setting up the new budget, it might be possible to appropriate some money for the repairing of the Houser Way;Bridge. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the City Engineer estimate the cost of repairing the Houser Way Bridge and report back on Tuesday night, August 23, 1949. Carried, Councilman Richardson stated that the Council had previously requested the City Engineer to post arterial signs on 4th Avenue from Burnett Street to Shattuck Street and the City Engineer was instructed to do so as soon as possible. Councilman Richardson stated that Mr. Nicholas Puhich had contacted him regarding the rezoning of his property in Earlington and reported to Councilman Richardson that the Building Department informed him that an ordinance would be necessary in order to rezone his property from residential to commercial. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the City Attorney and Ordinance Committee draw up an ordinance rezoning the above property and present same to the Council. Carried. Councilman Bruce asked the City Engineer if a call for bids was to be sent out on the installation of the 20" pipe along the Springbrook Road of if the City was going to hire equipment and use City of Renton labor. The City Engineer stated that he had planned to call for bids to see if it would be cheaper to have a contractor do the work. After a discussion on the above matter, it was moved by Baxter, seconded by Freyman, that a call for bids be sent out on the laying of the 20" pipe. Carried. A discussion was held on the poor condition of some of the concrete slab streets and sidewalks in the City of Renton. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the City Engineer be instructed to contact the State Highway Department to see if it would be possible for the City to rent some of this equip- ment to repair these streets and sidewalks. Carried. Mayor Mitchell stated that it was his understanding that the terms of the members of the Board of Examiners and Appeals had expired and requested that the City Clerk investigate this matter and report back on Tuesday, August 23, 1949. Fire Chief Lawrence spoke on behalf of the Fire Department thanking the Mayor for the cooperation he had given the Fire Department during his term of office. 330 � c� Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the City Clerk be instructed to buy a new gavel for the Mayorts chair. Carried. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Hansen., that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: CURRENT Amer. Blue Print Co. Engr. Expense $ 11.31 5321 Automatic Deodorant Co. C.H. Expense 2.00 2 C. Bevan F.D. Expense 15.67 3 Cochran Hardware Co. F.D. " 1.39 4 Custer Hardware Co. Expense 3.53 5 G. Donald C.H. Outlay 22.86 6 Garlock Packing Company Engr. Expense 6.86 7 Gordy's Camera & Sport Shop P.D. "' 13.18 8 Harley-Davidson Sales Co. P.D. " 9.62 9 Harper-Meggee, Inc. P.D. " 1.75 30 Marier Studio P.D. " 1.03 1 Nudleman Brothers P.D. " 31.22 32 Owl Cafe Jail Meals 83.30 33 Paramount Pest Control H.O. Expense 10.00 34 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 1070.69 35 Quick Way Household Products F.D. Expense 2.32 36 Reid & Cook F.D. & P.D. Exp. 30.91 37 Service Laundry & Cleaners F.D. & P.D. " 61.72 38 Treasurer, U.S.A. Garbage Expense 41.67 39 Trick & Murray Post & Print 176.06 40 Underwood Corporation Engr. Expense 1.00 41 United Janitor Supply Co. C.H. Expense 77.87 42 Waters Expense 26.84 43 Charles R. Watts & Co. Engr, Expense 26.51 44 Western Union Telegraph Co. P.D. Expense 2.88 45 Western Utilities Supply Co. F.D. Expense 37.92 46 Payroll Engineers 859.11 47-53 Payroll Office 1033.96 54-66 ... Payroll F.D. 2326.40 67-86 Payroll P.D. 3055.73 87-5410 Payroll Mayor & Council 456.21 11-23 John Becklund Dog Pound Expense 60;00 24 Wiley Crook Postage 20.00 25 Delphic Lodge #2 K of P. Target Range Rent P.D.Exp. 150.00 26 Osborne Photographers P.D. Expense 91.68 27 Payroll Garbage 768.12 28-35 Payroll St. Cleaning 447.48 36-40 Renton Motor Parts P.D. & F. D. Exp. 57.03 41 Vincent Stewart P.D. Exp. 1.79 42 WATER Badger Meter Mfg. Co. Expense 1.40 7415 Custer Hardware Co. Expense 9.12 16 Dale & McLendon Expense .75 17 Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Expense 31.67 18 H.D. Fowler Co., Inc. Expense 47.77 19 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power 1036.03 20 Rockwell Mfg. Co. Expense 11.09 21 Seattle Water Dept. Water 109.12 22 Trick & Murray Expense 14.42 23 Van Waters & Rogers Inc. Expense 131.20 24 Viking Automatic Sprinkler Expense 3.40 25 Western Utilities Supply Co. Exnense 147.43 26 Payroll Office 348.79 27-32 PostmasterPost arils 00.00 33 Payroll Water 1232.84 34.43 CITY STREETS City Transfer Co. Expense 191.58 4921 Custer Hdw. Company Expense 4.12 22 Mathewson's Renton Tire Shop Expense 1.55 23 Northwest Precote, Inc. Expense 29.66 24 CITY STREETS CONT'D Overall. Cleaning & Supply Co. Expense 2.06 4925 Olympic Foundry Company " 57.29 26 Pacific Car & Foundry Co. " 42.98 27 Pac. Hoist & Derrick Co. " 11.29 28 Pedersen Bros. Motor Co. " 6.39 29 Sunset Coal Co. " 69.22 30 Truck Welding & Equip. Co. " 5.74 31 Payroll. Office 167.77 32-35 Payroll City Streets 1874.31 36--53 Union Oil Co.. of Calif. Expense 637.43 54 Renton Motor Parts " 17.46 55 SEWER DISPOSAL Coast Wide Supply Co. Expense 18.85 1563 Hooker Electrochemical Co. Expense 200.00 64 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 176.67 65 Seattle Gas, Co. Expense 68.11 66 Payroll Sewer Disposal 623.50 67-72 Payroll Office 68.94 73-74 David Mitchell Salary, Sewer Disp. 53.80 75 LIBRARY - Payroll Library 874.10 1853-60 Caxton Printers, Ltd. Books 5.33 61 ATHLETIC P.S.P. & LIGHT CO. POWER 22.3.5 432 United Janitor Supply Expense 92.14 33 Payroll Athletic 167.30 34-35 A,IEPoRT Holmes Electric Co. Expense 13.17 687 Howard-Cooper Corp. Expense 5.02 88 Mattis Motor Shop if 8.24 89 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 170.65 90 Renton Radiator Service Expense 10.82 91 Seattle Tent & Awning Co. Expense 16,95 92 Seattle Water Dept. Water-June 42.95 93 Seattle Water Dept. Water-July 43.80 94 Southern Flight Expense 5-.00 95 Ned Stokes Expense 2,.68 96 Payroll Airport 479,.55 97-701 PARK King County Medical Sept dues 15.75 1189 Custer Hardware Co. Expense 1.44 90 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 3.91 91 Renton Feed & Seed Co. Expense 1.96 92 Payroll Park 1300.69 93-1204 L.J.DOWELL, INC., Paving Morris. L.I.D.#227 Mat. & Supplies. 7,023.55 1 GOERIG & RUSSELL. L.I.D. Mat. 3c Labor 1,373.50 1 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the meeting be recessed until Tuesday, August 23, 1949, at 8:00 P.M. Carried. Meeting ended 11:30 P.M. Cit lark r r._ r yR. ^yam, OJ 5mw d Renton, Wash August 23, 1949 The recessed meeting of the City Council was called to order, President of the Council, B. J. Richardson, presiding as Mayor Pro Tem. Meeting commenced at 8:00 P.M, ROLL CALL: RICHARDSON, BAXTER, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRiJCE, FFEY.MAN, HANSEN, HAGEN, TRIMM AND T.4MBORINI. BUILDING PE TS AS SUBMITTQ BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT — NO. AMOUNT NAME _ LOCATICN TYPE WORK 1175 $300.00 Mike Patoshnik 636 E, St. Replace siding 76 Renton Airport Inst. sink 77 4000.00 James Zerwoodis Rt. 1, Box 1270 Erect tourist cabins 78 400.00 Douglas C. Blunck 921 B Street Erect basement 79 200.00 Paul Ford 2423 6th No. Inst. furnace 80 100.00 Griff Jones % Brighton, Break sidewalk, Robinson & Holm repairsp etc. 81 100.00 Andy Mayetich 8643 138th So. Wiring 82 100.00 Tonkin Estate 230 Wells Roofing 83 100.00 W. W. Rock 343 Whitworth Remodel windows 84 100.00 J. J. Mathewson 2102 9th Place Build fence 85 250.00 Harvey Iverson 518 Grandy Way Plumbing 86 100.00 W. H. Williams 2114 7th Ave No. Plumbing 87 200.00 C. Gruba 925 E Street Inst. furnace 88 200.00 Robt. Stendal 929 E Street Inst, furnace 89 250.00 E. H. Barnes 2308 7th Ave No. Inst. furnace 90 400.00 John Belmondo 732 Renton Ave Replace siding 91 250.00 G. E. Storm 611C G Street Add carport 92 200.00 L. T. Simms 2011 7th Ave N Install furnace 93 100.00 Mrs. C. Berg 13828 86th Ave S Erect chimney 94 100.00 Minnie Russell 216 Park Ave Reroof house 95 2000.00 R. A. Ferguson 13615 82nd So. Erect addition 96 400.00 Dominic Canipareli 608 Cedar Reshingle roof 97 200.00 George W. Pitcher 2503 7th Ave No Erect fence and driveway �.. A communication was read from Mr. Ned Stokes, Manager of the Renton Airport inviting the city officials to participate in the dedication of the Will Rogers—Wiley Post Memorial Seaplane Base to he held on August 28, 1949 at 1:30 P.M., Mr. Stokes also invited the city officials to attend a special preview of the facilities and a general inspection of the Renton Municipal Airport on Saturday, August 28,, 1949, stating that he would meet with the city officials at the City Hall on Saturday at their convenience. Communication ordered filed. A communication was read from the Renton Housing Authority of the City of Renton recommending that Alec Pelto be reappointed Commissioner of the Housing Authority of the City of Renton, as his present term expires September 10, 1949. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that this communication be held for consideration at the next regular meeting of the City Council on Tuesday, September 61 1949. Carried. The Finance Committee recommended that the bid for the construction of sanitary sewer laterals on Renton Scenic Hill, L.I.D. #223, be awarded to Rainier Beach Plumbing Company for vitrified pipe in the amount of $ 24,972.50, low bidder on vitrified pipe, job to be completed 70 days following the signing of contract. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Finance Committee and the contract be drawn up and signed as soon as possible. Carried. The Finance Committee stated that they did. not wish to make a recommen— dation in regard to awarding a contract for the purchase of 400 water meters from the bids submitted for same. Councilman Tamborini, as Chairman of the Finance Committee, moved that all the bids on the water meters be returned and the Engineer be instructed to publish another call for bids. The motion was seconded by Freyman, A roll call vote being taken the result was as follows: Baxter, Aye; PCayr'? Swift, No; Delaurenti, No; Bruce, No; Freyman, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Hagen, No; Trimm, Aye; Richardson, Aye; and Tamborini, Aye. Motion carried. The City Attorney.. reported that the contracts were drawn up with the Honeydew Water Association and the Talbot Hill Water District. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the Mayor and City Clerk.be authorized to sign the above contracts with approval of the City Attorney. Carried. The City Attorney stated that an ordinance was necessary on the rezoning of School District Lots No, 10, 11 and 12 and it was necessary to have a.public hearing on said rezoning before the ordinance is drawn up. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that the City Clerk publish a notice of public hearing and the date be set for September 20, 1949. Carried. The City Attorney presented the following ordinances: ORDINANCE N0. 1352: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSMENT ROLL OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 228 for the improvement of an area adjacent to Sixth Avenue and Shattuck Street by installation-of 8" sanitary sewers. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Freyman that Ordinance No. 1352 be referred to the Ordinance Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. Ordinance No, 1353: Creating L.I.D., #231 for the improvement of Third Place from Shattuck Street to Rainier Avenue by paving said street with asphaltic paving and constructing curbing and sidewalks on the north side of said Third Place. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Trimm that this ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1352 and requested that it be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommen— dation of the Ordinance Committee. Carried After the second and final reading, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1352 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken the ordinance was unanimously adopted. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1353 and requested that it be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the re— commendation of the Ordinance Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Trimm, that Ordinance No. 1353 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken Ordinance No. 1353 was unanimously adopted. The City Clerk stated that a statement had been submitted by Goerig & Russell for labor and materials for construction of sewer mains under L.I.D. #228, in the amount of $1,373.50. This statement is the complete amount of the job. The City Clerk stated that it would be necessary to have a resolution transferring money from another fund to L.I.D. #228. Resolution No. 745 was presented: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that the sum of $1,373.50 be and the same is hereby transferred from Cumulative Fund #1184 to L.I.D. Fund #228 and that said sum be repaid from the L.I.D. fund back to said .r Cumulative Fund #11840, as and when money is available. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Delaurenti, that Resolution No. 745 be adopted as read. Carried. The City Clerk stated that he had received a statement from L.J. Dowell, Inc., in the amount of $7,023.55 for Morris Street Improvement from Second to Third Avenue and that said amount is 85% of the total cost. The City Clerk stated that a resolution would be necessary to transfer money from another fund to L.I.D. #227. 334 e� Resolution No. 746 was presented: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that the sum of $8,263.00 be and the same is hereby transferred from Cumulative Fund #1184 to L.I.D., #227 and that said sum be repaid from the L.I.D. fund back to said Cumulative Fund ##1184 as and when money is available. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Hansen, that Resolution No.746 be adopted as read. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti seconded by Hansen, that these two matters be referred to the City Clerk, Finance dommittee, City Engineer and City Attorney with power to act. Carried. Mr. McHugh, City Engineer, reported that the cost for redecking the Houser Way Bridge would be approximately $25,000.00. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for a report back to the Council. Carried. Moved by Baxter, seconded by Hansen, that the Street and Alley Committee investigate the condition of the Williams Street Bridge and report back to the Council. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. ity Clerk I Mayor f,r o "T e y,l 335 Renton, Wash September 6, 1949 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8:00 P.M., Mayor B. J. Richardson, pro tem presiding. ROLL CAL: BAXTER, SWIFT, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, GIGLI, DELAURENTI, HAGEN, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the meetings August 16 and 23, 1949, be approved as written. Carried. Mayor pro tem B. J. Richardson, requested the City Clerk, Wiley Crook to administer the OATH OF OFFICE to Joe R. Baxter, who had been duly elected Mayor of the City of Renton, by Council action on the 16th day of August 1949, to fill the unexpired term of Perry H. Mitchell, resigned. MAYOR'S MESSAGE TO COUNCIL AND THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF RENTON — I wish to thank the Council for their confidence in electing me as your Mayor. I realize the tremendous responsibilities involved, and the honor that comes with an office of this kind. It is my sincere hope that we may work together, co— operating in our endeavors, for the good of all the people.. A definite program is now in process, which, with assistance of the Council, will do much towards the promotion of more efficient and economical operation in our city administration. Some of the things now in mind are the creating of a Purchasing Agent, so that one man may be responsible to the Mayor and Council for all purchases needed in the various departments of our City government. Along this line would be the setting up of a store room to house the merchandise and implements of work, in order to further expedite the needed arrangements for good business in the ,administration of city affairs. Proper publicity and courtesy should be shown the people of the community -- regarding city affairs and functions. Our citizens should be continually aware of the pros and cons of the many subjects and projects presented to the-Mayor and Council. It shall be my aim to see that such publicity reaches our people. I am sure our local papers will give close cooperation in line with this thought. It has been felt for some time, with our greatly expanding city, that too much responsibility has been placed in too few hands. By certain. shifts in personnel within the departments, and relaying of authority where needed, I hope to increase efficiency, create a better balanced operation, and, in effect, "GET THINGS DONE". The Mayor and the Council are the elected officials of the City. The responsibilities of government therefore are placed directly in their hands. The various departments, their heads, and other responsible parties involved should report all actions to the Mayor and Council so that the continual progress of city affairs may not suffer. I realize, from personal and practical experience, the many hours of work performed by the members of the Council, and the financial sacrifice incurred. I know also that the endeavors by the present Council have been, toa great extent, for the good of all the people. For these reasons, and because close cooperation is needed, I intend to work with them and the various department heads, as long as I am satisfied their actions are proper and right, and for the best interests of all. With these thoughts in mind, and with the expectation of further pro— gressive plans to be put before the people from time to time, I earnestly ask for your help, and I hope to receive the cooperation to which it is my belief, this office is entitled. As administrative head of our city, it is my thought to put as much time as possible to the job. As soon as a schedule may be worked out, office hours will be arranged, very likely in the evening, so that the various groups, and citizens of our community, may be able to present their problems personally. 336 Naturally, differences of opinion are bound to arise. These should be expected. By straight forward discussion, and the meeting of our problems, "HEAD ON's, we can, and will, give to our citizens the kind of government they should expect to receive. f s/ JOE R. BAXTER, JOE R. BAXTER - Mayor THE OATH OF OFFICE was administered by the City Clerk, Wiley Crook, to Paul W. Houser, Jr., who had been duly appointed to fill the unexpired term of Police Judge, Donald G. Holm,. resigned. BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT - NO. AMOUNT NAME LOCATION TYPE OF WORK 1198 $200.00 D. C. Blunck 921 B Street Plumbing 99 400.00 Mrs. C. Cochran 121 - Williams Repair house 1200 1001,00 Sunset Trailer Park 311 Sunset Blvd. Metal sign, erect 01 200.00 Art Lindberg 12741 S.E. 144th Erect garage 02 100.00 E. Poeske 544 E. Street Instl. oil tank 03 400,00 Carl Matsen 27th & Mill St, Rewire, Paint room 04. 300.00 John Plese 509 Tobin Avenue Instl. plumbing 05 500.00 Val, Rebernik 407 Mill Street Inst. furnace 06 200.00 Dr. Morrell 1015 Walla Walla Instl. Gen. Hting. 07 200.00 I. Williams 914 B Street Instl. furnace 08 200.00 Mel Daniels 2008 A Street Plumbing 09 100.00 Carl T. Cole 2002 Windsor Place Instl. oil tank 10 100.00 H. W. Mitchell 2318 7th North Erect fence 11 1000.00 Charles Boehme 663 D Street Erect garage 12 400.00 R. Jardine 11411 Sunset Blvd Wire building 13 400.00 J.P. Kelleher. 872 N. Cedar Rvr. Dr. Erect shed 14 100.00 Joe Vanasky 408 Whitworth St H.W. Tank 15 100.00 John Konsak 214 Meadow St Install fence 16 300.00 S. T. May 12429 S.E. 141st Erect garage 17 200.00 K. Lingren 2113 9th Place Instl. furnace 18 200,00 Frank Kelso 2114 9th Place Inst. furnace 19 Emil Fontana 715 Renton Ave Instl, plumbing 20 17,000.00 Magnuson Crt. Apts 2nd & Shattuck Instl. plumbing 21 - 100.00 Harold S. Taylor 2313 7th Ave No. Erect sidewalk and driveway 22 100.00 George Gardine 434 Burnett St. Reshingle garage 23 100.00 Edwin R. Novak 2209 9th Place Erect fence 24 2000,00 John Gerjance 431 Smithers Erect house 25 200.00 " " 417-- 3rd Instl. ceiling 26 100.00 S. Anderson 907 B Street Erect fence 27 400.00 Gus Boldan 612 Grant Erect Utlty porch 28 400.00 Alex Somppi 2213 9th Place Instl. flr. fur. 29 R. L. Garrison 520 Shattuck Instl. plumbing 30 400.00 Lillian C. Stolz 2114 8th Ave No. Change partitions 31 100.00 Sunset Fndry & Mfg 635 N. Wells Rewire lights 32 100.00 Evan Pugh 125 Wells Wire range & W.H, 33 250.00 H.A.Christoferson 2234 6th Ave No. Instl. furnace 34 100.00 Mrs. A. Delaurenti 525 Morris Remodel steps 35 100.00 Don Holm 2408 5th Ave No. Instl. oil tank 36 300.00 E. Gregorio 97th Ave South Plumbing 37 100,00 R. S. Gelling Rt 3, Box 740 Cement foundation 38 700,00 A. R. Creek 2203 8th Place Erect garage 39 350.00 G. Delaurenti 129 Tobin Ave Erect garage 40 300,00 J. C. Mathewson 2102 9th Place Erect basement 41 100.00 Paul. T. Burdett 804 D Street Wire fence 42 100.00 Charles Cretin 803 E. Street Erect fence- 43 100.00 Knights of Pythias 1?_3 Burnett Place Alterations Y 44 100.00 K. Panzica 440 Smithers Basement roof 45 700.00 J. V. Ellis 2011 7th Ave No. Raise house 46 100.00 Charles Faull 724 Renton St Foundation 47 700.00 John W. Truman 915 F. Street Con, basement Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the communication from O.E. Walsh, Colonel, Corps of Engineers$ Portland 51 Oregonp relative to the advisa- bility of the improvement of Shilshole Bay, Seattle, Wash.jq be refe'rred to the City Engineer for study and a full report back to the Council. Carried. A communication was read from the Association of Washington Cities, re- questing the number of dinner reservations to be made for the Regional meeting of the Association of Washington Cities to be held at Redmond, Wash., September 20, and Auburn, September 22, 1949. The City Clerk was authorized to make (8) reservations for those who expect to attend the Auburn meeting. A communication was read from Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mathewsen and Mrs. Ira Harris, petitioning the City of Renton to install a traffic light at the cross- walk at Dunlap Highway near the location of the Earlington Post Office. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that this be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and Chief of Police for investigation and report back. Carried. A communication was read from R. W. Hinea, King County Humane Society, regarding the improvement of the Renton Dog Pound. Councilman Tamborini, reported that his Committee was still working on this matter and a -report would be forth- coming very shortly. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that this matter be referred to the Finance Committee and Chief of Police. Carried. A communication was read from Wm. L. Roberts, requesting permission of the City Council to install five (5) amusement games located at - 1. Super Creamery - 919 3rd Avenue, Renton, Wn 2. T-P Creamery - 509 3rd Avenue 3. Lighthouse Drive-In - 113 3rd 4. Coffee Cup - #1 Boeing Plant Entrance 5. Victory Tavern - 3rd & Rainier, Renton, Wash These games to be operated for amusement only, no payouts. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that this petition be referred to the Police and License Committee and Chief of Police with Power to Act. Carried. A communication was read from W. P. Ryan, 11158 - Beacon Avenue, Seattle, Washington making application to the City Council for a MUSIC BOX MASTER LICENSE for the year 1949, stating that he had deposited $100.00 with the City Clerk for same, plus $10.00 as a sub-license on one machine for the balance of the year 1949. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that this be referred to the Police and License Committee and Chief-of Police for investigation and report back. Carried. A communication was read from Stanley Marlowe, requesting permission of the City Council to install a pinball game in his place of business, the Cona-fe, at 11411 - Sunset Boulevard, Renton, Washington. Moved by Reid, seconded by Tamborini, that this matter be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from Paul W. House; Jr., Executive Director Housing Authority of the City of Renton, recommending the re-appointment of Mr. Alec Pelto as Commissioner of the Housing Authority of the City of Renton. Mr. Pelto's term expires September 10, 1949. loved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the re- commendation of Paul W. Houser, Jr., of the Housing Authority be concurred in by the appointment of Mr. Pelto for a five (5) year term as Commissioner of the Housing Authority. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the statement from Tom Dobson & Son, for Insurance on Airport Buildings, in the amount of $1197.56 be re- ferred to the Ways and Means Committee, Finance Committee and City Attorney for study and report bac'_,,,. Carried. The City Clerk advised that the question of extending the contract for the use of the Boeing Incinerator, which expired July 30, 1949 should be settled. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that this matter be referred-to the Ways and Means Committee, City Attorney and City Engineer for study and report back to the Co,ancil. Carried. A communication was read from the Chief of Police, regarding the Kennydale Fire Departmentts request for permission to operate two-way mobile radio equipment. Chief Stewart, recommended that in order to simplify the licensing of the equipment, that the King County Fire Protection District No. 25, apply to the F.C.C. for a license to operate the number of mobile units that they intend to operate, and in their application for a construction permit, they could state that they will receive main station transmitter service from the City of Renton, Washington. This being suggested because of the two agencies involved rather than to have the mobile 338 ccs units under our license. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyipan, that the re— commendation of the Chief of Police be concurred in. Carried. A copy of a communication from Fire Chief Lawrence to Renton School District No. 403 was read, advising that upon inspection of the Renton High School Buildings the fire protection of the Junior and Senior High School was found to be greatly handicapped due to the location of the fire hydrants that serve the buildings and recommended immediate action be taken for the installation of additional fire hydrants. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Reid, that this matter be referred to the Fire Light and Water Committee and Fire Chief. Carried. THE GROUP HEALTH COOPERATIVE OF PUGET SOUND MEDICAL SECURITY CLINIC DIVISION PLAN, was discussed. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that this be referred to the Finance Committee, City Attorney and City Clerk for investigation and report back. Carried. September 6, 1949 being the date set for the opening of bids for 400 water meters for installation at the Renton Highlands, the following bids were submitted: NAME DELIVER: DATE COST EACH TOTAL i BADGER METER COMPANY Tax Included II 543 — 1st Ave South Seattle 4, Wash 10/6/49 17,41 $70172.92 H. D. FOWLER COMPANY 901 — Lane St Seattle 4, Wash 9/20/49 17,39 6,956.00 ROCKWELL MFG. COMPANY PITTSBURGH EQUIT. METER CO. 119 West Denny Way Seattle 99, Wash Immediately 19.10 7,638.48 PACIFIC WATERWORKS SUPPLY 2900 — 1st Ave So Seattle, Wash 9/30/49 15.95 6,380.00 WORTHINGTON—GAMON METER CO 2616 — Western Avenue Seattle 1, Wash 10/1,/49 17.71 71084.00 NEPTUNE METER COMPANY Tax not included 1238 — N.W. Glisan St 9A5/49 19.35 7,740.00 Portland 9, Oregon (without coupling) 18.00 71200.00 HERSEY MANUF. COMPANY Cor. E & 2nd Sts. South Boston Station Complete within Boston 27, Mass. 30 days; 19.13 7,652.00 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that these bids be referred to the Fire Light and Water Committee and City Engineer. Carried. This being the date set for opening of bids for Asphalt paving of 3rd Place between Shattuck Street and Rainier Avenue, the following bid was submitted: NORTHWEST PRECOTE COMPANY 7343 — E. Marginal Way Seattle, Wash. Complete in every respect 3,111.51 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that this bid be referred to the Finance Committee and City Engineer, Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids for the excavation and back fill for the 20" water main along the Talbot road, the following bid was submitted:. WHITE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P.O. Box 245 Renton, Washington 1,138.80 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this be referred to the Finance Committee and City Engineer. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that a short recess be declared to discuss the awarding of bids. Carried. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe Baxter. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAU_RENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN, HAGEN, TRIMM, REID, GIGLI, RICHARDSON AND TAM60RINI. The Finance Committee and Fire Light and Water Committee recommended that the bids submitted for 400 water meters be held in abeyance for study until the recessed council meeting September 13, 1949. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. The Finance Committee and City Engineer recommended that the bid submitted for asphalt paving of 3rd Place between Shattuck Street and Rainier Avenue, be awarded to the NORTHWEST PRECOTE COMPANY. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. The Finance Committee and City Engineer recommended that the bid submitted for the excavation-and back fill for the 20" water main along Talbot road be awarded to the WHITE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. Moved by Delaurentis seconded by Hansen, that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. The 'Mays and Means Committee reported that they had worked in conjunction with the City Clerk and City Engineer in the preparation of a map dividing the City into twenty—five (25) precincts as recommended by the Superintendent of Elections for Ding County, and further stated that according to State law, unless only one ward was used, that a division of the City into Wards according to population would be necessary, and that therefore, it was recommended that 25 precincts and only one ward be used and all councilmen be considered as councilmen at large. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the recommendation be concurred in. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gigli, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: CURREN VOID VOID — 5443 Katherine Crockett City Clerk Expense 3.00 44 B.J. Richardson Council Expense 6.30 45 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Telephone, Seattle 85.95 46 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Phones 199.45 47 PAYROLL Engineers 820.64 48-54 Payroll F.D. 2516.35 55-74 Payroll Office 979.19 75-86 Payroll P.D. 3025.36 87-5511 John Becklund Dog Pound Expense 80.00 12 R.C. Patek Pkg, Meter Labor 38.97 13 Payroll St. Cleaning 377.77 14-18 Payroll Garba;e 763.85 19-27 Amer. Blue Print Co. Engr. Exp. 28.37 28 Automatic Deodorant Co. C.H. Expense 2.00 29 Bartlett's Shell Service P.D. It 3.40 30 Instructional Materials Center P.D. Expense 1.25 31 King Cty Health Department King Cty. Inspection 175.00 32 --- Owl Cafe Jail Meals 102.60 33 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. 'Phone 21.50 34 Planning Assoc. of Wash Planning Comm. Expense 25,00 250.95 35 Potlatch Yards, Inc. C.H. Expense P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 1055.07 37 The Renton Chronicle Stationery Exp. 402.48 38 Renton Vet. Hospital Dog Pound Expense 3.75 39 Ser. Laundry & Dr. Clnrs, Expense 83.85 40 Valley Window Cleaners C.H. Expense 7.50 41 4340 CURRENT CONT'D Hugh Bruce Council Expense 10.91 5542 Herman Freymaan Council 3.16 43 Arnold Hagen " " 10.40 44 George Swift " " , 9.35 45 Steve Tamborini " " 551-- 46 WAT P 43.29 44-49 Payroll Office . • • • • • • • Payroll Water 1151.35 7450-59 Cavanaugh Crane Service Expense 108.00 60 Western Utilities Supply Facr)ense 240.97 61 Tax Commission Excise Tax b2 CrTY STREETS Payroll Office 169.77 4956-59 Payroll City Streets 1505.21 60-74 Atlantic Steel Corp. Expense 111.29 75 Mathewson's Tire Shop Expense 33.27 76 Overall Cleaning Supply Co. Expense 2.06 77 34ER DISPOSAL Statewide Employees Pension Pension 1090.52 1576 Payroll Sewer Disposal 669.37 77-85 "a,RAR City Enployees Pension Pension 972.00 1862 Winifred C. Daniels Expense 69.95 63 George H. Friend Expense 75.00 64 J.K. Gill Co. Books 19.79 65 Puget Sound News Co. " 150.97 66 Renton Music Store Expense 35.74 67 Renton News Record Expense 74.72 68 United States Postoffice Expense 37.00 69 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 7.34 70 The H.W. Wilson Co. Books 80.80 71 PARK City Employee's Pension Pension 1263.00 1205 Payroll Park 439.92 -6-10 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 6.01 11 ATHLETIC Payroll Athletic 161.80 436-37 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 8.79 38 LIRPORT Payroll Airport 451.21 702-06 Airport Inn E}Tense 1.50 07 Pacific Equipment In.c Expense 15.00 08 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 143.88 09 Seattle Water Dept. Water 65.85 10 Sunde & D'Evers Co. Expense 7.06 11 CUKULATI& MID #1184 Chilfone & Son E,icpense - Memorial Placque for Seaplane Ramp. 164.80 412 Bonnell Nurseries Expense - r1emorial Placque for Seaplane Ramp 98.83 413 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen., that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. City rk i� ,� Mayor 34] Renton, Wash September 13) 1949 The recessed meeting of the City Council was called to- order by Mayor Joe R.'Baxter, at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN, HAGEN, TRIMM, REID, GIGLI, RICHARDSON AND TAMBORINI. i j Moved by Gigli, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the September •• 6, Council meeting be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT, NO.,._ AMOUNT NAME LOCATIO TYPE OF WORK 1248 $100.00 Frank Repenshek 219 Sunset Blvd. Take Bldg. down 49 300.00 E. A. Shippy 1204 Third Ave Remodel house 50 300.00 Union Oil Co. Third & Logan Inst. wash rack 51 300.00 R. H. Toy 108 Wells St. No. Comp. roof 52 100.00 I. W. Clifford 815 E. Street Remodel house 53 300.00 Steve Sells 611 E. Street Inst. furnace 54 300.00 Harry Heatherington 659 E. Street Inst. furnace 55 300.00 Harold Poff 2,405 6th Place Inst. p 56 300.00 Douglas R. Rowe 334 Meadow St. Add. to house 57 100.00 F. L. Monohan 532 Pelly Re4odel house 58 250.00 R. L. Ward 913 5th Ave Plumbing 59 100.00 B. H. Crock 611 Main St, Rewiring 60 350.00 C. Betz 808 3rd Ave Inst. heater 61 400.00 Reid & Cook 205 MainSt. Replace heaters 62 100.00 Frank Repenshek 219 Sunset Blvd. Remodel house 63 200.00 John McDonald 2207 7th Ave No. Inst. furnace 64 200.00 Lillian C. Stolz 2114 8th Ave No. n n 65 100.00 R. E. Hallett 441 Windsor Way Erect covering over steps 66 100.00 Robt, L. Blair 448 Pelly Ave Range & heater 67 200.00 Francis Dempke 8636 S. 138th Comp. roof 68 350.00 K. H. Swift 8021 Langston Rd. Inst. plumbing 69 100.00 Harley Blunck 2217 9th Place Basement 70 700.00 M. J. Lackie 8952 Landgston Rd. Remodel porch 71 200.00 Tonkin 307 Wells Erect sign 72 100.00 Earl E. Krentz 2311 6th Place Erect fence 73 100.00 Harold E. Pott 2405 6th Place it roof 74 350.00 Chas. McMillan 2312 7th No. Inst. furnace 75 200;00 Earl Jacobs 935 L. Street Inst. oil stove 76 400.00 H. A. Jorgensen 2207 8th Ave No. Raise house 77 2000.00 Leonard Stelzer 2218 9th Ave No. House addition 78 100.00 Axel Magnuson 641 Shattuck St. Plumbing 79 4.00.00 B. Telban 508 Cedar St Repair porch 80 350.00 A. J. Cobb 12041 141th Pl. Inst. furnace 81 100.00 T.M. Haight 638 D Street Erect fence 82 200.00 L. F. Dickey 711 E. St Inst. furnace 83 250.00 J. A. Conkle 2220 9th P1. a it 84 400.00 George M. Lines 13645 84th So. Shake siding 85 400.00 George Fabre 305 Tobin Remodel garage 86 4.00.00 H. L. Hood 660 A St Erect garage 87 100.00 E.H. Barnes 2308 7th Ave No. Erect fence 88 100.00 M. Winch 2016 6th P1. Erect n 89 100.00 Order of Eagles 416 3rd Ave Concrete wall 90 100.00 Lawrence Myers 88th Ave & 140th Inst.garage3 phase 91 100.00 Dan Delinda 3rd & Burnett service & wiring 92 4.00.00 R.J. Besecker 934 E. St. Erect garage 93 400.00 E. Hansen 318 Whitworth St. Inst. stove 94 700.00 Stanford Wilson 13256 Rainier Ave Remodel house 95 4D0.00 Agnes Richardson 919 5th Ave Erect garage 96 100.00 Ansley Mitchell 736 Cedar St. Conn, to sewer 342 ,.j NO,_ AMOUNT NAME LOCATIO TYPE OF WORK 1297 WW9.00 K. Eugschwerdt 241 Park Ave Erect house 98 400.00 Frank Spendal 321 Mill St. Reshingle roof 99 550.00 Geo. Lutko 140th & 88th So. Plumbing 1300, 100.00 J. Lanik 426 Bronson Way No. Inst. Oil barrel 1 300.00 R. C. Allen 719 D Street Inst. furnace 2 300.00 Arlo M. Sharp 2118 6th Place " it 3 300.00 Don Puff 2613 7th P1. No. " it 4 300.00 J. R. Hudson 813 C Street CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY AS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. NAME jWDRESS FOR OCCUPANCY AS E. Roy Boblet (Farmers Ins.) 207 3rd Ave Insurance Office Sunset Fdry. & Mfg. Co. 635 N. Wells Foundry Elmer L. Hartman 910 2nd Ave Office Supply Store The Fire Light & Water Committee recommended that the bid for 400 water meters be awarded to Worthington—Damon Meter Company for the amount of $7,084.00. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the council concur in the re— commendation of the Fire Light and Water Committee. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Clerk be instructed to return the bid cheeks to all the bidders with the exception of Worthington—Gamon Company. Carried. A communication was read from the North Renton Improvement Club stating that in 1946 an election was held authorizing the issuance of $100,000.00 in bonds for the construction of a swimming pool for Renton and stated that at their last meeting it was requested that a letter be written to the Council suggesting that they investigate the feasibility of building the proposed swimming pool in conjunction with Mothers Park Recreation Hall. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that this letter be referred to the Property Committee. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. and Mrs. George`Tarahonich, 536 — Burnett Street North, Renton, requesting that the street along the curb between 5th and 6th Avenue on Burnett Street North, be graded and the culverts`be cleaned out. Councilman Tamborini stated that the Street Department is working-on this matter now so it was requested that the City Clerk refer this letter to the City Engineer. A communication was read from Mr. Umberto Barei requesting the' City Council to release to him the Housing Project consisting of five hundred eighty units located upon his land, known as the Cedar River Housing Project and stating that he would take care of the same as follows: (1) Rebuild the Project in units and permit the tenants to move from the old project to the new units and in that way keep as many as the tenants as humanely possible. ^ (2) Finance same himself without coming under the FHA Section 608 This will require him to have separate mortgages on each series of units. (3) Have the work completed as rapidly as possible. Mr. Barei stated that he would furnish upon request any proposed architectural plans for the first units and stated that he wished to make this project- a permanent, modern and up—to—date housing project. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the City should release this property so Mr. Barei can begin his development. A roll call vote being taken the result was as follows: Tamborini, Aye; F3chardson, Aye; Gigli, No; Reid, No; Trimm, No; Hagen, Not voting; Hansen, Aye; Freyman, Aye; Bruce, No; Delaurenti, No; Swift, Aye. Motion lost. X43 The Chief of Police stated that the City hold an option on the Cedar River Housing Project and if they release this land to Mr. Barei they would lost all rights to same. After a discussion on the above matter, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that Mr. Bareits letter be referred to the City Attorney, Mayor and Ways and Means Committee for an investigation and report back. Carried. A communication was read from Frank Countner requesting permission to install a music box in Herbertis Sherbert Shop, 315 Third Avenue. A communication was read from Mr. William C. Grant requesting permission r to install a 5 - ball amusement game and juke box, in his place of business, the Sherbert Shop at 315 3rd Avenue, Renton. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hagen, that these two requests be re- ferred to the Police & License Cor_mi.ttee with power to act. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of the bids on the heating systems for the City Hall and Fire Station #l, the following bids were received: MAC BOYKMH_ KENT, WASHINGTON Fire Station #1 City Ha Coal Burning $2,555.00 $1,525.00 Oil Burning - - - 22890.00 RENTON PLUMING & HEATING Coal Burning 21 30,00 1099.77 Oil Burning 31181.00 21850.00 Moved by Freyman, seconded by Richardson, that these bids be referred to the Property Committee, Finance Committee and City Engineer for a report back. Carried. The City Clerk stated that the War Assets Administration requested the City of Renton to either concel or renew the lease for the use of the Boeing Incinerator. This matter was referred to the 'days and Means Committee for investi- gation and report back. A communication was read from, the Board of Examiners and Appeals stating that at a special meeting, called at the request of C. F. Shane, who wished to protest against a decision by the Building Inspector relative to a change in wiring a duplex building being erected at Burnett Street North, the Board passed a motion recommending to the Mayor and City Council that all plans be carefully checked before building permits are issued and that someone amply qualified be placed in charge of the checking. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Board of Examiners and Appeals. Carried. Communications were read from Mr. Lon Tackett and Rev. Cecil Wakelam stating that due to the Fact of the change in personnel in the office of Mayor and that the members of the Park Board are appointees of the Mayor and in order that the new Mayor may havea free hand in appointments to the Park Board, they wished to submit their resignations effective September 13, 1949. These communica- tions were ordered filed until a later date. A communication was read from Mr. Ned Stokes, Renton Airport Manager, stating that the Airport wishes to acquire a control tower building now located at the Seattle-Tacoma Airport. The Civil Aeronautics Administration has urged the Renton Airport to provide better control facilities and it is very probable that the C.A.A. will by granting matching fronds pay the moving costs. Mr. Stokes further stated that the Airport Board has approved the acquisition under the above teras and recommends to the City Council that this be authorized. The engineering work on the project could be taken care of by the City of Renton Engineering Department. t '344 : a Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the Airport Manager accept this building and the City Engineer be instructed to do the necessary work. Carried. A communication was react from Mr. Ned Stokes, acting for the Renton Airport Board, requesting that two representatives (Ned Stokes, Airport Manager and Frank Ames, a member of the Renton Airport Board) be allowed to attend the Northwest Aviation Planning Convention in Spokane on September 19, 20 and 21, 1949, and that the Council authorize the payment of the expenses of these two represen— tatives from the Airport Fund. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council grant the Airport Board's request. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Planning Commission stating that the following resolution was passed at their August 31st meeting: "Resolved: That we recommend to the City Council that they do not approve the rezoning of the property at the corner of Second and Logan Streets (Lot 1, Block 3, Renton Motor Line Addition) from residential to commercial but do recommend to the City Council that a non—conformant building permit be approved, pro— viding there is no breaking of the curb and no parking on the Second Avenue front of this property, and further providing the building plans meet with the approval of the Building Department". After a discussion on the above matter, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the City Council override the Planning Commission's opinion and the property be rezoned to commercial. A roll call vote being taken the result was as follows: Tamborini, Aye; Richardson, No; Gigli, No; Reid, No; Trimm, Aye; Hagen, No; Hansen, Aye; Freyman, Aye; Bruce, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye; Swift, No. It being necessary to have a 75% majority favoring the rezoning, the motion lost. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission with the stipulation that Logan.Street be included along with Second Avenue in the provision that there be no breaking of the curb. Carried. The Finance Committee requested power to act in the matter of the statements from Tom Dobson & Son for insurance on the Airport Buildings in the amount of $1,197.56. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hagen, that the Finance Committee be given power to act. Carried. A short recess was held for the Finance Committee to check the bids for the heating systems and for the Street and Alley Committee to meet with a representative of the Meter Appliance Manufacturing Company. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAU RENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN, HAGEN, TRIXM) MID, GIGLI, RICHARDSON AND TAMBOF:INI. The Finance Committee requested more time to discuss the bids with the Engineering Department and stated that they would bring back their recommendation at the next regular Council meeting. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the Finance Committee's recommendation. Carried. Mr. Million, representing the Meter Appliance Manufacturing Company of Seattle, spoke before the Council requesting permission to install magnetic devices on 10 parking meters in Renton for experimental purposes for a period not to exceed 30 days and stated that at any time the City wished them removed from the meters the Company would do so and restore the meters and sidewalks back to their original condition at no expense to the City of Renton. After a lengthy discussion on the above matter, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the Council grant the Meter Appliance Manufacturing Company permission -to install one to ten of their magnetic devices on certain parking meters in Renton designated by the City Engineer and Street and Alley Committee, for a period of 30 days, with an option to have them re— moved at any time if they prove wnsatisfactory, and that a contract be drawn up with the Company with the above stipulations and also that the Meter Appliance 345 Manufacturing Company restore the meters and sidewalks back to their original condition when said devices were removed at their expense. A roll call vote being taken the result was as follows: Swift, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye; Bruce, Aye; Freyman, No; Hansen, Aye; Hagen, Aye; Trimm, Aye; Reid, No; Gigli, Aye; Richardson, Aye; Tamborini, No. Motion Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that nominations be called for in order to elect a Councilman to fill the vacancy created by the election of former Councilman Joe R. Baxter to the office of Mayor. Carried. Councilman Reid nominated Mr. J. L. Davidson and Councilman Bruce nominated ..� Mr. Bill. Sparrow. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Richardson, that the nominations for Council- man be closed. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Richardson, that a secret ballot be taken for the election of a Councilman for the First Ward to fill the above referred to vacancy. The motion being put to a roll call vote the result was as follows: Swift, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye; Bruce, No; Freyman, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Hagen, Aye; Trimm, No; Reid, Aye; Gigli, Aye; Richardson, Aye; Tamborini, Aye. Motion Carried. The ablloting proceeded with the following results: J. L. Davidson g votes, Bi11. Sparrow 3 votes. J. L. Davidson declared elected Councilman for the First Ward to fill the unexpired term of former Councilman Joe R. Baxter, said term expiring the first Tuesday in June, 1951. The City Clerk was granted more time on the matter of having 200 work order forms printed as recommended by the Ways and Means Committee . The Mayor requested these forms be ready by October lst 1949. More time was granted the City Clerk to investigate the matter of the expiration dates of the terms of the members on the Board of Examiners and Appeals. The City Engineer estimated that the cost of improving the street surface on 4th Avenue between Main Street and Mill Street at $100.00 for oiling and $800.00 to $900.00 for bla.cktopping. A discussion on this matter was held and it was stated that if the road was oiled the City would pay half the cost and the property owners the other half. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be re— ferred to the proper committee and said committee would contact the property owners and collect their half of the money. Carried. Mayor Baxter referred this matter to the Street and Alley Committee and City Engineer. More time was granted the Engineering Department to call on the State Highway Department to discuss the Department's plan for taking over the signal lights and crosswalks on State Highways through the City of Renton. The City Engineer stated that he had contacted the State Highway Department regarding the possibility of the City renting their mud—Jack to repair some of-the concrete streets and sidewalks in Renton, The City Engineer stated that the cost for this equipment is $15.00 per day and $15.00 a day for the operator. After a discussion on the above matter, it was moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Street and Alley Committee work with the Engineering Depart— ment to make a survey of the streets and sidewalks to be repaired in order to estimate the costs of repairing same and report back. Carried. The Ways and Means Committee reported that arrangements have been completed for garbage collection by the City at the 500 permanent homes in the Renton Highlands. The Committee also reported that they are still working on the matter of securing a new garbage dump for the City and the possibility of usin;- the Old Black River Channel. The Property Committee was granted more time to purchase a polishing and waxing machine for the City Hall. Mayor Baxter appointed Councilman Bruce Chairman of the Property Committee. The City Attorney reported on the various meetings held in regard to the City of Renton purchasing the electric distribution system now owned and operated by the Puget Sound Power & Light Company. He stated that the first meeting was with Mr. Guy Myers, Agent for P.U.D., in Washington. Mr. Haugan stated Mr. Myers plans to form a regional pool of P.U.D. districts and this pool would purchase the 346 17" Puget Sound Power & Light Company distribution systems and then the Cities or Towns could purchase same from the P.U.D. Mr. Haugan stated that the next meeting was with the Mayor and Power & Light Supt, of the City of Seattle, who did not seem to anxious to furnish light and power to the City of Renton as their supply is rather limited. The department offered to send to Renton a survey, made of Puget Sound Power & Light Company's property in and adjacent to the City of Seattle and agreed to advise Renton regard- ing securing an enginerri.ng consultant if necessary. The last meeting was with the Manager of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company. The manager stated that he did not know when negotiations for the pur- chase would come to an end as they have franchises terminating in March, 1952, The City Attorney recommended that the City of Renton wait until the re- port is received from the City of Seattle Department of Lighting. More time was granted the Fire Light and Water Committee, City Engineer and City Attorney on the investigeLtion of the possibility of developing Crystal Springs or the possibility of using a booster pump from Renton's own lines as a source of obtaining more water for the Renton Hill District. More time was granted the Fire, Light and Water Committee on the matter of signal light at 3rd Avenue and Wells Street. The City Attorney stated ;hat he had received a reply to his request to the City of Seattle Department of Lighting asking them to relinquish the trans- mission line right-of-way over the area in North Renton known as "Mothers Park". The City of Seattle stated that they were not in a position at this time to con- sider vacating their easement rights across this park tract. The letter further stated that the City of Renton could put the right-of-Fray area in lawn, plant shrubbery and ornamental trees, etc.., but if the trees so planted grew to such an ,extent that it would endanger the transmission system. then the trees should be topped or pruned back. The City of Seattle also advised that they would re- locate their present tower site so that it would not interfere with the present plans for the park. The City Attorney stated that he had advised the Seattle 'dater Department that the City of Renton would accept their plan to allow 411 service instead of the existing 2" service to the elevated tank east of Renton and that all water used above 202000 cu. ft. for the average day -of any one month be paid for at the rate of 7 cents per hundred cu. ft. but as yet he has not received a reply. The City Attorney further stated that he had read a notice in the paper where Seattle was to draw an ordinance on this matter so believed a reply would be forthcoming shortly. The City Attorney stated that he had not drawn an ordinance rezoning Mr. Nicholas Puhich's property in. Earlington from residential to commercial as in checking over the minutes he found that three-fourths of the Council had not been in favor of the rezoning; so it would not be possible to rezone said property. The City Clerk was instructed to notify Mr. ?which of this decision. More time was granted the: Police & License Committee on the request of Mr. Wynn S. Hess, Route 1, Box 12541 Renton, for permission to operate a light delivery service in, Renton. The Police & License Committee was granted more time on the investigation of Ordinances licensing and regu'_ating shuffleboards. The Ordinance Committe, Police & License Committee and Chief of Police were granted more time on the matter of preparing an ordinance licensing and regulating punchboards in the City of Renton. More time was granted the Ordinance Committee, the Police & License Committee and City Attorney for drawing up a slot machine ordinance and present- ing same to the City Council for consideration. The Ordinance Committee -was granted more time on the investigation of the communications submitted by the Board of Examiners and Appeals recommending additions to the Building Code. 347 The Ordinance Committee stated that they would be able to report on these matters after the budget was completed. The Street & Alley Committee stated that they had investigated the matter of redecking the Houser Way Bridge and requested that the City Engineer call for bids on said redecking. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. The Street & Alley Committee requested more time on the matter of investi- gating the Williams Street Bridge but stated that the load limit sign should be Aow reduced from 8 tons to 5 tons. The City Engineer was requested to change said sign. The Fire Light and Water Committee reported that they had inspected the Junior and Senior High Schools with the Fire Chief and -Mr. Hazen for the purpose of installing additional fire hydrants. The Committee stated that it was thought per- haps the City could donate the additional hydrants to the School Board. The Committee requested that the Engineer make an estimate on the cost for installation of the hydrants and report back to the Renton School Board. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Fire, Light and Water Committee. Carried. The Police and License Committee stated that they had denied the request of Mr. William L. Roberts for permission to install five (5) amusement games and re- quested the City Clerk to notify Mr. Roberts to remove the machines already installed. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. The request of Stanley Marlow for permission to install a pinball game at the Cona-fe, 11411 Sunset Blvd., was approved by the Police & License Committee. The request of Mr. W. P. Ryan, 11158 - Beacon Avenue, Seattle, Washington. for a music Box Master License for the year 1949 was approved by the Police & License Committee and Chief of Police. The Ways and Means Committee recommended that a new contract be signed for the use of the Boeing incinerator and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said contract. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. The Street & Alley Committee reported that they had investigated the petition from Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mathewsen and Mrs. Ira Harris to install a traffic light at the crosswalk at Dunlap Highway near the location of the Earlington Post Office and the Committee and Chief of Police recommended that a pedestrian push button controlled traffic signal be installed at the above location and that proper warning signs on each approach to the signal be placed to notify motorists of the signal. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee and Chief of Police. Carried. The Street and Alley Committee recommended that the matter of the installa- tion of the above signal lights and signs be referred to the Fire, Light and Water Committee. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. The Property Committee requested that an ordinance be drawn up transferring 18 acres of the industrial area of Mothers Park back to the Park Department and �. that the City retain 4 acres near the Northern Pacific Railroad Tracks and that the revenue from the present buildings in the Park Area be placed in the General Fund and the City retain control over same. After a discussion on the above matter, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be placed in the hands of the City Attorney to check with Mr. Lee Monohan on the deed and if it is satis- factory, the City Attorney and 'Ordinance Committee draw up an Ordinance and present same to the Council. Carried. rr^4 348 Councilman Swift stated that the matter of making the west half of Morris Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues for a fire lane and limiting parking to one hour on the East side had not been completed and requested that this be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for a report back to the council. Councilman Bruce stated that the School Board has become interested in the City building a swimming pool. Councilman Hagen stated that the school has always been interested in the swimming pool but when the matter was dropped by them they had been low on funds but lately had received some additional money and thought they would 'be able to go through with building the pool now. After a discussion on the above matter, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Property Committee and City Engineer to make a survey and report back to the Council. The motion being put to a roll call vote the result was as follows: Delaurenti, Aye; Bruce, Aye; Freyman, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Hagen, No; Trimm, No; Reid, No; Richardson, No; Gigli, No; and Tamborini, Aye. Motion Lost. Councilman Reid wanted to know when the -booster pump on the cemetery road and the lights on the Maple Valley intersection were to be taken care of and further stated that it was necessary for the Chief of Police to remove his policemen from the Maple Valley intersection due to the danger of their being injured. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the floodlights be in— stalled at the intersection. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that September 26th and 27th, 1949 were the dates set for the Municipal Finance Officer's Convention at Chehalis. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that all city officials planning to attend the ConventiorL have their expenses paid by the City of Renton. Carried. The City Engineer was requested to check on the matter of loose stones on some of the paved streets causing; them to fly up and hit people when a car rides over them, and he was requested to remedy this situation. Councilman Hagen stated that the City'should investigate the possibility of realizing more revenue from the fertilizer from the Sewage Disposal Plant. The City Engineer stated that he would contact Mr. Gillman at Yakima regarding .�. the plan they have in effect at this time and report back. Councilman Reid stated that there is going to be an Electrical Inspectors' Convention in Butte, Montana in October lasting three days and stated that it would be of benefit to the City if the Engineering Department could send a re— presentative from the City and pay his expenses. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that this matter be referred to the proper committee for a report back next Tuesday. Carried. The Mayor referred this matter to the Ways and Means Committee and Finance Committee. Councilman Richardson stated that the City Had purchased a new street sweeper but it was almost impossible to use it unless the City could vacate the streets at night. Moved by Swift, seconded by Gigli, that this matter be re— ferred to the Ordinance Committe, City Engineer and City Attorney and that an Ordinance be drawn up and presented to the Council. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gigli, that the meeting be recessed until Wednesday, September 14, 1949, Carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:30 P.M.` Cit lark Mayor 349 Renton, Wash September 14, 1949 The recessed-meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: RICHARDSON, DELAURENTI, GIGLI, HAGEN, REID, FREYMAN, TAMBORINI AND BRUCE. After a thorough study of the preliminary budget as presented, pages �.. one to nineteen, inclusive, a motion was made by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Budget be accepted in its entirety as the Preliminary Budget for the City of Renton, Washington, fiscal year 1950, January 1 to December 31, 1950, inclusive. Said budget showing expenditures under the following classifications and amounts with final total. PAY. OF INT SWIMMING SALARIES MAINT CAPITAL AND REDEMPT. POOL & WAGES & OP. OUTLAY OF BONDS BONDS TOTAL $459,766.00 $2062459.19 $1882767.00 $37,300.19 $100,000. 00 $992,292.38 Also method by which funds will be accumulated to meet the expenditures outlined in said budget. EST. RRC. SWIMM. POOL ESTIMATED OTHER THAN ESTIMATED BOND SURPLUS TAXES TAX RECEIPTS SALES TOTAL $171,411.36 $4432278.00 $277,603.02 $100,000.00 $992,292.38 Upon a roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Richardson, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye; Gigli, Aye; Hagen, Aye; Reid, Aye; Freyman, Aye; Tamborini, Aye; Bruce, Aye. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the Mayor, Finance Committee, City Attorney and City Engineer communicate with Mr. C.Y. McGarrigle, Resident Manager of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, regarding the purchase from the Puget Sound Power & Light Company of the two—story brick building on the southwest corner of the intersection of Third Avenue and Mill Street. Carried. There being no further business to be brought before the Council the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Ci Clerk yor. j; 01 350 Renton, Wash September 20, 1949. The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: FLICHARDSON, SWIFT, DELAU-,WTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN, HAGEN, TRIMM, REID, GIGLI AND TAMBORINI. Mr. J. L. Davidson was sworn in by the City Clerk as Councilman from the First Ward. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the minutes of the recessed meetings of September 13 th and 14th 1949 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PEBIf!TS A.S SUBMITTED BX THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT - NO* AMOUNT NAME LOCATION TYPE OF WORK 1305 $3800.00 Angelo Phillips 528 2nd Avenue Erect bldg. 08 1600.00 Texas Oil Company 533 Main St. Inst. tanks 06 100.00 R. E. Brown 2019 8th Ave No. Erect Wall 07 1000.00 Wm. McLaughlin P.O. Box 582 Add. to house 09 100.00 G. W. Beanblossom 306 Morris Replace furnace 10 100.00 Robert W. Puhich 812 A Street Inst. furnace 11 100.00 Mike Mayovsky 21+0 Park Ave Shingle garage 12 100.00 Renton Mercantile 818 3rd Avenue Const. parking lot 13 100.00 John Schuh 920 E Street Erect fence & cone. driveway 14 100.00 Harold Andrews 924 F Street Inst, furnace 15 200.00 Art Beil 110 Meadow St. Plumbing 16 300.00 Allens Pet Supply 13434 Rainier Ave Erect sign- 17 200.00 Francis Bawyn 2226 7th Ave Inst. heater 18 300.00 Charles G. Brown 2507 6th Ave No. Basement 19 400.00 Harold C. Lee 2018 7th Ave No. Erect garage 20 900.00 John Kostetnek 417 Grandy Way Inst, furnace 21 350.00 John Kostetnek 121.02 S.E. 141st Inst. furnace 22 350.00 John Kostetnek 12412 S.E. 141st Inst. furnace 23 700.00 Ed. Cross 226 Meadow New foundation 24 1000.00 F. Collman 112 3rd Ave Kitch. cabinet 25 100.00 Miles Marbaugh 719 E Street Erect fence 26 250.00 William Koshak 2118 9th Place Inst. furnace 27 250.00 Art Taini 2204 8th Ave No. Inst. furnace 28 250.00 Karl G. Roos 628 G Street Inst. furnace 29 100.00 Mrs, Norman Olson 419 Park Avenue Enclose porch 30 250.00 A. Bruzenki 2221 9th Place Inst. furnace 31 250.00 T. J. McCabe 825 D Street Inst. furnace 32 250.00 Ed. Mcginn 825 D. Street Inst. furnace 33 100.00 Norman Uhl 2109 9th Place Inst. heater The City Clerk reminded the Council members of the Regional Meeting of the Association of Washington Cities to be held Thursday night, September 22, 1949 at Auburn, Washington, and requested that the members who are going to attend meet at the City Hall at 6:30 P.M., on said date. This being the date set for hearing on the rezoning of Lots 10, 11 and 12, Block 2, Sartorisville Addition to Renton from residential to industrial and there being no protests, either writeen or orally, moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that subject property be rezoned and that the city Attorney draw up an ordinance rezoning said property. Carried. A communication was read from the City of Renton Civil Service Commission stating that due to the death of Fireman A. A. Anderson there is now a vacancy in the Renton Fire Department and recommending that Mr. Pat Walsh, of 4-15 1st Avenue North, Renton, who is next on the eligible list be appointed to fill said vacancy. A communication was read from Mayor Joe R. Baxter, recommending the appointment of Mr. Pat Walsh to the position of fireman for a six monthIs probabtionary period, effective October 1st, 1949. 351 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freymanp that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Mayor. Carried. A petition for vacating an alley in Block 12, Renton Highlands, was presented by 16 property owners. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that this petition be referred to the Street and Alley Committee, Fire Department and City Engineer for investi— gation and report back. Carried. Communications were read from Mr. Vincent Stewart, Chief of Police, stating that Mr. Lester B. Park and Mr. Ben Charles Bishop had been investi— gated and stated that he found nothing about their character to prevent them from meeting the requirements for taxi cab drivers. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that these applications be turned over to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the minutes of the Board of Trustees of the Statewide City Employees Retirement System be referred to the Ways and Means Committee and Finance Committee for study. Carried. A wire recorder was installed temporarily in the Council Chambers for the purpose of experimenting to see if this method could be used to take the minutes of the Council meetings. Mr. John D. Parker, business representative for the Motor Coach Employees Union #1384, appeared before the Council on behalf of the Renton Transit System drivers and requested the Council to assist the Transit System drivers and the management of the Renton Transit System in arriving at some arrangement that would delay or eliminate the possibility of a stoppage of bus service because of dis— agreements between labor and the management of the Transit System. After a lengthy discussion on this matter, moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that this matter be referred to the City Attorney, and Ways and Means Committee for jinvestigation and that they meet with the management of the Penton Transit System and the representative of the Motor Coach Emp,oyees Union #1384 on Tuesday Night, September 27j. 1949 at 7:30 P.M;, and report back to the Council. Carried. The City Treasurer stated that Mr. Bacon, owner of the Penton Transit System was behind in payments due the City of Renton by the terms of his franchise and the Mayor stated that this matter would be considered next Tuesday when the Ways and Means Committee meet. Mr. Bacon appeared before the Council and stated that he would like the matter of the franchise and bus schedules settled as soon as possible instead of waiting until next Tuesday night. A recess was called in order for the City Attorney, days and Means Committee and Police and License Committee to meet with the Union representative of the bus drivers and management of the Renton Transit System. After recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: RICHARDSON) SWIFT, DELAURENTI, FREYMAN, BRUCE, HANSEN, HAGEN, TRIMM, �EID, GIGLI, TAMBO RINI, AND DAVIDSON. The Ways and Means Committee reported that an agreement had been arranged between the Motor Coach Employees Union #1384 and the management of Renton Transit System which states that the bus- company will continue to- operate for 30 days and that there be no work stoppage during the next 30 days. The Ways and Means Committee recommended that the Council approve the agreement. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. Councilman Tamborini requested the City Attorney to check the franchise to see how many days notice the Bus Company must give to the City before they stop operating. PROPOSED ORDINANCE #1354 was presented: Rezoning Lots 10, 11 and 12, Block 2, Sartorisville Addition to Renton, from residential to industrial. pn,,.sa zt Moved by Gigli, seconded by Freyman, that this ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. The Ordinance Committee :reported favorably on Ordinance #1354 and re— quested that it be placed on its see-ond and final reading. Moved by Trimm, seconded. by Freyman, that the Council concur in the re— commendation of the Ordinance Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that Ordinance #1354 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken the Ordinance was unanimously adopted. Mr. Brewer and Mr. Williams of the Renton Chamber of Commerce and Mr. McMinn representing the 4-H Club of King County spoke before the Council on the matter of locating the ,4--H Club in Renton and stating that it would be necessary to have about 10 acres of land for this project. Mr. McMinn stated that the 4-H Club would build permanent buildings on this land and the buildings would be available for use by other organizations in the City. Moved by :mid, seconded by Tamborini, that this matter be referred to a committee for investigation and report back. Carried. Manor Baxter referred this matter to the Property Committee and suggested that they contact the Chamber of Commerce for help in this matter. The City Clerk was granted more time to investigate the matter of the expiration dates of the terms of the members of the Board of Examiners and Appeals. More time was granted the Property Committee on the matter of the pro— posed swimming pool. The Property Committee recommended that the purchase of a polishing and waxing machine be tabled indefinitely. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. The Police & License Committee granted the request of Mr. Frank Countner for permission to install a music box in Herbert's Sherbert Shop, 315 Third Avenue, Renton. More time was granted the Police & License Committee on the request of Mr. William C. Grant for permission to install a 5--ball amusement game and juke box in the Sherbert Shop at 315 Third Avenue. More time was granted the Police '& License Committee on the request of Mr. Wynn S. Hess, Route 1, Box 125.42 Renton, for permission to operate a light delivery service in Renton. The Police & License Committee was granted more time on the investigation of ordinances licensing and regulating shuffleboards. The Finance Committee stated that the matter of the bids for the heating systems in the City Hall and Fire Station #1 had been referred to Mr. S.R.Waller of the Engineering Department. Mr. Waller reported that Mr. T.E. Cavanaugh, Renton Plumbing and Heating Company was the low bidder on the heating systems. The Finance Committee recommended that the bids on the Fire Station #1 and City Hall be awarded to the lowest bidder, T. F. Cavanaugh and further re— commended that the installations be made for the use of oil as a fuel in each place. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the re— commendation of the Finance Committee. Carried. The Street and Alley Committee recommended the improvement of 4th Ave., between Main Street and Mill Street by oiling and further stated that the property owners ad7acont to same were willing to bear one—half the expense of the oiling 3 35 provided the-City would bear the other half. The Street and Alley Committee re- commended that the matter of contacting the property owners to collect their half -of the money for said repairing be referred to the City Engineer with power to act. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. The Street and Alley Committee requested more time to make a survey of the streets and sidewalks to be repaired by the rented mudjack.machine. The Street & Lley'Committee stated that they had investigated the Williams Street bridge and recommended that this bridge be repaired to put it in a safe ••� condition and also recommended that it be painted. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee re- garding the matter of repairing the bridge. Carried.. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the matter of painting the bridge be referred to the Finance �Oommittee, Property Committee and City Engineer. Carried. More time was granted the Street and Alley Committee to investigate the matter of making the west half of Morris Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues a fire lane and limiting parking to one hour on the East Side. The Street and Alley Committee stated that the Traffic Division of the Police Department is making a traffic survey now and would have the report in a short time. The Fire Light and Water Committee stated that they had investigated the cost for a signal light for the corner of 3rd Ave and Wells Street and estimated the cost at between $600.00 to $700.00 for the light, control box and installation. It was also recommended that the City Engineer have the light synchronized with the 3rd and Williams St. signal light. Moved by Swift, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of the Fire Light and Water Committee. Carried. The Fire Light and Water Committee stated they are going to check with the .. State Highway Department on the matter of installing a pedestrian control traffic light at the crosswalk near the Earlington Post Office and see if the City can get financial aid from the Highway Department for same. The City Attorney reported on the Renton Transit System's Franchise and stated that the City of Renton is the only one that can break the contract legally by giving 30 days notice to the Transit Company if the Company fails to live up to their agreement and further stated that if the Transit Company stops operating, the City can sue said Company for damages. The 'days and Means Committee recommended that a member of the Engineering Department be sent to the Electrical Inspector' s Convention in Butte, Montana, in October and that his transportation costs be paid for by the City. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. The Ordinance Committee stated that they would like to have a meeting next Tuesday night at 7:30 P.M., with the Police & License Committee, Street & Alley Committee, City Attorney and a member of the Engineering Department in order to work on the ordinances_ regarding shuffleboards, punchboards, slot machines and forbidding parking on certain streets during certain hours of the night so the City could use the street sweeper in the ni;ht, Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gigli, that the Council approve the request of the Ordinance Committee for such a meeting Tuesday Night, September 27, 1949, at 7:30 P.M., Carried. More time was granted the City Engineer to send a representative from the Engineering Department to call on the State Highway Department to discuss the Department' s plan for taking over the signal lights and crosswalks on State Highways through the City of Renton. The City Engineer was granted more time on the matter of estimating the 354 cost of installing additional fire hydrants at the Junior and Senior High School until he meets with the School Board on Thursday night, September 22, 1949. The City Engineer stated. that he had contacted Mr. Gillman at Yakima re- garding the matter of obtaining more revenue from the Sewage Disposal Plant by the sale of sludge but stated Yakima was working on a much larger scale than Renton and that it would not be possible for Renton to obtain much more revenue than they are now getting. The City Engineer further stated that a shed would be built at the sewage disposal plant so it will be possible to sell dry sludge all during the year. More time was granted the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance trans- ferring 18 acres of Mothers Park back to the Park Department for park purposes. Councilman Hagen read a letter from Mr. Oliver Hazen, Supt. of the Renton School Board regarding the construction of the swimming pool and stating that the School Board will know how much they can spend on the swimming pool after December 1st when they find out the cost of a new addition to the Junior- Senior High School and can determine how much money they will have available in the School Building Fund to finance the construction of a swimming pool. This letter was referred to the Property Committee. Councilman Bruce stated that several complaints have been made about the floodlight beams on the new Lake Shore Linebeing too high. The Police Chief stated that he would check on this matter. ldg., Councilman Trimm requested that the City Engineer have the street re- paired near 541 Wells Street. The Fire Light and Mater Committee recommended that a mercury vapor light be installed on Williams Street in the center of the street between 4th and 5th Avenues. The Committee stated the cost for said light would be approximately $300.00. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Fire Light and Water Committee. Carried. The City Engineer stated that Mr. Schock would like permission to in- stall a sign across the street from the Rainier Theater. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and the City Engineer with power to act. Carried. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Tamborini, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: CURRENT H.L. Collier, City Treas. P„D, Expense 3.89 5547 Cross Radio & Sound Shop F. D. ” 7.57 48 Custer Hardware Co. Expense 21.05 49 Fire =appliance Co. F.D. Expense 26.78 50 First Nat. Bank of Renton Stationery 8.42 51 Gordy's Camera. Shop P.D. Expense 17.57 52 Harper-Meggee, Inc P.D. " 8.65 53 Hickok Sport Shop F„D. ” 14..68 54 Hub City Drug P,.D. " .70 55 Kroll Map Co. Engr. Expense 103.00 56 The Lumber Market Expense 150.50 57 Mine Safety Appliance F.D. Expense 7.55 58 H,C. Nielsen P.D. " 7.25 59 Northwest Medical Supply H.O. Exnense 1.45 60 Nudleman Brothers, Inc. P.D. 31.22 61 Pacific Car & r'oundry Co. Engr. " 11.28 62 Paramount Pest Control Ser. H.O. Expense 10.00 63 Puget Sound Auto Elec. Co. F.D. " 17.67 64 S3nundxCxnxrietx R--zdxctsx x x x kagrx x"x VOID 65 Sound Concrete Products Engineer Expense 45.05 66 VOID VOID - - - 67 Sternoff Metals & Iron Works P.D. Expense 13.88 68 CURRENT CONT'D Treasurer, U.S.A. Garbaue Expense 41.67 5569 United Janitor Supp. F.D. Expense 17.32 70 Waters Expense 53.31 71 Western Union Tel. Co. P.D. Expense 1.86 72 King County Medical October dues 365.25 73 Pao. Tel. & Tel. Co. Phones 141.64 74 Tom Dobson & Son Ins. & Bond Prem. 1,555.13 75 Payroll Engineers 836.43 76-82 Payroll Office 1,019.64 83-94 Payroll F.D. 2031.0 95-5613 Payroll P.D. 31184.62 14-38 Payroll Mayor & Council 438.22 39-51 Chapman Bros. Expense 370.33 52 Dale & McLendon Expense 25.31 53 King County Health Dept. King Oounty Inspection 175.00 54 Lande Feed Company Dog Pound Expense 12.66 55 The Renton Chronicle Expense 272.34 56 State of Washington Clerk's Expense 5.00 57 Sutton-Eakle P.D. Expense 54.67 58 R.C. Patek Pkg. Meter Extra Labor 38.97 59 Payroll Garbage Salary 684.58 60--66 Payroll St. Cleaning 425.43 67-72 Collector of Internal Rev. Withholdin Tax 4023.93 73 Dept. of Labor & Ind. / WATER Ind. Ins. 257.62 74 Bruce Welding Expense 23.18 7463 Custer Hardware Co. Expense 2.58 64 Hersey 1-1fg. Co. " 1.36 65 Lowman & Hanford Treas. Exp, 42,70 66 The -Lumber Market Expense 17.40 67 Pao. Water Works Supply Expense 71.07 68 Sound Concrete Products it 271.92 69 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. " 3,28 Waters Treas. Expense 3.96 71 Payroll Office 348.97 72-77 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 1017.49 78 King County Medical October dues 35.50 79 Chanman Brothers Expense 415.16 80 .� Dale & McLendon if 1.09 81 Rensselaer if 57.78 82 Payroll Water 1147.27 83-92 Coll. of Int. Revenue Withholding Tax 631.10 93 Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 74.99 94 CITY STREETS Cliff Brown's A-irconditioning Expense 18.13 4978 City Transfer Co. " 175.62 79 Custer Hardware Co. " 23.98 80 King County Road Dist. #2 " 651.00 81 King County " It it " 54.75 82 The Lumber Market " 126.23 83 Matson Brothers, Inc. " 29.46 84 Pao. Magneto Service " 2.16 85 Renton Auto Wreckers " 1.50 86 H.W. Thomas " 74.82 87 Wright Motors, Inc. " 1.26 88 Payroll Office 169.77 89-92 King County Medical Oct. dues 46.00 93 Bow Lake Equipment Co. Expense 19.78 94 The Renton Chronicle " 32.96 95 Union Oil Co. of Calif. Gasoline 623.81 96 Williams & Swanson Expense 10.64 97 Payroll City Streets 1544.96 98-5012 Coll. of Internal Revenue Withholding Tax 685.10 13 Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Insurance 100.71 14 SEWER DISPOSAL Bruce Welding Expense 12.36 1586 Custer Hardware Co. it 2.08 87 Dale & McLendon if 5.30 88 Gladdir_g & McBean & Co. if 12.64 89 Matthie Fixit Shop " 7..21 90 Renton Machine & Welding Wks. " 3.09 91 r-T:� SEWER DISPOSAL C014T I D Payroll Sewer Disposal 602.54 1592-99 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 191.58 1600 King County Medical Oct. dues 32.50 1 Chaprpan Brothers Expense 40.15 2 Renton Auto Freight Expense 1.25 3 Payroll, David Mitchell Sewer Disposal 21.54 4 Coll. of Int. Revenue Withholding Tax 328.30 5 Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Insurance 45.86 6 LIBRARY Payroll Library 860.55 1872-79 Binfords &Mort Books 9.89 80 Wilcox & Follett Co. " 5.22 81 now King County Medical Oct. dues 4.00 82 The Caxton Printers Ltd. Books 6.66 83 Random House, Inc. " 10.60 84 Coll. of Int. Revenue Withholding Tax 227.70 85 Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Insurance 2.16 86 PAIU( Ivan W. Lee Expense .85 1212 Payroll Park 480.16 13-17 King County Medical Oct. dues 15.75 18 Coll. of Int. Revenue Withholding Tax 351.20 19 Dept. of Labor & Ind. Industrial Insurance 57.64 20, AIRPORT Holmes Electric Expense 2.37 712 The Lumber Market 19.,80 13 Matthie Fixit Shop " 5.15 14 Payroll Airport 435.44 15-18 King County Medical October dues 4.00 19 . Frank Ames Expense 72.00 20 G.P. Putnam' s Sons If 3.90 21 Ned Stokes If 73.25 22 Coll. of Int. Revenue Withholding Tax 192.30 23 Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Insurance 26.41 24 ATHLETIC Payroll Athletic 167.30 439-40 King County Medical October dues 5.50 41 Coll. of In_t. Revenue Withholding tax 167.40 42 CUMULATIVE FUND #1184 E The Lumber Market Expense-Sweet Center 359.53 414 ` Pacific Coast Stamp Works Bronze Placque-Seaplane Ramp Exp, 117.42 15, AIRPORT SEAPLANE RAMP Gilbert Piledriving Co. 3rd payment on Seaplane 10,534.74 10 Stevenson & Rubens Consulting Engineer's Fee on plans for Seaplane ramp. 1,528.86 11 L.I.D 228 L.J. Dowell, Inc. Final payment on Morris Street paving from 2nd to 3rd Avenue 11239.45 2 FIREM,,NIS PENSION FUND Mrs. Enza D. Anders Funeral Benefits A.A.Anderson 200.00 14 Moved by ichardson, seconded by �ramborini, that the meeting be ad- journed. Time : 11:45 P.M., Carried. City C1 Mayor. 357 Renton, Washington September 27, 1949 The special meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL: RICHARDSON, SWIFT, DELAU RENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN, HAGEN TRIMM, REID, DAVIDSON AND TAMBORINI. The meeting was called for the following purposes: 1. Discussion and action on the construction of sewer mains and laterals on-Renton--Hill under L.I.D. #223. Councilman nichardson stated that several of the property owners are complaining to him because the sewer line on High Street and and Grant Street is being constructed in the middle of the street and it is necessary for them to put their sewer laterals in from the middle of the street to their property. He further stated that it was their understanding that the contractor was to install sewer lines to their property lines. The City Engineer stated that he was under the impression that the property owners all understood that the L.I.D., was formed for the construction of sewer laterals only and that individual lines to personal property would have to be installed by the owners of said property at their own expense. After a disuession on the above matter, it was moved by Reid, seconded by Hagen, that the City Engineer and City Attorney negotiate with the con— tractor for the extension of the sewer laterals on High Street and Grant Street for 350 feet, the estimated cost for such an extension would be $850.00. Carried. 2. Discussion and action on the question of the franchise to Mr. Georize Bacon, DBA Renton Transit System. Councilman Bruce stated that the agreement b3tween the Renton Transit System and their drivers would expire October 20, 1949 anO. that in his opinion the City of Renton should take the necessary steps to enable them to legally negotiate for an extension of the present franchise or to arrange for a new franchise with some other transit company and recommended that the City issue a Notice of Cancellation of the present franchise at the earliest date agreeable to the Council and the present operators. Mr. George Bacon, owner and operator of the Renton Transit System, stated that it would be agreeable for the City to terminate the present franchise as of October 20, 1949. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that a signed statement be re— ceived from Mr. George Bacon, owner and operator of the Renton Transit System to the effect that he waives the 30—day cancellation notice and that he accepts the can— cal_lation as of October 20th of the Renton Transit System's franchise with the City of Renton. Carried. 3. Laying and connectingr 2900 feet of 20" water nine on the Snringbrook and Talbot Road from source of supnly to Cit:* reservoir on Talbot Hill. The City Engineer stated that the contract was originally given out for just the excavating and back filling but stated that the contractor will place the pipe in the tranch for $x.15 a foot and the City can then connect the pipe. The City Engineer stated that he would require extra help for the job of connecting the pipe. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the City Engineer be instructed to negotiate with the contractor for extra work of placing the pine in the trench and be allowed to hire extra help for the connecting of same. Carried. Councilman Swift stated that the old pipe is now so obsolete that it would be a good idea to move the pipe lire over to the other side of: the road and put a bend in connecting with the old. pipe in order that e whole new line, when ,.. finally finished, would all be on the opposite side of the road from where the line is now located. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hagen, that the Engineer be inst3Wcted to install the lire on the opposite side of the road from the present line and be authorized to secure material and labor necessary for the work. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the City Engineer and Fire Light and Water Committee present a recommendation to the Council on October 4, 1949 on the cost of fixing up the water line from the dam to the reservoir and from the reservoir to the City and that the public be informed of the necessity for prompt action in regard to this improvement.. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that at the next Council meeting he would appoint a Public Relations Committee and this matter would be referred to that Committee. s Q � 358 �v 4. Regarding the installation of magnetic meter controls on parking meters_ by Meter Appliance Manufacturing Comoany of Seattle. Councilman Richardson. stated that they City Council had contemplated trying out the magnetic meter controls on parking meters to ascertain public opinion in. regard to laid con— trols and further stated that before a contract had been signed with the Meter Appliance Manufacturing Company of Seattle several citizens having been informed of the contemplated plan, including some businessmen of the City, and -protested against the installation. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the Council rescind the motion allowing the Meter Appliance Manufacturing Company of Seattle to install magnetic meter controls in Renton and that the City Clerk be requested to notify said Company of the Council's consideration of this matter and the reason for doing so. Carried. now 5Pa ,en of final balance due L.J.,—Dowell., Ir_c. STn the amount of $1,2L.L5 on -paving of Morris Street from 2nd to 3rd Avenue under L.I.D.. $227. The City Clerk stated that the City Engineer and the Finance committee had al— ready approved the final payment and stated that the project was completed August 112 1949. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Finance Committee and City Engineer. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hagen, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M. City erk � J Mayor now Renton, Wash October 3, 1949 The special meeting of the City Council as required by law for the approval of the final budget was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: RICHARDSON, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FRMIAN) HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, GIGLI FUND TfMORINI. The Council unanimously decided to review each item page by page and to adopt or revise, as they deemed necessary, and approve by motion each page as it appeared in the preliminary budget or was revised to meet their approval. PAGE 1 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council accept page 1 of the preliminary budget as final. Carried. PAGE 2 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Oouncil adopt the second page of the preliminary budget as final. Carried. PAGE 3 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gigli, that the Council adopt the third page of the preliminary budget as final. Carried. ZAGE !. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the Council adopt the fourth nage of the preliminary budget as final. Carried. PAGE 5 Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council accept the adoption of the preliminary budget for the Police Department as final and the amount of 5293.00 be deleted for the I.D. Bureau Man. Carried. PAGE 6 Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that page six of the preliminary budget be adopted as final. Carried. PAGE 7 Moved by Gigli, seconded by Reid, that page seven of the preliminary budget be adopted as final. Carried. PAGE 8 Moved by Hansen, seconded by Tamborini, that page eight of the preliminary budget be accepted as final. Carried. PAGE 9 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that page nine of the preliminary budget be accepted as final. Carried. PAGE 10 Moved by Trimm, seconded by Reid, that page ten of the preliminary budget be accepted as final. Carried. PAGE 11 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen., that nage eleven of the preliminary budget be accepted as final. Carried. PAGE 12 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council adopt as final the Airport preliminary budget. Carried. PAGE 13 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that page thirteen of the preliminary budget be accepted as final. Carried. PAGE 1Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that page fourteen of the preliminary budget as revised be accepted as final and. the City Clerk be given power to act to make the adjustments on the amount to be received from taxation. Carried. The meeting was recessed until Tuesday night, October 4, 194.9. V City Verk Payoff" �a 0L 35 $ L3 I 11 i I� 594/ 359 Renton, Washington October 4, 1949 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter, at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: RICHARDSON, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FRE'YMAN, HANSEN, HAGEN, REID, DAVIDSON AND TAMBORINI. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the Council meetings of September 20th and 27th be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUB14ITTED BY TT14E BUILDING DEPARTMENT, NO. AMOUNT NN ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 1334 $100.00 Pacific Car & Foundry 4th & Factory Move building 35 300.00 Mrs. Wytcherly 656 D Street Install furnace 36 100.00 Mrs. J. T. O'Drien 414 Whitworth St Install tank 37 700.00 Highton 302 N. Wells ljepair porch 38 100.00 Texas Oil Company 533 Main Street Connect sign 39 750.00 Clark Bros. Motor Co. 1020 Bronson Way Install door 40 250.00 Mrs. Jensen-Band Box 14220 Rainier Ave Plumbing 41 250.00 E.L. Halladay 2007 7th Ave North Inst. furnace 42 400.00 K.E. Muench 829 D Street Erect garage 43 400.00 John Thomson 1200 Sec. Ave North Reshingle 44 300.00 W. J. Brown 673 A Street Basement 45 100.00 Ernest J. Hayes 2307 9th Ave North Move building 46 100.00 W. Munn 512 Pelly Ave Remodel shed 47 210.00 John Cook 2202 6th Place Inst. furnace 48 210.00' Joe Kerkes 212.2 6th Place Inst. furnace 49 400.00 H. Wren 319 Meadwo Street Residing 50 300.00 R. H. Warr 811 A Street Basement 51 150.00 F. H. Anderson 711 A Street Remodel chimney 52 400.00 J. C. Martin 2006 6th Place Erect carport 53 100.00 Harold Wohl 926 E Street Erect fence AWE 54 100.00 John Cook 2202 6th Place Install heater 55 225.00 Kent Hardware Co 662 G Street Install furnace 56 225.00 if it 704 C Street if it 57 300.00 Earl Arfsten 825 A Street " 't 58 225.00 Robert Ingram 4508 6th Ave North 59 225.00 R. D. Krier 2417 6th Place 60 100.00 H. B. Bodie 915 D Street Rebuild fence 61 100.00 B. Taschell 401 Wells Street Wiring 62 100.00 G. M. Schwendemen 2413 7th Avenue No. Inst. drums 63 250.00 Mr. Sims 826 B. Street Plumbing 64 500.00 Louis Champa 1550 Marion Ave Erect foundation 65 100.00 Hugh Bruce 335 Park Ave Enclose porch 66 200.00 Angelo Phillips 2nd & Logan Plumbing 67 100.00 M. Favro 504 Cedar Street Reshingle 68 100.00 War Assets - Boeing No. Logan .airing 69 100.00 Mrs. May Malone 127 Park Street Erect fence 70 50.00 J.C.Martin 2006 6th Place Wiring 71 100.00 George A. Geras 535 Smithers Wiring 72 50.00 Stan Hoveland 309 Wells Street Neon sign 73 350.00 Frank Aliment 238 Pelly Ave Inst. burner 74 350.00 Mrs. P.P. Paden 901 lst Ave North Inst. Burner 75 200.00 T. W. Nickolson 920 D Street Inst. furnace 76 400.00 Matt C. Laush 220 Pelly Ave Erect garage 77 100.00 Clifford McGerry ;7+28 5th Ave North Erect fence 78 50.00 Everett Olsen 2011 Bronson Way Wreck building 79 273.00 Lily Hedberg 249 Park Street Reshingle 80 400.00 H. 0. Bing 715 D Street Inst. furnace, build room 81 400.00 Ladd Butter 821 A Street Install furnace 82 100.00 W.F. McDonald 911 G Street Wiring 83 250.00 A. R. Creek 2203 8th Place Install furnace 84 100.00 Harold P. Phinney 212 Logan Street Reside garage 85 100.00 guy W. Cotton 838 C Street Erect fence 86 100.00 C. McMillan 2312 7th Ave No Insulate 87 100.00 Geo. Isotalo 904 L. Street Move house 360 NO2_ AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 1388 $100.00 Earl Clymer 521 Williams Wiring 89 200.00 James Moran 909 5th Ave Reshingle 90 400.00 C.T. Collier 2009 8th Ave No. Erect wall 91 100.00 J.W. Allan 419 Williams St. Reshingle 92 300.00 Clarence M. Nelson 2311 6th Ave No. Basement 93 7000.00 Bob Lux 2609 12th Place Erect house 94 200.00 Royal E. Lawyer 308 N. Wells Convert heater 95 300.00 C.T. Poiter 621 G Street Basement 96 750.00 R.A.McKinney 420 Williams St. Siding 97 300.00 Eric Olson Rt, 2, Box 470 Change walls 98 300.00 Alvin Martin 8625 So. 140th Reshingle 99 150.00 A. Dime 104 Pelly Ave Erect hothouse .�. 1400 25.00 Mrs. Inga Petersen 1222 Bronson Way Erect sign 01 100.00 Charles Martin 2104 7th Ave No. Inst. heater 02 300.00 James Nielsen 809 B. Street Basement A statement was received from Mr. Phil Plano, Renton for waxing the Council Chambers, Ladies Rest Room, Water Department, Clerks Office and Ante- Room in the amount of $96.01. Mr. Plano suggested that the hallway upstairs and downstairs and the Police Judge 13ha.mbers be waxed and the floors renovated. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that this matter be referred to the Finance Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. The City Engineer submitted the first estimate on L.I.D., #223 by Rainier Beach Plumbing Company in the amount of Op983.62. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that this matter_ be referred to the Finance Committee and the City Engineer with power to act. Carried. A communication was read, from the State of Washington Department of Health stating that they had received a sample of settled dust that was submitted by the Engineering Department for analysis but stated that inasmuch as their chemist had been hospitalized they had sent the sample to the United States Public Health Service in Salt Lake City, Utah and will report back as soon as they receive a reply. Communication ordered filed. The Mayor stated that the University of Washington would charge the City approximately $6.00 for analyzing the sample of dust. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that this be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from Berniece Jones requesting permission to install a pinball game at the Sugar Bowl at Second Avenue and Logan Street. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be, referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the City of Seattle Water Department re- garding the increase in size of the connection from the Seatt p pipe lines to the City of Renton elevated tank on Renton Hill stating that the City Council of Seattle has by ordinance directed the Supt. of Water to execute and deliver a supplementary contract with the City of Renton granting the increase. The City of Seattle Water Department also enclosed a modification of the franchise and requested that they be properly executed and returned to the City of Seattle whereupon they will be endorsed and one copy returned to the City of Renton. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the Mayor, City Clerk City Attorney and City Engineer execute the modification of the franchise as requested. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that as soon as the contract is completed the City Engineer should install a 4" connection as per agreement. Carried. A Resolution was submitted by the Puget Sound Power & Light Company authorizing the execution and delivery of a contract with Puget Sound Power & Light Company for furnishing municipal water pumping power for five years to approximately 100 feet East of the intersection of M. Street and Cemetery Road. The Southeast corner of Renton Highlands. Moved by Ta.mborini, seconded by Richardson, that this matter be referred to the City Engineer, City Attorney, City Clerk and Mayor for execution of the contract. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. Ernest H. Campbell, Assistant Director, Bureau of Governmental Research and Services, regarding the request of Councilman Reid as to whether a police judge in a second class city is required to be a justice of peace or not. Mr. Campbell stated that in first, third and fourth class cities the police judge is required to be appointed from among the justices of the peace but in second class cities the police judge is not regaired to be a justice of the peace. Communication ordered filed. A communication was read from the Planning Commission wherein they en— closed a letter which they had sent to the Governor of the State of Washington requesting that he ':ave the State Highway Department make an origin and destination study and traffic survey of the Renton—Issaquah section of the Sunset Highway in order to establish the urgent need of constructing a new section of Highway between Renton and Issaquah. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the Council send a similar letter to the State Highway Department regarding this road. Carried. A communication was read from the Traffic Division of the Renton Police Department re:luesting serious and immediate consideration be given the following recommendations: 1. That the East side of Garden Street between 3rd Avenue North and 4th Avenue North be designated and properly posted as a one hour parking area from 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. 2. Establishing a school bus loading and unloading zone on the West side of Garden Street, beginning at 4th Avenue North and extending South for 100 ft. Curb to be painted yellow and proper signs installed. 3. The installation of yellow school signs on each side of the block on Garden Street between 3rd Avenue North and 4th Avenue North. 4. That the area immediately North of and in the rear of the Eagles Hall at 316 — 3rd Avenue be designated an emergency fire exit. Signs to be posted per— mitting loading and unloading only. No other parking to be permitted either in said alley or in front of the entrance thereto. 5. That the South side of Bronson ;Jay North from the intersection of Garden Street to the intersection of Factory Street bed esignated as a no parking area and that proper signs be installed for same. 6. That both sides of Logan Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues be de— signated as a one hour parking area between 8:00 A.M., and 6:00 P.M., and that proper signs be installed for same. 7. That harking on both sides of Morris Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenue be permitted to remain as it is now. 8. That "K° Street be designated as an arterial ane.. that stop signs be installed on all intersecting cross streets. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Cormfttee for investigation and report back. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Police Department, stating that the State Highway Department will not permit a push button type of light i"UW to be installed at the Dunlap Canyon Highway at Earlington. The communication further stated that the Renton School Transportation Department stated that they will do everything possible to try to carry the children on school busses and let them off at points where it will not be necessary for them to cross the Dunlap Canyon Highway to get to their homes. Mr. Mathewson of Earlington spoke on this matter before the Council and asked that some solution of this traffic problem be devised as drivers do not heed the speed limit at this location and several persons have barely es— caped injury at this point,. 362 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that this problem be referred to the Street and Alley Committee, Fire Light and Water Committee and City Engineer and that the committee check with the State High Department for their cooperation and recommendation regarding the solution of this problem. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Police Department announcing that on January 1, 1950 a new schedule will be put into effect for the Police Department and will give the men two days off out of every seven working days and that the previous schedule whereby the men worked twenty-five days in succession and then were allowed ten days off will be discontin'�d. The communi- cation further stated that with the addition of two men it will be possible to give greater prowler car coverage:. Now Moved by Swift, seconded by Tamborini, that this matter be referred to the Police & License Committee for investigation and a report back before the final budget is adopted. Carried„ A communication was read from the Renton Fire Department requesting that the alle7 in back of the Eagles Hall at Third and Whitworth be made a fire lane and that loading and unloading only be permitted at this location. The Fire Department also requested that an ordinance be drawn up for- bidding the use of automatic nozzles for filling gas tanks as some service station operators have not taken proper precautions with these devices. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the request for a fire lane at the Eagles Hall be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for investi- gation and a report back. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the question of for- bidding the use of automatic gas nozzles be referred to the Fire Light apd Water Committee for investigation and :report back. Carried. A communication was read :from the Renton Fire Department request7ng that the Mayor issue a proclamation for Fire Prevention Week for October 9th to October 15th inclusive. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this matter be referred to the Mayor with power to act. Carried. A short recess was called for the Police & License Committee to work on the revised schedule of the Poli3e Department. After the recesss, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: RICHARDSON, SWIFT, DELAU;�ITI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN, HAGEN, REID, DAVIDSON AND TAMBORINI. The following Waiver of Festrictive Provisions of Warranty Deed was read: 11WHEREAS, Lee Monoban, a single man, has heretofore by his Warranty Deed dated September 8, 1939, recorded September 14, 1939, under Auditorts file No. 3063635 in Volume 1861 of Deeds, at page 142 Records of King County, Washington, conveyed to the City of Renton, a municipal corporation, as Grantee, the following de+scr_bed real estate situated in King County, State of Washington, to-wit: Portion of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 8, Twp. 23 North, Range `5 E.W.M., described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the North line of said subdivision with± the west line of Park Avenue in Renton Farm Plat, according to plat thereof recorded in Volume 100 of Plats, page 97, records of said County, produced North; thence south along said west line to a point two hundred fifteen feet (215 ft.) North of the South line of said sub-division; thence west; 107.5 feet; thence south 185 feet; thence west and parallel to and distance 30 feet from the south line of said subdivision to the center line of Pelly Avenue produced; thence north along said center line 630 feet; thence west and parallel to said south subdivision line to the Etast line of the Northern Pacific Railway right- of-way; thence north along said right-of-way line to the north line of said subdivision; thence east to point of beginning, situated in the County of King, State of Washington., excepting therefrom all rights 363 granted to the City of Seattle, a municipal corporation of the first class, of the State of Washington, for the Skagit Transmission line right-of-way. AND WHEREAS, aforesaid Warranty Deed contains the following restrictive pro- visions, to-,rit: The E. 250 feet of the real estate conveyed herein is conveyed to Grantee for use by Grantee exclusively for City Park purposes, and the remainder of said real estate is deeded in fee to Grantee to be used by Grantee for industrial development purposes, provided, however, that the Grantee shall at all times retain the fee title thereto: .,,.. NOW, in consideration of One ( ?1.00) Dollar and other valuable consideration in hand received and hereby acknowledged, the said Grantor Lee Monahan, for himself, his heirs, successors and assigns, does hereby agree, grant and stipulate that the portion of aforesaid restrictive provisions hereinbelow quoted, being the following words: "to be used by Grantee for industrial development purposes" shall hence- forth be deemed stricken and removed from aforesaid Warranty Deed and conveyance, and sa3_d Grantor hereby waives, releases and quit claims unto said Grantee all restrictions, limitations, and reservations which are expressed in or might be implied from said words and restrictive provisions; "to be used by Grantee for industrial development purposes". GIVEN at Renton, Washington, this 4th day of October, 1949 . /s/ Lee Monohan STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KII\TG ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for the State of Washington, hereby certify that on this 4th day of October, 1949, personally appeared before me LEE MONOHAN, a single man, to me known to be the individual described in and who e xecuted the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he signed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Given under my hand and official seal this 4th day of October, 1949. /s/ Arthur L. Hauaan NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at Renton, Wash. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that this Waiver be written in the minutes of the Council meeting. Carried. PROPOSED ORDINANCE No. 1355 was presented: An Ordinance Setting aside Certain Areas in the City of Renton for Park Uses, in Conjunction with Mother's Park. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that this Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for a report back. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1355. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and Ordinance No. 1 355 be -_ laced on its second and final reading. Carried. I-ow After the second and final reading, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1355 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken Ordinance No. 1355 was unanimously adopted. RESOLUTION No. 747 was presented requesting the State Finance Committee to Transfer 854,774.09 to the City of Penton Street Construction Fund #26-1-230 and to grant permission to the City to transfer $4,507.50 from said Street Construction .Fund to L.I.D., #227 as matching funds for the paving of Morris Street from Second Avenue to Third Avenue. The balance of X266.59 to be left in 364 Street Construction Fund #26-1-230 until permission is granted by the State Finance Committee to use same as matching funds for future improvement. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that Resolution No. 747 be adopted as read. Carried. The City Clerk stated that Mr. Fd. Logan, Supt. of Elections, had notified the City Engineer that it would be necessary to name the main street in Cedar River Park in order to set up a voting precinct dividing line. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hagen, that this matter be referred to the Executive Housing Director with power to act. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that on gednesday, October 5, 1949, the Mayorts low Committee is to meet with representatives of the Trailways Bus System at 8:00 P.M., and the Marlowe State Line at 9:00 P.M.J. regarding bus franchise. The Mayor further stated that there will be a meeting of the Council as a Committee next Tuesday night, October 11, 1949, to meet with Mr. Umberto Barei and Mr. Robert Findley regarding., the disposition of Cedar River Park. The City Engineer reported that he did not know if it would be possible to finish the oiling of 4th Avenue between Main Street and Mill Street before the rainy weather started. The City Engineer stated that the State Hi.ghway Department is not in favor of taking over the signal lights and crosswalks on State Highways through the City of Renton but stated that the Committee could take this matter up with the State Highway Department when they contact them regarding the Dunlap Canyon signal light at Earlington. More time was granted the Finance Committee on the matter of painting the Williams Street bridge. More time was granted the Property Committee on the matter of locating the 4-H Club of King County in Renton. The Property Committee was granted more time on the matter of the proposed swimming pool. The Ways and Means Committee was granted more time for investigation of the Board of Trustees of the Statewide City Employees Retirement System minutes. The Police and License Committee reported the applications for tax- cab licenses received from Mr. Lester B. Park and Mr. Ben Charles Bishop were granted. The Police and License Committee denied the request of Mr. William C. Grant for permission to install a 5-ball amusement game and juke box in the Sherbert Shop at 315 - Third Avenue. The Police and License Committee was granted more time on the investi- gation of ordinances licensing and regulating shuffleboards. The Police and License Committee granted the request of Mr. Wynn S. Hess, Route 11 Box 1254, Renton, for permission to operate a light delivery service in Renton. The Street and Alley Committee recommended vacating the alley in Block 12, Renton Highlands and that the City acquire an easement on the back and sides of each parcel of property in this block in order that the City can use this property at a later date if deemed necessary. The Committee further recommended that this matter .be: referred to .the City Engineer and City Attorney. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hagen, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. More time was granted the Street and Alley Committee to make a survey of the streets and sidewalks to be repaired by the rented mudjack machine. Councilman Bruce stated that something should be.done about the branches hanging over the sidewalks. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that this matter bezeferred to the City Engineer to investigate and report bac'.. Carried. The City Clerk was requested to make up four copies of the proposed work orders instead of three; one for the Payor, one for the Council Committees, one for the City Clerk and one for the Department Head. 365 The City Engineer was requested to repair the sidewalk between 4th Avenue and Walla Walla on .dells Street. Councilman Hagen stated that there are�o lights on 3 rd Place from the Highway to Shattuck Street from 3rd Avenue to 4th. Moved by-Hagen, seconded by Tamborini, that this matter be referred to the Fire Light and Water Cormnittee for investigation. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that at a previous meeting the City Engineer was authorized to call for bids on the redecking of the Houser Way Bridge, but stated after checking the matter it was doubtful if the excessive cost for such a job would be warranted. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Council as a whole next Tuesday night. Carried. The Police & License Committee reported that their committee concurred in the recommendation of the Police Department for the revised schedule on prowler cars and work schedule. - Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the Council accept the re- commendation of the Police & License Committee. Carried. Mayor Baxter appointed the following committees: WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Arne Hagen, Chairman - B. J. Richardson and Hugh Bruce. FIRE. LIGHT & WATER COMMITTEE Walt Reid, Chairman - Hugh Bruce and Olin Hansen FINANCE AND CLAIMS COMMITTEE Steve Tamborini, Chairman - J. L. Davidson and Herman Freyman AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING C011U TTEE Andrew Gigli, Chairman - Olin Hansen and. Arne Hagen POLICE AND LICFZTSE COMMITTEE Charles Delaurenti, Chairman - Walt Reid and Steve Tamborini REAL PROPERTY COMMITTEE Hugh Bruce, Chairman - Herman Freyman, and Charles Delaurenti PERSONAL PROPERTY COMMITTEE Olin Hansen, Chairman - Andrew Gigli and George Swift. SANITATION COMMITTEE Tom Trimrr., Chairman - Steve Tamborini and Andrew Gigli STREET AND ALLEY COi SII TTEE George Swift, Chairman - Tom Trimm and Walt Reid. LAW & ORDINANCE COMMITTEE B.J. Fichardson, Chairman - George Swift and J. L. Davidson PUBLIC EELATIONS COMMITTEE J. L. Davidson, Chairman - Arne Hagen and Ben Richardson LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Herman Freyman - Chairman - Charles Delaurenti and Tom Trimm Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the City Engineer be instructed to make an estimate on the cost of the 4th Avenue North extension over the Northern Pacific Fsailroad tracks to connect with Logan Street and report back to the Council. Carried. 366 . Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that pages 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19 of the preliminarybudget be approved as changed and revised to in- corporate into the final budget. Carried. After a thorough discussion by all of the Councilmen present regarding changes and revisions in the preliminary budget in order to approve the final budget, the motion was made by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman that the final budget be approved as changed and revised. The motion being put to a roll call vote the result was as follows: RICHARDSON, AYE, SWIFT, AYE; DELAUITNTI, AYE; BRUCE, AYE; FnEYMAN, AYE; HANSEN, AYE; HAGEN, AYE; REID, AYE; DAVIDSON) AYE; TAMBORINI, AYE. The motion unanimously carried. The Ordinance Committee presented Ordinance No. 1356 which had been ..r approved as to form by Vernon E. Bjorklund, Assistant City Attorney for Arthur L. Haugan, City Attorney, which is an Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, Adopting a City Budget for the year 1950. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that proposed Ordinance No. 1356 be referred to the Ordinance Committee for consideration and report back on same at the recessed meedin€; October 5, 1949. Carried. The Ordinance Uommittee presented Ordinance No. 1357 which had been approved as to form by Vernon I,% Bjorklund, Assistant City Attorney for Arthur L. Haugan, City Attorney, wMah is an ordinance Fixing the Amount of Tax Levies Necessary to Meet the amount of Estimated Expenses for the year 1950 less the Total Estimated Revenues from Sources other than Taxation, Including Available Surplus. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that proposed Ordinance No. 1357 be referred to the Ordinance Committee for consideration and report back on same at the recessed meeting, October 5, 1949. Carried. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Hansen, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented CURRENT Wiley Crook Expense & postage 62.69 5675 Pete Du.11ahant Garbage Expense 35.00 76 Herman Freyman Council expense 25.42 77 Dorothea Gossett Treas. Expense 25.47 78 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Phone 21.50 79 Radiotelephone Ser, Co. P.D. Expense 27.81 80 Steve Tamborini Council expense 25.57 81 Trick & Murray Stationery 62.84 82 Stoneway Dock Co. Engr. Expense 2.98 83 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Phone 39.54 84 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Seattle Phone 70.09 85 Payroll Engineers 744.19 86-92 Payroll F.D. 2523.55 93-5712 Payroll P.D. 2900.51 13-37 Payroll Cffice 979.19 38-48 Phil Plano C.H. Exoense 96.01 49 Renton Motor Parts Expense 106.83 50 Lena Roberts C.H. Expense 91.50 51 Payroll Garbage labor 655.85 52-59 Payroll St. Cleaning 390.73 60-64 C.S. Williams F.D. Salary 84.00 65 HEATER E.N. Hallgren Co. Expense 63.81 7495 Stoneway Dock Company Expense 18.91 96 Payroll Office 343.29 97-7502 Payroll Water 1567.38 03--17 CITY STREETS Stoneway Dock Co. Expense 197.23 5015 Statewide C.E. R. Pension Pension 1258.90 16 Payroll Office 169.77 17-20 Renton Motor Parts Expense 86.13 21 Payroll City Streets 1449.46 22-36 367 SEWER DISPOSAL Stoneway Dock Company Expense 264.87 1607 Statewide C.E.R. Pension Pension 201.1.00 08 Payroll Sewer Disposal 638.38 09-17 LIBRARY Amer. Library Ass. Books 14.25 1,887 Beckley-Cardy Co. Expense 36.50 88 The Caxton Printers, Ltd. Book 3.33 89 Winifred C. Daniels Expense 8.78 90 Doubleday & Co. Books 75.42 91 George H. Friend Exoense 6000 92 J.K. Gill Co. Books 1.58 93 Holmes Electric Expense 13.65 94 J.M. LaVine Books 3.73 95 The Lumber Market Exoense 15.94 96 Puget Sound News Co. Books 340.58 97 Renton Music Store Expense 16.28 98 AIRPORT Payroll Airport 350.82 725-27 PARK Stoneway Dock Co. Expense 14.50 1221 Payroll Park 439.77 22-26 ATHLETIC Payroll Athletic 1.61.80 443-44.4 L,I.D. #223 Rainier Beach Plumbing Co. 1st payment on L.I.D. 9,983.62 1 V Mofed by Reid, seconded by Swift, that the meeting be recessed until October 5, 1949, at 7:30 City Prerk yor i 368 Renton, Wash October 5, 1949 The recessed meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: RICHARDSON, TAMBCRINI, TRIMM, HANSEN) FREYMAN, DAVIDSON BRUCE AND DELAURFNTI. Moved by hichardson, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the October 3, 1949 Council meeting be approved as written. Carried. man The Ordinance (�ommiteee reported favorably on Ordinance #1356. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the re— commendation of the Ordinance Committee and Ordinance No. 1356, be placed on its second and final reading. Carried., After the second and final reading, moved by Davidson, seconded by Delaurenti that Ordinance #1356 be passed and approved. A roll call vote being taken the result was as follows: Richardson.osye; Tamborini, Aye; Trimm, Aye; Hansen; Aye; Freyman, Aye; Davidson, Aye; Bruce, Aye; and Delaurenti, Aye. Ordinance No. 1356, was unanimously adopted. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance #1357. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the re— commendation of the Ordinance Committee and Ordinance No. 1357 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried,. After the second and final :reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1357 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken the result was as follows: Richardson, Aye; Tamborini, Aye; Trimm, Aye; Hansen, Aye, Freyman, Aye; Davidson, Aye; Bruce, Aye; and Delaurenti, Aye. Ordinance No. 1357 was unanimously adopted. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Clerk be instructed to certify to the County Assessor on or before the second Monday of October the amount of taxes levied upon the property within the boundaries of the City limits of the City of Renton as per Ordinance #1357. Also certificate to show taxes to be collected for all expenses, exclusive of bond interest and redemption, and the millage to be levied by taxation for the bend interest end redemption and to authorize the City Clerk to mail to the County Commissioners certified copy of Ordinance #1356 and Ordinance No. 1357 after legal publication of same and to mail to the State Auditor of Washington, Division of Municipal Coroora.tion, a copy of the final budget when Game is completed and a copy of Ordinances #1356 and 1357. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting be adjoured. Carried. City C lqrk Aj Mayor 369 Renton, Washington October 10, 1949 The special meeting of the City Council for consideration and action regarding transit company permit and franchise was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. i ROLL CALL: RICHARDSON, TAMBORINI, GIGLI, PEID, FF=IAN, DAVIDSON BRUCE, DELAURENTI AND SWIFT. Councilman Richardson reported for the committee on the investigation of propositions as submitted by the different transportation companies for the transit franchise for the City of Benton and stated that the following companies had submitted p roposal_s: Evergreen Trailways Inc., 2000 - Third Ave., Seattle 1, Washington; Marlow Transportation Company, Route 1, Box 441, Kent, Washington; George Bacon, DBA Pinehurst Transit Company, renton, Washington, and Lake Shore Lines, Inc., 516 — 4th Avenue, No., Renton, Washington It was the recommendation of the committee after a thorough study of all the proposals submitted that the council accept the proposal of a frenchise from the Lake Shore Lines, Inc. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the committee and that the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance and franchise preparatory to entering into a contract with the Lake Shore Lines, Inc., for the operation of the transit system in the City of Renton for a period of five years_. Said contract to allow for either the Lake Shore Lines Inc. or the City of Renton to cancel said contract upon 60 days notice; and other stipulations deemed essential by the Ordinance Committee and the City Attorney which would be agreeable to the Lake Shore Lines Inc. A roll call vote was called with the following results: Richardson, ave; Tamborini, aye; Gigli, aye; Reid, aye; Freyman, aye; Davidson, aye; Delaurenti, aye; and Swift, aye. The motion carried unanimously. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that the City Clerk notify Mr. George Bacon, DBA Pinehurst Transit Company, of the termination of the present franchise, as per previous arrangements on October 21, 1949, and that the Council did not accept his application for a new franchise; and that the Evergreen Trailways Inc., and Marlow Transportation Inc., be notified that their applications for a franchise had not been accepted and to notify the Lake Shore Lines, Inc., that their application had been accepted and that an ordinance and franchise would be prepared for consideration at the regular Council meeting October 18, 1949. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. i City Cqerk ayor Nam e� 0 Renton, Washington ,:. October 18, 1949 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: RICHARDSON) SWIFT, BRUCE, FREYMMAN, HANSEN, HAGEN, TRIMt , REID, GIGLI, DAVIDSON AND TAMBORINI. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Richardson, that the minutes of the Council meetings of October 4th, 5th and 10th be approved as written. rrr APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT, NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 1403 200.00 A.C. Jones 2109 9th Ave. No. Inst. floor 1404 300.00 Henry Pederson 2508 9th Place Plumbing 1405 100.00 T;.Thompson 1527 Marion Ave. Inst. furnace 1406 800.00 B. McHugh 710-712 A Street Remodel house 14.07 3000.00 Evans Estate 915 3rd Ave Remodel store 1408 300.00 William H.Webber 237 Garden Frect garage 1409 225.00 R. Allen 2218 6th Place Inst. furnace 1410 225.00 Calvin Davis 835 E Street Inst. It 14.12 100.00 Carl D. Cook 415 Cedar St. Lay cone. floor 1413 100.00 Gene Bonomi Rt. 1, Box 772 Move building 1414 300.00 W.L. Mobley 612 G Street Reside house, inst. oil heater. 1415 100.00 Joyce Grosso 5025 Smithers Enclose porch 1416 300.00 Henry Favro 405 Renton St.. Reshingle house 1417 300.00 E.R. Craver 2221 7th Ave No. Inst. furnace 1418 100.00 J.H. Conkle 2220 9th Place Erect wood fence 1419 300.00 Wilbur White 2245 6th Ave No. Inst, furnace 1420 100.00 Cora McCready 533 Park St. Inst. 220 circuit 1421 100.00 W. Wytcherly 6256 D Street Airing 1422 400.00 L.N. Benshoof 1922 7th .Ave No. Remodeling 1/,,22A 4500.00 Mrs. Robens Rowe 1200 3rd Ave No. Remodel house 1423 200.00 Howard Henry 2428 6th No. Inst. furnace 11424 100.00 Mrs. Reynolds 419 N. Williams St. Install trays 1425 700.00 E.R, Holms 2234 9th Place Remodel & raise house 1426 450.00 Thomas Nicholson 920 D Street Erect garage A corriunication was read from the Department of Highways to Mr. Paul W. Houser, Jr., regarding the intersection of U.S. Alternate Highway #10 and Primary State Highway #5 at the Maple Valley Wye, statinjT that the State Highway Department had been watching this area for some time and realize that it is one of congestion but skated that the traffic pattern at this location was not bad in comparison with other intersections under consideration, and these other inter— sections must be given priority. Moved by Reid, seconded by Ta.mborini, that the City Clerk send a communication to the State Highway Department stating that the City Council is not satisfied with the action taken by them and that the reason-the traffic pattern was not bad at this intersection was because of the time and money spent by the Police Department controlling and directing traffic at said intersection. Carried. A communication was read from the Housing Authority of the City of Renton stating that as there is such a wide divergence of opinion between the Renton Housing Authority's understanding of the disposition policies of the Government acting through the Public Housing Administration and the understanding of Mr. Barei's attorney and those who speak for him, that it was requested that the City Council write the Public Housing Administration, % Mr. M.C.Redman, Director, Seattle Field Office, 506 Second Avenue, Seattle 4, Washington, for V' clarification. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that this matter be re— ferred to the Ways and Means CorvriLttee for action. Carried. The Assessment Roll on L.I.D. #231, (Asphaltic paving of Third Place) in the amount of s0,092.76 was presented to the Council for approval. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that a date be set for public hearing on the Assessment Rol-1 for L.I.D., #231 and the City Attorney draft a resolution on same and present it to the Council for consideration. Carried. A communication was read from the Rainier Beach Plumbing Company by Arthur J. Action, owner, stating that the amount due for materials and labor on the construction of L.I.D., #223 (sewer laterals on Renton Scenic Hill) was $6,202.93. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that this statement be refQrred to the City H�ngineer and Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the Association of Washinton Cities in- 0 forming the Council that the Statewide City Employees Pension and Retirement System is in the market for municipal bonds. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that this communication be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for study and report back. Carried. A communication was read from the Department of Highways stating that the Department had established a policy on September 30, 1949, prohibiting the suspension of signs, banners or decorations above State Highways, either outside or inside in- corporated cities or towns up to a vertical height of twenty feet above the surface on the roadway or street. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that a copy of this .letter be published in the legal paper of the City of Renton explaining the stand of the State Highway Department. Carried. A communication was read from the Frank R. Vaise Post No. 1263 Veterans of Foreign Wars, Renton, Washington, requesting that they be granted permission to hold their annual "Night in Paris" Benefit Dance and Frolic on November 12, 1949 at the American Legion Hall in Renton and requesting that as a portion of the proceeds are for aiding needy veterans that the usual license fee be waivered. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the Council grant the request of the Veterans of tPoreign Wars. Carried. A communication was read from the Business and Professional Woments Club of Renton stating that they wish to go on record as approving the.establishment of 4-H headquarters in Mothers Park. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that this communication be re- ferred to the Real Property Co;mittee. Carried. A communisation was read from Mayor Joe R. Baxter appointing Mr. Lon Tackett as Chairman of the Park Board until June 5, 19ce and appointing Rev. Godfrey Hartzell to fill the unexpired term of the Rev. Cecil Wakelam, who resigned because of illness, and stating that Mr. Hugo Toschi will continue to act with the two above appointees until June 5, 1950. Moved. by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Mayor. Carried. The following communication was read from the City of Renton Planning Commission: "At the last meeting of the Renton Planning Commission, the following motion was passed: "That we recommend to the City Council that part of the City property in Mothers Park which was previously zoned for industrial, be rezoned residential, except for about 4-1/2 acres at the west side which is to be rezoned for industrial or such other purpose as the City might deem necessary, and also recommend that all other pro-)erty owned by private individuals in this area bounded by 6th Avenue North and 8th Avenue North and Northern Pacific tracks and Park Avenue, which is now zoned industrial, be rezoned to residential, with the exception of 293 feet west of the Northern Pacific tracks of that area, which is platted as owned by Mr. Gerin, remain industrial to correspond with the 4-1/2 acres on the western portion of Mothers Park, which is recommended to be left industrial. The Commission further instructed the Secretary to call the attention of the City Council to the fact that it is necessary to have an application for rezoning presented by one of the owners 372 concerned and owners of property adjgcent, within a 200 foot radius, and further, that it probably would necessitate a public hearing if such application was not obtainable from one of the property owners with the specified 51% approval". "If there are further questions concerning this matter, we recommend that you contact City Attorney Haugan, who was in attendance at our meeting and could give details of the points listed which we discussed, and we also would be glad to furnish any additional information which we might be able to get for you". Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that a copy of this letter be referred to the Park Board. A roll call vote being taken the result was as follows: Richardson, aye; Swift, aye; Bruce, aye; Freyman, No; Hansen, aye; Hagen, aye: Trimm, aye; Reid, aye: Gigli, aye; Davidson, aye; Tamborini, No. Motion Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that the property owners designated in the above letter be notified as to the findings of the Planning Commission by the City Clerk. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the above motion be amended to read that the Planning Commission.ts recommendation be published in both Renton papers. Carried. ' The City Attorney was asked if the Council should vote on the original motion and he stated that as the amended motion carried the original motion was automatically killed. After considerable discussion on the above matter, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that; the property owners referred to in the Planning Commission's letter be notified by mail of the findings of the Planning Commission. A roll call vote being taken on the motion, the result was as follows: Richardson, No; Swift, No; Bruce, Aye; Freyman, Aye; Hansen, No; Hagen, No; Trimm, No; Reid, No; Gigli, No; Davidson, No; Tamborini, Aye. Motion lost. A communication was read from the Fire Department recommending that parking be prohibited on one side of Cedar :3treet from 3rd Avenue to 7th Avenue. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. The Fire Chief requested permission to install a hydrant on 82nd Ave., and Langston Road. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that this matter be referred to the Fire Light and Water Committee, City Engineer and Fire Chief for investigation and report back. Carried. The Ordinance Committee requested a short recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: RICHARD,SON) SWIFT, BXJCE, FREY-MAN, HANSEN, HAGEN, TRI1,1M, REID, GI-,LI, DAVIDSON AND TAMBO RINI. Proposed Ordinance No. 1358 was presented establishing one ward for the City, dividing the same into 25 precincts and repealing conflicting ordinances. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that Proposed Ordinance No. 1358 be referred to the Ordinance Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. Proposed Ordinance No. 1359 was presented requiring licensing of "Shuffleboards", fixing license fees, defining offenses and providing a penalty for the violation thereof. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Bruce, that Proposed Ordinance No. 1359 be referred to the Ordinance Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. Proposed Ordinance #1360 was presented granting a franchise to the Lake Shore Lines for the operation of the Renton Transit System. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Trimm, that P.ronosed Ordinance No. 1360 be referred to the Ordinance Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. 373 The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1358. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommen— dation of the Ordinance Committee and it be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it eras moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that Ordinance No. 1358 be adopted as read. A roll ca.11. vote being taken Ordinance No. 1358 was unanimously adopted. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1359. I Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommen— dation of the Ordinance Committee and it be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Gigli, seconded by Reid, that Ordinance No. 1359 be adopted as reach.. A roll call vote being taken, Ordinance No. 1359 was unanimously adopted. The Ordinance Committee stated that Ordinance No. 1360 has to be held in Committee for 30 days but it must be published in the City of Renton's legal paper as a proposed ordinance once during the 30 days and the Ordinance could not be passed until the end of the 30 days. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the Council accept the recommen— dation of the Ordinance Committee. Carried. The Ways and Means Committee recommended that the City Clerk send a letter to Mr. M.C.Redman, Director, Seattle Field Office, Public Housing Administration, 506 Second Avenue, Seattle., requesting a clarification of their disposition policies as suggested by the officials of the Housing Authority. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the re— commendation of the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. Councilman Tamborini, reported on the matter of painting the Williams Street .�, bridge, Ltating that he did not believe it would be a good plan to spend about $215.00 on painting the bridge at this time of year but recommended that it be held over until January 1, 1950 whex: more money will be available. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hagen, that the Council accept the recomrlendation of Councilman Tamborini. Carried. The Police and License Committee was granted more time on the request of Berniece Jones for permission to install a pinball game at the Sugar Bowl at 2nd Avenue and Logan ,Street. The Street and Alley Committee concurred in the Traffic Department's re— commendations, referred to them for investigation, with the exception of items 1 and 6. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that the Council accept the recommen— dation oa" the Street and Alley Committee and that someone be instructed to do the necessary work. Carried. The Street and Alley Committee stated that they had checked with the State Highway Department on the matter of a signal light at Dunlap Canyon Highway near the rarlington Post Office and the State Highway Department is not in favor of red crossing lights but will allow pedestrian crossing lights and the Committee re— conmended that a pedestrian crossing light be installed at said location and warning signs be posted 200 feet on either side of the signal light, warning the approaching motorists of 'the light and crossing. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recomrlendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Bruce, that the recommendations of the Traffic Division of the Renton Police Department be referred to the Ordinance Committee to see if any ordinances are necessary. Carried. The Street and Alley Committee recommended that the City Engineer make a study and bring back an estimate of the cost of repairina, the streets and sidewalks needing repairs by mudjack machine. 374 r Moved-by Tamborini, seconded! by Freyman, that the Council concur in the <~ ' recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee, Carried. More time was granted the Fire, Light and dater Committee on the matter of forbidding the use of automatic nozzles for filling gas tanks. The Hire Light and Water Conmittee reported that more lights be installed on 3rd Place from P.S. Highway #5 to Shattuck Street and on Shattuck Street from 3rd Place to 4th Place. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the Fire Light and Water Committee and City Engineer estimate the cost of installing these lights and report back on same. Carried. The Property Committee stated that they would like to meet with the 4—H P y Club of King County regarding their locating club headgiigrters in Renton but so far they have not been able to arrange for a meeting. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the Property Committee, City Clerk and City Attorney get in co:ztact with the 4—H Club and arrAnge a meeting and report back to the Council. Carried. The Property Committee stated that they would be unable to report on the swimming pool until December 1st at which time they would receive a report from the Renton School Board. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the City Attorney investigate the matter of tree branches and brush hanging over the sidewalks to see if there was any legal way that the City could require the same to be cut down by the owners of the adjoining property. Carried. A discussion was held on whether or not the City would cut down trees in front of houses that the owners wished cut down. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committeep City Engineer and City Attorney. Carried. A short recess was called. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: RICHARDSON, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN, HAGEN, .ter TRIMM, REID, GIZI, DAVIDSON AND TAMBORINI. Proposed Resolution No. 74.8 was presented: Resolution Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of a Contract with Puget Sound Power and Light Company for furnishing Municipal Water Pumping Power for five years to the City of enton. Moved by Gi.-li, seconded by Bruce, that Resolution #748 be adopted as read and the Mayor and Clerk be �instructed to sign said contract. Carried. Proposed Resolution #749 was presented: Fixing the date of hearing on L.I.D. No. 231 (paving of Third Place) :for November 15, 1949 at 8:00 P.M. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that Resolution No. 749 be adopted as read. Carried. It was reported that some of the owners of the permanent homes in the Renton Highlands did not like the fact that garbage collection was to be made in front of their houses instead of in back. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Sanitation Committee and City Engineer. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that some action should be taken on the matter of weather stripping the front and rear door of the Treasurerts Office. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid., tlat this matter be referred to the City Engineer and Real Property Committee to make an investigation, estimate the cost and feasibility of same and report back. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that the Auditing and Accounting Committee should make up record sheets and files for use in the store and supply room. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Auditing and Accounting Committee check on this matter and come in with a recommendation on the type of forms that will be needed for the storeroom. Carried. 375 The Mayor requested the Chief of Police and the Real Property Committee to have the furnace room in the City Hall cleaned up and painted and stated that the old fuel room could be used as a storage space for the Clerk's and Treasurer's old records. A discussion was held on the matter of some of the employees using their own cars for transportation on City work without-being reimbursed for the use of same. Moved by Reid, seconded by Bruce, that this matter be referred to the Personal Property Committee to make a check and report back. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that he wished to go"on record as being opposed to the payment of expense money to the former Building Inspector for his trip to Butte; Montana to the International Association of Electrical Inspectors Convention, stating that when the inspector left on this trip that he and the Department Head, who he X formerly worked under, both knew that he was no longer an employee of the City of Renton and not being an employee was not entitled to expenses for attending the convention. The Mayor further stated that he censured the Department Head for approving the claim of the former Building Inspector for expenses on above—mentioned trip and considered that the Department Head should have known that the expenses were not in order and should have contacted the Mayor-and Council before approving same for payment. Moved by Richardson2 seconded by Trimm, that the Mayor be instructed to sign a warrant in favor of the former Building Inspector for payment of his round trip transportation costs and registration fees for attending the Convention of the International Association of Electrical Inspectors at Butte, Montana. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: Richardson, aye; Swift, aye; Delaurenti, aye; Bruce, No; Freyman, aye; Hansen, aye; Hagen, aye; Trimm, aye; Reid, aye; Gigli, aye; Davidson, aye; and Tamborini, aye. Motion Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hagen, that the Mayor's statement censuring the Department Head for approving the claim of the former Building Inspector for expenses as above referred to be stricken from the minutes. A roll. call vote was taken with the following results: Richardson, aye; .. Swift, aye; Swift, aye; Delaurenti, No; Bruce, No; Freyman, No; Hansen, aye; Hagen, aye; Trimm, aye; Reid, aye; Gigli, aye; Davidson, aye; Tamborini, aye. Motion Carried. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Hansen, that the entire council meet as a committee next Tuesday night for the purpose of discussing the problom of repairing the Houser Way Bridge and the possibility of extending 4th Avenue North, West to Logan Street North. Carried. The Street and Alley Committee recommended that the street area in front of the Knights of Pythias Temple be made a fire zone and parking be prohibited. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the re— commendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. The Street and Alley Committee recommended that the short curbs from the Lighthouse Cafe to Fainier Avenue on each side of 3rd Avenue be painted yellow to prohibit parking. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the Street & Alley Committee's recommendation. Carried. The Street and Alley Committee recommended that the Engineering Department dig a drainage ditch on the Airport to prevent the accumulation of excessive surface water. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that the Planning Commission would like to have the Council meet with them on Wednesday evening, October 26, 1949 at the Council Chambers to discuss the matter of the power and light situation as it affects the City of Rentor.. Moved by Reid, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council meet with the Planning Commission and the Planning Commission be informed of this. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that all bills arproved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. 376 �B wx "e ll The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: CURRF2JT Amer. Blue Print Co. Engineer Expense 18.98 5766 Automatic Deodorant Co. C.H. Expense 2.00 7 John C. Becklund Dog Pound Expense 4.0.00 8 C.Bevan C.H. Expense 74.98 9 Charles Bruning Co., Inc. Engineer expense 14..50 70 Burrow's Richfield Service F.D. Expense 27.31 1 H.L. Collier, City Treas. P.D. Expense 3.89 2 L.N. Curtis & Sons F.D. Expense 36.68 3 Custer Hardware Company Expense 31.32 4 James E. Denzer Engineer Expense 77.47. 5 Fire Arpliance Co. F.D. Expense 6.70 6 M.D. Gates & Co. P.D. Expense 10.00 7 General Parts Co. F.D. " 3.52 8 Gordy's Camera & Sport Shop P.D. " 18.33 9 Harper-Meggee, Inc. P.D. " 14.14 80 Arthur L. Haugan Attorney Expense 8.65 1 Paul J. Henry P.D. Expense 1 .83 2 King County Health Dept, Health Inspection 175.00 3 Kuker-Ranken, Inc. Engr. Ex-cense 11.67 4 Lowman & Hanford Co. City Clerk Expense 5.15 5 Motorola, Inc. F„D.Outlay 435.00 6 Joseph O'Neill P.D. Expense 12.60 7 Owl Cafe Jail Meals 180.50 8 Pacific Car & Foundry Co. C„H, Expense 3.66 9 Pacific Coast Stamp Works P.D. Expense 9.32 90 Paramount Pest Control Ser. F.O. ,i,tpense 10.00 1 Paulson Office Supply Stationery 2.37 2 Potlatch Yards, Inc. C,.H. Expense 23.89 3 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 1083.84 4 William Ralph Expense, P.D. 12.60 5 Renton Feed & Seed Co. F.D. Expense 3.07 6 Renton Ten Cent Drug Dog Pound Lxcpense 2.88 7 Dick Rose F.D. Expense 16.63 8 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co.. Phones 189.31 9 Ser. Laundry & Cleaners F.D.P.D. Expense 35.09 5800, Trad.ewell Stores P.D. Expense 4..09 1 Treasurer, U.S.A.. Garbage Expense 41.67 2 United Janitor Supply Co. C.H. Earn ense 25.49 3 Valley Window Cleaners C.H. Expense 7.50 4 Vernon Scott Co. C.H. " 3.04 5 Waters Expense 51.05 6 Western Auto Supply Co. P.D. Expense 3.03 7 King County Medical November dues 369.50 8 Payroll Engineers 965.64 9-15 Payroll Office 1016.64 16-27 Payroll F.D. 2298.38 28-47 Payroll F.D. 3013.72 4.8-71 Payroll 11'hyor & Council 456.15 72-84 Chapman Bros. St. Lights 113.14 85 Renton Second Hand Store F.DoOutlay 51.50 86 Treasurer, U.S.A. Garbage Expense 18.28 87 Warshals P.D. Expense 23.11. 88 VOID VOID -- 89 Western Union Telegraph P.D. Expense 7.63 - 90 Williams & Swanson Garbage Expense 22.41- 1 Cross Radio & Sound Service C.H. Outlay 336.55 2- Sunset Sunset Coal Company C.H. Expense 87.00 3 Payroll Garbage 766.78 !�-5°^2 Payroll St. Cleaning 445.67 3-7 WATER a Addressograph Sales Agy. Treas. Outlay 38.23 7518 Bow Lake Equipment Expense 31.69 19 Cascade Machinery Co. if, 79.57 20 Cochran Builders Supply it 1.98 21 H.D.Fowler Co., Inc. it 76.85 22 Herman's Mobile Plumbing if 1.73 23 The Lumber Market it 65.51 24 Mathewson's Renton Tire Shop If 1.55 25 Northwest Filter Co. " 7.31 26 377 WATER CONT'D Paulson Office Supply Expense _ v 11.13 7527 J.C. Penny Co.) In.c it, 16.27 28 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 924.71 29 Remington Rand., Inc. Treas. Exp. 22.15 30 Seattle Water Dept. Aug. Water 111 .16 31 11 it h Sept. " 76.00 32 Sound Concrete Products Co. Expense 163.2.6 33 King County Medical Nov. dues 30.25 34 Payroll Office 348.79 35-40 Chapman Bros. Expense 14.84 _ 41 Matt's Motor Shop K 3.75 42 ,r Williams & Swanson it 4.62 43 Payroll Water 1964.67 44,-59 CITY STRF,TS Best Universal Lock Co. Expense 14.46 5037 Cliff Brown's Exnense 18.13 38 Bruce Welding Expense 10.30 39 City Transfer Co. Expense 67.05 40 Custer Hardware Co. Expense 67.98 41 Mathewson's Renton Tire Shop Expense 6.44 42 Matson Brothers, Inc. Expense 67.74 43 Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. Expense 3.73 44 Radium Hand Soap Co. " 6.1.8 i4-5 Renton Radiator Service " 10.50 46 Westinghouse Electric Supply Outlay 408.49 47 King County Medical November dues 51.25 48 Payroll Office 169.77 49-52 Williams & Swanson Expense 16.47 53 Sound Paint Mfg. Co. °' 122.12 54 Payroll Water 1430.32 55-69 SEWER DISPOSAL Custer Hardware Company Expense 3.33 1618 Hank's Welding Expense 6.18 19 Hooker Electrochemical Co, if 210.00 20 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 231.16 21 King County Medical November dues 32.50 22 Payroll Sewer Disposal 657.39 23-31 LIBRA P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 13.Z.4 1899 King County Medical Nov, dues 4.00 1900 Payroll Library 814.09 01-07 Random House, InQ. Books 5.92 08 The Shorey Book Store Books 12.94 09 AIRPORT Amer. Flag & Decorating Go. Expense 50.00 728 C.Bevan " 83.75 9 Coast Wide Supply Co. " 35.07 30 Cross Radio & Sound Service '+ 20.00 31 P.S.P. & Light Company Power 188.4`8 32 Renton Heating & Air Conditioning Expense 1.2.87 33 Seattle :Dater Department Water 34.40 34 Seattle Silk Screen, Inc. F'xpense 46.02 35 Stoneway Dock Company Expense 64.38 36 Universal Sign Company Expense 9.78 37 King County Medical November dues 4.00 38 Payroll Airport 362. 68 39-41 C.S. Williams Expense 25.00 42 ATHLETIC P.S.P. & Light Company Power 22.88 445 King County Medical November dues 5.50 4.6 Payroll Athletic 153.80 47-48 PARK P.S.P.& Light Co. Power 7.23 1227 King County Medical November dues 15.75 28 Payroll Park 479.01 29-33 Renton Feed & Seed Co. Expense .98 34 Williams & Swanson Expense 2.32 35 L.I.D. NO, 223 Rainier Beach Plumbing Co. 2nd payment on Sanitary sewer 6000.00 2 e-978 � J 4r .r AIRPORT SEAPLANE RAMP FUND Stoneway Dock Company Expense $ 27.81 1.2 Gilbert Piledriving Company Final payment on Seaplane Ramp. 4586.57 13 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 12:00. Cit Clerk Mayor 1 i 379 Renton, Washington October 25, 1949 The Mayor and the City Council met as a committee of the whole for the purpose of discussing repairs and improvements to the Houser ;day Bridge, the Williams Street bridge and the proposed extension of 4th 'Avenue north to Logan Street, with a grade crossing over the Northern Pacific Railway. Those present were as follows: Mayor Joe R. Baxter, Councilmen Tamborini, Gigli, Reid, Trimm, Hagen, Hansen, Freyman, Davidson, Delaurenti and Swift. Councilman Swift presented some figures which had been given to him by the City Engineer in regard to repairing Houser :day Bridge. Said figures being from $4,200.00 up to $40,000, depending on the extent and type of repair and re— novation which might be decided to be best. After a thorough discussion it seemed to be the consensus of opinion of those present that at the present time it'would not be wise to spend too large a sum on said bridge. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gigli, that the City Engineer be instructed to repair said bridge so as to have tile same in the approximate condition as when first constructed in this location and the expenditure on same not to exceed $4,200.00. Carried. After a discussion regarding the Williams Street bridge, moved by Hagen, seconded by Swift, that the City Engineer report to the Council estimated cost of repairing same, including the sidewalks across said bridge and that the report to include an explanation of the condition that the bridge would be in after being repaired, i.e., the length of time that said bridge could be used, safety factors and the load limit which would be considered safe for the bridge. Carried, After a thorough discussion regarding the extension of 4th Avenue north over the Northern Pacific Railway via a grade crossing to connect with Logan Street on the west side of the Northern Pacific Railway, the question of widening and resurfacing 4th Avenue north from Park Street westward was discussed. Also the question as to whether the people living adjacent to 4th Avenue north would approve of the increased traffic which might be expected should the said street be extended to Logan Street. After a thorough discussion on all questions involved, a motion was made by Reid, seconded by Freyman, that the City Engineer and Finance Committee work together in trying to find a way to make this improvement and finance same and report back to the Council as quickly as possible. Carried. The question of the Council as a committee of the whole attending the Planning Commission meeting in the Council Chambers ;dednesday, October 26, 1949 at 8 o'clock P.M., was discussed. Councilmen Trimm and Hagen stated that they could not be present. Councilman Tamborini reported that the City Treasurer and City Clerk had expressed their willingness to attend the Association of Valley Cities meeting October 26, 1949 and would try to arrange for other representatives from other Departments to attend with them so that the City of Renton would be represented at said meeting. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the Council committee meeting be adjourned. Carried. City C rk �\J Mayor. 380 Renton, Washington November 11 1949 The regular meetin of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8 o'clock P.M. ROLL CALL: RICHARDSON, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FRFYMAN, DAVIDSON, ILINS N, HAGEN, TRIMNi, PEID, GIGLI, AND TAMBORINI. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the October 18, 1949 meeting be approved as corrected. Carried. mid BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDMS TYPE OF WORK 1411 100.00 Jerry Abbott 2115 8th Place Erect porch 27 225.00 A.C.Storey 829 E. Street Inst. furnace 28 285.00 David Knowle 930 E. Street Inst. furnace 29 225.00 A.C. Jordan 2307 6th No. Inst. furnace 30 250.00 Vito Poli 734 High St. Inst. furnace 31 11.4.00 Geo. Berndt 520 N.Wells Inst. Oil heater 32 100.00 Thomas A. Kerr 221 Park St. Remodel room 33 100.00 H.B. Bodie 915 D Street Enclose porch 34 75.00 Charles Boehme 663 D. n Inst. furnace 35 100.00 Vito Poli 734 High St Wiring 36 100.00 Frank Baffero 735 High St. Inst. range 37 100.00 P.T. Brinkel 914 D Street Picket fence 38 300.00 Kay Breda 319 Renton Ave Reshingle roof 39 200.00 Tom Dobson 913 lst Ave. No. Inst. cone. floor 40 2000.00 Cecil Wakelam 8606 Langston Road Add. to house 41 100.00 Vernal Church 807 C Street Inst. barrels 42 100.00 Stanley Gelling 436 No. Wells St. Inst. oil stove 43 100.00 Ilene Smith 400 Whitworth Wiring G4 100.00 Dr. Carney 536 Smithers St. Inst. plumbing 45 500.00 Mike J. Girias 1915 7th North Erect garage 46 1250.00 Ira J. Porter 2741 6th North Inst.- heater & Fur. & cellar 47 250.00 P.A. Roberts 322•— Pelly Inst. plumbing 48 400.00 Renton Hdwe. Renton Remodel house 49 300.00 John Cook 7702 6th Place Erect garage 50 100.00 James Nielsen 809 B Street Lower sewer 51 100.00 Frank Rhodes 3rd & Burnett Erect ceiling 52 150.00 M.J.McLendon 11403 S.E. 116th Erect shed 53 100.00 Meth. Parsonage 1210 2nd Ave. No. Rewire 54 300.00 Fred Hermann 6120 G. Street Inst. furnace 55 200.00 Alex. Ma.lesis 3rd & Rainier Ext. kitchen A communication was read from the Housing Authority of the City of Renton requesting the City Council to meet with them on Thursday, November 3, 1949 at 8 o'clock P.M., in the Cedar River Park Administration Building for the purpose of presenting the Housing Authority' s plan to the Council for a low—rent housing project in Renton. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council meet with the Housing Authority on Thursday, November 3, 1949 at 7 o'clock P.M. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. Redman of the Public Housing Adminis— tration outlining the disposition policies for government housing projects. The ,Jays and Means Committee recommended that this letter be read in its entirety and a copy should be made for each Councilman and sent to them before the r meeting Thursday night with the Mousing Authority of Renton. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Fre man, that this communication be filed for reference and a cony sent to each member of the Council. Carried. A communication was read from Dr. C.W. Wilson calling attention to the building incinerator on and use of 136th Street, between Rainier Avenue and Langston Road by the Used Car people. Dr. Wilson further stated that this business has practically closed the street and he would appreciate Council action in getting the street eleared and left open. 381 A communication was read from Mayor Baxter appointing Louie Gebenini to fill the unexpired term of Arnold Lanich, deceased, as a member of Housing Authority Commission of the City of Fenton. Said term to expiring January 2, 1951. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council confirm the appointment of the Mayor. Carried. A report was received from the City of Renton planning Commission stating that they had acted favorably on the two rezoning petitions submitted to them by the City of Renton. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the re— commendation of the Planning Commission and that this matter be referred to the City Engineer for confirmation as to the validity of same. Carried. A communication was read from Mayor Baxter reappointing Alden See to the City Planning Commission from January 2, 1949 to January 2, 1955; also MRx Clarke from January 2, 1949 to January 2, 1955; appointing Frank Aliment to fill the unexpired term of Arnold J. Lanich, deceased, said term being from the present time to January 2, 1951; and appointing Mike Lotto to fill the unexpired term of Alex Pelto, resigned, said term ending January 2, 1952. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the appointments of the Mayor. Carried. A communication was read from the Lake Shore Lines, Inc., requesting the City to install bus stops at Shattuck Street on 3 rd Avenue, both for incoming and outgoing buses, and .further stating that this should be on the west side of Shattuck Street in each case. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Street and. Alley Committee. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Police Department requesting that t::^e following improvements in traffic control be given immediate consideration: 1. That a bus stop be installed on the North side of Third kvenue beginning r... at the west side of Shattuck and extending west- on Third Avenue. This is to accommodate the outbound busses. 2, That a similar bus stop be installed on the opposite- side of Third Avenue to accommodate the inbound busses. .Also that the curbs be painted and proper signs installed. 3. That a" "School Bus Only" parking zone be designated on Garden Street, ' beginning at the south crosswalk at 4th Avenue North and Garden Street to the South boundary of the playground fence. That the curb be painted and proper signs installed. 4. That no other parking be permitted on the west side of Garden Street between Third Avenue North and 4th Avenue North between the hours of 8:00 A.M., and 5:00 P.M., on schooldays. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that this communication be re— ferred to the Street and Alley Committee and Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. A communication lxas read from the Renton Police Department requesting that steps be taken to prepare an ordinance which would require registration of all guests at hotels, auto courts, etc:., and-requesting that the make, year, and auto license number of vehicles owned by persons using Auto Courts be kept. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Freyman, that this communication be referred to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation and action on same. The Assessment Roll for L.I.D., y227 (having o.[= Morris Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenue) in the amount of `"$8,676.00 was presented by the City Engineer. Moved by -Uichardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that December 6, 1949 be set as the date for hearing on said assessment roll. Carried. 3 o. P Moved by Ta.mborini, seconded by Freyma.n, that this communication be w.r referred to the Street and Alley Committee for investigation and meeting with Dr. Wilson. Carried. A communication i-ras read from the Renton Junior Chamber of Commerce requesting permission to decorate the City for Christmas and stating the area to be decorated is from Main Street to Burnett Street and between Walla Walla Avenue and Second Avenue. Moved by Reid, seconded by Trimm, that this request be granted providing it is within the State law covering overhead decorations, and that the City Clerk notify the Junior Chamber of Commerce which streets are State Highways. Carried. A communication was read from the State of Washington Department of rr Health stating that they had just received the analytical results of the sample of dust collected submitted by the City of Renton and that the dust was more of a nuisance dust than a toxic dust but stating that to be absolutely certain whether a hazard exists it would be best to have an actual dust count made. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by rreyman, that a copy of this letter be put in the local papers. A roll „all vote being taken the result was as follows: Richardson, No; Tamborini, No; Gigli, No; Reid, No; Trimm, No; Hagen, No; Hansen, No; Freyman, Aye; Davidson, Aye; Brace, No; Delaurenti, Aye; Swift, Aye. Motion lost. A copy of a letter to the Renton Hill Water Association from Brightman, Roberts and Holm was read stating that Mr. Ralph Herman of Herman' s Mobile Plumbing, Inc., had consulted them regarding an unpaid balance of $99.30 which is owed to him by the Renton Hill Water Association. Mayor Baxter stated that he will meet with the Renton Hill Water Association and Mr. Herman and requested that action on this question be delayed until after said meeting. Communication ordered filed. A tax statement was received from the County Treasurer in the amount of $1,489.58 for an assessment for Commercial Waterway #2 for the Airport for the year 1949. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that this matter be referred to the City Engineer, City Treasurer, City Clerk, City Attorney, Mayor and Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. A statement was received. from the Renton Plumbing and Heating Company in the amount of '2,850.00, covering the purchase and installation of a heating system in the City Hall of the City of Renton. Moved by Delaurenti, seccnded by Bruce, that this statement be referred to the Finance Committee and City Engineer with power to act. Carried. A statement was received. from the Northwest Precote Company in the amount of X3,092.76 for paving of 3rd Place (L.I.D., #231) . As this statement was already approved by the City Engineer, it was requested that the Ordinance Committee prepare a resolution on same transferring the money from Current Expense Fund to L.I.D., #231 in said amount. The Ordinance Committee presented the following resolutions: RESOLUTION NO. 751: Appropriating from Cumulative Fund #1183, the sum of $2,850.00 and authorizing the City Treasurer to pay said sum to the Renton Plumbing and Heating Company for the purchase and installation of a new U.S. boiler, Ray Oil Burner and 40 barrel fuel oil tank as per contract, said installa— tion being in the City Hall of Renton, and being in full payment for all obligations of the City of Renton under said contract. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that Resolution No. 751 be adopted as read. Carried. FESOLUTION NO. 752: Transferring the sum of " 3,092.76 from Current Expense Fund to L.I.U., No. 231 as a loan to the latter fund. Such loan to be re— payable with interest at the rate of six (6) per cent from said L.I.D. #231 Fund from collections and assessments levied for same. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that Resolution No. 752 be adopted as read. Carried. 383 Noved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that December 6, 1949, be set as the date for hearing on said assessrent roll. Carried. At the request of the^Ordinance Committee, the Council was granted a short recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: RICHA RDSON, SWIFT, DELAU.RENTI, BRUCE, DAVIDSON) FREYIVIAN, HANSEN, HAGFN, TRIM14, REID, GIGLI AND TAMLOF.INI. RESOLUTION NO. 753, was presented by the Ordinance Committee setting December 6, 1949 as the date for hearing on the assessment roll for Local Improvement District No. 227 for the improvement of Morris Street from Second Avenue to Third Avenue in accordance with Ordinance No. 1344. Moved by Freyman, seconded by 'Tamborini., that the Council adopt Resolution No. 753 as read. Carried. The City Attorney stated that the City has an ordinance covering the matter of tree branches hanging over 'the sidewalks. He stated that Ordinance No. 830 provides that the City may suggest to the property owners that a tree or shrub needs cutting down and give them five days notice to do so. If the City removes the tree or shrub the property owner could be charged under said ordinance. The City Attorney stated that in the last State Legislature a law was passed compelling the property owners to pay the cost of the City cutting down overhanging bushes, trees, etc., and he further stated that possibly the Association of Washington Cities will prepare a standard form Ordinance in conjunction with the enforcement of said law. The City Attorney stated that the old ordinance is still in effect. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the City Clerk write a letter to the people on Williams Street between 4th avenue and 5th Avenue explaining to them the recommendation of the City Attorney and also write a letter to the residents of 238 Park Street. Carried. The City Engineer stated that the pedestrian crossing lights would be installed near the Earlington Post Office on the Dunlap Canyon Highway as soon as someone could be hired to install them. The City Engineer reported that he had checked with the State Highway Department on the matter of renting the mudjack machine and they reported that it would be about 10 to 12 days before same would be operating. The Engineer further stated that he did not know if the City would be able to make use of the *mudjack machine for repairing streets needing said repairs and stated that perhans it would be a better idea to blacktop the places needing repair. He stated that he would report back after he had investigated further. The City Engineer and Real Property Committee recommended that the doors in the Treasurer's Office be made a 2—way door (one door for coming in, the other door for going out) and that the rear door be weatherstripped. The City Engineer stated that it was necessary to have an ordinance making the street area in front of the Knights of Pythias Temple a fire zone and also an ordinance was needed to prohibit parking along the short curbs from the Light— house Cafe West to Rainier Avenue on each side of 3rd Avenue. Moved by Reid, seconded by Trimm, that these two items be referred to the Ordinance Committee for action. Cprried. The Airport Manager reported on the drainage ditch at the Airport and stated that the ditch has now become overgrown with alder and swamp grass slowing the flow of water in the ditch. He stated that the only complaint about this ditch would be from a sanitation angle. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that this matter be referred to the Sanitation Committee for a report back to the Council at the next Council meeting. Carried. The -days and Means Committee stated that they had studied the Association of Washington Cities communication regarding the Statewide City Employees Pension and Retirement System being in the market for municipal bonds and recommended that this communication be placed on file so that at any time the City of Renton planned to sell any type of bonds the proper committee could refer to this communication. o84 Moved by Freyman, seconded by Gigli, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of the 'days and Means Committee. Carried. The Real Property Committee was granted more time on the matter of meeting with the King County 4-H Club regarding the matter of their locating in Renton. The Ordinance Committee reported on the recommendation of the Fire Depart- ment that parking be prohibited on the East side of Cedar Street from 3rd Avenue to 7th Avenue, stating that Ordinance No. 1268 now in effect covers this 'and re- quested the City Engineer to install the "No Parking" signs as per Ordinance #1268 immediately. 1 The Ordinance Committee reported there were no ordinances in effect on the .nr following recommendations of the Traffic Division: 1. Establishing a school bus loadinm and unloading zone on the west side of Garden Street, beginning at Lith Avenue north and extending south for 200 ft. Curb to be painted yellow and proper signs installed. 2. That the area immediately north of and in the rear of the Eagles Hall at 316 3rd '!venue be designated an emergency fire exit. Signs to be posted per- mitting loading and unloading only. No other parking to be permitted either in said alley or in front of the entrance thereto. 3. That both sides of Logan Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues be' desig- nated as a one- hour parking area between 8:00 A.M., and 6:00 P.M., and that proper signs be installed for same. The Ordinance Committee stated that the Street and Alley Committee are still investigating this item. 4. That parking on both sides of Morris Street between.2nd and 3rd Avenues be permitted to remain as it is now. 5. That 11K't Street be designated as an arterial and that stop signs be installed on all intersecting cross streets. The Ordinance Committee stated that Ordinance No. 1133 covers the Traffic Division=s recommendation that the East side of Garden Street between 3rd Avenue north and 4th Avenue north be designated and propefly posted as a one- hour parking area but stated that the hours have been changed from 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P,M., to 7:00 A.M, to 5:30 P„M, The Ordinance Committee reported that the Traffic Division's recommen- dation that the south side of Bronson Way No. from the intersection of Garden Street to the intersection of Factory Street be designated as a no parking area and that proper signs be installed for same was covered partly by Ordinance No. 1187 but not completely. Moved by Swift, seconded by Gigli, that all of the above items re- quiring ordinances be referred to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney to prepare ordinances on same and report back to the Council. Carried. More time was granted -the Fire, Light and Water Committee on the investigation of the matter of installing a hydrant on 82nd Avenue and Langston Road, The Fire, Light and Water Committee was granted more time on the matter of forbidding the use of automatic nozzles for filling gas tanks. The Fire, Light and ?later Committee recommended that six lights are needed on the Hospital grounds and on 3rd Place and three lights in front of the clinic. The estimated cost for these lights would be approximately $5,000. It was suggested that whereas the hospital is a tax-supported institution per- hans they could pay for their share of said lights. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Fire, Light and Water Committee meet with the Hospital Board in regard to the installation and payment for lights on the hospital grounds. Carried. The Street and Alley Committee stated that they had no objection to the City cutting down trees at the request of property owners if the owners would pay the cost of same. Councilman Gigli stated that in case of accidents the City would need some type of liability, insurance to protect themselves. The Street and 38 Alley Committee stated the property owners should take that risk or proiride insurance covering same. The Street and Alley Committee further stated that the City Engineer had received requests for some trees to be cut down by the City. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee and the City Engineer notify the property owners of their recommendations. Carried. The Sanitation Committee reported that they had checked with the residents in the permanent homes in the Renton Highlands regarding garbage collection and the majority of them are in favor of the way the collection is being handled but some j objected to the fact that the garbage collectors were leaving garbage cans upside down. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the City Engineer notify the collectors to leave the garbage cans right side up. Carried. The Auditing and Accounting Committee requested that the matter of making up record sheets and files for use in the store and supply room be left in their hands and they will come back with a report as soon as possible. More time was granted the Personal Property Committee on the question of reimbursing the employees of the City who are using their own cars for transpor— tation on City work. Mayor Baxter stated that in the future it would be a good practice to have the citizens write their complaints down and hand them in to the City Clerk's office and then the Public Relations Committee can check them over and take whatever action it deems necessary. Moved by Reid, seconded by Gigli, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the ifayor. Carried. The Public Relations Committee suggested that a standard form be used for these complaints. Moved by Delaurenti seconded by Swift, that the Public Relation Committee draft a form to be used for writing out complaints. Carried. .— The Airport Manager requested permission to call for bids for the moving of a control tower from the Seattle—Tacoma. Airport to the Renton Airport when, and if, said control tower becomes available to the City of Renton. Moved by Swiftp seconded by Hansen, that the City Engineer be instructed to draw up the plans and specifi— cations for bids. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hagen., that the minutes of the Council Committee meeting on October 25, 1949, be incorporated in the minutes of the Council meeting November 1, 1949, Carried. Councilman Reid stated that more street lights are needed in the Highlands and that sometime ago he and Councilman Delaurenti had made a survey of the lights needed but nothing had been done about it. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson' that the City Clerk notify the Puget Sound Power and Light Company by letter as to where lights as recommended by the Fire Light and Water Committee are need in the Highlands and request them to have same installed. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that Mr. Petchnick and Mr. Kalis have reached an agreement in regard to laying the sewer line on their property on Renton Hill. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the City Engineer be instructed to have said line installed as per the agreement of Mr. Petchnick and Mr. Kalis. �. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Bruce, that a copy of Ordinance No. 830 be printed in the official paper of the City of Renton with a declaration by the Mayor that the City is going to enforce same. Ordinance #830, is in regard to cutting trees and shrubs, overhanging and extending over sidewalks. Carried. Councilman Bruce suggested that the City Council meet every Tuesday night and put a time limit on the meetings. re Moved by Swift, seconded. by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Legislation Committee for- investigation and report back. Carried. Councilman Reid requested a 30-day leave of absence. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Richardson, that the, Council concur in his request. Carried. The City Clerk was requested to check with the City insurance agent regarding the possibility of securing liability insurance each time the City is requested to cut down trees for property owners. Councilman Richardson stated there is to be a meeting of the Ordinance Committee Monday, November 7, 1949. at 7:30 P.M. The City Engineer stated that the Magnuson Apartments are almost com- pleted and recommended that a cell for bids be published next week for the improvement of Shattuck Street by the construction of curbs and sidewalks, and November 22, 1949 be set as the date for opening said bids. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendations of the City Engineer. Carried. The City Engineer stated that previously a call for bids had been published for installation of 6" water mains, appurtenances, etc., on Shattuck Street from 2nd Avenue to 3rd Avenue and on 2nd Avenue from Shattuck Street to Whitworth Street, as per proposed L.I.D. #229, and that no bids had been re- ceived for the installation of said improvement and further stated that since that time several interested people had requested that this proposed improve- ment be made as quickly as possible. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that this question be re- ferred to the Finance Committee and Fire, Light and Water Committee for their recommendations regarding same. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gigli, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: 2URF John C. Becklund Dog Pound Expense 32.00 5908 Renton Auto Freight P.D. &kpense 3.32 9 Renton Motor Parts Expense 32.03 10 Payroll Office 979.19 11-22 Payroll Engineers 802.23 23-29 Payroll F.D 2607.55 30-60 Payroll P.D. 2893.06 61-84 Statewide City Employees Retirement System Pension 3317.68 85 Payroll Garbage 763.20 86-93 Payroll St. Clean 304.23 94-98 WATER Wiley Crook Expense 1.18 7560 Herman's Mobile Plumbing Ebcpense 2.04 1 Renton Auto Freight Expense 2.50 2 Renton Motor Parts, Inc. Expense 17.48 3 Rockwell Mfg. Co. Expense 352.29 4 Van Waters & Rogers, Inc. " 121.20 5 Western Utilities Supply " 180.51 6 Payroll Office 333.29 7-72 Tax Commission Ebxcise Tax 445.57 73 Payroll Water1705.33 74-8'7 c��S Renton Motor Parts Fkpense 97.09 5070 Stoneway Dock Co. " 13.55 1 Payroll Office 169.77 2-75 Payroll City Streets 1380.59 76-89 SEWER DISPOSAL Stoneway Dock Co. GDutlay 343.00 1632 Payroll Sewer Disposal 629.44 33-41 387 AIRPORT' Payroll Airport 3 50.82 743-45 ATHLETIC Payroll Athletic 155.05 449-50 Lim Stone,,my Dock Co. Expense 5.80 1236 Payroll Park 464.215 37-41 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:15 P.M. ity Clerk Mayor Renton, Washington + November 15, 1949 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter, at 8 o'clock P.M. ROLL CALL: RICHARDSON, SWIFT, DELAUFENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN, TRIMM, GIGLI, DAVIDSON AND TAMBORINI. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the November 11 1949 meeting be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS �S SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT, - NO,- AMOU NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 1456 $ 100.00 Joe Boydston 516 Windsor Place Erect fence 57 200.00 Earl Conlow 12227 SE 141st Basement 58 275.00 Lester V. Turcott 924 D Street Inst. furnace 59 100.00 Robert Gelling 436 No. Wells Inst. garbage Disp. 60 225.00 R. C. Carter 2225 7th Ave North Inst. furnace 61 300.00 Mike Westerhouser 2422 6th Ave No. Erect garage 62 100.00 Mrs. D. Luckey 2610 6th Ave No. Rewire 63 100.00 Richard Turner 831 C Street Move house 64 300.00 Joe Finn 821 D Street Remodel house 65 300.00 Thomas Aarhus 801 Renton St Erect garage 66 250.00 Kenneth Oyler 647 E Street Inst. furnace 67 100.00 Andrea Nicoli 714 3rd Ave Erect sign 68 350.00 E. A. Mc'Uonald 631 G Street Inst. furnace 69 350.00 Albert Erickson 51 Logan St Inst. furnace 70 200.00 L. A. Perret 661 G Street Inst. furnace 71 100.00 George Miener 317 No. Wells Erect fence 72 500.00 Jonas Morris 104 Wells Replace windows 73 1000.00 Robert C. Miller 13631 86th Ave South House addition 74 235.00 Wm. Lindermilt 2207 8th Place Inst. furnace _ 75 210.00 John Hastie 2413 6th North Inst. furnace 76 1068.00 Gladding McBean 1500 Walla Walla Ave Add. to bldg. 77 225.00 L. Schroeder 2503 6th Ave. No. Inst. furnace 78 400.00 M. M. McDowell 2607 7th Ave No. Basement 79 3000.00 Bennett-Goodman 190 Sunset Blvd. Add. to build 0 Main StReroof garage 80 100.00 J. W. R.eans 404 . Inst. paneling 81 400.00 W. Schram 313 Main St. Femodel house 82 100.00 John 0, Jacobson 2211 7th Ave No. Erect garage 83 400.00 E. I. Souder 2204 9th Place 84 100.00 F.ockhill 500 Wells No. Rewire Remodel house 85 800.00 Frances Spellenger 705 E. St. Inst. range-WH 100.00 Art Drant 212 Tobin Ave 217 Williams St. Inst. partition 87 1500.00 Pac. Tel. & Tel. 620 Sunset Blvd. Inst. window g8 100.00 Dick Storey 229 Williams St. Remodel g9 300.00 Central Hdwe. 2208 7th Ave No. Inst. Furnace 90 245.00 Ralph Lund Plumbing 91 Frances Skellinger 705 E Street La flooring 92 400.00 Evans Bldg. 918 3rd Ave Move building 93 100.00 Renton Park Dept. City Hall 11 6th Avenue Inst. furnace 94 200.00 James White 31413 SE venventh St. Wiring 95 50.00 Chet Biggins This being the date for hearing on the assessment roll for Local Improve- ment District No. 231 for the improvement of Third Place by paving with asphaltic concrete and there being no protests, either written or verbal, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the assessment roll be approved as read. Carried. A communication was read :from the North Renton Improvement Club requesting the City Council to install more street lights from sixth to eighth Avenue on North `fells. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that this matter be referred to the Fire, Light and Water Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. 389 A communication was read from the Mothers' Club of St. Anthony's Parish, Renton, requesting that a four-,my traffic stop light be installed at Third Avenue and N'hattuck Street. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and Traffic Division of the Police Department, to make an investigation and report back. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. J. E. Holmes, Holmes Electric, submitting an application for certificate of occupancy at 913 — 3rd Avenue for the purpose of conducting an Electrical Contracting business. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that this communication be re— ferred to the Engineering Department. Carried. A communication was read from the Association of Valley Cities stating that the next meeting of the Association is to be held Wednesday, November 16, 1949 at Auburn for the purpose of discussing the Green River Flood Control situation. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that as many members of the Council as possible and the City Clerk attend this meeting. Carried. A communication was read from the Seattle Chamber of Commerce stating that a meeting will be held on November 171, at 2:00 P.M., in the Chamber of Commerce Building, Seattle, to consider engineering problems involved in the proposed zoning by King County of a portion of the area of the Duwamish River Valley for industrial and manufacturing purposes. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Engineering Department send a representative to this meeting and the City Clerk send a copy of this letter to the Renton Planning Commission. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Chamber of Commerce requesting that a safety lane be installed on Wells Street between Second and Third Avenues. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to �•••• the Street and Alley Committee and the Traffic Division of the Police Department for investigation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Fire Department stating that the Boeing Company had requested permission to operate the fire truck that is stationed at the Airport. The City Attorney recommended that if the Fire Truck is used that the City enter into a contract with the Boeing Company whereby the City will be held harmless in the use of the truck by The Boeing Company. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Attorney, Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Recreation Council stating that the Recreation Council had donated to the Renton Park Department the building formerly used as a bathhouse at Cedar River Swimming Beach and stating that the approximate value of same was $2,000.00. The building is to be located at the Windsor Hills Playfield and the Windsor Hills Community Club will pay the cost of transporting the building from its location near Logan Street at Cedar River to the Windsor Hills playfield. Communication ordered filed. A communication was read from the Renton Recreation Council stating that in January, 1949 the Park Department had purchased a truck with hoist in the amount of $3,117.00 with the understanding at that time that the Park Department ... was to pay up to $2,700.00 for said truck and the Street Department to pay the balance. It was also decided that the Park Department was to have use of the truck at least two days out of the five work days a week. Through some misunderstanding the Park Department paid the full amount and they are never certain if they will have the use of the truck for the allotted two days or more. The Park Department made the following recommendation to the City Council. "That the Park Department submit specifications for atruck which meets our needs and that said truck be pur- chased by the Street Department and in turn transferred to the Park Department and allow the Street Department to retain the truck originally purchased by the Park Department. Some agreement could be reached if there is a difference in the amounts of purchase price from $3,117.00 for the original truck and the price of the truck to be purchased". JO cc Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that this matter be referred to the Eersonal Property Committee and the City Engineer, for investigation and a re— port back. Carried. Mr. William Owens spoke before the Council outlining plans for Christmas decorations in Renton and stated that the Lions Club is sponsoring said program and requested permission of the Council to proceed with said plans. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Council approve the plans of the Lions Club and help them in anyway they can. Carried. i Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the Ways and Means Committee and the Public Relations Committee be instructed to work with Mr. Owens and the Lions Club on this program. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Planning Commission stating they had acted favorably on a petition to rezone the following property from residen— tial to commercial: An area lying southerly of 4th Avenue North (Extended easterly across Sunset Highway) and east of Sunset Highway, said area being 200 ft, in width East and West and 436 Ft. in length North and South. The Renton Planning Commission also reported favorably on a petition to rezone the following property from residential to industrial; The area bounded on the South by 4th Avenue North, on the East by Sunset Highway on the north by Piggott Avenue and on the West by the Pacific Coast Railway �ompany right—of—way. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the re— commendation of the Planning Commission and that the City Clerk be instructed to publish a notice of public hearing, said hearing to be held December 60 1949. Carried. The City Clerk was granted more time to notify the Puget Sound Power and Light Company by letter as to where lights, as recommended by The Fire, Light and Water Committee, are needed in the Highlands, and request them to have same installed. It was regaested that this matter be delayed until Councilman Reid, returns from his leave of absence on December 6, 1949. The City Engineer, City Clerk, City Attorney, Mayor and Finance Committee were granted more time on the matter of the tax statement from the County Treasurer in the amount of M;489.58. The City Engineer stated that the State Highway Department -plans to put the mudjack machine in operation in a week or so end he will report back after that time. The Legislation Committee recommended that beginning the first Tuesday in January, the Council meet every Tuesday night and no time limit be set for the length of the meetings. Moved by Swift, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the re— commendation of the Legislation Committee. A roll call vote being taken the result was as follows: Tamborini, Aye; Richardson, No; Gigli., No; Trimmn Aye; Hansen, No; Freyman, Aye; Davidson, No; Bruce, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye; and Swift, .,'ye. Motion carried. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Trimm, that the City Attorney draw up a new ordinance regarding meeting nights for the City Council. -Carried. More time was granted the Personal Property Committee on the matter of reimbursing the employees of the City who are using their own cars for trans— portation on City work and it was requested that the Ways and Means Committee ... work with the Personal Property Committee on this matter, The Real Property Committee recommended that the City Attorney draw up a resolution setting up specifications and stipulations for the 4—H Club to be given permission to occupy four and one—half acres in Mothers Park. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recomnendation of the Real Property Committee. Carried. 391 More time was granted the Fire, Light and Water Committee on the matter of forbidding the user-of automatic nozzles for filling gas tanks. The committee reported that they had investigated the matter of installing a hydrant on 82nd Ave and Langston Road but stated that this area is in a special Water District. The Fire Chief stated that he would report back to the residents of the Water District the findings of the Fire, Light and Water Committee. The City Engineer reported on the meeting held with the Renton Hospital Board regarding installation and payment for lights on the hospital grounds. The City Engineer recommended that lights be installed on the highway on Rainier Avenue and one on `'hattuck Street and stated that there should be four on the hospital grounds. The City Engineer stated that he had reported to the Hospital Board that the City might pay the cost of the lights not on the hospital grounds but the hospital would have to pay for the four lights on the hospital grounds. The City Engineer reported that the Hospital Board was considering putting in a floodlight but might consider using some of the poles that the City- took donw on 2nd Avenue instead. The Fire Light and Water Committee recommended that the City award the contract for installing 611 water mains on second Avenue to the D & S Construction Company, who has stated that it can do the work 10% lower than the Engineerts estimated cost. Moved by Swift, seconded by Gigli, that the Council accept the recommen- dation of the Fire, Light and Water Committee. Carried. The Fire Light and Water Committee recommended that the City install the necessary hydrants needed at the High School provided the High School would pay for the materials used on High School property and the excavation necessary on their property for the installation of same. The City of Renton is to furnish material and install same and connect from school property to water main. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Fire, Light and Water Committee. Carried. The Sanitation Committee reported that they had checked the drainage ditch at the Trailer Camp and Airport and stated the Trailer Camp had already made the needed repairs required by the County Health Department and that the Airport Manager is going to clean out the drainage ditch at the Airport Field as rapidly as possible. The question arose as to how the City could use the Old Black hiver Channel as a sanitary garbage dump. The City Engineer stated the property belongs to the State but if the City condemned the property the City could use it as a sanitary fill. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Sanitation Committee, City Engineer and City Attorney to investigate and report back. Carried. The Ordinance Committee stated that the Police Chief had checked with the City of Seattle to determine if they had an ordinance covering the registration of guests at hotels, motor courts, etc. The Police Chief reported that Seattle had no ordinance but believed this matter was covered by State Statute. More time was granted the Ordinance Committee on the matter of preparing ordinances in regard to making the' street area in front of the Knights of Pythias Temple a fire zone and also preparing an ordinance prohibiting parking along the short curbs from the Lighthouse Cafe West to Rainier Avenue on each side of Third Avenue. The Ordinance Committee and City Attorney were granted more time to prepare ordinances on the different recommendations of the Traffic Division, The Street and Alley Committee stated that they were goIng to have a meeting next Monday evening, November 2.1, 1949 at 7:30 P.M., with Dr. C. W. Wilson re- garding the building incinerator on 136th- Street and would report back to the Council after that meeting. The Street and Alley Committee concurred in the recommendation of the Renton Police Department regarding the following matters: 1. That a bus stop be installed on the North Side of Third Avenue be- ginning at the west side of Shattuck Street and extending west on Third Avenue. This is to accommodate the outbound busses. k 2. That a similar bus stop be installed on the south Gide of Third Ave. beginning at the east side of Shattuck Street and extending eastward on Third Ave., to accommodate inbound busses. Also that the curbs be painted and proper signs installed. The Street and Alley Committee requested more time on the following re- commendations of the Renton Police Department: 1. That a SCHOOL BUS ONLY parking zone be designated on Garden Street, beginning at the south crosswalk on 4th Avenue north and Garden Street and ex- tending to the south boundary of the playground. fence. That the curb be painted and proper signs be installed. �+ 2. That no other parking be permitted on the west side of Garden Street from Third Avenue north to 4th Avenue North between the hours of 8:00 A.M., and 5:00 P.M., on schooldays. The Public Relations Committee submitted forms on which the citizens of Renton could write their complaints and turn them in to the City Clerk. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the Council accept this form and that the City Clerk prpare and keep an adequate supply of said forms on hand in the City Clerk's office. Carried. Proposed Ordinance #1361 was read: An ordinance establishing certain standing committees of the City Council and the duties thereof establishing certain other committees and repealing Ordinance No. 1066. Moved by Swift, seconded by Freyman that this Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. The Ordinance Committee requested that this Ordinance be left in their Committee and the second and final reading be held Tuesday night, November 22, 19499 and the Mayor and Council be furnished with a copy of this ordinance. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Bruce stated that something should be done about the Williams Street Bridge as soon as possible as it was a hazard. After considerable discussion on this matter, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be placed in the hands of the Council as a whole, the City Engineer and City Attorney. Carried. Councilman Bruce stated that he has received several complaints about the Renton Dog Pound and stated that something should be done. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Finance Committee and that a report be brought back next Tuesday night. Carried. Moved by nichardson, seconded by Tamborini, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: CURRENT Marius Anderson Engr. Consultant Exp, 40.00 5999 King County Health Dept. Health Insp. Oct. 175.00 6000 Pao. Tel. & Tel. Co. Phone 21.50 01 U.S. Postmaster Postage 70.00 2 Payroll Engr. 844.91 3-9 Payroll Office 1019.64 10-21 Payroll F.D. 2298.38 22-.a Payroll P.D. 3048.17 42--65 Payroll Mayor & Council 456.16 66--78 King County Medical Dec. dues 367.50 79 393 CURRENT CONT'D American Blue Print° Co, Engr. Expense 22.09 6080 American Railway Express P.D. if 5.72 81 Automatic Deodorant- C.H. Expense 2.00 2 A.J. Burney P.D. Expense 1.67 3 H.L. Collier , City Treas. P.D. It 4.25 4 L.N. Curtis & Sons F.D. If 3.09 5 Custer Hdw. Co. Expense 50.67 6 W.S. Darley & Co. P.D. Expense 2.75 7 Diesel Oil Sales Co, F.D. if 80.64 8 Dow fuel Co. F. D. It 88.94 9 Dufek Lens Co. P.D, If 3.76 90 Edmonds Cushion Shop Garbage Expense 29.09 1 Gen. Electric Supp, Corp En r. Expense 6.39 2 Gordy's Camera & Sport Shop P.lj. " 26.93 3 Norman Cumser P.D. 2.87 4 Harley-Davidson Sales Co. P.D. " 33.95 5 Harper-Meggee, Inc. P.D. " 5.68 6 Hub City Drug P.D. " .81 7 Hunt & Mottet Co. P.D. " 50.36 8 Kuker-hankers, Inc. Engr. " 3.90 9 Lake Shore Lines, Inc. F.D. " 10.00 6100 F. E. Lawrence F.D. " 2.88 1 The Lumber Market F.D. " 6.40 2 J.R. McKay City Clerk's Exp. 4.70 3 Mattis Motor Shop P.D. Expense 2.83 4 Motorola, Inc. P.D. Outlay 450.00 5 C.G. Meyers Planning Comm. Expense 125.00 6 R.S. Owens & Co. P.D. Expense 31.50 7 Owl Cafe Jail meals 153.60 8 Pac. Car & Foundry Co. C.H. Expense 4.42 9 Paramount Pest Control H.O. Expense 10.00 10 Pioneer, Inc. Stationery 9.46 11. Potlatch Yards, Inc. C.H. Expense 14.59 12 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 1079.48 13 Puget Sound Stamp Works F.D. Expense 20.34 14 Renton Auto Glass Co. Engr. Exp, 10.09 15 Ser. Laundry & Cleaners Expense 30.21 16 Sutton-Eakle P.'J. Expense 15.39 17 Tradewell Stores P.D. Expense 5.98 18 Treas. U.S.A. Garbage Expense 26.70 19 United Janitor Supply C.H. Expense 57.22 20 Valley Window Cleaners C.H. "- 7.50 21 Waters Expense 54.93 22 Western Auto Supply Co. P.D. Expense .63 23 Western Union Tel. Co. P.D. Expense 10.15 24 A.A. Tremper, County Treas. Taxes 1489.58 25 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Phones 189.39 26 Payroll Garbage 299.65 27-35 Payroll St. Cleaning 363.15 36-40 Chapman Bros. Exp. & St. Lights 177.19 41 H.L. Collier, City Treas. P.D. Expense 4.07 42 Daily Journal of Comm Printing 12.60 43 Stanley Hovland Insurance 23.23 44 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Telephone 22.60 45 Renton Heating & Air. Cond. C.H. Expense 1.74 46 Renton Motor Parts, Inc. P.D. Expense 151.4.9 47 Renton News Record" Expense 422.76 48 Renton Plumbing & Heating C.H. Expense 36.69 49 WATEF. Payroll Water 67.14 7588-90 Payroll Office 348.79 1-96 King County Medical Dec. dues 30.25 97 Addressograph Sales Agency Treas. Exp. 9.27 98 Bruce Welding Outlay 165.32 99 Cascade Machinery Expense 79.57 7600 Cochran Hdw. Co. " 15.14 1 Custer Hardware " 5.36 2 Dale & McLendon " 33.52 3 H.D. Fowler Co. " 23.15 4 Hydraulic Supply Mfg. Co. Outlay 237.93 5 Independent Sales Service Expense 61.80 6 McMahon's Explosives it 4.94 7 P.9.P. & Light ''o. Power 621.34 8 394 c. WATER Sather Foundry Co. Outlay : 193.13 7609 Seattle Water Department Water 60,92 10 Standard Oil Company of Calif. Expense 3.28 11 Van Slaters & Rogers " 80,00 12 Payroll Water 1102.93 13-22 Bow Lake Equipment Co. Expense 5.78 23 Dale & McLendon " 5.05 24 Herman's Mobile Plumbing " 2.04 25 Pacific Water Work's Supply " 60.57 26 Renton. Motor Parts, Inc. " 2034 27 Renton News Record " 128.54 28 Sound Concrete Products Co. " 163.26 29 Stoneway Dock Company " 132.63 30 CITY STREET_S Payroll Office 169.77 5090-93 King County Medical Dec, dues 51.25 94 Custer Hardware Co. Expense 18.02 95 King County Road Dist. #2 If 1.50 96 Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. if2.06 97 n H.P. Pratt & Co. 134.20 98 Sunset Coal Company if 64.89 99 Truck Welding & Equip. Co. it 11.96 5100 Union Oil Co. of Calif. Gasoline 1438.43 1 r y Wright Motors, Inc. Expense 2.45 2 Payroll City Streets 1506.71 3-16 Feenaughty %chinery Co, Expense . 611.18 17 Renton Motor Parts, Inc. Expense 149.76 18 Renton News Record if 1.86 19 Stoneway Dock Co. it 12,01 20 SEWER DISPOSAL Payroll Sewer Disposal 563.43 1642-47 Payroll Office 68.94 48-49 King County Medical Dec, dues 32.50 50 Custer Hardware Co. Expense 5.45 1 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 208.28 2 David Mitchell Salary 32.31 3 Chapman Bros, Expense 135.35 4 Dale & McLendon "' 3.25 5 Renton News Record 2.58 6 AIRPORT Payroll Airport 354.82 746-48 King County Medical Dec. dues 4.00 49 Coast Wide Supply Expense 5.04 50 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 262.33 1 Renton Heating & Air Cond. Co. Expense 1.19 2 Renton Valley 'Fuel Co. Expense 154.65 3 Seattle Water Department " 20.15 4 Chapman Bros. 211.77 5 Renton Motor Parts, Inc. " 8.53 6 ATS Payroll Athletic 160.55 451-52 King County Medical Dec. dues 5.50 53 P.S.P. & Light Uo, Power 55.10 54 LIBRAR Beckley-Carry Co. Books 31.82 1910 Coast Wide Supply Co. Expense 6.13 11 Thomas Y Crowell Co. Books 19,78 12 Custer Hardware Co. Expense 9.58 13 Demco Library Supplies it 17.70 14 Diesel Oil Sales Co. Expense 22.15 15 Doubleday & Co. Books 12.1.46 16 J.K. Gill Co, Nooks 12.56 17 �. Imperial Book Co. If 39.53 18 The Lumber Market Expense 19.86 19 Ocean Publications Books 6.00 20 The Puget Sound News Co. " 112.30 21 The Puget Sound News Co. " 418.51 22 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 14.86 23 Renton Music Store Records 32.83 24 395 LIBRARY CONTtD Lewis B. Smith Expense 10.00 1925 Sunset Coal Co. it 131.90 26 Binfords & Mort Books 3.27 27 David McKay Co. Books 5.20 28 Julian Meisner, Inc if 12.54 29 Payroll Library 827.78 30-36 King County Medical Dec. dues 4.00 37 Thomas Y. Crowell Co. Books 14.83 38 American Library Assn. Books 2.50 39 PARK Payroll Park 438.62 1242-46 King County Medical Dec. dues 15.75 47 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 7.90 48 Gene L. Coulon Expense 2.00 49 Renton Motor Parts, Inc. Expense 2.24 50 L.I.D. #231 Northwest Precote Inc. Payment on 3rd Place Improvement from P.S.I . #5 to Shattuck St. 3092.76 1 FIREMEN'S PENSION FWD Enza Anderson Monthly Pension 125.00 15 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting be recessed until Tuesday, November 22, 1949. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. City lerk Mayor 396 Renton, Washington November 22, 1949 The recessed meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: RICHARDSON, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, DAVIDSON, HANSEN, HAGEN, TRI141, GIGLI AND TAMBORINI. This was the date set for hearing on the Renton Transit Systems bus franchise but the Ordinance Committee and the City Attorney recommended that the hearing be delayed until December 20, 1949. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney. Carried. A discussion was held on Proposed Ordinance #1361, which is for the purpose of providing for certain standing committees of the City Council and outlining the duties thereof. As some of the Councilmen desired to study the proposed ordinance more thoroughly, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council as a Committee meet with the Ordinance �;ommittee next Tuesday night, November 29, 1949 at 7:30 P.M., in the Council Chambers for a dis— cussion on the subject ordinance. Carried. PROPOSED ORDINANCE #1362 was read setting up an emergency budget for , the City of Renton. Moved by Temborini, seconded by Gigli, that this ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. The Ordinance Committee recommended that a copy of this proposed ordinance be published and a date set for hearing on Proposed Ordinance No. 1362. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and Proposed Ordinance #1362 be published in accordance with the requirements of Law and a hearing date be set for December 6, 1949. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the City Clerk be authorized to pay the waterway assessments which must be paid before November 30, 1949. Carried. A communication was received from the King County Auditor regarding the dates of elections and the date for filing for candidates. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the dates for filing be published in both Renton papers. Carried. The Renton Police Department submitted specifications for F.M. Radio Equipment for use by the Renton Police and Fire Departments. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that these specifications be referred to the Personal Property Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. A statement was received from the White Construction Company for the Sp ringbrook Job in the amount of V521212.80. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that this statement be re— ferred to the Finance Committee and City Engineer with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton School District No. 403, regarding the crosswalk on the Dunlap Canyon Highway in the vicinity of the Earlington Post Office. The School District recommended one of the following proposals be adopted by the City Council. 1. The installation of a push button control STOP AND GO LIGHT to be operated in conjunction with the marked crosswalk. 2. The installation of two amber blinker lights on the right hand side of the highway approximately 500 feet ahead of both approaches to the crosswalk and the installation of a sign reading SLOW CROSSWALK. 91 Moved by Delaurenti,_ seconded by Richardson, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee, Ways and Means Committee and City Engineer with Power to Act. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Trimm, that the City Clerk be instructed to send a communication to the Renton School District No. 403 notifying them that the State Highway Department had previously disapproved the plan of the City Council to install a push button type control in conjunction with the crosswalk and that the Council would consider Proposal No. 2. Carried. A communication was read from the Lake Shore Lines, Inc., regarding the need for school commutation tickets. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Mayor's special committee for consideration and report back. Carried. The City Clerk was requested to send a copy of the communication from Lake Shore Lines Inc., to each member of the special committee. This being the date set for opening of the bids for the construction of curbs and sidewalks on Shattuck Street between Second and Third Avenues, the following bids were received: Meade Sank & Gravel Company $4803.00 Pacific Construction Company $5034.00 Tony Romano $5995.00 United Paving Company $4675.00# L.J. Dowell Inc. $5835.00 Superior Construction Company $4598.00 M.P. Butler $6780.00 *Error of $300.00 in figures Corrected bid — $4975.00 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hagen, that these bids be referred to the City Engineer, Street and Alley Committee and Finance Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. RESOLUTION N0. 753 was read WHEREAS the City ex-pressed its willingness to allow the 4-H Club of King County to use 4-7' acres in Mothers Park for use in connection with the annual fair and exhibition activities of said organization. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the City Council adopt the resolution as read. Carried. Proposed Ordinance #1363 was read approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll of L.I.D. #231 for the improvement of Third Place by paving. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Trimm, that this ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation and report back. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1363. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that this ordinance be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken the motion was unanimously carried. A short recess was held in order to check the bids. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: RICHARDSON, SWIFT, DELAUEKITI, BRUCE, DAVIDSON, HANSEN, HAGEN, TRIIMI GIGLI AND TAMBORINI. The Street and Alley Committee, Finance Committee and City Engineer recommended that the bid checks from the Meade Sand and Gravel Company and Superior Construction Company be held and that the City Clerk return all other bid checks to the bidders. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the re— commendations of the Committees and City Engineer. Carried. A discussion was held regarding the Williams Street Bridge and the Finance Committee stated that as yet the City Engineer had been unable to receive any definite word from the State Highway Department regarding its future plans and recommending that until such t'me as he does that the load limit on this bridge be reduced from 5 tons to 31 tons. The Real Property Committee stated that the only safe thing to do would be to build a new bridge as the Williams Street bridge is a dangerous hazard. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plans and specifications for the Williams Street bridge for both a 24' bridge and a 30' bridge and the estimated cost of each. Carried. ..r Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the City Engineer be authorized to hire extra help in making up these plans if he deems it necessary. Carried. The Street and Alley Committee reported that they had met with Dr. Wilson regarding the building incinerator on 136th Street but stated that they had re- ferred this matter to the Engineering Department to check some property des- criptions. A discussion was held as to whose responsibility it was to repair broken sidewalks in front of private property. It was explained that there is no ordinance covering this problem and it is the property owner's responsibility. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Clerk be instructed to publish the Ordinance Number and portion of the ordinance covering this matter in the legal paper of the City of Renton. Carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Davidson, that the Police and License Committee investigate the Step-up Punchboards which are now being operated in the City of Renton. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti stated that something should be done about install- ing parking meters close to crosswalks and intersections which are in the vicinity of schools. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gigli, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and Traffic Division of the Police Department for investigation and report back at the next council meeting. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. City C rk Mayor 399 Renton, Washington December 6, 1949 The regular meeting of the City Council *4as called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: RICHARDSONS, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, DAVIDSON, FREYMAN, HAGEN, TRIMM, REID, GIGLI AND TAMBORINI. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the Council minutes of November 15 and 22nd 1949 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT, N0, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 1496 $ 200.00 Chas. Simmons 818 A. St. Inst. heater 97 225.00 Martha Lorenz 2504 6th Ave. No. Inst. furnace 98 200.00 Layton Head 669 A Street Put in basement 99 250.00 Pacific Tel. & Tel. 217 Williams St. Install sink 1500 100.00 Griff Jones 220.Ma.in St. Inst. sewer line 01 100.00 Clarence Burkett 802 C Street Rewire for heat 02 200.00 Ruben Miller 2211 6th Place Bulkhead 03 200.00 OdiFellows Hall 707 3rd Ave Remodel entrance 04 100.00 Chris Bevan 308 Burnett St Inst. windows 04A 100.00 Theo Tyda 85th & Dunlap Rd. Demolish shed 05 100.00 Mrs. C. Tonda 1308 Beacon Ave Rewire 06 100.00 Clara Adams 208 Burnett St Repair roof 07 100.00 E. C. Penney 910 D Street Cone. driveway 08 50.00 R. Boggs 2414 9th Avenue No. Inst. heater 09 400.00 LeRoy Donaldson Rt. 4, Box 93 Erect garage 10 100.00 Elmer Varner 13430 Rainier Avenue Inst, stairway 11 500.00 Ward W. Griffin 623 Smithers Remodeling 12 250.00 C. T. Porter 621 G Street Inst. furnace 13 100.00 Robt McMains 2007 9th Ave No. Inst. furnace 14 100.00 Robert Gilmore 538 G Street Erect garage 15 100.00 14. Wytcherly 658 D St. Erect fence 16 275.00 L. A. Perrett 661 G Street Erect" garage 17 75,00 Vincent Sylvester 500 Smithers St. Convert to coal 18 250.00 B. A. Howard 2513 7th Ave North Inst. furnace 18A 100,00 Elmer Varner 124 Park St. Reroof house 19 3000,00 Sid Schoudies 423 3rd Avenue Erect building 21 100.00 Alden See 120 Mill St Remodeling 22 300.00 Mildred F. Lona 646 E Street Reside & insulate ceiling. 23 2500.00 Renton Mem. Hosp. Renton Change partition 24 400.00 Joe Banasky 408 Whitworth St. Remodeling 25 50.00 Dr, H. G. Storey Wenatchee Repair furnace 26 100.00 Mrs. Anna MacSpadden S. 140th Inst. b caner 27 78.00 Earl Harris 822 A St Inst. window 28 400.0 Chas. Dubois 528 Mill St. Inst. plumbing fixtures This being the date set for opening of bids on 3,adio Equipment for the Police and Fire Departments, the only bid received was from Motorola, Incorporated, in the amount of $4,892.00. The trade-in allowance on the present equipment was $1375.00. Prices do not include Federal, State or Local taxes. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this bid be referred to the Personal Property Co7Lmittee and Mr.Williams, Radio Technician to check and report back. Carried.. This being the date set for hearing on two rezoning petitions for areas adjacent to the intersection of 4th Avenue North and Sunset Highway and there being no protests, either orally or written, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the Ordinance Committee bring in ordinances covering the rezoning. Carried, The City Clerk stated it is necessary to call for bids on chlorine, gasoline, and legal publications before 1950 and also the purchase of a pump for the sewage disposal plant. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Bruce, that the City Clerk be instructed to call for bids on these items. Carried. 4®o This being the date set for hearing on confirmation of the assessment roll on L.I,D., #227, paving of Morris Street between Second and Third Avenue, and there being only one written protest, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that this protest be referred to the assistant City Engineer for investi- gation and report back. Carried. A report was received from Mr. William Maske, Research Chemist University of Washington, regarding his analysis of atmospheric dust in Renton and a state- ment was received from him in the amount of $35.00 for said service. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gigli, that this matter be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. .n - A communication addressed to Mayor Joe R. Baxter, was read from the Civil Service Commission recomrsending Barton Wendall Dailey, Issaquah, Washington and William J. Tracey, Jr., Cedar River Park, for the position of patrolmen on the Renton Police Department, effective January 11 1950. A communication was read from Mayor Baxter appointing the above patrol- men; said appointments effective January 1, 1950. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the appointment of the Mayor. Carried. A communication was read from the Division of Municipal Corporations regarding the fact that the City of Renton was overpaid $39004.00 by the County Treasurer from fees received from Justice of the Peace, J. E. McFarland, Renton, Washington. Moved by Tamdborini, seconded by Richardson, that this matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee, Auditing and Accounting Committee -and City Attorney for investigation and report back. Carried. A communication was read from Congressional Representative Hugh B. Mitchell, stating that the Banking and Currency Committee sub-committee is to make a survey of the Seattle and Bremerton area's housing projects- on December 8th and 9th. Paul Houser, Housing Director of Renton, stated that the sub-committee will be in Renton at 10:30 A.M., on December 8, 1949 to inspect Cedar River Park and Renton Highlands and requested as many members of the Council to be present as possible. A communication was read from the Renton Chamber of Commerce stating that the King County Planning Commission is preparing maps with A view to an overall zoning of the County and requested the members of the Council to attend a meeting Tuesday evening, December 13th at 8 P.M., in Room 403 County-City Building, Seattle. The communication further stated that the meeting is for the sole purpose of the discussion of Renton's plans of the future as it relates to highways, industrial growth, etc. A short recess was held. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: RICHARDSON, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, DAVIDSON, FREYMAN, HAGEN, TRI1,1M, REID, GIGLI AND TAMBORINI. The Personal Property Committee recommended that the bid from Motorola Inc., be accepted and that installat-on could start immediately but payment could not be made until after the first of the year and further recommended that the Finance Committee be given power to act at that time. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Personal Property Committee. Carried. The Ordinance committee reported favorably on Ordinance #1362 Emergency Budget for the City of Renton. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and recommended that it be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. 401 After the second and final reading, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that Ordinance No. 1362 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken, Ordinance No. 1362 was unanimously adopted. The Ordinance Uommittee stated that Section 19 of Ordinance No. 1361, An Ordinance Setting Up Certain Standing Committees of the City Council and Their Duties, had been revised and requested .the City Clerk to read the revision and they reported favorably on same. After Section 19 had been read, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Gigli, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and Ordinance No. 1361 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, 'it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Swift, that Ordinance No. 1361 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken, Ordinance No. 1361 was unanimously adopted. The Assistant City Engineer stated that he had checked the protest against the assessment roll on L.I.D., #227 and stated that it was not a just protest and the amount of assessment was in accordance with State law. Ordinance No. 1365 was presented, an Ordinance Approving and Confirming the Assessment Roll on L.I.D. #227. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Tamborini, that this Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1365. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hagen, that Ordinance No. 1365 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Freyman, seconded by Trimm, that Ordinance No. 1365 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken, Ordinance No. 1365 was unanimously adopted. Ordinance No. 1364 was -read establishing fire zone and regulating parking of motor vehicles on certain streets and Avenues in the City and providing a penalty for the violation thereof. The Ordinance Committee requested that this_ Ordinance be held up until the next Council meeting and the City Engineer be instructed to get the necessary measurements needed in the Ordinance. Moved by Bruce, seconded byFreyman., that the Council concur in the re— commendation of the Ordinance Committee, Carried. Ordinance No. 1366 was presented changing the zoning classification of a certain tract adjacent to the intersection of 4th Avenue North with Sunset Highway in the City from residential to marl use District. Ordinance No. 1367 was presented changing the zoning classification of a certain tract adjacent to the intersection of 4th Avenue North with Sunset Highway in the City from Residential to . Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, that Ordinances No. 1366 and 1367 be referred to the Ordinance Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1366. r Moved by Bruce, seconded-by Freyman, that the Council concur in the re— commendation of the Ordinance Committee and Ordinance No. 1366 be placed on its `" second and final reading. Carried. After the second and .final reading, it was moved by Swift, seconded by Freyman, that Ordinance No. 1366 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken, the ordinance was unanimously adopted. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1367. 402 r �. �w m�e Moved by Trimm, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee -and Ordinance No. 1367 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Ordinance be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken.9 Ordinance No. 1367 was unanimously adopted. A communication was read from Edward J. Logan, Supt. of Elections and Registrations regarding elections to be held on February 14th and March 14th2 1950 and enclosing a copy of Chapter 161, Laws of 1949 which provides for changes in method of conducting City, town and district elections and further stating that if any propositions are to be put on the ballot an ordinance must be received in Now the King County Auditor's office at least 45 days before the election date re— quested. Communication ordered filed. A communication was read from the Commissioners of Waterway District #2 requesting the City of Renton to seek other means to dispose of ,their garbage, which at the present time is being dumped on Waterway property. Mr. Carpine, one of the commissioners, spoke before the Council and stated that the City is not observing its agreement with the Waterway Commission by not keeping within the 30 foot location agreed to. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that this matter be referred to the Sanitation Committee and that the Committee notify the City Engineer to stop violating the agreement regarding dumping of garbage. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Park Department outlining their plans for the year 1950. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson) that this matter be referred to the Real Property Committee and that said committee meet with the Park Board and report back. Carried. A report was read from the City Engineer regarding the meeting held at the Chamber of Commerce in Seattle November 17th on the Greenwater Flood control proposition, having to do with making the Duwamish Waterway a Valley proposition. Communication ordered filed. A report was read from the City .engineer regarding the Williams Street Bridge and stating that a bridge with a 24 foot roadway and a four foot walk on each side would cost approximately $50,000. A 30 foot roadway would be $ 65,000. To put the present bridge in shape to be safe for another year for a ten—ton load limit, but not including painting and redecking would cost about $11600.00. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and the Finance Committee. Carried. The City Engineer reported that the City Hall furnace is working fine. The City Engineer submitted a statement of the amount due the contractor on L.I.D., #223, sewer job in the City of Renton, in the amount of $4,038..06. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that this matter be referred to the Auditing and Accounting Committee and the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. Expense sheets were submitted by Mr. Waller for use of his czar on City business in the amount of $231.82 and Mr. Winegar submitted a similar expense r sheet for use of his car in the amount of $12.81. The Personal Property Committee requested that the Finance Committee anc? City Engineer meet with them on Saturday morning at -10:00 A.M., on this matter. The ?days and Means Committee recommended that no City employee be re— quired to use a privately owned car on City business and that the City provide cars for the employees' use while on necessary City business. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the re— commendation of the ?.lays and Means Committee. Carried. 403 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Personal Property Committee, Finance Committee and Mays and Means Committee be given power to act on this matter. Carried. A communication was read from the Traffic Division of the Renton Police Department making the following recommendations: 1. Install a temporary wooden guard rail on west side of Shattuck Street, south of Third Avenue on the approximate curb line, to extend from the present North termination of the newly installed sidewalk on the west side of Shattuck Street at Third Place. This guard rail to extend north to a point at the East boundary of the driveway designating the entrance and exit to parking area in rear of Log Cabin Restaurant. A similar opening shall be made for the Shattuck Street side of this parking area. The purpose of this guard rail is to safeguard persons walking on the unimproved sidewalk location, until such time as a concrete side— walk and curbing are installed. 2. We further recommend that due to the increase in foot traffic at Third Avenue and Shattuck Street, an automatic stop and go signal light be installed at this intersection. 3. That two parking meters in front of Austin—Hendrickson Drug Store be removed and that the area be designated as a bus zone, with curbing painted yellow and proper signs installed. 4. That an automatic stop and go signal light be installed at the inter— section of Second Avenue and Williams Street. This light to be coordinated with the one at Second Avenue and Wells Street to provide an uninterrupted flow of traffic on the green light. 5. That due to the large volume of foot traffic using the pedestrian cross— walk at the intersecticn of Sunset Highway and "H" Street, the automatic stop and go signal light should be supplemented with a white light mounted overhead and illuminating the crosswalk. This light should be boxed in and the white light directed downward so as to illuminate only the crosswalk. 6. That two NO PARKING SCHOOL BUS ONLY signs be installed in front of Earlington School. This zone to be large enough to wcommodate two school busses. 7. That the buz zone at Third Avenue and Whitworth Street be illuminated and one parking meter installed in front of Thompson Freeze. 8. That the two parking meters in front of Rivily's Gas Station be removed and that area be designated as a bus stop, curbing painted yellow and proper signs installed. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendations of the Police Department. A roll call vote being taken the result was as follows: Swift, No; Delaurenti, Aye; Bruce, No; Freyman., Aye; Hagen, No; Trimm, No; Reid, Aye; Gigli, No; Tamborini, No; and Davidson, No. Motion lost. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the Police Department recommendations be referred to the Street and Alley Committee, Fire, Light and Water Committee and the City Engineer for investigation and report back. Carried. The Ordinance Committee and the City Attorney were granted more time to prepare ordinances on the different recommendations of the Traffic Division of the Renton Police Department. The Street and Alley Committee and the Traffic Division were granted more time to investigate the matter of installing a four—way traffic stop light at Third Avenue and Shattuck Street. The Street and Alley Committee recommended that a. safety lane be installed on Wells Street between Second and Third Avenues. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the Council reject the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. A roll call vote being taken the result was as follows: Richardson, No; Swift, No; Delaurenti, No; Bruce, No; Freyman, Aye; Hagen, No; Trimm, No; Reid, No; Gigli, Aye; Davidson, No and Tamborini, Aye. Motion lost. 404 i_ fis rxq Moved by Hagen, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. The Street and Alley Committee stated that they would report at the next meeting on the matter of opening South 136th Street from 91st Avenue South to Rainier Avenue. The Street and Alley Committee approved the recommendations of the Police Department regarding a school bus only parking zone on Garden Street, beginning at the south crosswalk on 4th Avenue north and Garden Street and ex- tending to the South boundary of the playground fence and also the recommen- dation that no other perking be permitted on the west side of Garden Street from Third Avenue north to 4th Avenue north between the hours of 8:00 A.M., and 5:00 P.M., on school days. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council con- cur in the recommendations of the Street and Alley Committee, Carried. The Personal Property Committee was granted more time on the re- quest of the Park Department to purchase a new truck for their needs and the same to be paid for by the Street Department. The Fire, light and Water Committee recommended that the following lights be installed in the Highlands and that the City Clerk write a letter to the Puget Sound Power and Light Company notifying them to install the lights: 2 lights at 8th Ave North 3 lights on 8th Place 3 lights on C Street 2 lights on 7th Ave North 4 lights on D Street 1 light on 9th Place 5 lights on G Street 1 light on 6th Avenue north 2 lights on G Place 5 lights on 6th Place 6 lights on H Street 6 lights on 5th Avenue North tbved by Delaurenti, seconded by Trimm, -that the Council concur in the recommendations of the Fire, Light and Water Committee. Carried. More time was granted. the Fire, Light and Water Committee regard- ing the matter of installing more lights from 6th Ave to 8th Avenue on North Wells Streets. The Fire Light and Water Committee recommended that the actra mercury light now at the City Garage be installed near the Fire Station. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Delaurenti, that the light be installed. Carried. The Fire, Light and Water Committee recommended that the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company be notified to replace the pole at the North- east corner of 3rd and Wells Street. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. The Public Relations Committee reported that the Park Board wished to place Christmas decorations on a tree in Liberty Park and to place a small Christmas tree on the marquee of the City Hall and recommended that this matter be referred to the City Clerk, Ways and Means Committee and Gene Coulon to make the necessary arranements to secure lights. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the ordinance for- bidding smoking in Council Chambers be referred to the Ordinance Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. The City Attorney recommended. that Gene Coulon be instructed to rj forward a copy of the resolution setting up specifications and stipulations with regard to the 4-H Club being given permission to occupy four and one-half acres in Mother's park to Mr. McMinn of the King County 4-H Club. More time was granted the City Attorney on the matter of drawing up a new ordinance changing the Council meeting nights to every Tuesday. The Sanitation Committee, the City Engineer and the City Attorney were granted more time to investigate the possibility of using the Old Black River Channel as a sanitary garbage disposal location and report back to the Council. 405 More time was granted the Finance Committee on the statement from the White Construction Company in the amount of '2,212.80 for the Springbrook job. The Police and License Committee stated that they had investigated the matter of the Step—up Punchboards in Renton and stating there is nothing the City can do until an ordinance is drawn up licensing punchboards and recommended that the Police and License Committee and Ordinance Committee begin to draft an ordinance licensing and regulating punchboards. Moved by Gigli-, seconded by F.eid, that the Council concur in the recommen— dation of the Police- and License Committee. Carried. �. The Mayor's special committee on the transit system reported that they had accepted the recommendation of the Lake Shore Lines. Inc. regarding school commutation tickets. The City Engineer reported that the Superior Construction Company was the lowest bidder on the- installation of- curbs and walks on Shattuck Street from Third Avenue to Second Avenue and recommended that the bid be accented on the walks and curbs and further recommended that the City install the drains. The amount of the bid being $3,903.00 for curbs and walks. It was requested that the bid check of the Meade Sand and Gravel Company be returned. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the re— commendation of the City Engineer. Carried. A discussion was held in regard to the disposition of the stoker formerly used at the Fire Station now stored at the City Garage and it was recommended that it be sold. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that this matter be referred to the Personal Property Committee and that they contact Fire Chief Lawrence regard— ing the sale, of this stoker. Carried. The Mayor notified the Council that Mr. Rockey had stated he would be willing to sign the petition for the alley from 4th Avenue to Walla Walla Avenue between Wells Street and Main Street. It was requested that the Street and Alley Committee work on this matter. Councilman Swift stated that the Street and Alley Committee approved the recommendations of the Police Department regarding the bus stop changes on 3rd Avenue. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendations of the Police Department. Carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Swift, that the City Engineer re—submit his estimate of the cost of extending 4th Avenue Northiestward over the Northern Pacific Railway to connect with Logan Street North and that the matter be placed in the hands of the proper Committee for action. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that the King County Health Department is quite concerned over the condition of the sewers in jarlington and stated that if something is not done soon it will be necessary to condemn the property. It was pointed out it will be necessary to bet a petition signed by the property owners before going ahead with a plan for an L.I.D. to install sanitary sewer mains and laterals. Councilman Fdchardson stated that one of the women in Earlington is going to report back to him on the result of a meeting being held by one of the Women's Clubs regarding the sewers in Earlington. i Mayor Baxter stated that he and the Police Chief and :Fire Chief attended a meeting in Olympia regarding the organization of City disaster co-nmittees and stated that he believed the City of Renton should have such a committee to work with the Red Cross in case of a disaster. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Mayor appoint a Disaster Committee. Carried. Councilman Richardson suggested that the City should purchase a trailer and install a portable light plant which is now at the City Garage on same. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Gigli, that all wills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. 446 'aao-s.c; s The following bills,having been previously aduited by the Finance Coarmittee were presented: CURRENT Statewide City Employees Retirement Pension Pension $3331.82 6150 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Seattle Phone 131.15 1 Seattle Gas. Co. C.H. Expense 6.27 2 Payroll Engineer 806.43 3-59 Payroll Office (Warrant No. 6160) 979.19 61-74 Payroll F.D. Void) 2634.55 75-95 Payroll P.D. 2593.06 96-629 John C. Becklimd Dog Pound Expense 42_.00 20 Payroll Garbage 720.34 21-28 Payroll St. Cleaning 430.54 29-36 J.W. Reans Vol. Fire Dept. Sal. 598.00 37 Baxter Sign & Decorating City Bldg. Expense 101.74 38 M. J. Winegar Engr. Expense 12.31 39 S.R. Waller Engr. Expense 231.52 40 Payroll Engineer 854.41 41-47 Payroll Office 1019.64 48-59 Payroll F.D. 2298.35 60-79 Payroll P.D. 3048.07 80-6303 Payroll Mayor & Council 456.16 04-6316. WATER Payroll Office 333.29 7631-36 Payroll Water 1212.75 37-46 Johns Manville Outlay 26,049.46 47 White Construction Outlay 23,212.80 48 Payroll Office 345.79 49-54 CITY STREETS Payroll Office 169.77 5121-24 Payroll City Streets 1369.30 25-40 Payroll Office 169.77 41-44 SEWER DISPOSAL Payroll Sewer Disposal 517.39 1657-62 Payroll Office 63.69 63-64 Payroll Sewer Disposal 623.43 65-72 Payroll Office 65.94 73-74 AIRPORT Payroll Airport 545.51 757-761 ATHLETIC Payroll Athletic 315.60 455-455 PARK Payroll Park 919.75 1251-60 LIBRARY Allegro Music Co. Records 4.18 1940 Library Service Expense 26.61 1 Random House Inc. Books 5.46 2 The Caxton Printers Ltd. Books 6.00 3 Childrens Book Council Expense 6.50 4 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 20.46 5 Winifred Deniels Expense 25.55 6 Diesel Oil Sales Co. Expense 11.57 7 Doubleday & Co. Books 21.65 8 J. K. Gill Books 18.62 9 The Grolier Society Co. Books 55.10 50 Hertzberg's Wash. Bindery Expense 65.55 1 The MacMillan Co. Books 25.55 2 Oceans Publications Books 4.00 3Mo Moffat Distributing Go, Expense 5.36 4 The Puget Sound News Co. Books 297.38 5 Renton Music Store Records 54.46 6 Vocational Guidance Manuals Books 3.05 7 Wilcox & Follett Co. Books 3.53 8 Payroll Library 809.91 9-65 CUMULATIVE FUND #1183 Renton Plumbing & Heating C.H. Furnace 2850.00 293 Rainier Beach Plumbing L.I.D.. #223 4035.06 3 3rd payment on Sanitary Sewer HIREMEN'S PENSION & RELIEF FUND Mrs. Enza Anderson Monthly Pension for Nov. 125.00 16 407 Moved by Temborini, seconded by Reid, that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 11:15 P.M. Carried. City ClWAC t�� yore i 408 1_ 4.w'w Renton, Washington J December 20, 1949 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL:RICHARDSON, SWIFT, DELAUPENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN, HAGEN, TRIMMI REID, GIGLI, DAVIDSON AND TAMBORINI. Moved by Reid, seconded by Bruce, that the minutes of the December 6th, 1949 Council meeting be adopted as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PE-1d4ITS AS SUBMI`T'TED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT,- NO. NO. AMOUN NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 1529 $ 250:00 Leonard Devine 2404 7th Ave No, INST. FURNACE 30 350.00 Robert Gilmore 538 G Street Inst. furnace 31 225.00 Wms. & Swanson 3rd & Burnett Inst. lights 32 100.00 John Butler 2117 8th Ave No. Inst. heater 33 250.00 E. J. Bekkevold 2001 6th Place Inst. furnace 34 400.00 Charles Blyth 621 Renton St. Addition 35 65.00 Jonas Morris 104 Wells St. Connect range 36 100.00 Pacific Coast RR Renton Erect shed 37 400.00 Virginia Courtwright 219 Park Repair roof 38 100.00 George Goldman 331 Smithers Reroof house 39 100.00 Holmes Elect. 311-313 Mill St. Inst. plumbing 40 5000.00 Holmes Elect. 1025 3rd Ave Remodel 41 700.00 John Peternel 600 Grady Way Blacktop Stat. 42 9000.00 C.M.McDaniel 321 William St. No. Erect house 43 100.00 Renton Me. Hosp. Renton Plumbing 44 100.00 Van De Kamps 219 Wells St. Repair tile 45 100.00 G. R. Tellefson 12619 S.E. 144th Remodel 46 220.00 M. M. McDowell 2607 7th Ave No. Floor furnace 47 250.00 W. M. Lemmenager 2504 9th Ave No. Inst. furnace 48 100.00 Robinson Wilson 215 Tobin /+venue Erect chimney 49 100.00 Pete Delaurenti 200 Tobin Avenue Repair house 50 150.00 Renton Ice & Ice 209 Williams St. Remodel garage Cream Company. 51 100.00 Williams & Swanson 3rd & Logan St. Wiring 52 200.00 Bill Dorthey 2012 8th Ave No. Inst. furnace An application was received from the Venezia Tavern for permission to install one Rockol.la Shuffleboard. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that this application be re— ferred to the Police and License Committee and Chief of Police with power to act. Carried. A petition for rezoning was received from the property owners within 200 feet of Lot 1, Block 31 Town of Renton Addition, stating they had no objection to the rezoning of the same from residential to commercial property. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this petition be re— ferred to the Planning Commission. Carried. A communication was received from the Association of Valley Cities stating that the next regular meeting will. be held Wednesday, December 28, 1949, in the Fire Hall at Fircrest, Washington at 8:00 P.M. Councilman Reid recommended that the City Clerk send a communication to the Association of Valley Cities requesting that, if possible, the meeting r be postponed until after the holiday season. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of Councilman Reid. Carried. The City Treasurer stated that the City of Renton must pay $1,638.00 on L.I.D., #227 and $115,74 on L.I.D., #225 before the end of the year. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Reid, that this matter be referred to the Finance Committee, City Attorney and City Treasurer with power to act. Carried. 409 The City Engineer submitted the assessment roll on L.I.D. #229 in the amount of 6v2.,474.48. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that January 17, 1950 be set as the date for hearing on said assessment roll. Carried. This being the date set for openingj'bids for gasoline to be delivered to the City of Renton during 1950, the following bids were received: NAME OF COMPANY Regular Ethyl Standard Oil Company (Chevron) 19.7 21.7 (subject to price variations) Associated Oil Comr)any 19.7 21.7 (subject to price variations) Richfield Oil Company 20,19 22.19 (Subject to price variations) Shell Oil Company 20.2 22.2 (subject to price variations) Union Oil Company 19.7 22.2 (Subject to price variation-top price not to exceed 1-21-0 per gallon of above quoted price) . Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that these bids be referred to the Finance Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. This being the date set for opening of the bids on legal publications for the City of Renton during 1950 the following bids were received: RENTON CHRONICLE: First insertion - 85 cents per column inch - each subsequent insertion - 70 cents column inch. RENTON NEWS RECORD: First insertion - 90/ a column inch. Each subsequent insertion - 700 a column inch. The Renton News Record further stated that this bice is on the basis of publishing the legal notices the same day- they receive them, as they have been doing in the past. If the legal notices do not have to be published the day after a Council meeting but can be held up until the following Wednesday, the following bid is their proposal: First insertion - 59¢ a column inch Each subsequent insertion - 39¢ a column inch. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Richardson, that these bids be referred to the Finance Committee for their investigation and report back. Carried. The Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Company of Washington and Hooker Electrochemical Company submitted bids on chlorine for the City of Renton for the year 1950. The bird prices being the same, Ten Dollars per one hundred pounds of liquid chlorine in 100 pound container and five dollars per hundred pounds in one ton container, it was recommended that as Hooker Electrochemical Company had furnished the chlorine during 1949 that 1950 requirements should be purchased from Pennsyl- vania Salt Manufacturing Company. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson.,, that the contract to furnish chlorine be awarded to the Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing .Compa.ny and that the City Clerk so notify them. Carried. This being the date for opening of the bids on a sewage pump, the following bids were received: COMPANY PE PUMP TOTAL PRICE Pacific Water Works American $3,741.00 H.D. Fowler Yoema.n 31316.27 R.M. Wade & Company Peerless 3,501.70 Cascade Machinery Company Fairbanks-Morse 1,903.15 410 c; Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that these bids be referred to the Finance U ommittee and Engineering Department. Carried. A short recess was called in order for the Finance Committee and Engineering Department to check on the bids. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: RICHAR.DSON, SWIFT, DM. ALMNTI, BRUCE, DAVIDSON, FREYMAN, EUSEN, HAGEI`i, TRIMM� REID, GICI,I, AND TAMBORINI. The Finance Committee recommended that the bids on gasoline be held up until the next Council meeting, January 3, 1950. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Finance Committee. Carried. The Finance Committee recommended that the Renton News Record be awarded the bid on the printing of legal publications, in view of the fact that most of the legal notices do not have to be published until the week after the Council meeting. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Finance G'ommittee. A roll call vote being taken the result was as follows: RICHARDSON, NO; SWIFT, AYE; DELAURENTI, AYE; BRUCE, AVE; FRET'MAN, AYE; HANSEN, AYE; HAGEN, NO; TRIMM, AYE; FSID, AYE,; GIGLI, NO; DAVIDSON, AYE; and TAMBORINI, AYE, Motion Carried. The Finance Committee recommended that the b"ds on the sewage pump be left in the hands of the Finance Committee and Engineering Department with power to act. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Finance Committee. A roll_ call vote being taken the result was as follows: RICHARDSON, NO, SWIFT, AYE, DELAURENTI, AYE, BRUCE, AYE, FREYMAN, AYE, HANSEN, AYE, HAGEN, N0, TRIMt,M, NO, RvID, NO, GIGLI, AYE, DAVIDSON, AYE AND TAMBORINI,, AYE. Motion carried. A conmuni<sation was read from Mayor Joe R. Baxter, recommending that Dr. John F. Beattie be appointer_? as Assistant Health Officer until such time as Dr. C.L. Dixon, Health Officer, is able to perform the duties of Health Officer. The communication further stated that this appointment will not alter the amount paid for the Health Officer services. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Mayor. Carried. The ;Mayor requested more time to appoint a committee to work with the Red Cross in case of a disaster in Renton. The Ways and Means Committee recommended that the Engineering Department contact the State Examiner to check the matter of the County Treasurer overpaying c the City of Renton $3,004.00 and report back by January 10th. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that we accept the committeets report and the matter be referred to the City Attorney, Carried. The Sanitation Committee stated the, City Engineer is now observing its agreement with the Waterway Commission regarding garbage disposal. The Sanitation Committee further stated the Committee is investigating the possi— bility of using the property near the Shfffletbn Plant for the Citvts garbage dump. More time was granted the Sanitation Committee, the City Engineer and the City Attorney on the possibility of using the Old Black River Channel as a sanitary garbage disposal location. 411 The Real Property Committee stated that they met with the Park Department regarding their plans for the year 1950 and decided the following park improvements would be made during the year: Liberty Park $6,000 to $7,000 Mother's Park 4,800 Windsor Park 4,000 Renton Hill 29000 The Real Property Committee recommended that the Park Board be given permission to proceed on this program. Moved by Reid, seconded by Swift, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the Real Property Committee. Carried. The Street and Alley Committee recommended that the Williams Street bridge be repaired as per the E-ngineer's estimate of $1600.00. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of the Street and Alley Committee. A roll call vote being taken, the result was as follows: RICHARDSON, AYE, SWIFT, AYE, DKAURENTI, N0, BRUCE, NO, FRE.YMAN, AYE, HANSEN, AYE, HAGEN, AYE, TRIMM, AYE, REID, AYE, GIGLI, AYE, DAVIDSON, AYE, AND TAMBORINI, AYE., Motion carried. More time was granted the Street and Alley Committee, the Fire Light and Water Cormuttee and City Engineer to investigate the recommendations of the Traffic Division of the Police Department and report back. More time was granted the Street and Alley Committee to contact Mr. Rockey regarding signing a petition for an alley from 4th Avenue to Walla Walla A venue between Wells Street and Main Street. More time was granted the Street and Alley Committee and the Traffic Division to investigate the matter of installing a four-way traffic stop light at 3rd Avenue and Shattuck Street. The Street and Alley Committee were granted more time on the matter of opening South 136th Street from 91st Avenue South to Rainier Avenue, The Personal Property Committee reported that they met with the Finance Committee, Ways and Means Committee and City Engineer regarding the matter of City employees using their cars for City business and stated that the City will reimburse those employees who have kept a record of mileage on the use of the cars for City business and suggested that employees do not use their own cars for City business in the future unless absolutely necessary. A discussion was held on the matter of the Park Department purchasing a new truck for their needs and the same to be paid for by the Street Department. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the Park Department draw up specifications for a new truck and submit the same to the City Council, Carried. The Personal Property Committee stated that they had checked with the Fire Chief regarding the sale of the stoker at the Fire Hall and he had stated an oil Company was willing to buy the stoker in payment for oil. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Fire Chief fqr investigation and a report back. Carried. The Fire, Light and Water CormLi.ttee were granted more time regarding the matter of installing more lights from 6th Avenue to 8th Avenue on North Wells Street. More time was granted the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney on drafting the matter of installing more lights from 6th Avenue to 8th Avenue on North- wJells Street. More time was granted the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney on drafting an ordinance on the different recommendations of the Traffic Division of the Renton Police Department. 412 r�v The Ordinance Committee recommended that Ordinance No. 270 forbidding smoking in the Council Chambers be repealed. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee. Carried.. The City Engineer estimated the cost of extending 4th Avenue North westward over the Northern Pacific Railway to connect with Logan Street North would be $17000.00 for the actual work and $6,000 for the signal light system. He recommended that about s?25,000 be set as the estimate for this work. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the City Engineer submit the figures to the Northern Pacific officials at St. Paul for the actual cost of the railroad crossing, including signal lights, and the City Clerk be given a copy of the letter for the City records. Carried. The Ordinance Committee recommended that Ordinance No.e1360 be placed on its second and final reading. " An Ordinance granting a franchise to Lake Shore Lines, Inc.' Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance- Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1360 be approved as read. A roll call vote being taken the ordinance was unanimously adopted. Ordinance No. 1364 was presented: An Ordinance establishing a fire zone and regulating parking of motor vehicles on certain streets and Avenues in the City. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that Ordinance No. 1364 be re— ferred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendations.. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1364. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and Ordinance No. 1364 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1364 be approved as read. The motion being put to a roll call vote, Ordinance No. 1364 was unanimously adopted. Ordinance No. 1368 was presented: An Ordinance providing for the holding of meetings of the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington and repealing conflicting ordinances. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that Ordinance No. 1368 be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendations. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No, 1368. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and Ordinance No. 1368 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1368 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken the result was as follows: Richardson, Aye, Swift, Aye, Delaurenti) Aye, Bruce, Aye, Freyman, Aye, Hansen, Aye, Hagen, Aye, Trimm, Aye, Gigli, No, Reid, Aye, Davidson, Aye and Tamborini, Aye. Motion carried. Councilman Swift recommended that the Police Department post signs along Santa Claus Lane prohibiting parking during the three nights the program is held to enable people to see the displays. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the Council concur in the recommendation of Councilman Swift and the Police Department be notified to put up signs prohibiting parking to conform with the hours of the program. Carried. 13 Councilman Bruce stated that Mr. Ca.rpine wished him to relate to the Council that the City could continue to use the Waterway Commission'S property for dumping garbage indefinitely as plans for the yacht club did not materialize. - Councilman hicha.rdson stated that a letter should be sent to the News Record informing them that the City Council had accepted their alternate bid for printing legal publications and that the City Clerrk keep a copy of the communication on file so that the City can have a record of the prices to be charged.. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hagen, that the City Clerk send the above communication. Carried. Moved by Reid, seconded by Bruce, that the City Clerk send a communication to r the Puget Sound Power and Light Company notifying them to install. a mercury vapor light at Walla Walla Avenue and Mill Street. Carried. The Police and License Committee recommended. that in view of the uncertainty of the continuance of pinball machines in Renton that the City Clerk accept the license fee for master licenses from the distributors-but no license be issued until some— thing definite is decided. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that the Council. concur in the re— commendation of the'Police and License Committee. Carried. The Chief of' Police submitted the following proposals from veterinarians in Renton for operation of a City Dog Pound. A. I. Button. Dr. D.V.M. Fee of contract : u125.00 per month. City to provide telephone and dog catcher. Board per animal per 24 hours: 75¢ per day (to be paid by the owner or new owners along with license fee.) 50¢ per day (if the City has to assume animals. Euthanasia: (putting animals to sleep) 75¢ per head (if City can provide burial means) . The building will be called the Renton Animal Shelter.- h.. RENTON VETERINARY HOSPITAL — Floyd K. Dixon, D.V.M. Charges for handling the pound dogs for the City will be $1.75 per dog. After considerable discussion on the matter of the dog pound in the City of Renton, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this matter be re— ferred to the proper committee. Carried. The Mayor requesting more time before naming a committee to handle this matter. Mayor Baxter stated that the Council should decide in the near future if the City Should continue to collect the garbage or if it should be let out on contract. He further stated that i' the City continues to collect the garbage it will_ be necessary to buy a larger truck and remodel another one they now use. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this matter be referred to the Sanitation Committee for investigation anc a report back to the Council at the next regul^r meeting. Carried. The Payor stated that there is need for a park in Earli.ngton and at the present time there is property available adjacent to the Earlington School which might be suitable for park purposes. Moved by Reid, seconded by Gigli, that this matter be referred to the Real Property Committee and the Park Board for investi— gation and report back. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that all. bills approved by the Finance Committee be allot-,ed and ordered paid. Carried.- The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: CURRENT The a1_len Shops F.D. Expense 37.08 6317 Pacific Car & Foundary En'D " 1.55 8 American Blue Print Co. Engr. 11 /.,.4,.86 9 Automatic Deodorant C.H. h`xpense 2.00 20 4 .4 arm9 CUPJ'ENT CONT'D Bancroft Whitney Co. Atty. Expense 15.97 6321 John C. Becklund Dog Pound Expense 30.00 2 Charles Bruning Co. Inc. Engr. Expense 14.98 3 Chapman Brothers St. Lights 66.79 4 City Transfer Co. C.H. immense 88.09 5 Wiley Crook Postage 5.00 6 Cross Radio & Sound C.H. Outlay 45.93 7 Dale & McLendon F.D. Expense 2.06 8 Dow Fuel Co. F.D. " 73.29 9 Fire Appliance Co. F.D. " 9.27 30 William E. Frazee P.D. " 7.50 1 Harley-Davidson Sales Co. P.D. " 11.82 2 ..w Harper,-Meggee, Inc. P.D. " 10.89 3 Harrington & Richardson Arms P.D. " J_0.00 4 Hartwig & Eakle " " 3.63 5 King County Health Dept. Health Inspection 175.00 6 Kuker-Rar_ken., Inc. Engr. Mcpense 14.54 7 Lampkin Laboratories, Inc. P.D. It 25.35 8 F. E. Lawrence F.D. " 20.33 9 Clair Lewis P.D. " 40.18 4.0 Lowman & Hanford Stationery 18.30 1 The Lumber Market .6xpense 26.17 2 Mathewsons Renton Tire Shop " 18.63 3 Moore Business Forms, Inc. P.D. Expense 65.51 4 The Owl Cafe Jail Meals 144.90 5 Custer Hardware Co. Expense 73.32 6 Paramount Pest Control 11.0. Expense 10.00 7 P.S.P. & Light Company Expense 1120.47 8 Railway Express Agency P.D. Expense 3.70 9 Reid & Cook Expense 55.35 - 50 Renton Auto Freight P.D. Expense 1.29 1 The Renton Chronicle Expense 345.09 2 Renton News Record Expense 253.97 3 ` Renton Vet. Hospital Dog Pound Expense 1.50 4 Seattle Radio Supply P.D. Expense 2.10 5 Service Lndry. & Clnrs. Expense 35.16 6 Sunset Coal Co. F.D. Expense 15.69 7 Treas. U.S.A. Garbage Expense 33.34 5 Treas. U.S.A. if 1,,1.67 9 Trick & Murray Stationery 492.66 60 Valley Window Cleaners C.H. Expense 7.50 1 Waters Expense 50.84 2 Williams ,& Swanson Garbage Expense 3.51 3 M^.ry Da.hlem Glerk's Expense ll.,-)o 4 Rose Gigli It " 13.00 5 I rerr.O'Donnel l it 13.00 6 Payroll Garbage 756.11 7-75 Payroll St. Cleaning 323.36 76-81 King County Medical Jam-Lary dues 349.50 82 Pa.c. Tel. & Tel. Co. Phones 193.32 53 Hugh D. Bruce . Council Expense 11.82 84 C.J. Delaurenti " it 12.13 5 Arnold Hagen " is 11.90 6 W.P. Reid " " 11.96 7 B.J. Richardson " " 12.05 8 Steve Tamborini " " 12.04 9 90Void Coll. Internal Recenue Withholding Tax 4447.90 91 Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 223.35 2 King County Heal Dept. Inspection 175.00 4 93 Void Renton Motor Parts, Inc. P. D. Expense 424.31 5 Seattle Gas. Company C.H. Expense 5.06 6 A.I. Cycle Shop n 11 3.89 7 Burrows Richfield Service F.D. rr 29.60 8 City Transfer Company C.H. "7 88.07 99 Coast Wide Supply C.H. " 17.38 6/,00 H.L. Collier, City Treas. P.D. " 4.07 1 Wiley* Crook Postage 33.76 2 Custer Hardware Co. E�mense 8.18 3 Dale & McLendon C.H. Expense 6.12 4 415 CURRENT CONT' Dow Fuel Company F.D. Expense 11.6.65 6405 Gordy's Camera & Sport shop P.D. " 24.06 6 Harley-Davidson ,Sales Co. If " 8.17 7 Harper-Meggee, Inc. if It 12.70 S Hartwig & Ea.kle it if 20.67 9 Holmes Electric C..;j. " 3.86 10 VOID VOID 11 The Lumber Market Expense 47.41 12 Mathewson's Renton Tire Shop Garbage Expense 58.02 3 " Shell Service P.D. it 10.30 4 Monroe Calculatin Machine Co. Engr. Outlay 296,64 5 Nelson Equipment ompany F.D. T]cnense 21.63 6 O.K. Signs " " 45.06 7 Everett H. Olsen " " 10.00 8 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Phone 21.50 9 Paulson Office Supply Stationery 1.15 20 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 1117.74 1 Reid & Cook Expense 63.08 2 Renton Plumbing_& heating F.D. r1xpense 30.90 3 Renton Radiator Service Engr. Expense 7.73 4 Renton Realty Co. Bonds & Ins. 25.00 5 Treasurer., U.S.A. Garbage Exp. 8.03 6 Architects & Engineers Engr. Expense 6.24 7 Addressograph Sales Agency Treas. Expense 1.97 8 Automatic Deodorant Co. C.H. Expense 2.00 9 Chapman Bros. Expense 111.21 30 Donald G. Holm Police Judge Expense 60.00 1 C.G. Myers Plann. Comm. Exp. 83.00 2 Motorola. Inc. P.D. Outlay 463.50 3 if F.D, It 499.73 4 If P.D. It 477.00 5 if F.D. if 463.50 6 if F.D. Expense 75.71 7 Owl Cafe Jail Mea Is 67.80 8 Renton News Record Expense 257.88 9 Service Ldry & Cleaners Expense 34.04 40 r.. Sound Paint Mfg. Co. C.H. Expense 24.21 1 Square Deal Grocer F.D. " 70.35 2 Sunset Coal & Oil Co. F.D. 't 215.62 3 Sutton & Eakle P.D. it 26.55 4 Trick & Murray Expense 35.46 5 United Janitor Supply Expense 308.95 6 University of Washington P.D. Expense 5.75 7 Valley Window Cleaners C.H. Expense 7.50 8 Waters Expense 30.95" 9 Western Union Telegraph P.D. Expense 7.37 50 Williams & Swanson Expense 61.56 1 Nelson Equipment Co. F.D.Expense 3.50 2 WATER. Badger Meter Mfg. Co. Expense 58.29 7655 Best Universal. Lock Co. " 15.i+8 6 Cascade Machinery Co. " 89.16 7 Chapman Bros. " 40.96 8 H.L.Collier, City Treas. Water 69.48 9 Katherine Crockett Treas. Expense 5.00 60 Custer Hardware Co. Expense 5.20 1 Dale & McLendon " 11.28 2 Jeanette Diede Treas. Exp. 24.00 3 Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Outlay 128.78 4 H.D.Fowler Co, Inc:. Expense 260.53 5 Hersey .1,fg. Co. Expense 16.01 6 King County Treasurer Outlay 3.00 7 The Lumber Market Expense 5.62 8 Mathewsonts Renton Tire Shop If 28.01 9 Northwest Filter Company It 54.59 70 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 839.25 1 Hu-:,h G. Purcell Co. Ex-)ense 72.55 2 Renton News Record If 81.37 3 Rockwell Mfg. Company It 112.50 4 iloyd Shall Treas. Exp. 29.00 5 R.W. Sparling Expense 15.45 6 Standard 05.1 Company Expense 3.28 7 Stoneway Dock Comity Expense 44.00 8 WATER. CONT'D Western Utilities Supply Expense 133.88 7679 ~-'u ►► ►� 586.39 30 Worthington Camon Meter Co. " 4.1.11 1 it n - Outlay 7084.00 2 Payroll Water 1084.24 3-92 King County Medical Jan. dues 30.25 93 Coll. of Int. Revenue Withholding Tax 724.00 94 Dept. of Labor & -Ind. Ind. Ins. 51.21 5 Remington Rand, Inc. Outlay 113.56 6 Excise Tax Commission 1�bccise Tax 403.51 7 Custer Hardware %o. Expense 108.22 8 H.D. Fowler Co. Inc. Expense 157.42 9 E.N. Hallgren Co, " 89.23 7700 - Hersey Mfg. Co. " 15.31 1 Mathewson' s Tire-Shop " 20.51 2 .r Olympic Foundry Co. " 33.06 3 P.S.P. & Light 06. Power 756.30 4 Remington Rand, Inc. Expense 1.03 5 Rensselaer Valve Co. Outlay 318.58 6 Renton Feed & Seed Co. Expense 3.30 7 Rockwell Mfg. Co. Outlay 253.58 8 Charman Bros. Expense 11.13 9 P.S.P. & Light Co. Outlay 97.00 10 Seattle Water Dept. Water 62.48 1 Steam Supply & Rubber Co. Exbense 1.28 2 Underwood Corp. Treas. Exp. 60.32 3 Waters dense 5.68 4 Western Utilities Supply Co. It 45.84 5 CITY STREETS Chapman Bros. Expense 57.98 5145 Columbia Equipment Co. " 3.62 6 Custer Hardware Co. " 12.30 7 Electric Welding Alloys Corp. " 32.16 8 Gladding McBean & Co. " 16.07 9 Matlewson's Tire Shop " 59.21 50 The Miro-Flex Co.p Inc. " 44.65 1 Northwest Precote, Inc. " 29.66 2 Overall Cleaning & Supply " 5.60 3 Renton Auto Freight " 3.63 4 Sound Paint & Mfg. Co. " 35.37 5 Stoneway Dock Co. " 8.92 6 Union Oil Co. of Calif. Gasoline 707.89 7 White Construction Co. Expense 21*.00 8 Williams & Swanson It •42 9 Payroll City Streets 1642.13 60-75 King County Medical Jan Dues 44.25 76 Coll. of Int. Revenue Withholding Tax 753.60 77 Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 92.38 8 City Treas. City of Tacoma Outlay 103.00 9 Renton Motor Parts., Inc. Expense 191.33 80 Statewide Emp. Pension Pension 850.61 1 Armco Drainage & Metal Outlay 189.81 2 Bruce Welding Expense 10.30 3 Custer Hardware Co. It 62.65 4 Gladding McBean & Co. Outlay 80.75 5 The Lumber Market Outlay 338.60 6 If It 400.53 7 It n 451.14 8 Northwest Precotej, Inc. ^ 266.98 9 Overall Cleaning & Supp. Co. Expense 3.87 90 Pacific Hoist & Derrick Co. Expense 28.25 1 Pedersen Bros. -Motor " 1.+9 2 Renton Auto Freight " 7,14 3 Renton Radiator Service " 10.32 4 Olympic Foundry Co. " 286.44 5 r' Pedersen Bros. Motor Co. Outlay 360.50 6 Renton Machine & Welding Expense 35.54 7 Stoneway Dock C6mnany " 220.17 8 Stonhard Co. " 70.97 9 Truck [Melding & Equipment " 50.34 5205 Union Oil Co. of Calif. Gasoline 603.06 1 19.60 2 4illiams & Swanson Expense 4 . SEWAGE DISPOSAL Chapman Bros. Expense 77.23 1675 Coast Wide Supply Co. 'f 36.67 6 H. D. Fowler Co., Inc. 83.52 7 Hooker Electrochemical Co. 200.00 8 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 226.09 9 David Mitchell Salary 43.08 80 King County Medical Jan Dues 32.50 1 Coll. of Int. Revenue Withholding tax 292.50 2 Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 24.20 3 American Blue Print Expense 5.23 4 - Garlock Packing Co. " 13.59 5 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 198.11 6 Renton Plumbing & Heating Expense 2,32 7 R.M. Wade & Co. Outlay 172.9.30 8 " it it 1578.53 9 Chapman Bros. Expense 5.98 90 Stoneway Dock Co. Outlp,y 208.58 1 AIRPORT Holmes Electric Co. Expense 4.07 762 Pacific Cp.r & Foundry if 38.78 3 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power 379.14 4 Renton Paint & Wallpaper Expense 4.57 5 Renton Valley Fuel Co. it 162.09 6 Seattle Water Dept. Water 27.10 7 Washington Equipment Co. Expense 9.53 8 King County Medical Jan. dues 4.00 9 Coll. of Int. Revenue Withholding tax 131.30 70 Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 12.91 1 Statewide, Emp. Pension System Pension 936.90 2 :airport Inu. Expense 5.30 3 Betz Florist It 17.57 4 Cliff Brown's if 47.93 5 The Keigwin Clinic it 10.00 hh The Lumber Market it 1.64 7 Pacific Car & Foundry it 57.31 8 P.S.P. & Light Co. Po*er Y" 437.59 9 Renton Heating & Air Cond. Expense 9.01 80 Renton News Record Expense 2.2.6 1 Renton Valley Fuel it 184.37 2 Seattle Water Dept. Water 24.15 3 Chapman Bros. Expense 224.89 4 Pacific Car & Foundry " 44.56 5 ATHLETIC E.I. Du Pont DP Nemours Co. Outley 31.46 459 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 70.36 60 King County Medical Jan. dues 5.50 1 Coll. of Internal Revenue Withholding tax 147.60 2 Statewide Emp. Pension System Pension 612.00 3 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 68.60 4 PARK Gene L. Coulon Expense 165.00 1261 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 9.95 2 King County Medical Jan. dues 15.75 3 Coll. of Int. Revenue Withholding Tax 214.00 4 Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 63.71 5 Statewide Emp. Pension System Pension 371.41+ 6 Potlatch Yards, Inc. Expense 13.67 7 P.S.P. & Light Go. Power 12.69 8 LIBRARY King County Medical Jan. dues 4.00 1966 Coll. of Internal Revenue Withholding tax 210.30 7 Bancroft Whitney Co. Books 15.97 8 Mee Binfords & Mort if 5.22 9 Dent. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 2.16 70 Statewide City Emp. Pension Pension 516.60 1 A.J. Burney Expense 40.53 2 The Cexton Printers, Ltd. Books 4.00 3 Thomas Y. Crowell, Co. n 5.84 4 418 LIBRARY CONT'D Diesel Oil Sales �o. Expense 23.58 1975 Doubleday & Co. Books 22.87 6- G. & C. Merriam Co. 13.00 7 The Puget Sound News Co. " 74.1+1 8 P.S.P, & Light Co. Power 18.74 9 Reid & Cook Expense 21.02 80 L.I.D. #229 R. & S. Construction Co. Water Main on Shattuck 1825.73 1, Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:15 P.M. City C rk I - Mayor A�" E �'y - Vo A.C.M. '0l� AI` 44 Renton, Wash January 3, 1950 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: RICHARDSON, SWIFT, DELAUI�ENTI, BRUCE, FREY1,10, HANSEN, HAGEN, TRIMII, GIGLI AND TAMBORINI. JMoved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the minutes of the Council r� meeting of December 20, 1949 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS OR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT N0. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 1553 300.00 Peterson Motors 1.17 Park St Remove bldg. 54 100.00 Dunne Vanselow 11-8 H Place Inst. range &. heater 55 100.00 D.B. McGovern 3rd &c Shattuck Barricade bldg. 56 100.00 Art Kingts Tavern 207 Wells St Wiring 57 100.00 Puhich Cleaners 909 Walla, Walla Partition 58 800.00 Angelo Phillips 526 2nd Ave Black top or pave lot 59 185.00 Liquified Gas Corp. 9611 East Marginal Install. liq. gas tank 60 61000.00 Chester Biggins 11413 S.E. 116th Erect house 61 100.00 Bob Benson 536 No. Williams Wiring 62 100.00 Christine Randall 327 Main St Partition 63 17,000.00 Dan McGovern Renton Rebuild bldg. 64 Mrs. R. Rowe 1200 3rd Ave No. Plumbing 65 100.00 Wm. Lemenager 2504 9th Ave No. Change partition 66 400.00 H. Bruer 112 3rd Ave Conc. floor 67 19,000.00 School Dist. 403 Renton Addition A communication was read from Mr. Fjenry Reynolds, Executive Secretary of the Renton Chamber of Commerce thanking the City Council for their cooperation during 1949 and offering the Council the Chamber of Commerce's assistance at any time. 6.. Mr. Reynolds further commended Mayor Baxter for his commendable service since taking office. Communication ordered filed. A communication was read from F. T. Allen requesting the City Council to consider his Company when securing insurance for the City of Renton. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that this communication be re— ferred to the Personal Property Committee. Carried. A communication was read from the State of Washington Department of High— ways enclosing a folder titled "Motor Vehicle Permit Requirements and Conditions". Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that this communication be referred to the Police and License Committee and Chief of Police. Carried. The Assessment Roll on L.I.D. ##223 was submitted by the Engineer. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that February 79 1950, be set as the date of hearing on said assessment roll. Carried. A communication was read from Mayor Baxter appointing A.A. Lucas and Robert Connell as firemen in the Renton Fire Department, as they have successfully served their probationary time of six months. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the jappointments of the Mayor. Carried. �,,• The City Engineer reported on the bids received for a sewage pump for the City of Renton and stated that as none of the original bids were correct it was necessary to send out another call for bids to the four bidders. On the second call H. D. Fowler Company and R. M. Wade and Company were the only two bidders whose bids complied to specifications. H. D. Fowler Company bid on the Yeoman Pump in the total amount of $3,998.27 and R. M. Wade and Company bid on the Peerless Pump in the amount of $ 3,248.32. ' I 420 va The majority of the Finance Committee and City Engineer recommended that the bid for the pump be awarded to R. M. Wade and Company. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of the Finance Committee and City Engineer. Carried. The Finance Committee recommended that as Standard Oil Company and Union Oil Company's bids were almost equal and both Companies have plants in Renton that the Standard Oil Company be awarded the gasoline bid for the first six months of 1950 and the Union Oil Company be awarded the bid for the City of Renton's gasoline requirements for the last six months of 1950. gasoline by Delaurenti, seconded by Preyman, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Finance Committee. Carried. Ordinance No. 1369 was presented: An Ordinance establishing crosswalk and bus loading zones; regulating parking of vehicles on certain streets and alleys; designating "K" Street to be an Arterial Highway; and Providing a Penalty for the Violation Thereof. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Gigli, that Ordinance No. 1369 be re- ferred to the Ordinance Committee for their. recommendation. Carried. The Ordinance Committee recommended that this ordinance be held up and the Street and Alley Committee and City Engineer fill in the names-of the Streets and distances left blank and the ordinance then be referred to the-City Clerk, for him to make the changes and the second and final reading be held next week. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Mayor Baxter, recommended that effective the first of 1950 the position of Superintendent of Utilities be separated from the position of City Engineer and that there be established two positions instead of one, as at the present time; i.e., a Supt.of Utilities and a City Engineer. Moved by Bruce, seconded. by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Mayor. A roll call vote being taken, the result was.as follows: Richardson, No; Swift, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye; Bruce, r.ye,'Freyman, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Hagen, No; Trimm, Aye; Gigli, No; and Tamborini, Aye. Motion Carried. A short recess was called in order for the Council to discuss the changes and the salaries to be paid. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter, ROLL CALL: RICITARDSON, SWIFT, DELAURENTI,, BRUCE, FRL-MN, HANSEN, HAGEN, TRIP,IM, GIGLI AND TAMBORINI. Mayor Baxter appointed Mr. B. 14. McHugh City Engineer from January 1, 1950 to June 1, 1950 at $450,00 a month as provided in the 1950 budget. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of the Mayor. Carried. Richardson moved an amendment to the motion, seconded by Trimm, that the Mayor be requested to appoint B. M. McHugh as Comptroller from January 1, 1950 to June 12 1950 at a salary of $50.00 a month for services to be performed by him other than City Engineer's duties. The proposed amendment was first put to a vote and carried. Then the original motion as so amended was put to a vote and carried. ago Mayor Baxter as requested by the Council in the previous motion appointed Mr. B. M. McHugh as Comptroller from January 1, 1950 to June 1, 1950 at a salary of $50.00 a month. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the appointment of the Mayor be approved by the Council. Carried. Mayor Baxter appointed Mr. S. R. Waller, Superintendent of Utilities and stated that the City Engineer is now relieved of the duties as Superintendent of tilites.. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council approve the appointment and concur in the action of the Mayor in relieving the City Eng. of the duties of Superintendent of Utilities. Carried. 421 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the storekeeper receive a salary of $300.00 per month, that the Fngineer's Fieldman receive a salary of 025.00 per month, that the General Foreman in charge of City equipment receive a salary of $325.00 per month. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Ways and Means Committee investigate the matter of setting up a policy regulating legal holidays and the rate of pay for holiday and amount of vacation and report back to the Council February 7, 1950. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that each Department Head should recommend any changes they wish to Make in their departments, regarding salary increases, increase in personnel, etc., and the Department Head should report these matters to the Council for action. Mayor Baxter requested more time to appoint a committee to work with the Red Cross in case of a disaster in Renton. Mayor Baxter referred the matter of the dog pound in the City of Renton to the Sanitation Committee and Ways and Means Committee. More tim6 was granted the Real Property Committee and the Park Board to investigate the possibility of a park in Earlington. The Sanitation Committee, City Engineer and City Attorney were granted more time for investigation of a new garbage disposal location in the City of Renton. The Sanitation Committee recommended that the Superintendent of Utilities call for bids for garbage collection for the City of Rentor.. Moved by Yichardson, seconded by Swift, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Sanitation Committee, Carried. The Street & Alley Committee requested that the recommendation of the Police Department to install a temporary wooden guardd rail on the west side of Shattuck Street, south of Third Avenue be referred back to their committee with power to act. The Street and Alley Committee stated that the Police Department's re— commendation for an automatic stop and go signal at the intersection of Third Avenue and Shattuck Street and the recommendat=_on that an automatic stop and go Ignal light be installed at the intersection of Second and Williams Street require action on the part of the Fire, Light and Water Committee. Moved by Bruce, seconded by hichardson, that the Council concur in the recommendations of,the Street and Alley Cor,=ttee. Carried. More time was granted the Street and. alley Corunittee to invetigate the possibility of having Mr. Rockey sign a petitionn for an alley from Lith Avenue to Walla. Walla .A..ve, between Wells Street and Main Street. The Street and Alley Committee stated they would have a report on the matter of opening South 136th Street from 91st Ave., South to Rainier Avenue at the next Council meeting. The Police and License Committee stated permission had been g-ranted the Venezia. Tavern to install. one Rockolla. Shuffleboard. More time was granted the Fire Light and Dater Committee regarding the matter of installing more lights from 6th Avenue to 8th Avenue on Wells Street North. The City Attorney stated that�he had contacted the State T!Ita-miner regard— ing the matter of the County Treasurer overpaying the City of Renton $3,004.00 and that he had investigated this matter with the State Examiner and found it to be legally correct, and that it is the City's responsibility to refund the money. Moved 'by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the amount of $3004.00 be refunded to the County Treasurer by the -City Treasurer before January 109 1950 in order that the money can be taken from the 1949 budget. Carried. More time was granted the City Enginer to submit the figures to the Northern Pacific Railroad officials at St. Paul for the actual cost of the railroad crossing, including signal lights for the extension of Lath Avenue North. 422 Mr. Gene Coulon, Park Supervisor, stated the specifications for a new truck would be ready for the City Council January 102 1950. ' Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that an open letter be put in the newspapers expressing appreciation to the Lions Club, Mr. Bi11, Cwens, Jr. Chamber of Commerce, the Renton Fire Department and others who helped to decorate the City of Renton for Christmas. Carried. Councilman Gigli stated that a definite policy should be taken with regard to claims against the City by people falling on slippery or broken side- walks as some people have complained to him that they have submitted claims to the City and have received no word with regard to their dispostion. It was recommended that the `'ity Attorney or City Clerk notify the claimants by phone as to what disposition is taken. Counci-Iran Richardson, stated that the Department Heads should begin using the work order forms recently set up for jobs requested by the City Council. The Mayor stated that these work order forms will be used in the future. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that a work order be sent to the proper Department Head requesting the City painter to paint the City jail. Carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the room now used as a dressing room at the City Garage be cleaned up and painted for use as a storeroom atthe City Garage. Carried. Councilman Hansen stated that the prowler cars of the Police Depart- ment should be put in better condition. Mayor. Baxter stated that he would take this matter up with the Chief of Police. Councilman Richardson, thanked the Engineering Department on behalf of the residents of Renton Hill -for taking care of the Street by sanding after the recent snow storm. Moved by Gigli-, seconded by Tamborini, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: CURRENT Payroll Engineers 835.99 6453-59 Payroll Office 938.97 60-71 Payroll F.D. 2482.15 72-91 Payroll P.D. 3191.34 92-6517 Payroll Garbage 8.4.75 18-..7 Payroll St. Clean 267.63 28-31 King County Medical Feb. dues 354.75 32 WATER Payroll Water (Cffice) 234.65 7716-19 Pa;-roll Water 1056.1.0 20-29 King County Medical Feb. dues 30.25 30 CITY STREETS Not used Not used 5203-4 Payroll Office 277_.27 5-8 Payroll City Streets 1629.10 9--23 King County Medical Feb. dues 48.25 24 STiVA GE_DISPOSAL Not used Not used 1692 Payroll Sewage Disposal 471.81 3-97 Office 173.00 8-1701 Payroll King County Medical Feb. dues 27.25 AIP'ORT 786 Not used Payroll Airport 265.75 7-90 King County Medical Feb. dues 4.00 1 ATHLETIC Payroll Athletic 175.77 465-66 King County Medical Feb. dues 5.50 7 PARK Payroll Park 414.42 1269-'73 King County Medical Feb. dues 15.75 74 LIBRARY King County Medical Feb. dues 400 1981 423 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. City C1 k `r. Mayor - �.rl i i 9 A r Renton, Washington January 10, 1950 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: RICHARDSON, 1W1FT, DEIAURETTI, BRUCE, F?EYMAN, HANSEN, HAGAN, REID, GIGLI, DAVIDSON AND T.AMBORIhTI. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the Jana;r;,r 3, 1950 Council meeting be approved as corrected. Carried. A petition for rezoning was received from Shaff and Bell, 315 Mill St. , Renton, and signed by property owners within the limits of. 200 feet of property to be rezoned requesting that Government Lot 16 in Section 18, Twp. 23 N.R. 5 E.W.M., be rezoned from residential to commercial. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that this petition be referred to the Planning Commission. Carried. It was requested that the City Clerk notify Shaff and Bell to send a written request to the Planning Commission with their petition regarding per— mission to build a fence approximately six feet high around the property. A petition for rezoning was received from the property owners within 200 feet of Lots 24, 25 and 26 in Block 7 of Car Works Addition to Renton request— ing that the property be rezoned from residential to commercial property in order that an apartment building may be built on this location. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that this petition be referred to the Planning Commission. Carried. ' A communication was read from Lake Shore Lines, Inc., accepting the franchise of the City as outlined in Ordinance No.1360. Communication ordered filed. Mayor Baxter stated that since the Trailways, Inc., will not be trans— porting passengers from one section of the City to another Lake Shore lines un— doubtedly need. to put on more busses to take care of the overload. Moved by Hagen, seconded by Hansen, that the Police Department check on this matter and report back at the next Council meeting. Carried. A communication was read from Mrs. Nary Tomac, 314 Morris Street stating that on November 21, 1949 she fell cn the sidewalk between 310 and -1.14 Morris Street and broke her glasses. She stated that as the accident was caused by a defect in the sidewalk the City should pay the cost of repairing the glasses which was X19.57. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred. to the City Attorney and Public Relations Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from Robert H. Moran requesting permission to ope=rate a Pool Hall and Card Room under the name of B. & M. Recreation Room and to be located upstairs over `ronkins Toggery on the Southwest corner of the intersection of Wells Street and 3rd Avenue. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that this matter be referred to the Police and License Committee, Chief of Police and Fire Chief for a report back next week. Carried. The final estimate on L.I.D. rr223, construction of sewer laterals on Renton Hill. was submitted by the Rainier Beach Plumbing Company in the amount of $32533.24. A bill was also submitted for sales tax not previously billed in the amount of X705.65 but it was pointed out that the contract specifically stated that the contractor should pay all taxes. A discussion was held as to whether the contractor or the City would have to put back the streets in their original condition with blacktop. 425 Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee, 'Finance Committee, City Engineer and City attorney for investigation and report back to the Council. Carried. The Final Estimate was submitted on L.I.D. #229, 611 Water Main on Shattuck Street between 3rd Avenue and 2nd Avenue between Shattuck Street and Whitworth Street, in the amount of to R & S Construction Company. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded. by Bruce, that this matter be referred to the Finance Committee, City Engineer and City Attorney with power to Act. Carried. A copy of a communication to Mr. E. F. McMinn from the Hazelwood Lake Washington Improvement Club was read stating that the Club had voted to go on record in favor of locating the proposed 4—H Fairgrounds in Renton. Communication ordered filed. A communication was read from the Department of Highways regarding Chapter 200 of the Laws of 1949 which prohibits the Suspension of signs, banners and decorations ahve state h1 --hways up to a vertical height of twenty feet. Communication ordered filed. A communication was read from the Department of Health, Division of Public Health Engineering, Seattle, stating that a training course for water works operators will. be held in Room 214, More Hall at the University of Washington, on February 2nd and 3rd 1950. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that this matter be referred to Mr. Waller and he be instructed to mnd a representative to this meeting. A roll call vote being taken the result was as follows: Richardson, No; Swift, No; Delaurenti, Aye; Bruce, Aye; Freyman, Aye; Hansen, No; Hagen, No; Reid, No; Gigli, No; Davidson, Aye; and Tamborini, No. Motion lost. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Supt. of Utilities and City Engineer be instructed to attend the meeting. Carried. r... A proposed Lease was read between the Lions Club of Renton, Inc., Lessor and. City of Renton and. Renton Recreational Council, Inc;., Lessee, agreeing to lease an International Bus from the date of the _lease until December 1_3, 1950. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this lease be referred back to the Recreation Council, Park Board and City Attorney for investigation. Carried. L- A communication was read from 11ayor Baxter appointing Mr. John Swanson and Tom Dobson, Jr., to succeed themselves on the City Planning Commission for the term from January 2, 1950 to January 2, 1956. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the appointments of the Mayor. Carried. A communica.tionca.s read from Mayor Baxter appointing Mr. Frank Ames as a member of the Renton Aviation Board to succeed himself for the three year term from November 6, 1949 to November 6, 1952. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti., that the Council concur in the appointment of the Mayor. Carried. A communication was read from Mayor Baxter appointing Mr. John Leonard Parks, Jr., to the temporary appointment of fireman. Moved by Brace, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the appointment of Mayor. Carried. A commtmicationvas read from the Renton Park Board setting up specifi— cations for a 1950 12 ton truck, to be paid .for from the Street Department Fund. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this matter be referred to the Personal Property Committee and '.days and. Means Committee for investigation and a report back to the Council later on in the evening. Carried. 426 A A communication was read from the City Treasurer stating that a check was mailed to the County Treasurer in the amount of X3004.00 to take care of the overpayment of the-City of Renton. Mayor Baxter stated- that it has been reported to him that there is need for at least two more pick-up truck for use at the City garage. It was re- quested that the Personal Property Committee and Ways and Means Committee investi- gate this matter and come back with a report to the Council this evening. A short recess was called in order for the Personal Property Committee and flays and Means Committee to discuss the specifications on the Park Board truck and the possibility of calling for bids on two 1/2 ton pick-up trucks. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor° Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: RICHARDSONI `WIF?I DELAURENTII BRUCE, FREMN, HANSENI HAGFZ1, REID, GIGLI AND DAVIDSOE. The Personal Property Committee and ',days and Means Committee recommended that the specifications for the truck for the Park Board be changed to read a 1949 or 1950 model and also recommended that specifications be drawn up Por two 1/2 ton pick-un trucks, either 1949 or 1950 models, without accessories, and bids be called on all three trucks. Moved by Delaurenti., seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Personal Property Committee and 14ays and Means Committee. Carried. The City Engineer reported that he is having a meeting with Mr. Haywood, Mr. Cain and Mr. Gruner of the State Highway Department regarding the 4th Ave north extension on Thursday. The Supt-. of Utilities stated that he investigated the City Garage and has devised a plan for moving some of the equipment to an extra building, thus relieving some of the congestion. He further suggested that one of the partitions be removed in order to enlarge the dressing room at the City garage. The Real Property Committee stated they are holding up painting of a part of the City garage until all the necessary improvements have been made. A communication w as r ead from the Airport Manager requesting City Council authorization to advertise for bids for dismantelling, moving to the Renton Airport and re-erection of the control tower at the Seattle-Tacoma Airport when aii.thorized to do so by the C.A.A. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council authorize the Airport Manager to call for bids. Carried. The Street and Alley Committee reported that .they and the City Engineer had secured the names of the streets and distances left blank in Ordinance No. 1369 and the same had been returned to the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee requested that Ordinance No. 1369 be placed on its second and final reading, which is an ordinance establishing a crosswalk, bus loading zones, regulating parking of vehicles on certain streets and alleys and designating "K" Street as an Arterial Highway. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hagen, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of. the Ordinance Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading of Ordinance No. 1369, it was moved by Gigli, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance_ No. 1369 be adopted as read. . A roll call vote being taken the ordinance was unanimously adopted. The Chief of Police stated that some plans had been made at a meeting of the Disaster Conm ttee and requested the Mayor to check over the plans with him, ORDINANCE NO. 1370 was presented. An Ordinance Establishing the Position of Comptroller. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Gigli, that this Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried.. 42'77 The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance No. 1370. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Hansen, seconded by Delaurenti, that Ordinance No. 1370 be adopted as read. A roll call vote bein taken the Ordinance was unanimously adopted. The Real Property Committee stated that their committee and two members of the Park Board and the Recreation Director had looked over the potential park site at Earlington and found it to be very desirable. The Real Pronerty Committee stated .that there are four lots 40 x 200 owned by Tom Dobson & Son 'deal Estate Company and one and one half lots adjacent to the ones owned by said Real Estate Company. The lots are listed at $500.00 but Mr. Dobson stated that the City might be able to have them at a lower figure. The Real Property Committee recommended that the proper committee be appointed to negotiate with Mr. Dobson in regard to setting some price on the property. I•loved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Real Property Committee continue on this matter and report back to the Council. Carried. The Ordinance Committee requested the Police & License Committee to meet with them next Monday evening at 7:30 P.M., in the City Hall to work on an Ordinance licensing punchboards. The Street and Alley Committee stated that they had investigated the matter or right-of-way of South 136th Street and found that both parties concerned are encroaching on the right-of-way. The Street and Alley Committee recommended that the City Clerk notify Mr. J. A. Rutherford, Dr. C.W. Wilson, R.R. Mitchell and Jim Hardy to meet with the Council Tuesday evening, January 24, 1950 in order to discuss this matter. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hagen, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. The Fire Light and Water Committee recommended that three lights be installed on Wells Street between 6th Avenue and 8th Avenue North and the City Clerk so notify the Puget Sound Power and Light Company. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Fire Light and Water Committee. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the City Clerk write a. letter to the Puget Sound Power & Light Company requesting them to install a mercury light on Williams Street between Lith and 5th Avenues. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freym. n, that the City Clerk send a communication to the Puget Sound Power and Light Company requesting them to install three lights on Third Place, as recommended by the Fire Light and Water Committee. Carried. Mayor Baxter appointed the following committee to :cork with the Planning Committee on the probability of a P.U.D., in the Renton area: Chairman of the Fire Light and Water Committee, Walt Reid; Chairman of the Ways and Means Committe, Arne Hagen; Chairman of the Finance Committee, Steve Tamborini; City Attorney and City Engineer and appoin�,ed the Chairman of the Fire Light and Water Committee, Walt Reid, General Chairman of the Committee. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the �,,.. recommendation of the Mayor. Carried. Mayor. Baxter stated that with the number of precincts increased to 25 it would be necessary to have at least two precincts voting at the same place and suggested that the Supt. of Utilities should have the painter make two signs for each precinct and install one outside and one inside the building and have them put up at the proper time. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Mayor. Carried. I 428 Mr. Bjorklund, Chairman of. the March of Dimes Campaign in Renton, re— quested the City Council to challenge the members of the Chamber of Commerce to a basketball game for the benefit of the march of Dimes. Mr. Bjorklund stated that each member of the two teams will be sponsored by a business house in Renton and when that person misses a shot the business house will have to pay a certain amount. The gate receipts will go to the March _of. Dimes. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded. by Richardson, that the City Council challenge the members of the Chamber of Commerce to a basketball game. Carried. Councilman Dela.urenti stated that the Veterans Council wishes to use space in the City Hall for distribution of application forms to veterans for the State Bones. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the City Clerk be instructed to allow the Veterans Council to use the available space. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hagen, that ,the meeting be adjourned. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. I,dile rook Mayor 429 Renton, Washington • January 17, 1950 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.T . ROLL CALL: SWIFT, D?LAURENTI, BRUCE, F?EYMAN, HANSEN, HAGE1,4y T RIMM, REID, GIGLI, DAVIDSON P-ND TAMBORINI. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council minutes of the January 10th meeting be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED_BY_THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT, N0, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 1568 100.00 H. F. Mathewson 13805 10th Ave. So. Ins. dryer 9 150.00 Bob Wilson 2255 6th Ave No. Inst. furnace 70 100.00 Ed. Souder 2204 9th Place Inst. vent and drain 71 1000.00 Sam Mehlrath 13/AD4 88th Ave. So. Cone. basement 72 400.00 F.A. Roworth 614—A G. Street Furnace and chimney 73 200.00 C.D. Acree 334 N. Burnett St. Remodel hoose 74 150.00 L.L. Happ 828 A St. Inst. garage 76 350.00 L.T. Sims 2011 7th Ave. Erect garage 77 250.00 G. McClelland 725 E. St. Inst. furnace CF^r.TIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY NAME ADDRESS FOR OCCUPANCY AS E. Sims 826 — D. Street Beauty Parlor This being the date set for hearing on the assessment roll for L.I.D., #229 for the installation of a 61' water ma.-i_n Shattuck Street and Second Avenue and there being no protests, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the Ordinance Committee be instructed do draw up an ordinance approving the assessment Lroll. Carried. The Finance Committee recommended that payment of the bill for 1322.19 the final amount due on L.I.D. #229 to the R & S Construction Company be delayed until the job is completed as per contract. A co 430 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Sunt. of utilities, the Fire Light and Water Committee and the City Treasurer for investigation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Countnerts Inc:., enclosing 0160.00 for renewal of their master music license and renewal of licenses at the Triple XXX Barrel, the Cedar River Malt Shop and Jimts Cafe. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Bruce, that this matter be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act Carried. An application was received from Modern Music Company for a master license permitting coin-operated. phonographs at 35 locations in Renton. The applicant agreed to pay the sum of rt)100.00 for the master license and 'r>20.00 each for the sub-licenses as per requirement of the City Ordinance licensing coin-operated phonographs. Moved by Tri.mm, seconded by Gigli, that this matter be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A statement was received from the Medical Security Clinic in the amount of 5:3.00 for medical services rendered to Mary Tomac after she had fallen on a defective sidei.ralk in the' City of Renton. The question as to the City"s liability for this claim was thoroughly discussed. Moved by Hagen, seconded by Freyman, that this matter be referred to the City Attorney and the Public Relations Committee for investigation and a re- port. Carried. A communication was received from the Renton Park Board and Renton Recreation Council recommending that the City license the bus leased by them from the Lions Club under City fleet rates. The Park Board and Renton Recreation Council enclosed the lease from the Lions Club for the use of the bus for X1.00 during the year 1950. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the request of the Renton of the Renton Park Board and Renton Recreation Council and the Mayor and City Clerk be instructed to sign the lease. Carried. A communication was read from the Park Board stating that the Park Fund has only $93.00 in their fund and to carry on normal operations it will be necessary to get a transfer to their fund. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Swift, that the Ways and Means Committee meet with the Park Board and report back this evening. Carried. A communication was read from the City of Renton Planning Commission regarding the peititon of John W. Kers and John W. Tusa to rezone Lot 1, Block 3, Town of Renton Addition, f rom3esidential to commercial, stating the following resolution was adopted by the Planning Commission: "Resolved: That we would recommend the change in zoning from residential to commercial providing they present to the Council that they have alegal right or easement from the Gladding, McBean Company for an adequate access to this property from the Gladding McBean private road which borders on the north side of this property, and provided further that they give a forfeiture bond that the present building will be removed at the end of a two-year period". Moved by Reid, seconded by Gigli, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the Planning Commission. Carried. A communication was read from the City of Renton Planning Commission regarding the petition of Shaff and Bell to rezone the property described in their oncost side of State Highway No. 5 and near the north side of the Chicago, Milwaukee Railroad underpass, and stating the Planning Commission had passed the following resolution: "That we recommend to the City Council that they approve the rezoning petition for said property from residential to commercial, on the condition that the access to this property be directly across the street from 4th Place, and further provided that they obtain approval from the King County Planning Commission for the use of the portion of the property which is in King County, for the same 4e type of zoning". Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. The pity Clerk was requested to notify Shaff and Bell and John Myers and John Tusa regarding their petitions. A communication was read from the City of Renton Planning Commission regarding the petition of John Grubisich to rezone lots 24, 25 and 26, Car Works Addition from residential to commercial, and stating that the Planning Commission had Passed the following resolution: "That we recommend to the City Council that they approve this rezoning petition contingent upon the approval of his plans for the apartment house building by the Building Department, the rezoning to become effective after the approval of said plans by the Building Department% Moved by Gigli, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the Planning Commission. Carried. A communication was read from the Fire Chief regarding the request of Mr. Robert H. Moran for permission to operate a Pool Hall and Card Room upstairs over Tonkins Toggery stating that he found the building unsuitable for such an operation and recommended that the petition be denied. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Hagen, that this communication be referred to the Police and License Committee. Carried. A short recess was held in order for the Ways and Means Committee to meet with the Park Board regarding transfer of funds. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Baxter. ROLL CALL: SWIFT, DELAUPJMI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HAGEN, HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, GIGLI, DAVIDSON AND TAMBORINI. The Ways and Means Committee recommended that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up a resolution transferring the sum of $17$ 00 from the Current Fund to the Park Fund, said amount to be paid back to the Current Fund when the Park Department receives their taxes in three to four months. Moved by Dela.urenti, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the re- Commendation of the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. Mayor Baxter presented a chart;,he, the Fire Chief and Police Chief drew up as a plan for relief activities in case of disaster. The committee left the name of the chairmen and members of the different committees blank and felt that the Council should approve the members appointed on these committees. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hagen, that a committee, consisting of the Mayor the Fire Chief and Police Chief decide who should be chairman of the different committees and report back to the Council. Carried. The Sanitation Committee, City Engineer and City Attorney were granted more time on the matter of a new garbage disposal location in Renton. The Sanitation Committee recommended that specifications be drawn up and call for bids be made on the method of handling impounded dogs. Said bids to be limited to parties operating in the City of Renton. Moved by Dela.urenti, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Sanitation Committee. Carried. Moved by Reid, seconded by Bruce, that the Sanitation Committee and Chief of Police draw up specifications for the bids and report back to the Council. Carried. The Real Property Committee was granted more time to meet with Mr. Tom Dobson and the Park Board regarding the possibility of a park in Earlington. The Street and Alley Committee reported instructions had been given the 432 Sac.zF Supt. of Utilities and the City Engineer to proceed with installation of a temporary wooden guard rail on the west side of Shattuck Street, south of Third Avenue. More time was granted the Street and Alley Committee and the Fire, Light and Water Committee on the recommendations of the Police Department for an automatic stop and go signal at the intersection of Third Avenue and Shattuck Street and the recommendation that an automatic stop and go signal light be installed at the intersection of Second and Williams Street. More time was granted the Street and Alley Committee to investigate the possibility of having Mr. Rockey sign a petition for an alley from 4th Ave. to Walla Walla Ave., hetween Wells Street and Main Street. The Supt. of Utilities stated that he is to have a meeting Wednesday, January 18, 1950, regarding drawing up specifications for garbage collection in Renton, and would have a report next Council meeting. The Finance Committee recommended that the City pay Rainier Beach Plumbing Company the balance due on L.I.D., #223 but recommended that $200.00 be held back to take care of any sinking of the streets after the backfilling is completed stating that if there is no sinking the City pay Rainier Beach Plumbing Company the $200.00 at a later date. The Committee further stated that the Contracting Company is liable for the state sales tax asset forth in the contract. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Gigli, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of the Finance Committee. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the Contractor sign a waiver in the amount of the State taxes and the City submit the taxes to the State and deduct the amount from the total due. Carried. Councilman Bruce stated that in his opinion the Mayor should appoint a committee to meet with the Housing Authority regarding the rebuilding and re- financing of low cost housing in Renton and further stated that the Federal Government will give aid for such a program, and recommended that the Committee report back to the Council on their recommendations. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of Councilman Bruce. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that he would appoint a committee as per above recommendation and a motion at a later date. Councilman Swift stated that something should be done with respect to car parking behind the City Hall. He stated that shoppers are using the space for parking and are blocking the right-of-way. Moved by Reid, seconded by Tamborini, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and Police Department for investigation and a report back. Carried. Councilman Swift stated that he had received a verbal request to be presented to the Council for the guard rail at 91st Ave., and Renton Avenue to be moved a few feet in order that the property owner could have access to his driveway, and further stated that the move would be feasible. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for investigation and report back to the Council. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented. CURRENT P.S.P. & Light Co. F.D. Expense 27.44 6533 King County Water Dist. #69 P.D. "' 1.00 A Arthur L. Haugan Attorney Expense 11.79 35 Treasurer, U.S.A. Garbage " 9.78 36 Payroll Engineers 864.99 37-43 Payroll. Office 984.72 "-55 Payroll F .D. 2274.16 56-75 CURRENT CONTID Payroll P.D. 3350.44 6576-6601 Payroll Mayor & Councilmen 456.64 2-14 John C. Becklund Dog Pound Expense 44.00 15 Payroll Garbage 783.48 16-23 Payroll St. Cleaning 163.59 24-25 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Phones 207.23 26 WATER Jeanette Diede Overtime - Treas. Exp. 30.00 7731 Floyd Shaff Overtime - Treas. Exp. 25.00 2 Worthington Gamon Meter Co. Expense 7.10 3 Payroll Water 1744.08 4-47 '•• CITY STREETS Payroll Office 213.52 5225-28 Payroll City Streets 3046.45 29-5253 SEWAGE DISPOSAL Payroll Sewage Disposal 509.65 1703-7 Payroll Office 173.00 8-11 Payroll 'David Mitchell 53.85 12 AIjJORT Payroll. Airport 263.77 792-3 ATIfLETIC Payroll Athletic 181.27 468-69 SARK Payroll Park 496.60 1275-79 LIBRA.I Payroll Library 884.89 1982-89 FIREMAN'S RELIEF & PENSION FUND Enza Anderson Monthly Pension 125.00 17 Mrs. Orpha B. McDonald Funeral Benefits 200.00 18 L.I.D. #223 Rainier Beach Plumbing Co. 4th Payment on Sanitary Sewer 3333.24 4 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Freyman.. that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. Cit clerk Q r � . yor I i 434 Renton, Washington January 24, 1950 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 5:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: RICHARDSON, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HAGEN, TRIMM, H;ID, GIGLI, DAVIDSON AND TAMBORINI. Moved by Reid, seconded by Gigli, that the minutes of the January 17, 1950 meeting be adopted as corrected. Carried. ... A communication was read from the Board of Industrial Insurance Appeals requesting room space in the City Hall for Thursday, February 2, 1950. The City Clerk was requested to take care of this matter. A communication was read from Donald G. Holm inviting the Mayor and Councilmen to come to a reception for the Reverend Lewis A. Steed and his family at S:AA P.M., on Monday, January 30, 1950 at the Baptist Church, 311 Smithers, Renton. Moved by Reid, seconded by Bruce, that the Council accept the invitation of Mr. Holm and as many of the Councilmen attend as possible. Carried. A co-munication was read from H, D. Fowler Company, Inc., request- ing an opportunity to meet with Renton City officials to d emonstrate the matter of installing "Meterad" units on the standards of parking meters. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hagen, that this matter be re- ferred to the proper committee and that they arrange to have a meeting with representatives of the H. D. Fowler Company and report back. Carried. Mayor Baxter appointed the Finance Committee and Ways and Means Committee to investigate the matter. The property owners who were requested to meet with the Council on the matter of the right-of-way of South 136th Street were present at the meeting but as the City Engineer wad"A was requested that the City Clerk notify these property owners when a meeting date can be arranged. A communication was read from Wright Motors, Inc., stating that they have available a 1946 Ford truck and will sell it to the City of Renton for $1,175.00. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that this communication be held until the opening of bids on the three trucks next Tuesday night. Carried. A communication was read from the Department of Highways stating that the Governor has inauguarated an action program based upon recommendations of the Statewide Safety Conference and requesting the cooperation of the City with regard to erecting and maintaining signs on the roads and streets under the City jurisdiction. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that this matter be re- ferred to the Supt. of Utilities. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Sea Scouts requesting a dance permit to hold their Annual Benefit Dance in the American Legion Hall Saturday, February 11, 1950, and requesting that the usual License fee be waivered. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Delaureni, that this request be granted. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Bruce, that the Ordinance Committee investigate the ordinance licensing dances to see if any changes are necessary and report back to the Council. Carried. 435 A communication was read from the Lions Club thanking the Mayor the City Council and the City employees who cooperated with the Lions Club in the Santa Claus Lane Program. Communication ordered filed. The following applications were received for permission to operate shuffleboards in Renton: Victory Tavern, 3rd and Rainier Ave.; Eagle Tavern,, 340 Burnett St; A & B Sportsments Headquarters, 317 Main Street; Venezia Tavern, 706 3rd Ave. Moved by Reidp seconded by Richardson, that these applications be referred to the Police and License Committee with power'to act. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that he had challenged the Chamber of Commerce to a basketball game with the City Council on Thursday, February 2, 1950 for the benefit of the March of Dimes. The Ordinance Committee presented Resolution No. 754 transferring the sum of $17p500.00 from the Current General Fund to the Park Department Fund, said amount to be refunded and reimbursed during the year 1950 as and when revenues accrue to and accumulate in said Park Department Fund. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Gigli, that Resolution No. 754 be adopted as read. Carried. Ordinance No. 1371 was read: An Ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll of L.I.D. #229 improvement of Shattuck St. from 2nd Ave. to 3rd Aveej, also 2nd Ave. from Shattuck Sto. to Whitworth St., by the installation of 6 inch water min with hydrants. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman.9 that Ordinance No. 1371 be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. The Ordinance Committee requested that this ordinance be held until Tuesdayp January 31, 1950, for its second and final reading. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee, Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Fish and Game Club stating that they were interested in obtaining the material contained in the grandstand located in Liberty Park and stating that they were willing to completely level the existing structures at the ball field and requesting an opportunity to discuss their plans more fully with the council. A communication was read from the Renton Park Board recommending that the above offer be accepted, providing the Park Board can work out the proper details with the Fish and Game Club. Moved by Swift.. seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council accept the plan of the Renton Fish and Game Club and that the Park Board supervise the work to see that it is done to their standards. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by FxWman, that the above motion be amended to read that before this plan is approved that the Real Property Committee investigate this matter and report back to the Council. The amendment being put to a vote the amendment carried. The motion being put to a vote the motion carried. The City Attorney reported that he had a telephone call from Mrs. Hawk stating that she would like to sell her concession in the North Recreation Building to Mrs. Davenport but as she had a lease with the City she requested Council approval before doing so. Moved by Bruce,, seconded by Reid, that this matter be referred to the Real Property Committee, Park Board, and'the City Attorney for investigation. Carried. Councilman Richardson suggested that the Council committee reports be taken up only at the first and third meetinGs of the month unless a committee has a report that should be handled sooner. Councilman Swift stated that the committees should receive two letters from the City Clerk's Office, one with matters to be taken up immediately and the other letter for matters 436 which will require more time. The City Clerk was requested to try this plan to see if it simplified committee reports. The Real Property Committee reported that they met with Mr. Tom Dobson with regard to the purchase of five and one—half lots in Earlington for use as a park and stated the property may be obtained for $400.00 a lot or $2200.00 for the whole tract. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that this matter be re— ferred to the Finance Committee, Real Property Committee, City Attorney Mayor and City Clerk. Carried. The Finance Committee, Ways and Means Committee, City Treasurer NEW and Mayor all received a letter from the King County Assessor stating that as of December 302 1949 the Boeing—Renton Plant was transferred from the R.F.C. to the United States Government and this fact makes it necessary to remove the said property from the tax rolls, which would entail an estimated loss $48,700.00 to the City of Renton in 1951. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Swift, that this matter be referred to the Legislation Committee and City Attorney for investigation and a report back. Carried. The Street and Alley Committee and tire, Light and Water Committee recommended that an automatic stop and go signal be installed at the intersection of Third and Shattuck Street and one at Second and Williams Streets and this matter be referred to the Finance Committee or Ways and Means Committee for in— vestigation and a report back. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committees and this matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. The Street and Alley Committee stated that they were working with the City Attorney on the matter of having Mr. Rockey sign a petition for an alley from 4th Ave to Walla Walla Avenue between Wells Street and Main Street but so far have not contacted Mr. Rockey. The Street and Alley Committee recommended that the guard rail at 91st Ave. and Renton Ave. be moved a few feet in order that the property owner adjacent to this guard rail could use his garage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee and the Superintendent of Utilities be instructed to do the work. Carried. The Street and Alley Committee and Police Department reported that they had investigated the matter of car park-'hg behind the City Hall and reported that the City Engineer and City Attorney are attempting to get a right of way from the alley to Williams Street. The Street and Alley Committee was granted more time to work on this matter. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Street and Alley Committee and Superintendent of Utilities investigate the matter of the gutter between Renton and Grant Streets on Beacon Avenue and report back to the Council Carried. The Superintendent of Utilities was instructed to install a vertical bus stop sign at 3rd and Logan Street. The Mayor reported on the names of the committees and sub— committees for the Renton Disaster Committee. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Reid, that Fire Chief Lawrence arrange a meeting of the different committees as soon as possible in order to get the program in operation. Carried. Councilman Reid stated that he is planning to arrange a meeting of the planning committee and the P.U.D. Committee for Wednesday evening, February 1, 1950 and will notify the members of the time and placeof the meeting. The Mayor appointed the following committee to work with him on the matter of the refinancing and rebuilding of low cost housing in Renton: 437 Councilman Bruce, Richardson, Tamborini, Freyman and Swift and the City Attorney Councilman Richardson suggested that the Mayor contact the Housing Authority as to when a meeting could be held and then notify the Committee members. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Swift, that the Council authorize the Park Board to sell the truck which is now at the City Garage. Carried. A discussion was held on the matter of the Gas Company being required to turn off the gas at the curb line or property line when the gas is no longer ! being used by the property owner. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Davidson, that the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney investigate this matter to see if the Gas Company will shut the gas off when it is taken out. Carried. The Airport Manager stated that he has called for bids on the moving and installation of the Control Tower and said bids will be opened on February 14, 1950. The Airport Manager submitted an amendment to the original Grant Agreement between the C.A.A. and the City of Renton increating the amount of the grant to $152529.13 from $15,200.00 Resolution No. 755 was presented approving and authorizing the amendment to the Grant Agreement. Moved by Reid, seconded by Swift, that the Mayor and City Clerk sign the resolution after the City Attorney has approved the resolution as to form. Carried. Councilman Reid stated something should be done about the water backing up near the Malone Hotal and requested the Superintendent of Utilities to do some- thing about this matter. Mr. William Sourwine spoke before the Council about the 40th Anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America and requested permission of the Council to have the Boy Scouts take over the duties of the City officials during Boy Scout week, which is February 6th to 12th , 1950. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Boy Scouts take over the official duties of the City on Tuesday, February 7, 1950. Carried. It was requested that the Mayor issue a proclamation declaring February 6 to February 1950 as Boy Scout Week. The Fire, Light and Water Committee recommended that a mercury light be installed at 4th Ave and Williams Streets, one midway between 4th Ave and 5th Avenue on Williams Street and one at 5th Avenuep and Williams Street. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that this matter be re- ferred to the Ways and Means Committee and Fire Light and Water Committee for their investigation and a report back to the Council. Carried. Councilman Reid stated that he believes the contract with Puget Sound Power and Light Company reads that the lights in the Renton Highlands and North Renton should be checked every 1000 hours and stated that many complaints have been received about lights being out in both these locations. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Firej. Light and Water Committee investigate this contract. Carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Fire, Light and Water Committee investigate this contract. Carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. City C14rk yor 438a_w K e coxal lneo"� Renton, 'Washington January 31, 1950 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: RICHARDSON, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMIAN, HAGEN, REID, GI GLI, DAVIDSON AND TAMBORI DR. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the minutes of the January 24, 1950 meeting be adopted as written. Carried. APPLICATICNS FOR BUILD111C= PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTUET?T NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE CF WORK 1575 $150.00 L. L. Hipp 828 A Street Inst. floor furn. 78 100.00 V. L. Roth 919 E Street n n rr 79 100.00 R. A. Howard 513 7th North Inst. hot wtr. tnk. 80 100.00 Chris. Bevan 308 Burnett Inst. range & water heater 1 200.00 W. J. Hazlett 2224 6th Ave No. Inst. floor furs. 2 2000.00 N.P. FR. 4th & Burnett Remodel station 3 2100.00 Sutton & Eakle 2nd & Williams Change hoist doors and windows 4 100.00 C.L. Matthie 2nd & Rainier rove home bldg. 5 15..00 Genal Mach. Shop Sunset Blvd. Hang sign 6 100.00 Pete Repetowski 547 Pelly Convert to oil 7 100.00 MI. M. Johnson 1507 Brooks Ave Remodel basement 8 Bob Edwards 527 Pelly Install plumbing 9 170.00 James fond 2404 9th Ave No. Inst, floor furn. 90 100.00 Allen Shops 920 3rd Ave Change shelving 1 300.00 J. L. Code 904 D Street Remodel house 2 200.00 B. Cupper 2248 6th No. Inst. floor furn. 3 Jason Whitish 529 Pelly St Build house 4 A. J. Creek 2209 9th No. Inst. floor furn. 5 100.00 Sutton & Eakle 2nd & Williams St. Rewiring APPLICATIONS FOR CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY AS SUBMITTED BY BUILDING DEPART1,1ENT NAME ADDRESS FOR OCCUPANCY AS Hary H. Cregory 100 3rd Avenue Gas station A communication was read from the City of Pullman, Pullman, Washington requesting information as to salaries of Police Department and other City employees for comparison purposes. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift that the City Clerk be instructed to mail to the City of Pullman the information they requested. Carried. This beirig the date set for operning of the bids for the purchasing of one, 1-- Ton Truck and two, -- Ton Trucks, the following bids were received: Pederson's 1950, G.R .C., 12 Ton Truck«....................... ....... .. . .. . . ... $2528.66* (* does not include State Sales Tax) 19509 G.Ti.C., � Ton Truck................. .... .......... ...... ..... 1365.50* (*does not include State Sales Tax) Hub City Chevrolet 19501, Chevrolet, 11 Ton Truck (Sales Tax included)...... ........ .0* 2180.38 �rJ alternate 1950, Chevrolet, 12 Ton Truck (Sales Tax included)................. 2382.06 1950, Chevrolet, -:I,. Ton Truck (Sales Tax included) two -2L ton trucks. 2438.01 Frank E,, Rhodes 1950, Studebaker, 1i Ton truck (Sales Tax included) ................ 2296.90 439 alternate 1949, Studebaker, 12 Ton truck (Sales Tax included)... . ........ $2224.29 1950, Studebaker, 2 Ton Truck (Sales Tax included) two2 ton trucks... 2472.00 Moved by Davidson, seconded by Hanson, that these bids be referred to the Personal Property Committee, Finance Committee, Park Board and Superintendent of Utilities, for investigation and to report back. Carried. A short recess was held in order to check the bids. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: RICHARDSON, SVIFT, DELAUR,NTI, BRUCE, FPI;YMAN, HANSEN, HAGEN, REID, GIGLI, DAVIDSON AIM TAMBORI NI. The Personal Property Committee recommended that the bid of Frank E. Rhodes to furnish a 12 Ton, 1950, steel body Studebaker truck at $2296.90 (including sales tax) be accepted and that the bid of Williams & Swanson to furnish two j ton, 1950 Chevrolet Trucks for a total of $2438.01 (including sales tax) be accepted. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the recommendation of the Personal Property Committee be approved. Carried. The Ordinance Uommittee presented resolution x'756 Thereby the City accepts the offer of the Fish & Game Club to dismantle and remove certain structures in accordance with Park Board requirements in Liberty Park. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hanson, that resolution ##756, be adopted. Carried. Resolution #757 was presented by the Ordinance Committee protesting the loss of revenue through the removal of the property now being used by Boeing and other companies from the tax rolls. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that resolution #x"757 be adopted. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance #1371 confirming the assessment roll of L.I.D. #x229. ?roved by Gigli, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the Ordinance Committee and that the Ordinance be put on its second and final r eading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that Ordinance {#1371 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken, the result was as follows: Richardson, yes; Swift, yes; Delaurenti, yes; Bruce, yes; Freyman, yes; Hansen, yes; Hagen, yes; Reid, yes; Gigli, yes; Davidson, yes; and Tamborini, yes. Carried. The Chief of Police requested that parking meters be installed on both sides of Burnett Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues. Proved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that this request be referred to the Street & Alley Committee and Chief of Police for investigation and report back. Carried. More time was granted the Law and Ordinance Committee for the investigation of dance hall licenses. More time was granted the Law & Ordinance Committee for investigation of the Gas Company's shut-offs at curbs, instead of at the buildings. The Finance Committee and Ways & Means Committee were granted more time to contact the H.D. Fowler representatives on further investigation of meterad. 440 c� More time was granted the Fire, Light & ,Mater Committee, on automatic stop and go signals at 3rd & Srattuck and 2nd & Williams. The Ways & Means Committee recommended that street lights be installed at 4th & Williams, one midway between 4th & 5th on Williams and one at 5th & Willisms. The Committee recommended the purchase of these lights to be paid from the Street Fund. Loved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council accept the recommendation and it be referred to the Fire Light & Water Committee for their purchase and installation. Carried. More time was granted the Street & Alley Committee regardin the leaking gutter by Beacon Avenue on Renton Hill. Councilman Bruce stated that Mrs. Davenport had declined the pur- chase of the concession at North Renton Recreation and recommended that the City Council assist Mr. Hawk in selling as Mrs. Hawk was u nable to carry on there any longer. Mayor Baxter will contact Mr. Houser regarding meeting of the committee on low cost housing and further stated he would like a meeting of the Housing Board with. the City Council. Mr. Richardson, stated that according to the paper the City of Renton has $40,000 waiting for them for a survey regarding the necessity for the Government to construction 100 housing units for tenants with low incomes and suggested that the Housing Authority and the City Council investigate this prob- lem. Mr. Waller presented his temporary proposed contract for garbage collection. One copy of the contract was to be furnished each member of the Sanitation and gays & Means Committee for their reading, correction, alterations and suggestions. This contract was referred to the Committees for further study. Mr. Reid suggested that sand bags be tried at Walla Walla, IJalls & 3rd Avenue (as soon as the weather clears) and later markers are to be put in. The Street & Alley Committee and Mr. Winegar are to work with the Folice Depart- ment on this corner. This matter should be discussed with the Engineering Department and Traffic Department, when weather permits. Mr. Bjorklund stated that a resolution was passed by the City Planning Commission favoring the rezoning of Lot 1 Block 3, and recommended that a hearing on the rezoning be called and that an Ordinance be passed authorizing the rezoning. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hanson that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Attorney in setting the date of February 21, 1950 for the public hearing. Fire Chief Lawrence stated that during the freezing weather the standpipes on Renton Scenic Hill were froze and recommended that hydrants and larger mains replace the present equipment. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that the Engineering Department and Superintendent of Utilities get the cost of replacing each standpipe with a hydrant and report back. Carried. Mr. Coulon stated that the original offer for the purchase of the old Park Board truck had been retracted, but that the garage mechanic had stated that certain parts could be used for repair purposes. The matter was referred to the Street Department. Mr. Coulon further stated that the strip of property where the school busses now park should be included inside the fence if it were park pro- perty. Further discussion by Tamborini, Bruce, Reid and Mr. Tackett. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hanson, that this matter be turned over to the Property Committee, Park Board and Fire Chief and to report back. Carried. 441 Councilman Swift suggested that the matter of blades on trucks to be used as snow ploughs (similiar to the Highway Department's) be investigated before next year to better handle emergencies. Mr. "Haller, Superintendent of Utilities, stated that this had already been investigated and the cost of each blade would be just under $500.00. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hagen, that this matter be referred to the City Engineer and Superintendent of Utilities for a report back. Carried. Councilman Reid stated that another road to the Renton Hill district to connect to the Ahier Road was needed. .Now ?loved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council start preliminary work on this road and that the Engineering Department contact the County Engineers and Commissioners about same. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. Cit 'C erk ' Mayor i L 42 PMnau +; 1 Renton, Washington February 7, 1950 Mayor Baxter called the meeting to order and introduced Ken Monroe, Boy Scout, acting Honorary Mayor and requested other City Officials to introduce the Boy Scouts filling their individual positions in an Honorary capacity for the day. The City Clerk introduced Tommy Dobson, Boy Scout, as Honorary City Clerk, the City Treasurer introduced Jim Baak, Boy Scout, as Honorary Treasurer, the Chief of Police introduced Bob Fogelman, Sea Scout, as Honorary Police Chief, the Fire Chief introduced Kenneth King, Boy Scout, as Honorary Fire Chief, the City Engineer, introduced Francis Keller, Boy Scout, as Honorary City Engineer, the Superintendent of Utilities introduced Jerry Edlund, Boy Scout, as Honorary Superintendent of Utilities and Larry Catuso, Boy Scout introduced himself as Honorary Airport Man— ager. Honorary Mayor Monroe took charge of the meeting. ROLL CALL: RICHARDSON, SWIFT, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HAGEN, TRI1,1M, REID, GIGLI, DAVIDSON, TAMBORINI AND HANSEN. Moved by Davidson, seconded by Tamborini, that the minutes of the meeting of January 31, 1950 be adopted as written. Carried. This being thechte set for the hearing on the assessment roll for L.I.D., #223, sanitary sewers on Renton Hill, there being three written and one oral protest, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyma.n, that this be turned over to the City Engineer, Sanitation Committee, Finance & Claims Committee for further checking as to exact amounts that were previously paid by some property owners, under a previous W.P.A. Contract, same to be credited to them on this new assess— ment, and report back. Carried. A communication was read from Florence Haddock, Secretary of the Ear1— ington's Women Club regarding lights and road conditions in Earlington. (Bus service curtaAed due to road conditions.) Moved by Reid, seconded by Gigli, that the City Clerk write to the Seattle Office of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company to investigate the cause of the delay in obtaining necessary materials for lighting as the job had been completely engineered. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Hanson, that the Earlington Women's Club be notified of action taken by the City Council, enclosing a copy of the letter to the Seattle Office of the Puget Sound Power and Light Company. Carried. A claim for damages in the amount of $19.57 was recommended by the Public Relations Committee and City Attorney, and a waiver for further claims, signed by Mary & Joseph Tomac was received. The $3.00 Medical bill was not re— commended to be paid. This information was turned over to the Ordinance Committee. The City Engineer reported that the actual assessments on the protesting properties on L.I.D. #223 were less than .02 of one percent for the entire district. City Attorney Haugan stated that there was no certain percentage to approve or disapprove an assessment, but that property owners could request that the assessment be fair and equally prorated. The Finance Committee reported that they recommended the approval and confirmation of assessment roll L.I.D. #223. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that the City Attorney and Ordinance Committee be instructed to draw up an Ordinance approving the assessment roll for L.i.D. #223. Carried. A communication was received from Shaff & Bell stating that they agree to have their driveway directly across from 4th Place as requested by the City Council. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that Shaff & Bell be notified by the City Clerk to get definite assurance from the King County Planning Commission that they would have no objections to the City of Renton rezoning the property as described within the city limited of the City of Renton. Carried. 443 A communication was read from Wright & Wright, attorneys for C.M. Costner, regarding mUsuse of his property when sanitary sewers were installed on Renton Hill under L.I.D. #223. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that this be referred to the City Attorney, City Engineer, Finance & Claims Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. Ordinance #1372 was presented. An Ordinance allowing claim to Mary and Joseph Tomac, appropriating funds therefore and ordering claim paid. Moved by Tamborini, .seconded by Bruce, that Ordinance #1372 be turned over to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. A short recess was called (to allow the City Engineer, Sanitation Committ©e, Finance & Claims Committee to further investigate protests on L.I.D. #223) After the recess, the meeting was called to order by acting Honorary Mayor Monroe. ROLL CALL: RICHARDSON, SWIFT, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HAGEN, TRIIY1, IEID, GIGLI, DAVIDSON, TAMBDRINI AND HANSEN. Mr. William Sourwine, local Boy Scout director, introduced Mr. Stewart Norton, Scout Executive in charge of the greater Renton Area, who gave a short talk and announced conferring of Honors on Boy Scouts, Thursday evening, February 9, 1950 at the Renton Highlands Auditorium. Mr. Kerr, Representative of the Trade Union Council of this area, talked on Renton unemployment and enumerated possible employment possibilities. 1. Green River Flood Control. 2. In favor of 100 Units of low—rent houses. 3. Need of another school in Renton Highlands and additional recreational facilities. 4. Matter of swimming pool be brought before the public and the +� City Council be requested to make it an active issue. 5. That a Garbage Disposal Plant be built. Mayor Baxter stated that money had already been appropriated for the Green River Flood Control by State and County. Councilman Tamborini stated that another school had already been planned for the Highlands, Bryn Mawr and South End of Renton; that a 20 acre park was planned for the ,Highlands and that all the Congressmen had been so notified of this action. Councilman Richardson introduced Mr. L. M.(Dutch) Logan, local re— presentative of the Seattle Gas Company who volunteered to answer questions re— garding the gas cut—offs at the curbs in the City of Renton. Councilman Richardson requested that more time be granted him to contact his committee as to proper recommendation on this question. MAre time was granted. Moved by Reid, seconded by Davidson, that the committee's report and recommendation be broughfback at the next council meeting. The Law and Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance #1372. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hagen, that the report of the Ordinance Committee be accepted. Carried. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Hanson, that Ordinance #,1372 be placed on it's second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading of Ordinance #1372, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hanson, that Ordinance #1372 be passed as read. A roll call vote being taken the result was as follows: 444 Richardson, Aye; Swift, Aye; Bruce, Aye; Freyma.n, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Hagen, Aye, Reid, Aye; Trimm, Aye; Gigli, Aye; Tamborini, Aye; Davidson, Aye. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the complaint of Mr. Costner be referred to the City Attorney and City Engineer and that an Appraisal Board be selected. Said Appraisal Board to consist of one member to be selected by the City Council, one member to be selected by Mr. Costner and a third member to be selected by the first two members. Said appraisal board to make recommendations to the City Council in regard to Mr. Costnerfs claims for damages. Carried. A communication was read from Insurance Commissicner, William A. Sullivan, complimenting Fire Chief Lawrence and his men for their performance during the recent explosion and fire in Renton's business district. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this letter be incor- porated in the minutes and a copy be sent to Fire Chief Lawrence. A copy also to be furnished both newspapers for publication. Carried. STATE OF WASHINGTON INSURANCE COMMISSIONER Office of STATE FIRE MARSHALL OLYMPIA February 2, 1950 Honorable Joseph Baxter Mayor, City of Renton City Hall Renton, Washington Dear Sir: My Chief Deputy Fire Marshal had occasion to investigate a recent fire and explosion which occurred in Rentonts business district. His report so emphasizes the excellent manner in which the fire was extinguished by your fire department, under the direction of Chief Lawrence, that I would be amiss in my duty as a public official if I failed to take cognizance thereof. May I therefore, take this opportunity to compliment you for a very efficient fire department and through you, to express my sincere commendations to Chief Lawrence and his men for an excellent job well done. Their performance was a credit to any fire department, large or small, paid or volunteer, and the citizens of Renton are indeed fortunate in having such a department. In closing, may I say that the facilities of my Fire Marshal's Department are at your service, so please feel free to call on us at any time for assistance or advice. Yours very truly, Isl William A. Sullivan WILLIAM A. SULLIVAN Insurance Commissioner and WAS:S Ex-Officio State Fire Marshal The Street and Alley Committee reported on the matter of the leaking gutter on Beacon Avenue between Renton and Grant Streets. This gutter is on City of Seattle property and right-of-way. The ditch is draining but the surplus water is coming from the Seattle side. The Street & Alley Committee recommended,. that the City Street Depart- ment check the drain and be sure it operates; that the City Engineers contact the Seattle Water Department, and that they be held responsible for the balance of the work. The City Engineer stated that he would contact the Seattle City Engineers on the problem. 445 Moved by Gigli, seconded by Bruce, that the City Council concur in the Street & Alley Committee's recommendation. Carried. The Real Property Committee recommended that the City Engineer be instructed to survey the portion of ground where the school busses now park near Liberty Park to prove the property, line. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the Council concur in this request. Carried. Councilman Freyman reported that all the committees were working to prevent the removal of Boeing and other companies from the tax rolls. The Hospital Board would be willing to cooperate with the Committee on this matter. The Ways and Means Committee reported on setting up a policy regarding legal holidays and recommended the following holidays: New Year's Day, Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas; that the City employees be allowed cne week vacation after one year full employment, two weeks vacation after two years (or more) full employment and that overtime hours be accumulative with the compensatory time given. Overtime to be paid only in extreme emergencies. These emergencies are to be declared by the department head and the Mayor; and further, that this be turned over to the Ordinance Committee and Ways and Means Committee for a report back. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hanson, that the Council concur in the re— commendation of the Ways & Means Committee. Carried. More time was granted the Law & Ordinance Committee before any recommendation could be presented on the matter of the Gas Company's shut—offs at curbs. The Finance Committee recommended that they, together with the City Clerk, meet with the Fowler representatives, on the matter of installing meterad units on parking meter standards and the City Clerk was requested to notify the Fowler Company of the meeting place and date. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in this re— a commendation. Carried. More time was granted the Finance Committee regarding the purchase of the Earlington lots for a Park. The Mayor stated that the regular meeting of the Planning Commission will , be held Wednesday, February 8, 1950 at 8:00 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers, where they will discuss the problems of Commercial Waterway District #2. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Real Property Committee represent the Council at the Planning Commission meeting above referred to. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that the Mayor's Housing Committee will meet with the Housing Authority of the City of Renton, Thursday, February 9, 1950 at 8:00 o'clock P.M., at the Cedar River Administration Building. The Fire, Light & Water Committee requested that the question of pedestrian lights at the Westerly entrance to Cedar River Park be investigated. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this question be referred to the Fire, Light & Water Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. Police Chief Stewart stated that since the streets in this area are owned and controlled by the U.S. Government and the Housing Authority, the City Ordinance does not cover Police protection for Cedar River Park. Councilman Reid stated that the light on 3rd & Wells was installed but that the City is waiting for the control equipment to make it work as "Stop" and "Go". Councilman Bruce suggested that the matter of repairing of roads, broken up by the recent freeze be considered an emergency and extra funds be provided for same. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that all bills approved b-r the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. 446 The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented. CURRENT Renton Motor Parts Expense 163.63 6627 Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 123.55 28 Employees Retirement System Pension 3393.79 29 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Seattle Phone 11.1..50 30 Peoples Nat. Bank of Wash Withholding Tax 1480.10 31 John C. Becklund Dog Pound Expense 44.00 32 Payroll Engineers 826.49 33-39 Payroll Office 937.72 40-51 Payroll F.D, 2582.25 52-72 Payroll P.D. 3176.84 73-98 Mary Dahlem Election Expense 109,00 99 Payroll Garbage 783.66 6700-07 Payroll St. Cleaning 209.38 08-12 Wm, F. Davis Insurance 812.16 13 U.S. Postmaster Postage 262,64 14 WATER Renton Motor Parts Expense 1.91 7748 Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 38.40 49 Peoples Nat. Bank of Wash Withholding Tax 302.90 50 Payroll Office 234.65 51-54 Payroll Water 1870.92 55-64 CITY STREETS Renton Motor Parts Expense 391.99 5254 Peoples Nat. Bank of Wash Withholding Tax 455.30 55 Payroll Office 263.70 56-59 Payroll City Streets 2193.17 60-81 SEWER DISPOSAL Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 18.14 1713 Peoples Nat. Bank of Wash Withholding Tax 74.30 14 Payroll Sewer Disposal 471.90 15-19 Payroll Office 173.00 20-24 Payroll David Mitchell 43.08 25 LIBRARY People's Nat. Bank of Wash Withholding Tax 73.70 1990 Caxton Printers Book 2.00 1 Diesel Oil Sales Co. Expense 48.43 2 Doubleday & Co. Books 10.27 3 George H. Friend Expense 10.00 4 Gaylord Bros. Inc. " 4.64 5 J.K. Gill Co. Books 5.37 6 Puget Sound News Co. " 133.72 7 Reid & Cook Expense 2.32 8 Pacific Northwest Bibliographic Books 35.00 9 The Shorey Book Store Book 11.03 2000 _ AT1HLETIC Peoples Nat. Bank of Wash Withholding Tax 56.40 470 Payroll Athletic 175.77 1-2 PARK Peoples Nat. Bank of Wash. Withholding Tax 71.20 1280 Payroll Park 449.09 1-5 Frank E. ;Rhodes Outlay 2296.90 6 FIREMENIS PENSION FUND Mrs. Enza Anderson Monthly pension 125.00 19 Mrs. Orpha B. McDonald it " 125.00 20 AIRPORT Renton Motor Parts, Inc. Expense 8.32 794 Dept. of Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins. 9.67 5 Peoples Nat. Bank of Wash Withholding Tax 39.80 6 Payroll Airport 259.77 7-98 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 o'clock P.M. i Ci Clerk Mayor, 447 Renton, Washington February 14, 1950 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL: RICHARDSON, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN, HAGEN, REID, GI'GLI, DAVIDSON AND TAMBORINI. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman'. that approval of the minutes of the February 7, 1950 meeting be delayed till the next meeting, February 21, 1950 Carried. This being the date set for the opening of the bids on moving the Airport control tower from Bow Lake to Renton, the following bids were read: Proposal Proposal Proposal Proposal Concrete Construction Co..... . . .. No No. 2 No. 3 No $5970.00 5670.00 $2760.00 02560.00 Modern Construction and Fabrication Company... .. . .... . .. 5431.90 5115.90 2934.00 2795.00 Roberts Company, Inc........0 .00. 4977.15 None None None H.C.McBride........... ..... .. .... 7290.00 6490.00 2987.00 3092.0 Waterfront Ship's Service, Inc. 4154.00 3804.00 2104.00 1954.00 Packard Construction Company 6177.00 5820.00 3540.00 3150.00 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that these bids be referred to the Airport Manager, the Airport Board, the City Engineer, the Finance Committee and the City Attorney for a report back. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee stated that he wished to present a Resolution and communication from the Renton Housing t'uthority, regarding the meeting held with the Housing Authority and the Mayor's special committee, to the Council, and recommended the passage of the Resolution and acceptance of the communication. The communication from the Housing Authority of the City of Renton presenting a resolution declaring a shortage of suitable units of low rent housing in the City of Renton and authorizing the Renton Housing Authority to apply for a pre— liminary loan from the Public Housing Administration for making surveys to determine for and planning a low rent housing project. The Housing Authority agrees with the City Council of the City of Renton that any site selected by the Authority for the location of the project will be first submitted to the Renton City Council for their approval, and furthc,,r agrees that no construction will be started on any site not approved by the City Council, and further requested action on the Resolution submitted by February 15, 1950 to enable the Housing Authority to con— tract with the Census Bureau for a special survey. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the communication be accepted and placed on file. Carried. The Ordinance Committee presented Resolution No. 758 authorizing the Housing Authority of the City of Renton to make application for a loan not to exceed $40,000.00 in order that a survey could be made and presented to the U.S. Government in 2egard to the necessity for a low—cost housing project in the City of Renton not i to exceed 100 units. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that Resolution No. 758 be adopted as read. Carried. Ordinance No. 1373 was read: An Ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment Roll of L.I.D. No. 223, for the improvement of portions of Highlands Addition to Renton, Morgants Grandview Addition to Renton, and Renton Co—operative Coal Company's Acre Tracts (Plat No. 1) and certain parts of certain other streets & avenues, all in the City of Renton, by constructing lateral sanitary sewers. 448 Moved by Bruce, seconded by Davidson, that Ordinance No. 1373 be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Ordinance 1373 approving and confirming the assessment and assessment Roll of L.I.D. #223. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the re— comnendation of the Ordinance Committee and that the Ordinance be put on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen that Ordinance #1373 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken, the result was as follows: Richardson, Aye; Swift, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye, Bruce, Aye, Freyman, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Hagen, Aye; Reid, Aye; Gigli, Aye; Davidson, Aye; and Tamborini, Aye. Carried. The Mayor recommended the temporary appointment of Mr. Thomas McLerron, Captain of the Fire Department, effective February lb, 1950. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the re— comiendation of the Mayor. Carried. A cormumication waszead from the King County Planning Commission granting their approval to the rezoning of the property for Shaff & Bell's office and storage space located or adjacent to CMST P & P Railway & State Highway No, 5. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that this information be turned over to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney with power to act. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman that the Council postpone committee reports until February 21st meeting. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 o'clock P.M. mod Ci# Clerk r N Mayor 449 Renton, Washington February 21, 1950 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: RICHARDSON, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN, HAGEN, TRI 4, REID, GIGLI, DAVIDSON AND TAMBORINI. Councilman Swift requested that the minutes of February 7th regarding percentage of protests on L.I.D. #,E223 be corrected to read, "the actual protests on the assessed properties on L.I.D. ##223 were less than .02 of one percent for the entire district". Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the meeting of February 7th be approved as corrected. Carried. Moved by Gigli, seconded. by Hansen, that the minutes of the meeting of February 14th be approved as written. Carried. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Davidson, that the City Officials and Department Heads who attend the Council meetings have their names recorded in the minutes also. Carried. The City Clerk called the names of the Officials and Department Heads who were present. City Attorney, Arthur Ha.ugan; Chief of Police, Vincent Stewart; City Engineer•, B. M. McHugh; Supt. of Utilities, S. R. Waller; Airport Manager, Ned Stokes; Building Inspector, Walter H. Wills; Park Superintendent, Gene Coulon; City Treasurer, Dorothea Gossett; Assistant Engineer, Marston Winegar. APPLICATIONS FOh BUILDING PEr�MITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. _ NO. AMOUNT NAME AD_ TYPE OF WORK 1596 $100.00 Block's Shoe Store 226 Wells St Erect sign 97 700.00 L. B. Holcomb 2404 6th N. Remodel basement 98 100.00 People's Nat, -Bank 3rd & Williams Install cabinets 99 100.00 Carl Cook's 3rd & Whitworth Install pump 1600 410.00 Russell 1,Aymond 2408 9th Ave. No. Driveway & basement O1 385.00 J. T. Tounsel 608 H. Street Garage 02 100.00 Mary Clarr 407 Williams Install range and water heater 03 400.00 S. Jensen 2238 4th Ave. No. Garage 04 100.00 Wm. Wilson 1225 H. Street Install range& water heater 05 100.00 C. C. Storey 829 E. Street Install wiring & plumbing 06 100.00 W. B. Thompson 230 Main Street Erect neon sign 07 1000.00 Shaff & Bell 12777 Rainier Ave Erect storage shed 08 Family Shoe Store 215 Wells St. Install heater 09 2000.00 E. T. Nelson 13629 Rainier Ave Install furnace 10 1100.00 Bill Bennett Sunset Highway Install concrete foundation 11 100.00 John Butler 2117 8th North Put in basement 12 100.00 M. J. Marlowe 337 Mill Wire range, heater & Furn. 13 2000.00 Family Shoe Store 215 `ells St. Change lighting 14 100.00 People' s Nat. Bank 3rd & Williams Install wash basin 15 450.00 Lester Hobson 2217 7th No. Erect garage 16 2000.00 Puhich Cleaners 909 Walla. Walla Ave. Install dry cleaning plant A communication was received from the Boy Scours of America, Renton District Activities Committee Chairman, William Sourwine, extending their sincere thanks to the City Officials and Members of the Council for their assistance in furthering the cause of Scouting by conducting City Government Day for their scouts. Mayor Baxter requested that the communication be placed on file. A communication was received from the Housing Authority of the City of Renton, (Paul W. Houser, Jr., Exec. Director) calling attention to the call for bids on the sale of 14 one story structures containing a total of 75 vacant row house units at the Renton Highlands and to the priority the City holds for purchase 450 of said units, also enclosing a copy of Invitation to Bid, Offer and Acceptance of offer and General Conditions. A short discussion was held relative to the conditions of the buildings and the value they mught have to the City. The Superintendent of Utilities stated* that they have no value as they are and that they would have to be tore down to get any use from any of them. Councilman Freyman stated that the citizens should be informed and re— commended that these facts be publicized. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the Housing Authority be notified that the City of Renton is not interested in submitting a bid on buildings for sale by the Renton Highlands. Carried. A communication was read from Henry J. Reynolds, Secretary—Manager of the Renton Chamber of Commerce advising their action in regards to notifying Washington State's Congressional delegation of the loss of tax revenue caused by the removal of certain government properties from the tax rolls of King County, enclosing a copy of their letters together with a copy of the Resolution adopted by the Chamber of Commerce. Mayor Baxter having received replies from Representatives Hal Holmes and Thor C. Tollefson and Senator Warren G. Magnussen, also a telephone message reply from Irwin Thomas, aid or Secretary to Senator Harry Cain, turned these over to the City Clerk to be read for the information and benefit of the Council and others present. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, that these letters be referred to the Legislation Committee. Carried. The City Clerk announced that the 1950 tax statement was received and that this statement also included back taxes on Commercial Waterway District No. 2. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Tamborini, that these statements be re— ferred to the Auditing Committee, Finance committee, City Engineer and City Clerk for further investigation and a report back. Carried. ..� Mayor Baxter recommended that the Chairman of the Auditing Committee make a trip to the King County Treasurer's Office to investigate and check these tax statements and that he be reimbursed for his expenses. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Mayor. Carried. A communication was read from Mayor Joe R. Baxter recommending the changing of the date of issuing of pay checks to all departments of the Cityts employees from the 15th and last of each month to the 17th and 2nd of each month, in order to keep more accurate records on time slips and to keep the pay— rolls and accounting correct, due to the installation of a much needed time clock for some of the departments. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Mayor and that a notice of this change be sent to all employees. Carried. A communication was received from C. G. Myers, Secretary of the City of Renton Planning Commission regarding the rezoning of Lot 1, Block 3, Town of Renton Addition, from residential to commercial, in which they presented the following resolution: "Resolved, that we should recommend to the City Council that the r owners of said property should obtain a legal right or easement from Puget Sound Poorer & Light Company, for use of the private road which borders along the north side of the property". Mr. Tusa stated that they now have an easement for use of this raod from the Puget Sound Power & Light Company. Councilman Richardson stated that tonight was the date set for the hearing on the rezoning of Lot 1, Block 3, Town of Renton Addition, beginning at the intersection of the north line of 3rd Avenue and the East line of Mills Street, extending East 1201 , thence north 69.21, thence southwest to point of 451 beginning. Bond has been furnished guaranteeing the removal of the building on the above lot at the expiration of two years. There being no protests, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the Council approve the recommendation of the Planning Commission and that this rezoning be placed in the hands of the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney for a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Treasurer regarding notice that Assessment Roll No. 229 for the construction of 6" water main as provided under Ordinance No. 1346 is due and payable. (181 strip adjacent to the City of Seattle pipeline R/IW within the limits of 1201 W of Shattuck ;street, amount — $32.24) Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that this statement be turned over to the Finance Committee, City Attorney and City Clerk with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the Park Superintendent stating that in January 1949 a truck was purchased and paid for from the Park Department rund and used almost exclusively by the Street Department during that year. The Park Department having purchased a new 1950 Studebaker truck, and no longer needing the 1949 truck, requested that the sum of three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) be transferred from the Street Department Fund to the Park Department Fund in payment of the truck now in use by the Street Department. Moved by hichardson, seconded by Hansen, that the matter be referred to the Finance Committee, City Attorney and pity Treasurer with power to act. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the 1949 truck, which is now the property of the Park Department, be transferred to the Street Department if and when the above amount of three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) is transferred from the Street Department to the Park Department. Carried. A report was made by the Finance committee, Airport Board, Airport Manager and City Engineer recommending the acceptance of the low bid of $4154.00 (Proposal No. 1) from the Waterfront Ships Service Company of Seattle for the moving of the Control Tower from the Seattle—Tacoma Airport to the Renton Airport, as per speci— fications. Moved by Tamborini., seconded by Freyman, that the low bid of $4154.00 (Proposal No. 1) be accepted for the moving of the control tower and that the Puget Sound Power & Light Gompany's estimate of $231.00 for the placing of poles and moving a transformer be accepted. Carried. The Airport i,,anager stated that before they could get the extra work to utilize the entire grant of the $5231.00 of the CAA. it would be necessary that the Mayor and City Clerk sign a resolution to cover this. Mr. Stokes stated that he had the resolution drawn up. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the City Attorney, Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the resolution, including signing of the con— tract. Carried. Resolution No. 759 adopting and approving the execution of the Grant Agreementto be submitted to the Administrator of Civil Aeronautics, U.S. Dept., of Commerce, to obtain federal aid in the development of the Renton Municipal Airport. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the Council adopt this resolution, upon the recommendation of the City Attorney. Carried. Councilman Hagen stated that it would be necessary to create a fund to cover the expense of $5,231.00. As it is necessary to have the City accept the $52 231.00 grant from the CAA before the Federal Government will furnish the money, it was moved by Richard— son, seconded by Hansen, that the City Attorney prepare a resolution accepting said Grant from the CAA for the next Council meeting. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that he had not signed Crdinance 1373 on L.I.D. #223 because he was not satisfied that everything was in order. Claims of property owners are still unsettled, etc. 452 With regards to the sewer through the alley, the cost to the City was $100.00. A sewer assessment of $59.78 was charged to the City (as the City holds title to this property) , this assessment should be the expense of L.I.D., #223. The City Engineer stated that enough funds were allowed to absorb any ex- penses that come up such as this but that it was necessary that the Council authorize the payment or adjustment of the charges. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Hansen, that the Council take action to make payment out of the surpluses,the amounts that the L.I.D., #223 Fund was legally liable for. Carried. The Ordinance Committee recommended that the date of March 21st be set for the public hearing on the petition for rezoning portion of Government Lot #16, in Section 18, (Shaff & Bell) from residential to commercial. After the hearing, if necessary, the Ordinance Committee will be able to present an Ordinance regarding same. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Hagen, that that Council concur in the re- commendation of the Ordinance Committee. Carried. The Ordinance Committee recommended that section three (3) of Ordinance 1232 regarding Dance Hall Licenses be amended to read: "all dances or social functions shall pay a license fee of one dollar ($1.00) per dance." Moved by Bruce, seconded by Gigli, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of the Ordinance Committee. Carried. The Ordinance Uommittee recommended (after talking with Mr. L.M.(Dutch) Longa:, local representative of the Seattle Gas Company, and the City Building inspector, and being advised that the Gas Company is living up to the building code), that the local manager of the Seattle Gas Company, having a complete list of names and residences, formerly having -gas service, contact the residents them- selves of any houses that have idle service and if the people want the gas shut off at the curb they will shut it off for them. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the Council adopt the re- commendation of the Ordinance Committee and that the Gas Company be so notified. r Carried. The Street & Alley Committee stated that they do not recommend installa- tion of parking meters on both sides of Burnett Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues as a survey does not indicate sufficient traffic congestion. There are one hour parking signs there now. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. The Street & Alley Committee requested more time on the matter of using sand bags at the intersection of Walla Walla Avenue, Main Street and 3rd Avenue. More time granted. The Finance Committee and Ways & Means Committee stated that they do not recommend that meterads be placed on the parking meters. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of the Finance Committee and the Ways & Means Committee. Carried. The Fire, Light and Water Committee reported that the automatic "Stop" and "G" signal at 3rd and Wells is in operation. The Fire, Light & Water Committee stated that they have not received prices yet from the Ways and Means Committee for the street lights at 4th Avenue and Williams Street, one midway between 4th Avenue and 5th Avenue on Williams Street and one at 5th Avenue and Williams Street. More time granted. The Sanitation Committee reported that there would be a meeting next Tuesday at 7:00 o'clock P.M., of the City Engineer, Superintendent of Utilities, Sanitation Committee and Ways & Means Committee to further discuss the proposed contract for garbage collection presented by Mr. Waller, .Superintendent of Utilities at the January 31st meeting. 4 5.8', The Superintendent of Utilities stated that he had contacted the Assistant Water Superintendent in Seattle regarding a change of pipe on Renton Hill from 2" to 4% This will be done as soon as possible. They will go ahead, using their own meters. The Superintendent of Utilities further stated that it is not practical to put in new hydrants on the old mains, but that there should be two new hydrants at a cost of $137.00 and valves and connections at a cost of 05.00, an estimated total of $200.00 to replace old standpipes, and that the present mains, ,which are 2" should be replaced by 4" mains and lowered to get protection from the freezing weather. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman that the Superintendent of Utilities and the City Engineer be instructed to make a survey and get the actual cost of changing the hydrants and lowering the mains and report back. Carried. The City Engineer stated that the blades to be installed on the trucks, to be used as snowplows would cost $500.00 per blade. The City Engineer stated that the Seattle Engineer was to come to Renton to go over the district with him to find the most satisfactory location for a road from the Renton Hill District to connect with the Ethier road near the Benson road. Moved by Richardson,, seconded by Hansen, that the City Clerk send a letter to Les. Evans, King County Engineer regarding this road from High Street, or any other street, to the Ethier road. Carried. Superintendent of Utilities stated that the original offer of x$100.00 for the old Park Board Truck had been retracted and that this truck was turned over to the garage to dispose of, or to have parts salvaged for repair purposes. The truck is of no value except for scrap or salvage parts. The Real Property Committee stated that the Engineering Department was making a survey of the strip of property where the school busses now park to determine the property line. That they would give Gene Coulon, the Park Superintendent a description so that he would know the length of fence to be purchased in order that a call for bids could be published for the purchase of same. The 0ity 'Engineer stated that he now had the amount of claims due the property owners from the `4PA Project in 1939 and questioned the fact that present property owners be-allowed the credit, or_those who sold out partially or com- pletely should receive the share that they had paid at the time. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the City Attorney bring in a legal report regarding who is entitled to credit for moneys paid on the 1939 WPA Project. Carried. The Finance & Claims Committee requested more time regarding the purchase of Earlington lots for a park. More time granted. The Fire, Light & Water Committee requested more time on the question of pedestrian lights at the westernl.y entrance to the Cedar River Park. More time granted. The City Attorney stated that he had Contacted the Attorney for the Costners' regarding their claim and felt the reaction i,ms favorable for a settle- ment through arbitration, but that the Attorney would not commit himself. They are to have another meeting. The Ordinance Committee and Police & License Committee are to hold a meeting Wednesday, March 8th at 8:00 o'clock P.M., regarding pinball licenses. Police Chief Stewart requested that the City Engineers present action to J the State Engineers regarding the Maple Valley Intersection. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that a letter be sent to the State Highway Department to ask for their cooperation in this traffic situation and request traffic Lights at the Issaquah - Maple Vally Y. Carried, The Mayor recommended the Ways & Means Committee look into our finances for 1951 due to the loss of taxes -from .the Boeing Plant and to work in conjunction with other committees such as the Police, Fire Light And !dater Committee to take care of raising funds, or cutting down expenses, for future reference and for the 1951 budget and to make periodic reports back to the Council. X54 add Moved by Richardson.. seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Mayor. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Ways & Means Comrittee be the "Clearing House" for cutting down expenditures and raising money. Carried. Moved by Freyman, seconded by Tamborini, that all bills approved by the Finance 6oimni.ttee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: CURRENT Payroll Engineers 675.78 6715-19 Payroll Office 1164.43 20.-33 Payroll F.D. 2281.73 34-53 Payroll P.D. 3340.94 54-79 Payroll Mayor & Councilmen 456.16 80-92 King County Medical March dues 376.00 93 Automatic Deodorant Co. C.H. Expense 2.00 94 Hugh Bruce Council expense 11.02 95 Burrow's "ichfield Service F.D. Expense 8.50 96 Chapman Bros. St. Light Expense 83.38 97 City Transfer Co. C.H. Expense 176.13 98 Custer Hardware Co. Expense 6.64 99 Charles Delaurenti Council Expense 12.11 6800 Dual Parking Meter Co. Parking Meter Exp. 20.100 1 E. I. Du Pont De Nemours & Co. C. H. Expense 100.19 2 Tom Dobson & Son Insurance 5.00 3 Dow Fuel Co. F. D. Expense 4.27 4 Harper-Meggee, Inc. Expense 8.02 5 Holmes Electric Co. Expense 167.53 6 King County Health Dept. Health Inspection 175.00 7 F. E. Lawrence F.D. Exp. 4.75 8 Pacific Coast Stamp Works P.D. " 7.25 9 Paramount Pest Control H. 0. Expense 10.00 10 Paulson Office Supply Engr. " 1.13 11 Potlatch Yards,' Inc. P.D. Expense 4.58 12 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 1129.61 13 Puget Sound Stamp Works Dog Pound Expense 28.02 14 Standard Stations, Inc. P.D. Expense 13.50 15 Sunset Coal & Oil Co. F.D. "' 148.93 16 Steve Tamborini Council Expense 11.33 17 Tradewell Stores, Inc. P.D. Expense 2.93 18 Treas. U.S.A. Garbage Expense 41.67 19 Trick & Murray Expense 7.27 20 United Janitor Supply C.H. Expense 22.92 21 University of Washington P.D. Expense 5.75 22 Valley Window Cleaners C.H. Expense 7.50 23 Warshals P.D. " 17.67 24- Waters Expense 76.26 25 Western Auto Supply Co. P.D. Expense 1.73 26 D. F. Williams P.D. " 2.35 27 Williams & Swanson Expense 10.21 28 VOID VOID - - - 29 Western Union Telegraph Co. P.D. Expense 5.59 30 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Phones 214.38 31 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. " 21.50 32 Payroll Garbage 593.14 33-39 Payroll St. Cleaning 241.52 40-45 u Lorenzo Bertagni Garbage Salary 57.60 46 Renton Motor Parts Expense 509.17 47 Peoples National Bank Withholding Tax 1468.10 48 John C. Becklund Dog Pound Expense 50.00 49 WATER ` Payroll Office 240.15 7765-68 Addressograph Sales Agency Treas. Exp. 12.57 69 Chapman Bros. Expense 7.42 70 455 WATER Custer Hardware Company Expense 9.34 7771 Olympic Foundry Company Expense 24.72 2 P.S.P. & Light 6ompany Power 929.72 3 Rockwell Mfg. Company Expense 162.35 4 VOID VOID - 5 Seattle Water Dept. Water 105.00 6 Thorburn & Logozo Expense 30.00 7 Western Utilities Supply Co. Expense 127.44 8 Worthington Gamon Meter Co. v-zcpense 219.09 9 King County Medical Service March dues 30.25 80 Payroll water 1099.95 1-90 Peoples National Bank Withholding Tax 372.50 1 CITY STREETS Payroll Office 267.70 5282-5 Bruce Welding Exnense 22.66 6 Chapman Bros. Expense 8.42 7 Columbia Equipment Co. Expense 11.90 8 Custer Hardware Co. Expense 35.15 9 Edmonds Cushion Shop Expense 12.38 90 Eutetic Welding Alloys Corp. Expense 130.81 1 Holmes Electric Company Expense 2.06 2 Overall Cleaning& Supply Co. Expense 2.06 3 Renton Feed & Seed Co. " 40.17 4 Renton Radiator Service " 3.09 5 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Gasoline 493.02 6 Sunset Coal & Oil Co. Expense 104.75 7 Sunset Coal Company it 55.42 8 Union Oil Company of Calif. Gasoline 241.76 9 Western Tractor & Equip. Co. Expense 25.29 5300 Western Construction Co. " 95.00 1 Williams & Swanson " 60.41 2 Wright Motors " 21.73 3 Panther Oil & Grease Mfg. Co. " 102.11 4 King County Medical Feb. dues Fred Johnson 8.50 5 King County Medical March dues, laborers 86.75 6 Payroll City Streets 1957.90 7-26 Renton Motor Parts, Inc. expense 67.83 27 Peoples National Bank Withholding Tax 335.60 28 SEWER DISPOSAL Payroll Sewer Disposal 499.15 17.26-29 Payroll Office 173.00 30-33 Dale & McLendon Expense 9.19 34 P.S.P. & Li-ht Co. Power 233.42 35 Wallace & Tiernan Sales Corp. Expense 13.11 36 King County Medical March dues 27.25 37 David Mitchell Salary 43.08 38 Peoples National Bank Withholding Tax 73.30 39 LIBRARY Payroll Library 830.64 2001-7 King County Medical March dues 10.50 8 P.S.P.& Light Company Power 20.35 9 Peoples National Bank Withholding Tax 73.70 10 ATHLETIC Payroll Athletic 181.27 473-4 Custer Hardware Company Expense 1.06 5 P.S.P. & Light Company Power 72.45 6 Sunset Coal Company Expense 197.76 7 King County Medical March dues 5.50 8 Peoples National Bank Withholding Tax 56./�o 9 PARK Payroll Park 430.17 1287-91 Custer Hardware Expense 11.80 2 P.S.P. & Light Company Power 7.51 3 King County Medical March dues 22.75 4 Peoples National Bank Withholding Tax 66.10 5 I 456 AIRPORT U. S. Postmaster Postage 10.00 99 Payroll Airport 347.95 800-2 A-1 Cycle & Key Shop Expense 3.89 3 Airport Inn Expense 3.61 4 American Blue Print Co. Expense 3.55 5 Chapman Bros. if 37.08 6 Cordes Towing Service it 3.50 7 Dale & McLendon " 7.21 8 Hartman Typewriter Company It 12.88 9 The Letter Shop " 3.50 10 Pacific Aerial Surveys " 8.24 11 P.S.P. & Light Company Power 637.53 12 Renton Machine & Welding Expense 9.01 13 Seattle Tent & Awning If 16.91 14 Seattle Water Department 75.30 15 State Treasurer " 1.00 16 Supt. of Documents " .75 17 White Construction Co. " 55.00 18 White River Lumber Co. " 3.61 19 King County Medical Varch dues 4.00 20 Bob's Appliance & Repair Expense 15.45 21 Payroll Ted Noel 11.51 22 Renton Motor Parts, Inc. Expense 13.07 23 Peoples National Bank withholding tax 49.80 24 FIhrIv1EN'S PENSION FUND Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Freyman, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried.. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 o'clockv P.M. City Vlerk J Mayor i 457 Renton, Wash February 28, 1950 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 o'clock P.M. ROLL CALL: RICHARDSON) SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSEN, HAGEN, TRIMM, REID, GIGLI, DAVIDSON AND TAMBORINI. Officials and department heads present were City Clerk, Wiley Crook, City Attorney, Arthur Haugan, Chief of Police, Vincent Stewart, Fire Chief, Floyd Lawrence, City Engineer, B. M. McHugh, Supt. of Utilities, S. R. Waller, City Treasurer, Dorothea Gossett, Airport Manager, Ned Stokes, Assistant Engineer, Marston Winegar and Building Inspector, Walter H. Wills. Councilman Richardson, requested that the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee regarding section three of Ordinance 1232 covering Dance Hall licenses be corrected to read: "all dances or social functions shall pay a license fee of one dollar ($1.00) per dance." Mayor Baxter stated that the sewer assessment should have read $59.78 and requested that the minutes be corrected accordingly.. Councilman Bruce stated that the motion made by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini in the minutes should read "that the Housing Authority of the City of Renton should be notified that the City of Renton is not interested in submitting a bid on buildings for sale by the menton Highlands. Moved by Reid, seconded by Tamborini, that the minutes of the meeting of February 212 1950 be approved as corrected. Carried. A communication was read from Vernon E. Bjorklund, Renton Campaign Chairman, King County Chapter, National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, thanking the Mayor, City Council and members of the City Government for their support of the 1950 March of Dimes Drive. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that this communication be placed on file. Carried. A petition that Block 10, Renton Highlands Addition_ to Renton, be improved by grading and gravelling the alley, (signed by 14 property owners) was rea$. City Attorney Haugan stated that in order to satisfy the people, a date should be set for a hearing and an advertisement for protests be published. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the date of March 28th be set for a hearing on the petition. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that this petition be referred to the City Engineer for an estimate of cost. Carried. A petition for the improvement of the alley in Block 81 in Renton Highlands, by grading, graveling and doing such other work as may be necessary in connection therewith, (signed by 23 property owners) was read. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that the date of March 28, be set for the hearing on this petition and the petition was referred to the City Engineer for estimate of cost. Carried. Renewal bids on insurance for the coming year were received from The Northwestern Mutual Fire Association, quoting a premium of $6553.55 for a CPL policy on information submitted by the Insurance Commissioner, the Anchor Casualty Company, quoting a premium of $ 3193.42 and Tom Dobson & Son, quoting a premium of "'4973.63. The present insurance expires March 4, 1950. These renewal bids were requested and received by order of the City Council through the Insurance Commission for the City of Renton. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that these renewal bids be referred to the Finance Committee, Personal Property Committee and Insurance Commission with power to act. Carried. 458 Councilman Tamborini, recommended that the date of Thursday evening � March 2nd at 7:30 P.M., be set for the meeting of the committee to go over the Renewal Insurance bids. A member of the South End Community Club requested that a resolution or recommendation from the City Council be sent to the North and South End Road Commissioners requesting action on repairing of the Old Issaquah—Cemetery Road as school busses can only go as far as the cemetery. Councilman 'Tamborini suggested that this be turned over to the Legislative Committee to write a letter to the North and South End Road Commissioners to see what could be done. A short recess was declared for the Ordinance Committee to confer on some proposed Ordinances and Resolutions. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: RICHARDSON) SWIFT, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, FFEYMAN, HANSEN, HAGEN, TRIMt1, BEID, GIGLI, DAVIDSON AND TAMBORINI. The Ordinance Committee presented Resolution No. 'bO authorizing and directing the City Treasurer to transfer the sum of $3000.00 from the City Street Fund to the Park Department Fund. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the Council adopt the resolution as written. Carried. The Ordinance Committee presented Resolution No. 761 authorizing and directing the City Treasurer to transfer the sum of $32.24 from the Current Expense Fund to Local Improvement District Fund No. 229. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Reid, that the Council adopt the Resolution as written. Carried. The Ordinance Committee presented Resolution No. 762, (1) estab— lishing a special Airport Control Tower Fund; (2) authorizing and directing the City Treasurer to transfer the sum of !?5231.00 from the cumulative fund No. 1183 to the Special Fund hereinabove established; (3) All expenditures shall be made from said Special Fund and all grants and contributions shall be deposited in and disbursed through said special fund. Moved by Reid, seconded by Bruce, that the Council adopt the Resolution as written. Carried. Ordinance No. 1374 changing the Classification of Lot 1, Block 32 Town of Renton, from Residential to Commercial Use District was read. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that this be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. The Ordinance Committee recommended the passage of Ordinance #1374 as read. Moved by Swift, seconded by Bruce, that the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee be accepted and that Ordinance 1374 be placed on its 2nd and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading of Ordinance 1374, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the Council pass Ordinance No. 1374 as read. A roll call vote being taken, the result was as follows: Richardson, Yes; Swift, Yes; Delaurenti, Yes; Bruce, Yes; Freyman, Yes; Hansen, Yes; Hagen, Yes; Trimm, Yes; Reid, Yes; Gigli, Yes; Davidson, Yes; Tamborini, Yes. Carried. 1 The City Clerk stated that one new Tax statement had been received on the 1941-50 back assessments for Commercial Waterway, Dist. #2 and that after contacting the Seattle Treasurer's office, he believed that we had re— ceived all old tax statements. 459 Councilman Gigli suggested that we continue to recheck the taxes to make sure they are due by the City and hold the statements until the middle of April before making payment in order to have more time for investigation as to the correctness of the statements. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Freyman, that the `'ouncil concur in the recommendation of Councilman 'Jigli, Carried. Councilman Trimm stated that the committees (Sanitation and Ways and Means) had met on the proposed Garbage Contract and it was moved by Trimm seconded by Hansen, that the information they had compiled be referred to the Ordinance Cox , 'ttee, City Attorney and Superintendent of Utilities for a report ••r back. Carried. The Superintendent of Utilities recommended that the new Paint Shop, Supply Room and Carpenter's Office in the Garage have additional heating and recommended the purchase of three heaters, the total cost of the heaters being 'VM1.34. Moved by Reid, seconded by Swift that the Personal Property Committee investigate the prices on these heaters and report back. Carried. Councilman Bruce recommended that the relief map for the Park Board be left until the next meeting when lir. Tackett, Park Board Chairman and Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent would be present. The Street & Alley Committee requested more time in the matter of the alley from 4th Avenue to .galla Walla Avenue between Main Street and Wells street. More time was granted. The Fire, Light & Water Committee recommended pedestrian lights at the westerly entrance to Cedar River Park on Houser Way. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Fire, Light and Mater Committee investigate the cost of installation of lights and crossways from Cedar fiver Park across Houser Way and report back. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti stated that according to ,Ordinance #1233 of 12-11-49 .� that a $10.00 license fee per month was required on all coin—operated machines in the City of Renton. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the City Clerk notify Mr. Heberling and Mr. Martin that theshall be due and. payable immediately on the ten new (automatic scoring) bowling machines in the City. Councilman Bruce stated that obnoxious fertilizers were being used around Renton and stated that the Asst. Health Officer should request that in these cases, the fertilizer should be covered with earth immediately. Councilman Reid reported that he had several reports for lights needed in Ea.rlington. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Ta.mborini, that the Fire, Light and Water Committee investigate regarding the need of these lights and report back. Carried. The Airport Manager reported to the Council that the location of one hangar on the field conflicted with Boeing's operations and should be moved, and further stated that the Airport Board recommended that the City of Penton move the building. I Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the problem of this �J hangar be referred to the Ways & Means Committee, Airport Board, Airport Superin— tendent and City Attorney for a report back at the next Council meeting. Carried. ` The Superintendent of Utilities stated that due to the conditions of the roads from the recent freezing weather, it would be necessary to rebuild and recondition most of the black top and gravel roads; that the City of Penton needed a new high power motor grader. (Estimated cost of an adequate grader is between 0122000 and $14,000.) 460 Moved by Richardsonp seconded by Hanson, that this be placed in the hands of the Ways and Means Committee, Personal Property Committee and Superin— tendent of Utilities for a report back. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by held, that the Airport Board report each month in regards to status of rents and contracts. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting ad— journ. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:10 P.M, Cit Clerk Mayor. r i L..r 461 Renton, Washington March 7, 1950 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 o'clock P.M. ROLL CALL: RICHARDSON, SWIFT, DELAURF.NTI, BRUCE, FREYMAN, HANSFN, HAGEN, TRIN�i, REID, GIGLI, DAVIDSON AND TAMBORINI. Mayor Baxter asked for a roll call of Officials. I The following Officials and Department Heads were present: City Attorney, Arthur Haugan, Police Chief, Vincent Stewart, Superintendent of Utilities, S.R.Waller, City Treasurer, Dorothea Gossett, Park Superintendent, Gene Coulon, Assistant Engineer, Marston Winegar, Airport Manager, Ned Stokes. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of February 28, 1950 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT NO. AMOUNT NAME TYPE OF WORK 1617 $100.00 Arthur Evans 238 Main St. Install oil tank 18 6000.00 Louis P. Sutter 717 High St. Erect residence 19 150.00 Alameda Tavern Sunset Blvd. Install fan 20 1000.00 R.C. Story 630 Sunset Blvd. Const. garage 21 3500.00 LeRoy Donaldson, 8614 S. 138th Erect house 22 100.00 A. C. Welding 11503 118th S.E. Rewire for range 23 100.00 Frank Dire 230 N. Burnett St. Rebuild porch 24 200.00 Mrs. S. Goodwin 308 N. Burnett St. Build garage 25 100.00 Mrs. H. Manuch 345 Factory Wire for range 26 300,00 Allen's Pet Shop 13434 Rainier Ave. Hang Sign 27 100.00 H. J. Creek 2207 9th No. Erect fence i 28 100.00 John Cerjance 431 Smithers St. Install furnace 29 100.00 City of Seattle Police Department City of Seattle Move building 30 100.00 G. R. Tollefson 12629 S.E. 144th Erect fence 31 100.00 Edward Mathews 430 N. Wells St. Install concrete driveway 32 100.00 Jacob Zier 434 N. Wells Install concrete Dr.way 33 100.00 Thomas McLerren 554 E. St. Install furnace 34 700.00 Mrs. Rose Beebe 12611 144th St, S.E. Prefab garage 35 200.00 R. C. Storey 129 Meadow Rewire house 36 700.00 Stanley Thompson 1206 2nd Ave. No. Remodel kitchen 37 400.00 A. R.oworth 614 A. G. St. Erect Gar & workshop 38 100.00 A. W. Boyungs 2124 8th Place Install windows 39 100.00 Geo. Madden 8644 Langston Rd. Dig basement 40 400.00 Ralph C. Patek 2017 9th No. Add one room 41 100.00 Bill Thompson 714 lst Ave No. Change elec. Serv. 42 1000.00 Wm. Hawke 225 N. Wms. Reshingle house 43 100.00 Gordon Baker 2219 6th Place Erect fence 45 400.00 J. E. Hurner 907 D. St. Erect garage 46 100.00 John A. Angell 12551 S.E. 141st Erect fence 47 100.00 Lawrence Myers 14005 85th Ave. S. Wire for range 48 300.00 Bill Bennett Sunset Highway Change plumbing 49 100.00 Emery Wolfe 2205 9th Place Erect fence 50 100.00 Renton Radiator 3rd & Mills St. Remove Bldg. I 51 100.00 Ted Cavanaugh 319 Williams Erect balcony 52 500.00 Don Gaspari 414 Cedar St. Erect garage 53 100.00 John L. Parks 643 E. St. Erect fence 54 100.00 Alex Ferrat 220 Garden St. Install gar. floor 55 100.00 A.W. Tichnor 405 S. Jells St. Level foundation A communication was read from Alfred B. Loop, Chairman of the Committee for revision of the Budget Law for Cities and Counties, listing the names of Alfred B. Loop, Comptroller, Bellingham, Washington (First Class Cities) , Carl W. Kruegel, Clerk, Wenatchee, Washington (Second Class Cities) , Ronald Lovette, Clerk, Vancouver, Washington (Third Class Cities) , R.V.Howie, Clerk, Chelan, Washington r 462 (Fourth Class Towns) and Ed Smith, Auditor, Kitsap County, Port Orchard, Wash— ington (Counties) , members of a committee chosen to study and recommend changes in the Budget Laws of the State of Washington as they apply to Cities and Counties, and stated that any worthwhile and constructive ideas or suggestions should be sent to the committee members. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that this communication be placed on file for future reference and action. Carried. A memorandum was read from R. E. Walker of Auburn, Washington stating that the Association of Valley Cities is planning on meeting at Renton, Wash— ington for their March meeting on March 22nd. Mr. Walker hopes to have Mr. Erdahl of Taooma, recently returned from Washington, D.C., sneak on the Power question. They are also anticipating Mr. Vogel to be present to speak on State Planning. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the City Council entertain the Association of Valley Cities at the Fire Hall at Mills Street and Walla Walla Avenue, on March 22nd and that a Committee be appointed to make the arrangements. Carried. Council-man Tamborini was appointed Chairman. He will have the Fire Chief, Firemen, Mayor Baxter and the City Treasurer help him with arrangements. A communication was read from Vernet Eliason, President, King County h—H Club Leaderst Council, expressing their Council's appreciation and thanks for the time and effort of the Renton City Council devoted to the 4—H,Clubs in an effort to establish their permanent 4—H Club Fair Grounds in Renton. The Leaderst Council have accepted Kent's offer, which city had the most facilities to make the permanent 4—H Fair Grounds a success. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Freyman, that the City Council rescind Resolution No. 753 granting the 4—H Club the privilege to use a portion of Mother's Park for holding annual 4—H Club Fairs and relating activities. Carried. A communication was read from Otto Sundholm through William V. Cowan, Attorney stating that water was coming down old Renton Avenue and pouring upon his property, washing out the fill and lawn and undermined his concrete walls, porches, garage floor and walls, rock walls and laundry house. Unless damages are paid and the water is prevented from falling upon his property, he intends to bring suit against the City of Renton. (Residence, 9118 — 133rd- Place S., and duplex next door, 13315 91st Place So.) Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen that this claim be referred to the City Engineer, Supt. of Utilities and City Attorney for a report back. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Freyman, that the motion be amended and that the Public Relations Committee be included in above committee. The amendment carried. The original motion was then called for and carried. The minutes of the Board. of Trustees of the Statewide City Emp— loyees Retirement System was presented for the Council's information. Moved by hichardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Retirement Report be placed on file, at the Councilts availability, for future reference. Carried. The Ordinance Committee presented Resolution No. 763 appropriating from Cumulative Fund No. 1183 the sum of X3181.00 and authorizing the City Treasurer to pay said sum to the Renton Plumbing and Heating Company,for the .d purchase and installation of a Diesel Oil Tank, Diesel Oil Burner, increased radiation, two 400 unit heaters, pipes, pumps & electrical installation, as per contract at Fire Station No, 1, Renton, Washington. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Gigli, that the City Council adopt the Resolution as written. Carried. The Ordinance Committee presented Resolution No. 764 ordering the improvement of Block 8, Highlands Addition by establishing, constructing, grading and gravelling an alley and such other work as may be necessary in that connection, in accordance with plans prepared by the "ity Engineer. 463 Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the City Council adopt the Resolution as written. Carried. The Ordinance Committee presented Resolution No. 765 ordering the improvement of Block 10, Highlands Addition by establishing, constructing, grading and graveling an alley and such other work as may be necessary in that connection, in accordance with plans prepared by the City Engineer. Moved by Gigli, seconded by Richardson, that the City Council adopt the Resolution as written. Carried. The City Attorney stated that he had a telephone request for a petition in opposition to either Resolution 764 or 765 but as they had been referred to the City Engineer for estimate of cost and the date of March 28th had been set for a hearing, they should present their complaints at that time. The Finance Committee & Personal Property Committee recommended the acceptance of the lowest bid $3193./+2 of the Anchor Casualty Company, for property damage and personal liability insurance on the City of Renton's automotive equipment. (Commissions to be allocated on the basis recommended by the Council. ) Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Finance Committee and Personal Property Committee. Carried. Councilman Davidson stated that this yearst Insurance premium rates were considerably less than any previous year and this was due to the fact that operator's of mobile equipment were driving more carefully. Moved by Davidson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the City Clerk write to the heads of each department having mobile equipment expressing appreciation of their careful driving, to allow the City of Renton to obtain this lower rate. Carried. The Ordinance Committee requested more time on the proposed Garbage Contract. 14ore time was granted. �I The City Clerk reported that representatives of the City of Puy— allup were at the City Hall today seeking information as to the method of garbage collection in the City of Renton and stated that due to the many complex problems and complaints the City of Puyallup was having , due to having a private contractor doing their garbage collection, that it was the intention of Puyallup to set up a system of doing their own garbage collection, and stated that they would gladly give information to the City of Renton regarding some of the problems they had encountered by having contractors collect their garbage. Councilman Tamborini stated that garbage collection would be a good main topic for the Valley City meeting on the 22nd of March. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Reid, that the Supt. of Utilities go to Puyallup to investigate their Garbage Contract, etc. Carried. More time was granted the Personal Property Committee on the heaters for the garage. The majority of the Nays and Means Committee recoTwiended that the Council approve the request of the Airport Board for the City ofRenton to move the hanger now owned and occupied by the O'Brien Flying Service to a new location. Moving to be at the city's expense, and further, to waive the past--due ground and office rent owed to the City of Renton by said O'Brien Flying Service, and after the hanger had been moved to its new location, to grant the O'Brien Flying Service li years free rent, all in lieu of the O'Brien _`'lying Service releasing to the City of Renton said hanger at the expiration of lz years. Councilman Richardson of the ;days & Means Committee asked the permission of the Council to make a dis— senting minority report stating that he, as a Councilman for the City of Renton, could not see that the request of the Airport Board should be granted. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Davidson, that the Council concur in the majority report of the 'Jays & Means Committee and of the Airport Board. 464 �rm� i a 11 'V A roll call vote being taken, the result was as follows: Richardson, No; Swift, No; Delau-renti, Aye; Bruce, Aye; Freyman, No; Hansen, No; Hagen, Aye; Trimm, No; Reid, No; Gigli, Aye; Davidson, Aye and Tamborini, No. There being 5 Ayes and 7 no's, the motion lost. The Fire, Light & Water Committee reported that it would cost approxi- mately $500.00 to install pedestrian lights andcrossways from Cedar River Park across Houser Way. (Fixture would cost approximately „230.00) Moved by hichardscn, seconded by Trimm that this be installed. Carried. Councilman Hagen requested information relative to funds to cover this �I light. The City Clerk stated that the signal light for the control of traffic can be charged to the Street Fund and that the pedestrian crossway lights should be paid from one of the Cumulative Funds. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that this matter be referred to the City Engineer for a report back. Carried. The Fire Light & Water Committee requested more time on Earlington lights. More time granted. The Street and Alley Committee reported that they were still unable to contact the party in regards to the alley from lith Avenue to Walla Walla Avenue between Main Street & ,Wells Street and requested more time. More time granted. Councilman Swift moved that the question of Daylight Saving Time be placed on the floor for study and discussion and then be turned over to a committee for further study and their recommendation. After considerable discussion, Mayor Baxter referred the question of Daylight Saving Time to the Public Relations Committee for a report back as to their recommendation after due study and consideration on this subject. (J. L. Davidson, Chairman, Arnold Hagen & Ben hichardson) Councilman Davidson stated that due to change of City' s stock records at the City Garage requiring additional accounting, that he had contacted Mr. Ames of the Ames Accounting Service for the cost of a survey on what we now have and what we need to install a better system. His estimate was between X35.00 and $50.00. Councilman Davidson further stated that he had been given another estimate of $150.00 to 'i"r200.00 to complete a system and get it to work. Councilman Gigli stated that the City of Renton is required by law to operate their accounting according to state requirements. Moved by Reid, seconded by Freyman, that this information on an Accounting System .for stocks at the City Garage, to tie in with what they now have for stock control, be turned over to the Auditing and Accounting Committee for a report back. Carried. (.Andrew Gigli, Chairman, Olin Hansen and Arnold Hagen) Councilman Richardson stated that the Police r?z License Committee and Law & Ordinance Committee were to meet Wednesday night at 8:00 o'clock P.M., in the City Hall* Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the March 13th Council meeting be held from 7:00 P.M., to 8:01 P.M., to allow the Councilmen to hear the election reports and to allow the City Clerk and City Treasurer to tabulate the election returns. Carried. Councilman Tamborini desired an explanation of the&lay of the install- ation of the crosswalk midway between 2nd and 3rd Avenue on Wells Street. The Superintendent of Utilities stated that a street grader will be in Renton Saturday morning for demonstration purposes. All councilmen are invited If to view the demonstration. Mr. Waller will leave the information as to the time and place of the demonstration with the City Clerk. Interested parties will contact the City Clerk for this information. 465 The Superintendent of Utilities requested information as to the color of paint to be used in the City Hall. This information should be obtained from the Property Committee. City Attorney Haugan outlined his progress to date in the case of Costner versus the City of Renton and stated that he would keep the councilmen informed as to the developments in this case. Park Superintendent Coulon stated that they now have the blueprints on the new fence urith some slight adjustments to be made. The Mayor appointed the City Attorney, City Engineer and Street & Alley Committee to investigate the exact location of the fence and report back. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the appointment of the Mayor. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti stated that in Fire Chief Lawrence' s report there was stated a need for a hydrant on the Sunset Highway at about 114th or near Mike's Tavern where there is a 6" water line. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the City Engineer bring in an estimate of the cost for the installation of a hydrant at said location. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported that the Housing Authority of the City of Penton requested -the loan of 1200 feet of fence, which is not in use at the Airport, to protect their present coal supply in the Highlands during the present coal emergency against any outside encroachments. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that this request be referred to the Airport Manager and Personal Property Committee for a report back. Carried. Councilman Reid inquired about the possibility of cutting down election costs. The City Clerk stated that Supervision of elections was under the County Auditor and that according to the number of voters, that a machine is required for each precinct. Each precinct is required by law to have three election officials. Representatives of the Chronicle and The Renton News Record stated that a list of the polling places would be published in both papers. Mayor Baxter stated that the City Engineer had informed him that the outlook was quite favorable to secure a garbage dump near the location of the Pacific Coast Coal Company's old briquet plant site, and if such dump could be secured, it would be adequate to take care of the garbage that would be dumped by the City of Renton for a period of 20 years. The engineer is still working out the details of this problem. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that all bills approved by the Finance Committee be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. 'The following bills having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were oresented: CURRENT William E. Frazee P.D. Expense s? 12.74 6850 Owl Cafe Jail Meals 118,30 1 Serv. Ldry. & Cleaners F.D. Expense 25.77 2 ifituF.D. If 31.75 3 Floyd Shaff 'Treas. Expense 1.03 4 B.M. McHugh Engr. n 9.60 5 S.P. Waller Eng. Exp. 4.00 6 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Seattle Phone 70.60 7 Payroll Engineers 655.28 8-62 Payroll Office 11.08.91 3-76 Payroll F.D. 2603.45 7-97 Payroll P.D, 3167.34 8-6923 Owl Cafe Jail meals 102.00 6924 Statewide City Emp.Retirement Pension 3363.93 5 John C. Becklund Dog Pound Expense 80.00 6 Payroll Garbage 717.60 7-33 466 CURRENT Payroll St. Cleaning 314.75 6933-39 American Blue Print Co. Engr, Expense 10.50 40 Automatic Deodorant Co. C.H. Expense 2.00 1 Bargain Basement F.D. It 9.23 2 City Transfer Co. C.H. Expense 88.07 3 Cochran Hdw. Co. F.D. "' 5.35 4 H.L. Collier, City Treas. P.D. " 4.73 5 H.L, a: if it P.D. "' 4.90 6 Cross Radio & Sound Serv. F.D. It 6.95 7 Custer Hdw. Co. Expense 24.34 8 Dow Fuel Co. F.D. if 38.91 9 E.I. Du Pont De. Nemours & Co. C.H. to 65.18 50 Dorothea Gossett Treas. Exp. 10.10 1 Harley-Davidson Sales Co. P.D. " 16.17 2 Harper-Meggee, Inc. P.D. " 3.10 3 Hartwig & Eakle, Inc. P.D. " 23.38 4 Stan Hickok Sport Shop F.D. if 3.31 5 Hub City Drug P.D. " 1.48 6 King County Health Dept. Feb. Health Inspection 175.00 7 Kuker-Ranken, Inc. F.D. Expense 8.45 8 Ivan W. Lee F.D. It 2.52 9 The Lumber Mkt, Expense 76.51 60 Mathewson's Renton Tire Shop P.D. Expense 3.05 1 Matthie Fixit Shop P.D. It 2.16 2 Motorola, Inc. P.D. It 50.46 3 Paramount Pest Control Serv. H.O. It 10.00 4 Paulson Office Sunply -Stationery 34.49 5 Preston, Thorgrimson & Horowitz Attorney Expense 204.00 6 Renton News Record Expense 434.25 7 Renton Veterinary Hospital Dog Pound Expense 1.75 8 Vernon Scott Co. C.H. Expense 17.97 9 Seattle Gas Co. C.H. " 8.06 70 Square Deal Grocery F.D. " 15.66 1 Sunset Coal & Oil Co. F.D. " 129.78 2 Treas. U.S.A. Garbage Exp. 41.67 3 Trick & Murray Stationery 106.31 4 J a University of Washington_ P.D. Exp. .80 5 Waters Expense - Stationery 6.70 6 Wright Motors Inc. Expense 13.40 7 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 1308.37 8 King County Medical April dues 377.00 9 WATER Payroll Office 234.65 7792-95 Tax Commission Excise Tax 381.04 6 Payroll Water 1207.33 7-7806 Bruce Welding Expense 3.61 7 Custer Hardware Co. Expense 10.82 8 Dale & McLendon Expense 8.33 9 Mathewsonts Renton Tire Shop Expense 6.03 10 Ben B. Dahl Expense 11.00 11 Northwest Filter Co. " 324.45 12 Renton News Record " 14.94 13 Rockwell Mfg. Co. " 22.08 14 Seattle Water Dept. Water 88.96 15 Underwood Corp. Treas. Expense 123.60 16 Western Utilities Supply Co. Expense 144.60 17 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 603.24 18 King County Medical April dues 37.25 19 CITY STREETS Time Equipment Company Expense 177.73 5329 Payroll Office 263.70 30 Payroll City Streets 2148.88 1-54 Bruce Welding Expense 10.30 55 Custer HardwarQ Co. E"ense 29.18 56 Dale & McLendon " 1.65 57 The Lumber Market "' 2.06 58 Mathewson's Renton Tire Shop " 32.33 59 Overall Cleaning & Supply " 2.09 60 Pedersen Bros. Motor Co. "' 1.03 1 Radium Hand Soap Co. " 6.18 2 Renton Radiator Service " 2.06 3 Richfield Oil Corp. " 6.44 4 Truck Welding & Equip. " 58.63 5 467 CITE STREETS CONT'D Feenaughty Machinery Co. Expense $424.36 5366 King County Medical April dues 93.75 7 SEWER DISPOSAL Payroll Sewer Disposal 471.90 1740-44 Payroll Office 173.00 45-48 Payroll. Sewer 129.23 49-52 Custer Hardware Expense 3.40 53 Cladding McBean & Co. it 11.12 54 P.S.P. & Light Company Power 212.79 55 King County Medical April dues 27.25 56 LIBRARY Charles Dams Expense 74.97 2011 Diesel Oil Sales Co. "' 34.99 12 Doubleday & Company Books 12.16 13 George Friend Expense 20.00 14 J.K. Gill Co. Books 9.73 15 The Macmillan Co. Books 8.56 16 National Publications Co. "` 125.63 17 Puget Sound News Co. " 125.28 18 Renton Music Store Records 25.90 19 Sunset Coal. & Oil Company Expense 133.74 20 Puget Sound News Co. Books 9.30 21 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 18.45 22 King County Medical April dues 10.50 23 ATHLETIC Payroll Athletic 175.77 480-1 Custer Hardware Co. Expense 4.44 2 Pedersen Bros. Motor Co. Expense 2.58 3 Sunset Coal & Oil Co. "' 130.55 4 United Janitor Supply Co. " 25.79 5 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 63.35 6 King County Medical Corp. April dues 5.50 7 AIRPORT Payroll Airport 267.55 825-27 A.1. Cycle Shop Expense 2.78 28 I American Blue Print Co. Expense 9.62 9 Cochran Builders Supply Expense .72 30 E.I. Du Pont De Nemours & k�o. Expense 27.32 1 Holmes Electric Co. Expense 13.47 2 Renton Heating & Air Conde dense 17.00 3 Renton News Record Expense 4.84 4 Renton Radiator Serv. Expense 3.09 5 White Construction Co. Expense 110.00 6 Seattle Water Dent. Water 36.15 7 Renton Valley Fuel Expense 286.99 8 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 611.02 9 King County Medical April dues 4.00 40 PARK Payroll Park 541.61 1296-1301 Graybar Electric Co. Expense 24.72 2 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power 7.42 3 King County Medical April dues 22.75 4 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND Mrs. Enza Anderson Monthly Pension 12.5.00 21 Mrs. Orpha McDonald " it 125.00 22 CUMULATIVE FUND #1183 Renton Plumbing & Heating F.D. Furnace 3181.00 294 Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. Meeting adtourned at 9:50 o'clock, P.M. Cit Jerk --vP,Y yor. r 46$ MINUTES CONTINUES IN NEW MINUTE BOOK i i, I