HomeMy WebLinkAboutBook 14 (1/3/1956 - 12/23/1958) Renton, Washington January 3, 1956 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, TAMBORINI, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. On his request, moved by Richardson, seconded. by Bruce, that Councilmen White and Vietzke be excused from this evening's Council meeting. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Arthur Haugan, City Attorney; Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Shaff, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton,, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner and Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the December 20, 1955 Council meeting be approved as written. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids for two police cars for the Renton Police Department, the following bids were opened and read.: Wn.St. Total Trade- Total bid BIDDER Am't for Am't for Sales (Incl. in for 2 new r Corcoran Buik one car two cars Tax Tax) Allowed Police Cars Special 39. 7 .9 _1727-67 5041-55 1 O� 0.00 3241.55 Williams & Swanson Chevrolet - Police 1950.00 3900.00 130.00 4030.00 1900.00 2130.00 Pope Ford 215 H.F. Interceptor 1842.56 3685.12 122.84 3807.96 1800.00 2007.96 Alt.#l, 202 H.F. Police Special 1768.36 3536.72 117.88 3654.60 1800.00 1854.60 f Alt.#2, 137 H.F. Mainliner 1511.76 3023.52 100.78 3124.30 1800.00 1324.30 Alt.#3, 173 H.P. Ford V8 1581.1,1 3162.82 105.42 3268.24 1800.00 1468.24 Clarke Bros. Plymouth - Police 2265.00 4530.00 151.00 4681.00 1900.00 2781.00 Dodge Coronet 2445.00 4890.00 163.00 5o53.00 1900.00 3153.00 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen., that the bids be referred to the Police and License Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer reporting that a sanitary condition involving a potential health hazard existed at the residence of Leo O'Brien, 418 Shattuck Street; that the condition is caused b7,r the backing un of sewage into the house sewer line during the run off of storm waters---that the street and engineering departments have investigated the condition and it is their conclusion that the installation of a mechanical device to stop the black flow would be required if the basement plumbing is to remain in the basement. The Street Commissioner and City Engineer request an opinion as to the City's responsibility in the matter. Mr. O'Brien from the audience stated that he had attended the meeting to answer any questions, that he had lived at this address for 8 years and that this problem existed whenever the ra'_ns were heavy and the storm waters did not drain normally. The City Engineer stated that a hazardous health condition exists frcm the side sewer being blocked---that it would be necessary to install a check valve or dis- continue the facilities in the basement. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen$ that the matter be referred to the City Attorney for his opinion. The Assistant City Attorney stated that a check valve would help, but might not correct the problem--- that if there is a health problem and a hazard the City should discontinue the use of his basement, that ordinarily the side sewer is the responsibility of the property Y owner, not the City. The Street Commissioner stated that the surplus water that was causing the trouble was coming from the north, not from the south. Councilman Dela.urenti movedq seconded by Bruce, that the motion be amended and that the matter be referred to the Sanitation Committee, City Engineer, Street Commissioner and Assistant City Attorney with power to act. The amendment carried, and the motion as amended then carried. A communication was read from the owners of three business houses on Smithers Street, (Carriegan's Automobile Square, Moddy & McKay and Zwicker's Texaco Service Station) requesting a "ONE HOUR" parking limit on Smithers Street on both the east and west side, from 3rd Avenue, southerly to the alley, a distance of approximately 120 feet, to allow customer parking, rather than all day parking. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti that the request be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. A request was read from Lonnie Blythe, owner of the Victory Tavern, for re- newal of his music machine license for 1956) also for his license for the machine for this .year. A check to cover the music machine license, also the machine for the year 1956 was enclosed. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the request be re- ferred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried.. A petition was read carrying 161 signatures protesting the present proposed channelization of 3rd Avenue between Main and Mill Street, stating that in their opinion it was impractical, hazardous and not in the best interest of all concerned. The petition stated that the signers were citizens, taxpayers, voters, car owners or property owners. Moved by D elaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the petition be re- ferred to the Street and. Alley Committee for consideration. Carried. Mrs. Robert �L Provin from the audience stated that the people who signed the petition did not necessarily protest the channelization, nor criticize, that they just wanted to have a better understanding. Councilman Reid suggested that a meeting be held for the benefit of the people and to show them just what work had been accomplished by the Committee. Councilman. Swift reported that the Street and Alley Committee had dis- cussed the matter of the charnelization of 3rd Avenue between Main and Mill Street very thoroughly at their meeting last Tuesday evening and had agreed, that if this petition, which then had been informed of, was presented to the Council this even- ing, that the Committee would request a public meeting on Monday evening, January 9th, at 8:00 P.M., for anyone who had signed the petition or who wished information on the channelization of this intersection, and further suggested that the City Clerk's Office mail cards to all who have signed the petition advising them of the proposed meeting. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the Street and Alley Committee's action. Carried. The City Clerk reported that the Renton Area, Seattle-King County Department of Health report for November had been received and would be turned over to the Sani- tation Committee for their information and then filed. Mavor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: HANSE'i TRIN74, REID, RICHARDSON, TAMBORINI, SWIFT, DFLAURENTI., - HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. Councilman Delaurenti reported for the Police and License Committee, that they had net with the Chief of Police and considered the bids received on the two police cars---that the Committee recommended that the lowest bid received which met the specifications in the "Call for Bids", which was from the Pope Ford Company in the total amount of $2007.96 for two cars, be accepted, also, that the second low bid, which was from the lslilliams &. Swanson Company be held in abeyance until final check of the specifications of the accepted bid had been reviewed. Moved by Trimm, second- ed by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Police and License Committee. Carried. Councilman Reid reported in regard to the previous request for lights at the entrances and/or exits of the Maplewood Addition, that the Committee recommended that two Mercury Vapor lights be installed, one at the intersection of Southeast 141st Street and the Maple Valley Highway (first entrance) and the other at the intersection of Maplewood Place and the Maple Valley Highway (where the market is) and the power company be so notified. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift reported in regard to the previous matter of extending Logan Street North, that the Committee had discussed this matter and that it: was the Com- mittee's opinion and recommendation that the City declare their intent; in favor of the proposed extension of this street on the east side of the Northern Pacific Rail- road track right-of-way, crossing over the tracks in the vicinity of 8th Avenue North and. Logan Street, to connect to the Lake Washington Boulevard in the vicinity of the Shuffleton Plant. After discussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee and de- clare their intent to that purpose along this direction of right-of-way. Carried. Councilman Swift further reported in regard to the City's req�zest to the Great Northern Railway Company several weeks ago, that an answer had been received from W. P. Coliton, Superintendent, stating that he had been veru busy owing to slide trouble and had been unable to reply to the 'it, letter, but that he assured the City that he would go into the matter of switching at Renton soon to see what can be worked out to improve the situation. Councilman Heppenstall reported that there would be another meeting of the Job Evaluation Committee and City Attorney, Tuesdallr, January 10th at 7:30 P.N. (Council- men Heppenstall, Swift, White, Richardson and Trimm). Mayor Baxter granted Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee more time in regard to the breakdown of City Insurance. Councilman Bruce reported that Mr. F. T. Allen was no longer in the Insurance business and therefore the Insurance Commission was short one member. Councilman Reid explained to the Council in regard to the lights at both ends of the new Williams Street Bridge, that it would require the moving of two poles and that two lights would be installed on each end of the bridge. NNW The City Clerk announced that there would be a meeting of the Association of Valley Cities in Renton this Thursday evening, January 5th---that they were planning on having a Forum and that two members of- the Federal Bureau of Investigation would be present and a representative from the King County Sheriff's Office, and that all Councilmen who could, as well as the ''olice Chief were especially asked to attend. The City Engineer .reported that work on the Liberty Park Swimming Pool was nearly shut down owing to the weather, except for finishing of concrete poured pre- viously, that Mr. Nelsen the Contractor, had advised that they would complete the c.0 work as soon as the weather improved. C\1 !s� The City Engineer further reported that the Van S. McKenny Company, Contractor for the Mercury Vapor Street Light Improvement Program had completed the contract work as of December 21st and acceptance of the contract is requested as of this date; that he had prepared the final estimate to be submitted this evening but had with- drawn it to make a change, that it would. be ready for the next Council meeting. The City Engineer explained that the trouble with the relay had been corrected, also that all new equipment required for the one-way street operation had been installed, but that final approval of the one-way grid system would have to be given before they could proceed. The City Clerk reported that the City Employees who had belonged to the State- wide City Employees Retirement System at the time the Council had authorized a referendum election, September 6, 1955, providing for coordination of the benefits of the Federal O.A.S.I. coverage with the benefits provided by said Statewide City Employees Retirement System, to be effective as of January 1, 1955, with 100 per- cent prior service credits, had voted today to accent the coordinated plan---that of the 74 votes possible, 73 had voted in favor and 1 against, the Clerk further ex- plained that the one dissending voter was a part time employee at the Library who had misunderstood the purpose of the election and had subsequently requested to with- draw his ballot, which was not possible, that the plan will become effective as soon as the final contract is signed. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. (There were eight persons present, other than Officials, Department Heads and City employees). The following claims having been previously= audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLLS - ALL DEPARTMENTS 1497-1797 $163 -52 CURRENT 17-20 ,53 ,.�2 WATER 17-20 11,979.9 LIBRARY 12-14 31210.54 PARK 17-20 4,623.37 SEWAGE 17-20 7,038.26 AIRPORT 17-20 6,061.98 STREET 17-20 93,128.93 _C 140P 151-213 13,137.22 CIVIL DEFENSE 8-13 136.13 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 12-13 250.00 SWIMMING POOL FUND 14-17 714;'9.88 STREET & LIGHT IMPROVEMENT 17-19 14,961.60 CLAIMS FUND 487-734 40,814.73 C erk 71I Mayor Renton, Washington January 10, 1956 The regular meeting of the Penton City Council was called to order by Magor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.;l. ROLL CALL: HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, MORRIS, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AVID BRUCE. Moved by White, seconded by Richardson, that Councilman Tamborini be excused. Carried. OFFICTALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, .Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Shaff, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer and Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. Moved by Bruce, seconded by White, that the minutes of the Council meeting of January 3rd be approved as written. Carried. A communication was read from the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, signed by L. E. Karrer, Executive Vice-President, advising the City of Renton that on July 27, 1955s the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Company assigned to the Puget Sound Power & Light Company (a Massachusetts corporation) all rights under the franchise granted by City of Renton Ordinance No. 456 of June 4, 1918. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the communication be referred to the City Attorney for his consideration. Carried. A communication was read from Mayor Baxter appointing Victor H. Smith as patrol- man on the Renton Police Force effective January 16, 1956. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the appointment by Mayor Baxter. Carried. A request was read from John Thanos, 1405 9th Avenue South, Seattle, for re- newal of his ice cream vending license for 1956 for two carts. Moved by Reid, second- ed by Hansen, that the request be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A copy of a communication to Gene Coulon, Renton Recreation Council, from Art Virgillo, Secretary of the Renton Lions Club was read for the Council' s information, stating that at the next Recreation Council meeting they would turn over to the Recreation Council a check in the amount of $810.67, which had been received by the Lions Club for the swimming pool fund, with the request that this money be used for equipment needed. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the Clerk write a letter of thanks to the Lions Club for the donation to the Renton Recreation Council. Carried. A communication was read from the Board of Directors, Renton Chamber of Commerce, signed by Henry J. Reynolds, Executive Secretary, advising that Mr. Jay Holmes of the Holmes Electric Company, 1025 3rd Avenue, had contacted their Board at their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, January 9th and submitted an alternate plan for the one- way street operation as it affects the area of Mill and Main Streets and the general approach to the hill area. Mr. Reynolds stated that due to a limitation of time the Board of Directors had not had an opportunity to give this matter thorough study or to request any pertinent information from the Council, and requested that Mr. Holmes, alternate plan be given every consideration not inconsistent with traffic safety on the overall planning of the one-way street system, which they understand will be initially on a trial basis. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the com- munication be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti reported that at the public meeting last evening, Councilman Swift had assured all persons who had attended that their plan would be investigated and given consideration. The final estimate of work performed by the Van S. McKenny Company, Contractor on the Mercury Vapor Street Lighting in the amount of $1,271.76 was presented by the City Engineer. The City Engineer stated that this contract work was completed ""O on December 21, 1955 and that he recommended acceptance by the Council. as of this evening, January 10, 1956. The City Engineer advised the Council that the contract provides that the Contractor shall remedy any defects in th^ work for a period of one year from the date of acceptance. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Citv engineer, and that the final esti- mate be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. Mr. Andv Minerich from the audience reminded the Council that the 90 day time limit, allowed a party previously, was up on November 16th, that the party had neither disposed of his chickens or removed a shed which he considered a fire hazard. After discussion, the Council agreeing that the party having been allowed sufficient time for action, and the Assistant City Attorney advising that the report of the shed being a fire hazard, should be investigated, moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Fire Chief and Building Inspector investigate this matter in the next day or so and advise the Assistant City Attorney their findings. Carried. Councilman Reid advised the Council that the lights at both ends of the new Williams Street Bridge were included in the Street Light Contract and that they will be installed soon, also, that lights will be installed on both ends of the Wells j Street Bridge and that lights are being installed north on Rainier Avenue and south on Rainier Avenue to the City Limits. I Councilman Swift gave a resume of the public meeting on l"londay, January 9th, stating that most of the people present were interested in an explanation of the operation of the one-way street system at this intersection, rather thar protesting ---that the Committee agreed. to accept any recommendations or suggestions made and will try to work them in the one-way street pa.tterr as it exists, as far as work- able---that the Committee would meet again in the near future and consider these problems, that the date of the meeting would be set later. Councilman Swift pre- sented a letter received in regard to the Committeets one-way street plan. The City Clerk read the communication signed by Richard W. Johnson, 621 Shattuck Street ex- pressing his appreciation for the time and effort exoended by the Council in formu- lating a comprehensive traffic plan for the vicinity of Third and Main Streets. Mr. n� Johnson stated that he was not a resident of the Rentor. Hill, but that he drove his car in this area; that it is his objective opinion that the Plan as presented by the Street and Alley Committee is in the interest of the greatest good for the greatest number and should not be altered. The communication was ordered filed. Councilman Delaurenti reported that the Committee had reviewed the bids re- ceived on the police cars at the last Council meeting and had awarded the bid to the Pope Ford Company .for the police interceptor cars* Moved by Swift, seconded by Vietzke, that the council concur in the recommendation of the Police and License Committee. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall was granted more time in regard to the proposed ordinance pertaining to City Officials positions. Councilman Heppenstall requested a meeting of the Job Evaluation Committee, Tuesday evening, January 17th at 7:30 P.M. with the { Assistant City Attorney, the Street Commissioner and Mayor Baxter. I Councilman Heppenstall inquired in regard to the disposition of the Highlands, whether the Planning Commission was asked to work up a plan covering building re- strictions in the Highlands, that he had not seen a recommendation from the Plan- ning Commission covering this and that he felt that before turning this matter over to the Cita* and putting the property up for sale, that in his opinion building codes should be established for this area. Councilman Bruce stated that this matter had been presented to the Planning Commission. The Assistant City Attorney stated that the Building Code would apply to this area, but that he did not believe the Citv as a public body could impose any building value restrictions, except as set up under the Building Code---that a private development could set their own. restrictions. Magor Baxter stated that he would ask Mr. Humble, Executive director of the Housing Authority to attend the next Council meeting so that the Council could find out ,just what action had been taken as far as the final Highlands Housing is concerned. The City Engineer reported that the only change in the Ordinance covering this property and buildings was the addition of two zoning classifications, SR-1 single units and SR-2 multiple units, that a meeting is planned for Wednesday with Mr. Humble and Paul Houser, Attorney for the Housing Authority in regard to relocation of streets. The Assistant City Attorney stated that Mr. Houser had talked with him several days ago in regard to the problem as to the condition the Federal Housing Authority would impose on purchasers, as far as relocation of utilities are concerned, so that this could be done within a reasonable amount of time with the conclusion that the Housing Authority would require a bond in favor of the City that "relocation would take place within a reasonable time" or the reversion clause in the deed would become effective and if such relocation did not take place within a stipulated time at the cost of any purchaser, the property would revert to the Federal Government. Councilman Reid reported in regard to the proposed survey of additional light- ing needed for the residential districts, that this work had already begun and that they were doing one section of the City at a time. Councilman Reid reported that the Puget Sound Power & Light Company were going to remove the old lights and that the City had not as vet started to pay for the Mercury Vanor street lighting. Councilman Trimm reported that he understood. that the Government was planning on constructing an Armory Building in the City of Denton and so moved, seconded by Vietzke, that the City acknowledge this proposed construction and advise them (Col. Nelson of Fort Lawton, Chief of the Militar7, District) that the City is in favor of such a building. Carried. Councilman Vietzke reported that the streets, particularl;r in the President Park area were being badly* damaged owing to the ground being soft after the freeze and wet weather, and suggested that in regard to new streets or streets to be im- proved, that they be required to have a more solid foundation. Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Finance Committee, reported that the City Treasurer recommended and he so moved, seconded by White, that $1 ,000.00 be trans- ferred from the Williams Street Bridge Fund to the General Obligation Bond Fund to meet payments due at this time for coupons on the $327,000 G.O. Bond Coupons, Issue ? #2 that moneys will be available for this Fund soon, but that the payments are due now, also, that with the exception of the name plaque which is estimated to cost between $200 and $300 to be paid out of the Williams Street Bridge Fund, that this amount of money would be surplus. The motion carried. Councilman Delaurenti requested a short meeting of the Committee of the Council as a Whole with the Police Chief, immediately following this evening's meeting. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Trimm, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. (There were 12 persons present besides City Officials and employees). itv Clerk Mayor mud i Renton, Washington January 17, 1956 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order b7r Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, WHITE, VIT ZK'-, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. Moved by White, seconded by Reid, that Council- man Richardson be excused from this evening's Council meeting. OFFICIALS AND, DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Floyd Shaff, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner and Alfred Kraig, Librarian. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the minutes of the Council meeting of January 10th be approved as corrected. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that a hearing had been held by the King County Commissioners on Monday, January 16th on the franchise appli- cation of the City of Seattle for the installation of the proposed 36 inch Mercer Island water main---that as a result of the hearing he has received two requests CD wherein the City would finance the installation of 8 inch master water-meters and R? purchase water from the City of Seattle for resale to the individual property owners. Ir. The City Engineer suggested that the matter be referred to the Fire and Water Com- mittee and so moved by Reid, seconded by Trimm and carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer referring to his letter of December 6, 1955, in which Mr. Tino Cugini had requested consideration for permission to connect to the City sanitary sewer system from a residence on his property on S. E. 128th Street immediately south of the Renton Highlands---that this matter is still in the Sanitation Committee and while still under consideration, he had been requested to point out conditions that justify the request without setting a prece- dent contrary to City policy; that the Planning Commission has reported that the annexation of this property as petitioned is desirable but that they recommend additional areas be included---that in view of this action it would appear that a temporary permit for the sewer connection would be in order to not penalize Mr. Cugini unduly during this interim period, that otherwise separate action on annex- ation of his property should be considered. Councilman Tamborini, speaking for him- self only, as Chairman of the Sanitation Committee stated, that in view of previous action on this matter, both bzr the Council and Planning Commission, that as long as Mr. Cugini has requested annexation, that the City should concur in the suggestion of the City Engineer and allow Mr. Cugini to have a temporary permit for this con- nection, Mayor Baxter requested that the President of the Council act as temporary Chairman so that he might say a few words from the floor in regards to this matter. Mayor Baxter stated that it has always been a policy of the Pity not to accent hook- ups out of the ';ity Limits, due to the fact that there was no tariff coming in for this purpose---that as long as the City has not accepted this property for annexation, that the request should be held until more territory is included in Mr. Cugini's annexation petition, as suggested by the Planning Commission, or approves his pe- tition as presented for the small area---that in his opinion a temporary hook-up could only be issued on a temporary structure. The City Attorney reviewed the matter and stated that the last action was the Council's concurrence of the Planning Com- mission's action to include an additional area in the petition for annexation, that it was now up to the interested property owners. The City Engineer stated that the Planning Commission had referred the matter to a Committee and that the Committee was to get the signatures of other interested parties. (Albert Balch and a Church group being the other parties). Councilman Trimm, Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee, stated that it was the City' s policy that no one outside the City Limits is permitted to connect on to the City's sewer facilities, and that in his opinion the matter should be held in abeyance until this property is regularly annexed into the City. Councilman Swift stated that it was his opinion that as the City had established a policy, the Council should follow this policy, and refrain from establishing a prece- dent that others would feel they were entitled to, and so moved by Morris, seconded by Swift, that the matter be tabled until the Planning Commission report is received. Carried. A communication fron Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent, to Councilman Bruce was read concerning the needs of the Park Department for an adequate maintenance building and adjoining ,yard space; that it has come to the attention of the Park Board that the building presently occupied by Radio Station KLAN, located in Mother's Park, will be vacated by them soon and will be available, and that with minor changes this building and adjacent ground for var.d space would. be suitable for Park Denartment purposes for storage and maintenance of mechanized and other equipment, and would permit the Park Department to eliminate the unsightly building present1 v being used in Liberty Park, which is inadequate and recently has been declared a :fire hazard by the Fire Chief. Moved by Vietzke that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Park Superintendent. There being no second, moved by White, seconded b7T Morris, that this matter be referred to the Property Committee. Councilman Bruce reported that some time ago it had been suggested and talked about in the Council meeting, that a suitable building be provided for old timers for a place to hold meetings, also a place for storing relics and momentos that have accumulated in various places in the City of Renton, and notwithstanding the fact that the Park Department does need better facilities than they have now, the radio station building being located on nark property, that in his opinion it would seem that the Council s`zould thoroughly consider this matter, with the anticipation that the building be improved for the old timers. Councilman Vietzke stated that in his opinion there was a question as to two whether it would be more advantageous to improve this building for the benefit of the old timers or allow the Park Department equipment to remain outside. Councilman Reid suggested that the matter be held in Committee pending disposition of the Highlands, that perhaps there would be a better storage place for Park Department equipment there. The motion to refer the matter to the Property Committee then carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that the blueprinting machine being used by the Engineering Department is the property of Kenneth Oyler who has terminated his employment with the City, and that purchase- of the machine at a price of $200.00, ($50.00 under the appraised value) is recommended. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Councilman Morris stated that consideration should be given to the matter of the City's need of such a machine and the purchase price of a new one. After dis- cussion, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the motion be amended and that the matter be referred to the Property Committee first for their Consideration. The amendment carried. The motion as amended that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the City Engineer, providing approval of the Property Committee is obtained, then carried. The City Clerk read a communication from the Standard Insurance Company, signed by John F. Hook, Group Actuary, in regard to the Police Department's Group Insurance policies, which stated. that the individual premium charge would be $5.65 ($4.65 for Life Insurance and $1.00 for Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance) . The City Clerk explained that this was an increase of 4 .50 per member over last .year. The Assistant City Attorney stated that this was a continuing policy and included a normal increase due to the members all being one .year older and the risk being greater, that he did not feel the City should pay a premium fee for a rider, that the matter should be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act to keep the policy in force, and so moved by White, seconded by Hansen, and carried. Mayor Baxter introduced Mr. Don Humble, Executive Director of the Housing Authority, who had been invited to attend the Council meeting this evening to answer questions for the Council. Mr. Humble stated that he would give the Council an over- all analysis of the present standing of the Housing Authority homes and property in the Highlands still under the .jurisdiction of the Federal Government and which are about to be sold. Following Mr. Humble's remarks, a general discussion was held, with both audience and Councilmen participating. Councilman Reid informed the Council that the lights had been installed on both ends of the new Williams Street Bridge. Councilman Delaurenti and Bruce both stated that these lights were very effective and greatly appreciated. Councilman Trimm, Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee, reported for the Council's information in regard to fire hydrants on Renton Scenic Hill that a letter had been written to the Community Club late in Februar,-, 1955-advising them of the City's proposition, and that to date then had not received a repljr and that the City Engineer had written a letter reminding them of the previous letter and stating that a reply had not been received. Councilman Tamborini reported in regard to the Dellevue Sewer District that the proposal had been referred to the Sanitation Committee and City Engineer and that the City Engineer was working with the Bellevue Sewer District Commissioners in con- nection with this matter, also that Mr. Richard Wolff, Consulting Engineer had-been engaged to make a feasibility survey for the City and that he would meet with the Sanitation Committee, City Engineer, Mayor Baxter and City Attorney on Thursday, January 26th at 8:00 P.M. Mayor Baxter granted Councilman Bruce and the Property Committee more time in regard to a report on the City's insurance. Councilman Trimm stated that the City Engineer had called his attention to a problem of the City of Seattle on 132nd Avenue Southeast which had been referred to the Fire and Water Committee, that City of Seattle would like to have a "Declaration of Intent" authorizing them to run their 36 inch water main through the City of Renton on 132nd Avenue Southeast from Southeast 128th to approximately Southeast 117th extended (the City Limits) and thence to the Sunset Highway. Councilman Trimm stated that it was understood that if the City of Seattle was allowed to run their water main dawn 132nd Avenue Southeast, the City would be allowed eight connections. Councilman Trimm stated that the Fire and L•-ater Committee recommended that the City of Seattle be allowed a "Declaration of Intent" with the stipulation that the City of Renton be allowed a certain number of connections. The City Engineer stated that the County had approved a similar franchise agreement and that the Citv of Seattle will sell water to the City of Renton if this line is approved and that the eight connections allowed would be located where designated by the Cit- of penton. On question of Mayor Baxter, the City Engineer informed the Council that if the Council went on record in giving their "Declaration of Intent" that the Cit-,r would still have the rower to negotiate for water rates. The Assistant City Attornev stated that he understood the City of Seattle wanted a 50 year franchise. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Fire and Water Committee. Carried. Councilman Reid recalled that several years ago the Council had discussed the possibility of a road from the top of Renton Scenic Hill to connect to the Benson Road and that lately he had received several inquiries concerning this matter, and jr� inquired as to what the City and/or County would do in this regard. Mayor Baxter stated that in his opinion this was County property and the City should contact the King County Commissioners to see what could be done. On suggestion of Councilman Swift, moved by Reid, seconded by Morris, that the City contact the King County Com- missioners to see what action they will take in regard to a proposed road in this area. Carried. Councilman Morris reported he would like to refer Senate Bill 1853, regarding the Natural Gas Act, to the Legislative Committee for study and their recommendation; that hearings have beer held on the bill and it was reported out of Committee in the Senate and no doubt *,could be brought un in the early session of Congress. Council- man Morris further stated that if we have the opportunity, it is the City's re- sponsibility to protect the consumers and future consumers in the City, and in his opinion, if the bill is of the t-.>pe of legislation that, would exempt natural gas companies from Federal regulation, that he would like to see the Committee oppose or act against this particular senate bill. The Assistant City Attornev concurred in Councilman Morris' report and stated. the purpose of the bill would be to exempt the gas producers from Federal regulation---that this is opposed by many cities and. organizations on the ground that this may be harmful to cities and consumers as there would be no control of regulation on natural gas rates and charges. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter be referred to the Legislative Committee for study and their recommendation. Carried. Councilman White stated that he would advise the Legislative Committee soon of the date of a meeting. Councilman Swift, Chairman, stated there would be a Street and Alley Committee meeting, Monday evening, January 23, 1956. The Assistant City Attornev stated that he would like to report that he had re- ceived a communication from the President of a publication house in Los Angeles which specializes in City Ordinance codification, stating that he would be in the Renton area this coming week (February 24th) and that he would like to go over the City's ordinances during the day and would like to talk to the Committee of the Council as a Whole at their executive meeting that evening. The Assistant City Attorney stated that he would like to turn over to the Assistant City Engineer Walt Wdl and the Planning Commission a proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. (Mr. Will will see that the Planning Commission receives their copy) . low The Assistant City Attorney also stated that he was prepared to turn over to the Ordinance Committee the proper ordinance covering 'public and private sewers and sewer d.isnosal'. Councilman Richardson being, absent, Councilman Heppenstall was given the copies of the proposed ordinance. The Assistant City Attornev stated that he had gone over Citi- of Renton Ordi- nance No. 456., a Franchise to the C.M.St.P.&P. Railroad Companv for a power line throu.ght the City of Renton and could find no reference in the franchise as to the length of time granted, that the length of time was indefinite or perpetually and that as no action was in order that the "Notice of Assignment of Franchise" to the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, which was referred to him last week be filed at this time. Mayor Baxter stated that the notice would be filed. The Assistant City Attorney further reported that he had heard on the radio this evening that the Attorney General had offered his opinion in regards to the legality of "Off-Street parking" in the City of Renton, that this was 'Legal and that he sanctioned same. Mr. Shellan stated that this report would clear up a matter in the State Auditor's last report where he had requested the Attorney Generalts opinion in regard to the Cityts off-street parking lot. Moved by Bruce,, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting adJ ourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. There were 34 persons present besides City Officials and employees. C' y Cle k Mayor Renton, Washington February 7, 1956 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, MORRIS, SWIFT, DELAUR.ENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. (Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that Councilman Tamborini be excused from this evening's Council meeting. Carried). OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Floyd W. Shaff, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Gene Coi,lon, Park Superintendent and Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the meeting of January 17th be approved as written. Carried. A copy of a communication from the Cite Attorney's Office, written by Gerard M. Shellan, Assistant City Attorney, to Mr. Roger P. Holman, Manager Plant Facili- ties, of the Boeing Airplane Company was read for the Council's information, stat- ing that they had been requested by the City Council of the City of Renton to con- C11 tact-Mr. Holman and inquire as to his offices handling the negotiations and. con- templated acquisition of the railroad property located north of 8th Avenue and con- sisting of portions of Government Lots 2 and 3 in Section 83 Townshir. 23 and re- questing the letter to be forwarded to the proper offices if they are not personally dealing with the matter; that the purpose of the communication is to ask the Boeing Airplane Company to consider the annexation of the property acquired from the Rail- road Company unto the City of Renton---that they feel the annexation would be mutually advantageous and beneficial, especially in view of the City's service in providing adequate fire and police protection, together with the means of making available the required utilities, and other problems which will require the City's assistance, and stating that the City is willing and anxious to cooperate with them. A petition for annexation was enclosed for their information. Mayor Baxter ordered the communication filed. i INW The City Clerk reported that the Mayor had signed a proclamation for a "World Day of Prager" on Friday, February 17, 1956 and that copies had been furnished the newspapers for publication. A communication was read from the Renton Kiwanis Club, signed by Lawrence A. Lindberg, Secretary and Floyd Lawrence, President, expressing their gratitude for two recent major improvements, on the actual construction of the community swim- ming pool and the other the street lighting project, and the hart that their fellow Kiwanian, Councilman Walt Reid played in the street lighting project---that their thanks is extended to all Councilmen, that their have been of greet service to the City. The communication was ordered placed on file. A communication was read from the Renton Scenic Hill Community Club signed by Jean Lux, Secretary-Treasurer, requesting improved street lights on Renton Scenic Hill---and stating that with the pronosed viaduct over 3rd Avenue, the lights at 3rd Avenue and Renton Street would be inadequate, and requesting plans be considered in the immediate future for extension of lights to Jones Street, possibly_ to include the park. They request the club to be so notified of the City's action. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the request be referred to the Light and Power Committee for investigation and a report back. The Light and Power Committee is to notify the Renton Scenic Hill Community Club of the Council's action. The motion carried. A second communication was read from the Renton Scenic Hill Community Club signed by Jean Lux, Secretary-Treasurer, in regard to a proposed new road connect- ing Renton Scenic Hill to the Benson Highway as to information available also as to previous Council action. Mayor Baxter informed the Council that he had called the Club Officers and advised them what had been done to date in regard to this proposed road also what the prospects were; that he had talked with County Commissioner 'VTm. Sears of this District and that they had not taken the matter seriously because of lack of funds but that the proposed annexation of the Talbot area would include this area. Councilman Swift stated that this would be quite a project as there would be over one mile of road also one bridge to be considered. Moved by Delaurenti, second- ed by Bruce, that the request be referred to the Street and .Alley Committee. Carried. A communication was read from Llovd. S. and Roger Peterson and Ronald Wiehoff, builders in the Sunset Heights Division, requesting the City's assistance in com- pleting the sewer and water tie-in with 6th Avenue North from their project, the proper channeling of surplus water from the property and the installation of black top streets, stating that they had already had an outlay of arproximetely $8000.00 on about one-half of the sewer and water installation; that when these utility pro- jects are completed they become the property of the City and will be a permanent financial return for the City in the future. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Dela.urenti, that this matter be referred to the Sanitation Committee for consider- ation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the Planning Commission signed by C. G. Myers, Secretary, in reply to an inquiry from Councilman George Swift at the :Last Planning � Commission meeting as to the Planning Commission's reaction to the possible request for vacation of 8th Avenue North from Park Street to Logan Street by the Boeing Air- plane Company, in view of the possibility of the Boeing Airplane Company erecting a building in North Renton recommending if and when requested by the Boeing Airplane Company, that the Council act favorably on the vacation of 8th Avenue North from Park Street to Logan Street, providing an adequate substitute access road to replace 8th Avenue North is provided by the Boeing Airplane Company people. Moved by Richard- son, seconded by Delaurenti, that this communication be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for their recommendation. Carried. A second communication was read from the Planning Commission, signed by C. G. Myers, Secretary, recommending the Council approve the annexation of the property of Tino and Emma Cugini, the Methodist Church, the Balch interests in this area, and further recommending the addition of the Edwardo and Pritchard properties. The City Engineer informed the Council that a petition including all of these properties is being circulated for proper signatures and would probably be rresented at the next Council meeting. Mayor Baxter stated that the recommendation would be acted upon as soon as the petition has been received. A third communication was read from the Planning Commission, signed by C. G. Myers, Secretar,, recommending the Council cooperate in the preparation of the petition and boundaries of annexation of the Talbot area as requested, further recommending that the boundaries not exceed those of Renton bchool District No. 403. Moved by Richardson, seconded by white, that the matter be referred to the Ordi- nance Committee until the proper Resolution is presented later this evening. �+ Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that this matter had been discussed at the January 24th Executive meeting of the Council and that it had been fully approved. A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting three vouchers from the Van S. McKenny Company, Contractor for the Mercury Vapor Street Lighting, in the total amount of $632.38, for street light relays and electrical cable required to complete the portion of the project being done by the Puget Sound Power and Light Compan ---that the original quantities were under-estimated by the Puget Sound Power and Light Company engineers and the purchases were made at the same price as the bid proposal (less labor)y and that the purchase orders were issued so as not to delay the release of the Contractor. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the vouchers be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Councilman Morris reauested the Light and Power Committee to be present when this matter is considered. The motion carried. A second communication was read from the City Engineer stating that the con- struction of the Swimming Pool Bathhouse has progressed to the stage urhere it will be necessary to make a decision on certain additions that have beer recommended by the Park Department, as follows: (1) Exterior secnrit,T snot lights to be installed at the four corners of the building, the lights being essential for safeguarding the building against vandalism when the pool is net in operation, at an agreed price of $227.47, and (2) Bathhouse gas heaters to provide heat in the bathhouse for winter recreational use, at an agreed price of $948.42, the two items totaling $1175.89, and further recommending that the additions be financed from the old swimming pool fund if favorable consideration is given to the proposed additions. "'� The City Engineer explained that it would be necessary to tap the gas line and electric light meter and that there was a little necessity of expedit'__ng this matter. Councilman Morris suggested and. so moved, seconded by Reid, that as this was a request from the Park Denartment, that the matter be referred to the Co7;unittee of the Council as a Whole for consideration. Councilman Vietzke stated that he understood that the gas line was supposed to be installed to the heaters by and at the expense of the contractors, also that the installation of the unit gas heater was included in the original plans. The City Engineer explained that the tap from the one inch line to the bathhouse was an extra cost and was not included in the bid proposal. Councilman Hansen will call a special meeting of the Committee of the Council as a ;dhole for discussion of this matter. The motion carried,. 13 A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting Estimate #2, certified correct by the City Engineer, for work performed to February 1, 1956 on the Liberty Park Swimming Pool Bathhouse by the Nelsen Building & Contracting Company, in the total amount due the contractor of $3129.95. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by White, that this estimate be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting a voucher from the Consulting Engineer, Richard Wolff in the amount of $750.00 for professional engi- neering services for preparing a report on the Bellevue Sewer District proposals stating that the report had been presented to the Sanitation Committee at their January 26th meeting. Councilman Richardson stated that Councilman White was pre- pared to make a report for the Sanitation Committee on Mr. Wolff's report later in this meeting. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the communication be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. Mayor Baxter reported in regard to a previous inquiry received for the ex- tension of fire and police protection and other city services to the Talbot Hill area, also the request that the people of this district be given the opportunity to vote on the matter of annexation of this area to the City of Renton and further requesting the cooperation and help of the City of Renton in the preparation of a petition for circulating among their citizens and other steps required to bring the issue of annexation to .the vote of their District. The petition was signed by 12 r d residents of this area., headed by Victor TeGantvoort. Mayor Baxter further stated Ir. that this matter had been taken up and discussed by the Council at their January 17th Executive meeting. Councilman Richardson stated that the Resolution in this regard to be presented later in the meeting would take care of this matter. A communication was read from Mrs. Glen Rader, 10600 Dixon Drive, Seattle, dated January 22, 1956 stating that a muddy condition exists around the -Renton Public Library that the walking area is not paved, and that the parking area is inadequate, and that on Saturday her 14 ,year old daughter had slipped and fell on the unpaved walking area in front of the library and soiled her clothes and re- quested that to avoid a similar incident or a person being injured physically, that a permanent improvement be made around the library. Mayor Baxter stated, confirmed by Councilman Swift, that this area was a street which had been vacated for park property. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Morris, that a copy of this communication be forwarded to the Library Board for their information and the matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for their investigation and a report back. Carried. The City Clerk stated that he had received a number of requests for licenses and renewals for licenses as follows: (1) Renewal of their coin-operated nhonograrh Master License, plus sub-licenses for 27 locations for 1956, (a check to cover the master license and 27 sub-licenses accompanied the request), from William L. Sholdt, owner of the Modern Music Company, and (2) Renewal of their coin-operated phonograph Master License, plus sub-licenses for 2 locations for 1956, (a check to cover the master license and 2 sub-licenses accompanied the request), from Countner's, Inc., signed by Audrey E. McComb, Sec- retary, and (3) Renewal of Lonnie Blythe's, owner of the Victory Tavern, Third & Rainier, coin- operated phonograph Master License, plus one sub-license for his own place of busi- ness for 1956. (A check to cover the Master license and one sub-license accompanied the reggest) . (4) Three requests for permission to install bank pool games (1 and 2) and one pinball game (3), as follows: (1) Wm. J. Koshak, RonDeeVoo Tavern, 1604 Maple Way, (2) Lonnie Blythe, Victory Tavern, Third & Rainier, and (3) D. L. Kirkbride, Cedar River Market, Maplewood Addition, and (4) A request from John Bausano, owner, to install one short shuffleboard machine in the A & B Sportsmen's Headquarters, 317 Main Street. Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, that the above requests be referred to the Police r and License Committee with power to act. Carried. The City Clerk read a proposed Resolution, as prepared by the Assistant City Attorney, "Resolved by the Mavor and the City Council of the City of Renton, that the City of Renton herewith go on record as giving favorable consideration toward the annexation of the Talbot Hill area to the City of Renton and extend every assistance and cooperation for all interested parties. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the Resolution be adopted as read. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that a proposed Ordinance relating to a franchise had been prepared for Council consideration---that by law no ordinance granting a franchise shall be passed on the datr of its introduction, nor for thirty days there- after, nor until such ordinance shall have been published in at least one issue of the official newspaper of the City. Further, no franchli e can be granted unless two-thirds of the councilmen elected vote affirmatively for same. Also, all publication costs must be borne by the applicant. Councilman Richardson suggested and so moved, seconded by White, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the City Engineer for his checking. A copy is to be furnished the Committee of the Council as a Whole for their consideration. The motion carried. Mavor Baxter stated that in regard to the petition for annexation from the residents of the Talbot area and the communication requesting certain information in regard to said annexation, that he requested that as soon as this information is compiled that a date be set for a future meeting with these people, and so moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, and carried. In response to .Mayor Baxter's inquiry as to persons in the audience requesting to be heard, Mr. Jerry Cordell of Talbot Hill thanked the Mayor and Council for their quick action and pleasant cooperation in connection with their annexation request, stating that he believed they had sufficient signatures and that they had been turned over to the City Engineer's office today. The City Engineer reported that the petitions have been circulated by the committee and that in lieu of the many signatures received, that the method of petitioning for annexation will be changed to petitioning the Council for annexation, rather than petitioning the County Commissioners as he believed there would be at least 75 percent of the property owners, by assessed valuation, who had signed the petition in favor of the annexation. Mayor Baxter stated that this method would decrease the time .and cost of the annexation. Councilman Reid reported in regard to additional lighting requests for the City of Renton, that he had made a personal survey of the condition on the Cemetery Road and that in his opinion there should be approximately 9 additional lights in- stalled in this area, three lights to be installed on E Street and the other 6 to be installed on the Cemetery Road, that these lights could be installed for anprox- imately $1200.00, including a few necessary additional light poles on the Cemetery Road, and so moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that this matter be re- ferred to the Light and Power Committee for their recommendation and to submit the approximate cost of the installation of these proposed lights; said estimate to be referred also to the Finance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. In compliance with Councilman Richardson's request, in behalf of the Sani- tation Committee to meet with the Street and Alley Committee, the Sanitation Com- mittee was invited to attend the Street and Alley Committee meeting to be held on MOO Thursday evening, February 16th, for consideration of the request of Lloyd and Rober Peterson and Ronald Wiehoff, Builders in the new Sunset Heights Addition, for assistance in completing the sewer and water tie-in from this Adddition to 6th Avenue North. Councilman White reported that he would like to have the City Engineer and the Councilman who attended the meeting at Olympia in regard to the Bellevue Sewer District report to the Council in regard to same, supplementing the report from Richard E. aolff, Consulting Engineer, he was prepared to review this evening. The City Engineer stated that the meeting was called in the Governor's Office at Ol-nnpia by Mr. Eldridge, Chief Engineer for the State Polution Commissioner, 1-hat the meet- ing was attended by representatives from Bellevue, Lake Hill, Over Lake, Mercer Island and others---that the urgency of the matter was stressed and ended in a round table discussion; that Bellevue would need the Lake Hills Development support be- fore they could proceed with the financial part of the project---that at the time a meeting had not been held between these two bodies---that the financial report which was discussed would not be available for approximately two weeks. Council- Tnan Richardson added to the City Engineer's report that it was stated at the meet- ing that it was financially feasible to put in this sewage and trunk line, but that the report from Richard Wolff, which Councilman 'nthite wolald repo,^t on this evening, did not agree with this information. Councilman White stated in regard to the report from Richard E. Wolff, that pertinent excerpts from same were, "The actual costs of sewage disposal (including debt service) for the first 10 months of 1955 were at the rate of $511000.00 for the whole year, that the present plant is adequate for complete treatment of the sewage of 18,000 population, and that part of the plant units have a capacity for 30,000 population and that the entire plant could be modernized and expanded to handle 302000 population for an expenditure of $300,000.00 to $340,000.00; that with 30-year bonds at 3% and allowing for increased operating expense, it would entail an added yearly expense of $29,000.00, that the vearly cost of sewage disposal would then be $80,000 for 30,000 population, or $9.30 per user compared to $10.00 per user at 18,000 population." Councilman White stated that the report from Mr. Wolff further stated that the City of Renton is expected to increase by only 1,000 people in the period from 1957 to 1970, that barring unusual growth, the present plant would be adequate with minor modifications until 1960, and blr enlargement be adequate until 1970-19752 that thereafter a second plant or major revision of the present plant would be necessary unless an alternate method of dis- posal, such as the Metropolitan District, is available. Councilman White stated that in his opinion he did not believe the report from the Bellevue Sewer Com- missioners was accurate enough, also that he did not believe that a 2nd plant should be constructed until all of the studies are completed, that it required more investigation and study as far as the legal and engineering factions are in- volved, and that if it becomes a political matter it would require legislative action; that they are aware of the fact that something may have to be done by 1960 due to the projected growth and that the City would have to cooperate with the whole area---that we should be sure of our area boundaries and be Prepared to take action when and if it becomes necessary, that the Committee recommends that the Council accept the report with thanks and be nrenared .to do whatever we can to further interest in the whole problem. On request of Councilman Vietzke, Councilman Swift informed the Council that the problem of improvement of the alley between Walla Walla Avenue and lith Avenue which runs north and south, the entrance being adjacent to the Bennett Building, is tre responsibility of the adjacent property owners. The City Engineer informed the Council that Mr. Ernest Barei, one of the adiacent property owners had stated that he would guarantee paT.lmer.t of' the improvement, either by voluntary sub- scription or by L.S.D., if he would furnish an estimate of the cost of said im- provement, and that he would have this estimate prepared by next week. Councilman Swift reported that the Street and Alley Committee had met with representatives from the Scenic_ Hill Community Club in regard to their proposal r�$ for the one-way street pattern as it effects the intersection of Walla Walla, 3rd Avenue and Mill Street, that as a result of this meeting 3 representatives, < H. M. Shepherd, Clarence Dullahant and John Richter will be present at their next committee meeting, Thursday evening, February 9th, that the matter is still under consideration. Councilman Swift reported in regard to the request for a loading zone for Weisfield's of Renton and the Bartell Drug Store, that the Street Commissioner and Police Der,artment had made a field investigation of this area and on their advice the Street and Alley Committee recommended that a loading zone be installed on the west side of Williams Street south of 3rd Avenue near the alley entrance back of these buildings in such a manner so that the end of a truck will be even with the alley entrance and that two parking meters in this location be removed as required. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommen- dation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift further reported that it was the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee that the loading zone in front of the entrance to the Seattle Sporting Goods Store be removed and a parking meter placed in this area, that .the first parking meter south of the parking lot be removedand this area be designated as a truck loading and/or unloading zone. Moved bl Richardson, seconded by I Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift also reported that the Committee had discussed the work in Progress on Park Avenue and that as far as driveways that are difficult or hazard- ous are concerned that the Committee recommends continuing rer,airing these as necessary. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift further ren orted in regard to the request from the owners of three business houses on Smithers Street who had requested restricted parking on Smithers street on both the east and west sides southward to the alley from 3rd Avenue, that the Police Department had completed an investigation of the number of cars parked in this area, also the time the cars were parked in this area. Council- man Swift reported the actual time and number of cars parked at 9:00 o'clock A.M., 12:00 o'clock Noon and 1 :00 o'clock P.M., for 3 consecutive days, that the Com- mittee recommends that owing to the great number of cars parked for the entire work- ing day that parking be restricted to 2 hours on the entire block to allow the owners a.w of homes on this street the opportunit,r to park in front of their homes. Moved by White, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. On the question, Councilman Trimm inquired if con- sideration had been given to the persons who have parking cars in this area, parking in the next block west ,and suggested the Committee consider restricting traffic on this street also. It was suggested that any other requests be considered later and this matter only be considered at this time. The motion carried. Councilman Richard- son suggested that the Street and Allev Committee submit a Resolution covering this matter. Councilman Swift stated that he would like to make a _persoral statement, his remarks to be directed to Councilman Vietzke, that he felt that it was unfair .for 1 . any one Councilman (Councilman Vietzke) individually to take credit for Council's work, which had actually been the result of the entire Council's action. Remarks were concurred in by Councilmen Richardson and Bruce. Councilman Heppenstall reported that the Job Evaluation Committee had prepared an ordinance providing for duties of elected and appointed officials and that the ordinance had been given to the Ordinance Committee for their consideration and action and the Committee recommended the Council's concurrence and so moved by Swift, seconded by White and carried, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Job Evaluation Committee. Councilman Bruce reported it was the recommendation of the Property Committee that the City purchase the blueprint machine presently being used by the Engineer- ing Department as recommended by the City Engineer (for $200.00) . Moved by Reid, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendatior of the Property Committee. Carried. Councilman Bruce further reported that in regard to the request of Mr. Lewis Dowell of the Stoneway Sand & Gravel Company, that Mr. Dowell be advised that all future negotiations for lease of portions of Housing Authority property adjacent to their property be made direct with the Renton Housing Authority who are in charge of this area. Moved by White, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee, Carried. Councilman Heppenstall reported that the Ordinance Committee and Job Evaluation Committee had worked together in drafting the Ordinance relating to Elected and Appointed Officials of the City of Renton, giving their terms of office, qualifi- cations, compensation and duties, and requested it be -laced on its first reading only this evening. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Swift, that each Councilman receive a copy of this proposed ordinance. Carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Reid, that the proposed ordinance be re- ferred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Morris requested that the Street Commissioner investigate the poor condition of the streets in the area of High Street, caused by the freezing weather and drain off during the wet weather. Councilman Swift requested that the matter of two additional lights to be inMai - stalled on 6th and 8th Avenue North and Logan Street be investigated by the Light and Power Committee and so moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Light and Power Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. Councilman Swift reported in regard to two special items for the benefit of persons living on Renton Scenic Hill, first, the possibility of widening 3rd Avenue from Mill Street to Renton Street. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the matter be referred to Street and Alley Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. The second iter., which was requested by representatives at the meeting was the City' s use of the pipe lire right-of-way for an access road to and from the Renton Scenic Hill, further requesting the improvement of the road (night-of-way) be included. The City Engineer was asked to request permission from the City of Seattle for use of the right-of-way, and so moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen and carried. Councilman Swift stated, in regard to the Talbot Hill annexation, consideration should be given to the possible location of a fire station on the south side of the Milwaukee tracks and suggested that the Fire Chief and Fire and Water Committee investigate this matter in lie.) of the proposed annexation so that a :fire station could be developed in this area. Moved by Morris, seconded by Henner.stall, that this matter be referred to the Fire and Water Committee and Fire Chief for in- vestigation. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported that the Park Board and Property Committee would ..o meet Thursday to interview a Park Engineering expert in regard to improving City of Renton parks and invited any Councilmen who could to attend this meeting. The City Clerk_ reported that a claim received from John '4. Truman, 915 F St., stated that on January 61 1956 his basement was flooded by sewage water, caused by a block in the manhole west of his residence, resulting in damage in the total amount of $203.75, had been forwarded to the City Attorney' s Office and Insurance Commissioner for their infor-gation; that the Attorney's Office had forwarded the claim to the Farmer's Insurance Exchange, who are the carrier's of the City's insurance, for their action. F Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. (There were 16 persons present besides City Officials and employees). The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLLS - ALL DEPARTMENTS $51,151 .59 CURRENT FUND 5,931.3E LIBRARY FUND 27.96 j SaTER FUND 56.01 i AIRPORT FUND 21.08 WATER FUND 827.00 CIVIL DEFENSE FUND 8.25 LAKE WASHINGTON BEACH IMPROV. FUND 1.00 GARBAGE FUND 63.55 FIREMENIS PENSION FUND 250.00 i n� , ty Clerk �S U ayor I I Is Renton, Washington February 14 1956 The regular meeting of the Renton City Courcil was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HANSEN) TRIMM, RICHA'PDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, SWIFT, DFLAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. Moved by Richardson, seconded by White, that Councilman Reid be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant Citi- Attorney; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Floyd Shaff, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Walt Will, Assistant City. Engineer and Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that the minutes of the Council meet- ing of February 7, 1956 be approved as written. Carried. A communication was read from Fortunata Gigli, 116 Logan Street, protesting the condition of the Knights of Pythias Hall and calling same to all the Council's attention, especially the portion adjacent to her property, as a fixe hazard and also as far as safety standards are concerned stating; that the basement is open and anyone has access and that recently she discovered teen-age boys with an open fire in the basement. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter be referred to the Building Inspector and Fire Chief for investigation and a report back. Carried. .A communication was read from Louis D. Thiederman, owner of the O.K. Cab Co., requesting Council approval of the addition of one cab for the following reasons: (1) To handle business during the rush hours, (2) a "spare" in case of breakdowns or accidents, and (3) present growth and foresight of future developments. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Vietzke, that the matter be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Two requests for installation of bark pool games under the Shuffleboard Ordi- nance were read as follows: (1) Dick Roselli, manager, Renton Elks Lodge, 2301_ Main Street, and (2) Sam Pappas, owner, Alameda Taverr, 206 Sunset Boulevard. Moved by Richard- son, seconded by Tamborini, that the two requests be referred to the Police and License Co=ittee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from Vera Dale, Secretar- of the E'Irlington Women's Club requesting a stop sign be installed on the corner of Earlington Street and nth Avenue West. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the request be referred to the Street and Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from City Engineer James Highton statim; that a paper, copy attached, had been circulated among the residents of the Talbot community in conjunction with the petition for annexation---that the intent of the paper was to present factual information to aid residents of the community in making a decision on the proposed annexation. Mr. Highton stated that a portion of the paper deals with certain city_ services and policies directly under the legislative control of the City Council and therefore he believes it advisable to have Council approval on the context of the paper. The paper attached was read for the Council's infor- mation. In answer to Councilman Trimm's inquiry as to the City's assuming the outstanding indebtedness on Water District bonds, the Assistant City Attorne-, stated that ordin- arily a city does not take over a Water District which has an outstanding bonded in- debtedness; that ordinarily it is more advisable tc wait until any such indebtedness has been paid off in full at which time the system could then be integrated into the city's. A Water District is a muriciral cor^oratior which usually has the same or similar powers as a 3rd Class City and could therefor enter into an,, contract or agreement with the City of Renton. If the City would want to take over the system now, and even by agreement with the Water District, some question might be raised by the bond holders in as much as the rates row in existence are probably based on assuring certain rates to pay off the bonded indebtedness. Councilman Swift stated that in regard to the streets as outlined in the report that they would be maintained in the same condition as those in Renton, that this should read, "remain as is until improved b7r the property owners". The City Attorney further stated that Mayor Baxter had referred a communication to him which contained pertinent questions and general information requests from certain Talbot residents in regard to the proposed annexation, that he had furnished Mayor Baxter detailed information in regard to the legal questions. The City Clerk read a copy of the City Attorney's communication to Mayor Baxter which gave more de- tailed information in regard to real estate taxes and the Water District. The City Engineer stated that he too had furnished Mayor Baxter with substantial information as to engineering questions and general information from an engineering standpoint. Mayor Baxter stated that information in the City Attorney's letter answered Talbot residents inquiries in regard to assessments, that the County was the only body that levied an,?' assessments on real. estate and the city received a certain share. Councilman Trimm stated that he felt that the Chamber of Commerce's paper was mis- leading in regard to water rates and that the people of Talbot sho,;ld be so in- formed. Moved by Bruce, seconded_ by Tamborini, that the matter be referred to the Council as a 1lhole for their consideration. After discussion, Mayor Baxter stating that those persons who had circ,:lated the netition were fully aware of requirements as far as roads are concerned$ Councilman Bruce, with the consent of his second withdrew his motion. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Delaur enti, that the matter be referred to the Legislative Committee and City AttorneT- for their recommendation back to the Council as a Wholes Carried. A second communication was read from the City Engineer, submitting a petition �• for annexation to the City of Renton, of an area described as the community of Talbot with certain other land tracts contiguous to the present City limits and with a gross area of approximately 500 acres, stating that the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, the majority property owner, signed the petition after a preliminary study had indicated that residents of the area, being owners in excess of 75% of the remaining area, had signed the petition. The City Engineer recommends that the petition be referred jointly to the Planning Commission and himself' for recom- mendation and a report back, and so moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti and carried. A petition signed by 10 property owners, four of them being husband and wife, was read, to omit portions of Blocks 7,11 and 15 from the n roposed annexation to the City of Renton, for the reason that all of this property is not sufficiently developed for annexation, until a future date when it will be more developed and an asset to the City; that a great deal of this property in this area is farm land being used for farm purposes and would be a burden to the Citv of Renton in an- nexation and maintenance at this time; that annexation at this time would work an injury to the petitioners and impose zoning restrictions. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the petition be referred to the Planning Commission and City Engineer together with the petition for annexation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to re- port favorably on the proposed ordinance presented and placed on its first read- ing at the last Council meeting, relating to and providing for officers of the city, their election or appointment, terms of office, qualification, compensation and duties, and recommended passage of same. Moved by `1'rimm, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed ordinance be placed on its second and .final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Delaurenti, that Ordinance No. 1536 be adopted as read.. A roll call vote being taken and all eleven Councilmen voting "Aye" the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson reported that he had received an inquiry for a street light at the corner of 5th Avenue and Burnett Street on the west side of the old Northern Pacific Depot, and moved, seconded by Hansen that this matter be referred to the Light & Power Committee for investigation and to report back their recom- mendation. Carried. rn. Council-man Swift reported for the Council's information that at the last Street and Alley Committee meeting with the residents from Renton Scenic Hill in regard to one-wav traffic at the intersection of Main Street, Walla Walla and. 3rd Avenue, that his impression of the results of the meeting were that the people who had made the complaints previously, now better understood the problems that confronted the com- mittee and agreed that it might be difficult to put in the access road the,r have requested. 3 Councilman Swift further stated that he would. like to make a statement in regard to an article he had read in the newspaper twice, whereby a National Party has endorsed candidates on a Citv level---that this is against the level and spirit of the law---that he is against any outside part-v endorsing cite candidates or mak- ing an encroachment or attemnt to interfere with the operation of the City of Renton; that- there is a penalty by law if anyone wishes to make a complaint---that he is not sure if the Council wishes to make a complaint or not---that it has always been his feeling that the people of Renton could run the City themselves and that he is opposed to anyone outside of the City Limits interfering and that he would like to refer this matter to the City Attorney, for his opinion as to what action$ if any, could be taken in such cases, and so moved, seconded by Richardson, and carried. Councilman Delaurenti stated that the Council all knew how he felt in regard to policemen walking a beat, and that he would like to bring an editoril he had read at the attention of all of the Council. The City Clerk read the editorial in regard to delinquent children which stated that in a certain city that since the policemen had been walking the beat, the number of delinquent children had increased less and that a presiding Court Judge had commented that the number of delinquent children had almost leveled off and stated that he contributed this to policemen on the streets. Councilman Delaurenti stated that this was his contention also, and as in the past at budget time, he would continue to make this suggestion anti hoped eventu- ally that the City would see their way clear to include this additional item in the budget. Councilman Bruce, Chairman, stated that the Property Committee had met with the Park Board and Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and the Park Engineer Mr. DeTurk, and that Mr. DeTurk is capable and willing to go ahead on a favorable basis giving com- plete details on the park together with the topograrhy of the whole area so that the City will know just what they have to work with---that he will lay out the beachs bathhouse, etc.; that his normal fee is 15% of the total cost, but that he will go ahead with the work for the City for a fee of less than .1500.00; that he wants the City Engineering Department to establish the boundary line and section line of this park and beach area so that he can make the proper and accurate layout. Councilman Bruce further stated that the Park Board had stated that then were in favor of Mr. DeTurnk laying out the park and beach area. Park Commissioner Gene Coulon stated that Councilman Brucels report was very accurate and complete and that he had written a letter to the City Engineer in regard to what work had to be done before Mr. DeTurk could start this work, which would include designing the park, ground development, proposed landscaping, building layout, etc., providing the Council authorized them to retain him. Moved by Delaurenti, secorr3ed by Tamborini3O that. the City Engineer fix the boundary lines and that the Property Committee and City Engi-. neer submit their recommendations in regard to the Lake Washington Park Site to the City Council. Councilman Richardson stated that in regard to the proposed ordinance covering "public and private sewers and sewage disposalp that this should be referred to the Sanitation Committee for their consideration and recommendation and so moved by Delaurenti., seconded by Morris and carried. Councilman Swift reminded the Sanitation Committee of the Street & Alley Com- mittee meeting with their committee on Thursday, FebruanT 16th. Councilman Heppenstall stated that row that the Citv Council has passed the Ordinance providing for Officers of the City, their election or appointment, etc.p in regard to the position of Comptroller, that the position was established in the 1956 budget for a 9 months period, that perhans the Mayor could start looking for a satisfactory person to appoint to this position now and the-, cold be appointed to begin work on the lst of April, which would give them the balance of 9 months of this year to serve, and moved, seconded by Richardson, that the Mayor be authorized to ad- vertise for a person to fill this position under the qualifications set up in Ordinance No. 1536. Carried. Moved btr Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M. (There were twelve persons present besides City of Renton employees)* A loyd haff - City erk ��A MAYOR Renton, Washington February 21, 1956 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, SWIFT, DELAURENTI AND BRUCE. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that Councilmen White, Vietzke and Heppenstall be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPAR M4ENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Shaff, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton., City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Walt Will and Benjamin Hayes, Assistant City Engineers. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the minutes of the February loth Council meeting be approved as corrected. Carried. A communication was read from Fire Chief Floyd Lawrence and Assistant City Eng— ineer Walt TATalt in regard to their investigation of the report at the February 14th Council meeting of the poor condition of the Knights of Pythias Hall, stating that they find the building in poor condition from a standpoint of fire and safety, es- C-) pecially the rear part, als that they understand the lodge is in the process of C,4 financing a new building to replace the present hall. Moved by Richardson, second- M ed by Delaurenti, that the complainant's letter be answered and they be advised what is expected to be done. Carried. The City Engineer stated that he would see that the basement part of the building that is open, is taken care of. A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting a list of 3 informal bid proposals for labor for the construction of storm sewer facilities on Piggott Avenue and Garden Street, adjacent to the Pacific Car and Foundry Company plant, stat- ing that under this proposal the Pacific Car and Foundry Company would furnish the materials and the contractor would furnish the labor* Red & White Construction Company, Renton - $1974oOO Breda Construction Company, Seattle - 3730.00 Rainier Company, Renton - 3713.00 The labor for this work was estimated at $2300.00. The City Engineer further stated that they have assumed that the City can enter into an agreement for this work on an informal or negotiated price basis providing the cost does not exceed $2000.002 how- ever that no funds were budgeted for this capital improvement. The City Engineer informed the Council that there was no state tax paid on such improvements. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heid, th,-t this proposal be referred to the Street and Alley and Finance Committees for investigation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the Planning Commission signed by C. G. Myers, Secretary, stating that at a special meeting of the Renton Plannin Commission held on February 19th to discuss the proposed annexation petition of the Talbot Hill area, that after discussion they recommend that the Council accept the petition for annexa- tion of the Talbot Hill area as described. In answer to Councilman Richardson's in- quiry as to the Talbot Hill residents being notified of the procedure of annexation and what the City of Renton can offer these people, Mayor Baxter stated that the in- formation is not completelz- compiled as ,yet, that the Council has not as yet heard or accepted the report in regard to the water service and that he felt that this mat- ter should be taken care of by the Council members first, as this information might answer the questions of the Talbot residents who were present at this evening's Coun- cil meeting. Mayor Baxter requested the Clerk read the questions in the communica- tion from the Talbot residents and the corresponding answer prepared by either the City Engineer or Assistant Cit , Attorney, depending on it being either an engineering or legal matter. Councilman Morris stated that the report which had. been prepared an6 circulated by the Chamber of Commerce had been referred to the Legislative Com- mittee and City Attorney at the last Council meeting for their recommendation back to the Council and that they are prqDared to give a report whenever the Mayor wishes. -On Mayor Baxter's request, Councilman Morris stated that the Committee approved in general the information which the Chamber had prepared, which was read at the last Council meeting, and that the Assistant City Attorney would clarify-twc matters. The Assistant City Attorney, Gerard Shellan, stated that on Magor Baxterts request recently, he had prepared a written report in regard to taxes and the fact that there is only one assessment procedure on real estate which is handled exclusiveltr by the County; that there ti•:ere two items in the Chamberts report that needed clarification, the first in regard to streets, should read, "streets would be maintained in an "as is condition" in substantially the same condition as the- are in now, that any addi- tional improvements of a permanent nature, such as sidewalks and gutters, as any- where else in Renton, would be improved by formation of a L.I.D., the second, water system and water rates, that the document prepared simplified this matter very much; as to the Water system there seems to be three alternatives, (1) that they could con- tinue in their nresent status, or (2) the City could enter into a contract to operate the system aril (3) the City could take over and operate the system, and by resolution assume any outstanding indebtedness of the District., or continue as is. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the Assistant City Attorney's clarification of this matter be made a part of this evening's Council minutes. Carried. Gerry Cordell, a Talbot resident, from the audience stated that the people were familiar with what the City had to offer, that they needed the Fire Department's service now, but there was no rush as far as streets, water, etc., was concerned; that he would wait and see what reports were covered by the Council in this evening's meeting. The Street Com- missioner answered Councilman Trimm's inquiry in regard to garbage, stating that un- less an emergency ordinance is passed it would be the first of next year before funds for this service could be budgeted and made available for same. Councilman Trimm stated that he personally felt that a letter in regard to the Council's policy should be furnished all of the Talbot residents. On request of Mayor Baxter the City Clerk read from the communication from Talbot residents, as follows: (1) their inouiry in regard to further costs the tax payers may anticipate in general maintenance, improvement and expansion of the Renton City Water System, also in regards to requirements of Fire Underwriters Association for Zone #1 rating in computing insurance premium rates. The City engineer's answer being,, that the water system in Water District #78 was well engineered and constructed, and designed to connect to the City of Seattle system which had been accomplished, that in event of annexation to Penton, and should the City acquire the water s-:-stem under the pro- visions of State Law, the City could then operate and. maintain the system at no additional cost to the property owners; that the City would continue to improve its water system at no increase in water rates to the users; that Water District #78 could qualify for Zone No. 1 Fire Insurance Rating upon annexation to the City and that it is reasonable to assume that Fire District #40 would encounter considerable delay_ in furnishing the District a comparable rating. The next item from Talbot resident's communication was in regard to street im- provement and upkeep, the City Engineer's answer being that the City would maintain the streets in a condition equal to the existing t<-Ipe of paving or surfacing, that any permanent type of street surfacing would be financed by the abutting property owners. The third item from the Talbot resident's communication was in regard to street lights, the City Engineer's answer being that the City would install street lights upon petition to the City Cour_cil and a determination of the need, that there is no direct charge against the property so benefited, and that the city-wide street lighting system is financed from funds budgeted from general taxation„ Mayor Baxter stated that the matter of school busses had been previously refer- red to the School District for their answer. The matter of mail service being a Post Office matter, this item was passed over. The City Engineer answered the question in regard to sewage treatment and dis- posal, that sewage collection, transportation and treatment is a matter of vital importance to this area and overshadows all other future improvements from the financial load that would be imposed on the nropert-r owners, that costs of sewers in the district would. be measurably reduced if the area was annexed previous to this in- stallation. The City Clerk then read the communication from the City Attorne-z' s Office, signed by Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney, stating that in answer to the Ma-Tor's request for their office to provide certain answers to auestions from the Talbot resident's in their recent letter, in regard to certain assessments made on property by the county and the cit-, that they feel that this comparison is erroneous inasmuch as there is only one assessment procedure on real estate which is handled exclusively by the county,*, that the City- of Renton, nor any other cit,r, does not assess property directly, that all property within King County is assessed from time to time by the County Assessor who determines the amount and then in turn forwards real estate tax statements to the individual property owner for payment, that the city in turn then receives certain shares of the amounts so collected,, and there- fore it seems obvious that there is not "two assessing authorities" but only one. `e' That in regard to the next question, concerning certain legal problems involving Water District No. 78, that a water district as such is a separate municipal corpo- ration which has many of the powers and rights possessed by a city of the third class, that as they see it, Water District No. 78, as a municipal corporation,would continue in existence until such time as its obligations and outstanding indebted- ness have been paid off in full; that at such future time the Distriotts properties could then be integrated with the City's and could then_ be operated as one unit, that they understand the District's system is presently in good condition and that the present monthly water rate amount to $2.50 as compared to the City's , 1.50 per month; that it is a basic rule that any newly annexed territory to the city would not be 23 responsible for or assume any obligations or debts incurred by a city prior to the effective date of such annexation, that any presently outstanding general obligation bonds by the City of Renton, issued for the improvement of our water system, would not become an obligation of the residents within any territory to be annexed to the city after the date of its issue. The law provides proper methods for the dis- solution of any water district which is similar to the method used for the dis- incorporation of third and fourth class cities, that a water district may also be dissolved by summary dissolution proceedings where its district boundaries are identical with the boundaries of an incorporated town and further providing that all debts and liabilities of the district have been paid. The Assistant City Attorney stated that he mentioned general obligation bonds, only as an example to assure the people they would not have the burden of any outstanding general obligation bonds. r..� Councilman Reid stated he felt the Talbot people should be informed of any possible change in school bus service which might result from such annexation. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Morris, that this information be referred to the Legislative Committee to draft a complete letter of information covering all inquiries and/or items listed in the Talbot resident's letter in question, and that the same be represented to the Council. Carried. Mrs. Phillip Smith from the audience, stated. that she was a resi- dent of the Ea.rlington Flat area, and requested that the Council personally investigate this area before it is annexed to the Citv, that they had petitioned to be omitted from this proposed annexation, and that the- would like an answer to their petition before it was included in the over-all annexation, that they feel that the Council and Planning Commission are not familiar with their problems. Mrs. Smith and others from C\J the Earlington Flat area were advised that this area is included in the Fire District M boundary. Mayor Baxter stated that any further statements that persons in the audi- < ence this evening might care to make could be made at the hearing on the proposed an- nexation, the date of which would be set for the near future. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, that -the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the date of hearing be set. As the City Engineer had not reported in regard to the exact percentage of signatures on the petition for annexation, Council- man Trimm, with the consent of his second, Councilman Delaurenti, withdrew the second part of their motion. Mayor Baxter stated that after the City Engineer's report is received, the date of hearing will be set and all petitioners will be notified; that at that time if the Council so desires, they can exclude any portion of the area to be annexed they desire. The motion to concur in the Planning Commission's recommen- dation then carried. j A communication was read from the Book Publishing Company, signed by E. Mort Frayn, in regard to codification of the Renton ordinances, and requested the oppor- tunity to come and talk to the Mayor and Council regarding this work. Moved by Del- aurenti, seconded by Richardson, that he be advised to meet-with the Council next Tuesday, February 28th at the executive Council meeting. Carried. A communication was read from the Department of Health, signed by Emil C. Jensen, Chief, Division of Engineering and Sanitat9.on, enclosing a cop- of "Statement of Pol- icy with Respect to Sewage Discharge into Lake Washington", which was adopted by the State Department of Health on February 81 1956, further stating that this action is in accordance with their responsibility for supervision of sewage disposal methods insofar as they may affect use of the lake .for water supple and recreation; that their program is carried out under Rules and Regulations of the State Board of Health and is conducted cooperativeliT with the program of the State Pollution Control Commission. Councilman Richardson reported that he had received a,copy, and that he felt all Councilmen should receive a copy of this report. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richard- son, that the report be referred to the Sanitation Committee for their consideration and that each Councilman receive a copy of the "Statement of Policy". Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer advising that Walt_Will, Engin- eering Department Office Engineer, would be hospitalized for major surgery on March 1st and that convelescence would require two months absence from work. The communi- cation was ordered filed. A petition .for vacation of South 129th Avenue, between 88th and 87th Avenue South, signed by four adjoining property owners, headed by Ray G. Hartman was read, stating that they had previously petitioned the County to vacate this street, prior to an- nexation by the City of Renton, but that the County Engineer' s office suggested that the matter be referred to the Officials of the City of Renton as annexation was in process at that time---that the County Engineers had agreed that the street had poor possibilities as a thoroughfare, but that some arrangement should be made for utili- ties through this area. The petitioners outlined reasons for the petition as follows: South 129th Avenue, between 88th and 90th had already been vacated, also the old County Rock Quarry was located in this area, the topography of the terrain would cause the street to be too steep for vehicle travel, and that two of the three houses abutting this street are located on or very close to the street right-of-way, making it improbable to continue South 129th Avenue, and stating that by vacating this street, the adjoining property owners would be able to improve the appearance of this property. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, that the petition be referred to the Street and. Alley Committee for their consideration and a report back. Carried. - A communication was read from Mrs. Austin Braley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Belland, owners of propertv at 12915 88th Avenue South, requesting Council action to allow the resumption of farming for poultry and egg production on the premises located at 12915 88th Avenue South, stating that the property had been used for poultrTr farming continuously for several ,years and had been discontinued due to the poor health of the present owners and poor marketing conditions, and that the use of the property would enable the Droperty owners to utilize their premises for an income. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the request be referred to the Sanitation Committee for their consideration and a report back. Carried. The City Clerk reported that a request to install an additional pinball machine had been received from Harry L. Day, manager of the Triple XXX Barrel, 110 Sunset Blvd. West, and a miniature carom game from Anton Dime, owner of the Snappy Tavern, 321 Williams Street. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that. the requests be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Light and Power Committee reported that their Committee recommended that in regard to the proposed lighting on E Street and. the Cemetery Road in the Highlands, that 17 open reflector street lights be installed, which would require the installation of six poles at $43.00 each, a total of $258.00, and stating that the cost of operation per month was $27.48; also in the area west of the airport, 16 open reflector street lights be installed from South 131st,, north on 90th Street to 88th Place So-ith (Diagonal Wav); from South 128th, northwest on 88th Place South to 87th Avenue; from 88th Place South, south on 87th Avenue South to approximately South 124th; from 88th Place South, south on 88th Avenue South to South 129th, stating that the cost of operation ner month was $25.87. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Light and Power Committee and the Puget Sound Power and Light Companv be so notified. Carried. Councilman Reid reported. that it was the recommendation of the Light and Power Committee that a mercury vapor street light be installed on the west side of 5th Avenue and Burnett Street. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Light and. Power Committee and the Puget Sound Power and Light Companv be so notified. Carried. Councilman Reid inquired in regard to a previous report from the Fire and 'plater Committee on water mains on top of Renton Scenic Hill. Councilman Tr_mm stated that this was old committee business, that the Committee had worked up figures in regard to this matter but that he being the only Committee member present this evening, that a complete report would not be given, that he would just advise the Council that some time ago a 3" main water line had been installed and that residents on the hill request this main line be replaced by a larger main for better fire protection and that fire hydrants be installed. Councilman Trimm stated that he understood that the residents on the hill had paid for the improvement at that time and that in his opinion same should be replaced by the City with an adequate water system for fire protection; that the Fire and Water Committee felt that the City should replace the water main, but that the property owners should be responsible for installation of fire hydrants. Councilman Richardson, a former resident of Renton Scenic Hill, stated that some of the water mains on the hill he knew were much smaller than 3 inches. Mayor Baxter granted Councilman 'lamborini, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee, more time in regard to the ordinance regulating the use of public and private sewers. In answer to Councilman Bruce's question, the Assistant City Attorney reported Nod that he had been advised by the party in North Renton who had been previously noti- fied to get rid of his chickens, that thev had been disposed of. Councilman Tamborini stated he would investigate whether chickens are still being kept there or not. Councilman Richardson reported for the Sanitation Committee in regard to the re- quest of Contractors, Peterson, Peterson & Wiehoff, in the new Sunset Heights Division, that the-r had held a meeting with the Street and Alley Committee last Thursday even- ing and had agreed unanimously that the Council hold to the policy previously stated by the Council that it is not the City's policy to go into private projects to put in 2 , sewers at the e w ense of the City, that sewers are available to these people at the property line and they recommend that the City does not join in this improvement. Moved by Trim, , seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the two Committess and the contractors be so notified. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that the portion of the letter in regard to the streets would be taken up by the Street and Alley Committee later. Councilman Morris reported that the Finance Committee recommended that $5000.00 be transferred from the Sewer Fund to the Water Fund until such time as sufficient revenues are available to pay this amount back. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Del- aurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Finance Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift stated there would be a. meeting of the Street and Alley Com- mittee with the Street Commissioner, Citv Fngineer and Traffic Division, Thursdayp March lst at 8:00 P.M. Councilman Delaurenti requested a meeting of the Ma--or, Committee of the Council as a Whole and the Cit:v Clerk immediately following this evenirg's Council meeting. Moved by Swift, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. There were 31 persons present besides City of Renton � j employees. CitClerk C� 31"J avor r rr.� Renton, 4ashington March 6, 1956 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, SWIFT, DELAURRENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shel lan, Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Floyd Shaff, City Clerk;. Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. Moved by Morris, seconded by Tamborini, that the minutes of the Council meet- ing of February 212 1956 be approved as written. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that as there were many persons in the audience this even- ing from the Talbot area in regard to the proposed annexation, that correspondence in regard to same should be read at this time. The Cit7, Clerk read a communication from John C. Vertrees, attorney for numerous Talbot Hill home owners stating that their had been asked to represent them in their protest gairst the present proposed petition b-r Paget Sound Power & Light Company and certain other lands for annexation to the City of Renton under the provisions of RCW 35.13.130 et Seq. (Ch. 128, Laws of 1945) which provide that such petition should be signed by owners of not less than 75% in value according to assessed valuation for general tax of the propert'r for which annexation is petitioned, that the property of the Puget Sound Power and Light Company, amounts to approximately 75% of the assessed valuation of the total area under con- sideration, there being approximately 200 home owners in the area proposed for an- nexation, that it is apparent that annexation by RCW 35.13.130 could be inequitable if the majority of the people did not wish to be annexed. (RCW 35.13.150 gives the Council the right to annex all or any portion of the proposed area). Mr. Vertrees stated that a petition with 130 signatures of property owners (the majority of them being husband and wife) in the Talbot Hill area who do not wish to be annexed was attached, and asked that said petition be filed and considered with the proposed an- nexation; also, that it is their understanding that quite a number of people who had signed the petition for annexation did so with the understanding that the propo- sition would be placed on the ballot for a vote, that many have since signed the protest and ask that their names be stricken and withdrawn from said petition for annexation, that under the provisions of the annexation law applicable the Council may (1) annex same, (2) annex a portion thereof, or (3) vote down the proposed an- nexation, and further requested that the Council give the people the right to vote on the proposition and that the City either annex only that portion of the described area owned by the Puget Sound Power and. Light Company or vote down and not accept any of the area proposed for annexation which will then allow those who so desire to petition to have the proposition placed upon the ballot for ar election. A communi- cation was read from John Katzer stating that at the request of their attorney, Mr. John C. Vertrees, they are attaching a list of 11 property owners who are protesting the annexation of the Talbot Hill area, requesting that these addition-al signatures be added to the protest Petition already submitted under date of Febr.-aar?T 28, 1956) to the Council. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift that the communication and petition be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole and the City Engineer for consideration until the date of public hearing. For the benefit of the Talbot residents present, the Assistant City Attorney outlined the course of the previous petition and explained the City's normal procedure in the matter of annexations. The Assistant City Attorney further explained, that the protesting petition having been referred to the Council as a Whole and the City engineer---that :it was up to the City Engineer to determine if there are duplications of names. The motion then carried. Mayor Baxter explained to the audience that further discussion on the pro- posed annexation of the Talbot area would be held until the date of hearing and that this would conclude this evening's discussion. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAPfIBORINI, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. The Citv Clerk read a communication from Amel Tveit, 2122 10th Ave. North, sub- mitting a preliminary plat for Council approval. (The plot is 210' x 3481, and is located at the N.E.1/4, Sec. 8, Twp 23 N., R. 5 E. W.M.) . Moved by Delaurenti, seconded b,r Hansen, that the plat be referred to the "laming Commission for their i r �. consideration and a report back. With the understanding that the City Engineer, who meets with the Planning Commission, would check on street requirements, the motion carried. Two communications were read from the Statewide City Emplovees Retirement System, signed by Earle Tinius, Executive Secretar-,-, the first stating that Emmon H. Beil, William H. Watkins, Joseph W. Allan, Edward Bunstine and Albert Erickson have had their retirement date extended to April 12, 1956 and will have to retire on May 1, 1956, unless their retirement dates are further extended by the Council. Also, that Anker Andersen (Uniformed nersonnel) should retire on May 1, 1956 unless his retirement date is further extended by Council action. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that both communications be referred to the proper committee �.r (1st communication to the Legislative Committee and 2nd communication to the Police and License Committee) and respective Department Head for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Anna Tonkin, (c/o Frank Tonkin, 811 Third Avenue) stating that plans for the proposed building to be constructed at 304 Williams Street are in the building department; that the lot is 501 x 1201 and the building will be 45' x 801, with a 10t alley which will involve a 3-wa7,r easement; that the First Federal Savings & Loan Association, the occupants, will have 5 employees and will re- quire no rear door---that they understand the City Code requires parking space for r.e 18 cars for 3600 sq.ft. of proposed building and that they have only parking area for eleven cars, and reauest a non-conforming permit for same. Moved by White that < the request be referred to the Planning Commission with the recommendation that a non-conforming permit be granted for parking 11 cars. There being no second, after discussion and a full exPlanation of the matter by Attorney John Dobson, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, that the Puilding Inspector be instructed to issue a non-conforming permit. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Scenic Hill Community Club, signed by Jean Lux, Secretary-Treasurer, protesting the proposed charge to the property, owners of $3,000.00 in connection with the installation of water h-Brants on Renton Scenic Hill, and requesting to meet with the Fire and Water Committee for a further dis- cussion of this charge. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson,, that this request be granted and they be permitted to meet with the Committee. Carried. A second communication was read from the Renton 6cenic Hill Community Club, signed by Jean Lux, Secretary-Treasurer, in regard to their acquiring br lease, a portion of the Phillip Arnold Playfield with the view to building a permanent club house thereon; they request information as to the conditions the club would have to accept in the event of erecting such a building. Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that the communication be referred to the Park Board, Property Committee and City Attorney for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting a petition for an- nexation (headed by Albert Balch and signed by 9 property owners including Tino Cugini) of approximately 80 acres of land, described as portions of Sections 16 and 17, Township 23 North, Range 5 E. W.M., the boundaries of which include the Mount Olivet Cemetery and additional land along the Old Cemetery Road to the east line of the garbage dump site, stating that the petition was signed by the owners of 95.7 of the land according to the assessed valuation for general taxation and that the an- nexation of this area was approved by the planning Commission at the regular meeting on January 25, 1956• Mr. Highton requests information as to Council action to per- mit sanitar�r sewer connections previous to the enactment of the ordinance. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Vietzke, that the communication and petition be referred to the Planning Commission for their recom endation and. a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the Citi, Engineer-advising that the Red & White Construction Company has withdrawn its informal bid of $1,974.nO for the labor to construct a storm sewer on Piggott Averue and on Garden Street, adacert to the Pacific Car and Foundry Company, as it was in error, and has submitted a new quo- tation of $3,311.50---that all informal bids received for this work are in excess of the limitation established by law for negotiated work and that it will be necessary to advertise for bids for this improvement and requesting Council consideration for same. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the suggestion of the City Engineer. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that a meeting was scheduled with the Bdlevue Sewer District Commissioners for Wednesday noon, March 7th in the Sears, Roebuck & Company building in Seattle to further discuss the proposed trunk sewer and treatment plant in the vicinity of Renton, and that the invitation expressly requests the presence of the Mayor, Sanitation Committee, City Attorney, City Engineer and Mr. Richard Wolff, Consulting Engineer, ar.:d that other City Administration members are privileged to attend; that Mr. Wolff has fulfilled his obligation to the City but has expressed his desire to aid the City during this discussion. Councilman Tamborini, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee, stated that he would be unable to attend this meeting, but Councilmen Richardson and White, Committee members stated that they were planning to be present. Moved- 'by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the Sanitation Committee, City Engineer, Mayor and City . AttornelT attend this meeting. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting street' name changes for the Maplewood Addition from King County designation to Citv of Renton plan for Council consideration, as follows: S.E. 141st Street to 5th Avenue East S.E. 143d Street to 5th Place East S.E. 141st Place to 6th Avenue East S.E. 142nd Street to 6th Avenue East S.E. 144th Street to 6th Avenue East 124th Avenue S.E. to M Street South 125th Avenue S.E. to N Street South 127th Avenue S.E. to 0 Street South Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. A communication was read from the Planning Commission signed by C. G. Myers, Secretary, stating that the Planning Commission on advice of their Committee study- ing the Zoning Ordinance amendments, recommended that the Council adopt the pro- posed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance, also that William Gebenini, Renton Air- port Manager, had submitted a proposed amendment for the Renton Zoning, Code as con- cerns the Airport, and that this proposed amendment had been referred to the Plan- ning Committee studying the zoning amendments. Mayor Baxter ordered the communication placed on file. A request was read from Iva L. 4 kett, owner of. Casey's Corner, 3.204 Sunset Blvd. Fast, for permission to install an additional pinball machine in her place of business. Moved by White, seconded by Heppenstall, that the request be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting a rew petition with corrected boundaries for annexation of a small area adjacent to the northwest corner of the Earlington Addition---that the nurrose of the new p-tition is to establish the boundaries which were inadvertentl-TT incorrectly,* described in the original pe- tition; that the original and the new petition were both signed by 100',"0' of the property owners and that the Plarning Commission had approved the correction. Moved by White, seconded by Reid, that a public hearing be held, and that, a date be set for same. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hauser, that the date of t`pril 3, 1956 be set for the public hearing and the required notices be published and posted. Carried. A notice was read from the City Engineer, "Engineer's Certificate", dated March 6, 1956, stating that complying with Ordinance No. 1505, creating L.I.D. #242, he had prepared the following Assessment Roll in accordance with Ordinance #274; that he finds the actual cost of improvement was in the sum of $586.82, and that this amount was equitably apportioned in the within roll to the property therein des- cribed according to the benefits resulting from said improvements to each lot, tract, piece or parcel thereof, as shown, and requesting Council equalization and con- firmation. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and the date for the hearing be set as April 17, 1956, the proper notices to be mailed and the notice published at least 15 days prior to the date of hearing. Carried. A petition for street lighting in President Park Plats No.'s 7, 8 and 9, signed by 33 property owners who are residents of this area, was read and on motion of Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, was referred to the Light and Power Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. On payor Baxter's inquiry as to persons in the audience wishing to speak before the Council, the following persons, William Gloc�mer, 2622 15th North; Walt Sears, 2706 15th Place North; B. Stationer, 2718 15th Place; Jerry Grace, 2628 15th North; Ada Morris, 2628 8th North; Lawrence Thompson, 1528 15th North; Arnold Bergman, 2422 J Street; vIarren Thompson, 1528 5th Ave. North; Frank Ackley, 2701 13th North; Bob Bowron, 1363 I Street; G. Dahl, 1418 J Street and Mrs. Monetto, 15th North, made 29 many inquiries, the first in regard to the source of determination of the value es- tablished as a basis for the selling price in the Highlands for the homes being sold during the month of March. They were informed this selling price was established by the Federal Government and that the Mayor, Council or local Mousing Authority had no part in establishing this value. Another question was, if any street restrictions would be set by the City. They were informed that in the area where houses were sold on site, the streets would remain as shown, with an exception of where any street was to be straightened and that these people had been so advised---that unless the people requested or petitioned for improvement, there would be no improvements, except where the City keeps in an "as is" condition, that in regard to assessments, the people were informed that the water and sewer improvements were already in except where there is vacant property where the houses were moved and the lot sizes are to be changed which would necessitate new property lines and in some cases new water and sewer lines. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson,thEt as the matter of new water lines and/or meters had never been discussed by the Council that this matter be referred to the Fire and Water Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. Jerry Grace, 2628 15th North, stated that many of the prospective property owners were primarily interested in the cost of the homes---that they felt that these costs were exceedingly high and requested the Mayor and Council to wire our Washington State Senators Magnuson and Jackson to see if then couldn't investigate this matter to see how this cost was determined and if something could be done to lower it. Councilman Heppenstall stated that he was in favor of the Council as a Whole meeting with the Housing Authority for discussion of these matters the people present this evening are bringing to the Council's attention, and so moved, seconded by Reid and carried. Councilman Heppenstall stated that as soon as arrar.gemerts are made for this meeting that the Highlands people would be so notified. Councilman White stated �? that in his opinion, and so moved, seconded by Morris, that Mayor Baxter should send a wire to our State Senators appealing the high cost of these homes as the citizens feel that the price set on these houses is too high and ask if thev can do anything toicorrect it. Carried. Councilman Vietzke suggested that the individual persons contact their State Senators in protest of the high cost of the homes. Different persons from the audience stated that the homes would all require considerable re- modeling, as well as the improvement of the .yards and this would be an additional cost. The City Engineer informed the people in the audience that this area where the houses are being sold on site during the month of March was zoned for duplex buildings. The City Engineer informed other persons in the audience that if a building was-located previous to the enactment of the Zoning Ordinance that the owner could not be forced to move the house. Councilman Richardson in-formed the persons in the audience that taxes were assessed by the County and that like anywhere else if a home or property was improved the tax would probably be increased accord- ingly. The Street Commissioner-informed the audience that 15th North was only a graveled street and that the Street Department would continue to keep it in an "as is" condition, but that many of the streets in the Highlands that were not under the City's .jurisdiction had not been maintained at all, that it is the policy of the City to maintain the streets in the same condition they are in, that the City is not re- sponsible for maintainance of all streets in the Highlands, that under the new plat- ting, some will be removed. In regard to the present condition of the houses and when they have to be brou�7ht up to code, the City Engineer informed the people in the audience that the City had not made a physical survey that the- would rot be required to immediate lT bring"the houses up to code but that when they wish to make any im- provements and applied for building permits the;, would be informed of the Citv's re- quirements, that the City has written forms telling them what they have to do to bring their houses up to code, whenever they start working on them. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mavor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, R.ICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZ_KE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. Councilman Tamborini, Chairman, reported for the Sanitation Committee that the r.r Committee had studied the request of Mrs. Austin Braley., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Belland, owners of property at 12915 87th Avenue South who had requested per- mission to start poultry farming again, having discontinued this operation prior to annexation to the City of Renton, because of poor health of her parents, that to avoid setting a precedentp they recommend that they not be allowed to continue this operation and. that the parties be so advised. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Swift, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Sanitation Committee. Carried. On his request for same, moved by White, seconded by Richardson, that Council- man Tamborini be excused from the remainder of this evening's Council meeting. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Committee would like to report on old business in regard to specifications for recodification of the City's Ordinances, and that before this report was given, inquired if the City Clerk had. made in- quiries in regard to a machine that they had talked of previously that T-rould photo- stat or make conies of ordinances that would be required before the codification could be started, so that at the time the bids are opened and awarded, this would all be done. The City Clerk stated that he had contacted two houses, that one representative wo(ald be in Renton Wednesda- and one on Thursday that there was the matter of renting or purchasing the machine. Councilman Richardson stated that he thought that the specifications could be rrepared for the codification so that the hearing could be set for some time in April. The Assistant Citv Attorney stated that the specification had been set up for the codification, that the-* had been made as general as possible, and that they could be read this evening in case there were changes or additions to be made, that apparentl7r there are only the two codifiers, the Book Publishing Company of Seattle and The Michie City Publications Company of Los Angeles, that they had requested two bids, one to be based on print- ing, similar to the copy that they had as a sample and the other a larger size in multilith, that they considered it advisable to have one bid on each style of printing to compare costs---that they had included alternate bids to cover 100 extra copies of the traffic code, based on each size and as an alternate, pocket editions 32" x 5 " in size; that then also asked for bids on an annual supplement service on both sizes; that they had asked for the bid based on price: per page or on a lump sum basis that this covers, in general, the proposal on codification they have made. The Clerk read the specifications in detail. Moved by Delaurentip seconded by Hansen, that the Council accept the specifications for the Call for Bids, that the Call for Bids be published and the date for the opening of bids be set for May 8, 1956. The Assistant City Attorney stated that there were several important Ordinances which had been prepared and were in the process of passing, also changes in the traffic code which should be made and included in the code which he would like to see completed before any award of bids are made. The motion carried. Councilman Morris stated that the matter of exterior security spot lights to be installed at the four corners of the bath house building and gas heaters for the bathhouse had been referred to the Committee of the Council as a Who]_e., and as there had been no action on it, requested that it be rereferred to the Council for con- sideration this evening, that the Finance Committee is prenared to make a recom- mendation in this regard, and so moved, seconded b<< Vietzke and carried. Councilman Morris, Chairman., reported that the Finance Committee recommended that the cost of the additional items of four exterior securitir spot lights and gas heaters for the bathhouse in the total sum of $1,175.89 be taken from the Old Swim- ming Pool Fund, Assistant City Attorney Gerard Shellan stated that as the materials and labor were to be furnished by the same contractor, Nelson Building Company, who had been awarded the bid forconstruction of the bathhouse, that the contract could be amended to include these items. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Finance Committee. Carried. Councilman Hansen, President of the Council, reported that at the Executive Council meeting on Tuesday, February 28th, the following action had been tentatively taken by the Council and he requested the Councilts concurrence. The Council had received a report from Mr. William F. Davis in regard to the City's Insurance; had recommended that the report of Mr. Mort Frayn in regard to codification of the City Ordinances be referred to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney; that the matter in regard to off-street parking lots be referred to the Street and Alley Committee; the inquiry as to whether the City could use the balance in the 1954 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond Fund for water improvements be referred to the City Attorney and the matter of annexation of the Talbot area be referred to the City Attorney and Engineering Department for consideration. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried. In regard to the proposed Zoning Ordinance amendments, Councilman Swift point- ed out that Section XIV, in regard to existing Paragraph 3 of Section XII, still read, 't If not in use within said time the ordinance shall. be null and. void, and the original use shall become effective therewith", and that he felt this permitted "spot zoning" and he requested that the Ordinance Committee investigate this part further before a report of their recommendation is made back to the Council. The Assistant City Attorney stated that the reason this was done was to prevent real estate speculation. Councilman Swift reported that in regard to the matter of constructing storm sewer facilities on Piggott Avenue and Garden Street, adjacent to the Pacific Car & Foundry, previously referred to the Street and Alley Committee, that as the Red & White Construction Company had withdrawn their previous offer, that earlier this 3 evening the Council had authorized the issuance of a call for bids for same. Councilman Swift stated that in regard to the previous request of the builders, Peterson, Peterson & Wiehoff for street improvement and control of surface water, that the Street and Alley Committee feels that the abutting nroperty owners are re- sponsible for any surface waters, that it is the opinion and recommendation of the Committee, that as the City_ is not responsible they should not expend funds for material and labor to make improvements. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Richard- son, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. The City Clerk's Office will notify the contractors of the Council's action. In regard to Councilman Swift's inquiry as to information as to a proposed en- gineering survey for the Hardy Place, it was reported that the Title Insurance Co., was to provide the engineering survey showing the roadway and establish lines, and moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter be referred back to the Street and Alley Committee to investigate and report back. Carried. Councilman Bruce informed the Council that the brackets and Mercury Vapor Lights on Rainier Avenue that were damaged during the last storm were not insured. Councilman Swift reported and so moved seconded by , that the CityF Engi- neerneer and Property Committee investigate the ventilation problem in the Council C Chambers to see what improvement could be made. Carried. The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee a were presented: CURRENT 12,821.30 PAYROLLS - ALL DEPARTM NTS X500.17.97 WATER FUMm 51286.45 LIBRARY FUND 12028.49 PARK FUNS ,797.23 SEWER FUND 626.38 AIRPORT FUND 1,565.36 CITY STREET FUND 6,261 SHOP EQUIP. RENTAL FUND 2,411.98 GARBAGE FUND 11273.75 CIVIL DEFENSE FUND 269.25 STREET u LIGHT IMP. FUND 7,136.29 CUMULATIVE 71ND #1183 750.00 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 250.00 SWIMMING POOL FUND 32637.76 Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10: 5 P.M. The Council Chambers were filled with persons who had come for information in regard to the proposed Talbot annexation and the March sale of the Highlands houses. C' y Clerk kA - Mayor Renton, Washington March 13, 1956 This being the date ofa regular Council meeting, Mayor Baxter, Floyd Shaff, City Clerk, the City Attorney, Gerard Shellan, and City Engineer, James Highton and three Councilmen assembled in the Council "hambers at 8:00 P.M. There being an insufficient number of Councilmen present to form a quorum, Mavor Baxter stated there would be no meeting this evening. it:,- Clerk / i d _' Renton, Washington March 20, 1956 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, MORRIS, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Arthur Haugan, City Attorney; Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Floyd Shaff, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Ben Haves, Assistant City Engineer and Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. Moved by Swift., seconded by Heppenstall, that the minutes of the last Council meeting held on March 6th be approved as written. Carried. The City Clerk announced the next annual statewide convention of the Association of Washington Cities to be held at Yakima on Thursday and Friday, May 10th and 11th, respectively, stating that he had forms for same and would make reservations for anyone who would contact him. 6 The City Clerk stated that the Association of Washington Cities was sponsoring a one-day school for new mayors and councilmen in Seattle on April 12th, and that he had bulletins covering the courses. They request information as to who will attend rJ the school. Mayor Baxter stated that all new councilmen would be informed of the school. A communication was read from Robert E. Walkers President of the Association of Valley Cities, stating that the next meeting of the Association would- be held in Auburn, Thursday, April 5, 1956, in the Council Chambers---that the topic would be a progress report from the committee appointed to study a County-City Health pro- gram. Mr. Walker further extended an invitation to all newly elected officials to attend this meeting. _ A letter of appreciation and commendation was read from 0. K. Moody, Vice- President and Manager of the Renton Branch of the Seattle First National Banks for the Engineering and Street Denartment's work on the storm sewer hook-up in their parking lot. Mayor Baxter ordered the communication filed. A communication was read from Glenn L. Payne, Secretary of Delnhia Lodge No. 2, inviting the Mayor and Councilmen to be present at the Lodge Hall on March 22nd at 8:00 P.M., for the presentation to Walter Reid of his 50-year jewel to commemorate his fiftieth year of consecutive service in the Knights of Pythias. Mayor Baxter urged all Councilmen who could be present to attend the presentation. A request was read from Radio Station K.L.A.N. signed by Clifford H. Hansen, Manager, for the approval and cooperation of the Renton City Council in permitting the roping off and removal of through traffic on 1^ells Street, between 2nd and 3rd Avenues, on March 24, 1956 between the hours of 9:30 A.M. and 12.:00 Noon. Mr. Hansen stated that Radio Station K.L.A.N., the Retail Trades group and Renton Chamber of Commerce are again sponsoring the annual Renton Rabbit Race, and they request the street to be cleared to facilitate viewing bir the children and parents and to discourage parking on the street at that tine. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the request and that the rabbit race event be held under supervision of the Renton. Police Department. Carried. In reply to Mayor Baxter's wire of March 9th to Senators Herrn Jacl<son and - ., 'Warren G. Magnuson, and Congressman Thor Tollefson, the Cit« Clerk stated that Mayor Baxter had received a letter of acknowledgment from Senator Jackson explain- ing that the P.H.A. had advised. that the original developmental cost of these pro-jects was higher than the current anpra.ised evaluation and therefore the price set is less than it would be under the maximum price permissible under the law, which sets this maximum as the construction cost plus the arpriased value, that because the appraised value is below the construction cost, this ..f ormula would be inappli- cable---that he has asked the P.N.A. for a full report on the situation and as soon as this report is received he will again contact the Mayor; that a wire had been received from Senator Magnuson advising that he has brought this matter to the P.H.A. for further consideration and from Congressman Tollefson, that the P.H.A. were investigating appraised values at the Renton Highlands as requested and that he will keep Mayor Baxter advised. For the information of the Highlands residents interested -in this matter, Councilman White requested the newspapers publicize the 3 information received from Senators Jackson and Magnuson and Congressman Tollefson. In compliance with their requests, moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, that a copy of the Council minutes be furnished Don Humble, Executive Secretary of the Rerton Housing Authority also, a copy to be furnished the newly formed North Renton Community Club. Carried. A communication to Assistant City Attorney, Cerard Shellan, from the Boeing Airplane Company, signed by R. P. Holman, Plant Facilities Manager, regarding the annexation to the City, of Boeing-owned land- north of 8th Avenue North, in regard to their development of a manufacturing facility in the Renton area and the City's willingness to assist in the solution of the -problems and to the Cityts proposal that a petition be submitted to the City of Renton for annexation of the Boeing Companyts plant site and their finding that they are not in a position to take such action at this time; that some of the factors involved in their decision are: (1) Annexation is contrary to the position taken by their firm with the City of Seattle which gives them an established policy; that ccnsisterc- in policy causes ' deferral in action for annexation in Renton, (2) Annexation to the City of Renton would increase operating cost by at least the amount of the City's business tax, (3) Congress has authorized payment to the community in lieu of real estate taxes for the Government-oTfined Boeing Renton Plant, and in their opinion this should have a major influence in balancing the City' s budget since no increase in services is involved, and (h) Addition and expansion of services required of the City under annexation would tend to offset the increased income. Moved by Richardson, second- ed by Hansen, that the Communication be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried. A petition was read from the Boeing Airplane Company, signed by Fred P. Laudan and J. E. Prince, Vice-Presidents of Manufacturing and Administration, respectively, of the Boeing Airplane Company, who is the owner of all the property, except the R.P.. R/W, abutting on the street sought to be vacated, requesting the City vacate "that portion of 8th Avenue North, between the east line of Logan Street North and the west line of Park Street". Moved by White, seconded by Vietzke, that the peti- tion be referred to the Committee of the Council as a. Whole. Carried. A request was read from Major Wendell 0. Livesay of the U.U. Marine Corps, for occupancy of rent-free office space in the Renton City Hall. Thea request written authority for their requirement of room for a desk, small table for testing appli- cants and a filing cabinet, also stating that they would be prepared to vacate on 30-day notice. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the request be referred to the Property Committee with power to act. Carried. The City Clerk stated that a. request, had been received from W. L. Olson to in- stall 5 pinball machines in his place of business, the Sportsman. Cigsr, 237 Main Street, and from Roger Jenkirs to install one carom game in his place of business, the Alki Tavern, 917 3rd Averue. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the two requests be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A complaint, signed by 19 propert-r owners, was read stating that Tom Edwardo of 320 North Williams Street, is violating a fire permit granted by the Fire Depart- ment, ,issued to permit him to use a covered fire can once a week for bun-jag paper only. for a 20 minute time limit, also that he does not keep the can covered, that he burns more often than once a week and burns weeds, etc., which creates an un- pleasant odor and a. lot of smoke. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, that the complaint be referred to the Fire and Water Committee and Fire Chief for in- vestigation and a report back. Carried. A request was read from Hudson Tarte, Chairman of the Ticket Committee of the St. Ceorge School, for permission to park a trailer and a boat on 3rd Avenue be- tween Burnett and Williams Street on April 6th and 7th to sell tickets for the benefit of the school. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that this request be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. - Carried. The City Clerk presented a voucher from the Van S. McKenny Company to cover the 15% retained, as per the mercury vapor street lighting contract agreement, in the total amount of $5.,,073.156. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the voucher be referred to the Finance Committee with -power to act. Carried. The City Clerk read Estimate No. 3 from the Nelsen Building & Contracting Company for work performed to March 1, 1956 on the Liberty Park Swimming Pool Bath- house in the total amount due the contractor of $2,o86.63. A voucher in this amount was attached. Moved. by Morris, seconded bar Delaurenti, that estimate -" and the voucher be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. The Citv Clerk read Estimate No. 7 from Kerty Mortensen Construction Company for work performed to March 1, 1956 on the Liberty Park Swimmin7 Pool it the total amount due the contractor of2,510,86o A voucher in this amount was attached. 1.Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that Estimate #7 and the voucher be re- ferred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from Renton School District ;{103, signed by Arthur H. Towne, Director of Transportation, to Councilman Swift, Chairman, Street and Alley Committee, requesting consideration of the Street and Alley Committee of the hazards to the children's safety caused by lack of sidewalks or an adequate shoulder be- tween the Highlands and Windsor Hills along F Street which makes it necessary for the children to walk in the street; also, that the intersection of Windsor Way and E Street is hazardous because Windsor Wav drops off quite abruptly from E, Street--- that to avoid this hazard and backtracking some of the children from the northern section of Windsor Hills are walking through private property which creates an additional situation with resulting complaints, that as there will be an increas- ing number of Windsor Hills children assigned to the Highlands School, that the urgency of a solution to the problem will become greater. Moved by Morris, second- ed by Richardson, that the communication be referred to the Street and Alley Com- mittee. Carried. The City Clerk reported that the Seattle-King County Department of Public Health C0 report of services for King County for January had been received and studied by G\! Councilman Tamborini, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee and would be filed. U-01 'e!!I_ A communication was read from Gene Coulon, Superintendent of Parks, stating that it was the recommendation of the Park Board that the retirement date of Edward Bunstine be extended through June 30th, at which time he will be sufficient quar- ters to qualify for retirement under the Social Securit7r program of the Federal Government. A similar communication was read from Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner requesting that, the retirement dates of Emmon Beil, William Watkins, Joseph Allan and Albert Erickson be extended by the Council through June 30th, at which time each employee will have sufficient quarters to qualify for retirement under the Social Security program of the Federal Government. Also, in regard to the re- tirement of Officer Anker Anderson of the Uniformed Group, the Chief of Police, Ang Busato, requested that his retirement date be extended to the maximum. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Park Board and the requests of the Street Commissioner and Chief of Police. Carried. The City Clerk explained that the Social Security contract -had been signed by the Federal Government on March 6, 1956, that for all City of Renton Employees, who belonged to the system, their coverage becomes effective retroactive to January 1, 1955 and all employees, part time and otherwise, who are not a pert of the system, will become eligible to Social Security as of the date the contract was signed by the Federal Government. A communication, to Councilman Bruce from Gene Coulon., Park Superintendent, was read, stating that the Park Board at its regular meeting on March 16th, with the Assistant City Attorney, Gerard Shellan in attendance, considered the club's inquiry as to the possibility of acquiring or leasing a portion of the Philip Arnold. Playfield for construction of a clubhouse, that this question was presented to the Park Board more than a year ago by representatives of the Scenic Hill Club and the Board would like to reiterate its stand at that time, that it is the Park Board's policy not to lease nark property, but that the Board is not opposed to a building as such, providing certain conditions are met. That an agreement could be entered into, providing the sole intent of said agreement is to grant the club permission to building a club or shelter house---said building to meet all require- ments of the City Building Code and the design of the building to be approved by the Park Board, the City to be held harmless from any liabilit,r or expenses in con- nection with the building of said clubhouse and the property kept free from liens or claims of any kind---and that the agreement terminate at the erd of a two-year period, or as soon as the cli.bhou.se is completed, whichever event occurs first, at which time the clubhouse would revert to the City of Renton_ without any restrictions --that if the club feels that they cannot complete construction of the building within a 2-year period, that the agreement should not be drawn.. Councilman Bruce stated, concurred in by Councilman Vietzke, that these people are going to contact business houses for voluntary labor, which may require longer than a 2-year period to complete---that they will be able to meet all other reiuirements and will dedi- cate the building to the City when completed and paid for, but that he didn't know if the building could be completed in the 2-year period. Councilman Richardson stated that he agreed with the Park Board and inquired who was going to be liable, if they were going to hold the City harmless. Councilman Bruce stated that it was this group's intention to incorporate as a group to hold the City harmless. The Park Superintendent stated that it was the Park Board's policy, that as their feel i 36 that any park property is held in trust for all the people of the City of Renton, not to lease any portion to an individual or a private group, as this would not be in the best interest of all the people---that County Park Boards would not consider this proposal, that normally the groups who want a building would put up finances and the Park Board would construct the building. Moved by RichardsorA, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Councilman Heppenstall stated that as this building would revert to the City with- in two ,years, and that being restricted to its usage and having to abide by Park rules and regulations, that he felt that the Scenic Hill people really didntt have a private club house. The Park Superintendent stated that they had started develop- ing the far end of the playfield area and that all brush would be cleared and the park would be left in its natural state. The motion to refer the matter to the Council as a 6Ahole then carried. On the suggestion and motion of Councilman Reid, seconded by Vietzke, the Property Committee and Park Superintendent were requested to attend the Renton Scenic Hill Improvement Club meeting on Wednesday evening, March 21st. Carried. A petition was read from Charles F. Shane, 11.106 J Street, owner of certain property in the Earlington Addition area, requesting that said area be rezoned from Residence Single Family District (R-S) to Residence District (R-2), stating that it was to be used only for multiple-unit residences. The property is the site of the old Earlington Club House. The required fee acompa.nied the petition. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hanser, that the matter be referred to the Cit,r Engineer to check and to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. Carried. Magor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order btr Mavor Joe R., Baxter. ROLL CALL: HANSEN, RICHARDS0 T) WHITE, MORRIS, TRIMM, SWIFT, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee presented a proposed ordinance changing street name designations of certain streets in the Maplewood Addition, within the City of Renton, which had been requested by the Street & Alley Committee and City Engineer, stating that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance changing the street name designations of certain streets in the Maple Addition as follows: FORNER COUNTY DESIGNATION NEW CITY NAME DESIGNATION S.E. 141st Street to Fifth Avenue East S.F. 110rd Street to Fifth Place East S.E. 141st Place to Sixth Avenue East S.E. 142nd Street to Sixth Avenue Fast S.E. 144th Street to Sixth Avenue East 124th Avenue S.E. to M Street South 125th Avenue S.F. to N Street South 127th Avenue S.F. to 0 Street South. Moved by White, seconded by Trim., that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Courcilmar. Richardson, Chairman, stated that the Ordinance Committee recommended passage of the proposed ordinance. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recom- mendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that Ordirance No. 1537 be adopted as read. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Trimm, Ave; Richardson, '7,e; White, Aye; Morris, Ave; Hansen, Ave; Swift, Ave; Heppenstall, Aye; and Bruce, Ave. All eight Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion carried. Councilmen Reid, Vietzke and Delaurenti re-entered the Council Chambers. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present another proposed Ordinance relating to "pawnbrokers" for Council consideration. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance providing for the licens- ing and regulation of pawnbrokers, defining offenses, providing penalties, and pro- viding for the revocation and suspension of licenses, that the license fee for a Pawnbroker's License shall be and is fixed in the sum of $40.00 and that no pawn- broker's license shall be issued hereafter which would increase the :number of hold- ers of such licenses to more than one for every 15,000 population, according to the last preceding Federal or State census. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommenda- tion. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Com- mittee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended :its passage. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hanser, that the Counc it concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved -by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that Ordinance No. 1538 be adopted as read. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Trimm, Ave; Reid, Ave; Richardson, Ave; White, Aye; Vietzke, Ave; Morris, Ave; Hansen, .Aye; Swift, Ave; Delaurenti, No; Henpenstall, Aye and Bruce, No. There being 9 "Aye's" and two "No's", the motion carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, r enorted that he would like to present a proposed Ordinance covering a franchise to the City of Seattle for the operation of a water supply line through the City of Renton, and requested that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its first reading, and as re- quired by law, be published in the official newspaper of the City and held for 30 days before any Council action was taker, that after publication, such proposed %W ordinance shall not thereafter and before its passage be amended in any particular where the amendment shall impose terms, conditions or privileges less favorable to the City than the proposed ordinance as published; that all costs of publication, before pasage as well as after passage, shall be borne by the applicant and -that passage of said ordinance would require a 2/3 affirmative vote of the council. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance covering a franchise to the City of Seattle, a Municipal Corporation, for the establishment, maintenance and operation of a water supply line on and near 132nd Avenue S.E., within the City of Renton and fix- ing the terms and conditions of such grant. The Franchise would grant unto the C-7 City of Seattle the right, privilege and franchise for a period of 50 years from Fi and after the date of acceptance by the City of Seattle of this ordinance, to con- struct, install, operate and maintain a water supply line 36 inches in diameter in, r upon and along 132nd Avenue S.F., located 17 feet west of the centerline of 132nd Avenue S.E., and shall commence at the south line of S.F. 128th Street and continue northerly along 132nd Avenue Southeast to the present City Limits, a total distance of 3314 feet, more or less. Moved bir Swift, seconded by Hennenstall, that the pro- posed Ordinance covering this Franchise to the City of Seattle for establishment, replacement and maintenance of a water supply line, be referred to the Ordinance Committee to exercise the proper legal stens. (A copy to be furnished the newspaper to be published as a proposed ordinance, the Clerk to request a separate bill on the publication which is to be furnishc-d the City Engineer for collection from the City of Seattle) . Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that the Ordinance Com- mittee recommended that the Franchise Ordinance be placed or its second and final reading on Ma-y 1, 1956. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present the new proposed sewer ordinance for its first reading this even- ing to enable the Council to study it and that it be held for further actior and the Committee's recommendation until the next Council meeting, April 3, 1956. The City Clerk read the proposed sewer ordinance, regulating the use of public and private sewers and drains, private sewage disposal, the installation and connection of building sewers, the discharge of waters and wastes into the public sewer system; fixing rates for sewage service and providing for the collection thereof and pro- viding penalties for the violation thereof, in detail. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Reid reported that it was the recommendation of the Light & Power Committee in regard to the petition for lighting from residents of President Parks plats 7, 8 and 9, which was read at the last Council meeting, that the City install twenty, 150 watt incandescent lights, as located by the Light and Power Committee, the City Engineer and the Puget Sound Power & Light Company. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Light and Power Committee and the Power Comnany be so notified. Carried. Councilman Reid reported. that on further investigation of the lighting condi- tion on both sides of the railroad track at 5th and Burnett Street, that the Com- mittee recommended that in addition to the street light authorized on the west side of this intersection, that an additional light be installed on the east side, that the Committee felt that the one light would not provide lighting on the other side of the crossin; for .residents of that area. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Light and. Power Committee. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that he had received a call this evening asking him to invite the Mayor and Councilmen and Councilmen-elect to a dinner Thursday evening, April 5th at the St. Anthony's Recreation Hall, stating that the dinner is sponsored by the Renton Business men. The Assistant City Attorney advised the Council, in regard to the proposed Zoning Ordinance, which had been submitted by the Planning Commission, that there are other additions to be added to said ordinance in addition to the request of the 38 Airport Manager, which had not been received as yet---that he had attended a meet- ing this evening with Vere Thompson, Building Inspector, on the matter and that the Planning Commission would consider the matter again at their next meeting on March 28th when they are expected to make a final recommendation on it, that they could then redraft the proposed ordinance for consideration by the Ordinance Committee. Councilman Richardson stated that the Planning Commission would consider the matter of reversion of use of rezoned property, not used for the purpose rezoned within a specified time. The Assistant City Attorney stated that this might be difficult to control, that the time limit for use refers only to petitions submitted by property owners, that it does not refer to rezonings by the City Council. The Council was advised that the Talbot Annexation petition was in the process of being checked by the City Engineer as to legality and percentage of signatures. Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee reminded the Council that the City's Comprehensive Liabilitv Insurance expires as of May 15th and that the matter of renewal should be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole for consideration at the next Executive meeting, and so moved. by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson and carried. The City Engineer explained in regard to the noise on the water line on Cedar Street that the Engineering Department was investigating this trouble to determine the cause, that it had 'ween traced to the booster pump. Councilman Reid, Chairman, reported that the Linht and Power Committee recom- mended that four mercury vapor lights be installed on the Earlington Hill road (Langston Road) to replace the present incandescent lights as this is a very wide street, that this would bring the lighting to the top of the hill and allow one light on the top at or near Thomas Street. Moved by Henpenstall, seconded by Richardson, that the matter be referred to the Light and Power Committee and Finance Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. The: Assistant City Attorney explained that moneys on hand remaining in the Street Lighting Fund could be used for such incidental purposes in connection with street lighting. Councilman Morris requested that the Auditing and Accounting Committee investigate funds left in the Fund from the Bond Issue which could be used for this type of - operation. Councilman Bruce reminded the Council that moneys from this fund had been used for repairing of Park Street driveways, which had been left; unusable when Park Street had been improved. The Street Commissioner reported that there were 6 or 7 driveways remaining to be repaired. The City Engineer stated that moneys from this fund had also been and were being used for traffic ;signal modi- fication in connection with the one-way street traffic system. Councilman Reid reported that the Resolution covering the Puget Sound Power & Light Company Contract for the Mercury Vapor Lighting had been received and had been checked by the Assistant Citv Attorney, and with the exception noted by the Assistant City Attorney, and with Council approval, it was in order for the Council to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the Resolution. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Resolution be referred to the City Attorney to check and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign same. The Assistant City Attorney explained that under the 7th Item, "Service to be Furnished", the last line reading "Purchaser shall pay for replacement of parts damaged or broken by Purchaser or his agents or by third parties due to accidents or otherwise", was an item that the City would like to have deleted, but that this was their standard contract and as in the past, the Puget Sound Power & Light Company objected to and refused to make any change in the liability, that the remainder of the contract was satisfactory. Councilman Delaurenti, with the consent of his second, withdrew his motion to refer the Resolution to the City Attorney and moved, seconded by Heppen- stall, that the Council concur in the report of the Assistant Citv Attorney, and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign. Resolution No. 898, the Puget Sound Power & Light Company's Mercury Vapor Lighting Contract. Carried. `' After a discussion as to sections of mercury vapor lighting in the City not being lit at different ti-��es, Councilman Reid explained that the Puget Sound Power Light Company were having a little difficulty with the relays but that this trouble was being taken care of as fast as possible. Councilman Trirr¢n suggested that the Police Department night crew note any lights out and report it to the Power Company early the next morning and in that way any lights not in operation would be taken care of faster, that this practice had been done several 'rears ago i and had worked very well. Mayor Baxter invited Councilman-elect Garrett to attend the Executive Council meeting on March 27th3 and all future Executive meetings. Councilman Vietzke reported that the Heath Manufacturing Company has been asked to move out of their present building because the Boeing Airnlane Company has leased and needs 8000 square feet of building space---that theTT have the oppor.tunit- to take their company to Bellevue, but that if space could be made available, con- sideration would be given to them remaining in Renton. _ Councilman Morris reported that residents on Morris Street had complained that "hot rodders" were creating a disturbance with noise from horns and. mufflers when they drove through the Covey parking lot, on week ends, and moved, seconded by Vietzke, that this complaint be referred to the Police Department for investigation_ anda report back to the Council. Councilman Delaurenti reported that this matter had been brought to the attention of the Mayor's Youth Guidance Committee at their �r meeting today and that the Chief of Police had stated that this matter would be taken care of. The motion carried. Councilman Swift reported that there would be a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee, Thursday, March 29th at 8:00 P.M., with the Traffic Division, Street Commissioner and City Engineer. Councilman Swift reported that he had discussed the matter of flood control and preparedness for same, with the Street Commissioner and together that they had dis- cussed this matter with the Civil Defense Representative and Department Heads and ;-; that considerable work had been done in this regard and that arrangements and pre- parations were being made to meet any such emergency on a moments notice, but that 3� they would like to have the Mayor delegate authority to someone who would have con- trol and could take over and give orders in case of emergency. The Assistant City Attorney stated that the Mayor was the only person who could call a "State of Emer- gencp" and that he should delegate authority to someone. Mayor Baxter stated that he would designate the Assistant Executive Director of Civil Defense, Fire Chief Floyd Lawrence to be in command; that the City Engineer, Street Commissioner and Civil Defense Director had all done a great deal of organizational and ground work for such an emergency. Councilman ,Thite stated that in his opinion this was a very commendable stand taken by these men and that he admired their foresight. Magor Baxter stated that he would ask for a complete report in this regard for the Coun- cil's information at their next meeting. Councilman Hansen, President of the Coun- cil, stated that he would make this a hart of the agenda for the Executive meeting on March 27th. Councilman Richardson stated that in his opinion, because of the bad weather, and the resulting condition of the streets, that more funds will be needed for repair and improvement of the streets than has been budgeted and that consideration should be given to an emergency appropriation. Councilman Trimm, Chairman, reported there would be a Fire and Water Committee meeting on Tuesday, March 27th at 7:00 P.M., with the Assistant City Attorney and City Engineer. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M. (There were eighteen persons present besides City of Renton employees). City Clerk ► Ma r 40 Renton, Washington April 3, 1956 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSOT;, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, a.JIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. (On his request, Mayor Baxter excused Councilman White). OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Arthur Haugan, Cit'r Attorney; Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Floyd Shaff, City Clerk; norothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superin- tendent; Ben Hayes, Assistant City engineer and Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. Moved by Bruce, seconded b7, Harser; that the minutes of the Council meeting of March 20, 1956 be approved as written. Carried. Councilman Vietzke requested and so moved, that a line of explanation be in- cluded in the minutes which are furnished the Councilmen after each current meet- ing and before they have been approved, that the copy of the minutes "would be subject to change at the next Council meeting when the'T are brought up for con- sideration by Magor Baxter", as some of the people who receive copies are of the opinion that these are final copies of that weeks minutes. There being no second the motion was dropped. A communication was read from the City Engineer giving the report on the petition for annexation to the City of Renton of the Community of Talbot and vi- cinity, which is portions of Sections 18, 19 and 20, Township 23, Range 5 E. W•M.; the exact boundaries of which are described in the petition, that the total assessed valuation of the property is $$358,610.00, the assessed valuation of property the owners of which have signed the petition for annexation is $296,230.00 a percentage in favor of the annexation of 82.61 percent. The City Engineer further stated that the final report was based on additions- and deletions---that it is now in _ order to set a date for a public hearing and the people who have signed the pe- tition and the people living in the area be notified of the date of the hearing. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Morris, that the Council accept the report of the City Engineer and that the date of public hearing be set as Mav 12 1956. The City Engineer explained that there were no half streets included in the annexation, that either the full street was included or no part of the street or right-of-way. The motion carried. A communication was read from Wong Do Gow, the present leasee of the cafe facilities at Liberty& Park, requesting permission again this 'Tear to rent the con- cession adjoining his cafe to Mrs. Arnie D. Scully for the months of June, July and August. Councilman Bruce reported that the same partzr had rented this con- cession last year and that the Committee recommended that approval be granted. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the Council- concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. A communication was -read from Gere L. Coulon, Secretary of the Mayor'S Youth Guidance Committee, req.aesting on behalf of the Committee members, that serious consideration be given to placing a foot patrolman on duty in the business district of Renton as soon as possible, and stating that the Committee would meet with a committee of the Council to discuss this matter further. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that this matter be referred to the Committee of: the Council as a Whole for discussion. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the re- quest be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole for discussion at their next meeting on April 24th, and that the Mayorts Youth Guidance Committee be so - notified. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that he would notify the Committee. A communication was read from Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent, sul-anitting for Council consideration, four informal bid proposals for the conversion of the heating plant in Mothers Park Fieldhouse from coal to oil, stating that the bid quotations for the complete ,job, including labor and materials, were as follows: Electro-1°att Inc., Seattle, Wn. $2,395.00 plus tax Renton Plumbing & Heating - Renton 2,863.00 plus tax Wilcox Company - Seattle 21850.00 plus tax Diesel Oil Sales - Renton 1,997.00 including tax Mr. Coulon stated that this item was budgeted in the Mothers Park Improvement Fund for the current year and that the Park Board had ir_structed him to negotiate for this work through the City Attorney providing the cost did not exceed $2,000.00. 41 The Park Superintendent stated that he has a letter stating this is a firm bid. The City Attorney, advised that after the bid has beer accepted b, the City and a contract entered into, the contractor should be required to submit a performance bond. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the Council accept the proposal of the Park Superintendent under the supervision of the Assistant City Attorney. Carried. A communication was read from Rev. M. C. Lewis, Pastor of the Kernyd ale Baptist Church, requesting permission to solicit funds within the City of Renton to secure a good used bus or station wagon for transportation for the children of his congregation who have moved from the Highlands project, because of project homes being sold and their not having transportation to go back to this church. �Inr After discussion, moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the request be re- ferred to the Police and License Committee and Chief of Police, also that Reverend Lewis be advised that he should contact the Chamber of Commerce through their "Better Business Bureau" for their consideration of his request. Carried. A communication was read from Samuel S. Wolfe, Tour Manager, National field Exhibit of the Military Order of the Purple Heart, a combat wounded veterans or- ganization, requesting permission to exhibit "antique and modern firearms and war equipment" in the City of Fenton some time during the year - the exact date to be determined later. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council con- cur in the request of the Military Order of the Purple Heart and that they be ad- vised to contact the Chief of Police direct, when the date of their exhibit is determined, for location and the use of one metered space. Carried.. C.� A communication was read from Art Virgillo, Secretarlr of the Renton Lion's Club, requesting to be included as one of the Sponsoring Clubs taking part in the public dedication ceremonies which are to be held in the near future for the new Fenton Swimming; Pool. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the re- quest be referred to the Park Board and Magor Baxter. Carried. The City Clerk explained that he had a copy of a letter of inquiry from the City Attorney's Office to the Employment Security Department of the State of Wash- ington in regard to the City of Renton Employees OASI Benefits, as to part-time employees, Councilmen and others and as to deductions for Social Security in cases where their other sources of income already exceed $4,200.00 per ,year and the maximum contribution has already been deducted by some other employer, etc. The City Clerk stated that a copy would be furnished to all Councilmen. The City Clerk read the proposed "Call for Bids" for the Construction of a Storm Sewer in Maplewood Addition (authorized previously by the Council) as sub- mitted by the City Engineer for Council consideration. The City Engineer having tentatively set the date of April 17, 1956 as the date for opening of bids, the dates of publication to be the 5th and 12th of April. Moved by Swift, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the proposed call for bids as submitted by the City Engineer. Carried. iA communication was read from Dora Holmes, leasee of the Coffee Shop at the City Hall, requesting Council consideration for health Purposes for her to sub- lease the lunch room and business for a six-months period to Mrs. Katherine Kindred. Councilman. Bruce reported that he was familiar with this request, that Mrs. Holmes was badlv in need of rest and medical attention and that she expected to return in six months---that she was performing' a public service to the City Employees, as well as others by keeping the lunch room on-n, and that it was his Personal opinion and he recommended that the request be granted. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of Councilman, Bruce, and Mrs. Holmes be permitted to sub-lease the Coffee Shop for a six months period; that the lease should include information that the City does not approve of the policy- of sub- leasing within the City and does not include this provision in their leases---that this exception is for emergency purposes only and is not to be considered a pre-cedent. The motion carried. A communication was read from the Earlington 1^1omen's Club, signed. by Olive Glossup, Secretary and Katherine Millar, President, stating that their club would like to go on record as opposing any such rezoning from single to multiple resi- dence of certain property on Earlington Hill from lst to 2nd residential. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Morris, that the communication be placed on file until the date of public hearing on same. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that a copy be furnished the Planning Commission for their consideration. Carried. 2 A communication was read from N. E. Dickason, 8438 S. 117th Place, Seattlep for rezoning of two adjoining pieces of property located at 2211 and 2223 Sunset Blvd., near Miller's Corner, to be used as a trailer court. The City Engineer stated that this property is not zoned for a trailer court, that as this requires special zoning the request should be referred to the Planning Commission for their consideration and so moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce and carried. The City Clerk stated that copies of the claim from Alex and Josephine Cugini, m-mers of the store building at the corner of 3rd & Williams, for damages to the building caused by the use of Citv of Renton equipment, had been furnished the City Attorney's Office, the Insurance Carrier (Tony Baffaro Agency) and Insurance Com- mission. The Assistant City Attorrey reported that this claim had been investigated by the Insurance Carrier, but that he had not received a report as yet. The Citv's copy of the claim was ordered filed. The Citir Clerk inquired as to the Council's wishes in regard to the communi- cation from the Fire Chief, which had been presented to the Committee of the Council as a Whole at their executive meeting on March 27, 1956, in connection with the re- auest of the Container Corporation of America .for fire nr.otectior foi• their new plant which is to be constructed southwest of the City of Renton on the Monster Road. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that this matter be referred to the Fire and Wpter Committee. Carried. A communication was read from Howard T. Ball, Washington State Representative from the 7th District, to the Universal Sign Company of Rentor., in connection with his running for a Statewide Political Office requesting the cost of placing a street banner across a prominent arterial in the City of Renton. Councilman Morris suggest- ed that as there was no established policy in regard to placing of political banners that he felt that the matter should be referred to the Committee of the Council as a `' hole. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for investigation and to submit their reconr- mendat.ion in regard to such a policy to the Council for further consideration. Car- ried. A notice of the 7th Annual Industrial Safety Conference in Olympia on Monday and Tuesday, April 9th and 10th, in the State Capitol Building, was read. Moved. by Swift, seconded by Tamborini, that the Street Commissioner, Fire Chief, Engi- neering Department and Water Denartment representatives be authorized to attend this conference. Carried. A request was read from 'fir. Pobert Evoy, 229 4th Place, for a non-conforming permit for the construction of a clinic building on Lot 6, Wefancs Addition //-.2., facing 4th Place, to place his tuilding to the back of his property line, stating that use of the 10 feet at the reer is essential for the facilities required in the contemplated building---that loadiro, and unloading in the rear will not be necessary. The Cit--T Clerk read a report from the Planning Commission, signed by C. G. M-.rers, in regard to Dr. Evoy's request in which the-r recommend that the re- quest of T)r. �,voy be denied, as other similar requests or surrounding property had been denied in the past. The Building Inspector, Frere Thompson, stated that the owner of the clinic building next to Dr. Evoy's property, had been denied a similar request. Moved. by Trimn, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. A second communication was read from the Planning Commission, signed by C. G. Myers, Secretary, (1) in regard to the proposed Plat of Arnel `T'reit of 2122 10th Avenue North, recommending to the Council that the plat be returned for redesigning of the streets, as the present street design is not acceptable, and (2) recom- mending in regard to the annexation petition of .iv1r. Balch, Mt. Olivet Cemetery owners (and including Mir. Cugini' s property) that this be approved., and further approve the inclusion of the Edwardo property if it is included in t'fle above pe- tition, before final action is taken on the petition. The City Engineer stated that the Edwardo property was not included in the petition. After discussion, moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that, the matter of further consideration of the annexation petition of Balch, C,-gini and others be tabled until the next regular Council meeting, until further information is obtained in regard to the disposal of the project houses located thereor:. The Building Inspector is to obtain this in- formation. Carried. In regard to the Planning Commission's recommendation on the proposed. plat of Arnel Tveit, moved by Richardson , seconded by Swift, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning ,commission and Mr. Zbeit be so advised. Carried. I 43 In regard to the Ciel DefensF Renort which was read at the Executive meet- ing of the Council, copies of same are to be furrished both Renton newspapers for the information of the public. The City Clerk stated that the King County Health Department report for February had been received. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the re- port be furrished the Sanitation Committee for their information and filed. Carried. The City Clerk reminded the Council of their invitation to the dinner on April 5th as guests of the Renton Business men. Also, the Clerk reminded the Council of the Association of Valley Cities meet- ing on Thursday, April 5th in Auburn and the Association of Washington Cities con- vention in Yakima, May 10th and 11th. This being the date set for the hearing on the Vanderford Annexation of property at the northwest corner of Farlington Addition, and their being no written or verbal protests, moved by Trim, ) seconded by Tamborini, that the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids .for the improvement of the con- struction of a storm sewer on Piggott Avenue and on Garden Street, there being only CA one bid received, this bid from the Rainier Company of Renton was opened and read in the total amount of $3,668.50. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the bid be referred. to the Street and Allev Committee for their. corsideration. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, stated that the Ordinance Committee would like to present for Council consideration ordinarces coverir:g the extension of the State- wide City Employee's Retirement date for one uniformed personnel member and five miscellaneous personnel members. The City Clerk read proposed. Resolution No. 899, extending the retirement date of Anker A. Andersen of the Uniformed Personnel to May 1, 1957. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council adopt Resolution No. 899 as read. Carried. 4 k The City Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 900, extending the retirement date u of 'Alliam H. Watkins, Emmon H. Beil, Edward Bunstine, Albert H. Erickson and Joseph W. Allen of the Miscellaneous Personnel to and including June 30, 1956. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council adopt Resolution No. 900 as read. Carried. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1.539, as presented by the Ordinance Committee, annexing certain territory to the City of Renton. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee explained that this annexation of property located At the northwest corner of Farlington Addition was the same as a previous annexation (covered by Ordinance ;}1526) but that the legal description had. been corrected. Moved by Dela_urenti, seconded by Bruce, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably_ on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final rea.dirg, Moved In, Bruce, secor"ded b1= Tamborini, that Ordinance No. 1539 be adopted as .read. A roll call vote being taken as follows: Hansen, Ave; Trimm, Aire; Reid, eve; Richardson, Afire; Morris, Ave; Tamborini, Ave; Swift, Ave; Delaurenti, Aye; Heppenstall, Aire and. Bruce, Ave, all ten Councilmen present at this time voting "A-.re", the motion carried. Councilman Richardson, Chainnar, reported that the Ordinance Committee had pre- pared a revised copy of the proposed Zoning Ordinance for each Councilman and re- quested that each Councilman take his cony home and study it for one week until the next regular Council meeting; that the changes as requested by Councilman Swift and the Airport Manager had been included in the new copy. Mayor Baxter granted Councilman Trimm more time on several matters being con- sidered by the Fire and Water Committee. Councilman Hansen, President of the Committee of the Council as a Whole, re- ported on matters brought before the Executive Council meeting as follows: (1) The request of the City Clerk for temporary transfer of funds to different accounts had been referred to the Finance Committee to submit the necessary 4 Resolution. On advice of Councilman Norris that a Resolution was not required, moved by Swift, seconded by Tamborini, that the request be referred to the Finance Committee to submit the proper motion for transfer of -money as a loan only. Carried. (2) That in regard to the proposed annexation of Boeing Airplane Company owned property] that it was recommended that the Mayor appoint a committee to meet with representatives of the Boeing airplane Company. Moved by Swift., seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried. (3) That in regard to the renwal of the Citv's Liabilit,r and Propert Insurance, the Committee recommended that, this be referred to the Property Committee. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Harser, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a 'dhole. Carried. (4) The Civilian Defense report which was submitted b�,r Fire Chief Floyd Lawrence, who is Assistant Director of Civil Defense, was read and it was recommended that this report be incorporated in this weeks Council minutes. Moved by Bruce, second- ed by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. On his request, Mayor Baxter granted Councilman Heid, Chairman of the Light and Power Committee, more time in regard to previous requests for additional lighting. Councilman Morris reported that the Finance Committee had contacted the City Engineer as to the balance in the Street Lighting Fund when all contemplated emergency work is completed by the Engineering Department, and on Councilman Morris' request, Mayor Baxter granted the Finance Committee more time in regard to a report on the financing of possible additional Street lighting. Councilman Swift made a progress report in regard to the requ�st of the Renton School District for a sidewalk or an adequate shoulder between the High- lands and Windsor Hills along E Street, stating that the Street and Alley Committee had met with members of the Windsor Hills Community Club, with the following joint action, that the Windsor Hills -group proposes to grant a portion of a 30-foot strip on the north boundary of the Windsor Hills area and build a sidewalk on the westerly side of r Street to provide the school children a protective area to ,,alk to school; that this group is to determine who the owners of the property abutting Block 5 are and check to see if the - will assume the cost on a cash basis otherwise the property owner would have to assume the cost, under a L.I.D., that the City Engineer would furnish-Mrs. C. E. McCarthy the report of comparative costs of a 4 foot sidewalk on either side of E Street bordering on property with- in Block K, as soon as this has beer. completed. Councilman Swift also reported, in regard to the condition of the streets, that the,* are programming this work and will determine the amount of damge suffered by some of the streets and the amount of work necessary to make required repairs. Councilman Swift further reported in regard to the request to l=imit parking on Smithers Street between 3rd and the alley to the south, and a later reouest to also limit parking on Morris Street, that a survey did not indicate a crowded narking condition on Morris Street, so that they did not feel any action was necessary in this regard but that they recommended that a 2-hour parking re- striction be placed on both sides of Smithers Street between 3rd and 4th Avenue. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee and the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee to draft the necessary ordinance. Carried. On inquirer of Councilman Bruce, the City Engineer informed the Council that i he would endeavor to determine the legal description and check for encroachments on the proposed nark propertv the Maplewood residents had requested to be dedi- cated to the City of Renton, as soon as possible. Malror Baxter asked if anv member of the new North Renton Highlands im- provement Club wished to address the Council. Mr. Gerald Grace stated that representatives of their club had met with the Council and a committee from the Housing Authority in regard to their objections to the present valuation of their properties---that facts of the case had been presented and that the possi- bility of the City assisting them in obtaining an appraisal f their property was discussed, that the-- would like to know if the Council is nlarning to work with them on their problem, or if the-,7- will have to work alone. Councilman Richardson stated trat he did not feel th=at the Council could spend the City's funds for an appraisal of Government property. Counilman Morris reported that in checking the legality of the matter, they had found that the City could 4 not spend money on such a matter and that the Council had done everything possible in behalf of this group. Councilman Delaurenti stated that he realized this group had done a great deal of work and that he Personally would like to assist this group, and wished that the Council had funds at their disposal to help them with their problem. Councilman Bruce stated that he would like to state to the repre- sentatives in the audience of the new North Renton Community Club, that the City had done all they possibly could in being of assistance to the residents of this area, that legally they carmot spend any of the City's funds for same. Councilman Richardson reported that the Sanitation Committee had met with the Renton School Board and representatives from the Boeing Airplane Company and that a future meeting had been planned with the same group. Councilman Morris stated that the Finance Committee would like tc, recommend that the following loans be made by transfer: Water Department Fund to Civil Defense Fund - $1,000.00 Water Department Fund to Library Fund - 5'000.00 Water Department Fund to Street Dept. Fund - 20,000.00 Councilman Morris stated that the transfers would be on a temporary basis and would be Paid back within the year as taxes will permit. Moved by Swift, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Morris -reported that he had evidence of minor fire arms in the City that he would present to the Chief of Police; that he had a newspaper which in the process of being delivered to private homes by a paper delivery bov, had been shot full of holes by an air- rifle and that he would like to urge the Ordinance Com- mittee to consider drafting an Ordinance governing this type of complaint so that this practice will not continue within the corporate limits of the City of Renton. The Chief of Police stated that some time ago the matter of an ordinance regulating air rifles, sling shots, etc., had been discussed although no action had been taken but that they would be .glad to take this problem up again. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the complaint be referred to the Police and License Com- mittee and Ordinance Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that in regard to the current sidewalk survey the Street and Alley Committee recommended that after the Street Commissioner has determined the actual repairs necessary, the City take action whereby the owners of property abutting sidewalks in need of repair be notified in writing of the poor and/or unsafe condition of their sidewalks so that the City might be relieved of any possible legal action or its possibility minimized, that might be presented at a future date as a result of suxh hazards. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that he had received a request from the manager of the North Lumber Company for a permit to install a fence around a portion of Houser Way North to be used as ar outside lumber storage area---that the fence is to be installed on the north side of Factory Street between Brooks and 2nd Avenue, for the purpose of keeping children from getting hurt if thea* pla?red or happened to be moving around the lumber. On inquiry of Councilman Swift, the Assistant City Attorney informed the Council that there was a problem that this area was a portion of a dedicated, but unimproved, public street, and there was a question as to whether the fence was to be put up arourr3 the area for the benefit of the property owner, and that he recommended that no fence be installed---that if a public street is not being used by a nonuser or is abandoned, it ma-,,constitute a nonuser or abandonment and thus stops being used as a public street and ma-:r become the property of the abutting property owners. The City therefore should rot allow any inter- ference with any public use as it might endanger the public 's right to the street. Councilman Swift suggested, and so moved, in view of the City Attorney's opinion, that the City Attorney's office forward a communication to the North Lumber Company towstating the City's position. The motion was seconded by Delaurenti, and carried. Councilman Bruce advised the Council that the rest room facilities adjoining the Cathay Restaurant (formerly the Sweet Center) were in a very unsanitary con- dition and that this was the responsibility of the leasee---that at the time the kitchen was enlarged, one wash bowl had been removed from the ladies rest room. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tamborini, that the matter be referred to the Property Committee with power to act. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated in regard to the Fire Department Report which each Council- man had received this evening, that in line with their proposed "Clean-Up Week", May 11th to 18th, the pick-up date being tentatively set as Friday, May 18th, that as this practice had been an annual affair and served such a good purpose that he heartily approved sane. The Fire Chief reported that arrangements had been made 46 with the Street Commissioner to again use City trucks for pickup on Friday the 18th, the telephone arrangements for individual pick-ups to be ?r.ade through the Fire Denartment. Moved by Dela.urenti, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the request of the Fire Chief and the Mayor proclaim the week of May 14th to 18th as "Clean-Up Week". In reply to Councilman Bruce' s inquiry in regard to the shack which had been placed in the vicinity of Thomas Street and the Langston Ropd and apparent- lv was not being improved or remodeled it any way, the City Engineer reported that their Department was following this matter up, that a hermit h-d been issued to move this building on to this property and they had been advised that their must start work within 60 days or they would have to move same. Mayor Baxter requested the Council to seriously consider nutting garbage collection on private contract. That the Ordinance which was passed increas- ing the garbage rates to business houses had not been put in effect Bret. Councilman Richardson, a member of the Sanitation Committee, reported that their Chairman, Councilman White, had furnished him a copy of a contract he had and that the Committee had planned to work on this proposal. The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: CURRENT FUND $12,953.05 PAYROLLS - ALL DEPARTMENTS $51,110.48 WATER FUND 7063.28 LIBRARY FUND 1,050.44 PARK FUND 21015.2 SEI IER FUND 940.10 AIRPORT FUND 1,785.27 CITY STREET FUND 4,701.62 SHOP EQUIP. RENTAL FUND 2,560.22 GARBAGE FUND 998.28 CIVIL DEFENSE FUND 111.40 STREET & LIGHT IMPROV. FUND 12,451.20 FIREMENIS PENSION FUND 250.00 SWIMMING POOL FUND 4.9597-49 Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. There were fourteen persons present besides City of Renton employees. Cit,,r Clerk Mayor 4 PMT Renton, Washington April 10, 1956 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CATL: H01SEI`', TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, SWIFT, DELAUftENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. Moved by White, seconded by Richardson, that Councilmen Morris, Tamborini and Vietzk_e be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Flovd Shaff, City Clerk; James Highton, Citv Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissior,-�r; William Gebenini, Airport Manager; Ben Haves, Assistant Cit:r Engineer and Vere Thompson, $iildirg Inspector. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, as all Councilmen had not had the time to read their copies of last weeks minutes, that the minutes be held until the next regular Council meeting. Carried. The City clerk stated that the City had. been asked to designate their two official voting delegates which are to be certified to the Association of Washing- Cq ton Cities. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that 1°`ayor Baxter appoint 10 two official voting delegates all the rest of the delegates are to serve as alternates. Carried. A communication was read from residents of both Br Mawr and Lakerid� re- questing e re questing the City's cooperation and help in preparation of a petition, forocircu- lation among their citizens:, and other steps required to bring the issue of annex- ation to a vote of their district. The communication_ expressed the opinion of the 20 property owners who had signed same, that they bell eve the extension of fire and police protection and other city services to their area is desirable and necessary for the continued growth and development of their communities, that annexation of their district to the City of Renton would serve the best interests of the people and be of mutual benefit to Renton and themselves. Moved by Swift, seconded by Reid, that in. the best interest of the people requesting annexation information, that the City acknowledge their inouiry and furnish them with correct information in regard to same, and suggested that a short form letter be sent to each of the people signing the communication stating that the -Cit-v- would support their in- terest and that a brochure of information in regard to same would be furnished them in the very near -future and that the- should disregard any other information the,r receive until this information is received. Ma:ror Baxter stated that this information would be furnished to the people who had signed the communication. The motion carried. The Assistant Citv Attorreir stated that formal procedure must be taken b77 the property owners---that the City could furnish them information for petitions and that petitions should be circulated by the property owners of these areas and the method of annexation determined, which can be by either an election, set by the King County Commissioners, or direct annexation if 75 per- cent or more of the owners (based on property assessment) petition, in which case the Council sets a hearing date. If the signatures of 75 percent of the property owners, based on assessed valuation, is received, the Counci_1 could consider same and call for a hearing, thereby avoiding the cost of an election, but the pe- titioners n_ aying the costs of publication and posting expenses; or by an election, instituted by a petition carrying the signatures of at least 20 percent of the voters who had voted in the last election, which petition must be given to the County Commissioners, a copy to be filed with the City of Renton---.the Council to act on the petition by stating they are either in favor or opposed; if an election is called, the City of Renton must bear the cost of the election, that the County will not act on it until they have the City's commitment. The Assistant City Attornev stated that providing the information is all available, perhaps arrange- ments could be made, by holding the filing of the petition with the Countv until sometime in Sent ember or October, to have the proposition placed on the fall election calendar to coincide with the general election, which would save ad- ditional special election exrense. Mayor Baxter appointed the Legislative Committee to represent the Citv Council in the matters of annexation and to outline the information to be furnished to these people, it being understood that this information would be outlined for the Council's consideration before being used. Mayor Baxter further stated, in connection with annexations, the City should consider the costs to service these areas---that there are costs and problems such as the Library has, in addition to those of police and fire protection, street improvements, additional lighting, etc. Councilman I°hite, Chairman of the Legislative Committee, stated that one of the biggest problems would be the financial problem. Councilman Delaurenti suggested that the Legislative Committee work with the Assistant City Attorney on all their actions. The City Cler' read the appointments by Mayor Baxter-of Louie Gebeninii as a member of the Insurance Commission, effective immediately, filling the vacancy left by termination of F. T. Allen, the position to expire June 1, 1956, also the appointment of Lewis Peretti as a member of the Planning Com- mission, effective immediately, filling the vacancy left by the termination of Clyde Barnard, the position to expire January 2, 1959s and the appointment of Councilmen B. J. Richardson, who will act as Chairman, Lloyd lfdhite and Hugh Bruce as Council Representatives to meet with the Boeing Airplane Company Representatives in the matter of annexation of Boeing Airplane Company property to the City of Rentor_, also in regard to the proposed vacation of 8th Avenue North, between the east lire of Logan Street North and the west lire of Park Street, as requested by the Boeing Airplane Company. Moved by Richardson., seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the appointments by Mayor Baxter. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Central Labor Council signed by Charles W. Paddock, Secretary-Treasurer, stating that James Denzer had been appointed as a delegate to represent the Renton Central Labor Council at the Cite Council meetings. The communication is to be placed on file. A letter of information in regard to City of Renton claims was read from Tony Baffaro, of the Farmers Insurance Group, who are the present holders of the City's Comprehensive ?'ublic Liability Insurance Coverage policy, listing six claims of the past few months which had been settled within a few days of their submission. The communication was ordered filed. In compliance with the City's request as to disposition of project houses being stored on the Cugini property, which is a portion of the area which has been petitioned for annexation to the City of Renton, a communication was read from Tino Cugini stating that a temporary non-conforming use permit had been issued by the County Plar_nirg Commission for the use of this property for storage of buildings moved from the Highlands Housing pr6ject by Fir. F. W. Price---that Mr. Price advises that the remaining buildings will be sold. with- in the next 3 or 4 months for removal to other sites and that in connection with this special use permit, that when annexation is complete, that; the City of Renton grant a temporary use permit for a term of 6 months for storage of these houses on the property_ he describes for off site sale. After discussion, moved by Tri�rm, seconded by Swift, that the Council .concur in the recommen- dation of the Planning Commission approving the proposed annexation of proper- ty of which Mr. Cugini is a petitioner, as outlined in their communication of April 2, 19562 and the date of public hearing be set as May 15, 1956. In regard to the County permit issued to Mr. Cugini, the Assistant Cit,r Attorney stated that the City would honor the permit, even though it be a non-conforming permit, for the life of the permit. The motion carried. A communication was read from Paul Bromley, 13002 b2d South, Seattle, re- questing permission from the City to place a hydraulic ram on property* he has purchased south of the Renton Springbrook geservoir, to supply necessary,= water for his home and personal use, stating the7r woul� be willing to pa,r the regular water fee and would comply with any recommendation concerning position of the ram. Mr. Bromley gave the legal description of the property on which he in- tends to build. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the request be referred to the Fire and eater Committee and City Engineer for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from C. G. Myers., Secretary of the Renton Plan- ning Commission, recommending that at a special Planning Commission on April 9, 1956, the Commission recommended that Council approve the rezoning petition of Charles Shane for the rezoning of property which was originally the location of the old Earlington Club House, from R-S to R-2, and a public hearing be held, as per the usual procedure. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. After considerable discussion as to legality of any action taken by the Plan- ning Commission at a special meeting, it not being known if the proper prior notices for said special meeting having been furnished, moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall that the motion be amended and a date be sefor a public hearing to give the people in this area a chance to be heard and at that time the Council can decide whether to approve the rezoning request from R-S 9 to R-2. After discussion of the Assistant City Attorney's opinion as to a date being set with the proviso based on whether the action of the Planning Commission was taken at a legal meeting of said Commission, Councilman Heppenstall with- drawing his second to the amendment, it was moved b- Trimm, seconded b v Reid, that the motion be tabled for one week until it has beer. determined whether the Planning Commission's action is legal. The motion carried. Mayor Baxter stated that he would have a written report from the Planning Commission in regard to this matter at the neat Council meeting. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mavor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: HANSEN, TRIN24, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE, Mayor Baxter stated in regard to the remainder of the Planning Commission's letter covering two additional matters, this report will be held until the next Council meeting pending the report from the Renton Planning Commission. A notice was read from James Beyer, Secretary of the Jaycees of Enumclaw, advising the City of a movement which has recently been started to reorganize all Cd> parties interested in obtaining an all year highway from lower Puget Sound to Eastern Washington, which is generally known as "Naehes Tunnel", and stating that another meeting of this group is scheduled for Friday, April 13th at 7:30 P.M., at the Ingham Restaurant on the Sumner-Puyallup Highway, for the purpose of en- larging and setting up a permanent organization to accomplish and promote this hig hwav, and that the Committee would appreciate R.enton's attendance and sug- gestions at this meeting. Ma7,,or Baxter stated that he wanted the Council to be familiar with this information. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee reported that he had a proposed Ordinance which had been recommended by the Street and Allev Com- mittee. The Clerk read the proposed Ordinance No. 150, prohibitirg and re- stricting narking of vehicles on a certain. designated -street (Smithers Street be- tween Third and Fourth Avenues) and limiting to two hours only between the hours of 8:00 A.M, and 6:00 P.M., daily, except Sundays and holidays. Moved by Trimm, r■r seconded by Del aurenti, that the proposed ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman R.ichardsor., reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Delaurenti," seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the report of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. fter the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that Ordinance No. lCU be approved as read. A roll call vote being taken and all nine Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson reported that he had a communication from J. W. Gaw, Director of Public Relations for the Washington Natural Gas Company, which had been addressed to and received by Mayor Baxter, in regard to their comp any star t- -ing to deliver natural gas throughout its system---that this company will have available suggested ordinances for a comprehensive plan and Councilman Richardson requested that the City Clerk request copies of the proposed ordinance .for the Ordinance Committee to study-, that they will check the City's present franchise and determine if they will take over this franchise or if a new franchise would be required, as he understood the Seattle Gas Company was to be purchased by the Washington Natural Gas Company and further requested that this matter be referred to the Mayor and Assistant City Attorney to check into the franchise. Councilman White, Chairman of the Legislative Committee, reported that at the last executive Council meeting the Council had authorized the Sanitation Committee to meet with the Denton School Board and reaffirm the Citv's interest in the property adjacent to the Sewage Disposal Plant for enlargement of same; that a meeting had been held with the School Representatives and then- had acknowledged a previous un- written agreement whereby the City would have first choice of the properties in question, the Boeing Airplane CompanTT and. the School Board both stating their in- terest it the same property, also that the School had plarred an addition to their auditorium bleachers and that an agreement had beer reached whereby the City would reduce their request for property to the south and increased. to 200 feet the prop- erty they request to the east, and that a letter should be sent to the Renton School Board stating the City's interest in this property, and so moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Reid and carried, that the Assistant City Pttornev prepare a letter to this extent for the Mayor's signature. Carried. In reply to Councilman Delaurerti's inquiry, Councilman Richardson, Chair- man of the Ordinance Committee reported that he had turned a proposed ordinance in regard to air rifles, sling shots, etc., which had been checked over and corrected by the Police Chief, to the Assistant City Attorney this evening and that they would meet with the Police and License Committee for consideration of a proposed. ordinance to cover this matter, before any final action was taken. Councilman Heppenstall reported that the question as to payment of Fire Insurance premiums for the City of Renton had been eTlained by the Insurance Commissioner as the payment due for the entire 5 year period had been pro-rated so that it was being paid yearly in the amount of 1/5 of the total cost, in five equal payments, to meet budget requirements. Councilman Bruce reported in regard to the City's Comprehensive Public Liability Insurance that this matter had been throughly checked and information brought up to date by the City Clerk and that as this policy expires May 15th, the Property Committee recommended that the City advertise for bids to be opened on May 1, 1956. On the suggestion of Councilman HarpenstaJl, approved by the Assistant City Attorney, the matter of requirement of a 5% certified check or bid bond is to be omitted from the Call for Bids. Moved bir Heppenstall, second- ed by D elaur enti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee, and the specifications be corrected as outlined by the City Clerk, and published in the local paper on April 1.2th and 19th and in the Daily Journal of Commerce on April 14, 1956, the date for the opening of bids to be May 1, 1956. On request for information regarding same, the City Engineer explained that his field engineer and fieldmar, having both recently resigned, he had replaced them and that he had been un,ble to fill the position of Assistant Engineer as authorized in the 1956 Budget as yet. Mayor Baxter stated he had received one application for Comptroller and expected another soon, but so far had not filled the position as authorized in the 1956 Bud get. Councilman Heppenstall suggested that Mayor Baxter advertise in the Municipal magazine to fill the vacancy. Mayor Baxter stated that he was planning to refer applications he receives for the Comptroller's position to the Job Evaluation Committee to be screened for the Council' s consideration. Councilman Swift stated there would be a Street and Alley Committee meet- ing Monday, April 16th at 8:00 P.M. Councilman Delaurenti requested a meeting of the Police and License Com- mittee with the Ordinance Committee, Tuesday, April 17th at 7:30 P.M. On request of Mayor Baxter, the Council approved a meeting of the Library Board with the Committee of the Council as a Whole, at the next executive Council meeting in regard to a matter of policy. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, the meeting adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. There were eight persons present besides Citv of Renton employees. t-r Clerk Mayor 51- Renton,, Washington April 17, 1956 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HAT?SEN, TRDM, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, MOpRIS, TAMBOF.INI, S?,=, DELAURENTI, HEPPFNSTALL ANP,, BRUCE. (Moved by White, seconded b-,r Reid, that Council- man Vietzke be excused. Carried) . OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMFNT HEADS PR.ESFYT ?TRE: Gerard Shellar., Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Flovd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Floyd Shaff, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, Citzr Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the Council meet- ing of April 3, 1956 be approved as written. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the minutes of the Council meet- ing of April 10, 1956 be approved as written. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids for the construction of a storm sewer in the Maplewood Addition, the following bids were opened and read: lf� Thorburn & Logozo, 4608 36th S.W., Seattle 6, Wn..............V,063.75 Lario Libri, 5960 Empire Way, Seattle, Wn.................... 7,803.50 F. A. Breda, 1216 S.W. 157th Street, Seattle, Wn............. 8,x.00.00 Joe Colluccio, 1125 Hanford St., Seattle, TrJn................. 93442.75 Frank Coluccio, 7778 Seward Park Ave., Seattle, Wn........... 92817.25 National Construction Co., 153 S. 160th, Seattle, Wn.........10,180.00 Rainier Company of Renton, Renton, Wn................ .. .. ....10,235.25 John Patricelli, 1534 32nd Ave. So., Seattle ltd, 1'"'n... .......100690.00 Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the bids be referred to the City Engi- neer for checking and for his recommendation. Carried. s ' Mayor Baxter stated that this was also the date set for the hearing on the final assessment roll of L.I.D. 2422 the improvement of the alley in Block 14, Renton Highlands. The Clerk stated that no written or verbal protests had been received. Moved by Stift, seconded by Richardson, there being no protests, that _the assessment roll be adopted as prepared. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that the matter of accentarce of the assessment roll be referred to the Ordinance Committee to draft the necessary Ordinance. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer, stating that he believed it advisable to put Mill Street into one-way operation in advance of the General Plan to permit construction of the channel islands at Houser way and Mill Street---the islands having signal pole bases inside the island areas and that curing time for the concrete is required, also that the one-way operation will tend to eliminate traffic hazards, with the change planned for Sunday April 22nd. After discussion, the date for the charge being set up one week to April 29th, moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti., that the matter be referred to the Street and Alley Com- mittee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the Planning Commission, signed by C. G. Myers, Secretary, stating in reference to the rezoning petition of Charles F. Shane to rezone property known as the location of the old Earlington Club House,. the Plan- ning Commission had passed the following Resolution at their regular meeting held on March 28th, recommending the zoning change of described property, from its present zoning R.-S to R-2, and that a public hearing be held as per the usual procedure; that after the regular meeting of March 28th and before the Council had beer_ advised of this action, protests from interested parties in the Ea.rlington area had been received and in view of these protests their had held their letter to the Council and k,.ad called a special meeting on Monda7r, April 9th to meet with Mr. Shane to see if he would wart to change his petition to R-1 instead of R-2 as per his original petition; that the Council was ther rotified of their action and decision on April 10th---that ar error was made in his letter of April 10th and that it should have read the "Resolution was passed at the regular meet- ing of March 28, 1956, and that the special meeting resulted in more discussion on the petition, but no alteration of their original resolution was passed." Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Bruce, that the date of May 8th be set for the hearing on the rezoning request of Charles F. Shane. Carried. Moved by Henpen- stall, seconded by Swift, that the property or�mers within a reasonable area of the proposed rezoning be notified of same by postcard. Carried. A communication was read from Gerard M. Shellan, Assistant City Attorney, for the information of the Council, in connection with a previous letter dated March 29, 1956 to the Employment Security Department, concerning de- ductions for OASI coverage, and enclosing a copy of a letter received on April 4, 1956 from the department which Mr. Shellan stated should clarify that point, that it would be the City's responsibility to make the deductions as provided irrespective of any additional sources of income by an employee or deductions made for Social Security by other employers. Mayor Baxter ordered the communic at ion Placed on file. A request for a non-conforming permit was read from Dr. Douglas Morell$ 1015 'galla Walla Avenue, to erect a new office building at the site of his old. building (which is to be moved off-site), to the extreme property line on all sides, to utilize the site to the greatest extent, off-street parking facilities not being possible at the building site. Moved by White, seconded bir Hansen, that the request be referred to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. Carried. A request for a non-conforming permit for the construction of a carport within 18 inches of his south property line, was read from L. P. Chadwick, 12405 S.E. 142nd. Tyr. Chadwick stated that this was the only location or his Property where he could build a carport. A statement was attached, signed b1T both abutting property owners to Mr. Chadwick's property, stating that they had no objection to the erection of a carport as requested by Mr. Chadwick. After discussion, moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that the permit be granted on recommendation -of the Building Inspector. The Assistant; City At- torney-suggested -that the-permit -could be issued at this time for one year, under the old -ordinance -and at the end of that time, Mr. Chadwick should re- apply under the -new-zoning-ordinance and get his permit for an indefinite period -of time: Mr: Chadwick is to be so advised by the Building Department. The motion carried: A ,request -was read from the City Engineer for the ?Fater Department Fore- man, Robert Puhich and himself to attend the American Water Works Conference in Victoria, B. C., April 25th to April 29th. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the request of the City Engineer. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Kiwanis Club, signed by Lawrence A. Lindberg, Secr.etartir, in regard to the swimming pool, stating that the Renton Kiwanis Club wishes to pursue the furnishing of bleachers, that it is the under- standing that the material will be furnished and that the Club is willing to set up the bleachers and will paint them according to the City's snecif is ations. They reauest an early conference with Cit- Representatives. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, that the matter be referred to the Pprk Superintendent, Gene Coulon and James Highton, City Engineer for their consideration and that a letter of appreciation be furnished the Kiwanis Club for supplying the swimming pool bleacher material. The motion carried. A request was read from Walter C. Lindblad of the Renton Prescription Pharmacy, 217 4th Place, requesting that a variance be -issued to allow him to erect a neon sign he has, to identify his pharmacy. Mr. Lindblad states that his sign is plain and conservative, is eighteen inches high and will properly identify the pharmacy. Also, a communication was attached, signed by the doctors from the adjacent offices stating the Tr have no -objection to the e- rection of a professional and ethical illuminated sign on the premises of the Pharmacy. A communication was read from the Planning Commission, signed by C. G. Myers, recommending that the Council deny the request of Warren C. Lind- blad, owner of the Renton Prescription Pharmacy for a variance allowing erection of a neon sign in a P-1 zone. Mayor Baxter stated that the Hospital Board had gone on record as opposing such a sign and that he would obtain a written report covering same; that property .just west of the Pharmacy had a large sign outside of their building, which he understood had been placed there be- fore the zoning ordinance had been passed. The Building Inspector informed the Council that wren the building permit was issued, the persons applying for the permit had been advised that this building was in P-1 zoning and that the only signs that could be installed were inside the building. Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. On inquiry of Councilman White as to the ob- jections the City Engineer stated that the provision is to restrict adver- tising in a Public Use District and that one reason that it was turned down was the Hospital Board's objection to same. Councilman Morris stated that in his opinion, owing to the difference of opinion on the matter, that the motion be tabled until the next meeting to five the Council opportunity to investigate the variance questions. The motion was seconded by Hansen, and carried. 53 The Cit- ,r Clerk read the remaining two kanning Commission's recommendations of April 10, 19- $ t.^e first, recommending that the Council approve the amendments to the Rezoning Ordinance #1472, as submitted by the "Rezoning Amendments Com- mittee" and the Planning Commission. In regard to this matter, Councilman Richard- son stated that the Ordinance Committee would submit the new rezoning ordinance for Council consideration, later in the meeting. The second item remaining in the Planning Commission's communication of April 10th, recommending that the petition of N. E. Dickason to rezone property described as 2211 and 2223 Sunset Boulevard for a trailer park be held in abeyance until such time as he clarifies where sewer connections will be made for this project. Moved by Morris, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the Planning Commission's recommendation. Carried. The City Engineer reported. that Mr. Dickason had been advised of the :planning Commission's action and was requested to furnish the information needed. On Mayor Baxter's inquiry as to anyone in the audience requesting to address the Council, Reverend Lewis of the Kennydale Baptist Church stated that he was the man who had asked to solicit funds within the City of Renton to purchase a station wagon or other conveyance with, to transport his former church members who had moved from the immediate area of his church back to the church, particularly in the interests of the youths of the area---that he felt the church could do a great deal of good for the ,young people. On request for information from Councilman Delaurenti, Reverend Lewis stated that he hoped to be able to solicit cash do- nations from the business houses and fro m the n. ivate homes in the area, by going �.� from door to door. The Citv Clerk reported that a communication had been sent to Reverend Lewis advising him of the Courcil's action and further that he should contact the Better Business Bureau -of the Renton Chamber of Commerce direct, and that a copy of the letter to Reverend Lewis had been sent to the Chamber, but that if the Council so desired, the Clerk's Office would request a written report from the Chamber's Better Business Bureau, in regard to Reverend Lewis' request, for the Police and License Committee. A neighbor of the party at 1408 2nd Avenue North, who had been advised pre- viously to get rid of his chickens, reported that the party still kept chickens at that address. Councilman Tamborini, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee re- ported that he would investigate this matter further with the Health Inspector and on the advice of the Assistant City Attorney., if it is declared a nuisance by the Health Inspector and Building Inspector, they can instruct the Police De- partment to order the building torn down. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter, ROLL CALL: HANSEN, TRIl�I, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, MORRIS, TANiBORINI, SU=T, DEL.AURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. Councilman Richardson reported that a joint meeting of the Police and License Committee and Ordinance Committee had been held this evening and that the Joint Committee would like to present a proposed ordinance relating to the use of air guns, bows and slingshots for Council consideration. The City Clerk read pro- posed Ordinance No. 1541 relating to public health and safety, regulating the use of air guns, bows, slingshots and similar devices. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed- Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded bir Hauser, that the Council concur in the repot of the Ordinance Committee,- and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final read- ing, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1541 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all eleven Courcilmer present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson., Chairman of the Ordinance Committee reported that the proposed new zoning ordinance was ready to be placed on its first reading this evening and that he would like the Assistant City Attorrev to make comments as to the charges and/or amendments. The Assistant City Attorney reviewed the proposed changes and amendments in the Ordinance. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance No. 154.2 amending Ordinance No. 1472, amending sections, establishing new sections and repealing existing Section XV, and establishing a new section, relating to Airport zoning, pertaining to the regulations and restrictions of location and use of buildings and the use of land within the City of Renton, limit- ing the height of buildings, prescribing building lines and the size of yards and other open spaces and dividing the City into districts. Typographical errors in the proposed Ordinance were corrected by the Council as same was being read by the City Clerk, also, the plot plan as submitted by the Renton Airport is to be attached and made a part of the Ordinance, showing the date of passage and approval by the Council and Mayor, respectively. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the proposed Ordinance including the Renton Airport plot plan be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably* on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the Council accept the report of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that Ordinance No. 1542 be adopted as read. A roll call vote ,being taken and all. eleven Council- men present voting "Are", the motion unanimousl-�Tcarried. Councilman Richardson reported in regard to the proposed ordinance es- tablishing one-way streets within the City of penton, that recommended and approved changes have to be made on the proposed ordinance which had previously been placed on its first reading. Councilman Si-rift., with the concurrence of the City Engineer, stated the changes to be made, which were in connection with traffic on Third Avenue and Main Street, also the addition of a portion of Walla Walla Avenue and Morris Street into the pattern. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that a map of the prcposed. one-way street pattern be attached to the Ordinance showing the date of passage and approval by the Mayor , and Council. Carried. After all changes had been made by the City Engineer, Councilman Richardson stated that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance as recommended by the Street and Alley Committee in regard to one-way streets within the City of Rentor.. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1543, establishing and designating certain streets within the City of Renton as one-way streets, regulating traffic, and providing for the erection of signs, markings and signal therefor. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Heppenstall, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Com- mittee for their recommendation. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee, with the concurrence of the Street and Alley Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinarce Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. _ After the second and final reading, moved by Swift, seconded by Tamborini, that Ordinarce No. 1543 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taker and all eleven Councilment present voting "Aye", the motion unanimousl�T carried. The two local news- papers were requested to publicize the one-wa- y street system in their re- snective newspapers as much as possible, a map of the p ronosed one-way grid system to be furnished both papers for publication prior to the effective date of the system. Articles and maps were requested to run simultaneously in both Rentor newspapers. It was requested that both Seattle newspapers be given the same information to better nublicize the one-way street pattern. A communication was read from Commercial Waterway District #21 signed by Joe R. Baxter, Commissioner, stating that the District is taking legal action to dissolve, providing the City of Renton is favorable to accepting the proper- ty and assets---that if the action is favorable, it would be necessary for the City Attorney to take legal action to acquire same, that the City Council should instruct the City Attorney to take such action and confer with the Waterway District's Attorney, Mr. William V. Cowan. Moved by White, seconded by Morris, that in reference to the matter of the City of Renton accepting the property and assets, that the Mayor and City Attorney take action as necessary. The City Clerk read the "Permit to Construct Bridge" drafted and signed by Commercial Waterway District No._ 2 Commissioners, which stated that Commercial Waterway District No. 2 is a municipal corporation in King County, organized and existing under the Commercial Waterway Act of 1911, and maintains a com- mercial waterway in the City of Rentor$ through and across certain real property which it owns, adjoining the Renton Airport on the easterly side thereof; whereas the City of Rentor, a municipal corporation, owns, maintains and operates said. Rerton Airport, through the Renton Aviation Board, and where- as the Boeing Airplane Companv is engaged in the manufacture, sale and serive of aircraft and other products and operates an aircraft manufacturing plant in the City of �'enton; and. whereas, in order to augment its aircraft manufactur- ing and servicing facilities, Boeing expects to acquire bir purchase approxi- mately 20 acres of high school pronertv, adjoining the waterwa�r on the East, north of the Renton High School Stadium, and in connection with their busi- ness of manufacturing and servicing aircraft, Boeing; leases certain portions of the Renton Airport from the City of Renton -under a lease, and that to have the means for the movement of aircraft and vehicles between such school proper- ty and the Renton Airport, necessitates construction and use of a bridge across the waterway, and it being expected that the Commercial 1r1aterway District No. 2 would dissolve in the near future, that its land, improvements and other assets (including the real property-lying between. the school property and the Renton Airport) will in due course be transferred to the Citv of Renton, the Com- mercial Waterway District No. 2 does hereby grant to Boeing Airrlane Company a. permit to construct, maintain and use a bridge across the channel of the Cedar River ' aterway between the school property and the Rentor Airnort, provided that the location, clearance and construction of such bridge shall be satisfactors,T to the U. S. District Engineer having jurisdiction over the channel, and that pro- vision is made for access along the .east branch of the channel for the purpose of dredging and maintenance. A form covering, "Approval by the City of Renton", which was attached, was read, stating subject to and effective upon the transfer of the real property now owned by the Commercial T^'aterway District No. 23 lying between the school property and the Renton Airport, as described, the City of Renton hereby ratifies, confirms and concurs in the granting of the foregoing permit. After discussion and in answer to questions as to the City's authority over the proposed bridge to be constructed by the Boeing Airplane Company over Cedar River, Manor Baxter stated that the City in taking over the Commercial Water- way District would have the same authority that the Waterway District has. The Assistant City Attorney stated that it would be difficult for the City to give a permit to a private party at this time in as much as the City had no .jurisdiction over the premises and the City Council may not wish to bind future Councils to give a permit for the construction of a bridge which was still somewhat in- definite, that Mr. Holman and Mr. Shellan agreed that all the present Council ef 11* could do in this matter was to express its opinion favorableon the construction of such a bridge which however would not be binding on future Councils. The t..a Assistant City attorney further stated that more details and specifications should be secured so that the City, at the proper time, ma7T retain some control and jurisdiction over the bridge to be built. The Assistant CitTr Attorney stated that as far as he could see, the City could lust give a "Declaration of Intention" of favorable opinion for the future, dontt think the Cit- could hive a valid permit, that his point was that the present Council couldntt take action to bind any future Council. Councilman Swift stated that he did not feel the Boeing Airplane Company would install or spend money on this type of facility if the-- anticipated closing down their operations in Renton., that the proposed bridge would. cost as much or more than the Logan Street Bridge. On Mayor Baxter's inquiry as to how binding the .requested agreement with the Boeing Airplane Company was, the Assist- ant City AttornetiT stated the agreement called for approval by the City, that the City had been asked to approve something they had no jurisdiction over at this time. Mavor Baxter stated that the permit given by the Commercial Waterway District to build the bridge was given under the assumption that the bridge would be built this year---that the Boeing people have to acquire school property before they can build. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the Assistant City Attorney send a communication to the Boeing Airplane Company conveying to them the Council's intent, that as far as the present Councilts authority extends, favorable approval is given. Carried. Councilman Trimm stated that there would be a meeting of the Fire and Water Committee, Tuesday, April 24th at 7:00 P.M. Councilman White reported that he had made arrangements for the new District Engineer, Mr. P. J. McKay, to attend the next executive meeting of the City Council on the 24th of April, rather than at a public meeting of the Council, to advise the Council of Progress to date in regard to the new Freeway through the City of Renton, t.-; clarify rumors being circulated. Councilman-elect Avery Garrett is to be especially invited to the next ex- ecutive meeting. Mayor Baxter stated, in regard to the proposed arnexat_on information for Bryn Mawr and/or surrounding area, that Previous matters to be brought before the next executive meeting made this a Pretty full meeting, and the information sheet for these people being in the Process of revision, that a. meeting with this group had been postponed. The City Clerk advised the Council he had a few programs available for the Association of ?Tashington Cities Convention. Councilman Tamborini, Chairman- of the Sanitation Committee reported that he -.and Dr. John Beattie, the Health Officer, had made 5 calls this evening in regards to complaints received, that thev will endeavor to take care of the complaints in- cluding the one reported again this evening in North Renton. Councilman Swift reported that the Committee had reviewed the bid received for storm sewers on Garden Street and Piggott Avenue, that they felt the bid was too highs that a second bid had been missent to Seattle, and had been re- ceived late, that although the bid was $100.00 lower than the one being con- sidered, the Committee felt the bid was illegal and could not be accepted., and that the Committee recommended that the City Engineer be authorized to split the work into two portions, one for Garden Street and one for Piggott Avenue, and to negotiate on the basis of each job costing under $2000.00; that the- felt a saving in the cost could be had in this manner. Moved by Hepnenstall, seconded. by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recom- mendation of the Street and. alley Committee. Carried. Councilman_ Swift reported that the request from Howard T. Ball of Spokane to place a political banner over the street in Renton had been dis- cussed by the Committee, and that the Committee felt that this could be a public nuisance and detrimental to the rublicts welfare and that they recom- mend the request be rejected and. further recommended that the matter be re- ferred to the Ordinance Committee to submit a policy in the form of a Reso- lution covering this tj.lpe of request in the future. Moved by White, second- ed by,Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and P',.11ey Committee and the Citv Clerk notifTr the party of the Courcil's decision. Councilman Szrif t stated that he had read in this evening's paper that the County had awarded the Renton Chronicle a bid for rublishing County legals for 48¢. a column inch, and inquired why their bid to the City of Renton the past year (1955) had been $1.1.0 per column inch, which was a great deal higher charge. The representative of the Chronicle at this even- ing's meeting stated that the publisher had au,oted publishing costs, he did not. Councilman Swift stated that he felt that the City should send Marcia Cosgrove a letter of commendation for her efforts in placing in track con- tests lately, and for the favorable publicity she has brought to -Renton. Mayor Baxter stated that he had sent a telegram to Marcia Cosgrove when she was participating in the Women's Indoor Track Meet in Washington, D.C., in behalf of the Council and people of Renton. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Mayor send a letter of commendation to Marcia Cos- grove in behalf of Council and people of Renton. Carried. The City Clerk stated that he was planning on taking two weeks vacation the next two weeks, and that Dorothea Gossett, the City Treasurer would be in charge of the office while he was gone, and that he would drop in' during that time to sign documents as were necessary. Councilman Swift reported there would be a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee Wednesday evening, April 13th. Moved by Reid, seconded by Bruce, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:15 P.M. _(There were twelve persons present be- sides Citv of Renton emplorees). City Clerk Mayor I T Renton, Washington May 1, 1956 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order blr Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HANSEN, TRIMM, REID; RICHARDSON, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AMID BRUCE. On his request for same, moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that Councilman White be excused from this evening's Council meeting. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT ?�FERE: City Attorney, Arthur Hau.gan; Assistant City Attorney, Gerard Shellan; Police Chief, Ang Busato; Fire Chief, Floyd Lawrence; City Treasurer and Acting City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett; City Engineers James Highton; Street Commissioner, Dave Pugh; Park Superintendent, Gene Coulon; and Building Inspector, Vere Thompson. Moved. by Swift, seconded by Vietzke, that the minutes of the Council meeting of April 17th be approved as written. Carried.. This being the date set for the opening of bids for the comprehensive public liability insurance for the Citir of Renton, the followir g bids were opened and read: n_I BIDDER 1st Bid 2nd Bid 210 LOUIS GEBENINIb9 .9g 7_2573 9 TONY BAFFARO (FARMER'S INSURANCE) 494;3.1±.7 TOM DOBSON & SON 5710.99 WWM. F. DAVIS (NORTM FFSTFRN MUTUAL) 5736.76 7093.x!2 C. F'. YcCARTHY (NEW AMSTERDAM CASUALTY) 8317.50 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the bids be referred to the Property Committee and Insurance Commission for consideration and a report back at the next Council meeting. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that some time ago ai petition had been received by the Council asking for annexation to the City of Renton---that the petition had been re- ferred to the Engineering Department to check the percentage of signatures of proper- ty owners in favor of same, by assessed valuation, which he had determined as 82 0--- ` w that a hearing on the proposed annexation had been set for this evening, and the purpose of the hearing was to hear complaints or opposition to the proposed annex- ation. On Mayer Baxterts invitation for anyone in the audience to state their pro- test, Mr. Hanks K. Arneson of 15860 98th Avenue South presented '22 -individ.ually written and signed protests,. also a petition, signed by 7 property owners (including husband and wife), protesting the annexation by the 75% assessed. valuation law and stating that said annexation should be decided by vote. Mayor Baxter informed Mr. Arneson and others that the protests would. be considered by the Council before making any decision. Mrs. Phillips Smith, 5006 02dSouth inquired as to -their previous petition of protest and was informed that it was on file and would also be considered by the Council. Attorney John Vertrees, in behalf of the protesting parties stated that he had talked to Mr. Arneson and Mr. Lazetti this evening in regard to the an- nexation, also to Assistant Citjr Attorney Gerard Shellar on Frida-T, April 27th, and that there is an area which is agricultural which he understood was to be .recommended to be omitted from the area to be annexed. Mr. Vertrees stated that there were a great number of people on Talbot Hill who did rot wish to be arrexed to the Cit,r of Renton---that he understood that many of the people who had sigred the annexation petition understood. that it was a petition to hold an election in regard to same and that these people protesting the annexation would like to have the onportunit7, to vote on the issue. Councilman Reid stated, for the information of the audience, that it would cost the City of Renton approximately x;'2000.00 to hold an. election. Jerry Cordell, 15230 0.4th South was advised by Attorrey Vertrees that in the Talbot area there were others besides property owners entitled to vote. Carl Reckling, 9729 So. 152nd stated that in his opinion there were very few renters that voted in a non- 6i partisan election, and that the only fair way to bring it to a conclusion was to put it to a vote. Attorney Vertrees stated that the election expense could be re- duced by holding the election in the fall with the general election. Attorney H. Donald Gouge, representing the petitioners in favor of the annexation, stated that in his opinion, the facts previously presented gave a clearer picture to the Council. That on April 3, 1956 the City Engineer reported 82.6% of the property owners by assessed valuation, had signed the petition in favor of annexation, that the City Engineer had obtained his information as to actual property owners from the County Assessor's Office, and that under Washington State Laws, if at least 75% of the property owners, by assessed valuation, express their opinion as to favoring annex- ation to the City of Renton, an election was not required. Attorney Gouge reported that there were 230 individual propert , owners (including husbands and wives) in the area covered by the petitions, with a' total assessed valuation of $358,600, that of 4 � 4 these 230 property owners, the petition favoring annexation carried 156 signa- tures, representing $296,200 of the assessed valuation---that there were only 46 protesting property owners with $47,400 assessed valuation, at the time the petitions were presented leaving 2F persons representing $15,000 assessed valuation uncommitted, and that he thought in most cases a study of the assess- ment roll would determine these persons to be the owners of vacant lots, who haven't been reached to say what they want. Attorney Gouge reauested Council consideration of the annexation petition and that the Council pass an Ordi- nance in favor of same, as the greater number of people in the area had voiced their support and approval and further reauested that the Council give consid- eration to -the protests for deletion in the fringe areas. A communication was read from A. Alden See, Sr., relative to the hearing on Maar 1st on the annex- ation of the Talbot area, stating that he had been active in the interest of those who wish annexation of that area, also in the interest of the Renton Planning Commission and the Chamber of Commerce, and as he will not be able to be 'present this evening, that he give the facts he has. That first, � men of the Talbot area called on him to ask how to proceed with the annexation, also at the same time, several other people had contacted another Planning Com- mission member, that as a result their had written a letter to the Council ask- ing their assistance in making the necessary arrangements for the annexation. Second, a petition was drafted and given to some of these gentlemen to obtain the necessary 20% of the registered voters who voted in the previous election, which were sent to the King County Commissioners asking that a date be set to hold an election and. vote on the annexation, with a result which looked as though almost all of the Talbot people wanted annexation. Third, that with this result he had recommended that these men spend a few more days with the petitions to find if their might obtain the signatures of property owners of 75% of the assessed valuation of the area to be annexed to save the expense of a costly election, and that they had asked the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, who owned a continuous strip between the area to be annexed and City property, if 75% of the people in the area to be annexed had signed same, and that when it was estimated that 751%, had signed the petition, Mr. Charles McGarrigle signed for the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, and that later firding the 75% to be short $8,200.00 in valu tion, the signatures of property owners of this amount, plus more was obtained. Fourth, about this time, a third petition appeared which demanded that a. vote be taken rather than the 75% of the property owners of the _Assessed Valuation becoming arr..exed by the method of petition, the necessar-.r hearing, etc., that it was found that many persons had signed both petitions and at this time each was contacted to ask them to reconsider and withdraw their names. Fifth, 22 families wrote letters direct, to Mr. F. McLaughlin of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, demand- ing his company not be a part to forcing the people of Talbot into the City, and that in checking these letters they had found 15 of them to be living in the area between 96th Avenue South and 100th Avenue South, and between 156th Street and 160th Street. That he had contacted two very good friends of this area, Mr. Hans Arneson and Mr. Fred Wilkinson, who informed him that all of the people in that area do not wish annexation. Sixth, after learning of this action, the Puget Sound Power & Light Company were prepared to submit their own petition for annexation, as they did not wish to have a part in forcing anyone into the city who did not want to be included, and that only after they had thoroughly checked the figures on the 75% of the assessed valuation that they agreed to leave their name on the petition. Mr. See recommended that inasmuch as the people in the area between 96th and 100th Avenue South and between 156th and 160th South, were so opposed to annexation, that this area be deleted from the area to be annexed, also on request of Mr. Clint Wilkenson for same, that his property bordering on 160th and. 96th Avenue South between the Wes Busch property and 160th Street, also be deleted. Also, that if any property owners bordering on 156th Street request annexation of their propert,r be included, that this be un to the Council's decision. Councilman Reid, concurred in by Councilman Richardson, stated that he would. like: to have the Council consider the names of all property owners in fawr of and opposed to the annexation, as he did not feel anyone should be forced into annexation. Councilman Richardson further stated for the benefit of the audience that all petitions in favor and all protests to the annexation which had beer received btr the Courcil were on file and would be considered before any decision is reached. On request of Mr. Hans Arneson, that in- dividual protests presented this evening be read, the following names and addresses of those protesting the annexation were read: Robert R. and Blarche B. Karinen, 15747 Springbrook Road Joseph & Shirley Riese, 15611 Springbrook Road Alfred Stairs, 15865 98th South Walter J. Ksiansvk, 15628 Springbrook Road Leonard & Mrs. L. Dunn, 15755 Springbrook Road Eugene & Mary M. Harris, 9833 S. 156th Street i Joe & Phil Katzer, 15821 Springbrook load John & Katherine Torlai, 15860 Springbrook Rd, (9118 S. 150th P1.) James H. & Mrs. Dorothy Nolen, 15.64 . Springbrook Road Hans K. & Ellen E. Arneson, 15860 98th South P. E. & Phillis E. Nygard, 15830 Springbrook Road Thomas P. & Eliz. Flack, 9831 S. 156th Mrs. J. J. Chisholm, 15641 Springbrook Road David & Alice C. Saunders, 156 .1 Springbrook Road Milo Thompson, 145 Burnett Street Clifton & Mrs. Clifton L. Olson, 15749 98th South John & Mrs. John Katzer, 15811 Springbrook Road Walfreid & Mrs. W. Erickson, 15629 Springbrook Road Opal Marie Burdulis, 15824 Springbrook Road Fred & Eva Wilkinson, 15853 Springbrook Road. Mrs. W. J. Gordon, 15811 Springbrook Road Clinton & Juanita G. Wilkinson, 15855 96th Ave. South Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the protests be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole for consideration and a renort bac Tr. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: HAYSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAT ORINI, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. r. On request of Councilman Reid that he be allowed to speak, in connection with the proposed annexation of the Talbot area, Mr. Jim Nolen, 15644 Talbot Road, from the audience, stated that he had lived in this area for many years and. that the 22 protests presented- this evening were all from property owners living in the area that was recommended to be deleted, that there were only two families in this area that had not submitted protests. Mayor Baxter stated that this information will be considered b,,, the Committee of the Council as a Whole. A request to install one carom game in- his place of business, "The Spot" was read from A. L. Meakin and on motion of Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, was referred to the Police and License Committee with Dower to act. Carried. �rrr! A communication was read from R. D. Hayen, Secretary of the Renton Eagles, inviting the Administrative Officials and City Employees to their Annual All City Night on May 16, 1956. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council accept the invitation and as many as can attend this meeting. Carried. The King County Health Department renort of services rendered was reported received and referred to Councilman Tamborini, Chairman of the Sanitation Com- mittee. The reappointment by Mayor Baxter of John- Swarson and Tom Dobson, Jr., as members of the Penton Plarning Commission to succeed themselves was read by Acting City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett. The appointments will be effective immedi- ately and will expire on JanuanT 2, 1962. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Richard- son, that the Council concur in the reacpointments of the Magor. Carried. A communication was read from J. Holmes of the Holmes .Electric, 1025 Third Avenue, suggesting that parking on the south side of Walla Walla Avenue between Mair. and Burnett Street be eliminated, to avoid any accident caused by a train. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the communication be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. Mayor Baxter reported that he had received a communication from the Plarning Commission, but did not have it with him, in regard. to two matters referred to them by the Council, the first (referring to the Renton Planning Commission minutes of April 26, 1956) recommending that the owner, Dr. Douglas Morell, who had requested permission for a non-conforming permit to erect a new office building at the site of his old building, to the extreme property lines, and in so doing being unable to provide the required off-street parking facilities, be requested to ac- quire a portion of the City of Seattle Water Department right-of-way for an improved parking site, which would meet the zoning regulations. Dr. Morell is to be advised that he should try to acquire the property, as recommended by the Planning Commission, for off-street parking, before the Council takes any action on this request. The matter will be held pending a report from Dr. Morell in this regard. 60 In regard to the City's obtaining a strip of Seattle right-of-way property between the rear of the Holmes Electric Building ane the Puget Sound Power & Light Company Building, moved b,;r Heppenstall, seconded by Hansen, that the City Attorney be authorized to contact Mr. Hglmes and the Railroad Company to see if this matter could be consummated. Carried. In regard to the second matter referred to in the Plaunipg Commission's communication, Building Inspector Vere Thompson reported that on request of the Planning Commission and the Council, Amel Tveit had submitted a revised plat, changing the street plans from his original plat-and recommended Council approval of same---that he had met previous objections. The Council is to be advised that the Planning Commission recommiended approval of the plat including the 40-foot street right-of-wavy due to the fact that a prior grant east of said property had been given allowing a 40-foot right-of-way to which this street will be connected. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that this Planning Commission recommendation be referred to the Street and Alley Com- mittee for consideration and a report back. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, reported in regard to the proposed Franchise Ordinance,covering the establishment, main- tenance and operation of a water supply line on or near 132nd Avenue South- east, which had been placed on its .first reading on March 20th and had been referred back to the Ordinance Committee, to be held for 30 days, so moved, seconded by Trip.m., that the proposed Franchise Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Bruce, that Ordinance No. 1544 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all eleven Councilmen present voting "Ave", the motion unanimously carried. - As soon as Ordinance No. 1544 has been published, the City Engineer is to send the bill for publishing the Ordinance as a proposed Ordinance (March 22, 1956) and as Ordinance No. 1544 (May 10, 1956) to the City of Seattle for payment. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, rerorted that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll of L.I.D.#242. Acting City Clerk Dorothea Gossett read the proposed Ordinance, approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll of Local I- provement District No. 242, for the improve- ment of an alley in Bi_ock 14, Penton Highlands, pursuant to Ordinance No. 1505, and levying and assessing the amounts thereof against the several lots, tracts, parcels of land and other property as shown on said assessment roll. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed. Ordinance be re- ferred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and proposed Ordinance No. 1545 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that Ordinance No. 1545 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all eleven Councilmen present voting "Aye" the motion un- animously carried. ,Councilmari- Richardson reported that in rechecking Ordinance No. 1543 covering one-way streets within the City of Renton the Ordinance Committee had found errors in the street names and after talking with the Street and Alley Committee and on advice of the Assistant City Attorney that the ordi- nance be readopted and republished with corrections as a CORRECTED Ordinance, stating that the Ordinance Committee recommended that Corrected Ordinance No. 1543 be placed on its first reading. The Acting City Clerk read Corrected Ordinance No. 1543, establishing and designating certain streets within the City of Renton as one-way streets, (as follows: Third Avenue--from Rainier Avenue to the intersection of 3rd Avenue ' and Walla Walla Avenue, travel to be Eastbound; Walla Walla Avenue--from the intersection of 3rd Avenue and Walla Walla Avenue to Mill Street, travel to be Eastbound; Second Avenue--from Main Street to Rainier Avenue, travel to be Westbound; Bronson Wa ---from Mill Street to Main Street, travel to be Westbound; i Mill Street--from t^?alIR Wplla Avenue to Bronson Wavy travel to be Northbound; Main Street--from Second Avenue to Walla Walla Avenue, travel to be Southbound; Wells Street--from Grady Way to Sixth Avenue North, travel to be Northbound; Williams Street--from Sixth Avenue North to Grady `,day, travel to be Southbound; `r Burnett Street, East Half--from Fourth Avenue to Second Avenue, travel to be Northbound; Burnett Street, West Half--from Second Avenue to Fourth Avenue, travel to be Southbound; Morris Street--from Second Avenue to Third Avenue, travel to be Southbound,) regulating traffic, and providing for the erection of signs, markings and signals therefore. Moved by Morris, seconded by Tamborini, that Corrected Ordinance No. 1543 CV be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their reeomm:endation. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on Corrected Ordi- nance No. 15 .3 and recommended its passage. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richard- son, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and Corrected Ordinance No. 1%3 be placed on its second and fira.l reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved b-r Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that Corrected Ordinance No. 153 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all eleven Councilmen present voting "Ave", the motion unanimousl,, carried. Councilman Reid reported that the Puget Sound Power & Light Company would start installation of the remaining street lights previously authorized by the Council within 10 days, stating that this included the street light on the west side of 5th Avenue and Burnett Street and between 25 and 30 more. Councilman Richardson reported that the Assistant City Attorney had contacted taw him in regard to an ,additional book publishing house representative who had request- ed consideration of their method of off-set typing in the codification of the City's Ordinances, to enable him to submit a bid for same, that he had. talked with several of the Councilmen about this method of typing, which is cheaper than printing or multilith. Councilman Richardson stated that the Assistant City Attorney felt that each company should have the opportunity to submit a bid and that he had told Mr. Shellan that he felt the Council would agree and that Mr. Shellan had prepared additional specifications to include a 3rd type of printing, off-set typing; that Mr. Shellan had informed both the other companies who had previously been furnished specifications for the call for bids, of the additional specifications and furnished them with copies of same to include the new method of printing and binding which was a loose leaf 19 ring binding. The Assistant City Attorne-r explained the ad- ditions to the specifications required. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the action of the Committee and the Assistant City Attorney.. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Special Committee had met with Boeing's Representatives in regard to the matters previously brought before the Council, that the Committee is n rogressing but is not prepared to submit a report as vet---that the-' are not sure if the Boeing Airplane Compan-r will want to vacate 8th Avenue North or not, but that'Boeing's had requested the City estimate the cost of paving, including curbs and drains of 6th Aver,:ue North, along the railroad tracks, to make the street the same as 8th Avenue North---that the Committee had asked Mayor Baxter if he would request the City Engineer to figure this cost, and that this estimate be accurate enough to allow contractors sufficient information to submit cost estimates. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that Mayor Baxter request this information from the City Engineer for the Committee. The motion carried. The City Engineer was requested to submit his report to the Council, to be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for consideration. Councilman Richardson informed the Council that the Ordinance Committee was working on a new dynamite ordinance and that the City Attorney, Arthur Haugan, had stated he thought it would be complete very soon. Councilman Vietzke complimented the Street Commissioner, Dave Pugh, on the improvement of Mill Street, stating it was very smooth now. 62 Councilman Morris reported that the financing of the one-way street project was not covered by the bond issue and moved, seconded by Richardson, that the matter of financing same be referred to the Finance Committeefor their recommendation and a report back. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that in regard to the proposed 3rd Avenue parking lot, that the City Engineer had received one information bid, but would like to have two more bids before submitting a report. Councilman Swift reported that he had received a rerauest from the Lake Shore Lines to delete one stop on 2nd Avenue on the one-wav street system and substitute a new stop on the west side of Rainier Avenue to allow the busses, going over the Dunlap Carvon Road to make a right turn within 200 feet of the intersection---that the Street Commissioner and Street Depart- ment believed it would be an improvement and had no objection, that the Street and Alley Committee recommended and he so moved, seconded by Hansen, that this change be made and the Street Commissioner be instructed to re- move the bus stop on 2nd Avenue, 200 feet east of the intersection of Rainier Avenue and substitute the new bus stop at the location on Rainier Avenue near Joe Hori's store. The motion carried. Councilman Swift reported that he had been requested by the Fire -Chief to bring the matter of the Milwaukee Railroad Company's eastbound freight train stopping beyond the Gladding McBean buildings and then switching and leaving the caboose end of the train -on city streets, blocking traffic--- that last week the train blocked the intersection for 17 minutes and that the Ordinance prohibited the trains stopping and/or blocking any inter- section for more than a 5 minute period and recommended that the City At- torney's Office notify the railroad company by letter of violation of the City's Ordinance (No. 1034) and that the Citir requests their cooperation in this matter* Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that there world be a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee on Monday evening May 7th at 8:00 P.M. with the Windsor Hills residents. Councilman Delaurenti reported that the request of Rev. Lewis to solicit funds for the purchase of a bus or some other means of transportation for his former Sunday School members back to his church in KernyJale had been turned down by the 5 members of the Chamber of Commerce Solicitation Control Com- mittee, and that the Police and License Committee, to whom the request had. been referred, recommended that the Council concur in the action of the Chamber's Committee and so moved bT Richardson, seconded by Tamborini and carried. The City 4erk's Office will notify Rev. Lewis of the Council's action. Councilman Delaurenti reported there would be a meeting of the Police and License Committee, Tuesday, May 8th at 7:00 P.M1. Councilman Heppenstall stated that he would like to set a date for a meeting, of the Job Evaluation Committee for Monday, May 14th at 8:00 P.M. Councilman Bruce reported there would be a meeting of the Property Committee with the Insurance Commissioner Saturday, May 5th at 1:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers. Councilman Trimm stated that he thought it a good plan to restrict parking between 2 and 4:00 A.M. in the business district of Renton to per- mit the street sweeper to clean the streets. The Street Commissioner re- ported that the street sweeper had been out of repair for two weeks, but that it had been completely overhauled and the streets would all be cleaned between 2 and 8:00 A.M. the following morning. In regard to the suggestion of borrowing a County sweeper at a time when the City's was unusable, the Street Commissioner stated that there were not sufficient County sweepers to care for County streets in this area and so it would be impossible for the City to borrow such equipment from the County. Mavor Baxter stated that he felt that criticism in the local papers in regard to the streets was un- necessary. The Street Commissioner informed the Council that arrangements for a proper type of container -for the two business houses whose waste cartons and debris were being blown over an adjacent area was being taken care of b« the respective companies. Councilman Reid reported that the Lions Club was planning on -putting garbage cans on the sidewalks and that their were willing to pay one-half of the cost of the garbage cans if the City would pay I r the other half, that the cost of the garbage can including the necessary paint- ing and printing would be approximately $37.50 each. Councilman Richardson stated that such a proposal should be put in writing so that the matter could be referred to the proper committee for action. The Street Commissioner informed the Council that the City currently had two such public garbage cans on the street, that two were being painted and two more were being repaired. Council- man Trimm suggested and so moved, seconded by Swift, that the matter of a new ordinance being presented to the Council for consideration in regard to the clearing of streets to enable the Street Department to properly clean same be re- ferred to the Ordinance Committee to draft a new ordinance as the last proposed ordinance "regulating parking of vehicles and placing of obstructions on certain streets in the City of Renton" had been vetoed by the Mayor (on April 24, 1951). The motion carried. Councilman Swift reported that the pipe drain on the south side of 3rd Avenue between Shattuck Street and Rainier Avenue had rotted awa- and that in his opinion, this matter should be taken-care of, and requested that it be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and Ways and Means Committee jointly for consideration and a report back, and so moved by Trimm, -seconded by Richardson -and carried. Mavor Baxter reported that he had received an arswer from the sneaker from the Washington Natural Gas Comnany in regard to a franchise with the City of Renton, and that the speaker would like to talk to the Council as a body, in the near future, CEJ also that Library Board members would like to meet with the Council soon and that in he would like to make arrangements for meetings with both the speaker from the Wash- ington Natural Gas Company and the Library Board soon. It was suggested that both of these matters be taken up at the next Executive Council meeting on May 22, 1956. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M. . Carried. This meeting being the date of hearing on the proposed annexation of the Talbot area, the meeting was held in the auditorium room and a large delegation was present. - The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLLS - ALL DEPARTMENTS $50,232.37 CURRENT FUND 9,718.86 WATER FUND 7,457.3K LIBRARY FUND 1,146.84 PARK FUND 987.81 SEWER FUND 716.21 AIRPORT FUND 1,357.72 CITY ST. FUND 7,919.02 SHOP EQUIP. RENTAL FUND 3,270.21 GARBAGE FUND 1,163.[3 STREET & LIGHT IMPROV. FUND 31343.98 CUMULATIVE #1183 10. 0 CUMULATIVE #1181 7.50 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 250.00 itv Clerk T vor L Renton, Washington May 7, 1956 The special official meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HANSEN, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, S1�= AND DELAURENTI. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner and Floyd Shaff, City Clerk. Mayor Baxter stated that the special meeting had been called for the purpose of discussion of the proposed Talbot Annexation. Two communications received after the hearing date, and which are not to be considered in regard to the hearing were read. The first from Loraine T. Rosa, 9423 S. 151st Place requesting the Talbot are be annexed as a Whole and that the fringe areas be-not- deleted. The second, from Mrs. Carl H. (Violet) Reckling, 9729 S. 152nd, protesting; the annexation and requesting that the matter of annexation of the Talbot area be put to a vote. The City Engineer submit- ted a map of the area showing the area in green in favor of annexation by the individual property owner' s name and corresponding property and in red., the individual property owner's name and corresponding propertv. Each pro- testing property owner was individually considered in regard to the an- nexation and the surrounding properties. After consideration and study by the Council, City Engineer and City Attornev of all protests, and the re- snective corresponding properties affected, the City Engineer was requested to outline the new boundary lines on the map, including the area favorable for annexation and excluding those areas the respective property owners had requested to be omitted. After considerable discussion, moved by White, seconded by Richardson, that the Council accept the Talbot Annexation as outlined as modified, due consideration having been given to all protests by the Council as a Nlhole and the City Engineer be authorized to prepare a revised legal description of the area to be annexed. (The area to be ex- cluded being the most southerly fringe of the area described for annexation, bounded on the west by 96th Avenue South, on the east by 100th Avenue South, and on the north by the south boundary of Tracts 62-35-23 and 8 of Renton Co- operative Coal Company Acre Tracts ##2). The motion carried. For the information of the Council only, the City Clerk read a com- munication from the City Attorney's Office to Mr. Francis E. Holman, attorneys at law, stating that the Commissioners for Commercial Waterway District #2 have submitted to the ,City of Renton a copy of their agreement "Permit to Construct Bridge" relative to Boeing Airplane Company's operations near their Renton Plant, and other facilities which the company plans to acquire in the future, stating that the City of Renton is unable at this time to fully ratify or confirm anl,T .action by the District or to issue a valid or effective permit or license to construct a bridge; that at the present the City has no jurisdiction over premises in question and that since the proposed permit does not contain any immediate plans or specifications for such construc- tion, the Council may wish to hesitate as it world be reluctant to commit future Counc ils, but that the Council wishes to advise that the present Council is favorably inclined towards their proposed proiect and assures them of their full cooperation and that when plans to build the bridge material- ize, the City's prior written approval as to location, clearance, type of construction and related matters concerning the bridge must be secured, in- cluding arrangements to be entered into between the Cit,., of Renton and their company regarding use of and access to said bridge btr the City in case of emergencies, etc., the ownership of bridge, reversion, if any and other incidental matters. Moved by Del aurenti, seconded by Reid, that the meeting adjourn. Car- ried. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. (There was only one person present besides City of Renton Officials and. Department Heads). ti C'tv Clerk Mayor Renton, Washington Ma?T 8, 1956 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called. to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.N. ROLL CALL: HANSEN, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, RITE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, SWIFT, DFALURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. (Councilman Vietzke was excused by Mayor Baxter). OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMF,NT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief;- Floyd W. Shaff, City Clerk; Dorothea S. Gossett, City Treasurer; Ben Hayes, Assistant City Engi- neer, Vere Thompson, Building Inspector and. Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the Council meeting of May lst be approved as corrected. Carried. A communication was read from William F. Davis, Chairman of the Insurance Com- mission, stating that the Insurance Commission had held a meeting with the Property* Committee and had made a complete survey of the insurance bids and after careful examination of the financial statement of their re-insurance treatise and their C:7 claims service, set forth in an attached letter, their recommend acceptance of the bid of the Public Employees' Mutual Casualty Company. The City Clerk read the tf� communication from W. Kal Hall, Sales Manager for the Public Employees Mutual ` Casualty Comnany, stating their plan for the City of Renton for presenting claims, the making out of' renorts, also the processing of claims. Councilman Bruce con- firmed the recommendation of the Insurance Commission and Property Committee as outlined in Mr. Davis1 communication. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded. by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee and In- surance. Commission and that the bid be awarded to the Intercity Irsurance Agency, the low bidder. Carried. Mayor Baxter introduced Mr. Hanford. Choate of Radio Station KLAN, who in be- half of the Jaycees, who sponsor Youth Government Day in the Cite of Rerton, which is to be held this coming Tuesday, May 15, 1956, introduced several of the honor- ary student-elected officials for this day as follows, Dave Allen, Mayor; Council- bw men and/or women, Morris Hauge, Nick Scheuch, Jon Bergman, Roberta Bertozzi, Loretta Jarvis, Dick Karstens, Jack Krieg and Sharon Levar. This being the date set for the opening of bids on the codification of City of Renton Ordinances, the following bids were opened and read: Printing Multilith (16-1) (16-2) Off-set Traffic Code Garland D. Conner, Jr. ZR23, .00 9, 9.00 -- -- Book Publishing Company 8,650.00 5,L:00.00 $4,860.00 (16-1) X55.00) 100 (16-2) 50.00) copies (pocket) 250.00) Sterling Codifiers 5,270.00 3,940.00 3,740.00 (16-1) 400.00) 100 (16-2) 350.00) copies (off-set)325.00 Michie City Publications 5,000.00 3,750.00 5,000.00 (reprint) 13.25) 100 (multilith) x.2.00 copies Moved by Swift, seconded by Reid, that the bids be referred to the Ordinance Com- mittee and City Attorney for their consideration and a report back. Carried. This being the date set for the hearing on the rezoning petition of Charles Shane for rezoning of his property from R.-S to R-2, the Cit-.T Clerk read the only written protest received, which was from George Dobson, owner of Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20. Mr. Ross Sherlock, who now resides in Olympia, and who is the owner of Lots 8, 233 24 and 25, of Earlington Town and Bungalow Sites, protested verbally to the rezoning and stated that he had a discussion with Attorney John Dobson in regard to a compromise, stating the Planning Commission having supervision over R-11 and no supervision over R-2, the propertt, owners were opposed to R-2 rezoning, but that under R-1, the complaints would be more liberal, that he felt this property was not adaptable to business. Mrs. Carl (Mary) Cooks, 338 Stevens Street, stated that they had signed the original petition but that they wish to protest the rezoning. Mr. Bryant stated that he protested the re- zoning and requested that his name be withdraim from the petition. Mr. Don Humble, 352 Stevens Street, stated that he had. been discussing this matter with some of the interested people here this evening and that they had been trying to work' out a compromise in regard. to the rezoning; that Mr. Shane had agreed to a compromise of rezoning the upper (westerly) portion as R-1, and the lower (easterly) portion as R-2, and that he had not had the opportunity to talk to the property owners living near or adjacent to this property that would be affected, since talking with Mr. Shane and since the compromise had been effected, to ad- vise the people of the compromise, that he believed the petitioners would be willing to compromise on a part of the rezoning, but -that they would like to go on record as opposing the rezoning of the entire tract to R-2. Attorney John Dobson stated that because of the opposition voiced at a previous meeting, they were willing to ask the Council to consider the petition being amended to apply for an R-1 zoning on the upper portion, away from the Sunset Highway, with a special permit for multiple housing, and to leave the lower portion R-21 and that in the discussion with Mr. Ledingham and Mr. Sherlock of the compromise arrangement, the multiple units being erected between the two zones serving as a buffer zone, they hoped that the Council would approve same and allow this rezoning. Council- man Richardson stated that under the zoning ordinance a plat plan, drawn to scale is to be submitted with such a rezoning request, and that the City should have such a plat Plan before -the Council takes anv action, so that their car see the actual size of the plat and the proposed size and location of the multiple units, also the tzrpe of structures to be built. Attorney John Dobson stated. that the plat plan would be submitted at the time the building permit was issued and that the description was submitted at the time the required fee was paid, prior to this evening. Councilman Heppen- stall inquired as to the two tees of zoning being considered, that if the Council was willing to allow a charge in this request, the,: would still be unable to overcome the R-2 zoning on the remainder of the property as there was no guarantee as to the use of the property. Mr. Sherlock requested the Council reconsider the rezoning request, but that if the property is to be rezoned R-21 as they do not know the proposed use of all of the property, that the Council reject this application because there is no building design or plans submitted as to use of the property. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that in view of the protests received this evening and Mr. Shane being willing to go along with the proposed change, that the matter be refer- red back to the Planning Commission for their consideration of this change, the City Clerk to notify the Planning Commission of same, requesting their co- operation as to a hearing date being set by the Planning Commission for their next meeting, which has been officially set ahead one week to the 23rd of May, their regular meeting falling on a legal holiday, to enable them to submit their report at the next Council meeting after their meeting, which will be held on June 5s 1956. The Assistant City Attorney, Gerard Shellan, requested that Mr. Shane define approximately the area to be rezoned R-1 and the area to be rezoned R-2. Attorney John Dobson stated that the southwesterly end., farthest from the Sunset Highwav, for appro:�dmately 120 feet from the back property line would be rezoned R-1 and the northeasterly end, on the Sunset Highway, approximately 207 feet would be rezoned R-2. The Building Inspector, Vere Thompson stated the building restrictions-under both-R-1 and R-2, that under R-1 a special permit is required from the Planning Commission for multiple units, that it was a matter of control as to uses, by the Planning Commission, that under R-2, the limits to use were extended. This information was confirmed by Assistant Citv Attorney, Gerard Shellan. The motion to refer the matter to the Planning Commission for their consideration of the proposed change in the rezoning request then carried. The Planning Commission is to be requested, if at all possible, to schedule the hearing for their May 23rd meeting for the reason as outlined above. A communicat.Ion was read from the City engineer stating that he believed it advisable to retain Richard E. Wolff as Consulting Engineer to furnish a cost estimate of the proposed additional facilities at the Sewage Treatment Plant. The City 'engineer stated that expansion of the plant will be required at a future time, and that in view of the present negotiations by the Boeing Airplane Company for the property, that it is essential that_the.City have comparative cost data; that the estimate will be a rough preliminary cost to , serve as a guide during the property negotiations both by Boeings and the City of Renton. Councilman Richardson stated that the reason the City Engi- neer had made this suggestion was that the estimate that the City had ob- tained from Mr. Wolff previously was to cover the City' s expanding the Plant to the south and-that after meeting with the Boeing Airplane Company repre- sentatives, and in view of the City's letter stating they were in accord, the City agreeing to accept the property.to the east, rather than the property-to the south, changing the Plans for additions to the Sewage Dis- posal Plant, that if the City does give up the property to the south, they will need the property cost figures for a comparison to discuss the matter with the Boeing Airplane Company representatives, to decide whether the Citv will take the area to the south or to the east. Moved by White, seconded 4 � by Delaurenti, that this suggestion be explored and that the Finance Committee consult with Mr. Wolff and the City Engineer as to the fee andreport back their recommendation. Carried. A reauest was read from John C. Edwards, 3006 5th Avenue Fast, for the re- zoning of certain properties described as "Government Lot 2, Section 16, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., lying north of the Renton-Maple Valley County Road, etc.," more generally described as follows, 'that property lying directly west of the Maplewood Homes, lying .just north of the it ple Valley Highway, and extending anproximately 605 feet to the Puget Sound Power & Light Company Transmission Line, ' from S-1 to Commercial Business. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the request be referred to the Planning Commission for their consideration and a re- port back. Carried. A claim for damages was read from Anna C. Libbee, 300 6th Avenue, for in- juries received when she tripped on a rock and fell on the street while crossing on the north side of lith Avenue from the west side to the east side. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the claim be referred to the Insurance Com- missioner, Insurance Carrier and City Attorney for their action. Carried. A Public Notice, No. P56-20, in regard to a "Proposed Fixed Bridge, Com- mercial Waterway No. 2.9 r ead, stating that application had been received C from the Boeing Airplane Company for approval by the Department of the Army in C\) accordance with the General Bridge Act of 1946, of the plans and location of a fixed airplane access bridge across Commercial Waterway No. 2 at Renton, as shown on enclosed prints. The notice stated that the site of the proposed bridge is approximately 180 yards upstream of the centerline of 6th Avenue North -and about 1/3 mile downstream of the Logan Street bridge, providing for a vertical clearance of 4.5 feet above highwater elevation and with a horizontal clearance of 34 feet for each of 3 spans. The notice further stated that interested parties are in- vited to submit any objections in writing to reach their office rot later than June 4, 1956. Mayor Baxter stated that consent of the Waterway District and the City of Renton was required. Councilman Delaurenti stated that he didn't have any objection to the erection of a bridge, .just to the type of bridge and if there was to be piling in the center in the river. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the City Engineer and City Attorr.e-r to take up with the Army Engineers in regard to the type of bridge. Councilman White stated that the matter of type of bridge was discussed during the meeting with the Boeing Air- plane Company Representatives and that they were fully aware of the type of bridge that the City approved. The motion carried. The City Clerk read the appointments by Mayor Joe R. Baxter of Father Stephen Szeman as a member of the Renton Park Board, effective immediately, replacing Rev. Merrill who is leaving the City, this term to expire June 1, 1958 and Rev. Herbert C. Lazenby as a member of the Youth Guidance Committee, effective immediately. Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the appoint- ments by Mayor Baxter. Carried. A communication was read from Assistant City Attorney, Gerard M. Shellan, stating that on contacting the right-of-way department of the Great Northern Rail- way concerning the strip of property owned by the railroad and located n-ear Beacon Avenue in Renton, he had been advised by Mr. Lindeke, the Right-of=+day Agent, that there had been considerable interest shown, in the acquisition of said property, by the City, the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, Messrs. Holmes, Azzola and Dr. Morrell and others---that at one time there had been an oral under- standing that Messrs. Holmes and Azzola would deposit a certain amount of money with the railroad and they in turn would make their conveyance of the propertir in question directly to the cite and that nothing had been done beyond this verbal promise, but that due to inconvenience caused the railroad by a suit brought against them, which was later dismissed by the court, the railroad has decided to decline i any and all offers for the acquisition of its interest in said property at this time---that in a year or two they ma-r change their mind and agree to convey the ! property to the city directly but that at this time there is no chance to con- summate such a transaction. Mayor Baxter ordered the communication placed on file. -A communication was read from J. Benjamin Hayes, Professional Engineer for Albert Balch, President of the Wedgwood Realty Company, submitting a proposed plat of Albert Balch's President Park No. 11, for Council consideration. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed plat be referred to the Planning Commission for their consideration and a report back. A discussion followed as to provisions being made, at the time a plat is submitted to the Council for ap- provalp for adequate nark or recreational areas, as in several of the newer an- nexed areas to the City, no provisions were made for recreational and/or park areas and that a certain portion of new city property should be set aside for such purposes. The motion to refer the plat to the Planning Commission then carried. Estimate No. 4, for work performed to May 1, 1956 by the contractor, Nelson Building & Contracting Company, on the Liberty Park Swimming Pool Bathhouse, in the total amount due the contractor of $6,v408.92 was read from James Highton, City Engineer. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that this estimate be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. Mayor Baxter introduced Mr. Matson who stated that he represented the "Friends of Youth", a charitable protestant organization of the State of Washington, with a purpose of helping -oung people. Mr. Matson stated that Mr. Gordon Grant and Mr. '-lard Griffith were with him this evening---that he would like to enlighten the Council in regards to their operations and the work their were trying to accomplish at the Ward Griffith (bogs) home in Kennydale---that recently they had applied to the King County Planning (Zoning) Commission for permission to rezone two lots adjacent to the lot their -n resent home building is located on, as a location for a cottage, park- ing area and for other diversions---that their purpose was to take young people (boys) into their home to try to adjust them to -normal lives---that the botrs were sent from Juvenile Court through Judge Long---that the boys were carefully screened before being taken into the home and the schools were contacted before any boy was admitted to the local schools---that the boys remained at the home, in similar circumstances as any other boy in a normal home, until he was through school or ready to join one of the armed services. Mr. Griffith further explained the group's purpose and stated that the home was not limited to Protestants, that Catholics and Mormans were also welcomed. Mayor Baxter stated in behalf of the Council, that he was glad that these gentlemen had come direct to them to explain the -purpose of the home, although the City of Renton had no ,jurisdiction over the area. Mr. Griffith explained that a meeting had been planned with the School -Adminis- tration for May 17, 1956 and. that the Mayor and all -of the Councilmen were welcome. In regard to the proposed annexation of Talbot, Councilman Hansen, President of the Council, reported that the Council had met Monday evening, May 7th, at a Special Official meeting, and that he would like to repeat the motion, and the Council's action, as follows, "Moved by White, seconded by Richardson, that the Council accept -the Talbot Annexation as outlined, as modified, due consideration having been given to all protests by the Council as a Whole, and the City Engineer be authorized to p renare a revised legal description of the area to be annexed. (The area to be excluded being the most southerly fringe of the area described for annexation, bounded on the west by 96th Avenue South, on the east by 100th Avenue South, and on the north by the south boundary of Tracts 62, 35, 23 and 8 of Penton Cooperative Coal Company Acre Tracts #2). (The City Engineer has furnished a. new legal de- scription of the area to be annexed). The motion carried". Moved b-r Richard- son, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the action of the Council as a Whole at the Special Official meeting held on Monday, May 7, 1956. Carried. A short discussion followed in regard to the Talbot annexation area boundaries, for the information of a few Talbot residents and Councilmen who were unable to be at the special official meeting. Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Light and Power Committee, reported that the Power Company was planning on installing lights in the goody Glen Addition, adjacent to the Renton Airport, soon. Councilman Richardson requested the Street and Alley Committee invite the Ordinance Committee to their next meeting in regards to the proposed Ordinance restricting parking in the business area of Renton during certain early morning hours, as brought to the attention of the Council at their last regular meeting by Councilman Trimm. Councilman Swift stated that the Street and Alley Committee meeting scheduled for the 17th had previously been postponed until that date and that he would like to invite the Ordi- nane Committee to their next meeting, a. week following, on the 211th of May. Councilman Richardson requested a meeting of the Ordinance Committee with the Assistant City AttornetT on Tuesda�T, Mair 15th at 7:00 P.M. in re- gards to the bids received on the codification of Citzr of Renton ordinances. The City Clerk was requested to turn all bids received over to the Assistant City Attorney for the information and consideration of the Ordinance Com- mittee and Assistant City Attorney. I 69 Councilman Morris reported in regard to the firarcing of the one-way street improvement pattern, which was referred to the Finance Committee, that he had not received a statement of costs as vet _from the Engineering Department although he had received an estimate of $5,000.00 for same, and not knowing the total cost, the Finance Committee would like to recommend that the cost of the improvement be taken from Cumulative Fund No. 1182 (Material and Supplies), and No. 1184 (Public Improvement) as needed, in an amount not to exceed '5,000.00. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the recom- mendation of the Finance Committee. Carried. Councilman Tamborini reported that the complaint in regard to keeping of chickens in an unsanitary condition in North Renton had been taken care of satisfactorily. Councilman S-wift reported there would be a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee on Mav 17th with the Windsor Hill Group. Councilman Swift reported that erroneous signs had been placed in odd places by certain merchants which misguided pedestrians and motorists and that he recom- mended that the Police Department take action to keep all intersections clear, except for necessary signs to operate traffic. Moved by White, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of Councilman Swift. Carried. The Chief of Police was present at the meeting and stated he would. take h care of this matter. 2f� " Councilman Heppenstall reported that he felt the contractor for the Swimming Pool had delayed the completion long enough, that it was planned to dedicate the pool the first of June and that he felt that the contractor should be penalized, 1 as per the contract, for the delay, and. moved, seconded by Richardson, that the Cit7r Engineer and Assistant Citv Attornev notify the Swimming Pool contractor that the pool is to be completed immediately and that he is liable for penalties as outlined in the contract. After considerable discussion, the Assistant City At- torney stated, if instructed by Mawr Baxter, that he would mail a special delivery letter to the contractor in the morning advising him of the Council' s action. j Councilman Heppenstall, with the consert of his second, Councilman Richardson, withdrew his motion. I j Councilman Swift, with the consent of his second, Councilman Trim, with- drew his motion to adjourn. Councilman Bruce reported that the Property Committee had received calls in regard to the City accepting the park property in Maplewood Addition, and that he recalled that the matter had been referred to the Legal Department and City Engineer to clear up the problem of encroachments and to obtain the legal de- scription. Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent, stated that it was the recom- mendation of the Park Board that the property be accepted, provided a clear title was obtained and there were no encroachments. The City Engineer is to obtain the legal description and check the matter of encroachments. Councilman Bruce further reported that the Property Committee had not re- ceived a lay-out map, including the boundaries, from the Engineering Department of the Lake Washington Beach pronerty and that he felt that the Architect that had offered his services so reasonable might withdraw his offer if this matter was delayed too long. Councilman Trimm stated that the m^tter of fire h7drants to be installed on Renton Scenic Hill was still in the Fire and Water Committee. In regard to the report of a shortage in the water sunnly for fire hydrants in the private water system in the Woody Glen Addition, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Tamborini, that this matter be referred to the Dire and Water Com- mittee for investigation and a report back. Carried. In regard to the approval of the Talbot .Annexation b-7 the Council at the special meeting Monday evening, May 7th and the reapproval this evening, it was moved by Swift, seconded by Delaur enti, that the matter be referred to the Ordi- nance Committee and Assistant City Attorney for preparation of the necessary ordinance. Carried. Councilman Sv, ft suggested that the Council give more thought to the problem of evacuation of citizens through the Renton area in case of an emergency, owing to the congested condition, at certain times, of the one-way streets in Renton as a result alone of sightseers coming through Renton out of curiosity. Councilman Delaurenti reported that the need of a fence around the Windsor Hills playground area to keep the children from throwing or batting balls through windows and breaking the glass, also to keep the children from running over private property, had been brought to his attention, and that he would like to refer the problem to the Park Department for consideration. Councilman Delaurenti further -reported that he had received a report from-the Chamber of Commerce solicitation committee in regard to Peddling of home made rugs and doilies within the City of Renton and that as soon as he has received a formal reauest the Police and License Committee would take the matter into consideration. Councilman Trimm stated that he would like to commend the Street and Allev Committee on their good work or one-tray streets within the-City of Renton, that the system is working v err well and the traffic is rolling smooth. Councilman Swift thanked Councilman Trim, and stated that the good operation of the one-wav 'streets was the result of the study and hard work of the Street and Engineering Departments, also Glen Mapes, the traffic- light supervisor and the men from his company, with. the full cooperation of the Renton Police Department, as well as the Street and Alley Committee, that he thought it was a good over-all job. The majority of the Council agreed with Councilman Swift. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. There were 42 persons present besides City of Renton Officials, Department Heads and employees. City Clerk Mayor .d Renton, Washington j May 15, 1956 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 F.M. ROLL CALL: HANSEN, TRIM, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, SWIFT, DELAURENTI AND HEPPENSTALL. (Moved by Richardson, seconded by White, that Councilman Bruce be excused) . Mayor Baxter introduced Mavor Dave Allen and welcomed him and all the other Senior students who were taking part in "City Government Day". Mayor Allen intro- duced his student Councilmen as follows: Morris Haugei Nick Scheuch, Jon Bergman, Roberta Bertozzi, Scott Hoof, Loretta Jarvis, Nick Karst;ens, Jack Krieg, Dick Saunders, Mike Soderlund and Sharon Levars Kiyo Tsurusaki not being present. Other student City Officials present were; Greg Short, City Attorney; Police Chief, Warren Donnelly; Ed Randal, Fire Chief; Jane Church, City Clerk; Mike Wilson, City Treasurer; Richard Erickson, City Engineer; Charles Spaulding, Street Commissioner; Charles Reichle, Park Superintendent; Bob Halvorsen, Airport Manager; Charles Spaulding, Utilities Superintendent; Sandra Langland, Comptroller; Greg Hudson, Building Inspector and Gary Callen, Police Judge. C0 OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Arthur Haugan, City Attorney; 10 Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Angelo Dusato, Police Chief; Floyd E. , Lawrence, Fire Chief; Floyd Shaff, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, Cit- Treasurer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Walt Will and Ben Haves, Assistant City Engineers and Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the Council minutes of the Special Official meeting of Mav 7th and the regular meeting of Mav 8th be approved as written. Carried. This being the date set for the hearing on the annexation of property adjacent to the Cemetery Road (4th Avenue North) as petitioned for by Tino Cugini and others, _ there being no written or verbal protests, it was moved by Tamborini, seconded by White, that the-Council approve the annexation of this property as described. Car- ried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti., that the matter of annexation of this property be referred to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney to draft the necessary ordinance. Carried. A communication was read from Jean Lux, Secretary of the Renton Scenic Hill Community Club, thanking the Council for courtesies extended to their community in connection with one-way streets, and inquiring as to the possibility of widen- ing 3rd Avenue from the bottom of the hill (Mill Street) to Renton Street. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that the request be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Arthur Eaton, 9013 South 320th, Auburn, complain- ing of the one-way street system, which on motion of Hansen, seconded by Tamborini, was placed on file. Carried. The Final Cost Estimate for the Liberty Park Wading pool, from the T. W. Traverso Construction Compary, as submitted by the Cit-v Engineer, in the total amount due the contractor of .` 19748.12 was read. James Highton, Citv Fngineer, stated that the work was completed on Mav 4, 1956 in accordance with plans and specifications and that he recommends acceptance of the work as of Mav 15, 1956. Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that the Final Cost Estimate be referred to the Finance t- Committee with power to act. Carried. Moved by Tricorn, seconded by Hansen, that the Council accent the recommendation of the City Engineer and the date of accept- ante of the work be set as Mav 15, 1956, the date of final acceptance be 30 days from this date providing clearance is received from the Tax Commission of the State of Washington, etc. Carried. ,A-petition, signed by 34 persons (business people of Main Street) was read complaining of the decrease in their business caused by changing Main Street from a two-way thoroughfare and submitting a proposed solution to their problem of suggested two-way portions of streets. One additional complaint was received and placed with the petition. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Delaurenti, that the petition and. single complaint be referred to the Council as a 4hole for further study. Carried. 4 7 The City Clerk reminded the Council of the Eagle's invitation for the Administrative Officials and City Employees to join them Wednesday even- ing, May 16th, in their annual observance of "-All City Night". A petition was read from the property owners, adjoining or adjacent to 4th Avenue, requesting that this street be repaired immediately, for safer road use and to alleviate the hazards to health and property from dust caused by vehicular traffic. Dave Pugh, the Street Commissioner, reported that the Street crews were already in the process of improving this street, that it had been delayed until this time owing to the necessary additional work by his Department in the setting up of signs, street markings, etc., in connection with the preparation and beginning operations of the one-way street system. Moved by Richardson, seconded by White, that the communication be filed and the Council accept the report of the Street Commissioner. Carried. The request of Edward Peccolo, 712 4th Avenue North for permission to take catalogue orders for plants, shrubbery, etc., within the City of. Renton , and the request of Arthur Jones for permission to sell hand loomed rugs was on motion of Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, referred to the Police and. License Committee with power to act. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance which had been requested by the Chief of Police. The City_ Clerk read the proposed Ordinance, "relating to Public Health and. Saf ety$ defining "Delinquent Child" and "Delinquent-7r"; the Delinquency of such Child and providing p enaltics for the violation there- of". .Moved by `lrimm, seconded by Tamborini, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee re- ported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Heopenstall, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and proposed Ordinance No. 1546 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Tamborini, seconded by Heppenstall, that Ordinance No. 1546 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken, and all eleven Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee has a rought draft of the proposed "Dynamite Ordinance" and that they would present it to the Council for consideration at the next Council meeting. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed ordinance annexing the Talbot area, as des- cribed, to the City of Renton. The Clerk read the proposed Ordinance, "an- nexing certain territory (the area west of the City of Renton, more commonly known-as the Talbot Hill area), as described, to the City of penton. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be re- ferred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Council- man Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by S-vrift, seconded by Heppenstall, that proposed Ordinance No. 1547 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken, and all eleven Councilmen present voting "Acre", the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson reported, in regard to -the bids received for codification of City of penton Ordinances, that the low bid was from the Sterling Codifiers for off-set printing, but that the Committee would like to hold the bids in the Committee, pending further study, until the next meet- ing of the Council$ June 5, 1956. Moved by White, seconded by Reid, that the Council approve the report of the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Mayor Baxter reported that there would be a meeting of the Sanitation Committee and himself with the Renton School hoard on May 17th at 8:30 P.M. Councilman Swift reported in regard to the offer of the Lion's Club to furnish 6 Garbage Cans to be placed on the Streets of Renton, that the Street and Alley Committee recommended-that the Council accept the offer of the Lion's Club and thank them for their donation., further stating that if any other Civic Groups in or around Renton were interested in making such.a donation, that the Committee has information as to the type and supplier where these cans 7 it ex can be purchased. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the Council approve the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. The Park Superintendent answered inouiries and gave information in regard to the opening date (June 9, 1956), time and admission cost for swimning, in the new Liberty Park Swimming Pool, stating the dates and time for lessons, and that they are free to the children, and that the Wading Pool would be free to all children. On motion of Trimm, seconded by White, and carried, the inquiry as to flood lights for evening play on the Tennis Court and the fastening down of the tennis court fence, was referred to the Park Board for consideration. lull On motion of Morris, seconded by Vietzke and carried, the matter of heavy trucks illegally using 2nd Avenue from Logan Street to Rainier Avenue, was re- ferred to the Traffic Division of the Police Department for action. In regard to the inquiry as to progress or improvement of the new Swimming Beach property, the Council and audience were advised that an Architect had been contacted in connection with the laj-out of this property but that the Property Committee and Park Department were waiting for pertinent information from the Engineering Department. Councilman Swift reported there would be a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee with the Chamber of Commerce on May 21, 1956 at 8:00 P.M., for - is- �` cussior. of a proposed off-street parking lot adjacent to Hickock's Sporting Goods Store. In regard to the new location of the statue of "Chief Seattle" which was formerly located at the intersection of 3rd & Main, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Tamborini, that this matter be referred to the Public Relations Com- mittee to decide on an appropriate location. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall, Chairman, renorted that the Job Evaluation Com- mittee had. met Tonday evening, that the-- have many problems that will have to be E` taken up with the Committee of the Council as a Whole and also, that they would need special studies and. the services of a Comptroller in working out these matters, that this was an urgent matter. Mayor Baxter stated that he had in- terviewed 4 men for this position, and that he planned to interview others, Mai,Tor Baxter stated, in behalf of the Council, that they had enjoyed having the senior students at the City Hall today and at the Council meeting this even- ing, that it was a pleasure for the administration and enjoyed by all, and that he, as we11 as the administration hoped that the students continued to have "Student Government Day" in the future, that each student was a future citizen and should know more about City government. Councilman D elaurenti stated in be- half of the Council, that of the twelve years he had been on the Council, that he had enjoyed every year when the students visited the City, that he liked to see their interest in City Government and that they should not lose this interest and when they were able to vote they should vote. Mayor Baxter invited the Student Officials to say a few words. Student Mayor Allen asked the student De- partment Heads to introduce their anpointed assistants for the day. The telephone operator and members of the Hospital Board were also introduced. Acting• Mayor Allen thanked the Nlas:ror and Council for the privilege of having "Student Govern- ment Day" and the Department Heads, School Authorities, Jaycees, and others •rho had helped in making their day so interesting, stating that their hoped to be allowed to continue having "Student Government Day" in the future. The different student Denartment Heads reported the work of the individual departments they visited for the day. Mayor Faxter, in behalf of the Jaycees, presented Student Mayor Dave Palen with a gavel. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. The Council Chambers were crowded with students and other visitors. I City Clerk Mayor i 7 Renton, Washington June 4, -956 The special meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HAFSEhI, TRIIN, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKF, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPFFSTALL AND BRUCE. OFFICIALS ASID DEPAFTY7NT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Arthur Haugar, City At- torney; Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fixe Chief; Floyd Shaff, Citv Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, Cit- Engineer and Dave 'ugh, `street Commissioner. Mayor Baxter stated that Cite Clerk Floud Shaff would install the newly elected and re-elected City Officials. City Clerk Floyd Shaff introduced Rev. Harry Monroe who lead the meeting in prayer. This being the date designated by State Law for administering the Oaths of Office to the duly elected City Officials, Mayor-elect,, Police Judge-elect, City Treasurer-elect, City Clerk-elect and the six Councilmen-elect, Joe R. Baxter was sworn in as Mayor of the City of Renton for a four-year term, Paul W. Houser was sworn in as -Police Judge for a two-year term, Charles Delaurenti, , 'Talt Reid, Hugh Bruce, Vern i°orris, Olin Hansen and Avery Garrett were sworn in as Councilmen for four-,year terms, Dorothea S. Gossett was sworn in as City Treasurer for a four-year term and Elton L. Alexander was sworn in as City Clerk for a four-year term. Mayor Baxter stated that the Council Committee arpointments would. be made later, but that this evening he would like to appoint Gerard M. Shellan as City Attorney, that he felt that the City of Renton had very good results and cooperation from the Offices of Haugan and Shellan, that it did not matter to him which of the two men were appointed as City Attornev, but that Mr. Haugan had requested that if he were going tore-appoint him to this position, that instead, he would like to have Mr. Shellan appointed, and that he felt that Mr. Shellan was a good man for the job and would -fulfill the duties very well., Moved by Richardson, seconded by White, that the Council concur in the appointment of the Magor. Carried. Mr. Shellan thanked the Magor and Council and stated that he felt that it was a privilege to have been appointed Citv Attorney and that he and Mr. Haugar, would continue to use their best efforts to. the City of '?.enton as legal Counsel. Councilman Delaurenti stated. that it was in order this evening to elect a new President of the Council, that Councilman Morris had been a very good Councilman, had served the Council well, also as Chairmar, of. the Finance Com- mittee, and that he would like to nominate him as President of the Council. There being no further nominations, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by White, that the nominations be ,closed. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, second- ed by Hepnenstall, that the City Clerk cast a unanimous ballot for Vern IJ-orris as President of the City Council for the ensuing year. Carried. City Clerk, Elton L. Alexander, cast a unanimous ballot for Councilman Vern Morris as President of the Council for the ensuing year. Councilman Delaurenti, on behalf of the favor, Council and City Officials, presented Floyd Shaff, the retiring City Cler',, with a gift, stating that they had all enjoyed working with him, that he had served the City very well as City Clerk. Mr. Shaff stated that he had enjoyed working fox the City of Renton, that he appreciated the cooperation he had received from the Officials and Department Heads and thanked them for the gift. Councilman Delaurenti also presented retiring Councilman Steve Tamborini with a gift .from the ?Mayor, Council and City Officials and Department Heads, stating that Councilman Tamborini had done an outstanding job as Councilman and had been very helpful and cooperative to work with. Mr. Tamborir-i thanked the Mayor, Council, Officials and Department Heads for their cooperation and stated that it had been a pleasure to work with them all and that in the future if he could be of assistance, he would be glad to do so. 75 On request of Magor Baxter for their remarks, retiring Councilman Steve Tamborini again thanked the Administration for his gift and for their cooperation; { Councilman Garrett stated that he would serve the City to the best of his ability and thanked the present Administration for their many kindnesses; Council Pres- ident., Vern Morris, thanked the Council for their confidence in electing him their President for the ensuing year and stated-the' he would serve the City and the Council to the best of his ability, and that he would take care of the City' s business in the absence of the Ma-ror and carry out anv wishes the Mayor desires; all other newly elected Councilmen, Walt Reid, Hugh Bruce, Charles Delaurenti and Olin Hansen, expressed their appreciation for past cooperation and stated they would continue to serve the City and Council to the best of their abilities; City Clerk Elton Alexander assured the Council of his full cooperation, stating that he would-do all that he could to assist in making their work easier; Police Judge Paul Houser thanked Mat-or Paxter for complimenting his liepartment and stated he too felt it was very capably handled; Street Commissioner Dave Pugh stated that he would like to congratulate all the newly elected and re-elected officials and that he knew they would continue to do as excellent a. .job in the future as they had in the Past; Bilden See, a member of the Planning Commission, stated that he wished the new Administration success and congratulated Councilman Avery Garrett on his new position and offered his assistance to the Council and Officials in any way that he could; Police Chief Busato and. Fire Chief Lawrence added their congratulations to the newly elected officials and welcomed them into the City family and wished them success. - -Mayor Baxter stated that it was his pleasure and that he would like-to ap- point Ang Busato as Police Chief, also Floyd Lawrence as Fire Chief for the en- suing year, and stated that both of these men had proved exceptional City Of- ficials and that he was proud of their records, and that he had enjoyed working with both of them. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the appointments by the Mayor. Carried. I Mayor Baxter continued the introductions, by introducing the City Treasurer who welcomed and congratulated all of the newly-elected Officials. Rev. Monroe, who stated that he was moving to Gresham, Oregon this coming week and that he had been very happy to be with the people of Renton for the last few ,years; Charles Camerini, Chairman of. the Penton Park Board, who stated that he was very happy.to be there and that he congratulated all of the Cit-- Officials; James Highton, City Engineer, who stated it was a pleasure to welcome the newly elected Officials into the Citv Family; Arthur Haugar, for Cittr Attorney who stated that he was happy that the City had such level headed people in the Administration, that he had worked with this group for several years and that he had enjoyed it very much, that it had been a marvelous experience, that Mr. Sheller had been closely associated with the Council and Department heads the nest few years, that he knolas there is lots of work to be done, also lots of compensations, for many years to come for City uovern ment and Officials and that he would like to thank the City in terms of a song, -and reminded the people of the verse "kind hearts and gentle people" in referring to the people of Renton and the Official Family, that he hoped he never saw the da�r when this characteristic was lost, that he extended his congratulations and best wishes to the newly elected and all other City Officials. Mayor Baxter stated it was very gratifying to see so many people present this evening and in turn called upon the Councilmen's wives who were present, the Police Judge's wife and others for their remarks. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M. Cit_v Clerk 5 lavor i i 7a/ Renton, Washington June 5, 1956 Mayor Baxter not being present this evening, it being the day of his father' s funeral, the meeting was called to order by the President of the Council, Councilman Vern Morris. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, WHI`.CE, VIETZKE, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL ARID BRUCE. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney; Arthur Haugan, Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; LM Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton L. Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea S. Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Wait Will, Office Engineer and Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the last regalar Council meeting of May 15th be approved as written. ",arried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the Special Council meeting of Mondasr, June 11th be approved as written. Carried. A communication was .read from City Attorney Gerard M. Shellan appoint- ing Mr. Arthur L. Haugan as Assistant City Attorney effective June 4, 1956. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the appointment by the City Attorney. Carried. A communication was read from James Highton, City Engineer stating that he had completed checking a petition for the creation of a local improvement for the construction of a sanitary sewer system in the vicinity of Miller's Corner, more particularly described as the area north of the Renton Highlands between-Sunset Blvd. and E Street, also stating that the petition is deficient, inasmuch as only 40% of the property owners in the proposed district had signed the petition---that the north 100 feet of the area is zoned for business use and that the lack of sanitary sewers is retarding business development, also from his observation that the use of septic tankcs at one of the markets is un- satisfactory., that from a study of conditions anal the predicted development of the area, it is the City Engineer's recommendation that the City Council initiate the formation of a local improvarent district for a sanitary sewer system in this area. Moved by Reid, seconded by Swift, that the matter be re- ferred to the Sanitat _on Committee and City Engineer for consideration and a report back. Carried. The final estimate on the Liberty Park Swimming Pool in the amount due Kerty Mortensen the Contractor, of $2,1142.20, as submitted by James Highton, City Engineer was read. Mr. Highton stated that the work on the swimming pool was completed May 29, 1956, that owing to the unf ortunrte death of Mr. Morten- sen, together with an extremel'T severe winter, certainly retarded and compli- cated the completion of the work; that t1--re are several minor leaks at the base of the pool wall 7ahich he believes will seal under pool operation; that the cost. of the 3rd coat of paint was subtracted from the contract price by agreement to expedite the opening of the pool---that the painting will be completed next spring by the paint contractor, saving this expense in next year's clean-up preparatory to the season's opening---that the work was other- wise completed according to contract specifications and that he recommends acceptance of the work. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the final estimate of the amount due the contractor, of 82,442.20, be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Councilman Vietzke stated that the swimming pool was guaranteed for one year following the completion date. The motion carried. (This matter was brought before the Council later in the evening, but concerns the foregoing matter). In regard to previous action taken in connection with payment of the final estimate for the Liberty Park Swimming Pool, to the Contractor, Kerty Mortensen, Councilman :Raite inquired as to the Council's feelings in regard to penalties and liquidated damages allowed under the contract, owing to the delay of same, and asked the City Attorney if the City waived any further interest in same. The City Attorney stated that the contract with Mortensen provided a sum of $50.00 per day for liquidated damages, beyond the speci- fied completion day---that this may be waived at the time the contract is completed or it could be enforced. After discussion, the City Attorney stated that there were 3 matters to be considered by the Council, as follows: 7 (1) Acceptance of the work completed, (2) Final contract payment which the Contractor is entitled to it an amount of $2141;2.20 (excepting the i5% withheld, according to law), and (3) The matter of Liquidated Damages which the Council may or may not wish to enforce, that the Council could authorize the Finance Committee to pay the additional (final) payment of x$2,442.20, and hold the other two matters in abeyance. Moved by !Vhite, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the report and suggestion of the City Attorney. Carried. A communication was read from VIalter H. Will, Office Engineer, stating that on May 28, 1956, the Safety Committee met at the Park Department equipment shed, and that the following _is his report on the building, and that other safety members will make a report of their findings in regard to safety. Mr. Will stated that the building is single constructed, 30t x 30' in size and in very poor condition, ,the siding being open to be seen through, and some of it broken allowing rain and snow to blow inside the structure---that there is between $15,000.00 and : 20,000.00 of park ea_uipment stored in the building and that at night some of the equipment must be double-decked to get it all inside, further suggesting .that replacement of this buildinF� be considered in the next yearts budget, as the equipment stored therein warrants a better and larger size build- ing. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the report be referred to the Committee of the Council as a !thole for discussion at the time of preparation of the 1957 Budget. Carried. A communication was read from Mr. & Mrs. Mike Lazor, Jr. , 106 Victor Avenue West, requesting information in regard to oiling of this short street (about 200 feet) to curtail the dust, also requesting the street be made one-wav, because of its narrow width and the di.fficult,T of cars passing on same. Moved. by Heppenstall, seconded by Delaurenti, that the communication and request be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Mrs. Mary Colligan, 316 Park Avenue, stating that she had been advised b-r the Planning Commission to request Council per- mission to open a convalescent home (Place of Refuge) at 409 Pelly Street--- stating that the house would not accomodate more than 8 patients at one time--- that the house, o.,rned by Alta Nunn, the present occupant, has been notified of Mrs. Colligan't proposal and that she is willing to lease this building for same for 5 years; that the property is approximately 200 feet inside the R-1 Zone, and that it is the opinion of the residents of this area that a rest home would not be a detriment to the neighborhood or property. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Reid, that this request be referred to the Planning Commission and Fire Chief for consideration and a report back. Carried. The City Clerk reminded the Council of the next regular Association of Valley a Cities meeting on Thursday June 7th at Bellevue. I The City Clerk reported for the Councilts information that the King County Health Department report of services for the Renton Area for April had been re- ceived. e-ceived. A communication was read from the Renton Planning Commission, signed by C. G. Myers, Secretar-�r, as follows, showing the respective Council action: (1) Recommending that the rezoning petition of Charles Shane for described proper- ty to be rezoned to Residerce District,' R-2, as submitted, be denied, and further recommending that the entire property described. on said petition be rezoned to R-1. The City Engineer advised the Council that the petition had been submitted to the Council under the old Zoning Ordinance and that the original request had been for rezoning from Residence Sirgle Family District (R-S) to Residence i District (R-2). Moved by Richardson seconded by Reid that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Plarning Commission. On the advice of the City At- torney, it was pointed out that under Section 61 Paragranh 3 of the Zoning Ordinance, the Plarning Commission must hold a public hearing in order to give a Special Permit to a petitioner which would then specify the buildings which may be put up under the R-1 Zoning. It would also be necessary for the Planning Com- mission to make a finding that such proposed use will not be unduly detrimental to adjoining properties. Councilman Richardson, with the consent of his second, withdrew his motion, and moved, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the advice of the City Attorney and the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. (2) Recommending; that the rezoning request of John C. Edwards for described property from S-1 to B-1, as presented be denied. (Mr. Edwards having been requested to submit a corrected plat to the Planning Commission for their consideration). Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. , Carried. (3) Recommending that the Council study the feasibility of extending 96th Avenue South to Grady Way. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Heppenstall, that the matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee .for consideration and a report back. Carried. The Planning Commission letter stated that the plat for President Park Ad- dition No. 11, and the -plat of George Studebaker, had been referred to a Special Committee consisting of Chairman James Denzer and Lewis Peretti and John .Austin, members, for study and with power to act. The Planning Caimnission referred the letter from Dr. Morell, attached, re- garding leasing of a portion of the City of Seattle right-of-way at the rear of his building for a parking area, to meet building code requirements in building his new office building, to the Council for their consideration. Councilman White stated, that in his opinion, and so moved, seconded by Richardson, in view of the fact that Dr. Morell had complied with the request of the Plan- ning Commission and the City Council, that his request be re-referred to the Planning Commission for consideration and a Public Hearing. Carried. A communication was read from Jack Bauchamp and Nina Canellaro, request- ing permission to open a Kiddy Land on the northeast corner of 3rd and Rainier Avenue, stating that the location is approximately 901- x 24' in -size and would be sufficient for both rides and parking facilities, describing the rides, which are for children, ages 10 and under -and stating that their plan the rides to be 10¢ each, or 3 for 25¢---that the operation will be open from approxi- mately 12:00 noon to sunset---that the rides are all in good condition, fully covered by insurance and run by competent adults. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Vietzke, that the request be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. The Committee was requested to investigate sanitary conditions provided. The motion carried. A similar request was read from Weston J. Betts of Redondo, Washington, addressed to both the Council and the Renton School District, to establish a Kidd,rland in the City of Renton as an asset to the City recreational and amusement program, stating that they have been located at Redondo Beach Park for over 58 -years and have had park rides there for 35 years---that their largest operation is at the Woodland Park Zoo. Mr. Betts requests assurance of approval of a Sunday operation, at a time that would not interfere with Church attendance, and requests a meeting with Council representatives .for further discussion of their request. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the request be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Also, the letter being also addressed to the Renton School District, and requesting the use of Park Property, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, -that the request be referred to the Park Board also, and a copy of the letter be forwarded to the Renton School District for their information. Carried. A communication was read from Oats Cochran, aer_ton businessman and former Mavor of the City of Renton, in regards to the one-watr street traffic pattern, stating that in his opinion the business people in most cases have neglected to provide off-street parking for their own_ customers and are occupying parking spaces close in thatTfould accomodate customers. Mr. Cochran attached an article from a California newspaper in regards to off- street parking lots and related hearings. Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, that the communication be placed. on file and a copy be referred to the Renton Chamber of Commerce Off-street parking committee. Carried. Letters of congratulations, also favoring off-street parking were read from Carl L. Carlson, 105 North, Wells and L. L. Roberts of Renton, and placed on file. Councilman Bruce .reported that he had received a communication from Don Humble, Executive Secretary of the Housing Authority of the City of Renton, advising him that the lessor of the washing and. drying equipment at Cedar River would like to obtain an extension of his lease for a 3-year period or termination of the project, whichever is lesser, and that the reouest had been referred to the City in case they had any objections to same; that at the time the bids were received for same, there were no other bids comparable to that of the present holder of the lease and that the lessor was planning on instal-ling considerable new equipment, and in so doing would like to be assured of continued operation, that the Housing Authority approved and re- quested the extension be granted.. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the request of the Housing Authority. - Carried. T9 Councilman Richardson Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, reported that he would like to present, for its first reading only a proposed ordinance regulating storage, use, transportation, sale, etc., of explosives'. The City Clem read the proposed Ordinance, regulating the storage, use, manufacture, sale, handling and transportation or, the disposition of explosives; providing for the issuance of license therefor; requiring bond.; providing penalties for violations and repeal- ing conflicting ordinances or parts thereof. 'loved by Swift, seconded by Heppen- stall, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, reported that he would like to present another Ordinance to the Council for consideration which had been recommended by the Street and Alley Committee and Ordinance Committee, which had been considered by both committees _last ween, regulating parking of vehicles and prohibiting placing of obstructions on certain, streets in the City of Renton. The City Clerk read the proposed ordinance, regulating narking of vehicles and prohibiting placing of obstructions on certain streets in the City between the hours of 2 o'clock A.M. and 4 o'clock A.M., daily, as follows: Third Avenue from Main Street to Burnett Street Second Avenue from Mill Street to Main Street ^Jalla °.'alla Avenue from Mill Street to Burnett Street Fourth Avenue from Main Street to Burnett Street co Mill Street from Bronson Way to Third Avenue C\1 Main Street from Second Avenue to Fourth Avenue Wells Street from Second Avenue to Fourth Avenue Williams Street from Second Avenue to Fourth Avenue Burnett Street from Second. Avenue to Fourth Avenue Logan Street from Second Avenue to Third Avenue. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for _their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordi- nance, and recommended its passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and proposed Ordinance No. 1548 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Swift, seconded by Vietzke, that the Ordinance be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all twelve Councilmen present voting "Ave", the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, further reported that the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney had met to study and consider the bids received for the codification of City of :penton Ordinances and that after consideration of same, including a letter from the Book Publishing Company dated May 21, decreasing the amount of their original bid, which could rot be considered with the other bid data submitted at the May 8th Council meeting, the Ordinance Committee recommended the acceptance of the bid submitted b7- the Sterling Codi- fiers for offset nrinting at a. total cost of $3,740.00, regardless of the number of pages---that "...2,500.00 is to be paid in 1956, the balance by Februar---, 1977; supplements are to be printed, i-,ith the same t-,pe of printing as the codification (offset) on a yearly basis at a cost of *440.00 per year, with automatic re- newal, unless cancelled by a six (6) months written notice, rerewal to begin one year from date of completion and acceptance of the code. The Ordinance Conwittee and City Attorney request Council authority to negotiate with the Sterling Codifiers on the codification of the City's Traffic Code and Criminal Code, at a cost less than the amount requiring a "Call for Bids". Councilman Richardson further requested that the City Clerk's Office forward a letter of thanks to the unsuccessful bidders for their participation, also that the City Clerk make a notation for inclusion in the next year's budget of the $"0.00 cost of the current year's supplement. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee, including the negotiating by -the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney for codification of the all City's Traffic and Criminal Code. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that', two weeks ago a petition had been received from merchants requesting Council consideration of their problems in connection with the one-way street pattern; that this matter had been referred to the Engi- neering Department for study; that, the Street and Alley Committee would like to present a plan with the possibilit-r of alleviating this condition---that the plan will be inexpensive and the r feel worth while---that it has always been the policz,T of the Street and Alley Committee since the beginning of the one-wail street pat- tern that they (the Street and Alley Committee and Err ineering Department) did not consider the orifi-final pattern as final action---that continuing this policy, the f ollowinb recommendation by the Street and Alley Committee was developed by the Engineering henartment, that a. left turn be alloT.Ared from 3rd Aver..ue north on Main Street, also that traffic be allowed to flow to the north on Main Street--- r. that there be no traffic signal at 2nd and Main. Street, just a stop sign; that traffic turn.. to Bronson Way from Main Street on a stop sign without a signal---that there be a stop sign on Bronson. Way at Mill Street, but not on Nall Street, that the traffic wouldn't have to stop on Mill Street. Councilman Swift stated that this charge would require only a couple of stop signs and turning the parking meters 900, on the east side of Main Street and reversing the red head meters---that this would be an experiment and will give the merchants in the area an opportunity to determine what effect the one-way flour of traffic has had. The Street Commissioner stated that he could have the necessary charges made by Frid.a-v morning. After discussion, moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and .hllev Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, reported and so moved, seconded by Richardson, that at the last Executive meeting of the Council, the Council had gone on record as approving the awarding -of the contract for the construction of the Maplewood Storm Sewer to the con- tractors, Thorburn and Logozo, 4608 36th Avenue Southwest, Seattle, who were the low bidder. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, further reported in regard to the request by letter from the Renton Scenic Hill Im- provement Club to investigate the possibility of widening 3rd Avenue from Mill Street east to Renton Avenue, that the Committee could find no objection, and requested that the Engineering Department be authorized to prepare a cost estimate of this improvement, for a minimum width of 10 feet, including cutting and widening of the northeast corner of 3rd & Mill ,Street, the City Engineer to develop the -plan. It was stated that the Street and Alley Com- mittee had authority to have the City Engineer work up the cost estimate, so no further Council action was taken at this time. Councilman Bruce, Chairman, reported that the Property Committee had met with the Library Board in regard to a temporary location for the Library, during the time the proposed new Library would be under corstructidn, the exact location and ways and means of financing same, and recommended that money be provided from Cumulative Fund No. 1184, to have an architect make a complete preliminary survetr for a new library. Moved by Trimm, seconded bir Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Property Com- mittee and the matter be referred to the Finance Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. Acting Iv_avor Vern Morris introduced Mr. Ed Tabacca, 234 Main Street, from the audience, who stated that as a result of serious problems imposed on people of a large section of Renton, that certain business people had met and formed a Committee, and were present this evening, that they had all stated their dissatisfaction with the charge from the former traffic pattern and it was the conclusion of this group that the one-way street system be eliminated at the earliest possible date and that he would like several of these persons to state their opinions on this matter. The following persons addressed the Council stating their objections to the one-way street pattern, and quoted the exact loss percentages their respective businesses had suffered. Elda Staats, 228 Main Street, Elmer Poeske, 9131 Third Avenue, Jack Everist, 309 3rd Avenue (Manager of Shopping Time Grocery), Henry Bird, 710 2nd Avenue, Tradewell's District Manager (who had been requested to come to the Renton Council meeting by their General Manager), John Senti - 3rd u. Main Street, Jay Holmes, !galla Walla & 3rd Avenue, Dan McGovern - 212 3rd Avenue, Gene Swanson - 106 3rd Avenue, Bill Santi,' 3rd & Main Street and Carl R.ochet, 801 Walla V1,91la Avenue. Mr. Bob Hendrickson, a representative of the Chamber c'f Commerce, stated that the Board of Directors had decided at their last meeting in connection with the views of the members of the Chamber of Commerce, to circulate a poll sheet for information which covered parking provided in the City by th,, respective business houses (and/or owners of business property) for their customers also whether they were in favor of ore-way streets, the several changes listed., and requesting their comments as to possible charges in the future---that nearly half of these poll sheets had been returned. Mr. Herdricksor stated the sheets that had beer returned had been tabulated, which he read for the Council's information, and then turned them over to Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, for his information. A discussion followed as to whether the different business people had compared the past months business with the previous months business, or the same month the year before, the ma.i_ority of the business people had compared. their business from the month of May of this year with the same month the previous year, 1955. Mr. W. Phillips, Business Consultant, 12825 Rainier Avenue, stated several cases of i 81 business ss losses which he was familiar with, and stated that some of those who do not own their own property, or buildings would be forced to move where their business would not be so handicapped because of the one-way street pattern. Mr. Tabacca summed up the discussion by stating that he felt in all fairness that he must include himself in this group who opposed the one-way street pattern, but that time was needed to work this problem out; that there were several factors as follows, (1) Some people are being hurt and being hurt badly, (2) The few that were concerned at first are being joined by a great many more, (3) Surveys by the newspaper indicate strongly that one-way streets do not seem to be the solution of their problem, U.) Thev are concerned about those who would not take the trouble to vote by ballot but have gone somewhere else, (5) That to try the system for a 6 months period was a dangerous matter, and (6) Thea request 'an explanation of a course the Council is going to -follow. Councilman Reid suggested y ggested that a meeting be arranged between representatives of this group and a special Council Committee (including the Street and Alley Committee) where thev could discuss all the facts, nro and con, that he felt this would facilitate the matter, that he would like to be included in the Committee. Councilman Heppenstall stated he was in full accord with Councilman Reid, that the Committee should also include owners of buildings who are renting and some of the owners who are not renting, that to im- prove the situation, the Committee members should represent a wider spread of people, including a representative of the Chamber of Commerce, that he feels the Council could accomplish more by working together, that he had talked with G7 many business people -in regard to this matter and that some of the business people were in favor -of one-way streets. Mr. Elmer Varner, 308 Main Street in- Zn auired as to the number of� parking meters removed from 3rd & Main and suggested ggest �+ th t only two be fromW Walla T a11a & Main. After further discussion s �} Acting-Mayor Vern I^orris stated that the administration had heard a great deal in regard to the one-way street pattern from many sources---that at this meeting the77 had heard legitimate complaints and had been given an opportunity to see the problem, that the Council would take action and their group and/or organization would be advised of the Council's pleasure in regard to their request. Council- man Richardson inquired of the business people in the audience if they had thought how or what they could do about getting off-street parking so their customers could more conveniently get to their place of business. Mr. Mike ' Roberts (attorney) - 232 Main Street, stated that he felt Councilman Reid1s a suggestion as to a joint meeting with the Council and members of this group was the solution to the problem, and that they could bring back to the Council a logical conclusion---that' he realized that the Council had worked very hard for all their interests and that plans should be made this evening for the proposed meeting. Elda Staats, owner of a business on Main Street suggested that the City try, as has been successfully done in other areas, the use of a different amount of lanes to handle the traffic at the different peak traffic hours, i.e., in the mornings- increase the lanes coming into the City of Renton and in the evenings reverse the traffic lanes to handle-the traffic leaving Renton, or homeward bound. Councilman Swift stated that he felt this was a Qood idea but that the City lacked storage space for parking. Moved b-T White, seconded by Richardson, that the Mayor appoint a Committee (including the Street and Alley Committee) to meet with a representative Committee from this group (including a repre- sertative from the Chamber of Commerce Board of r ir.ectors and a representative from the property a-Tners. Carried. Acting Mayor Vern Morris declared a recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Acting Magor Vern Morris. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. In regard to the dedication of the Liberty Park Swimming Pool on Wednesday evening, Jure 6, 1956, all the Councilmen were requested to be present in honor - of the occasion. It was reported that there would be a short dedication and diving exhibition. Councilman Hansen, Chairman of the Public Relations Committee, was granted more time in regard to a new location of the old water fountain referred to as Iron Mike which was removed recently from the intersection of 3rd, Walla Walla and. Main Street. Councilman Swift, Chairman., reported that the Street and Aller Committee had met on May 21st tiTith Bob Hendrickson of the Chamber of Commerce mainly in con- nection with the parking lot on Main Street, that they are concerned with this lot at this time for two .reasons, (1) To retain the 20 car lot and for the actual barking benefits. 82 (2) To maintain the wedge the City of 'Renton has obtained in the State whereby we have an opinion from the Attorne�� General giving the City of Renton the right to establish this type of parking. Councilman Swift stated that Mr. Hendrickson was plarning to contact the busi- ness houses on Main Street to see if they would be willing to share a portion of the additional cost to the City of the higher renewal cost of the lease for this property, over what the City is presentl-�,r paying. It was further reported that the Chamber of Commerce did not feel they should take the re- sponsibility of this obligation. City Clerk Elton Alexander stated that he had. appointed Marie Stout, Chief Deputy Clerk. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the appointment made by the City Clerk. Carried. Acting Mayor Vern Morris stated that there would be a meeting of the Committee of the Council as a Whole immediately following this eveningts meeting. The following claims having beer previousl-v audited by the Finance Com- mittee were vresented: PAYROLL - ALL DEPARTMENTS $51,568.36 CURRENT FUND 139725.68 WATER. FUND 6..675-47 LIBRARY FUND 1,774.40 PARK FUN[) 466.65 SEWER FUND 15118.93 AIRPORT FUND 22901.09 CITY STREET FUND 6,563.41 SHOP EQUIP. RENTAL FUND 2,158.72 CIVILIAN DEFENSE FUND 206.67 GARBAGE FUND 21019.04 SWIMMING POOL FUND 46.23 CUMULATIVE #1182 568.97 CUMULATIVE #1183 1.25 CUMULATIVE #1184 847.00 ST. & LIGHT IMPROVEMENT FUND 4,063.23 SWIMMING POOL BOND FUND 6,728-95 FIREMENIS PENSION FUND 250.00 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the meeting adourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:15 P.M. The Council Chambers were filled with visitors. Cit Clerk i Mayor Rentor., Washington June 12, 1956 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Daxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: MORRIS, TRIYHY, R.ICHARDSON, WHITE, GARRETT, HANSE�t, SWIFT, DELA_UPENTI AND HEPPENSTALL. Councilmen Reid, Bruce and Vietzke were excused by Mayor Baxter. OFFICIALS-AND DEPARTMENT H7ADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton L. Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Walt Will, Office Engineer; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. Moved by Swift; seconded by Delaurenti, that the minutes of the Council meet- ing of June 5th be approved as written. Carried. Mayor Baxter announced Council Committees as follows: ORDINANCE COPIMITTEE, B. J. Richardson - Chairman) Avery Garrett and Ray Heppenstall FIRE AND WATER COIvMI`ITEE, Thomas Trimm - Chairman, Hugh Bruce and Charles Delaurenti POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE, Charles Delaurenti - Chairman, Hugh Bruce and B. J. Richardson LIGHT AND P0WER. COMMITTEE, Walt Reid - Chairman, Thomas Trimm and Olin Hansen STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE, George Swift - Chairman, Walt ?.eid and Verle Vietzke SANITATION CUMMITTEE, Avery Garrett - Chairman, (Dr.) Llovd White and Charles Dela urenti PROPERTY COMMITTEE, Hugh Bruce - Chairman, George Swift and Olin Hansen LEGISLATIVE COP. IITTEE, (Dr.) Lloyd White - Chairman, Vern Morris and Thomas Trimm AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING CON'MITTEE, Olin Harsen - Chairman, Walt Reid and B. J. Richardson PUBLIC RELATIONS CO ,2rITTEF, Rav Heppenstall - Chairman, Vern- Morris and (Dr.) Llo-,�d White WAYS AND M7ANS COMMITTEE. Verle Vietzke - Chairman., George Swift and Avery Garrett Mayor Baxter stated that according to State Law, that the Mayor and City Treasurer, and one Councilman (elected by the Council) constitute the Finance Com- mittee. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that the President of the Council, Vern Morris, be elected to be the Council member on the Finance Com- mittee. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the appointments of the different Council Committees by the Mayor. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter of correcting the present ordinances covering the different Council Committees be referred to the Council as a Whole for consideration at their next Executive meeting. Carried. The City Clerk read the reappointments by Mayor Baxter of James Highton as City Engineer, Dave Pugh as Street Commissioner and. Dr. John F. Beattie as Health Officer. Moved by Richardson, seconded by White, that the Council concur in the reappointments by Mayor Baxter. Carried. - The City Clerk read the reappointment by Mayor Baxter of C. F. McCarthy as a member of the Police Pera.rtment Civil Service Commission. Mr. McCarthy's term will expire June 11 1962. Moved by Swift, seconded by White, that the Council concur in the reappointment br Mayor Baxter. Carried. The City Clerk read the reanxroirtment by Mayor Baxter of Miss Laura Shook as a member of the Library Board. Miss Shook's term will expire June 1, 1961. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by E'elaurenti, that the Council concur in the re- appointment by Mayor Baxter. Carried. The City Clem read the reappointment by Mayor Baxter of Miss Frances Gal- lacher as a member of the Park Board. Miss Ga_l-lacher' s term- will expire June 1, 1959. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the reappointment by Mayor Baxter. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that he had named the Street and. Alley Committee, (Council- men George Swift, Walt Reid and Verle Vietzke) City Attorney Gerard Shellan and City Engineer James Highton as members of the Council's One-Way Street Committee. i Mayor Baxter stated that the Citizen's Committee consists of five individual taxpayers (not interested in business) as follows, Tars. Enright (Anne) Lorenz, Mrs. Robert (Charlotte) Provin, Richard Johnson, Steve Eastman and Francis Beanblossom. Mayor Baxter stated that these representatives would attend the Special Meeting in regard to one-way streets- in the Council Chambers on Wednesday evening June 13th at 8:00 P.M.; that the Committee representing the business people, particularly on Main Street, which was headed by Mr. Ed Tabacca would also be present as well as a Committee from the Renton Chamber of Commerce. A communication was read from the Renton School District No. 1.03, signed by H. R. Johnson_, Secretary of the Board of Directors, advising that at a recent meeting with parents from Monterey Terrace, it was suggested that a representative of the Renton School Board.meet with the Street and Alley Committee concerning the problem of_ transnortation of children from Monterey Terrace to the various city schools, and requesting he be advised when this school representative could meet with the Street and Alley Com- mittee to discuss this transnortation problem. Moved by Morris, seconded by Heppenstall, that this request be referred to the Street and Alley Com- mittee for consideration and that he so ?dvise Mr. Johnson of the date for the proposed meeting. Carried. A communication was read from the City Clerk stating that there were quite a number of residents of Renton who would like to register, in order to vote in the fall elections---that due to their working hours and the "open" hours of the City Clerk's Office, it was impossible for them to do so, and requesting that the Council, adopt a Resolution authorizing the City Clerk to open the office for the purpose of registration only, from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon, the following Saturdays - July 28th, August 11th and August 11th, the closing date for the primaries; and on September 29th.and October 6th, the closing date for the general election, further stating that it was con- templated to operate the Clerk's Office on these extra Saturdays through voluntary services. After discussion, moved by Morris, seconded by White, that the reauest be referred to the City Attorney, as to legality and if legal and proper, the necessary Resolution be drafted for Council consider- ation. Carried. Two applications were read from the Pacific Telephone & Telegranh Company to lair underground conduit runs, one consisting of 9 ducts of 312" Tr.ansite Korduct pipes encased in concrete and 3 concrete manholes commencing at lith & Williams, southward to 5th Avenue, eastward on 5th Avenue to Main Street to the (south) Cit;r Limits, the other consisting of 33 ducts of 310;" Transite Korduct pipes encased in concrete and 14 concrete manholes, com- mencing. at 4th & Williams, northward to 6th Avenue North, eastward to Park Avenue, and northward to 8th Avenue North, including the placing of 8 (32") steel pipes across the Cedar River by attaching same to ton of steel deck beams of bridge adjacent to existing; gas line under west sidewalk area. Moved by White, seconded bi,r Hauser, that the two arplications be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for their consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication dated June 2, 1956 from the City Attorney' s Office to the Mayor and Council was read for the Council's informatior:, advising that on May 8, 1956 a letter was written by their office to the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul : Pacific Railroad Company concerning the blocking of traffic caused by the railroad on various occasions---that Mr. A. Herein, Assistant Super- visor of the railroad contacted their office on June 2nd and informed them that he had investigated the complaint registered by the City by interviewing the train crews and determined that a mechanical breakdown caused such block- ing on one occasion---that every effort will be made by the railroad to avoid any such occurrences in the future---that h'r. Hervin has had notices issued to all trainmen of the Coast Division advising them of the City's position in the matter. Mayor Baxter ordered the communication placed on file. A copy of a communication dated May 14, 1956 from the City Attorney's Office to Attorney John Vertrees in regard to the annexation of the Talbot Hill Area was read, advising Mr. Vertrees that the City of Renton has passed an ordinance annexing this area, as per legal description contained in said ordinance, and that the City Attorneys, Haugan '� Shellan, understand. that Mr. Vertrees' firm is counsel for the Water District in the Talbot Hill area; that because of the provisions of RCW 35.13-220 et sea., they (Haugan & Shellan) thought it advisable to request Mr. Vertrees take this matter up with the 8 5- Water Commissioners to determine their feelings in the matter xsrior to the City of R.enton's action in reference to the existing water district. Mayor Baxter ordered the communication placed on file,a . cop7T to be furnished the Fire and Water Committee for their information. A communication was read from Lawrerce A. Lindberg, Secretary of the Renton Kiwanis Club, advising that due to the time element and other complex factors, the Renton Kiwanis Club regrets that it will be unable to provide bleachers, which they had previously stated that thej.- wished to provide, but that in lieu of the bleachers, that the Board of Directors has authorized the purchase and installation of a complete loud speaker system, which has been approved by the Recreational Director, Gene Coulon---that it is their under- standing that this equipment is essential to the operation of a swimming pool and that the Kiwanis Club is happy to be able to provide this service to the community of Renton. Moved by White, seconded by Sti-ift, that the City Council accept with thanks this equipment from the Renton. Kiwanis Glub, on behalf of the City of Renton. Carried.. A communication was read from, Henry J. Reynolds, Secretary-Manager of the Renton Chamber of. Commerce, to the attention of the City's Police and License Committee, advising the Council that the Chamberts Solicitation Control Committee appreciates the City Clerk's Office notification to than of applicants seeking solicitor's and/or peddlerts licerses---that all applicants are thoroughly in- vestigated by the Chamber's Committee, consisting of 5 members, none of whom is known to the other, and if approved are issued a card which must be displayed to the person or firm solicited, if not approved, the card is not issued; that in regards to persons engaged in Interstate Commerce, thee- are advised that they must obtain a business license from the Clerk's Office before commencing, oper- ation, and that the Chamber only registers these persons---that ani* complaints received regarding their methods of operation are sent immediately by them to the firm they represent and also -to the National letter Business 'Bureau in New York. Mayor Paxter ordered the. communication placed on file. A communication was read from the Renton Scenic Hill Community Club, signed by Jean Lux, Secretary-Treasurer, requesting the City to widen and re-surface ELAJones Street, at the same time the water system is changed. Moved by Rorris, seconded by Hansen, that this request be referred to the Street and Alley Com- mittee for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Housing Authority, signed by Harry Heatherington, Executive Director, stating that on th-e request of Police Chief Ang Busato to black-top the Police Denartm!entts parking area they had re- ceived an approximate cost for this work of i$670.00, and request the Council's action. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hennenstall, that this matter be referred to the Property Committee and Mayor with power to act, also to include in this request, the black-topping of the area adjacent to the City Hall. Carried. The City Clerk read a memo from Magor paxter in regard to ar addition to the City Hall, adjacent to the City Clerk's Office, to provide an office for the Comptroller or the Mayor, a storeroom and Civil Defense Room. A sketch of the proposed building addition was attached, stating the approximate cost of the new section, including; electric heatirg, cement slab floor, Pte., as= x;`5,000.00, which is proposed to be paid for from the Cedar. River Housing Fund, providing approval is granted by the Citv Council. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that this proposal be referred to the Property Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. The City Clerk read. a protest to a proposed "Kidd-, Land", children's amuse- ment park which was to hr-ve bee- located at the northeast corner of Third and Rainier, because of the heavily travelled intersection, and this being unsafe for children, because it is hazardous for pedestrians to attempt crossing this intersection and because of the excessive noise to adjacent surrounding businesses, including four motels. The petition was signed by 13 adjacent property owners or business people. On request of Councilman Delaurenti, Chair- man of the Police and License Committee, to whom this matter (permission to operate Kiddy Land) had been previously referred, Attorney Hugh Carney stated that besides the reasons stated in the petition, as an owner of one- of the adjacent motels, that in respect to motels, there were only a few small ones serving the City a vital need and that; this t1,7pe of business in the area would bring noises and. activity not conducive to the motel business; that this is an extremely hazardous intersection for pedestrians, and that they feel it would be highly unadvisable to place a "Kiddy Land" near this intersection as the children would stray on this travelled area and there might be casualties. a. The protest was referred to the Police and License Committee. A communication ,=has read from Fvan Pugh protesting the "no parking" on Logan Street from L to 6 P.M., stating that in his opinion the traffic is not heavy* enough to warrant this restriction and the inconvenience to his home, and that he feels a new traffic survey on Logan Street is in order. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that this protest be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for consideration and a. report back. Carried. A letter in protest to the one-way traffic in front of their store, Tradewell Stores, Inc., signed by M. L. Bean, President, was read, stating that the installation of the-one-wav streets has seriously hurt their business, and he understands that other businesses have been adversel-r affected as they have, and that in lieu of the four lane highwat,r (2nd Avenue), that approval be given to make this a two-way thoroughfare, that this condition should be remedied immediately. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the protest be referred to the Mayor's Special Committee. Carried. Petitions requesting the Council to take the necessary steps to secir e the dedication of the North Highlands Recreational Building and land comprising approximately 2 3/4 acres for recreational and other municipal use, signed by 118 persons, including husbands and wives, was read, and on motion of Heppen- stall, seconded by Swift, was referred to the Property Committee to be con- sidered when the property is dedicated to the City. The City Attorney stated that he believed that the petitioners were requesting the City to speed up the acquisition of the building from the Federal Government and that a com- munication stating this could be forwarded to the proper Government authori- ties for their action. The motion, including the City Attorney's suggestion then carried. A copy of a letter from Gordon R. Bingham, Actuary to the Council (dated May 18, 1956) stating that he has received inquiries in regard to an actuarial survey of the City' s Firemen's Pension Fund from two other cities of the same general magnitude as T?.enton, and inquired if the City of Renton would. be interested in having such a survey made at this time, in order to determine whether part of the otherwise mandatory mill levied might not be required, or on the other hard, whether more than that millage is needed to fund the City's system property. That because of the great amount of work involved, whether 11 2 or 3 cities would desire such a survey, that the cost would be $425.00 if all three cities desire such a serve, $55o.-O if, two participate and x'825.00 if only one such survey is performed at this time; that if the necessary personnel data is received by him by July 15, that a finished report (he believes) could be in. the City's hands by September 1st. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Heppenstall, that the communication be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole for consideration at their next Executive Session. Carried. A communication was read from Gene Coulon, Superintendent of Parks and. Recreation, concurring in the Citv Attorney's suggestion, and. the Council's concurrence, at the_ June 5th Council meeting, that the final acceptances and payment to the Swimmir_g Pool Contractor be held for further operational check on the pool. Moved by White, seconded by Hansen, that the communication be referred to the Finance Committee. Carried. Another communication was read from Gene Coulon, Superintendent of Parks and Recreation, advising that lie had been instructed by the .Park_ Board to proceed as rapidly as possible with plans for installation of a parking lot (to accomodate 55 cars) and sidewalks, also stairway, adjacent to the swimming pool area; that monies for the construction of the parking lot (to be located adjacent to the north side of the pool) will be taken from Capital Outlay of Park Funds---however an additional sum of ? 900.00 is needed for construction of sidewalks and stairway. Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the Park Board's report that "the Park Superintendent start immediatel7T on the work for the parking lot, sidewalk and stairway adjacent to the. swimming pool", and the matter of funds for the parking lot to be taken from Capital Outlay of the Park Fund and the $900.00 for financing of the sidewalks and stairwa- be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for their consideration and a' report back. Carried. Mayor Baxter inquired as to the Council's wishes in regard. to the re- quest of the American District Telegraph Company to install a connection in the- Renton Fire Department with their alarm system. Fire Chief Floyd Lawrence stated that a Company Representative had been out to talk with the 1 ill , Fire Department in regard to such connection and that while this enterprise would be in Fire District x;40, that it does not get clearance for insurance purposes from that company---that they would like a working agreement with the Renton Fire Department, at least for the hook-up and that he had advised the representative how such connection would have to be made---that the Denton Fire Department could answer any calls for assistance under the "I1Tutual Aid Laws" if the Cityts equipment wasn't already in use, that he had also told him the City would be agreeable to the installation of a-recording system in their office---that any and all expense in connection with the installation would be borne by the A.D.T. Company and that they would hold the City of Renton harm- less. Fire Chief Lawrence stated that he had advised the representative that they would answer any call that came in, providing the City's equipment wasntt in use, and that this col)ld be done without Jeopardizing the Renton Fire Depart- ment. Councilman Trimm reported that this matter had previously been referred to the Fire and ?rater Committee, Fire Chief and City-Attorney and that the Fire Chief's report was the result of their meeting---that they had reauested the Fire Chief to make this report---that on advice of the City Attorney they felt that the City couldntt be obligated to go outside of their City Limits under a written contract, but would go on record by giving them a statement that the Fire Department would give their moral support if they-did not hold the Citv of Renton legally liable and if the City wasn't using; their own equipment at the time the alarm was riven, or the equipment was not r_eeded in the City of Renton at that time, and that the maority of the Fire and Water Committee recommend that the Council approve the report of the Fire Chief and so moved by Richardson, seconded by Harser, and carried. L t j Mayor Baxter reported that he had copies of an ordinance in connection with the proposal of garbage collection for the City of Renton, that he would like to refer one copy to the City Attorney and one copy to the Ordinance -Committee for consideration; that Councilman ,white has a proposal in regard to garbage col- lection that he will present at the next Executive Council meeting---that a sneaker, well informed on garbage collection is available and with the Council's approval will be present at the next Executive Council meeting. Moved by liorris, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the report and proposal of Mayor Baxter. Carried. Dorothea Gossett, the City Treasurer, reported that she had been advised b- Roland Nolte, of the County Treasurer's Office, that the City of Renton would re- ceive $45.,655.65 for 'in lieu of taxes' from the Federal Government for the Boeing Airplane Company, not the $155,533.00 as reported in the newspapers the previous week; that this was the first payment that would be made to the City of Renton and that it would probably be received in July. Both the local papers gill be given this information for clarification in the next issue of their respective newspapers. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: MORnT_S, TRINM, P ICH.n.PDSON, ,%7HITE, GARRETT, HATTSE�T, SWIFT AVID HEPPFNSTALL. Councilman ".ichardson,- Chairman, of the Ordinanc-e Committee, reported that he ,would like to present the proposed ordinance covering the annexation of the Cugini propertjr for Council consideration. The City Clerk read the proposed ordi- nance annexing certain_ territory to the City of Renton, the property more general- lv being described as 110 acres adjacent to the south of the south boundaries of the Highlands and Windsor Hills, abutting S. N;. 128th Street (also known as the Cemetery Road and bth Avenue North) . Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recom- mendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that the Ordinance Committee would like to report favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by S,:.rift, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the re- port of the Ordinance Committee and proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson., that Ordinance No. 1549 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taker as follows: Morris, Aye; 'a:riirm, Aye; Richardson., Aye; White, Aye; Garrett, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Swift, Ave and. Heppenstall, Aye. All present voting "Aire", the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson inouired if anjr of the Councilmen had any question in regard to the ordinance presented or its first reading last weer regulating the storage, use, etc., of explosives, and there being none, Councilman Richardson 1 stated that the Ordinance Committee would like to report favorably on the proposed I Ordirance, and recommended its passage. Moved. by Swift, seconded bar Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that Ordinance No. 1550 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken as follows; Morris, Aye; Trimm, Aye; Richardson, lye; White, Aye; Garrett, Ave; Hansen, Aye; Swift, Aye and Heppenstall, Aye. All present voting "Aye", the motion unanimousl-�r carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, .reported that he would like to present another ordinance providing for the licensing and regulating of pawnbrokers, which had been recommended by the Chief of Police, for Council consideration. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordi- nance, as presented by the Ordinance Committee, amending Ordinance No. 1210, as amended by Ordinance No. 1538, providing for the licensing and regulating of pawnbrokers; defining offenses, providing penalties, providing for the revocation and suspension of licenses and revealing all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Swift that the proposed Ordinance be referred. to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that the only change was in the last paragraph and that the maioritt. of the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passaLe.- Moved by White, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recom- mendation of the Ordirance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Trimm, seconded b-r Hanser, that Ordinance No. 1551 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken as follows: Morris, A--e; Trimm, Ave; Richardson, Pye; White, Aye; Garrett, dye; Hansen, Aye; Swift, Aye and Hep- penstall, Aye. All present voting "A--e", the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, ren orted that the Ordinance Committee had a proposed Ordinance which had been re- quested by the Sanitation Committee regulating the use of public and private sewers and drains, private sewage disposal, etc., stating that the proposed Ordinance had been placed on its first readin; rlaviouslti- and had been held by the Sanitation Committee. Councilman White commented on the proposed Ordinance stating that under Article VIII, Charges and Rates, Section 2, the Committee proposed to change and equalize industrial and commercial sewer charges, also some domestic sewer charges. After discussion as to this change, the Council agreed that the domestic ,sewer charges should be left "as is" for the present. (Councilman Delaurenti returned to the Council meeting). After further discussion, moved. by Richardson, seconded by Hep- penstall, that the matter of future increase of certair domestic sewer unit rates be referred to the Public Relations Committee to work with the news- naners to apprize the public of the anticipated rates. Carried. Council- man Richardson, Chairman, stated that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance regulating public aad private sewers and drains, etc., and recommended its passage. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Com- mittee and the proposed Ordirance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and firal reading, moved b7- ?ichardsor:, seconded by White, that Ordinance No. 1552 be adopted as read. A'roll call vote being taker as follows: Morris, A,re; Trimm, Ave; Richardson, A-re; White, A--e; Garrett, Are; Hansen, Aye; Swift, Aye;_ Delaurenti, Afire and Heppenstall, Aye. All present voting "Aye" the motion unanimously carried. The City Engineer stated that the Sewer Ordinance as passed this evening charged for sewer service for industrial and commercial houses at 50% of the metered water rates, r at'-e.r than the present schedule rates---that the over-all increase to the City in collections is estimated at .,,000.00 per year. Councilman Trimm, Chairman, reported that there would be a meeting of the Fire and Water Committee, Monday evening, June 18th at 7:30 P.M. (Councilmen Trimm, Bruce and Delaurenti). The City Engineer informed the Council that the fire_ hydrants in the Earlington Heights were owned by the King County Water District; the City Attornejr was requested to investigate the possibility of this ?,Cater District coming into the City. Mr. Shellan stated that there were several ways, under the law, that the City could take over the '.Cater District, (1) That, the City could take over if the entire district is within the Cit-%r, (2) Pro-rating, if nart inside and part outside the City, (3) Take over and assume the outstand- ing balance, and. (4) Allow existing Commissioners to operate on a contract basis---that bonds cannot be paid off any earlier than the redemption date--- that the City could take over a water district and assume the bond indebtedness and pay this off---that in all fairness, the City should investigate as to the condition of the water lines---that if they are not in good condition, that the District should put the lines in good condition. Loved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that this matter be referred to the Fire and Water Committee for investigation and a report back. In regard to the condition of the fire hydrants in the Woody Glen Addition, Councilman Trimm reported that the Fire and Water Committee was negotiating with Mr. R. Edwards, owner of the private line in this Addition in regard to formation of a L.I.D. to improve this line. The motion to refer the matter to the Fire and Water Committee to investigate the proposal of the City taking over the Water District line in Earlington r Heights then carried. Mayor Baxter reported that the hearing in regard to the additional bridge over Cedar River by the Army Engineers had been held up temnorarily, that no decision had been made. Councilman White reported that he and Councilman Reid, Mayor Baxter and Arthur Haugan, then City Attornesr, had attended the meeting with the 6 Boeing Airplane CCompany Department Heads and the Army Engineers and that he felt the Army Engineers were very receptive to their request. Councilman Delaurenti stated, the Police and License Committee having been given power to act on the request for "Kiddy Land", that in regard to the lack of sanitation facilities for youngsters, the facilities which had previously been offered, having been withdrawn, and also considering the petition with the 13 signatures of adjacent business houses, which had been received this evening, that they felt the only action the Police and License Committee could take, would be to refuse this request. Mayor Baxter requested Councilman Richardson to take Councilman Reids place on the Street and Alley Committee at their meeting, in connection with one-way streets, on Wednesday evening, June 13, 1956. Councilman Swift reported there would be a Street and Alley Committee meet- ing, Thursday evening at 8:00 P.M. *Now Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M. (There were fourteen persons present besides City of Renton employees). City Clerk (IV yor 1 I Renton, Washington June 19, 1956 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.Ni. ROLL CALL: MORRIS, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZICE, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL and BRUCE. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Cita Attorney; Ernest Isackson, Asst. Police Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Reuben Miller, Acting Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Walt Will, Office Engineer; Ben Hayes, Asst. City Engineer and Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the Council meeting of June 12, 1956 be approved as written. Carried. The appointment by Mayor Baxter of Vern Church as Purchasing Agent was read. Moved by Richarrison, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the appoint- ment of Mayor Baxter. Carried. The appointment by Mayor Baxter of Charles Bott as Comptroller on a 6 months probationary period was read. Councilman Heppenstall, Chairman of the Job Eval- uation Committee, stated that Mr. Bott had met with the Job Evaluation Committee on Saturday, June 16th---that the Committee had reviewed Mr. Bott's qualifi- cations and experience and that the majority of the Committee felt his qualifi- cattons were satisfactory---that the Committee had accepted the Mayor's judge- ment in this regard and had not interviewed any other applicants for this position and that the Committee recommended Mr. Bott be hired on a 6 months probationary period. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee and the appointment by Magor Baxter. Carried. An invitation was read from the City Emplolree's Club, signed bar Fred Johnson, President, inviting the Mayor, Councilmen, Officials and Department Heads and their respedtive wives, and/or husbands, to the Annual Citv Employee's Club Picnic at Ky Fox's Resort on Lake Meridian. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the Council accept the invitation on behalf of all the City Officials and Department Heads and as many as possibly can, attend the picnic. Carried. A letter of appreciation was read from the Seattle Park Board, signed by Paul V. Brown, Supt. of Parks on the new Liberty Park Swimming Pool, sending congratulations from the Seattle Park Board on same. Mayor Baxter ordered the communication filed. A communication from City Attorney Gerard Shellan to Mayor Baxter and the City Engineer was read, stating that he (the City Attorney) deems it advisable to bring to their attention the statutory provisions relative to approval and filing of plats within the City of Renton---that the statutory provisions are the minumum requirements which have to be adhered to by the City. Also that the Council study the proposed Platting Ordinance that the City Engineer proposes for adoption at an early date. The City Attorney enclosed excerpts in regard to above for the appropriate Council Committee, the City Engineer and City Clerk's Office. On suggestion of Councilman Richardson, moved bir White, seconded by Trimm, that the communication and excerpts be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their information. Carried. A communication was read from Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, in regard to recovery of the sum of $500.00 paid by the City of Renton, through its Planning Commission to Mr. Barbo, in connection with the proposed compilation and publication of booklets of the Renton Planning Survey; that the program was not consummated and an agreement was entered into with lir. Barbo whereby the $500.00 was to be refunded to the City and that when communications from the ..� Clerk's and City Attorney's Office remained unanswered, the Attorretr's Office had negotiated with Mr. Parbo (during last week) and impressed on him the serious consequence which would result if monies were not forthcoming---the City Attorne-v stated that a check in the sum of $500.00 payable to +.he City had been recieved and was enclosed for the'City Treasurer, and requests to be advised when the check clears the bank so that Mr. Barbo can be advised the matter is settled. Councilman Heppenstall complimented the legal staff. Moved by Swift, seconded by Heppenstall, that the check be turned over to the City Treasurer for proper action. Carried. A communication was re=al from Robert 0. Fleming & Company, in regard to the False Arrest Insurance, stating that the rates were raised shortly after the present certificate went into effect; that the premium to renew is $468.50, plus 9 plus $1.00 policy fee, but that the insurance would have no deductible applicable; that the present coverage with a $250.00 deductible, had been discontinued by Lloyds, but that they have a coverage on a $1,000.00 deductible basis at a policy fee of $162.50. The Assistant City Attorney stated that the City would have full coverage, without any deductible, at the renewal fee of $468.50, plus $1.00 policy fee. Moved by Swift, seconded by Vietzke, that the communication be referred to the Property Committee to confer with the Insurance Commission, with the power to act. Carried. A communication was read from James Highton, City Engineer, advising the Council of a condi+ion existing at the Liberty Park Swimming Pool site, which has +` the aspects of a potential safety hazard; that the 1000 volt electrical power transmission line that feeds the transformers for the Liberty Park water system pumps parallels the south swimming pool fence and is approximately 8 feet south of the fence---that the possibility of the power line falling on the fence or pool is remote, but he believes all reasonable precautions to safeguard the pool should be taken. The cost to re-route the power line and lighting service line to the pump house is $300.00. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that the report be referredto the Light & Power Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Planning Commission, signed by C.G. Myers, Secretary, reporting that the Special Committee studying the requests of two separate individuals for approval of plats, had made the following reports. Council action follows each report. (1) Recommending the Plat for the President Park Noll as submitted by Albert Balch, be rejected, as the streets outlined on the plat do not correspond to the streets of the surrounding area. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and Mr. Balch be so advised---also, that he should revise the plat to conform to City of Renton Ordi- nances,before submitting it again to the City. Carried. (2) Recommending the plat of George R. Studebaker be accepted as the streets of this plat conform satisfactorily with those of the surrounding area. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the date of July 10,1956 be set for the hea-ing, it being understood that the applicant pay the necessary fee for posting of notices. The City Attorney stated that according to State Law, a hearing must be held on the proposed plat before being adopted bT- the Council---that 3 notices would have to be posted at least 7 days prior to the hearing; also, in regrd to plats, State Lai!! makes particular references to the Council's right to see thnt proper pro- visions are made for parks, playgrounds, schools, etc. The motion carried. A copy of a letter from Colonel N.A. Matthias, Corpls of Engineers, Seattle District Engineers Office to the Boeing Airplane Company, with reference to the construction of an airplane access bridge across the Cedar River, Commercial Waterway No.2, in Renton. The communication stated that drawings show that the bottom of the proposed bridge would be at elevation 26.5 feet above the Corps of Engineers datum of Mean Lower Low Water, or 4.5 feet above the higher regulated level of Lake Washington---that the function of the Corps of Engineers in approving plans for structures in navigable waters is only to insure that the structures will meet the requirements of navigation and that Boeing's application will be con- sidered on that basis; that the Seattle District Engineers Office has a flood control project for the Cedar River under study that may result in the construction of a levee on the right bank to protect against a 15,000 second foot flow, equi- valent to a stage of 29.1 feet above mean lower low water below Logan Street--- that such a levee would have a crest elevation of 32.1 feet, and that in the event this levee is ever constructed by the United States, one of the requirements imposed on local interest would be the removal or reconstruction of any bridge providing less clearance than the elevation of the crest of the levee. Mayor Baxter stated that he hadihi.s letter read for the Council's information only. .� A communication was read from Harvey Cole of Harvey Cole Company, Inc., re- questing that a "loading & unloading zone" be established in front of their build- ing to accomodate delivery trucks who need to unload supplies for their company--- that the Tarking area at the rear of their building is used most of the day by beer trucks using this area for loading and unloading from an adjacent warehouse. Moved bar Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the request be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, requested a meeting of the Ordinance Committee, Tuesday, June 2F h at 7:30 P.T-i., in regard to the proposed Platting Ordinance. The Cit-i Attorney and City Engineer were requested to be present. Councilmau Trimm, Chairman, reported that the Fire & Water Committee had con- sidered a request from Paul Bromley to hook up a power ram in the water shed to the City's water supply, that the Fire & Water Committee and City Engineer had consid- ered Mr. Bromley's request, that it was the recommendation of the Committee that Mr. Bromley be permitted to install a hydraulic ram and piping in the water shed at his own expense, at $ 3.50 per month (twice the unmetered water rate) and that an agree- ment be drafted between. the City and Mr. Bromley stating that he will be given 30 days notice in case the City wants him to take the line out, it being understood that any expense in connection with the installation and/or removal would be Mr. Bromleys. The City Engineer stated that installation would be one-half inch and would be made in accordance with City regulations and would have to be removed at any time the City ordered---that it would be Mr. Bromleys risk in the installation if the City wished it to be removed at any time, that the City would be held harmless. Moved by White,seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Fire & Water Committee. Carried. Councilman Reid stated that he had talked to the Power Company today in regard to installation of street lights, that the light at 5th & Burnett Street also the 17 lights in the area of the Cemetery Road and E. Street would be installed this coming week, that all other lights previously authorized had been installed. Councilman Richardson stated that it had been determined thpt the Clerk's Office could remain open certain Saturday mornings for the purpose of registering voters, without benefit of Ordinance, that it was the City Clerk's prerogative to keep the Clerk's Office open. The City Clerk stated that he would like to keep the Clerk's Office open on the following Saturday mornings from 9:00 to 12:00 Noon, July 28th, August lith and August 11th (the last day to register before the Primary Election), also on September 29th and October 6th ( the last day to register before the General Election). Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Coun- cil concur in the recommendation of the City Clerk and both newspapers and the radio station be so notified. Carried. Councilman Richardson inquired if the Fire & Water Committee were investi- gating the matter of the City taking over the Earlington Water District. The City Attorney stated that an investigation should be made as to the condition of the water lines before the City acquires same---that the Water District should see that the line is in good condition before the City takes it over. Council- ... man Heppenstall stated that the man in charge of the repair of the water line could advise the Committee of the condition of the line, and/or assist the City's Water Department to make a survey for the Committee. Councilman Trimm, Chairman, stated that the Fire & Water Committee would investigate this matter. Councilman Vietzke reported, in connection with the sidewalks and steps to be installed adjacent to the new Liberty Park Swimming Pool, that the Committee recommended that the cost of sante, which was estimated at X900.00, be taken from the "Old Swimming Pool Fund", and that further action on same, also the matter of source of funds for the parking lot be referred to Councilman Morris, (who was the new Council member elected to serve with the Mayr and City Treasurer, who now comprise the Finance Committee). Councilman Morris reported that members of the Committee agreed with Councilman Vietzke's report, and further stated that the Committee felt the parking lot, being primarily for the benefit of the swimming pool operation, that a portion of the cost of the lot, of 22,000.00 be taken from the Old Swimming Pool Fund, the balance to be taken from "Capital Outlay" of the Park Department Fund. Councilman Richardson stated that if both of these expend- itures were taken from the Old Swimming Pool Fund, it would leave a balance of 213,000.00 plus in this fund, and moved, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendations of both Committees. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that he would appoint a different Council Representative Committee to meet with the Housing Authority before the next Council meeting. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee, reported in con- 4"00nection with the request of the Windsor Hills residents for sidewalks along E Street, that at a joint meeting with this group and the Street Commissioner, City Engineer and a representative from the Police Department Traffic Division, that a favorable arrangement had been worked out whereby the material would be furnished by the Windsor Hills Group, the City to furnish the labor and that the Rainier Asphalt Company had made a special offer for installation of an asphalt sidewalk at a cost less than what the City of Rerton could do the work for; that this improve- ment would be completed before September 1st. hd t! Councilman Swift, Chairman, reported that the Street & Alley Committee recom- mended in connection with the proposed extension of 96th Avenue South, that the City Engineer and City Attorney work this out together, the City Attorney to contact the Puget Sound Power & Light Company in regard to obtaining the right- of-way and the City Engineer to draft the legal description. Moved by Richardson, seconded b7- Vietzke, that. the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried, Councilman Swift, Chairman, further reported in regard to the previous request of Emil Tveit for approval of a plat that the Planning Commission had referred back to the Council for consideration of a 40 foot street, located north of 10th Avenue ....' North on the Junset Highway, in the next block north of the Lutheran Church, that the Street & Alley Committee recommends the Council., approve the 40 foot street, which dead-ends a short distance beyond this property. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommencation of the Stree , & Alley Committee. Carried. This information will be given to the Renton Pianning Commission. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee reported also in regard to installation of a new storm sewer drain on 3rd Avenue from Shattuck Street to Rainier Avenue to replace the former wooden water pipe, which had since collapsed---that the City Engineer be requested to prepare the plans and develop a cost estimate and a "Call fpr Bids" be issued as the City has insufficient man- power to complete the work before the fall season; that it is proposedto install the new storm sewer drain on the south side of the street where there is no side- walk---that when information is completed for publication of "Call for Bids" that the matter be referred to the Ways and i''leans Committeefor consideration of the cost. Councilman Richardson stated that no Council action would be necessary until the Call for Bids was prepared. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee further reported in regard to the Off-Street Parking Lot that the Street & Alley Committee recommend that the Council approve the Citv contributing 9125.00 towards the support of this parking lot, with the idea that the merchants in this general area who derive bene- fits from same, make up the difference of $25.00 to meet the $150.00 required by the owner---that a very bare minimum was required to maintain this lot. Mayor Baxter inquired if the lot didn't pay for itself, if the City would be permitted to drop the lot immediately or would thev be required to continue the lot. Council- man Swift stated it was anticipated that the revenue from the parking meters within the lot would pay for the lot rental---that the lot was considered as a continuation of a street. Councilman, Morris, stated, in his opinion, revenue from parking meter, other than those in the lot, s'zouldn't be used to subsidize the lot. Council- man Swift advised the Council, that either the City or lot owner could terminate the lease agreement on a 30-day notice. Moved by Heppenstall, secon('ed by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift suggested that the Mayor's Limited Access Highway Committee request a meeting with the District Engineer's Representative to keep abreast of their plans in the Renton area. Mayor Baxter stated that a meeting could be arranged with a Representative from the District Engineer's Office any time the City wished any information. Councilman Heppenstall reported that under the Auditing Committee's old bus- iness a meeting was to have been arranged with the Library Board to studythe usage of the Library by people living outside of the City of Renton and that he would like to refer this matter to Councilman Hansen, the new Chairman---that a meeting with the head of the Library should be arranged as soon as possible; also the possibility of a fee change should be studied. Councilman Richardson stated, in his opinion, that this matter would create a lot of public resentment if not handled properly and that he felt the matter should be referred to the Public Relations Committee (from the Auditing & Accounting Committee) to inform and educate the people in this regard and so moved, seconded by Trimm and carried. Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee, reported in regard to the proposed new addition to the City Hall Building, to allow office space for either the Ma.vor or Comptroller, a Civil Defense Room and a storage room, that it was estimated that this addition could be constructed for approximately $5,000.00, and that it was recommended by 'the Property Committee that this addition be constructed and the cost of same be taken from the Cedar River Housing Fund. Moved by Swift seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee, and the Housing Authority be authorized to include this item in their next ,years budget---it being understood that the construction would be let out to bidders on a regular "call for bids". Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman, reported that the 6treet & Alley Committee would like to recommend that a letter be forwarded to the Chamber of Commerce requesting that their organization make an effort to retain the property at 2nd and Wells Street for off-street parking, it being understood that the present occupants are going to vacate this building and erect a building of their own---that the Committee felt it would be a definite advantageto the City of Renton if the Chamber of Commerce could make arrangements for the use of this property for parking. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommend- ation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee recommended revival of previous Council action to declare a Local Improvement District to contract the improvement of concrete sidewalks and curbs on the south side of 3rd Avenue from Shattuck Street to Rainier Avenue, and so moved by Richardson, seconded b-r Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee and the necessary steps be taken. In connection with the installation of sidewalks and curbs, Councilman Swift stated that the storm sewer line on the north side of 3rd Avenue, between Shattuck Street and Rainier Avenue having collapsed--- that the drain be installed on the south side and be installed prior to install- ation of the sidewalks and curbs. The motion carried. Councilman Swift stated that if and when the sidewalks were installed, that a pedestrian crossing should be installed across 3rd Avenue at Rainier Avenue. Councilman Swift reported that this afternoon, following a funeral he had attended, that during the funeral procession to the cemetery*, a Northern Pacific train had knowingly cut across the line of procession, about one minute before it would have cleared the crossing, unbeknown to the officer leading the procession. 71"e City Attorney stated that it was a misdemeanor to cut through a funeral pro- cession. Moved b?T Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that a letter be dis- patched to the Northern Pacific Railroad Company advising them of this incident and requesting consideration in regard to such matters. Carried. The City Attor- ney will contact the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, in regard to this report. In connection with Councilman Delaurenti's inquiry asto the opening of 4th Avenue, and motion, seconded by Hansen, to refer this matter to the Street & Alley Committee for investigation, Councilman Richardson informed the Council that the Mayor's Special Committee meeting with Boeing Airplane Company Representatives in regard to the proposed vacation of 8th Avenue North, etc., had been investigating this proposal and will submit recommendations in regard to same in the very near future. The motion carried. Councilman Reid stated that the Washington Natural Gas Company's work crews with large trucks were blocking numerous streets in Renton, that Williams Street had been semi blocked for several days and that the workmen don't sem- to be exerting every effort to hurry this job through. The Street Foreman, Reuben Miller, reported that permission had been granted to block Williams Street on Monday. Councilman Vietzke explained that he had talked with the Renton Manager and had been advised that two unions are involved in this work and that this is what is delaying it. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson., that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting ad.jouned at 9:30 P.M. There were S persons present besides Citi- of Renton Employees. -1 wow C ty Clerk Mayor 95, Renton, Washington July 10,1956 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: MORRIS, TRIM., REID, RICHARDSON, WHITE, VIETZKE, GARRETT, SWIFT, HANSEN, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL & BRUCE. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Arthur Haugan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City -ngineer; Reuben Miller, Act- ing Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Ben Hayes, Assistant City Engineer; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent and Charles Botts Budget Comptroller. Moved bir Bruce, seconded by Morris, that the minutes of the Council meeting of June 19th be approved as written. Carried. The appointment by Mayor Baxter of Chester R. Nuber Jr. as patrolman on the Renton Police Force, effective July 16,1956 for a 6-month probationary period was read. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the appoint- ment by the Mayor. Carried. The appointment by City Treasurer, Dorothea Gossett of Mrs. Syria Payne as Assistant Treasurer for the City of Renton, effective June 4, 1956 was read. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the appointment by the City Treasurer. Carried. The appointment by Mayor Baxter of Victor H. Smith as patrolman in the Renton Police Department on permanent status, effective July 17, 1956 was read. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the permanent appointment by the Mai*or. Carried. A request from Ang Busato, Police Chief, that the retirement date of Officer Walter J. Kerr, of the Renton Police Department be extended to the maximum(for one year), was read. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the request of the Chief of Police. Carried. A communication was read from the City Treasurer, Dorothea S. Gossett,desig- nating the Renton Branch of the Seattle-First National Bank and the Renton Branch of the People's National Bank of Washington as depositories for the City of Renton. Moved by Reid, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the statement of the City Treasurer. Carried. A communication was read from Mayor Baxter, in regard to the request of Weston J. Betts to operate a Kiddyland at a location about 1000 feet north of the inter- section of Maple Way & Bronson Way, adjoining the Alameda Tavern, stating that approval asto safety having been granted by the Engineering Department, approval as to sanitary facilities having; beer: granted b-,r the Renton Health Officer, Dr. Beat'tie., and the necessary bonds having been submitted to the City Clerk's Office, that per- mission was granted pending Council action at this evening's meeting, Mr. Betts having met the requirement e for this type of operation. Councilman Morris, Pres- ident of the Council, reported that the Committee of the Council as a Whole had recommended approval be granted providing Mr. Betts meet the requirements as above stated. The requirements having been met, moved by Trimm, seconded by White, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried. A letter of thanks was readfrom Capt. George K. Grant, Artillery_ , USAR, for their recent demonstration of equipment in the City of Renton, Mayor Baxter ordered the communication filed. A communication was read from the Washington State Highway Commission, signed by P. J. McKay, District Engineer, advising the City that 141r. J. L. Thorton had been assigned as District State Aid Engineer in this destrict, and that it is their desire to assist the city and county officials in any manner poss'ble, especially on matters pertaining to highway and street improvements. Mayor Baxter ordered the communication filed. A communication was read from the Northern Pacific Railway Company, signed by Dean H. Eastman, Vice President and Western Counsel, to Gerard Shellan, City Attor- ney, concerning the attorney's letter of June 22nd advising the railroad of their violations by train crews on June 19,1956 at the intersection of 4th & Burnett Street, when a switch engine cut across a funeral procession with Police Escort when one- half of the procession had cleared the tracks, also to the provisions of the Traffic %ode making it unlawful to drive through any funeral procession. Mr. Eastman statedthat they regret the incident, that it was wholly unwarranted, regardless of the traffic code provisions, and that the matter would be fully investigated; he assured the City Attorney that everything would be done to avoid the occurrence of similar incidents in the future. Mayor Baxter ordered the communication filed. A communication was read from the City Attorney regarding the State Auditor's report pertaining to the period from January 1,1954 to December 312 1955, concerning the cumulative reserve funds set up by the City in 1943, known as Funds 1182, 1183 and 1184; that their office has studied this matter and has had considerable correspondence with the State Auditor's Office, as they felt that the conclusion reached by their (the State Auditor's) office was erroneous in several respects--- that they forwarded to the State Audit3r's Office on June 13, 1956, copies of all ordinances which they erroneously had described as "resolutions," and that they had received and were attaching a copy of a letter from Mr. A. F. Hankins, Chief Exam- iner, advising that the City's ordinances are in order and comely with the statute. Mr. Shellan stated that they felt they should bring the foregoing to the Mayor and Council's attention so that in their study of the report they would disregard any criticism of the State Examiner. The communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from the Governor's Committee on I'letronolitan Prob- lems, signed by Harold S. Shefelman, Chairman, stating that this committee had met in Seattle several days ago and discussed the sewarage and water pollution problems in the general metropolitan area---that it was agreed that a meeting should be held, to which representatives of the local governmental units interested should be invited, for a discussion of these vital problems, on Friday, July 13th at 9:30 A.M. on the U. of W. Campus. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the Mayor and City Engineer attend this meeting if at all possible. Carried. A communication was read from Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, enclosing a copy of "Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and Decree of Dissolution" affecting the dissolution of Commercial Waterway District No. 2 and the distribution of all of its assets and properties of every type and description unto the City of Renton, stating that a certain c=,sh deposit with the King County Treasurer's Office in excess of $18,000.00, together with income from certain existing rentals and leases : are distributed unto the City for flood control and related purposes. Mr. Shellan stated that it was advisable, upon receipt of said funds, to place them into a separate fund for the purposes specified. On advice of Assistant City Attorney, Arthur Haugan, moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that the matter of establishing a separate fund for the purposes specified by the City Attorney, be referred to the Ordinance Committee to draft the proper ordinance or resolution for Council consideration. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Heprenstall, that problems of the Commercial Waterway District #2, be temporarily referred to the Property Committee until the committee jurisdiction of this new unit to the City of Renton is properly clarified. Carried. A communication was read from the City Arrorney as to the necessity for actuar- ial studies to be made of the Firemen's Relief and Pension Fun'', calling attention to R.C.W. 41.04.050 (Chapter 78 of the Session Laws of 1949) which contains a requirement that at least once in each five-year period the retirement board of each retirement system shall cause an actuarial investigation to be made which actuary shall be appointed by the retirement board, the requirement being imposed on the retirement board and not on the City, its primary purpose being to study the mortality, service, compensation and other experience of the members and bene- ficiaries of the retirement system. That on the other hand, R.C.W. 41.16.060 allows the City, at any time before the annual budget, to cause an examination to be made by an actuary of the Firemen's Pension Fund to determine w'-tether it will be necessary for the city to require the levy of the mandatory 1 mill, or any part or all of the additional 1 mill levy during the ensuing year. Councilman Morris, President of the Council, reported that the Committee of the Council as a Whole had recommended as far as the Council was concerned, that the matter be tabled. UMW Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried. Councilman Morris, the member of the Finance Committee, who is a member of the Firemen's Relief and Pension Board, reported, for the Council's information, that at the last meeting of this group, action had been taken to engage the firm of Marsh and McLennan to make this actuarial survey. The final estimate on the Liberty Park Swimming Pool Bathhouse from the contrac- tor, Nelson Building & ContractingCompany, in the total amount of $4054.10 (including approved extra work for the satisfactory construction of the ?R.ath- honcse & authorized additions in the amour- of *2650.27) was read. The City Engineer stated that the total final costs charged to the Swimm'rg Pool Bond Fund are $100,675.67. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the final estimate from the Contractor, Nelson Building & Contracting Company be referred to the Finance Committee and Auditing & Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer Submitting a request for a 15-day extension of time from Thorburn & Logozoq Contractor for the Maplewood Storm Sewer. The City Engineer stated that the basis for the request was the delay in the award of the contract---that the bids were received on April 17,1956, VOW the award being June [, 19[6 and that in view of circumstancEs beyond the control of the Contractor, he (the City Engineer) recommends the extension of time as re- quested. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by White, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and the Contractor be ?ranted the 15-day ex- tension, to Augtast 15,1956. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stateing that at his request and without cost to the City, Mr. Cecil Arnold, Consulting Fn?ineer, had made a survey of the structural condition of the Houser 'fay Bridge ar:d the Wells Street Bridge---that the approaches to the House Way Bridge and particularly the south pier require immediate attention; that the pier footings at the Wells Street Bridge are structurally unsatisfactory but in no immediate danger of failing. The City Engineer stated that any work on these bridges should contemplate future traffic demand,that in line with this ultimate development, hi submits attached proposals from Mr. Arnold. (1st Proposal) RE the Houser Way Bridge, Mr. Arnold states he would be glad to undertake for the City such advance or preliminary planning as the city may desire, the objective of such planning being the formul- ation of a program of designs, funds, time & improvements .for a vehicular and pedestrian crossing of the river by Houser Way. That while the ultimate develop- ment of Houser Way is not presently visualized, it is believed that a river cross- ing in harmony with such development will be accomplished in several successive steps, rendering a program of designs, funds, time, etc., desirable---the approx- imate cost of the contemplated improvement being unknown, compensation for advance and/or preliminary planning may be established as a lump sum with the proviso that s»ch lump sum, or the appropriate portions therof, be deducted from the fee for the final designs, That a lump sum fee r,r 01250.00 in this instance is con- w.. sidered appropriate for the investigation, study, planning and preliminary design necessary to establish a step program of funds, time, designs and improvements for crossing the Cedar River---that this offer does not include field surveys or foundation explorations asthose items are not believed requisite for the Advance Planning. (2nd Proposal) RE the `^:'ells Street Bridge, Mr. "rnold stated that he will be glad to undertake for the City also such advance or preliminary planning as the city may desire, the objective of such planning being the formulation of a program of designs,funds, time and improve ents for a vehicular and pedestrian crossing of the river by ?dells Street. That while the ultimate development of -yells Street is not presently visualized, it is believed that a river crossing compatible with such development will be accomplished in several successive stages or steps, rendering a program of designs, funds, time, etc., desirable---the approximate cost of the contemplated improvement being unknown, compensation for advance and/or prelimin- ary planning may be established as a lump sum with the proviso that such lump sum, or the appropriate portions thereof, be deducted from the fee for the final designs. That a lump sum fee of A1000.00 in this instance is considered appropriate for the investigation, study, planning and preliminary design necessary to establish a step program of time, funds, designs, and improvements for crossing the Cedar River---that this offer does not include field surveys or foundation explorations as those items are not relieved requisite for this planning. 'loved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Street & Alley Committtee for their consideration. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that the matter of funds for this improvement be referred to the `clays & Means Committee to work in conjunction with, and report to the Street and Alley Committee, and back to the Council. Carried A communication was read from the Planning Commission, signed by C.O. Myers, Secretary, stating that at their regular meeting on ',,'ednesday June 27th the following Resolutions were passed, (1) Recommending that the City Engineer contact the three property owners abutting on the City of Seattle, right-of-way near Walla, Walla and Mill Street to endeavor to join with them in Aecuring a lease to said City of Seattle right-of-way to provide a thoroughfare & off street parking, and sucl) off-street parking be allocated to the abutting property owners. The City Engineer stated that this matter of obtaining a right-of-way from the City of Seattle has been investigated over a period of several years and if all three abutting property owners were in agreement as to the parking area, there would be no problem with the City of 5eattle, .that he felt that the City of Seattle.would allocate a portion for private parking. (2) Recommending that the building var- iance requested by Dr. Morell be ?ranted, if the City Fngineer and abutting property owners reach a mutual agreement of off-street parking, if and when a lease can be secured for use of City of Oeattle,right-of-way for this purpose. Moved by White, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommend- ation of the Planning r'ommission. Carried. (3) Recommending approval of the rezoning petition of George I>obson to rezone Lots 16,17 and 18, Town & Country Club Bungalow sites from R-1 to R-2, if approval of surrounding property owners is furnished the City En7ineers office. Moved by Pruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. After discussion, as this matter had not been to the Council before for discussion, there being no second to Council- �» man Bruce's motion, moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that this matter be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole for their consideration. After discussion, with the possibility that this matter be taken up at an early Committee of the Council as a Whole meeting, than the end of this month, the motion carried. (4) For Council Information---the request of Mrs. Mary Colligan, 315 Park Avenue for permission to open a convalescent home at 409 Pelly Street was discussed and referred to a special committ:e (Jim Denzer, John Austin z- Lewis Peretti) to study and report back at the next planning Commission meeting. (5) For Council Information---the Manning Commission by-laws are to be amended to provide the 2nd and Lth ' ednesdays of each month as regular meeting days of the Planning Commission. A request to install underground conduit runs at specified places within the City of Renton was read from the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company, and on motion of White, seconded by Richardson, was referred to the Street & Alley Committee* Carried. The City Clerk reported that the May report from the King County Health Department had been received. The report was referred to Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee. Two leins were received against Kery Mortenson, Contractor for the Liberty Park Swimming Pool. (1) Olin Hansen for labor as watchman in December 1955 and Janizary 1956, in the amount of X40.00 and (2) Enfield Electric Company, Tacoma, Vashindton, sub-contractor who installed the electrical wiring system for the .•� swimming pool, in the amount of $1293.35. Moved by Reid seconded by Delaurenti, that both leins be referred to the City Attorney for his action. Carried. A request was read from the Pope Ford Company, signed by Stewart Pope, Presi- dent, requesting that a parking space, now occupied by City of Renton parking meter No. C-176 be designated as a loading zone for their dealership---that they would use this facility Mondays through Fridays from 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., and sug7est that the sign at the space indicate that it would be available for general piblic parking at all other times. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the request be referred to the Street & Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. Two requests were received as fellows: (1) W.R. Olson, of the Sportsman Cic-ar, 237 Main Street, requests permission to install one coin-operated bank pool game in his place of business, and (2) Howard Whitley., 10004 S.F. 95th, Renton, requests permission to install five "ball point pen" vending machines in different business establishments in the city. Moved by Hichardson, seconded by White, that both requests be referred tothe Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A notice of the City of Renton's annual dues to the Association of Malley Cities being due, in the amount of P20.00 was read. A copy of the minutes of the June 7th meeting of that group is available for the Council's information. Mayor Love of %llevue being elected the new President, Mayor Harold Clark of Auburn was elected Vice-President, and Mr. Loren Finch, City Clerk of Kirkland was elected `IecretRry-Treasurer of the Association. ..J A proposed resolution was read, transferring to the fund budgeted for the Mayor's Office, for the payment of 1956 secretarial salaries, the following funds from the following budgeted 1956 department funds, ('1250.00 from the Comptroller's office funds ?}35.00 from the Purchasing & Stores funds 0 total. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council adopt Resolution No.9013, as read. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, stated that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance covering platting of a portion of the Renton Highlands, as recommended by the Housing Authority, City Attorney and City Engineer. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. authorizing a new survey and plat to be made and recorded amending and correcting existing plat known as Renton High- lands No. 2, and providing for recording of this ordinance; that the City Engineer of the City of Renton is authorized and directed to make and record in the office of the County Auditor of King County, or cause to be made and recorded therein, a new and correct survey and plat above mentioned so far as the same can be ascer- tained and follo--ed, but shall correct the defects existing therin and snow definite and correct locations, widths and sizes of streets, alleys, lots and blocks; the officer or surveyor making such corrected plat shall endorse his certificate rerer- ing to said or.iPinal plat corrected thereby and the defects existing therein which are corrected by such new survey and plat, and a certified copy of this Ordinance authorizing such new survey and plat shall be recorded in the office of the King County Auditor and the certificate where said copy of this Ordinance is recorded ... as provided by RCW 58.12.130. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the prop- osed Ordinance be referred back to the 6rdinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that this evening's meeting had been set for discussion of the One-Way Street System, by the various City of Renton,Commi_ttees. Council- man Morris, President of the Council reported that in regard to Item 3 of the prev- ious Committee's report, which had been discussed at the Executive Council meeting, that this matter is still in the Police Department Tra`'fic Division where a count is being made. Councilman Heppenstall, Chairman of the Public Relations Committee C� reported in regard to the item referred to his Committee, that he had contacted both companies as to staggering the work hours of Boeings and the Pacific Car Plants, " but that neither company had sufficient time to give a reply. Mayor Baxter report- ed that the item referred to the City Attorney's Office asto using receipts from the Business Tax for a new by-pass, or new roads, that their answer had been "Yes" . Councilman Reid stated that in regard to meetings on the one-vay street system held recently, and the one on Monday evening (the night before), that different commit- tees had made many reports and that he would like to see 2nd Avenue opened to two- way traffic. Mr. Covey stated that he represented a #roup of businessmen from 2nd Avenue, 3rd Avenue and the downtown area---that on request of the Committees, they had circulated letters for information from these business people, and that he had a report back from the maiority of the rilsinessmen in this area---that 74 had stated their business had declined considerably, . but didn't state they were either for or against. 67 requested traffic be made Lwo-way on 2nd and 3rd Avenues. 1 was against and 5 didn't care. Mr. Covey stated that all business men in the downtown area, who were available, were contacted, that there were 74 out of a possible 400 merchants in the City of Renton whose business had declined considerably; that there were approximately 112 business houses, including ¢as stations and retail stores in downtown Renton. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that these reports from the business houses be filed with the City Clerk. Carried. Councilman Reid stated that when the City started the one-way street system, the Renton people were advised that the City would try it for a 6-month period with certain modifications-- and inquired if they were going to modify the system or wait the entire six month period---that there is a terrific backing up of traffic on 3rd Avenue every after- noon---that he would like the Council to either say "Yes" or "No". Councilman Reid moved, seconded by Hansen, that 2nd Avenue and Williams Street be put back on a two-way basis. Councilman Heppenstall inquired as to the effect on the traffic situation of such a change at this time---that he understood the original thinking on one-way streets was that this action would facilitate the flow of traffic through the City of Renton. Ed Howard, 632 'Main Street, from the audience, stated that his business had dropped and he wished the streets would be made two-way. On the Mayor's inquiry, Richard Johnson, a member of the Citizen's One-Way Street Committee stated that they had made a conscientious effort and that they had found the major- ity of the citizens in favor of one-way streets. Mr. Hugh Carney, Attorney and b-sinessman in the City of Renton, stated be would like to call to the Council's attention the effect the one-way grid had on landlords and their attitude---that he was working in cooperation with Mr. Covey and Mr. Holmes in regard to the one- way street system---that owing to fixed monthly rentals, the landlords have been unable to determine any loss---that the feelings of the landlords are the feelings of tenants and that the landlord doesn't object unless he has a reason, but that a large number of landlords desire their attitude to be explained to the Council, and that unless the rumors coming to them from the tenants stop, that an adjustment would have to be made at the expiration of fined leases and/or rentals, that he represented the Barei brothers, Ernesto R- Umberto, from the downtown area, Coleman and Barnard from the West end, Azolas and Frank Evans from the east, and that there were manT others who objected---that this should give the Council a general idea of the money involved---that he did not have the money value figures. Frank Storey, 11009 109th Ave. S.E., stated that he felt the one-way street pattern, and the resulting protests to same, shoved the need of more streets east and west in Renton. Bob Hendrickson, President of the Renton Chamber of Commerce, stated that their committee had sent out a history poll to 'QO business people---that they had checked with the bnsi_ness people as to tile. effect on their particular business--- that they had appointed a committee of 5 members to work with the Street & .Alley Committee (Hayden Williams, Harold Thevik, L.J. Dowell, Elmer Varner and Ang Barei), that there was a 5-man committee representing those opposed to one-way streets, and including the Mayor's Citizens Committee there were 20 members in all---that Hayden °°illiams was the Chairman of the Chamber Committee---that they had attended all Committee meetings on this particular matter and that they felt they should have another poll which would be more factual and taht they would like to get together with the opposition to help phrase the poll inquiry---that they wanted the Council and people to know -hat has been done---that all the ;'polls show that business has dropped---that as the Council wns made up partly of business men, they should understand---that they haz-e the committees to represent the different groups and that if it is proved that the one-way system did hurt business, then changes should be made---that they had decided on Monday evening what they were going to do, as far as a new poll was concerned, and that he would turn this information over to the committee as soon as it was received. Mr. William Shaw, a -�Ieattle,lawyer representing Tradewell, presented figures on their business from January through the present, and he requested this information be seriously considered by the Council---that they found in almost every instance decreases, some as much as 40%-- that this information had been gathered since the Friday night (July 6th) Meeting, that it is representative of business in the City, is indicative and should get ac- tion, that they would like to Pet action as quickly as possible and not wait the six month period---that because of the great interest of the business men and the serious recession, that perhaps the Council should give consideration prior to the six-mrnth period---namely tonight. Dick Clarke, 1231 3rd Avenue, son of a business man, just home from college, stated that this system took a great deal of time to figure out, and that the Council should give it more time for trial---that other towns were effected the same way at first, but later showed that the one-way streets were good for the City. Mr. Clarke inquired if the Council had investigated the matter of the scatter system for pedestrian crossings. Yr. Covey from the audience requested Councilman Reid to amend his motion to include 3rd Avenue in the two-way plan. Councilman Morris stated, for the informat;on of the audience, that in con- nection with the one-way street system, that the use of route markers through the City had been considered as well as truck routes, additional traffic lights, as well as many other means and methods. Councilman Swift stated that he could understand the concern of the business people and property owners, but that he could not under- stand how they were going to change the system by motion---that the Engineering Department and Council would have to have time to make a concrete change. Council- man Swift moved, seconded by Heppenstall that Councilman Reid's Motion to change ""` 2nd Avenue and Williams Street back to two-way be tabled. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Morris, Aye; Trimm, Aye- Reid, No; Richardson, Aye; 'shite, Aye; Vietzke, A-re: Garrett, Aye; Hansen, No; Swift, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye; Heppenstall, Aye, and Bruce, Aye. There being 10 Ayes and 2 No's, the motion carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Garrett, that his information be turned over to the Committee of the Council as a Whole and they hold a Ccmmittee meeting on Thursday evening, July 12th at 8:00 P.M. Carried. Carl Rochet, a business man, and newspaper pub- lisher stated that this ,years business should not be compared with last years busi- ness as many of the business houses had enlarged their space, added new rooms and/or moved to larger quarters which should have meant, an increase in their business--- that he .felt that it hasn't been as bad for business as some had made out, but that he did not feel that the one-way street system had done any good---that the people who should be vitally interested in the continuing or ending of the one-way street system were not present at the meeting. Councilman Heppenstall stated that consideration should be given to the HiPhlands residents who had moved, as part of the reason of the business being less. Eric Chapman of Brandt's Richfield Service Station at 3rd and Whitworth, stated that his business had dropped since the one- way street system was put in effect. Councilman Vietzke stated that he had talked to many of the merchants and had asked them how they liked the one-way street system, that some had stated that their business had incresed. Mr. reorge Cooper, b,osiness- man and owner of the Shopping Time (Trocery, statedthat they depended on a 7Q-minute critical period for their business and that bus_ness is being handicapped by the commuter-traffic which the one-way street system has not solved---and that if it has not solved the traffic problem, it has not served its purpose and has created Now a problem for the businessmen. Councilman Morris st-ted that although Mr. Cooper has inferred that the traffic pattern has not helped the traffic through Renton, the Traffic Division has indicated it has helped a great deal---that they do not have a complete report as yet for the Council. Mr. W. Phillips, 12245 Rainier Avenue, a businessman, stated that if the taxicab operators were askedthey could verify the drop in business, also that they had all increased their mileage--- that the businessmen in Renton had first complained of their drop in business, and that this drop had not levelled off and that the business men in the `'ringe area had reported a 20 increase---that if the Council continued to postpone the hear- ing, once the consumer has changed his shopping traffic pattern, it is hard to get him to come back in to Renton to shop. Councilman Swift statedthat if there was no further discussion, he would like to suggest a 5-minut.e recess. Mrs. Richard Farrow, 208 Factory Street reported that the party who had been reported as raising chickens in their back ,yard last year, was still raising chick- ens and that they were kept in a very poor and unsanitary condition. As it was understood that this problem had been taken care of, moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Mayor contact the Health Department in regard to same and the City Attorney was to advise or warn the violator. Uarried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: All twelve Councilmen were present. In answer to Mayor Raxter's inquiry asto the matter of a sidewalk around the .... swimming pool, Councilman Vietzke reported that this matter was brought before the Executive meeting at their last meeting and it was reported that these sidewalks could be put in for 1597.00, plus tax, but that in checking their estimate, the contractor had found that he had made an error in his estimate and that it would $200.00 more, plus the tax---that the Council had authorized the contractor to pro- ceed with the sidewalk and that the Committee had recommended that the money be taken from the old Swimming Pool Fund. The City Envineer explained that Wednesday morning the Contractor had come into the Park Department and to the City Engineer and had advised them of their error in measuring the amount of sidewalk and that C they were 100 feet short and that in submitting the corrected price they had lowered n8 their original costs on other items to bring the over-all cost down, that he felt that it was a very reasonable cost for this improvement. Councilman Hichardson stated that in his opinion the sidewalk was needed, but that it was previously stated that the original cost submitted for the work was a firm bid, and that he felt that this explanation was in order. Councilman Morris, President of the Council, stated that it was the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a TVahole that this matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee to find a source of funds for payment of this work, other than perk funds, and that the Swim- ming Pool Committee had been given power to act. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried. In answer to Mayor Baxter's inquiry asto Council action in regard to the mov- ine of a high tension line near the swimming pool, Councilman Reid reported that they had contacted the mana7er of the Power Company and that he had advised them that this line would be moved to a location away from the pool as soon as possible. Councilman Norris, President of the Council, reported that the Committee of the Council as a Whole had recommended that the Power Company proceed immediately with the movin¢ of the high tension line away from the pool area. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole, and the City Clerk's Office notify the Power Company to proceed with this work at their earliest convenience. Carried. ColAncilman Garrett stated, in regard to the new garbage collection ordinance now in effect, and the proposed increase in same, that these figures were hard to obtain---that the Budget Comptroller was compiling the figures in regard to same and would make a report for the Sanitation Committee. Charles Bott, Budget Comptrol- ler, reported that these figures were hard to obtain as the two facilities, garbage and sanitation, had not been kept separate in the past, but that they were being kept separate as of the first of this year, and that he would present the figures he has compiled to the Sanitation Committee for their consideration. Councilman Morris, President of the Council, reported that the Committee of the Council as a Whole, had recommended that the matter be referr^d to the Sanitation Committee for their consideration and a report back to the Council. Moved by Richardson, second- ed by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried. In regard to the request of the Renton Scenic Hill Community Club for permis- sion to acquire or lease a portion of the Phillip Arnold Playfield for construction of a clubhouse, Councilman Dorris confirmed Councilman Truce's previous statement that the Property Committee had not received a reply to their communication to the Renton Scenic Hill Community Club advising them of the Park Department's action, together with the Council's concurrence, as outlined in the Park Superintendent's letter of March 20 (that it is the Park Board's policy not to lease park property, but that the Board was not opposed to a building as such, providing certain condi- tions were met,ie., teat an agreement could be entered into provid-ing it is clearly understood that the sole intent of said agreement is to grant the club permission to build a club or shelter house---said building to meet all requirements of the City Building Code and the desiun of the buildin7 be approved by the Park hoard-- that the agreement terminate at the end of a two- year period or as soon as the i 0' clubhouse is completed, whichever event occurs first, at which time the club- house would revert to the City of Renton without any restrictions whatsoever--- that if the group feels that they cannot complete construction of the building within a period of two years, the agreement not be drawn; that the City must be held harmless from any liability or expenses in connection with the building of said clu'�house and the property kept free from liens or claims of any kind, ) and that there was no further action to be taken by the Property Committee at that time as they considered the matter had been dropped by the Renton Scenic Hill Community Club---that the Committee of the Council as a Whole concurred in the action of the Pgrk Board as outlined in their letter of March 20th, and the report of the Prop- erty Committee. Moved by Bruce, seconded by '-'bite, that the Council concur in the action of the Committee of the Council as a I�Thole. Carried. In regard to the water line through the school property to enable the instal- lation of a fire hydrant for thr new physical education building in back of the high school, Councilman Trimm, Chairman of the Fire & Water Committee reported that it was required to put this line in according to underwriters specifications--- that it was tope a 6" line to extend from 2nd Avenue to Tobin Avenue, that the School District would furnish the material and the City would furnish the labor and that it would be a big improvement to the City of Renton. Councilman Morris reported that it was the recommendation of the Uommittee of the Council as a Whole that this work be done. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried. Councilman Trimm, Chairman, reported that the vire er Water Committee recommended that in regard to the petition request for fire hydrants on 'Denton Scenic Hill, received recently, that after study and consideration by the committee, it w?.s their recommendation that these hydrants be installed by formation of a L.I.D., also that the committee had requested the City Engineer to check the percentage of signatures on the petition. The City Clerk read the report from the City Engineer on the petition, submitting the petition to create a L.T.D. for the installation of fire hydrants on Renton Scenic Hill, stating that the signers of the petition are the owners of 57% of the property of the district. The City Engineer stated that due to an increase in cost, that the hydrants would cost x'275.00 each, in place, and that the L.T.D. just included hydrants---that he (the City hngineer) would have to prepare an estimate of cost---the property owners to be furnished their cost---the notice to be published twice, the first publication to be at least 15 days prior to the date of hearing. It was decided that the dates of publication be the 19th and 26th, the date of hearing and also the date for "opening of bids" being August 21,1956. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Coun- cil concur in the recommendation of the Committee and the date of hearing, also t.:® openinP of bids for same, be set as August 21,1956. Carried. In regard to the City Engineers request that the cost of the improvement be based on a front-foot basis, moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Hicharson, that the Council concur in the request of the City Fngineer. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that this was the date set for the hearing on the plat of George Studebaker. The City Clerk reported that there were no written protests. There being no oral protests from the audience, moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council accept the Studebaker plat and the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee to draft the necessary Ordinance. Carried. Mayor Paxter stated that he would like to present his suggested Committee re- visions, as requested by the Cczncil. That he had outlined 7 Committees as follows. 1. Utility Committee ?dater, Garbage & Disposal Plant 2. Police, License R, Fire Commit+ee Police Dept., vire Dept., & License J. Street & Traffic Committee Streets, Alleys, Traffic Lights, 5anit!mry Sewers, Street Lights Storm Sewers Now 1a. Ordinance & Legislative Ordinances. Laws & Resolutions 5. Accounting & Auditing Ways & Means, Finance &: Claims, Auditing & Budget Control b. Property Committee City Buildings, Properties, Insurances, Retirements, Waterway & Cedar River Park Project 7. Policy & Public Relations Committee Job Evaluations, All City Policies, Public relations & Employee Relations Mavor Baxter stated that he had assigned Councilmen to act as chairman and committee members as follows: 1. Utility Committee Councilman Trimm - Chairman, Councilmen Garrett & Vietzke, members. 2. Police, License & Fire Committee Councilman Delaurenti - Chairman, Councilmen Richardson, Bruce and Trimm, members. 3. Street & Traffic Committee Councilman Swift - Chairman, Councilmen Reid, ITietzke & Garret,members. 4. Ordinance :& Legislation Committee Councilman Richardson - Chairman, Councilmen White & Morris, members. 5. Accounting & Auditing Committee Councilman Reid - Chairman, Councilmen Hansen & Heppenstall, Members. b. Property Committee Councilman Bruce - Chairman, Councilmen Swift & Hansen, members. 7. Policy & Public Relations Committee Councilman Heppenstall - Chairman, Councilmen 'white, Delaurenti : Morris, members. Arthur Haugan, Assistant City Attorney, stated that the Ordinance covering Coun- cil Committees should be redrafted to take care of the changes. unci g s. Co loran Richardson suggested that the matter be referred to the Committee of the Council C as a TkIole, for consideration of the Committees as outlined by Mayor Baxter, at their next executive meeting, and so moved, seconded by White, and carried. Lt's The City Engineer explained, in regard to the delay in installation of a previcusly authorized street light at 5th & Burnett Street, that the power comp- any was temporarily out of the right type of bracket and that the light would be installed as soon as the bracket was received. Councilman Richardson reminded the Council of a previous complaint in regard to the old and unsiuhtly barracks adjacent to the n-w church at 3rd North & Wells Street, that sometime ago they had been notified that this building would have to be removed or torn down---that owing to the fact that there was a new pastor serving this church---that he be advised of the Council's past action and if no immediate action is taken, that the City Attorney be authoi7ed to institute condemnation proceedings, and so moved, seconded by Wb ite, and carried. r Councilman Richardson further reported that the structure west of the bowling alley which had been intendedto be used for a dance hall, and owing to a permit never being issued for same, and subsequently the building never having been completed and it being an unsafe place for children to play, an eyesore as well as a fire hazard, that the Council should take some action to have this corrected, and moved, seconded by Heppenstall, that the City Attorney issue a preliminary notice of condemnation of the structure. Carried. Councilman White reported, in regard to the school District property which was sold to the Boeing Airplane Company, that the Commercial Waterway District had been requested to "rant a permit for a bridge across Cedar River---that it was now up to the Council and that the Mayorts Special Committee, working with the Boeing Company Representatives had stated their intent to grant such a permit, provided proper safeguards were given to protect the City---that the permit had been prepared and was ready to be signed---that the agreement will permit Boeings to construct a bridge according to specifications, as near complete as the City could get, the specifications being outlined by the P!rmy Engineers, that the permit will be for 3 .years, renewable one-year at a time for a period not exceeding 7 ,years---that upon construction during such initial term or additional term, such term shall automat- ically continue for such time as Boeing shall require the use of such br dge in connection with its operations on the Renton Airport under any Boeing le-Ise thereon ---that upon the expiration of this permit, as provided in the agreement, title to the bridge, its approaches, and any and all improvements, if constructed, shall pass to the City. Moved by Richardson, seconded by White, that the Council concur in the action of the Joint Committee and the Mayor and Clerk be authorizedto sign the necessary documents. In regard to the material structure of the midge, Councilman T,Thite reported that the bridge would be required to support 300,000 pounds. The motion carried. Councilman Morris, President of the Council, reported that the Committee of the Council as a ''hole, recommended in connection with the two leins received against the Swimming pool contractor, Kerty Mortensen, which had been referred to the City Attorney, earlier in the meeting, that the Committee of the Council as a Whole had recommended that the matter of final payment of the contract be referred to the City Attorney, City Engineer and Park Superintendent for information and a report back to the Council prior to final payment. Moved by Richarson, seconded by Delaur- enti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried. In answer to Mayor Baxter's inquiry, the City Engineer stated that the matter of creation of a local improvement for the construction of a sanitary sewer system in the vicinity of Miller's Corner and more particularly described as the area north of Renton Highlands between Sunset Boulevard and 7. Street, was referred to the Sanitation Committee and himself for consideration and a report back---that a petition had been circulated for same, but was deficient and was dropped---that if the Council initiates such an improvement, 60% of the adjoining property owners would have to protest to defeat such an improvement. On the suggestion of Council- man Richardson, that the City initiate such an improvement and hold a hearing, and then if it is turned down, at least the City has done what they think is right for these people, also from a health standpoint, and so moved, seconded by Garrett, and carried. The City Engineer was requested to proceed with the work and the legal steps, with the assistance of the City Attorney, of the formation of a Local Improvement District. Councilman Swift, Chairman, requested a meeting of the Street & Alley Committee Thursday evening, July 12th at 7:30 P-TI. Councilman Swift reported the incident of a boy fishing on Cedar River, getting caught (although he Baas able to make it safely back to shore), ender the outfall of the swimming pool drain, when the pool was being drained, and as the pool will have to be drained from time to time, inquired if some sort of alarm system could be hooked up in connection with same to warn persons in this area who might be fishing, to eliminate any chance of someone getting injured or drowned. Moved by Heppenstall, secondee by Dela??renti, that this report he referred to the City Engineer and Park Superintendent for their action. Carried. Following a discussion as to the rezoning request of George Dobson for three lots on Earlington Hill, moved by Heppenstall, seconded `-y ')elaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole and included in the agenda of their special meeting on Thursday evening, July 12th. After discussion, the Planning Commission, nor Mr. Dobson having submitted the signatures of the adjoining property owners as not being opposed to such rezoning, no action was taken on the motion. Councilman Swift reported that a petition had been received, signed by 38 property owners on 3rd Avenue North, between Marion Street and Railroad Avenue (Houser Way), for oiling and surfacing. After discussion as to the street not being put back in its original condition after the water line had been installed, that it was the City's responsibility for same, and that this street should be improved and charged to the water department, Councilman Richardson suggested that in the .future if it is not the responsibility of the contractor to see that the street is put back in its original condition, that whichever department this matter is concerned with, should ha---e sufficient money transferred to the proper account to pay for this work, and that in the future the City follow this plan, that he feels that the Water Department should pay for this work and that the work should be done, and so moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson and carried, that the matter be referred to the Fire and Water Committee with authority to proceed with this repair. Carried. The report by Mr. Charles Shane that a piece of property adjoining his on Lynn Street, has a sewer, manhole and a fire hydrant located in what would be the center of the street, shutting off two houses from access to the street, with approximately 500 feet of sewer line, and no easements, was, on motion of Richard- son seconded by Morris, referred to the Street & Alley Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. Fire Chief Floyd Lawrence reported that although the railroad company had notified the city previously that they would no block the intersection of Walla Walla, 3rd Avenue & Main Street, that the Milwaukee train crew had blocked this intersection again this m^rning for 25 minutes and that in checking with the now train crew he had been advised that the Great Northern Railroad Company requires their switching in this area, rather than further east---the Fire Chief was advised to notify the Police Department of the Railroad Company's next violation, who are to issue a ticket for violation of City of Renton Ordinance. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:30 P.M. The Council Chambers were filled with visitors. The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLL - ALL DFt'ARTMENTS 8542731.32 CURIZENT FUND 7,840.06 WATER FUND 5,551.37 LIBRARY FUND 542.71 PARK FUND 32851.95 SWIMMING POOL RIND 12154.34 SEWER DISPOSAL FUND 975.85 AIRPORT FUND 15061.05 WNW CITY STREET FUND 53990-90 SHOP EQUIP.RENTAL FUND 21808.88 CIVILIAN DEFENSE FUND 757.00 GARB^GE FUND 1,hR9.52 FIREMENIS PENSION HIND 266.32 CTW. TLATIVE #1182 FUND 649.16 CTY-MATIVE #1183 FUND 40.00 SIMMING POOL BOND FIND 1,79Z.99 C:a � C\1 city Clerk � V d May 4106 Renton, Washington July 17, 1956 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:0U P.M. ROLL CALL: MORRTS, TRr,4M, REID, RTCHUDSON, 'h,,HTTE, VIETZKE, CARRETT, SWIFT, HANSEN, DFUURENTI, �IEPPFNSTALL AND BRUCE. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT ',JETRE: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Flton Alexander, City Clerk; Doro- thea "=ossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Reuben Miller, Acting- Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Pen Hayes, Assistant City Eng- ineer; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Unarles Bott, Budget Comptroller and ?fere Thompson Building Inspector. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the Council meeting of July 10,1956 be approved as corrected. Carried. Mayor Baxter invited Al Erickson, Emmon Feil and Clarence Tkmstine, who recently retired from the City's service, to the Mayor's desk and awarded them service pins in honor of their many years service to the City. Emmon Peil, in behalf of the three retired City Employees, expressed their thanks to the Mayor and City Council for their cooperation the many past ,years. Mayor Baxter stated that t,,-,o other City Employees who had recently retired, Joseph Allen and �,►illiam Watkins, were unable to attend this evening, but would receive their service pins. Mayor Baxter stated that asthere were so many persons present this evening who were interested in the one-way street systeq, that he would ask if there was a report to be made from the Committee of the Council as a Thole. Councilman Swift, who had acted as temporary chairman, in the absence of the President of the Council, at the last Committee of the Council as a Whole meeting, reported that the entire situation was reviewed very thoroughly---that all of the comments received were read by groups and individually---that some of the letters were very good, some compared business over the last few months period, some stated their business was down, others were just comments, some stated that the one-way street pattern had no effect whatsoever on their business and some stated a personal dislike, that all persons had expressed their feeling and that all comments weretaken into c^nsideration as to the over-all effect and that consideration was given to the eff- ect on business in the future, 10, 12 or 14 months from now, when business increase and expansion of traffic will increase the problem and that the discussion resulted in the following recommendation and motion, that the Council retain the basic one-way system, with minor alterations as necessary to improve the system. Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommend- ation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Councilman Swift stated that an additional motion by the Committee proposing 2nd and 3rd Avenues be changed back to two-way had beer, defeated by a 6 to 4 vote, and that all other recomm ,ndations received would be considered, that they all have merits and warrant consideration, but that they weren't considered as suggestions for discussion at this time. Councilman S-ift further stated, for the information of business and/or property owners, that he had always tried to think of the matter with an open mind .for the benefit of all. Councilman Heppenstall stated that the one-way street system was suggested and eventually put in effect, mainly because of the traffic problem in Renton, that they had received assistance and informationfrom the citizens as well asthe State in settinn the system up---that the system w?.s put in effect on a six month trial basis---that he did not feel the system shouli be put back to two- way, after all of their work and plans in setting up this system, until they could justify the action, and with this thinking, it is just that the City Council wants to hire professional help to study the pattern so they can be governed accordingly- --that if the City had perimeter streets they could work out the problem and that the University of plashington "overnmental Research Department would give advice and help on these problems that they had kept track of Renton's progress on one-way streets and were familiar with the pattern and that rather than revert back to two-way streets without further trial---that the City employ a competent engineer to do a planning job for us, that he feels the City should go along with this study and get started immediately on this ma',cer. The motion to retain the basic one- .m.w way system with minor alterations then carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that 2nd and 3rd Avenues revert back to two-way. After discussion, and on in- quiry as to the legality of the motion, the City Attorney stating that if the Chair feels this is a minor modification, it would be in order, bu if the Chair feels it is a major modification, it would not '^e in order, moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Vietzke, that the motion be tabled for the time being. Carried. Moved by Richard- son, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council retain such engineering help as is felt necessary and contact the Un;versity of Washin ton Research Bureau for their assis- tance. Councilman Reid stated that in his opinion, which he stated as also the suggestion of the City Engineer, that the only way to help the traffic situation x� was to establish a by-pass road. Councilman^ Heppenstall stated that he dial not feel any of the Council was perfectly satisfied with the one-way street pattern as is and that as a last motive, the City should contact a traffic engineer who they feel can do this work---that he had contacted Ernest CanDbell of the University of Washington Research Department, and that he had stated there were two qualified engineers in this area, that one engineer is available right now, this Engineer being F.E.Lewark of the City of Seattle who could be out in Menton this week, the other being Rex Dila. of Olympia, who is not available at this time. Mr. Herman Covey, representing the business people present who opposed the one-way street pattern stated that he understood the one-way street pattern had been completely engineered. Councilman Morris stated that the citizens and business people who were here this evening were opposed to a particular type of engineering---that the system may need further engineering from a competent man---that prior to the system being put in effect the State Highway Department had conducted a survey and made a re- commendation that a one-way street system was feasible for the City of Renton, that it was also impossible to determine the effect on the business man until the system was put into effect and that he would, in justice to the merchants, like to ask if it were possible to have an engineer analyze the effect of the one-T-.*.ay streets on "business", as well as on 'he traffic. Councilman Richardson's motion to retain such engineering help as is felt necessary, and to contact the University of Washington Research Pureau for their assistance, then carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the above Council action be referred to the Street & Alley $ Committee to report back their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall 21,> was requested to work with this Committee. In addition to the groups present who c2 had expressed their opposition to the one-way street system, Mr. Chet Hawes, a Renton business man who is presently active in several organizations, stated that C.a he did not feel that the trial period to date(2�,,months) was sufficient to make a fair decision---that he would like to see a public forum, pro and con, be held on this matter and that perhaps more facts could be brought out, that he had taken the liberty to contact the Mayor and Radio Station KLAN in this matter and that the radio station people had guaranteed coverage---that as a taxpayer he would no like to see tax dollars used on this one-way street system, or any improvement, which would be thrown out of use and later be brought back in again and that he would like to hear the citizens opinion on this and see the vote as to what the citizens them- selves want---that a business establishment is only a service to the community, if they are nota service, they are no longer in Iusiness. In regard to the inquiry as to any other comments from other clubs or groups not already stated, Mayor Baxter stated that a letter had been received from the Renton Scenic Hill Improve- ment Club endorsing the one-way street system. On request of Mayor Baxter that two communications from the Renton Chamber of Commerce be read, the City Clerk read a communication, signed by R. H. Hendrickson,President of the Board of Directors stating that at a special meeting of the Board, held on July 12,1956, the Board had recommended and passed a motion, as recommended by a Committee on One-Way Streets, that "until such time that adequate bypasses can be established, that the City of Renton abolish the one-way street system, that in their estimation, the present system will not work efficiently as a partial one-way system". The commun- ication had the names of 11 members of the Board typed on the bottom, as follows: Robert Hendrickson, President, Harvey Kent, Howard Shaw, Thomas Stanlick, G.W. Benedict, D. M. Gannon, Louis J. Dowell, Edward H. Stokes, Gerard Shellan, William O'Neil and F. A. Grabner, A letter of clarification was attached stating that the following listed Board members were not present at that meeting, so therefore had not voted, Edward Stokes, Gerard Shellan, William O'Neil, F. A. Grabner and D. M. Gannon. Mrs Harry Fletcher,a penton business woman stated that all of the business people who were protesting the one-way street system wished to serve the people of Renton, but that many of the people who previously came in to their store no longer came in for service. Councilman Swift stated, in regard to the discussion on bypass routes---that if a bypass route is established it will become a main travelled thoroughfare, that it would provide space for additional business along the route, away from the business district, that this matter should be referred to the Planning Commission for their comment as to how to treat such a street if established. Mr. Rill Sarti, from the audience, stated that in his opinion the one-way streets should not ha-%e been put in until all of the people had a chance to vote on it---that it should be put on the ballot. May Baxter stated that this would be all the discus- sion in regard to one-way streets for this evening, at this time there would be a recess. After the recess, the meetine was calledtn order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter ROLL CALL: All twelve Councilmen were present. A request was read from Greater Seattle, Tnc., signed by Joe Mulivrana, Co- Chairman, Skipper Pin Committee, to display two boats on the streets of Renton to assist in the sale of Skipper Pins---the proceeds to be used in connection with the Sea Fair Trophy Race. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the request be referred to the Police R, License Committee with power to act. Carried. A request was read from the Peroni Opera Guild, 702 23rd Ave. No.,Seattle, signed by Karla Nevin, Secretary, Pro-Tem, requesting a captain be appointed from the City of Renton who is interested in t'-ie cultural and professional growth of local_ artists to investigate the project of a new music student organization form- ing in Washing ton State, giving them an equal chance with European artists, for a professional career in Concert and Opera. Mayor Baxter stated that he had this read for the Council's information, and that if anyone was interested, he would like to pass this information to them. A communication was read from Mr. & Mrs. Carl L. Dale, Mrs Herb Williams, Mrs. George T. Cooper and Mr. & Mrs. John Lissman, residents of 4th Avenue West and Earlington Street, requesting 4th Avenue West be widened from 3 to 4 feet. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Hansen, that the request be referred to the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. A commi.inication was read from Winifred C. Daniels, R. L. and Helen M. Leding- ham, 243 Langston Avenue, Renton, ',%rashington regarding the gas station at Sunset and Langston Road, Uarl Cook proprietor, stating that the owner of the station permits his customers to travel across c`ty property and sidewalks, which is a public thoroughfare, along the full length of the Langston Avenue side of the station, causing a hazard to pedestrians. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the complaint be referred to the Street & Alley Committee, also the Police Department if he is violating the law. Carried. Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer, stated that if there was only a 30 foot opening on Langston Road for a driveway, and that there was a dispute as to the property on this road being City of Renton or private property---that to widen the road to the proper width would take a great many front .yards, and in some cases touch the fronts of the homes---that this area was rezoned B-l. After discussion, moved by Ieppenstall, seconded by Reid, that the Engineering Department be authorized to determine the rroperty lines and what portion will be needed for streets on a permanent basis, and report back to the Council for their study. Councilman Bruce suggested that a monument be established by s»rveY. The motion carried. Moved by White, seconded by Heppenstall, that the City Attorney be requested to advise the owner of the Oas Station at the intersection of the Sunset Highway and Langston Road -o- to try to control his customers use of the sidewalk area for entering and leaving the gas station. Carried. A communication was read from the Lake shore Lines, Inc., signed by F. A. Grabner, General Manager, stating that the bus stop at Second Avenue and Williams Street is unsatisfactory, and that for the safety and convenience of their passen- 57ers, they request the stop be cancelled and a stop substituted in front of the Tradewell Market, east of the driveway which enters their parking lot from 2nd Avenue. A letter from Mrs. C.L. Dixon complaining of the improper use of her prop- erty located adjacent to the bus stop was read. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the complaint of Mrs. Dixon and the request of the Lake Shore Lines be referred to the Street & Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that he believes it advisable to set up the bid call date for the water pipe and hydrants for the Renton Scenic Hill improvement one week in advance of the hearing on the Local T_murovement District, to enable the Council to evaluate the bids and make the award on the hearing date---and that he has set the date for the opening of bids as July 14, 1956 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the action of the City Engineer. Carried. A communication was read from the Planning Commission, signed by C.G. Myers, Secretary, stating the .following recommendations. The Council's action follows each item. (1) Recommending that the Council approve of the rezoning petition of John Edwards for property described at the west end of Maplewood Addition. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Heppenstall, -that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. (2) Recommending that the Council approve the rezoning application of Tom Williams for property between Shattuck and Lake Streets, as described. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. (3) Recommending that the Council approve the rezoning request of George Dobson for property described. After discussion, moved by Heppens'ai-' , seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. (4) That the request of Mrs. Calligan for a Rest Home(Place of Refuge) in North Renton be denied. Moved by White, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. (5) That the annexation petition of Mr. Herb Hack-'an for property on 116th Av-. S.E., as described, be checked by the Engineerts Office and if the signatures )f 75% of the assessed valuation of property has been obtained a hearing be called. This matter is being held by the Council temporarily, "Ir. Hackman having been advised of the required annexation fee. Mr. M,ye--s stat-d that the public hearing of the Studebaker Plat was referred back to a Special Committee of the Planning Commission for further study to be reported at their next meeting. (In regard to the Studebaker Plat, which had previously been approved (6-19-56) and hearing held (7-10-56) by the Council, and there being -� no written or verbal Drotests, had been referred to the Ordinance Committee, this matter is to be investigated, as the Planning Commission has again referred the plat back to a Special Committee.) An inquiry from K.L.A.N. Radio Station, si,•red by Clifford H. Hansen, Manager, was read, inquiring as to the cost by the City for their use of 100 parking meters "rom 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 L'.M. for shoppers during Renton Progress Days, July 27, 28 and 29---that they had planned to hood the meters during this time and would like to invite the motorists to use the meters for free, and in connection with same, would make announcemants daily over to this effect. Moved by Pichardson, seconded by Hansen, that the request be referred to the Street & Allyy Committee L� with Dower to act. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee reported that they were holding the proposed Platting Ordinance, pending further information from Don Fumble of the Housing Authority. In regard to the improvement of Brooks Street with had previously been damaged by the installation of a water line, Reuben Miller, Acting-Street Commissioner, stated that the Street Department was working on this street. It was reported, for the Council's information, that under City of Renton Ordinance No. 1084, the Railroad Companies cannot block a crossing for longer than five minutes. �.. In regard to the installation of the fire hydrants in the new addition, adjacent to Rainier Avenue and the Renton Airport, Councilman Trimm, Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee, reported that the City Engineer was working of the formation of a L.I.D. for the area and eventually hopes that the City will own the system. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee, reported in regard to figures being compiled in connect- on with the proposed private Farba�-e coll- ection, that Mr. Bott had contacted Mr. Ludwig of the Kirkland Company and that he will have the figures available for the meeting with the Sanitation Committee at 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, July 2hth. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee, reported in re- gard to the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph's request to install an underground condrit system, that the TelephonetCompany's franchise gives them this right and that Council action is not required---that the design is patterned from Engineer- ing Department requirements, and that the Committee recommended that the permit as requested, be granted. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee and the Mayor be authorized to sign the applications. Councilman Trimm stated that in his opinion, the City of. Renton was entitled to moneys from the State Highway for upkeep and improvement of the streets in Renton that are part of the State Highway System, and that he felt that the City should endeavor to obtain same, prior to the completion of this coming ,year's budget, and moved, seconded by Vietzke, that the matter be referred to the Stre-t & Alley Committee for investigation. Councilman Swift requested the assistance of Mr. Bott, the Budget Comptroller in obtaining this int'ormation. The motion carried. Several complaints reported by Councilman Reid were referred to Mayor Baxter for his investigation and action, as follows, the condition of the west side of Burnett Street, insufficient water supply to residents on the Cemetery Road, and the sanitary condition of the water in the Monterey Terrace Addition, and others he will report direct to Mayor Baxter. Ito There will be a meetinc of the Street ?• Alley Committee, Thursday evening, July 19th at 8:00 City Clerk Elton Alexander reported that as far as he knew at this time, the residents of the Talbot area would vote atthe Ford School. In regard to the black-topping of the Police Department parking area, Mayor Baxter reported that a memo covering this improvement as well as the oiling of the parking area on the other side of the Police Department and the addition to the City Hall building had been sent to the Housing Authority. Park Superintendent Gene Coulon reported that "fir. "iortensen, the Swimming Pool Contractor, was present this evening if anyone had anything to take up with him. M 'loved by Bruce, seconded by 7rietzke, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meetin^ adjourned at 10:00 F.'?. The Council Chambers were filled with visitors. City Clerk ayor Renton, Washington July 24,1956 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: MORRIS, TRDT4, RF,ID, RICHA i.DSON, WHITE, VIETUE, GARRETT, SWIFT, HAT\TSEN, DELATTKENTI, HFPPENSTALL and BRUCE. OFFICIALS & rEPARTMFNT FFADS PRESENT /vERE: Gerard Shellan; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, r'i_re Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Reuben killer, Actina- Street Commissioner, Walt Will, Office Engineer; Ben Hayes, Assistant City Engineer and Charles Bott, Comptroller. The Council minutes of July 17,1956 being furnished the Councilmen just prior to this evenings meeting and their not having time to study them, they will be con- sidered at she next meeting. The City Clerk reported that an invoice from the City's Insurance Carrier, Hall Re Pemberton, for the National Auto Insurance Company, for premium due for the binder period to July 5,1955 had been received. Mr. Alexander rR--ported that this statement, together with a letter of explanation from the City Attorney's Office dated December 14, 1955 had evidently been mislaid and the payment of same over- looked. The City Clerk read the letter of explanation from the City Attorney's Off- ice, which stated that the premium due covered the binder period for the non- $ automobile covera�*e extended to the City of Renton in the sum of $683.34, plus the a ii.tional premium based on audit in the stun of ft2U.79, making a total of P`928.13 due. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded b`- White, that the statement be referred to the Finance Uommittee with power to act. Carried. The City Clerk reported that the petition for annexation of certain proporty (Lots 210,211 and 213, in C. D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Tracts adjacent to the west of 116th Ave. S.F., bounded on the north by S.F. 108th Street and on the south by S.F,. 112th Street), as presented by Mr. Herb Hackman, and requesting in the annexing of the property described in the petition, that they have the zoning changed from Suburban Residence District (S-1) to Residence Single Family District (R-1) . Moved by 'truce, seconded by Reid th ,t the request be referred to the Planning Commission for their consideration and the necessary hearing be set by the Planning Commission, it being noted that there is a request rr.. for annexation, also a request for rezoning. Carried. s A communication was read from the Pacific Car R� Foundry Company, signed by W. H. Scudder, Secretary, stating that they are enclosing a letter from the Northern Pacific Railway Company, signed by J. T. Moore, 'Western Manager, Indt­.trial Devel- opment, relating to a request for a new franchise to cover the spur track on 6th Avenue North---that the spur track has served their Renton facility for the past 50 .years and its continued availability is of the utmost importance to the Company and to its 2000 employees. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Morris, that the communi- cation be referred to the Committee of the Council as a whole and to a Special Committee, to be appointed by Mayor Baxter. Councilman truce stated that in this manner, the Committee of the Council as a Whole could provide something stable for the Special Committee to work on. The motion carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the ")rdinance Committee, submitted for the Council's consideration the prox,osed Ordinance in connection with the Highlands Plat No. 2, which had been placed on its first reading at the ?ast Council meeting and referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation, stating that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance, authorizing a new survey and plat to be made and recorded amending and correcting the existing plat known as Renton Highlands No. 2. 'loved by Trimm, seconded by Druce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Uommittee, and the proposed Ord- inance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. Ater the second and final reading, moved by Trimm. seconded by Truce, that th{ Ordinance be adopted as read. On advice of the City Attorney that further action in regard to approval of �.. the proposed Ordinance be held until later in the meeting. Councilman Trimm, with consent of his second, withdrew his motion, the proposed ordinance to be held temporarily in the Ordinance Committee. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, stated that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed resolution setting up a special and separate fund in connection with assets of Commercial Waterway District #2 which had recently dissolved, all assets having been turned over to the City of Renton. The City Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 902, in connection with the sissolution of Commercial Waterway District #2, authorizing the depositing of the balance of "18,857.99, less certain ex:,enses in connection with the final dissolution and transfer of said properties to the City of Renton, together with the income from existing rentals and leases now of record, into a fund to be known as the "Cedar i River Maintenance and Improvement Fund" . All monies so deposited in said fund may be allowed to accumulate from wear to year and same shall be used for flood control purposes and the maintenance, management, improvement and control of the Cedar River Channel, its banks, and for such (-.ther purposes as the City Council may determine from time to tame. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that Resolu- tion No. 902 be adopted as read. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, stated that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Resolution covering the exten- sion of retirement of an employee of the City of Renton, which had been requested by the Chief of Police ., approved by the Council. The City Clerk read the proposed Resolution No. 903. extending the retirement date of Walter J. Kerr, a member of the Washington Statewide City T{mployee's retirement System in the classification of Tlniformed Personnel, for a period of one ,year, until September 1,1957. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that Resolution Yo. 903 be adopted as read. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, stated that the Ordinance CommV-tee would like to present a proposed ordinance which had been recom- mended by the Police Department; that they would like to have the proposed ordin- ance placed on r.ts first reading for Council information only and requested that it be held for one week for Council information. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance relating- to persons convicted of certain crimes, requiring them to register, etc.,with the Chief of Police; making certain records private and defining offenses and prescribing penalties for the violation. (A resume' of the ordinance 3_s attached for Council information.) Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance for their recommendation. Carried. Ang Pnsato, Police Chief, explained that such an ordinance was in common usage around the state and took care or vagrants---that they did not intend to misuse or embarrass anyone by the Ordinance---that such information would not be available to private detectives. The City Attorney further explained that many_ cities in the State, large and small, have a similar ordinance to keep law offic- ials advised of data on all such persons living within the City---that it applies only to felonies. Councilman Richardson stated that they intended to have a meeting of the Committee with the Police Chief and City Attorney before making their recommendation. Carried. In regard to the Studebaker plat, Assistant City Engineer Walt Will stated r... that this matter had been held for a re-survey at the same time as Balch's prop- osed plat (No.11) was surveyed in an endeavor to make the roads coincide. Councilman Richardson stated that in compliance with the Planning Commission's findings on July llth, action on this plat would be held for further information from the Planning Commission. Councilman Richardson, Chairman reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed ordinance covering a change in zoning on Lake Street. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance changing the zoning classification of certain property, the boundaries of said tract being the east line of Lake Street, the west line of Shattuck Street, the north line of Tobin Avenue and the south line of Tillicum Avenue, from Residence Single Family District Use to T,usiness District (B-1),(on the petition presented by T.H. '.%1iliiams. ) Moved by Swift, seconded by Heppenstall, that the proposed ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendatio--. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that the Ordinance Committee would like to report favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommend its passage. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and proposed Or(?inance No. 1553 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. after the second and final read- ing, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the ordinance be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all twelve Councilmen present voting "Ave", the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed ordinance covering a change in zoning in the Earlington Addition. The City Clerk read the proposed ordinance changing the zoning classificat-on of certain property, the descrition being "Lots 16,17 and 119, Town and Country Bungalow Sites", from Suburban Residence District (S-1) to Business District (P-1),(as requested by ^eorge Dobson.) Moved by T3rllce, seconded by Swift, that the proposed ordinance be referred to the Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried Councilman Richardson stated that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by ATorris, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and proposed Ordinance No. 1554 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delatz„enti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the proposed Ordinance be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all twelve Councilmen voting "Aye”, the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson stated that as the City had not received any communi- cation from the Housing Authority, that the City ask them for the information in regard to Highlands Plat ,#2. City Attornev Gerard Shellan explained that the Housing Authority had requested the City to approve the filing of a corrected plat and that the Government Engineer had got mixed up and an incorrect legal description was recorded---that the Housing Authority would be responsible for relocation of the utilities and that he had talked to Mr. Humble in this regard and that he believes he received an approval from both the San Francisco and Igashin ten D.C... Offices, that they would pay for the relocation and that the City should have verification from the Housing Authority for this---that approval of the Ordinance covering Highlands Plat ##2 should be held until we receive this information. Councilman Swift stated, in regard to the One-Way Street Committee Report, that he had received information through Councilman Heppenstall in regard to a Consulting Engineer survey, that Mr. Sawhill of the Seattle Traffic Engineer's Office indicated they could (1) Give a report on feasibility with respect to geographical set-up in Renton, (2) Street capacity vs anticipated increase, (a) With presentconditions and restrictions, (b) Two-way with necessary restrictions, and (c) A system for maximum capacity (3) Details of recommendation., (a) Signal installation, removal or revision, (bj Signs and timing, (c) Curb space, distri- bution, peak hour restrictions, (d) Special intersection re-design; that the report could be made available by September 18th at the maximum, at a cost to the City not to exceed P1,000.00; that Mr. Sawhill further indicates that they have 4 to 5 men who are specialists in their particular fields who could take part in the study. Councilman Swift stated that the Joint Committee, Street & Alley and Ways '• Mears, had all of the reports and letters which had been presented to the Street a. Alley Committee in the past and that they had decided to withhold any recommendations on the floor pending this report, that they understood that the Ways and Means Commit- tee were also favorable to the report from these people. Moved by Richardson, seconded by White, that the Council concur in the report of the Committee and that the City retain Mr. Sawhill and his assistants to make this survey andthat the expense of same be paid from Cumulative Fund No. 1183. Councilman Reid stated that in his opinion this report, from neutral people, will give the important informat- ion for the Council, as well as the opposition to work from and that he would go along with the report and hoped that it could be received at least by September 17th. Councilman Richardson stated that he too felt the report was a good idea and that it should be obtained as soon as possible. Councilman Heppenstall stated that the report would be received as soon as possible and that it would be informa- tion for the Council to work from and would tell us whether Renton was geographi- cally located for the operation of one-gray steeets---that there were other problems involved also. Councilman Heppenstall informed the audience that a book had been published by the United Stated Chamber of Commerce on one-way business streets,and that if the people would readthis book they would get definite ideas about the one- way street system in respect to business. The motion to concur in the Committee report and to retain Mr. Sawhill and his assistants to make the survey, and that the expense of same be paid from Cumulative Eund No. 1183 then carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson,that the Mayor be authorized to notify Mr. Lewark, Seattle Traffic Engineer, that the City has accepted the services of him and his associates and request that they start immediately on the survey and that it be completed as soon as possible. Carried. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee, reported thatthe Committee had met this evenin.q with Mr. Bott, that they had received two propo- sals from the Western Disposal Company and had a proposed Ordinance that they were studying---that they have a very complete detailed report from Mr. Bott which will be considered at the next Executive meeting. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: All twelve Councilmen were present. Mayor Baxter reported thatthe 345 cards which had been received by Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee, in regard to the one-way streets; .that the cards were signed by various people in the shopping area of the City of Renton. For the information of the Council, one card was read which stated in general that the shopper felt it was difficult to shop in Renton because of the one-way streets and that the people were shopping elsewhere, and requesting that the one-way streets '-)e eliminated so they can again shop in Renton. The address on the card was 3022 18th Avenue South, Seattle. Mayor Baxter stated that any further cards received would be added to those on hand and all will be kept on file. Councilman Swift stated that the Committee intended to study all the cards. Mr. Covey informed the Council thatthe business people in the City had furnished the cards, and distributed same. In regard to the proposed survey of the effect of one-way streets on business, Councilman Heppenstall reported that although the original report indicated that they would try to include thisfbrm of report in the study, this croup stated they were not qualified to make such a report---that they were interested in it from a traffic standpoint only. Mr, Shaw, who is Trade- wellts Attorney, stated that there were two problems to consider, the first, the effect of the one-way streets on traffic and the other, on business. That the people who were opposed to the one-way traffic system would like to do anything within their power to work with the City Council on a program that would be accept- able to the Council---that after the proposed one-way street traffic survey is completed and found to be sufficiently beneficial to overcome the effect on busin- ess, or if the Council finds i-hat irrespective that business is so adversely affected that one-way streets should go in the down town area---this information is primarily of interest to the retail merchant---that they were the first to feel the impact---property owners, who were also landlords felt the impact now and that business is now decreasing at an increased rate---that they are starting to have a decrease in employment---that this group wants to work with the Council to have a program agreeable withthe Council and would like to meet and work together with the Council on the problem. Councilman Heppenstall stated that he appreciated the manner that Mr. Shaw presented his problem and that the Council would work with these people in any way they could. Mayor Baxter stated that in his opinion this was a very good suggestion and that he would request the Street R, Alley Committee to work with this group. Mr. Shaw stated that they would like to have the Mayor appoint a Committee to work with their group to select a competent company capable of making a survey and that the Mayor set a date for the meeting and the Committee weul d be present. Councilman Vietzke informed the audience that there was a serious traffic situation at this time and that it was expected to increase and that the Council had been working on this problem for some time. Councilman Heppenstall stated that the felt that they were not on the right track ---that he believedthe business men, working through the Chamber of Commerce could come up with a satisfactory group of persons to make the study and also to work through the university of Washington Government Bureau of Services and Research, ..& that they could give helpful names and data, that perhaps the City could assist the Committee in securing some of this information. Mr. Hendrickson of the Chamber of Commerce, stated that they would be happy to work with or assist in this program-- that they have members who are very capable who could be made available at almost any time. Councilman Bruce stated that in his opinion the people were not parti- cularly interested in a traffic survey, but in some kizd of action to save their business,and suggested and so moved, that the Mayor appoint a Special Committee to meet with these people. Councilman Delaurenti stated, concurred in by Councilman vietzke, that the did not feel that the Council have a hand in this type of sur- vey, that he felt that it was up to the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. George Cooper stated, on the question, in regard to the proposed committee, that the merchants are requesting the Council's assistance only to select a firm to evaluate the one- way street system as far as business is concerned, that this group would then select a street system as far as business is concerned, that this croup would then select a firm to make the survey. The motion carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Com--i.*tee, reported that a typographical error had been corrected in a proposed Ordinance, and that the Commit- tee would now like to present a proposed Ordinance covering a change in zoning in the wast end of the Maplewoo(i kddition. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance changing the zoning classification of certain property described as "Beginning at the S.W. Corner of Tax Lot 13, Sec.l6 TwP23 N. Range 5 E. ^T.M•, thence north 164.20, thence westerly 300' ; thence southerly to the north line of State Highway #5, thence along the northerly line of State Highway No. 5, to a point of beginning; all located in Renton, King County, State of Washington;" from Suburban Residence WNW District (S-1) to Business District (B-1) as requested by John Edwards. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by White, seconded by Dietzke, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and proposed Ordinance No. 1555 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the ordinance be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all 12 Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Reid reported that the Committee had investigated the report on Meadow Street of the chickens which were being kept in an unsanitary manner and that on investigation they had fo-nd no chickens being kept at this address. Councilman Richardson reported, in regard to the previous requests of the Boeing Airplane Company, in regard to the vacation of 8th Avenue North and the possibility of annexation of the new Boeing Airplane Company property, that Mayor Baxter, the City Attorney, Councilman Bruce and himself had met with the Boeing Airplane Company Officials last evening (July 23rd), and that under the Poeing Airplane Company's plans it would require a fill on both sides of 8th Avenue North for the Airplane Company to build as they have planned---that the City Engineer has estimates on the concrete paving of 6th Avenue North of $29,500.00, and for the asphaltic concrete paving of P20,500.00---that if the City would vacate 8th Avenue North to the Boeing Airplane Company, they wo,ild in turn contribute X20,500.00 toward the improvement of 6th Avenue North or 1th Avenue North, which would allow a right-of-way 60' wide by approximately 1300 feet in length. In planning their parking and buildings, they will lay out same so that their parking lot will be located so that the people coming from the different directions could drive into the parking lot from their respective directions; that the Committee, in endeavoring to give the correct information to the Boeing Air- plane Company Officials at last night's meeting had informed them that it was the feelings of the past City Council that the Ordinance covering Business and Occupa- tional Tax was passed from year to ,year so that at any time the City was in a position $ where there could be a percenta7e cut on the Business R,� Occupational Tax, if antici- pated revenues from other sources increased, we could cut the tax---that we have no knowledge of just exactly the amount of money we would receive in taxes from the Poeing Airplane Company property and other property we have recently annexed, that this in formation is not presently available from the County Auditor's Office, that the same applied in regards to the gasoline or liquor tax---that it was the feeling of the Council that if ever the City was in such a position, they would cut this tax. In further explanation, the City Attorney, on request of Councilman hichardson, stated that there were two separate matters to be considered, (1) the problem of vacation of 8th Avenue North and money to improve a substitute street extending east and west, the other (2) was the matter of annexation of newly acquired property by the Boeing Airplane Company, to the City of Kenton---that some months ago we sent a petition to them in this regard and requested that they consider same favorably--that in turn they evidently want a commitment from the Council in connection with the Business & Occupational Tax asthey feel an unconditional commitment would be impossible, that r"" they understood that the Council had always favored a cut in the Business & Occupa- tional Tax if additional revenue was forthcoming and that they would be satisfied with a declaration of policy---that he believed that the Mayor and Councilman Richardson had suggested that such a declaration be given in motion form by the Council, that he suggested that we refer to a letter received from the Boeing .Airplane Company several months ago, and put the declaration in motion form as follows: "Resolved that the City Council reaffirm its previous declarations as to the reduction and/or elimination of the Business and Occupation Tax, namely that based on the letter received by the Mayor dated May 17 1956 and signed by Donald J. Euler, Assistant to the Senior Vice Presi- dent - Operations, of the Boeing Airplane Company declaring that the City is expected to receive up to 1961, because of the Poeing Airplane Company's new plant and facil- ities, approximately 1700,000.00 in real and personal taxes and the City is likewise expected to receive approximately A270,000.00 up to January 1,1959 as payment in lieu of taxes; and that based on such anticipated revenue and assuming that the City's oblinations do not materially change, that favorable consideration is to be given to the reduction or elimination of the Business and Occupational Tax at the time that these anticipated revenues are received by the City." Moved by white.. seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the Resolution of the Committee. Carried. Mr. Shellan further explained the urgency in trying to get this oroperty annexed before Septem' er lst, as he believes that the City would benefit financially in the foll- owing year if such annexation was completed before September 1,1956.---That if the property is annexed after this date, we would not receive taxes until 1958; that if we could get the petition signed by August 7th, with the suggestion in mind to set a date of hearing by August 21st, the Ordinance of Annexation could be prepared and if the newpapers were properly notified, could be published and in effect prior to Sept- ember 1st. Councilman Richardson stated that the information in the Council's Resolution and motion should be forwarded to the Poeing Airplane Company people this week, or as soon as possible. The City Attorney will forward this information to the Boeing Airplane Company. Councilman Richardson further reported in regard to the vacation of 8th Avenue North, that the Special Committee had not taken this matter up as yet with the Street and Alley Committee---that it was the opinion of the Committee at last night's meet- ing with the Boeing Airplane Company O ficials, that the Council would look favorably on the vacat.cn, as requested. Councilman Swift reported that the Street &. Alley Committee had approved the recommendation several weeks ago, provided a suitable substitute road is provided. Councilman nichardson stated that representatives of the Transport Division were present at their meeting and that they had been asked for their assistance along these lines of getting another access road across Lith Avenue- --that the franchise on the railroad spur on 6th Avenue North will expire in Febru- ary 1957 and that the Railroad Company, through the Pacific Car R• Foundry Company is requesting that this franchise be renewed. Councilman Richardson stated that a traffic problem would be created if the improvement of 6th .Avemie North wasntt timed to coincide with the vacation of 8th Avenue North,and on the suggestion of the City Attorney Gerard Shellan, that if a "Call for Bids" for this improvement was issued as soon as possible, that perhaps the improvement could be made within a 60-day period, by October 1st, that the contribution would be available from the Boeing Airplane Company, if it were used immediately---that there was only X100.00 differ- ence between the City En7ineerts estimate and Boeing Airplane Company's estimate. In answer to Councilman Swift's inquiry as to whose responsibility it would be to remove utilities $om 8th Avenue North, the City Attorney stated that ordinarily the City does not own the Street, they just have easements and that they would just give vA their right-of-wav, to the street property. Councilman Richardson suggested that the City Engineer be requested to draft the specifications for the "Call for Bids" for this improvement and that same be published as soon as possible and that the City Attorney inquire from the Boeing, Airplane Company when they will receive the money for the improvement in question. In regard to the use of the railroad track for traffic, it was stated that the Railroad could be requested to store their cars east of Park Street in order to keep the track clear from Park Street to Loran Street. Councilman White stated that he would agree with Councilman Richardson's suggestion that the City engineer draft the necessary specifications for the Call for bids and set a date, either August 14th or 21st for the opening of bids, and so moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Hansen, that the "Call for Bids" for the asphaltic concrete paving of 6th Avenue North, cover the 43 foot street only with curbs on both sides, also an alternate bid for the 60 foot street, including sewers and drains, it being understood the street would extend from Park Street west to Logan Street, including the railroad crossing. Councilman Richardson suggested that a clause be included in the bid call setting a 30-day completion date, after awarding of the bid, to allow for any further negotiations that might be required in connection with the vacation of 8th Avenue North; also, that further negotiations could be made with the Boeing Airplane Company if the bids were higher than the previous estimates. The motion carried. _ Councilman 14hite suggested and so moved, seconded by ')elaurenti, "Resolved that the petition for vacation of 8th 4venue North, as submitted by the Boeing Airplane Company sha)1 be heard on September 4,1956 at the City Council Chambers of the City Hall at 8:00 P.A'. The motion carried. Councilman Richardson stated that in re7ard to the proposed lease between the City of Renton and the owner of the parking lot on Main Street (Milt Williams), that as soon as evidence of the Chamber's contribution to this rental fee is received, that it would be in order for the Mayor to sign the Agreement as written, as previous- ly authorized by the Council and Street & Alley Committee. Mr. Hendrickson, Presi- dent of the Chamber of Commerce, stated that he understood that this money had already been collected by the Chamber and that he would investigate same and advise Mayor Baxter in the morning. Councilman Swift requested that the Auditing, & Accounting Committee check the condition of the expenditures from the Street Fund as to the balance to determine if there are funds available for continued operations. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee had been given power to act in regard to the change in bus stop from 2nd & Williams and that they would like to request thgt the stop be established east of the marquee, instead of east of the driveway, and that a refuse can be provided atthis stop for sanitary reasons. The City Clerk was rearrested to write a letter to the Lake Shore Lines advising them of the Council's action, and that the stop could be changea as soon as possible at their convenience. Councilman Swift, Chairman, reported that the Street R. Alley Committee had ap- proved Radio Station KLAN's request to hood certain meters in the shopping area for treater Renton Days from 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.'"., and that they would pay to the City Treasurer's Office 815.00 for the use of the meters to replace the regular meter fees the City would receive, it being understood that K.L.A.N. would hoed the meters in the mornings and remove the hoods in the afternoon. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee also reported, in re- aard to the request in Farlington Addition that a street (lith Avenue West) be widened for safety purposes, that the Acting-Street Ccmmissioner, Reuben Miller, had investi- gated this request---that it was determined that this was an old street and had never been improved beyond oiling and that it is too narrow to improve at the present time and that an L.I.D. should be established---that the Street & Alley Committee recommen- ded that the adjacent property o7mers be notified that an L.T.D. is the proper and acceptable method for the improvement of this street to include proper curbs and drainage,as there is no control of rain water in case of heavy rains, and so moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen. and carried, that the Council concur in the recommend- ation of the Street & Alley Committee. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee, reported in regard to the request of Mike Lazor in connection with the condition of the street in front of their home (Victoria Avenue Z,dest), that this street has been oiled to keep the dust down, but that consideration of a specified direction of traffic is not being considered at this time, and that Mrs. Lazor has dropped her request for one-way traffic. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Allev Committee, reported also, that the request of the Pope Ford Company for use of one parking meter for a loading zone had been approved by the Committee, however they recommended that instead of the meter Cid they had requested to be used, that the meter immediately north of the service door U'� be marked for their use. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council < concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee and the Street Commissioner be so notified. Cc,-Incilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee reported in connec- tion with the proposal received from Consulting Engineer Cecil Arnold on the '.?ells and Houser Way Bridges, that the Committee recommended that surveys be made of both bridges as outlined in Mr. Arnold's proposal---that the Committee wouldn't know the exact cost of repairs until the survey was completed. Councilman Vietzke, Chairman of the Ways & Means Committee reported, in connection with Councilman Swift's report that the Committee recommended that the cost of the surveys (ft2250.00) be taken from Cumulative Fund No. 1183. Moved by xichardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee, and Ways and Means Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Council had approved the signing of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph applications as submitted for laying underground conduit in certain parts of the City at the last Council meeting, and that as this was already covered by their Franchise and all plans had been made under the City hngineer's in- structions and specifical.ions, under City requirements, that it was in order for the Mayor to sign the applications. Councilman Heppenstall, together with many of the Councilmen, stated that they objected to information being given to the public that was confidential at the com- mittee meeting of the Council as a Whole, that this had caused considerable confus- ion and embarrassment and that he felt such practice should be avoided. Mr. Jack Fleming, News Editor of one of the local papers stated that they felt it was a priv- ilege to attend these meetings, that they took notes for their informati-n to be used only if and when authorized by the Council, for newspaper items and stories later on and that they felt that by their coming to these meetings it assisted in their general news coverage and that they did not use such material until so authorized. Councilman T?ruce stated, that in regard to the use of a porticn of the audito- rium for additional office space, that they had an itemized estimate as to what this would cost, that they had withdrawn their original proposal. Mayor Baxter stated that the new proposal provided better accomodaticns and was less expensive. Council- man Richardson stat>d that a meeting for discussion of this chance could �)e held prior to the Executive meeting next Tuesday. After discussion, the Committee being familiar with the proposal and approving same, it was moved by 4eppensta?-, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the new proposal by Mayor Baxter. Carried. Walt Will, Office Fngi.neer, reported that it was planned to take only 16 feet from the end of the auditorium room which would leave a room 36' x 56' for Civil Defence Use. On request of Councilman Trimm, Councilman Morris stated that he would put the Perryman proposal on the Agenda for the next Executive meeting, Tuesday, July 30th, also on request of Councilman Richardson, that he would allow him time for discussion of a subject he wished to bring before the Executive meeting,ie. , the request of the Planning Commissior as to their legal duties and powers as pertains to hearings, etc. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the Planning Commission Representatives be invited to attend the next Executive meeting, Tuesday, July 30th. Carried. Councilman Morris stated that he only had two other items to bring before the Executive meeting, one, the proposed ordinance covering Committees of the Council, the other, the franchise with the Northern Pacific Railroad Company. Mayor Baxter requested time to meet with the Committee at their Executive meeting for a discussion with the Job Evaluation Committee, Fire & Water Committee and Ordinance Committee. Councilman Swift, Chairman, stated that the Street &. Alley Committee would like to recommend that parking be restricted on Rainier Avenue between 2nd and 3rd Avenues from 4 to 6 P. r-1. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that this matter be re- ferred to the Ordinance Committee to prepare the necessary Ordinance. Carried. Councilman Swift further reported in regard to the proposal for 'urnett Street, that they would require permission from the Pacific Coast Railroad Company to cross their tracks, and that the City Engineer request such permission from the Railroad Company to cross their tracks and extend Burnett Street on the west side, down to 7th Avenue, and an additional request,from the meat Northern Railroad Company, permission to pass over their right-of-way from 7th Avenue to Grady Way. 'Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the request be referred to the City Engineer for proper action. Carried. Councilman Swift further requested that a proposal be directed to the State Highway District engineer requesting the State Hinhway Department to double Rainier Avenue on the south side of 3rd hvenne, on both the east and west sides, to provide additional stcrape and to ease the traffic confestion at this point when the signal is green to proceed---that there is only a single lane southbound at this time and a double lane of traffic feeds into it---that this would allow twice the cars through on each green light. Moved by Rich?rdson, seconded by White, that the Council con- cur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee, and the City Engineer advise the State Highway Department of the City's request. Carried. Councilman Swift, Charman of the Street &: Alley Committee, further reported that a request be directed to the Committee that is temporarily handling the former Commercial Waterway District #2 properties which now are a part of the City of Renton, that they investigate the possibility of opening the street or roadway along the south side of the Cedar River from Wells Street to Logan Street. Moved by Richard- son, seconded by Delaurenti, that, the Council concur in the prcposal of the Street mom and Alley Committee. Carried. The Fire Chief reported that a letter had been drafted in regard to the fire service agreement with the new Container Corporation, which is to be located just outside the City of Renton, and that he would submit it to the Mayor and City Attorney the first thing in the morning for their consideration. Moved by Bruce, seconded by t{icrardson, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adinurned at 11:30 P.M. There were 35 persons present besides the City of Renton Employees. City Clerk Mayor Renton, Washington 119 August 3,1956. The special meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 7;00 P.M. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, RICHARDSON,(TARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT, HEPFRNSTALL A, BR?TCE. OFFICIALS & DUARTMENT HEADS PRESENT ?,JFRE: ELTON ALEXANDER, CITY CLERK and JAMES HIGHTON, CITY ENGINEER, as well as DON HTJM%- E, DISPOSITION OFFICER OF THE R.ENTON HOIISTNG AT'THORITY. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, stated that the Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance (which had been introduced and placed on its first reading previously on July 10,1956), which they, reported favorably on at this time and recommended passage of. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee on ` Ordinance No. 1556 "An Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, authorizing a new survey and plat to be made and recorded amending and correcting existing plat known as Renton Highlands No. 2; and providing for the recording of this ordinance," that the City Engineer is authorized and directed to make and record in the office of the County Auditor of King County, Washington, or cause to be made and recorded therein, a new and correct survey and plat of said Renton Highlands No. 2, an Addition to the City of Renton, that such corrected plat shall follow the plan of the original survey and plat above mentioned, so iar as the same can be ascertained and followed, but shall correct the defects existing therein and show definite and correct locations, widths and sizes of streets, alleys, lots and blocks, also that a the officer or surveyor making such corrected plat shall endorse thereon his certificate referring to said original plat corrected thereby and the defects existing therein which are corrected by such new survey and plat, and that a certi- fied copy of the ordinance be recorded in the King County Auditor's Office. N4avor Baxter explained the purpose of this evening's meeting was to hold the second and final reading of an ordinance authorizing the making and recording of a new and correct survey and plat for Renton Highlands Plat No. 2; that at the next Council meeting another Ordinance would be presented for Council consideration, correcting the previous plat. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1556 be adopted as read. On the question, Mr. Humble, Disposition Officer of the Housing Authcrity of the City of Renton explained the reason the proposed Ordinance was held up was to insure the City that it would be protected in the matter of installation of water & sewer lines in a triangle area where streets are being moved. The City Clerk read the "Evidence of Protection", a wire, as submitted by Mr. Humble, the wire being addressed to the City of Renton Housing Authority, ... Renton Highlands Administration Building, Renton, Washington, Attention, Harry H. Heatherington, Executive Director, and signed by J. G. Melville, Regional Director, San Francisco Regional Office, Public Housing Authority, dated July 31,1956 and reading "In order to comply with requirements, City of Benton, as a condition to approval of corrected subdivision plat Wash-15058, 451J4, as outlined their letter May 28,1956 we hereby agree to install sewer and wa,er mains in Blocks 12,13,1)+, 36, 37 and 38." James Highton, City Engineer's, letter of May 28,1956 to Mr. Don Humble, Disposition Officer, Housing Authority of the City ofRenton, was then read, as follows"Please be informed that the ^orrected plat of the Renton Highlands No.2 as submitted to my office is not acceptable, Approval of the corrected plat is being withheld until thn interests of the City of Renton are protected through a satiffactory agreement for the relocation of the sanitary sewer system in Blocks 121 139 14, 36, 37 and Jd, Corrected Plat, Renton Highlands No, 2. Mayor Baxter explained the purpose of this evening's meeting was to hold the second and final reading of an ordinance authorizing the making and recording of a new and correct survey and plat for Renton Highlands Plat No 2; that at the next Council meeting another Ordinance would be presented for Council consideration, correcting the previous plat. Mr. Kumble explained that there were two methods of procedure to correct a plat; one was to submit a new plat of the area, which would be a re plat ---that this would require a hearing with 30-days notice---the other was to submit a corrected plat, which they were using this evening---that the design had not been changed, that the error was in the original plat and that this did not require a hearing, but an )rdinance instructing the City Engineer to prepare, or cause to be prepared, a corrected plat, which they had this evening. Councilman Heppenstall inquired if this was the same plat the Council had accepted previously, with the exception of relocation of utilities. Mr. Humble stated the Council had assumed the previous plat was correct, on certain conditions that the City of Renton would be protected on water and sewer mains in the certain triangle area, that oral commitments had been made at the conference and he had been assured that these commitments would be made to the City of Renton but that J. G. Melville, Regional Director, S.P.R.O.,PHA had advised him they couldn't follow through on the original agreement, under whichthe City had accepted the original plat; that if the City had accepted the new plat, which the Government had requested, they would have lost all bargaining power on the item of protection. Mr. Humble stated the only difference in the two plats was the location of lot lines on "I" Street--- 120 that the new plat places the lot lines where they understood they were previously, which was actually 30 feet west of where the lot line is shown on the original--- that in the 6th Block Area, it was proposed to redesign and move the street pack where it originally was to preserve water and sewer mains and to show a sufficient increase in value, with redesign, that on the basis of value redesign, the Housing Authority would install water and sewer lines in this area so land could be offered for sale with no "special provisions." Mr. Humble advised the Council that when the corrected plat was accepted by the Council it world not be sent to the Planning Commission for Public Hearing. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, the motion be amended that when confirming letter is received, the letter, together with the wire readthis evening from the Regional Director,SFRO,PHA, dated July 31, to Renton Housing Authoritv, Att. Harry H. Heatherinpton, Executive Director, also the City Engineerts letter dated May 29,1956 to Don Humble, Disposition Officer Renton Housing Authority, also Mr. Humbles explanation, be included as supporting evidence of the Government's intention. The motion carried. A roll call vote was taken on the motion to adopt Ord. 1556, as follows: Trimm, Ayes Richardson, Aye; Garrett, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Swift, Aye; Heppenstall, A,ye and Bruce, Aye. All 7 Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. City Clerk J Mavor Renton, Washington August 7,1956 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Jce R. F_axter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: MORRIS, TRIMM, REID, VIETZKE, GARRETT, HANSEN, SIATIFT, HEPPENSTALL and BRUCE. On their request for same, moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Trimm, that Councilmen Richardson, White and Delaurerti be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS & DEPAgTMFNT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Rusato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Doro- thea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Gene Coulon, Park Super- intendent and Charles Pott, Comptroller. Moved by Rruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Council minutes of July 17th be approved as written. Carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Council minutes of July 24th be approved as written. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the Council minutes of the Special Meeting of August 3,1956 be approved as written. Carried. A communication was read from Joseph G. Lissman, 13025 91st Ave. So., requesting the City to vacate a portion of 131st Street between 90th Ave. So. and 91st Ave. S., 2� located in Latimerrs N.H. Lake Washington Plat. 114r. Lissman stated that he is the owner of abutting property on each side of said street and that a portion of 131st Street between 91st Avenue South and Rainier Avenue has already been vacated. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that the request by referred to the Street & alley Com- mittee for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication signed by David Haverberg, President, was read from the Maple- wood Community Club. A petition carrying the signatures of 103 persons, including husbands and wives was attached. The Maplewood Community Club request the Council consider their request to create a playfield on property they would like to donate to the City of Renton for same, that the only remaining encroachment they believe is the store buildin17 which they feel the owner should be requested to move as his building extends over the line of the proposed park property; that the property is level, is 200 feet wide and extends the length of one block with no obstruction on it---that they request that the City mow the tall -rass on the field. The petition stated that the undersigned officers (David Haverberg, President, Phyilis I. Bunker, Secretary, Ronnie J. Charboneau, Vice-President and Curtis D. Taylor, Treasurer) agree and are in favor of petitioning the City of Renton to add to its parks, the property under the hiline (power lines) in Maplewood belonging to the Maplewood Improvement Corporation,. Inc., without permission to grant rights to private individuals or to private groups for buildings, sewn^s, sewer runs, drain-offs, or driveways; and to remove any now existing cases----to elect 'Maplewood Improvement Corporation Officers for the purpose of turning over said property to the City of Renton. Mr. John Angell of Maplewood,, from the audience stated they are primarily interested in having the property cleared of the long grass for the children to play there and to elirrinate the fire hazard. Councilman Bruce informed the Council and audience that the property was donated to the Mpalewood Community by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to be used as a playfield and that the Community Group was paying the taxes on the prop- erty. The City Attorney stated that as the City Engineer had made a survey of the area, ar.d that if the legal description was available, it was a matter of whether the Council is willing to accept the property for park purposes, and if they are willing to get a preliminary title report to determine who owns the property so it could be deeded to the City for a public playground; that if the group does not want to deed it to the City unless the encroachments are removed, this could not be done as the City has no interest in the property until the property becomes theirs---that if the group wants to deed the property to the City first, then the City could try to remove the encroachments later---that there would be a question as to whether it would be harm- ful to the playground to have this encroachment on it. In regard to the inquiry that if the City accepted this area and if a power line should drop on the field and one of the children playing of the field were hurt, the City Attorney stated that as far as he knew, if it were due to lightning, storm, etc., it would be considered an "'Act of God" and no one would be liable, if the Power Company was negligent and the lines were not kept in good condition and a line come down, the Power Company would be liable, that if the line was down and nothing was done about it, both the City of Renton and the Power Company would be liable. Moved by 'forris, seconded by Vietzke, that the City Attorney proceed with the necessary steps to create a park in the Maplewood Area. Carried. 12 The City Clerk reported that there were two liens against the Swimming Pool Contractor for work, one from Lundquist and Moje for painting the swimming pool, for labor and material, in the amount of X920.00, and one from the Nelsen Building and Contracting Company for their claim (no amount shown) . The liens were ordered placed on file. A request was read from Jim's Tavern, signed Vincent Rosa, for permission to install one "Amusement Fowler" in his place of business at 214 Williams Street. Also, a request was read from the Alki Tavern, signed Roeder Jenkins, for permission to install one "Shuffleboard" in his place of business at 917 3rd Avenue. ',`owed by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, that both requests be referred to the Police x. License Committee with powsr to act. Carried. For the Council's information, a communication from the City Attorney to the owner of the property and structure on 3rd Avenue, immediately west of the bowling alley (Dr. I'uko?r), was read, advising him again that same had been declared a fire hazard and an unsafe structure as defined in the Building Code, also that the premises, because of its uilapidated appearance, constitutes an eyesore. The communication was ordered filed. A communication was read from the Central Labor Council, signed by Velma B. Proctor, Secretary, requesting in connection with the one-way street system, that - the City investigate the possibility of opening the viaduct under the railroad track between 1st Avenue North and Logan Street, to enable the traffic to be routed through Renton, via 1st Avenue North, instead of 2nd and 3rd Avenues, which are con- gested streets during peak hours. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the communication be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for consideration. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall, a member of the Ordinance Committee, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance in connection with the Springbrook Reservoir area, on its first reading for Council consideration. The Clerk read the proposed Ordinance "designating a restricted area adjacent to its water reservoir as being within jurisdiction of the City for protection of its water supply from pollution; declaring certain acts to be a nuisance; prescribing acts constituting offenses against the purity of such water supply; and providing penalties for the violation thereof", for the purpose of protection of the purity of the City's water supply, declaring the City's jurisdiction over the real property described and also declaring said prcperty subject to the restrictions imposed by woo aforesaid laws "Chapter 227 of Laws of 1907 and R.C.W. 35.99.090 inclusive) and by this Ordinance, said property being occupied by or adjacent and draining to the works, reservoirs, systems, branches, pipes, springs, creeks, tributaries and streams above and below ground, from which or by means of which the City of Renton obtains,accum- ulates, stores and transports water furnished to the inhabitants of the City and adjacent areas supplied with water through the municipal water system of the City; said property being described as follows: "Beginning at the intersection of the east line of 96th Ave.S. and the north line of Township 22 North, Range 5 East W.M.; thence east along the north line of said Township 22 North to the west line of 104th Ave.S.E. produced north; thence south along the west line of 104th Ave. S.E. produced north to the north line of S.E. 200th Street; thence west along the north line of S.E.200th Street to the east line of 96th Ave. S.; thence northerly alone; the east line of 96th Ave.S. to the north line of Township 22 North, being the point of beginning; all situated in Township 22 North, Range 5 East W.M., in King County Washington," prohibiting and declared unlawful the establishment or maintenance of any slaughter pens, etc., or the deposit or maintenance of any uncleanly or unsholesome substance or the creating or allowing of any condition upon said property or sufficiently near said property to cause the Citv water supply to be poLluted or the purity of said water or any part thereof to be destroyed or endangered, and prescribing penalties. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall re- norted that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Bruce. seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council ""' concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and Ordinance No-1557 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final read- ing, moved by Hansen, seconded by Swift, that Ordinance No. 1557 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all nine Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Vietzke, that a certified copy of Ordinance No. 1557 be filed in the County Auditor's Office by the City Clerk Clerk. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to report favorably on a proposed ordinance restricting parking of vehicles nn the west side of Rainier Avenue from 2nd to 3rd Avenues. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance "restricting parking of vehicles on a certain designated street, and 1 2 3. providing penalties for the violation thereof," that parking of vehicles on the west side of Rainier Avenue between Second and Third Avenues is prohibited between the hours' of 4 P.M. to 6 P.'4. daily, except Sundays and holidays. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Com- mittee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recom- mendation of the Ordinance Committee and Ordinance No. 1;58 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1558 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all 9 Councilmen present voting "Are't. the motion unanimously carried. ... Councilman Heppenstall stated that the proposed Ordinance relating to persons convicted of certain crimes, requiring them to register, etc., with the Chief of Pol- ice had been placed on its first reading at the last regular Council meeting and held for study by the Council---that the Ordinance Committee would like to report favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommend passage. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the pro- posed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading_ . Carried. After the second and final reading, for lack of complete understanding by all the Council, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Heppenstall, that the proposed ordinance be referred back to the Ordinance Committee for a better understanding by the Council. Carried. Mavor Baxter stated that the corrected Renton Highlands Plat #2 was received. The City .Engin6er reported that all errors and omissions had been corrected and streets had been moved as required. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Henpenstall, that the City "Resolve that Renton Highlands Plat No. 2 (as corrected) be approved." Mr. Humble, Disposition Officer of the Renton Housing Authority, assured the Council that the Public Housing Authority ,.Tould pay for the installation of water and sewer mains on the redesio-n of this area so that no conditions would have to be made on a sale to protect the City---that the Housing Authority would be instructed to call for bi(?s for this installation in the amount requested by the City Council and that they would be reimbursed for the expenditure by the "overnment. The motion carried. The. City Clerk read the petition for annexation to the City of Renton, from the Boeing Airplane Company, the owner of all of the property described therein as follows, which is located contiguous to the present city limits of the City of r.. Renton, Washington, "That portion of government lot 3, section 6, township 23 north, range 5, east, W.M., in King County, Washington, lying east of Northern Pacific Rail- way right of way and west of Lake Washington Boulevard. (and) That portion of Govern- ment Lot 2, section 8, township 23 north, range 5 east, W.M., in King Cointy, Washing- ton, described as follows: Beginning in said Government lot 2 at the point of inter- section of the southeasterly margin of the right of way of the Northern Pacific Rail- way Company's Lake Washington Branch and the westerly margin of Mill Street produced (now known as Lake Washin^ton Boulevard Southeast, and also as Park Avenue and also as Secondary State Highaay No. 2-A), as described in right of way deed therefor from Columbia 8, Puget Sound Railroad Company to the City of Renton, dated December 26,1914 and recorded January 18,1915 in volume 903 of deeds, page 553; thence running south- westerly along said southeasterly margin of the Northern Pacific right of way a distance of 60 feet to the true point of beginning; thence southeasterly at right angles to said right of way margin 10 feet, more or less, to a point on the westerly right of way boundary of said State Highway iso. 2-A; Vence south-rly along said wes- terly right of way boundary to the south line of said Government Lot 2; thence west- erly along said southerly line of Government Lot 2 to the southeasterly margin of the Northern Pacific right of way; thence northeasterly along said right of way margin to the true point of beginning." The City Engineer stated that there were the signatures of over 75% of the abutting property owners to-wit 100%), in --alue of the property described for annexation. The City Attorney explained that he had been advised that the City, would not receive the property taxes until 1958 as the County Auditor and Treasurer had changed their policy and unless property is annexed prior to March lst, taxes are not given until the following ,year, although liquor and road taxes would be received from the State this ,year if the annexation was completed by September 1st. The City Attorney stated that in order to comply with publishing and posting require- ments, the hearing could not be held prior to the 21st day of August, the date prev- iously set by the Council. The City Clerk .read a proposed agreement between the City of Renton and the Wash- ington State Highway Commission, through the Director of Highways, in connection with the improvement of a portion of Secondary State F'.ghway No. 2-A between its junction with Primary State Highway No. 2-RE in Renton to May Creek and the relocation of certain water mains and service connections a� road crossings and along existing streets, the cost of same being an obliaation of the State; also it is proposed to construct a new b" steel water pipe line at S.E. 96th Street, the cost of which is not an obligation of the State and in the best public interest for the City, as owner of said water facilities, to perform a portion of the work of relocating and constructing said water facilities as described. Inconsideration of the mutual benefits accruing, the parties agree as follows: (In brief) (1) (a) Replace one inch galvanized iron water main along the easterly side of the frontap_e service road as ?escribed; a valve to be installed at the connection to the main on SE. 100th Street. (b) Replace two inch galvani%ed iron water main along the southerly side of S.E. 100th Street, as described, through the length of the conduits under the roadway section to the edges of the state right of way including valves at each side of said right of way. (c) Cut and cap the one inch galvanized iron water main along the southerly side of S.F. 96th Street crossing, as described, at the easterly and westerly right of way lines. (d) Install a six inch steel water main, through the length of conduit under the roadway section, along the center line of S.E. 96th Jtreet crossing the high- way, as described, extending from a connection with the existing 8 inch main at the intersection of S.E. 96th Street and 108th Place S.E., westerly along the center line of S.E. 96th Street to a connecti.nn with the existing 4 inch main at the intersection of 104th Ave.S.E. and S.E. 95th Place, valves to be installed at the connections to the existing mains. (e) Remove and replace the existing 6 and 8 inch steel water main along the south- erly side of S.F. O th Street crossing, as described, for the fv'l width of the State right of way by an 8 it-h steel main, through the length of the conduits under the roadway section to the edges of the state right of way, the existing reducer valve to be removed and reconstructed on S.E. 96th Stre-t.. (f) Replace the 4 inch steel water main along the easterly side of 106th Ave. S.E. as described, to a lccation 5 feet east of the west right of way line as described, valves to be installed at the connections to the existing mains on 96th Street and S.E. 90th Street. (g) Replace existing 2 inch galvanized iron water main along the westerly side of 106th Avenue S.E. as described, to the westerly side of the frontage road asdescribed, valves to be installed at the connections to the existing mains on G.7. 90th Street and S.E. 88th Street, and (II) Cutliring in detail the work to be done by both the State and the City. Mayor Baxter explained that the Agreement had been prepared and written by the Statn Highway Department. The City Engineer explained that he had prepared the cost esti-- mate and had notified the District Engineer that part of the water system was invol- ved, that the "Call for Bids" was to be let today and that he believed the work would begin about September lst. After discussion, moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Morris, that this agreement be referred to the Fire e, grater Committee, City Att.c�rney and City Engineer for their consideration and a report b+ck at the next Council meeting. Carried. Items from the last Executive meeting of the Council were reported on as follows: (1) Councilman Morris, President of the Council, reported that the proposed new Council Committees had been discussed, and that it was the Committee's sug-estion, and he so moved, seconded by Hansen, that the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee to draft the necessary Ordinance. Carried. (2) Councilman Morris reported, in connection with the franchise with the Railroad Company on 6th Avenue North, that the Committee suggested, and he so moved, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Street & Alley Committee and Public Relations Committee for consideration and their recommendation. In connection with the Railroad Company's request for renewal of their franchise over the spur track- on 6th Averue North, Councilman Trimm stated that he felt the Council should go on record as definitely requesting the railroad to use the other route that. had been suggested. The City Clerk readthe Northern Pacific Railroad Company's letter requesting the Council to grant a franchise allowing them to continue to maintain and operate, for a 25 year period, the spur track referred to---that the use of the spur track is necessary to serve the Pacific Car & Foundry Plant. A sug-°ested ordinar_ce was atta- ched to 7rant the franchise. The City Attorney, Gerard Shella.n, stated that .he had received copies of the original franchise from the County Commissioner's office. ?Jith a request thea the City Attorney meet with the Street & Alley Committee and "now Public Relations Committee together with the Northern Pacific Railway Company Repre- sentatives, the motion that the matter of the renewal of the Railroad Comoany's franchise over the spur track at 6th Avenue North, be referred to these two Committees,_ then ca-ried. (3) In connection with the p-evious request of i"ir. ferryman to use a portion of City property in the Sprinubrook Reservoir area, Councilman Trimm suggested and so moved, secon,+ed by Morris, that the City Attorney be authorized to negotiate -with Mr. Parry- man regarding the exchange of properti-s whereby the City would deed a strip of land 20 feet in width as an access road to Mr. Perryman, subject to the City's right to use same, and the City to receive in fee an equivalent portion of Mr. Perryman's property, "located in the southwest corner of his property, closest to the City's reservoir. Carried. (!,) Councilman Morris reported, in connection with the powers and duties of the Planning Commission, that the correct procedure now was for the Building Inspector to refer all petit-.ons to the Planning Commission for their recommendation and that it was the wish of the Council that the Building Tnspector report any and all petit- ions that had been referred to the Planning Commitsion for their consideration, to the Council as soon as they have been referred to the Commission, and so moved, se- conded by Vietzke and carried. (5) Councilman Morris reported in regard to the matter of the private collection of garbage, that the Sanitation Committee was to submit a proposed "Call for Pids" to the Council for they consideration. Councilman "arrett, Chairman, reported that the Sanitation Committee had a copy of the Ordinance and contract under which the City of Seattle operates, and that it was his recommendation, that the City issue the "Call for 'Bids" for the private collection of garbage with the right to reject any and all bids, to determine the type of proposal the City would receive. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the sanitation Committee. In answer to an inquiry, Councilman Garrett stated that he had several suggestions to be included in the "Call for bids", such as the people's right to haul their leaves to the garbage dump, no penalty or higher charge in case of delay due to street improvement etc., or in case of question as to pick up, that the contractor make the pick-up and settle the matter later, that the specifications would be presented to the Uouncil before the "Call for Bids" was issued. Carried. (6) Councilrr,an Morris reported, and so moved by Trimm, seconded by Heppenstall,that it was the recommendation of the Committee of the Council as a Whole, that the matter of number of water meters to be nee -ed and purchased, be referred to the Fire et Water Committee for their recommendntior_. Carried. (7) Councilman Bruce reported in regard to the Mayor's previors request for a multi- lith that as there were no funds provided in this years budget, that if the Council approved, that the City could rent the machine for the balance of this ,year, and the machine (total cost, less rental paid) could be included in the 1957 Pkidget, to be purchased by "Calling for Rids" . After discussion, moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Garrett, that the city rent the multilith machine for six months. Carried. On suggestion of Mayor Baxter, Mr. Kraig, Libratian for the City of Renton, re- ported that previously he had met with the Property Committee and Library poard in regard to the possibility of a new Library Building, that the matter had been refer- red to the Property Committee. Councilman `?ruce, Chairman of the Property Committee, reported that it was the Committee's recommendation that the matter be held in abey- ance until same could be included in the coming year's budget. Mr. Kraig reported that since that time he had the approval o`' the Property Committee to go ahead with plans for estimates and had discussed plans with several architects and that the Board had favored the matter of retaining an architect to draft plans for a library building for a fee not to exceed T2000.00, so tbpt the cost estimate and plans would be available prior to the bond issue and that he had been informed that the "U.S. Housing and Home Finance Agency" would make available "interest free funds" up to 12000.00 to public groups for the "planning", which would not have to be repaid until the building is financed, and with this information, Mr. Kraig inquired if the Council would permit him to proceed with plans. Councilman Swift inquired if the proposal would cover site plans as well as drawings for the building. The City At- torney', Gerard Shellan, stated that there were restrictions on the Funds which re- quire approved site plans before the State would donate any money. Moved by Heppen- stall, seconded by Reid, that the matter be referred to the Property Committee, Lib- rary Board and Park Board to investigate this matter further to determine just what can be done, and report back their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall reported, in connection with the Traffic Survey being made by Mr. Sawhill, Seattle Traffic Engineer's Office, that they had obtained all of the information he could from the City Engineer's Office with respect to street widths and the traffic count, and that they are planning to work in Renton for the next few days. Councilman Swift reported in regard to any reports on "One-way streets", that at the last Street & Alley Committee meeting, that the entire evening had been de- voted to a discussion on the bridge report. Also, that there had been no discussion - and therefore no reports on 8th Avenue North or 6th Avenue North. Councilman Reid reported that the Puget Sound Power & Light Company had re- located the power line near the Swimming Pool and would start the installation of lights on the Cemetery Road as soon as ossible. Councilman Vietzke reported that at the last Executive Meeting the Council had discussed whether visitors would be permitted in the Executive Meetings or not and that he felt this matter should be determined. Councilman Trimm stated that the purpose of the Executive Meetings was to allow the Chairman of the Committees to give any information they have obtained on matters referred to the respective Committees to the Council members and that the reporters were invited to the meetings so that they would be familiar with the matters that would be brought before future Council meetings. After discus—on, moved by Vietzke, seconded by Swift, that Executive Meetings be closed sessions. A roll call vote wastaken as follows: Morris, No; Trimm, No; Reid, No; Vietzke, Yes; Garrett, No; Hansen, into; Swift, No; Heppenstall, No. and Bruce, No. There being 1 "Aye" and 8 "No's", the motion lost. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee, reported that the Committee had discussed the proposal the Council had accepted from Cecil Arnold, Consulting Engineer, in regard to the repair or replacement of the Wells Street & Houser Way Bridges for the future, that the Committee decided the most critical one was the trouser Way F3ridae. In connection with the Houser Way Bridge, the following proposals were stated: (1) Repair approaches to existing bridge only- Estimated Cost, °`40,000.00 - 150,000.00. (2) New Construction - 2 Stage - 41259000.00. Stare 1. Move existing brid?e upstream to temporary location and construct new piers for new two lane bridge - 935,000.00 - ft40,000.00. Stage 2. construct new two lane bridge and dismantle old bridge. (3) New Construction - 3 Stage - •.'250,000.00. Stage 1. Move existing bridge urstream to temporary location and construct new piers for new four-lane bridge - 970,000.00 - 4'80,000.00. Stage 2. Move existing bridge to new piers temporarily and construct one-half of new bridge. Stage 3. Dismantle existing bridge and construct second half of bridge. Councilman Swift further stated that depending on the report of the Traffic Engineer, the Council could decide the size of the bridge the City needed, and there was a small possibility that this proposed bond issue could be placed on the November ballot. ..� Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee, reported in regard to the request of Harvey Comae for a loading zone in front of his place of business, that this matter was referred to the Traffic Department to determine which meters should be moved for best service purposes. Councilman Swift also reported that the res nest of Evan Pugh, that the City do away with the "No Parking" restriction on Logan Street, between 4 and 6 P.N., was still under consideration by the Street & Alley Committee. Councilman Heppenstall, Chairman of the Public Relations Committee reported that the Librarian and Library Board had requested the Council consider the usage, as far as persons outside of the City of Renton were concerned, as the library had been serving the entire School District area, and that possibly 50% of these people lived outside of the City Limits and so do not contribute toward the taxes to operate the library and that it was the recommendation of the Board that cards be published stating the reasons for the action, and that one of these cards be placed in each book going out to the people it would effect, stating that the Library would start charging a fee of 43.00 per ,year for library usage, that courtesy cards be issued at the expiration of the present cards, which will expire December,1957, and that it was the recommendation of the Committee that the Council go on record as following the recommendation of the Library Board. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Pruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Library Board and Public Relations Committee. Carried. In regard to the report that the Highlands Branch Library had been restricted, Mr. Kraig, Librarian, stated that the Branch Librarian had resigned INS.; and that they were short on library help and that they needed a full-time employee as Assistant Librarian. Councilman Rruce, Chairman of the Property Committee, reported in regf�rd to the feasibility of improving the: street roadway on the south side of Cedar River, ex- tending from Wells Street to Logan Street, that the Railroad Company had-driven piling in the center of the approach to the main span making it possible for one-way traffic only---that it would be necessary to negotiate with the Railroad Company in regard to opening the road approach to the span. 127 In connection with the vacation of certain streets between 2 and 4 A.M. and the street sweeper being able to sweep the entire area of the street instead of being required to go around parked cars thereby leaving portions unswept, Mayor Baxter sug-ested that "warning notices" be placed on the violators cars, with the further notice that violators would he given tickets for continued violation. Councilman Swift reported that the Northern Pacific Railway Company Represen- tatives request a meeting with the Street R, Alley Committee and Public '-Relations Com- mittee as soon as possible. A meeting date has been set as Monday evening at 8:00 P.M., with the Chief of Police and the City Attorney. The City Engineer stated that he had to hold up the "Call for Rids" until the matter of the"renewal of franchise" over 6th Avenue North was taken care of. The City Attorney stated that the Northern Pacific -Railway Company had requested the franchise over 6th Avenue North be renewed and that this matter would have to be decided by the Council. Councilman Morris stated that he felt a great deal of consideration should be given to a 4th Avenue North crossing as an access through the City from the Sunset Highway before the fran- chise over 6th Avenue North is granted. In regard to Councilman Bruce's report that tree branches were growing over the sidewalk at 4th & Garden so that people could not walk on the sidewalk, the Street Department was requested to cut these branches away from the sidewalk area. A Mayor Baxter reported that owing to the fact that Street Department Funds were ,d used in the setting up of the one-way street system, and extra work because of the r` extreme winter conditions, that the Street Department Funds were almost depleted--- that the Jtreet Department would be under emer7ency operation for the balance of the year, that the Street Department was required to borrow approximately A26,000.00 from the Water Department Fund, which would have to be repaid, and recommended that the Councils Auditing and Accounting Committee and Finance Committee, investigate this matter and see what action can be taken---that it was estimated between P7,000.00 and $10,000.00 would be required for a modest operation for the balance of this year, a minimum of $33,000.00 to repay the 'pater Department and to complete this ,years operation. Moved by :Swift, seconded by Vietzke, that the Auditing ??, Accounting Com- mittee and Finance Committee determine the amount of money necessary to cover the operation of the Street Department for the balance of the year and to report back to the Council for their consideration, on an emergency budget basis. Carried. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Heppenstall, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M. There were 14 persons present besides City of Renton employees. The follovring claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAvROLL - ALL DEYARTNIENTS X56,791.29 CURRENT FUND 103053-93 WATER FUND 8,374.64 LIBRARY FUND 882.85 PARK FUND 13794.43 S"-.gw,ING POOL F[JND 1.022.51 SE14ER DISPOSAL FUND 941.13 AIRPORT FUND 22560.48 CITY STREET F(JND 55150.94 SHOP E.R. FUND 29686.33 CIVILIAN DEFENCE FUND 2.95 GARBAGE FUND 833.96 FIREMENIS PENSION FUND 250.00 CJ HULA TI VE FUND #1181.; 3,014.�1 SWIMMING POOL BOND FUND 1,237.54 ST. & LIGHT IMPROVEMENT FUND 354.48 zze/,*-, City Clerk Mayor Renton, Washington August lh,1956 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe. H. Baxter at 8:00 P.h'06 ROLL CALL: MORRIS TRIMM, REID, 'AFTTE, VIETZKE, GARRETT, HANXEN, ST.AIFT, Dsi,- AURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. Moved by bdhite, seconded by Reid, that Council- man Richardson be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Ang. 'Rusato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Lngineer; Reuben Miller, assistant Street Commissioner, and Charles Bott, Comptroller. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, that tl-e minutes of the Council meeting of August 7,1956 be approved as corrected. Carried. A communication was read from Agnes Edwards, Box 43 Renton, requesting per- mission to connect with the City of Renton sewer line at the southeast corner of the Renton Airport to serve a small retail dairy store at 27 Logan Street. Mrs. Edwards further requests an easement be drafted to cover the City of Seattle water line crossing the above property to serve the Renton Airport. Moved by Morris, seconded by Reid, that the requests be referred to the Fire R. Water Committee and Sanitation Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. A comm»nication was read from Mayor Baxter recommending that the Renton Air- port be charged sewer services in 1957; that the charge be established according to the commercial rates, or a rate agreeable to the Council and the Airport Roard. Ma- .Tor Baxter stated that this charge is recommended because of the need for oper- ating revenue for the Sewage Disposal Plant, and that immediate steps be taken to investigate this problem before the Preliminary Budget is drafted. Moved by Morris, seconded by Reid, that this matter be referred to the committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried. A communication was read from Mayor Baxter stating that it would be necess- ary for the Council to come to an immediate decision in the matter of garbage collection service---that to make the garbace department self-supporting he be- lieved it would be necessary to increase the garbage rates from the X1.00 basic charge, to °1.25 or °.1.50 per month---to give service to meet sanitary conditions and that expected by the taxpayer, and that whether the Cit,.- continues to operate N"' the collecting service or the work is to be let out on contract, sufficient funds' are needed to replace old equipment, pay for labor and repairs, and to keep the garbage service in continued operation on a self-supporting basis. That should the City continue to operate the garbage collection, the cost of 3 garbage trucks, approximately P20,000.00, would have to he inc1i '.ed in the next years budget. Mayor Baxter submitted his conclusions as follows: 1. That we contract our garbage collection to a reliable firm. 2. Payment for garbage service shall be compulsory. Exceptions, if any, shall be decided by Council Committee. 3. Rates for residential garbage pick-up shall be °1.50 per month for two cans per week. 4. Rates for commercial accounts shall be paid for according to the amount picked up and service rendered. 5. The garbage service shall at all times be self-supporting. 6. Garbage containers shall be placed within 20 feet of truck stop. If it is necess?.ry for the cans to be placed further away, additional charges shall be made for this service. 7. If let out on contract, the price as agreed upon shall hold firm for the life of said contract without any reduction of service. 8. The specifications for bid shall be general and simple and the bidders shall s-omit their proposal of service to be rendered at a stipulated firm price. 9. Call for bids immediately. Mayor Baxter stated that it would be unnecessary to purchase new equipment and pay retirement monies to said employees if the garbage collection was contracted to private properties---that it would also allow the City to build up the garbage fund during the course of the contract. After discussion, Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee, stated that he would try to arrange a meet- ing with the Committee, Mavor Baxter, Charles Bott, - Comptroller and James Highton - City Engineer, in an effort to have specifications prepared by the next Council meeting. (Later in the meeting Councilman Garrett suggested that a meeting of the Sanitation Committee, with Mayor Baxter, City Comptroller Charles Bott and City Engineer James Highton be held Thursday evening, August 16 at 7:30 P.M... for discussion of the garbage contract, and if time permitted, the sewer problem on the Renton Airport.) A communication was read from the Planning Commission, signed by C.O. Myers, Secretary stating the following recommendations. The Council's action is shown immediately following each item. (1) Recommending the Council act favorably on the Herb Hackman annexation, on prop- erty described in said petition. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the date of Hearing be set -as September 18th,1956. Carried. (2) Recommending the Council act favorably on Mr. Trottman's request for a variance to move a house on described lot with a felt foot frontage. Moved by BrucQ, seconded by White, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. After discussion, a roll call vote was taken as fol ows: Morris, Aye; Trimm,No; Reid, No; White, Aye; Vietzke, No; Garrett, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Swift, No; Delaurenti, "w Aye; Heppenstall, Ave; and Bruce, .4,ye. There being 7 "Aves's" and !� "No's't, the motion carried. (3) Recommending that the revised replat submitted by Alden See for property on Mill Street be accepted. Moved by White, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council accept the recommendation of the ?lanning Commission. Carried. (4-A) On recommendation of the Special Planning Commission Committee, the Planning Commission recommended that the Albert Balch President Park Plat #11 be rejected, and that Mr. Balch contact the City Engineer's office with plans to revise the streets in the plat to conform to street plans of that area. Moved by Morris, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. (4-P) That the Studebaker Plat be accepted---Mr. Studebaker to be informed that it is not necessary for him to put in the 60 foot street right-of-way shown crossing the plat. The City Engineer explained that the street in question was a short V street, would only serve a few individuals and if narrower would require less City maintenance. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the matter of approval of the Studebaker Plat be referred to the Street & Alley Committee and Ordinance Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. Mr. Myers reported that the rezoning petition of Alex and Tino Cugini was still in a Special Committee and would be reported on at their next meeting. A communication was read from John A. Denoo, Tekoa, Washington, Attorney for Contractor Kerty Mortensen, on the Liberty Park Swimming Pool, stating that Jack Mortensen and his mother, Josephine M. Mortensen, administratix, have decided that it would be better if the City of Renton did the work, in accordance with the con- i"' versations with Mr. Mortensen, when he was in Renton two weeks ago. Mr. Denoo requests Mrs. Mortensen be advised of the work required and cost to have work completed by the City of Renton, and itemizes outstanding accounts as follows: ( indicates estimates) Federal withholding tax A9,18* ?Mashington & Renton Sales Tax 525.15* Social Security & Unemployment Compensation 9.17* Landon, Inc. 3.06 Industrial Welding 2.57 L. & M. Painting 920.00 Chapman Electric 218.00 Enfield Electric 1,233.09 Mr. Denoo states Mrs. Mortensen is without sufficient funds to pay the currently outstanding accounts, but that the balance owed her, plus the 15% retained should be ample, and that she will sign such assignments as may be necessary to permit payment to the creditors, and will do whatever is necessary to expedite final settlement. The City Clerk read a communication from the City Engineer, in con- nection with the Liberty Park Swimming Pool Contract, submitting work required to complete the pool for City acceptance, including labor and materials, estimated in the total amount of x`904.77, as follows: i. Apply final coat of paint on pool A227.33 firm price 2. Rewire pump motor circuit and repair box 287.44 tt it 3. Refinish rough concrete, pool floor & deck 60.00 estimated 4. repair leaks at base of pool walls 100.00 it 5. Seal construction joint in pool floor 100.00 It 6. Top portion filter room for drainage 100.00 it 7. Install wheels on heating line valves 10.00 t' 8. Install designed life line connections 20.00 it The City Engineer stated that he recommended the City submit a proposal to the Contractor in which the City will complete the work and that X11,000.00 be deducted from the bid amount of the contract with the understanding that the Contractor will be reimbursed in the event the cost of the work is less than the retained amount--- that should the proposal be mutually acceptable, it is his opinion that the City should move for acceptance and releaGe the unpaia balance due the Contractor, 30-days being required to release the retained percentage---that tinder this proposal the 3 revised contract amounts are as follows: Bid amount of Contact, less sales tax - - - - - - "74,802.00 Cont_lact amount reduced A1,000.00 as proposed - - 73,802.00 15% retained on 473,802.00 - - - - - - - 11,070.30 3 1/31 Sales tax on :"73,802.00 - - - - - 2,!_60.07 Reduced Contract plus sales tax - - - - - - - 763262.07 Reduced Contract less 15% re`ained - - - - - - - 65,191.77 Amount previously paid Contractor - - - - - - - 63,432.09 Amount due Contractor - - - - - - - 11759.68 Deduction for Building Permit - - - - - - - 100.00 Net amo»nt due Contractor - - - - - - - 1,659.68 The communication stated that the outstanding accounts as reported, totaled 82,919.22, the amount due for payment being X1,659.68, that a deficiency remained in the amount of 11,259.54 to satisfy these accounts---that the contractor agrees to sign the necessary assignments to satisfy the balance due the creditors. After kiscussion, moved by white, seconded by Morris, that the matter be referred to the City Attorney to check the legality and for his consideration. Mr. Shellan stated there would be a quest!-on of the City acting as their own sub-contractor; if the City was furnishing the work, we would be acting as his agent to complete the job; that we should get approval from the bonding company first, and be sure we are protected under the performance bond---that there wasthe matter that the 'liquidated damagss' clause had never been resolved, and that it was the Attorney General's Opinion, "that if there was a delay in construction and provisions for liquidated damages are included in the contract, that the City has no right to waive the money due the-r---unless a good reason is given for the extension of contract completion date to the contractor---that this is a contractural agreement, and that the Bonding Company is responsible. Councilman White, with the consent of his second, Council- man Morris, withdrew his motion, it being understood that the City Attorney would check the legality of the City's participation and to obtain the written approval of the Bonding Company before any commitment is made by the City. A commu,iicaton was read from nobert H. Hendrickson, President of the Chamber of Commerce, stating that they accept their commitment of 8300.00 per year towards the lease agreement between the City and Mr. Milton Williams, relative to the off- street parking site on Main Street, with the underst�.nding that the Council accept their recommendation that all parking meters on the above mentioned lot will not permit a parking period in excess of 2 hours. A discussion followed at to the bene- fits to be gained and the cost of the change-over, and moved by Morris, seconded �. by Bruce, that the matter be referred to the Street & Alley Uommittee for their recommendation back to the Council. Carried. A communication was read from Councilman White submitting his resignation as a member of the Renton City Council effective August 31,1956. Councilman White states his reason is that he is chang ng his residence to outside the City Limits but that he will remain -, member of tine Renton business community and the Greater Renton Area and will be keenly interested in the welfare of Renton, and in that respect will be available to serve the City and Community in any way the City sees fit. Councilman White expressed his appreciation to the Mayor and Councilmen for their cooperation and the support he has experienced, and his regrets in submitting his resignation before the conclusion of his term. Mayor Baxter stated that he was sorry about Councilman White's resignation, that Councilman White was an asset to the Council and to the City Administration. All of the Councilmen personally confirmed the Mavor's sentiments and moved by Rruce, seconded by Vietzke, that Councilman White's resignation be accepted. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids on the fire hydrants and miscellaneous materials (pipe, valves, etc.), the following bids were opened and read: BIDDER TOTAL 1. PACIFIC STATES CAST IRON PIPE CO. Smith Tower Bld Seattle 4 a. Fire Hydrants (complete) -.17.72.23 each - 823066.76 b. 6" cast iron pipe rl $1.996 per foot - 9,952.06 'r" c. 4" cast iron pipe 9 1.338 per foot - 61U21.00 d. Miscellaneous items - 860.74 tl_ ,0 5b Sales Tax - 630.02 TOTAL BID - - - - - - - I tT9.530.7 2. PACIFIC WATER WORKS STJF'LY CO. 2900 1st Ave. S., Seattle 4 a. Fire Hydrants Tcomplete - $177.46 each - S2,129.52 b. Cast iron pipe - No bid c. Miscellaneous items - 924.56 X31055.08 Sales Tax - 101.73 TOTAL BID - - - - - - - X3,156.81 1 13 3. E. N. HALLGREN COMPANY 1252 lst Ave. S. Seattle Z a. Fire - Hydrants (complete) - 8196.52 each - 021358.24 b. Cast iron pipe No Bid c. Miscellanecus items - 921.56 $3,,280.80 Sales Tax - 109.36 TOTAL ETD - - - - - - - 03,3390.E Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the bids be referred to the Fire & Water Committee and City Engineer for a report back at the next Council meeting. Carried. The City Engineer introduced Mr. Ihornton, State Aide Engineer, who was pres- ent at this eveningts Council meeting, and stated that Mr. Thorton would answer any questions the Councilmen had in connection with the construction of the State Hiway through Kennydale. Mr. Thornton explained the reason they asked the City to do portions of the work which was not the responsibility of the State, rather than to contract this work out, was that the City could make any necessary improvements they wished to make at that time and their only cost would be the new material and a small amount of labor. Councilman Delaurenti stated that with the inclusion of the City Attorney's suggestion that the words "'on the part of the City" be added to the end of Paragraph IX of the Agreement, that the Fire & Water C-mmittee recom- mended approval of same and so moved, seconded by white and carried. Councilman Heppenstall, Acting-Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, stated that a oronosed Ordinance should be read this evening in respect to an Emergency U Budget for the Street er water Departments---that an emergency exists in the ?dater Department and Street ?lands due to the additional work required in setting up the one-way street system, and owing to the severe winter additional funds are required to maintain these departments and to take care of necessary work throughout the balance of the ,year. The City Clerk read the proposed emergency ordinance "'declar- ing that an emergency exists and appropriating monies from several city funds for the purpose of providing for payment of the necessary expenses and capital outlay necessitated by such emergency," that it has become necessary to provide for the purchase of certain services, materials and structures and to meet other expenses, which were not foreseeable at the time of the adoption of the 1956 budget, in- cluding the necessity of repairing, rebuilding and maintaining certain streets and tow public thoroughfares occasioned by extremely adverse weather conditions, and for the proper administration, operation and maintenance of the City and its depart- ments, to appropriate funds for and out of several City funds for the payment of such expenses and capital outlay. That the foregoing recitals and facts are found and determined by the City Council to be true and existing and by reason thereof the Council declares that an emergency exists. The following sums to be allowed and established for expenditure in the following classifications established in the 19% budget, and appropriated for expenditure in the following classifications, in addition to the provisions in the 1956 annual budget. Street Fund, Maintenance and Operation, 410,625.00, and Water Fund, Capital Outlay, °"10,000.00, a total of P201625.00. The City Attorney stated that it would be required to publish the ordinance as a proposed ordinance, together with a notice of the time set for voting thereon, and that one week shall have elapsed after its introduction, before it is voted upon. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. Mayor Baxter explained that it was necessary that the proposed Ordinance be made a matter of record this evening, so they could have time to get the Preliminary Bud,-et prepared---that the Committees can study the Crdinance this week and make their report to the Council at the neat meeting. Councilman Henrpnstall stated, on advice of the City Attorney, that the proposed emergency ordinance was presented this evening because there is an emergency, and that the Ordinance Committee recom- mends that the proposed Ordinance be published as a proposed Ordinance and that the date of hearing be set as August 21,1956. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the Council accept the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee. Carried. In connection with a proposed Ordinance refrarding persons convicted of certain crimes and requiring them to register, which was placed on its first reading at the last Council meeting, Councilman Heppenstall stated that the City Attorney had re- vised the proposed Ordinance to overcome objections which were made, and that he would like to distribute several copies of the corrected ordinance to the Council- men for their study during this coming week. It was reported that the proposed Ordinance covering the new Council Committees was still in the Ordinance Committee. 132 Councilman Swift, Chairman, reported that the Street & Alley Committee recom- mends the removal of the lst meter on the south, on the east side of Burnett Street between 3rd and nth Avenue, for a loading zone for business houses in the area. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Joint Committee, Street & Alley and Public Relations, had met last evening with the City Officials regarding 6th Avenue North ---that they felt the City had a definite responsibility to develop 6th Avenue North from Logan Street to Park Street and that the shortage of funds and lack of a budget item in the 1956 budget precludes the City from proceeding without assis- tance from the Boeing Airplane Company and the Northern Pacific Railroad Company; that negotiations with the Northern Pacific Railroad Company concerning the fran- chise over 6th Avenue North should state that the City would agree to a maximum of a 10-- year franchise with restrictions. The restrictions to be based on the Northern Pacific Railroad Company pairing their share of improving the 15-foot franchise grant on 6th Avenue North and accepting the restriction of 'no railroad cars to be parked on the spur' and trefrain from using the spur between 7:\)0 and 8:00 A.M., and 4:00 to 5:00 P.M. Councilman Swift stated that determination of the estimated cost for the paving would determine the City's ability to proceed. Also,that the difference between tre Railroad Company's offer and the original Boeing Airplane Company offer may have to be renegotiated with the firms concerned, and that initial negotiations with the Northern Pacific Railroad Company should include consideration of approval for an additional crossing from Park Street to Logan Street on a street other than 6th Avenue North. Moved by White, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Cnuncil concur in the recommendation of the Joint Committees. Carried. The City fttorney stated that he would notify the Companies of this proposal and give them an idea of the City's position. Councilman Swift stated that he would like to arrange a meeting of the Street & Alley Committee and Public Relations Committee with representatives of the Railroad Company for Monday evening, August 20th at 5:00 P.7. Mayor Baxter stated that other groups from the Chamber of Commerce would like to meet with the Committee also in connection with the off-street parkin? lot. Councilman Swift suggested that these other grou--s come later, around 9:OOP.M. The City Engineer reported that another Chamber Committee would like to meet with the Street & Alley Committee regarding the planning for the bi-passing, if they could also come about 9:00 P.M. Councilman Delaurenti stated, in regard to the notice to Dr. Vukov and the MEW condition of the structure he owns immediately west of the bowling alley on Third AvPrue, that this matter should be kept active and the structure not allowed to remain as is. The Council was advised that the other structure on property at 3rd and North Wells, which belonged to the Church of the Nazarene had been torn down and removed. Councilman Bruce, Chairman, reported that the Property Committee, Park Board and Mr. Kraig, Librarian, had met Saturday and discussed the matter of a new Library, and that they were still working on a proposed location. In connection with the proposed annexation of Boeing Airplane Company prop- erty, the City Clerk's Office is to notify the Boeing Airplane Company of the fee established in the Ordinance, also the fee the State requires for filing the annex- ation. In regard to the report of Councilman Morris that `he City Employees request to be permitted to present their salary and wage requests, plus substantiating statistics to the Council for consideration, soon after the preliminary budget is presented, moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the City Employeest request be dranted. Carried. After discussion, moved by Morris, seconded by Heppenstali, that it be the Council's policy that all City Employee groups that wish, be per- milted to meet with the Council after adoption of the preliminary budget. Carried. Mayor Baxter requested that funds be transferred from Engineering-Salaries to Maintenance Rc Supplies and that they would like to have this matter referred to the Auditing R, Accounting Committee for consideration asithey would like to present a proposed Resolution covering same at the next Council meeting. Moved by Tfhite, seconded by t'-p-oenstall, that the Council concur in the Mayort s request, and the matter be referred to the Auditing & Accounting Committee. Carried. St Q� Mayor Baxter reported that the Park Superintendent had discussed the matter of clearing the Lake Washington Beach property to enable the designer, Mr. Detirk to establish boundary lines and aet a drawing of the area so that a layout of the area could be drawn. The Citv Engineer stated that the lake is on one side of this property, the railroad track on one side, Shuffleton Plant on one side, and that they needed only the boundary line on the northeast side. It was decided that this was a matter between the Engineering Department and the Park Superintendent. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. There Frere twelve persons present besides City of Renton Employees. �'-e- City Clerk U 1 _ r lam/ I ayor 1 Renton, Washington August 21,1956 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: MORRIS, TRIMM, REI.11, RICFARDSON, WHITE, VIET7KE, GAR'ETT, HANSEN. SWIFT, DELAURF.N'TI, HEP 'ENSTALL AND BRUCE. OFFICIALS R. DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WPRE: Gerard 5hellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer; Vere Thompson, Building In- spector and Charles Bott, Comptroller. Moved by white, seconded by Hansen, that the Council minutes of August 14,1956 be approved as corrected. Carried. A communication was read from Robert Thompson, Campaign Manager for Albert Rosellini, signed by Bill Santi, requesting permission to use loudspeakers on cars in Renton on Friday, August 24th from 10:30 to 11:00 A.M., also permission for a truck which Mr. Rosellini will speak from, to stop on Wells Street, between 3rd Avenue and Walla Walla Avenue during this time. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the request be referred tothe Police R: License Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Chamber of Commerce, signed by Robert Hendrickson, President, stating that they are planning a celebration on Mon- day evening, August 27,1956 in honor of Marcia Cosgrove, and have requested Mayor Baxt-r to proclaim Monday, August 27,1956 as "Marcia Cosgrove Day" that present plans are for her arrival at the Seattle Tacoma Airport at 4:00 P.M. where she will be met by her friends and a delegation from Renton, headed by Mavor Baxter and the President of the Chamber of Commerce, Robert H. Hendrickson; that as part of the celebration there will be a parade that will form at 7:00 P.M. in the High School and disband at 2nd and Wells Street where plans have been made for a teen-age dance for Marcia's friends to be held on Wells Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues from 7:30 to 9:00 P.M., for which they request permissi on,together with the closure of this street for dancing during that time. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the request be referred to the Street & Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. ..r The notice fo Bankruptcy of Curtis Howard Christopherson (dba Christyts Tavern, 308 Wells Street), 2234 6th Ave. No., the hearing date being August 20,1956 in Seattle, was read and ordered placed on file. A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting a request from Contractor Thorburn & Logozo, on the Maplewood Storm Sewer for a second extension of time on their contract. The City Engineer stated that under the circumstances (the contractor being delayed by the City in the awarding of +.he bid), he recom- mends the extension with the condition that the work be completed by October 1,1956. The request for extension of the contract by Thorburn Rr Logozo was attached. Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, that the request to the .Street R� Alley Com- mittee and City Attorney for consideration. Councilman Morris stated that in his opinion, granting of the extension should have no effect on their actual starting or completion date. Carried. A communication was rend from the Pacific Car & Foundry Company, signed by T. B. Monson, Vice President and General Manager, advising of a flood condition during the winter of 1955 and 1956 in the interior and along the east side of their Building No. 6 (directly opposite the Renton School Administration Building on 4th Avenue North); that the flooding was caused by an overloaded main storm sewer in this area, which is very old and is part clay tile and the remainder corrugated steel, which carries drainage water from the southeast corner of their plant to the north end of the plant at Factory Street R- 8th Avenue North. Mr. Monson stated that consideration should be given by the City to either divert this storm water to another storm sewer system or the City of Renton should install a new and adequate �.• system through Pacific Car & Foundry Company's property to avoid further flood con- ditions or consequent costly loss of production as well as damage to equipment in their plant, in case the storm sewer broke down. Moved by Swift, seconded by Vietzke, that this communication be referred to the Street Superintendent for investigation and a report back. Carried. A petition was read signed by 82 property owners (141 signatures including husband and wife), also an additional letter of protest, making a total of 83 protesting the assessment for the installation of fire hydrants on Renton Scenic Hill. 3 . The petition stated that they feel there is a need for the hydrants but that the owners should not have to pay for them---that in other areas of Renton, fire hydrants have been placed without cost to the property owners. Andrew Gigli, speak- ing in behalf of the Renton Scenic Hill petitioners, stated that previonsly other parts of Renton were given fire hydrants without any cost to the property owners, and that the Community Clu'-) felt that the present stand pipes should be replaced by fire hydrants without any cost to them. Councilman Trimm explained that when fire hydrants were included in the new developments in the fringe areas of Renton that this charge was added to the new owners purchase price of the property and that the Committee feels that they should not give fire hydrants to any districts a.s they cannot establish a policy to give one area hydrants and not any others as there were many areas that would need hydrants in the near future---that the matter in installa-tion of fire hydrants was up to the property owners. It was reported that previous hydrants which were understood to have been put in at no charge to the property owner were put in by a former F.re chief out of funds left over in the Fire Depart- ment Budget at the end of the ,year, rather than to carry the surplus over to the next ,year. The City Engineer stated that any water distribution system is installed by the property owners. Councilman Rruce stated that it was the Fire & Water Com- mittee's recommendation that the City install the wat-.r lines, but that the prop- erty owners install the hydrants. The City Attorney stated that in regard to the water line, the City Fngineer had recommended that the Council approve the instal- lation of a new line in this area at a cost of approximately $15,000.00 to 018,000.00, but that in regard to fire protection and the installation of fire hydrants, that it was suggested that these be installed by the method of a L.T.D.; that the prac- tice has been on distribution matters to assess property owners for the improve- ment they receive. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that the petition of protest be referred to the City En7ineer to check the number of protesting sig- natures and report back. In connection with Councilman Morris' inquiry, Andrew Gigli stated that at the meeting with the Fire & Water Uommittee recently, the Committee had given a minority report from the people on Renton Scenic Hill, that they had always felt that the City should pa7T for the hydrants. The motion carried. The City Clerk stated that the City had received a claim in the amount of P15,000.00 for personal injuries and 9200.00 for damages to their automobile and towing & storage costs, .from Iola and David W. Huntington, Sr., when their car and a City car collided on or about July 27,1956 in Seattle. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that a copy of the claim be referred to the Tnsurance Commissioner and to the Tnsurance Carrier. Carried. A copy of a communication from the City Attorney to Mr. John A. Denoo, At- torney at Law, Tekoa, Washin-ton acknowledging receipt of his letter of July 31,1956 relative to the City of Renton-Kerty Mortensen Swimming Pool Contract, covering their request to have the City of Renton complete construction of the swimming pool to settle the matter at an early date and the City to pay out certain obliga- tions of Mr. Mortensen relative to the construction of the pool from funds with- held from the City---stating that this matter was taken up by the Mayor and City Council recently at which time their letter was discussed in detail, together with an estimate (904.77) submitted by the City Engineer regarding the additional work. Mr.Shellan stated that before the City is in a position to assume the responsibility of finishing the job it should be understood that the surety of the performance bond give its full consent to said action---that when such approval is obtained, the City would have notobjections to complete the work, it being understood that the warranty to be given by the contractor as per the contract provisions of June 1611955, would likewise apply in all respects to the work done by the City and/or its agents or subcontractors to finish the construction job---the warranty as contained in Paragraph 8 of the Contract and extending for a period of one ,year from the date of final acceptance would have to be adhered to by the contractor or his representatives, notwithstanding the fact that the City had done some of the work; that the City would need written instructirns from the representatives of the estate authorizing it to pay the notice or claim by the creditors, that the City would most likely insist on the estate paving the out,stan_ding taxes itself and provide clearances for the City as required by law, and that thereupon the City would be glad to consider the final acceptance of the pool with the further under- standing that the question of the liquidated damar-.es would still have to be settled and as only two extensions, as requested by the contractor in writing, were granted by the Council, the last expiring on December 25 1955, it should be reali?ed that the City, without proper reason and request for extension, does not have the right to waive liquidated damages for extension. The communication is to be placed on file. A compunication to the City Fngineer from Victor Diambri (by Glenn 'Wallin) requesting the City of Renton's sewer line to be extended from 7th Avenue to his property on the south side of 7th Avenue where Shattuck Street runs into said 136 Avenue, that negotiations are almost completed for the construction of a 10,000 square foot building for a local small business, which will contribute to Renton's payroll. Moved by Richardson, seconded by I)elaurenti, that the request be referred to the Sanitation Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Henry Reynolds., Executive Secretary of the Renton Chamber of Commerce referring to their letter of August 14,1956 and com- mitment of 0300.00 per annum towards the lease agreement between the City and Mr. Milton Williams, lessor, relative to the off-street parking site on Main Street, in which they had stated that their commitment was contingent with certain reser- vations, stating that after explaining to their Board that the parking meters in the off-street parking lot operated until 6 P.M. only instead of 24 hours a day, the Council was advised that the following motion was made, and unanimously r' adopted, "That they do not insist on changing the 6-hour parking meters on this lot as part of their contribution, but recommend Council consideration of reducing the amount of 6-hour meters and/or hours on the 6-hour meters." Moved by iichard- son, seconded by Garrett, that the communication be referred to the Street z, Alley Committee for their consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Harold K. Thevik, Chairman of the Off-Street Parking, Committee to Gerard Shellan, Uity Attorney for the City of Renton, enclosing two checks in the amount of 9'500.00 each, payable to the City of Renton, one from Mr. Jay Holmes and the other from Mr. Leno Azzola are to be used to aquire the small strip of land owned by the creat Northern Railway Company which joins the City of Seattle right-of-way between Walla Walla and Mill Street on Beacon Avenue; the payment is not a gift, but an advance to the City with the expectation that some arrangement can be made which will return the money out of revenues on a pro- rata basis, and that it is their understanding that the receipt of the money by the Railroad Company will clear the way to having the City of Renton install a 33-car, 24-hour metered parking lot on the aforementienerl property. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that the communication be referred to the Street & Alley Commit- tee for consideration and a reT)ort back. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that the City Attorney had been in contact with the Railroad Company in regard to this matter and that they would like an early reply. Mr. Harold Thevik, Chairman of the Chamber's Off-Street Parking Lot, asked from the audience if it would be possible to speed the matter of payment for the right-of-way up, and if a meeting with the City Attorney, Dr. Morell and Councilman Swift and his Committee, and himself, could be arranged during a recess to determine what the Mayor and Council want them to do to facilitate using the property for an off-street parking lot, that he would pledge anything in his power to have this right-of-way property made available 'or off-street parkin7, and that he would appreciate the cooperation of the Council in this regard. A communication was rad from the Citv Attorney's Office stating that they had contacted i'ir. Anthony Steen, Assistant County Assessor as to what taxes may be expected by the City of Renton and that he had indica .ed that the City would not be able to receive the taxes arising out of the 15 mill levy for either the Boeing area or the Talbot Hill area inasmuch as the County's cut-off date is March 1st of each year and both annexations in question would have taken place subsequent to said date and therefore those taxes would not accrue to the City's benefit until 1958, but thatthe tax loss would not be considerable inasmuch as the assessments are based on the improvements in existence by .April lst of each year, payable the following year. Mr. Shellan stated that Mr. Sheen had also indicated that the County Treasurer would undoubtedly credit the City with the 10 mill county road tax effective as of the official date of notification by the City that certain territories have been annexed, and that this would apply to the Talbot Hill area as well as the Boeing Pl. nt; also that the payments in lieu of taxes, in the case of the Boeing Plant amount to ' 45,655.65 for 1955 and .068,197.50 for 1956, and in the case of the Pacific Car & Foundry Company amount to °'6,099.00 for 1955 and P7,931.80 for 1956; that the credit for County road taxes as above mentioned can only be granted if the City Clerk would forward a certified copy of the annexation ordinance to the County Treasurer's office immediately upon its adoption. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, stated that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Resolution approving a preliminary plat. The City Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 904, approving the preliminary plat for the sub- division of a certain tract of land within the City Limits of the City of Renton, described as "the north 1/2 of the wp�t 1/2 of the east 1/2 of the northwest 1/4 of the northeast 1/4 of Section 9, Toimship 23 North, -Range 5 Fast, W.M., except County Road (112th Atre. S.F.) as presented by Gorge Studebaker. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, that Resolution No. 904 be approved as written. Carried. Co»ncilman Richardson, Chairman, stated that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Resolution transferring funds within the 1^'ater Department. The City Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 905 authorizing the City Treasurer to transfer the Sun of PMU.00 from "Water Purchases" (Maintenance & Operation) and 1, .000.00 from "Equipment Rental" (Maintenance & Operation) into Maintenance and Supplies (Maintenance & Operation). Moved by Morris, seconded by Hruce, that Reso- lution No. 905 be approved as written. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, stated that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance providing for the transfer of funds as recommended by the Auditing & Accounting Committee. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance, providing for the transfer of funds between the general classes and expenditure, for the purpose of providing additional funds for the maintenance and operation of the Engineering Department to meet certain obligations and expenditures which were not foreseeable at the time of the adoption of the 1956 Budget, including emergency re- pairs and maintenance of City streets and other public properties, that is is found necessary for the proper administration, operation and maintenance of the City and the Engineering Department to transfer funds between general classes as provided and authorizing the City Treasurer to transfer funds in the sum of X750.00 from "Salaries and Wages" of the Engineering Department into "Maintenance and Operation" of the Engineering Department. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Trimm, that the propo- sed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson, stated that the Ordinance Committee reported h favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Trimm, 2S� seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and proposed Ordinance No. 1561 be placed on its second and final read- ing. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance no. 2561 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all 12 Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, stated that, the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Emergency Ordinance declaring that an emergency exists and appropriating monies from several City funds for the purpose of providing for payment of the necessary expenses and capital outlay necessitated by such outlay, which had been recommended by the Council and had been previously placed on its first reading and had been published as a proposed Ordinance and that the Committee would like to report favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its pass- aqe. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the report of r"" the Ordi.nance Committee and proposed Ordinance No. 1559 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the, second and finalreading, moved by Morris, secon- ded by '^dhite, that Ordinance No. 1559 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all twelve Councilman present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson stated that the Ordinance Committee would like to present the proposed Ordinance which had been introduced at the July 2hth Council meeting, relating to persons convicted of crimes as previously requested by the Police Chief, copies of which had been furnished the Council for their study and consideration at the August lith Council meeting. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance relat- ing to persons convicted of certain crimes, requiring them to register,(-:tc., with the Chief of Police; making certain records private and defining offenses and pre- scribing penalties for violation. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinanc- be referred to the Ordinance Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that as this was newly written and the Committee had not had the opportunity to study it as ,yet, that it be held for one week, that the Committee would make their recommendation at the next Council meetinn. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present an ordinance setting up new Council Committees, and that the Committee felt that they should have a feeling from the Council before this long Ordinance is read, as it had oniy been discussed briefly by the Council---that there was some feeling that some of the Council was not in favor of changing the present Council Committee set-up of twelve Committees, which leaves some of the Councilmen out of Chairman- ship and that they felt there would be additional work on certain committees. Councilman Vietzke stated that he felt the new setup would give work to one person, what different committees are going new. Councilman Heppenstall stated, concurred in by Councilman Bruce, that he felt the smaller committees accomplished more than the large Committees, that 3-man Committees came to a conclusion faster and normally were easier to get together. Councilman Morris stated that he felt the Committees they now have functioned quite nicely---and that adding additional duties and only one additional member didn't seem to be the answer. Councilman White stated, that in his opinion, that some of the changes made were constructive, but that for one, in regard to the Street & Alley Committee, he did not feel the change compensated for the additional work. Councilman Reid stated that he felt the Committee's in- centive was taken away---that as Chairman, the Councilmen would take care of their work better. Councilman Richardson stated that from the sentiment expressed this ,. 3 evening he requested the proposed Ordinance be held until the next Executive meeting of the Committee of the Council as a Whole---that perhaps changes could be made in the present Ordinance and the Council Committees could be left as is. Mayor Baxter stated that the changes made had been on request of the Council, that they were not his proposal. Councilman Heppenstall explained that the Council had suggested these changes and that at the time, they thought thea could cut down their Committees, but that since the Committees had been set up as combined, the feeling was apparent that the Council did not wish to go into the new set up, and moved by Morris, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council continue under the pres- ent Council Committees, for the remainder of this year. Councilman Trimm stated that in his opinion the Council was going ahead when they worked out new ideas like this---that most of the Committees work together---that separate Committees meet and come in with different suggestions---that it is easier to get four Committee members together than six Committee members. The motion carried. Councilman Rich- ardson requested that this matter of possible changes in the present Ordinance on Council Committees be put on the Agenda for the next Executive meeting of the Council as a Whole. This being the date set for the hearing on the proposed annexation of certain Boeing Airplane Company property contiguous to the City Limits of the City of Renton, there being no written or verbal protests, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the Council approve the annexation, and same be referred to the Ordinance Committee to draft the necessary Ordinance. Carried. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance of Annexation of the Boeing Air- plane Company property, as presented by Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, "An Ordinance of the City of Renton, ?,dashington, annexing cer- tain territory to the City of Renton, more generally described as 32 acres adjacent to the Renton City Limits, north of 8th Avenue North, between Park Avenue and the Northern Pacific right-of-way." Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the pro, -)sed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Uommittee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, stated that the Ordinance Committee re- ported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Morris. seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recommend tion of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be Placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, se- conded by Vietzke, that the Ordinance No. 1560 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all 12 Councilmen voting "Aye" , the motion unanimously carried. The City Attorney reminded the Council of the urgency in reg=rd to the annexa- tion Ordinance covering the Boeing property, that the certificate, signed by the Mayor and County Commissioners, together with the certified copies of the Ordinance of Annexation should be forwarded immediately to the Secretary of State; than certi- fied copies of the Ordinance ahould be furnished the King County Treasurer and Assessor to enable the City to get the road tax immediately. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter ROLL CALL: All twelve Councilmen were present. Councilman Trimm, Chairman, reported that it was the recommendation of the Fire and Water Committee that the City accept the hid of the Pacific States cast Tron Pipe Company, Seattle, Washington on the pipe and valves, and all miscellaneous items, but not on the fire hydrants. Moved by Morris, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. The City Engineer stated that they would put in the pipe, tees and valves and the standpipes which were in previously; that the cost of same wo?ild be taken from the "Water and Sewer Construction Fund", from the Bond Issue of the water system. Councilman Trimm reported in regard to the petition received signed by 11 property owners, that this request for water was outside of the Renton City Limits ..w and that the City cculd not get water to them---that they had contacted the Talbot Water District to get w-,ter to them and that the cost to the City would be approxi- mately P1200.00 and that these people had agreed to pay ;2.75 per month for rent under an agreement which had been drawn up between them and the CJ.ty of Renton, and that it was the recommend.at.ion of the Committee that the City proceed with this improvement, that the people did not want to pay any additional cost for a 4" water line for fire protection. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Fire et Water Committee. The Oity Engineer ex- plained that this expense would also come from the "Water and Sewer Construction Fund" from the bond Issue for the water system. The motion carried. Councilman Trimm, Chairman, reported that it was the recommendation of the Fire and Water Committee that the City Engineer be authorized to issue a "Call for Bids" for water meters to take advantage of a swing, prior to the expected price rise. The City Engineer stated that he had the specifications and the "Call for Bids prepared, except for the date and that the call should supply their needs through 1957. Moved by White, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Fire R- Water Committee. Carried. Councilman White stated in regard to a pr-vious request for a variance from Dr. Morell, that about 4 weeks ago the Council had concurred in the Planning Com- mission recommendation of July 10, which stipulated the variance be granted, if the City Engineer and abutting property owners reached a mutual agreement of off-street parking, if and when a lease can be secured for use of the City of Seattle right- of-way f,.-r this purpose, and that he felt the communication this evening from Harold Thevik, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce Off-Street Parking Committee showed that all parties are agreeable and working for this off-street parking lot area. Moved by White, seconded by Richardson, that the Council grant this variance. Carried. ` Councilman Morris inquired if the Seattle Gas Company was installing new gas lines within the City of Renton, also, if there was a franchise at present with the Seattle Gas Company and the City of Renton. Mayor Baxter stated that it was his C\i understandin that the Gas Company was just laying laterals within the City of Renton not through lines. ^@'w Councilman Morris inquired if the different Boards and Commissions were still furnishing copies of their minutes of their respective meeting_ to the Councilmen for their information, that lately they hr-d received only minutes from a few of the Rcards, ie., Park Board and Planning Commission. Mayor Baxter stated that he would investigate and see why the Council was not receiving conies of the minutes of the respective meetings when held. Councilman Garrett, Chairman, reported that it was the recommendation of the Sanitation Committee, on recommendation of the Street Commissioner, that Agnes Edwards be granted permission to connect on to the City of Renton Sewer line--- that this sewer lire will connect to the Airport sewer line as is, that the matter of the charge for the Airport sewer line was referred to the Committee of the Coun- cil as a Whole, and whatever agreement is worked out with the Airport Board should include this matter. Moved. by Vietzke, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Sanitation Committee. Carried. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee, reported that in reference to the specifications for the proposed private collection of garbage, (1) Whether the City will provide the dump site---that the provision for a dump site should be considered---that since the Committee meeting further discussion and negotiations had been made in regard to the cost of the dump site and the ser- vices given. City Attorney Gerard Shellan stated that a meeting had been held that morning with Mr. Tino Cugini, the owner of the present dump site, Mayor Paxtex, Reuben Miller, Street Foreman and himself---that the last contract was for two ,years, with an option to renew for 3 years and that this contract had expired August 1,1956---that the contract was for .0150.00 Der month. The City Attorney reported that the Committee suggested that the City negotiate a new lease agree- ment for a 5-,year pericd, commencing Au mist 1,1956 and expiring August 1,1961,with an option to renew for a 5-year period, Mr. Tino Cugini, as Lessor to maintain the dump, with the provision that Renton residents could dump any extra garbage they had, on week ends, at a price of 8175.00 per month, based on the present number of accounts (3500), and that he be paid an additional 82.50 for each additional 50 accounts each month, in addition to the fixed sum of x"175.00; that an additional ° 75.00 per month be paid Mr. Cugini to cover bulldozing---that the bulldozing be placed on a 30-day basis, so that if the garbage collection was contracted out, the City 'would still continue with the dump site, but the bulldozing would be discon- tinued. Moved by 1,Vhite, seconded by Nichardson, that the Mayor be empowered to enter into an aMreement in regard to the City's dump site with T.7r. Tino Cugini. After discussion, the motion carried. Councilman Garrett continued with proposed additions to the present specifications as follows: (2) That the contractor shall state his charge for commercial unit per pickup. (It bein'c understood that there be one pickup per week in the residential area, and it varying in the business area from two per week to one per d.ay, with a corresponding charge. (3) The Contractor shall state his monthly charge for residential pickup once a week. (h) The bid call shale state that the contractor must use closed equipment. (5) The specifi- cations shall state the maximum distance for pickup shall be within 10 feet of the truck stop, and that the contractor shall state his charge per unit for any pick- up over that distance. After discussion, moved by Heppenstall, seconded by 7orris, that the 10 feet be deleted and that an alternate specification be shown for both 25 and 50 feet from the truck stop, it being understood that the bus stop is the closest place the truck can get to the garbage cans. Carried. (6) The specifi- cations shall state that the contractor must decide in his bid -hether he will take over our men and equipment and what he will pay the City for our equipment if he does take it over. After discussion, the City Attorney explaining that the matter of the employees was a different matter and should be negotiated and should be covered by a separate agreement---that the employees would have to be willing to go with the contractor, Councilman Garrett stated that they would strike the portion concerning the City Employees and leave in the portion regarding the City Equip- ment. (7) That the specific= tions should state that the successful bidder shall be under contract for a period of five .years or whatever term the Council decides. In regard to the suggestion that the clause "with an option to renew or to re-call for 'yids" be included in the specification, on advice of the City Attorney that there was no advantage to same, and that the City should not obligate themselves, this su.gaestion was dropped. (8) That the contract be let under conditions of the existing City of Renton Garbage Ordinance No.1416, after discussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Sanitation Committee, Street Commissioner and City Engineer compile the corrected specifications and that they be referred to the City Attorney to check from a legal standpoint, and report same back to the Council. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman, reported for the Council's information, in regard to the Chamber of Commerce proposal for a teen-age street dance, that the Street & Alley Committee had no objection to same and that the Committee had requested the Police Chief and Fire Uhief, who had sssured they would handle the situation, to work out the details with the Chamber Committee. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street, R. Alley Committee, reported that they had met with the Northern Pacific Representatives in regard to the det? led items submitted at the August loth Council meeting---that a subsequent meeting had been set for September 5th or 6th, when Pacific Car & Foundry Company Representa- tives would also be present; Councilman Swift reported that the Committee had made two new proposals (1) that all railroad be routed through the City of Renton over one track, and (2j consideration of timing trains to avoid going through Renton between 7 and 8 k.M. and 4 and 5 P.M. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman, reported that in regard to the request for use of loudspeakers within the City, that the Police &, License Committee had granted permission, under the jurisdiction of the Police Chief, who would screen all requests very carefully and advise them what is and is not permitted. Councilman White stated that this would be his last official Council meeting, and again stated his appreciation for the Mayor and Council's cooperation and that he had wholeheartedly enjoyed his time as Councilman. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:30 P.M. There were sixteen persons present besides City of Renton employees. City Clerk Mayor , l Renton, Washinr�ton September 4,1956 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor "oe R. Baxter at 8;00 P.v. ROLL CALL: MORRIS, TRTMM, REID, RICHARDSON, 7TIET7KE, CARRETT, HANSEN, SWTFT, 7)ELAURENTI AND HFPPENSTALL. moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that Council- man Bruce be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; A.ng Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Reuben Miller, Assistant Street Commissioner; Glen Coulon, Park Superintendent; William Gebeni_ni, Airport Manager; Vere Thompson, Buiiding Inspector and Uharles Bott, Comptroller. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the Council meeting of August 211,1956 be approved as written. Carried. A request to take a religious census on Sunday, September 9,1956 within the boundaries of the St. Matthewts Lutheran Church in the general Highlands area was read from Mr. Richard P. Look, Census Committee, and on motion of Richardson, seconded by Hansen, and carried, was referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. A request for permission to sell "forget-me-nots" within the City Limits on Friday and Saturday, September 7th and 8th, was read from Jessie Rowan, Chairman of that Committee for the Disabled American Ifeterans, and on motion of Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, and carried, permission was granted. e communication was read from the Renton Central Labor Council stating_ their opposition to the City doing any form of printing in competition to private firms. The Mayor's answer in the form of an explanation of the type of machine (new form of mimeograph, not printing) the City has presently in use which was attached, was read and on motion of Trimm, seconded by Hansen, was authorized to be forwarded to the Renton Central Labor Council for their information. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Rotary Club signed by Hugo Toschi, President and Gerard Shellan, Chairman, Community Service Committee, stating that the Board of Directors of their Club had voted to purchase a portable bleacher sec- tion of 50-seat capacity to be placed in the vicinity of the new Renton Swimming t"' Pool (5-row unit, 15 feet long_ , to be shipped by the Universal Equipment Company to the Park Department within approximately 10 days), and requesting the Council to accept the contribution as a small token of their efforts to render community service. Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, that the communication be referred to the Park Department for their consideration. The motion lost. After discuss- ion, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that a letter of thanks be sent to the Rotary Club in behalf of the Renton Park Department. Carried. A communication was reed from the Statewide City Employees Retirement System, signed by Earle Tinius, Executive Secretary, statinF, that City Empioyee George Old ##2502, will reach the normal compulsory retirement age of 65 on November 1,1956 and should retire on that date, unless his retirement date is extended for one year by the Council. Moved by Delnurenti, seconded by Hansen, that this communication be referred to the Mayor for his recommendation. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Planning Commission, signed by C. G. Myers, Secretary, stating the following recommendations. The Council's action follows each item. (1) That the City Council accept the plat of Emil Tveit as presented. The City Engineer explained that the Eng_ineerinn Department was in the process of setting up a new sewer L.I.D. for this ar-a. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Heppenstall,that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planninv Commission. Larried. (2) That the property described, which is to be used by the TT.S. Army Engineers for an army training center be zoned P-1. The City Engineer stated that this property was just north of the Jr. High School on 116th and that this request has been pre- viously discussed by the Council and National Guard Officers. The City Attorney stated that if property at the present time was unclassified, to zone same would be considered a rezoning, and that it would be in order for the Planning Uommi-scion to notify the Uity of their recommendation after a regular hearing. Mayor Baxter was requested to contact the Planning Commission to determine if a hearing had been held, and if not, that a date be set .for a hearing. Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that this matter be held until the next Council meeting. Carried. Councilman Morris requested, in connection with tie above matter, that the:: Building Inspector furnish the Council with the pertinent information in regard to all recommendations by the Planning Commission, as previously authorized by the Council. 4 42 A communication was read from the City Engineer advising that the State Tax Commission has issued a certificate of pa-"ent of State Excise Taxes by the Nelsen Puilding & Contracting Company, 1243 Rainier Avenue, Contractor on the Liberty Park Swimming Pool FRathhouse as of August 30,1956, that the 30-day retention period from date of aceentance expired on September 3,1956, and that he recommends pa.Tment to the Contractor in the amount of _2915.67. less any liens of record. Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that the communication be referred to the Auditing, & Account- ing Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that the protests filed with the Council on August 2111956 against LID No. 20, Renton Scenic Hill Fire Hydrants, in the total amount of A2636.36 is 79.5 percent of the cost of the imp- rovements by the preliminary estimate and assessment roll and that the jurisdiction "0 of the City to proceed with the improvement by assessment is therefore set aside by reason of the amount of the protests. Moved by nichardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the report of the City Engineer and the petitioners be so notified. Carried. After a discussion as to the matter of financing the instal- lation of fire hydrants on Renton Scenic Hill, it was moveH by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, that this matter be referred to the Ways & Means Committee to determine if there were funds available for this project. Carried. A communica+.i.on was read from the City Attorney in regard to a letter and proposal from Harold K. Thevik, Chairman of the Off-Street Parking Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, regarding the acquisition of a small strip of land owned by the Great Northern Railway Company near Mill Street & Beacon Avenue, and the two Checks in the sum of °'500.00 each, which it was stated was not a gift but an advance to the City with the expectation that some arrangement could be made which would return the money out of revenues to the payors, and the Attorney's recommendation that such a "loan" be not accepted because of the doubtful legal position the City would find itself in, also other possible complAcations, and that the checks be re- turned to the makers, and the City, throughthe Attorney's office, contact the rail- road directly for the purpose of nenotiating the acquisition of said land, suggest- ing that possibly the City could pay for said land out of its Cumulative %. nd,pro- viding for the acquisition of right-of-wav---that the City AttorneY, in the mean- time had contacted the railroad and their legal department on several occasions, and had succeeded in completing the acquisition of said strip of land---that their nego- tiations have succeeded to the extent that Mr. Balmer, President of the Great Northern Railway Company and other officials had agreed to quit claim said property woo to the City without any cost to the City, except the payment of the filing fee and the cost of title insurance---that they feel the arrangement is quite satisfactory to the City and acceptance by the City is recommended. A copy of a letter to Mr. Thevik, returning the checks and advising him of their transaction, which was at- tached, was read. Councilman Swift stated that they had been notified of the pro- posal at the last Street & Alley Committee meeting, that Councilmen Reid, ITietzke and himself heartily endorse the commendable action taken by the City Attorney's Office. Councilman Morris reported that the City Attorney had outlined this infor- mation at the last Executive meeting and that, on the advice of the City Attorney, he moved, seconded by Hansen, ane carried, that the Council accept the property from the Great Northern Railway Company as per the agreement between the Railway Company and the City Attorney, the City to pay the costs of "Title Insurance" and the filing fee. Carried. A communication was read from the Boeing Airplane Company, Transport Divi- sion, signed by F.F. Barnes, Facilities Mana7er, in regard to the production in- crease by automobile parking requirements---that construction of additional parking lots is planned, but that to satisfy the temporary demand for parking, they request right of entry and authority for exclusive use of a strip of property 85 feet wide, lying immediately west of the road, parallel to the east bank of Cedar River, exten- ding 800 feet south, more or less, from the south boundary of the State Fisheries Department's leasehold in accordance with'he enclosed sketch---that improvements are to be limited to the northerly 600 feet and will include clearing, grading, compaction, topping with the combination of crushed rock and/or fines, as may be required and the installation of bullrails at an estimated cost of t3 500-00, that wow in consideration of the contemplated improvement to the City property, Boeing Air- plane Company requests an agreement to use such property for the aforementioned purpose through July, 1957. The Mayor's signature is requested as to the City's approval on the enclosed copy of the letter for the immediate right of entry or oc- cupancy. After discussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that the communication be referred to the Mayor & City Attorney with power to act. Mr.Baxter stated that he wo-ld request certain stipulations be inserted in the agreement. Councilman Morris stated that he. was opposed to the City's upkeep of a road for the purpose of Boeing Airplane Company employees cars. The moticn carried. I4 A request was read from Lawrence Lindblad of the Renton Prescription Pharmacy re-submitting a request for a variance from the zoning ordinance to permit him to install a neon sign on the outside of his building. Mr. Lindblad stated the reasons he felt this sign was justified. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter be referred to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. Carried. A communication was read from the Carpenter's Union, signed by Earl Bohanan, requesting the Council's consideration of opening the viaduct under the Northern Pacific Railroad track from 1st North to Logan Street. Councilman Swift stated that this matter had been considered by the Street & Alley Committee, that it was estimated to cost approximately X200,000.00 and moved by Hansen, that the Carpenter's Union be so notified that the Committee is working on this proposal. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that he would so notify the Carpenter's Union. A copy of a communication from the City Attorney to the Northern Pacific Rail- way Company was read, acknowledging receipt of their letter dated August 30th,1956 in which they request a postponement of the proposed meeting of the representatives of +he Northern Pacific Railway Company, the Pacific Car and Foundry Company with those of the City of Renton, in regard to the petition of franchise for the spur track on 6th Avenue which serves the Pacific Car & Foundry Company. Mr. Shellan requested sufficient advance notice as to the next date for the meeting. The Clerk read the proposed petition for annexation of property described as "that portion of the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 18, Township 23, Range 5," more particularly described as "Beginning at the NW corner of T.L.20; thence south- westerly along the westerly lire of T.L.20 to the intersection with the westerly line of T.L.94; thence southerly along the westerly line of T.L. 94 produced south to the intersection with the south line of the City of Seattle Cedar River Pipe Line Right-of-way; thence easterly along the south line of said City of geattle Cedar River Pipe Line Right-of-Way to the easterly line of Qlst Avenue South; thence north- easterly along the easterly line of said 91st Avenue South to the intersection with the northerly line of said T.L. 20 produced easterly; thence westerly along the northly line of said T.L.20 to the point of beginning." This property is approxi- mately 1.73 acres in size, lying north of and including the Seattle Pipe Line Right- of-Way, east of and including 91st Avenue South, south of South 133rd Street and west of 69th Avenue South (extended). The petition was signed by 4 property owners, not less than 75% in value, according to the assessed valuation for general taxation of the property to be annexed, as submitted by Cecil Wakelam. Moved by Swift, se- conded by Hansen, that the request be referred to the City Engineer to check the sig- natures and to the Planning Commisssion for their recommendation. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Chamber of Commerce signed by Hayden Williams, Chairman of the Street & Highway Committee, stating that Mr. Williams had arranged a meeting of his Committee with Paul McKay, Washington State Highway Dis- trict Fngineer in the Chamber office on Friday, September 7,1956 at 3:00 P.M. to discuss the problem of sufficient access and egress roads to Boeing's Renton plants because of its importance to the City, and recuesti-ng the Mayor, City Engineer and a representative from or all of the Street & Alley Committee to attend this meeting to which the Boeing Traffic Manager will be present. Mr. Williams states he has arranged for the vice-chairman of the Chamber's Streets & Tiighways-Committee to pre- side at the meeting as he will be unable to be present. Councilman Reid, Mayor Baxter and the City Engineer will endeavor to attend this meeting. The City Clerk stated that the proposed Agreement between the City and Mr. Tino Cupini had been prepared by the City Attorney for Council consideration. The City Street Superintendent and himself---that the proposed agreement had been pre- pared and rewritten to corer changes---that the area had been reduced and provides for a 5-,year lease with option to renew, is basically the same except that there would be a separate agreement to cover the bulldozing at X75.00 per month and that this portion had been deleted from the lease at Mr. Cugini's suggestion---that Street Superintendent Reuben Miller had suggested that the City provide their own bull- dozing. After discussion, moved by Vietzke, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Lease with Mr. Cugini be referred to the Sanitation Committee to check over and re- port back their recommendation. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Municipal Airport, signed Ift. A.Geb- enini, Manager, advising of necessitated overtime operation of the Airport con- siderably over the anticipated hours allowed in the 1956 budget because of the test flights of the 707,KC 135 and the night refueling of B52's from the Airport that Boeings is agreeable to reimbursing the Renton Airport, but under state law this money must be placed in the General Funds and rebudgeted for 1957, and requesting the Council transfer X1000.00 from Capital Outlay to wages to cover uhe cost of un- anticipated flight tests for the remainder of 196. Mr. Gebenini states that a contract with Boeings is in the Mayor's office covering the reimbursement by Boeinps. 4 Moved by Swift, seconded by Trimm, that the request be referred to the Auditing & Accountin Committee f or consideration and a report back. Carried. Councilman xichardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to report favorably on the proposed ordinance relating to persons convicted of certain crimes and requiring them to register withthe -def of Police, and recom- mended its passage. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that Ordinance No. 1562 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken as folloss: Morris,Aye; Trimm,Aye; Reid, Aye; Richardson, Aye; Vietzke, Ayp; Garrett, Aye; Hansen, Aye; swift, No; Delaurenti, Aye and Heppenstall, Ave. There being y "Ayes's" and 1 "No", the motion carried. Councilman Richardson stated that the Ordinance Committee would like to pre- sent a proposed Resolution which had been recommended by the Fire R ',,later Committee. The City Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 906, in connection with Ordinance No-1557, passed on August 7,1956, desiunating a restrictive area adjacent to the Snringbrook 'watershed Area, to allow owners of properties adjoining said reservoir area, access to their property "rom the existing read, ~_n exchange .for a 24 foot strip of City property from the Wilson Road (S.F. 200th Street) in a northly direction to the Perryman property, said road to be a private way of necessity for the owners, that Perryman deeds to the City of Renton an equivalent portion of their property lying next to and adjoining the City's water reservoir area, which is in the best inte- rests of the City and of the public in general, and will further the City's aim in protecting the purity of said water supply, and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk of the City to execute a quit claim deed unto the Perrymans granting them a pri- vate wav of necessity as described. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council adopt Resolution No. 906 as read. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids on the water system meters, the following bids were opened and read: Bidder Amount Neptune Meter Company 13,100.00 Badger Meter Mfg. Company 12,950.00 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the bids be referred to the Fire 8� dater Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. rr This being the date set ror the hearing on the vacation of 8th Avenue North, and the City not having sufficient information to proceed with proposed plans for the improvement of 6th Avenue North, on advice of the City Attorney the hearing is to be continued, and moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that it be RESOLVED that the hearing be continued, and that the date of the continued hearing be set as October 2,1956. Carried. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee, reported in regard to the previous request of Victor Diambri to extend the City's sewer line to his property on the south side of 7th Alrenue where Shattuck Street runs into 7th Avenue, that the City Engineer has investigated the matter and feels that it is feasible and satisfactory from an engineerin._; standpoint, that it would require approxi- mately 520 feet of 8" sewer pipe and that this would serve a specific area and would be a lateral sewer line---that it is not the policy of the City to install lateral sewer lines, that this would be the responsibility of the property owner and that the Committee so recommends. Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the reco: -mendation of the Committee and Mr. Diambri be so advised. Carried. Councilman Garrett, Chairman, further reported that he and some of the Councilmen bad received copies of the proposed garbage collection specifications for the "Call for Bids" and that he hoped that they were prepared to make suggestions and/or corrections. Councilman Richardson _nquired as to the proposed amount of a Surety Bond at P5000.00 and a rerformance Bond at P30,000.00 to protect the City in case the contractor discontinued collections. After discussion, moved by �+ Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that the corrections and/or su.ges,tions by the City Attorney and other Councilmen be incorporated in the proposed specifi- cations and corrected copies be furnished all Councilmen. Carried. Councilman Morris, President of the Council, reported that at the Executive meeting on August 28th, the matter of who would handle the Water District in the Talbot Area, now inside of the Renton City Limits, was discussed, and that it was the recommendation of the Council that this be refer-red to the Fire Rc water Com- mittee for consideration and a report back, and so moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, and carried. 45 Councilman Morris, President of the Council, further rexorted that in regard to the request for reduction in amusement tax to Theaters in the City, that the Council recommended that this matter be referred to the Police R• License Committee, and so moved by Vietzke, seconded by Heppenstall, and carried. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee, reported that the Council had requested the matter of sewer rates for the Renton Airport, as requested by Mayor Baxter, be referred to the Sanitation Committee for a report this evening and that the City Engineer had compiled the information and arrived at a sewer charge for the airport for budget purposes. The City Engineer stated that they had arrived at a modest charge of F400.00 for the ,year of 1957. After discussion, it was suggested that the Sanitation Committee study this matter and report back to 'r the Council an explanation of this charge- Councilman Swift, Chairman, stated that the Street & Alley Committee recom- mended the extension of the Thorburn & Logozo Contract with the stipulation that the work be completed by October 1,1956, and so moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, and carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Uommittee, reported in regard to the proposed Beacon Avenue Parking Area, that a letter of agreement is now being circulated to the adjoining property owners for their approval---that as soon as the approval is received they would negotiate withthe City of Seattle for the right to use the property---that the adjoining property owners should understand that if and when the City sets up this parking lot area, that the City would operate same as they see fit, without anv interference from others, , the terms to be n, gotiated with the U City of oeattle for the right-of-way. Councilman Heppenstall stated, that in his opinion, the Executive Committee meetings on the Lith Tuesday of each month were no longer accomplishing the purpose for which they originally were intended and that often in the past it would have been convenient to take final Council action, which has had to be postponed until the next regular meeting, that if there was pertinent information to be discussed at a regular Council meeting, the Council could recess for a discussion of same, or hold a meeting on another night, and so moved, seconded by Hansen, and carried, tr t the Council anain meet regularly on the lith Tuesday of each month. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that he would furnish Councilman Morris with a copy of a letter from the Airport Manager in regard to radio facilities at the Airport. On Inquiry of Mayor Baxter, the Cite Engineer reported, that the One-Way Street Consultants would endeavor to have their report at the next Council meeting, or not later then the 18th, that they have been working on the report. Councilman Swift, Chairman, reported there would be a meeting of the Street & Aller Committee on Thursday evening, September 6th at 8:00 P.M. Councilman Trimm, Chairman, reported there would be a meeting of the Fire & `dater Committee and City Engineer on Tuesday evening, September 11th at 7:30 P.M- Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P. 4. There were twelve persons present besides City of Renton employees. r City Clerk Mayor The followinv claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented. PAYROLL - ALL DEPARTMENTS X56,822.30 CURRENT FUND 91839.24 WATER FUND 7,419.23 LIBRARY FUND 1,152.62 PARK FUND 2,306.18 REC.-SWIMvING POOL 4.71.39 SENIER DISPOSAL FUND 1,400. 3 AIRPORT FUND 11272.05 CITY ST. FUND 4,774.29 WSW SHOP E.R. FUND 19972'.74 GARRk",E FUND 662.14 FIREMEM S PENSION FUND 250.00 CUMULATIVE FUND # 1184 69.87 Mr)THER19 PART IMP. FIND 11997.00 ST. & LIGHT IMP. FUND 14,334.86 45-168 t'Ut3LIC ' ORKS FUND 3,213.T' SWIMMING POOL BOND 7- Tr 4,921.02 190 OLD SWIMMING POOL TUND 11999.00 Now VAMW G " r,� Renton, Washin?ton September 11, 1956 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: MORRIS, TRI"F, REID, VTETZKE,GARR7,TT, HA_NSEN, SWIFT, DELAT?RENTI and HEPPENSTALL. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, that Councilmen Bruce and Richard- son be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS & DEPART','NT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shel.l.an, City Attorney; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Reuben Miller, Street Superintendent and Charles Bott, Comptroller. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the minutes of the Council Meeting of September nth, 1956 be aparoved as corrected. The appointment by Mayor Baxter of Edward Swanson to the Planning Commission (his term to expire Jan. 2,1960), to fill the vacancy of William Reid was read and on motion of Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, was concurred in by the Council and carried. The appointment by Mayor Baxter of Don Humble to the Planning Commission (his term to expire Jan. 25,1959), to fill the vacancy of Oliver Hazen was read and on motion of Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, was concurred in by the Council and carried. A. communication was read from Ray S. Hartman, 12823 88th Avenue South, request- ing information in regard to a previous request for vacation of South 129th Street between 87th and 88th Avenue South. A motion was made by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the request be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. The City Engineer stated that he would make an on site inspection of this area, as requested by the Street & Alley Committee, and report back at the next meeting. A notice of the next regional meetings of the Association of Washington Cities was read. The meetings in or nearest to the City of Rentonmwill be held at Bellevue, Thursday, October 25th and Sumner, Friday, October 26th. A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting a Quit Claim Deed, executed by the Sartori Estate for the 30 foot strip of unplatted property adjacent to Windsor Hills, on the north and extending east ilrom Sunset Boulevard to E Street- --and stating that he finds the deed and property description correct and recommends acceptance. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the City Engineer's recommendation and that the deed be recorded. Carried. A communication was read from Albert B. Houghton, Chairman of the Special Com- mittee on Traffic Court Program for the American Bar Association, informing the City that Renton's Traffic Court has been selected by the American Bar Association for an award of progress achieved on traffic court improvement during the past ,year for cities with a population between 10,000 and 25,0.)0. This information is to be fur- nished the newspapers for their information. The communication from the Renton Planning Commission, signed by C. G. Myers, Secretary, which was held at the last Council meeting on September nth for further information on Items 2 and 3 was read as follows, including the respective Council action. (2) Recommending the zoning of property described which is `.o be used by the T7.3. Army Engineers for an army training center be P-1. The City Engineer reported that this matter will be taken up at the next Planning Commission meeting, and a date of hearing set. (3) Recommending the Council accept the street pattern (location, width, etc.) for the area from 112th North and 128th Ave. S.F., east of M Street and extending to the City Limits and the Talbot area, as per map submitted by the Engineering Department. TheCity Engineer reported that this s�,reet pattern was recommedded for street plan-ning and to control-plats that will be presented to the Council for consideration--- that the proposed street partern would conform to streets already platted where the City does not have a major lay-out. Moved by Reid, seconded bl, Vietzke, that this matter be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for consideration and their recom- mendation. Carried. The matter of consideration of the Cugini Garbage Dump Site Agreement was brought before the Council. Councilman Garrett, Chairman, stated that the Sani- tation Committee reported their approval of the proposed agreement and recommended i acceptance and that the Lease be signed by the Mayor and Clerk, and so moved by Tr9mm, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Sanitation Committee. Carried. A communication was read from Walter Will, Office Engineer, advising the Coun- cil of business referred to the Planning Commission for their regular meeting on September 12, as fol_i_ows, "An application for rezoning of Lots 11 and 12, Block 27, Town of Renton, from R-3 to Business Parking.': This property is the northwest cor- ner of 5th and Williams Street, as requested by Beulah K. Edwards. A communicatic- was read ftm the City Engineer advising the City in re-ard to the communication received from the Pacific Car & Foundry Company, requesting relief from storm waters that flow through their plant from the City's Houser Way line, "that the City line is 12" in diameter and discharges into a 24" diameter line in the Plant;the amount of water flowing through the Plant is limited to the capacity of the 12" line which is 1/4 the capacity of the 24" Plant line and that it is his observation, together with the Street Department's that the condition in the Plant is due to the retarded run-off of the storm waters in the open ditch north of 8th Avenue North a)id that the drainage facilities are through a natural course and the responsibility for the maintenance of ttie ditch has not been determined" . .After discussion, the City Attorney stating that in regard to surface waters, as long as no diversion is made there is no responsibility as far as the City is concerned, that this is considered a "common enemy" and anyone can take steps to control the flow of water; if the regular flow is changed, any damage would be the responsibility of the City if the City aids in changing the flow as they would be contributing; to same--- that they would only be responsible for that portion they contributed to, that they would not be responsibly for all of it, it was moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, that the matter be referred to the City Attorney to take up with the Pacific Car & Foundry Company. Carried. Mayor Baxter requested that a communication from the State Auditor's Office, signed by A.F. Hankings, Chief Examiner, to Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, be read for the Council's in-'ormation: The communication covered Belletin 30A, the pro- cedure for parking meter collections, and stated that the paragraph dealing with actual collection of parking meter moneys had one end in view, namely to make colec- t;ons on a systematic basis with the sugpesV on to divide the city into routes for convenience in making these collections---that if it is the desire of the Council to make one collection route for the entire city and to systematically collect these woo parking meter funds on a given day, that this would be complete compliance with the bulletin. After discussion, moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Treasurer be allowed to collect the parking meter fees from the entire City in one route. The City Treasurer stated that if it was necessary to check the parking meter collections periodically on cer..ain streets or in certain sections, that a tally could be kept. The motion carried. Councilman Heppenstall, a mem'-er of the Ordinance Committee presented a pro- posed Ordinance providing for the transfer mof funds. The City Clerk read the pro- posed Ordinance providing for the transfer of funds between General Classes and Ex- penditures, for the purpose of providing additional funds for the maintenance and operation of the Renton Airport in order to meet certain obli7ations and expendi- tures which were not forseeable at the time of the adoption of the 1956 budget, in- cluding emergency operation cf the airport for test flights and relr:.ted ma+ters in the national interest, as provided; 91000.00 from "Capital Outlay" of the Renton Pirport into "Salaries & Wages" of the Renton Airport. Moved by Delaurenti, secon- ded by Hansen, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Counclman Heppenstall reported that the Ordinance Comit- tee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance al,d recommended its passage. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that Ordinance No. 1563 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all 9 Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion carried. ..r Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee, reported that the specifications for the proposed collection of garbage had been checked by the City Attorney and that it was the Committee's recommendation that they be approved as written; that a "Call for Bids" be prepared and a date set for the opening of bids. Moved by Vjet%ke, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in th_ recommendation of the Sanitation Committee, and on the recommendation of the City Attorney, that the date of October 2,1956 be set for the opening of bids, and that there be two publi- cations in the local paper and two publications in the Daily Journal of Commerce. ti Carried. The City Attorney advised the Council that funds could be provided under Capital Outlay in the budget for the new -arbage equipment if needed, in case there were no satisfactory bids received for this work, but that if satisfactory bids were received and this work is contracted out, that this money could be transferred to another department where needed in 1957. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Swift, that the City Clerk be authorized to mail a copy of the "Call for Bids" together with a copy of the specifications to all prospective bidders, also that a copy of the Garbage Ordinance be furnished all bidders on Wednesday, Septerrbgr 12th, prior to publication of the Call for Bids. The motion carried. Mayor Baxter granted the Fire & Water Committee more time for the considera- tion_ of the water meter bids. Councilman Vietzke, Chairman of the Ways Rr Means Committee, reported that their Committee had determined that funds were available in either Cumulative Fund #1182 or #1184 for purchase of fire hydrants for Renton Scenic Hill, and moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, that money be taken from funds, as outlined by the Ways R• Means Committee, for the purchase of fire hydrants for Ren`.on Scenic Hill. A dis- cussion followed. On request for information, Fire Chief Lawrence reported that the area east of H Street in the Highlands, also Renton Scenic Hill were without fire hydrants. On request ,a roll call vote was taken as follows: MorrisAye; Trimm,No; Reid, Ave; Vietzke, .A,ye; Garrett, Aye; Hansen, Ave; Swift, No; :I)elaurenti, No and Heppenstall, No. There being 5 "Ayes" and 4"No's", the motion carried. p� City Engineer James Highton stated, in connection with the approval and instal- lation of fire hydrants on Renton Scenic Hill, that the Pacific States Meter Company, the low bidder on the fire hydrants, be contacted to determine if their bid was still in order, and so moved by Reid, seconded by Swift and carried. Councilman Garrett informed the Council, concurred in by the City Engineer, in connection with the proposed sewer charge of $1100.00 for 1957 for the Renton Airport, as sugnested by the City Engineer at the last Council meeting, that this charge was modest and was the rate established by the sewer Ordinance and was based on 1/2 the metered water rate, and that the Sanitation Committee recommends that the Co,incil accept this rate as fair and just. Carried. Councilman Hansen reported that the matter of transfer of certain funds (Air- port) which had been referred to the Auditing & Accounting Committee for consid- eration had been taken care of earlier this evening by passage of Ordinance No-1563. Councilman Swift reported in connection withthe time limit on the parking meters in the off-street parking lot, that the Committee had thoroughly discussed this matter and had determined that these parking meters had been set for 2 and 11-hour to permit parking for persons having special appointments, other than regular stops, and that to change the time limits on these meters would decrease the income, that they would have to be replaced, and that it was the Committee's recommendation that they not be changed at the present time, and moved by Heopenstal"l, seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift further reported in regard to a letter from the City Engineer submitting the cost estimates for an 8" storm sewer on 3rd Avenue west from Shattuck Street to Rainier Avenue, as follows: on the North side of 3rd Avenue - 16150.00 on the South side of 3rd Avenue - $5170.00 Councilman Swift explained the difference in cost owing to sidewalks that would have' to be broken on the north side---that on the south side sidewalks had never been in- stalled. Council•-ian Swift explained that ether streets in the City of Renton should be taken care of as separate items, that it eras the recommendaV.on of the Committee that this matter be taken care of before the rainy season and that emergency funds be established to complete this work if there is not sufficient fu.lds in the budget. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommenda- tion of the Committee. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Heppenstall, that the City Engineer proceed with the developing of specifications for installation of a sewer line on the south side of 3rd Avenue from Shattuck Street to Rainier Avenue. Carried. Mayor Baxter reported in regard to the retirement of Mr. George Old, Janitor, that he would abide by past Council action that the retirement date of City Employees, under the classification of Miscellaneous Personnel, be not Extended beyond the com- pulsory retirement age, and that, Mr. Old would be retired. The City Attorney reported that he had several discussions with different people from different departments of the Boeing Airplane Company and that they had come to a tentative agreement in regard to the parking area along the Cedar River- --that the Boeing Airplane Company lease this property until 1957 for 41..00---that they would make improvements to same costing between X2500.00 and 13500.00 which would revert to the City, also that the Boeing Airplane Company had agreed to assume the responsibility of repair to the access road and that a tentative aereement is being prepared at this time for the Mayor and Council's consideration. The City Engineer reported that a full street report would be made by Mr. Saw- hill at the next Council meeting and Councilman Reid advised the Council that a copy of the report would be furnished each Councilman. A petition addressed to Councilman Swift, si7ned by 10 aircraft workers, was read requesting in the interest of improving the flow of traffic away from the Boeing Airplane Company Plant along Logan Street and Renton Avenue, that temporary chan- nelizaticn be extended from where the channelization ends at the present time at 6th Avenue North and Logan street along Airport Way to the intersection of Renton Avenue and Rainier Avenue. On the suggestion of Councilman Swift. mo°red by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter be referred to the Traffic Division to work with the Boeing Plant Protection Division. Carried. Councilman Swift requested that Councilman Reid represent him at any meetings of the Street & Alley Committee with the Great Northern Railroad Company and the Pacific Car & Foundry Company in regard to 6th Avenue North. The City Engineer ex- plained that specifications for the improvement of 6th Avenue North would be based on a hO foot street rather than a 57 foot street, as this matter was unsettled. The City Attorney reported that he had been contacted repeatedly regarding the vacation of 8th Ave. North, that the Boeing Airplane Company is confronted with a serious protlem which is holding up their plans and building program and that he has told they, that the City has not had an opportunity to discuss this matter with the Rail- road Company and Pacific Car & Foundry Company---that Boeing's feel they have acted in flood faith and are now in a predicament because of no action and that he also suggested to Mr. Bisbee of the Facilities Department, to expedite the matter, that it might be well for the Boeing Airplane Company and the City of Renton to get pre- liminary estimates on improving the street; that consideration is being given to the allocation of the cost, probably a part to the Boeing Company and part to the people receiving the franchise---that he felt the Pacific Car Fr Foundry Company and the ...,, Railroad Company were reluctant to contribute to this particular street, that he had advised Boeings that if they were willing to pay for the whole improvement that it could be started immediately. r,Tr. Shellan further sug=Vested that preliminary esti- mates be obtained, without calling for bids, on both 40 foot and 58 foot widths, as alternates, and advise each of the companies what their share would be. On inquiry of Councilman Morris as to the progress in regard to the vacation of 8th avenue North and the improvement of 6th Avenue North and if consideration was being given to improve the flow of traffic from the Sunset Highway across the City of Renton, Councilman Swift stated that this as well as many other relating matters had been discussed in Committee meetings. Mayor Baxter stated, concurred in by Councilman Vietzke, that he did not feel the City should be required to participate financially in this improvement. Councilman Delaurenti stated that felt a meeting should be arranged as soon as possible with the Railroad Company and the Pacific Car and Foundry Company, and that in his opinion, if the Boeing Company or others will pay for this improvement the City should cooperate as tentatively agreed previously. Mayor Baxter reported that the City Garage roof was in very poor condition and needed replacement, that is was estimated it would cost approximately X1300.00. After discussion, the City Attorney stating that this would be a Public Improvement, it was suggested that the City negotiate for this work and that it begin as soon as possible. Councilman Morris, President of the Council, notified the Council of the 1st meeting for consideration of the preliminary budget, Wednesday evening Sep.12 at 8;00. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Heppenstall, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. r The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. There were 17 persons present besides City of Renton employees. City Clerk Mayor Renton, Washington September 18,1956 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: MORRIS, TRTMM, RFID, RT_CHARDSON, VIFT7KE, GARRETT, HANSEN, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL and BRUCE. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that Council man Swift, and Councilman Bruce, who is ill, be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS & DEPAR74ENT DADS PRESENT '.,]FRE: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Doro- thea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Gene Coulon, Park Superin- tendent; Reuben Miller, Street Superintendent; Walt 'Till, Asst. City Engineer; Vere Thompson, Ruilding Inspector and Charles Bott, Comptroller. ••O Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the minutes of the Council meet- ing of September llth be approved as corrected. Carried. This being the date set for the annexation hearing of certain property (Lots 210,"Il and 213, in C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Tracts, adjacent to the west of 116th Ave. S. E., bound on the north b-,r S.E. 108th Street & on the south by S.F. 112th Street), as requested by Mr. Herb Haclman, there being no written or verbal protests, moved by Richardson, seconded by ieid, that the Council approve the proposed annexation and the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee to draft co the necessary Ordinance. Carried. � A communication w-s read from the City Engineer submitting the bid proposal for the improvement of 6th Avenue North from Park Street to Logan Street, by con- struction of asphaltic concrete pavement, stating that the proposal lists four al- ternates to cover existing contingencies. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the City call for bids, and the date of October 2nd, 1956 be set for the opening of same, for the improvement of 6th Avenue North---that all prospective bidders be furnished a copy of the notice and specifications, and the call be published in the next two publications of the local paper and once in the Daily Journal of Commerce. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Planning Commission, signed by C.G. Myers, Secretary, recommending as follows, including the Council's action: (1) The Council act favorably on the variance request of the Busch Construction Com- pany for a building to se-11 18 feet from the property line, instead of the required ... 20 feet, because of the existing building, which will be a part of the multiple unit dwelling to be erected. Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer informed the Council that the builder was planning to use the building presently located on the lot as part of the multiple unit---that he had found after measuring that the building had only an 18-foot setback instead of a 20-foot setback and that he had extra width on the oppo- site side---that he needed the variance to avoid moving the entire building. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. (2) Recommending the Council call for a public hearing on the annexation petition of Mrs Illeana MacSpadden for described property, and (3) Recommending the Council call for a public hearing on the annexation petition of Cecil Wakelam for described property. As the City Engineer had not checked either petition as to signatures, moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that both re- quests be held until the City Engineer reports as to the signatures. Carried. (4) recommending the variance request of Mr. J. H . Shaw of off-street parking re- quirements for the addition to his existing building, providing the required parking is secured within a radius of 1000 feet from his building location. On suggestion of Councilman Richardson, Mayor Baxter ordered the request held for verification of the required additional parking area. A communication was read from the City Attorney regarding the Maplewood Improve- ment Association advising that the title to the palyground area property had been cleared up; that the officers of said Association hve now signed a Quit Claim Deed, prepared by the Attorney's Office., which deed they are placing on record, stating that the title policy will be issued at an early date giving the City good title sub- ject to certain easements. A bill from the Puget Sound Title Insurance Company for 825.00 to cover title insurance was enclosed for payment by the City of .Renton. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the request of the City At .orney. Carried. A communication was read from the City Attorney enclosing an original Quit Claim Deed from the Pacific Coast Railroad Company to the City pertaining to a strip of property near Mill Street & Beacon Avenue, stating that the deed has been placed on record with the King County Auditor. The Attorney stated that the deed is delive- red to the City on condition that the City will pay the cost of the title insurance policy and incidental expenses, such as filing fees, previously authorized by the City. Moved by Richardsons seconded by Delaurenti,, that the Council concur in the sugLTestion of the City Attorney. Carried. ...- A -op,- of a communication from the City Attorney's Office to Mr. T.F. Monson, Mice President and General Manager of the Pacific Car 8t Foundry Company was reed, relative to their letter of August 13, 1956 regarding a certain flood condition along the east: side of their Plant Facility No. 6, stating that the matter had been referred to the Street Superintendent and the City Engineer for investigation and advising them of the City's 12" line which discharges into a 24" line in their plant---that further investigation indicates the condition they complain of is substantially due to the retarded run-off of storm waters in the open ditch located north of 8th Ave. North; that these primary drainage facilities exist through a natural water course which has been in existence for many years and originates on the hill east of Renton ----that the natural water course has never 'heen diverted or its stream changed by the City, in which case the City would have to decline responsibility for the condition. i,Ar. Shellan further requested that if some arrangement could be made whereby all parties concerned with this problem were willing to share ;.n the expenses, such as cleaning of the ditch north of 8th Avenue N., that they advise the City. Mayor Bax- ter ordered the communication placed on file. A communication was read from the City Attorney in regard to an opinion from the Attorney General's Office dated June 1.1,1956 relative to garbage contracts--- that it was the writer's (Duahe S. Radliff, Assistant Attorney General)belief that it is necessary that the City has to tali for annual competitive bids on its garbage collection according to R.C.W. 35.23.352---that it is their considered opinion that this conclusion is incorrect and that they have written to the Attorney General's Office, as well as to the Association of 'r'ashingtcn Cities requesting clarification of said opinion. The communication is to be referred to the Sanitation Committee for their information and filed. A communication was read from A.M. Roberts of Brightman, Roberts ?r Holm, Attor- neys at law, requesting a temporary variance for Trs. Peggy E. Scott of 427 Williams Street, so she may proceed with her plan to develop the adjacent lot (12) and corner lot (11) for a parking lot by surfacing with pit gravel, finished off with crushed rock---that if the venture is successful, they expect that a resurfacing could be done in the future when Mrs. Scott could afford to invest the amount necessary to have a macadam type surfacinu, to comply with the ordinance requiring the surface of the lot to be of comparable material to the adjoining street---that the cost of this sur- facing at this time would be prohibitive as far as Mrs. Scott is concerned. Moved I by Ri&ardson, seconded by Hansen, that the request be referred to the Street & Alley Committee and Planning Commission for investigation and a report back. Carried. -moo A report was read signed by W. Philipp of the Business Management Service, who conducted the survey of the effect of one-way streets on business volume of business- es located in the Renton Shopping Area. Mr. Philipp stated that the survey forms were located in the Renton Shopping Area. Mr. Philipp stated that the survey forms were evaluated to provide factual information necessary- for the Council to make a decision on the value of one-way streets and their effect on Renton businesses, giving (1) a comparison of business trends between 2 similar periods, April through July,1955 and 1956. (2) a comparison of business trends curing the period April through July,1956, before and after the One Way Streets went into operation, in order to clearly illustrate the effect the one-way streets were having on businesses and how they have been effected by One-Way Streets. (4) The location of the busi- nessess and how they ha -e been effected by t,ne flow of traffic through the One- Way Street plan, &. (5) The main reasons contributing to the business decline in the Rentcn Shopping area. In rep,-rd to the report, Mr. Philipp stated that the statis- tical report was tabulated from the survey Forms which had been approved by the City Council and the Street & Alley Committee and the Renton Chamber of Commerce and mailed to all businesses in the Renton Sho_opin,g Area in order to study the effect of One-Way Streets on business volume in this area, and shows the shoppers' dislike for the one-way str:,ets and that they are not patronizing the Renton shopping area. Mr. Carney, representing the Merchant's Committee against One-TsJay Streets, stated that the report was prepared with the approval of a Committee from the Council; that the report shows a substantial and continuing loss to the Renton Businessmen---that their -income is being cut---that the businessmen request two-way streets in self interest, not to their detriment and that they are thinking of the parking problem for shoppers and the one-way flow of traffic---that they are also considering the amount of tra''fic as a result of the one-way grid evstem and the matter of estab- lishing bi-pass roads, which are an essential part �f this system, and that for the reasons given fell that the Merchants Committee is well justified in requesting that the one-way plan be eliminated immediately, especially on 2nd and 3rd Avenues. Mr. Carney stated that he had seen the Consultant's report on the one-way street sys- tem. Councilman Vietzke read briefly from the report as follows: "It is recommended that the existing One-�,'av Otreet operation he retained to expand as vehicular volume increases---that a master street plan be developed as soon as possible to provide an adequate street patter'nfor the growth of the district," and stated that he didn't think the City has the money to make all of the improvements outlin€gid in the report to further the one-way street system, and moved that the one-way streets be abol- ished with the exception of Holmes Acres, until further study can be made. Council- man Morris stated, that in his onini_on, both reports having just been received and most of the Councilmen not having time to study them, that the matter be referred to the Council as a ?Whole, and so moved, seconded byRichardson. Mr. Bob Hendrickson, President of the Chamber of Commerce, reported that at the September 19th meeting of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce, that action had been taken to post- pone any action on the report of the Committee until the Board had sufficient time to stn.dv the .report and that a meeting had been planned for Thursday morning at 7:00 A.M. at the Towne House, with the One-Way Street Committee, to study the Traffic Consul- tant's report and all other reports, and to make their recommendation in regard to tre one-way street survey. Pyr. Carney stated that the survey was originally reques- ted by the Merchant's Committee and it has been delivered by the r?erchant's Committee, that they had received assistance and cooperation from the Chamber of Commerce in gathering the information for the report---that the Merchants Committee would be glad to meet with the Council as a Whole at their convenience. Councilman Trimm stated that in his opinion, he would like to see the Council and Committ.e from the Mer- chants group meet for consideration of this matter---that ne felt the .engineer's report has some good ideas and that perhaps the system could be modified instead of done away with if a Committee from the Council and representatives of the business people could meet together. The. motion to refer the matter to the Council as a whole then carried. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the date of September 20th at 9:00 P.M., be set for a meeting of the Council as a Whole, the Chamber's Committee on One-Way Streets and the Merchants Committee against One-?day Streets, to study the reports. (On account of tentatively planned current budget meetings, Councilman Morris, President of the Council, requested the Council consider a meeting time of 10:00 A.M., Saturday morning. As many of the Council were unable to attend a meeting on Saturday morning this proposal was dropped.) The motion carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, stated that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Resolution in regard to approval of a preliminary plat. The City Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 907, granting and approving the preliminary plat for the subdivision of a tract of land, north of 10th Avenue North, on the Sun- set Highway, in the block next to and north of the Lutheran Church. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that Resolution No. 907 be adopted as read. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee presented a pro- posed Ordinance establishing Precinct No. 261 a new precinct. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1564, relating to precinct boundaries and establishing a new precinct to be known as Precinct No. 26. The new precinct includes the entire newly annexed Talbot Area. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the pre- posed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Councilman Richardson stated that the Ordinance Committee reported favor Mayor Baxter requested the Council to consider the election of a 12th Coun- cilman to fill the vacancy on the Council. Moved by Morris, seconded by Heppenstall, that this matter be referred to the Council as a Whole for consideration. Carried. Councilman Reid, Chairman, reported that he and Mayor Joe R. Baxter had made an on-site survey of the newly annexed Talbot Area, which was without street lighting, and that it was the recommendation of the Light & Power Committee that thirty-seve*z (37), 150 watt incandescent lights be installed in this area---it being understood that the Puget Sound Power & Light Company would make the installations without charge, the Citi* paying for the power only. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Light & Power Committee and the Power Company be advised to proceed with the installation. Carried. Councilman Vietzke stated that. Mr. Olsen, owner of a Tavern on Rainier Avenue, was present this evening and requested a crosswalk across Rainier Avenue n,:ar his place of business, and on advice of Ysyor Baxter that this matter was being con- sidered in the street survey, moved Seconded by Hansen, that the request be referred to the Street R•. Alley Committee for c.onsideratlon and a report back. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. The Council Chambers were filled with visitors. City Clerk Mayor Renton, Washington September 25,1956 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: MORRIS, TRr4M, REID, RICHARDSON, VIET71T, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI and HEPPENSTALL. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that Council- man Bruce be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT IAERE: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang B usato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Doro- thea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Reuben Miller, Street Superintendent; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Walt Will, Assistant City Engineer; Ben Hayes, Assistant City Engineer; Vere Thompson, Building Inspector and Charles Pott, Comptroller. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the Council meeting of September 18th be approved as written. Carried. A complaint was read from the Clarke Brothers Motor Company, signed by Richard K. Clarke, in regard to the dust condition caused by the grinding of clay at Clad- ding McBean & Company. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the complaint be referred to the Public Relations Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the Clarke Brothers Motor Company, signed by Richard K. Clarke, requesting Council consideration of an ordinance preventing owners of cars or trucks from doing mechanical repair on parkways. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee for inves- tigation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer requesting permission to attend the Pacific Northwest Sewage Works Association Conference in Boise, Idaho the week of October 1,1956; that if he is granted permission, he would be absent from the October 2nd Council meeting and as that is the date set for the opening of 6th Avenue North paving bids, he would have Ben Hayes, Department Field Engineer, at the meeting and recommend that the bids be checked and the contract awarded this date because of the completion date specified as of October 31,1956. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that permission be granted the City Engineer to attend the Conference. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that a clarification of the storm sewer condition at the Pacific Car & Foundry Company Plant had been estab- lished through consultation with the Plant Engineer---that the major cause of the con- dition at the Pacific Car Plant is in the 18 inch storm line which is in the final stage of deterioration and no longer functions properly, and that the City Engineer is of the opinion that the 18" line should be by-passed with a 24 inch line from 4th Avenue North, to connect to the exising 24 inch line to the north---that open ditch maintenance will also be required but that the 24 inch by-pass would eliminate the potential emergency. The City Engineer recommends that an agreement be negotiated with the Pacific Car Company for construction of the proposed 24 inch by-pass. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the City Engineer be quthorized to negotiate with Pacific Car 8- Foundry Company with the possibility that an agreement can be reached and a line put in jointly. Carried. A communication was read from B.G. Morrison, Vice-President & Manager of the People's Bank of Renton, expressing their appreciation for the fine work and coopera- tion of the Renton Police Department in past services rendered to their bank---that the outstanding investigative work of Officers Tracey, Frazee and Henry, was to a large degree responsible for the solution of a recent forgery on one of their savings accounts, and that they are proud of the Renton Police Department. In regard to the matters referred to the City Engineer at the last Council meet- ing, from the Planning Commission, the City Engineer stated that he would report as .� to the signatures on the two petitions of annexation (Cecil Wakelam and Mrs. Illeana MacSpadden), at the next Council meeting and that the request of Mr. J.H. Shaw for a variance for off-street parking requirements had been referred back to the Planning Commission. An invoice was read from the Traffic Engineering Consulting Service, signed by Roy B. Sawhill, the City's Traffic Consultant, for professional services rendered for the "One-Way Street" report, in the amount of X1,000.00. Moved by Morris, secon- ded by Vietzke, that the City accept the survey in principle and the invoice be refer- red to the Auditing & Claims Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from Robert H. Hendrickson, President -f the Renton Chamber of Commerce stating that the Board of Directors of the Chamber had held a joint meeting that morning with its "One-Way Street Committee" to consider the re- commendations of this committee made at the September 18th Council meeting, no Board act'on having been taken at that time, pending an opportunity of the Board Members tc examine the Sawhill Traffic Survey recommendations to the City Council, and that themotion "that the Board of Directors accept the recommendations of the Committee and - �_ present them to a meeting of the City Council. to be held this evening in the Council Chambers at the City Hall", was approved by majority vote. A statistical report was read from Mayor Baxter, indicating that business in the core area as a Whole increased after one-way streets were established with the possible exception of Main Street, and stating that May-June business as a whole in the City, excluding Pacific Car and Boeings was up L.3% in 1956 over 1c55 while the March April period 1956 was up only 2.8 percent over 1955• Mayor Baxter stated that each Councilman had received a copy of the report. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance providing for transfer of. funds. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance providing for the Transfer of Funds between Gene- ral Classes and Expenditures, for the purpose of providing additional funds for the maintenance and operation of the 1956 Budget, authorizing and directing the City Treasurer to make and execute a transfer of funds in the sum of X495.73 from the classification of "Current Expense Fund" (Non-Departmental Item-State Audit Account) to the "Sanitation Department, Current Expense Fund", for materials and supplies under the general classification of "Maintenance and Operation" . Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Hichardson stated that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the report of the Ordinance Committee and proposed Ordinance No. 1565 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Ordinance be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all ten Councilmen present votinL7 "Aye", the motion carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance providing for transfer of funds. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance providing for the Transfer of Funds between General J Classes and Expenditures, for the purpose of providing additional funds for the operation of the Sewage Disposal Fund, which were not foreseeable at the time of the adoption of the 1956 Budget, authorizing and directing the City Treasurer to make and execute a transfer of funds in the sum of 8450.00 from the classification "Sewage Disposal Fund-Capital Outlay" to "Sewage Disposal Fund-Salaries and 'gages" . Moved by Trimm, seconded by Vietzke, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordi- nance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recom- mended its passage. Moved by Morris, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the report of the Ordinance Committee and proposed Ordinance No. 1556 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Swift, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Ordinance be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all ten Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance annexing certain territory to the City of Ren- ton. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance annexing certain territory conti- guous to the City Limits of the City of Renton, more generally described as Lots 210, 211 and 213 in C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Tracts, adjacent to the west of 116th Avenue S.E., bounded on the north by S.F. 108th Street and on the south by S.L. 112th Street, as presented by Herb Hackman. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the report of the Ordinance Committee and ..r� proposed Ordinance No. 1567 be placed on its second and .final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Hansen, that the Ordinance be adopted as read. A roll call vote being, taken and all ten Council- men present voting "Aye", the motion carried. Mavor Baxter reported that the Malley Roofing Company had completed the roof on the City Garage Building, that the bill had been received and that he recommended that payment be made from Cumulative Fund No. 1184, and so moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, and carried. Mayor Baxter stated that the matter of "one-Way Streets" would be taken up at this time. Councilman Morris,President of the Council, moved, seconded by Swift, that the present "One-Way Street System" be retained and the Council continue with its plan for improvement of the system. A roll call vote being taken as follows: Morris, Aye: Trim, Aye; Reidy No; Richardson, Aye; Vietzke, No; Barrett,No; Hansen, No; Swift,Aye; Delaurenti, No, and Heppenstall,Aye. There being 5 "Aye's" and 5 "No's", Mayor Baxter stated that he was not thoroughly satisfied that the surveys made in the past have been entirely according to the survey of the City made-- that he is not thoroughly satisfied that the "One-Way Street System" would help the traffic situation, but that. he felt it should remain in effect until something better is worked out, and that he would vote "Ave". Including the Vayor's vote, there being -_six "Aye's" and five "No's", the motion carried. Councilman Delaurenti stated that in view of the opposition being so close, that he would move, seconded by Ried, that parking on 3rd Ave. on the south side, from Burnett Street to Main Street, be eli- minated from 7:00 to 8:30 A.M. and from 4:00 to 5:30 P. M.S. during the peak traffic hours. After discussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that the motion be amended to refer same to the Street & Alley Committee for investigation as to the problem of present bus stops, and that Councilman Delaurenti's motion be held until the next Council meeting. The amendment carried. Councilman Reid seconded by Hansen, that all one-way traffic be taken off ofthea eanorth ofv2nd Avenge North. Councilman Trimm stated that he felt t-is matter should be investi- gated by the Street & Alley Committee before any changes are made and so moved, secon- ded by Morris, and carried. Councilman Hied's motion, to held until the next Council meeting. Councilman Richarason reported a bad health condition of an open sectio tank in the Talbot area. Mayor Baxter stated that he would notify the proper authorities. Councilman Swift requested a meeting of the Street & Alley Committee, on Monday, October lst, in connection with the "One-Way Street System. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Heppenstall, that the meeting adjorn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P. M. The council Chambers vere packed with visitors. Citi Ierk y i I ayor I I i i i /. 0 Renton, Washington October 1, 1956 The special meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: MORRIS,TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI AND HEPPENSTALL. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that Councilman Bruce and Vietzke be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexa-,der, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer and Charles Bott, Comptroller. Mayor Baxter stated as this was the first meeting in connection with the adop- tion of the 1957Budget, that he would like to propose, as follows: (1) Firemen's Pension be changed to $$18,085.00. (2) Reduce expenditures for the Fire Station to $1 ,000.00. (3) Reduce Statewide Pension expenditures to $3,795.00. (4) Reduce Business Tax by one-half to $56,393.00., and add a like amount to "In lieu of taxes" from the Boeing Airplane Company and Pacific Car & Foundry Company, with the understanding, (a) that the City expects the full cooperation and assistance from the Boeing Airplane Company, the Pacific Car & Foundry Company and the Chamber of Com- merce in attempting to get the taxes that are now and will be due in 1957, (b) that if we do not receive the amount anticipated by August 1, 1957,and have no assurance that it will be received some time before the end of 1957, that the tax will have to be re-established at a higher rate to make up any deficit which might occur, and (5) Reduce the Admission Tax from 5 percent to 3 percent. A communication was read from the Taxation Committee of the Renton Chamber of Commerce, signed by Donald G. Holm, Chairman, and approved by the Board of Directors of the Renton Chamber of Commerce on October lst and signed by Robert H. Hendrickson, President, stating that the Chamber has studied the 1957 Preliminary Budget and ex- presses its recognition of the excellent job done this year in preparing the budget ' operation and requesting the Council to continue its past policy of holding expendi- tures to the lowest level consistent with efficient City operation; that there be some adjustment made (consideration of a 50 percent reduction) in the B & 0 Tax as "in lieu of tax payments" are available. Councilmen Swift, Richardson, Morris, Reid, Heppen- stall, Hansen and Trimm all commented that they were pleased with the agreement in regard to reducing the B & 0 Tax,as well as Councilmen Delaurenti and Garrett. Mr. Thevik of the Chambers Tax Committee stated that they had been working on their pro- posal for several weeks but had held same until this evening's meeting, when they understood that the final budget would be considered. Moved by Morris, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Resolution in connection with the proposed reduction of the City's Business & Occupation Tax be presented to the Council for consideration. Carried. The City Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 908, of the City of Renton whereas the 1957 City of Renton Budget provides for anticipated revenue in the form of payment in lieu of taxes by the Federal Goverment in the total sum of $76,029.00 and it has been suggested by certain groups that payement i lieu of taxes would actually amount to $:L63.,000.00 during 1957, and it being the policy of the City of Renton since the original adoption of the Business & Occupation Tax to reduce and/or eliminate said tax at the earliest possible date,in any case as soon as sufficient payment in lieu of taxes were made available to the City, that it is resolved that it is the intention of the City of Renton to. reduce the present prevailing rates under the Business & Occu pation Tax Ordinance by 50 percent effective January 1, 1957 providing the anticipated payment in lieu of taxes to be received by the City during 1957 would be substantially in excess of the City's present estimate--- that in event said additional payment in lieu of taxes do not accrue to the City by August 1, 1957, the tax rates under the _ B & 0 Tax Ordinance shall be raised so that such increased rates will be necessary to compensate the City for its loss of revenue because of such prior reduction in rates. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council adopt Resolution No. 908 as read. Carried. Mr. Holm, Chairman of the Chamber's Tax Committee, stated that in behalf of the Chamber's Committee and for himself personally, that he was pleased with the Council's action and felt that the Administration deserved a lot of credit---that he felt that this action was for the interest of everyone and would help keep the people in the ` City of Renton and would help Renton to expand. j i i Councilman Richardson, Chariman,stated that the Ordinance Committee would like to present the proposed Ordinance, fixing the amount of tax levies for 1957. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1568, fixing the amount of tax levies necessary to meet the amount of estimated expenses for the year 1957 less the total estimated rev- enues from sources other than taxation, including available surplus. Moved by Morris , seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the0rdinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance. and recommended its passage. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Morris, seconded by 1 Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1568 be adopted as read. T roll call vote being taken and all 9 councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. a Councilmen Richardson, Chairman, stated that the Ordinance Committee would like to present the proposed Ordinance ado,:ting a City Budget for the year 1957. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1569, an Ordinance of the City of Renton adopting a. City Budget for the year 1957 in the amount of $1,591,186.00. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansesi that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by "orris, seconded by Hansen," that the Council concur in the report of the ! Ordinance Committee and the proposed-Ordinance be placed on its second and final read- ing. Carried. After the second and-final reading, moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1569 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being_ taken and all 9 Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unardmously carried. j j Councilman Morris, President of tie Council, thanked the Councilmen for their time aevoted to consideration of the budget and for theri cooperation in presenting a budget of this type and to Mr. Charles Bott, Comptroller, for the help he gave and the work he did. Mayor Baxter thanked tie Council for their consideration of the Pre- liminary Budget and Mr. Bott for his assistance. Councilman Heppenstall stated that II the Mayor' s Office should be complimented for their handling of the budget. Mr. Bob Johnson, of Boeing Airplane Company, explained how, through close contact with the County Assessor's Office, they had arrived at the estimated tax figure on the Boeing-property: Councilman Delaurenti suggested that the Ordinance Committee be authorized to prepare a revised B & 0 Ordinance, also an Ordinance covering the reduction of the Admission Tax. Councilman Trimm suggested that the Ordinance Committee consider an Ordinance j covering City Employees working the day prior to or the day following a holiday, in { order to receive compensation for the holiday. Councilman Morris stated that he felt it was the Council's openion, during budget meetings, that the salery schedule and grades along with other conditions, be incorporated in an ordinance and adopted i before the first of the year,and that it might probably be advisab e to take this up with the Job Evaluation Committee to include such items as vacations and holidays. I Councilman Richardson requested permission for the Ordinance Committee to meet with the Job Evalutation Committee, the City Attorney, Mayor Baxter and the Comptroller i on Thursday, October 11th at 8:00 P. M. Mayor Baxter stated that with the approval of the Council, he had advised Mayor Love of Bellevue, that the next regular meeting of the Association of Valley Cities ! could be held in the Council Chambers on Thursday, October 11th at 8:00 P. M. i i Moved by Trimm,seconded by Hansen, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 P. M. City Clerk t Ma r 140 Renton, Washington October 2, 1956 The regulare meeting of the Renton City Council was celled to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P. M. ROLL CALL: MORRIS, TRIMMs REID, RICHARDSON$ VIETZKE, GARRETT: HANSEN SWIFT, DELAURENTI, AMD HEPPENSTALL. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hasen, that Councilman Bruce be excused. Carried. OFFICIAL & DEP'> RTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan,City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; yd FloLawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander,City Clerk Doro- thea Gossett,City Treasurdr; Ben Hayes,Asst. City Engineer; Ruben Miller, Temporary Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Walt Will,Asst. City Engineer and Charles Bott, Comptroller. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of September 25, 1956 be approved as written, Carried. (Building Permits will be shown on last page.) This being the date set for the opening of bids on the improvement of 6th Ave- nue North, between Park Street and Logan Street, by construction of asphaltic concrete pavement, the following bids received were opened and read: BIDDER lst Alternate 2nd Alternate 3rd Alternate 4th Alternate MacRae Bros« 32, .00 $37,503- same ash^ $37.,503.20 Traverso Const. Co. 34,930.00 44,091.25 same as 2 46,810.00 R. J. Boe Const. Co. 37,570.00 42,400.00 $42,400.00 471375.00 61000.00* 2,500.00** jM,4UU.U0 4,;5;uuXu— (*$6000.00 is added to alternate #2 for grading 6th Ave, N., from Park St., to Logan St.) (-* $2500.00 is added to alternate #3 for grading 6th Ave. N., from Park St. to Logan St. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that all bids be referred to the Street& Alley Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. This also being the date set for the opening of bids for the collection and dis- posal of garbage and refuse in the City, the following bids received were opened and read: ("A"- not more than 2 cans per Mo.. "B" - each additional can per mo.) BILDER COMMERICAL RESIEEAiTIAL Western Disposal Co. 20f first wo cans -Min $1.22 (not more than 60feet) 122¢ each add'1 can per mo. $;;1.35 per mo. for "A"'. .65 per mo, for "B". (over 60 feet) Monthly rate, Plus 20¢ per mo. for "A'". Plus 10¢ per mo. for "B" (ALTERNATE BID) (h6t more than 25 feet) $1.22 per mo. for "A". .50 per mo. for ItBir.. (25 to 60 feet) Monthly rate, Plus 20¢ per mo. for "A". Plus 10¢ per mo. for "B". (over 60 feet) Monthly rate, Plus 40¢ per mo. for "A". Plus 20¢ per mo. for "B". City Sanitary Service 20¢, 1 to 5 cans (not more than 60 Feet) 75¢, 6 to 10 cans, plus $1.00 $1.18 per mo. for "AT'. (CITY. FURNISH for lst 5 cans .35 per pickup per can. DISPOSAL SITE) $1.25, 11 to 20 cans, plus $1.75 (not more than 25 feet) • for lst 10 cans, $ .96 per mo. for "A". 8¢ per can over 20 cans, plus $3.00 for 1st 20 cans. (CONTRACTOR 25./-, 1 to 5 cans (not more tham 60 feet) FURNISH 90¢, 6 to 10 cans,plus $1.25 $1.40 per mo. for "A". DISPOSAL SITE for lst 5 cans .40 per pickup per can. $1.503 11 to 20 cans, plus $2.15 (maximum 25 feet) for lst 10 cans, $1.20 per mo. for "A". 8¢ per can over 20 cans, .30 per pickup per can. plus $3.65 for lst. 20 cans. R & C Refuse 20¢, per can for first ( maximum 60 feet) 20 cans 1.11 per mo. fcr "A"'. 25¢, each additional can .25 per can for "B Moved by Swift, sedonded by Vietzke, that all bids be referred to . the Sanitation Com- mittee for consideration and a report back. Carried. This being the date set for the postlhoned hearing on the vacation of 8th Avenue jNorth, there being no written or verbal protests,moved by Heppenstall, seconded by j Delaurenti, that the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee to prepare the necessary Ordinance, Carried. {i A request for a 3-month leave of absence effective October 1, 1956 was read from Street Commissioner David Pugh and on motion of Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, was concurred in by the Council, and Carried. I The appointment by Ma-.ror Baxter of Reuben Miller as temporary Street Commissioner effective immediately,due to Mr. Pugh's illness, was read, and on motion of Vietzke, seconded by Hansen, wos concurred by the Council, and carri_,­d. The appointment by Maz-or Baxter of Mr. Don Humble-Chairman, City Attorney Gerard Shellan, City Engineer James Highton, Asst. City Engineer Walt Will, Planning Commission Chairman James Denzer, Councilman Ray Heppenstall and Comptroller Charles Bott to the City Expansion and Development Committee from October 1, 1956 to October 1, 1957 was .read. Mayor Baxter stated that this Board would act as an Advisory Board to the Magor and Council and work in conjunction with the Planning Commission and other departments of the City. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the establis)iment of such a committee. Carried. A communation was read from the Citv Engineer attaching the final cost esti- mate for the Maplewood Storm Sewer by the Contractor Thorbl:rn and Logozo, in the total amount of $7292.25, less 15% retained ($1093.84) an amount due the contractor of $6198.41, as certified correct by the City Engineer. The CiVIT Engineer stated that the work was started on September 12, 1956 anu- was completed satisfactorily on Sept- ember 25,1956---that there were two additional items of work required as follows: (1) Installation of reinforced concrete pipe across the State Highway to conform to highway regulations (extra cost) - $145.00, and (2) Placing of cement concrete to anchor the sewer outfall (extra cost) - $144.00. Also, that the project bid price was $7063.75, the final cost $7292. 25, an overrun of $228.50. The City Engineer recommends acceptance of the work by the Council. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommenda- tion of the City Engineer and that the matter of payment be referred to the Auditing & Accounting Committee with power to act. A communication was read from the City Engineer advising of a condition of impro- per water service connections (apparently due to curtailment of strategic materials during the war) existing in the half block west of Moses Lane between 6th and 7th Ave- nue, and stating that htis property is served by a privately owned 3/4 inch line on private property and connecting to the City System on 6th Avenue. The City Engineer requested Council consideration to remedy the con0i.tion by construction of a 4 inch main on Moses Lane, stating the improvement is estimated to cost.$1200o00. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the request be referred to the Fire & Water Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer, in connection with the reports in the Planning Commission's letter of September 18, 1956 (recommending the Council, call for a public hearing on both the MacSpadden and Wakelan petition for annex- tion), as follows: 1. That the MacSpadden petition covered appreximately 1 acre of land and was signed 100 percent of the property owners requesting annexation, and 2. That the Wakelam petition covered approximately 1.73 acres of land and was also signed by 100 percent of the property requesting annexation. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson,that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the date of October 23, 1956 be set for the date of hearing on both am- exations. . Carried. j A request was read from the City Engineer for permission for Asst. City Engineer Walt Will to attend the Inte national Building Business Meeting at Palm Springs, California, October 29„1956 to November 2, 1956, inclusive. Moved by Swift, seconded by Heppenstall, that the City Engineer be authorized to attend this confer- ence. Carried. The City Clerk reported that the Seattle-King County Health Department report for August, 1956 had been received and that a copy had been furnished Councilman Garrett. Chairman if the Sanitation Committee. The report was ordered filed. I A communication was read from the Planning Commission, signed by C. G. Myers, Sec- retary, stating the following recommendations: (The Council's action follows.) (1) That the Council act favorably on the zoning of described property in the Renton Highlands to be used as an Armor Training Center to P-1 Zoning. Moved by Hepp- enstall, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Pla- nning Commission and the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee to draft the necessary Ordinance. Asst City Engineer Walt Will stated that this property was across from McKnight Junior High School, that the property had been acquired from the Fed- eral Goverment by the Army Engineers for a site for a Training Center building and will be a goverment Building. The motic : carried. (2) That the Council act favorably on the rezoning petition of Beulah Edwards for re- zoning of property described as Lots 11 and 12, Block 27, Town of Renton, from RS to Business Parking (B-P). Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Coun- cil concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the matter be refer- red to the Ordinance Committee to draft the necessary Ordinance. The motion carried. Asst. City Engineer Will stated that this .property was located on the corner of 5th and Williams and that the Planning Commission was very favorable to the rezoning as it would give about 50 parking places. (3) That the Council act favorably on the rezoning petition of Emma & Tino Cugini for rezoning of portions of the NW 1/4 of the 7iTl/4 of Section 16, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., to Light Industry, except a 300 foot buffer strip on the north side of said property to B-1 zoning. Moved by Delaurenti., seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of thePlanning Commission andthe matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee to draft the necessary Ordinance. The motion carried. The Assistant City Engineer, Walt Will, stated that as land use changes it is necessary to change the zoning and that it is now zoned "Light Industry". (4) That the Council reject the request of Warren C. Lindblad for the erection of an outside neon sign at his Pharmacy at 217 4th Place. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Rich- ardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. After discussion, a roll call vote was taken as follows: Morris,Aye; Trimm, Aye; Reid, No; Richardson, Aye; Vietzke, No; Garrett,Aye;, Hansen, No: Swift, No; Delaurenti.. No and Heppenstall, No. There being 4 "Aye's and 6 "No's", the motion lost, Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Trimm, that the matter be referred to the Public Relations Committee for further study and a report back. Carried. A request was read from Dora Holmes, lessee of the City Hall Lunchroom (Dora's Coffee Shop), requesting the Council extend her lease for at least one year with an option to renew and also permission to sublease, rent or sell .the lunchroom in order to justify her expenditure in making improvements. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the request be referred to the Property Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that he would like to appoint Councilman Vern Morris, Pres- dent of the Council, as temporary Chairman of the Committee, during Council- man Bruce's illness and absence. A communication was read from the City Attorneyts Office, signed by City Attorney Gerard M. Shellan, enclosing the original of authorization received from and signed by, Mrs. Josephine M. Mortensen, as administratrix of the Kerty Mortensen estate. Mr. Shellan stated in the letter that they have not received any consent to such arr- angement from the surety on the bond, to-wit, the United Pacific Insurance Company (which was received by this evening's meeting), and that as soon as such consent is received, they can see no objections to final acceptance of Lhe pool in conformity with the City's agreement endsubject to settlement of the liquidated damages. A statement in the form of a letter was attached, itemizing the claims to be deducted from the contractors account (L & M Painting Company, $920.00, Chapman Electric Com- pany, $218.00, and Enfield Company,$1,058.14) in the total agount of $2196.14, and authorization for the City to perform additional work, claimed by the City to be necessary before it will accept the swimming pool at a cost not to exceed the amount shown, as follows: Apply final coat of paint X227.33 Rewire pump motor circuit and repair box 287.44 Refinish rough concrete, pool floor & deck 60.00 Repair leaks at base of pool wall 100.00 Seal construction joint in pool floor 100.00 Top portion of filter room for drainage 100.00 Install wheels on heating line valves 10.00 Install design life line connections 20.00 $ 90 .77 Mrs. Mortensen stated that it was understood and agreed that the contractor's warranty, as contained in the contract shall extend to and warranty the said work as performed by the City or its agents or sub-contractors the same as though said work had been done by the contractor. The City Attorney explained that if the City accepted the pool, they still have to hold it for 30 days for final acceptance for clearance from the State Tax Commission---that the city has to withold 15 per cent pending the right of additional claimants to file leins within the 30-day period, teat acceptance of the pool has nothing to do with liquidated damages. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the suggestion of the City Attorney that the City accept the pool contingent on the City fixing their share (on release from Surety Company , and paying*2 9 , to the lein holders, the balance to be held 30 days, subject to liquidated damages. Carried. The City Clerk was authorized to request tax clearance from the State Tax Comm- ission atymp a for the Kerty Mortensen Company. 16 A communic,.tion was read from the City Attorney advising that they had been requested by the Boeing Airplane Company to grant them an easement for the installation of the seperation sump and drain near the Renton Airport---that they have re-written same as for the City's protection, the City Engineer having checked and found satisfactory the legal description. It was requested that the Mayor and Clerk execute the permit and return to the City Attorney's Office _or distribution. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the permit. Carried. A notice of the Regional Meetings of the Association of Washington Cities in Bellevue, Thursday October 25th and Sumner, Friday, October 26th was read, for the Council's information. A communication was read from the Cit: Clerk advising that on re-checking the ser- vice record of Mr. Edward Bunstine, who retired or. June 30th from the Renton Park Department has 7 years and 9 months prior service for which hw has received no credit. The City Clerk requests Council approval of 100 per cent prior service for Mr. Bun- stine. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the re- commendation of` the City Clerk. Carried. A communication was read from the Boeing Airplane Company, Transport Division , signed by C. H. Mooney, Industrial Security Supervisor to Councilman Swift, regarding Traffic Controls, stating that in discussion with Sergeant Henry, Tuesday,September 11, 1956, it was agreed that the following suggested changes be made: (1) Parking be prohibited on Rainer Avenue from Airport Way to 2nd Avenue on the west side from :OOP. M. to 6:00 P. M. to permit full use of existing free right turn if3 on third Avenue. (2) Third lane for southbound traffic on Logan Street be extended north of 8th Avenue and designated by the use of rubber traffic, cones during 4:00 P. M. shift Chan-e per- iod. Boeing Industrial Security personnel will furnish and place these cones. (3) The Renton Police Department station an officer at 8th Avenue North and Park Ave- nue to control traffic at this intersection from 4:00 P. M. until 4:20 P. M. (4) Parking be prbhibited on the east side of Rainier Avenue from 3rd Avenue to Air- port Way. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Street & Alley Committee, Chief of Police and Traffic Division for investigation at a joint meeting. Carried. A' communication to Councilman Richardson,Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, from the City Attorney's Office, signed by City Attorney Gerard Shellan was read for the Council's information, in regard to Councilman Richardson's request as to the ex- istance of an ordinance prohibiting the parking of automobileson parking strips, stating that Section 30 (a) of the City's Traffic Code reads as follows: Ido person shall stop, or park a vehicle except when necessary to avoid conflict withother traffic or in compliance with the directions of a police officer or traffic control device, in any of the following places: (1) On a sidewalk or parking strip:" A discussion followed in regard to the narrow width of 3rd Avenue, of Renton Senic Hill, also as to parking on one side only on Cedar Street. Councilman Richardson reported that the Building Department had called his atten- tion to the condition of the building on Wells Street, recently vacated by a Beauty School, and- on motion of Delaurenti, secondedby Morris, the report was referred to the Building Inspector and Fire Chief for investigation and a report back at the next Council meeting. The Engineering Department was advised,that as the building was not 1 fit for occupancy, any requests for occupancy be held temporarily. The motion carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street e- Alley C=,,:ittee,reported that the con- dition of the Earlington Hill streets, as reported by Street Commissioner Rueben Miller, to whom the matter had been referred for investigation, are considered in bad condi- tion and beyond repair as far as black-top patching is concerned---that they could be repaired by seal coating and covering with crushed rock, which would give a good sur- face and at least two to three Nears service, at a cost of approximately $3300.00.. (There are approximately 10,360 feet of streets.) Councilman Richardson, with consent of his second, Councilman Hansen, changed his motion to read, that-the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee and that these streets be impro- ved, andthat the matter of approval of source of funds be referred to t e Ways & Means Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee, reported that Cedar Street from 3rd Avenue to 7th Avenue was also In need of repair, that it had never been returned to its original condition after the installation of the sanitary sewers in that area, that it was estimated this street could be improved for approximat- ely $925.00, by seal coating and covering with crushed rock which would last between 5 and 6 years, and as this w2.s caused by a similar instance, as previously reported in another section of Renton, t at he suggested that funds in the Water Department be used for restoring this street. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Street & Alley Qommittee for investigation and a report back. Carried. 6 Councilman Hepr;enstall was granted more time for the Public Relations Committee to report on the complaint by Dick Clar e of dust from C.Tiadding McBean Company. oun- cilman-Richardson .reported that..he had received a call from Mr. Whitney of this Com- pany, andthat Councilman Heppenstall could contact Mr. Whitney who had information in regard to action they were taking to combat this condition. A report was read from W.H.Philipp of the Business ManagementService, for the Renton Merchants' Committee Against One Way Streets, copies of which had been furnish- ed Mayor Baxter, the City Council, Renton Chamber of Commerce,Chairman Carney of the Comrdttee Against One Way Streets and Mr. C. H. Mooney, of the Industrial Security. Transport: Division of the Renton Boeing Plant in regard to the traffic problem in the Renton Area, particularly during the periods of 7 to 8 A.M. and 3 to 5:30 P.M., when Boeings and Pacific Car employees are going to and from work, and taht the Renton Merchants are soliciting the aid of all concerned in working out the overall traffic problem by recommending the following plan for study and evaluation for first alleva- ting the present traffic jams on Rainier Avenue, Airport Way and Logan Street caused by Boeing employees going to and from work,andthen to study plans for other exist- ing "traffic jam" areas. (Motion Below) Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the report be referred to the Street;& Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Richardson inquired as tc the status of the building located just west of the bowling alley. The City Attorney reported that they had been advised by one of the owners that they were endeavoring to get someone to remcve -the lumber for the lumber salvaged but that if no action is taken by the owner, and if the building is considered a hazard, that the matter should be referred to the Building Department for their recommendation and action by the City. Mayor Baxter stated that he would write the owners a letter. In reply to Councilman Vietzke-'s inquiry, Assistant City Engineer Walt Will ad- vised the Council that this street was a private road that Charles Shane is putting in---that the area where the City is working is on a 60 foot dedicated street of which only a part is usable and that Mr. Shane will use this street to get to his property and to use this street,it wgs necessary for the City to Widen the street to permit visibility of cars coming up the Dunlap Canyon Road. A communication from the City Engineer, James Highton, to Councilman Garrett, was read stating that considerable interest is being shown in the Maplewood Addition for the construction of a sanitary sewer system by property assessment---that a L.I.D. could probably finance the collection system in Maplewood, but that an estimated x$50,000.00 would be required for the trunk line into the sewer system in Renton; that an indication of City participation in the trunk sewer is essential previous to pre- sentation of the improvement petition to the property owners, and on motion of Delaur- enti, seconded by Hansen, and carried, was referred to the Sanitation Committee for consideration and a report back to the Council. A communication from Mayor Gordon S. Clinton of Seattle, to Councilman Avery Garrett was read advising that Brown & Caldwell, Consulting Engineers,w o have been retained by City, County and State Agencies to make a comprehensive survey for sewage disposal in the Lake Washingtmn drainage basis and vicinity have established an offiieE located at 415 Jones Building, Seattle 1, and requesting Councilman Garrett to forward all background information, including plans of the City's sewer system, treatment plants, means of disposal of plant effluent and sludge, the population served and sewage flows, and any reports or other information that will be ofuse in making this survey.. Councilman Garrett explained that this request was a result of the meeting held at the University some time ago and that he moved, seconded by Richardson, that this information be furnished to the Consulting Engineers. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that the Engineering hep rtment world furnish this information. Councilman Swift reported there would be a Street & Alley Committee meeting, Thursday, October lith at 8:00 P.M., for consideration of all bids on the improvement of 6th Avenue North. Councilman Garrett requested Comptroller Charles Bott to attend a meeting of his committee, for consideration of the garbage bids received this evening---that he would set a date for the meeting later this evening. Mr. W. H.Phillip, from the audience, who had drafted the traffic report for the Renton Merchant's Committee, which was read earlier, stated that after contacting Mr. Mooney of the Industrial Security Department of the Transport Division of the Boeing Airplane Company, he feels they all realize the traffic problems and if the proposed traffic diversion plan is worked out that they beleive traffic would flow steadier. Councilman Morris stated that he felt that the Mayor and Council has previously point- ed out how they would like to cooperate with any groups on traffic patterns and that when recommendations are received, that they are referred to the repective Council Committees who will cooperate with the different group. 165, The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLL - ALL DEPARTMENTS $52,030.39 CURRENT FUND 8,987.12 WATER FUND 60612.20 LIBRARY FUND 1,140.54 PARK FUND 414.92 SWIMMING POOL BOND FUND 748.45 SEWER DISPOSAL FUND 592.30 AIRPORT FUND 12139.08 CITY STREET FUND 4,411.08 SHOP E.R. FUND 2,533.47 CIVIL DEFENSE 3.05 GARBAGE FUND 1,115.51 FIREMENtS PENSION FUND 301.35 CUMULATIVE 1184 2,273.59 L.I.D. #240 217.25 n 241 172.31 SWIM POOL BOND 3,203.11 Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. There were many persons present besides City of C\1 Renton employees.- City Clerk I a \ Mayor �I I i i I I Renton, Washington October 9, 1956 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: MORRIS, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, VIETZKE, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT and DELAURENTI. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that Councilman Heppenstall and Bruce be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorthea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Reuben Miller, Temporary Street Commissioner; Walt Will and Ben Hayes, Asst. City Engineers and Vere Thompson, Building Inspector. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that the minutes of the Special meeting of October lst be approved as written and the regular meeting of October 2nd be approved as corrected. Carried. A communication was read from Jean Lux, Secretary of the Renton Scenic Hill Community Club expressing their appreciation of the Council's decision in regard to the installa- tion of fire hydrants on Renton Scenic Hill. The Communication was ordered filed. A communication w as read from Mayor Baxter stating the Cityts Ordinance #1377 is ;n conflict with State Statute RCW 1.16.50 in regards to legal holidays and that the City Ordinance should be amended to conform with the State Law. The Mayor attached a memo listing the 10 legal holidays on which City Offices will be closed for all Departments, also stating that the City Offices would be closed on the days of State General Elections. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the communication be referred to the Ordinance Committee to correct the present City Ordinance. Carried. A request was read from the Frank R. Vaise Post No. 1263, Veterants of Foreign Wars requesting a Special License for their annual "Nights in Parish Dance at the American Legion Hall on November 10th, 1956, and enclosing the required fee for same. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the request be referred to the Police Chief with author- ity to grant the license. Carried. A communication was read from Weston J. Betts, owner of the Kiddyland Operation in the City, expressing his appreciation for permitting him to establish Kiddyland in Renton and stating that they are working on their equipment Preparatory to opening in moo the spring, about April 1. Mayor Baxter ordered the communication placed on file. A communication was read from the Renton Planning Commission, signed by C. G. Myers, Secretary, in reference to the variance request of Mr. Art Shaw for permission to build a storage room on his present building, stating that it was the intent of the Planning Commission that two parking spaces would be acceptable for satisfying his off-street parking requirement, and that if evidence showing these had been secured was presented, their recommendation would be for the granting of the building permit. The City Clerk stated that paid parking slips were attached, for 5 separate cars for the month of October, at nearby service stations. Councilman Trimm stated that the Shaw Brothers should advise the Engineering Department in writing in regard to off- street parking obtained, as required by Ordinance. Mayor Baxter ordered the communication filed until further information is received, satisfactopy to the Council. A communication from the City Attorneyts Office, signed by Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, to D. J. Euler, Asst. to the Senior Vice President-Operations, of the Boeing Airplane Company, regarding the vacation of 8th Avenue North, and the Improvement of 6th Avenue North, was read, confirming the Attorney's telephone conversation relative to the above matter, stating the City will use every effort to have the improvement on 6th Avenue North completed on or before October 31st in pursuance of its agreement with the contractor --that should there be a delay beyond the Cityts control, that the Boeing Company is willing to go along with the extension of the date shown in their letter; that regardless of the effective date of the Ordinance covering the vacation, that the Boeing Company agree to keep the street open for traffic until the final ..r improvement of 6th Avenue North is completed, and requesting a short supplement to their letter of October 4, 1956, regarding their contribution toward the improvement cost on the basis of the low bid in the sum of $33,532.65, so that they would advise the City that their company is willing to assume the Cityts obligation to the extent of the amount mentioned, and that the payment could be made directly to the contractor by their company upon completion of the job, as required under budgetary laws of the State of Washington. The City Attorney reviewed the previous letter referred to, from Mr. D. J. Euler of the Boeing Airplane Company, further stating that the improvement of 6th Avenue North would be on a short term contract, with a 30-day completion date, and would not require progress payments. Further action was held pending consideration of the bids later in the meeting. 167 A communication was read, signed by Fire Chief Lawrence and Walt Will, Office Engineer, stating that on investigation of the Burdulis Building at 239 Wells Street, they had found the wiring was very bad, also that there were no toilet facilities in any of the lower floor stores, with the exception of the barber shop. The Fire Chief and Office Engineer further reported that on investigation, they had found- the shack area at Walla Walla and Morris Street was unfit for habitation, and that in regard to the complaints about conditions at 820 M. Street, that there is no plumbing in the house and that the yard is full of old cars and that the area around the place is a fire trap. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the report be referred back to the Office Engineer to proceed with action as outlined in the Cityts Building Code. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer attaching a letter from the Austin Associates, representing the Boeing Airplane Company, requesting the extension of the City's 12 inch water main to provide service for the new facilities under construction; the extension to be 4300 feet in length, at an estimated cost of $40,000.00 --stating that the revenue from the estimated water supply demand would be $2880.00 per year for water and $1440.00 for the sewer service charge, a total of $4020.00 per year, and that the estimated minimum revenue would amortize the construction cost within 10 years. The City Engineer recommended approval of the construction. The communication from Austin Associates, Engineers, signed by S. J. Deitrick, Coordinating Engineer, to the City Engineer was read, stating that on instructions from the Boeing Airplane Company, they are requesting the City to extend their 12 inch main from where it now ends at 4th Avenue & Houser Way to the southwest corner of Park Avenue and 8th Avenue North to C{ supply water for the new Boeing Airplane Company Office and Manufacturing Facility k!: located wholely within the city limits of Renton. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the communication be referred to the Fire & Water Committee. Carried. A communication was read from City Treasurer Dorothea Gossett, requesting, in lieu of the Councilts authorizing a bookkeeping and billing machine for the Treasurerts Office in the 1957 Budget, and because of the length of time required to fill an order, that a call for bids for the equipment be made, suggesting the date of November 6th be set for opening of bids. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the Council con- cur in the request of the City Treasurer and that the date for the opening of bids be set as November 13, 1956. Carried. A communication w as read from Philipps, to the Renton Merchantts Committee (Holmes and Carney) regarding traffic alleviators by using routing signs, lanes and widening `■r Rainier Avenue to full four lanes of traffic between 3rd Avenue and the Railroad Viaduct. Councilman Swift informed the writer and other persons in the audience, that this pro- posal had been referred to the State Highway Department previously. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the communication be referred to the Street, & Alley Committee. Carried. A petition for rezoning, previously presented by Ray Brown to the Council, was re-presented to the Council for consideration with the information that a communica- tion was attached stating that William Broyles requested his name be added to the petition. The petition previously submitted by Ray Brown, requested that the zoning of the property located adjacent to the Sunset Highway, just north of the Highlands, commonly known as Casey's Corner, be changed from Residence Single Family Use (R-S) to Business Use (B-1) District. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the petition be referred to the Planning Commission. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinace rezoning property in Renton Highlands Plat ##2 to P-1 to permit the construction of an Army Training Center. The City Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1570, changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City of Renton from "Unclassifiedtt to ttpubli.c Use District" (P-1), the property being described as "Block 49, Renton Highlands Corrected Plat No. 211. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the 9 majority of the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the Council .., concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delauranti, seconded by Richardson, that Ordinance No. 1570 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all 9 Councilman presented voting ttAye,tt the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, stated that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a second Ordinance, providing for reduction of the City Admission Tax. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance, amending the existing Ordinance No. 1174, by adding a section thereto providing for the reduction of admission taxes, reading as follows,"Al1 admission taxes or other charges imposed and collected under the provisions of Ordinance No. 1174 are hereby reduced by forty (40) per cent, and such reduction shall be effective on and after the 1st day of January, 1957. Moved by Delauranti, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the majority of the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by iorris, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the report of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delauranti, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1571 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all 9 Councilman present voting "Ayett, the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, stated that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a third Ordinance, changing the zoning of property at the corner of 5th and Williams Street to Business Parking (B-P) as requested by Beulah Edwards. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance, changing the zoning classification of certain property described as "Lots 11 and 12, Block 27, Town of Renton," from Residence District (R-3) to Business Parking (B-P). Moved by Swift, seconded by Vietzke, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the majority of the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Delauranti, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the report of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1572 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all 9 Councilmen present voting "Aye," the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, stated that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a 4th Ordinance, changing the zoning of property on the Cemetery Road to Light Industrial District (L-1) and a certain northerly portion of said area to Busi- ness District (B-1), as requested by Tino and Emma Cugini. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance changing the zoning of property located on the Cemetery Road from Suburban Residence Use District (3-1) to Light Industrial District (L-1) and a certain northern portion of said area to Business District (B-1). Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their reoommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the majority of the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the report of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that Ordinance No. 1573 be adopted as read. A roll call vote ..r being taken and all 9 Councilmen present voting ttAye,tt the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a fifth Ordinance, covering the vacation of a portion of 8th Avenue North. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance, vacating a portion of 8th Avenue North, a public street, described as ttThat portion of the north 80 feet of the SW 1/4 of Section 8, Township 23 N., Range 5 E.W.M., between the boundaries of the east margin of the Northern Pacific Railway Company, Lake Washington Branch right-of-way and the west margin of Park Street, all situated in Renton, effective from and after the 16th day of October, 1956. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delauranti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the majority of the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Richardson, seconded bar Delauranti, that Ordinance No. 1574 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all 9 Councilmen present voting ttAye,tt the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Morris stated and so moved, seconded by Vietzke, that in connection with the report received from the Renton Merchants against one-way streets received at the last Council meeting, that the part of the letter in regard to the use of a portion of the Airport property for an access road be referred to the Airport Board who has jurisdiction over this property. The motion carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman, reported that the Street and Alley Committee recommended that the Council accept the low bid of the MacRae Brothers for Alternate No. 13, for the improvement of the 40 foot roadway north of the existing Northern Pacific Railway spur track, in the amount of $32,586.00, plus the Addendum to Alternate #1, in the amount of $920.00. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. The City Engineer stated that the street would be set with a crown so that it would be acceptable also for a 55 foot street. Councilman Swift, Chairman, stated, in connection with a previous proposal, that it was the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee, that parking be restricted 169 on a trial basis, on the south side of 3rd Avenue between 4 and 5 p.m. ONLY, between Wells and Main Street in the area east of the bus stop, to see if this would give the desired effect of traffic movement without restricting parking on the entire side ---- that this would take in an area covered by 3 parking meters. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman, reported in connection with a previous proposal, that it was the recommendation of the majority of the Street & Alley Committee, that the streets north of 2nd Avenue be returned to two—way traffic, also, that it was the recommendation of the minority of the Street & Alley Committee that the streets remain "As is." Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the Minority Report of the Street & Alley Committee. A, roll call vote was taken as follows: Morris, Aye; Trimm, Aye; Reid, No; Richardson, Aye; Vietzke, No; Garre tt, .r No; Hansen, No; Swift, Aye, and Delauranti, No. There being 4 tAyets" and 5 "Notstt.9 the motion lost. After discussion, moved by Hansen, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the Majority Report of the Street & Alley Committee. A roll call vote being taken as follows: Morris, No; Trimm, No; Reid, Aye; Richardson, No; Vietzke, Aye; Garrett, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Swift, No, and Delaurenti, Aye. There being 5 "Aye'stt and 4 ttNo's,n the motion carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that this matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee to prepare the necessary Ordinance. Carried. Councilman Morris, President of the Council, requested the Council give serious consideration to the Traffic Division's, City Engineerts and Street & Alley Committee's recommendation before they take any action on the proposed Ordinance to CJ change the one—way street traffic in North Renton. 2� c' Councilman Swift further reported in regard to the request for a crosswalk on Rainier Avenue just north of 3rd Avenue, that it was the unanimous recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee that this request be denied. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. The City Clerk's Office will so advise the owner of the 0 & S Tavern. Councilman Swift referred a letter he had received to the City Clerk for reading for the Council's information. The City Clerk read the letter from Mrs. Jennie Beaman, 99 Williams Street, stating that the construction company left a hole in the street in front of her house which has not been filled in to date; that this is causing the sidewalk and parking strip to sink. Councilman Swift stated that this should be referred to the Street Commissioner for investigation, and so ordered by Mayor Baxter. Councilman Swift also reported that the Street & Alley Committee had discussed the changing of the time which is from 2 to 4 a.m. at the present, when the streets in the Business Area are to be cleared of parked cars to permit the streets to be swept, to the hours of 4 to 6 a.m., as the Street Commissioner felt he would have better control over the operation. After discussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the joint Ordinance and Street & Alley Committees for consideration and a report back. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that it was the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee, on suggestion of the Traffic Division, to allow traffic to flow more freely, that ttno parking be established on the east side of Main Street, south of 4th Avenue, at the foot of the hill for about 100 feet, across from the Ford School, to allow left turn movements at the light at 4th & Main, and not restrict north bound movement on Main Street. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift further -reported that the Street & Alley Commmittee requested that the Ordinance Committee be authorized to prepare an Ordinance covering the rights and privileges of construction workers above and below the streets -- that he understood there was some information available on this matter, and moved, seconded by Richardson, that the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee for consideration. Temporary Street Commissioner, Reuben Miller, reported that they have a copy of one r.. ordinance covering this matter and that they were waiting for a copy of Seattle's Ordinance and that he would give this information to the Ordinance Committee. The motion carried. Councilman Swift reported there would be a meeting of the Street & Alley Committee on Monday, October 15th at 8:00 p.m. The Ordinance Committee will meet with the Street & Alley Committee at this meeting for a discussion of the Ordinance restricting parking on the streets in the early mornings to permit the street sweeper to clean the streets. Councilman Swift reported that he had received a letter from the Renton Auto Brokers, regarding a parking problem. The City Clerk read the communication signed by Donald Wells, General Sales Manager, requesting permission to attend the Street & Alley Committeets next meeting for a discussion of the parallel parking signs in front of their place of business. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the communication be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for consideration and that the Renton Auto Brokers be notified of the meeting on Monday.. October 15th at 8:00 p.m., when this matter would be considered. Carried. In connection with a proposed meeting of City Representatives and the Gas Company Underwriters, in connection with the Gas Code, as it affects the City of Renton, Councilman Richardson stated that when the Building Inspector advises him of the date of the proposed meeting with the Building Department, he would be present at the meeting. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. There were 24 persons present besides City of Renton employees. City Clerk Mayor rrl Renton, Washington LL October 16, 1956 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: MORRIS, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, VIETZKE, GARRETT$ HANSEN$ SWIFT, DELAURENTI AND HEPPENSTALLe Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that Councilman Bruce be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander,_ City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Walt Will, Asst. City Engineer; Reuben Miller, Temporary Street Commissioner; Vere Thompson,Building Insp- ector and Charles Bott, Comptroller. Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, that the minutes of the Council. meeting of October 9, 1956 be approved as written. Carried. A communication was read from the Association of Washington Cities, signed by Chester Biesen, Executive Secretary, reminding the Council of the regional meetings in the area and enclosing a release for publication. The next regional meeting in the Renton Area being Thursday, October 25th at Bellevue, and Friday, October 26th at Sumner. A communication was read from Charles Dillie%lt , 904-6th Avenue Nov requesting con- sideration of two proposals for the safety of Renton employees of the Boeing Airplane Company, as follows: (1) To provide a sidewalk on the north side of 6th Avenue, and (2) To provide a pedestrian-controlled signal at the intersection of 6th Avenue North and Logan Street, to enable pedestrians to safely cross Logan Street. Moved by Morris, seconded by Heppenstall, that the communication be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for consideration. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting a proposed "Call for Bids" for the construction of a storm sewer on the south side of 3rd Avenue, west of Shattuck Street, as approved by the Council on September 11th, the date of the opening of bids being set as November 13, 1956. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the proposed call for bids and the date for the opening of bids be set as November 13, 1956. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer advising that in regard to the off-street parking variance requested by the Shaw Brothers, that it was the Engineer- ing Department's opinion that under the Zoning Ordinance, ten parking spaces would be required within 1000 feet, on property zoned for Business Parking, to meet off-street parking requirements. The City Attorney advised the Council that the zoning ordinance did not state rented space --that if at any time in the future the required space was not provided permanently, the occupancy would become void and would be illegal ---that under the zoning ordinance to legally occupy the store building the owner must provide the required amount of permanent off-street parking. After discussion, moved by Trimm, seconded by Reid, that the communication be referred to the Planning Commission with the explanation of the City Attorney and reference to the Section of the Zoning Ordin- ance which applies, for consideration at their next meeting. Carried. The City Clerk advised that the Puget Sound Power & Light Company's annual renew- al of the power pumping contract with the City had been received. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the contract be referred to the Light & Power Committee and City Attorney with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the Planning Commission, signed by C. G. Myers, Secretary, advising the following recommendations to the Council, the respective Council action follows: (1) That the Council approve the rezoning petition of Hackman-Platis to rezone from 3-1 to R-3, the property described as the north 180 feet of the north 1/2 of Plat 211, 120 feet in depth and the south 190 feet of Plat 2101, 120 feet in depth and the remainder rezoned from S-1 to R-1; both pieces of property located in the Hillman Lake Washington Garden of Eden Tracts. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. (2) That the Council approve the plat of Glen and Ella Mapes, as presented. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. (3) Mr. Myers reported, for the Council's information only, that in regard to the re- zoning petition of Mrs. R. Carter, written and verbal protests being received, that the matter was referred back to the Planning Commission Committee, which had been study- ing this petition, for further study and a survey of the area, and for a report at the next Planning Commission meeting. A communication was read from the Merchants Committee Against One Way Streets, signed by Hugh Carney, Chairman, requesting advice as to the Council's attitude with respect to extension of the ttno-parking't ban on Third Avenue. Councilman Morris, President of the Council, advised that this matter was still in the Committee, but that at the last meeting, the Council had proposed, on a trial basis only, the restriction of parking on the south side of 3rd Avenue, for the 3 parking places east of the bus stop, from 4 to 5 p.m. A communication was read from the City Attorney's Office, suggesting that the City proceed with the consideration of its garbage collection contract as originally contemplated, as it is their considered opinion that the interpretation placed on R.C.W. 35.23.352 by the Attorney General's Office in regard to garbage collection contracts, is unrealistic as the language would indicate that the annual competitive bid requirements apply only to newspaper publications and printing done on behalf of the City --that it would seem very difficult, if not impossible or at least highly expensive for the City to call for annual bids on garbage collection or electric power. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the communication be referred to the Sanitation Committee. Carried. Mr. George Thomas, Chairman of the Fire Department Civil Service Commission, stated that the Commission proposed certain changes in the present rules governing Civil Service employees in the Fire Department to conform to State Law, first that a position of Battalion Chief be created, even though the position is not filled; that State Law requires residence of one year, the rules adopted by the City in 1947 require 90 days residence, and that they are studying the possibility of lowering the age requirements, that the law requires an applicant to be an elector of the State they reside, or not less than 21 years of age, and that he felt the requirement should be changed to give the Board a wider field to secure applicants. Mr. Thomas thanked the Mayor and Council for their interest and consideration. On advice of the City Attorney that this matter would rest with the Commission, Mayor Baxter thanked Mr. Thomas for the information. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: MORRIS, TRIM., REID, RICHARDSON, VIETZKE, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT, ..r DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. In memoriam to our Street Commissioner David Pugh, Mayor Baxter, the Council, and all present at the Council meeting, stood for one minute in silence. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance in regard to drinking of alcoholic beverages on public properties within the City of Renton. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance prohibiting drinking of alcoholic beverages on public streets, alleys and other public properties within the City of Renton. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delauranti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Delauranti, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recommenda- tion of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordira nce be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Morris, seconded by Delauranti, that Ordinance No. 1575 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and. all ten Councilmen present voting "Aye,tt the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordiance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance restricting parking on a portion of 3rd Avenue and on Main Street. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance restricting and regulating parking of vehicles on certain designated streets, i.e., on the south side of third ..d Avenue between Wells Street and Main Street between 4 and 5 p.m., daily, excepting Sundays and Holidays, also, on week-days on the east side of Main Street from its intersection with 4th Avenue for a distance of 100 feet south therefrom. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Delauranti, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that Ordinance No. 1576 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all ten Councilmen present vot- ing 'tAye,tt the motion unanimously carried. 1 .3 Councilman Richardson, Chairman, Ordinance Committee, reported that he had one more Ordinance that the Committee would like to request be acted on by the Council as a Whole, in regard to ore-way streets. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance, amending Sec. 1 of Ordinance No. 1543, establishing and designating certain streets, regulating traffic and providing for the erection of signs, markings and signals, therefor, as follows: that the following streets in the City of Renton between the terminal points defined, are established and designated as ONE-WAY STREETS, upon which vehicular traffic shall travel only in the direction stated for each street: Third Avenue - from Rainier Avenue to the intersection of 3rd Avenue & Walla Walla Avenue, travel to be Eastbound; Walla Walla Avenue - from the intersection of 3rd Avenue & Walla Walla Avenue to Mill Street, travel to be Eastbound; Second Avenue - from Main Street to Rainier Avenue, travel to be Westbound; Bronson Way - from Mill Street to Main Street, travel to be Westbound; Mill Street - from Walla Walla Avenue to Bronson Way, travel to be 'Northbound; Main Street - from Third Avenue to Walla Walla Avenue, travel to be Southbound; Wells Street - from Grady Way to Second Avenue, travel to be Northbound; Williams Street - from Second Avenue to Grady Way, travel to be Southbound; Burnett Street, East half - from Fourth Avenue to Second Avenue, travel to be North- bound; Burnett Street, West half - from Second Avenue to Fourth Avenue, travel to be South- bound; Morris Street - from Second Avenue to Third Avenue, travel to be Southbound. :J Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its r'a second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the proposed Ordinance be adopted as read. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Morris, No; Trimm, No; Reid, Aye; Richardson, No; Vietzke, Aye; Garrett, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Swift, No; Delaurenti, Aye, and Heppenstall, No. There being 5 "Ayetstt and 5 "Nots,tt Mayor Baxter stated that as he had not seen the Ordinance before, and until he had an opportunity to study same, that he would not vote. On advice of the City Attorney that the motion could be left on the floor until, but no longer than the next meeting --and that it was up to the Mayor to vote in case of a tie, the matter was held until the next Council meeting. Councilman Vietzke, Chairman, reported in regard to the purchase of materials and supplies for the improvement of the streets in the Earlington Addition, that the Ways and Means Committee recommended that the materials be paid for from Cumulative Fund No. 1182, and so moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Vietzke, and carried. rr.r Councilman Reid reported that the Light & Power Committee would meet at 9:00 a.m. Wednesday morning with the City Engineer and City Attorney. Councilman Garrett, Chairman, Sanitation Committee, stated that in regards to the bids received for the private collection of garbage, that this matter remain in the Committee, and that a meeting be set for Monday, October 22nd at 7:30 p.m., for further consideration of the bids and that all those who submitted bids be invited to attend the meeting. Councilman Swift, Chairman, Street & Alley Committee, reported that the request of Mrs. Peggy Scott of 427 Williams Street, through her attorney, A. M. Roberts of Brightman, Roberts & Holm, which had previously been referred to the Street & Alley Committee and Planning Commission for investigation and a report back, that after consideration by the Committee, it was their recommendation that the matter be referred to the Planning Commission for action, and so moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, and carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman, reported in regard to the proposed change in time for the streets to be cleared for sweeping same, in the core area in the early morning hours, that the Street & Alley Committee recommended to the Street Commissioner that the time be changed from 2 to 4 a.m. to 4 to 6 a.m., and that the core area be zoned into four separate areas of one-half hour each, with the idea this would minimize the complaints received and permit a closer supervision of the sweeping --that a proposed schedule prepared by the Street Commissioner, had been referred to the Ordinance Committee. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee to draft the necessary Ordinance. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman, stated that it was the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee that negotiations be commenced as soon as possible with the Puget Sound Power & Light Company to acquire a 60-foot right-of-way from 96th Avenue So., produced north to Grady Way, The City Attorney reported that this matter had been referred to their office serveral months ago and that they had contacted the Puget Sound Power & Light Company requesting their consideration of same and stating that he had just recently been advised by Mr. William Williams, Vice President and Mr. Charles McGarrigle, Manager, that they had granted the Ci.tyts request and would issue the City a quit claim deed for this 60-foot right-of-way, free of charge, and that the deed would be sent to the City within the next few days. .rp , Councilman Heppenstall, Chairman of the Public Relations Committee, reported that he had talked with Mr. Perry and Mr. Whitman of the Gladding McBean Company and that they had advised that they had planned to do something about the dust from the kiln within the next few weeks--that they plan to close the kiln down and install a new air and water filtering system, to be operated by gas. Councilman Heppenstall, Chairman of the Public Relations Committee, was granted more time in regard to the variance request of Mr. Warren Lindblad of the Renton Prescription Pharmacy. Councilman Swift, Chairman, reported that the Street & Alley Committee had received a proposal from Charles Shane, who is developing housing in the Earlington Area, to sell a strip of ground approximately 60 feet in width to the west of Lind Street, to the City of Renton for approximately $200.00 --that it is Mr. Shanets proposal that if the City would purchase the land he would surface the area similar to the portion already completed and that when completed, the City would have approximately 200 ft. of surfaced 60-foot street which dead-ends, and that it is the recommendation of the Committee that the City does not accept the proposal at this time, and so moved by Trimm, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift requested that the Engineering Department be authorized to prepare plans and a cost estimate for the installation of traffic signals on 6th Avenue- North at both Park Street and Logan Street. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Swift, that the Clrkts Office contact the Boeing Airplane Company to see if they would consider moving one of their traffic signal lights on Logan Street to 6th Avenue North for pedestrian cross traffic. Councilman Swift further reported that it was the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee, that plans and a cost estimate be prepared for the development of suitable plans for Burnett Street as a through North & South Street --that this proposal would require considerable work and an additional bridge, and that they would like to know this cost for their future planning. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, that the City Engineer be authorized to prepare this estimate for the Street & Alley Committee, Carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delauranti, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. There were 12 persons present besides City ..r of Renton employees. City Clerk Mayor nr E� Renton, Washington October 23, 1956 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, RICHARDSON, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI & HEPPENSTALL. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that Councilman Reid be granted a 30-day Leave of Absence and Councilman Morris, Bruce and Vietzke be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Ben Hayes, Assistant City Engineer; Vere Thompson, Building Inspector and Charles Bott, Comptroller. w.r An acknowledgement of sympathy was read from the Dave Pugh .family. A request to install a pin ball machine in her place of business known as Mary's Coffee Shop located at the Renton Airport, was read from Mary E. Lusian, Owner, and on motion of Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, was referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the Bishop, Renton Ward of the Church of the Latter- Day Saints requesting Council consideration of (1) a "loading Only Zone" for two or three car lengths immediately in front of their front door, or (2) a "cross walk area?' painted at the north section of 3rd Place and Shattuck on both streets at this inter- C1 section, and a second cross walk further up the street (where their property ,joins the 2f? Medical-Dental Clinics. They further request Council opinion as to outside lights to c"' brighten up 3rd Place in front of their building during their evening meetings. �= Councilman Trimm stated that under the Traffic Ordinance No, 1048, Sec. 360 provision was made for "Loading & Unloading Areastt and that the Temporary Street Commissioner should be instructed to so mark the street in front of the church, and moved by Trim, seconded by Hansen, that the remainder of the letter be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. A request was read from the MacRae Brothers, Contractors, for 6 day extension on their contract for the improvement of 6th Avenue North due to inclement weather, and on advice of the City Engineer that this request was in order, moved by Richardson, Seconded by Heppenstall, that the request be granted, providing approval of the surety on the Bond is obtained. Carried. A communication was read, signed by J. T. Moore, Western Manager, Industrial Development for the Northern Pacific Railway Company, and To B. Monson, General Manager and Vice President of the Pacific Car & Foundry Company, referring to recent meetings of their representatives with the Council and other City Officials in regard to the application for a renewal of the franchise for the spur track in 6th Avenue North serving the Pacific Car & Foundry Company, that they were advised because of the im- provement it was necessary that the franchise provide, (a) That the franchise right-of—way be paved to its full width, west of Park Street at no expense to the City. (b) That no railroad cars at any time be spotted or stored on the franchise track, west of the east line of Park Street. (c) That switching or movement of railroad cars or engines on the franchise track, west of the east line of Park Street, will not be permitted during the peak vehicular traffic hours of 7 to 8 a.m. and 4 to 5 p.m., that he has been authorized by both the Northern Pacific and Pacific Car Officers to advise the City that, if the Council will grant the requested franchise, the Northern Pacific Railway Company and Pacific Car & Foundry Company will meet the City's require- ments, as follows: (1) At no cost or expense to the City, reconstruct that part of the spur track in 6th Avenue North, and pave the franchise right-of-way to its full 15 foot width from where the spur track enters 6th Avenue North, near Burnett Street, easterly to the west line of the existing pavement in Park Street. (2) Construct a side track on the Northern Pacific's right-of-way between 6th Avenue North, and 8th Avenue North, which will be used for the storage of railroad cars being moved to or from the Pacific Car's plant. Upon completion of this side track the Northern Pacific and Pacific Car will cease to store cars on the franchise track in 6th Avenue North, west of the east line of Park Street. (3) Immediately that the new siding is completed, the Northern Pacific and Pacific Car will arrange their switching schedules so that there will be no movement or switch- ing of railroad cars over the franchise spur, west of the east line of Park Street, between the peak vehicular traffic hours of 7 to 8 a.m. and 4 to �.p.m. That in regard to (1), the work would be completed as soon as possible, in no event later than February 28, 1956, expiration date of the existing franchise. (A letter attached, dated October 23, 1956 stated, that as there was a question as to the correct location of the south line of 6th Avenue North which may delay some of the work of reconstructing and aligning the track, and paving the franchise right-of-way, that the completion date of February 282 1956, was contingent upon the City's early advice as to the true location of the south line of the street. That in regard to Item (2)9 in connection with easing traffic over 6th Avenue North, the Northern Pacific will consent to the establishment by the City of a grade crossing of the Railway's Belt Line right-of-way along the line of 4th Avenue North, extended between Burnett & Logan Streets. That in regard to Item (3), They request use of the spur track in 6th Avenue North, prohibiting at all times the parking or standing of automobiles, trucks or other vehicles on the franchise right-of-ways to avoid interference with railroad operation. That these commitments are authorized by the Northern Pacific's General Manager con- tingent upon the City agreeing to prohibit such parking. They further state that following a survey of the work involved, the Northern Pacific's Engineering Department has prepared a detailed estimate which shows that it will cost nearly $35,000.00 to reconstruct the franchise spur, pave the franchise right-of-way and construct the new storage or interchange siding, which is nearly $10,000.00 more than their previous rough estimate, and that to protect their large expenditure, they request a new franchise for a minimum term of 30 years. A copy of a proposed franchise ordinance was enclosed. A communication was read from the City Engineer stating that the engineering construction survey for the improvement of 6th Avenue revealed an enroachment of private property along the south line as established from the existing center line of 6th Avenue North that the property owners disputed the enroachment and that after consultation with the City Attorney, it was held to be urgent that the City proceed with a special survey of the property which was made by K. J. Oyler, Professional Engineer, and that the survey presents evidence to justify the contention of the property owners; that the centerline of 6th Avenue North was established correctly working south from the section line along 8th Avenue North --that the property south of 6th Avenue was surveyed by plat measure- ment from street monuments on 5th Avenue N., and that the two surveys result in an overlap of 7.22 feet on 6th Avenue N. at Burnett Street, which decereases proportionately to Park Street, permitting the unobstructed 60 foot right-of-way at Park Street, The City Engineer stated that the status of the restricted street right-of-way prohibits the Northern Pacific Railway Company from moving the Pacific Car & Foundry spur to final position which in turn reduces the roadway improvement being constructed by MacRae Brothers to 36 feet in width and that he believes it is essential to proper planning that the City move to acquire the restricting private property in order to improve the street to its maximum width, also that the immediate action of intent is required so as to advise the Northern Pacific Railway Company. The City Engineer explained that apparently the south side of 6th Avenue North was made by a paper survey and when the lot lines were laid out the south side was off. The communication from the City Attorney's Office, signed by Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, to Mr. D. J. Euler, Asst. to the Senior Vice President-Operations, regarding the improvement of 6th Avenue North, was read, stating that in regard to their conversation this date relative to the certain problems encountered by the City and the contractor in the improvement of 6th Avenue N., the City having signed a contract with the MacRae Brothers for the improvement of 40', well under way at this time, that in expediting this work it is necessary for the Northern Pacific to move a portion of its tracks, especially near the intersection of 6th Avenue N., with Williams St. as said tracks are partially outside the franchised area --and in regard to the relocation of said tracks it appears there is some dispute or at least uncertainty regarding the boundaries, as the owners abutting said street maintain that said right-of-way is less than 60', while the City's engineering staff believes that certain fences and other buildings are enroaching upon the right-of-way; that an additional survey will be necessary to resolve the issue, and in order not to waste any time, but to allow the contractor to proceed on the basis of a 36' improve- ment at this time, instead of 401, so that the railroad tracks will not have to be moved immediately; that thereafter when the issue of the true boundary lines has been established that the additional 4' improvement be completed together with the balance of the street within the franchised area --that they ask Boeing's consent as the total cost of the improvement will now be somewhat less than the bid price submitted, and it is the City's desire to use the difference between the total cost price of the 36' improvement and the total contract price as contained in Boeing's letter of October, 1956, at a later date --that the Boeing Company would be agreeable to place said difference as aforementioned at the City's disposal at the time the balance of the street has been improved; that it was understood in the City Attorney's conversation Now with Mr. Bisbee this date that the City may proceed on the basis above outlined, so as not to delay the contractor in meeting the scheduled completion date --that a letter advising the foregoing is satisfactory to Boeing would be appreciated. The City Attorney stated that assuming there is a discrepancy on the plat and on the ground, there is a question as to who is to bear the loss --that all of the property owners should share pro-rata in the loss, or the City may negotiate with the respective property owners to see if they can acquire by negotiations this strip of property which would give the City the full 601 right-of-way --that if this fails the City should move to acquire by condemnation, or to work toward an over-all adjustment and try to get all of the property owners to adjust their boundaries, that the quickest way would be to PAW x tai negotiate with the people. The City Engineer stated the difficulty was that they were not sure where the center-line of 6th Avenue was located. The City Clerk, being one of the abutting property owners, whose property is affected by the survey of 6th Ave. North, stated that a survey of his property some years before showed the property line to be where he had placed his fence along 6th Ave. N. The City Engineer stated that power line poles on the opposite side would have to be moved to widen the street on the north side, and that one of the traffic lanes would have to be located over one of the railroad tracks --that perhaps the traffic could straddle the tracks. The City Engineer stated that the Northern Pacific Railway Company would like to get the Council's thinking on this matter tonight. The City Attorney suggested that before the Council decided to narrow the right-of-way, or leave the railroad tracks where they are now, that he thinks it might be worth our while to have someone contact the property owners in question to see if arrangem ents could be made to purchase the strip of land from Of at Park Street to 7.22' at Burnett St., if the City could get same for a reasonable prive, as in the long run this would be better to have a street 60' wide --then, if they could not come to an agreement, the street could be cut down in width, or it could be left with an uneven boundary. After discussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Garrett, the matter be referred to the Street & Alley Committee with the possibility the Committee could meet this week with the City Engineer, and that if they feel it is necessary to discuss the matter with the entire Council, that the Mayor call a special meeting for further discussion along the lines of the City Attorney's suggestion. Carried. "D r\1 A communication was read from Walt Will, the Assistant City Engineer, for the tr., Council's information, advising as follows: (1) That he and the fire Chief had met with Miss Burdulis, who owns the building at 239 Wells Street and advised her what had to be done to make the building fit for occupancy in the section that was vacant, also changes required for other sections of the building were pointed out, which requirements Miss Burdulis assured them would be taken care of. (2) That in regard to the property at 507 Walla Walla, Mr. Baele, the owner of the property was contacted and has offered to remove everything but the front unit, which his father occupies and that as soon as his father is gone he will remove the unit. (3) That a communication has been written to Mr. McGoldrick at 820 M Street in regard to complaints received at this address, but that to date they have not received a reply. A communication from the Cit En re Y Engineer in regard to the proposal submitted by Charles Dillie, 904 6th Avenue N., was read, stating that he had informed the City Clerk that he believed it advisable to withhold submitting the proposal to the Boeing Airplane Company in view of a recent discussion he had with the Boeing Engineer assigned to this planning --that it is their opinion that the signal at 8th Avenue N. should remain in operation at that intersection, and secondly, the 8th Avenue North signal would not be adequate for the 6th Ave. traffic control and that a new installa- tion is indicated at this intersection. This being the date set for the hearings on the MacSpadden and Wakelam Annexations, and there being no written or verbal protests, it was moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that both proposed annexations be referred to the Ordinance Committee to draft ordinance. Carried. In regard to the proposed Ordinance covering one-way streets in the City of Renton which had been placed before the Council for vote at the August 16th Council meeting, and there being a tie vote of 5 "Aye's" and 5 "No's", Mayor Baxter stated that he wished to vote "No" on this motion, but that there was a typographical error in the proposed Ordinance suggested that a new Ordinance be drafted to cover two-way traffic on Main Street and Bronson Way, that has been changed to two-way traffic. Moved by Delauranti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Ordinance Committee be authorized to prepare an Ordiance including changes recommended by Mayor Baxter. Carried. The City Attorney explained that in amending Ordinance No. 1543, one item was overlooked on Bronson Way, which was a typographical error, that the Council could delete the one line from the „�. proposed Ordinance. On request of Councilman Richardson, Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order bey, Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: Trimm, Richardson, Garrett, Hansen, Swift, Delauranti and Heppenstall. Councilman Richardson stated that the Ord inance Committee was re-submitting the proposed Ordinance on One-Way Streets ; that the typographical error had been corrected. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance amending Section I or Ordinance No. 1543, establishing and designating certain streets within the City of Renton as one-way streets, regulating traffic, and providing for the erection of signs, markings and signals therefor. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, stated that the Majority of the Ordinance Committee did not report favorably on the proposed Ordinance; that the Minority of the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the Majority Report of the Ordinance Committee. Carried. The Ordinance was reported 1'Dead.tt Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Resolution, covering the transfer of money within the Civil Defense Fund, which had been called to the Ordinance Committeets attention by Charles Botts, Comptroller. The City Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 909, authorizing and directing the City Treasurer to make and execute the transfer of $250.00 from "Executive Directorts Expense's (Maintenance and Operation), unto "Radio, Technical AppliancesT1 (Maintenance and Operation). The Executive Director of Civil Defense, Fire Chief Floyd Lawrence, stated that this would allow the purchase of an extra piece of radio equipment that the Civil Defense needs. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that the Council adopt Resolution No. 909 as read. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Resolution granting and approving the preliminary plat, as presented by Glen Mapes. The City Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 910, granting and approving the proposed plat as presented, modified and revised by Glen Mapes. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delauranti, that the Council adopt Resolution No. 910 as read. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Resolution changing the zoning of certain property. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance, changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City of Renton from Suburban Residence District (S-1) to Residence Single Family District (R-1) and Residence District (R-3)0 as requested by Hackman- Platis, the property be= ing Lots 2100 211 and 213 in C. D. Hillmants Lake Washington Garden of Eden tracts, located adjacent to the west of 116th Avenue S.E., bounded on the north by S.E. 108th Street and on the south by S.E. 112th Street. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Majority of the Ordinance Co rmittee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Majority of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the wJ second and final reading, moved by Delauranti, seconded by Richardson, that Ordinance No. 1577 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all 7 Councilmen present voting "Aye,t' the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee had met with the Street & Alley Committee, Chief of Police and Temporary Street Commissioner, and would like to present a proposed Ordiance with the changes in time for the streets to be vacated, including the establishing of zones, and outlining the respective times for sweeping the certain zones. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance restricting and regulating parking of vehicles on certain designated streets and prohibiting placing of obstructions thereon within the City of Renton and repealing Ordinance No. 1548; that the parking of vehicles and placing of any obstructions on the following described streets, during the hours specified daily is prohibited. Between the hours of 4:00 a.m. to 4:30 a.m. daily: Second Avenue from Mill Street to Main Street Mill Street from Bronson Way to Walla Walla Avenue Main Street from 3rd Avenue to 2nd Avenue Third Avenue from Main Street to Burnett Street Between the hours of 4:30 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. daily: Main Street from 3rd Avenue to 4th Avenue Fourth Avenue from Main Street to Burnett Street Wells Street from 4th Avenue to 2nd Avenue Between the hours of 5:00 a.m. to 5:30 a.m. daily: Walla Walla from Burnett street to Mill Street Williams Street from 4th Avenue to 2nd Avenue Between the hours of 5:30 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. daily: Burnett Street from 2nd Avenue to 4th Avenue Logan Street from 3rd Avenue to 2nd Avenue Moved by Trimm, seconded by Swift, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Councilman Richardson stated also, that it was the recommendation of the Joint Committees, that the signs indicating the hours the certain streets are to be vacated be changed prior to the Ordinance being put in effect, and that the Majority of the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Trimm, seconded by 17 Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Majority of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Swift, seconded by Delauranti, that Ordinance No. 1578 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all 7 Council- men present voting "Aye,t' the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Power Pumping Contract which had been referred to the Light & Power Committee at the last Council meeting, and with power to act, had been approved by the Committee, was presented this evening under a pro- posed Resolution and moved, seconded by Hansen, that it be Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign Resolution No. 911. Carried. Councilman Garrett stated that the Sanitation Committee had met and studied NN" and considered all bids received for the collection of refuse and that they recommended that the bid of the Western Disposal Company be accepted as the best bid, as far as benefits to be received by the City are concerned --that one of the bids received did not meet the specifications as they did not bid a firm price, and of the other two, the equipment of one was not suitable for use in City of Renton alleys, that it was the Committee's decision that the bid of the Western Disposal Company was the lowest responsible bid. The bid of the Western Disposal Company is as follows: Commercial Rate: $0.20 per can, first 20 cans or unit per month, 0.122 per can for each additional can or unit, with a minimum rate of $1.22 per month. Residential Rate: (Cans not exceeding 25' from point of pickup) $1.22 per month for !hd not more than 2 cars per week, $0.50 per month for each additional L� can per week thereafter, WITH THE FOLLOWING SUGGESTED RATES TO THE CUSTOMER - any difference between the contract ,price and the customer price to cover the cost of administration, billing and dump rental. Commercial Rate: $0.25 per can, first 20 cans or unit per month, $0.15 per can over 20 cans or units, MINDRA4 CHARGE - $1.35 per month. Residential Rate: (Cans not exceeding 25 feet from point of pickup) $1.35 - not more than 2 cans per week. $1.85 - not more than 3 cans per week. $2.35 - not more than 4 cans per week. $2.85 - not more than .5 cans per week, with a corresponding charge for cans placed at a greater distance. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Sanitation Committee that the bid of the Western Disposal Company be accepted, that the contractor start making collections on January 1, 1957, and that the matter of dump rental be referred to the Ordinance Committee to draft the necessary Ordinance covering same. Carried. The Council was informed that the Contractor had advised the City that they would appreciate any City Employees presently working on garbage collection contact them in regard to working for them as their knowledge of the City and their past experience would be helpful to the Contractor. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee, requested the City Engineer and Fire Chief to investigate the two requests for street vacations in Earlington Addition as soon as possible, so the Committee would be able to consider the requests further. Councilman Heppenstall, Chairman of the Public Relations Committee, reported that in reviewing the variance request of Mr. Warren Lindblad, they had found that the Ordiance restricts any kind of advertising in this area, that the building permit was so noted, that the architect and owner of the building were both aware of this restric- tion and should have advised the lessee --that under the Ordinance, the Planning Commission has the authority to reject any request for variance without the concurrence of the Council and that on rejection by the Planning Commission, Mr. Lindblad has the right to appeal to the Council, and that the Committee felt that the Secretary of the Planning Commission should notify all persons whose variance requests are not granted, and so moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Delauranti, that in the future, the Secretary of the Planning Commission so notify any, and/or all persons whose variance requests are not granted by the Planning Commission and that the City Clerk's Office notify Mr. Lindblad of the Planning Commission's and Council's action this evening and that he has ... a right to appeal to the Council. Carried. Mayor Baxter appointed Councilman Richardson as a member of the Street & Alley Committee during Councilman Reid's absence. A communication was read from the Carpenter's Union, Local 1797, signed by Earl Bohanan, Recording Secretary, stating that their Union, in regular stated meeting, Resolves that the City of Renton and Public Housing Authority, are operating Cedar River Park Apartments in unfair competition with other local rental units of private builders and owners and further Resolve, that the City of Renton and Public Housing O Authority raise the rents ofCedar River Park Apartments to $70.00 per month in uniform— ity with private rentals. As this matter was not for the Councilts consideration, the communication is to be forwarded to the Renton Housing Authority for their action. Councilman Swift stated there would be a meeting of the Street & Alley Committee Thursday evening at 8:00 p.m6 with the Police Chief, City Engineer and City Attorney. Councilman Delaurenti stated that as a new motorcycle for the Police Department is included. in the 1957 Budget, that he would like to request that the call for bids be issued at this time, and that the date for the opening of bids be set as November 200 1956, and so moved, seconded by Richardson, and carried. In connection with the proposed Franchise for the Northern Pacific Railway Company for the spur track to the Pacific Car & Foundry Company, the City Attorney stated that Mr. Watson, the Assistant to the Manager of the Railroad, had submitted a proposed Franchise Ordinance with the letter read earlier this evening from Mr. J. T. Moore and that the basic problem before the Council was the one of the duration of the franchise --that the City Attorney's Office had already suggested three changes in the proposed franchise; that the Council should consider same and give an indication as to their wishes in regard to the franchise in general and the duration of same. In regard to the length of the franchise, the City Attorney stated that he would not recommend a 30 year franchise. Councilman Richardson requested that the Ordinance Committee be given more time to consider the proposed Franchise and stated that there would be an Ordinance Committee meeting Tuesday, October 30th at 7:30 p.m. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Hansen, that the meeting adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. There were 16 persons present besides City of Renton employees. City Clerk Mayor ... Renton, Washington November 13, 1956 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: MORRIS, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, VIETZKE, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURANTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Rueben Miller, Temporary Street Commissioner; Walt Will, Asst. City Engineer; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Charles Bott, Comptroller. Moved by Swift, seconded by Garrett, that the minutes of the Council meeting of .OUP October 23rd be approved as written. Carried. (There was no Council meeting held on November 6, 1956 - Election Day). A communication was read from the Renton Jaycees, signed by Stanley Be Fournier, Chairman of the Street Decoration Committee, outlining their proposed Christmas Street Decoration program, which includes decoration of the streets and lamp post, also music. Moved by Delauranti, seconded by Morris, that the Council concur in the program as outlined by the Jaycees. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Central Labor Council, signed by Charles W. Paddock, Secretary Pro-Tem, requesting information as to whether there was a limit earnings placed upon the tenants living at Cedar River, and whether this was being en- forced, that they felt there were tenants there who could well afford other housing C leaving the Cedar River apartments open for the lower wage group and thereby encourage more new construction in the area. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that this communication be referred to the Housing Authority for action. Moved by Delauranti, seconded by Vietzke, that the motion be amended that the Housing Authority representa- tives be requested to attend a meeting with the Council for a review of this matter. The amendment carrier, and the motion as amended then carried. A communication was read from the Stoneway Sand & Gravel Company, signed by Howard Stanford, Office Manager, filing a lien against Thorburn & Logozo, the Maplewood Storm Sewer contractor in the amount of $484.46, plus collection and attorney►s fees of $350.00, a total of $834.46. On suggestion of Councilman Reid, the matter was referred to the City Attorney and City Engineer for action. A request was read from the City Clerk for authorization for the Housing Authority to make the necessary remodeling changes in the Clerkts office, as outlined, to provide more working space. Moved by Bruce, secon ded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the request of the City Clerk and the communication be referred to the Housing Authority for action. Carried. A communication was read from Ang Busato, Police Chief, requesting the retirement dates of three Police Department personnel (James Chadwick, Ernest Isackson and Fred Allingham) who will retire in the near future unless their retirement dates are extended, be extended to the same date, i.e., December 1, 1957 to minimize the office work involved in extending the retirement dates individually. The Police Chief stated that all three are in good health and are capable of performing duties in a most satisfactory manner and will give the City several years of good service if their time is extended. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the request of the Police Chief. Carried. A communication was read from the Planning Commission, signed by C. G. Myers, Secretary, stating the following recommendations: (1) That the A. Crawford plat be accepted. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. (This property is located on the south side of 12th Ave. N., extending to llth Ave. N. (extended), bound on the west by N Place (extended). (2) That the variance request of Mr. J. H. Shaw be referred to the Council with the explanation that their original recommendation (that if they showed evidence that the .� parking spaces had been secured for their off-street parking requirements that their variance be granted) was based on Article 5 of Section XVIII, where, by specific determination, the Planning Commission may authorize a variance from the strict applica- tion of any of the requirements of this Ordinance, wherein the strict application would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship, and would deprive the owner of reasonable use of the land or building involved. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Richardson, that the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee for investigation and a report back of their findings. Carried. (3) That the Council approve the request of Mrs. Peggy Scott to resurface two lots, as described, for parking purposes. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. 182 A second communication was read from the Planning Commission, signed by C. G. Myers, Secretary, stating that in regard to the rezoning petition of Mrs. R. Carter, that the Investigation Committee had reported that rezoning of the described property from R-1 to R-2 would be spot zoning and could therefore not be recommended ---that the R-2 zoning would not be inconsistent with the overall future development of Renton Hill, but that the property owners themselves should be the ones to initiate any action along this line, and recommended, concurred in by the Planning Commission, that the petition be denied. After discussion, no further action being necessary, Mrs. R. Carter is to be advised that her request has been denied and that no further action will be taken by the Council, but that she has the right to appeal. A communication was read from the Boeing Airplane Company, Transport Division, signed by N. D. Morgan, Facilities Administrator, Planning & Layout, in connection with the installation of traffic lights at the intersection of 6th Avenue North with Logan and Park Streets, that as traffic is increasing steadily, tending to increase the probability of accidents occuring at these intersections, and as the accident experience at 6th Avenue North and Logan is unusually high at the present time, it is felt that installation of traffic lights at these intersections at the earliest practical date is a necessity. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the matter be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting a proposed "Call for Bids' for the purchase of water pipe for the supply line to serve the Boeing Airplane Company, and adjacent undeveloped industrial areas --that he has specified the pur- chase of asbestos-cement (transite) pipe under this proposal because of the acid con- dition of the soil which is corrosive to metal pipe. The City Engineer further states that normally a bid proposal for water line construction would specify the furnishing and installation of the pipe by the contractor --that the Boeing Airplane Company's building schedule demands a minimum loss of time by the City for this water supply and that the purchase of the pipe by the City would expedite the construction by 3 or 4 weeks. The proposed 12-inch industrial water supply line is designed to be constructed on 3rd Avenue North from Houser Way North to Garden Street, thence north on Garden Street to 8th Avenue North. The Boeing line being 8 inches on 8th Avenue North from Garden Street to Park Street. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer, the date of November 27, 1956 being set for the opening of bids. Carried. A request was read from the MacRae Brothers, Contractors on the 6th Avenue North ... Improvement, for extension of the completion date to November 34th, due to consistent rains which have made road sub-grade unworkable. The surety on the contract had signed their consent to the extension, as recommended by the City Engineer. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. The petition for rezoning of certain property on the corner of Langston Road and Hardie Street (91st Avenue) as described, as requested by Margaret Hardie Cook, not having previously been to the Building Department for transmittal to the Planning Commission, was on motion of Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, referred to the Building Inspector to check the signatures on the petition and that the petitioners be notifiedv so that they may, if interested, attend the Planning Commission meeting and/or hearing. Carried. A communication was read from the City Attorney, to Mayor Baxter, enclosing the proposed lease with the Seattle Plywood Company for approval and for the City Engineer to check the legal description. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the proposed lease be referred to the Property Committee, City Engineer and City Attorney for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Dora Holmes, requesting permission again to sell her lunchroom business in the City Hall, as her personal obligations make it impossible for her to continue its operation. Mrs. Holmes states that she has a lady who would like to buy her business and take it over as of Monday, November 19. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, that the request be referred to the Property Committee with power ... to act. A communication from Elizabeth A. Dean requesting Council approval to lease the premises known as Dora's Coffee Shop in the City Hall was read. Mrs. Dean states that she has had experience in this type of business. A second communication from Mrs. Catherine A. Kindred, was read, requesting permission to manage the lunch room. Mrs. Kindred stated that she has had six months experience previously as manager of the lunch room. The motion to refer Mrs. Holmes' request, also the additional requests of Mrs. Dean and Mrs. Kindred, to the Property Committee with power to act then carried. Mayor Baxter asked the Property Committee to investigate the proposal that a notation be included in any future leases that the equipment and/or personal property should be that of the Housing Authority rather than that of the leasee. 183. A communication was read from 0. E. Marr, Pastor of the Assembly of God Church in Renton, stating that they have secured an option on the south 2 lots of Block 61, Latimer's N.H. Lake Washington Plat for a new church site --that the lots are 112.5 feet and 90 feet, a total of 202.5 feet, which leaves one lot in the block (of 67.5 feet in width) just south and adjoining a 60-foot roadway, undeveloped. Mr. Marr requests the vacation of this road, presently before the Council, be withheld for the following reasons: (1) Due to an error in the survey there is a shortage of approximately 30-feet in this block, and if possible they would like to use this roadway area for a cushion to take up the shortage, (2) that the road, even though narrow, would be be desirable for access to the proposed development of said block, and (3) that they be given time for a survey of the property to determine the actual facts. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Richardson, that the request be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for con- sideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from S. J. Ristesund, Pastor of the Renton Lutheran Church, requesting a variance to expand their present building program, i.e., to extend the present building and the proposed new addition to the sidewalk on Second Avenue, Mr. Ristesund stated that the plan had been referred to the Planning Commissions who had advised him to apply to the City Council, also, that the School Board has no objection to their plans. A sketch of the proposed remodel church was attached. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the request be referred to the Planning Commission for consideration and a report back. Carried. r\I A communication was read from the Renton's Westway Business Association, signed In, by Ron Pratt, Chairman of the Parking Lot Committee, enclosing a letter from their �= Committee to Mr. Heath, Superintendent of the Seattle Water Department. The communica- tion requested use of Seattle right-of-way water property between Morris Street and Shattuck Street, parallel to Third Avenue --that if permission is granted, they would like as a community project, to resurface, or otherwise make available for public park- ing, said property. Mr. Pratt states that the committee feels that this would be a service to the Community as well as to the City of Seattle from the standpoint of service and inspection. They request arrangements be made for Mr. Heath to discuss this matter in detail with the Committee. Councilman Delaurenti and Mayor Baxter both stated they felt the City should give this group any assistance possible and so moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the group be so advised by the Mayor by letter. Carried. A memo was read, inquiring as to the source of funds to cover an attached invoice and itemized statement, from the Puget Sound Power & Light Company in the amount of $560.64, covering the rerouting of a power line from near the swimming pool, as auth- orized by the Council, the City's letter of 7-11-56. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that the memo and invoice be referred to the Ways and Means Committve with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the City Attorneyts Office advising the Mayor and Council that some time ago the Street & Alley Committee had requested their office to negotiate with the Puget Sound Power & Light Company for the acquisition of a right-of- way from 96th Avenue South to Grady Way --that they had received and were enclosing the quit claim deed for the right-of-way and request the City Engineer to check the legal description for accuracy and that the City note certain restrictions and reserva- tions in the deed --and suggesting that the City accept the deed and forward a letter of thanks to the Puget Sound Power & Light Company for their courteous cooperation, and so moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Hansen, and carried. City Attorney Gerard Shellan advised the Council that restrictions and reservations were standard and covered certain rights to install and maintain transmission lines, etc. (The Mayor's Office will forward a letter to the Power Company.) A communication signed by Paul L. Elfers was read, stating a petition was attched signed by 49 property owners in the Talbot Hill Area in the City of Renton, requesting as follows: (1) That the City of Renton operate the facilities known as King County Water District #78 as an integral part of the City's water system, and (2) that the monthly water schedules and charges to the water users be the same as is now in effect by the City of Renton. This group requests the Council's early attention to this matter, and also thanked the Mayor, Council, legal advisors and other persons for their cooperation in the annexation Ir oceedings of Talbot Hill to the City of Renton. As this matter had previously been referred to the Fire & Water Committee, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Delauranti, that the petition be referred to the Fire & Water Committee for their consideration. Carried. A communication was read from Mayor Baxter appointing Mr. James Dunstan as Super- intendent of Utilities effective December 1, 1956 (or thereafter) and requesting Council concurrence. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the appointment by Mayor Baxter. Carried. 84 1, This being the date set for the opening of bids for the bookkeeping and billing machine for the City Treasurerts Office, the following bids were opened and read. BIDDER AMtT OF BID SALES TAX TOTAL BID National Cash Register $4t730.00 T1_57_-T7_ $4,887.57 Burroughs 4,995.00 166.50 5,161.50 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that the bids be referred to the Property Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. This also being the date set for the opening of bids for the improvement of storm sewers on 3rd Avenue, from Shattuck Street to Rainier Avenue, the following bids were opened and read. BIDDER AMtT OF BID BIDDER AMtT OF BID 1. John Patricelli 13,484.00 5. Joe Colucco 10,099.00 2. MacRae Bros. 9,515.50 6. 0. R. Alia 9,536.13 .r 3. Thorburn & Logozo 10,576.00 7. Frank Coluccio 6,929.02 4. Imhof & Johnson 12,619.25 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the bids be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, reported that he would like to present a proposed Ordinance of annexation, as recommended by the Planning Commission and Council. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance, annexing certain territory, as requested by Mrs. Illeana MacSpadden, lying west of the Wallin & Edwards lst Addition, between South 128th & South 132nd and between 84th and 87th Avenues South, approximately one acre in size, to the City of Renton. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delauranti, seconded by Richardson, that Ordinance No. 1579 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all eleven Councilmen present voting "Aye,tl the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, reported that he would like to present a second proposed Ordinance of annexation, as recommended by the. Planning Commission and the Council. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance, annexing certain territory, as requested by Cecil Wakelam, lying north of and including the Seattle Pipe Line right-of-way, east of and including 91st Avenue South, south of 133rd Street and west of 89th Avenue South (extended) approximately 1.73 acres in size, to the City of Renton. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordin- ance and recommended its passage. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Hansen, seconded by Bruce, that Ordinance No. 1580 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all eleven Councilmen present voting "Aye.." the motion unanimously carried. . Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, reported that the committee would like to present an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1416, relating to public health and sanitation. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance, providing for the establishment, maintenance and operation of a compulsory system of garbage and refuse collection and its disposal, and making delinquent charges for services performed a lien upon the property, and that it shall be unlawful for any person, except the duly authorized employees of the City of Renton, or the person, firm or corporation duly authorized by the City under contract for the collection and disposal of garbage, refuse or swill on the City garbage dump site, except as provided for 113will" originating in commercial establishments, to be effective January 1, 1957. Moved by Delauranti, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended no, its passage. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that Ordinance No. 1581 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all eleven Councilmen present voting ttAye,tt the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, reported that they would like to present an ordinance adopting a schedule of charges for services rendered in the removal of garbage. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance, adopting a schedule of charges for services rendered in the removal of garbage, refuse and swill as directed by Ordinance No. 1416, as amended; providing classification for same; and for appeals from determination made by the Street Commissioner and repealing Ordinance No. 1417, 1426 and 1535, effective January 1, 1957. The charges for collection of garbage, etc. from the residential dwellings, once each week for not more than two cans placed not more than 25 feet from the point of pickup, $1.35 per week, over two cans the charges are based accordingly. Also, the distances as follows are charged accordingly, i.e., 25 to 60 feet, $1.55, and more than 60 feet, $1.75. The charges for collection of garbage, etc* from the business firms and commercial enterprises, once each week day, for the first 20 cans, 25 cents per can per month, in excess of 20 cans, 15 cents per can per month with a minimum monthly charge for each such account of $1.35 per month. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Trimm,, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1582 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken as follows: Morris, No; Trimm, Aye; Reid, Aye; Richardson, Aye; Vietzke, No; Garrett, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Swift, Aye; Delauranti, Aye; Heppenstall, Aye and Bruce, Aye. Thre being nine "Ayes" and two "Nots,11 the motion carried. The City Attorney stated that under the Dump Lease Agreement, private individuals would still be allowed to take surplus brush, leaves, etc., to the garbage dump. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, reported that on advice of the City Attorney, it would be in order to pass a resolution, as follows: "Be it resolved that theMayor and Clerk be authorized to enter into and execute a garbage contract with the Western Disposal Company of Kirkland, and that certified copies of both Ordinance No. 1581 and 1582 be attached to the Contract and signed by both parties," and so moved, seconded by Garrett, and carried. Councilman Morris, President of the Council, reported there would be a meeting of the Committee of the Council as a Whole on Monday evening, November 19, 1956 at 8:00 p.m. and that one item of business would be consideration of a Councilman to fill the Council vacancy. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & A17e y Committee, reported in regard to the petition received from Joseph Lissman for the vacation of a portion of 131st Street between 90th Avenue South and 91st Avenue South, that the Committee recommended that the vacation be granted as this property was unusable as a street, also that there would be considerable work and expense in the developing of the roadway, including a high fill, and that this would also create a maintenance problem to the City. Councilman Swift stated that this matter had been investigated by the Street Commissioner also. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. In regard to this matter, Rev. Marr, from the audience, stated that he had discussed this matter with the City Engineer, and that he thought there might be a possibility of using this roadway area as a cushion to take up the error in the survey --that this roadway area was level and that there was not a steep grade there. Mr. Lissman who had requested the vacation four months previously, stated that Councilman Swiftts statements were correct and that he felt the Council should act on it. After discussion as to the possibility of using the roadway area, and the matter of vacated street areas reverting to the adjacent property owners, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred back to the Street & Alley Committee for further consideration. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee, reported in regard to the previous request of Ray Hartman, and others, for the vacation of South 129th St. between 87th and 88th Ave. S., that this request be held pending the development of the area, that the Committee felt that 87th and 88th Ave. S. could be opened to connect with South 132nd St., and that the petitioners should be notified that after it was determined what planning was made for this area, that any further requests would be given consideration by the Council. Moved by t&hardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Councilman Swift reported in regard to the request of the Church of the Latter Day Saints for cross stalks, that the Street & Alley Committee recommended installation of the crosswalks as requested; also, in regard to the outside lights, that the Police Department investigate and recommend the type of fixture that would be best. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Garrett, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift reported in regard to the 6th Avenue North right-of-way; that it was the recommendation of the Committee that no action be taken at the present time to correct any errors in the survey of this area --that it is correct as measured from the north, and incorrect as measured from the south; that the City should keep this matter in mind and, at a future date, if the area develops into an industrial or 86 . commercial enterprise, that the City acquire the full width for the street area. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift suggested, in connection with the roadway area on 6th Avenue N., that the Building Department be advised by letter that no improvements are to be built on or made to the property immediately adjacent to 6th Ave. N., so the City would have control over the issuance of all building permits and so that no buildings, etc. would be built to extend over the 60-foot right-of-way area, so that if this property was sold in the future for commercial or business purposes, the City could acquire the property necessary to straighten this street and bring it to its full 60-foot width. Councilman Swift, Chairman, reported for the Street & Alley Committees that the proposed franchise between the City of Renton and the Northern Pacific Railway Company over 6th Avenue North has been discussed and that the matter of length of franchise is still under consideration, that the Committee recommends that this franchise be for a 30-year period. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. The City Attorney stated that their office had reported some time ago that they felt 30 years was too long a period that owing to the additional expense incurred in the additional spur track required for storing cars away from the 6th Avenue North location, between Park Street & Logan Street, that these companies (Pacific Car & Foundry and the Northern Pacific Railway) should be given additional consideration, but he felt 30 years was a long time --that in addition the companies had agreed not to switch cars during the peak hours, A.M. and P.M., and had considered a "hold harmless agreement" and other considerations, that they had agreed in principal, and that there were only minor changes still to be made in the franchise --that originally the Companies had requested a 10-year franchise. After further discussion, the motion to concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee, was then voted upon and lost. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Reid, that the franchise be for a 25-year period. The motion lost. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Morris, that the franchise be for a 20-year period. The motion lost, As this matter was still being negotiated by the City Attorney's Office, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Heppenstall, that the matter be tabled to see if the Railroad Company itself would lower the term of the lease. The motion carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee, stated that it was the recommendation of the Committee that Mr. Cecil Arnold be retained as Consulting Engineer, in the developing of plans and a cost estimate for the Houser Way Bridge, and other engineering that may be decided, and with Council approval, the Committee be authorized to meet with Mr. Arnold to develop the sequence and type of construction and report back to the Council regarding same. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee, Council- man Swift explained the different methods of construction. Councilman Heppenstall requested that the possibility of the City's obtaining an interest-free loan from the Federal Government, for such public improvement be investigated, the money to be paid back when the job was completed. The motion carried. Councilman Swift reported, in regard to the previous proposal of Charles Shane, that the Commitee recommended that as the foundation soil is clay on Lynn Street, that the City accept Mr. Shane's offer of the 60 feet of property for a roadway in exchange for the City providing the gravel ballasting, it being understood that Mr. Shane will pay for the surfacing of the street. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Morris, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Light & Power Committee, reported that it was very dark and hazardous in the parking lot area behind the theater on 3rd & Morris, and that the Committee recommended that this incandescent light be exchanged for a mercury vapor light --that the light is available, but that they would have to purchase the bracket, and so moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Light & Power Committee. Carried. Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Light & Power Committee, further reported that ... the Committee suggested that four aerial lights be installed on the Langston Road as this was a dark and hazardous road. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the matter be referred to the Light & Power Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee, reported that the east west crossing on Logan Street, adjacent to Tobin Avenue, was very dangerous and that consideration should be given to a cross walk at this location. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the matter be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. 187 Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee, further reported that the Committee had discussed the matter of trains, going northbound and southbound through the City of Renton, increasing their speed after they have cleared the 7th Avenue crossing going south and after they have cleared the 2nd Avenue crossing going north, and that the Committee recommended that the City so request the State Public Service Commission. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Councilman Richardson stated that in this way, trains going north could also increase their speed between 2nd Avenue and 6th Avenue North, and in this way clear the City limits of Renton much faster. The motion carried. Mayor Baxter will contact the State Public Service Commission. Councilman Swift reported that last Friday p.m. (November 9th) an experiment had been tried on 3rd Avenue, in regard to the one-way streets, and that all parking along 3rd Avenue had been eliminated allowing 4-lane traffic the full length of 3rd Avenue, and the Street & Alley Committee recommended that this be continued, that parking on both sides of 3rd Avenue be restricted between 4 and 6 p.m. every day, except Sunday. In answer to Attorney Hugh Carney's (Chairman of the Merchant's Committee against one-way streets) inquiry, Mayor Baxter informed the audience that this trial was not the idea, suggestion, or recommendation of the Council, that it was done to see just what effect such action would have on the traffic during the Holiday Season, that he knew of no other way to get the full use of 3rd Avenue to expedite the flow of traffic in the City of Renton to avoid the terrific congestion C\1 caused during this period each evening. Mayor Baxter further stated that addlitional in, off-street parking lots should be considered by the merchants to relieve this traffic ''t congestion problem. After further discussion, a roll call vote was taken on the motion '�" to continue the parking restriction on 3rd Avenue, as follows: Morris, Aye; Trimm, Aye; Reid, No; Richardson, Aye; Vietzke, No; Garrett, Aye; Hansen, No; Swift, Aye; Delauranti, Aye; Heppenstall, Aye and Bruce, No. There being 7 "Aye's," and 4 "Nots." the motion carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Heppenstall, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. The Council Chamber was filled with spectators. City Clerk Ma The folly 'ng claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLL - ALL DEPARTMENTS $52,086.41 CURRENT FUND 9,239.44 WATER FUND 7,865.14 LIBRARY FUND 809.07 PARK 843.25 MOTHERS PARK 478.41 SWIMMING POOL BOND FUND 460.05 SEWER DISPOSAL FUND 1.9207,b4 AIRPORT FUND 19176.30 CITY STREET FUND 6,o28.08 SHOP E.R. FUND 3,162.03 CIVIL DEFENSE �3.b7 GARBAGE 824.86 FIREMEN'S PENSION 250.00 1954 WATER SEWER 1,163.79 CUMULATIVE 1184 6,198.41 L.I.D. 240 146.91 L.I.D. 241 125.80 STREET & LIGHT IMPROVEMENT 686.64 I Renton, Washington November 20, 1956 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: MORRIS, TRTMM, REID, RICHARDSON, VIETZKE, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURANTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer; Reuben Miller, Temporary Street Commissioner; Walt Will, Asst. City Engineer; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Charles Bott, Comptroller. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, that the minutes of the Council meeting of November 13th be approved as corrected. Carried. Mayor Baxter introduced Earl Brookhart of the Renton Jaycees who stated that the Jaycees and the local Radio Station KLAN had sponsored a "Voice of Democracy" Contest at the High School and that they would like Mayor Baxter to present the four finalists with their awards. Mayor Baxter presented the following awards. Margaret Moilanen, for lst Place with a $25.00 Government Savings Bond, a "Certificate of Award,« also an Award pin; Jackie Lee for 2nd Place with a "Certificate of Award,tt also an Award pin, and Barbara Ruskin and Carol Talbeck, who tied for 3rd Place, were awarded "Certificates of Award." also Award pins. Miss Moilanen explained to those present that this contest acquainted young people with the meaning of ttDemocraaytt and stated that she would have the opportunity to compete for "State Winner" and that the State ginner would compete nationally that the final award was a scholorship. Mr. Grant of Radio Station KLAN stated that this was the 10th Annual Contest and presented each of the girls with a record of their respective speeches on behalf of the Jaycees and the Radio Station. Mayor Baxter thanked the girls for coming and the Jaycees and Radio Station KLAN for their participation and welcomed them all back at any time. A letter of thanks was read and ordered filed from the Earlington Woments Club, signed by Nellie Lynch, Secretary, for their improved street and sidewalk conditions in the Earlington area. A letter of complaint was read from H. E. Rumery, 520 Stevens Street, in regard to a ditch across the street from his home where the water drains under the roadway on to and damaging his property. Moved by Delauranti, seconded by Swift, that the woo letter be referred to the Street Commissioner for action. Carried. A request was read from the Kennydale Lions Club, signed by Emil J. Mueller, Secretary, for consideration in the interest of service organizations, for the limit- ing of Xmas tree sales permits to service organizations so they may utilize this advantage as an annual event. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that this request be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A copy of a letter from the City Attorney to the Sterling Cofifiers, Weiser, Idaho, was read acknowledging receipt of their letter of 10-18-56, together with their proposed transcript, relative to codification of the City's Ordinances, referring to specifications and codifiers duties in connection with same. The City Attorney stated they had various objections to the present manuscript and outlined many proposed corrections and/or changes and requested an early meeting, suggesting they have a competent party, versed in Washington law, to contact their office in order to comply with the City's contract. The communication was ordered placed on file. A communication was read from the Mayorts "City Expansion & Development Committee," signed by Don Humble, Chairman, stating that this Committee recognizes traffic is the City's number one problem --that existing and anticpated traffic loads are such that adequate solution of the problem lies in providing new traffic arteries requiring time to plan and build, and large expenditures of money --that certain measures which could be undertaken quickly are within the City's financial ability and would provide some relief. Since it is apparent that an East-West route through North Renton is most needed --the Committee first considered this problem. In the opinion of the Committee the provision of a grade level crossing at 4th Ave. North, exclusive of lighting, was estimated not to exceed $15,000.002 and that only one ownership of private property (the north portion owned by the Carpenterts Union Local #1797 which lies between Burnett Street and the railroad and extends from a point opposite the center line of 4th Ave. N. where it has a depth of approximately 50 feet to the South with a gradually increasing depth) that provision of this crossing would compensate for closing of 8th Ave. N. and would provide a route for traffic between Seattle on the west and Lake Washington Boulevard and the Sunset Highway on the eas t. Therefore, the City Expansion & Development Committee recommends: i8 1. That the City of Renton acquire an appraisal of the privately owned land necessary for the right-of-way and negotiate for the acquisition of such land. 2. That the City of Renton request of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company an ease- ment for and concurrence and approval for the grade level crossing. 3. That the City of Renton request of the Public Service Commission of the State of Washington a permit for the crossing. 4. That the City of Renton construct said crossing. The committee suggests that Items 1, 2 and 3 above be undertaken simultaneously and immediately and that Item 4 be undertaken as soon as Items 1, 2 and 3 have been accomplished. The Committee understands that adequate funds are available in Cumulative Reserve Fund #1184. Mr. Humble, from the audience, stated that in their opinion the proposed 4th Avenue North crossing from Logan Street to Park Street, is the easiest, most available and best; that they had some drawings and plans to show to the Council which would be explained by Mr. Dean Morgan of the Boeing Airplane Company, who, with assistance, had drafted same. The plans, explained throughly by Mr. Morgan, showed the peak traffic points, the proposed 4th Avenue N. crossing, the "Freeway" route through Renton and many other traffic alleviation plans. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the proposal be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for investiga- tion and a report back. Carried. The City Attorney explained to the Council that instead of taking the items signally, they were going to try to accomplish the requirements simultaneously, that first they need the legal description and appraisal for the cost to the City to deal with; that they hope to acquire the property by negotiation, and that he suggested to Chairman Don Humble that plans be submitted t� immediately to the Railroad company and Public Service Commission for consideration <� and approval. Mr. Humble stated that this had been done and that they had requested immediate action. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the suggestion of the City Attorney; that the City Attorney be authorized to obtain as much information as possible to be transmitted to the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. In regard to a copy of a letter, addressed to the Mayor and Council, that Attorney Hugh Carney, Chairman of the Merchants Committee Against One Way Streets, inquired about, it was reported that most of the Councilmen had personally received copies of this letter. This being the date set for the opening of bids for the motorcycle for the Police Department, the following bids were opened and read. BIDDER AMt'T OF BID (including Sales Tax) Drager-Harley Davidson Co. w17553.37 Harley Davidson Sales 1,661.41 Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the bids be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Resolution approving a plat. The City Clerk read the proposed Resolution approving the plat for subdivision of a tract of land approximately 134 feet wide and 601 feet long, on the south side of 12th Avenue North, extending to 11th Ave. North (extended), bound on the west by N Place (extended), as requested by A. Crawford. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that Resolutian No. 912 be adopted as read. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Resolution extending the retirement date of three members of the Washington Statewide City Employeest Retirement System, under the classification of Uniformed personnel (James R. Chadwick, Ernest Isakson, and Fred L. Allingham), The City Clerk read the proposed Resolution extending the retirement dates of the three uniformed personnel of the Washington Statewide City Employees Retirement System, as stated, to December 1, 1957, as recommended by the Chief of Police. Moved by Delauranti, seconded by Hansen, that Resolution No. 913 be adopted as read. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like `• to present a proposed Ordinance providing for the transfer of funds. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance providing for transfer of funds between general classes and expenditures, for the purpose of providing additional funds, the City Treasurer being authorized to make and execute the transfer of funds, as follows, $850.00 from Maintenance and Operations of the Legal Department (Current Expense Fund-Special Legal Assistance) to Maintenance and Operations of the Sanitation ')epartment (Current Expense Fund; gas, oil and brooms) and $7,000.00 from Maintenance & Operations of the Shop Equipment Rental Revolving Fund (Maintenance & Operation --Amortization) to "Current Expense Fund" (non-departmental items) Maintenance & Operation for Street Lighting Expenses. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendations. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delauranti, seconded by Bruce, that Ordinance No. 1583 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all 11 Councilmen present voting ttAye; the motion unnaimously carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee had a proposed Ordinance restricting parking on 3rd Avenue, between 4 and 6 p.m., that the Committee did not report favorably on the proposed Ordinance and did not recommend its passage, but that the Committee suggested, as was recommended by the One Way Street Consulting Engineerts Report, Page 9, Para. 2, in regard to parking on 3rd Avenue, that the Ordinance be so written and changes be made, if agreeable to the- Council., that parking be allowed on the north side of 3rd Avenue, but not on the south side, between 4 and 5:15 p.m., rather than 4 to 6 p.m., stating that the Committee felt it would be better if parking was allowed on both sides of 3rd Avenue after 5:15 p.m. as the people would have an opportunity to find a parking place on 3rd Avenue until such time as adequate off-street parking was arranged, that this was the findings of the Committee, and that the only action the Council should consider at this time was on their suggestion. Mayor Baxter stated that additional surveys, including a traffic count, are being made at this time. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the suggestion of the Ordinance Committee. The motion carried. Councilman Trimm and Garrett suggested that consideration be: given to not restricting Saturday parking. Mayor Baxter stated that this would mean that 3rd Avenue would go back to its previous status of parking being allowed on both sides of 3rd Avenue with no restrictions. Moved by Delauranti, seconded by Hansen, that the revised plan be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that the Ordinance Committee would like to present an Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1543, to correct the direction of traffic on Bronson Way and Main Street which had been neglected owing to an oversight. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance amending Section I of Ordinance No. 1543, establishing and designating certain streets within the City of Renton as One Way Streets, regulating traffic and providing for the erection of signs, markings and signals therefor. The following is amended Section I, establishing and designating the following streets in Renton between the terminal points defined upon which vehicular traffic shall travel only in the direction stated herein. (For the Councilts information, except as shown in parenthesis, the traffic pattern is the same as Ordinance No, 1543.) Third Avenue - from Rainier Avenue to the intersection of 3rd Avenue & Walla Walla Avenue, travel to be Eastbound; Now Walla Walla Avenue - from the intersection of 3rd Avenue and Walla Walla Avenue to Mill Street, travel to be Eastbound; Second Avenue --from Main Street to Rainier Avenue, travel to be Westbound; Bronson Way --from Mill Street to Main Street, travel to be Westbound; this street was omitted in the proposed new Ordinance No. 1584.) Mill Street --from Walla Walla Avenue to Bronson Way, travel to be Northbound; Main Street --from Third Avenue to Walla Walla Avenue, travel to be Southbound; (this was changed from Third Avenue to Walla Avenue to Second Avenue to Walla Walla Avenue in the proposed new Ordinance No. 1584.) Wells Street --from Grady Way to Sixth Avenue North, travel to be Northbound; Williams Street --from Sixth Avenue North to Grady Way, travel to be Southbound; Burnett Street, East half --from Fourth Avenue to Second Avenue, travel to be Northbound; Brunett Street, West half --from Second Avenue to Fourth Avenue, travel to be Southbound; Morris Street --from Second Avenue to Third Avenue, travel to be Southbound. Moved by Trim, seconded by Vietzke, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. After discussion and a thorough explanation of the purpose of the proposed Ordinance, the City Attorney explaining that it merely reaffirmed what the City had been practicing for the past three months, a roll call vote was taken as follows: Morris, Aye; Reid, Aye; Trimm, Aye; Richardson, Aye; Vietzke, Aye; Garrett, Aye; -Hansen, Aye; Swift, Aye, Delauranti, .No; Heppenstall, Aye and Bruce, No. There being 9 "A,yetstt and 2 "Notstt, the motion carried. Councilman Richardson stated that a franchise Ordinance had been prepared covering the right-of-way over 6th Avenue North --that there still is no tttime limittt shown, that at the November 13th Council meeting, the recommendation that the lease be for a 20-year period had been tabled --that it being a franchise ordinance, that after the City Engineer had checked the legal description, it would have to be read at a Council meeting and published as a proposed Ordinance and held for 30-days before any Council action could be taken. The proposed franchise ordinance was held pending checking of the legal description by the City Engineer. Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Light & Power Committee, reported that the Light & Power Committee recommended that five Mercury Vapor Lights be installed on the Langston Road --that four lights are available but five brackets are needed and that an additional bracket would have to be obtained. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Light & Power Committee. Carried. Councilman Vietzke, Chairman of the Ways & Means Committee, reported that in re- gard to the charge by the Puget Sound Power & Light Company for moving the power line and transformer from near the Swimming P000l, that the Committee recommended this charge be taken from the Old Swimming Pool Fund (the amount of $560.64). Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ways & Means Committee. Carried. Councilman Vietzke further reported in regard to the island located at the inter- section of 3rd Avenue, Walla Walla Avenue and Main Street, that there had been many complaints as to the location and size of this island and that it should be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for investigation and so moved, seconded by Delaura.nti and carried. Councilman Morris, President of the Council, reported that at the Committee meeting on Monday evening, November 19th, the Council had discussed filling the vacancy on the Council. Councilman Morris stated that the question had arisen as to require- ments for a new Councilman, as to his residence and his being an elector --the City Attorney stated that elective offices, ie.e., the Mayor and Council, require a one- year residence prior to the election, also that they be electors of the City of Renton at the time of their election. Councilman Morris stated that this would leave only three men of the four who had been suggested to fill the vacancy. Mr. Dick Johnson requested that his name be withdrawn from the list of suggested people to fill the vacancy on the Council. Councilman Vietzke nominated Dale Pinkerton to fill the vacancy on the Council. Councilman Morris (also Councilman Bruce) seconded the nomina- tion. Councilman Delaurenti nominated Clarence Dullahant, the runner-up at the last election, also a previous councilman. The nomination was seconded by Richardson. Councilman Bruce stated that in his opinion Dale Pinkerton had shown a very strong vote in the last election, being very close to Mr. Dullahant, that he had shown a great deal of interest by coming to many of the meetings since the election, and if elected would represent a large area, that of the Highlands. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the nominations be closed. A paper ballot was taken, Dale Pinkerton receiving 6 votes and Clarence Dullahant receiving 5 votes. Mayor Baxter stated, that by the Councilts ballot, they had elected Dale Pinkerton as Councilman to fill the unexpired term of ex-Councilman Lloyd White, who resigned, the term to continue to June 11, 1958. Mr. Pinkerton was invited to sit in on the balance of this eveningts Council meeting. Mr. Pinkerton stated it was a privilege to have been elected and to serve as Councilman; that he would work to the best of his ability and that he would work with all of the Councilmen and would fill the position in an honorable and honest manner and would exercise his judgement to the best of his ability. Councilman Swift inquired of the City Attorney if the legality of moving the cones on Logan Street North and Airport Way had been determined. The City Attorney stated that he had talked with Mr. Bisbee of the Boeing Airplane Company, as to liability in case of accident to workmen changing the cones to designate the particular width of traffic lanes for the morning and evening rush and that the matter of custody of the cones had not been decided as yet but that the Street Commissioner would have authority to move the cones at certain hours. Councilman Swift further reported that the Street & "lley Committee had considered the bids received for the improvement of storm sewers on 3rd Avenue and that it was the Committee's recommendation that the bid be awarded to the low bidder, Frank Coluccio, for $6,929.02. The City Engineer advised that the date of completion would be included in the contract with Mr. Coluccio, that it was understood that the cost of the improvement would be taken from Cumulative rund No. 1184. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman, reported that it was the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee, that a painted cross walk be put in on Logan Street at Tobin �11r Avenue. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recom mandation of the "treet & Alley Committee. Carried, Councilman Swift , Chairman, reported in regard to the vacation of 131st Street, between 90th & 91st Avenue South, that the Committee was waiting for a report as to the survey that was to be made, and that to date, no information had been received. Councilman Bruce, Chairman, reported that it was the recommendation of the Property Committee, that the bid from the National Cash Register Company for the bookkeeping and billing machine for the Treasurerts Office, being the lowest bid received, be 'accepted. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. 9"2 Councilman Bruce, Chairman, reported that the Property committee, ''ity Engineer, and City Attorney had checked the proposed lease with the Seattle Plywood Company, and it was the recommendation of the Committee that the lease be approved, making a total rental of $115.00 per month for the four spaces. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. The City Attorney stated that the new lease covered an additional portion only, but would coincide with and run concurrently with the other lease. The motion carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the lease. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported, for the Council's information, that the City Hall Lunch Room had been leased to Mrs. Kindred for $25.00 per month, which had been negotiated with the Housing Authority who is in charge of this area, the lease fee to be paid to the Housing Authority until further notice, to reimburse them for improvements and equipment required for its operation. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee had studied the variance request of Mr. Shaw, that all three committee members had talked with him individually and that the committee would like to concur in the recommenda- tion of the Planning Commission and that Mr. Shaw be granted the variance, and so moved, seconded by Vietzke, and carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman, reported that it was the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee, in regard to traffic lights on 6th Avenue North and Logan Street, and 6th Avenue North and Park Street, that a letter be sent to the Boeing Airplane Company, Transport Division, stating at the present time the City doesn't have funds to acquire"this traffic light equipment and request that Boeing's give the City assistance in regard to same. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. (Mayor Baxter is to contact the Boeing Airplane Company, Transport Division, by letter.) Councilman Swift, Chairman, further reported that the Street & Alley Committee recommended the Council approve the recommendation of the Traffic Division, that parking on Rainier Avenue from Airport Way to 3rd Avenue, on the west side, be restricted from 3 to 5:30 p.m. to coincide with change in shifts at the Boeing Airplane Company, and also, that parking be restricted on Rainier Avenue, on the east side, from 3rd Avenue to Airport Way, from 6 to 8:00 a.m., to help relieve the traffic situation. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee to prepare the necessary Ordinance. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman, further reported that it was the recommendation of the Joint Committee, Traffic Division of the Police Department and Street & Alley Committee, that 4-Way stops be placed at the intersection of 7th Avenue North and K Street, 9th Avenue North and E Street, 12th Avenue North and I Street, and 14th Ave. N. and H Street. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Join Committees. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Bruce, that the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee to prepare the necessary Ordinance. Councilman Swift, Chairman, reported that it was the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee, that the Street Department be authorized to issue a Call for Bids for a motor grader, that the specifications had been prepared, and that the date for the opening of bids be set as December 18, 1956. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & "lley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman, reported that the Street & Alley Committee had studied the pedestrian movement in the business area of the City of Renton and in this regard, request authorization for the City Engineer to furnish the cost estimate for installation of a pedestrian scramble system to be installed atrd & Williams and 3rd & Wells. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the City Engineer furnish the cost estimate for the scramble systems as requested. Carried. ..r Councilman Swift, Chairman, further reported that it was the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee, that the Traffic Division of the Police Department investigate the requirements for a pedestrian crossing light at Walla Walla & Mills Street on the south side for south bound pedestrian traffic, and that this be investi- gated before it is tried. Moved by 1{i.chardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift, reported that he has received protests from residents of the North Renton Area of Meadow Street that houses have been damaged from extra heavy truck traffic and that he understood that heavy traffic was to be routed down 4th 193 Avenue or Park Street which are paved streets, and moved, seconded by Delauranti, and carried, that the Traffic Division investigate this matter and report back to the Council. Councilman Swift reported there would be a meeting of the Street & Alley Committee, Monday, November 26th at 5:00 p.m. Moved by Brace, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. There were thirty persons present besides City of Renton employees. City Clerk _1 Mayor iS� Renton., Washington November 27, 1956 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: MORRIS, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON,. PINKERTON, VIETZKE., GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT., DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Ben Hayes, Asst, City Engineer; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Rueben Miller, Temporary Street Commissioner and Charles Bott, Comptroller. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the minutes of the Council meeting of November 20th be approved as written. Carried. A communication from the City Attorneyts Office, signed by Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney., to the Carpenters Union, Local 1797, was read, advising the Councilts plans in regard to the crossing at 4th Avenue North & Logan Street to provide a through street from Logan Street to the Sunset Boulevard, and of the critical traffic situation which exists and the anticipated additional traffic load during the next few years, and stating that to carry out this plan, it would be necessary to use a strip of property now owned by the Carpenters Union to extend the existing 4th Avenue North right-of-way across the tracks on to Logan Street --that the right-of-way requested would probably be approximately 60 feet in width and would include their property lying between Burnett Street and the railroad right-of-way --that they request an early meeting be arranged to negotiate for the acquisition of said property, if the council so desires, or to make other arrangements to compensate them therefor. The communica- tion was read for the Council's information and is to be filed. A communication was read from Stanford 0. Heieren, 117 Meadow Street, advising of an incident where his wife and daughter escaped injury by a speeding motorist while they were in the crosswalk on Bronson Way, adjacent to the Market Basket Store, and requesting Council consideration of installation of signs stating the lawful speed on this arterial. Councilman Reid suggested, and so moved by Swift, seconded by Vietzke, and carried, that the matter be referred to the Police Department for their action. Carried. Now A copy of a communication from E. F. Allen, 18415 Springbrook Road to Mayor Baxter was read in regard to the one-way streets. Mr. Allan states that he experienced a great relief in traffic congestion with the Mayor's plan of prohibiting parking on Third Avenue from 4 to 6 p.m. and was amazed when the Council eliminated the ban and did not support him. Mr. Allan stated that the one-way streets should allow for more rapid movement of traffic--that its purpose is not to decrease or increase the busi- ness of a group of merchants --that the streets are intended to carry traffic, not serve as a parking lot and that if the system moves traffic more freely, then the members of the government of the affected city owe it to the people to make the system the law. Mr. Allan further states that he hopes Mayor Baxter would change his mind and renew his previous stand of being for any system that proves it handles traffic the best, and that the Councilman would consider that the streets are intended to move traffic, not serve as parking lots for merchants. The Mayor ordered the communication filed. A communication was read from C. E. McCarthy of the McCarthy General Insurance Agency in Renton, submitting a proposal for Group Insurance on the lives of the members of the Renton Police Department for the year 1957, as prepared by Mr. McCarthy as a representative of the Northern Life Insurance Company, home office in Seattle and stating that servicing of the account would be handled thr ough his office. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the proposal be referred to the Police & License Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. A letter was read from Chester Biesen, Executive Secretary of the Association of Washington Cities, advising of their 1957 Legislative Program for the forthcoming r Session which is to be centered around the problem of city finance and would call for an act which would enable cities to levy a local sales tax of up to 2/3 of one per cent, stating that the sales tax was selected because it was the only feasible and practical source available which would return the amount of money (between $12.00 and $15.00 per capita) necessary to meet pressing local government financial needs. A memorandum giving certain basic suggestions as to how cities can help in furthering the program was attached. Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that the letter and attached information be referred to the Legislative Committee, Carried. The City Clerk read a communication from the Merchants Committee against one-way streets, signed by Hugh Carney, Chairman, enclosing a petition., recently circulated in Renton, conveying the objections of the people to one-way streets. The petition, with a typed list of the signatures was attached. Mr. Carney, from the audience, explained that notices to this effect had been published in the papers and that most of the names were obtained by customers signing the petitions on the counters in the stores but that some petitions that were being hand-circulated were still out and that opposition was practically non-existent, that there was only 1% who objected to sign the petition --that they felt there was a long standing ground swell of public resent- ment to one-way streets, that they knew of no organized support of one-way streets. The original petition was turned over to the Clerk. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the petition be referred to the Council as a Whole to check for duplication of signatures. Carried. A tentative meeting date for a meeting of the Council as a Whole was set for Tuesday, December 4th at 7:00 p.m. Councilman Morris, President of the Council, requested any other communications, either in favor or against, be made available for the Committee's information. After a discussion as to the matter of duplication of signatures being checked before the meeting date, on the suggestion of Councilman Richardson, moved by Bruce, seconded by Reid, that the petition be referred to the Mayor's Office to check for duplication of signatures and that members of the Merchant's Committee Against One-Way Streets be invited to assist at the time the signatures are checked so that the report would be unbiased. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids on the transite water pipe for the supply line to serve the Boeing Airplane Company, the following bids were opened and read. AMOUNT OF BID (Alternate) M BIDDER 546f of 811 pipe 43551 of 1211 pipe 5' of 121t pipe Johns Manville Co. $lV277.64 17,071.60 lt.-wt.) 17,986.15 heavy wt.) H. D. Fowler 12277.64 17,071.60 ( tt ) 17,986.15 ( tt ) Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the bids be referred to the Fire & Water Committee, with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer, submitting a proposed ttCall for Bidstt for the construction of the water supply line to serve the Boeing Airplane Company and the undeveloped adjacent industrial areas, the City to furnish the pipe and valves to expedite completion of the wo* ; stating that in event the pipe bids are identical, the purchase of the pipe should be delayed to permit alternate proposals for the installation of the pipe. Councilman Trimm, Chairman of the Fire & W ater Committee, reported that the Committee had approved the City Engineer's proposal, and `.. it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recom- mendation of the Fire & Water Committee and City Engineer. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Resolution, as recommended by the Street & Alley Committee, in regard to stop streets in the Highlands. The City Clerk read the proposed Resolution authorizing the Street Commissioner to place proper four-way stop signs at the follow- ing intersections: Seventh Avenue North and K Street Ninth Avenue North and E Street Twelfth Avenue North and I Street Fourteenth Avenue North and H Street, also, to erect such signs and markings at or near said Street intersections as may br, found appropriate and necessary for the adequate control of traffic. Moved by Delauranti, seconded by Richardson, that Resolution No. 914 be adopted as read. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance, as recommended by the Street & Alley Committee, to regulate parking on Rainier Avenue. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance re- stricting parking of vehicles on a certain designated street within the City of Renton' as follows: Prohibiting parking of vehicles on the west side of Rainier Avenue between Airport Way and Third Avenue between the hours of 3:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. and on the east side of Rainier Avenue between Third Avenue and Airport Way between the hours of 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. daily, except Sundays and holidays. Moved by Delauranti, •w seconded by Vietzke, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favor- ably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1585 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all 12 Councilmen voting ttAye,n the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, reported in regard to the spur track from the Pacific Car & Foundry Company to the Northern Pacific Railroad track, that the proposed franchise ord finance would have to be placed on its first reading, published, and held for 30 days before the Council could take final action on it; publication of the Ordinance as a proposed Ordinance and as a final Ordinance to be the expense of the Railroad Company. , Councilman Richardson stated that the Council would have to determine the period of time the franchise would cover, before it could be published. City Attorney Gerard Shellan explained that the City has a commitment in writing from the Northern Pacific stating that they are favorable to granting an easement over 4th Avenue for a crossing but that the permit would have to be granted by the Public Service Commission. Councilman Bruce suggested that the Council approve the franchise being written for a 25 year period, and so moved, seconded by Reid and carried. The City Clerk rad the proposed Franchise Ordinance, granting the Northern Pacific Railway Company a franchise to continue to maintain and operate a certain railroad spur track now located in, upon, across and along Sixth Avenue North, and in, upon and across Park Street & Garden Street in the City of Renton, stating that the Board of County Commissioners of King County on February 28, 1907 had granted the Northern Pacific Railway Company a franchise for said track and right-of-way therefore, 15t in width for a period of 50 years, which franchise will expire on February 28, 1957; that the Northern Pacific Railway Company has petitioned the City for renewal of said franchise, said spur track serving an important industrial area of the City of Renton and continued maintenance and operation thereof is considered to be in the public interest, the City grants to the Northern Pacific Railway Company, the franchise right, privilege and authority to continue to maintain and operate a standard gauge railroad track in, upon, across and along 6th Avenue North, and in, upon and across Park Street and Garden Street in the City of Renton, together with a franchise right-of-way therefor 151 in width, from the centerline as described. The grantee shall maintain said track so that the top of the _rail shall conform to the grade of said Sixth Avenue North, Park Street & Garden Street as now established by the City, or as said grade may be changed, except where change is made in separation of grade; that the grantee shall pave and continuously maintain the full width of said right-of-way with the same materials and in the same manner and type of construction and condition of repair as the adjoining portions of said 6th Avenue North, Park Street and Garden Street are, or shall be paved; in certain locations, such as street crossings, the Grantee may pave said right-of-way with such alternate materials and in such alternate manner as the City shall approve in writing prior to any such paving or improving, at the expense of the Grantee. If the Grantee fails to conform and comply with any duty or obligation, the City may proceed to perform and execute the same or cause to be performed and executed, at the sole cost and expense of the Grantee and the Grantee shall immediately become and remain liable to the City for any and all loss, expense, cost or damage. The Grantee shall use the track authorized for the sole purpose of moving or switching low the railroad cars and engines and shall not store railroad cars upon said track at any time, it being the Cityts intent that said track shall be used for a running or switch- ing track only, provided the Grantee may store cars upon that portion of said track lying between the east line of Park Street and the west line of Garden Street until such time as the corresponding portion of 6th Avenue North is improved for travel to its full width. The Grantee shall not run or switch railroad cars or locomotives over said track between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m, and between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m., provided the City has the right to change and -modify the peak hour periods --such running or switching is permitted at all hours on Sundays and Holidays, and upon all portions of track lying east of the east line of Park Street until the City notifies Grantee that the running or switching restrictions shall apply to the entire length of the franchised track. The City reserves public utility facilities underneath or above the track and the right-of-way authorized, the City reserving the full and complete right of access to any space occupied by said track and to all of said franchise right-of-way within the limits of 6th Avenue North, Park Street and Garden Street. By accepting the franchise hereby granted, the Grantee shall save and hold the City harmless from every liability, claim and damage arising from the construction, use or maintenance of said track or right-of-way or arising out of or resulting from the railroad operations over said track, and that the franchise be granted for a term of 25 years commencing March 1, 1957. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delauranti, that the Ordinance be published as a proposed Ordinance. Carried. Mayor Baxter granted the Light & Power Committee more time in regard to the lights to be installed on the Langston Road. WSW Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee, requested Council approval of the change of bid date for the motor grader from December 18th to 11th, and so moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the request of the Street & Alley Cormmi.ttee. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman, reported that the Police Department Traffic Division had recommended through their Committee, that the Church of the Latter Day Saints be granted permission to install a certain type of bracket and night light in front of their building that would not interfere with night traffic, but would help light up 3rd Place in front of their building. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee and that all lights be installed under supervision of the Police Department, Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee, reported that the Contractor, Frank Coluccio, who had been awarded the bid for installation of storm sewers on 3rd Avenue, had advised that he would be unable to commence this installa- tion until after Christmas or the first of the year and that the Committee had agreed that it should not be started at this time and recommended that the Contractor be allowed to commence the installation the first of the year, and so moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall and carried. Councilman Swift further reported that Mr. Hal Thevik of the Chamberts Off- Street Parking Committee, had met with their Committee and discussed proposed off- street parking locations; that the Committee had contacted the owners of various vacant areas within a short distance of the City, for off-street parking lots and had also investigated some vacant areas two blocks away which could provide employee-employer parking, which would help get the employee and employers cars from the streets and off-street parking lots --that the lots at 3rd & Smithers, 4th & Wells (next to Domenic Rockeyts) and 2nd and Wells had been discussed, that owners of two of these lots had stated they would consider the use of this property for off-street parking lots when the present leases expire, that it was the suggestion of the Street & Alley Committee, through Mr. Thevikts Committee, that the Council consider the river bank area at Liberty Park, at a reasonable cost, for employee parking, also Councilman r-\i Swift inquired if any progress had been made toward obtaining Black River Channel 8t' property within the City Limits for parking purposes. Councilman Richardson stated that the Black River Channel property would be of great value to the City as a bi- pass route, if the City could acquire the property and have it properly filled. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Morris, that the matter of acquiring this property be referred to the Sanitation Committee and they begin the necessary legal work to acquire this property. Carried. Councilman Swift reminded the Council that the proposed business tax ordinance for 1957 should be prepared soon for Council consideration. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. (The Council Chambers were filled with visitors.) y City Clerk M r UMO Renton, Washington December 4, 1956 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: MORRIS, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, VIETZKE, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAUENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief, Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Rueben Miller, Temporary-Street Commissioner; Ben Hayes, Asst. City Engineer and Charles Bott, Comptroller. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Heppenstall, that the minutes of the Council meeting of November 27, 1956 be approved as written. Carried. A communication was read from Mayor Baxter to the City Council, advising of an agreement between the Renton Municipal Airport and the Boeing Airplane Company, where- by the airport will move some buildings from one location to another at the airport,, entailing an expense of approximately $26,000.00, to be paid by the Boeing Airplane Company that the above amount has not been provided for in the 1956 or 1957 budgets, but according to the State Auditor, this amount can be appropriated by an emergency ordinance, and requesting that the Council give their motion of intent to appropriate through an emergency ordinance the necessary funds to carry out the above mentioned project so that the Airport Manager may proceed with the plans with the assurance that the expenditures will be provided for. Councilman Richardson explained, on advice of the City Attorney, that the Council's motion in regard to the emergency budget for the Airport, would be a motion of intent only, but that the Ordinance could not be pre- sented until after the money had been spent, and that the actual transfer would not be made until after the lst of January, 1957. Moved by Morris, seconded by Heppenstall, that this expenditure be made by emergency budget and that the Council vote in favor of an emergency budget. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Morris, that the matter be referred to the City Attorney and Ordinance Committee to prepare the necessary Ordinance. Carried. A cormnunication was read from the Renton Planning Commission, signed by C. G. Myers, Secretary, stating that at their November 28th meeting, after discussion, the Planning Commission took action to advise Mr. Brown that according to the ordinance, the original petition is null and void since no action was taken on it within 30 days �.. after its presentation to the Council, and that Mr. Brown have the privilege of re-applying with a new petition containing the proper signatures. The communication was ordered filed. A second communication was read from the Renton Planning Commission, signed by C. G. Myers, Secretary, stating that at their November 28th meeting, the following recommendations were made. (1) That the variance request of Rev. Ristesund to build to the property line with his present building and the new addition, as per submitted drawing be approved. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. After discussion, moved by Morris, seconded by Swift, that the motion be tabled. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Vietzke, that the Planning Commission comply with Ordinance No. 1472, as amended by Ordinance No. 1542, Sec. 18, paragraph 5 (a) as to advising the Council. the reasons for granting of the variance. Carried. (2) That the petition of Walter Niemczyk to rezone described property, a portion of Tract A Earlington from R-1 to R-3, be denied, and (3) recommending that the Council be advised that since the petition for rezoning was presented in the belief that the street on which it had frontage was a public street but was later found to have not been dedicated to the City, that Mr. Niemczyk be refunded his application fee. In regards to Items 2 and 3, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the Planning Commission's recommenda- tion that Mr. Niemczyk's request be denied, also that his application fee be refunded. Carried. (4) That Mr. Lindblad's letter requesting an appeal from the Planning Commission's action on his request for a variance to erect a neon sign, be referred to the City Council for action. Mr. Lindblad's letter of October 31, 1956 to the Planning Commission, submitting his notice of appeal concerning his request for a variance, and requesting any further information necessary, was read. After discussion, moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the Mayor's Office furnish the Council the requested information, and the date of the hearing on Mr. Lindblad?$ appeal be set as December 18, 1956. The motion carried. A communication was read from the Kennydale Lions Club, signed by Emil J. Mueller, Secretary, submitting their request for permission to operate two Christmas tree sales lots in the City of Renton, one on Rainier Avenue at Airport Way and the other on Airport Way and Logan Street, also that the regular license fee be waived in considera- tion of the special fee of $1.00 for service and charitable organizations. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the request be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Jaycees, signed by Stanley B. Fournier, Boy Scout Chairman, requesting permission to erect a stand at 3rd & Wells Street, with approval of the Manager, Mr. Plut of Hub CityDrug, for their Boy Scout Troop ##440, to display Christmas swags made by the boys. Sales to start Saturday, December 8th and continue each Saturday to Christmas. Moved by Morris, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the request of the Jaycees, under jurisdiction of the Police Department. Carried. A communication was read from the Boeing Airplane Company, Transport Division, signed by 0. C. Scott, Manager, Industrial Relations, advising in regard to the installation of traffic lights at 6th Avenue North and Logan Street and 6th Avenue North and Park Street, that they feel that with the closing of 8th Avenue North, the traffic at 8th Avenue North and Logan Street can now be regulated by Company guards without the assistance of a traffic light, which wouldpermit removal of this traffic light to 6th Avenue North and Logan Street, and recommending that this light be moved by the City at its earliest convenience, and proposing that the City continue to explore means of securing a light for the 6th Avenue North and Park Street inter- section. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the matter be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for consideration. Carried. 2f; ` Councilman Swift, Chairman, reported that the Street & Alley Committee had discussed this matter and it was their recommendation that the Engineering Department pursue the plans and equipment necessary to make this relocation, the Committee to continue to explore other methods. Moved by Delauranti, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Otreet & Alley Committee. Carried. A notice of the next regular Association of Valley Cities meeting at the Kirkland City Hall, Council Chambers, December 6, 1956, signed by Loren L. Fitch, Kirkland City Clerk, who is Secretary-Treasurer, was read, for the Councilts information, advising that Mr. James Gleason, Multnomah County Commissioner in Portland would be guest. Mr. Fitch stated that seven committees would be appointed to work on the following problems: (1) Inter-city traffic routes, major and minor. (2) Individual type zoning. (3) Garbage disposal. (4) Pet control. (5) Metropolitan sewer disposal. (6) Metropolitan water supplies, and (7) Tax structures, and that it is hoped to have a round-table discussion on these committeets findings sometime next year. The City Clerk stated that two petitions had been received requested one-way streets be retained in their present form, ore being signed by 28 persons and the other by 20 persons. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the petitions be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried. The CityClerk stated that the call for bids for the City's 1957 requirements of chlorine and gasoline, also the call for bids for the publication of City legals for 1957 had been prepared, with the tentative date of opening of bids set as December 18, 1956. Also, that specifications for a service car for the Fire Department were submitted for Council consideration. Moved by Swift, seconded by Bruce, that the Council approve the proposed "Calls for Bids," including the service car for the Fire Department, the date for the opening of same being set as December 18, 1956. Carried, Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance covering the transfer of certain funds. The Clerk read the proposed Ordinances providing for transfer of funds between general classes and expenditures and authorizing the City Treasurer to transfer $16.00 from the classification of "City Clerk's Expense, Maintenance and Operation" to Street `.. Department, Salaries and Wages" for the Clerk's clerical assistant. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and proposed Ordinance No. 1586 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1586 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all 12 Councilmen present voting "Aye," the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported thAt the Ordinance Committee would like to present the City's proposed Business Tax Ordinance for 1957, which was the same as the 1956 Business Tax Ordinance with the exception of the Ordinance number, the year which it covered, the amount of tax payable being reduced, in each instance, by one- half of 1956's tax, and the date of passage and approval being in December 1956. The City Clerk read the proposed City of Renton Business Tax Ordinance for 1957, relating to and providing for a license or occupation tax upon certain businesses, occupations, pursuits and privileges; defining offenses and prescribing penaltiesq changes from 1956's Ordinance being the tax rate under Section 4, in each instance the rate of six hundredths of one per cent (.0006) being reduced by one-calf to three hundredths of one per cent (.0003), and the rate of one-fifth of one per cent (.002) being reduced by one-half to one-tenth of one per cent (.001), and under Section 27, to take effect on January 1, 1957 and be in force and effect on and after that date for the calendar year 1957. All other places, i.e., Section 3, being changed to 1957 to conform with the year which it covers. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Delauranti, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and proposed Ordinance No. 1587 be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the Ordinance be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all 12 Councilmen voting ttAye,tt the motion was unanimously carried. In answer to Mayor Baxterts inquiry as to a report, Councilman Morris, President of the Council, reported that the Committee of the Council as a Whole had discussed the petition against one-way street which was received at the last Council meeting but that he had no report to make. Mayor Baxter declared the meeting open for comments by visitors who were present. Councilman Reid stated that he would like to move, seconded by Vietzke, that all one-way streets west of Main Street be abolished, all streets east of Main Street to remain the same, it being explained that the traffic channel established previously as a safety measure. A roll call vote being taken as follows: Morris, No; Trimm, No; Reid, Aye; Richardson, No; Pinkerton, Aye; Vietzke, Aye; Garrett, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Swift, No; Delaurenti, Aye; Heppenstall, No and Bruce, Aye. There being 7 nAyets,tt and 5 ttNo's,n the motion carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee to draft the necessary Ordinance and report back to the Council. Carried. On request of Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, Mayor Baxter stated he J would have the City Engineer furnish the legal description for the area that is to be changed, for information of the Ordinance Committee and to take up with the City Attorney. On request of Councilman Reid, Mayor Baxter granted the Light & Power Committee more time in regard to lighting on the Langston Road. On request of Councilman Richardson, Mayor Baxter granted the Ordinance Committee more time in regard to the proposed ordinance covering gas installations and/or a schedule of charges for the City of Renton. Councilman Garrett reported in regard to the Black River Channel property that he had not received the file on this matter as yet; that the City Engineer had advised that some survey work would be necessary as he does not have the complete legal des- cription of all of this property, and that the City Engineer should be authorized to make the required surveys, also, that the City should advise the Land Commission their proposed use of this property and whether they contemplate any use, outside of the City Limits. Mayor Baxter stated that in his opinion, the channel should be filled with a sanitary fill for future use, and that some consideration had been given to its use as a road. Councilman Swift stated there would be a meeting of the Street & Alley Committee Monday, December 10, 1956 at 8:00 p.m., instead of Thursday evening, to avoid conflict- ing with the Association of Valley Cities meeting on that evening. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Heppenstall, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. The Council Chambers were filled with visitors. City Clerk Mayor 200-A The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLL - ALL DEPARTMENTS $52,789.73 CURRENT FUND 9,009.25 WATER FUND 6,174.57 LIBRARY FUND 845.38 PARK FUND 390.90 SWIMMING POOL BOND FUND 6.70 SEWER DISPOSAL FUND 1,048.06 AIRPORT FUND 943.62 CITY STREET FUND 29135.07 `. SHOP E. R. FUND 3,270.47 CIVIL• DEFENSE 42.85 GARBAGE 318.69 FIREMENIS PENSION FUND 750.00 1954 WATER SEWER 1,774.66 CUMULATIVE 1182 1,451.53 CUMULATIVE 1183 220.00 CUMULATIVE 1184 1,948.19 SWIM POOL BUND 560.64 .s 1 1 ,L k.. 'L Renton, Washington December 11, 1956 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 p.m. ROLLCALL: MORRIS, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, VIETZKE, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Vere Thompson, Building Inspector and Charles Bott, Comptroller. Moved by Delauranti, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the Council meeting of December 4th be approved as written. Carried. The appointment by Mayor Baxter of Clyde W. Shadle, Dayle R. orr, Donald A. Warren and Richard L. Vandervort as patrolmen on the Renton Police force, effective January 1, 1957, on a 12-month probationary period was read. The above listed men having been certified by the Civil Service Commission for appointment, were the top four men on the new eligible list, and will fill the new positions created in the 1957 budget. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the appointments by the Mayor. Carried. Cid This being the date set for the opening of bids for the motor grader for the City of Renton, the following bids were opened and read: BIDDER BID ON NEW GRADER TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE FINAL BID _AMtT Columbia Equipment Co. $18,503.00 $6,550.00 $ 11,953.00 Cadwell Machinery Co. 16,854.00 4,500.00 12054.00 Air Mac Co. 24,314.00 5,000.00 19,314.00 Pacific Hoist & Derrick 202886.00 4,750.00 16,832.00 Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the bids be referred to the Street Department, the Engineering Department and Street & Alley Committee for consideration. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids for the construction of the water supply line to the Boeing Plant and other adjacent property, the following bids were opened and read: BIDDER AMIT OF BID SALES TAX TOTAL BID Shoreline Construction Co. $129301.96 410.06 $129712.02 Imhoff & Johnson 14,875.56 495.87 15071.42 Harold Kaeser Co. 19,881.46 662.71 20,544.17 Frank Coluccio Construction Co. 24,254.26 808.48 25,062.74 0. R. Alia 25,785.85 859.53 261#645.38 Deer Construction Co. 24,704.99 823.50 25,528.49 S. & W. Construction Co. 8,292,56 276.42 8,568.98 Joe Coluccio 23,456.00 781.87 24,237.87 Thorn & Marble 19,733.08 657.77 20090.85 Valley Construction Co. 239324.00 777.47 24,101.47 Moved by Morris, Seconded by Vietzke, that the bids be referred to the Fire & Water Committee and City Engineer for consideration and a report back. Carried. The City Clerk reported that proposed "Calls for Bids« had been prepared for two new police cars for the Police Department, for an industrial tractor, complete with back hoe and front end loader, with the tentative date for opening of bids having been set as January 8, 1957. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delauranti, that the Council approve the proposed call for bids for the police cars, the date for the opening of bids being set as January 8, 1957. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council approve the proposed call for bids for the industrial tractor, the date for the opening of bids being set as January 8, 1957. ., Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, that the proposed "Call for Bids" for the Airport Hangar be approved, the date for the opening of bids be ing set as January 8, 1957. Carried. The City Clerk reported that a new petition had been presented by Raymond Brown for rezoning certain property described in general as being located adjacent to the Sunset Highway just north of the Highlands in the area commonly known as Caseyfs Corner, from Residence Single Family Use (R-1) District to Business Use (B-1) District. The petition is to be referred to the Building Inspector for checking the signatures as to legality and to be presented to the Planning Commission for their consideration. A communication was read from Mayor Baxter stating that he had received a communication from Mr. Ernest H. Campbell, Assistant Director of the Bureau of Govern- mental Research and Services, relative to a proposed bill amending RCW 35.23.352 relating to calling for bids for public works and purchasing of other materials, supplies, etc., requesting the City's reactions and/or suggestions, and recommending that the letter and proposed bill and amendments be referred to the Legislative Committee for their consideration and a report back to the Council at the next Council meeting. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of Mayor Baxter, Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer submitting an agreement between the City of Renton, the Northern Pacific Railway Company and the MacRae Brothers, Contractor, for the completion of the 6th Avenue North improvement. The City Clerk rad the communication attached from the Northern Pacific Railway Company, signed by J. T. Moore, Western Manager, Industrial Development, stating that the Northern Pacific agreed to pave the franchise right-of-way at no expense to the City of Renton --that the City of Renton had paved a part of the franchise right-of-way for traffic safety reasons and that certain parts of 6th Avenue North remains to be paved and that the City Engineer has informed them he proposes to complete this at the earliest possible date and suggested that the City's contractor complete the paving of the franchise area at the same time. Mr. Moore states that in the absence of a formal contract between the Northern Pacific and the City, that the City Engineer has requested a letter from the Northern Pacific agreeing to reimburse the City or its contractor for paving the franchise right-of-way and has furnished him with a map showing work com- pleted and to be completed and a detailed estimate showing the costs of each, and that on the basis of the estimated quantities and prices shown on the City Engineer's estimate, and the City Engineer's map entitled "Sixth Avenue North --Showing R.R. Franchise," dated 5 December, 1956, the Officials have authorized him to inform the City as follows: (1) The Northern Pacific Railway Company will reimburse the City of Renton for the cost of the completed paving of that part of Sixth Avenue North, lying within the 15- foot franchise right-of-way west of the west line of Park Street. (2) The Northern Pacific will reimburse the City for completing the paving of that part of Sixth Avenue North, lying within the franchise right-of-way west of the west line of Park Street. (3) The Northern Pacific will reimburse the City for the 78 linear feet of 611 concrete drain pipe already installed by the City in the franchise right-of-way and shown under IfWork Completed" on the estimate. (4) The Northern Pacific will not reimburse the City for any paving or materials in- ..w stalled or work performed in or on the street outside of the franchise right-of-way. (5) That any curbing installed along the south line of the street shall, for railroad operating reasons, be installed outside of the franchise right-of-way as shown on the City Engineer's map referred to above. (6) The Northern Pacific will upon written request to do so by the City, make payment for the paving of the franchise right-of-way to the City's contractor, in lieu of making such payment to the City; provided all bills presented to the Northern Pacific shall be itemized as to items, quantities, and prices, and shall be certified as being correct by the City Engineer, and (7) The commitments made herein shall not be binding upon the Northern Pacific Railway Company until the items, quantities, and prices shown on the attached estimate have been confirmed to the City and the Northern Pacific by the City's contractor, nor until any necessary increase of quantities or costs above the attached estimate has been approved by the Northern Pacific's Engineering Department. Councilman Swift stated that this matter was brought before the Street & Alley Committee at their Monday.. December 10th meeting, and had been discussed. The City Engineer advised that curbs were included in the unfinished work and had been included in the plans for completion of the job, that curbs and gutters south of the railroad track are not the expense of the railroad company. The City Attorney was requested to check over the proposal, as submitted by the Northern Pacific Railway Company. (Later in the meeting, after the recess, the following Council action was taken.) Councilman Swift, Chairman, reported that the Street & Alley Committee recommended that the Council concur in the proposal by the Northern Pacific for the MacRae Brothers, the City's Contractors, to complete the paving of 6th Avenue North, lying within the 15-foot franchise right-of- way, west of the west line of Park Street, at the same time the rest of the street is completed, also that the contractor be paid by the railroad company and the contract is extended to January lith to complete the work. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by- Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee and the City have their contractor complete the portion of work outlined by the Northern Pacific Railway Company, as advised by the City Attorney, as a courtesy to the Northern Pacific Railway Company only, without assuming any liability. A comiunication was read from the Renton Jaycees, signed by Bob Schneider, Chair- man of the 1957 March of Dimes, stating that the March of Dimes will start January 2nd and continue through January 31st. Mr. Schneider requests Council permission for the following projects for this Drive. (1) To fly a banner across Third Avenue between the two Fey Theaters (Renton and Roxy) on a cable with a 20-foot street clearance, (2) To operate a ttMile-O-Dimestt table on Third Avenue, one at 3rd & Williams and one at 3rd & Wells, from January 18th through the 31st of January, (3) To paint footprints on the sidewalk with the words "Give to the March of Dimes," which will lead to the ''Mile-O-Dimett Table, and (4) To place a ttMarch of Dimes" Thermometer on top of a marquee on a building at 3rd & Main Street which would show the current progress of the campaign in Renton. Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, that the request be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Cariied. A second communication was read from the Renton Jaycees, signed by Bob Schneider, Chairman of the 1957 March of Dimes, requesting permission to sell Blue Crutches, balloons and peanuts on the city streets, not from stands, all proceeds to go to the March of Dimes to help combat polio. Mr. Schneider stated that tentative plans had been considered for a parade in this connection. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that this request be referred to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the City of Seattle Water Department, signed by J. Ray Heath, Superintendent, advising that the Boeing Airplane Company had made applica- tion with the Seattle Water Department to provide necessary main connections and water meters for fire protection service for Boeing pre-flight facilities at the Renton Airport and the new Boeing manufacturing and office building at and adjacent to 725 C\6 Park Street, Renton; that the Seattle Water Department has been asked to make connec- 10 tions to two 12-inch Government owned water mains, one connection to be in the vicinity where the Logan Street & Northern Pacific Railway bridges cross Commercial Waterway Number Two in Renton, the other is in the vicinity of the intersection of Logan Street with 8th Avenue North, that the City of Renton does not have water mains of adequate size near these facilities to provide required fire service demands, and that the Seattle Mater Department has agreed to make these connections providing the City of Renton has no objection. The City Engineer stated that this was to provide a high- pressure line for fire protection only, that the City of Renton would supply the water for domestic use. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the matter be referred to the Fire & Water Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the Committee for Community Progress, signed by Louie Gebenini, Chairman, stating that the Committee was formed by a group of citizens and taxpayers in this Community, to allow the average citizen of the Community to Nowand his opinion on problems which are of vital interest to everyone. The Committee feels that the Administration had progressed in the establishment of the one-way grid and that if the grid was allowed to remain intact, proper improvements could be made as time and finances permit to bring about an equitable and reasonable solution to the traffic problems before the City; that they feel the Councilts action on Tuesday, December 4th, was contrary to the best interests of the taxpayer, that the citizens were denied their right of petition. Mr. Gebinini states that their Committee had secured approximately 1,100 signatures on petitions by going from house to house com- pared to the 3,400 signatures on petitions circulated by the Committee Against One-Way Streets. Mr. Gebinini further stated that approximately 60% of the Renton business and professional men from Renton had signed the petition to retain one-way streets, and that the service organizations had voted two to one to retain the one-way grid that the problem in this City is parking, not one-way or two-way streets. The Committee urged the Council to consider all aspects of the matter arid to resolve the situation in favor of the one-way systems they feel great strides can be made in over- coming the real problems of parking and bi-pass routes that confront the City. The Committee pledges its cooperation in any effort that the Council may make as long as the endeavor is made along constructive lines on an impartial basis and will be of prime benefit to the general public as a whole. A communication was read from Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnson, 621 Shattuck Street, requesting their names be added to the list of those in favor of Renton's one-way streets. Mr. Carney, Chairman of the Committee against one-way streets, submitted petitions with approximately 1034 additional signa- tures opposing oreway streets for the Council's information. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the petitions be referred to the Committee of the Council as %wo a Whole. Carried. After considerable discussion, Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter, ROLL CALL: All twelve Councilmen were present. In answer to Mayor Baxterts inquiry, Councilman Swift reported that the Street and Alley Committee, Street Commissioner and City Engineer had considered the bids received on the grader and it was the Committeets recommendation that the bid of the Columbia Equipment Company in the amount of $11,953.00, plus sales tax, which was the lowest bid received, be accepted, and moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. parried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to complete the contract. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee had been instructed by the Council at the last Council meeting to prepare an ordinance in regard to doing away with one-way streets, except certain portions --that as the Council had directed their Committee to check the legal description with the City Engineer, and the City Engineer had advised that there was a discrepancy as to the street names in the amend- ment to the Ordinance in the way that 3rd Avenue runs into Walla Walla and Mill Street, that he would like to call to the Councilts attention the suggestion of the City Engineer that a definite line be established to properly describe this area. Councilman Richardson stated that he had received a letter from the City Attorneyts Office stating they were transmitting therewith, the original and one copy of the proposed Ordinance abolishing one-way streets, which was prepared by the City Attorneyts Office last %00 Wednesday, as authorized by the Council on December 4th, and that it was necessary to show an effective date on the Ordinance to allow the Engineering Department time to make the necessary changes in street signs, traffic signals, etc* in the street system, and that the Committee had decided on an effective date for the change and that the Ordinance was ready, except for this portion. TheCityEngineer explained to the Council that the description of this intersection at 3rd Avenue, Walla Walla Avenue and Mill Street was rather involved and should be described in more particulars. The City Engineer explained the intersection as far as traffic was concerned. Councilman Richardson stated that the Committee had planned to recommend that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its first reading. After discussion, the City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance amending Section I of Ordinance No. 1543, as amended by Ordinance No. 1584, establishing and designating certain streets within the City of Renton as one-way streets, regulating traffic and providing for the erection of signs, markings and signals therefor, Amended, Section I, reading as follows: t'The following streets in the City of Renton, between the terminal points herein defined, are hereby established and designated as ONE-WAY STREETS, upon which vehicular traffic shall travel only in the direction stated herein for each street, to-wit: traffic shall travel only in the direction stated herein to-wit: Walla Walla Avenue - from the intersection of 3rd Avenue & Walla Walla Avenue to Mill Street, travel to be Eastbound; Mill Street - from Walla Walla Avenue to Bronson Way, travel to be Northbound; and that this ordinance shall become effective on the 27th day of January, 1957, following its passage, approval and legal publication. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Councilman Richardson reported that he had checked with the City Engineer and they felt that the effective date of January 27, 1957 would provide ample time for the change. Also, that the majority of the Ordinance Committee does not favor the adoption of the Ordinance --that the minority of the Ordinance Committee favors the adoption of the Ordinance. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the Council accept the report of the majority of the Ordinance Committee. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Morris, Aye; Trimm, Aye; Reid, No; Richardson, Aye; Pinkerton, No; Vietzke, No; Garrett, No; Hansen, No; Swift, Aye; Delaurenti, No; Heppenstall, Aye, and Bruce, No. There being 5 ttAyetstt and 7 ttNots,tt the motion lost. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the Council accept the report of the- Minority heminority of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed^ on its second and final reading. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Morris, No; Trimm$ No; Reid, Aye; Richardson, No; Pinkerton, Aye; Vietzke, Aye; Garrett, "'ye; Hansen, Aye; Swift, No; Delaurenti, Aye; Heppenstall, No; and Bruce, Aye. There being 7 ttAyetstt and 5 "Noss". the motion carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that proposed Ordinance No. 1588 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken as follows: Morris, No; Trimm, No; Reid, Aye; Richardson, No; Pinkerton, Aye; Vietzke, Aye; Garrett, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Swift, No; Delaurenti, Aye; Heppenstall, No and Bruce, Aye. There being 7 ttAyetstt and 5 ttNots"s the motion carried. Councilman Swift stated that in his opinion,- that the proposed ordinance was discrimin- atory, that consideration had not been given to difficulties from an engineering standpoint, to the fire department problems and to the feelings of the citizens of the community, and that he felt that the Mayor should exercise his privilege of veto. Mayor Baxter granted Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Light & Power Committee, more time in regard to street lighting on the Langston Road. In the matter of the final payment to be made to the swimming pool contractor, moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter be referred to the Auditing and Accounting Committee, to meet with the City Engineer and Park Superin- tendent and report back at the next Council meeting. Carried. Councilman Garrett reported there would be a meeting of the Sanitation Committee, with the City Engineer, Monday, December 17th at 8:00 p.m. .�' . 2 r "7 Councilman Swift reported, in regard to the previous request of Mr. Joseph Lissman for the vacation of a portion of 131st St., between 90th and 91st Avenue South, that the Committee previously recommended that the vacation be granted, but that objections from adjacent property owners had been received and the matter had been referred back to the Street & Alley Committee, and that after further study and consideration, the Committee recommends that the area not be vacated at this time in view of the objections of the adjacent property owners, but that Mr. Lissman not be stopped from submitting a further request in the future, and moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, and carried, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift further reported that it was the Otreet & Alley Committeels recommendation also, in regard to the request of Rev. C. E. Marr, Pastor of the Assembly of God Church in Renton that the vacation of the road be withheld at this time, with the idea that a survey would prove whether there was a shortage of certain prop- erties in the block and the possibility that a portion of this roadway could be used to absorb this shortage, and that a road, even though narrower, would be very desirable for access for the proposed development of said block, that the area not be vacated at this time in view of the petitions from the neighbors in the area, and so moved by Richardson, seconded by Pinkerton, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the traffic light at 8th Avenue North and Logan 3 ; Street had been moved to 6th Avenue North and Logan Street, and that after consideration, the Street & Alley Committee reported that as future industrial development at the M intersection of 6th Avenue & Park Street may require a different type of traffic control, no recommendation is being made at this time, as to the type of traffic light that should go in on 6th Avenue North & Park Street, but that they hope to make their C-) recommendation as soon as possible --that the Committee requests the Mayorfs Advisory Committee to make a recommendation as to the methods to proceed to acquire the signal system for 6th Avenue North & Park Street, when it has been determined the type of signal that is needed at this intersection. Councilman Swift, Chairman, reported that it was the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee, that the matter of the installation of a "left turntt signal for north bound traffic from Rainier Avenue turning left to Renton Avenue be investigated to increase the use of the intersection, while the south bound traffic from Rainier Avenue is turning left to Airport Way on the "left turn" signal which is presently in use. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation r of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that at the November 13th Council meeting, the Council had authorized the Committee to meet with Mr. Arnold in regard to the Houser Way Bridge, and that he requested that Mr. Arnold be notified that the Committee and the City Engineer would like to meet with him beginning around the first of the year to consider and/or determine what is needed in regard to this facility. Councilman Swift further requested that arrangements be made by the City Clerk for Officials of the Pacific Car & Foundary Company to meet with the Street & Alley Committee, City Attorney and City Engineer in regard to the drainage problem existing in North Renton, particularly at the Pacific Car & Foundry Company and east of their buildings. Mr. Herman Covey requested Council consideration of the possibility of the installa- tion of a crosswalk at 3rd & Whitworth as it is very- hazardous for school children who have to cross this street against the traffic. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the matter be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for investiga- tion and a report back. Carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m. The Council Chambers were filled to capacity. Orr City Clerk Mayo Renton, Washington December 18, 1956 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: MORRIS, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that Councilman Vietzke be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Rueben Miller, Temp- orary Street Commissioner; Ben Hayes, Asst. City Engineer; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Charles Bott, Comptroller. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the Council meeting of December 11 be approved as written. Carried. A communication was read from Mayor Baxter stating that the probationery period of Charles Bott, Comptroller, will expire on December 19, 1956; that he has performed the duties of his office satisfactorily during this period and that he appoints him permanently as comptroller and requests the Councilts concurrence. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the appointment by the Mayor. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids, on the City Legals, the City's requirements for Chlorine and gasoline and for the purchase of a station wagon for the Fire Chief, the following bids were opened and read. Publication of City Legals for the year 1957. lst Insertion, each subsequent insertion, BIDDER er column inch er column inch Renton News Record $ 1.30 $1,25 Renton Chronicle $1.25 $1.15 In answer to the Council's inquiry, Mr. Gerry ZubroJ, the Manager of the Chronicle explained the reason for the difference in bid to the County and to the City as being in the volumne the County has, and giving the comparison. Moved by Morris, seconded by Pinkerton, that the bids be referred to the Auditing & Accounting Committee for study and a report back. Carried. .r Chlorine requirements for the year 1957. BIDDER Amount of Bid (In Ton Containers) Pennsylvania Salt Co. .1175 per lb. Van Walters & Rogers .1175 per lb. The City Clerk stated that Van Waters & Rogers had taken over the direct sales for Hooker Electro-Chemical Company. The bids being the same and it being the City's policy to alternate the award each year, as Pennsylvania Salt Company was awarded the bid in 1956, moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the bid be awarded to the Van Waters & Rogers Company. Carried. Gasoline requirements for the year 1957. BIDDER per gal. - Ethyl per gal. - Regular General Petroleum Corp. $ .2475 .221 Richfield Oil Co. of Cal. .2492 .2218 Shell Oil Co. .25 .2225 The Texas Co. .2585 .2285 Tidewater Assoc. Oil Co. .249 .219 Union Oil of Calif - see memo following motion. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the bids be referred to the Ways & Means . Committee for study and a report back. Carried. (The bid from the Union Oil Co. of California was delivered to the wrong office, and no-ftw received by the City Clerk in time to be read at the Council meeting of December 18, 1956, however, this bid was opened by the City Clerk when received Wednesday morning, and showed a bid of $.265 per gallon for Ethyl and $ .225 per gallor for Regular.) Station Wagon for the Fire Department. Trade-in Sales TOTAL BIDDER Am't of Bid Allowance NET BID Tax BID Williams & Swanson Co. 2419.00 $150.00 $2269.00 $80.63 $2349.63 Chieftain Pontiac 3110.04 360.00 2750.04 103.67 2853.71 After discussion as to the horsepower in the specifications for the service car for the Fire Department, and actual requirements, the representative from the Clarke �rr* ; Bros. Motor Company stating, from the audience, that owing to the specifications, as written, they were unable to bid their Plymouth "ars although they could bid their Dodge stock car, which they felt was not appropriate for the Fire Chief's use, and that it was their feeling that the dealers of the lower priced cars were unable to meet the specifications as written, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the bids be referred to the Fire & Water Committee for investigation and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Mayor Baxter stating that a survey has been made of the present facilities in the City Hall, and it has been found necessary to con- struct an office for the Planning Director; that the most economical plan would be to build it above the Engineering Department offices and he so requests the Council's concurrence so that the Housing Authority may be authorized to construct this ,.. additional space with money from the Cedar River Park Housing Funds. A sketch of the location of the proposed new office was attached. Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee, reported that it was the recommendation of the Property Committee that the Council concur in the proposal of Mayor ''axter and that the remodeling be done in the same way as the Engineering Offices. After discussion as to the con- struction of a new City Hall the use of the Cedar River Park Administration Office Building (City Hall Building for recreational purposes, and the effect the planned remodeling will have on the building's future use, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee and the CD matter of financing be referred to the Auditing & Accounting Committee for study and CA a report back. Carried. U� This being the date set for the "appeal hearing" for Mr. Warren C. Lindblad for Q his request for a variance to erect a sign on the outside of his pharmacy building, L-) Mr. Lindblad stated his reasons for this request and requested the Council's consid- eration of a variance. After discussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the hearing be continued and that the matter of Mr. Li.ndblad's request for a variance be referred to the Ways & Means Committee to report back their recommendation. The City Attorney quoted the Zoning Ordinance as to advertising signs not being per- mitted under the present P-1 zoning, stating that the Council has the right to over- rule the Planning Commission's action by a 3/4 vote of the Council --that the Council could authorize the issuance of a variance and can add any time limit they wish, for instance, they could issue a variance for a 6-month period or a one-year period, to see if there was any opposition, or they could give a variance perpetually. The motion carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Resolution authorizing the transfer of funds between items within general classes. TheCity Clerk read the proposed Resolution stating that the certain Departments of the City were required to meet certain obligations and expen- ditures which were not foreseeable at the time of the adoption of the 1957 Budget, including emergency repairs, maintenance and expenses, and it being necessary for the proper administration, operation and maintenance of the City and said Departments to transfer funds between items within general classes, and authorizing and directing the City Treasurer to make and execute transfers between the following specified items within certain specified general classes. 1. (a) Transfer of the sum of $2335.00 from "Non-Departmental Items, Maintenance & Operations, Insurance & Bond Premium Account" to Non-Departmental Items, Maintenance & Operations, the sum of $300.00 for "Maintenance & Supplies,t' the sum of $1150.00 for ttTelephone Expenses;" the sum of $500.00 for "Social Security Taxes;" the sum of $100.00 for "Parking Meters, Main- tenance & Operations, Supplies, Parts," the sum of $75.00 for t'Equipment Rental," the sum of $150.00 for ttSanitation Department, for Maintenance & Operations, Equipment Rental," and the sum of $60.00 for the "Police Department, Maintenance & Operations- Police Insurance,'t also, (b) Transfer of the sum of $2500.00 from "Water Fund, Main- tenance & Operations, itemized as follows: $1700.00 from "Pow er," $500.00 from Industrial Insurance,tt and $300.00 from ttPension & Retirement" to Water Fund, Main- tenance & Operation, the sum of $1750.00 for ttCompensating Tax," the sum of $750.00 for ''Water Purchases," and (c) Transfer of the sum of $120.00 from Sewage Disposal Fund, Maintenance & Operations, Power, to Sewage Disposal Fund, Maintenance & Operation, the sum of $50.00 for ttCompensating Taxtt and the sum of $70.00 for "Social Security." ..� (d) Transfer of the sum of $100.00 from ttAirport Fund, Maintenance & Operations, Power, to Airport Fund, Maintenance & Operations, the sum of $100.00 for t'Social Security,tt (e) Transfer of the sum of $870.00 from t'Street Fund, Maintenance & Operation, Mainten- ance & Supplies," to Street Fund, Maintenance & Operations, the sum of $700.00 for ttTraffic Lights,tt the sum of $70.00 for 'tIndustrial Insurancett and the sum of $100.00 for "Social Security.'' (Transfer of the sum of $150.00 from "Shop Equipment, Rental and Maintenance Fund, Maintenance & Operation, Equipment & Suppliestt to ttShop Equip- ment, Rental & Maintenance Fund, the sum of $150.00 to t'Maintenance & Supplies," and 2. a Transfer of the sum of $29.00 from "Current Fund, Executive Department, Salaries & Wages, Comptroller's Salary," to Current Fund, Executive Department, P AYii Salaries & Wages, the sum of $29.00 for ?tMayorts Stenographerts Salary.?' (b.) Transfer of the sum of $104.00 from ?'Current Fund, Sanitation Department, Salaries & Wages, ItExtra Labor,'t to Current Fund, Sanitation Department, Salaries & Wages, the sum of $104.00 for ?tNi.ght Premium.?' (c) Transfer of the sum of $300.00 from Library Fund, Salaries & Wages, ?'Branch Librarian?? to Library Fund, Salaries & Wages, the sum of $300.00 for ??Clerks & Pages.?' (d) Transfer of the sum of $200.00 from Airport Fund, Salaries & Wages, 'Extra Labor,tt to Airport Fund, Salaries & Wages, the sum of $50.00 for ?'Maintenance Mann the sum of $150.00 for ttTower Operators,tt and (e) Transfer of the sum of $1000.00 from Street Fund, Salaries & Wages, ttLaborers,tt to Street Fund, Salaries & Wages, the sum of $800.00 for ??Light Equipment Operators,?' and the sum of $200.00 for t'Light Equipment Operators" (1/5 time). Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council adopt Resolution No. 915 as read. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would hi like to present a proposed Ordinance providing for the transfer of funds between general classes for expenditures. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance providing for the transfer of funds between general classes and expenditures, for the purpose of providing additional funds for the operation of the various departments and classi- fications as described to meet certain obligations for the payment of expenses, which obligations were not foreseeable at the time of the adoption of the 1956 Budget, for the administration, operation and maintenance of the City of Renton to transfer funds between general classes as specified, authorizing and directing the City Treasurer to make and execute the following transfers, (a) From Water Fund, Salaries & Wages, ttConsultants,tt the sum of $11,000.00 to the Water Fund, Maintenance & Operations, t'Compensating Tax." (b) From Sewage Disposal Fund, Capital Outlay, the sum of $500.00 to Sewage Disposal Fund, Salaries & Wages, for ?'Assistant Operatorts Salary," the sum of $300.00, and for ttExtra Labors' the sum of $200.00, a total of $500.00. (c) From Garbage Fund, Maintenance & Operation, the total sum of $1,675.00, itemized as follows: The sum of $300.00 forttgas, oil, pack cans, etc.tt; the sum of $1,100.00 for ??Equipment Rental;t' the sum of $175.00 -for t'Industrial Insurance," and the sum of $100.00 for ??Pension & Retirement?? to Garbage Fund, ??Salaries & Wages,?' the sum of $1,500.00 for t'Extra Labor,?' and the sum of $167.00 for ?'Treasurer's Extra Labor;" the sum of $5.00 to Garbage Fund, "Maintenance & Operation - Compensating Tax?' and the sum of $3.00 to Garbage Fund, Capital Outlay, ?'Treasurer's Outlay.?' Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Charles Botts City Comptroller, explained the transfer of fund to not show a deficit and stated that the total amounts were still less than the appropriated amount. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the report of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1589 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all eleven Councilman present voting t'Aye,t' the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Trim, Chairman of the Fire & Water Committee, reported in regard to the bid on the construction of the water supply line to the Boeing Plant that the S & W Construction Company (formerly the Diamond Construction Company) was the low bidder, but that they had called the City Attorneyts Office and requested their bid be withdrawn as they had miscalculated the value of the work, and that the Shoreline Construction Company was the second low bidder, and that the Fire & Water Committee recommended that the bid of the Shoreline Construction Company in the amount of $12,301.96, plus $410.06, Washington State Sales Tax, a total bid of $12,712.02 be accepted. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Fire & Water Committee and that the S & W Construction Company be requested to submit their request to withdraw their bid in writing. Carried. Councilman Trimm, Chairman of the Fire & Water Committee, reported that the Committee recommended that the bid of the H. D. Fowler Company, for the 1211 transite pipe, in the amount of $18,349.24 be accepted. Moved by Swift, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Councilman Reid reported that the Light & Power Committee had investigated the r, lighting requirements on the Langston Road and that they were considering the installation of approximately five lights, also that they would also need brackets for the lights, but that they would not make any recommendation this evening. Councilman Pinkerton, Chairman of the Legislative Committee, reported in regard to the proposed bill amending RCW 35.23.352 relating to calling for bids for public works and purchasing of o ther materials, supplies, etc. that the Legislative Committee recommends the passage of the bill as suggested by the City Attorney and Mr. Ernest Campbell, Asst. Director of the Bureau of Governmental Research and Services. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Legislative Committee. Carried. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee reported that their committee would like to recommend that the City Attorney's office be authorized to negotiate with the State Land Commissioner for a Quit-Claim Deed for the Black River Channel property, for the purpose of sanitary fill and street purposes in the future that they are aware of there being a new official in this office in the near future and relative correspondence be addressed to the State Land Commissioner-elect.. before he takes office. Councilman Garrett stated that the Committee had taken into consid- eration the property within the City Limits. The City Engineer stated that in his opinion, the City should request the use of the entire Black River Channel property to the Duwamish River. Councilman Garrett requested that the City Attorney's Office also investigate the possibility that the City would acquire any liability as well as the assets in acquiring the Channel property. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Sanitation Committee. In regard to the description of this property, the City Engineer stated that he did not know just what the new Land Commissioner would require, but that he felt if the City petitioned for a Quit Claim Deed to this property that they would inform the City what was required, that the City has permission, at this time, from the State Land Commissioner to maintain drainage through this channel. The motion carried. Councilman Hansen, Chairman of the Auditing & Accounting Committee, reported that it was the recommendation of their committee, that the Contractor on the Liberty Park Swimming Pool, Kerty Mortensen (Estate), under the penalty clause in the contract, be assessed $1200.00 because of his inability to finish the pool on time. ! Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. The Clerk & Treasurer are to verify the amounts left in the fund and the amount due the contractor, before any payments are made. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee, reported that it was the recommendation of their committee, that the Traffic Division investigate the 3rd Avenue and Whitworth crossing that was reported by Mr. Covey at the last Council meeting as being a hazard for school children to cross, so that this matter could be discussed at their next Street & Alley Committee meeting. In reply to Councilman Morris' inquiry as to progress made in acquiring adjacent property to the proposed lith Avenue North & Burnett Railroad Grade crossing, the City 1ingineer reported that plans were being drafted to determine, in acquiring this property, how much land would be needed, and that a proposed meeting date has been set as Januai-j 8th. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. The Council Chambers were filled with visitors. City Clerk Mayo .`l J y Renton, Washington January 8, 1957 The regular meeting of theRenton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: MORRIS, REID, RICHARDSON, PINKER'TON, VIETZKE, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL & BRUCE. On advice of Councilman Richardson that Councilman Trimm had been called to emergency work Mayor Baxter excused Councilman Trimm. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; 04 Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; James Dunstan, Super- intendent of Utilities and Charles Bott, Comptroller. Nei Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the Council meeting of December 183, 1956 be approved as written. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids for an industrial tractor, the following bids were opened and read: SALES TRADE-IN TOTAL BIDDER BID TAX NET BID ALLOWANCE NET BID Smith Implement (a) Shawnee Ldr) $4800.00 $160.00 T4960.00 -- (b) Henry Ldr) 5253.98 175.03 5429.01 -- -- Tool Crib 7777.90 259.26 8037.16 $1115.00 $6922.16 Fray Equipment 8293.00 276.43 8569.43 1.600.00 6969.43 Cascade Tractor 9225.00 307.50 9532.50 2538.50 6994.40 Buck & Sons Rl 9107.38 2075.00 7032.38 Columbia Equipment 9593.27 319.77 9913.04 2250.00 7663.04 Star Machinery 8934.50 297.82 9231.82 1025.00 8206.82 Caldwell Machinery 9345.00 311.50 9656.50 1200.00 8456.50 Pacific Hoist & Derrick 9291.50 309.72 9601.22 1101.22 8500.00 Hatten Machinery 9400.00 313.33 9713.33 1000.00 8713.33 (*No certified check or bid bond received with bid, nor trade-in allowance shown.) (**Net bid included tax.) Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the bids on the industrial tractor be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. .d This also being the date set for the opening of bids on two police cars, the following bids were opened and read. SALES TRADE-IN TOTAL BIDDER MAKE BID TAX NET BID ALLOWANCE NET BID Williams & Swanson Chev-l503i%283HF)'5lOO.0O $170.00 X5170.00 $1400.00 53870.00 Alt. #1 Olds-88 (300HP) 5700.00 190.00 5890.00 1400.00 4490.00 Alt. #2 Chev-1503(220HP) 4500.00 150.00 4650.00 1400.00 3250.00 Alt. #3 Chev-1503(245HP) 4700.00 156.67 4856.67 1400.00 3456.67 Clarke Bros. Dodge 5100.00 170.00 5270.00 2225.00 3045.00 Pope Ford Ford 4606.08 153.54 4759.62 1920.00 2839.62 Chieftain Pontiac Pontiac 5220.44 174.01 5394.45 1400.00 3994.45 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the bids be referred to the Police & License Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Raymond Brown, stating reply to the notice from the Renton Planning Commission (Planning Commission minutes of 12-12-56) that he is favorable to the Planning Commission proposal in regard to his previous request for rezoning of property located on the Sunset Highway (Primary State Highway #2) and S.E. 112th Street, (1) that the B-1 Zone should only extend up to and including the Power Line right-of-way., and (2) the remaining property be zoned R-2 so it would act as a buffer between the B-1 part and the adjoining residential property. this infor- mation was read for Council information only and will be forwarded to the Planning Commission for their approval, as per the Planning Commissionts request. A communication was read from the Boeing Airplane Company, signed by C. S. Sargent, Manager, Facilities Engineering, to Mayor Daxter, and the Street & Alley Committee, requesting authority to install a permanent pedestrian crossing with appropriate markings and warning signs on both sides of Logan Street, appropriate lighting and a traffic signal at the intersection of Logan Street and what was formerly 8th Avenue North, to provide proper safeguards for anticipated pedestrian traffic. They request the Mayorts signature on an enclosed copy of the letter as their authority for the above requested installations. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the request be referred to the Street & Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. Later in the meeting, after the recess, Councilman Swift advised that the Street & Alley Comm- ittee, with power to act, granted permission for installation of the pedestrian crossing.) A communication was read from the Pacific Car & Foundry Company, signed by H. J. Evans, Plant Engineer, stating that they are planning a development of Company owned property at 6th Avenue N. & Garden Street for a parking lot, consisting of Lots 3, 4 and 5 of Block 4 of Renton Farm Acreage in the N.E. 1/4 of the S.W. 1/4 of Sec. 8, Twp 23N. R. 5 E. W.M., stating that the completion date for this work is scheduled for June, 1957, and that to properly lay out the property for parking purposes, the Pacific Car & Foundry Company would like to know the City's plans for development of Garden Street from 6th Avenue North to 8th Avenue North and the development of 8th Avenue North from Garden Street to Park Street --that if these streets were developed and a traffic light installed at 8th Avenue N. & Park Street, it could be used by Pacific Car & Foundry Company employees at starting and quitting time, otherwise this traffic would have to be handled through 6th Avenue N., which is heavily loaded with Boeing traffic --that a traffic light installed at 61t. h Avenue North and Park Street, for ,.,. use at starting and quitting time would be advantageous. Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that the request be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for considera- tion and a report back. Carried. The King County Public Health Report for November was, on motion of Swift, seconded by Hansen, referred to the Sanitation Committee for their information. The motion carried. A communication was read from City Engineer James Highton, submitting the final QV measured quantities of work from Frank Coluccio Construction Company, the contractor on the 3rd Avenue Storm Sewer Project, in the total amount due the contractor of $6719.02, less 15% retained, $1007,85, the amount due the contractor at this time being $5711.17. The City Engineer stated that the Contract Bid proposal was $6929.02, that the work for the improvement started on December 13, 1956 and was completed December 271, 1956 --the contract completion date being January 15, 1957; that the quality of work and cooperation of the contractor was excellent and that acceptance is recommended --that the date of Council acceptance is essential to permit filing with the State Tax Commission. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the date of acceptance be set as January 8, 1957, and that the above report be referred to the Auditing & Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. A second communication was read from the City Engineer, submitting the final measured quantities of work performed for the improvement of 6th Avenue North, from Park Street to Logan Street by McRae Brothers, Contractor, in the total amount of $38,188.23; the work outside the Northern Pacific Railway franchise area to be paid by the BoeingAirplane Company is in the amount of $33,356.93, the work in the franchise area to be paid by the Northern Pacific Railway Company is in the amount of $4,831.30. The City Engineer stated that the bid proposal provided for the improvement of a 40 foot roadway only, and that negotiations with the Northern Pacific Railway Company permitted paving the full permissible street right-of-way --the portion of the work to be paid by Boeing Airplane Company is in the amount of $33056.93 is compared to amount of $33,532.65 as written into the agreement dated October 4, 1956, and the acceptance of the improvement is recommended to permit mailing an accounting of the work to the Boeing Airplane Company, the Northern Pacific Railway Company, and the State Tax Commission. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and the acceptance date be set as January 8, 1957. Carried. A communication was read from the CityExpansion & Development Committee, signed by Don Humble, Chairman, stating that at their last meeting the proposal of the State Highway Department to widen the Sunset Highway to the west at its intersection with FourthAvenue North and thereby make Fourth Avenue North a dead end at the intersection was discussed, and that the Committee recommends that the City of Renton not agree to this proposal of the State Highway Department. Mr. Humble stated that the committee felt that the substitution of an intersection with Sunset Highway at the east end of Third Avenue North would contribute to, rather than alleviate, the current traffic congestion in the City of Renton and would defeat in part the purpose of the extension of 4th Avenue North to Logan Street which the Council recently approved. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Hansen, that this information be referred to the Street & Alley Committee for their recommendation. Carried. A request was read from Chief of Police Ang Busato, requesting additional lockers in their squad room due to the increased personnel in the Police Department and further requesting authorization for the Renton Housing Authority to start construction of same as soon as possible. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the matter be referred to the Property Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter was read from Mayor 4ern F. Cain of the City of Centralia, stating that the City had recently completed a new modern Fire Station at 512 N. Pearl St* and are holding Open House on January 19th & 20th, to celebrate the occasion and are inviting the Mayor and members of the Official Family to attend. Mayor Baxter stated that this information should be furnished the Fire Chief and other interested Councilmen who would enjoy the Open House if they could arrange to attend. A communication was read from W. Philipp, USN, in regard to the Mayor's veto action, stating his personal opinion in regard to the Mayor's action in vetoing Ordinance ##1588, abolishing one-way streets. Councilman Reid stated that he felt that the letter from Mayor Baxter to be read later in the meeting would answer this matter. Councilman Richardson reported that the City Attorney, Gerard Shellan, and the City Engineer, James Highton, had attended a meeting with the Public Service Commission of the State of Washington regarding the 4th Avenue Grade Crossing and expediting trains through Renton, and stated that the City Attorney would report on this matter. The City Attorney reported that Mr. Holloway of the Public Service Commission had met with them this morning in regard to two problems to be taken care of by the City. First, they had received a letter from the Council requesting action to increase the speed of trains north and southbound on Burnett Street and the Commission had indicated they wool like to have a letter from the City as to the City's recommendation. Mr. Shellan stated that the present speed limit was imposed July 7, 1952 -- that the City did not object to reducing the speed limit to 10 miles per hour and that it has been 10 miles per hour ever since. Second, approval to establish a crossing at 4th & Logan; that the City would have to request a hearing for same, that if the Northern Pacific Railway Company would waive the hearing, the grade crossing could be established in a very short time that the City has a letter from the Northern Pacific Railway Company dated October 18, 1956 indicating that they will consent to the establishment by the City of a grade crossing of the Railway's Belt Line right-of-way along the line of 4th Avenue North extended between Burnett & Logan Streets and are willing to sign a waiver which would not require a public hearing --that the Public Service Commission could merely issue an order, but that first this requires Council action. Councilman Swift stated that north and southbound trains should increase their speed after they clear 6th Avenue N. on the north and 7th Avenue on the south --that there had been no recommendation as to speed. The City Engineer stated that he had previously discussed this matter with the Northern Pacific Officials and they had no objections to the speed being increased to 20 miles per hour which was the previous speed before the reduction was imposed. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that a letter be forwarded to the Public Service Commission stating that on the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee they be requested to increase the speed of the engine to 20 miles per hour traveling north and south on Burnett Street from 6th Avenue North to 7th Avenue South and that they be requested to waive the Public Hearing. The Mayor was requested to so advise the Railway Company. After discussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that further action on the proposed Northern Pacific Franchise be held pending a definite commitment mod from the railroad company on the proposed 4th Avenue North (extended) grade crossing, between Burnett & Logan Streets, Carried. In connection with the Mayor's Veto on December 19th of Ordinance No. 1588, abolishing one-way streets, the City Clerk read the Mayor's reasons for same, briefly as follows: That in 1954 the Council had directed its Street & Alley Committee to make an investigation of the traffic problems then confronting the City, which survey was completed in an efficient and orderly manner; traffic counts were taken by the Engineering Department and the Police Department; engineering studies were made by the Engineering Department and the State Highway Department and private Traffic Signal Contractors --that during this period of study and fact-finding at open hearings of the City Council, no opposition was voiced and that after this long and exhaustive study the Committee recommended to the Council the adoption of the one-way grid system . Mayor Baxter further stated that the Council unanimously adopted this system for the reason they were confronted with an emergency in the traffic pattern, unparall- eled in the City's history, and contradictory to the report of the Business Management Service, which showed a heavy loss experience by people because of the installation of the one-way street pattern, that in checking the business tax receipts this showed an increase in business over the prior year. Mayor Baxter further stated that the City has had a tremendous increase in traffic volume in the past six months, and that it is indicated that the present volume would be doubled within the next 12 to 18 months; that the lack of off-street parking has been overlooked, which is the major responsibility of the business establishments_; that bi-pass routes have been suggested which involve a tremendous financial cost, also time for planning and building said routes; that our traffic situation required immediate relief, and although the one- way system is not a cure-all, it is the quickest, partial remedy to the situation at the present time, and that this serious traffic situation, which is a problem of our community, will be treated and considered by all concerned on its facts and merits only. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the veto and report of the Mayor. Councilman Reid stated that the letter was very good and had many fine points, that portions of it he did not agree with, and that the Council had suggested modifications, that he was in favor of one-way streets with modifications; that he is opposed to the veto and will vote against it. In answer to Councilman Morris' suggestion as to persons in the audience being allowed to speak on this matter, Mayor Baxter stated that he would allow a limited discussion from the A,_ y I audience. Mr. W. Philipp, from the audience stated that in his opinion, from the standpoint of number of protests received as shown by the many petitions previously presented to the Council in opposition to one-way streets, that he felt in the interest of these people and the local business men whose businesses had decreased, that the one-way street system should be eliminated. Oscar Meeks requested his name be withdrawn from the petition opposing the one-way streets as he had misunderstood the purpose of the petition when signing and felt the one-way streets showed the progress of the City of Renton. Mr. Oliver Rouse of Rousets T.V. stated that in his opinion the one-way streets were not helping business and that the City had no way of knowing if and when any additional sales space or sales programs were being made which would ordinarily increase their volume of business, rather than bring it up to the past sales volume, and not compensate for additional expense the owner had in his efforts to increase his business. In compliance with Mayor Baxterts request for an explanation, Charles Bott, City Comptroller explained that the report as to the business increase by Mayor Baxter was based on the business volume of 110 retail business houses in the core area of the one-way grid --that they had no way of determining if any business house had increased their business area or made any changes. Mayor Baxter called for a roll call vote, which was as follows: Morris, Aye; Reid, No; Richardson, Aye; Pinkerton, No; Vietzke, No; Garrett, No; Hansen, No; Swift, Aye; Delaurenti, No; Heppenstall, Aye and Bruce, No. There being 7 "Noss" and 4 "Ayets,r' the motion to override the Mayorts veto, on advice of the City Attorney, would require a 2/3 vote of the elected Councilmen, or a majority of 8, and therefore by statement of Mayor Baxter, that by the Councilts action by not having the required 8 votes against the rip motion, the veto action would stand. 2Id < Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: Morris, Reid, Richardson, Pinkerton, Vietzke, Garrett, Hansen, Swift, Delaurenti, Heppenstall and Bruce. Mayor Baxter introduced James Dunstan, the newly appointed Supt. of Utilities, stating he would also be in charge of garbage collection. A communication was read from Mayor Baxter stating that the problem of traffic control is one of grave importance, and suggesting that a panel be formed to consider the various aspects of the traffic problem and fuether suggesting that the panel be `. composed of two members from the group opposed to one-way streets, two members from the group in favor of one-way streets, two members from the Jr. Chamber of Commerce, one from the Chamber of Commerce, one from the Pacific Car & Foundry Company, one from the Boeing Airplane Company, and one from the Traffic Division of the Police Department, and two from the Street & Alley Committee, to act as an advisory group to consider proposed changes to the traffic pattern and to advise the Council as to its feelings on the matter. �;ouncilman Delaurenti stated that he felt this was a very good suggestion and that in this way problems could be worked out before they got to the Council and suggested, and so moved, seconded by Reid and carried, that the Mayor appoint his Panel, hold meetings, and submit their recommendations as soon as possible. Councilman Vietzke, Chairman, reported that it was the recommendation of the Ways & Means Committee in regard to the appeal hearing on the variance request of Warren Lindblad, that as this area had not been rezoned to permit installation of the neon sign, and not having any letters from adjoining property owners approving the installation of the sign, that the variance request appeal be rejected. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Mayor Baxter will so advise Mr. Lindblad. Councilman Vietzke, Chairman, further reported that the Ways & Means Committee had considered the bids received for furnishing the City's gasoline requirements for 1957, including the bid which had been delivered to the wrong office, and was not read the night of the bid opening, and that the Committee recommended tye bid be awarded to the Tidewater Associated Oil Company, who was the low bidder. Moved by ftm Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. After discussion, on the recommendation of Councilman Hansen, Chairman of the Auditing & Accounting Committee, it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Morris, and carried, that the bid for printing of City legals for 1957 be awarded to the Renton Chronicle who were the low bidders. Councilman Swift, Chairman, reported there would be a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee on Thursday, January 10th at 8:00 p.m. Councilman Richardson stated that there were a few City of Renton employees who would like to have payroll deductions for U. S. Savings Bonds, and that he did not feel this should require Council action, but that he would like to move, seconded by Vietzke, and carried, that any City employee who requests payroll deduction for U. S. Savings Bonds, that the City make a deduction for the U. S. Savings Bonds. In regard to Councilman Heppenstallfs report that traffic was backed up on 6th Avenue from Logan Street to Park Street by the constant stream of traffic of Boeing employees on their way home from the shift ending at 4:30 p.m., Mayor Baxter was asked to request the Boeing Airplane Company to station a man at this manually controlled traffic light during this period of heavy traffic to allow others to get to their destinations. Councilman Vietzke reported that private automobiles were parking in the bus zones adjacent to the Boeing Airplane Company at 8th & Logan, and that the busses were having to park in the street to load and unload passengers. Street Foreman Rueben Miller reported that possibly the curb could be repainted so that it would show up better, but he felt this was a matter for the Police Department. Mayor Baxter stated that he would take care of this matter. Mr. Smith, from the audience, a member of the Committee for Community Progress stated that they would like to recognize the new "Off-Street Parking Committee" that the businessmen have organized and that they will back them 100% --that anything they can do for the Committee for Community Progress they will be happy to do for them. Mr. Smith requested that the traffic problem on 6th Avenue North from the river (Disposal Plant) to Logan Street be investigated as traffic also backs up on this street and prevents some motorists from getting to their destinations without con- siderable delay. The Mayor's Office was requested to investigate this complaint. The representative from the Tidewater Associated Oil Company, who was in the audience, thanked the Council for awarding of the gasoline bid to their company. Councilman Delaurenti stated that for the last several years Jack Fleming, News Editor on the Renton Chronicle had attended Council meetings regularly --that he was leaving the newspaper this week to take another job and that as a member of the Council he would like to thank him for his cooperation in covering the meetings so well and wish him all the luck in the world. Mayor Baxter stated that he too would like to congratulate and thank Jack for covering the Council meetings so well and for publishing the articles in such a truthful and factual manner. Nr. Fleming .m thanked the Council and the Mayor for their cooperation and gentle words, and stated that Bud Bendix, who was with him this evening, would replace him in attending the Council meetings in the future. The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLL - ALL DEPARTMENTS $53,410.38 CURRENT FUND 25,799.92 WATER FUND 99997.97 LIBRARY FUND 1,907.33 PARK FUND 3,757.28 REC.-SWIMMING POOL FUND 95.77 LAKE WASH. BEACH IMP. FUND 8.23 SEWER DISPOSAL FUND 2,184.88 AIRPORT FUND 4,026.92 CITY ST, FUND 9027.02 SHOP E. R. FUND 4,477.29 CIVILIAN DEFENSE FUND 455.03 GARBAGE FUND 4,416.96 FIREMENIS PENSION FUND 250.00 1954 W. & S. CONST, FUND 19,463.89 CUMULATIVE FUND #1182 .400.52 CUMULATIVE FUND #1184 6,805.01 SALARY FUND 9,157.44 SWIMMING POOL FUND 4012.15 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. The Council Chambers were filled with visitors. City Clerk Mayor 215. Renton, Washington January 15, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: MORRIS, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, VIETZKE, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI and HEPPENSTALL. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that Councilman Bruce, who is ill, be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, City Attorre y; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; James Dunstan, Supt. of Utilities ■.. and Charles Bott, Comptroller. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the Council meeting of January 8th be approved as corrected. �;arried. The City Clerk read the Mayorts appointments to the Traffic Panel, as follows: 2 Representatives from the Committee on Community Progress Louie Gebenini and Otto Espeseth 2 Representatives from the Merchantts Committee Against One Way Streets Herman Covey and George Cooper 1 Representative from the Pacific Car & Foundry Company Van Demick 1 Representative from the Boeing Airplane Company Dean Morgan 2 Representatives from the Chamber of Commerce Howard Shaw — Acting Chairman, and Harold Thevik 2 Representatives from the Cityts Traffic Division Ernie Henry and Glen Mapes Mayor Baxter stated that this Committee would serve as an advisory Committee to the Council. A communication was read from the Association of Washington Cities, signed by Harold M. Tollefson, President, enclosing a statement of the annual Service Fee in the amount of $460.00 (24 one—year subscriptions to Western City magazine for City Officers in the amount of $24.00 is included in the fee), and extending best wishes to the officials for another successful year of Government. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the statement be referred to the Auditing & Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from the City Attorney's Office, signed by Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, stating that the Mayor had recently submitted a letter dated July 8, 1948 to their office recently, which was addressed to the Housing Authority of the City of Renton and signed by the then Mayor of the City, regarding the disposition, dedication and improvements of a certain portion of the Renton Highlands; that this letter in the form of a commitment required the City to install certain utilities in Block 6 of the Plat. Mr. Shellan stated that he had discussed this matter with Mr. Don Humble, in order to determine whether the Government had complied with its commitments as contained in the aforementioned letter. Mr. Shellan enclosed a copy of Mr. Humblets answer dated January 7, 1957, which indicated that the Public Housing Authority will dedicate the Fire Station premises to the City prior to February 1, 1957, and suggested that the letter of July 8th, 1948, together with this communication be submitted to the Council for further action and disposition. The letter dated January 7, 1957 to Gerard Shellan.. City Attorney, signed by Don Humble, Disposition Officer of the Housing Authority of the City of Renton was read, stating that on July 8, 1948, Mayor Perry Mitchell wrote a letter to the Housing Authority stating forth the agreement arrived at relative to the disposition of the permanent housing in the Renton Highlands --that the Public Housing Administration has done each of the things required of it by this agreement with the exception of the dedication to the City of Renton of the Highlands Fire Station and the Highlands Administration Building; that he (Mr. Humble) has been advised by the Public 6 Housing Authority that the Highlands Fire Station will be dedicated by the City prior to February 1, 1957 and that it is probable that the Highlands Administration Building will be dedicated to the City of Renton by April 1, 1957 ---that under the terms of this agreement the City of Renton is committed to the installation of water and sewer mains in G Place between Blocks 4 and 6 of the Recorded Plat -of the Renton Highlands. Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that the communications be referred to the Sanitation Committee. Carried. A copy of a communication from the City Attorney, Gerard M. Shellan, to the Public Service Commission, attention Mr. Halloway, was read which stated in pursuance to their meeting in the City Engineer's office on January 8, 1957 relative to train speeds in the City of Renton, this matter was submitted to the Council the same evening and the Council voted unanimously to request the Public Service Commission to increase the maximum speed limit of trains in the City of Renton from 10 to 20 miles per hour, and requesting the Public Service Commission to consider the acute traffic problem developed in the City since 1952 and make the required studies at a very early date. The communication was ordered filed. A report was read from the Renton Public Library giving a resume of their previous years happenings, also an annual report on their circulation, receipts, book stock, and registered borrowers for 1956. The November and December regular report was attached. The information is to be furnished all Councilmen and the report filed. A report of a hazardous crossing in front of Bennett's Grocery at 3rd & Park Street, where three children had been struck down was read from crank Giachino, 301 Park Street. A stop light or a caution light to make this a more safe pedestrian crossing was suggested. Councilman Delaurenti reported that he too was familiar with this hazardous crossing and suggested that perhaps if the suppliers trucks were required to park at the side of the building instead of at the front of the building that the pedestrians could more safely cross this intersection. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the communication be referred to the Street & Alley Committees with power to act. Carried. A petition was read, signed by 27 persons, including husbands and wives, requesting new street lights at the following locations: 11th Avenue N, and Sunset Blvd. 14th Avenue N. and H Street 12th Avenue N. and 116th Ave. S.E., and further requesting that burned out or broken lights be replaced on the following streets: I Street 10th Place 12th Ave. N. 15th Place J Street Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that the petition be referred to the Light & Power Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from Paul W. Houser, Jr., Police Judge for the City of Renton, requesting the Council to authorize the Housing Authority to ,install venetian blinds in and repaint the Court Room, also that the small office adjoining the Court Room be sound-proofed and some type of ventilation be installed. Moved by Richardson, mod seconded by Delaurenti, that the request be referred to the Property Committee for investigation and a report back. A copy of a communication from the Northern Pacific Railway Company, signed by J. T. Moore, Western Manager, Industrial Development, to the City Engineer, was read, in reference to the City Engineer's letter of January 11th about the proposed grade crossing of the Northern Pacific Railway Company's Belt Line tracks by an extension of 4th Avenue North between Burnett & Logan Streets, returning the City's application to the Washington Public Service Commission for permission to establish this crossing at grade --that the waiver of the public hearing on the application has been executed for the Northern Pacific by Mr. Harold G. Boggs, their Assistant Western Counsel. Mr. Moore states that he trusted, with the signing of the waiver, that the City will pass the ordinance granting the franchise for the spur track on Sixth Avenue North. Council- man Swift stated that this matter had been previously referred to the Street & Alley Committee and that they had requested the waiver of hearing, which had now been executed and that he felt the next move was for the CityEngineer to refer the location drawing and specifications to the Public Service Commission for their approval. The City Engineer stated that plans and specifications had been prepared and were ready for the Council's information. In regard to the proposed crossing of 4th Avenue North, the CityEngineer stated that the Northern Pacific Railroad Company had done all they could do --that they had waived the hearing. The City Attorney stated now that the Railroad had waived the hearing, that the Public Service Commission could take action without holding a hear- ing; that they could have their engineer look over the topography of the land so that the Public Service Commission could decide whether the permit should be granted. In reply to an inquiry, as to obtaining certain property from the Carpenterts Union, the City Attorney stated that they had written to the Carpenter's Union but had not had a reply, that he understood they were boldintheir decision pending negotiations for a sewer connection in trade for the land. 8uncilman Garrett stated that at a previous meeting he had made a recommendation that the franchise be for a shorter period of time, but that the Council had approved the 25-year period and that he felt the Ordinance Committee should report favorably and proceed with the passage of the Ordinance. Couru ilman Richardson, Chairman, reported the Ordinance Committee unanimously recommends the adoption of the proposed Northern Pacific Franchise Ordinance as previously read (November 27, 1956). Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Franchise Ordinance be placed on its second I 217 and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading of the proposed Ordinance granting to the Northern Pacific Railway Company a franchise to continue to maintain and operate a certain railroad spur track now located in, upon, across and along 6th Avenue North and in, upon and-across Park Street in the Qity ofRenton, King County, State of Washington, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, that the proposed Ordinance be adopted as read. Councilman Morris stated that he thought more consideration should be given to the length of time stipulated in the franchise as the Council had first agreed on a ten year period --that since that time, because of the additional cost to the rail- road and their feeling that they should have a longer time to amortize their cost --a longer franchise had been approved by the Council, but that he did not approve of the franchise being for this long a period of time and that he didntt feel the Council would be breaking faith with the railroad by shortening the length of the franchise, that as the City Attorneyts recommendation was for a 10-year franchise he did not see why the City should grant a 25 year franchise and that he would like to see the Council amend the proposed Ordinance as far as the length of the franchise was concerned. Councilman Richardson explained that the original franchise was for a 50-year period and that in the second (renewal) franchise they had requested a 35 year franchise and that the Council had agreed on a 25-year franchise. Councilman Swift stated that the Street & Alley Committee had conducted the negotiations with the Northern Pacific and that they had deliberately held the contract to a 10-year period for negotiation purposes --that the Street & Alley Committee had finally recommended the franchise be for a 30-year period and had later compromised on a 25 year period. In answer to Councilman Trimmts inquiry, Councilman Swift informed the Council that the proposal to extend Burnett Street south was to extend it to Grady Way and that the City would need the Northern Pacific's approval to cross the tracks. Councilman Reid stated that all of the Council- p� men had voted their intent on 6th Avenue North, that it had not cost as much as the ct; estimate and that the Street & Alley Committee and the Pacific Car & Foundry Company had recommended that the franchise be for a 25 year period. The CityEngineer stated that although the Northern Pacific had waived the hearing, having given consent to the crossing of their property, the City does not have an easement or permit of any kind to cross their property. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, that because of uncertainties, the motion to adopt the Ordinance as read be tabled for the time being. A roll call vote being taken as follows: Morris, Aye; Trimm, Aye; Reid, No; Richardson, No; Pinkerton, Aye; Vietzke, Aye; Garrett, Aye; Hansen, Aye; Swift, No; Delaurenti, No; and Heppenstall, No. There being 6 "Ayets,tt and 5 nNotstt, the motion_ carried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. bow ROLL CALL: Morris, Trimm, Reid, Richardson, Pinkerton, Vietzke, Garrett, Hansen, Swift, Delaurenti and Heppenstall. The communication dated October 18, 1956, signed by R. T. Moore, Western Manager, Industrial Development of the Northern Pacific Company and T. ''. Monson, General Manager & Vice-President of the Pacific Car & Foundry Company, inconneetion with their application for a renewal of the franchise for the spur track on 6th Avenue North serving the Pacific Car & Foundry Company Plant, which stated, ttAlso in connection with easing traffic over 6th Avenue North, the Northern Pacific will consent to the establish- ment by the City of a grade crossing of the Rail-way's Belt Line right-of-way along the line of 4th Avenue North, extended, between -Durnett Street and Logan Streets." Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that in view of the information we have, and the fact that some time back the Council had approved the proposed Franchise Ordinance reading for a 25-year period of time, that the tabled motion be removed and the motion to adopt the Ordinance as read, be placed on a roll call vote. Councilman Morris stated that as the City of Renton had good relations with the industrial firm and the Railroad Company at the present time, and that further negotiations are anticipated in the next few years, also that the industrial growth of the City is going to be tremendous in the next few years, that he felt there should be a further discussion of the period of time the City is going to permit for the franchise —that he did not think this matter should be brought before the Council and settled this evening, that he believed theCouncil should discuss the matter for another week. Councilman Delaurenti stated, concurred in by Councilman Heppenstall, that the City has had favorable negotiations so far as this matter is concerned and that he didntt feel the City should oppose them as they r.w expect to have further negotiations in the future. TheCity Attorney informed the Council that any changes favorable to the City could be made to the Franchise Ordinance without re-publishing the Ordinance --that if the burdens are heavier, the Council must go through the whole routine --that in adopting the Franchise Ordinance, it must receive a 2/3 vote of the elected Councilmen in order to carry. On suggestion of Councilman Morris, that the matter of removing the motion from the table for Council action be voted upon by a roll call vote, which was concurred in by Councilman Pinkerton, a roll call vote was taken as follows: Morris, No; Trimm, No; Reid, Aye; Richardson, Aye; Pinkerton, No; Vietzke, No; Garrett, No; Hansen, No; Swift, Aye; Delaurenti, Aye and Heppenstall, Aye. Thre being 5 ttAye t s,tt and 6 "No t s,tt the motion to remove the tabled motion (to adopt the proposed Northern Pacific Franchise Ordinance), for Council action DID NOT carry. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, that the matter of length of time of the franchise, be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Carried. (The date of Tuesday, January 22nd at 7:00 p.m. has been set for this Committee meeting. Councilman Morris requested the City Attorney to be present at the meeting.) Mayor Baxter reminded the Sanitation committee of the urgency of a report from the Sanitation Committee in regard to the former commitment corn cerning water and sewer utilities to be provided by the City, suggesting that the City Engineer make a survey to find the cost of same-so that the City would have figures to work from. The City Engineer stated that an estimate of the cost of the improvement could be furnished by the next, Council meeting. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee, stated that providing the costs are available, that he would call a meeting of the Sanitation Committee for Tuesday, January 22nd at 7:00 p.m. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, stated that the Ordinance Committee would like to present the proposed Ordinance in connection with the installation, etc., of gas in the City of Renton; that there were two blanks left to have the amount of the fees filled in, one, the annual fee for such gas fitterts license, and the inspection fee; that he requested the proposed Ordinance be read for the Councilts information and that the fees be inserted later. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance, providing for the issuance of permits for the installation, alteration or conversion of the gas piping or gas appliances within the City of Renton and providing for the inspection of same; prescribing rules, regulations and standards, relating to the sale, installation, maintenance, conversion and alteration of gas piping and appliances conveying natural or any type of gas unto consumerst property extending from the point of delivery to the point of consumption; providing penalties for the violation of this ordinance and repealing all ordinances or parts thereof in conflict, therewith. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson requested that information as to the fees that other Washington Cities of like size as Renton, are paying be obtained from the Association of Washington Cities by the Clerkts Office. Information as to fees charged by the City of Seattle, as printed in a Seattle newspaper on November 28, 1956, was read for the Councilts information. Councilman Garrett stated that his Committee would have their recommendation in regard to the Cityts commitment on the installation of water and sewer mains in G Place between Blocks 4 and 6 of the recorded plat of the Renton Highlands by the time of the next regular Council meeting. Police Chief Ang Busato stated he would investigate the report by Councilman Reid that heavy trucks and busses were using Meadow Street causing damage to adjacent homes. The Street Commissioner stated that he would investigate the report of Councilman Richardson, that the contractor installing the gas lines had left many holes and dangerous places in the street in different sections of Renton. In regard to Councilman Vietzkets inquiry, the City Engineer informed the Council that the storm sewer on 3rd Avenue extended from iai.nier Avenue to a certain area west of Shattuck Street, that a storm sewer previously had been installed from Shattuck Street west, where the new storm sewer was connected to it; that the reason water stands near the southeast corner on 3rd Avenue at Shattuck Street, is that the roadway area at this location is uneven and lower at this spot. The CityEngineer reported that he had not as yet completed specifications for sidewalks and curbs at this location but that it was planned that same would extend from 3rd Avenue on the east side from Shattuck to Rainier Avenue. Mayor Baxter granted Councilman Hansen, Chairman of the Auditing & Accounting Committee more time in regard to City Hall alterations. Councilman Swift, Chairman, reported that the Street & Alley Committee had studied the bids received for the tractor, with back-hoe, and that their recommendation was that the bid of the Columbia Equipment company, in the amount of x$7,663.04, plus o tax, which was the lowest bid received, which met all specifications and bid require- ments, be accepted; that two other bids were lower but that they were incomplete or failed to meet specifications and bid requirements. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman, reported that the Street & Alley Committee had inves- tigated the request for a pedestrian crossing at 3rd & Whitworth and it was their recommendation that the crossing be repainted and crosswalk signs be installed; that there was no designation as to a school crossing so there would be protection at all times, not just during school hours --that it be marked just as a crosswalk. Moved by 9 Morris, seconded by Garrett, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. In answer to Councilman Swift's inquiry, the City Engineer informed the Council that cost estimates had been prepared for traffic signals or modifications at 2nd & Rainier (modification), 3rd & Logan (new signal), and four others as follows: lith & Main, 3rd & Burnett, 6th & Park Street and Airport Way & Rainier Avenue. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that estimates be referred to the Ways & Means Committee for their recommendation as to funds from which this expense should be paid. Carried. Councilman Swift reported there would be a Street & Alley Committee meeting on Monday evening, January 21st at 8:00 p.m. and requested the City Engineer to attend this meeting. `r Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Police & License Committee, stated that the Clerk's Office had received the request for renewal of the six Taxicab Operator's Licenses for 1957 for the City of Renton, that the license fees were also received and that after consideration, if the Council had no objection, they would be approved by the Police & License Committee. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Police & License Committee, requested "power to act" in regard to awarding the bid on the two police carsq stating the two bids that were low were very close bids, and as soon as it had been determined in writing the horse power of the cars in the lowest, bid, and that if they meet speci— fications in the call for bids, the Committee was prepared and would award the bid to the lowest bidder. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Pinkerton, that the Council c concur in the recommendation of the Police & License Committee. Carried. The City Engineer informed the Council that he could contact the State Highway Director to find out if State funds had been allocated for the portion of the freeway going through the City of Renton and just what was meant by the recent release from the State Director's Office. Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee, stated they had given authority at the last Street & Alley Committee meeting, for the City Engineering Department to install a temporary blinker light at 6th- Avenue North & Park Street, for a means of control until the permanent light is installed. Councilman Richardson stated, and so moved, seconded by Garrett, that the Street & Alley Committee be given "power to act" when they begin installation of this traffic blinker light, and that r.r the Council concur in the action of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti advised the Council that the Lion's Club were sponsoring the appearance of the Harlem Globe Trotters on February 15th and that all proceeds are to go to their club activities, which were mostly charitable, and stated that donations would be accepted. City Clerk Elton Alexander informed the Council that this was the last evening that Marie Stout would be taking the Council meeting minutes, as she was leaving the City's employ --that she had taken the Council meeting minutes for the past six years without missing a meeting. Councilman Reid moved, seconded by Vietzke, and carried, that the words of Councilman Reid, Delaurenti, Hansen, Vietzke and others, that the minutes had been well written and well recorded by her, that they felt she had been very cooperative and had done exceptionally fine worn in recording of the minutes, and that she be thanked for her many courtesies and assistance to the Council to make their work easier during this time, be incorporated in the minutes. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. There were twenty persons present besides City of Renton employees. City Clerk Mayor iAd V Renton, Washington January 22, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: MORRIS, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, VIETZKE,, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer; Reuben Miller, Asst. Street Commissioner; James Dunstan, Supt. of Utilities; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; William Gebenini, Airport Manager; Vere Thompson, Building Inspector and Charles Bott, Comptroller. A communication was read from Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, regarding the Metropolitan Council Act which has been prepared by the Metropolitan Advisory Committee. The two most urgent problems studied concerned metropolitan sewage disposal and air pollution. Moved by Morris, seconded by Reid, that the matter be referred to the Legislative Committee and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from the City of Renton Planning Commission recommending that the City Council approve the rezoning petition of Dr. Heilpern. Moved by Vietzke that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. (2) Approve the rezoning petition of Mrs. Hardie Cook. Moved by Vietzke that the - Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. (3) Adopt the master plan for a street location in the Talbot area as presented. Moved by Trimm that the matter be referred to the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. The King County Public Health report was received. A copy has been forwarded to Councilman Garrett, Chairman, Sanitation Committee. A communication was read from Mayor Baxter, stating that the State Highway Depart— ment has completely excluded the City of Renton proper from its plans for highway development in the next biennium. Mayor Baxter informed the Council he would earnestly endeavor to investigate this situation, and that the Council was invited collectively and individually to work with him on this matter. Moved by Richardson, that the Council concur in the Mayorts action. Carried. A communication from Mayor Baxter was read regarding the Boeing Airplane Company, requesting that the City lease to them the two hundred feet of property that lies between the properties leased by the State & Game Department and Mr. Potter. At present, Boeing is leasing 800 feet of property from the City on a temporary basis, the lease expires in June of this year. They would like to have the new lease expire at the same time. Moved by Richardson, that the matter be referred to the Property Committee and a report back. Carried. A communication was read from Mayor Baxter stating that the Public Housing Authority has notified this office of its intent to transfer to the City of Renton the deed to the Renton Highlands Fire Station by February lst, 1957 and the deed to the Highlands Administration Building about March 1, 1957. In conjunction with this, they offer to sell the City of Renton the personal property now in the buildings at about 20% of the original cost. This property according to government regulations must be sold and cannot be included with the buildings. The above proposal must be approved by the City Council before the Public Housing Authority can make this transfer of deeds. It was suggested by Delaurenti that in regards to the Fire Station, that the Mayor be given power to act. Moved by Delaurenti, that in regards to the Highland Administration Bldg* the matter be referred to the Property Committee for consideration and a report back at the next Council Meeting. Carried. A communication was read from Mayor Baxter, stating that the City will assume control of the Highlands Administration Bldg. About March 1, 1957. The cost of opera— ting this building is very high, running about $12,000.00 a year. Since the adoption WHO of the 1957 budget it has been suggested that the Renton Housing Authority operate the building on the same basis that it now operates the City Hall. The Building Maintenance Fund, under Current Expense, could then be utilized for other projects, such as new traffic signals. In connection with this we have the problem of moving the Highland Branch Library. The Building now housing the Highland Branch of the Library has been scheduled for sale in the very near future. Therefore it is necessary that the Branch Library be moved to the Highlands Administration Building as soon as possible. If the Housing Authority is going to operate the building, then the above—mentioned cost should be paid by them. If the ity is going to operate the building, then the cost should be _1. paid by the City. It is imperative that the Council act soon, so the administration can proceed accordingly. Moved by Richardson, that the matter be referred to the Property Committee for investigation and a report back. A communication was read from Mayor Baxter, requesting that a partition be moved in the City Treasurerts Office. The estimated cost of this job is $300.00. Also an enclosure be built in the Engineering drafting room for use of the Asst. City Engineer. The estimated cost is $250.00. Moved by Richardson that this be referred to the Property Committee for investigation and a report back. A communication was read from Mayor Baxter regarding the 1957 Session of the State Legislature. They have already proposed three pieces of Legislature upon which he believes the Council should go on record as either favoring or opposing. These are (1) Senate Bill No. 35; (2) the proposed City Sales Tax Law; and (3) revision of Initiative No. 199. Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson that we concur in the recommendation of the City Attorney with regards to Senate Bill No. 35; (2) The Sales Tax Law was referred to the Council Legislative Committee to study and report back; (3) Initiative No. 199 was also referred to the Council Legislative Committee for further study. A communication was read from the Expansion & Development Committee, stating that the ultimate development of the combined areas of Liberty Park and Cedar River Park and the City of Renton at this time acquire the property now occupied by the Colonial Furniture Company. Moved by Reid, that the matter be referred to the Property Committee Co and they be autho rized to have an appriasal made, and report back to the Council. „I Carried. M < A communication was read from Boeing Airplane Company, requesting that consideration be given by the City of Renton, to the lighting conditions at the intersection of Sixth Avenue North and Airport Way with Logan Street. Moved by Reid, that the matter be referred to the Light & Power Committee. Carried. Councilman Richardson presented the Resolution regarding the release on matching funds to pay pension cost. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, that we adopt the Resolution. Carried. Councilman Richardson presented the Resolution allowing new employees to retain credits in other pension systems in the state. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, and carried. rr. Councilman Richardson, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, stated that the proposed Northern Pacific Franchise Ordinance be passed. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that we concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the Ordinance be placed on a second and final reading. Regarding the Ordinance it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Vietzke, that the time be amended to 20 years instead of 25 years. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Morris, t►Aye;tt Trimm, "No;" Reid, »No;tt Richardson, ttNo,tt; Pinkerton, ►tNo;tt Vietzke, ttAye;n Garrett, t►Aye;tt Hansen,"No;" Delaurenti, ttNo;tt Heppenstall, "No;t? and Bruce, "No.ft There being 3 t►Aye t st► and 9 "No t s,t► the motion lost. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Franchise Ordinance be adopted as read. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Morris, "Aye;" Trimm, ttAye;tt Reid, "Aye;t► Richardson, t►Aye;tt Pinkerton, t►Aye;n Vietzke, ttNo;n Garrett, ►►Aye;tt Hansen, "Aye;?# Swift, t►Aye;t► Delaurenti, ►►Aye;tt Heppenstall, ttAye;tt and Bruce, "Aye." There being eleven ttAyetsn and one "Nott, the motion carried. Councilman Garrett stated he had received a report from the City Engineer in regards to the Sanitary Sewer in the Highlands, the cost would be $$9,400.00. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that we concur and it be referred to the Ways & Means Committee, Carried. Councilman Hansen stated that $3,050.00 instead of a prior estimate of $1,800.00 would be the cost for building the stairway and office over the present Engine er Office for Planner. A report was made in regards to the need of a Street Light at Sunset & M Street. Moved by Morris, seconded by Pinkerton, that the matter be referred to the Light & Power ti.. Committee, with power to act. Carried. Councilman Swift stated there would be a Street & Alley Committee meeting Monday, January 281, 1957, at 8:00 p.m. Councilman Bruce stated there would be a Property Committee meeting Tuesday, January 29, 1957 at 8:00 p.m. A discussion was held in regards to Business & Occupational Tax. Mr. Cooper, from the audience, suggested that the City investigate the possibility of operating a business without a license by out of town dealers. Referred to the Ordinance Committee. € 22 It was moved by Councilman Richardson, and seconded by Vietzke, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. There were eight persons present besides City of Renton employees. City Clerk -' 1 Mayor I {fJJ 2 Renton, Washington February 5, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Baxter at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: MORRIS, TRIMM, REID, PINKERTON, VIETZKE, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that Councilman Richardson be excused. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Elton Alexander, City Clerk, Ang Busato, Chief of Police; James Highton, City Engineer; James Dunstan, Supt. of Utilities; Rueben Miller, Street Qommissioner; `.r Vern Church; Purchasing Agent; Alfred Kraig, Librarian and Charles Bott, Comptroller. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Swift, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved, as corrected. - Carried. A communication was read from Mayor Baxter appointing Don Humble Planning Director for a six-month probationary period effective February 15, 1957. Moved by Reid, seconded by Heppenstall that the Council concur in appointment. Carried. Mayor Baxter requested concurrence to reappoint Ned -Stokes and Richard K. -Clarke to serve on the Renton "viation Board for a three-year period expiring =� November 21, 1959. Moved by Morris, seconded by Pinkerton to concur in reappoint- ment. Carried. A communication was read from Water Department, City of Seattle, signed by J. Ray Heath, Supt. of Water, in ar_sw er to request to use Cedar River Pipeline right-of-way between Walla Walla Avenue and Mill Street for off-street parking. He stated that the matter has been given favorable consideration, subject to following requirements: (1) Indemnify the City against all claims for damage to persons or property occupying or using this right--of-way area. (2) City of Seattle will require that unrestricted access shall be allowed to City officials and equip- ment at all times. (3) City of Renton will agree to maintain and replace any surfacing which it places on the area. (4) City of Seattle shall not be assessed for any improvene nts on or adjacent to area. If the 6ity of Renton is agreeable to the above terms, the Seattle City Council will grant a permit to use the right-of-way for a limited period. A communication was read from Haugan & Shellan, City Attorneys, relative to the above matter. The conditions imposed by the City of Seattle was acceptable except it was desirous to modify item No. (1). It was felt that the destruction arising out of the underground facilities owned by the City of Seattle. Also, the permit should be for a sufficiently long period with options for renewal. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, to refer this matter to the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Communication was read from Association of Washington Cities, signed by George D. Smith, "sst. Executive Secretary, relating to a bill (S.B. No. 46) to increase the pension benefits for retired firemen. Information was requested to furnish the estimated total annual cost in providing the increased pensions for firemen and the total number of retired firemen to more effectively oppose this proposal which it was felt would force new pension burdens on cities without providing the funds to pay the bill. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke that the matter be referred to the Legislative Committee. It was brought out in discussion that such information was public property and should be forwarded to the inquiring agency. The Ci ty Clerk will prepare the requested information. However, until such time as the Legislative Committee studies the bill, it was- felt inadvisable at this time to state any view. A roll call vote was requested. All eleven Councilmen present voted "Aye*" Carried. Communication from City Planning Commission recommending that the City Council t" approve the following resolutions, public hearings having been held on these petitions and there being no protests, written or verbal. (1) Rezoning of property between Logan and Shattuck Streets, and Seattle Pipe Line and Second Avenue to B-1, with restrictions for use of office and professional buildings and not for retail business of any kind. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Swift to concur in the recommendation. In a, discussion which followed, it was felt that other business could not be restricted from building by rezoning to B-1. City Attorney Shellan questioned the legality of the recommendation and pointed out that once it is rezoned to B-1, retail business could not be restricted. He said that the proper procedure would be to rezone it to R-2, after a public hearing by the Planning Commission. Chairman Jim Denzer, Planning Commission, stated there was a time 224 element involved. The cost of the building to be constructed is between $50-60,000.00 and he felt that everything possible be done to expedite the resolution. Also, to protect the school from having any type of business or dwelling that might be consid- ered detrimental to the school. Councilman Bruce felt that a delay would hurt the company and the City of Renton. The company had originally asked for a variance to make preparation for this construction. City Attorney Shellan suggested the Council make a motion to approve the rezoning of this particular area from B-1 to R-2 with the recommendation to the Planning Commission to -issue a special permit for the pur- pose requested. Also, to show that it is not detrimental to adjoining property. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, to follow the proposal outlined by Attorney Shellan. Carried. Councilman Bruce, with consent of his second, withdrew his original motion. (2) Preliminary plat of Block 26 .and 27, Renton Highlands, as corrected, submitted by the Renton Suburban Development Corporation. Councilman Pinkerton queried if the old stand-pipe hydrants would be replaced with the regular fire hydrants. Upon confirmation, Pinkerton moved, Delaurenti,seconded, that the resolution be referred to the Street & Alley Committee. _ Carried. (3) Rezoning request of Raymond Brown to rezone described property to B-1 and R-2. Moved by Vietzke and seconded by Hansen that the �;ouncil concur in recommendation of Planning Commission. Carried. . Notice from Association of Valley Cities announcing meeting to be held at Auburn City Hall, 8:00 p.m., February 14, 1957, regarding how pending legislature will affect municipalities. Councilmen Reid, Pinkerton and Hansen plan to attend. Letter from Gene Coulon, Supt. of Parks & Recreation, advising Council that the Park fund has no money with which to carry out its 1957 operation as tax monies for 1956 did not come up to expectation. City Comptroller Bott explained that the 1956 taxes did not come in due to the Ryder amendment. Therefore, the Park fund is out of money and will need a loan to be paid back from tax revenues of 1957. Moved by Swift, seconded by Vietzke to be referred to the Finance Committee. Carried. Letter from Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, requesting a call for bids for a transmission for Galion Diesel Roller, attaching specifications. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the request of the Purchasing Agent. Carried. Councilman Vietzke reported receipt of a letter from City Engineer Highton submitting the separation of costs for the traffic signals under construction at 6th Ave. No. and Park Street: Estimated cost: $250.00 (Labor - $150.00; Material $100.00). Fourth Avenue &Main Street: $100.00 (Labor - $90.00; Material - $10.00). Moved by Swift, seconded by Heppenstall to be referred to the Ways & Means Committee. Carried. Letter of thanks from Oliver M. Hazen, Superintendent of Schools, for Resolution adopted by the Council expressing appreciation and gratitude for his services as superintendent of schools daring the past twenty years. Mayor Baxter announced that letters had been sent to our State representatives regarding Initiative 199. Communication from City Engineer Highton inclosing Certificate of Payment of Taxes issued by the State Tax Commission for Frank Coluccio Construction Company, Contractor, 3rd Avenue Storm Sewer, west of Shattuck Street. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer to the Auditing & Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: Morris, Trimm, Reid, Pinkerton, Vietzke, Garrett, Hansen, Swift, Delaurenti, Heppenstall and Bruce. City Attorney Shellan gave a report on a joint meeting establishing and cop- structing a sewer lire on Burnett St. N., and to establishing a crossing on 4th Ave. N. The City Engineer determined a maximum of 401 was needed. (Referred to Property and Sanitation Committees.) Councilman Bruce reported that the Property Committee recommends that: (1) The Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to draw up a lease granting Boeing Airplane Company 2001 additional adjacent to their present parking lot. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. (2) Renton Highland Fire Station. Equipment can be purchased for $151.00. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Pinkerton to concur in recommendation. Carried. (3) Highlands Library. The cost for moving, painting and shelves be met out of Cedar River Park funds. Moved by Vietzke, 2 + , seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. (4) Operation of Highlands Administration Bldg. The Housing Authority continue to manage building on a temporary basis through Cedar River Park operation. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti to concur in the recommendation. Carried. (5) Improvements for Police Court, Treasurerts Office and Addition in Engineer's Office for the Superinten- dent of Utilities. These improvements to be taken from Cedar River Park funds. (6) Quarters for Planning Director. Quarters to be held in abeyance as other space in building might be utilized at less expense. Mayor Baxter granted more time to Councilman Bruce. (7) Liberty Park Property. Mayor Baxter granted more time to Councilman Bruce to negotiate with owner. Councilman Trimm, Chairman, reported it was the recommendation -of the Fire &. Water Committee that the bid for the Fire Department station wagon be awarded to Williams & Swanson, being the low bidder. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Heppenstall that the Council concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. -Councilman Reid, �;hairman, reported that it -was recommended by the Light 8 Power Committee that three mercury lights ($162.00 -each) be installed at 6th & Logan. (Referred to Ways & Means Committee.) Mayor Baxter granted Councilman Vietzke.. Chairman, Ways & Means Committee more time regarding sanitary sewer in Renton Highlands. C\$ Councilman Swift, Chairman, reported that the Street & Alley Committee recommends approval of re-platting of Block 27, and a portion of Block 26, Renton < Highlands Addition #2 and stated that the owner may request a hearing for .relocation .�+ of the walkway. Moved by Morris, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. Councilman Swift requested the City Attorney's Office acquire permission to make test holes in area of a 5-acre site (few miles NE of Renton) to assure sufficient depth. This area is a source of gravel for road repair material. City Attorney Shellan suggested that this matter be referred to the City Engineer. Councilman Swift stated that as a matter for information, trucks passing by the fire station will be checked to find out their origin and destination in an effort to re-route this heavy traffic. Also, that Puget Sound Power & Light Co. fill has been started by waste materials as they become available. Mr. Swift stated that he felt the cost estimate for a pedestrian-control system at the corner of 3rd & Williams and 3rd & Wells be requested again as they have not received this information. The Street & Alley Committee also studied the petition from the Parent-Teachers Association, Henry McKnight School, requesting a traffic light on Sunset Blvd. & E Street. Councilman Swift stated that the Committee recommends that a letter be sent to the School Board requesting their financial participation in the proposed light. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift further reported that the City Engineer has applied to the Seattle Water De pt. for a use permit for the area on Beacon Avenue from Walla Walla to Mill Streets. Upon receipt of this use permit, the Street & Alley Committee recommends that the City Engineer proceed to develop A cost estimate and lay out an area for the most amount of parking. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Pinkerton requested that a meeting of the Council as a Whole be held immediately following the Council meeting. Councilman Vietzke stated that he felt a letter be sent to the Northern Pacific Railway Company requesting them to do the necessary work to better absorb the shock at the crossing at 3rd Avenue and Burnett. Mayor Baxter stated he would take care of this matter. Councilman Swift reported that complaints have been received from the Street and Traffic Departments that Boeing personnel are restricting the use of private driveways by parking on Burnett St. N., Williams St. N. and 5th Ave. N. The Street & Alley Committee recommends that a two-hour parking limit be imposed in these areas. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Delaurenti, that the recommendation of the Committee be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. r `J The Council concurred in the motion by Swift, seconded by Trimm, that they cancel the next meeting of February 12 in observance of President Lincoln's Birthday. The next meeting will be held February 19, 1957. The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: Payroll — All Departments $58,b17.58 Current Fund 1,239.75 Airport Fund 400.00 Shop E. R. Fund 94.40 Firements Pension Fund 250.00 Swimming Pool Bond Fund 7,003.55 Salary Fund Claims 10,944.77 Water 1953 W&S Rev. Bonds Bond Retirement 1,790.00 Water 1954 W&S Rev, Bonds Bond Retirement 395.00 Sewer 1954 W&S Rev. Bonds Bond Retirement 384.00 Water 1954 W&S Reserve Reserve Fund 450.00 OLD Swimming Pool Swim, Pool Constn Correction 296.85 OLD Swimming Pool Swim. Pool Constn Correction 4,026.16 Councilman Bruce moved, seconded by Heppenstall, that the meeting be adjourned. The Council adjourned at 10:00 p.m. There were eight persons present besides City of Renton employees. City Clerk .J Mayor I els _$.. Renton, Washington February 19, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: MORRIS, TRIMM, RICHARDSON, PIffnRTON, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; James Highton, City Engineer; James Dunstan, Supt. of Utilities; Rueben Miller, Street Commissioner; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Don Humble, Planning Director; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Gene Coulon, Park Department Supt.; Walt Will, Office Engineer and Charles Bott, Comptroller. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as -corrected. Carried. Mayor Baxter requested concurrence to reappoint Charles McGarrigle and John Austin to serve on the Planning Commission for a six-year period, expiring January 2, 1963. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce,to concur in the reappointment. Carried. Mayor Baxter requested concurrence to appoint Tom Cochran to replace Howard �$ Shaw as a member of the Youth Guidance Committee effective immediately. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the appointment. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids on the Galion Tanden Roller transmission, the City Clerk opened and read a bid from the Howard Cooper Corporation, Seattle, Washington, who submitted the list price of $1,412.50, seconded by Pinkerton that the bids be referred to the Shop Foreman and the Property Committee with power to act. Carried. Communications from the United Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners of America, Local 1797, and the Renton Central Labor Council, favoring completion of Highway 2-A through Renton with a concrete viaduct through Cedar River Park, also Highway 1-L, Renton-Burien, and urging Council support.. Mayor Baxter announced that the State Highway Commission has called a hearing regarding this issue to be held Thursday, February 21, 3:00 p.m., in the Council chambers. Mr. Denzer, Chairman, Planning Commission, stated that representatives from both unions would be present. Communication from the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company, signed by G. W. Benedick, Manager, advising that on or about July 31, 1957, the service in Renton will be changed to an operation under which no telephone operators will be located here. Also, at that time lie stated that it will be impracticable to handle fire alarm calls as they are now handled. Councilman Trimm, Chairman, Fire & Water Committee, stated that they did not reach a conclusion as to this point at their last meeting but plan to have another meeting to work out some way that when persons dial "Olive 1414,1t it will automatically set off the alarm system. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that this matter be referred to the Fire & Water Committee. Communication from Asa T. Jones regarding the residents of Cedar River Park who are allowed by the Housing Authority to keep pets. He stated that upon contacting the Seattle Housing Authority, he learned .that they do not allow pets in their rented units and felt that the Renton Housing Authority should have the same ban. Councilman Richardson stated that Mr. Jones was advised that the Renton Housing Authority has jurisdiction to set up rules and regulations. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that the communication be sent to the Housing Authority for action. Councilman Swift amended the motion to include that the communication be referred to the Sanitation Committee for investigation. Carried. A communication was read from Rueben Miller, Street Commissioner, submitting irr a proposed "Call for Bids" on 1600 feet of 24-inch concrete pipe and 1500 manhole bricks to be used for the construction of the 7th Avenue South Storm Sewer at an estimated cost of $5,500.00. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, that the Council corn ur in the recommendation of the Street Commissioner, the date of March 5th being set for the opening of bids. Carried. James Dunstan, Supt. of Utilities, submitted a request for a "Call for Bids" on two new trucks for the Water Dept. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the request be referred to the Fire & Water Committee. Carried. Communication from City Engineer and Planning Director requesting a review of a Street Plan as a part of the Comprehensive Plan for the development of the area between M Street and 132nd Ave. S.E., which encloses the President Park Additions. Moved by Richardson, seocnded by Delaurenti., to refer the request to the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Communication from the City Planning Commission recommending that the City Council approve a B-1 zone, without restrictions, for the property between Logan and Shattuck Street, and Seattle pipe line and Oecond Avenue. It was noted that a hearing has been held, with no protests, on rezoning said property to B-1, with restrictions. However, no hearing has been held for B-1 zoning, without restrictions. City Attorney Shellan pointed out that two weeks ago the Council .had acted favorably on the proposit- ion that this particular property be rezoned from R-1 to R-2 with the recommendation to the Planning Commission that a special permit be issued to allow construction of the Metroplitan Life Co. As the original hearing was for B-1, without restrictions, and no notices have been posted to change it to B-1, without restrictions, Mr. Shellan said it would not be in compliance with the zoning .ordinance. He stated that the Council has a right to impose a higher restriction, such as R-2, if it is not detri- mental to the adjacent area. Councilman Pinkerton queried if the Planning Commission objected to R-2. Mr. Lewis Peretti, member of the Planning Commission, stated he felt that particular area was best suited to B-1. Mayor Baxter informed the Council that the ''chool District was in full accord with the rezoning as presented to them. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, to approve the rezoning of this area from R-1 to R-2, with the recommendation to the Planning Commission to issue a special permit. Council- man Swift asked if there would be sufficient parking in compliance with the Ordinance. Walt Will., Office Engineer, replied that there was space for approximately 100 cars. The motion carried. A communication from the City Planning Commission recommending that the rezoning request of Herve G. Gasperson for rezoning described property (abutting 4th Ave. N. at S.E. 128th St.)from B-1 to T for a trailer park be turned down if sewer connections are not available. Councilman Heppenstall queried if sewer connections were available. City Engineer Highton replied that it was too expensive a proposition. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Trimm, to concur in the recommenda- tion of the Planning Commission. Carried. A communication was read from the Shoreline Construction Company, Contractors, requesting an extension of 16 days for completion of contract for asbestos cement water supply line due to adverse weather conditions. City Engineer Highton recommended approval of the time extension. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer recommending approval of Estimate #1 of work performed by Shoreline Construction Company, Contractors, Asbestos- Cement Industrial Water Supply Line, to February 1, 1957,totalling $7,511.00, less 15% retained ($13,126.65)2 leaving a balance of $61,384.35. Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. A communication was read from R. W. Johnson reference construction being halted on his residence at 87th Ave. S. due to a question of the sideyard setback adjacent to So. 131st St. City Engineer Highton stated that a survey was needed of the whole area to properly proportion the property. Councilman Bruce stated that funds were not available for that purpose. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that Mr. Johnson be allowed a variance on the construction of his home. Carried. The Finance Committee recommended to the Council that a loan of $15,000.00 be made to the Park Fund from the Current Fund. Also, that a loan of $5,000.00 be made to the Library Fund from the Current Fund until tax more y is received to finance the fund. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded -by Bruce, that the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, Ordinance Committee, reported that the Ordinanc Committee would like to present a proposed Resolution to establish a payroll savings plan for the City employees; the amount so designated on the application to be auto- matically deducted from the employeets paycheck periodically until such time as the employee shall cancel. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, to accept the proposed Resolution. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance, as recommended by the Street & Alley Committee, restricting parking of vehicles on East Burnett St. N. and North Williams St. between Fourth Ave. N. and Sixth Avenue N. to two hours daily, except Sundays and holidays. The City Clerk read the Ordinance. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reports favorably and recommended the passage. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1592 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being -taken and all Councilmen present voting ttAye,tt the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance changing the zoning classification of certain property. The City Clerk rad the proposed Ordinance changing the zoning classification from R-1 tow to R-2, together with a special permit, for the construction of an office building at 2nd & Shattuck; the Planning Commission having ,previously determined and found that such rezoning and special permit was not unduly detrimental to adjacent properties. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, L,V seconded by Bruce, that Ordinance No. 1593 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being CA taken and all Councilmen present voting "Aye," the motion unanimously carried. 2ta Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance changing the zoning classification of certain property. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance changing the zoning classification of the unplatted property lying between the east line of the Puget Sound Power & Light Co. transmission line right-of-way easement and the west line of Shepard Heights Addition, and extending from 12th Ave. N. to Sunset Boulevard East from R-1 to R-2 and the unplatted property lying west of the east line of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company transmission line right-of-way easement, between 12th Ave. N. and Sunset Boulevard East from R-1 to B-1. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance Land recommended its passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the �'ouncil concur in the recommendation of the committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, that Ordinance No. 1594 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting "Aye,11 the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance changing the zoning of certain property. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance reclassifying two parcels of land: Parcel A - from R-2 to P-1 and Parcel B - R-1 to R-3. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Morris, seconded by Pinkerton, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, that Ordinance No. 1591 be adopted. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting "Aye,tt the motion unanimously carried. Mayor Baxter excused Councilman Richardson for the balance of the meeting. In a discussion which followed regarding the Metro Senate Bill 136, Nicholas Maffeo, attorney-at-law, voiced his opposition to the bill stating it was not advan- tageous to smaller cities. City Attorney Shellan, appointee to the Mayorts Advisory Committee, City of Seattle, stated he believed that the bill should be supported in "W principle. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pinkerton, that S.B. 136 be placed in hands of the Council as a Whole. (Monday, February 25, 7:00 p.m. was the date set for the meeting. ) The City Attorney was requested to be present at the meeting. Councilman Pinkerton, Chairman, Legislative Committee, requested the views of the Councilmen regarding H. B. 383, which would increase policemerts pensions. Councilman Morris pointed out that under terms of this bill, policemen would be per- mitted to retire after 25 years at approximately half-pay. At present, they are under terms of the Statewide Retirement Act. The purpose of the bill is to put the second-class cities in the same category as first-class cities. Councilman Heppenstall a queried as to the cost of the bill to the City of Renton. Police Officer Lieut. Frazee, from the audience, stated that the pension fund in first-class cities is self-supported by policemen. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Trimm, that the measure be referred to the Council as a Whole. Carried. Councilman Garrett, Chairman, Sanitation Committee, stated it was the recommendation of the committee that the �dity install the sewer on N. Burnett Street and pay for it on a proportionate basis with property owners. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Bruce, Chairman, Property Committee, stated that he had discussed M : the matter of the 4th Avenue crossing with Jay Holmes whose price was $37.50 per front foot, or $1,500.00 for the property. Moved by Trimm,, seconded by Bruce, that the Property Committee be authorized to negotiate with Mr. Holmes to buy the property. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported the inventory for the Administration Bldg. and Library, totalling $14,792.32, which can be purchased for approximately $20900. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Trimm, that the Property Committee be empowered to act to purchase the property. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:40 p.m. There were six persons present besides City of Renton employees. City Clerk Mayor Renton, Washington February 26, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: MORRIS, TRIMM, REID, PINKERTON, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, AND HEPPENSTALL, Councilmen Richardson, Vietzke and Bruce were excused. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Arthur Haugan, Asst. City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Dunstan, Supt. of Utilities; Walt Wills, Office Engineer; Rueben Miller, Street Commissioner; Don Humble, Planning Director; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; and Charles Bott, Comptroller. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved, as corrected. Carried. Mayor Baxter requested concurrence to appoint Wesley Busch to fill the unexpired term on the Planning Commission, which expires January 2, 1959, due to the resignation of Don Humble. Concurred in action. A communication was read from James Dunstan, Supt. of Utilities, submitting a CL) proposed "Call for Bids" for one Wallace & Tiernan Solution Feed Chlorinator, with C\1 accessories. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the request be referred to the Fire & Water Committee and Mr. Dunstan, and the Committee be given power to act. Carried. Communication from Mayor Baxter recommending taking the necessary steps in accepting the transfer of the deed to Renton Highlands Administration Building from the Public Housing Authority. Also, their offer to sell the personal property now in the building at the reduced price of $1,954.00, using the Cedar River Park fund for this purpose. On Councilman Brucets authority, Uouncilman Swift recommended the purchase of equipment at the appraisal price of $4951 .00 and concurred with the recommendation that the Cedar River Park fund be used. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee with the authorization requested by the Mayor to proceed with the transaction. Carried. won Communication from Statewide City Employees Retirement System, signed by Earle Tinius, Executive Secretary, regarding Police Officer Anker Anderson, and re- questing notification of action taken by Council for possible extension of his com- pulsory retirement date on May 1, 1957. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, to refer this request to the Chief of Police and the Police & License Committee for consideration and report back. Carried. A communication, signed by R. L. Ledingham for Ledingham.. Daniels and Ledingham, to the "ity Engineer regarding Shane's Citizen Apartment Project and bulkhead under construction on north side of project property, was read requesting investigation and condemnation of the bulkhead purportedly weakened by- the recent rains. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the complaint be referred to the City Building Inspector and City Engineer for investigation and written report back. Councilman Swift inquired of the Asst. City Attorney as to what extent the City was involved. Mr. Haugan replied there was friction between the building owner and adjacent property owners; that the problem now whas whether Shane is complying with the building permit. The motion carried. A communication from William A. Gebenini, Airport Manager, requesting a special appropriation totalling $25,000.00 for capital outlay purposes for the airport. He stated that this money has been paid by Boeing Airplane Co., however, because the money was not appropriated in the 1957 budget, an emergency appropriation was now necessary in order to fulfill their obligation to Boeing. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer this matter to the Ordinance Committee for action. A petition was read, signed by nine persons, representing nine families, request- ing street lights be installed in the following area: Corner of Sunset Blvd. & 5th Place N. Top of hill on 5th Place N. Corner of 5th Place N. & Ronald Sts. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, that the petition be referred to the Light & Power Committee with power to act and report back. Carried. 3 A communication from Johnston-Campanella, Architects, Designers, dated February 210 1957, was ordered placed on file. Councilman Heppenstall, member of the Ordinance Committee., reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Resolution to transfer the sum of $15,000.00 as a loan from the Current Expense Fund to the Park Department Fund, also, that the sum of $5,000.00 be transferred as a loan from the Current Expense Fund to the Library Fund; said funds to be repaid to the Current Expense Fund out of the first funds becoming available for that purpose. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Heppenstall, that Resolution No. 921 be adopted. Carried. The Ordinance Committee presented an ordinance accepting the Deed of Dedication on the Highlands Administration Building and property and reported favorably on the Resolution. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Delaurenti, that Resolution No. 922 be adopted. Carried. ".Nw Council President Morris reported that the Council as a Whole considered S.B. 136, creating a Metro Council enabling act, at a meeting Monday, February 25. He stated it was the recommendation of the Committee that the Council concur in S.B. 136 in principle and recommended that letters be sent to our State representa- tives supporting the bill. Moved by Swift, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendations of the Council as a Whole. Carried. Prom the audience, Attorney N. Maffeo stated he had a few additional remarks to make on the subject and requested the privilege of the floor. He was granted five minutes by Mayor Baxter. Councilman Morris further reported that the Council as a Whole also considered H. B. 383, Police Relief and Pension Fund. He stated it was the recommendation of the Committee that this bill be referred to the Legislative Committee for further study. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Heppenstall, to concur in the recommendation of the Council as a Whole. Councilman Morris requested a progress report on the request to the City of Seattle to use the Cedar River Pipeline right-of-way between Walla Walla Avenue and Mill Street for off-street parking. Councilman Swift advised that a cost estimate for this area had been requested from the City Engineer. Mayor Baxter said that a letter was sent regarding the City being liable for any damage but no reply has been received as yet. However, he would follow up on this matter. Councilman Morris asked that it be on record that the Council is not delaying progress in this matter. Councilman Garrett, Chairman, Sanitation Committee, reported that upon contact- ing the Renton Housing Authority he learned they had no regulation regarding whether or not pets are allowed at Cedar River Park. As no further complaints have been received, he felt the matter could be closed unless more complaints are received. Councilman Swift, Chairman, Street & Alley Committee, reported that the committee recommiends that the portion of the Comprehensive Street Plan for the area between 4th North to 12th North, and nM" Street to nTtt Street be returned to the City Planning Commission for reconsideration. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. Councilman Pinkerton, t'hairman, Legislative Committee, moved that the Council go on record as supporting S.B. 398, which appropriates $6,564,000.00 to relocate and rebuild Highway 1-L, the Renton-Burien Road. Councilman Morris seconded the motion which was ainended by Councilman Reid to include that letters be sent to Senator Hess and State Representatives Monroe and Durkin. The motion, as amended, carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman, announced a meeting of the Street & Alley Committee, Monday, March 4, at 8:00 p.m. and requested the presence of the Planning Director, City Engineer, Street Commissioner and Chief of Police. Mayor Baxter stated earlier that he would like to attend a meeting of the Street & Alley Committee. Mrs. Tom Richter, from the audience, protested the over-parking on Wells St. N. by Boeing personnel since the two-hour ban on Burnett St. N., Williams St. N. and 5th Ave. N. went into effect. She felt that a similar restriction should also be placed on Wells St. N. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, to refer this matter to the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. b� C jr Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the meeting be adjourned. The Council adjourned at 8:50 p.m. There were four persons present besides City of Renton employees. 6ity Clerk 16. yor hA �n IL A o Renton, Washington March 5, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, REID, PINKERTON, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. Councilman Richardson, Vietzke and Morris were excused. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Ben Hayes, Asst. City Engineer; James Dunstan, Supt. of Utilities; Rueben Miller, Street Commissioner; Don Humble, Planning Director; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Gene Coulon, Park �- Superintendent and Charles Bott, Comptroller. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Heppenstall, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved, as corrected. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids on 1600 feet of 24-inch concrete pipe and 1500 manhole bricks to be used for the construction of the 7th Ave. South Storm Sewer, the following bids were opened and read: CONCRETE PIPE MANHOLE BIDDER AMOUNT BLOCKS SALES TAX TOTAL BID Graystone 14001 2 3.10 1500 �,' .14 Z151.66 $4*610.66* Seattle CC Pipe $4,340.00 $210.00 148.63 4,607.63# (*the net bid price includes the 2% CPD.) Gladding, McBean & Co. submitted a quotation on 14001 of vitrified clay sewer pipe, totalling $9,895.00, including sales tax. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, that the bids be referred to the Street & Alley Committee, Carried. A communication from Mayor Baxter regarding transfer of the deed of the Renton Highlands Administration Bldg. from the Public Housing Authority and the payment of $1,954.00 to the Public Housing Authority for the personal property, issued against the Cedar River Project Fund, was ordered placed on file. Communication from City Engineer submitting an application from Cornelius Land Company for a permit to construct a sign on the street right-of-way at 211 Sunset Blvd. W. and stating he had no objection to the sign installation as a traffic hazard, however, he felt that any consideration should include consent of abutting property owners. Moved by Reid, seconded by Bruce, to refer the application to the City Planning Commission as it is located on highway property. Carried. Communication from City Engineer submitting recommendations with regard to the construction of Limited Access Highway, P.S.H. No, 1, R-K through the City of Renton including: (1) Widening of Sunset Blvd. from the Proposed Interchange at the Maple Valley Highway Intersection to the Partial Interchange at Windsor Hills. (2) Easterly Extension of 3rd Avenue North. (3) Construction through Cedar River Park; and (4) 96th Ave. South Overpass. Also, letter from Planning Director submitting recommenda- tions and observations to this construction, including: (1) Relocation and Replace- ment of Existing Utilities. (2) Storm Sewer Drainage. (3) Overpass of Bronson Highway North. (4) Benson Highway Underpass. (5) Cedar River Park. (6) Over- passes; and (7) dead-ended streets. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Heppenstall, to concur in the recommendations of the City Engineer and Planning Director. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman, brought out that the Street & Alley Committee concurred with this motion. Communication from Pacific Car & Foundry Company, signed by Vuce-President and General Manager T. B. Monson, protesting the contemplated blocking of Fourth Ave. N. at its junction with the Sunset Highway as proposed by the State Highway District Engineers Office, and requested that it be made an integral part of the State Highway System via Airport Way and Logan Street. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pinkerton, that the request be referred to the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Communication from H. G. Casperson appealing the decision of the Planning Commission regarding rezoning request from B-1 to T for a trailer park (4th Ave. N. at S.E. 128th St.) and requesting a special permit from the City Council. City Attorney Shellan advised that it would take a 2/3 majority vote to override a decision of the Planning Commission; that the Secretary of the Planning Commission be instructed to forward all data to City Council to set a new date for a hearing. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, to follow the outline as proposed by Attorney Shellan. Carried. Communication from Chief of Police Ang Busato requesting retirement date of May 1, 1957 for Anker Anderson, under the State-wide City Employee Retirement System, be extended to May 1, 1958. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, to concur in request of Chief of Police. Carried. Communication from City Planning Commission recommending that the City Council approve the following resolutions, there being no protests, written or verbal, at the public hearing held: (1) A special permit be granted to the Methodist Church for the erection of a church building on their property above Windsor Hills on the Cemetery Road. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. (2) The approval ofthe rezoning petition of Cecil Wakelam and others for rezoning described property (91st Ave. So.) from R-1 to R-2. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Bruce to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Letter from City Engineer and Planning Director recommending approval of a print of the Final Plat, Suburban Heights Addition to Renton as approved by the City Planning Commission. The sub-division is a replat of Block 27 and a portion of Block 26, Renton Highlands No. 2, Corrected Plat. The plat conforms to the provisions of Platting Ord, No. 1045 and No. 1472. Moved by Reid, seconded by Heppenstall, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Commin cation from City Engineer with regard to the complaint filed with the City on the bulkhead construction along the north line of Shanets apartment site in Earlington, that the construction has complied with the provisions of the Building lfd Code and the Zoning Code. Also, a physical survey shows no spoilage from the bulk- < head being deposited on other private property. He stated it appeared from the findings that the complaint is in the realm of civil controversy. Councilman Swift asked for a legal opinion regarding position of City in this matter. City Attorney Shellan advised that as long as the City can show that the party involved has complied with all laws, it would be of a civil nature between abutting property owners. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the findings of the City Engineer. Councilman Swift amended the motion to include that a copy of the letter be sent to the complainant. Carried. The Notice from the Association of Valley Cities announcing that the next meeting will be held Thursday.. March 7, 1957 at Puyallup City Hall, with Mr. Cunningham as guest speaker, was ordered placed on file. Communication from Association of Washington Cities, signed by Floyd M. Jennings, Planning Consultant, suggesting that the City enter a model regarding the development of a municipally operated off-street parking lot in Renton, or any other subject, for the annual convention to be held in Bellingham June 6 and 7. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Planning Director to develop an exhibit for the convention. Carried. Communication from City Engineer recommendin acceptance of an estimate of work completed by Shoreline Construction Company, contractor, Asbestos Cement, Industrial Water Supply Line on March 1. The amount due the contractor is $3,473.37. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, to concur in recommendation. Council- man Trimm amended his motion to refer the estimate to the Auditing Committee with power to act. Seconded by Delaurenti and carried. Councilman Heppenstall, member of the Ordinance Committee, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present an Ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 1592 and restricting parking to two hours daily, except Sundays and Holidays on the follow- ing streets: (a) East side of Burnett St. N., (b) Williams Street N., (c) Wells St. N., (d) Pelly Street and (e) Fifth Ave. N. The City Clerk read the Ordinance. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Reid, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Receiving an affirmative reply from Councilman Swift to his question if all streets in the area were included, Councilman Heppenstall reported that the Ordinance Committee reports favorably and recommended passage. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pinkerton, that the Council concur in the .- recommendation of the committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, that Ordinance No. 1595 be adopted. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting IlAye,» the motion unanimously carried. Petitions were submitted to the Council from residents in the area. Councilman Heppenstall reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance appropriating monies from City funds for capital outlay ($25,000.00) for the airport which has been paid by Boeing Airplane Company. The City Clerk read the Ordinance which stated in part that this is an "emergency ordinance which shall not be voted upon until one week shall have elapsed after its introduction, and a copy thereof shall be published as a proposed Ordinance, together with a notice of the time set for voting thereon." Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the proposed ordinance to the Ordinance Committee, Carried, Councilman Heppenstall reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Resolution establishing a "Special Garbage Collection Fundtt in the Office of the City Treasurer for the collection and disposal of all garbage in the City of Renton. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Heppenstall, that Resolution No. 923 be adopted. Carried. Councilman Trimm, Chairman, stated it was the recommendation of the Fire & Water Committee that the proposed "Call for Bids" for the two new trucks for the Water Dept. be approved, the date for the opening of bids being set as March 19. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Final Plat, Suburban Heights Addition to Renton as approved by the Council earlier in the evening, be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Trimm reported that the date for the opening of bids for the Chlorinator, with accessories, was set for March 19. Councilman Reid reported that the lighting system on each intersection in North Renton between Park Avenue and Burnett It. was increased from 60w to 200w. Further, that the Light & Power Committee was making progress with the installation of lights on Scenic Hill and Langston Road. He requested more time regarding the installation of lights in the Sunset Heights area. Mayor Baxter granted his request. Councilman Swift, Chairman, stated it was the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee that a traffic light signal be installed at 3rd & Logan and Smithers to allow a smoother flow of traffic. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti moved that an investigation of parking on Smithers St. between 3rd & 4th be assigned to the Street & tilley Committee. The motion was seconded by Bruce and carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman, stated that the Street & Alley Committee recommended that a "Call for Bids" on the construction of 4th Avenue N. be approved, the date for the opening of bids being set for March 26. Also, that the legal be placed in the Renton Chronicle on March 11 and the Daily Journal at least once. Moved by Heppenstall; seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman, stated it was the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee that a "Call for Bids" for a Screen Plant on the Gravel Pit Site be approved, the date for the opening of bids being set for March 19. Also, that the legal be published on March 7 and 14. Councilman Delaurenti inquired if money was appropriated in the Budget. Councilman Swift replied that the Budget includes money for the purchase of a truck, however, the Street & Alley Committee felt that it was more feasible to forego the truck for this year and apply the money toward the purchase of the shaker. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Bruce, Chairman, recommended that the Property Committee be empowered to act to purchase the property on Burnett St. & 4th Avenue. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess for consideration of bids on the concrete pipe and manhole bricks. After the recess, the meeting was called to order. Roll Call: Trimm, Reid, Pinkerton, Garrett, Hansen, Swift, Delaurenti, Heppenstall and Bruce. Councilman Pinkerton, Chairman, Legislative Committee, recommended that the City Council concur in H.B. 388 (authorizing cities to codify ordinances without -OW publishing in newspapers) and S.B. 342 (authorizing cities and towns to operate off— street parking facilities). Also, that letters be sent to our state representatives supporting the bills. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman, stated it was the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee that pursuant to an agreement with the two bidders on the concrete pipe and manhole bricks which were exactly the same; that the Street Commissioner contact both parties to determine if they will each accept half the bid. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. 27 Councilman Swift, Chairman, stated that the Street & Alley Committee had received a request from Pacific Car & Foundry Co. to notify them of our plans to extend Garden St. N. from 6th Ave. to 8th Ave. so they could develop their plans for parking lots in the area of 6th Ave. N. During the course of investigation, the Street & Alley Committee found that a portion of Garden St., W., 1001 x 30*, on 8th Avenue is not fully dedicated. It is the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee to authorize the proper City officials to negotiate with owners to see if the 301 strip can be acquired by dedication or whatever means necessary. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. Councilman Heppenstall suggested that the Supt. of Utilities check into the Earlington Water District system to determine if their system is in a position to be tied in with the City of Renton Water District. Also, that this matter be referred to the Fire & Water Committee and report back to Council with recommendation. Councilman Trimm, Chairman, stated that the Fire & Water Committee had a meeting with the Water Commissioner and is checking into Earlington and Talbot Water District Systems. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, that the meeting be adjourned. The meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. There were 21 persons present besides City of Renton employees. tJ i�City Clerk Mayor i The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented. PAYROLL - ALL DEPARTMENTS 5`56,470.01 CURRENT FUND 17,747.46 WATER FUND 9,752.83 LIBRARY FUND 660.11 PARK FUND 638.77 REC. -SWIMMING POOL FUND 2.10 SEWER DISPOSAL FUND 1,060.87 AIRPORT FUND 1,824.00 CITY ST. FUND 5,481.90 SHOP E. R. FUND 23,062.71 GARBAGE FUND 61001.19 CIVILIAN DEFENSE FUND 598.63 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 258,50 CUMULATIVE FUND 7Y1184 12007.85 1954 W. & S. CONST. FUND 7,482.20 ST. & LIGHT IMP, FUND 246.16 CEDAR RIVER, MAINT. & IMP. FUND 345.77 SALARY FUND 109227.78 Renton Washington March 12-, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: MORRIS, TRIM., REID, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON.. VIETZKE, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT AND BRUCE. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer, James Dunstan, Supt. of Utilities; Don Humble, Planning Director; Rueben Miller, Street Commissioner; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent and Charles Bott, Comptroller. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Bruce, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as read. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman, reported that the Street Commissioner had contacted the two firms who had submitted the same bid for 1600 ft. of 24-inch concrete pipe and 1500 manhole bricks and both agreed to accept half of the order, therefore, it was the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee that the bid for the construction of the 7th Ave. So, Storm Sewer be awarded to the Graystone Co. and Seattle C. C. Pipe Co. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Mayor Baxter requested concurrence to reappoint Asa T. Jones to serve on the Fire Department Civil Service Commission for a six-year period, expiring January 21, 1963. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the reappointment. Carried. The communication from the Renton Public Library, signed by Alfred Kraig, Librarian, extending an invitation to attend an ttopen housett March 15 at the Highlands Branch Library was ordered placed on file. Letter from P. J. McKay, District Engineer, Washington State Highway Commission, requesting another meeting with the City Council after access plans on the new Inter- state Route through Renton were reviewed. Mayor Baxter stated the City is in a position to meet with the Highway Department and that he would arrange for a meeting and notify the Councilmen of the date set. The Supplemental Order, Cause No. T-8820, ttIn the Matter of Fixing Railroad Speed Limits in the City of Renton.. Washington," from the Washington Public Service Commission, was ordered placed on file. A communication from the Finance Committee recommending that a loan of $18,000.00 be made to the Equipment Rental Fund from the Water Fund for approximately six months was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Communication from the Auburn Spudnut Shop, signed by Philip Alf, requesting permission to establish a ttSpudnuttt route in the City, employing juveniles between the ages of 10-16 in house-to-house sales. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Richardson, to refer the request to the Police & License Committee and report back. Carried. Communication from Mayor Baxter requesting Council endorsement and support of a program designed to alleviate the present housing shortage felt to be caused by the tight-money policy, plus low appraisals placed on houses by the V.A. and the F.H.A. This program will be carried on in conjunction with similar programs in Auburn and Kent. Mayor Baxter stated that it is planned to send letters and telegrams to state officials in Washington, D. C. to advise them of the condition in this area, and stress the necessity for federal aid in promoting private development of rental housing and permanent family dwellings. Moved by Reid, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. The City Engineer presented a communication from Mr. A. Mitchell protesting the removal of dirt from an access road to his property on 88th So, by the abutting property owner and requesting the City Council take necessary steps to improve the road. Mr. Highton stated that both parties were issued special permits to construct the road. He felt the claim was of a civil nature between the two property owners as it is an unimproved road for which the City does not assume any responsibility. Councilman Richardson requested an opinion from the City Attorney who suggested that the party of the second part be advised not to interfere with the physical outlay of the dedicated part of the street. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the matter be referred to the Street & Alley Committees and report back. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance changing the zoning classification of certain property (91st St. So.) within the City of Renton from R-1 to R-2 and authorizing the City Engineer to change the maps of the zoning ordinance of the City to show and evidence these changes. The City Clerk read the Ordinance. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reports favorably and recommended passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, to concur in the recommendation and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Richardson, that the Ordinance be adopted. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting "Aye," the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson, "hairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Resolution for granting and approving the Final Platy Suburban Heights Addition, as submitted by the Renton Suburban Development Corp. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Resolution authorizing and directing the pity Treasurer to transfer the sum of $18,000.00 from the Water Department Fund to the Shop Equipment and Rental Fund, which sum shall constitute a loan and shall be repaid to the Water a Department Fund as soon as feasible. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Pinkerton, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried. c" Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Resolution authorizing and directing the City Treasurer to transfer a utility service charge (7,1e,% of gross revenue) from the Sewer.. Garbage and Water Department to the Current Fund to cover its proportionate share of administrative expenses and services. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Resolution extending the retirement date of Anker A. Andersen, who is a member of the Washington State-wide Emmmployeest Retirement System under the classification of Uniformed Personnel. The City Clerk read the proposed Resolution extending the retirement date to May 1, 1958. Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, to adopt the Resolution. Carried, Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor and the City Clerk to accept, on behalf of the City of Renton, the Deed of Dedication to the Highlands Administration Building Area from the Public Housing Administration and to execute any and all instruments necessary to effectuate the Cityts acceptance of Deed. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Richardson, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried. Planning Director Humble brought to the attention of the Council what he felt was an oversight in the Final Plat of the Suburban Heights Addition to Renton adopted by the 'ouncil earlier in the evening. He stated the plat assumes the vacation of a walkway lying through the southerly part of Lot 6 and dedication of a new walkway between what is now Lots 6 and 7. By acceptance of the plat, he pointed out, a new walkway has been accepted before vacating the old one. City Engineer Highton stated the owners would have to petition for a vacation of the walkway before receiving a clean title to the land. City Attorney Shellan suggested that the City Clerk write a letter to the Renton Suburban Development Corporation advising them of the existing walkway. Also, that they can petition by letter as they are 100% abutting owners. The City can set a hearing on vacation in not less than 20 days and not more than 60 days. An Ordinance will have to be passed. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, to follow the outline suggested by the City Attorney. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairmman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would �. like to presenta roposed Ordinance appropriating monies from City funds for capital outlay ($25,000.003 for the airport which has been paid by the Boeing Airplane Co. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, to place the Ordinance on its second and final hearing. Carried. The City Clerk read the Ordinance. After the second and final reading, moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Ordinance be adopted. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting "Aye," the motion was unanimously carried. City Attorney Shellan reported that a bill has been passed eliminating the requirements for publishing and call for bids for public improvements under $5,000.00. Also, the purchasing of materials has been increased from $500.00 to $2,000.00 without necessitating a call for bids. Councilman Trimm, Chairman, stated that the Fire & Water Committee recommends that the Telephone Company be notified to place in operation the new telephone number (01. 1414) for the Fire Department. He stated the costs will be increased from $ 70.00 to $140.00 per month. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Reid suggested that the Council set a date for the hearing of an appeal by H. G. Casperson regarding his rezoning request from B-1 to T. The file has been received from the City Planning Commission. City Attorney Shellan advised that the Council can set a date for a hearing in one week provided the appellant is notified. The City Clerk stated he would notify the appellant that a hearing will be held March 19. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, to follow the outline as proposed by Attorney Shellan. Carried. Now Mayor Baxter granted a weeks extension to Councilman Vietzke, Chairman, Ways and Means Committee, regarding the sanitary sewer in Renton Highlands. Councilman Garrett, Chairman, Sanitation Committee, requested a progress report regarding the Black River channel. Mayor Baxter advised that this project has been held up mainly because of the legislature being in session. Councilman Swift, Chairman, requested a meeting of the Street & Alley Committee, Thursday, March 14, at 8:00 p.m. The main item of discussion will be the extension of Garden St. N. from 6th Ave. to 8th Ave. to enable the Pacific Car & Foundry Co. to develop their plans for parking. Councilman Bruce, Chairman, requested that the inventory,of the personal property at the Renton Highlands Administration Building be made in triplicate and that the Property Committee be furnished a copy. Mayor Baxter stated that it was being checked out and was being assigned only in cases where there is a specific need for it. City Attorney Shellan informed the Council he has completed the transaction with Mr. Holmes and that the deed was placed on record in the County Courthouse. The City of Renton has a clear title to the 40-ft. strip. With reference to parking meters on Mill Street, he felt that the City was in a position to go ahead with the installation and suggested that the Street & Alley Committee come in with a recommendation. ..�, Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting be adjourned. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. There were three persons present besides City of Renton employees. City Clerk Mayor I Renton, Washington March 19, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: MORRIS, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, VIETZKE, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police• Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer; 3ames Dunstan, Supt. of Utilities; Rueben Miller, Street Commissioner; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent and Walt Wills, Office Engineer. Moved by Swift, seconded by Bruce, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved, as written. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids for a Screening Plant and Bunker on Gravel Pit Site, the following bids were opened and read: BIDDER BID SALES TAX TOTAL BID Columbia Equipment Co. 7,990.00 266.33 $ 89256.33 Washington Machinekry Co. 9,750.00 324.68 10,074.68 Western Tractor 14,810.00 493.17 10003.17iP c Sahlberg Equipment Co. 11,090.10 369.67 11,459.77' C9 Air Mac, Inc. 99995.00 332.83 10027.83^^ Feenaughty Machinery Co. 9,722.65 323.76 102046.41 Hatten Machinery Co. 122222.00 406.89 13,628.89%P', Andrews Machinery Co. 11,425.00 380.45 112805.45 Twin City Sand & Gravel (used plant & crusher - $26,750.00 f.o.b. Centralis) (-;Also submitted alternate bid) OFkNo certified check or bid bond received with bid) A representative from Air Mae, Inc., from the audience, protested that the speci- fications did not call for a certified check or bid bond. City Attorney Shellan pointed out that the specifications do not necessarily include the method of bidding, and called his attention to the official Call for Bids as published in the newspaper. However, he stated that the Council has a right to waive any irregularities in the method of bidding. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, to read the Western Tractor bid which was passed over. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the bids be referred to the Street & Alley Committee and, report back. Carried. This also being the date set for the opening of bids on the Chlorinator, with accessories, the following bid was opened and read: BIDDER BID SALES TAX TOTAL BID Wallace & Turman 71,780.30 59.34 $1�,539.64,, (*f.o.b. Belleville with full freight to Renton) Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, that the bid be referred to the Fire & `'later Committee. Carried. This also being the date set for the opening of bids for two trucks for the Water Department, the following bids were opened and read: BIDDER PICKUP TAX TOTAL 1--T Truck TAX TOTAL Williams & Swanson 71,595.00 73.17 $1,648.17 71,945.00 $64.83 720009.83* Clarke Brothers 11575.00 52.50 1,627.50 2,205.00 73.50 219278.50" (-Both bids will allow 7150.00 trade-in on the old pickup truck) Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the bids be referred to the Fire & Water Committee and report back. Carried. Five applications for bowling alley machines to be installed in the following establishments were received: A & B Sportsman Shop Eagle Tavern Snappy Tavern Alki Tavern Melrose Tavern Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the applications be referred to the Police "M & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication was read from The Reverend H. 0. Lazenby, St. Lukets Church, requesting that a loading zone be established in front of the church. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Hansen, that the request be referred to the Street & Alley Committee. Councilman Trimm pointed out that the City has an ordinance in effect which covers this matter. Uouncilman Vietzke, with consent of his second, withdrew his motion. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Vietzke, that the Street Department be notified to set aside an area for this purpose. Carried. A second communication was read from The REverend H. C. Lazenby, requestiggbya ttno fee" permit to operate St. Lukets Swap Shop. Moved by Richardson, seconded e Morris, that the request be referred to the Ordinance Committee and report back. Carried. Communication from Catholic Youth Organization, signed by J. G. Hamilton, request- ing permission to sell Easter Baskets in the City of Renton from April 5 to April 21 for the support and development of the CYO program. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, to refer the request to the Ordinance Committee and report back. Carried. Communication from City Planning; Commission recommending that the City Council approve the following resolutions, public hearings having been held and there being no protests, written or verbal. (1) Petition of Mr. M. J. Lackie for rezoning described property (Langston Road) from R-1 to R-2. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, to' concur in recommendation. Carried. (2) Petition from Archie Gunstine to rezone Lots 11 & 129 Car Shop Addition from R-2 to B-1. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur in recommendation. Councilman Reid raised the question as to how far rezoning would be MW extended in this area.. Office Engineer Will stated that his office now has a petition for a new building on the next corner. The motion carried. (3) Petition of Walter J. Niemzyk to rezone described property in Earlington (next to Shanets Apartments) from R-1 to R-2. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur in recommendation. Carried. A second communication from the City Planning Commission recommending that the Council call for a hearing on the annexation petition for described property (132nd St. location) submitted by Jack Hnugardy, Forest Williams and the Honey Dew Community Church. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, _to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the date for the hearing be set for April 9, 1957. City Attorney Shellan reminded the Council that a hearing could be held not less than 20 days nor more than 60 days from date of publication. Therefore, the date should be changed to the Toth. A third communication from the City Planning Commission recommending that the Council adopt the revised str.est plat for the area between I'M" and ttItt Streets and lith Ave. N. and 12th Ave. N. as requested by the City Engineer and Planning Director. When asked by Councilman Morris if Street & Alley Committee would concur in the recommendation, Councilman Swift replied that the Street & r'lley Committee had referred it back to the Planning Commission for consideration. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. A petition from the Renton Suburban Development Corporation, signed by Alden See, Jr., Pres., requesting a vacation of the old walkway on Lot 6, Block 26, of Suburban ..r Heights Addition to the City of Renton. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Bruce, that the date for the hearing be set for April 16. Carried. Mr. Charles Shane, from the audience, told the Council of the delay encountered in his previous efforts to rezone his property in Earlington. He plans to build 28 more apartment units and he feels the tract should be rezoned to R-3. Councilman Richardson stated that a public hearing had previously been held and property owners in the area protested the rezoning. Councilman Garrett pointed out that the City Council had endorsed a housing program designed to alleviate the present housing shortage in this area and he felt that Mr. Shane should be assisted in his efforts to expedite his building program. City Attorney Shellan advised that the Planning Commission felt that rezoning to R-3 was not conducive to good planning; that Mr. Shane should apply for a special permit for a multiple dwelling which the Planning Commission can issue without calling for Council action. The recommendation from City Attorney Shellan advising of the consummation of the real estate transaction with Mr. J. E. Holmes pertaining to a 40-ft. strip of land at Burnett St. was ordered placed on file. Councilman Richardson moved, seconded by Hansen, to continue the hearing on the rezoning appeal. of H. G. Casperson to March 26. Carried. Mayor Baxter called a recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to order. All councilmen were present. .nrr Communication from George L. Rogers requesting investigation of an application by Albert Balch for a full blacktop on ttNtt Street and only 1/2 width along his property line. He feels this to be a breach of an agreement made in 1952 which called for black- topping the street along the right-of-way. douncilman Delaurenti stated he questioned if the City Engineer would authorize blacktopping only 1/2 width. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that a copy of the letter be forwarded to the Planning Commission. Communication addressed to Councilman Swift from City Engineer Highton submitting the cost estimate for the improvement of the City of Seattle Pipe Line right-of-way for off-street parking use. The estimated improvement cost totalled $2,900.00. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that the estimate be referred to the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. '..5. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed ordinance repealing certain obsolete ordinances. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, to refer the proposed ordinance to the Ordinance Committee, Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed ordinance repealing certain obsolete ordinances. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed orjdinance amending Sec. I of Ordinance No. 1377 regarding holidays and compensation therefor. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, to refer the proposed ordinance to the Ordinance Committee. Councilman Richardson pointed out that the previous ordinance did not conform with the State law. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed ordinance relating to a Police Judge pro tempore, providing for his appointment and qualifications and fixing the compensation for such services. The City Clerk read the ordinance. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the proposed ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated that two figures were recommended - $7.50 and $10.00 per day. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Pinkerton, that the higher figure be adopted. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reports favorably and recommended passage. Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, to concur in the recommenda- ry tion of the committee and the proposedordinance be placed on its second and final reading. M Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, -f' that the ordinance be adopted. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen voting ttAye,tt the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed ordinance adopting, establishing and defining a Building Code, to regulate the construction, alteration and moving of structures in the City of Renton, requiring permits, providing penalties for the violations thereof; and repealing Sec. I of Ordinance No. 1307, and any other orjdinances or parts of ordinances in conflict. The City Clerk read the ordinance. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Pinkerton, to refer the proposed ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reports favorably and recommended passage. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Richardson, to concur in the recommendation and the proposed ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. I Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, that the ordinance be adopted. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen voting ttAye,tt the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed ordinance adopting, establishing and defining an Electrical Code for the City, establishing rules and regulations in the handling, installatiion, opera- tion of electricity and electrically operated devices; requiring permits, providing penalties for violations thereof and repealing Sec. II of Ordinance No. 1307 and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. The City Clerk read the ordinance. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reports favorably and recommended passage. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation and the proposed ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that the ordinance be adopted. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen voting ttAye,tt the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Reid reported that the light between 2nd and 3rd Avenue on Morris is to be replaced with amercury light. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that a letter be written to Puget Sound Power & Light Co. authorizing them to proceed with the replacement. Carried. Councilman Garrett stated that Councilman Vietzke, Chairman, Ways & Means Committee, r... who was excused earlier, requested him to present a recommendation that the funds for the sewer line on 10th N. & G. Streets be taken from the Water & Sewer Construction Fund. Surplus left over from 1951 Bond issue. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman, called for a meeting of the Street & Alley Committee, Monday, March 25, at 8:00 p.m., and that the Street Commissioner and City Engineer review the bids on the shaker before then. Councilman Reid, Chairman, stated that the Light & Power Committee recommends that five incandescent lights be installed between M Street and Sunset Blvd. Moved by Morris, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Mayor Baxter announced that the State Patrol is going to move its offices from Renton to Skyway. Councilman Reid urged that every effort be made to try to locate them in Renton. Mayor Baxter said they were offered space in the City Hall Auditorium and the Highlands Administration Bldg., both of which were turned down. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the meeting be adjourned. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. There were eight persons present besides City of Renton employees. City Clerk Mayor I i 4 . Renton, Washington March 26, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: MORRIS, TRIMMI, REID, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, VIETZKE, GARRETT, HANSEN, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. Mloved by Richardson, seconded by Pinkerton, that Councilmen Swift be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, CityClerk; James Highton, ... City Engineer; Walt Will., Office Engineer; James Dunstan, Supt. of Utilities; Don Humble, Planning Director; Vernal Church, Purchasing Agent; Rueben Miller, Street Commissioner; and Charles Bott, Comptroller. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids on the 4th Avenue North Grade Crossing, the following bids were opened and read: BIDDER BID MacRae Brothers 712,371.00 Stillwell Construction Co. 8,516.50 Kent & Tucker 8,025.00 Red & White Construction Co. 9,208.50 Western General Construction Co. 9027.50 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Pinkerton, that the bids be referred to the Street & Alley Committee and report back. Carried. Councilman Richardson moved, seconded by Vietzke, to refer the request for business license from Weston. J. Bets to operate a Kiddyland, to the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Morris moved, seconded by Vietzke, to refer the application by James ftw D. Rosa to install a pinball machine at Jimts Taverr to the Police & License Committee. Carried. Councilman Morris moved, seconded by Richardson, to refer the request for a business license from the Home Utilities, Inc. to establish a direct-to-consumer installment credit business to the Police & License Committee and report back. Carried. Communication from Lila S. Laskey, owner, t'Laskeyts,tt requesting the Lake Shore Bus Lines stop be moved to a point 50 ft. east of her store. Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, to refer the request to the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Communication from Wallin-Edwards, signed by Robert L. Edwards, requesting a street survey be made to establish street center lines in the Earlington Addition area. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the request to the Street & Alley Committee and report back. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, stated that the Ordinance Committee reports favorably and recommended passage of the proposed ordinance repealing certain obsolete ordinances referred to the committee the previous meeting. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the committee and the proposed ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final read- ing, moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Ordinance be adopted. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting ttAye,tt the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, stated that the Ordinance Committee reports favorably and recommended passage of the proposed ordinance repealing certain obsolete ordinances referred to the committee the previous meeting. Moved by Morris, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of the committee and the proposed ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carded. After the second and final reading, moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that the Ordinance be adopted. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting "Aye," the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, stated that the Ordinance Committee reports favorably and recommended passage of the proposed ordinance amending Sec. I of Ordinance 4 1377 regarding holidays and compensation therefor, referred to the Ordinance Committee the previous meeting. Further, the committee felt as certain days were to be set aside and used as other days, i.e., employees having option of using Veterants Day, November 113, the day following Thanksgiving; that this should be set up in the form of a directive from the Mayorts Office to all department heads. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation of the committee and the proposed ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. After the second and final reading, moved by Richardsonto adopt the Ordinance. Councilman Garrett queried if the parking meter situation on Sundays and holidays would be affected by this Ordinance. Councilman Richardson advised that the ordinance on parking meters covered the holidays. Council- man Bruce seconded the motion. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting ??Aye," the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, stated that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed ordinance changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City of Renton from R-1 to R-2 (Earlington Addition) and from R-2 to B-1 (Car Shop Addition) and the City Engineer be authorized and directed to change the maps of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Renton to show and evidence these changes. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reports favorably and recommends passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the recommendation of the committee and the proposed ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Ordinance be adopted. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting 'Aye," the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson presented an Ordinance on Off-Street Parking to be read as a communication for information only. He called for a meeting to be held Tuesday, April 2, with the Street & Alley Committee, City Attorney, a member of the Planning Commission, Building Inspector and the Chamber of Commerce Off-Street Parking Committee, chairmanned by Mr. Thevik, to determine what steps the City will take in regards to this matter. City Attorney Shellan stated that a plan which has been in effect in Modesto, California has been studied and he believes it to be legal and workable. He explained that a builder will be allowed an option to acquire parking required by the Ordinance by con- tributing to a fund to be designated the City of Renton Off-Street Cumulative Fund, prior to issuance of a building permit. This fund will be set up for the purpose of acquiring, maintaining and providing off-street parking in the general vicinity of UNd the business. Also, in lieu of individual building requirements, if the Planning Commission so approves, this amount will provide a joint or common parking facility. In answer to Councilman Brucets question as to whether this Ordinance would apply to residences, City Attorney Shellan stated it applied only to commercial and manufacturing areas. In memoriam to Tom Dobson, Jr., prominent civic leader, Mayor Baxter, the Council and all present, stood for one minute in silence. Moved by Reid, seconded by Pinkerton, that a letter of condolence be sent to his wife and family. Carried. Councilman Trimm, Chairman, reported it was the recommendation of the Fire & Water Committee to accept the bid submitted by Wallace & Turman, Inc. for the Chlorinator. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Trimm further reported that it was the recommendation of the Fire & Water Committee that the bid submitted by Clarke Brothers Motor Company on the Dodge pickup truck, less a trade-in on a 1912 Chevrolet pickup at $150.00, be accepted. Also, the bid covering the 12-T. chassis and cab submitted by Williams & Swanson be accepted. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. Councilman Reid, member of the Street & Alley Committee, stated that the committee recommended that the low bid of ?8,256.33 submitted by the Columbia Equipment Company for the gravel screening plant be accepted. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstal that this matter be referred to the Finance Committee and report back. Carried. .,N Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee recommends that a t?no feet? permit to operate St. Lukets Swap Shop be granted on a 90-day trial basis. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Heppenstall, to concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. Councilman Richardson further reported that it was the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee that the Catholic Youth Organization be granted permission to sell Easter baskets in Renton from April 5 to April 21. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Heppenstall, to concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. 24' Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting be adjourned. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. There were six persons in the audience besides City employees. City Clerk Y Mayor I 6� i�J P .�a Rentor, Washington Apri_7 2� 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: MORRIS, TRIlMY, REID, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, VIETZKE, GARRETT, I NSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shell-an., City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander,, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton,; City Engineer; Walt Will, Office Engineer; Don Humble, Planning Director; James Dunstan, Supt. of Utilities; Rueben Miller, Street Commissioner; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Gene Coulon, Supt, of Parks; and Charles Botts Comptroller. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Reid, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as corrected. Carried. Mayor Baxter requested concurrence to appoint Ella Conklin to fill the unexpired term of Tom Dobson as a member of the Insurance Commission which expires June 1, 1957 and also to reappoint William Davis and Louie Gebenini as Insurance Commissioners for a one-year period, expiring June 1, 1957. Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, to concur in the appointment and reappointments. Carried. Communication from Radio Station KLAN, signed by Cliff H. Hansen, Mgr., requesting permission to rope off Wells St. between Second and Third Avenues, April 13, 1957, between the hours of 9:30-12:00 noon, for the annual Renton Rabbitt Race event. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Richardson, to refer the request to the Street & Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. Councilman Richardson moved, seconded by Bruce, to refer the application signed by Betty Stevenson, Mgr., to install a pinball machine at Lenat.s Steak House to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. Communication from the City Engineer recommending payment of the retained percentage ($1,865.27) to the Shoreline Construction Company, Contractor, Asbestos Cement Industrial Water Supply Line; that the company has paid all taxes and premiums for this improvement. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the recommenda- tion to the Auditing & Accounting Committee. Carried. A petition, signed by 12 residents, requesting a two-hour parking restriction, except Sundays and holidays, on 4th Ave. N. between Williams St. and N. Burnett, and between 4th Ave. N. and 3rd N. on N. Burnett St. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, to refer the petition to the Street & Alley Committee and report back. Carried. Mayor Baxter ordered the invitation from the Renton First Baptist Church to the Open House reception for Dr. and Mrs. Stuart P. Benson, Sunday afternoon, April 7, from 3-5:00 p.m., be placed on file for future reference. The notice from the Association of Valley Cities announcing that a panel dis- cussion on LIDts and Street Projects will be held at the Apr...!1 4 meeting at the Montlake Terrace City Hall was placed on file by Mayor Baxter for future reference. A bulletin announcing the 1957 Annual Statewide Convention of the Association of Washington Cities, to be held at Bellingham June 6 and 7, was ordered placed on file by Mayor Baxter for future reference. He urged all councilmen and city officials planning to attend to make reservations early. The CityClerk will complete a list of the hotels and rates for distribution. (copy attached) Communication from the City Planning Commission recommending that the City Council approve the following resolutins; public hearings having been held and there being no protests other than (2) Plat #11, as submitted by Albert Balch: (1) Rezon- ing request of Mr. Richard Storey to rezone described property (Sunset Highway north of Sunset Heights Addition) from S-1 to R-2. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. (2) Acceptance of Plat 7#11, as submitted by Mr. Balch. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation_. Councilman Trim asked the Planning Director if he concurred in this recommendation as it was quoted in the minutes of thePlanning Commission that his office t1would offer their services to the people who owned the surrounding property to work out a street design so that their property would not be landlocked," Mr. Humble stated the minutes were somewhat misleading as the property is landlocked to a degree and there is no blanket answer to this individual problem. He stated it was the consensus of opinion of the Planning group to accept the Plat and he has so recommended. He also pointed out that it was the responsibility of the Planning Commission to see that a street right-of- way is provided - which is, and is the responsibility of the City Engineer to see that the surfacing is in the middle of the right-of-way. The motion carried. (3) Accept- ance of Plat ;¢12, as submitted by Mr. Balch. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. (4) Accept the preliminary plat of Ridge Crest #1, as submitted. Moved by Parris, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation. The question of installing new type fire hydrants was raised by Councilman Pinkerton. Mr. Humble stated that it is not a negotiable matter on the basis of acceptance of the plat. Carried. A resolution stating that the City Planning Commission has no objections to the erection of a sign by the Cornelius Land Company on Sunset Highway W., and a copy of a letter from City Attorney Shellan stating his opinion on this matter, was read. He stated the City cannot grant, by itself, permission to erect a sign on property held by the State; that the petitioner would have to seek a permit from the State and there- after the Oity may give permission, if in compliance with zoning ordinance. Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the opinion of the City Attorney. Carried. h� Communication from Mayor Baxter requesting the Council to authorize the in Insurance Commission to prepare specifications and call for bids on the Cityts insur- ance coverage. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the request'. Carried. U Communication from Windsor Hills Community Club, Inc., signed by Margaret Evans, V. Pres., requesting that a fair garbage fee be determined and charged in the area. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, to refer the request to the Sanitation Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. Petition from Windsor Hills Community Club, Inc., signed by 31 residents, regard- ing the elimination of a 10f platted, public walkway in the west section of Windsor Hills called for by the proposed State Highway AlK route. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Engineering Dept. for future reference. Carried. Communication from City Engineer Highton to Councilman Swift, Chairman, Street & Alley Committee, recommending that the low bid submitted by Kent & Tucker, Contractors, for the grade crossing at 4th Ave. N. be awarded. Councilman Swift stated that his committee concurs in the recommendation. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. In answer to Councilman'Reid's question regarding the signal to be installed at the crossing, City Engineer Highton stated it had been necessary to write to Washington, D. C. to obtain information as to what type signal was required and specifications. When a reply is received, they will be granted a permit from the Public Service Commission and will then be able to negotiate with Northern Pacific Railway regarding sharing the cost. Co miunication from McKnight Intermediate School, signed by Mr. M. Finch, Principal, inquiring as to what action has been taken per their request for a traffic signal at the intersection of 116th Ave. S.E. and P.S.H. No. 2 in Renton. The City Engineer stated that additional information requested from Yr. Finch has not been received; that he will follow up with another letter. Councilman Swift stated that the School Board was queried as to what support they could give the program but no reply has been receive as yet. Mayor Baxter granted Councilman Richardson more time -on the off-street parking ordinance. Councilman Richardson requested to be excused. Granted. two Councilman Morris reported that at the last Council meeting, the Street & Alley Committee recommended that the bid submitted by the Columbia Equipment Co. for the Screening Plant be accepted and it was referred to the Finance Committee to check on funds. Because of the condition of the funds, it has been agreed to pay X3,000.00 with- in 90 days; remainder to be paid by November 1957. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Morris further reported that the proposed transfers to consolidate the various loans in the City will be presented as a Resolution at the next meeting. The Finance Committee recommends that the following transfer of funds be approved: (1) From the Uedar River Acquisition Fund to the Street Fund - ° 10,000.00 to be paid 5, back by October 1957. (2) From Cedar River Acquisition Fund to Water Fund, which in turn will pay back the loan from the Sewer and Library Funds - $30,000.00; Street Fund will repay Cedar River Acquisition Fund on or before November of this year. (3) From Cedar River Acquisition Fund to Current Fund - 420,000.00 to repay the Current Fund for loans to the Park & Library Funds, to be paid back by November 1957. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Garrett,to`concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Garrett, Chairman-, Sanitation Committee, reported on the meeting held with the Western Disposal Company regarding complaints received from residents. Most of the complaints stemmed from the delay in the pickup service. He advised that a record was made of all complaints and turned over to the contractor for action. The Western Disposal Company explained that they had experienced a breakdown in equipment which was partly responsible for the delay, hcw ever, in the future, they promised to maintain a regular schedule and provide standby equipment. Another meeting with the company will be scheduled to process any further complaints. Also, commercial rates will be reappraised to reach a satisfactory agreement. A representative of the City will be present to check on the rates and amount of garbage. Councilman Swift called for a meeting of the Street & Alley Committee to be held Monday night, April 8, at 8:00 p.m. Mayor Baxter granted more time to Councilman Delaurenti on the application from Home Utilities, Inc. Councilman Bruce inquired of Planning Director Humble regarding the request to the Public Housing Authority for an unrestricted title to the land between Windsor Hills and Highlands which is now dedicated for park purposes. Mr. Humble stated that when property is dedicated for a special use and that use is abandoned9 the government would have to reclaim the land. However, he said it was proper to make an offer for the land and perhaps negotiate a sale with the adjacent owner. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Heppenstall, that the matter be turned over to City Attorney Shellan to follow the suggestion as outlined by the Planning Director. Carried. A hearing was held on the appeal by H. G. Casperson regarding his rezoning request from B-1 to T for a trailer park and requesting a special permit from the City Council. Planning Director Humble advised the Council that the Planning Commission is now drawing up a new Ordinance to control installation of trailers which will be submitted to the Council within a few weeks. Two other rezoning requests for trailer Unw installations are being held in abeyance. Attorney Shellan pointed out that the law at the time it exists would control the particular petition. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, to refer the appeal to the Sanitation Committee for investigation and report back. City Attorney Shellan stated that the purpose of the appeal was to provide additional information and Mr. Casperson was asked if he had this. Mr. Casperson stated that he was appealing for a special type disposal tank. Office Engineer Will pointed out that the septic tank approach is considered entirely inadequate due to the density of the population in a trailer area not found in a residential area. City Engineer Highton advised that the State requires a detailed plan of a sewerage disposal system which has not been submitted as yet by Mr. Casperson. Also, that Mr. Casperson was 600? from a sewer connection. Mr. Casperson said he would like to connect with the Renton Sewer Disposal system if he could get a right-of-way. Councilman Morris suggested that the hearing be continued to check the feasibility and cost of the plan. The motion submitted earlier carried. Councilman Delaurenti called for a meeting of the Police & License Committee to be held Tuesday, April 9, at 7:15 p.m. The Ordinance Committee, City Attorney and Chief of Policewere requested to be present. The City Clerk read a card congratulating Councilman and Mrs. Reid on their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Mayor Baxter presented a potted plant from members of the City Council and City officials. Councilman Reid thanked everyone and stated he was going to tttry for another 50 years.tt The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee ..n1 were presented. SALARIES - ALL DEPARTMENTS X57,733.25 CURRENT FUND 11,395.99 WATER FUND 40858.64 LIBRARY FUND 251.60 PARK FUND 236.25 REC. - SWIMMING POOL FUND 3.40 SEWER DISPOSAL FUND 487.19 AIRPORT FUND 7,533.76 CITY ST. FUND 4 6,405.47 SHOP E. R. FUND 2,192.58 GARBAGE FUND 7,706.75 FIREMENIS PENSION FUND 250.00 CUMULATIVE #1183 1,500.00 1954 Wo & S. CONST. FUND 72816.15 OFF-STREET PARKING FUND 125.00 SALARY FUND 10,623.38 Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the meeting be adjourned. The meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. There were eleven present besides City employees. r CityClerk Mayor Q U QL Renton, Washington April 9, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: MORRIS, TRIMM, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, GARRETT, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, AND HEPPENSTALL. Mayor Baxter excused Councilmen Reid, Vietzke, Hansen and Bruce. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Walt Will, Office Engineer; Rueben Miller, Street Commissioner; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; and Charles Bott, Comptroller. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Garrett, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as corrected. Carried. Mayor Baxter requested concurrence to appoint Gerald Cordell to fill the unex- pired term of Max Clarke as a member of the Planning Commission, which expires January 2, 1961. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, to concur in the appointment. Carried. Petition signed by 27 property owners regarding vacating the 16-ft. alley as platted in Block 10, Renton Highlands Addition, and requesting permission to use one-half of the alley for the construction of fences or other improvements. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, to refer the petition to the City Engineer to check the validity of signatures as present policy calls for 100% participation. Carried. Communication from City Engineer recommending approval of the final plats of A. Alden See's 13t Addition and Ridge Crest No. 1; said plats being identical to pre- liminakry plats approved by Planning Commission and the City Council. Councilman Trimm raised the question regarding installation of fire hydrants at Ridge Crest. City Engineer Highton pointed out that the master plan would show utilities. Moved by Swift, seconded + by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. Councilman Trimm moved, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the final plats to the Ordinance Committee to be presented as a Resolution. Carried. Communication from Mayor Baxter submitting a request for a ttCall for Bids" on �.■r water pipe to be used in the construction of water mains on 132nd St. and on Renton Hill. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the request to the Fire & Water Committee. Carried. Copy of letter from City Attorney Shellan to the Public Housing Administration, San Francisco, concerning lands dedicated by the U. S. government to the City of Renton for recreational purposes. As the areas in question were never utilized therefor because of their inadequate and unsuitable location and topography, it was proposed the agency either release and waive any restrictions to the existing Deed of Dedication or sell the land to the City for a nominal consideration. Moved b_-Ir Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, to refer the matter to the Property Committee and report back. Carried. Notice of special session of the Puget Sound Flood Control. Council to be held April 12, 1957 at Mount Vernon, Washington was read by the City Clerk, Mayor Baxter stated he will direct the communication to person designated to attend. Communication from Myron H. Finch, Principal, McKnight Intermediate ''chool, to City Engineer, submitting asurvey chart representing information as to traffic flow at the ttEtt Street-116th Ave. S.E. route and advising of the discontinuance of school patrolmen due to the continuing hazards and the concern of parents of members of the student traffic patrol group. Further, requesting City proceed with investigation of providing traffic controls at this intersection. It was brought out in discussion which followed that the State Highway Department is not receptive to the crossing unless there is a flow of vehicular traffic to warrant it. Communication from City Engineer Highton submitting petition for annexation of a 2.8 acre tract of land contiguous to the City at the northeast corner of Renton Highlands No. 2. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, to refer the petition to the Planning Commission. Carried. A petition signed by 16 business firms in Renton requesting enactment of an ordinance prohibiting the sales on Sunday of used cars, furniture and appliances and other merchandise not essential to the health-welfare of citizens. Also, a communica- tion from the Renton MinisterialAssociation endorsing this program. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, to refer the two communications to the Law & Ordinance Committee. Carried. 2 Councilman Swift, member of the Property Committee, stated it was the recommenda- tion of the committee that a "Call for Bids" be authorized for the Comprehensive Public Liability Insurance Coverage for the City of Renton. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Trimm, member of the Light & Power Committee, presented a communication from the City Engineer to Councilman Reid, recommending approval for the installation of six mercury vapor street lights (estimated cost - '02,500.00) at the 4th Ave. N. railroad grade crossing. Councilman Swift questioned the necessity for six lights. City Engineer Highton explained that they are normally spaced 1001 apart, however, if funds are not available they can be spread out. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, to refer the communication to the Finance Committee and report back. Carried. rr. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Resolution on transfer of monies to consolidate the various loans in the City. Moved by Morris, seconded by Heppenstall, to accept the proposed Resolution. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance on rezoning described property (Sunset Highway north of Sunset Heights Addition) from S-1 to R-2. The City Clerk read the Ordinance. Councilman Richardson stated that as a recent property owner in the area, he would like to protest ry2 the rezoning for if the property is rezoned to R-2, the City Council would not have any jurisdiction over special permits issued for duplexs, hotels, etc_ . which would obstruct e'* the view for home owners and lower the value of the property. Councilman Heppenstall C stated that he had been approached on this matter and the parties concerned said they were unaware of the hearing by the Planning Commission. They had refused to sign the petition circulated in the area and felt this would block any attempt to rezone. Moved by Morris, seconded by Pinkerton, that the proposed ordinance be tabled on its first reading pending further information. Councilman Richardson stated if it was referred to his committee for recommendation, he would request that public announcement be made that %the Council is pending action because of oral protests received. Councilman Morris, with consent of second, withdrew his motion. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Morris, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for further study. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed ordinance adopting, establishing and defining a code for handling liquefied petroleum gases. City Attorney Shellan recommended its approval. The City Clerk read the proposed ordinance. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the proposed ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. - A telegram, signed by E. L. OtHearn, was received during the meeting relative to the rezoning of the Storey property. Mr. Santi, from audience, stated he was representing a number of businessmen in Renton who are in favor of Sunday closing and felt something should be done to correct the situation. City Attorney Shellan pointed out that a state law covers this and the city does not have the authority to change it. Also, he felt it was discriminatory to allow certain activities to proceed and prohibit others. The following is a quotation from City Attorney Shellan: "City Attorney Shellan, upon being questioned about Sunday closing of business establishments, pointed out that there was a so-called Blue Sky Law on the books which was passed by the State in 1909 which law is still in full force and effect but has not been enforced for a long period of time. He pointed out that there are two major obstacles to the proposed Sunday closing and the Cityts adoption of an ordinance ' regulating same. One problem concerns the drafting of an ordinance which would not be discriminatory so as to survive the test of constitutionality. In other words, City Attorney Shall-an believed that the City would have no right to pass an ordinance which would be directed only at one or two business activities and exempt all others from the law. The second problem consists of the attempt of any City to pass an orjdinance which would be different or less restrictive than the hate law so that there would be some question as to whether the City, in view of the present State law, could succeed in modi- %w fying it. It was also pointed out that there was a local Justice Court case involving the so-called Sabbath breaking by a local used car dealer and that it was pointed out at that time by the Office of the County Prosecutor that the law was unpopular and could not be enforced and that his office has not prosecuted any such cases. Mr. Shellan further emphasized that the passing of a law alone will not cure the evil the petitioners are seeking but that it is primarily a matter of enforcement and that there is an existing law which could cover it if the proper law enforcement agencies would decide to enforce it. It was also pointed out by him that any complaining party could sign a complaint in the local Justice Court alleging that this State law in question had been violated and then determine whether the Justice would accept such complaint and whether the County Prosecutor would prosecute it." Councilman Richardson stated that the Orjdinance Committee will report back on this subject. 3y/ Councilman Richardson called for a meeting of the Ordinance Committee to be held Tuesday, April 16, at 7:30 p.m. and requested that the City Attorney be present. Councilman Swift, Chairman, reported it was the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee that the request from Lila Laskey for relocation of the bus stop be disapproved. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, to concur in the recommenda- tion. Carried. Councilman Swift further reported that the Street & Alley Committee has no objection to closing Wells St. between 2nd & 3rd Avenues between 9:30-12:00 noon for the annual Renton Rabbit Race event as long as it is under control of the Police Dept. Also, Radio Station KLAN is planning to use portable bleachers. The entire operation will be covered by liability insurance. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Richardson, to concur in the recommendation of the committee. With regard to the petition requesting a two-hour parking restriction, Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee recommends to authorize posting of signs as requested and to include in the ordinance, the area from 3rd Avc. N. on east side of Burnett, Wells and Williams and 4th Ave. N. from Burnett to Wells. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation and to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman, reported that the Street & Alley Committee recommended proceeding with the construction of a parking lot on the Seattle Pipe Line right-of-way; that the Engineering Department prepare layout and design. Also, the committee recommended that the project be referred to the Finance Committee before construction is started. Moved by Morris, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Swift called for a meeting of the Street & Alley Committee to be held Thursday, April 18, at 8:00 p.m. Councilman Garrett reported that the Sanitation Committee will meet with the Windsor Hills Community Club at their regular meeting April 23 regarding the garbage disposal ordinance. He further reported that Mr. .Casperson was 'requested to submit detailed plans of a sewer disposal system for his tra _ler court which has not been accomplished. City Engineer Highton stated that he rechecked the distance to the City sewer system and it was 20001 away. He pointed out that it was not the responsibility of the Engineering Dept. to engineer a plan for Mr. Casperson; that it is a State law ..i that a complete plan be submitted. Moved by Swift, seconded by Heppenstall, that the rezoning request of Mr. H. G. Casperson be turned down. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall stated that Mr. Caspersoi-, be notified of Council action. Also, that he will be eligible to make application to Planning Commission in six months providing he has a detailedplan. Councilman Richardson stated he was asked to report to the Council of the avail- ability of a lot on the corner of 4th & Burnett for off-street parking purposes. The owner, Mr. Gus Fornengo, desires to negotiate a lease with the City. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, to refer the matter to the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman, reported that the Street & Alley Committee recommended the following alternate route between the Boeing Transport Division and the Auburn Warehouse be established for Boeing trucks. This route will be used when loads are too large to clear the Milwaukee Underpass via Rainier Avenue. From Auburn to Renton: East on Grady Way to Wells St., north on Wells to lst Ave. N., west on lst Ave. N. to Burnett N. and north on Burnett N. to 6th Ave. N. From Renton to Auburn: From 6th Ave. N. south on Burnett N. to lst N., east on lst N. to Williams St., south on gilliams to Grady Way, west on Grady Way to State Highway No. 5. Also, that Mr. L. Bisbee, BAC Transport Division, be notified of the proposed route and a statement secured from him regarding insurance coverage maintained on this route too through Renton. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommenda- tions. Councilman Morris felt that this route should not be established as a permanent one. City Engineer Highton stated that the route could be changed by giving notice to Boeingts at any time. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, that the Ordinance Committee draw up an ordinance covering overloads. Carried. Moved by :1eppenstall, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. There were 14 persons present besides City employees. City Clerk tsn r 5 , Renton, Washington April. 16, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: MORRIS, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, VIETZKE, GARRETT$ HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. Mayor Baxter excused Councilman Pinkerton.. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James-Highton, City Engineer; Walt Will, Office Engineer; �.. Rueben Miller, Street Commissioner; Don Humble, Planning Director; James Dunstan, Supt. of Utilities; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Gene Coulon, Park Supt. and Charles Bott, Comptroller. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as corrected. Carried. This being the date set for a hearing on the annexation petition for the described property (132nd St. location) submitted by Jack Hougardy, Forest Williams and the Honey Dew Community Church, signed by 100% of property owners, and there being no protests, written or verbal, Councilman Trimm moved, seconded by Hansen, that the petition be referred to the Ordinance Committee to be presented as an Ordinance. Carried. This being the date set for a hearing on the vacation of a walkway on Lot ' Block 26 of Suburban Heights Addition submitted by the Renton Suburban Development Corporation, signed by 100; of property owners, and there being no protests, written or verbal, Councilman Reid moved, seconded by Bruce, that the petition be referred to the Ordinance Committee to be presented as an Ordinance. Carried. Councilman Richardson moved, seconded by Vietzke, to refer the applications for installation of pinball machines submitted by Tonkins, Log Cabin Cafe and the Coffee Cup to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. Communications from Renton Central Labor Council, United Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners of America, and the Automotive Trades Council of Seattle, King County and Vicinity, it urging Council support of proposed legislation to close all nonessential businesses on Sundays. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the three communications be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Communication from Wallace R. Wilson, Pastor, Highlands Community Church, regarding receipt of a letter from Gene Coulon, Supt. of Parks, advising of closure of Highlands Administration Bldg. to the public on June 1. Mr. Wilson advised that as soon as a building site is obtained, the congregation is prepared to proceed toward the construction of a church home and appealed for an extension of time. Mr. Wilson, from the audience, told the Council that they have submitted an application to the Public Housing Administra- tion for a church building site; that no building was avail-able in the Highlands area. Mr. Coulon stated it was a Park Board policy that the building was to be closed to the public on Sunday and had so notified the group. Councilman Reid felt that as the build- ing was turned over to the Park Board, the church group meet with them to work out a solution. He so moved, seconded by Vietzke. It was suggested that the Property Committee represent the City Council at the meeting. Councilman Swift said the City Council did not have the jurisdiction to authorize a meeting between the Park Board and the church group. Councilman Bruce felt the group should not be prohibited to hold services at the only place available and questioned the -Housing Authority's license to turn this matter over to the Park Board. Mr. Coulon stated the Board -was authorized by Housing Authority to be responsible for all programming and scheduling of all activities in the building. Mayor Baxter advised that the space was needed for the Park Dept. whose needs include a work shop, storage space and an area for outdoor and indoor recreational facilities. City Attorney Shellan pointed out that the City accepted the Deed of Dedication for the building from the federal government; that the operation and control was turned over by them to the Renton Housing Authority. The motion carried. Communication from City Planning Commission recommending that the City Council: (1) Approve the rezoning petition of Mr. Dahl and others to rezone described property (Block 2, Renton View Addition in Talbot) from S-1 to R-2; a public hearing having been held and there being no protests. Councilman Heppenstall objected to t'spot zoningtt and felt that a completion of a comprehensive plan be expedited. Planning Director Humble stated he felt it was a logical rezoning. Also, that necessary steps were being taken to expedite the modernization of a comprehensive plan. He expressed an unwillingness to delay any projects for this reason. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. (2) Reject the request of Mr. Albert Balch to build a Trailer Park in an area described as a previous ttgravel pittt as the location constituted a health hazard. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, to refer the recommendation to the Council as a Whole. Carried. Communication from Mayor Baxter presenting the following items in need of investigation by Council or Council committees: (1) Establish a policy concerning the tand extent of maintenance which will be carried on in the Cedar River project. (2}e Consideration of increased rental rates in the Cedar River housing project. (3) Department of Agriculture request to lease a portion of the Highlands Administration Building. (4) Possibility of securing a permanent site for the State Patrol within the corporate limits of the City of Renton. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Hansen, to refer the items to the Property Committee and report back. Councilman Swift felt that policy matters should first be referred to the Council as a Whole and so moved, seconded , d by Reid. Councilman Heppenstall withdrew his motion, with consent of second. Carried. Communication from Mayor Baxter requesting Council investigate and take action to establish an adequate comprehensive improvement program for the water and sewer system in the President Park Addition, Renton Highlands and the area northeast of the City due to increased building. Also, that the estimated total for the survey ($3,000.00) be appropriated from surplus revenues accrued to the Water Fund to date. P-loved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, to refer the matter jointly to the Fire & Water Committee and the Finance Committee. Carried. Communication from Mayor Baxter recommending that the Fire Prevention code, as recommended by the National Board of Fire Underwriters, be referred to the Ordinance Committee for investigation to determine if the Code, or any portion thereof, should be adopted. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Richardson called for a meeting of the Ordinance Committee for Tuesday, April 23, 1957, at 7:30 p.m. and requested the presence of Fire Chief Lawrence. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the application submitted by Yuen Lui. Studio, Seattle for a business license to solicit for photograph work in the City to the Police & License Committee with power to act. Carried. Communication from Richard Giove, Manager, GM Auto Sales, requesting approval to negotiate with the State Land Board to rent or lease the property, known as the Black River right-of-way, adjoining their property at 100-3rd Ave. for parking purposes. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, to refer the request to the Street & Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. Councilman Trimm moved, seconded by Hansen, to refer the protest registered by Louie Gebenini regarding the Storey petition for R-2 rezoning to the .Ordinance Committee. Carried. Communication from City Engineer regarding the perpetual easement for the railroad grade crossing at 4th Ave. N. extension. He stated the railroad now requests an agree- ment with the City covering the improvements of the track crossing and warning signal installation. A draft of the agreement was submitted for Council consideration. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, to refer the matter to the City Attorney, in conjunction with the City Engineer to expedite construction. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present an ordinance restricting parking of vehicles on 4th Ave. N. between Wells St. N. and Burnett St. N.; on the east side of Burnett St. N. between 4th Ave. N. and 3rd Ave. N.; on WAlls St. N. and Williams St. N. between 4th Ave. N. and 3rd Ave. N. to two hours daily. The City Clerk read the Ordinance. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reports favorably and recommended the passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council con- cur in the recommendation and the proposed ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Swift, seconded by "o Delaurenti, that the Ordinance be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting ttAye," the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson further reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Resolution granting approval of a Plat entitled, ttRidge Crest No. 1.11 Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hansen, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Resolution granting approval of a plat known as A. Alden leets lst Addition. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hansen, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried. 257 Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to order. All councilmen were present. Councilman Trimm, Chairman, reported that the Fire & Wa.ter Committee recommends that a "Call for Bids« for water pipe to be used in the construction of water mains be approved, the date for the opening of bids being set for May 7, 1957. The budget in- cludes the money for the purchase of this materiel. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Richardson, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee recommends that the City should not adopt the banning of certain business activities on Sunday on the grounds that the legislation would be classed as discriminatory and therefore illegal. Further, the Committee felt that anyone can fle a complaint in the Justice Court and take the due process of the State law in existence. Moved by Swift, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Also, Councilman Richardson stated that the Ordinance Committee would like to request that the City Clerk notify all-persons who have supported the measure of the action of the committee and the Council. Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Bruce suggested that a copy of City Attorneyts views on this matter be included. Councilman Richardson stated that before the Ordinance Committee made a recommenda- -tion on the rezoning of the Storey property they would like to hold a. hearing in the event C� of any protests. A communication from Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Austin registering a protest against the rezoning was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hansen, to refer the protest to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Protests were heard from y several persons in the audience. The objectors said that dwellings more than one-story high would destroy the view values in the area.. come of the protectants claimed they did not see the notices which were posted on the property calling for a hearing at the City Planning Commission meetinge Office Engineer ti°Jill, upon being questioned regarding pro- testing a variance if property is rezoned, pointed out that the Planning Commission would take into consideration any protests to the variance. Mayor Baxter granted Councilman Richardson his request for an extension of one week before taking action. Councilman Morris called for a meeting of the Council as a Whole, Monday, April 22, 1957 at 7;30 p.m. He requested the Planning Director be present regarding the Cedar River Housing project and asked the City Engineer to furnish the committee pertinent information regarding the request of Albert Balch to build a Trailer Park. Councilman Swift called for a meeting of the Street & Alley Committee, Thursday, April 18, at 8:00 p.m. and requested that department heads be present. Councilman Swift, Chairman, reported that the availability of a lot on the corner of 4th & Burnett for off-street parking purposes was investigated by the Street & Alley Committee and it was concluded that the unusual shape of this area does not lend itself to a useful parking lot operated by meters. Also, not enough cars could be parked to amortize the cost of surfacing, driveways and meters. The committee recommended that the owner be informed that the City will not request a lease. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Heppenstall, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman, further reported that the Street & Alley Committee had met with the Mayorts Traffic Panel to discuss the rerouting of heavy-duty trucks through the business section of the City. It was the consensus of opinion that trucking be permitted east on Third Avenue as far as Burnett, south on the west side of Burnett St. and east on 4th & Walla Walla Avenues. The Street & Alley Committee recommended the above route be established and appropriate signs posted. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Also, the Street & Alley Committee recommended that parking on the south side of 114alla Walla St. be eliminated. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation. Councilman Swift pointed out that parking spaces will be available in the not too distant future at the east end of Walla Walla. Carried. r.. The Finance Committee recommended that the funds for building the Off-Street Parking Lot on the City of Seattle r'ght-of way be taken from Cumulative Fund No. 1182 for material and supplies and Street Dept. Fund for labor and equipment. Moved by Swift, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti., that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. There were 25 persons present besides City employees. City Clerk Mayor V\ y I 258 Renton, Washington April 23, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: MORRIS, TRIMM, REID, VIETZKE, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTA.LL AND BRUCE, Councilmen Pinkerton and Richardson were excused by Mayor Baxter. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Rueben Miller, Street Commiss- ioner; Don Humble, Planning Director; James Dunstan, Supt. of Utilities; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; and Charles Bott, Comptroller. "'r Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, to grant Councilman Pinkerton a 30-day leave of absence due to illness. Carried. Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, to refer the application by Reinhold Klotz for a license to sell punchboards to the Police & License Committee with power to act. The communication from Cleon A. Seguin withdrawing application for the R-2 re- zoning and variance for multiple units on the Storey property was ordered placed on file by Mayor Baxter. Communication from City Attorney advising of action taken to secure more favorable conditions from the Northern Pacific Railroad regarding the 4th Ave. N. crossing. The City has now been given the right of immediate entry and he stated that the railroad most likely would share the cost of the signals on a 50-50 basis. If such a split is not acceptable to either party, the City has reserved the right to submit the matter to the Washington Public Service Commission for determination and allocation of costs. The City Attorney has gained verbal assurance that this step will not be necessary. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the action of the City Attorney. Also, that the City Engineer take necessary action as required by contractor to commence construction. Carried. NEW A petition, signed by 39 business firms, opposing the elimination of parking on Walla Walla Avenue between Burnett & Main Streets and requesting Council take action to table the matter. Mr. Rochet, from the audience, stated the objectors are requesting the Council to delay this action until a total traffic count on Walla Walla has been undertaken. City Attorney Shellan pointed out that the Insurance Company has recommended the parking to be eliminated. Mr. Moody, from the audience, stated the truck route would more seriously affect the congestion on Burnett St, Councilman Vietzke suggested the possibility of reopening 2nd Avenue on a two- way basis to allow for the truck route. Councilman Heppenstall pointed out that the move for the route was a ttstop-gap measure?' until the 4th Ave. N. crossing was com- pleted but he felt that perhaps the matter should be shelved until that time. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, to refer the matter to the Mayorts Traffic Panel for further study. Carried. Communication from City Engineer Highton recommending acceptance of street dedi- cation of an access road (vicinity of Millerts Corner) from property owners by Quit- Claim Deed to the City. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Heppenstall, to refer the matter to the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Petition, signed by 19 property owners, requesting the signs on Burnett Place be changed from "One Way Only" to read "No Thru Traffic". Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, to refer the petition to the Street & Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. ..ter Petition from property owners requesting property described (116th Ave. S.E. and Sunset Blvd.) be annexed to the City of Renton. Moved bT Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, to refer the request to the City Planning Commission. Also, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, to refer the petition to the City Engineer to check the validity of signatures before going to the Planning Commission. Carried. Council President Morris reported on action taken by Council as a whole meeting held April 22 regarding the following items: (1) Cedar River Housing Project. The committee recommended the Planning Director complete a survey as to type and extent of maintenance and consideration of increased rental rates and report back. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. (2) Depart of Agriculture Lease. The committee recommended the Council encourage the Housing Authority to enter into an equitable rental agreement for a portion of the Warehouse & Maintenance bldg* in the Highlands Administration Bldg. area. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation. Councilman Trimm queried as to the term of the lease. City Attorney Shellan suggested Housing Authority be notified to advise the City as to the term of the lease. Councilmen Garrett amended the motion to included that before the proposed rental agreement is formalized, approval be gained from the Council as a Whole. Carried. (3) Albert Balch Trailer Park. The committee recommended to refer the request back to the Planning Commission to hold the necessary hearing. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall, member of the Ordinance Committee, reported the committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance amending Sec. I of Ordinance No. 1368, providing for the holding of meetings of the City Council and repealing conflicting ordinances therewith. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall reported that the committee reports favorably and recommended its passage. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation and the proposed ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the ordinance be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken, and all Councilmen present voting "Aye," the motion unanimously carried. , 7 Councilman Heppenstall reported that the Ordinance Committee mould like to present a proposed Ordinance changing the zoning classification of certain property. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance changing the zoning classification from r S-1 to R-2 of Block 2, Renton View Addition. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Council- man Heppenstall reported that the Committee reports favorably and recommended its passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the committee and the proposed ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, the ordinance be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken, and all Councilmen present voting "Aye," the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Heppenstall reported the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance annexing certain property (132nd St. location). The City Clerk read the proposed ordinance. Moved by Swift, seconded by Vietzke, that the proposed ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. �;ouncilman Heppenstall reported that the committee reports favorably and recommended its passage. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, the Council concur in the recommendation of the committee and the proposed ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, the Ordinance be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken, and all Councilmen present voting "Aye," the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman, reported that in order to facilitate the use of the Cedar River Pipeline right-of-way and to increase the capacity for off-street parking, the Street & Alley Committee recommended that the sidewalk on the north side of Beacon Avenue be removed. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendation. Also, no action can be taken by the Engineering Department until the ownership to sidewalk is definitely established. Carried. Councilman Swift further reported that the Street & Alley Committee recommended that a two-hour parking restriction be placed on the area from Mill St. E. to Renton St. for a 24-hr. period, seven days a week. Also, because of the expense in- volved, the street will not be widened at the present time. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Bruce,to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Vietzke, to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee has no objection to +� Mr. Giove negotiating with the State. However, it is recommended that the City reserve the right to service the sewer line in the area and that the lease be for a short term as the City has made attempts to get control of the Black River channel for fill purposes. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall suggested that a motion be made approving the withdrawal of application for the R-2 rezoning on Storey property by Mr. Seguin. Moved by Morris, seconded by Reid, to approve the withdrawal. Carried. City Attorney Shellan pointed out that this did not constitute a rejection but was a voluntary withdrawal. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. There were six persons present besides City employees. City Clerk May r F S ' Renton, Washington May 7, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: MORRIS, TRIMM, REID, PINKERTON, VIETZKE, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. Councilman Richardson was excused by Mayor Baxter. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer; Rueben Miller, Street Commissioner; Don Humble, Planning Director; James Dunstan, Supt. of Utilities; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Gene Coulon, Park Supt. and Charles Bott, Comptroller. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids for the Comprehensive Public Liability Insurance Coverage for the City of Renton, the following bids were opened and read: BIDDER AMOUNT OF PREMIUM REMARKS Tony Baffaro - Farmers Group Ins. 5,887.39 +� Louie Gebenini - Pub. Emp. Mutual 6,977.37 Tom Dobson & Son 6,151.97 (Except airport) Louie Gebenini - Inter-City Ins. 7,054.49 Nando Phillips - Natl. Auto & Casualty 17,451.93 Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the bids to the Insurance Commission and Property Committee, Carried. This being the date set for opening of bids on water pipe to be used in the con- struction of water mains on 132nd St. and on Renton Hill, the following bids were opened and read: 10 Gauge BIDDER Per FloWrapped Tax TOTAL BID Delivery 1.r Western Utilities 1.773 $49609.80 153.66 $4,763.1+6 Immediate Pacific Water Wks. Supply 1.80 4,680.00 155.84 49835.84 Two weeks H. D. Fowler Co, 1.83 4,758.00 158.60 4,916.60 Thirty days H. D. Fowler Co. (alt.) 1.93 5,018.00 167.77 5,185.27 Thirty days Cement-lined Pac, States Co :, Pipe Co. 2.026 $9,117.00 303.59 9,420.59 Two weeks Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, to refer the bids to the Supt. of Utilities, Engineering Department and Fire & Water Committee. Carried. Request from Seattle Symphony Orchestra, signed by Mrs. Hugh E. McCreery, for a "no-feet' license and an exemption certificate for the concert held March 24, 1957. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the request be granted. Carried. Invitation from A. Kraig, Librarian, Renton Public Library, to attend the first meeting of the "Friends of the Librarylt to be held May 8, 8:00 p.m., was ordered placed on file. Communication from the Greater Renton Community Builders, signed by E. W. Winecka, Pres., stating it'was felt the government land in the Renton Highlands be reserved for negotiated sale to the Renton Suburban Developne nt Corporation in parcels of ten acres; to be sold progressively at the approximate price paid by Pallis & Malone. Upon being questioned how the City was concerned in the matter, Planning Director Humble advised that the ity did not have jurisdiction as far as sales are concerned and that under the Lanham Act, the property must be sold by the Federal Housing Authority on bids. r.. Councilman Swift suggested that the writer be so notified. Resolution from the Planning Commission recommending Council grant a variance to Mr. Leonard Webb for the erection of a car port to within 62 ft, of the street property line as allowed under Section XVIII, Par. 5 of the Zoning Ordinance governing irregularly shaped lots. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Communication from City Engineer Highton recommending acceptance of a Quit Claim Deed from Co Shane dedicating property, 40t in width, for the northerly extension of Lind St. to Shanets private development. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. A second communication from City Engineer Highton recommending acceptance of a dedication for a 20 ft. strip of land in the vicinity of Miller's Corner for street right-of-way. Councilman Swift, Chairman, stated the Street & Alley Committee recommends acceptance. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Communication from City's Expansion & Development Committee, signed by Don Humble, Chairman, recommending an underpass on the extension of Burnett Street from Grady Way to the Springbrook-Talbot Road to serve as an alternate route for Interstate Route No, 3. Also, inclosing copy of a letter to District Engineer P. J. McKay, State Dept. of High- ways, from City Engineer Highton submitting the proposed change in access plans. Copy of reply from District Engineer McKay stating that any changes in the proposed revisions"'r previously agreed upon would result in a prolonged delay in obtaining approval of the access plans and requested a meeting to review the plans. Mayor Baxter advised that a meeting has been arranged for 9:00 a.m. May 8. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, to approve in principle the contemplated route as recommended by Planning Director Humble. Carried. Communication from Executive Director H. H. Heatherington, Housing Authority of the City of Renton, attaching letter from the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. regarding an easement for a right-of-way for the Cedar River Park project which had been discussed by the Board of Commissionrs. It was felt this request be referred to the City of Renton as owners of the property rather than the Housing Authority as lessees. Councilman Morris moved, seconded by Garrett, to refer the request to the Property Committee and report back. Mr. Coulon, Supt. of Parks, explained the location of poles are now marked with survey stakes between the Renton City offices and adjacent to the Stoneway Dock & Gravel property. City Attorney Shellan stressed the necessity to clearly define the route if an easement is granted. Councilman Morris pointed out that as this area will eventually be a park, consideration be given to underground cables. The motion carried. Convention Bulletin from Association of Washington cities requesting two officials be designated to serve as the official or voting delegates at the Statewide Convention. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Delaurenti, that Mayor Baxter and Council President be delegated to attend. Invitation from Renton News Record to attend meeting at 10:00 a.m. May 9 with woo heads of industrial firms of the City to discuss means of having the Great Northern Railroad Underpass on Rainier Avenue deepened and widened to four lanes. Moved by Reid, seconded by Heppenstall, to concur in action.- Carried. Invitation from Renton Chamber of Commerce, signed by Howard M. Shaw, Pres., to attend membership meeting at noon, May 8 to hear Mayor Clinton, Seattle, speak on the subject of municpal housekeeping of German cities, was ordered placed on file for refer- ence. Request for a lease of a portion of the City-owned Lake Washington beach property for the purpose of a boat marina, signed by Howard O'Farrell and Ray Heppenstall. Councilman Heppenstall requested his name be withdrawn from any Council action. In answer to a question posed by Councilman Swift, Park Supt. Coulon stated that plans for this beach area arenot ready for presentation as the Park Board has suggested changes. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the request to the Park Department and Property Committee and report back. Carried. City Engineer Highton reported that the Planning Commission and Engineering Dept. recommended approval of the revised plat of Albert Balch Addition #11. Planning Director Humble stated that certain lot changes were made enlarging the lots as requested by F.H.A. but the street lay-out had not been effected. City Attorney Shellan pointed out that a public hearing was held on the originally submitted plat. Moved by Reid, seconded by Bruce, to adopt the plat. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Trimm, to refer the plat to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. NNW Councilman Heppenstall, member of the Ordinance Committee, reported the committee ! would like to present a proposed Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1472 providing for "In Lieu Paymentstt and for "Joint Facilities,tt and requested it be placed on the first reading. The City Clerk read the proposed ordinance to the Ordinance Committee. Carried, Councilman Heppenstall stated the committee will withhold action for one week. Councilman Heppenstall also reported the Ordinace Committee would like to present a proposed ordinance restricting the parking of vehicles on Third Avenue between Renton and Mill Streets. The CityClerk read the ordinance. Moved bySwift, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the proposed ordinance to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall reported that the Ordinance Committee reports favorably and recommended its passage. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommenda- tion and the proposed ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the ordinance be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting "Aye,." the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman, stated the Street & Alley Committee acted favorably to change the restriction on the west side of Burnett St. between 2nd & Tobin from "One Way Only" to "No Thru Traffic." Moved by Morris, seconded by Heppenstall, to refer the petition to the Ordinance Committee, Carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Street & Alley Committee recommended that the ..� petition signed by Edwards & Herr for a vacation of a portion of 126th St. between 91st Ave. So. and Rainier Avenue be accepted and necessary action be taken. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. CityAttorney Shellan advised that the City reserve the right of easement on the north side of 126th St. for future use for utilities. Also, that the Council resolve June 11 as the date for a public hearing. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the counsel of the City Attorney. Carried. Councilman Swift requested the Engineering Department prepare a cost estimate for moving traffic signals on Morris St, before a recommendation is presented by the Street & Alley Committee. Councilman Bruce suggested that the School Board be notified to divert the run-off ' of water from the Vocational School property to the storm sewer instead of onto 4th Ave. U N. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, that the Engineering Dept. so notify the School Board. Carried. Councilman Pinkerton thanked the Mayor, City Council and City officials for the many courtesies extended to him during his recent illness. Council-man Garrett called for a meeting of the Sanitation Committee Monday, May 13 at 7:30 p.m. and requested the presence of the Superintendent Of Utilities, City Treasurer, City Attorney, Western Disposal Co., the Mayor and t�omptrolle r. Councilman Swift called attention to the fact that 12th Ave. N. will soon lose its status as an arterial street. Planning Director Humble informed the Council that the street will be cut between Sunset Blvd. and K St., however, it may be possible to restore it later. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Bruce, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. There were sixteen persons present besides City employees. The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented: PAYROLL - ALL DEPTS. $589689.16 CURRENT FUND 14,140.93 WATER FUND 7,380.82 LIBRARY FUND 2,373.29 PARK FUND 1,065.68 RECREATION _ SWIMMING POOL FUND 51.41 SEWER DISPOSAL FUND 1,784.03 AIRPORT FUND 7,510.01 CITY ST, FUND 92634.33 SHOP E. R. FUND 2,645.62 GARBAGE FUND 8,520.17 CIVILIAN DEFENSE FUND 16.50 FIREMENt S PENSION FUND 250.00 1954 W. & S. CONST. FUND 1,341.10 r.. ST. & LIGHT IMP. FUND 12210.88 OFF-ST, PARKING FUND 125.00 EMPLOYEESt PAYROLL SAVINGS BOND FUND 206.25 SALARY FUND 102822.92 City Clerk Mayor 264 Renton, Washington May 14, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: MORRIS, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. Councilman Vietzke was excused by Mayor Baxter. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Rueben Miller, Street Commissioner; Don Humble, Planning Director; James Dunstan, Supt. of Utilities; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Gene Coulon, Park Supt. and Charles Bott, Comptroller. Moved by Swift, seconded by Pinkerton, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as corrected. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, to refer the application for shuffleboard and pinball machines to the Police & License Committee. Carried. - Moved by Morris, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the request to appoint Mrs. Joyce Torelli Deputy Clerk in the absence of the City Clerk. Carried. Communication from Robert 0. Fleming & Co., Inc. with respect to the renewal of Lloydts False Arrest Insurance. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, to refer the policy to the Insurance Commission and Chief of Police and report back. Carried. Communication from City Attorney Shellan attaching letter from Northern Pacific Railroad Company confirming former tentative agreement to pay 50% of the costs of installation of signals at the 4th Ave. N. crossing. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, to accept the agreement to participate in sharing the costs of installation with the railroad. Carried. Communication from John Lotto, Postmaster, requesting consideration be given for installation of a trucking zone in the 800 block on Third Avenue. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, to accept the agreement to participate in sharing the costs of installation with the railroad. Carried. ..r Communication from City Planning Commission recommending the following Resolutions be approved: (1) Request submitted by Rev. Wise for a special permit and variance for the expansion of the Nazarene Church in No. Renton be denied; a hearing being held and petition presented protesting same. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. (2) Request for rezoning property (portion of 127th between 91st & Rainier) to B-1 by Western Bowlers, Inc. be denied; a hearing being held and petition presented protesting same. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation. A property owner in the area, from the audience, queried if any action was possible to avoid a repetition of the matter in six months. City Attorney Shellan pointed out that in the past, rezoning petitions could be re-submitted after six weeks. Also, unless conditions substantially change to better serve their interests, the rezoning would remain the same. The motion carried. (3) Rezoning petition of Charles F. Shane to rezone described property in Earlington to R-3 be approved; a hearing being held and there being no oral or verbal protests. Moved by Morris, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation. City Attorney Shellan suggested that the Council determine for what purpose the property is to be used; whether or not it was the intention of the Council to limit it to multiple dwellings. Planning Director Humble stated that Y1r. Shane has complied with the requirements of the ordinance. Councilman Morris, with consent of second, withdrew his motion. He felt the request be referred to the Planning Commission for a more detailed explanation as to future planning. Councilman Richardson stated that he did not feel this was necessary as Mr. Shane would have to conform to whatever restrictions are placed on the property at a future date. Councilman Delaurenti advised the Council that the Engineering Department had placed a "Stop-work order" on the construction already started by Shane. Moved by Morris, mew seconded by Pinkerton, to accept the petition for rezoning to R-3, with restriction for multiple dwellings of one story only. Councilman. Heppenstall asked it it wasntt necessary to show cause when placing a restriction on property. Mr. Humble replied this was so. The motion carried. (4) Replat of a portion of Highlands (between Sunset Highway and M St. and from 12th N. to 10th Ave. N.) be approved; a hearing being held and there being no protests. Planning Director Humble informed the Council that the federal government has agreed to pay for the installation of water and sewer lines; the City being responsi- ble for the installation. Also, the City will retain easement over all lines until abandoned. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, to concur. Carried. (5) Request for a hearing on the annexation petition submitted by Mr. Hartsook (adjacent to Highlands on the east). Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, to concur in the request; Jure 11 being the date set for the hearing. Carried. r, . Communication from City Engineer recommending a public hearing on the petition for closing alley, Block 10, Renton Highlands. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendation; June 11 being the date set for the hearing. City Attorney Shellan suggested that the date for the hearing be set far enough ahead to obtain remaining signatures as the records showtitle to 8 of the 27 lots invested in other parties. The motion was amended to set June 25 as the date for the hearing. Carried. Communication from City Engineer Highton relative to the improvement of a vacant lot on 87th Ave. S. which will require the maintenace of a natural water course for storm waters generating from a county road. Mr. Highton stated the point in question is the determination of responsibility for the construction and maintenance of the storm sewer. Mr. Jorgenson, the new owner of the property, from the audience, stated that the water from the county road runs onto his property; that he would appreciate prompt action to enable him to accomplish the development of his property on a 401 lot basis. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, to refer the problem to the City Attorney to determine the responsibility. City Attorney Shellan stated there was no liability involved on the part of the City; that surface waters are a common enemy.tt Mr. Highton stated the sewer crosses a public right-of-way, is inadequate and should be enlarged. The motion carried. Communication from Mayor Baxter requesting a meeting with the City Council as a Whole to dis cuss matters of improtance to all committees. Councilman Richardson suggested the President of the Council set the date. Councilman Morris set the date r� for Monday, May 20, at 8:00 p.m. Notice from Mayor Baxter that Tuesday, May 21, 1957 has been designated as Student Government Day and requested the cooperation of all Councilmen and City officials. Communication from City Engineer Highton submitting a petition for a LID to con- struct a sanitary sewer system on S.E. 128th St. from M St. to 132nd S.E.; that a deficiency exists in the assessed valuation which sets aside the authority of the City to proceed unless 75% of the owners will agree to the additional costs. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, to concur in the action and the parties involved be so notified. Carried. Communication from the City of Renton Insurance Commission, addressed to the Property Committee, with the recommendation that the second lowest bidder on the �. liability insurance, Tom Dobson & Son, be accepted. Councilman Bruce stated the Property Committee met with the Insurance Commission and concurred in their recommenda- tion, however, the Public Employees Mutual, which in the past has served the interests of the City well was felt to be another alternative. Councilman Morris agreed with the alternative, stating that the present company has helped develop the safety program, helped lower premiums and given goodservice. Councilman Reid pointed out that the other firm was also very highly qualified. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Reid, to accept the second lowest bid, Tom Dobson & Son. Carried, Mr, J. P. Ward, Consultant Engineer, reported on plans for developing the Duwamish Waterway which was given the green light by a recent legislative enabling act. He stated that the impact would be felt throughout the valley over the period of the next ten years. As Consultant Engineers, his firm works with committees in the various areas on the subject of economic and industrial development. Mr. Ward felt that their assist- ance in furnishing background data would be beneficial to the City of R nton and requested a meeting with a committee. Councilman Richardson suggested the firm contact the Mayor, �;ity Engineer and Planning Director who could attend a meeting and report back to the Council. Councilman Delaurenti felt the President of the Council should also be present. Mayor Baxter will arrange for a meeting at a later date. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Resolution shanging the restriction on the west side of Burnett St. between 2nd & Tobin from ttOne Way Only" to "No Thru Traffic." Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce,to adopt the Resolution. Carried. Councilman Richardson also reported that the revised plat Add. #11 submitted by Albert Balch will be held in the Ordinance Committee for further checking with Planning Commission regarding hearings held on rezoning and replatting. Councilman Trimm, Chairman, reported it was the recommendation of the Fire & Water Committee that the bid on cement-lined water pipes be awarded to Pacific States C. I. Pipe Co. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Also, that Western Utilities be awarded the bid on 10-Gauge Wrapped water pipes. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Trimm also reported that the Fire & Water Committee recommends that an assistant for the Supt. of Utilities be employed on a temporary basis for the purpose of making a survey of the water system. Also, recommendation of Mayor and Comptroller that the salary be taken from the Surplus Fund. Moved by Bruce, seconded byDelaurenti,, . to concur in the recommendations. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Garrett, that the request by the Catholic Church for a speed limit sign be granted and the Street Dept. place the sign in the alley. Also, that the Church be notified that the City will. oil the alley per their request if reimbursed for it, Carried. Councilman Swift called for a meeting of the Street & AlleyCommittee for Thursday, May lb, at 8:00 p.m. Councilman Bruce reported that an easement for a line through Cedar River Park will be granted to Pacific Telephone Co. if they agree to limit it to a specific underground area. Moved by Swift, seconded by Heppenstall, to concur in the action. Carried. Councilman Bruce also reported that regarding the request for a boat Marina on City beach property, it was decided that it would not be good policy to enter into an agreement with private parties at the present time. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. There were 13 persons present besides City employees. City Clerk Mayo ..r 2 Renton, Washington May 21, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: MORRIS, REID, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, AND HEPPEfiSTALL. The following Councilmen were excused: Pinkerton, Richardson, Trimm, Vietzke and Bruce. Mayor Baxter introduced Acting Mayor Don Rowland and welcomed all the senior students who were participating in "City Government Day." Students acting as Councilmen were: Bob Bliesner, Bill Parker, Ron Crockett, Thurston Bosley, Joan Dunham, Lynn Felton, Pat Hartman, Warren Johnson, Sharon Lee, Ken Nelson, Henry Pedersen and Glenda Tuttle. Other student officials were: Roger Anderson, City Clerk; Roger Grove, City Treasurer; Dale Bowyer, Police Judge; Wayne Wicks, Police Chief; Vernon Guay, Fire Chief; Glen O'Connell, Street Commissioner; Dave Paulon, Purchasing Agent, Paul Bennett, Comptroller; Ron Brattus, Supt. of Utilities; Marlin Green Engineer; Ruhl Kerch, Planning Director; Ray Charbonneau, Supt. of Parks; r� and Bill Hutsinpillar, Airport Manager. OFFICIALS & DEPAR11IENT HEADS PRESENT: - Art Haugan, Asst, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Rueben Miller, Street Commissioner; Don Humble, Planning Director; James Dunstan, Supt. of Utilities; Vern Church, Purchasing agent; Gene Coulon, Park Supt. and Charles Bott, Comptroller. Moved by Reid, seconded by Garrett, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved, as corrected. Carried. Communication from City Attorney Shellan enclosing letter received from the Public Housing Administration advising the matter concerning the "play area" in the Renton Highlands has been referred to the Administrative Officer �.. for proper disposition. Mayor Baxter ordered the communication placed on file. The following communications regarding the bid for the Comprehensive Public Liability Insurance coverage were read: (1) Tom Dobson & Son (successful bidder) declining the bid due to inability to cover airport with a binder. (2) Mayor Baxter to Louie Gebenini, advising that the Public Employees Mututal Insurance Company was instructed to place the policy in effect as of May 15, 1957 at 12:01 A.M. (3) Louie Gebenini advising that the renewal policy will be issued. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Garrett, that the bid submitted by the above firm be accepted and that the action of the Mayor be approved. Carried. A copy of a letter from City Attorney Shellan to Northern Pacific Railroad Company accepting the agreement to participate in sharing the costs of installation of Lith Ave. N. Crossing was ordered placed on file by Mayor Baxter. Communication from Greater Renton Safety Council, signed by Pres. C. E. PZcCarthy, requesting approval to operate a sound car on the streets of Renton at intervals during the summer months to call attention to traffic violations by drivers and pedestrians; also to commend same on good safety conduct. Moved by Reid, seconded by Morris, to grant the request. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to amend the motion to include "under the direction �. of the Police Department." Carried. Communication from Association of Washington Cities requesting considera- tion be given to the City of Renton hosting a Regional Meeting October 9 for the purpose of discussing current municipal problems of a local or regional nature. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, to refer the matter to the Mayor for action. Carried. Communication from Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Snowden and Mr. Lester Hagerty regarding a drainage problem on 7th Place in President Park. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurerti, to refer the matter to the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Copy of communication from District Engineer McKay, Washington State Highway Commission, requesting approval and execution of a Resolution pertain- ing to the Limited Access Highway as a portion of FAI State Highway No. 3. City Engineer Highton stated the final plans have been approved by the State Highway Commission. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Street & Alley Committee and the Mayor's Expansion & Development Committee and report back at the next meeting. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall, member of the Ordinance Committee, reported the committee would like to present a proposed ordinance changing, the zoning classification of certain property (Earlington) from R-1 to R-31 with restric- tions. The City Clerk read the proposed ordinance. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the proposed ordinance to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Garrett reported that the Ordinance Committee reports favorable and recommended its passage. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation and the proposed ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, that the ordinance be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting '!dye," the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Heppenstall also reported the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Resolution to transfer appropriations of funds between items within the general class of "Salaries & Wages,." of "Maintenance and Operations" and of "Capital Outlay." Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, to adopt the Resolution. Carried. President of the Council Morris reported that all items discussed at the recent meeting of the Council as a whole were referred to the respective committees who will report at future meetings. Councilman Swift reported that it was the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee that the request by Postmaster Lotto for a trucking zone in the 8UO block on 3rd Ave. be ,turned down as zones exist at 3rd & Williams and 3rd & Wells. Also, that the mail trucks be allowed to use metered zones as are available. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that a traffic control light will be installed moo at the intersection at 3rd & Logan. Councilman Delaurenti, member of the Fire & Water Committee, stated the committee recommended that a "Call for Bids" on the purchase of approximately 1,100 Lin. Fto of 4" Diameter Cement Mortar Lining be approved; the date for the opening of the bids being set for June ll. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that 2,000' of asphalt is required to place 4th Ave. N. from Park to Burnett St. in top-shape condition for heavy-duty trucks and the Street & Alley Committee recommends that the matter be referred to the Ways & Means Committee. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Swift called for a meeting of the Street & Alley Committee for Thursday, May 23, at 8:00 p.m. The Student Council presented the following recommendations: (1) The feasibility of constructing a public playground for the children of President Park. Moved by Delaurenti., seconded by HanseS to refer the matter to the Property Committee and Park Department and report back. Carried. (2) The possibility of enclosing the present public swimming pool in an all- weather structure to permit all-year use. Park Supt. Coulon explained to the students that the additional income derived from an all-year pool would not low compensate for the expense involved in the change-over to a closed-in type pool. Further, that a determination would be required as to what participa- tion could be expected to warrant the renovation. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Property Committee and Park Dept. Carried. (3) Rerouting of trucks from the front of the high school so as to eliminate class disturbances. Moved by Morris, seconded by Reid, to refer the matter to the Street & Alley Committee. Councilman Delaurenti pointed out to the students the possibility of eliminating this heavy traffic when extension of 4th Ave. N. is completed. Carried. (4) Possibility of installing a free right-turn light or sign for cars turning from Dunlap to Rainier Avenue, Councilman Reid advised the students that this recommenda- tion has been under consideration for several months by the State Highway Dept. as it is a State highway. Councilman Swift added that the matter has -2- 269 been under consideration with the Street & Alley Committee with the idea of adding green directional arrows to allow right hand turns which do not interfere with normal flow of traffic. Also, State approval is expected. The various student department heads reported the work of the individual departments they had visited during the day. All appreciated the opportunity to observe first-hand the workings of city government. Mayor Baxter stated in behalf of the Council they had enjoyed having the senior students at the City Hall and at the Council meeting. Also, in behalf of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, he presented Acting Mayor Rowland with a gavel. r Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the meeting adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. The Camber uns filled with visitors. �— City �`Glerc Cid Mayor V -3- Renton, Washington May 28, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: TRIMMM, REID, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, VIETZKE, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT AND DELAURENTI. The following Councilmen were excused: Morris, Heppenstall and Bruce. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Art Haugan, Asst. City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Rueben Miller, Street Commission- er; James Dunstan, Supt. of Utilities; Don Humble, Planning Director and Charles Botts Comptroller. Moved bjr Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved. Carried. Communication from Mayor Baxter recommending approval of following re- quests by Housing Authority of the City of Renton: (1) Negotiate with the Washington State Patrol and the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture and Soil Conserva- tion regarding space in the Renton Highlands Administration Bldg. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, to refer the matter to the Housing Authority and Property Committee with power to act. Carried. (2) Negotiate with Stone- way Sand & Gravel Company regarding a lease for a portion of the property between the river and the bank behind the City Hall. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Housing Authority be granted power to act. Planning Director Humble pointed out there will be a stipulation in the lease agreement whereby advance permission be obtained to remove gravel from the river. Carried. Communication from City Engineer Highton submitting a new petition for a LID to construct a sanitary sewer system on S.E. 128th from M St. to 132nd S.E.; signatories comprising 85% of the assessed valuation of the property in the district. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that a resolution of intention be submitted and property owners notified. Carried. Communication from Supt. of Water, City of Seattle, transrhi.tting a permit authorizing the City of Renton to use the Cedar River Pipeline right- of-way between Walla Walla Avenue and Mill Street for the purpose of off- street parking. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the agreement. Also, a Resolution authorizing the City to accept the permit agreement was introduced and adopted. Communication from City Planning Commission recommending that the City Council approve the following resolutions, public hearings having been held and there being no protests, verbal or written: (1) Variance request of Walter J. Niemzyk for erecting a 5-unit apartment on Earlington Hill be granted. Planning Director Humble pointed out that the request was for a special permit which does not require Council action. (2) Approve the rezoning request of Mr. Magruder for rezoning described property (Cemetery Road) to IfTrt for a trailer Park; no building permit be issued until after the adoption of the new ordinance governing Trailer Parks and until the final formation of the LID for sewers in this area. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. (3) Grant the request of Dr. Evoy for a variance to build to the back property line on his property on 4th Place, provided he has secured a 10-ft. easement. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Pinkerton, to revert the request to the Plan- ning Commission to show evidence of the easement. Carried. Communication to Property Committee and City Council from Tony Baffaro, District Agent, protesting Council action regarding awarding of liability insurance to second lowest bidder; the Farmers Insurance Group having submitted the lowest bid. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the protest to the Property Committee. Carried. Communication from Mayor Baxter recommending the Agreement with the State on relocation of water mains in the Windsor Hills area be referred to the City Attorney and the Fire & Water Committee for their recommendations and approval. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Communication from City Engineer Highton recommending approval of the final access plans of the Limited Access State Highway th rough Renton. Planning Director Humble stated the Mayorts Development & Expansion Com- mittee reports favorably. Councilman Swift stated the Street & Alley Com- mittee also reports favorably. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Hansen, to adopt the Resolution. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Pinkerton, that the agreement between the City of Renton and Boeing Airplane Company regarding the movement of Boeing vehicles of excess width and height on Renton streets travelling between Boeing plant and Auburn be referred to the City Attorney's office for ap- proval. Carried. Councilman Vietzke, Chairman, reported the Ways & Means Committee recommends the funds for the re-surfacing of 4th Ave. N. from Park to Bur- nett St* be charged to Cum. Fund 1182. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Mayor Baxter announced a public meeting to be held June 3, 7:45 p.m., at the Chamber of Commerce building to review the proposed removal of parking on Third Avenue during traffic peaks. 2n Moved by Swift, seconded by Reid, that the meeting adjourn. The mmet- ing adj ourned at 8:50 p.m. There were 8 persons present besides City employees. G3 non i{�i�ire City Clerk Mayor The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented* 1957. PAYROLL - ALL DEPARTMENTS $59,995.17 CURRENT FUND 17,701.82 WATER FUND 13,638.13 LIBRARY FUND 11242.22 PARK FUND 196.13 RECREATION - SWIMMING POOL FUND 562.67 SEWER DISPOSAL FUND 1,440.94 AIRPORT FUND 1,704.68 CITY ST, FUND 62880.61 SHOP E. R. FUND 3,762.30 GARBAGE FUND 89066.87 CIVIL DEFENSE FUND 47.53 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 250.00 ST. & LIGHT IMPT. FUND 36.48 OFF-ST. PARKING FUND 125.00 EMPLOYEES' PAYROLL SAVING BOND FUND 168.75 i! SALARY FUND 11,075.37 -2- `y r�$v� Renton, Washington June 4, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: MORRIS, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, VIETZKE, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAU.RENTI AND BRUCE. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that Councilman Heppenstall be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Joyce Torelli, Deputy City Clerk; Don Humble, Planning Director; Rueben Miller, Street Commissioner; Vera Church, Purchasing Agent; and Charles Bott, Comptroller. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the pre- vious meeting be approved as written. Carried. Communication from City Engineer Highton submitting cost estimates for a sanitary sewer system to serve Maplewood Addition, attached petition signed by seventy-four (74) residents. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, to refer the petition to the City Engineer to check the validity of signatures before proceeding further. Councilman Reid voiced an opinion that the property owners should be informed of the cost. Mayor Baxter stated that this was be- ing taken care of. Motion carried. Communication from George Warren requesting permit to place a "Bowling Alley" Game of Amusement in Christyts Tavern. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, to refer this request to the Police and License Committee with power to act.., Carried. Communication from City Attorney Shellan approving in form the agreement between the City of Renton and Boeing Airplane Co. concerning the movement of - vehicles of excess width and height on the city streets, recommending the proper city department investigate the duties imposed on the city by this agreement, further determining whether the city is in a position to assume such responsibilities. Moved by Swift, seconded by Trimm, to refer this matter to the City Engineer and report back. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee reports favorably and recommends the passage of a proposed Ordinance amend- ing Ordinance No. 1472, relating to Off Street Parking, providing for ttin lieu" payments and for ttjoint facilities" placed on first reading May 7th. Moved by Trimm., seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommend- ation of the Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. -Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson that Ordinance No. 1.612 be adopted as read. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: Morris, "Ayett; Trimm, tsAyen, Reid, abstained; Richardson, ttAyest; Pinkerton, "Ayett; Vietzke, abstained; Garrett "Ayett;_ Hansen, "Ayett; Swift, tsAyets; Delaurenti, "Aye's; Bruce, ttAyett; Nine (9� "Ayes"; two (2) abstained. Carried. Councilman- Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee reports favorably and recommends the passage of a proposed Ordinance, prev- iously recommended by the Building Department, adopting and establishing a code for the storage and handling of liquefied petroleum gases. Moved by Bruce, seconded- by Trimm, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, that Ordinance No. 1613 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting "Ayett, the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance, approving a certain plat known as Albert Balchss President Park No. 11 and changing the zoning classifica- tion of certain property from Suburban Residence District (s-1) to Residence Single Family District (R-1). Deputy Clerk, Joyce Torelli, read the proposed Ordinance. It was determined that the necessary hearings had been held by 27 the planning commission. Moved by Norris, seconded by Hansen that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommend- ation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Morris, second- ed by Vietzke, that Ordinance No. 161.1 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting ttAyett, the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, also reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance requiring an applica- tion for a permit to break a street curb in the City of Renton and estab- lishing the amount of a deposit to insure the performance of the necessary work in connection therewith. Deputy City Clerk, Joyce Torelli, read the proposed Ordinance. After a clarification by City Attorney Shellan rela- tive to the deposit, moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recom- mendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the committee and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Bruce that Ordinance No. 1615 be adopted as read. Carried. A roll call vote being taken and all Council- men present voting t'Ayett, the motion unanimously carried. I U j Councilman Richardson, Chairman, further reported that the Ordinance Committee wished to present a proposed Ordinance amending Section V of Ordinance No. 1143 pertaining to the regulation and control of parking meters and parking meter zones, designating certain holidays to conform with State laws. Deputy City Clerk, Joyce Torelli, read the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, that the proposed Ord- inance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. In response to a query by Councilman Swift, City Attorney Shellan stated that this Ordinance would apply to the Cityts Off-Street parking lots also. Councilman Richardson reported that the committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded . by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the committee and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Garrett, seconded by Swift, that Ordinance No. 1-616 be adopted as read. Carried. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting ttAyett, the motion un- animously carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, introduced a proposed Ordinance amend- ing Ordinance No. 1587, increasing the rate of occupation tax on any business engaged as a manufacturer or extractor in the City of Renton to .0007. The Deputy City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. Comptroller Bott explained that this action was necessary as expected revenues had not accrued. He further stated that Mr. Wesley in Washington, D. C. objected to the assessed valuation of government properties in the City of Renton, and had therefore witheld tax payments. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried, Councilman Richardson, Chairman, further reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance providing for the lic- ensing, regulation and maintenance of Carnivals, Circuses, Side Shows and related Amusements. Deputy City Clerk, Joyce Torelli, read the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the proposal to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation and report back. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported favorably for the Ordinance Committee and recommended the passage of a proposed Ordinance providing for the issuance of permits for the installation, alteration or conversion of gas piping or gas appliances within the City of Renton; also providing rules, regulations and standards relating to same, first reading having been made at the Council meeting of January 15th. Moved by Morris, second- ed by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the committee and the Proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that Ordinance No. 1617 be adopted as read. Carried. A roll call vote being taken and all councilmen present voting 'tAye", the motion unanimously carried. 'v 5 Councilman Trimm, Chairman, stated it was the recommendation of the Fire and Water Committee, and of the City Attorney, that the Council adopt the Contract with the State for the relocation of water mains in the Windsor Hills Area, as corrected. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of these committees. Carried. Councilman Morris called for a meeting of the Council. as a Whole, on Monday, June 17th, at 8:00 P.M. Councilman Swift called for a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee on Monday, June 10th, at 8:00 P.M. i Councilman Swift presented a communication dated May 20th, signed by McKnight Intermediate School P.T.A. Officers addressed to the City Engineer expressing appreciation for work done in reducing the possibility of injury to McKnight pupils using the Sunset Highway - 116th Avenue S. E. intersection enroute to and from school, requesting further that the original traffic signal requested be installed, if possible by September, 1958. Moved by Swift, seconded by Vietzke, to refer this matter to the City Engineer and City Comptroller. Carried. Councilman Bruce, Chairman, Property Committee, reported that the operations of the Stoneway Sand and Gravel Co. adjacent to the City Hall should be investigated, as it was his belief they were operating under a permit agreement and not a lease. Mayor Baxter informed the Council that this work was being carried on by the Rainier Asphalt Co. and comes under the jurisdiction of the Housing Authority. Planning Director Humble stated the Housing Authority is negotiating a lease with the Stoneway Co. to exclude a certain area from these operations, as well as towards securing some income to the City. Councilman Vietzke, Chairman, reported for the Ways & Means Committee on the revenue to the City from the Red & White Construction Co. for their removal of gravel from the river bed. The City of Renton receives 5 cents a yard, the company operating under a 5-year period grant. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. There were three persons present besides City Employees. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. City Clerk a I I i 2 7 � F, Renton, Washington June 11, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: MORRIS, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, VIETZKE, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Joyce Torelli, Deputy City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer; Rueben Miller, Street Commissioner; Don Humble, Planning Director; James Dunstan, Supt. of Utilities; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent and Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids on approximately 1100 linear feet of 1411 diameter cement mortar lining, Class 150 cast iron water- pipe, Type 3, to be used in the Windsor Hills area in connection with the new highway, the following bids were opened and read: C�6 f� 1 BIDDER PER FT. TOTAL TAX TOTAL BID DELIVERY Pac. States Cast Iron Pipe Co. 6.495 "7,11+4.50 $238.15 '7,382.65 4-5 weeks Pac. Water Works Supply Co. Acknowledgment only - unable to make quotation Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, to refer this bid to the Fire and Water Committee. Carried. I This being the date set for a hearing on the annexation petition for the described property (adjacent to Renton Highlands #2), submi+•ted by C. J. Hartsook, and there being no protests, written or verbal, moved by Swift, seconded by Bruce, to refer this petition to the Ordinance Committee for the proper Ordinance. Carried. Mayor Baxter called for the hearing on the petition for the vacation of a portion of South 126th Street, between 91st Ave. S. & Rainier Avenue. A protest, bearing 52 signatures, was read by the Deputy City Clerk. The objectors maintained that the street in question could be made into a pass- able and usable street, further claiming that it is financially feasible to continue 126th Street through, giving ready access to Rainier Avenue to those persons residing in the vicinity, who now can reach Rainier Avenue only by a round-about route. It was further submitted that the cutting through of said street would facilitate the more rapid servicing of the area by Renton Police and Fire Departments. Objectors further cite that the said street area could be put into use during inclement weather, as a parking lot for cars of residents in the adjacent hill sections. H. Donald Gouge, an attorney representing those in opposition, spoke from the audience requesting that this petition be denied. He stated that in the past a number of streets had been vacated to the later regret of all parties concerned, that this is valuable property which once given away is lost forever to public use. Mr. McDonald, from the audience, requested that a count of those present objecting to the vacation be made. A count showed twelve persons present who disapproved of the vacation. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, to refer the petition to the City Engineer to check the validity of the signatures and the hearing be continued at the next regular Council meeting to enable more interested persons to attend. Communication from Renton Chamber of Commerce Tax Committee, signed by Donald G. Holm, Chairman, recommended that the City of Renton give consideration to their request to not increase the rates of the present business and occupation tax, but to continue the present rate for the balance of the year 1957, and should operating deficits then appear, meet them by the issuance of interest- bearing warrants. This communication further stated that since the assessor's office had -rescinded their former stand, and reverted back to the assessed val- uation figure used for the payment already made covering 1955 it would seem quite probable that payment from the Government would be received without further delay for at least the calendar year 1956. Mr. Holm, from the audience, stated it was his belief that this would be a tremendous Public relations factor, and a wonderful alternative that would not handicap the city. He stated the industries most strongly affected are the Boeing Airplane Co., Pacific Car and Foundry Co. and the Gladding McBean Co. Councilman Bruce questioned the advisability of placing the City back on a warrant basis. Councilman Richardson said the prom sed Ordinance would be on the agenda of the Council as a Whole meeting Monday evening and requested the presence of Mayor Baxtery Comptroller Bott and City Attorney Shellan. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, to refer this proposed Ordinance to the Council as a Whole to report back at next regular Council meeting. Carried. A discussion was held relative to how soon the City would receive their tax payments from the Government. City Attorney Shellan pointed out that the Council had until July lst, the date the proposed increase would go into effect, if accepted, and that in the mean- time Henry Reynolds, executive secretary for the Renton Chamber of Commerce was going to Washington, D. C. and that before he left a call could be made to the proper authorities in Washington informing them that our representative would be contacting them in regard to this matter, further that our congressmen could be notified by wire. Communication from Boeing Airplane Co. of June 10 relating to traffic controls and reversible lanes, specifically those controls on Airport Way and on Logan Street. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that this communication be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Communication from City Engineer Highton recommending acceptance of bill submitted by Kent and Tucker, Inc. for work performed on the railroad grade crossing at Fourth Avenue No., final estimate $7,400.75, less 15% retained (41,110.00), amount due contractor $6,290.64. Communication from Street Commissioner Miller dated June 10th requesting reappropriation of funds for 1957 to make possible the repair and oiling of- 10,600 feet of streets in Earlington at a cost of $3,300.00. This had been previously authorized by the City Council but due to adverse weather conditions the street department was unable to perform the work in 1956. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer this request to the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. Communication from Frank C. Matthews requesting paving improvement on Williams Street and Wells Street, previously approved, be accomplished at this time. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, to refer the matter to the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. - Communication from Williams & Swanson requesting removal of one parking meter (No. BNBl 13) from the west side of Burnett St. between Second and Third Avenues. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, to place this request in the hands of the Street and Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. Communication from Stanley I. Thompson, principal, Renton High School, to City Engineer Highton relative to traffic on Morris Street, stating their first preference would be for traffic controls on Morris & Whitworth Streets to remain as they are, continuing one-way traffic on Morris St. for one block, further stating that if 2-way traffic is returned to Morris St. that present traffic controls and cross-walks be retained, adding a left-turn signal for traffic traveling north on Morris Street. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer this matter to the Street & Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. Communication from Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. requesting that the City of Renton grant an easement to place a buried communication cable through a certain section in Renton Highlands. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer this request to the City Engineer and City Attorney. Carried. Two communications protesting the vacation or closing of any portion of 12th Avenue No. between Sunset Highway and H Street, one from. Carpenter's Local No. 1797, the second signed by four residents of the area. Councilman Swift stated the closure of one portion is the result of the acceptance of a plat contracted by the Housing Authority, and the City Council has no authority to act. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, to refer these communications to Mayor Baxter. Carried. Planning Director Humble informed the Council that the Vacation of the remaining one-half block is in the hands of the Planning Commission who will make their recommendation and present it to the Council for action at a later date. Communication from the Housing Authority advising the Public Housing Administration would like to offer for sale, Blocks 12, 13, 14, 36, 37 and 38 of the Corrected Plat of Renton Highlands No. 2, condition of sale to require installation of water and sewer lines, with purchaser furnishing proper i i i I i 2 77 bond to the City. Councilman Trimm expressed the opinion that the installation of fire hydrants should also be included in the sales agreement. Councilman Heppenstall brought up the question as to whether or not new streets will be necessary, which was answered affirmatively by Planning Director Humble, who also informed the Council that a cost estimate on the sewer and water lines is now being prepared. A discussion held relative to the condition of sale showed the majority of the Councilmen concurring in the opinion that there would be no objection to the sale providing all requirements of the City of Renton were complied with. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, to hold this communica- tion over until the next regular Council meeting, the City Engineer to proceed with the cost estimate. Communication from Councilman-Vietzke requesting a sixty-day leave of absence from Council meetings due to changes in his hours of employment. Councilman Vietzke stated he would continue his committee work as usual. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, to grant Councilman Vietzkets request. Carried. Council President, Vern Morris, stated he had enjoyed the privilege of being the president of Rentonts City Council this past year, .and that it was now the order of the evening to elect a new president. Councilman Reid nominated Councilman. Ray Heppenstall to fill this position. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, to elect Councilman Heppenstall president ? of the Renton City Council for the ensuing term. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman, Street & Alley Committee, reported on com- munications from Mr. & Mrs. R. V. Snowden and Mr. Lester Hagerty requesting action be taken to correct the drainage situation at 7th Place in President Park. The committee recommended that the City notify the parties concerned that since the original drainage system is a dry well system installed by the developer it would-be necessary to obtain easements in order to connect with the city drainage system. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, to- concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift suggested that a date should be set for the dedication of the Williams Street Bridge. He also went on record as being-opposed to the use of Jones Park as an Off-Street Parking lot, in which Councilman Bruce concurred. Corneilman Morris reminded the Council of the meeting of the Council as a Whole scheduled for Monday, June 17th, 8:00 P.M. Councilman Garrett will be absent from the City next week, therefore requested that he be excused from the next Council meeting, as well as the ,Monday evening meeting of the Council as a Whole. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Morris, to grant the request of Councilman Garrett. Carried. Councilman Swift expressed the opinion that the Street Department should be allowed to do the work that has been committed to them, while weather cond- itions permit, and that other City Departments plan their work far enough in advance to budget for it, if they are going to request the Street Department to do it for them. Councilman Swift, Chairman, Street and Alley Committee, reporting on new streets in the Highlands, made the recommendation that the Council, by resolution, establish a procedure requiring curbs and drains on streets that are surfaced, and drains only on gravel streets; resolution to be effective until passage of new platting Ordinance. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Trimm, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman, Street & Alley Committee, presented the following recommendati,m for improving parking and traffic conditions in the City of Renton (1) No parking on Park Ave. betwen 6th and 8th Avenues between the hours of 5 A.M, and 5 P.M. daily, excepting Sundays and holidays. Moved- by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee and this matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. (2) One-hour parking on Logan Street to the north end of the street, except for restrictions already imposed. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee and refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. (3) Sign be installed on Sixth and Park, permitting southbound traffic on Park Avenue a free right turn. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee and refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti congratulated Planning Director Humble for his display on Off-Street parking, stating it was one of the finest displays at the Association of Washington Cities Convention held in Bellingham on June 6th and 7th. IIe further stated the highlight of the convention for him was the Parks and Recreational meeting. Councilman Garrett stated that the City Attorney for the City of Enumclaw presented an interesting report on Off- Street Parking at the Convention, that he also had heard many fine comments on Renton Off-Street Parking Display. Councilman Reid attended the Conven- tionts Light and Power Committee meeting and reported that Renton compares favorably with all other Washington cities in the cost of their street lighting. Mayor Baxter declared a 5-minute recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to order. A roll-call vote showed all twelve councilmen present. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported favorably for the Ordinance Committee and recommends the passage of a proposed Ordinance providing for the licensing, regulation and maintenance of Carnivals, Circuses, Side Shows and related amusements, first reading having been made on June 4th. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, that the Council concur in the rec- ommendation of the committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. Councilmen Delaurenti and Vietzke raised the question as to whether a waiver of fees could be made to serrice clubs sponsoring amusements covered by this ordinance. Councilman Bruce stated it was a requirement, that any amusement covered by this Ordinance be sponsored by a reliable organization. Councilman Swift requested a legal opinion from the City Attorney as to whether the City could waive any part of an Ordinance relating to the fee. City Attorney Shellan stated it has previously been done by an exercise of discretion in not enforcing the collection of a license or fee. After the second and final reading, moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that Ordinance No. 1618 be adopted as read. Carried. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: Morris, "Aye"; Trimm, ttAye"; Reid, "Ayetr; Richardson, ttAye", Pinkerton, "Ayett; Vietzke, t'Ayett; Garrett, "Ayer'; Hansen, "Ayett; Swift, ttAye?t; Delaurenti, "Ayer'; Heppenstall, ttAye"; and Bruce, "Not'; eleven (11) ttAyes", one (1) ttNott. Motion carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance repealing Ordinances Nos. 327 and 408 regulating the license fee for the operation of skating rinks in the City of Renton. The Deputy City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Morris, seconded by Reid, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richard- son reported that the committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur, in the recommendation of the committee and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that Ordinance No. 1619 be adopted as read. Carried. A roll call vote being taken and all councilmen present voting r'Ayett the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, further reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance, recommended by the City Engineer and the Street Department, approved by the City Attorney, re- lating to the regulation of cutting, undermining, digging up, excavating, tunneling, or other disturbances of streets, alleys, pavement or improvement, also providing for permit, inspection and violation penalties. The proposed Ordinance was read by the Deputy City Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Pinkerton, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ord- inance committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the committee and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. _ After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that Ordinance No. 1620 be adopted as read. Carried. A roll. call vote being taken and all council.- men ouncil—men present voting "Aye?? the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance amending Sections I and II (covering penalties), of Ordinance No. 1130 prohibiting the driving of a motor vehicle by a person under the influence of intoxicants or narcotic drugs, or the operation of a motor vehicle in a reckless or negligent manner upon any private property adjacent to any public highway within the City of Renton. The Deputy City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, f that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for rec- ommendation. Carried. - Councilman Richardson reported that the committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council_ concur in the rec- ommendation of the committee and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final -reading, moved by Bruce, seconded by Swift, that Ordinance No. 1621 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all councilmen present voting ItAye" motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance amending Section II, Ordinance No. 1143, designating certain streets as parking meter zones; proposed Ordinance to be placed on its first reading. The proposed Ordinance was read by the Deputy City Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee. It was also suggested that the proposed Ordinance be checked by the Street Com dssi.onerg and City Engineer to determine if the proposed parking meter zones correspond with existing zones in the City, and make any needed correction. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. There were 19 persons present besides City employees. tt� City Clerk Mayor I I i I i I _ - `, SO Renton, Washington June 18, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRIMM, REID, PINKERTON, VIETZKE, MORRIS, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI AND BRUCE. The following Councilmen were excused: Richardson and Garrett. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; WMW James Highton, City Engineer; Rueben Miller, Street Commissioner; Don Humble, Planning Director; James Dunstan, Superintendent of Utilities and Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent. Moved by Swift, seconded by Vietzke, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved, as corrected. Carried. Communication from Pacific Car and Foundry Company requesting use of city streets to move a vehicle, described as a prototype track laying Amphibious Cargo carrier, to the north apron of Boeing Renton Plant, agreeing to indemnify the city for any and all damage to city streets or property and to hold the City of Renton harmless from any and all liability arising therefrom. Councilman Swift stated that similar moves by this concern had caused no difficulties. City Eng— ineer Highton stated that Sixth Avenue North would be the logical route. Moved by Swift, seconded by Vietzke, to refer this matter to the City Engineer, Police Department to draft the proper agreement with power to act. Carried. Communication from Tony's Cleaners, signed by Jack L. Bales and R. S. Vander— ford, requesting permission to remove section of curbing from corner of Bronson Way and Main Street, north 19 feet, to their present driveway. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, to refer this request to the Street and Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from International Association of Chiefs of Police citing the City of Renton for a certificate of achievement in police traffic supervision for 19562 such award based on a performance evaluation of 80 to 85 per cent for cities, and requesting the City's wishes regarding a formal presentation. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Hansen, to refer this communication to Mayor Baxter and the Chief of Police. Carried. Communication from City Engineer Highton regarding proposed construction by the State to provide increased clearance on Rainier Avenue Underpass of the Pacific Coast Railway, tentative schedule of this work for late July or early August. Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, to refer this matter to the City Engineer and Street Commissioner with power to act. Carried. Members of the Council concurred in City Engineer Highton's recommendation that the Pacific Car and Foundry Co. and Boeing Airplane Co. be notified in advance of road closing date. A second communication from City Engineer Highton regarding receipt of a quit claim deed for a strip of land in Talbot to be used for street purposes. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and refer this matter to the Street and Alley Committee for consideration. Carried. Report from City Engineer Highton that signatures on protest petition on proposed vacation of South 126th Street from Rainier Avenue West to 91st Avenue South, are valid. Mayor Baxter called for a continuation of the hearing on the proposed vacation. Councilman Bruce stated the evidence submitted by the ob— Now jectors to the vacation supports their contention that proposed vacation should be denied. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, to reject the petition for the proposed vacation of South 126th Street. Carried. An agreement between the Northern Pacific Railway Company and the City of Renton regarding installation of signals and concrete planking on Fourth Avenue North was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Hansen, to refer this matter to Mayor Baxter and the City Clerk to execute the proper agree— ment. Carried. A possible delay of six to seven months in securing the signals is anticipated, due to a shortage of firms engaged in the manufacture of these units. City Engineer Highton has written an Eastern firm in an endeavor to ex— pedite this matter. hst ` A petition from the Windsor Hills Community Club asking rejection of the Dobson and Cugini Preliminary Plat, and requesting the rezoning of said area from L-1 to R-1, was brought before the Council. Communication from the Planning Commission was read recommending the acceptance of this preliminary plat. Fol- lowing a discussion, moved by Reid, seconded by Morris, that this matter be re- ferred to a Committee appointed from the Council to meet with the Windsor Hills Community Club and report back. Carried. Planning Director Humble voiced the opinion that rezoning of the entire area in this vicinity should receive consider- ation. Communication from L. E. French, Scoutmaster, Troop No. 443, requesting permission to install flag br ackets on parking meters, said installation to be r.. a permanent fixture. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, to refer this matter to the Street and Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. Councilman Swift pointed out that this same permission had been granted the American Legion about a year ago. Report of City Engineer Highton, submitting estimate of cost and bond cover- age as condition of sale of the re-plat of Blocks 12, 13, 14, 36, 37 and 38, Corrected Plat of Renton Highlands, as follows: C0 Relocate water mains . . e . . . $4,175.00 C`1 Relocate sewers . . . . . . . 3,820.00 to $7,995.00 Engineering at 10% . . . . . . . . . 799.50 r r' Total Cost X8,794.50 Recommended bond . . . . . 04102000.00 Planning Director Humble informed the Council that the Housing Authority had requested two items: First, agreement to the proposed method of sale; second, sale conditional upon completion by purchaser of water mains and sewer lines to meet the City's requirements and the posting of recommended bond to insure the completion of this work. Replying to a query made by Councilman Swift, Planning Director Humble placed the approximate date of sale from sixty to ninety days. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer this matter to the Public Housing Administration, with the stipulation that purchaser meet the requirements of the City of Renton regarding installation of water mains and sewers, within one year from purchase date. Carried. Further moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation of the Housing Authority that the W'ity indicate its acceptance of this type of sale. Carried. A communication from the City Planning Commission was read submitting the following recommendations: (1) Deny request for the vacation of a described portion of 12th Ave. North and keep said right-of-way intact. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and deny this vacation. Carried. (2) Grant the variance request of Dr. Evoy for a 10-foot easement on described property. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission to grant this request. Carried. (3) Accept the preliminary plat as submitted by Dobson and Cugini. This recommendation was taken up previously in the Council meeting together with the petition from the Windsor Hills Community Club requesting re- jection of said plat. (4) The acceptance of annexation petition, submitted by A. W. Burchell, subject to the legality of 75% of the signers, and call for a public hearing. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer this petition to the City Engineer to check the signatures. Carried. (5) The acceptance and signing of the final plat of Mr. Glen Mapes (abuts Balch #2). Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, to refer this matter to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. (6) Acceptance of annexation petition, submitted by Kenneth A. and Helen E. Nicholson, calling for a public hearing. vow Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, to set July 16, 1957 as the date for the hearing. A second communication from the Planning Commission presenting proposed Ordinance governing Trailer Parks and recommending its adoption. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Communication from Park Superintendent Coulon requesting the City Council release to the Park Department building in Liberty Park, now being leased out as a restaurant, for park department use for offices, storage and other recreational purposes. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, to refer this request to the President of the Council. Carried. 2 A second communication was read from Park Superintendent Coulon recommend- ing that the City Council take steps to acquire two sites for park and recrea- tional purposes, in the Talbot Hill and President Park areas. Moved by Delaurenti, ^Qconded by Hansen, to refer this recommendation to the Property Committee and report back. Carried. Approval from Park Superintendent Coulon on the telephone companyts request for an easement through Cedar River Park, providing: (1) The line and five poles are installed in the area previously discussed, said area clearly de- fined. (2) Provision is made for removal of poles and lines at telephone com- panyts expense, if the need arises. Moved by Reid, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in this recommendation. Carried. A petition submitted by Mr. & Mrs. Warner Frye and Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Moody mow for vacation of alley lying between Lot 13 and Lot 14, in Block 13, Renton Highlands was brought before the Council. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, to refer this petition to the City Engineer to check the amount of abutment. Carried. Communication from City Attorney Shellan regarding request of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. for an easement to place a buried communication cable through a certain section in Renton Highlands was ordered placed on file for future reference. It was brought out that some of the property in question belongs to the Housing Authority and not to the City; further that only a permit should be granted, not a perpetual easement. A communication was read from Richard Johnson requesting installation of a street light on 87th Avenue South in the vicinity of South 131st Street. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, to refer this request to the Light and Power Committee. Carried. Second communication from Richard Johnson requested the posting of stdead end" or ssblind roadtt sign on 87th Avenue South at the 124th Street intersec- tion. Moved by Morris, seconded by Swift, to refer this request to the Street Superintendent with power to act. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall, member of the Ordinance Committee, reported favor- ably and recommends the passage of a proposed Ordinance amending Section II.,- Ordinance I,Ordinance No. 1143, designating certain streets as parking meter zones, placed on its first reading June 11, 1957. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that .... the Council concur in the recommendation of the committee and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that Ordinance No. 1623 be adopted as read. Carried. A roll call vote being taken and all council- men present voting ttAyett the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Heppenstall reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance annexing certain territory to the City of Renton (adjacent to Highlands #2). The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed ordinance be referred to the Ordinance committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Heppen- stall reported that the committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the committee and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that Ordinance No. 1622 be adopted as read. Carried. A roll call vote being taken and all councilmen present voting **Aye's the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Heppenstall further reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance restricting the parking of vehicles on certain designated streets in the City of Renton. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall reported that the .,.., committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its,pass- age. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that Ordinance No. 1624 be adopted as read. Carried. A roll call vote being taken and all councilmen present voting tsAyen the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Vietzke, chairman, Ways and Means Committee recommended that the funds for the repair and oiling of streets in Earlington, in the amount of $3,300.00 be charged to Cumulative Fund No. 1182. Moved by Heppenstall, second- ed by Reid, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman, called for a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee on Monday, June 24, 1957, at 8:00 P.M., requesting the presence of Chief of Police Busato, Sergeant Ernie Henry, Street Commissioner Miller and City Engineer Highton. Council President Heppenstall called for a meeting of the Job Evaluation Committee requesting the presence of Councilmen Trimm, Richardson, Swift, Delaurenti and Heppenstall, on Monday, June 24, 1957 at 8:00 P.M. Council President Heppenstall reported on action taken by the Council as a Whole at their meeting held Monday, June 17th. (1) Proposed Ordinance increasing Business and Occupation tax still under consideration (2) "In Lieutt Payments: Discussion was held relative to money due the City being held up by the decision of an Assistant Air Force Counsel in Washington, D. C. City Attorney Shellan stated the County Assessorts Office could not see by what right some government official could dispute the assessed valuation. The City Attorney recommended a letter of resolution be written to the County Assessor's Office stating that the City Council considered the appraisal made by them to be fair and correct. He further stated it was up to the City and the School District to decide if they want to accept the compromise proposal, because the Cityts fin- ancial condition warrants that such action be taken, further recommending that if the City so agrees that it be done without prejudice, limiting this acceptance to a yearts stipulation. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Bruce, to concur in C\1 the recommendations of the City Attorney, authorizing him to draft a letter of 10 resolution to be used in the discussion with the School District, declaring our intent to accept the compromise proposal, along the lines he has suggested. Carried. Mayor Baxter announced the meeting with the School Authorities is scheduled for Thursday evening. (3) Policy regarding the extent the City will participate in the repair and/or rebuilding of streets, storm sewers, etc. as follows: a. Major arterials 1. Repair to original type of surface 2. Rebuilding should be done by bond issue or LID, or by direction of the City Council on difficult areas b. Minor arterials 1. Same for repairs. 2. Rebuild at expense of abutting property owners and with �. city participation for labor and equipment. c. Neighborhood feeder streets 1. Repair same as a and b. 2. Rebuild at expense of abutting property owner. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee regarding street improvements. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman, Street and Alley Committee suggested the Council investigate the advisability of removing School Zone signs during the school vacation period. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Hansen, that the suggestion be referred to the Police and Traffic Division and School Authorities for recommend- ation. Mayor Baxter appointed the following committee to meet with the Windsor Hills Community Club: Councilmen Reid and Morris, and Council President Heppenstall. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M. There were 21 persons present besides City employees. City Clerk Nam Mayor Renton, Washington June 25, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, MORRIS, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT AND DELAURENTI. The following councilmen were excused: Vietzke and Bruce. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Walt Wills, Asstt. Engineer; Rueben New Miller, Street Commissioner; Don Humble, Planning Director; James Dunstan, Supt. of Utilities; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent and Charles Botts Comptroller. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Reid, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Mayor Baxter called for the hearing on the vacation of the 16 foot alley, Block 10, Renton Highlands Addition. A communication from City Engineer Highton submitting a signed supplement to the petition, bearing names of the eight contract purchasers, to comply with legal requirements, was read by the city clerk. There being no protests, written or verbal, moved by Morris, seconded by Pinkerton, to grant the vacation of the 16-foot alley in Block 10, Renton Highlands Addition, with the condition that the City of Renton retain a 10-foot easement through the center for the purpose of construction, operating and maintaining public utilities. Carried. Mayor Baxter introduced to the Council Mr. Bill Feathers, manager of the Seattle-King County Safety Council, representing the International Safety Council and the newly organized Rentor. Safety Council. Mr. Feathers presented to Chief of Police Busato a plaque awarded by the International Chiefs of Police for achievement in police traffic supervision for 1956, award based on a performance evaluation of 80 to 85 per cent. Mr. Feathers further commended the City of Renton for having had no traffic fatalities during the years of 1955 and 1956. A communication from Mayor Baxter regardi..ng resignation of a City Police ..r Officer, appointing Woodrow 0. Gordon to fill the vacancy, appointment to be effective July 1, 1957- for a probationary period of twelve months. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the appointment by the Mayor. Carried. Communication from City Engineer Highton to Pacific Car and Foundry Co., such communication to constitute the City's agreement to permit the use of city streets to move a certain vehicle, providing the following conditions were observed; (1) Prior notice to the Renton Police Department. Recommended use of Sixth Avenue North as far as Logan Street. (2) Prior arrangements for the removal of obstructions to be made with the party having control over such facilities. (3) Hold the City harmless, as specified in their letter. Communication was ordered placed on file. Communication from Mayor Baxter vetoing Ordinance No. 1618, relating to the licensing, regulation and maintenance of Carnivals, Circuses, Side Shows and related amusements. Mayor Baxter outlined his principal objections to the Ordinance as follows: First, that it is too rigid; second, in some cases the fees are excessive -- that he believes the Ordinance would be unworkable and possibly difficult to enforce. He further recommended that consideration should be given the permanent type amusement park as distinguished from carnivals. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Council as a Whole. Carried. Communication from Mayor Baxter and City Clerk Alexander to the County Assessor's Office regarding payments in Lieu of Taxes called for by P.L. 388, affecting Boeing Airplane Co. facilities in Renton, accepting compromise, namely, a valuation basis of not less than four million dollars per year for 1956, 1957 and 1958, only, with the understanding that the sums due the city for 1956-57, amounting to $120,000.00 be remitted during the next Pew weeks. This compromise is not to constitute a waiver of the City's rights and claims, providing a dif- ferent determination of the proper valuation of the premises in question should be made in the future by any agency or department of the United States Government. A communication from Renton School District No. 403 was read approving the plan of compromise in order to expedite the payments in lieu of taxes. Both communica- tions were ordered placed on file. A letter from Oliver-Hazen, Superintendent of Schools, replying to a communication from City Clerk Alexander regarding school zone signs, was read. Mr. Hazen recommended the retention of these signs, which he believes are needed due to summer classes, organized and unorganized recreational activities, and pupil registration at the High School. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Mr. Donald Gouge, Attorney, representing the Renton Business Parking Corp- oration, formed through the Renton Chamber of Commerce, for the purpose of se- curing Off-Street Parking in downtown Renton, speaking from the audience, re- quested Council policy on the following proposal: This corporation proposes to acquire a paved lot at the Southwest corner of Smithers and Third Avenue, on -which property the City Engineer has determined there could be provided 33 parking stalls. A decision on this matter must be reached this week. A question and answer session brought out the following information: (1) The corporation would acquire a lease on the property, purchase and pay for replacement of meters, the club retaining ownership of same. (2) The City would not enter into the agree- ment, but would be requested to install the meters, provide policing and make collections, for which services the City would receive 15%, which funds would come out of revenues. (3) Length of ti-me and fee - probably 5 cents an hour - � � such details still to be drafted. City Attorney Shellan pointed out that an r � easement would be required, that the parking lot would be governed by the City 2fJ Ordinance applying, also if the 15% did not cover the services rendered by the I City, the matter could be re-negotiated. He stated further that parking meters should be treated as a public utility. Chief of Police Busato stated that the policing of this lot would not be an added burden. Mayor Baxter expressed the opinion that the City should own the meters, since they would be responsible for the maintenance, policing and collection. Moved by Tri mm. seconded by Reid, to accept this proposal in principal, other details to be worked out later, in line with the recommendations of the City Attorney. Carried. A resolution granting and approving the final plat of Glen Mapes, previously approved by the Planning Commission and the City Council as a preliminary plat, was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, to adopt the resolution as read. Carried. Councilman Reid, reporting for the Committee appointed from the Council, to meet with the Windsor Hills Community Club made the following report: The committee recommends that the property described as the area between Bronson Way North and the easterly boundary of the proposed right of way of Interstate Highway No. 3, lying South and West of Windsor Hills addition now zoned L-1 be changed to R-1 and the necessary public hearing date be set for July 23rd. Moved by Reid, seconded by Morris, to concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. Moved by Reid, seconded by Morris, that the Planning Commission be informed of the action taken by the Council and request concurrance by the Plan- ning Commission. Carried. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Richardson, that the Dobson and Cugini request for Plat acceptance for a portion of the described property be referred to the Mayor's Committee for study and report back. Carried. Councilman Morris requested to be excused from next week's Council meeting as he will be on vacation. Request granted. Councilman Swift, member of the Ways and Means Committee, presented a requisition for the City Purchasing Department, in the amount of $227.33, for a second coat of paint for the Swimming Pool. This was a part of the original contract that was withheld due to lack of time in order to meet the pool's opening date. The Ways and Means Committee recommends the funds be charged to the Old Swimming Pool Fund as no money remains in the current Swimming Pool Fund. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation of the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman, Street and Alley Committee, reported on the request by Tony's Cleaners to remove section of curbing, stated that investigation by his committee showed it to be 18 feet of curbing from a point 20 feet north at Bronson Way and Main Street, and recommended that this request be granted. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman, Street and Alley Committee, reported on the request by Scoutmaster French, Troop No. 443, relative to ,the installation of flag brackets on parking meters. He informed the Council that his committee would have no objections, providing: (1) The City will not be held liable for any damage and (2) Flag brackets are removed after each usage. City Attorney Shellan made the recommendation that the City Clerk notify Boy Scout Troop No. 443 that the City would be agreeable to such a display providing the merchant accepting the display agreed to hold the City harmless for any damage. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. The City Clerk's Office was instructed to notify the Boy Scouts regarding action taken, including the City Attorneyts recommendation. Councilman Swift, Chairman, Street and Alley Committee, reported that the School District will, upon completion of the project of removing gravel from the river, install on their own property line a bull rail from the Southwest corner of the Stadium to the bridge. Councilman Swift, Chairman, Street and Alley Committee, recommended a check be made by the City Engineer, Street Cop-. .ssioner and Police and Traffic UNW Division, on recommended by-passes during the estimated two weeks of road closure. The work on the Underpass is scheduled for July. He further recommended that the Street Commissioner be authorized to make the necessary repairs to these streets. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the Street Commissioner survey the proposed by-pass routes and prepare a cost estimate on putting the streets in condition. Carried. Council President, Heppenstall, called for a meeting of the Job Evaluation Committee, Monday, July 1, at 8:00 P.M. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Garrett, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M. There were 14 persons present besides City employees. City Clerk Mayor The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee, were presented: JUNE. 1957 PAYROLL - ALL DEPARTMENTS $60,333.38 CURRENT FUND 9,693.81 WATER FUND 21,871.93 LIBRARY FUND 799.15 PARK FUND 624.78 REC.-SWIMMING POOL FUND 286.26 SEWER DISPOSAL FUND 886.95 AIRPORT FUND 2,406.50 CITY ST, FUND 11,056.44 SHOP E. R. FUND 1,980.84 GARBAGE: FUND 72475.29 CIVIL DEFENSE FUND - 6.97 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 250.00 CUMULATIVE #1182 FUND 346.30 CUMULATIVE #1184 FUND 6,290.64 ST. & LIGHT IMP, FUND 2,027.86 OLD SWIMMING POOL FUND 692.33 OFF-ST. PARKING FUND 125.00 EMPLOYEE'S PAYROLL SAVINGS BOND FUND 56.25 SALARY FUND 10,991.56 WATER FUND TO CITY ST. FUND TO CORRECT ERROR IN CHARGING OUT VOUCHER #3136 90.05 6 , Renton, Washington July 2, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, BRUCE, DELAURENTI, SWIFT, HANSEN AND GARRETT. The following councilmen were excused: Vietzke and Morris. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Rueben Miller, Street Com- missioner; Don Humble, Planning Director; James Dunstan, Superintendent of Utilities; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Charles Botts Comptroller. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Swift, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. Communication from George Warren requesting permission to install one additional pinball machine in Christyts Tavern was read. Moved by Richardson, C\4 seconded by Pinkerton, that this request be referred to the Police and License 2 Committee with power to act. Carried. J Communication from the City of Renton Planning Commission, submitting the following resolution passed by them at their meeting of June 26th: To concur in the recommendations of the Committee appointed to make a thorough study of the rezoning petition of M. W. Lotto, William OtNeil and George Dobson for rezoning described property in Block 39 of Renton Highlands from SR-1 to B-1, recommending favorable action by the City Council. The opinion of the committee was that the area in question, about five and one-half acres, abutting a main arterial highway is unsuitable for residential buildings. They also stated that the present shopping area would be insufficient to serve the potential later on. Their committee felt that the establishment of a modern business and shopping area would be of benefit to thoseresidents of Renton r.. Highlands, President Park, Windsor Hills and that fast growing area between Renton and Issaquah. They had further determined that local builders are not interested in using the area for -residential dwellings, due to location and topography. Due consideration has been given to the Plat and to the buffer strip, entitled Public Use area, which is not a uniform R-1 Zone, also, to increased needs for parking facilities. It is understood that a national concern such as a department store, demands anywhere between twenty and forty acres before any commitment could be made for location. A number of persons in the audience protested the proposed rezoning to business. Mr. Jim Anderson presented a map of the area in question, showing the location of 149 signers of a protest petition submitted to the Planning Commission. He stated that in his opinion this would be an unwise civic move, that the area could be utilized for residential purposes and that present streets would be inadequate to handle the traffic increase. Views presented by other protestors were that the property owners had understood this would remain a residential section, that a divided shopping center is unwise, and would create increased traffic problems and hazards, especially to children. Concern was also felt as to the type of es- tablishments that might be brought into the area, further that there was a definite need for more housing in preference to a business center. A number of persons in the audience also spoke in favor of the proposed rezoning to business. Mr. Mike Lotto informed the Council that a petition bearing 790 signatures had been presented to the Planning Commission, and that they now have 50 or 60 more signatures favoring the building of a modern shopping center in this location. Other views expressed were that these particular business men have been a credit to the community, that the uniform building code would cover the type of establishments, and that the property does not lend itself to housing due to the busy arterial. It was further pointed out that all suburban developments have a certain amount of acreage set aside for business use and that such a shopping development would return to Renton much business now diverted elsewhere. Planning Director Humble stated that the Housing Authority and Planning Commission had .looked with favor on the rezoning of this particular area to business in the past. He stated the Highlands Plat was submitted in April, 1953, produced from statistics compiled from the 1950 Census, 1951 King County Planning Commission survey of the area and a joint economic survey by the School District, compiled basically in 1952, at which time it represented the best possible data on the requirements of the area. Following the announcement of Boeing expansion and the development of the Duwamish Waterway concern was felt that the business zoned area was too re- stricted. A recommendation was made to the Public Housing Administration that prior to sale they inst zzct the Housing Authority to have a certain section north and west of Sunset Highway rezoned to B-1 to sell as an entity, which would have produced a shopping area of some 17 acresp but the officials of the Renton Housing Authority did not feel they could delay the sale of the property for the necessary legislation. The concensus of opinion among the Councilmen was that further study should be made. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Council as a Whole for further discussion and investigation. Carried. Council President Heppenstall called for a meeting of the Council as a Whole, Tuesday, July 9, at 7:00 P.M. The Planning Commission in a second communication presented the following ..r resolutions: (1) Concurrence in City Council action for the rezoning of described property, that area between Bronson Way north and west of Windsor Hills addition, from L-1 to R-1, hearing date having been set for July 23rd. (2) Approval of annexation petition on described property east of the City Reservoir and north across the Sunset Highway, bearing eight signatures be- ginning with Wilton Swartz, owners of not less than 75% in value. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the Plan- ning Commission and the date for the hearing be set for August 6th. Carried. (3) Approval of rezoning petition submitted by Albert Balch to rezone de- scribed property to R-3, providing a buffer strip to the north and west of adjacent property owned by the First Methodist Church be zoned R-2, said fav- orable action conditional on the securing of an 80 foot right-of-way requested by the engineering department. Planning Director Humble informed the Council that he has the plat and data on the area, but has held it up pending the proper legal description from the engineering department. Mr. Balch requested the Council take action in order not to delay this project stating that the topography of the land has presented a complex engineering problem, but that L� he will deed the 80-foot strip of land as soon as the necessary legal descrip- tion has been secured. In reply to a point of information requested by Mayor Baxter and members of the City Council, City Attorney Shellan stated that the Council could approve Mr. Balch's request, drawing up the necessary Ordinance, providing Mr. Balch presents a written commitment to deed to the City the 80- foot strip of land needed for the right-of--way. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Bruce, to refer this petition to the Ordinance Committee to draw up the ordin- ance, conditional that the 80-foot strip of land be dedicated to the city. Carried. Communication from City Engineer Highton recommending conveyance of easement together with construction permit on application submitted by Boeing Airplane Co. for easement on Cedar River Waterway, to take care of a drainage problem. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the rec- ommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. Communication from American Legion Auxiliary requesting permission to hold a bake sale Friday, July 12, in front of Shaw's Drug Store. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Police and License Committee and thief of Police with power to act. Carried. Request from Knights of Columbus to display an automobile at Third and Williams on Friday, August 2, 1957, between the hours of 5 p.m. and 9 p.m., and on Saturday, August 3, 1957, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., purpose to sell tickets. Councilman Swift stated it was contrary to Council policy to permit such display two days. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Police and License Committee and to the Chief of Police with power to act. Carried. Communication from Street Commissioner Miller submitting cost estimate for repair of the detour route to be used during the construction of the Rainier Avenue underpass. i I Estimated Detour- Route Cost for Material 2,380 Feet $q?5.00 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, to refer this matter to the Finance Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift requested that action on the Planning Commission Rec- ommendations be deferred until the members of the Council had sufficient time to study their minutes. Moved by Swift, seconded by Trim, that the Planning Commission recommendations not be placed on the City Council Agenda until the second meeting following receipt by the Councilmen of Planning Commission minutes. Carried. } Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance vacating a 16-foot alley in Block 10, Renton Highlands Addition. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the committee and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that Ordinance No. 1625 be adopted as read. Carried. A roll call vote being taken and all councilmen present voting "Ayetr the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Reid, Chairman, Light and Power Committee, recommended that the Council grant the request of Richard Johnson for installation of a street light on 87th Avenue South in the vicinity of South 131st Street, and the City Clerk's Office notify the Puget Sound Power & Light Company to make such in- stallation. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommenda- tion of the Light and Power Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift reported that due to previous commitments he would be unable to attend next Tuesday's Council meeting, requesting that Councilman Richardson fill in for him. The Council concurred in his request. L� Councilman Hansen requested a twenty to twenty-five day leave of absence in order to receive medical treatment. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, to grant this request. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. There were 23 persons present besides City Employees. The meeting adjourned at 9:35 P.M. e�e_ << � City Clerk Mayor Renton, Washington July 9, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRM, REID, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, MORRIS, BRUCE, DELAURENTI AND GARRETT. The following Councilmen were excused: Vietzke, Swift and Hansen. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief: Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Rueben Miller, Street Commissioner; Don Humble, Planning Director; now James Dunstan, Superintendent of Utilities; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; James Highton, City Engineer; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Charles Bott, Comptroller. Moved by Morris, seconded by Pinkerton, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as corrected. Carried. Communication from City Engineer Highton stating that Kent and Tucker, Inc., contractor for the construction of the railroad grade crossing at Fourth Avenue North, is eligible to receive payment of the retained percentage in the amount of $1,110.11 on July 11, 1957, provided no prior liens are filed. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. Communication from John Neal, Secretary, Renton City Employeest Club ex- tending invitation to attend the annual City Employees? Club Picnic, Sunday, July 14th, at Lake Retreat. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, to-accept the invitation. Carried. Communication from William McLaughlin, 629 E Street to the City Council with reference to his garbage and water bills. Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that since this matter is an administrative problem it be referred to the Mayor's Office. Carried. Three communications protesting the use of City Parks as public or private Now parking lots (1) Letter from the Bryn Mawr Garden Club (2) Card from Mrs. Frank 0?Harra, 115 Williams Street and (3) card from Emma R. Narris, Maple Valley. These communications were ordered placed on file for future reference. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, Ordinance Committee, reported the com- mittee is ready with the proposed Ordinance on rezoning described property to R-3, on petition submitted by Albert Balch, but until Mr. Balch has complied in his agreement to furnish a letter of committment to deed to the City the 80-foot strip of land needed for the right-of-way, the proposed Ordinance cannot be sub- mitted to the Council for action. Council President Heppenstall reported on action taken by the Council as a Whole at their meeting held prior to the regular City Council meeting on July 9th: (1) The rezoning petition of M. W. Lotto, William OtNeil and George Dobson for rezoning described property in Block 39 of Renton Highlands from SR-1 to B-1, said rezoning having been previously recommended by the Planning Cmamnission. After due consideration of all the facts, including the discussion held on the floor at the Council meeting of July 2nd, and the majority of the Councilmen having made an on-the-spot investigation of the property, the recommendation of the Council as a Whole was that this request be granted, and the described property be rezoned to B-1. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Council as a Whole. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that this matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee to draw up the necessary Ordinance. Carried. (2) Request by Park Superintendent Coulon for release to the Park Department of the building in Liberty Park, now being leased out as a restaurant. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that this matter be re- ferred to Mayor Baxter and City Attorney Shellan for investigation and report back to the Council as a Whole. Carried. (3) Proposed Ordinance to increase Business and Occupation Tax would be dropped in view of the fact that the Govern- ment has allocated the funds due the City of Renton in lieu of taxes. Councilman Reid, reporting for the Street and Alley Committee, recommended that speed limit signs on First Avenue North be changed to read twenty-five 41 miles an hour. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the Chief of Police be directed to curb the speeding on First Avenue North. Carried. Council- man Reid further recommended that speed limit signs reading twenty-five miles an hour be posted on Dunlap Canyon Road. Councilman Bruce suggested that a survey of the situation in the President Park Area relative to posting of speed limit signs also be made. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Reid, that the Chief of Police make a survey of the City to determine where speed limit signs should be posted. Carried. It was further recommended by Councilman Reid that the stop sign now located on Fourth Avenue North at the intersection of Burnett Street be removed and placed on Burnett Street. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richard- son, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. N"' Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. There were 21 persons present besides City Employees. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M. .r - City Clerk Mayor Renton, Washington July 16, 1957 The regular meeting of the Rentor, City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRIMM, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON.. MORRIS, GARRETT.. SWIFT AND BRUCE. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that Councilmen Reid and Delaurenti be excused. Carried. Councilmen Vietzke and Hansen were previously excused. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney: Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Don Humble, Planning Director: James Dunstan, Superintendent of Utilities; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent and Charles Bott, Comptroller. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Garrett, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. This being the date set for the hearing on the Nickelson annexation petition, and there being no protests, written or verbal, moved by Morris, seconded by Hep- penstall, that this petition be granted and referred to the Ordinance Committee for the proper Ordinance. Carried. Communication from Calvin F. Schmid, State of Washington Census Board, rec- ommending the City of Renton take a population census this coming spring. Moved by Morris, seconded by Swift, to include the cost of this item in the preliminary budget for next year. Carried. Letter from Cathay Chinese Dinners requesting the privilege of renewing their lease for a two-year period, on premises located at 1101 Bronson Way. This matter (request of the Park Department for use of this building) had been previously re- ferred to the City Attorney and the Mayor. Mayor Baxter informed the Council that he has checked with the Seattle King County Health Department, who are to advise him by letter relative to the situation. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hep- penstall, that this request be referred to the Proper�y Committee. Carried. Communication from J. E. Holmes, president, Holmes Electric Company and Dr. Douglas L. Morrell addressed to the City of Renton, Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, Puget Sound Power and Light Company and the Great Northern Rail- way Company requesting utility pole removal at Third and Walla Walla.. Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that this letter be placed on file for future reference. Communication from City Engineer Highton submitting proposal for construction of a sanitary sewer system in area known as Miller's Corner (north of Renton High- lands to Sunset Boulevard and west of E Street). Original petition to create an LID was deficient and the City Council, in the interest of public health and wel- fare, authorized the improvement by Council initiative. The improvement district area comprises 21.5 acres, estimated cost of improvement, ' 271665.00, assessed prop- erty valuation, $46,507.00, cost of trunk sewer, $9,720.00. Proposed location of the trunk sewer is on Sunset Boulevard to extend from E Street to Seventh Avenue North, and could service an area of equal size on the north side of Sunset Boulevard, on which area annexation is now being contemplated. City Engineer Highton recommend- ed the City assume one-half the cost of the trunk sewer, to be later charged to the new sewer district. By planning ahead for an enlarged trunk line to service the two areas, the cost would be reduced to $22,805.00. City Attorney Shellan, on question by Council President Heppenstall, stated that if this main trunk line is necessary to the new LID you could put through this charge— Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, that this proposal be referred to the Sanitation Committee for their study and report back. Carried. Planning Director Humble stated that his office has all the information relating to the area in question, if the committee needs it. Communication from City Engineer Highton, submitting Call for Bids for con- struction of sanitary sewer and water line at G Place, Renton Highlands, said im- provement previously authorized by agreement with the Housing Authority, and funds for the work provided from the Water and Sewer Reserve Fund by City Council action March 19, 1957. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that this matter be refer- red to the Fire and Water Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Richardson, to refer that portion relating to the sanitary sewers to the Sanitation Committee. Carried. City Treasurer Dorothea Gossett informed the Council that there is at the present time $4700.00 in the Water and Sewer Reserve Fund, which, according to the estimate, would be insufficient to cover the cost. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Heppenstall, that Call for Bids be made as submitted by the City Engineer, date for opening of bids August 6, 1957. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Morris, that this matter be referred to the Finance Committee to assure the funds for this project. Carried. Communication from City Engineer Highton recommending an emergency appropria- tion of $1500.00 for purchase of new blueprinting machine, for replacement of machine damaged by fire on Wednesday, July 10, 1957. City Engineer I1ighton asserted that it was impractical to repair the machine, and that it had been producing un- satisfactory prints. Councilman Richardson asked about fire insurance. Councilman Garrett suggested that it would be unnecessary to postpone the purchase while check- ing as to fire insurance coverage. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Pinkerton, to refer this matter to the Ways and Means Committee. In a discussion on the question, Council President Heppenstall inquired relative to securing a new machine on a rental purchase plan. City Engineer Highton stated that this could be arranged. Councilman Richardson, on consent of second, withdrew his original motion. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Pinkerton, to refer this matter to the Finance Committee. Carried. Letter from James Dunstan, Superintendent of Utilities, recommending removal of the old water tank in the Kennydale area, said tank now out of service,,-,this area being served by the Highlands Reservoir. Due to reports of children climbing the ladder and playing in the area, and liability of the City in case of accidents, CN$ this recommendation was made. It was previously determined that the tank has no 10 salvage value. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that this matter be referred to the Superintendent of Utilities to take the proper course of action. Carried. Councilman Richardson Chairman Ordinance Committee re � , ported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present_ a proposed Ordinance changing the Zoning Classifica- tion of certain property (Block 39, Renton Highlands) within the City of Renton from Suburban Residence (SR-1) to Business District (B-1). Moved by Swift, seconded by Bruce, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Com- mittee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Pinkerton, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Swift, sec- onded by Heppenstall, that Ordinance No. 1626 be adopted as read. Carried. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting "Ayett, the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, Ordinance Committee, reported again this week, that the committee is ready with-the proposed Ordinance for rezoning described prop- erty to R-3, on petition submitted by Albert Balch, but since Mr. Balch has still not complied in his agreement to furnish a letter of committment to deed to the City the 80-foot strip of lard for the right-of-way, the proposed Ordinance cannot be sub- mitted to the Council for action. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, Ordinance Committee, submitted a correction and addition, Page No. 3, Ordinance No. 161$, which relates to the licensing, regula- tion and maintenance of Carnivals, Circuses, Side Shows and related amusements. Councilman Richardson requested that Mayor Baxter and Ordinance Committee members, Ray Heppenstall and Avery Garrett check the changes made on this new page no. 3 to see if the proposed changed meet with their approval. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Resolution transferring appropriations of funds from certain items within a general class to other items within the same general class. Comptroller Bott explained that in setting up the 1957 Budget an attempt had been made to classify certain definable objects into separate accounts, and some accounts had been overbudgeted or underbudgeted. It is an attempt to place the appropriation in the proper account so that the expenditure may be properly charged. Moved by Morris, seconded by Heppenstall, to adopt the resolution as read. Carried. Council President Heppenstall called for a meeting of the Job Evaluation Com- mittee on Monday, July 22, at 7:30 P.M. Councilman Richardson requested that he be excused from the next two council meetings. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, to grant this request. Carried. Councilman Garrett, Chairman, called for a meeting of the Sanitation Committee on Tuesday, July 23, at 7:00 P.M., requesting the presence of Planning Director Humble and City Engineer Highton. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Swift, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. There were five persons present besides City Employees. The meeting adjourned at 9105 P.M. Mayor City Clerk :294 Renton, Washington July 23, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. who informed all present, that due to the lack of a quorum of Councilmen, no Council action could be taken. In view of the scheduled hearing for this date on the rezoning petition submitted by the Windsor Hills Commun- ity Club asking rejection of the Dobson and Cugini Preliminary Plat, and renuesti.ng rezoning of said area from L-1 to R-1, the Committee of the Council present agreed to hear the arguments pro and con on the proposed rezoning and report back at the next regular Council meeting on August 6th. ROLL CALL: REID, PINKERTON, MORRIS, GARRETT, SWIFT AND BRUCE. The remaining councilmen were excused or on leave. The area in question is described as that property located between Bronson Way North and the easterly boundary of the proposed right-of-way of Interstate Highway No. 3, lying South and West of Windsor Hills Addition. A communication was read from John Dobson and Tino Cugini withdrawing their preliminary plat. Mrs. Margaret Evans, 403 Grandey Way, inquired as to the significance of this withdrawal . A clarification by City Attorney Shellan followed: This particular property was zoned L-1. A Preliminary Plat had been filed. At the same time the Council had set a hearing date on the petition to rezone this property from L-1 to R-1. The Council had two actions to take. First, the problem of the preliminary plat; and second, the problem of the rezoning from L-1 to R-l. James Denzer, Chairman of the Planning Commission, informed the Committee that the property owners in the vicinity were under the impression that this area had been rezoned to R-1 in 1953, which was not the case. He further stated that the only action to be taken was on the proposed rezoning to R-1. Councilman Bruce brought up the question as to how this area had been zoned to L-1 with the majority of the residents being unaware of the fact. He recommended the matter be left in the hands of the Committee as a Whole. Mrs. Margaret Evans stated that this area had been zoned R-3 .n 1937-1938- 1944 as indicated on the County Map, also that Mt. Olivet Cemetery is zoned R-3. City Engineer Highton informed the Council that the rezoning to L-1 had taken place in 1953 at the time the Comprehensive Plan was adopted. Mrs. Margaret Evans further asserted that the residents had not been informed of any comprehensive plan. She also maintained that the Ordinance requiring proper posting and publication on proposed rezonings was not in effect at that time. Mr. Tom Williams of 357 Bronson Way North, stated that this R-1 zoning is a necessity in o Mer not to detract from the value of property already developed. Councilman Bruce reiterated his question as to how the L-1 zoning had taken place without the knowledge of the property owners. Mayor Baxter stated that the regular legal procedure was followed. Notifica- tion as required was placed by the City Engineer. It was impossible to notify each property owner individually. Mr. Dobson stated that prior to L-1, this area was zoned R-3, and that at no time had it been zoned R-l. Councilman Reid stated that at the time of the installation of the water tank, it was the understanding of the residents of the vicinity that this property would be rezoned to R-1 and this recommendation had been presented to the Planning Commission at that time. City Attorney Shellan advised that there was no question as to the legality of the present zoning, since a public hearing had been held, prior notification of same having been properly posted and published. He further stated that the Council should receive the recommendation of the Planning Commission and Planning Director before taking action on the matter. A L„Y Councilman Garrett stated that, according to his understanding, the Committee of the Council, headed by Councilman Reid, recommended that this property be rezoned from L-1 to R-1, which recommendation had been sent to the Planning Commission Hearing. The action of the Committee was adopted by the Council. The recommendation from the Committee and the Planning Commission was favorable. Councilman Morris further clarified the matter stating that the property was zoned to L-1 before the highway right-of-way was staked out. The change to R-1 was proposed as this right-of-way divided the L-1 territory, leaving a narrow strip of land on the Windsor Hills side. Mayor Baxter announced that since no action can be taken at this meeting, the Committee of the Council will consider the discussion held, and the parties con- cerned are invited to attend the next regular Council meeting, to be held on August 6th. Moved by Swift, seconded by Bruce, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M. There were 18 persons present besides City Employees. QV 2n City Clerk V Mayor The- following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee were presented. JULY. 1957 PAYROLL - ALL DEPARTMENTS $64,606.57 CURRENT FUND 10,526.77 WATER FUND 8,541.31 LIBRARY FUND 527.23 PARK FUND 533.18 REC. - SWIMMING POOL FUND 878.97 SEWER DISPOSAL FUND 1,142.73 AIRPORT FUND 1,987.22 CITY ST. FUND 10,502.38 SHOP E. R. FUND 2,075.05 GARBAGE FUND 8,466.22 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 250.00 CUMULATIVE FUND #1182 627.65 CUMULATIVE FUND #1184 1,110.11 ST. & LIGHT IMP. FUND 4,877.76 OFF-ST. PARKING FUND 125.00 aTLOYEES' PAYROLL SAVINGS BOND FUND 131.25 SALARY FUND 11,903.75 i i i 4. Renton, Washington August 6, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRIMM, REID, PINKERTON, MORRIS, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTT_ AND BRUCE. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Reid, that Councilman Richardson be excused. Carried. Councilman Vietzke was previously excused. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer; Don Humble, Planning Director; Rueben Miller, Street Commissioner; Jamec Dunstan, Superintendent of Utilities; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Charles Botts Comptroller and Walt Wills, Office Engineer. Moved by Swift, seconded by Morris, that the minutes of the previous meeting (July 16) be approved as written. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids on the construction of a Sanitary Sewer System and a Water Line at G Place, Renton Highlands, the following bids were opened and read: BIDDER AMOUNT John Patricelli_ $13,569.10 Thorburn & Logozo 13,53 9.75 Superior Construction 11,583.25 Joe Coluccio 10,542.00 Ballard Company 14,026.04 Lario Libri Construction 11,01_2.05 Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the bids be referred to the Fire and Water Committee, Superintendent of Utilities, City Engineer and Sanitation Committee for consideration and a report back. Carried. Mayor Baxter called for the hearing on the annexation petition of Swartz and others, owners of not less than 75% in value, described property east of the City Reservoir and north across the Sunset Highway. A protest was read, signed .by Helen and Paul Readshaw. After due consideration given said protest, moved by Reid, seconded by Heppenstall, that this petition be granted and referred to the Ordinance Committee for the proper Ordinance. Carried . Communication from Alyce and Iril St. Clair, owners of property between E Street and southwest of Sunset Blvd., petitioning the City to accept by variance a 30-foot strip of property (approximately 330 feet north of the 10-foot easement east of E Street), for dedication for street and other municipal use. Councilman. Swift, Chairman, Street and Alley Committee, recommended acceptance of this dedication. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Communication from Donald Poff, Washington State Liquor Control Board, requesting provision of a two-car, five-minute Loading Zone in front of their establishment. Moved by Morris, seconded by Trim, that this matter be referred to .the Street and Alley Committee with Power to Act. Carried. Letter from Presbyterian Church of Renton expressing appreciation to the City _ for providing a new parking area along the south bank of Cedar River, between Bronson Bridge and Jones Park, further requesting an access road through the north portion of Jones Park, with a parking area provided there also. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee, Carried. Copy of form letter being mailed to downtown core-area property owners by the Renton Business Parking, Incorporated, submitting plan of financing Off-Street Parking by calling for a contributing share by each land owner of a sum equal to 10 per cent of the now assessed valuation of his property, payable annually over a 5-year period, such contribution on a voluntary basis; also, that additional steps are contemplated whereby tenants will likewise participate in this "Fair Share?? endeavor. This com- munication read for information only. °r- J q j- ) Report from the Department of Public Health on public facilities used by both restaurant clientele and for park facilities, at the Cathay Chinese Cafe, 1101 Bronson Way; reporting on unsanitary conditions and requesting that same be rectified. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be re- ferred to the Property Committee. Carried. Communication from James Dunstan, Superintendent of Utilities, recommending that a ttCall for Bids" on approximately 2,158 feet of "Cyclone Invincible Fence". or equal, approximately 1,174 feet to fence Highlands Reservoir, and 984 feet for-the Kennydale Pump House Site, be approved. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of the Superintendent of Utilities, the date for the opening of bids being set for August 27th. Mayor Baxter informed the Council that this item had been included in the budget. Motion carried. Request from City Engineer Highton for permission to establish a $50.00 Petty Cash Fund for the Engineering Department, to cover cost of miscellaneous small purchases. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer this request to the Finance Committee. Carried. Communication from City Engineer Highton submitting petition to vacate 16-foot alley in Block 21, Renton Highlands (6th Place to G Street), recommending a it be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and City Engineer for proper check. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. Communication from City Engineer Highton requesting permission for Chief Building Inspector, Walter Will, to attend Pacific Coast Buildings Official Conference in San Francisco, September 9th to 13th, inclusive. Moved by Swift, seconded by Reid, that this permission be granted. Carried. Communication from Mayor Baxter requesting an ordinance change to provide better dog control. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, that this request be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. - Letter from W. J. Petts, Renton Kiddyland, relative to proposed Ordinance regulating shows, carnivals, circuses and related amusements, requesting a delay of the effective date until next year. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaur- enti, that this letter be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance relative to the adoption of an official code of Ordinances for the City of Renton, as recommended by the City Attorney. City Attorney Shellan presented Mayor Baxter and the City Council with-two bound sample volumes of the Ordinance Code for their examination. The City Clerk read the pro- posed Ordinance. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Ord- inance be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee, and hearing date for accept- ance of the code be set for August 27th. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall further reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed revised Ordinance regulating shows, carnivals, cir- cuses and related amusements, as a result of the Mayorts veto on-Ordinance No. 1618. The Ordinance committee called attention to the changes and additions to Page 3 of the original Ordinance. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its first reading. Carried. The proposed Ordinance was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall stated the Ordinance Committee would withhold their recommendation until they could consider the request of W. J. Betts, Renton Kiddyland. 1 Councilman Heppenstall reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance annexing certain property to the City of Renton, on petition of Kenneth and Helen Nickelson (vicinity of Sunset Boulevard East), pre- viously recd-amended by the Planning Commission and public hearing having been held thereon July 16th. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be re- ferred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall reported that the committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its pas- sage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommenda- tion of the committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1627 be adopted as read. Carried. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting ttAyett, the motion unanimously carried. -Councilman Trimm, Chairman, reported it was the recommendation of the Fire and Water Committee that the bid submitted by the Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Company on water-pipe line to be installed in the Windosr Hills Area, be accepted. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Reid, Chairman, reported it was the recommendation of the com- mittee on rezoning that property described as the area between Bronson Way North and the easterly boundary of the proposed right-of-way of Interstate Highway No. 3, lying south and west of Windsor Hills Addition, be rezoned from L-1 to R-2. This recommendation was signed by committee members Reid, Pinkerton, and Morris. Mr. John Dobson, representing the owners of the property, stated that since it is im- possible to visualize the effect of the new highway on this property, thus making it difficult to determine the best utilization for same, it was his request that action on rezoning be withheld until completion of the new project. He further stated that the owners are willing to give the City a written agreement that the property would not be developed, utilized, or sold until the matter had again been presented to the Council for rezoning, upon completion of the highway. His conten- tion %ras that the property had no value under L-1 zoning, and doubted that it could be developed as R-2. Mrs. Margaret Evans, representing the Windsor Hills Community Club, was asked if, in her opinion, the proposal outlined by Mr. Dobson would be acceptable to the residents of the area. She stated it would, providing, such agree- ment could be made legal and binding, and they could be sure that the property would again come up for rezoning. Councilman Heppenstall informed the Council that he had not signed the committeets above recommendation, as various factors have entered into the thinking. His opinion was there should not be L-1 zoning adjacent to already developed housing, nor would R-3 be desirable. His contention was that a buffer strip should be provided, also that the lower portion could be zoned R-3 and the upper portion R-2. City Attorney Shellan stated that an agreement as outlined by Mr. Dobson could be executed. Councilman Reid and Pinkerton objected to tabling the matter as this would still leave the property zoned L-1. Planning Director Humble concurred in the opinion that an adequate picture of the requirements of the district cannot be determined until completion of the highway project. Moved by Morris, seconded by Heppenstall, that this matter be referred to the Mayor's Committee and the City Attorney to complete the agreement between the property owners and the City. Carried. Councilman Reid cast a dissenting vote. - Councilman Garrett, Chairman, Sanitation Committee, reported on City Engineer Highton's proposal for the construction of a sanitary sewer system in area known as Miller's Corner, previously authorized by Council initiative. Proposed location of the trunk sewer is on Sunset Boulevard to extend from E Street to Seventh Avenue North, which by planning ahead for an enlarged trunk line, could service an area of equal size on the north side of Sunset Boulevard, on which annexation is now being contemplated. To service the present area within the City's boundaries an eight- inch line would be -required. The co,- ttee recommended the installation of a 10- inch line adeauate tee service both areas, the City and owners of property within the City limits to share equally the cost of an 8-inch line, the City assuming the ad- ditional cost for the 10-inch line, to„be repaid to the City by the property owners in the new area, when annexed. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Heppenstall, to concur in the recommendation of the Sanitation Committee. tarried. Moved by Swift, second- ed by Heppenstall, that the Finance Committee investigate the financing of this proj- ect. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman, reported the Street and Alley Committee made the following recommendations for the improvement of streets and sidewalks; (a) First, establish three permanent lanes on Airport Way for westbound traffic to Rainier Avenue, utilizing 30 feet of the center line on Airport Way and second; split center line of Logan Street for a distance of 800 feet' necessary distance south of the intersection, providing a left-turn lane on Logan Street from approx- imately 7th North to 6th North, enabling Southbound traffic to make a left turn eastward on 6th Avenue North. The estimated cost of the repairs would be $2,200. Necessary to this channelizing, would be the installation of center curbing, re- striping of existing lanes, and blacktopping of the soulder on the East Side. Mayor Baxter stressed the urgent need for traffic lights at nth North and Logan Street and for a new signal at the intersection of Airport Way and Logan Street. He emphasized the need to make all needed improvements before inclement weather sets in, and stated the estimated cost if $439421. a The method of financing the improvements was discussed, as Comptroller Bott explained that money in the Cumulative Fund is earmarked for other expenditures. City Attorney Shellan suggested that rather than putting through an emergency budget, the X2200 could be borrowed from funds earmarked for the Fourth Avenue Crossing, providing for this expenditure in the new budget, and later repaying to the proper fund. Council- i man Bruce suggested the new budget include the $43,421, necessary funds to complete f 299 all current improvements, as per the Mayorls recommendations. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. (b) Needed sidewalk repair at the northeast corner of Third and Burnett St., is the responsibility of the City. Recommend that the Street Commissioner and the City Engineer negotiate with the contractor to proceed with the repairs. The approx- imate cost of this improvement would be 4300, funds available in Cumulative Fund No. 1182. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. (c) Repairs be made to southwest curb of Third and Burnett Street, curb now souare, should be rounded. Also eleven (11) parking meters could be installed on the west side of Burnett Street, between Third and Fourth Avenues. Curb should be provided, as this side now unimproved. Moved by Morris, seconded by Pinkerton, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. (d) Accept dedication of 201 and 301 strips of land, (450 feet west of Springbrook Road, between lots 41 & 42 of Plat 2 of Renton Cooperative Coal Company Acre Tracts in tYe Talbot Area). This appears to be feasible for the development of the area. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. CJ (e) Accept dedication of 60-foot strip of land from Chester Hartsook, as this pro- vides most feasible method for extension of K Street. Moved by Trimm, seconded LO by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. U Councilman Swift called for a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee, on Monday, August 12th at 8:00 P.M., requesting the presence of the City Engineer, Chief of Police and Stree. Commissioner. Carried. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Bruce, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. There were fifteen persons present besides City Employees. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. City Clerk s i _ Mayor • Renton, Washington August 13, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRIMM, REID, PINKERTON, MORRIS, GARRETT, HANSEN., SWIFT AND DELAURENTI. The following Councilmen were excused; Richardson, Vietzke and Bruce. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan., City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, F. re Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer; Don Humble, Planning Director; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; James Dunstan, Superintendent of Utilities; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent and Charles Bott, Comptroller. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. Communication from Boeing Airplane Company relative to their compliance in the City's request for discontinuance of a reversible third lane on city streets adjacent to their plant, further commending the City on finding a solution to this and related traffic problems. This communication read for Council information only. Letter from City Engineer Highton regarding bids opened Tuesday, August 6th on ttGtt Place Sewer and Water Lines. City Engineer Highton stated the westerly 322 feet of the improvement site is along an existing 10-foot easement. The two lines can be contained within the easement area, however, the performance of the work will require additional working room on private property. Until negotiations for the dedication of an additional 30 feet for street right-of-way, or a temporary permit during con- struction period have been concluded, it was his recommendation that the City accept the low bid submitted by Joe Coluccio in the amount of $10,542.00, withholding formal award until agreement can be executed with the property owners abutting the 10 foot easement. Councilman Trimm reported that it was the recommendation of the Fire and Water Committee and the Sanitation Committee to retain the three low bids - (1) Joe Coluccio, $10,542.00 (2) Lario Libri Construction Company, $11,012.05 and (3) Superior Construction, $11,583.25, returning the bid bonds to the other bidders. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation of these Committees. Carried. Notice from the Housing Authority of the City of Renton to Mayor Baxter, the City Council and the Planning Commission, of Renton School District's request to acquire Renton Highlands property, by negotiated sale, to be used as a high-school site, proposed date of construction, 1965. The location of the proposed site - Blocks 16A, 17, 18, 19 & 20 of the corrected plat of Renton Highlands No. 2, bounded by J & K Streets on the west, M Street on the East, 7th Avenue North on the North, and 4th Avenue North on the South, comprising approximately 28 acres exclusive of enclosed streets. The above land use would constitute a major change in the Highlands plan approved by the City and Planning Commission in 1953, therefore, the Housing Auth- ority requested an expression of opinion from the Council. On a point of information requested by Councilman Swift, Planning Director Humble stated he does not believe this ]vocation will be the center of population eight years from now. On an inquiry, from Councilman Reid, relative to the effect on already developed property, Planning Director Humble stated it removes 28 acres from development, on which area water and sewer lines are already provided, and on which the buyers were assured of SR-1 zoning. Council President Heppenstall stated this letter had asked for an expression from the Council, but doesn't feel they are qualified to give an opinion at this time. His opinion was that the School District would not }ive requested this property if they had not felt it was the best location for a high school, also, that it would increase property values in the vicinity. Moved by Swift, seconded by Heppenstall, that this letter be retained by the City Clerk until a recommendation is received from the Planning Commission, and the matter can be investigated by the Council. Carried. Communication from Mayor Baxter relative to a change made by the Washington Liquor Control Board in the closing hour requirements of taverns and licensed premises (from 1:00 A.M. to 2:00 A.M., except Saturdays and Sundays). If the Council wished to adopt this ruling within the City of Renton it would be necessary to amend Ordinance No. 1314. Councilman Swift made the observation that the owners and operators of these establishments in the City of Renton are not in favor of the extended closing hour. City Attorney Shellan stated that the City could tighten controls. Moved by Swift, seconded by Heppenstall, that Ordinance No. 1314 be modified to conform with the state regulation in regard to closing time. Carried. Councilman Reid opposed. Moved by Swift, seconded by Heppenstall, that this matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee for an amendment to this Ordinance. Carried. i . y Communication from the U. S. Army, Corps of Engineers, relative to applica- tion by the Boeing Airplane Company for approval by the Department of the Army, on location and plans of a fixed airplane access bridge across Commercial Waterway No. 2 at Renton. Site of the proposed bridge is approximately 180 yards upstream of the center line of Sixth Avenue North and about one-third mile downstream of the Logan Street Bridge. Due to objections by the Commercial Waterway District No. 2 and the City of Renton in May, 1956, a revised plan was submitted to increase the vertical clearance 1.25 feet over the original plan. This would provide for navi- gation a vertical clearance of 5.75 feet above high water elevation of 22.0 feet referred to mean lower low water of Puget Sound, and a horizontal clearance of 34 feet, normal to channel, for each of three spans. Logan Street bridge provides vertical clearance of 10.5 feet at high water and a horizontal clearance of 29 feet, normal to channel, for each of three spans. Mayor Baxterts reply to the Army Engineers was read. He pointed out in his communication that the higher bridge is a slight improvement, but still creates somewhat the same condition objected to in the original complaint. The construction of the proposed bridge places two rows of piling in the bed of the _river and a very low clearance is provided. Con- dition of approval by the City of Renton would be that the Boeing Airplane Company give the City of Renton a "Hold Harmless Agreementtl, absolving the City of any liability for damages or expense caused by this construction; further, that Boeing take the necessary action to keep the area clear of debris, to eliminate the pos- sibility of a jam occurring. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendations of Mayor Baxter in his letter to the Army Engineers Corps. hd Carried. in The Finance Committee made the following recommendations on applications for the establishment of petty cash funds: (1) Increase Engineer's Office change fund from $25 to $74 - to be used as an imprest petty cash fund. (2) Increase City Clerkts Office change fund from 4¢25 to $75 - to be used as an imprest petty cash fund. (3) Deny request of Library and Police Court for petty cash funds until legal aspects approved by the Division of Municipal Corporations. A discussion followed on the type of control, and the need for such funds. It was pointed out that this is merely a form of payment for small bills and el- iminates the writing of a group of small vouchers. City Engineer Highton stated that receipted bills for each expenditure would be procured. City Clerk Alexander informed the Council that he now personally advances the money for postage-due on returns on traffic violations, etc., which amounts to approximately $40 per month. Councilman Swift and Reid were of the opinion that the funds should not exceed the $50 originally requested. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation of the Finance Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift and Reid cast dissenting votes. A letter from City Attorney Shellan to the Planning Director submitting for approval a proposed Trailer Park Ordinance. _Attention was called to the following items which should receive particular attention: (1) Determine the amount of license fees to be paid, as called for in Section III, and (2) Establish the service and inspection charges to be levied as specified. in Section XV. City Attorney Shellan informed the Council that this was for advance information only. Two communications from the District Engineerts Office, Washington Department of Highways, submitting six copies each of two resolutions, as follows: (1) Request for Cityts approval on detour routes to be used during the construction of Milwaukee Railroad Undercrossing on PSH (Rainier Avenue). Proposed route has the approval of Street Commissioner Miller and City Engineer Highton (2) Approval of grades submitted on this project. City Engineer Highton advised that the depart- ment of Highways are advertising for bids as of this date, and awards would be 6W made on September 10th. He stated there is a two-week completion date on the project. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer, and recess to consider these proposed resolutions. Carried. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Baxter. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRINSI, REID, PINKERTON,_MORRISS GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT AND DELAUREDTfI. Councilman Heppenstall reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance for the annexation of certain territory to the City .� 02 of Renton, on the petition of Swartz and others (east of the City Reservoir and north across the Sunset Highway), approved by the Planning Commission, and Public Hearing having been held on August 6th. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall reported that the Ordinance Committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur i-n the recommendation of the committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1631 be adopted as read. Carried. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting ttAyett, the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Heppenstall reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 1311 , relating to closing hours for retail beer and/or wine dispenseries (changing the closing hours to read between 2:00 A.M. and 6:00 A.M. except Sundays, on which closing hours are between 12:01 A.M. until 6:00 A.M. Mondays). On a point of information requested by Councilman Swift, City Attorney Shellan stated that certain establish- ments are governed by ttClass Iltt Licenses, such as cocktail lounges, although they would be indirectly affected by this law. He further stated that the City would have the local option of adhering to a more strict confirmation of the State Law. Moved by Morris, seconded by Trimm, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall reported that the Ord- inance Committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Swift, seconded by Heppenstall, that Ordinance No. 1630 be adopted as read. Carried. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: Heppenstall, ttAyett; Trimn, »Ayett; Reid, "Nott; Pinkerton, ttNott; Morris, "Aye"; Garrett, ttAyett; Hansen, "Nott; Swift, "Aye"; Delaurenti, "Aye"; six (6) ttAyestt, three "Notstt; motion carried. Councilman Heppenstall further reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present the proposed revised Ordinance regulating shows, carnivals, cir- cuses and related amusements (amending Ordinance No. 1618 vetoed by Mayor Baxter), placed on its first -reading August 6th. The Ordinance Committee reported they did-not feel they could allow a concession to Renton Kiddyland, and delay the insertion of the proposed Ordinance in the Code - that their Committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Garrett, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. After the second and final reading, moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Hep- penstall, that Ordinance No. 1629 be adopted as read. Carried. A roll call vote being taken and all councilmen present voting "Aye"., the motion unanimously carried. City Attorney Shellan recommended that Renton Kiddyland be sent a copy of the amended Ordinance. Councilman Reid requested a progress report on the following items: (1) :Street Improvements in the Earlington District authorized by the City Council; (2) Water System on Renton Hill. Street Commissioner Miller, on the first item advised that the funds ($3,300) have been appropriated, and the first coat of oil has been applied. Weather conditions have created a problem, but the second coat will be applied as soon as possible. Superintendent of Utilities Dunstan, on Item 2 above, stated that we are waiting on our application to the City of Seattle, and working on other projects received prior to this one. Estimated possible date of completion is around the end of October. Councilman Reid commended these departments for their work. Councilman Swift, Chairman, reported that the Street and Alley Committee recommended proper execution of the two resolutions submitted to the City for approval by the. Office of the District State Aid Engineer, Department of Highways, for the approval of detour route, and second, approval of grades, on the construc- tion of the Milwaukee Railroad undercrossing. It was the further recommendation of the committee that parking be prohibited on the south side of Fourth Avenue from Shattuck Street east to Burnett Street, to facilitate the movement of traffic during the use of the detour route. Moved by Reid, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the-recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Trimm inquired as to the cost of the detour route, and if part of the cost could ! be assumed by the State. Street Commissioner Miller stated the cost would be between $900 and $1,000, that the State is providing the Directional Signals, and that the repair of the detour route is the Cityts responsibility. Moved by Swift, C seconded by Morris, that the proper City Officials execute the resolution to be sent to the State Highway Department. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman, reported that the Street and Alley Committee made the following recommendations: (1) Deny request of the Presbyterian Church for an access road through the northportion of Jones Park,_providing a parking area there also. Councilman Swift explained that there is insufficient area on the river bank, and it is not feasible to angle off to the Wells Street Bridge to provide such an access road. He further stated that the City Council has never endorsed any action whereby Jones Park could be converted to parking. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pinkerton_, to concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. (2) Petition to vacate 16-foot alley in Block 211, Renton Highlands (6th Place to G Street), be granted, the City retaining a 10-foot easement for utilities, and the hearing date be set for September 10th. This petition was signed by 100% of abutting property owners. Moved by Morris, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. Council President Heppenstall asked when the Preliminary Budget would be pre- sented. Comptroller Bott stated it would be finished by the first Tuesday in September, to be adopted by the first Mo nday in October. Council President Heppenstall called for a meeting of the Job Evaluation. Com- mittee on Monday, August 19th, 7:30 P.M. He requested that the salary scredule, together with any proposed changes, be turned over to their committee as soon as possible. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. There were eight persons present besides City Employees. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P,M. r,_- City Clerk o- i Mayo r The following claims having been previously audited by the Finance Committee, were presented: AUGUST, 1957 PAYROLL - ALL DEPARTMENTS $62,876.01 CURRENT FUND 11,137.04 WATER FUND 6,953.62 LIBRARY FUND 12002.24 PARK FUND 547.56 REC. -SWIMMING POOL FUND 743.97 SEWER DISPOSAL FUND 1,139.54 AIRPORT FUND 3,076.77 LAKE WASH. BEACH IMP. FUND 280.00 CITY ST. FUND 5,577.06 SHOP E. R. FUND 3048.11 GARBAGE FUND 7,838.39 CIVIL DEFENSE FUND 21_7.30 FIREMENtS PENSION FUND 250.00 CUMULATIVE FUND #1182 2,871.11 ST. & LIGHT IMP. FUND 830.46 OFF-ST. PARKING FUND 125.00 EMP. PAYROLL SAVINGS BOND FUND 206.25 SALARY FUND 11,589.67 n Renton, ,,'ashington August 20, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRIMMs REID, RICHARDSON, PINKE',RTON, MORRIS, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI AND BRUCE. Councilman Vietzke was on a leave of absence. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan I City Attorney; E. W. Isackson, Police Captain; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer; Don Humble, Planning Director; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; James Dunstan, Superintendent of Utilities; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent and Charles Botts Comptroller. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. Communication from City Engineer Highton relative to delay in awarding con- tract for construction of ttGtt Place Sanitary Sewer and Water Line, due to right- of-way difficulties. The contractor submitting the low bid, based his proposal on the understanding that the existing easement was unobstructed. City Engineer Highton pointed out that one of the following actions is necessary: (1) Acquire a temporary construction permit, 20 feet in width; or (2) Secure from the abutting property owners dedication of street right-of-way 30 feet in width. The second proposal would be the most satisfactory, but would require an agreement by the City to improve drainage conditions and the street surface. Moved by Reid, sec- onded by Bruce, that this matter be referred to the Sanitation Committee and the City Engineer for further investigation and report back. Carried. Communication from Mayor Baxter requesting the following emergency appropria- tions: $30,000 for improvements and modifications to the street and traffic signals to include the widening of Logan Street, channeling Logan Street for left turns, center-curbing Logan Street and traffic signals at Sixth & Logan and Pon Logan & Airport Way. Excluded were the engineer's request for center-curbing Airport Way and modifying the Airport & Rainier signal and railroad signals at Sixth & Logan, as sufficient funds are not available to complete the entire project. (2) $1,500- to replace Engineer's Office Blue printing machine, damaged by fire beyond repair. The 1957 Budget did not provide for these items, and the Reserve Funds do not have sufficient unencumbered balance to ce•,rer the cost of the project. Surplus funds are available in the Current Expense Fund, but must be appropriated by an emergency Ordinance. Moved by Morris, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the Mayor's recommendation and this matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee to draft the proper Ordinance. Carried. Communication from City Attorney Shellan attaching copy of proposed Agreement concerning property adjacent to the Windsor Hills Area. This agreement has the approval of the property owners, Dobson and Cugini, also Mr. Tom Williams, rep- resenting the residents of Windsor Hills, expressed their complete accordance with the terms as outlined in said agreement. Councilman Reid requested a week's delay to enable his committee to study the agreement. Moved by Reid, seconded by Heppenstall, to postpone action for one week for Committee investigation. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, called for a meeting of the Ordinance Com- mittee on Tuesday, August 27th, at 7:30 P.M., requesting the presence of City Attorney Shellan. Councilman Swift, Chairman, Street and Alley Committee, requested that the City Engineer and Street Commissioner investigate a damaged drain on Sunset Boulevard West, located between The Barrel and Lind Street. Councilman Bruce, Chairman, Property Committee, brought to the Council's attention the damaged condition of the sidewalk on Fourth Avenue North adjacent to the bus depot, and that the grass should be cut. This upkeep is the respon- sibility of the adjacent property owner. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the City Attorney send a written notification to the Lake Shore Lines to correct the situation. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. There were ten persons present besides City Employees. The meeting adjourned at 8:25 P.M. City Clerk �i�f yor i 1 05 Renton, Washington August 27, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON. PINKERTON, MORRIS, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI AND BRUCE. Councilman Vietzke was on a leave of absence. OFFICIALS A DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer; Don Humble, Planning Director; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; James Dunstan, Superintendent of Utilities and Charles Bott, Comp- troller. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids on "Cyclone Invincible Fence", the following bid was opened and read: C-D BIDDER 984 feet to fence 1,174 feet to fence In Kennydale Pump House Highlandts Reservoir '-� American Steel & Wire Corp. $5,078.00 $5,976.00 U Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the bids be referred to the Fire and Water Committee and the Superintendent of Utilities for consideration and a report back. Carried. This being the date set for the hearing on the adoption of an official Code of Ordinances for the City of Renton, as recommended by the City Attorney and Ordinance Committee, and there being no protests, written or verbal, moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation of the City Attorney and Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance in full. After the second and final reading, moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1628 be adopted as read. Carried. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. A card of acknowledgement was read from the family of Nellie Sherlock. Communication from City Engineer Highton, attaching a letter from T. Pfaendler, previous owner of a tract of land recently annexed'to the City (located at 12626 S. E. 112th St., abutting the east line of the Highlands reservoir yard), requesting an agreement by the City of Renton to permit the vacating of an easement previously conveyed to King County. Immediate action was requested to enable the new owners, Rowland Construction Company, to proceed with their Bomarc Addition. City Engineer Highton and Janes Dunstan, Superintendent of Utilities, recommended concurrence in the request, as it was their opinion that the easement is of no value to the City. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Fire ! and Water Committee to report back. Carried. Copy of communication from City Attorney Shellan to Lake Shore Lines, Inc. notifying them to repair sidewalk on Fourth Avenue North adjacent to their premises, as per request of Renton City Council. This communication was ordered placed on file. Request of Carpentersf Union No. 1797 to have a street light installed at the end of First Avenue North. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Light and Power Committee with power to act. Communication from Mayor Baxter conveying request of the United Good Neighbor Committee to attach promotion signs to parking meters during fund raising campaign. Mayor Baxter showed the Council one of these signs. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. Communication from ,City Attorneys, Haugan & Shellan, attaching an extension supplement of Airport lease to School District No. 403, and recommending proper execution of same by City officials. The original lease contained an option for a ten year renewal, which the school district has validly exercised. The extension supplement also grants to the City repossession of outer rim of the leased tract, being 47 feet wide on the west side, and voluntarily raided the annual rental fee '3 from $1.00 to $100.00, to be paid annually in July or August. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign this lease extension agreement. Carried. Communication from M. Kind Novelty Company requesting a license to distribute and/or operate trade stimulator type punch boards in the City of Renton. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that this request'be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution authorizing the transfer of °$30,000 from the Current Fund unto the Street Department Fund, said transfer to constitute a loan to be repaid not later than January 31, 1958. A discussion of the merits of the proposed resolution followedg Moved by Swift, seconded by Trimm, to -reject this resolution until it could be clarified. Carried. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to introduce a proposed Ordinance declaring that an emergency exists and appropriating monies for the purpose of providing for the payment of necessary expenses and Capital Outlay as follows: Street Departrrt„ X30,000; and Engineer- ing Department (Current Expense Fund), $1,500. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their rec- ommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the only recommendation of the Ordinance Committee was that the proposed Ordinance be published this week, with a notice of the time set for voting thereon. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the City Clerk be instructed to have the proposed Ordinance pub- lished this week, together with a notice that September 3rd is the date. of voting on same. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Richardson, that this matter be referred to the Finance Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. Councilman Reid, Chairman, reported that the terms as outlined in the Dobsor_- Cugini property-owner's agreement, meets with the approval of his committee, and recommended the Cityts acceptance of same. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement. Carried. Mr. John Dobson, on behalf of the property owners, expressed appreciation to the Mayor, City Council and residents of the Windsor Hills Area for agreeing to withhold rezoning action until completion of the new highway through that section. Councilman Garrett, Chairman, Sanitation Committee, reported on communication from City Engineer Highton relative to acquiring either a 20-foot easement or 30-foot dedication in order to proceed with bid awards for construction of IIGII Place Sewer and Water Line. The property owners have agreed to quit-claim 30 feet under the following conditions: (a) The west 206.08 feet owned by Iril and Alyce St. Clair - The City install a 6-inch sewer and 2t' water line to their property along the 30-foot dedicated street, approximately 300 feet north of this proposed right-of-way, estimated cost for labor and materials, $300; and (b) The east 86.08 feet owned by John W. Honea - The City purchase the right-of-way at a cost of $350, and construct a side sewer to the property, estimated cost $80; both owners requested the City improve the right-of-way, with the estimated cost of materials $400.00, making a total of $1,130.00. City Engineer Highton estimated the total cost of the improvement to be $12,023.40, if the low bid of $10,542.00 submitted by Joe Coluccio were accepted. Councilman Richardson requested a 30-day leave of absence beginning September Third. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, that this request be granted. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman, Street and Alley Committee, requested the timing of the traffic signal located at Third and Logan Street be checked. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, Ordinance Committee stated it was the rec- ommer_dation of the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney Shellan that Mayor Baxter give consideration to including in next year's preliminary budget certain sums (estimated cost $600) to publish a pocket size Traffic and Criminal Code for the Police Department. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Heppenstall, to concur in the rec- ommendation of the Ordinance Committee, Carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. There were eight persons present besides City Employees. The meeting adjourned at 9:05 P.M. City Clerk )Mla�rL 3 'w Renton, Washington September 3, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRIMM, REID, PINKERTON, VIETZKE, MORRIS, GARRETT, 1 HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENII AND BRUCE. 1 i Councilman Richardson was granted a leave of absence. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT :LEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Kenneth La Beau, Assistant Engineer; Don Humble, Planning Director; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; James Dunstan, Superintendent of Utilities; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; and Charles Bott, Comptroller. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Pinkerton, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent, submitted a request for a "Call for Bi.dstt on 3/4 Ton Pick-up, Truck, recommending that September 24th be the date for bid r�$ openings. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of ?S� the Park Board. Carried. This item had been included in the current budget. Communication from the Planning Commission regarding -the Housing Authorityts request for an expression of opinion on proposed acquisition of property in the Highlands by the Renton School District. Their committee appointed to study this matter recommended approval of this purchase now by the Renton School District for a future school site, and this recommendation was unanimously approved by the Planning Commission. Don Humble gave the following reasongs for the Planning Commissionts concurrence in the above purchase: (1) They did not feel that the easterly section of the land involved was particularly suitable for a housing dev- elopment, due to the one hundred foot easement through there, and (2) The school district would save money in the long run, by acquiring the site now. As additional information, Mr. Humble pointed out that the Public Housing Administration has ad- vised the Housing Authority orally that the Sar. Francisco Office has been instructed by their Washington Office to do everything necessary to turn the land over to the General Services Administration, which would be the first step in disposing of the land. On a question bv Council President Heppenstall, Mr. Humble stated the area comprises 28 acres, which for housing use could be subdivided in approximately 90 lots. Council President Heppenstall questioned the advisability of taking 90 lots off the tax rolls for a school site not to be developed for eight years, further that the 40 acres adjacent would not benefit by allowing this 28 acres to remain undeveloped for such a long period of time. Councilman Garrett felt that the School District had made a careful study of possible sites and determined this location to be the best suited for a future high school. He further stated that the School District as a whole would reap the entire benefits. Don Humble pointed out that the Planning Commission and Housing Authority independently of each other had approved the original Highland Plat, and that this proposal would constitute a considerable alteration of this plan, but that rezoning would not be required. A further require- ment would be the vacation of a number of streets in the area. Already installed water and sewer lines would have no value under a school development. Councilman Pinkerton expressed concern over the high-tension lines in the area, if this were used as a school site. Planning Director Humble pointed out that much of this sec- tion would be required for parking. The council concurred in the opinion of Council President Heppenstall that this matter required further study as to the best interests of the City, and it was suggested that all councilmen make an on-the-spot investiga- tion. Moved by Reid, seconded by Trimm, that this matter be referred to the Council as a Whole for further study. Carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Heppenstall, that the City Clerk write a letter to the School District requesting their reasons for considering this particular location as a proposed school site. Carried. Council President Heppenstall called for a meeting of the Council as a Whole, Tuesday, September 10th, at 7:00 P.M. Communication from the Renton Planning Commission recommending the City Council approve the following resolutions, public hearings having been held and there being -,no protests, written or verbal: (1) Petition of Nickelson, et al, for rezoning of described property from S-1 to SR-1. (2) Nickelson, et al, preliminary plat, to be known as Honey Creek Park. (3) Petition of Swartz, et al, for rezoning described property from S-1 to SR-l. (4) Swartz preliminary plat, to be known as ttBomarctt plat. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Swift, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee for the proper ordinance. Carried. a3V Application from Kissner Sales and Brokerage for a City Punch Board license was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Reid, that this re- quest be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman, stated no decision would be made for several weeks, and prom- ised a thorough investigation of all such applications. Communication from the Finance Committee on the proposed transfer of $30,000 as a loan from the availabe surplus in the Current Expense Fund to the City Street Fund, to finance authorized improvements in the vicinity of Beoing Airplane Company. This plan would permit the expenditure out of the City Street Fund without resort- ing to emergency warrants. The proposed .transfer must be treated as a loan to be repaid in 1958, to comply with the State Law. This would constitute an increase in the City Street Fund of $30,000 in 1957 over the amount allocated to it, to permit completion of scheduled street improvements. The Finance Comri.ttee recommend -i ed that if the proposed emergency ordinance is adopted, the Resolution for loaning the money should also receive favorable action. Councilman Swift objected to this method of financing, necessitating the repayment of this expenditure out of funds budgeted to the City Street Fund for 1958s decreasing that fund for next year, and felt the former procedure of financing such projects should be followed. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the Finance Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift opposed. Request from the Junior Chamber of Commerce for use of two parking stalls on Third Avenue between Burnett and Wells Street, on September 17th for public display of "Atoms for Peace" mobile unit. This display is 35 feet long, 8 feet wide, and 11 feet, 6 inches high. Renton is one of two cities in King County selected for display of this unit. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Morris, that this matter be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Council- man Trimm suggested that some other location might be more suitable from the City's standpoint, and this angle should be investigated. Council President Heppenstall, reported on action taken by the Council as a Whole at their meeting, recommending favorably on the communication from Police Chief, Ang Busato, requesting a one-year extension of compulsory retirement date (to September 11 1958) of Walter.Kerr, member uniformed personnel. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation of the Council as a Whole. Carried. This being the date set for the hearing on the adoption of a proposed Ord- inance declaring that an emergency exists and appropriating monies for the purpose of providing for the payment of necessary expenses and Capital Gutlay as follows: Street Department, $30,000; and Engineering Department (Current Expense Fund), $1,500, (proposed Ordinance introduced at the Council meeting of August 27th), and there being no protests written or verbal, the Ordinance Committee having reported favorably, moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final read- ing, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, that Ordinance No. 1632 be adopted as read. Carried. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting ttAye'l the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Heppenstall, Ordinance Committee, reintroduced proposed Resolution authorizing the transfer of $30,000 from the Current Fund unto the Street Department Fundon a loan basis, to be repaid by January 312 1958. Moved by Delaurenti, sec- , onded by Hansen, to adopt the resolution. Carried. Councilman Swift opposed. Councilman Trimm, Chairman, reported on the following recommendations of the Fire and Water Committee and other committees to which these items were referred: (1) Bid of the American Steel & Wire Corp., in the amount of $5,976.00 for fencing the Highlandts Reservoir, be awarded. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendation of the committee and allow the bid. Carried. The bid award for fencing the Kennyda.le Pump House on bid submitted by the same company in the amount of $5,078.00, cannot be allowed due to insufficient funds to cover this item (2) Request for an agreement by the City to permit the vacating of an easement previously conveyed to King County by the former owner, T. Pfaendler (abutting the east line of the Highlands Reservoir Yard). The City has no interest in this ease- ment and therefore, the committee recommends this request be granted. Moved by Reid, secs nded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation of the Fire and Water Committee and the agreement be executed. Carried. (3) The matter of bid awards onItGtt Place Sewer and Water Lineg and acquisition of additional working room. City Attorney Shellan and City Engineer Highton on further investigation determined that on a certain portion of this construction area the City has a 60 foot right-of-way. On 292 feet the City has a 10-ffot easement. The bidder was erroneously informed that this easement was in the center of the street. It would be necessary to acquire an additional 10-foot easement, adjoining the present one, which should be without cost to the City, as the property owners are benefiting from,the improvement. The 292 foot strip has been in public use as a street for fifteen years, and has been improved r y by the City, which allows the public right of use, without purchase. The Fire and Water Committee and the Sanitation Committee recommended that the low bid of Joe Coluccio in the amount of $10,542.00 be allowed, and he be notified to proceed with the work. Carried. Council President Heppenstall requested a progress report from the Property Committee on the recommendation by the Park Board that the City Council take steps to acquire two sites for park and recreational purposes in the Talbot Hill and President Park Areas. On a question by Councilman Bruce, Property Committee, relative to proposed sites for these parks, Park Superintendent Coulon informed the Council that the Park Board could only recommend the acquisition of property for parks irith- in a. certain district. He stated that he and Planning Director Humble had investigated tiro possible locations and would be glad to pass on this information. Councilman Brue stated he had previously recommended -to the Council that upon annexation of property, the developers be required to set aside a designated area for park and recreational purposes. A report on the Lake Washington Beach property was also requested by Council-man Delaurenti. Park Superintendent Coulon stated the Park Board has approved a sketch on the development of this beach site. It was requested that the Park Sup- erintendent meet with the Council as a Whole, at their meeting Tuesday, September 1Cth, to discuss the matter of park sites, and also present the afore-mentioned sketch. Councilman Reid reported that with Street Commissioner Miller he had reviewed the street improvements in Earlington District and to Cedar Street and gave the Street Department much credit for their work. Councilman Garrett called for a meeting of the Sanitation Committee, Monday, USeptember 9th, at 7:30 P.M., requesting the presence of the Superintendent of Utilities. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Swift, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. There were four persons-present besides City Employees. The meeting adjourned at 9:10 P.M. City Clerk r ayo r Renton, Washington September 10, 1957 The -regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL; I PPEi�TSTALL, TRIM111, REID, PINKERTON, MORRIS, GA,RRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT AND DELAURENTI. Councilmen Bruce, Richardson and Vietzke were excused. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Kenneth La Beau, Assistant Engineer; Don Humble, Planning Director; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; James Dunstan, Superintendent of Utilities; Vern Church, Pur- chasing Agent and Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. This being the date set for the hearing on proposed vacation of that 16 foot alley in Block 21, (6th Place to G Street) Renton Highlands Addition, less the center 10 feet reserved by the City of Renton for perpetual easement, and there being no protests, written or verbal, moved by Swift, seconded by Dela.urenti, to grant the vacation and this matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee for the proper Ordinance. Carried. Request from Holmes Electric Company to establish a loading zone at the rear of their store, -on the Beacon Avenue side, to facilitate the loading and unloading of their nine trucks, and ten to fifteen delivery trucks daily. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. Councilman Swift opposed. His objection was that the City Council had previously approved establishment of a parking lot in this location, and such action had received the complete agreement of parties now recuesting the loading and unloading zone. PAM Request by the American Legion Auxiliary for permission to hold a bake sale FIE in front of Shawls Drug Store, September 20th, beginning at noon. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, to refer this request to the Police and License Committee and Chief of Police with power to act. Request from Torrens Industries for a marked pedestrian crosswalk on Park Street in the vicinity of Boeing Airplane Company. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. flWorkable Programa submitted by Planning Director Humble as evidence to the government that the municipality is masking a sincere effort to help itself, and therefore entitled to Federal assistance where needed and providable by law. To be eligible for such aid to urban renewal, the Housing and Home Administrator must determine that the community has a Workable Program meeting the requirements of subsection 101C of the 1949 Housing act, as amended. The forms of such assistance include; (1) Contracts for loans or capital grants under Title 1, Slum Clearance and Urban Renewal. Planning Director Humble believes this to be the best solution of Rentonts off-street parking problem in the core-business area. (2) Contracts for annual contributions for low rent housing. (3) Mortgage insurance under Section 220 and (4) under Section 221 of the National Housing Act. This makes available more favorable terms on certain types of mortgage insurance and would help solve the current housing shortage. One section deals with persons displaced through any action of a governmental unit. An estimated 400 dwelling units will be eliminated in the Renton area within the next year by acquisition of right-of-way for proposed Interstate Highway No. 3, and many occupants of these dwellings will have need for this assistance. As additional information, those sections of the program dealing with future intent are not binding upon the City as to the performance of such action. Planning Director Humble recommended the City Council adopt by resolution this 119orkable Program'', in order that it might be submitted to the Housing and Home Finance Agency. Numbered exhibits submitted with the program include existing ord- inances pertaining to the City's zoning law, standard codes, maps, proposed ordinances and the preliminary budget. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Council as a Whole, with Planning Director Humble, and at the latter's suggestion, a representative of the Housing & Home Finance Agency. Carried. Information copy of a letter from the legal department of the San Francisco regional office of the Public Housing Administration and copy of City Attorney Shellan's reply. These communications concerned the planned disposition of certain government- 3 H owned vacant land in Renton, on which area the Public Housing Administration is seeking to have the City accept a dedication of replatted subdivision map for Blocks 12, 13, 14, 36, 37 and 38, Renton Highlands No. 2. The Public Housing Admin- istration objected to incorporation in the bidding documents of provisions, herein- after enumerated, as limiting the extent of competitive bidding, submitting their alternative proposal that instead these items be included in the ordinance approving the acceptance and filing of re-platted subdivision map, and the bidding documents provide that it is the bidder's responsibility to determine land use requirements, also zoning and local ordinances governing, The aforementioned provisions are; (1) Purchaser's requirement to construct and install adenuate sanitary sewer and water systems.(2) One year completion time on work, unless extension granted by Renton City Council. (3) Posting of performance bond to insure completion of work to City's requirements. City Attorney Shellan agreed that the fewer the restrictions, the greater the expectancy of return upon sale, and that the City would be willing to cooperate to achieve such goal, but must protect their interests. He further stated that the ordinary purchaser of government lands looks primarily to bid proposals and related documents, without engaging in any thorough research of City Ordinances or plats, prior to such sale. He further agreed that full competitive and open bidding would require these six parcels of land be sold individually, or in combination of any number thereof. As a solution, City Attorney Shellan suggested in his communica- tion, that the Public Housing Administration, as the agency requesting the replatting and relocation of utilities in this area, either assume the burden of having the C7 purchaser comply with the City's regulations, or, reconsider the original proposal as rIq accepted by the City, whereby utility lines would be relocated at the expense of the 1-0 Public Housing Administration, or by reimbursing the City for this work, thus avoiding < the difficulties the City might anticipate in enforcing such requirements against third parties. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Morris, to concur in City Attorney U Shellan's reply. Carried. On a point of information requested by Councilman Reid the Council was informed that City Attorney Shellan and Planning Director Humble are working closely on this matter. The communication to the City Clerk from Renton School District, No. 403, out- lining their reasons for requesting the proposed site in -the Renton Highlands for a future second senior high school; was referred to the Council as a Whole. Communication from the Park Board relative to proposed acquisition of rine or ten acre park site in the Talbot Hill Area, and eight to ten acres for a park in President Park District. This matter now in the hands of the Property Committee and Park Board, who are to meet with the Council as a Whole. Moved by Delaurenti, sec- onded by Reid, that Council President Heppenstall assume the duties of Property Committee Chairman Bruce, during the latter's illness. Carried. Communication from Henry Reynolds, Secretary-Manager, Renton Chamber of Commerce, expressing appreciation for the copy of the Revised and Compiled Ordinances of the City of Renton and congratulating the city attorneys and the administration for their work, was ordered placed on file.- Councilman ile:Councilman Heppenstall reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to pre- sent a proposed Ordinance changing the zoning classification of certain property (Swartz, et al) from S-1 to SR-1, previously approved by the Planning Commission, and public hearing having been held thereon. The proposed Ordinance was read by the City Clerk. Aloved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pinkerton, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall reported that the committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Trimm, that the Coun- cil concur in the recommendation of the committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that Ordinance No. 1633 be adopted as read. Carried. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting ttAye', the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Heppenstall further reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a prorosed Ordinance changing the zoning classification of certain prop- erty from S-1 to SR-1 (Helen & Kenneth Nicholson - vicinity of Sunset Boulevard East), previously approved by the Planning Commission, and public hearing having been held thereon. The proposed Ordinance was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Com- mittee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall reported that the committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommenda- tion of the committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1634 be adopted as read. Carried. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting "Aye'' the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Heppenstall reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed resolution, extending the compulsory retirement date of Officer Walter J.Kerr, one year, to September 1, 195$. The City Clerk read the proposed resolution. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Hansen, that Resolution No. 937 be adopted. Carried. Councilman Reid, Chairman, Light and Power Committee, suggested that mercury vapor lights be installed in the parking areas adjacent to the City Hall. Council President Heppenstall, reported on action taken at the Council as a Whole meeting held immediately prior to this council meeting. (1) Communication from the Planning Commission regarding the Housing Authority,s request for an expression of opinion on proposed acquisition of property in the Highlands for a future high- school site, which proposal was approved by the Planning Commission._ It was the rec- ommendation of the Council as a Whole that the City Council do not concur with the Planning Commission at this time, and that a meeting be arranged with the school auth- orities to discuss the matter further. Carried. Councilmen Trimm and Morris opposed. (2) Time did rot permit the matter of acquisition of park sites to be brought up at this meeting. Councilman Swift, Chairman, Street and Alley Committee, reported that he and the City Clerk had received several call relative to the need for a stop sign at Fifth North & Pelly Street, due to several near accidents at this corner during the past two weeks. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, to refer this matter to the Police Traffic Division for investigation and recommendation. Carried. Councilman Swift called for a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee, PTonday, September 23rd at 5:00 P.M. Mayor Baxter reported that he had received from the Citizens, Recreation Committee, 1535 Summit Avenue, Seattle, ,Fact Sheet, stressing the need for immediate action rela- tive to proposed acquisition of 172 acres in the Newport Area for a park site, together with petitions, and that anyone interested could obtain these from him. Council President Heppenstall called for a meeting of the Council as a Whole, Monday, September 16th at 7:30 P.M. Mr. Henry Reynolds extended to the members of the Renton City Council an invitation to be the guests of the Renton Chamber of Commerce at their noon meeting, Wednesday, FIV September 11th. The guest speaker will be Governor Albert Roselliri, who will out- line the functions of the new State Department of Commerce and Economic Development. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. There were six persons present besides City Employees. The meeting adjourned at 9:05 P.M. City Clerk - V Ila'yo 3 ` Renton, Washington September 17, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRIMM, REID, PINKERTON, VIETZKE, GARRETT, HANSEN AND DELAURENTI. Councilmen Richardson, Morris, Swift and Bruce were excused. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Polite; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Don Humble, Planning Director; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; James Dunstan, Superintendent of Util- ities; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Charles Bott, Comptroller. a Mayor Baxter introduced Mr. Nicholas Maffeo, who spoke on 'Citizenship Day', in commemoration of the formation and signing on September 17,- 1787 of the Constitu- tion of the United States. He urged civil and educational authorities of states, counties, cities and towns to plan for the proper observance of this day and for the full instruction of citizens in their responsibilities and opportunities as citizens of the United States and of the states and localities in which they reside. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that this recommendation be referred to Mayor Baxter with power to act in proclaiming 'Citizenship Day' next year. Carried. V Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. Communication from City Engineer Highton relative to petition submitted at re- quest of property owners in Maplewood to create a Local Improvement District for a sanitary sewer system. Proposed sewer system within the district estimated to cost $49,000, or $325 per lot. Estimated cost of trunk sewer to connect to the City System, $58,000; for a total estimated cost of $107,000, or $710 per lot. The assessed valuation of the property applicable under state laws is insufficient to support the complete improvement, and the property owners reaction on the estimated assessment cost was negative for the trunk sewer. It was pointed out by Councilman Reid and Heppenstall that it might be advantageous if the property to the south of the railroad tracks, could be annexed to the City, and share in this improvement. Moved by Reid, seconded by Trimm, that this matter be referred to the Sanitation Committee. Carried. Letter from City Engineer Highton relative to request from property owners on 96th Avenue South in Talbot for installation of incandescent street lights between South 152nd and South 156th Streets. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, to re- fer this request to the Light and Power Committee and report back. Carried. Request from the Retail Merchants Association for use of Tonkin's Park, on Saturday, September 28th, from 4 to 6 P.M. for final drawing to award prizes in con- nection with 'Renton Progress Days'. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Reid, that this matter be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti questioned his committee's authority relative to Park Board prop- erty. Park Superintendent Coulon stated he would like more information, as a ''Hold Harmless" Agreement from the Merchant's Association might be necessary. This was also the suggestion of Councilman Reid and Vietzke. Councilman DeJ_a.urenti informed the Council that his committee will check with the Park Board and City Attorney before taking action on this matter. Communication from Renton Planning Commission recommending that the City Council approve .the following resolutions, (public hearings having been held). (1) Rezoning petition of Chester J. Hartsook from. S-1 to R-1, on described property adjacent to and northeast of the Highlands. (2) Accept preliminary plat of Chester J. Hartsook. (3) Rezone property located at 6th North & Park Street, S-1 to B-1. Items 1 & 2 above: Moved by Garrett, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council concur in the rec- ommendation of the Planning Commission, approving the rezoning and preliminary plat of Chester Hartsook. Carried. Item 3: Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, that the three items be referred to the Ordinance Committee to prepare the proper ordinances. Carried. Communication from Planning Director Humble submitting Planning Commission's recommendation for adoption of the proposed Trailer Park Ordinance, with the following changes: 314 Section : Licenses: Insert the words "street lighting andtt before the words stall plans't, in line 4., Paragraph E. Section 4.: Location, Space and General Park Plan. Insert the words ttHard sur- facedtt before the words ttaccess roadstt at the beginning of the first paragraph, Page 5. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pinkerton, that this recommendation be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to pre- sent a proposed Ordinance vacating that 16-foot alley in Block 21, Renton Highlands Addition, extending from 6th Place to G Street (less the center 10 feet reserved by the City of Renton for perpetual easement), public hearing having been held thereon September 10th. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall reported that the committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1635 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting "Ayett, the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Heppenstall further reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Resolution, adopting a M/lorkable Programtt, prepared by and through the City of Rentonts Planning Director and other Municipal Officers, which program, together with Exhibits No. 1 to 13, are attached thereto. The principal purpose is to make the City of Renton eligible for certain loans and capital grants by the Federal Government, including, but not limiting it to the provisions and ben- efits of Title 1, Slum Clearance and Urban Renewal, Housing Act of 1949, as amended, also providing eligibility by the City of Renton for annual contributions by the Fed- eral Government for low-rent housing, and for certain mortgage insurance benefits pro- vided under Sections 220 and 221 of the National Housing Act. Council President Hep- penstall reported he was unable to make a majority report from the Council as a Whole, due to the lack of a quorum at their meeting of September 16th. He requested Planning Director_ Humble explain this ttWorkable Programtt for the benefit of councilmen not present at that meeting. Items relating to future intent are not binding as to perms.: _ fo:smance, but the City must reapply annually if it accomplishes none of the commit- ments under this plan.. Once eligibility is established, no further action would be required. On a question by Councilman Vietzke, Planning Director Humble informed the Council that the "Workable Program" was a matter for the City Council to act upon, and a matter of information only concerning the Planning Commission. Moved by Del- aurenti, seconded by Pinkerton, to adopt the resolution. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman, Police and License Committee, reported on the two applications for City Punch Board Licenses from M Kind: Novelty Company and Kissner Sales and Brokerage Company. His committee felt these ap.Llications should be denied at this time, as four such licenses have been issued for punch boards within the City, which is a sufficient number to adequately supervise. He further stated that his com- mittee would undertake to review these licenses at the end of the year, and suggested that the City Clerk write a letter to these applicants, declining their applications, with the suggestion that they may be re-submitted at the end of the calendar year for consideration. So moved by Councilman Vietzke, seconded by Hansen, and carried. Mayor Baxter presented the members of the City Council copies of the Preliminary Budget. Council President Heppenstall called for a meeting of,--,the Council as a Whole, Thursday, September 19th, for the purpose of discussing this budget. Councilman Garrett suggested that a meeting should be arranged with the School Authorities to discuss the matter of the proposed site for a second Senior High School. The City Clerk informed the Council that Mr. Oliver Hazen, Superintendent of Schools, had called him relative- to a meeting of the school board to be held Thursday, Sept- ember 19th, at 8:00 P.M, in the School Administration. Building, extending an invita- tion to a committee from the Council to be present. It was suggested by Council Pres ident Heppenstall that the Council meet with the School Board at 7:301, if it could be arranged, and later return to the Council Chambers for consideration of the budget. i The City Clerk was instructed to arrange the meeting with the School Board. Councilman Reid. -Chairman, Light and Power Committee, recommended that 200-watt incandescent street lights be installed at the corner of First Avenue North and Burnett Street, and on Burnett Street near the overpass. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pinkerton, that the meeting adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 P.M. There were five persons present_- -ide City Employees. �c City Clerk r 315' Renton, Washington September 24, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council. was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRIMM, PINKERTON, MORRIS, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT AND DELAURENTI. Councilmen Reid, Richardson, Vietzke and Bruce were excused. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Don Humble, Plan- ning Director; James Dunstan, Superintendent of Utilities; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Charles Bott, Comptroller. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids on 3/4 Ton Pick Up Truck, for the Park Department, the following bids were opened and read: BIDDER MODEL AMOUNT BID S.S.TAX TOTAL BID Lo Clarke Bros. Motor Co. 1958 Dodge $1,929.64 $64.32 $1,993.96 Williams & Swanson 1957 Chevrolet 22031.00 67.70 2,098.70" -(Tubeless type - Williams & Swanson)- - - 2,037.00 Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that the bids be referred to the Park Board and the Superintendent of Parks for a report back. Carried. Notice of public hearing from the Washington Public Service Commission on the proposed state-wide increase in Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Compa.nyts rates for telephone service, hearing to convene at 10:00 A.M., Monday, October 7, in the Commissionts Hearing Room, Fourth Floor, Insurance Building, Olympia, Wash- ington. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Morris, that this matter be referred to the Public Relations Committee. Carried. Due to the heavy schedule of all councilmen in the consideration of the budget, it was suggested by Councilman Garrett that each councilman could make an individual study of the matter, towards a. decision next week on the attitude of the Council. Mayor Baxter, at the request of Council President Heppenstall, stated he would endeavor to secure the facts on this proposed tariff revision to present before the Council at their next meeting. Notice of regional meeting of Association of Washington Cities, Wednesday, October 9th, preceded by a no-host dinner at 6:30 P.M. at The Towne House, in Renton. Mayor Baxter extended an invitation to the members of the City Council, City Officials and Department Heads to attend. Communication from City Attorney Shellan relative to City Engineer Hightonts request for an opinion on Street Excavation Ordinance No. 1620, as applied to Washington Natural Gas Companyts operations in Renton. City Attorney Shella.n referred specifically to the gas companyts objection_ to the $10.00 permit fee and inspection service charge of $3.00 per hour, stating in his opinion these charges are not excessive. He also could see no objection to Section VI which requires the posting of a. performance bond on an annual renewal basis. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift stated a meeting he had arranged with the Gas Company had been postponed due to the meeting on the Budget, but that he would arrange for a future meeting with that concern. A petition for annexation was read by the City Clerk and moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen., to be referred to the Planning Commission. Carried. . Mayor Baxter announced that a dinner meeting at 5:15 P.M., followed by the regular meeting at 7:30 P.M. would be held at the Crab Apple Cafe in Bellevue, Wednesday, September 25th, to inform communities in the area on the Metro Plan, and outline the results of surveys that have been made. Mayor Baxter expressed the hope that a. majority of the councilmen would be able to attend this meeting, which is of vital concern to a.11 the communities in the area. Due to a meeting of the Planning Commission, Planning Director Humble would not be able to attend, but City Attorney Shellan stated he would be present. i Councilman Heppenstall reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance changing the zoning classificiation of certain property from S-1 to R-1 (Chester Hartsook property adjacent to and northeast of the High- lands). The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall reported that the Ordinance Committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by Morris, seconded by Pinkerton, that the Council concur in the recommenda- tion of the committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Morris, seconded by Pinkerton, that Ordinance too. 1636 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all councilmen present voting ttAyett the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Heppenstall further reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance changing the zoning classification of certain property from S-1 to E-1 (Farrow property located at 6th North a Park). The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Morris, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall reported that the Ordinance Committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recom- mendation of the committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1637 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taker, end all councilmen present voting 'tAyett the motion unanimously carried. , Councilman Trimm requested a progress report on the Platting Ordinance. Plan- ning Director Humble said the Ordinance is still under consideration by the Plan- ning Commission. Councilman Garrett, Chairman, Sanitation Committee, requested more time for consideration of the proposed Maplewood Local Improvement District for a Sanitary Sewer System. City Engineer Highton plans to check with the property owners in the adjacent territory that could be serviced by the trunk sewer, concerning their feelings on annexation, and sharing in the proposed improvement. Council President Heppenstall called for a meeting of the Council as a Whole immediately following this meeting, for consideration of the budget. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, that the meeting adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M. There were two persons resent besides City Employees. City Clerk tMar 4 Renton, Washington October 1, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRIM, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, VIETZKE, MORRIS, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT AND DELAURENTI. Councilmen Reid and Bruce were excused. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Don Humble, Planning Director; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; James Dunstan, Superinten- dent of Utilities; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Charles Bott, Comptroller. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. Communication from City Engineer Highton submitting ESTIMATE NO. 1, for work performed by Joe Coluccio, Contractor, to October 1, 1957, on G Place Sanitary Sewer and Water Line. Total estimate, $4,669.00; less 15% retained, $700.35; 2t amount due contractor, $3,968.65. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. L� Communication from Mayor Baxter requesting Council concurrence in his reappoint- ment of Mr. E. A. Shearer to the Library Board. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, to concur in this reappointment by the Mayor. Carried. A second communication from Mayor Baxter appointing Mr. L. J. Dowell as a member of the Board of Appeals. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Richardson, to approve the appointment. Carried. Copy of City Attorney Shellan's letter addressed to the San Francisco regional office of the Public Housing Administration relative to planned disposition of j` certain government-owned land in the Renton Highlands, requesting whether a de- cision had been reached. This communication was read for Council information only, and ordered placed on file. Report from the Renton Chamber of Commerce, signed by Howard M. Shaw, pres- ident, concerning the study made by their Taxation Committee on the proposed City Budget for 1958. The Chamber commended the Mayor and the City for the clear and understandable form in which it was presented, and outlined a number of specific suggestions towards holding expenditures to the lowest level consistent with ef- ficient City operation. It was recommended that no increase in business and occupa- tion taxes be made this year, and if possible, a reduction be considered. From the audience, Mr. Howard Shaw suggested that some of the items requested in the budget be acquired by spreading the cost over a period of several years. He expressed the Chamberts willingness to work with the City Council on this matter. Moved by Rich- ardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that this report be referred to the Council as a Whole. Carried. Communication from Mayor Dickison, City of Bellevue, transmitting a copy of their Resolution No. 710, resolving to create a metropolitan Council Act, enacted into law as Chapter 213, laws of 1957. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Pinkerton, that this resolution be referred to the Council as a Whole. Carried. Report of Planning Commission on results of special committee's study on the rezoning and street vacation petition of the Western Bowlers as follows: (1) Relative to street vacation. The unanimous opinion of the committee is that both streets should be vacated - 91st Avenue South running north and south, and 127th Street running east and west. They felt it would be unfeasible to develop either street due to the topography of the ground. One Hundred Twenty Seventh Street follows part of a deep canyon and would terminate in a dead end on 91st or 90th South. Ninety-first Avenue South also runs into a canyon, and would not serve any real purpose. These findings also concurred in by the Engineering Department. (2) Application on extended zoning. Rainier Avenue has been zoned to Business for some time, and the applicant is requesting the depth be increased approximately 100 feet. The committee found the nearest housing approximately 200 feet away. Their opinion was that the building would hardly be seen from the residential area, as it is low, at highway level, with trees as a background. A check on present bowling alleys operated by the applicant, found no objections as far as noise is concerned, as buildings are sound-proofed. Conclusion - this plan represents good sound planning, permits ingress and egress from Rainier Avenue and from the rear on 90th South. The Planning Commission unanimously passed a resolution to concur in the recommendations of the committee on both items. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pinkerton, that this matter be referred to the Council as a Whole. In a discussion that followed, Councilman Trimm inquired if the residents of the area would be invited to attend this meeting. It was pointed out that they would have an opportunity to voice their opinions at the next council meeting when the Council as a Whole came in with their recommendation. A roll call vote was requested by Councilmen Vietzke and Delaurenti with the following results: Heppenstall, t'Nott; Trimm, "Not'; Richardson, t'Nott; Pinkerton, "Aye"; Vietzke, "Ayett; Morris, ttNott; Garrett, "Ayett; Hansen, "Nott; Swift, ttAyett; Delaurenti, ttAyett. Five ttAyestt, Five "Nos". Mayor Baxter voted ttNott. Motion failed. Councilman Delaurenti felt that no decision should be made until each Councilman had been able to investigate the area in question, and made a thor- Now ough study of the situation. Councilmen Richardson, Vietzke and Morris expressed the view that the residents of the area who were present should be given an oppor- tunity to voice their opinion at this meeting. Mayor Baxter and Council President Heppenstall expressed confidence in the findings of the Planning Commission. City Attorney Shellan pointed out that the only legal action that can be taken by the City Council at this meeting is on the application for extended zoning. No action can be taken on the vacation of streets until this matter has gone through the due process of law, public hearing having been held by the City Council, pursuant to proper legal publication (vacation having been requested by proper petition). Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Richardson, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission on the rezoning request. In a discussion, H. Donald Gouge, Attorney, representing the opponents to the rezoning, stated that 50 petitioners within and adjacent to this area, had signed a petition to deny the requested re- zoning. He stated the rezoning question was the prime issue, and had been turned down before. Plans include a bowling alley, restaurant and cocktail lounge, which he felt are not conducive to a residential area. There is business zoning up and down Rainier Avenue, and he stated this inroad would be a precedent. He said that there is an access road that comes out of the westerly section of the property, which would flood the area with traffic. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, that the motion be tabled until the next regular meeting. A roll call vote was called for by Mayor Baxter and Councilman Vietzke, with the following results: Heppenstall, "Nott; Trimm, "Not?# Richardson, ttNott; Pinkerton, "Aye"; Vietzke, "Ayett; Morris, "Ayett; Garrett, ttAyett; Hansen, "Ayett; Delaurenti, "Ayett; Swift, "Nott. Six, ttAyestt; four "nostt; motion carried. Council President Heppenstall felt that the representative of the Western Bowlers should have an opportunity to pre- sent their views. Approximately eighteeen persons stood up in opposition to the rezoning, and four in favor of it. Communication from National Park Service, U. S. Department of the Interior, San Francisco, addressed to Park Superintendent, Gene Coulon, relative to 27.99 acres in the Renton Highlands Housing Project, declared as excess to its needs by the Public Housing Administration, (Blocks 16A, 17, 180 19 and 20), suggesting if this property were declared surplus to all Federal agency needs it might be a desirable addition to the City of. Rentonts park and recreation system. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Vietzke, that this matter be referred to the Park Board, Carried. Councilman Morris suggested that if it were urgent to take immediate action a special meeting of the Park Board might be called. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, Ordinance Committee, requested information from Planning Director Humble if Mr. Balch had complied in his agreement to deed to the City an,. 80-foot strip of land for right-of-way, on rezoning described property to R-3. Planning Director Humble stated this had not been received. City Engineer Highton informed the Council that a survey has just been completed to determine the actual amount of the right-of-way that will be required. Councilman Heppenstall reported that the Property Committee recommends that the Park Superintendent and City Attorney be authorized to negotiate with Puget Sound Power & Light Company towards acquisition of seven to ten acres of property in the Talbot area, for park and recreational purposes. Moved by Trimm, seconded M; by Delaurenti, to concur in the recornrLendation of the Property Committee. Carried. Park Superintendent Coulon reported it was his recommendation and that of the Park Board, that the low bid of Clarke Bros. Motor Co. of $1,929.64, for a 1958 Dodge 3/4 Ton Pick Up Truck for the Park Department, be awarded. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation of the Park Board. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman, Street and Alley Committee, made inquiry relative to whether the Street Superintendent and Mr. Towne of the School District had de- termined the proper location for a cross walk on M Street. Councilman Swift further reported that the Police Traffic Division had not completed their study on the request for a stop sign at Fifth North & Pelly Street. 319 Mayor Baxter stated a possible solution to the traffic problem created by motorists crowding in at an intersection, thus blocking it off, might be to attach to the Traffic Signal a sign warning that a $10.00 fine would be imposed for blocking the intersection. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Hansen, that this suggestion be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for study. Carried. Council President Heppenstall requested the members of the Council to remain after the regular meeting, for further consideration of the budget, and to hear the City Employee's Group. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pinkerton, that the meeting adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9 o'clock P.M. The council chambers were filled with visitors. low City Clerk Mayor The following claims having previously been approved by the Finance Committee, U were approved: SEPTEMBER, 1957 PAYROLL - ALL DEPTS. $57,897.84 CURRENT FUND 52472.82 WATER FUND 12,467.51 LIBRARY FUND 928.77 PARK FUND 1070.77 REC. - SWIMMING POOL FUND 594.93 SEWER DISPOSAL FUND 510.66 AIRPORT FUND 887.70 CITY ST, FUND 14,456.73 .. GARBAGE FUND 7090.82 CIVILIAN DEFENSE FUND 26.30 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 327.00 CUMULATIVE ##1182 2010.90 OFF-ST, PARKING FUND 125.00 r.m & T 16-T FP 1954 W. & S. CONST. FUND 277.84 EMP. PAYROLL SAVINGS BOND FUND 131.25 I �r I Renton, Washington October 7, 1957 The special meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8 otclock P.M. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRIMM, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, MORRIS, GARRETT, HANSEN AND DELAURENl'I. Councilmen Reid, Vietzke, Swift and Bruce were excused. Mayor Baxter announced that the meeting was opened for the purpose of a Public Hearing on the Proposed Budget and asked if anyone in the audience had any objections, or comments to make. Mr. Irvin Fey, owner of the theatres in Renton, asked Council consideration to eliminate the Admission Tax. He stated that the County had eliminated the tax, as had Kent, Bellevue and Tacoma. He also stated that the amount of tax received by the City was between $ 370.00 and $380.00 per month, and he thought that the regular Business License and Business and Occupation Tax would offset the admission tax. Councilman Richardson asked why, under our City Ordinance requiring a $50 a year license, that such license had not been obtained by Mr. Fey since 1951. Mr. Fey stated that he was advised that when the Business and Occupation Tax went into effect he was no longer required to have the special theatre license. There being no further objections or protests it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting recess until 8 o'clock P.M., Tuesday. Carried. City Clerk NNW M r '4 Renton, Washington October 8, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRIMM, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, VIETZKE, MORRIS, DELAURENTI, SWIFT, HANSEN AND GARRETT. Councilmen Reid and Bruce were excused. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang •.• Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Don Humble, Planning Director; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; James Dunstan, Superintendent of Utilities; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Charles Bott, Comptroller. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. Mayor Baxter requested Council concurrence in the following reappointments: C`! (a) Insurance Commission for a one-year period - June 1, 1957 to June 1, 1958. William Davis, Ella Conklin and Louie Gebinini. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation r" of Mayor Baxter. Carried. U (b) Aviation Board for a three-year period - October 31, 1957 to October 31, 1960. - Mr. George Dobson. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the reappoint- ment by Mayor Baxter. Carried. (c) Youth Guidance Committee for a one-year period - January 1, 1957 to January 1, 1958. Paul Houser, Gene Coulon, Tom Cochran, Charles Delaurenti, Gil Duckworth, Jr., John Thompson, Mrs. Judith Ha.nnus, Angelo Busato, Rev. Herb Lazenby. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, to concur in the reappoint- ments. Carried. (d) Park Board for a three-year period - June 1, 1957 to June 1, 1960. Charles Camerini (e) Board of Appeals for a one-year period - October 1, 1957 to October 1, 1958. Walter Reid, William Paddock, Chris Bevan, Alden A. See, Sr. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the reappointments. Carried. Letter from Park Superintendent, Gene Coulon, relative to communication from the National Park Service concerning 27.99 acres in the Renton Highlands Housing Project, declared as excess to all its needs by the Public Housing Administration (Blocks 16A to 20). The Park Board's decision on this property, based on the assumption that eight to nine acres surrounding the Highlands is to be turned over to the Park Depart- ment for parks and recreation purposes, was that the area referred to in the National Park Service communication was too close to the Highlands Area to be practical. Park Superintendent Coulon explained to the Council that these recreational areas have been located within a service radius of one-half mile. If the area adjacent to the Highlands Administration Building were not made available to the Park Department, the Park Board felt the question should be reconsidered. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Hansen, that this communication be referred to the Council as a Whole. Carried. Application for Pinball Machine License from Mac's Burger, 1620 Maple Way. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, that this application be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Application from Humpty Ddmrpty, Incorporated, for a solicitor's license on Photo Album and coupon sales. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Councilman Swift asked if this should not go throug,17 the Chamber of Commerce Retail Sales Committee. Councilman Delaurenti advised that his committee always checked with Mr. Henry Reynolds of the Chamber, as to their feelings on applications of this nature. Police Court request for additional clerical help, necessitated by increased number of traffic tickets issued by the Police Department, suggesting a transfer of funds from "Police Court Maintenance and Operations" to "Salaries and Wages''. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer this request to the Finance Committee for a report back on the method of financing, and of achieving same. Carried. i Communication from City Engineer Highton regarding request for street light made by property owner at 559 K Street. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, to refer this request to the Light and Power Committee with power to act. Carried. Appeal by U. S. Array and U. S. Air Force Recruiting Services, stationed locally, for two parking spaces in the newly located parking area running on Pipe Line Road between Walla Walla Avenue and Mill Street (behind the Wood Building). Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, to refer this request to the Street and Alley Committee for a report back. Carried. Recommendation from Renton Business Parking, Incorporated, that two parking spaces be allocated at the rear of Holmes Electric Company, hitween Walla Walla and Mill Street, to facilitate the loading and unloading of merchandise consigned to this firm, and as a replacement to this parking area three parking meters be in- stalled on the Mill Street Side. In support of this request, communications from the Renton-Issaquah Auto Freight, Incorporated and All-States Moving and Storage Company were attached. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, that this communica- tion be referred to the Street and Alley Committee which has power to -act. Carried. Councilman Trimm opposed. In a discussion on this matter held prior to vote on the question it was determined that the original request had been referred to the Street and Alley Committee, on September 10th with power to act. Councilman Trimm felt the committee should make a report back. Councilman Richardson suggested that the Build- ing Department be consulted, and Ordinance requirements be checked. Planning Commissionts recommendation that extended zoning petition submitted by Western Bowlers (to business) be granted. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppen- stall, that the motion tabled at the Council meeting of October First (ttTo concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission on the rezoning request"), be brought back to the floor. Carried. Speaking for the objectors were Mrs. Sally Gustafson, Mr. Frank Jacobs and H. Donald Gouge, Attorney, who presented five points of objec- tion for council consideration. Frank Cole, representing Western Bowlers Corporation, stated he had no idea there could be any possible objections to such location of a recreational establishment. He stated that four such centers owned by their firm in Seattle are located much closer to housing, some just a few feet away, and there have been no objections. He believes it is a matter of opinion whether it would increase or decrease the value of adjacent homes. The access road is simply an emergency exit suggested by the Engineerts Office He further stated they have no plans to develop the 100 foot strip to the rear. In conclusion, they stand on the recommendation of the Planning Commission who voted unanimously in favor of this rezoning to business. Councilman Vietzke expressed the opinion that the proposed rezoning would be an infringement on residential property. A roll call vote on the motion was called for by Councilman Vietzke and Mayor Baxter, with the following results; Heppenstall, nAyett, Trimm, ''Nott, Richardson, nAyett, Pinkerton, ?Aye"., Vietzke, "Nott, Morris, "Nott, Garrett, "Aye", Hansen, "Nott, Swift, ttAyett and Delaurenti, "Aye"* Six "Ayestt and four ttNostt, motion carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Council President Heppenstall reported on the proposed Metro Plan referred to the Council as a Whole. The City of Bellevue requested concurrence by the City of Renton in a Resolution calling for an election on the question of creating such a metropolitan municipal corporation, consisting of nineteen cities and towns, includ- ing the City of Seattle. The purpose of this plan is to provide through joint action such essential services as sewage disposal, public transportation and comprehensive planning. Councilman Garrett reported on the meeting held in Bellevue, September 24th, regarding this proposal. He informed the Council that the initiating resolution by the City of Bellevue had been concurred in by the City of Redmond, and filed with the County Commissioners, to put the Metro Plan to a vote of the people. Moved by Delaur- enti, seconded by Heppenstall, that the City of Renton also adopt a resolution con- curring in the Metro Plan. Carried. The City Clerk read the proposed resolution. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, to adopt the resolution as read. Carried. ..r Report from City Engineer Highton on a meeting held this date between City Of- ficials and a representpti.ve of the Public Housing Administration relative to relocation of utilities in the replat of Blocks 12, 13, 1+, 36, 37 and 38, Corrected Plat, Renton Highlands No, 2. The cost estimate submitted by City Engineer Highton on June 18th has been increased to $10,000, due to higher material costs. The Government will re- imburse the City for the relocation of these utilities, and City Engineer Highton recommended an advance payment be made amounting to one-half, $5,000. City Attorney Shellan stated that a representative of the Public Housing Administration will be here Thursday morning, and recommends that if the City Council accepts the proposal, an agreement should be executed before he leaves. He also stressed that the cost be kept within the estimate, as the Government would not pay in excess of this amount. On a question by Councilman Trimm, Planning Director Humble stated that Fire Hydrants were not included. It was pointed out that the new Platting Ordinance now being con- sidered by the Planning Commission, includes a clause relative to requirements for k : Fire hydrants. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the method out- lined by the City Attorney to proceed with negotiations on this proposal. Carried. The matter of the Platting Ordinance was discussed, and City Attorney Shellan expressed the opinion that the fees were too high, and that committees from The Planning Commission and the City Council meet to review these items, towards exped- iting the adoption of the final Platting Ordinance. Councilman Swift called for a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee, Monday, October 14th, at 8 otclock P.M. Councilman Garrett called a meeting of the Sanitation. Committee for Tesday, October 15th, at 7:30 P.M. to discuss the proposed Maplewood Sewer District and the communication from the City Attorney relative to garbage collection. The City Engineer and Superintendent of Utilities were requested to attend. Mayor Baxter announced a dinner meeting of the Association of Washington Cities would be held at the Towne House at 6:30 P.M., Wednesday, October 9th. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that a recess be declared. Carried. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. rig ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRIMM, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, VIETZKE, MORRIS, DELAURENTI, :f7 SWIFT, HANSEN AND GARRETT. The Council went into a final discussion on various departments and classifica- tions and after consideration of each item the following is the result of such dis- cussion for the final budget: Legislative . . . . . . . . . 10,368 Motherts Park . „ , . . , . 8,927 Executive . 19,765 Lake Wash. Beach . . . . . . 19,712 City Clerk 28p638 Library . . . . . . . . . . 45,676 Treasurer . . . . . . . . . 27,480 Airport . . . . . . . . . . 66,540 Purchasing . . . . . . . . . 10,045 Gravel Pit . . . . . . . . . 69685 Legal . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,110 Municipal Shop . . . . . . . 67,133 Police Court . . . . . . . . 13,573 Central Stores Bureau . . . 2299245 Planning-Administrative . . . 17,230 Bond Red. & Interest . . . o 80,532 Planning Commission . . . . 1,702 200 Cumulative Fund #1182 Civil Service . . . . . . . . 700 Cumulative Fund #1183 . . . 11,400 Civil Defense . . . . . . . . 19250 Cumulative Fund #1184 . . . 13,647 Police . . . . . . . . . . . 237,493 Depreciation Reserve Fund . 37,377 Dog Pound . . . . . . . . . . 4,025 Cum. Reserve (Water Equip.). 80928 Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . 164,021 Cum. Reserve (Airport Equip. ) 4,400 Health . . . . . . . . . . . 3,300 Firements Relief & Pension. . 38,254 Non-Dept. Expenditures . . . 62090 Water Administrative . . . . 67,420 Municipal Bldgs. . . . . . . 17,323 Water Maintenance . . . . . 149,417 Motor Pool . . . . . . . . . 83,100 Water Construction . . . . . 332,000 Engineering . . . . . . . . . 36,517 Garbage . . . . . . . . . . 96,800 Inspection . . . . . . . . . 18,190 Sewage - Administrative . . 6,075 Street Maintenance . . . . . 1031528 Sewer Transmission . . . . . 5009 Street Cleaning . . . . . . . 8,779 Treatment Plant . . . . . . 39075 Parking Meters . . . . . . . 5,085 Traffic Control . . . . . . . 33,866 City St. Construction . . . . 47,337 Total Salaries & Wages . . . $884092 City St. Maintenance . . . . 16096 Total Maint. & Operations . 811,157 Traffic Signals . . . . . . . 13,900 Total Capital Outlay . . . . 268,621 Cedar River Maint.& Imp. Fund 21,000 Total Into & Bond. Red. . . 116,163 Off-St. Parking Lots . . . . 1,620 Bonds not yet authorized . . 300,000 Parks & Recreation . . . . . 86,174 Swimming Pool . . . . . . . . 14076 Total . . . . . . . . . . $62,380,333 Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, to recess until 8 otclock, Wednes- day.. October 9th. Carried. City Clerk Mayor J i 17, 1) D � Is. Renton, Washington October 9, 1957 Recess meeting on the budget called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:10 PIMI ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRIW, REID, PINKERTON, VIETZKE, GARRETT,• HANSEN, SWIFT AND DELAURENTI. Excused were Councilmen Bruce, Richardson and Morris. Council President Heppenstall stated he desired to clear up a point on the ..n previous discussion regarding the Street Commissioner salary, that under the wage schedules and longevity program adopted by the City, the Street Commissioner having been with the City more than ten years would be entitled to the $10.00 per month longevity, plus the $550.00 per month salary as set up in the budget. The City Clerk read Ordinance 1638 adopting the' budget and it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their report. Councilman Heppenstall stated the Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the Ordinance. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that we concur in the report of the Ordinance Committee and that the Ordinance be placed on the second and final reading. Motion carried. The Clerk read the Ordinance the second and final time and it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, to adopt the Ordinance as read. A roll call vote showed all Council-men voting in favor. Motion carried. Mayor Baxter instructed the City Clerk to take the names of the people in the audience other than City employees. They were Mr. Howard Shaw of the Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Anderson of the Highlands and Mr. Johnson. Council President Heppenstall submitted Ordinance No. 1639 setting up tax levies necessary to meet the budget. The Ordinance was read by the City Clerk. It was moved by Swift, seconded by Garrett, that the Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Com— mittee, Carried. Councilman Heppenstall stated that the Ordinance Committee reported favorably. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Hansen, that it be placed on the second and final reading. Motion carried. The Clerk read the Ordinance the second and final time. Roll call vote, all Councilmen voting "Ayefr except Mr. Reid who stated that he was in accord with the other Councilmen, but not having been here to work on the budget he felt he should not vote. Councilman Swift stated he wanted to commend those who were responsible for the presentation of the budget particulary the President of the Council, for his untiring efforts in getting the budget whipped into order. There being ro further business, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 P.M. ' City Clerk Mayo ..r 4E Renton, Washington October 15, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRIMM, REID, PINKERTON, MORRIS, GARRETT,. HANSEN, SWIFT AND DELAURENTI. Councilmen Richardson, Vietzke and Bruce were excused. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Don Humble, Planning Director and James Dunstan, Superintendent of Utilities. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the special meeting of October 7, regular meeting of October 8 and recessed meeting of October 9 be approved as written. Carried. Mayor Baxter requested Council concurrence in the reappointment of Mr. Stanley C.) Thompson as a member of the Youth Guidance Committee for a one-year period - Jan- C711 uary 1, 1957 to January 1, 1958. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Hansen, to concur L_� in this reappointment. Carried. Communication from the Planning Commission recommending the City Council approve the following resolutions: (1) Accept Preliminary Plat of Ridgecrest No. 2 as submitted, provided the streets are black-topped and fire hydrants installed to meet the specifications of the Engineering Department. (2) Approve Preliminary Plat of Hallie Smiley, provided fire hydrants installed to specifications and approval of the City Engineering Department. (3) Approve variance request of Renton Clinic to build to back property line, pending acquisition of easement (Lease No. 65602) from the Milwaukee Railroad for property to be designated "Business Parking",, and Parking Stalls 16, 17, 44 and 45 be deleted, to permit a drive- way to the existing parking lot. On Items 1 and 2 above: Planning Director Humble pointed out that with the exception of the short dead end street in the Plat of Ridgecrest No. 2, the streets involved were perimeter streets already owned by the City and not involved in the plats. City Attorney Shellan stated he felt it was within the Cityts Police Power to demand fire hydrants, but that the same condition did not apply relative to street surfacing on streets already owned by the City. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Morris, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission, provided when final plat comes in that the streets are to be black-topped and fire hydrants installed. Carried. Council- man Swift stated that in his opinion the only action would be on streets unplatted at the present time, and that on streets already platted work would have to be done either at the expense of the City or by LID. City Attorney Shellan pointed out that the lack of valuation of the undeveloped property involved would probably preclude the LID approach at this time. Councilman Morris felt that the Planning Commission was apparently con- fused and suggested that the matter be referred back to that body for clarification. Councilman Reid agreed. Councilman Pinkerton recalled that the Suburban Development Corporation had agreed to install hydrants in its first plat and he was advised that there is now a question as to their willingness to proceed. The City Attorney suggested the plattor be requested to install fire protection devices to the extent permitted by law to service the area in question On Item 3. (Variance request of Renton Clinic). Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. .SW Council President Heppenstall suggested that a meeting to disuss the Platting Ordinance be arranged between the Planning Commission and Planning Director, City Attorney and a committee from the Council. This was in line with the suggestion made by City Attorney Shellan last week. Moved by Reid, seconded by Trimm, that the Council as a Whole meet with the Planning Commission, date tc be set by the President of the Council. Carried. F Communication from Mayor Baxter regarding water facilities at the Renton Municipal Airport, requesting a meeting with the following officials: Superintendent of Utilities, Airport Manager, City Attorney, City Engineer and all members of the Fire and Water Committee. Mrs. Agnes Edwards, former City Clerk, introduced Mr. Lancaster, engineer for the Shell Oil Company to explain the situation. He stated that a service station is being constructed at Airport Way and Logan Street, on property owned by Mrs. Edwards, and from whom the station will be leased. During the construction of a retaining wall 32 a 61, water line was discovered, and brought to the attention of City Engineer Highton and the airport manager, Mr. Gebinini, in an attempt to establish ownership of the line. They felt it was not advisable to have this line under pressure directly beneath the building and recommended it be relocated. Councilman Swift stated this water line is located on the maps, and that it was put in by the Federal Government. Moved by Morris, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendations of the Mayor. Carried. On a point of information Superintendent of Utilities Dunstan stated it would require about a week or ten days if a line were laid to service the entire airport. Communication from Mayor Baxter requesting an investigation of the Sanitary Sewer Service at the Renton Municipal Airport by the Sanitation Committee, and a meeting be arranged with the following: Superintendent of Utilities, Airport Manager, City Attorney and Sanitation Committee. Moved by Reid, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of Mayor Baxter. Carried. A meeting was called for this .r purpose for Tuesday, October 22nd at 7 o'clock P.M. Communication from Radio Station KLAN advising that in anticipation of its lease expiration date of January 31, 1958 on their location at 7th North and Park Street, preparations have been made to move to a new sWffo -office location in Renton. The request was made that the City approve a mutual agreement to invalidate the lease upon termination of occupancy on, or about November 1, 1957. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid., that this matter be referred to the Property Committee and City Attorney for a report back. Carried. A letter of appreciation from Chief of Police Ang Busato the Mayor and members of the City Council for courtesies extended in evaluating the Police problem during re- cent budget hearings, was ordered placed on file. Communication from the Renton Chamber of Commerce commending the Mayor and City Council, on behalf of their Tax Committee, Officers and Board of Directors, for the Cityts 1958 budget, adopting municipal operation to municipal finances without unduly disrupting services or -budget. This communication to be placed on file. Communication from Renton Suburban Development Corporation relative to paving of J Street in the Renton Highlands. It was stated that the original plan included an offer by the corporation of $4,500.00 to accomplish this paving. The proposed plan was to black-top the street twent--r-two feet wide with no mention of storm sewer. The letter stated that this offer had been turned down by the City, who are requesting six hundred feet of storm sewers and thirty-two feet of paving. They further stated that the plat had been accepted without such provisions, and that the depth of their property is only one hundred and one feet. A solution to this problem was requested prior to October 31st, which is the end of the fiscal year of the Renton Suburban Development Corporation. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee, Carried. A petition signed by abutting property owners requesting the vacation of 91st Avenue South running north and south, and 127th Street running east and west, Latimerts Lake Park Additon. City Attorney Shellan stated it has been the practice on street vacations to reserve for the City an easement for public purposes. In this case, the building to be erected by Western Bowlers will be located on this portion of the street vacated. They would be willing to grant the City an easement outside the vacated area. It was suggested that the City Engineer determine a suitable location for the easement to not interfere with the building. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that this petition be referred to the City Engineer to check the validity of signatures and determine proper location for easement, and hearng date on the proposed vacation be set for November 12th. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance changing the zoning classification of certain property, (Western Bowlers), from R-1 to B-1. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by. Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall re- ported that the committee reports favorably on the proposed recommendation and rec- ommended its passage. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1640 be adopted as read. Councilman Reid abstained from voting, having been absent during the discussion. A roll call vote being taken and all other councilmen voting "Ayett, the motion carried. Councilman Garrett, Chairman, Sanitation Committee, reported that a meeting on the proposed Maplewood Local Improvement District had been scheduled with the City Engineer, but due to the latterts illness, was postponed. 3e Councilman Heppenstall reported for the Property Committee on the proposed aca_uisition of Park and Play Ground Site from the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, in the Talbot Hill Area. In reply to a letter from City Attorney Shellan, Mr, L. A. Williams, Central Division Manager of this firm, requested the City consider Section 29, Northeast Corner, immediately adjacent to the area requested (Section 30). A meeting has been arranged with the Park Superintendent to look over the property. Councilman Morris reported that the Finance Committee recommends a transfer of funds from ttPolice Court Maintenance and Operations" to ttSalaries and Wages" and this matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee for the proper Resolution. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation of the Finance Committee. Carried. Council President Heppenstall further reported that due to changes to be made in fees covering Punchboard, Shuffleboard and Pinball Machine Licenses a new Ordinance would be required. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be re- ferred to the Police and License Committee and the Ordinance Committee, Carried, Council President Heppenstall further reported on needed street repairs on Second Avenue near the High School, also half a street that was left in bad repair in the Highlands area. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, that the Street Commissioner make an investigation and report back. Carried. Council. President Heppenstall also reported on proposed changes to be made in billing procedure by the Treasurerts Office (bi-monthly basis) and recommended this matter be referred to the City Treasurer, Fire and Water Committee, Sanitation. Com- mittee, Superintendent of Utilities and Ordinance Committee. Carried, Council President Heppenstall called to the Councilts attention the need for a sidewalk on the north side of Sixth Avenue North, from the Trailer Courts to Park Avenue. The condition now creates a hazard for pedestrians. The corner at 6th & Park was recently sold to an oil company. Fox's Trailer Court has agreed to do their part. The only portion involved is the property that the City owns. This location is in the vicinity of Motherts Park. Councilman Swift expressed the opinion that this matter comes under the jurisdiction of the Park Department, and not the Street and Alley Committee. Three parcels of land are involved. Councilman Trimm stated the cost and method of financing should be determined. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Engineering Department. Carried. Council President Heppenstall requested a monthts leave of absence. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, to grant this request. Carried. Councilman Morris was appointed acting president during his absence. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that Councilman Swift assume temporary chairmanship of Property Committee. Carried. Acting President Morris called for a meeting of the Council as a Whole with the Planning Commission on October 28th to discuss the Platting Ordinance. Councilman Garrett called for a meeting of the Sanitation Committee for Monday, October 21st, at 8 o'clock P.M., requesting the presence of the Superintendent of Utilities. Planning Director Humble requested the status of the Trailer Park Ordinance. City Attorney Shellan stated this should be placed on its first reading at the next Council meeting. Mr. Vernon M. Sharetts, District Manager of Humpty Dumpty, Incorporated, speaking from the audience, requested Council permission to show their customers the proofs on pictures they had taken, in order that a selection could be made and the company ful- fill their contract. Their application for renewal of solicitorst licenses had been previously referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Councilman Delaurenti suggested his committee meet with the representatives of Humpty Dumpty, .� Incorporated immediately following this meeting, and requested the presence of Mr. Henry Reynolds; City Clerk Alexander; Chief of Police, Ang Busato and City Attorney Shellan. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation of the Police and License Committee. Carried. Moved by, Heppenstall, seconded by Hansen, that the meeting adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. There were eight persons present besides City Employees. City Clerk Mayor 3.28 Renton, Washington ° October 22, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Acting Council President Vern Morris at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: MORRIS, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, VIETZKE, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT AND DELAURENTI. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Hansen, to excuse Councilmen Pinkerton and Bruce. Carried. Council President Heppenstall was on a leave of absence. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; .J Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer; Don Humble, Planning Director; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner, James Dunstan, Superintendent of Utilities; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Charles Bott, Comptroller. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. Communication from City Engineer Highton submitting request of Joe Coluccio, Contractor on t'Gn Place Sanitary Sewer and Water Line, for an extension of time on contract completion date, from October 16th to November 15th. The City Engineer recommended this request be granted, due to factory delay in shipping the water pipe. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Fire and Water Committee and Superintendent of Utilities. Motion amended, with consent of second, to give these committees power to act. Motion as amended, carried. Letter from Charles Bott, City Comptroller, requesting transfer of appropriations and/or emergency appropriations to cover certain expenditures requested by the Park Superintendent, Street Commissioner and Superintendent of Utilities. Minor adjust- ments also were requested in about six other accounts. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Auditing and Accounting Committee. Carried. i Application of Juan de Fuca Sales for a Master Music Machine License and sub- licenses for machines to be placed in seven local establishments. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance, submitted by the City Attorney, providing for the transfer of funds from the Police Court, Current Fund, t'Maintenance and Operationstt Account unto "Salaries and Wages". Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1641 be adopted as read. Carried. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting t'Ayett, the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson further reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to introduce a proposed Ordinance regulating the parking and location of trailers and establishing standards for Trailer Parks, proposed Ordinance to be placed on its first reading. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. On a point of information Planning Director Humble informed the Council that the proposed $10.00 fee was on an annual basis. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommenda- tion. Carried. The Ordinance Committee recommended that the following excerpt from Section. III, also Section XV, be given particular attention by each Council- man, for a recommendation on proposed fees. Excerpt from Section III - Licenses. ttThe application for such license or the renewal thereof shall be accompanied by a fee of $10.00 for each trailer space unit in the existing or proposed trailer park together with the license bond in the sum of $2500.00 in favor of the City of Renton to guarantee compliance with the terms of this ordinance. R _ Before such license may be issued, there must be a favorable recommendation by a majority of the Planning Commission of the City of Renton and the City Council of the City of Renton and the premises must be inspected and approved by at least a majority of the members of the Board of Investigators, (or their duly author- ized representative or agents) as complying with all the provisions of this ordinance and all other applicable ordinances of the City of Renton. Licenses issued under the terms of this ordinance convey no right to the applicant to erect any building, nor to do any plumbing work or to do any electrical work," "Section XV: Service and Inspection charges. There is hereby im- posed a service and inspection charge of 25 cents per month per vow unit on the occupant or occupants of each unit of trailer camps licensed hereunder. The licensee of the trailer parks shall col- lect this service charge for the City of Renton and pay it over to the City Treasurer in accordance with such reasonable regula- tions as the Treasurer may promulgate governing such payments." Councilman Reid, Chairman, Light and Power Committee, recommended that a mercury vapor light be installed on Tobin Avenue, at the entrance way to the Renton High School Gymnasium, as requested by the School District. Moved by .� Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that this matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the Ways and t,7 Means Committee find a way of financing, to get the light installed. Carried. Councilman Swift, Acting Chairman, Property Committee and City Attorney Shellan recommended invalidation of the lease with Radio Klan, on property located at 7th N. and Park Street, by mutual agreement, on November 1, 1957, as the City is desirous of securing the building fo City purposes. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, to concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. Councilman Swift made the following report relative to paving of J Street, and irs tallation of storm sewers. The Street and Alley Committee, as a result of their investigation, recommended that the offer of the Renton Suburban Development Corporation be accepted to resurface that portion of the street abutting their property equal to the original installation and that their fair share of the cost of the storm sewer, on approximately 110 feet, be included in the overall installa- tion. The City cannot require improvement of streets which are not included in platting plans. The City Attorney suggested that the Renton Suburban Development Corporation contract their own portion of the work and the City contract for the balance. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti requested a meeting with the Law and Ordinance Committee and City Attorney Shellan on November 12th for a discussion on certain proposed Ordinance changes. A meeting on proposed changes in Treasurerts Office Billing procedure was called for November 19th with the following committees: City Treasurer, Fire and Water Committee, Sanitation Committee, Superintendent of Utilities and Ordinance Committee, Carried, City Attorney Shellan reported on proposed relocation of utilities in the replat of Blocks 122 132 14, 36, 37 and 38, Corrected Plat, Renton Highlands No. 2. The concensus of opinion was to accept the Government's proposal to reimburse the City for relocation of these utilities, up to the cost estimate submitted of $10,000, with an advance payment of one-half this amount to cover the cost of materials. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, to accept the Government's proposal, and the Planning Director write a letter to the Public Housing Administration to draw up the specifications, the City Attorney to draft the agreement, and the City Engineer to provide technical data. Carried. Mr. Hallie H. Smiley, from the audience, requested Council approval of prelim- inary plat submitted by him, in order that the final plat might be delivered prior to November 5th. The recommendation of the Planning Commission was that this plat be approved, provided fire hydrants were installed to the specifications and approval of the City Engineering Department. Mr. Smiley stated he was committed to a sale price on seven lots, and that it would cost $1,000 to replace the Stand-Pipe Type Fire Hydrants. Planning Director Humble stated this improvement could be accomplished by LID when the houses are built. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, to accept the preliminary plat of Hallie Smiley without the contingency of the additional spec- ifications. Carried. Councilman Swift made inquiry as to the Police Traffic Division recommendation on proper placement of stop sign at Fifth North and Pelly Street. Councilman Reid reported that the residents in the vicinity of Casey's Corner, (12th Avenue North), had requested a cross walk to provide safe crossing for school children. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift objected as he felt this matter should be referred to the High School. Councilman Richardson reported on a telephoned request made by Williams and Swanson to sponsor a riding academy parade on Third Avenue, this Saturday afternoon. This matter was referred to the Chief of Police. Councilman Garrett called for a Sanitation Committee meeting on 'Tuesday, Nov— ember 5th, at 7 o'clock, with the City Attorney and Superintendent of Utilities. Acting Council President Vern Morris announced that the meeting of the Council. as a Whole with the Planning Cormd ssion regarding the Platting Ordinance, would be held Monday, October 28th at 8 o'clock P.M. Councilman Swift called for a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee, Tuesday, November 5th, at 7 o'clock P.M. with the City Attorney, Street Commissioner and City Engineer relative to Washington Natural Gas Company's questions on certain items in Street Excavation Ordinance No. 1620. Councilman Swift called the Council's attention to the need for action on preparing preliminary plans and cost estimate on proposed Houser Way Bridge, in order that the bond issue on the proposal could be submitted to a vote next March. Moved by Richard— son, seconded by Hansen, that Mr. Arnold, Consulting Engineer be contacted, in order that a comprehensive plan on this proposed bridge can be prepared. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:40 P.M. There was one person present at this meeting beside City employees. City Clerk M r "'� Renton, Washington November 5, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: MORRIS, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT AND DELAURENTI. Councilman Bruce, Vietzke and Heppenstall were excused. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney: Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer; Don Humble, Planning Director; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; James Dunstan, Superintendent of Utilities; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent and Charles Bott, Comptroller. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. Letter of appreciation to the Mayor and City Council from the Renton City Employees Club for blanket pay raise granted City Employees effective January 1, 1958. This communication was ordered placed on file. A letter from Fire Chief Floyd Lawrence thanking the City Council for their consideration of Fire Department requests in the budget for 1958 and commending DIS them for the efficient manner in handling the budget, was also placed on file. ' Communication from the International Conference of Building Officials, Los Angeles, advising that Walter H. Will, Building Official, City of Renton, is be- ginning the second year of his three-yeas term as a member of the Executive Board of the International Conference of Building Officials, which is the policy-making body of the Conference. This letter was read from Council information. Letter from P. J. McKay, District Engineer, State Highway Commission, relative to a preliminary survey being made in connection with the proposed location of a new limited access facility between Auburn and Renton, requesting the City furnish any available information on future use and expansion of the West Renton Area. I Mayor Baxter informed the Council that a meeting has been arranged with Mr. McKay, City Engineer Highton and the Planning Director to obtain data on this matter, in order to properly present it to the Council. Communication from City Engineer Highton submitting final measured quantities of work performed by Joe Coluccio, Contractor, "G11 Place Sanitary Sewer and Water Line. The final estimate was $10,641.78, (an underrun of $251.62 on contract pro- posal of $10,893.40), less 15% retained - $1,596.27, less Estimate No. 1 - $4,669.00, amount due contractor -14,376-51. The City Engineer recommended acceptance by the City Council as of Tuesday, November 5. He explained that it is necessary for him to make his report to the State Tax Commission. Moved by Morris, seconded by Reid, that the matter be referred to the Auditing and Accounting Committee. Carried. The Sanitation Committee and Fire and Water Committee being in accord with the recommenda- tions of the City Engineer, moved by Morris, seconded by Swift, that this project be accepted as of this date. Carried. Request from Chief of Police Ang Busato for a one-year extension of compulsory retirement date for Uniformed Personnel, Ernest W. Isackson, James R. Chadwick and Fred Allingham (to December 12 1958). Moved by Reid, seconded by Garrett, to con- cur in the recommendation of the Police Chief and grant these extensions. Carried. It was determined that Captain Isacksonts extension could be granted on the basis of no further retirement benefits accruing to him. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Letter from the Transport Division, Boeing Airplane Company, calling attention to certain critical areas from the standpoint of pedestrian safety at the folloiring r.. locations: (1) Crosswalk - 8th Avenue North and Logan Street. (2) Entrance and exit at 8th Avenue North and Park. (3) Unprotected pedestrian traffic along the north margin of 6th Avenue North in the vicinity of Logan Street, which situation is aggravated due to absence of lighting along Logan Street north from 6th Avenue North. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Traffic Division for a resort back. Carried. Communication from Boeing Airplane Co. requesting terms for liquidating their obligations to the City of Renton on property described as the north 760 feet of Lot No. 4, east bank Cedar River, covered by lease dated October 2, 1956 which expired July 31, 1957. Boeing desires to vacate this property as of November 12, 1957. City Attorney Shellan stated they would owe the City a reasonable rental fee, for the period following lease expiration date. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Richardson, that this matter be referred to the Property Committee and City Attorney and report back. Carried. An invitation was read from Harris C. McClaskey, Librarian, to an Open House at the Renton Public Library, to be held Tuesday evening, November 19th, from 7 to 9 P.M. Several Northwest Authors will be on hand to autograph books. All City Employees are invited. Communication from Tillie Cole, Executive Director, Housing Authority of the City of Renton, relative to present need for construction of low rent housing in Renton. The recent and continuing industrial development, coupled with the removal of 244 dwelling units in the Cedar River Park to allow for Interstate Route 3 through Renton, are contributing factors to this need. In order for the Housing Authority to reactivate its reservation for 100 dwelling units of low--rent housing it will be necessary for the City to take the following action: (1) Pass a Reso- lution affirming the need for such housing. (2) Amend the Cooperation agreement between the City and the Housing Authority entered into in 1952, to comply with a 1954 amendment to the United States Housing Act of 1937. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Council as a Whole for their delib- eration. Carried. Acting Council President Vern Morris called for a meeting of the Council as a Whole, Tuesday, November 12th, at 7 o'clock. Communication from the City Planning Commission recommending that the City Council approve the following resolution: Rezoning petition submitted by the Boeing Airplane Company for rezoning from P-1 to H-i, the property north of the Renton High School Stadium. The Renton School District does not object to the proposal, but has retained a 20-year option on 95 feet to the North of the Stadium, for the priv- ilege of buying it, if at that time it seemed advisable. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Communication from Mayor Baxter requesting concurrence in his appointment of Charles Camerini to fill the unexpired term of Frank Ames on the Aviation Board (to November 53, 1958), due to the latterts resignation. Mr. Camerinits letter of resignation from the Park Board has been received by the Mayor's Office. Moved by Morris, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the appointment by the Mayor. Carried. Acting Council President Vern Morris stated the new appointee has done a fine job as a member of the Park Board, and will be an asset to the City Government in his new appointment. Communication from City Engineer Highton submitting Final Plat of Skyland Heights No. 1, at the reauest of owner, Hallie H. Smiley. The final plat is identical to the proposed plat with the exception of the east line of Lots 12, 13, 14 and 21 which are set back 15 feet. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Trimm, that this Plat be referred to the Planning Commission for approval. Carried. A communication from Lucille Culliton Studio requesting a solicitorts license for Mr. Lloyd Kindred. The Studio is engaging the Family Record Plan, Inc. to represent them in the Renton area, directly through the studio, and Mr. Kindred would be employed by them. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Richardson, that this request be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A communication from Arthur H. Towne, Director of Transportation, Fenton School District, submitting several requests in the interest of safety: (1) LCurb on 2nd Avenue, between the entrance of the faculty parking lot and the exit driveway from the bus loading zone, be painted yellow. Also, a sign be erected prohibiting parking, loading or unloading. (2) Parking on Shattuck St., between Airport Way and Tobin Street, be re- stricted to one side of the street, preferably the East side, and that parallel parking would be preferable to diagonal parking. (3) Correct hazardous condition on Garden Street between Brons n Way and First Avenue North, caused by vehicles parked on both sides of the street. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Richardson, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. Councilman Swift opposed. Invitation from the Renton Chamber of Commerce to attend their Wednesday noon meeting, November 13th, at Tonkints Cafe, Senator Warren G. Magnuson to be the guest speaker. Mayor Baxter announced that City Employees, at their request, will observe November 29th as their holiday, rather than November 11th. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present the proposed Ordinance regulating the parking and location of trail- ers, and establishing standards for Trailer Parks, proposed Ordinance placed on its first reading and referred to the Ordinance Committee at the Council meeting of Oct- ober 22nd. The Ordinance Committee had recommended the Council study the proposed fees in Section III and Section XV, towards making a recommendation. No changes being requested in these fees, Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on' its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Morris, sec- onded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1642 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken, and all Councilmen present voting "Ayer' the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Reid, Chairman, Light and Power Committee, reported on his recom- mendation that a mercury vapor light be installed on Tobin Avenue, at the entrance way to the it nton High School Gymnasium. He stated that the Ways and Means Committee had ascertained that there is sufficient unencumbered funds in the City Street Fund, Materials and Supplies account, to cover this estimated cost of $162. A discussion followed on whether these funds should be used for this purpose or for the black- topping of streets. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pinkerton, that money be allowed •g out of the Street Fund for the installation of this light, and the City Clerk notify the Puget Sound Power and Light Company to make the installation. Carried. Council- man Swift opposed. Councilman Garrett, Chairman, Sanitation Committee, reported that the sewer charge for the Renton Airport of $400 a year, recommended' by the City Engineer, based on, 1/2 the metered water rate and established by the sewer ordinance, seemed a fair and equitable charge. This matter originally reported on at the Council meeting of September 4, 1956 and approved by the Council on September 11, 1956. Councilman Swift, Chairman, Street and Alley Committee reported on a meeting with the Washington Natural Gas Company relative to their objections to the permit fees assessed by Ordinance No. 1620. Mr. J. R. Gaw, Washington Natural Gas Company representative and Robert OtNeill, attorney, outlined the objections of the gas company to the permit fee being assessed. The Street and Alley Committee -recommended that the building department be granted permission to issue permits to enable the Gas Company to supply requests for service. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee to permit the City Engineerts Office to issue permits to the Gas Company under Ordinance No. 1620. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Pinkerton, that this matter be referred to the Council as a Wholes and acting Council President Vern Morris set up a meeting within the next week. Carried. Councilman Morris stated this matter would be taken up at the Council as a Whole meeting scheduled for November 12th. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. There were nine persons present, in addition to City employees. C - Citz'r Clerk Mayor err I Renton, Washington November 12, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: I-EPPENSTALL, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, VIETZKE, MORRIS, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI AND BRUCE. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treas- urer; James Highton, City Engineer; Don Humble, Planning Director; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; James Dunstan, Superintendent of Utilities and Charles Bott, Comptroller. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the-minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. An acknowledgement of sympathy was read from Mrs. George Beamblossom and family. Request from the Monterey Community Club for completion of street lighting on Monterey Drive and Capri Avenue. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, that this matter be referred to the Light and Power Committee and Auditing and Account- ing Committee. Carried. Communication from City Engineer Highton relative to application from the Washington Natural Gas Company to construct, operate and maintain a 2-inch gas suprly line over that portion of Cedar River Park adjacent to Cedar River. A 10-foot easement will be granted by Stoneway Sand and Gravel Company, currently leasing the property. Proposed easement will be located on the southerly por- tion of the river bank to permit normal use of land. Moved by Richardson, sec- onded by Swift, that this matter be referred to the Housing Authority. Carried. Petition signed by adjacent property owners J. L. Starwich and Richard Johnson, for the vacation of that portion of South 131st Street lying between 87th Avenue South and 88th Avenue South. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and the Planning Commission. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Reid, that prior to this referral the Eng- ineering Department check the signatures on the petition. Carried. A communication from Greater Renton Brokers Association, Inc. stating their opinion that the proposed low cost additonal rental units to be requested from the Federal Government are unnecessary. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that this communication be referred to the Council as a Whole. Carried. Mayor Baxter called for the hearing on the proposed vacation of a portion of 91st Avenue South running north and south and of 127th Street running East and West. There were no written protests to the vacation from property owners abut- ting these streets. Mr. Henry Reynolds, secretary of the Renton Chamber of Com- merce, read a letter from their president, Howard M. Shaw, supporting the Plan- ning Commission recommendation, which was favorable to the proposed vacation. Mr. Reynolds also presented his own views, as a citizen of the community, in behalf of the proposal. Mr. Chuck Mattaini of Wallin and Edwards outlined benefits to the City of Renton if this proposal were accepted. Mr. Frank Cole of Western Bowlers stated that the matter of a cocktail lounge would be governed by State Law. Objections to the vacation were presented by H. Donald Gouge, Attorney and Mrs. Sally Gustafson, a resident of the area. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Richardson, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission in the vacation of 91st Avenue South and 127th Street, near Rainier Avenue. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: Heppenstall, ttAyett; Trimm, ttAyett; Reid, "Noll; Richardson, ttAyett; Pinkerton, ttAyett; Vietzke, ttNott; Morris, "Nott; Garrett, ttAyett; Hansen, ttNott; Swift, ttAyett; Delaurenti, ttAyett, Bruce, ttNott. Seven ttAyestt; five ttNostt. Motion carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried, Council President Heppenstall reported that the Council as a Whole had dis- cussed the matter of the fees in Ordinance No. 1620, to which the Washington Natural Gas Company had made an objection, and agreed to a recommendation that this ord- inance be amended to read: Permit fee - $4.00 up to 25 feet and 10t per foot thereafter; Inspection fee - $4.50 per hour, minimum charge - $4.50. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the committee. Mr. J. R. Gaw, Washington Natural Gas Company representative, requested information as to the time an inspector would be required on the job: as he felt the fee could be prohibitive. Street Commissioner Miller estimated an inspection average of an hour in most cases. Mr. Gaw further recommended that franchised and certificated utilities be exempted under this Ordinance, and they be assessed a reasonable permit fee, with a ceiling on the inspection rate, asserting that the City's revenue f could be insured through the B&0 tax basis. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Reid, that the motion be tabled until the Council meeting of November 19th. Carried. Council President Heppenstall recommended that this matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney to present a recommendation for a change in the ordinance next Tuesday. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation of Councilman Heppenstall. Carried. Trimm opposed. Mayor Bauer declared a recess to,permit a committee discussion on the above. i After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, VIETZKE, MORRIS, GARRETT$ HANSEN SWIFT, DELAURENTI AND BRUCE. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed emergency Ordinance authorizing certain transfers of approp- riations in the Water Department Fund to be placed on its first reading. The Auditing and Accounting Committee recommended this proposed Ordinance approp- riating monies. for the Kennydale and Windsor Hills projects, the ttGtt Place Water Line and the Highlands Water Line relocation, be adopted. All projects, except for the ttGtt Place job, are reimbursable by the State and Federal Government. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to G\1 the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the only 210 recommendation of the Ordinance Committee was that the proposed ordinance be pub- lished this week. Councilman Richardson also reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed resolution extending the compulsory retirement date of Un- iformed Personnel James R. Chadwick and Fred L. Allingham, one year, to Decem- ber 1, 1958. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Reid,.-that Resolution .Ho. 94Q be adopted as read. Carried. Councilman Richardson also reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed resolution retaining Ernest W. Isackson, in the City of Renton Police Department in a supervisory position until further notice, sub- ject to consent of Washington Statewide City Employees's Retirement System. Moved 60 by Pinkerton, seconded by Delaurenti, that Resolution No. 941 be adopted as read. Carried. Councilman Richardson presented a proposed Ordinance changing the zoning classification of certain property (Boeings on Logan Street) from P-1 to H-1. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Bruce, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their rec- ommendation. Carr ..ed. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Morris, seconded by Pinkerton, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that this Ordinance be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting "Ayett, the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson reported the other proposed resolution and the ordin- ances on transfers of appropriations would be presented next week. Councilman Bruce requested that Councilman Swift, Temporary Chairman of the Property Committee, make the report on Boeingfs request for terms for liquidation of Lease on property - East Bank of Cedar River. The committee recommended a maximum charge of $25 per month, covering the last 32 months of occupation, keep- ing in mind the capital investment which the City acquired at the termination of the lease, a " 3700 improvement to the property by Boeings. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. Councilman Hansen, Chairman, presented the following Accounting and Auditing Committee recommendations: (1) A resolution authorizing certain transfers of appropriations, be adopted. (2) Transfers by ordinance in the Library Fund, and in the Garbage Fund in order to reflect the contract method of collection and the increased rates which became effective January 1, 1957. These transfers are nec- essary as 1957 is the first year in which the new classification of accounts is used, and many factors and conditions were unknown until during the year. (3) An emergency ordinance appropriating monies for the Kennydale and Windsor Hills projects, the ttGtt Place Water Line and the Highlands Water Line relocation, be adopted. These projects, except the "Gtt Place Water Line, reimbursable by the State and Federal Government. (Ordinance On Item 3 placed on its 1st reading at this meeting). Councilman Swift called for a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee, Monday, November 18th at 8 otclock P.M., requesting the presence of the City Engineer, Street Commissioner and Chief of Police. . Councilman Pinkerton reported on many requests, in the interest of ped- estrian safety, recommending a wooden walkway be proved at the site of the new construction on the corner of Third and Shattuck. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Vietzke, that this matter be ,referred to, the Building Inspector. .. Carried. Councilman Vietzke reported on a condition that exists at 4th Avenue N. adjacent to the School Bus Garage. A drainage problem is created by the water rushing into the street when the school buses are washed. Councilman Bruce stated that the City Engineer would have them correct this situation. Councilman,;VietzXe further reported that the crossing at Third and Burnett is still rough ,and should be leveled off. Councilman Trimm expressed the opinion that this is the railroa.dts responsibility for raising the grade. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Vietzke, that the City Attorney inform the railroad company to make the needed repairs. Carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. The meet- ing adjourned at 9:45 P.M. There were 19 persons present beside City Employees. City Clerk T @7 r The following claims having previously been approved by the Finance Committee, were approved: OCTOBER, 1957. mow PAYROLL - ALL DEPTS. $63,522.94 CURRENT FUND 13,799.98 WATER FUND 9,908.31 LIBRARY FUND 182.74 PARK FUND 22256.40 RECREATION - SWIM PL FUND 190.71 SEWER DISPOSAL FUND 12669.75 AIRPORT FUND 1,004.01 CITY ST, FUND 11,706.15 SHOP E. R. FUND 4,477.84 GARBAGE FUND 82621.00 CIVIL DEFENSE FUND 8.70 FIREMENtS PENSION FUND 265.00 CUMULATIVE FUND ##1182 1,489.05 1954 W.&S.CONST, FUND 4,012.10 OFF-ST. PARKING FUND 125.00 EMPLOYEES' PAYROLL SAVINGS BOND FUND 56.25 ST. & LIGHT. IMP. FUND 3,790.48 low C. Renton, Washington November 19, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRINM, REID, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, MORRIS, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI AND BRUCE. Councilman Vietzke was excused. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Don Humble, Planning Director; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; James Dunstan, Superintendent of Utilities; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Charles Bott, Comptroller. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. Request from the Retail Trade Committee of the Renton Chamber of Commerce for use of Tonkin's Park from November 25 to December 30th, for annual Christmas Promotion. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Park Board Cid with power to act, and that the Council concurs in whatever action the Park Board y decides to take. Carried. Notice from the State Department of Labor and Industries extending an invitation to the Eighth Industrial Safety Conference to be held in Olympia, November 21st and 22nd. Moved by Reid, seconded by Bruce, that the Street Commissioner, City Engineer and Superintendent of Utilities attend this meeting, if possible. Carried. Boeingts notice of vacating premises (Lot No. 4, East Bank Cedar River) as of November 12th, was ordered placed on file. Chief of Police Busato's report on Traffic Division Evaluations on Boeing's recommendations concerning pedestrian safety, concurring in their observations, but making no recommendation as to burden for cost, on the following items: (1) Inter- section at 6th North and Logan - pedestrian walk needed on north side of 6th. (2) i Eighth N. and Logan - definite need for Traffic Control Light and adequate street li hting. (3) Eighth N. and Park - Traffic Control Light should be provided. More general street lighting needed on Logan Street. Moved by Delaurenti, sec- onded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. In connection with the requested stop sign at Fifth and Pelly, Chief of Police, Ang Busato reported that the accident record does not warrant a stop sign at this location, since Arterial Stops in all four directions are provided one block from this intersection. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the rec- ommendation of the Traffic Division and parties requesting this sign be notified of this action. Carried. Communication from City Engineer Highton recommending conveyance of easement right to Washington Natural Gas Company for gas supply line along the bank of Cedar River. This matter originally referred to the Housing Authority, however, the lease agreement between the City and Renton Housing Authority reserves unto the City the right to create such easements. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Park Department, Carried. Recommendation of City Engineer Highton, concurred in by the Street and Alley Committee, that the City accept the following street dedication: 110t1 Street, 40 feet wide, extending south 343 feet from Sunset Blvd. East and f1Ot1 Street, 40 feet wide, extending south 591 feet from 12th Avenue North. Moved by Richardson, seconded low by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Communication from City Engineer Highton transmitting copy of agreement by the State Highway Department relative to construction of certain frontage and access roads in connection with the Limited Access Highway* The Street and Alley Committee recommended acceptance of the construction and maintenance program outlined in this agreement (the State to construct and the City to maintain streets as part of the City Road System), with the added condition that the construction of sidewalks be included on the extension of Fourth Avenue North from Factory Street to the inter- section of Third Avenue North and Houser Way. Moved by Trim., seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the City Attorney, and the City Engineer provide the data on the addition to the agreement. Carried. i' Communication from the Renton Chamber of Commerce submitting Renton Retail Merchants Association Sanitation Committee report on garbage collection rates, requesting a complete review of the disposal situation with the Sanitation Div- ision of the Renton City Council. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Sanitation Committee and the Superintendent of Utilities. Carried, The City Clerk resubmitted the Macgruder rezone petition on property located on Cemetery Road across from the Evergreen cemetery, from B-1 to T, held up pending adoption of new trailer ordinance and subject to installation of sewers by applicant. Public hearing had been previously held, and rezoning approved by the Planning Commission. The petitioner having complied with these provisions, waved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that this matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. The City Clerk stated that he had prepared "Calls for Bids" on the City's 1958 requirements of Chlorine and Gasoline and also for Publication of the City's legals for next year with tentative date set for opening of bids for December 10, 1957. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council approve these "Calls for Bids". Carried. Councilman Richardson reported the Ordinance Committee reports favorably and recommends passage of an Emergency Ordinance authorizing certain transfers of appropriations in the Water Department Fund, placed on its first reading Nov- ember 12th, and duly published as prescribed by law. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that Ordinance No. 1643 be adopted as read. Carried. A roll call vote being taken and all Council- ment present voting ttpyett the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance vacating portions of 127th Street and 91st Avenue South. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee, Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by Trimm., seconded by Pinkerton, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Com- mittee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Swift, seconded by Rich- ardson that Ordinance No. 1645 be adopted as read. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: Heppenstall, "Aye"; Trimm., "Aye"; Reid, ttNott; Rich- ardson, ttAye"; Pinkerton, "Aye?'; Morris, "Nott; Garrett, ttAye"; Hansen, ttNott; Swift, ttAye" and Bruce, "Nott. Six ttAyes"; four ttNostt. Motion carried. A resolution, recommended by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, trans- ferring funds between items within the general class of ttSalaries and Wagestt and "Maintenance and Operationstt in the Current Expense, Park and Athletic, Sewage Disposal, Airport, City Street and Equipment Rental Funds, was presented by the Ordinance Committee and read by the City Clerk. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Pinkerton, that Resolution No. 942 be adopted as read. Carried. Councilman Richardson further reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance transferring appropriations of expendi- tures between general classes of the Water Fund. The City Clerk read the pro- posed Ordinance. Moved by Swift, seconded by Garrett, that the proposed Ord- inance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported the Committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1646 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all councilmen present ,o, voting ttAyett the motion unanimously carried. A proposed Ordinance transferring appropriations of expenditures between general classes of the Library Fund was presented by the Ordinance Committee and read by the City Clerk. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported the committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, that Ordinance No. 1647 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present vot- ing "Aye" the motion unanimously carried. s, The Ordinance Committee also presented a proposed Ordinance transferring appropriations of funds between general classes of expenditures of the Garbage Department, The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Bruce, that the Council. concur in the recommendation of the committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Bruce, seconded by Garrett, that Ordinance No. 1618 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting ttAyen the motion unanimously carried. A proposed Ordinance creating a special fund to be known as the ttcumulative Reserve Fund for the Replacement of Movable Equipment", was presented by the Ord- inance Committee and read by the City Clerk. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Reid, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their rec- ommendation. Carried. Following a discussion, the Ordinance Committee reported that the proposed Ordinance would be held over one week for further consideration. Councilman Richardson, Chairman, Ordinance Committee, also presented a pro- posed Ordinance creating a special fund to be known as the "Cumulative Water Department Reserve Fundtt. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. Moved by C� Trimm, seconded by Heppenstall, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Cil Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson re- ported that the committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends `s its passage. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Trimm, seconded by Pinkerton, that Ordinance No. 1649 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting ttAyett the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance creating a special fund to be known as the "Cumulative Airport Department Reserve Fund?', The proposed Ordinance was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richard- *Am son reported that the Ordinance Committee reports favorably on the proposed Ord- inance and recommends its passage. Moved by Bruce, secm nded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, that Ordinance No. 1650 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting "Aye" the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson further reported that the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance creating a special fund to be known and designated as "Public Works Revolving Fund" for the operation of the Municipal Shops, Gravel I Pit, and Central Stores Bureau. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson re- ported that the committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that Ordinance No. 1651 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting "Ayett the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson reported the Ordinance Committee would like to present the proposed Business Tax Ordinance for 1958. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Council- man Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reports favorably on the pro- posed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hep- penstall, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that Ordinance No. 1652 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting ttAyett the motion unanimously carried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, MORRIS, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI AND BRUCE. Mr. Jim Anderson, resident of the Highlands, speaking from the audience, objected to police patrolling certain traffic signals in the vicinity of Sunset Highway up to 116th Street. He further maintained that 12th Avenue North should be vacated. The Council in a discussion recalled that traffic signals were placed in the area at the request of the residents for the pro- tection of pedestrians, particularly school children, and that there is now a request to investigate a crossing at Casey's Corner. The Council recommended if the residents desired any street vacation, it should be presented by proper petition. Mr. Hugh Malone, 2617 50th Place, from the audience, requested a clarifica- tion of water meter service charges assessed by the City. Moved by Morris, seconded by Pinkerton, that the Fire and Water Committee make a survey of the problem in the area and report back to the Council. Carried. City Attorney Shellan reported on decision reached at a meeting with the Ordinance Committee and Washington Natural Gas Company representatives relative to requested fee change in Ordinance No. 1620. The committee reached the following decision relative to fees: a) Assess a $4.00 flat fee, including permit or inspection fee on any ind- ividual connection up to 35 feet. b) Over 35 feet, 10¢ per foot thereafter with a maximum charge of $25.00 and also $4.50 per hour inspection fee. In the event the City's cost exceeds the $4.00 the Washington Natural Gas Company has agreed to pay any additional expense incurred by the City Engineer's Office. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation of the City Attorney and this matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Garrett called for a meeting of the Sanitation Committee, Monday, November 25th at 7:30 P.M., the City Clerk to notify the Chamber of Commerce. Councilman Swift, Chairman, reported on the following matters referred to the Street and Alley Committee: 1. a) Request from Holmes Electric Company for removal of two parking meters, to establish a loading and unloading zone at the rear of their store. b) Request from the U. S. Army and U. S. Air Force Recruiting Services for two parking spaces in the same area. mow This parking lot contains 27 metered parking stalls, and the grading and curbing were put in at a cost to the City of $4500, which amount would require 15 years for repayment to the City at the present rate of return, $6 a week. It had also been agreed not to ask for any of these parking spaces for personal use. For this reason, the committee recommended that no action be taken to remove any of these meters, and requested the City Clerk to so notify the Holmes Electric Company, Renton Business Parking, Inc. and the U. S. Army and Air Force Recruiting Services, The Committee made the further recommendation that the meters be changed from a 1-hour to a 2-hour basis, at 52 an hour, to build up the return in this area. Moved by Richard- son, seconded by Bruce, to concur in these Street and Alley recommendations. Carried. 2. Request for Alley Vacation, Block 13, Renton:Highlands, south and east of 7th Avenue. The Park Department has requested this matter be held up pending Federal Government action on property deeded for park purposes. 3. Request from J. L. Starwich and Richard Johnson for vacation of portion of South 131st Street. The petitioners have been notified that the City Engineer has determined there is a deficiency in signatures, and action must be deferred until corrected. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. 4. Request for a crosswalk at Casey's Corner to be held in committee for further study. 5. Request submitted by the Transportation Director of the Renton School District on the following items: a) Curb on Second Avenue, between entrance of faculty parking lot and exit driveway of bus loading zone be painted yellow. No problem there as the curb is painted and signs have been erected. b) Parking be restricted to one side of the street on Shattuck, between Airport Way and Tobin Street. This request has been submitted to the Traffic Division for their recommendation to the Street and Alley Committee. c) Garden Street between Bronson Way and Second Avenue North- Permit no parking on the West side of the street, and on the East side of the street - two-hour parking between certain designated hours, except Sundays and holidays. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the above recommenda- tions of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that these items be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. b� s n v 6. Mayor Baxterts recommendation for a sign to be attached to traffic signals that a $10.00 fine would be imposed for blocking an intersection. The Street and Alley Committee requested a check of the traffic code of this matter, by the City Attorney. Councilman Hansen, Chairman, Auditing and Accounting Committee, requested more time on the communication from Monterey Community Club relative to completion of street lighting. Council President Heppenstall reported on the communication from the Greater Renton Brokerts Association, which was in protest of proposed additional low cost rental units, matter referred to the Council as a Whole. The committee felt they should extend their efforts to get the feelings of the Public on this matter. Plan- ning Director Humble prepared a recap of the Housing Survey recently conducted by the Renton Housing Authority determining families and individuals eligible for low-rent housing. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the City Clerk write the Central Labor Council and any other group that might be interested, requesting their opinion on this matter. Carried. Councilman Richardson called for a meeting of the Law and Ordinance Committee with the Police and License Committee and City Attorney for December 3rd at 7 otclock. Councilman Swift reported on a communication from City Engineer Highton C�j recommending that parking on the east side of Logan Street from Airport Way to Tobin Avenue be eliminated, to permit northbound traffic on logan Street through the intersection at Airport Way to move on two lanes. It is the recommendation of the Engineering Department and Police Department, concurred in by the Street and Alley Committee, that this parking restriction be authorized daily, except Sundays and holidays. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommenda- tion of the committee, and the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift made a further recommendation that parking restriction on Park Street between 6th and 8th North be extended to 4th Avenue North, between 5 A.M. and 5 P.M. daily, excepting Sundays and holidays. Moved by Pinkerton, sec- onded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee and the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. �. Councilman Morris requested investigation of a traffic problem at 4th and Burnett - southbound traffic on Burnett backed up to Third Avenue frequently, due to the Fourth Avenue stop sign at Burnett. Moved by Morris, seconded by Swift, that the traffic pattern be surveyed by the Traffic Division. Carried. Councilman Swift recommended that while the construction of the Underpass is underway, the stop sign at 7th and Rainier Avenue be hooded, and a temporary sign on the Rainier Avenue side be erected to control traffic out of the Bowling Alley. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and Police Department with power to act. Carried. On motion of Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, the meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Carried. There were six persons present besides City Employees. l City Clerk Mayo "�. 4 jjk� Renton, Washington November 26, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, MORRIS, GARRETT, HANSEN$ DELAURENTI AND BRUCE. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Heppenstall, that Councilmen Swift and Vietzke be excused. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City .A. Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Don Humble, Planning Director; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; James Dunstan, Superintendent of Utilities; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Charles Bott, Comptroller. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Garrett, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. Request from Elks Lodge No. 1809 to transport a Youth Band by truck through the streets of Renton, December 7th at 10:00 A.M., for the purpose of playing Christmas Carols. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Garrett, to grant this request and the matter be under the supervision of the Police Department. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Junior Chamber of Commerce submit- ting for Council approval this seasonts plan for Christmas Street Decoration. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Police Department with Power to Act. Councilmen Reid and Morris requested this come under the supervision of the Engineering Department, to make certain the installations are safe. Chief Busato stated a letter had been drafted by him and the City Engineer outlining restrictions in the interest of safety, and re- questing a Hold Harmless Agreement. Motion Carried. Communication from Park Superintendent Coulon advising that the Park Depart- ment has no objection to the proposed easement requested by the Washington Natural Gas Company for a gas supply line along the bank of Cedar River. Moved by Rich- Ardson, seconded by Morris, that this matter be referred to the City Attorney and the City Enginner draft the necessary legal description. Carried. Planning Director Humble suggested a connection be provided in the event the City might at some time decide to use gas in the City Hall Building. Two communications were read from Cecil Arnold, Consulting Engineer, con- cerning the proposed Houser Way and Wells Street Bridges. Without having made a tentative or preliminary design, he estimated a new two-lane crossing with adj- acent parallel sidewalks at the Houser Way location to be in the $150,000 class, and at Wells Street, $ 100,000. Mr. Arnold set a price of 5�2% of the construction cost, for preparation of preliminary and final designs and estimates, which could be subdivided, with a payment on preliminary items not exceeding 20% of the total fee. City Engineer Highton estimated preliminary design fee approximately $1,100 on the Wells Street $ridge and $1,650 on the Houser Way Bridge. Council Presid- ent Heppenstall asked if it would not be feasible to repair the existing span at Wells Street, as he felt it was a question of making this bridge safe, rather than widening it. The City Engineer stated that new footings and piers would be required. On a question of receiving Government funds, Planning Director Humble stated HHGA Funds are available on a loan basis, under Title 702, Housing Act, but the small amount that would be received plus the time involved, which would not permit the proposition to be placed on the coming ballot, would make this impract- ical. In a discussion relative to making the Houser Way Bridge a two or four- lane crossing, Planning Director Humble expressed the opinion that Houser Way will eventually become a major by-pass route, and that it would seem wise to ..w construct the new span in such a way (construction of footings and providing a removable sidewalk on the West side) that future requirements for added width could be accomplished without starting over. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that this matter be referred to the Auditing and Accounting Committee for a re- port back on the cost, source of funds, and amount to be spent from next yearts budget. Carried. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Reid, that this matter be referred to the Council as a Whole to have the necessary material prepared in order to place the proposal on the ballot. Carried. 343 Council President Heppenstall called for a Council as a Whole meeting on Monday, December 2nd at 7:30 P.M., requesting the presence of Mayor Baxter, City Engineer Highton, Planning Director Humble and Mr. Arnold, Consulting Engineer. Report from City Attorney Shellan on payment received in the amount of $167.91 from the Washington Natural Gas Company, for damages to traffic control box at Second and Logan Street, was read for Council information. Request from the General Petroleum Corporation for permission to install a sign on public property in front of 1316 Bronson Way, submitting drawings sup- plementing this request. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, that this re- quest be referred to the Planning Commission, Carried. Morris opposed. Request from Oasis Cafe for permission to install two pinball machines in their place of business. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Pinkerton, that this matter be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. The City Clerk reported that he had prepared a "Call for Bids" on two motor- cycles for the Police Department, setting December 10th as the date for opening of bids. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Pinkerton, that the Council approve this "Call for Bids". Carried. The City Clerk also announced that the closing date for filing propositions C\,; to be placed on the March 11th Ballot would be December 18th. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reports favorably and recommended passage of a proposed Ordinance creating a special fund to be known as the "Cumulative Reserve Fund for the Replacement of Movable Equipmenttt placed on its first reading at the last Council meeting. Moved by Trimm, sec- onded by Garrett, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Richardson, seconded by Pinkerton, that Ordinance No. 1654 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting "Ayett the motion unanimously carried. A proposed Ordinance, recommended by the Chief of Police in order to comply with State Law, "Amending Section 10-1-103 of Title X (Traffic) of Ordinance No. �. 1628, Code of General Ordinances", was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Com- mittee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1653 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting ttAyett, the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson also presented a proposed Ordinance changing the zoning classification of certain property (Macgruder) from B-1 to T. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Trim., seconded by Reid, that the proposed Ord- inance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that Ordinance No. 1655 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting "Ayett, the motion unanimously carried. ! Councilman Richardson also presented a proposed Ordinance imposing certain parking restrictions on Logan, Garden and Park Streets, which was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated he had received several telephoned complain recently relative to existing parking restrictions on the West Side of Logan Street. The Ordinance Committee recommended the proposed Ordinance be held over for one week. Councilman Richardson presented a proposed Ordinance "Amending Sections 9-903 and 9-905 of Title IX (Public Ways and Property) of Ordinance No. 16289 entitled Code of General Ordinances of the City of Rentontt. The City Clerk read the pro- posed Ordinance. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Ord- inance be referred to the Ordinance Ca mmmittee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported the Ordinance Committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Gar- rett, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the I second and final reading, moved by Garrett, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1657 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting "Aye" the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson requested a two weeks leave of absence, requesting Council President Heppenstall assume temporary chairmanship of the Law and Ord- inance Committee during his absence. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Bruce, that this request be granted. Carried. Councilman Garrett reported on the Sanitation Committee meeting with the committee from the Renton Retail Merchants Association and the Superintendent of Utilities, relative to garbage collection rates. The Superintendent of Utilities will make a further investigation on complaints relative to the alleged overcharges, this week. maw Councilman Hansen, Chairman, Auditing and Accounting Committee, recommended that the street lighting on Monterey Drive and Capri Avenue be completed towards the end of December, and payment be made in January. Councilman Pinkerton stated he had been requested by residents in the High- lands vicinity to bring to the Councilts attention the triangle located at a point where 5th Avenue turns right and intersects with E Street. The residents have asked that this particular area be cleared and landscaped by the City, due to the present impaired visibility, and if this is done have agreed to seed and care for the area. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Reid, that the Street Commissioner see what he can do to clear and landscape the property in question. Carried. Planning Director Humble stated that through an oversight in the original Highlandts Plat, this property is still owned by the P.H.A., which they are about to request the City to accept along with some additional property. Street Commissioner Miller stated he did not believe it would involve too much work to take care of this request. City Attorney Shellan reported on an Agreement relative to the proposed re- location of utilities in the replat of Blocks 12, 13, 14, 36, 37 and 38, Corrected Plat, Renton Highlands No. 2. The City Attorney stated he is satisfied with the Agreement as it has now been prepared, and recommended the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute same. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Trimm, to concur in the recommendation of the City Attorney, Carried. The City Attorney further recommended approval of an agreement with the %no" Department of Agriculture for lease of a portion of the Renton Highlands Adminis- tration Building. To the rental fee of $175 per month would be added an addition- al $100 per month, until the improvements made by the City have been paid. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the City Att- orney and the lease agreement be entered into. Carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Heppenstall, that the meeting adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. There were four persons present besides City Employees. City Clerk .Mayo l ... Renton, Washington December 3, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRIMM, REID, PINKERTON, VIETZKE, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI AND BRUCE. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, that Councilmen Morris and Richardson be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Arthur Haugan, Assistant City Attorney; Vow Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer; Don Humble, Planning Director; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; James Dunstan, Superintendent of Utilities and Gene Coulon, Park Super- intendent. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. Communication from Park Superintendent, Gene Coulon, relative to drainage prob- lem in the area adjacent to the swimming pool, caused by overflow of water from the N_ pool decking, estimating $1,500 would be required to install the necessary drainage It'; system using park maintenance crews. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that < this matter be referred to the Auditing and Accounting Committee, Carried. Communication from City Attorney Shellan transmitting original and three copies each of Modification of Lease Agreements between the City and Edwards, and the City and Henry W. Sarri, for inspection and approval. It was requested that the City Engineer verify the legal descriptions contained therein. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation of the City Attorney. Carried. Copy of City Attorneyts letter to the Public Housing Administration, Sar. Francisco, relative to "Construction Agreement .for Relocation of Utility Linestt, (replat of Blocks 12, 132 14, 36, 37 and 38, Corrected Plat, Renton Highlands No. 2), agreeing to certain minor changes, and recommending the revised Construction Agreement be sub- mitted to the City for Execution. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation of the City Attorney. Carried. Conmunication from the Renton Planning Commission recommending the City Council approve their following resolutions: 1) Accept the final plat of Block 15 and 31 of Corrected Plat of Renton Highlands No. 2. Planning Director Humble stated that the Preliminary Plat should have been included in this recommendation. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and Planning Director and accept the Preliminary and Final Plat. Carried. 2) Accept the annexation petition for described tract submitted by Wallin & Edwards. Location of this area was determined as lying between 84th and 87th Avenue on South 124th. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Vietzke, to set January 7th as the Date of Hearing on this annexation petition. Carried. 3) Accept the final plat of a portion of Block 16, Corrected Plat of Renton Highlands No. 2, as submitted by H. H. Smiley. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Heppenstall, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission, Carried 4) Accept the final plat of Honey Creek Park (Nichelson property - S. E. 107th - north side of Sunset Highway, due north of Highland's reservoir yard). Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Com- ission. Reid opposed, as he felt he needed more information. 5) Accept the final plat of re-plat of Blocks,12, 13, 14, 36, 37 and 38 of Corrected Plat of Renton Highlands No. 2. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hansff, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and accept this plat. Carried. 6) Deny request of General Petroleum Company to erect a sign on City Property on Bonson Way North. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the Planning Com- mission's recommendation and deny this request, and the General Petroleum Company be so notified. Carried. In the discussion on the adoption of these plats, Mayor Baxter suggested that there should be some complete understanding as to which improvements should be paid for by The City, and which ones are the responsibility of the property owner. Nothing has been provided in the budget for any such expenditures. A second communication was read from the Planning Commission recommending that the variance request of Chas. F. Shane (at location of former Earlington Club House - Sunset Boulevard West) be granted, provided, all buildings, building overhand, walks, and/or other improvements be within the boundaries of the ownerts property Line. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. The Engineering Department will notify Mr. Shane. A further recommendation in this same communication was to deny the variance rejuest of Matt Minerich. Planning Director Humble advised the Council that following the regular procedure he had already so notified Mr. Minerich. Two communications were read from Busch Construction Company relative to property purchased from the Renton Suburban Development Corporation. They have been informed that City Streets and Sidewalks are encroaching 15 feet upon Lot 10, Block 26, on which property they have built a house, which has been sold, and on which they have been unsuccessful in attempts to transfer title to the new purchaser. The American Title Association will not issue a clear and un- qualified title policy as long as the street and sidewalk physically encroach upon this property, although said street and sidewalk have been vacated in a legal manner by the City of Renton. Time limit for transfer of title has dwind- led to four days before they will be forced to forfeit their rights of sale. The +� second communication relative to this matter stated the ATA further requires a certification from authorized officials of the City of Renton to the effect that no costs or assessments are to be made against the property for the removal and relocation of said street and sidewalk. Planning Director Humble could see no manner in which a municipality can be required to remove these streets, which were included in the purchase. City Attorney Haugan stated he could see no objection to the Busch Construction Company doing the actual job, provided the owner and the City both so agreed, but that neither party could be required to do so. Mr. Busch stated he would accomplish the removal of this street and sidewalk encroachment on this property. City Engineer Highton and City Attorney Haugan felt it was the Cityts responsibility to put up the barricades. Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, that the Street Commissioner have the barricades placed, according to the advice of the City Engineer and City Attorney. Carried. A further discussion on this matter was held relative to the paving of J Street and installation of storm sewers. It was recalled that the Street and Alley Committee had recommended, concurred in by the City Council, to accept the offer of the Renton Suburban Corporation to resurface that portion of the street abutting their property equal to the original installation, and that their fair share of the cost of the storm sewer, on approximately 110 feet, be included in the overall installation. The City Attorney had suggested this firm contract their own portion of the work and the City contract for the balance. Street Commissioner Miller stated he did not have the funds to complete this project, and Mayor Baxter suggested this matter should be looked into. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Vietzke that the City Engineer draw up the specifications and cost estimate o n com- pletion of storm sewers for this project. Carried. Now An application from H. I. Jenkins, 12816 138th S. E., to sell Christmas trees at the location of Kiddy Land was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Pinker- ton, seconded by Vietzke, that this matter be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Communication from Mayor Baxter submitting a recommendation that the City Council pass an Ordinance requiring a Public Hearing on any legislation contem- plating a change in taxes, charges or fees, etc. He felt this would correct a situation where parties affected are unaware of such legislation until the Ord- inance has become effective. A minimum notice of ten days prior to any such hear- ing, was suggested. Moved by Swift, seconded by Garrett, that this recommendation be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their studay. Carried. Petition from Trailer Park Owners protesting Ordinance No. 1642 regulating Trailer Parks. Represented in the audience, among others, were Mr. Frank Collman, City Center Trailer Park; Mr. E. L. Haglof, Hubts Trailer Park and Mr. Clyde M. Fox, Fox Trailer Court. Mr, Hugh Carney, Attorney, representing the petitioners, presented the following objections to the Ordinance. (1) Trailer Park Owners and occupants were generally unaware of this Ordinance until after it went into effect. (2) Fee of $10.00 for each trailer space. This would be equivalent to a tax of 3% on an average basis on the gross revenue, which they felt was dis criminatory according to amount taxed other businesses. (3) Trailer Parks oc- cupy four or five acres which lying vacant would be taxed $50 per year. The real estate tax would be approximately $900 per year. Trailers are taxed 1% of their gross value, similar to the tax home owners pay. The average trailer mobile unit is valued at $3,00. An average of $$25 tax is paid per unit, 78% of which is for school support, and 17% returns to the City. (4) Section XIV; Registration of occupants; Reporting of Communicable Diseases. Felt that the re- quirement that this register be open at all times to inspection by State and Fed- eral Officers implies a real law enforcement problem, when the records show they actually have less trouble. Also felt a clarification is needed on requirement relative to communicable diseases, and listing place of last location and length of stay (5) Bond of $2500.00 in favor of the City to guarantee compliance with terms of this Ordinance. Mr. Carney felt that Section XX on penalties would adequately cover this requirement. (6) Section XV; Service and Inspection Charges. Questioned why trailer parks were singled out for this inspection fee of 250 per month per unit on their homes. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, that the Law and Ordinance Committee be empowered to investigate and negotiate with a representative from this group for the purpose of making any acceptable changes in the Trailer Park Ordinance. Carried. Council President Heppenstall recommended a delay on the application of this Ord- inance until the committee has made their study and recommendation. Mayor Baxter declared a recess, following which the meeting was called to order. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, REID, PINKERTON, VIETZEE, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI AND BRUCE. "" Councilman Heppenstall presented the proposed Ordinance imposing certain parking restrictions on Logan, Garden and Park Streets, introduced for its first reading November 26th. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Bruce, to include in this proposed Ordinance this addition to Section 1 (relative to parking restrictions on East side of Logan Street), ttExcepting Sundays and Holidays". Carried. Councilman Heppenstall reported the Ordinance Committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1656 be adopted as read. Carried. Council President Heppenstall reported on the following items referred to the Council as a Whole: 1) The matter of the Houser and Wells Street Bridges. Following a discussion and reports from the City Engineer and Mr. Arnold, Consulting Engineer, the Council as a Whole recommends the replacement of these two bridges, with the best estimate to date $250,000, and the bond issue be placed on the Ballot for the 1958 Fall election. In the meantime, it was suggested that the people be adivsed of the conditions of the present spans, and what the traffic problems will be. Moved by Swift, seconded by* Hansen, to concur in the recommendation of the Council as a Whole in regard to the construction of these two bridges. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pink- erton, that the Street Commissioner place the proper Load Limit Sign on the Wells Street Bridge. Carried. Councilman Swift further suggested that the Transport r. Division of Boeings, (Trucking Department) be notified to use Bronson Way, because of the tonnage involved. The City Engineer stated he would advise them accordingly. 2) Proposed construction of additional Low-Cost rental units* The Council as a Whole recommended a Public Hearing be held on this matter December 10th, at which time the Council will probably take action on this matter. 3) Proposed increase in rents Cedar River Park. The Council as a Whole rec- ommended a 10 per month increase on each rental unit, which they considered a fair and equitable amount* The Housing Authority is to decide on effective date, and give proper notification. It was further recommended that the Housing Authority be authorized to adjust rents where there are hardship cases. Moved by Swift, sec- onded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation of the Council as a Whole in regard to raising rents at Cedar River Park and the Housing Authority be so notified. Carried. Brace and Vietzke opposed. 4) The Housing Authority be authorized to hire an architect of the Council's choosing to draw up plans for the future use of Cedar River Property and Liberty Park, in conjunction with the Park epa:rtrent. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, to concur in this recommendation. a rie Councilman Bruce requested the Park Superintendent report on the Engineering . Survey made of the Lake Washington Beach Property. Park Superintendent Coulon stated the Park Board have made some suggested changes, and have accepted the plan, which he will be glad to present to the Council. Mayor Baxter suggested a meeting be arranged with the Council as a Whole, and this was requested by Property Chairman Brnu ce. Council President Heppenstall called for a Council as a Whole meeting, 7 o'clock. vow December 17th, on the Lake Washington Beach Site Plan. (Original date of December 10th changed at request of Park Superintendent Coulon). Councilman Swift called for a Street and Alley Committee meeting Monday, December 9th, at 8 O'clock P.M. Council President Heppenstall requested a review of the Ordinances governing Bowling Alleys, passed in 1939, and on Theatres, passed in 1933. Mayor Baxter requested the Dog Control Ordinance be included. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the Ordinance Committee review these three ordinances. Carried. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Swift, that the meeting adjourn. The Council Chambers were filled with visitors. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Mayor City Clerk Renton, Washington December 10, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRIM, REID, PINKERTON, VIETZKE, MORRIS, GARRETT, HANSEN$ SWIFT, DELAURENTI AND BRUCE. Councilman Richardson was excused. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Don Humble, Plan- ning Director; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; James Dunstan, Superintendent of Utilities; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Frank Ames, Airport Manager and Charles Botts Comptroller. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as corrected. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids on the City's 1958 requirements for Gasoline and Chlorine, publication of City legals and for the purchase of two motorcycles for the Police Department, the following bids were opened and read: _Gasoline requirements for the year 1958. BIDDER Per...ga..l, Ethyl Per al. - Regular Alternate Signal Oil Company �6 2473 6.2183 Standard Oil. Co. .2545 .2225 Union Oil Co. .257 .225 .252 Unico Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, that these bids be referred to the Property Committee for a report back. Carried. Publication of City Legals for the Year 1958. First insertion Subsequent insertions BIDDER per column inch per column inch Renton Chronicle $1.35 $1.20 Renton News Record 1.30 1.10 V Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the Renton News Record be awarded the bid on publication of City Legals for the year 1958. Carried. Two motorcycles for the Police Department. BIDDER . One Unit - Inc. Tax Two Units - Inc. Tax Drager's Harley-Davidson $1,783.65 $39567.30 Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that this bid be-referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Chlorine requirements for the year 1958. No bid submitted to date. Moved by Swift, seconded by Bruce, that the ttCall for Bids" on this commodity be extended one week - bids to be opened December 17th. Carried. Two bills for damages claimed due to water shut-off in the Sierra Heights Addition were read as follows: (1) Robert A. Hoakenson, $14.98 and (2) C. E. Page, $24.54. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that these claims be referred to the Legal Department with power to act. Carried. City Attorney Shellan re- quested a written report from the Superintendent of Utilities on circumstances in- volved, and notification of water shut-off. Fearing on "Low Rent Housing". e Renton Central Labor Council concurring in an attached resolution from the Culinary Workers & Bartenders Local Union No. 596s endorsing and approving the need for low rent housing, provided they are of the kind that would be an asset to the community. This resolution requested concurrence from their 54 affiliated unions in a reauest to the Housing Authority, City Council, and Mayor, that they petition the Federal Government for funds to provide from 300 to 500 low-rent housing units in the City of Renton. Mr. Peterson, representing the Central Labor Council, requested information as to the type of construction, site, and persons eligible for such housing. Mr. Jim Denzer stated the Carpenter's Local was not objecting to low-rent housing units, but only to the proposal as presented at this time. Councilman Morris requested a written clarification from the Carpenter's Local relative to Mr. Denzer's remarks. Planning Director Humble pointed out that present housing is war housing and not low-rent housing, and must be removed according to law. He stated that the proposed low-rent housing units would be designed to last for 40 years, to provide safe and sanitary housing for those that cannot afford to rent or purchase on the open market, and the Federal Act provides safeguards as far as competing with private 3`49 enterprise. The Housing Authority has made a commitment to build only on a site approved by the City Council, and such construction must conform to building code and zoning requirements. The requested housing was 100 units, which it was felt would be sufficient to sample the market. Councilman Bruce suggested the Renton Central Labor Council be kept advised of progress relative to this matter. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Pinkerton, to re-affirm the former action of the City Council on the matter of low rent housing, and continue the cooperation agree- ment. Carried. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Delaurenti, that the City Attorney be author- ized to prepare a Resolution reaffirming the need for low-rent housing and approving amendment to Cooperation Agreement between the City of Renton and the Housing Auth- ority of the City of Renton and authorizing its execution. Carried. Discussion followed on the Low-Rent Housing and the City Attorney presented a resolution as requested. The City Clerk read the proposed resolution, after which it was moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that Resolution No. 947 approving Low-Cost Housing be adopted as read. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Kiwanis Club thanking the Police Department, Fire Department and Park Superintendent for their help at the annual Halloween party for Teen Agers, sponsored by the Kiwanis Club. Two communications from Joseph E. Henry, President, Renton Police Department Local No. 958, as follows: 1) Requesting approval and support in securing legislation permitting cities, on local option, to cover their police officers with Social Security benefits. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that this matter be referred to the Police and License Committee and the Legislative Committee to investigate and report back. Carried. 2) Requesting consideration of proposal to increase the limit for contribu- tions and benefits of the Statewide City Employees Retirement System from $300 to $400. Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, that this matter be referred to the Police and License Committee and Legislative Committee to investigate and report back. Carried. Letter from City Engineer Highton submitting Signal Oil Company's request for a variance to allow two 30' driveways on Fourth Avenue at the location of their service station (4th N. & Park). Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer that this matter be referred to the Plan- ning Commission. Carried. Request from Kennydale Lions Club to sell Christmas trees at a location on Rainier Avenue between Renton Avenue and 129th Street, proceeds for charity. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that this request be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti suggested the Police Department check all such Christmas Tree Stands to see if they are operating under proper authorization, and on advice of Fire Chief Lawrence, it was added that the Fire Department also make a check for fire hazards. It was so roved by Delaurenti, seconded by Swift, and carried. Communication from City Attorney Shellan concerning exchange of properties between the City of Renton and the Pacific Coast Railroad in April, 1955, for por- tion of Mother's Park and the Lake Washington Beach Property. The City Attorney recommended assignment of t►Inner Harbor Lease" entered into by the railroad and Foss Launch and Tugboat Company, which called for monthly payments of $305, a yearly revenue of $3,660.00, out of which the Port of Seattle received the sum of $363.50 per year. The indebtedness of $8,500 has been paid in full by means of +hese rental collections, and this lease is ready to be assigned to the City, which Would net approximately $3,300.00 per year in revenue. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Heppenstall, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute this assignment of lease, and the revenue to be derived be placed in the Lake Washington Beach Improvement Fund, earmarked for beach property improvement. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall reported the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, amending Section 5-904 of Title 5 (Busi- ness Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628, changing Pinball Machine License Fees. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommenda- tion. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall reported the Ordinance Committee reports fav- orably on the proposed Ordinance and recommended its passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final read- ing, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that Ordinance No. 1658 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting ttAye, the motion unanimously carried. 350 y A proposed Ordinance amending Section 5-1:004 of Title V (Business Regula- tions) of Ordinance No. 1628, (changing shuffleboard license fees) was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall reported the Ordinance Committee reports favorably on the proposed Ord- inance and recommends its passage. Moved by Morris, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the committeets recommendation and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1659 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting "Aye'? the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Triirm opposed. Councilman Heppenstall reported the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed resolution granting and approving final plat submitted by Hallie Smiley (West portion of Block 16, Renton Highlands No. 2). The proposed resolution was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that Resolution No. 943 be adopted as read. Carried. A proposed resolution granting and approving final plat of Blocks 15 and 31, Suburban Heights No. 2, was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Bruce, that Resolution No. 944 be adopted as read. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall presented a proposed resolution granting and approv- ing the final plat of Blocks 12, 13, 149 36, 37 and 28, corrected plat of Renton Highlands No. 2. The City Clerk read the proposed resolution. Moved by Pinker- ton, seconded by Heppenstall, that Resolution No. 945 be adopted as read. Carried. A proposed resolution granting and approving final plat of Honey Creek Park was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Garrett, that Reso- lution No. 946 be adopted as read. Carried. Mayor Baxter introduced Mr. Frank Ames, newly-appointed manager of the Renton Airport. Councilman Trimm, Chairman, Fire and Water Committee, recommended the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute trModification of Franchise'? Agreement between the City of Seattle and City of Renton, on franchise granted by Renton pursuant to Ordinance No. 903, relative to replacement of existing four-inch connection with a six-inch line (Scenic Hill), between the Seattle Cedar River Pipeline and the Renton Water System, the City of Renton to pay currently applic- able rates. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation of the Fire and Water Committee and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the agreement. Carried. Councilman Morris recommended the City Council take action towards the annexa- tion of the Lake Washington Beach Property and Phillip Arnold Park. Moved by Morris, seconded by Heppenstall, that this matter of annexing these two sites be referred to the Property Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman, Street and Alley Committee, reported he had been contacted by the Retail Merchantts Parking Committee concerning a tract of land they could acquire for a parking lot and it was the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee that the City Council support this action. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Heppenstall, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Council President Heppenstall reminded the Council of the meeting of the Council as a Whole to be held at 7 otclock P.M., December 17th, for discussion on the Lake Washington Beach Site Plan. Chairman Bruce of the Property Committee reporter's Marina and Boat Works are interested in leasing river property recently vacated by Boeingts. The Committee recommended a rental fee of twenty cents (20¢) per running foot on approximately 1,000 feet of property involved, which would be a rental of $200 per month. It was the further recommendation of the committee that a lease agreement be entered into on a one-year basis, with an option to renew for one year, and the rental to be renegotiated for the second years. It was so moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Reid, and carried. Moved by Reid, seconded by Heppenstall, that the meeting adjourn. There �T were nine persons present besides City Employees. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. The following claims having previously been approved by the Finance Committee, were approved: NOVEMBER, 1957 PAYROLL - ALL DEPTS. 161,544.32 CURRENT FUND 8,938.74 WATER FUND 13,493.19 LIBRARY FUND 667.38 PARK FUND 2,403.93 SEWER DISPOSAL FUND 1,901.13 RECREATION-SWIlMING POOL FUND 10.08 AIRPORT FUND 19698.99 CITY ST. FUND 7,610.89 SHOP E. R. FUND 20192.65 GARBAGE FUND 8,087.33 CIVILIAN DEFENSE FUND 111.88 FIR -MEN'S PENSION FUND 608.20 CUMULATIVE FUND ##1182 270.61 OFF-ST. PARKING FUND 142.92 CEDAR RIVER MAINT. FUND 2.47 EMPLOYEES' PAYROLL SAVINGS FUND 150.00 SHOP E.R. FUND - PARK FUND REFUND 9.00 City Clerk Mayor NNW i I Renton, Washington December 17, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, GARRETT, HANSEN., SWIFT, DELAURENTI AND BRUCE. Councilmen Vietzke and Morris were excused. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Don Humble, Planning Director; James Dunstan, Superintendent of Utilities; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Harris McClaskey, Librarian and Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as corrected. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids on the Cityts 1958 requirements for Chlorine, the following bids were opened and read: BIDDER Per lb. - 100# container Per lb. - Ton Container F. 0. B. - Renton F. 0. B. - Tacoma Pennsalt of Washington Div. 0.125 0.0725 Van Waters & Rogers 0.125 0.0725 The bids being identical, and in compliance with Council policy to alternate such awards, moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the bids for Chlorine require- ments for 1958 be awarded to Pennsalt of Washington Division. Carried. The City Clerk reported he had prepared the following "Call for Bids" and rec- ommended January 14th as the date for opening of bids: 1) Mobile Radio Equipment - to be used in connection with the Highway Maint- enance System - the City to pay half and the Federal Government to supply matching funds. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, to approve this _ ttCall for Bids" and bids to be opened January 14th. Carried. 2) Three Sedans for the Police Department, with a trade in of two 1956 Ford Sedans. 3) One Radar Speed Control Unit. Moved by Heppenstall., seconded by Richardson, to approve ttCall for Bidstt on three sedans, with a trade in of two, and for Radar Control Unit, bid opening date, January 14th. Carried. Petition for annexation. of 125 acres in the lower Earlington area, occupied in part by Rollerland and Stratolanes Bowling Alley. The petitioners requested annexa- tion subject to the City saving their property from severance by, or abutting to, any State limited access highway, freeway, or road, as far as legally possible, further requesting a return to their present status in the county if this were not done. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that this petition be referred to the City Engineer and City Attorney to check and report back. Carried. Mayor's appointment of Richard Geissler, Franklin L. Todd and Arthur J. Pringle (high on Civil Service examination) as City Firemen for a probationary period of 12 months. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Richardson, to confirm the Mayorts appoint- ments. Carried. Invitation extended by the City Employees Club to Council Members and Department Heads to the seventh annual Christmas Party, December 21, 1957, to be held in Car- penter s Local Union Hall at 6:00 P.M. This communication was ordered placed on file. ..r Application for Punch Board Distributorts License from Weber Sales Co., Seattle. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that this request be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Request from Frederick E. Edwards, 239 Wells Street, for waiver of permit charge for sale of Christmas trees. City Attorney Shellan stated he would be required to rurchase a $12.00 business license. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that Mr. Edwards be so notified. Carried. s 13 Communication from H. Donald Gouge, Attorney, relative to conditional variance granted Mr. Shane on December 3, 1957. It was requested that the Renton City Council delete from this previously granted variance, that portion imposing restrictions. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Richardson, that the restriction imposed in the variance be deleted. Following a discussion it was the consensus of opinion that prior to the Council taking any stand on this matter, an on she-spot investigation of the property in question be made. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that this motion be tabled until next Tuesdayts Council meeting. Carried. A letter from Harris C. McClaskey, Librarian, submitting the recently adopted rules for the government of the Board of Library Trustees of the Renton Public Library and Library Monthly Report, was read for Council information. Mayor Baxter commended the Librarian and the Library Board on the adoption of these regulations. City Engineer's letter concerning the following improvements requested by Boeing Airplane Company: 1) Mercury vapor street lighting Logan Street north of.6th Avenue North, 2) Electric traffic signal on Logan Street at 8th Avenue North. 3) Sidewalk on north side of 6th Avenue N. from Burnett Street to Logan Street. This matter now in the hands of the Street and Alley Committee, it was moved by Reid, seconded by Garrett, that this communication be also referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. City Engineer's recommendation that payment of retained percentage in the amount of $2,296.62 be made to Joe Coluccio, Contractor for 11G" Place Sanitary Sewer and Water Line. The State Tax Commission has certified payment of State Excise Taxes, and no liens or claims have been filed with the City Clerk. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Pink- erton, to concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. Letter from City Engineer requesting clarification of conditions of Plat Approval. His communication stated the Planning Commission and City Council have not been consist- ent in imposing conditions of acceptance, with regard to approval of Plats. The City Engineer reauested the City Council adopt a policy of requiring improvements uniformly where new streets are dedicated in the plats, to provide him with authority to demand performance bond coverage in estimated amount of improvements prior to approval of the plat. Pending this action, the City Engineer is withholding release of the Honey Creek Final Plat. City Attorney Shellan suggested a meeting be held with the Planning Commission on the proposed Platting Ordinance at the earliest possible date. A second communication from the City Engineer concerning report of the Washington State Chapter of the American Public Works Association, called Construction Standardiz- ation Report No. 1. This report established standards for construction items most common to municipal improvements. The City Engineer recommended adoption of this re- port by the City Council in the manner required to provide authority to regulate plats. Mr. Phil Malone, Attorney for the owners of Ridgecrest No. 2, spoke from the aud- ience relative to the requirement that a performance bond in the amount of $6,000 be posted to insure completion of improvements to comply with the City's specifications within six months. Mr. Malone requested the time on this be extended to 18 months, and it was the opinion of the City Attorney and City Engineer that this could be allowed. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, to concur in the recommendation of the City Attorney and City Engineer relative to Plat of Ridgecrest No. 2. Carried. Copy of City Attorneyts letter to Washington Natural Gas Company, requesting pay- ment for damages in the amount of $788.05, resulting from work performed by their agents, Thorn & Marble, during gas main installations in the Renton Highlands in November and December, 1956. This communication was read for Council information. Copy of City .Attorneyts communication addressed to the City Treasurer, enclosing remittances in the amount of $93.07 from State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. and $186.13 from Allstate Insurance Co., covering the City's claim in the sum of $279.20 for damages to traffic light installation resulting from a two car accident near Second Avenue and Morris Street on September 25th. This communication to be placed on file. A protest was read from Durham & Guimpnt, Seattle attorneys representing the Washington Trailer Park Owners Association, relative to certain items in Trailer Park Ordinance No. 1642. Council President Heppenstall reported on the Council as a Whole Meeting with the Trailer Park Owners, and their attorney, Mx. Hugh Carney. The Committees rec- ommended the following changes be made in the Trailer Park Ordinance: 1) $50.00 minimum fee up to 25 trailer spaces, and $2.00 per trailer beyong that - with no inspection fee. 2) Registration requirement concerning "Place of last location and length of stay" be deleted. Mr. Carney thanked the Mayor and City Council for cooperation received in the consider- ation of the problems of the Trailer Park Owners. 6 0 Co-r-minicati.on from Boeing Airplane Company relative to additional hours of opera- tion of the ,Renton-Municipal Airport Control Tower. This communication to be referred to the Airport Board. A petition from women employees of the City Hall Staff, reauesting certain fac- ilities and/or improvements, was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that this matter be referred to the Property Committee for a report back. Carried. Permission requested from Jesse James for temporary use of one Truck Van Body, 7' by 101, for storage purposes at Car Sales Lot located at 103 Rainier Avenue. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hansen, that this request be referred to the Building Inspector for a report back. Carried. Recommendation of the Planning Commission that the City Council grant the var- iance request of A. P. Burzenski to allow a 14 foot 6-inch front yard, instead of the required 20 feet, due to bed rock formation of the land. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Heppenstall, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. Councilman Richardson presented a proposed Ordinance amending and repealing certain sections of Ordinance No. 1642, governing Trailer Parks, as recommended by the Council as a Whole. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Pink- erton, seconded by Swift, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reports favor- ably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that Ordinance No. 1661 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting "Aye" the motion unanimously carried. A proposed Ordinance amending Punchboard License Fees, Sections 5-1102, 5-1104 and 5-1105 of Title 5, Ordinance No. 1628, was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Garrett, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee and the proposed Ord- inance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. Moved by Garrett, second- ed by Richardson, that Ordinance No. 1660 be adopted as read. Carried. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting 'Aye, (with the exception of Swift ... and Bruce who abstained from voting as they had not heard the reading of the ordinance), motion carried. Council President Heppenstall reported on the Council as a Whole meeting relative to the Lake Washington Beach Property. Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent, showed the plans prepared by Mr. Charles De Turk, Park Designer. The Council as a Whole recommend- ed approval in general of these plans for the Lake Washington Beach Site and recommends the Park DTpartment be authorized to proceed with a topographical survey of the area. Moved by Richardson„seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation of the Council as a Whole. Carried. The Auditing and Accounting Committee was granted more time on Mr. Coulonts reauest for $1500 to correct a drainage problem in the vicinity of the swimming pool. Councilman Trimm requested information on repayment of funds borrowed from the Cedar River Park Acquisition Fund. The City Treasurer informed the Council the Mayor and City Clerk had signed the transfer for the repayment of these loans. More time was granted the Legislative Comni.ttee and Police and License Committee on the Police Department Local's requests concerning Social Security and increasing benefits of the Retirement System. Councilman Pinkerton requested a recess to permit the Council as a Whole to review complaints received from Shuffleboard Owners on fees applicable under the new Ordinance. MW The request of the City Clerk submitted to the Auditing and Accounting Committee in line with the State Auditorts suggestion that certain dormant and inactive ledger accounts be closed, and transfers made as follows: Williams St. Bridge Fund (Bond Issue) $1,539.96 to G. 0. Bonds Swimming Pool Construction (Bond Issue) 58.12 to G. 0. Bonds Street Constr. No. 45-168 165.64 Street Dept. Funds Old Swimming Pool Fund 9,359.35 Lake Wash. Beach Fund This matter was left in committee for further study. Moved by Swift, seconded by Trimm, that the next Council meeting which would fall on Christmas Eire, be cancelled. Carried. Councilman Swift called for a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee, Monday, January 6th, at g otclock P.M. Councilman Bruce reported it was the recommendation of the Property Committee that bids on the Cityts Gasoline requirements for 1958 be awarded to Signal Oil Company. Moved by Swift, seconded by Trimm, to concur in the recommendation of the committee and contract be awarded the Signal Oil Company. Carried. Reid, "Not'. The Property Committee suggested action be withheld on the annexation of the Lake Washington Beach Site and Phillip Arnold Park, as there is now under consideration a fairly large area for annexation, and this property could be included at that time. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman, Police and License Committee, given power to act on the bid received for two motorcycles for the Police Department, advised this award had been made to Dragerts Harley-Davidson Company. A recess was declared by Mayor Baxter for a discussion on Shuffleboard License Fees. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI AND BRUCE. Chairman Bruce of the Property Committee recommended that Mr. Walt Wills, Building Inspector, submit an estimate and specifications on needed improvements to the City Hall, and this be referred to the committee of the Council as a Whole. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. C� Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman, Police and License Committee, requested the Ord- inance covering Shuffleboards be amended to change the monthly fee to 'Q5.00 per month, and it was so moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pinkerton, and carried. Richardson opposed. Mo-red by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. There were twelve persons present beside City Employees. City Clerk Mayor rt c.,,. Renton, `Washington January 7, 1958 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HEPPFNSTALL, TRIMM, REID, RTCHARDSON, PINKFRTON, VIETZKE, MORRIS, GARRETT, HANSFN, SWIFT, DELATTRENTI AND BRUCE. OFFTCIA.T,S �f DEPARTMENT HEADS PRFSFNT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Don Humble, Plan- ning Director; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; James Dunstan, Superintendent of Utilities; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Harris McClaskeY, Librarian; CTene Coulan, Park Superintendent and Al Simonson, Comptroller. Moved by Reid, seconded by Bruce, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. Mavor Baxter requested concurrence in the following appointments: a) Mr. Alfred Simonson to the position of Comptroller for a six month pro- bationary period, starting January 1, 1958. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Vietzke, that this matter be referred to the Job Evaluation Committee. Carried. Council- man Reid opposed. b) Patrolmen to fill the new positions created in the 1958 budget, the fol- lowing individuals top five on the eligibility list, certified by the Civil Service Commission: John E. Buff, Wallace L. Hume, Arnold J. Hubner, John L. Fullenwider and Harold V. Knable, Jr. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Richardson, to concur in this appointments. Carried. c) Mr. Chet L. Day as a member of the Aviation Board to fill the unexpired term (to November 21, 1959) of Richard C. Clarke. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the appointment by the Mayor. Carried. d) Vernal Church to the position of Purchasing Agent effective January 2, 1958. Moved by Richardson, seconded by 'truce, to concur in this appointment. Carried. This being the date set for the hearing on the annexation petition submitted by Wallin and Fdwards on property lying between 81ith and 87th Avenues on South 124th, and recommended by the Plannins7 Commission, there being no protests, written or verbal, moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. A communication from the Northern Pacific Railway Co. to the City Attorney st4ting a study is being made relative to improving the condition of Public Grade Crossing at Third Avenue and Burnett Street was read for Council informa- tion. Reports from the City Engineer and City Attorney on petition for annexation involving 125 acres in the lower Farlington Area, occupied in part by Rollerland and Stratolanes Bowling Alley. The City Fngineer advised that signatures of property owners covered property valuation of over 75% meeting the requirement. The City Attorney's opinion was that the City can make no guarantee relative to saving property from severance bv, or abuttin7 to, any State Highway, or per- mission to withdraw from the City in the event of such occurrence; therefore, this petition, as presented, cannot be legally entertained. Moved by Reid, seconded by Garrett, that this annexation petition be rejected and the petition- ers be so notified. Carried. Communication from the City Plannin:, Commission recommending the City Coun- cil approve their following resolutions: 1) Grant variance request of G.Nakashima to allow the extension of smaller greenhouse to be in line with the others. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Richardson, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and grant this variance request. Carried. 2) Approve rezoning request of Val Airey on described property (Lots 5 through 8, Block h, Renton Highlands), from R-1 to P,-1, and 3) approve Rardessono petition for re- 7onin7 Lots 18 through 24, from P-1 to R-1. Planning Director Hiznble informed the Council he felt these were not valid requests, as the terms of Ordinance governing had not been met, since plat plans indicating existing buildings, if any, and proposed buildings, had not been submit ted. Moved by Richardson, sec- onded by Pinkerton to reject the rezoning requests of Airey and Bardessono, and the Planning Commission be informed of reasons for non-concurrence in their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall abstained from voting. h) Deny request of H.C. Lee for rezoning of Tract A, Block 26B, Renton Highlands, from SR-1 to R-3. A letter was read from Mr. Lee reeuesting the Council delay action ``5 on this request until he could be present, the second Tuesday in January, Moved by Morris, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Following a discussion on Mr. Lee's request for post- nonement of action, moved by Morris, seconded by Trimm, that the motion be tabled until the next regular meeting. Carried. A second communication from the Planning Commission was read recommending the variance request of the Nazarene Church be allowed, if adequate parking for both the existing structure and the proposed building were provided. Moved by Pinkerton., seconded by Swift, that action be postponed for one week to allow investi+-ation of this matter. Carried. Communication from City Engineer Highton concerning signal Oil Company's variance request to construct extra width driveways to their new service station, under construction at Lith Avenue North and Park Street, original request referred to the Planning Commission and by them to the Engineer's Office. The City Engineer recommended the granting of this variance, pro- vided the two driveways are restricted to 25 feet each. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Vietzke, that the matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee, to confer with the Traffic Division and report back. Carried. Request from H. Donald Gouge, representing Charles F. Shane, submitted through the City Engineer's Office, for a permit to build overhanging eaves over public right-of-way (on 8 units of 24-unit single apartments being con- structed 1/b mile west of Rainier .Ave., abutting PSH No. 2). Under re-con- sideration by the Council was a motion tabled at the Council meeting_ of December 17th to delete restriction imposed in the variance granted Mr. Shane December third. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Heppenstall to grant permit to Mr. Shane on requested construction of sidewalk and overhanging eaves, provided the City is furnished a Hold Harmless Agreement. Carried. Councilman Trimm opposed. Communications from Administrators Albert M. Cole and M.J. Herman, Housing and. Home Finance Agency, certifying that Workable Program of the City of Renton meets the requirements of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended. Under Section 101C the City is eligible for Federal assistance of type speci- fied, subject to applicable laws and other requirements. A 'Determination and Certification', together with a summary of the Workable Program was attached, and the City was commended for their efforts towards the elimin- ation and prevention of slums and blight. Read for Council information was a letter from the Washington Natural Gas Company concerning their request filed with the Washington Public Service Commission for permission tr increase rates as of February 5, 1958. A letter and resolution .from the Puget Sound Engineering Council favoring the services of Professional Engineers of Washington State before retaining out-of-state firms, was ordered placed on file. An invitation was read from the Renton Chamber of Commerce to attend their 34th annual banquet and installation of officers, to be held Wednesday evening, January R, in the Renton Hi-,h School Cafeteria Building. A communication was read from the Renton Library Board concerning problems relating to funds, faced by the Library in 1958. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the inlays and Means Committee for a report back. Carried. Communication from City Attorney Shellan, submit ting three copies of Easement Agreement executed by the Northern Pacific Railway Company and Boeing Airplane Company coverin7 the N.P. crossing at former Sth Avenue North. The City Attorney recommended the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to s; gn this agreement, as it supersedes a former easement held by the City prior to vaca- ticn of 8th Avenue North. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation of the City Attorney. Carried. Various requests for renewal of licenses on Ice Cream Distribution, Punch- boards, Pinball Machines and Cabs, was read by the City Clerk, and on motion of Richardson, seconded by Reid, referred to the Police and License Committee# with Power to Act. Carried. Recommendation from the Housing Authority of Renton, Board of Commissioners, that proposed 100 units of low-rent housing be located in Block 30, mor rected Plat, Renton Highlands No. 2. Mnved by Richardson, seconded by Pinkerton, that this matter be referred to the Council as a whole and a date be set for this meeting. Carried. Communication from Superintendent of Buildings, INTalt Will, granting per- mission to Jesse James for temporary use of one Truck Van Body, for storage purposes, at Car Sales Lot located at 103 Rainier Avenue. Mr. Wills made the further recommendation that resolution be drawn up to allow two temporary buildings to each used car lot, the office building not to exceed 10' by 121, or 120 square feet and the accessory building 8' by 101, or 80 square feet, subject to Fire ?epa.rtment inspection. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that this recommendation be referred to the Ordi- nance Committee for study and report back. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a five-minute recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. R^T1 CALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, PINKFRTON, VIRTZKE, MORRIS, GARRETT, HANSEN, SGTIFT, DFLAURENTI AND BRUCE. Councilman Reid renor ted the Puget Sound Power and Light Company had been contacted relative to light installations at First Avenue North, Talbot Flill, and Logan Avenue near the Hidh School. Councilman Trimm reported on the proposed Comprehensive Plan for location of sewer and water lines. A proposed resolution whereby the City requests Planning Assistance through the State Department of Commerce and Economic de- velopment, and financial assistance from the Urban Penewal Administration, as authorized by Section 701., Housing Act of 1.9114, was read by the City Clerk. Provisions of this ,resol,ition are (a) payment to the State Dpnprtre.nt of Com- merce and Economic Develonment of stun not to exceed 16,000, and (b) use of City's personnel for technical assistance at estimated value of $-6,000, which would represent one-half of the estimated total cost of P21i,000, the other half to be provided through Federal Aid. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Resolution No. 918 as read. Carried. Councilman Richardson requested a meeting of the Ordinance Committee with the City Attorney and Mayor in the Mayor's Office, Tuesday, January 21st at 7:30 P.M. Councilman Pinkerton requested more time on the proposal for increasing from $300 to '!OO the limit for contributions and benefits of the Statewide City Fmplovees Retirement System, in order to meet with the City Employees' Club on this matter. On the request for approval and support in securing legislation to pro- vide Social Security Benefits for Police Officers, a resolution to this effect is to be held un one week, on the advice of the City Attorney, for a study by the Chief of Police. Councilman Pinkerton also requested a progress report on Mr. Hugh Malone's requested clarification of water meter service charges; referred to the Fire and Grater Committee. Councilman Trimm reported that charges for such installa- tions are insufficient to cover the City's cost, and it may be necessary to in- crease same. Councilman Vie tike requested a report from the City Engineer on the cost of asphalt surfacing for Burnett Street and Seventh Avenue. The City Engineer informed the Council that no funds have been budgeted for this purpose. Moved by PeLaurenti, seconded by Vie tzke, that the City Engineer and Street Superin- tendent prepare a cost estimate for asphalting Burnett Street and Seventh Ave. , in order that this item may be included in next year's budget. Carried. Councilman Hansen, Chairman, reported it was the recommendation of the Aud- iting and Accounting Committee that the A1500.00 requested by the Park Super- intendent to provide adequate drainage adjacent to the Swimming Pool, be charged to the OLD SWIMMING POOL FUND. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Richardson, to concur in the recommendation of the Auditing and Accounting Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift reported on Traffic Division evaluations on Boeing's re- commendations concerning pedestrian safety_ , referred to the Street and Alley Committee: 1) Intersection of 6th North and Logan, pedestrian walk needed on north side of Sixth Avenue. The Street and Alley Committee recommended that, Boeing Transport Division be notified that abutting property owner is re- sponsible for the building and maintenance of the sidewalk, the City Eng- ineer to provide assistance on that portion of property across the rail- road tracks. 2) City to provide crosswalk at Eighth North and Park Street. 3) City to install four mercury li7hts on Logan Street, from Sixth N. to Eighth North. 4) Requested traffic control systems for 8th North and Park, and 8th North and Loma.n Street cannot be provided at this time, due to lack of budgeted funds. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the Street and Alley Committee's recommendations, and the Engineering Department notify Boeing's Transport Division of action taken. Carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Vietzke, that the follow up on light installations be transferred from the Street and Alley Committee to the Li7ht and Power Committee. Carried. Council President Heppenstall called for a meeting of the Council as a Whole, Tuesday, January loth, at 7 o'clock P.M. Councilman Brucd, Chairman, reported it was the recommendation of the Property Committee that facilities and/or improvements requested in a petition by -omen employees of the City Hall Staff, be authorized. Plan- ning Director Humble advised that these requirements will be included in the building alteration estimates now being made. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee and findings be referred to the Housing Authority. Carried. Councilman Vietzke requested information on lighting for City Hall parking lots. Planning Director Humble stated the lights are on surplus at the Airport and this will be accomplished as soon as personnel is able to do so. Councilman Pinkerton reportedon difficulties encountered by truck drivers who ordinarily patronize the Airport Inn and Lena.'s Cafe, due to CA parking restrictions (Airport ?Tay west of Logan Street). His recommendation L.� was that the Street and Alley Committee investigate this location, to deter- mine if parking could be allowed during the lunch period, or for a shirt 14 time d1iring the day. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded_by Vietzke, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for a report ?-ack. In a discussion that followed, and a report by the City Engineer, the coneensus of opinion on this matter was that the traffic pattern would not allow any lifting of narking restrictions. Motion failed to carry. Councilman Swift called for a meetingof the Street and Alley Committee Monday, January 13th, at 8 O'clock P.M. Councilman Swift reported it was the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee to authorize Calls for Bids on a new street Sweeper, a new Scoop, and 3/4 Ton Pick-up Truck, as replacement for existing equipment, which is to be turned in. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti called for a meeting of the ?olice and License Committee, Monday, Ja. nuary 13th, at 7:30 P.M., requesting the presence of the City Clerk., Chief of Police, City Treasurer and City Attorney. Mr. H.H. Smiley, from the audience, requested that a Public meeting be held on proposed location of Low-Cost Housin7 Units, or actual consideration not come before the Council until two weeks. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Richardson, that definite action with regard to location of Low-Cost Housing Units will be withheld until a Puhlic Hearing has been held. Carried. Mr. Charles Shane presented his objections to the Highlands Location for the proposed Low-Cost Housing. Moved by DeLaurenti , seccnded by Bruce, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. There were 29 persons present in addition to City Employees. 1ty Clerk' May Renton, TiTashimton Janupry lb, 1958 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. T3axter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL : HEPPENSTALL, TRIMM, R.ETD, PTNKrRTON, VIFT7.KF, MORRIS, GARRPTT, HANSERT, SN7PT, DFLAURFDTTI AND BRUCE. Councilman Richardson was excused. OFFICTALS R, DEPARTMENT H7.0S PRESENT: Berard Shellan, City Attorney, Ang Rusato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief. Elton Alexander, City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer; Dom Humble, Planning Director; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; James Dunstan, Siiperinten dent of Utilities: Harris Mc- Claskev, .Librarian and Al Simonson, Comptroller. aw Moved by Bruce, Seconded b- Garrett, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. This being the date set for the opening bids on three sedans for the Police Department, trade in of two; Radar Speed Ccntrol unit and Mobile Radio Equipment (Trade in), the followinn bids were opened and read- Three Sedans for Police Dept. - Trade in of Two: BIDDER Automatic Trans. Standard Trans. Type T,,illiams Rr. Swanson ,066-50 S416';114.00 c,h'� evrolet prank Rhodes 15805.06 1x,232.97 Rambler Pope Ford b i L57.66 --- Ford Clarke Bros. 5.760.00 x,326.00 Dodge Above figures inclule state sales tax, delivery F.O.B. Renton. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that these bids be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Mobile Radio Equipment- ?3IDD R Bid SS Tax Total Credit-Trade-in Net Bid Motorola Co. 78,560.00 7 TO-70-5 �.8�90.00 330.00 : 576 .�� 50° Federal Funds . . . . . 4,2RO.00 50% City Funds . . . . . . 11,280.00 Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, that this matter be referred to the Property Committee and the Radio Technician to report back. Carried. One Radar Sneed Control Unit- RTT.)DER Bid Tax Total ?aid Monument Engr. $1-;97.00 3.19 M'l, .19 Moved by Swift, seconded by Reid, that these bids be referred to the Police and License Committee and Radio Technician with Power to Act. Carried. Consideration of Mr. Lee's request to rezone 'Tract A. Block 268, Renton Hic-hlands, from SR-1 to R-3, postponed one week to permit Mr. Lee to appear in his own be- half, was again brought before the Council. The Planning Commission had recommended this request be denied. A motion by Morris, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission, tabled until this meeting, was brought on the floor. Mr. Lee presented data on the City's need for apartments of the type he proposes to build, and the desirability of this location, submitting fur- ther a netiti.on favorable to this rezoning, signed by some of the adjacent property oTtmers, also presenting a sketch of the property involved. Mr. H.H. Smiley, .from the audience, suggested a comprehensive plan is needed, with provision for high density for apartments, with a possible R-b zoning. Objections to the proposed rezoning were presented by Alden See, Jr., Iidy 7,aputil, Alden See, Jr., Jack liodge and Mr. Cherl es Strand of 592 J St. Mr. Jim Denzer, Chairman, explained the Plan- ning Commission's opposition to a change in the present zonin��, which had been de- veloped b7.T the Plannin- director, and approved by the Planning Commission and City Council. A vote on the motion carried. A communication T,7as read from Frank A. Henry, Chairman, Negotiating Com- mittee, Renton Police Department, recommending the adoption of a resolution to provide members of the Renton Police Department with Social Securitv Coverage. A proposed resolution requesting amendments to the "Social Security Program" and enabling state le,-islatien3 was read by the City Clerk. The Police and Lic- ense, and Le �W2 the City Council: 1. Mercury vapor street lighting on Logan Street - 4700.00, 2. Pedestrian Cross Walk - Park Street - Cost negligible unless overhead sign indicated, in which case the cost estimated at "`200.00, 3. City Engineer has informed Boeings that funds were not budgeted (estimated cost X6,000.00) to provide electric traffic signals at 8th and Loran and 8th and Park. 4. Concrete sidewalk on 6th Avenue North - Total estima ted cost - ` 825.00 City participation cost - 450.00 Mr..Howard Kienkle of Boeing stressed the urgent need .for the lichts on Logan Street and sidewalk at 6th Avenue and Loan. On Item 1 above; Councilman Reid felt the cost of this street lighting could be reluced to anproximately X525, becuase of some equipment on hand, Moved by Vietzke, seconded ^v Hansen, that the matter of financing street lir~ht- inr on Logan Street be referred to the Ways and Means Committee ,)dth a report back. Carried. Item 2: Councilman Swift stated that on the requested pedestrian cross -alk, the only requirement would be paint striping. Item 1_: : Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, that funds for the sidewalk across the Northern Pacific Right-of NTay, Loran street to the Boeing Parking Lot, he taken from Cumulative Fund No. 1184. Carried. Councilman Swift stated that an �$ easement should be secured from the Northern Pacific Ra`1•ray, also that Boeing I r.) have been notified and agreed to quit claim that porton south of their property < and they will participate in the cost. It had been/.Wther recommendation that this be a Contract Job, and each party pay their share to the contractor. �.J A discussion wa7 held on the need for sidewalk on Sixth Ave. N to extend from Boein7 Parking Lot to Park Street, existing conditions being especially hazardous for school children. Moved br Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, that the section owned by the Park Department '-e referred to the City Engineer for cost estimate on both concrete and blacktop su&cing. Carried. The following transfers from dormant and inactive led?er accounts were recommended by the Auditin7 and Accounting Committee: Fund Amount Transfer to Williams St. T'ridge Fund (Bond Issue) 0-17, G.O. '.lend Fund Swimming Pool Construction (Bond Is-iie) 58.12 G.O. Bond Pond Street Constr. No. 45-168 165.64 Street Dept. Fund Moved by Bruce, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of the AudLing and Accountinq committee. Carried Councilman "ietzke, Chairman, reported it ,Tas the recommendation of the .^.rays and Means Committee on the problem of.library finances, that a transfer of x'7500.00 be made from the Cedar River Acquisition Fund to the Library Fund, with repayment not later than December 1, 19158. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Hansen, to con- cur in the recommendation of the '­'ays and Means Committee. Carried. On a question of Mr. McClaskey, Librarian, it eras determined that no a ,tion has been taken on a previous indebtedness of the Library in the amount of !"5,000.00. Councilman Swift reported on the variance request of Signal Oil ¢omoany to construct extra width driveways at their station, 4th P7.renue ?,Torth and Paf'k. It was recommended that permit be granted to construct two 25t driveways, with islands to the East and ".gest to !)e 10t and center island 30t . Moved by Garrett, seconded by 11ansen, to concur in the recommenda-ion of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti reported on a meeting held on renewal applications for Pinball Machine master Licenses, referred to the ?olice and Ticense Committee with rower to act. These renewals 'nave been approved with certain recommendations con- cerning the policing. Coinncilman Delaurenti reported on a compromise settlemen-f-• on Theatre License Fees, whereby a payment of �' 00.00 would be made bs- Mr. Fey in full compromise of his previous license fee obligations. The Committee further recommended a re- duction of the present license fee to "12.00 ner year per theatre, the proper Ordinance to be drafted. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Jietzke, to concur in the re- commendation of the Police and License Committee and the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. The Police and License Committee also reported on a hearin7 held with a group of Punch Board Distributors relative to fees. The Committee recommended no change be made, and the City Clerk was instr,icted to adhere to the present ordinance cov- erinu. Councilman Heppenstall reported on the following recommendations of the Council as a Whole: Y y�S 1. The Council not concur in the Housine Authority recommendation for the location of Low-Cost Tiousin7 TTnits in Block 30, Renton 'Highlands, and requested the Housing Authority to notify the ?ubli.c Housing Administration of the Coun- cil's action. Mo-7 ed by Vietzke, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recom- mendation of the Council as a whole. Carried.. 2. Propose a change in zoning of Block 30, Renton Highlands, from R-3 to 11-2, and the lloiasing Authority, Planning Commission and Public Housing? Adminis- tration be so informed. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the recommendation of the Council. as a whole and this matter be referred to the Planninn Commission for consideration. Carried. Councilman Trimm opposed, as he `'elt a further study was required. Co>>ncilman Pinkerton reported the Street Department is clearing the triang- ular section of 5th and E Street, and the residents of the area have expressed their appreciation. Mayor Paxter, declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: HLPPENSTALL, TRIM', RFTD, PINKFRTON, TIIET7K7, MORRIS, rARRFTT, HAY SEN I S?•?TFT, DFLATTRENTI ANT) 9RTTCE. Councilman ''ietzke reported the 'days and Means Committee recommended the funds for installation of the merc-ry vapor street lighting on Loran St. be ta'�en from Cumnl;�tive Fund 1184. Moved by Reid, seconded by Swift, to concur in the recommendation of the 1-1ays z_ Means Committee and the lights be installed Carried. Councilman Heppenstall, Chairman, J^b Evaluation Committee, recommended con- currence in the Yayor's appointment of Alfred Simonson as Comptroller, for six month probationary period. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the committee's recommendation on this appointment. Carried. The Pla nninr7 Commission's recommendation to allo,T the variance request of the Nazarene Church, postponed for one week for investigation, was re-submitted to the Council. Moved by rTarrett, seconded by Vietzke, to grant the variance. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall, presented a proposed resolution authorizing -the transfer of P7,500.00 from the Cedar River Park Acquisition Fund to the Library P'und as a loan, repayable not later than the lst day of December, 1959. The City Clerk read the proposed. resolution. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Vietzke to adop,v Resolution Ne. 949 as read. Carried. A proposed Ordinance providing for transfers of funds between reneral classes and expenditures was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Pel- aurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall reported the Ordinance Committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final readinn. Carried. After the second and final readin-, moved by Swift, seconded by ')elaurenti , that Ordinance No. 166? be adopted as read. A roll call .rote being taken, and all Councilmen present voting "Aye", except - Trimm who abstained, the motion carried. Councilman Heppenstall presented a proposed Ordinance annexing certain ter- ritr-ry to the City of Renton (Wallin R, Edwards petition - property located be- tween 8bth and 87th Avenues on South l?bth ). The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Council- man Heppenstall reported the Ordinance Committee reports favorably on the pro- posed Ordinance and recommends its passa-e. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Reid, that the proposed Ordinance be olaced on its second and final reading;. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, that Ordinance No. 1663 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being- taken, and all Councilmen present voting "AyLa" the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman, reported that the ?day Stops at nth Avenue and Shattuck Street, near the Renton Hospital, used during the reroutin.* of traffic due to construction at the TTnderpass, had res .lted in better control at that intersection, and better protection for school children. The Street and Alley Committee recommended the 4-wav stops at this intersection be :made on a permanent basis. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Heppenstall, to concur in the recommendation of the committee and the matter be referred to the Ordin- ance Committee, Carried. G Councilman Swift reported on difficulties of the Hanks in the handling of their parkin- lots. It --Tas the recommendation of the police Traffic Division, and the Street and Alley Committee, that the City of Renton write the two bank- in- institutions to determine if an arrangement could be made whereby the City would he granted an easement or permit to the hanks' parkin* areas, the City to install parkin+7 meters for slach_ periods as may be agreed upon, and police same, The period for such easement or permit to be of sufficient duration to allow amortization of the cost Fnd installation of meters, whereafter the re- venue could '-)e shared on an equitable basis to be agreed upon. The timin,7 of the parking meters would also be subject to agreement ',)y both parties, the Street and Alley Committee recommending a possible 30-minute basis. roved by Heppenstall, seconded by Hruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee, the City Attorney and City Clerk to draft the letters to the banks. Carried. r Councilman Swift further reported that he had been informed by the owners of a Boarding House on ''ark Street of hardship ca�ised by the extension of parking restrictions (6th N. tc 4th N. to conform with Pth to 6th N.) ree_uest- ing that some adjustment be made durin7 non-peak hours. The committee would be willinF, to consider some revision, with the cooperation of the Traffic Division, ffeved by ?Timm, seconded by 0-1aurenti, that this matter be referred to the Public Relations Committee. Carried. Councilman Hruce announced the Property Comrission -mould hold a meeting C,g with William Davis, Insurance Commissioner, in the latter's office , and in- vited any interested Council members to attend. (Saturday at 10 o'clock) Moved by Delaurenti, seconded tin- Bruce, that the meeting adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 10:2r p.m. The re were 33 persons present in addition to City employees. l City Clerk mayr The following claims for the month of December, 1957, having previously been app- roved by the Finance Committee, were approved: PAYROLL - ALL DEPTS. $62,807.07 CURRENT FUND 26,788.52 WATER FUND 20,396.22 LIBRARY FUND 868.35 PARK FUND 91613.31 RECREATION-SWIMMING POOL FUND 2.00 SEWER DISPOSAL FUND 29130.29 AIRPORT FUND 50875.87 CITY ST. FUND 18,647.91 SHOP E. R. FUND 5,901.30 GARBAGE FUND 169559.24 CIVIL DEFENSE FUND 83.13 FIREMENtS PENSION FUND 715.00 OFF-ST. PARKING FUND 169.28 EMPLOYEESt PAYROLL SAVING BONDS FUND 56.25 Renton, Washington January 21, 19K8 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. T?axter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL C ALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRTMM, RFID, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, VIETZKE, "ORRIS, GARRETT, HANSFN, StJIIrT AND RRTTCF,. Councilman Delaurenti was excused. OFG'ICIALS AND DEPARTMENT Y7ADS PRFTS NI T: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Ang 13usato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexan der, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Janes Hi?hton, City Engineer; Don Humble, Planning Director; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; Janes ihinsten, Superintendent of Utilities; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Alfred Simonson, Comptroller. Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, that the minutes of the previous meetin- be approved as written. Carried. A letter of appreciation from the Renton Retail Merchants Association for i?se of Tonkin's Park during recent Christmas promotion, was ordered placed on file. Communications were read from the Seattle-First National Bank and the Peoples National Bank concerning the Street and Alley Committee's suggestions for the use and operation of bank parking areas. Mry ed by Richardson, second- ed by Bruce, that these communications be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Communication from the Planning Commission, recommending that the City Council approve the following resolutions, public hearings having been held: 1. Grant the rezoning petition of Barei and others, to rezone Block 17 from R-3 to B-1. The petitioners requested rezoning on the west half of Plock 17, but the Planning Commission felt the entire block should T-)e included. The City Attorney stated the only method by which property could be rezoned 1 other than by petition of property owners involved, is that the Council, on it's own motion, could do so, after it has been referred to the Planning Com- mission for recommendations, and a hearing held. Moved by Heppenstall, second- ed econded by Bruce, to rezone described property in accordance with the petition as requested by Barei and others (for the west half of Block 17), from R-3 to 73-11 the balance to he referred back to the Planniru- Commission. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Pruce, that the authorized rezonin¢ be re- ferred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. 2. Grant variance request of Alec C. Van Dillon to construct Nine-Plex, on Lot 31, Block ),61 corrected plat of Renton Highlands No. 2. Councilman Trimm read an excerpt from the Planning Commission minutes of December 11th on the opinions expressed by Planning Director HTzmhle and Walt Will, Building Inspector, that this variance is net warranted as there are no circumstances or conditions peculiar to this land to deprive the owner -1 reasonable use, further that the bilildinns requested would not be n harmony with the SR-2 District. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Morris, that the City Council not con- cur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and the variance re- quest be denied. Carrie d. 3. Grant special permit and variance request of W.A. Harrison, to con- struct a Tri-plex on Lot 1, Blcck lt't, and 19' .rear yard, instead of the ?Cl required. Conditions being the same as on Item 2 above, moved by Trimm, se- conded by Pinkerton, to not concur in the Planning Commission recommendation, an ' the request be denied. Carried. The following resolutions were also recommended by the Planning Commission: h. Grant variance request of Peter Andreska, to move present house, as Highway 2A i_m taking over one-half of his property. Moved by Morris, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and grant this variance. Carried. K. Grant variance request of Frank C. Ausman, Lot 21 Block 5, (2nd and 'harden street) . Moved by Tjietzke, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and this variance be granted. Carried. 6. Accept final Plat of Bomarc Addition (north side of 12th N., east of Highland's reservoir). Moved by Trimm, seconded by Garrett, to adopt the final plat of Bomarc Addition. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Garrett, that this matter be referred to the City Attorney to draft the proper Ordinance- Carried. I U 3 6.115 Councilman Swift brought up the Planning Commission recommendation to the City Council, contained in their minutes of January 15th, to strike out the following portion of Section XXII 3.b, ?oning Ordinance: "the size, the use and location of existing building and buildings to be erected, and such other pertinent information as may be required by the Building Inspector", which it was felt needed clarification. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that this matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. The City Attorney's notice to Charles Shane on delinquent account, for services rendered in connection with the four-inch water main on Lind Street, was read for Council in-formation. Courcilman Richardson reported the Ordinance Committee would like to present a. proposed Ordinance amending Section 5-2202 of Title 5, Ordinance no. 16284 changing theatre license fees from A50 to Al2 per annum, per theatre. The proposed Ordinance was read by tee City Clerk. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Bruce, that the proposed Ordinance ',e referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Council-man Richardson reper ted the Ordinance Committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded b y Reid, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Bruce, seconded by rarrett, that Ordinance No. 1664 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all t.t'a Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. ca �= Councilman Bruce, Chairman, Property Committee, reported it was the tecommendation of the Property Committee and Radio Rnuieer that the bid sub- mitted by the Motorola Company in the amount of $83560.00 .for mobile radio equipment, be awarded. Fifty percent matching funds to be provi,jed by the Federal government and the city's portion is to be charged equally +.o the Water and Street `?ep artment Funds, as provided in the budget. Moved by "ietzke, seconded by "arrett to concur in the committee'd recommendation. Carried. Councilman Pruce farther recommended that the matter of proposed al- terati_ons to the City Hall be referred to the Council as a ?whole. Moved ITT 11r Richardson, seconded by Hepnenstal.l, to concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. - Councilman Reid requested the City Clerk to contact the Puget Sound Power and Light Comr)any relative to pithorized lic-ht installation at 11th Avenue & Sunset Highway, which has not been accomplished. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. There were nine persons present besides City Employees. The meeting al-curned at o o'clock P.t". ity le , E.L. Alexander Joe Paxter, Mayor 6 Renton, Washington January 28, 1958 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mairor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 ?.TT. ROLL CALL: HEP?ENSTALL, TRIM?, REID, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, ?IIF.TZKE, MORRIS, GARRETT, HANSEN. SWIFT, DELATTRRNTI.AND BRUCE. OFFICIALS A"TD DEPAR7,TENTIT HMADS PRE7,NT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea "Tossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Don Humble, Planning Director; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; James Thunstan, Superintendent of Utilities; Verm Church, Purchasing Agent; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Alfred Simonson, Comptroller. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by "Tarrett, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as ,ri-tten. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids on a Street Sweeper, Front End Loader and 3/4 Ton Pick Up truck, the following bids were opened and read: Street Sweeper Bidder Amount Tax Trade-In Net Columbia Fquipment Co. *131292 .00 . 1?L M1j,T 500.00 4,9.,23h.02 Feenauhty Machinery Co. 1151(')] .00 372.14 2,291.00 9,215.14 Sahlberg Equipment Co. 10,773.00 358.74 2,000.00 9,131.74 Bay Construction Co. 7,000.00 233.33 --- 7,233.33 Alternate 7,750.00 258.33 --- 82008.33 Totem Equipment Co. 12,750.00 425.00 800.00 12,375.00 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Harsen, that these kids be referred to the Street and Alley Committee to check and report bac'-. Carried. FRONT L'1\TD LOADER Bidder Amount Tax Trade-In Net Columbia Equipment Co. 1-1 9.00 1.58 2,,0.120 1937.58 Howard Cooper Corp. 15,733.00 523.90 3,000.00 13,256.90 Clyde Equipment Co. 16,64[.00 55h.83 3,199.83 11;,000.00 Totem Eq»i_pment• Co. 15,310.00 510.33 1,500.00 1L1320.33 ?Western Tractor g. Equip. 19,265.00 612.17 21800.00 17,108.17 it It Alternate 16,)122.00 5)j 7.140 21),90.00 14,479.40 A discussion followed on a number of bids submitted without the reaui_red 5% Bid Bond, and on advice of the City Attorney that the City Council could waive these irregularities, and allow these bids to be read, moved by Richardson, seconded by ?lie tzke, that these bids be read, to permit the committee to take all bids into consideration. Carried. Moved T-)y Richardson, seconded by Harsen, that these bids be referred to the Street and Allev Committee for a report back. Carried. Council- man Morris requested the Howard Cooper representative to send a letter to the Council on his remarks on the specifications for the leader. 3A TON PrCK TIP TRICK Bidder Amount Tax Trade-In Net Williams °- .SwariSon ' 0,1,92 .90 P6Tj.116 P190 ? 1,773.16 Clarke Bros. 119,1 .68 65.15 100.83 11919.00 Pope Ford 1,779.50 59.32 50.00 1,788.82 ^"oved by Richardson, seconded bTr Garrett, to refer these rids to the Street and Alley Committee for a report back. Carried. Councilman gwift reouested the City Engineer and Street Commissioner check the bids orior to the committee meet- ing. An application from the 0 K. Cab Company to license three taxi cabs was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Richardson, seconded b Pinkerton to refer this appli- cation to the Police and License Committee with poorer to act. Carried. Am appeal for a re-hearing by Mr. & Mrs. Alex C. VanDillon on variance re- ouested on construction of nine-plex apartment building, Lot 31, Block 36, Corrected Plat of Renton Hichlands No. 2. Mr. Van Dillon, speaking from the audience, ex- plained the request called for 22 foot rear yard depth, rather than the requirement of 25 feet. The Council, following a discussion upheld their contention that the conditions on this property do not deprive the owner of reasonable use and concurred in their previous action denying the variance. Request from W. A. Harrison for Council reconsideration of variance request on a Tri-plex to be located on Lot 1, Block h4, Corrected Plat, Renton Highlands No. 2, (Corner of 13th and I Street). The request was for a 19 foot set back, and a matter of more attractive design. Planning Director Humble stated that there were no conditions pertaining to this lot, not true of other lots in t1he area. The Council upheld their previous action to deny the variance request. i" �s � t+ A Communication was read from the Seattle-First National Bank concerning the Street and Alley Committee's suggestions for the operation of bank parking. areas, expressing the opinion that this arrangement would not be practical. Moved by Swift, seconded by Heppenstall, to declare the issue of off-street parking on banking lots closed. Carried. The Park Board's request for a loan of $15,000 in order to complete certain capital improvements prior to the summer months, was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pruce, that this matter be referred to the 'flays and Means Committee for a report back. Carried. Councilman Swift stated the problem is due to the fiscal ye4r beginning on January lst, rather than upon receipt of taxes. Moved by S.rift, seconded by Vietzke, that the Legislative Committee investigate the possibility of an amendment to change the fiscal year to start July 1st, and this proposal be presented to the Association of Washing- ton Cities. Carried. A communication from City Engineer Highton relative to City Council action on August 6th which initiated creation of an LID for a sanitary sewer system along Sunset Boulevard in the vicinity of Miller's Corner. The Engineering Department recommended the desinned 8-inch line be increase to 10-inches to serve the area north of Sunset Roulevard, and avoid duplication, the City to assume the difference in cost estimated at $1215.00. The City Engineer re- commended the necessary resolution be drafter and hearing date be set for Feb- ruary 25th. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Hansen, that the Finance Committee a report back at the next Council meeting on source of funds for the additional cost. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and the resolution be drafted, with hearing date set for February 25th. Carried. Proposal from Pacific Northwest Company relative to the City's desire to investigate the financial feasibility of issuing additional Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, to finance certain contemplated utility improvements. This firm, retained jointly with Bramhall & Stein in 1952, would agree to an ex- tension of original agreement for a period of two years from this date, with the provision they be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expense not to exceed $100.000 if no bond issue were marketed within 12 months. Moved by Heppenstall seconded by Bruce, that the expenditure not to exceed $100.00 be authorized, if required. Carried. Report from City Attorney Shellan on the City's claim vs. Thorn and Marble, and Washington Natural Gas Company, for damages in the amount of $788.05 to the City's water line. A check for partial payment of the amount of 20% was attached, from the Disbursing Agent in bankruptcy proceedings of Thorn and Marble. The Washington Natural Gas Company has assured the City payment in full on or before February 9, 1958. Communication from the Renton Plannin7 Commission recommending the City Council aporove the following resolutions: 1. Grant rezoning E.portion of- Block 16, Corrected Plat of Renton High- lands No. 2, from SR-1 to R-1. Councilman Morris felt the original zoning should be adhered to. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the Council not concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission in regard to the rezoning of this property. Mr. Smiley explained the lots would still be over 22 times the area required for R-1 zoning, and approximately 2/3 larger than the SR-1 requirement. The problem confronting Mr. Smiley is the power line easement in front of his lots. Mr. Denzer, Chdirman and Mr. Peretti, Secretary, explained the Planning Commission's reasons for recommending approval of this rezoning. A vote on the motion lost. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Heppenstall, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve the rezoning. Carried. 2. Grant additional permit for the erection of a lighted sign by the Calvary Baptist Church, at the Southeast corner of the intersection of I "E" Street and Sunset Boulevard. It was determined that this sign would be placed well back from the right of way, and that there are no houses immediately adjacent. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and permit the installation of this sign. Carried. 3. Accomplish the rezoning of West half of "loc:- 17, from R-3 to B-1, suggesting the property owners affected by notified by mail. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by 'Teppenstall, that the City Council concur in the recommendation of the Plannin7 Commission relative to proposed rezoning, the pr--perty owners to be notified as requested, and this matter be referred to the Planning Commission, Carried. Request from Comptroller Simonson to divert ?S5,7(X .00 appropriated to fence and landscape Kennydale Well Yard, to the following capital outlay items, contractual obligations that must be met by the Utilities Department: 1. Balance Due for C-clone Fence-Highland Reservoir - $12675.00 2. Balarce Due contractor-"Y."' Place 'dater Iine Relocation 673.1.3 3368 3. Emergency Pump (estimated cost) - 1,400. -10 Total - 13.,M.13 Balance - 11951.87 Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Richardson, that this matter be referred to the Fire and Water Committee for study and report back. Carried. Mayor Baxter requested concurrence in the following appointments: 1. Mr. Donald H. Gouge to fill the unexpired term of Tom Dobson, as a member of the Planning Commission, term to expire January 2, 1962. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the appointment by the Mayor. Carried. 2. Father Joseph Kramis to fill the unexpired term of Father Stephen Szeman as a member of the Park Board, term to expire June 1, 1958. Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in this appointment. Carried. Communication from City Engineer Highton relative to difficulty acountered in the installation of three of the four mercury vapor street lights on Logan Street, which were requested by Boeing. The three lights involve installation on Government Poles, which does not permit the Puget Sound Power zt Light Co. to perform the work at their expense. Installation could be made on Government Poles at City Expense and City Maintenance at a ,ost of $785.00, or new poles could be installed at City Expense with the Puget Sound Power '. Light Company to assume maintenace, city's cost $1,000.00. These estimated costs are in excess of funds allocated for the improvement. Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, that this matter be referred to the Light and Power Committee, to meet with Boeing. Carried. A communication was read from the City Comptroller recommending payment for Todd Protectograph Machine be made from Cumulative Fund No. 1184. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of the Comptroller. Carried. Communication from City Engineer Highton, relative to low bid submitted by Joe Coluccio in the amount of $4,927.90 on Sanitary Sewer Relocation in Repla t of Blocks 122 13, 149 369 37 and 39, Corrected Plat of Renton Highlands No. 2. The bid being within the 95,000.00 State limitation for their partici- pation, the City Engineer requested Council Approval. Moved by Reid, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. A proposed Resolution approving the final plat of Bomarc, an addition to the City of Renton (North side of 12th N., east of Highland's reservoir, was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Pinkerton, that Resolution No. 951 be adopted as read. Carried. Councilman Richardson presented a proposed Ordinance changing the zoning classification of certain property from R-3 to B-1describeddescribed as that portion of Lot 13, lying westerly of Grady Way, and lots 14 through 20, all located in Block 17. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that Ordinance No. 1665 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilman present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson presented a proposed Ordinance amending Section 2805 (a) 2 of Chapter 28 of the City of Renton Building Code, to permit used car lots two temporary buildings on their premises. The City Clerk read the pro- posed Ordinance. Moved by Delaurenti, seconddd by Garrett, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that the Ordinance Committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by ... Delaurenti, seconded by Pruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on it's second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that Ordinance No. 1666 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all councilmen voting "Aye" the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson called for a meeting of the Ordinance Committee with the Planning Director and City Attorney for Tuesday, February 18th at 7:30 P.M. Councilman Vietzke requested information on the repair of the Third Avenue and Burnett Street crossing and was informed by the City Engin er that if the Northern Pacific Railroad Company fails to do so the State Highway Department will perform this work when the weather permits. Councilman Morris requested the present status of the Council's recommend- ation to propose a change in the zoning of Block 30, Renton Highlands, from R-3 to R-29 the Housing Authority, Planning Commission and Public Housing Ad- ministration having been informed of this recommendation and the matter referred to the Planning Commission. Mayor Baxter will contact the Planning Commission. Councilman q arrett, Chairman, Sanitation Committee reported on a meeting with Street Commissioner Miller relative to the purchase of an emergency pump for the Utilities Departmert, and it was the recommendation of the committee that this purchase be authorized. Moved by Vie tike, seconded by Bruce, to con- cur in the recommendation of the Sanitation Committee. Carried. .�•• Councilman Swift called for a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee, requesting the presence of the Street Commissioner, Chief of Police and City Engineer, February Third at 8 o'clock P.M. Councilman Heppenstall, Chairman, Public Relations Committee, reported on meeting with Mrs. Forrest, owner of boarding house at 119 Park, relative to difficulties due to parking restrictions on Park Street. It was the recommend- ation of the committee that the Street and Alley Committee, with the Street Commissioner, investigate the possibility of a different time schedule on parking restrictions. and stagger no-parking areas on opposite sides of the street. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for further recommendation. Carried. Council President Heppenstall called for a meeting of the Council as a Whole, Tuesday, February 4th at 7 o'clock, to discuss proposed improvements to the City Hall, Councilman Bruce reported that the lights in the City Treasurer's office are inadequate to provide proper lighting and recommended this situation be corrected and needed fixtures installed. Moved by Vie tzke, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee to better the lighting system in the Treasurer's Office. Carried. Moved br Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the meeting adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 10:25 P.M. The Council Chambers were filled with visitors. Alexander, City Clerk 4-L Joe R.7 er, Mayor �1+ �1 U Renton, Washina-ton February 4, 1958 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRI"4, PINKERTON, VIE TIKE, MORRIS, G ARRET T, HAn1SEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI AND BRUCE. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, that Councilmen Reid and Richard- son be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DrPARTMFNT HEADS PRFS1NT: Gerard Shellan, Citv Attornev; Ang Pusato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James iighton, City Engineer; Don Humble, Plannin Director; Rueben Miller, Street Commissioner; James Dunstan, Superintendent of Utilities; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Alfred Simonson, Comptroller. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. Recommendation from City Engineer for a change in hearing date, from February 253, 1958 to March 4, 1958, on proposed Sanitary Sewer Local Improve- ment District along Sunset Boulevard and Tenth Avenue North. Moved by Trimm seconded by Vietzke, to concur in this recommendation. Carried. City Engineer's communication relative to ne7otiation of work for the relocation of water lines in Blocks 12, 13, 142 36, 37 and 38Renton High- lands, with Joe Coluccion, contractor, in the amount of $4,00L.17. The total cost for the sewer and water project, $82931.00, allowing a working balance of $1,069.90 from Federal Funds to cover engineering cost and certain work to be performed by the Water Department. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. A letter of apology was read from Howard Cooper Corporation, relative to objections made on loader specifications, at bid opening January 27th, due to a misunderstanding on specified tire size. Mayor's notice to Department Heads that requisitions for new equipment authorized in the 1958 Budget, be given to the Purchasing Agent, to call a blanket bid on these items. This communication placed on file. Petition signed by 27 property owners, beginning with Richard E. Lane, requesting vacation of 16-foot alley in Block 15, Renton Highlands Addition, aubtting Lots Ne. 1 to 3 inclusive, 5 to 9 inclusive, Lots 12 and 13, and 19 to 23 inclusive, agreein- to reserve unto the City a perpetual easement 10 feet in width for public utilities. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, to refer this petition to the City Engineer to check the validity of sign- atures. Carried. Petition signed by Robert C. Wilson and John K. Born, owners of Lots 7 and 8. Block 23, Renton Highlands, for vacation of 16-foot walkway extending from Sixth Avenue North to the Playground Area, reserving unto the City a 10- foot wide, center line easement for public utilities. A letter of explanation was read from John and Marion Porn. This walkway comprises part of area dedi- cated to the City for park and playground purposes, which the Park Board felt were not suitable for the purpose specified. A communication from the City Attorney, and copy of reply from the Public Housing Administration, concerning the two parcels of land dedicated to the City by the Government for park pur- poses, were read by the City Clerk. Three possible actions were suggested by the City Attorney: 1. Preserve the status quo. 2. Purchase from the Govern- ment without restrictions on the Deed, in whir:h event prior appraisals should be made. 3. Reconvey the areas to the Government. Moved by '3ruce, seconded by Hansen, that the pm posed vacation and communications from the City Attorney and Public Housing Administration, be referred to the Park Board for their recommendation. Carried. Petition bearing 17 signatures, beginning with Mathilda Houser, requesting they following improvements on Williams Street; 1. Widen Williams Street to at least 36 fvet 2. Install new water pipe from main to each lot. 3. Resurface Williams Street from Walla Walla to 5th Avenue. Councilman Trimm stated the resurfacing and widening, of Williams Street had been discussed during preparation of the budget, but funds were not available. The Street Commissioner was to prepare a cost estimate. A communication accompanying the petition mentioned problems arising from the parking of cars on both sides of the street. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Swift, that the parking situation be referred to the street and Alley Committee. Carried. A petition for vacation of that portion of South 131st lying between 87th and 88th Avenues South, si fined by four property owners, comprising one hundred per cent ownership, was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Vietzke, that this petition be referred to the City Engineer to check the validity of signatures, and to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. An application from Alameda Tavern to operate a public dance hall was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Delaurenti, that this request be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from the Washington State Department of Commerce and Economic Development relative to the City of Renton's application for federal match- ; ina funds for City Planning. Such funds are being allocated at the be- ginning of each quarter on a quota basis, priority being determined by the date of receipt of application. A protest was read from the greater King County Cosmetologists Associa- C1 tion to the opening of an additional Beauty School in the City of Renton. Moved by Swift, seconded by Vietzke, that this matter be referred tr, the City Attorney for his opinion and report back. Carried. U In a discus si.on on a suggested Ordinance regulating the number of Beauty Schools, the City Attorney stated such establishments are governed by State Law, and in his opinion the ordinance requested would be dis- criminatory, Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee for a review and report back. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall stated the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed resolution creating a Local Improvement District for a Sanitary Sewer System, to include portions of Sunset Boulevard and Tenth Avenue North (Miller's Corner). Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that Resolution No. 952 be adopted as read. Carried, Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Resolution be published twice, and notices be sent to property owners on the assessment roll. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall, member, Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance changing the zoning classifieation of certain property from SR-1 to R-1, described as Block 16 of Renton Highlands No. 2, less Skyland Heights No. 1. The proposed Ordinance was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their redommendation. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall reported the Ordinance Committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee, and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Jarrett, that Ordinance No. 1667 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting "Aye"" the motion Carrie d. Councilman Trimm, called for a meeting of Fire and Water Committee, 7:15 P.M., February 11th, requesting the presence of Comptroller Simonson and Superintendent of Utilities Dunstan, Councilman Vietzke reported on the Comptroller's request to transfer certain funds appropriated for the Kennydale Well Yard, and it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that this matter be transferred to the Fire and Water Committee. Carried. Councilman Morris asked if the Planning Commission had received the Council's recommendation to propose a change in the zoning of Block 3`, Renton Hiehlan ds, from R-3 to R-2, and was informed this is being taken care of. Councilman Swift, Chairman, reported it was the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee that the following bids be awarded: Street Sweeper to Feenaughty Machinery Company, net bid 09,245.14 Moved by�Delaurtenti, seconded by Hepoenstall, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee on the purchase of the sweeper. Carried. Front End loader to Columlta Equipment Company, net bid $9,340.58. Moved y ce, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recormendation of the committee and award this bid. Carried. 3/4 Ton Pick Up Truck to Pope Ford Company, net bid ` 1,788.82. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, to award the bid to Pope Ford Company. Carried. The matter of parking restrictions on ?ark Street referred to the Street and Alley Committee, following a recommendation by the Public Relations Com- mittee, is to be retained in committee for further consideration. Council President Heppenstall called for a meeting of the Council as a whole, February 17, at 7:30 P.M. requesting the presence of Mayor Baxter, Planning Director Humble, Park Superintendent Coulon and Building Superin- tendent Will, to discuss the development and proposed changes to certain municipal property. Council President Heppenstall reported it was the recommendation of the Council as a Whole relative to the expansion and usage of Municipal property, that the City Attorney by directed and authorized to make negotiations and if necessary condemnation, of property for municipal purposes, and the City Attorney be authorized to hire appraisers if. required. Moved by 'Bruce, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation of the Council as a Whole. Carried. On a report made by Councilman Pinkerton, it was moved by Pinkerton, sec- onded by Vie tike, that the Plannin7 Director contact the Housing Authority to replace a burned out flood light on E Street, across the street from the High- land Administration Build inF. Carried. Councilman Swift reported on the following recommendations of the Street and Alley Committee: 1. One-hour parking on Third Avenue North, from Park Street west to Pelly Street, with no parking allowed on the northwest corner of Third and Park, for thirty feet from the intersection. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in this recommendation. Carried. 2. Service repair trucks be allowed to pay for parking meter use in advance, by purchasing a windshield sticker at an annual fee of 06.00 per vehicle, any abuse of such privilege to result in immediate revocation of permit. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. In a discussion on the question Councilman Trimm proposed a hearing should be held on the matter first. A vote on the motion carried. Trimm opposed. 3. Street name changes designed to conform to the City Street Plan, re- commended by the City Engineer, and approved by John Lotto, Postmaster. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in this recommendation and the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. There were eleven persons present besides City employees. Alexander, Uity Clerk JoqzR,. Baxter, Mayor e following claims for the month of January, 1958, having previously been app ved by the Finance Committee, were approved: SALARY FUND $70,248.47 CURRENT FUND 3,284.10 OFF-ST. PARKING FUND 125.00 PARK & ATHLETIC FUND 78.77 LIBRARY FUND 1,566.92 ... AIRPORT FUND 100.10 PUBLIC WORKS REVOLVING FUND 659.64 FIREMENtS PENSION FUND 715.00 WATER FUND 10157.06 GARBAGE FUND 59.37 SEWAGE DISPOSAL FUND 85.91 LAKE WASH. BEACH IMP. FUND 80.00 EMP. PAYROLL SAVINGS BONDS FUND 56.25 Renton, Washington February ll, 1958 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.N. ROLI. CALL: TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, VIETZKE, MORRIS, GARRETT, SWIFT, DELAURENTI AND BRUCE. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Pinkerton, that Councilmen Heppenstall and Hansen be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, C`ty Attorney; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, i City Treasurer; Don Humble, Planning Director; Reuben Miller, Street Com- { missioner; Janes Dunstan, Superintendent of Utilities; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Alfred Simonson, Comptroller. I Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Reid, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. City Engineers check on petitions for the vacation of portion of South C"I 1.31st Street and the Alley in Block 15, Renton Highlands, recommending the t'.) two petitions be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and the City Engineer. Moved by Reid, seconded -by Vietzke, to concur in the recommendation of the Engineer. Carried, Purchasing Agent's request for permission to issue Call for Bids on the following items.: Water Department - 4 pick-up trucks, 1 passenger car; Street Department - 3 Dump trucks; Engineers - 1 Station Wagon; Motor Pool - 1 Passenger; Airport - 1 Station Waaon. Moved by Richardson, seconded YN Vietzke, that this matter be inferred to the Council as a Whole for consider- ation at their next meeting. Carried. Copy of City Attorney's letter relative to claim against the City of Renton for injuries sustained by Mrs. Rose E. Feaster. Moved by Swift, seconded by Vietzke, that this matter be referred to the Insurance Company. Carried. Mayor's reappointment of the following members of the City Expansion and Development Committee, term to expire October 1, 1958: Don Humble, Janes Highton, Walter Wills, Al Simonson, Gerard Shellan, Ray Heppenstall, James Denzer, John Bixby. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of the Mayor. Carried. City Atto rneyts letter relative to collection of the balance-due of M30.U, in the Cityts claim vs. Thorn and Marble and Washington Natural Gaa Company for damages to the Cityts water system in the Renton Highlands, total collection, $788.05. It was requested that any and all such claims be reported promptly to the proper department and processed without delay. Moved by Reid, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of the City Attorney, Carried. Letter from the Washington State Recreation Society adfising of the appoint- ment of Gene Conlon, Direction of Recreation, Renton in the following capacity: Treasurer, Chairman - Ways and Means Committee, member of Publications and Pub- lie Relations Committee, Conference Committee and Membership Committee. Request from Suburban Development Corporation and the Greater Renton Com- munity Builders to place a home of the ten thousand dollar class, for shoe pur- poses, on Mothers Park Property abutting Sixth Avenue North, for six month period, March 1st through August 31st. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Vietzke, that this matter be referred to the Property Committee and the Park Board for a report back. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported the Ordinance Committee would like to present a proposed Ordinance restricting parking on Third Avenue N. between Park Street Westerly to Pelly Street, to one hour only daily, except Sundays and holidays, and no parking allowed on the Northwest corner - Third North and Park, for 30 feet from the intersection. The proposed Ordinance was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. The Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by Pruce, seconded by Garrett, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that Ordinance No. 1668 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. i Councilman Richardson reported on the matter of a proposed Ordinance to regulate Beauty Parlors, which was referred to the Ordinance Committee for con- sideration. The Ordinance Committee felt that this proposed Ordinance was dis- criminatory and therefore recommended that the City Council do not adopt it as an Ordinance. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the re- commendation of the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Trimm, Chairman, Fire and Water Committee, reported on the Comptroller's request to transfer funds appropriated to fence and landscape Kennydale Well Yard, to the following items: Balance-due Cyclone Fence, High- land's Reservoir, "G" Place Water line relocation, and cost of emergency pump- total $3,718.13. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of the Fire and Water Committee. Carried. Councilman Reid reported it was the recommendation of the Light and Power Committee with regard to mercury street lights authorized for Lorran Street, north of 6th Aven--e North, that new poles be installed to conform to the gen- eral street lighting plan, estimated cost for installation, at City expense, $1,100.00. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendation of the Light and Power Committee, and funds be taken from Cumulative Fund No. 1182. Carried. Councilman Pinkerton reported that the flood light on E Street, across from the Highland Administration Building had not as yet been replaced. It was reported the Housing Authority had contacted the Puget Sound Power and Light Company. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Vietzke, that the matter be referred to the Light and Power Committee. Carried. Councilman Pinkerton reported that people in the vicinity of 7th Avenue N. and 9th Avenue N. on E Street, are incensed over traffice hazards in the area where Driver Licensing examinations are conducted by the Statep Moved by Pink- erton, seconded by Vietzke, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. Councilman Vietzke, reported it was the recommendation of the Ways and Means Committee that the $1 ,000.00 loan requested by the Park Department be taken from the Cedar River Park Acquisition Fund, to be repaid as soon as possible, but not later than December 1, 1958. Moved by Swift, seconded by Garrett, to .concur in the recommendation of the_.Ways and Means Committee. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the City Attorney prepare the necessary resolution. Carried. Councilman Morris proposed that the matter of street lighting in the Sub- urban Development Area South of 6th Avenue Norther in the Hiehlands, on J and K Streets and 4th Place between J and 5th Avenue North be referred to the Light and Power Committee. It was so moved by Morris, seconded by Pinkerton, and carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting adjourn. The meeting adjcurned at 8:110 P.M. Six persons were present besides City Employees. Alexander, City Clerk Joe ter, Mayor 75 Renton, Washington February 18, 1958 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mavor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HEPPF,NSTALL, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, PINKERT)N, V7 TIKE, M�)IRIS, GARRETT, SWIFT AND TRUCE. Councilmen Hansen and Delaurenti were excused. Officials & Department Heads Present: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang ... Pusato, Chief of Police; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Don 77umble, Planning Director; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Al Simonson, Comptroller. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Morris, that the minutes of the previous meet- ing be approved as written. Carried. jMayor's appointment of Mr. Ralph H. Niemeyer as fireman to fill Vacancy due to retirement of Charles Carbon, for probationary period of twelve months. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Swift, to confirm this appointment. Carried. 1Park Board's decision to deny the request of Robert C. Wilson and John K. Born, for vacation of 16 foot access between Lots 7 and $, Leading from 6th Ave- r�) nur North to the playground area, until a decision is made as to ultimate use or disposition of the property. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Morris, to concur in the recommendation of the Park Board. Carried. Communication from City Engineer Highton relative to certain discrepancies contained in the property description of land annexed under Ordinance No. 1.663. Moved by Swift, seconded by Reid, that this matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee and the City Attorney for correction. Carried. A petition for vacation of a portion of South 131st Street, from 90th Avenue South to 91st Avenue South was submitted by the City Engineer, recommending it be referred to the Plannin? Commission, who now have under consideration a petition to vacate South 132nd Street, lying between these two avenues. Moved by Reid, seconded by Bruce, that this matter be referred to the Planning Commission. Carried. Communication from Park Superintendent Coulon concerning two areas (4.3 acres) in the Renton Highlands, dedicated to the City by the Government for park purposes. In order to acquire this property without the present stipulation as to usage, the Park Board recommended the City make a nominal offer for the purchase of these areas, which are not suitable for parks. In event of resale, the park Board recommended any difference be set aside for park property acquisition. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Swift to concur in the recommendation of the Park Board. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall opposed. Moved by Swift, seconded b17 Richardson, that the Ways and Means Committee in- vestigate source of funds for acquisition of this property and the City Attorney be authorized to negotiate f or_ appraisal, in order to make a reasonable offer. Carried. A protest from Joe A. Kuffler on proposed LID for Sanitary Sewer System along Sunset Boulevard and Tenth Avenue N. was deferred until date of hearing, March 4th. Request from Associated Improvement Clubs to sell tickets at corner of Third Avenue at `dells Street between 2:00 and 5:00 P.M., Saturday, Pehruary 2?, 19582 an automobile bearing an advertising sign to be placed at that point, or place acceptable to the Council. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Vietzke, that this re- gaest be referred to the Police and License Committee with Power to Act. Carried. MMr A petition of protest to the licensing of any additional Beauty Schools in the City of Renton, signed by a representative group of beauticians and Beauty Shop Owners, was read by the City Clerk. A delegation of beauty operators requested the City Council consider an Ordinance that would limit the number of beauty schools, according to population. City Attorney Shellan expressed the opinion that such an Ordinance would be discriminatory, that 'restrictions could be imposed only in cases involving a police problem of morals, health or sanitation. Moved by Reid, seconded by Morris, that the Police and License Committee and the City Attorney investigate the Ordinances regulking beauty schools in the Cities of Everett, Bellingham, Van- couver, Longview and Pullman, and secure any information that can be obtained from the Association of Washin7ton Cities, to report back in two weeks. Carried. A proposed resolution to transfer X15,000.00 from the Cedar River Park Acquis- ition Fund to the Park Department was read b7 the City Clerk. Moved by Richardson seonded by ^arrett, that Resolution No. 953 be adopted as read. Carried. Councilman Reid was granted more time on the matter of street lighting in the Suburban Development Area in the Hi7hla.nds. Councilman Reid reported it was the recommendation of the Light and Power Com- mittee th4t two incandescent street lights be installed in front of the Highlands Administration Building. Councilman Pinkerton was assured that this would provide adequate lighting in the event a cross walk were located there. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. It was suggested by Councilman Richardson that a meeting should be arranged for discussion on proposed changes to the Platting Ordinance. Councilman Pinkerton reported on the proposal to change the Fiscal Year, which matter was referred to the Legislative Committee. Since this is govern- ed by State Law it would require legislative action to make such a change. In a discussion that followed it was recommended the Legislative Committee contin- ue their efforts towards having this proposal presented at the Association of Washington Cities Convention in May, er d securing support from some of the Valley Cities. Councilman Swift reported the Street and Alley Committee recommends the following changes in Parking Restrictions on Park Street as imposed in Ordinance No. 1656, be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Now Reads: "Parking of vehicles on Park Street between Fourth Avenue No. and Sixth Avenue North between the hours of 5:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. daily, ex- cept Sundays and I-Tolidays, is hereby prohibited". Proposed Change: Parking to be prohibited on the West Side of Park Street between fourth Avenue North and Sixth Avenue North, between P.M. to 5:00 P.M. only, except Sundays and Holidays. Parking on the East Side of same lo- cation, be prohibited between the hours of 6:00 A.M. to 9:m A.M. except Sun- days and Holidays, with a set back 100 feet from Park Street and 4th Avenue North to the north. Moved b- Heppenstall, seconded by Barrett, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Swift called for a street and Alley Committee Meeting, Monday, February 2hth at 8:00 P.M., with the Traffic Division, City Fngineer and Street dommissioner. Councilman Bruce stated it was the recommendation of the Property Committee and the 'ark Board that the request of the Suburban Development Corporation and WNW the greater Renton Community Builders to place a home for show purposes on Mothers Park Property, be denied. The applicants have been informed of this recommend- ation and have located a site directly across the street from the one requested. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. A report from the Committee of the Council as a Whole was submitted by Vern Morris, Council President Pro-Tem. 1. Recommends concurrence in the Purchasing Agent's request to issue Call for Bids on the following items: Water Department - 4 pickup trucks, 1 passen- ger cars Street Department - 3 dump trucks; Engineers - 1 Station Wagon; Motor Pool - 1 Passenger car; Airport - 1 Station Wagon. Bid opening date set for March 11th. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the re- commendation of the Council as a Whole. Carried. 2. Recommends a sub-committee of three 6ouncilmen, to work with the City Planner's Office to design the most economical way of utilizing the available floor space in the City Hall, or Addition thereto, if necessary, to meet present and future needs. Anpointed on this committee are George Swift, Walt Reid and Thomas Trimm. Moved b-r nichardson, seconded by Truce, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee, Carried. A petition submitted by residents of Sunset Heights, bearing* 10 signatures beginning with Robert W. Puhich, was read by the City Clerk. This petition re- quested lowering of the south bank at 5th Place North and Sunset Highway (pro- perty owned by Roger Peterson, one of the signers of petition), due to lack of vow visibility of oncoming traffic up Sunset Highway. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Pinkerton, that this petition be referred to the Street and Alley Committee with Power to Act. A discussion followed that this matter should be handled by the Street Commissioner and City Engineer. Councilman Pinkerton withdrew his second to the motion. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that this petition be referred to the Street Commissioner and City Enaineer with Power to Act. Vietzke opposed. Carried. Councilman Richardson directed the attention of Street Commissioner Tiller to an Article on Page 100 of the February issue of the American Cities magazine. Councilman Swift requested a meeting of the sub-committee of the Col,ncil as a Whole with the City Planner, Wednesday, February 19th, at 7:30 P.M. 3� g Council President Heppenstall requested the City Engineer, Planning Director, and Building Inspector conf^r on proposed changes to the Platting Ordinance in or,ler to present a revised Ordinance, approved by the City Attorney, four weeks from this date. The Council had previously agreed this matter should be placed in a smaller committee for study. Moved by pruce, seconded b,T Swift, that the meetinm adjourn. The meet- ing adjourned at 9:30 P.M. There were 14 persons present besides City Employees. OgL. A vow Joe . Ba ter, Mayor I i i f e' Renton, Washington February 25, 1958 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Moyor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: H�-PPPFNSTALL, TRIMM, PINKFRT ,11.9 VIET9.KE3 MORRIS, r.ARRETT, IWIFT DELAURRNTI AND BRUCE. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Delaurenti, that Councilmen Hansen, Reid and Richardson be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT 7AD9 PRFS7NT: (-erard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato? Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Now James Highton, City Engineer; Don Humble, Plannim Director; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; James Dunstan, Superintendent of Utilities; Vern Church, Ptrchasinp Agent and Al Simonson, Comptroller. Moved by Pruce, seconded by Orarrett, that the minutes of the previous meet- ing be approved as written. Carried. Communications from the City Attorney enclosing original assignment of lease from the Pacific Coast Railroad to the City, covering exchange of properties (Lake Washington beach), recommending repayment to the railroad of f1h.34, as the City had collected rent from Koss Tugboat Co. since December 1, 1957, The Railroad Co. had previously paid the annual 1957 rental to the Port of Seattle. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the City Attorney. Carried. A report from the City Engineer on total final quantities of work perform- ed by Joe Coluccion, Contractor, on relocation of Sanitary Sewers in the Renton Highlands, completed and approved on February 21 1958. After deduction of 15 percent retained, amount due the contractor is !�fi,07G.11, Council acceptance re- commended. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommenda- tion of the City Engineer. Carried. Request from owners of recently annexed property in the Earlington Area, for City of RentcnWater Service. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded }ry Vietzke, to refer this request to the Fire and Water Committee for a report back. Carried. Letter from the City Engineer requesting resolution to insure dedication of portion of Flack River Channel, reserving unto the City right of wain from Third Avenue at Rainier southerly to the Pacific Coast Railroad. A resolution to vacate waterway and shore lands, referred to as Black "liver Channel, to permit the City to extend existing streets across the port- ions vacated, or selected therefrom, was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Heppenstall, that Resolution No. 954, be adopted as read, Carried. Councilman Heppenstall presented a proposed Ordinance, amending* Section 1 of Ordinance No. 1-63. The proposed Ordinance was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Heppen- stall reported that the Committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance recommends its passage. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Vietzke, to concur on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall, that Ordinance No. 1669 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all councilmen present voting "Aye"., the motion carried. A proposed Ordinance changing the designation and street names of certain streets and avenues in the Renton Highlands, President Park and Honey Creek Addition, was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Swift, seconded by Vietzke, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall reported that the Committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passa,:7e. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, that Ordinance No. 1670 be adoptei as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion carried. Moved by Swift, seconded by Vietzke, that the Street Commissioner be authorized to re- place existing street name signs, and the City Clerk notify property owners concerned. Carried. A proposed Ordinance chaning parking restrictions on Park Street, was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried for their recommendation. Councilman Heppenstall reported the Committee reports favor- ably on this Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved b, Morris, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the Committee's recommendation and the proposedOrd- inance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the sedond and final reading, moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that Ordinance No. 1671 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being; taken and all councilmen pre- sent voting "Aye" the motion carried. Councilman Swift reported that the Street and Alley Committee has invest- igated an overall plan developed by the Planning and Engineering Department, to provide: Adoption of a revision to some street operation; establish perimeter .o• roads; revision by improvement to other streets within the boundaries of peri- meter area and a general improvement plan in regard to street usage. It would include the Urban Renewal Program for the Central PusinessArea, whereby certain streets would be changed, certain properties legally acquired for Off-Street 1 Parkin*, and certain recomrendations would be contained regarding, vehicular traffic. The Street and Allev Committee recommended this plan be adopted in principle to act as a hasis for future design and study. A letter was s>1bmitted by Mayor "axter recommending the following action be taken in order that property values in Renton be preserved: 1. By-Pass Routes and a more �,Torkable system of Major Arterials must be �.� -produced. This Plan, if accepted, to be broken down into segments of new construction and r improvements to existing facilities, arranged in order of importance, pro- ducing as much each year as budget will allow. *� 2. Off-Street Parki a must be obtained.med. T i s is to berovided through p g the use of Urban Renewal, which would allow Federal grants and permit the City to acquire property necessary to the Project. The City of Renton acquired eli- gibility for this assistance through its workable program - Renton being the third City in Washington to have its Workable Program certified. The plan pre- sented would produce some 1500 off-street parking places, in seven large lots. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Vietzke stated this Plan was a positive step forward for the City of Renton, and will be of great benefit to all. r.. Councilman Delaurenti called for a meeting; of the Police and License Committee, and Ordinance Committee, on Tuesday, March lath, at 7:30 P.M. Councilman Pruce, Chairman, Property Committee., reported that Mr. Porter, who presently leases certain property on the river, has requested permission to sublease 100 feet of that property to Seattle Plywood Company for a 10 month period, for the purpose of dumping logs. On an inquiry made by Council- man Pinkerton, it was the opinion that this would not interfere with the boat launching operations adjacent to that of Porter's. Co,incilman Morris stated it was his understanding that it was against Council policy to permit such sub- leasing. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Barrett, that this matter be re- ferred to the Property Committee and the City Attorney with power to act. Carried. Councilman Bruce further reported that in his opinion parking on Fourth Avenue North should be controlled, as it is creating a dangerous situation d,iring peak traffic hours. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Bruce, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for a report back. Councilman Pinkerton requested a report on proposed crosswalk on E Street, across from the Hi7hland Administration Building, and was informed this matter is in committee. On a question from Councilman Pinkerton concerning a petition to lower the South bank at 5th Place N. & Sunset Highway, in order to increase visibil- ..- ity of oncoming traffic on Sunset Highway, the Street Commissioner stated a survey is being made b- the Engineering Department. Councilman Swift, chairman, reported on the following recommendations of the Street and Alley Committee: 1. Vacation of portion of South 131st Street, lying between 87th Avenue South and 88tr Avenus South, be granted, subject to 10 feet easement re- served for municipal purposes, and if passed by the City Council the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Rruce, that the date of March 25th be set for hear- ing on the proposed vacation. Carried. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Coincilman Trimm opposed. 2. Grant petition for vacation of Alley in Block 15, Renton Highlands, reserving unto the City a 7.0-foot easement. Moved by Morris, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee, and hearing date be set for March 25th, Carried. Councilman Trimm opposed. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8-K5 r'.M. There were five persons present besides City employees. =.L.-Alexander) Cityleek J e Baxter, Mayor Now ..rr Renton, Washington March 4, 1955. The- regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter- at 5:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, VIETZKE, MORRIS, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT AND BRUCE. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Pinkerton, that Councilman Delaurenti be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer; Don Humble, Planning Director; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; James Dunstan, Super- intendent of Utilities; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent and Al Simonson, Comptroller. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. Mayor Baxter called for the hearing on proposed L.I.D. for Sanitary Sewer Im- provement at Sunset Boulevard and 10th Avenue North. A protest petition bearing the names of 15 residents, beginning with Donald R. Auguston, was read. A written protest was also submitted by Edna M. Ristesund, 941 E Street. Several of the pet- itioners were present in the audience and made verbal protests. Some objections were made to the assessment being made on the square foot rather than front foot basis. Others felt this LID should be postponed until the additional adjacent area, which would benefit from the improvement, is annexed. The hearing was postponed until later in the meeting, to receive the City Engineerts report on percentage of protest. Renuests from Roma Cafe and Caseyts Corner, to install additional pinball machines in their establishments, were read by the City Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, to refer these.recuests to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Recommendation from William F. Davis, Insurance Committee, that insurance cov- erage on the City Hall be increased to $120,000.00, but not less than x$100,000.00. Present coverage is $75,000.00, and value of the building, according to appraisal in May, $146,300.00. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that this matter be referred to the Property Committee. Carried. Communication from City Engineer Highton recuesting refinancing for sidewalk to the Boeing Parking Lots on 6th Avenue North, previously authorized as a capital improvement against Cumulative Fund 1154. Balance in this fund is $311.69, and the total cost of the improvement $1,152.00, less Boeing's portion, $355.55, City's net cost, $766.15. An increase to Cumulative Fund 1154 is not expected until receipt of taxes in May. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Rruce, that this matter be re- ferred to the Ways and Means Commitee to report back. Carried. Applications for easements requested by the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company, the first to extend across northerly end of Cedar River Park on the right of way of the limited access highway and the second across the steel water tank site on Bronson Way North, immediately west of the tank. Moved by Richardson, sec- onded by Reid, that these applications be referred to the Council as a Whole. Carried. Communication from City Comptroller Simonson, requesting the adoption of a resolution to use released matching contributions for the City's Pension Costs for the year 1955. The proposed resolution was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Rich- ardson, seconded by Pinkerton, that Resolution No. 955 be adopted as read. Carried. Letter from City Engineer Highton concerning dedications for street use, of South 30 feet of Tract 210, and North 30 feet and West 40 feet of Tract 211, said tracts bordering 116th Avenue S.E., between S. E. 112th St. and S. E. 105th. The City Engineer recommended this be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for consideration, and it was so moved by Bruce, seconded by Trimm, and carried. Communication from the Renton Planning Commission recommending the City Council approve the following resolutions: 1. Approve rezoning of Lots 5, 6, 7 & 5, Block 6, Renton Highlands Addition, from R-1 to-B-1. Planning Director Humble stated that in this recommendation should have been included the condition as set forth in the Planning Commission minutes, i 382 that Mr. Bardessono put in a rockery on portion of the bank, rather than a concrete retaining wall. Mr. Dave Dobson, attorney for Mr. Bardessono, stated the rockery will be put in on that portion of the property being developed, and will be extended when the rest is developed. In reply to a question of Mr. William Glen, Mr. Bardessono stated that G Place will not be used for traffic, and informed Mr. Noll, that the garage will be a low building, a fence to be erected between it and adjoining property, and that the traffic would be on Sunset highway. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. 2. Rezone Wallin & Edwards property (area above quarry on 84th Avenue S.), ex- cept roads, from 3-1 to R-1. Moved by 'rIeppenstall, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. 3. Grant variance reouest of John Peternel to allow him to divide his lot at 609 Main Street into two lots of 48 Feet width. The Planning Commission felt this Variance is necessary to allow the petitioner reasonable use of his lard. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Plan- ning Commission. In order to study the property in question, moved by Trimm, sec- onded by Vietzke, to table this motion for one week. Carried. Councilman Bruce opposed. Council President Heppenstall felt it would be preferable to put this in a committee for consideration. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that this matter be referred to the Public Relations Committee for a report back. Carried. On the City Councilts proposal to change the zoning in Block 30, Corrected Plat, Renton Highlands \To. 2, from R-3 to R-2, a communication was read from the Planning Commission recommending the present zoning be retained. Following a discussion, and determining the Council could initiate this rezoning on their own motion, moved by Morris, seconded by Pinkerton, that hearing date of April 15th be set for proposed rezoning of this area. Carried. It was requested that the Government be giver_ written notice of this hearing. Report of City Attorney, as previously stated in oral opinions under date of February 4th and 11th, that the City of Renton, as a City of the Second Class, has no right or power to arbitrarily limit the number of Beauty Schools, or to impose discriminatory license fees for purposes of regulation. As requested by the City Council, the City Attorney had contacted various cities, receiving the following in- formation: The Cities of Longview and Bellingham have no ordinance regulating Beauty Parlors or Schools. Vancouver, a City of the First Class, only imposes the filing i of a certain performance bond, but does not restrict the number of beauty schools or impose various license fees. Further contacted were the City Attorney of Tacoma, and Dr. Ernest Campbell of the Bureau of Governmental Research, University of Wash- ington, who concurred in City Attorney Shellan's opinion. It was suggested to the beauticians present that inasmuch as the City's powers are limited to the matter of zoning in this case, their only recourse would be to attempt to secure legislation to change the State Laws regulating the profession of Beauty Culture. Councilman Richardson reported on a, meeting of the Ordinance Committee, Police and License Committee and the City Attorney -ela.tive to protests- received on shuffle- board license fees.. Present fees- are $10,-OC }ger ;mbnth ,aqui follow` ng # indestigation of receipts from t'hb boards, it 'was.recommended,,by the,Committees .that the'fee_be rew duced.to.Z5,-OC ber .board, per month. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Heppenstall, to concur in the Committees' recommendation. Carried. The committee stated the proposed Ordinance will be presented next week. Council President Heppenstall reported the new Platting Ordinance will be placed on its first reading, Tuesday, March 18th. The Committee appointed on this matter - Councilman Heppenstall, Planning Director Humble, Walt Will, Building .Inspector, City Engineer Highton, and members of the Planning Commission, Chairman James Denzer and Alden See, recommended the following changes in fees: $60.00 minimum for one to 10 lots. Over 10 lots, "6.00 per lot. Half of the fee would be payable when preliminary plat is filed, and the balance when the final plat is presented. Councilman Richardson requested that copies of the proposed Ordinance be made available to interested parties, at the time of the first reading. Councilman Richardson present a proposed resolution to authorize and direct the King County Treasurer to cancel out and declare void certain out-dated and un- cancelled warrants, heretofore issued by Commercial Waterway District No. 2 of King County, Washington. The remainder of the funds, as provided in 'tDecree of Dissolution", to be transferred unto the City of Renton. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Pinkerton, that Resolution No. 956 be adopted as read. Carried. City Engineer Highton reported the percentage of protestors on proposed LID for Sanitary Sewers, Sunset Boulevard and 10th Avenue North, to be 36.61/, which would be insufficient to set aside the LID (60% required). Councilman Trimm suggested, in view of protests registered, the assessment be figured on the front foot basis, in order to compare the figures. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Pinkerton, that this be referred to the City Engineer to compute assessments on the Zone and Termini method, to report back in two weeks. Carried. At the suggestion of Council President Heppenstall, Mayor Baxter stated a congratulatory message would be sent the Suburban Development Corporation, on the model dwelling constructed in one day, at First North and Burnett. Mayor Baxter requested a meeting with the Sanitation Committee, and Superin- tendent of Utilities, at 7:00 P.M., Tuesday, March 11th. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. The Council Chambers were f_lled with visitors. E. L. Alexander, City Coerk J Joe R B xter, Mayor Th ollowing claims for the month of February, 1958, having previously been C11,41 approved by the Finance Committee, were, approved: SALARY FUND $68,519.71 CURRENT FUND 18,969.99 CITY ST. FUND 711.87 COMMERCIAL WATERWAY FUND 172.48 OFF-ST. PARKING FUND 125.00 PARK & ATHLETIC FUND 783.43 LIBRARY FUND 997.32 AIRPORT FUND 20961.78 PUBLIC WORKS REVOLVING FUND 7,761.93 CUMULATIVE FUND , 1182 444.59 FIR01EN1S PENSION FUND 747.50 WATER FUND 15,063.83 low GARBAGE FUND 7,643.84 SEWAGE DISPOSAL FUND 2,977.71 LAKE WASH. BEACH IMP. FUND 549.50 EMP. PAYROLL SAVINGS BOND FUND 150.00 CURRENT FUND (CANCELLED WARRANT) 2.40 Renton, Washington March 11, 1958 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRIMS?, REID, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, 17IETZKE, M'RRIS, GARRE TT, HANSEN, SWIFT, DTI,AURENTI AND BRUCE. OFFICIALS & DE'PAP_'LMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Rueben Miller, Street Com- missioner; Janes Dunstan, superintendent of Utilities and Vern Church, Purchasing Agent. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, that the minutes of the previous lum meeting be apnroved as written. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids on Automotive Equipment the following bids were opened and read: NET BID BIDDER ECUIPMENT Inc. Tax R• Trade-In Wening Motors 2 Plymouths only $19356.54 Williams & Swanson 11 units 290915.90 Pope Ford Co. 11 Units 2912-759.31 William 0. McKay 11 Units 30,545.31 Clarke Bros. 9 Units 2.7,456.10 Clarke Bros. 9 Units (Alternate) 27908.74 Moved by Reidy, seconded by Vietke, that these bids be referred to the Council as a Thole with a report back next meeting. A rollaaall vote was reeuested with the following results: Heppenstall_ "No"; Trimm, "Aye"; Reid "Aye"; Richardson, "no", Pinkerton, "No"; Vietzke, "Aye"; Morris "Aye"; Garrett, "Aye"; Swift, "Aye"; Delaurenti, "No"; Bruce "No". Six "Ayes"; five "Nos", motion carried. Councilman Heppenstall schedules a meeting of the Council as a uhole for 7:30 Tuesday March 18th for consideration of these bids. Councilman Richardson pres-nted a proposed Ordinance changing S'hurfleboard License Fees, as recommended by the City Council at their last meeting. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance/ Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. The Ordinance Committee recommended passage of the proposed Ordinance, to not go into effect until April 1st. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee and the pr-posed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved btr Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that Ordinance No. 1672, be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen voting "Aye", the motion carried. A proposed Ordinance, recommended by the Planning Commission and City Council, to rezone Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8. Bock 6, Renton Highlands Addition Bardessono Property), from R-1 to B-1, providing petitioner-owner install and maintain a rockery in lieu of concrete retaining wall, along Southwest bound- ary of said lots adjoining residential property, otherwise as per plot plan. The proposed Ordinance was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pinkerton, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committees for their recommendation. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by M„rris, seconded by Garrett, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading_ . Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that Ordinance No. 1673 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. A proposed Ordinance, recommended by the Planning Commission and City Council, to rezone from S-1 to R-1, certain described property (Wallin and Edwards annexation - 84th Avenue S. ), was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by Brace, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the recommendation of the committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that Ordinance 1674 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Reid was granted more time on the matter of street lighting in the Suburban Development Area. Councilman Vietzke requested present status with regard to mercury street light authorized for Logan Street, north of 6th Avenue North.. It v7as reported that the Puget Sound Power & Li,7ht Co. had 'been notified to make these install- ations. Councilman Heppenstall reported it was the recommendation of the Public Relations Committee that the Council concur in the Recommendation of the Plan- ning Commission to grant the various request of John Peternel, for tido lots of L8 feet width at 609 Main Street. 'I e committee together with Walt Will, in- spected the property (located below the Penson Highway) and in their opinion, the conditions peculiar to this location justify the variance. Moved by Vietzke seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Public Relations Committee. Motion carried. Councilmen Trimm and Richardson opposed. Council President Heppenstall requested the Department heads concerned with the bids on Automotive Equipment, review said bids, and present their written recommendations to the Council as a Whole, at their meetine, Tuesday, March 18th at 7:304 Council President Heppenstall reported on the easements requested by the C\4 Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Comnany, which matter was referred to the 21� Council as a 'mole. Following a discussion, moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that, the proposed easements be referred to the City Attorney to check and report back next Tuesday. Carried. Councilman Pruce reported it was the recommendation of the Property Com- mitee that insurance coverage on the City Hall. be increased from the present amount, $75,000.00 to $120,000.00. A point of information was requested by Councilman Richardson on additional premium cost, and the Property Committee having been unable to secure this last week, the matter was held over one week. Councilman Richardson requested the present status of, the_ proposed Dog Ordinance, now being studied by the Dog Catcher. Councilman Swift rern_iested a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee, Wednesday, March 12th, at 8 o'clock P.M. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M. There were ten persons present besides City employees. E. L. Alexander, City Clerk a. J e R. Baxter, Mayor err menton, Washington March l8, 1958 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: TRIM ,, REID, PINK;RTON, VIFTZKE, MORRIS, G.,RaETT, HANSEN, S'y1IFT, DELAUt-NTI AND BRUCE. Councilmen Heppenstall and Richardson were excused. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HJ!ADS ERLSENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer; Don Humble, Planning; director; Reuben hiller, ... Street Commissioner; James Dunstan, Superintendent of Utilities; Al Simonson, Comptroller_ and Frank Ames, Airport Manager. Moved by Delau renti, seconded by Bruce, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. CONTINUED HEARING - Recessed from March ?nth on proposed L.I.D. for Sanitary Sewers - 10th Avenue N. and Sunset Boulevard. City Engineer's report on comparative costs summarized as follows: (a) Square Foot Method. Fourteen owners will pay a higher cost, representing 54% of the improvement cost and 30% of the Property Owners. (b) Zone and Terminii Method. Thirty two owners will pay a higher assessment, representing 2 of the improvement cost and 70% of the property owners. Protests were heard from the audience on each method of assessment and some on the cost of the proposed improvement. It was pointed out by the Engineer that the cost of the improvement is merely an estimate based on information avail- able at the present time. A clarification was made by the City Attorney on the procedure to follow. Under the law, whether such project is initiated by petition of property owners, or by Council action, protests comprising 60% or more of the Cost Bearing Area would stop the Council from proceeding further with the proposed L.I.D. The City would determine the most equitable method of assessment, which will be specified in the Ordinance. Moved by Vietzke, second- ed by Bruce, to recess the hearing until April 8th. Carried. Property owners in the Improvement District who desire to register protests were requested to do so in writing prior to April 8th, specifying in particular, type of assess- ment ., ssess-ment, or other objection, being made. The City Engineer was instructed to figure percentage of protest, for a report at this meeting. Request from Windsor Hills Community Club to have the Street Department spray the bank and burn the weeds on the north side of North entrance of Windsor Hills (west side of Lot 1 owned by Mrs. Seta Johnson). The Club intends to plant the bank and erect a sign designating the area as Windsor Hills, subject to approval by the Park Department. ' Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, that this request be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and Park Department. Carried. Invitation to attend an open house at Highlands Branch, Renton Public Library, Wednesday evening, March 19th, 7 to 9 P.M. extended to all Department Heads and City employees. Notice of Association of Washington Cities Annual Statewide Convention to be held at Spokane, May 21, 22 and 23, with headquarters at the Davenport Hotel. Request from Radio Station KLAN for use of Williams Street between Second and Third Avenues, 9:00 A.M. to 12 :00 Noon, March 29th, for Fourth Annual Renton Rabbit Ract' supported and endorsed by the Retail Trades Organization. Moved by :ieid, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer this request to the Police Department with Power to Act. Carried. Further information from City Attorney Shellan relative to Beauty Schools. The conclusions from the Bureau of Governmental Research and Services, Univ- ersity of 'Washington, coincide with the City Attorney's opinion that the Ever- ett Ordinance regulating Beauty Schools, and its discriminating licensing fees, are of doubtful validity. He has also been advised that the State Department, of Licenses intends to introduce a new bill at the next Legislative Session to provide for the licensing and control of such beauty schools. Real estate tax correction secured by the City Attorney from the King C. my Treasurer on property acquired by the City from the Pacific Coast Rail- road Company, now being used as Municipal Parking Lot No. 2. The King, County Treasurer's Office have corrected their records to make this property Tay exempt due to municipal ownership. Proposal submitted b y City Engineer Highton wherein the City would in- itiate necessary legal procedure to exchange foriper septic tank site on Old Slack River Channel and certain storm sewer easements for street right-of-way and a new storm sewer easement, and annexation of property to permit ultimate construction of the street. Moved by Reid, seconded by Garrett, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. Report of increase in cost over Contract estimate on relocation of water lines in Renton Highlands, total final cost of relocating sewer and water lines X11,134.72, which is -'1,134. 72 in excess of 010,000.00 Public Housing- Admin- istration grant. In view of the extra work that was unanticipated the City Engineer recommended a request for the add;_tional funds from the Public Hous- ing Administration. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the re- commendation of the City Engineer. Carried. A resolution from the Planning Commission requesting funds of 050.00 allocated for Office Expense, Account No. 757 and 4p150.00 allocated to Materials and Supplies, Account No. 784 be transferred to Travel and Con- ventions, Account No. 780. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, that this matter be referred to the City Attorney to draft -the resolution for transfer of these funds. Carried. Communication from the City Planning: Commission recommending that the hd City Council approve the following resolutions 2� (1) Approve the Preliminary Plat of H. Smiley for the easterly portion of Block 16, Corrected Plat of Renton Highlands No. 2. ivioved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Plarr.in • Commission. Carried. (2) Rezone from R-1 to R-2 property on the N.E. corner of the Inter- section of State Highway No. 2 and 5th Place North (Stollenmeyer property). Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Comin -sion. Carried. MLA (3) Recommend the vacation of South 132nd Street between 90th Avenue and 91st Avenue South and its relocation in accordance with a proposal submitted by the City Engineer; and (4) Recommend the vacation of` South 131st Street between 90th and 91st Avenues South. Moved by Trirm , seconded by Deliurenti, that the proposed vacations (Items 3 and 4) be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and 'nearing date set for April 15th. Carried. Communication from Washington State Highway Department transmitting six (6) copies of a ResolAtion to approve the revised plans to the limited Access Highway. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Bruce, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for a report back. Carried. Application of Esley T. Walker for business license, to operate Bicycle Repair Shop in his garage at 808 0 Street. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that this matter be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Communication from Chairman Louie Gebinini, Housing Authority of the City of Renton, prop:.sing the Sunset Court area as the best side for location of the 100 unit, low rent housing project in Renton. This site has the en- dorsement of Architect, Ge.:rge W. Stoddard. Other areas which were considered were the North Highlands area, Cedar River Park and King County Gravel Pit. Prompt action on this matter was urged by Councilman Bruce. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, that March 25th be set as hearing date on the selection ..r of a site for the Low Rent Housing Project. Carried. Communicating from City Attorney Shellan submitting supplement mocifying lease agreements between the City of Renton and Renton School District No. 403, and the City and Edwards, correcting legal description of property. The City Attorney recommended that, following a check of legal descriptions by the City Engineer, that these lease agreements be executed for the City by the Mayor and City Clerk. gloved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the City Attorney. Carried. Councilman Vietzke reported it was the recommendation of the Ways and Means Committee that funds for sidewalk to the Boeing Parking Lot on 6th Avenue North, be authorized from Cumulative Fund No. 1183. (Previously authorized as capital improvement against 11810. Moved by Dela.urenti, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation of the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. Corrected X54 March 25, 1958 to show that the money is to come from 1184. Councilman Morris, President Pro Tem, reported it was the recommendation of the Council as a Whole that the following bid awards be made on Autom„tive equipment. E ui ment axaTr ede-IndDe u8ted. Bidder q p Williams & Swanson 3 Dump Trucks 413,559.51 Pope Ford Co. 3 3/4 Ton Pick Up 6,609.01 Pope Ford Co. 2 Station Wagons 32705.33 Williams & Swanson 1 1/2 Ton Pick Up 1,468.13 Pope Ford Co. 2 4-Door Sedans 3,667.42 No Trade-in Recommended also that three dump trucks b:- equipped with Shetky Dump Boxes with a Heil Hoist. Above bid awards were as recommended by the Department Heads, and it was explained it was recommended to make awards to the second law bidder on the 1/2 Ton pick- up and on the two 4-door Sedans due to the very slight difference in price, for convenience of warranty service by malting awards to local firms. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Carrett, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee and bids be awarded as recommended. Carried. The Council as a whole further recommended a transfer of X252000.00 from the Cedar diver Acquisition Fund to the Depreciation nese-rve Fund. 111oved by Bruce, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee and this matter be referred to the Ordnance Committee. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported on the previous recommendation of the Property Committee to increase the insurance on the City Hall from -075.000.00 to p1202000.00 which would increase premium cost from $306.25 to x$820.00, annually. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendation of the Property Ccmmittee. Carried. More time was granted to Councilman rteid on Suburban Heights Lighting. Councilman Reid stated he felt a resole:tion would be in order to award bids to local concerns, when there is only a 5% differential in cost, and bid is otherwise aT)proved by the Council. He felt the convenience of s. rvice, plus the benefits of doing business locally, should be considered. City Attorney Shellan, s tateo the Council would be justified in such action, on determination WNW it would be to the best interests of the City. Councilman Reid requested investigation of a light at 91st and Menton Street and it was referred to the Light and Power Committee. Councilman Vietzke requested brush on the hillside beyond the Barrel on Sunset Boulevard West ")e cut down, due to the fire hazard, also that the black- berry vines along the railroad tracks should be removed by the Railroad Company. Moved by Bruce, seconded by 'Vietzke., that the meeting adjourn . The meeting adjourned at 9.50 P.M. The Council Chambers were filled �Lth visitors. 0� �-�, 1i . L. Alexander, C�.ty Clerk Joe axter, Mayor 70 7 .�r 389 Renton, Washington March 25, 1958 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: i-IEPPENSTALL, TRIEK, REID, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, VIETZKE, MORRIS, GARRETT$ IIANSEINT, SWIFT, DELAURENTI AND BRUCE. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the minutes of the previous meet- ing be approved as written. Councilman Vietzke req uested the Ways and Means rec- ommendation for financing of Boeing Parking Lot on 6th Avenue North be changed to authorize payment from Cumulative Fund No. 1184, instead of Cumulative Fund No. 1183. Motion Carried. OFFICIALS L. DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busa.to, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer; Don Humble, Planning Director; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; James Dunstan, Superintendent of Utilities; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Al Simonson, Comptroller. Hearing on Site of Low Rent Housing Project: C0 C\J Mayor Baxter called for the hearing on proposed site for low rent housing is project. Communications were read giving full endorsement to the Sunset Court area, site recommended by the Housing Authority, from the following labor unions: Carpenters Local No. 1797, Culinary Workers and Bartenders No. 590, Renton Local No. 716 —Boiler Makers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers and Helpers of America, King County Labor Council of Washington and the Seattle Building and Construction Trades Council. No written protests were received by the City. Verbal protests were made by Mr. Charles Shane, Mr. Albert Balch and Mr. H. H. Smiley, realtor and builders. Two residents of the area, Mrs. Cole, 1011 A Street and Mrs. Joseph Hummer, 1077 H Street objected on the grounds such a project would be detrimental to the district. Mayor Baxter explained that this hearing was only for the purpose of selecting a Site, as the decision on low-rent housing had been made in 1952" and a resolution reaffirming the need for low-rent housing and approving an amendment to the Coopera- 6 tion agreement had been adopted in December, 1957, both pursuant to public hearings on the issue. Planning Director Humble informed Mr. H. H. Smiley that the Sunset Court Site qualified under R-3 requirements as to space for this project. Chairman Louie Gebinini explained the Housing Authorityts recommendation of the proposed Sunset Court Area for this Site, and a map of the proposed project was presented showing the designed arrangement of building and grounds. Mr. Charles Paddock, stated as spokesman for the Carpenterts Local, that full approval was given this choice for the location of the Low-Rent Housing Develop- ment. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the City Council approve the Sunset Court Site for the Low Rent Housing Project, as -recommended by the Housing Authority. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a, recess. Following the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON$ PINKERTON, VIETZKE, MORRIS, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI AND BRUCE. Hearing on Vacation of 131st Street, Between 87th and 88th Aves. So.: Hearing was called on the proposed vacation of 131st Street, between 87th and 88th Avenues South and there being no protests, written or verbal, moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the vacation be granted, (subject to 10-foot center line easement reserved unto the City), and the necessary Ordinance be drafted. Carried. Copy of letter to Property Committee from Tony Baffaro Agency reouesting a hearing on insurance bids submitted by his company, Truck Insurance Exchange, also to be included in insurance commissions of the City of Renton. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer this communication to the Property Committee, to confer with the Insurance Commission on this matter if desired. Carried. Re uest from the Family Record Plan for renewal of solicitorts license for Mr. Jack Shepherd. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Vietzke, that this matter be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Mayor's report on results of a ballot taken by City Employees regarding changing maximum contributions from $300 to $400 on Statewide City Employees Retirement System. Final count showed 57 ltforlf and "5511 against. Councilman Pink- erton stated in view of the vote it was the recommendation of the Legislative Com- mittee that this matter be held in abeyance. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendation of the Legislative Committee. Carried. Communication from the City Engineer reporting the legal descriptions in easements requested by the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company have been cor- rected and are in order to be executed. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute these documents. Carried. , F Councilman Richardson presented a proposed Resolution recommended by the City Council, to transfer certain funds within the general class of lmiaintenance and Operationil of the Planning Commission, Current Fund. Moved by Norris, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Resolution No. 957 as read. Carried. A resolution to transfer the sum of ` 25,000.00 from the Cedar River Acquisi- tion Fund unto the Depreciation and Reserve Fund, was read b, the City Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, to adopt Resolution No. 958 as read. Carried. A proposed Ordinance to rezone from R-1 to R-2 described property, located on the Northeast corner of Intersection of State Highway No. 2 and 5th Place N. (Stollenmeyer property), was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee, and the proposed Ordinance be nla.ced on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Vietzke, seconded by Delaurenti, that Ordinance No. 1675 be adopted as read. Carried. A roll call vote being taken and all Council- men voting tlAyelt-the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Reid reported it was the recommendation of the Light and Power Committee that three incandescent lights be installed on 91st Street to Renton J Avenue and the Puget Sound Power & Light Company be so notified._ Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of the Light and Power Committee. Carried. Councilman Reid further reported an inspection had been made of the Suburban Heights Area and a map of the lighting requirements of this district will be pre- sented next week. Councilman Swift called for a_ meeting of the Street and Alley Committee, Wednesday, March 26th at 8:00 P.Pi. Council President Heppenstall stated that due to the lateness of the hour, and the length of the proposed Platting Ordinance, it would be held over until next week when it will- be placed on its first reading. On a ruestion of Councilman Bruce, Street Commissioner Miller stated the drainage problem at Fourth Avenue North would be corrected when the road level is raised by resurfacing, which would be accomplished when the weather permits. Mayor Baxter requested a meeting with the Council as a. Whole, Monday, March 31st at 7:30 P.M. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M. The Council Chambers were filled with visitors. E. L. Alexander, City Clerk r - Joe .+/ xter, Mayor Renton, Washington April 11 1958 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, VIETZKE, MORRIS, GARRET.r, SWIFT, DELAURENTI AND BRUCE. Councilman Hansen was excused. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Floyd Now Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer; Don Humble, Planning Director; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; James Dunstan, Superintendent of Utilities; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Al Simonson, Comptroller. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. Hearing on Vacation of Alley, Block 15, Highlands. Mayor Baxter called for the hearing on vacation of alley located in Block C.1 15, Renton Highlands, Proposed vacation has been approved by the Street and Alley 111� Committee. There being no protests, written or verbal, moved by Pinkerton, sec- onded by Swift, that this petition be granted and the necessary Ordinance be drafted. Carried. A communication was read from City Treasurer Dorothea Gossett thanking the Mayor, City Council and City Officials for the plant, and many courtesies extended her during her illness. A letter from the Public Housing Administration regarding zoning in Block 30, was on motion of Morris, second by Vietzke, deferred until the hearing of April 15th. Motion carried. Clarification requested by Park Superintendent, Gene Coulon, on area surround- ing the Highlands Administration Building. If the Council intends this land to be developed for park and recreational purposes, the Park Board requests jurisdiction over the area. The future use of the Administration Building as a recreation fac- ility was also considered essential in Park Board Plans. Moved by Richardson, sec- onded by Reid, that this matter be referred to the Council as A Whole, and the President of the Council schedule a meeting with the Park Board. Carried. Communication from Chief of Police, Ang Busato, requesting extension of retire- ment date for Anker Anderson, under State Wide City Employees Retirement System, from May lst, 1958 to May lst, 1959. Moved by Morris, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of the Chief of Police, and necessary resolution be drafted. Carried. Proposal submitted by S. L. Rowland Construction Company to construct an 811 sewer line to Bomarc Addition, under City Engineering Department supervision and to their specifications, the City to assume cost of engineering. An easement was requested by the construction firm, also to retain title for three years, following which time it will be deeded to the City. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that this reauest be referred to the Sanitation Committee for a report back next week. Carried. Mr. Smiley inquired if this line would have the capacity to serve a proposed development of 100 homes (between 132nd S. E. and 116th S. E.), in the event this area might contemplate annexation to the City. Councilman Garrett called for a Sanitation Committee meeting on this proposal, Monday, April 7th, and Mr. Smiley was invited to attend. Letter from Census Board submitting final population count for the City of Renton as of March 27, 1958, to be 1.5,680. A summary of enumerated population by enumeration districts, as compared with census of April 1, 1950, indicated a net gain of 3,959 in some districts (3,085 in areas annexed since 1950), and a loss in other districts totalling 4,318, making a net loss in population of 359. Report signed by Mayor Baxter, City Engineer Highton, Planning Director Humble and Street Commissioner Miller relative to proposal of Robert L. Edwards, owner of site of new retail commercial center along Old Black River Channel. The following revision to proposed agreement was submitted: 1. City to convey title to the septic tank property to Edwards. 2. City to vacate existing sewer easements that cross Edwards property. 3. For and in consideration of the above, the owner shall: (a) Dedicate by quit claim, street right of way, 60 feet wide, for the extension of 92nd Avenue South to Black River. (b) Dedicate by quit claim, street right of way, 30 feet in width, for the westerly extension of 7th Avenue. Execution of the proposed agreement was recommended provided the City can legally exhcange the septic tank site in manner described, and the area be annexed to the City to permit acceptance of street dedication. (a) Assuming original conveyance to the City of the Septic Tank Site was by proper deed, with no restrictions and reservations as to purpose and use. (b) No express statutory provisions to allow exchange of properties, except on Park properties. (c) Customary and accepted procedure for Second Class Cities is to now procure estimate as to market value from qualified appraiser. Property may then be advertised for sale and invite bids, or if the Council finds it in the best public interest and City's benefit, it may be accomplished by negotiated sale, at or above appraisal, latter procedure acceptable on certain conditions. Planning Director Humble outlined the situation, as presented at the Council as a Whole meeting Monday, March 31st. He recommended an appraisal be made. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Delaurenti, that -this matter be referred to the Mayor, City Attorney and Planning Director, and secure an appraisal of the property. Carried. Communication from the Planning Commission submitting the following resolu- tions: esolu- tions: 1. Recommend the adoption of Final Plat of Hallie Smiley for the Easterly portion of Block 16, Corrected Plat of Renton Highlands No. 2. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. 2. Recommend the granting of a variance to Wesley Busch on Lot 14, Block 9, Renton Farm Plat, (5th & Pelly Street). Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hep- penstall, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. Notice of reconvened public hearing on Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company's pending application for increase in rates, to be held on Tuesday, April 15, 1958, at 10:00 A.M. in the Seattle P.I.'s Auditorium, Sixth and Wall Street. Councilman Richardson presented a proposed Ordinance vacating a portion of South 131st Street lying between 87th and 88th Avenues South. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported the committee reports favorably on the proposed Ord- inance and recommends its passage. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the committee and the proposed ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Richardson, seconded by Garrett, that Ordinance No. 1676 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting "Ayett the motion unanimously carried. It was recommended the first reading of the Platting Ordinance be held following Committee reports. On a suggestion by Councilman Morris, moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, that the Council as a Whole give consideration to a Public Use Area when discussing dev- elopment of grounds surrounding the Highland Administration Building. Motion carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman, reported on the following recommendations of the Street and Alley Committee: (1) Request of Windsor Hills Community Club to clear the bank at the North entrance to Windsor Hills. (Lot owned by Mrs. Beta Johnson). The Park r Department and Street and Alley Committee recommend that any action on this matter be taken by the Windsor Hills Community Club, as it is not desirable to provide city labor and equipment for such improvement, as this is private property. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, to concur in the recommendation of the committee and the Windsor Hills Community Club be advised reasons for this decision. Carried. (2) Recommended vacation of South 132nd Street between 90th Avenue and 91st Avenue South. The committee recommended the vacation, providing the petitioner agree to assume all cost for material and labor to fill the proposed street relocation and surface at a later date, and that a per- formance bond be posted, also a quit claim deed be acquired on property for new street. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the report of the Committee. Carried. Hearing date, April 15th. (3) Proposed vacation of 131st between 90th and 91st Street be rejected, if the petitioner and protestor fail to reach a workable agreement by date of hearing, April 15th. Councilman Morris suggested this matter be left in committee for a report at the hearing. (4) Communication from the Washington State Highway Commission transmitting six copies of resolution approving the revised access plans, (Revision of the area in front of Al Standal Market). The committee recommends the resolution be approved and the Mayor and City Clerk authorized to execute same. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommenda- tion of the committee. Carried. (`,i) Dedications for Street use, South 30 feet of Tract 210, and North 30 feet and West 40 feet of Tract 211 (bordering 116th Avenue S.E., between S.E. 112th and S.E. 108th, near McKnight School). The Committee recommends Council acceptance of these dedications for street purposes with the ex- ception of changing the West 20 feet of Tract 211 to 30 feet to avoid a ttDog Leg" in future street platting for the area involving tracts 210, 211, 212 and 213. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee and accept the deed. Carried. (6) Request of Councilman Bruce to correct the parking situation on 4th Avenue North. The Traffic Division recommended to the Street and Alley Committee that 4th Avenue North from Park to Burnett be restricted to parking be- tween 6:00 A.M. and 9:00 A.M., and 3:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. daily, excepting ' Sundays and holidays. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Heppenstall, to concur in this recommendation. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti opposed. Councilman Swift suggested the committee appointed to study needed City Hall improvements be dissolved, and a new one be appointed. This matter was referred to the president of the Council as a Whole for reconsideration. Councilman Bruce was granted more time on the request from Tony Baffaro Agency requesting a hearing on insurance bids with the Property Committee. Councilman Reid asked if the railroad company could not be prevailed upon to assist in improvement of Burnett Street. Planning Director Humble stated a dis- cussion has been held with the two railroad companies involved, within the past month. The widening of Burnett Street involves acquisition of land from the railroad. He further explained what is involved in including this improvement under the Urban Renewal Project. Council President Heppenstall explained that it was decided during budget hearings, that the City was not in a position to make all of these improvements at the present time, and it was suggested a plan be formulated to accomplish certain improvements as the budgetallows, this to be a matter of future planning. He stated the Planning Group has worked on a plan, whereby the proposition has been placed up to the Department of Defense, in conjunction with the full knowledge and assistance of Boeings, to widen Burnett, completing it to Benson Highway, as an egress road in event of catastrophe. Councilman Richardson inquired about the dog ordinance, now being studied by the dog catcher. At request of Fire Chief Floyd Lawrence, it was moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, that the Mayor proclaim May 5th through May 10th as SPRING CLEANUP WEEK. Carried. May 8th and 9th were designated as days of pick up. Councilman Richardson recommended the Platting Ordinance be placed on its first reading. The proposed Ordinance was read in part, to be completed at the meeting of April 8th. Mr. H. H. Smiley, speaking from the audience in opposition to the proposed site in the Highlands (Blocks 16A-20) for location of a new high school, as selected by the school authorities, requested an expression of opinion from the City Council, either favoring this site, or recommending that the School District look into some other locations. It; was pointed out by the Council, that the Housing Authority had requested such an expression of opinion from the Planning Commission and the City Council. Following the recommendation of the committee from the Council, a motion (September 10th) was passed that the City Council not concur with the Planning Commission's approval of this site, and a further meeting be arranged with the school authorities. Council President Heppenstall stated a page and a half of objections had been presented to this site. Councilman Trimm said the Committee were under the impression that this matter was out of their jurisdiction. Councilman Richardson suggested that any Councilman could, as a taxpayer, sign a protest if desired. The opinion of the Council was that this matter should not be reopened officially, unless the School Board sends in a future recommendation. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that this meeting be recessed until 8:00 P.M., April. 8th. Carried. The meeting was recessed at 10:25 P.M. In addition to City Employees, there were 14 visitors present. l E. L. Alexander, City Clerk 6L J e Baxter, Mayor The following claims for the month of March, 1958, having previously been approved by the Finance Committee, were approved: ..r SALARY FUND $709666.32 CURRENT FUND 172207.72 CITY ST. FUND 22298.99 COMMERCIAL WATERWAY FUND 32.60 OFF-ST. PARKING FUND 1.25.00 PARK & ATHLETIC FUND 1,702.52 LIBRARY FUND 689.82 AIRPORT FUND 6026.27 P. W. REVOLVING FUND 5,334.79 CUMULATIVE FUND ##1182 566.35 FIREMENtS PENSION FUND 747.00 WATER FUND 19,234.88 GARBAGE FUND 7037.96 SEWAGE DISPOSAL FUND 718.00 OLD SWIMMING POOL FUND 1,453.44 EMP. PAYROLL SAVINGS BOND FUND 93.75 Wei 395 Renton, Washington April 8, 1958 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRIMM, REID, VIETZKE, GARRETT.. SWIFT, DELAURENTI AND BRUCE. Councilmen Richardson, Pinkerton, Morris and Hansen were excused. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer; Don vow Humble, Planning Director; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; James Dunstan; Sup- erintendent of Utilities; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent and Al Simonson, Comptroller. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Vietzke, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. Communication from City Engineer submitting total final quantities of work per- formed by Joe Coluccio, Contractor, in relocation of water lines in Renton Highlands - total final estimate, $5,763.42. The work was completed and approved March 7, 1958. C0 Moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, that this matter be referred to the Finance Committee. Carried. r Request of City Engineer Highton for a review of the 20-foot Planting Area es- tablished along Sunset Boulevard in the Replat of Renton Highlands, primary intent of this; planting strip to set up a barrier prohibiting ingress and egress from res- idential property to the Primary State Highway. Land along Sunset Boulevard is now rezoned to business and the Building Department is of the opinion that access to business property should be permissible under approved planning. Planning Director Humble stated it would be unreasonable to deny access to the new shopping area, but it should be controlled, and requested an evaluation be made. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Bruce, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. A copy of a resolution adopted by the City of Port Angeles on April 3, 1958 in opposition to Initiative Measure No. 203, was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Vietzke, that this matter be referred to the Legislative Committee to re- port back. Carried. Invitation extended the Mayor, City Council, City Officials and City Employees to be the guests of Renton Aerie No. 1722, F.O.E. at a tGet Acquainted" Meeting, Wednesday, April 16th at E:00 P.M. Copy of a letter from the Public Housing Administration, Washington, D. C. to City Attorney Shellan declining the $500.00 offer made by the City as consideration for removal of use restriction in Deed of Dedication to the City covering two parcels of vacant land (portions of Blocks 13 and 23 of Renton Highlands). These two areas were not utilized by the City for the specified purpose of park and playgrounds, due to the inadequate and unsuitable location and topography. The P.H.A. requested re- conveyance of this property to the Government, title reacquired to be the same as con- veyed. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Heppenstall, that this matter be referred to the Property Committee. Carried. A letter from the Transport Division, Boeing Airplane Company, requesting traffic control signs at intersection of 8th Avenue North and Logan Street, also at 8th Avenue North and Park Street. Councilman Swift stated the problem of financing such installa- tions has not changed since the request was made previously. Moved by Swift, seconded by Vietzke, that this request be referred to the Comptroller for possible inclusion in next yearts budget. Carried. Variance request of Safeway Stores to widen the middle driveway from Third Avenue from 30 feet to 42 feet, in order to provide improved access for cars entering their store at 3rd and Shattuck from eastbound one-way traffic. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Heppenstall, that this request be referred to the Planning Commission. Carried. Request of Erwin J. Fey for elimination of Theatre Admission Tax at Rentonts three theatres. Moved by Swift, seconded by Vietzke, to refer this request to the Police and License Committee to report back. Carried. A letter from the King County Taxpayers League against Metro making the follow- ing recommendations: (a) Repeal of Senate Bill 136 and (b) State Director of Health and State Pollution Control Commission request the Surgeon General of the United States for assistance under Federal Water Pollution Control Act in making factual determina- tions by a Fact Finding Board, as a starting point towards elimination of pollution a problem in Lake Washington, that the Mayors of affected communities join in this re- quest. Moved by Swift, seconded by Bruce, that this matter be referred to the Council as a Whole. Carried. Announcement of one-day school for new Mayors and Councilmen to be held in Seattle, April 24th, at the Roosevelt Hotel from 9 A.M. to 4:30 P.M., incumbents also invited. Communication from Windsor Hills Comnarnity Club, stating that during the season for the past several years undergrowth has been chopped down and weeds sprayed in the area of Windsor Hills that borders the Sunset Highway on the East Side to Standalts Store. Mrs. Margaret Evans stated that commercial signs have been placed in this area. Mayor Baxter said an investigation would be made. Continued Hearing - (Recessed from March 4th & 18th) - Proposed L.I.D. for Sanitar, Sewers - 10th Avenue N. on Sunset Boulevard. The City Engineerts Report requested for this hearing, was read. The letter dated March 29, 1958 from a number of property owners requesting assessment per square foot of property tabulated as follows: Number of owner signatures, 22. Per cent of total owners, 53.9%. Per cent of improvement cost, 24.52%. A summary of tabulation by three assessment methods follows: Number of assess- able properties, 46. Number of Property Owners, 41. (a) Front Foot Method - 20 owners, representing 68% of the cost would be assessed more than by the Zone Method or Area Method. (b) Zone and Termini Method - 28 owners, representing 62% of the cost would be assessed more than by the Area Method per square foot. (c) Area Method per square foot - 14 owners, representing 54% of the cost would be assessed more than by the Zone Method. The analysis of the tabulations shows that 66% of the property owners would benefit by the Area Method, 32% by the Zone Method and 20% by the Front Foot Method. Councilman Bruce inquired if the Council could take some action to equalize the assessments, especially in cases where the assessment on a piece of property differs drastically according to which method is used. City Engineer Highton stated this could be done only following completion of the improvement, when the City Council could sit on a Board of Equalization to consider adjustments. Property owners in the audience were again unable to agree on the preferred method of assessment (a matter of Council determination), also some were favorable to the proposed L.I.D. and others opposed. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Bruce, that the proposed L.I.D. be cancelled. Councilmen Bruce, Heppenstall and Trimm suggested the proposed L.I.D. be post- poned to see if the area across the highway would consider annexation and participate in the improvement, thus reducing the cost to all. Mrs. Melvin Cox, 2109 10th Avenue N. was in favor of this postponement. It was pointed out that a prolonged postponement might increase the cost of labor and materials. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Reid, that the motion be tabled for one week. Carried. Vietzke opposed. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRIMM, REID, VIETZKE'., GARRETT, SWIFT, DELAURENTI AND BRUCE. Councilman Heppenstall presented a proposed Ordinance to vacate the alley in Block 15, Renton Highlands Addition, reserving to the City a 10-foot easement for all public purposes and uses. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Bruce, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Heppenstall reported the committee re- ports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by Del- aurenti, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that Ordinance No. 1677 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting tfAyett, the motion carried. .rr A proposed Ordinance restricting and regulating parking of vehicles on Fourth Avenue North between Park Street and Burnett Street between 6:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. daily, except Sundays and holidays, was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Bruce, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Delaurenti opposed. Councilman Heppenstall re- ported the committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation of the committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. Delaurenti opposed. After the second and final reading, roved by Bruce, seconded by Heppenstall, that Ordinance No. 1678 be adopted as read. ROLL CALL VOTE: Heppenstall, ttAye"; Trimm, "Ayett; Reid, ttAyett; Vietzke, "Aye"; Garrett, "Aye"; Swift, "Aye"; Delaurenti, "Nott; Bruce, ttAyetr; Six "Ayes"; one ttNo". Motion Carried. A proposed resolution approving final plat submitted by Hallie Smiley and approved by the City Council on April 1, 1958, pertaining to described property, East portion of Block 16, Corrected Plat of Renton Highlands No. 2. (Skyland Heights No. 2). Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, that Resolution No. 959 be adopted as read. A proposed resolution extending compulsory retirement date of Anker A. Andersen, Uniformed Personnel, from May 1, 1958 to May 1, 1959, approved by the Chief of Police and City Council, was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, that Resolution No. 960 be adopted as read. Carried. Council President Heppenstall requested the continued first reading of the Plat- ting Ordinance be held up until all members of the Council have received their copies of this Ordinance, as revised. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Reid, to continue the reading of the Platting Ordinance at the next regular meeting. Carried. In this connection, a letter was read from the City Engineer requesting and recommending approval of the Construction Standards of the Washington State Chapter of the American Public Works Association, and to include these Standards by reference in the new Platting Ordinance. Councilman Garrett, Chairman, reported on the recommendation of the Sanitation Committee on proposal of Rowland Construction Company, builders of Bomare Addition, N1 for construction of sanitary sewer system on Sunset Boulevard. The City Engineerts Z� report to the Sanitation Committee was read stating the designed capacity of the proposed sewer is more than adequate by 35% to serve the potential of the whole area, to include Bomarc, the proposed Smiley development and intervening property. The Sanitation Committee recommended concurrence in the City Engineer's rec- ommendation that the easement be granted the Rowland Construction Co. and that firm be allowed to retain title for three years, following which time it is to be deeded to the City. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Sanitation Committee, and the City Attorney draw up the legal agreement. Councilman Bruce reported the chairman of the Insurance Commission had discussed the matter of insurance awards with Mr. Baffaro, to his satisfaction. Council President Heppenstall reported the Council as a Whole had discussed the offer made by the State Highway Department for approximately eight acres of Cedar River Park. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Delaurenti, that the offer of $116,000.00 made by the State Highway Commission on April 1, 1958 be rejected and the City Attorney authorized to prepare a reply to the Highway Department outlining reasons. Carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. E. L. Alexander, City Clerk Joe R. , Ber, Mayor I\ `r Renton, Washington April 15, 1958 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRIMM, REID, PINKERTON, VIETZKE, MORRIS, GARRETT, SWIFT, DELAURENTI AND BRUCE. Councilmen Richardson and Hansen were excused. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney: Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; James Highton, City Eng- low ineer; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Al Simonson, Comptrollers and Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. Hearing on Rezoning of Block 30, Renton Highlands: Mayor Baxter called the hearing on proposed rezoning of Block 30, Renton Highlands, from R-3 to R-2. Letters objecting to a change in the present zon- ing were read from Mr. H. H. Smiley, Builder and Mr. Lester Lee Jones, Archi- tect. A communication from the Public Housing Administration stating they slid not wish to control the future use of this property, was read by the City Clerk. Mr. Alden See and a contractor from the Highlands urged this area be reserved for single story dwellings. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Vietzke, that the zoning of Block 30 be changed to R-2, and the Public Housing Administration be notified in writing. Carried. The City Clerk advised that he would send out an airmail letter in the morning. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Reid, that the Ordinance Committee draw up the necessary Ordinance. Carried. Hearing on Proposed Vacation of 131st Street between 90th and 91st Avenues South. The hearing was opened on proposed vacation of 131st Street between 90th and 91st Avenues South, petitioners - Mr. & Mrs. John Lissman. Proposed vaca- tion received the favorable recommendation of the Planning Commission. A letter of protest from the Assembly of God Church was read by the City Clerk. Verbal protests were made by H. Donald Gouge, Attorney representing the Church, Rev- erend Marr, Pastor and several members of the Church congregation. Mr. and Mrs. Lissman, owners of property on both sides of the street in question, ex- plained their views. The City Engineerts opinion, requested by the Council, was that it would not be practical to put in this street due to the grade and he also felt this street would not serve the public in general. Councilman Bruce felt it would be costly to put in this street, and that the church now has access to its property from three sides. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Heppenstall, to concur in the application of the petitioner and the recommendation of the Planning Com- mission to permit the vacation of 131st Street, between 90th and 91st Avenues South. In a discussion that followed Councilman Trimm inquired if the residents of the area would derive any benefits from the opening of this street, and a representative of the property owners stated there would be no advantage. Councilman Morris requested that the proposed vacation of 132nd Street be in- cluded in the discussion as the two are closely allied. Moved by Swift, seconded by Reid, to table the motion until after the hearing on vacation of 132nd Street, between 90th and 91st Avenues South. Carried. Bruce opposed. (Hearing to continue). Hearing on Proposed Vacation of 132nd Street, between 90th and 91st Avenues South. The hearing was opened on proposed vacation of 132nd Street, said vacation and its relocation in accordance with the proposal submitted by the City Engineer, had been approved by the Planning Commission and Street and Alley Committee. The City Clerk informed the Council that 17 names had been withdrawn from the petition protesting this Vacation, leaving 6 opposed. A petition in favor of the proposal bearing 28 names, included the 17 names withdrawn from the petition of protest. A letter in protest from Mr. Andrew Hunter was read by the City Clerk. Councilman Garrett stated in his opinion the proposed relocation as sketched by the City Engineer would be a public improvement. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission to grant the vacation of 132nd Street between 90th and 91st Avenues South, conditional on the dedication of property for the relocation of the Street. Carried. Moved by Gar- rett, seconded by Swift, that this matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney to draw up the Ordinance and necessary legal documents for the relocation of the street. Carried. Renton City Council s3dA „ Renton, Washington April 15 , 1958 Continuation of hearing - Fj�oposdd Vacation 131st Street, between 90th and 91st Avenues South. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Swift, that previous motion (to concur in the application of the petitioner and the recommendation of the Planning Com- mission to permit the vacation of 131st Street, between 90th and 91st Avenues South), be taken from the table. Carried. Roll call vote on the motion: Heppenstall, ""Aye""; Trimm, "Aye"; Reid, "No'"; Pinkerton, "No""; Vietzke, "Not'; Morris, "Aye"; Garrett, "No""; Swift, ""Aye""; Delaurenti, "Aye"; Bruce, ""Aye". Six "Ayes"s four "Nost'. Motion carried. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Morris, that the Ordinance Committee draw up the necessary Ordinance on the vacation of 131st Street, reserving a 10-foot center line easement for utilities. i Carried. A letter from Mrs. Pauline Puhich, 432 Langston Place, relative to strip of property used as a street for 12 years, protesting the use of the street by private parties, was on motion of Reid, second by Vietzke, referred to the City Engineer and City Attorney. Carried. A letter from Smiley Realtor requested a delay on the proposed revised plat- ting Ordinance for further study and consultations with engineers and parties concerned in platting problems. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Bruce, that this CZ) communication be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. CA L� Comptrollerts request for transfer of funds to the Public Works Revolving Fund. A proposed resolution to transfer $20,000.00 from the Current Fund to the Public Works Revolving Fund was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Bruce, that Resolution No. 961 be adopted as read. Carried. A letter from Planning Director Humble that the Planning Commission has no objection to the granting of Safeway Stores? request to widen their middle drive- way. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and grant the variance. Carried. Councilman Swift reported the Street and Alley Committee recommends grant- ing the use of the Planting Area between Sunset Boulevard and the Market Basket Shopping Center and between 10th Avenue North and K Street to the Market Basket �,. Shopping Center Development. The Planting Area shall remain the property of the City but it's use by the Shopping Center shall be subject to the following con- ditions: 1. This agreement for use shall be with the property and not the persons. 2. The users will develop and maintain the area subject to the approval of the City Engineer by proper planting and screening from the high- way (Sunset Boulevard). 3. The user will hold the City harmless for maintenance. 4. The same conditions should apply to all other similar Planting Areas in this vicinity. 5. This agreement shall be certified by evidence of a letter between the City Engineer and the owners. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Bruce, Chairman, reported the Property Committee recommends reconveyance to the Government of portions of Blocks 13 and 23, Renton Highlands, originally dedicated to the City with a restriction as to use. The Government had declined the City?s offer of $500 for the removal of the restriction in the Deed of Dedication and requested a return of the property. Moved by Bruce, sec- onded by Heppenstall, that described property be reconveyed to the Government. Carried. On recommendation of Councilman Pinkerton it was moved by Pinkerton, sec- onded by Vietzke, that the traffic problem in front of the Tennis Court and the parking problem at the Administration Building, Renton Highlands (where Driver Licensing program is conducted), be referred to the Mayor and the Property Com- mittee with power to act. Carried. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Pinkerton, that the motion to cancel pro- posed L.I.D. for Sanitary Sewers - 10th Avenue North on Sunset Boulevard be tabled for one more week. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported it was the recommendation of the Property Committee and the Insurance Commission to renew the Public Liability Insurance with the present carrier, Gebinini Insurance Agency, from whom the City has received good service, and that the City continue the National Safety Council Program. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. i It was the further recommendation of Councilman Bruce that the recently vacated North Highlands Recreation Center be covered by an insurance binder until such time as it can be reinsured, which request was authorized. Councilman Garrett reported on the proposal submitted by S. L. Rowland Construction Company to construct gtt sewer line to Bomarc Addition, under City Engineering Department supervision and to their specifications. The firm had requested an easement, and to retain title for three years, at which time it would be deeded to the City. Mr. Rowland, from the audience, requested the time in the agreement as proposed be extended to five years, to enable them to recover their cost. He explained they had not understood that specifications required rubber joints, which would increase the cost approximately $1,015.00. The Sanitation Committee recommended favorably on the proposal, and the agreement, as approved by the City Attorney, be revised to extend title to .�► read for a period of five years. Revised agreement was read by the City Clerk. On a question of Councilman Garrett, City Engineer Highton stated the pre- scribed bond in the agreement fulfilled the requirements of the City. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Heppenstall, that the City Clerk and Mayor be author- ized to sign the agreement as read. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Council President Heppenstall. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRIMMM, REID, PINKERTON, VIETZKE, MORRIS, GARRETT, DELAURENTI AND BRUCE. The proposed revised Platting Ordinance was brought up for discussion. The following views were expressed by Mr. Alden See, Jr., Mr. H. H. Smiley and various contractors present in the audience. (1) Fees provided in this Ord- inance as proposed are 2-z times those established by the County and could be prohibitive toward future annexations.(2) Requirements pertaining to street widths, sidewalks and curbs would greatly increase the cost.(3) A review of the wording of Variance Section was suggested by Mr. Smiley, as well as a clar- ification of procedures - Page 2, Section 3; and Page 5, Section 2A (require- ment that block widths provide for two tiers of lots). Councilman Pinkerton pointed out that the Council is desirous of securing an Ordinance to protect the City and promote its future by establishing a definite procedure to follow. Council President Heppenstall stated in view of the comments, it would be well to make a study of suggestions proferred and hold this in committee for fur- ther study. Parties concerned were requested to confer with the committee on this matter. Mr. Nicholas Maffeo, on behalf of King County Taxpayers League against Metro, requested the City of Renton adopt a resolution requesting that Mr. Coe, Chair- man of our State Pollution Commission, submit a request to the Surgeon General of the United States for Federal Assistance in control of pollution, and factual determinations by a Fact Finding Board, and then act in voluntary cooperation in solving the problem of pollution. This matter previously referred to the Council as a Whole. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. The meet- ing adjourned at 10:30 P.M. The Council Chambers were filled with visitors. E. L. Alexander,, City Clerk Joe/1k. Baxter, Mayor ok ..r Renton, Washington April. 22, 1958 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, VIETZKE, MORRIS, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI AND BRUCE. Councilman Heppenstall was excused. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer; Don Humble, Planning Director; Reuben Miller, Street vow Commissioner; James Dunstan, Superintendent of Utilities; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Gene Coulon, Superintendent of Parks and Al Simonson, Comptroller. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Garrett, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. A communication from the Renton Chamber of Commerce advising that they would have a representative present at all City Council meetings during 1958. The Chamber expressed their sincere desire to cooperate in any way possible, and enclosed a list .,� of their eighteen committees. �j Association of Washington Cities Convention Bulletin No. 2 requesting suggestions and ideas for roundtable discussion or sectional meetings at the convention in Spokane, May, 22 and 23. A communication from Chas. 0. Baker, Mayor, Town of Tukwila, relative to the Metro Pollution Control Measure was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, that this matter be placed in the hands of the Council as a Whole for investigation. Carried. A communication from Richard E. Wolff, Consulting Engineer, relative to sewerage problems of the City. Specific mention was made to the overloading of South Trunk sewer and siphon crossing the waterway, and the 6th and Shattuck lift Station. More Complex parts of the problem would be conditioned by the outcome of the Metropolitan District vote and the Brown and Caldwell report. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Sanitation Committee for study and report back. Carried. A letter from the Renton Scenic Hill Community Club, Jean Lux, Secretary, re- questing resurfacing of streets east of Renton Street and the widening of Jones Street. The Community Club stated they understood this work would be accomplished on completion of pipeline installation. Street Commissioner Miller informed the Council that the only money allocated in the budget on these items was to provide for the regrading and widening of Jones Street. Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Councilman Swift felt the problem was one of financing, and for that reason should be referred to a different committee. Roll call vote on the motion: Trimm, npyett; Reid, nAyett; Richardson, "Non; Pinkerton, ttNott; Vietzke, "Aye?'; Morris, "Nott; Garrett, npyett; Hansen, npyett; Swift, nN olf; Delaurenti, ttNott; Bruce, "Nott. Five, ttAyestt; six, "Nostt - motion lost. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. Councilman Reid opposed. Communication from the Housing Authority of the City of Renton relative to survey of utility poles within the Cedar River Park Project, indicating nine poles should be replaced. The estimate to replace each pole is approximately $250.00, total $2,250.00. Moved kir Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that this matter be referred to the Light and Power Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. A communication from Mrs. V. Guiliane, 9830 S. 156th St., requesting permission to park an-:unoccupied trailer house on their property for a few months, trailer owned by Mrs. James 0. Ril6y. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietke, that this matter be referred to the Public Relations Committee with power to act and report findings to the City Engineer. Carried. A communication was read from Carl B. Erickson, Director of Probation, Juvenile Court, relative to possibility of establishing a branch office for the Juvenile Court in Renton. Information was requested as to availability of space for three single offices, preferably at the City Hall and secondly, at the Highland's Administration Building. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, to refer this matter to the Property Committee, Mayor, and Youth Guidance Committee to report back. Carried. Letter from the City Attorney enclosing a communication and report from W.J.Lewis, associated with the .firm of Irving N. Peoples, on appraisal of Septic Tank Site, Black River Channel, authorized by the City Council on April lst. A statement in the 4�s 40 . amount of $50.00 for services rendered was submitted. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Bruce, that this bill be referred to the Finance Committee. Carried. Copy of communication from City Attorney addressed to the attention of Chairman Bruce, Property Committee, relative to upkeep of Public Facilities at Liberty Park, was read by the City Clerk. Mr. Gow, owner of Cathay Restaurant, lessees of the building housing these facilities, who are responsible for proper maintenance accord- ing to terms of the lease, stated it is not possible for him to provide an attendant on the premises. Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent, informed the Council that the Park Board had discussed using the building for the following purpose in the event the present lease were terminated: 1) Renovation for office use, and 2) Very serious need for a program for retired persons, and this building could provide a suitable location for this activity. Moved by Reid, seconded by Richardson, that this mat- ter be referred to the Property Committee to present their recommendation next week. Carried. Councilman Vietzke presented the City Clerk a letter he had received from the State Highway Commission relative to route of the new highway from Kent entering Renton. The Highway Department was not ready to make a statement as to the location until the hearing has been held, and possible revisions have been approved. Councilman Reid stated a sketch of proposed lighting for the Suburban Heights Area has been drawn up. Fifteen incandescent lights are indicated. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that this matter be referred to the Light and Power Committee with power to act. Carried. On the matter of traffic and parking problems in the vicinity of the Tennis Court and Highlands Administration Building, Councilman Bruce requested a meeting of the Property Committee and Mayor for Saturday, April 26th at 10:00 A.M. to in- vestigate the situation. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Vietzke, that the motion to cancel proposed L.I.D. for Sanitary Sewers - 10th Avenue North and Sunset Boulevard, be tabled for one more week. Carried. Mayor Baxter .declared a recess: After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: REID, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, VIETZKE, MORRIS, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT, DELAURENTI AND BRUCE. ..o A proposed Ordinance to change the zoning classification of described property, Block 30, Corrected Plat, Renton Highlands No. 29 from R-3 to R-2, was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Councilman Richardson reported the Ordinance Committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the rec- ommendation of the committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Morris, seconded by Pinkerton, that Ordinance No. 1679 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting "Ayelt, the motion unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson reported on a proposed Ordinance to vacate that portion of 132nd Street lying between 90th and 91st Avenues South, and its relocation in line with the City Engineerts proposal. Councilman Richardson stated this Ordinance will be held in Committee until such time as proper dedication has been made by the Church to the City and required bond posted to assure the City of the street relocation in line with the City Engineerts survey. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the Assembly of God Church be notified they must comply with these requirements before the Council can present the Ordinance. Carried. Councilman Richardson stated the Ordinance Committee were not able to make a report on the proposed Ordinance to vacate 131st Street between 90th and 91st Avenue South. r Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. The Council Chambers were filled with visitors. E. L. 'Alexander, City Clerk U Joe,R Baxter, Mayor Renton, Washington May 6, 1958 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, MORRIS, GARRETT, HANSEN AND SWIFT. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hansen, that Councilmen Vietzke, Delaurenti and Bruce be excused. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; E. Isackson, Police Captain; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer; Don Humble, Planning Director; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; James Dunstan, Superintendent of Utilities; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Al Simonson, Comptroller. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that the minutes of the previous meet- ing be approved as written. Carried. The following bid submitted on radio transmitter equipment for the Fire Dep- artment, was opened and read: tC BIDDER Amount Tax Total Bid Motorola Co. $1,567.00 $52.23 41,619.23 Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that this bid be referred to the Fire and Water Committee to check and report back. Councilman Trimm requested Lieutenant Williams and Fire Chief Lawrence check the specifications. Motion carried. Request from Renton Lions Club for permission to hold a Circus Saturday, May 10th, at the Renton High School Parking Lot, from 2:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M., proceeds for Lions Club Youth Activity Program. A waiver of the usual license fees was re- quested. Councilman Richardson stated the School Officials had iven their per- C>mission, and that the Lions Club have made arrangements for Liability Insurance. He pointed out that there would be a special fee of $1.00. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that this matter be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Request from Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Thayer, 9120 E. Marginal Way, Seattle, to es- tablish a popcorn stand from a mobile unit to be stationed at any location in Renton meeting the approval of the City Council. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and Traffic Division for study. Carried. A communication from Mrs. Pauline Puhich, 432 Langston Place, and the City Attorney's report of investigation made by the City Engineer, stating there was no infringement on the roadway in question by adjoining property owner. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that Mrs. Puhich be so notified. Carried. Association of Washington Cities Convention Bulletin No. 3 requesting cert- ification of two official voting delegates from Renton. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that Councilmen Trimm and Reid be appointed as official voting delegates, and any other Councilmen who wish to attend be authorized to do so. Carried. A communication from the City Attorney regarding the Lease Agreement with Wong Do Gow covering the Liberty Park Building, was read by the City Clerk. An agreement has been reached with Mr. Gowts attorneys, whereby Lessee will vacate the premises on or about July 1, 1958. This communication was ordered placed on file. Letter from the Mayor relative to the City's participation in the National Safety Council, sixty seven employees driving City vehicles to receive merit awards. An attached communication from the Public Employee's Mututal commended the City for materially reducing the number of accidents involving City Liability, thereby re- ducing the insurance premium in view of the favorable claim experience during the past policy term. Council President Heppenstall complimented the City employees for their safety record, and it was recommended, following a suggestion by Council- man Swift, that a copy of the Mayor's letter be posted on the Bulletin Board, and the head of each Department operating City vehicles receive a copy of this letter. A letter from the League of Women Voters relative to a Resolution adopted by the City of Kirkland on a revised Metro Plan, was referred on motion of Richardson, second by Reid, to the Legislative Committee to check and report back. Carried. i / II Report and recommendation for solving the parking problem at the Administra- tion Building in the Renton Highlands, following study and investigation by the Mayor, Property Committee and Councilman Pinkerton: 1. No parking allowed north of the Administration Building alongside the Tennis Court, due to hazard to pedestrians. 2. All State Patrol customers to park at rear of building. 3. Construct a new parking area at rear of building utilizing one-half of the grounds now used by the Seattle-King County Health pepartment. 4. Parking area in front of the building for library patrons and partici- pants in recreational and social activities only. 5. The area now fenced off by the Seattle-King County Health Department appears to exceed their needs. It was further recommended that the grounds surrounding the Highlands Administra- tion Building be turned over to the Park Board and Superintendent of Parks for operation and management. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, that this rec- ommendation be referred to the Park Department. Carried. Application from Yuen Lui Studio, 724-7th Avenue South, Seattle, requesting a solicitor's license for Max D. Fowler. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, to refer this request to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from Northern Pacific Railway Company regarding pedestrian crossing Right of Way on Sixth North, submitting bill in the amount of $315.00, plus $10.00 permit fee. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, to refer this matter to the City Attorney, City Engineer and Street Commissioner. Carried. Petition requesting steps be taken for elimination of the dust situation on Whitworth Street, between Fifth and Sixth Avenues, petition signed by 25 residents. Mayor Baxter stated in order to correct the condition it would require that water lines be lowered to permit regrading of the street for proper drainage. Moved by Swift, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred to the City Engineer and Street Commissioner. Carried. Mayor's letter concerning Northern Pacific billing in the amount of $5,577.33 approved by the City Engineer, for improvements on 4th Avenue North Grade Crossing. Due to insufficient funds in Cumulative Fund ##1184, bill remains unpaid. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that this be referred to the Ways and Mears Committee. Carried. moo Mayor's letter regarding plans for Urban Renewal, attaching a request from Planning Director Humble to utilize unused salary in the current Planning Depart- ment Budget in employing a staff man to assist in the preparation of a Survey and Planning Application. Mr. Humble explained the current budget for his department included a year's salary for an additional man, to be used in conjunction with and in off-set of a Planning Grant-In-Aid from the Government (in connection with an Overall plan for Water and Sewer Lines),, which funds are not available until late June or July, thus four to six months of this salary would not be utilized for original purpose. Moved by Swift, seconded by Heppenstall, that authorization to hire this assistance be granted Planning Director Humble. Carried. City Engineer's recommendation for payment to Joe Coluccio on relocation of Water and Sewer lines in Renton Highlands: $691.83 - 15% retained on sewer job accepted February 24th. 50234.06 - Part payment for water job accepted March 7th. Final payment of $5,000.00 from the Public Housing Administration not yet received, it was recommended that the City make payment from Water Department Funds on a re- imbursable basis. Moved by Shrift, seconded by Heppenstall, to refer the payment to the Finance Committee, and the collection of balance-due from the Public Housing Administration, to the City Engineer. Carried. Communication from the City Planning C® mmission submitting the following recommendations: 1. Grant rezoning request of Carl Schmidt to rezone described property from B-1 to R-3, location - at the Northeast corner of Hardy Street and Victoria Avenue. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that this request be held up for one week. Carried. 2. Accept Preliminary Plat submitted by Harold C. Lee for that portion of Tract 26A, replat of Renton Highlands, lying northerly of a 10-foot walkway, and Tract 26B of the replat of Renton Highlands. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Richardson, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. 3. Rezone William Walker Property, Lot 16, Block 6, Renton Highlands from R-1 to R-2, (property immediately west of the Highlands Fire Station On 9th Avenue). Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Swift, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Councilman Morris requested a week's delay to check into this recommendation. Moved by Morris, seconded by Pinkerton, that the motion be tabled for one week. Motion lost. A vote called on the original motion carried. Councilman 4 Morris opposed. Communications from Representative Hal Holmes, 4th Congressional District and Representative Thor Tollefson, 6th District, on H.R. 4770, concerning the extension of social security coverage to Uniformed Personnel, were read for Council informa- tion. Councilman Richardson called for a meeting of the Ordinance Committee, City Attorney and Building Inspector with a representative of the Washington Natural Gas Company, Tuesday, May 13th at 7:30 P.M., the City Clerk to notify Mr. Wilson Gaw of the Gas Company. A communication from the City Engineer to Avery Garrett, Chairman, Sanitation Committee, with reference to proposal for survey of Cityts Sewer System. The City Engineer recommended preliminary work on the survey should not be delayed, and suggested this phase be financed from Cumulative Fund #1183. On this matter, and the previous communication from Richard Wolff, Consulting Engineer, Councilman Garrett requested a joint meeting of the Sanitation Committee and Fire and Water Committee, Wednesday, May 14th at 8 o'clock P.M., with the Superintendent of Utilities. Due to the necessity for those attending the A.W.C. Convention to arrive in Spokane the evening of Tuesday, May 20th, it was moved by Swift, seconded by Rich- n� ardson, that the meeting of the Renton City Council for May 20th be cancelled and the City Clerk have proper notice placed in the local newspapers. Council President Heppenstall reported it was the recommendation of the Council as a Whole that the City Attorney and City Engineer be authorized to proceed with the following negotiations: 1. Outright sale of Old Septic Tank Site, declared surplus by the City, to Robert Edwards, at the appraised value of $2,250.00. 2. Purchase the 1126.96 feet of right-of-way required by the City for the Westerly extension of 7th Avenue. 3. The City obtain an option for 588.07 feet of right-of-way for the extension of 92nd Avenue South to Black River at a price of $1.00, to be taken up in from three to five years. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Richardson, to concur in the recommendation of the Council as a Whole, on Items 1, 2 and 3. Carried. 4. The City Engineer be authorized to proceed with a survey of Black River Channel, from Third and Rainier Avenue to Tobin Street. Moved by Swift, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation of the Council as a Whole. Carried. The City Engineer was requested to present data at the next Council as a Whole meeting. 5. On the proposed revised Metro Plan, no action be taken until additional information can be secured, both pro and con. Mayor Baxter and Councilman Garrett were requested to attend meetings on this proposal, whenever possible, to obtain information for the Council. Council President Heppenstall requested further that a reply be made to the communication from the Mayor of Tukwila stating that the Rentor_ City Council would like to meet with them for a discussion of this matter. 6. Council President Heppenstall appointed a new committee on City Hall Improvements to consist of Councilmen Reid, Delaurenti and Morris. Councilman Reid reported he had received a request for street lighting on Tenth Avenue North, between E Street and Sunset Boulevard, and recommended the necessary lights be installed. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation, and the Puget Sound Power and Light Company be notified to make the installation. Carried. On the matter of proposed L.I.D. for Sanitary Sewers, 10th Avenue North on Sunset Boulevard. In view of the lack of agreement between the property owners within the proposed District, and in concurrence with the opinion of the Council, moved by Garrett, seconded by Richardson, that the property owners of the area. �r be notified that if they desire this improvement it be initiated by petition on their own. part. Carried. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Swift, that the meeting adjourn, Meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M. There were eight persons present beside City Employees. E. L. A exander, City Clerk tJ Joe R. er, Mayor i 406 Renton, Washington. May.13, 1958 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8 otclock P.M. ROLL CALL: TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, VIETZKE, MORRIS, GARRETT, SWIFT AND DELAURENTI. Councilmen Heppenstall, Hansen and Bruce were excused. "VFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer; Don Humble, Planning Director; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner and Vern Church, Purchasing Agent. Moved by Reid, seconded by Pinkerton, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. A communication was read from Doleshall Picture Studios requesting solicitorst licenses for two salespeople and one photographer. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Vietzke, to refer this request to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Councilman Richardson presented a proposed Ordinance authorizing and directing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Quit Claim Deed for the sale of Septic Tank Site, declared surplus property, to Robert L. Edwards and Jane I. Edwards, at appraised valuation. The proposed resolution was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Swift, seconded by Richardson, that Resolution No. 952, be adopted as read. Carried. A proposed Ordinance to rezone described property, Lot 16, Block 6, Renton Highlands Plat (William Walker petition), from R-1 to R-2, was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, that the proposed Ordinance be re- ferred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported the Ordinance Committee reports favorably on the proposed Ord- inance and recommends its passage. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Richardson, seconded by Garrett, that Ordinance No. 1680 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting "Aye" the motion unan- imously carried. Councilman Richardson recommended a proposed Ordinance to amend the Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance No. 1472 of the City of Renton, be placed on its first reading. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their rec- ommendation. Carried. City Attorney Shellan reported on the rezoning request of Carl Schmidt, to rezone described property from B-1 to R-3, (Northeast Co vier of Hardy Street and Victoria. Avenue). The City Attorney recommended that the petitioner be advised that under our zoning Ordinance, as adopted in the Official Code, no rezoning is required inasmuch as the business zoning allows R-3 use. Report of Street Commissioner Miller on requested improvement to Whitworth Street. The estimated cost to rebuild the street, $480.00 for oil and $1,100.00 for equipment, labor and material. The Street Commissioner recommended that the property owners pay for the oil at 50¢ a front foot, and the Street Department furnish all labor, equipment and gravel, at a cost of $1.12 a front foot, providing the Water Department replaces all water service without charge to the Street Department. Moved by Swift, seconded by Vietzke, that this matter be referred to the Fire and Water Committee for consider. ation. Carried. A communication was read from Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent, recommending that the area surrounding the Highlands Administration Building be developed for Parks and Recreational Purposes, and jurisdiction be turned over to the Park Board, with the recommendations of the Mayor and Property Committee to be included in dev- elopment plans. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Trimm, that the Mayor and Property Committee be authorized to take necessary steps to make this transfer. Carried. Councilman Trimm reported it was the recommendation of the Fire and Water Com- mittee, Lieutenant Williams and Fire Chief Lawrence, to accept' the bid of Motorola Company on radio transmitter equipment for the Fire Department. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendation of the joint committees in regard to purchase of Motorola equipment. Carried. Councilman Vietzke reported on the request from the Renton Scenic Hill Com- munity Club, for resurfacing of streets east of Renton Street and widening of Jones Street. The committee recommended the Street Commissioner and CityEngineer prepare a cost estimate for improving the streets in the same manner as was accomplished on Earlington Hill. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommenda- tion of the committee. Carried. Mkre time was granted the Ways and Means Committee on the Northern Pacific bill for improvements to the 4th Avenue Noeth Grade Crossing. Councilman Morris brought up the matter of the Public Use Area referred to the Council as a Whole, for consideration. Following discussion, it was suggested funds " for the improvement be included in the Mayorts 1959 Preliminary Budget. Councilman Swift stated the Street and Alley Committee and Traffic Division would bring in their recommendation at the next Council meeting, relative to request of Mr. and Mrs. Thayer, Seattle, to establish a popcorn stand from a mobile unit. Councilman Reid reported on an investigation by the Light and Power Company rela- tive to a recent survey indicating a need for replacement of nine utility poles within the Cedar River Project, at estimated cost of $2,250.00. It was the opinion that much y� damage to the poles and been caused by Telephone linemen. Moved by Swift, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Light and Power Committee continue the investigation and con- tact the Telephone Company in regard to this matter. Carried. Councilman Garrett requested the scheduled meeting date of the Sanitation Com- mittee, Fire and Water Committee and Superintendent of Utilities be changed to Monday, May 26th at 8 otclock P.M. Councilman Delaurenti reported on the proposal that Pocket Size Traffic Code Books be published for the Police Department. One hundred copies would be required, at an estimated cost of $450.00 or $500.00, dependent on the size. Moved by Richard- son, seconded by Pinkerton, that this matter be referred to the Ways and Means Com- mittee. City Attorney Shellan reported he had conferred with Comptroller Simonson and funds are available for this publication. Councilman Richardson, with consent of second, withdrew his motion. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of the Police and License Committee, and the City Attorney be authorized to have these Traffic Code Books published. Carried. Councilman Reid, Chairman, requested a meeting of the City Hall Improvement Com- mittee - Councilmen Reid, Delaurenti and Morris, May 27th, at 7:30 P.M. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Richardson, that the meeting adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M. The following claims for the month of April, 1958, having previously been approved by the Finance Committee, were approved: SALARY FUND $68,913.30 CURRENT FUND 21,735.33 CITY ST. FUND 1,028.14 CEDAR RIVER M & I FUND 779.75 OFF-ST. PARKING FUND 125.00 PARK & ATHLETIC 1,271.82 MOTHERtS PARK FUND 976.50 LIBRARY FUND 645.21 AIRPORT FUND 3,079.45 P.W. REVOLVING FUND 8,652.26 CUMULATIVE FUND x#1182 572.99 CUMULATIVE FUND x#1183 50.00 DEPRECIATION RESERVE FUND 20,374.92 FIREMENtS PENSION FUND 715.00 WATER FUND 6,799.01 GARBAGE FUND 7,307.56 SEWAGE DISPOSAL FUND 708.37 EMP. PAYROLL SAVINGS BOND FUND 112.50 OLD SWIMMING POOL FUND 42.41 E. .L. --Alexapde.r City Clerk Joe Banter, Mayor Renton, Washington May 27, 1958 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8 o'clock P.M. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, VIETZKE, MORRIS, GARRETT, SWIFT, DELAURENTI AND BRUCE. Councilman Hansen was excused. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT BADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; woo Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; James Dunstan, Superintendent of Utilities; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Al Simonson, Comptroller. Moved by Reid, seconded by Garrett, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. Mayorts appointment of Gerald H. Nichols as a fireman to fill vacancy due to resignation of Joseph Conard, appointment effective May 23rd for six month pro- bationary period. Appointee has been certified by the Civil Service Commission. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Garrett, to approve this appointment. Carried. City Treasurerts appointment of Beth Saviage to- the position of Assistant City Treasurer effective May 16th, 1958 to replace Sylvia Payne whose resignation was effective May 15th. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in this appointment. Carried. Request from Tacoma Aerie No. 3, F.O.E., to sell picnic tickets in Renton, May 27, 28 and 29th. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Bruce, to refer this request to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from Jimts Garbage Disposal requesting a five year franchise for collection and disposal of garbage within that area included in his state permit. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that this request be referred to the Sanitation Committee and the City Attorney. Carried. �"� Notice from Mayor Baxter on change of supervision for the Utilities Department, temporarily suspending the full time services of Superintendent of Utilities and transferring these duties to the City Engineer. On a request for clarification on necessary Council action, City Attorney Shellan explained that the law governing second class cities reouires concurrence by six Councilmen only if this position were set up by Ordinance. In further explanation he stated that if the Council took action under their own initiative concurrence by nine Councilmen would be necessary. Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, that it be determined if this position were set up by Ordinance. Carried. Mayor's letter regarding request from Seattle Plywood Co. for reduced rental for a limited period due to close down of operation. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Pinkerton, that this request be referred to the Property Committee. Carried. A communication was read from Planning Director Humble requesting the Council take prompt action towards reaching an agreement on the proposed Platting Ordinance to expedite its adoption in order to avoid loss of potential revenue. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Vietzke, to refer this communication to the Council as a Whole. Carried. The City Clerk presented the renewal contract from the Puget Sound Power and Light Co. to furnish municipal Street Lighting for the City of Renton for a period of ten years. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Pinkerton, to refer these contractsago to the Power and Light Committee for a report back. Carried. City Treasurer's request for transfer of $116.50 from M&O Account No. 779, Tools and Ecuipment, to M&O Account No. 780, Travel and Conventions. The City Treasurer explained this covered expenses incurred prior to May lst. Moved by Rich- ardson, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the necessary resolution for this transfer of funds be drafted. Carried. Communication from Smiley Realtor, regarding proposed plats of Graceland Terrace (replat of Blocks 13 and 14, Corrected Plat of Renton Highlands No. 2) and Fairview Terrace (replat of block 30), requesting City Engineerts recommendations for street improvements within the area. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer this request to the City Engineer to return his recommendations to the next Council meeting. Carried. A communication was read from the Renton Chamber of Commerce recommending the City Council concur in their Resolution, or adopt a similar one, in support of legis- lation for relief of the railroads. Moved by Reid, seconded by Trimm, that this be referred to the Legislative Committee. Carried. Communication from the City Planning Commission recommending Council concurrence in the following resolutions; 1. Recommend acceptance of Preliminary Plat of Ridgecrest No. 3, presented by George C. Pallis. 2. Grant variance request of George Pallis to construct a 30-foot roadway in place of the standard 40 foot. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, that Items 1 and 2 be referred to the Street and Alley Committee to determine if this complies with other streets in the area. Carried. 3. Recommend rezoning of the Northeast corner of the intersection of Logan Street and Tobin Avenue from R-1 to L-1, for Myers. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. It was requested that Item 4 concerning the same area be included in the C14 discussion. Councilman Morris, with consent of second, withdrew his motion. ifs 4. Recommend the East side of Logan Street to Airport Way be rezoned to L-1 and the Council initiate such rezoning. It was pointed out by Councilman Trimm that plans under Urban Renewal include the ex- tension of Burnett Street through this area, and further by Councilman Swift, that the proposed street from the East side will also be routed through this property. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, that the recommendations contained in Items 3 and 4 be referred to the Council as a Whole. Carried. More time was granted Councilman Reid on the matter of Utility Poles in the Cedar River Project, to Councilman Vietzke on Scenic Hill street improvements, and to Councilman Garrett on the proposal for a, survey of the City's sewer system. Councilman Swift reported for the Street and Alley Committee and Traffic Div- ision on the request of Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Thayer, Seattle, to establish a mobile popcorn unit on City Streets. The Committees recommended this request be rejected due to street congestion and it was also felt that such permission should be held for local people as necessary. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation of the joint committees. Carried. Councilman Reid, Chairman, reported it was the recommendation of the City Hall Improvement Committee that the improvements requested by the Police Department be authorized. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur it the recommendation of the Committee with regard to construction of an addition for the Police Department. Carried. Councilman Richardson made a report on the Association of Washington Cities Convention in Spokane. He stated it was particularly interesting to note the problems confronting other cities, and reported on a Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting he attended with the Park Superintendent. It was suggested that Councilman Reid and City Treasurer Dorothea Gossett be appointed to serve refreshments at the special meeting of the Renton City Council, Monday, June 2nd and so moved by Richardson, seconded by Vietzke, and carried. Councilman Heppenstall reported it was the recommendation of the Council as a Whole that the City Attorney be authorized to negotiate for the acquisition of property adjacent to Liberty Park and the Ways & Means Committee determine a source of funds. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation r of the Council as a Whole. Carried. Mayor Baxter presented outgoing Councilman Swift, Richardson, Heppenstall and Trimm each a gift on behalf of the City Officials, Department Heads and City Employees, as a token of appreciation for their services to the City of Renton. The retiring Councilmen, each in turn, thanked the Mayor and City Employees for the cooperation received and pledged their continued support and interest in the City's welfare. Mr. Dan McGovern, from the audience, stated that despite some differences of opinion he has noted that these Councilman had alway worked long and diligently on City Affairs. I Councilman Reid stated he has enjoyed working with all of the Councilmen and thanked them for their cooperation and the good work they have done for the City. Councilman Delaurenti called for a Police and License Committee meeting with Henry Reynolds, Secretary, Renton Chamber of Commerce, to be held directly follow- ing the Council meeting. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the meeting adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:10 P.M. There were nine persons present besides City Employees. E. L. Alexander, Ci y Clerk r e Baxter, Mayor i Renton, Washington June 2, 1958 The special meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor �. Joe R. Baxter at 8:0 P.M. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, TRIMM, REID, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, VIETZKE, MORRIS, GARRETT, DELAURENTI AND BRUCE. Councilmen Hansen and Swift were excused. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Art Haugan, Asstt. City Attorney; Floyd Lawrence Fire Chief E. L. Ale�ander,Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton_, City Engineer; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent and Al Simonson, Comptroller. Mayor Baxter introduced the City Officials and Department Heads who were present this evening. The City Clerk called the roll of newly elected Councilmen. This being the date designated by State Law, the City Clerk administered the Oath of Office to the newly- C\1 elected and re-elected Councilmen, Frank Aliment, Everett Clymer, Clarence Dullahant, U'' Dale Pinkerton, Dan Poli and Verle Vietzke, who were sworn in as Councilmen of the City of Renton for a four year term. Mayor Baxter introduced former Councilman Steve Tamborini who congratulated the new Councilmen and offered his assistance in any way possible. The newly installed Councilmen expressed their thanks to the voters for the con- fidence shown in electing them to the Council, and expressed their willingness to cooperate and serve the City to the best of their ability. Mayor Baxter, on behalf of the City of Renton, thanked the outgoing Councilmen for the many long hours of work put in to serve the City, Ben Richardson having served as a. Councilman for fourteen years. All of the incumbent Councilmen indicated their desire to cooperate with the new Council. members and give them every possible assistance. They also thanked the outgoing members, stating it had been a pleasure to work with them. Mayor Baxter pledged his cooperation to the Council with the hope that it would always act along good Democratic principles in the best interests of the majority of the people. City Attorney Shellan stated it was refreshing to note that each Councilman, new and old, has pledged himself to use his best endeavors to solve the problems of the City. City Clerk Alexander extended his best wishes to the new Councilmen and expressed the hope that they would have the courage to stand up against considerable amount of pressure. Councilman Delaurenti stated it was the order of business to nominate a new Pres- ident of the Council, and that he would like to nominate Councilman Verle Vietzke to that position. There being no further nominations, it was moved by Reid, seconded by Pinkerton, that the nominations be closed. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, that the City Clerk cast a unanimous ballot for Verle Vietzke. Carried. City Clerk, Elton L. Alexander, cast a unanimous ballot for Councilman Verle Vietzke for President of the Council for the ensuing year. Council. President Vietzke thanked the members for electing him and expressed the hope that he might fulfill his duties as well as outgoing President Heppenstall. Mayor Baxter announced that refreshments would be served by City Treasurer Dorothea Gossett and Councilman Reid. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the meeting adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M. The Council Chambers were filled with visitors. E. L. Alexander, City Clerk e" Joe Baxter, Mayor 412 Renton, Washington June 3, 1958 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8 o'clock P.M. ROLL CALL: VIETZKE, DULLAHANT, REID, MORRIS, PINKERTON, CLYMER, BRUCE, POLI, DELAURENTI, ALIMENT AND GARRETT. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Vietzke, that Councilman Hansen be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer; mi Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Al Simonson, Comptroller. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. Mayor's reappointment of William Davis, Ella Conklin and Louie Gebinini to the Insurance Commission for one-year period - June 1, 1958 to June 1, 1959. Mowed by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in these reappointments. Carried. Mayor's appointment of B. J. Richardson to fill unexpired term of Charles Camerini on the Park Board until June 1, 1960, and Father Joseph Kramis for three- year period - June 1, 1958 to June 1, 1961. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Delaurenti, to approve the appointment and reappointment. Carried. Cost estimate from Street Commissioner for resurfacing streets in the Renton Scenic Hill Area. Estimate of $3,489.00 covers cost of material only on 7,000 feet of streets. Councilman Vietzke stated he would give the Ways and Means Committee report on this under old business. Letter from Renton Chamber of Commerce congratulating the newly elected members of the Council and extending invitation to the Mayor and Council to attend their next _ meeting Wednesday, June 11th, 12:15 P.M. in the Sky Room of the Towne House. Letter from City Engineer submitting request of King County Water District No. 102 (vicinity of May Creek and Lake Boren), that the City survey feasibility of supplying water under agreement similar to that with Water District No. 90, east of Renton. The City Engineer recommended this proposal be .referred to the Fire and Water Committee for consideration. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. Report from City Attorney on successful court action against Charles Shane, in the matter of extension of water system on Lind Street in November, 1956. The City Attorney requested future similar arrangements should be reduced to writing. City Engineer's report on sidewalk on 6th Avenue N., Logan Street to Boeing Parking Lot. City Attorney's check on cost breakdown covering the track crossing, that $315.00 appears reasonable, $10.00 permit fee having been waived. Boeing has agreed to finance complete job in amount of $1141.46, the City to reimburse them for their share of this cost in the amount of $598.11, upon receipt of tax revenues. The City Engineer requested Council concurrence in order that work might proceed. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. Report of City Attorney regarding Mayor's power to remove certain appointive officials, specific inquiry concerning termination of services of Superintendent of Utilities. The City Attorney stated he was not aware of any existing ordinance which provided for the creation of this position, therefore said employee would be subject to termination by the Mayor, without further action on part of the Council. Councilman Delaurenti requested the president of the Council keep in mind a, possible Ordinance setting up such positions. City Engineer's recommendations on Street Improvements within Smiley proposed Plats of Graceland Terrace and Fairview Terrace. 1) Minimum street improvements in the proposed Platting Ordinance under Council consideration requires 30 feet of asphaltic concrete pavement and cement concrete curb and gutter. 2) In interim period during which proposed Ordinance is being reviewed, if the City Council desires to lower the standards, minimum improvent should be light bituminous treatment 28 feet wide with asphaltic curbing. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pinkerton, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for their investigation and report back. Carried. Mr. Smiley asked to accompany the committee when they made their investigation. 413 Planning Commission request for a meeting with the new City Council. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, that the President of the Council make these arrange- ments. Planning Commission communication recommending approval of their following reso- lutions, as numbered on Planning Commission minutes: (3) Rezoning of Lots 2, 3, 8 and 9 Rainier Acres, from S-1 to R-1, for Pallis. (120th S. E. and Renton Avenue. Moved by Morris, seconded by Pinkerton, that this recommendation be held up one week to permit Council investigation. Carried. (5) Acceptance of final plat of Vista Heights, submitted by Harold Lee. A communication from the City Engineer was read by the City Clerk, approving this plat. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the Engineer and Planning Commission. Carried. Moved be Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, to refer this matter to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. (6) Acceptance of Preliminary Plats of Fair View Terrace and Graceland Terrace, submitted by H. H. Smiley. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. Mayor Baxter announced the following appointments to Council Committees: AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING: Olin Hansen, Chairman; Charles Delaurenti and Walt Reid FIRE AND WATER: Vern Morris, Chairman; Charles Delaurenti and Frank Aliment C�$ LEGISLATIVE: Clarence Dullahant, Chairman, Dan Poli ORDINANCE: Avery Garrett, Chairman; Olin Hansen and Vern Morris POLICE AND LICENSE: Charles Delaurenti, Chairman; Hugh Bruce, Dale Pinkerton POWER AND LIGHT: Frank Aliment, Chairman; Walt Reid, vern Morris PROPERTY: Hugh Bruce, Chairman; Olin Hansen and Dale Pinkerton PUBLIC RELATIONS: Dan Poli, Chairman and Everett Clymer SANITATION: Dale Pinkerton, Chairman; Frank Aliment and Clarence Dullahant STREET AND ALLEY: Walt Reid, Chairman; Avery Garrett and Hugh Bruce WAYS AND MEANS: Everett Clymer, Chairman; Avery Garrett and Clarence Dullahant The Finance Committee, as required by law, will be comprised of the following: Joe R. Baxter - Mayor, Dorothea Gossett - Treasurer � - Verle Vietzke - President of the Council Councilman Garrett, Chairman, presented a proposed resolution recommended by the Council, for transfer of funds within ''Maintenance and Operationt' of the City Treasurer's Office, $116.50 from Account No. 779, Tools and Equipment unto Account No. 780, 'tTravel and Conventions?'. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, that Reso- lution No. 964 be adopted as read. Carried. Councilman Vietzke reported on the Ways and Means recommendation for financing street improvements, Renton Scenic Hill - $1,100.00 to be taken from Water Depart- ment Funds and $2,389.00 from Cumulative Fund No. 1183. As this covers only cost of materials, the balance of the financing was referred to the newly appointed committee. The request of Jimts Garbage Disposal referred to the Sanitation Committee and City Attorney was transferred to the new committee. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman, requested a meeting of the Police and License Committee, Ordinance Committee, City Attorney and Chief of Police to immediately follow this meeting. Councilman Bruce, Chairman, stated he had conferred with the new members on the Property Committee and it was their recommendation that a temporary reduction of 50% in rent be allowed Seattle Plywood Company during close of operations, in line with policy adopted by the Waterway Commission. City Attorney Shellan suggested the terms of the lease should be investigated. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, that this matter be referred to the City Attorney* to return his recommendation next week. j Carried. 4 wr Councilman Pinkerton reported his committee needed more information before a report could be made on legislation for relief of the railroads, and the information he had would be turned over to the new committee. City Clerk Alexander stated he had received a request from Gil Duckworth, Attorney, to rent the Police Court two days a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Moved by Del- aurenti, seconded by Garrett, that this request be referred to the Property Committee for a report back next week. Carried. i 414 Councilman Pinkerton presented a request from residents of Windsor Hills to have trees and brush removed from City Property on E Street (at Cemetery Road), due to impaired visibility. This matter was referred to the Street Commissioner. Councilman Pinkerton further reported on a request for a Stop Line to be placed on Third Avenue, a short distance West of intersection with Smithers Street. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Morris, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for investigation. Carried. Councilman Reid requested a check be made of the timing on traffic signal at Third and Burnett Street. Mayor Baxter requested the Street Commissioner to make an investigation. Councilman Vietzke requested a meeting of the Council as a Whole on Tuesday, June 10th, at 7:30 P.M. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, that the meeting adjourn. The Council Chambers were filled with visitors. Meeting adjourned at 9 otclock P.M. The following claims for the month of May, 1958, having previously been approved by the Finance Committee, were approved: SALARY_ FUND $69,724.45 CURRENT FUND 290269.89 CITY ST. FUND 14,654.87 CEDAR RIVER M & I FUND 30.80 OFF-ST. PARKING FUND 125.00 PARK & ATHLETIC FUND 506.16 MOTHER'S PARK FUND 1,451.26 LIBRARY FUND 564.94 AIRPORT FUND 131198.61 P. W. REVOLVING FUND 9,753.03 CUMULATIVE AIRPORT RES. FUND 1,718.00 CUMULATIVE WATER RESERVE FUND 1,468.13 FIREIviENtS PENSION FUND 467.00 WATER FUND 17,350.29 GARBAGE FUND 7,478.44 SEWAGE DISPOSAL FUND 827.47 EMP. PAYROLL SAVINGS BOND FUND 187.50 E. L. Alexander, City C1_-rk Jpe R. Baxter, Mayor r Renton, Washington June 10, 1958 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8 o'clock P.M. ROLL CALL: VIETZKE, DULLAHANT, REID, MORRIS, PINKERTON, CLYMER, GARRETT, ALIMENT, DELAURENTI, POLI AND BRUCE. Councilman Hansen was excused. I OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief and Al Simonson, Comp- troller. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, that the minutes of the meetings of June second and third be approved as written. Carried. A letter from Attorney McCutcheon requesting a solicitor's license for Yuen Lui's Studio was read. It was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that this matter be placed in the hands of the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A contract for power from Puget Sound Power and Light Company for Munici- pal Water Pumping was read by the City Clerk. Vietzke moved it be turned over to the Power and Light Committee, seconded by Bruce. The motion carried with Councilman Morris voting ttNott. The City Engineer reported on a Resolution from the State Department of Highway for improvement of Third Avenue, from Morris to Burnett Street. Morris moved the matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for recommendation. Seconded by Pinkerton. Motion carried. A letter from Harold Lee regarding a six foot screening fence for Vista Heights ..r Addition was submitted. The City Engineer reported a six foot fence is in violation of the City Ordinance and recommended that FHA be requested to waive the excess height requirement. It was moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, that the matter be referred to the Planning Commission for recommendation. Motion carried. A petitior from the opponents of Metro Plan requesting the King County Com- missioners to delete and exclude the entire area of the City of Renton from the proposed Metro Plan was submitted. It was moved by Bruce, seconded by Aliment, that it be referred to the Council as a Whole. Motion carried. The City Attorney's letter recommending the City not grant the reauest of Seattle Plywood Company for reduced rental was read. It was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pinkerton, that the reauest of the Seattle Plywood Company be denied. Motion carried. Councilman Pinkerton requested that the letter from the City Attorney re- garding franchise reauest of Jim's Garbage Disposal remain in the hands of the Sanitation Committee. Delaurenti moved this letter be referred to the Sanitation Committee. Seconded by Pinkerton. Motion carried. Morris moved an application from Holmes Electric Company requesting the removal of four parking meters to make a loading and unloading zone be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and report back. Seconded by Delaurenti. Motion carried. The clerk submitted a request for a business license for a Beauty Shop in a home in the Maplewood area. Morris moved it be referred to the Police and License Committee. Seconded by Vietzke. Motion carried. Morris moved the Resolution from the Renton Democratic Club in reference to the Metro Plan be referred to the Council as a Whole. Seconded by Pinkerton,. Motion carried. A letter from Mrs. E. C. Sherman regarding the use of Jones Park for a play area for recesses at Bible Vacation School was read. Reid moved the matter be referred to the Park Board. Seconded by Dullahant. Motion carried. Councilman Garrett presented a resolution on the final plat of the Vista Heights Tract. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that Resolution No. 966 be adoped as read. Motion carried. Councilman Garrett reauested a meeting of the Ordinance Committee and Ways and Means Committee for next Tuesday night, June 17th at 7:30 P.M. The clerk reported that the Ordinance amending the Zoning Code had been placed on its first reading on May 12th. Councilman Garrett said the Ordinance Committee will have a recommendation on this Ordinance at the next meeting. Councilman Reid reported his committee needs more time on the Smiley Plats. Councilman Morris reported the communications referred to the Fire and Water Committee on request of King County Water District No. 102 will remain in committee until more information has been received. Councilman Pinkerton reported the Sanitation Committee needs more time on the communication from Jimts Garbage Disposal. Councilman Vietzke, President of the Council, reported that the Council as a Whole recommends holding the Metro Plan Issue in committee. Vietzke reported on the rezoning of the intersection of Logan Street and Tobin Avenue for Myers, from R-1 to L-1. Hal Hyatt spoke from the audience on this rezoning. After some discussion Councilman Pinkerton moved the property be rezoned from R-1 to B-1 and July 1st set as the date of hearing. Bruce seconded and the motion carried. Councilman Bruce reported that the Property Committee recommends that the Traffic Court be rent©d to Judge Duckworth on Tuesdays and Thursdays for $25.00 a month, on a month-to-month basis. Delaurenti moved the Council concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee and the City Attorney draw up the proper papers. Seconded by Dullahant. Motion carried. Councilman Dullahant asked the City Attorney if the Council has any control over the rent of the Cedar River Housing. The City Attorney advised the Council there was a Lease Agreement with the Housing Authority. The variance request by Mr. Pallis for Ridgecrest No. 3 was turned over to the Street and Alley Committee. Councilman Garrett reported on a request to extend the mercury vapor lights in Earlington Heights to Langston Road. It was moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter be placed in the hands of the Power and Light Committee. Motion carried. Mr. McGovern. spoke from the floor wanting to know what the Council was going to do on the Metro Plan. After some discussion Councilman Aliment moved, Dullahant seconded that the entire area of the City of Renton be deleted and excluded from the proposed Metro Plan with the City Clerk to so notify the King County Commissioners. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the meeting adjourn. The Council Chambers were filled with visitors. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 o'clock, P.M. E. L. Alexander, City Clerk J e Baxter, Mayor i 417 Renton, Washington June 17, 1958 The regular meeting oy' the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8 o?clock P.M. ROLL CALL: VIETZKE, DULLAHANT, REID, MORRIS, PINKERTON, CLYMER, ALIMENT, DELAURENTI, POLI AND BRUCE. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, that Councilmen Garrett and Hansen be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexam der, City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Al Simonson, Comptroller. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pinkerton, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. Council authorization requested by City Attorney for execution by Mayor and City Clerk of ?Consent to Assignment of Lease?, covering Stanke Xnopp Airport Hangar Area to Knopp Corporation, known. as Starfl.ight, Inc. This has been approved by the Airport Board. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the City Attorneys recommendation. Carried. Attorneys letter of confirmation to Judge Duckworth regarding monthly tenancy �7 of Police Court premises, effective August 1, 1958 for $25.00 monthly rental cover- ing Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of each week. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the City Attorney. Carried. Planning Commission_ recommendations as numbered on the minutes (2) Grant variance on Ridgecrest No. 3, submitted by Pallis. Accept final Plat of Ridgecrest No. 3. Street and Alley Committee report on this to be presented under _ Committee reports. (' (4) Refuse variance request of Standard Oil Co. to build closer than 20-foot set-back Ordinance requirement. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommenda- tion of the Planning Commission. Carried. (6) Grant Harold Lee variance request for 6-foot fence, if not closer than 20 feet from street line. Following discussion, moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that this renuest be tabled until next regular meeting. Motion carried. Del- aurenti opposed. (7) Grant variance on Lot 18A, Block 46, Corrected Highlands Plat, sub- mitted by Harry E. Hausman, to build a covered entry. Councilman Vietzke reported adjacent residents are favorable. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Morris, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. (8) Accept Hallie Smiley?s revised proposed plat of Fair View Terrace. Moved by Morris, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommenda- tion of. the Planning Commission. Carried. (11) Recommend steps be initiated toward reopening of 12th Avenue North. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that this matter be placed in the hands of the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. Councilman Morris presented a proposed Ordinance regulating the keeping and impounding of dogs and other animals. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that Ordinance No. 1681 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting ftAyett the motion. carried. Councilman Morris presented a proposed Ordinance regulating and providing for licensing of peddlers and solicitors, repealing Ordinance No. 940 and other con- flicting Ordinances. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its first reading. Carried. The City Clerk read the pro- posed Ordinance. Following favorable recommendation, moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, that Ordinance No. 16£32 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting "Ayetf the motion carried. Secretary Henry Reynolds of the Chamber of Commerce stated the adoption of this Ordinance would take a tremendouis burden from the Chamber, and should receive the hearty approval of all I citizens of Renton. A proposed Ordinance amending Chapter 7 of the Zoning Code, placed on its first reading on May 13th, was presented by the Ordinance Committee. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on a second reading. Carried. After the second reading, moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to place it on its final reading. Carried. The City Clerk made the final read- ing, and it was moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, that Ordinance No. 1683 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting «Ayett, the motion carried. Councilman Dullahant reported it was the recommendation of the Legislative Committee that the City Council adopt a resolution as presented by the Chamber of Commerce to secure legislation for relief of the railroads, and a copy be sent to the Senators and Representatives of the State of Washington. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. Councilman Clymer, Chairman, reported on the Ways and Means Committee rec- ommendation_ towards the financing. of authorized street improvements on Renton Scenic Fill. The total estimated cost, $5,389.00 covering material - $3,489.00, labor and equipment rental - $1,900.00. The committee recommended $1,100.00 to be paid from the Water Department Fund and balance from Cumulative Fund 1183. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Dullahant, to concur in the recommendation of the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. In the discussion, the City Clerk questioned the use of Fund 1183 for street improvements, and the City Attorney stated he had informed the committee that the Ordinance in its broadest sense, in case of emergency, could be interpreted to include such financing. Street Commissioner Miller stated he expected to start work on this project the latter part of July. More time was granted the Power and Light Committee regarding mercury vapor lights for Langston Road area. Councilman Aliment, Chairman, recommended the proposed contract with the Puget Sound Power & Light Company to furnish power for municipal water pumping, be executed. Moved by Morris, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. Councilman Reid reported on the following Street and Alley Committee reco- mmendations: (1) J Street, Smiley Fairview Terrace. Developer furnish ma.terial,City the labor, covering 700 to 800 feet, material to consist of 3tt crushed rock and 211 asphalt - street 28 feet wide between curbs. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. (2) 8th Place, Smiley Fairview Terrace. Developer take care of this, acc- ording to City Engineer specifications. Highton explained the street exists but was vacated in replat of Highlands, which would put it in category of new street construction. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. (3) L Street, between 10th & 12th N., Smiley Graceland Terrace. Developer assume all cost for material and labor to improve as on H Place. New street 50 feet, 28 feet from curb to curb. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. (4) 11th Place. Hold in committee. (5) K Street Smiley Graceland Terrace. Graded and graveled by developer, width 36t). Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. (6) 10th N., between L & M Streets, Skyland Heights No. 2. To be graded and graveled by developer. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Clymer, to concur in the committeets recommendation. Carried. (7) Resolution from State Highway Department for improvement of Third Ave., Morris to Burnett Street, be adopted, signed and forwarded to the High- way Department. It was so moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, and carried. (8) Grand Variance request and adopt final plat Ridgecrest No. 3 - Pallis. as recommended by the Planning Commission. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the Ordinance Committee draw up the necessary ordinance. Carried. (9) Stop line requested on Third Avenue, short distance west of intersection with Smithers: Committee recommends a stop light which they believe would be more effective. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Reid, that the financing of this light be referred to the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. (10) More time was granted on Holmes Electric? request for loading and unloading zone. (11) Bomarc Addition, storm sewers. Rowland Construction furnish the pipe, the City the labor and equipment. The City Engineer stated the City has an ob- ligation to maintain drainage facilities in the area. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Dullahant, on inquiry, was informed by the City Hall Improvement Committee that unused room in City Hall will be utilized in expansion of office facilities. A communication from the Windsor Hills Community Club to the Street and Alley Committee was read by the City Clerk. Previous Council action in denying City labor and equipment for clearing bank at North entrance to Windsor Hills, policy on private property; also, promised investigation of commercial advertis- ing signs on Windsor Hills Parkway were referred to. The letter quoted from King County Photo Records as proof that this is not private property. Moved by . 4 Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Public Rela- M tions Committee to return their findings and recommendation. Carried. Council- man Reid suggested they confer with the Street Commissioner who has made an in- vestigation. Councilman Vietzke?s recuest for repairs to Tobin Avenue was by motion of Vietzke, second by Delaurenti, referred to the Street and Alley Committee to in- vestigate and report back. Carried. Councilman Aliment requested the condition of Cedar River Housing Units, and rental charges, be investigated. Moved by Reid, seconded by Dullahant, a committee be appointed to secure information on the Cedar River Park Project. k Carried. Mr. H. H. Smiley, speaking from the floor, pointed out at the time the Skyland Heights No. 1 plat was accepted (7th Avenue N.), the Planning Commission recommended the City acquire right-of-way as conforms to the Street. Moved by Morris, seconded by Pinkerton, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Vietzke called a meeting of the Council as a Whole with the Planning Commission and Mr. Roger Peterson of the Builder?s Association. for Monday, June 23rd at B o'clock P.M. Councilman Pinkerton reportei it was the recommendation of the Sanitation Committee to grant Jim?s Garbage Disposal a. five-year franchise within area in- cluded in his State Permit, and Ordinance be presented at next meeting. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the com- mittee. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the meeting adjourn. There were 14 persons present beside City employees. Meeting adjourned at 10:05 P.M. City Clerk Mayor -4420 Renton Washinnton June 2tl 1958 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8 o'clock P.M. ROLL C!!T,L: V17 7KE, Oni,AHANT, REID, MORRIS, PINK7RTON, CLLR, GARRETT, ALIMENT AND POLI. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Poli, that Councilmen Hansen, Delaurenti and Bruce be excused. Carried. OFF'ICIAT,S AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRFSFNT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Ale xander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Walt Will, Building Inspector and Al Simonson, Comptroller. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Pinkerton, that the minutes of the previous meeting- be approved as corrected. Carried. Mayor's letter recuesting the City Council go on record in support of Senate Bill No. 3677 and H.R. Bill No. 12.165 and 12183 to extend for two years, "Payments in T,ieu of Taxes". The City Attorney suggested that letters be sent to our Sena- tors and all of the representatives of the State of Washington urging their support of these measures to secure passage in the House. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Garrett, tcc concur in the Mai,ror's and City Attorney's recommendation and the City Clerk so inform our congressmen. Carried. City Attorney's letter submitting proposed Franchise Ordinance and Franchise in the matter of Jim's .Gabage Disposal. The City Attorney recommended the pro- posed Ordinance QrW'A'cYf6n to be taken until 30 days thereafter, publication cost to be assumed by Grantee. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its first readinc . Carried. First reading; under 'Or-linances and Resoliitions' . Petition signed by City Officials and Department heads requesting installation of air conditioning units in their various offices. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by ..J Pinkerton, that this matter ')e taken up with the Housing Authority for a report back. Carried. A letter from City Attorney regarding sale of Septic Tank to Robert Edwards, option to purchase real estate property and purchase of 30 foot right-of-way for extension of 7th Avenue South. Communication read for Council information. Mayor's appointments on Cedar River Housing Committee, to investigate rent- als and maintenance: Charles Delaurenti, Chairman; Frank Aliment, Clarence Dulla- hant, Vern 7-orris and Dale Pinkerton. Communications from Tradewell Stores, Bill Santi Furniture and Appliance, and Chieftain Pontiac requesting consideration of a possible return to two-way streets, or partial return. "roved by Vietzke, seconded by Pinkerton, to refer these com- munications to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. Proposal for repair of utility poles in Cedar River Park submitted by City Engineer at request of Chairman Aliment, Power & Light Committeep Pacific Tele- phone and Telegraph Co. to repair the nine damaged poles at their expense, as spec- ified by the City Engineer. Communication read for information of the council. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance authorizing franchise with Jim's Garbage Disposal. Pronosed franchise was also read. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Vietzke, that the proposed ordinance by referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. The Ordinance Committee recommendation publication as a proposed ordinance, grantee to bear the cost, further action withhold until 30 days following publication. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee. Carried. A proposed resolution approving the corrected and revised final plat of Ridge Crest No. 3, submitted by Pallis. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett that Resol- ution No. 968 be adopted as read. Carried. Councilman Vietzke pres-nted the matter of the proposed Platting Ordinance now in Council as a Whole Committee, previously placed on its first reading. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Pinkerton, that the proposed Platting Ordinance be placed on its second reading. Carried. After the second reading, moved by Morris, seconded by Pinkerton, that the proposed ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. It was requested that Councilmen and builders in- terested be furnished copies of the proposed Ordinance for study. The Street and Alley Committee reaffirmed the previous approval by heir committee, the Planning Commission and City Council, and recommends the City Attorney be authorized to negotiate for right-of-way (fifty feet in width) to reopen 12th Avenue North, Sunset Boulevard to H Street, as a public street. Moved by ITietzke, seconded by Barrett, to concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. Councilman Morris reported on the proposed rezoning of Rainier Acres from S-1 to R-1 for Pallis, as recommended by the Planning Commission. Councilman Morris stated this tract is in the Use District designated as SR-1. Moved by Morris, seconded by Pinkerton to not concur in the recommendation of the Planning �. Commission, and the City Council recommend rezoning of descrihed property from S-1 to SR-1. Carried. Chairman Denzer of the Planning Commission stated that this matter would now revert to the owner to take the next steps, and the City Clerk was requested to so inform Mr. Pallis. Council President Vietzke reauested Harold Lee's variance request for 6- foot fence be returned to the floor. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that the variance request of Lee be taken from the table. Carried. Mr. Lee explained this fence would Te adjacent to a Public 'walkway, and was a requirement of FHA financing, that it would vary in height from 11 to 6 feet. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of the Plannin7 Commission !o and 7rant Mr. Lee's variance request. Carried. Aliment opposed. Councilman Clymer was -rented more time on determinin7 source of Funds for stop li^ht to be placed on Third Avenue, west cf Smithers intersection. Councilman Aliment reported the Power & Light Company recommends the install- ation of mercury Vapor lights at X01, 605 and 701 Langston Road. Moved by Vietzke seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the committee to extend light- ing on Langston Road from Earlington Street to the City Limits. Carried. Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, that this matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee to secure funds to install the lights. Carried. Councilman Poli reported on the reauest of the Windsor Hills Community Club referred to the Public Relations Committee. The Committee advised that the Street Superintendent will have the bank at the north entrance cleared as requested, and the Mayer informed the Council that firms having erected Commercial sinns in the area will be notified to remove them, as this is a violation. Councilman Aliment reported that repairs to the utility poles in Cedar River Park would be started in two weeks, according to Mr. Penton. Councilman Reid was informed that data will be forthcoming from the Engineer- ing Department on the Talbot 'Hater System. Mayor Baxter stated the Maplewood Area would require some relief for their water supply. On specific inquiry of Councilman Vietzke concerning water shut-off in project due north of Honeydew School, Mayor Paxter stated the Water Department notified consumers prior to shut-off. Councilman Vietzke requested Department Heads begin work shortly on prepar- ation of their budgets. Councilman Aliment reauested that in items referred to the Street and Alley Committee previously, include a study of problem of Third and Main. Councilman Reid requested a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee, Street Commissioner and Traffic Division, extending an invitation to any Councilman who wish to attend, for Monday, June 30th. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Poli, that the meeting adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 P.M. Co,incil Chambers were filled with visitors. City Clerk r 1V 7 Mayor is Renton, Washington July 1, 1958 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8 O'clock P.M. ROLL CALL: VTIET7KE, U LLAHANT, R.FID, MORRIS, PTNK"RTON, CLTMT'R, GARRETT, ATIYYNT, DELATTRFNTI, POLI AND BRTTCF. Moved by 'Reid, seconded by Morris, that the minutes of the Previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DFPARTWNT WADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; WSW Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Hi7htor, City Engineer, Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Al Simonson, Comptroller. Mayor's appointment of Firemen Richard "eisller, Arthur Pringle, Franklin Todd to permanent Status, all having served six months probationary period, and approved by the Fire Chief. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Bruce, to concur in these appointments. Morris opposed, as he wished time for a check of qualifications. The hearing was opened by Ma.-or Faxter on proposed rezoning initiated by Council Action to rezone described property from R-1 to B-1, lots 1, 2 and 3. Block 6, Renton Real Estate First Addition, and property south from south line of Lot -l. HLock 6 to north line of Tobin. There being no objections, verbal or written, andproperty owners having been properly notified, it was moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Bruce, to rezone described property from R-1 to B-1. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that proper Ordinance be drafted. Carried. Mayor's request that vacancy on the Council due to death of Olin Hansen, be filled as soon as possible. All present observed a minute of silence in memory of Councilman Hansen. Moved by Reid, seconded by Pinkerton, that the Council case a secret ballot to fill the vacancy on the Council, the City Clerk to act as teller. Carried. Nominations being in order, Tom TriTnm was nominated by Reid, nomination seconded be Delaurenti. - j John Malgarini was nominated by %I.lahant, seconded by Aliment. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Aliment, that the nominations be closed. Carried. Following the vote, the count showed Tom Trimm-6, John MalParini-5. A check of the votes case was made by the Mayor, City Attorney and Chief Pasato and showed the count correct. The Mayor announced the election of Tom Trimm to fill the unexpired term of Olin Hansen as City Councilman, and the oath of office was administered to Tom Trimm by the City Clerk. Councilman Trimm was appointed to serve on the committees to which Hansen had been appointed. Mayor's letter attaching two communications from the Public Housing Administration San Francisco, and deed of dedication as follows: (a) Request for opinion of Council, and resolution authorizing and setting forth purpose and authority for acquisition of Reservoir Site and a('jacent territory. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Aliment, that this matter be referred to the City Attorney to check and report back next meeting. Carried. (b) Deed of dedication dated June 11 conveying to the City, subject to existing lease. Tract 5B of Block 5, Corrected Plat of Renton Hi(,hlands No. 2, on which is located the North Highlands Community Building. Mov d by Vietzke, seconded by Aliment, that this ��e referred to the City Attorney to check. Carried. Mayor's recommendation that Northern Pacific bill_ for construction of new grade crossings at lith Avenue 'forth and installation of necessary signal lights, be paid from Cumulative Fund 1181 , which fund now has sufficient funds. Moved by Vietzke, second- ed by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of the Mayor and pay this bill. Carred. Invitation extended Councilmen and their wives to attend meeting Thursday, July 10th, at 8:00 P.M., at the :,arpenter's Hall where presentation of safety awards to 67 drivers of the City Hall will be made. An application for pinball machine license from Mutual Amusement Company was re- ferred on motion of Morris, second by Pinkerton) to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Communication from Kin`, County's Assessor's Office requesting the Council select three members to act in conjunction with the Board of County Commissioners as a '?oard of Equalization, for property located within the City of Renton, board to meet Monday, 23 July 7th, and consider protests beginning 9:00 A.T4., Tuesday, July 8th, in the Assessor's Office. Moved by Reid, seconded by 0,arrett, that the Legislative Com- mittee be appointed on this, the Mayor authorized to select an alternate. Carried. City engineer's report on closure of Houser Way Bridge, June 30th, due to partial failure of supporting timhers at south end. Cost of repairs to permit re- opening to light vehicular traffic, within 411,000.00. The City Engineer recommended further that plans be drafted for complete nein structure. Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer re=arding repairs to the bridge. Carried. Hibhton stated the bridge could be repaired to permit re- opening by the L th of July. Moved by Trimm, seconded by -Delaurenti, that the Street and Alley Committee check the feasib'lity of a new brid?e for Houser Way. Carried. Planning Commission recommendations as numbered in their minutes of June 25th: (2) Rezoning of 'Executive Manor' for Hallie Smiley, P-1 to R-1 (hath N. and 116th Ave. e.E.). Moved by Morris, s-conded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. (3) Accept 7raceland Terrace final plat for Hallie Smilev (12th N. & M St.). Tarrett, to concur in the recommendation of Moved by Morris, seconded by the Olannina Commission. Carried. (5) Rezoning of caboe and Murakami property, Lots 1 °- 2, Block 2, Smithers hth Addition to the Town of Renton and Lot 3, 'dock 2, (lith S. and Morris St.), R-1 to P-1. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, to CA concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. in ,eT Moved by Delaurenti', seconded by Vietzke, that necessary Ordinances he -3rafted on <� Items 2 and 5, and Resolution on Item 3. Carried. V The variance request of Robert and Wilma Fairbanks for 16 foot right-of-way to establish street or ri.7ht of way to their property, 1261h S.E; 128th St., was on motion of Dullahant, seconded by Pinkerton, referred to the Planning Commission for a report back. Carried. City Attorney's notice to Tino Cugini concerning the reopening of 12th Ave. North and necessity for acquisition for this purpose of approximately 25 feet from the South portion of Lot 4, Block 11. This compunication for Council information. Invitation to the annual City Employee's Club Picnic to be held Saturday, July 12th at Heiser's Shadow Lake. A discussion on the proposed platting ordinance and recommended changes in wording to be incorporated, as follows: SECTION 3: Procedure: B. Specific, Item 8a. "Imnrovements will be completed within 12 months after approval of the final plat". Sr�CTTON�: Item 9. "Or such datum" be changed to read, "Or such other Govern- mental datum". SFCTION 9: B. Complete Neighborhood. "The Planning Commission may authorize" be changed to read: "The Planning Commission may recommend". SFCTTON 9: C. Applications required. Item 2, P.2. Now reads: "The City Council within ten days" . Should read: "The City Council, within fifteen days". The Ordinance Committee recommended a public hearing be held July 15th, requestin- the local newspapers to publish a notice to this effect, together with information that copies of the proposed Ordinance can be obtained from the City ClerV's office. Councilman Reid reported on the following recommendations of the Street and Alley Committee: 1. Recommends Tiolmes Electric Co. be granted loading and unloading zone, by the removal of b meters from the parking lot, and that Holmes remove his truck from present parking space on Mills St. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti., to concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. 2. improvements to Scenic Hill Streets should be completed around the end of July, acco.rdino- to the Street Commissioner. 3, The City Engineer will take up the matter of 7th Avenue North with the School District. 1�. Mere time was granted on the communications received concerning one-way streets. 5. Street Commissioner's report requested by the Street and Alley Committee as follows: To widen corner of Airport & Logan for additional right turn lane. Cast material labor and equipment--t-966.04. Total cost material, lal)or & equipment--Airport and Logan-46,563.57. (Includes only Street Department work and not that done by contractor-nor cost of traffic lights and installation). Due to the use of Cumulative Fund 118h for the 7orthern Pacific Bill, Councilman Clymer stated he would need more time for investigate source of funds for stop light at 3rd & Smithers, and li7htina for Langston Road, the latter to cost approximately U80.00 for three mercury vapor lights. Councilman Bruce, Chairman, Property Committee reported the committee had met with the Housing Authority, Aliment, Dullahant and ?inkerton also in atten dance, relative to Cedar River Housing Units. The committee recommended that the Housing Authority be authorized to take necessary step's to put Cedar River Park Housing in an attractive and presentable condition, other than those units affected by the new State Highway. It was further recommended that the trim be painted and coal sheds padlocked. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Poli, to concur. Carried. At request of Council President Vietzke, moved by Vietzke, seconded by Bruce, that the Fire and Mater Committee investigate the water shorta7e on the hill back of the Richfield Oil Plant. Motion carried. Councilman Reid requested clarification of specific account to use for the ?1,100.00 expenditure for Scenic Hill improvements authorized to be chpraed to the Water Department. 'roved by Reid, seconded by Poli, that the Ways '1: Means Committee determine fund to be used. Carried. Councilman Trimm thanked the members of the Council forhaving elected him and promised his 'lest efforts in the City's behalf. Councilman Bruce requested a meeting of his committee with Park Superintendent Coulon, Park Board Member Richardson and the Mayor to immediately follow this meeting. The City Clerk reported the Housing Authority could obtain air conditioning units for various city offices at a cost of `"11.97 per unit. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Vietzke, that the Housing Authority be authorized to purchase the re- quested units. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, that the meeting adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M. There were 12 persons present beside City Employees. ty Clerk Y�. avor The following claims for the month of June, 1958, having previously been approved by the Finance Committee were approved: SALARY FUND $73,861.62 CURRENT FUND 17,023.37 CITY STREET FUND 4p791-77 CEDAR RIVER M. & I. FUND 212.89 OFF-ST. PARKING FUND 125.00 PARK & ATRETIC FUND 3,825.26 MOTIFERS PARK FUND 3,910.57 LIBRARY FUND 3,613.07 AIRPORT FUND 69244.80 P. W. REVOLVING FUND 7,217.11 CU1,MIATIVE FUND #1183 2,250.00 DEPRECIATION RESERVE FUND 15,293.00 -CUMULATIVE, WATER RESERVE FUND 61609.01 CU14ULATIVE AIRPORT RESERVE FUND 111971-84 FIRMIIENIS PENSION FUND 482.50 WATER FUND 11,178.44 GARBAGE FUND 7,386.95 SaJAGE DISPOSAL 704.57 EMP. PAYROLL SAVINGS BOND FUND 112.50 I i 42.5 Renton, Washington July 8, 1958 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Payor Joe R. Baxter, at 8 otclock P.M. ROLL CALL: DULLAHANT, REID, PINKERTON, CLYMER, GARRETT, TRIMMI ALIMENT, DELAURENTI, POLI AND BRUCE. Councilmen Vietzke and Morris were excused. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dullahant, that the minutes of the pre- vious meeting be approved as written. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shell<nn, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer ; James Highton, City Engineer; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Gere Coulon, Park Superintend- ent; Al Simonson, Comptroller. Mayorts appointment of James E. Phelan, Richard L. Gray and Robert J. McDaniels as City Patrolmen, all having been certified by the Civil Service Commission and are the top three on the eligible list. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Brace, to concur in these appointments. Carried. i Letter from Superintendent of Buildings, W. H. Will, in regard to permit fees was read by the City Clerk. Superintendent Will requests the permit charges be brought into line with thos of Seattle, Bellevue and Tacoma. Bruce moved, fseconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendation of i-lr. Will. Carried. Delaurenti moved, Bruce seconded, that this matter be placed in the hands of the Ordinance Committee for report back. Carried. The communication from the City Attorney to the Mayor and Council giving the legal opinion on the Deed of Dedication from the Public Housing Authority for the North Renton Recreation Hall, was read. Dullahant moved, seconded by Aliment, that we accept the Deed of Dedication. Carried. It was moved by Bruce, seconded by Pinkerton, that the Insurance Commission look into the insurance on this building and take care of it. Carried. f The City Clerk reported that letters from Congressmen and Senators pledging their support of S. 3677 and HR 12165 and HR 12183 were received and filed. Councilman Garrett presented a Resolution for the purchasing of property in the Renton Highlands for general City of "Renton Water Department purposes. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Delaurenti, that Resolution No. 969 be adopted as read. Carried. Councilman Garrett presented a Resolution for the final plat of Graceland Terrace. It was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that Resolution No. 970 be adopted as read. Carried. Councilmar_ Garrett presented an Ordinance rezoning certain properties from SINGLE RESIDENCE FAMILY DISTRICT (R-1) to BUSINESS DISTRICT USE (B-1). Delaurenti moved the Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee and report back. Second- ed by Pinkerton, motion carried. Councilman Garrett stated the Ordinance Committee j recommends the ordinance be adopted. It was moved by Brace, seconded by Delaurenti, C that the Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading Delaurenti moved, seconded by Pinkerton, that Ordinance No. 1684 -be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen pres- ent voting ttAyett the motion carried. Councilman Garrett presented an Ordinance changing the zoning classification of certain_ properties in the City of Renton from PUBLIC USE DISTRICT (P-1) to RESIDENCE SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICT (R-1). P-loved by Delaurenti, sec nded by Aliment, that the Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Garett -said the Ordinance Committee recommends the ordinance be adopted. It was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Aliment, the ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, that Ordinance No. 1685 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken, and all Councilmen present voting "Aye" the motion carried. Councilman Reid reported on the following recommendations of the Street and Alley Committee: I 1. Recommends that Main Street between 3rd & Walla Walla be charged to a two- way street on a thirty day trial basis, (approximate cost $50.00) the Traffic Com- mittee to then report back to the Council. It was moved by Aliment, seconded by j Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. €` Carried. It was moved by Reid, seconded by Aliment, that the Ordinance Committee 4Z6 draft a Resolution regarding this matter. Carried. 2. A new bridge on Houser Way will cost between $125,000 and $140,000, for a two lane bridge. The City Engineer said there will undoubtedly be a drop in J traffic over Houser Way wehn the new free-way is completed. It was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pinkerton, that the Houser Way Bridge and free way problem be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for further study and report back. Carried. Councilman Clymer said the Ways & Means Committee recommends that the money for the mercury vapor lights for Earlington Hill, and the stop-control light for 3rd. & Smithers be taken from Cumulative Fund #1184, and the $1,100.00 that was earmarked for Renton Scenic Hill improvement be taken from the Water Department, Capital Outlay. It was moved by Reid, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation of the Ways & Means Committee. Carried. Councilman Aliment reported that nothing has been heard from the Telephone Company in regard to the poles in Cedar River Park. It was moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Mayor contact the Telephone Company in regard to this matter. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported the Property Committee recommends the monies from the rental of the Highlands Administration Building be used for resurfacing the surrounding area where needed. The City Clerk is to notify the Housing Authority that the tenants of the Building should be notified that there is to be no parking along the tennis courts or in back of the building. Dullahant requested a study be made of the lighting situation on Renton Scenic Hill. It was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, this matter be placed in the hands of the Power & Light Committee. Carried. Councilman Dullahant requested the City Clerk to read a letter he had re- ceived from John Malgarini challenging the validity of using a secret ballot in the election to fill the vacancy in the Council left by the death of Olin 1 Hansen. Dullahant moved for a roll call. The Mayor declared the motion out of order. Delaurenti moved the matter be referred to the City Attorney for a legal opinion. The City Attorney reported that every Council has the right to determine its own method of voting. It is up to the Council to decide which way they wish to vote (secret ballot or count down) as long as the majority of the Council agree. The procedure used by the Council last week, in his opinion, was perfectly legal and binding. Mr. Carney, attorney for Mr. Malgarini spoke on the matter, as did Mr. Mal- garini and two people from the audience. Aliment moved, seconded by Dullahant, that there be a count. The Mayor de- clared the motion out of order. Mr. Malgarini asked the City Attorney to advise the Council what a. legal motion would be. Mr. Shellan said that as far as he knows the Council acted within its rights last week and there is nothing now than can be done. The action of the Council was legal and binding. Councilman Garrett went on record as saying he voted on a secret ballot because he felt it would create more harmonious relationships between Council members. Aliment moved, seconded by Dullahant, that the matter be tabled until next meeting. Carried. Councilman Reid requests the Street Commissioner to investigate the con- dition of Shattuck Street between Airport Way and Logan Street, and report back. It x s moved by Garrett, seconded by Reid, that the City Engineer notify the Power Company to install three mercury lights on Langston Road. Carried. It was moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9;10 P.M. The Council Chamber and hallway were filled with visitors. City Clerk Ma r 'F i > C i i i Renton, Washington July 15, 1958 I The regular meeting of the. Renton City Council was called to order by i Mayor Joe R. Baxter, at 8 otclock P.M. i ROLL CALL: VIETZKE, DULLAHANT, REID, MORRIS, PIN1(ERTON, CLYMER, GARRETT, TRIMM, ALIMENT, DELAURENITI, POLI AND BRUCE. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; Vern Church, Pur- chasing Agent and Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent. J Moved by Reid, seconded by Bruce, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. Mayor Baxter called for the hearing on the proposed Platting Ordinance. There being no protests, moved by Garrett, seconded by Vietzke, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, that the proposed Ordinance be adopted as read. Mr. Smiley, from the audience, stated the fees as proposed might be prohibi- QV tive to future annexations to the City. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, C\1 that this motion be tabled for one week and the Ordinance Committee check the fees in comparison with those of the County. Carried. Dullahant opposed. Application from Ajax 111usic Company for master music machine operator's license was referred on motion of Vietzke, second by Poli, to the Police and License Committee for a report back. Carried. A letter from E. J. Fey requesting a review of the Theatre Admission Tax, toward its reduction or elimination, was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, that this request be referred to the Police and License Com- mittee for a report back. Carried. - A communication from Planning Director Humble relative to proposed plan to pro- duce through Urban Renewal seven off-street parking lots, a comparison of revenues which would accrue to the City through B?,O Taxes on increased retail trade estimates the amount to be 2� times that derived from property taxes. The Mayorts letter appointing Don Humble as Director of the Urban Renewal Pro- gram for the City of Rentor, was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the appointment by ! the Mayor, and the communication from the Planning Director be referred to the Council as a Whole. Carried. Request from President Park Development Co. that the City bear a portion of cost for construction of trunk sewers, sanitary and storm, from intersection of 9th Avenue and M Street, north on M Street to 11th Place North. These sewers to be designed with the idea of extending them north to 12th Avenue to also serve properties to north of President Park #11. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Sanitation Committee for a report back. Carried. A letter from Richard Johnson, attaching previous request submitted in June, 1957, requesting installation of a street light on 87th Avenue South, vicinity of South 131st, was read by the City Clerk. Councilmen Reid explained this installation r had been approved by the Council and later disapproved when it was found that three poles would be required at a cost of about $600. Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, j that this matter be referred to the Light and Power Committee for a report back. 1 Carried. The request from the Renton Junior Chamber of Commerce to sponsor a street dance Friday, August 1, 8:30 to 11:00 P.M. on Williams Street, between Walla Walla and 4th Avenue. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Pinkerton, that this matter be re- ferred to the Street and Alley Committee and Police Department with power to act. ROLL CALL Vote: Vietzke, nAyett; Dullahant, "Aye??; Reid, "Notf; Morris, ttNott; Pinkerton, nAyett; Clymer, tfNotf; Garrett, "AyeW; Trimm, ttAyetf; Aliment, t►Nott; Delaurenti, "Nott; Poli, "No?' and Bruce, "Nott; 5 "Ayes"; 7 ,los - Motion lost. Moved by Morris, seconded by Aliment, to grant the request and the matter be placed under the supervision of the Police Department. Carried. A communication was read from the Greater Renton Safety Council expressing thanks for the cooperation and assistance received on the recent ttAwards Meeting'. Planning Commission recommendations, as numbered on their minutes: (3) Accept final plat of Fairview Terrace for Hallie Smiley. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and it be referred to the Ordinance Committee to draft the resolution. Carried. (8) Grant variance request of Lewis H. Purcell to waive 25-foot clearance requirement for back yard - Lot 1, Block 3, Sunset Heights Addition. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Plan- ning Commission. Carried. (°) Petition of Robert and Wilma Fairbanks requesting acceptance of 16- foot access road be referred to the City Attorney and City Engineer with Power to Act. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the rec- ommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. Copy of letter from Inez B. Richardson to the Citizents Committee for Better Government, commending the Mayor, former Councilmen and City Officials of the past ten years for a job well done. A letter from Mary L. Nyblom endorsing the present one-way street pattern, and requesting that Second Avenue be retained as a one-way street. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that this communication be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for future reference. Carried. A note of thanks was read from the family of former councilman, Olin Hansen. A proposed Ordinance changing the zoning classification of described property, North 40 feet, Lots 1 and 2, Block 2 and North 80 feet of Lot 3, Block 2, all of Smithers Fourth Addition to the Town of Renton, from R-1 to P-1, was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Council- man Garrett reported that the Ordinance Committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to place it on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that Ordinance Number 1686 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting "Ayer' the motion unanimously carried. A proposed Ordinance amending Section One of Ordinance No. 1543, to re-establish two-way traffic on Main Street, from Third Avenue to Walla Walla Avenue, was read by the Clerk. The Ordinance Committee recommended that by making this change on a permanen , rather than 30-day trial basis, it would eliminate a further change in the Ordinance at the end of the trial period. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported favorably on the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that the proposed ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading it was moved by Delaurenti, seco nded by Vietzke, that Ordinance No. 1687 be adopted as read. ROLL CALL VOTE: Vietzke, ttAyett; Dullahant, ttAyett; Reid, ttNott; Morris, t'No"; Pinkerton, ItAyetr; Clymer, "Aye"; Garrett, "Aye'?; Tri.mm, ttAyett; A1.1ment, ttNott; Delaurenti, ttAyet'; Poli, "Ayer'; Bruce, t'Aye". Nine, ttAyes"; three ttNaystt - Motion carried. Councilman Dullahantts query concerning ;progress on authorized improvements to Cedar River Housing Units was answered by Ma;-or Baxter who stated work will progress shortly and painters are being hired. Councilman Dullahant presented a resolution from the Renton Democratic Club regis- tering a protest against City Council action in naming Tom Trimm to fill a Council vacancy. Councilman Dullahammt requested that the question of using a Secret Ballot be brought on the floor. Councilman Aliment stated that since ._the motion for a count down by all Councilmen had been declared out of order (meeting of July 8th), he wished to personally go on record as having voted for Mr. Malgarini. This declaration was followed by statements from Councilmen Poli, Dullahant and Clymer that they had also cast their votes for Malgarini. Councilman Reid was granted more time on the mater of Houser Way bridge and other matters pending in Street and Alley Committee, including the matter of Whitworth Lanes. Councilman Morris submitted the report to his committee from the City Engineer on the water system (Area west of Rainier Ave., City of Seattle Pipe Line to City Limits at South 122nd Street). The Engineerts survey indicated the best plan would be the purchase of 850 feet of 8 inch line in place from the Seattle Line to S. 132nd on 84th So., from Mr. Edwards. The estimated cost of line and 6-inch meter, $6,000.00. The City could then acquire the small private lines and improve overall system through an LiD. Moved br Morris, seconded by Delaurenti , to concur in the Engineerts report and the City Engineer and City Attorney be authorized to negotiate with Mr. Edwards for the purchase of 850 feet of 8 inch line. Carried. I IBX Councilman Garrett requested an Ordinance Committee meeting with Walt Wills, Building Superintendent, Monday, July 28th at 8 o'clock P.11. Councilman Aliment was granted more time on the lighting problem on Renton Scenic Hill. Councilman Bruce reported on the Engineer's Cost breakdown on proposed improve- ment of area surrounding the Highlands Administration Building, total cost - .p4,750.00. He further reported this property will be turned over to the Park Department. The Committee had recommended the cumulation of rentals from the building be used for this improvement. Moved by Reid, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommenda- tion of the Property Committee. Carried. Dullahant opposed, as he wanted to have information on actual rental received. The City Clerk reported the North Highlands Recreation Building is covered by insurance in amount of '$68,000.00. On a request made by Councilman Dullahant the City Engineer was instructed to contact the City of Seattle Water Department to alleviate the dust situation on the Renton Hill Beacon Avenue Pipe Line right-of-way. C7 Councilman Vietzke stated he had received numerous requests to have the area C\1 near the North Highlands Recreation Building where Boeing' employees park their tfa cars, oiled for control of the dust condition. The City Engineer was recuest to 4' contact Boeing in regard to this matter. Councilman Trimm reported on traffic congestion on Main Street near Fourth Avenue South and Grady Way, recommending placement of signs to channel traffic. M oved by Trim, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. Councilman Poli reported the intersection of 4th Avenue West and Earlington Street a definite traffic hazard, and recommended that 4th Avenue West be made a Stop Street. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that this matter be re- ferred to the Street and Alley Comr,Littee for a report back. Carried. Councilman Reid requested a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee, City Engineer and Street Commissioner, Tuesday, July 22nd at 7.30 P.M. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Aliment, that the meeting adjounr. The Council Chambers were filled with visitors. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 P.M. City Clerk 1`Iayo r �A.. 430 Renton, Washington July 22, 1958 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: DULLAIIANT, REID, MORRIS, PINKERTON, CLYMER, GARRETT, TRIM4, ALIMENT, DELAURENTI, POLI AND BRUCE. Councilman Vietzke was excused. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Joyce Torelli, Deputy City , Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Al Simonson, Comptroller. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. CONTINUED DARING ON PLATTING ORDINANCE: Mayor Baxter requested that the hearing be continued on the Platting Ordinance. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the motion tabled at the last meeting, 'That Proposed Ordinance be adopted as read'?, be removed from the table. Carried. There were no protests registered at this meeting. ROLL CALL VOTE ON THE MOTION: All Councilmen present voting '?Aye'?, the motion unanimously carried. Petition of complaint on water pressure, signed by 26 residents, vicinity of 132nd S. E. between S. E. 106th and S. E. 100th. Moved by Reid, seconded by Del- aurenti, that this matter be referred to the Fire and Water Committee for a report back. Carried. A communication from .Robert and Wilma Fairbanks re variance request to place dwelling; on rear of property, facing on 16-foot easement and right-of-way. This matter previously referred to the Planning Commission and re-referred to the City Attorney and City Engineer. Council action being rea.uired, the City Engineer and Attorney recommended variance be granted to permit the construction of an additional. single family dwelling on the property, conditional to this specific land use. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti to concur in the recommendation of the City Attorney and City Engineer. Carried. No-Fee permit request from Mr. & Mrs. W. Blanchat for house-to-house sales and installation of chain door fasteners, sample submitted. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pinkerton, that this matter be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Request of Lawrence Brester, 3718 7th Avenue North, for removal of 6-foot fence from street side of adjacent property. Building Superintendent Will stated the owners of this property had been notified to remove this fence, his last letter dated July 14th requested it be done within a week. Moved by Morris, seconded by Reid, that Mr. Will make a further report on this matter at the next Council meeting. Carr _ed. A request from the Bethlehem Lutheran Church for street light at Iii Street was referred on motion of Delaurenti, second by Poli, to the Light and Power Committee with power to act. Carried. Copy of City Attorney's letter of Robert L. Edwards regarding proposed pur- chase of approximately 8501, 81? water line, Seattle water line right-of-way near Langston Road and 84th Ave. to 132nd Street, requesting estimate be furnished the City Engineer for transmittal to the Council. Placed on file. Settlement sheets from P.H.A. on purchase of Reservoir Site and Utility Right-of-Way areas, plus Finance Committee recommendation that funds of X695.48 for this purpose be taken from Cumulative Fund No. 1183. Moved by Morris, seconde by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of the Finance Committee. Carried. City Attorney's letter on City of Renton-Dime Real Estate Transaction, for acquisition of property in Liberty Park, leased to Hollywood Furniture Co. Monthly rentals from building in amount $387.50 to be paid to the City as of August 1, 1958. The Finance Committee recommended that $40,000.00, plus title insurance and costs, needed for this purchase be taken from the Cumulative City Building Fund. This fund short approximately $2,000.00 it was recommended that a, loan of this amount be made to said fund from the Cedar River Acquisition Fund to be repaid not later than December 319 1958, and necessary Resolution be drafted by the Ordinance T Committee. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommenda- tion of the Finance Committee. Carried The City Attorney received the congratulations of the Mayor and Council for his handling of this transaction. Notice from City Engineer regarding Public Hearing on proposed East Valley Freeway, PSH No. 5 south of Renton, scheduled for Thursday, July 24th, at 8:00 P.M. at the Carpenterts Hall. All Councilmen to receive a copy of the Engineerts com- munication and attend the hearing if possible. A proposed resolution adopting the final plat of Fair View Terrace, for Smiley, was read by the Deputy City Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, to adopt Resolution No. 971 as read. Carried. �r Street and Alley Committee recommendations reported by Councilman Reid, Chair- man, as follows: 1. Proposed new bridge for Houser Way. Provide for two lanes with abutments for four lanes. Repair of Wells Street Bridge. The committee recommends the above improvements, a check to be made with the City Engineer and Comptroller on best method of financing. In a dis- cussion that followed it was recommended that the City Engineer have cost estimate prepared by Consulting Engineer Arnold on cost of new span for C\1 Houser Way, new piers for the Wells Street Bridge and an alternate es-timate to include cost of new bridge for Wells Street. This estimate is to be submitted to the City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance in order that the Bond Issue may be placed on the Ballot. r _ _ 2. Directional signs for Main Street Grad Way cost approximately � 0.00. ?� y X35 The City Engineer expressed the opinion that this is the responsibility of the State Highway Department. 3. Recommendation that 4th Avenue West be made a stop street. The committee recommended that both Stevens and Earlington Streets be made arterials. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee, the Street Superintendent and City Engineer be given power at act on Items 2 and 3, contacting the State Highway Department on Item 2. Councilman Delaurenti also suggested the possibility of enlarging the curve at the approach to the Wells Street Bridge. 4. Improvement of Whitworth Street, between 5th and 6th Avenues. The committee recommends this matter be referred to the Fire and Water Committee on the matter of funds to lower the water mains. Moved by Reid, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. Councilman Pinkerton, Chairman, reported it was the recommendation of the San- itation Committee to deny the request of the President Park Development that the City bear part of the cost of sewers, sanitary and storm, (9th & Pi, north on Y to 11th Place North). Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the rec- ommendation of the committee in regard to the President Perk Sewer System. Carried. Councilman Aliment reported the Light and Power Committee recommended the re- quest of Richard Johnson for street light on 87th So. be denied, until such time as the street is opened. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Dullahant, to concur in the committee's recommendation. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti reported his committee wished to check further into the request of the Ajax Music Company for master music iiachine operatorts license; also, consideration of Mir. Feyts request for a review of the admission tax be de- ferred until time of budget hearings. Councilman Morris requested a determination be made as to jurisdiction of prop- erty adjacent to Liberty Park, to be acquired from Anton Dime. Following discussion, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pinkerton, that the rentals derived from this build- ing be placed in the Cumulative City Building Fund. Carried. Moved by Morris, sec- 600 by Aliment, that the matter of jurisdiction be referred to the Property Committee to bring in their recommendation for the handling of this property. Carried. Councilman Garrett called for a meeting of the Ordinance Committee with Tr. Wills and the City Attorney, for a discussion of Building Permit Fees, Monday, July 28 at 8 o'clock P.M1. Councilmen Trimmts recommendation for extension of 96th Avenue South, was re- ferred on motion of Trimm, second by Delaurenti, to the City Engineer. Carried. Councilman Trimm further suggested the extension of 7th Avenue from Burnett to Grady Way. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Pinkerton, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. �, a A , Councilman Aliment reported that residents of the Maplewood Area had been without water frequently during the past 30 days. City Engineer Highton stated an appraisal of this line is being made now and a report will be brought in. Councilman Bruce requested a, meeting of the Property Committee with the Mayor and Park Superintendent at the close of this meeting. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dullahant, that the meeting adjourn. Meeting ad- journed at 8:50 P.M. There were nine persons present besides City employees. City Clerk 6 L� Mayo I 433 Renton, 11ashington August 5, 1958 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: DULLAiiANT, REID, MORRIS, PINKERTON, CLYMER, GARRET-1, TRIFTI, ALDEII ', DELAURENTI, POLI, BRUCE AND VIE'TZF.,-. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treas- urer; James Highton, City Engineer; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Reuben Miller, Street Coimnissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Al Simonson, Comptroller. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. Ma.yorts appointment of Jack L. Colombi as fireman to replace Ralph Niemeyer, who was transferred to another department, appointee certified by the Civil Service Commission. Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the appoint- ment. Carried. = Communication from State Tax Commission requesting payment of State Sales Tax in the amount of $672.93, claimed due on parking meters purchased from the Dual- Parking Dieter Co. in 1954. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that this matter be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Reid opposed. L) Motion carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Reid, that this committee also make ,n investigation as to any discrepancies, making a report back to the Council. Carried. Request from Bob Orr, 4420 Holly Street, Seattle, for peddlerts license to sell novelties from established street location, without posting the ;;1,000.00 bond. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that this matter be referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Request signed by nine residents for the repair of 12th Avenue North from in- tersection with Sunset Highway at Caseyts Corner, east to the City Limits. Moved by -Tietzke, seconded by Poli, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for a report back. Carried. Recommendation from the Mayor that building at Liberty Park, formerly known as the Sweet Center, be transferred to the Park Department, to be used for rec- reational purposes. Park Superintendent Coulon stated if this were approved, one of the uses for this building would be to provide space for a recreational program for Senior Citizens. Moved by Reid, seconded by Morris, that this matter be re- ferrel to the Property Committee and Park Board to bring in their recommendation next week. Carried. Request from Ladies Relief Society, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, to hold baked goods sale August 22nd (alternate date Sept. 5th), in front of J. C. Penneyts. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Dulla.hant, to concur in the re- quest of the Church group. Carried. A request from the Junior Nokomis Club of Redmond to display Redmond Bike Derby Car and sell tickets in Renton on August 12th or 13th was referred on motion of Pinkerton, second by Vietzke, to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Communication from Planning Director Humble requesting withdrawal of Urban Planning Assistance requested under Resolution No. 948, such action necessary to release $62000.00 obligated by the City toward development of comprehensive plans for water and sewerage systems. Batching funds to be received from the H.H.F.A. in the form of Planning Assistance Grant to date not approved, the Planning Dir- ector recommended a Resolution to negate Resolution No. 948 and make these funds available in order to proceed with that portion of plan applicable to highway utilities. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that this matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee to draft the Resolution to be submitted next week, and the Council look into the matter prior to that time. Carried. Petition submitted by Pacific Car & Foundry Company for vacation of described property, said property to revert to petitioner as the abutting property owner: e L 1. All of that portion of alley lying between Lots 3 and 22, Inclusive - Block 13 - Car Works Addition. 2. All of that portion of 6th Avenue N. south of Lot 6 in Block 5 - Renton Farm Acreage. 3. All of that portion of alley in Block 5 - Car Works Addition. 4. All of that portion of Factory Street as described in petition. 5. All of that portion of Meadow Street lying between Block 4 and 5 - Car Works addition. 6. South 20 feet of north half of Lot 8 - Block 5, Car Works Addition 7. All of that portion of Pigott Avenue as described in petition. Moved by Dullaha.nt, seconded by Garrett, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. Report from Engineering Department, on cost estimate prepared by Consulting Engineer, Cecil Arnold, on proposed bridge construction: WELLS STREET BRIDGE: 1. New span 1301 in length, affording 24 foot (min.) roadway and two parallel walks, by contract - $90,000.00; engineering and contingencies, $20,000.00 - total estimated cost - $110,000.00. 2. Repair - Replacing approaches and pier for companion use of present span to cost approximately $55,000.00 initially, and $65,000.00 subsequently. Narrow roadway and flanking steel trusses of present structure regard- ed undesirable traffic hazard. HOUSER WAY BRIDGE: 1. Construct a new span with 24 foot roadway and two sidewalks as far up- stream as expedient with provision for future widening on the down stream face, providing temporary crossing, and realignment of Houser Way to fit new bridge location - total cost, ;5140,000.00. Itemized: a. Cost to move existing span downstream and supply temporary approaches and piers therefor - ;512,500.00. (b) Construct new bridge - 150t by 32f - $97,500.00. (c) Realign and surface Houser I-lay, move water main, etc. - $6,500.00 (d) Engineering and contingencies - $23,400.00. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Vietzke, that this matter be referred to the Council as a Whole. Carried. The City Engineer will arrange for Mr. Arnold to be pres- ent at the meeting. I Planning Commission recommendation to accept Preliminary Plat of Hallie Smiley, Executive Manor, (described property located in Block 40, north of McKnight School, previously rezoned from P-1 to R-1). Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. Councilman Garrett submitted the proposed Ordinance authorizing 5-year franchise i 'th Jimts Garbage Disposal on described territory, first reading held June 24th, duly published as a proposed Ordinance and held for thirty days as prescribed by law. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Bruce, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. Trimm opposed. A question on the matter of fees was raised by Councilman Trimm. After the second and final reading, moved by Bruce, seconded by Dullahant, that Ordinance No. 1690 be adopted as read. All Councilmen voting ttAyett, except Trimm who voted "Naytt, motion carried. A proposed Ordinance establishing a Cumulative Reserve Fund and expenditure thereof, providing at least 50 per cent of fees derived from processing of Plats, etc., pursuant to Ordinance No. 1688 be placed in said fund, was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Trimm, second..by Vietzke, that proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Councilman Garrett reported that the Ordinance Committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and rec- ommends its passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, that proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that Ordinance No. 1689 be adopted as read. Roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen voting tTAye", the motion carried. A proposed resolution authorizing the transfer of $2,000.00 from the Cedar River Park Acquisition Fund unto the Cumulative City Building Fund as a _loan to be repaid not later than December 31, 1958, was read by the Clerk. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, that Resolution No. 972 be adopted as read. Carried. A protest was made by Mr. Charles Shane from the audience that he had not been notified at the time the Septic Tank Site was put up for sale. He was informed that this matter had been introduced to the Council, discussed openly at regular meetings, appraisal made at request of the Council end the City Attorney authorized to negotiate sale at appraised price. 4 ? A request from two persons in the audience concerning bad condition of the street at 9th Avenue and Grant Street, was referred on motion of Delaurenti, second by Dullahant, to the Street and Alley Committee and Street Superintendent for investigation and report back. Carried. Councilman Morris submitted the report on the City Engineerts survey on water shortage on 132nd Avenue S. E. 1. From Reservoir Site to 132nd Ave. S. E. on 12th Avenue N. 2000 feet of 16 inch line - $20,100.00 2. From 12th Avenue North to S. E. 106th Street on 132nd Ave. S. E. 2000 feet of 12 inch line - $19,000.00 Construction of the 12 inch line would provide immediate relief and the 167, line could be installed later. This matter to remain in committee until means of fin- ancing determined. Councilman Garrett was granted more time on the matter of permit fees re- ferred to the Ordinance Committee. More time was granted Councilman Aliment on light requested on M Street. Councilman Aliment reported it was the recommendation of the Light and Power Committee to install six mercury vapor lights, starting at Third Avenue and Cedar Street, one at Third Avenue and Renton Street, and four lights up to 7th Avenue on Renton Street - approximate cost, 41,000.00. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation of the Light and Power Committee and the Ways and I-leans Committee determine source of funds. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti reported the Police and License Committee recommended the request of Ajax Music Company for master music machine operatorts license, be approved. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Trimm, to concur in the recommendation of the Police and License Committee. Carried. He further reported that Mr. & Mrs. Blanchat had been advised to clear through the Chamber of Commerce on their request for ttNo Fee PermitIf for house to house sales and installation of chain door fasteners, the Chamber to return their rec- ommendation to his committee. Councilman Bruce recommended that the recently acquired Dime property remain in the hands of the Property Committee until future use determined. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Reid, Chairman, submitted the report of the Street and Alley Com- mittee on installation of directional signing at intersection of SSH 5-C and Grady Way. The State Highway Commission advised the following signs will be installed: (a) Mast arm mounted signs for Southbound traffic - "To US 9911 and ?!Enumclaw". (b) Shoulder mounted sign for Northbound traffic - 11TO US 99tt with a left turn arrow and "Bellevuert Councilman Vietzkets request for extension of Grant Street to Ethier Road was referred on motion of Delaurenti, second by Trimm, to the Street and Alley Committee for a report back. Carried. Councilman Vietzke also called attention to the unsightliness of debris and litter adjacent to the highway near the Barrel, and this matter to be investigated by the Mayor. Council President Vietzke called for a meeting of the Council as a. Whole, Monday, August 11th, at S otclock P.M. Councilman Reid called for a Street and Alley Committee meeting, Wednesday, August 6th, requesting that the City Engineer and Street Commissioner be present. Time - 7:30 P.M. Councilman Garrett called for a meeting of the Ordinance Committee, Tuesday, August 12th at 7:30 P.M. Councilman Alimentfts recommendation that part of Traffic Island that protrudes into Main Street at Third and Main be removed, will be taken up at the Street and Alley Committee meeting. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, that the meeting adjourn. The meeting ad- journed at 9:15 P.I.I. There were ten persons present beside City employees. City Clerk Mayor �� 436 Renton, Washington August 12, 1958 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at g otclock P.M. ROLL CALL: VIETZKE, DULLAHANT, REID, PiORRIS, PINKERTON, CLYMER, GARRETT, TRIP1,1, ALIMENT, DELAURENTI, POLI AND BRUCE. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Vern Church, Pur- chasing Agent; Reuben rliller, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Al Simonson, Comptroller. Loved by Bruce, seconded by Pinkerton, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. Request from Mary and Domenic Carpine, Jr. for the vacation of Victoria Avenue adjoining lots 9, 10, 11 and 12, Victoria, A. Kelly Addition, Block 1. Ploved by Dullahant, seconded by Vietzke, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee to report back to the Council. Carried. Petition bearing lg signatures requesting removal or repair of dwelling at 432 Shattuck Street due to unsanitary conditions. A copy of the notification to the owners from City Health Officer, John Beattie, M. D. was read, also a communica- tion from Building Superintendent Will directing the owners to start repairs within LAS hours or demolish the structure, work to be completed within 90 days. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Vietzke, that this matter be referred to the City Attorney to take any legal action that might be necessary. Carried. A letter from Representative Don Magnuson enclosing copy of public law recently passed extending for two years the period for which payments in lieu of taxes may be made. This communication to be placed on file. A letter from Mayor Clinton and members of the Seattle City Council addressed to East Side Mayors concerning the revised Metro Plan was read end ordered placed on file. 1i A petition bearing 48 signatures of merchants and property owners on Wells Street, requesting a, trial period for two-way traffic on that street, was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Pinkerton, that this matter be re- ferred to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. Attorney Hugh Carney, from the audience, explained the petitioners do not believe there is a critical load of traffic on this street and that one-way traffic unduly penalizes the retailers. A letter from John Dobson, owner of Tract B. Maplewood Division No. 2, concern- ing recent survey which indicates the road bed as constructed encroaches 26.10 feet upon said tract, leaving 26.10 feet of road right-of-way unimproved in front of Tract A, requesting an adjustment. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Aliment, that this matter be referred to the City Engineer to report back. Carried. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Vietzke, that it also be referred to the Street and Alley Committee to return their recommendation next week. Carried. The request of Maynard Hofmeister, 503 Sunset Blvd. W., on a drainage problem was referred on motion of Delaurenti, second by Vietzke, to the Street Superintendent and City Engineer to report back next week. Carried. A letter from Street Commissioner Miller to Chairman Reid, Street and Alley Committee, that X2,000.00 additional funds should be appropriated to the M&O Account in order to continue the present street sweeping program, otherwise it will be curtailed to two days a week. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pinkerton, that this matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee and Street Superintend- ent to report back. Carried. A letter from Park Superintendent Coulon re-submitting the request of the Park Board made June 18, 1957 that building in Liberty Park known as the ttSweet Centertt be turned over to the Park Department for recreational programming and other Park Department uses. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommenda- tion of the Park Board. Council-man Dull.ahant objected stating in his opinion this building should be retained for a. refreshment stand. ROLL CALL VOTE: Vietzke, ttAyett; Dullahant, ttNott; Reid, ttAyett; Morris, (tAyett; Pinkerton, ttAyett; Clymer, ttNott; Garrett, ttAyett; Trim, ?'Ayett; Aliment, ttNott; Delaurenti, ttAyett; Poli, "Nott; Bruce, ttAyett - g ttAyestt, 4 "Nays", motion Carried. i 4 A communication from Smiley Realtor regarding water service to Skyland Heights No. 2 was presented under 'New Business'. Street and Alley Committee recommendations reported by Chairman Walt Reid, as follows: 1. More time was granted the committee, so they may meet with the Pacific Car and Foundry Company on the matter of requested street vacations.. 2. The committee approves the Street Superintendent's recommendation that widening of 12th Avenue, Sunset Highway to City Limits, be accomplished with City Labor during winter months. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Pink- erton, to concur in the committee's recommendation. Carried. 3. Recommends parking meters on Beacon Avenue be changed from 2-hours to 6-hours at 5¢ an hour on a 24-hour basis. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. 4. More time was granted on proposal for extension of Burnett Street. 5. Recommends that the South end of Grant Street be put in condition according to plans of the Street Superintendent (street to be graded). Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the committee. A discussion followed with Councilman Vietzke expressing the opinion that this street should be oiled. Councilman Trimm suggested the people be notified before any action is taken, as they might want to par- ticipate to the extent of having the road oiled. Moved by Morris, seconded 4a by Trimm, to table this motion until the next regular meeting. ROLL CALL: Vietzke, t'Ayetf; Dullahant, ''Nott; Reid, ''Nott; Morris, nAyett; Pinkerton, "Nott; Clymer, ttNott; Garrett, "Ayett; Trimm, »Ayett; Aliment, "Nott; Delaurenti, allot'; Poli, t1No"; Bruce, ttNott. 4 trAyesrt� g "Maystt - motion lost. Original motion carried. Councilman Morris reported it was the recommendation of the Fire and Water Com- mittee that a 12-inch main be installed from 12th N. to S. E. 106th on 132nd S. E., estimated cost $19,000.00. The committee reported further that funds are available. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Dulla.hant opposed. Council President Vietzke reported on the recommendation of the Council as a Whole: a) Recommend a new span for Houser Way to: be constructed with provision for jr future widening - total estimated cost - $1402000.00. b) New bridge for Wells Street, estimated cost - 4110,000.00. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of the Council Committee as a Whole and the bond issue be placed on the ballot for the general election as two separate propositions. Carried. Councilman Vietzke reported it was the further recommendation that the firm of Preston and Thorgrimson be retained as bonding counsellors. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Aliment, to concur in the recommendation of the Council as a Whole. Carried. Councilman Clymer was granted more time on the matter of funds for mercury vapor lights previously recommended for described locations on Renton Hill. A meeting of the Ways and Means Committee was called for Tuesday, August 26th at 7:30 P.M. It was reported that commercial advertising signs have been removed from Park Way Property (request of Windsor Hills Community Club). Councilman Ganett reported that standardization of fees will be taken up at time of Budget hearings and any action on permit fees be deferred until that time. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported the Property Committee recommended the following im- provements for area surrounding the Highlands Administration Building, to be charged to the Cedar River Acquisition Fund - revenues derived from building rentals (4500 per month rental, improvement would be paid in 14 months.): a) Present tennis court be made into a parking area New tennis court constructed at estimated cost - '04,822.00 b) Old tennis court be made into parking area for approximately 28 cars - ' 695.00 c) Blacktop street to new Tennis Court - ti0925.00 d) Remove and relocate fence - 4618.00 e) Move a. wall - 4250.00 Total cost for this improvement - 47010.00. The committee further recommends that paving estimated to cost 43,137.00 be postponed until later. Moved by Aliment, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. 438 Councilman Reid called for a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee, Monday, August 15th at 7:30 P.M. with Street Commissioner and City Engineer. Councilman Reid requested that each Council member be provided a copy of each departmentfs budget request by the next meeting of the Council. to enable them to be better informed at the time the Preliminary Budget is presented. This request concurred in by other members of the Council. Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in this request. Carried. Councilmen Morris presented a communication from Smiley Realtor regarding water service to Skyland Heights No. 2 Plat, (West side of M between 9th Ave. N. an 7th Avenue N.). The City Engineer recommended that it would be desirable to insta P. 101 line and Mr. Smiley confirmed his willingness to participate in larger line, the City to bear all cost in excess of $2.65 per foot for 815t of pipe. Mr. Smiley agreed to pay sales tax upon total billing, fittings to be billed at cost. The Fire and Water Committee recommended the installation of the larger line, the City to participate in cost as outlined. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. Councilman Trimm requested the Council go on record to make 611 lines the min- imum requirement for water mains for the City. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Dullahant, that this matter be referred to the Fire and Water Committee to report back. Carried. Councilman Clymer requested to be excused from the next meeting as he would be out of town. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Aliment, that the meeting adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M. There were ten persons present besides City employees. *Ci'uerk Mayor �' The following claims for the month of July, 1955, having previously been approved by the Finance Committee, were approved: SALARY FUND. $79,944.07 CURRENT FUND 22,933.47 CITY STREET FUND 726.55 CEDAR RIVER M. & I. FUND 535.09 OFF-ST. PARKING FUND 125.00 PARK & ATHLETIC FUND 6,144.43 LIBRARY FU14D 562.15 AIRPORT FUND 3,944.43 P. W. REVOLVING FUND 5,740.53 FIREMENtS PENSION FUND 452.50 WATER FUND 7,557.41 GARBAGE FUND 7,376.32 SEWAGE DISPOSAL FUND 747.70 CUMULATIVE FUND #1153 695.4.5 CUMULATIVE FUND #1181x. 5,717-33 CU14ULATIVE CITY BLDGS. FUND 40,165.75 ENT. PAYROLL SAVINGS BOND FUND 131.25 l 439 Renton, Washington August 19, 1958 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: VIETZKE, REID, MORRIS, GAPJETT, TRIMMI ALIMENT AND POLI. Councilmen Dullahant, Pinkerton, Clymer, Delaurenti and Bruce were excused. i Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke'. that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Reuben Piller, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Frank Ames, Airport Manager and Al Simonson, Comptroller. Request from Bestway Building Center to lease unused area (continuation of Smithers Street) at lith Avenue and Smithers, for unloading and temporary storage. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Vietzke, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee to check and report back. Carried. ht A letter from Comptroller Simonson requesting a decision on possible change of maximum contributions to Statewide City Employees Retirement System (;'300 to u'400 basis). Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, that this matter be held till next week for further recommendation from the Legislative Committee. Carried. City Engineerts letter concerning proposal of N. E. Dickason and R. W. Lamm to construct 10-inch trunk sanitary sewer in vicinity of Millerts Corner, requesting title to same for ten year period. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Reid, that this matter be referred to the Sanitation Committee to report back. Carried. A letter from the City Engineer submitting request from Tino Cugini for extension of 6th Avenue Sanitary Sewer to serve property at site of new Trojan Lithograph Build- ing, 7th Avenue and Brunett Street. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Poli, that this matter be referred to the Sanitation Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. Planning Commission recommendations as numbered on their minutes: (2) Accept final plat of Executive Manor - Block 49, Corrected Plat of Renton Highlands No. 2, for Hallie Smiley. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and this matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. (3) Rezone from SR-1 to B-1 - Blocks 12 and 38 and Tract 11A, Corrected Plat j of Renton Highlands No. 2 for Sam Zerwoodis and James L. Ma.renakos and 1 Greater Renton Shopping, Inc. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Aliment, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and it be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. ^ ^ (11) Refer to Street and Alley Committee recommendation that ember light� at Victoria. Avenue and 91st Avenue South be changed to a -red blinker, four-way stop light. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Aliment, to concur in the rec- ommendation and refer this matter to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. A communication was read from Charles F. Shane requesting estimate of levies which could be made on the City of Renton to cover any deficit for operation of Metro should this proposition carry. Mayor Baxter stated he would supply the information. r•r A request for loading zone from Washington State Liquor Control Board (two-car space adjacent to cross walk) was referred on motion of Vietzke, second by Poli, to the Street end Alley Committee to report back. Carried. Councilman Garrett presented a proposed resolution to retain counsel for certain work in connection with the issuance and sale of general obligatJ_on bonds of the City for proposed construction of new bridges for Houser Way and Wells Street. The pro- posed resolution was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Tri_mm, seconded by Garrett, that Resolution No. 974 be adopted as read. Carried. The City Clerk read a proposed Ordinance providing for the submission of two prop- ositions to the qualified electors of the City on November LM, 1958, the first author- izing the issuance of general obligation bonds in the principal sum of $140,000.00 to provide funds for construction of new bridge at Houser Way, the second for the issuance of general obligation bonds in the principal sum of ';11,000.00 for new Wells Street Bridge. I i Moved by Morris, seconded by Aliment, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Council as a Whole for recommendation. Carried. Council President Vietzke reported the Council as a. Whole recommended favorably on the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Reid, seconded by Trimm, to concur in the recommendation of the Council as a Whole and pro- posed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, that Ordinance No. 1691 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting ttAyett the motion carried. A copy of the City Attorney's notice to owners of dwelling at 432 Shattuck Street, was read for Council information. LIM Couc _lman Reid, Chairman, reported on the following recommendations of the Street bm and Alley Committee: 1. The request to change two-way traffic on Second Avenue remain in Committee. The City Engineer and Street Commissioner were asked to submit cost of making proposed change. 2. More time was granted on petition for trial of two-way traffic on Wells Street. 3. Recommends the Pacific Car and Foundry Company's request for street vacations be granted, and they in turn participate in the cost of repairing Garden Street, from 4th Avenue North to 6th Avenue North. The City Engineer and Street Com missioner were requested to contact the Pacific Car and Foundry Company in this regard. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Aliment, to concur in the reconLmenda- tion of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. 4. Recommend that the City Engineer notify Mr. & Mrs. Ca.rpine to contact the School Board on their request for vacation of described portion of Victoria Avenue, and return their findings to the Council. Moved by Vietzke, seconded be Garrett, to concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. 5. Recommends relocation of street to proper location, request of John Dobson, owner of Tract B. Maplewood Division No. 2. The cost of $2,071.00 would be divided about equally with the City providing the labor and Mr. Dobson the rIft material. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Aliment, to concur in the recommenda- tion and the City Attorney and Engineer draft agreement. Carried. Councilman Morris, Chairman, reported it was the recommendation of the Fire and Water Committee that ttCall for Bidstt be authorized for the purchase of 2000 feet of 12 inch cast iron pipe, valves and fittings for water supply line on 1.32nd Avenue S.E. A balance in capital outlay of $11,725.00 can be applied to Edwards Water Mains west of Rainier Avenue. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Fire and Water Committee. Carried. Councilman Morris reported the City Engineer had appraised the Maplewood Water System at $20,000.00. This will remain in committee for further study. Councilman Morris reported on the matter of repairs to Whitworth Street, between 5th and 6th Avenues, that his committee and the Street and Alley Committee felt this was the problem of the Street Department and that work should proceed if there are sufficient funds. The City Engineer stated the Water Department would bear the cost of lowering the water lines. Moved by Aliment, seconded by Reid, that the Street De- partment proceed with the repairs to Whitworth Street as designated, improvement to be the same type as on North Wells and North Williams. Carried. Moved by Aliment, seconded by Vietzke, that the Ways and Means Committee be furnished a cost estimate for the oiling and they report back on source of funds. Carried. Councilman Garrett reported it was the recommendation of the Ways and Means Committee that $11000.00 needed to provide mercury vapor lighting for described loca- tions on Renton Scenic Hill be allowed from Cumulative Fund No. 1184. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Aliment, to concur in the recommendation of the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. The power company is to be notified accordingly. Councilmen Aliment reported the Light and Power Committee recommended the installa- tion of three incandescent lights on M Street, in order to conbinue present lighting pattern on that street. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Reid, to concur in the commiitteets recommendation. Carried. Councilman Polits request concerning need for oil to control dust in the vicinity of 617 4th Avenue West was to be taken up with the Street Commissioner directly. Mr. Charles Shane's request for Fire Hydrants in the Highlands was referred on motion of Trimm, second by Vietzke, to the Fire and Water Committee for a report back. Carried. i 44 Moved by Poli, seconded by Aliment, that the meeting adjourn. There were twelve persons present besides City Employees. P,ieeting adjourned at 9 o'clock P.M. City Clem T,7yor r CA 442 Renton, Washington CD August 26, 1955 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 5 otclock P.M. ROLL CALL: VIETZKE, DULLAHANT, REID, PIIMRTON, CLYNER, GARRETT, TRIM14, ALIMENT, DELAU3E1U I, POLI AND BRUCE. Councilman Morris was excused. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTME11T HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; E. W. Isackson, Police Captain; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; James Highton, City Engineer; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; Dorothea. Gossett,, City Treasurer and Al Simonson, Comptroller. Moved by Reid, seconded by Bruce, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as corrected. Carried. Mayor's appointment of Mr. Leland S. Wilson to serve on the Planning Commission, term to expire January 2, 1964. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in this appointment. Carried. A copy of City Attorneyts letter to Seattle Plywood Company concerning proposect Assignment of Lease Agreement to Mr. Lehman. Mr. Lehman, present in the audience, brought up the matter of an additional parcel of land adjacent and south of present operations, and proposed as a matter for future planning that a street be constructed_ along the east side of Cedar River to Logan Street to facilitate the movement of logs to their plant. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Aliment, that the matter of lease agree- ment be referred to the Property Committee and City Attorney. Carried. A communication was read from Hubert M. Jones, Attorney, requesting Council ap- proval of proposed assignment of Hollywood Furniture Lease to Pair. John Peacock end Mr. Frank Boyle, outlining qualifications and proposed method of operation. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Property Committee and City Attorney. Carried. Air. Jones introduced his client, Mr. John Peacock, and Councilman Bruce stated his committee would meet with them at the close of the Council meeting. A letter from Albert Balch concerning his proposal to construct sewers, sanitary and storm, along M Street for the service of President Park No. 11, requesting per- mission to retain title for a ten-year period, to recover a portion of the cost. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Garrett, that this request be referred to the Sanitation Committee for a report back. Carried. A letter from the City attorneys to law firm of Wettrick, Flood, OtBrier_, Toulouse and Lirhus, relative to action taken by City Health Officer and Building Inspector regarding premises at 432 Shattuck Street, was read and ordered placed on file. Invitation extended Mayor, Council and Department Heads to preview new Market Basket Shopping Center, Wednesday, August 27th, between 5:00 P.M. and 9:30 P.M. A communication from the Renton Chamber of Commerce submitting their recommenda- tion for the Program and Development of Planning for the City of Renton and a second letter regarding Industrial Expansion and Development, were read by the Clerk. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Pinkerton, that these communications be referred to the Council as a Whole. Carried. Communication from Mayor Clinton and members of the Seattle City Council pledging their support of an amendment to Chapter 213, Laws of Washington-1957, relating to Metro, providing for just compensation to any city in event any sewerage disposal facilities of such City be rendered unusable by and act or activity of Metro. This communication to be placed on file. A communication from Association of Washington Cities requesting information to determine cities interested in joining together for an Actuarial Survey of their Fire- ments Pension Fund. The City Clerk stated that such a, survey had been made for the City of Renton two years ago and the law only requires this be done once every five years. A notice from the Washington State Highway Department noting staff changes; Roy 0. Nesbitt as State Aid Engineer and Charles L. Ott as Assistant State Engineer. A communication from Seattlets Mayor Clinton and Legislative Chairman Miller, urging approval of proposed legislation to amend present annexation laws. A copy of proposed recommendation was attached. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Garrett, that the Legislative Committee procure the proposed bill and report back. Carried. i 443 Request from Harry Benton, Campaign Colonel, United Good Neighbors Drive, to display street banner across 'Third Avenue between Wells and Williams Streets, dur- ing the drive, September 2nd through November 6th. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Aliment, that this permission be granted. Carried. A proposed resolution to adopt the final plat of Executive Manor, replet of Block 49, Corrected Plat of Renton Highlands No. 2, submitted by Hallie Smiley, was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Garrett, that Resolution No. 975 be adopted as read. Carried. A proposed Ordinance to rezone from SR-1 to B-1 described property (tract 11-A, I Corrected plat, Renton Highlands No. 2, and Blocks 12 end 38, replat of Blocks 12, 13, 14, 36, 37 and 38, Corrected Plat of Renton Highlands No. 2), was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzkey that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Councilmen Garrett reported the Ordinance Committee reports favorably on the proposed ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the committee and proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, that proposed Ordinance be adopted as read. Roll Call Vote: All councilmen present voting ItAyetf, the motion carried. Councilman Dullahant was granted more time on the Compt-roller's request con- r,I cerning change in contributions to Statewide City Employees Retirement System. 1-0 Councilman Reid reported on the following recommendations of the Street and Alley Committee: 1. Provide Loading Zone requested by Washington State Liquor Control Board by removing parking meter in front of their store and relocating it adj- acent to the alley. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Aliment, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. 2. Grant request of Best Way Lumber Company to use for a 90-day period ex- tension of Smithers Street, 25-feet from the building east and set back 20 feet from the front of the building. Moved by Aliment, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pinkerton, that a. Hold Harmless ... Agreement on this property be drafted by the City Attorney. Carried. A letter was read from the Seattle Water Department to City Engineer Highton granting permission for the oiling of pipe line right-of-way, Beacon Avenue, pro- viding the earth cover over existing pipelines is not altered and they receive a, week's prior notice so they may have a supervisor present. Moved by Reid, seconded by Dullahant, that abutting property owners be notified and the City Engineer pre- pare a. cost estimate to submit to them. Carried. Councilman Vietzke reported that repairs to Grant Street are complete, and recommended that described sections of Grant Street, 9th Avenue and Renton Street (one block in each) be oiled. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Aliment, that the City oil these streets to conform to other streets in the area. Carried. Moved by Del- aurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the Ways and Means Committee determine availabil- ity of funds, and the Street Superintendent furnish cost estimate. Carded. Councilman Pinkerton was granted additional time on Legislative Committee matters, and Councilman Clymer on funds for Whitworth Street improvements. Councilman Clymer scheduled a meeting of the Ways and Means Committee with the Street Commissioner and City Engineer, September 2nd, at 7:30 P.M. A communication from W. J. Hoven, 9829 106th S. E., requesting larger water main on 106th S. E., between S. E. 96th Street and S. E. 100th, was referred on vow motion of Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, to the Fire end Water Committee for in- vestigation and report back. Carried. Councilman Reid requested a report from the City Engineer on the City's water supply. Mr. Highton stated it has been adequate except in two areas, one west of Rainier Avenue and the other at 132nd S. E. where larger lines are needed. Mayor Baxter stated the Preliminary Budget includes an appropriation for a larger eleva- ted tank in the Highlands. Councilman Pinkerton requested a meeting of the Sanitation Committee on Sept- ember 2nd, 7:30 P.M. Councilman Clymer asked why the Council had not been informed that according to Section 8 of the Metro Act the City could appeal to be excluded. City Attorney Shellan stated the County Commissioners have ruled that any community bordering on 44 Lake Washington, or contributing to its pollution, cannot be excluded. Moved by Reid, seconded by Poli, that the meeting adjourn. The meeting ad- journed at 9:20 P.M. There were fifteen persons present besides City employees. City Clerk P r The following claims for the month of August, 1958, having previously been approved by the Finance Committee, were approved: SALARY FUND Y1715,181.15 CURRENT FUND 16,318.55 CITY STREET FUND 461.19 OFF-ST. PARKING FUND 125.00 PARK & ATHLETIC FUND 2,269.97 LIBRARY FUND 599.53 AIRPORT FUND 2,062.18 P. W. REVOLVING FUND 7,679.68 FIREMEM S PENSION FUND 482.50 WATER FUND 9,469.80 GARBAGE FUND 9,164.88 SEWAGE DISPOSAL FUND 775.20 M1ULATIVE FUND #1183 3,$05.67 CUMULATIVE FUND #1184 994.94 EPIP. PAYROLL SAVINGS BOND FUND 206.25 r 1 445 Renton, Washington September 2, 1958 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at S otclock P.M. ROLL CALL: DULLAHANT, REID, MORRIS, PINKERTON, CLYMER, GARRETT, TRIYIM, ALIKENT, DELAURENTI, POLI AMD BRUCE. Councilman Vietzke was excused. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of police; Scotty Walls, Asstt. Fire Chief; James Highton, City Engineer; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent and Al Simon- son, Comptroller. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. A letter from Holmes Electric Co. requesting a. more equitable share in City services and purchases was on motion of Delaurenti, second by Pinkerton, placed in the hands of the Council as a Whole to be discussed during budget meetings. Carried. Copy of City Attorneyts letter to Katlob, Inc. directing them to provide adequate off-street parking facilities to the rear of clinics constructed on 4th Place, in compliance with the Cityts zoning ordinance. This communication to be placed on file. Planning Commission recommendation, Item 6 - That the recommendation of the Committee report on Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance be sent to the City Council for action: Eliminate section of Zoning Ordinance under Amendments (a) (3), by amendment. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that this matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for a report back to the Council. Carried. A communication from the Renton Fish and Game Club requesting the City take steps to correct the condition of the river bed through the entire City, was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that this matter be referred to the Property Committee to investigate and report back. Carried. Mayor Baxter introduced Mr. Don Holm and Mr. Carey Donworth who outlined the proposed revised Metro Issue, following which a question end answer session was held. Councilman Reid requested a written report from the City Engineer end Street Commissioner on cost of changing Second Avenue to Two Qday Traffic. The City Engineer estimated the cost at $6,000.00 and was asked to furnish a detailed re- po rt. Councilman Morris was granted more time on the matter of a larger water main for 106th Avenue S. E. Councilman Pinkerton reported his committee needed additional time on Sanita- tion Committee matters, but would bring in their recommendation next week. A meeting of the Sanitation Committee was scheduled for Tuesday, September 9th, at 7 O'clock P.hl. Ways and Means Committee recommendations reported by Councilman Clymer, Chair- man: 1. $2,000.00 additional funds required to continue present street sweeping program. The committee recommended the Street Department operate at a deficit, to be made up by resolution of the Council at the end of the year. it The City Clerk stated he could not sign warrants issued on a deficit account. 2. $2,000.00 for improvement of Whitworth Street, between 5th and 6th. 3. ;818.00 for oiling on Grant, Renton Street and 9th Avenue. On Items 2 and 3, it was recommended that due to lack of funds in Cumulative Fund 1184, these be held up until budget hearings. A discussion followed with proposals for an emergency budget, which the City Attorney stated would require unanimous approval by the Council. On a recommenda- tion from Councilman Bruce, this matter was left in committee for an additional week to determine if there are any surplus funds which could be transferred by resolution. On a, report requested by Councilman Trimm concerning dwelling at 432 Shattuck, the City Attorney stated a permit has been procured to have the building repaired and remodeled to code. ` 46 Councilman Bruce reported the Property Committee and City Attorney recommend- ed that consent to reassignment of Hollywood Studio Furniture Committee lease be granted, subject to rentals paid in full. These payments now up to date, moved by Bruce, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. Councilman Bruce further recommended that the assignment of lease agreements, Seattle Plywood Company to Mr. Lehman, be authorized, requesting the Council to decide if any change in the term of the lease would be advisable. Following dis- cussion, moved by Reid, seconded by Dullahant, that this matter remain in the hands of the Property Committee and the City Attorney for further study. Carried. t " A communication was read from Jimts Garbage Disposal agreeing to charge the same rates assessed by the City, covering that area within the City Limits in- cluded in their State Permit, Franchise Agreement authorized under Ordinance No. 1690. Ikioved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the Franchise Agreement. Carried. Proposed agreement with John Dobson on street relocation, Maplewood Place, previously recommended by the Street and Alley Committee and concurred in by the Council. Moved by Reid, seconded by Aliment, that this agreement be approved. Carried. Councilman Morris called for a Fire and Water Committee meeting Monday, September 8th2 at 7 ofclock P.M. Councilman Clymer brought up the need for a 1120-Mile Speed Limittt sign at the intersection of Windsor Way and Windsor Place, sign to be posted on the east side of Windsor Place. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for recommendation. Carried. Following recommendation by Councilman Trimm, it was moved by Trimm, second- ed by Reid, that the Building Inspector take necessary action to have the premises adjacent to the Bowling Alley on Third Avenue abated. Carried. Councilman Reid requested a Street and Alley Committee meeting Thursday, September Lith, at 7:30 P.M. Mr. Tony Grubesic, from the audience, protested any delay in the oiling of- Grant and Renton Streets and 9th Avenue (described portion), stating that the streets are now in condition and any delay would increase the cost due to constant washouts in this area. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. The Council Chambers were filled with visitors. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M. City Clerk U� c Ma 447 i 1 Renton, Washington I September 9,1958 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8 otclock P.M. i ROLL CALL: VIETZKE, DULLAHANT, REID, MORRIS, PINKERTON, CLnTER, GARRETT, TRIIQ1,., ALIMENT, DELAURENTI, POLI AND BRUCE. i OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea I Gossett, City Treasurer; Gerard Shellan> City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Scotty Walls, Asstt. Fire Chief; James Highton, City Engineer; Gene Coulon, Park Sup- erintendent; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Don Humble, Planning Director and Al Simonson, Comptroller. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids for purchase of 1998 feet of 1211 cast iron pipe, valves and fittings, for water supply line - 132nd Avenue S. E., the following bids were opened and read: BIDDER Pipe & Fittings Sales Tax Total Bid U. S. Pipe & Foundry Co. 810,233.22 `L340.88 Sa10,573.99 < Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co. ll,010.83 334.87 11,345-70 Fittings Only Pacific Water Works Supply Co. v 851.39 28.39 879.78 Hallgren Co. 920.80 --- --- All bids submitted accompanied by certified check or bid bond, per requirement, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pinkerton, that these bids be referred to the Fire and Water Committee and City Engineer for a report back. Carried. Mayorts appointment of Nr. Ernest J. Tonda for probationary period of six months to fill a, Captaints vacancy in the Fire Department. Appointee has been certified by the Civil Service Commission and is high on the Eligible List. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Vietzke, to confirm the appointment. Carried. tow Communication from Albert Balch requesting formation of an L.I.D. for Storm Sewer Installations on 1114" Street. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley ComaLttee for a report back. Carried. A petition bearing 35 signatures, in opposition to the Urban Renewal Plan, was referred, on motion of Delaurenti, second by Vietzke, to toe Council as a Whole for future consideration. Planning Director Humble explained that major decisions on the plan would be made by the City Council. Motion carried. Communication from Congressman Don Magnuson to the City Clerk relative to legis- lation to provide Social Security coverage for policemen and firemen in the State of Washington. An amendment to the Social Security Bill to make this program available to the policemen and firemen in this state, if they wish to participate, has now been accepted by the House. The City Clerk stated the City Council must first adopt a reso- lution before this could be put into effect. Moved by Dorris, seconded by Pinkerton, that this matter be referred to the Legislative Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Notice from the State Highway Commission to the effect that on or about November 1, 1958 that portion of Old State Highway No. 1 - Park Street, 8th Avenue North. to Bronson Way, will be returned to the City. A joint maintenance inspection by the City and State -is to be made prior to return. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, that this be re- ferred to the Street and Alley Committee to see that everything is in order. Carried. Communication from the City Attorney to the Renton Aviation Board submitting tModification of Lease Agreementst with the Renton School District and Henry Saari, et ux, to be executed by parties concerned. This letter for Council information. A copy of City Attorneyts letter concerning Jimts Garbage Disposal Franchise, giving the City's consent to a change of rates in order to maintain uniformity of ' rates assesssed throughtout the City. Mayorts letter submitting the report on the City of Renton Water and Sewer Depart- ment financing capability, made by Bramhall & Stein and Pacific Northwest Company. To support a revenue bond issue of from $500,000.00 to X600,000.000 a recommended increass in water rates from :;'1.50 per month to $2.00 for users within the City limits, and in sewer rates from 75¢ per month to 01.00 per month. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Morris, that this matter be referred to the Council as a Whole. Carried. Councilman Reid requested present status on request to have Williams Street widened from Walla Walla Avenue to Grady Way. Mayor Baxter stated this improvement had been included in a Departmental request for the Preliminary Budget. Mr. Shearer, from the audience, stressed the urgent need for action on this matter, due to traffic hazard involved. Councilman Reid, Chairman, reported on the following Street and Alley Committee recommendations: City Engineerts cost estimate to oil Beacon Avenue, Seattle pipe-line right-of- way, from Renton Street to Jones Street - $240.00, no road preparation included. The committee recommended this be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for funds. Following discussion, moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Trimm, that the City provide the labor if the residents on this particular right-of-way agree to pay for the material. Carried. Fire and Water Committee recommendations reported by Chairman Morris: 1. Water System west of Airport. Negotiation for Edwards Supply Line and the other private system pending cost data to be furnished by Edwards. If this supply line is acquired by the City, the Committee recommends the Council plan for an L.I.D. to furnish water to the area bound- ed by South 132nd to South 122nd and Rainier Avenue to 84th Avenue. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Aliment, to concur in the recommendation of the com- mittee. Carried. 2. Peoposal that a 6f, line be the minimum required for water mains. Committee recommends this standard be adopted for water supply lines that may have fire hydrant connections to conform to Washington Surveying & Rating Bureau Standards. The committee recommends this be referred to the Ordinance Committee to draft the nec- essary Ordinance. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Poli, to concur in the committee's recommendation. Carried. 3. Maplewood Water System. City Attorney be authorized to negotiate with 11r. Carl Hanniff for purchase of this system at approximate cost of X20,000.00. On question of Councilman Pinkerton, the City Engineer stated the condition of the tank had been taken into consideration at the time the appraisal had been made. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, that this matter be referred to the City Engineer and City Attorney to negotiate and report back. Carried. 4• Fire Hydrants - 106th Avenue S. E. , Kennydale. Mr. W� J. Hovents request for larger water main on 106th S. E., between S. E. 96th and S. E. 100th. The committee recommends the installation of approximately 1500 feet of 6 inch line to be scheduled for 1959, the City Engineer to prepare the necessary petitions for property owner participation in the cost of 6" line. Carried. 5. City Engineerts recommendation re amendment to Ordinance No. 1437. Establis-b the service charge for 3/4 inch connection up to and including 40 feet of pipe at $75.00, and 50¢ for each additional foot over 40 feet. The committee reconnends concurrence in the City Engineerts recommendation and the Ordinance Committee prepare the amendment. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommenda- tion of the committee. Carried. Mr. Charges Shane from the audience asked if Mr. See of the Suburban Development Co. had not entered into a written agreement to install fire hydrants in his develop- ment. Councilmen Trimm and Vietzke recalled there had been a verbal agreement only. Moved by Aliment, seconded by Dullahant, that the Fire and Water Committee contact Ms. See and report back. Carried. Councilman Pinkerton, Chairman, reported on the following Sanitation Committee recommendations: 1. Balchts request to retain title for 10 years, trunk sewers along M Street for service of President Park No. 11. In keeping with City policy, and the Committeets opinion that said trunk line would benefit only a limited number of property owners, the committee recommends the sewer line on M Street to be installed by Mr. Balch should, upon installation, become public property immediately and the Cityts responsibility for maintenance, after the City Engineerts certification that line has been properly installed and tested. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Dullahant, to concur in the committeets recommenda- tion. Carried. 449 a 2. request of `lino Cugini for extension of 6th Avenue Sanitary Sewer to 7th and Burnett. The committee recommends this request be granted, petitioner to bear cost of installation. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Poli, to concur in this recommendation. Carried. Councilman Clymer reported that there are not sufficient funds in Cumulative Fund j 1184 to take care of the $818.00 needed to complete oiling of additional streets on Renton Scenic Hill. The City Attorney stated that the Cumulative Funds are set up for specific purposes and if this were an actual public improvement it could be charged to Cumulative Fund 1183. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Aliment, to take this out of Cumulative Fund No. 1183 in order to finish this job before the bad weather sets in. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti presented a letter from Jerry Zubrod, Managing Editor, Renton Chronicle, commending the City on the miniature traffic code books recently published for the Renton Police Department. The Police and License Committee thanked the City Attorney and recommended the approval and acceptance of this publication and that payment be authorized. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the committee's recommendation. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported it was the recommendation of the Property Committee and City Attorney that the assignment of Seattle Plywood Leases (two involved), be author- 01 ized. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the 1-0 committee. Carried. Councilman Bruce stated it is the prerogative of the Fire Depart- ment to see that the operation does not constitute a fire hazard. Councilman Bruce further reported on the Renton Fish and Game Club's request that debris be cleared from the river bed. The committee inquired if funds could be taken from the Cedar River McI Fund. Mayor Balder said there are not sufficient funds to do a job of that sort. Mloved by Reid, seconded by Pinkerton, that the Property Committee and Planning Commission contact the Army Engineer to see if any federal funds would be available for this project. Carried. The City Clerk reported that Consent to Assignment of Lease, Hollywood Studio Furn- iture of Renton, Inc. unto John Pe acock and Frank Boyle had been executed by parties concerned. WAM Councilman Garrett requested to be excused from the next Council meeting. Planning Commission recommendation to grant variance to Electrical Products Company for sign to be erected in I-lighlands Shopping Center, to allow an additional 10-foot height. P-,loved by Vietzke, seconded by Dullahant, to grant the variance. Carried. On recommendation of Councilman Trimm, moved by Trimm, secondee by Delaurenti, that the Street Commissioner furnish a cost estimate to open the 20-foot right-of-way east of the Northern Pacific Tracks. The City Engineer had previously stated that per- mission must be secured to cross the spur track. Councilman Trimm recommended that steps be taken to improve Mt. Olivet Way. I-loved by Trimm, seconded by Vietzke, that the Street Commissioner furnish a cost estimate. Carried. Councilman Reid requested a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee, Thursday, September lith. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. The Council Chambers were filled with visitors. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. g `r City Clerk Mayor cl J Renton, Washington September 16, 1958 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8 otclock P.M. ROLL CALL: VIETZKE, DULLAHANT, REID, PINKERTON, CLYMER, TRIMM, ALIMENT, DELAURENTI, POLI AND BRUCE. Councilmen Morris and Garrett were excused. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Scotty Balls, Asst. Fire Chief; James Highton, City Engineer; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Don Humble, Planning Director and Al Simonson, Comptroller. Moved by Reid, seconded by Pinkerton, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. Petition signed by 41 residents of Suburban Heights Addition requesting per- mission to grade, seed and plant public use area. Park Superintendent Coulon stated this had never been turned over to the Park Board, so they could make no recommendation. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Reid, that this matter be referred to the Property Committee and the Mayor with power to act. Carried. A request from St. Paults Parish to display float on Wells Street between Bergmants and Shaw Brothers Drug Stores, September 18th, and on `third Avenue, September 19th, in front of Woolworthts. Moved by Reid, seconded by Poli, that this matter be re- ferred to the Police Department with power to act. Carried. A communication from the Valley Roofing & Siding Company in reference to service on roofs on City Buildings as per their agreement. This letter to be placed on file. Renton Planning Commission recommendation that Preliminary Plat of Hackmants Addition to President Park be approved. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. A proposed Ordinance to transfer $600.00 from tPolice Department, Salaries and Wages? unto tPolice Department, Capital Outlayt, was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pinkerton, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Councilman Trimm reported the Ordinance Committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the recommendation of the committee and the proposed ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that Ordinance No. 1693 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Council- men present voting 'tAye". the motion carried. A proposed Ordinance amending Sections 3-205, PRIVATE PIPE REQUIREMENTS and Section 3-206;, FEE: ORIGINAL INSTALLATION of Title III Water Department of Ordinance No. 16281, was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Coun- cilman Trimm reported that the Ordinance Committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the committee and the proposed ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. After the second and final reading, moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Poli, that Ordinance No. 1691 , be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken all Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion carried. The Ordinance Committee reported that an Anti-Litter Ordinance is now under con- sideration. OLD BUSINESS Street and Alley Committee recommendations reported by Councilman Reid, as follows: 1. More time granted on request for Speed Limit sign at Windsor Place and Windsor Way, pending Traffic Department investigation. 2. Petition for return to 'Aro Vday Traffic on Second Avenue be turned over to the Council as a Whole, the Street and Alley Committee, Engineering and Traffic Department to be present at discussions. 3. Albert Balch's request re storm sewers on rtMrt Street. The committee recommends the property owners initate an LID for this improvement if they want it. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. 5 4. Recommends concurrence with the Traffic Department's recommendation to Limit parking daily to two-hours on Rainier Avenue, north of Airport Way-, within the City limits, to conform to policy of the State beyond the City Limits. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Traffl.c Departman'L qnd Street and Alley Com- mittee and the necessary Ordinance be prepared. Carried. 5. City Engineer's recommendation, concurred in by the Street and Alley Committee, to relocate South 132nd Street across the Southwest corner of the Assembly of God Church property. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee and City Engineer. Carried 6. Pacific Car & Foundry Company request for vacation of certain streets and alleys. The City Engineer reported that negotiations for street improvements relative to consideration of the petition are under way and recommended that the Pending Agreement also should con- sider relief from vehicular traffic problem at Lith Avenue and Garden Street. This matter to remain in committee. Councilman Trimm requested a progress report concerning premises at Third and Rainier. Following a report from Building Superintendent Will, it was requested that Mr. Will proceed with necessary action to have these premises abated. Councilman Aliment reported it vra.s the recommendation of the Light and Power Committee that Resolution authorizing the execution and delivery of contract with Puget Sound Power and Light Company to furnish Municipal Water Pumping for five-year period be adopted. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute this contract, be adopted. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti presented a request for authorization for "Call for Bidsft for the purchase of a portable air compressor for Water Department, funds included in the 1958 budget. The Fire and Water Committee recommended this "Call for Bids" be allowed„ Moved by Delaurenti_, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. loo City Engineer's report on bids submitted for purchase of 12-inch cast iron pipe, valves and fitttings for water supply line - 132nd Avenue S. E. The Engineer recommend bid award be made to the low bidder, Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Company, to supply pipe, 8-inch valves and valves boxes - at price of 10,1L�1+.83. This cormany having no objection to splitting the bid, it was fur- 1 `thhold awards on balance of valves ther recommended to �?-_ e a ves and fittings pending g p g confirmation of price quotations by U. S. Pipe & Foundry and Hallgren Company. The Fire and Water Committee concurs in the recommendation of the Engineer. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Fire and Water Committee. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported that the Mayor would take care of the matter of contacting the Army Engineer relative to federal funds for clearing debris from the river bed. Councilman Reid recommended that the alley bounded by Bronson V&W and lst Avenue north between Park and Garden Streets, should be graded. The Street Commissioner was requested to take care of this matter. Bill for repair of water heater claimed damaged due to water shut-off in the neighborhood, presented by A. V. Miller, 9214 104th Avenue S. E. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pinkerton, that this claim be referred to the Insurance Cormnissi.on. Carried. P1-3.yor Baxter presented the Council copies of the Preliminary Budget and Council President Vietzke requested the first meeting for consideration of this budget at 8 O'clock, Wednesday, September 17th. Ordinance Committee meeting scheduled for Monday, September 22nd at 8 o'clock P.M., with the C4_ty Attorney, Planning Director, members of the Planning Commission, and open to any members of the Council who wish to attend. 14oved by Bruce, seconded by Pinkerton, that the meeting adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M. Fourteen persons were present besides City employees. City Clerk Ma r 452 Renton Washington Renton, g September 23, 1958 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8 otclock P.M. ROLL CALL: VIE'TZKE, PINKERTON, CLYMER, GARRETT, TRIMM, ALIMENT, POLI and BRUCE. Councilmen Dullahant, reid, Morris and Delaurenti were excused. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd LaUrrence, Fire Chief; James Highton, City Engineer; Gene Coulon, Park Sup- erintendent; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Don Humble, Planning Director and Al Simonson, Comptroller. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Poli, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. Communication from the City Engineer proposing a survey for the expansion and extension of sanitary sewer trunk system and sewage disposal facilities in the Greater Renton area. The City Engineer requested authorization for this survey by an expert consulting engineer, estimated cost not to exceed $3,000.00_1 Moved by Vietzke, sec- onded by Poli, that this matter be referred to the Council as a Whole for study. Carried. Letter from Attorney David Dobson regarding proposal whereby his clients, Mr. and Mrs. Iril St. Claire, would deed to the City property 301 by 2071 identified As 10th Avenue North if it were a public street, and the City install sewer and water line along 301 strip north of described area, previously deeded to the City. It was recommended by the City Engineer that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and City Attorney for study and report back. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. A proposed Ordinance limiting parking of vehicles on Rainier Avenue from a point 30 feet north of intersection with Airport Way to the City Limits, was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. Coun- cilman Garrett reported the committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Roved by Pinkerton, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Bruce, seconded by Pinkerton, that Ordinance No. 1695 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion unanimously carried. A proposed resolution requesting authorization of referendum electl.on to submit to Uniformed Personnel a proposed plan for coordination of Federal O.A.S.I. coverage with that provided by Statewide City Employees System, also making O.A.S.I. coverage available to part-time employees, was read by the Clerk. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Vietzke, that Resolution No. 977 be adopted as read. Carried. A proposed resolution appointing and designating the City Clerk as certifying officer to carry out functions necessary to provide coordination of benefits of O.A.S.I. coverage and Statewide Retirement System, was read by the Clerk. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Pinkerton, that Resolution No. 978 be adopted as read. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported the Clerk's Office would prepare copies of proposed Anti-Litter Ordinance for each Councilman. A summary of the Ordinance Committee meeting with the Planning Commission and City Attorney on the Planning Commission's request to eliminate the "Reversion Clause" of the Zoning Code, was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Aliment, that this matter be referred to the Council as a Whole and the Clerkts Office furnish each Councilman a copy of this report. Carried. Councilman Bruce reported it was the recommendation of the committee (given power to act) that the City Engineer provide the grade stakes on the Public Use Area, which petitioners in the Suburban Heights District have requested permission to improve. Councilman Bruce stated there have been numerous .requests made for a check of the timing on traffic signal at the intersection of 4th North, Burnett, and Logan Streets. The City Engineer stated an immediate check would be made. 4 i I Pers. Joseph tiladkowski requested that steps be taken to eliminate a 1wardous con- dition at intersection of 4th Avenue, Burnett Street and Walla Walla. Avenue. The Mayor stated that this improvement had been included in the Preliminary Budget. Council President Vietzke stated a meeting on the Preliminary Budget would be held at the close of the Council meeting. Moved by Jietzke seconded by Poli that the meeting adjourn. Meetingadjourned at 8:25 P.M. There were 12 persons present beside City Employees. J i City Clerk Mayor The following claims for the month of September, 1958, having previously been approved by the Finance Committee, were approved: CA SALARY FUND $71,513.49 CURRENT FUND 15,244.28 CITY ST. FUND 2,310.21 OFF-STREET PARKING FUND 125.00 PARK & ATHLETIC FUND 2086.32 MOTHERS PARK FUND 268.13 LAKE WASH. BEACH IMP. FUND 219216.50 LIBRARY FUND 243.85 AIRPORT FUND 1,642.11 P. W. REVOLVING FUND 6035.21 FIREMENtS PENSION FUND 525.50 WATER FUND 10,963.51 GARBAGE FUND 7,660.38 SEWAGE DISPOSAL FUND 578.34 CUMULATIVE FUND #1183 658.57 CUMULATIVE FUND #1184 94.03 EMP. PAYROLL SAVINGS BOND FUND 150.00 Renton, Washington September 30, 1958 The special meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8 otclock P.M. ROLL CA:: VIETZKE, DULLAHANT, REID, MORRIS, PINKERTON, CLYI'fER, GARRETT, TRIMM, ALIMENT, DELAURENTI, POLI and BRUCE. The Mayor announced that the special meeting was called for the purpose of selecting a representative on the Metro Board. It was moved by Delaurenti_, second- ed by Pinkerton, that the Mayor be selected to represent the City of Renton on Metro. 1bved by Bruce, that the nominations be closed. I,iotion seconded by Delaurenti and carried. Councilman Reid moved that we have a. roll call vote on the motion. It was seconded by Vietzke and carried. The roll call vote showed all councilmen voting "Aye" on the original motion /- and the Mayor was selegcted to represent the City of Renton on Metro. Meeting adjourned at 8:12 P.M. 7, Ci ty Cie_r Iv7a,�r Renton, Washington October 6, 1958 The special meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M., for the purpose of adopting the final budget. ROLL CALL: VIETZKE, DULLAHANT, REID, MORRIS, CLYMER, GARRETT, TRIMM, ALIMENT, DELAURENTI, POLI AND BRUCE. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; James Highton, City Engineer; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Reuben Miller, Street ,,now, Commissioner; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Don Humble, Planning Director; Al Simon- son, Comptroller and Jim Denzer, Chairman, Planning Commission. A communication from Hal Thevik, President, Chamber of Commerce, submitting report of their Taxation Committee on study made of the Preliminary Budget, making the following suggestions: (1) Opposed to across-the-board wage increases, rec- ommending any cost of living increase be limited to 3.3% maximum of $20.00 per person. (2) Towards a reduction in maintenance and operation costs, it was suggested that quarterly reports be issued by the Comptrollerts Office to the City Council and Tax Committee showing operations and maintenance costs by department. (3) Feels some adjustment should be made in B&0 Tax. (4) Adequate planning should be provided for Oq proper city growth. (5) Commendation to the Mayor and City on the budget as pre- sented this year. Mr. Thevik, from the audience, explained further the Chamber's recommendations. C� Council President Vietzke stated each department's budget would be considered separately, beginning with the Legislative. Legislative - 7001 Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Aliment, to reduce the allocations for Travel and Conventions one-half on each Department's budget. Motion lost. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Morris, that M&0 780, "Travel and Conventions, Legislative, be cut to $600.00. Carried. Aliment opposed. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that $400 allowed under Capital Out- lay, Account 1720, "Codification of Ordinances" be changed to $440.00, as per con- tract. Carried. Executive - 7002 Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that M&0 784, "Travel and Conventions" be cut to $800.00 for the Mayor and $200.00 for the Comptroller. Roll call vote: Vietzke, "No"; Dullahtn, ttNo"; Reid, "No"; Morris, "No"; Clymer, "Nott; Garrett, I Ayer; Trimm, "Ayett; Aliment, ttNo"; Delaurenti, ttAyett; Poli, "No" and Bruce, "Ayett. Four "Ayestt, 7 "Nays"; motion lost. Moved by Aliment, seconded by Vietzke, that $500.00 be allotted the Mayor under M&0 784, ttTravel & Conventionstt. Carried. Moved by Aliment, seconded by Norris, that $200.00 be allotted the Comptroller, M&0 784, "Travel & Conventions". Carried. City Clerk - 7003 Council President Vietzke stated the following changes have been made in this account. A total reduction of $863.00 itemized as follows: M&0 Account No. 733, "Stationery and Equipmenttt - $750.00 to $500.00. Office expense, Account No. 757 - $20000.00 to $1,700.00. Account No. 780, ttTravel & Conventions", $300.00 to $200.00. Materials & Supplies, Account No. 784, $2,200.00 to $2,000.00. Vacation and Extra Help- (listed as Registration Clerk), 250 hours to 200 hours, effecting a reduction in wages from $313.00 to $300.00. A new accounting machine has been requested for the Clerkts Office, cost $6,246.00. An additional amount of $3,746.00 would be added to the Clerk's Budget. Old machine is need in the Treasurerts Office, balance of $2,500.00 would be added to this departmentts budget. City Treasurer - 7004 Council President Vietzke stated M&0 Account 757, "Office Expense, should be changed to read $295.00, instead of $650.00, due to an error in including telephone expense. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Aliment, to reduce M&0 780, Treasurer, ttTravel and Conventions" to $200.00. Carried. The matter of $2500.00 for accounting machine to be presented later. It was pointed out that "Vacation Relief" should read "Extra Help." Purchasing & Stores - 7005 An error in Purchasing Agent1s Salary for 1958, $455.00, should be corrected to read $515.00. Loved by Vietzke, seconded by Dullahant, that Account 780, "Travel and Conventions", Purchasing, be cut to $150.00. Carried. Legal - 7006 Following discussion, moved by Trimm, seconded by Vietzke, to adopt this Page (No. 21) with deletions in Maintenance & Operations, Account 712 - "Expert Services", $250.00 and Account 780 - "Materials and Supplies", $100.00. Roll call vote: Vietzke, "Aye"; Dullahant, "No"; Reid, "Aye"; Morris, trAye"; Clymer, "Nott; Garrett, "Aye"; Trimm, t'Ayett; Aliment, "No"; Delaurenti, "Aye"; Poli, t'Nott; Bruce, "Aye". 7 "Ayes", 4 t'Nays" - motion carried. now Police Court - 7007 Vietzke stated Account 757, "Office Expense" had been changed to read $1,820.00, instead of $2,000.00, due to an error in including telephone cost. No reduction in Travel and Conventions. Planning & Urban Renewal - 7009.1 Page 23 deleted in entirety. Page 24. Following discussion, moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, to delete the $12,200.00 entire Planning Alternate allocation. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, to amend the motion to read, $12,200.00 for Planning Budget be transferred to the Planning Commission Budget. Roll call vote on amended motion: Vietzke, "Not'; Dullahant, "Nott: Reid, "Aye"; Morris, "No"; Clymer, "Nott; Garrett, t'No't; Trimm, ?tAye't; Aliment, tt�"; Delaurenti, 'tAyett; Poli, "not' and Bruce, "Ayetr. 4 ttAyes, 7 "No" - Amendment lost. Roll call vote on original nation: Vietzke, ttAye?t; Dullahant, ?tAye"; Reid, "Nott; Morris, "Aye"; Clymer, "Aye"; Garrett, "Aye"; Trimm., "No"; Aliment, "Ayetr; Delaurenti, "No"; Poli, "Ayer'; Bruce, "Nott. 7 "Ayest', 4 "Nays". Carried. Planning Commission - 7009.2 Adjustment in Maintenance and Operations allowance of $500.00 - to provide $200.00 for Materials and Supplies and $300.00 for Travel and Conventions. Moved by Norris, seconded by Garrett, to defer action until Tuesday or Wednes- day on Planning Commission Budget. Roll Call vote: Vietzke, "Aye"; Dullahant,"Aye"; Reid, "No"; Morris, "Aye": Clymer, ?'Nott; Garrett, rtAyet'; Trimm, "Nott; Aliment, nAye"; Delaurenti, r'No"; Poli, "Aye" and Bruce,"Nott. 6 t? .9 5 rrNays't - motion carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Trimm, that the Planning Alternate, Page 24, total amount of $12,200.00 be included in the Planning Commission Budget. Roll Call Vote: Vietzke, trNott; Dullahant, ?'No"; Reid, t'Ayett; Norris, "Not'; Clytrner, "Nott; Garrett, "No"; Trimm, "Aye?'; Aliment, "Nott; Delaurenti, "Aye"; Poli, "Not' and Bruce, ?'Ayer'. 4 "Ayes" and 7 "Nays". Notion lost. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: VIETZK.E, DULLAHANT, REID, MORRIS, PINKERTON, CLYMER, GARRETT, TRIMM, ALIMENT, DELAURENTI, POLI AND BRUCE. Moved by Norris, seconded by Garrett, to interview the Planning Commission Chair- man and members, requesting they present their budget to the Council on Tuesday even- ing and be allowed 20 minutes for this purpose. Carried. Civil Service - 7010 No changes. It was announced that George Thomas is the Secretary. Police Department - 7025 Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, to allow the additional $25.00 for un- iform allowance, increasing that amount from $75.00 to $100.00 per year, which would increase Account 783, "Uniforms & Special Clothing t', $2,400.00 to $3,200.00. Carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, to increase the salary of Detective Patrolman $15.00 per month. Carried. The requests incorporated in a letter submitted by the Renton Police Officers, Wage and Negotiating Committee, was brought up for discussion at this time. Moved by Aliment, seconded by Delaurenti, to approve the wage increases re- quested by the Police Officers Negotiating Committee. Roll Call vote: Vietzke, ?tAye"; Dullahant, "Nott; Reid, ttNo"; Morris, "No"; Pinkerton, ttAyett; Clymer, "Nott; Garrett, "Not'; Trimm, "Not'; Aliment, ttYestt; Delaurenti, "Yes": Poli, "No" and Bruce, "Aye". 5 "Ayes", 7 ttNayst'. Motion lost. It was suggested that each individual request be considered separatedly. Moved by Reid, seconded by Dullahant, that Motorcycle Patrolmen premium pay be $25.00 per month instead of $15.00. Trimm opposed. Motion carried. Vacations to be taken up for all employees as a whole. Correction in "Salaries and Wages" - Lieutenant - should read $12,180.00 in- stead of $12,120.00, monthly salary reading $520.00, should read $525.00. Moved by Aliment, seconded by Trim., to recess until Tuesday night. Carried. Meeting recessed at 10:25 P.M. There were six persons present beside City Employees. wow / City Clerk Mayor C C 31'7 C.� Renton, Washington October 7, 1958 The recessed meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: VIETZKE, DULLAHANT, REID, MORRIS, CLYMER, GARRETT, TRIMM, ALIMENT, DELAURENTI, POLI AND BRUCE. Councilman Pinkerton was excused until 9:00 P.M. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; James Highton, City Engineer; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Don Humble, Planning Director; Al Simonson, Comptroller and Jim Denzer, Chairman, Planning Commission. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, that the minutes of September 23rd be approved as written. Carried. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Bruce, that the minutes of September 30th be approved as written. Carried. This being the date set for the opening of bids on a Portable Air Compressor for the Water Department, the following bids were opened and read: BIDDER Andrews Machinery Co. $40675.83 (Deduct $345.00 if parking brakes not required) Air Equipment Rentals 54,028.84 Clyde Equipment Co. $42495.00 A. H. Cox & Co. $4,319.33 Hatten Machinery Co. $4,259.00 Pacific Hoist & Derrick $49236.66 Star Machinery Co. $3,916.33 Universal Equipment Co. $4,123.00 Moved by Reid, seconded by Garrett, that these bids be referred to the Fire and Water Committee. Carried. An acknowledgement of sympathy was read from the Peter Dullahant family. UNW An application to install an additional Pinball Machine at Pastime Tavern, 229 Main Street, was referred on motion of Vietzke, seconded by Poli, to the Police and License Committee With power to act. Carried. Application of Wm. L. Sholdt, Modern Music Co. for Music Machine License for the Pastime Tavern, 229 Main Street, was referred on motion of Vietzke, second by Poli, to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Application for License to operate Phrenology Parlor submitted by Rose George, was referred on motion of Delaurenti, second by Garrett, to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A request from American Legion Auxiliary to hold a food sale at the Renton Hardware Store, Friday, October 24th, was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Bruce, to grant this request. Carried. A letter from City Employees Club concerning wage increase requests and other benefits to be considered during budget hearings. Recommendations from the Planning Commission as numbered on their minutes: Item 3 - Planning Commission Minutes of September 10. Accept Preliminary Plat of President Park No. 10, Mr. Balch now having complied with the provision that 9th Avenue North be extended to the east boundary of said plat. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the r Planning Commission. Carried. Item 9 Planning Commission Minutes of September 24. Grant variance request of C. E. Johnson to allow construction of carport within three feet of adjoining property line at 2508 5th Avenue North. At request of Council- man Trimm the route sheet covering this request was read by the Clerk. Moved by Reid, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation. Carried. A letter from Rev. Harold Gragert, Pastor, Kennydale Com unity Chapel, requesting permission to hold street meeting on sidewalk of Third Avenue each Friday evening, between 7 and 9 P.M. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, that this request be referred to the Renton Ministerial Association for recommendation. Carried. Communication from Renton School District 403 requesting vacation of following streets: Portion of L Street and 4th Place, between 7th Avenue N. and J Street, Fifth Avenue North - between L Street and M Street, Sixth Avenue North - between K Street and L Street, Fifth Place North - between K Street and L Street - all as des- cribed in Plat of Renton Highlands No. 2. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, to refer this request to the Council as a Whole to discuss at their next meeting. Carried. Letter from Boeing Airplane Company requesting a Revocable permit to grade the west portion of their parking lot adjacent to the High School Stadium and to improve a roadway on the East bank for egress to 6th Avenue North. Mr. Bisbee from Boeings explained the impending need for a new building has presented the problem of a parking space for 1,000 cars, to avoid encroachment on city streets. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Reid, that this matter be referred to the Property Committee, City Engineer and City Attorney with power to act. Carried. A letter from the City Engineer concerning proposal by group of property owners to install water line in vicinity of north City limits east of 116th Avenue S. E., to connect to City main on 15th Place North. The City Engineer recommended this be referred to the Fire and Water Committee for more information and investigation. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the Fire and Water Committee. Carried. Notice from Washington State Department of Commerce and Economic Development regarding Economic Development Clinic to be held Thursday, October 9th, 9:30 to 4:30 P.M. at the Puget Sound Power & Light Auditorium. Cories of communications from City Attorney Shellan to Jack Steinberg, Attorney, and to the Port of Seattle concerning small island in Lake Washington near the City's beach front properties, were read for Council information. Mayor's letter regarding request of Tino Cugini for extension of 6th Avenue Sanitary sewer to 7th and Burnett, Cugini to bear cost of installation (minutes of September 9th). A portion of this work.'having been performed by City employees, in amount of $118.69, this information presented to the Council to take whatever action deemed necessary. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be re- ferred to the Council as a Whole for investigation. The City Engineer was instructed to make an immediate check into the matter of grade stakes to be provided at the Public Use Area bounded by 5th Avenue North in the Highlands. Councilman Delaurenti requested a report back to the Council. Council President Vietzke requested the Planning Commission to present their budget. The City Clerk read the proposed budget. Chairman Denzer explained the basis for their figures and further comments were made by other members of the commission. Mpved by Reid, seconded by Trimm, to adopt the budget of the Planning Alternate (Page 24) and the Planning Commission (Page 25) of the Preliminary Budget, with the further understanding that the Council would make a study on possibility of combining them, as presented by the Planning Commission in their budget. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Dullahant, that this motion be tabled under Wed- nesday nigh. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: VIETZKE, DULLAHANT, REID, MORRIS, CLYMER, GARRETT, TRIMM, ALIMENT, DELAURENTI, POLI AND BRUCE. Council President Vietzke continued the budget hearing - that of the Fire Depart- ment next for consideration. Fire - 7026 Councilman Vietzke stated the Fire and Water Committee recommended acceptance of the revised budget as presented by the Fire Department. Changes included an additional clothing allowance of $25.00 per month, increasing account 783 to $2,600.00; driver pump operat6rs to receive $15.00 per month increase; and a transfer from M&0 Account 717 to CO 1713 rt22" hose" (in event new fire truck purchased). Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to grant an increase in the uniform allowance for firemen, the same as allowed the Police Department. Carried. Moved by Norris, seconded by Bruce, to add $1,080.00 to this budget for Driver Pump Operators, increasing premium pay to $15.00 per month. Carried. Councilman Morris recommended a method to finance the purchase of the new Fire Truck. It was proposed to split the 710 millage, revenue to be divided equally be- tween Cumulative Fund 1182 and Cumulative Fund 1184. $12,000.00 in Cumulative Fund 1182 be earmarked for the fire truck, and this equipment put out on bid call with the understanding that one-half is to be paid in 1959, the balance the following year. Moved by Morris, seconded by Aliment, to concur in the recommendation of the Fire and Water Committee on the purchase and manner of financing of a new fire truck. ROLL CALL VOTE: Vietzke, "Aye$'; Dullahant, ttNott; Reid, "Aye"; Morris, "Ayett; Pinkerton, 'tAyett; Clymer, "Ayett; Garrett, "Ave"; Trimm, "No"; Aliment, "Ave"; Delaurenti, ttAyett; Poli, rtAye"; Bruce, "Aye"4 Carried. 10 "Ayes", 2 "Nqs" - motioh,elirried. Moved by Aliment, seconded by Pinkerton, to reduce M&0 Account 780, Fire 'Travel & Conventionf, to $300.00. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, to increase salaries of Driver Pump Operators an additional $10.00 per month. Roll Call Vote: Vietzke, "Aye"; Dullahant, ttNott; Reid, "Aye"; Morris, 'tAyett; Pinkerton, ?Not ; Clymer, "Aye"; and Bruce, "No". 8 ?'Ayes", 4 "Nos". Motion carried. Non-Departmental - 7035 ""t M&0 Account 760, ttPension & Retirement" to be reduced from $34,245.00 to $31,145.00, due to Firemen non-participation in Social Security. Engineering - 7036.22 M&0 7123, "Expert Services", $5*000.00 be transferred to City Street, 7037.4, CO 1713, ttTraffic Signals". Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Bruce, to reduce M&0 Account 780 - Engineering, "Travel & Conventions" to $200.00. Carried. Engineering - Inspection - 7036.221 Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Poli, to reduce M&0 Account 780-Engineering Inspection, "Travel & Conventions" to $200.00. Carried. Street Construction Program - Page 48 Council President Vietzke stated if funds available, an addition in the amount of $10,000.00 was recommended for this program. Street - Maintenance. 7037.2 Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to cut M&0 780, Street Maintenance "Travel & Conventions" to $200.00. Carried. Street - Engineering - Traffic Signals - 7037.4 Addition of $5,000.00 to CO 1713, "Traffic Signals" from Account 7037.22, M&0 712, "Expert Servicestt, (Engineering). Cedar River. M&I - 7038.1 Reduce reserve for Capital Outlay - $22,015.00 to $209015.00. Increase M&0, 767.1, Rental - Sundry, $300.00 to $2000.00. Parks & Recreation - 7040.1 Councilman Trimm presented an alternate proposal for acquisition of park property. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Garrett, to take $2500.00 of the millage designated for Cumulative Fund 1184 and allocate it for Cumulative Reserve Fund 1689. ROLL CALL: Vietzke, "Nott; Dullahant, ttNott; Reid, "Nott; Morris, ttAyett; Pinkerton, "Aye"; Clymer, "Aye"; Garrett, ttAyett; Trimm, "Aye"; Aliment, "Nott; Delaurenti, "Aye"; Poli, "Ayett; and Bruce, ttAyett. 8 t'Ayestt., 4 "Nos" -y motion carried. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Dullahant, to reduce M&0 780 - "Travel & Conventions" - Parks - to $200.00. Carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Garrett, to recess the meeting until 8 o'clock, Wednesday, October 8th. The Council Chambers were filled with visitors. Meeting recessed 7t 10:50 P.M. City Clerk Mayo L-.... �'..a ... Renton, Washington October 8, 1958 The recessed meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8 o'clock P.M. ROLL CALL: VIETZKE, DULLAHANT, REID, MORRIS, PINKERTON, CLYMER, TRIMM, ALIMENT, DELAURENTI AND POLI. Garrett and Bruce in committee meeting. Council President Vietzke continued the budget hearing. Library - 7.041 Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Poli, to reduce M&0 Acct. 780 - Library, "Travel and Conventions" to $125.00. Carried. Airport - 7045 Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Reid, to reduce M&O 780 - "Airport, Travel & Conventions to $200.00. Carried. Water - 7009.11 Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Aliment, to dispense with the Superintendent of Utilities. ROLL CALL VOTE: Vietzke, "Aye"; Dullahant, "Aye"; Reid, "Not'; Morris, 'tAye"; Pinkerton, "Not'; Clymer, "Aye"; Trimm, "No"; Aliment, "Aye"; Delaurenti, 'tNots and Poli, "Ayett. 6 "Ayes", 4 "Nays't - motion carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Trimm, that this page be dropped for the moment. Carried. Water - 7090.12 Council President Vietzke noted the following corrections to be made: Equipment Operator I - should read Equipment Operator II - $2.33 figure to be changed to 2.41- 62 2.44-6, total increase $198.00, estimated requirement to be $5,064.00. Add Utility Man, one-half time, $2,310.00 (one-half charged to sewage disposal). Moved by Reid, seconded by Dullahant, to accept this page as corrected. Carried. Water Construction (82) -- Garbage (83) Moved by Trimm., seconded by Delaurenti, to come back to pages 82 and 83 after further consideration of Page 77. Carried. Sewage Disposal - 7092.11 Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Vietzke, to reduce M&0 780 - Sewage Disposal Administrative, "Travel & Conventions" to $100.00. Carried. Sewage Disposal - Treatment - 7092.14 Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Pinkerton, to reduce 'tExtra & Overtime Labortt to $600.00. `Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, to add $2,310.00 for one Utility Man (1/2 time). Carried. Water - 7090. 11 continued Councilman Garrett and Bruce present, moved by Garrett, seconded by Bruce, to refer back to Page 77. Carried. Discussion was resumed on the position of Superintendent of Utilities, (previously deleted). Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Trimm, that the position of Superintendent of Utilities be left in the budget for the coming year. Roll call vote: Vietzke, "Nott; Dullahant, "Nott; Reid, "Ayett; Morris, "No"; Pinkerton, "Ayer'; Clymer, "Not'; Garrett, etAyett; Trimm, "Aye's; Aliment, "No"; Delaurenti, "Ayett; Poli, 'tNo" and Bruce, "Aye:'. Six "Ayes", six 'tNays't - Tie vote. Mayor Baxter cast his vote, "Ayett. Motion carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Vietzke, to cut M&0 Acct. 780 - Water, "Travel and Conventions" to $100.00. Carried. Water Construction - Page 82. Councilman Trimm reported he would like to have an additional 8 items, as rec- ommended in the Washington Survey and Rating Bureau Report No. 8 of 1948, on water mains, added to this program. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Vietzke, to recess for five minutes to permit Councilman Trim to get this report. Carried. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: VIETZKE, DULLAHANT, REID, MORRIS, PINKERTON, CLYMER, GARRETT, TRIMM, ALIMENT, DELAURENTI, POLI AND BRUCE. The following water mains were recommended in the report: Capacity Street From To 1211 Third Avenue Main Street Rainier Avenue I, Continued- Capacity Street From To 1211 4th Ave. N. Factory St. East to recommended Reservoir Site 8" Park Street 4th 8th North 811 6th North Park Street Burnett Street N. 81' 2nd North Factory St. Williams St. 81t Tobin Avenue Williams St. Lake St. 81' 5th Avenue N. Burnett St. Shattuck St. 8" Shattuck St. 5th Ave. N. Third Ave. Moved by Aliment, seconded by Delaurenti, to take this matter up tomorrow night and the City Engineer prepare a cost estimate. Carried. Councilman Pinkerton requested the Fire Chief to also make his recommendations. Planning-Alternate - 7009.1 (P. 24) and Planning Commission - 7009.2 (P. 25) Moved by Trimm, seconded by Morris, that the motion tabled on October 7th be taken off the table. Carried. Motion - "Moved by Reid, seconded by Trimm, to adopt the budget of the Planning Alternate P. 24) and the Planning Commission (P. 25) in the Preliminary Budget, with the further understanding that the Council make a study on the possibility of com- bining them, as presented by the Planning Commission in their budget." Roll call vote: Vietzke, "Nott; Dullahant, "No"; Reid, "Aye"; Morris, "No"; Pinkerton, "Nott; Clymer, "Not'; Garrett, "Aye"; Trimm, "Aye"; Aliment, "No"; Delaurenti, "Ayer'; Poli, "Not' and Bruce, "Aye's. The motion was reread for verification and Pinkerton changed his vote to "Ayett; and it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to reconsider the motion on which the vote was taken by another roll call. Carried. Roll call Vote; Vietzke, "Nos'; Dullahant, "Not'; Reid, "Aye"; Morris, "Nott; Pinkerton, "Aye"; Clymer, ttNot'; Garrett, ttAye"; Trimm, rtAyett; Aliment, "Nott; Delaurenti, "Aye"; Poli, t'Nost and Bruce, "Aye". 6 "Ayes", 6 "Nays" - Mayor Baxter cast his vote, "Aye". Motion carried. Moved by Aliment, seconded by Poli, that no further action be taken on this matter until the budget has been completed. Carried. A short recess was declared. After the recess Mayor Baxter called the meeting to order. ROLL CALL: VIETZKE, DULLAHANT, REID, MORRIS, PINKERTON, CLYMER, GARRETT, TRIMM, ALIMENT, DELAURENTI, POLI AND BRUCE. Police Department - 7025 (continued) Councilman Delaurenti reported a check on salaries had been made and the Police and License Committee recommended the following increases in the Police Department: Police Chief to $625.00; Detective Lieutenant, $15.00 per month; Detective Sergeant, $15.00 per month, and it was so moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Aliment, and carried. Trimm opposed. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Delaurenti, to rescind former action which granted an increase in premium pay for Motorcycle Patrolmen of an additional $10.00, reverting to the former premium pay of $15.00 per month. Carried. Fire Department - 7026 (Continued) Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, to delete the additional $10.00 per month premium pay to Driver Pump Operators. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Delaurenti, to table this motion, to allow a committee of Firemen to bring in more information. Carried. Bruce opposed. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to increase the salary of the Fire Chief to $625.00, and for Captains each $15.00 per month. Carried. Trimm opposed. Moved by Aliment, seconded by Reid, to recess until Thursday evening at 7:30 P.M. Meeting recessed at 10:15 P.M. Now City Clerk Ma Renton, Washington October 9, 1958 The recessed meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: VIETZKE, DULLAHANT, REID, MORRIS, PINKERTON, GARRETT, TRIMM, ALIMENT, DELAURENTI, POLI AND BRUCE. Councilman Clymer excused. The City Clerk read the preliminary estimate of improvement costs for water mains to comply with Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau Report no. 8 dated 1948, total estimate - $930200.00. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Aliment, that this amount be in- cluded in the bond issue, within the budgeted figure of $108,680.00 scheduled for additional Water and Sewer Improvements. Carried. Reid opposed. A discussion was held on the amount of increase in water and sewer rates and Councilman Trim stated the citizens should be informed of any proposed action. A communication of October 6 concerning salary adjustments presented and read October 7th, was reread by the City Clerk at the request of the City of Renton Employees Club. Also submitted was a schedule of wage increases requested by the Employees Club for Supervisory Personnel. Following discussion it was moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, to grant the wage increases in the schedule submitted by the City Employees Club for supervisory personnel, in addition to thos already granted. Roll Call vote: Vietzke, ''Nott; Dull.ahant, "Nott; Reid, «Ayett; Mbrris, ''Nott; Pinkerton, "Nott; Garrett, ttAyett; Trimm, "Nott; Aliment, nAyett; Delaurenti, ttAyett; Poli, ttNott and Bruce, Aye - 5 t'Ayes, 6 "Nos" - motion lost. A request was made by City Clerk Alexander that the Deputy City Clerk receive an increase of $10.00 per month, and from the City Treasurer for a like increase for the Assostant City Treasurer. City Engineer Highton stated wage increases should also be considered for Supervisory employees of the Building Department. Fire - 7026 (continued) Councilman Morris reported the Wage Committee of the Fire Department have rec- ommended, Fire and Water Committee concurring, that because of a misunderstanding last night due to a re-classification in the Police Department, the $15.00 increase grantee the Captains in the Fire Department should be withdrawn. It was so moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, and carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, to remove from the table the motion tabled last night. Carried. Motion - ttTo delete the additional $10.00 per month premium pay to Driver Pump Operators.tt Vote on the motion carried. Councilman Delaurenti stated he wished to go on record that in the future he could not honor arty more wage requests submitted after the Preliminary Budget has been pre- sented. He felt there was ample time to submit these requests before presentation of the budget and that last-minute requests placed an undue burden on the Council. Councilman Pinkerton requested the Job Evaluation Committee be reactivated to go into the matter of grade classifications and present their findings to the Council. Councilmen Bruce and Trimm concurred. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the restriction on smoking be lifted. Carried. The City Clerk stated he had voluntarily agreed to certain reductions in his budget and felt the Clerkts and Treasurer's Offices should receive the machines needed to facilitate their work. Mayor Baxter stated that 1959 is a Legislative Year and it behooves the Council to send delegates to Olympia to support legislation favorable to the City, and the reductions made in ttTravel and Conventions" in the Legislative and Executive Depart- ments would not enable the City to have the needed representation. He further stated �+ that the City Treasurer could not attend to the many obligations of her office with the reduction made in her travel expenses. Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, to restore Legislative - 7001, Travel and Conventions to $1,025.00, and to change Executive "Travel and Conventions" to read $19200.00. Carried. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Reid, to restore the City Treasurerts "Travel a nd Conventions" to $300.00. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: VIETZKE, DULLAHANT, REID, MORRIS, PINKERTON, GARRETT, TRIMM, ALIMENT, DELAURENTI, POLI AND BRUCE. 464 Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to reconsider the vote by which the request of the City Employees Club on wage increases lost. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Reid, to grant the wage increase requests submitted by the City Employeest Club. Carried. Trimm opposed. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Vietzke, that the positions of Part-time Assistant Purchasing Agent, and of part time Assistant Deputy Registrar, be created, each with a salary of $75.00 per month. On a request for a legal opinion, the City Attorney stated that anyone could be appointed to these part-time positions if they are completely unrelated to their present duties, and this would be permissible under law. Motion carried. *(See correction in the form of addition at bottom of Page 465.) Moved by Aliment, seconded by Vietzke, that the Deputy City Clerk and the Assistant ; Treasurer each be granted a $10.00 per month increase. Carried. Moved by Reid, seconded by Dullahant, to add $943.00 to the Street Maintenance Fund, Account 7037.2. Carried. Aliment opposed. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Reid, that the Water and Sewer System Improvements, Page 82, sum of $500,000.000 be incorporated in the budget. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Reid, to recess the meeting to permit the Comptroller to recap the figures. Carried. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: VIETZKE, DULLAHANT, REID, MORRIS, PINKERTON, GARRETT, TRIMM, ALIMENT, DELAURENTI, POLI AND BRUCE. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance adopting a City Budget for the year 1959 and establishing the following funds for expenditures, and listing receipts. (a) Salaries and Wages . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 943,325.00 Maintenance and Operations . . . . . . . . . 6272517.00 Capital Outlay . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 246053.00 Cumulative Reserve Fund #1182. . . . . 3,400.00 Cumulative Reserve Fund #1183• . . . . 12,000.00 j Cumulative Reserve Fund ##1184. . . . . 14,137.00 Cumulative Reserve Fund #1689. . . . . 2,408.00 Cumulative Reserve Fund for Fire Dept. #1698 122044.00 Depreciation Reserve Fund (Current). . . . . 12,033.00 Depreciation Reserve Fund (Water). . . . . . 4,728.00 Depreciation Reserve Fund (Airport). . . 965.00 Interest and Bond Redemption . . . . . . . . 86,760.00 Bonds not yet authorized . . . . . . . . 500,000.00 TOTAL Ordinary Expenditures $2,465,670.00 (b) Receipts from sources other than taxation .$1,735,805.00 Total to be raised by taxation . . . . . . . 559,027.00 Add surpluses carried over from previous years -Ir 8 S.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS (B) 0 .$2,465,670.00 TOTAL BUDGET for Expenditures "A« $22465,670.00 and Receipts "B" Moved by Morris, seconded by Pinkerton, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Vietzke, that Ordinance No. 1696 be adopted as read. ROLL CALL VOTE: Vietzke, "Aye"; Dullahant, "No"; Reid, "Aye"; Morris, "Aye"; Pinkerton, "Aye"; Garrett, ttAye"; Trim., ttAyett; Aliment, ttNott; Delaurenti, "Aye"; Poli, "Ayer', and Bruce, "Ayett. 9 "Ayestt, 2 "Nos" - motion carried. .... The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance fixing the following Tax Levies necessary to meet the amount of estimated expenses for the year 1959, less the total estimated revenues from sources other than taxation, including available surplus. For Current Expense Fund . . . . . . 13.00 mills . . $ 447,369.00 For Cumulative Reserve Fund #1184 . .28 mills . . . . 9,637.00 For Cumulative Reserve Fund #1689 . .07 mills . . . . . . . . 2,A08•Q0 For Cumulative Reserve Fund for Fire Department #1698. . . . . . .35 mills , , . . • . . . 122044.00 For Depreciation Reserve Fund . . .30 mills * , . . . . . . 10,324.00 For Firements Pension Fund o . . 1.00 mills . . . . 34,413.00 TOTAL 15.00 mills . . . . . 00 00 . $ 76..195-0 General Bond Redemption and interest 1.40 mills . . . $ 42.832.00 TOTAL 16.40 mills . . . $ 559,027.00 Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pinkerton, that Ordinance No. 1697 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting "Aye", the motion carried. The Mayor asked if there was any further business and it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the meeting adjourn. >Meeting adjourned at 12;20 P.M. 'Correction to be made to minutes of October 9 - second paragraph, Page 464, on City Attorneyts opinion on positions of Assistant Purchasing Agent and Assistant Deputy Registrar: Add - The courts have held that any attempt to circumvent the constitutional pro- hibitions against raising salaries of officials during their term of office would be illegal. Therefore, there would be a very serious doubt as to the legality in this case. City Clerk v� Mayor �I I Renton, Washington October 14, 1958 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8 otclock P.M. ROLL CALL: VIETZKE, DULLAHANT, REID, MORRIS, PINKERTON, CLYMER, GARRETT, TRIMM, ALIMENT, DELAURENTI, POLI AND BRUCE. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Walt Will, Building Superintendent; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Don Humble, Planning Director; Al Simonson, Comptroller. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Poli, to carry the approval of minutes over until the next meeting. Carried. Communication from Superintendent of Buildings Walter Will and Fire Chief Floyd Lawrence recommending a variance be granted the Austin Company to permit a clearance of 30 feet on the South Side and 26 feet on the north side of new building to be constructed for Boeings. Moved by Reid, seconded by Dullahant, to concur in the rec- ommendation of the Building Superintendent and Fire Chief. Carried. A request from the Highlands Preschool P.T.A. to hold a bake sale Saturday, October 18th, at the J. C. Penney Store in Renton. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the request of the preschool group. Carried. A communication from Roneys, Incorporated, Portland, presenting a method of acquiring fire trucks through lease and agreement was referred on motion of Morris, second by Vietzke, to the Fire and Water Committee for reference. Carried. A request was read from the Womants Society of Christian Service, First Methodist Church, to sell tickets to its annual Smorgasbord to be held Thursday, November 20th. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Bruce, to concur in this request. Carried. Notice from C. Carey Donworth, Chairman, Metropolitan Council, requesting the �I City of :ienton designate one person to serve on the Metropolitan Sewer Advisory Committee. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Poli, that the City Engineer be appointed to serve on this committee until such time as the City acquires a Superintendent of Utilities. Carried. A copy of the City Attorneyts notice to the Coffee Cup Restaurant regarding violation of Ordinance No. 1303 was read for Council information. A communication from the City Attorney to the Northern Pacific Railway Co. approving and accepting easement, was ordered placed on file. Invitation from the International Association of Fire Fighters extended the Mayor, Comptroller and City Council to attend a dinner in their honor at the Maple Leaf Restaurant, Tuesday, October 212 at 6:00 P.M. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to accept this invitation. Carried. A petition bearing 87 signatures, including 15 of 17 abutting property owners, having reference to previous petition of 42 signers, granted by the Property Committee, on permission to level, grade and plant the Public Use Area contained within Suburban Heights No. 1 Plat. Assistant Engineer T. T. Rowe stated the grade stakes have been established and approved, and presented a contour map of the area. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Bruce, that this matter be referred to the Property Committee with Power to Act. Carried. i Recommendations adopted at the Planning Commission meeting of October 8, as ...� itemized on their minutes: (2) Final Plat of President Park 10 be approved. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. Loved by Reid, seconded by Trimm, that the necessary Resolution be drafted. Carried. (4) Approve Preliminary Plat of Fred Akers Real Estate No. 1, Block 36, of the replat of Blocks 12, 13, lk, 362 37 and 38 of Corrected Plat of Renton Highlands No. 2. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. 467 Communication from Louis Peretti, Secretary of the Planning Commission, was read. The letter was for the purpose of clarifying misunderstandings arising out of Budget Hearings and stated that the Planning Director had cooperated fully with the Planning Commission. The City Clerk read a proposed Ordinance creating a special fund to be known as the "Cumulative Reserve Fund for the Purchase, Lease and Acquisition of Fire Engines and other Fire Fighting Equipment, Accessories and Material used by the Fire Depart- ment". Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reporting favorably, it was moved by Norris, seconded by Poli, that the proposed Ord- inance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Bruce, that Ordinance No. 1698 be adopted .�. as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen voting "Aye" the motion un- animously carried. The Ordinance Committee presented the Anti-Litter Ordinance, to be placed on its first reading. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred back to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. City Attorney Shellan reported the Revocable Permit requested by Boeing Airplane Company had been approved by the Property Committee, City Engineer and City Attorney, given power to act. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: VIETZKE, DULLAHANT, REID, MORRIS, PINKERTON, CLYMER, GARRETT, TRIMM, ALIMENT, DELAURENTI, POLI AND BRUCE. Councilman Reid reported on the following Street and Alley Committee recommendation: On the proposal of Mr. & Mrs. Iril St. Claire, to dedicate a strip 301 by 2071 described as westerly extension of 10th Avenue N., requesting the City install sewer and water line along 30 foot strip north of described area. Through negotiations with Mr. Dobson, attorney, his clients Mr. & Mrs. St. Claire have agreed to furnish the materials and supplies at an approximate cost of $300.00, the City to supply the labor. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Aliment, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Reid called for a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee, at 10 olclock A.M., Saturday, October 18th at the City Garage. Councilman Morris reported the Fire and Water Committee would have a meeting to help dissolve the problem, on the matter of a verbal agreement with the Suburban Development Corporation regarding fire hydrants. He further reported the committee recommendation on bid awards for air compressor will be withheld until next week, as the salesmen are now demonstrating the equipment. Councilman Delaurenti reported the Police and License Committee had approved the application for additional Pinball Machine at Pastime Tavern, of William Sholdt for music machine license for the same location and had denied the application for a license to operate a Phrenology Parlor. Councilman Reid requested present status of proposed low rent housing units. Planning Director Humble stated the final plans had been approved by the PHA, specif- ications are now being drawn up, and his last information was that it would probably be placed on bid in November. Present status of proposed purchase by the State Highway Department of approx- imately eight acres in Cedar River Park, was requested. City Attorney Shellan advised that since the previous offer by the State Highway Commission had been turned down, bow the matter is now under study by the Attorney General. Councilman Morris requested a Fire and Water Committee meeting Monday, October 24th at 7:30 P.M. Councilman Vietzke called for a meeting of the Council as a Whole on Wednesday, Oct ober 23rd at 7:30 P.M. and requested a good attendance. Councilman Clymer asked to be excused from the Council meeting of October 21st as he would be out of tawn. y Councilman Polits request for an investigation of the intersection at Third Place and Rainier Avenue was referred on motion of Poli, second cy Vietzke, to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Bruce stated he had conferred with the members of the Property Com- mittee and considered the report of the Assistant City Engineer that drainage is sufficient, and his committee therefore grants the petitioners permission to pro- ceed with the improvements to the Suburban Heights Public Use Area. Councilman Morris reported the McLean Bonding Company of Tacoma has a pro- posal to submit to the Council on proposed 1959 revenue bonds for water and sewer improvements. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that this matter be referred to the Council as a Whole and a representative of the bonding company be requested to attend their next meeting. Carried. Moved by Reid, seconded by Bruce, that the meeting adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 9:55 P.M. There were seven persons present besides City Employees. S� City.Clerk Ma 4 Renton, Washington October 213, 1958 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: VIETZKE, DULLAHANT, REID, MORRIS, PINKERTON, TRIMM, DELAURENTI, POLI AND BRUCE. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Reid, that Councilmen Clymer, Garrett and Aliment be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; James Highton, City Engineer; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; Vern Church, Pur- chasing Agent and Al Simonson, Comptroller. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the minutes of October 6, 7, 8 and 9 be approved with the following correction: To be added to the City Attorneyts opinion, minutes of October 9 - Page 11, (on positions of Assistant Purchasing Agent and Assistant Deputy Registrar). The courts have held that any attempt to circumvent the constitutional prohibitions against raising salaries of officials during their term of office would be illegal. Therefore, there would be a very serious doubt as to the legality in this case. Motion carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the minutes of October 14th be approved with the following correction: Communication from Louis Peretti, Secretary of the Planning Commission, was read. The letter was for the purpose of clarifying misunderstandings arising out of Budget Hearings and stated that the Planning Director had cooperated fully with the Planning Commission. Motion carried. Application for bowling machine license for Juan de Fuca. Sales, Inc. for machine to be located at the Cougar's Den, 219 Main Street. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Poli, that this request be referred to the Police and License Committee with Power to Act. Carried. A letter from the Renton Ministerial Association regarding request of the Kennydale Community Church to hold street meetings to be placed on file for future reference, pending meeting of the Association on November 12. On a request made by the "Satellites" of Renton, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, that this letter be directed back to the applicants. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer recommending the City petition the State Highway Commission by resolution to assume the responsibility for adequate traffic control at the junction of Sunset Highway at Windsor Hills with the new Limited Access State Highway. It was emphasized by the Chief of Police, and the consensus of opinion of the Mayor and City Council, that a very serious hazard exists for vehicular traffic entering the limited Access Highway in a northerly direction from Sunset Highway. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and a resolution be forwarded to the State Highway Department immediately. Carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Vietzke, that the Resolution be submitted to the Council tonight in order that it may go out to the State Highway Commission and the District Engineer immediately. Carried. A communication was read from Les Hansen, 811 4th Avenue North, complimenting Street Commissioner Miller for his courtesy and prompt attention in the matter of a drainage problem. A communication was read from the City Attorney on the constitutional provisions prohibiting the increase or diminution of compensation of any public officer during his term of office. A proposed resolution approving the final plat of Albert Balch, President Park No. 10, was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Trimm, that Resolu- tion No. 979 be adopted as read. Carried. A proposed resolution appointing the City Engineer, James Highton, to serve as the Cityts representative on the Metropolitan Sewer Advisory Committee, was read by the Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that Resolution No. 980 be adopted as read. Carried. 4, A proposed Ordinance reducing Admission Tax was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Councilman Tri.mm reported the Ordinance Committee reports favorably on the proposed Ordinance and recommends its passage. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of the committee and the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that Ordinance No. 1699 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting favorably the motion carried. The Anti-Litter Ordinance to be held an additional week for study. A proposed Resolution to prohibit the use of an entry unto the new Limited Access State Highway in a northerly direction from the intersection with Sunset `uo Highway until such time as the State Highway Department assumes full responsibility for safe regulation and control of all traffic at said intersection, including the installation of proper safeguards, was read by the City Attorney. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, that Resolution No. 981 be adopted as read. Carried. Councilman Reid reported on the following Street and Alley Committee recommend- ations* 1. Requested stop sign at Third Place and Rainier Avenue. More time requested - until the State completes their project on Rainier Avenue. 2. Crossing at 4th Avenue and Burnett. Committee suggests the City contact the Northern Pacific and Chicago Milwaukee Railroad Companies regarding this crossing and the matter be turned over to the City Planning and Engineering Departments. 3. Recommends paving track between Third and Fourth Avenue on Burnett St. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the recommendations of the committee. Carried. Councilman Reid further reported on the matter of Street Vacations requested by the Pacific Car and Foundry Co. and that firm's participation in cost of improvement to Garden Street. The cost estimate for this improvement is $7,500.00, and the committe- recommended the Pacific Car and Foundry Company's share in the cost to the extent of one-half, or $3,750.00. (Cost of Signal Light additional) iMW Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, that the Committee be instructed to further negotiate with this firm to assume full cost of this improvement. Carried. Councilman Morris reported on the following recommendations of the Fire and Water Committee: 1. On the proposed purchase of new fire truck, Chief Lawrence and the Committee will draw up the specifications, before going into the matter of purchasing the equipment. 2. The committee recommended the bid on portable air compressor for the Water Department be awarded the Pacific Hoist & Derrick Company, $4,236.66. The Committee explained the Ingersoll Rand was the simplest in operation, and most economical for operation and repairs. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the committee with respect to purchase of air compressor. Carried. Councilman Morris further reported on the proposal on the water line in the vicinity of the north City limits, east of 116th Avenue S. E. The City Engineer has been requested to bring in a recommendation on standard policy. The Fire and Water Committee further requested that a decision on whether the Suburban Development Corporation had made a verbal agreement to install fire hydrants in place of Standpipes in the Highlands Area, be referred to the Council as a Whole. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Fire and Water Committee. Carried. Council President Vietzke requested the City Engineer again contact Mr. Edwards rr to secure cost estimate for acquisition of the Edwards Supply Line. He further requested present status of the proposal to extend Grant Street to Ethier Road. Councilman Reid stated this matter is pending in order to check with the County on their portion. A communication from the Renton Radiator Service requesting storm drain be in- stalled to their new location, from Airport Way to Logan and Tobin Streets, proposing to pay $350.00 for material costs. Cost estimate for extending the 1211 storm sewer would be $980.00, and the Street and Alley Committee recommended City participation for the additional cost of $630.00, as the committee felt this improvement would fit in with future development in this area. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, 4 to concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. loved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Ways and Means Committee find the source of funds on the $630.00. Carried. Councilman Reid reported on a situation where a Used Car Dealer is parking their cars preventing ready access to the Richfield Station at 206 Sunset Blvd. W., and requested ItNo Parking" signs be placed in the area. Attorney Don Holm requested an opportunity to confer with the Street and Alley Committee before any action is taken. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Morris stated it was the recommendation of the Fire and Water Com- mittee that a transfer of $2,000.00 be made from Fire Department, "Salaries and Wagesif unto Fire Department, "Capital Outlay", to enable the purchase of fire hose at a discount price at the present time. loved by Vietzke, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of the Fire and Water Committee and this be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. At the request of Council President Vietzke, it was moved by Vietzke, seconded by Trimm, that an Ordinance be drafted setting up the position of Superintendent of Utilities and defining duties. Carried. C�J CAMoved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. There were four persons present beside City employees. Meeting adjourned at 9:35 P.M. City Clerk Mayor Renton, Washington October 28, 1958 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8 otclock P.M. ROLL CALL: DULLAHANT, REID, MORRIS, PINKERTON, CLYMER, GARRETT, TRIM., DELAURENTI AND POLI. Moved by Clymer, seconded by Morris, that Councilmen Vietzke, Aliment and Bruce be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Gerard Shellar City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; James Highton, City Engineer; Don Humble, u' Planning Director; Al Simonson, Comptroller; James Denzer, Chairman, Planning Commission; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Vic TeGantvoort, Purchasing. Moved by Reid, seconded by Dullahant, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. A request from the tSatellitest of Renton for permission to sell donation tickets was referred on motion of Trimm, second by Poli, to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter of thanks from Dayle Orr, Secretary, Renton Police Dept. Local No. 953, for help during budget negotiations, was read and placed on file. A communication from the City of Tacoma expressing appreciation to Rentonts Police Chief, Angelo Busato, for cooperation and assistance in serving on their Oral Examining Board on the position of Police Sergeant. A request from Police Chief Busato to extend for one year retirement date (to December 1, 1959) of Uniformed Personnel, Fred L. Allingham and James Chadwick. Moved by Morris, seconded by Reid, to concur in this request. Carried. Complaint from Peoples National Bank and B. C. Sevener, trustees of Fred Brendel estate, on vandalism in vicinity of newspaper stand in front of Brendel Building, Third and Wells St., requesting removal of the stand to another location. A police report on loitering and disturbances at this spot was also read. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and Police and License Committee to report back. Carried. City Engineer's transmittal of notice from the State Highway Department advising that top priority will be given the widening of Sunset Highway from the Maple Valley Intersection to the junction with the Limited Access Highway, contingent on the ac- quisition of right-of-way. Request from Renton Scenic Hill Community Club that the matter of re-rating to accomplish a decrease in fire insurance rates since installation of hydrants, be trans- mitted to proper department. The City Engineer reported that all data is in the hands of the Washington Survey and Rating Bureau and their survey should be completed around the first of the year. Councilman Garrett requested the community club be so notified. A communication from the Housing and Home FinareeAgency on the Workable Program was read and placed on file. Reports of transactions from the City Attorney's Office: (a) Copies of communications directed to the Port of Seattle and the Department of Natural Resources in Olympia, concerning small island located at the site of the L ake Washington Beach Property. (b) Collection of delinquent garbage accounts. The City Attorney recommended a spot check be made to determine that the correct amount is being charged for services rendered, also that preliminary notice of lien should be sent the landlord at any time no an account is more than three months delinquent. Moved by Reid, seconded by Dullahant, to concur in the recommendation of the City Attorney re delinquent garbage accounts. Carried. (c) Collection of delinquent B&O Tax accounts. Recommendations of the Planning Comm:.ssion as numbered on the Planning Commission Minutes of October 22: 2. Rezoning of Lots 1 through 5. Block 1, and Lots 1 through 6. Block 2, Graceland Terrace, from SR-1 to R-3, for Hallie Smiley, be granted. 7 Following discussion it was moved by Reid, seconded by Morris, to hold this matter over until next week to enable the members of the Council to investigate the area in question with the Planning Commission. Carried. 3. Rezoning petition of Mr. & Mrs. Paul Moore to rezone property located across 12th Street from the City Reservoir from S-1 to R-3, contingent upon rezoning of Lots 1 through 5. Block 1, Graceland Terrace. Planning Director Humble outlined the area in question on the maps, covering this property and Graceland Terrace. Mrs. Frank Erlandsen, 1222 M Street, speaking for the objectors, also distributed maps and explained the opposition of these residents. Mir. Leonard Schwab, 3208 12th Avenue North and a resident of 1.140 M Street also spoke in opposition. Mr. Herb Kendall felt the request should be granted to allow Mrs. Moore reasonable use of her property, and Chairman Denzer explained the Planning Commission decision in favor of the proposed rezoning. Moved by Morris, seconded by Pinkerton, to not concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to table this motion until the next meeting. Carried. Garrett opposed. 4. Recommend to the City Council the rezoning of the South 2 of Tract A. Block 6, Smithers 5th Addition_ to Renton, from R-3 to R-4 for Mike Lackie. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dullahant, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and the necessary Ordinance be drafted. Carried. 8. Grant variance request of Jack K. Gannon to allow an additional story on ex- isting apartment building, described property, Lot 24, Smithers 5th Addition. A letter from Mr. Hugh Brown, adjoining property owner, stating he had no objections, was read. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Dullahant, that the variance be granted. Carried. Clymer opposed. 9. Grant variance for Frank J. Connell to build an addition to the existing restaurant, 419 Second Avenue, subject to the petitioner providing sufficient Business Parking. Moved by Reid, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. A communication from Charles Shane regarding contemplated purchase of Cottonwood Grove as a proposed site for approximately 150 housing units, requesting from the City Council a tentative commitment on feasibility of the City providing water main and trunk sewer to serve both the Maplewood and Cottonwood Grove areas. .� Moved by Trimm, seconded by Garrett, that the proposal on water main be referred to the Fire and Water Committee and on the trunk sewer to the Sanitation Committee. Carried. Mayor Baxter declared a five-minute recess. After the recess, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: DULLAHANT, REID, MORRIS, PINKERTON, CLYMER, GARRETT, TRIMM, DELAURENTI AND POLI. The Ordinance Committee recommended favorably on the proposed Anti-Litter Ordinance, placed on its first reading October 14th. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee and the proposed ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Reid, that Ordinance No. 1700 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting favorably the motion carried. A proposed ordinance transferring $2,000.00 from tFire Department, Salaries and Wagest unto tFire Department, Capital Outlayt, was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Reid, that the proposed ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Ordinance Committee recommending favor- ably it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, that proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that Ordinance No. 1701 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all councilmen present voting favorably the motion carried. Councilman Reid, Chairman, Street and Alley Committee, presented a letter from the Pacific Car and Foundry Co. to the City Engineer in connection with requested street vacations and participation in cost of improvement to Garden Street. The City Clerk read the communication and it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Trimm, to hold this matter over for another week until the Street and Alley Committee confers with the Pacific Car and Foundry Company. Carried. More time was granted the Ways and Means Committee, Ordinance, and the Police and License Committee on matters referred to their various committees. 47r Councilman Poli requested a progress report from Councilman Reid on the matter of cars parked on Sunset Boulevard West by a used car dealer. The Street and Alley Committee stated this matter still under investigation. Councilman Reid requested a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee with the Police and License Committee, Saturday morning, November lst at 8 otclock. Councilman Morris called for a meeting of the Fire and Water Committee, November 4th at 7 o'clock P.M. Councilman Garrett requested an Ordinance Committee meeting Tuesday, November 4th, at 7:30 P.M., for setting up the position of Superintendent of Utilities, asking the Council as a Whole to be present. .. Moved by Clymer, seconded by Garrett, that the Council meeting of November 4th be cancelled. Motion lost. Mr. Robert Goe, 3717 7th Avenue North reported on a traffic bottleneck at 6th and Logan. The City Engineer stated there is contemplated a dual left-turn lane for this intersection, with some cost participation by Boeings. Councilman Dullahant.recommended that due to the increase in traffic at Fourth Avenue and Factory Street, he signal be changed to full-time traffic control. Moved by Trim., seconded by Delaurenti, that this recommendation be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that the meeting adjourn. The Council Chambers were filled with visitors. Meeting adjourned at 10:05 P.M. City lerk Mayor The following claims for the month of October, 1958, having previously been approved by the Finance Committee, were approved: SALARY FUND $71022.87 CURRENT FUND 18,400.71 CITY STREET FUND 719.62 OFF-ST. PARKING FUND 125.00 PARK & ATHLETIC FUND 1,610.75 MOTHER'S PARK FUND 406.52 LAKE WASH. BEACH IMP. FUND 250.75 LIBRARY FUND 2,528.61 AIRPORT FUND 1,438.51 P. W. REVOLVING FUND 7,034.48 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 482.50 WATER FUND 9,133.03 GARBAGE FUND 71973.54 SEWAGE DISPOSAL FUND 872.27 CUMULATIVE FUND ##1183 342.25 CUMULATIVE FUND ##1184 1,111.66 EMP. PAYROLL SAVINGS BOND FUND 150.00 4 7 tEi Renton, Washington November 4, 1958 The regular meet .ng of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8 otdlock P.M. ROLL CALL: VIETZKE, DULLAHANT, REID, MORRIS, PINKERTON, CLYMER, GARRETT, TRIMM, DELAURENTI, POLI AND BRUCE. Councilman Aliment on a leave of absence. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; James Highton, City Engineer; Gene Coulon, Park Superin- tendent; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; Al Simonson, Comptroller and James Denzer, Chairman, Planning Commission. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Pinkerton, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. A communication from the City Attorney submitting payments in full on two add- itional delinquent garbage accounts, was read for Council information. Correspondence concerning the establishment of ownership and control of small island at the Lake Washington Beach Site, within Harbor Area Leases No. 90 and No. 96, were read: a) Communication from the Port of Seattle to the attention of the City Attorney, to the effect that the City of Renton has in effect full control and exclusive rights of area described within Harbor Area Lease No. 96; and the Puget Sound Power & Light Company control of that area within Harbor Area Lease No. 90. b) Copy of City Attorneyts letter to Puget Sound Power & Light Company requesting sub-lease. Request from Community Club of Monterey Terrace for placement of "Children at Play" sign under the Speed Limit sign at entrance to this development. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Poli, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Report submitted by City Engineer Highton .relative to survey on feasibility of converting Second Avenue to two-way traffic. The traffic report indicated effect of conversion to traffic movement at various street intersections with Second Avenue, summarizing traffic volume and street capacities on Second and Third Avenues. The report concluded from the data, that the solution under present conditions is the restriction of parking on Third Avenue during the afternoon and early evening hours. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Reid, that this matter be turned over to the Council as a Whole committee for study. Carried. A proposed resolution extending compulsory retirement of Uniformed Personnel, James R. Chadwick and Fred L. Allingham, for one year, until December 1, 1959, was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Poli, that Resolution No. 982 be adopted as read. Carried. A proposed ordinance changing the zoning classification from R-3 to R-4, on described property, South half of Lot A. Block 6, Smithers 5th Addition to Renton, petition of Mike Lackie, was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, that proposed ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. The Ordinance Committee recommending favorably, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, that proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that Ordinance No. 1702 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting 'tAyett, the motion carried. The Ordinance Committee further reported that proposed amendment to the Zoning Ord-_nance is still under consideration. Councilman Garrett also stated that additional information would be needed from the Council as a Whole on the r Iter of setting up duties of the Superintendent of Utilities. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Pinkerton, that this matter be referred to the Council as a Whole to report back. Carried. Paul Moore rezoning request. Item 3. Planning Commission minutes - October 22. The Planning Commission recommendation favorable to rezoning described property from S-1 to R-3 for Mr. & Mrs. Paul Moore, was brought up. Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, that the motion made at the last meeting be removed from the table. Carried. Motion - t'Moved by Morris, seconded by Pinkerton, to-mot_ cohqur in the recommenda- tion of the Planning Commission." 76 cc Discussion resumed and Mrs. John Setzer read a letter submitted tnr Mr. and Mrs. Setzer favorable to the proposed rezoning, endorsing the proposed use for apartments as an asset to the community. Mrs. Moorets son, Mr. Duane Moore and her son-in-law, speaking in her behalf, requested a decision this evening. Mr. Herb Kendall, business- man in the area, requested Mrs. Moorets petition be granted. Mrs. Frank Erlandsen, 1222 M Street, again presented her maps of the area and speaking for those in opposition to the proposed rezoning stated this would not rep- resent good community planning. Mr. Floyd Hathaway, 1209 M Street and Mr. Jack Colombi, 1204 M Street, stated they were opposed to apartments in this district. Proposed rezoning contingent upon the rezoning of Graceland Terrace, it was moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Trimm, that the motion be tabled until action has beer taken on the rezoning of Graceland Terrace. Carried. Proposed rezoning of Graceland Terrace,_ Sr-1 to R-3. Planning Commission favorable, there being no objections verbal or written, and the Council having investigated the property in question, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission on the Graceland property. On a question of Councilman Morris, Mr. Smiley stated that subject to approval of rezoning, there would be constructed 75 apartment units in the 11 lots. Vote on the motion carried. Bruce and Morris opposed. Moore Rezoning -continued. (Planning Commission favorable S-1 to R-3) Moved by Trimm, seconded by Pinkerton, to remove the motion from the table. Carried. Motion - "Moved by Morris, seconded by Pinkerton, to not concur in the recommenda- tion of the Planning Commission.tt Planning Commission Chairman Denzer explained further the reasons for the favor- able recommendation by the commission on this petition. On a question of Councilman Trimm, Mr. Denzer stated, in his opinion, there would not be any more rezoning of this type proposed for the area. Councilman Morris maintained that a comprehensive plan for land use should be adhered to, establishing and defining specific areas as res- idential, business, etc. Roll call vote on the motion (to not concur): Vietzke, 'tAyett; Dullahant, t'Ayett; Reid, ttNott; Morris, "Ayett; Pinkerton, "Nott; Clymer, 1tAyett; Garrett, ttNo"; Trimm, "Nott; Delaurenti, "Not'; Poli, "Not'; Bruce, "Aye": 5 "Ayes"; 6 "nost' - motion lost. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Trimm, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and this matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee to prepare the ordinance. Roll call vote: Vietzke, "Aye"; Dullahant, "Not'; Reid, "Ayett; Morris, "Nott; Pinkerton, 'tAyett; Clymer, "No"; Garrett, "Ayett; Trimm, "Ayet'; Del- aurenti, "Ayett; Poli, "No"; Bruce, "No". 6 "Ayes - 5 ttNos" - motion carried. Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: VIETZKE, DULLAHANT, REID, MORRIS, PINKERTOPI, CLYMER, GARRETT, TRIMM, DELAURENTI, POLI AND BRUCE. Street and Alley Committee report by Councilman Walt Reid, Chairman. 1. Newstand at Third and Wells Street. The Street and Alley Committee and the Police and License Committee recommended removal of this stand to another location by November 17th, and that the Circulation Departments of the Seattle Times and P.I. be so notified. It was further recommended that new location for the stand be submitted to the Council for approval. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the com- mittees. Carried. 2. More time was granted the committee to confer with Mr. Don Holm, attorney for the Used Car Dealer parking their cars on Sunset Boulevard West. 3. Traffic signal at 4th & Factory - proposed conversion to full time traffic �n control. More time requested for a traffic count. 4. Requested street vacations by Pacific Car & Foundry Company, and that firm's participation in improvement of Garden Street. Their letter to the attention of the City Attorney submitted an amending petition to request also the vacation of balance of Pigott Avenue between Factory and Garden Streets. Following negotiations, the Pacific Car and Foundry Company has agreed to assume full cost of the improvements to City Property in the general area of their plant, in amount of $7,560.00 plus $1,000.00 for traffic light at 4th and Garden Street. The City Attorney recommended the requested street vacations be referred to the Planning Commission for recommendation 2 and that the City Council set the hearing date, and that same be published as required by law. Moved by Trimrm, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the 477 City Attorney and hearing date be set for December 9th. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the proposed street vacations be referred to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. Carried. Sanitation Committee Report ]Zr Councilman Pinkerton Chairman. Charles Shane's request concerning feasibility of City providing trunk sewer to serve Maplewood and Cottonwood Grove areas. The Committee reported that unless said area is annexed to the City this is not feasible until such time trunk line is contin- ued to Maplewood, which would be accomplished by LID. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the report of the Sanitation Now Committee. Carried. The City Engineer will make a report on the Maplewood area following survey. Fire and Water Committee report by Councilman Morris Chairman. Report to be made at next meeting on, a. Charles Shane's request on water main to serve Maplewood and Cottonwood Grove areas, and, b) Water line in the vicinity of north City Limits, east of 116th Avenue S. E. Council as a Whole Committee report by Council President Vietzke. 1. Holmes Electric Company's request for equitable share in City business. The committee requested that the City Clerk write Mr. Holmes and other merchants that they have an equal opportunity to participate and that it is City policy to call for bids on various projects. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Council as a Whole. Carried. 2. Reversion clause of Zoning Ordinance. The committee recommended that the owner of property which has been rezoned and not put to specific use for which it was rezoned within one-year, may upon good and sufficient cause petition the Planning Commission 30-days prior to the expiration of the one-year period, for an extension in the time limit not to exceed an additional 12 months. The Planning Commission may, extend such time limit on good cause and subject to final approval by the City Council. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Trimm, to concur in the recommendation of the Council as a Whole, and it be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. 3. The committee further recommended that bill for $118.69, covering work per- formed by the City on extension of 6th Avenue Sanitary sewer to 7th and Burnett, be submitted to Mr. Tino Cugini for payment. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendation of the Council as a Whole. Carried. Ways and Means report - (Storm Drain cost, Airport Way to Logan & Tobin - $630.00) This report was on motion of Trimm, second by Vietzke, referred back to the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. Miscellaneous The Street Commissioner and City Engineer to report on cost estimate for 7th Avenue opening, between railroad tracks and Grady Way, as soon as data is complete. Police and License Committee 1. The committee given power to act have granted the request of the "Satellites". The Street and Alley Committee scheduled a. meeting with Mr. Don Holm, Attorney, for Saturday morning, November 9th at 9:00 A.M. at the City Garage. Council President Vietzke requested a Council as a Whole Meeting for Monday, November 10th, 7:30 P.M. Councilman Morris scheduled a Fire and Water Committee meeting for Tuesday, November 11th at 7 o'clock P.M. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, that the meeting adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 10:05 P.M. The Council Chamber was filled with visitors. City Clerk } +,JMayor w CO 478 8 w rte, Renton, Washington November 11, 1958 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: VIETZKE, DULLAHANT, REID, MORRIS, PINKERTON, CLYMER, GARRETT, TRIMM, DELAURENTI, POLI AND BRUCE. Councilman Aliment excused. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Gerard Shellan" City Attorney; Ang Busa.to, Chief of Police; James Highton, City Engineer; Reuben Miller, Street Conanissioner; Don Humble, Planning Director; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent and Al Simonson, Comptroller. Moved by Poli, seconded by Vietzke, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. The City Clerk reported that t'Call for Bids" have been prepared for the Cityts Chlorine and Gasoline requirements for 1959, also for publication of City Legals, and the purchase of two Police Cars. The Police and License Committee reported that spec- ifications on the Police Cars were approved. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to approve "Call for Bids" on these items, and bid opening date be set as December 9th. Carried. Invitation from Harris McClaskey, Librarian to a Northwest Author's Fair at the library on December 1st. Letter from Seattle P.I. requesting approval of new location for newstand, near the Melrose Tavern. The City Clerk reported that the newstand has been removed from its former location at Third and Wells Street. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that this request be referred to the Street and Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from City Attorney Shellan attaching copy of communication from the King County Assessorts Office regarding change in tax status of the Foundry recently pur- chased by Pacific Car and Foundry Company from the Federal Government. Change in ownership subsequent to January 1, 1958, assessment date for taxes payable in 1959, this building will not be assessed on the local tax rolls until 1960. Street and Alley Committee report, by Chairman Walt Reid. 1. Used Car Parking on Sunset Boulevard West. The Committee met with the Used Car Dealer's attorney, Mr. Don Holm, and recommend 2-hour parking be allowed off the highway for customers only, with t'No Parking" 50 feet west from the Richfield Service Station at 205 Sunset Blvd. W., the Street Commissioner to post signs. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. 2. Sign requested at entrance to Monterey Terrace. The Committee and the Street Commissioner recommend placement of a sign to read, "Slow - Look Out for Children". Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. 3. The Committee recommended grading of Garden Street between Sixth and Eight Avenue North. Councilman Bruce added that parking should be restricted. Street Commissioner Miller informed the Council that signs restricting parking are already posted in order.to permit maintenace of the street. Moved by Morris, seconded by Dullahant, to concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. Light and Power Committee report by Councilman Reid. 1. The City Clerk was requested to write the Puget Sound Power & Light Company to install the lights .authorized for Renton Street. Fire and Water Committee Report by Councilman Morris, Chairman. 1. A statement of Policy, providing for the extension of the municipal water system to serve property outside the City, not adjacent to the water supply line, was read by the Clerk. The Camunittee requested the City Clerk prepare a copy of this 'Statement of Policy? for each Councilman. . Council as a Whole Committee. by Council President Vietzke. 1. It was recommended that the Sanitation Committee, Finance Committee, City Attorney and City Engineer meet with the McLean Bonding Company representative on Tuesday, November 18th at 7 O'clock. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. 2. The committee had conferred with Mr. See of the Suburban Development Corporation relative to agreement on Fire Hydrants. It was recommended by the Council as a Whole that the City Engineer submit a drawing and report on the Fire Hydrant requirements of the Highlands area. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that the City Engineer and Fire Chief come in with a recommendation for the whole area. Carried. 3. Street vacations in the Highlands area requested by the School District. The committee recommended these vacations be granted. Moved by Morris, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee as a Whole. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that this matter be referred to the Planning Commission for recommendation. Carried. Ways and Means Committee report by Councilman Clymer, Chairman. 1. The committee recommended that funds of $630.00 covering City's portion of cost to install storm drain from Airport Way to Logan and Tobin Streets be taken from Cumulative Fund 1184. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Dullahant, to concur in the recommendation of the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. Trimm opposed. Councilman Vietzke recommended the Police Department check on violations of parking restrictions on 6th Ave. N. at Burnett, Williams, Wells and Pelly Streets and also in the restricted area near Bennett's Grocery. Council President Vietzke called for a meeting of the Council as a Whole, Monday, November 17th at 8 o'clock P.M. Councilman Reid requested each Councilman, if possible, be present at this meeting. Councilman Reid reported it was the recommendation of the City Hall Improvement Committee that a carport be constructed at the Southwest corner of the building for City Pool Cars. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Housing Authority to have the carport constructed. Carried. Councilman Poli inquired if the municipal parking lots are doing capacity business, and suggested the sign reading "Municipal Parking Lott be clarified by the addition of "For Public Usett. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Poli, that the Street Superintendent take care of this matter. Carried. Councilman Morris stated the committee would like to hear pros and cons on the proposal to change Second Avenue to two-way traffic, and requested interested citizens attend the Council Committee as a Whole meeting Monday night. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Dullahant, that the meeting adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M. There were 16 persons present beside City Employees. City Clerk Mayor o Renton, Washington November 18, 1958 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: VIETZKE, DULLAHANT, REID, PINKERTON, CLYMER, GARRETT, TRIMM, DELAURENTI, POLI AND BRUCE. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Pinkerton, that Councilmen Aliment and Morris be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; "Ni Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; James Highton, City Engineer; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; Don Humble, Planning Director and Al Simonson, Comptroller. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. A letter of commendation from the Puget Sound Power & Light Company to the Police Department for splendid work of Police Personnel in connection with the serious outage which occured on November 5th, was read and placed on file. A communication from Chief of Police, Ang Busato, was read, expressing thanks to all City Departments for splendid cooperation and help rendered in this emergency. Proposal from Robert L. Edwards, Renton Shopping Center, submitting maps showing revised street alignment, at junction of street recently acquired from the State as platted in Renton Shorelands, with PSH No. 2. The City Engineer recommended proposed realignment, as street as now platted enters at an angle. Mr. Edwards requested an exchange of properties to permit this relocation, if approved. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Reid, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. City Attorney's recommendation to the City Engineer concerning 'Statement of Policyt on water service to isolated properties outside the City. The City Attorney recommended modification of extra charges of 509 of construction cost to non-participating owners of intervening properties desiring to take advantage of water service. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Reid, that this communication be referred to the Fire and Water Committee. Carried. Planning Commission recommendations as numbered on their minutes.. Item 3. Recommend rezoning of described property, Lots 1 and 2. Block 6, Renton Highlands, petition of Hal Hyatt, from R-1 to R-3. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Pinkerton, that the necessary Ordinance be drafted. Carried. Item 4. In event the City annexes the newly developed and developing area, Sections 21 and 28 east and southeast of Renton Scenic Hill, the Planning Commission will consider this area applicable under Par. B of the section on Variances in the Platting Ordinance in order that a complete neighborhood could be developed with similar standards and amenities. Item 7. Recommend the granting of variance to Jack Dodge and Robert Shane, Lots 11, 12 and 13, Skyland Heights No. 1 to change the setback from 40 feet to 20 feet. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dullahant, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. Resolutions submitted by the Renton Democratic Club: 1. Request all parking on Third Avenue be prohibited between the hours of 3;30 P.M. and 5:30 P.M. 2. Request that Second Avenue be returned to Two Way Traffic. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Bruce, that this matter be referred to the Council as a Whole. Carried. Councilman Garrett presented the proposed Business Tax Ordinance for 1959. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the pro- posed ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. The Ordinance Committee recommending favorably, it was moved by Vietzke, seconded by Poli, that the proposed ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second 481 and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that Ordinance No. 1706 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting ttAyett the motion unanimously carried. A proposed Ordinance changing the zoning classification of described property, Lots 1 through 5, inclusive, and Lots 1 through 6 inclusive, Graceland Terrace, from Sr-1 to R-3, was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Ordinance Committee recommending favorably, it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Pinkerton, that proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading it was moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, that Ordinance No. 1704 be adopted as read. All. Councilmen present voting ttAyett, the motion carried. A proposed Ordinance changing the zoning classification of described property (located across 12th Street from the City reservoir), petition of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moore, S-1 to R-3, was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Trimm, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Ordinance Committee recommending favorably it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Vietzke, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. After the second and final reading, moved bg Pinkerton, seconded by Vietzke, that Ordinance No. 1705 be adopted as read. Roll call vote: Vietzke, "Aye"; Dullahant, ttNott; Reid, ttAyett; Pinkerton, ttAyett; r� Clymer, "No"; Garrett, "Aye?'; Trimm, ttAyett; Delaurenti, ttAyett; Poli, ttNott and Bruce, ttNort. a!� 6 "Ayestt; 4 ttNostt - motion carried. A proposed Ordinance amending the Reversion Clause of the Zoning Ordinance was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Poli, that proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reporting favorably, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that Ordinance No. 1703 be adopted as read. Roll call vote: Vietzke, ttAyett; Dullahant, ttAyett; Reid, ttNott; Pinkerton, ttAyett; Clymer, ttNott; Garrett, ttAyett; Trimm, "Aye"; Delaurenti, ttAyett; Poli, ttAyett; Bruce, ttAyett. g "Ayes".. 2 "Nos". Motion carried. Councilman Dullahant called attention to the bad condition of Mount Olivet Cemetery Road and requested the Street Commissioner look into the matter of repairs now, complete improvement to be made later if funds are available. The Street and Alley Committee stated the problem is one of financing and that his committee would keep this recommenda- tion under consideration. Councilman Pinkerton requested the Street and Alley Committee and the Police Department investigate the matter of parked cars blocking access to the Brucets Welding Shop on Park Street. Street Commissioner Miller explained existing parking restrictions at this loca- tion are only between 6 A.M. and 9 A.M. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Dullahant, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Pinkerton reported the flooding of a storm sewer on Shattuck Street, and the need for sanitary sewer system in the Talbot area. The City Engineer informed the Council that the Shattuck Street pump would be rebuilt in 1959 and that an LID for sanitary sewers is now in process in Talbot. He stated report would be submitted in two weeks. On a drainage problem on Bronson Way, reported by Councilman Vietzke, Street Commissioner Miller stated the only solution would be to extend the storm sewer to Cedar River. Councilman Garrett requested one mercury vapor light be removed and relocated at Howell and Langston Street, as present installations on Langston are too close together. The poles had been marked by the Light and Power Committee, but an error was made at time of installation with three lights placed in one block. The City Engineer stated the Puget Sound Power & Light Company planned to make this ... installation on Wednesday. Councilman Bruce requested the Housing Authority be instructed to make needed plumbing repair to City Hall facilities. At the request of Councilman Reid, Chairman, Street and Alley Committee, the Mayor and Police Department were instructed to have newly located and unauthorized paper boxes removed from the streets. On inquiry of Councilman Trimm regarding the placement of signs for the direction of traffic on Main Street the City Engineer stated he would contact the Highway Dept. again. Council President Vietzke requested the Council as a Whole meet directly following this meeting. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the meeting adjourn. There were 14 persons present beside City employees. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 P.M. City Clerk Mayor Renton, Washin7ton November 25, 1/058 The re?ula r meetin¢ of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: I1IET7KE, DTn,LAHANT, REID, MORRIS) PINKERTON, GARRETT, D7LAUR7'NTI, POLI AND BRt10E. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Poli, that Councilmen Clymer, Trimm and Aliment be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea nossett, City Treasurer; Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Janes Highton, City Engineer; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Reuben r�!iller, Street Commissioner; Vern Church, Purchasing Ac-ent; Al Simonson, Comptroller and James Denzer, Chairman, Planning Commission. Moved by Poli, seconded by Vietzke, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. Mr. John Paget, Facilities Planning, Boeing Airplane Company, presented a proposal for the rechannelization of traffic flow at 6th North and Logan. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Poli, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee t^ report back. Carried. 21a Councilman Reid requested a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee, Saturday morning at 10 o'clock A.M. with City Engineer, City Traffic Division and hoeing Airplane repres-ntative. Reauest of Renton Lions Club for waiver of City Tax on Harlem Globe Trotters appearance in Renton on December 13th, sponsored by the Lions Or7anization for benefit of youth pro7ram. Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietake, that this matter he referred to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. City Ennineer's communication su7m ittinn Renton Jaycees annual request for per- mission to install Christmas decorations or. Citv Streets and in Tonkin Park. The Fn<-ineer recommended anoroval of street decorations under supervision of Police, Engineerint* and Street Departments, the proposal on Tonkin Park decorations to be referred to the Park Department with power to act. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the City Engineer's re- commendations. Carried. Petition bearing eight sic-natures, requesting the residential section on E Street, from Sunset Hic-hway to and including 941 E Street, be rezoned to R-3. Moved by Reis?, seconded by Dullahant, that this matter be referred to the Plan- nin7 Commission. Carried. Request from Earlineton Womens Club for Mercury "'a-or Lipht on Powell Street and Langston and Street light on 5th and Powell. Installation of vapor light on. Powell and Langston having been made, it was moved by Vietzke, seconded by Poli, that the requested street liFrht on 5th and Powell be re- ferred to the Power and Light Committee to report back. Carried. City Attorney's letter enclosin7 copy of communication frem the �-eneral Services . Ach inistrati_on stating that no payments in lieu of taxes for 1959 on the Foundry can be made under law due to chane in ownership as of November 1, 1958. The City Attorney advised .further that he is negotiating with the Pacific Car and Foundry Company on a settlement for 1959 taxes, Council to be advised of further developments. A copy of City Attorney's letter to the Peoples National Bank thanking Mr. H.Markey and Mr. Dave Reck for appearing at Monday night meeting to explain bond financing was read for Council information. Copy of City Attorney's letter to the Street Commissioner outlining procedure on de- linquent garbage accounts was read and placed on file. Mayor's request for a. meeting with the Ordinance Committee to draft an Ordinance establishing feEs for disposition of dogs and cats, and payment to Dog Catcher. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Poli, that this communication be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. City Engineer's letter regarding request of Mr. Alex Malesis for investigation of sanitary conditions at the end of concrete culvert, old Black River Channel. Mr. Malesis proposes to fill that portion of channel opposite his property, requesting City pe rti- cipation for installation of dra _na7e culvert. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Vietzke, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley committee and City Engineer for their consideration. Carried. ,t Councilman Garrett presented a proposed Ordinance to rezone described property, Lots 1 and -, Block 6, Renton Hi?hlands Addition, from R-1 to R-3, for Hal Hyatt, T The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Oel- a_irenti, that the proposed ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee, for their recommendation. Carried. The committee recommending favorably, it was moved by Viet,7ke, seconded by Poli, that proposed or:linance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. ffter the second and final reading moved by Bruce, seconded by Pinkerton, that Ordinance No. 1707 be adopted as read. All Councilmen present voting "Aye" the motion carried. Councilman Garrett reported the proposed Ordinance relating to the eualifi- cations end duties of Superintendent of Utilities and Plannin7 Director would be presented following the Council as a Whole committee report thereon. Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, that the proposal to return Second Avenue to two-traffic be taken out of Council as a Whole Committee and discussed. Carried. Moved by Reid, seconded by Morris, that Second Avenue be returned to Two- 'Jav traffic on a trial basis period from 30 to 60 days, change to be accomplished after the first of the year. Discussion followed with Councilmen Dullahant, Pinkerton,, and Delaurenti expressing the oninlon that much more study is reonired before taking any such steps. It was also pointed out that the City Engineer's report on traffic count and comparisons indicated this would net solve the nroblem. Councilman Morris stated in his opinion the Council Committee as a Whole had more or less agreed to this change on a trial basis. City En-ineer Tli-hton informed the Council that State Highway Department approval must be obtained for any changes involving the State Hirhway System. He further requested from the Council a decision as to restrictions on left turn movements. Moved by Poli, seconded by rh).11ahant, that the motion be tabled until next meetin7 when more Councilmen are present. RrT,T CALL VOTE: Vietzke, "No"; Dull- ahant, "Aye"; Reid "No"; Morris "Nd'; Pinkerton, "Aye", Barrett, "Noll; Delaurenti, "Aye"; Poli, "Aye", Bruce "No" 4 "Ayes" 5 "Nos" - motion lost. Roll call vote on the motion: Vietzke, "Aye"; Dullahant "No"; Reid "Aye"; Morris "Aye"; Pinkerton "No"; rarrett, "Aye"; Delaurenti, "No", Poli, "Aye"; Bruce "Ave". 6 "Ayes", 3 "Nos". Motion to return Second Avenue to Two-:,Tay traffic on trial basis as stated above carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vie+zke, that the Street and lklley Committee and City Engineer bring in their recommendations for the Ordinance in two weeks, woo Carried. Councilman Dullahant and Delaurenti opposed. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the financing and method of pur- chasing equipment be referred to the 'Ways and Means Committee for a report back. Carried. Delaurenti opposed. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, that the City Engineer contact the State Highway Department for permission covering' changes involving- the State Highway System on this trial basis. Carried. Street and Alley Committee report by Gcuncilman Reid, Chairman. 1. More time granted on Edwards proposal for exchange of property for streets. 2. Parked cars blocking access to Bruce's Weldinv Shop on Park Street, present restrictions at this location are between 6 A.M. and 9 A.M. onlyt The committee recommended that marking be restricted to two hours only. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Dullahant to concur in the recomm- endation of the Street and Alley Committee and the Ordinance be prepared. Carried. Fire and Water Committee report by Councilman Vern Morris, Chairman. 3:-YState of Policy (see end of minutes). Statenof policy covering extension of municipal water system to serve properties outside the City not adja- cent to the water supply line, presented to the City Council November 11. Mooted by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the Statement of Policy. Councilman Garrett inouired if this incl-riled the changes as recommend- ed by the City Attorney and Councilman Morris stated this was the State- ment of policy with the recommended chances. Vote on Motion carried. Council as a Whole report by Council President Vietzke, Council President Vietnke reported that the duties and q�ialifications of Superintendent of Utilities and Planning director have been incorporated in a 4 proposed ordinance to be pres,nted by the Ordinance Committee. The proposed Ordinance relating to the qualifications and duties of Sup- erintendent of Utilities and Plarning Director was read by the City Clerk. Moved by nelaurenti, seconded try Poli, that proposed ordinance he referred to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. The Ordinance Committee stated they were unable to make a recommendation due to a question as to whether there were some overlappin7 of duties of the Planning Director and Planning Commission. At the request of Councilman Pinkerton, a recess was declared to permit the Ordinance Committee to confer with the City Attorney. After the recess the meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: Vietxke, Dullahant, Reid, Morris, Pinkerton, Garrett, Delaurenti, Poli and Bruce. Discussion resumed on proposed crlinance pertaining* to Superintendent of Utilities and Planning Director. The Ordina^ce Committee unable to make a recommendation referred the pro- posed ordinance back to the Council. Mcved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that proposed ordinance be pl2ced on its second and final reading. Carried. Morris opposed. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, sec- onded by Dullaha.nt, that Ordinance No. 1708 be adopted as read. Roll call vote: Vietzke "Aye"; DulL_ahant "Aye"; Reid "Aye"; Morris, "No"; Pinkerton "Aye"; Garrett "No"; Delaurenti "Ave" Poli "Aye"; Bruce "No". 6 "Ayes"; 3 "Nos". N Motion carried. M Councilman Vietzke requested a meeting of the Council as a Whole to im- mediately follow this meeting.. Co,incilman. C,arrett called on Ordinance Committee meeting with the Mayor, City Attorney and Chief of Police for Tuesday, December 2nd at 7 o'clock. Mayor Baxter reported on a meeting held with governor Rosellini and the State Hi gbs,Tay '*Partment with the Mavor, City Enmineer, Planning Director, and members of the Planning, Commission and Chamber of Commerce in attendance. The improvements sought by the City as solution to present traffic problems in Renton incLaded the following: Continuation of Primary State Highway No. 1; Widening of Sunset Highway from Maple Valley Y to intersection with the State Highway; widening* of Rainier Avenue from third .Avenue to point south of Suicide Corner; h-lane underpass beneath the railroad. The Highway Commission has given definite assurance that these items wolzld he included in the request to the Legislature and given top priority. Mayor Baxter also reported that the Council committee trill meet with the residents of the area centered by the Cascade Vista development relative to pro- posed annexation and requested all councilmen attend this meeting. A letter to be read at the Renton High School Pep Assembly on Wednesday, connratulating the Renton Indians and Coaching Staff and extending the hest wishes of the Mayor and City Council for the Thanksgiving Day Game. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, that the meeting adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:K0 P.M. There were seven persons present besides City Employees. ity Clerk or Statement of Policy InHEREAS, The C; ty of Renton actin* within its statutory authority to regulate and control the use, distribution and sale of water, may extend the public water supply lines to serve properties isolated from the public water system by intervening pro- , perties; and imposing certain conditions and requirements for such extension as herein set forth: 1. • The public water supply and distribution system shall be constructed of water pipe having a minimum diameter of six (6) inches as r,-m lated by Section 3-205, Chapter 2 of Departments, Code of General Ordinances; except that a private water service line of any size, three quarter (3/!�} inch or greater, may be installed provided the service line is metered at point of connection to the public wgter system. 2. Upon receipt of petition by the owners for the extension or the public w� ter system to serve property not adjacent to the existing public system, the City will review the petition when the facts have been determined and may authorize the water department to extend the public water system on the following terms and conditions; (a) The nm perty requesting water service shall abut a public road or access road. (b) .. The interveninp, property is suitable for present or future development. (c) The petitioners shall make cash payment to the City Treasurer, prior to the -rork bein^ started, a r-ress sum being not less than fifty (50) per cent of the total cost of the work tc extend the oublic water line, excluF'ive of meter service charge. (d) The non-participating owners of the intervening property may apply for metered water service connection to the extended water system and such connection may be authorized provided cash payment is made at time of application. The test of the connection will be determined by construction costs plus overhead expenses for extra work performed by the City. (e) The City may at its option construct the extended water Line larger than six (6) inch diameter and in such event the City will assume construction costs in excess o° costs for a six (6) inch line . The following claims for the month of November, 1958, having previously been approved by the Finance Committee, were approved. SALARY FUND $ 692160.03 CURRENT FMID 16,122.84 CITY STREET. FUND, 1,103.22 OFF-ST. PARKING FUND 125.00 PARK & ATHLETIC FUND 32209.10 LIBRARY FUND 1,382.03 AIRPORT FUND 1,734.27 P. W. REVOLVING FUND 4,472.45 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 482.50 WATER FUND 13,588.00 GARBAGE FUND 9,390.58 SEWAGE DISPOSAL FUND 4,589.60 EMP. PAYROLL SAVINGS BOND FUND 187.50 r Renton, 'Tashington December 21 1958 The re,*ular meeting of the Renton City Council. �.,as called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: VIETZKE, DULLATTANT, REID, MORRIS, PINKTRTON, C7 MT{,R, GARRETT, TRIMM, ALIMmNT, DELAURFNTI, POLI AND BRTTCE. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Poli., that the approval of the minutes of November 25th be held over until next week. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Bu sato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence; Fire chief; �j James Hi7hton, City Engineer; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; Vern Church, R,rchasing Agent; Don Humble, Planning )i.rector and Al Simonson, Comptroller. Communications from Boy Scout Troop 440 requesting permission to sell Christmas swags or several street corners on clesi-n-ited Toys -,-_or to Chris+mas. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delauren ti, to concur in the request of the Boy Scount Troop. Carried. Mayor's re^._—st for a decision on the financing of the X500,000.00 bond issue was read by the Clerk. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Vietzke, that this matter be referred to the C\1Council as a Whole. Carried. e� Letter from Parker & Sanvick Investments, Inc. and L.J. Ubaghs requesting tY; Council investi7ate problems relative to possible annexation of property located in, Sections 21 ans 28, Township 23N, R.anp?e 5 E.W.M. The City Engineer requested a financial and engineering study be made on the feasibility of constructing trunk sewer to serve the area, and requested Coin-cil sanction to retain Mr. Wolfe, Consulting Engineer, for survey of this area and of the Kennydale Well. The City Engineer recommended payment for survey out of Cumu- lative Fund 1183, to be repaid from the bond issue. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Morris, that the Fire and `dater Committee check and report back on the En-inee0 s request for survey of Kennydale Well. Carried. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Vietzke, that all matters pertaining to the 4 Annexation, including the survetr by the Consulting Engineer, be referred to the Council as a Whole to report back. Roll call vote: Vietzke, "Ave"; Dullahant, %"' "Aye"; Reid, "No"; Morris "Aye" ; Pinkerton, "Ave"; Clymer, "Ave"; Garrett, "No"; Trimm, "Aye"; Aliment, "Ave"; Delaurenti, "No"; Poli, "Aye"; Bruce, "no". 8 "Ayes"; 4 "Nos" - motion carried. Councilman Bruce requested an analysis be made of the Sewac-e Disposal Plant, and the City Engineer stated this would be included in the study. Councilman Morris requested all information and recommendations, including the matter of acquisition of property for narks, be presented to the Council as a Whole . Iniritation extended the Mayor, members of the City Council and City Officials to attend the ei7hthannual Renton City Employees Club Christmas party, December 20th at the Carnenter's Hall, 231 North Burnett Street, 6:00 P.M. The Ordinance Committee presented a pro-oosed Ordinance amending Chapter 3 of Title VIII (TT ealth and Sanitation) of Ordinance No. 1628, deleting all ref- erence to Street Commissioner, substituting Superintendent of Utilities, to direct and supervise collection and disposal of garbage. The oroposed Ordinance was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Poli, that _-oroposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. The Ordin- ance Committee recommendinry favorably, it was moved by Vietzke, seconded by Poli, that proposed ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Delaurenti, that Ordinance No. 1709 be adopted as read. A roll call vote beincl taken and all Councilmen press--nt voting "Aye" the motion carried. The Ordinance on parking restrictions on Park Street was held for further check between the Street and Alley Committee and Ordinance Committee. Street and Alley Committee report by Councilman Reid, Chairman. 1. Committee recommended rechannelization at 6th North and Logan Street in line with Boeing's proposal, and Boeings participate in cost. The City Engineer stated he estimated the cost about '"1,2.00.00, estimating material cost at `"600.00. Moved by Vietzke, Seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Fire and 'Fater Committee report by Councilman Morris, Chairman. 1. Reruested the complete 'Statement of Policy' be incorporated in the minutes 8 of November Pc'th. The City Clerk stated this would be included in the Minute Book. 2. More time was uranted on the matter of relocation of 'lista Heights 'Nater line. Council as a Whole Committee report by Council President Vietzke. 1. The committee recommended that parking not be banned on Third Avenue. Councilman Bruce stated the committee didn't feel that new policies on Second and Third Avenue should be inaugurated at the same time. Moved by Morris, seconded by Dullahant, that this matter be re- referred to the Council as a Whole, due to the absence of three Council- men at the committee meeting. Roll call Vate: Vietzke, "No"; Dullahant, "Aye"; Reid> "No"; Morris, "Ave"; Pinkerton, "Aye"; Clymer., ., "Aye"; (larrett, "No"; Trimm, "Ave"; Aliment, "Aye"; Del au.rentiI "No Poli, "No"; Rruce, ."no". 6 it s"; 6 "Nos", the Ma-or voting "Ave". Motion carried. Council President Vietzke requested a Council as a Whole Committee meeting to follow this meeting. Moved b,* Reid, seconded by Xliment, to set aside the matter of parking on Third Avenue until a solution has been reached on Seonnd Avenue. Carried. Councilman Garrett stated he had noticed the mercury vapor light installation at Lancston And Powell had not been made as reported, and the City Clerk was re- quested to write the Puget Sound Power R, T,inht Company to take care of this matter. Light and Power Committee report by Councilman Reid, member. 1. More time -rated on light for 5th and Powell. Councilman Vietzke reported a hole in the cement in the Logan Street Bridge, and the Citi, Engineer stated he would check into the matter. Courcil.man Dullahant requested the Council continue their efforts regarding Houser Way Brid?e. A certification from the County Auditor's Office on the bridge vote was � read as follows: Houser Wav Bridge - For: 2,387 A-ainst: 2, 33. Wells Street Bridge - For: 2,318 Against: 2,656. Moved by Druce, seconded by Vietzke, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 P.M. There were saven persons present beside City employees. itperk J My r 9 Renton, Washington December 9, 1958 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: VIETZKE, DULLAHANT, REID, MORRIS, PINKERTON, CLYMER, GARRETT, ALIMENT, DELAURENTI, POLI AND BRUCE. Trimm was excused. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the minutes of December 2nd be approved as written. Carried. Moved by Poli, seconded by Vietzke, that the minutes of November 25th be approved as written. Carried. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busa.to, Chief of Police; Floyd.Lawrence, Fire Chief; James Highton, City Engineer; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Don Humble, Planning Director and Al Simonson, Comptroller. Hearing on Street Vacations: This being the date set for the hearing on vacation of portions of certain streets and alleys, petition of Pacific Car & Foundry Company, submitted to the City Council on C\$ August 5th, and amended petition of November 4th, the hearing was opened and the City 10 Clerk reported there were no protests, written or verbal. Mayor Baxter requested that a communication from the Planning Commission be read. Planning Commission recommendation: a) Grant the street vacations, on petitions of Pacific Car & Foundry Co. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Dullahant, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission on the street vacations and the necessary ordinance be drafted. Carried. b) Due to heavy use of Garden and Meadow Streets to Pacific Car parking lots, the Planning Commission Committee recommended that any money derived from Pacific Car & Foundry be used for repair of Garden and Meadow Streets. A petition bearing 67 signatures of property owners requesting the repair of Garden and Meadow Streets was read by the City Clerk. On a point of information. requested from the City Attorney he stated the funds received from Pacific Car & Foundry Company can be used for whatever purpose the Council determines. The City Engineer pointed out that $1,000.00 had been specifically designated for a traffic signal at 4th and Garden Street. Mr. Denzer, speaking as a citizen, and Mrs. Mary Siegfried of 318 Garden Street spoke on behalf of the petitioners, and Mrs. Siegfried stressed in addition the need for adequate lighting on these streets. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, that the matter of repairs to Garden and Meadow Street be referred to the Street and Alley Committee to report back, and of street lights to the Power and Light Committee to report back. Carried. Appointment by the Mayor: Mayorts appointment of Gerald H. Nichols to a permanent status in the Fire Depart- ment, appointee having completed six-month probationary period and approved by the Fire Chief. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Vietzke, to approve this appointment. Carried. Bid easings:. This being the date set for the opening of bids on two Police Cars, City Legals and the Gasoline and Chlorine requirements for 1959, the following bids were opened and read: i Police Cars Bidder Two Units Pope Ford Co. $2,644.07 - Inc. State Tax & Trade in Allowance of X2,400.00 2,846.19 - Alternate, Spec. Built Police Interceptor Frank Rhodes 1,56$.26 - Inc. State Tax & Trade in Allowance of $3,400.00 Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that this matter be referred to the Police and License Committee to report back. Carried. Councilman Pinkerton requested to be excused on this matter. Gasoline requirements for the year 195.9. Bidder Per alon - Regular Per1 'Ethyl Richfield Oil Co. 4 ' Union Oil Co. .2099 .2449 Signal Oil Co. •2167 .2467 Shell Oil Co. .2184 '2509 Associated Oil Co. .2208 •2508 Standard Oil Co. .246 .276 Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Poli, that the gasoline bids be referred to the Property Committee to report back. Carried. No Bids on Chlorine. City Legals for 1959. First insertion Subsequent insertions Bidder per column inch per column inch _ Renton Chronicle $1.35 $1.10 Renton News Record 1.40 1.15 Moved by Reid, seconded by Vietzke, that the bids on the legals be referred to the Property Committee to report back. Carried. Two applications from Ajax Music Company to install music box machine at the Alki Tavern and The Hut, were read by the City Clerk. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Poli, that these applications be referred to the Police and License Committee to report back. Carried. Request from Kennydale Lions Club to operate Christmas Tree Sales Lot between Mathewsonts Service Station and Renton Avenue, December l2th to 25th, proceeds for charitable and community seriice projects. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, to grant this permission subject to removal of surplus trees and all debris Iiy the organization following the sale. Carried. Request from Cub Scout Pack 400 to sell Christmas trees December 13th to 24th, adjacent to Market Basket Store in the Highlands, waiver of license fee requested. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Bruce, to gran* this permission with the pro- vision that all surplus trees and any debris be removed after the sale. Carried. Request by Beta Sigma Charpter to hold tCookie and Candy Sale and Doll Cake Rafflet at Renton Hardware Store on December 13th, 10:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M., for the benefit of Griffin Boyts Home. Moved by Bruce, seconded, by Reid, to grant the request. Carried. Report from City Engineer on completion of street name changes for east-west _ streets in Talbot which are on Avenue designation. Previous policy of the City Council to re-name north-south streets in honor of pioneer families, the Engineer recommended referral to the Street and Alley Committee for appropriate names, and it was so moved by Vietzke, seconded by Poli, and carried. City Engineerts analysis of utility .revenue for water and sewer on a basic rate increase of $0.50 for each utility, water quantity at this rate increased to 1000 cubic feet, estimating this schedule would support bond issue in excess of $600,000.00, approval recommended. Moved by Morris, seconded by Dullahant, that this recommendation be referred to the Council as a Whole. Carried. City Engineerts itemized estimate of cost on proposed consulting engineering serv- ices for Sewer and Water Improvements for the balance of year, total cost, $3,066.00 Kendale Well Preliminary work, plus study of additional water supply in high level area north and east of Renton Highlands, $786.00 (paid from budgeted funds). Estimate on additional consulting engineering work $ 384.00 Estimate of cost to correct well condition, (not to exceed) - $3,250.00 The Fire and Water Committee recommended concurrence in this portion of the report, approval of the additional work to be done by the Consulting Engineer and author- ization of the work on the well. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of the Fire and Water Committee. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee on the funds. Carried. Cascade Hills Sewer Study Technical advice requested by Joint Annexation Committee - accumulated service fee to date, $954.00. Estimated additional cost - $480.00 Moved by Morris, seconded by Aliment, that this portion be referred to the Council as a Whole Committee. Carried. 1959 Revenue Bonds Engineering work to be done in advance of legal work and bond sale, total elapsed time of three months before construction work can start. Improvements for additional water storage and suppl;T, and additions to the sewage treatment plant - Consulting Engineering services estimated at $1,248.00. Moved ITT Pinkerton, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and the Ways and Means Committee look into the matter of funds. Carried. Dullahant opposed. Proposal of Renton Concrete Products to place a park bench at each bus stop in Renton without cost, agreeing further to secure necessary insurance coverage. Moved. by Vietzke, seconded by Dullahant, that this proposal be referred to the Street and .Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. Variance request of S. M. Wiberg to put in 24t driveway at Third Avenue and Cedar Street, in order to provide off-street parking for three cars. It was pointed out that this matter would come under the building code, and not require referral to the Planning Commission. Moved by Morris, seconded by Reid, to grant the variance request. Carried. �i A copy of letter from Mr. Victor, P. I. Dealer, listing newstand locations, was read for Council information. A proposed resolution to transfer a sum not to exceed ?�o of gross revenue from Sewer, Garbage and Water Department Fund unto the Current Fund as a Utility Service Charge, was read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, that Resolution No. 984 be adopted as read. Carried. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance vacating portions of certain streets and alleys (petition of Pacific Car & Foundry Company). The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The j Ordinance Committee recommending favorably it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the recommendation of the committee and proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that Ordinance No. 1710 be •adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting nAyett the motion carried. More time was granted Councilman Reid on Street and Alley Committee matters. Fire and Water Committee report by Councilman Morris, Chairman. The matter of a request made that the City participate in moving a water line in Vista Heights. The Committee recommended non-concurrence in this request. Mr. Lee stated he could find no record of an easement covering this water line and it was moved by Aliment, seconded by Reid, that the City Attorney investigate the matter. Carried. Councilman Morris stated this would be held in committee. Council as a Whole Committee report by Council President Vietzke. It was the recommendation of the Council as a Whole that the proposed 1959 revenue bonds for Water and Sewer System improvements be put out on bid rather than by negotiated sale. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Aliment, to concur in the recommendation of the Council as a Whole. Carried. The Majority of the Council as a Whole recommended issuance of Par Bonds, rather than Junior Lien Bonds. Moved by Poli, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation of the majority of the Council as a Whole. Carried. Councilman Vietzke opposed. Councilman Vietzke explained his vote stating he objected to Par Bonds because this method would increase the Sewer and Water rates. Councilman Garrett stated in his opinion the increase would be governed by the amount of bond issue to be financed. A report of activities and repairs to the Park Department Building in Liberty Park was given by Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent, at request of Councilman Dullahant. Councilman Reid scheduled a Street and Alley Committee meeting Saturday, 10:00 A.M. at the Council Chambers, requesting the Engineer and Police Traffic Department be present. Councilman Bruce reported it was the recommendation of the Property Committee that Lease Agreement with B. A. Porter be renewed for one-year period, as per option, described property that portion of Cedar River Waterway situated on the East bank of Cedar River Waterway north'-,of Sixth Avenue North. The committee recommended rental of leased property to be raised to $400.00 per month, the Mayor and City Clerk authorized to execute lease agreement. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the meeting adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. There were 12 persons present beside City employees. Cler Renton, Washington December 16, 1958 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: DULLAHANT, REID, PINKERTON, CLYMER, GARRETT, TRIMM, ALIMENT, DELAURENTI, POLI AND BRUCE. It was moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Poli, that Councilmen Vietzke and Morris be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang a sato, Chief of Police, Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; James Highton, City Engineer; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Don Humble, Planning Director; Harris McClaskey, Librarian; Fran Ames, Airport Manager and Al Simonson, Comptroller. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that the minutes of the previous meeting be ap- proved as written. Carried. Mayor's appointment of Mr. Marvin H. Schroeder to the position of Superintendent of Utilities effective January 2, 1959. Mr. Schroeder was introduced by Mayor Baxter. Appointee highly recommended and qualifications having been thoroughly examined, moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to approve this appointment. Carried. Opening of Bids - Chlorine. The City Clerk opened the following bids on the Chlorine requirements for 1959: Bidder Container Net Bid Pennsalt Chemicals Corp. 1 Ton Drum $185.00 per ton 100-150 lb. cylinders .12220 per lb. Van Waters & Rogers 1 Ton Drum 9.25 per 100 lbs. (Hooker Chemical Rep) 100-150 lb. cylinders .1*0 per lb. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that this matter be referred to the Fire and Water Committee to report back next week. Carried. The invitation to the Renton City Employee's Club eight annual Christmas party to be held December 20th at the Carpenters' Local Union Hall at 6:00 P.M., was read by the City Clerk. A letter of appreciation from the Highland Community Church for the use of the Administration Building for their Church services. The building will not be required after December 14th as the Church unit is now completed. Communication from Johnston and Campanella, Architects, presenting� on recommenda- tion of the Library Board, an application for advance of public works planning, which program would provide federal funds for planning of the new library. Mr. Johnston of the Architect firm described the details of the act, stating the fund would constitute a loan, repayable only if the bond issue carries at an election. Council approval was requested. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Trimm, to approve and concur with the recommenda- tion of the Library Board, to proceed with this matter in all haste, and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary documents. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti further requested that the plans for the new library, when prepared, be submitted to the Council. A copy of the City Attorney's letter to Street Commissioner Miller, regarding collec- tion of delinquent garbage accounts was read for Council information and placed on file. City Attorney's comrmznication regarding negotiations with Pacific Car and Foundry„ whereby that firm has agreed to pay the City $5,217.17, an amount equal to the taxes the City would have received in 1959 if proper assessment could have been made, com- plimenting this firm on their fine display of citizenship in this matter. Planning Commission Recommendations as numbered in their minutes: 6) Grant variance submitted by Kenneth Carson to allow reduction of backyard requirements from 25 fee; to 16 feet, property located at Walla Walla Avenue and Morris Street. The route sheet was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Trim-n, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. Planning Commission resolution requesting the Mayor and pity Council advise the Planning Commission of all meetings concerning annexations, highways or similar meetings in order that their appropriate committees might be present. The City Clerk stated the Council minutes will be sent each member of the Planning Commission. The Comptroller's letter, submitting an Ordinance for redistribution of current 1958 appropriations in the Water Department due to heavy construction program including appropriation necessary at Kennydale Well, was read. The Ordinance presented under Ordinances and Resolutions. City Attorney's letter concerning small island, site of Lake Washington Beach Prop- erty, covered by Harbor Lease 90. The Puget Sound Power and Light Company has agreed to a sub-lease, and this document was enclosed for execution. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, that the City Clerk and Mayor be authorized to execute sub-lease. Carried. Ways and Means Committee Report by Councilman Clymer, Chairman. The committee recommended that the transfers of funds within the Water Department `"' be made by adoption of the Ordinance, to include funds for the Kennydale Well. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the .recommendation of the committee. Carried. Street and Alley Committee report by Councilman Reid, Chairman. 1. Parking of vehicles on Park Street, 4th Avenue North to 6th Avenue North, be restricted to two hours daily, except no parking allowed between 6:00 and 9:00 A.M. and 4:00 and 6:00 P.M. daily, except Saturday, Sundays and holidays. , Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Dullahant, to concur in the recommendation and the necessary Ordinance be drafted. Carried. at'J 2. Concrete benches at bus stops. This matter turned over to the Street Commissioner and Police Department to check locations. 3. Repairs requested to Meadow and Garden Streets. Hold this matter until after the first of the year, making temporary repairs until more funds available. Recommends a traffic light for 4th and Garden Street. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation on the traffic signal. Carried. i4. Street names, Talbot area. The committee left this matter up to the City Engineer to select appropriate names. Police and License Committee report by Councilman Delaurenti. 1. Prowler Cars - 2 units - for Police Department. Committee recommends awarding the bid to Frank Rhodes, low bidder. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dullahant, to concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. 2. Application of Ajax Music Company. The committee recommended that the application of the Ajax Music Company for music machines in The Hut and Alki Tavern be granted. Moved by Reid, seconded by Aliment, to concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. Property Committee report by Councilman BrucgjL Chairman. 1. Bids on Gasoline. Committee recommends that Richfield Oil Company, low bidder, be awarded the gasoline contract for 1959. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gatrett, to concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. 2. Bids on City legals: Committee recommends contract for City Legals be awarded the Renton Chronicle. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation bf the committee. Carried. On recommendation of Councilman Reid, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pinkerton, that a new ordinance be drafted for the regulation of Auctions and Auctioneers. Carried. At request of Councilman Pinkerton, the City Engineer reported on a meeting with the District Engineer held today, stating that Renton Highway projects will receive top priority, but there still exists the problem of obtaining right-of ways. The Engineer reported further that he expected a report soon on the appraisals covering Cedar River Park property required for the program. The City Clerk read a proposed Ordinance to transfer funds between general classif- ications in Water Department Administrative. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Aliment, that proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. The Ordinance Committee recommending favorably it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. After the second and final reading it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that Ordinance No. 1711 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all Councilmen present voting "Aye" the motion carried. Councilman Garrett presented the proposed Ordinance on parking restriction on Park Street, between 4th Avenue North and 6th Avenue North. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, that. the Ordinance be referred to the Ord- inance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The committee reporting favorably, it was moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the committee and the proposed ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. After the second and final reading moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that Ordinance No. 1712 be adopted as read. A roll call vote being taken and all councilmen present voting "Aye" the motion carried. Councilman Aliment asked the City Engineer what could be done to provide an East- west crossing through town and the Engineer said he would look .into the matter. Councilman Bruce requested a report on progress of the Low Rent Housing Project. Planning Director Humble stated the architects have completed the final set of plans and the Housing Authority is meeting Wednesday morning to go over them, which on approval, will be sent to the San Francisco Office for review. He stated that it is possible that calls for bids will be made at the end of next month. Mayor Baxter requested the City Hall Improvement Committee meet on the matter of providing offieespace for the Superintendent of Utilities. Councilman Reid requested a meeting of this committee Saturday, December 20th, at 10 otclock A.M., requesting the presence of Walt Will, Building Inspector. Mayor Baxter declared a recess: After the recess, meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: DULLAHANT, REID, PINKERTON, GARRETT, TRIMM, ALIMENT, DELAURENTI, POLI - AND BRUCE. Councilman Pinkerton requested an opinion from the City Engineer and City Attor- ney on the matter of Houser Way Bridge. The City Engineer stated the Engineering Depart- ment will make a check and report findings to the Council next Tuesday. The City Attor- ney stated the City Council could vote a General Obligation Bond Issue to replace this bridge, total outstanding bonds not to exceed 12% of assessed valuation, $34,000,000.00,- amounting to $510,000.00. Presently outstanding $325,000.00 which would make available approximately $200,000.00. The City Engineer is to check. Councilman Garrett reported on the following bills to be introduced at the next Legislative Session, requesting these items be referred to the Legislative Committee to .report back, in order that he might know the feelings of the Council pertaining to these matters. 1. Right of Second Class Cities to condemn property for off-street parking. 2. Right of City Council to determine the salary of the Mayor, now fixed by State Statute. 3. Limit the length of time for which cities may grant franchises. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Pinkerton, that this matter be referred to the Legislative Committee to report back. Carried. Mayor Baxter announced that Building Inspector Walt Will and Electrical Inspector Claude McPherson had a matter to present to the Council. Mr. Will reported on the following permit fees, etc. which the Building Department felt should be changed to conform to fees assessed by other cities. 1. Gas Inspection Fee of $5.00 - Ordinance 1617, Section IX - Item 1. This fee objected to by the Gas Company as discriminatory, and the Building Department recommended it be eliminated and fees raised on Fixture installa- tions. 2. Plumbing fixture fees are in line with fees of other cities. 3. Electrical fees assessed by the City of Renton about 17th of fees charged by other cities. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Reid, that the Building Inspector submit his recommend- ations for an ordinance to correct the inequities in permit fees, to the Council as a Whole and Ordinance Committee. Carried. 4 Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, that the meeting adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 10 o'clock P.M. There were six persons present beside City Employees. City Clerk Mayor C:7 -r U 1 496 Renton, 'Washington December 23, 1958 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Vietzke, Dullahant, Reid, Pinkerton, Clymer, Garrett, Trimm, Aliment, Delaurenti, Poli and Bruce. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Bruce, that Councilman Morris be excused. C ar rie d. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; and James Highton, City Engineer. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. Communication from Park Superintendent Gene Coulon submitting Park Board recommendation that the City Council take action to acquire from Puget Sound Power & Light Company a 10 acre tract in Talbot located between Springbrook Road and Benson Highway, south of S. 160th Street,for park and recreational purposes. In event of relocation of transmission lines the City and Puget bound Power and Light Company by mutual agreement could exchange this site for one in same area of equal size and value, or if unable to reach an agreement, money be refunded the City. The City Attorney reported he has discussed the matter with the Power Com- pany, securing price reduction from x$1,550.00 to $12,250.00 per acres--$12,500.00. The have further agreed to waive company policy not to sell on contract basis, and to eliminate the 6% interest charge. The City Attorney recommended, if Council takes action to acquire the pro- perty, the cbwn payment of $3,000.00 be made from Cumulative Fund 1183 ($3,089.00 Park Department funds having been transferred to that fund, earmarked for park acquisition), full payment to be made by January 31, 1961. This would permit use of funds from the 1960 and 1961 budget, including 42,408.00 budgeted for park ac- quisition in the 1960 budget. He further recommended a resolution be drafted authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract and deed. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of the Park Board and City Attorney in the acquisition of this property. Carried. A letter from the Airport Board regarding safety problems of the Renton Municipal Airport, submitting report of special Board meeting of December 8th, was read by the City Clerk. The Airport Board requested the City Council con- sider and approve an imine diate emergency appropriation of $6,000.00 to permit an additional control tower operator in 1959 during peak hours of operation. The Council recommended a request be made to Boeings for payment to the City of the required amount, hereupon an emergency apE:ropriation could be made by the City, upon Council authorization. Moved by Aliment, seconded by Reid, that a committee be appointed from the Council to meet with the Airport Board and Boeing Officials. Carried. City. Engineer and Street Commissioner's report of condition- survey made of Houser Way Bridge and Wells Street Bridge during week of December 14th: Houser Way Bridge: Upstream timber pier, south end of span., settled to extent of imposing overload on timber cap, same area of partial failure last summer for which temporary repairs were constructed. Condition Hazardous. The Engineer recommended closing the bridge to all vehicular traffic. Wells Street Bridge: Gradual failing of north appro ach and settling of concrete abutment. Earth supporting downstream sidewalk bulkhead sloughing away, requiring early attention. Gradual process of deterioration of bridge pier footings. Condition of bridge, except sidealk bulkhead, not hazardous- should be under continual observation. Discussion followed and the City Engineer stated that temporary repairs to the Houser Way Bri dge would probably not exceed $500.00. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Poli, that the City Engineer be instructed to make immediate temporary repairs on the Houser Way Bridge to the extent of about $50U.00. Carried. Suggested methods of enlarging signs restricting traffic to light vehicles were made and the City Engineer stated necessary steps would be taken to make these signs more positive. 12-23-58 4_97 Communication from Duward W. Brown submitting traffic pattern suggestion for Second Avenue, proposing three westbound lanes, with one eastbound lane for local traffic, Burnett to Main Street, and still leave the traffic pattern at Second and Rainier. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Vietzke, that this communication be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and the City Engineer. Carried. Discussion followed, and present status of ordinance to change Second Avenue to two-way traffic on a trial basis, was requested. The Street and Alley Committee and City Engineer were requested to bring in their recommendations for the Ordi- nance-to include left turn restrictions; the City Engineer to contact the State Highway Department for permission on changes involving the State Highway System; 1 Ways and Means Committee to return their recommendation for funds to purchase equipment. A copy of City Attorney' s letter to City Treasurer enclosing remittance on delinquent garbage account and notice of filing 'Satisfaction of Lien' with King County Auditor's office on this account. Statement of annual service fee of the Association of Washington Cities as adopted in statewide convention in Spokane, May, 1958-1959 fee, $794.UO. The j Mayor reported the Association is expending considerable effort and money for i legislation on behalf of Cities during 1959. Moved by Delaurenti., seconded by Vietzke, that this be placed in the hands of the Auditing Committee with power to act. Carried. tta Planning Commission recommendations as numbered on their minutes: (4) Recommend granting of variance to J.W. McCallum, 633 0 Street, to allow reduction of side yard from five to three feet. The City Clerk read the route sheet, also a letter from Mr. & Mrs. William DeBoer, adjacent property owners, giving their permission. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. (6) Recommend granting of variance submitted by John Fosmire and Joseph Wallen, to allow construction of 4-plex on lot 40 by 120 feet at 535 Whitworth Street. The City Clerk read the route sheet. A question was raised regarding provision for adequate parking and whether the Planning Commission had viewed the property in question. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Aliment, that this request be referred back to the Planning Commission. Carried. Councilman Garrett presented a proposed Ordinance regulating Auctions and Auctioneers, to be placed on its first reading. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Or;-anance Committee for their recommendation. Carried. The Ordinance Committee reported this will be held in committee until the next Council meeting, and the City Clerk' s office was requested to provide each Councilman and the Police Department a copy for study. Building Committee Report by Councilman Reid, Chairman. Recommend temporary quarters be constructed immediately for the Superintend- ent of Utilities and the City Engineer and Building Superintendent bring in plans for the Auditorium and the Engineering Department. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Pinkerton, to concur in the recommendation of the Building Committee. Carried. Ordinance Committee report by Councilman Garrett, Chairman. Permit Fees - Gas and Electrical: Councilman Garrett repar ted each Councilman has received copy of report covering comparison of rates and suggested rates as complied by the building and electrical inspector for study. This matter in Council as a Whole Committee. Fire mid Water Committee report by Councilman Delaurenti. Committee recommends the bid on Chlorine be a�,•,arded to Van Waters and Rogers for 1959. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. Councilman Dullahant asked by Mr. Cugini had been billed on an item of $118.69, covering work done by City Employees, on extension of 6th Avenue Sanit- ary Sewer. The Mayor reported the item had been billed and he would check and report regarding payment. i Councilman Pinkerton asked if there were any new developments on the estate Hirhway Project. Mayor Baxter stated he had requested a complete report from District Engineer, P.J. McKay, which has been prepared for publication in the local newspapers. Councilman Pinkerton called for a Sanitation Committee meeting, December 303 at 8 o'clock P.M. with the Fire and Water Committee. Councilman Reid called for a street and Alley Committee meeting, Saturday morning at 10 A.M. at the Council Chambers. Councilman Clymer requested a meeting of the '"ays and Means Committee, Tuesday, December 30th, after the Sanitation Committee meeting. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, thgt the meeting adjourn, Carried. Meeting at ourned at 9:3U P.A. There were five persons present beside City Employees. 22 City Clerk NIay The following claims for the month of December, 1958, having previously been approved by the Finance Committee, were approved. SALARY FUND $71,199.61 CURRENT FUND 28,241.35 CITY STREET FUND 1,985.41 OFF-STREET PARKING FUND 125.00 PARK & ATHLETIC FUND 15,470.95 MOTHER'S PARK FUND 147.39 LIBRARY FUND 704.96 AIRPORT FUND 21689.08 P.W. REVOLVING FUND 71719.61 CUMULATIVE FUND #1183 3,000.00 CUMULATIVE FUND #1184 729.71 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 482.50 WATER FUND 29,157.99 ` GARBAGE FUND 15,939.56 "r SEWAGE DISPOSAL FUND 22900.42 EMP. PAYROLL SAVINGS BOND FUND 168.75 ail 1r;�