HomeMy WebLinkAboutBook 19 (3/21/1966 - 10/16/1967) r RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. March Wil , 1966 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor D. W. Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag/fib` 4 tWcNs9mbly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Gianini, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurefrti, Poli and Morris. i OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. -Walls, Fire Chief, Albert Reisberg, Building Director, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Vi LTeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Councilman Hulse called attention to Page 5 of the Minutes of March 14th, Paragraph 2, where vote tabulation in the last sentence was reversed and should have read No: Bruce, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, and Poli. Aye: Hulse, Schellert and Dahlquist. (This was on motion to refer to the Planning Commission, rezone to be necessitated in order for Puget Sound Power and Light Co. to utilize the Lake .torr. Beach pitopefty perl:.Flan.Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of March 14, 1966 be approved as corrected. The motion carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10967 $ 600.00 Richfield Oil Com 1028 Bronson Way Sign 968 800.00 Union Oil Company 300 Rainier Avenue So.Sign 969 400.00 Albert B. Vaughn 409 Grandey Way Addition to Porch 10970 22,098.00 Bell & Valdez, Inc. Rolling Hills V1 lage New Residence 971 193,988.00 Bell & Valdez, Inc. Rolling Hills Village New Residence 972 20,470.00 Bell & Valdez, Inc. Rolling Hills Village New Residence 973 191,583.00 Bell & Valdez, Inc. Rolling Hills Village New Residence 974 17,763.00 Bell & Valdez, Inc. Rolling Hills Village New Residence 10975 3,750.00 N16k Angelo. -_ 324 Mill Street Remodel Residence 976 PEND I N G 977 400.00 S.P.P.P. Co. 100th & 112th Pit Hauling Fill Dirt 978 100.00 Robert Mathieson 1203 "0" Street Wire Addition 979 200.00 Robinson Lyon Ford Third & Burnett Wire Electric Circuit 10980 800.00 Dairy Queen 2300 Sunset Blvd. Sign PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7755 - - - - - Homer Creager 112?..2 S.E. 112th Plumbing Fixtures 56 - - - - - West Wind Motel 110 Rainier Avenue So. Plumbing Fixtures 57 - - - - - Wash. Jockey Club Longacres Plumbing Fixtures 58 -- - - - - Charles T. Leonard 3317 Court A Heating Equipment 59 - - - - - Gunnar Komstadius 12612-88th Ave. So. Heating Equipment 7760 - - - - - Gunnar Komstadius 12603- 88th Ave. So. Gas Installations 61 - - - - - Gunnar Komstadius 12603-88th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 62 - - - - - Gunnar Komstadius 12612-88th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 63 - - - - - The Boeing Company 10-60 Building Plumbing Fixtures 64 - - - - - Wilco Properties, Inc. 4th No. & Burnett Gas-Plumbing Fixtures 7765 - - - - - John Carlson 10626-111th P1. S.E. Gas Installations 66 - - - - - Peterson Development 13409 S.E. 114th St. Plumbing Fixtures HEARING: L.I.D. 255 - Final Assessment Roll - Sanitary Sewers So. 153rd Street This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. There were no communications nor audience comments. The Assessment Roll complying with Ordinance No. 2191, and pursuant to Resolution 1329, is in the sum of $10,107.74, the total cost of said Improvement. Moved by Poli, seconded by Pedersen, that the Hearing be closed. Car—ed. The Hearing was declared closed and it was Mov4j by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, t113t the Assessment Roll b.3 confirmed as submitted with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for the proper Ordinance. The motion carried, -1- f Ar.'y Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 3-21-66 COMMUNICATIONS: A letter was read from the Office of the Sup't of Elections, Edward J. Logan, certifying election of March 8, 1966 for proposed Annexation to the City of Renton, (Kennydale Island area), which was canvassed on March 14i, 1966 with results as follows: Absentee Ballots: 2, Total Vote 284.Prop.. I --' Annexation - For 131 Against 151 - Defeated Props II - Assumption of Indebtedness - For 57, Against 202. A letter of intent to anne.: property adjoining 4th Avenue North between "I" Street and 132nd Avenue wss read„ (Cemetery Rd.) City Engineer's letter reported check of County Records indicates letter of intent is signed by owners representing 55.38% of the assessed valuation of the property requesting t-o, be annexed, and the area contains app-roxim7,t2ly 90 acres 1-711th a,i assessed valu^tion of $37,090.00. A meeting with perscn represanti g thq Froper-ty oiw]ers of said area was held with Mr. John Harer advising that the were vililno to assume their pro-rata share of the pre-existing bonded indebtedness of t:ie City:. Loved by Sche].lert, seconded by Bruce, that the property ov-iers be a-_tho-i2;ed to circulate Proper petition for annexation which shall indicate to assume the boadedn—'.0tedness as discussed. The motion carried. A letter was read f_om Douglas L, Eorr-'_', D.M<D,, 1015 Walla Walla Avenue, calling attention to situation existing in Municipal Parking Lot 112 whereby one half of the North side of the lot =s poste_' as a Truc:t Loading Zone and is not metered. The area is occasionally used actually for truck loading,but is used as free truck ten trucks, on a twenty-four hour basis, seven days a week, ,Tia�s parking fcr up to makes it difficult for the public to park resulting in loss of patronage by the businesses as well as loss o --evenue by the City. it was requested that in lieu of Municipal Parking Lot being reserved for private use, the entire lot be metered, or else all meters be removed and the public be allowed to use the area without time limit. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dalilquist, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee to investigate and report back Carried. A letter was read -rom Mr, Charles K. Stimson, Chairman, Save our Lake Park Committee, reporting objet-tivec of Committlee,formed by a group of interested local citizens, to preserve Lake Washington Teach Park; acquire additional property for its full development; to =csr rage updating of its planning and to urge its early opening to the public. TI:e Committee advised of circulating retitions throughout the community and that it feels the City Council has not been made aware of the depth of community feeling for the preservation and development of the lark. It was requested that the Council postpone any acticn on the :.ale of the Park property which might reduce its size or threaten its future security as a community utility, A letter was read from Mrs. Donald Hamblin, President, League of Women Voters, relative to the Lake Washinton Beach property sale to the Boeing Company. Prior suggestion that since the matter might involve a charge in the Comprehensive Plan it might properly be referred to the Planning Commission t,,ss recalled.:and lettex .ndw advisee - it was their confirmed belief that the matter had not been so referred. City Clerk Nelson reported receipt of Temporary Restraining Order and Oru.ar to Show Cause filed against the City of Renton, the Mayo,:, City Clerk and City Council--by Charles K. Stimson, along with Summons and Complain, restraining and enjoining the Defendants from passing any Ordinance authorizing the sale, exchange or transfer of all or any portion of Lake Washington Beach Park, as described in Complaint docu- ment. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by y .anini, that the letters from Mr. Stimson and the LeaguQ of Women Voters be referred to the Committee of the Whole and that the Restraining Order documents be referred to the City Attorney. Carried. A letter from Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, requested Transfer of funds within the Street Maintenance Department Fund 3240, from Acct. 412, M. & 0., Tools and Equipment, $1,006.42 unto Acct. 606, Capital Outlay, Machinery and Equipment. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the, request with referral to aw the Law and Ordinance Committee, Carried. A letter from Murray, Dunham & Waitt, Attorneys At Law, by Roger. E. Dunham, requested permi�ision to construct a sewer, advancing the total initial cost of installation for extension of the Benson Road Sewer to S.E > 168th, provided a Late-Comers Agreement might be contracted for subsequent reimbursement for cost from f.:t.ure ho!_I-ups. This had been discussed with the City Engineer and determined the least time-consuming method for extension of the main trunk sewer to serve the proposed apartment house davelopmen'_ or. the 'northwest corner of S.E, 168th and 109th Ave. S.E. Moven by Poli_, seconded by Perry, tc reefer the matter to the Sanitation Committee-- City Engineer an? Cita Attorney to reFo_-.t back. Carried Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 3-21-3966 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) A letter from Mr. James J. Abraham, President, O.Y. Cab Company, Inc., requested permission to change location of taxicab zone from Main Street to Williams at the Northwest corner of 3rd on the Williams side. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to refer the request to the Street and Alley Committee to report back.. The motion carried. i A letter was read from the Planning Director, Gordon Ericksen, advising that the Variance granted to Lloyd Atwood at the last Council meeting was to allow two ..: residences on a non-dedicated street. The property is located in the vicinity of 86th Avenue South and Langston Road. The Commission wishes to clarify the fact that the recommendation was intended to permit two additional residences nn the property on the basis that applicant will meet minimum lot area and setback requirements, as there is one structure on the property already. There is adequate land to meet the lot size required. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that the Council concur in the Variance as per intent and clarification. Carried. A letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen presented Planning Commission recommendations as follows: Kenneth Gilbert, Appl. R-287-66 for rezone from GS-1 to R-1 on property located West of 132nd Avenue S .E. at approximately 5th P1. North. The Comprehensive Plan indicates the area as single family residential as proposed. Mimimum lot of size of 7500 sq, ft. was recommended. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. Kenneth Gilbert, Application V-292-66 to permit single family residence on a non- dedicated street on property located West of 132nd Ave. S.E. with 15 ft. utility easement to be provided. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation. Carried. PROCLAMATION: Mayor Custer by Proclamation declared this date, March 21, 1966 to be Renton High School State Basketball Championship Day in the City of Renton, the team under direction of Coach Iry Leifer and his Staff, having won the 1966 State Championship. Contribution of all concerned toward the winning of the Tournament were hereby acknowledged. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the Mayor's Proclamation. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPOR'T'S: UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Councilman Hulse, President of the Council, submitted his Committee of the Whole Report from referral of March 14th relative to the Green River Valley Traffic Study and it was recommended that the Mayor be authorized to send a letter signfiying intent of the City to participate as provided per stipulations of the State Highway Department letter of March 10th with cost to Renton not to exceed $5,000.00 and no more than $2,500.00 to be paid over the next two years per cost distribution statement. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, to concur in the Committee of the Whole recommendation. Carried. Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Committee Committee, submitted a bid proposal from Mr..and Mrs. Donald Laudenbach, along with $5.00 cash, to demolish the Thomas Nursing Horne structure at 202 Mill Street & garage. Hold Harmless Agreement will be filed along with proper insurance, and sixty days will be period for completion with a burnable debris being burned and only basement and foundation wall to be remaining. The Committee recommended acceptance of the bid and it was moved by Morris, seconded by Dahlquist, to ancur. Carried. It was pointed out -- that location of the new City Hall facility should be determined prior to filling of excavations which may have to be torn out later,otherwise. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Police and License Committee requested that Bid Date for the new Police Department Control Console communication system be set for April 4th in lieu of March 28th in order that publication requirements may be met. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur. The motion carried. _g_ Minutes of the Renton City Council COMMITTEE REPORTS: UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Cont.) Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman, Police and License Committee, reported on behalf of the Committee, Purchasing Agent , Police Chief and Street Commissioner, that it was recommended to accept low bids on the City's 1966 automotive equipment as follows: 5 Police Cars Wilson Motor Company $8,331.15 1 One-Half Ton Pick-Up Wilson Motor Company 1,803.33 1 Three-Quarter Ton Flat Bed Wilson Motor Co. 2,087.43 3 Dump Trucks Bill Hazlett-Kent 12,605.7.4 1 Street Sweeper Sahlberg Equipment 10,098.54 1 Wheel Loader & Backhoe Craig Taylor Equipment 9.741.17 Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendations. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 2782 through 2840, having been approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee,be approved by the City Council for payment at this time. Carried. Fund Breakdown Follows: Current Fund #2782 - 2809 $ 16,396.59 City Street Fund 2810 - 2816 559.39 Equipment Rental 2817 - 2824 479.37 Parks 2825 - 2828 428.17 Water Works Utility 2829 - 2836 2,252.52 Airport 2837 - 2839 15,884.06 Cumulative Reserve 1698 2840 202000.00 $56,000.10 Councilman Hulse requested the Light and Power Committee to investigate possible light installations at the following locations: S.E. 86th at 110th S.E. ; S.E. 88th and 110th S.E. and S.E. 76th and Lake Washington Boulevard. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Light and Power Committee to report back. Carried. Councilman Schellert suggested that the Renton High School Student Body be -,commended by letter ori its, State Basketball Championship arid. Delaurenti. suggested that Evert Sutphin be also given a letter for being chosen the most valuable player. Mayor Custer advised he had been invited to address the student body and that he has planned to make City Certificate. Awards for special community service as are given for such merit, and would take the suggestions into consideration in so doing. Councilman Gianini announced a meeting of the Athletic Commission at the Renton Inn on Saturday, March 26th at 9:30 a.m. Councilman Garrett announced a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee in the office of the Traffic Engineer following adjournment of this meeting. Councilman Perry stated his wish to hear the stand Council wishes to take on Initiative 226 prior to accepting any Chairmanship -on Finance or Campaign for its promotion for which he has been approached. Councilman Poli requested a meeting of the Power and Light Committee on Wednesday, March 23rd at 7:30 p.m. Mayor Custer announced a meeting at the Renton Inn on Thursday, March 24th at 7:30 p.m. to discuss Initiative 226 of which Mayor Graep will have charge and the Council was invited. Also announced on Thursday from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. will be a Seminar on Building Codes and Fire Zoning and related subjects, in the Public Auditorium of Puget Sound Power & Light Company on Grady Way. All Builders are being invited and interested parties. There will be an opportunity to ask questions. The Seminar is ,..� being sponsored by the City and the Chamber of Commerce jointly. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Vern Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington amending sections 5-3101-02 of Chapter 31, Title V (Business Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to cabarets and the licensing thereof., which was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Dahlquist, to place the proposed Ordinance on second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, to adopt Ordinance No. 2220 as read Rbil_call N76te was taken with alltpre.sent voting aye Moti_e'. Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting March 21, 1966 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City of Renton from Residential District (R-1) to Residential District (R-3) which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti; seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2221 as read. Roll call vote was taken, the motion carrying upon result ofz all present voting aye. (St. Clair property) The Committee presented for first reading a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from Residential District (R-3) to Apartment Houses and Multiple Dwellings (R-4), which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. A ter the final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to adopt the Ordinance, numbered 2222, as read. Roll call vote followed which resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. (Benson Properties, Inc.) The Committee introduced for first reading a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, vacating a portion of South 130th Street located between 87th Avenue South and 88th Avenue South, in Renton, Washington, which was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Bruce, and seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2223 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton annexing certain territory to the City of Renton, Washington which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, sechnded by Delaurenti, to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, -to adopt Ordinance No. 2224 as read. Roll call vote was taken and resulted in unanimous aye vote carrying the motion. (Redmon Property) A proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton was presented amending Section 10-1201, Speed Limits of Title X (Traffic) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to Speed Limits on P.S.H. # 181, Interstate Highway No. 405 and P.S.H. 4167, as read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by' Hulse , to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti; .seconded by Hnlse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2225 as read. Roll call vote resulted in unanimous ayes carrying the motion. A proposed Resolution was introduced for first reading authorizing the transfer of certain funds, as a loan, for the purpose of completing the new municipal library facilities pending receipt of regular tax funds as follows: From: Cedar River Maintenance and Improvement Fund 3400, Acct. 605, Capital Outlay, $10,000.00 Unto: Library Fund 5000, Acct. 605, Capital Outlay (other structures and improvements) to be repaid not later than December 31, 1967 at interest rate of 3%. (Parking Lot) Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1367 as read. Carried. Audience comment was invited and since there was none it was moved by Morris, and seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. There were 26 visitors in the audience The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor _5_ s RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. March 28, 1966 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Albert Reisberg, Building Director, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Vern C hunch, Purchasing Agent, Gene Coulon, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant and Marcella Hillgen, Librarian. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of March 21, 1966 be approved as circulated. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERM ITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10981 $ 900.00 George Blair 3517 - 6th Ave. E. Addition to Residence 982 43,456.00 The Boeing Co. Apron "C" Wire Airplane Position 983 28,200.00 Wilco Properties 325 Burnett St. No. Commercial Bldg. 984 1,000.00 Jim Baba 105 Rainier Ave. No. Sign 10985 12,678.00 The Boeing Co. 5-64 Building Wire Warehouse 986 1,482.00 West Wind Motel 110 Rainier Ave. So. Wire Motel 987 2,200.00 Realty Investors 2714-8th Ave. No. Wire Triplex 988 3,000.00 Robert E. Cross 816 North Place Addition 989 - - - - E . F. Morris 10021 S .E . 95th St. Demolish Church 10990 200.00 Larry Hougardy 11408 S.E. 97th St. Wire Addition 991 5,200.00 West Wind Motel 110 Rainier Ave. So. Remodel Basements 992 275,000.00 Pacific Car & Foundry 1400-4th Avenue 2nd Floor Addition 993 198,000.00 Pacific N.W. Bell 225 Williams Street Concrete Structure PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7767 - - - - - - Earl Greiner 3284 Rolling Hills Heating Equipment 68 - - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11412-136th Ave.SE Gas Installation 69 - - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13409 S .E . 114th Gas Installations 7770 - - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11408 - 136th Ave. Gas Installation 71 - - - - - - Richard C. Coe 3704 - 6th Place No. Gas Installations 72 - - - - - - Roger Peterson 11014-115th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 73 - - - - - - Homer Creager 11220 S.E. 112th Heating Equipment 74 - - - - - - Archie Gustine 111 Meadow Street Plumbing Fixtures 7775 - - - - - - Jim Childs 10614-111th Pl. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 76 - - - - - - Jim Childs 10620-111th P1. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 7777 - - - - - - Harry Peterson 39062 So. 113th St. Gas Installations 78 - - - - - - Pete L. Gant 12066-42nd Ave. So. Gas Installations 79 - - - - - - Jim C. Morgan 121 Rainier Avenue Gas Installations PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Vacation of Portion of 106th Ave. S.E. (Cont. from March 21, 1966) This being the date set, the continued hearing was declared open. Communication was read which had been directed to the Planning Director by Mr. Rudolph Seppi, stating that the vacation was not considered to be in the best interest of the Renton School District. Letter from Planning Director Ericksen was read J reporting on behalf of the Planning Commission that it was generally felt the portion of 106th Ave. S.E. extending South from Puget Drive would not be needed for future street right-of-way. An alternate means of public access for students walking to Fred Nelson Jr. High School was suggested as well as limiting the number of access points on Puget Drive,in view of high traffic volume. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Alfred Croonquist, 839 White-Henry Stuart Bldg., Seattle requested, on behalf of property owners, a 30 day continu- ation of the hearing pending consumation of development plans. Mr. Seppi advised of traffic study and stated if access South might be made available perhaps the school would have no nbiection but knowledge of future traffic and street rat-t=ern Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 3-28-66 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) , Application from Dino's Bistro, Dino Patas, owner, we's read requesting that Rainier Amusement Company be granted the required license to operate a Pinball machine at said place of business. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, that the d-pplication be referred to the Police and ]License Committee with power to act. The motion carried. A letter from the Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau announced that the City of Renton fire insurance classification has improved from 5th to 4th class resulting in a reduction in fire insurance rates to the residents, to become effective March 24, 1966. Various Departments and Committees were commended for their efforts in effecting the reclassification. �• A letter from Mayor Custer submitted Quit Crim peed and proposed Resolution --_ pertaining to Parcel No, 1-3290-A, recently: purchased by the City from the Pacific Coast Railroad Company which property is located along the proposed route of PSH No. 1 (SR 405) and will he ,required for the Western approach to the North Renton interchange. The City had previously agreed to deed certain lands to the State as acquired by the City and to make payment in approximate.. , sum of $350,000 which represents balance of the $400,000 Interchange Bond Issue less the cost of said properties. The State is now asking that the transaction be concluded so construction might be commenced on the large bridge to be located along the Western approach. It was recommended that the legal be checked by the City Engineer and the proposed Resolution be referred to the City Attorney. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the re(D mmenda. tions of the Mayor. Carried, A letter read from City Attorney Shellan submitted original and one copy of a proposed Quit Claim Deed from the City of Renton to the City of Seattle regard- ing certain parcel of property located in Cedar River Park which was declared surplus by Resolution dated October 18, 1965. It was suggested that the City Engineer check the legal description. The City of Seattle is to submit to the City its proposed Real Estate Contract for property located within the Civic Center site, providing for a down payment of $100.00 and the balance within nine months from date of Contract in connection with which attention was called to certain legal descriptions, per Attorneyts letter of March 3rd to the Mayor, which seem to be at odds with descriptions heretofore furnished by the City Engineer Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the City Engineer for check of legal descriptions and report back. Mayor Custer pointed out that `here seems to be a difference between certain furnished by the City of Seattle and the Washington Title Insurance Company. The motion carried. Letter from Building Director Reisberg requested Revocable Sign Permit be granted to Partell Drugs for a sign projecting over public property from the corner of the building at 717 Third Avenue, The sign, 321 x 81 with 28 sq. ft. of area would be erected above existing marque with clearance of 10ft. above sidewalk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the request. Carried. A letter from Fire Chief Walls requested permission for Assistant Chief James Ashurst to attend the Fire and Arson investigation Seminar at the University of Oregon, at Eugene, May 16 to 20; 1966. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the request. Carried. A letter from Breskin, Rosenblume & Robbins, Attorneys At Law, on behalf of Ace Fireworks Company, requested that immediate redress be given in the form of a valid license for the sale of safe and sane fireworks within the City of Renton for the 1966 fireworks year, inasmuch as City Ordinance provides that"license shall be granted to those first applying therefor and meeting all the necessary qualifications and requirements" which their client does. A mandamus action is f ~� to be filed in event license is not issued by April 4th. The Ace Fireworkstwas the 6th license application to be filed and a non-profit organization had been *"` recognized in lieu thereof deemed to be unlawfully discriminatory and in *AW violation of State and Federal constitutional provisions of the law. Council- mar, Delaurenti deemed his convictions of preference were right and just but moved that the matter be referred to the City Attorney and City Clerk to carry out the Law- City Clerk Nelson advised that due to procedure wherein the Fire Chief must inspect the stand prior to issuance of the license, the April 4th date could not be met and that the Attorneys had been so advised. Committee authority was discussed and City Attorney Shellan recalled 1961 Legislative 'action whereby the field was pre-empted by the State with the Safe and Sane Fireworks Act, the Cities now acting as agent for the State. Also, matter of giving preference to service and non.-profit groups had been Court tested and declared unconstitutional, The pending-motion carried, ' g Minutes-Renton City Council Meeting 9-2s-66 PUBLIC HEARING: (Continued) Vacation of portion of 106th Ave. S.E. is desired prior to any withdrawal of objection. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to continue the hearing until April 25, 1966. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Revision of Renton Building Code, Title 7, Ch. 3, relating to Fire Zones This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Fire Chief Walls displayed map of the City with proposed changes and the central business district along with the Highlands business area was designated in color as Fire Zone 1. The changes had been proposed in order that the Building Code and Maps might be corresponding, present wording presenting some conflict. Upon request Chief Walls explained that Fire Zone 1 provided for specific type of construction of non-flamable materials and that Fire Zone 3 allows wood, etc matel:alo Factors of setback, etc. are controlled by the Building Code and Zoning Code. The standards on f�.re 'zones:are set forth by s�jggestions of the National Board of Fire Underwriters and Surveying and Rating Bureau. Criteria is that the property must be 50% built upon and 50% occupied by commercial industry for Fire Zone le Discussion disclosed that the-changestwere made aftor ;:ahiig into consideration the future expansion and matters of the natural conflagration barriers. Mr. David Johnston had inquired regarding the Highlands area and explained the foregoing criteria as per information which was disbursed at the Building Code-Fire Zone Seminar held this past week for Builders and interested parties, at the Puget Sound Auditorium. The balance of the City is in Fire Zone 3. As there was no further audience comment, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendations as presented with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: A Petition was read for annexation to the City of Renton of an area West of -87th Avenue Sc. in. -!4cinity of 128th. and 129th. Ave.(Kaczmarek et al properties) The report of the City Engineer advised that 100% of the assessed valuation was relresented by the signatures on the petition. The property contains 3.43 acres and bears the assessed valuation of $3,740.00. The petition indicated the willingness of the petitioners to assume their pro-rata share of the City's pre- existing bonded indebtedness. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to refer t:-le matter to the Mayor to request dispensation of the Review Board proceedings. Carried. -- A letter was read from City Engineer Jack Wilson requesting authorization to call for bids for paving of 4th Avenue North. May 4th was recommended as the date for opening of the bids. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry, to concur in the request and bid opining date, Carried. ("M" Street to 132nd Avenue S .E.) A Petition was read requesting annexation to the City of an area adjoining 4th Avenue North between "I" Street and 132nd Avenue S ,E. (John Harer et al) The property owners indicated their willingness to assume their pro-rata shares of the City's pre-existing bonded indebtedness. The City Engineer reported that the signatures represented 100% of the assessed valuation of the area. The property contains approximately 90 acres and has an assessed valuation of $37,090.00° Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to accept the annexation as petitioned and the City Engineer's report with referral to the Mayor to convene the Review Board. Carried. A letter was read from Mrs. Elroy W. Dillman, Chairman, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Puget Sound Chapter, Mother's March, requesting No-Fee Permit to co aliict a fund raising drive in the City of Renton from May 13th through 17th, 1966. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to grant the request. Carried. A letter was read from the Renton School District, Mr. H. R. Johnson, ;secretary, Board of Directors, requesting release from provisions of Street Vacation Ordi- nance, and return to the City of three Statutory Warranty Deeds nowbeing held in escrow by Haugan and Shellan, City Attorneys,pending commencement of construc- tion of the Vocational-Technical Institute building. ..Th , building has nail been started and will be ready for occupancy by August 15, 1966. City Engineer Wilson recalled that Street Vacations were granted upon condition deeds be sub- mitted for new street alignment; *.(Utility e;-sements to be given the City) No right-of-ways will be within the school site. In event the construction was not commenced within the seven year period the deeds would be filed and subject .property used for streets in accordance with terms of agreement. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the C_ty Engineer to report back. The not:'-on cars-ied_ --� 2_. t- - Ir.; =3`,i dn.. 1. i':'Y 91 wITSniiOD . Aha NO OIKKA, -or! AIA� ASIC r r MOP f'Oq wo UK VS10 ton r Sol PAR µ Y lC( uc f qk Linago SAW i-11,., ::i „4 .,` rir'192, L7,t;;•"ii'Ei.t..��` 1-_ A I: WHIP f, ' I , f i-1 A Bid 3i: 1 Minutes, - Renton City Council Meeting 3-28-66 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Application from Dino's Bistro, Dino Patas, owner, we's read requesting that Rainier Amusement Company be granted the required license to operate a Pinball machine at said place of business. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, that the tipplication be referred to the Police and ]License Committee with power to act. The motion carried. A letter from the Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau announced that the City of Renton fire insurance classification has improved from 5th to 4th class resulting in a reduction in fire insurance rates to the residents, to become effective March 24, 1966. Various Departments and Committees were commended for their efforts in effecting the reclassification. A letter from Mayor Custer submitted Quit Claim Deed and proposed Resolution pertaining to Parcel No. 1-3290-A, recently purchased by the City from the Pacific Coast Railroad Company which property is located along the proposed route of PSH No. 1 (SR 405) and will be required for the Western approach to the North Renton Interchange. The City had previously agreed to deed certain lands to the State as acquired by the City and to make payment in approximate sum of $350,000 which represents balance of the $400,000 Interchange Bond Issue less the cost of said properties. The State is now asking that the transaction be concluded so construction might be commenced on the large bridge to be located along the Western approach. It was recommended that the legal be checked by the City Engineer and the proposed Resolution be referred to the City Attorney. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the rem mmenda- tions of the Mayor. Carried. A letter read from City Attorney Shellan submitted original and one copy of a proposed Quit Claim Deed from the City of Renton to the City of Seattle regard- ing certain parcel of property located in Cedar River Park which was declared surplus by Resolution dated October 18, 1965. It was suggested that the City Engineer check the legal description. The City of Seattle is to submit to the City its proposed Real Estate Contract for property located within the Civic Center site, providing for a down payment of $100.00 and the balance within nine months from date of Contract in connection with which attention was called to certain legal descriptions, per Attorney's letter of March 3rd to the Mayor, which seem to be at odds with descriptions heretofore furnished by the City Engineer. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the City Engineer for check of legal descriptions and report back. Mayor Custer pointed out that there seems to be a difference between certain furnished by the City of Seattle and the Washington Title Insurance Company. The motion carried. Letter from Building Director Reisberg requested Revocable Sign Permit be granted to Bartell Drugs for a sign projecting over public property from the corner of the building at 717 Third Avenue. The sign, 31-1 x 81 with 28 sq. ft. of area would be erected above existing marqLy-c with clearance of loft. above sidewalk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the request. Carried. A letter from Fire Chief Walls requested permission for Assistant Chief James Ashurst to attend the Fire and Arson Investigation Seminar at the University of Oregon, at Eugene, May 16 to 20, 1966. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the request. Carried. A letter from Breskin, Rosenblume & Robbins, Attorneys At Law, on behalf of Ace Fireworks Company, requested that immediate redress be given in the form of a valid license for the sale of safe and sane fireworks within the City of Renton for the 1966 fireworks year, inasmuch as City Ordinance provides that"license shall be granted to those first applying therefor and meeting all the necessary qualifications and requirements" which their client does. A mandamus action is to be filed in event license is not issued by April 4th. The Ace Fireworks, was the 6th license application to be filed and a non-profit organization had been recognized in lieu thereof deemed to be unlawfully discriminatory and in violation of State and Federal constitutional provisions of the law. Council- man Delaurenti deemed his convictions of preference were right and just but moved that the matter be referred to the City Attorney and City Clerk to carry out the Law. City Clerk Nelson advised that due to procedure wherein the Fire Chief must inspect the stand prior to issuance of the license, the April 4th date could not be met and that the Attorneys had been so advised. Committee authority was discussed and City Attorney Shellan recall A 1961 Legislative action whereby the field was pre-empted by the State with the Safe and Sane Fireworks Act, the Cities now acting as agent for the State. Also, matter of giving preference to service and non-profit groups had been Court teeted and declared unconsti'cutional. The pendingmotioncarried. Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 3-28-66 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) A letter was read from Mayor Custer requesting actions of the Council to improve the Lake Washington Beach property , it being apparent that no further delay is possible if the City is to consider opening the park to even partial use this summer: 1. Requested that the Mayor, City Attorney and City Engineer be authorized to formulate the final agreement between the several parties involved toward gaining for the City a safe and improved road access which will include a utility easement into the park. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to concur in the authorization to proceed as requested. Carried. 2. Recommended that Council confirm that a sum not to exceed $12,500, to provide cost of installing suitable railroad Crossing signals be taken from Park Fund Account 605 which was originally budgeted for such purposes. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. 3. Recommended that the Mayor and City Attorney seek final agreement toward the $12,500 payment for signal maintenance between the several parties involved. Moved by Perry, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. 4. Recommended that the Council designate that portion of S .E. 72nd Street between Ripley Lane and the lake as a park property so that it might be developed,whenever the Council should deem appropriate,as a boat launching site. Inquiry was made of City Attorney Shellan regarding legal aspect of designating street right-of-way as park property. City Attorney Shellan advised that he would not want to give an off-hand opinion but felt there might be some doubt inasmuch as right-of-way when no longer of use for street purpose goes to abutting property owners. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the City Attorney for legal opinion, The motion carried. A letter from the Public Health Department advised of symposium to be held on Friday, April 22nd to which invitation was extended regarding Fluoridation in Public Health, to be presented at the Health Sciences Bldg. at the U. of W. Attention was called to Resolution adopted on January 8,- 1954 by the Wn. State Board of Health encouraging the fluoridation of all public water supplies in the State. A letter from the Assn. of Washington Cities was read requesting advance registrations to be sent in before May 1st. The registration fee for the entire conference is $25.00. Part time as follows: May 11 - $7,00; May 12 - $14.00 and May 13 - $4.00. Also attached was card to be returned with names of voting delegates. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Morris, that the Mayor and President of the Council be designated as voting delegates. Mayor Custer ad- vised he will be unable to attend. The motion carried.(See further action under New Business) A letter was read from Street Commissioner Victor TeGantvoort requesting permission to work the 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. shift in tl-e Street Department beginning April 4th and continuing through September 30, 1966. Moved by Delaurenti, secondedbyPerry, to grant the request. The motion carried. Association of Washington Bulletion requested ideas for roundtable discussion meetings for Mayors, Councilmen, Commissioners and Managers on Friday, May 13th. Self-addressed card was enclosed. The Convention Program was attached which begins May 11, 1966 at the Chinook Hotel, Yakima, Washington. APPOINTMENT: A letter from Mayor Custer advised of appointment of Donald R, Persson as Patrolman in the Renton Police Department, with the six-months pro'ationary period required by Civil Service rules and regulations, beginning April 4th. Letter from Police Chief Williams was attached approving such appointment and the Civil Service CoTmission Certification of the candidate. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by erry, to concur in the appointment. Carried. -4- 10 A Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 3-28-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: UNFINISHED BUSINESS Councilman Hulse called attention to a>-.3ark :in the City's Fire Alarm System which was a major factor %4 deficiency according to the Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau report and it was suggested that perhaps this would be a matter for con- sideration and review at budget time. Councilman Pedersen submitted a Sanitation Committee-Ca- y:,F'ngir.eer report recommending the granting of a Late-Comers Agreement,upon mutually agreeable terms,in event Benson Sanitary Sewer extension is completed to S.E. 168th by developers of proposed apartment structure at 109th S.E . . The request was made on 3-21-66 by Murray, Dunham & Waitt, Attorneys at Law, 419 Securities Bldg. , Seattle. The City cannot enter into such agreement until the project has been completed and the actual costs are known, as at that time a hook-up charge based upon front footage could be determined. Upon inquiry, it was noted tha-. the area is within the City and that original installation of the line was made by the School District. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendations of the Sanitation Committee and City Engineer. Carried. Councilman Pedersen requested to be excused from the meeting at this time and the request was granted. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, submitted his report which was read with action taken by Council as follows: 1. Recommended,regarding request for new location of Taxi Zone by O.t:. Cab Co. , that the change be allowed from 230 Main Street to Northwest corner of 3rd Avenue : Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. 2. Due to present plans for development of Logan-Smithers Street as a major arterial it is recommended that the request by the Linoleum Shop to lease right of-way adjecent to the new location be denied. The City has applied for Federal funds for construction of this facility and the area requested to be leased 4-0 part of th_s improvement. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in -the recommendation. Carried. 3. Regarding Truck parking in Municipal Parking Lot #2, it was recommended "that three stalls on the North side of the lot be posted for a Truck Loading Zone and that remaining stalls being used by trucks be metered to allow addit_onal park- ing for the general public. The truck loading zones to be under regulatio; of the traffic ordinance. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation, Carried. 4. Recommended a one-way Westbound connection to 4th Avenue North from Sunset Boulevard East be constructed as soon as possible. Proper approval from the State Highway ,Commission and notification to the Great Northern Railroad Co. of the City's intent to reopen this section must be completed prior to starting of this project. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the City Engineer. Carried. 5. Recommended a free right turn lane from Airport Way onto Rainier Avenue be provided to relieve traffic congestion on Airport Way and Logan Street, There are 2400 vehicles making this turn movement daily between 3:00 p,m., and 6:00 pm. and the improvement would also coincide with widening of the Logan Street Bridge. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recom- mendation. Carried. Councilman Poli, Chairman of the Light and Power Committee, submitted reccm- mendation that four 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Lights be installed as follows: S.E. 86th at 110th Ave. S.E. ; S.E. 88th at 110th Ave. S .E. ; S.E. 76th and T'ahe Washington Blvd., Gull Service Station on Grady Way at Renton Village. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recommendations. Carried. Councilman Poli, Light and Power Committee Chairman reported that regarding request of Colorcable for Non-exclusive Permit to install T.V. Cable system for the whole City at $3.95 per month charge with no hook-up cost, there was concern about the proposed Ordinance submitted by the Company and it, was recommended the matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole. ` ',: mo::_o►.i was made by Poli and seconded by Schellert to refer to Committee of the Whole. Carried. -5- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 3-28-66 NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 2841 through 2902, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment by the Council at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund Nos. 2841 - 2863 $ 1,749.33 City Street Fund 2864 - 2865 14.00 No. Renton Int.App. 2866 222.47 Off-Street Parking 2867 16.08 Equipment Rental 2868 - 2871 162.87 Park Department 2872 - 2875 140.16 Water Works Utility 2876 - 2884 8,961.58 Airport Fund 2885 - 2886 55.15 Firemen's Pension Fund 2887 - 2902 1,164.06 $12,485.70 Councilman Hulse announced a meeting of the Capital Improvement Priority Committee on Tuesday, March 29th at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Committee room. Councilman Schellert requested that, since names of delegates who will be voting at the Association Convention must be sent in, the rr«R.tter be taken up at this time . Moved by Trimm, seconded by Perry, that Mr. Schellert be alternate voting delegate t(n the Assn. of Wn. Cities Annual Convention in the absence of Mayor Custer. The motion carried. Councilman Perry reminded the Council of the Association of Planning Officials Conference bei ng held next month and delegates to represent the City should be discussed. The meeting is in Philadelphia. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll of Local Imrpovement District No. 255 for the improvement of a certain area within the City of Renton by the construction and installation of certain sewer lines and appurtenances thereto and by doing all work necessary in connection therewith; levying and assessing the amounts thereof against the several lots, tracts, parcels of land and other property as shown on said assess- ment roll as confirmed by the City Council; and providing for the payment of such assessments into the Local Improvement Fund District No. 255 of the City of Renton as created by Ordinance No. 2191. The Ordinance was read by the City Clerk and it was moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2226 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all present voting aye. The motion carried. The Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton authorizing transfer of Street Maintenance Department 3240 Funds From: M. & 0. 412, Tools and Equipment unto Capital Outlay 606, Machinery & Equipment, $1,006,42, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Resolution No. 1368 as read. Carried. (Paint stripe remover) Councilman Morris advised of holding Ordinance in Committee which establishes a Board of Adjustment. The Committee felt that the Council Members should read the document and requested the City Clerk to make copies to be distributed with the Minutes. Audience comment was invited and as none was forthcoming, it was moved by Delaurenti seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. There were 19 visitors in the Council Chambers. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor -6- RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. April 4, 1966 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commis- sioner, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant and Marcella Hillgen, Librarian. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of March 28, 1966 be approved as written. Carried. NEW APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF Vr,RK 10994 $ 450.00 Van DeKamps Bakery Renton Shopping Center Sign 995 50.00 Max Pangburn 11044 S.E. 96th St. Replace Socket 996 12,000.00 Fred R. Squire 3218 - 8th Ave. No. New Residence 997 16,000.00 Rudy Zaputil 11631 S.E. 105th Pl. New Residence 998 4,608.00 C. W. Haralson 3007 Sunset Blvd. E. Car Wash 999 17,960.00 Herb Hackman 533 Roger Street New Residence 11000 - - - Rodney E . Handly 442 Sunset Blvd. Pave Driveway & Ext. 001 14,000.00 Chas. Wiehoff 526 Roger Street New Residence 002 200.00 The Brass Ring 1038 N Ct. No. Partition,Displays 003 300.00 Frank M. Shumway 3413 Pres. Park Ct. Putio OG'". 12,000.00 James B. Carver 1115 "N" Place New Residence 11005 50.00 Jean Torkelson 434 Whitworth Street Fence 006 410.00 Herb Hackman 10608-108th Ave. S .E. Wire Residence OR7 15,924.00 Gunnar Komstadius 532 Roger Street New Residence 008 6,000.00 St. Andrews Presb. Church 3522 10th Ct. No. - Portables 009 80.00 Gil Duckworth Jr. 10435 S .E. 164th Fence PLUMBING AND HEATING PERMITS: 7780 - - - - - - C. W. Haralson 3007 Sunset Blvd. E . Plumbing Fixtures 81 - - - - - - C. W. Haralson 3007 Sunset Blvd. E. Plumbing Fixtures 82 - - - - - - W. H. Gustman 1427 "I" Street Gas Installations 83 - - - - - - W. H. Gustman 1429 "I" Street Gas Installations 84 - - - - - - D. C. Parman 11210 S.E . 108th St. Plumbing Fixtures OPENING OF BIDS: Control Console - Communication System - Police Department This being the date set, the fo2l'� wfn6 sc lcd bids were opened and read by the City Clerk: Motorola Communications and (Bond) $2,999.75 plus tax $126.00 Electronics, Inc. 808-106th Ave. N.E. Bellevue, Washington 98004 Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gianini, to refer the bid, which was the only one received, to the Police and License Committee and Chief of Police with power to act. The motion carried. Announcements: Mayor Custer reminded the Council that in event of Civil Defense alarm they must proceed directly to City Hall which is the communications center for Civil Defense, first duty of the Council Members being to attend to functions and maintenance of the City government affairs. Chief of Police Williams is the Civil Defense Director for the City and would attempt to contact all Council members and City Officials. -1- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-4-1.966 -lnnouncements by 'Mayor Custer The Mayor announced receiving State Highway project schedule for beautification of areas along the freeway. First plantings will begin along the site of the alto wrecking yard in the vicinity of the old KREN station on the E. Valley Hwy. Bids will be out April 19th and the plan calls for fall completion. Mayor Custer requested a short meeting of the Council following this evenings meeting to explain proposal of Metro regarding Kent, a trunk line through South Renton to be constructed and Kent sewage to be handled through the Renton plant. Further facts will be outlined and advice of Council will be requested as to the - Mayor's vote on the matter at the Metro Council meeting. PUBLIC HEARING: Park Acquisition and Development 3 This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. President of the Council Hulse was given the floor and outlined plans for public hearings recommended by the Capital Improvement Priority Committee in pursuance of the 701 Plan and the Six-Year Comprehensive Plan for Parks se s-t forth in the Community Facilities Pnr*-4^n of the Plan. Application has been made for matching funds from Federal and State sources to implement the program and aid will be mutually negotiate..,' with County agencies, however the matter of finance will determine how far the City can progress toward accomplishment. Hearings will be held on April llth regarding Arterials and Streets and tentative date of April 25th has been dis- cussed for general government including a new city hall proposal. A letter was read from Mr. Robert Korn expressing concern thatno one from Renton is on the King County Planning Commission and noting that earliest priority for Renton on the County Planning Commission priorities list is in 1970 at May Creek. .ro- grrm of Tentative 6-year acquisition and development was distributed outlining areas proposed for Park developments and acquisitions and funding anticipated therefore. Park Director Coulon outlined the areas on a map and advised of applications and forms filed with the Interagency Committee and the Outdoor Bureau of Recreation for matching funds. Possible additions were or`l`f',ed in projection over 20 year period, Lnd list submitted by the Park Board indicated that presently owned areas be undertaken by local funds with acquisition and further development to be with at least 50% matching funds. It was pointed out that the longer it takes to acquire the properties the more costly and less available they will be. If financing can be secured the City can proceed with extension into the program decreasing span of years and cost which accelerated program could accomplish. Proposals were discussed for bond issues and aid of local organizations and clubs in promotion thereof in accordance with community desires. Audience comment was invited and among those speaking were Mr. Dick ; Hagley, Mr. Robert Korn, Mrs. Jean Gosse, Mrs. Elaine Fleming, and matters dis- cussed included concern that the smaller areas be developed and furnished with livit=y, and drinking facilities which are now being used and not ,just the one park issue be put on the ballot as before, inquiry as to what might be included in Lake Wn. Beach development and acquisition plans on the lake to the North to SE 72nd insofar as boat launching development is concerned and whether propositions will be all placed on the same ballot. Mr. Don Morken from Foster 6 M-twt-311, a Financial Consultants, outlined tentative costs of bond issues, millage levies and cost to householder based upon $5,000.00 assessed valuation (at 1.03 mills for 15 years cost of approximately $5.15 per year and for 20 years based upon .83 mills the cost would average $4.15 per year) It was pointed out that as�..the f assessed valuation of the community increases the millage rate goes down. After discussion on April 25th hearing and ballot combinations, Councilman Hulse advised that the April 25th hearing might be cancelled pending further study on the civic center complex and that at present it if felt the Park and Arterial issues might be combined for ballot purposes. The Committee will make its recom- mendations upon completion of the hearings. As there was no further comment, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Pedersen, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, that the matter be referred to the Capital Improvement Priority Committee for recommendation. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, that the communications be referred to the Committee of the Whole for discussion. Carried. -2- i i $ t� Minutes Renton City Council Meeting 4-4-3.966 COMMUNICATIOITS: The City Clerk read her letter submitting the 1965 Annual Financial Report for the City of Renton and copies had been distributed prior to this meeting. A letter read from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, submitted Progress Estimate No. 1 due Contractor, Western States Construction Company in sum of $6,596.70 on the covering of the Highlands Reservoir. (C.AG. 990-66) Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the progress estimate to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Total Contract $62,012.13 A letter_ from Livingstone, Moore and Wallace, Inc. advised of denial by the Planning Commission of their requests fcr re une from GS-1 to R-1 for Preliminary Plat of Royal Hills and filed appeal to the City Council for a hearing on the matter. It was moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, that April 18, 1966 be set for hearing on the appeal. Carried. Applications were read from owners of Christy's Tavern and the Couger Den for required licenses to be issued Rainier Amusement Co. and Mutual Amusement Co. to operate pin- ball machines in said places of business. The Company's are exchanging machine locations and the proper forms of assent by each have been filed. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to refer the applications to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from City Engineer Wilson recommended that the City return the Deeds held in escrow by the City Attorney relative to vacation of streets in the Highlands area site of the Vocational Technical Institute, all terms of Ordinance 1951 and 2090 having been complied with and construction having been commenced within 7 yr. i period after execution of the agreement. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. A letter from Mr. Ed Johnson advised he had recently purchased the A. & B. Tavern and requested a dance hall license to be issued in his name as new owner. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Police_ and License C_o_mmitte_e with power to act. Carried. - I-S. letter from City Attorney Shellan submitted original of Quit Claim Deed from the nited States of America to the City of Renton pertaining to properties in the enton Highlands area for which the City has paid $11,000.00 to the Federal Govern- ent for its rights- of interest in and to said properties. A letter from City Clerk Nelson requested transfer of $104,.20 from Non-Departmental Current Fund 1920, Acct. 507, Misc., unto Equipment Rental Fund 3600, Acct. 606, Capital Outlay, Machinery and Equipment, to purchase back 1958 Ford,A-29,Four-Door ,,edan from Wilson Motor Company which was traded In * 1966 Vehicle Bid Awards. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. Carried. A letter from the City Engineer requested that necessary steps be taken to retain,,4 consultant to design two booster pump stations required by the Utility Department Rapid development in the southerly portion of the City it appears will require th3 installation of the Talbot Hill Pump Station. The Mt. Olivet station is schedule] to be constructed this year as a part of the Revenue Bond Program. The City will call for bids on the necessary mains required to service the pump stations and will design same, which will allow for completion this year. Moved by Delaurenti., seconded by Hulse, to concur in the requests of the City Engineer. Carried. Petition was read from property owners and neighboring residents objectlTig to a proposed rezone of property on Sunset Blvd. E. between "M" and "0" Streets from SR1 to R-3. The Petition contained 36 signatures. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert the Petition be tabled pending receipt of the Planning Commission action. Carried. setter from Planning Director Ericksen was read with recomr, -ndations from the Planniq Commission public hearing meeting of March 23rd as follows: Rezone ikplication: Lyman Riley, No. R-304-66 for reclassification from SR-1 to R-3 - property located on Sunset :'.vd. between M Street and 0 Street. Approval was recommended, the Comprehensive Plan indicating Multiple family residential use of this area which is presently being used as single family. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, to take the Petition from the table for consideration at this time. Carried. Planning Director Eiicksen, upon inquiry, advised that the commission had visited the +gyres and felt it would not be detrimental and would be a n- mer. ext@n8tdfi df tete mUlt-1 ile use Ates►.3_ Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-4-1966 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Riley Rezone - Petition Protesting A map was displayed and the area outlined. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Sebellert, to concur in the recommendation for approval of the rezone. Petitioners Carl Kever, Betty Clouse, ,A. L. Ames and Norman Abramson protested that the rezone could restrict the view and country-like atmosphere, would constitute spot zoning, decrease salability of their homes, increase taxes and result in loss of privacy in those homes adjoining the subject site which homes were purchased in belief they were buying in restricted residential area. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to table the matter for one week. The motion was declared carried and roll call vote was requested by two members which resulted as follows: Aye: Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen Trimrn ind Morris. No: Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti and Poli. The motion carried. Planning Commissicn rezone recommendation No. 2: Fifth West, Inc. , Appl. R-298-66 from SR-1 to R-4 on property located on Benson Highway South of Puget Drive and ex- tending to 106th Avenue S .E . The property is adjacent to existing R-4 zoning and is in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendati.cn. Carried. No. 3: John Golithko, Appl. No. R-302-66 for rezone from R-2 to R-3 of property located at 2808 - and 2806 - 7th Ave. No. on N.E. corner of 7th Avenue No. and "I" Place. The property is adjacent to existing duplexes and is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recom- mendation. Mr. Harold Lee, 2020 Monterey Drive advised that he owns 6 parcels of property East of the subject tract and that he would oppose the rezone which would restrict his view and depreciate the value of his property. Actions of rezoning in the area from R-3 to R-1 were recalled. Mr. Lee advised he had been unable to attend the Planning Commission heat--ing. Mr. Ericksen, Planning Director, reported that the Commission felt the area is suitable for R-3 or multiple family residential use and that there is single family use to the East but would not be degraded by the proposed development. The pending motion carried. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Bruce, that the two items 2 and 3, be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. No. 4: John Racanello Appl. No. R-306-66 for rezone from R-2 to R-3 of property located on the S.W. corner of "L" Street and 11th Place which is located between existing business area and adjacent to a single family area. The Comprehensive Plan indicates the area a potential multiple family residential. Moved by Morris, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the request. Carried. No. 5: Local Musicians' Club, Inc. Appl. R-295-66, Lot 4, Blk. 4, Motor Line Add'n. to Renton located on Logan Street North of second Avenue from R-2 to B-1, presently being used for commerical purposes on non-conforming basis, which is also the use indicated on the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the rezone. Carried. Variance Application: Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Co. Appl. V-296-66 for variance on parking requirements - Williams Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry to concur in granting of the variance. In re ,art,?.ng ru additional story construction onto existing building,which space would be usc.. for equipment, the Company advised there would be no additional employees and no additional parking spaces would be needed. Attention was called to provisions of City Ordinance requiring in-lieu-of parking payments. Mayor Custer had left the Council Chamber and President of Hulse was presiding at this time. Off-street parking was discussed and need for possibly updating legislation to conform to current retrospect of building upgrade and parking meter policies and future core area , Central Business District, plans of the upcoming zoning Ordinance now in ., r revision.stage. Dahlquist spoke against the motion in concern for building up the off-street parking fund to further develop the parking areas in the Central Business District. Upon dissenting voice vote roll call was taken by proper request which resulted as follows: Aye: Bruce, Schellert, Gianini, Pedersen, Perry and Delaurenti. No: Hulse, Dahlquist, Garrett, Trimm, Poli and Morris. Moved by Perry, seconded by Pedersen, to reconsider the action on the previous motion, inasmuch as Mayor Custer had returned. Upon dissenting voice vote roll call was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Bruce, Schellert, Gianini, Pedersen, Perry and Delaurenti. No: Hulse, Dahlquist, Garrett, Trimm, Poli and Morris. The Chair4;iast a negative vote and the motion lost. Moved by Perry, seconded by Dahlquist that the matter be referred to the Planning Committee to bring in pertinent information and data regarding number of employees ana parking spaces now maintained, xnd number••_to• be required. C-irried. -4- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-4-66 COMMUNICATIONS: Letters were read from Baird M. Bardarion, Charles K. Stimson, Jean Gosse and William Reynolds objecting to disposition of any Lake Washington Beach property, recalling past actions of the City in acquiring same and urging that will of the people as well as industry be considered. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, to table the communications until such time as an Ordinance is introduced for con- sideration to sell subject property. Carried. A letter from the Board of County Commissioners submitted Resolution No. 31624 declaring the election of March 8, 1966 to be defeated. Copy of Resolution was attached along with canvass of votes. (Annexation of Kennydale "Island" area. A letter from Planning Director Gordon Y. Ericksen requested authorization to attend the .American Society of Planning Officials Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania from April 17- 21, 1966. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Dahlquist, to grant the request. Carried. A letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported recommendation of the Planning Commission from Special meeting of March 30th to approve the Final Plat of Rolling Hills #2 as submitted. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee . Carried. A letter from Albert S . Reisberg, Building Director, requested that Revocable Permit be granted for sign for the Standard Oil Company on Third Avenue West of Burnett Street. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the request. Carried. A letter from Mr. and Mrs. Ray Charlton, 15033 S .E . 14th Street, Bellevue, reported that in conversation with Engineering Dept. personnel she was advised that since power easement on Lot #5 had been moved West, the property was buildable. A letter was requested to the effect that a building permit for a 1040 sq. ft. single level dwelling can be erected 3n the subject property, notarized by the City and Power Company, upon receipt of which water assessment on the lot will be paid. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Fire and Water Committee. Carried. A petition containing signatures of four business operatoks,vicinity of Municipal Parking Lot #2,requested that the parking arrangements on Beacon .Avenue behind Holmes Electric Cc. not be changed,as indicated by the City it was to be revised. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Bruce, to refer the communication to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. A letter from City Attorney Shellan submitted copies of Answer and Affirmative Defense together with Trial Brief prepared by the City Attorney in connection with the Stimpson vs. City of Renton et al Court Case. Photographic exhibits are filed with the City Attorney and may be viewed by interested parties t his office. The aforesaid documents are on fi);.. in the office of the City Clerk. APPOINTMENTS: Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in appointment of Mr. James F. Matthew to position of Fireman in the Renton Fire Department, effective April 16, 1966 at which time the six-month probationary period provided for in Civil Service Rules will commence . Fire Chief's letter approving the candidate and Civil Service Commission certification were attached. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the appointment. Carried. Appointments of Mrs. Winifred Jones to position of Clerk-Steno I and Miss Glenna Little to position of Clerk-Dispatcher in the Renton Police Department were submitted by Mayor Custer for Council concurrence. Attached were Police Chief and Civil Service letters of approval and certification. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the appointments. The motion carried. A letter read from Mayor Custer requested Council concurrence in the appointment of Reverend Earl Dean, Minister of the First Methodist Church of Renton, as a member of the Youth Guidance Committee . Reverend Dean will represent the Renton Ministerial Association and Mayor Custer expressed a desire that this organization have continuing representation on the Committee . Moved by Bruce, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the appointment. The motion carried. -5- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-4-66 PROCLAMATION: Proclamation by Mayor Custer designated the week of April 17 - 23rd as Home Safety Week. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the Proclamation. Carried. Mayor Custer reported that fund breakdown for the Green River Traffic Study by Cities listed Renton as contributing share of $7,122.50, based upon population. Since the Council had agreed to participate to extent of $5,000.00 maximum cost, in two equal installments with second payment to be made only after cost break- down has been submitted to the Council, the Agreement which the Mayor and City Clerk had been authorized to execute, had been revised accordingly and letter of such intent forwarded to the State Highway Department. �. A letter from Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, requested fund transfer to cover cost of 4" Plastic Pavement Markers required by the Street Department as follows: From City Street Fund 3200,UAcct. 904, M. & 0. Traffic Contro' , $2,605.00 unto City Street Fund 3200, Capital 0 tlay 605, Structures and Improvements. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to refer the t:-r;aea; to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution, concurring in the request. Carried. Announcements by the Mayor: There will be a meeting on Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. concerning the transfer of the Lake Washington Beach Park property and $13,000.00 improvement cost relative to Lake Washington Blvd. The Review Board Meeting scheduled for Tuesday has been cancelled due to addition of area to the legal description - Annexation Petition of John Harer et al COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Councilwoman Dahlquist submitted a Bill for presentation to the Legislature which the City of- Renton is sponsorir-.to effect change in the Statutes so as to eliminate tax payments required in connection with Metro charges collected by the City and remitting to Metro :`.n acting as its Agent. Resolutions have been filed by many of the Cities in agreement with the Cause. The Legislative Committee recommended checking by the City Attorney. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the referral to the City Attorney. Carried. (The Bill was prepared by the Statute Lrw Committee, Legislative Building, Olympia.) The motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that Vouchers No. 2903 through 2984, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee be approved by the Council at this time for payment. Carried. Fund Breakdown follows: Current Fund 2903 - 2943 $ 1,207.59 City Street Fund 2944 - 2946 202.02 Cedar River M. & I. 2947 41.68 Off-Street Parking 2948 100.00 Equipment Rental Fund 2949 - 2964 1,141.43 Parks 2965 - 2970 219.33 Water Works Utility 2971 - 2981 23,331.51 1965 Water & Sewer Cons. 2982 6,596.70 Airport Fund 2983 4.25 Cumulative Fund 1894 2984 100.00 $32,944.51 Councilman Hulse announced a meeting of the Capital improvement Priority Committee on April 11th at 7:30 p.m. prior to the Council meeting. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, that the matter of the Public Use areas in the Highlands be referred to the Property Committee for recommendation as to use and disposition. Discussion ensued regarding Public Relations Committee meetings on the matter and suggestion that abutting property owners be given first chance to buy in event it is decided to sell any of the properties. The pending motion carried. Councilman Garrett requested the Council to rescind its action of last week regarding Municipal Parking Lot No. 2, inasmuch as letter from operators of business requesting no change in prior parking arrangements was referred to the Street and Alley Committee and action could not otherwise be taken. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Dahlquist, to rescind its action regarding posting of three truck stalls and metering remaining stalls for public use to allow further Street and Alley Committee recommendation. Carried. 3 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-4-66 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Vern Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton approving the Final Plat of Rolling Hills Village No. 2, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1369 as read. Carried, The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton authorizing transfer of funds as follows: From City Street Fund 3200, M. & 0. 904, Traffic Control, unto Capital Outlay 605, Structures and Improve- ., ments, $2,605.00. and From Current Fund 1920, M. & 0. 507, Miscellaneous, unto Equipment Rental 3600 Capital Outlay Acct. 606, Machinery and Equipment, $104.20, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Resolution No. 1370 as read. The motion carried. (4" plastic pavement markers) Audience comment was invited at this time and since there was none and no further business to come ;o-fore the Council, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:42 p.m. There were 36 visitors in the Council Chambers. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk �f D. W. Custer, Mayor The following transfers, having been approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, were approved for the month of March, 1966. TO: CLAIMS TO: PAYROLL FROM: Ciirrerit 379039.39 FROM: Current 91,544.69 Street 160626.18 Street 14,426.53 No. Renton Int. 222.47 Cedar River M & I 476.00 Cedar River M$I 124.49 Equipment Rental 30309.69 Off St. Parking 136.08 Library 5,724.28 Equip. Rental 3,384.22 Parks 90792.35 Library 1,502.39 Waterworks 149308.89 Parks 23,196.46 Airport 1,232.00 Waterwks. Util. 43,012.65 Firemen's Pension 116.00 1965 W&S Constr. 5.79 Airport 16,546.61 Firemen's Pen. 1,234.56 Cum. Res. #1975 56,889.94 s Cum. Res. #1698 20,000.00 Total 198,921.23 Total 130,930.43 1 i I s s a -7- i f RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P. M. April 11, 1966 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli, and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gwen Marshall, Deputy City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Vic TeGantvoort, -' Street Commissioner, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Gene Coulon, Park Director, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, and Vern Church, Purchasing Agent9 and Sven Johnson,Bldg. Dept. The assembly stood for a minute of silence in respect for the Nick Puhich family of our dommunity, Mr. Puhich and two of the children having lost their lives in a fire this past week end at their summer home. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of April 4, 1966 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 11010 400.00 Robert Shane 11626 S.E . 100th St. Wire Residence 011 380.00 D. C. Parman 11210 S .E. 108th St. Wire Residence 012 17000.00 Robert S. Shane 11626 S.E. 100th St. New Residence 013 7,000.00 Renton Engineering 405 Renton Village Machine Shop 014 950.00 Lloyd Peterson 1032 "G" Street Garage 11015 1,200.00 Mike Potoshnik 11402 Sunset Blvd. Foundation 016 15,000.00 Don Holm 238 Main Street Remodel Office 017 200.00 E. H. Beil 249 Pelly Street Remodel Residence 018 10000.00 Gil's Enterprizes 603 Second Avenue Addition 019 450.00 James T. Childs 10620-111th Pl. S.E. Wire Residence 11020 450.00 James T. Childs 10614-111th P1. S.E. Wire Residence 021 1,500.00 Center Car Wash Renton Shopping Center Prefab Building 022 381400.00 Charles F. Shane 111 Maple Valley Hwy Apartment Bldg 023 38,400.00 Charles F. Shane 111 Maple Valley Hwy Apartment Bldg 024 1,500.00 Wilco Properties 325 Burnett Street Wire Office Bldg 11025 19,286.00 Brodell & Brodell 14725-130th P1.S.E . New Residence 026 240.00 A. L. Latten 532 Grant Street Wire Heaters 027 16,660.00 Pacific N.W. Bell 225 Williams Street Wire Equip. Room 028 6,000.00 J. F. Stnard 11510 Sunset Blvd. E. Replace canopy 029 1,000.00 Scott Pacific Terminal 10805 Lk Wn Blvd Wire Motors 11030 2,000.00 Wash. Jockey Club Longacres Wire Office 031 50.00 Robinson-Lyon Ford 3rd & Smithers Wire Elec. Service 032 40,000.00 Sizzler Corporation 109 Third Avenue Restaurant 033 325.00 Nick Angelo 324 Mill Street Wire Apartment 034 75.00 John Biederstedt 2118 - 9th Place Frame Shed 11035 12,000.00 Ray J. Aliment 9823-106th Ave. S.E. New Residence PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS : 'b785 - - - - - S. John Vukov 2226 - 3rd Avenue Gas & Plmbg Fixt. 86 - - - - - Herve Belisle 11009 S .E. 108th Plumbing Fixtures 87 - - - - - Art Ballastrasse 1206 Davis St. So. Plumbing Fixtures 88 - - - - - Stanford C. Witsoe 1373-75 "K" Street Plumbing Fixtures 89 - - - - - Realty Investors,Ine.2714-18 - 8th No. Plumbing Fixtures 7790 - - - - - H. M. Robertson 2507 - 9th Ave. No. Gas Installations 91 - - - - - G. Pomeroy 506 - 13th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 92 - - - - - Emil Peterson 2111 - 5th Ave. No. Gas Installations 93 - - - - - G. Cramer 602 G Place Heating Equipment 94 - - - - - Boeing Company 10-65 Building Plumbing Fixtures 7795 - - - - - Giotta Bros. 3420 - llth Pl. No. Gas Installations 96 - - - - - Wayne Hill 9634 - 106th Ave. S.E. Heating Equipment 97 - - - - - Aero Plastics 66 Shattuck Street Plumbing Fixtures 98 - - - - - William Abbott 429 Windsor Way Gas Installations 99 - - - - - Herb Hackman 10614-108th Ave. S .E . Plumbing Fixtures -1- `Zd Renton City Council Meeting Minutes 4-11-66 PUBLIC HEARING: Arterial Street Improvement and Development This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, presented proposed street and arterial improvement plans pointing out that the traffic situation has reached a critical standpoint and some attempt must be made to relieve existing problems as well as to plan for anticipated future problem areas. Film slides of traffic patterns, flow maps, aerial photos of the City and proposed routes and right of way improvements were shown and traffic volumes compared ;with increases projected to 1985 as per Renton Urban Area Comprehensive Plan and the tDCentral Business Development Plan of the City's 701 Program. Traffic Engineer Del X '-; , Bennett showed slides of parking areas and planned improvements, outlining areas w proposed for improvement and costs involved. Included were Grady Way - Logan to ' ! Smithers crossing, $1,000,000.00, 3rd Avenue North, $2.,000,000.00, widening of 2nd Q: IAvenue, $2,000,000.00 and Main to Mill Street transition, $250,000.00. The State w C Highway Department improvements affecting the City will include relocation of the Benson Highway, widening of Sunset Blvd. E. from 116th Avenue to 138th Ave. S.E., L G and King County will four-lane S.E . 128th from 132nd Ave. S.E. to 176th Ave. S.E., serving to alleviate existing problems. Funding will include bond issue proposals p ? as well as application for Federal Aid. Mr. Bennett reported traffic volume in- creases on Airport Way and Rainier Avenue reaching up to 21%, and generally through- out the City a 10 to 15% increase in a one year period. The 701 Plan urges action emphasizing the core area rather than the industrial areas however, our problems are especially urgent here also. It was pointed out that The Boeing Company in 1965 covered 4 million square ft. with building space and as of January, 1967 the building space will occupy 6 million square ft. Priority items as outlined will be only an initial step to the overall. long-range improvement program for the arterial street system. This is by no means going to take care of our problems but will be considered an initial step towards alleviation thereof. Question were invited at this time and after discussion of priority items and routes of major arterials, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, that the hearing be closed. Carried. As there was no further discussion, it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry, that the matter be referred to the Capital Improvement Priority Committee for recommendation. Carried. Councilman Schellert advised that persons in the audience wished to participate in regard to matter of Lyman Riley property rezone from SR-1 to R-3, located on Sunset Blvd. E. The matter had been tabled the previous meeting and it was Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to take the matter from the table for disf--nssion at this time. Carried. Communication was read containing 35 signatures of property owners in the area protesting the rezone of the property to R-3. It was pointed out that an R-2 zoning would receive less opposition. Moved by Perry., •seconded by Morris, that the audience be allowed to comment at this time. Carried. Mr. William Jones, Mrs. Betty Clouse, Mr. Carl Kever, Mr. Hubert Lange, Mr. Ed Beckley, Mr. A. L. Ames and Mr. Matt Kovak spoke in opposition to the rezone for reasons of loss of privacy, loss of property values, restrict number of persons in the area and to preserve the single family residence atmosphere of the area. Mrs. Riley, requesting the rezone, called attention to assets to be considered in the fact that the property was a long narrow strip facing Sunset Blvd. E. making it impossible for traffic or pedestrians to leave or enter the area from any place except Sunset Blvd; that it was an ideal location being close to shopping facilities, schools and as far as privacy is concerned a substantial grmwth of trees would be kept intact so as not to disturb the natural setting of the landscaping. The site is accessible to sewer facilities Ts;s the tax base of the City would be increased by the addition, and they would be willing to go along with anything the City would propose to take desires of their neighbors into consideration. Mr. Riley added that the property does not lend itself to development as it is now zoned and that he would willing to observe a 35-40 ft. buffer zone of R-2 to allow the residents of the Bo-Marc Addition some degree of privacy. Present zoning allows to 30 ft and an R-2 would permit one story or 25 ft. Discussion dis- closed that petitioners would be willing to go along with a reasonable bu-rfer zone but that it was desirable that proposals therefor be studied to determine effect it will have on adjacent areas. Councilman be laurenti displayed drawing prepared by Planning Director Ericksen providing for 157 ft. buffer zone and it was pointed out that the total property is 357 ft. Councilman Bruce upheld cause of property owners after surveying the area with respect to valuation of their homes and wishes to preserve the naturel setting and single family residential atmosphere. After further discussion of size of buffer zoite it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Morris, that action be delayed for one week giving the developer and property owners an opportunity to meet and come to some possible agreement, advising the Council of their decisions. Upon inquiry by Poli regarding enforcement of restrictions, City Attorney Shellan advised that screening provisions require separate covenant's running with the land to be executed by the owner of the property, the Ordinance only providing for the R-2 or R-3 zoning. The pending motion carried. Mayor Custer thanked the participants for the courteous and orderly manner in which they had conducted themselves during proceedings and the Petitioners thanked the Council. for visiting the site and for time 91-1-)wed on the wa+ter. -2-- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-11-66 COMMUNICATIONS: An application was read from Miss Lorraine Hoffman, Owner, Spot Tavern, for Mutual Amusement Company to be granted the required license to operate a pinball machine in said place of business . Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to refer the request to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from City Attorney Shellan in reply to Council request for opinion regarding Vacation of portion of S .E. 72nd Street, advised that upon vacation that portion vacated will belong to abutting property owners, one-half each. Therefore, the City could not retain title to the street right-of-way and th4p dedicate it for park purposes. This could be done by the abutting property owners if they are so inclined to quit claim their interest unto the City. The street could, however, be used as an access way to the beach both for pedes- trian and vehicular traffic and possibly adjoining property could be acquired for park purposes and so designated. A letter from Mr. Virgil Gross, Head Baseball Coach, Renton High School advised that the baseball program at the school would be greatly enhanced if stands were built with dressing rooms added at Liberty Park and efforts of all persons behind such project would be supported. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the letter to the Park Board. Carried. A letter from City Engineer Jack Wilson requested authorization to attend, with Bob Puhich and Ted Bennett, the Pacific Northwest Section meeting of the American Waterworks Association in Vancouver, B.C. April 27 through 29th. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse to grant the request. Carried. A letter from the Washington State Highway Commission acknowledged Letter from Mayor Custer which requested Renton projects to be included in the proposed 1967-69 construction Budget as follows: Relocation of 515 (Benson Highway) and its connection to 900 (Sunset Hwy.) via Smithers Street. Four-laning of 900 (Sunset Highway) from 116th Avenue S.E. to 138th Avenue S.E. ~- Connection from 900 (Sunset) and Smithers Street to the North Renton Interchange to enable portion of 900 (Sunset) to be eliminated from the State Highway system. Widening of 2nd Avenue (Westbound portion of 900 - Sunset Hwy. through Renton) to provide for two-way operation with adequate left turn storage lanes. Mr. McKay gave assurrance that the items will be given due and serious considera- tion during preparation of the Construction Program in accordance with rules and regulations set forth in thc: priority programming act. A letter from Kirk E. Schreiber, Grand Knight, Knights of Columbus,-requested permission to set up a stand on corner of 3rd Avenue and Williams Street to promote activity program ticket sale on May 7th from 8 :00 a.m, to 6:00 p.m. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gianini, that the request be granted. Carried. A letter from Renton Fraternal Order of Eagles, Aerie No. 1722, extended an invitation to the Mayor, Council and all City Employees and spouse to attend the annual City Employees Night at the new Eagles Club, 316-3rd Avenue on April 27th beginning at 8:00 p.m. A letter from City Attorney Shellan submitted copy of "Supplemental Memorandum by City of Renton et al" regarding Charles K. Stimson vs. City of Renton et al Court case. The matter will be heard in Superior Court on May 31, 1966. Judges opinion vacating temporary restrainirns; order was attached. �. A letter from Warren C. Gonnason, King County Engineer advised that West Side Green River Watershed Study is now being printed and will be ready for distri- bution in mid-April. Informal hearing on the matter will he held in Tukwila on Wednesday, April 20th at 10:00 a.m. at the Town Hall after which sponsors will be requested to sign the West Side Work Plan Agreement. -3- Mmtes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-11-66 COMMUNICATIONS: (coat.) A letter was read from Mayor Custer advising the Council of the following matters regarding the access to Lake Washington Beach Park: It has become evident that the property cannot be opened to safe public access for at least six months hetce.The Park Board has agreed that it will likely be necessary to wait until the spring of 1967 before the property can become functional. A major consideration is providing access which requires raising and improving Lake Wn. Blvd. at and near the entrance road, estimated to cost approximately $13,000.00 for which no funds have been budgeted in 1966. In addition to raising the Blvd. to the level of the railroad crossing, storage lanes would be provided for the turn movements to enter the park and it is most desirable to complete this project this year t!aL.� requiring the Austin Company to revise the roadway they have constructed so the City will not have this cost to assume in the future. . It was recommended that since $12,500.00 has been authorized for a railroad crossing signal installation, the Mayor be authorized to order the signals and installation immediately. Recommended that $13,000.00 be appropriated for raising and improving Lake Wn. Blvd. as proposed by the City Engineer in drawing attached with bids called for as necessary and the project under the City Engineer's direction. Recommended that the City Attorney, Ways and Means Committee in conjunction with the Park Board determine whether the 13200 might be taken from the $125,000.00 .loaned to the Park Department from the Cedar River Acquisition Fund. Further recommended that the moneys remaining in Park Fund 605 (Lake Washington Beach Park Account) be used to provide sewer, water and underground electrical utility services to the park and that the Cit Engineer be authorized to obtain an easement from Northern Pacific Railroad Co. foity purposes. And concurrence was requested for the Mayor to be authorized to apply to the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission In Olympia to obtain legal access into the park over the route of the existing crossing as constructed by the Austin Company, as well as in foregoing recom- mendations. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry, to concur in the requests and recommendations of the Mayor as read. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer reported voicing opposition at the Metro Council meeting of April 7th to the proposed contract between Metro and the City of Kent as instructed by theCouncil on the grounds that such an agreement was somewhat unusual and in this case extremely beneficial to the City involved to the detriment of the original Metro member cities. Kent must make its decision by April 18th and the Metro Council will make final decision at its regular meeting of April 21. Unless further advised by the Council Mayor Custer will vote against the proposal as it has been presented. Mayor Custer advised that an area petitioned for annexation has been enlarged South and East along 132nd Avenue S.E . and letter of intent to annex same was read signed by owner Albert Balch, President and Owner, First Investment Co. A letter from the City Engineer reported check of the County records indicates the letter to annex property adjoining 4th Avenue North between "I" Street and 132nd Avenue S .E. was signed by an owner representing 24.26% of the assessed valuation of the property requested to be annexed. The area contains approximately 150 acres and has an assessed valuation of $56,920.00. The Clerk was requested to notify the property owner to appear for the preliminary meeting required by law. Mayor Custer announced that there will be a grand opening ceremony for the new Renton Library at 2:00 p.m. this coming Sunday afternoon, April 17th with open house between 3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. and everyone was invited to attend. PROCLAMATION: May Cu-ter declared April, 1966 to be Teaching Career Month in acknowledgment of the achievement of the teachers of our Nation. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to concur in the Proclamation. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: -• UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Councilman Hulse, reporting for Committee ;,f the Whole submitted recommendation that the Contract between the City and Johnston-Campanella for planning of a new City Hall be revi-ed to incorporate suggestions in letter from David',O . Johnston dated March 15, 1966 as directed to City Attorney Shellan, as an addendum and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute same. VDved by Perry, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendations of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. -4- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting April 11,1966 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Councilman Hulse reported that the Committee of the Whole had elected to send Councilman Morris to represent the City at the American Society of Planning Officials Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania from April 17 through 21st. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Hulse announced that the meeting which had been tentatively scheduled for April 25th for hearing on Capital Improvement Program for General Government, including a new City Hall, will be postponed and Moved that May 23rd be set as the date in lieu thereof. The motion was seconded by Schellert and carried. Councilman Pedersen, reporting for the Property Committee, submitted letter from Johnston-Campanella, Architects which advised of $230,282.00 value of the new library for insurance purposes and a letter from William F. Davis, the City's Insurance Commissioner, quoted costs for glass insurance and recommended' that. the windows not be covered for one year to see what the loss..ratio will be. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilwoman Dahlquist inquired regarding planter boxed trees which were removed from the downtown area sometime ago as to possible use at the opening of the new library, and was advised that the boxes have somewhat deteriorated and are not in condition to be displayed. Also, the Fire Department plans to use the shrubbery at the new Fire Station site. Councilman Trimm, reporting for the Planning Committee advised that the Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company has 43 employees and 18,790 sq. ft. of building space at the present time. Their addition will add 6484 sq. ft. giving a total of 25,274 sq. ft. , and at present they have parking spaces for 24 cars and will be required to furnish 8 additional parking spaces if the variance requested is to be allowed. In lieu of the parking spaces $750.00 each must be paid or $6,000.00. Mr. G. C. Blackaller, Building Engineer for the project reported that there are to be no employees in the new building but only equipment storage. Mr. Benton, Mgr. , of Renton Pacific Bell, upon inquiry as to attitude of the Company, replied that they wish to comply with the Ordinance and that is why they requested the variance: Also he did not believe the intent of the Ordinance was to keep a lot of parking places in the center of the down town area, and that they have parking spaces for the Company cars in order to keep them off the streets. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Perry, to concur in thy, Planning Commission recommendation to grant the variance. During discussion,location of parking now furnished was outlin-ed arArpresent operation under non-conforming use existing prior to the Ordinance, Mr. Rohr, Building Engineer on the project advised that within the past two days = they were successful in leasing parking spaces from the Peoples Bank at its site where the branch had been proposed and that they have tentative opportunity at location of area known as Central Business Property where the pipeline runs-at.. the old Mill Site owned by the Swansons. The Planning Commission recommendation to grant the variance was read and arvote on the pending motion resulted in dis- senting voice vote whereupon roll call was requested, and was taken as follows: N,s: Hulse, Bruce, Garrett, Trimm, Poli and Morris. eye: Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Perry and Delaurenti. Mayor Custer voted No and the motion was lost and it was his suggestion that no action be taken for 30 days to allow the telephone company an opportunity to secure parking spaces . A_ letter f 8�-daysbas'1.'s parking lease Was submitted by Mr. Benton.pendi _City actlor.. -a* ty Attorney Shellan advised that the City cannot extend a non-conforming use by anotner non-conforming use and that parking must be provided within 1000 ft. of the central building with 1 parking space for each 800 se.. ft. of building, and not going back prior to 1953 when the Ordinance was passed, any new addition would have to meet the requirements of the Ordinance. A letter from Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, reported that lease of the Elliott Gravel Pit will expire on April 30th and it was recommended the lease be renewed for 3 year peraod with royalty increaseto $ 25 per yard from $-.10 per yard. Property Committee Chairman Pedersen reported recommendation that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the new lease and that in event the Elliott property is sold right is reserved by the Elliotts to cancel the lease. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendations as presented.Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Hulse announced a meeting of the Capital Improvement Priority Committee at 7:30 p.m. on April 18th, and a Committee of the Whole meeting at 7: 30 p.m. on April 19 and also on May 3rd. -5- tr Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-11-1966 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS : NEW BUSINESS: cont. t:oved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that City of Renton Vouchers No. 2985 through 3118, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council for payment at this time . Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 2985 - 3028 $ 20,099.32 City Street Fund 3029 - 3044 16,761.74 Cedar River M & I 3045 - 3051 142-04 Off-Street Parking 3052 20.00 Equipment Rental 3053 - 3065 855.34 Library 3066 - 3072 1,214.04 Parks 3073 - 3084 2,463.68 Water Works Utility 3085 - 3109 19,331.46 Airport 2110 - 3117 448.69 Cumulative Fund 1894 3118 4.00 $ 61,340.31 Councilman Hulse, on behalf of the Capital Improvement Priority Committee commended the Planning Department and Traffic Advisory Commission for cooperation and time in preparing the presentation for the hearing on Street Arterials this evening. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee roported that the Committee recommended review by the Council of the proposed Ordinance regarding a Board of Adjustments and requested referral to the Committee of the Whole therefor. Moved by Perry, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. The Lara and Ordinance Committee submitted a proposed Resolution regarding conveyance of certain lands to the State of Washington by Quit Claim Deed in the matter of improvament of Primary State Highway No. 1 (SR 405) North Renton Interchange, which was -read by the Clerk. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, that Resolution No. 1371 be adopted as read. Carried. Chairman Horris submitted a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washingtnn repealing Chapter 3 of Title VII (Fire Regulations) pertaining to fire zones and establishing a new chapter relating thereto, which was read by the Deputy City Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Trimm, to adopt Ordinance No. 2227 as read. Rolm call vote followed with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. The Committee submitted a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City from Residential District R-2 to Residential District R-3. After introductory reading, it was moved by Morris seconded by Poli, to place the document on second and final rading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance 2228 as (read. Roll call vote followed with all present voting aye. The motion carried. Racanello property) The Committee submitted a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington changing the zoning classification of certain property within theCity from Suburban Residential District (SR-1) to Apartment Houses and Multiple Dwellings (R-4) . After introductory reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the document on second and final reading. . T-:e_­moticn carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2229 as read. Roll call vote was taken and the motion carried. (Fifth West Properties) The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance changing the zoning of certain property within the City from Residential District (R-2) to Business District (B-1) . After reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried.. After the reading it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance 2230 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes carrying the motion. An ordinance was presented changing the zoning classification of certain property in the City from Residential District (R-2) to Residential District (R-3) . After introductory reading it was moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance 2231 as read. All aye roll call vote carried the motion. (Golithko) As there was no comment from the raudoience nor further business to come before the meeting •_t :- rr:ov--d by Mo_ _.s, se.^ended. by ?ol__:, o adjourn. Car.NiAd . Ad ourned -t 1.0 1 n b Gwe1a Marshall , Deputy city C l erk Done v. us er, Mayor 25 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8 :00 P. M. April 18, 1966 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, and Poli OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Delores Mead, Recording Secretary, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Vic TeGarrtvoort, Street Commissioner, Ted Bennett, -- Utility Accountant, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Jim Magstadt, Assistant Planning Director, zre'.T.ymcn Haj'', Engineering Department. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of April 11, 1966 be approved with the following correction: In regard to the Public Hearing on the Arterial Street Improvement and Development, the cost applied to 3rd Avenue North should read $2,000,000.00 rather than $1,000,000.00. Carried. Moved �y Perry, seconded by Gianini, that the absent Council Members be excused. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 11035• 100.00 Alfred Stairs 9840 So. 160th Frame Porch 37 200.00 S . P. Tsakanos 612 - 2nd Avenue Weatherproofing 38 230,000.00 C. K. Incorporated 934 Sunset Blvd E. Apartment House 39 23,500.00 Carl Cooks 344 Stevens Street New Residence 11040 246,120.00 William Lovell 1060 K Street Apartment House 41 380.00 C. F. Pomeroy 506 - 13th avenue S. Wire Residence 42 50.00 Renton Engr. Corp. 405 Renton Village P1 Wire Shop 43 376.00 Joe Boehme 9700 - 106th S . E . Wire Residence 44 250.00 Gil's Enterprises 603 Second Avenue Wire Addition 11045 795,000.00 Benson Properties 15920 Benson Highway 80 Unit Apts 46 823,000.00 The Boeing Company Building 481 and 4-82 Wire Building 47 13,770.00 Gerald Hanger 809 Jones Street Frame Residence 48 300.00 Skyway Motors 103 Rainier Ave. South Wire Lights 49 14,282.00 Bell & Valdez 3313 Court C New Residence 11050 65,224.00 Bell & Valdez Rolling Hills Village #1 6-Unit Townhouse 51 69,589.00 Bell & Valdez Rolling Hills Village #1 6-Unit Townhouse 52 84,672.00 Bell & Valdez Rolling Hills Village #1 7-Unit Townhouse 53 43,008.00 Bell & Valdez Rolling Hills Village #1 2-Unit Townhouse 54 500.00 Brass Ring 2840 Sunset Blvd E. Mount Sign 11055 600.00 Pacific West Properties 14 Grady Way Mount Sign PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7800 - - - - - D. C. Parman 11210 S .E . 108th Gas Installation 01 - - - - - Nick Angelo 324 Mill Street Plumbing Fixtures 02 - - - - - James Childs 10614 - 111th Pl S .E . Gas Installation 03 - - - - - James Childs 10620 - 111th P1 S .E. Gas Installation 04 - - - - - John W. Carlson 10626 - 111th Pl S. E. Plumbing Fixtures 7805 - - - - - Richard J. Pellegrino 5042 Morris Street Gas Installation 06 - - - - - Don Parman 11210 S.E . 108th Plmbg Fixtures 07 - - - - - Trujillo 2nd & Burnett Heating Equip. 08 - - - - - The Boeing Company Bldg 4-81, 4-82 Plmbg Fixtures 09 - - - - - John Stenard 2115 - 10th Avenue N. Plmbg Fixtures 7810 - - - - - G. E. Pomeroy 506 - 13th Ave. So. Gas Installation - - - - - Vere Thompson 803 Grant Street Gas Installation • PUBLIC HEARING: Appeal of Planning Commission Decision - Royal Hills Plat The Clerk read a letter from Livingstone, Moore and Wallace, Inc. on behalf of Sparkman and McLean, relative to their Application Nos. S-284-66 and R-285-66, Royal Hills, requesting that the public hearing be postponed until May 2, 1966. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, that the request be granted, and that the hearing be continued to May 2nd as requested. Carried. Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-18-66 ANNEXATION: Preliminary Meeting with Property Owners - Balch et al Mayor Custer advised that this annexation involved property in the vicinity of 4th Avenue North between I Street and 132nd S . E . and inquired if anyone was present to speak on behalf of the petitioners. At this time Mr. Albert Balch stated that he was happy to again have an opportunity to add property to the City of Renton and advised that as soon as this property was annexed and loans obtained, that he planned to build approximately 85 homes in this area. Mr. Balch further stated that they would be willing to accept their pro-rata share of the City's bonded indebtedness. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, that the property owners be authorized to circulatera petition to obtain the 75% ownership needed to annex the property and that the petition contain the statement that the property owners will accept their pro-rata share of the City's bonded indebtedness. Carried. COt�tUNICATIONS: A letter was read by the Clerk advising that approval of dispensation of Review Board proceedings on the annexation of the Kaczmarek et al properties, had been received from Mr. Scott Wallace, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, Mr. Donald L. Kruzner, Superintendent of Schools within the area, and from Mayor D. W. Custer, Review Board Member from the City of Renton. The letter further advised that pursuant to ROW 35.12.140 and 35.13.150, Public Hearing is now in order and date therefor to be set accordingly. Moved �y Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, that the date of May 2, 1966 be set for Public Hearing on the proposed annexation. Carried. The Clerk read a communication from Mrs. Russell Fulgham on behalf of the Renton School District Council of PTA, requesting a no-fee permit to conduct a used book sale at the new Renton City Library on May 1, 1966. The proceeds of the sale will be used in the enrichment program at the Library. Moved �y Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, that the request for a "no-fee" permit be granted. Carried. The Clerk read a letter from City Attorney Shellan relative to the Harbor Line Relocation, Lake Washington Shorelands, Blocks A and B. The letter stated that the City had exercised its Preference Right Application on October 21, 1965 and advised the Department of Naturae Resources that the City undoubtedly would elect to purchase the subject property on a deferred, ten-year contract basis. In the meantime the Airport Board has had extensive �+ discussion in regard thereto, and the City Attorney expressed concern over the interval of approximately six months that has elapsed since the Application was filed and suggested that the City take action in this regard lest it may jeopardize its preference right to purchase. The Recording Secretary advised that the Airport Board would meet on Tuesday, April 19th, in an effort to reach a decision on Block A. Councilman Poli inquired if this matter was now in the hands of the Property Committee. Councilman Perry advised that it had been, however it has been referred to the Ways and Means Committee and as yet there has been no reply. Moved �y Poli, seconded by Perry, that this communication be referred to the WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE for recommendations. Carried. A communication from the State Highway Commission relative to a Proposed Consulting Agreement, Green River Valley Traffic Study Agreements Y-885 and GC 1940, was read by the Recording Secretary. The letter stated that on April 1, 1966 Mr. H. P. O'Reilly had forwarded copies of the abovementioned agreements to the Mayors of the participating cities, which agreements provide respectively for reimbursement and participation by the various cities and King County in a traffic study of the Green River Valley to determine priority development of the various road systems required to accommodate the industrial growth of the Valley. The Highway Commission advised of its maximum financial participation, $30,000.00 and suggested that the several cities and King County reach an agreement among themselves as to the best way to divide the $25,000.00 balance. The Mayor stated that if requested to do so, he would write a letter to King County urging them to find the additional monies needed for this Study. Moved �y Perry, seconded by Hulse, that the Mayr be authorized to write to the County in regard to their financial participation in the Green River Valley Traffic Study. Carried. *MW I The Recording Secretary read a letter from the City Engineer regarding retention of a Consultant for two Booster Pump Stations. The City Engineer together with the Fire and Water Committee, recommended that the firm of Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield be retained to design the Mt. Olivet Pump Station and the Talbot Hill Pump Station. Basically the conditions of employment provide for a lump sum payment of $3,000 for final design and preparation of plans and specifications for the Mt. Olivet Pump Station and a lump sum payment of $4,450 for the Talbot Hill Pump Station. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and the Fire and Water Committee. Carried. 2 -4- iii/ Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-18-66 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A communication from Leo A. Daly and Associates, relative to the Renton Airport Annex. - Apron "D", LAD Job No. 221565 and Boeing Project No. 360078, was read by the Recording Secretary. It was noted that Boeing is interested in leasing a portion of City property which lies on the easterly bank of the Cedar River Waterway, south of 6th Avenue North, described as being 81.5 feet by 882.4 feet. Because of security problems, the Boeing Company is desirous of constructing fences across this strip of land which in turn would restrict the use of public land presently accessible to all. It was _moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to refer this matter to the PROPERTY COMMITTEE to report back. Carried. The Recording Secretary read a letter from Planning Director Ericksen regarding a request from the Boeing Company for a permit to construct a fence on City street right of way on Garden Street. It was generally felt that the proposed fence does not involve any specific problems that would come under the ,jurisdiction of the Planning Commission. However, a permit to construct a fence or other structures on City street right of way should be on a revocable basis and subject to removal upon reasonable notice by the City, if the public interest would necessitate . Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, that this matter be placed in the hands of the STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE to investigate and report back. Carried. A d T,unication from Merrick Hindes, Concession Chairman of the Green River District, Boy Scouts of America was read by the Recording Secretary, wherein they requested that a "no-fee" permit be issued to the Scout Commissioner Staff to allow the sale of hot dogs, hamburgers, pop, etc. , at the Annual "Funforall" to be held at Liberty Park the weekend of May 21, 1966. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, that the permit be granted under the supervision of the Park Board. Carried. The Recording Secretary read a letter from Mr. and Mrs. Ray Charlton requesting that the rolls be reopened on the subject of L.I.D. 254, and stating that they had not been notified of the meeting of February 21, 1966 and were unable to protest or state their case at that time. The Charlton's stated that had they been heard they felt the Council would have ruled on their property as they did for Mr. Lavins property which lies under the same easement. Mayor Custer advised that this matter had been brought to the attention of the Council after the Assessment Roll had been approved and that the Council referred the matter to the Street and Alley Committee, who in turn requested the City Attorney to write to Mr. and Mrs. Charlton. It was noted that the City Attorney had ...,.,.written advising the Charltons that the final assessment roll had been duly approved on February 28, 1966 and inasmuch as no objections or protests were received in writing at or prior to the public hearing, such objections are then waived. The City Attorney advised that the assessments have been finalized and the City is legally in no position to make any adjustment or changes at this late stage, and read statutes confirming the legal procedure. Considerable discussion followed with Mrs. Charlton stating that they were not advised of the hearing in February and had been unable to attend the meeting in October, 1965, however, she stated that she had been advised on the telephone by the Engineering Department that easement property could not be charged for utilities as this is unusable property. The City Attorney was querried regarding the matter and stated that his only concern was whether or not the City Clerk had sent out the notice. The Recording Secretary advised that the notices were mailed and that the one to Mr. and Mrs. Charlton was not returned, therefor the Clerks Office would have no way of knowing that they had not received this notice. Mrs. Charlton stated that she advised the Engineering Department by telephone of their new address and did not feel they should be penalized for an error made by City Hall. Mr. Shellan stated that under the law the City must send out notices to the name and address as listed on the rolls and this apparently has been done. Councilman Trimm asked for the recommendation of the Fire and Water Committee and Councilman Delaurenti stated that they were following* the City Attorney's advice, and it would appear that no further action could be taken by the City. Councilman Perry inquired of the Recording Secretary how much notice is given on a public hearing and Mrs. Mead advised that it was 15 days. Mr. . Charles Guy, father of Mrs. Charlton, spoke, advising that he felt he had no alternative other than to hire an attorney to take action against the City. At this time the Mayor advised that the Council ias no other recourse, and the only alternative is for the Charlton's to take what action ' hey feel is necessary. The Recording Secretary read a letter from Dorothy and Lyman Riley relative to their property under consideration for rezone, located on Sunset Boulevard East, between M and 0 Streets. The Rileys stated that this property has all the necessary physical attributes for apartment development, making it highly desirable for the rezone, as it lies on a major arterial, in a three block strip between two B-1 zonings; and therefor ask that the Council vote on the petition for rezone in the same form it came from the Planning Com- mission, with a unanimous vote of acceptance . It was noted that this matter had been tabled at the previous meeting. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, that this matter be taken from the table at this time. Carried. -3- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-15-66 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) Moved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, that the portion of the Planning Commission recommendation which states R-3, the portion in question, be changed to R-2 and that the Council concur in the recommendation. Councilman Poli stated that R-2 was not requested by the property owner, he is requestir% R-3. Councilwoman Dahlquist stated that the Planning Commission thought this property was usable as R-3 and the man who is applying for this has not requested R-2, and she did not feel the Council could take this upon themselves to make this change. The City Attorney advised that they could not do so unless the property owner concurs in this rezoning. As a matter of clarification the Mayor asked the City Attorney if this could be done if the property owner concurred. Mr. Shellan advised that the Council could not change it to R-4 as this is a _Less restrictive zoning, but that a change to R-2,& more restrictive. use:may.be madeif property owner concurred. A vote on the pending motion failed. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Perry, that the petition opposing the rezone be read. Carried. After the reading of the petition, Councilman Poli asked Mr. Riley if he would consent to set-back or an R-2 zoning, to which Mr. Riley answered, no. Poli again inquired if Mr. Riley would be willing to take a set-back, and he replied, yes, of 40 feet. Mr. Ames stated that he had contacted Mr. Riley to discuss this matter and that he had stated that he would not consider any R-2 zoning. Mr. Ames regretted that this may be unfair to this property owner, however, he is only one and the objecting petitioners are many. Mr. Ames felt that an R-3 zoning would put a balcony exposure to every back yard in the area and he would like to stop this movement. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, that the Council not concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and that the zoning be left as it is for single family dwellings. Councilwoman Dahlquist expressed the opinion that the Council is making a grave mistake by not allowing the rezone to R-3 discounting the objections and recalling several million dollar assessed valuation lost by the City in prior denials for apartment and multiple use rezones. Considerable discussion followed after which vote was taken on the motion and dissenting voice vote brought request for roll call, which resulted as follows: AYE - Hulse, Bruce, Gianini, Perry, and Delaurenti, and NO - Schellert, Dahlquist, Garrett, Trimm, and Poli. Mayor Custer cast his "Aye" vote breaking the tie, and thereby denying the rezone . The Recording Secretary read a letter from Arthur D. Scholes, P. E . , Chairman of the Traffic Advisory Commission wherein it was recommended that the City Council take immediate steps to restrict parking on Third Avenue from Rainier to Main Street, on Monday through Friday, from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Perry that this matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. A communication from the Traffic Advisory Commission was read recommending that the Renton City Council expedite the following program to alleviate the traffic congestion which presently exists within the City of Renton: (1) Proposed Logan-Smithers extension with the addition of an arterial access between Logan Street and Park Street in the vicinity of 6th Avenue North. This extension will require at-grade intersections at the North and South terminus, (2) A major East-West arterial to commence at Rainier Avenue and Airport Way and terminate at Sunset Boulevard East and 3rd Avenue North. Grade separations at Rainier Avenue and Logan Street are considered essential for this portion of the program, and (3) The widening and improvement of Sunset Boulevard East from 116th Avenue Southeast to the Eastern City limits. In making this recommendation the Commission carefully considered the Renton Urban Area comprehensive plan provided by the Planning Commission in June of 1965. Councilman Hulse stated that he would like to present the Capital Improvement Priority Committee Report at this time as it had a direct bearing on the Traffic Advisory Commission's recommendation. The Recording Secretary read the report of the Capital Improvement Priority Committee wherein it was recommended that the Arterial Street projects consisting of Logan to Smithers connection and the 3rd Avenue N )rth improvement, as presented at the Public Hearing meeting of April 11th, be referred to the LAW AND ORDINANCE'COMMITTEE for proper Ordinance to authorize bond issue to be submitted before the electorate on the November, 1966 ballot, and to refer this matter to Bonding Counsel. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist that the Council concur with the recommendations of the Committee. Carried. The Recording Secretary read a petition containing 15 signatories, starting with WNW Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stephenson and ending with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Clark, requesting that a street light be installed on the corner of S. E . 112th Street and 115th Avenue S. E ., and street lights be extended north on 115th Avenue S . E . Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer this matter to the LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE to report back. Carried. PROCLAMATION: A Proclamation by Mayor Custer was read establishing the last week in April as Secretaries Week, and Wednesday, April 27, 1966, has been designated as Secretaries Day. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the Proclamation of the Mayor. Carried. - - - - -4- 29 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-18-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Councilman Hulse presented the report of the Capital Improvement Priority Committee which was read by the Recording Secretary, recommending that the tentative Six Year Park Acquisition and Development Program, as presented at the Public Hearing meeting of April 4, 1966, including the possible additions, totalling $1,039,252 be referred to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE for proper legislation for placing a bond issue for this program before the electorate in the November 1966 election. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recommendation and that the matter be referred to ^ur Bonding Counsel. Carried. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that the terms of she bond issue run for 15 years for repayment in both the matter of the Arterial Street )ro,jects and the Six Year Park Acquisition. Carried. Councilman Schellert, Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, presented his Committee's report recommending that $500.00 be appropriated from excess of anticipated revenue unto Civil Service Department Fund 1900, Account 328, to provide for physical examinations for Fire Department personnel. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the [days and Means Committee, with referral to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE. Carried. Councilwoman Dahlquist, Chairman of the Legislative Committee, stated that she had requested the City Attorney to look into the matter of a proposed bill on the taxing of Municipalities and forwith submitted the City Attorney's letter which was read by the Recording Secretary. The City Attorney referred to a letter received from Mr. James Ellis, Attorney for Metro, relative to an Amendment to RCW 82.04.430 containing two proposed alternates. The first one would be a broader amendment eliminating the tax on all sewage disposal and storm water drainage services which would also eliminate the tax on Metro itself, and the second would eliminate the tax on the municipal bodies that trans- mit collected charges to Metro. Councilwoman Dahlquist stated that it was the recommenda- tion'of the Legislative Committee that the second amendment and a copy of the bill be sent to the Association of Washington Cities. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti; to concur in the recommendation of the Legislative Committee, Carried: NEW BUSINESSi oved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that City of Renton Vouchers No: 3119 through 3166; •"aving been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council for payment at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund Nos. 3119 - 3135 $ 3,051:04 City Street Fund 3136 - 3140 1,583.12 Equipment Rental Fund 3141 - 3150 892.88 Park Department Fund 3151 - 3157 1,107.72 Water Works Utility 3158 - 3164 1,101.52 Airport Fund 3165 - 3166 216.96 $7,953 .24 Councilman Hulse stated that congratulations to the Library Board are in order for their extended efforts and hours of service in planning the New Library and the Dedication Service. Councilman Hulse requested progress report on the new City Hall Contract, and Mayor Custer advised that the Council had authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a contract to begin Phase I, to be completed within 160 days. _Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that the proper County authority be informed of the fact that we are considering a bond issue which includes two projects which are listed in their Comprehensive Plan as ,joint projects between the County and City and also that they make adjustment in their priority list accordingly. Carried. Councilman Schellert called attention to the new type traffic buttons recently installed -n various locations within the City and Council Members were urged to take a look at hem for possible future installations. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Hulse, that a letter be written to Miss Hillgen, City Linrar ani expressing the City's appreciation for her many hours of unselfish work in the efforts for the new Library and that a similar letter be written to the Library Board. Carried. Councilman Garrett announced a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee on Thursday, April 21st at 7:30 p.m., and requested that the City Clerk notify Mr. Jay Holmes and Dr. Morell of this meeting to give them an opportunity to appear. Councilman Garrett requested the City Clerk to notify The Boeing Company that the Committee would be con- sidering the matter of fences on Garden Street. -5- 30 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-18-66 NEW BUSINESS: (con't) Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, to commend Mr. Hulse for his time and effort involved in the preparation of the Capital Improvement Priority report of the Six Year Park Acquisition and Development Program and the Arterial Street Projects and that he be made the representative of the City in the presentation of these bond issues to the public. Carried. Councilman Perry, Chairman pro tem of the Property Committee, presented two letters from Park Director Gene Coulon, which were read by the Recording Secretary and action was taken as follows: (1) Mr. Coulon's letter stated that the Par:: Board is interested in acquisition of additional property adjacent to the Kennydale Lions Club sita, and that Mr. Danielson, owner of certain property adjacent to the site has submitted a plat e to the Planning Commission which they have held pending investigation as to whither this property would be available for park purposes. An answer is needed by the 27tih of this month, therefore, it is imperative that the Property Committee, possibly in conjunction with the Park Board or Park: Director meet wit% Mr. Danielsen on the matte_. Councilman Perry reported recommendation of t:i-: Property Coumittee that such a meeting be arranged and that the Park Board b_- author-_zed to hire an appraiser if required. Moved �y Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur 4_n the recommendation. Carried. M Mr. Coulon's second letter noted that i`- is the -a°'.ers ar,.din of the Park Board that in the very near future, space in the 1'i',-ands Acministlat .on Building will become available when the King County Health Department ro7es to its new facilities. The Park Board therefore, requests that this space be turned ovar to the Parks and Recreation Department as there is a definite need to utiliTe this space in our program. Councilman Perry stated that the Property Committee is presently negotiating with the Soil Conservation Department of the State of Washington in regard to this space and that it may not be available. Moved by Trimm, seconded by 'oli, that these communications be referred to the PROPERTY CON:M7LTTEE, Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Perry, member of the Law and Ordinance Committee submitted a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington., fixing the amount, form, date; interest and rate of maturity of installment note, Directing the issuance and sale thereof unto the City of Renton Firemen's Pension Fund, relating to Local Improvement District No, 254. After introductory reading, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse, that _.Ic : ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Carried. After the second and reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that Ordinance No. 2232 be adopted as read. Carried. t At this time the Mayor invited audience comment, and airs. Margaret Evans commented on y past rezone requests and also mentioned the traffic congestion in the area of Sunset Boulevard East and 3rd Avenue North Extension, noting the difficulty experienced by the residents of Windsor Hills in getting onto Sunset Eoulevard Fast. I Mr. Jack Ruth, Representative of the Aero Mechanics Union, i;.troduced himself and stated that it was his hope that it would not be nece3sary to call a strike at the Boeing Plants. However, if a strike should be called, he would appreciate any help the City Council could give in locating a building to be used as Strike Headquarters. There being no further business to come before the Council; it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. 7-he meeting was adjourned at 9: 50 p.m. and there were approximately 47 visitors in the Council Chambers . /Gwen Marshall, Deputy City Clerk . W. Custer, Mayor -6- M - �t RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. April 25, 1966 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor D. W. Custer at 8:00 p.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Gianini, that the absent Council Members be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gwen Marshall, Deputy City Clerk, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jim Ashurst, Assistant Fire Chief, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Gene Coulon, -- Park Director and Jack Wilson, City Engineer. Councilman Hulse requested that the Minutes of the previous meeting of April 18th be corrected to read that the Mayor and City Clerk had executed the new City Hall Contract 903t-dad t:of they-had been authorized to execute same to begin Phase I.(Page 5, Paragraph 5) Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes be approved with correction as stated. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 11056 $ 3,000.00 Patrick Sullivan 2513 9th Avenue No. Add to Residence 057 395.00 Alpine Electric 3421 - 12th Avenue No. Wire Residence 058 1.00 Donald Laudenbach 202 Mill Street Demolish Structure 059 250.00 Edward L. Levitt 13015-90th Ave. So. Carport and Workshop 11060 500.00 Erwin Hanneman 3208 - 6th Avenue No. Addition to Residence 061 701.80 Bell & Valdez, Inc. Rolling Hills #2 Wire Residence 062 701.80 tr it it It it It it it it 063 701.80 tr it it it it it it it it 064 701.80 rr It if it it it it it It 11065 701.80 tr it it tt it if it it it 066 230,000.00 C. K, Inc. 934 Sunset Blvd. E. 12 Unit Apartment 067 63,319.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 4-01, Logan St. Wire Building 068 500.00 Ray Aliment 9823 - 106th Ave. S.E . Wire Residence 069 2,000.00 Archie Gustine 111 Meadow Street Wire Motel 1100 1,900.00 Jessie Clulow 615 High Street Remodel Windows 071 38000.00 Charles Shane 111 Maple Valley Hwy. 12 Unit Apartment 072 38,400.00 it it it it it it it it it 073 38000.00 It it it it It if it it it 074 38,400.00 it It it it it it it it it 11075 103,800.00 Realty Investors, Inc. 2722-8th Avenue No. 12 Unit Apartment 076 130.00 George N. Lamb 667 R Street New Electric Service 077 2399000.00 The Boeing Company Renton Airport Annex Bridge - Apron D 078 475.00 Roger Peterson 11014-115th Ave. S.E. Wire Residence 079 450.00 John W. Carlson 10626-111th Ave. S.E. Wire Residence 11080 1.00 Tannahill & Clinch 518 Williams St. No. Demolish Residence PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7812 - - - - - Ray Frackes 3421 - 12th Avenue No. Plumbing Fixtures 13 - - - - - Mr. Kerkes 2215 - 10th Avenue No. Heating Equipment 14 VOID 7815 V 0 I D 16 - - - - - Renton-Airport Airport Way & Rainier Plumbing Fixtures 17 - - - - - R. S. hane 11626 S.E. 100th St. Plumbing Fixtures 18 - - - - - Ewing Stringfellow Whitworth Lane Apts. Gas Installations PUBLIC HEARING: Vacation of protion of 106th Avenue S .E . This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Upon inquiry, City Engineer Wilson advised that the developers of adjacent properties were interested in securing a 20 ft. utility easement and he had told them an easement might possibly be acquired along the South side of their property and the new road projected to the East would also serve for utility purposes. The School District had expressed concern over access points for the children in the future developments to get to school and it was determined that there has been no settlement of the problems at this time. The Planning Director has been away from the City for the past few days and could not be reached. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to continue the hearing for one week to May 2nd. The motion carried. -1- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 4-25-66 COMMUNICATIONS: A Watershed Work Plan Agreement between the Cities of Auburn, Kent, Renton, Tukwila, King County Soil and Water Conservation District, Green River Flood Control Zone District, and Co.of King,thereinafter referred to as the Sponsoring Local Organizations; State of Washington and the Soil Conservation Service,United States Department of Agriculture, therein referred to as the Service, was presented by Mr. W. B. Gillespie, and Mr. Groshell, King County Engineers and it was pointed out that this is for the West Side Green River Watershed program, the East side Plan having been completed and filed with Congress for processing, and pursuance of Federal Fund participation. The Flood Control Zone District organization has been completed covering the whole water shed and the 5 man Advisory Committee has been established, Mr. Vmbedacht being the representative for this area. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the documents after the City Attorney checks them. Carried. Claims were filed by Mr. Bernard D. Green, Attorney at Law, on behalf of Nina Hansen in the sum of $16,387.00 and James T. Winkler, $1,800.00 for damages incurred as result of automobile accident involving the Wells Street Bridge. Claim was read from Mrs. Margaret Murdoch in sum of $18.76 for costs resulting from sewer problem resulting from broken pipe. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti that the Claims as read be referred to the City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Carried. An Annexation Petition was read requesting that properties be annexed to the City which adjoin 4th Avenue North lying between "I" Street and 132nd Ave. S.E. as submitted by Al Balch, John Harer et al. A letter from City Engineer Wilson reported a check of the county records denoted the Petition to be signed by owners representing 81.26 per cent of the assessed valuation of the property requested to be annexed. The area contains approximately 150 acres and has an assessed valuation of $56,940.00. The Petition requested the annexation under provisiQps of R.C.W. 35.13.130 as amended by Chapter 282, Laws of 1961 and the Petitioners statement was contained affirming their willingness to assume their pro-rata shares of the pre-existing bonded indebtedness of the City. Moved by Schellert, Hulse, to refer the matter to the Mayor to convene the Review Board as required by law. A letter from City Attorney Shellan advised that property owners James Nolan arrd Walter Miller, also known as Walter Ksianzyk, have rejected the City's proposals for purchasing the property and water reservoir sites on Talbot Hill and have not to date submitted any counter-proposals. If the City desires to proceed with the acquisition it should give proper authority to order preliminary title reports for eminent domain purposes and adopt the ordinance to authorize condemnation action. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to authorize the City Engineer to secure the title report and furnish necessary material required to initiate condemnation proceedings. Councilman Perry reported that he had received a call this evening and that there was a counter-proposal forthcoming according to the property owner. Garrett stated his reason for such motion was to insure the property owner of fair value of his property. The pending motion carried. A letter from City Attorney Shellan submitted Court Order dated April 20, 1966 duly signed by Judge Agnew which vacates and dissolves the restraining order hereto imposed against the City by Charles K. Stimson re Lake Washington Beach property. The document will be filed in the records of the Office of the City Clerk. A letter from Messenger Sign, Inc. requested adjustment in sign permit fees. The Sirloin Inn Restaurant plans to install 10 double-faced signs at various points around the parking lot on light standards. The Ordinance fee are $10.00 per sign and Mr. Footh requested reduction inasmuch as the signs were exact replicas of one another and he felt inspection of one would suffice for all. Discussion ensued as to whether the purpose was for sign display or lighting. Mr. Footh advised that it would serve dual purpose and displayed drawings of the proposed fixtures. " Upon inquiry Mr. Sven Johnson advised that there were actually 20 signs but 10 had been counted inasmuch as they were mounted back to back as one and he did not feel deviation from the ordinance was due otherwise, also precedent was to be considered with concern for future such requests which would undoubtedly be forth- coming. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Hulse, that the request for variance from requirements of the Ordinance be denied. The motion carried. -2- 4 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 4-25-66 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) A letter was read from Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, requesting permission to expend funds from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1184 for purchase of ornamental steel poles to be used for the traffic signal installation located at the intersection of Third Avenue and Williams Street which will initiate the program of under- ground wiring in the central business district. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the request. Discussion ensued regarding amount to be required and whether there'is other need for the $1,369, It was pointed out that the purpose is a proper use of the fund but that perhaps the Ways and Means Committee should be consulted as to whether the money has been earmarked for any other purpose. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Schellert, to refer - the matter to the Street and Alley Committee and Ways and Means Committee to investigate and report back. The motion to refer, taking precedence, was carried. A letter from Mrs. Donald Hamblin, President, League of Women Voters, advised that the Board of Directors of the Renton League has appointed Mrs. Robert Plut as official observer at meetings of the City Council. Members of Mrs. Plut's Committee will serve as alternates from time to time. Mrs. Plut was introduced by Mayor Custer and he advised he had acknowledged the observance by letter to President Hamblin. A letter from Planning Director Ericksen submitted recommendations of the Planning Commission from its meeting of April 13, 1966 as follows: Rezone Applications: King County Public Hospital District #1, Appl. R-303-66 requesting rezone from GS-1 to R-4 of property located at the intersection of 4th Avenue North and E Street, extending north to 5th Avenue North and East to I Street. The Comprehensive Plan indicates the area as potential multiple residential use and the Commission in regard for adjacent single family residential uses recommended the following which was now recommended to the Ccuncil: From GS-1 to R-4: Lots 1, 2, 3, 8, 9 and 10 of Block 1 and Lots 1, 2, 3, of Block 6, all in Rainier Acres. From GS-1 to R-3: Lots 4 and 7 of Block l; Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of Block 5-; and Lots 1 and 10 of Block 7, all in Rainier Acres. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission as read. Upon request, Mr� Ericksen displayed a drawing of the area aa.', designated the parcels involved. Mr. Chuck Dillon, 1214 I Street inquired as to the height of the proposed structures and expressed his objection to view restriction stating his opinion that the County could gain just as much by selling as residential property. Upon inquiry Mr. Ericksen advised both the School District and the Park Board had been consulted and had felt the cost prohibitive for consideration. The Commission had felt the use would not be substantially detrimental and it is in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan and was therefore recommended. Councilman Perry requested an opportunity to visit the area prior to casting a vote and moved that the matter be tabled one week. The motion was seconded by Hulse and carried. Rezone Application: Bruce Buck, Appl. R-306-66 from G7200 to R-4 - property located on 116th Avenue S.E. between Sunset Blvd. E . and 12th Avenue North. The Comprehensive Plan indicates multiple family residential use for the arca. The Commission in concern for adjacent properties, recommended R-3 rather than R-4 which the applicant agreed to accept and this was the Comrmiesion.'s�rQcommenda- tion to the CounciI,. A letter from Mr. M. M. (Ted) Meredith expressed disapproval with the Planning Commission decision on this rezone and with adjoining property owners, wished to object to the deprivation of privacy and restriction of view. It was requested that single family zoning be retained and pointed out that there is only one access to the Bruce Buck property. R-2 was suggested as an alternate rezone if a rezone is deemed to be warranted. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendations. Upon inquiry by Garrett for further information, Planning Director Ericksen displayed a map of the area and designated the location of the subject property. Garrett inqui-red as to comparison between this and the Riley prope=-ty from a professional viewpoint and Mr. Ericksen „- advised that the Buck area is ready for such development at the present time being close in proximity to shopping facilities, arterials and industrial areas and it was felt the Riley rezone might be a bit premature, although not a great deal of difference exists between the two. It was felt that the Buck rezone is suitable and reasonable as proposed. The pending motion carried. Convention material from Chester Biesen, Executive Secretary, Association of Washington Cities was presented and will be on file in the office of the City Clerk for reference. Convention Committees were listed along with the 11 Districts of the Association. -3- 34 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 4-25-66 PROCLAMATIONS: Proclamation was read wherein Mayor Custer Proclaimed April 24 - 30th to be National YWCA Week, to be celebrated by the community of Renton enjoining with the YWCA's across the United States. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the Proclamation. Carried. Mayor Custer in second Proclamation declared the week of May 1 through May 7, 1966 as Epsilon Sigma Alpha International Week. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the Proclamation by the Mayor. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Councilman Hulse, President of the Council, submitted his Committee of the Whole report with recommendations as follows: Recommended Colorcable Franchise request be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee to draft necessary Ordinance with consideration to be given to a ten year period with ten year option to renew and fee of 4% of gross income of the operation. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. Mr. Stone, of Colorcable, displayed proposed service area encompassing a number of Cities and advised that Franchises have been secured from all but Renton and it was their hope to begin installations in Renton where they felt the service was more urgently needed. The new service will provide outside stations and also allow closed circuit reception. Time was of the essence. After discussion as to terms of the proposed Franchise Ordinance and installation procedures, vote was taken and the motion carried. Recommended that the Capital Improvement Priority List be referred to the Mayor for consideration in making up the 1967 Preliminary Budget and Mr. Hulse pointed out that the Committee desired the entire list to be published in the Budget for reference purposes and also in the Final Budget, to be revised from time to time as projects are completed and extended therefrom annually. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendations. Carried. Councilman Garrett, Street and Alley Committee Chairman, submitted his committee report recommending that the Boeing Company be granted temporary street use permit for portion of unimproved, unused street right of way per description as followed, and that 30-day Revocable Permit with Hold Harmless Agreement be issued with $20.00 per month fee to be imposed therefor. Moved by Morris, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recommendations of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Schellert, Ways and Means Committee Chairman, reported regarding Block A Supplemental Shorelands of Lake Washington made available through relocation of the inner harbor line that the Airport Board had concurred in the acquisition and it was recommended that the Council concur with funding to be from Airport funds. Mode of financing was discussed after which it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendations. Carried. Councilman Perry submitted Property Committee report which was read as follows: The Property Committee and Park Board recommend that the Planning Commission be advised that it is Council's desire to hold in abeyance that portion of proposed preliminary plat of Danielson Addition containing Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and a major part of Lot 6, together with the area designated for street purposes within the plat. These portions to be held pending appraisal and final decision regarding the City's interest for park purposes. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, to approve City of Renton Vouchers No. 3167 through 3278 which have been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Com- mittee. Carried. Fund Breakdown follows: Current Fund 3167 - 3197 $ 6,770.83 City Street Fund 2198 - 3203 1,298.91 Arterial Street Fund 3204 22.95 Equipment Rental Fund 3205 - 3216 2,862.09 Library Fund 3217 - 3249 4,394.35 Park Fund 3250 - 3257 2,260.81 Water Works Utility 3258 - 3264 160.24 Airport Fund 3265 9.38 Firemen's Pension.Yund 3266 - 3275 11081.95 Cumulative Fund 1894 3276 20.84 Cumulative Fund 1975 3277 - 3278 11,103.09 $ 29,985.44 -4- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meetings COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: NEW BUSINESS: Cont. Councilman Hulse advised of question having been raised as to whether there might be a special committee to oversee the new city hall and moved that the Mayor appoint such a committee. Schellert seconded the motion and after discussion regarding the function of the committee as liason and intermediate means of communication between the Council and Architects for expediting relay of information, the pending motion carried. Councilman Schellert called attention to April meeting of the Renton Aviation Board wherein Resolution was made that the City sponsor a request to the FAA for Federal participation in the purchase of Block "A" and that airport funds be used for the City's proportionate share of the purchase. Moved by Delaurenti,seconded by Schellert, that Council concur in the sponsorship of the request to the FAA and funding from airport funds. Carried. Councilwoman Dahlquist welcomed Walt Reid who was present and Mr. Reid expressed his pleasure and interest in the proceedings. ORDINANCES IND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton appropriating from excess revenues the sum of $500.00 unto Civil Service Department Fund 1900, Account 328. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Charles Shane inquired regarding building permit fees in the City which are based upon square footage of the structure and expressed his opinion that additional permits and fees should not be required for electrical, plumbing and heating permits for the same building. He suggested a Sub-Division Permit of some type to cover multiple developments and incorporation of the permit fees, inasmuch as complete valuation of the buildings are used as basis for the building perr-',*_ fees. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Schellert, that the matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for evaluation. Mr. Shane was requested to submit any suggestions and proposals in writing. The motion carried. Mr. Paul Messer, on behalf of the merchants in the vicinity of 3rd Avenue in downtown Renton, suggested meeting with the Traffic Advisory Committee to discuss the proposal and coordinate views relative to removal of parking on 3rd Avenue. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Traffic Advisory Committee be advised of the request for a meeting with the 3rd Avenue merchants. Carried. The Traffic Advisory Committee meets on the second and 4th Tuesdays. Council President Hulse requested a meeting of the Committee of the Whole following this meeting. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m. There were 20 visitors in the Council Chambers. Yen Marshall,—Deputy City Clerk D. W.r Custer, Mayor -S- 36 The following transfers, having been approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, have been approved for the month of April, 1966. TO: CLAIMS TO: PAYROLL FROM: Current 31,050.79 FROM: Current 83,118.72 City Street 190845.79 Street 140181.46 Arterial St. 22.95 Cedar River M$I 476.00 Cedar River M&I 183.72 Equipment Rental 3,318.00 Off Street Parking 120.00 Library 511839.88 Equipment Rental 5,751.74 Parks 9,317.35 Library 5,608.39 Waterworks 14,305.97 Parks 116,051.54 Airport 12232.00 Waterworks 431924.73 Firemen's Pension 116.00 1965 Wa. $ S. Cons. 6,596.70 Airport 679.28 Firemen's Pension 1,081.95 Cum. #1894 124.84 Cum. #1975 11,103.09 Total 1329145.51 TOME 131,905.38 1 :37 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. May 2, 1966 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. C, COJ;IVT:J: ;Tulse, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Garrett, Trimm, -r' -ry, J,:Iat<rc:nt , Poli. and Morris. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Bruce, that tho aboent Ccu.1cilman be excused. Carried. 0.= 'IC'_`ALS A!-,-'J HEEADS PRESENT: Gwen Marshall, Deputy City Clerk, Dorothea 1 "1.;aGerard ellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Polic;:, i... Fi •e Chief, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Gordon Ericksen, Plan-ning J�:_ : Wilson, City Engineer, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent and Ted Bennett, +i tilit_y Accountant. APPLICAT1G:i3 rOP PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILD*11 PEP i S 11G 'ANG"0Z,"T NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 11031 $ 450..00 Chet Haralson 3007 Sunset Blvd. E. Wire Car Wash 082 40,000 00 Stanley Kaczmarek 74 Rainier Avenue Restaurant 083 300.00 tars. Hylis Pratt 1048 "G" Street 1 story addition 084 250.0; D, J. McElderry 402 Thomas Street Fence & Retaining Wall 11085 500,00 "enton Honda 240 Rainier Avenue Sign 086 12,,_•S ?ell ?z Valdez, Inc. 3313 Court C Wire Residence 087 144X0 Derald E. Kellis 823 "I" Street Fence 088 200.00 Keller Supply Co. 925 Houser Way No. Sign 039 15,1 -0.00 Bcll & Valdez, Inc. 3340 Rolling Hills P1. Residence 110^0 19,630.00 " " " 3327 Rolling Hills P1. Residence 091 19,600.00 ' " " " 3329 " " " Residence 092 2G,Ov0.,�0 " " " " 3272 " " " Residence C93 10,430100 " " " " 3292 " It It Residence 094 15.60 Angelus Gift & Book 237 Wells Street Sign 1�-C95 42ul_,C.00 Vern Morris 427 Park Avenue 4-Unit Apartment 035 2;000.00 Don Holm 238 Main Street Wire Office Building 017 i,5"G 1001 S- .zler Corp. 109 - 3rd Avenue Sign 093 ^^^..CO -artell Drugs 717 - 3rd Avenue Sign 099 14,0^0,00 ,onald Wiehoff 528 Roger Street New Residence Sirloin Inn 95 Airport Way 10 Signs 101 4.x,;"00 Raleigh Estates Benson Rd. & Puget Dr. Sign -102 300 00 Raleigh Estates 3240 Rolling Hills Ave. Sign 103C' O.; Gorge L. Smith 1415 Beacon Avenue Enclose Carport 104• 4•75.00 john Stnard 2115 10th Ave. No. Wire Residence 11105 10.00 3-t. Andrews Church 3522 - 10th Ct. No. Wire Portables PT i5t1IG FSA .,,V P_t1'FiS: 7819 - - - - fames Childs 10614,20,111th Pl. SE Plumbing Fixtures 7320 - - - - - Join W. Carlson 10626 - 111th Pl. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 21 - - - - - William Jackson 3420 - 11th P1. No. Plumbing Fixtures 22 - - - - - C. Tinsley 11207 S.E. 181st Gas Installations 23 - - - - - Ray Fracker 3421 - 12th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixtures 24 - - - - - Robert Cave 1049 G Street Gas Installations 70225 - - - - - Joe Boehme 9634 - 106th Ave. SE Plumbing Fixtures 26 - - - -- - Fred Squire 3218 - 8th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixtures 27 - - - - - Erwin Yoder 12450-85th Street So. Plumbing Fixtures 28 - - - - - Lell 3 Valdez 3310 Rolling Hills Plumbing Fixtures 29 - - - -ell & Valdez 3292 Rolling Hills Plumbing Fixtures 7330 - - - - 'ell & Valdez 3272 Rolling Hills P1. Plumbing Fixtures 31 - - - - - ^ell er Valdez 3313 Court C Plumbing Fixtures OF BIDS: Paving of 4th Avenue North Tir-. a _ :.�; `'_-.2 i.•:,te set, the following sealed bids were opened and read: "tI!L3.c TOTAL BID Pl:vi_G Co. (Bid Bond) T74,070.00 121 3cuth 'aver Street - SeatJ''le Bass Ce^.-;.. Co- (Bid Bond) 72,545.00 12526 Aurora Avenue 'No Seattle Eel_evue .'•ulldo :i;�g "Bid Bond) 74,267.50 1503 i'.1" 15th `Ja•; - 2cllevue Ranier AGFhF'_-t (Bid Bond) 63,820.00 P, 0. Dox /144 - Penton S. & T. Cons-truc;.ion (Jid Bond) 71,289.00 9 Wood Bu--,din-- - :Zen ton Doolittle Con,�_uc`__on Co. 74,225.00 510 So, Adams St_~eeL- - Seattle - Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the bids to the Citi Engineer, Street Commissioner and Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. _1_ 38 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 5-2-1966 Moved by Hulse, seconded by Gianini, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of April 25, 1966 be approved as written. Carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed vacation of portion of 106th Ave. S.E. (Continued from April 25, 1966) This being the date set, the hearlbglwas declared continued at this time. Letter from City Engineer Wilson recommended that since no alternate utility easement has been agreed upon, a 20' easement be retained for utility and pedestrian use and if a more desirable location can be obtained in the future the 106th Ave nue easement could be abandoned. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Rudy Seppi, Director of Plant Facilities, Renton School District 403, stated there would be no objection if such a strip is reserved for pedestrian use as recommended but if none is provided then there would be strong objection by the School District to the vacation. City Engineer Wilson advised that according to the City Attorney no reservation may be made for pedestrian use but only for utility purposes and his letter stands corrected to read as such. The need for a footpath was expressed and it was pointed out that the right of way is not presently in use but it does connect to Puget Drive and lead directly to the school property. M-)ved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that the vacation be denied. Planning Director Ericksen displayed a drawing and pointed out the subject area and projected an extension over a Bonneville Power Line right-of-way. The pending motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Annexation - Kaczmarek et al properties This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communication was read from the City Engineer expressing concern as to liability the City would be exposed to in annexing this area due to existing abandoned rock quarry at which site a fatality resulted when youths were climbing the steep cliffs. It was recommended that the annexation be denied if the City could not be assured of protection against future law suits. Mr. John Thompson pointed out that the quarry has been there from the time the old inter-urban line was built and the annexation was now desired to the property could be developed and they have insurance against liability at present. Mr. Max Witters inquired as to who will maintain the access road and Mr. Thompson advised the owners of properties on either side would do so. Mr. Kaczmarek added that the road will be gravelled and would be in better condition than it has been, and those on the easement would assume the obligation fcr maintenance. Mrs. Elizabeth Jackson inquired as to whether this is County property and was advised affirmatively. Mr. Ken Murakami submitted petition objecting to apartments in the area, however, Mayor Custer returned the Petition and invited submission at a later time as may be appropriate when zoning would be the consideration and not annexation. Mr. Thompson pointed out that the property is now bounded by the City on three sides. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce to close the hearing. Carried. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Dahlquist, that action of the Council be withheld for one week. Upon inquiry as to liability of the City, City Attorney Shellan advised that generally the fact of annexation itself does not pose any liability on the City it being a fact that sites with lakes, septic tanks, water tanks, etc. can be dangers and as such the City can require fencing but so long as they are privately and not publicly owned the City is not liable on annexation alone. City Engineer Wilson advised he had no special knowledge of liability in writing his letter but felt consideration should be given now rather than to annex and find an obligation has been assumed. The pending motion to with- hold action until May 9th subsequently carried. PUBLIC HEARING - Plat and zoning for Royal Hills - Appeal of Planning Commission decision. The hearing was declared open and the Deputy City Clerk advised of request from Mr. David Kennedy that the hearing be postponed for 30 days until owners secure clear title to the property. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to grant the request, continuing the hearing to June 6, 1966. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Petition containing 80 signatures opposed rezone of King County Hospital Property as recommended by the Planning Commission. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, that the matter be taken from the table where it was laid last week. Carried.rDahlqujst=moved the matter be referred to the Planning Committee to see if mutual agreement might be reached. Councilman Bruce felt property owners are entitled to views as to how their neighborhood should be developed and moved that the Planning Commission recommendation to rezone a portion to R-4 and part to R-3 be denied, with second by Poli. Mr. -Coleman introduced Bd. Members Pete Curran and John Lotto and the new hospital Administrator Bill Murray, and advised of many months of consideration, investigation and meetings to arrive at current determinations which were felt to be in the best interest of the taxpayers, it being concluded the rezone would bring more money to be applied on the new hospital at South 180th and Springbrook Road. It was pointed out that there will need to be a rezone for utilization of the property and now would be the time to rezone when benefit will be to the community rather than individuals. -2- 39 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting May 2, 1966 COMMUNICATIONS: Petition - Hospital property zoning - Continued Mr. Archie Graham, 408 I Street, on behalf of the Petitioners,stated they did not want their neighborhood to be turned into a commercial area, they prefer the quiet and lack of vehicular traffic alc monetary loss to the hospital is not a factor of consideration when the cost figure of a million dollars is involved. It was felt a residential development such as Monterey would enhance the area but not high rise apartments as R-4 would permit. Vote was taken on the pending motion and the Chair ruled the motion passed. Roll call was requested by two Council Members and vote was taken as follows: Aye: Hulse, Bruce, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Morris. No votes: Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Garrett and Poli. The motion to deny the Planning -- Commission recommendation carried. Recess was declared at this time. After the recess, roll call was taken with all Council Members present as previously listed. A letter was read from Mr. George Butco requesting consideration by the Council of rezone of his property from R-1 to R-3, appealing decision of Planning Commission denial. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, that May 16, 1966 be set as date for hearing on the appeal. Carried. A letter read from J. D. Bixby, Director of Facilities, The Boeing Company, called attention to application of several months ago to purchase a strip of land along the East bank of the Cedar River, upon which an appraisal has now been secured by the City. Due to critical parking needs it was requested the matter be given early attention. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, to refer the letter to the Property Committee. It was pointed out that in Committee of the Whole meeting it was urged that the property be leased and not sold. The motion to refer carried. A letter from Sven Johnson recommended granting of Revocable Permit to Rick Trujillo, Flowers & Interiors, for a sign extending over the public walk, projecting from the corner of the building at Second Avenue and Burnett Street, 60% of the structures in the block being non-conforming. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. A letter from Acting Building Director Sven Johnson recommended that Revocable Permits be granted to Richfield Oil Company for sign replacement at 1520 Bronson Way and at 101 Rainier Avenue, the latter to be moved northerly 11 feet and raised to 30 ft. base clearance. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation with proper Hold Harmless and Insurance requirements to be observed. Discussion en- sued regarding rental fees for use of the public property and City Attorney Shellan recalled past experiences of unsuccessful attempts at trying to impose such rental fees on equitable basis and subsequent passage of regulating Ordinance covering signs projecting over and upon the public properties which provides for Revocable Permit with 30 day termination notice . The pending motion carried. Moved by Delaurenti and seconded by Hulse, the Hold Harmless and Insurance be required on the Flower Shop sign also. Carried. Attorney Shellan statEdthat each case should be given consideration on its own merit, with School or non-profit organizations warranting such discretion as the Council may deem proper. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Poli, to require by policy a hold harmless agreement to be executed and insurance on all Revocable Permits for commercial signs. Carried. A letter from Sven Johnson, Building Department, requested fund transfer to purchase secretarial equipment required due to division of the Building and Engineering Departments as follows: From Current Fund: Building Maintenance, Degt. 1800, Acct. 417, Materials and Supplies, $723.04, unto: Building Maintenance Degt. 1800, Acct. 606, Capital Outlay, Machinery & Equipment. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, to concur and refer to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. Carried. A letter from James 4d. Ashley, President, Highlands Merchants Association, requested ~� installation of adequate mercury vapor lights on Sunset Boulevard East between 10th and 12th Avenues and especially at the intersection of Sunset and 12th Avenue in the vicinity of Jack's new Drive-In. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the request to the Light and Power Committee to report back. Carried. A letter from 0. C. Scott, President of the Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce, advised that the Chamber at this time could not support Initiative 226 financially and the City's invitation to contribute to such support must be declined. Mayor Custer advised he had extended written invitation to the Chamber to participate. -3- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 5-2-1966 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) A letter from City Attorney Shellan submitted stencil of proposed franchise ordinance to Colorcable, Inc. Discussion ensued as to placement of cables and it was pointed out that installations are under supervision of the City Engineer. A letter from Chester Biesen, Executive Secretary, Assn. of Washington Cities, acknowledged receipt of proposed amendment to RCW 82.04.430 (Metro Tax) and the matter will be referred to the Resolutions Committee. A letter from John M. Larson, Mayor, City of Yakima, extended invitation to the Municipal Officials to attend the Annual Statewide Convention of the Association of Washington Cities in Yakima on May 11 - 13, 1966. A letter from Richard M. Stredicke, President, General Printing Co., Inc. advised of sale of the Renton Enterprise to Valley Publishing Company, Inc., of Kent which in- cluded legal advertising contract with the City of Renton. The new owners will honor the contract during the remainder of the year at the contract rate of 93� for 100 words on first insertion and 83� for 100 words on subsequent insertions. Mr. Stredicke expressed his pleasure to have held the City contract for the past four years and in working with the Mayor, Council and City employees and extended thanks for the courtesies received during his associations with the City. A letter from the Renton Enterprise, under the new management, reaffirmed agreement to publish the legal advertising at no rate change and General Manager Herbert E . Vedder anticipated mutual pleasant relationships in establishing satisfactory dead- lines and services. APPOINTMENTS : A letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Sven Johnson as Building Director for the City of Renton, confirmation of which will authorize reclassification to Pay Grade 26, Range C, effective for paying purposes as of April 18th. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the appointment. The motion carried. Mr. Johnson was introduced at this time by Mayor Custer. A letter read from Mayor Custer requested Council concurrence in the appointment of Mr. William Gebenini to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Dan Huntington on the Renton Aviation Board, effective upon confirmation by the Council. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the appointment by the Mayor. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: President of the Council Hulse submitted Committee of the Whole report recommending the Council endorse the Mayor's program for installation of new street signs and renaming of streets and avenues in North and South Renton as presented, and that signs be purchased as displayed. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Councilwoman Dahlquist suggested a letter of thanks be directed to the Eagles in appreciation for the honor night extended the City Officials and employees on April 27th. Gianini requested to be excused at this time to attend another meeting and was granted his request. Councilman Poli, Light and Power Committee Chairman, submitted report recommending the following street light installations: One - 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Light on the second pole north of S .E. 112th Street on 115th Avenue S.E . and that the pole immediately east of 115th Avenue S .E. on S .E . 112th Street be moved to the inter- section of the two streets. Also, installation of one 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor light on pole #9812 at 115th Avenue S .E . Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendations. Carried. Further Light and Power Committee report recommended that the Ordinance which gives Colorcable, Inc. authority to operate in the City of Renton be intended for use of Cables for general reception purposes and in the event further services are extended and fees charged by Colorcable, Inc. for closed circuit, etc., then the Franchise Fee shall be renegotiated. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. -4- � a Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 5-2-1966 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont.) New Business: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 3279 through 3344, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council for payment at this time. Carried. Fund Breakdown follows: Current Fund #3279 - 3312 $ 1,364.18 City Street Fund 3313 - 3314 2,630.00 Arterial Street Fund 3315 3.98 Off-Street Parking 3316 100.00 Equipment Rental 3317 - 3324 193.76 Parks 3325 - 3329 2,727.45 Water Works Utility 3330 - 3339 25,362.37 1965 Water & Sewer Const. 3340 2,568.53 Airport Fund 3341 - 3342 59.66 Firemen's Pension Fund 3343 - 3344 23.00 $ 35,032.93 Councilman Hulse called attention to revised Capital Improvement lists furnished the Council Members and hoped that everyone would familiarize themselves with the list and background information, the list to be basis for the priority of capital improvements in the forthcoming budget. Councilman Hulse inquired whether the Mayor might contact the manager of the Metro transit service, County Commissioner Scott Wallace and representatives of the Boeing Company for a better bus schedule, especially to serve the 8:00 a.m.- 8:12 a.m. Kenneydale area. Another point of inquiry was the possibility of arranging parking near the bus line so cars could park away from the industrial areas. Councilman Hulse advised that he will be unable to attend the Association of Washington Cities Convention in Yakima and suggested an alternate voting delegate be designated. Upon inquiry as to attendance, it was moved by Perry and seconded by Bruce, that Councilman Garrett be designated as alternate voting delegate.to the conference. Carried. --- Councilman Hulse had inquired . if the FCC should be contacted regarding the City Franchise to Colorcable, Inc.-reporting City Atty. Shellan advised that we are granting a street use permit and it is up to the Colorcable Company to stay witbin legal requirements of the Federal Communications System. Councilman Schellert called attention to progression of the proposed annexation of Kaczmarek et al properties prior to admittance of findings regarding rock quarry. It was pointed out that Review Board dispensation had been affirmed as provided in this case and therefore no conditions had been brought to light but also several public hearings had been held at which time such requests might have been made and the matter discussed. Councilman Schellert called attention to the current issue of Western Cities magazine and an article wherein Cities were urged to take advantage of interest savings through bond refunding. The author, Carlton L. Nau, is Vice President of Foster & Marshall, Inc. and the bond and saving list which denoted: 1% savings on interest under the new enabling legislation for Renton with the next highest .75% and on down to .0032 of 1% savings so it was felt the City fared very well. Councilman Schellert commended the City Clerk's office and City Treasurer's office on recently published Financial Report for the City of Renton and special attention was called to Chapter 10 which allows review and comparison with other cities. Councilman Garrett added his approval of the report and the work displayed in departmental efforts during the past decade. Councilman Garrett stated that since the City has been alerted by the City Engineer as to the hazard at the rock quarry and with the City being on three sides and the people residing in the area opposing apartments perhaps their concern was to avoid getting into the problem described by the City Engineer, it might be well to contact the County Commissioners and put them on notice to prevent anything from happening. Councilman Perry, Pro Tem Chairman of the Property Committee called for a public meeting on May 17th at 7:00 p.m. to discuss whether the City should sell or lease property on the East bank of the City River. City Attorney Shellan was invited to attend. -5- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 5-2-1966 New Business: (Cont.) Councilman Morris concurred in the remarks regarding the fine jGh. on the annual Finance Report from the City Clerk's office. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordira nce Committee, submitted a proposed Ordinance of -the City of Renton, Washington changing the zoning classification of certain property within the city of Renton from General Classification District (G-7200) to Residential District (R-3) which was read by the Deputy City Clerk. (Bruce Buck Property) Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordinance No. 2233 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. Councilman Morris advised that copies of a proposed Ordinance relative to the disposition of Lake Washington Beach property will be furnished each member of the council and it was requested that members bring their copies back next week for further action on the matter. Councilman Delaurenti suggested the Clerk read the ordinance for introduction this evening. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Ordinance be placed on first reading at this time. Upon verbal vote the Mayor declared the ayes to have it and roll call was requested by two council members. Roll call vote resulted as follows: Aye: Bruce, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Morris. No: Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist and Morris . The motion carried. After first reading, it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that the proposed ordinance be held for second reading at the next regular Council meeting. As there was no further business to come before the Council and no audience comment from the floor, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m. There were 59 visitors in the Council Chambers. Gw0i Marshall, Deputy 'City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor -6- L RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. May 9, 1966 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. i ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Gordon Eridksen, Planning Director, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent and Gene Coulon, Park Director, APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 11106 $ 500.00 Raymond and Irene Smuda 219 Park Street Reside Residence 107 1,000400 Sunset Outdoor Advertising 9118 State Hwy. 1-L Steel Sign 108 150.00 Agnes Guillingsrud 606 Fifth Avenue Repair Fire Damage 109 500.00 F. J. Dillehay 351 Bronson Way No. Addition to Residence 11110 100.00 Delbert Teter 2102 - 8th P1. No. Remodel Building 111 332.00 Fred Squire 3218 - 8th Ave. No. Wire Residence 112 500.00 Fannie Wright 520 Mill Street Roofing Residence 113 800.00 Renton Center Car Wash Renton Shopping Center Wire gas pumps-Canopy 114 7,000.00 Wn. Jockey Club Longacres Wire Grandstand Add'n. 11115 500400 Louis Peretti 207 Sunset Hwy. East Illuminated Sign 116 900/00 Leonard Siebert 1250945th Ave. So. Wire Residence 117 4tyidO Renton Nursing Rome 516 Wells Street Wire to Code 118 2,500.06 Ronald Pearson 510 "0" Street Addition to Residence 119 1,200,00 0. C. Rouse 821 "E" Street Reside & Roof Garage 11120 21,404.00 Bill Jessen 3419-11th P1, No. New Residence 121 19,600.00 Bell & Valdez, Inc. Rolling Hills #2 New Residence 122 19,000.00 ?I it Court A - 3825 New Residence 123 4,550.00 it it 11 11Rolling Hills #1 Wire 7-Unit Apartments 124 3,900.00 " it " " Rolling Hills #1 Wire 6-Unit Apartment 11125 3,900.00 " Rolling Hills #1 Wire 6-Unit Apartment 126 1,300.00 " " " Rolling Hills #1 Wire 2-Unit Apartment 127 10.00 Joe Webb 836 "D" Street Fence 128 3,000.00 Stan Kaczmarek 75 Rainier Avenue Wire Restaurant 129 19,800.00 William R. Asher 11505 Sunset Blvd. D. Block Tavern 11130 100.00 Leonard G. Davis 2512 - 5th Avenue No. Sideyard Fence 131 12,000.00 Renton Clothing 812 - Third Avenue Remodel Building 132 50.00 Pacific N.W. Bell 701 - 3rd Avenue Wire Phone Booth 133 600.00 Richfield Oil Co. 1520 Bronson Way ".--place Sign 134 600.00 Richfield Oil Company 101 Rainier Ave. No. Sign 11135 2,300.00 Realty Investors, Inc. 2718 - 8th Ave. No. Wire Triplex PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7832 - - - - - William Jackson 3420-11th P1. No. Plumbing Fixtures 33 - - - - - Ashley Bridgham 9804 - 108th Ave. SE Gas Installations 34 - - - - - G. F. Pomeroy 506 - 13th Avenue So. Plumbing Fixtures 7835 - - - - - Archie Gustine 111 Meadow Street Plumbing Fixtures 36 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3327 Rolling Hills Pl. S.-Plumbing Fixtures 37 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3329 Rolling Hills Pl. S. Plumbing Fixtures 38 - - - - - Dr. Leonard Siebert 12508-85th Ave. S. Plumbing Fixtures 39 - - - - - Renton Village Company Renton Village Heating Equipment 7840 - - - - - Joe Boehme 9634 - 106th S.E . Plumbing Fixtures 41 - - - - - Nolan Dickason 2223 Sunset Blvd. Plumbing Fixtures 42 - - - - - Wm. Lovell 1060 "K" Street Plumbing Fixtures 43 - - - - - Herb Hackman 533 Roger Street Plumbing Fixtures 44 - - - - - Fred Squire 3218 - 8th Ave. No. Gas Installations 7845 - - - - - J. Carver 1115 "N" Place Plumbing Fixttres 46 - - - - - Roger Peterson 11014 - 115th S.E. Gas Installations 47 - - - - - John Strnard 2115 - 10th Avenue No. Heating Equipment 48 - - - - - Bell & Valdez, Inc. Lot 23, Bllr. 2, RH#2 Gas Installations 49 - - - - - Bell & Valdez, Inc. Rolling Hills 42 Gas Installations 7850 - - - _ W. D. Smith 3269 Rolling Hills Ave. Gas Installation -1- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 5-9-66 PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: (Coni.) NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 7851 $ - - - - - Jack L. Anton 3276 Rolling Hills Ave. S . Gas Installations 52 - - - - - Robert C. Extrum 3341 Court A. Rolling Hills Gas Installations 53 - - - - - U.G. N. Building 9395 So. 180th Street Plumbing Fixtures 54 - - - - - Don Holm 238 Main Street Heating Equipment 7855 - - - - - Russ Herr 12431 Rainier Ave. So. Gas Installations Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, May 2nd Minutes be approved with Page 2, last paragraph corrected to read that Morris seconded the motion to deny Planning Commission rezone recommendation in lieu of Poli,and Page 6, Paragraph 3, be corrected to include Poli among Aye Roll call vote. Carried. HEARING: Proposed Annexation - Kaczmarek et al properties (Continued from May "&, 1966 Ntabled.) Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, that the matter be taken from the table. Carried. The hearing was declared continued and inasmuch as there were no new communications verbal comment was invited. Upon request,Planning Director Ericksen outlined the area on the land use map advising that the Comprehensive Plan indicates this zoned as Single Family Residential. Audience comment was invited and Mrs. Elizabeth Jackson submitted a Petition containing approximately 70 signatures opposing the annexation on basis of existing gravel pit hazard, and questions of proposed use of the area . It was pointed out that the hazard exists irrespective of whether annexed or in the County and that the adjacent city residents would have greater recourse if the property were annexed and the City would also have control as might be required. It was pointed out that the zoning and use of the property was not now before the Council. Mr. Kaczmarek outlined the plans for development of the area and it was moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, that the hearing be closed. Carried.Discussion.xegarding the gravel pit and access followed, after which it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Gianini, to accept the annexation as proposed with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee, all prior actions having been taken as provided by law. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from Bellevue Bulldozing, Inc., James L. Evans, President advised of billing per invoice No. 3699 in sum of $302.76 as result of repair to tank foundations at Wn. Natural Gas Co. Peat Shaving Plan on 13th Avenue; •.ttti,§ claim was alleged to have resulted due to Renton water works tank overflowing. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the City Attorney abd the City's insurance carrier. The motion carried. It was pointed olit that the Claim was riot filed within timely provisions of law. A letter from City Engineer Jack Wilson submitted estimate No. 2 payable to Western States Construction Company in sum of $2,031.13 for work completed to date on the covering of the Highlands Reservoir Roof. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the Estimate payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. The motion carried. A letter from Mayor Custer submitted statement from Louis Peretti in sum of $200.00 for appraisal work authorized on certain properties located between Logan and Burnett Streets North along proposed route of 3rd Avenue North. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Ways and Means Committee for funding. Carried. A Petition was read requesting vacation of a portion of 10th Place North from J Street intersection northeasterly to intersection with M Street. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to refer the Petitions to the City Engineer to check validity of signatures. The motion carried. A letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer expressed some concern on behalf of the Utilities Department regarding increased practice of underground power installations, insofn-,as watermains and services might be affected. To minimize possibilities of injury or disruption of service it was recommended that the City pass legislation to establish standards for burying electrical power covering location, depth of placement, -� method of marking.sach as built maps, and use of conduit for certain voltages. Any further information will be furnished by the Utilities Department. Moved by Morris, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. A letter was read from Petitioners of previous week, represented by Committee of five, thanking the Council for action taken in regard to denial of rezone to R-4 and R-3 of properties owned by the King County Hospital District, to be declared surplus so that money may be applied on new hospital project which may be realized from sale thereof. A second letter from the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, Ernest Coleman, requested that the Council reconsider the petition and approve the rezone as x?commended by the Planning Commission. Moved by Morris, se-onded by H,zlse 45 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 5-9-66 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) King Co. Hospital Property Rezone Denial that the King County Hospital Boards communication be filed with the City Clerk. Audience comment was invited. Mr. Charles P. Curran, one of the Commission members, requested to bring the matter back before the Council for presentation of engineering studies and planned units to illustrate the type of use that could be made of the property and to show that the type of development anticipated would not be detrimental to property values in the area . It was pointed out that a rezone will be required prior to any utilization of the area and it was desired that a use felt to be compatible with the area be utilized and that with the slope at this time from I to E Street the high rise problem was not a concern for objection and if a presentation could be made the fears might be allayed. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Gianini, that the motion - to refer to the Planning Committee for meeting with the people and the Board of Hospital Commissioners, be substituted for the pending motion to file with ,the City Clerk. Dis- cussion disclosed that such action would render the matter finished and there would be no further reconsideration, requirements being that the matter be reconsidered at the meeting following and the motion must be introduced for action by person who had voted on the prevailing side in the original vote_ Dissenting voice vote on the pending motion resulted in request for roll call by at least two members and the roll call vote was taken as follows: Aye: Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Garrett and Poli. No: Bruce, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Morris. Discussion ensued as to whether the hospital board would consider an R-2 zoning and Mr. Curran advised they would like to sit down together and work something out and Mr. Graham upon inquiry advised that the petitioners would agree to R-1 or 2 but would oppose the R-4. Moved by Trimm, seconded17 by Perry,to reconsider the action of last week. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Dahlquist that the matter of this rezone be referred to the Planning Committee to meet with a committee of the people and if they desire to call in someone from the Hospital District. Mr. Tonda and Mr. Boblets.expressed objection to the Commission request referring to length of time the matter has been pending. Mr. Curran wished to meet with the Planning Committee with his Board to discuss the problems. The pending motion carried. Chairman of the Planning Committee Trimm requested Mr. Graham to meet with him followi^.g this meeting for further pursuance of the matter. ,, recess was designated at this time. After the recess roll call was taken and all Council Members were present as previously listed. -- A letter from Pacific Northwest Bell, G. C. Blackaller, advised that a lease has been completed for the required number of parking spaces relative to addition to building at 225 Williams Street, with the Peoples Bank, until some permanent or other mutually satis- factory agreement with the City can be made. Suggestions on the matter were invited. Discussion ensued relative to zoning of the leased area, length of the lease and whether the lessor had adequate parking provided without the leased area for his own compliance . Moved by Hulse, seconded by Morris, that the matter be referred to the Building Director to work with the Planning Director in making determinations as to compliance in each case and report back. Carried. A letter was read from Norma Cugini, Secretary, Renton Municipal Arts Commission advising of Resolution recommending that no further planting be done of permanent shrubs, trees, flowers or other permanent landscaping in the Civic Center area or Cedar River bank, until such time as a comprehensive landscaping plan has been adopted. A letter from Robert E . Meriwether & Associates requested opportunity to discuss the possibility of using eight feet of Puget Drive as a planting strip in the area contiguous to proposed plat of Rolling Hills No. 3, and to use a portion of the City Reservoir site No. 1 for park facilities, necessary clearing and grading therefor to be done by the developer. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to refer this request to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. Letter was read from the City Clerk and City Engineer requesting to expend approximate $91.00 from Cumulative Fund 1182 to replace worn out secretarial chairs in said Depart- ments. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to grant the request, authorizing the expendi- ture. Carried. A letter was read from Dr. Baird Bardarson summarizing actions taken by the Council in the disposition of the 3.5 acres of Lake Washington Beach property,questioning the pur- suit of the transaction, stating it to be against public will, beyond price, never for sale, and speedy development for opening to the public was urged. Moved by Schellert and seconded by Dahlquist that the letter be tabled subject to reading of the ordinance relating to the subject matter. The motion carried. -3- 46 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 5-9-66 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) A letter read from Planning Director Gorden Ericksen, submitted Planning Commission recommendations from its public hearing meeting of April 27, 1966 as follows: (1) Rezone application No. R-311.-66 by A. W. Myers, property located on 90th Avenue South between South 128th and South 129th Streets from R-1 to R-3, which classification would be in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Poli, seconded by Morris, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. (2) Rezone application No. 312-66 by Charles Shane for property located on the South side of Maple Valley Highway and extending East from Stoneway Dock Co. to the existing gas station site and Northerly to existing apartments, from R-3 to B-1. Moved by Morris, seconded by Burce, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. This classification is in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. (3) Rezone request of Charles Bigley, Appl. No. R-318-66 for property on North Williams Street between 2nd Avenue and 3rd Avenue North from R-2 to R-3 for 6-unit apartment usa which is in agreement with the Cumprehensive Plan. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. (4) Rezone application No. R-319-66 by Wigwam stores and Highlands Enterprises on property located North of Sunset Blvd. East, lying West of the power line right- of-way from GS-1 to B-1, which is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to concur. Carried. (5) Rezone request, Appl. No. R-320-66, Mike Potoshnik, Jr., on property located on SW corner of Marian Street and Houser Way North from R-2 to L-1, in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan, Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the rezone. Carried. (6) Rezone application No. R-321-66 by Peoples National Bank, Frank Bonnell and Barbara dolt, on property in vicinity of Rainier Avenue and 92nd Avenue South from G to B-1 which agrees with Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the rezone classification. Carried. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert that these six rezones be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. A letter from the Renton Housing Authority had reported no objection to the rezone of the Wigwam property adjacent to its new housing development for the elderly.(Item 4) A letter from Douglas K. Felker advised that Mr. Chester Biggi-,ns had retained services to appeal the adverse decision of the Planning Commission on variance request regarding construction of an apartment building at 918 G Place. Date of hearing was requested. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, that May 23rd be set for hearing on this appeal. Carried. Mr. Felker advised also of being retained by Realty Investors, Inc. to appeal Planning Commission decision regarding denial of request for variance in apartment building construction at Block 3, Fairview Terrace, Renton. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that May 23rd be set for hearing on this matter. Carried. A letter from Mr. Kay D. Jones, Executive Vice-President, Stoneway Concrete, appealed decision of Planning Commission regarding variance request in construction of addition to shop building at edge of property bordering the Maple Valley Highway. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, that June 6th be set for hearing on this matter. The motion carried. A letter from Louis Barei submitted resignation from membership on the Board of Trustees of the Renton Public Library, primary purpose of completion of the new facility having been achieved. Mr. Barei expressed thanks to the City officials and members of city government for cooperation and ef-r- is in aiding to make the library plan a reality. He expressed appreciation for the opportunity of serving his community and steps down to give another interested citizen a chance to serve. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, that the resignation be accepted with reluctance and that a letter be forwarded to express the Council's thanks and commendation for a job well done. Carried. A letter from Gene L. Coulon, Parks and Recreation Director, advised on behalf of the Park 'hoard that in event the Talbot Hill reservoir property becomes surplus, the Board is interested in the site for park purposes providing it proves feasible for such use. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the request to the Property Committee. Carried. PROCLAMATIONS : A letter from Mayor Custer recognized the patriotic merits of the V.F.W. Poppy Sale which profits benefit the disabled and needy veterans and widower and orphans of deceased veterans and urged support by all patriotic citizens as evidence of gratituee to those •,7": '. ave r:'akcd the-*-r live.^ it defense of the freedom Fnjoved as Ameiican citi.sen . 4'7, Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 5-9-66 PROCLAMATIONS: (Cont.) Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the Mayor's Proclamation for VFW Poppy Sale. Carried. A Proclamation by Mayor Custer further called upon the people of the area to observe al- w the Poppy Days distribution by the American Legion Auxiliary on May 20 and 21, 1966, to benefit rehabilitation of war veterans and to aid their families. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli ,; to concur in the Proclamation. Carried. Proclamation was read wherein May 15-21, 1966 was proclaimed by the Mayor as National Public Works Week in the City of Renton. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the Proclamation by the Mayor. The motion carried. .... COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Councilman Hulse, President of the Council, submitted report recommending that the proposed Ordinance creating a Board of Adjustment be placed on first reading this evening. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur. The motion carried. Councilman Garrett, Chairman, Submitted Street and Alley Committee report which was read and which had been signed by the City Engineer and Street Commissioner, recommending that in considering bids received for paving of 4th Avenue North, opened on May 2nd, the low bid of Rainier Asphalt Paving Company, in the sum of $63,820.00 be accepted and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract upon approval by the City Attorney. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. Street and Alley Committee report was read with Council actions taken as follows: 1. Truck Loading Zones in Municipal Parking Lot #2 - Recommended that Holmes Electric apply for Loading Zones in accordance with Ordinance 2041, Section 76, which requires fee of $25.00 per stall to be paid upon issuance expiring at the end of one year. June lst shall be date for conformation. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. C<lrried. 2. Relative to request of the Traffic Engineer for authorization to expend funds for purchase of ornamental steel traffic signal poles at intersection of 3rd and Williams Streets, from Cumulative Fund 1184, it was recommended that the funding in approximate sum of $1,100.00 be allowed as requested. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley and Ways and Means Committees who had submitted this repert.Carried. Councilman Perry reported that as of last Friday 2810 Boy Scouts have signed up to participate in the Fun For All to be held in Cedar River and Liberty Parks May 21 and 22nd. The Public Relations Committee is to oversee the activity. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that Vouchers No. 3345 through 3421, having been previously :approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council for payment at this time. Carried. Fund Breakdown follows: Current 3345 - 3374 $ 1,497.87 City Street 3375 - 3380 346.35 No. Menton Interchg. App. Const. 2281 345,836.08 Cedar River M. & I . 3382 229.76 Equipment Rental Fund 3383 - 3396 105511.06 Parks- 3397 - 3403 181.66 Water Works, Utility Fund 3404 - 3416 1,227.15 1965 Water & Sewer Const. 3417 - 3418 14,000.00 Airport Fund 3419 - 3421 346.55 $374,176.48 .... Councilman Hulse submitted for reading,tetter from the Park Board requesting that the Cedar River Park area be set aside for park and recreation purposes. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Councilman Hulse submitted letter from Renton High School, Charles E. Talmage, Vice- Principal, ice-Principal, which was read by the Clerk, requesting that Burnett Street immediately North of Second Avenue be blocked off to allow graduating seniors to board the train at approximately 10:00 p.m. on June 9th and 6:30 a.m. June 10th during their return. There will: be about 600 students. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Morris, to grant the request under supervision of the Police Department, Street Commissioner and Fire Chief. Carried. -5 y Minutes -- Renton City Oeuneil Meeting 5-9-1966 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: NEW BUSINESS: Cont Councilman Hulse advised of receiving inquiries as to whether water has been installed at the Kiwanis Park and Bob Puhich advised that a 3-inch meter has been installed and will handle both sprinkling and water facilities. Mr. Hulse inquired regarding the construction of a shelter building and Park Board Member Tom Teasdale reported making trips to various locations and tentative selection of a plan which will have to be pro- portioned for our needs, no fees for architectural planning having been allotted. After inquiry by Park Board Member, Mrs. Shideler, regarding budgeting procedures, Park Director Coulon reported that request for authorization to call for bids would be sub- mitted to the Council within a week or two. Councilwoman Dahlquist requested that the Council authorize purchase of "Kew Parking Bibliography a publication to be placed in the Council Committee meeting room for use by the Traffic Advisory Committee and others who may be interested, the current issue of Nation's Cities reporting availability of the brochure compiled after two years of study. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Schellert, that the Council authorize this purchase from its fund. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington amending Chapter 7 (Zoning) of Title IV, (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton", establishing a Board of Adjustment, defining its duties and powers and appointing members thereof, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to place the proposed Ordinance on second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2234 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. A proposed Ordinance was introduced for first reading declaring that an emergency exists and appropriating monies for the purpose of providing for the payment of necessary capital outlay expenses necessitated by such emergency, which was read by the Clerk. ($15,000.00 unto Airport Fund, Dept. 7200, Capital OUtlay, Acct. 601, Land Acquisition) Moved by Trimm, seconded by Perry, that the document be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper publication as required by law. Carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington providing for the acquisition and purchase of certain water front property in exchange for other property, and cash payments for the development and improvement of Lake Washington Beach Park site; determining such exchange and acquisition to be beneficial and useful; authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to make, execute and deliver proper con- veyances to effect such exchange and acquisition, which was read by the City Clerk when introduced for first reading on May 2, 1966. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to place the proposed Ordinance on second and final reading as recommended by the Law and Ordinance Committee. Matter 'of tabled communications relative to this property was brought up. Discussion thereon was allowed by members of the audience. Mr. Gary Cornell felt that the ratter should be brought more to the eye of the public before U people made a 'decision which would affect children and grand children of the people. Mr. Charles Stimson, as Chairman of the Lake Washington Save Our Park Committee, submitted petitions with names of 1-200 Gignatories who did not want to sell the park property and requested the Council to consider said persons present in the Council chairs in protest. Dr. Baird Bardarson questioned the declaration of the area as unfit and unusable for park purposes, which in his opinion was beautiful and lovely land, and wished to hear the facts finding it to be otherwise. Section II: of the proposed Ordinance was read - - "It is found in particular that the land-parcel described in sub-paragraph (d) hereinabove (and in Exhibit "A" hereto) is no longer useful, advantageous or beneficial for such beach perk use and development, and that an exchange thereof for adjoining property containing waterfrontage is more useful advantageous and beneficial and is in the public interest and for the public benefit. It is further found and determined that the sum of $92,500.00 in cash receivable in such propert} exchange should be used and applied solely for the development, improvement, and betterment of the total beach park facilities including the additional waterfrontage and such funds shall not be used for other purposes." - - In further discussion from the floor Mr. Dean C. Johraus reported signatures represented only persons contacted not taking into account those not contacted who would oppose. Reverend John Burleson advised that he was not in accord with sale of the property but that he felt that the Council Members, however they vote, will be acting as they see best in the public interest and not big business as was suggested. It was his feeling that the crowding by industry in itself would tend to make the area unfit for park purposes. The need for boating facilities in the area was stated and in concern for waterfront park facilities being provided it was felt anything which may prc'-. _same should be .,trongly rv:si�ted. Rev, ;urloson pointed out that with such an -6- Mdnutew • Menton city Qeunall Meeting 5-9-.66 49 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (Cont.) Lake Wn. Beach property arouce .of interest perhaps all of the petitioners would be willing to support a bond issue at another election for development of the park. Mrs. Bardarson deemed the Council. irresponsive to public wishes pointing out the influence upon Council positions of 1000 votes . Mr. Mike Beard a new resident of the area stated his amazement at lack of boating facilities. Mr. Paul Maxin approving the exchange of the properties noted that there are 25,000 residents to be considered and felt that working at Boeing, should not affect petitioning as is deemed ,justifiable, a point of discussion mentioned earlier. After discussion relative to utilization of the property to be acquired by Puget Sound Power & Light Company in the exchange, the pending motion was carried, to place the document on second and final reading. After the final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gianini, to adopt Ordinance 2235 as read. Roll call vote iaas taken as foliov:s: Aye: Bruce, Gianini, Garrett, Trimm, Perry and Delaurenti. No: Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Poli and Morris. The motion carried with six aye votes and five no votes. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Gianini, that the absent Councilman be excused. Carried. The Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton authorizing transfer of Current Funds as follows: From: Building Maintenance Department 1800, Acct. 417, Materials and Supplies, $723.04 unto Building Maintenance Department 1800, Acct. 606, Capital Outlay, Machinery and Equipment. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Resolution No. 1373 as read. Carried. Councilman M,rris requested a meeting of the Ordinance Committee on May 16th at 7:15 p.m.. with Colorcable, Inc. representative and the Light and Power Committee was invited to be present. Fire Chief Walls called attention to the meeting of the Puget Sound Firemen's .Association at the Main Headquarters Fire Station at 8:00 p.m. tomorrow, May 10th. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. Mayor -� City Cierk -7- RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. May 16, 1966 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Bruce Hulse, Acting Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL•.MEMBERS: Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Garrett, Trimm, Pedersen, Poli, Delaurenti, Perry and Morris. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Gianini, that the absent Councilman be excused. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent and Marcella Hillgen, Librarian. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 11136 $ t,200.00 Francis Yankeh 841 "P" Street Remodel Garage 137 180.00 Robert Cross 816 "N" Place Remodel Residence 138 400.00 Herb Hackman 533 Roger Street Wire Residence 139 150.00 Mylis Pratt 1048 "G" Street Remodel Wiring 11140 750.00 Donald Jacobs 13008-87th Ave. So. Wire Residence 141 140.00 R. G. Herr 12431 Rainier Ave. So. Wire restaurant 142 400.00 Robert Shane 11638 S .E. 100th St. Wire Residence 143 180.00 Frances Yankeh 841 "Pt1 Street Rewire Garage 144 1,560.00 0. J. Harder 202 Tobin Street Wire Office 11145 2,500.00 Standard Oil Co. Burnett & 3rd Avenue Sign 146 300.00 Rick Trujillo 2nd Avenue & Burnett Sign 147 1,550.00 The Boeing Company Renton Village Signs 148 150.00 Stephen Surcamp 12823-90th Ave. So. Fence 149 50.00 Highlands Convalescent Home 11240-116th S.E. Wire corrections 11150 450.00 Rudy Zaputil 11631 S.E. 105th P1. Wire Residence 151 450.00 Lewis Purcell 11600 S .E. 105th Pl. Wire Residence PLUMBING AND HEATING PERMITS: 7856 - - - - - - Charles Shane 111 Maple Valley Hwy. Plumbing Fixtures 57 - - - - - - Mylis Pratt 1048 "G" Street Gas Installation 58 - - - - - - Nick Angelo 324 Mill Street Gas Installation 59 - - - - - - William Reynolds 10202-115th S.E. Gas Installation 7860 - - - - - - Wesley Lackeri 3210-11th Ave. No. Gas Installation 61 - - - - - - Elmer Gall 424 North Wells St. Gas Installation 62 - - - - - - Bob Shane 11638 S .E. 100th St. Plumbing Fixtures 63 - - - - - - Bob Shane 11626 S.E. 100th St. Plumbing Fixtures 64 - - - - - - Herb Hackman 533 Roger Strept Plumbing Fixtures 7865 - - - - - - Herbert Heatherington 559 "E`T Street Gas Installations 66 - - - - - - Robert Cross 816 "N" Place Plumbing Fixtures 67 - - - - - - Lewis Purcell 11600 S .E . 105th P1. Gas Installation 68 - - - - - - Rudy Zaputil 11613 S.E . 105th Pl. Plumbing Fixtures 69 - - - - - - Lewis Purcell 11600 - 105th Place Plumbing Fixtures 7870 - - - - - - Bell & Valdez, Inc. 1604-1616 Puget Dr. SE Plumbing Fixtures 91 - - - - - - Bell & Valdez, Inc. 3313 Court C Plumbing Fixtures 72 - - - - - - Bell & Valdez, Inc. 1905 SE 19th Ct. Plumbing Fixtures 73 - - - - - - Bell & Valdez, Inc. 2004 S.E. 19th Ct. Plumbing Fixtures 74 - - - - - - Bell & Valdez, Inc. 2002 S .E . 19th Ct. Plumbing Fixtures 7875 - - - - - - Bell & Valdez, Inc. 2000 S.E. 19th Ct. Plumbing Fixture, 76 - - - - - - Bell & Valdez, Inc. 1904 S .E. 19th Ct. Plumbing Fixtures 77 - - - - - - Robert Shane 11634 S.E. 100th Plumbing Fixtures 78 - - - - - - Charles Wiehoff 526 Roger Street Plumbing Fixtures 7879 - - - - - - Brodell & Brodell 14725-130th Pl. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of May 9, 1966 be approved as circulated. Carried. -1- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 5-16-66 PUBLIC HEARING: Appeal of Planning Commission Decision on rezone of George Butco property The Clerk reported request by Mr. Douglas Felker,who has been retained by Mr. Butco, that the Hearing be continued for sixty days to 7-18-66. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, that the petition for continuation be denied. In ensuing discussion it was pointed out that the zoning requested was not in agreement with the City's Comprehensive Plan and that there were objectors who were prepared to submit protest at the hearing and it was not felt that any new facts could be presented since the ones at time of the Planning Commission dLsnial of the rezone. The pending motion carried. The Hearing was declared open. There were no new communications and audience comment for or against the proposal was invited. Mr. Ericksen advised that a petition �... with 18 or 20 signatures had opposed the rezone and in view of request of property owner for the extension all parties had been so advised which has probably accounted for the absence of representatives. After further discussion regarding the fact that the property could not be rezoned being in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan and confirmation of same by the City Attorney, and discussion relative to the fee paid by the applicant and action of the Planning Department in notification of imminbInt denial, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Pedersen, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the denial of the rezone as per the previous Planning Commission ruling. Upon inquiry, it was pointed out that the property is located on the S.E. corner of Earlington St., at its inter- section with 4th Avenue West near the Earlington Elementary School. The pending motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Emergency Ordinance appropriating $15,000.00 unto Airport Fund for purchase of Parcel "A" made available through revision of the inner harbor line. This proposed Ordinance was introduced and placed on first reading on May 9th. The Hearing was declared open, and the Clerk reported no new communications had been received. Audience oomment was invited and as none was forthcoming, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: ., Application was read from Edna Loss, owner of Spot Tavern, requesting license to operate a Shuffleboard device at said place of business. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from City Engineer Jack Wilson reported regarding petition for vacation of a portion of 10th Place North, between "J" and "K" Streets, that the petition was signed by owners representing 63.15% of abutting property owners which percentage failed to meet minimum two-thirds requirement according to R.C.W. 35.79. Applicants will be notified by the City Clerk. A letter from Building Director Johnson recommending granting of a Revocable Permit to Standard Oil Company for a sign was read. The installation will be made at Reid and Cooks at the corner of Burnett and 3rd Avenue and is in accordance with allowances under provisions of City Ordinance. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur with the recommendation allowing use of right of way publicly owned as provided by Ordinance. Carried. A letter read from the Record-Chronicle advised that the Record-Chronicle Publishing Company purchased the Renton Enterprise May 4, 1966 and the Record-Chronicle will publish legals for the City for the remainder of this fiscal year at the same rate as was charged by the Enterprise. Inquiry and discussion ensued as to legal status of the City's publications and City Attorney Shellan advised that the City should �., receive written confirmation that the Record-Chronicle has assumed the obligations of the Enterprise and of the City's contract for legal publications in its purchase thereof. The Clerk advised that the new Valley 'Times w6uld' circulate generally in the valley area. Also, the City has previously been advised that the Valley Publishing Company was the new owner and would be publishing the City's legals. Moved by . Pedersen, seconded by Schellert, that assuming the Enterprise has been purchased by . the Record Chronicle and the*Chronicle has assumed obligations of thL £nterpri-t1t; the City has no objections otherwise to publication-by the Chronicle. Mr. Miller etated public notices will reach the public as before, subscription lists having been also assumed. The pending motion carried. -2- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 5-16-1966 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) A letter was read from King County Mental Health-Mental Retardation Planning Committee submitting Resolutions adopted by the King County Commissioners and Seattle City Council acknowledging and giving official recognition to the Mental Health Committee. The City was requested to take similar action to affirm the .joint cooperation between Renton and the Planning Committee. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the letter to the Committee of the Whole for discussion. Carried. A letter was read from the American Public Works Association advising of a Western Public Works Conference to be held in Portland, Oregon on June 12-14, 1966. Pre-registr tion form was attached. Councilman Pedersen requested permission to attend this meeti Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that Councilman Pedersen be authorized to attend the conferences and that his expenses be paid as allowed by provision of Ordinance. The motion carried. A letter from the King County Park and Recreation Department acknowledged receipt of the City's letter requesting possible ,joint cooperative efforts in improvements to be made in connection with the park bond issue and advised that the Board had indicated their ten-year comprehensive plan for acquisition of these sites could be updated accordingly. They requested to be advised of the City's progress. APPOINTMENTS: A letter from Mayor Custer requested Council concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Stanley Stone to position on the Renton Planning Commission created by the resignation of Dr. Baird Bardarson. Mr. Stone is an attorney who will be opening a new law firm in Renton. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur.Delaurenti inquired whether Mr. Stone lived in the City limits. It was pointed out that several of the Commissioners do not,residency not being required. Pedersen felt the Commission should be consulted and moved to table the matter for two weeks; second.by .Delaurenti. Verbal Yio prevailed and the motion was declared lost. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, to refer the appointment to the Committee of the Whole. It was pointed out that no personal reference is intended but only satisfaction of inquiries made inasfar as Councilmen were concerned.Garrett and Schellert spoke against the motion giving support to the Mayor's selection deeming it proper to confirm the appointment as is done in his presence, research always given to candidates to be chosen. Mr. Ericksen reported meeting Mr. Stone and advised of his affiliations and background with the Prosecuting Attorney's Office and working on the King County Zoning Ordinance and it was his impression that his appointment would be a very valuable additinn +o the Planning Commission. Vital interest wasevidenced and it was felt that Council action to allow immediate participation in the work of the Commission was to the Cityts advantage. Delaurenti stated his question was a matter of inquiry and that he did not plan to vote against the appointment. Morris, with consent of second withdrew the pending motion. Motion was voted upon as originally stated and the appointment was confirmed. PROCLAMATION: Proclamaticzi by Mayor Custer declared May 25, 1966 as Share the Ride Day in Renton. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the Proclamation. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Councilman Schellert reported that the Capital Improvement Priority Committee had set the date of May 23rd for hearing on the General Government portion of the program and moved that the date of June 6th be set for the hearing instead inasmuch as the Mayor is away and the Architects will have a more detailed report by that date. The motion was secord ed by Delaurenti and carried. Councilman Perry called to mind the Property Committee meeting of Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers to determine whether to surplus property on the East bank of the Cedar River. New Business: Councilman Hulse announced that the Committee of the Whole will meet on Wednesday, May 18, 1966 at 7:00 p.m. Councilman Schellert reported that he and Councilwoman Dahlquist appeared before the Resolutions Committee during the Association Convention .last week and that the Association Committee was very receptive to the City's proposal for Statute revision to eliminate the tax burden on Cities making collections on Metro charges as its agent. Resolution has -3- Minutes of the-Renee City Ceuneil Meeting 5-16-66 S3 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: New us ness: ont. Report by Schellert - Ass'n. of Wn. Cities Convention been adopted by the Association and it was hoped aid could be secured in getting the proposed Bill introduced into the Legislature for consideration at its next session. Councilman and State Representative Garrett stated he would give his support in getting it introduced although he may not guarantee to introduc% pit personally. Councilman Gianini called attention to the first of the season activity by the newly formed Softball team the Renton Jets on May 18th and requested that May 18th be proclaimed Renton Jet Day. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, that such a Proclamation be issued. Carried. Gianini requested to be excused from the Committee of the Whole meeting of May 18th. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, that City of Renton Vouchers No. 3422 through 3527, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be accepted by the Council for payment at this time . The motion carried. Fund Breakdown follows: Current Fund 3422 - 3451 $ 12,123.05 City Street Fund 3452 - 3464 12,821.49 Cedar River M. & I . 3465 - 3469 1,535.97 Off-Street Parking 3470 13.40 Equipment Rental. Fund 3471 - 3485 2,418.14 Library Fund 3486 - 3490 604.92 Park Fund 3491 - 3502 2,271.63 Water Works Utility 3503 - 3518 19,010.18 1965 Water & Sewer Const. 3519 - 3520 2,083.22 Airport 3521 - 3527 371.34 $ 53,253.34 Councilman Delaurenti called attention to the meeting of the Fire and Water Committee at Fire Station $#1 at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 17th. Councilman Garrett requested the Clerk's office to notify Meriwether and Associates that the Street an d Alley Committee will meet with them at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, May 23rd, to discuss their request for use of street right of ways for planting purposes. It was pointed out by Perry that this matter is also in the hands of the Property Committee and suggested a joint meeting. Some use of property for park purposes was also part of the request. Councilman Schellert requested Miss Hillgen, Librarian, to give a report as to how the new library is faring. Miss Hillgen reported that the staff members weren't even feeling nostalgic about the old building as they had thought they would, they liked the new one so well. The building itself is working beautifully with respect to traffic patterns and the space is being filled up and utilized very efficiently. Many compliments have been received and especially from out of State residents. Their big problem at the present time is to get enough books for check out the volume having doubled. Out-siders are willingly paying their fees and the only problem at present might be the live alligator donated to the library which she understands must be hand fed which chore the staff has not quite adjusted-to. Councilman Schellert expressed thanks for her glowing account and expressed his though that this accomplishment is one in;which every citizen of the Community might take pride. Couhtilman Garrett submitted a letter written by the Mayor calling attention to problem area of Houser Way and Third Avenue with respect to pedestrian use. A crosswalk exists but the signal system allows no "safe" crossing phase for pedestrians from the railroad track to the sidewalk across Houser Way (near Volkswagen agency) . It would appear the only solution lies in the installation of an activiated pedestrian crossing signal which would stop traffic from entering the intersection altogether. Mayor Custer had advised the persons calling of the difficulties of providing a pedestrian crossing at this location and that a special appropriation would be required to provide funds for such work. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter be referred to the Traffic Engineer and the Street and Alley Committee for recommendation. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman, presented a proposed emergency Ordinance of the City of Renton declaring such emergency exists and appropriating monies for the purpose of providing for the payment of necessary capital outlay expenses necessi- tated thereby, which was placed on first reading on May 9, 1966. The Committee recommended second and final reading. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur. Carried. The Ordinance which provides for appropriation of $15,000.00 unto the Airport fund in order that the City may exercise its preference right application on Parcel A made available by revision of the inner harbor line, was read.Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist to adopt Ordinance No. 2236 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes . The motion carried, -4- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 5-16-66 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS:(Cont.) The Committee submitted a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City of Renton from General Classification District (G) to Business District (B-1) which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2237 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all members present voting aye. The motion Carried. (Peoples, et al - Rainier Avenue & 92nd Avenue South) The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted a proposed Ordinance of the City changing the zoning classification of certain property within the city of Renton from Residential District (R-3) to Business District (B-1) which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried. After second and final reading, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2238 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all members present voting aye and the motion carried. (Charles Shane property on Maple Valley Highway) The Committee Chairman submitted a proposed ordinance of the City changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City of Renton from Residential District (R-2) to Light Industry (L-1) which was read by the Clerk. (Potoshnick property) Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2239 as read. Carried. The Committee submitted proposed Ordinance changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City of Renton from General Suburban Residence District (GS-1) to Business District (B-1) (Wigwam Stores & Highlands Enterprises property) After intro- ductory reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried. After final reading it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2240 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all members present voting aye. The motion carried. A proposed Ordinance was introduced for first reading changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City from Residential District (R-2) to Residential District (R-3) which was read by the Clerk. (Bigley Property) Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2241 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all members voting aye and the motion carried. A proposed Ordinance was presented changing the zoning classification of certain property within the city from Residential District (R-1) to Residential District (R-3) which was read by the Clerk. (Myers Property) Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2242 as read. Roll call vote was taken and all present voted aye. The motion carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted a propesed Ordinance of the City annexing certain territory to the City of Renton, which was read by the Clerk. (Kaczmarek property, West of 87th So. between South 128th and South 129th Streets) Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to adopt Ordinance No. 2243 as read. Roll call vote resulted in no vote by Schellert and aye votes were cast by all others council members present. The motion carried. The Committee introduced for first reading only at this time,a proposed ordinance of the City granting unto Colorcable, Inc. , a Washington Corporation, the right, privilege, authority and franchise to construct, operate and maintain a coaxial cable subscriber system for television signal distribution within the City imposing provisions, conditions and fees relating thereto. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, -to concur in first read irg.Carried. After the reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer tre document to the Law and Ordinance Committee for holding as required by law. Carried. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Tom Teasdale, Chairman of the Park Board, reported that the Park Department has signed 1260 children up today for swimming lessons and the Council was requested to be alert for more areas for providing additional swimming facili- ties. Councilman Morris inquired whether children of residents within our corporate limits have first chance to swim and was advised that the list is prepared on first come first served basis. Mr. Robert Morris, upon invitation, introduced his daughter Patty Morris, and she in turn introduced Marilyn Parker and Corinne Kennedy, representatives of Renton High School elected to attend Girls' State . Mrs. Gossett added that one member is selected by each of the following organizations: The Soroptimist Club of Renton, the American Legion Auxil- liary and the Altrusa Club. As there was no further business, it was moved by Morris, Is onded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.or � Y g� Y � Cit Clerk 5S RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. May 23, 1966 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Bruce Hulse, Acting Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Garrett, Trimm, Pedersen, Poli, Delaurenti, Perry and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Gordon Ericdsen, Planning Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant and Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTHNT BUILDING DEPARTMENT: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 11152 $ 50.00 H, Eichel, Jr. 1051 "P" Street Wire Rec Room 153 51000.00 Joe Gottstein Longacres Swimming Pool 154 4,000.00 H. M. Edman 10024 - 107th Ave. S.E . Addition to Residence 11155 850.00 Standard Oil Co. 701 Third Avenue West Sign 156 250.00 Elsie Beach 1353 "K" Street Change Electric Service 157 13,800P00 Lloyd Peterson 11311 S.E . 112th St. New Residence 158 11,550.00 Gene Meyer 145 Rainier Avenue Commercial Building 159 778.00 The Boeing Co. 10-65 Bldg.-Garden St. Commercial Bldg. (' 11160 20,800.00 Citizens Federal Savings 13441 S .E . 116th Foundation 161 400.00 H. Eichel, Jr. 1051 "P" Street Enclose Garage 162 100.00 Sunset Advertising 9118 State Hwy. 1-L Wire Sign 163 100.00 Gil's Enterprises 603 Second Avenue Roof Sign 164 200.00 G•il's Enterprises 603 Second Avenue Wire Flood Lights 11165 100,00 F.. J. Dillehay 351 Bronson Way No. New service & heaters 166 250.00 �N. Russell Hall 3704 - 10th Ave. No. Fence 167 6,000,00 Charles M. DuBois 3419 - 7th Pl. No. Addition to Residence 168 16,900.00- Roger Peterson 11010-115th Ave. S.E . New Residence 169 1000.00 William Asher 11505 Sunset Blvd. E . Wire Tavern 11170 70.00 Pete Coffin 641 Wells Street Wire Trailer PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7880 - - - - - Rudy Zaputil 11631 S .E . 105th Plumbing Fixtures 81 - - - - - Ray Aliment 9823 - 106th S .E. Plumbing-Heating Fixts. 82 - Stan Kaczmarek 74 Rainier Avenue Plumbing - Gas Fixtures 83 VOID 84 - - - - - 0. J. Harper 202 Tobin Street Gas Installations 7885 - - - - - Don Jacobs 13008-87th Ave. So. Heating Equipment 86 - - - - - Renton Engineering 405 Village Center Plumbing Fixtures SEWER PERMITS: $ 10.00 Lewis Purcell 11600 S.E. 105th Pl. Side Sewer 2. 100.00 The Boeing Co. Garden Street Sanitary $, Storm Sewers 60.00 Rolling Hills Town House Side Sewer 4 60.00 Bell & Valdez Rolling Hills Village Side Sewer, 5 70.00 Bell & Valdez Rolling Hills Village Side Sewer 6 20.00 Bell & Valdez Rolling Hills Village Side Sewer Moved by Poli, seconded by Pedersen, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of May 16, 1966 be approved as written. The motion carried. 56 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting May 23, 1966 PUBLIC HEARING: Appeal of Planning Commission decision regarding variance denial Douglas K. Felker, Attorney for Chester Biggens This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. As there were no new communi- cations verbal comment was invited and Planning Director Ericksen was requested to report. A map was displayed and the subject area pointed out. The area is surrounded both on the North and South by other apartments and to the West by single family residence, and the variance was requested to permit an additional one bedroom unit.The overall total lot area requirements of the ordinance would be lacking by 728 feet, for the number of units proposed which is three 2-bedroom units and one 1-bedroom unit; and the Commission denied the variance on this basis it being felt a hardship did not exist Mr. Felker, representing Mr. Biggens stated that a hardship does exist as essentially all of the property could be utilized with a variance 'as requested and economically it was not feasible,as recommended by the Commission to build four 1-bedroom units,and in lieu thereof he would probably add a carport which would be of no benefit as he has adequate parking ground. He will construct the same building in any event and if the one-bedroom unit is allowed the property will be utilized to the best reasonable use and benefit which cannot be done now. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Dahlquist, that the variance be granted, to allow relief of hardship of not being able to build to the extremity of the property End permitting mare apartments than he could build without the variance. In discussion which ensued Mr. Biggens called attention to his past rental operations in the City over a period of some 25 years and prior restrictions on his apartment construction through printing error in the zoning code calling attention to his 8-unit apartment instead of 11 unit as planned due to inability to wait until a revision was made. He advised he wished permanent construction and permanent residents which experience has found cannot be maintained in single bedroom units. After some further comments on whether the situation constitutes a hardship and possible establish- ment of precedence, voice vote was taken and the motion declared lost. Roll call vote was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Bruce, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Perry, Delaurenti, and Poli. No: Hulse, Schellert, Garrett, Trimm and Morris. The motion carried granting the variance. PUBLIC HEARING: Appeal of Planning Commission decision in rezone denial of request ., from R-2 to R-3 - Realty Investors property This being the date set,the hearing was declared open. There were no communications to be read and Planning Director Ericksen was requested to comment. Mr. Ericksen reported that the area is in the Highlands and there are apartments in the area at present. R-2 zoning is adjacent to the North with Single Family on the East and to the South the Highland duplexes and nearby the Earlington School and the property in question is on 8th Avenue North between "H" and 11J" Street. A map was displayed and it was pointed out that the existing development was constructed by special permit issued April 28, 1965. The present request is to allow construction of additional 24 units, 12 units and 12 units and in the original permit the Commission was concerned about protection of the adjacent single family areas. There was some question regarding setback, the proposed unit being within 5 ft. of the lot line at one point and 10 ft. at another. The original proposal was for 25 units on the lot on which he wishes now to construct another 54 or so. The Commission felt the previous granting of a special permit pro- vided adequately for the area that he was constructing in,although the Comprehensive Plan does indicate this as Multiple Use Area. The existing construction is two story but is partially underground so that only 11- stories are above. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Douglas Felker, Attorney for Mr. Smiley, pointed out .that there is no opposition from any of the adjoining property owners to what is being proposed.The plans as submitted would be adjusted to conform to setbacks where necessary. R-3 zoning allowances were discussed and the fact that land use maps would agree in event of rezone as requested. It was pointed out he could construct the two story buildings if a part were again buried or underground but Mr. Smiley wished to build above the ground. Mr. Felker pointed out that the structure is only 22 ft. high and not high rise apartments. Upon inquiry regarding height Mr. Smiley stated the parking require- ments prohibited 3-story construction. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Delaurenti, the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Schellert, to continue the hearing for two weeks to allow the Council Members to investigate the proposal further. Upon inquiry it was reported that 5 Commissioners acted on the matter at the time of denial. Upon voice vote, the motion was declared lost. Roll call vote was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Schellert, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Delaurenti and Poli. No: Hulse, Bruce, Gianini, Garrett, Trimm, Delaurenti and Morris. The motion lost 7 to 5. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, to concur with the action taken by the Planning Commission in denial of the rezone. Voice vote was declared to be in the majority and the motion carried. Roll call was properly requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Hulse, Schellert, Gianini, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Poli and Morris. No: Bruce, Dahlquist, Pedersen and Delaurenti. The motion carried. -2- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting May 23, 1966 COMMUNICATIONS: The City Clerk reported Review Board Meeting had been held on annexation of Balch et al properties,which adjoin 4th Avenue North between "I" Street and 132nd Avenue S.E. ,and approval was received directing such notice to be submitted to the City Council along with the finding that the annexation of this area to the City of Renton will be in the public interest and for the public welfare as well as in the best interest of the City The motion by Syvertsen, seconded by Beauchamp, further directed that the minutes of this meeting be incorporated in and represent the finding and conclusions of the Board of Review, and copy thereof to be filed with the City Council for further action as provided by Law. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, that June 13, 1966 be set —for hearing on the matter. The motion carried. A letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, requested authorization to call for bids for widening of the Logan Street Bridge and for installation of a storm sewer in 116th Avenue S .E . as provided in the current budget. June 20th was date recommended for opening of the bids. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist to concur in the bid call as requested. Carried. A letter from the Renton Downtown Merchants' Association, Paul Messer, President, requested Permit to install banners on Bronson Way, at the Bridge, near Park Avenue and one on 3rd Avenue in vicinity of Fey's Theatre, to promote the Moonlight Sale to be held May 26, 27 and 28th. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to grant the Permit. Carried. A letter from Mr. Charles J. Redmon, 6060 S . Roxbury Street, Seattle, appealed Planning Commission denial of rezone on property recently annexed to the City near Rolling Hills Village. The present zoning is GS-1 and R-4 for apartment use was requested. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that June 20, 1966 be set as hearing date for this appeal. The motion carried. A letter from the Board of King County Commissioners reported that City of Renton Ordi- nance No. 2224 declaring territory annexed to Renton has been checked as satisfactory, filed, and properly distributed to various departments interested in the matter. (Rolling Hills Annexatiori) A letter from James Gotti, President, Valley Disposal, Inc. , reported proposed contract renewal for refuse disposal with The Boeing Company and Council approval was requested. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Sanitation Committee for recommendation. Carried. A letter from Mr. Edward Dunn, President, Renton Cash-Way Lumber Yard, Inc. petitioned the City for vacation of the sixteen foot alley of Block 3, Car Works Addition to Renton according to plat recorded in Volume 15 of Plats, Pg. 47, records of King County. The lumber yard is 100% abutting property owner. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Perry, to refer the petition to the City Engineer to report back. Carried. A letter from Mrs. Manley Grinolds submitted claim against the City for injuries sustained from fall on sidewalk near 1212 Houser Way. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the Claim to the Insurance Carrier. The motion carried. A letter was read from Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, also signed by City Clerk Helmie Nelson advising of purchase of two safes which were declared surplus by Puget Sound Power & Light Company. The cost of $200.00 will be funded from the City Clerk's Capital Outly Account by unexpended microfilming funds. Transfer of funds from Treasurer's Fund 1500 Account 402, Office Supplies unto 1500/606, Capital Outlay, Office Equipment $175.00 was requested to include any tax, and authorization was requested in addition to expend the $36.88 balance in Cumulative Fund 1182, to complete the transaction. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee.Carried. —A letter from Building Director Sven Johnson recommended granting of Revocable Permit for a sign to Petroleum Products, Inc. to be located at 1000 Bronson Way and extending over public right of way four feet, and in conformance per City Code 4-716. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Building Director. Carried. A letter from VanGuard Corporation, Thomas H. Cooke, President, requested installation of additional street light at the north entrance to Lake Terrace Park, 1800 Lake Wn. Blvd, which entrance has been mistaken for cutoff to the freeway. Moved by Delaurenti, and seconded by Bruce, to refer the request to the Light and Power Committee with power to act. Carried. -3- JS � Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 5-23-1966 COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from Douglas L. Morell, D.M.D. 1015 Walla Walla Avenue, Renton, requested to lease space occupied by remaining six parking meters on the North side of Municipal Parking Lot $#2 at same annual rental per space granted adjoining property owner for nine parking spaces allowed for his vehicles. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Morris, to grant the request under such provisions as allowed by Ordinance regulating the matter. Dahlquist questioned the practice of releasing parking spaces for use by businessmen urging limit of such use and moved that the matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole. The motion was seconded by Delaurenti. Garrett reported Committee investigation and that the area was being used for loading and unloading and that Ordinance regulated such zones sb the Committee had recommended enforce- ment at this time and granting Mr. Holmes the use under terms thereof, and it was felt Dr. Morell should be granted the same request. Upon inquiry City Attorney Shellan advised the matter might be resolved if the Code is checked as it was some- what doubtful that the City's. Municipal lot should be used for private purposes, it also being questionable whether the use of six stalls would be warranted for loading and unloading of dental supplies. Recess was declared at this time. After the recess, roll call was taken and all Council Members were present as previously listed. City Attorney Shellan advised of provision within traffic code, Sec. 10-115 that permits for unloading and loading zones are issued by the City Engineer and the City Treasurer collects $25.00 annually for each space. After discussion and suggested withdrawal of pending motion and substitute referral, which lacked a second,vote was taken on the pending motion to refer to the Committee of the Whole and the motion lost. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer to the City Engineer with power to act. Carried. Progress Estimate No. 9, CAG 898-65 Renton Library, was read, payable in sum of $6041.03 to Alton V. Phillips Company, recommended for payment and approved by the Library Board and Johnston-Campanella, Architects. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to refer the estimate to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from Louie Gebenini, Renton Insurance Commission Member, advised that the _ Public Employees Mutual Insurance Company chose not to renew the City's policy after nine years but that they have issued a Binder on a pro-rata basis which will expire on May 30, 1966. The Commission met this date and opened the following bids: Maryland Casualty, proposed through Louie Gebenini, Intercity Insurance, $15,964.00. Great American Insurance,proposed through Fred Callen of C. & M. Realty, $15,168.00 The Committee suggested that the Council make the award this evening since next Monday is a holiday and the Binder will expire prior to the next meeting of the Council. Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Committee, advised that the Committee usually has time to review the policies but since action must be taken at this time it was moved that the low bid be accepted as read. The motion was seconded by Dahlquist. Discussion ensued regarding the 15 day notice of cancellation and Mr. Davis advised this is the underwriter's privilege but that the Commission has been working on the matter for longer than that negotiating the binder and bids. Upon inquiry regarding the new company the Council was advised that the Company is an old established firm with a Seattle Office and has its own adjusters with a local agent in Mr. Callen, and they could capably handle the City's coverage. The pending motion carried. A letter from Mrs. Frank Green, Area Director, Young Women's Christian Association, advised that the YWCA will be one of the agencies to have office space in the East Valley Area Good Neighbor Center to be dedicated June 21st. The East Valley Area Program has been operating at 224 Wells Street since October, 1965 and there is now need for larger quarters. Inquiry was made as to whether the Highlands Administration Building would have space available or if other facilities could be suggested. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Schellert, to refer the request to the Property Committee. The motion carried. A letter from Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, also signed by Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk requested concurrence in appropriation of $10,996.30 of earned interest unto Cumulative Reserve Fund 1975 which is necessary at this time in order to complete payments on the library furnishings. Complete report of expenditures to date was attached. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the appropriation with referral of the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Dahlquist opposed. APPOINTMENTS: A letter from the Mayor requested concurrence in appointment of Mr. James Denzer and Mr. John Racanello to new terms on the Renton Planning Commission, beginning June lst for the ensuing six year periods. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur. The motion carried. -4- 59 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting May 2$, 1966 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Councilwoman Dahlquist submitted Legislative Committee report recommending that the Council endorse Initiative No. 226 to allow the proposition to be voted upon by the people. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. The Street and Alley Committee Chairman, Councilman Garrett, reported meeting with the Property Committee and Meriwether and Associates concerning the use of street right of way for planting purposes and inasmuch as specific plans had not been prepared to date nor arrangements made for maintenance responsibility the Committee has closed the matter until further details are proposed. Councilman Perry, Vice-President of the Green River Boy Scouts of America, expressed thanks to the Police, Street and City Departments who helped with the Funforall this past weekend. There were over 3000 boy scouts in Liberty and Cedar River Parks and they were commended for the very fine condition in which the area was left and for the smooth way the whole program was run. Councilman Hulse added his commendation to that of Mr. Perry's and expressed hope the Scouts could return to Renton for this event. Councilman Perry advised it would not be for another 3 years as Auburn and Kent were scheduled for the next two years. New Business: President Hulse announced a Committee of the Whole meeting on May 31st for discussion of new city hall plans and it was hoped that attendance would be good as without a quorum no official action can be taken. Insurance Commissioner Gebenini advised he had been asked by the Insurance Carrier to be relieved of carrying the binder which was issued to May 30th, and the Council may end it at midnight tonight or run it until expiration date and he felt the Council should make such decision. After discussion regarding clerical work which might be required by the new carrier it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Bruce, to allow the binder to run to May 30th,the expiration date . It was pointed out that a motion is not needed as the binder runs until then anyway. The pending motion carried. Perry recalled action of the Legislative Committee in recommending that the Council support initiative 226 and moved that in the event any presentation is made to the .`.. public that the Legislative Committee take charge of doing so. The motion was seconded by Trimm and Perry reminded the Council that the matter had been referred to the Com- mittee of the Whole by the Public Relations Committee's recommendation and subsequently the Legislative Committee for information. Action of taking it from one Committee and placing it in another prior to report was questioned. Hulse advised action had not been taken as yet because of lack of quorum when the matter came up and that the Legislative Committee had been asked for a recommendation. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist that the motion be referred to the Committee of the Whole . Perry advised he would like further information regarding taxation consequences if the initiative is passed. Garrett reported a visit to Auburn with Chester Biesen, President of the Assn. of Wn. Cities to discuss this initiative and it was felt he would come to Renton to explain the same thing if it was the desire that he do so. The Budget Committee report was shown to Mr. Perry and it was pointed out that 10% of the Sales Tax would revert to Cities on a per capita basis if the initiative is successfully placed before the electorate and pastes. Councilman Hulse added that it would result in about $300,000.00 to the City of Renton. Perry inquired where the additional money would be raised by the State to meet the payments to the Cities and stated he would like more information prior to giving the initiative support. Garrett inquired where the City will get the $300,000.00 if they don't get it from the State. Schellert pointed out that the factor under consideration at present is whether to put the matter to a vote of the people and opposing it would be denying the people the right to vote. Th s was not disputed and the pending mQtion was voted upon and carried referring the matter of motion to present to the public, to the Committee of the Whole. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, that City of Renton Vouchers, Nos. 3528 - 3618 • having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council for payment. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund #3528 - 3555 $ 3,379.28 City Street Fund 2556 - 3560 877.66 Cedar River M. & I 3561 14.80 Equipment Rental 3562 - 3569 526.90 Library 3570 - 3601 9,305.06 Parks 3602 - 3606 646.65 Water Works Utility 3607 - 3608 73.60 1965 [dater & Sewer Const. 3609 2.00 Airport 3610 - 3611 42.28 Cumulative Reserve 1975 3612 - 2618 20,890.80 t355759.03 -5- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting: May 28, 196E ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted a proposed ordinance of the City of Renton fixing the amount, form, date, interest and rate of maturity of installment note, directing the issuance and sale thereof unto the City o Renton Firemen's Pension Fund, relating to Local Improvement District No. 255, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2244 as read. Roll call vote followed with all members present voting aye. The motion carried. As there was no further business to come before the Council audience comment was invited and since there was none, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn, The motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m. f Helmie Nelson, City Clerk -�- -- Bruce Hulse, Acting Mayor The following transfers, having been authorized by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, have been approved by the City Council for the month of May, 1966. TO: CLAIMS TO: PAYROLL FROM: Current 18,364.38 FROM: Current 83,227.78 Street (City) 16,675.50 Street 13,984.76 Arterial Street 3.98 Cedar River M&I 476.00 No.Renton Interchange. Equipment Rental 3,347.09 Construction 345,836.08 Library 5,923.71 Cedar River M&I 1 ,780.53 Parks 9,224. 13 Off Street Parking 113.40 Waterworks Utility 14,588.46 Equipment Rental 13,649.86 Airport 1 ,256.50 Library 9,909.98 Firemen's Pension 116.00 Parks 5,827.39 Waterworks Utility 45,673.30 1965 Water & Sewer Const. 18,653.75 Airport 819.83 Firemen's Pension 1 ,114.73 Cum. Res. x!1975 20,890.80 Total $ 499,313.51 Total $ 132,144.43 -6- 61 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. June 6, 1966 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer Mayor and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Gene Coulon, Park Director. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 11171 $ 365.00 William Jackson 3420-11th Pl. No. Wire residence 172 100.00 Charles A. Rudd 416-18 Williams St. Demolish Duplex 173 125.00 George W. Bair 3517 - 6th Ave. E. Wire Utility Room 174 150.00 Leo Koenig 10443 S .E. 164th St. Fence side yards 11175 50.00 Pacific Northwest Bell Market Basket Wire phone booth 176 1,800.00 Archie Hotchkiss 605 "K" Street Add Rec Room 177 2,500.00 N. A. Magnuson 11123 - 92nd South Fence wrecking yard 178 20,000.00 John Van Eyk 1809 Monterey Dr, Frame Residence 179 500.00 James A. Moyers 251 Meadow Street Pntio cover & fence 11180 25.00 Orville Johnson 838 "D" Street Fence 181 14,500.00 Robert Shane 11645 S.E . 100th St. New Residence 182 4,300.00 Wm. L. Getschman 13057 S .E. 148th Rec & Storage room 183 32,000.00 Chester Biggins 918 "G: Place Apartment - 4-Plex 184 60.00 Richard V. Petterson 10915-110th Pl. SE Fence 11185 500.00 Gene Meyer 141 Rainier Ave. Sign 186 500.00 Gene Meyer 141 Rainier Ave. Sign 187 619,288.00 Group Health Co-op Bronson Way North Clinic 188 125,100.00 The Boeing Co. Apron-D, Boeing Field Lighting and Power 189 306.00 Jim Carver 1115 "N" P1. No. Wire Residence! 11190 450.00 Bill Jessen 3419-11th Pl. No. Wire Residence 191 46,800.00 The Boeing Co. 33 Grady Way Prefab. Office Bldg. 192 2,300.00 Petroleum Products 1000 Bronson Way Sign 193 280.00 Archie Gustine 111 Meadow Street Fence 194 480.00 Brodell & Brodell 14725-130th P1. SE Wire Residence 195 150.00 Jerry Nichols 1118 "N" Street Fence 196 900.00 Highland Car Wash 3007 Sunset Blvd. E. Sign 197 250.00 Nicholas Baxter 1364-66 "H" Place Fence 198 13,000.00 Russell Eager 321 Thomas Street New Residence 199 1,200.00 Ace Maroni 202 North Burnett Reside-Reroof Iles. 11200 50.00 Stoneway Concrete Maple Valley Hwy. Install Pump 201 300.00 Boeing Company 33 Grady Way Wire temporary office 202 2,000.00 Renton Clothing 812 - 3rd Avenue Remodel Store PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7887 - - - - - - Lloyd Peterson 11020 S .E . 115th Plumbing Fixtures 88 - - - - - - Gunnar Komstadkus 532 Roger Street Plumbing Fixtures 89 - - - - - - Chet Harrison 3007 Sunset B1vd.E. Gas Installations 7890 - - - - - - Bell Jessen 3419-11th Pl. No. Plumbing Fixtures 91 - - - - - - Delbert Coughlin 1038 "N" Court Gas Installations 92 - - - - - - Delbert Coughlin 1038 "N" Court Gas Installations ,,_ddress)93 - - - - - - Rod Arney 504 West Gowe Gas Installations 94 - - - - - - Vern Morris 427 Park Avenue Plumbing Fixtures 7895 - - - - - - The Boeing Company 33 Grady Way Plumbing Fixtures 96 - - - - - - James Carver 1115 "N" Place Gas Installations 97 - - - - - - Ed Olson 8640-116th S.E . Gas Installations 98 - - - - - - The Boeing Company Apron D-Boeing Gas & Plumbing Fixtures 99 - - - - - - Wm. D. Lovell 1060 "K" Street Plumbing Fixtures 7900 - - - - - - H. L. Colwell 10809-112th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures O1 - - - - - - Ery Yoder 12508-85th Ave. So. Gas Installations 02 - - - - - - Bell & Valdez 2012-22 Rolling Hills Plumbing Fixtures 03 - - - - - - Herb Hackman 10608-108th S .E. Plumbing Fixtures 04 - - - - - - R. L. Brower 833 "K" Street Gas Installations -1- Renton City Council Meeting Minutes 6-6-66 PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: (Cont.) NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 7905 - - - - - - Robert Hubner 3414 - 4th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixtures 06 - - - - - - Carl Cook 344 Stevens Street Plumbing Fixtures 07 - - - - - - William Asher 11505 Sunset Blvd. E. Plumbing Fixtures 08 - - - - - - John Racanello 2807 - 7th Ave. No. Gas Installations 09 - - - - - - Bell & Valdez 2002 S.E. 19th Ct. Gas Installations 7910 - - - - - - Bell & Valdez 1905 S.E. 19th Ct. Gas Installations 11 - - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3340 Rolling Hills Gas Installations SEWER PERMITS: 7 14.00 Fred Squire 3218 - 8th Ave. No. Stubb Ditching 8 25.00 The Boeing Co. 33 Grady Way Connection to Sewer 9 10.00 Carl Cook 344 Stevens St. Connection to Sewer Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of May 23, 1966 be approved as circulated. Carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Appeal of Planning Commission Decision - Royal Hills (Continued from 5-2-66) This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communication was read from Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, recalling previous action of the Planning Commission and subsequent revisions by the Plattor since the denial to bring Royal Hills Plat into conformance to Code requirements, except for areas where variances are being requested. Access has not been fully resolved but it is anticipated this can be worked out with further study. In view of the steep terrain and potential flood areas it was pointed out that the City should resolve the question of public liability prior to approval of the final plat. A letter from Livingstone, Moore and Wallace, Inc. called attention to the variances requested due to topography conditions and of willingness to develop within limitations of not being detrimental to the neighbors and the comprehensive plan, and that they were working toward suitable access. Possibility of slides, the developers responsibility,is m.ntrolle-d,as shown oh the Preliminary Plat and will be detailed in the development plans to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. A Hold Harmless Agreement was recommended by the Planning Director concerning the City's liability. It was felt that adjustments had been made on all items concerned and approval of the Preliminary Plat ,as revised on June 6th with variances as outlined , was requested. Mr. Kay Sanwick, Jr. , one of the owners of the property,pointed out the various right-of-way easements and terrain difficulties they have been faced with and that the Sparkman-McLean Company, one of the major investment Companies, is the property owner and proper development would be assured with their only desire being to secure approval to commence,• t-xpediting resolve of the- problems; Mr. Francis Holman, 15520 - 120th Ave. S.E., on behalf of the some 38 residemts of Tiffany Park area objected to the use of S.E. 154th as an access route to the property and Mr. Malcolm Blom added his opposition to such use of the street. Mrs. Anne Peopwski stated that 154th goes through the corner of her block and the traffic is bad enough now. A map was displayed of the subject area and possible access routes denoted. Mr. Kennedy pointed out that 154th was designated as an arterial on the old Plat of Tiffany Park to conform to the City's arterial street plan and that they are presently working with the new owners of Sendai Crest, the new name for the Tiffany development, to come up with new access. After further discussion regarding recreational development within the area, it was moved by Perry, seconded by Pedersen, that the hearing be continued to July 11, 1966 with referral to the Planning Commission for consideration of the Plat as per-proposed revisions. Carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Appeal of Planning Commission decision - Stoneway Concrete, Inc. Denial of Variance request for addition to existing shop building A letter was read from the Planning Director recalling actions of the Commission in .�. its denial, the structure proposed to be constructed to the edge of the highway right of way line (19ft. 6 inches into the right of way,)-. The State Hwy. Department is studying the widening of said highway to 4 lanes, which need therefor has not yet been resolved as far as the additional right of way is concerned. Also, traffic conditions in the vicinity of applicants property present serious public safety problems and potential accident hazard which should be given attention in future development. A letter from P. J. McKay, of the State Highway Department, recommended the addi- tion be kept out of the right-of-way, that access be made to SR 169 by way of the City Hall road rather than building another access to the new shop building, and that a 20' setback from the right-of-way be observed, as they plan to develop the highway in the near future. -2- G3 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 6-6-66 PUBLIC HEARING: Stoneway, Inc. (Cont.) Audience comment was invited at this time and Mr. Kay D. Jones, Executive Vice- President, of Stoneway advised that the local firm had ,just been purchased and merged with Kent-Highlands, Inc. and plans were outlined for relocation of part of the facilities, and in 4 to 5 years a complete modernization and revision is to transpire. It is planned to move the operation from the East side of the highway and the top of the hill where storage area now exists and to develop this property. Methods of handing the aggregate and rather than dumping on the ground it will be taken to the plant and stored in silos. The new trucks which are now in operation are too large to be lubricated by the present facility and the request for variance was to allow an addition providing for lubrication. Mr. Jones also expressed desire to place temporary office structure on the property next to the existing building, which facility would be moved when the City or State requested. They have yet to determine location of the main shop and the personnel building, but have felt Renton would be the desirable place. It is now felt that perhaps the construction might be built so that on 6 ft. projection variance would be required. Part of the facility will be taken down to allow additional parking for trucks and to create a better traffic pattern in the yard. Mr. McKay, from the State Highway Department, advised that there would be no objection if the facility can be moved. Upon inquiry, Mr. Johns stated that the shop facility, once established could not be moved, but the temporary office bldg. would be movable. Council inquiry was invited and after discussion regarding the proposed change since the Planning Commission denial, and subsequent request for additional structure and time element, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to continue the hearing to June 27th and to refer the matter to the Planning Commission for recommendation on the new proposals. Carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Capital Improvement Priority Committee - General Government-City Hall - presentation This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Committee Chairman Hulse invited Mr. David Johnston, of Johnston-Campanella-Murrkami &Co. to preside. Mr. Johnston distributed a program outlining the tentative plans prepared for the new City Hall which sets forth by Department, the present number of employees and the future based upon needs anticipated with a population of 50,000 persons. Square footage of each department was delineated and comparisons had been made with other cities and each department had been contacted regarding its needs,as well as con- sultations with the Mayor and Council via Capital Improvement Priority Committee being held. The possibility of some revision by reason of departments not being located in City Hall was discussed along with facilities which might be available for public meetings, the new library at present being available only for library- orientated gatherings. Rental space was discussed and the total area, computed by the architects on departmental requirements which resulted in compilation of all requests and calculations was 41,840 square feet. The present facility has a total area of 23,900. The area cost was figured at $25.00 per sq. ft. and totaled $1,046,000.00. Contingency recommended of 5% = $52,000.00 and taxes, survey, soil tests, etc. $132,000.00 with total construction cost of $1,230,000.00. Councilman Perry pointed out that this is strictly for construction and does not include any furnishings, and inquired regarding the funding. Councilman Hulse reported that this hearing was to provide some estimates of what is to be financed and some of the Primary information to acquaint the public with the basic needs of the project. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the proposed program for a City Hall facility to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Councilman Hulse recalled that Public Hearings have been held on Arterial Street and Park programs which will lead to bond issues on the ballot this fall. The Capital Improvement Priority Committee recommends that the new city hall project be funded from limited G. 0. Bonds, coming from the general millage of the City. _ Councilman Schellert added that a bond issue for $1,000,000.00 with assessed valuation of the same and estimate of 4% interest would require a millage levy of .95 mill or about 1 mill from the cit'ys 15 mill levy and would not add to the burden or raise the taxes, but it would mean tightening up on the budget to remain within the millage limitation. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the funding by limited G.O. bonds as recommended by the Capital Improvement Priority Committee. Carried. Upon inquiry, Mayor Custer advised he would appoint a committee to work with the architects next week. -3- 64 Minutes-Renton City Council Meeting June 6, 1966 COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, submitted and recommended for payment, Estimate No. 3 in sum of $21,993.60, payable to contractor, Western States Con- struction Company for work to date in covering of the Highlands Reservoir. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the Estimate to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. A petition was read containing 63 signatures requesting that the City take action to abate the ha--3rd and nuisance existing on lots in the Tiffany Park area which contain open basements left undeveloped for the past two or three years. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Building Department for enforcement of regulating statutes. It was pointed out that subsequent action had resulted in fencing but, this fence.: is down and the area is no longer protected. It was pointed out that the excavations are hidden by grass and weeds and that water lies in some areas. It was recommended that the problem be eliminated by filling. The pending motion carried. A letter from Gene L. Coulon, Park Director, requested authorization to call for bids for a shelter building at Kiwanis Park, plans and specifications having been prepared upon Park Board instructions. June 27th was the date recommended for the bid opening. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the bid call and date for bid opening. Carried. A letter from the Living Memorial Association of Kennydale requested the City of Renton to join forces with King County to initiate a bond issue to go before the electorate for acquisition of approximately 140 acres of land, including May Creek, for a wilderness park and recreation area. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to refer the communication to the Capital Improvement Prior V Committee. Carried. A letter from Hallie Smiley petitioned the City for reconsideration of its decision to deny rezone of certain properties to R-3 inasmuch as the only objection was setback requirements and the owner has expressed willingness to comply with every respect to the Building Code including the setback requirements. Also there were no objections from adjoining property owners and the denial will work an undue hardship by reason of the fact that excavation of a substantial quantity of earth will be required in order to comply with R-2 zoning, requiring expensive and un- necessary investment in bulkheads and rockeries. The denial has jeopardized the proposed financing without which owner will be deprived of opportunity to utilize his property to the best economic benefit to him and to the community as a whole. If further information is required it was requested that the matter be referred back to the Planning Commission. It was pointed out that the Planning Director was in accord with the application after compliance of all building code require- ments had been assured. Upon inquiry regarding this agreement, Planning Director Ericksen recalled that Council had at its previous meeting asked if he were in agreement with the zoning and his reply was that it appeared the comprehensive plan does indicate multiple use, although this would abut right onto single family residence area. Audience comment was invited and since there was no one represent- ing the petitioner Council inquiry followed as to proper action for reconsideration which it was pointed out would take a motion from member who had voted on the pre- vailing side previously. It was notad -that:_nothing was changed br added-since } :ior ae- *Lon.Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, to take up item F. on the Agenda. The motion carried. Delaurenti opposed. A letter from Canteen Service, Inc. requested master license to operate music machines in the City of Renton. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from Paul W. Houser, Municipal Judge, called attention to the need for additional part time help and requested appropriation of $1,400.00 excess revenues for such purposes, $1,711.00 having been received over anticipated annual revenue in parking fines as of the end of April, 1966. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, to refer the matter to the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. A letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported Planning Commission recommendations from its public hearing meeting of May 25, 1966 as follows: 1. Renton Housing Authority Appl. R-323-66 for rezone from GS-1 to R-3, property located east of K street in vicinity of 13th Place and 13th Place North, same being in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. -4-- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 6-6-66 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Planning Commission recommendations " 2. William Coutts, Appl. R-324-66 for rezone from S-1 to R-3 of property located between 90th Avenue South and 91st Avenue South, which is in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan.Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Letter was read from the Great American Insurance Company confirming insurance coverages under Comprehensive General Liability policy as quoted through C. & M. Realty Insurance Agency, Fred Callen, Agent, effective May 30, 1966. A letter from City Attorney Shellan reported regarding Court Case - Stimson vs. City of Renton et al, that the trial was held before the Hon. Solie M. Ringold on May 31st and lasted until this date, and since no testimony was given that the A acres was no longer useful, the Court found that the City could not legally effectuate an exchange and the proposed transaction with The Boeing Company and/or Puget Sound Power and Light Company cannot be consumated and the beach site will have to remain in its present condition. Mr. Shellan suggested that it might be advisable to submit to the next legislature some proposal to modify the existing law so as to give the City Council some authority to provide for an exchange without having to determine that existing property is "No longer useful" . A letter from City Engineer Jack Wilson and Traffic Engineer, Del Bennett, recalled application made by the City of Renton for E .D.A. Funds for improvement of Logan- Smithers Street from Grady Way to 6th Avenue North and for a portion of 3rd Avenue North from Pelly Street to Logan Street. The urgency and deadline for this appli- cation was such as to prohibit the neFessary engineering required in order to make a sound cost analysis. Several unique engineering problems, the proposed under- crossing of the Milwaukee Railroad at 4th Avenue, Logan and Airport Way, the con- nection of Smithers to Grady Way and the right-of-ways needed for construction, must be given further study as to feasibility and cost. It was requested that the Council give immediate consideration to retain a Consulting Engineering firm to review the application and make any necessary revisions as may be necessary. It was also doubtful that without aid the proposals for bond issue for street im- provements, as intended by the Capital Improvement Priority Committee' could- make the deadline required for the November election. Estimated cost for EDA reiew by consultant is $2,500.00 and estimate of cost for preliminary design and engineering for the proposed street bond issue is $23,000.00. It was pointed out that the EDA Application can be revised but action must be taken immediately so that the new estimates can be submitted prior to decision being made on the City's final appli- cation. Capital Improvement Priority Committee Chairman Hulse submitted report of the Committee recommending that the consultant be retainedias recommended. It was pointed out that the $2,500.00 fee warranted funding from the Arterial Street Fund for the phase of EDA Application revision but that the second phase fnnding�,b.oxd4 ssue estimates,must be given consideration. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in retention of a consultant with referral of the funding of the $23,000.00 to the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. A letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted proposed Resolution on the North Renton Interchange grades,referenced as C.S . 1713 and 1714, PSH No. 1 (SR 405) ?rd PSH No. 2 (SR 900), and PAI No. I-4(`503 (262 159) and State Project. Resolution c� option was recommended. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Garrett, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. PROCLAMATION: Mayor Custer in conjunction with Planning Association of Washington Quarterly meeting and Convention in the City of Renton, June 10 and 11, 1966, proclaimed the week of June 5 through 11, 1966 as Planning Assocation of Washington Week in the City of Renton. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to concur in the Proclamation. The motion carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Councilman Schellert, Chairman, Ways and Means Committee, submitted report regarding referral of 5-9-66 for funding of appraisal fee to Louis Peretti in sum of $200.00 for appraisal of property along the route of 3rd Avenin North, recommending that the fee be funded from Arterial Street Fund Account 3500. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. -5- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 6-6-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPCR TS: (Cont.) Unfinished Business: Councilman Garrett, Chairman, Street and Alley Committee, submitted recommendation that C,hai.tman Garrett,®ommittee member, Henry Schellert and Traffic Engineer Del Bennett be authorized to attend the 19th Annual Meeting of the Western Section of the Institute of Traffic Engineers in Sacramento, California, July 11, 12 and 13. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. A letter from Planning Director, Gorden Ericksen requested authorization for a member of the Planning Department staff to attend the Western Section meeting of the Institute of Traffic Engineers in Sacramento, July 11-13, 1966. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the request. Carried. New Business: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 3632 through 3754 having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment by the Council. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 3632 - 3686 $ ��� �� City Street Fund 3687 - 3696 9,177.44 Cedar River M. & I. 3697 236.00 Off-Street Parking 3698 100.00 Equipment Rental 3699 - 3718 11,426.13 Parks 3719 - 3732 922.82 Water Works Utility 3733 - 3748 24,184.08 1965 Water & Sewer Construction 3749 21,993.69 Airport 3750 - 3754 362.29 �h�o1r1(•7�- Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the absent Council Member Gianini, be excused. The motion carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted a proposed Resolution approving the grades of the plans entitled PSH No. 1 (SR 405) & PSH No. 2 (SR 900) and City Street North Renton Interchange, also bearing approval of the State. Director of Highways, which was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to approve Resolution No. 1374 as read. Carried. A proposed Resolution was submitted authorizing transfer of funds within the City Treasurer's Department fund 1500, 402, Office Supplies, unto 606, Capital Outlay, Office Equipment in sum of $175.00 for purchase of a safe. Also, appropriation of $10,996.30 earned interest on inveetmcut,Fund 1975,unto Cumulative Reserve Fund 1975 for library furnishings. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Resolution No, 1375 as read. Carried. The Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington endorsing Initiative 226 for allocation of 10% of the sales tax receipts to the cities and towns of the State of Washington on a per capita basis, pledging to work actively for the passage at the polls in November. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1376 as read. Carried. Mayor Custer inquired whether Mr. McKay might wish to comment regarding the Resolution which was passed establishing approval of grades for the North Renton Interchange and inquired whether any plans had been considered for pedestrian walkway thus far. Recess was declared at this time and Mr. McKay made his presentation of the proposed con- struction stages advising that the advertising of the contract will be on June 28th and will include two stages, this one to include project construction from Renton to the Easterly end. A map was displayed and it was anticipated that the project will be completed late this summer insofar as stage one is concerned. Upon inquiry regarding pedestrian crossing Mr. McKay replied that no pedestrian traffic is allowed on the interstate and it was hoped the problem would resolve itself. It was designated on the drawing and explained that the lst stage has only one lane going under the bridge but the plan does eventually call for two lanes per original plans. When stage 1 is completed the interchange will function and the rest will probably be completed next year sometime. Mayor Custer thanked Mr. McKay for his presentation. After the recess roll call was taken and all members were present as previously listed with exception of Dahlquist and Pedersen. -6- 67 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 6-6-66 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (Cont.) Chairman of the Ordinance Committee Morris, submitted a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington providing for acquiring sites for and constructing, developing and improving parks, playfields and other recreational facilities for the inhabitants of the City and other persons; declarirg the estimated cost thereof, as near as may be; providing for the borrowing of not to exceed $1,040,000.00 and issuing and selling negotiable general obligation bonds to pay the cost thereof, said bonds to be payable by annual tax levies to be made without limitation as to rate and amount; declaring an emergency; and providing for the submission of the proposition of incurring such indebt- edness and issuing such bonds to the qualified electors of the City at a 'T ecial election to be held in conjunction with the state general election on November 8, 1966. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to place the document on its second and final reading. The motion carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordinance No. 2245 as read. Roll call resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed ordinance of the City relatirg to Vacations, amending Section 1-802 of Title I (Administrative) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "General Code of Ordinances of the City of Renton" Co=ci2wan Morris advised Tire and Water Committee Chairman reported recommendation for first reading only, there being some question regarding Fire Department deviations from request. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti., to concur in the recommendation and authorize first reading. Carried. The Ordinance was read and returned to Committee. Mr. Johnston reported a mathematical error in typingirelative to square feet shown in the new city hail programming insofar as the Park Department is concerned. The total of 570 net should be indicated in lieu of 370 s.f. As there was no further business to come before the Council it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 1.1.:10 p.m. i / 71, Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk ZZ0� D. W. Cutter, Mayor —7- GS RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:90 P.M. June 13, 1966 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMMERS: Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Jack Brattus, Police Department, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Del Bennett, Assistant City Engineer, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Ted Bennett, Utilities Accountant. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of June 6, 1966 be approved as circulated. Carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Annexation - Property adjoining 4th Avenue North between "I" Street and 132nd Avenue S.E. (Balch, Harer, Janish, et al) This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. As there were no new communications nor comment from members of the audience regarding the proposed annexation, Council action was invited. The Clerk.reported that Review Board approval had been filed with the Council and all provisions of the law other- wise fulfilled. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to close the hearing. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist,that the City accept the annexation of this territory to Rentcn and that the matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance. Assistant City Engineer Del Bennett, upon request, outlined the area on the map. The pending motion carried. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Delaurenti, that the absent Councilman be excused. This is Councilman Trimmts 30th wedding anniversary. The motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from City Engineer, Jack Wilson, reported, regarding petition for vacation of alley in Block 3, Car Works Addition to Renton, that check of the County records revealed that Renton Cashway Lumber does not own property adjoining the alley in Block 3, but that they own 10051.' of the property adjoining alley in Block 9, Car Works Addition to Renton and the 3was a typographical•'error and should. read 9-on the petition,as verified with petitioners. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Gianini, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Resolution setting the date of July 18th for hearing, .and to the Street and Alley Committee for recommendation. Carried. Application read from Edward P. Wahl, Owner, Riviera Tavern, requested that Sted;. Inc., be granted required license to operate two shuffleboard devices at said place of business. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to refer the letter to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from the Renee Guild for Retarded Children requested no-fee permits to operate vending machines in the City, proceeds to benefit charitable programs of the Guild, and to sell balloons at the Renton Aviation Festival in July. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to grant the No-Fee Permits as requested. Carried. Revised Claim was .read-Mrs. Ann V. Grinolds of 308 Cedar Street, for medical expense and other loss and damage not yet computed,resulting from fall on sidewalk near 1212 Houser Way. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to refer the claim to the City Attorney and the Insurance Carrier. Carried. A claim was read from Mrs. J. L. Dimattec, 3J's Drive In, 12826 S.E.128th Street, advising of mandatory closure of her business for three days, June 6, 8, and 9, due to access being blocked by water department work on the road. Paymentof $50.00 per day for the three days was deemed just to cover the loss in perishable items, rent, power, etc. as well as business loss. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to refer the letter to the City Attorney. The motion carried. -1- 69 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 6-13-66 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) A letter from Transamerica Development Company, Frank H. Countner, Project Manager, advised of discussion with the City Engineer, Planning Director and the Mayor regarding street improvement for Ethier Road and Grant Street. It was felt that since Grant is proposed to be a part of the City's arterial system the City should share with adjoining resident properties in the cost of improvement. Modes of funding were suggested and included participation basis from operational budgeted funds or by L.I.D. initiated by parties involved. Moved by Morris, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the request to the Street and Alley Committee for recommendation. The motion carried. A letter from King County Medical Service Corporation, Chas: Glasford, reported' a City of Renton Fire Department request for a quote on Doctor's coverage for them and their dependents with two points of variance from existing coverage, first call deductible and no waiting periods for maternity. The one call deductible is essential to the rate structure and without it the cost of the present type of plan would be prohibitive. The maternity waiting period can be eliminated and coverage upon conception clause substituted. It was pointed out that any reduction in the participation could reflect in much higher rates and could even affect the broad coverage now enjoyed by the City. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the letter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. A letter from Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, requested authorization to call for Bids for pedestrian Walk-Don't Walk signal heads as provided for in the 1966 budget. June 27th was recommended as date for bid opening. Upon inquiry, Del Bennett ex- plained that there are some 40 heads in the bid call which will replace many of the outdated existing signals,also new installations on second and third avenues. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in the: request and bid call date. The motion carried. A letter from Mayor Custer called attention to proposed agreement whereby the City of Renton might join with the Regents of the University of Washington for grant under Title I, Part C of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, the purpose of such grant being to stimulate and promote part-time employment of college students from low income families who would use the income to pursue their college education. The U. of Wn. has a grant of $5,800.00 presently available for use as the 90% �. matching funds required to implement this program. The City would need to advance $580.00 to the U. of Washington Board of Regents. $2.25 per hour. is the---pay rate. One City resident has been interviewed and it is proposed that this student be hired and paid from City funds which action would qualify us for participation for the program. This student has been proven acceptable for the program by the University and additional student employees at said hourly rate will be provided through the U. of Wn., who qualify and who are acceptable to the City. Authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the agreement with the Regents of the U_. of Wn. subject to approval as to form by the City Attorney, was requested. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the requests as recommended by the Mayor . Carried. A letter from the Valley Regional Planning Commission submitted Seattle Ordinance regarding air pollution control and requested that Renton and the other member cities of Auburn, Kent and Tukwila each adopt similar ordinances to further effect control over the entire county. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to refer the letter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. A letter from John Alexander, President, International Assn. of Fire Fighters, Local #864, requested opposition to proposed changes to the Firemen's Pension Act by the State of Washington Public Pension Commission, which changes it is felt would not be in the best interest of either the Firemen or the City of Renton. (Combining of funds of Uniformed Personnel) Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to refer the communication to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. A letter from the Deputy Mayor of San Martin de Porres, of Province of Lima, Peru, was presented by Mrs. Sylvia Langdon, who translated the Spanish into English as she read. Greeting was extended and pleasure expressed at the opportunity of so doing. Historical background of San Martin de Porres included the political creation in 1950 and in spite of short existence denotes a progress like none other City in the Province of Lima and...•wspecially since 1964 when the officials were elected by the people for the first time. The area is in the majority scarce in economic resource, but through the aid of private enterprise projected through economic help from the Alliance for Progress, pursued by John F. Kennedy, conversion is apparent which can only result in a program with a nodern social development and urbanization plan; a vast plan of public works is being completed thanks to the economic s,ipport. The City lies adjacent to an airport where Boeing .jets are prevalent. Progress of Renton was noted and it was requested that San Martin de Porres be designated "Sister City" to Rertor- -2- 70 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 6-13-66 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) San Martin de Porres Mrs. Langdon presented the Mayor with a banner with symbols of the City, San,,Martin, denoting the 1964 free election and magisterial authority's formation, along with a picture of the Mayor and Council. Mayor Custer thanked Mrs. Langdon for bringing the letter and translating it and requested the Council to authorize him to reply. He added that the U.S.I.A. has stressed Sister City adoption and suggests that American Cities consider Latin American Cities as there is less opportunity to make contact on people to people basis here than in Europe. After his return from Europe Mayor Custer had thought of suggesting the beautiful city of Copenhagen, Denmark as a sister city for Renton but was now very happy to have been extended the present invitation. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry, that the Mayor be authorized to frame a suitable reply and that the subject matter and follow up be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. A letter from Sven Johnson, Building Director, recommended that Revocable Permit be granted for the Meyers Sign Company to install a sign at the Spot Cafe, 313 Wells Street, per regulating Ordinance. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. A letter from W. E. Bennett, Utility Accountant , in accordance with Resolution No. 1274, submitted notice that the valuation of the Utility's properties and assets as of December 31, 1965 was $6,473,432.43, presented in order that the 1967 service rate might be established. A letter from Lloyd S . Tonkin and Edward Schacher, of Pat O'Day & Associates requested dance license for teenage dances for a period of four months, June 14th through October 15th, big name bands to be hired for a two day per week basis. Location in the old Market Basket Store on Bronson Way bas been..selected,' ' and a dance had been requested for June 14th with a member of the Youth Guidance Committee having been invited. Mr. Tonkin, upon inquiry advised of successful operations during the past two years at Lake Hills and in Seattle with no problems. Delaurenti pointed out problems regarding location insofar as Fire Department clearance and traffic might be concerned and moved that the request be referred to the Youth Guidance Committee for written recomAnendation at its earliestcon- venience. ThQ,.motion was seconded by Hulse and carried. Councilman Schellert pointed out that the Council could not take action at this time to permit the dance tomorrow with such short notice but that it would hope to have the report od back next week from the Committee. A letter from the Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle, Charles V. Gibbs, Director, Technical Services, submitted offer of $7,330.00 to the City of Renton as settlement in full of Metro's obligation for repair of areas indicated in red on attached draw- ings. It was recognized that the City contends that additional repairs are required but Metro's consulting engineers stated the opinion that only those areas indicated on the drawings were without question damaged by the eartt;quake. Acceptance of the money offered does not preclude further demand by the City for additional repnfr work beyond the areas designated however, it was deemed important that agreement be reached immediately on the work shown so Metro can be reimbursed by the Federal Government if such repair is deemed eligible. Mayor Custer advised that the City claim had been for $21,000.00 but that the additional claim can still be pursued if the present offer is acceptable and that time is of the essence as Metro meets on Thursday. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement submitted and that the City advise the Metro Council in writing that it does intend to pursue its claim for the full amount. The motion carried. The City Clerk reported receipt of brochure inviting King County communities to participate in the new King County Fair, August 19, 20, and 21, 1966. Mr. E. B. Kasper is the Manager, P. 0. Box 99, Auburn, Washington and the Renton representa- tive is Mr. Dean K. Wood. A letter from Charles E. Taylor, advised of Renton Community Blood Bank Day on June 22nd in Renton with headquarters at the Renton Eagles Hall on 3rd Avenue, from 12 Noon to 8:00 P.m. A letter from Mayor Custer reported that in considering the cost for the Valley-wide arterial street study, Renton's share was designated to be $5,000.00. The City had agreed to pay $2,500.00 and no one has been willing to assume the additional cost to date and it was pointed out that since extensive wozk in the study will be required in Renton, the Council was requested to reconsider its previous action and assume its designated share of the $55,000.00 cost. It was recommended that the matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole and Mayor Custer will notify the District Engineer's office of the referral. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. -3- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 6-13-66 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) A letter from Planning Director Ericksen called attention to need for additional staff in the Planning Department. With the steady growth and increased amount of work, day to day zoning and administration, the undertaking of any additonal long- range plan work, let alone completion of programs in progress is prohibited. . At this time the addition of one full time staff member was .requested and it was felt part-time summer help should be included in the new budget proposals. Mayor Custer concurred in the need for additional help and suggested that if additional help is authorized the Ways and Means Committee might wis'i to consider use of excess funds received from the increased business as a source of possible revenue for wages required. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the request to the Ways and Means Committee to meet with Mr. Ericksen to determine salary needed and to report back. Carried. A letter from the King County Board of Commissioners reported receipt of Ordinance No. 2243 annexing territory to the City and satisfactory check of the legal with distribution to various interested departments. (Kaczmarek et al properties located West of 87th Avenue South, between South 128th and 129th.) A letter from City Clerk advised that loans authorized by Resolution No. 1362,Current Fund, $11,000.00 for the public use areas and Resolution 1367, $10,000.00 to the - Library Fund for paving of parking lot, borrowed from Cedar River M.&I . Fund, have not yet been appropriated and emergency ordinance should be prepared therefor at this time. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Schellert, calling attention to the next order of business, Appointments, reported that since the Council confirms them it was desired that they have an opportunity to review the appointments and moved that they be referred to the Com- mittee of the Whole. The motion was seconded by Pedersen and carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: President of the Council, Hulse, called attention to recommendation in the Mayor's letter of Ftbruary 7, 1966 that funding of the Architect fees on the new city hall planning, not to exceed $10,000.00, be authorized from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1894, which has not yet been acted upon;. and moved that the funding be authorized at this .. time as recommended. The motion was seconded by Schellert and carried. Councilman Schellert, Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, submitted report recommendigg the the funding of Consultant fees for preliminary design and engineer- ing for proposed street bond issue in sum of $23,000.00, be accomplished as follows: Cedar River Acquisition Fund loan to Street Department Fund at interest rate of 3z% repayable no later than December 31, 1967 with referral to the Law and Ordinance , Committee for proper Resolution. Further, that the loan be appropriated into the Street Department Fund No. 3200, Capital Outlay Acct. 601, Consultant, with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for emergency ordinance. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendations and referrals to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. It was requested that the funding for extra help in the Municipal Court be held in Committee another week. This was referred to Ways and Means on .lune 6th. Granted. Councilwoman Dahlquist reported attendance at the Planning Association of Washington Conference at the Renton Inn and commented upon hearing that although notices had reached Mayor's and City Clerk's they didn't always reach Council. Members. Special thanks was given to City Clerk Helmic Nelson for her conscientious notification to Council on any event which might be to their interest and the .timely promptness of such notice. Especially of interest at the convention were the slides of the cities visited by the Mayor and his tour group and the details which included the fact that 955yo of the people in the Stockholm area reside in apartment houses, and that plans of the City of Milan for the past 100 years are displayed on the walls which show .... how the city has progressed. Attendance by Department Heads at the conference was noted and the Mayor added that he was very gratified at the attendance 6f City of Renton personnel and it was hoped that a seminar might be held with emphasis on the down town areas . The Planning Department and Commission along with all who helped with the conference were commended for their successful efforts. Mrs. Dahlquist suggested that the Commission be sent a letter of thanks for the fine job done on the organization and planning. Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 6-13-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont.) Chairman Pedersen, Sanitation Committee, reported that the Committee has reviewed the proposed Contract between Valley Disposal and The Boeing Company and it has been approved as to form by the City Attorney. There were only two changes from the previous contract and one involved rates which were lowered,in instances of great increase in amount of refuse to be hauled, by 5� per cubic yard, but which does not result in any less income for the City. The Committee recommended that the contract be approved and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute same. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation of the Sanitation Committee. Carried. Chairman Delaurenti, Fire and Water Committee, reported that the City, per agreement with Fire District #25�had agreed to pay for a share of telephone services in con- nection with the mutual participation. A bill was received from District #25 for 71 months of charges @ $1.85 per month, totalling $133.12. This money has not been budgeted and the Fire Chief has cancelled the telephone as of June 10, 1966, as he feels there is no need for the use of this telephone. The agreement began July 1, 1960 and expired in May of 1966. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Ways and Means Committee for recommendation as to the funding. The motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 3755 through 3852, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council for payment. The motion carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund #3755 - 3788 $ 7 ?45.31 City Street Fund 3789 - 3799 7,285.25 Arterial Street Fund 3800 5.28 Cedar River M. & I. 3801 - 3804 131.27 Off-Street Parking Fund 3805 11.10 Equipment Rental Fund 3806 - 3819 1,239.69 Library 3820 - 3823 390.56 Parks 3824 - 3837 1,404.00 Water Works Utility 3838 - 3846 66,815.50 1965 Water & Sewer Const. 3847 36,170.64 Airport 3848 - 3851 88.13 Cumulative Reserve Fund 1894 3852 2,610.00 $123,996.73 Councilman Hulse reported that in the Mayor's absence he had received a memorandum from the Youth Guidance Committee recommending several things pertaining to safety problems in the City and the memo had been referred to the Chief of Police for comment.l.The comment was submitted for reading and included matter of the need. for additional police off?+^:rs for traffic handling and attention was called to recent written exam in which 9 candidates qualified for further examination,to be held in the coming week. At present there is one position open in the depart- ment for a patrolman, however it was felt that five or six more are needed, and if a number qualify in the final examination, that every effort be made to hire them even though the budget has not provided funds for so large an addition. Training and schooling will be required for any new men and early action was recom- mended.2.Additional crosswalk installations where needed was recommended and the Police Chief suggested that the Engineering and Street Departments be contacted in relation to this matter.3.Installation of blinker or warning lights at all school approaches was recommended which was deemed to be under jurisdiction of the Traffic Engineer. Although this might be good procedure it wccld involve a considerable ex- penditure.4.The final recommendation of the Yiuth Guidance Committee requested en- forcement of the ,jay-walking ordinance. Chief Williams pointed out that this ordi- nance has been enforced as far as time permits and especially on Second Avenue in front of the High School. In view of the problem in the downtown area with .the large scale adult abuse in various areas the enforcement has not been stringent WA but such policy will be embarked upon should the pursuance be felt to warrant the time element this somewhat touchy matter would require. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that items 1 and 4 be referred to the Police and License Committee for recommendations and that items 2 and 3 be referred to the Strect and Alley Committee,and the Youth Guidance Committee Chairman be so notified. Caraied. Councilman Hulse, commenting on the Planning Association conference reminded Council of the next meeting in the fall at Moses Lake. He felt the Renton meeting was quite successful and interesting, noting that the PAW is now 3 years old having been formed in Seattle when the A.S.P.O. meeting was held. Thanks were extended to those who nrl-Del witl, +ho local co-vention. 73 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 6-13-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Hulse announced a Committee of the Whole meeting following this meeting tonight. Councilman Schellert called attention to recent Insurance Commission Hearings regarding auto insurance rate adjustments. It was recommended that the Insurance Commissioner advise the Council what can be done to help equalize auto rates for the greater Renton area, rates presently being lower in areas outside the City than -- to residents of the corporate limits. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that the Insurance Commission be requested to inform the Council what may be done, in light of the hearings presently being held by the State Commission, to equalize the auto insurance rates in the greater Renton area. Carried. Councilman Schellert extended thanks to the League of Women Voters who helped out on the Planning Association of Washington convention. Councilman Pedersen announced a meeting of the Property Committee on Wednesday, June 15th at 7:30 p.m. Councilman Garrett, referred to request of the Transamerica Development Company and requested the City Clerk to notify the writer of the letter that the Street and Alley Committee will meet on June 21st regarding the matter and request con- firmation of attendance. Departments concerned to prepare information for the meeting. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : A proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton was presented by Chairman Morris, Law and Ordinance Committee, changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City from Suburban Residence District (S-1) to Residential District (R-3), which was read by the City Clerk. Mived by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to place the proposed Ordinance on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2246 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. (Coutts property) The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City of Renton from (GS-1) zoning classification, General Suburban District, to Residential District (R-3), which was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordinance No. 2247 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all present voting aye. The motion carried. Upon inquiry regarding the proposed Ordinance on Vacations, Councilman Morris reported a recommended revision and the document is being held in Committee at present. Audience comment was invited and since there was none and no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor -6- 6-13-66 APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 11203 50.00 Pacific N1,7 Bell Renton Village Wire phone booth 204 50.00 Pacific NT.1 Bell Grady Way Wire phone booth 11205 14,500.00 Robert S. Shane Southeast 100th New Residence 206 150.00 Robert Nielsen 6th Avenue East Replace windows 207 1 ,500.00 Charles GJ. Pillon 414 I St. Change Garage Ent. 208 250.00 Standard Oil Co. 207 Main St. Install Floodlight 209 19,800.00 William Lovell 1060 K St. Wire Apartments 11210 11,550.00 Roy Brown 414 M St. Body Shop Addition 211 1,000.00 Stan Kaczmarek 74 Rainier Ave. Sign 212 15,000.00 Renton School Dist 108th SE & SE 164th Wire School Addition 213 21 ,606.00 Boeing Co. 81-82 Bldg. Wire 81-82 Bldg. 214 2,700.00 John P. Willenborg 2101 6th Place (good Frame Addition PLUMBING &HEATING PERMITS: 7912 - - - - - - Byron R. Knowles, Sr. 916 F St. Gas Installations 13 - - - - - - Brodell & Brodell 14725-130th PI .S.E. Heating Equipment 14 - - - - Nick Dubick 412 Mill St. Plumbing Fixtures 7915 - - - - - - R. 1.7. Wiehoff 528 Roger St. Plumbing Fixtures 16 - - - - - - Bell & Valdez,Inc. 3329 Rolling Hills P. S. Plumbing Fix. 17 - - - - - - Bell & Valdez, Inc. 33272 Rolling Hils S. Plumbing Fixtures 18 - - - - - - Benson Properties 15920 Benson Hwg. Plumbing Fixtures 19 - - - - - - Benson Properties 15920 Benson Hwg. Plumbing Fixtures 7920 - - - - - - Benson Properties 15920 Benson Hwg. Plumbing Fixtures 21 - - - - - - Benson Properties 15920 Benson Hwg. Plumbing Fixtures 22 - - - - - - Benson Properties 15920 Benson Hwg. Plumbing Fixtures 23 - - - - - - Benson Properties 15920 Benson Hwg. Plumbing Fixtures 24 - - - - - - Benson Properties 15920 Benson Hwg. Plumbing Fixtures 7925 - - - - - - Benson Properties 15920 Benson Hwg. Plumbing Fixtures 26 - - - - - - Benson Properties 15920 Benson Hwg. Plumbing Fixtures 27 - - - - - - Benson Properties 15920 Benson Hwg. Plumbing Fixtures 28 - - - - - - Benson Properties 15920 Benson Hwg. Plumbing Fixtures 29 - - - - - - Penson Properties 15920 Benson Hwg. Plumbing Fixtures 7930 - - - - - - Benson Properties 15920 Benson Hwg. Plumbing Fixtures 31 - - - - - - Benson Properties 15920 Benson Hwg. Plumbing Fixtures 32 - - - - - - Benson Properties 15920 Benson Hwg. Plumbing Fixtures 33 - - - - - - Benson Properties 15920 Benson Hwg. Plumbing Fixtures 34 - - - - - - Lloyd Peterson 11311 S.E. 112th Plumbing Fixtures 7935 - - - - - - Gerald Hanger 809 Jones' St. Plumbing Fixtures 36 - - - - - - Gunnar Komstadius 532 Roger St. Gas Installations SE14ER PERMITS: 10 14.00 Citizens Federal Savings 13441 S.E. 116th Stubb Ditching it 25.00 William Lovell 1060 K St. Connection to Sewer 12 25.00 S. Kaczmarek 74 Rainier Avenue Connection to Sewer 13 10.00 Gerald Hanger 809 Jones St. Connection to Sewer 75 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. June 21, 1966 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Pederspn, Garrett, Trim, Perry, Delaurenti , Poli, and Morri . OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City reasurer, GerarR M. S el an affind rthur L. Haugan, City Attorney and Assistant; Clarence Williams, Chief of Police; Sven Johnson, Building Director; Jack Wilson, City Engineer; Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director; Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Director, and Ted Bennett, Utilities Accountant. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that the Minutes of the previous meeting, page 2, paragraph 5, be corrected by addition in motion "to concur and refer" whereas the motion reads only to refer - - - (Valley Regional Planning-Air Pollution Control) and that the Minutes be approved as corrected. Carried. OPENING OF BIDS: Widening of Logan Street Bridge -Thi�'s-b gg the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read by the City Clerk: Bid bonds accompanied all bids. BIDDER AND ADDRESS TOTAL BID Mottner-McCutchen $ 95,057.70 3814 - 5th Avenue N.E. Seattle, Washington Pacific Bridge & Pile Company 891891.00 1221 East Cherry Street Seattle, Washington Stevens Construction Company 74,361.00 P. 0. Box #8 Kenmore, Washington Venture Construction Company 879717.85 P. 0. Box 878 Auburn, Washington Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the bids to the Street and A11ey Committee &'the City Engineer to report back. The motion carrieT " OPENING OF BIDS: 116th Avenue S.E. Storm Sewer This being the date set, the following* sealed bids were opened and read by the Clerk: Bid bonds accompanied all bids. George 0. Benboe, American Const. Co, $ 14,325.80 16252 N. E. 185th Street Woodinville, Washington Phil Gesner, General Const. Co. 8,887.50 11025 - 142nd Avenue S .E . Renton, Washington South End Concrete Products 8,200.00 1045 South 194th Street Seattle, Washington United Contractors Company 9,270.00 5960 Empire Way South Seattle, Washington 98118 Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the bids to the Sanitation Committee, the City Engineer and the Street and Allfy Committee. Carried. -1- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 6-20-66 PUBLIC HEARING: Appeal of Planning Commission Decision in denial of rezone Charles Redmon et al property) This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. A letter was read from Planning Director Ericksen advising that the Planning Commission in its considera- tion of the proposed rezone had made findings that the 90-units ultimately planned for the area under the proposed R-4 zoning would require use of Bonneville Power Line Right-Of-Way for parking and that the high density proposed is not compati- ble with the adjacent properties being developed as single family residential. The Commission had felt the Bonneville Power Line Right of Way should serve as a dividing line between multiple residential and single family residential uses. The access to the area will be through a single family residential area which it was felt would have a detrimental effect. Mr. Ericksen displayed a map of the area and designated existing R-1 and Multiple Residential now under develop- ment. Upon inquiry regarding the development under construction at present it was pointed out that the power line divides the two areas and the Corrmission had felt this line should separk^te the multiple from single family area to the East. Upon inquiry Mr. Ericksen stated there were no objectors but that much of the adjoining property is vacant at present. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Charles Redmon stated that the property,he feels,is better suited for apartments than residences and that the power line can be utilized and will be maintained whereas a number of private owners might not wish to add maintenance of this to their own properties, there being almost an acre which they can use for the apartments as parking and recreation areas. Also other multiple uses are in evidence in the area East of the right-of-way and just across the right of way and their apartments would fall right into the scheme of plans. The water and sewers are available and the proximity to the schools will make it a good place for families with children to live. Two finance companies have agreed to make the funds available for apartments in the subject location and it was felt the project would be of good quality and an asset to the City. The right-of-way problem would not be great as there is an access road along the power line right of way and only 150 ft. of development would be required to bring the street up to the property off Puget Drive. During ensuing discussion it was pointed out that the area is designated as low density multiple use on the Comprehensive Plan but that the Commission in its review had indicated a change to single- family use,there being too great an extension of multiple use in the area, now designated from rolling hills clear to Petrovitsky Road. Garrett pointed out that anyone purchasing the property would be under the impression that it was to be multiple zoning and might be guided by the color indicated on the plan. Mr. Ericksen advised the applicants cez advised of the Commission thoughts for changing the plan. After further discussion regarding density and present±,single family residences abutting the right of wa}s and pros and cons thereof, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Dahlquist that the appeal be granted and the zoning allowed as requested with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Ordinance. After inquiry as to precedent ar:d~possibility of estahlistring.zonings where prop.: ties 'abut right-of-ways which might be consistent in all like instances, Schellert expressed concern of setting a precedent and offered a motion to allow R-4 200 ft. from right of way line and remainder of the property be zoned to low R-2 density as indicated by the land use map. The motion was not seconded and vote was taken on the pending original motion. The Chair declared .a majority. aye'. v6te and the motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS : A letter from Boy Scouts of America, Chief Seattle Council, by Sam Barnhart, Chairman, Funforall and Robert S. Epperson, District Scout Executive, Green River District, thanked the City of Renton for its cooperation and many services in the 1966 Funforall held in Liberty and Cedar River Parks. 2200 boys and 700 adults participated and the contribution by the City was felt to have attributed to the success of the production. A letter from the Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce requested permission to stage a ping pong ball drop in connection with the Renton Aviation Festival. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the request to the Committee of the Whole. The motion carried. -2- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 6-20-66 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) A letter from Mayor Custer reported that three new patrolmen had been provided for in the 1966 budget and that to date two have been hired. Since recent examinations have produced two outstanding and well-qualified candidates for the position and since there is urgent need for additional police officers it was requested that Council authorize hiring of both men. There are adequate funds in the Police Department salary account to hire both men for the remainder of the year without additional funding. A letter from Police Chief Williams was attached which also requested the extra man, one to be available July 15th and the other immediately. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendations of the Mayor. The motion carried. Letters read from the Pacific Coast Railroad Company, R. M. Boyd, Land & Tax Agent, submitted Permit #168 covering a 10 3/4 inch casing pipe for water line under the Boeing spur at railway survey station 2+90 at Renton, and #169 for sanitary sewer 10-inch line at railway survey station 1+65. Mayor Custer advised that this c-vers installations at the entrance to Lake Washington beach park authorized by the Council pursuant to his letter of last month. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement permits. The motion carried. A letter from the Maynris Youth Guidance Committee was read which recommended that the request for teenage dances at corner of Bronson Way and Garden Street be approved subject to the following conditions: (a) . Hours be 8:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m., (b) . Age limit be 16-20, (c) Adequate supervision be maintained, (d) No drinking or smoking on the premises and no drinking in adjacent parking areas, (e) Building be approved by the Fire Department, (f) Police Department approve traffic and crowd control. Discussion ensued regarding a type of permit for a first dance try-out. Upon inquiry,Mr. Tonkin advised that they had been desirous of holding a dance next Saturday and that the Youth Guidance group mentioned license which would be revocable at any time. Councilman Delaurenti requested an opinion from Police Chief Williams who pointed out problems which might result with granting such permission, enumerating -building itself is not too large, parking facilities are limited, the location is adjacent to residential area and noise will be a problem, they intend to advertise by radio which will bring a number of outside people into the community on weekends; and they wish to hire off-duty police officers which we do not have available now for our own needs let alon: for this type of work. Chief Williams advised that when a large group of people come into the community they are not especially concerned with Renton and their conduct is not always as it should be, noting that Lake Hills dances seendngly run on a high plane have been reported otherwise. Mrs. Dahlquist commented that Renton needs a place for its young people and she would like to see the dance tried;that something should be done for the youth in Renton as in other cities and that the Police should be encouraged to participate in helping with the young people as they do for the adults. Discussion ensued regarding radio ad- vertising and Mr. Tonkin advised they could not operate successfully without this means of communication. City Clerk Nelson made inquiry relative to governing ordinance for this type of activity. The present license ordinance Lovering a dance hall requires persons attending without guardians or parents to be 18 years of age and also states no permit can be issued to anyone except when the dance is to be held in a licensed dance hall or Fraternal or Service Organizations location. The Cabaret Ordinance might also cover this type of operation but also..Amposes the restrictions relative to the age. Upon inquiry, City Attorney Haugan stated that present Ordinances do not call for any permit as discussed and that the Ordinance would need to be amended for such provisions. Upon inquiry, Mr. Tonkin advised the Fire and Building Departments have been working with them and have given the necessary building remodeling which will need to be completed, and that he thinks the dance would be a good thing for Renton and will help to bring the young people back from Lake Hills. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Discussion ensued as to action the Council wishes t e Committee to take, it being felt that policy would be involved and should require action of the full council. It was pointed out that the Ordinance needs to be revised before any request can be given consideration and vote was taken on the pending motion. Upon dissenting voice vote, roll call was requested by two members and resulted as follows: Aye: Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Poli and Morris. No: Hulse, Perry, and Delaurenti. 8 aye votes and 3 no votes were cast and the motion carried. -3- ,7S Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 6-20-66 COMMUNICATIONS : (Cont.) The City Clerk reported brochure from the Association of Washington Cities and Bureau of Governmental Research and Services, University of Washington, containing the 1965-1966 Annual Report of the Association. A brochure was received from the University of Washington outlining the program for the Thirty-First Annual Summer Institute of Government, to be held July 8, 1966. This year's session will be on the Washington State Constitution- Stumbling Block or Stepping Stone. Transmittal letter was read and noted an attached card for pre-registration. A letter from Helen Marie Parker requested._to meet with a committee of the Council to discuss opening of a Coffee House for Teenagers in the City of Renton. ?Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the letter to the Mayor's Youth Guidance Committee for written recommendation. Carried. A letter from Mr. Phillip L. Beckley requested permission to hold a parade in Renton on the 4th of July, beginning at the Renton Shopping Center and proceeding East on Third Avenue to terminate at Liberty Park, from 2:00 p.m. to approximately 3:30 p.m. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, that the request be granted under supervision of the Police Department and Street Com- missioner. Carried. Mayor Custer extended formal invitation to attend the parade and spend the 4th of July in Renton. A Reception for visiting officials is to be held at the Renton Inn and Airs. Beckley confirmed the time from 12:00 noon until 1:45 p.m. with program to follow in Liberty Park. A letter from Street Corrinissioner Victor TeGantvoort requested fund transfer from City Street Fund 3240/110 to 3240/341 in sum of $596.88 to furtd_.City'-s cost per the University of Washington Invoice #78398,which sum comprises 10% city share of College Work-Study Program under Student Poverty Program under Title I, Part C of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to grant the transfer and refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Com- mittee. Carried. A letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer submitted and recommended for payment Estimate No. 1 for engineering services rendered by Mr. Richard Wolff in connection with covering of the Highlands Reservoir, in sum of $720.00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation with referral to the Auditing and Accounting Committee for payment. Carried. A letter was read from the Renton Downtown Merchants Association requesting permission to hold their "Annual Sidewalk Sale" on July 7, 8 and 9th and to place a banner on the street from July 1 through 9 to advertise the sale. The proper hold harmless agreement and necessary insurance will be provided. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to grant the requests under supervision of the Street Commissioner as per usual procedure. Carried. A letter from City Attorney Shellan reported that Mr. Nolen, owner of Talbot Hill reservoir site property has agreed to sell to the City at the appraised price at fair market value of $7,850.00 as established by Mr. Mattaini.ThelCity-will pay title insurance cost)the revenue stamps to be borne by Mr. Nolen. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the acquition and funding to be from 1965 Water and Sewer Revenue Fund No. 7150. Carried. APPOINTMENTS: The Committee of the Whole recommended approval of the following appointments as submitted by the Mayor for Council concurrence: Appointment to Library Board of Mr. Jack Newell to fill the unexpired term of Louis Barei, effective as of June 1, 1966. Appointment to Library Board of Mrs. Barbara Shinpoch to fill vacancy created upon expiration of term of Mrs. Martha Wiberg, effective June 1, 1966. Appointment to Municipal Arts Commission of Mr. Thomas H. Cooke, effective as of June 1, 1966. Re-appointment of Mr. Tom Teasdale to three-year term on the Renton Park Board, effective June 6, 1966. Appointment to Airport Board of Mr. Gary Dime to fill unexpired term of Mr. Charles Camerini who resigned, effective May 31, 1966. Appointment to Board of Adjustment of. Paul Maxin, Charles Taylor, Peter Paulman, Courtney Roth, Mrs. Elisabeth Rivily, Charles Hamlin and Mrs. Barbara" Lally. Appointment to Special Building Committee - New City Hall, Council President, Bruce Hulse, Councilman Charles Delaurenti and Deputy City Clerk Gwen Marshall. Moved by Morris.. seconded by Schellert to concur in the appointments- ­-irr:led. Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 6-20-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS UFEL1r11SneG business: Councilman Hulse, President of the Council,submi.tted Committee of the Whole recom- mendation that the Architects, Johnston, Campanella & Associates, proceed with the program planning on the new City Hall as presented at the public hearing of June 6, 1966. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. Councilwoman Dahlquist called attention to G.O. Bond issues for parks and streets to be balloted upon in the fall and did not feel funds should be expended for a city hall in view of the bond issue requests, and she would oppose the motion, which subsequently carried. The Committee also recommended that the City Hall Building Committee meet with the appropriate County Officials to determine if the County will be interested in continuation of renting space from.;the-City in the new building. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to ancur in the recommendation. Dahlquist 41quired regarding Federal aid in funding this project and Councilman -- Hulse advised that a definite plan must be formulated and decisions made to actually build prior to such action. The pending motion carried. Dahlquist opposed. Mayor Custer advised that Mr. Ewing, King, County Property Agent, will be in Renton this week and would like to have a meeting to discuss the matter. Councilman Hulse reported that the City of Renton had been requested to participate in a Valleywide Arterial Road Study and had agreed to participate to extent of $2,500.00 for the first year and another $2,500.00 the second year if judgment should warrant, making a total of $5000.00. Renton had been asked to share in the sum of $7,250.00 and the City was requested to reconsider its previous action since a greater extent of the work in the study , is, � required by this area. The Committee recommended that the City take on responsibility for the total figure of $7,121.50. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Mayor Custer added that this is to be funded from within next years budget. Carried. Councilman Schellert, Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee submitted recom- mendation of the Committee,which has concurred in the request of JunQ 6th by the Municipal Court for additional part-time help, that the $1,400.00 plus any employee benefit costs involved, to be computed by the City Clerk, be funded by appropriation cif excess revenues unto Municipal Court fund 1300, Salaries. Referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper legislation was alsa..recom- mended. Moved by Morrii, seconded y Poli, to concur. The motion carried. Councilman Pedersen, Property Committee Chairman reported receiving notice from the Park Board that they are no longer interested in the acquisition of the Lester Danielson property which adjoins the Kennydale Lions Club park and the Committee recommended that Mr. Danielson be so notified. It oras- recommended thdt ' the Planning Commission be notified of this decision and advised that the Council no longer deems it necessary to delay action on the preliminary plat application. Councilman Pedersen reported that the Committee had been requested to consider lease by the Soil Conservation Department and the Department of Agriculture of space in the Highlands Administration Building vacated by the King County Health Department, The Committee recommended that new leases be drawn with rental not to exceed $250.00 per month. The Building Department will need to make some repairs including new lighting, painting and walls. It was also recommended that the area to be vacated by the Department of Agriculture be assigned for use by the Park Departlfieht, Moved by Trim # seconded by Dahlquisty to eoncur In the recommendations of the Propet`ty Committee. Carried. Funds are available and will be recovered during term cif the lease. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, "'eecanded by Bruce, that City of Renton Vouchers Noe. 3853 through 3^' having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved._, by the Council at this time for payment. Carried. Fund Breakdown followst --� Current pund 3855 - 3876 $ City Street fund 3877 - 3886 3,969.84 Arterial Street Fund 3891 24.30 Cedar River M. & I. 3887 - 3890 1,868.70 Off-Street Parking 3892 10.00 Equipment Rental 3893 - 3906 2,856.63 Library 3907 - 3935 2,973.72 Parks 3936 - 3942 331.32 Water Works Utility 3943 - 3955 5,010.49 1965 Water & Sewer Const. 3956 720.04 Airport 3957 35.50 Cumulative Reserve 1975 3958 - 3961 1 ,332.24 �6 -5 - a3.7o3.v?6 1 SU Minutes - Renton City Cot;ncil Meeting 6-20-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS New Business: Cont. Councilman Hulse announced a meeting of the Committee of the Whole followern. g this meeting and also one next Monday, June 27th at 7:30 p.m. Councilman Hulse invited anyone interested in promotion of the park bond issue to attend a meeting this coming Wednesday, June 22, 1966 in the Conference room adjacent to the Mayor's office, at 7:30 p.m. Councilman Schellert submitted for reading, .a- letter directed to the Insurance Commission,on behalf of the Council,requesting that the rates for auto insurance in Renton be lowered to equalize them to the lower rates charged'adjadent..county arca residents. The City Clerk had..pointed out that a check of the accident; records denoted 60% of the drivers involved were outside residents and it was felt the residents were penalized by the higher rates while the actual offender enjoyed a lesser rate. Inquiry was made as to any action which might be taken by the City to secure lower rates. Councilman Schellert thanked the City Clerk for a fine job 6f- follow-up from just a motion and requested that the Chamber of Commerce be asked for whatever support they might give down in Olympia during the public hearings the Commission is conducting. Councilman Garrett, calling attention to removal of meter heads from the on-street parking meters,moved that the Mayor be instructed to have the posts which have been capped removed from the streets. The motion was seconded by Schellert and carried. Dahlquist opposed. As Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, Councilman Garrett submitted a communication written by Mayor Custer requesting consideration of proposals for improvements along "I" Street between Cemetery Road and 4th Place North . Since all of the residents do not wish to contribute an L.I.D. is not possible but improvements were requested in area where residents wished to participate and a cost of $1.10 per ft.was recommended which will cover materials and the City to contribute labor and equipment to construct sidewalks, curbs and gutters. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, to concur in the requests and authorize the work as recommended. Carried. Councilman Garrett announced a meeting' of the Street and Alley Committee at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday evening, June 21st to discuss Transamerica Development Co. request for im- provement of Grant Street and Ethier Road. The Street Commissioner, City Engineer, Planning Director and other interested persons were invited to attend. Councilman Delaurenti announced a Police and License Committee meeting Tuesday evening at 7:00 p.m. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Chairman Morris, Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton setting the date of July 18, 1966 as date for hearing on the petition for vacation of alley submitted by Cashway Lumber, which was read by the Clerk. (Block 9, Carworks Addition to Renton) Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1377 as read. Carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton authorizing loans from the Cedar River Acquisition Fund to the Street Fund 3200, Capital Outlay Account, in sum of $23,000.00, which was read by the Clerk. (Engineering design and consultant service ,Edr revised IrDA •appli,cation and street bond issues) Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in adoption of Resolution No. 1378 as read. Carried. The Committee submitted a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton authorizing transfer of $596.88 from City Street Fund 3240, Acct. 110, Salaries and triages, unto M. & 0. Contractual Services, Acct. 341, which was read by the City Clerk. (10'o matching funds to acquire part-time student help from the University of Washington per Economic Opportunities Act of 1964) Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, that Resolution No. 1379 be adopted as read. The motion carried. Scheller.*_ opposed. -6- 81. Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 6-20-66 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (Cont.) A proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton was read granting unto Colorcable, Inc. a Washington Corporation, the right, privilege, authority and franchise to construct, operate and maintain a coaxial cable subscriber system for television signal distri- bution within the City of Renton, Washington, impssing provisions, conditions and fees relating thereto. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to place the proposed Ordinance on secor:d and final reading. Carried. After "he final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2245 as read. The motion carried With roll call vote resulting in all ayes. rr� The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Denton declaring that an emergency exists and appropriating monies for -.'.Ie pu oc-� of providing for the payment of necessary capital outlay expenses nacecsitated by suer, ;amergency, which the Committee recommended be placed on first reading only. iiovc-e by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation, Carried. P -'-er the reading the docu-ent was returned to committee pending proper publication according to law. ($44,000.00) A proposed Ordinance was submitted annexing certain to the City of Rentn-l. After the introductory reading., it -as moved oy Morria, sccon,'13d by Delaurenti, to place the document on second and final realm;. Cirried. Aft-er the final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, -"-o cFc Grc'+nance No. 22S•9 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all members precut voting aya. Thi motion carried. (Balch, Harer, Janish, et al) Councilman Morris reported that additional changes have b requested by reprccenta-- tives of the Engineering Department, City Employees Club, Police and Fire Departments in the proposed 6th revision of the Vacation changes arc immincnt at this time. Moved by. Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlqu_^t, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. It was sugge^ted conics of the _proposed Ordinance be sent to Council Members prior to next Monday, Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, that absent Councilman be excused. Carried. Councilman Hulse reminded the members of the Committee of the Wicle mectir.J to follow relative to 3rd Avenue North development proposals. As there was no further business to come before the Cou, cil, nor commnent from the audience upon invitation to speak, the meeting Was edjournec: upon notion by Morris seconded by Poli. The meeting was adjourned at 10.02 p.m. ,el,-un, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor d➢ 5 6-20-1966 APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT EUILDING PERMITS: t 0. A`.•.CU'N ' NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 12115 $ 97,4.70.00 TransAmerica Dev. Co. 1401 Ethier Rd. 12-Unit Apartment 116 97,470.00 " " " 1101 Ethier Rd. 12-Unit Apartment 117 53,370.00 " " It 1307 Ethier Rd. 6-Unit Apartment 118 53,390.00 " " " 1403 Ethier Rd. 6-Unit Apartment 119 35,427.00 " " It 1409 Ethier Rd. 4-Unit Apartment 11220 35,427.00 r' " it 1407 Ethier Rd. 4-Unit Apartment 221 35,427.00 " " " 1303 Ethier Rd. 4-Unit Apartment 222 35,427.00 " " it 1205 Ethier Rd. 4-Unit Apartment 223 35,427.00 " " It 1203 Ethier Rd. 4-Unit Apartment 224 40,532.00 " It it 1411 Ethier Rd. 4-Unit Apartment 11225 40,532.00 " it r' 1405 Ethier Rd. 4-Unit Apartment 226 40,532.00 " " " 1201 Ethier Rd. 4-Unit Apartment 227 60,1502.00 " " " 1301 Ethier Rd. 6-Unit Apartment 228 60,502,00 It " " 1305 Ethier Rd, 6-Unit Apartment 229 3,000,00 Pacific Car & Foundry 4th Avenue North Sign 11230 2CO3.00 Dean W. Poole 673 "P" Street Carport 231 2,400.CO D. J. Ainsworth 11421 S.E . 97th Rec Room Addition 232 550,00 S. S. Bagley 425 Windsor Way Roof & Gutter 233 29,1,'5.00 Pacific Car & Foundry 1400 - 4th Ave. N. Wire Office Bldg. 234 15,{1110.00 School Dist. 403 809 "H" Street Portable Classrooms 11235 15;840.00 School Dist. 403 11930-132nd Ave. S .E. Portable Classr. 236 23;760 .00 School Dist. 403 2508 - 12th Ave. No. Portables 237 7,920.00 School Dist. 403 1404 "I" Street Portable classrooms 7.38 340.CO Russell J. Bergeron 2333-6th P1. No. Covered Patio 239 18,265.00 C.K., Inc. 934 Sunset Blvd. 28-Unit Apartment 11240 39,COO.00 Lester Hagerty 530 No. Williams 4-Unit Apartment 241 1,120.00 I. C. Rumsey 3203 - 7th Pl. No. Remodel Porch 7411 200.00 Ronnie DeBelle 13105-90th Ave. S. Fence 243 450.00 Cascade Free Meth. Church 16059 - 116th S.E. Shed & Fence 244 3;500.00 Sizzler_ Carp oration 109 Third Avenue Wire Restaurant 117.45; 550.00 Gunnar KomIstadius 532 Roger Street Wire Residence 246 75,00 Wm. C. Guyett 13013 - 90th Ave. S. Fence TITI "')T TP1 T Rf T^ 7937 - -.- - - - Chester Biggnes 918 "G" Place Plumbing Fixtures 38 - - - - - - C. K,, Inc. 934 Sunset E. Plumbing Fixtures 39 - - - - - - ',ussell Eager 321 Thomas St. Plumbing Fixtures 7940 - - - - - - Charles Neff 356 Garden St. Gas Installations SEWER PE11MITS 14 27,:00 ;P,?nson Properties Bl.A-15920 Benson Hwy. Sewer Connection 15 25.00 3ens6n Properties Bl.B " IT " " it 16 25.00 It It Block C 1111 7,T n „ 17 25.00 'r Tr Block D 1111 1111 1111 tt 18 25,00 Block E n If 1111 7,T 19 25.00 1111 'f Block F ►' „ t7, t7, 20 75,CO 1111 Ir Block G .21 25.00 Tr " ' Block H n rt 1111 IT 2$, 25.00 1111 " Block I 7,T 7,T 23 25.00 " " Block J " " " It 24 54.00 Wilco Properties 325 Burnett Street Sewer Connection 25 10.00 J. M, Weaver 1246 Talbot Rd. So. Sewer Connection 2,b 25.00 Mike Potoshnik 11505 Sunset Blvd. E. Sewer Connection -R- 1 RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. June 27, 1966 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Poli. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Perry, that the absent Councilmen be excused. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissinner, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Gene Coulon, Park Director and Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of June 20, 1966 be approved as written. Carried. OPENING OF BIDS: The Shelter Building for Kiwanis Park This being the date set, the following sealed bid was opened and read: Vernon F. Lundberg, 206 W. Titus, Kent, Washington - $24,200.00 excluding sales tax. Cashier's check in sum of $1,210.00 was enclosed. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse to refer the bid to Park Board and Property Committee for recommendation. Carried: OPENING OF BIDS: Pedestrian Walk-Don't Walk Traffic Signals This being the date set, the following sealed bid was opened and read: Econolite, 3533 Stone Way North, Seattle 3, Washington - $4,862.00 basic bid plus sales tax o: $ 204.20. Total bid $5,066.20. Bid bond was enclosed. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the bid to the Street and Alley Committee and Traffic Engineer to report back. Carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Appeal of Planning Commission decision on variance denial, Stoneway Concrete, Inc. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communication was read from Planning Director Gordon Ericksen, reporting Commission recommendation for denial. It was felt that future widening of the highway isimminent and the need for additional right of way has not yet been resolved so permanent structure addition was not in accordance with Highway Department recommendations nor in the public interest. Mr. Kay Jones, Executive Vice-President of Stoneway, advised that the 6 ft. setback was absolutely essential if they were to operate the lubrication shop on the premises, as had been outlined at prior hearing on the matter. It was felt that transfer of the equipment and shop would not be beneficial to their operation but that its location in Renton would be of benefit to the City and that it should be kept here, an addition to the existing structure being requested with 6 ft. projection into the setback area. As there was no further audience comment it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, the hearing be declared closed. Carried. The hearing was closed and council action was invited. The Commission had granted conditional permit for a temporary office structure adjacent to the existing office building, which could be moved if necessary upon widening of the highway, however it was felt permitting of the variance for the lubrication and tire shop would present future problems for Stoneway and was not in the public interest with contemplated widening of the highway. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and that the variance be denied. The motion carried. �.. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Emergency Ordinance appropriating excess revenues unto Department Funds within the 1966 Budget. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. There being no communications, the City Clerk outlined the allocations of $11,000.00 to Current Fund, $10,000.00 to Library Fund and $233,000.00 to Street Fund. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to close the hearing. Carried. The hearing was declared closed and council action invited. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the document to the Law and Ordinance Committee for presentation under regular order of that business. Carried. -1- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 6-27-66 COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from David Johnson, President, Explorer Post 493, requested No-Fee Permit to operate a concession stand during the 4th of July festivities. Liberty Park is the location desired and all requirements will be fulfilled, the Park Board, Health Department and Mr. Beckley, Parade Chairman, having been contacted. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to concur in the request for No-Fee Permit with location of the stand subject to Park Board approval. Carried. A letter from The Sweet Adelines requested No-Fee Permit to sell snow cones in Liberty Park in connection with the 4th of July parade to raise funds for the local Quartet to attend International Competition in Houston, Texas. Moved by No Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the Permit subject to approval by the Park Board as to location. Carried. A letter from Victor TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, requested permission to attend the American Public Works Association Convention in Chicago, Illinois, September 10 through 15, 1966. Moved by Perry, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the request. Carried. A letter from Vern Church, Purchasing Agent and W. E . Bennett, Utility Accountant,,-ave Equipment Rental Rate Schedule for 1967 and adoption as soon as poss9.ble was recom- mended so that Department Heads can use them in preparing 1967 budgetary requests, It was requested that Ordinance No. 2072 be amended to reflect certain changes in the operation of the fund. A meeting was requested with the Committee of the Whole and City Attorney to discuss the matter. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. A letter from Lloyd S . Tonkin requested one-night dance permit pending Law and Ordinance Committee recommendation of legislation to cover teenage dances. A dance on Tuesday, June 28th at the Bronson Way and Garden Street location was requested which it was felt might help formulate opinions as to the future operation of such dances. Rules and regulations as recommended by the Mayor's Youth Guidance Committee to be observed. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Trimm to refer the request to the Law and Ordinance Committee . Original request was referred for changes in the Ordinance which must be made prior to a permit such as this being granted. The motion carried. Perry opposed. A letter from Mr. George Spendiff, Project Committee, Civitan Club, requested a No-Fee Permit to operate a concession stand during the Renton Aviation Festival, July 14 to 17, 1966, proceeds to help finance assistance to mentally retarded children program. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the request. Upon inquiry regarding proposed location, Mr. Ted Bennett stated according to his information it was to be located on the cement slab on the site of the old sewage treatment plant and carrier type baskets for circulating sales were to be included. It was pointed out that the No-Fee Permits cover exemption from business license and all other arrangements must be made otherwise with appropriate parties. The pending motion carried. A letter from the King County Assessor, Allen B. Morgan, Clerk of the Board, advised that the King County July Board of Equalization will meet on Thursday, July 7, 1966 at 9:30 a.m. in the Assessor's office and that one petition has been received from the Renton area. Board of Equalization members Dahlquist, Bruce and Schellert had been so notified. Councilman Schellert moved that the County Assessor be asked to notify the Renton Board Members of the name and address of the Appellant in order that they might be better informed at the hearing. The motic:1 was seconded by Dahlquist and carried. APPOINTMENTS: A letter was read from the Civil Service Commission certifying for appointment, on six-months probationary period, the following candidates for position in the Rentor Police Department: Wayne Fassett, 98.37, and Donald Rea, 98.6% , all examination papers available if required. A letter from Mayor Custer requested Council concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Wayne R. Fassett and Mr. Donald L. Rea to position of Patrolmans effective date fon Fassett, July 1, 1966 and Rea, July 16, 1966 upon which the six-months probationary period will commence. Police Chief Williams letter of recommendation was attached. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the appointments . by the Mayor. Carried. -2- Minutes - Renter City Council Meeting 6-.27-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS : President of the Council Hulse reported following recommendations and actions of the Committee of the Whole on referrals t -� date: 1. Chamber of Commerce request to hold a ping pang drop in connection with the coming Aviation Festival on Friday and Saturday, July 15 and 16, 1966. It was recommended that the request be granted subject to execution of proper Hold Harmless Agreement and evidence of liability insurance in sum not less than $100,000.00, activity under supervision of the Police Chief and Street Commissioner, and subject to clearance of other governmental agencies which may have jurisdiction over Helicopter operations. Permittee shall be responsible for cleaning up any litter resulting from the activity. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendations. Carried. ~- 2. King County Mental Retardation Committee request that Renton pass similar legislation as was adopted by King County Commissioners and City of Seattle in giving official recognition to said Committee in order that it may qualify to receive Federal operating funds. The Committee of the Whole recommended con- currence in the request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Resolution. Movcd by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recom- mendation of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. 3. Letter from San Martin de Porres inviting Renton to be i1Sister City" . The Committee recommended that this matter be referred to the Chamber of Commerce to coordinate efforts with various service clubs in the community to see if there is community interest for the program, the City being unable to finance or under- write such a program. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. 4. Mrs. Dahlquist had indicated her interest in attending a meeting of the Institute of Traffic Engineering in Sacramento, California for one week,beginning on July 11, 1966, and it was recommended that she be authorized to attend as a .representative of the City. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Pedersen submitted a report of the Sanitation Committee signed jointly by the Street and Alley Committee and City Engineer, recommending that the bid for the 116th Avenue S.E . Storm Sewer be awarded low bidder South End Concrete Products, Co., Inc. in sum of $8,200.00 and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract upon its approval as to form by the City Attorney. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommenda- tions. Carried. A report of the Street and Alley Committee submitted by Chairman Garrett, recom- mended the following on matters referred to the Committee in previous council actions: 1. Meeting with Transamerica Development Co. regarding request for street im- provements to Ethier Road and Grant Street and possible City participation. It was recommended that Transamerica submit proposal suggesting extent of City par- ticipation in an L.I.U. 2. Mayor's Youth Guidance Committee recommendations for safety measures of in- stallation of additional crosswalks where needed and blinker lights at all school approaches. The crosswalk installation has been based upon a study of conditions and it was recommended that the Youth Guidance Committee designate any specific areas where they would request crosswalks and direct same to the City's Traffic Engineer, Del Bennett. Regarding blinker lights to provide warnings at schools this type of installation is extremely costly and should be reserved for very hazardous intersections and not used merely as an indication of a school area. If particular areas are in mind a recommendation would be appreciated and should be transmitted to the Traffic Engineer for study. 3. Bids for widening of the Logan Street Bridge were considered and it was the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee that all bids be rejected, since they exceed engineering estimate by $12,000.00. It was further recommended that the widening of the bridge be incorporated as part of the City's application for E.D.A. funds currently under consideration by retained consultant. 4. Traffic Signal System for Rainier Avenue - It was recommended that money originally designated for the widening of the Logan Street Bridge be redesignated to provide for traffic signal system on Rainier Avenue from Airport Way to 3rd Place and on Sunset Boulevard West from intersection with Langston Road to Rainier. The system would provide coordination and permit increased traffic capacity. The program was scheduled high on the capital improvement priority list for 1967. After explanation by Del Bennett of traffic patterns to result, it was moved by Hulse, seconced by Schellert, to concur in the Street and Alley Committee recommenda`iors., Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 6-27-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont.) Councilman Perry submitted letter from City Attorney Ste llan, directed to the Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman, stating that the Planning Commission minutes of April 27th show the Charles Redmon rezoning to be questionable and showing no final action by the Commission. Also, Mr. Ericksen's letter of June 20, 1966 to the City Council indicates that the Comprehensive Plan as it now exists, according to the Commission shows this area to be for Single Family Residence use. The Minutes of the City Council meeting of June 20th quoted Mr. Ericksen as allocating a "low density multiple use" to the subject area which would indicate either R-2 or R-3 use. The action of the Council seemed to indicate that the property is to be rezoned R-4 which would be high density multiple use. It was requested, prior to any rezoning action being finalized, that the interpretations be reconciled and it would seem that some further action would be necessary to be sure the proposed rezoning complies with the broad outlines of the Comprehensive Plan, or to amend the Plan in the alterna- tive. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Planning Committee. Garrett stated he believedthat he had asked Mr. Ericksen what the Comprehensive Plan shows and believed his answer, was,it agreed with the zoning as requested. Pyr. Ericksen stated he believed the question was whether the Comprehensive Plan indicated Multiple use and that he believed he stated that it indicated,in his interpretation, there being two classes of multiple zonings, 2-4 classification and 5 or more classification, one essentially low the other high density zoning,tfat in the area in question,as i.nterpretated to the Council and he hoped to the Planning Commission, low density multiple upc is designated. Councilman Garrett advised that his question had been if the Comprehensive Plan agreed in what the requestor was asking for and he thought he got an affirma- tive answer. He believed that when he made the motion that the request be granted it was according to the Comprehensive Plan. The pending motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 3962 through 4033, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council at this time for payment. Carried. Fund Breakdown follows: Current Fund 3963 3980 $ 6,589.39 City Street Fund 3981 - 3984 593.89 No, Renton Interchange App. 3985 4,178.50 Off-Street Parking 3986 10.64 Equipment Rental 3987 - 3992 8,765.21 Parks 3993 - 4003 1,821.67 Water Works Utility 3962 & 4004 - 4011 10,438.96 1965 hater & Sewer Const. 4012 7,850.00 Airport 4013 - 4018 283.03 Firemen's Pension Fund 4019 - 4032 1,316.17 Cumulative Reserve Fund 1182 4033 33.40 $ 41,880.86 Councilman Hulse announced a Committee of the Whole meeting on Wednesday, June 29, 1966 at 7:30 p.m. . The meeting will be held with representatives of the Fire De- partment and equipment rental rates as referred earlier will be discussed also. Councilman Pedersen announced a Property Committee meeting on June 28th at 7:30 p.m. and the City Engineer was invited to attend. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Police and License Committee, submitted a letter directed to tho Committee by the Mayor regarding possibility of increasing amount of fines for various violations of the Traffic Code. In recent discussion it had been requested that the Mayor submit his ideas in writing and changes which were recommended for implementation were: 1. Overtime parking fines increased WI from $1.00 to $2.00; 2. For infractions such as blocking hydrant or parking in an illegal parking zone, $5.00. These charges are in line with neighboring cities and other Departments concerned are in agreement with the proposed increases. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for changes. Inquiry was made as to whether persons parking all day where there is a 4 hour limit would be given double penalty and the Mayor advised that this can be enforced. The pending motion carried. -4- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 6-27-66 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Councilman Perry, Member of the Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton appropriating excess revenues into the Police Court Fund to provide salaries for additional part-time help. Revenues in sum of $1,400.00 are appropriated unto Police Court Fund 1300, Account 130, Salaries and Wages; unto Police Court Account 202, M. & 0. Prepaid Medical (employee benefits), $40.00; unto Police Court M. & 0. Account 203, Industrial Insurance, $25.00 and unto Police Court M. & 0. Account 204, Employee's Life Insurance, $12.00, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1380 as read. The motion carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted a proposed Resolution of the City authorizing purchase of Water Reservoir site from James Nolen for $7,850.00 located on Talbot Hill and described as: The East 191.53 ft. of Tract 21 of Plat No. 2 of Renton Cooperative Coal Company's Acre Tracts, as per plat re- corded in Volume 9 of Plats, Page 27, records of King County; situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. SUBJECT TO reservations in favor of Seattle Electric Co. , King Co. Auditor's File No. 217925 and the restrictions dated May 16, 1904 as recorded in King County Auditor's File 217925. Moved 'by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution 138-1-as read.' Carried. The Committee submitted a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton which had been introduced for first reading on June 20, 1966, declaring that an amergency exists and appropriating monies for the purpose of providing for the payment of necessary capital outlay expenses necessitated by such emergency. •.funds are hereby appropriated into Current Expense Fund, No. 1920, Account 601, Non- Departmental, $11,000.00; unto Library Fund No. 5000, Account 605, Capital Out- lay, $10,000.00 and unto Street Fund 3200, Account 605, Capital Outlay, $23,000.00. The Committee recommended second and final reading and it was moved by Poli, and seconded by Schellert, to concur. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2250 as read. Councilman Perry reported that a proposed Air Pollution Control Ordinance has .�. been submitted to the Committee and it is recommended that the various industries in the City be given copies. City Attorney Shellan suggested that the agencies and industries be specified in order to help the City Clerk make the distribution. oo, included were The Boeing Company, Pacific Car & Foundry, Barbee Mill, Creosote Plant, Stoneway Concrete, Inc. , Interpace, Sternoff Metal, Valley Regional Planning and King County Air Pollutio�representative from the Health Dep't. Moved by Perry, seconded by Dahlquist, that the date of July 25, 1966 be set for a public hearing on Air Pollution Control. Carried. Councilman Gianini requested that the Council Members stay a few minutes following this meeting to hear some proposals regarding coming athletic events. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Frank Stogy y advised that he had recently visited Wenatchee and they had built a new library. Their old library building was practically a duplicate of our old building and they have converted theirs into a museum which contains many items of historical interest including medals awarded Pangborn when he first flew across the Pacific Ocean, from the U.S. and one medal from the Emperor of Japan. The Council was urged to visit this museum when in Wenatchee. There being no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m. There were 21 visitors in the Council Chambers. A Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk a D. W. Custer, Mayor of Renton 9� 5-- 88 June 28, 1966 APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 11247 $ 1,250.00 Lloyd S. Peterson 2913 - 14th Avenue Carports 248 11,900.00 John Harer 315 - 5th Ave. West New Residence 249 50.00 Walt Dragin 541 North Williams Demolish Residen 250 50.00 Walt Dragin 539 North Williams Demolish Residen 251 2,000.00 Austin-Hendricksen 301 Third Avenue Remodel Store 252 550.00 Chenaur & Clarke-Agents 811 "N" Place Wire Residence 253 550.00 Harry Hart 2308 - 6th Ave. No. Remodel Wiring 254 75.00 Jay F. Holmes 150 Capri Avenue Fence 11255 500.00 Charles Wiehoff 526 Roger Street Wire Residence 256 500.00 R. W. Wiehoff 528 Roger Street Wire Residence 257 500.00 John C. Sterling 544 North Wells Street Parking Lot 258 35.00 Lyle Evans 3214 - 5th Ave. West Chge Elec. Serv. 259 550.00 Carl Cooks 344 Stevens Street Wire Residence 11260 11,000.00 Renton Inn 800 Rainier Avenue South Swimming Pool 261 200.00 Renton Heating Co. 632 Rainier Ave. Sign 262 6,460.00 Carlos R. Workman 1211 - 3rd Ave. No. Basement 263 3,200.00 Richard Bogart 15475 - 118th S.E. Swimming Pool 264 2,400.00 Kenneth L. Jenkins 3704 - 7th Ave. No. Addition to Res. 11265 3,240.00 George Brown 1201 - 12th Ave. No. Carwash 266 1,000.00 Steve Krenciprock 115 "R" Street Retaining Wall PLUMBING & HEATING PERMIT: 7941 - - - - - Roger Peterson 11010 .- 115th Ave. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 42 - - - - - Tony DeWitt 2244 - 6th Ave. No. Gas Installation 43 - - - - - Bell & Valdez, Inc. 3292 Rolling Hills Pl. Plumbing Fixtures 44 - - - - - Bell & Valdez, Inc. 3340 Rolling Hills P1. Plumbing Fixture- 7945 - - - - - Bell & Valdez, Inc. 3272 Rolling Hills Pl. Plumbing Fixture 46 - - - - - Cecil 0. Whitaker 530 No. Williams St. Plumbing Fixture 47 - - - - - R. W. Wiehoff 526 Roger Street Gas Installation 48 - - - - - Rudy Zaputil 11631 S.E . 106th P1. Gas Installation 49 - - - - - Herb Hackman 533 Roger Street Gas Installation 7950 - - - - - Charles Wiehoff 528 Roger Street Gas Installation 51 - - - - - Lloyd Peterson 11311 - 112th Ave. S.E. Gas Installation 52 - - - - - Lloyd Peterson 11020 - 115th Ave. S.E. Gas Installation 53 - - - - - Market Basket Stores 1222 Bronson Way Plumbing Fixtures 54 - - - - - Milmanco, Inc. 12527 Rainier Avenue Plumbing Fixtures SEWER PERM ITS: 27 - - - - - Gunnar Komstadius 532 Roger Street Sewer Connection 28 - - - - - Lloyd Pederson 11311 S.E . 112th St. Sewer Connection 29 - - - - - Lloyd Pederson 11020 - 115th Ave. SE Sewer Connection 30 - - - - - Roger Pederson 11014 - 115th Ave. SE Sewer Connection 31 - - - - - Milmanco, Inc. 12527 Rainier Avenue Sewer Connection "d 89 The following transfers, having been authorized by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, have been approved by the City Council for the month of June, 1966. TO: CLAIMS TO: PAYROLL FROM: Current, 25,886.49 FROM: Current 82,806. 11 Street (City) 21 ,024.42 Street 15,105. 15 No. Renton Interchange Cedar River M.&I. 476.00 Construction 4,178.50 Equipment Rental 3,318.00 Arterial Street 29.58 LIBRARY 6,096.05 Cedar River M. & I. 2,235.97 Park 15,582.32 Off-Street Parking 131 .74 Waterworks Utility 14,753. 10 Equipment Rental 24,287.66 Airport. 1 ,273:00 Library 3, 364.28 Firemen's pension 116.00 Park 4,479.81 Waterworks Utility 106,449.03 1965 Water & Sewer Construction 66,734.33 Airport 768.95 Firemen's Pension 1 ,316. 17 Cumulative Reserve #1182 33.40 Cumulative Res. #1894 2,610.00 Cumulative Res. #1975 1 ,332.24 TOTAL $ 264,862.57 TOTAL $ 139,525.73 90 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. July 11, 1966 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALI, OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Hulse, Bruce, Gianini, Pedersen, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris .. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that the absent Council Members be excused, The motion carried. 0 7_CIALS AND DEPARTME11T HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police; Sven Johnson, Building Director, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Gene Coulon, Park Director and Vern Church, Purchasing !"gent. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of June 27, 1966 be approved as written. Carried. PUBLIC HEARING. Royal Hills Preliminary Plat and Rezone-Continued from 6-6-66 This being the date set, the hearing was declared open and continued. A letter from Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director reported Planning Commission review of revised plans for the Preliminary Plat on June 22, 1966. The Plattors requested variances and resone of the property from GS-1 to R-1 and since review of the various changes the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Plat with variances and rezone as revised. Audience comment was invited and Mr. David Kennedy of Livingstone, Moore and Wallace, Inc. Architects for the property owner, advised that problems have now been overcome and requested that the Planning Commission recommendation be approved and the Plat accepted accordingly. Mr. K. A. Sanwick, President of Viking Investment Company, associate of Sparkman & McLean Co, the property owners, corroborated state- ments by Mr. Kennedy of compliance and likewise requested adoption of the Plat. Inquiry was made by Roger Thoreson regarding use of S .E. 154th Street for access as had been previously proposed, Planning Director Ericksen displayed a map of the area and designated newly designed route West of Tiffany Park and through the sub- station right-of-way. Inquiries followed regarding location of the new access and ins proximity to existing residences where numerous children play, Bonneville permit for use of the new area and possible utilization of S .E. 154th , as made by E. Lee Morgan, Marcie Wiedeman, Malcolm Blom and Anne Peopwski. It was pointed out that S .E. 154th is no longer being considered for access, the new routing deemed feasible and atisfactor_y for street purposes, the intent being to redevelop the road and not to abut private properties. Mr, Frank Holman, Chairman of the Tiffany: Fark neighborhood committee advised the citizens of Tiffany would not object and agree to the present plans inasmuch as S .E . 154th is not -to be used. Mr. Donald Cade called attention to a large open storm drain in the area and was advised this would be given consideration by the present developer and adjacent developers as well as the City with regard to covering and containment in regard for children in the area. . Councilman Pedersen inquired regarding lake designated on the map and Mr. Kennedy advised it was a swampy area which will be developed and a lake created. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, that the hearing be declared closed. Carried. Council action was invited. Councilman Pedersen inquired regarding prior Tiffany Park Plat development proposal wherein 5 acre park was to have been dedicated to the City, and was advised that the newly proposed plat of Cendi-Crest is the plat containing park and school site but th--'s has not yet been completed. This development will be the neighbor of the Sparkman McLean development rather than Tiffany Park. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission, accepting the Preliminary Plat, rezone and variance requests as per r-2visions outlined. The motion carried. C0111"AiNICI'TIONS: The following Communications were read by the City Clerk with Council actions taken as follows: Rainier Asphalt Paving Company, Martin Overmyer, request for 40 day time extension on 4th Avenue North Extension, Arterial Street Project #3, C.A.G. 1020-66. Delay is caused by weather conditions, City Water Department construction of a water main from M' Street to 132nd Avenue S.E . and a King County project adjoining to the East. Affixed thereto was recommendation from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, that extension be granted as requested , Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recom- mendation of -che City Engineer granting the time extension as requested. Carried. -1- 91 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 7-11-66 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) A letter from M. C. Walls, Fire Chief requested permission to attend the 93rd Annual Conference of the International Association of Fire Chiefs in Boston, Massachusetts August 21 - 25, 1966. Moved by Morris, seconded by Pedersen, to grant the request of the Fire Chief. The motion carried. A letter from Helmie Nelson, City Clerk.requested that proper Resolution be drawn to appropriate funds into the budget from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1894 to make pay- ment on Hugh White property in sum of $98,000.00 and City of Seattle, $52,000.00, previously authorized as Civic Center acquisitions . Moved by Morris, seconded by a.. Delaurenti, to concur. Carried. Letter from the Renton Jaycees, Dennis L. Vadney, requested No-Fee Permit to operate a concession stand at Liberty Park during the Renton Jets Baseball Tournament. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to grant the request with referral to the Park Board for necessary further action. Carried. Applications for licenses to operate coin-phonograph devices were read as submitted by the Maple Leaf Restaurant and Coffee Cafes of Washington; to be installed by Canteen Service, Inc. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to refer the applications to the Police and .License Committee with power to act. Carried. Letters were read requesting No-Fee Permits to operate concession stands at the Renton Aviation Festival on July 16 and 17, 1966] permission having been secured from the Chamber of Commerce heretofore) from Altrusa Club of Renton; The Soroptimist Club of Renton and the Lions Club of Renton. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, that the No-Fee Permits be granted: The motion carried. A letter from Planning Director Gorden Ericksen, submitted Planning Commission recom- mendations from its public hearing meeting of June 22nd and Council action was taken as follows: 1: Douglas Buck Appl. R-329-66 for rezone of property located on South 148th between - 87th Avenue South and the Freeway Overpass, from S-1 to L-1, which zoning is indicated on the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Hulse, to concur. Carried. 2. Willis Webster, Appl. R-330-66 for rezone of property located on the S.W. corner of 91st Avenue South and South 129th Street, from R-1 to R-3, which is is agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. M,)ved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. 3. John 0. Newell, Appl. V-334-66 for variance to construct carport within the 20' ft. setback requirement, leaving a 10' front yard. The property is located on N.W. corner of Renton Street and 8th Avenue. Mgved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to concur. The motion carried. A letter from City Attorney Shellan reported regarding City of Renton Petition for Tax Refund of payments made for two of the City's Municipal parking lots, that the Supreme Court of the State of Washington decided in favor of the Cities of Seattle and Kirkland in recent legal proceedings, that the real estate taxes paid on such parking lots, unless they were acquired by eminent domain, could not be collected. Petitions were submitted for further effort of the City to recover the taxes in line with the Supreme Court decision. A letter from Helmie Nelson, City Clerk reported necessity at this time to appropriate excess revenues into funds to balance Industrial Insurance accounts as a result of higher premium rates than anticipated when costs were budgeted: ..r CURRENT FUND: 203, Industrial Insurance Department: Executive 1200, $15.00; Municipal Court, Acet.1300, $12.00; City Clerk Acet.1400, $40.00; Treasurer Aect.1500, $22,00; Purcasing Acct.1560, $70.00; Planning Aoct.1700, $22.00; Bldg: Maint. Acet.1800, $322.00; Police Acct-2100, $1,650.00; Fire Acct. 2200, $6.00; Engineering A6ct.3100, $160.00; Traffic Signal 'Acct.3130, $65.00 and Parking Control Xcet.3150, $25.00. STREET FUND: 3200/1000, Overhead Fringe Benefits and working budget 3240/203, Industrial Insurance likewise to be credited, $50.00 LIBRARY FUND 5000/203, $30.00 PARKS FUND 6120/203, $260.00, Swimming Pool 1'cct.6140/203, $100.00 Referral to the Law _and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution was recom- mended. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendations of the City Clerk. Carried. -2- 92 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 7-11--66 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) A letter from Chester Biesen, Executive Director, Association of Washington Cities, gave notice of Workshop for City Administrators at the A.lderbrook Inn on Hood .Canal, July 20-23, sponsored by the University of Washington's Graduate School of Public Affairs. Notice was read of a Golf Tournament open to all City of Renton Employees and Elected Officials on Sunday, July 24, 1966 at Enumclaw Golf Course. Tee time: 7:00 - 8:00 a.m. Cost: $2.75 green fees and $1.25 prize fund which total of $4.00 must be paid by July 21st, to Warren Marshall, Bob Lux or Ron Heiret. For further information call Bob Lux, Water Department, Shop ext. 66. Notices were read from the Washington State Highway Commission, Department of ... Highways, Olympia, Washington advising of Certification of Primary and Secondary State Highways no longer necessary to State Highway System and to be returned to the Cities, including for Renton: P.S.H. 41(Si.gn Rt. 405),PSH 45,(Sign Rt. .No. 167); Notice of Limited Access Facilities on the Primary and Secondary Routes of the State Highway System within .limits of Incorporated Cities and Towns, which included for Renton Primary State Hwy. No. 1, (Sunset Highway)(Sign Route No. 405) West Corporate limits at Tukwila Easterly and Northerly to North City Limits at S .E. 96th Street; thence from So. Corporate Limits at S.E . 84th street northerly to North City Limits at Bellevue. Certification of Routes other than routes of limited access facilities included in Renton. Copies have been distributed and may otherwise be reviewed in the office of the City Clerk. A Petition containing 21 signatures beginning with Anna Creek, and ending with Joseph Zappalo, requested vacation of 16 foot alley in Block 11, Renton Highlands per Plat recorded in Volume 46 of Plats, Pgs . 34-41, records of King County. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Hulse, to refer the Petition to the City Engineer to verify signatures for validity of the petition with public hearing date to be set upon such verification. Carried. A letter from William L. Monson reported incorporation of Clearview T.V.Cable, Inc. and requested that Franchise Ordinance and P.A.G. 958-65 be amended accordingly. Also adding to description of area served the following: From 3405 - 6th Avenue E. North on 6th Avenue E. to Maple Place; from 6th Avenue. E. and Maple Place, west to the Renton-Maple Valley Road, thence South to Renton City Limits. Map was attached. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Light and Power Committee and the Law and Ordinance Committee for recommendations, Carried. A Petition containing 29 signatures beginning with W. Dixon Long and ending with Florence Storey requested that change of ordinance to permit licensing of a dance hall at the corner of Bronson flay and Garden Street be denied, that activities for the young people carried on through the park department should be expanded if such is needed. Moved by Perry, seconded by Pedersen, to refer the Petition to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Mayor Custer reported as a point of information that the Recreation Council is being urged to consider a dance at the North Renton Recreation Hall, open to students of the Greater Renton School District, to be appropriately dressed if attending and properly identified. Live music would be provided and the dance would end at approximately 11:30 p.m. to 1.1:45 p.m. Upon inquiry regarding age limit, Park Director Coulon stated the ages being considered would include Sophcnnres, Jrs. and Seniors and those persons who have recently graduated. Councilman Pedersen called attention to the fact that the young men from 18-21 are seemingly forgotten as they are not permitted entry to the dances after they leave school and drive-ins are likely alternatives but: they do not have many places to go. Moved by Perry, seconded by Morris, that the Recreation Council be encouraged to sponsor and promote teenage dances in the City. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Co=ittee of. the Whole report was submitted by President Hulse and Council action was taken as follows: 1. Local 864, International Assn. of Firefighters request that Mayor and Council oppose changes to Firemen's Pension Act as proposed by the State of Washington Public Pension Commission, referred on 6-13-66 was considered and since the changes have not been fully outlined, it was recommended that this matter be referred to the Legislative Committee to study the proposed changes and keep the Council informed on the issues. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. 93 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 7-11-66 COUNCIL COt dIT'I'EE REPORTS: (Cont.) Unfinished Business: Committee of the Whole Report: 2. P—arding -referral of 6-27-66 of Equipment Rental Rate Schedule for 1967, it Woo recommended that the rates presented be adopted as of January 1, 1967 and that the coming budget reflect same. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. 3. firs. Ralph Shafar, President, Renton School District Council of P.T.A., requested that a Council Member be appointed to the P.T.A. Safety Committee ana Councilman Schellert has been so appointed. The City Clerk was requested r.. to so adv:_se Mrs. Shafar, 4. Letce from ?iing County Medical Service Corporation�as referred to the Committee of the Whole on 6-13-66,-was ._cons dered; - Mr. John Alexander, Pres., Local 364, international Assn. of Firefighters advised that no action is re- quired at this time regarding additional medical coverage for Firemen and their dependents Planning Committee report was submitted on referral of 6-27-66 pertaining to the Charles Red-non appeal on rezone of property from GS-1 to R-4 and it was recom- mended, after review with the Planning Department, Commission and the applicant, that the rezone be amended to R-3 zoning in conformance with the Comperhensive General Development Plan of the City of Renton. Mr. Redmon has agreed to the lower density R-3 zoning, so amending his application. 1.1oved by Perry, seconded by Hulse,to concur in the recommendation of the Planninv Committee with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committeo for proper Ordi anco designating the R-3 rezone classification. The motion carried. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the two rezones granted per Planning Com- tission recommendations, be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Cour_cilmc,n Bruce reported that the King County Assessor's Board of Equalization had mnt and there was one parcel to be considered in the Renton area, however, i:o dacicion has been reached and the matter has been continued for further hearing. Propercy Cccmm__ttee report was submitted by Chairman Pedersen recommending,jointly 7it:-, the Pari. Loard,that the bid be rejected and new bid call be advertised for construction of a shelter building at the Kiwanis Park, with July 25, 1966 being the date for opening of the new bids. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the new bid call as recommended. Carried. Property Committee Chairman Pedersen submitted report recommending that the property on the East batik of Cedar River, North of 6th Avenue North, Lots 1,2 and 3 be leased to The Boeing Company for $450.00 per month (Formerly leased to LePack Veneer Co.) and that property South of 6th Avenue North, adjoining former sewage disposal plant, be leased for $200.00 monthly to the Boeing Company with rental to be negotiated every five years. All improvements shall be made at no cost to the City and the City shall have access at all times for river maintenance. The Lease shall be drawn by the City Attorney with the Mayor and City Clerk being authorized to sign- Roved by Hulse, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recommendations of the Property Committee. Carried. The Praperty Cor-:mIttee recommended that a letter be sent once again the the State of ldaszirgton Department of Game, directing them to clean up the Public Boat Launch rg area with lease cancellation in event of non-compliance. Moved by Delaurenti, scce,ded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. `.r It 1-:3 reco:nmenz ed that the property North of Fire Station $#2 be declared surplus and ccic to the h-_ghest bidder. Discussion ensued regarding terms of such a sale after _Ch it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Pedersen, *4, .concur in the recom- men'atio-z and that the proceeds from such sale go into the fund from which the 3rd fire Station site was purchased. Carried. The Cu-mittce recommended that the Hugh White property, recently acquired by the City for Civic Center Site (Autobahn) be added to our blanket fire insurance policy at a valuation of $501000.00. Roved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. -4- 94 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 7-11-1966 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilman Perry called attention to study by the Property Committee regarding _ the public use areas in the Highlands area of the City and to the walkways which adjoin and moved that the walkways be referred to the Committee to likewise recommend whether to surplus or vacate to abutting property owners. The motion was seconded by Hulse and carried. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 4034 through 4165, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment by the Council at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current 4036 - 4092 $ 8,028 .73 City Street 4093 & 4095 - 4103 8,274,53 Cedar River M. & I, 4104 - 4106 30.18 Off-Street Parking 4107 100.00 Equipment Rental 4108 - 4125 & 4094 1, 547.01 Library 4126 - 4129 389.87 Parks 4130 - 4146 966.60 Water Works Utility 4147 - 4160 26,009.49 1965 Water & Sewer Const. 4034 60.27 Airport 4161 - 4164 88.13 Cumulative Fund No. 1894 4035 - 4165 99,350-00 144,844.81 Councilman Hulse requested that consideration be given to improving public use area located between W and J Streets on 12th Avenue North for use as parking area and transit buses to be utilized into the industrial area thereby relieving the internal traffic. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Pedersen, that the Property Committee study the possibility of using public use area for transit parking purposes as suggested-and report back with recommendation. Councilman Perry called attention to offer made to the City for $1.00 of a parcel of property for a branch library at which time the Library Board had reserved decision until such time as the new library was completed and to Public Relation Committee hearing meetings wherein it was recommended that the public use area now being discussed for parking use be one of the sites to be considered for a branch library, and it was suggested that the Property Committee contact the Library Board prior to making recommenda- tion. Councilman Hulse added that parking could be instituted and the land would be available if it were decided to locate the branch library there. It was suggested by Morris that funds available be used to improve all public use area and not utilized for one and Perry pointed out that the budgeted funds had been for acquisition of the public use areas from the Federal Government and money was not budgeted for improvement as such. The pend.Ing motion carried. Councilman Hulse requested a Committee of the Whole meeting following this evening's Council meeting and Councilman Pedersen requested a meeting immediately following the Council meeting of the Property Committee with Purchasing Agent Church and Building Director Johnson. Councilman Delaurenti submitted a Fire and Water Committee report advising of water main system presently being designed to serve proposed Plats of Rolling Hills No. 3 and 4, which system will require an 8-inch line to serve the development. Since the City's Comprehensive Plan specifies a sixteen inch main within this street, it was recommended that the Utility Department pay the difference in cost of materials in eight-inch main and the desired 16-inch main, which will eventually feed the proposed elevated tank to be constructed on Puget Drive ,just east of the Rolling Hills development- Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recom- mendation. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee reported that in regard to referral of proposed amendment to the Ordinance to permit teenage dances, the Committee recommends that this be referred to the Police Department, Park Board, and the Mayor's Youth Guidance Committee, to present written recommendations regarding regulations such as size of building, fire regulations, close proximity to residences, parking and parking lot lighting, police protection and building lighting and ventilation, as they feel necessary to allow such activity in the City. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the Law and Ordinance Committee recommendation. Carried. -5- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 7-11-66 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS A proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington was presented amending Section 1-802 of Title I (Administrative) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to vacations, as read by the City Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Ordinance No. 2251 as read. Roll call vote resulted in unanimous ayes and the motion carried. --- A proposed Ordinance was presented amending Section 10-705 of Title X (Traffic) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" which was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to place the pro- posed Ordinance on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Ordinance No. 2252 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Councilmen voting aye. The motion carried. A proposed Resolution was introduced and read by the City Clerk providing for the appropriation of accumulated revenues into the budget as follows: Unto Cumulative Reserve Fund 1894 (Acquisition from Hugh White et ux), $98,000.00 and unto Cumulative Reserve Fund 1894 (Acquisition from City of Seattle, City Light Dep't.), $52,000.00. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, that Resolution No. 1382 be adopted as read. Carried. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Moriis, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m. There were 32 visitors in the Council Chambers. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk -6- 1 96 7-11-66 APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: N0, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 11267 $ 14,500.00 Stoneway Concrete, Inc. 1516 Maple Valley Hwy. Prefab. Office 268 3,300.00 Vern Morris 427 Park Street Wire 4-Plex 269 4,200.00 Charles Shane 1_11 Maple Valley Hwy. Wire Apartment 11270 15,000.00 Edward Corey 200 Park. Avenue Remodel Studio 271 1.00 Richard W. Ramseur 2414 - 6th Pl. No. Renew Permit 9561 272-87 55,840.00 Benson Properties 15920 Benson Hwy. Wire Apartments 288 2,600.00 Chester Biggins 918 "G" Place Wire Four-Plex 289 - - Lavina Kessler 301 Park Street Demolish Marquee 11290 - -' - - Wm. H. Bruce 532 Park Street Demolish Bldg. 291 2,203.00 United Parking 8th Ave. No. & Houser Parking Lot 292 30.00 United Parking Itit " " Signs (2) 293 1,1781623.50 Big "C" Stores 805 Rainier Ave. So. Shopping Complex 294 4,200.00 Renton Village Co. 800 Rainier Avenue Pool & Filter Rm. 11295 200.00 Sam Pellegrino 508 Morris Street Fence 296 175.00 Spot Cafe 313 Wells Street Sign 297 480.00 Gernot Brandt 3728 - 6th Pl. No. Carport 298 250.00 Mike F. Minarich 433 Park Street Extend Garage 299 350.00 Ren-4, Inc. 231 Williams Street Chg. Elec. Wiring 11300 100.00 Henry Legere 451 Pelly Street Drive & Sidewalk 301 425.00 Herb Mull 15103 - 130th Pl. SE Wire Residence 302 7,500.00 Arthur R. Samora 10003 - 128th Ave. SE Additions to Res. 303 2,000.00 Ren-Four, Inc. 231 Williams Street Remodel Office 304 3,000.00 H. F. Hazel 1200 Bronson Way No. Remodel Store 11305 10,000.00 Aero-Dyne Renton Airport Office Bldg. 306 13,800.00 Lloyd Peterson 11215-114th Ave. SE New Residence 307 350.00 Lloyd Peterson 11311 S.E. 112th St. Wire Residence 308 69,500.00 The Boeing Company Logan St. & 6th Ave. Parking Lot 309 300.00 William Asher 11505 Sunset Blvd. E. Sign 11310 4,119.00 Nick Dubick 412 Mill Street Wire Apartment 311 225.00 Gerald Hanger 809 Jones Street Wire Residence 312 135.00 H. r. Hazel 1200 Bronson Way No. Remodel Wiring 313 420.00 Jim Hird 3409 - 6th Ave. No. Add to Garage 314 51)550.00 Bruce Hulse 11422 S.E. 93rd St. Addition to RI-s. 11315 19,600.00 Bell & Valdez 1800 S .E. Urban Ct. New Residence PLUMBING & HEATING PERMIT: 795: - - - - George Brown 1201-12th Ave. N. Plumbing Fixtures 56 - - - - Top Cleaners 1200 Bronson Gas Installations 57 - - - - - Oliver Noon 604 1 Place Gas Installations 58 - - - - Alf Haaverson 3602 President Park Ct. Gas Installations 59 - - - - Elmer Johnston 602 I Place Gas Installations 7960 - - - -- Renton School Dist.403 16230-108th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 61 Aero Plastics 61 Shattuck St. Gas Installations -SEWER PERMITS: 32 Nick Dubick 412 Mill Street Sewer Connection 33 - - - - - A. E. Minshull 12534 -84th South Sewer Connection 34 - - - - Chinook Mortgage Co. 15520-121st Place S.,E. Sewer. Connection. 35 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 1905 S.E. 19th Court Sewer Connection 36 - - - - Bell & Valdez 2004 S.E. 19th Court SeTwer Connection 37 m - - - - Bell & Valdez 2000 S.E. 19th Court Sewer Connection 38 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 2002 S.E. 19th Court Sewer Connection 39 - - - -- - Bell & Valdez 1904 S.E. 19th Court Sewer Connection 97 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of The City Clerk 800 P.M. July 18, 1966 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Hulse, Bruce, Schellert��iGi nini, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, that the absent Councilman be excused. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Arthur L. Haugan, Assistant City Attorney, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Gene Coulon, Park Director and Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting be approved. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Vacation of 16 ft. alley in Block 3, Car Works Addition to Renton This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Since there were no communications oral comment was invited. City Engineer Jack Wilson expressed no objection to the proposed vacation but requested that a 10 ft. utility easement be retained. Mr. Edward Dunn, President, Renton Cashway Lumber Yard, Inc. , advised that it is their desire to improve the appearance of their property and with the additional space they could add screening and improve the site which lack of space now does not allow. Since there was no further audience comment, Council action was invited. Inquiry was made by Schellert whether the alley abuts on Houser Way right-of-way and if there were adequate right-of-way there. City Engineer Wilson advised that there is only approximately 30 to 35 ft. which would not be adequate if Houser Way were developed as a North-South Arterial and possibly the East portion should be retained for future right-of-way. Pedersen inquired of Mr. Dunn whether the easement request would interfere with the building plans and Mr. Dunn replied that the 10 ft. utility easement would not. Mayor Custer inquired whether Mr. Dunn was planning to build a permanent structure in the area to be vacated and Mr. Dunn replied affirmatively. Moved by Pedersen, with second by Delaurenti, that the vacation be granted. Hulse inquired whether it would be desirable to retain a portion of the right-of-way in the event Houser Way were to be extended through according to the Arterial Plan and stated this point should be clarified. Mayor Custer stated that the Engineer had expressed himself as being in favor and it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that the motion be amended to exclude the East 30 ft. from the vacation and to reserve the 10 ft. easement. Pedersen inquired whether the part to be reserved extended into City property which borders the railroad and received affirmative replies. Question was called on the amendment to the motion which carried and the motion as amended was voted upon and likewise carried. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Mayor Custer advised Mr. Dunn of the Council action which vacates the alley with exception of the East 30 ft. and provision of a 10 ft. easement. Upon inquiry City Engineer Wilson advised that the portion not vacated will not need the utility easement. COMMUNICATIONS: The following letters were read by the City Clerk with Council actions taken in accordance therewith: City Engineer's letter reporting on Petition for vacation of alley in Block 11, Renton Highlands, advised that check of signatures indicated that 100% of owners of the property fronting upon said alley were represented, validating the Petition. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Resolution setting date of August 22nd, 1966 for public hearing. The motion carried. A .letter from Dayle Garrison, Chairman, Renton Planning Commission, advised that the American Institute of Planners will be holding its National. Conference, August 14-18, 1966 at Portland, Oregon. It was requested that as many members .of the Planning Commission and Planning Staff be authorized to attend as -possible, and that the City Council Members and other City departmental staff if possible. The Conference is entitled Optimum Environment - With Man as the Measure and is Part I of a two-year consultation program. J. 98 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting July 18, 1966 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Planning Commission letter re American Instute of Planners Conference in Portland Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the request of the Chairman of the Planning Commission be granted according to provisional allowance of the Planning Commission budget. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the matter of attendance by the Council be referred to the Planning Committee for recommendation. Carried. A Claim was read from Foremost Dairies, Inc. for towing service charges in sum of $8.86 incurred when milk truck sank into the street where allegedly the water main had broken causing cave-in. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the Claim to the City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. The motion carried. The City Clerk read Commentary from the Thirty-Ninth Examination of the City by the Division of Municipal Corporations for 1965 as released by Robert V. Graham, State Auditor. Reconcilliations of cash and investments were made without difficulty, Receipts tested and found credited properly. Funds held by depositories sufficiently covered to meet statutory requirements. The financial condition reflects substantial increase in basic operating funds, attributed to steady increase in the assessed valuation and definite emphasis upon departmental control of expenditures. 13 L.I.D. 's are in hands of the Treasurer for collection. G.O. Bonded indebtedness was increased to $616,000.00 which was approval by the voters of financing a new library and a complex freeway interchange. Clerk's distribution of expenditures was well maintained and claims were properly prepared, approved and charged against correct appropriation. Annual estimate of revenue was well prepared and controlled and adequate appropriations were made to carry on the business of the city. Minutes were a well written record of the business transacted by the legislative body. Surety bonds were found to be properly in force. Firemen's Pension and Relief Board minutes from monthly meetings are available. During period of review sum of $164,392.59 was expended on approved Arterial Street Projects, and expenditures were handled in compliance with provisions of the Division Bulletin #62. Muncip&l Court records were found in good order. City Street Fund expenditures are recorded as required by law in accordance with chart of accounts prescribed by the Division of Municipal Corporations. The examiner thanked the City Officials and Employees for their fine coopera- tion during the course of the examination. A letter from Mayor Custer recommended that the position of Building Director, (Class Code 469) ,be changed from Grade 26 to 27 to allow pay range of $666-810 per month rather than $636 - $771, the present range, effective as of July 15, 1966 when approved by the Council. The request was made to allow for new responsibilities and mounting workload as a result of the current building boom and is also based on changes in the market price for skilled trades, more equitably compensating for the differential in job categories. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the Mayor's request. Councilman Morris stated that he did not intend to vote against the motion,however,he does not feel the recommended pay range is adequate for the job to .be done"nor commensurate with the ability of the man holding the position, when the salary for a Journeyman Inspector working for him should be at least that much. Also, it will be difficult to hire qualified persons to work for him with any salary less than this. Councilman Perry stated that earlier in the evening a Committee meeting had been held and Mr. Morris had made the statement that a Journeyman-Electrician's wage would be $749.00 which the State -.would be paying as of August 1. If one is not making this now working for the State he would like to know who it is. Mr. Morris stated that the rate of $747.00 is the rate which is for Journeyman Electrician and Wiring Inspectors which is what the City plans- to' hire. The present man is not only doing electrical inspections, but plumbing, carpenter, gas and other types of inspection and besides is making electrical installations in the buildings throughout the„ City, and that is why itis felt he should be getting that salary set po for the director. There was no further discussion and Mayor Custer declared the ”" pending motion carried. A letter from Chief of Police Williams advised that Patrolman Jon Northrup will be inducted into the United States Armed Services on July 18, 1966. Patrolman Northrup has been in service to the City since April 16, 1964 and has been a reliable and dependable employee. He has been advised that upon completion of military service reinstatement to former position is made prior to which physical examination is required. Civil Service Commission letter reported that a leave of absence has been granted. -2- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 7-18-1966 APPOINTMENTS: A letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in permanent appointment of John C. Pavone to position of Patrolman in the Renton Police Department. Patrolman Pavone has satisfactorily completed the six-months required probationary period and the permanent appointment has likewise been recommended by Chief Williams. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the appointment by the Mayor. The motion carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Street and Alley Committee report, submitted by Chairman Garrett, recommended that the low bid for Pedestrian Walk-Don't Walk Traffic Signal Heads, of Econolite be accepted in sum of $5,066.20. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that City of Renton Vouchers No. 4166 - 4268, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council for payment at this time. Carried. Fund Breakdown follows: Current 4166 - 4198 $ 3,760.86 City Street 4199 - 4210 6,981.62 Cedar River M. & I. 4211 370.07 Off-Street Parking 4212 10.00 Equipment Rental 4213 - 4232 1,438.77 Tfi.bra ry 4233 12.66 Parks 4234 - 4243 925.69 Water Works Utility 4244 - 4263 85,924.63 Airport 4264 - 4266 109.31 Cumulative Res. 1698 4267 4,520.24 Cumulative Res. 1894 4268 364.96 $ 27,418.81 Councilman Hulse called attention to the coming meeting of the Planning Association of Washington Cities at Moses Lake, September 23 and 24, 1966. Topics to be dis- cussed are: "Port Districts - A Powerful Ally of Planning;"Subdivision Regulations - A Necessary Ingredient"and"Grant County's Answer to Your Sweet Tooth'! Also, there will be a panel discussion on "Recreation Galore" which will feature some representa- tives from the State Parks Department, the State Game Department and the Inter-Agency Committee, among others. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the matter of attendance at this meeting be referred to the Planning Committee for recommendation. The motion carried. Councilman Schellert, Councilwoman Dahlquist and Councilman Garrett commented on items to their interest during attendance at the recent Institute of Traffic Engineers in Sacramento, California. Councilman Schellert reported two main points which he felt were of importance to City Officials. One was a panel discussion on Urban Transport Plans and our own Puget Sound Transportation Study is recommended as an example of a program which has met with success and acceptance in the community. It is pretty well agreed that most of the problem is implementation and pride is takent in that we, in our own street and arterial plan and capital improvement plan, have attempted to implement this master plan, so, we are actually ahead of other cities in our area. Another item of panel presentation was "Where the Freeway Meets the Street" The panel divided delegates into pro-city and pro-state groups. The cities feel the State is giving them a poor deal and the pro-state group felt the cities should not get involved. The panel felt the cities should get more forceful with the state but that the cities should realize the state needs time for planning and that plenty of time should be given to preparation. He concluded that he took pride on the way we submitted the last one to the State Highway Department with all the preparation done by the Mayor and people working with him. Mrs. Dahlquist reported that the portion of the program outstanding in her mind was "Eliminating Bottlenecks". Mr. James Brown, City of Denver, recommended use of one.-way streets which help eliminate use of left turns. The street width allows better traffic flow and is more safe for pedestrians, the accident potential being less. Film slides shown projected a bottleneck and planting of a tree right at the point of conjestion, but use of particular type trees for landscaping were especially impressive. One-way streets was the highlight of the conference and Mrs. Dahlquist wonders when Renton can implement this. 100 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 7-18-1966 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont.) NEW BUSINESS Councilman Garrett, added that the meeting is pretty well reported by the time the Mayor gets around the table to him however one thing that impressed him was the Arterial Program. The meeting began on Monday at 10:00 a.m. with the business meeting and the sessions were all referred to as Technical Sessions with speakers and,session participants being traffic or graduate engineers and they were referred to as Technical Speakers. Panel discussion ended the day at 4:45 p.m. Referring to Mrs. Dahlquistfs statements, Mr. Garrett continued that extensive use was made of slides and diagrams and in regard to eliminating bottlenecks,one slide had a picture of a bottle and a ball peen hammer had just gone down and completely eliminated it. The conference was quite technical and interesting and well worth the time. Councilman Garrett reported that the first Executive Board Meeting of the Association of Washington Cities was held on July 7th and that signatures had been submitted and filed in Olympia and both Initiative 226 and 229 carried more than adequate number to place them before the electorate on the fall ballot. Mr. Wayne Booth, Seattle, was elected AWC. lst Vice-President who goes up to President and then elected a 2nd Vice-President, Finance: Commissioner, Mr. Austin Clark of Rremerton. The Opera House, Seattle Center, was chosen as location for the annual meeting next year, and free rides on the monorail are contemplated. Councilman Hulse added that the Seventh Day Adventists gave support to the Blue Law Initiative 229 which accounted for a good deal of the surplus signature factor. 233 also carried re- quired signatures to be placed on the ballot. (Sharing of Sales Tax by Cities & Towns) Councilman Perry, referring to the one-way street system of Renton stated our problem to be that they are too narrow, however, the City does not have adequate funds to finance the condemnations which would be involved and suggested that the State be requested to participatefinancially so these areas might be opened up and bottlenecks eliminated. Councilman Schellert announced a meeting on Wednesday of the Park Bond Committee, a group organized to promote the Park Bond Issue which the City has placed on the November ballot, at 8:00 p.m., City 11all. The Police and License Committee ChLirman, Charles Delaurenti, submitted report recommending that the City authorize the hiring of four additional patrolmen in the Police Department as soon as possible with referral to the Ways and Means Committee to recommend source of funding. Moved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendations. The motion carried. Councilman Garrett called attention to scheduled meeting at the Renton Inn this Saturday, July 23rd of the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation and in- vited Couaril Members and City Officials to attend any part or all of the meeting. Councilman Poli called attention to newspaper item regarding failure of a petitioner to secure adequate signatures to place the matter of no-deposit bottle elimination on the ballot and inquired of State Representative Garrett if anything might be done in the State Legislature in view of the failure of the petition. Councilman Garrett replied that a bill had been introduced and opposed by workers from North West Gass especially; that the legislature could enact some type of legislation, it being constitutionally possibly, however, apparently the public is not as concerned as the fellow had circulated the petition and the number of signatures was not adequate. Councilman Poli stated the bottles were getting to be a real nuisance with broken bottles all over. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Legislative Committee for recommendation. Carried. Audience comment was invited at this time. Mrs. Shook, referring to pedestrian safety and one-way streets as discussed earlier called attention to traffic hazard at 4th Avenue and Wells Street where Service Laundry Trucks obstruct the view and forcing people to change lanes to get around them. Prior Council action was recalled and meeting with the business owners wherein the conflict had been supposedly ended. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee to report back next week. Councilman Garrett advised that more time may be required if the Committee is to meet with the property owners. Councilman Gianini added that the Laundry owner is trying to secure additional property adjoining the school. It was suggested by Perry that the Traffic Engineer make a study of the traffic count. The pending motion carried. -4- r Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 7-18-1966 AUDIENCE COMMENT: (Continued) Mr. Joseph Korb, Supervisor of Electrical Engineers, The Austin Company, advised that 800 men were employed in construction on- the Boeing Company job_ and it was important that the City furnish some electrical inspection to insure that the Code is enforced by the participating contractors, and requested that assignment be made of a man on a regular basis to assist in progression of the project with- out delay of waiting for inspection, and that $4,000.00 in fees may be involved. Mayor Custer inquired whether it would be of help if the City retained a State Electrical Inspector by Contract for this particular job. Mr. Korb stated it would be of Cssistance if the State were retained and that he needs to have someone with authority to back him up. Mayor Custer added that the State men in this instance would be acting for the City and called attention to the lack of an inspector at present in the Building Department which brought forth suggestion that the City might retain a State Inspector. Mr. Korb advised that Mr. Johnson has been most cooperative in the Building Department however the building is getting along and needs to be approved to warrant further construction. The Mayor pointed out that the City would be making a decision in a day or so and Councilman Morris pointed out that in the event the State takes over they also would take over the fees, however, he had been advised that it would likely be possible that a State Inspector could come until the City could take over for itself. Mayor Custer added that he understand contractual services could be arranged so they would not take over the fees. Mr. Charles Shane addressed the Council and inquired whether the City didn't have some property which might be acquired by himself and some other interested persons. He felt there was land not being utilized which might bring revenue to the City and mentioned Cedar River Park area and property along the Cedar River Waterway. Discussion ensued regarding property recently leased to the Boeing Company along the Waterway and Mr. Shane stated he noted some land running behind Logan Street and school property which he understands is available. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett to refer this to the Property Committee for report of available property. for leace, if any. kir. Shdw was asked what size. land he wants; if th&re is-a certain location or if he were inquiring to find out how much property might be available. Mr. Shane replied that the Council has requested bond issues in the fall and he is expressing his opinion that if the City is not going to use land it should be sold and put to use and that he would be glad to give $30,000.00 in cash for the property from Logan to the waterfront. Mayor Custer recalled going to Court when the City tried to sell other waterfront property. The pending motion carried. Councilman Hulse recalled Council action of last week in its concurrence to declare surplus, property located North of Fire Station ##2, and to sell to the highest bidder, and moved that this matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee_ for proper legislation. The motion was seconded by Schellert and carried. Since there was no further audience comment nor further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk j. D. W. Custer, Mayor -5- 102 7-18-66 APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 11316 250.00 Foster & Kleiser 100 Third Avenue Ground Sign 11317 $ 50.00 Patrick D. Sullivan 2513-9th Ave. N. Wire Addition 318 850.00 T. Cadwell 812 "K" St. Dining Room Add. 319 500.00 Jack Heric 11649 S.E. 104th Place Enclose Carport 11320 18,000.00 Walfrid Kero 7722 South 147th Frame Res. 321 170,000.00 Big "C" Stores 805 Rainier Ave. S. Wire Stores 322 1 ,000.00 Joseph T. Curry 214 Williams Pizza Parlor 323 41 ,000.00 Washington Jockey Club Longacres Grandstand Modif. 324 1 ,500.00 Ray Brown 10803-112th Ave. S.E. Move Res. 11325 1 ,900.00 H. L. Colwell 10809-112th Ave. S.E. Move Res. 326 368.00 K. G. Morgan 2104-7th Ave. N. Carport 327 400.00 Robert Shane 11645- S. E. 100th Wire Res. 328 400.00 Robert Shane 11643 S.E. 100th Wire Res. 329 4,200.00 Charles Shane 111 Maple Valley Hiway Wire 12 Apts. 11330 60,000.00 St.Anthony's Church 336 Shattuck Interior Remodeling 331 2, 100.00 Jonathen L. Barkdoll 1306 Shattuck So. Garage & Stor.Area 332 19,900.00 Bell & Valdez 1709 Rolling Hills P1 .S. E. RH 101 Basic P1 . 333 27,500.00 Bell & Valdez 1904 S.E. 18th Court RH 185 Basic Plan 334 17,760.00 Bell & Valdez 1711 Rolling Hills P1 .S.E. RH 102 11335 450.00 Roger Peterson 11010-115th S.E. Wire Res. 336 500.00 Lloyd Peterson 11020 S.E. 115th Wire Res. 337 500.00 George Brown 1201 "K" St. Wire Car !gash. 338 28,400.00 E. R. Vasbinder 324 Powell St. New Residence 339 2,880.00 David A. Lindlow 828 "P" St. Enclose Garage 11340 39,430.00 John 0. Newell 743 Renton St. New Residence 341 1 ,600.00 Eric H. Englund 511 Grandey Way Utility Room 342 1 ,584.00 Douglas Holmquist 719 "D" St. Garage 343 200.00 Service Laundry 903 -4th Ave. Wire Conduit 344 4,700.00 Aero Plastics 61 Shattuck St. Wire Bldg. 11345 585.00 Bell & Valdez 2005 S.E. Upland Court Wire Res. 346 604.00 Belt & Valdez 3292 Rolling Hills P1 .S. Wire Res. 347 585.00 Bell & Valdez 3327 Rolling Hills P1 .S. Wire Res. 348 585.00 Bell & Valdez, 3272 Rolling Hills P1 .S.E. Wire Res. 349 250.00 Renton Village Co. 800 Rainier Ave. Wire Pool Lights PLUMBING & HEATING PERMIT: 7962 - - - - - Ray Aliment 9823-106th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 63 - - - - - Bruce Hulse 11422 S.E. 93rd Plumbing Fixtures 0;4 - - - - - Patrick D. Sullivan 2513-9th N. Plumbing Fixtures 65 - - - - - Big "C" Stores 805 Rainier Ave. S. Plumbing Fixtures SEWER PERMITS: 40 - - - - - Sizzler Restaurant 109-3rd Ave. Sewer Connection 41 - - - - - TransAmerica Either Road Unit 1 Sewer Connection 42 - - - - - TransAmerica Either Road Unit 2 Sewer Connection 43 - - - - - TransAmerica Either Road Unit 3 Sewer Connection 44 - - - - - TransAmerica Either Road Unit 4 Sewer Connection 45 - - - - - Russ Eager 321 Thomas St. Sewer Connection NNW 103 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of the City Clerk 8:00 P.M. July 25, 1966 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Hulse, Bruce, Scheliert, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Poli and Morris. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Dahlquist, that the absent councilmembers be excused. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Gerard M. Shelian, City Attorney, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, W. E. Bennett, Utility Accountant , and Bob Puhich, Utility Foremen. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of July 18, 1966 be approved. The motion carried. BID OPENING: Shelter Building - Kiwanis Park This being the date set the following sealed bids were opened and read by the City Clerk: Amount Completion Bell Construction Co. (bond) $26,800.00 120 calendar days 85 Tobin Avenue Renton, Washington Vernon F. Lundberg (cashier's check) 23,988.00 120 calendar days 206 W. Titus Kent, Washington Rasmussen Construction Co. (bond) 22,000.00 75 calendar days 710 Harrison Street Seattle, Washington It was then moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, that these bids be placed in the hands of the PARK BOARD, PARK DIRECTOR and the CITY ENGINEER. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Ordinance - Air Pollution Control Mayor Custer declared the hearing open. He informed the assembly that this proposed ordinance has been prepared by our City Attorney and was based upon the Seattle and King County ordinances for the same purposes. The. Clerk had forwarded copies of the proposed ordinance to various agencies and industries in the area. A letter from A. R. Dammkoehler, P.E,, Air Pollution Control Officer of the Seattle-King County Department of Public Health was read wherein he stated that the proposed ordinance should go a long way towards implementing a program to provide clean air for the citizens of Renton. The ordinance is compatible with the City of Seattle and the King County Codes and will provide the basis for a uniform and cooperative program between these areas of separate governmental jurisdiction. Mr. Dammkoehler advised that the Air Pollution Control Division stands willing to assist the City of Renton in whatever manner is necessary to carry out the mandates of the proposed air pollution ordinance. A communication from the League of Women Voters was read commending the Council for taking initial action to establish air pollution control in the City of Renton and urging adoption of the proposed ordinance. At this time the Mayor called for audience comments. Mr. Ward W. Roberts of Reilly Tar and Chemical Co. stated that considerable study t-as been given to this subject by his firm and other similar firms throughout the United States. He felt that the proposed ordinance allows the control officer far too much latitude in enforcement which would lead to misunderstanding and unnecessary expense, and that stipulations should be set forth more clearly. Mrs. Richard Neglay of 12232-88th Ave. South spoke in favor of the proposed ordinance and urged its adoption before further industrial expansion creates more pollution problems. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli that the hearing be closed. The motion carried. -1 - 104 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting July 25, 1966 PUBLIC HEARING: (Cont. ) Councilman Scheliert, on behalf of the !Jays and Means committee inquired if Mr. Dammkoehler could provide the Council any cost figures for the program. Mr. Dammkoehler stated that their budget for next year had not been finalized, however on the basis of this year's budget he would estimate 8z� per capita or approximately $1 ,700.00, based on present population figures. This would give.. the city the benefit of an air pollution control officer and would also provide for the staffing and placement of a monitoring system in the area. Moved by Morris, seconded by i-iulse, that the communications relating to the proposed ordinance be referred to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE. The motion carried. AWARDS: The Mayor made award presentations to the Explorer Scouts, post #493 and to the Boy Scout Troop #400 for outstanding service in the community, specifically, in assisting in moving 60,000 books, plus a vast number of magazines and other publications from the old Library to the new Library, Post members spent 98 hours and Troop members 102 hours. Jim Johnson accepted the award on behalf of Boy Scout Troop #400 and David Johnson received the award on behalf of the Explorer Post #493 An award presentation was then made to Miss Pat Van Wolvalacre in recognition of her outstanding athletic ability as evidenced by her performance in the National A.A.U. Women's Track events, which bring credit to herself and to the Community. COMMUNICATIONS: The following communications were read by the City Clerk, with the following actions thereon: A letter from the Renton Aviation Board requester' Council approve attendance of the Airport Director and interested Board Members at the International Northwest Aviation Council annual meeting to be held in Vancouver, B.C. on September 1, 2 and 3rd., that personal cars be authorized for transportation and that they be reimbursed for expenses incurred as provided by the Renton City Code. Moved by Morris, seconded by Dahlquist to concur in the request of the Aviation Board. The motion carried. A communication from the City Engineer recommended payment of the following items (1 ) Final estimate for Phase I of Arterial Project as performed by Lewis-Redford Engineers in the amount of $2,500.00 to be funded out of Arterial Street Fund. (2) Estimate No. t for Phase II of work performed by Lewis-Redford Engineers on Arterial Projects in the sum of $6,870.00 to be funded from Street Fund, Capital Outlay #605. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that this matter be referred to the ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING COMMITTEE with power to act. Carried. A further communication from the City Engineer submitted and recommended for payment final estimate in the sum of $22,088.80 due Western States Construction Company on roofing of the Highlands Reservoir. The project has been completed and project acceptance by the Council was recommended. If after 30 days no liens or claims are filed against the work, and on proof of payment of tax liabilities, it was further recommended that the retained amount of $9,301 .82 be paid to the Contractor. An additional recommendation for payment of remaining sum of $480.00 due Mr. Richard Wolff, Consulting Engineer, for engineering services was made. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce to refer this matter to the ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING COMMITTEE with power to act, and that the City accept the work as completed. Carried. A letter from Chester Biesen, Executive Director of the Association of Washington Cities was read submitting the proposed Rules and Regulations of the State Board of Health governing Solid Waste. These rules when adopted will become part of the administrative laws of the state, and should be carefully examined in the light of city ordinances which would have to be modified to the extent they are in conflict therewith. Any comments should then be submitted to Mr. Roy J. Myklebust, Advisory Sanitarian, Washington State Department of Health, Public Health Building, Olympia, Washington, 98502. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, that this communication be directed to the SANITATION COMMITTEE to report back. Carried. A communication from the Association of Washington Cities reported that Phase I of Initiative 226 has been brought to a successful conclusion with the submission of petitions containing 181 ,000 signatures. Phase II now places immediate emphasis on finance as a critical situation exists and funds are essential if the campaign is to succeed. All cities are urged to help meet their county's quota in the immediate future and contributions should be sent to the Committee for Community Betterment, 710 Shafer Suilding, Seattle. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Garrett, to refer this matter to the COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE for review. Carried. -2- 105 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting July 25, 1966 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont. ) A letter from the King County Commissioners advised that the Prosecuting Attorney has filed a report regarding the Annexation of territory to tnc: City of Renton by Ordinance No. 2249, stating same is in order and satisfactory. The 1965 Annual Traffic Report was presented by the Trafr c :ngineer and the Clerk read the cover letter wherein it was noted that the ;:u,-pasc 01' ;he report is to analyze high accident locations, establish priority improvements, and after the improvements are made, to follow up with "after'! studies :;:a'. c'amorstratc what can be donewith the application of sound traffic engincariry studies. Appreciation was extended to the Police Department for contrit•itior, of t;ra ivLc:scary date, to make this report possible. A copy of this report will be on `i l i;i th,f Ci_y' Cle!-k's office for those who may be interested. A letter from the Renton Municipal Arts Co^missio : ; r:."er'rt F1 to offe- b� the Boeing Company and Pacific Car and Foundry Companv -'o;= tht ill --i ng of Pcrk Street and Fourth Avenue North. The Commission expresser] its PPp-O%,qi o: ::his pian and aske-i that it be extended to include the City Civic Cente,• Lnd tiv Ci;y cntrinces. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that this mintter bn r fc. red to the COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Carried. A letter from David Johnston, Chairman of the Municipa ,•'.rts Commission requested Council take proper legislative action to establish the Cani.'t1isSion as an official body of the City in the same manner as the Civi ; Service Commission. It was noted that the 12 member Commission was created in June, 1964 a; an advisory body to the Mayor and Council to improve the esthetic enviro.imc-n~ or City through advice on beautification, standards in the design am construction of public facilities and the encouragement of activities intended to promote the cultural well being of the Community. Moved by Perry, seconded by rIMo ris, to refer this matter to the COMMITTEE OF THE !THOLE and the CITY ATTORNEY rpfic-!_ An application from the Puget Sound Chapter of the Nation;0 C stic Fibrosis Research Foundation requested a no-fee permit to cond!rct ri func,` raisin,1 drive the week of September 12, 1966 and a residential door-to-door ;.arch and plus authorization for placement of coin devices in the City frac September 12 to October 13, 1966. Approximately 250 marchers and others -17rom various organizations will be engaged in the Greater Renton campaign. Moved by 7'oli , seconded by Perry, that the requested permit be granted. Carried. A letter from Planning Director Gordon Ericksen presentnd the foiliowing recommendations from the Planning Commission meeting of J,21,y '.3, ;966 Recommend approval of the McKnight Heights #2 Final Plat, Appl . ;%'o, 5-244-66, which property is located on S. E, 105th Place east o:'= 16 -h ilocnue S.E. and north of McKnights Heights Plat No. 1 . This Plat has been by the City Engineer and meets City standards and specifications. Moved by Schep; ert, saconded by Hulse, to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission, prove the plat as presented and that the matter be referred to the 1_A,14 k".;[D t!Ri?;:�1A?dCF COMMITTEE. Carried. Recommend approval of Sendai Crest Preliminary Plat a':, �.p +; , ;lo, 11 -66, which property is located north of Seattle Cedar Rive,- Pip^_lire^ rig'lt of -wny and northeast of Tiffany Park Plat. The developer has agreed to m,�ke th7. rev,is ,on as indicated regarding access to adjacent properties and has agreed to with all recommendations of the City Engineer and Planning nepart^rc,rt.. Plat includes proposed school site and park site. It would inclr.rde two multiple f=amily residential areas and a neighborhood commercial site which are nJt ir: corr.,7iance with the Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Commission recommends approval with the revisions as noted on the preliminary pian drawing, and that the multiple residential and business areas be held in abeyance pending study and review o5 tha Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the rcrommendation of the Planning Commission. Councilman Schellert made inquiry is to the effect Council concurrence would have on the appeal application filed by Livingstone, Moore and Wallace, Inc., which appears later on the Agenda. City Attorney Shellan advised that this letter should be read prior to vote on pending motion. Thi letter was then read wherein it was stated that prior to the Planning Commission meeting Of July 13, 1966 Mr. Kennedy from the firm of Livingstone, Moore and Wallace had been advised that Mr. Ericksen' s recommendation would ba to hold ':he plat in abeyance, and upon this assumption they did not appeal- te? ;�resent any. information at the public hearing. In view of this, Mr , Kennedy! :-aishod recommendation of the City Planning Commission and requested tha City Council schedula a public hearing on this appeal . Following the reading o7 thisu,^►.;.^, i ima7 Hulse •-3.. los Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting July 25, 1966 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont. ) withdrew his second to the preceeding motion and the motion failed for lack of second. Mr. Ericksen stated that he was at a loss as to their reason for the appeal since they had previously expressed approval of the plat. Mr. Ericksen stated that he had made an unsuccessful attempt to contact Mr. Kennedy to clarify their reason for the appeal . Councilman Pedersen made inquiry whether the Council must consider the appeal to which Mr. Shellan advised that it would depend whether the appeal had been filed within the 10 day limit and whether the appellant could be other than the plattor. Moved by Pederson, seconded by Schellert, that the Council set the date of August 15th for a hearing of the appeal on Sendai Crest Plat. Mr. John Teutsch, representing the developers introduced himself and requested that the Council approve the preliminary plat at this time and not further delay it by honoring this appeal request. He stated that they have cooperated with the appellants, granting a new access and have worked with the Planning Staff and City Engineer and feel this is a form of harassment and that these delays have already resulted in much expense. There has been considerable redesign, relocation of the school site and donation of a park site, and they do not feel further delay is warranted. At this time Mayor Custer called a recess to allow the City Attorney and City Clerk to check the platting appeal procedures in the City Code. Following the recess roll call was taken with all Council Members present as previously recorded. Mr. Shellan then reported that there is no provision in the Code for such appeal. ter. Pederson stated that with consent of second he would withdraw his motion, which was done. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. A letter from Northern Pacific Railway Comapny referred to the City's permit application dated May 11 , 1966 to allow construction of a 6-inch water main across the railroad's Belt Line right of way near the north City limits of Renton. Enclosed for the City's review and handling was proposed Permit No. 97302 in favor of the City of Renton, subject to the following provisions: (1 ) installation be made in accord- ance with Exhibit "A" Specifications for Pressure Pipe Line Crossing Under Railway Tracks for Non-Flammable Substances, (2) The casing pipe be increased to 52 feet in length and have a minimum thickness of 3/16-inch. , (3) the casing pipe be jacked under track under flag protection furnished by the railroad at City expense, (4) City's contractor to secure public liability insurance in the form and amounts specified in paragraph 11 (c) of the permit and furnish certified copy of policy for approval by the railroad's Law Department prior to entry upon right of way by the contractor, and (5) that the Contractor shall notify the Division Superintendent's office at Union Depot, Tacoma, llashington, at least 4$ hours prior to commencing cons truction. The permit imposed a $40.00 permit fee and rental charge for the first 5-year period. Mayor Custer noted that the Council had previously authorized the execution of this document, but that now it was necessary to authorize the payment of the $40.00 fee. Councilman Schellert inquired as to the urgency to which the Mayor answered there was none as this matter had been pending for several months and it is not likely that this area could be ready for development in the immediate future. Moved by Morris, Seconded by Bruce that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary documents. Councilman Garrett inquired if further negotiation might result in elimination of the $40.00 fee. Councilman Morris, with consent of second, added to his motion, the phrase, with waiver of the fee. The motion carried. A letter from Mr. and Mrs. Max L. !4orkman of 10211 -116th Avenue S.E., Renton, set forth a claim against the City in the amount of $50.00 requesting reimbursement for labor and damages caused to them by reason of construction being done near their home for the installation of a storm sewer and by a storm that occurred about 2:15 a.m. on July 16, 1966. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to refer this matter to the CITY'S INSURANCE CARRIER and City' Attorney. Carried. A letter from Orrin L. Madison reported that each morning the City Parking lot on 3rd and Wells is littered with beer bottles, whiskey containers, cartons etc., obviously left by persons parking there at night and drinking. Mr. Madison asked that necessary action be taken to correct this situation. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to refer this matter to the CHIEF OF POLICE for appropriate action. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to amend the motion to include the POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE. A vote on the motion carried, and subsequent vote on the motion as amended carried. -4- 107 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting July 25, 1966 COMMUNICATIONS : (Cont. ) A letter from Mayor Custer recommended that Assistant Police Chief Frank A. Henry be granted a one year's extension of his retirement date. Assistant Chief Henry is in good physical condition and capable of continuing his City service in his present position and has not as yet reached the mandatory City retirement age of 65. This recommendation is consistent with the administration's policy on retirement, there- fore Council 's concurrence is requested for this extension of retirement which would begin on October 1, 1966 when confirmed. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce to concur in the recommendation of the Mayor. Carried. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that the matter of extension of retirement of Frank A. Henry be referred to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE. Carried. A letter from Chester Biesen, Executive Director of the Association of Washington Cities, stated that the State Highway Commission adopted by Resolution #1391 , dated December 17, 1963, Part V, "Traffic Control for Highway Construction and Maintenance Operations," of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways and by Resolution #1487, dated September 22, 1964, Part III, "Manual of Signals," as promulgated by the Washington State Highway Commission, being in con- formity with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, as issued by the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau if Public Roads, Washington D. C. They urged that a resolution, covering these items, .be adopted.. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that this matter be referred to the TRAFFIC ENGINEER for study and recommendation. Carried. A letter from City Attorney Shellan transmitted the original and two copies of the proposed lease agreement for the area located North of 6th Avenue, with the Boeing Company. It was assumed that the initial lease term was to be for a period of five years with an option to renew on the part of the Lessee for three years, as it did not seem to be the intention of the City Council or the Property Committee to "tie up" this property for a period of 45 to 50 years. Also, as pertains to rentals to be paid to the City, amounts should be based on the fair market value of subject premises to provide for reasonable return therefrom, which in this case would be not less than 6% and preferably 8%, as the prevailing rate per annum for umimproved property of this type. This, incidentially should also apply to the afjoining pro- perties presently under short term lease to Mr. Porter. Councilman Schellert inquired whether this was for information only or if it required Council action. Mayor Custer advised that authorization for the execution of the lease had been given but that it would be in order for Council to act upon the City Attorney's letter. Councilman Pedersen stated that the Council had complied with all points and the amount of rental is well above 6%. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Garrett to refer the City Attorney's letter to the PROPERTY COMMITTEE for review and recommendation. Discussion followed relative to the terms of the lease as presented by the Property Committee at a previous meeting. A vote on the motion failed, whereupon roll call vote was then taken with the following result: Schellert, Dahlquist, Garrett, Perry and Poli, "AYE" and Hulse, Bruce, Pedersen, Trimm and Morris "NO". Following further discussion and comments the Mayor cast a "NO" vote and the motion failed. The City Attorney advised that he had received a call from Boeing and that a meeting has been scheduled to further discuss this lease. It was 0-.en moved by Pedersen, seconded by Perry that this matter be referred back to the CITY ATTORNEY to meet with Boeing and report back. The motion carried. An application from the Riviera Tavern requested that Canteen Service, Inc., be granted the required license to operate a coin operated phonograph in their place of business at 2231 Maple Valley Highway, no current music machine license being in effect. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry that the application be referred to the POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE with power to act. Carried. APPOINTMENT A letter from Mayor Custer recommended that H. M. Edman receive a permanent appoint- ment to the position of Lieutenant in the Renton Police Department. Lt. Edman has ~~ satisfactorily completed his six months probationary period as required, and has been recommended by Chief 4lilliams for permanent appointment. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Perry that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Mayor. Carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Committee reported that a matter had previously been referred to the Property Committee relative to establishment of a commuter parking lot and the Property Committee recommended that the press conduct newspaper polls to find out if this service is really wanted and where it should be -5- 108 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting July 25, 1966 COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont. ) located. Councilman Perry suggested that the Boeing newspaper might also be asked to conduct such a poll . Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee reported that his committee had held a meeting with Service Laundry relative to a parking or loading zone at their place of business. Mr. Garrett advised that the Traffic Division has taken pictures and is making a study of the matter and requested more time for his committee. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that City of Renton Vouchers No. 4269 - 4358, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council for payment at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown is as follows: Current 4269 - 4294 $26,043.53 City Street 4295 - 4300 16,855.91 Cedar River M. & I. 4301 - 4303 101 .25 Equipment Rental 4304 - 4315 8,576.17 Library 4316 - 4318 1 ,000.64 Parks 4319 - 4326 2,337.23 Water Works Utility 4327 - 4334 7,032.35 1965 Water & Sewer Construction 4335 - 4336 22,568.80 Airport 4337 - 4341 888.07 Firemen's Pension 4342 - 4357 2,429.83 Arterial Street 4358 2,500.00 $90, 333.78 Councilman Hulse requested a meeting of the Committee of the Whole to be held immediately following adjournment of this Council meeting and also for a subsequent meeting to be held at 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, July 27. Councilman Schellert requested a meeting with the Park Board on August 10th at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted a proposed Resolution for the vacation of a certain alley, being described as that certain sixteen foot alley in Block 11 , Renton Highlands, according to the plat recorded in Volume 46 of Plats, pages 34-41, records of King County, Washington, and setting the time of hearing on said vacation to be the 22nd day of August, 1966, at the hour of 8:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1383 as read. Carried. A proposed Resolution was submitted extending the compulsory retirement of Frank A. Henry under the classification of Uniformed Personnel for a period not to exceed one year, to-wit: until October 1 , 1967. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1384 as read. Carried. A Proposed Resolution was submitted declaring surplus certain property described as the North 118 feet of Lot 17, Block 6, as shown on the Plat of Renton Highlands, of record in Volume 46 of Plats, pages 34-41 , inclusive, in the office of the Auditor, King County, Washington, and authorizing to advertise for bids for the sale of the afore described property. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1385 as read. Councilman Schellert inquired as to present zoning of the Property whether Council should consider the advisibility of a rezone prior to offering the property for sale. The Pending motion carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Pederson to refer this to the PLANNING COMMISSION for recommendation of rezone. Planning Director Ericksen stated that he believed that the property was now zoned R-1 , which was confirmed by the Fire Chief. Roll call vote was taken with the following results: 5 "AYES", Hulse, Schellert, Garrett, Trimm and Poli, 4 "NOS" Bruce, Pederson, Perry and Morris. The motion carried. A proposed Resolution was submitted recognizing the King County Me� tl Health and Mental Retardation Planning Committee as the community agency for/planning, development and implementation of community mental health and mental retardation programs. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Resolution No. 1386 as read. Carried. -6- 109 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting July 25, 1966 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (Cont. ) A proposed Resolution was submitted appropriating from excess revenue into the Current, Street, Library and Park Funds specified amounts for Industrial Insurance it a total sum of $2,849.00. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1387 as read. Carried. A proposed Ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain property Within the city of Renton from Single Family Residence District (R-1 ) to Residential District (R-3), said property described as being: Lots 11 and 12, Hayes and Robert's subdivision of Block 47, N. W. Latimer ' s Lake Washington Plat, according to plat thereof recorded in Vol . 38 of Plats, Page 47, records of King County. (Willis Webster property) Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to place the ordinance on second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce that Ordinance No. 2253 be adopted as read. Roll call resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. A proposed Ordinance was read vacating a portion of a certain alley in Block 9, Car Works Addition to Renton more fully described as all that portion of the 16 foot alley in Block 9, Car Works Addition to Renton, according to the plat recorded in Volume 15 of Plats, page 47, Records of King County, Washington, lying westerly of a line lying parallel with and 30 feet westerly, measured perpendicularly, from the westerly margin of Houser Way North, and also reserving a ten (10) foot easement for utility to be centered on the existing sanitary sewer line located within the portion of alley above vacated. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the proposed ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, that Ordinance No. 2254 be adopte-d7 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. A proposed Ordinance was read amending Chapter 6, of Title VII (Fire Regulations). of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinance of the City of Renton" by deleting Sections 601 , 602, 604, 607 and 608. All remaining Sections of Chapter 6, Title VII to-wit: Sections 603, 605 and 606 shall remain in full force and effect. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that the proposed ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Carried. Following final reading it was moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that Ordinance No. 22.55 be adopted as read. Roll call vote :-exulted in all ayes and the motion carried. A proposed Ordinance was read adopting and establishing by Reference- a Fire Prevention Code, 1965 Edition describing regulations governing conditions hazardous to life and property from fire and/or explosion; providing additions and amendments to said Code and establishing a Bureau of Fire Prevention in the Fire Department and defining its powers and duties. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, that Ordinance No. 2256 be adopted as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. A proposed Ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City of Renton from Suburban Residence District (S-1 ) to Light Industry District (L-1 ), property located on South 148th Street between 87th South and Freeway overpass, being Lots 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22, except that portion of Lot 18 deeded to the State of Washington for Highway purposes - auditor's File No. 5428430, all in Block 26, C. D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Addition to the City of Seattle Division No. 1 . Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Carried. Following the final reading, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, that Ordinance No. 2257 be adopted as read. Roll Call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. A proposed Ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City of Renton from General Suburban Residence District (GS-1 ) to Residential District (R-3) which property is located in the vicinity of S.E. 160th and the Bonneville Power Administration right of way. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, that the proposed ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Carried. Following the final reading it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that Ordinance No. 2258 be adopted as read. Roll call vote resulted in ali ayes and the motion carried. :C,:i­ncilman Garrett reported attendance with Park Director Gene Coulon at the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation which was held at the Renton Inn on July 23, 1966. -7- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting July 25, 1966 AUDIENCE COMMENT: Audience comment was invited at this time.. Mr. Joseph Korb, Supervisor of Electrical Engineers, The Austin Company, reiterated his request made at last week's meeting for electrical inspection by the City on the construction project job that his firm is doing at the Boeing Company. Mayor Custer advised that at the present time the City is without an inspector and all inspections were being handled through the Building Department as quickly as possible. ° Mr. Tom Teasdale invited the Mayor, City Council and City Officials to attend an Open House at the Maple leaf Restaurant by new owner, Mr. William Gavin. This will honor former owners, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Nelson. Since there was no further audience comment nor further business to come before the . Council , it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:35 p.m. Nelmie Nelson, City Clerk �vv 0. 14. Custer, Mayor The following transfers, having been authorized by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, have been approved by the City Council for the month of July, 1966. TO: CLAIMS TO: PAYROLL FROM: Current $ 37,833.12 FROM: Current $ 84,687.92 . Street 313849.62 Street 15,795.50 Arterial Street 2,500.00 Cedar River M.&I. 476.00 Cedar River M. & 1. 501_.50 Equipment Rental 3,318.00 Off-Street Parking 110.00 Library 6,743.55 Equipment Rental 11,824.39 Park 19,522.78 Library 1,403.17 Waterworks Utility 14,273.24 Park 4,229.52 Airport 1,264.00 Waterworks Utility 41,966.47 Firemen's Pension 116.00 1965 W. & S. Const. 223629.07 Airport 1,085.51 TOTAL $146,196.99 Firemen's Pension 2,429.83 Cumulative Reserve 1698 4,520.24 Cumulative Reserve 1894 99,714.96 TOTAL $262,597.40 -8- July-25i 1966 APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS : NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 11350 $23,292.00 Lewis H. Purcell 11613 S.E. 105th Place Frame Residence 351 16,380.00 Lloyd Peterson 11211 -114th Ave. S.E. New Residence 352 1 ,000.00 Thomas M. Racca 2201 -10th Place No. Foundation 353 10, 100.00 Gull Oil Company 12826-128th S.E. Gas Service Station 354 50.00 Pac. N.W. Bell Longacres _Racetrack Wire Phone Booth 11355 19,080.00 St. Anthony's Church 336 Shattuck St. Remodel wiring in School 356 140.00 Francis J. Pitzel 660 "R" St. Fence Rear Yard 357 20.00 Ben Lindgren 210 North Wells Open Floor to Exam.Res. 358 50.00 Mrs. M. M. Stumpff 11041 Boss Blvd. Remodel wiring 359 16,240.00 Clara R. Adams 231 Wells St. N. Duplex 11360 60,000.00 McDonald's Inc. 73 Rainier Avenue Hamburger Drive-In 361 500.00 McDonald's Inc. 73 Rainier Avenue Sign 362 100.00 Charles Homiston 932 "L" St. Fence Rear Yard 363 1 , 395.00 City of Renton 802 "E" St. Remodel Wiring in Bldg. 364 1 ,025.00 John VanEyke 324 Williams No. Wire Residence 11365 50.00 Stoneway Concrete, Inc. 1516 Maple Way Install Service Pipe 366 350.00 A & H Drugs 301 -3rd Ave. Remodel Wiring 367 100.00 Eric Englund 511 Grandey Way Mire i:Iddition 368 800.00 Robert Huebner 3416-4th Ave. N. Wire Office & Whse. 369 15,000.00 Mrs. Lavina A. Kessler 301 Park St. Remodel Store into Apt. 11370 18,072.00 B & C Constructors 15530-119th Ave.S.E..' Frame Residence 371 11,392.00 B & C Constructors 15520-119th Ave. S. E. Frame Residence 372 50.00 Glen Ford 606 Shattuck St. Misc. Wiring PLUMBING & HEATING PERMIT: J. Bean 1211 -3rd N. Plumbing Fixtures 67 - - - - - Robert Shane 11645 S. E. 100th Plumb-ng Fixtures 68 - - - - - Bob Shane 11643 S.E. 100th it 69 - - - - - Mrs. Mary Sutphin 2514-9th N. Gas Installations 7970 - - - - - David Lindlow 828 "D" St. " 71 - - - - - Bob Shane 11643 S.E. 100th Plumbing Fixtures 72 - - - - - Bob Shane X1645 S. E. 100th " 73 - - - - - Pacific Car & Foundry :,1400-4th Ave. N. " 74 - - - - - Gary Griffith . 3209-6th N. Gas Installations 7975 - - - - - Herr Lumber w .321 Thomas St. It 76 - - - - - Martin Reggiardo 'jlO Morris Heating Equipment 77 - - - - - Roger Peterson �',) 1010-115th S.E. Gas Installations 78 - - - - - Brass Ring 1038 "N" Ct. No. " 79 - - - - - St. Anthony's Parish 336 Shattuck St. Plumbing Fixtures SEVER PERMITS: „;U/,. 46 - - - - - George Brown 1201 "K" St. Sewer Connection 47 - - - - - Charles Wiehoff 526 Rogers St.Lot 8 Blk 3 " 48 - - - - - Charles14iehoff 528 Rogers St.Lot 9 Blk 3 It 49 - - - - - Robert Huebner 3416-3422-4th Ave. N. " -9- 1V RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR h1EETING Office of the City Clerk 8:00 P.M. August 1, 1966 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. 11. Custer, Mayor and Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by tte assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Poli, and Morris. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that the absent Council members be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Ilelmie Nelson, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney; M.C. Walls, Fire Chief; Clarence Williams, Chief of Police; Jack I'lilson, City Engineer; Sven Johnson, Building Director, Gene Coulon, Park Director; Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; W.E. Bennett, Utility Accountant; Bob Puhich, Utility Foreman and Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer. Moved by Iiulse, seconded by Poli, that the ilinutes of the previous meeting of July 25, 1966 be approved. The motion carried. At this time Mayor Custer presented Certificates of Award to former Library Board Members, Pars. Martha Iliberg and 'Mr. Louie Barei, in recognition of outstanding service, especially in view of the responsibilities during the library construction period. Mrs. Iliberg thanked the Mayor and Council for the opportunity of serving on this Board and stated that the time spent had been most gratifying. Upon receiving his award, Mr. Barei expressed his thanks to the Mayor, City Council and the many individuals whose help contributed to making the Library a reality. Mr. Barei stated that he felt the City Council is now in a unique positon in regard to future bond issues as the people of Renton are more likely to be receptive now that they have seen what has been accomplished through the construction of the new library. COMMUNICATIONS: The following communications were read by the City Clerk, with the following actions thereon. A letter from the City Attorney stated that no specific legislation exists that would allow the City to establish the Renton Hunicipal Arts Commission as a separate, independent agency of local government for which public funds could be budgeted. It was noted that such bodies may be established by the State and also by First Class cities based on their charter and statutory powers. Possibly remedial legislation should be sought to allow second class cities to establish such Arts Commissions and to allow public funds to be budgeted for, and expended by such commission. Pioved by Iiulse, seconded by Bruce, that this matter'be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. A letter from the City Clerk submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Estimate #3 in the sum of $1,447.50, covering 96-1/2 hrs of service by Johnston- Campanella 4 Co. , for architectural services on the New City Hall. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that this matter be referred to the Accounting and Auditing Committee with power to act. Carried. Councilwoman Dahlquist inquired as th quantities of work performed under this estimate. Councilman Hulse advised that the City Hall Planning Committee has had several meetings with Mr. Johnston and viewed a number of configurations consisting of 3 story, 5 story and 9 story buildings. Studies have been done on the space re- quirements of various departments. The general layout of the building is well along and a preliminary plan should be available about August 31st. Mr. Hulse advised that interest had been expressed by the County to lease or rent office space in the new building, which at a later date could be utilized by the City as expansion demands. To an inquiry relative to obtaining federal funds, Mayor Custer advised that the bulk of funds available for the King County area had already been allocated to the City of Seattle but there is the possibility of receiving beautification funds. A vote on the pending motion carried. 113 Minutes of the Renton City Council -Cont.- 8/1/66 A letter from the City Attorney submitted a Quit Claim Deed in favor of the City of Renton from the Housing Authority for various streets within the Hillcrest Terrace area. Upon acceptance of this Deed the City would assume full responsibility for such streets. This deed is made without any reversionary clauses in favor of the Housing Authority or the Federal Government. .loved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, that this matter be referred to the City ENGINEER for a written recomendation. Carried. A letter from the Traffic Advisory Committee requested that the Council act upon the Committee's recommendation of April 18, 1966 to restrct parking on Third Avenue during the hours from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. , Monday through Frichy. It is the opinion of the Committee that this restriction should be temporary and should be removed in the event that expanded arterials relieve the congestion in the Central Business District. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that this recommendation be referred to the COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Carried. A letter from the City Employees Club extended a cordial invitation to the Mayor, City Attorney, Members of the City Council, City Treasurer and City Clerk to attend the Employee's Picnic to be held at Alexander's Beach on Lake Sammamish on Saturday, August 6th. A letter from E. R. Coleman presented a proposal to lease any properties owned or controlled by the City in the North Renton area which could be used as parking for industrial workers. Areas including tlothers Park, along Cedar River, on the airport grounds, or possibly under the North Renton Interchange viaduct when completed. Hr. Coleman stated that work relative to preparation of the ground, plus blacktopping, policing, etc. , would be borne by him and the returns to the City would be on a percentage or flat fee basis. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, that this communica- tion be referred to the PROPERTY CONNITTEE. Carried. A petition for the vacation of a portion of 91st Avenue South between South 128th Street and deadend was read stating that this platted street area is of no use to the general public and constitutes an eyesore and fire hazard. The petition was signed by bordering property owners as follows: Charles M. Nattaini, Edward J. Ekhelm, E. R. Coleman and Robert Rivily. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that --- this petition be referred to the CITY ENGINEER to check the signatures.-to determine whether the petition carried required percentage. Carried. A letter from the City Clerk requested an appropriation of excess revenues into the Current Fund, Pion-Departmental Insurance Account, 1920/311 in the sum of $3.,300.00. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Dahlquist, that the request of the City Clerk be allowed. Carried. A further communication from the City Clerk advised that in order to meet the final payment to Alton V. Phillips, Contractor for the new Renton Library, it would be necessary to appropriate the sum of $1,859.37, interest earned, to Cumulative Reserve Fund No. 1975. It was the recommendation of the Clerk, that upon approval the matter be referred to the Law & Ordinance Committee for preparation of necessary resolution. Gloved by Poli, seconded by Iiulse, to concur in the recommendation of the City Clerk. Carried. A letter signed by Gene Coulon, Park Director on behalf of the Park Board, requested a transfer of $7,224.00 from Park Fund 6120, Capital Outlay Account 605 , unto Park Fund 6120, Capital Outlay Account 602, to cover the excess amount bid over the budgeted sum for theconstruction of the Kiwanis Park Shelter Building, and recommended that the necessary resolution be prepared. 'Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry to concur with the .recommendation of the Park Board. Councilwoman Dahlquist questioned the need for the additional appropriation. Park Director Coulon advised that the low bid was $22,000.00 and that at the time the budget was prepared it was felt that $14,900.00 would be sufficient. However, since that time some changes have been made as to the design and construction of the building and also due to higher construction costs an additional sum is now required. A previous bid resulted in rejection of all bids . Board member, Tom Teasdale, added that the building as now planned, to be of brick construction,would be of pore service to the Park Department and a definite asset. Iie pointed out that constuctions costs have risen in the last six months by 20 to 250. Councilwoman Dahlquist stated she definitely felt a request of this nature should be referred to the Committee of the Whole to study before a decision is made. -2- Minutes of the Renton City Council .-Cont.- 8/1/66 Mr. Teasdale advised that the Board had decided it would be too costly to delay this project for another six or eight months. A vote on the pending motion carried. A letter from Park Director, Gene Coulon, advised that it was the recommendation of the Park Board that the low bid of $22,000.00 submitted by Rasmussen Construction Company, for the construction of the Kiwanis Park Shelter Building,• be accepted. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation of the Park Board. Carried, A letter from Mayor Custer recc-nmended that the following appropriation of funds be made to prcvido fvr additional holp° Unto Non--Departmental, Salaries and Wages, 1920/110 tFc '^?:':a'Ur $1,000 and tanto City Clerk, Account 1400/200 Statewide Retirement *n/ the sum of $52.00: unto Account 1400/201 Employment Security the sum of $42.00, and unto Account 1400/21_.03; Industrial insurance the sum of $7.87. Additional help is needed to handle clerical duties involved in operating duplicating machines. Moved by Bruce, seconded by ".vise, to con:ur in the recommendation of the Mayor. At this time it was ::•, : '. ')y Dahlqui-st, seconded by Schellert that this recommendation be referred to the COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. The Mayor and City Clerk explained the need for a person to operate therl�lutlith and H $ ,, Duplicating machines. A vote on the pending motionfailed. A.—w'dt'e on the prece-ding motion to concur in the recommendation of the If Fy,r curried. A letter fro-r. the Purchwsing Agent requested that the sum of $200.00 for over- time pay be appropriated from c,-,Cess revenue into the EquipmentLRental Fund, Account 3600/130 Sa1c_ries and Wags. This request is necessitated by the over-time work by the mLch4.nics on the City of Renton fire trucks, which expenditure could not be foreseen the tine of the preparation of the 1966 Budget. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, concur in the request of the Purchasing Agent. Carried. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that all of the previous requests as authorized. on transfers or r.pp:opriations, be referred to the LAW- AND ORDINANCE COMkIITTEE. Carried. A claim filed July 29, 1966 by McDonell,Cook and Dunlap, on behalf of Marvin R. Holton, r^quested payment of $126.38, for damages alleged to have been incurred on May S. 1966 from r. defective traffic button, Logan Street. Poli moved, Perry seconded that this claim be referred to the INSURANCE CARRIER and�CIW ATTORNEY. Carried. The City Clerk presented the Association of Washington Cities Information Bulletin No. 286, regarding Citizen Action in Government, 32nd Annual Convention, containing Convention Summary, Statement of Policy and Selected Speeches. Mrs. Nelson reported that this Bulletin would be on file in the City Clerk': Office, A communication from Johnston-Campanella, Architects, submitted Certificate No. 10 and recommendation for sinal paymentyto include retained percentage, in the sum of $33,388.55 to Alton V. Phillips, contractor, Renton Public Library. Acceptance of the project was recommended as of dine 15, 1966 and commencement of the one year guaranty and 30-day lien periods, Library Beard approval was indicated as of July 27, 1966. Question was raised as to what date. the Council should use as a basis for the acceptance and the City Attorl:ey advised that it would be as of this date, August 1, inasmuch as as the Council had not received it until this time and the Library Board had not approved it until. July 27th. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that the Council approve Certificate #10 and also accept the project as of this date and begin the one year gearant=; period, and 30-day lien period, Carried. A letter from the C`_`.y Attorney submitted the two revised Boeing Co. leases for areas South and North of 6th Avenue North A meeting was held with Mr. James Estep of The Boeing Company and certain minor changes were made in both of said leases which ir_ th,. opinion of the City Attorney, should be acceptable to the City. It was also noted that the legal descriptions as contained in the original leases were in- correct end new ones are being jointly prepared by Boeing and the City Engineer's WA office and should be attached to each lease, marked Exhibit "A". It was the recommenda- tion of the Cit;• Attorney that upon approval, leases be executed. Councilman Pedersen reported that the revised leases had been approved by the Property Committee. It was then moved by Pedersen, seconded by Schellert, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to exccu::e revised leases: Moved by Morris, seconded by Dahlquist, that the motion be tabled until an appraisal can be obtained from the same appraiser who recently F.pprnised property adjacent to the City property in question. Council- man Pedersen ch llc:.ged t?I Chair on the wording of the motion as restated by the Chair. •3- Minutes of the Renton City Council - Cont. - 8/1/66 A parliamentary inquiry was directed to the City Attorney at this time. Councilman Schellert requested permission to withdraw his second from the original uotion,which request was ruled out of order. The City Attorney then advised that two methods could be used by the Council; (1) The Council could postpone indefinitely; or (2) The matter could be tabled, which motion is undebatable and must be removed from the table at the subsequent meeting or the matter is dead. Councilman Pedersen stated he would still challenge the chair be- cause the motion as stated did not state to postpone, refer. or table. Moved by Pedersen to appeal the motion as stated- by the Chair.' Notion was declared lost for lack of second. A roll call vote was then requested on motion to table. Subsequent discussion was declared out of order as there was a request for roll call vote. Roll call vote: 3 "Ayes"; llulse, Schellert and Dahlquist; 7 "NOS", Bruce, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Poli and Morris. notion lost. 'Moved by Morris, seconded by Dahlquist, that this matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole to secure the suggested appraisal. Councilman Norris< outlined his reasons the request, as adjacent proper ies, under water, had been appraised at the same figure as this land. Councilman Perry expressed concern over adjacent property the City is now leasing on a month-to-month basis, asking that this area be included in the appraisal. Councilman Pedersen advised that this had been done, as all properties had been appraised as one parcel at a time when the committee had considered the possibility of leasing the entire area. Vote was then taken on pending, motion and declared lost, whereupon roll call vote was requested with the following results: 3 "Ayes"; Schellert, Dahlquist, Morris and 7 "NOS"; Hulse, Bruce, Pedersen,Garrett, Trimm, Perry and Poli. Motion failed. Councilman Schellert requested that he now be allowed to withdraw his second to the original motion, which was approved. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the City Attorney to approve the revised lease documents. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that this matter be referred to the Property committee for recommendation. City Attorney Shellan, upon request, outlined revisions -in the lease documents. (1) The leases were dated back to July 15, 1966; (2) Ten days notice of intent to cancel, whereas the City originally had requested 20 days; (3) In addition to off street parking, Boeing wants to use the property for storage; (4) Five years on the option. Councilman Garrett questioned the date of July 15, 1966, stating the property had been used for some time prior to this date. Vote on the motion carried. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Eight "Ayes", Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Garrett, Perry, Poli and Morris, and Two(2) "NOS", Pedersen and Trimm. The motion Carried. APPOINTMENT: A letter from Mayor Custer was read reappointing 11illiam F. Davis, Ella Conklin, and Louie Gebenini to one year terms as members of the Insurance Commission to become effective upon Council concurrence. Mayor Custer explained that to date he had received no expression from any person not presently a member of the Commission. EIe mentioned he would be willing to serve in that capacity. Councilwoman Dahlquist noted that she had had the privilege of sitting in on an Insurance Commission meeting and was overwhelmed at the work involved. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Garrett to concur in the recommendation of the Mayor and that letters of thanks be forwarded to the members of the Commission. The motion carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Councilman Poli, Chairman of the Power and Light Committee submitted the Committee's report recommending; that the application of Mr. William L. Pinson, relative to Franchise Ordinance No. 2197 and Permit PRG 958-65 be granted as follows: Replace William L. Monson as Grantee with Clearview TV Cable, Inc. ; add to description of streets served; from 3405 6th Avenue E. north on 6th Avenue E. to tIaple Place, from 6th Avenue E. and Maple Place (Vest to the Renton-Maple Valley Road, thence south to the Renton City Limits. It was the further recommendation of the committee that the matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for preparation of required documents. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, that the Council concur in the recommendations of the Power and Light Committee. Carried. Hayor Custer presented for reading a notice from the Pacific Northwest Regional Council, National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials which will be held in Eugene, Oregon on September 14, 15, and 16, 1966. Topics for discussion would be Financing for Community Development, Use of New Federal Assistance Programs, and Legal Problems and Solutions, Reviewed - Legal Seminar. Speakers would be the 11onor- able Hubert Humphrey, Vice-President of the United States (tentative) Honorable Minutes of the Renton City Council -Cont.- 8/1/66 Robert Duncan, Congressman, Frederic Fay, President of NAHRO: Robert Pitts, Regional Administrator, Dept. of housing & Urban Development and Mayor HI Tollefson,"Keync:.e ; and others. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry that the Mayor, Building Director and Council President be authorized to attend this meeting. Carried. ;Mayor Custer inquired if anyone else might be interested in attending this meeting in the event that lie would not be able to go and a suggestion followed from Council- woman Dahlquist that one of the Planners might be able to go. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that City of Renton Vouchers No. 4359 - 4469, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown is as follows: SEE ENUMERATION AT THE END Mayor Custer submitted for reading a copy of his comztnication to the Street Commissioner reiterating the Administration's policy regarding political campaign signs, as follows: (1) Street Department is hereby authorized to remove any political advertising placed on public property or in road right of way. (2) Although no specific effort is to be made to clear road right of ways of political signs until immediately after the election, the Street Department is here5ydirected to remove any such signs which constitute traffic hazards. The definition of a "traffic hazard" shall include signs placed too close to the pavement portion of a roadway, any sign suspended in any manner over public property or right of ways, and any sign which obstructs or hinders safe traffic movement. (3) The City shall not be placed in the position of arbitrating private . disputes as to the placement or unauthorized removal of political advertising except in those cases where a formal complaint has been mads to the Police Department, (4) Insofar as it is possible to do so, all campaign advertising material collected by the Street Department shall be stored for not more than ten days at the City garage; the candidate shall be notified of any signs collec'--- ed and shall be requested to pick up same within a ten day period. , and (5) Any un- claimed signs shall be destroyed under the direction of the Street Commissioner. Councilman Pedersen reported on a request from Judge Duckworth of the Justice Court relative to the use of the Police Court when it is available requesting a Prop- erty Committee meeting immediately following adjournment of the Council meeting. Councilman Garrett stated that he had received a communication from the National League of Cities relating to a convention to be held in Las Vegas, no date of the meeting was indicated. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, that the question of a delegate to the National League of Cities be referred to the COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Carried. The City Clerk inquired of Councilman Pedersen if the lease of the courtroom to the Justice Court would conflict with the use of this room as a polling place during elections. Councilman Pedersen advised that if the roomwas needed as a polling place this would be arranged, and that this use by the Justice Court would not commence until after January 1, 1967. Councilman Poli stated there should be some method for the removal of voter registrations of deceased persons. The City Clerk informed the Council that City and Town Clerks and County Auditors are furnished lists of all deceased persons in the area (which procedure dates far back) and the books are cleared of these names, exercising due caution. In addition the state law requires that all City Clerks and County Auditors have available a "Request for Cancellation of Registration Because of Death" - a yellow card edged in black. This card may be signed by any registered voter declaring, under penalty of perjury, that according to their person^1 knowledge and belief a registered voter is deceaed, giving name and address of deco sod person . Twelve of these cards are placed in each registration binder and are at the polls on election day, and available at the City Clerk's Office. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Chairman Morris of the Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution approving the final plat of McKnight Heights 2nd Addition. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, that Resolution No. 1388 be adopted as read. Carried. 1.17 Hinutes of the Renton City Council - Cont. - 8/1/66 AUDIENCE COIMHENTS: Audience comment was invited at this time. Mr. Paul Messer,_president of the Downtown (lerchants Association , stated that members of the Association had read an article in the Seattle Times relative to a proposal of the Traffic Advisory Committee for restriction of parking on Third Avenue. He felt they should receive notice of scheduled meetings, in order to have a representative from the .merchants, present. Mention was made that Mr. Fletcher was a member of the Traffic Advisory Committee, but he was out of town. J.1r. clesser requested that lie be advised of any meetings to be scheduled in the future. ..YW Since there was no further audience comment nor further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45. FUND BREAKDOWN Current 4359 - 4389 $2,148.49 City Street 4390 - 4398 2,818.33 Off Street Parking 4399 10.30 Equipment Rental 4400 - 4411 4,668.15 Library 4412 - 4442 4,169.99 Parks 4443 - ,6452 2,147.68 Water Works Utility 4453 - 4465 23,908.11 Airport 4466 - 4467 25.60 Firemen's Pension 4468 29.20 Cumulative Fund No. 1894 4469 1,447.50 TOTAL $ 41 ,373- 35 Nayor City Clerk -6- August 1, 1966 APPLICATION FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 11373 19,600.00 Bell & Valdez Rolling Hills Village #2 Residence 74 200.00 Baxter Pole Yard Lake Wash. Blvd. Wire Serv. 75 640.00 Aero-Dyne Airport Way Wire Serv. 76 800.00 Meyers Richfield Sunset Blvd. E. n It 77 250.00 Fester & Kleiser 1 ,c%' St. N. Sign 11378 250.00 Henry Powell Lind St. Porch 79 10,CcD.00 Clinton Betz 3rd Ave. Office Bldg. 80 350.00 Carlos Woekman 3rd. N. Wire Serv. 81 2,970.00 Lester Hagerty Williams N. PLUMBING PERMITS: 7980 - _ _ _ _ Fritz Schmidt 643 H St. Gas Inst. 81 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 1600-1602 Puget Or. Plbg. Fixtures 82 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 2000-2010 R. A. Ave. SE " Is 83 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 2005 '.E Upland Ct. " 31 84 - - - --- Pioneer Realty 3503 7th N Septic Tank 7985 - - - - - Robrt Huebner 3416 4th N. Heating Epuip. 86 = - - R odell & Brodeil 14725 130th PL. SE Septic Tank 87 - - - --- The Boeing Co. 5-64 Bldg. Apron C Gas Install . 88 _ _ _ _ _ Stoneway Concrete 1516 Maple Way Plbg. Fixtures SEWER PERMITS 50 - - - - - Stoneway Sand & Gravel Maple Valley Highway Sewer Connection 51 - - - - - Svar Maynard 1318 M St. " " 119 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING August 8, 1966 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and a moment of standing silence was observed in respect for the memory of former Councilman Walt Reid, long time member of the City Council and a friend who had passed away yesterday at the age of 81. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Poli and Morris. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Dahlquist, that the absent Councilmen be excused. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Arthur L. Haugan, Assistant City Attorney, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting be approved. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from City Engineer Wilson and Street Commissioner TeGantvoort submitted and recommended for payment Estimate #1, 116th Avenue S.E . storm sewer installation in sum of $6,962.40,payable to South End Concrete Products, Inc. (S.E. 100th Street to S.E. 103rd Street) Funding to be from Street Maintenance 3240, Capital Outlay 605. Moved by Morris, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the estimate to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. The motion carried. A letter from Wm. E . Schneider, Department of General Administration, State of Washington, acknowledged letter from the Mayor regarding possibility of space being made available in the new Renton Civic Center, and advised that with the current development of the valley area it is very possible that requests will be received for space in the Renton area . A copy of the Mayor's inquiry had been forwarded to the State Property Agent, Mr. Will Lewis, who will contact the Mayor if space is to be requisitioned. Councilman Hulse stated that plans might be made to coincide State plans with ours to locate other facilities nearby in making a governmental development center, in addition to use of space in the Civic Center, in future contemplation. Mayor Custer reported that the County had been likewise contacted in this respect. A letter from City Engineer Wilson reported that Petition .submitted for vacation of portion of 7th Avenue is signed by owners representing 100% of the property which abuts said street. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Garrett, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Resolution setting date of hearing on the proposed vacation. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, that the matter be referred to the Planning Commission for recommendation. Carried. (Petition of Pacific Coast RR. Company A letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, submitted three Easements from Pacific Coast R.R. Co. for relocation of the storm sewer for the Black River Drainage; one North of 7th Avenue, one in 7th Avenue North and the other for drainage ditch from the 7th Avenue storm sewer to the Black River for temporary discharge of the : storm sewer waters. Also attached was a Kinquishment of Easement and Quit Claim Deed from the City of Renton to Pacific Coast R.R. Co. , for existing storm sewer right-of-way in the old Black River bed. Descriptions in the documents were stated to be satisfactory. City Engineer Wilson advised that when the State platted the Black River Channel from Renton to Green River the City had reserved an easement for future storm sewer purposes and now since the Railroad Company development of their property with a 50 ft. storm sewer the City no longer needs the easement previously reserved. Mayor Custer called attention to the Council's instructions for him to obtain easement for clearance over the railroad property to the Lake Washington Beach Park property and reported that in a letter received today it appears that the Petition had been sent to the other railroad involved and it has been in the NorthernPacific office since, there being some problem as to where to place the signals. A meeting has been scheduled for August 16th, but the Pacific Coast Co. has given assurance that when they receive the Petition, assuming no changes have been made from original agreement, theywill sign it. Moved by Poli, seconded by -1- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 11-8-66 COMMUNICATIONS (Cont.) (Deed-Easement documents, Pac. Coast RR Co.) Schellert, to concur in the recommendations of the City Engineer and Mayor who affirmed time being of the essence in the railroadts industrial development with problems to be resolved by the railroad company other than with easements and approval of our petition being confirmed. The motion carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the docuiaents concerning the exchange of easements accordingly. Carried: Mayor Custer called attention to copy of the letter from the Railroad which was attached to the Easement documents. A letter from City Engineer Wilson reported that the legal description of right-of ways within Hillcrest Terrace are satisfactory,--streets constructed to City standar�:a,,,, and recommended that said streets and right-of-ways be accepted by the City for care and maintenance henceforth. Quit Claim Deed had been submitted to the City by the Housing Authority on 8-1-66 and referred to the Engineer for verification. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation and to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Resolution of acceptance. Carried. A letter from Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, submitted Planning Commission recommendations from its public hearing meeting of July 27th which were read by the City Clerk with Council actions taken as follows: Plat: Aloha Ranch #2, Preliminary Plat, Appl. 5-344-66, property located on S.L. 100th Street extending East of existing Aloha Ranch Plat No. 1. The proposed Plat is in compliance with City subdivision standards with exception of the storm drain? e and approval of the Preliminary Plat was recommended subject to acceptance of the storm drainage plan by the City Engineer. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation. Carried. Rezones: Transamerica Development Company, Appl. R-331-66 from SR-1 to R-3 of Parcel #28 located on Ethier Road and Grant Street, and Parcel #29, located on Grant Street and S. E. 154th Street. Reclassification from R-4 to B-1 was requested on a portion of Parcel #30 located on the N.E. corner of. Puget Drive and Benson Road, Parcel #31 located on the S.E. corner of S.E. 154th and Benson Road and Parcel #32 located on Puget Drive and Benson Road. The Commission reported that the proposed rezones to R-3 of .parcels #28 and 29 would be in compliance with the Comprehensive Pian and these rezones were recommended; however, the B-1, business use would not be in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and it was recommended that the hearing be continued on Parcels 31, 32 and portion of 30 pending study of the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendations of the Planning Commission. Upon request, Planning Director Ericksen displayed a diagram of the parcels and designated their locations and conformity. It was pointed out that such use as requested would require a change in the land use map. Mr. Countner, Transamerica representative, displayed a proposed r miniature of the development site with buildings and structures as were planned and it was pointed out that the zoning requested was pertinent to their planned unit development, the businesses to be neighborhood facilities. Mayor Custer inquired whether a planned unit development would still be out of compliance with the compre- hensive plan and Director Ericksen stated that since the proposed Ordinance which will allow such uses in a planned development has not yet been adopted it does not conform but that in the future it is planned that you may have such facilities so long as they are to serve the residents within the area itself as planned, this to be a part of the new Zoning Ordinance. The Commission has been considering the present request and it is expected that there will be some recommendations to the Council in the not too distant future. Upon inquiry it was pointed out that the present development is being regulated by the R-4 zctirg section of the present Ordinance. 7-he pending motion carried. Elmer Rustand, Appl. R-336-66, from C to B-1, property located on the S.W. corner 3 of S .E. 128th Street and 132nd Avenue S.E. The use complies with the Comprehensi%e Plan. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motion carried. John Harer, Appl. R-337-66 from G to B-1, property located on the South side of S.Z. 128th Street approximately 200' West of 132nd Avenue S.E. which is in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Poli, seconded by i{ulse, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motion carried. -2-- 1.21 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 8-8-66 COMMUNICATIONS: Planning Commission Recommendations (Cont.) Rezones: Amos Huseland, Appl. R-338-66, from R-1 to R-3, property located on the S .E . corner of 116th Avenue S .E. and 12th Avenue North which is in agreement with the Compre- hensive Plan. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Morris, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motion carried. Douglas Buck Appl. R-339-66 from G-6000 to L-1, property located on the N.W. corner of South 148th Street and 87th Avenue S .E. which is in agreement with the Compre- hensive Plan. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Charles Ruud, Appl. R-340-66 for rezone from R-1 to B-P, property located on the East side of Williams Street,South of 4th Avenue and adjacent to existing unimproved parking lot. The Comprehensive Plan indicates the area as multiple family residential and the proposed use is for an off-street parking lot. The application indicates that the purpose is to provide more parking adjacent to the downtown area and applicant will improve the parking lot to City engineering standards. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the rezone request, since this would be in compliance with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Arthur Virgillo and Elizabeth Foley Appl. R-342-66 from G-6000 to L-1, property located on the N.E. corner of South 151st Place and 86th Avenue South. The use is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motion carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that the Transamerica rezones concurred in earlier in the meeting for Parcels 28 and 29, be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motion carried. A map had been displayed designating locations of rezones by property owners names as had been prepared by the Planning Department and Councilwoman Dahlquist thanked the Planner for this visual aid which was of great assistance to the Council. Mr. ,,... Magstadt had prepared the map and Mr. Ericksen advised the Planning Department hopes to include some maps for the Council's use plus the zoning overlay in the coming year. Councilman Schellert inquired regarding clarification of Aloha Ranch #2 Plat and drainage problem to be resolved and it was noted that a Preliminary Plat does not require action by the Law and Ordinance Committee and that it is anticipated that upon filing of the final Plat any problems will have been resolved. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business Councilman Schellert inquired whether the Mayor had received an invitation from the County Commissioner to attend a hearing in connection with Air Pollution to be held this coming Wednesday or Thursday. Mayor Custer advised that he had received notice of a City-County Coordinating meeting to be held in the County Commissioner's Chambers Rm. 402 on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at which time Air Pollution Control is to be discussed. Councilman Schellert stated his interest and concern since the newspapers have indicated County intent to take over this program from the Cities. Mayor Custer invited the expression of Council Members in the event the County should offer to handle the Air Pollution Control. Discussion ensued and concensus of opinion was that the City should pursue its own course of control and continue under its own Ordinance if possible, as several other Cities are doing,enabling the local element to engage in assessing and evaluating the program and benefit being commensurate with costs which might not otherwise so result should cost be based upon assessed valuations. Administrative changes which might affect the program were mentioned and also the fact that the Cities are trying to establish a uniform control in adoption of like Ordinances The- local helocal industry should be able to participate in problems of immediate areas. Mayor Custer pointed out that the County has made no proposal to date but that sentiment of the Council will be conveyed if the matter is approached. Councilwoman Dahlquist expressed appreciation for invitation from the City employees to attend the annual picnic last Saturday and moved that a letter be forwarded to the Employees Club to express thanks for the invitation. The motion was seconded by Schellert. Councilman Perry stated that there is rumor that the property has been sold and that the Council be alerted for a new place for the annual picnic to be held. The pending motion carried. -3- 122 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 8-8-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Unfinished Business: (Cont.) Councilman Pedersen reported Property Committee recommendation that action taken on July 11th relative to lease of property to the Boeing Company, so thoroughly dis- cussed last week, be reconfirmed and the matter be referred to the City Attorney for proper lease documents with the Mayor and City Clerk being authorized to sign same. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Hulse inquired regarding appraisal and whether the proposals are right and equitable. Mayor Custer offered point of information that he had talked with Councilman Pedersen and that there will be some consideration for the Attorney's opinion that this should be looked at again, the matter of appraisal, however, having to come from the Council. Morris felt appraisal should be secured prior to execution of the , Agreement. Perry suggested that any appraisal include all of the land not under long term lease. It was pointed out that the motion is to concur with the recommendation of the PropeityCommittee from July 11th but that the intent and present situation takes into account the matter as discussed and altered to date, legal descriptions having been corrected and certain minor changes having been made in both lease docu- ments. The pending motion carried. Councilman Garrett reported that the Traffic Engineer and Street and Alley Committee are preparing a report on the situation at the Service Laundry. They have met with the owners regarding the traffic problems and may possibly have a report by next week. Councilman Poli submitted Light and Power Committee report which recommended installa- tion of 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor lights at Morris Street on the second pole South of 2nd Avenue and 3 lights on 11th Place between 10th Avenue North and 11th Avenue North. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendations of the Light and Power Committee. The motion carried. New Business Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 4470 through 4535, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be accepted for payment at this time. The motion carried. Fund Breakdown follows: Current Fund 4470 - 4494 $ 4,569.43 .m City Street Fund 4495 - 4502 13,508.85 Cedar River M. & I. 4503 6.30 Off-Street Parking 4504 100.00 Equipment Rental 4505 - 4517 835.61 Parks 4518 - 4525 1,220.39 Water Works Utility 4526 - 4532 13,231.56 Airport 4533 - 4534 117.73 Cumulative Fund 1990 4535 437.16 $ 34,027.03 Councilman Hulse announced a meeting on August 17, 1966 at 8:00 p.m. and requested that effort be extended by all to attend and that he be notified in event anyone is not able to be present. Councilman Hulse urged that the Ordinance Committee, City Attorney and City Engineer cooperate to present an ordinance on Arterial Street Bond Issue. Discussion ensued relative to problems confronted in connection with the matter and concern expressed as it is related to the EDA Application now pending. It was stated that some concrete facts and goals would be needed for the preparation of an Ordinance and that the time limit for presenting such an Ordinance is September 19th. The Traffic Advisory Committee will be submitting a program to the Council for-final ideas, there being no certainty that we have a program approved by the EDA at present. Councilman Pedersen requested a short meeting of the Property Committee and the Building Superintendent directly following this meeting. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman, Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton authorizing the City Clerk and City Treasurer to transfer funds as follows: From: Park Fund 6120, Capital Outlay Account 605, $7,224.00, Unto: Park Fund 6120, Capital Outlay Account 602, $7,224.00, as read by the Clerk. (Kiwanis Park Shelter Building) Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1389 as read. Carried. -4- 123 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 8-8-66 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (Cont.) The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted a proposed Resolution,which was read by the Clerk,which authorized appropriation from excess revenues of the following sums, (General Duplicating Machine Operator for all City Departments) TO: Current Fund Non-Departmental Account, Salaries and Wages, 1920/110, $1,000.00; City Clerk Account 1400, Employee Benefits: 200, Statewide Retirement, $ 52.00; 201, Employment Security, $ 42.00; 203, Industrial Insurance, $ 7.87; To: Equipment Rental Fund, (Central Garage), Account 3600/130, Salaries and Wages, $200.00. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to adopt Resolution No. 1390 as read. The motion carried. The Committee presented a proposed Resolution appropriating interest earned on investment unto Cumulative Reserve Fund 1975 for new library, $1,859.37 and to Current Fund, Non-Departmental Insurance Account, 1920/311, $3,300.00 (City insurance premium increases including library and new properties acquired) . Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1391 as read. The motion carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City of Renton from General Suburban Residence District (GS-1) to Single Family Residential District (SR-1), which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to place the proposed Ordinance on second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2259 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion Carried. (Rezone - Royal Hills Plat - Sparkman & McLean) The Committee submitted for introductory reading only an Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington amending Ordinance No. 2197 relating to a permit to construct, operate and maintain a coaxial cable subscriber system for television signal distri- bution over and across certain designated city streets. (Colorcable, Inc. - Wm. L. Monson) (Revision of original permit to add territory and change name.) Moved by Garrett, seconded by Trimm, to place the proposed Ordinance on first reading only. Carried. After the first reading, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Pali, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried . As there was no .further business to come before the Council and no audience comment it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor -5- August S, 1966 APPLICATION FOR PER11ITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PEMITS NO. A;>IOUNT NMIE ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 11382 3500.00 Clifford Bates 556 "J" St Add'n to House 83 2000.00 Christy Swales 3827 So 1SOth St Foundation: 84 2300.00 Daniel 11elker 10629 SE 96th Family Rm Add'n 11365 100.00 Rod Richmond 426 Langston Rd Fence 86 186,360.00 Highlander Co. 525 Bronson lJy No 24-Unit Apt 87 450.00 Sunset Outdoor Adv. 122 Harris St Steel Sign 88 46,000.00 Edward C Biggins 116th Ave SE 6-Unit Apt Bldg; 89 182.00 Marvel Ault M3 `10thAAve No Concret Slab 11390 24,716.00 Elonzo 'Kinston 3903 6th Ave No New Frame Res. 91 170.00 P. Price 754 "P1" St 1',1ire Dryer 92 150.00 Roy S Brown 433 Grandey Way Chn Ser. to Wire Dryer 93 1000.00 Ed's Airmotive 302 Airport Way Remodel Off. Space 94 2000.00 Puget S Power & Light 612 Grady `day Remodel Off. Space 11395 100.00 Gardner Colman 3293 Court "A" Fence (Yard) 96 75.00 I°Darren Kindle 12809 90th So Fence (Yard) 97 no fee City of Penton 204 hill St Demolish Res 98 ..no fee City of Renton 1111 Second Ave Demolish Res 99 500.00 Boysen Paint Co 710 Second Ave Sign 11400 100.00 Vernon Farmer 3335 R. H. P1"S6 Fence (Yard) 01 188.00 W. D. Smith 3269 R. 1-1. Ave SE Fence (rear Yd) PLUMBING PEW--1ITS 7989 - - - - - Don W Skoda 3349 - Court "A" Heating 90 - - - - - Wilfred Parsinen 3323 R. 11. Place So Beating 91 - - - - - Bell & Valdez, Inc. 1800 SE Urban Ct. Heating 92 - - - - - Bell & Valdez, Inc. 3095 Court "C" Heating 93 - - - - - Bell & Valdez, Inc. 2005 SE Upland Court Heating 94 - - - - - George A Schaut 9838 SE 92nd Plumbing Fixtures 7995 - - - - - John Newell 734 Renton St Gas Inst. 96 - - - - - John Van Eyk 1809 `Ionterey Dr Plumbing & Fixtures 97 - - - - - 711. T. Stovic 1316 "ll" St Gas Inst. 98 - - - - - Zarolisick 129 Burnett P1 Gas Inst. 99 - - - - - Pac N W Bell 225 1:illiams Plumbing SEWER PERPZITS 52 - - - - - Aero Plastics 61 Shattuck St Sewer Connection 53 - - - - - Julia Kusnierz 7720 So. 153rd " 6 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of the City Clerk 8:00 P.M. August 15, 1966 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Police Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner and Marcella Hillgen, Librarian. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of August 8, 1966 be approved as written. The motion carried. Communications were read by the City Clerk with Council actions taken as follows: Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, submitted and recommended for payment, Estimate No. 1 for work completed to date by Rainier Asphalt Paving Company on 4th Avenue North Improvement Contract (C.Ag. 1020-66) Amount due, $31,772.07 to be funded from Arterial Street Fund #3500/605, Capital Outlay, A.S.P. #3. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation with referral to the Auditing and Accounting Committee. Carried. Letter of intent to annex properties to the City of Renton was read and attached petition contained seven signatures beginning with G. H. Ferguson and ending with Ruth L. Fifer, said properties located in the S.E. corner of the Kennydale area. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delauralti, to refer the matter to the City Engineer to check signatures for validity of the letter. The motion carried. Renton Democratic Club requested approval to suspend banner over right-of-way at 237 Main Street to advertise Headquarters location. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to grant permit for the banner with installation to be supervised by the Street Commissioner and proper Hold Harmless Agreement to be executed. The motion carried. Purchasing Agent Vern Church reported that appropriation of $420.79 is required to maintain accounting balance in Equipment Rental Fund 3600/506, Damage to City Automotive Equipment, which revenue has been received from insurance. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the appropriation with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Claims against the City were filed by James D. Hays for flooding of his basement and garage during heavy rain which was alleged to have resulted from recontouring and resurfacing of S.E. 100th Street, East of 108th Avenue S.E. Bid on repairs to date is $150.00. Opening of the culvert drain was requested which was plugged by contractor during the street construction, the culvert having adequately served in the past. (10828 S.E . 100th Street) Claim from Mr. and Mrs. DiMatteo in sum of $150.00 was filed, incurred by loss at Drive-In located at 12826 S.E. 128th Street when access was restricted during alleged Water Department activity on water line in the area. Moved by Poli, second by Bruce, to refer the claims to the City Att'y & Insurance Carrier. Carried. Petition submitted by Robert Rieger, P. J. Nangle, Stanley Wolf, et al requested four-way stop at corner of 10th Avenue North and "N" Street in President Park. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee. Discussion ensued regarding the area,and study reported by City Engineer Wilson of the traffic and radar check. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, that the motion be amended to include the Traffic Advisory Committee in the referral. Presence of residents from the area was acknowledged and Mr. -- Rieger expressed concern that a death was imminent if the hazard was not corrected, citing various incidents and speed violations. Mr. Al Noble added that speed at "M" Street is even more excessive. The pending amendment to -refer to the Traffic Advisory Committee was voted upon and carried. Meeting date was discussed and f time element,since the next meeting was not scheduled until the 23rd and there being f no Council meeting for the two weeks following. A special meeting was suggested, and the original motion for referral to the Street and Alley Committee, as amended was voted upon and carried. Discussion ensued relative to stop signs having to be replaced which had been maliciously taken down and City Attorney Shellan pointed out that the City's present Ordinance covers all City property for such vandalism and malicious mischief with the fine being $500.00 and 90 day jail penalty and report should be made Spon apprehension. -1- 126 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 8-15-66 COMMUNICATIONS : (Cont.) A Petition was read requesting improvement of crosswalk and traffic cnntrol at 3rd Avenue between Mill and Main Street. There were 84 signatures on the document beginning with Mrs. Jon Sew?ll and ending with Verle L. Vietzke. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to refer the petition to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Upon inquiry, it was confirmed that removal of a crosswalk in the subject area had instigated the petition. A Petition from Rudy R. Hasson and Helen M. Hasson, 8667 Lake Washington Blvd. S.E. requested vacation of portion of Mountain View Drive adjoining Lot 1, Block A, Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Div. #1, since it is undeveloped, under water, and due to the location makes home building plans impossible. Owners of abutting property advise their land surrounds the street on three sides at a dead end. Drawing was attached. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gianini, to refer the petition to the Planning Commission for recommendation and to the City Engineer to check validity of the petition. Carried. Memorandum from the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation reported that date of September 1 was set as deadline for submission of local government project pro- posals for funding in fiscal year 1967 and all applications must be accompanied by certification of availability of funds, or statement of anticipated receipt thereof. A letter from Mr. Einar H. Hendrickson, Administrator, Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation, advised that the Department of Commerce and Economic Development is presently engaged in revising the preliminary draft of the statewide outdoor recreation and open space plan as presented at its December, 1965 meeting. All local plan acceptance will be officially recognized by the Interagency Committee and documented in the files and all plans on file will be summarized for inclusion within the statewide plan. A draft of the statewide plan summarizing local plans will be submitted for review within the next few weeks and the Committee must be advised by September 10th whether or not the local programs have been adequately covered in the summary form so that high priority projects are covered. This letter served notice that the plan for Renton has been accepted and is on file with the Interagency Committee. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, that the letter be referred to the Park Board and Park Director. Carried. A letter from Warren C. Gonnason, County Engineer, submitted proposed Resolution setting up developer's fee of $300.00 per acre to help pay for needed improvement in the storm drainage trunk system of the May Creek Flood Control Zone District, and since part of the district is within the city limits of Renton it was requested thatthe City Council of Renton pass similar legislation to provide uniform require- ments within the zone district. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the request to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Notice from the Association of Washington Cities, Chester Biesen, Executive Secretary, submitted copies of hearing announcement on proposed bill to consolidate all Firemen and Policemen into a Statewide Firemen-Policemen Retirement System. Comparison of benefits proposed and now received was attached. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, that the City of Renton notify the Association of Washington Cities that it is opposed to the consolidation of the two pension systems. Moved by Perry, seconded by Pedersen, that the matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Dahlquist reported that the matter was previously referred to the Legislative Committee and work has been done in studying the matter, another meeting to be held with Senator Durkan, and before a decision is made the hearings should be attended and opinions discussed. Delaurenti indicated his intent to attend the hearings as Chairman of the-Police and License Committee and Fire and Water Committee and inquired why Mr. Garrett recommended opposing the bill. Garrett reported the combining of funds is a measure of economy and would naturally save money but also lowers the benefits and if the police benefits were raised to those of the firemen he would be in accord but this is not what the Pension Commission advocates. The new plan would lower the benefits now being received by the Firemen and although it does not affat present benefits the new system would be set up for all firemen henceforth which is not as good as we now have in effect and administration of such a plan would be a matter requiring due consideration and it was felt that without further ado, meetings or discussion, the Council should advise it is opposed. Vote taken on pending motion to refer to Committee was dissenting, ruled lost, and roll call, being properly requested, was taken as follows: Aye: Schellert, Pedersen, Perry and Delaurenti. No: Hulse, Bruce, Dahlquist, Gianini, Garrett, Trimm, Poli and Morris. 4 ayes and 8 nos were cast and the motion was lost. Vote was taken on the pending original motion to notify the Association of Washington Cities that Renton is opposed to the consoli- dation of the Police and Fire Pension Systems as proposed. The motion carried. Schellert and Perry requested the recordo show they abstained from voting , 127 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 8-16-1966 COMMUNICATIONS : (Cont.) Receipt of tentative agenda for the Fall Meeting, Planning Association of Washington on September 23 and 24, 1966 was noted which event is to be held at the Aero-Mechanics Hall and Elks Club, Moses Lake, Washington. Advance Registration Form was attached. The Exchange Club of Bellevue, Washington extended invitation to participate in the 1967 Spring Cruise and Community Planning Seminar, April 21-24, 1967 aboard the S.S. Prince George, sailing from Vancouver, B. C. Advance Registration Form for the 43rd Annual Congress of Cities was received and is in the office of the City Clerk. This event is to be held in Las Vegas on December 2-7, 1966 and has been previously referred to the Committee of the Whole. APPOINTMENTS: A letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Firemen William Larson, John J. McLaughlin and Larry Weiss to permanent positions in the Renton Fire Department, their six months probationary periods having been completed as required and permanent appointment being recommended by Chief Walls. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the appointments. The motion carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: UNFINISHED BUSINESS : Councilman Hulse, Chairman, Capital Improvement Priority Committee, submitted Committee report recommending that the City retain Bond Counsel and place a General Obligation Bond Issue in sum of $3,250,000:00 before the electorate in the November 1966 election for Arterial Street Projects as follows: 1. Logan-Smithers from Grady Way to a proposed Interchange at the intersection of 3rd Avenue North. 2. 3rd Avenue North from Rainier Avenue along Airport Way to the proposed Interchange at Logan Street; thence Easterly along 3rd Avenue North to Sunset Blvd. East. 3. Park Avenue from 3rd Avenue North to 8th Avenue North and a connection with the North Renton Interchange. The amount of the proposed issue in sum of $3,250,000.00 is approximately one-half of the anticipated cost of the entire program. The City has applied for matching funds from EDA and it is proposed that the City's matching share would he .furided from a bond issue. The Traffic Advisory Committee will be promoting this issue. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to refer the miter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper legislation to place the 4-se4e on the fall ballot. Discussion ensued relative to alternative funding for inA matching purposes in event the issue does not pass and it was concluded that the proposed bond issue at present for all intent and purposes is tk mode of f ne`ing the City's matching share. The pending motion carried. Councilman Hulse recalled his comment of a year and a half ago when the May Creek Flood Control matter came up that although he wasn't fighting it he was sure we would be hearing about it again. Councilman Hulse announced postponement of the meeting which had been scheduled for August 17th and announced that it would be held on August 29th instead and the schematics for the proposed new city hall building will be presented by the Architects. The meeting will convene at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Councilman Schellert reported attending the County Commissioner's meeting on behalf of the Mayor, as called by Commissioner Wallace. Air Pollution was discussed along with matter of formation of a County Board of Health. Mr. Schellert reported his concurrence with the views of the Commissioner that uniform enforcement, regulation-- and policies throughout the County are desirable. When finance was approached the - City representatives became vitally concerned over what was proposed and the subject and exact policy making of the Board was referred to the Suburban Mayor's meeting in September. City proposals do not conflict with County plans and it will be some time before a Board of, Health can be considered, especially if a Regional Board with Snohomish and Pierce Counties is to be effected. It was Mr. Schellert's opinion that the City should proceed with its own Ordinance and make modifications as necessary. A letter from Park Director Coulon reported Park Board recommendation and concurrence by the Property Committee that use of Mothers Park for parking purposes as requested by Mr. Ernie Coleman, be denied. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur and that Mr. Coleman be so notified. -3- 128 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 8-15-1966 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS (Cont.) NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that City of Renton Vouchers No. 4536 through 4681, having been approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council for payment at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current #4536 - 4567 & 4679 $ 8,528.16 City Street 4568 - 4581 & 4680 17,722.39 Arterial Street 4582 31,772.07 Cedar River M. & I. 4583 - 4586 54.18 Off-Street Parking 4587 10.00 Equipment Rental 4588 - 4609 & 4681 13,702.84 Library 4610 - 4630 1,649.87 Parks 4631 - 4646 1,378.43 Water Works Utility 4647 - 4666 9,301.78 Airport 4667 - 4673 376.64 Cumulative Fund 1182 4674 94.82 Cumulative Fund 1975 4675 - 4678 575.37 $ 85,166.55 Councilman Schellert reported a meeting of the Park Bond Issue Committee on Wednesday, August 10th at which time Committee Chairmen were named and assignments delegated for promotion of the bond issue in the November election. Councilman Perry had presented facts relative to the Lake Washington Beach Park bond issue and expressed his views on the matter. The next meeting will be held on the first Wednesday in September and all Councilman are invited to participate in successful completion of a fine task. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the City of Renton endorse the request of our sister city on the East side, Redmord to have a four-year Institute of Higher Learning located in that community. The matter comes before the Educational Committee of the State Legislature and among areas being considered are Arlington, Olympia and Redmond It is felt that the Redmondwatershed area would make an excellent location and according to predictions from planning estimates, this is where most of the people are going to be.Also,it would be more economical in this area to educate than an- other. The motion carried. Councilman Perry called attention to speed limit violators in the vicinity of 132nd Avenue S.E. between 128th and Sunset Blvd. with stop signs being ignored in the area also and suggested that the area be patrolled. It was pointed out that only a small part of this area lies within the city limits, the rest being County. Councilman Garrett announced a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee on Monday, August 22nd at 7:30 p.m. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : Councilman Morris, Chairman, Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington establishing temporary voter registra- tion facilities including locations and times of operation therefor,which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Ordinance No. 2260 as read. Roll call vote was taken with unanimous aye vote and the motion carried. A proposed Ordinance was introduced for first reading changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City of Renton from Suburban Residential District(SR-1) to Residential District (R-3) . Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After .final reading it was moved .by Bruce, second, by Delaurenti, Ord. No. 2261 be adopted as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. (Transamerica properties,Parcels 28 and 29) Proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington was introduced for first reading changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City of Renton fr, General Classification District (C-6000) to Light Industry District (L-1) . Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2262 as read. Roll call resulted in all ayes and the motion was carried. (Douglas Buck property) -4- 129 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 8-15-66 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (Cont.) A proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington was introduced for first reading changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City of Renton from Single Residence District (R-1) to Residential District (R-3) . Moved by Morris, with second by Poli, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2263 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried.(Huseland Property) Proposed Ordinance was submitted for reading, amending Ordinance No. 2197, relating to Permit to construct, operate and maintain a coaxial cable subscriber system for tele- vision signal distribution over and across certain designated city streets. The proposed Ordinance had been placed on first reading on August 8, 1966 and it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to place the document on second and final reading at this time. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2264 as read. Roll call vote was taken with unanimous aye vote being cast carrying the motion. (Wm. L. Monson, Clearview TV Cable, Inc.) Consent to Transfer and Assignment, issued by the City of Renton to Mr. Monson per Ordinance 2197 as amended by Ordinance 2264 was read and it was moved by Morris seconded by Poli, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the document. The motion carried. The Committee submitted proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington setting the date of September 12, 1966 for hearing on Petition of Pacific Coast RR Co. for Vacation of a portion of 7th Avenue North, which was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1392 as read. The motion carried. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Charles Shane called attention to an incident at Riviera Tavern,located at his Maple Valley Highway property, relative to removal of a pinball machine, advising that owner was unable to get the machine replaced due to mutual territorial agreement of the two companies which are involved in Renton. Dis- cussion ensued relative to the events leading up to the current problem, fees connected with the pinball and music machine installations and Councilman Delaurenti reported that the matter is now being investigated by the Police and License Committee, the .problem having commenced with installation of a music machine at which time he was absent from the City. Since there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli to adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor -5- 130 8/15/66 APPLICATIONS FOR PERiJTS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDI14G D13PARTNIENT BUILDING PERMITS: iJo. Ai IGUNT i1 ADDRESS TYPE OF 11ORK 11402 4200.00 Charles Shane 111-#4 N.,tdaple vy l-Iwy Wire -12 Unit 403 4200.00 Charles Shane 111-#3 N. ,11aple Vy Ilwy ;'Dire -12 Unit 404 850.00 Aero Plastics 61 Shattuck St Roof Sign 11405 500.00 Charles ilomiston 932 "L" St Concrete Slab 406 250.00 Richard Bogart 15475 118th S.E. hire-Swim Pcol 407 60.00 Kenneth Karinen 2607 6th Ave No. Side Yd Fence 408 22000.00 City of Renton 11929 132nd Ave S.E. Shelter Bldg. 409 350.00 Russell Eager 321 Thomas St. I';ire-Res 11410 100.00 Stanley Ruppert 10615 116th S.E. Side Res 411 300.00 Bruce Hulse 11422 S.E. 93rd Wire Add't to Res 412 52226.00 Wesley J. Busch 3223 12th Ave No. Apt- 6-Units 413 700.00 Wesley J. Busch 903 4th Avenue Remodeling 414 1000.00 ilesley J. Busch 354 Sunset Blvd. E. Dining. Rra Add't 11415 1800.00 Wilco Properties 325 Burnett SFt. No. Parking Area 416 4000.00 Clyde C Barfield 13027 132nd S.E. 2nd F1 Add't 417 256.00 James P flays 10823 S E 100th St. Covered Patio 418 800.00 Clinton Betz 415 3rd Avenue ;Dire Office, 419 1000.00 Ted Gatz 200 Park Aveune Dire Office 11420 1200.00 (Mathewson Rainier 115 Rainier Ave. N. Sign Tire Co. 421 150.00 Ray Fracker 1137 "lit" Place N. Fence 422 150.00 Ray Fracker 1139 'TI" Place .1. Fence 423 20.00 The Austin Co. 8350 South 153rd Sign 424 1156.00 LaVern C Schuh 1011 "E" St. Det-Gar & Drive-i•qy 11425 50.00 ! . E. Schwalm 3898 11th Ave H. Remodeling-Wire 426 800.00 I1.-E. Schwalm 3895 11th Ave N. Finish Attic PLUIdBING & HEATING PERMITS: 8000 - - - - - - Colman 426 iiill St Gas Installation 01 - - - - - - Carl Cooks 344 Stevens ideating 02 - - - - - - hike Noble 12S Park Ave. Gas_ Installation 03 - - - - - - Aero-Dyne, Inc. 300 Airport Ilay Plumbing SEVlER PEP14ITS: 54 - - - - - - Gull Oil 12826 4th Ave No. Sewer Conneetion 55 - - - - - - James Corver 1115 N. Place North Sewer Connection 56 - - - - - - Transamerica Either Rd. Unit 105 Sewer Connection 57 - - - - - - Transamerica Either Rd. Unit 106 Sewer Connection S8 - - - - - - Frew II. Dickson 7904 So. 153rd Sewer Connection RENTCN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING August 22, 1966 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Poli. Mayor Custer announced that Councilman Morris is in the hospital, Councilman Gianini called that he is unable to attend and Councilman Hulse is on vacation. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, that the absent Councilmen be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of August 15, 1966 be approved as written. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Vacation of Alley, Block 11, Renton Highlands,(A. Creek et al pctticm) This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. There i.:ere no written communications and audience comment was invited. Mrs. Frank Zappalo, resident of the area stated that the alley is not presently maintained and veers off at a right angle and petitioners wished to have it vacated so that it might be utilized and properly maintained. She inquired whether the City measures or surveys the alley if it is vacated, and how the property is divided. City Attorney Shellan advised that the alley vests in the abutting property owners, one-half of the alley,up to the center line,going to owner residing on each side. The City Clerk, after the alley is vacated, will send notice to the Assessor of the title change and property owners will be given a copy of the Ordinance and will receive title to the alley up to the center line, or approxi- mately 8 feet. The property is then the responsibility of each oi:ner since the City may not engage in work for private ownerships, and the City would not therefore measure or survey. Since there was no further discussion council action was invited and it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that the hearing be declared closed. The motion carried and Mayor Custer declared the hearing closed. Poli inquired as to recommendation of the City Engineer and Mr. Wilson stated that this alley has never been open for vehicular traffic and utilities are all in- stalled so there is no need to retain an easement, and that the City,- .--.I residential pl6tsino longer plan; for alleys. Trimm inquired whether 1007. ownership was repre- sented by the signatures on the petition and the Clerk replied affirmatively. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, that the alley be vacated and the matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Schellert inquired whether the re- versionary rights to the Federal Government have been acquired by the City so there will be no problem in that respect and the City Attorney stated there Will be no problem. The pending motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Petition was read from R. V. Simone for vacation of a portion of 106th Avenue S.E. in vicinity of Puget Sound Drive. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist to refer the request to the City Engineer to check signatures for validity of the petition. The motion carried. A letter from City Engineer Wilson reported check of the County Records indicated that petition for vacation of portion of 91st Avenue South, between South 128th and deadend of right-of-way, B1. 19, was signed by owners representing 905y, of property abutting said street. Petitioners, however, have withdrawn their petition since the property is currently being sold and new petition will be filed at later date by the new owners. Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Estimate #2 due Lewis and Redford, Engineers for work completed to date on preliminary design of Logan-Smithers and 3rd Avenue North arterials, in sum of $6,870.00. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the Estimate to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. The motion carried. -1- 13� Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 8-22-1966 COMMUNICATIONS (Cont.) A letter from Eugene and Lena Galiano petitioned the City for vacation of portion of South 153rd Street, between 91st Avenue South and the East Valley Freeway. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the petition to the City Engineer to check signatures for validity of ownership. The motion carried. A letter from Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, advised of necessity to appropriate $2,000.00 from excess revenue into the Current Fund, Non-Departmental Account 1920/311, Insurance, City Property, in order that proper accounting balance in the fund may be maintained. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the appropriation with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Letter from King County Engineer, Warren Gonnason gave notice of hearing on September 19, 1966 at 9:30 a .m. on proposed resolution to adopt portions of the Seattle Building Code, together with amendments, as the King County Mechanical Code. The hearing will be in Room 402, King County Courthouse. Letter from Mayor Custer reported that the Property Committee Chairman had requested the Mayor to recommend to the Council,action felt appropriate in regard to operation of the City Hall Cafe,which is closed at present while the operator is on vacation. The operation has been on a month-to-month basis and certain remodeling has been requested along with rental revision prior to continuation of the operation by the present lessee. Although the remodeling and equipment requests are administrative matters, the rental revision will require council action, and it was recommended that a new lease be authorized fixing the rental at $1.00 per month, to run until the new city hall has been completed. A petition attached, signed by City Employees, requested consideration of necessary measures to insure continued operation of the cafe, the close proximity being a necessary convenience to the employees as well as other persons transacting business at City Hall. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. A letter from Mr. Ernest Temple advised of his interest in purchasing properties owned by the City as per deed description attached, located in vicinity of Phillip Arnold Park at Jones Road. (Renton Hill) The property had been deeded to the City by Puget Sound Power and Light Company in 1954 for possible right-of-way use. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Perry, to refer the request to the Property Committee to report back. Carried. A letter from City Engineer Wilson reported that letter of intent to annex certain property north of S.E. 96th Street, East of F.A.I. 405, to the City of Renton, is signed by owners representing 55.3% of the assessed valuation of the property, said property containing approximately 11.80 acres with an assessed valuation of $20,651.00. City Clerk Nelson advised that there were property owners present for the preliminary meeting required,, and Mr. J. D. Sweazey, 9418 -108th Pi. S .E. , identified himself as property owner circulating the petition. Councilman Schellert inquired whether Mr. Sweazey could confirm that the property owners and himself were willing to assume their pro-rata share of the City's pre-existing bonded indebtedness. Mr. Sweazey stated agreement of the property owners to assume their share of the debt as stipulated and it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that the Petitioners be authorized to circulate the petition which shall designate acceptance of the debt as stipulated(and bear not less than 75% in value of assessed valuation of the property proposed to be annex), and the annexation proposal be hereby accepted. The motion carried. A letter from Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, requested adoption of Resolution appropriating $7,330.00,received from METRO for earthquake damage to 7th Avenue Ave. and Burnett Street, unto Street Maintenance Account 3200/417, Materials and Supplies, to be used to restore said streets. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to grant the request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motion carried. A letter from Paul C. Patterson, Water District No. 107, Board of Commissioners, requested a master meter to serve the plat of Western Hills which lies in the unin- corporated area of the County and which is owned by Mr. Fred G. Sharp of 12621 S.E . 96th Street, the charge for water to be the existing wholesale rate and meter and installation costs to be borne by Water District 107. An early reply was requested. Moved by Perry, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the request to the Fire and Water Committee with power to act. Carried. 2 - 133 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 8-22-1966 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilman Schellert, Chairman, Ways and Means Committee, recalled referral of requested additional staff for the Planning Department and Committee study of the request. A Program Analysis brochure,as prepared for the Committee by the Planning Department, was distributed which outlined work program and desired goals for the balance of the present year and for the year 1967,and anticipated man hours to be required for ful- fillment of the goals in substantiation. $2,395.00 is the cost requested for the hiring of an additional employee, Grade 23, for four months. The Committee recommended approval for hiring of one additional Assistant Planner at Grade 23 for the remainder of the year with £unsling therefore to be appicPdated into the budget from-excess revenues. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Perry, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilwoman Dahlquist recalled referral of some months ago to the Planning Committee the matter of rezoning of the hospital property and pursuant to the matter being before the Planning Commission as shown in the current minutes of the meetings, she inquired as to where the matter now stands. Planning Committee Chairman Trimm stated that the matter is still pending with further meetings being scheduled and the Com- mittee does not have a recommendation at the present time. Councilman Garrett, Chairman, Street and Alley Committee, submitted report advising of meeting with property owner utilizing street right-of-way for truck loading and unloading at intersection of 4th Avenue and Wells Street (Service Laundry) and the following recommendations were made:(1) The property owner restrict the use of large vans on Wells Street; (2) The property owner negotiate a hold-harmless with proper insurance clause to protect the City from liability; (3) The property owner obtain a revocable permit with a five-day cancellation clause; the property owner make an attempt to obtain proper off-street area for loading and unloading operation as soon as possible. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to concur in the Street and Alley Committee recommendations. Carried. Councilman Garrett stated the Committee had met earlier this evening regarding petition for improved crosswalk and traffic control at 3rd Avenue between Mill and Main Streets and would likely have a report at the next Council meeting. Additional time was requested on the matter of request for four-way stop at 10th North and "N" Street. Granted. Councilman Pedersen, Property Committee Chairman, reported receipt of notice that invoice in sum of $300.00 is pending payable to Glenn W. Wallin for appraisal of Lake Washington Beach Park property adjoining Shuffleton Power Plant and East bank of Cedar River Waterway, North of 6th Avenue North. The Committee recommended funding from excess revenues. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for the proper appropriation. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Mrs. Dahlquist inquired further regarding the hospital property rezone since the matter had again been presented to the Planning Commission and Councilman Trimm advised that the Hospital Board Attorney has been in contact with the Planning Committee since the meeting with the Commission and the matter is being given proper attention. Councilman Pedersen reminded the Council of the Committee of the Whole meeting to be held on Monday, August 29th at 8 :00 p.m. . Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that Vouchers Nos. 4682 through 4734, having been approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be accepted for payment by the Council at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current 4688 - 4708 $ 4004.11 City Street 4709 - 4713 7,734.90 Equipment Rental 4714 - 4715 307.28 Library 4732 155000.00 Library Construction 4733 1,565.67 Parks 4716 - 4721 1,309.69 Water Works Utility 4722- 4729 8,205.70 Airport 4730 - 4731 22.02 Cumulative Res. 1975 4734 16,822.88 $ 555272.25 -3- 134 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 8-22-66 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: The Law and Ordinance Committee introduced a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton appropriating from excess revenues the sum of $7,330.00, which was received from the Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle for damages to city streets by the earthquake, unto Street Maintenance Account 3200/417, Materials and Supplies, to provide for restoration of said streets. The Clerk read the proposed Resolution and it was moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution No. 1393 as read. The motion carried. The Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City appropriating from excess revenues the following amounts to the budgetary accounts, to-wit: Equipment Rental, 3600/506, $420.79, and Current Fund Account 1920/311, Insurance, $2,000.00. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Resolution No. 1394 as read. Carried. Committee Member Dahlquist presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City from General Classification District (G6000) to Light Industry District (L-1) which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to place the document on its sem nd and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that Ordinance No. 2265 be adopted as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. (Virgillo & Foley property). The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City of Renton from General Classification District (G-6000) to Business District (B-1) which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2266 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. (John Harer property) The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City of Renton from Single Residence District (SR-1) to Business Parking (B-P) which was read by the Clerk. (Charles Ruud property) Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to adopt Ordinance No. 2267 as read. The motion carried following roll call vote of unanimous ayes. Proposed Ordinance was introduced for reading changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City of Renton from General Classification District (G-6000) to Business District (B-1) which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2268 as read. Roll call vote followed with all members present voting aye. The motion carried. (Elmer Rustand property) Since there was no further business to be conducted, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Garrett, to adjourn. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk J.. D. W. Custer, Mayor -4- 1.35 August 22, 1966 APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPART;IENT BUILDING PERI SITS: NO. At 10UNT NXIE ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 11427 $ 250.00 Foster 6 Kleiser 100 Third Ave. !1 re Sign b-bd 428 100.00 John Slezak 551 "I" St. Fence 429 60.00 Norman Abrahamson 3304 Honey Creek Dr. Concrete Dr-Way 11430 1,100.00 Charles Olson 832 "P" St. Det-Gar 6 Dr-Way 431 10,000.00 The Boeing Co. 10-6S Bldg. (Hock-Up Parking Area 432-1,000,000.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. # 4--89, 8th f, Logan Boilor Plant 433 600.00 Carl 11. Milner 3908 Ilth Ave No. Fin-Attic 6 Fence 434 950.00 Philip H. Foss 12605 88th Ave So. Covered Patio 1143S 100.00 Strato Bowling Lanes 7605 Rainier Ave. Dbl-faced Lt-Sign 436 1600.00 City of Renton 12919 132nd S.E. :lire Shelter Bldg 437 3000.00 Gull Oil Co. 12826 128th S.E. 11ire Ser-Sta., 438 6.00 Elwyn Netherda 602 ''O" St. Fence 439 4900.00 Everett C. Clymer 505 Windsor Place Fa-Rm Add't 11440 80.00 H. Smith 1014 "Q" St. Fence 441 185.00 Henry Powell 209 Lind St. Wire-Ass't & Ser 442 11,958.00 Better Bilt Homes, 10606 132nd S.E. New-Res, Car-p 443 90.00 Harvey E Nightingale 1026 "R" St. Fence 5' 444 300.00 Vern Church 807 "C" St. Replace Windows 11445 7SO.00 Phillips Petr. Co. 3002 Sunset Blvd. E. Replace Sign PLUMBING F, 44LATI?IG PERPIITS: 8004- - - - - - - - - Gull Ser Sta 12826 - 128th S.E. P1b-Heating Fix 8005 - - - - - - - - Clinton Betz 41S 3rd Ave Plumbing Fixture 06 - - - - - - - - Ted Gatz(Corey) 200 Park Ave Plumbing Fixture 07 - - - - - - - Busch Construction 3233 12th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixture 08 - • - - - - - - City of Renton 12919 132nd S.E. Gas Installations 09 - - - - - - - Ray Brown 10803 112th S.E. Plumbing Fixture 8010 - - - - - - - D.R. Crotts 10427 98th Ave So. Plumbing Fixture 11 - r - - - - - Hargaret Hurdock 605 Morris Gas Installation 12 - - - - - - - - Big "C" Stores 80S Rainier So. Place tanks only SEWER PERMITS: 59 - - - - - - - - Transamerica Co. Ethier'Rd. 'Jnit 107 Sewer Connection 60 - - - - - - - - Transamerica Co. ^' +f , "I, Unit 108 Sewer Connection 61 - - - - - - - - Transamerica Co. +r ' h Unit 109 Sewer Connection 62 - - - - - - - - Transamerica Co. Unit 110 Sewer Connection 63 - - - - - - - - Transamerica Co. !+ !+ Unit 111 Sewer Connection 64 - - - - - - - - Group Health Clinic Bronson 'Hay N. (1930) Sewer Connection 6S - - - - - - - - C. K. Inc. 934 Sunset Blvd E. Sewer Connection The following transfers, having been authorized by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, have been approved by the City Council for the month of August, 1966. TO: CLAIMS TO: PAYROLL FROM: Current $ 190550.19 FROM: Current $ 830117.49 Street 41,784.47 Street 15,901.77 Arterial Street 31,772.07 Cedar River M.&I . 476.00 Cedar River M. & I. 60.48 Equipment Rental 3,342.45 Off Street Parking 120.30 Library 6,925.51 long Equipment Rental 190513.88 Park 189046.33 Library 200819.86 Water Works Utility 140241.66 Library Construction 11565.67 Airport 1,232.00 Park 61056.19 Firemen's Pension 116.00 Water Works Utility 54,¢47.15 Airport 541.99 Firemen's Pension 1,192.55 TOTAL $ 143,399.21 Cumulative Reserve #1182 94.82 Cumulative Reserve #1894 10447.50 Cumulative Reserve #1975 17,398.25 Cumulative Reserve #1990 437.16 TOTAL $ 2170002.53 i 136 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING September 12, 1966 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Trimm, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti and Poli. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Gene Coulon, Park Director. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of August 22nd be approved as written. The motion carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, that the absent Councilmen be excused. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Portion of 7th Avenue located in Earlington Industrial Area This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported that the Planning Commission was in general agreement that the area to be vacated was in excess of City requirements and approval of the vacation as requested was recommended. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Robert Boyd, Tax Agent for Pacific Coast Railroad advised that the subject parcel had been surplus when received by the City originally from the State and the vacation was desired in order that straight alignment of the right of way might be allowed,which otherwise would not be even. As there was no further comment for or against the proposed vacation, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, that the hearing be closed. Carried. The hearing was declared closed and Council action invited. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, that the vacation be granted as requested with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for the necessary Ordinance. The motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Letters were read by the City Clerk with Council actions taken as follows: Gene Coulon, Parks & Recreation Director, submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Estimate No. 1 on the Kiwanis Park Shelter Building construction contract. Total amount of contract, $22,000.00; work completed to date 23%, $5,060.00; less 15% retained, $759.00. Amount due Rasmussen Construction Company, this estimate, $4,301.00 plus Wn. Sales Tax, $180.64, total, $4,481.64. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to refer the progress estimate to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Application was read from Cougar's Den Tavern requesting that American Shuffleboard Sales Corp. be granted required license to operate a coin-operated pool table at said place of business, 219 Main Street and application requested that Mutual Amusement Company be granted required license to operate an additional pinball machine at the Rainbow Cafe, 231 Main Street. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to refer the requests to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Summons and Complaint documents along with Motion for Temporary Injunction and For Order to Show Cause and Order to Show Cause No. 664045 were filed against the City by Plaintiff, Time Oil Company in connection with allegedaccess restriction to premises near intersection of 4th Avenue & M Street due to regrading of 4th Avenue North by Plaintiff, City of Renton. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to refer the documents to the City Attorney. Carried. Letter from City Attorney Shellan submitted copy of letter from the Prosecuting Attorney's office addressed to the County Assessor in which it is claimed suit will have to be instituted to recover taxes heretofore paid by the City on its municipal parking lots. City Attorney Shellan deemed such advice somewhat unrea- sonable and highly technical but recommended that suit be authorized. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recommendation and the City Attorney be authori- zed to institute suit on behalf of the City. Carried. -1- 13'7 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 9-12-66 COMMUNICATIONS: City Attorney Shellan reported discussion with Mr. Richard Muller, Attorney taking Mr. Burns' place, who has ascended to the bench in the meantime, and relative to the defective pipe in Tiffany Park, problem of determining applicable statute of limitations is yet to be resolved. Ordinarily, it is three years on oral agreements and six years if there is an agreement in writing. Since no information as to any warranties or representations in writing are apparant it will be our position that the City could not reasonably have discovered at the time of acceptance of the plat and pipe that there was latent defect and the three year statute of limitations would commence from date of actual discovery of the defect. Mr. Muller agreed that the 6" pipe apparently is defective, but he had some question as to the balance. It was urged and deemed to be of utmost urgency that an expert examine the sections of pipe now available for inspection and determine whether they are defective or not and support his conclusions with proper facts. Compromise was offered of 4880 ft. of 611 pipe with cold tar dip, however experts information as to fair and realistic cost figure for replacement of all defective pipe is needed.. If suit is to be instituted the Council should authorize same. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. The motion carried. A letter from Mr. Einar H. Hendrickson, Administrator, Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation acknowledged receipt on August 15th of the City of Renton, Lake Washington Beach Park Project (second phase) application which submission complies with the September 1 deadline date as required by the IAC. A letter from the City Attorney reported looking over proposed agreement regarding the Lake Washington Beach Park Project which had been submitted by the Mayor's office upon receipt from the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation. From legal stand- point it appears in proper form, however, Mr. Shellan pointed out that the agreement imposes a more than usual amount of red tape on the City in carrying out any such project, in addition to which all work, changes, supervision and amendments are subject to approval of the State and Federal agencies involved. It was noted that the City .14-11 have to appropriate $55,000 as its one-half share of the total cost while the -othing, the Federal Agency , the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, is .o con-,'-rib-,:.2 the remaining $55,000. However, 1% of the total, namely, $1,100.00 is to be paid by the City to the State as part of its administrative expenses incidental to the project, which must be paid immediately upon approval of the project by both state and federal governmental units. .The City should be quite sure the projected estimate of $110000 is adequate to take care of listed improvements in paragraph 4. Also, the Federal governments share of the cost will be paid in installments only, together with a 10% retention until the job has been accepted so there may be some possible delay in making payments to the City's contractors. The Competitive Bidding requirement c;i - all contracts in excess of $2,500 seems to be inconsistent with RCW 35. 23.353 which allows construction of public works up to $5,000 without such bidding. Since the City must comply with a certain manual issued by the Federal Government regulating policies and procedures, it was recommended that this be studied,possibly by the Park Director.to be sure the City cannot be declared in default. A meeting was suggested so all obligations may be reviewed. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to refer the letter to the Committee of the Whole and the Park Board. Carried. Park Director Coulon reported Park Board instructions that a Resolution be requested transferring $55,000.00 from the Cedar River Acquisition Fund unto the Park Fund,6120, Capital Outlay 604, for purpose of commencing development of the Lake Washington Beach property, which request is based upon receipt of the Agreement for Federal-State-Local participation in this project from Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, to refer the request to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. A letter from Delbert Bennett, Traffic Engineer requested authorization to call for bids for Traffic Signal Systems at Rainier Avenue anO 3Rc Place and Rainier Avenue and 7th Avenue with September 26th being recommended as date for bid opening. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to authorize the bid call and bid opening date. The motion carried. A letter from Renton Municipal Court Judge, Paul Houser, requested appropriation of excess revenues in sum of $2,000.00 in order to maintain proper operations, increased traffic and parking citations requiring printing of additional tickets and other office maintenance supplies which will be needed as a result of such increase. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli; to grant the request with referral to the taw and Ordinance Committee. Carried. -2- 138 Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 9-12-66 COMMUNICATIONS A letter from Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, submitted Planning Commission recommendations from its meeting of August 24th as follows: Rezones: Sterno Land Company, Appl. R-341-66, G to H-1, property adjacent to existing H-1 zone north of South 180th Street, approximately 300" East of the N.P. Railroad right-of-way. The Comprehensive Plan indicates the area as manufacturing. The proposed use is for an automobile reduction plant and scrap metal processing. Applicant submitted letter of intent stating they will comply with Manufacturing Park District Standards, except for use, and indicated willingness to make com- mittments to expedite development of the area. The Commission recommended granting the rezone, the Comprehensive Plan being in agreement with the proposed plan. Inquiry followed regarding air pollution control and Planning Director Ericksen advised the Mfg. Park District requirements include air pollution control, and the applicant has affirmed compliance with the._ zoning requirements of said District. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the rezone with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Garrett opposed. Hulse and Perry inquired further re ative to Air Pollution control and Mr. Gerald Shucklin stated he thought they could comply with the Ordinance and it was pointed out that they must comply to operate. Mr. Carl C. Sternoff advised of a unit they have been working on which the Air Pollution Board of Seattle has approved, utilizing copper wire which passes all rules and regulations and which is proposed to further improve the situation of pollution control. Garrett noted that screening was to be done with poplar trees and Mr. Sternoff presented drawings of their proposed site lay-out and architects schematic of the buildings and plantings proposed,and explained the proposed opera- tion for a reduction plant, a plant for high duty alloys and future industrial plant. A portiam- of subject area will be depressed for stockpiling, The poplars will screen th• area,which were deemed to grow quickly. 401 right of way will be dedicated when owners to the East do likewise and street to be improved at that time as well. Mr. Sternoff added .,they , hoped to bring a lot of payroll and a lot of taxes. Reza": Isaac S . Capelouto, R-2 to R-3, 1335-37 "K" Street. Moved by Poli, seconded by H>s-se, to concur in recommendation of the Commission to allow request to remove exiotifig duplex and construct a new apartment, the rezone being in agreema t with the Comprehensive Plan. Planning Director Ericksen pointed out that the Commission was desirous . of upgradijg the areas by new construction but wanted assurance that the OU structures would be removed. Upon further inquiry it was pointed out that con- ditions are required in cases where special permits are involved but not in rezones. Effect of R-3 upon the area when 3 stories is permitted was discussed along with lot size and topography. Tht Commission feels that gradually this area will become one of high density apartment house use. It was pointed out that present residents have been working on their properties and upgrading the neighborhood in general. Mr. Ericksen Pointed out adjacent apartment and duplex uses in the immediate area including the new IH6'Wbg Authority project'; Original motion was withdrawn with consent of second ib'light Of discussion and it was subsegUently moved by Perry) seconded by Schellert) to refer the matter to the Committee .of the A ole: The motion carried. Poli opposed: The pro- Posed use was in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan: Rezone: Tondaj Bear, Terry; Richter and Crock, Appl. R-348-66 from B-1 and R-2 to L-1, which property is located on Marion Avenue between 3rd Avenue North and Houser Way. The proposed use will be in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan and approval was recom- mended by the Commission, Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce) to concur in the rezone with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Retonet Greater Renton Shopping Centers, Inc.) R-2 to B-14 Appl. R-349-66, property located oh West side of 12th Place and 10th Avenue North. Proposed use is commercial and is int compliance with the Comprehensive Plan) and approval was recommended: Moved by Schtllerto seconded by Gianini, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee, Carried. Rezones John Peternel, Appl, R-352-66, property located on Main Street at Grady Way, R-3 to 0--1. The Comprehensive Plan indicates Commercial and Multiple and the proposed use is in agreement and approval was recommended. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert) to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried, Variance: Gov;-Mart Bazar, Appl. V-350-66 sign request - variance recommended with height variance of 30t and base to have minimum setback of 201 and top of sign to project into the setback maximum of 10' . Moved by Schellert, secopded by Poli, to concur and variances to be granted as recommended by the Planning Commission# Carried. Bryant Motors variance request for sign, Appl. V-351-66, property on N.E. corner of Bronson Slay and Garden. Commission recommended sign :location be revised so that it would be contained entirely within applicants property. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation. Carried. -3- 139 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 9-12-66 COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from City Engineer, Jack Wilson, reported locating possible site for elevated water tank on the West Hill, funds for which were provided for in the 1965 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond Issue. It was recommended that the matter be referred to proper Committee to obtain appraisals and negotiate for purchase for the Utility Department. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur and refer to the Sanitation, Fire and Water and Property Committies. Carried. Letter from City Engineer Jack Wilson reported, regarding petition for vacation of a portion of South 153rd Street between 91st Avenue South and the East Valley Freeway, the signatures represent owners of only 31% of the property abutting said street and petition fails to meet statutory requirement of 2/3 or 60% and is therefore not valid. (Galiano Petition) Petition for vacation of 106th Avenue S.E., lying Southerly of Puget Drive was checked and City Engineer Wilson reported that County records indicate the petition is signed by owners representing 82.12% of the abutting property. (R.V. Simone Const. Co. property) Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Resolution_ setting date of hearing. Carried.(P.S.P.L. power line right-of- way constitutes balance of ownership) Council, by policy, has required 100% petitions. Re petition submitted for vacation of portion of Mountain View Drive, City Engineer Wilson reported check of County records revergled the petition contains sig- natures of owners representing 82.55Y. of abutting property. (Hasson property adjoining Lot 1, Block A, C. D. Hillman Lake Wn. Garden of Eden Div'n. No. 1.) Discussion ensued regarding fact that the right-of-way in question lies in close proximity to the Kennydale Beach property, running parallel to the lake and it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to refer this matter to the Park Board for recommendation, and to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Resolution setting date for hearing. Carried. Petition containing approximately 30 signatures requested the exclusion of Park Avenue from 3rd Avenue North to 6th Avenue North from the Arterial Street Bond Issue, and routing of traffic proposed from this area to Logan and 6th Avenue North, then North on Park to the North Renton Interchange. Councilman Bruce suggested the use of Garden Street which cost to widen was deemed less since there are not the residences from 4th to 6th. Traffic engineer Del Bennett reported Garden had been considered In the studies made'. - Park is the most direct route and probably the most economical from standpoint of fact that North Renton Interchange from its Westerly approach on down is in direct alignment with Park. Mayor Custer inquired how many lanes would be added to Park and Mr. Bennett advised it would probably be a 5-lane facility with the center lane for turning. Traffic Advisory Committee Chairman, Arthur Scholes reported that the Com- mittee had worked with the Engineering Department and studied all aspects of the bond issue and concluded Park is a major arterial connecting with the North Renton Inter- change and provides access to the central business district, expressiiig. ccncern'"for the bond issue if changed. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse, to refer the petition to the Capital Improvement Priority Committee to report back. Carried. Petitions were read, containing approximately 24 signatures, requesting that the Council cause the Air Pollution Ordinance to be brought out from Committee and passed without delay before the problem becomes any greater. Councilman Perry, member of the Law and Ordinance Committee reported that the document is in Committee at this time inasmuch as the Council has not met for three weeks and then the Chairman had had a heart attack and was in the hospital but it was ready for presentation tonight. Petition and letters requested consideration by the Council of a year-around swimming pool facility, one suggestion being that the City and School operate such a facility jointly. It was pointed out that this had been heretofore negotiated but the school was not favorable 4vi the City pool was built. Mr. Coulon, Park Director, reported investigation of covering of the Cityts present pool without successfully finding one of proper size and recommended feasibility study in event of serious consideration. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Park Board for report back. Carried. Letter from the Hon. Brock Adams, Representative, submitted letter from the Economic Development Administration advising of steady progress in evaluation of the City's Part II of the application for a street project, EDA No. 07-1-00088. Representative Adams reported he will continue to watch the projects, which included Tukwila's, to be certain they receive full and prompt consideration. A letter from Mr. P. A. Wakeman, Associated Management Consultants, offered services, in event the City should be implementing a Comprehensive Plan for Community development, of either overall or special consulting services. Mayor Custer reported receiving such notices which he felt the Council might wish to accept or reject and he was there- for presenting same. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to refer the letter to the City Clerk to place on file. Carried. 140 Minutes - Rentor City Council Meeting (Cont.) 9-12-66 COWi JNICATiONS: Letter and Park Bond Fact Sheet, submitted by the Citizens' Committee for Parks, was presented and read including copy of the City's Six---ear Acquisition And Develop- ment Program which literature has been circulated by the Committee in promotion of the coming Bond Issue for Park improvement, Acquisition and Development. A�T..ostax: card pledging support of the bond issue was attached and return to the Committee requested. Moved by Perry; seconded by Hulse, that Council unanimously endorse the Park Bond Issue and the Clerk was authorized to so notate the card and return. Carried. A letter from W. M. Foster, District Engineer, Washir_gton State Highway Commission, reported that the Consultant on the Green River Valley Traffic Study, Vogt-Ivers- Stevens-Thompson & Associates, is making good progress on the study, and it is expected that the Thoroughfare P la._ Trill b2 completed and ready for presentation in mid-September and the draft of the full report about mid-?lovember. Copy of scheduled progress report was attached. A letter from Fred G. Sll.arp, Sharp Investments, Inc., requested the City to furnish water and sere�_ce to the Plat of '�-Iestern Hills and to pay for the differential cost between the six Inch and eight inch cast iron: pipe since the eight inch is required for future possible Cite use. t:oved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to t'.:e : iae and !later Committee City E and City � r-ee < (This Plat lies Horth of --- — - CE -a- Sicrra ;:e=g1.ts .._id --s ::o-:: =ntiguous to the City.) Carried. Letter of inter-;: ^s read ret_t__oring the City for annexation of certain lands, lying adjacent to the 0-fty, eesc_-ned as follows: SW 4 of SW-1q of Sec. 10, Twp. 2311, R. 5E. W.11., as s_-:bm_tted by - is:Id j ansen, property oi•mer.. (Corner of 132nd S.E. and S.E. 128th ;nth Ave, 11o.) . Loved by Schcllert, seconded by Hulse, to refer the letter of intent to ann2x to the City Engineer to check validity of oT:-nership. Carried. A publica'_ o:.., !'._ fcY-aticz llct'in IIo. 283, was received from the Association of `1a-1 J--t_cs, :;:ester Bieee:1, Secretary, on "Washington Municipal Salaries and Fringe 22-?fit; in 1966". The survey was based upon a questionnaire to which 237 of the State:e 267 cit'_es end towns responder ,nd Cities are listed alphabeti- c-;lly by population g roup`::_gs. The publication will be on file in the City Clerk's office. Recess was called at this time and after the recess roll call was taken with all Council limbers present as p�c ,iously listed. Letter from Cite "'rea.surer, 'Corotl-^_A Gossett, requested Council concurrence in the appointment of t'rs. E. "ay Dunc.^lf as Assistant City Treasurer, effective September 16--'1, 'o rep-_ac2 .'_rc. J at Crabb who resigned September 9th due to ill health. Moved by Perry, se=a-_d by to concur in the appointment and that a letter be sent to t<rs, Crabb exprecsing th-F-ko for the many years of service to the City and including thoseJ�during �r.1ich c':c ab", r seled as Assistant City 7-reasurer. The motion carried. PROO:AMAT_.0"J_: Proclamat on c-_'� October ,-15, 1965 as F' Prevention Week in Renton, and Proclamation by t:ayor C-icte~ designated the period of September 5th through 11th as Jnion :,abet week in ?o: 0.1, 1`.oved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the Mayor's Proclamations. Carried, COJIJCI�, COY"'=17EE REPO—CS: Co„mittee of t`re 'Thole report was submitted by President Kulse recommending that the rent on the City ?fall Cafe be reduced to $1.00 per month, retroactive to date of last payment, ef-Lect-_­v2 April lst, and that the City fix the hood over the grill to meet Health D2par meat rcq�:f'r-ments. 'Further recommended that possibility of leasing a grill unit and refrigerated counter be investigated. Mayor Custer reported that the grill has Lee. repaired, however Mrs. Holmes may not return. Equipment can be rented and it was suggested that .2 Oity seek a7 operator if tars. Holmes does not desire to return. loved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the Committee of the Whole report as read. Carried. Moved by F^_.rry, .sc.2cnded by Poli, that the M�y(jrTs office contact Mrs. :o_lmes and if she is not coming bacl: the Mayor be authorized to advertise for a new operator. The motic1 carried, -5- A /�Z/ Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 9-12-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS : City Hall Building Committee report was submitted by Chairman Hulse recommending that Council accept the Schematics presented by Johnston-Campanella & Associates, and pro- ceed to Phase II (Preliminary Phase) . It was further recommended that an additional floor be provided in the initial construction for a total of 7 floors and that such floor be completed only to roughed-in condition. Anticipated cost $71,067.00. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation .of the City Hall Building Committee. Carried. Dahlquist opposed. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that funds for Phase II in approximate sum of $18,000.00 be authorized from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1894. Mode of figuring percentages for payment of architect fees was outlined after which the pending motion carried. Dahlquist opposed. NEW BUS INE S S: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that City of Renton Vouchers No. 4748 through 4961, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment by the Council at this time. Carried. Breakdown by funds follows: 1965'Water & Sewer Construction 4748 $ 9,301.82 Firemen's Pension Fund 4749 704.00 Current Fund 4750 - 4837 11,155.58 City Street 4738 - 4854 13,185.13 Cedar River M. & I. 4855 - 4858 32.78 Equipment Rexrtal 4859 - 4890 2,793.60 Library 4891 - 4895 409.95 Parks 4896 - 4924 7,444.02 Water Works Utility 4925 - 4949 35,955.76 Airport 4950 - 4958 343.25 Cumulative Fund No. 1975 4959 - 4960 89.03 Cumulative No. 1990 4961 41.51 $81,456.43 Councilman Hulse announced a Committee of the Whole meeting on Wednesday, September 14th and on the following dates for budget consideration: September 20, 21, 22, and 27, 28 and 29 if needed. The budget will be officially presented on September 19th as required. Capital Improvement Priority Committee Chairman Hulse reported that a Capital Improve- ment Priority list will be revised by November 21st and all Department Heads should review their respective area responsibilities. After the 1967 Budget is approved copies of the former list will be furnished, if needed,and new lists will be collected and assembled, for the new Committee list and it is hoped this may be completed by the 21st. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Schellert, that the Planning Commission, in rezoning parcels in the North Highlands area, be directed to make a study of the area relative to any changes which might be needed and recommend same to the Council for inclusion in the Comprehensive Plan. Mrs. Dahlquist felt that in rezoning parcels the Com- mission should consider the adjoining properties and perhaps include a large area at one time rather than rezone by individual parcels. The motion carried. Councilman Garrett advised of discussing with the City Clerk whether a person whose birthday falls on the day immediately following the election would be able to register and vote, his interest being especially that his daughter is in this position, her birthday being November the 9th. The City Clerk indicated that it has been observed that when the date of birth falls on election day the person would then be eligible to be registered and vote and upon inquiry by Mr. Garrett whether she would honor an opinion from the Attorney General to the effect that persons becoming 21 the day after an election were eligible to be registered she replied affirmatively and such a letter was presented for reading at this time. The communication was directed to Mr. Garrett in reply to his inquiry and stated "All persons of the age of twenty-one years or over, possessing the following qualifications, shall be entitled to vote at all elections. . .. Neither the constitution nor the legislature has provided a method of computing the age of a person. Accordingly, in the absence of some constitutional or statutory prescription for determining age, we must look to the common law. (See RCW 4.04.010) The common-law rule for computing age is well stated in the following language from the annotation, Inclusion or exclusion of the day of birth in computing one's age, 5 A.L.R. 2d, 1143: "In the absence of a statutory prescription, common-law juris- dictions uniformly compute attained age by including the day of birth, with the result that one is deemed in law to have reached a given age at the earliest moment of the day preceding an anniversary of birth. , -" City - Clerk Nelson invited Mr-, Garrett to bring his daughter in and she will 'be registered. 4 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 9-12-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Perry called attention to fact that Mrs. Yankee, P.T.A. President, McKnight School, had expressed concern at traffic volume at 12th Avenue North and Sunset Blvd. in the Highlands and that a traffic light has been requested since numerous children cross this intersection on their way to and from school. Mayor Custer pointed out that this signal has been requested by the traffic engineer in the coming budget. Perry suggested the signal installation be moved up and it was pointed out that the question of money is involved. Discussion ensued regarding the other areas of the City which need signals and Traffic Engineer Del Bennett reported the subject signal would cost $12,000.00 and based upon volume traffic count and accidents this location although requested for next year is not highest on the priority list. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, that the funding of this traffic signal be referred to the Ways and Means Committee. Discussion ensued regarding the need for signals at other locations after which Councilman Schellert recalled that the Council had delegated a representative to the P.T.A. Council's Safety Committee, which comprises P.T.A. Safety Committee Members from the whole School District and it was felt the proper way for presentation the request would be to go through the P.T.A. Safety Committee for study. The pending motion to refer to the Ways and Means Committee was declared lost by majority verbal no vote. Roll call vote was requested which resulted in three aye votes and sevdn-- no votes and the Mayor--declared the motion. lost. It-was pointed out that Councilman. Schellert-is, the representative-Moved by Schellert' seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter for report back .bythe Council's representative on the P.T.A. Safety Committee. Carried. Councilman Perry requested that Mrs. Yankee be notified of the Council's action. Councilman Delaurenti reported that the Fire and Water Committee has met during recess regarding the request of Fred G. Sharp and recommended that water be furnished and that the City assume cost of the $1,100.00 difference between the 6" and 8" pipe. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the Committee report. Carried. ' ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Law and Ordinance Committee Member Dahlquist submitted minority report for intro- ductory reading of proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, creating and establish- ing a special fund, to be known as "The Equipment Rental Fund" to be used as a re- volving fund to be expended for salaries, wages and operation as required for the repair, replacement, purchase and operation of equipment; designating the City's pur- chasing agent as administrator of said fund, and providing for the administration and disbursement of funds. Following discussion as to intent of the Ordinance it was to be held for review by the City Clerk and will remain in Committee for the present time. A proposed Ordinance was submitted relating to air pollution, creating and establishing an Air Pollution Control Advisory Council, regulating and controlling emissions of air contaminants, defining offenses and prescribing penalties, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry to place the document on second and final reading. Cariied. After final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Ordinance No. 2269 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. An Ordinance was introduced for first reading, providing for the construction of certain arterial street improvements within the City; declaring the estimated cost thereof as nearly as may be; making provision to pay the cost thereof by: first, a grant anticipated to be received from the United States Government under the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965; and, second, the issuance and sale of general obligation bonds in the amount of not to exceed $3,250,000.00, payable by annual tax levies to be made without limitation as to rate or amount; creating a special fund to provide for the payment of the general obligation bonds; declaring an amergency; and providing for the submission to the qualified voters of the City for their ratification or rejection at a special election to be held in conjunction with the general State election on November 8, 1966, of the proposition for the incurring of such indebtedness and the issuing of such general obligation bonds, as read by the Clerk. Moved by Bruce, and seconded by Polis to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried. After second and final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2270 as read. Carried. Mr. Arthur Scholes, Traffic Advisory Commission Chairman recalled appointment of the Commission to promote the Arterial Street Bond Issue and aid of the Council was solicited and progress to date outlined, Discussion ensued regarding such appointment as per Capital Improvement Priority Committee recommendations and Mr. Corwin of the Committee outlined program for contacting all major industry and local organizations to aid in the promotion. Perry recalled that aid of the Chamber of Commerce had been of value in prior promotion. -7- 143 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 9-12-66 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The Law and Ordinance Committee submited a proposed Ordinance which Police -Qhief 44-illi.am explained will likely be State Law in the coming session of the 1egi-slart xx e. The Clerk read the proposed Ordinance establishing regulations for the protection of motorcycle riders, imposing requirements on users, owners and renters thereof; providing for penalties, which was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Law and Ordinance Committee for the present time. Carried. Since there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned.at .11:00 p. m. with 28 visitors in the Council Chambers at this evening's session. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, e , Mayor R -8- 144 September 12, 1966 APPLICATIONS FOR PEWITS AS SUI3P?ITTED 3Y TIM CITY BUILDING DEPARTHEI,IT BUILDIidG PER11ITS: Ido. Amount Name Address Type of work 11446 $ 30.00 Eighlands Bank Greater Renton Center 'Fire Service 47 170.00 Etail Fantana 211 Logan St. Relocate Service 48 150.00 Dan Eagback 933 "E" St. idew Service 49 250.00 I . T. Akesson 1061 "G" St. Chg Service 11450 1,716.00 Art ierend, Sr. 2208 10th P1 N. Res. Garage 51 42,970.00 Clyde Raub 441 Park Avenue 641nit Ant. 52 1,000.00 Cecil E. Wakelam 411 Langston Rd. bedroom Add't 53 4,000.00 C. & K. Inc. 934 Sunset Blvd. E Swinm-Pool S4 1,400.00 Louie Danielson 9818 116th Southeast Reside Res. 11455 140.00 Thorias 11. Grove,Jr. 436 Langston Rd. Fence 56 3,600.00 Clarence Jones 11649 S.E. 97th `dove Res. 57 1.290.00 Ralph E Ross 835 "P" St. Res. Garage 58 3,800.00 The Boeing Co. Anron "A" Renton Field Outside Rest-Rn Fac 59 150.00 :alter Schurr 3291 Court "B" Rolling Bill Fence 11460 13,000.00 Dennis F, !!alstrand 10428 112th Ave S.E. New Res. & Car-Port 61 James Dressler 2111 10th P1 ;?. New Service 62 200.00 A. II. Olofson 13415 S.E. 116th Storage shed 63 2,500.00 Boeing Airplane Co Anron "A" :dire Service 64 250.00 I!illiams & Swanson 363 Burnett New iieter Base 11465 5.00 !dilliam !ebb Jr. 6S4 "R" St Fence 66 2,350.00 United Parking Shuffleton Rd $ Lk !9n B. Parking Lot 67 570.00 !J. K. Stewart 1038 'IQ" St Child's Play House 68 400.00 B F, C Construction 15530 119th Ave S.E. Are Res. 69 350.00 Douglas Holmquist 719 "P" St llire Add't 11470 150.00 llr. Edsall 329 Pelly St New Panel 71 3,112.00 Renton School Dist 809 "II" St. 'Aire Service 72 4,668.00 Renton School Dist 2508 12th Ave M Wire Service 73 3,112.00 Renton School Dist 11930 132 nd S.E. !'!ire Service 11475 1,556.00 Renton School Dist 1404 "I" St Wire Service 76 13,920.00 Joe Boehme 9600 106th Ave. New Res. 77 300.00 Cliff Bates SSG "J" St. Wire Service 78 7,500.00 Stoneway Concrete Inc 1516 Maple Ilay Blk Lub Room 79 13-000.00 Clora Adams 231 N. !Jells ,Dire Service 11480 250.00 Gene ileyers 1025 3rd F, Rainier C!ire Service 81 8,000.00 '.!ash. Jockey Club Box 60, Renton Caretakers On U-nit 82 1,500.00 Everett Claussen 10040 112th Ave S.E. 11-Frame Car-port 83 1,500.00 Clinton Betz 2414 10th Ave. Garage 84 1,400.00 Virginia hart 10706 112th S.E. Aluminum Siding-Gutters 11485 75.00 The Highlander 1060 "K" St 1-Sign 86 75.00 The highlander 1060 1111"l' St 1 Directio=nal Sign 87 10,500.00 Rudy Simone 15920 Benson Ilwy Swimming Pool 88 11,700.00 The Boeing Co. 35 Grady I!ay Industrial Bldg. 89 4,500.00 Robert Richter 2925 6th IJ. Swimming Pool 11490 250.00 Don Ilarbeck 628 "E" St Re-;'lire 91 100.00 Varick A Cutler 931 "Il" St Fence 92 20.00 POpich Sign Co. 831 Airport '..'ay S Sign - 16 sq. ft. 93 180.00 Lynan Riley 12435 Sunset Blvd E Garage Dr-Ex structure 94 50.00 United Parking Lk !!ash Blvd F, Shuffleton Sign 11495 53,000.00 Curran & Keller 625 Rainier Ave S. Type IV Restaurant 96 10000.00 John Dobson 231 !!illiams St Re-roof Off. Bldg. 97 500.00 '.Jilliam Schuling 1011 3rd Ave Concrete Blk-Re-Office 98 462.00 Gerald S Paulus 2823 14th Ave N. Car-port 99 4,200.00 Charles Shane 111 #5 "laple Va Hwy !Dire Service 11500 4,200.00 Charles Shane 111 #6 Flame Va Nwy '.dire Service 01 1,500.00 Robert Taylor 1120 "0" St Detached Garage 02 1,500.00 !illiams F, Swanson 617 Third Ave Add't Office Space 03 30.00 L. V. Chase 3277 Court "A" Fence 04 350.00 Fred Sanders 10986 S.E. 110th Enclose Car-port 11505 397.50 Harold Peterson 2018 Bronson ',Jay II New 200 Amp/ Service 06 30.00 Renton Shopping; Cnt. Renton Shopping Center ?dire Service 07 400.00 John Peternel 601 1iain St !tire Service 08 1,000.00 Puget sd Power -Light(620 Grady I!ay Add't C-Link Fence 09 120.00 Ideal Zimmerman 3268 Rolling 11-Village-1 Tool shed 9 September 12, 1966 Cont: APPLICATIOAS For PEP. LITS AS SUC:IITTED BY TILE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT PLU:.13I vG & IEATIAG PEMITS: 8013- - - - - - - - B & C Construction 15520 119th S.E. Plumbing fix 14- - - - - - - - 1, " 91 it Plumbing Fix 8015- - - - - - - - Bi;; "C" Stores 805 Rainier Ave S. it of 16- - - - - - - - Phil Plano 216 192 N. Villiams Gas Inst. 17- - - - - - - - P. C. ;arris 501 11011 St Mg. Equip. 19- - - - - - - - John :.awell 743 Renton St. " of 19- - - - - - - - Clara Aelams 231 II. ':ells Plumbing Fix 8020- - - - - - - - Loyd Peterson 11215 114 S.E. Plumbing Fix •- 21- - - - - - - - V. Vein 10621 116th SE of to 22- - - - - - - - Glen Ford 441 Park Ave it of 23- - - - - - - - Edward Coronado 716 f1016 St Gas Inst. 24- - - - - - - - :+ario '?afeneli 3514 7th P1 V. of Of 3025- - - - - - - - 3ell & Veldez 1709 Tallinn Hills Plumbing Fix 26- - - - - - - - of += 1711 Rolling Hills P 1 S it " 27- - - - - - - - to +1 1800 S.E. Urban Court " " 28- - - - - - - - if ,+ 1708 S.E. Urban Ct of " 29- - - - - - - - 11 P/ 1904 S.F. 18 Court to �t 8030- - - - - - - - City of Renton 11929 132nd S.L. 01 " 32- - - - - - - - Group stealth Co-on 1930 Bronson ..Tay N. PIS Fix $ Gas Inst. 33- - - - - - - - irs. .i ora nelson 529 ,:orris lieating Equip 34- - - - - - - - Levis Purcell 11613 S.E. 105th Plumbing Fix 8035- - - - - - - - C. Forister 3289 Ct 0 Polling hills Gas Inst 36- - - - - - - - John Dennis Jr. 10423 112th St. Plumbing Fix 37- - - - - - - - Pobert :Iuebner 3416 elth Ave N heating Equip SE'.1ER PERe-ITS: G6- - - - - - - - `illia;.► Jesson 3419 11th Pl Sewer Connection 67- - - - - - - - United Parhinr 8th North & Houser "!ay to to 69- - - - - - - - `Jan Lyk 13'09 i Ionterey ter to of 7,1— - - - - - - - Transamerica Either Rd Unit 112 to to 71- - - - - - - - 11 It Lither Rd Unit 113 of it 72- - - - - - - - If Either Rd Unit 114 of is 73- - - - - - - - ;Lando Phillips 415 3rd Ave it " .... 74- - - - - - - - Pac Car & Foundry 4th $ Garden 75- - - - - - - - United Parking Garden & Lk 'lash Blvd. 76- - - - - - - - Gerry Goodall 2111: 10th P1 N of of 77- - - - - - - - Fac car & foundry 4th I'. If to 7E- - - - - - - - Charles Shane 111 101anle Va JWy Unit A " it 79- — — — — — — - it „ „ r, Unit B it u RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING September 19, 1966 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Poli, Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, that the absent Councilmen be excused. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Gene Coulon, Park Director and M. C. Walls, Fire Chief. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of September 12, 1966 be approved as written. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: The 1967 Preliminary Budget was presented in accordance with RC14 35.33.050 and Mayor Custer's letter of transmittal was read outlining increases in assessed valuation and population, proposing no new taxes and recommending additional employee benefits, seventeen new employees and proposals for Capital Improvements. The Budget totals $6,570040 (excluding proposed G.O. Bonds of $1,040,006 for Parks and $3,250,000 for Arterial Streets); which is over the final 1965 budget total by $1,761,445. Special thanks was extended to Mrs. Gwen Marshall, the City Clerk's Office, Department Heads and City Employee representatives who contributed efforts in producing an equitable and workable Budget for 1967. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the Preliminary Budget to the Committee of The Whole. Carried. The City Clerk read letter from the King County Assessor's Office Certifying Assessed Valuation of Renton for 1966. Renton Limits #1 $84,160,575 and Limits #2, $31,839,462, totalling $116,000,037. The .Assessor called attention to RCW 84.52.020 directing that officials of all taxing dis-' tricts authorized by law to levy taxes, shall Certify to the County Assessor on or before the Wednesday following the first Monday in October of each year, the amount of taxes levied upon the property within the City or district - -- -- along with copy of the 1967 Budget. City Clerk Nelson emphasized the day which was specified for submitting the tax levy to the Assessor. Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Estimate No. 2, for work completed to date on the 4th Avenue North Improvement Contract. Amount due Rainier Asphalt, Contractor, $20,507.34, to be paid from Arterial Street Fund #3500, Capital Outlay 605. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Southeast Unit for Cystic Fibrosis, Dorothy Norgate, Secretary, requested permission to conduct fund raising campaign in Renton on Friday, September 23rd, to provide funds for research on this dreaded childhood disease. Moved by Delaurenti, second by Perry, to grant No-Fee Permit for the fund raising drive as requested. Carried. Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported regarding property owner J. David Jensen's notice of intent to annex property to Renton, that the letter contained signatures representing 16.18% of assessed valuation and was valid. Since Mr. Jensen was present, the preliminary meeting was held as required and Mr. Jensen affirmed willingness of the property owners to assume their pro rata shares of the City's pre-existing bonded indebtedness. Discussion ascertained that lines were available for water service and Mr. Jensen advised of plans for sewers to be pursued further upon annexation. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Dahlquist, that the property owners be authorized to circu- late proper petition indicating thereon willingness to assume bonded indebtedness as specified. The motion Carried. Mr. Jensen reported that such petition had been secured and it was moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Poli, to refer the petition to the City Engineer for verification of signatures and validity. Carried. Letter from Mayor Custer reported that three candidates had qualified upon Civil Service Examination for position of Patrolman. Request of Police Chief Williams attached, also verified this and requested permission to employ the qualified persons on October lst. The matter of funding of salaries had been referred to the Ways and Means Committee since funds were unavailable in the Departmental Salary budgetary account. Letter from Mayor's Youth Guidance Committee, Paul Houser, Chairman, urged the Council to hire the additional patrolmen as requested. Moved by Perry, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the letters to the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. �1_ Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 9-19-66 COMMUNICATIONS : Application from Lorraine Hoffman, owner of The Spot Cafe requested that required license be granted Mutual Amusement Company to operate a second pinball machine in said place of business. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee with power to act. The motion carried. Hulse opposed. A letter from Mr. Orrin L. Madison called attention to litter collection in the Munciipal Parking Lot ##3 and suggested that the indiscriminate discard is done at night thus checking should be done at that time likewise. Moved by Pedersen, and seconded by Schellert, that the matter be referred to the Street Commissioner. The motion carried. A letter from Mr. Jay E. Holmes noted his place of business in the Comprehensive Plan of the City development and requested appraisal of his property and expeditious imple- mentation of the overall plan, stating that they are in a good position at this time to a proposition. Subject property is located at 1025 - 3rd Avenue. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the letter to the Property Committee. Carried. A letter from Sven Johnson, Building Director, requested authorization to attend the 44th Annual Business Meeting of the International Conference of Building Officials to be held in Fresno, California, October 3 through 7, 1966. Final action on pro- posed Code changes will be taken at the conference prior to adoption of the 1967 edition of the Uniform Building Code deemed to be of utmost importance to the Building Department program. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to grant the request of the Building Director. The motion carried. A letter from the American Association of University Women extended invitation to attend a one-day conference on the Washington State Constitution, October 15th at the University. A letter from Jerome P. Cavanagh, President, National League of Cities, and Mayor of Detroit, Michigan, extended invitation to officials of Renton to attend the annual national municipal conference, December 2-7, 1966 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, to refer the invitation to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Bulletin from the Association of Washington Cities submitted 1966 Legislative District Committee Meeting schedule for the fall, and the City Clerk noted the meeting in Kent, hosted by Mayor Thornton on September 28th at 7:00 p.m., Meekers Landing. Mayor Custer and Councilman Woodworth of Kent are Co-Chairmen. The City Clerk reported receipt of Washington State Census Board publication "Population Trends, Cities and Towns, State of Washington, 1900 to 1966, noting that Renton is 12th in size. with 23,700. population and ranks- second in increase with 2100 additional with Seattle leading with 7000 increase since April 1, 1965. APPOINTMENTS: Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Mrs. Norma Cugini, Mrs. Lee Kirby and Mr. Randall Rockhill to serve three-year terms on the Municipal Arts Commission. These persons have served on the Commission since it was formed and have contributed significantly toward the betterment of the com- munity through their service. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to concur in the appointments by the Mayor. Carried. Mayor Custer requested Council concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Sven Johnson as Air Pollution Control Officer for the City of Renton. Estimated cost of im- plementing an air pollution control program per County report is 13� per capita. Funds will need to be budgeted to defray expenses connected with air pollution control and Council was requested to consider such an approriation. Mayor Custer as point of information added that balance of members will be appointed and list submitted to the Committee of the Whole as previously discussed since the Council may wish to determine what it might do with and through the Board. Committee of the Whole report was given by President Hulse recommending that the Mayor and City Clerk be directed to sign the Agreement with the Interagency Committee for the development of Lake Washington park and that the Law and Ordinance Committee be directed to bring in proper legislation to appropriate $55,000.00 as a loan from Cedar River Acquisition Fund, unto the Park Fund 6120, Acct. 605, Capital Outlay, for matching funds. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommenda- tion of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. -2- 148 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 9-19-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont.) Unfinished Business Committee of the Whole recommendation regarding defective pipe in Tiffany Park was that the City Attorney attempt to negotiate settlement but that suit be commenced if necessary and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute any documents necessary in connection therewith. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Pedersen, to concur in the recommendations of the Committee of the Whole. The motion carried. President of the Council Hulse reported discussion at the last Committee of the Whole meeting regarding attendance at the Nation League of Cities Meeting in Las Vegas in December and it was recommended that the Council President, Council- men Trimm, Poli, Morris and Delaurenti and Mayor Custer be authorized to attend the conference. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recom- mendations. Carried. Dahlquist opposed. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, that the Mayor and Council President be designated as voting delegates and alter- nate be named according to seniority on the Council. Carried. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Poli, that members attending the conference make a report to the Council upon return. Carried. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Schellert submitted report which was read by the Clerk regarding funding of salaries for additional Patrolmen in the Renton Police Department with effective date of employment, October 1, 1966. It was recommended that three new patrolmen be hired on said date with salaries to be funded from excess revenues and the matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper legislation, to--wit: A Transfer shall be effected unto Police Department Account 2100/110, Salaries and Wages, $4,734.00 and Maintenance and Operation (Employee Benefit) 2100/210, $180.00; 201, $200.00; 202, $ 74.00; 203, $ 65.00; and 204; $ 31.00. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendations of the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. Property Committee Chairman Pedersen reported regarding request of Mr. Ernest Temple to purchase City owned property on Renton Hill consisting of 65 ft. strip which, if Jones Street were extended, would go to the back of the hill and end just above International Pipe and Ceramics property. The subject property was acquired by the City from Puget Sound Power and Light Company for street purposes for $1.00 and the Property Committee after investigation recommended that the City retain the property for street purposes since development in that area is contemplated in the very near future. It was further recommended that Mr. Temple 19 be notified that we do not wish to sell the property. Attention was called to problem involved relative to drainage which is the reason Mr. Temple wanted to purchase the property -nd it was recommended that the City help Mr. Temple solve this problem. Mo�:!ed by Bruce, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. Sanitation Committee Chairman Pedersen recalled the referral to his Committee and the City Engineer regarding proposed rules and regulations from the State Board of Health to govern solid waste. Subsequent referral by the Committee to the City Attorney resulted in written report that the proposal was approved from the legal standpoint as to form and present Garbage Disposal Contractor reported no objection. It was recommended at this time that the City Clerk be authorized to notify the Association of Washington Cities who forwarded the document to the City for infor- mation and comment. Carried. Power and Light Committee Chairman Poli submitted report which recommended the installation as requested of 1 - 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Light at Tillicum St. West of Shattuck Street on pole BAXCO 964 WCP2-4D. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that City of Renton Vouchers, No. 4962 through 5021, having been previously approved by the Accounting Committee, be approved for payment by the Council. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current #4962 - 4982 $ 4,541.10 City Street 4983 - 4988 8,412.70 Arterial Street 4989 20,507.35 Cedar River M.& I. 4990 16.00 Off-Street Parking 4991 - 4992 110.00 Equipment Rental 4993 - 5001 2,285.82 Parks 5002 - 5010 1,164.44 Water Works Utility 5011 - 5016 11,627.69 Airport 5017 - 5021 236.81 $ 48,901.91 -3- 149 Minutes Renton City Council Meeting 9-19-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont;) New Business: President of the Council Hulse°mminded Council of the meeting schedule for the Committee of the Whole as set last week and announced a meeting next Monday, September 26th at 7:30 p.m. and among items to be considered is the rezone of Capelouto properties. Councilwoman Dahlquist requested a meeting of the Law and Ordinance Committee on Monday, the 26th at 7:15 p.m. Councilman Pedersen inquired regarding chanelization problem on Sunset Highway in vicinity of the shopping center with special regard for lack of safety pro- visions for turning and wondered what will occur when the North Renton Inter- change is completed and additional traffic is chanelled into that area. Dis- cussion ensued relative to revision from 4 lanes to single through lane each way with turn lane down the middle and various aspects for and against such improvement coming from 'XI Street and other areas. It was pointed out that an L.I.D. was needed for curbing and channelization and that the present im- provement involved very little expense. Topography of the road was also dis- cussed and it was pointed out that the Traffic Engineer and consultants had instituted the traffic safety measure as a temporary protective installation and it had been received with some praise and some criticism. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Councilwoman Dahlquist, Law and Ordinance Committee Member, submitted a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton setting date of October 17th at 8:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, Renton, Washington, as time and place for hearing on proposed vacation of portion of Mountain View Drive.(Hasson request) Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1395 as read. Carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee presented proposed Resolution of the City of Renton setting date of October 17, 1966 for hearing on proposed vacation of portion of 106th Avenue S .E. as petitioned by R. V. Simone Construction Co., which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1396 as read. The motion carried. A proposed Resolution was presented and read authorizing appropriation of excess revenues unto the Current Fund, Municipal Court Account 1300, Maintenance and Operation, Office Supplies, 402 in sum of $1,500.00 and Acct. 316, Witness Fees, $250.00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1397 as read. Carried. A proposed Resolution of the City of Renton was presented for reading,appropriat- ing from excess revenues, funds to allow additional personnel in the Planning Department; Current Fund Planning Account 1700, Salaries & Wages 110, $2,196.00 and unto Current Fund 1700, M. & 0., Employee Benefits, 200/Statewide Retirement , $50.00; 201/Employment Security, $95.00; 202/Prepaid Medical, $33.00; 203, In- dustrial Insurance, $12.00 and 204/ Employee Life Insurance, $ 9.00. Also to be appropriated from excess revenues unto the Current Fund is sum of $300.00, Non- Departmental Account 1920, Account 314/Contractual Services, "Expert Services" for payment of invoice for appraisals of City property by Glen Wallin. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Dahlquist, to adopt Resolution 1398 as read. Carried. The Committee preserited for second and final reading, Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington amending Ordinance No. 20725 creating and Establishing a Special Fund, to be known as the "Equipment Rental Fund" to be used as- a revolving fund to be expended for salaries, wages and operations required for the repair, replacement, purchase and operation of equipment; designating the City's Purchasing Agent as administrator of said fund, and providing for the administration and dis- bursement of funds, read first on September-12th. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to place the proposed Ordinance on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2271 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. The Committee submitted for reading proposed Ordinance changing the zoning classi- fication of certain property within the City from Residential District (R-3) to Business District (B-1) (John Peternel property) Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2272 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. -4- 11.50 Minutes - Renton City Council meeting 9-19-1966 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (Cont.) The Law and Ordinince Committ6e aabtnitted a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington changing the zoning classification of eettain property within the City of Renton from Residential District (R-2) to Business District (B-1), as read by the Clerk. (Greater Renton Shopping Center property) Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to place the document on its second and final reading.. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordinance No. 2273 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the.City of Renton, Washington vacating a portion of 7th Avenue, to-wit: The South 10 feet of the North 50 feet of the shoreland and bed of the Black River in Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 E. W.M. , King County, Washington, for which easement was granted to the City of Renton by Commissioner"s Order dated November 19, 1959, under application No. 2435, as read by the Clerk. (Pacific Coast RR Co. petition) Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried. After second and final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordinance No. 2274 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council Members present voting aye and the motion carried. A proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton was presented and read vacating a certain alley in Block 11, Renton Highlands . (A. Creek et al petition)Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2275 as read. Carried with unanimous aye roll call vote. The Committee submitted a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from Residential District (R-2) and Business District (B-1) to Light Industry (L-1) as read by the Clerk. (Tonda, Bear, Richert, Terry, etc. (Marion Street between 3rd Ave. No. and Houser Way) Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, following the final reading, that Ordinance No. 2276 be adopted as read. Carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse, that the Mayor declare a 5 minute recess.Carried. I Recess was declared at this time. After the recess, roll call was taken with all Council Members present as previously listed. Proposed Ordira nce was presented for second and final reading which had been introduced and placed on first reading on 9-12-66 and which establishes regu- lations for the protection of motorcycle riders, imposing requirements on users, owners and renters thereof; providing for penalties. The Clerk read the pro- posed Ordinance and it was moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordi- nance No. 2277 as read. Councilman Schellert called attention to early action by Renton to provide leadership of this safety measure. Councilman Delaurenti requested Police Chief Williams to comment on the action and Chief Williams advised that the thought behind the Ordinance and intent to protect individuals with helmets and goggles was very worthwhile, however enforcement problems may result in view of large numbers of people from out of town involved. It would be so much easier to work with if there was a State Law. Dahlquist called attention to legislative meeting next Wednesday and stated this might be placed before the Association of Washington Cities at that time. Discussion ensued regarding forcing protection and fact that regular vehicle operators license covers operation of motorcycles. Roll call vote was taken on the pending motion and resulted in all ayes except Delaurenti who opposed. The motion carried. City Clerk Nelson inquired as to method of getting the general public acquainted with the legislation and it was suggested that the other Cities be given copies, the P.T.A's and their Safety Committees, Schools and Dealers who sell motorcycles, as well as the regular legal publication. Property Committee Chairman Pedersen recalled referral and authorization to negotiate for reservoir site on West Hill and in order to do so appraisals must be secured. It was requested that Council give the Committee permission to proceed accordingly. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry to concur in the request and that,the Fire and Water Committee be included in the authorization. The motion carried. Dahlquist inquired as to whether action has been taken regarding operation of the City Hall Cafe and Mayor Custer reported that Mrs. Holmes has indicated that she does not plan to return and he is planning to advertise for a new operator this coming week. -5- 151 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 9-9-66 AUDIENCE COMNT: Mr. Richard Stredicke inquired as to estimate of cost for curbing or proper precautions'up on the Sunset Highway, as per discussion earlier in the meeting. City Engineer Wilson stated that estimates had not been prepared but that he felt it to be a matter of driver education as far as the new traffic control in- stallation is concerned. Mr. Stredicke felt that the dip in the road presented a great measure of the hazard and requested a figure of approximate cost for channelization. City Engineer Wilson stated that $2,500.00 would be his estimate for basically levelling of the street. Discussion ensued relative to funds expended for travel, Los Vegas being specifically mentioned by Mr. Stredicke which rhight wdl.l be used for the traffic control. Mayor Cus- ter pointed out that the Council was aware of the traffic situation and would be considering such needs in its budget hearings. Mayor's discussion with the Planning Commission at its meeting of last Wednesday relative to travel funds was recalled. Attendance at a Washington Planning Association Conference at Moses Lake was brought up in connection with the funding problems and Councilwoman Dahlquist stated that this was a meeting of great importance and Planning Commission Members who wished to attend should be able to do so. It was further noted that some funds were available for use by Planning Commission Members and it was moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Hulse, that the Planning Commission Members and the Planning Director be encouraged to attend the Planning Association of Washington meeting at Moses Lake. The motion carried. After further discussion regarding the Sunset Highway lane revision, it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk �'. W Custer, Mayor S 152 September 19, 1966 APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO- AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 11510 $ 1,000„ 00 Robert G Perelli 144 Park Ave. Add't to Garage 11 2,40040 Fred Kiely 664 "A” St, Re-model Basement 12 200,00 Elwyn Netherda 652. 110" St� Car-port 13 300,00 James Hart 3208 7th PI N. Repair Wiring 14 4$ 68,00 Transamerica Co. 1305 Either Rd. Wire-Bldg 108 11515 110„00 Mrs. Enza Anderson 602 "S" St Patio-roof 16 249,00 Williams & Swanson 716 Third Ave Wirc-Off Add't 17 41000,.00 Busch Const, 3223 12th Pl N. "'.rc 6 Unit Apt 18 500,00 Clinton Betz 409 Third Ave Re`wild Store Fr 19 750,00 John 0. Newell 743 Renton St Wire-res 11520 350:,00 John R,M. Marshall 420 N Williams Swim-pool 21 250-00 " " It It " Wire-Swim-pool 22 Vere Thompson, Jr 803 Grant St Alter Ser`,i,7!e 23 240,00 Dorothy Bonemi 539 Shattuck Change Service 24 50„00 Merrick Hindes 11645 S.E. 102nd Re-locate Ser-Ent, 11525 250,00 Robert Richter 2925 6th N. Swim-pool Fen-s 26 150,00 Mary D, Guinn 3309 12th Ave N Fence PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 8038- - - - - - -- - - - - Transamerica 1305 Either Rd. Plumbing Fix 39- - _. - - - - - - - - 1401 Either Rd. " 8040- -- - - - - - - - - - 1101 Either Rd,, " 41--- - - - - - - - - - Shirley Phillips 503 "E" St Gas Inst. 42--•- - - - - - - - - - Lynn Brown 2319 6th Ave N. " 43- - - - - - - - - - - Bruce Simpson 647 "P" St " 44-- - - - -- -• - - - - - Jerry Hanger 809 Jones St " 8045 - - - - - - - - - - Dabrowski 9431 112th S.E. Plumbing Fix -7- 153 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING September 26, 1966 8:00 P.M. Office of The City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Trimm, Garrett, Delaurenti and Poli. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, that the absent Councilmen be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Jim Magstadt, Assistant Planning Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief and Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of September 19, 1966 be approved. The motion carried. OPENING OF BIDS: Traffic Signal System - Rainier Avenue South at 3rd Place and 7th Ave. This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read: BIDDER AND ADDRESS 3RD PLACE 7TH AVENUE General Service Electric Bid Bond $ 25,008.00 Inc. Tax $ 21,204.70 Inc. Tax P. 0. Box 607 Lynnwood, 98036 Selo Electric Co., Inc. Bid Bond 29,749.10 21,308.90 1050 N. 38th Street P. 0. Box 1546 Seattle 98103 Mayor Custer inquir(d of Traffic Engineer Del Bennett what the Engineer's estimates for the improvements were and Mr. Bennett reported that estimates had been prepared by an Engineering Consultant Firm and the 3rd Place estimate was $16,500.00 and 7th Avenue, $15,500.00. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to refer the bids to the Street and Alley Committee and the Traffic Engineer to report back. The motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Statement for balance due Johnston-Campanella and Company was read covering services rendered on the new Library in sum of $2,098.00. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. The motion carried. Mayor Custer inquired whether anyone planned to attend the Legislative District Fall Committee Meeting :on Wednesday, the 28th and it was stated that Budget Hearings by the Council have been scheduled and include that date, Mrs. Dahlquist having previous. ., tentative plans to attend. Letter from City Engineer submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Estimate No. 3, payable Lewis-Redford Engineers for services on proposed Street Arterial Bond Issue, in sum of $6,870.00. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to refer the Estimate to the Aldi ing and AQcoUn1in9,_cDmmittee with power to act. The motion carried. Letter from Mr. Lars E. Trulson requested permit to erect temporary scaffold on the sidewalk at 303 Park Street while stuccoing the building at said location. Upon inquiry Street Commissioner TeGantvoort reported that this was extension of permit issued previously at this address to the-property owner and it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Hulse, to grant the request. Carried. Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported regarding Petition for annexation of property in vicinity of 132nd Avenue S.E. and S.E. 128th Street (J. David Jensen et al), the check of King County records indicates the petition is signed by owners representing 78.0% of the assessed valuation of the property. The subject area contains 40 acres and has an assessed valuation of $30,355.00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Mayor to convene a Review Board. The motion carried. -1- 1.54 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 9-26-66 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) A letter from A. C. Hinckley, Standard Oil Co. of California, reported application for building permit to construct service station at corner of 132nd S.E. and State Hwy. ##2 and pointed out that no sanitary sewer is presently available at the subject site. It is felt that since the City requires extension of the existing line up and across the city street to property line at their expense, credit to Standard Oil Co. should be given for the cost of installing the sewer in the city street and it was suggested that such cost be deducted from hook-up and pumping charges. Otherwise, Late-Comers' agreement was requested to provide that any person hooking up to portion of line they install would pay one-half of installation costs. Specifications for installation of the sewer and grades to be required to meet the existing line were requested from the City Engineer's office, so they may comply with construction rules... . Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Sanitation Committee. The motion carried. A petition containing 32 signatures was read calling attention to unsightly growth of underbrush and weeds on property located between the Highlands and Windsor Hills, West of "E" Street and South of 6th Avenue North, owned by Hallie H. Smiley, and requesting that the city require owner to clear the property and remove the hazardous "jungle" from the corporate limits of the City. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to refer the petition to the Building Director to report back. Carried. Letter from H. A. Blenco, President, Monterey Community Club, called attention to the bank resulting from cut made by Highway Department for the Third Avenue Extension which presents serious traffic problem at entrance to Monterey Terrace just off Thir4 Avenue North, rising some 8 to 10 feet high. The City was requested to remove the bank and also to replace concrete sidewalk which was removed along with entrance sign to Monterey Terrace on East side of the drive through to Third Avenue (approx. 20 ft.) Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Street and All Committee and the Street Commissioner to report back. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer submitted proposed Agreement in which the City would join with other Valley Cities to hire an engineering consultant for purpose of studying arterial needs in the Green River Valley. The City of Renton will participate in sum of $7,122.50 and concurrence was requested with authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the document. Funds have been budgeted in the 1967 Preliminary Budget based on the amount stipulated. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur with authorization granted to execute the Agreement as requested by the Mayor.Carried. A letter from the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recration, Einar H. Hendrickson, Administrator, acknowledged receipt of the City's project proposals advising that approximately 100 projects have been submitted. Review of the projects is scheduled for completion in time for the October 8 meeting in Wenatchee, project funding deter- mination may be forthcoming at the November meeting in Seattle. (Lake Wn. Beach) Letter from King County Commissioner Wallace submitted proposed Resolution on Revised 1967-69 Biennium Priority Schedule for State Highwa}s in King County, copy of which schedule was attached along with form of proposed Resolution, and favorable action was requested in adopting like Resolution. Areas concerning Renton were outlined by City Engineer Wilson and it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee for recommendation. Carried. Letter from Leland L. Sphar, President, Pacific Northwest Pollution Control Assn. encouraged City personnel to attend the annual meeting on water pollution control in Portland, October 19-21 at the Sheraton Motor Hotel. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to refer the letter to the City Engineer and someone from the Water Department be encouraged to attend. Carried. Petition for annexation of certain properties to Renton,located North of S.E. 96th Street, per letter of intent of 8-15-66, was read wherein it was stated that property owners agree to assume the pro-rata shares of the City's bonded indebtedness ,- - pre- existing and it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to refer the Petition to the City Engineer to check signatures and report back as to validity. Carried. (J. D. Sweazey properties et al, five signatures appearing on petition) Two messages from the Association of Washington Cities were directed to Municipal Officials, as read by the Clerk. One announced workshop on Employee Alcoholism September 28 and 29th in the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers' Hall 2700 - lst Avenue, Seattle - Second message submitted copy of comparative study of variable annuity retirement benefit and charts comparing this benefit with an escalator prepared by the Public Pension Commission in its study of proposed consolida- tion of firemen-. and policemen retirement systems. -2- 155 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 9-26-66 APPOINTMENTS: Letter from Mayor Custer requested confirmation of appointment of Anthony F. Millner, as Patrolman in the Renton Police Department, effective October ist which date commences the six-months probationary period as required by Civil Service regulations. Letter from Police Chief Williams reported favorably on the applicant and Civil Service Commission letter attached certified the candi- date for appointment and examination qualification. Moved by Delaurenti, and seconded by Bruce, to concur in the appointment of Mr. Millner as recommended. The motion carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Councilman Hulse, reporting for the Committee of the Whole, recommended that the Matter of the Isaac S. Capelouto property rezone from R-2 to R-3, be referred to the Planning Department for carrying out the administrative requirements that had been requested. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recom- mendation. Carried. Councilman Hulse reported attendance at meeting of the Planning Association of Washington at Moses Lake Friday and Saturday which was, as usual, quite an interest- ing meeting. Discussed at some lengths was matter of "Port Districts" and it was noted that the Port Districts engage in quite a few activities, one of which is recreation, they also having had a minor part in helping the Big Bend Community College operate, such colleges not being allowed dormitories; Big Bend through some arrangement managing to have dormitories. Improvement Program operated at the College was outlined including, along with the Jr. College Program, a Vocational Technical Training Course, Training for Migrant Workers, Vocational Agriculture Program and a "Seminar Course for Planners' which, it occurred to Mr. Hulse might be something which might be possible in our own city. The newly proposed Municipal Code was another matter discussed which contains the new Planning Code and which did not get in for hearing at the last session of the Legislature. It was one of two bills that came in quite late and was not considered. The Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation reported needs of the State in sum of $279,000,000.00 and only $4,000,000.00 is available and this is the reason for allocations being less than desired and gives an idea of the possibility of securing funds for Park & Recreation Development. The next two meetings will be in LongView in February and in Pullman in Septem- ber, 1967. Mr. Hulse added that it was his hope that some follow-up might result on the possibility of a Planning Seminar course in.Renton for Planning Officials, Government Officials and other persons interested in Planning. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, that City of Renton Vouchers No. 9022 through 5112, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Com- mittee, be accepted for payment by the City Council at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund #5022 - 5047 $ 5,453.63 City Street Fund 5048 - 5051 2,*0.71 Arterial Street Fund 5052 920.44 Equipment Rental Fund 5053 - 5056 99.54 Library Fund 5057 - 5074 2,098.18 Parks 5075 - 5084 908.73 Water Works Utility 5085 - 5089 104.70 Airport 5090 - 5091 56.67 Firemen's Pension Fund 5092 - 5106 1,9Q5.33 Cumulative Fund No. 1689 5107 65.00 Cumulative Fund No. 1975 5108 - 5112 2,322.54 $ 13,?95,5`� Councilman Hulse offered point of information that the Planning Code to which he previously referred is the one introduced by the Planning Association of Washington and not the one introduced by the Association of Washington Cities.(For benefit of Legislators) Inquiry was made as to major changes between the new Code and what we now have in the City of Renton. Councilman Hulse stated the problem is that the two statutes conflict with one another on some points. They overlap and contradict in some areas and the new Code is to remove the conflicts which the City Attorney might enlarge upon if wished. Mr. Hulse stated he has a copy which he would give the Mayor for information which Mayor Custer said he would appreciate. -3- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 9-26-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: NEW BUSINESS: Cont. Councilwoman Dahlquist called attention to hazard created by shrubbery which extends beyone point of visibility at the entrance to the Sunset Terrace Housing Project at K Street and Sunset Blvd. and recommended that the Street and Ailey Committee take a look at it. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to refer the recommendation to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Garrett inquired regarding Committee of the Whole Meeting schedule and President Hulse reported meetings have been scheduled for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week at 7:30 p.m. Councilman Garrett requested a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee with the Street Commissioner and Traffic Engineer tomorrow, Tuesday, September 27th at 7:00 p.m. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton authorizing loan from the Cedar River Acquisition Fund by the Park Fund in sum of $55,000.00 in order to provide for further improvements of the Lake Washington Beach Park in connection with certain matching funds to be received from the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, United States Department of the Interior, said loan bearing interest of 3% per annum and to be repaid not later than December 31, 1968, as read by the Clerk. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution No. 1399 as read. The motion carried. Mrs. Dahlquist on behalf of the Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted ,for reading, proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington authorizing appropriation from excess revenues the following funds which are needed to provide proper funds for the Police Department to employ additional police officers: Unto - Current Fund, Police Department Account No. 2100/110, Salaries and Wages, $4,734.00 and M. & 0., Employee Benefits, 2100/200, Statewide Retirement, $180.00; 201 Acct., Employment Security, $200.00; 202, Prepaid Medical, $ 74.00; 203, Industrial In- surance, $ 65.00 and 204, Employee Life Insurance, $ 31.00. After reading it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that Resolution No. 1400 be adopted as read. The motion carried. Since there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to adjourn. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. ���3ru-�_• /ter. }.;��,.�! ..� Helmie W. Nelson, City /Cler D. W. uster, Mayor -4- September 26, 190 APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: No. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORX 11527 $ 700.00 B & C Constructors 11520 119th SE Wiring new Res. 28 1,500.00 Herbert Williamson 2309 9th Ave. N. Bedroom Add't 29 400.00 Washington Jockey Club Longacres Wire-off unit 11530 160.00 M. Larson 3910 10th Ct. N. Fence 31 256.00 R.M. Stredicke 3916 10th Ct. N. Fence 32 33,066.00 The Boeing Company Boiler Plant Bldg.4-89 Wire-Boiler Plant 33 5,900.00 Wallace F. Nelson 952 "E" Street Add't. to Res. 34 384.00 David A. Lindlow 828 "P" Street Patio Cover 11535 350.00 R. Glen Fishel 1073 "Q" Street Fence 36 4,700.00 Clyde Raub 441 Park Avenue Wire 6-unit Apt, 37 12200.00 Gordon Martinek 3522 Pres. Park Ct. Enc. Carpt. Fam. rm. 38 500.00 Bell & Valdez 1800 SE Urban Ct. Wire Res. 39 160.00 United Parking NE corner-6th & Logan Wire parking lot 11540 160.00 tt TT 8th N & Houser (SE Cor.) " 11 tt 41 160.00 It It Shuffleton Rd & Lake Wn. Blvd. 't " 42 14,569.00 Skagen,Malises-Harris 525 Bronson Way N. Wire 24-unit Apt. 43 19,600.00 Bell & Valdez, Inc. 2004 Rolling Hills Pl.SE Basic Plan C-8002 44 17,760.00 tT It it 2006 SE Upland Ct. It it GG-1644 n 11545 200.00 L. C. Anderson 2814-15th Ave. N. Enclose Patio 46 250:00 Ken Jenkins 3704 7th Ave. N Wire & Add't. Res. 47 480.00 Wayne A. Beyer 3117 5th Ave. E. Fireplace 48 75.00 Edward A. Cocialik 2205 10th P1 N. Fence PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 8046 - - - - - - Better-Bili Homes 10508 132nd S.E. Plumbing Fix. 47 - - - - - - Tom Swift 826 1111'1 Street Gas Inst. 48 - - - - - - Lyman Riley 611 Cedar Street It Tt 49 - - - - - - Steven Lowery 1426 "H" Street " it 8050 - - - - - - Robert Piele 525 S Wells i1 It 51 - - - - - - Jan Brunnette 1424 "H" Street 52 V-O-I-D 53 - - - - - - Cliff Bates 556 "J" Street Plumbing Fix. SEWER PERMITS: 80 - - - - - - Lewis Purcell 11613 SE 105th P1. Sewer Connection 81 -- - - - - Lloyd Peterson 11215 114th S.E. 82 - - - - - - B & C Construction 15520 119th SE " 1r 83 - - - - - - " it 15530 119th SE 84 - - - - - - Stanley Home Products 87th Ave S. (S. of 7th) 85 - - - - - - Cecil N. Whitaker 530 N Williams " t� 86 - - - - - - Roger Peterson 11010 115th SE Transfers authorized and approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee and the Renton City Council for the month of September, 1966. TO: CLAIMS TO: PAYROLL FROM: FROM: Current $ 20,750.31 Current $ 82,723.19 City Street 21,838.54 Street 14,902.61 Arterial Street 21027.79 Cedar River M & I .,476.00 Cedar River M. & I. 48.78 gquipment Rental 3,304.71 Off-Street Parking 110.00 Library 6,100.67 Equipment Rental 5,178.96 Park 11061.95 Library 2,508.13 Waterworks Utility 14,807.49 Park 9,517.19 Airport 1,232.00 Water Works Utility 47,688.15 Firemen's Pension 116.00 Airport 636.73 $134,724.62 Firemen's Pension 25629.33 1965 W & S Construction 9,301.82 Cumulative Reserve 1689 65.00 Cumulative Reserve 1975 2,411.57 Cumulative Reserve 1990 41.51 $ 144,153.81 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING October 3, 1967 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Poli. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Gianini, that the absent Councilmen be excused. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea - Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan' City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Bernard L. Ruppert, Building Inspector, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner and Gene Coulon, Park Director. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of September 26, 1966 be approved. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Fixing the Final Budget and Making the Tax Levies for 1967 This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Mayor Custer invited Committee of the Whole report on its review of the Preliminary Budget, and it was recommended that the 1967 Preliminary Budget as presented by the Mayor be adopted with the following revisions: 1. Grant all miscellaneous city personnel and the 3 top grades of officers in the uniformed departments (Fire and Police) an additional 22% increase in salary over the Preliminary Budget. 2. Allow an Administrative Assistant, Grade 29, 6/$789 - 6/$829, annual salary, $9,708.00. 3. Reclassify Assistant Planning Director to 26C with no change in salary in 1967 over the Preliminary Budget. 4. Increase Account 322 in Police Administrative Department due to increase in King County Humane Society contract by $2,639.00. 5. Fire Department Account 602, Change to Site Development 6. Increase Account 402, Office Supplies in Traffic Engineering Budget by $50.00 7. Increase Account 605, Park Department for Grandstand, by $7,106.00. 8. Delete from Park Department Budget, Account 605, Fencing at North Highlands Community Building in sum of $2,250.00. 9. Release $20,000.00 in Statewide Retirement System matching funds. 10. Increase Fund Surplus by $20,754.00. The Net result of changes: Current Fund salaries increased $20,406.00 Current Fund Maintenance and Operation decreased $10,020.00 Street Fund Salaries increased $4,493.00 Street Fund Maintenance and Operation decreased $5,017.00 Library Fund salaries increased $1,807.00 Library Maintenance and Operation increased $70.00 T Park Fund salaries increased $3,634.00 Park Maintenance and Operation increased $524.00 Park Capital Outlay increased $4,856.00 Cedar River M. & I. Fund salaries increased $144.00 Cedar River M. & I. Maintenance and Operation increased $7.00 Cedar River M. & I., Capital 0 tlay decreased $151.00 Central Garage salaries increased $1.069.00 Central Garage maintenance and Operation increased $27.00 Central Garage Capital Outlay decreased $1,096.00 Water Administrative salaries increased $1,249.00 Water Administrative Maintenance and Operation increased $49.00 Water Maintenance salaries increased $3,666.00 , Water Maintenance, Maintenance and Operation increased $455.00 Airport salaries increased $371.00 Airport Maintenance and Operation increased $59.00 Airport Capital Outlay decreased $430.00 -1- 1.59 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont. ) 10-3-1966 Committee of the Whole Report: Expenditures contingent on passage of Initiative 226 Park Department, Account 6C5, Tennis Court lights, $5, 000.00 Fire Department salaries for 3 Firefighters, $21, 150.00 Fire Department, Account 6C2, Site Development, $42, 600.00 Park Department, Account 6C5 - $7. 106.00 which was on a contingency basis for Grandstand in Preliminary Budget is now a budgeted ex- penditure. After reading of the Committee report, further communications were invited along with audience comment. Since there was none, Council action was invited and it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Gianini, that the hearing be closed and the recommendations of the Committee of the Whole be accepted and the Budget adopted as proposed. Perry called for discussion on the question and pointed out that an Administrative Assistant had not been shown in the Preliminary Budget questioning the need since request had not been made by the Mayor. Mayor Custer replied that the need has been discussed with Council- men but had not been included because of the money however, when Council ' s budget was balanced there were sufficient funds and the Council has now recommended that the Administrative Assistant be added. Perry stated that a man was more urgently needed in the Building Department as a Pians Checker and moved that the Administrative Assis- tant be deleted from the Budget and a Plans Checker be added. The x motion was declared lost upon verbal vote and roll call was requested. � The vote resulted as follows: No., Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Gianini Garrett, Trimm and Poli. Aye . Fz:rry, Dahlquist and Delaurenti.Motion lost.. U. Dahlquist recalled complaints that the City does not have a man available 0 now , for checking the jobs when needed and this is an area that should w not be left open there being a desperate need to carry out the everyday j down to earth business of keeping the projects moving when ready for U ? inspection or checking. J `- Delaurenti qualified his vote by reason of priority basis of need believing that an Administrative Assistant is needed but that the Building Department has had criticism from the audience at Council meetings that checkers have notbeen available when the contractor was ready for the inspection and at the present the Building Department request which was budgeted and not allowed in the Mayor ' s budget, should have the first consideration. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, that the pending motion made by Garr�e�tt be amended to substitute a 10% across-the-board in wages/underto ° icerien an� firetien classi ication of Uniformed Personnel. Question was called for on the motion as amended. Demand was made for debate, ' . . Garrett moved the previous question. Roll call vote was taken whidh resulted as follows: Aye: Hulse, Bruce, Gianini, Garrett, Trimm and Poli. No: Schellert, Dahlquist, Perry and Delaurenti. The motion was lost the 6 to 4 not constituting 2/3 majority, and debate was opened. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Delaurenti, to include a Plans Checker as requested in the Building Department Budget. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, estimated Building Department revenue be increased by the amount of salary as budget, requi;red, approximately. $1, 350.00. The motion carried. Question was called for on the original motion as amended. Further discussion was invited after which verbal vote followed and the motion was declared carried by affirmative majority. The 1967 Budget was hereby adopted. Dahlquist opposed and stated her feeling that "cat and mouse" had been played in balancing this budget as she had attended every budget hearing meeting and only 4 of the Council Members have been present at all six meetings; yet a motion was made by Mr. Trimm and seconded by Garrett to delete the 3% utility tax from the revenue section of the budget which was fine if it had been referred to Committee to ,+-udy or referred to the Mayor for his preliminary budget, but the -2- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont ) 10-3-1966 Budget Hearing: matter was not referred and then later in the evening, in order to balance the budget it was moved by Garrett and seconded by Trimm to adopt the Revenue section of the budget as presented by the Mayor, and she did not think such actions were justifiable. Therefore, she could not vote for the budget adoption. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for payment, final estimate for work performed on the 116th Avenue S.E. storm sewer contract by South End Concrete Products. The work was accepted by the Engineering Depart- ment as of September 30, 1966. It was also recommended that the Council accept the project at this time commencing the 30 day lien period, after which, if no liens or claims are filed against the project and upon proof of payment of tax liabilities Contractor be paid $771.60 of the $826.60 retained. The remaining $55.00 to be paid to the Street Department for labor and equipment in shaping and clean-up of shoulders. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendations with referral to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. City Engineer Wilson requested authorization of Council for Mr. Bob Puhieh and Mr. Matt Cole to attend the Pacific Northwest Pollution Control meeting in Portland, Oregon, October 19th through 21st. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Dahlquist, that authorization be granted as requested. Carried. City Engineer's report was read on the Petition for Annexation of property in vicinity of S.E . 96th Street and F.A. I. Highway No. 405. Signatures thereon represented 86.90% of the assessed valuation of the property. The area contains approximately 19 acres and has an assessed valuation of $20,651.00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Mayor to convene the Review Board. Carried. (E. A. Sweazey et al properties) Building Director Sven Johnson submitted application for sign at 913 Third Avenue as requested by owner of "Wigs by DeMason Blu" which will project over right-of-way and Revocable Permit was recommended. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to grant the permit as recommended. Carried. Letter from Building Inspector Ruppert recommended granting of Revocable Permit to Lily Hedberg Backman for sign to project over sidewalk right-of-way at 305 Second Avenue (World Travel Service). Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director, submitted Planning Commission recommendation from its meeting of September 28th that the property located North of the Renton Fire Station $#2 in the Highlands be rezoned to R-3, recommendation having been requested by Council referral of 7-25-66. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee, however, discussion ensued regarding procedure for Council initiated rezone and it was ruled that the motion was out of order at this time, a Public Hearing being required. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that October 17, 1966 be set for hearing on the recommendation to . rezone the City-owned property to R-3. The motion was dis- cusned with regard to timeliness of rezoning action and City Attorney Shellan upon request for opinion, stated that if the City does not rezone it but sells it and the new owner rezones and sells it at a higher price to another party, then the people have been deprived of the higher price which the City might have gotten if the property had been rezoned before the City sold it. The pending motion carried. A letter from Mr. Fred Hanis, Recording Secretary, City Employees' Club, requested permission to work on the legal holiday of October 12th (Colombus Day) in exchange for November 25th allowing a four-day weekend for all city employees. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to grant the request. The motion carried. Notice was read of Valley Development Conference being sponsored by the Valley Regional Planning Commission on Thursday, November 10, 1966 at the Renton Inn. Bulletin gave notice of the 17th Annual Governor's Industrial Safety Conference to be held November 17 and 18, 1966 at the Legislative Building in Olympia. A letter from Mrs. E. R. Reed submitted application #$10 for license to operate a fireworks stand in Renton in 1967. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. -3- 4il'lutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 10-3-66 PROCUIMAT ION: Attenti )n was call-ed to Renton Aierie No. 1722' Fraternal Order of Eagles,, community project "Blood Bank", Eagles (all. 12 noon to 8:00 p.m., Wednesday, October 5th and the City was requested to support the program by proclaiming that date as Renton Blood Donors Day, per Chairman Chas. Eddie Taylor. Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the proclamation as requested. Noved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the ProclartatiOT1. Carrield. Proclamation was re,?,d designating the week cf October 9,, 1966 as Tire Safety Week in Renton. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur. Carried. Garrett suggested that the Mayor request inspection of city vehicles during that week. 0 \3 10"OUPCIL C01*UTTEE REPORTS: U Rf i P i—ah e d IRMiTe_s—s -- LL X LLJ President Hulse announced meeting of the Committee of the Whole on October 11th at C) LL 7!30 p.m. to discuss tile May Creek Flood Control District, and the $300.00 per acre � 0 revenue the County requested to have enforced by Resolution. October 18th was C) 0 alU;o set for meeting to discuss the Liberty Park Grandstand plans to be presented D by Councilman Gianini. Mr. 47iianini suggested tte matter be presented at the meeting of the if time allows. Street and Alley Com. ittee Chairman Garrett submitted his Committee report which was read with Council actions taken as follows: 1. Recommended Bids on the traffic signal systems at Rainier Avenue and 3rd Place and At Rainier Avenue and 7th Avenue be awarded low bidder General Service Electric Company of Lyrnwood, in slim of $247000,00 and $20,350-00 for total of $44,350.00. Tax not applicable. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur. Carried. 2- Monterey COM[Punity Club request for City to remove dirt bank obstructing view at entrance to Terrace on 3rd Avenue Extension - Street Commissioner and Traffic Engineer have concurred that the bank can be cut back and stop line moved forward to improve vision, and appropriate action will be taken accordingly. 3. Request for removal of shrubbery overgrown at entrance to Hillerest lane from 'V? Street which obstructs vision of motorists: Street Commissioner has contacted Housing Authority and requested removal of excess shrubbery. 4. Petition requesting improvement and mid-block crosswalk at 3rd Avenue between Mill and tiain Streets: Due to c'omplairfts from citizens the State Patrol and Renton Police time crosswalk was removed as there is no way to pre-warn the motorist a crosswalk is being approached and there is a one-way--two-way street conversion in this proximity. The Committee concurred with the removal of the mid-block cross- walk and urge$ pedestrians to usE� t1he signalized intersections. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the removal of the cross-wal-k. Carried. 5. 1967-69 Biennium Priority Schedule for State Highways and proposed Resolution for approval of same submitted to the City by Commissioner Scott Wallace. The CORrd� ttee recommen4ed adoption by the City. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recomanendation. Carried. Councilp,an Perry submitted Sanitation Committee r--pert recommending that the Standard oil Company requestAregarding sewer line installation at 132nd S .E. and S.E. 128th 0,+t� , rept,be granied and Late.-Comers Agreement covering 10 year period be allowed and the 41 it}r and Citye __fl rk be authorized to execute the Agreement, Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert" to concur. in the recon-mmandation. Carried. Ferry requested reading of the motion regarding adoption of the budget and noted upon 0 the reading that it had not been referred to the law and Ordinance Committee. Moved by Haire, seconded by Perry, that the matter of Budget Ordinances be referred to the Law and Ordinance Courttefj. Carried. Power and Light Committee Chairman Poli submitted report recommending installation of eleVEM street lighting units on short brackets for Honey Dew Estates. Annual cost to the City at $034.'20 will be $376.20. Drawing of placement attached. Moved by Bruce, .seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. Mayor Custer called attention to new positions allowed in the 1967 Budget of Plans Checker and Electrical Inspector and advised that an applicant has qualified for the Electrical Inspector position and the salary proposed with the 712% increase will be S'Omewi-i,at higher than the Mayor's budget indicates. Mayor Custer suggested that the Cc,` U.I. cil consider hiring this man at arsalary not to exceed $734.00 from the 15th of October to the end of this Year, pxoviding funds are available. Moved b Bruce, Cienini, t-,- y concur. Carried, 4- COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont.) Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting New Business 10-3-66 Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that City of Renton Vouchers No. 5113 - 5185 be accepted for payment by the Council at this time, having previously been approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current 5113 - 5149 $ 4,793.09 City Street 5150 - 5155 1,798.15 Off-Street Parking 5156 14.82 Equipment Rental 5157 - 5161 138.43 Parks 5162 - 5172 2,830.32 Water Works Utility 5173 - 5183 23,899.65 Airport 5184 16.22 Firemen's Pension 5185 7.50 33,498.18 Councilman Hulse, requested Council authorization to travel to San Francisco on October 12 and 13, to investigate availability of federal funds for the new City Hall building, providing the architects find there may be reason to make the trip in their pursuits of information this week. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to authorize the trip per special building committee recommendation. The motion carried. A letter handed Councilman Garrett was read, submitted by Mr. Patrick A. Nolan who reported that the brush in the alley has been removed as requested and the alley is ready for improvement. Council was requested to cooperate in getting the work done at this time. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Garrett, to refer the request to the Street Commissioner for recommendation. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti reported from report of Department of Institutions, Olympia, that jail inspection of September 14th reveals that a new jail seems essential, present facilities being too small, especially in view of anticipated industrial growth which will inevitable result in overcrowding, and not adequately secure for protection of the community. Copies of the report are available. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Discussion ensued regarding presentation of the Budget and Tax Levy Ordinances and upon proper requests it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett that a recess be called to allow meeting of the Law and Ordinance Committee. The recess was declared upon carrying of the motion. After the recess, roll call was taken with all Council Members present as previously listed. Councilman Perry submitted without Committee recommendation, a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton adopting an annual Budget for the year 1967, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2278 as read. Roll call vote was taken as follows: Aye: Hulse,Bruce, Schellert, Gianini, Garrett, Trimm, Delaurenti and Poli. No: Dahlquist and Perry. The motion carried 8 to 2. Proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton was presented and read, fixing the amount of tax levies necessary to raise the amount of the estimated expenditures for the year 1967, less estimated revenues from sources other than taxation for the General Fund and for the payment of Principal and interest upon the general bonded indebted- ness of the City of Renton for 1967; to levy the annual ad valorem taxes of the City of Renton for the fiscal year 1967 and appropriating same to certain funds for certain purposes. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to place the document on second and final .reading. Carried. After second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordinance No. 2279 as read. Roll call vote resulted as follows: Yes: Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Gianini, Garrett, Trim, Delaurenti and Poli. No: Dahlquist and Perry. The motion carried. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Richard Stredicke, referring to discussion of last week inquired regarding traffic control in the Highlands on Sunset Boulevard. It was reported that the dip has been removed and funds have been budgeted in 1967 for further improvements. Inquiry was made as to left turn problems and accidents and it was moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter of further improvements to the Traffic Advisory Committee. Carried. Mr. Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, on behalf of all of the- non-uniformed employees of the City thanked the Council Members for the considerations given in the Budget adopted tonight and for the work and time spent by each in the many meetings. As there was no further business, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to adjourn. Carried The meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.mo There were 25 visitors. .� .,. yy,, -s- October 3, 1966 163 APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 11549 Q 500.00 A. Hoyle 3418 7th Ave N Garage 11550 ------ Clinton Betz 415 3rd Ave Demolish Res 51 3,047.00 Transamerica Dev. 1409 Ethier Rd Wire Apt -Bldg III 52 70496.00 It It .. 1401 Ethier Rd Wire Apt -Bldg 101 53 210.00 Juline B Evenhus 2418 6th Ave N Relocate Meter Base 54 150.00 Lee R. Ainley 639 "G" St Fence 11555 10800.00 Robert Cave 10820 S.E. 100th Foundation 56 50.00 Charles Scoby 438 Williams St Fence 57 150.00 M. M. Meredith 1057 "G" St Fence 58 75,00 Steven Carlmas 2915 6th Ave E Concrete Dr-way 59 250.00 Robert D Fulton 309 Third Ave Partitions 11560 17,000;00 Big "C" Stores 805 Rainier Ave Incinerators 61 25,340.00 Richard E Standaert 610 12th P1 S New Res 62 50.00 Roger K Halsen 8821 So 122nd Change-Fuse&Meter B. 63 3,350.00 Eugene D Stanack 10609 SE 100th Swim-pool 64 600,00 Better Bilt Homes 10608 132nd SE Mire-Res 11565 29000.00 Wayne Ziehe 410 N Wells Reside Res 66 300.00 Maria Gatti 12919 91st Ave S Remodel Res-Porch 67 1,700,00 Theron W. Quale 9717 12th Ave SE Garage 68 500,00 S. M. Wallace. 2818 4th P1 N Sign 69 20,000.00 King Co Pub Hosp.Dist 1#1 200 4th Ave Convert Nurses Home PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 8054 - - . . - _ _ - The Boeing Co. Renton, Wn Plumbing Fix 8055 - - - _ - _ _ D. L. Swett 1305 Talbot Rd Gas Inst 56 - - - - _ _ _ _ Darlene Ashbaugh 10429 SE 96th Plumbing Fix 57 - - - - - - - Transamerica Develop. 1201 Ethier Rd 58 - - - . - - - - It 1203 Ethier Rd 59 - - - - _ _ _ - __ _= 1205 Ethier Rd 8060 - - - _ _ _ _ __ __ It 1301 Ethier Rd 61 - - - - - - - - ,- '_ .. 1303 Ethier Rd 62 - - - - - - - - __ 1307 Ethier Rd 63 - - - - - - _ - __ __ 1403 Ethier Rd 64 - - - - _ - _ - __ _= 1405 Ethier Rd 8065 - - - - - _ - - _- 1407 Ethier Rd t =_ 66 - - - - - - - - _, __ '= 1409 Ethier Rd 67 - - - - - _ _ - 1 1411 Ethier Rd 68 - - - - - _ - - Kelly Jenkins 804 "0" St Gas Inst SEWER PERMITS: 87 - - - - - _ - - Charles Shane III Maple Va Hwy, Unit C Sewer Connection 88 - - - - - - - - t, i. .� Unit 89 - - - - - - - - It . .. E .. .. 6 IL64 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING October 16,1966 8:00 PoM. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Gianini, Garrett, Delaurenti and Poli. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Gianini, that the absent Council Members be excused. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Frank Henry, Assistant Police Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner. Councilman Hulse reported correction to Minutes of previous meeting regarding date of Committee of the Whole meeting to discuss May Creek Flood Control District, which date should appear as October 11, 1966 at 7:30 p.m. in lieu of October 17th. Schellert noted correction, Page 2, roll call vote re deletion of Administrative Assistant to the Mayor and addition of Plans Checker in the Building Department, 1967 Budget-. 7 aye votes shown should be no votes and the 3 no votes should be ayes since the motion failed. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the meeting of October 3, 1966 be approved as corrected. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Gene Coulon, Park Director, submitted letter recommending for payment, Progress Estimate #2 on the Kiwanis Park Shelter Building contract. Amount due this estimate to contractor, Rasmussen Construction Company, $9,54785. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act, Carried. Letter read from Tiffany Committee inquired regarding petition of June for action on abatement of nuisances of open basements and excavations and noted also dead trees on adjacent properties which endanger homes. Letter from Building Director Sven Johnsnn advised of investigation reporting encroachments by residents on the subject property with tool storage sheds, wood piles, tree houses, sandboxes and playhouses and stated use limits requested of the developer would be unrealistic in the light of such encroachments by adjoining property owners. Objections re deterioration of properties is shared by the City it again being noted, however., residents have used the excavations for discarding clippings rakings, cans, Christmas trees and broken articles,contributing to basis for complaint. Sale of three of the lots with basements has been confirmed and building activity is anticipated in the very near future, Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, was read extending invitation to attend the Washington Chapter of the American Public Works Association's fall meeting at the Renton Inn, October 12 through 14, Complete program was attached and will be on file in the City Clerk's office. Letter from Scott Wallace, King County Commissioners, submitted proposed Resolution of King County Board of Health providing uniform regulations and uniform enforce- ment of these regulations for protection of health, safety and welfare of people of King County. The City was requested to consider the proposal. Breakdown of costs was attached with shares for each of the cities and towns listed. Renton was listed at $2,839.00 based upon per capita of 1965 population 21,600. The current population is 23,700 and cost would be $3,114.18. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by PO i, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. (Air Pollution Control) . Letter from Leo L. Lazetti submitted request for rezone of properties in North Renton per Petition attached containing approximately 53 signatures of property owners. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to refer the request to the Planning Commission for proper consideration. Carried. Letter from City Attorney Shellan reported favorable action of Prosecuting Attorney's office regarding lawsuit commenced by City of Renton against King County for re- covery of taxes paid on Municipal Parking lots in sum of $1,394.98 plus costs and 5% interest- Based upon recent Supreme Court decision it was agreed that the City would be entitled to such refund- Copy of Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Judgment was attached for the City's file records and funds will be forwarded within the next few days. -1- 165 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting October 10, 1966 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Claim was read,submitted by Mr. Edward L. Ware, for damages to hot water heater alleged to have been caused when water in the area was turned off by the City. Damages in sum of $33.97 were requested. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, to refer the claim to the City Attorney. Carried. A letter was read from Wm. P. Gavin, Maple Leaf Restaurant, appealing decision of the Planning Commission denying variafte for sign to project from the building. It was requested that the premises be inspected and surrounding signs taken into account. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the date of October 17, 1966 be set as date for hearing on the matter. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer reported that salary account in the Building Department Budget is approximately $500.00 short of funds if the position of Electrical Engineer is to be filled by October 24th. In consulting with the Ways and Means Committee the following recommendation resulted: $500.00 be transferred from Building Department M. & 0. Account 1800/405, Heating Fuels to Account 1800/110, Salaries & wages and the position filled as designated. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Garrett, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motion carried. Letter from William C. Schmidt, Executive Director, Western Plurbing Officials Association, extended invitation to Mr. Sven Johnson, Building Director, to attend 37th annual conference at the Hilton Hawaiian Village in Honolulu, Hawaii during week of October 15 through 22nd. As this is a "Code" year it was urged that each jurisdiction have a representative present at the voting on many amendments to be incorporated into the new 1967 edition. Sanction of Mr. Johnson's attendance was urged. Since no request to attend had been presented and budgetary funds were not available the Council took no further action on this matter. Letter from Planning Director Ericksen submitted Planning Commission recom- mendations from its meeting of September 28th with Council action taken as follows: Robert Balcolm, Application R-345-66 request for rezone from G to T, Trailer Park, property located on South 153rd Street between 77th Avenue South and 80th Avenue South, north of Longacres. The Comprehensive Plan indicates Multiple Family Residential. The Commission recommended granting the rezone and that the Trailer Park ;comply with the governing Ordinance. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Pacific General Construction Company application R-354-66 for rezone from R-1 to R-41 property located on N.W. corner of 10th Avenue North and "K" Street, proposed use is for a 93-unit apartment complex. With approval of applicant, the Planning Commission recommended rezone to R-3, Multiple Residential, which would be in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. Letters of protest from Mr. and Mrs. Henry Knight, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dailey and petition containing approximately 20 sig- natures were read and it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, that action be deferred one week to allow investigation by Council Members. Carried. Alan Lurie, Consolidated General Company, Appl. R-355-66 request for rezcme of property on Ripley Lane between S.E. 74th and S.E. 76th Streets from G-6000 to R-4, for proposed 75-unit apartment complex. The Planning Commission recommended the rezone which is in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. Discussion ensued regarding planning landscape area and screening and whether there was any protest which Director Ericksen reported to be inquiry rather than protest. Moved by : Garr*tt,. senonded by Poli, to concur with referral to the Law & Ordinance Committee. Carried. John Monaghan application R-357-66, property located on West side of 112th Ave. S.E. from R-1 to R-4, proposed use is for high density apartments. Area lies South of North Renton Interchange and is considered future multiple residential. Commission recommended approval reporting agreement with the Comprehensive Plan Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gianini, to concur and refer the rezone to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Variance request of Alan Lurie, Consolidated General Company, Appl. V-359-66, property on Ripley Lane between S.E. 74th and S.E. 76th Streets, ..re lot coverage requirement to allow two level parking deck. Commission recommended approval indicating appropriate screening should be provided. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. carried. -2- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting October 10, 1966 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) A letter was read from Councilman Dan Poli expressing thanks and appreciation on behalf of the Barney Poli family for remembrances in their recent sorrow of loss in the passing of Mr. Poli. Claim for damages was read from Beresford & Booth,filed by Wayne C. Booth on behalf of Florence Wendt, in sum of $9,000.00 arising from circumstances regarding regrade and paving of S.E. 128th Street. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the Claim to the City Attorney. Carried. City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended acceptance of a right-of-way Deed from the Pacific Coast Railroad for portions of 7th Avenue and 87tb Avenue South, which streets have been improved to City standards. The Deed has been approved as to form by the City Attorney. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommenda- tion of the City Engineer. Carried. Application was read from Angelo Barei for license to be granted American Shuffleboard Sales Corporation to install a coin operated pool table at the Azzola Tavern, 233 Main Street. Moved ry Poli, seconded by ,Bruce, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from Mr. Leo Maas requested No-Fee Permit for the Talbot Hill Athletic Assn. members to sell candy in the City from October 17th through. December 1st. The annual fund raising project supports activities of the Talbot Hill Athletic Association Little League. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to grant the request. Carried. APPOINTMENT: Letter from Maycr Custer requested Council concurrence in the appointment of Mr.. Richard Geissler to position of Captain in the Renton Fire De- partment, effective October 16, 1966. Civil Service Commission certifi- cation was attached and Fire Chief Walls had approved the appointment. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the appointment. The motion carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: New Business Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that City of Renton Vouchers, Ne ..SJt16 through 5272, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Account- ing Committee, be accepted by the Council for payment at this time.Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current 5186 - 5218 $ 3,365.28 City Street 5219 - 5224 5,965. 54 Equip.. .Rental 5225 -- 5242 ' 2,084.64 Library 5243 6.32 Parks 5244 - 5257 10,658.24 Water works Utility 5258 - 5269 7, 137.87 Airport 5270 - 5271 19.73 Cum. Res. 1990 5272 12.46 $29, 250.08 Councilman Hulse called attention to the fact that the new library had mention and was pictured in the October issue of Popular Science.- The . Mayor added the pictures were also in the Seattle papers. A Committee of the Whole meeting was requested by President Hulse immediately following this meeting tonight. Councilman Schellert reported attendance at the P.T.A. Council Safety Committee meeting last Thursday and mode of communication with the City regarding traffic and safety problems was discussed. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Garrett that the Traffic Advisory Committee give this matter consideration and make recommen ation on how the school officials and P.T.A. Safety Committee might bring its problems to the attention of appropriate city officials. Carried. -3- 167 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 10-10-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: New Business: (Cont. ) Mayor Custer reported receipt of a communication concerning accident which recurred at S.E. 94th Street in Kennydale which requested action of the Cit.; to see that the letter reached the proper officials. The area is not in the city however with respect to the problem and in the public interest the City will assist in communicating with the State and City s� �3 d; tie into this area, a part of which is being considered for annexation. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A proposed Resolution was presented wherein the City of Renton endorses the 1967-69 Biennium Priority Schedule for the construction and moderni- zation of State Highways and petitioning the State Highway Co.-Mission to grant every consideration and take all necessary steps to expedite the early completion of the recommended schedule in order to minimize and alleviate the highly critical traffic problems now existing in our area. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1401 as read. Carried. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Lee Morgan reported regarding matter previously discussed with the Mayor where firearms were being discharged and causing hazard to residents of the Tiffany Park area and children who might be playing in the area hillsides. Mrs. Morgan added that con- siderable debris was being left in the area where guns are being sighted- in. After further discussion Mayor Custer Custer advised that the City will be policing the area for violations of the Ordinances. Since there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. There were 22 visitors in the Council Chambers. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor -4- 1.68 October 10, 1966 APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO� AMOUNTS NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 11570 $ 1,900.00 Jacob Z ier 434 N Wells Reside-Res 71 95.00 Pete Coffin 641 N Wells Wire Service 72 18,382.00 Bell & Valdez, Inc. 2004 SE Upland Ct. Basic Plan C-8054-£j 73 14,285.00 to it to 2007 SE Upland Ct. Basic Plan PL-1055 74 14,950.00 Arthur Ballestrasse 1240 Lake St New Res 11575 375.00 Lloyd Peterson 11215 114th SE Wire Service 76 375.00 Lloyd Peterson 11211 114th SE Wire Service 77 3,700.00 Ken Karinen 2607 6th Ave N Enclose Patio 78 35.00 Pentti 0. Hill 7230 Lake Wash. Blvd. 181 Culvert 79 235.00 Carl M Johnsen 3277 Rolling Hills PI S Fence 11580 45.00 H. Williamson 2203 9th Ave N Wire Service 81 3,900.00 Edward C. Biggins 10933 116th Ave SE Wire Service 82 250.00 M. Peterson 75 Rainier Ave Wire Service 83 20,750.00 Stanford C. Witsoe 11012 115th SE New Res PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 8069 - - - - - - - - Christy Swales 8827 S 150th Plbg, Fixt. 8070 - - - - - - - - Wash Jockey Club Longacres of or 71 - - - - - - - - City of Renton 12919 132nd SE It " 72 - - - - - - - - Lloyd Peterson 11211 SE 114th to if 73 - - - - - - - - John Juey 509 Grandey Way Gas Inst. 74 - - - - - - - - L. M. Westberg 3405 7th P1 N to to 8075 - - - - - - - - Highlander Inv. 525 Bronson Way N Plbg. Fixt. 76 - - - - - - - - Wash Jockey Club Longacres of it 77 - - - - - - - - Roger Nelson 3321 Ct "C" Gas Insto 78 - - - - - - - - Bell & Valdez 1904 SE 18th Ct. to to - 79 - - - - - - - - It It 1708 SE Urban Ct " " 8080 - - - - - - - - it 1711 RHPI SE to it 81 - - - - - - - - " it 1709RHPI SE to of 82 - - - - - - - - David W Gosse 10203 115th SE to if SEWER PERMITS: jl - - - - - - - - Bell & Valdez 2005 SE Upland Ct. Sewer Connection 92 - - - - - - - - Dick Standoret 610 12th P1 S " -5- 169 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING October 17,1966 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry, De aurenti and Poli. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Sven Johnsons suil.ding Director, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, M. C. Wall&, fire thief, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner and Ted Bennett, Utility AccourOant. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Dahlquist, "Vat the absent Councilmen be excused. The motion carried. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Mr. Leo Lazetti, member of the audience called attention to number of signatures appearing on a rezone petition being incorrect and the City Clerk reported corrections had been made. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Proposal for vacation of portion of 106th Avenue S.E. (Simone Construction Petition) This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communication was read from Puget Sound Power & Light Company advising of no objection to the vacation. Letter from School District 403, Rudolph H. Seppi, Director of Plant Facilities, expressed opinion that the public will not benefit by the proposed vacation; that this portion of 106th Avenue S.E. lying South of Puget Drive and North of Fred Nelsen Jr. High School is useful as part of the general road system and the vacation should be denied. A letter was read from Gordon Y. Ericksen, reporting that the Planning Commission reaffirmed its position of March 28, 1966 that 106th Avenue S.E. would not be needed for future right of way providing an alternate permanent public pedestrian access be provided to the school property. Audience comment was invited and Mr. John Kalheim, of Simone Construction, advised that a large road has been constructed North of the proposed vacation. Upon request Planning Director Ericksen pointed the area out on a wall map. After further discussion during which it was determined that the new road was constructed on the Bonneville Powerline right of way and was not permanent but could be terminated upon notice by Bonneville officials and al6o it does not provide access to the school property, it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse; that the vacation be denied. It was noted that the requestor has failed to show that the vacation would be to the best interest and public good and if they could make some arrangement,working with the school district, for some permanent easement for a right of way, something might be worked out regarding the vacation. The pending motion carried. Proposed vacation of portion of Mountain View Drive (Rudy Hasson Petition) This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communication from Mr. Richard Larson, Northern Pacific Railway Company advised the Company has no objections to the vacation. A letter from the Planning Commission recommended that the vacation be granted and letter from Park Director Gene Coulon reported on behalf of the Park Board that the Board has no objection to the vacation. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Hassen, 8667 Lake Wn. Blvd. , Petitioner, advised that the vacation would allow the enlargement of his home, his property surrounding the right of way on three sides as it dead ends abutting his lot. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, upon no further comment, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry that the vacation be granted with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee.Carried. -1- 1'70 Minutes - Renton City Council 10-17-66 PUBLIC HEARINGS: (Cont.) Rezone of City owned property located North of Fire Station No. 2 in the Highlands (4th and "H" Street) This being the date set the hearing was declared open. As there were no communica- tions nor comment from the audience, Council action was invited. Councilman Pedersen, Property Committee Chairman, reported that although the Planning Commission had recommended R-3 zoning, the whole block from the Fire Station to Sunset is zoned B-1 with exception of one apartment which has been built in a B-1 zoning. The Property Committee, in looking out for interest of the public feels that the highest and best use in community interest would be B-1. Upon inquiry regarding existing zoning, Planning Director Ericksen pointed out the B-1 zonings in the area and R-1 nearby and advised that the Commission wished to point out that the apartment is adjacent, with apartments along entire west side of the block with addition being newly constructed on the existing apartment and it was the feeling,in keeping with the use of the area,it would be more desirable for the area to go into Multiple use rather than B-1. A portion of property near the corner is R-1, never having been rezoned however the R-3 was felt to be more compatible use for the area than B-1. Perry expressed opinion it should be alike and not a B-1 then R-3 and the Fire Station. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to concur with the Planning recommendation of R-3 and refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Pedersen inquired whether R-3 would allow Doctors offices and dental clinics and Mr. Ericksen advised they could be allowed by special permit from the Planning Com- mission. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Pedersen to amend the motion by substituting B-1 in lieu of the R-3 zoning. Schellert stated the City has an opportunity to rezone its own property as it may wish and if the Planning Commission says it should be R-3 the Council should go along with the recommendations of the City Body. Garrett replied that as a duly elected Councilman you should go along with the Planning Commission recommendations if your convictions allow however he feels if a piece of property has B-1 on A. sides it should also be zoned B-1, and he is well aware of the existence of an apartment on property with B-1 zoning, Council's obligation being to zone for best and highest use. Dahlquist pointed out that apartment housing is on two sides of the property and the fire station on the 3rd and across the street is B-1 and she also felt the Council should accept recommendation of the Planning Commission when they have been asked for a recommendation, and having done the planning for the whole City. Pedersen added that this was not an easy decision for the Planning Commission and they at one time had thought about zoning half of it one zoning and the other half another, but the Property Committee recommends B-1 as being the highest and best use as the property will be put up for bids and sold as previously authorized. Garrett pointed out that the apartment house is R-3 use but is in a B-1 zoning and if zoned B-1 the person could put in apartments if he so desired and it should be understood that you are not violating or restricting use and that structures are not reflecting the zoning. Hulse requested ruling of legality of the motion since it changes the intent. The chair ruled the motion in order,the change allows-the 3.ike use and only one-half of the motion being amended. Upon inquiry Attorney Haugan stated the Mayor's ruling to have merit. Schellert inquired whether the zoning posted for public hearing can be changed by Council. City Attorney Haugan gave his opinion that the action would hold water in court as there is not any great radical change, the R-3 and B-1 'scarcely 'any different insofar as permitted use. Dahlquist stated that since apartments are permitted in B-1 and business in R-3 by special permit, the Council should uphold the Planning Commission recommendation. Hulse added that the highest and best use seems to be indicated by what has happened already in the area affirming rec6mmendation of the Planning Commission. Garrett countered that the B-1 use allowed would bring in more revenue to the taxpayer than the R-3 and this should be considered. Question was called for on the motion to amend and the Chair ruled the motion carried. Roll call vote was requested and resulted as follows: Ayes: Bruce, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry and Delaurenti. No: Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist and Poli. Amendment carried. The motion was voted upon as amended, rezoning the property to B-1 with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. -2- 171 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 10-17-66 PUBLIC HEARINGS: (Cont.) Appeal of Planning Commission decision denying variance for sign at Maple Leaf Restaurant - Wm. Gavin This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Mr. Don LaVoy addressed the Council on behalf of Mr. Gavin and explained plans for constructing a sign to project from the restaurant building on a post which will be centered in a planter area and will conform with other signs along the right-of-way which have been in- stalled by variances. After inquiries regarding the installation it was moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to deny the appeal and concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Mr. La Voy inquired further regarding their sign and other signs in the area and upon inquiry of the Planning Director by the Mayor it was pointed out that the proposal presented by Mr. La Voy was not the same as presented to the Planning Commission when its decision was rendered. Mr. La Voy advised the existing poles could not be utilized as the sign would not be visible and that he would bring in drawings and pictures if desired. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Bruce, that the matter be referred back to the Planning Commission to consider the revised plans. Schellert called for ruling as to how you can appeal a decision and amend the original application and ask for determination on the appeal; action will have to be taken on the original appeal and not reconsidered by the Planning Commission, The Chair ruled that the motion is allowed, not necessarily being an amendment to the application but could be request for a new hearing. Hulse commented that the rearing. was on one matter and Mr. La Voy was speaking on another. After further discussion and reference to precedence of motions the vote was called for on the motion to refer back to the Planning Commission and upon voice vote, the motion was declared lost. Vote was taken on the motion to deny the variance and concur in the Planning Commission recommendation and upon dissenting note, roll call was requested which resulted as follows: Aye: Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Delaurenti and Poli. No: Bruce, Garrett and Pedersen. The motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS: City Clerk Helmie Nelson announced that the Washington Finance Association will hold its 11th Annual Convention at the Renton Inn, October 19, 20 and 21st and on behalf of the Renton Members invitation was extended to the Mayor and City Council to attend. Claim was read, filed against the City of Renton by Cushman, Russell & Holt, Attorneys, on behalf of Bill Wilson for recovery of damages in sum of $10,000.00 estimatelas the result of an accident on July 28th on Lake Washington Boulevard when his truck mirror was allegedly struck by protruding object on a City of Renton dump truck. Claim was read from Williams & Turner, Attorneys, filed on behalf of Frank Sheythe, for recovery of damages in approximate sum of $2,586.70 resulting from injury arising from open manhole or drain shown on exhibit attached in vicinity of Boeing Parking Lot ##18. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, that the Claims be referred to the City Attorn_�and Insurance Carrier. Street Commissioner Vic TeGantvoort reported that the claim regarding the manhole is not connected with the City, the work in the area being done by the State. The motion carried. Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer requested authorization to call for bids for construction of the Mt. Olivet Booster Pump Station. Recommended bid opening date was November 21, 1966. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation authorizing the bid call. Carried. City Engineer submitted and recommended for payment, Estimate No. 1 for engineering services rendered by Cornell, Howland, Hayes & Merryfield in connection with the new Mt. Olivet Booster Pump Station, in sum of $1,500.00. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation with referral to the Auditing and Account- ing Committee with power to act. Carried. Application was read from Frances Cunningham requesting that required license be issued to operate Music Machine (Phonograph) in the Boulevard Tavern, 10826 Lake Wn. Blvd. (Master Music Machine License and Location License). Moved by Poli, and seconded by Schellert, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. -3- 172 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 10-17-66 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) A letter frcm Renton High School, Charles E. Talmage, IAEA Levy Chairman, requested permission to install 2 banners over Third Avenue near Fey Theatres and one on Bronson Way at the bridge to promote the November Election school bond issues. Banners to be installed November 2 and to remain until November 9th. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, the request be granted with supervision of the StrEet Commissioner and Police Department. Carried. Letter from Mr. George Winkles, Teacher-Coordinator, School District 403, requested permission to distribute brochure from booths in downtown Renton to promote the school bond issues. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Garrett, to grant the request with, Hold Harmless Agreement to be executed. Carried. A letter from Park Director Gene Coulon advised of request from Rasmussen. Construction Company for extension on contract completion date in connection with the Kiwanis Park Shelter Building due to required extra excavation, concrete forming and adverse weather conditions which delayed the roofing and storm sewer line completion. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Pedersen, to concur in the request. Carries'.. A letter from Mr. R. S. Shane appealed to the City Council for dispensation of ruling by the Planning Commission and City Engineer that costs for drain tile and catch basins in the Aloha ranch Plat developments be borne by developer, since Aloha No. 1 has been dedicated and accepted by the City. Mr. Shane will instal: such tile and catch basins on the new plat of Aloha Ranch No. 2. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that this matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and the City EngIneer to report back. Carried. The City Clerk reported meeting of Review Board on October 6th to consider annexation of property in vicinity of 132nd Avenue S.E. and S.E. 128th Street (4th Avenue North) to the City of Renton and motion duly made and seconded that the Board finds the- annexation of this area to the City of Renton will be in the public interest and for the public welfare as well as in the best interest of the City and approves the annexa- tion; that notice of such approval shall be submitted to the City Council for further action by said body; and that -the Minutes of the meeting be incorporated in and repze- sent the findings and conclusions of the Hoard of Review, a copy thereof to be filed with the C ty Council for further action as provided by law. City Clerk Nelson reported that copies of the minutes of the meeting had been distributed to the Council and 'three of the five Board Members have returned copies with two still pending. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that November 14th be set as date for final hearing on the matter. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer reported actions and recommendations of the Committee of the Whole regarding the new city hall project and concurrence of Council was requested in the following proposals: 1. That the Mayor be authorized to inform Seattle City Light that no use of the property can be permitted after December 18, 1966. 2. The Building Director be authorized to accept bids from all interested parties including Seattle City Light, for demolition or removal of the two frame bu .ldings on the subject property. 3. All demolition and/or removal work be scheduled for completion by March 18th. 4. Engineering Department, in cooperation with the City's architect, be authorized to compile excavation requirements for the City Hall site with the intention that such specifications may become the basis for a bid call for such work. 5. The Engineering Department, in cooperation with the City's architect, be authorized to draw preliminary plans for the installation of utility services as necessary within the Civic Center site. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommended actions. Carried. The Clerk reported receipt of publications from the League of Women voters of Washington entitled, "Tax Facts" Where The Money Comes From, and"Expenditure. Facts", Where the Money Goes. The booklets will be on file in the City Clerk's office, and TI'Ay be purchased from Members of the League at $.50 each. A letter from Mayor Custer advised that the 1967 Budget includes provision for a new Cumulative Fund for beautification of the City. $10,582.00 was budgeted for this purpose and an Ordinance will be required to allow expenditure of these funds. Among specific purposes outlined by Mayor Custer for expenditure from this fund were the landscaping of properties not otherwise provided for including planting and maintenance of roadway areas and city entrances , installation of appurtenances to :Landscaping pro- jects such as benches, lights, sprinkling systems and paving; purchase and installation of ornamental street light posts; purchase and maintenance of artwork for public build- 4ngs and clean-up work in general to beautify an area; City's share of underground elec- trca' and telephone wiring costs; signs and other special materials to promote private and public efforts of beautification. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to refer tic matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee and City Attorney for aid in drafting a proposed Ordinance. Carried. - Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 10-17-66 APPOINTMENTS: A letter from Mayor Custer equested concurrence in the appointment of Fireman James Matthew to permanent position of Fireman in the Renton Fire Department, the six- months probationary period having been completed as required. The appointment shall become effective October 16, 1966. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the appointment. Carried. PROCLAMATION: Proclamation by Mayor Custer designated Monday, October 24, 1966 as United Nations Day and all citizens of Renton were urged to observe that day to give support and encourage effective U.S. participation in the United Nations. Moved by Bruce, and seconded by Poli, to concur in the proclamation. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that the Pacific General Construction Company property rezone matter, deferred from action last week, be taken up at this time by the Council. Carried. The proposal was for construction of a 93-unit apartment com- plex to be located on the Northwest corner of 10th Avenue North and "K" Street. The Planning Commission had recommended R-3. Council Members reported investigation and Planning Director Ericksen pointed out the subject property on the wall map. The architectural representative, Mr. Simons stated that the developer has revised his plans in accord with requests of adjacent residents and requirements by the City and hopes to have a very fine addition to the City. Mr. Phillip Arnold, representing the developer requested that the zoning be granted, adding that the project is well planned and will be a valuable economic asset to the community. Objections were expressed by residents of the area with respect to density of the area and traffic and congestion such an addition might create, as well as obstruction of view and included John Becker, 1034 "K" Street, Henry Knight, 1022 "K" Street, Glenn Burrelle, 1010 "K" Street, Glen Carlson, 1028 "K" Street and William Fuller, 1016 "K" Street. Council discussion ensued and inquiry was made as to what zoning is shown on the Land Use Map prediction. Planning Director Ericksen stated a combination of Business and Multiple zonings are indicated and the Commission, in this instance, felt the apartments would be the better alternative. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission for R-3 zoning. Carried. Perry opposed. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Schellert inquired whether the developer is aware of requirements particularly in regard to sidewalks and curbing. Mr. Ericksen advised affirmatively including street improvements, curb, gutters, sidewalks and various utilities required and that he also is observing setback and eliminating of access on K Street to alleviate traffic. Mr. Isaac S . Capelouto, inquired regarding rezone of his property which matter had been referred to the Committee of the Whole on 9-12-66, and to the Planning Com- mission for carrying out administrative requirements in the matter on 9-26-66. Mr. Capelouto reported that the restrictive covenants had been filed and all require- ments have been fulfilled and requested Council action to implement the rezone. During discussion it was disclosed that the City Attorney had not received notice of the fulfillment of the requirements from applicant's attorney to justify further pursuance of the matter, which he had been waiting for. It was moved by Schellert in view of Mr. Capelouto's confirmed actions, seconded by Pedersen, that the rezone be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that City of Renton Vouchers No. 5273 through 5352, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be accepted for payment by the Council at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 5273 - 5291 $ 4,468.02 City Street 5292 - 5301 8,114.32 Arterial Street 5302 26.05 Off-Street Parking 5303 - 5304 110.00 Equipment Rental 5305 - 5313 525.30 Library 5314 - 5332 1,461.48 Parks 5333 - 5337 325.79 Water Works Utility 5338 - 5346 12 462.94 1965 Water & Sewer Const. 5347 1,500.00 Airport 5348 - 5349 158.00 Cumulative 1975 5350 - 5352 409.88 $ 29,561.78 Councilman Garrett requested a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee on Saturday at 8:00 a.m., October 22nd at the Park Avenue Restaurant. -5- 174 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting October 17, 1966 NEW BUSINESS: Committee reports (Cont.) Council President Hulse announced Committee of the Whole meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 18th. 0. MANICIES AND RESOLUTIONS: The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton appropriating excess revenues,received from the Housing Authority, unto the Street Bund, Account 3200, Capital Outlay, 605, $6,000.00, as read by the City Clerk. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1402 as read. Carried. The Committee submitted a proposed Resolution of t} e City of Renton authorizing transfer of $500.00 from Current Fund Building Department, Account 1800, M. & 0. 405, Heating Fuels, unto Current Fund Building Department Account 1800/110, Salaries & Wages, as read by the City Clerk. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to adopt the Resolution as read. Carried. A proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton was submitted changing the zoning classifi- cation of certain properties within the City of Renton from General Classification District (0-6000) to apartment houses and Multiple Dwellings (R-4), as read by the City Clerk. (Alan Lurie Property) Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2280 as read. Roll call vote followed with all ayes being cast and the motion carried. A proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton was read changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from General Classification District (G) to Trailer Park District (T) . Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to place the document on its second and final reading. After final reading, it was moved by Schellert, and seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Ordinance No. 2281 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to adjourn. The motion carried. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor -6- October 17 , 1966 APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: No. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 11584 $ 1, 100.00 Renton Elks Lodge 2312 Main St Inst-partitions 11585 620.00 Bell & Valdez 1709 R1 Hills PI S Wire Service 86 456. 50 1711 Rl Hills P1 S Wire Service 87 536.00 " " 1708 SE Urban Ct. " " 88 727.00 1904 SE 18th Ct. " 89 1.600.00 Juline Evenhus 2418 6th Ave N Bedroom Add' t 11590 1,800.00 W. C. Kilpatrick 2217 7th Ave N Res-Add' t 91 300.00 Mr. Stranack 10609 SE 100th Wire-Pool 92 2, 500.00 The Boeing Co. Apron "C" Wire-Service 93 48.63 Sunset Out-D Adv. 122 Harris Pl " 94 2, 917.00 Transamerica 1405 Ethier Rd " 11595 7, 496.00 1401 Ethier Rd " 96 50.00 Gorden J. Martinek 3522 Pres. Park Ct " 97 15,800.00 Standard Oil -Cal. 132nd SE & St. Hwy 2 Steel Ser.Sta. 98 300.00 Cecil Wakelam 411 Langston Rd Wire-Service 99-137,000.00 Friends of Youth 10198 Lk wash Blvd Boy' s Home 11600 175.00 Walter E. Schurr 3291 Ct "B" ,R1 Hls Tool Shed PLUMBING & HEATING PERMIT: 8083 - - - - - - - Theo. W. Slater 1335 "J" St Gas Inst. 84 - - - - - - - Aero-Dyne 300 Airport Way " 8085 - - - - - - - A. Whittman 531 "I" St SEWER PERMITS• 93 - - - - - - - Clara Adams 231 North Wells Sewer Connection -7- 1-76 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING October 24,1966 8:00 P.M. Office of The City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti and Poli. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Schellert, that the absent Councilmen be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea v Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, and Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of October 17, 1966 be approved as written. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, requested concurrence in transfer of funds within the Library Budget due to increased operational costs this year. $3,000.00 transfer was requested from Account 5000/110, Salaries & Wages, unto 5000/303, $200.00, 309, $300.00, 402, $1,000.00 aid 417, $1,500.00. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur. The motion carried. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to refer the transfer to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motion carried. Letter read from Mr. John A. Kelly, President, Renton Kiwanis Club, requested a No-Fee Permit to conduct annual apple sale to raise funds for the Kiwanis Park projects. Dates for the sale include October 27, 28 and 29. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to grant the request. Carried. A letter from Mrs. Julia Kusnierz, 7720 South 153rd Street, Renton, Washington reported expenses due to ill health and lack of sufficient funds to connect to the sanitary sewer facility installed in South 153rd Street. Extension of time until the end of the year was requested at which time she anticipates receipt of some money. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Sanitation Committee.Discussion disclosed that notices have been previously given that the Ordinance must be complied with and the sewer connection completed, the L.I.D. having been confirmed in March and since no response had been affirmed notice of 5-day deadline has been issued,which ultimatum Mrs. Kusnierz is appealing. In light of this administrative action the pending motion was voted down. The Ordinance provides that sewers must be connected within 90 days and there is no way under present law to appeal the determination for enforcement unless the Ordinance is changed. Administrative decision that ample time has been allowed to provide for such connection was rendered and it was subsequently moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to advise Mrs. Kusnierz that this is not a legislative matter and the Council has no jurisdiction to pursue the issue. Carried. A letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director, submitted Planning Commission recommendation from its meeting of October 12th for revisions to the Present R-2 Residence District Zoning Classification with specific reference to the height which, would permit a more reasonable use and be in keeping with the intent of the zoning Ordinance. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Planning_Committee for recommendation. The motion carried. Letter from Elisabeth Rivily, Secretary, Renton Board of Adjustment, submitted by Sven Johnson, recommended amendment to Section 4-731 of the City Code, to delete written notice requirement and to substitute posting of notices within the vicinity. City Attorney Shellan expressed the opinion that "within the vicinity" was too vague and a definite location in feet would be more sound legally in order to ascertain a measurement or specific posting place. Moved by Hulse and seconded by Schellert, to refer the letter to the Planning Committee for recom- mendation. The motion carried. '- -1- / 77 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 10-24-66 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cant.) A 'Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, submitted proposed Ordinance to regulate stroet imnrovements which are made in connection with commercial or industrial construction;to require certain off-site improvements such as sidewalks, curbs and gutters, and street paving. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the proposal to the Law and Ordinance Committee for recornendation. Carried. A letter from Sven Johnson, Building Director, requested approval, for attendance by two employees of the Building Department at short course in Build[ng Inspection at Pullman, Wn. State University, October 31st through November 4, 1966. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Dahlquist, that permission be granted as requested. Carried. Discussion disclosed adequate funding was available through fund transfer heretofore effected. Letter read from N. E. Todhunter, Right-of-way Agent, Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 2eque^ted premission to locate a guy pole with anchor and span guy attached, over and upon city property to accommodate the relocation of its power lines at intersection of Walla Walla, 3rd Avenue and Mill Street, per sketch attached. (Autobahn location) The corstruction was requested until such time as the City proposed to utilize this property. Moved by Poli, secondedbyHulse, to refer the request to the City Engineer to report back. Carried. Invitation was extended by Puget Sound Power & Light Company to attend "A Seattle-King County Development Congress" at the Seattle Center on Tuesday, November 22nd, beginning at 9:00 a.m. Registration fee Is $5.00 and includes lunch and materials for each par- ticipant* Attend with the Seattle Chamber of Commerce, Forward Thrust, Seattle-King County Municipal League, Seattle Central Association, Design for Washington, et al. Advance registration form was attached. Councilman Schellert commented that Renton has been an action City in implementing its planned programs including those things merely being discussed by other agencies, such as Air Pollution Control; that Renton is doing something rather than just talking. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that Mr. Schellert be authorized to attend this conference as a delegate on behalf of Renton and that his expenses be paid therefor. Carried, The City Clerk reported meeting of annexation Review Board on October 20, 1.966 to L consider annexation to Renton of properties located in the S.E. corner of"Kennydale Island" North of S.E. 96th Street, South ofN"ly line of Tracts 58 and 59 and East of the W'1Y side of F.A.I. 405. Upon motion duly moved and seconded the Board found the annexation of this area to the City of Renton will be in the public interest and for the public welfare as well as in the best interest of the City and approves the annexation; that notice of such approval shall be submitted to the City Council for further action by said body; and that the Minutes of the meeting be incorporated in and represent the findings and conclusions of the Board of Review, a copy thereof to be filed with the City Council for further action, as provided by law, which motion was unanimously carried. Moved-, by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that the date of November 21st be set for final hearing on the proposed annexation. Carried. APpli-eatiop #11 for fireworks stand permit was read, submitted by George Robison, Kennydale_ Lions Club. City Clerk Nelson advised applicant has been in- formed of tLe fact thatlbased upon present population figures, only six applications may be. accreptei. Moved by Hulse, seconded by .Poli, to refer the application to the Pollee and License Committee. Carried. City Clerk Nelson expressed her pleasure in rep=ting that the City of Renton, at the Washington Finance Officers Association 'Convention, held in Renton last week, received a Certificate of Merit awarded for the 1965 Annual Financial Report. The City is one of five who received such awards. Mayor Custer added that the City should be very proud of its finance officers 'in arrangin A very -fine program as well as for the very smooth function of the convention. A4. Dahlqui8t was present for the Council as well as Hr. Garrett. Mrs, 4ossott. riepqrted she had been told this was the largest convention and one of the bestladding her appreciation for the fine assistance which made the Officers proud or Rentor. APPOINTMENTS: Council concurrence was requested by Mayor Custer in the appointment of Peter Ronald Adams and Charles Dewey Christenson to the Renton Fire Department, effective November 1, 1966. Civil Service Certification was attached. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the appointments and comriencenent of the six-months probationary period. Carried. -2- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 10-24-66 APPOINTMENTS: (Cont.) A letter was read from Mayor Custer requesting concurrence in permanent appointments of Police Department Personnel who have completed the six-months probationary period as follows: Donald R. Persson, Patrolman, effective October 1, 1966; Winifred Jones, Clerk-Steno I, effective October 18, 1966; and Glenna Little, Clerk-Dispatcher, as of October 16, 1966. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the appointments by the Mayor. Police Chief Williams' letter recommending the appointments was also attached. The motion carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Councilwoman Dahlquist reported her attendance at the Washington Finance Officers' Convention noting that Senator Martin Durkan discussed the need for the new Municipal Code which will allow for broader home rule, and deemed it each person's responsibility to impress upon the Senators and Legislators in Olympia importance of getting behind this bill. He spoke on about Initiative 226 stating that taxes will increase as the need for services increase and 226 will not in itself cause a tax increase, but will be only a small part of increase needed for highways, institutions and salaries and to really do a good job a positive attitude must be taken and personalized contacts made with ones who do not understand the Bill. It was evidenced that the Finance Officers are very aware of the need for passage of 226, their budgetary problems being discussed with contingencies resting thereon. 226 is a request for sharing of the fruits of the labors of the people of the State at the Local level and it is not enough to want; you must want it enough to take the extra step and expend that extra effort which it takes to get 226 passed, and these were her sentiments as well as those of the Senator. Councilman Garrett, Chairman, Street and Alley Committee, reported meeting with Mr. Robert Shane regarding storm drainage in connection with his Aloha Ranch developments and the Committee wishes to hold the matter until they can further confer with the City Attorney. New Business: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 5353 through 5475, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, be accepted for payment by the Council. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current 5353 - 5390 $17,154.29 City Street 5391 - 5405 7,203.40 Cedar River M. & 1. 5406 - 5410 110.15 Arterial Street 5411 - 5413 158.22 Off-Street Parking 5414 12.00 Equipment Rental 5415 - 5426 2,526.47 Library 5427 - 5432 1,308.73 Parks 5433 - 5450 7,296.22 Water Works Utility 5451 - 5466 — ,g88 Airport 5467 - 517 $41,443.31 Cumulat}ve 1184 5 7 V remen Pension 5476 - 5496 2,052.47 2 052.47 Councilman Huse called attention to the two bond issues to appear on the tall ballot, the Arterial Street and the Park bond issues which are a part of integrated planning program, however passage of the issues does not mean that all of the planned or de- sirable capital improvements will be financed. .. Initiative 226 will be utilized to further implement the Comprehensive Plan and program of expenditures for capital im- provements and a list of proposed improvements is available from Mr. Hulse if anyone_a should desire to see some of the places the money could be put to good use. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Poli, that the Council endorse the bond issue for the new Valley General Hospital appearing on the November 8th ballot. Carried. Mrs. Dahlquist requested a meeting of the Law and Ordinance Committee and will inform members of the time and place when scheduled. Councilman Gianini, on behalf of the Athletic Committee and the Park Board, announced that a meeting on the new grandstand will be held in November following the election so as not to interfere with the bond issues. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Bruce, that the Council endorse the special levy election the Renton School Board has on the November ballot. Carried. -3- 1'x°9 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 10-24-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS (Cont.) New Business: Councilman Perry called attention to provisions of the Ordinance and regulations regarding issuance of Fireworks stand Permits specifically referring to dates the application may be filed for an ensuing year and moved that the matter of procedure for these permits be referred to the Committee of the Whole for discussion.The motion was seconded by Schellert. Upon inquiry regarding possible amendment to the Ordinance, it was pointed out by the City Clerk that the manner of issuing these permits is a requirement of the State Law and our Ordinance complies therewith. City Attorney Shellan added that the period of sale is regulated by State Law, being-on a first come first served basis, recalling that the State Legislature removed the City's control over the fireworks matters and we now only act as a checking agent by accepting the ten dollars & . issuing a license, but the City has no control whatso- ever, except limiting number based upon population. It would be administrative matter of procedure if the City Clerk would not accept applications in 1966 for future licenses beyond the coming year. Vote was taken on the pending motion and the Chair ruled the motion lost. Councilman Delaurenti advised he has been doing some research on this matter and on behalf of the Police and License Committee will be making a report. Councilman Delaurenti submitted a letter for reading by the Clerk inviting a tour of Rainier State School at Buckley this coming Sunday. It requested that the State Senators and Representatives be urged to attend to further the cognizance of dire need for operating funds. Councilman Garrett advised of recent tour of the facility and of another plan to visit again and stated actions have been taken by the State Legislative Committees to secure release of the Governor's Emergency Fund for this purpose and otherwise that a special Session of the Legislature be called to give the matter proper attention. The Legislatorshave offered to meet without cost to the State if the Governor could be so persuaded. Mr. Garrett, as Representative, has received many letters regarding this serious problem. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from Residential District (R-1) to Apartment Houses and Multiple Dwellings (R-4) which was read by the Clerk. (Monaghan property) Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2282 as read. Roll call vote was taken and unanimous aye votes were cast. The motion carried. Committee Member Dahlquist submitted proposed Ordinance of Renton, Washington creating a special fund to be known as the "Cumulative Reserve Fund for Beautification of Public Properties, including landscaping and the installation and maintenance of recreational and ornamental projects and facilities in connection therewith, as read by the Clerk. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to place the document on its second anf final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2283 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. The Committee submitted a proposed Ordinance of the City changing the zoning classifi- cation of certain properties within the City of Renton from Residential. District (R-2) to Residential District (R-3) as read by the Clerk. (Pacific General Construction Co. Petition - Coccione & Jay Holmes properties) Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2284 as read. Roll call vote was taken resulting in 8 aye votes and 1 no vote by Perry. The motion carried. The Committee submitted a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from Residential District (R-2) to Residential District (R-3), as read by the Clerk. (Capelouto property) Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to place the document on second and final reading.Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2285 as read. Roll call vote followed with all voting aye and the-motion carried. Councilwoman Dahlquist submitted without Committee recommendation, a proposed Ordinance of the City rezoning city-owned property located North of Fire Station No. 2 (9th and H Street) in the Highlands to B-1. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on first reading. Carried. After the reading, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to refer the document back to the Law and Ordinance Committee for further study. Garrett opposed the motion since both Committee members had expressed objection to the B-1 zoning and he felt the majority of the Council had requested the rezone and if not favorable at this time they could vote it down. Roll call was requested on the motion to refer and vote resulted as follows: Aye: Hulse Bruce, Schellert, Uahlquist, Gianini, Perry and Poli. No: Garrett and Delaurenti. Carried. -4- ISO Minutes-Renton City Council Meeting 10-24-66 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (Cont.) The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton vacating a portion of Mountain View Avenue as read by the Clerk. (Rudy Hassen petition) Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2286 as read. Carried. Discussion ensued relative to action to be taken regarding the rezoning of City- owned property next to Fire Station $#2 at 9th and H Street in the Highlands. Wrn Upon inquiry, City Attorney Shellan advised that due to the close similarity in zoning use of the two, R-3 and B-1 zoning,he felt no gross problem exists in the action taken. There are certain permitted uses in B-1 not allowable under R-3, but since there was no protest the public obviously did not care one way or another. It would, however, have been his opinion if asked last week that the change was not in order and that another notice be posted and public hearing held as revised. It was pointed out that a majority of the Council had voted for the B-1 zoning and alternative action to legally effect the will of the majority was desired and course of pursuance was discussed. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that November 7th be set for hearing on rezoning of the subject property. Carried. Mr. Robert Shane requested that the matter of storm drain connected with his Aloha Ranch development be considered by the Council as the interest point has increased 1.5% since he came in on the matter. Committee Members Garrett and Schellert advised they wished to meet with the City Attorney prior to making a recommendation. It was pointed out that the Council does not meet for two weeks since next week is a 5th Monday. The question is whether the City is obligated to provide a line through Aloha Ranch Development $#1 which street was dedicated and accepted by the City or whether the responsibility is Mr. Shane's since he wishes to use the line for getting rid of excess water in developing Aloha Ranch ##2. Recess was requested and called* upon motion by Perry and second by Hulse and carried. After the recess, roll call was taken with all Council Members present as previously listed. Councilman Garrett reported the findings of the Committee that the City has no obligation in the matter. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the report of the Street and Alley Committee. Discussion ensued and upon inquiry by Perry as to further details, Councilman Garrett drew a diagram on the chalk board and explained alternative route or drain and catch basin plan which might be utilized by Mr. Shane. City Engineer Wilson advised that the present drainage facilities are adequate for the area the City is concerned with, the problem being the water in the area now being developed. Upon inquiry as to cost it was estimated that a line through the existing $#1 develop- ment would cost approximately $3,000.00 but City Engineer Wilson stated that all that is practically needed are a couple of catch basins and a storm line for future expansion. Mr, Shane pointed out other developments in the area, and re-stated his stand that he should not have to pay to run a line through property accepted by the City, He asked why he wasn't required to install it before since the City knew he intended to further develop the area and it was pointed out that there was no storm se4erdown 116th at that time but it had been installed subsequently by emergency measures. Perry felt the City should provide a place for the water when Mr. Shane comes to the end of his Plat but it was pointed out there is no Ordinance requiring a line to be run to private properties. Question was called for on the pending motion and the vote followed and the motion declared carried, concurring in the Street and Alley Committee repert. As there was no further business to come before the Council and no further comment from the audience, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 p.m. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor October 24, 1966 APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 11601 $ 1, 300.00 Cliff Seashore 2121 10th Ave N Garage-Patio 02 16,700.00 Lewis Purcell 11606 SE 105th Pl Res & Garage 03 3,840.00 The Boeing Co Apron "C" Renton Fld-Restroom -Fac 04 150.00 Dennis G Ossenkop 3208 12th Ave N Fence 11605 200.00 E. B. Stranack 10609 SE 100th Fence-pump house 06 38,000,00 Pat Bigley North Williams St 6-Unit Apt 07 560.00 Dennis & Walstrand 10428 112th SE Wire Service 08 1, 100.00 R.W. Kammers 402 Grandey Way Remodel Kitchen 09 1, 500.00 Renton Elks Lodge 2312 Main St. Wire Service 11610 50.00 Walfrid Kero 7722 S 147th Alter Service 11 1, 800.00 Allan C. Folmar 13220 SE 115th Finish Upstairs 12 500.00 Stoneway Inc. 1516 Maple Way Revamp lube room 13 150.00 Clinton Betz 409 3rd Ave Move Service 14 250.00 LaVerne I Jacobs 9415 Mt. View Ave Roof Res 11615 420.00 Carl Cooks 344 Stevens Fence 16 700.00 Gerald J Rasmussen 2831 5th Ave N Family Room 17 50.00 Gerald J Rasmussen " " Wire Service 18 100.00 Allan C Folmar 13220 SE 115th Wire Service 19 50,000.00 Big "C" Stores 705 Rainier Ave Sprinkler System 11620 8,000.00 Chas. Petchnick 534 No Wells Increase Service 21 500.00 Wallace Nelson 952 " E" St Wire Service 22 500.00 R.G. Perelli 144 Park Ave Wire Service 23 2, 000.00 William Goddard 8637 Lk Wn Blvd Boathouse 24 26, 000.00 Big "C" Stores 705 Rainier Ave 13-Electrical Sign, 11625 850.00 David W Gosse 10203 115th SE Finish Rec-room 26 50.00 " " It to Wire Service PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 8086 - - - - - - Clarence Hill 1921 7th N Gas Inst. 87 - - - - - - Art Show 532 Sunset Ct. Plbg. Fixt. 88 - - - - - - Howard West 1325 "H" PL Gas Inst. 89 - - - - - - Williams & Swanson 617 3rd Ave " it 8090 - - - - - - Mary Lititla 5362 Williams " " 91 - - - - - - P. Wressell 11215 SE 108th " 92 - - - - - - Gene Stranack 10609 SE 100th 93 - - - - - - Big "C" Stores 805 Rainier Ave S Heating Equipment 94 - - - - - - Curran & Keller 625 Rainier Ave S P1bg. Fixt. 8095 - - - - - - Joe Boehme 9620 106th SE " SEWER PERMITS: 94 - - - - - - - Aero Dyne 300 Airport Way Sewer Connection -G- / g7, RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING November 7,1966 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the asse+nbly- ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Pedersen, Garrett-, Trimm, Perry, Poli and Morris and Delaurenti. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Bruce, that the absent Council Members be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Gerard M. Shell-an, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, ief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, and Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of October 24th be approved as written. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Rezone of city-owned property to B-1 - "H" Street north of Highlands Fire Station This being the date set, the hearing was declared opep. There were no written communications to be presented and audience comment was invited. There being none,it was moved by Schellert, seconded by P,pli, that the hearing be closed. The motion was carried and the hearing was declaro+d closed. Council action was invited and it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Schellert, that the property be toned B-1 and the matter referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director, submitted recommendation of the Planning Commission from its meeting of October 26th, that the TeJan Development an P Y property Combe rezoned from B-1 to R-4. Application No. R-363-66, property located on Renton Avenue between 90th Avenue South and 91st Avenue South* which proposed 20-unit apartment is in agreement with the Comprehensive Plaits Msyed by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the rezone with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motion carried. Letter from Tejan Development Co., Inc. 848 - 106th Ave. N. E ., Bellevue, Washington petitioned the Council to change the fire zone on their property located between 90th and 91st Avenue S.E. from Fire Zone #1 to a residential fire zone. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, to refer the request to the Fire and Water Committee. Carried. Application from Frances Cunningham requested required license to operate coin machine pool table at Boulevard Tavern, 10826 Lake Washington Blvd. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from John Harer advised of notice from the City Engineer that a sloughing of dirt into the Black River Channel caused from apartment construction at 11600 Rainier Avenue will cause drainage problem unless corrective measures are taken before a rainfall. It was requested that the city cooperate in correcting the problem by tiling for approximately 180 feet along the eastern boundary of Mr. Harems property and he will furnish fill to eliminate the open channel and perform the fill. It was pointed out that this was Airport property and the Airport Manager and Airport Board should negotiate the matter. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. CLAIMS filed against the City were read and Council action taken as follows: Alicson Little, $5,500.00 sidewalk injury - 114 Wells Street Emil F. Ziska, $10,000.00, sidewalk injury - East side of Williams Street @ 3rd Raymond and Arthur Beale, $1,605.00 - damage to shrubbery by Street Dep't. personnel Betty Lou Nold, $25,000.00 injury sustained near East side of Park Avenue near near the Boeing 1054 Building gate. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to refer the Claims to the City Attorney and the Insurance Carrier. The motion carried. -1- i Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 11-7-66 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from Roger I. Lewis, Attorney at Law, inquired on behalf of Mr. Robert Shane, regarding city requirement that Mr. Shane construct a storm sewer line joining Aloha No. 2 with the main line recently installed on S.E. 116th Street when installation cost is vastly greater than it would have been at the time Aloha No. 1 was developed and in view of the fact that Aloha 1 was approved with a dry well system for storm sewer purposes. Hoping to avoid cost and the delay of litigation, the City was requested to consider some sort of compromise arrangement. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Perry, to refer this communication the the Committee of the Whole for report back. Carried. (See later action) Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, requested transfer within Waterworks Maintenance Account 7120 to enable the Department to maintain normal operations for the balance of this year, said transfers being necessitated by increased demand for water and resulting water purchases and materials and supplies which exceed budget estimates: From Acct. 7120/605, Capital Outlay, $4,500.00, To: Acct. 7120/302, M. & 0, $3,500.00 and 7120/417, M. & 0., $1,000.00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur. The motion carried. A letter from City Clerk Nelson reported need for Resolution to authorize use of released matching funds for Statewide City Employees Retirement payments according to determination at budget time. $15,000.00 will be required for Prior Service Liability and $5,000.00 for City Matching Contributions. Referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee was recommended. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Letter from Vic TeGantvoort requested Resolution to authorize appropriation of excess revenues received from Wilson and Dean Construction Company for services in connection with installation of 36" storm sewer on 7th Avenue South, a public improvement in sum of $4,386.82, into Street Maintenance Fund Account 3200/605, Capital Outlay. (Working Budget - Street 3240/605, Capital Outlay) . Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur with referral of this item along with the City Engineer's request for transfer, to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motion carried. A letter from Statewide Bench Advertising Co., Inc. requested consideration by the City for installation of benches at bus stop locations for which the City would be paid $5.00 annually per bench. A meeting was requested for display of photographs and further details. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer advised of proposed modification of street grid system in the central Renton area. Right-of-ways now designated streets will be called Avenues and present Avenues will be called Streets. It was suggested that a public hearing be held to help publicize the proposal. The blocks will not be numbered at this time but could be added at some future date. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that November 21st be set for hearing on the proposal. Carried. A letter from Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stredicke expressed thanks to the Renton Police Department and King County Sheriff's Patrol for stringent law enforcement in the Renton Highlands area which during the past few weeks has resulted in noticeable improvement in traffic conditions and safety for their two small children. A letter from Puget Sound Governmental Conference directed to Jack Wilson, City Engineer, reported review of application for Federal assistance to U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development to construct two lift stations, two flush tanks and approximately 1200 feet of laterals at the estimated cost of $335,300 and that the proposed facilities meet all of the interim planning requirements. A letter from Sven A. Johnson recommended that the Appendix of the 1964 Edition of the Uniform Building Code, Volume 1, be adopted in its entirety. City Clerk Nelson stated her opinion that it had been adopted but read a note from Mr. Johnson that the International Conference requires that all items which are in the Appendix must be adopted by separate ordinance. Upon request for legal opinion, City Attorney Shellan stated that all items from cover to cover had been incorporated in the adoption of the Uniform Building Code by previous action of the Council and this included the Appendix . -2- 185 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 11-7-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont.) UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (Cont.) Councilman Pedersen expressed concern regarding time element and requested that President Hulse arrange to meet sooner than the 15th to discuss Bob Shane's sewer line problem since the development is being held up and would be delayed another two weeks otherwise. President Hulse inquired as to Mr. Shane's wishes and Mr. Shane replied that time is of no element to him any more. (See later action) NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, to approve City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 5497 - through 5608 as previously accepted by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, for payment by the Council at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current No. 5997 - 5561 $ 5,465.38 City Street 5562 - 5565 7,038.47 Off-Street Parking 5566 14.82 Equipment Rental 5567 - 5578 1,195.11 Parks 5579 - 5591 1,653.24 Water Works Utility 5592 - 5605 28,650.94 Airport 5606 - 5608 56.32 $ 44,074.28 Councilman Hulse submitted a letter for reading which had been directed to him by Mayor Custer advising of invitation from Mayor Braman's office to attend a tour of the Toronto and Montreal Rapid Transit Systems November 13 through 16th, which in- vitation has been extended to all members of the Rapid Transit Advisory Committee, of which the Mayor is a member, to Members of the Joint Committee on Highways of the Legislature and the State Highway Commission. Councilman Garrett will be in Washington D.C. attending a Legislative Leaders' Conference and could attend at a minimum expense to the City. It was requested that the Council consider authorizing attendance of at least one to represent the City at this program. Moved by Schellert seconded by Bruce, that Mayor Custer and Councilman Garrett be authorized to attend the tour. Councilman Bruce called attention to existing transportation problems and the fact that rapid transport is one proposal for alleviating the problems and though Renton won't be the hub it will certainly be a part of such a system. Mayor Custer stated he may have a conflict of schedules and be unable to attend and after 'dis- cussion regarding attendance of Councilman Perry at the Toronto system and possible alternate representative, the motion carried. Councilman Garrett requested a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, November 9th and requested that the Airport Manager and President or Member of the Airport Board be invited to attend to discuss the matter of the Black River Channel obstruction per letter from John Harer. Councilman Perry with reference to possibility of Renton becoming a first class City, in giviPg thought to the next six to eight years, inquired regarding the possibility of three of the six Councilmen to be elected next year being on a full time basis. City Attorney Shellan upon inquiry stated that under the present law applying to second class cities there is no distinction made as far as full or part time . Such question is mute also as the c ties will have before then the matter of the new Municipal Code which the City will be allowed to adopt if the 1967 Legislature enacts this enabling legislation which will do away with, for all intents and purposes, the classes of cities. This has to do with the new Municipal Code Committee that has been working on the sample code which will give the cities more home rule. When a city elects to be a code city a charter is drawn & tlae people elect free holders who then determine whether the Council works full or part time or at all so Mr. Perry's question might be solved if this enabling legislation is passed. Upon further inquiry on the subject Councilman Garrett added that the Statute does not delineate how much time a Councilman is supposed to spend or be limited to and that the amount of remuneration was likely the matter to which Mr. Perry was referring which matter ... should have been taken up at budget time. The Code is a matter which should be given consideration and be studied by someone from a Committee of the Council. It was h pointed out that Legislative Committee Chairman Dahlquist has been working with this matter and the final draft will be out in the latter part of November. The Code Committee is comprised of three Municipal Officers, Mr. Marshall Neal, Marshall McCormich, City Attorney from Tacoma, George Salzer, Mayor of Steilacoom and the President of the Assn. of Wn. Cities, Mayor Willard Sampson from Camas, one member from the House who is Representative Marsh from Vancouver and one Member from the Senate who is Senator Martin Durkan. The proposed code in part, has been distri- buted heretofore and the final draft to soon be out will be furnished to every city official in the State for their information. -4- 136 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 1-7-6( COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS NEW BUSINESS: Cont. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Bruce, that the Firemen who go on 24-hour shifts who are working 24 hours on election day be allowed by the Chief to take time off to go and vote. Chief Walls stated that until this election such had always been the policy with trans- portion even being furnished, however, since the new law provides for opening of the polls at 7:00 a.m. he had felt they would have ample time to vote and if the polls were crowded and they were late there would be no penalty. The pending motion carried. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Polai, that the new Optional Municipal Code be referred to the Legislative Committee. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted a proposed Resolution of tte City cf Renton authorizing as of January 1, 1967, release of matching contributions in Statewide Cities Retirement System of which $15,000.00 is to be applied for Prior Service liability and $5,000.00 for city matching contrabutions (Street Fund) . Said amount to be placed into the Reserve Account and applied on future charges against the city as provided by law. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 1404 as read. The motion carried. The Committee submitted a proposed Resolution of the City authorizing transfer of funds in the Library Account, 5000/110, Salaries and Wages in sum of $3,000.00 unto Maintenance and Operation 303, Utility Service (Power), $200.00, Bldg. Repair, Maintenance, $300.00 402, Office Supplies, $1,000.00 and 417, Material and Supplies, $1,500.00. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution No, 1405 as read. Carried. The Committee submitted a proposed Ordinance amending Section of the Building Code 4-731 C as recommended by the Board of Adjustment and which relates to publication &"posting notices of hearing rather than personal notice to property owners within 300 feet of the property. Discussion ensued regarding the fact that owner is not always the resident and problems which result in lost time and effort in ascertaining legal owner and also when he is residing out of State or even elsewhere. Upon inquiry City Attorney Shellan advise1 3 that giving notice on or about the subject premises is perfectly legal. He did inquire 1--wever regarding further amendments to the Code now proposed by the Board of Adjustment which will require further amendment to the same Section which.can be taken case of all at one time. City Clerk Nelson added that each amendment requires that the Ordinance be published, processed, distributed and Codified and involves considerable time and costs which could be saved if all matters were considered and made in a recommendation whereby a single amendment could be made. The Codifiers might wonder if several amendments are sent for printing which are revisions to the same Ordinance. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, to refer the proposed Ordinance back to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Mr. Richard Stredicke called attention to Council authorization for attendance at out of State conferences granted this evening and recalled prior trips auth6rized .making inquiry as to number attending and if the Planning Commission should be asked for an accounting why not likewise the Council. Discussion ensued with respect to the coming Los Vegas conference in December, reporting of members when attending, and further, that budgeted travel funds provide for attendance at conferences at the discretion of Departments and Council so long as the budget is not overexpended and allottment or policing should be made if required within the Department or fund concerned. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to adjourn and the meeting was adjourned, the motion not being debatable. 9: 50 p.m. is time of adjournment and 15 visitors were in the Council Chambers for this meeting. The Committee of the Whole was to meet with Mr. Shane at this time. Rel ie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W.W. Custer, Mayor -5- 187 November 7 , 1966 Applications For Permits As Submitted By The City Building Department BUILDING PERMITS NO. - 11-MOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 11627 $ 225 .00 Robert Richter 2925 6th Ave No Wire Service 28 450.00 Archie Gustine 111 Meadow St Side Mtd. Sign 29 3, 041.00 Transamerica 1205 Ethier Rd. Wire Service 11630 2 ,842.00 Transamerica 1203 Ethier Rd. Wire Service w 31 240.00 Ed Corey 204 Park Ave Car port 32 385 .00 Louis Johnson 1507 3d Ave No Comp Roof 33 50.00 Bill Schwartenberger 116 2d Ave Wire Service 34 1, 300.00 Thomas Auto Rebuild 36 Logan Street Bldg Repair 11635 350 .00 Waldemar Moerer 10429 112th S .E. Replace Windows 36 20,000.00 The Boeing Co 10-80 & 10-85 Bdlg Wire Service 37 70,000.00 Pacific Northwest Bell 225 Williams St Rein. Conc.Addn 38 1,400.00 Oscar S .Svenningsen 425 Whitworth St Bedroom Add*n. 39 500.00 Sam Younker 439 Rainer Ave Install Glass 11640 500.00 Lewis Purcell 11613 S .E. 105th Wire Service 41 50.00 Albert Rosenstrom 309 Pelly St Fence 42 20.00 Eva Bahr 13008 90th Ave S Cold Frame 43 380 .00 E.H. Harbeck 933 "E" St Patio 44 1, 900.00 Floyd D. Burdick 702 4th Ave W. Enlarge Liv.Rm. 11645 1, 600.00 James A. Moyer 251 Meadow St Dinette Add' n. 46 25, 000 .00 James E. Banker 405 7th Ave Finish Apts.' 47 120, 000.00 The Boeing Co 10-90 Bldg Add' n to Cafe. 48 270.00 Tom Ross 553 "K" St Carport Zidd' n. 49 --- Hilda White 609 Moses Lane Demolish Res. 11650 68, 000.00 Group Health Clir :' 1930 Bronson Way N.Wire Service 51 3, 000.00 Werner Woelk 711 "D" St Remodel Kitchen 52 2, 300.00 Robert L. Bray 3007 6th Ave E. Remodel 53 --- Alex Cugini 116 Burnett St Demolish Res. 54 100.00 Standard Oil Co 301 Grady Way Flag Pole 11655 20, 200.00 G.F .Pomeroy 1238 Morris St Residence 56 5,000.00 Nora Nelson 529 Morris St Side Res - Wind 57 400.00 Joe Boehme 9620 10th S.E. Wire Service 58 4, 500.00 Curran & Keller 625 Rainier Ave Wire Service 59 450.00 Wigwam Stores 350 Sunset E. Wire Service 11660 4 ,000 .00 J. H. Baxter 7635 Lk Wash Blvd Wire Service 61 2, 060.00 Renton School Dist 1404 " I" St Fence 62 500.00 Gull Oil Co 12826 128th S. E. Sign 63 280.00 George Nakashima 235 Pelly St Carport PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS 809E --- Bernice Brimness 2018 7th N. Cont Furn Repl' t 97 --- The Boeing Co 8th & Logan Sts Plbg. Fixt. 98 --- The Boeing Co Boeing Field "A" Plbg Fixt. 99 --- The Boeing Co Apr "C" Rent Field it " 11100 --- Lloyd Geterson 11215 114th S. E. Gas Inst 01 --- Lloyd Peterson 11211 114th S .E. Gas Inst. 02 --- Dennis & Waistrand 10428 112th S. E. Plbg. Fix. - 03 --- Edward Biggins 10933 116th S .E. C " it 04 --- R. L. Greenfield & Son 760 Rainier S Heating Equip. 8105 --- Michael E. Hanson 215 Thomas Gas Inst. 06 --- Lewis Shaw 441 5th W. Heat . Equip. 07 --- Wallace Nelson 952 " E" St Gas Inst. 08 --- Mike Walter 12923 90th S If It 09 --- Wallace Nelson 952 "-S" St Plbg. Fix 8110 --- James E: Banker 405 7th Ave 11 11 --- Walfrid Kero 7732 S . 147th it 12 --- Lewis Purcell 11613 S .E. 105th Gas Inst 13 --- Werner Woelk 711 "O" St it to 1.88 November 7, 1966 PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS. Continued ;0.- AMOUNT &[ ME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 8114 --- Roy Brown 414 "M" St Gas Inst 8115 --- Curran & Keiler 625 Rainier Ave Heating Equip 16 --- M. 0. Jorgenson 614 Shattuck St Gas Install 17 - Dick Standbert 610 12th P1 S Plbg. Fix. 18 --- Bell & Valdez,Inc. 2007 S:E.Upland Ct of " 19 --- Bell & Valdez ,Inc. 2004 Rolling Hills Is " 8120 --- Bell & Valdez,Inc. 2004 S.E.Upland Ct " 21 --- Bell & Valdez,lnc. 2006 S.E.Upland Ct " SEWER PERMITS 95 J. Biggins 10933 - 116th Ave S.E. Sewer Conn. 96 -- Jim Biggins 10933 - 116th Ave S.E. " It 97 --- Bell & Valdez,lnc• 1709 Rolling His. S.E. " of 98 --- Dell & Valdez.InC. 1711 Rolling His. S.E. " of 99 --- Bell & Valdez ,Inc. 1904 S.E. 18th Ct " It 100 --- Bell & Valdez,Inc. 1708 S.E. Urban Ct " 1 --- Bell & Valdez,Inc. 2006 S.E. Upland Ct " 2 --- fell & Valdez,Inc. 2004 Rolling His SE " 3 --- Dell & Valdez,Inc. 2004 S .E. Upland Ct " 4 --- Dell & Veldez,Inc. 2007 S.E. Upland Ct " 5 --- Dell & Veldez,Inc. 1.800 S.E. Urban t= " Transfers of funds authorized and approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee and the Renton City Council for the month of October, 1966. TO: CLAIMS TO: PAYROLL FROM: FROM: Current Fund $ 29,745.48 Current Fund $ 83,762.00 City Street 23081.41 City Street 149119.68 Arterial Street 158.22 Cedar River M & I 476.00 j Cedar River M & I 110.15 Equipment Rental 33,330.46 Off-Street Parking 136.82 Library 6,088.10 Equipment Rental 5,274.84 Park & Recreation 10,820.38 Library 2,776.53 Water Works Utility 14,682.28 Parks 21,110.57 Airport 1,232.00 Waterworks Utility 47,186.90 Firemen's Pension Fund 116.00 1965 W & S Construction 1,500.00 134,626.90 Airport 1014.30 Firemen's Pension 2,060.08 Cumulative 1184 1,167.04 Cumulative 1975 409.88 Cumulative Fund 1990 12.46 135,744.68 1.89 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING November 14, 1966 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Bruce Hulse, Mayor Pro Tem, and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Trimm, Perry, Poli and Morris. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Dahlquist, that the absent Councilmen be excused. The motion carried. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of November 7, 1966 be approved as written. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Gerard M. S ellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent and Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner. PUBLIC HEARING: Annexation of properties to Renton located at 132nd Avenue S .E. and S. E. 128th Street (4th Avenue North) J. David Jensen et al This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. There were no written Communications on the matter and since no audience comment was made it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Schellert, that the hearing be closed. The motion carried and the hearing was declared closed. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Pahlquist, that the annexation be accepted incorporating the subject territory into the City of Renton and that the matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance. The motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS : Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer reported that an alternate method had been arranged for placing of a guy pole by Puget Sound Power & Light Company and the Civic Center property would not be utilized, no further action being required on the request at this time. Z C Letter read from City Engineer submitted and recommended for payment Progress . ---- jj Estimate No. 2 for engineering services rendered by the firm of Cornell, Howland, �p Hayes and Merryfield to October 25th in sum of $2,120.00. Of this amount, $1,500.0 a is for the Mt. Olivet Station and is to be funded from 7150/606, Capital Outlay and the $620.00 for Talbot Hill Station is to be funded from 7120/605 Capital Outlay. to Application from Edward G. Johnson, owner, requested license to operate a Shuffle- V% ' board at the A. & B. Tavern, 317 Main Street. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. The motion carried. The City Clerk, Helmie Nelson, reported receipt of publication by Bureau of Govern- mental Research entitled "Federal Aids to Washington State and Local Government" which will be on file in the office of the City Clerk for information. A letter from Lycette, Diamond and Sylvester, Attorneys, 400 Hoge Building, Seattle, representing Bonnell estate interests requested vacation of the old waterline ease- ment which line has been relocated and relinquishment thereof, a new perpetual easement document having been delivered to the Engineering Department this date. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. A letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director, requested transfer of funds for the purchase of office equipment in sum of $150.00 from 1700/310, M. & 0. to 1700/606, Capital Outlay. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. Carried. Letter from Sven A. Johnson, Building Director, recommended that a Revocable Permit be granted to Covey Brothers for an electric sign to extend 3 ft. 6" over public right-of-ways in accordance with City regulations,sixty percent of the structures in the block non-conforming. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Trimm, to ooncur in the recommendation. The motion carried. -1- 1.90 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 1�-j4-66 COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from Building Director Sven Johnson recommended that the Uniform Housing Code, 1964 Edition be adopted in its entirety, three copies of which are on file with the City Clerk. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance. The motion carried. APPOINTMENT: Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Ted LaValley to rank of Lieutenant in the Renton Fire Department, effective November 16, 1966 which will commence the six months probationary period as required by Civil Service rules and regulations. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in the appointment. The motion carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Committee of the Whole report was read advising of a meeting on November 7th following regular Council meeting, with Mr. Robert Shane to consider his request to be relieved of the responsibility of providing a storm drain through Aloha #1 to carry water from Aloha #2 to the storm drain on 116th Avenue S .E . Mr. Shane had agreed to supply the material if the City would provide labor for installing the storm drain through Aloha #1. The Committee recommended that this arrange- ment not be accepted and that Mr. Shane be responsible for providing a storm drain through Aloha #l. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Dahlquist, that the Council not concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole. Upon verbal vote the motion was declared lost. Roll call vote was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Dahlquist, Pedersen, Perry No: Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Trimm, Poli and Morris. The motion failed. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole. After discussion as to need for further action and affirmative corroboration by City Attorney Shellan, the motion was voted upon and declared carried. Roll call vote was requested which resulted as follows: Aye: Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Trimm, Poli and Morris. No: Dahlquist Pedersen and Perry. The motion carried. Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Committee, reported on referral of acquisition of reservoir sites at 84th Avenue South and at South 128th Street, that the City Engineer and the Committee recommend that the City proceed with the acquisition of said sites according to recently acquired appraisals, the City Attorney to handle the necessary negotiations and documents and the Mayor and City Clerk being authorized to execute any necessary instruments of acquisi- tion. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendations of the Property Committee and the City Engineer. Carried. Appraisals are available to Council members if they wish to contact the Engineer or Committee. Councilman Trimm submitted Street and Alley Committee report concerning letter from Mr. John Harer on improvement of drainage at the Black river Channel through a portion of the Renton Airfield and it was the unanimous opinion of those present at the Committee meeting that this matter fell within the ,jurisdiction of the Airport Board and therefore, it was recommended that Mr. Harer's letter be referred to the Airport Board for consideration. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. Light and Power Committee Chairman Poli submitted recommendation that there be five lights installed on 15' standards as per attached drawing submitted by Transamerica Development Company and approved by the City Engineer along Ethier Road. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendations. Carried. New Business: t Councilman Schellert commented that although the two city bond issues failed it was felt that the citizens committee had made every effort and had done 4very- thing that could be expected by way of informing the public. With the number of issues on the ballot it was felt the people voted to put their money where they felt it would best be utilized. The vote is now being analyzed to determine the future procedure best to be pursued. Mayor Pro Tem Hulse expressed opinion that both the Park and Arterial Bond Committees had done a good job and that the people had voted the way they wanted to vote. The Chairman were commended for the great amount of time and effort devoted to the bond issue promotions. Perry pointed out that percentage attained-waa not effOcted by number participating per prior efforts as-- evidenced in the fact that the affirmative percentage reached comparative amount. It was pointed out that there were quite 'a 1'ew differences in circumstances between the two. -2- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 11-14-66 New Business: Councilman Perry called attention to his having read in the newspapers and hearing about outrageous rental prices resulting with the rapid expansion of industry and influx of population, pointing out that the average employee now being hired at Boeing is a grade 9 and cannot take on a rental obligation over $100.00. His in- quiry was whether the city could instigate legislation which might curb rentals per a similar program now being effective in Hawaii. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter of rent control to the Legislative Committee for investigation as to possibility for the city to effect such legislation or if the city cannot, whether the State might be able to do this. The Committee is requested to report back. Carried. ... Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 5609 through 5760, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council for payment. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current 5609 - 5637 &5665 $ 1031174.45 City Street 5638 - 5653 14,610.22 Cedar River M. & I. 5654 - 5657 41.28 Off-Street Parking 5658 100.00 Equipment Rental 5659 - 5670 except 5665 681.14 Library 5671 - 5715 4,251.72 Parks 5716 - 5731 3,816.69 Water Works Utility 5732 - 5747 12,529.59 1965 W. & S. Const. 5748 - 5749 1,505.98 Airport 5750 - 5755 578.68 Cumulative 1975 5756 - 5759 804.09 Cumulative 1990 5760 12.46 $ 491,1.06.30 Council President Hulse reminded Committee of the Whole of the meeting tomorrow November 15th at 7:30 p.m. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Vern Morris submitted proposed Resolution of the City authorizing the City Clerk to transfer funds within the Waterworks De- partment as follows: From: Account 7120/605, Capital Outlay, $4,500.00 unto 7120/302, Maintenance and Operation, $3,500.00 and 417, $1,000.00, in order to continue normal operations for the balance of the year. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1406 as read. The motion carried. A proposed Resolution was read appropriating $4,386.82 excess revenues received from Wilson & Dean Construction Company,p rtaining to public improvement of 36" storm sewer in 7th Avenue South, into Street Maintenance Fund Account 3200/605, Capital Outlay (Working Budget - Street Acct. 3240/605, Capital Outlay) Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to adopt Resolution No. 1407 as read. The motion carried. A proposed Resolution was read vacating easement for water line,designated Parcel A, same being superseded by revised easement owners have heretofore conveyed unto the city pertaining to said relocated facilities over, unto and across designated Parcel B. The Easement described as Parcel A is hereby relinquished and vacated in all respects in favor of the estate of Frank Bonnell, Sr., now deceased, his heirs and distributees. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Resolution No. 1408 as read. Carried. The Committee submitted a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from Residential Dis- trict (R-1) to Business District (B-1) as read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the proposed Ordinance on its second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordinance No. 2287 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Council Members present voting aye. Carried. Schellert inquired regarding surplussing of this property and it was noted that the property was declared surplus and to be sold to highest bidder following appraisal as per Resolution No. 1385. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Schellert, to proceed with the sale and bid advertisement. It was pointed out by City Attorney Shellan that any such action will need to be published locally and in the Daily Journal of Commerce and bid notices posted with 4 weeks notice at least and terms of sale to be set forth and terms and reservations included. Pedersen withdrew his motion with consent of second at this time. Schellert pointed out that the reason he had brought the matter up was that the Ways and Means Committee is cognizant of the fact that the need for receipt of the subject funds is approaching since they have been earmarked to repay another fund within the budget. -3- 1.92 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 11-14-66 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton changing the zoning classification of certain properties from Business District, (B-1), to "Apartment Houses and Multiple Dwellings" , (R-4) which was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the proposed Ordinance on its second and final reading. The motion carried. After final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2288 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes unanimously carrying the motion. (Tejan Development Co. property on Renton Avenue between 90th Avenue South and 91st Place South) Upon inquiry regarding Park Board activity since some of the members had arrived, Park Director Coulon reported that the City has been recommended for another $110,000.00 for Lake Washington Beach property by the Interagency Committee and -" the City will be matching only 25% this time or about $27,000.00 with 75% being contributed by other sources. Audience comment was further invited and since there was none, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. IJ. Custer, Mayor -4- 193 11-IV-6t, Applications For Permits as Submitted By The City Building Department BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 11664 $ 8, 000.00 Dr . R. Heilpern 121 Pelly St Remodel Office 11665 176.00 J. B. Carver 3411 - 11th Pl N Tool Shed 66 95. 00 Aero-Dyne Corp 300 Airport Way Sign 67 100.00 Juline Evenhus 2418 - 6th Ave N Patio-Covered 68 --- Martin Rauma 528 Williams St Renewal-Permit' 69 385.00 Louis Johnson 1503 3rd Ave N Comp Roof 11670 385 .00 Louis Johnson 1509 3rd Ave N If to 71 250 .00 Dr Kilpatrick 2217 - 7th Ave N Wire Service 72 700.00 Dr F. A. Kay 121 Pelly St If " 73 450.00 Bell & Valdez Inc. 2007 S E Upland Ct It " 74 450.00 41 2006 S E Upland Ct " 11675 620 .00 2004 S E Upland Ct " 76 500.00 if " 2004 Rolling Hills P1 SE " PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS 8122 -- August Mangels 225 Sunset Blvd E Gas Inst. 23 -- W. C . Kilpatrick 2217 - 7th Ave N Plbg. Fixt. 24 -- Standard Oil Co 132nd & Sunset Heat. Equip. 8125 -- Orrin L. Madison 10811 E 100th St Gas Inst . SEWER PERMITS 106 -- Boeing Co Rainier Ave, Apr C Sewer Conn.. 7 -- Highlander Inv.Cb 525 Bronson Way N it Is 8 Lloyd Peterson 11211 S E 114th If of 9 -- Bonanza Steak House 625 Rainier Ave S j, " -5- g 194 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING November 21, 1966 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Dahlquist, to excuse the absent Councilman. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Sven Johnson, Building Director and Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant. Councilman Hulse called attention to ommission of Council action on communication No. 2 regarding payment of Progress Estimate No. 2 for engineering services on the Mt. Olivet pumping station which was referred to the Auditing and Accounting Com- mittee with power to act, and moved that with this addition the Minutes of the previous meeting of November 14, 1966 be approved. The motion was seconded by Perry and carried. BID OPENING: Mt. Olivet Booster Pump Station This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read: BIDDER AND ADDRESS 9A 9B TOTAL BID Lunde Construction $5,486.13 $6,220.74 $ 50,099.36 7836 N.E . 14th Street Bellevue Bond Enclosed K. K. Larson Construction 4,949.50 6,304.10 53,173.26 3814 - 5th Avenue Seattle, Washington Bond Enclosed Mather & McCutcheon 4,168.00 5,105.80 51,058.00 Seattle, Washington Bond Enclosed Kaeser Construction 4,168.00 6,252.00 49,Q31.3D 3629 - 34th Avenue South Seattle, Washington Bond Enclosed Huckabay Construction 4,741.10 5,574.70 49,031.31 18801 - 37th Ave. N.E. Seattle, Washington Bond Enclosed Crown General Construction 4,287.83 4,992.22 44,510.07 1201 N.W. 92nd Avenue Seattle, Washington Bond Enclosed Venture Construction 4,306.59 55094.68 42,922.06 303 - 26th Ave. N.E. Kent, Washington Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to refer the bids to the Fire and Water Committee and City Engineer for recommendation. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Annexation - Final Hearing - S. E. Kennydale area (Sweazey et al) This being the date set, the hearing was declared open and Mayor Custer requested reading of communications. Since there were none and no audience comment, Council action was invited. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Mayor Custer declared the hearing closed and invited further action. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the annexation be accepted adding the territory to the Corporate Limits of the City of Renton with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance. The motion carried. -1- 195 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 11-21-66 PUBLIC HEARING: Revision of street names in central Renton area This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Mayor Custer vacated the Chair which was assumed by Council President Hulse, to make a presentation of the proposals for the street grid modifications. A map was displayed and the program of changes outlined. The plan will be instituted in three phases, the first to commence in the North and South Renton areas generally, the second the Northeast and Southeast and t''ie final. sextant, the Northwest and Southwest area, per outline on the wall map. In order to coincide with the County Grid system the streets will become avenues and the avenues streets. There is a question as to whether the blocks will be numbered on the signs but it is felt the new proposal will aid the post office, delivery services and visitors. Inquiry regarEng time element w8.9 made re- garding dix-ctori.es,Walla Walla will become Houser Way along the entire length. Signs will be 8" x 36" on the arterials and slightly smaller on the others with metal posts in the downtown areas and wooden outside the core area with the street department making the signs. Discussion ensued regardingthe sign designations when a road is winding and opinion was expressed that they should designate the proper sextant regardless of meandering direction. Another opinion was expressed that the address would provide the location area. Mr. Benton inquired whether the telephone company might be advised of the dates,in concern for the new 1967 telephone directories, when the changes will be effected. Mayor Custer advised that the Phase I changes will be effective January 1st, but the Company could get the proposals earlier for directory purposes. After discussion regarding division boundaries for area designations it was moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, that the hearing be closed. Carried. The hearing was declared closed and Council action invited. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the proposed grid plan as presented by the Mayor with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee Mayor Custer had resumed the Chair and the motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS: A petition containing 37 signatures was read signed by residents of Tiffany Park area requesting that the City provide more adequate street lighting in the area. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the petition to the Light and Power Committee to report back. The motion carried. Petition was read containing 23 signatures, protesting proposed placement of an East-West stop sign on S .E. 94th Street at its intersection with 104th Ave. S .E. which it was felt would in no way alleviate the traffic problem but rather aggrevate it. Further study of the problem was urged. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Councilman Garrett called attention to meeting held on this matter between the City Officials, representatives of the Kennydale P.T.A., school, state and county traffic divisions, and reluctant agreement by the City to install a stop sign which the County likewise agreed to do and make a 4-way stop at 94th and 104th. During further discussion Traffic Engineer Del Bennett displayed a drawing of the subject problem area and pointed out the proposed location of the sign as proposed, noting that the problem crosswalk is ,just outside the City and the sign some 685 ft. from there so nothing is really being accomplished by the 4-way stop as proposed. This entire area was recently annexed to the City. Upon suggestion that perhaps the sign should be in- stalled and follow-up as required thereafter it was mentioned that nothing was worse than removing a sign once installed. Councilman Gianini and Mrs. Walt Tracey, who reside in the subject area stated that nothing would be accomplished by this installation and the petition was to prevent further action to place the signs as proposed since it was felt this would back the traffic up and create further hazard. After further discussion regarding possible retraction of the Mayor's notice of in- tent to fulfill wishes of those attending the specified meeting and proceedure with other measures, the pending motion carried. A letter from the Standard Oil Company of California appealed decision of the Board of Adjustment in denial of variance for sign projection 17 feet into the 20 foot set- back area. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, the date of November 28, 1966 be set for hearing on the appeal. Carried. Letter was read from W. E. Bennett, Utility Accountant, requested appropriation of $21,084.00 excess revenues unto Water Administrative Account 7100/301, Utility Service-Metro to cover Metro billings payments for which have increased along with cash receipts. Approval of appropriation and referral to the Law and Ordinance Com- mittee was requested. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the request and referral as read, Carried. -2- 196 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 11-21-1966 COMMUNICATIONS : (Cont.) A Claim was read along with notice from Allstate Insurance of same filed by Joseph H . Sanders for damages to his windshield allegedly from city gravel truck in sum of $85.05. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the claim to the City Attorney and Insurance carrier. The motion carried. Letter from Park Director Coulon submitted,and reported Park Board approval for payment, Architect's bill for Phase I of the Liberty Park Grandstand Plans, in sum of $1,837.50. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the Progress Payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. -.. Progress Estimates No. 4 and 5 were read submitted by Johnston-Campanella, Architects on City Hall Architectural Services, and approved for payment by the Mayor in respective sums of $2,380.00 and $9,177.50. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the progress payments to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. The motion carried. Letter from Building Director Sven Johnson recommended that Revocable Permit be granted the Linoleum Shop to erect a sign projecting 3 feet over public right-of-way. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recom- mendation. Carried. A letter from Building Director Johnson requested authorization to call for informal bids for removal of 5 buildings at civic center site occupied previously by Seattle City Light with bid opening date of January 9th recommended. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur. The motion carried. A letter from the Association of Washington Cities to Municipal Officials by Chester Biesen, Secretary, was read thanking all wbo loyally supported the campaign for Initiative 226 and especially acknowledging the work of committee heads who gave of their time and attention over. and beyond the call of duty. It was felt that the public has been inforined of the effective way cities have been diverted from sharing needed addildnalctax dollars and reflection was made on the vote which was felt to be good in view of the vigorous opposition among which were the Wn. Education Associa'ti'on with some 35,000 members, the P.T.A., State Employees Union, Seattle Times; Station KIRO etc., the force of which was formidable. Since the opposition felt that the cities needed help but this wasn't the way to do it, the Association proposed that those forces now answer and come up with a "better way"`. Officials of member cities must be depended upon to develop a more effective liason with members of their own legislative delegation and see that the many new faces at the 167 session are met and in- formed of municipal problems by those interested in the welfare of the local governments: For further information the letter will be on file in the City Clerk's office, A letter from George Spendiff, Chairman, Renton Civitan Club committee, requested No-Fee Permit to sell fruit cake in Renton for the remainder of the year to raise funds for support of civic projects and program of aid to physically and mentally handicapped children: Moved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, to grant the request. The motion carried. APPOINTMENTS: A letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Father John G. Schaeffer to a three year term as a member of the Renton Aviation Board, effective November 6, 1966. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, to concur in the appointment. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Mr. C. E. McCarthy to fill unexpired term of Mr. Harry Fletcher on the Traffic Advisory Commission to represent the downtown area, effective as of December 1st. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the TpointLment. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that a letter be directed to Mr. Fletcher thanking him for his service and that Certificate of Service Award be presented to him. Carried. -3- 1917 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 11-21-1966 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: President of the Council Hulse submitted Committee of the Whole report from meeting of 11-14-66 as follows: Regarding inquiry by Mr. Korn concerning City of Renton representation on the County Planning Commission it was recommended that Mayor Custer be directed to write a letter to the County Commissioners advising that the City feels we should have a Member on the County Planning Commission. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. It was recommended that the matter of King County giving attention to development of parks in the Renton area be referred to the Park Board for pursuance. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. It was recommended that upon vacation of Cedar River Park City Hall facilities by the present City Administrative Offices, that the area be set aside for park purposes. Moved by Morris, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. Committee of the Whole report,from meeting of October 18th,recommended that the City proceed to build alternates No. 2 and Item 5 of the proposed grandstand plans as submitted by Architects Olsen-Richert & Associates. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur. It was pointed out that Alternate No. 2 was the center section of the proposed grandstand estimated at cost of $55,000.00 with $11,000.00 for roof cover. Item 5 includes necessary sundries such as relocation of fencing removal of poles, a screen backstop, etc. Discussion ensued regarding advisability of completing the grandstand in stages instead in one contract since increase in all costs will continue with rising economy base. Further discussion included the matter of whether the grandstand should be located in Liberty or Cedar River Park it being suggested that Liberty Park might not have adequate area for sufficient accommodation but it also being pointed out that this land was ready for use whereas Cedar River would have to be improved for utilization which would take some time. Upon inquiry of Park Director Coulon his report was that the Park Board had directed letter to the Council that the lights be installed in Liberty Park and that this location is then where the grandstand should be. Inquiry was made regarding funding and it was pointed out that $30,000.00 had been set aside toward this project with the entire cost anticipated at $80,500.00. Gianini suggested that the construction be funded from Cedar River acquisition fund with repayment over a period of years and that the whole project be built at one time to save considerable dollars. Discussion ensued regarding funding and Morris with statement that if a project is going to be started the funding must be provided, Moved that the matter be referred to the Ways and Means Com- mittee. Garrett speaking against the motion felt the Council should determine whether the grandstand is going to be built before funding is determined and if so then the matter of additional funds for financing would be referred, unless the intent was to build the Committee would not know what was to be funded. Dahlquist added that the matter was put into committee because of intent to build however, Morris clarified that the matter was referred to committee to sce if funds were available to carry out such a project and then determination would be made as to whether the project can be built. Hulse added that this is what he seconded and upon the question vote was taken on thepending motion which was declared lost. Roll call vote was requested resulting as follows: Aye: Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Perry, Poli and Morris. No: Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm and Delaurenti. The motion carried referring the matter to the Ways and Means Committee. Ways and Means Committee report was read recommending that the City proceed with purchase of Parcel "B", Lake Washington Shorelands, to be funded from Cedar River Maintenance and Improvement with 10% down and nine annual installments. Further recommended that $250.00 be transferred from Cedar River M. & I. 3400/417 unto - Cedar River M. and I. 3400/605 to cover down payment with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper resolution. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry, to concur. The motion carried. Councilman Pedersen submitted Property Committee report recommending sale for cash of City-owned property located north of the Fire station with bid call on the B-1 zoned parcel to be published and posted and December 19th set as date for opening of the bids, as described in Resolution 1385 subject to easments, restrictions and reservations, if any. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recom- mendations. The motion carried. -4- 198 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 11-21-1966 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS (Cont.) Unfinished Business: Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, that the Resolution declaring Cedar River Park unsuitable for park purposes be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for appropriate repealing action. Carried. New Business: Moved by Hul;_e, seconded by Delaurenti, that City of Renton Vouchers No. 5761 through 5851, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Com- mittee, be approved by the Council for payment at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current 5761 - 5802 $ 3,494.34a City Street Fund 5803 - 5809 5,347.92 Cedar River M. & I. 5810 .38 Off-Street Parking 5811 10.00 Equipment Rental 5812 - 5819 692.68 Parks 5820 - 5831 3,878.39 Water Works Utility 5832 - 5846 9,466.60 1965 Water & Sewer Const. 5847 1,250.00 Airport 5848 - 5849 51.80 Cumulative 1894 5850 11,557.50 Cumulative 1975 5851 37.51 $ 35,787.12 Moved by Hulse, seconded by Morris, that street lighting for the area proposed for annexation be. referred to the Light-and Power Committee for study and report. The motion carried. Councilman Hulse reminded the Council of the Committee of the Whole meeting on Tues-.'ay, November 22nd at 7:39 p.m. Councilman Schellert advised that he will be unable to attend a Board of Equalization meeting at the County Tax Commission Department due to conflict with a meeting at the Seattle Center to which he has been delegated as the city's representative. Mayor Custer advised he would be attending the 9:30 a.m. Board of Equalization meeting, il Councilman Garrett requested meeting of the Street and Alley Committee and Traffic Engineer to meet next Monday at 7:30 p.m. regarding the stop sign matter referred earlier. Councilman Garrett F7+ated he had a travel and rapid transit report ready however, Mayor Custer advised that he would like to have the presentation made along with some information and decision requeste after this meeting if the Council could stay a few minutes. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman, submitted a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton authorizing appropriation of excess revenues in sum of $21,084.00 unto 7100/301 Utility Service - Metro, as read by the Clerk. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution No. 1409 as read. Carried. Proposed Resolution was submitted authorizing transfer of Planning Department Funds from Maintenonce & Operation 1700/310, $150.00 unto Planning Department 7100/606 Capital Outlay, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Schellert, and seconded by Hulse,"to adopt Resolution No. 1410 as read. Carried. The Committee submitted a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton adopting the 1964 Edition of the Uniform Housing Code, and establishing same by reference. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the document on second and final -MW reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse; to ar_opt Ordinance No. 2289 as read. Roll call vote followed with all present voting aye. The motion carried. Mayor Custer at this time, on behalf of the Council, Officials and personnel of the City, thanked the telephone Company representatives for attending the Council session and expressed the desire that they had learned something of the workings of City Government through their presence as they had expressed was their intent, and for an enjoyable evening with them earlier. -5- 1.99 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting - (Cont.) ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (Cont.) A Proposed Ordinance was read annexing certain territory to the City of Renton described as The SW 4 of the SW4 of Section 10, Twp. 23N, Range 5 E. W.M., King County, Washington, as read by the City Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No.2290 as read. Roll call vote resulted in unanimous ayes carrying the motion. I Audience comment was invited at this time and Mr. Richard Stredicke inquired low whether money was available for the City Hall in deference to the referral to the Ways and Means Committee of the matter of the grandstand which he felt will delay it further. It was pointed out that the Highline stadium was rented to the Ramblers for professional football on Sunday giving them $1,200.00 rental for two hours use of the stadium and it was felt that our project should be expedited and no dela: by referrals. Morris stated that he was for the project as much as anyone and that he did not think a weeks delay would be of any harm, Stredicke inquired whether this were normal procedure and he felt the matter should be voted on and action not postponed. It was pointed out that the matter has never been to the Ways and Means Committee. Gianini added that it has been h eld pending completion of the election and is now ready for presentation. The people did not approve the park bond issue and it is now important to determine where the $43,000.00 is to be financed prior to starting the project since it is anticipated that the entire cost will be about $140,000.00. Mr. Harry Benton of Northwest Bell Telephone expressed the appreciation of the telephone company representatives for the time and effort evidenced by City Government in action tonight ,in .the, process. of ,making this a better place to live. Mr. Stredicke - pursued the matter of cost for the grandstand by asking for com- parisons between .that project and the city hall and architects fees. Councilman Perry added that the: cost.had escalated from ,its inception ,and .that he felt. it should be built. iri thega1rea best- and iostheuitable for bringing in ihe,'professional games and, ccommodatin the feels. is Cedar River Park. Moved by Morris, seconded`by Poli, to a,aJ ourri. The motion, carried,. The meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m. There were 38 visitors in the Council Chambers. Ma4r�orzc�-rY oa QEi.1TDf.] C-1, Y V-V.- Zoo November 21, 1966 APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 11.677 $1 , 200 .00 James Dowdell 2404-6th N Carport 78 14, 740 .00 Pearl & Pat, Ank 11416 S. E. 108 New Residence 79 200.00 Rick Trujillo 2nd & Burnett Sign � 11680 50.00 Richard Black 1126 "Q" St Wire Service 81 500. 00 Richard Black 1126 "Q" St Finish Basement 82 4, 800.00 J.H.Baxter & Co 7635 Lk Wn Blvd Machine Bldg 83 1, 800.00 Amos Huseland 116Q3 - S. E. 104 Found— move, Res. 84 48. 00 Chris Swal.es 15013 89th So Wire Service 11685 400. 00 World Travel Service 305 2nd Ave Sign 86 1, 000. 00 E. W. White 514 Grandey Way Rep. Flr joists 87 46, 100. 00 Art Ballestrasse 1240 Lake St S Wire Service 88 1, 440.00 Nels Huson 518 "N" St Garage 89 18, 100.00 Rudolph Zapitul 11620 105th S. E. New Resi -lence PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS 8126 - - L. E. Crane 2413 6th No Gas Install 27 - - Stan Witsue 11012 - 115th S . E. Plbg. Fix. 28 - - Art Ballestrasse 1260 Lake St Plbg. " 29 - - Joe Boehme 9620 106th S . E. " It 8130 Patterson 520 Williams St Gas Install. '•<t SEWER PERMITS 110 - - Ronald Sportsman 12203 90th S . Sewer Conn. - 1 - - Alex Cugini, Jr. 2nd & Burnett it " 2 - - Standard Oil Co 132nd & Sunset " " 3 - - Standard Oil Co 132nd & Sunset " 201 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING November 28, 1966 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular me ting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Pedersen and seconded by Dahlquist, that the absent Councilman be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, James Magstadt, Assistant Planning Director, Sven Johnson, Building Director. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting be approved. The motion carried. (November 21, 1966) PUBLIC HEARING: Standard Oil Company appeal of Board of Adjustment decision in denial of variance for sign. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communication of appeal was reviewed and letter read from Sven Johnson, Building Director and James Magstadt, Assistant Planning Director advising that the variance was denied for the reason that it was felt no hardship exists, the staff recommendation being that the sign maintain the required 20 ft. setback. The variance request does not meet requirements for granting of a variance and this is the first of upcoming developments in the area and should be an example of standards required by the City. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Tom Moyer, representing Standard Oil Company reviewed his application and pointed out that the encroachment was required to give adequate notice to oncoming motorists to prevent sudden stops to get into the station which is a dangerous traffic situation and hazard otherwise since the approach is on a curve. The sign would be 35 feet above ground level and would not constitute a hazard within the setback and it would be incorporated into the existing construction of concrete and steel reinforcement which pole if utilized would give adequate support. Otherwise a new hole will be needed and they would have to dig about 20 feet deep and concern was expressed for the soft ground, mud and water likely to be encountered in this area. The property is in a rural area and is located at the easterly edge of the City where existing signs are not subject to any setback requirements. A compromise setback of 9 ft. encroachment was requested gather than the 17 ft. originally proposed. Thcy wished to utilize all of their property and will still be '30 ft. back up- on widening of the highway whereas all over the state and county buildings were allowed to be constructed to the edge of the property lines. It was felt that denial would constitute a severe business handicap and hardship not shared by other business properties to the East. Also, if desirable upon future development of the area the sign would be relocated. Inquiry was made as to whether the Board of Adjustment has been advised of the compromise setback proposal and Mr. Moyer replied that it has not. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Board of Adjustment to review the compromise and submit the recommendation for further council action. Upon inquiry as to provisions under the Ordinance for referring the matter back for review by the Board of Adjustment, City Attcrney Shellan stated that under the ordinance an appeal must be made within ten days of the decision and thus Mr. Moyer was making his appeal in order to preserve his rights thereto which would other- wise be lost. Also,if the Council wishes to retain jurisdiction they could refer back for report back but not refer as a new matter. His second suggestion was that if the Council might wish to consider along the lines the Gentleman -- suggested if they do not want a variance but a temporary permit to allow the encroachment with provision that it would be moved when other developments and improvement8 are instituted in the area. Assistant Planning Director Magstadt had stated that the property to the West is being developed and large apartment complex has been proposed and if this setback were to be allowed the whole area would be lost. It was felt that the curve was very gradual and vision is not restricted especially if the structure is 35 ft. in the air, and this being a first development standards should be established. The pending motion carried with Delaurenti voting' no. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Bruce, that the hearing be continLv-d until December 12, 1966. Carried. Delaurenti opposed stating he had visited the area and could see no hardship either way §6,could see no reason for referring it back. -1- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 11-28-66 COMMUNICATIONS : Letter was read containing signatures of four property owners petitioning the City for annexation of properties in vicinity of S .E. 116th Street (South side) between 133rd and 136th Avenues S .E ., to the City of Renton. The letter of intent was signed by Mr. . and Mrs. Wood and Mr. and Mrs. Wic'cham, and is legally described as the NW4 of the NE4 of the SW!4 of the NW4 of Sec. 10, Twp. 23 N., Range 5 E,, W.M. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to refer the letter of intent to the City Engineer to check validity. Carried. A letter from Park Director Coulon submitted and recommended acceptance and payment of final estimate for work performed by Rasmussen Construction Company, $5,455.91, Kiwanis Park shelter building, The work under this contrect was completed on November Sth and accepted by the Parks 8r Recreation Department on November 14th. •� Acceptance by the Council day lien period with release of $3,300.00 plus tax to be paid thereaf-cer upun proof of payment of tax liabilities. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to accept the project as of November 21, 1966 with payment of final estimate referred to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act, The motion carried. A letter from Helmie Nelcon, City Clerk, requested bid opening for 1967 legal publications specifications to include 8 point type, the same as general news style and p---ice tc be rioted per 100 words rather than by column inch.Moved by Ppli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the City Clerk. Carried. Letter from City Cleric Nelson reported charge of Equipment Rental Account 3600/303 Utility Sery-ce - Power with $145.78 in power bills which are chargeable to the Current Fund. Cash transfer has been made from the Current Fund to the Equipment Rental Fund and resolution is now required to appropriate excess revenues into Equipment Rental Fund Account to make up the expenditure; referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee was recd;ilmended accordingly, Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee . Carried. Letter from Lycette, Diamond and Sylvester, Law Offices,requested on behalf of Mr. Jack Cur-an and 11ioward Keller, who are building the Bonanza Restaurant,Ra:inler & 'Ith Avenue, a Late-comers Agreement whereby costs mig'_:t be recovered in future hook ups to 8" sewer line, built instead of the 6" line so that it might accommo- date other propertiec in the area . Since those own rs who had previously agreed to participate have not as yet it was requested that the City assist by authorizing the Agreement. Moved b • Hulse, seconded by Pedersen, that the Late Comers Agreement be authorized with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Letter from Fire ("hief Walls requested permission_ to make temporary loan of the Cityts 1927 Howard Cooper vire Ln�ine to the State Fire Service Historical Museum located in the Scatle CenI_ wnicil I operated by the State Firemenst Association, Inc. The cost of : astora`ion, if any, would be the responsibility of the Museum and receipt will be cxccut^d Lor the vehicle, Moved by Schellert, seconded;by ;Bru",t to grant the loan of the fire engine. Carried. Letter from Einar Ii. Hendrickson, Administrator, Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation, gave tentative approval to application for financial assistance for Lake Washington Beach Park �$2, proposed development of 22 acres of waterfront property to include swimming, beach area, play areas, game court and an open area. Federal allocation recommended was ~,55,000.00 and $27,500,00 State funding aid. The City matches only 4 of this $110,000.00 and a total of $220,000.00 allocated for this project. COUNCIL I.OMMITTEE REPGRTS: Unfinish. Business _T_ Councilm.ip Hulse submitted Committee of the Whole Report which was read with Council action taken as follows: It wao reccmmeaded that the request of the Statewide Bench Advertising Company be referred to the Public Relations Committee for study. This proposal was for installation of benches at bus stops. Motion was made after discussion . . b y Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur. The motion carried. Recommended proposed Ordinance amending the City Code to provide for new mode for posting public notices by the Board of Adjustment be placed on second and final reading. It was decided that appeal procedure remain within Council jurisdiction and not be made to Superior Court as recommended by the Board. Moved by i,ce, to concur with re-`r-- e�-dations as read. The motion carried -2- 203 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 11-28-1966 CO?' CIL ;1, ?, .EE Unfinished Business: Cont.) Committee of the Whole Report: The Council in prior actions elected to finance a new city hall with limited general obligation bonds. The Committee recommended that Foster & Marshall, Financial Consultants, be directed to work with*Bonding Counsellor Jim Gay to draw Ordinance providing for sale of Limited G.O. Bonds in the amount of $1,500,000.00, to be retired in 15 years, call date to remain open pending advice of Mr. Don Morken of Foster & Marshall, whichissue shall include construction, furnishings landscaping, parking lot, underground wiring, data processing equipment, heating and other appurtenances and site improvements necessary thereto. Moved by Schellert and seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendations of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. *(Bonding Counsel - Roberts, Shefelman, Lawrence, Gay & Moch) Councilman Hulse inquired regarding progress on railroad crossing for Lake Wn. Blvd. Mayor Custer reperted that his last information about two weeks ago was that a con- tract had been prepared and submitted to the other railroad involved but as yet the document has not been received by the City. A recent meeting between Boeing repre- sentatives, the Engineering Department and Industrial Traffic Committee brought up a question of whether Boeing might furnish the signals in utilization of the access road at N.W. side of the tracks which was put in by the Austin Company. City Engineer Wilson advised of contacting the Railroads along with the Park Director to find out where the matter stood and Mr. Coulon has a letter on the matter. Councilman Schellert, Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee requested additional time on funding of some $50,000.00 for the grandstand which was referred to his committee last week, there not appearing to be sufficient excess revenues therefor,. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee requested additional time for further meeting on the matter of a stop sign at S.E. 94th Street and 104th Avenue S.E. since the; did not have time for everyone to speak at the previous meeting. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee, reported that the Committee had considered the request of Tejan Development Company for change in fire zone at property facing Renton Avenue between 90th and 91st Avenues South, and had discussed the matter with the Fire Chief and City Engineer and since the fire zones were revised a short time ago to correct irregular zonings and the map has been revised as well it was felt that the fire zone in this particular area must stay in zone #1 and the Committee recommended that no changes be effected at this time . Moved by helle:­, seconded by 'I , that the request of Tejan Development Company for fire zone change be denied. The motion carried. Report of the Fire and Water Committee and the City Engineer recommended that the low basic bid of *41,192.00 and Alternate No. 1, 9A and 9B in sum of $8,974.00, submitted by Venture Construction Company, Inc. , for the Booster Pumping Equipment at the Mt. Olivet site, be accepted. The total cost with tax is $52,272.97. The Engineer's estimate was $57,846.63. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. Light and Power Committee Chairman Poli submitted report which was read with Council action taken as follows: Recommended installations: Install 1-7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Light at intersection of Tillicum Avenue and Shattuck Street; 2- 20,000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Lights at intersection of 7th Avenue South and Rainier; 1-20,000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Light at intersection of 7th Avenue South and 92nd Avenue South; 3-7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Lights on Lake Wn. Blvd. northerly of the Trailer Park; exchange each existing 20,000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Light on Lake Wn. Blvd. for 2 -7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Lights to provide greater coverage for same cost. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendations of the Light and Power Committee. Carried. Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Morris reported that the Committee is holding an Ordinance relating to sidewalk, curb and gutter installations to be required with certain building permits for property improvements and before the Ordinance is ready for introduction a determination must be made as to dollar amount of improvement to be set in connection with which the improvements are to be required, since the City Attorney has sr -rested that $2,500.00 might be too restrictive and prevent upgrading of properties. (See Minutes of 11-7-66) It was recommended that this proposal be referred to the Committee of the Whole for discussion. Carried. -3- 204 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 11-28-1966 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS (Cont.) New Business: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that City of Renton Vouchers, Nos. 5852 through 5932, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee be approved for payment by the Council at this time. The motion carried. Fund break- down follows: Current Fund 5852 - 5882 $-3,184.75 City Street Fund 5883 - 5887 2,589.26 Off-Street Parking 5888 18.50 Equipment Rental 5889 - 5897 2,121.00 Parks 5898 - 5906 6,090.73 Water Works Utility 5907 - 5916 535.04 Airport 5917 - 5920 81.86 ..r Firemen's Pension Fund 5921 - 5932 12821.13 $ 16,442.27 Councilman Hulse announced a Capital Improvement Priority Committee meeting on Tuesday, November 29th at 7:30 p.m. and a Committee of the Whole meeting ori Tuesday, December 6, at 7:30 p.m. Councilman Garrett announced a Street and Alley Committee meeting on Tuesday, December 12th at 8:00 p.m. to continue the recessed meeting relating to stop signs at 94th and 104th Ave. S.E. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the Municipal Arts Commission be notified that the City has a request to install benches at the public bus stops which benches might be decorated and their comments and suggestions are invited. Carried. Upon suggestion of Councilman Perry, it was moved by Schellert, and seconded by Delaurenti that the Public Relations Committee be authorized to assist the Independence Day Parade Committee with the 4th of July Parade for 1967. Carried. (Spaghetti dinner and dance to be held on December 3rd at the .'-American Legion Hall, 7:00 p.m. for fund raising) Tickets available from Mr. Perry. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman, Law and Ordinance Committee, presented proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington authorizing transfer of funds in sum of $250.00 from Cedar River Maintenance and Improvement Account 3400/417, Materials & Supplies, unto Cedar River Maintenance and Improvement Account 3400/605, Capital Outlay, which was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, that Resolution No. 1411 be adopted as read. The motion carried. (Funding of down payment for purchase of Parcel t191, Lake Washington Shorelands) The Law and Ordinance Committee introduced for reading a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington Amending sub-section 5(b) of Section 4-731 of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to the Board of Adjustment. (Posting of Public Notices) Placed on first reading November 7th and recommended for second and final reading by the Committee at this time. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, after reading, Ordinance No. 2291 be adopted as read. The motion carried upon unanimous aye roll call vote. The Committee submitted a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington amending sections 4-708 and 4-709B of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to Residence District (R-2) and the majority of the Committee recommended first reading of the document. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to place the proposed Ordira nce on first reading. Carried. The matter of upgrading by zoning changes as proposed by the Planning Commission for R-2 zonings (October 24, 1966) had been referred to the Planning Committee which is yet pending therein. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the proposed Ordinance back to the Law and Ordinance Committee for the present time. Carried. Requests for permits to construct apartments without the R-2 Ht. restriction had been received by property owners in R-2 zoned areas and they did not wish to bury a story underground based upon these requests the Commission lead recommended the revision. During discussion regarding whether this would permit a 3-story building in an R-2 zoning and 3-plex rather than a duplex it was pointed out that this may be done by Special Permit only, the height limitation being 25 ft. in any event. Audience comment was invited and since there was none, it was moved by Delaurenti and seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. There were 19 visitors attending the meeting. -4- 11 � � �"J S ��-- D. W. Custer, Mayor Helmie Nelson, City Clerk 205 �� - GG APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF T.JORK 11690 240.00 Mode 10 Day Renton Shopping Center New lights 1 2,530.00 :standard Oil Co 13190 Sunset Blvd E Electric Service 2 19,600.00 Bell & VAjdez,Inc. 1703 SE Rolling Hills Dr Residence 3 19,900.00 of it 1708 SE Upland Ct " 4 -- Void 11699 200. 00 George G. Johnson 1222 "M" St dire Service 6 5,760.00 it " " '• •' " Frame Addition 7 2,950.00 TransAmerica Develop Co 1303 Ethier Road Wire Service 8 4,380.00 1301 Ethier Road It 9 3,020.00 it it it 1201 Ethier Road " 11700 4,600.00 if to it 1307 Ethier Road " 1 500.00 Lange & .Aall ace • 1201 "K" St Fence 2 500.00 Bill Barmon 411 Whitworth St Res Repairs 3 1,600.00 Herbert K. Phillips__ 1800 Lk 7ashington Blvd Enc. porch & tl:r 4 250.00 Renton Center Car Wash Renton Shopping Center ;Jire Service 11705 - - - Stoneway Concrete Inc. 1915 Maple Flay Demolish shop 6 2,000.00 Covey Bros. 422 - 3d Ave Sign 7 1,000.00 to if422 - 3rd Ave Signs & Reader Bd 8 1,500.00 Standard Oil Co 302 Airport 'lay 9 1 ,000.00 C. M. Ferris 1155 Shattuck St So Enclose carport 11710 50.00 E. M. Ferris 1155 Shattuck St So Wire it PLUhBJTNG & HEATING PERMITS 8131 -- Standard Oil Co 13190 Sunset Blvd E Plumbing Fixtures 2 -- Friends of Youth, Inc. 10198 Lk :gash Blvd SE Plbg & Heat. Fx. 3 -- William Smith 627 Renton St Gas Install. 4 -- Dick Standaert 610 12th So Heating Equip. 8134 -- Bell & Valdez, Inc. 2007 SE Upland Ct Gas Install. 6 -- it it it2006 SE Upland Ct " it 7 -- It to It 2004 SE Upland Ct '• to 8 -- Claude Broom 3320 6#.h No it if 9 -- Joe Boehme 9620 lo6th SE Heating Equip "140 -- Art Ballestrasse 1260 Lake St So if it 41 -- George G. Johnson 1222 •'M" St Plumbing Fix. 42 -- Carlson 10030 112rd SE to it Fund transfers authorized and approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee and the Renton City Council for the month of November, 1966. TO: CLAIMS TO: PAYROLL FUND FROM: FROM: Current Fund $ 2131831.44 Current Fund $ 85022.98 City Street Fund 295585.87 City Street Fund 14,593.33 Cedar River M & I 41.66 Cedar River M & I 476 Off-Street Parking 143.32 Equipment Rental 3,318.00 Equipment Rental 4,689.93 Library 5,965.51 Library 4,251.72 Parks 11;539.53 Parks 155439.05 Waterworks Utility 145915.30 Waterworks Utility 515150.22 Airport 1,232.00 1965 W & S Construction 25787.93 Firemen's Pension 116.00 Airport 768.66 Firemen's Pension 15821.13 $137,978.65 Cum. Reserve 1894 11,557.50 Cum. Reserve 1975 841.60 Cum. Reserve 1990 12.46 $144022.49 -5- ;406 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING December 5, 1966 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianinn, Pedersen, Perry and Delaurenti. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Schellert, that the absent Council Members be excused. The motica carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Marcella ` Hillgen, Librarian and Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of November 28, 1966 be approved. The motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from John A, Monson, President, Colorcable, Inc. , requested Council permission to locate a TV Antenna on top of the Highlands Water Tower, reflections on channel 5 being encountered from the tower at present. 12 channels will be provided in the Renton area with completion of the cable into the City from the main antenna tower on Squak Mountain. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the request to the Fire and Water Committee, the City Attorney and City Engineer to report back. The motion carried. Letters from Fred E. Lange, Executive Director, Metro submitted Memorandum outlining new law and describing how Washington can benefit from the:Clean Waters Restoration Act of 1966 and discussing the need for Legislative action at this session of the Legislature. The City was requested to contact the Legislators and gain support for this measure. Second Memo described Metro's financial status and pointed out the need for additional grants if the present rate structure is to be maintained and the expansion of facilities still accomplished as required to serve the predicted growth. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to refer the communications to the Legislative Committee to report back. Carried. A letter from C. G. Prahl, Director, Washington State Highways, reported approval of 40 M.P.H. speed limits on various portions of the West Valley Highway, referenced as SSH 2-M (SR 181) Jct. SR 405 to Jct. SR 516, Cities of Kent,Renton and Tukwila, pursuant to City of Renton Ordinance 2225 and Ordinances adopted by the other Cities accordingly. A letter from Max Crisostomo, Lieutenant, Salvation Army, requested permission to locate kettles in the City during the holiday season to provide funds for Xmas projects. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to grant the request with execution of Hold Harmless Agreement. Carried. A letter from Edward J. Logan, Supt. of Elections, certified Special Elections for the City of Renton on November 8, 1966 and reported canvas of returns on the 23rd of November as follows: Proposition No. 1, Park Bonds, $1,040,000: Yes, 2977, No: 3,092. Defeated. Proposition No. 2 - Arterial Street Bonds, $3,250,000, Yes: 3,443 and No: 2,745. Defeated. The street bond proposal lost by 270 votes. Claim filed by Alva C. Long, Attorney, on behalf of Betty Ann Whiting cited auto accident at 7th Avenue to be caused by negligent street and roadbed of railroad track construction. Damages claimed $3,000 plus $10,000.00. Moved by Bruce, and seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the Claim to the City Attorney and Insurance Carrier The motion carried. Letter from Sven Johnson, Building Director, recommended granting of Revocable Permit for sign to Betz Florist, 413 Third Avenue said sign to be 60 sq. ft., projecting 6 ft. over public right-of-way above existing marquee. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. a A letter from W. M. Foster by H. P. O'Reilly, Wn. State Highway Department, submitted executed agreement Renton AG. 1010-66, Green River Valley Traffic Study and called attention to Paragraph 3(a) calling for submission of a Whthholding Resolution to cover Renton's portion of the cost of the work, $7,122.50. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee and the City Attorney for the necessary Resolution-1- . Carried. ;�o 7 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 12-6-1966 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from City Clerk Helmie Nelson, City Treasurer, Dorothea Gossett and Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner advised of announcement that by January 1970 all cities of 8000 population and over must go into double entry accounting systems, preparatory to which the State Auditor's Office has been conducting training programs for instructors at various Jr. Colleges for Municipal and Governmental Accounting Procedures courses. Such courses will be authorized expenditures of Municipal Government and two consecutive three-month courses will be offered at Green River Community and Highline Colleges the first of next year at a cost of $15.00 tuition per course and $10.00 texts and materials Authorization was requested for attendance at night classes either at Green River or Highline by the following: Helmie Nelson, Dorothea Gossett, Gwen Marshall, Ted Bennett, Del Mead, Phyllis Campbell, Doris Stecher, Grace Crow, and Lucille Hovland. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, that the authorization for attendance at courses and subsequent programs required by the State Auditor's Office, be granted. Carried. A letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer,reported check of letter of intent to annex property on S.E . 116th Street between 133rd and 136th Avenues S.E. to Renton indicated that signatures represent 100% of ownership and the area comprises 2.47 acres with an assessed valuation of $2,150.00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti that the City Clerk notify the property owners of the Preliminary Meeting to be held next Monday as required by law. Carried. (Wood-Wickham property) Estimate No. 6 was read on City Hall Architectural Contract, payable Johnston- Campanella & Associates in sum of $5,350.00 for services to November 30, 1966. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the Estimate to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. The motion carried. A letter from the Association of Washington Cities advised that Honorable Avery Garrett has been appointed an official delegate of the Assn. of Wn. Cities to the 1966 Congress of Cities to be held at Las Vegas, December 3 - 7, sponsored by the National League of Cities. NLC serves as the federation of the state association of cities and formulates a comprehensive municipal policy at the national level which Mr. Garrett will be helping to shape at the annual business meeting. APPOINTMENT: A letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Mrs. Hazel O'Harra to fill the vacant position on the Municipal Arts Commission, effective as of December 1, 1966 for a three year term. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the appointment by the Mayor. The motion carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Councilman Hulse submitted revised list of proposals for Capital Improvements with additions of requests by Committees and Department Heads including a grandstand in 1967; arterial street programs which were on the ballot were moved to 1968, it being noted that the items budgeted will be completed and others will need to be budgeted prior to any action being taken to implement them. The list will be revised as necessary from time to time. Removal of the railroad tracks was included and downtown parking facilities possibly to include an L.I.D. at an estimated cost of $500,000.00. This was added by Mayor Custer suggesting the project by L.I.D. with matching funds if available to be considered with the mall concept in improvement of the downtown area . Legal problems encountered by Kent and Auburn in connection with L.I.D. parking facilities were mentioned. The Capital Improvement Priority Committee recommended that the revised list be adopted and included in the back of the budget as public information. Moved by Hulse; seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendations. Perry stated a public hearing should be held on the proposals and discussion ensued regarding legality of including the list with the Budget. It was pointed out that nothing can be enacted without first being budgeted and public hearings are held on each budget. City Attorney Shellan pointed out that the list cannot be tied in with the Budget that has already been adopted;it could be separated and be a recommendation but he could not see how it could be attached to the 1967 Budget which is an Ordinance adopted in its entirety. City Clerk Nelson suggested the list be included in the Annual Financial Report since the Budget has been all run off. Councilman Hulse reminded the Council of prior action in April when it was decided to run the list as public information in tche coming Budget and vote was taken on the pending motion. The Chair ruled for the aye vote and roll call was requested which resulted as follows: Aye: Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Gianini and Pedersen. No: Dahlquist, Perry and Delaurenti. The motion carried; 5 to 3� -2- �inutas - Renton lity 8ounail Meeting 12-8-1966 OUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont.) Unfinished Business: Ways and Means Committee Chairman Schellert announced a meeting next Monday, December 12th at 7:30 p.m. of the Committee with the Park Board to further discuss the matter of the Grandstand. Sanitation Committee Chairman Pedersen, submitted recommendation that City of Renton Ordinance No. 2126 be amended to include rates for handling of hydraulically operated garbage containers, as follows: 1 yard container, $2.00 pick-up; 14 yard, $2.80 12 yard, $3.20; 10 yard to 20 yard container, $.80 per yard; 2- - 40 yard, $.75 per yd. Such rates were approved at a meeting with the Garbage Contrector, City Engineer and Utility Accountant. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the amend- ments with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti called attention to motion made earlier to refer matter of a Withholding Resolution(to guarantee the Cities share of the Green River Valley Traffic - Study,)to the Law and Ordinance Committee, and moved that the motion be reconsidered. Upon consent of second & carry, he 'moved the referral be withdrawn since it is felt such a document is not necessary. The motion was seconded by Perry and carried. New Business: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that City of Renton Vouchers No. 5593 through 6010, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council for payment. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 5933 - 5974 $ 5,162.04 City Street Fund 5975 - 5978 6,222.94 Off-Street Parking 5979 100.00 Equipment Rental 5980 - 5988 349.07 Parks 5989 - 5997 661.27 Water Works Utility 5998 - 6004 33,508.88 1965 Water & Sewer Const. 6005 41,189.71 Airport 6006 - 6008 187.45 Cumulative No. 1689 6009 300.00 Cumulative 1894 6010 5040.00 $ 93,021.36 Upon inquiry by Councilman Pedersen it was affirmed that both December 26th and January 2nd will be holidays for the City and there will be no council meetings. At this time the Mayor and City Council Members were served with Subpoenas by a Police Officer directing their appearance on December 15th, no later than 6:00 p.m. at the Maple Leaf Restaurant in Renton to enjoy a symposium and dinner with Plaintiff, Renton Police Officers Benefit Association, Inc. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : Councilman Perry submitted a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington authorizing appropriation of excess revenues unto the Equipment Rental Fund Account 3600/303 in sum of $145.78. (Utility Service - Power) Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to adopt Resolution No. 1412 as read. The motion carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted and recommended First reading of an Ordinance of the City of Renton establishing a coordinated grid system of new street designations. After reading by the City Clerk, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Law and Ordinance Com- mittee. The motion carried. Audience comment was invited and since there was none and no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Gianini, to adjourn. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. There were 16 visitors in the Council Chambers. [,{(��'✓J Helmie Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor -3- 209 12-5-66 APPLICATIONS FOR DERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF 1,7ORK 11711 3,500.00 Leo L. Jones 324 No Williams St Finish Garage 2 50.00 Mory Ceteynih 520 'fill iams St Change Panel 3 5,000.00 ;les Busch 312 Busch Place Frame Addition 4 5,200,00 Pacific N.r7. Bell 225 willjams St Electrical Service 11715 600.00 Lewis E. Powers 2704 7th Ave No Addition to Residence 6 980.00 Gull Oil Co 12826 - 128th Ave S.E. Sign 7 260.00 H. Eichel , Jr. '"rl "P" St Car Port 8 1 ,500.00 Bryant Motors 1300 Bronson Way Sign 9 250.00 Lavina Kessler 301 Park t Nire Service 11720 50.00 Mr. Kirshman 438 Burnett St 1 -- R. S. Shane 433 Burnett St Demolish Residence 2 250.00 Renton Elk's Lodge 2312 Main St Remodel Entrance 3 800.00 Linoleum Shop 505 - 4th Ave Sign 4 2,400.00 '7erner L7oelk 711 "D" St Remodel Basement 11725 2,351 .00 N. Nelson 529 Morris St Reside D;elling,Gutters 6 165.00 Frank Jackson 418 dells "t Change Panel 7 350.00 R. O'S Cafe 110 Sunset Blvd. ;lest Change Fixtures 8 150.00 Clarence Jones 11647 S E 97th 9 dire Service PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS 8143 --- John P. ;7illenborg 2101 6th Place No Plumb. Fixtures 4 --- i7. Reeves 16621 Springbrook Rd Htg Equip & Gas Inst. 8145 --- Legis Purcell 11D06 S E 105th Plbg Fix. 6 --- James Moyers 251 Meador St Gas Install . 7 ___ Clarence :Jones 11647 S E 97th Plumbing Fix 3E`17ER PERMITS 114 --- Legis Purcell 11606 S E 105th Pi S ecce r 115 --- Stan i7etsoe 11012 115th S . E. 6 --- Donald Jacobs 13008 87th Ave So 7 --- Emil Fontana 121 Logan St -4- 210 RFNTM' CITY C00CIL REGULAP MEETING December 11, 1966 3:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk 'The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to theFlag was recited by the assembly. IROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MERBEIRS-. B,,-uce, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini,, Pedersen, (,arrett, Trit-,im, Perry, Delaurenti,..-Pvili land, M-orris. OFFICIALS AND DUART1HENT HEADS PRESENT: Helynie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, Ci.tyF Treasurer, Gerard M. Cit Shellan, I y Attorney, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vern Church, PurcltasLng Agent, Clarence ?illiams, Chief of Police, James Ashurst, Ass1t. Fire Chief, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Dire tor, Marcella Hillgen, Librariai.,, Sven Jn!inson, Biiildi"g, Director, Gene Coulon, Park Director.. Vic TeGantvoort,, Street Cor-missioner and Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of December 5, 1966 be approved. The motion carried. PUBLIC' HEARING: Standard Oil Company -- Appeal. of Board of Adjustment Decision Penyig var­iance for sign to project into right of way. This being the date set for continuation of this hearing, the Mayor declared the bearing open. A letter from Building Director Johnson, advised of meeting of the Board oli'F Adjustment on the revised proposal and reported that in concern for the ,location of the business on a State Highway and for the future development of the ar", it wash re-commend--vd that the 20 ft. set'back be miaintained, since no haretsbip Mr. Tom Moyer, 11.002 - 224th N.E., Seattle, presented drawings of the proposed ftstallation and pointed out that an 11' encroachment is requested rather than the 17' originally submitted and other businesses acruss the highway were not required to observe a setbac'k. Also they were out from town and since the fact that thZY are or, a State liighT.,lay is the re-ason for the denial, Council approval of the encroachnient was requested. Moved, by Morris, seconded by Poli, the hearing be closed. Garrett inquired whether the proposal as submitted in the drawing tonight was the one rejected by the Board of Ad'Justment and after determination that it was tike af e sne as considered, the pending' mot-ion ca-vried, Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to coni ur it, the 26 ft, 3ptback upholding the Board of Adjustment decision and denying, the vari;ince. Perry inquired as to0a sign across; tile street and noted it was on the edge of the right of way observing no setback. The pending motion Liz rr d. Velaurenti rpp� MEETTNG WITH PROPUC�'Y CWNER ON ANNEXATION- properties) S.E. 116th St. I Preliminary hQaring meeting was declared open. Communication from Mr. Wm. Wood was read auth-,,)rizing Mr. Dennis A. Taylor to speak in behalf of property owners regarding the propert-Y proposed frlr annexation. Disouqsion ensued wherein it was pointed out that interest bad beer, ex-4ressed by an ;adjoininp, property owner to incluee his land in the annexation and that proper piocedure would be 'Co change the preliminary petition to inelude the additional property (.owners and to add t-,:'the legal and re- submit the letter; then' meet with a property owner authorized to speak for all in aeecpting the pce-exist-In.0 bonded indebtedness in amount of their re8pective pro- rava shares. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Ifulse, that this hearing be held in abe-,.,ance until the next Council meeting of December 19th. Carried. COK%TNTCATTONIS: Letter from Jac1r, Wilson, City Engineer, submitted and recommended for F,3ynent, Progress Estimate No. on ArterX Stre=et Project No. 3, 4th Avenue North, from 3 ial "'S" Street to 132nd Ave. S .E., payable to Contractor, Rainier Asphalt in sum. of $8-174.51- to be funded from Arterial Street Fund #3500, Capital Outlay 605. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dela irenti to concur ir. the request with referral. to the Au-,l .` an�i Accounting Committee with power to act. The motion carrii"d. A let-ter from Building Director Johnson recommended gran.-ting of a Revocable Permit 'to Renton Clot1iing Company for erection of sign, 10 ft. square,to project- into the -oubiic right-of-way six fep �t to 't)e located immediately teneath existing marquee. 60Y. of the structures on the block are non-conforming. Moved by Delaurenti a seconded gay Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. The atotion carried. Z// Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 12-12-1956 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) A letter from the Jr. Chamber of Commerce, Bruce LaValette, President, requested permission to string christmas lights across Wells Street in front of Santa`s House to call attention to its new location. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, that permission be granted upon execution of Hold Harmless Agreement. Carried. Summons and Complaint was filed with the City Clerk by Cushman, Russell & Holt, Attorneys for Plaintiff Bill Wilson in pursuance of previous claim filed against the City for damages incurred as result of logging truck accident on Dake Wn. Blvd.with city dump truck on or about July 28, 1966, $10,000.00 plus medical costs were filed for damages and expenses incurred. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to refer the documents to the Cily Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Carried. Letter from F. A. Grabner, Airport Director, requested transfer of funds within the Airport Account from 7200/417 Materials & Supplies, $820.00, 7200/504, Travel Expense, $500.00 unto 7200/311 Insurance, $1,320.00 to cover increase in insurance rates due to review of replacement costs of buildings, extended coverage and carry over of 1965 premium. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the request with referral to the Lacy and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. Carried. Letter from Mayor Custer requested consideration of attached invitation from The Hon. Warren G. Magnuson, U.S.S . and Brockman Adams, M.C., Senate Committee on Commerce, for Mayor Custer to attend meetings in Washington, D. C. to sec what funds might be available and how the programs therefor might be utilized, since due to cutback in funds for the EDA Renton cannot receive assistance from that Agency's resources. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Bruce, that Mayor Custer be authorized to attend the meetings and the expenses of the trip be allowed. Mayor Custer has discussed the matter personally with the aforementioned Committee Members and will attempt to obtain committments and ingVi.re on sub- regional planning funds for tfe V.R.P.C.,to seek grant or matching funds to implement arterial "?tojects for which funds may be available (50% matching for connections)and he may find oth � are evzit ;ble i Ile takes back the Arterial Plpn t% .WashinCton it being felt that action might come more quickly by going direct rather than through Seattle or San Francisco. The sending motion carried and Mayor Custer advised the money is available in his budget to cover the trip .which will be only for two days durati - A letter from Mayor Custer reported meeting of December 2nd at Kent City Hall between five of the six Valley Cities to discuss the possibilities of joint planning on a sub-regional basis. Conclusion was reached that some such planning is definitely needed and generally desirable in the areas of common zoning and building standards, in coordination of Land use plans and in planning for coordinated utility and roadway systems. Action suggested was formation of a technical committee to "take inventory" Of existing plans and proposals and that the committee make recommendations concerning formation of an organization to implement actions which might be appropriate to solve the common problems of the valley region. Technical Committee members shall be representatives of each of the Cities. Mayor Custer requested that the Council review the proposals and advise of the activities they might wish to go into, so that he : discuss their views with the other Mayors at the next meeting. M-)ved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist to refer the communication and discussion to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. - A letter from the Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce submitted attached communication as directed to the State Highway Commission./requesting expeditious action to widen that portion of the Maple Valley Interchange which provides access Southbound to the Freeway and Eastbound to the Maple Valley Highway allowing two lanes of traffic and an additional storage lane which it is felt would be of aid to the relief of traffic .. congestion in the industrial area of North Renton, and which is a State Highway problem in that it incorporates into Freeway 405. C,,:4zncilman Garrett reported receiving copy of the subject letter and advised of a meeting for next Wednesday ref,' the Industrial Traffic Committee, State Highway Engineer and Mayor on this subject. The meeting will be held at 9:30 a.m. and Traffic Engineer Del Bennett stated that several concrete recommendations for improvement of the Maple Valley Y will be presented and invitation was extended for anyone who might wish to attend. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to concur in the action urging the State Highway Department to use all speed in making the improvements and that the Council go on record supporting the Chamber of Commerce efforts in the matter. After dis- cussion regarding previous requests to 1*e State which were given a deaf ear., the pending motion carried. -2- / .'04- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 12-12-66 APPOINTMENTS: Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Alex Cugini, Jr. as a member of the Renton Airport Board effective immediately for a three year term. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the appointment. Carried. Concurrence was requested in the appointment of an Air Pollution Control Advisory Council pursuant to Sec. III. Ordinance 2269, and the following members: Dr. Eugene Trucano, Dr. Richard Bleier, to share a position, one to be named alternate, both to serve until another member is appointed; Mrs. Richard Negley, Malcolm Blom and Frank Holman. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to concur in the appointments. The motion carried. Mayor Custer in letter of appoi.rtment requested Council concurrence for following to be members of Mayor's Beautification Committee which will work toward coordina- tion of a comprehensive beautification program to solve- some of the problems iard combining of efforts already underway to make the City more attractive: ' ! tOOL- . Hulse, Hazel 0"Harra, Norma Cugini, Jim Magstadt, Clark Teegarden, Eleanor Zappalo, Barbara Shinpoch, Ethel Hanis, Peg Shideler, Randall Rockl.ill and Roger Richert. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the appointments. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Council President Hulse reported regarding proposed Ordinance referred to the Committee of the Whole regarding curb, sidewalk, street, etc. improvements to be required with certain building permits, that the amount of the improvement should be $10,000.00 before the requirements are enforced, and that a public hearing be set for January 9th on the proposals. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendations. Carried. Councilman Hulse announced a Committee of the Whole meeting on Monday, December 19th at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of electing a new Council President. Councilman Perry called attention to referral on November 28th to the Public Relations Committee of the matter of Statewide Bench Advertising Company's offer to place benches at the bus stops. 'rhe Committee does not have all the information required as yet to complete its -ecommendation. Councilman Perry c?Iled attention to the discussions held relative to qualifi- cations and eligibility for election of Council President and requested that the City Clerk prepare an attendance list at Council meetings for each Council Member for the past year. He ei.d not feel seniority should be the basis for election. It was pointed out that seniority of those not having served as President in the past had been the intent of the recommendation and that the President in any event will be elected by a majority vote . It was pointed out that the Minutes of the meetings contain the attendance records, this being a busy time of year for the Clerk's office. Mr. Perry inquired whether the clerk were too busy and she replied she would compile the information if requested to do so. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti,that the Clerk be directed to prepare an attendance list. Discussion followed as to purpose this would serve, some Council Members having been ill and unable to attend the meetings, and that other activities of the Members must be considered not merely Council meetings, there being numerous other meetings of Committees and functions to be considered. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the motion be amended to direct the Clerk to prepare a list of the unexcused absences. After further discussion as to absences and attendance amendmoryt-was voted- upon.;:and"lost -bq verbal' negative maibrity."" r.::. Motion for the Clerk to prepare the attendance list was voted upon and declared lost. Roll call was requested which resulted as follows: No: !-tulse, Bruce, Pedersen, Garrett and Poli . Aye: Schellert, Dahlquist, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Morris. The motion carried six aye , to five no votes. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that City of Renton Vouchers No. 6011 through 6134, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment by the Council at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 6011 - 6Q54 $ 7,313.67 City Street 6055 - 6068 2048.02 Cedar River M. & I. 6069 - 6071 30.18 Arterial Street 6072 8,174.51 Off-Street Parking 6073 10.00 Equipment Rental 6074 - 6090 951.06 Library 6091 - 6094 384.73 -3- , 7 MINUTES - Renton City Council Meeting 12-12-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: New Business: (Cont.) Vouchers: Parks 6095 - 6110 $ 1,940.67 Water Works TiLility 6111 - 6126 2,824.79 1965 Water �z Sewer 6127 - 6128 45.08 Airport 6129 - 6133 2,360.11 Cumulative 1894 6134 51.900.00 Parks 6135 392.69 $ 78,375.51 Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert that the Park Board and Traffic Advisory Committee be asked for recommendations for further actions which might be taken on the Park and Strcet Bend :issue proposals which failed in the last election. .. The motion. carried. wouncilman Sc'r:cllr�.rt inaired regarding estimated revenues for pinball licenses as shown in the r2T,c ,ue .c-eport since they do not amount to anticipated receipts and the City Clerk reporter' that the license fees for the ensuing year are most generally collected but- ha•72 not come in yet this year. They are due in January. Councilman G,a1rctt Grzc:znccd a Street and Alley Committee meeting at 8:00 p.m. on Tue :day, Dec -zbsr 13t::. Councilman Eelaurc ti inc�ui.red of the Street Commissioner regarding the-pcor condition. c: l cl t:=cin = ` S tl;:et and when improvements were planned. Vic Te Gantvoort.report; d ::hat tLe inclement weather has hindered repair and prevented improvems:it : Mrd t`;. 1.z thoy tri-ld to do anything now it would be a big mudhole and to no _a :_ inr tie improvement with curbing and gutters will be implemented `uct :-s E.s permissible weather allows. It was pointed out that part of Y.: scrcct _.s __:. very good condition South of 112th Avenue, in which area improvements ,av<„ Flreedy been completed. Councilm-n Pc l=_ reported on his trip to the National League of Cities 43rd Annual Con -oss c' Ci{ ec -e.et rg �.;:r Los Vegas, Nevada, submitting compilation of Report of the Rcsclutions Com:aittce. The main topic of discussion and general thinking was tha' the States are :act contributing adequately to the Municipalities and the Resolutio ns -ere + .e r:�s alt l of efforts to seek funds from the Federal Government ..� and to secure matching moneys t :^-refor,State and Federal Governments_ having pre- empted the most lucrative revenue sources. The Resolutions proposed will be on file in the City Cler; 's Off_-ce. CouncilT%F: Vern ;Morris repo,-ted on his attendance at Los Vegas outlining items of interest includ-n- group dir.:cussion on problems of air pollution, sewage disposal, radiation from atomi•^ plants; data processing and City Information centers. Sam Rogers, liason coordinator from the Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare advised that in an effort to curb air pollution all 1968 models motor vehicles will be required to bear devices to el-iminate exhaust pollution. Other items outlined werle that. Congress be urged to consider amending the National Housing Act to permit Cities to qualify for sewer and water vacility loans. Planning experts agree that man must be protected from It_`iety leading him to disaster, from losing his right to wall-, insidg. Buildings are getting bigger and highways wider but people are living further apart and don't get to knew their neighbors. Cars and televisions don't bring people together. Tiore than he if of our population doesn't drive and we can't talk to '? .V. 's. C. A. Doxiadis, Internationally known Planner prophesied that future cities would merge into one continuous system covering the Counties and spreading to: form a Universal City. He noted forces at work creating the very large city which included major urban complexes, transportation networks,etc.predicttg a city inhuman in dimension, calling for creation of human communities by building of downtown shopping centers where people can walk freely, mingle and enjoy quiet surroundings, create, and admire art, as a measure to tranform the inhuman nature of this city. Indifference to youth is one of the City's major problems it being recommended that selected young adult- ride nights with pol .cemen on patrol duty; that cities give either financially -or the schools give credits for student help in various city programs; that newspapers feature a weekly Mayor's Page to increase ppblic awareness of City programs and problems. The P?ation.-.1 League's Executive Committee was authorized to devise formulas for the rebate of a portion of the`'income taxes to States with 50% of rebate to go to cities on a per capita basis. City Administrators must become educat&e. zr their 1-espoa-.sibilities becoming aware of all problems, resources and programs of -.11 public agenc: cs> The public should be educated end ,'openly organized for action and m. s-;ive support through the press, civic, religious, labor, business and civ_1 :;igh grcup^- Y3yor H. M, `_'cllsn .COn of Tacoma, Washington was elected President of the National League of Cities for tc.eens �wrcL year. -4- MINUTES - Renton City Council Meeting 12-12-66 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Proposed Ordinance amending the zoning code was discussed and it was felt additionally desired changes should be incorporated and a public hearing held as required before it is presented. (R-2 height restrictions to be amended) A proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton was presented amending Section 8-309, Sub- section B of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton", read by the Clerk, orr garbage and refuse rate s for business firms and commercial enterprises using hydraulic containers. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the document to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motion c-rr3Ed. The Committee recommended second and final reading. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti to concur and the motion carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Pedersen, to adopt Ordinance No. 2293 as read. Roll call vote followed with unanimous aye vote carrying the motion. The Committee submitted for second and final reading the proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton establishing a coordinated grid system of new street designations placed on introductory first reading on December 5, 1966. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2294 as read. The motion carried upon unanimous aye roll call vote . Audience comment was invited and Mr. Charles Eddie Taylor inquired as to inclusion of Earlington Hill when City beautification is considered and also urged promotion for development for multiple dwellings mentioning the Capital Improvement Program being planned with City development. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that Mr. Taylor submit his recommendations in writing for Council consideration. The motion carried. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor -5- 2 l 12-12-66 APPLIC.,ATION FO:. PE,2MIT° A,7 SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDI NG DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS N0. AMOUNT NAME A ODRES S TYPE OF WORK 11729 2 ,400.00 Loren V. Farber 2705 - 7th Ave No Bldg sunporch & Util. 117 30 50.0;0 Omega Dev 112 34 16th S.E. Wiring 31 250.30 Leo .Tones 324 N. Williams Wire Service 32 5,750.00 Earl llichgrds 325 Sunset Blvd East Addtn.to Office Space 33 Harry Fletcher 206 Vklls St Signs 34 200,000.00 Omega Development Co 11218 - 116th Ave S.E. Bldg #1 - 24 Units 11735 1401,000.00 Omega Development Co 11212 - 116th Ave S.E. " #2 - 18 't 36 140,000.00 Omega Development Co 11206 - 116th Ave S .E* #3 - 18 37 1,000.00 Charles Peterson 8445 So 150th Re-wire L'welling 38 150.00 Jesse L. Rowlee 2807 - 5th P1 No Utility room 39 130.00 Bill Santi 217 Wells St Relocate door 11744 33,000.00 Phillips Petroleum 311 Sunset B1vd.E. Service station 41 700.00 Sam R. Hull 505 - 13th Ave So. Finish room PLU.,11BING &, HEATING PERMITS' 8148 -- - Vernon P. Parsons 1019 - "ii"' St Gas Inatal1. 49 Vernon P. Parsons 1021 ,H: St 1t it Leo Jones 324 No Williams „tt Pluwbing Fixt. & Htg. d'1 --- Pacific Car &Foundry 1400 - 4th Ave " 52 -- Everett Johnston 3308 Rolling Hills PI So. Gas Install. 53 - 0. Gore 10828 - ; E 104th Heating Eqt. 54 --- G. F. Pomeroy 1233 Morris St Gas Install . 7=55 --- Levi- Purcell 11606 S E 105th P1 " tt 56 --- Chuck Scobcy 438 •Till iams St it �7 --- Manly M. Grinolds 508 Cedar St t It 58 --- G. F. Pomeroy 1238 Morris St Plumbing Fixt. 6 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING December 19, 1966 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Poli, that the absent Councilman be excused. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND' DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Vic TeGantvobrt; :Stroe�t Commissioner, Jack Wilson, Engineer, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, James Ashurst, Assistant Fire Chief, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian and Gene .Coulon, Park Director. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of December 12, 1966 be approved. The motion carried. Mayor Custer at this time made presentations of Certificates of Award for Community Service to Mr. Harry Fletcher who served as a member of the Traffic Advisory Committee and to Mr. Paul Houser who has been a member of the Airport Board for 20 years. Mayor Custer, on behalf of himself, the City Council and Community,expressed appreciation for' their work and effort and thanks were expressed by the recipients, Paul stating that 20 years may seem like a long time - and it is. OPENING OF BIDS: CITY-OWNED PROPERTY Sale of City owned property described as North 118 ft. of Lot 17, Block 6, as shown on the Plat of Renton Highlands, of record in Volume 46 of Plats, Pages 34-41, inclusive in the office of the Auditor, King County, Washington, more generally known as property located North of Renton Fire Station No. 2 in the Highlands area of the City containing 16,520 square feet and zoned Business (B-1) . This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read by the Clerk: Chester Biggins, 2515 Sunset Blvd. E. , Renton, Bid - $18,259.00. Certified check in 5% of total bid was enclosed. V. G. Hines, 1628 - 92nd N. E ., Bellevue, Washington 98004, Bid - $4,300.00. Cashier's Check in sum of 5% of bid was enclosed. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Poli, to refer the bids to the Property Committee for recommendation. The motion carried. BIDS: 1967 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS This being the date set, the Clerk opened bid of the Record Chronicle, Box 30, Renton, Washington, the only bidder and legal notices in 8 pt, general news style type were: (a) First insertion - per folio of 100 words, $4.00 (b) Second and subsequent insertions-per folio of 100 words, $3.00 Above rates are equivalent to (a) $1.60 per column inch and (b) $1.20 per column inch. Circulation of the Record Chronicle at this date is 21,359 copies. Inquiry was made as to previous rates and the Clerk read existing rates of $.93 per 100 words and $.83 for second and subsequent insertions per 100 words. Discussion ensued as to whether the City must publish with the local paper and City Attorney Shellan advised that the law requires if you have a legal paper in the City that paper has to handle and advertise your legals. It was pointed out that the law read thus in order to adeq,aately inform the local citizens, If another city published the legals the local people would not be informed. It was stated that perhaps other papers would have as general a circulation in the area and might be eligible to submit bids. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Pedersen, that the bids be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee and City Attorney. Three proposals were discussed including negotiations, rejecting the bid and readvertise or accepting the bid submitted, and the motion carried. -1- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 12-19-66 217 PRELIMINARY FETING WITH PROPERTY OWNER ON ANNEXATION - S . E . 116th Street between 133rd and 136th Avenues S.E . (Wood & Wickham property) The hearing meeting on this matter was continued from December 12, 1966 to pursue possi- bility of ac.joining property owners joining with the petitioners, such desire having been expressed. The continued hearing was declared open and report was read by the City Engineer's office that no further property is to be included at this time due to illness of petitioner so the matter may proceed to questioning of the property owner on the original letter of intent filed. -Councilman Schellert inquired whether the property owners were willing to assume their pro-rata share of the City's pre-existing bonded indebtedness and Mr. Taylor replied affirmatively. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, that the Petitioners be authorized to circulate a Petition which by signing shall indicate their willingness to assume the indebtedness as stated. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for payment the final estimate for Phase "A" on Mt. Olivet Pump Station contract. Amount due Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield this date, $200.00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation with referral to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. The motion carried. Application was read for license to operate a billiard table at Strato Lanes in addition to existing facility. Mived by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to refer the request to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from Mary Muir, Municipal Court Clerk, requested transfer of funds within Account 1300 to enable the Department to maintain normal operations for the balance of this year, the increased work load necessitating additional Fart-ting employee. From: 1300/402, M. & 0. , Unto: 1300/110, Salaries, $180.00, Municipal Court Account. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. The motion carried. Letter from Planning Director Gorden Ericksen, submitted request for transfer of funds within the Planning Department classes in sum of $350.00 from M. & 0. 1700/308 Current Fund (Publications), unto 1700/606, Capital Outlay for purchase of tape re- cording equipment to be used by the Planning Department for Planning Commission public hearings. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Garrett, to concur with referral _ to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. The motion carried. A letter from Building Director Johnson requested transfer of Building Department Funds, Account 1800/303, M. & 0. unto 1800/110, Salaries in sum of $110.44 to cover performed overtime maintenance work and anticipated work in Municipal Buildings to end of the year. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motion carried. A letter of intent to annex properties to the City of Renton in general vicinity of Sunset Blvd. E. and 132nd Avenue S.E. as submitted by Jack Skagen, M. W. and Michael Lotto, was read along with City Engineer's report that the letter is signed by owners representing 1007. of the assessed valuation of the property and the parcel contains 8.50 acres with an assessed valuation of $4,290.00. fir. Skagen was present and the preliminary meeting with the property owner was held. Councilman Schellert inquired whether the property owners would assume their pro-rata share of the pre-existing bonded indebtedness of the City. Mr. Skagen replied affirmatively and it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to authorize the Petitioners to circulate the proper petition which shall' stjpu4.ptttj their willingness to assume the debt as stated. Carried. Upon request, the area was pointed out on the wall map and inquiry was made relative to waiving of Review Board Meeting. Mr. Shellan advised that the Review Board must make the determination as to whether to waive such meeting and no further action can be taken until such time as the petition has been filed. Letter from Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer called attention to 1967 budgeted program for arterial streets which includes a master control system interconnecting the traffic signals on Rainier Avenue and Sunset Blve. at Langston Road. In order to expeditL the matter it was requested that authorization be granted to retain Industrial Engineering Systems, Inc. Consulting Engineers, to make the preliminary study to properly determine the kind of system, amount of equipment, channelization, signal tim.`ng and access con- trol. The cost of the study is $3,500.00 payable from the Arterial Street Fund. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. The motion carried. -2- 218 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 12-19-66 COMMUNICATIONS:(Cont.) A letter from Mayor Custer submitted Quit Claim Deed received from Seattle City Light conveying the Civic Center Site property purchased by the City per C.AG. 1008-66. It was recommended th8t the docurre nt be referred to the City Engineer and City Attorney for checking and to the Clerk for recording thereafter. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Delaurenti� to concur in the recommendations as read. The motion carried. A letter from Mayor Custer requested Council consideration of extended hours on New Year^ Eve to those licensees who wish to remain open in conformance with the Wn. State Liquor Control Board's provisions per letter of October 26th, until 3:00 a.m. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in. the extension 5f c'lostng bourn: Lor ?2w Yea 6 sre'%%6. is_uast Thp.--rnmL n r*rvom A letter from the Mayor requested the Council's consideration of a new budgetary position for a parking checker, to be designated as Grade 18, $463 - $562, to be funded from 1966 excess revenues. The current situation warrants the addition of at least one person so that both the downtown and other parking areas might be adequately policed in regard to parking violations. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. A letter from Ross D. Davis, Asst. Secretary and Director of Economic Development, stated that the primary purpose for the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965 is to provide assistance to alleviate conditions of substantial and persistent unemployment and underemployment in economically distressed areas and regions, the eligibility befpg jimited to those areas meeting certain specified criteria for high un- employ!p9nt and low family income and although the construction of facilities planned for Renton would be an asset to the community it was regretfully concluded that under the present budgetary limitations the area does not meet the criteria sufficiently related to the purpose of the Act and has recently been removed from the list of eligible area applications. A letter from the Washington State Highway Commission advised of meeting to be held in the Kent City Hall Council Chamber at 10:00 a.m. December 22nd at which time the firm of Vogt, Ivers, Stevens, Thompson and Associates (VISTA) will present the preliminary report on traffic volumes to be expected in 1975 and 1990 and suggested facilities to serve the anticipated traffic. A letter from G. R. Cysewski, Director, Planning, Traffic and Hwy. Engineering, of the John Graham and Company, directed ' , Mayor Custer confirmed conversation when concern was expressed for misquote of L— Graham in the papers that Renton and other cities in the area for whom they had completed plans, had done nothing to implement the proposals, the actual statement did recognize that the cities have proceeded along the lines proposed and were particularly complimentary to Renton, except it was noted that the merchants and downtown property owners have done "little". It was stated that it is unfortunate that such misquotes creep in and create a lasting impression that cannot be fully compensated by any retraction or apology. The City Clerk reported receipt of December Metro News Bulletin which will be on file for reference to interested persons,in the City Clerk's Office. Discussion ensued wherein Mayor Custer reported that Metro will be receiving Federal Funds for the South Renton Trunk Sewer which will extend from 153rd to 180th, such being indicated while he was in Wn. D.C. The City had recently been requested to support legislation to enable assistance from the Federal Government and upon inquiry by Schellert as to whether this were the same matter Councilman Garrett stated that the support was urged for enabling legislation wherein State backing will be required as matching funds will be involved, the State contributing 25%, Metro 25% and the Federal Government matching. It was further noted that the new line proposed will serve the new hospital at 180th and that the line will run from approximately 80th Avenue South and will parallel the race track on the East side and follow on down a direct line to 180th. Applic&'?ion from Dorothy Bristow requested Dance Hall License for the Spot Tavern, 17440 - 92nd Avenue South. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to refer the request to the Police and License Committee with power to act. The motion carried. Letter from Association of Washington Cities gave summary of the Board of Directors meeting of November 17, reflecting observations on Initiative 226 and chief causes for defeat which were the threat of a 551.' sales tax, Republican election and power change in the House of Representatives and failure of smaller communities to rally to the cause. Committees were appointed to plan for financial assistance to cities. -3- 219 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 12-19-66 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, .reported that traffic signal construction budgeted for 1967 is in excess of $110,000 and it was recommended that the City do as much of the construction as possible to hold down costs. It was pointed out that the City's traffic signal crew is presently only two men who must maintain 41 signalized intereections and a third man is requested. In comparison, King County maintains 30 intersections with a crew of 7 men: A Signal Technician considered to be one very qualified has ,just become available and has expressed interest in the Renton area, and it was recommended that the Council consider hiring the additional Technician at $6,500.00, Grade 23 Range C, $650.00 and that moneys be made available from 1966 excess revenues and appropriated into the Traffic Engineering Budget. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, to grant the request. Discussion followed regarding funding by appropriation of excess revenues or by emergency ordinance. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Perry, that the matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole. It was pointed out that if there is delay the City may not secure the technician as he has had other offers and Perry withdrew his second the motion being declared dead for lack of second. It was suggested that the matter of funding be referred and action be taken at this time on the t-_'.ring,question being raised as to emergency status. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Delaurenti to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Moved by Schellert, seoonded by Garrett to amend the motion to read that the referral is for funding only. The amendment was challenged and declared to change intent of the main motion, a substitute motion instead of an amendment would be recognized and the amendment was not allowed. The motion to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole was voted upon and upon verbal majority declared carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Councilman Hulse submitted brochures and information received from the Bench Advertising Company to Mr. Perry for use by the Public Relations Committee where the matter has been subsequently referred. The Council Committee of the Whole reported unanimous election of Councilman Tom Trimm as Council President for the ensuing year commencing January 1st. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to concur in the report. Carried. Councilman Hulse commented on the nice ,job the City Clerk has done on putting in the Capital Improvement Priority Program at the end of the 1967 Budgets. Councilman Schellert reported that the Ways and Means Committee had the matter of ay.iilu'iility of funds for the first stage of the grandstand and reported that in the Park Department Budget for 1967 has been allocated approximately $37,000.00 and the original proposal for the gra tand was around $66,000.00 and the total now after review and revision is $90,G-j which leaves a balance to be funded of $53,000.00. The Committee reported that $53,000.00 would be available in the Cedar River Acquisition Fund for use about June of 1967. Councilwoman Dahlquist, reporting for the Legislative Committee called attention to the Clean Waters Restoration Act and recommended that personal contacts be made by the Renton Council to support this legislation and authorization was requested for the members of the Legislative Committee to go to Olympia and Lobby. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Schellert, to grant authorization as requested. After dis- cussion regarding expenditures to be incurred, the pending motion carried. Councilman Pedersen inquired as to status of grandstand plans and after discussion regarding location, mode of funding and time element, it was moved by Pedersen and seconded by Delaurenti, that the City proceed to build Phase I in Liberty Park and use budgeted funds as allocated and borrow the balance from Cedar River Acquisition Fund. Councilman Hulse suggested a public hearing be held prior to proceeding with the grandstand and City Attorney Shellan advised that if a public hearing is to be held decisions should be withheld until after the hearings which are presumably being held for guidance and information of the Council and would be to no avail if ..� action is taken beforehand. Funding was discussed and the City Clerk reminded the Council that funds are needed to operate pending receipt of tax moneys and the tax supported funds thus borrow the available funds the first of the year for general operation. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the pending motion be referred to the Committee of the Whole . The motion carried. Councilman Garrett, on behalf of the Street and Alley Committee, reported subsequent meetings regarding the stop sign at 104th S.E. and S .E . 94th and a compromise solution has been worked out which the Committee will report as soon as plans are finalized. Mayor Custer was requested to refrain from having the stop sign installed pending resort of the new plan which will be agreeable to all parties. Granted. -4- z20 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 12-3.9-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business -.Coni,.) YTT'-, Councilman Perry called attention to request of Mr. Temple to purchase property from the City which request was denied since the subject premises were desired for future right-of-way purposes. Mr. Temple has advised that water is running onto,thts property from the C ty+-�owned property and requ"ttd action by' the City to c6rrect the-problem. Moved by Perry, seconded by Pedersen, to ref1.er the matter to the Street and, -A4ey; Committee ;iTM-motion carridd ucq 1) r .? �1 r 1, 6d _r�,,rrtug ' V �_t;, nr 7r-,I bobi:rrU 1slne§S: . J ,v. 1 ;;;,'? Ir ;`' �rrsgmc�'1 .F t(! fir,: , . Moved -by Hulse, seconded .byl'Bru~ris;! that Vouchers,Kcrw,r61S6 lthrbugh 6250, having been previously appro�v O by ;thee Auditing and Accountfirg�,rCbmm ttee, be'.accepted .w by the Council for payment. ' T-he,;mo.ttion•_carried,-and rfunTd-;breakdoian fo�.lows: .sor33 � un d , �rq _tTUb � ,6 $ 3 R5445 y�r. iXy Street FuUd f,� ; ;[ . . . :ft1$1? - 6183 19.94 90("19f�h4ay igjyer M. & 1. . ,?. 6184 44.94 s >n9A �m� Rental a�rru:„' ^v E;:.l 66=18-5 - 6194 ]'s 8.36.82 i-s1sga rroi-xsm019.5 - 6202 8.82,!55 331teraalorks Utility„c7,? forYr:t.'6gD3! - 621I 7o-f_Cvrf�' ,rr ?I 1 "572.1 C. 200.00iYU Q. c • & S Coxstxctgn rifi rc��i r .'? ,vf_fi tit nus 621 : - 62J,+ g0 ao:trns>r TQ .49.65 goy b7carY ^,r,i.`( rill 6ZU(,'- 6.?-39-r!a� riolfi,-g c:atr,y _) 2 326.36 i n n 10,jrRmen's Pension . ,,,� r;}- b214 . - 625 rf,r;1? ,,.:;t' ' =-t 1J;56.34 Cumulative Fund 1894 6136 500.00 $13,043.27 Council President Hulse requested a meeting of the Committee of the Whole to discuss ther'Traffic. Signal Techniciath AndF.moved3for a recess. The m6ti:ofi was seconded by Perry and carried. Recess was ;Tofi.f.. i .0 .t; Yof-f-sf ) .A .0 Auer ,ree.eof troll call awns-;taken,*Ith X11 pre sefit•tAs.}revi.ously' 'listed except Dahlquist. Councilman Hulse reported the Committee of the Whole recommendation was to concur in the request of the traffic engineer to hire the traffic signal technician. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee of -the Whole, �Carred': i_ Councilman Garrett requested a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee at 7:30 p.m. on January 9th to consider request of the Traffic Engineer on the hiring of consulting firm, Industrial Engineering Systems, Inc. for the light project at Rainier, Sunset and Langston Road. Councilman Perry requested ameeting of the Public Relations Committee on January 9, 1967 at 7:00 p.m. to discuss the Statewide Bench Advertising Company offer to place benches at bus stops in Renton. Councilman Morris requested a meeting of the Law and Ordinance Committee following the Council meeting. ORDINANCES AND RE3D LUTIONS: The Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman, Vern Mirris, submitted a proposed Resolution of the City Transferring funds within the Municipal Court Fund Acct, 1300/402, M. & 0. ' unto 1300/110 Salaries and Wages in sum of $180.00 and transferring Building Department Fund 1800/303, M. & 0, unto 1800/110, Salaries in sum of $110.44 which was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1413 as read. Carried. Proposed Resolution was read Appropriating to Budget Cumulative Reserve Fund 1894 the sum of $10,335.25 to complete payment to Seattle City Light for civic center property. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1414 as read. The motion carried. Proposed Resolution was read transferring funds within the Airport Fund Account 7200/417 and 504, Materials and Supplies and Travel, $820.00 and $500.00 respectively, to cover Insurance premiums going into 7200/311 in sum of $13320.00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Resolution No. 1415 as read. Carried. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Richard Stredicke inquired regarding the delay on construction of the grandstand and matters of location and funding urging the Council to take action and either vote it down or approve it as delay would cause even higher construction costs, Since there wps no further business it was moved by' Poli Seconded by Delaurent-,i, to ad-iourn: ” Cairied. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. . I: .Custer, Mayor r q;mi� Nelson, City Cl—erk 12-19--66 APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 11742 $ 1,000.00 United Parking 6th Ave. & Logan East/side Wire Service 3 11000.00 United Parking 4th No. & Burnett W/side Wire Service 4 2,000.00 Shell Oil Company 2801 Sunset Blvd. E . Statinn Canopy 1745 200.00 Floyd Burdick 702 - 4th Ave. West Wire Service 6 307.00 Richard Standaert 610 - 12th Place South it rr .� 7 334.00 Richard Agbalog 3222 - 5th Ave. East ti " 8 200.00 Robinson-Lyon Ford 221 Burnett Street If I " 9 15,000.00 Boeing Airplane Co. 801 - 8th Ave. North tt '{ 11750 714.00 Phillips Petroleum Co. 330 Rainier Ave. South Remodel Offices 1 450.00 Lewis Purcell 11606 S.E. 105th Place Wire Service 2 10,000.00 Iver M. Gilbert 12108 S .E . 154th New Residence 3 10,000.00 Iver M. Gilbert 15467 Lake Youngs Way New Residence 4 100.00 Henry Schellert 1501 Marion Avenue General Repairs 11755 50.00 Henery Schellert 1501 Marion Street Wire Service 6 250.00 Joe Dugdale 3744 - 7th Ave. North Concrete Driveway 7 500.00 Greater Renton Center 2830 Sunset Blvd. E. Remodel Store 8 1,000.00 Greater Renton Center 2826 - 11th Place Wire Service 9 350000.00 Stanley Home Products 501 - 7th Avenue Warehouse-Office PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS 8159 - - - Dansby 2814 - 15th P1. No. Gas Install. 60 - - - D. L. Pelton 3333 Court "A" " " 1 - - - C. A. Gallagher 420 Morris Street " 1t 2 - - - Pacific N. W. Bell 225 Williams Street Plumbing Fixt. SEWER PERMITS 118 - - - Art Ballostrasse 321 Burnett St. Sewer Fund transfers authorized and approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee and the City Council for the month of December. TO CLAIMS TO PAYROLL FROM: FROM: Current Fund $ 54,468.64 Current Fund $ 87,483.53 City Street 34,675.12 City Street Fund 14,801.38 Arterial Street 27,549.51 Cedar River m & I 476.00 Cedar River M & I 489.78 Equipment Rental 3,291.42 Off-Street Parking 138.34 Library 7,107.35 Equipment Rental 8,397.93 parks 13,211.80 Library 6,865.01 Waterworks Utility 14,212.50 Parks 17,878.65 Airport 1,232.00 Waterworks Utility 54,965.40 Firemen's Pension 116.00 1965 W & S Construction 665854.99 Airport 35393.59 $141031.98 Firemen's Pension 4864.49 Cumulative 1689 300.00 Cumulative 1894 57,740.00 Cumulative 1975 15062.32 Cumulative 1990 12.46 ••� $3365656.23 a RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING January 9, 1967 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the' Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayoraand the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL, Tri*,A ,, Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS' PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Clarence .�. Williams, Chief of Police, !k. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Sven Johnson, Building Directory Gene Coulon, Park Director and Vic TeGavtvoort, Street Commissioner. Moved by Trimm, sem nded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of December 19, 1966 be approved. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Ordinance Amending City of Renton Uniform Building Code to require installation of sidewalks, curbs, gutters and street paving with Building Permit construction in excess of $10,000.00. This being the date set, the public hearing was declared open. There were no written communications nor verbal comments and upon inquiry the City Engineer explained that the purpose of this Ordinance is to provide for uniformity in requirements of off- site improvments and to help assist the Engineering Department in its efforts for orderly development of the City. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, that the Hearing be closed. The motion carried. Informal Bids for removal of 5 buildings from Civic Center site Councilman Pedersen reported that the property committee had received no bids for demolition of the buildings and moved that the Mayor be authorized to have them removed as previously by work of mouth interest and placement of signs at the site. The motion,seconded by Perry, carried. COMMUNICATIONS AND PRESENTATION: Mr. Dave Johnsten, of Johnston, Campanella, Murakami & Company, Architects, presented Phase II of the plans for the new city hall complex. A scale model of the proposed building in its relationship to the existing library was unveiled and brochures were :C distributed containing preliminary outline of specifications and construction cost estimates. Film slides were shown of the site and each floor plan with Mayor Custer pointing out the areas as Mr. Johnston explained the location of the Departments, and outlined future expansion plans. Perry inquired regarding dual use of the Council Chambers for a Municipal Court room and if the Judge has approved same; whether the noise in the lunch room located on the same floor would be adequately contro'led; if microphones and sound system is provided for in the Council Chamber and whether the Public Health and Sanitation Department could be relocated on a floor other than with the Administrative offices, the type of work being unrelated insofar as its traffic and material delivery might be concerned. Building Committee Chairman Hulse stated that the Judge had agreed to dual use of the Council Chamber and that he himself was not satisfied with the arrangement but that money problems arc- the reason for combining the uses for the present time, further expansion not being financially possible. Mr. Johnston added that the dual use is patterned from a plan of Vancouver, a City of 38,000 persons and that it is reported to be working well. The microphones and sound system is included in the planning and is part ofthe accoustical and electrical specifications and the noise from the lunchroom will be adequately controlled. Regarding Department locations there is a flexible partition arrangement and the Department in question could be changed. Slides of the floors were reviewed during which it was noted that the public lobby will be open 24 hours, this being the location of the public restroom facilities. The Council Chamber floor has an outdoor walk-around Plaza; parking lots are in sunken area and contain special police security entrance and parking with ramp up to Houser Way with the pub-'lie and employee lot extending out to Mill Street. Specifications outline and construction costs were reviewed from the brochure distributed earlier with a total cost projected at $1,370,082.00 as presented and the $1,500000.00 contemplated to be sufficient to encompass completion of the entire complex ready to move into. The Police T.V. facility, utility pole removal (required due to underground wiring) and Data Processing equipment were not included in the preliminary estimate of costs but :r it was felt that some of this might be leased. In concluding his presentation and Phase II of the planning, Mr. Johnston regrested authority to proceed with the Documental Phase, Councilman Hulse stated that some changes and adjustments are bound to be required and that additional space is available in the present plan specifically on the 3rd, 5th and 6th floors. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, that the matter of moving the Public Health offices from the 6th floor be referred to the Building Committee. Carried, Dahlquist opposed. -1- 223 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 1-9-67 PRESENTATION OF NEW CITY HALL PLANS - PHASE II - The City Hall plan has 7 floors. It was noted that the 5th floor is unfinished for future expansion and development. Chairman Hulse inquired regarding the question of a sprinkler system which was to be checked out with the Fire Chief and Building Department. Mr. Johnston stated that if double head sprinklers are involved the cost to be about $28,000.00. During discussion it was pointed out that all of the various questionable matters should be resolved prior to acceptance of Phase II . Mr. Campanella stated that if Council wishes are made known through its Committee they can be taken under advise- ment. 95% of them can be -taken care of and outside the matter Mr. Hulse mentioned the rest of the building is ready for further procedure. Moved by Pedersen that Phase II be accepted with stipulation that consideration be given to the sprinkler system and relocation of the Health and Sanitation Department. The motion died for lack of second, and it was subsequently moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, that the matter be tabled for one week to allow for determinations to be made on the items in question. The motion carried. Attention was called to the many hours spent by the Committee and to the detail and different types of things to be considered in the planning and that the progress on the total plan has been good and it is not surprising to run across a detail at which the Council might wish to take a second look. A letter was read from Randy Rockhill, Chairman, Municipal Arts Commission, giving support to Allied Arts of Renton's letter urging that plans for a fountain or water display be included in the new City Hall complex. Any assistance they might give was offered for promotion of this project. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the communication to the City Hall Building Committee. The motion carried. A Petition to annex territory to the City of Renton was read wherein Petitioners agree to assume pre-existing bonded indebtedness of the City on basis of their pro- rate shares. The property is located on S .E . 116th Street between 133rd and 136th Avenues S.E . (Wood-Wickham properties-2.47 acres with assessed value of $2,150.00. A second Pe,titi^n to annex properties to Renton was read wherein owners of lands located on Sunset Boulevard East and 132nd Avenue S.E. indicated their willing- ness to assume pro-rata shares of pre-existing bonded indebtedness of the City if annexed. (Skagen-Lotto property) 8.5 acres with assessed valuation of $4,290.00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that the petitions be referred to the City Engineer to check signatures for validity of the Petition. Carried. A letter from M. W. Heidy, Pallis Realty, appealed on behalf of. Virgil Fox, Planning Commission denial of property rezone from S-1 to R-4 and stating that the objection to the rezone being the height this would be controlled by a change to R-3 zoning. Garrett mentioned that since a revision was desired to R-3 and the Council could only act on the R-4 appeal the applicant should reapply to the Planning. Commission. Schellert added that the Commission had eagerly denied the R-4 but hadn't suggested an alternative at the hearing, and Planning Director Ericksen confirmed that the Chairman had indicated there should have been some consideration for alternative zoning however the applicant did not express a desire to amend his application. Moved by Poli, seconded by Garrett, to refer the matter back to the Planning Com- mission. Inquiry was made as to whether this is to be treated as an appeal since the modification was offered. City Attorney Shellan stated that since an appeal was vested, it should be treated thus and a hearing date be set. In the meantime if the Petitioner desires to modify his application he can amend his petition and submit it to the Planning Commission and it will come back to the Council. If he intends to stand on this R-4 he will have to appeal before the Council. After further dis- cussion regarding applicant's intentions the motion was voted on and failed upon verbal majority of No votes. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, that the date of February 6 be set for hearing on this appeal. Carried. (Between 88th Pl. South and 90th South) A letter from Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, requested transfer of funds within the Street Maintenance Department Account 3240 for purchase of a heat lamp vacuum applicator in sum of $1,032.14. Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer requested Resolution to transfer funds from Waterworks Maintenance Account 7120/605, Capital Outlay to balance 1966 accotrts 311, $4.25; 315, $2,260.16; 317, $15.00; 325, $34.10 and 417, $618.12. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, that the transfers be granted as requested with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. Carried. A letter from Te,jan Development Company requested to meet with the Fire and Water Committee and Council to present reasons for request for fire zone change on property at Renton Avenue between 90th and 91st Avenue South since the request was O'enied an d they did not have an opportunity to ,justify the request. Moved by t.nrreLt, seconded by Trimm, to refer the communication to the Fire and Water Committee. The motion carried. -2- 224 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 1-9-67 COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from City Engineer Wilson reported completion of preliminary engineering study for Renton's North-South and East-West Arterials with all phases of the agreement C.AG. 1046 having been met and it was recommended that the study be approved and the retained percentage of $2,290.00 be released to Lewis-Redford accordingly. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the acceptance with referral to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from Mr. Archie Gustine . Lessee of city-owned property on the Cedar River Water Way at Logan Street reported that he is no longer operating his busin. < .,<_. at the subject location but is sub-leasing his property @ $50.00 monthly which is the amount he pays the City. He requests that the city reduce the monthly rental on the premises to $25.00 in order that he may realize $25.00 per month for the use of his storage tanks and pumps, effective January, 1967. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the request to the Property Committee to report back. The motion carried. A letter from City Engineer Wilson requested authorization and tuition for Richard Houghton to attend night classes at the University of Washington for special survey and engineering courses at cost of $27.00. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to grant the attendance and authorize expenditure as requested. Carried. Letters of intent to annex properties to Renton were read with Council action taken as follows: Wilkinson & Taylor, 14th Avenue South and Shattuck Street South; Mead, Melis et al, North of 12th Avenue North and "P" Street; Henry T. Ruggles and J. Malgarini. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to refer the letters of intent to the City Engineer to check signatures for validity of the letters. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, that January 16, 1967 be set for the preliminary mreetjng requij:ed with property owners by law. The motion Carried.. A letter from Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, submitted Planning Commission recommendations from its public hearing meeting of December 28, 1966 which were read by the Clerk with actions taken as follows: Rezone application - First Investment Company No. R-364-66 for rezone from G to T� Trailer Park - property located on 130th Avenue S.E. between S.E. 132nd and the extension of "0" Street (S.E . of Greenwood Cemetery) 27 acres proposed for 201 trailer spaces. The Comprehensive plan indicates the area as single family resi- dence. Hulse inquired whether this use is consistent with that shown on the land use map now under revision and in conformity with the Comprehensive Plan. Planning Director Ericksen reported that inasmuch as the Commission has been studying the areas of the City and working on the revisions,First Investment's hearing had been continued until this meeting at wh`'ch time it was intended that the study meeting on this area would have been completed, however, the scheduled meeting was cancelled due to the snow and it was planned to take it up at the next special study session. He advised that at present there is no Trailer Park use designated in the City's plan e staff had recommended a new use area be designated in which a trailer park could be located as it should be a separate zoning in itself. Than might be located in any given area provided it meets with the criteria . The staff had thus suggested that the Commission treat it as a multiple use in terms of access and density but as far as the Comprehensive Plan is concerned this is shown as single family use. In checking with the City Attorney it was stated that since the Trailer Park use was not spelled out in the Zoning Ordinance it was more or less open, and thus the multiple zoning suggestion. Hulse inquired whether Trailer Park would be called low density since density would be a criteria, R-1 being shown. Ericksen rt;plied a closed trailer park would be relatively low density however the proposed use of 22 acres for 2^1 spaces would be somewhere between R-2 and R-3. in density. Schellert inquired of Mr. Don Johnson, Associate of First Investment, and prior member of the County Planning Commission whether the subject access would have met with approvel. Mr. Johnson replied that it would, that the 4th Avenue access was 30 ft. (S.E. 128th) and was a platted dedicated roadway on which they own two pieces and would be willing to dedicate an extra 30 ft. for a 60 ft. right-of-way. He stated they had tried to subdivide the property but could only get financing for $15,000.00 homes and thus felt the trailer park would be the better use for the ground by reason of its location which is bounded by the cemetery, a gravel pit and contains a power line easement. They will use the easement property for a recreation area, the sewer line 4 mile away can be brought in and access will be resolved with the Trailer Park Board. A model first class park is planned which housing the City badly needs and the developers are willing to do anything required including screening, Mr. Albert Balch added that from his past 23 years of working with the City pa-vt.' developments are familiar to the Council and enlarging upon Mr. Johnson's statements added that tall trees already exist for screening, -3- 225 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 1-9-67 COMMUNICATIONS : (Cont.) the recreation area of 6 acres will contain a pooland miniature golf course and since proposed in August there has been no protest all along including after the the hearing notice was published. The Park is to be patterned after the Wedgewood development in Seattle which was voted by the National Assn. of Home Builders as the #1 example in the U.S. . This proposed park will also be an example of excellence and will have streets, curbs, large size water main, sewers, and everything necessary to satisfy the requirements. This Mr. Balch promised and committed,adding that the City will sing its praises for a number of years and that it will be advantageous bringing income to the City and the State, without reservation. Hulse again expressed concern that it is not in accordance with the present land use map which he thought was the first step, pticrr- to<,•ever being presented to the Council. Ericksen added that this was his question and a legal one and upon checking had thereafter recommended it be treated as a multiple use trying to be impartial and further suggesting action be withheld pending the study meeting. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation. The miti.on carried. Hulse opposed. Rezone: Dino Patas property, Application R-368-66 from G to T, Trailer Park, located on S.E. 128th between 132nd Ave. S.E. and 136th Ave . S.E., 7 acres with 52 spaces planned. Principal access S.E. 128th Street. Comprehensive plan indicates the area a Multi-Family Residential. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation. Carried. Hulse opposed. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry the two rezones be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Schellert inquired regarding lack of use designation for trailer parks and Ericksen confirmed that there is no reference to trailer parks as such. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that the subject of land use for Trailer Park use be studied by the Planning Commission & included in the Comprehensive Plan. Carried. Upon inquiry Planning Director Ericksen advised that the existing zoning ordinance does not include any reference to Trailer Park as such but the preliminary proposed new zoning ordinance does and as far as the zoning relativity to the Comprehensive Plan, the zoning is a part of the Comprehensive Plan and is a tool to effectuate the overall plan for the City's development. Letters from the King County Commissioner's Office reported receipt and approval of City of Renton Annexation Ordinances No. 2290 and 2292 and filing of same with copies distributed to various interested departments. Letter from Allied Arts of Renton, Mrs. Baird M. Bardarson, $ecretary, Pro Tem, urged location of the proposed grandstand in Cedar River Park where adequate space is available for present and future development and it will not conflict with other types of recreation or be inhibited by lack of parking. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, that the communication be referred to the Park Board.andgEarrmittee of the Whole. Carried. A letter was read from the Honorable Martin J. Durkan, directing copy of the new proposed optional Municipal Code for Cities and requesting support by urging of Legislators to work for its passage. Copies are on file in the City Clerk's Office. Perry called to mind prior referral of this matter to the Legislative Committee. Letter from City Engineer Wils -)n submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Estimate No. 1 for construction of the Mt. Olivet Booster Pump Sation, due Venture Construction Company in sum of $4,826.85. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the progress estimate to the Accounting-and Auditing Committee with power to act. The motion carried. A letter, from Sven A. Johnson,, Building Director, recommended that Revocable Sign Permit be granted to Renton Honda to erect a sign at 223 Rainier Avenue South to proiect over public right of way a distance of 4 feet. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Building Director. Carried. APPOINTMENTS: Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Bill Grant as a member of the Air Pollution Control Advisory Council. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the appointment by the Mayor. Carried. A letter frim Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Carlis R. Chausse as Patrolman in the Renton Police Department effective January 16, 1967 which commences six-months probationary period as required by Civil Service Rules and Regulations. Civil Service Commission Certification was attached. Moved by Delaur,,nti, seconded by Bruce, to c,ncur in the appointment. Carried. -4- 226 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 1-9-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilman Hulse submitted Committee of the Whole report from meeting of December 27th which recommended that the Council concur in suggestions of the City Hall Building Committee to relocate the Planning Department on the 3rd floor, the Municipal Court Clerk on the lst floor and dual use of the Council Chambers for Municipal Court purposes . Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendations. The motion carried. Recommended that the Mayor's request for an additional parking checker for the downtown area be allowed. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the Committee of the Whole recommendation with referral to the Ways and Means Committee for funding recommendation. Carried. Councilman Schellert called attention to article in the Clear.Hor.izons'publication relative to Air Pollution Control and urged that Council Members read same. He further called to mind that the County Commissioners declared that an emergency exists and requested authorization to form a County Board of Health for Air Pollution Control purposes and that the State Board of Health has approved the request giving them control over air pollution for the whole county. Discussion regarding costs for operation to be charged cities next year on per capita basis was noted along with mention of formation of taxing districts and assessment on assessed valuations which it was felt would not be fair and equitable with benefits for Renton. Councilman Garrett advised his Street and Alley Committee report will be submitted next week, the report not yet having been prepared, and additional time was granted. Councilman Delaurenti reported that the Police and License Committee has been studying the Fireworks Stand Ordinance and that a new proposal has been placed in the hands of the Law and Ordinance Committee for presentation to the Council. Councilman Poli, Power and Light Committee Chairman,submitted Committee report regarding referral of a Petition of Tiffany Park residents for street lighting 1 and survey has revealed that due to many problems such as no poles on which to attach lights and lack of funds for such installation by the City, it is the recommendation that if property owners would install the ornamental poles and underground wiring (by L.I.D. or some other method) the City would provide the electrical energy and Puget Power would supply the light fixtures and brackets however, until this is accomplished lights cannot be provided in the area, --- petitioners to be so notified. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee reported regarding referral of Bid Call for 1967 Legal Publications that the City Attorney has been consulted and with the thoughtin mind that if circulation warrants and other papers want to bid new bid call should be taken and it was thus recommended that the bid submitted heretofore by the Record Chronicle be rejected and new bid call published with opening on February 13, 1967. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation. The City Clerk was advised to make any revisions which might be warranted at this time. The motion carried. NEW BUSINESS : Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that City of Renton Vouchers 6251 through 6497, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Commtttee,be approved by the Council for payment at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 6251 - 6345 $ 26,113.69 City Street 6346 - 6369 22,899.70 Arterial Street 6370 17,500.00 Cedar River M. & I. 6371 - 6373 30.18 Off-Street Parking 6374 18.34 Equipment Rental 6375 - 6406 6388 Voided 2,431.57 Library 6407 - 6415 885.88 Parks 6416 - 6457 105837.46 Water Works Utility 6458 - 6484 12,470.98 1965 W. & S . Construction 6497 45826.85 Airport 6485 - 6493 659.10 Firemen's Pension 6494 - 6495 108.15 Cumulative Reserve 1990 6496 12.46 $ 98,794.36 Councilman Hulse inquired regarding progress on railroad crossing and access to Lake Washington Beach Park. Park Director Coulon reported receipt of an Easement for the parcel the roadway will be crossing which will be submitted upon approval by the City Attorney and also that in talking with representatives of the Railroad, a permit has been issued and should be forthcoming in two or three weeks. -5- w 227 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 1-9-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: New Business: (Cont.) Councilman Hulse inquired regarding progress of street light installation in vicinity of Kennydale School which area was recently annexed. It was brought up that survey had been made and two lights authorized. Mayor Custer advised he would follow up on the installation and report back to Council. Councilman Perry, Chairman, requested a meeting of the Public Relations Committee at 7:00 P.M. next Monday, January 16th and the City Attorney was invited to attend. Councilman Perry suggested that a Committee of two Council Members and business men from Boeing, Pacific Car and Foundry and Puget Power, be appointed to deal with the traffic problem,and funding for improvement which might be available be investi- gated, the Mayor's recent trip to Wn. D.C. being mentioned as possible source of information on fund availability. Mayor Custer stated he has prepared a report for the Council regarding his trip and will meet when the Council is ready. Discussion followed regarding activities of the Street and Alley Committee and Traffic Advisory Committee in regard to the traffic problems and funding and request will be made that Mr. Perry be notified of the meetings if he desires to attend. Councilman Poli inquired regarding opening of the railroad crossing at 4th Avenue North previously authorized and City Engineer Wilson reported that a new Petition has been submitted to the Department of Utilities and Transportation but that it was hoped to complete the Lake Washington Beach Park transaction before taking up another railroad crossing. Audience comment was invited at this time and Mr. Charles Shane reported that the Builders of the area had met with the Building Director and he is Chairman of a Committee formed to review the Building Code and it was requested that the Council meet with them for discussion. Council President Trimm designated January 17, 1967 at 7: 30 p.m. (Tuedsay) for such meeting of the Committee of the Whole with the Builders. Mr. Shane inquired regarding the new city hall plans and why the Council did not submit a bond issue to the people, his feeling being that we need roads and parks also and these issues were placed before the electorate as money was not available and yet the new city hall funding in sum of 1,500,000.00 is being authorized. It was pointed out that this project will be funded out of the revenue from the 16 mill levy and that a public hearing was held with notices published for information -- of the public and that this would be beneficial to the citizens, no bond issue being required, and to the community, being a much needed improvement. Mr. Shane expressed his view that it was still coming out of his pocket. As there was no further business, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was ad ourned at 10: 50 p.m. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor -6- 228 1-9-67 APPLICATIONS FOR ERMITS .S SUBI�IITTID BY THE CITY BUILDIEG DE iRTP7ENT BUILDING r-sR[•ITS NO. AINOUNT NAiZ ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 11760 ' .800.00 Louis Barei 614 - 12th P1, S. Office addition 61 250.00 Greater Renton Shopping Center 2803 Sunset East Wire Service 62 50.00 D. C. 1xree 3308 - 7th Pl. N. Ifire Service 63 200.00 I1oneywe1l, Inc. 226 Main St. Sign 64. 500.00 Sternco Lana Co. 3626 E. Aarginal ::y, S. Revocable permit for temp. bldg. 11765 700 jO0 Greeter Rei-,ton Sho.pping Center 2826 - 11th N Remodel Store 66 50.00 ,verett C. Clymer 505 Windsor nl. Wire Service 67 500.00 Betz Florist 4B - 3rd St. .Sign 68 480.00 C. F. Pomeroy 10215 SE 88th :tire Service 69 17,580.00 Bell & Valdez SE Taylor Court Fera Residence 11770 30,000'00 City 6f Seattle Seattle, Wash Line patrol station 71 5,000.00 City of Seattle Seattle, Wash. I.,dre Service 72 675.00 William Moses 1138 Davis St T.,rire Service 73 1,500.00 James E. 3anker 405 - 7th Ave Wire Service 74. 50.00 Milraaukee Railroad 1501 E D St Lbxe Service 11775 19,900.00 'L-.')ell Valdez S E 18th Court New residence 76 11800.00 F. Gustaffson SE 103rd Frame 1;ddition 77 400.00 Renton Cashway Lumber Co. 120 Factory St Dry shed roof 78 150.00 Ernesto Barei 322 3rd Ave Mire Service 79 650.00 Stan Witsoe 11012 - 115th SE vire Service 11780 19,000.00 Richard Reeves Const. Co 10830 - 110th Pl SE New residence 81 4.5,000.00 The Boeing Co. 10-80 Addition Chiller Bldg. 82 4,628.00 Trans American Dev. 1403 Ethier Rd Wire service 83 31087.00 Trans American Dev. 1409 Ethier Rd 1dre service 84 21917.00 Trans American Dev. 1407 Ethier Rd Wire Service 11785 570.00 Jack 0. Lynch, Jr. 3253 Court B Fence 86 500.00 Renton Clothing Co. 812 - 3rd Ave. Sign 87 535.00 Amos Hus eland 11623 SE 104th P 1 irdire service 88 50.00 Pacific N W Bell 825 N Logan Wire service 69 500.00 Standard Oil Co. 13190 Sunset Blvd E Sign 11790 1,500.00 Standard Oil Co. 13190 Sunset Blvd. E Sign 91 1,200.00 Joseph Regis 223 Rainier Ave S Remodel office 92 40.00 Trans American Dev, Co. Grady Wy & Talbot Signs 93 240.00 Import Car Center 221 Morris St Wire Service 94 500.00 George Howell 439 Windsor Wy IiTire service i LUi DD,,G i NTING PEPdUTS 8163 --- Bice Tibbets 2307 - 7th Ave N. Gas install. 64 --- Stan 111itsoe 11012 - 115th SL' Gas install. 65 --- Bell & Valdez 2004 R H P1 SE Gas install. 66 --- City of Seattle 1911 Maple Valley Tarr. Plumbing fixt. 67 --- The Boeing Co. 10-90 Building Plumbing.-fixt. 8168 --- Howard L. Courtney 11242 - SE 96th Heating Equip. 69 --- Renton Luthern Church 419 - 2nd Ave. Gas install. 70 --- Ernesto Barei 322 - 3rd Al e. dumbing fixt. 71 --- Donald Frazier 560 I P1. Gas install. 72 --- Jack Bales 2621 - 5th Ave. K. Gas install. 8173 --- Amos Huseland 11623 SE 104th P1 Plumbing fixt. 74 --- Rudy Zapitul 11625 SE 115th rl dumbing fiat, 75 ov-ve.: Amos Huseland 11623 SE 104th Septic Tank SETVER P.M ZITS 119 --- Dict: Storey 519 Burnett St. Setrer 120 --- Jack Knewell 743 Renton St Sewer -7w 229 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING January 16, 1967 8:00 P.N. Office of The City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: Trimm, Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse, that the absent Council '.ember be excused. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT_HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Director and Vic TeCantvoort, Street Commissioner. Moved by Trim-n, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of January 9, 1967 be approved as written. T',,e motion carried. PRESEN"ATION: Mayor Custer at this time awarded Mr. George Dobson a Certificate of Merit ror Community Service which placque was commemorative of twenty years of service as a member of the Airport Board. Mr. Dobson expressed his thanks and deemed it to have been his privilege to serve on the Board. PRELIMI14ARY MEETINGS WITH PROPERTY OWNERS ON PROPOSED ANNEXATIONS: Wilk_nson-Taylor-Vanderford-Ricardi & Dunn Properties located at 14th Avenue South and Shattuck Street South. City Engineer's report was read advising that the letter of intent contains signatures representing 100% of the assessed valuation and area comprises 2.95 acres with assessed valuation of $7,050.00. Specifically located at the Northwest corner of intersection of Talbot Road (Springbrook Road) and 14th Avenue South, the proposed for annexation is a portion of Water District #78 and conflicts with an agreement between the Water District and the City made in 1962, that the City will only consider annexation of the entire water district as deletion from the district,being a very cmall,one would cause financial distress. Petitioners have indicated they will be willing to try for signatures required to annex the entire island and it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that Petitioners be advised of existing agreement and recommend that they try to secure required signatures to annex the whole area. Carried. In the event these efforts are not successful it was suggested that the possibility of replacing the agreement with anot-her that might be suitable be explored, Petitioner being a builder is desirous of securing the City sewer facilities in development of his properties. Mead-Melis-Rowe-Vidos & Wroten properties located on the North side of 12th Avenue North between "P" and "R" Streets. City Engineer's report advised that letter of intent is signed by owners representing 72% of the assessed valuation and the property contains approximately 8.41 acres with an assessed valuation of $8,442.00. Since no property owner was present for the preliminary meeting which is required by law, it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, that the Petitioners be advised of the requirement of attendance for further procedure and that the meeting be held for one week. Carried. Ruggles-Crisswell-Siebeens property located on the Southeast corner of the intersection of S.E. 128th Street and 132nd Avenue S.E. City Engineer's report advised that letter of intent contains signatures representing 41.2% of the assessed valuation and the area contains 9.9 acres with an assessed valuation of $6,620.00. Property owners were present and were asked whether they would be willing to assume their pro-rata share of the city's pre-existing bonded indebtedness. Mr. John Malgarini, speaking on behalf of Mr. Ruggles indicated willingness,and other petitioners present likewise,and it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, that the Petitioners be authorized to circulate the proper Petition for annexation which shall contain statement of willingness to assume the pro-rata shares of indebtedness as stated. Carried. The Petition has been submitted to the City Engineer and will be filed with the City Clerk as required. COMMUNICATIONS: A card was read from Mrs. Arthur L.. Haugan and daughters Joanne and Barbara thanking the Mayor, Council, City Clerk and Treasurer for sympathy and flowers in their recent sorrow of the passing of Mr. Haugan, Assistant City Attorney. -1- 230 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 1-16-67 COMMUNICIT IONS: (Cont.) A letter from City Attorney Shellan submitted revised Lease agreements with the Boeing Company on parcels of property located on the Cedar River Waterway North and South of 6th Avenue North, to commence as of August 15, 1966, L.Ag. 1050-66 and 1052-66. It was recommended upon approval that the documents be executed by the Mayor and City Clerk, initialling the insertions, retaining the originals of each and forwarding executed copies to the Attorney's Office for distribution. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to accept the revised documents with referral as recommended. Carried. A letter from City Engineer Wilson reported regarding Wood-Wickham et al Petition for annexation of property on South Margin of S.E . 116th Street between 133rd and 136th Avenues S.E. , that the petition contains signatures representing 100% of the assessed valuation and area contains 2.47 acres with the assessed valuation of $2,150.00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to accept the annexation of this territory to the City of Renton with referral to the Mayor to request dispensation of Review Board proceedings. The motion carried. City Engineer's report was read regarding Petition for annexation of Skagen-Lotto & Lotti; properties located on northerly side of Sunset Blvd. E. between existing City Limits and City of Seattle Skagit River Transmission Line easement. Check of King County records indicates the Petition contains signatures of 100% of owners on assessed valuation and area contains approximately 8.50 acres with an assessed valuation of $4,290,00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, to approve the annexation of this territory to the City of Renton with referral to the Mayor to. request dispensa-Eion of the Review Board proceedings. Carried. A Claim for damages was read filed against the City by Hohlbein, Church, Sawyer & Vanderhoef, Attorneys, on behalf of James P. Lemma resulting from damages to his automobile when front cross-member caught on grading due to drop in surface at 7th Avenue South and Burnett Street railroad crossing, October 18, 1966. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to refer the Claim to the City Attorney. The motion carried. A letter from Joesph H. Tippets, Director, Federal Aviation Agency reported that the recent Request for Aid completed by the City of Renton for Airport program funds,has not been included in the approved 1967 Fiscal Year Program for the reason that the proposed development is of relatively low priority. -.It-was hoped that Parcel A which became available for purchase through relocation of the inner harbor line might be funded. Since moneys are appropriated each year by Congress the City will continue to submit its application for assistance in the future. Discussion ensued regarding Federal Aid Funds available to Cities and comparison made of the City's participation in benefits. A letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for payment, invoice in sum of $1,875.00 for engineering services rendered by Cecil C. Arnold and Associates for design for widening of the Logan Street Bridge. Although bids wed^ unfavorable and the project held up the plans as prepared will be utilized at any time the City proceeds. This sum is to be funded from Arterial Street Funds. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from the National League of Cities reported enclosure of materials relating to the forthcoming National Auto Theft Campaign. Full support of this program was urged. City Attorney Shellan advised of suggested amendment to Traffic Code,in reference to regulating control of unattended motor vehicles,and after discussion with the Police Chief an Ordinance has been prepared. Leaving keys in ignition shall contitute a violation thereunder and the police are authorized to remove the keys from vehicles left unattended. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. A letter read from Calvin F. Schmid, State Census Board, submitted tabulation of all municipal territorial annexations in the State during the calendar year of 1966. The list will be on file in the office of the City Clerk. A letter from Wiley Carpenter, City Clerk, Longview, directed to members of the 1967 Legislature called attention to Senate Bill No. 147, attached, which provides for method of furnishing ,jury lists to Superior Court Judges. It was pointed out that presently Cities compile from Registration Binders complete and full list of all registered voters while the baliff or judge in the County seat take one name out of ten our twelve from the County seat records. This is an example where the legislature is mandating laws for cities that involve extra work and expense without providing the funds to pay these costs. It was questioned as to why the non-county seat officers were not permitted the name mode of compiling the lists and support flame was urged. -2- 231 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 1-16-67 COMMUNICATIONS(Cont.) SB No. 147 - Wiley Carpenter, Longview City Clerk Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer this matter to the Legislative Committee. Carried. Bulletin from the Association of Washington Cities announced Annual Convention to be held at the Seattle Center on June 21 - 23, 1967 and urged early reservations. A letter from Sven Johnson, Building Director,submitted draft of recommended revision of Section 203 of the 1964 Edition of th Uniform Building Code which defines and provides for the repair or demolition of unsafe buildings, which would conform to Sub-Section F of new Section 203. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendations with referral to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Letter from City Treasurer Gossett requested authorization for attendance of May Duncalf and Edna Johnson, Assistant City Treasurer and Clerk-Steno, at evening classes at Green River College for Municipal Accounting Courses presently being offered. Tuition and texts for each of two courses are in approximate sums of $24.90 the information to be of great importance in effecting the double entry accounting system to be required by the State Auditor's office for all cities of 8000 population and over by 1970. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the request of the City Treasurer. Carried. Planning Association of Washington schedule of agenda was read for meeting of February 17 and 18, 1967 at the Monticello Hotel in Longview, Washington. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Morris, the matter be referred to the Planning Committee for recommendation for sending City of Renton Delegates. Carried. A letter was read from Taira Fukushima, M.D. District Health Officer, Seattle-King County Department of Health advising of review of plan for a sewer along the East side of Lake Washington between the North city limits and S.E . 95th Place. Th, need of a sewering project for this area was strongly emplasized, based upon a known continual history of septic tank problems, sewage drainage into ditches, and contamination of the lake in the Kennydale area, along with residential build- up, a number of homes between the railroad track and the lakeshore being constructed on lots too shallow in depth to provide sufficient filtration. Water samples from the Kennydale area have shown fluctuating and significant bacterial count, the swimming beach having been closed temporarily a few years ago due to pollution from private sewage system. It was urged that the health risks and pollution potential be eliminated by early initiation of a sewering project for this area. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Sanitation Committee. Upon inquiry, City Engineer Wilson advised of preparing cost estimate for a proposed L.I.D. about a year ago but that industrial power at that time was not receptive due to the cost. Post cards had been sent out for return and of 20 returned 18 were in favor. Industry being one of the biggest sources of contamination sho"Id be favorable and it was the City Engineer's hope that the Council would initiate , and create a sewer district based upon the fact that it is a health hazard. It was pointed out that the people were to have met and come back to the City with some report but that none has been received to date and perhaps the Committee might contact those previously involved. The pending motion carried. APPOINTMENTS: A letter from City Attorney Shellan advised of appointment of Mr. John K. Pain, Jr. as Assistant City Attorney, effective as of January 1, 1967, by reason of the untimely death of Mr. Arthur L. Haugan who had been acting as Assistant City Attorm y since 1956. Mr. Pain is a graduate of the Gonzaga University Law School, Class of 1955, clerked for one year for Judge Schwellenbach of the Supreme Court and was Assistant Attorney General from 1957 - 1960, becoming quite familiar with Municipal Law. Mr. Pain, his wife and five children reside in Kennydale. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Mgrris, to concur in the appointment. The motion carried. Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Robert Denny to the position of Clerk-Dispatcher in the Renton Police Department on a temporary basis for a period of four months as allowed under RCW 41.12.040, Sub- section 9. Civil Service Commission certification was attached in view of having no eligible list until competitive examination can be held, Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation. Carried, Council concurrence was requested by Mayor Custer in the appointment of Mr. Robert Brower to fill unexpired term of Mr, Wes Busch on the Renton Planning Commission. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the appointment. Carried. -3- 232 Renton City Council Meeting - Minutes 1-16-67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Memorandum was read from the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recration announcing a meeting on Saturday, February 4, 1967 at 9:00 a,m. in the Commission Chambers, City Hall, 8th & Plum Streets, Olympia, WAsbington, COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Council President Trimm reminded the Members of-the Committee of the Whole meeting on Tuesday, January 17th at 7:30 p.m. Councilman Hulse, Chairman, submitted report of the new City Hall Building CoMO.- recommending that the Preliminary Outline Specifications and Construction Cost Esti i4` , as presented on January 9th by Architect pave Johnston, concluding Phase II, be accepted by the City Council and the Architects be authorized to proceed with the Documental Phase. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendations of the Building Committee. Discussion ensued wherein it was reported that the matter of sprinkler system has been resolved, same not being required to comply with the Code, and the Health Department will remain on the 6th floor with the administrative offices as shown on floor plans last week. Further discussion ensued regarding size of the tower and relative space and also regarding gravity sewer drain costs comparison to pumps to be required due to excavation. Councilman Hulse advised that these matters had been given consideration in the planning meetings. Upon inquiry, Mr. Johnston reported that architect fees and sales tax has been included in the cost estimates. Legislator Garrett interjected indication that the sales tax may vary. The pending motion carried. Councilman Pedersen submitted Sanitation Committee report reporting that subsequent to establishing rates for handling of hydraulically operated garbage containers, Valley Disposal, Inc. has acquired a two-yard container and proposed a rate of $3.00 per pick-up to handle these containers. The Sanitation Committee recommended that the rate be accepted and the City rate be established at $3.55 with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Ordinance. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recommendations. Carried. Councilman Pedersen reporting for the Property Committee advised that Bids for the purchase of the city-owned property on H Street North of Fire Station No. 2 had been considered and Mr. Chester Biggens bid of $18,259.00 was close to appraisal however it was felt the City should realize at least $19,000.Q1Z and Mr. Biggens has agreed to this amount and it was recommended that the City accept the increased bid. One other bid had been received from Mr.V. G. Hines in sum of $4,300.00 and the appraised amount was $19,850.00. Referral to the City Attorney for preparation of .required d©eumnts.was recommended.and that Title be conveyed by Quit Claim Dced with Title Insurance to be paid by purchaser, with May,:r and City Clerk to sign necessary instruments. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recommendations. The motion carried. Perry opposed. Councilman Garrett, Chairman, submitted Street and Alley Committee report which was read by the Clerk with Council action taken as follows: Mr. Temple recently brought to attention drainage problem on his property in vicinity of Jones Street and Beacon Avenue. A "Catch Basin" has been installed and should eliminate the problem. Recommended-request of the Traffic Engineer to retain Consultant for Master Control System inter-connecting the traffic signals on Rainier Avenue and Sunset Blvd. at Langstrn"-e granted, Engineered Industrial Systems, Inc. being the firm suggested and the cost, payable from the Arterial Street Fund,will be $3,500.00. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendations of the Street and Alley Committee and Traffic Engineer. The motion carried. Councilman Poli submitted Light and Power Committee report recommending installation of two 7000 Mercury Vapor lights on 108th Place S .E. adjacent to the Kennydale School. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Mayor Custer reported an item for information which has been in the news where Renton is to receive certain share of 122 million dollars upon approval of the Governor's program by the 1967 Legislature, distribution of which is by a 4-factor formula. Renton's share would total $192095.00 since we qualify in each of the four categories. Hulse inquired whether this money could be used for contingency items in the Budget and Garrett replied that it would be general fund money and outlined factors of the formula . He added that he had ,joined in sponsorship of this enabling legislation. Councilman Morris stated comment should be withheld until such � ` -4- 233 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 1-16-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: UNFINISHED BUSINESS Cont.) time as the legislation is passed and approved by the Governor. Councilman Garrett submitted letter from Chester Biesen, Executive Director, Assn. of Washington Cities, which was read noting air of over-optimism around the State on the part of numerous officials, the feeling seeming to be "its in the bag", "they'll have Zo do something now", which appears to be very premature and unrealistic at this time . Other loubyists are extremely strong and able to exert far more pressure politically than are c c;_es, It was urged that cities continue to work to see that their own delegations are cultivated and made as friendly as possible toward the cities' cause - Legislators thought to be friendly having a way of changing their minds in a hurry under pressure. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Hulse moved that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 6498 through 6624, having been approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee for 1966, ba approved by the Council for payment at this time. Fund Breakdown follows: The motion carried. Current Fund 6498 - 6525 $ 12,024.79 City Street Fund 6526 - 6537 3,484..47 Arterial Street Fund 6538 1,85.00 Cedar River M. & I. 6539 - 6544 384<4' Off-Street Parking 6545 10,00 Equipment Rental 6546 - 6558 2,829.41 Library 6559 - 6590 3.,268.04 Parks 6591 - 6602 3,164.02 Water Works Utility 6603 - 6615 4,598..58 1965 Water & Sewer Const. 6616 and 6624 20,593..35 Airport 6617 - 6622 137.28 Cumulative Reserve 1975 6623 1,062.32 $ 53,421.7,�L Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that City of Renton 1967 Vouchers No. 6625 - 6628, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment by the Council at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Library Fund 6625 $ 5,390.00 Airport 6626 100 Cumulative 1975 6627 6,000.00 Current Fund 6628 22.00 Councilman Hulse inquired regarding further report on Lake Washington Beach railroad crossing and Park Director Coulon advised of receipt of plans for the signalization and crossing however, the agreement documents have not yet been received. Councilman Schellert reporting in minority for the Ways and Means Committee advised that the City has not received tax revenues due from the County and excess revenues are not available at present as anticipated, some $196,000.00 still receivable. The Committee is unable at this time to report method of funding for a new Parking Checker and the matter will be retained for the present, ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Morris submitted proposed Resolution of the City of Renton authorizing fumd transfer from Planning Department Account 1700/308, M. & 0. unto 1700/606, Capital 0 tlay, $350.00. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1416 as read. Carried. (Tape Recording Equipment) The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington authorizing Street Department fund transfer from 3200/802, Sidewalks (St. Maint. 3240/306, Stationary Equip.), $1,032.14, unto 3200/606, Machinery & Equipment, (St. Maint. 3240/606, Machinery & Equipment) . Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur and adopt Resolution No. 1417 as read. The motion carried. The Committee presented a proposed Resolution authorizing fund transfer from Waterworks Maintenance Account 7120/605, Capital Outlay in sum of $3,271.82, unto Waterworks Maintenance Accounts 7120/311, $4.25, 7120/315, $2,260.16, 7120/317, $15.00 7120/325, $62.92, 7120/417, 892.86 and 7120/203, $36.63. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Resolution No. 1418 as read. Carried. -5- 234 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 1-16-67 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris reported referral last week to the Law and Ordinance Committee of proposed Ordinance regRrding Fireworks and there being only two Committee Members present, one recommended referral to the Committee of the Whole and one recommended presentation to the Council. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, to place the proposed Ordinance on first reading. Carried. After the reading, it was moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the document to the Committee of the Whole. The motion carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington amending the City Uniform Building Code, 1964, Chapter I, Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to the installrtion cf sidewalks, curbs, gutters and street paving, which had been placed on first reading,subsequently public hearing held thereon, January 9, 1967, and second and final reading was recommended at this time. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. After second and final reading it was moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2295 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Councilmen present voting aye. The motion carried. Councilman Morris reported that since February 13th is a legal holiday for Municipal Corporations the Legal bid opening could not be effected and moved that the bid opening date be set for February 20, 1967 in lieu thereof. The motion was seconded by Hulse and carried. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Richard Stredicke inquired regarding the scale model of the new city hall site with respect to the cement bulkhead along the river bank which he felt was not in line with beautification effect,the natural beauty of Liberty Park being interest of the Allied Arts and Municipal Arts Com- mittees. Mr. Johnston advised that the scale model was completed on an artistic setting and the river bank is not included in the budget nor the fountain pool between the library as shown but the landscaping was added for the overall aesthetic picture and placement value. Mayor Custer added that some opinions had been expressed that a concrete walkway along the river wo.-ald be very pleasing so there will be some differences of opinion on the matter. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. There were 18 visitors in the Council Chambers. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk f' l y' D. W. Custer, Mayor r -6- 235 Y -67 APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS N0. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 11795 39,469.00 Stanley Home Products 501 - 7th Ave Wire Warehouse 6 11500.00 Phillips P etroleum Co 330 Rainier Ave So Pole Sign 7 1,200.00 M-11 Enterprises (Bonanza) 625 Rainier Ave So Sign 8 450.00 Phillips Petroleum Co 206 Sunset Blvd W Sign 9 7,500.00 City of Renton Cemetery Rd & Bronson Wire pump station 11800 12,000.00 Friends of Youth 10198 Lake Wn Blvd Wire Service 1 250.00 Earl Richards . .325 Sunset Blvd E Wire Addition 2 50.00 Harry Height 230 Tobin St Separate Meter 3 17,000.00 Herbert Mull 818 "L" St New Residence 4 2,000.00 Pacific N.W. Bell 321 2nd Ave Remodel Office Space 11805 2,000.00 Pacific N.W. Bell 311 2nd Ave Remodel Office Space PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS 8176 -- James Moyers 523 "K" St Gas Installations 7 -- F. Gustaffson 11621 S.E. 103rd Plumbing Fixtures E SELLER PERMITS 121 -- Elonzo Winston 3903 6th P1 No Sewer 2 --- Louie Barei 322 3rd Ave " how -7- low ;Z36 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING January 23, 1967 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the Assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: Trimm, Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner and Vern Church, Purchasing Agent. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of January 16, 1967 be approved as written. The motion carried. PRELIMINARY MEETING WITH PROPERTY OWNER - Proposed annexation of property located North of 12th Avenue N.between"P" Street and "R" Street. (Mead-Melis-Rowe-Vidos & Wroten properties.) Mr. George Vidos was present and Councilman Schellert inquired whether the property owners were willing to assume their pro-rata shares of the City's pre-existing bonded indebtedness which inquiry is required by State Law (Sec. 18, Ch. 282, 1961) Mr. Vidos indicated compliance acknowledging due notice of this meeting. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse to favorably consider this annexation and that the property owners be authorized to circulate the proper petition which shall bear the statement of willingness to assume the pro rata share of city debt as stated. Carried. The meeting was declared closed. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from W. E. Bennett, Utility Accountant, requested transfer of funds in the Waterworks Utility Fund to balance the State Tax 1966 budget account from 7100/402, Office Supplies, to 7100/503, State Taxes, $1,463.08. Approval and referral to � the Law and Ordinance Committee were recommended. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendations of the Utility Accountant as read. Carried. A letter from Foster & Marshall, Inc., by Donald R. Morken, recommended that the City proceed with the issuance of the $1,500,000.00 City Hall Bond Issue at this time because of the recent sharp. improvement in the bond market. It was suggested that the sale date be set for February 27th at 8:00 p.m. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation and sale date with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Letter from W. E. Bennett, representing the City Employees Club, Ray Barilleaux, Fire Department and Wally Hume, Police Department reported regarding proposal by Standard Insurance Company to increase the present life insurance coverage rather than reducing premiums and t!a� add dependent life insurance at cost of $.65 monthly to be paid by employee, that the policy be renewed with changes as proposed. Vote by all employees covered resulted favorably toward the proposals, and rates will be guaranteed for a period of two years rather than one year as per prior contracts. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Hulse, to refer the communication to the Committee of the Whole. The motion carried. Petition for annexation of territory to the City of Renton was read covering properties owned by Ruggles, Crisswell and Siebeens, located on the S.E. corner of the intersection of S .E. 128th Street and 132nd Ave. S.E. City Engineer's report advised that check of King County records indicates the petition is signed ° by owners representing 100% of the assessed valuation of the property and that the area comprises approximately 9.9 acres having an assessed valuation of $6,620.00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to refer the proposed annexation to the Mayor to request dispensation of the Review Board proceedings. Carried. Upon inquiry regarding setting of a hearing date, City Attorney Shellan advised that jurisdiction is at present in the Board of Review until such time as it may : . decide. to dispense with the hearing thus the Council can take no further action at this time. -1- I Z37 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 1-23-67 COMMUNICATIONS: Notice was read that the Mobile Blood Bank will be at the Renton Eagles Lodge No. 1722 at 316 - 3rd Avenue, from noon to 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 25th which is sponsored by the Renton Eagles No. 1722 and Renton Elks No. 1809. Application from the Renton Eagles Club requested that Canteen Service be granted the required license to operate a coin-phonograph at 316-3rd Avenue. Moved by Poli, and seconded by Perry, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. The motion carried. Letter from Dayle E. Garrison, Chairman, Planning Commission and Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director, reported study of questions raised by the City Attorney regarding trailer park zones and their relationship to the Comprehensive Plan. Attorney Shellan's opinion stated that trailer parks have to be located in a use zone designated as "T" on the City's Zoning Map and he doubted that such trailer parks could legally be located in any residential or business area unless the proper "T" use was so indicated on the maps of the City. If no "T" zones are designated at all then this may be con- sidered inequitable or even arbitrary since it would actually prohibit the establishment of trailer parks within the City, and would in turn be inconsistent with our zoning ordinance. The Planning Commission as a result of its meeting of January 18th, felt in view of possible legal problems and the public interest involved, that further study is necessary and it was requested that the rezone applications for trailer parks previously recommended to the Council be referred back to the Planning Commission until such time as the necessary studies can be completed. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the subject rezones back to the Planning`Commission as requested. Councilman Morris stated that the Law and Ordinance Committee is holding proposed Ordinances covering these rezones which will be retained until the matter is resolved. The motion carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Council President Trimm submitted Committee of the Whole report which was read with recommendations from meeting of January 19th as follows: Recommended that the City's Ordinance governing the sale of fireworks be amended to provide that one license be allowed for each 3000 population or portion thereof and that the period of application be limited to January 1 through April 30 of each year. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendations of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. The Committee reported for information that the matter of a "Public Facility Loan" for arterial street improvements was referred to the Mayor for study and that the proposed Ordinance regarding "Unsafe Buildings" was referred to the City Attorney, the City Engineer, Building Director and Law and Ordinance Committee for study and recommendation. Councilman Trimm presented Planning Committee recommendation that Councilmen Hulse and Schellert be designated to represent Renton at the Planning Association of Washing- ton meeting in Longview on February 17-18. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation and authorization for attendance as read. Carried. New Business: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that City of Renton Vouchers No. 6629 - 6706, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council for apyment. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 6629 - 6679 $ 7,323.32 City Street 6680 - 6684 5,917.29 Equipment Rental 6685 - 6689 34.37 Parks 6690 - 6694 2,263.25 Waterworks Utility 6695 - 6702 27,372.06 Airport 6703 - 6704 175.83 Cumulative 1894 6705 2.00 Cumulative 1990 6706 12.46 $ 43,100.58 Councilwoman Dahlquist urged that Planning Commission Members attend the Planning Association of Washington meeting in Longview and Council Members as well since the meeting is in the State and should have a good representation. -2- 1-23-67 COUNCIL U)MMI-TTLE PEP0R'jS- -4, 4- rep=a.yted e!.�.qedr a�ad -e walk Is badly needed on the East side cl ek op is wearing away of Kenny rials Sohool (94th ('�E 108-1 since t'be -t ana the Patrol leaders and chilAren waiting, tc- cross are gathering further and - fust er Lito thi-i e ght of way uW,JI..,, two car, have difficulty getting bv. Mayor Custer advised that the sclioo! has beer, cout3cted regarding p&rticipation in -the i-aprovertent of this street bet ey are try.-;sg to elini-Vite crcssil,924 in f-014t Of the scRools. It was se ggested that the Mayor puxstte i.-he .at Ler further and report. counel'lwomar DahlolJ`-,t calleo a*tenti� ,7n to rece lit newspapper article regarding Miss Hillgen. and the ven_ y nice write up regarding, her co=unity ser%ice and expressed appreciation for the contribut- .ons riu.;de by her to the City of Renton while sbe Ms serving as Librarian. 0'RDjW-*14CLS AND Law oil Ordinan�!e C-1.iM, -'14Ctek:, Chairman Morris submitted a prjposed Resolution of the ; ,Zty of Renton authorizing transfer of m,ltls withing the Waterworks Utility Fund in sum of $1,4603,08, from: 71,00/4-02 -,mto 73,00/305, State Taxes. Moved by Poli and seconded 1by Hulse, that Renoltzion Un. 14.19 be adopted as read. Carried. and OI dinance Comird,ttee sulvzttta ed preposed Ordinance of the City of Renton Lnu; r A. -..,as rtci%`A I.- the C.'Lerk, provid-ng for the cons traction of a city hall on a Ilation of i ta reserft3y acquired civic center 9ite5 including the landscapirig TIS parkir.g I 116,nt, D.tidergrourd wiring & ligliting thereof, togcther with the acqtdSit.*Vn 'if Fixtilteso furnishings, equi.,—�wnl:, machiner-yo including data processi.;%. -r equipmknt, and other anp4rtenances and site ijprovemrents necess4ry tlzeretoS declaring the esV'mated C-G'st thereof as nearly as my be; providing for tile issuance and sale of "4�eneral obldgatiaii City KJ]"" Bonds, 1167," of tlkae City; specifying the maturities and Eixing the form and traxirpi.n. t -ive jiltere-st rate of such bands; establishing . f fcct a "General. Obligation Citi, HaJI.-TA. Sond Fated, and Providing for the sale of such bonds. T`Qe Committee placed the ordinwne-e with. the Clerk for ivtroeuctory, reading and announced that itille blond sale wi2l tie auth,:)-J?.ed on Ilebruany 27th and until that time the Council will ateept any ccir.uants, criticisms, ream-olendations or suggestions as may be offered for contideratio-n *lthe rourcil- Movzd bi Morris, seconded by .Hulse, that 4--he prkoposeO 0-rdiTlancp I pjf,,ced on its spo,nd and final reading. CarrIC-A . After thz- final reading, it was ,uoved bv P!!;Li, seconded by Brui.-.e, to adopt Ordimnce Fo. 2296 as read. Cooncilmar. Perry suggested that the newspapers in carrylrz airy story xegardl-Eily this i-atton by tho. Council make a e(-.*mne"t that the ptaviic does have 41, their i tw,til February 2,7, . to voice pinions on this action of Wilding the city hall. -he pending motion carriedl..upoit roll cali, vnte with, mll ay,^s except Dahlonist who expressed her opirion that sht� opposed as It was tier understanding that in order to bond ltsi4f in thiLs manner, whiia, was provided foz at the 'Stat. LA-,gislaaDare, a City ose. iz, an emergency. rjoist have an eiriergancy rwed anel she does not feel. this purp The lzw and ordirancz! Cw",irtee .;ubcitd a prlop,:zied OrdirrAnce. f,,f the City of Renton, Wash.i.ngtor. am4?nding Section A.--309, Sub-section 8 of Title V111 (Health and Sanitation) of (Yrli a.,ice No.. IZ28 -e-ntitle-d "Code of General Ordinances- of the City of Renton, as read by the GU 4 � t I.., rk which provides for gai:1,age rote* - pickup of 2-yard containers handle l hydraalically. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse. to place the proposed Ordinance on it secand and f;Vial reading. z,>rrie0i. A4ter fina., -ending it waz moved by Pedersen. seccaxdt�--.d by Pnlir, to adlopt Utd4nance No. 2 )97 as read, Roll call followed with all present voting ave and the motion carried. J Li4 ;it erica proposed 'rldinance w1hich had been placed Un first reading on 0 j January Xcij 1967, amending sections 7-505 and 7-515 of Tit1c V11 (Fare regulations) of ftddh tinea 6'S entitled "Co6e of (ioneral. Ordinances of t1r. City of Renton, revising regulat-ions for issuance of firewor", szilfe licenses. After second a-,nd final reading it was roved by Brun:e, secorsded by Hulse to adopt ordinance No. 2298 as read. Roll call vote rebL_-Lted 4n all ayes and the im-tion carried. A proposed Ordins4ce was oea& ! which amend�SeL­tior, 10-109 0) of Title X (Traffic) qf Ordinance No. '11628, Code of Genx-,ral Ordinances of Renton V-elatilflg to removal of ign.ition key fron any anattende:'d vehicle, prepared pursuant to the 'motional. Auto 'heft prPvent *Lc,-n campaign. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to Place the docum-2nt on second and final reading. Ci-ried. After final reading, it wn-3 -mi;vvdi by Morris, secon&6 by Bruce, to adopt Orli rwance No. 7?09 as read. R011 C811, vote resulted in al", ayes carry 1",%g the motion, the W�ole i -rediately, Council Prer:;iele-nt Trimma requested a mee­-ivg of ft,,e corrAnittee of folvioving this meeting and since t1jere wat-, no farther bu8iness to come before tLe 'lie j.4 W,'3': Movel by Delaurenti, sa�yr�ntled by Poij, to adjoup. CThearriel was ad,jot;rned at 8:45 p.m. Custer �FPOC�7­ 1-23-67 APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS No. AMOUNT NAIME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 11806 200.00 Louis Ba•rei 322 3rd Ave New Service 7 :110,000.,00 7doccfone-.Sunset Venture 500 Aurora No, Suite 10 31 Unit Apartment .8 -- Louis Barei 322 3rd Ave Demolish gas station 9 400.00 Cher Sicnkiris 501 Saithers Ave S Re-roof residence 1810 3,000.00 James Hunter 9743 - 112th S.E. Swimming pool 1 14,360.00 R. S. Shane Aldah Ranch Dwelling 2 410.00 F. Gustaff son 11621 S.E. 103rd Wire service 3 18,500.00 Ray Rosa 620 Langston Road New residence 4 -- City of Renton 13013 132rd S.E. Demolish residence 11815 McDonald's Inc. 73 Rainier Ave So Renew. Permit-Drive-in 6 500.00 Renton Honda 223 Rainier Ave; So face Mounted Sign 7 500.00 Rudy 2aputil 11625 S.E. 105th P1 Wire residence 8 300.00 Szabo Food Supply 720 6th Ave N New service �aare3 oUSQ 9 -- City of Renton 1212Houser Way Demolish two sheds 11820 248.00 George Andrews 3521 - 6th Ave No New service 1 600.00 Dave Saunders 15641 gpringbrook Rd New service-elect heat PLUMBING AND HEATING 8178 - August H. Ma.ngels 225 Sunset E. Gas install,,r;-- F. Gustaffson 11621 S.E. 103rd Plumbing fixtures 8180 -- .lames Moyees 523 K_ St Gas installations 1 -- Pacific N.W. Bell 311 2nd Aire Plumbing fixtures 2 -- Salavage Management 1222 No Bronson Gas installations 3 -- Bell & Veldez 1909 S.E. Taylor Ct Plumbing fixtures 'WER PERMITS 123 _ - Gordon Sandman 6809 So 122nd Sewer Fund transfers authorized and approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee and the City Council for the month of January. TO CLAIMS TO PAYROLL FROM: FROM: Current ]Fund $ 7,345.32 Current Fund $ 96,712.99 City Street 5,917.29 Street Fund 17,532.80 Library 5090.00 Cedar River M. & 1. 535.00 Parks 2,263.25 Equipment Rental Fund 3,714.74 Equipment Rental 34.37 Library Fund 6039.63 Airport 176.83 Parks 11,738.33 Waterworks Utility 27,372.06 Waterworks Utility 16,264.01 Cumulative 1894 2.00 Airport 1,323:00 Cumulative 1975 6000.00 Firemen's Pension 90.84 Firemen's Pension 2,064.15 153,951.34 56,565.27 Ir�r S RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING February 6, 1967 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: Trimm, Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry, Poli and Morris. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, that the absent Council Members be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner and Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of January 23, 1967 be approved as written. Carried. OPENING OF BIDS: 1967 Equipment BIDDER AND (Police) (Fire) (Motor Pool) (Motor Pool) ADDRESS 5-4D Sedans 1-4D Sedan 1-4D Sedan 1-9 Pass.- W,gzon• Williams & Swanson $9,980.50 $2,465.40 $2,247.22 $22555.98 617 - 3rd Avenue w/trade & tax Inc. tax w/trade & tax w/trade & tax Renton, Washington Robinson-Lyon Ford $11,247.50 $2,032.20 $2,018.59 $22344.16 3rd & Burnett + Sales tax + Sales Tax w/trade & tax w/trade & tax Renton Trade Bryant Motors $12,450.48 $2,972.14 (No =ond or (AO Deposit) 1300 Bronson Way w/trade & tax Inc. tax Renton Wm. 0. McKay Co. $ 1,664.73 ea. $2,120.66 $22036,56 $2,383.52 609 Westlake No. + sales tax + sales tax + sales tax + sales tax Seattle-98109 Sportvan Sportvan 2- Ton Truc s 3-3 4 Ton T`ruc3leo (Police) (Traffic) (Pick-ups) (Pick-ups) Williams & Swanson $2,801.75 $2,424.00 $3,497.96 $72022.75 617 Third Avenue w/trade & tax Inc. tax w/trades & tax w/trades & tax Renton Robinson-Lyon Ford No Bid No Bid $3,737.78 $7,451.07 w/trades & tax w/trades 7 tax Wm. 0. McKay No Bid No Bid $1,882.45 $2,261.12 w/trade + tax wftrade + tax $10772.45 $2,561.12 w/trade + tax w`trade + tax $2,311.12 w/trade + tax Suburban Dodge $2,687.17 $2,464.56 $1,878.65 12601 Rainier So. w/trade + tax Plus tax w/trade + tax $2,448.01 w/traw Renton $1,787.65 $2,298.01 + tax w/trade + tax $2,398.01 + tax -1- 241 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2-6-1967 OPENING OF BIDS:(Cont.) BIDDER & ADDRESS 2-3/4 Ton Pick-ups Ton Truck-Hoist-Flatb`d Wms. & Swanson $4,192.69 $3,137.36 w/trade & tax w/trade & tax Robinson-Lyon Ford $4,573.56 $3,530.88 w/trade & tax w/trade & tax Wm. 0. McKay Co. $2,146.83 $3,368.70 w/trade + tax w/trade + tax $2,131.82 w/trade + tax Suburban Dodge, Inc. $2,166.01 $3,481.44 w/trade + tax w/trade + tax $2,191.01 w/trade + tax BIDDER AND ADDRESS Tractor/Loader/Backhoe Hydraulic Backhoe Air Mac $12,125.26 w/trade & Tax-Diesel 3838-4th Ave. So. Seattle 98134 Puyallup Tractors, Inc. 7,857.00 w/trade & tax 514 River Road Puyallup Craig Taylor Equipment, Inc. 91209.50 w/trade & tax-Diesel $24,149.63 Tool Crib Sales 8,057.07 w/trade & tax 5701-1st Ave. So. Seattle Feenaughty Machinery Co. $16,643.49 717 Michigan Street w/trade & tax Seattle $16,758.11 alt. bid w/gas engine Howard Cooper Corp. $21,784.14 5055-4th Ave. S . w/trade & tax Seattle BIDDER & ADDRESS SEWER RODDER BID O'Brien Mfg. Corp. $ 4,063.80 w/trade & sales tax 5632 Northwest Highway Chicago 46, Illinois Waterworks Supplies Co. East 6110 Boradway Spokane, Washington $4,449.45 w/trade + tax Flexible Pipe Tool Co. P. 0. Box 22022 905 McBrod Ave. Milwaukee, Oregon 97222 $ 4,029.45 w/trade + tax Air Mac $ 4,093.71 w/trade & tax All bids were accompanied by Bonds or 57. Bid Deposits except as noted. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the bids to the Property Committee and the Purchasing Agent. Carried. -2- 242 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2-6-1967 HEARING: Appeal by Pallis Realty on behalf of Virgil Fox, of Planning Commission Decision denying rezone from S-1 to R-4. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported review of the proposed rezone by the Planning Commission on 1/25/67.Commission opinion was directed to the City Council that R-2 zoning with its lower height restriction would be the best use classification for this property. Letters of protest and petition containing approximately 105 signatures were read as submitted by Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shinpich, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Harvey and Mrs. Lester Saffell. The area,located on 88th Place South between South 126th and Soutii 128th Streets, contains 18000 Eq. ft and lies in a triangular shape. Audience comment favoring the--rezone was.invited-afid-Mr. Virgil"Foxy-owner"of the subject property, stated his realization that R-4 would not be the best zoning and that R-3 ••• being only 5 feet higher than is allowed by single family use, is more likely. ITe expressed willingness to make a deed restriction for R-3 or would otherwise accept whatever zoning the Planning Commission feels is proper which should remove the objection regarding the height. Mr. Pallis, Realtor, added that the proposed use is felt to be the highest and best utilization of the property, the property lending itself nicely to the 14-unit structure which will be planned to be equally attractive and desirable as residences in the area. He felt with tie traffic coming off 90th Avenue South there should be no particular traffic problem on 89th. Objectionable comment was invited and voicing protest to R-4 or R-3 zoning because of the height and view restriction and problem of increased hazard with additional traffic were Eleanor I. Wood, 12741-88th Ave. So. , Mr. -ohn Jonas, 8837 S�E. 126th Street, Mr. Henry Rauch, 8906 South 128th Street, Mr. Kenneth Surcamp, 12823 - 90th Ave. So., Mr. Duane Cottom, 8911 South 126th Street. Present speeds and dangerous use of the streets were mentioned and inquiry made regarding responsibility for future improvements of streets and walkways. After final comment, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the Planning Commission denial of the R-4 rezone. Discussion ensued regarding Planning Commission approval of R-2 and property owners expression that he would accept such zoning as the Commission determined best, and the fact that if the motion received concurrence there would bo nothing further before the Council with petitioner being required' to refile after six months has elapsed, Upon inquiry; City Attorney Shellan advised that the Commission and Council have the discretion to grant a lower density use if the property owner would so desire to amend his petition and if he -etitions at the hearings. The protesting residents were questioned and did indicate they were not opposed to the R-2 zoning and the petitioner advised that although R-3 would be more desirable, he would be willing to amend his petition to R-2:. Moved by Morris and seconded by Poli, that the pending motion be amended to read that petitioner submit his amended application to the Planning Commission with refer-ra-1 0& -the R-2 to the Planning Commission for recommendation. Discussion ensued on whether the Planning Commission opinion constituted a recommendation for the R-2 use since it was not acted upon at a regularly scheduled hearing meeting. Inquiry was made as to number of units allowed under R-2. Planning Director Ericksen stated that a special permit is required for the multiple use and that there would likely be 8-10 units. This would be single story duplex-type structures while the original. request was for a single apartment building of 14-units. The Chair rule) the referral a substitute motion rather than an amendment since it changes the intent, 11owever, since the Commission attitude is known already it was roved by Pedersen, seconded. by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Ordinance designating R-2 zoning Question was raised as to whether the Commission has intended its opinion as a recommendation and whether property owner had in fact amended his application after which the pending motion was voted upon and failed. Subsequent mctionc were challenged and the Mayor reminded the Council it could override such decisions by a 2/3 majority vote, After discussions regarding prior actions and Planning Commission Minutes, it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to continue this hearing until the next Council meeting of February 20th, requesting the property owner to amend his application to R-2 with the Planning Commission and referral of the revision to the Planning Commission for recommendation. The motion carried. Mayor Custer as point of information to residents of the area advised certain. street _an other off-site improvements are responsibilities of developers and the City has not had a Street L.I.D. since 1928. He also requested further information regarding the traffic problems. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter was read from Alfred H. Croonquist, Architect, requesting vacatie-i of portion of 106th Ave. S.E. from the North boundary of the Fred Nelsen Jr. High School to Puget Drive . It was pointed out that a Vacation Petition must contain. _signatures of all property owners involved to be valid and it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Pedersen, that applicant be so advised. Carried. Mr. Croonquist was present and advised that all owners were in accord and proper document would be submitted. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Morris to refer the matter to the City Engineer. Carried. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee with March 13th being set --.,s date for hearing Carried. -3- 243 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2-6-1967 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Applications from Boulevard Tavern and Cougar's Den requested required license be granted Regal Amusement Company and Kurt Hamlin, Snappy Tavern to operate Shuffleboard devices in said business places and from Melrose Tavern for American Shuffleboard Sales Corp. to operate Coin-type Billiard Table. Moved by Poli and seconded by Schellert, to refer the requests to the Police and License Committee with power to act. The motion carried. Claims for damages were filed by Merges, Brain & Hilyer on behalf of Lllewllyn Mills, 411 Chicago Avenue, Pacific Washington in sum of $250,000 claiming false arrest in connection with automobile accident wherein arrest was made for being drunk in public. Robert Purcell claim covered damage to residence from water when inadequate drainage caused back-up from sewers. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to refer the claims to the City Attorney and the Insurance Commission: Motion carried. A letter from the League of Women Voters reported plans for a one-day excursion to Olympia, Tuesday, February 28th to observe the Legislature in session. Chartered busses will leave Renton at 8:30 a.m. and return at approximately 5:30 p.m. Round trip fare is $2.75 and reservation forms were attached. All members of the community are invited to participate. Mrs. Gerard Shellan is in charge of reservations. A letter from Mayor Custer advised that unexpended revenue balance of $114,698.05 is available for appropriation resulting from unanticipated revenues in the 1966 budget. With :regard to several projects under consideration by the Council in previous actions it was recommended that moneys be appropriated as follows: Cumulative Fund 1689, Park Acquisition $15,000 Cumulative Fund 169$, Fire Apparatus 10,000 Cumulative Fund 1894, Municipal Buildings 50,000 Street Salaries & Wages, Overtime 1,000 Street Material and Supplies 15,000 Additional Parking Checker 55789 96,789 Included in the recommendations are funding for the grandstand, data processing equipment and the purchase of Parcel B Shorelands property, etc. Part of the funds have been designated "Unappropriated Revenues" to allow for eventuality of higher costs than were budgeted for taking of the population census in March. This also would be sufficient to cover the first installment on Parcel B Shorelands if the Council should decide to purchase the property from the State over a period of years. Moved by Morris, seconded by Gianini, to refer the letter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. A letter from Mr. Richard E. Hitt, Acting Director, Washington Association for Mental Health, Inc., 704 - 3rd Avenue, Seattle, requested No-Fee Permit to conduct fund soliciting campaign door-to-door in the City of Renton during the month of March. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to grant the request with required Hold Harmless Agreement. Carried. Letter from Park Director Coulon submitted Easement from Puget Sound Power and Light Company for roadway and utility use of property at Lake Wn. Beach Park site along with proposed Agreement between the City, Pacific Coast and Northern Pacific Railroad Companys regarding access road, grade crossing, signal system and certain work on Lake Washington Boulevard. The descriptions have been checked by the Engineering Department and the documents as to form by the City Attorney. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Gianini, to refer the matter to the Property Committee for recommenda- tion. Carried. A letter from The Boeing Company, directed to Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, requested that formal action be taken by the City to petition for reopening of the access route between Sunset Blvd. and 4th Avenue North to relieve traffic congestion at this inter- section, it being felt that some 4000 vehicles a day would benefit from such route. Inquiry was made as to whether petition has been submitted and upon negative reply it was pointed out that it was intended that the Lake Wn. Beach crossing be transacted before proceeding with this matter. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. (See further discussion under new business A letter from Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, submitted Planning Commission recommendations from its public hearing meeting of January 25, 1967 and rezone of properties was recommended as follows: J. David Jensen, Appl. R-370-66, from G to B-15 property located on Northeast corner of S.E. 128th Street and 132nd Ave. S.E. -4- 244 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2-6-1967 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Planning Commission Recommendations: J. David Jensen Rezone Area comprises six acres and is indicated as commercial and multi-family resi- dential on the Comprehensive Plan Maps. The Commission recommended B-1 zoning on the southerly 423.97' and R-3 on remaining northern portion. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendations with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance. Carried. Humble Oil & Refining Co., Appl. R-371-67, from G to B-1, located on Northeast corner of S.E . 94th Street and State Highway 405. Approximately 2 acres with Business and Multiple Family use indicated on the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance. Carried. A letter from Planning Director Ericksen gave notice that the Planning Commission will hold its February Public Hearing meeting on March 1st since February 22nd is a holiday for municipal employees. A letter from Mrs. Juliet R. Tharp inquired, on behalf of the East Valley Area Y.W.C.A., if it would be possible that a portion of the City Hall building might be occupied upon vacation of present facilities, for which use they were in position to pay rental of $300.00 monthly. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to refer the request to the Park Board for recommendation. The motion carried. (Prior Council action had been taken regarding disposition of the Cedar River Park property, it being approved to turn the premises over to the Park Department upon vacation.) Letter from City Attorney Shellan was read reporting procedures and prior actions taken in connection with purchase of Parcel "B" Take Washington Shorelands and advising that it will be necessary to forward $t,�3$L'. p0 the 10% down payment, less the $10.00 heretofore advanced, explaining to the Department that lack of adequate funds has been the reason for the delay. Schellert inquired regarding Ways and Means Committee report recommendingthe transactions therefor,.aBd City Clerk Nelson advised the $250.00 had been transferred to the Cedar River M. & I. Fund by Resolution. There had been discussion of paying for the property outright also, but certain paper work is to be effected prior to issuing of warrants and it was presumed this would be handled in the same manner. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Discussion ensued regarding purchase procedures for land acquisition and regarding the Mayor's reference to this purchase in his letter for appropriating unexpended 1966 revenues, which was referred to the Council of the Whole. The pending motion carried. The receipt of the Washington Municipal Data Book was reported and the publication will be on file for reference in the City Clerk's office. The Association of Washington Cities has forwarded bulletins covering issues from the Legislative Sessions which will be on file in the Clerk's office for informational purposes. APPOINTMENTS: A letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment to permanent positions with the Renton Police Department of Wayne R. Fawcett and Donald L. Rea, the six months probationary period having been completed and Police Chief's recommenda- ation attached approved the appointments. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the appointments. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: President Trimm submitted Committee of the Whole report recommending that the Mayor appoint a committee to further study the C-inty's suggestion for financing flood con- trol improvements along May Creek. Letter from Mayor Custer was read reporting the appointment of Jeanette Dahlquist, Henry Pedersen and George Perry to this committee. Councilman Perry declined the appointment and Henry Schellert was appointed in lieu of Perry. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the appointments. Carried. It was reported for council information that the matter of funds for building of the grandstand had been discussed and the motion was referred back to the Ways and Means Committee. -5- 'k #5 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2-6-1967 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business (Cont.) Committee of the Whole report from special meeting of January 23rd recommended acceptance of proposals regarding Standard Insurance Company's offer of increase in coverage with no premium increase for members and the addition of Dependent life insurance coverage, as submitted by the City Employees.Moved by Morris, and seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. Councilman Pedersen, Sanitation Committee Chairman, reported 'meeti ng regarding King County Health Department letter on conditions in the general area of Kennydale which urged action to effect Sanitary Sewer System in the area, and it was the Committee opinion that this letter should be referred to the Committee of the Whole and to the City Health Officer for statement whether he concurred with the County findings. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendations of the Sanitation Committee. Carried. A report from the Public Relations Committee submitted by Chairman Perry, recommended that the offer of the Statewide Bench Advertising Company, Inc., to place waiting benches at local bus stops within the City be denied. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. The Committee further recommended that waiting benches be placed at frequented bus stops within the City, especially near the Senior Citizens Centers, and that the type of bench be referred to the Municipal Axts Commission and Beautification Committees, the locations and standards to the Building Director and funding to the Ways and Means Committee to report back. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli., to refer the recommendations of the Public Relations Committee to the Committee of The Whole. Carried. A Power and Light Committee report was submitted by Chairman Pali and recommended installation of seven 20,000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Lights on 3rd Avenue North extension between Monterey Drive and "M" Street and one 7,000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Light and pole at intersection of 89th Avenue South and Grady Way. Moved by Bruce, secondee -' to concur in the recommendations of the Light and Power Committee. Carried. New Business: Councilman Prudent Trimm announced a Committee of the Whole meeting on Monday, February 13, 1967 at 7:30 p.m. Councilman Gianini, requested the Park Director to be present at the Committee of the Whole Meeting. It was noted that this is an official City holiday. . Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that the City of Renton Vouchers #6707 through 6867, having been previously apprav -the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment by the Council at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Firemen's Pension 6707 - 6719 $ 2,064.15 Current Fund 6720 - 6808 12,810.64 City Street Fund 6809 - 6816 7,511.49 Equipment Rental 6817 - 6837 2,018.44 Parks 6838 - 6848 683.79 Water Works Utility 6849 - 6862 4,897.91 Off-Street Parking 6863 19.49 Airport 6864 - 6867 196.88 $ 30,202.79 Councilman Garrett inquired whether it was intended that the Street and Alley Committee wait until the Lake Washington Beach matters 'aij completed before formal action is taken on opening of 4th Avenue. Discussion ensued regarding the need for both,- the possible delays if both requests are made, cost of $250,000 which would be involved for an overpass and lesser cost involved for a one way on ramp. The City Clerk reported receipt of a public Information Bulletinn from the Washington State Pollution Control Commission on Public Hearing on Proposed Water Quality Standards for Hood Canal and Puget Sound Waters South of Mukilteo to the Tacoma Narrows, February 28, 1967. As there was no further business, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 10:40 p.m. J, Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor -6- 67 APr'LICATIONS FOi? PER 1ITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERI ITS NO A,TOUNT N�iME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORD 11822 75000.00 Ernesto Barci 901 S. 3rd St. Remodel office 23 2?000.00 Pacific Porthteest Sell 311 S. 2nd St Wire Serv. 24 12000.00 Pacific Northwest Bell 321 S. 2nd St. it it 25 City of Renton 1212 Houser !day Denolish Res. 26 6,500,00 John Julian 340 Sunset Blvd. E Office Addtn 11827 250.00 lendix Corp. 201 Air--•ort Way hire Serv. 28 Puget Power 604 Wiiliams St. Demolish Bldg. 29 1,800.00 Clinton Beta 413 S 3rd St Remodel Bldg. 30 137.00 Emel Fantana 711 Renton Ave. S. Wire Serv. 31 650.00 Harvey Molitor (Winston) 3903 6th PI N If it 11832 12,960.00 Bernice Kaiser 527 Wells Ave. S. New residence 33 Bernice '_wiser 527 Wells Ave. S. Demolish Res. 34 City of Renton 1212 Houser Way S. " Shed 35 600.00 Thriftway Finance 901 S 3rd St. Wire Serv. 36 40,00 Trans America Dev. Co, Benson Hall Area Signs 11837 200.00 Culbertson-Mayflotrer 500 Airport tray Sign 38 45.00 Clinton Betz 413 S 3rd St Wire serve 39 15380000 Hubert E. Watkings 503 - 13th Ave. S. New Res. 40 Ray Rosa 620 Longston Rd. Temp. Serv. 41 100,00 Edith Simpson 408 Shattuck Ave S. Roof 11642 24,500.00 Talbot Sonstruction Co 3301 Court A Rolling Hills Div. ;'rl New Res. 43 2,500,00 Harry Flethcher 206 Wells Ave. S. Sign 44 13,500,00 Carl D. Kreutz 10608 - 111th Pl, SE New Res. 45 20,800.00 John Lyman 3311 Court C - Rolling Hills Div. ##1 New Res. P URvIBING PERhITS 8184 --A M. W. Enterprises 625 Rainer S Gas Instti. 85 --- Omega Development Co. 11206-12-18 - 116th Ave. SE Plbg. Fixt. 86 --- Art Watanabe 1916 - 7th Ave. F. " " 87 - Harvey Molitor (iJinston) 3903 - 6th Pl N Gas Instil/ 68 --- Thomas Rocaa 2201 - 10th P1 N It " 8189 --- Stanley Homes Products,Inc.501 - 7th Ave. S. Plbg. Fixt. 90 --- Ivor M Gilbert 12108 SE 154th " It 91 --- Iver M. Gilbert 15467 Lake Youngs Wy. " it 92 --- SFS Vending Devirsion-. 720 - 6th Ave. N. " If 93 --- SFS Vending Division 720 - 6th Ave. N. Htg. Equip. 8194. --- Elonzo Winston 3903 - 6th a'1. N. Plbg. Fixt. 95 -..-- Pat Higley 233 Williams Ave. P. It " 96 - Tililliam Mardi 365 Thomas.-St. Gas Instil. —7- Z� 7 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING February 20, 1967 8:00 P.M. Office of The City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor D. W. Custer, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Trimm, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Garrett and seconded by Hulse, that the absent Councilman be excused. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothy Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, John Pain, Assistant City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner and Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant. Councilman Trimm called attention to the 107. down payment to be made on Parcel B Lake Washington Shorelands in previous minutes of 2-6-67 which amount should be $1,850.00 in lieu of $18,500.00 which is the full cost, Idge 5, Paragraph 5. With correction as stated it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse, that the Minutes of the previous meeting be approved as amended. Carried. OPENING OF BIDS: 1967 Legal Publications - This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read. Bidder & Address 8 Point 6 Point 5; Point Per 100 words Valley Times lst Insertion $ 4.25 $ 3.75 $ 3.50 P. 0. Box 130 2nd It 3.25 2.75 2.50 Kent 98031 Circulation 445800 Record Chronicle lst Insertion 4.00 4.00 P. 0. Box 30 2nd It 3.00 3.00 Renton 98055 Circulation 21059 Seattle Times lst Insertion 3.45 Fairview Ave. N. & John Street 2nd Insertion 2.85 Seattle 98111 Circulation 5,740 Moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, to refer the bids to the Law and Ordinance Committee for recommendation. The motion carried. Mayor Custer at this time awarded Certificates of Merit for community service to Mr. Wesley Busch who served on the Renton Planning Commission for a number of years and to Mr. Courtney Roth, first Chairman of the newly formed Board of Adjustment. Mr. Roth expressed enjoyment at working with City Government and regret at moving from Renton which causes his resignation. Mr. Busch added his pleasure in serving the community and advised that although he was resigning due to pressing committments he would be happy to serve in the future in another capacity if he should be called. COMMUNICATIONS: Letters approving dispensation of Review Board Proceedings were received from Review Board Members on the following annexations: Skagen, Lotto & Lotto properties at Sunset Blvd. E. and 132nd Avenue S.E . ; Wood-Wickham properties at S.E. 116th Street between 133rd and 136 Avenues S.E., and Henry T. Ruggles property at S.E. 128th St. and 132nd Avenue S .E. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that March 6, 1967 be set for public hearing on the proposed annexations. The motion carried. Petiti-on for annexation was read as filed by Mead, Melis et al properties located north of 12th Avenue North and "P" Street. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to refer the petition to the City Engineer to check signatures for validity. The motion carried. Letter from Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Estimate No. 1 for service rendered by General Electric Service on the Traffic Signal System at South 7th and Rainier Avenue So., 3rd Place and Rainier So. per C.AG. 1070-66, ASP No. 8, in sum of $21,624.75. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. The motion carried. -1- h7 � Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2f24f67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Continued) A letter read from the State Highway Cnmmission, directed to Jack Wilson, City Engineer, submitted proposed agreement relative to replacen*rrt of an existing 30-inch CMP with a 48-inch CMP at Puget Drive and SSH 5-C, (Benson Hwy.) inter- section(storm sewer). As the City is responsible for maintenance of the existing culvert and a 48" culvert is proposed the City's oblication will be limited to estimated cost of replacement in kind and the State shall assume the difference in cost. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to refer the documents to the Street and Alley Committee to investigate and report back. Carried. A letter from Dr. James Hartwig stated his desire to go on record as wholeheartedly endorsing the proposed plan for Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. in the Kennydale area, reporting receiving many complaints resulting from contamination by sewage. In his opinion the saturated drain fields in this diftrict are no longer able to cope with the sewage problem and in view of existing health hazards it was recommended that the Council endorse the plan for sewering the area as presented by the City Engineer and Dr. T. Fukushima, S .E. District Health Officer, King County. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Morris, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Claims for damages were read from Bing H. Owen, 19010 Springbrook Road, in sum of $364.70 in connection with water back-up into residence during heavy rain on January 19th and Francis J. Richter, 28606 Pacific Hwy. South, Federal Way, Wn. in sum of $2,300.00 for damages sustained in automobile accident at 7th Avenue and Burnett Street railroad crossing. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to refer the Claime to the City Attorney and the City4c Insurance Carrier. The motion carried. Letter from Roger A. Hokanson requested permission to erect sidewalk telephone stand at 3rd & Wells Avenue South on the East side of the street, and to install an additional Taxicab stand at 3rd and Williams at the West side of Bartell Drugs. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. A Petition for vacation of portion of 106th Avenue S.E. was read along with City Engineer's report that signatures thereon repre&ented 100% of abutting property owners. The matter had been referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Resolution setting March 13th for hearing and upon inquiry, Planning Director Ericksen reported that the Planning Commission had concurred with the vacation since provision has been made for public access to the school property, other requirements having been met in the application as set by the Commission. A letter from the Hon. J. D. Braman, Mayor, City of Seattle, called attention to Puget Sound Governmental Conference contract with the DeLeuw, Cather & Company to extend the regional transit study and the need to up-date existing information. Seattle and King County each agreed to contribute $10,000 toward the estimated cost of $27,500.00 for contract with planning consultants Walter M. Isaac & Assoc. to perform the required work. It was hoped that Renton and Bellevue will find it desirable to participate and each contribute $3,750.00 toward the study. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. The motion carried. A Petition for creation of a Sanitary Sever L. I. D. was read,signed by property owners in the area of "M" Place, Honey Creek Drive and 14th Avenue North. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to refer the Petition to the Sanitation Committee and City Engineer to report back. Carried. Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer submitted an d recommended for payment Estimate No. 2 payble to Venture Construction, Inc in sum of $9,978.19 for service rendered in construction of the Mt. Olivet Pump Station. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from Helmie Nelson, City Clerk called attention to need for fund transfers within the City Street Fund 3200 Account to bring the working functional budget into proper accounting balance for 1966. Total transfer required $ 50,584.37. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for necessary Resolution. Carried. -2- 249 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2-20-67 COMMUNICATIONS : (Cont.) A letter from City Clerk Nelson reported the need for $50,000..00 operating moneys for the Library Fund pending receipt of tax moneys . Inquiry was made as to whether Cedar River Acquisition Funds might be loaned for the present.Considering the Ways and Means Committee proposal for use of said funds, the money borrowed would need to be repaid by June 30th, 1967 at 3% interest. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the loan with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee, for necessary Resolution. Carried. A letter from the Renee Guild For Retarded Children, Mrs. Dayna Myron, President, requested No-fee Permit to sell the "Sunshine Balloons"in Renton on March 3rd and 4th. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to grant the request. The motion carried. A letter from the Renton Park Board,in reply to referral of letter from the Y.W.C.A. requesting to rent space in the City Hall building when vacated by present facilities, advised that the Board was unable to determine at this time whether space would be available. Discussion ensued regarding time element which might be involved and it was moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Further discussion disclosed that the Property Committee had been working with the "Y" Representative, Mrs. John Sharp, but could find no city-owned rental space with adequate area which would be required for the activity to date. After further inquiries regarding jurisdiction over the vacated premises in the future, vote was taken on the pending motion and declared carried by the Chair. Roll call vote was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Delaurenti and Poli. No: Trimm, Hulse, Garrett, Perry and Morris. The motion carried 6 to 5, referring the matter to the Committee of tle Whole, A letter from City Attorney Shellan, directed to the City Clerk submitted bill from Stimson vs. City of Renton,(Lake Wn. Beach Park lawsuit),which constitutes Court Costs in connection with said case in sum of $91.30. City Clerk Nelson requested that the Council advise regarding budgetary funding. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Ways and Means Committee for funding recommenda- tion. Carried. A letter from Helmie Nelson, City Clerk,reported recommendations of the City Attorney and the State Examiner that Cumulative Funds 1182, 1183 and 1184 be eliminated by transfer of 'remaining funds and an Ordinance rescinding and repealing these three Cumulative Ordinances. The Funds were established in 1543 and are too broad in nature. 1183 funds have been depleted, 1182 contains $3.48 and 1184, $202.58 and action should be taken even though there may be no cash balance in the fund as it should be removed from existence along with the others. Referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for appropriate action was recommended. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur with referral as recommended. The motion carried. Letter from M. C. Walls requested authority to enter into a mutual assistance fire fighting agreement with the Bellevue Fire Department, ^opies of proposed document wane-.attached. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee and the Mayor and City Clerk being authorized to execute the agreement. Councilman Delaurenti objected to final action since the Fire and Water Committee had never been consulted for opinion and would like to express opinion whether or not it approved of the proposal Referral to the Fire and Water Committee was included amending the motion and vote was taken on the amendment and carried followed by vote on the motion as amended which also carried. A letter from Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director submitted Planning Commission recommendation from its meeting of February 8th that the Virgil R. Fox property be rezoned to R-2 as this conforms to the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the Cem.iyss _on recommendation with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Councilman Schellert inquired whether this"clears the books" ins. ar as the Appeal of the Planning Commission denial of R-4 zoning and City Attorney Shellan replied that it does The pending motion carried. A letter from City Clerk Nelsnn advised that upon securing a copy of the City of Renton Incorporation Papers the incorporation date on the proceedings was September 6, 1901. The City Clerk's electric and hand seal bear the date of September 3, 1901. The Secretary of State advises that the governing date of incorporation is determined by the date the City files the Papers of Incorporation in the office of the Secretary of State which in Renton's case was the 6th Since the seals will need to be corrected inquiry was made as to whether the Mayor and Council might wish any change in the design. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. -3- 250 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2-20-67 COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from Mr. Arthur Scholes, Chairman, Traffic Advisory Committee, recommended on behalf of the Committee that the City Council take necessary action to purchase parcel of property located on North 3rd Street between Burnett Avenue North and Logan Avenue North which it is felt will be needed to properly develop the one-way couplet, the major arterial proposed under the Arterial Street Improvement Program. Moved by Garrett Second by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Property Committee. Carried. Letter from the Traffic Advisory Committee submitted compilation of all recommenda- tions previously approved by the Council for safety improvement purposes and traffic movement expediation. Thanks and appreciation was extended for consideration given these matters aimed to make the community a better and more safe place in which to live. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the compilation to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. - Petition from Mr. Leo Lazetti,submitted on behalf of residents who requested rezone of an area of property on Garden Meadow and Factory Aves.N: from R-2 rnd R-4 to L-1, which petition was signed by 95% of the residents in the subject area. Petitioners were advised that this zoning does not conform to the present Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Maps and cannot be considered at this time but that an R-4 Use would be acceptable if desired. The Planning Commission study and recommendations for revision of the Comprehensive Plan and Land Uses will be completed within two or three months but at the present time R-4 is the highest use available for the subject property. Inquiries and discussion followed regarding the $50.00 rezoning fee which would not be required in the event the City should initiate the rezone, otherwise the Petitioners would submit their fee and application to the Planning Commission. Upon inquiry City Attorney Shellan advised that public hearings should be held by both the Planning Commission and the Council. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to initiate the R-4 with referral to the Planning Commission for recommendation. Discussion ensued regarding setting of precedent in deviating from normal procedures upon request of applicants for rezone. The question was called and upon majority no verbal vote, the motion was lost. Councilman Schellert abstained from voting since his property is indirectly involved. A letter from Miss Ruth L. Wiltz, Corresponding Secretary, Soroptimist Club of Renton, expressed regret in the loss to the Community by resignation of Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, and at the necessity therefor at this time when the City is growing and the library is able to take its proper place in the civic and cultural growth of Renton. Her dependability , enthusiasm for the community, keen interest in civic affairs and varied talents will be greatly missed and the situation lessens the pride felt in achievement of the Library Board in this recent past. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to recess at this time. Carried. After the recess roll call was taken with all Council Members present as previously listed. Letter from Sven Johnson, Building Director,requested permission to expend a part of Capital Outlay budgetary funds in sum of '$1,635.00 to purchase dictaphone equip- ment to allow more efficient reporting of the activities of the Board of Adjustment field trips, Building Department complaint survey, trailer park surveys and Air Pollution Advisory Council reports. Funds to be utilized will be those which were available for files, desks and lamps which may better be procured at such time as furnishing of the new City Hall is effected. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, to concur in the request. Carried. A letter from Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, reported that an influx of additional work which must meet deadline dates makes it impossible for the present staff to perform the duties and maintain timely schedules. Included in the extra duties are changing of the voting registration forms and notification to the Secretary of State on street name changes. One book takes 8 hours and we have 4�precinct books will will need to be changed as the street name changes are effected. Voter registrations must be cancelled for failure to vote for four years and must be completed by April along with changes in those registrations and notification to voters who did not reside in the precinct where registered during the last election. Unless the Legislature changes the State Law, Jury Lists will again need to be compiled by June lst and additional work will result in connection with taking of the population census whether conducted by the Census Board or not. Processing of new voting registrations will require additional time especially since an election is forthcoming and many new residents will be registering. In order that extra labor may be allowed to assist in completing these projects, it is requested that the sum of $2,000.00 be appropriated for Departmental Account 1400/120, Extra Labor with Employee Benefits into Account 201, Employment Security, $100-.00 and Account 203, Industrial Insurance, $25.00. Moved by Dahlquist, second by Perry, to refer the request to the Ways and Means Committee for the funding recommendation. Carried. -4- 251 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2-20-67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Receipt of Preliminary Planning Program for the 1967 Annual National Planning Conference of the American Society of Planning Officials was announced, to be held in Houston Texas, April 1-6 at the Shamrock Hilton. A Notice from Metro announced a public hearing on Water Pollution Control Standards to be held on February 28th at the Pacific Science Center and Mayor Custer urged attendance by Council Members who might be available to go since discussion may include whether Metro might need a 3rd type of treatment from its west point treatment plant.- National lantaNational League of Cities bulletin, H. M. Tollefson, President, announced that the 3rd Annual National Legislative Conference will be held on March 12-14, 1967 at the Washington Hilton Hotel in Washington D. C. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. A request by the Building Director to send a representative to the joint meeting of Eastern Washington Puget Sound, and Oregon Chapters, was read - February 25th at 9:30 a.m. in the Pacific Power and Light Auditorium, 920 S .W. 6th Ave . , Portland. It was requested that the Electrical Inspector be authorized to attend. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Gianini, to authorize attendance as requested and expenses to be allowed therefor. Carried. APPOINTMENTS: A letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of James H. Bourasa as Sergeant in the Renton Police Department effective as of February/6, 1967. Civil Service certification was attached along with recommendation of Chief Williams. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer recommended one year extension of compulsory retirement date for C. S. Williams, Chief of Police, effective May 1, 1967. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motion carried. PROCLAMATIONS : Proclamations by Mayor Custer were read designating dates of February 19-25, 1967 as National Engineers' Week and February 19-26, 1967 as Brotherhood Week. Moved by -- Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the proclamations. The motion carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Council President Trimm submitted Committee of the Whole report which was read by the Clerk with Council action taken as follows: The Committee of the Whole recommended that the City proceed to purchase Parcel B Lake Washington Shorelands property on contract, future payments to be discussed at the coming budget meetings of the Council, and it was further recommended that the City Clerk be authorized to forward the required downpayment less $10.00 deposit paid previousl.v. Total cost is $18,500.00 and the downpayment $1,850.00 less $10.00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to confirm action of the Council in the purchase of Parcel B with referral to the City Clerk. Carried. It was recommended that the Mayor's proposal for distribution of unexpended surplus revenue from 1966 be adopted as amended: Cumulative Reserve 1689 (Park Acquisition) $15,000.00 Cumulative Reserve 1698 (Fire Apparatus) 10,000.00 Cumulative Reserve 1894 (Municipal Buildings) 50,000.00 Street Salaries and Wages 1,000.00 Street Construction, Capital Outlay 605 15,000.00 Additional Parking Checkers Parking Control Fund No. 3150 Acct. 110, Salaries $1,949.00 200, Statewide 352.00 201, Employment Security 215.00 202, Prepaid Medical 100.00 203, Industrial Insurance 100.00 204, Life Insurance 27.00 401, Uniform Allowance 125.00 2,868.00 Unassigned Revenues 20,821.00 Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse to concur in the report with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. 252 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2-20-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business (Cont.) COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT Mayor's recommendations for distribution of unexpended Revenue - 1966 It was recommended that the Off-Street Parking Fund be repealed and an Off- Street Parking Department be set up in the Current Fund with appropriations as follows: Off-Street Parking Department No. 3160 Account 110, one-half of Parking Checker's salary $ 2,921.00 310, Lease Payments 1,200.00 303, Power 200.00 417, Material & Supplies 130.00 510, Reimbursement to Street Dept. 120.00 605, Meter Installations & Lot Improvements 3,000.00 $ 7,571.00 Unassigned Revenue 10,782.00 Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the Committee of the Whole recommendations with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee.The' Cletk`advised of need to assign-a-11 funds prior to deletion of the Fund pointing but further That upon the adoption of the repealing Ordinance the fund will no longer be in existence and the moneys should be distributed beforehand. The pending motion carried. Councilman Hulse reported attendance at the Spring Meeting of the Planning Association of Washington in Longview February 17-18th at which the main topic was the Basis of Comprehensive Planning. Recommendations were sent to the Legisla- ture on four Bills. Councilman Schellert added that he found the topic of Comprehensive Planning to be most interesting it being explained what it was and i what it entailed. The most outstanding statement was that the Comprehensive Plan !I should be General and not Definite so that it doesn't get into the position of non-flexibility and Renton should concentrate on keeping a general statement in the direction it wishes to go. Councilman Schellert reported that the Ways and Means Committee had recommended that appraisal fee of $200.00 be funded with regard to 3rd Avenue North improvement, from Arterial Street Fund 3500, due Louis Peretti and inquired regarding disposition. City Clerk Nelson reported that the Voucher was included in the list to be approved tonight. Councilwoman Dahlquist submitted Legislative Committee recommendation on matter referred January 16th relating to a Bill to put non-county seats on a par with the cities that are county seats insofar as providing the Superior Court Judges and Clerks with a list of registered voters from which prospective jurors are selected. The Committee recommended that the City of Renton endorselegislation to effect such a measure, amending Sec. 3, Ch. 57, Laws of 1911 as last amended by Sec. 1, Ch. 287, Laws of 1961 and RCW 2.36.060 and that a letter be directed to our immediate Representatives and Seantors. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Committee, submitted recommendations regarding referral of Archie Gustine letter requesting reduction in lease rental and it was reported that the Committee has been evaluating the city's property rentals with intention of possible rental fee increase and it was therefore the recommendation that the request for reduction be denied and Mr. Gustine so advised. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the Property Committee recom- mendation. Cirried. Regarding documents referred relative to agreement and easement between the City and Puget Sound Power & Light and the Railroad Companies pertaining to the Lake Washington Beach Park access, it was recommended that the documents be accepted with legal matters remaining in the hands of the City Attorney and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary papers. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendations of the Property Committee. Carried. -6- 253 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2-20-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Unfinished Business Cont.) Councilman Pedersen submitted report of the Property Committee and Purchasing Agent on bid awards for 1967 Automotive Equipment as follows: Low bids were accepted as follows. Final tabulations are attached (see end of minutes) ROBINSON LYON FORD: 5 1967 model police cars, .four @ $1,743.98 and one @ $2,343.98 2 1967 4 Door Sedans, $2,117.55 and $2,018.59 1 Station Wagon (Motor Pool) $2,344.16 1 Pickup, 3/4 Ton w/utility box, $2,276.69 WILLIAMS & SWANSON: 2 - 1967 model pickups, i Ton, $1,761.48 and $1,736.48 2 Pickups, 3/4 ton with utility boxes, $2,374.28 and $2,324.28 2 Pickups, 3/4 ton standard, $2,108 .85 and $2,083.85 1 Flatbed truck with hoist, 1 ton, $3,137.36 2 Sport Vans, $2,801.75 and $2,422.99 FEENAUGHTY MACHINERY: 1-1967 Backhoe mounted on 4x4 International Carrier $16,643.49 PUYALLUP TRACTOR, INC. : Wheel tractor with backhoe and loader, $ 7,857.00 The award of the sewer rodding machine will be held up for further study. Moved by Poli, seconded by Pedersen, to concur in the bid awards as read. The motion carried. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Garrett, tabulations be made a part of minutes of this meeting, not being included in the report. The motion carried. Property Committee Chairman Pedersen submitted a letter from the Renton Insurance Commission which was read advising of review of the City's Liability policy and cost of an Umbrella policy which would give broader coverage. Quotations were based on raising the airport and aircraft liability to 21 million dollars which would cost $2,000.00 additional annually. Since the City has a Hold Harmless Agreement with The Boeing Company and the F.A..A. operates the tower with its personnel it was felt that the annual cost for coverages quoted was too hig h and it was recommended that the City not proceed with the further coverage. Meved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur. The motion carried. Councilman Delaurenti, Police and License Committee Chairman, submitted proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton regulating licenses and providing for six (6) con- cessions to be included in basic license fee of the Racetrack Industry, which amending Ordinance was submitted to the Law and Ordinance Committee at this time. Councilman Delaurenti reported discussion during recess of the proposed mutual assistance fire fighting agreement with Bellevue and the Committee recommended approval of the Agreement, upon approval of the City Attorney. NEW BUSINESS: Council President announced a Committee of the Whole meeting on Tuesday, February 28, at 7:30 p.m. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that the City of Renton Vouchers numbered 6868 through 7079, previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee and , be accepted for payment at this time by the Council. C-irried. Fund breakdown follows: City Street 6868 30.00 Current 6870 - 6934 $ 16,049.07 City Street 6935 - 6956 85,686.85 Arterial Street 6957 - 6958 21,824.75 Ceder River M.&I. 6959 - 6963 & 6869 2,080.64 Off-Street Parking 6964 10.00 Equipment Rental 6965 - 6988 1,569.35 Library 6989 - 7015 2,169.19 Parks 7016 - 7041 6,220.34 Water Works Utility 7042 - 7067 31,313.41 1965 W. & S. Construction 7068 - 7070 9,999.99 Airport 7071 - 7079 863.42 $100,817.01 Councilman Schellert announced a meeting of the Ways and Means Committee on Monday, Feb, 27th at 7:30 P.M. to consider funding of the grandstand. Councilwoman Dah.'..quist reported that the Legislative Committee recommended that the Council again go on record opposing the double taxation on Metro collections and request action at this session to give the Cities some relief. Dahlquist so moved with second by Schellert, and following City Attorneys report that a Bill has been introduced on the matter, the motion carried. 254 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2-20-67 New Business-Council Committee Reports (Cont.) Councilman Gianini requested that action be taken without further delay to begin the grandstand project since unexpended revenues were now available and could be utilized therefor and moved for recess to discuss the matter at this time. The motion was seconded by Schellert however since the Ways and Means Committee had not yet met to make its recommendation, the second, was withdrawn and the motion was lost for lack of second. Ways and Means Committee will submit its recommenda- tion at the next Council meeting. Councilman Pedersen called attention to hazardous condition on High Street in vicinity of the Charles Ruud residence where barricade had been removed leaving area open and dangerous to vehicular traffic. Councilman Morris announced a meeting of the Law and Ordire nce Committee at 7:00 p.m. on Monday to discuss bids on 1967 Legal Publications and at 7:30 Unsafe Building matter will be discussed and the City Attorney and Building Director were requested to attend. Councilman Gianini requested that a Committee of the Whole meeting be called prior to the regular meeting on Monday however it was pointed out that the Ways and Means Com- mittee would not have its report ready and that one week will not matter regarding the grandstand at this time. ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS: The Law & Ordinance Committee Chairman, Councilman Morris submitted Ordinances and Resolutions read with Council action taken as follows: An Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington amending Section 5-202 of Title V (Business Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the document to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. The Committee recommended second & final reading. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur, Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti to adopt Ordinance No. 2300 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. An Ordinance of the City of Renton changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from General Classification District (G) to Business District (B-1) (Humble Oil Property) Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading it was moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Ordinance No. 2301 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all aye votes and the motion carried. An Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from General Classification District (G) to Business District (B-1) and Residential District (R-3) . (J. David Jensen property) Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that the document be placed on second & final reading. After final reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2302 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. Proposed Resolution was read setting the 13th day of March, 1967 at 8:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers, Renton, as the time and place for hearing on proposed vacation of portion of 106th S.E . Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution No. 1420 as read. Carried. ' Proposed Resolution authorizing transfer of City Street Department Funds to bring acct. 3200, Function Working street budget for 1966 into proper accounting balance, $50,584.37. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. as read. The motion carried. Proposed Resolution authorized execution of "Mutual Fire Fighting Assistance Agreement with the City of Bellevue. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution Ng. 1422 as read. Carried. Mr. Richard Stredicke, 3916 - 10th Ct. No., Renton, commenting that he did not consider the stalling action of the council teamworthy as far as the grandstand is concerned. Mr. David Jensen expressed thanks for Council consideration on his property rezone. Councilman Perry called attention to the fact that the Park Board had never submitted priority rating on the grandstand and moved that the Park Board submit its priority standing in this respect at the next Council meeting. The motion was seconded by Schellert and carried. As there was not further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:50 p.m. Helmie W. Nelson, Czty Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor -8- ao-67 255 APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 11846 200.00 Lyle Barger 936 "H" St Wire service 7 600.00 J. D. Balken 3602 10th Ave N Convert garage to rec. 8 40.00 J. D. Balkan 3602 10th Ave N Wire service 9 3,000.00 Shell Oil Co 300 Airport Way Gas. storage tanks 11850 400.00 Shell Oil Co 300 Airport Way Sign 1 11,000.00 J. Crestanello 404 Grandey Way Add'n to residence 2 400.00 Lumin Art Signs 325 Sunset Blvd N Single faced sign 3 100.00 W. I. Brannon 75 Rainier Ave S Fence 4 2,100.00 Robert Diaz 412 Windsor Way Res. addition 11855 249.00 Thomas Rocca 2201 10th P1 No Wire service 6 500.00 Joe Regis 223 Rainier Ave S Outside stairway 7 215.00 W. L. Getschman 1025 So 3rd St Install heat in rec rm 8 1,700.00 Shell Oil Co 2801 Sunset Blvd N Wire canopy addition 9 100.00 Andrew Kauzlrich 206 Wells Ave N Re-roof residence PLUMBING AND HEATING PERMITS 8197 - - Lyle Barger 936 "H" St Plumbing fixtures 8 - - Rudy Zapitul 11625 S.E. 105th Gas install. 9 - - Bell & Valdez,Inc. 2007 S.E. 18th Ct •' 8200 - - Bell & Valdez,Inc 1909 S.E. Taylor Ct " •' 1 - - Mrs Joe Hasny 336 Park Ave •' " 2 - - Carl Kreutz 10608 - 111th P1 S.E. Plumbing fixtures SEWER PERMITS 124 - - Bell & Valdez 1909 S.E. Taylor Court Sewer 5 - - Bell & Valdez 2007 S.E. 18th Court " 6 - - George Pomeroy 1238 Morris St S " " -9- 256 APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED SY TR&rCiTr BvTtDDaG DWA$TMB L BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 11860 5.0.00 TransAmerica Develcp. Ether Rd. off Benson Wire Sign 1 14,000.00 Iver Gilbert 15474 - 119th Ave So Wood Frame 2 5,000.00 Greater Renton Shop. Cent. :Highlands, Renton Wire Service 3 - - VOID 4 700.00 Carl Kreutz 10608 - 111th P1 S.E. Wire residence 11865 200.00 Bernice Kaiser 527 Wells Ave So Add'n to orifi. res. pin 6 1,200.00 Clinton Betz 413 So 3rd Street Rearrange Part in off. 7 200.00 Elsie Williams 641 Hub Trailer Park Wire service 8 10,900.00 Omega Development Co 11218 - 116th Ave SE Wire Apt bldg - Bldg 1 9 9,800.00 Omega Development Co 11212 - 116th Ave SE Wire Apt bldg - Bldg 2 11870 92800.00 Omega Development Co 11206 - 116th Ave SE Wire. Apt Bldg - Bldg 3 1 30.00 Robert Diaz 412 Windsor Way Wire addition 2 65.00 Kennydale Pentecostal Ch. 10057 S.E. 95th Re-roof church 3 1,900.00 Rocco Forte 1100 Bronson Way No Pole sign per var grtd. PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS 8203 Joe O'Brien's Phillips 330 Rainier Ave So Gas installation 4 -- Del Mar Beauty Shop 936 "H" St 01 if 8205 -- Bell & Valdez 2007 SE 18th Ct Plumbing fixtures 6 -- Joe Curry 214 Williams Ave So " 7 -- Herbert Mull 818 "L" St " 8 -- Slater 1140 '•M" St Gas iwstallat on „0., lay •GT�-� ti �f LO UiI 8Z`-r9zi� ��' UU'�z UU`0�; .. 7 �V Y 114 a7 VV, 44L ti 0 43 z L?LLV iI Sd��tt i -3 tl�l,/C��1�1��1 9z t r � � �' 6z,pZT�Z W �0 i4v liTZ7 yj7 J:'1� ; 1i1L� 1 �JL� ��C12L7 6z, C1 G�j�i�. L 7,CJtlzv l`a �6116Ziv7 ; .)7nn4�zy^^ryy� _`_.'.�' rompµ j ����i• '+ t` �.t�� V4Z ? Si�S,90�z yy A�jVIl���i� ii011 i�•J 3r.i 11J'S ,, •GnZ STS na 4Iz y v `j A L r GC 4 9;3 fir. A C2 LG-0y * f/,U ti ..7C DUB J L[.4 4•'! .1.,. ...ice u�111� L ....�+f �w a xi•tf: t.�L:��! :. 4.V�i:Y�l� �'j''?'' I T Y 0 7 I S N `a C N' 19ti7 - POLIC'E CAR BIDS 4-Door Sedan 4-Door Sedan 4-Door Sedan 4-.Door Sedan 4-Door Sed.a-r VENLOR with Trade-In with Tracie-In with Trade-In with Trade-In with Trade-la A-59--ff63 A--?-#4? A-58448 A-56-; 46 _ NONE ROBINSON & LYON FORD 2249.50 2249.50 2249. 50 2249.50 2.249,50 94.48 94.48 94.48 94.48 94.48 2343.98 2343 .98 2343.98 2343.98 234..i.9t 600.30 -- 6o3.33 - 600.oc - 600.00 - -0- 9,319.93 1j43.98 174 .98 1743.98 f 1743.98 2342 .98 WILLIAM "Ott 'McKAY $ 2264.73 2264.?3 2264.73 2264.73 2264.^3 95.12 95.12 95.12 95.12 95.12 2359.85 2359.85 2359.85 2359.85 2359.85 _- 600.00 - 600.00 - 600.00 - 630.00 - -0- 0 9,399.25 1759.85 1759.8.5 # 1759.85 1759.85 2359.85 WILLIAMS and SWANSON 2523.25 2523.25 $ 2520.25 2520.25 2520.x, 105.85 105.85 .105.85 105.85 105.8r, 2626.10 2626.10 2626.10 2626.10 2626. 10 -- 800.00 - 800,00 - 800.,00 - 2 3400 _0 4 9,980. 50 1826. 10 1826.1o � 1826.10 S 1876.10 2626,10 BRYANT MOTOjIS 3548.58 4 3548 .58 3548.58 4 3548.58 3128.60 149.04 149.04 149.04 149.04 131.40 3697.62 3697.62 3697.62 369?.62 3260.00 1400.00 - 1400.00 - 1400.00 - 1400.00 - -0- 412X450.48 2297.62 $ 2297.62 2297.62 2297.62 260.00 2-10-67 VIC.N"-i,/m I _.w 2-20-67 -.•'-------"a--t! D 580 u-SE 7 C JD 4 0 G7wf$RYlE 700 ;jlt, Trak-le-l'�.1" `i: 1-117 •.i.l'c";.dG-In v-,iL''3 T3'ado-In S F 3 ..,..r...._....__t U ALIXT `�'t:� i.' Jt3, J C . ;� 8500,Ci0 X857.00 �- 5-000,00 T C GL C'zi.%3 s:.;1. 6 I 1111 C, . �_.�. 8691 .24��1 a 2:.`. 9 '56.27 lall 97SO.00 �:2°.u5.Q 10159-50 °50.00 Cl2 0 9 r.0 331468 .00 26 1.3,325,26 1. ,700 00 i% 12s !25.26 2-10-67 C11 Q� C I T OF R E N T G Tv 1967 BID '00T` S FOR - SEWER RODDING ?4AChlNE HA VIP ION 0'E R IE N F LEX TdLE FLEXIBLE VLNDOR Sewer Machine Sewer Machine Sewr r Machine Sewer Machine with Trade-In with Trade-In with Trade-In with Trade-In S-i4 5-14 ._._ S-14 S-14 AIR MAC, INC . 4072.66 171.O5 4243.71 150,00 $ 4093.71 O'BBIEN MANUFACTURING ;0. 4700.00 197.40 4897.40 80Q.02 4097.40 FLEXIBLE PIPE-TOOL CO. 4329.45 1$1.84 4511.29 300.00 4211.29 WATERWORKS SUPPLIES CO. 4749.45 299.48 4948.93 300.00 4648.93 2-10-67 IL VC/11111/1" 2-20-67 CITY GF kENT0 ,1967 - TRUCK MOUNTED B4CKHCE: BID QUOTr�S VENDOR HOPTO 200 HOPTC 200 LINK BELT HY HOE mounted on mounted on HC-2000 mounted on International Warner Swaney mounted on International 4x4 Carrier 4x4 Carrier 4x4 Carrier 4x4 Carrier with Trade-in with Trade-In with Trade-In with Trade-Ir. E-16 E-16 E-16 E-16 FEENAUGHTY MACHINERY CO. 17, 145.00 170455.00 547 .02 (F_gu) 547.02(Fgt.) 170892.02 18,002.02 751,47 256209 189643.49 18,,758.11 280()0,00 230000,00 16#643-49 1� 6.758,11 HOWARD COOPER CORP. $ 25#670-00 1;Q78.14 26,748.14 5,000.00 21 ,748.14 CRAIG TAYLOR EQUIPMENT CO. 27,015.00 10134.63 28, 149.63 4,000.00 24,149.63 C7 2/1o/67 vrt 1 u u/.,, 2-20-67 _Tcn P.U. -'I'C,n 1? U. -','-'2cn P.U. 1,2-Ton P.U. with `irad---jn wiVa Trada-In igjuta'lllk�'y �Box Ity Box with Trado-In vd-i-oll "I-,ca'", 6 'ANS and 5�-iANSON 181.0.44 810.44 41-11 6,, 53 -'1,6.53 u r6.53 -1 IU) 4 ?6,ol -2 0 7 5 €8t 6a48 886,48 2 1,4 9,2 8 21149,23 2 z:,40� ,28 12' 5 00 1 0 02�,,0 0 2 5 2-4 2 736.48 8 2324,,23 2 28 -;.:YON FO'-, D 192')-52 1025.52 2;,68.80 2156P;.80 20 2006-39 2006.39 26,(6.69 2676.69 2F76+69 676, 69 11 0 0.0 0 400, 00 �.00loo 22-, 6. 2 9 - ' =lAJI 11011 ExKAY 1072.45 19"2.45 2661,22 2561.12 2 r:61.12. F 2 F314- 82 84 4-05)5.29 2055-29 2668.69 2663.69 2668.69 110.03 200.00 250.00 2 9 17 1855-29 2 X63.69 2J8,69 286 9l., t. 1937.05 ic-7.65 2503-01 'o 9 2598-01 .1 2598,01 8 3.b-s - 83.4 j 09-11 1.z - 102c 12 2071 -13 2071.13 2?07.13 2707.13 27)7.13 100�00 200,.0-0 3--. 10 200.00 .7- B.HY;-XT MOTORS 1,10BID NO BID NO BID NO BID 3,C 963 RENI`ON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING February 27, 1967 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Maycr Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Trimm, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Bruce, Pedersen, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. tdoved by Pedersen, seconded by Gianini, that the absent Councilman be excused. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothy Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner and Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, that the approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting be postponed due to late arrival until next week. Carried. Mayor Custer at this time presented Mrs. Virginia Spendiff with a Certificate of Award as merit token of acknowledgment and appreciation for community service rendered as member of the Traffic Advisory Committee. Mrs. Spendiff expressed pleasure at serving and urged that persons interested need only express their willingness to be given the opportunity to participate. OPENING OF BIDS: Limited G. 0. Bonds for new City Hall - $1,500,000.00 This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read by the City Clerk: BIDDER EFFECTIVE NET & ASSOCIATES INTEREST RATE INTEREST COST National Bank of Commerce of Seattle *3.7189 bid submitted *$520,655.00 First National. Bank of Oregon 3.726 bid - corrected upon 558,916.00 Mercantile Trust Co., St. Lours tabulation United Bank of California & Associates 3.807102 571,142.23 Less Premium 115.00 571,027.23 Continental Illinois National Bank & Trust 3.82611 574,148.38 Company of Chicago Less Premium 231.45 573,916.93 Seattle First National Bank of Seattle 3.9471 592,086.16 Pacific Northwest Company Pressprich & Co. National Bank of Washington Seattle Trust & Savings Bank Northern Trust Company 3.82863 574,397.93 Chicago, Illinois 60690 Less Premium 102.00 574,295.93 Peoples National Bank of Washington 4.2258 633 870.84 1414 Fourth Avenue ' Seattle 98111 Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to refer the bids to the Financial Advisor, Don Morken, of Foster and Marshall, City of Renton's Finetcial Consultants, for . study and report later in the meeting. Carried. *Mr. Morken later reported error in computation of N.B.C. bid as noted above which still resulted in low bid. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce expressed appreciation for the support of the City concerning requests for changes in the Maple Valley Interchange. Letter was attached which had also been directed to the Washington State Highway Commission, District Engineer Foster. -1- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-27-67 COMMUNICATIONS: Fetter from Metro, 410 W. Harrison Street Seattle, 98119, by Fred Lange, Executive Director, advised that the Municipality has approximately 222 acres of unused land which will not be utilized by Metro for at least six to eight years and it was wondered whether any municipal agency or group in the Renton area might wish the use of the property. If utilized for public service the Municipality offers it fcr use in return for maintenance only with provision for protection of Metro from liability and otherwise lease to private party. Suggestions were invited regarding possible use of the area which is located in vicinity of the Renton Treatment Plant and was previously under a lease to the Great Northern Railway Company.for the Earlington Golf Course operation. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Property Committee to report back. Carried. Summons and Complaint were received from Dennis A. Whiting and Betty A. Whiting, filed by Attorneys Daniel F. Sullivan and Alva C. Long in connection with automobile accident at 7th Avenue right-of-way intersection and the railway tracks,for Judgment of $37,000.00 plus costs. (Claim filed 12-5-66) Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the documents to the City Attorney and^Insurance Carrier. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer recommended appropriation of unassigned 1966 excess revenues in sum of $3,600.00 to cover costs to be incurred in connection with taking of the population census in March, which surplus will be used to cover salaries and material costs which it is apparent will be higher than estimated in the budget. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for the necessary Resolution. The motion carried. Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, submitted proposed contract between the City and the Puget Sound Power & Light Company for supplying power to the new Mt. Olivet Pump Station. It was recommended that upon approval by the City Attorney, the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the documents. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur and that it be resolved by the Council that a contract be entered into for the . furnishing of Municipal Water Pumping Service as read, Carried, upon i4hich- Resolution No. 1426 was adopted as dated. Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported on Petition for Ammexation of Mead-Melis et al properties located on the North side of 12th Avenue North between P and R Streets, that the signatures represent 78.7%, of the assessed valuation of the property which contains approximately 8.41 acres with an assessed valution of $8,442.00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter to the Mayor to request dispensation of Review Board proceedings. Carried. A letter from King County, Acting County Engineer, A. J. Coffelt, reported in reply to inquiry re participation in work to stabilize the banks along the Cedar River,that the extent of work could be limited to only banks which evidence failure,and some channeli- zation to riparian owners on the river with County right reserved to participate in accordance with public benefit served and urgency of the work. To date cooperation agreements have been entered into with landowners who agree to contribute $7.00 per lineal foot and provide flood control easements wherein the Flood Control Division then shaped the banks, applied a filter blanket of river bedrock with riprap surface of quarry rock over this. In Renton the rate of participation would need to be premised on $10.00 per lineal foot as the banks here are much higher and require considerable more material and labor than in the upper reaches. The possibility of directly requesting State par- ticipation by the State Department of Conservation was suggested in which case the Flood Control Division of the County will provide any additional information desired. It was suggested by Councilman Schellert that perhaps the Airport Board would be interested in this matter since the river banks in that vicinity are in need of repair and felt a copy of the letter should be forward�dto the Airport Director and Board. National League of Cities Notice of National Legislative Conference, March 12-14, 1967 Washington, D. C. was read. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. A letter from H. A. Blenco, President, Monterey Terrace Community Club, requested City consent to erect at their expense on City right-of-way property, an entry pylon near the West corner of the intersection of Third and Monterey Drive. An Architects sketch of the proposed sign has been submitted to the City Engineer. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to refer the request to the City Engineer for report back. Carried. -2- ,, 65, Minutes - Renton City Council 2-27-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business Councilman Schellert submitted Ways and Means Committee recommendation t6 Bund-the $91.30 costs in connection with Stimson vs. City of Renton lawsuit, take Wash. Beach.'Park),frorfi. Non-Departmental Account 1920/314, Expert Services with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Resolution appropriating excess revenues required for this funding. Moved by .Morris, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur. Carried. Councilman Pedersen reporting for the Sanitation Committee regarding petition for L.I.D. in the vicinity of "M" Place, Honey Creek Drive and 14th Avenue North, advised that more time is needed since the Committee is awaiting report from the City Engineer and information from Metro. Additional time is needed for consideration of Traffic Advisory Committee recommenda- tion that the City purchase property on 3rd Avenue as the appraisals need to be reviewed and are not available as yet. Councilman Perry recalled request of Tiffany Park residents for street lighting and reported offer of the petitioners to participate to 50% of cost for installing the necessary poles. In regard therefor, it was moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the City Engineer and Planning Director for report to the Council of suggestions for changes in the Platting Ordinance to require developers to provide .for street lighting. Carried. Discussion ensued re prior actions regarding underground wiking.It was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, that the matter of City participation in the cost for plac6rfidnt of poles,(since offer by residents,per Mr. Perry,of 50% of the cost has been made,)be referred to the Committee of the Whole. The motion carried. Councilman Perry inquired regarding referral to the Park Board for report matter of priority standing of the grandstand. Park Director Coulon reported verbally that the Park Board has considered the grandstand as a separate matter because it was initiated at the Council level and moneys budgeted by the Mayor and Council therefor so the Board had considered it apart from the Capital Improvement Six Year Program heretofore. This year however, at the suggestion of the Capital Improvement Priority Committee, the grandstand was included in 1967 within the six-year Capital Improve- ment Plan. The Park Board still feels that since it was initiated by the Council it is a separate item. Councilman Poli, Chairman, submitted Power and Light Committee report recommending one 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor light installation at intersection of "N" Place North and 11th Place North, Studebaker's Addition. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Light and Power Committee as read. Carried. Councilman Morris, Chairman, Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted report which was read with Council actions taken as follows: Recommended that the low bid for 1967 legal publications submitted by the Seattle times for A point type, lst insertion, $3.45 and 2nd & subsequent, $2.85, be accepted. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation, as read. It was noted that acceptance of the low bid is required by law. Councilmai, Perry gave minority report of his recommendation that bids be rejected and a third bid call be advertised it being his feeling that lower bids should be received from all newspapers. The pending motion carried with Perry voting no. Regarding proposed Resolution for distribution of 1966 excess revenues, the Law and Ordinance Committee recommended referral to the Ways and Means Committee with request that a report be submitted to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Ways and Means Committee Schellert reported that his Committee is prepared to make such a report to the Law and Ordinance Committee at this time. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Gianini, to recess for five minutes. The motion carried and recess was declared. After the recess, roll call was taken with all council members present as previously listed. The Law and Ordinance Committee requested action regarding its recommendation for referral to the Ways and Means Committee and report back to the Law and Ordinance Committee on proposed Resolution for distribution of 1966 excess revenues. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. -3- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2-27-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS (Cont.) New Business: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that City of Renton Vouchers No. 7080 - 7134, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment by the Council at this time. The motion carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current 7080 - 7100 $ 4,636.49 City Street Fund 7101 - 7102 30.00 Off-Street Parking 7103 18.04 Equipment Rental 7104 - 7106 194.90 Parks 7107 - 7109 271.16 [,later Works Utility 7110 - 7116 580.02 Airport 7117 33.34 Firemen's Pension Fund 7118 - 7134 1,619.88 $ 7,383.83 Mr. Morken reported back regarding tabulation of the bids on the G. 0. Bond proposal for the new City Hall and although the National Bank of Commerce tabulation was in error it was still the best bid with an effective interest rate of 3.726 and net interest cost of $558,916.00. Mr. Morken stated that this was a very good bid and it was his strong recommendation that it be accepted. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Financial Advisor and accept the low bid of the National Bank of Commerce of Seattle as reported. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dah'quist, that the bid deposit checks of the unsuccessful bidders be refunded. Carried. Councilman Schellert submitted a letter written by the Renton School District Council of PTA,Executive Board, Allen V. Armstrong, Chairman, Recreation Committee and Mrs. Ralph Shafar, President of the Council, which was directed to parents advising that permission has been secured from the Renton School Board to use the Junior High School gymnasiums for roller skating. The City will provide the supervision and the PTA's, civic groups and parents are asked to help provide the special indoor skates. The sum of $2,000.00 is needed in each Jr. High School area to provide for skates, repairs, etc. and each family was requested to make a contribution to the Roller Skating Fund which would mae the goal readily obtainable. Initial plans call for separate skating time fr - elementary children and the Jr. high students such as perhaps Saturday mornings for on, and afternoon for the others. A small fee will be charged and it was requested that contributions be sent between February 28th and March 6th in order that the program might get under way soon. Mr. Schellert felt a letter should be forwarded to Mr. Armstrong and to Mrs. Shafer expressing approval of these efforts to provide additional recreational facilities for our children. Councilman Morris noted the Rec Council and Park Board are working 'on it. Mayor Custer Pequested report regarding the City's participation in this program and Mr. Coulon advised that the City Park Department will be involved in the supervision at all three Jr. High School's on Saturdays when the program is instituted, the donations being requested to help purchase the skates. Councilman Delaurenti reported receipt of a letter by the Water Department from Douglas Bradburn expressing thanks for the courteous treatment and assistance by the Water Department personnel whose great kindnesses will be remembered for help given regarding a water problem occurring when they were going on vacation. Receiving such letters are appreciated for a change as they usually relate to the problems. Councilman moved that the matter of Business Metropolitan Zoning be referred to the Committee of the Whole. The motion was seconded by Perry. It was mentioned by Councilman Schellert llert that the subject had been referred to the Planning Committee and President Trimm advised that he had been requested to have an opinion from the Council and had replied that the Council would discuss the matter. The motion carried. (This is a County Zoning which relates to parking in the business area and would eliminate the need for parking space requirements in the downtown area as now required in the City Code) Councilman Morris requested meeting of the Law and Ordinance Committee immediately after this meeting and a meeting on March 6th at 7:00 p.m. with the Ways and Means Committee. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : Chairman Morris submitted Ordinances and Resolutions which were read by the Clerk with Council actions taken as follows: (Sterneo properties) An Ordinance of the City of Renton changing the zoning classification of certain property within the city from General Classification District (G) to Heavy Industry (H-1) Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the final. reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordinance No. 2303 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes carrying the motion. -4- ,267 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2-27-67 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (Cont.) The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton amending Ordinance No. 2294,establishing a coordinated grid system of new street designations. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to place the docunu nt on its second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Bruce, and seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2304 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. (Street name changes) The Committee submitted proposed Ordinance of the City changing the zoning classifica- tion of certain properties within the City from Suburban Residence District (S-1) to Residential District (R-2). Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to place the document on its second and final reading. After final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2305 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. (Virgil Fox property) Ordinance was presented repealing Ordinances Nos. 1182, 1183 and 1184, relating to cumu- lative funds, eliminating the further use thereof and transferring remaining balances therein unto the current fund. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to place the document on its second and final reading. The motion carried and after the second -reading and- . the final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2306 as read. Carried-by unanimous roll call vote. Proposed Resolution authorized the City Clerk and Treasurer to transfer funds from the Cedar River Acquistion Fund in sum of $505000.00 unto the City Library Fund for operating purposes pending receipt of tax money, said loan to be repaid not later than June 30th, 1967 and to bear interest at the rate of 3% per annum. Moved by Poli, and seconded by Bruce, to adopt Resolution No. 1423 as read. Carried. Proposed Resolution was read extending date of compulsory retirement of C. S. Williams, Chief of Police for a period not to exceed one year, until May 1, 1968, per Wn. State- wide City Employees' Retirement System under classification of Uniformed Personnel. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1424 as read. Carried. City Clerk Nelson inquired regarding authorization to proceed with the census and discussion ensued regarding proposed Resolution for funding,and referring back to unfinishEd business the Ways and Means Committee submitted recommendation for funding for an additional Parking Checker which was read to belikewise funded from unexpended 1966 revenues, in sum of $5,789.00. Upon consent of Law and Ordinance Committee Members, the Chairman presented proposed Resolution authorizing appropriation of excess revenues to cover Census and Parking Checker as follows: Current Fund: Parking Control 3150/110, Salaries, $4,870.00; 200, Statewide $352.00 201, Social Security, $215.00; 202, Prepaid Medical, $100.00, 203, Industrial Insurance, $100.00, 204, Life Insurance, $27.00, 401, Uniform Allowance, $125.00, and Current Fund, Account 1920-Non-Departmental/120, Salaries & Wages (City Census), $3,100.00 and 417, Material & Supplies, $500.00. Total appropriation of excess revenues, $9,389.00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1425 as read. Carried. Councilman Perry felt that since the bids were awarded on legal publications to a daily paper rather than the local weekly, a day should be selected for the publica- tions so that the public could buy the paper on a specific day if they wished to see the City's legals, and moved that Thursday be the publication day. The motion was seconded by Schellert. Discussion ensued regarding advisability of a definite date, the City Attorney pointing out that if a hearing is held on the following Monday it would not be too much Notice to the public involved whereas it might be published earlier or in other instances where adequate notice is required and the Civil Service Commission meets on Tuesday problems may result with inadequate notice or having to wait a whole week. Setting a date might hamper the Council in its own efforts. Further comments were made regarding coverage and circulation as they might pertain in accord or against the motion and included comments that this should be left up to the discretion of the City Clerk and perhaps the Times publication manager Les Jenkins. It was pointed out that the people now pick up one paper but would have to subscribe for each daily if they wanted to be sure and see the City's legals if a specific day were not set, Vote was called for on the pending motion and upon verbal majority no vote the motion was declared lost. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m. There were 20 visitors in the Council Chambers. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk D, W. Custer, Mayor 268 APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYr,•�OF WORK 11874 385.00 I. Laush 126 Hardy St Porch deck 11875 150,000.00 The Boeing Company Building 4-81 (Add'n.) Add service platform 6 5,344.00 Pat Bigley 233 Williams Ave N Wire apts - 6-unit 7 200.00 Gaston E. DeWitte 934 "H" St Wire remodeling 8 395.00 Shell Oil Company 300 Airport Way Wire storage tanks 9 400.00 Ray Rosa 620 Langston Road Wire residence 11880 400.00 A. R. Mola 516 - 11th So Patio cover 1 3,000.GO Matt Schuchard 10835 - 111th Ave SE Rem gar to rec rm & gar 2 550.00 Bell & Valdez,Inc. 1909 S.E. Taylor Ct Wire residence 3 640.00 to to of 2007 S.E. 18th Ct to " 4 3,800.00 S irLoin Inn 95 Airport Way Sign 11885 1,000.00 R. E. Carlson 443 "I" St Garage 6 250.00 Michael Dolleman 422 Windsor Way Rewire panel box PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS 8209 A. T. Coffin 641 Wells Ave North gas installations 8210 to to If 641 Wells Ave North it of apt #1 1 to of 641 Wells Ave North of apt #2 2 William Fuller 641 Wells Ave North ft trailer 3 C•. J. Gardetti 641 Wells Ave North It trailer 4 Will iarm & Swanson 2nd & Burnett Steam cleaner 8215 Talbot Construction 3301 Court "A" Plumbing fixtures 6 -• H. C. Watkins 503 - 13th Ave So it It 7 -- Bernice Kaiser 5271Wells Ave So " SEWER PERMITS None Fund transfers authorized and approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee and the City Council for the month of February. TO CLAIMS TO PAYROLL: FROM: FROM: Current Fund $ 33,496.20 Current $ 97,212.90 Arterial Streets 21,824.75 City Street 16,360.34 City Street 16,258.34 Cedar River M. & I. 535.00 Cedar River M. & I. 1,880.64 Equipment Rental 3,701.90 Off-Street Parking 247.53 Library 5093.08 Equipment Rental 3,782.69 Parks 11,585.79 Library 2,169.19 Waterworks Utility 16,253.67 Parks 7,175.29 Airport 1,361.00 Waterworks Utility 36,791.34 Firemen's Pension 90.84 1965 W. & S. Construction 9,999.99 Airport 1093.64 $152,994.52 Firemen's Pension 1,630.51 $136,350.11 2G9 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 6, 1967 8:00 P.M. Office Of The City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor D. W. Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Trimm, Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse, to excuse --absent Councilmen Garrett and Pedersen. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, May Duncalf, Ass't. City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, and Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, and Gene Coulon, Park Director. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meetings of February 20th and February 27th be approved. Councilman Schellert requested amendment to Page 4 of the Minutes of 2-27-67 to show that Councilman Delaurenti made the motion to refer the matter of Business Metropolitan Zoning to the Committee of the Whole rather than President of the Council Trimm. The motion was seconded by Perry and the amendment carried. Original motion approving Minutes of 2-20-67 as written and 2-27-67 as amended carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Final Annexation Hearings , Wood-Wickham et al properties located_ on S.E. 116th Street between 133rd and 136th Avenues S.E. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. There being no written communications, audience comment was invited. Mr. James Dalpay, 13033 Sunset Blvd., reported being contract purchaser of the subject property and requested favorable action by the Council to annex the property. As there was no further audience comment it was moved by Poli, seconded, by Schellert, to close the hearing. Carried. The hearing ,,,was declared closed and Council action invited. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to accept the annexation of this property to the City of Renton with referral of the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance. Carried. Henry T. Ruggles property, S.E. 128th Street and'132nd Avenue S.E. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. There being no written communications nor verbal comment from the audience, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that the hearing be closed. Carried. The hearing was declared closed and council action invited. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to accept the annexation to the City of Renton , with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance. Carried. Skagen-Lotto & Lotto properties, Sunset Blvd. E. and 132nd Avenue S.E. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. There being no written communications nor verbal comment from the audience, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, that the hearing be closed. Carried. The hearing was declared closed and council action invited. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to accept the annexation to the City of .Rento n with referral of the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance. The motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from City C1erk.Nelson and Police Chief Williams requested amendment of the Used Car Dealer's License Ordinance to provide late penalties for failure to secure license when due, such as now exists for the regular business license. It was recommended that Title 5, Chapter 28 be amended by addition of Paragraph per Sec.5-109, ""'to Ordinance 1989,within the General Code of Ordinances. Moved by Poli, seconded by Morris, to concur with refeiral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. �1'Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Estimate #3, Mt. Olivet Pump Station contract, in sum of $5,271.39 due Venture Construction Company. Moved-by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation with referral to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 3-6-67 �QMMUNICATIOYS: (Cont.) Application from Jim Natucci requested that Regal Amusement Company be granted the required license to operate a shuffleboard device in the Melrose Tavern. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to refer the request to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from Hallie Smiley, Better-Bilt Homes, Inc. requested to purchase city owned Well Site property located in the proposed Plat of Honeydew Lane at 132nd Ave. S.E. and S.E. 107th Street. Letter attached from City Engineer Wilson,directed to the Federal Housing Administration,advised of City intention to abandon the well and recommended sale thereof. Mr. Smiley's property is the only abutting property at this site. The area comprises approximately 4 acre. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to refer the request to the Property Committee for recommendation. The motion carried A letter from the Renton Library Board, Angelo P. Righi, Secretary., advised of under- standing that there was an unexpended sum of approximately $8,000.00 from the 1966 Budget and it was requested that $5,000.00 be allocated therefrom for financing landscap- ing of areas surrounding the library. City Clerk Nelson advised that $3,000.00 had been budgeted in 1967 and the total balance otheiwise had been $4,184.66. The letter made mention of a comprehensive landscaping plan for the Renton Civic Center and it was subsequently moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry, that the matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole and the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. A letter from the Library Department, Anne Harker, Acting Director, advised of suggestion by the State Examiner that funds from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1975 be transferred into the Library Current Budget. Two invoices had been received which should be paid from the Cumulative Fund, $156.15 due J. C. Penny Co. for draperies and $110.45 due Holmes Electric for light switch installation in multi-purpose room and it was requested that funds be transferred from Cumulative 1975 unto Contractual Services 5000/309, Building Repair & Maintenance. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. A letter from Alfred E. Simonson, Architect, requested that property located approximat 483 ft. North of 10th Street North, between J and K Streets be changed from Fire Zone 1 to Fire Zone 3. (Coccione-Sunset Venture, owners) The property is zoned R-3 and is in Fire Zone 1 which it was felt are not compatible making it difficult to develop the land properly to meet present code requirements vs. realistic rentals costwise. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the request to the Fire Chief, Planning Director, Building Director, City Engineer and Fire and Water Committee. Carried. Letter from Mrs. Elroy Dillman, Puget Sound Chapter, Chairman, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, requested No Fee Permit to conduct fund raising drive in Renton May 4th to May 20th when they will be holding annual Mothers' March. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, that the request be granted. Carried. Communication by George Bannister, Mayor of Roslyn, was read which was directed to the Governor, Senators, Representatives, all Cities and Towns in the State and to interested citizens, protested unfair and discriminatory proposal for distribution of state funds to cities and requested that the distribution be on a per capita basis only and not on formula basis which would reduce citizenship rights of residents of small cities. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, to refer the protest to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Letter from City Clerk Nelson advised of loss this week of several employees who will need to be replaced and which will mean additional work in breaking in new personnel, and considering extra duties outlined last week which need to be completed within deadli dates, it is requested that the request for extra labor submitted previously be revised to appropriation of funds for a full time employee. Also, the Building Department is turning in an electric typewriter for a new IBM electric typewriter and it was requested that purchase of the old typewriter for the Clerk's office be authorized in sum of $150.00, along with employee costs as outlined, from excess revenues, in sum of $4,283.02. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to refer the request to the Ways and Means Com- mittee for recommendation. Carried. Letter from City Clerk Nelson submitted Progress Estimates No. 7, $4,450.00, No. 8, $8,900.00 and No. 9, $18,073.71, payable to Johnston-Campanella-Murakami, & Co. on C.AG. 1014-66, New City Hall Plans, architectural services rendered to February 28, 1967. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the payments to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. The motion carried. -2- 271 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 9-6-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Council President Trimm submitted Committee of the Whole report from its meeting of February 28th which was read by the Clerk with Council actions taken as follows: Recommended, based upon existing health hazards noted in investigations and findings of the City Health Officer and City Engineer and the King County District Health Officer, that the City initiate a Sewer L.I.D. within those boundaries designated on the Carey and Kramer map (No. 82P-06) dated October, 1965. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the Committee of tle Whole recommendation with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for necessary Resolution setting date of hearing and declaring intent. of the City to create such an L.I.D. Mayor Custer for clarification pointed out that this concerns a portion of the Kennydale area which had been studied by a Consultant for the City on such possible L.I.D. institution. The question was raised as to action if the City might later decide not to proceed and City Attorney Shellan advised that the City may or may not proceed which might be determined at the time of the public hearing. The pending motion carried. Recommended that the Traffic Advisory Commission be requested to continue with study regarding possible temporary use of portion of the airport runway as roadway during peak hours and that the City Attorney check the official City documents to determine what deed restrictions exist, if any. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. Recommended that the Street and Alley Committee proceed with efforts to obtain roadway crossing at the railroad tracks immediately East of the intersection of North 4th Street and Houser Way North. (To provide egress from Sunset Hwy.) MovEd by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Recommended that the Council concur in the Traffic Advisory Commission recommendation to restrict parking on South 3rd Street between Rainier Avenue South and Main Avenue South between the hours of 3:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. daily, Monday through Friday. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Traffic Advisory Commissicn and Committee of the Whole. Audience c(mment was invited and Art Scholes, Chairman, Traffic Advisory Commission, advised that the recommendation is made with intention that this would improve the traffic situation in the downtown area by expediting the Vehicular flow through the central business district. It was pointed out that off street parking stalls have been provided in the past few years in the central area with some 84 stalls being available for parking at present. The Council was urged to concur in the restricted parking recommendation at this time. As there was no further comment, question was called on the pending motion which was put to vote and carried. Recommended that the City participate in the regional transit study extension as requested in Mayor Braman's letter, and contribute $3,750.00 from unassigned surplus for planning and consultant firm of Walter M. Isaac & Associates to perform the required work as needed to further the study. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the reoommendation of the Committee with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motion carried. Recommended the design of the corrected City Seal be referred to the Mayor and City Clerk with power to act. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Trimm, to concur. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti that the matter of restricted parking on South 3rd Street be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Recommended that the City construct a grandstand in Liberty Park. Councilman Schellert submitted Minority report of the Committee of the Whole for reading which Mayor Custer permitted. The minority report recommended that a full public disclosure of the proposed grandstand be made including location and related financing, on March 20, 1967. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the minority report of the Committee of the Whole. Councilman Hulse pointed out that public hearings have been held on proposed bond issues for streets and parks and city hall projects and the grandstand should be handled in the same manner. Councilman Perry relinquished his time to the audience for comment if anyone desired to speak on the matter. Mayor Custer stated that the minority report was now before the body and remarks should be pertaining thereto. Mr. Lee Kirby and Mr. Robert Abrahamson spoke in favor of the public hearing in order that any mis- conceptions from hearsay might be removed by the facts. Mrs. Hazel O'Harra, Member of the City Beautification Committee and a Garden Club Member expressed opinion that the hearing should be held but that Liberty Park should be retained as a green area and not overcrowded and it was felt the grandstand should be constructed in Cedar River Park. -3- 2'72 i'.inutes - Renton City Council Meeting -67 CO NCiL COM;!I 'TEE REPORTS: (Cont.) Committee of the Whole Recommendations: Grandstand '' t,r Richard Stredicke complimenting Council Members on stalling techniques in regard to prior action and in the present delay, anticipated hope for more ex- pn-d ence following the hearing. Tom Teasdale, Park Board Member, pointed out that $20,000.00 has been expended for 1.4 -s in L;_barty Park and if the grandstand were going to be placed otherwise this consideration should have been determined then, or even 20 years ago, the mater been discussed periodically over that time. He also felt there were enough q-1'2t areas with recreation areas now needed where the children could play. He was nc" against the public hearing but felt careful consideration should be given in recya d to the location. Mr. Robert Beebe, having worked with the Little League ball teams, Babe Ruth and Connie Ma - :`:t`_. which he has travelled about, having,' found adequate facilities in other Cities to provide for the athletic events, felt that Renton should proceed to secure eke facilities. r"Ounc*1man Delaurenti pointed out that this ha,.--It been an overnight discussion, that It has been kicked around since the old grandstand burned down and that was 25 ye.-:::s ago, and although he was in sympathy with MrF O'Harra and her thinking, he was not. g.-in to change his opinion. mfr.. -03h! ,.ist added that the Council has been working with the matter for 5 years and has been putting money aside in the budget for a grandstand in Liberty Park and would l,I,,e to see it finalized when the money is available to do so, pointing out that when Public hearing was held on the new city hall proposal nobody was interested enough to alis; r on a tatter of some$1,400,000.00 and now when a little is to be spent for t e children it is delayed. In her opinion this could not be compared to a Library or �1 City ::all and the motion should be voted down. Cc::n%i_1a� Ci_^nini called attention to the fact that an architect had been hired to %il11 p:ban the park, that it had been difficult to raise the $55,000.00 to complct:: 1 : -=,'.rst phase of the grandstand which had been included in the plan in Liberty T.>�r ;-hat it would cost some $30,000.00 for the taxpayers to put the lights in C^d r 1vL_r park, -5,500 to fill Cedar River Park and some $15,000.00 to ., urf and install .prs.r'�iing system and then it would be three years before the ground would be ready t,< pray on Vnereas, if Liberty Park is used it would not cost the taxpayers any more as this is as good a playfield as there is in the Northwest, many fathers and CI-__ldren and grandfathers before them having used the field. 1'0 -or Custer pointed out that the matter before the Body at present is the motion to hcd the pi_blic hearing. I ouncilman Hulse pointed out that most of our major capital improvements have been discussed over a number of years and location determined when they finally decide io build and since construction would not begin until next fall a delay at this time for public hearing would not appreciably hold anything up. 'ipon inquiry by Mayor Custer, City Attorney Shellan advised that a public hearing is rio'- required by law. ,ouncilman Bruce advised of continued support of the Park Board and efforts of those (!2sirous of getting a grandstand but he felt a public hearing should be held to keep everyone happy, Question was called for on the pending motion which was voted upon and carried setting March 20th as date for public hearing on the matter: The Committee of the Whole had recommended that the balance of $55,000.00 required to fu-d aha-,.I of the grandstand construction be financed from unassigned surplus with referral for necessary legislation. This matter will be held pending the public hearing. Recommended that no City Officials be authorized to attend the National League of 0--ties conference in Washington, D. C. this month. This is the Legislative Conference scheduled for March 12-14th. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, to concur in the ,c-ojrllttee of the Whole recommendation. Carried. -4- 273 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 3-6-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Cont.) Ways and Means Committee Chairman Schellert submitted report recommending that the extra employee requested by the City Clerk be authorized and sum of $4,433.02 which includes capital outlay equipment in sum of $150.00, be funded from excess revenues of unassigned surplus. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. Recommended that the Mayor's request to increase the budgetary allocation for street department overtime be funded in sum of $1,000.00 from unassigned surplus. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur. The motion carried. Ways and Means Committee recommendation was read that the Off-Street Parking Fund be repealed and the money in the account be transferred to the Current Fund and appropriated into Off-Street Parking Department Account 3150/303, Utility Service-Power, $162.47, 310, Lease Payments, $900.00, 417, Material & Supplies, $130.00, 503, Taxes, $1,500.00, 510, Reimbursement, Street Services, $110.00 and 605, Capital Outlay, Lot Improvement, $12,106.79. All future meter collection funds from the parking lots shall be deposited in the Current Fund thenceforth. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendations. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that all three Ways and Means Committee items be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for necessary legislation. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Letter was read directed to Citiea_'who were requested to participate re the Puget Sound Governmental Conference and its extended rapid transit study thanking them- for the cooperation in the transit plan program. A meeting is 'to be set regarding the extended transit study and its finalized form. Mayor Custer reported that determination had to be made regarding the funding and it had been suggested that a contract be submitted which will be further discussed at the meeting. Such contract will come befor2' the Council upon completion. Council President Trimm announced a meeting of the Committee of the Whole on Tuesday, March 14th at 7:30 p.m. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 7135 through 7238, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council for payment at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 7135 - 7181 $ 6,267.81 City Street Fund 7182 - 7189 6,179.14 Cedar River M. & I. 7203 5.73 i c-�et-Parkn►g C U A R Cr,;7 7190 100.00 Equipment Rental 7191 - 7202 2,665.79 Parks 7204 - 7222, 7237, 7238 1,377.01 Water Works Utility 7223 - 7234 28,396.14 1965 Water & Sewer Const. 7235 5,271.39 Airport 7236 98.60 $ 50,361.61 Councilman Perry called attention to his inquiry as to whether the Traffic Advisory Commission intended to pursue the matter of a new bond issue for major arterials and since no definite affirmative committment had been made, it was moved by Perry that the Public Relations Committee be authorized to research possible passage of an arterial street bond issue for ballot this fall. The motion was seconded by Schellert and carried. Audience comment was invited. It was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, since there was no further business to come before the Council and no audience comment, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk 1, D. W. Custer, Mayor -5- 2'74 3-fi--67 APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DERARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 11887 1,270.00 Value Village 1222 Bronson Way Miscellaneous wiring 8 100.00 Clinton Betz 413 So 3rd St Remodel wiring 9 800.00 Robert Huebner 3414 -' 4th -Ave No Storage room addition 11890 500.00 Federal Housing Admin. 718 "R" St Install 3 heat circ,,' 1 - - Void 2 2,000.00 V. C. Tigner, Sr. 515 Bronson Place Additional rooms B0001 300.00 Carol Dobson 821 No lst St Add fence 2 350.00 Earl Richards t25 Sunset Ave-No Install illum. sign 3 1,200.00 McDonald's Restaurant 73 Rainier Avr So Install 2 signs 4 39,000.00 Tannahill & Clinch 518 Williams Ave N Bldg 4-unit apt bldg P0005 37000.00 C. Arnold Madsen 3612 - 6th Ave N Residence addition ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0001 450.00 Robert Shane 11647 S E 100th St dire residence 2 500.00 John Julian 340 Sunset Blvd. No. Wire service 3 4,500.00 McDonald's 73 Rainier Ave So it 4 150.00 Ben Bennet, 9634 108th S.E. MECHANICAL PERMITS M 0001 -- Ames Jewelers 225 Wells Ave So Install gas plate 2 - Value Village 1222 Bronson [Jay 1. " fuel line 3 Iver Gilbert 15474 119th Ave S.E. Install plumb. fixt. 4 P. Braun 617 Moses Lane If wall furnace M 0005 1,20.0.00 C-K, Inc. 934 10th Ave N it 2 dry standpipes T-!:VvBTNG & HEATING PERMITS 8218 -- Gaston DeWitte 934 "H" St Heating equipmer' 8219 Robert Shane 11647 S. E. 100th Plumbing fixtures 8220 -- Clarence Jones 11649 S. E. 97th " " 8221 -- Richard Reeves 10830 - 110th P1 S.E. " -6- 275 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 13, 1967 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor D. W. Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Trimm, Bruce, Hulse, Schellerr, Dahlquist, Gianin- Garrett, PErry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Br--c-2? that the absent Council Member Pedersen be excused. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson,. City Engineer, Gordon Erickser, Planning Director, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Vern Church, Purchasing AgEnt, Vic Tegantvoort, Street Commissioner and Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, that the Y=nutes of the previous meeting of March 6, 1967 be adopted. Carried. Mayor Custer called attention to attendance this evening of a group who desired to speak to the Council Members regarding parking on 3rd Street and rather th<7n discuss the matter at this time a special meeting was suggested. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole for a special meeting with the parties interested in the restricted parking proposal. Carried. Mr. Dave Dobson is to be notified of the meeting date and will advise the Merchants' Association. PUBLIC HEARING: Vacation of portion of 106th Avenue S.E. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communication from the Planning Commission reaffirmed its position that 106th Avenue S.E. extending South from Puget Drive would not be needed for future right-of-way provided a permanent public pedestrian access is furnished to the school property, which it is understood has been arranged. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Alfred H.Croonquist, Architect, requesting the Vacation on behalf of Benson Properties, Inc., advised that pedestrian access has been granted the school and that the City will benefit by the additional street, that this will be a good project really in the best 'nterest of the City and favorable Council consideration was urged. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, that the hearing be declared closed. Carried. The hearing was closed and council action invited. Moved by Poli, and seconded by Delaurenti, trat the Vacation be granted with referral of the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance. Carried. Easements as required have been granted. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from Mr. Ray H. Ball appealed decision of the Planning Commission in denial of requested rezone to R-3 on property located along 12th Avenue Forth between "0" Street and "N" Place. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, that the date of April 3rd be set for hearing on the appeal. Carried. Planning Commission Recommendations: Rezones Wesley Busch Appl. R-374-67, from R-2 to R-3, property located on H Place between 12th Avenue North and 13th Avenue North. Rezone recommended and zoning would be in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Perry abstained from voting. Welhelm Schwartzenberger, Appl. R-377-67, from G to R-4, property located on Shattuck Street between 6th and 7th Avenues. Rezone recommended;the zoning will be in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Perry abstained. �_ In discussion regarding what constitutes conflict of interest, City Attorney Shellan advised that a man as the law states it, cannot vote upon an issue in which he has proprietorship, financial interest, direct or indirect, but that he may disqualify himself if it is strictly a matter of conscience even though he is legally not obligated to do so. -1- 276 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 3-13-1967 Planning Commission recommendations: (Cont.) Lindy Aliment, Appl. R-378-67, from R-1 and BP to L-1, property located at 414 Tobin Street. Rezone recommended and zoning would be in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to ooncur in the rezone. Councilman Schellert called attention to location of the subject property,which is behind Kingens and extends over to Tobin Avenue where residential areas-now.-exist; and requested the Planning Director to explain how properties adjacent to this L-1 would be protected. Planning Director Ericksen advised thatlhe Comprehensive Plan shows all of this area going -LT- , the entire length of Airport Way now under heavy commercial and light industrial use at present. A portion of this lot now used for Business Parking will be extended down to Tobin which would open up this area to Tobin as far as access in concerned. lie do not have specific requirementas as far as screening or ccr''rol that would protect except those which are imposed upon the party when they come in for a building permit and are asked to provide streening. The adjacent owners have not complained about the property and applicant has expressed wish to cause as little problem as possible to the neighborhood and the City has tried to work with the people the same way. This is definite.-,,,.y a transitional area and it is felt that gradual development will phase the residential use out. Most dwellings are older frame type and the people have lived their all of their lives but are gradually moving away. Councilman Bruce requested to be excused for the remainder of the meeting and was granted permission to leave at this time. Councilman Schellert stated the Planning Department should be encouraged to work with these people in these areas where we are faced with a transition to L-1. This being an older area and property owners having been there a long time it was felt very essential that a measure of protection be provided for these people. Audience comment and further Council remarks were invited and since there were none, the pending motion was put to vote and carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the rezone to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motion carried. Letter from the City Attorney in reply to Council inquiry as to whether Airport Deeds carry restrictions as to use, advised that from information in files as furnished by the City Clerk on said conveyance and interim permit issued by R.F.C. hisreport is based strictly on the wording of the Quit Claim Deed from the U.S. of America and Reconstruction Finance Corporation dated September 25, 1947 conveyed to the City and if there were any subsequent changes or modifica- tions this opinion would need to be amended or modified accordingly. The Quit Claim Deed, in Paragraph (1) specifies that the property is transferred and " ..,, shall be used for public airport purposes, and only for such purposes, on reasonable terms and without unjust discrimination. ...". In addition, paragraph (2), subsections (1) and (2), specify that the City shall prevent any use of:t'se lands which would be a hazard to the landing, taking-off, ou maneuvering of aircraft at the airport, or otherwise limit its usefulness as an airport; and that all building areas and non-aviation facilities within the airport premises shall be used, altered or improved only in a manner which would not interfere with the efficient operation of the landing area and of the airport facilities. Incidentally, this Quit Claim Deed contains a reversionary clause in favor of the Grantor. Mr. Shellan pointed out that it is readily apparent that the government saw fit to impose certain restrictions on the use of the airport property. The question of whether a road for the vehicular traffic along the north boundary of the premises would constitute a hazard was not felt to be a legal question but one which would come within the jurisdiction of the Airport Board which under the law is entrusted with the operation and maintenance of the Airport. If such Board, based on proper evidence and possibly including the opinions of experts, determines that any such roadway would be a hazard or may interfere with the operation of the airport, or that the use of such road would not be for public airport purposes, then such determination in any case would be considered conclusive. This opinion is limited to the airport premises as conveyed by the government to the City but the restrictions imposed also specify that any land outside the boundaries of the airport shall not be used so as to constitute a hazard to the operation of aircraft which would undoubtedly apply to zonings so as to elimsnate high rise or other structures which would interfere or constitute probable dangers to airplanes. Copies of the report had been directed to various Departments of the City and to the Airport Manager. -2- 41 -2'77 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 3-13-67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from Honey Dew P.T.A. by Mrs. Ann LaMonte, President, expressed concern for safety of students milking to and from Honey Dew School without adequate walkway areas, especially along the West side of 132nd Avenue S .E. between 12th Avenue North and 5th Avenue North. Since lette'rs.last..-year had received reply that funds were not available for improvement it was now requested that the Council give further consideration at this time to providing funds for F2rmanent so?ution to the problem. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee for report `?ack, Carried. A letter from the Knights of Colombus, Council ''0 645, Kirk E. Schrieber, Ticket Chairman, requested no-fee permit to conduct fund raising activity in the downtown Renton area on Saturday, April 29th. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to grant the permit as requested. Carried. Application from S. B. Gumison, owner of Riviera Tavern, requested that Nelson and Michael be granted required license to operate a phonograph at the Riviera. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from Building Director, Sven Johnson, called attention to a meeting with the Code Committee of the Western Washington and Northwest Washington Chapter of International Conference of Building Officials, on March 10th at which time problems of varied building Codes were discussed and recommendations compiled for a regional code study. The report was attached and it was recommended that the Council endorse same for transmittal to the Puget Sound Governmental. Conference. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter fors tudy to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. A letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for payment statement for engineering services from November 25, 1966 to February 22, 1967 on the Mt. Olivet Booster Pump Station, due Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield in sum of $621.00 to be chargf-d against 1965 Water and Sewer Construction Fund. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act, Carried. A letter from the Municipal Arts Commission, Norma Cugini, Secretary, called attention to the feeling that the existing Sign Ordinance is not enforceable and since the sign situation is a major problem insofar as beautification of the City is concerned, Council action was requested in directing that the Building Department look into possibl. ities of a new Ordinance. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee, Carried. A letter from the Municipal Arts Commission expressed concern for condition of the islands in front of the Renton High School and requested that a strip five feet on all sides be paved in a washed aggregate with remaining area planted in low shrubs that would not obscure traffic, which the school would be willing to maintain. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Committee of The Whole. Carried. A letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer advised of the need for Bond Counsel to assist in selling bonds to finance the proposed Lake Washington Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. and it was recommended thatthe firm of Roberts, Shefelman, Lawrence, Gay & Moch be retained for such services. Also, the nature of the project requires services of a consulting engineer and since the fi rm of Carey and Kramer have already prepared a preliminary report on this project, it was deemed to the City's advantage to have them also do the final design. A proposal for the final design engineering was attached. All engineering and bond counsel fees are chargeable to the L.I.,D, District and would be included within the total cost of the project. The estimated cost of the project for bond sale purposes was anticipated to be $270,000.00. Due to the need for detailed engineering study required prior to making the preliminary estimates of cost for the assessment roll, and July 31st being a 5th Monday, August 7, 1967 was the date recommended to hold the hearing. Discussion ensued regarding costs for special services in event the proposal is turned down„ It was pointed out that this L.I.D. is being initiated due to health hazard and Perry noted that unanimous vote is required to initiate it if the City uses its police power therefor and upon inquiry City Attorney Shellan advised that if protest over 60% is received the City can proceed upon recommendation of the Health Director provided there is unanimous approval by the Council, through its police power. If for some reason the L�I,D, were not consumated costs might be lost, however City Engineer Wilson advised in any event the study would be utilized later so they would not lose the money- -3- 278 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 3-13-67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) City Engineer re proposed Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. - Lake Washington procedures were outlined which are time-consuming and upon inquiry as to why the bond counsel is required City Attorney Shellan stated that it would not be possible to sell bonds on such a large issue if you don't have bond counsel approval as no one would bi.d otherwise. Upon inquiry it was stated that the Firemen's Pension Fund could not handle an issue of this size and Statewide City Enployeetc,Retirement System was mentioned as a possiblity for such funding. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Morris, to concur in the report and recommendations of the City Engineer with the Mayor and City Clerk being authorized to execute the agreement documents after approval by the City Attorney. Carried. Schellert inquired whether or not this sets the project in motion and City Attorney Shellan advised that per Council instructions a Resoluthn of intent has ..� been prepared setting the rearing date on the proposed L.I.D. for August 7th. Perry inquired whether this will have any effect by way of closing the Kennydale Beach for this year and City Engineer Wilson advised that this area will not be affected in this respect. Claims for damages were read from Alice B. Mattson for Sonja Hartley to recover sum of $25.89 paid to cover loss involving flood damage to automobile while parked in The Boeing parking lot in Renton. Claim of Robert Srrellnauer, passenger in automobile driven by Francis J. Richter which was involved in an accident on 7th Avenue & Burnett Street railroad track crossing. Amount of claim, $2,000.00 Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the claims to the City Attorney and the Insurance Carrier. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer submitted for inspection and approval of the Council, Department of Housing and Urban Development Form 1082, otherwise called "Workable Program For Community Development. The progress review this year was completed under direct'on of Jan P. Klippert, Mayor's Administrative Assistant with cooperation of the several City Departments concerned. The program provides information to determine whether the City meets requirements under Section 101C of the Housing Act of 1949; in which event the City would be come eligible to apply for funds administered by the DHUD. Early consideration was requested to avoid delays and to have the form submitted as soon as possible as a review of the program by a representative of DHUD is probable and changes may be required so the City should not be responsible for any delays in gaining vital approval. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to approve the Program and authorize suggestions set forth in the Mayor's letter. Carried. A letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, submitted revised agreement proposal with the State Highway Department for replacement and enlargement of a storm line under Benson Highway. The new plan limits the City's share to $5000.00 rtther than nearly $11,000.00 originally stated. It was recomTended that since the matter had previously been referred to the Street and Alley Committee, this document should likewise be referred. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee frr recommendation. Carried. A letter from Northern Pacific Ry. Co., directed to Jack Wilson, City Engineer, enclosed copy of petition from residents of the Ripley Lane area requesting improvements to increase the clearance and improve alignment of the roadway at the Railway Company's Bridge, 6..1 near Quendall, and that a second traffic lane be provided. A 13-ft. asphalt roadway presently passes under the bridge at span 23 with horizontal clearance of 13.2 ft. and vertical clearance of 11.7 ft. The railroad Company is now redriving the bridge and it is estimated that an additional cost of $2,600.00 would be required to provide skewed bents for a two-lane roadway. Permit No. 89198 in favor of the City of Renton covers Ripley Lane and the Railroad Company would look to the City for reimbursement of the additional cost for the skewed bents. Alternate plan suggested construction of a parallel roadway on the west side of the birdge. Drawings were attached. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee and the City Engineer for recommendation. Carried. Letter of intent to annex properties to the City of Renton was submitted by W. R. Wood and contract sellers of the property Jim T. Eidson and Joy E . Eidson. Property is located East of 132nd Avenue S .E. and South of S.E. 120th Place. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to refer the letter of intent to the City Engineer for report. Carried. 4 2'79 Minutes - Renton City Council Meet-,,rg 3-13-67 PROCLAMATIONS: Two Proclamations were read wherein Mayor Custer proclaimed the week of March 13- 18, 1967 as Toastmisstrees Week and Toastmasters Week in Renton. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the Proclamations. The motion carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Council President Trimm reminded the Council of the Committee of the Whole meeting on Tuesday, March 14th at 7:30 p.m. Councilman Perry reque3ted permission to be absent from the meeting to speak at a meeting of the Democratic Club regarding location of the proposed grandstand. (See later action) Councilman Ppli submitted Light and Power Committee repot recommending ingtallation Of one 7,000 lumen ttercusy Vapor light on "J" Street jule North or 111th Avenge Nerth. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to concur in tie co=.imittee recommendations. ' The motion carried. C3uncilman Delaurenti, Chairman, Fire and Water Ccmmit-tce, r;-.:1,--ested additional timq for consideration of referral regarding fire zone change req, U Gr-need., NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that City of Renton Vouchers No. 7239 through 7381, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accc sting Committee, be approved by the Counc l for payment at this time. Carried, 'Fend breakdown follows: Current Fund' 7239 - 7294 $ 9,520,87 1: City Street 7295 - 7311 7,45103 4_wi-ok F� 4-C'OC AL4,Fund 7312 - 7315 85-31 Equipment Rental 73,16 - 7336 1,067.04 Library 7337 - 7341 394 91 Parks 7342 - 7357 1,790,13 Water Works Utility 7358 - 7374 5,937.53 1965 Water- & Sewer Const. 7375 621-00 - Airport 7376 - 7381 385.:82 $ 27,303.81 Councilman Hulse called attention to discussion regarding aden,:3cy.of. ,Utility facilities in the areas now being granted higher density rcz _rC3 ar±, expressed feeling that the City Engineer would give considp-ration to re^uir=•;, v�developers to participate when planning their projects with respect to the land use maps and future expansion which may need additional water and sewer lanes. City Engineer Wilson advised that in the Survey and ,study of the City's entire system tr.'cst -f the underwriting criteria is main size and fire hydrants and,whether single or multiple residential use, there would be no additional fire hydrants required., the maps being taken into account. Perry ..1:;,�_.,gid '' Cc.aprehensive Plan P.Wiminary upgrading and changes made bj n'c'in with higher.density provisions and-subsequent adoption of the finatlized iomprehensi:ve plans and c^sed_•"Io wheth&r . this was prior to the water study and i f �,4I ':er a: fad :'lequatuh-_ Councilman Perry inquired whether he has permission to be excused from the Committee of the Whole meeting Tuesday. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dah1qui t, that Councilman,Perry be excused from the meeting Carried. Councilman Poli called -attention to the speed limit change made by the County and recommended. that the City coincide its speed limits on the corresponding routes. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, that the matter of raising the speed limits on 3rd Avenue and 4th Avenue North from Sunset to 132nd Avenue S�E. be referred to the Traffic Enainec- and the Traffic Advisory .Commissiona Carried. — w-- ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: The Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman, Councilman Morris, submitted Ordinances of the City proposing annexation of certain territory to the City of Renton as follows: Wood-Wickham et al properties located on S.E, - 116th Street between 133rd and 136th Avenue S.E. After introductory. reading, it, was moved by Morris, seconded by, Poli, to place the document on second and final reading, Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. .2307 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried, 280 Minutes - Renton City Council 3-13-67 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (Cont.) Henry T. Ruggles property, S.E . 128th Street and 132nd Avenue S.E. After the introductory reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2308 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all present voting aye. The motion carried. Skagen-Lotto & Lotto properties, Sunset Blvd. E . and 132nd Avenue S.E. After first reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2309 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council Members present voting aye . The motion carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton declaring intent -to construct and install sanitary sewer lines and appurtenances in the Kennydale area of the City of Renton and to create a Local Improvement District to assess the cost and expense of said improvement against the properties in such district specially benefitted thereby, notifying all persons who may desire to object to said improvement to appear and present their objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held on August 7, 1967. After reading of the proposed Resolution, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1427 as read. The motion carried. Chairman Morris submitted a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton authorizing transfer of the Off-Street Parking Department and appropriation of funds thereof unto the Current Fund and eliminating the Off-Street Parking fund as follows: From: Off-Street Parking Fund 3500, $15,002.99 Unto: Off-Street Parking Department 3160, Current Fund, ac/303, Utility Service, Power, $162.47; ac/310, Lease Payments, $900.00; ac/417, Materials and Supplies, $130.00; ac/503, Taxes, $1,500.00; ac/510, Reimbursement, Street Services, $110.00, ac/605, Capital Outlay, Lot Improvements, $12,200.52. Off-Street Parking Fund is hereby discontinued and terminated in all respects with future collections from lots and facilities to be deposited in the City's Current Fund. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1428 as read. The motion carried. The Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton appropriating excess Revenues unto Current Fund ac/1400 for City Clerk's additional employee and equipment as follows: Salaries and Wages 1400/110, $3,896.00; Maintenance and Operation, Employee Benefits, 201, Employment Security, $171.00; 202, Medical, $92.00; 200, Statewide Retirement, $62.60; 203, Industrial Insurance, $37.00; 204, Life Insurance, $24.00 and Current Fund 1400/606, Capital Outlay, $150.00 Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, that Resolution No. 1429 be adopted as read. The motion carried. The Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton authorizing appropriation and transfer from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1975, unto Library Fund Maintenance & Operations, Contractual Services, 5000/309, Building Repair and Maintenance, the sums of $156.15 and $110.45. Mored by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1430 as read. The motion carried. Proposed Resolution was submitted appropriating excess revenues into the Street Fund, Functional Budget Account 3300, Physical Maintenance 803, Storm Sewers (Working Street Budget 3340/130, Salaries and Wages), $1,000.00, to cover extra overtime, and $3,750.00 unto Current Fund, Non-Departmental Account 1920/314, Expert Services, to cover extended regional transit studies per Mayor Braman's request. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1431 as read. The motion carried. A proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington was placed on first reading amending Section 5-2804 of Title V (Business Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" providing penalties for failure to pay license fees. (Covers Used Car Dealers License) Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2310 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. Audience comment was invited and since there was none, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was �adjourned at 10:00 p.m. D. ., Custer, Mayor Helmie Nelson, City Clerk -6- 281 3-13-67 APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT allILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORD B 0006 20,600.00 R. S. Shane 11648 SE 100th St Build residence 7 60.00 Richard Houghton 1032 ,Q,, St Concrete patio 8 25,000.00 Raymond Ohman 10812 SE 97th Pl Build residence 9 -- Held back 0010 25,000.00 Donald Gulver 9617 108th SE 11 1,800.00 Frank Repenshek 219 Sunset Blvd E New roof and sheating 12 -- Peoples National Bank 129 Wells Avenue So Demolish residence 13 -- Peoples Natiional Bank 800 Block- no side S 2d Demolish uncompl. bldg. 14 180,000.00 Peoples National Bank 820 So Second St Build bank bldg B 0015 8'0.00 Roy Genaro 131 Main Ave So Cont. sidewalk & steps 16 19,762.00 P. 0. Hill 7220 Lake Mash. Blvd Build residence 17 -- City of Renton 1212 Houser Way So Demolish barn 18 12,000.00 Mobile Oil Company 251 Sunset Blvd No Build service station 19 100.00 W. W. Knepper 517 Bronson P1 Lower flr & inst window B 0020 19,000.00 Lewis H. Purcell 11619 SE 105th PI Build residence 21 4,000.00 William W. Ziebell 1038, "R" St � , Addition to residence 22 200.00 Mrs Ed Solberg 13231 ,,E 114th New fence ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0005 865.00 Bernice Kaiser 527 So Wells Wire residence 06 Held back 07 -- Taunahill & Clinch 518 Williams Ave No Temporary service 08 450.00 Richard Reeves 10830 110th PI SE Wire service 09 51800.00 Phillips Oil Co 311 Sunset Blvd. No " E 0010 35.00 Sir Loin Inn 95 Airport Way ..1 250.00 Coffee House of Renton 8th & Logan -JECHANICAL PERMITS M Q006 -- Monte Moore 708 "0" ,t Install gas furnace 7 -- Ray Rosa 620 Langston Road 11 8 E. K. Bekkeuold 2001 6th Pl No 9 -- Ray Rosa 620 Langston Road fistures M 0010 -- R. S. Shane 11647 SE 100th St s gas furnace -- Ed Raisio 10608 111th P1 SE Install plbg fixtures 2 -- Donna Barru`3 365 Thomas St Install circ. heater 3 -- Richard Reeves Const. Co 10830 110th P1 SE Install fixtures 4 Sir Loin Inn 95 Airport i-lay Relocate gas fixtures M 0015 -- Radford 1137 "N" Place Install gas dryer 6 -- Frazier 560 "I" Place Install gas range SEWER PERMITS 127 -- City of Seattle Renton Patrol Station sew connection r�7w 282 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 20, 1967 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor D. W. Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS : Trimm, Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Gianini, Garrett,Pedersen, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Gianini, that absent Council Member Dahlquist be excused. Carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of -- March 13, 1967 be approved as written. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney and John Pain, Assistant City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. galls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Gene Coulon, Park Director and Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Paul Houser, Police Judge and Anne Harker, Librarian. At this time the Mayor announced,as reminder to the Council Members, that the Council in case of national emergency functions as a Civil Defense Council for the City of Renton and it is the duty of each member to report to City Hall immediately in the event of national emergency or disaster and participate in maintaining local. government and duties regulated by such emergency or disaster. Mayor Custer at this time,by way of congratulations to the Renton High School Basketball Team for a second straight win of the State Championship,submitted Proclamation for reading acknowledging the award and accomplishment of the Team under direction of Coach Iry Leifer and his staff, & Sportsmanship Trophy awarded the student body for sportsmanlike conduct during the tournament, and designating this date, March 20th as Renton High School. State Basketball Championship Day in the City of Renton. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Morris, to concur in the Proclamation. Councilman Garrett reported that Representative Grant and himself had introduced a like Senate Resolution which had passed the House and invited the Coach and team members to attend a session of the Representatives some day this week. The pending motion carried. A Certificate of Award from the City will be presented by Mayor Custer at the banquet. PUBLIC HEARING: Grandstand - Location and Financing This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Mayor Custer for information of the audience suggested, in regard for differences of opinions and viewpoints, that a presentation be made regarding the proposed grandstand plans and action taken to date. Councilman Schellert, requested a ruling from the Chair as to the order of business before the Council on the subject of the grandstand. Mayor Custer stated his contention that the Council unanimously adopted the minority report of the Committee of the Whole calling for a public hearing, the Council therefore wishing to hold a public hearing but that the Committee of the Whole majority report to build the grandstand in Liberty Park would again be the matter before the body after the public hearing has been concluded. Schellert requested ruling that the majority vote of the Council to hold a public hearing thereby nullifies action recommending that the grandstand be built in Liberty Park. Mayor Custer stated opinion that thp, Council intent was to delay action on its majority report until such time as the hearing could be held and after consulting with City Attorney Shellan it was his ruling that the hearing was in order being thereby no attempt by the Council majority to either approve nor disapprove the March 6th recom- mendation nor to refute the report by setting the hearing; the minority report was allowed by the Chair and March 20th subsequently set for hearing which in effect tables the subject of the Committee of the Whole recommendation until such time as the hearing has been held. Hearing continued with resume by Mayor Custer who outlined the proposals as dis- played on the wall by various drawings and sketches. Artists concept for the grandstand in Liberty Park was shown with total cost projected at $134,000.00, it being pointed out. however, that no bids were taken and some time has elapsed since such estimate was received. The present proposal is to build the center section only at estimated cost of $95,000.00. Two wings to be added later with storage area underneath projected to the sides. Included were locker room & .nhower facilities, public restrooms, small office and concession area. Also shown was proposed Cedar River Park complex as prepared for the City by Architects, Olsen-Richert, Inc. and including in the drawing was specific facility placement which included parking area multi-use field (football, soccer, fastball, and baseball), picnic areas with kitchen ;shelter areas, restrooms, amphitheater for -1- 233 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 3-20.67 PUBLIC HEARING: Grandstand - Location and Financing (Cont.) little theatre productions, concerts, civic celebrations, etc., play areas, quiet area and some landscaping and other small improvements as might be added according to moneys available. The present grandstand plan will necessitate removal of two lights now existing on either side of the center section. Gross floor area will be 54 x 51 for each section and the center will seat approximately 400 persons. Councilman Morris requested reading of the Committee of the Whole recommendation fora the Minutes of March 6th and Councilman Schellert requested reading of the Minority report. Committee of the Whole majority report recommended construction of the grandstand in Liberty Park and the minority report recommended full disclosure of plans regarding location and financing of the grandstand at a public hearing on March 20th. Councilman Morris added that the Committee of the Whole had also recommended financing of $55,000.00 needed to complete Phase I from unassigned surplus, which matter was pending conclusion of the public hearing. Mayor Custer recalled that the City, over the past four years, had budgeted some $37,500 toward the new grandstand with $95,000 beoiiestimated cost for construction of the Phase I center section. Communications were read from Renton Aerie No. 1722, Fraternal Order of Eagles and The Mayor's Youth Guidance Committee supporting the location of Liberty Park for the new grandstand, Letter from the Renton Municipal Arts Commission stated they are proud of the new library and city hall plans for Liberty Park which when completed, including beautification of the Cedar River Banks, will render Liberty Park an outstanding place of beauty and it was requested that the location for the grandstand be given careful consideration. Audience comment was invited and speaking in support of Liberty Park as location for the proposed grandstand were Mr. Ron Brannon, on behalf of the Jaycees; Mr. Al Fenwick, 12103 SE. 152nd Place, Renton on behalf of the Cascade Vista Athletic Club with immediate commencement of construction being urged; Ted Warren, 17023 - 106th Ave. S �E., Renton and Richard Dierst, 323 North Williams, on behalf of St. Anthonys boys teams who endorse the location and acknowledge the need which the new facility will accommodate; Mr. Paul Houser, Municipal Judge, 1909 Monterey Drive, also member of the Youth Guidance Committee, speaking on behalf of the Renton Athletic Committee and outlining other groups and organizations who had indicated their support of the Liberty Park location. It was urged that the City protect its investment in lighting ground conditioning, etc. over many years which have made Liberty Park the best playfield in the Northwest and with added facilities as planned would be an asset which might be utilized by various clubs and organizations other than athletics, and since funds are available and the facility needed now early action to implement the M construction was urged. Mr. Richard Stredicke, 3916 - 10th Court North, pointed out that the project has been under consideration for four years, it was no sudden decision and that when lights were put in Liberty Park it was felt that Cedar River Park was unsuitable for a lighted ballfield. It was pointed out that this had been a technical matter involving the funding and Councilman Hulse added that the City does plan that Cedar River Park will be used for park purposes after the new City Hall is completed and that the Council did not take action on the light location until the Park Board had made its recommendation that they be installed in Liberty Park. Frank Aliment, 128 Capri., recalled that the park has been in its present location for many years, having played there himself 50 years ago and that when Renton had only 4000 population it had a grand stand and surely needs one now. Kirk Schrieber advised that Sports, Incorporated is forming a pony league of Renton boys and is behind the grandstand plan for Liberty Park.Mr, Charles Shane advised that he, along with Jim Barei and Joe Ptzhich, sponsored various teams and it was their understanding that there was to be a grandstand in Liberty Park; that it is needed right now and when the City can spend a million dollars without putting it up to vote of the people he doesn't think time should be spent having the people come down for something that is needed. Frank Cooper, 518 Grandey Way called attention to availability of parking at the library and after hours at the new city hall. Tom Teasdale, Park Board Member requested the Mayor to point out proposed parking areas utilizing the state highway right-of-way which the Mayor did from one of the Architects drawings stating that said area could be utilized and the City would need to pave and provide for drainage. Mr. Jon Hupp, 12647 S.E. 162nd, Renton, stated that the problem is finding enough area for the leages and more facilities are needed not less. Councilman Schellert recalled mention of the freeway construction in connection with decision to use Cedar River Park Acquisition funds for installation of Liberty Park ballfied lights and requested reading of the Resolution for clarification of Council action taken in that regard. The Mayor.then read therefrom ". . . WHEREAS, the Cedar River Park area by reason of the highway condemnation and construction of banks and abutments in support of said highway is not suitable or desireble for the construction or maintenance of a lighted baseball field inasmuch as the proper location would be interfered with by the existing highway structure and other reasons, the City Council deems it totbe best interest and for the benefit of the public to provide and establish a lighted ballfield within the Liberty Park area with funds therefore being available for said purpose. , . �" -2- 284 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 3-20-67 PUBLIC HEARING: Grandstand - Location and financing Persons speaking in opposition or objecting to location of the grandstand in Liberty Park were Randy Rockhill, 141 Capri, Municipal Arts Commission member who felt that instead of the old Renton a tew Renton attitude should be taken and the City's anticipated expansion considered, and if it costs a bit more and is what the people want that is what should be done, Renton not being a poor City;and instead of developing an eyesore, it was felt that Cedar River Park would provide less future trouble in relation to increase in population and need for recreation facilities than if it goes in Liberty Park. Lillian Plute, a member of the League of Women Voters, did not feel Liberty Park should be overcrowded but having a son in Little League did realize the need for more facilities. John Burleson, 9321-104th Avenue S.E., Kennydale Community Church Athletic Committee and Renton Ministerial Association Member stated that he did not believe adequate parking could be provided for 400 cars having the grandstand in Liberty Park which could be available in Cedar River Park which has the technical capacities for the need. Since Liberty Park is crowded as it is now and there is money to proceed so that delay would not result in this respect it was felt that the City should proceed in Cedar River Park which was felt to be the best location in concern for long range planning. Peg Shideler, Park Board Member, added that Cedar River Park Development isn't that far off, that Liberty Park should be left for the little children and if the development goes into Liberty Park there will be even less area for them than before. They don't need a grandstand and the adults or 16 and over could use Cedar River Park and this would be the beginning of development of this area. She outlined the actions taken in regard to financing and pointed out that additional parking facilities would be very costly to provide for Liberty Park . Her views were in the minority in this case the majority of the Park Board favoring Liberty Park. Mr. Les Falkenhagen, 1148 Lake Street suggested that Liberty Park be left as is and available funds be used for additional development of recreational facilities in Cedar River Park. Mr. Frank Storey recalled various locations of the park and its subsequent development over the years to its present location and felt that since the development has waited this long and more activity is needed on the Cedar River Park side and less on the Liberty Park side, another year is not of consequence and since money is set aside the multi-purpose stadium should be in Cedar River Park where there is plenty of space. Mrs. Frank O'Harra stated that there was no wish to take the ballfield away from the children but in speaking of the grand stand project she wondered just how old a child they were talking about - semi-pro and big league teams were not the children she had in mind to put in that grandstand. The present facilities in Liberty Park she felt were adequate since not over 100 people are sitting in the grandstand, and she has watched many a game. If her group wishes to plant shrubbery and flowers to beautify the park area-they are supposed to be developed for the good of all the community not one group whose interest is athletics and are sentimentally moved since their grandparents played here. It was requested that Liberty Park be left as is and when looking out from the beautiful new facilities one does not have to look at the back of a grand stand. She recommended the money be spent to increase the size of the pool or developing the Sweet Center building. Mrs. Martha Wiberg questioned adding the cost of Phase I to the lights in Liberty Park urging use of Cedar River Park since the Park Board has been offered its use. Peggy Bardarson 320 Renton Avenue, Board Member of Allied Arts called for non-sentimental action requesting the Council to react re--ponsibly, to be flexible, to evaluate and re- evaluate and not hold to a position no longer appropriate. So much has changed and City Government should be responsive to the needs of the present and not those of 50 years ago. Mis, Richard Negley inquired regarding construction schedule and was advised that it was planned to wait until the end of the season to start the Liberty Park construction. If put in Cedar River Park Mrs. Negley had checked with the Seattle Park Department and was told with certain resodding and planting it could be used next spring. Mr. Bill Cline, 221 Smithers Street, a new resident of the City stated his opinion that the do-it-now attitude could cause problems citing problems Tacoma encountered and urged using Cedar River Park where there is space. Elisabeth Rivily favored Cedar River Park stating that Renton is moving toward a city of the first class and should be thinking as a first class city; that with the freeway proximity and geography it is logical that Cedar River Park be a first class urban park. Mrs. Lall, 12521 - 86th South expressed opinion that only a miniature grandstand would fit in Liberty Park. Park Board Member Tom Teasdale stated that the Park Board is not against the development of Cedar River Park but that the grandstand and facilities are needed in Liberty Park as well and are needed now and the facility should be built to go with the lights already in with anticipation of future development of Cedar River Park. Frank Aliment pointed out that the City expansion will soon require that the City garage and street and shop areas be increased as there is need for additional equipment and maintenance and storage area, not too many years away and people are not going to want that in their residential areas. Thought should be given to use of Cedar River Park, with -£toneway, Rainier Asphalt and the river being detrimental to park area it would be ideal for relocation of the garage and equipment storage, and the City should look for new park area rather than having to buy for a garage. -3- 285 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 3-20-67 PUBLIC HEARING: Grandstand - Location & Financing (Cort.) Mr. Russell Carlson, 10445 S.E . 84th Street pointed out that Liberty Park is already an activity area and should remain such with Cedar River Park never exhibiting these tendencies remaining a quiet area. Persons who had spoken were allowed reply and rebuttal after which it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that the hearing be declared closed. The hearing was closed by Mayor Custer and Council action invited. Schellert requested the Mayor to state the matter now before the body and T.ayor Custer reported that the majority recommendation of the Council Committee of the Whole asking concurrence for the building of a grandstand in Liberty Park and the $55,000.00 needed to furnish the balance of approximate $95,000.00 for Phase I to be taken from unassigned surplus, were before the Council for action at this time, Schellert remarked that the Council has now had additional opportunity to re- view its thinking and he would request that a minority Committee of the Whole report be accepted at this tiine. ' Up©n':consulting with City Attorney Shellan as to whether procedure would allow a second .Minority report when one had already been acted upon the right of entitlement of, the member to: place the report before the body was affirmed, and the Clerk read the report recommending_th.at the grandstand be built in Cedar River Park. :Moved by Schellert;' seconded by:%Hulse, to adopt the recommendation of the minority of the Committee of the Whole.. . Morris required as to omission of the matter of funding the balance. Discussion ensued on propriety of action and upon verbal dissenting vote,roll call was properly requested resulting as follows: i'o. : Trimm, Bruce, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Aye: Ilulse, Schellert and Perry. The motion lost with 8 no votes and 3 aye votes. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the majority report of the Committee of the Whole to build the grandstand in Liberty Park. Aye: Trimm, Bruce, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. No: Hulse, Schellert and Perry. The motion carried, 8 aye votes to 3 no votes. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation that $55)000.00 be appropriated from excess revenues, C—rent Fund to Par's 605,Cap,Outlay, Grandstand. Roll call was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Trimm, Bruce, Schellert, Gainini, Pedersen, Garrett, Delaurenti, Poli, •Prry Morris. No: Hulse. The motion carried, 10 ayes and 1 no. Mayor Custer thanked everyone for their courteous and orderly manners during the hearing, and declared a ten minute recess. After the recess, roll call was taken with all Council Members present as 'previously listed. COMMUNICATIONS: Letters were read by the City Clerk with Council actions taken as follows: Petition for vacation of portion of alley running North and South between Lots 6, 7 and 8, Block 1, Motor Line Addition and Lot 5, Block 1, Smithers Sixth Addition to Renton - George Ames et al. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to refer the petition to the City Engineer to check signatures for validity and report back. Carried. Greater Renton Shopping Centers, Inc. petition for vacation of portion of 12th Place Renton Highlands Plat, M. W. Lotto, President, et al. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the petition to the City Engineer to check. Carried. Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, letter reporting Planning Commission recommenda- tion from meeting of March lst approving rezone of Isaac Capelouto property located at 1343 and 1345 K Street from R-2 to R-3; which reclassification is in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the Planning Commission recom- mendation with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. A letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported recommendation of the Planning Commission,on the basis of its review and finding that it is in accord with the City Platting Ordinance, that the Final Plat of Rolling Hills #3 be approved. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Com- mittee. The motion carried. Cit; Engineer Wilson submitted and recommeded for payment, final estimate for work completed on 4th Avenue by the Rainier Asphalt Company in sum of $724.63, with Council acceptance of the project as of this date and commencement of the required lien period Engineering Costs of $3,232 are to be charged against the Arterial Street Fund 3200, ASP #3. -4- 286 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 3-20-67 COMIvt`GNICAT IONS : (Conf.)"" James J. Abraham, President, O.K. Cab Co., Inc., made application for the next taxicab license to be issued within the City when the official census population will permit 16 licenses. He presently operates four vehicles and his competitor has filed current application for eleven leaving him at some disadvantage. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to refer the request to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. City Engineer Wilson reported investigation of request of the Monterey Terrace Community Club to place an entry pylon within City street right-of-way and since this could be accomplished without creating any traffic hazard or obstructing the view at the intersection, the Engineering Department has no objection so long as location approval is secured prior to any construction. If allowed, a Revocable Permit basis is recommended. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur with the recommendations with installation to be under supervision of the City Engineer. Carried. Claim against the City was read filed on behalf of Arthur J. Perry for damages in sum of $5,000.00 in connection with injury sustained to metatarsal bone in left foot which was broken when he stepped in a pavement crack at intersection walk yr-y,8th and North Park Avenue,on date of February 16, 1967. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, to refer the Claim to the City Attorney. The motion carried. Summons and Complaint was read as filed by James and Nina Hanson and James Winkler, in connection with auto accident on the Wells Street Bridge. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to refer the documents to the City Attorney and City Insurance Carrier. The motion carried. Letter from the Kennydale Lions Club reported going on record against the sale of any park property and specifically Lake Washington park site. It was reported that the Club had been attempting to clear up deed problems with property owner Everett Charboneau to no avail, on the park site adjacent to their clubhouse, and condemna- tion was suggested as alternative measure. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, to refer the letter to the Property Committee and the Park Board. Park Director Coulon advised that Mr. Charboneau hasn't been able to see the reason for a Quit Claim Deed document and the Lions Club was giving some assistance to the Park Board in this regard. The pending motion carried. It was pointed out that the law prohibits the sale of park property and no legislative action has been passed to change this present law. Letter from Planning Director Ericksen requested permission to attand ASPO Planning Conference in Houston, Texas, April 1-6, 1967. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to allow the request and expense therefor as allowable. Carried. PROCLAMATION Proclamation by Mayor Custer designated Match 19th through 25th, as "National Wildlife Week11 in conjunction with National observance of same. Moved by Schel2ert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the Proclamation by the Mayor. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Unfinished Business: Councilman Pedersen submitted Sanitation Committee recommendation,regarding Honey Creek Park residents' request for investigation of possible Sanitary Sewer L.I.D., that the Engineering Department be authorized to proceed with a cost estimate and to report back to the Council and the petitioners subsequent to which, if warranted, public hearing would be set. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the City Engineer in concurrence with the Sanitation Committee recommendations. Carried. Report from the Property Committee and Purchasing Agent, Vern Church, recommended that since the sewer rodding machine bid was too restrictive and based upon further information received regarding the equipment, ip the best interest of the City all bids be rejected and new bid call be published as soon as new specifications can be prepared. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendations. The motion carried. -5- 28'7 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 3-20-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont.) Unfinished Business: Councilman Pedersen, Property Committee Chairman, requested that the Council give authorization to secure, appraisal of the property involved in request by Hallie Smiley to purchase the surplus well site property located in the Honeydew Lane Plat. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, that appraisal be authorized. The motion carried. (S.E. 106th and 132nd Avenue S.E.) Mayor Custer advised the Street and Alley Committee that he had had a change of mind upon further investigation of the request for Renton to participate in widening of roadway and railroad bridge 6.1 near Quendall, and that since only about three residents of Renton may be involved, the City may not want to go ahead at $2,600.00 cost proposal. (Ripley Lane Area) Councilman Garrett submitted report of the Street and Alley Committee recommending approval of the revised storm sewer agreement with the Washington State Highway Department for enlargement of an existing drain under the Benson Highway with the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same . The City participation will be in amount of $5,000.00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the Street and Alley Committee recommendation. The Street and Alley Committee report advised that regarding the Ripley Lane area bridge project, the City Attorney has ruled that the City cannot expend money on this project under the terms of our present easement which has a 30-day cancellation clause. The Railroad Company has been so advised and it is possible that a new easement might be submitted. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the report of the Street and Alley Committee and the City Attorney. Carried. Councilman Perry, referring back to the ASPO Conference to be held in Houston, Texas stated he had greatly benefitted from this conference when he attended .4nd it would be well to be represented. After discussion regarding possibilities for attendance, it was moved by Perry,' seconded by Pedersen, that Councilman Hulse. be authorized to attend said conference. Carried. New 'nusiness: Councilman Schellert requested that since Mrs. Dahlquist is out of town and unable to attend the BG,-rd of Equalization meeting in the County Assessor's office at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, March 21st when the 1965` Board will be reconvened to consider The Boeing Company and Pacific Car & Foundry. 1965 'Sax Assessments, an alternate be appointed, the hearing to be of direct interest to Renton. After discussion regarding available representative, it was moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, that Councilman Delaurenti be appointed as alternate member to attend the Board of Equalization hearings in absence of Mrs. Dahlquist. Carried. Moved by Councilman Hu-se,, seconde- d 'by Bruce, that City of Renton Vouchers, No. 7382 through 7495, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council` for'payment at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 1. 7382 7 L7413 $ 6,294.79 City Street Fund t 7414 -_-7418 1,111.59 Arterial Street Fund 7419 - -7420 3,956.88. Equipment Rental 7421 - 7423,- 398.09 Library 7424 - 74413,581.12 Parks 7442 - 7445 -1,23.2.14 Water Works Utl�ity 7446 - 7453 2,482.74 Airport 7454 - 7459 105.86 $19,163.21 Councilman Schellert submitted Way's and Means Committee report recommending that the unassigned excess surplus be distributed as follows: Cumulative Reserve Fund 1689, Park Acquisition & Development, $15,000.00 Cumulative Reserve Fund 1698, Fire Equipment Acquisition, 10,000.00 Cumulative Reserve Fund 1894, Civic Center & City Hall Bldg. 25,000.00 Referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee was recommended. Moved by Pedersen, and seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendations as read. Carried. Councilman Poli called attention to a movement to increase the exemption for dependents to $1,000.00 from the $600.00 now allowedfor Federal Income Tax purposes and moved that the Council adopta Resolution endorsing the $1000.00 deduction to be forwarded to State and Congressional representatives. The motion was seconded by .Perry & carried.` Pedersen requested a, Property Committee meeting on Monday, March 27th. at- 7:15 p..m Since there was no further business it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli., to adjourn. Carried. The. meeting adjourned at 10:55 p.m. There were 94 visitors this evening. 288 5-20-87 PERMITS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDINC' PERMITS NO AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 0023 4,000.00 Glamourella Salon 319 So Second St Remodel & plan pool 24 3,000.00 Phillip J. Nangle 614 110" St Remodel. & add'n to bd 0025 600.00 Gene Meyer's Cycle Center 145 Rainier Ave So Bld roofed carport 26 500.00 McDonald's Drive In 73 Rainier Ave So Erect sign 27 15,700.00 Herve L. Belisle 11201 S. E. 97th St Construct residence 28 450.00 Stanley Webb 9826 116th Place S.E. Install fence 29 2,250.00 The Production Co 8040 108th SE Install foundation ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0012 500.00 Talbot Construction Co 3301 Court "A" Wire service 13 2.00.00 Ralph Schomberg 224 Main St Wire service 14 570.00 Herb Mull 818 "L" St Wire service 0015 350.80 T7atkins 503 13th Ave South Wire service 16 300.00 Wes Busch 312 Busch Place So Wire service MECHANICAL PERMITS M 0017 -- City of Seattle 1911 Maple Valley HGry Install Plbg. fixtures 18 -- Mr. Caniparoli 84 Logan Hot water tank 19 -- Talbot Construction 3301 Court "A" Install gas furnace 0020 -- David Swadberg 2108 6th Place North Install floor furnace SEWER PERMITS No 128 -- Bernice Kaiser 527 Wells South sewer connection 129 -- Herb Mull 818 "L" St 130 -- Herbert Watkins 503 13th South << 131 -- Rudy Zaputil 11625 S. E. 105th P1 " 132 -- Griffin Boys Home 10198 Lake Wash Blvd ' 289 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 27, 1967 8:00 P.M. Office of The City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Councilman Tom Trimm, Council President, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Trimm, Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Garrett, Pedersen, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT_HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M, Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Anne Harker, Librarian, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner and Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of March 20th be approved as written. The motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS: The City Clerk reported receiving required dispensation of Review Board Proceedings on annexation petition of Mead-Melis et al,from Sup't. of Schools, Intermediate District #9, Board of King County Commissioners and Mayor Custer, it now being in order to set the date for public hearing.(North of 12th Ave. No. and "P" Street) Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, that April 17, 1967 be set for .public hearing on the proposed annexation. Carried. Letter from City Enginaer Wilson reported regarding petition by Greater Renton Shopping Center for vacation of portion of 12th Place, Renton Highlands Plat, that check of County records indicates that the petition is signed by owners representing 100% of abutting property. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, that the date of April 24th be set for hearing on the matter with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Resolution, The motion carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry to refer the matter also to the Planning Commission and City Engineer for report and recommendation. Carried. T'i:e , City Engineer reported check of County records indicated petition of George Ames et al for vacation of portion of alley West of Shattuck Avenue and South of South 2nd Street is signed by owners representing 100% of abutting properties. Loved by Schellert, seconded by Del_aurent;, the matter also be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Resolution setting April 24th as date for hearing, The motion carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry,to refer the proposed alley vacation to the City Er..gineer and Planning Commission for report. The motion carried. Letter from Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Estimate No. 2 for work completed on traffic signal installations on Rainier Avenue South, South 7th Street and South 3rd Place. Amount due General Services Electric, $6,482.47. Moved by Morris, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the invoice to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. The motion carried. Fire Chief Walls request for authority to enter into mutual assistance fire fighting agreement with the Kent Fire Department was read. Copy of the proposed agreement was attached and the Mayor and City Clerk to be authorized by Resolution to execute same. Moved by Poli, seconded by Pedersen, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for the required Resolution. The motion carried. Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported check of King County Records in regard to letter of intent to annex property in vicinity of 132nd Ave. S.E. and Honey Dew School, and letter of intent was signed by owners representing 100/ of assessed valuation for general taxation purposes,of the property requested to be annexed. (Wood-Eidson property) The property contains approximately 1 acre with assessed valuation of $126.00. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Bruce, that a letter be directed to property owners advising of requirement for meeting with the property owner before the matter can proceed further. Carried. Letter from Harold I. Mellor requested to rent 60 ft. wide section of city-owned land referred to as Black River Channel or Lake Street which protrudes N.E. from Rainier Ave. S&Ith and 3rd Avenue oov which he now owns, and which presently borders "Swifty Car Wash" property Moved by Poli, secordc4 by ferry, to refer the request to the Property Committee to report back. Carred. -1- 290 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 3-27-67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from City Clerk Nelson reported demonstration of electric punch which is four times as fast as the hand punching which is tedious arm-aching operation, especially in preparation of the Financial Reports, Preliminary and Final Budgets and other various bulletins and brochures prepared by the City. It is felt that the electric punch is essential for more efficient operation as cited and it was recommended that $688.00 be appropriated from excess revenues unto the Current Fund, Non-Departmental Account 1920/606, Capital Outlay, Equipment, to fund the purchase. 5% discount is available for cash order. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation for the purchase. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. Carried. Letter from Planning Director Ericksen submitted Planning Commission recommendation to approve Preliminary Plat of Victoria Park, Transamerica Development Company property located on Talbot Road S .E. of Talbot Crest. The proposed Plat is in accord with the Comprehensive Plan encompassing a total area of 75 acres with principal access from Talbot Road. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the Planning Commission recom- mendation. Inquiry was made by Dahlquist regarding green belt maintenance and it was pointed out that this was private area and was to be maintained by community organization along with a small park or swimming pool which may be dedicated to the city at a later date. The pending motion carried. A letter from Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, submitted Planning Commission recommendation,following several months of extensive study of the existing zoning ordinance with intent of rectifying some of the inconsistencies to allow greater flexibility within the present use, for 1. Trailer and Mobile Home Parks:(referenced exhibits were distributed to each Council Member) The Planning Commission recommends amending existing B-1 zoning and existing section on Trailer Parks to define specific locational standards and to incorporate definitions of Trailer and Mobile Home Parks in existing Ordinance. 2. Multi-Family Use Zones R-2, R-3 and R-4 (Exhibit II), Proposed Changes in Wording. 3. Planned Unit Development (Exhibit III) Adoption of Planned Unit Development Chapter of Proposed Zoning Ordinance, with revisions as indicated. Approval of these changes were recommended as a step toward upgrading of the existing Ordinance. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter and Exhibits I. II and III to the Committee of the Whole for consideration. The motion carried. Letter from the Washington State Highway Commission reported appointment of Mr. J. L. Thornton as State Aid Engineer, State Aid Division which is responsible for processing federal aid projects in the Counties and Cities of the State. Letter from the International Association of Fire Fighters, Local 864, Larry Weiss, Secretary, requested permission to park a fire truck on the corner of South 3rd Street and Williams Avenue for ticket sales to Annual Firemen's Dance. Ticket sales will be held on March 31st, April 7, 14 and 21, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Perry to grant the request. The motion carried. APPOINTMENT: A letter from Mayor Custer reported appointment of Mr. Dale Aungst as Member of the Heating Ordinance Committee to fill vacancy left by resignation of Mr. Ray Heppenstall. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the appointment by the Mayor. The motion carried. Girl Scout visitors and leaders were introduced at this time. The Sky-Mar-Ridge Troop 209 - Cadettes from Skyway, Bryn Mawr, Lakeridge and Dimmitt Junior High. Leaders were Mrs. Robert Arnold and Mrs. James Morris. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS : Unfinished Business: Chairman Hulse, Capital Improvement Priority Committee submitted recommendation that the City install National Cash Register Series 500 Electronic Data Processing system on rental basis rather than purchase, and that the equipment be installed so as to be operative by January 1, 1968. Monthly rental is $1,563.00. Total required by time of installation $4,310.00, one-half of which will be assumed by the Utility Department. It was recommended that the Current Fund share of $2,155.00 be appropriated from excess revenues into Current Fund, Non-Departmental Acct. 1920/606 Capital Outlay, Equipment. The City will also need to assume freight costs of $247.00 and wiring of present Model 33 N.C.R. machine, $2,500.00. Moved by Morris, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendations of the Capital Improvement Priority and Ways & Means Committees. -2- 291 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 3-27-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business (Cont.) Capital Improvement Priority and Ways and Means Committee Report-Data Processing The City Clerk reported that the Treasurer, Street, Equipment Rental, Utility, City Clerk �, nd possibly the Police Department and Police Court, City Engineer and Fire Departments will all be using the data processing equipment„ The matter has been studied for about a year and Mrs. Nelson, Marshall, Gossett and Ted Bennett have visited many demonstrations and other cities aperating various systems of I.B.M., Burroughs, Monroe and N.C.R. and it has been determined that the N.C.R. 500 is the best for the Renton operations. Cost will be distributed to Departments according to use and it is not possible at present to pro rate the cost. The Current Fund will present no problem since most of the Departments are operated within this Fund but Utilities, Equipment Rental, Street, etc. will have to be considered on an individual basis resulting from performance. The pending motion carried and it was subsequently moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for-fund appropriation. The motion carried. Chairman Garrett, Street and Alley Committee, submitted recommendations with Council action taken as follows: 1. Rainier Avenue Traffic Control Study approval recommended - Prepared by Engineered Industrial Systems, Inc. for purpose of determining type of system, amount of equipment, channelization, signal timing and access control. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. 2. Upon review of the Rainier Avenue Traffic Report for channelized intersections, conduit, signal heads, poles, detectors, controller cabinets and plan for coordination with the State on resurfacing, channelization, pavement marking, signal reconstruction and other printing, binding, field surveys and presentations, immediate implementation was recommended and in order to expedite the installation it was further recommended that Engineered Industrial Systems, Inc. be retained to complete the plan preparation and specifications for the project. Final engineering cost will be $5,500.00 which cost is payable from the Arterial Street Fund. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendations. Councilman Garrett advised that Mr. Ken Cunningham, of Engineered Industrial Systems had made extensiNe written reports and made presentation of the plan at a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee, Traffic Engineer and City Engineer and would be glad to answer any questions. The recommendations of the Committee were submitted as a majority report and there being no further comment from the floor, the pending motion was voted upon and carried. CouncilPresident Trimm announced a meeting of the Committee of the Whole on April 4, 1967 at 7:30 p.m. and a short meeting of the Council following this evening's meeting. Upon inquiry by Schellert it was confirmed that the zoning recommendations would be considered at the April 4th meeting. New Business: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 7460 through 7520, having teen approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be accepted by the Council for payment at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current 7460 - 7484 $3,002.28 Art. Street Fund 7485 6,482.47 City Street Fund 7486 - 7489 2,384.92 Equ' ent Rental Fund 7490 - 7496 1,830.15 Parks) 7497 - 7502 706.65 Water Works Utility 7503 - 7508 391.47 Airport 7509 7.34 Firemen's Pension 7510 - 7520 1,481.25 $16,286.53 The Council Members representing the City at the Board of Equalization hearings, reported attending meeting on Tuesday, March 21st of the 1965 King County Bea rd of Equalization recently ordered reconvened by the State Tax Commission. Unequal ratio of assessments for two companies in the Renton area was considered. i'.fter hearing testimony from both companies and the assessor, the Board moved to sustain the new assessments as proposed by the Assessor which action should increase the 1965 assessed valuation of Renton by $8,875,320.00. This problem covered only the 1965 tax year and the 1966 assessed valuation is unchanged. -3- A 292 Miputes - Rentcp ¢ity goppcil Mept�pg COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: New Business Cont. Mrs. Dahlquist reported her pleasure at returning ,to the fresh clean air of Wash-1n tcn after vacationing in C�hfarnia with its smog dfid bottmthded Mr. Johnson for his efforts as Air Pollution Control Officer, from reports she has received, which is encouraging to hear in view of the fact that some day this could happen here. Councilman Schellert added that officials of King County at a discussion regard;.-:g Air Pollution had made special mention of the work being done by our Building Director and Fire Chief on control, special reference being made to neighborhood restriction on open burning receptacles at local grocery. Councilman Pedersen commented he had just returned from a trip where there was no pollution problem evidenced (Alaska) Garrett added there was considerable where he has been (State Legislature) Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse that the matter of delegates to attend the National League of Cities Boston, Massachusetts Conference, July 30th, be placed on the Committee of the Whole Agenda on April 4th. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Vern Morris, Chairman, Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington changing the zoning classification of certain properties Aithin the City from Residential District (R-1) and Business Parking (BP) to Light Industry District (L-1) which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to place the document on its second and final reading. The motion carried. After final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2311 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. (Lindy Aliment property) The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted a proposed Ordinance of the City changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from General Classi- fication District (G) to "Apartment House and Multiple Dwelling", (R-4) as read by the City Clerk. Moved by Mirris, seconded by Poli, to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Dela.z^rti; seconded by Schellert, to approve Ordinance No. 2312 as read. Roll call vote resal_` � in all ayes and the motion carried. (Welhelm Schwartzenberger property) The Committee presented majority committee recommendation that proposed Ordinance be placed on first reading to rezone Capelouto property on K Street. Moved by Poli and seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on first reading. The motion carried. The Clerk read the Ordinance proposing change of zoning classification of properties within the city from Residential District (R-2) to Residential District (R-3). Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to place the proposed document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that Ordinance No. 2313 be adopted as read. Roll call vote followed with Perry abstaining and all others voting aye carrying the motion. Proposed Ordinance was submitted with majority recommendation for introductory reading. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to place the proposed Ordinance on first reading. Carried. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from Residential District (R-2) to Residential District (R-3) . Wesley Busch Property. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Pedersen that the document be placed on second and final reading. Carried. After the final readng it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Ordinance 2314 as read. Roll Call vote followed with Perry abstaining and all others voting aye. Carried. Proposed Ordinance was read vacating portion of 106th Avenue S .E. lying Southerly of Puget Drive, Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to place the proposed Ordinance on second and final reading. Carried, After second & final reading it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2315 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes carrying the motion, Proppsed Resolution was read approving final plat for subdivision of Rolling Hills #3. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1432 as read. Carried. Mr. Norman Ross, 420 "T" Street, inquired regarding Ordinance concerning former hospital property. It was pointed out that this Ordinance was not specifically to cover the hospital property but would in general govern all properties and is the one referred to the Committee of the Whole earlier. Public Hearing will be held on the matter before final action is taken in any event. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, that the absent Councilman be excused. The motion carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The mee ig w ad'ourned at 8:55 p,m, -Awl =7-L-- s D. W. Custer, Mayor Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk 3-27-fi.7 PERMITS ISSUED $Y 'TItz CITY BUILDING AND LXGINEERJNG 2EPA&TMENT'S BUILDING PERMITS N0. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WjRIC B 0030 $3,000.00 Dennis C. Winter 15511 - 118th Ave S.E. Det. Garage & storage 31 277.00 Charles Granyss 2819 - 8th Place No. 32 VOID Fence yard 33 500.00 Fairwood Properties 17209 East Valley Hwy. Sign a.r 34 500.00 Fairwood Properties 11700 Rainier Ave. 0035 500.00 Fairwood Properties NW corner 180th & E.H� Sign Siil 36 100.00 Glass Supply Company 2121 Sunset Blvd. E. • Install sign 37 800.00 Glass Supply Company 2121 Sunset Blvd. E. 38 1,650.00 C. O. Lande Install partition 95 Burnett St Construct truck scale deck 39 2,000.00 Williams & Swanson NW Corner 3rd & Logan Salesand officcendation 0040 450.00 Tony Milones 2720 Maple Valley Hwy. Install propane tank 41 500.00 Coffee House of Renton No. 8th St at Logan No. Repair building 42 58000.00 Carey & Sons 2720 Maple Valley H 43 600.00 Tonkin Building Corp 817 South 3rd Stes Install ice vendor Refac 44 100.00 Thomas He Grove, Jr. 436 Langston Road Fencee bldg side 0045 3,990.00 Duane W. McPherson 2513 7th North 46 12,000.00 Oliver R Wakelam Bldg aresiddIn to rear 47 . � 10424 S.E. 98th. Build residence 300 00 George Perry 1354 "H" P1 Comb dog hse/tool stgr ELECTRICAL PEP.MITS -�. S E 0017 -.r Cecci,one-Sunset Venture 2930 - 10th Ave No is Tilmporary service 19 209 Donald Culver 9617 - 108th Ave S.E. It 11 E 002050000 `lames J, Crestanello 404 Grande Wa Y Y Wire service Carey & Sons 2320 Maple Valley Hwy Wire ice vendor 21 3C3.00 Ea Tigner 551 Aronson Place 22 -- H, L, Belisle Wire service 9603 - 112th S.E. Temporary service MECHANICAL PERMITS M 0021 __ John Julian & Son 340 Sunset No. 22 -- James J. Crestanello 404 Grande Way Install l mace Y Y 23 __ Install plumbing f ixt. James Dasen 117 Park Ave No. Install space heater 24 -- Herb Mull 818 "L" St M 0025 -- Aldrich 247 Facto St Install Furnace 26 __ Factory Install gas range 27 -_ C. Holmes 311 South 6th St Install circ. heater Robert Aarhus 910 4th Ave No Install space heater 28 -- R. S. Shane 11648 S.E. 100th 29 -- Cecil Whitaker Install plumbing 518 Williams Install plumbing 294 March Fund Transfers authorized and approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee and the City Council. TO CLAIMS FROM: Current Fund $ 25,085.77 City Street 17,126.73 Off-Street Parking 100.00 Arterial Street 10039.35 Cedar River M. & I. 91.04 Equipmeht Rental 55961.07 Parks 55105.98 Library 35976.03 Waterworks - 375257.93 1965 W & S. Construction 55892.39 Airport 597.62 Firemen's Pension Fund 15481.25 113,115.16 TO PAYROLL: FROM: Current $101,817.80 Street 165318.85 Cedar River M & I 535.00 Equipment Rental 3,701.90 Library 6,101.17 Parks 125587.07 Waterworks Utility 155592.34 Airport 15361.00 Firemen's Pension 90.84 $158,105.97 295 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING April 3, 1967 8:00 P.M. Office of The City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Trimm, Bruce, Perry, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, that the absent Councilman be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Jim Magstadt, Assistant Planning Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Sven Johnson, Building Director and Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of March 27, 1967 be approved as written. The motion carried. Mayor Custer at this time made a presentation to Mr. David Johnston, of a City of Renton Certificate of Award forcutstnuHng service rendered by Mr. Johnston as first Chairman and member of the Renton Municipal Arts Commission. Mr. Johnston has accepted a position on the King County Arts Commission where he hopes to be able to do more for Renton by representation, predicting that within a few years the Renton Commission will be a vital part of City Government and the County will be working hand in hand to coordinate the endeavors. PUBLIC HEARING: Ray H. Ball appeal of Planning Commission decision denying R-3 as zoning on property at 12th Avenue North between 0 St.-N Place. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communication was read from Planning Director Ericksen reporting Planning Commission action which was based upon considerations that subject area is the site of two single family residential dwellings surrounded on the North, East, and West by single family residential development and requested R-3 zoning does not comply with Single- Family Residential zoning indicated on the Comprehensive Plan. The Commission opinion was that SR-1 would be the appropriate zoning classification for this property and R-3 was not approved. A Petition containing 240 signatures was presented objecting to R-3 zoning of the property. Assistant Planning Director Magstadt was requested to explain location and outline circumstances, and area was designated on wall map, Mr. Magstadt pointing out that the present zoning of GS-1 provides for 35,000 sq. ft. lot size and the Planning Commission SR-1 recommendation would require 7500 sq. ft. to allow single family residences rather than multiple use. Councilman Schellert, called for opinion of the City Attorney as to action which the Council might legally take since the requested R-3 does not conform to the Comprehensive Plan. City Attorney Shellan advised that the Council cannot take any action to rezone to R-3 unless the Comprehensive Plan is revised. Upon inquiry it was pointed out that the entire area originally included in the rezone request was 19,200 ft. which had subsequently been revised to include 9,100 sq. ft. Audience mnment was invited and Mr. Ball stated that his property had been purchased 25 years ago with the plan in mind that part of it would be used for fv`'jre retirement income and that he wished now to build a 4-plex on part of it 100' x 70' . He had cows at one time and had to get rid of them because dogs and children chased and scared them and now the neighbors don't want to be crowded by four units which he and his wife wish to build for retirement security. With R-3 only 3 doors away Mr. Ball felt he should be allowed the R-3 for his 4-plex or otherwise would feel he is being subjected to discrimination. Opposing the rezone, Mr. Gerald Nichols, 1118 "Ni" Street, stated neighboring homes had built in good faith that the area would be single family residences the other multiple dwellings having been built prior to there being a Comprehensive Plan, the projects coming in one after another and if allowed this time it would be like cancer since people would not want to build residences behind they would say there is an apartment there now so why not more. Apartments bring high density and the residents of the area now desire to maintain resi;lential use for single families only in that area. -1- Wys Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-3-67 HEARING: Ray H. Ball appeal of Planning Commission decision (Cont.) Other members of the audience opposing the rezone and addressing the Council were Mr. L. W. Atwood, 1115 N Place North, pointing out that the Comprehensive Plan should be observed and the highlands area retained as is, a . residential area. He cited his experience in a 62 unit app-rtment and problems of parking, noise, traffic restricted play area for children and overcrowding of schools and facilities. Mrs. Margaret Hansen, 3418, 10th Ct. No. remarked that the present spot zoning occurred because the residents weren't aware the construction was going on and that any future owner of this property would not feel he was restricted if this were allowed now. Also, others are waiting for this approval and will appeal their applications for specific zonings that have not been granted. Mr. Ralph Evans, 3309 - 10th Place North added that should this be rezoned no offer would be made on the balance of the property for single family use and as far as the residents are concerned such zoning would be a foot in the door. Schellert inquired as to whether Mr. Ball would be receptive to the SR-1 zoning proposed by the Planning Commission which is the best and highest use for the property and Mr. Ball said he cared not for SR-1 zoning. It was noted that the present apartments were built prior to adoption of the City's Comprehensive Plan and since there was no further comment at this time, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli,that the hearing be closed. The motion was carried and the hearing declared closed with further Council action invited. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, in view of the Comprehensive Plan, that the decision of the Planning Commission denying the R-3 zoning of this property be upheld. Inquiry was made by Dale Olsen as to whether the SR-1 recommendation of the Planning Commission was implemented by this action and it was pointed out that this was not before the Council only appeal of the decision to deny R-3 and any other Zoning would require application to be filed by the property owner. The motion carried. PRELIMINARY MEETING WITH PROPERTY OWNER: Wood-Eidson annexation - Property located East of 132nd Avenue S.E. and South of S.E. 120th Place. Mr. Ted Thorsen was present to represent the property owners and inquiry was made by Councilman Schellert whether owners were willing to accept proportionate share of the pre-existing bonded indebtedness of the City in event of annexation. Mr. Thorsen stated he had been authorized to reply in the affirmative to the inquiry. Mrs. Hansen inquired regarding existing trailers on the property for which King County had given a six months approval. Upon inquiry, City Engineer Wilson reported that the land under consideration for annexation is only the West 180 ft. of this S acre tract and does not include any portion where trailers are located. Moved by Schellert, Seconded by Delaurenti, that petitioners be authorized to circulate a proper petition containing statement of willingness to assume their pro rata share of the pre-existing bonded indebtedness as stipulated and that the annexation pro- posal by favorably accepted. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from James H. Hartwig, M. D. City if Renton Health Officer, reported regarding sewage problems in the Kennydale-Lake Washington lakefront area,at site of proposed sanitary sewer L.I.D. , that tests made in the area from rep, rts submitted by City Engineer Wilson corroborated the need of establishing a sewer system to serve the area as soon as is feasible. On February 27th survey of houses on Mountain View Drive and on Ripley Lane revealed no evidence of a septic system at 9521 Mt. View Drive. At 9209 septic sewage had broken through to the surface and dye tests performed March 8th sub- stantiated this observation. At 9145 like septic drainage was corroborated by dye tests on the same date. At 9017 Lake Wn. Blvd. no indication of Septic Tank was revealed and it was suspected the effluent may possibly discharge directly into the lake. Trailer evidently discharges into the lake at this address also. At 8657 sewage broken through to surface of front yard and was lying on the surface at the North side of the house at 8463. On Ripley Lane very swampy ground conditions were noted at 7411, 7229, 7065 and 7023, with evidence of sewage on the ground at North side of the latter residence. This report was a follow-up on previous investigations of the area as requested, confirming existing conditions sanitarily of detriment. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, to refer the communication to the Engineering Department. Carried. Letter from Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Central Garage, requested approval for adding new vehicles to Equipment Rental Rate Schedule. Referral to the Law and Ordinance Commit- tee to amend the present Ordinance was recommended. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. -2- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-3-67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from 14. E. Bennett requested approval to sell one Underwood Typewriter, Serial #S11-5741490 to the Renton Civitan Club for $5.00 the amount which has been offered as a trade-in on the purchase of a new machine. Inquiry was made as to whether Council must approve a sale by a Department. City Attorney Shellan replied that all that is needed is a motion to declare the article surplus and for sale at a reasonable value. Moved by Morris, seconded by Dahlquist, that the typewriter be declared surplus. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Dahlquist, the sale be authorized. Schellert reted •this is the first item the Council has had to declAre _ as surplus. City Clerk Nelson stated it to be a matter of whether trade f.-i or selling to outside persons. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Pedersen, to amend the motion to authorize sale to highest bidder. Utility Accountant Bennett stated that he has two typewriters of a similar vintage and that the Utility auditor had directed that when a utility disposes of any of its equipment or scrap it must be complctcly described and go before the council for approval for sale. phis is not on trac'.e-17-s. Moved by Morris, seconded by Pedersen the motion be amended to include sale of both of t::n-se typewriters. The amendment carried for sale to highest bidder and subsequently,motion as amended, to include both typewriters, carried: A letter from W. H. Slater, Operations Manager, The Boeing Company, requested to meet with the Council to review the Company's utility accounts, Moved by Trimm, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the request to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. A letter from Alice B. Mattson, Claim Dep't., Kemper Insurance Agency, submitted notice of loss by Ken Higashi as result of damages sustained in accident and lien against the City for any payment made to insured as result thereof. Moved by Poli, seconded by Pcrry, to refer the matter to the City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Carried. Letter from the State Department of Health reported approval of plans and specifications together with Addendum No. 1 for the Mt. Olivet Booster Pump Station Water Distribution. Letter from Telecable, Inc. was read submitted as formal application for a cable television franchise for the City of Renton. Attached was literature regarding the Company and letters concerning local community programs televised to specific areas offered in Washington only by Telecable. Moved by Morris, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter to the Police and License and Light and Power Committees. Carried. A letter from Planning Director Ericksen, submitted Planning Commission recommendations from its public hearing meeting of March 22nd as follows: Approval of Preliminary Plat of Honeydew Lane, Appl. P-383-67, property of Better-Bili Homes, Inc. located on the N.E . corner of S.E. 107th Street and 132nd Avenue S.E. Total area 29 acres, 119 lots, proposed for single family residential use with the Principal access from 132nd Avenue S.E . The proposed use is in accord with the City's Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation. The motion carried. Preliminary Plat approval recommended on Urch Subdivision, Appl. P-385-67, John Urch property located in Southwest area of S .E. 86th Street and 108th Ave. S.E., total area 1.8 acres, 8 lots proposed for single family residential with principal access, 108th Avenue S.E. which is in accord with the Comprehensive Plan on proposed use. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation. The motion carried. Problems regarding Preliminary Plat of Aloha Ranch No. 2 having been resolved, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Final Plat, Application FP-344-66, 4.14 acres, 18 lots single family residential use proposed with access, 116th Ave. S.E. Robert Shane property. Meets with Comprehensive Plan designation. Property located on I .E. 100th Street to the east of existing Aloha Ranch Plat No. 1. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Bruce, to concur with the Planning Commission approval. -married. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the Final Plat to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. — Rezones: Henry Ruggles property, Appl. R-372-67, G to B-1, property located on S.E. corner of S.E. 128th and 132nd Ave. S.E. Meets required use as designated on the Comprehensive Plan. Commission recommended Business honing be held to 300 ft. and the remaining portion be zoned R-3 which revision met with approval of applicant and appli- cation revised accordingly. Moved by Poli, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the Planning Commission recommenda- tions for rezone as per revisions stipulated. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee, Carried. -3- 298 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-3-67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Planning Commission recommendations Planning Commission recommended rezone of Skagen & Lotto properties, Appl. R-375-67, from G-7200 to R-3 and B-1, located in the Northwest area of Sunset Highway and 132nd Avenue S.E. , total area app. 8.7 acres proposed multi-family residential and commercial use. Upon review it was found that the proposed Business use would not be in accord with the Comprehensive Plan and the Commission therefore recommended the entire parcel be rezoned to R-3 and applicant indicated he would accept this zoning which would be in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the Commission recommendations with R-3 rezone of the entire parcel. Carried. Rezone of Robert E. Wroten Application R-381-67 from GS-1 to R-1, property located 792.24' North of 4th Avenue North and 150' West of 132nd Avenue S.E., single family residential use proposed. The Commission noted existing zoning requires 35,000 sq. ft. for lot size which is not in accord with surrounding residential development and recommended SR-1 rezoning in lieu thereof. Applicant agreed with proposed change and this zoning is in accord with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the Commission recommendation for SR-1 zoning. Carried. Ben and Dorothy Serra, Appl. R-384-67, repone from G to L-1, property located on 4th Avenue North and to the South of the Renton Vocational School and West of M Street. Proposed Industrial and Commercial use is in accord with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the rezone to L-1 as recommended. Carried. Garrison Logan Appl. R-382-67, rezone from 67200, property located on Southwest corner of 112th Avenue S.E . and Sunset Blvd., Multi-family residential use proposed. R-4 was requested however the Commission recommended R-3 zoning which was agreeable to the applicant and complies with Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the R-3 rezone. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, that all rezones be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Letter from Mr. Donald R. Morken of Foster & Marshall, Inc. ,the City's Financial Consultants, noted L.I.D. proposal for Sanitary Sewers in the Kennydale Beach area with hearing to be held on August 7 and construction if authorized to commence about November 1st. Attention was thus called to recently enacted legislation, House Bill No. 116 that will save the community considerable money in terms of reduced interest payments by creation of "Utility Local Improvement District. The difference in this and the regular L.I.D. is that L.I.D. Bonds would not be issued, but rather, Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds would be issued to finance the improvement. Bonding Counsellor Jim Gay has affirmed that the City can make the conversion to ULID financing without problem. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. It was suggested that Mr. Morken be invited to attend the meeting when this matter is discussed and that City Treasurer Gossett be invited also. Letter from Donald G. Holm,-Holm, Bereiter & Best, Law Offices, submitted copy of the Judgment issued by Judge F. A. Walterskirehen on March 29th deciding final matters on the Robert L. Edwards vs. City of Renton lawsuit for reimbursement of expenses incurred in traffic control signal installation on Dunlap Canyon Road at the Renton Shopping Center access. The amount of $15,450.00 was approved by the Court and is the Judgment entered in Mr. Edwards' favor. Credit is given the City for $12,132.00 previously paid and balance of $3,318.00 is now owing. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, that payment be authorized with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for necessary legislation. The motion carried. Letter from Mr. Orrin Madison, The Home Insurance Company, inquired regarding action taken in connection with control of starlings which menace to crops has accellerated since they are in evidence now in much greater flocks. Action to assist in control was requested to allow reasonable and necessary action to prevent loss of Mr. Madison's cherry crop. Discussion ensued regarding limits of control within jurisdiction of the Council and it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, that the communication be filed with others received regarding this matter. Carried. Letter from City Engineer Wilson requested authorization to call for bids on supply of water pipe as required by the City for this year. April 24th was the recommended date for bid opening. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the bid call and bid opening date as recommended. Carried. -4- 299 Minutes - Renton City Council meeting 4-3-67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) 1 letter from Mr. Vernon Stromberg arnd-4. m Ft rtorr" i requested a street light at the end of 114th Avenue S.E. in which area homes are being constructed on the Cul de Sac where it is very dark and welfare of pedestrians is of concern. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry to refer the request to the Light & Power Committee. The motion carried. Letter from Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, requested Council approval for Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant to attend the 61st Annual Conference of the Municipal Finance Officers Association of the U.S. and Canada in Chicago, Illinois, from June 4 - 8, 1967. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to approve the request. Carried. Letter from Ella M. Williams and Erna E. Olson, reported they are steady patrons of the Senior Citizens Center and expressed apprecii4tion -r " the pleasing facilities and for an opportunity to get acquainted with the elderly citizens of the community who take a deep interest in one another. Mayor Custer advised that this is one of many letters received which are always appreciated and he submitted this one for an example,to whom he has replied. A letter from City Engineer Wilson recalled acquisition of right-of-way from Mr. Hugh White during construction of the 3rd Avenue Extension,at which time the City had indicated that it would look favorably upon vacation petition for th'-t portion of the Mt. Olivet Cemetery Road which would be abandoned upon completion of the extension. Mr. White has SO% of abutting ownership and the City controls the balance so he cannot submit a petition by himself which would be valid and it was recommended that the City initiate the vacation of this excess right-of-way. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation by the City Engineer with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Inquiries&discussion ensued regarding setting of a fee in•.connection with Vacations. It was pointed out that the City in this instance will acquire iL of the subject property. Councilman Garrett called attention to legislation presently in the House Rules Committee which would enable the Council to charge for vacation of streets. Upon inquiry by Pedersen, City Attorney Shellan pointed out that the Hugh White et tic property had been acquired by the City at its appraisal which was lesser than the amount secured by Mr. White's appraiser and it was understood that the vacation would subsequently take place. Other than this however, it was the City's right to charge for a petition to vacate at a reasonable fee commensurate with the work done by the City and it would be his suggestion that the Planning Department suggest a fee appropriate with the work involved in each case. After further discussion the pending motion was voted upon and declared carried by the Chair upon which roll call vote was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Trimm, Bruce, Schellert, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti and Morris. No: Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen and Poli. Seven aye votes and four no votes were cast and the motion carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, to refer the matter of fees for petition applying for vacation to the Law and Ordinance Committee for regulating Ordinance with. fees to be determined by the Planning Department as per City Attorneys suggestion. Carried. Application from Sound Cigarette Service, Inc. , requested required Master License to conduct a Music Machine business in Renton and license to operate coin music device at the Barb Restaurant, located in the Renton Shopping Center. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee with power to act. The motion carried. Mayor Custer reported receipt of notice from Mr. Ellis, of Metro, that the Council, at its meeting this coming Thursday will be requested to authorize a study for rapid transit, via the newly authorized use of Metro and payment to the State from the new law for finan- cing. The Mayor will be asked to vote and since he feels it to be an important decision he would like CGuncil's expression. This would allow the Council to do preliminary planning and studies which will lead to presentation to the voters but the study can be made without a vote of the people. In event of no comment the Mayor will act as he feels most beneficial to the community. APPOINTMENT: A letter from Mayor Custer recommended that the compulsory retirement date for Captain A. J. Brattus, Renton Police Department, be extended for one year to June 1, 1968. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendationwith referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Letter from Police Chief Williams was attached requesting the extension noting creditable manner of work, good health, and city's need for continued service by officers with experience of Captain Brattus. -5- i }PROCLAMATIONS: Proclamation by the Mayor declared April 9, 1967 through April 15, 1967 as Altrusa Week honoring Altrusa International, Inc. and affiliates, first service club organized for executive and professional women; and second proclamation declared April to be Teaching Carrer Month in tribute to members of the teaching profession. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business Council President Trimm announced the Committee of the Whole meeting tomorrow evening and also one at 7: 30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 11th. New Business Councilman Perry recalled purchase sometime ago by the City of certain public use areas from the Federal Government and subsequent action authorizing the Property Committee to dispose of the parcel next to the fire station in the Highlands. Some of the remaining areas could be used for park purposes and it was moved by Perry to refer the question of which areas might be utilized for such purpose to the Park Board for report. The motion was seconded by Dahlquist and carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that City of Renton Vouchers No. 7521 through 7605, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment by the Council at this time. Carried. Fund breakdcn•m follows: Current Fund 7521 - 7567 and 7605 $ 2,845.68 City Street Fund 7568 - 7573 2,745.80 Equipment Rental 7574 - 7584 & 7603,7604 12,284.35 Parks 7585 - 7591 3,339.16 Water Works Utility 7592 - 7599 26,673.83 1965 Water & Sewer Construction 7600 1,913.36 City Hall Construction 7601 - 7602 332173.71 $ 82,975.89 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: The Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman, Vern Morris, submitted proposed Resolutions which were read with Council action taken as follows: Setting date of hearing on vacation pet4-tion of George Ames for vacation of alley in Motor Line Addition to Renton, April 24, 1967. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to - adopt Resolution No. 1433 as read. Carried. Setting date of April 24, 1967 for hearing on M. W. Lotto petition for vacation of portion of 12th Place between 11th Pl. and N.E . corner of Tract C, Block 46, Renton Highlands Corrected Plat No. 2. (Greater Renton Shopping Center) Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that Resolution No. 1434 be adopted as read. Carried. Resolution appropriating funds from excess revenues unto Current Fund, Non-Departmental, 1920/606, Capital Outlay, Equipment, $2,155.00 (Data Processing Equipment) ; and $688.00 to the same account for electric punch. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that Resolution No. 1435 be adopted as read. Carried. Appropriating excess revenues into following funds, effective upon receipt of property tax money: Cumulative Reserve Fund 1689, Park Acquisition & Development, $15,000.00; Cumulative Reserve Fund 1698, Fire Equipment Acquisition, $10,000.00; Cumulative Reserve Fund 1894, Civic Center & City Hall Bldg. Improvement, $25,000.00; Park Fund 6120/605, Capital Outlay, Grandstand, $55,000.00. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution No. 1436 as read. Carried. Resolution authorizing Mutual Assistance Fire Fighting Agreement with City of Kent. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to approve Resolution No. 1437 as read. Carried. Endorsement of pending legislation in U.S. Congress for increase in individual exemptions from $600.00 to $1,000.00 and request that congressional representatives fully and active- support same. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution No. 1438 as read. Carried. Councilman Morris recalled Council concurrence in March, 1965 to appropriate $60,000.00 from Cedar River Acquisition Fund into the Park Department Fund for improvement of Cedar River Park, and Council referral to the. Law and Ordinance Committee to bring in Resolution and since such funds have not been budgeted it was recommended the matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Perry added that the Committee had been instructed to hold the matter until budget time and that is why no report had been made. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. Adjourned at 9:55 p.m. 4-4-67 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO., AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 0048 6,000,00 Eilien Collman 211 Third Ave So Remodel 3 motel units 49 $2105,000.00 Vandivort Construction 7th Ave & 87th Ave S. Fdn only for warehse. 0050 __ VOID 51 -- VOID 52 5,100.00 First Christian Church 15491-116th Ave S.E. Erect. classrm/office 53 3,000.00 First Christian Church 15491-116th Ave S.E. Remodel existing unit 54 33,880.00 Trans American,Inc. 1104 Ethier Road Bldg 2-story 4-unit bld 0055 63,720.00 Trans American,Inc. 1200 Ethier Road 8-unit bldg 56 63,720.00 Trans American,Inc. 1201 No name Road 8-unit bldg 57 465-800.00 Trans American,Inc. 1203 No Name Road 4-unit bldg 58 82Y710-00 Trans American,Inc. 1205 No Name Road " 3- " 12-unit bldg 59 351300.00 Trans American,Inc. 1206 No Name Road " 2 " 4-unit bldg 0060 35,300.00 Trans American,Inc. 1208 No Name Road " 2 " 4-unit bldg 61 63,720.00 Trans American,Inc. 1301 No Name Road 2 " 8-unit bldg 62 35,300.00 Trans American,Inc. 1302 No Name Road 2 " 4-unit bldg 63 35,300.00 Trans American,Inc. 1303 No Name Road 2 4-unit bldg 64 46,800.00 Trans American,Inc. 1304 No Name Road 2 4-unit .bldg B 0065 35,300.00 Trans American,Inc. 1305 No Name Road 2 4-unit bldg 66 63,72000 Trans American,Inc. 1306 No Name Road 2 8-unit bldg 67 82,710.00 Trans American,Inc. 1308 No Name Road 3 12-unit bldg 68 63,720.00 Trans American,Inc. 1204 Ethier Road 2 8-unit bldg 69 46,800.00 Trans American,Inc. 1300 Ethier Road "" 2 4-unit bldg B 0070 500.00 W. W. Knepper 517 Bronson Way No Foundation wall 71 1,200.00 Clarence Williams 12428 - 132d Ave S.E. New " for old house 72 13,000.00 James Carver 1112 N Street New residence 73 2,000.00 Edward H. Kelly 802 Grant Ave So Build gar/carport 74 240.00 C-K, Inc. 934 Sunset Bldg fence around pool B 0075 800.00 Gov-Mart Bazar 805 Rainier Ave So Construct 2 signs 76 75,000„00 West. Wash. Corp of Seventh Day Adventist 1030 "L" St Add'n to church 77 -- Adell Morgan 419 Park St Demolish dwelling 78 12,500.00 Vernon Stromberg 10429-114th S.E. New residence 79 14,500.00 John Fintowski 10412-114th S.E. New residence ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0023 350.00 Iver Gilbert 15474-119th S.E. Wire service 24 350.00 Iver Gilbert 12108 S.E. 154th Wire service E 0025 350.00 Iver Gilbert 15467 Lake Youngs Wy " 26 -- VOID 27 45.00 Maplewood Richfield 2720 Maple Valley Hwy Connect Butane pump 28 125.00 Dale Heinz 1032 "RII St Wire service 29 200.00 Wm. J. Kessler 97 Logan St Wire service E 0030 400.00 Carl Hagen 10039 SE 95th P1 Wire service 31 250.00 Joe Boheme 10428 SE 98th MECHANICAL PERMITS M 0030 City Center Motel 112-3rd St South Install plumbing 31 Jack Vance 10201 - 102d SE Septic tank 32 21,000.00 Stanley Home Products 501 Southwest 7th Automatic sprinkler 33 -- McDonald's,Inc. 73 Rainier Ave So Plumbing fixtures 34 -- Phillips Petroleum Co 311 Sunset Blvd Install plbg in station "'SEWER PERMITS No.. 133 - Vandervort Construction 7th Ave IBM Bldg sewer -7- 302 RENTON CTTY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING April 10, 1967 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Trimm, Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Delaurenti, Perry, Poli and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DE'ARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, and Anne Harker, Librarian. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of April 3rd be approved as written. Carried. Mayor Custer advised that Councilman Garrett had inquired regarding legislation pending regarding starlings and a copy of Senate Bill 142 was secured and mailed to Mr. Madison which Bill proposed that a State Department be given some control over these birds which are a nuisance in other parts of the State and Country, as well as our own. COMMUNICATIONS: The Annual Financial Report for the City of Renton covering fiscal year ending on December 31, 1966 was submitted by Helmie Nelson, City Clerk and copies had been distributed to the Mayor, Council And Attorney for review. Mode of operation, tax levy and incidentals thereto, Departmental contributions to City improvement and accomplishments were outlined along with investment program. Thanks and appreciation were extended to those who contributed time and effort in the preparation of the report. Letter from Mrs. Lillian Gray, Penny Drive Chairman for the Children's Orthopedic Guild, Renton area, requested permission to solicit funds in Renton from May 1 to 14th. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to grant the request. The motion carried. Letter from City Clerk Nelson submitted and recommended for payment Progress Estimate No. 10, approved by Mayor Custer in sum of $14,653.29 payable Johnston-Campanella & Murakami Company for services rendered in the architectural planning for the new city hall, per Contract Ag. 1014-66. Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Estimate No. 4 for Engineering Services through March 24th on the Mt. Olivet Pump Station payable Cornell, Howland Hayes & Merryfield in sum of $266.95, C.AG. 1026-66. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the Progress Payments be referred to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. The motion carried. Letter from Building Director Sven Johnson recommended Revocable Permit be granted SRS Realty, 323 - South 3rd Street, for readerboard sign addition to existing sign to project over public property 5 feet with 9 ft. base clearance above the sidewalk. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. A letter from Gene Coulon, Park Director, requested authorization to advertise for bids for construction of a shelter building at the Talbot Hill park. Specifications have been prepared and the date of April 24th was recommended for opening of the bids. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the request and recommendation for bid opening date. Carried. A Petition requesting creation of a Local Improvement District for Sanitary Sewers was read submitted by owners of .p-roperty located adjacent to 100th Avenue S .E. and Lake Washington Boulevard between S.E. 88th and S.E . 96th Streets. Approximately 35 signatures were affixed beginning with J. R. Fawcett and ending with Mrs. Regmon McDougall. Prbperty� lies above the area now under consideration for Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to refer the Petition to the City Enginner to check signatures for validity of the document. Carried. A letter from Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer requested revision of the Driveway Control Ordinance in order to standardize and regulate, location, size and construction of driveways to insure proper design, and safety with regard to ingress, egress and pedestrian traffic. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the request to the Law and Ordinance Committee to study and present a proper Ordinance for Council action. Carried. -1- 303 Minutes - Renton City Cowv_11 meetiFig 4-10-67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) A letter was read declaring intent to seek annexation to the City of certain properties located in the Kennydale (Island) area. Approximately 17 signatures of owners of lands adjacent to the present City Limits were affixed to the letter . Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the City Engineer. Carried. Letters from Vernon D. Graham and William N. Bone submitted request on behalf of the Balsa Hawks of Renton that the Council give consideration in future development of Cedar River Park for recreational purposes, for allocation of space for the flying of model airplanes. "Airports" were noted as provided in other communities with comment that distance to drive to participate from Renton is prohibitive and some thought to a facility for the local area was urged. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to refer the request to the Park Board for recommendation. Carried. Letter from Mayor Custer, as result of recent meetings with the Downtown Businessmen's Association and individual landowners in the core business area, recommended implementa- tion of a program to provide off-street parking as follows: $13,500.00 be made available immediately for a Comprehensive Parking Plan and Parking Feasibility Study, most of the cost of which will be reimbursible from an L.I.D. Also, some of the costs, by agreement with the consultant, can be credited to the construction phase of the program. Transfer to be authorized by Resolution to implement these studies as follows: Proms Current Fund, Off-Street Parking Department 3160/503, Taxes, $1,500.00 and from 605, Capital Outlay, $12,200.52. Into: Current Fund, Off-Street Parking 3160/314, Consultant Services, $13,700.52. Authorize the Mayor and Street and Alley Committee to proceed with negotiations to obtain a Conwultant and subsequently present a proposed Agreement between the City and such Consultant, to the Council. Proposal shall provide for, but not be limited to, Review and updating of pertinent Information regarding the Central Rusinees District; Physical survey of the C.B.D.; Determination of existing and future parking needs of the C.B.D. ; Recommendations concerning location of future parking facilities and provide an updated appraisal of the C.B.D. ; Methods and procedures for financing construction of parking facilities and information sufficient to provide a formula for an L.I.D. Assessment Roll. It was further recommended that Mr. James Gay be retained as Bond Counsel to work with the consultant during the study phase and later to advise the City regarding L.I.D. bonding procedures. Council concurrence was requested and opinion expressed that this will allow for ... eventual revitalization of this important area of our City. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendations of the Mayor. Sehellert inouired regarding use of the funds set aside for C.B.D., advocating assurance that such study will be limited to that work as may be required to develop information to create an L.I.D., and not construction planning, there being no need to go beyond the point where determination of cost factor for specially benefitted properties is made available. Mayor Custer stated that these suggestions will be taken under consideration by himself and Mr. Garrett and the Street and Alley Committee and that the costs which can be reimbursed through the L.I.D. should be assembled and set forth as being re- imbursible. The pending motion carried. A letter from the Renton BusinessmensI Association , Harry Fletcher. & Chas. FerAer urged study proposal as outlined by the Mayor with unanimous decision of the merchants and landlords to encourage the City Council to initiate the actions proposed to implement a parking program for the downtown area. The Association will work toward forming of an L.I.D. to finance the facility and to reimburse the City for costs of the necessary studies. Association Membership will be requested to actively participate in remodeling and clean-up activities toward revitalization of the core area. A letter from Mayor Custer recommended that the City waive the Building Permit Fee for the new City Hall, which fee would be in excess of $2,000.00. Building Director Johnson has recommended that the plans be submitted to a structural engineer for - review which service would cost about $500.00 and would be in the nature of "Consulting Services", but the Mayor will make recommendation regarding funding for such costs at a later .. date. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur with all fees to be waived accordingly. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Council President Trimm submitted Committee of the Whole Report which was read with Council actions taken as follows: Recommended that the Mayor be instructed to vote in favor of Metro assuming the planning function for rapid transit facilities within the limitations of Senate Bill 168. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. -2- 304 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-10-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: n inis e Business: ont.) Committee of the Whole Report Recommended by the Committee of the Whole to concur in the Planning Commission recommendations and amendments proposed for Trailer and Mobile Home Parks zoning classification. Moved by Schellert, seconded by perry, to concur in the Committee of the Whole recommendation. Carried. For information of the Council it was reported that the Planned Unit Development Ordinance had been referred back to the Planning Department for incorporation of suggestions of the Committee. It had also been recommended that Section R-709B of this proposed Ordinance be referred back for certain permit provisions in R-1 to conform procedures with respect to professional offices to the use in R-4. Councilman Trimm reported recommendation of Committee of the Whole that Councilman Delaurenti, Bob Puhich and Jack Wilson attend the American Water Works Association Convention in Atlantic City. Moved by Perry, seconded by Garrett, that the attendance ibe authorized. Carried. I Councilman Hulse expressed appreciation for the opportunity to atte:id the American Society of Planning Officials convention in Houston, Texas where he attended a baseball game between the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Houston Astros in the Astrodome, the world's first air-conditioned all weather stadium which was built at a cost of :31.6 million dollars via a county bond issue, and sits ons a 240 acre site. Seating capacity is 46,000 for baseball, 52,000 for football and 66,000 for boxing and the stadium is now under a 40 year lease to a Houston Sports Association. Interesting note was that the turf is manufactured by Monsanto Chemical Corporation and can be rolled up and stored as needed. Also, whenever a home run is made the score board lights up, cowboys shoot in the air and one rushes out and ropes a steer. Planning wise, Washington seems to be moving faster than some states, Texas being in a dither over its spectacular growth. The State Department of Health is the 701 sponsoring agency rather than the Department of Commerce and Economical Development. . . Comment was made that New York is an example of what happens when things go too long without planning. It was noted that mobile homes are not a cheaper house, jutt less of. it. Planned Use Development received quite a bit of attention at the conference and certain problems discussed were outlined including various types of variances and the limiting uses of filling stations for activities within the extent of confining the nuisance they sometimes cause. Limiting of signs to reduce clutter in order to retain beauty of the surrounding area was among the matters presented. Councilman Hulse felt that the meeting was very worthwhile and wished that more of the Council might have attended. Written report will be distributed later. Councilman Morris inquired regarding Committee of the Whole recommendations for attendance Gat the National League of Cities Boston Convention in July. t'oved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, that Trimm, Perry, Poli and Morris be authorized to attend this meeting. Upon dissenting verbal vote roll call vote was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Trimm, Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti and Morris. No: Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen and Poli. The motion carried. Discussion ensued regarding number of persons attending one meeting some Council Members stating two is adequate representation. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Pedersen, that no more than two attend a convention henceforth and that only one out of State meeting be allowed per year. It was pointed out that some Council Members must use their vacation and cannot go just any time and several may be interested in one particular meeting; also, that delegates should be selected each time as the specific conference is to be held. Dissenting voice vote was registered and roll call vote was requested by two persons and resulted as follows: Aye: Trimm, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Perry, Delaurenti, and Poli. No: Bruce, Hulse, Garrett, and Morris. The motion carried 8 to 4. New Business: Council President Trimm reminded the Council of the Committe of the Whole meeting on April 11th at 7 : 30 P.M. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that City of Renton Vouchers No. 7606 through 7707, having been previously ;approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment by th^ Council at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 7608 - 7653 (7606 Void) $ 2,867.40 City Street 7671 - 7674 & 7702 4,593.35 Arterial Street 7701 3,500.00 Equipment Rental 7654 - 7670 1,556.64 Library 7675 5.72 Parks 7676 - 7684 1,623.37 Water Works Utility 7685 - 7696 35,880.60 1965 Water & Sewer Const 7697 & 7607 15,905.48 Airport 7698 13.12 City Hall Construction 7699 - 7700 14,961.48 $ 80,907.16 -3- 305 Iinutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-12-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: New Business: (Cont.) Councilman Schellert requested authorization to attend the Kunicipal, Finance Officers 61st Annual Conference in Chicago, Illinois, June 4-8, 1967. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to grant the request, Carried. Pedersen opposed. Sciie-Llert inquired of the t:ayor if there is anything the Council Members can do in regard to the Green River Valley Traffic Study. Mayor Custer reported that the City Eng'_neei, Mayor's Administra'cive Assistant and himself had attended a meeting at �azch opportunity was given to discuss the matter and to make recommendations. The final report has not been accepted as yet. Adequacy of 405 for future use was dis- cussed and connection with Tu wila �.Td Freeway to the East. The Council will be taking action when the final study is completed and also the payment. Hulse inquired how many lanes the new Freeway to the East is to have and Mayor luster replied six lazes are shown and a max r :.1 up to ten Couneiiman Garrett reported 'chat regarding Optional Municipal Code and Green River Valley Flood control enabling legislation which the Mayor had called him about, two bills have paased the House and are in the Senate and the inquiries could now be directed to Senators Durkan and Stender, it being felt by Senator Durkan that if the enabling legislation is passed before the budget is finished he will be able to put some matching money in the budget for ' ::e flood control project. Dahlquist inquired regardin- legislation extending compulsory retirement age of Police Personnel and Represen-'a-Lve Garrett advised that the Governor signed the Bill on Apr_l 7th at 4:00 p,m. Upon inquiry regarding Senate 3111 No, 142, Councilman Garrett reported that the Bill is in the Senate Agriculture Committee. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, that the Bill be read. Carried. The Bill was read. which empowers the Department of Agriculture to carry out control, eradication and removal of starlings to extent necessary to remove any threat to the health and safety of the public and to the artistic value of civic structures and buildings. The sum of seventy-five thousand dollars .or so much thereof as may be neccessary to carry out purpose of this act was appropriated unto the Department of Aor�culture It was pointed out that Mr- Madison had been sent a copy of the Bill, Councilman --Garre'.t a: csd that the fact that the bill was referred to the Agricultural Committee and nc er movea does not mean they may not take action. GRD--iNA'NCES AND RESOLUTIONS : Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted proposed Resolution of the City of Renton extending the compulsory retirement date of A. J. Brattus,member of the tan Statewide City Employees Retirement System under classifica- tion of Uniformed Personnel, to June 1, 1968. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in adoption of Resolution No. 1439 as read. Carried. .Proposed Resolution was presented for reading setting the date of May 8, 1967 for hearing on proposed vacation of portion of Mt, Olivet - Cemetery Road, to be initiated by the City in favor of High t+lhi a, and the City, the abutting 'property owners. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1440 as read. Carried. Proposed Resolution was read approving the final Plat for the Aloha Ranch Sub-Division No, 2, heretofore approved by the Planning Commission. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, that Resolution No. 1441 be adopted as read. Carried. (Robert Shane Property) Tz-_ Law and Ordinance Committee submitted proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from General ;lassification District (G--7200) to Residential District (R-3), which was read by the ;ity Clerk. (Skagen-Lotto property) Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to place .he document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2316 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. The Committee presented proposed Ordinance which was read changing the zoning classifi- cat_on of certain properties within the City from General Classificatinn District (G) to 3usiness District (B-1) and Residential District (R-3) „ (Henry T. Ruggles Property) t!oved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to place the document on its second and final reading . Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No- 2317 as read. Roll call resulted in unanimous aye vote and the mo:; on was carried. -4- 306 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-10-67 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (Cont.) Proposed Ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from General Classification District (G-7200) to Residential District (R-3) . (Logan Garrison property at Sunset Blvd. & S.W. corner of 112th Ave. S.E.) Moved by Morris, seconded by Pedersen, to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2318 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. Proposed Ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from General Classification District (G) to Light Industry District (L-1) (Ben & Dorothy Serra property on 4th Ave. No. West of "M" Street) Moved by Delau-� renti, seconded by Schellert to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2319 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. Proposed Ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from General Suburban Residence District (GS-1) to Suburban Residence District (SR-1) Robert Wroten property located North of 4th Avenue North and West of 132nd Avenue S.E. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Poli, and seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2320 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. Proposed Emergency Ordinance was presented for first reading only giving notice of public hearing to be held in the City Council Chambers on April 17, 1967 on proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington declaring that an emergency exists and appropriating monies for the purpose of providing for the payment of a judgment necessitated by such emergency. (Edwards vs. City of Renton traffic light lawsuit) Funds are hereby appropriated in sum of $4,410.23 to satisfy the aforesaid judgment. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Law and Ordinanc-Committee to be held pending proper publication and hearing. Carried. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk !.,�.4.. ✓` �t-` � D. W. Custer, Mayor -5- 1307 4-10_67 PERMITS ISSUED BY T11E CM $UIL}L4G. A= .EWMN.EERIAFC DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS No. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 0080 12,500.00 Vernon Stromberg 10423 - 114th S.E. New residence 81 100.00 E. M. Ferris 1155 Shattuck St So Fence 32 1,600.00 Mary E. Henry 355 Bronson flay North Remodel residence 83 1,000.00 Melvin Gray 9836 - 116th S.E. Garage Detached 84 41000.00 Tom Stanlich 127 Park Ave No 3-Car Carport & sundeck 0085 15,000.00 Robert E. Wroten 132nd Ave S.E. Residence 86 200.00 Ralph Holmes 704 "C" St Finish siding on garage 87 250.00 Gerald Otto 3303 -6th N. Fence 88 950.00 Richard S. Weller 12105 S.E. 152nd P1 Covered Patio 89 500.00 Mrs Sam Pellegrino 508 Morris Avenue So Reroof residence & Apt. 0090 200.00 Alfred J. Chi.ssus 2308 7th Ave North Build brick fence 91 150,000.00 J. H. Baxter & Co 7635 Lake I-lash. Blvd Install new treating 92 cylinder, oil tanks,et9, 100.00 Glenn V. Berglin 337 Park Ave N. Repair fence gar. 93 100.00 Charles McGuire 654 "P" St = Repair & rebld fence ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0032 _ Vernon Stromberg 10423 - 114th S,E, Mire service 33 450.00 Robert Shane 11648 SCEs 100th Wire " 34 240.00 Greater Renton Shopping Parkins Lot Center Sunset Blvd East Inst, lights on sign E 0035 748.00 Williams & Swanson So 3rd St at Logan Wire service 36 300.00 Hicko4 s Snort Shop 2834 Sunset Blvd, E. " 37 75.00 Mrs Manelli 428 North Burnett " 38 21„434.82 Peoples National Bank 820 So 2nd St Wire bank bldg per plans 39 - Trans American 1200 Either Rd 11sem E 0040 - Universal Builders 5th P1 NV aft 132d SE Temp. sery� 41 750.00 Eileen Coltman 112-3rd So wire Stryt� 42 3,200.00 Puget Properties 54 Grady Way Is to MECHANICAL PERMITS M 0035 -- A. Allen Nelson b41 Wells Ave No, X18 Gas service 36 -- Johrl Colwell 641 Wells Aye No. ,#9 " 37 John Lymna 3311 Court "C" Plbg& fixtures 38 StonewaY Sand & Gravel 815 Maple, Way Install 3 40 000 burners 39 -- James tTin + Wing 11607 SE 98th Install gas water tank 0049 -- Puget Power & Light Renton Village Plumbing fixtures 41 -- McDonald's Drive-in 73 Rainier Ave S " " 42 -- P. 0. Hill 7220 Lake Wash. Blvd Install plbg, fixt. 43 -- Rodney Kammers 402 Grandey May Install gas furnace SEWER PERMITS 134 C. K. Inc. 934 Sunset Blvd.,N. Sewer —6- sos RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING April 17, 1967 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Trimm, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Dahlquist, that the absent Councilmen be excused. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, James Magstadt, Assistant Planning Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Anne Harker, Librarian and Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, and Jack Pain, Assistant City Attorney. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of April 10, 1967 be approved as written. Carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Annexation of Mead, Melis et al properties in area North of 12th Avenue North between "P" and "R" Streets This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. There were no written nor verbal presentations and it was moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, that the hearing be closed. The motion carried and the hearing was declared closed with further Council action invited. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that the subject area be annexed and incorporated into the City Limits of Renton and that the matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Emergency Ordinance appropriating $4,410.23 for satisfaction of Judgment and costs connected with Edwards vs. City of Renton lawsuit involving traffic signals on Rainier Avenue. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. There were no written communi- cations nor verbal comment and Council action was invited. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, that the hearing be closed. Carried. The hearing was declared closed. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, submitted and recommended for payment, final progress payment on the Rainier Avenue Traffic Control Study, C.AG. 1094-67, A.S . P. #8, in sum of $3,500.00, payable to Engineered Industrial Systems, Inc. for professional consulting services rendered in this study. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with pcw er to act. Carried. Letter from 0. A. Maloney, owner of Pat's Tavern, 917 - 3rd Avenue, requested that Mutual Amusement Company be granted required license to operate a Pn Game in said place of business. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Hulse opposed. Jack Wilson, City Engineer's report was read on letter of intent to annex properties in vicinity of S.E. 84th Street and Lake Wn. Blvd. to Renton. The letter of intent was signed by owners representing 81.407, of the assessed valuation for general taxation purposes, of the property to be annexed and the area contains approximately 60 acres bearing an assessed valuation of $71,597.00. Preliminary meeting with the property owner will be held at the next council meeting, a representative to appear to reply regarding assumption by the property owners of the City's pre-existing bonded indebted- ness. Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported on Petition for annexation of property in vicinity of 132nd Avenue S.E. and Honey Dew Elementary School, that check of county records indicates the signatures represent 1005Y. of ownership on the assessed valuation of the subject property and that the area comprises approximately 1.0 acre with assessed valuation of $126.00. (Eidson-Wood Petition) Moved by SchEllert, seconded by Hulse, to refer the proposed annexation to the Mayor to request dispensation of review board pro- ceedings as provided by law. Carried. -1- 3!9 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-17-67 COMMUNICATIONS : (Cont.) Summons and Complaint was read which had been filed by Williams & Turner, Attorneys for Frank A. Sheythe who sustained injuries from fall into an open manhole or drpin on Lake Wn. Blvd. near Boeing Company Building 10-65 and 10-58, on or about September 20, 1966. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to refer the documents to the City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. The motion carried. A letter from James L. Magstadt, Assistant Planning Director, submitted for consideration, proposed Comprehensive Plan for Urban Beautification of the City of Renton, copies of which had been distributed to the Mayor and Council. Planning Commission recommendation reported review of the plan at its administrative meeting of April 12th and Council approval and endorsement by Resolution was now urged. The statement of policy was prepared with assistance of the Beautification Committee and the plan was discussed with organizations affiliated with the Beautification Committee and upon adoption by the Council, the plan will become the official statement of the City. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, to refer the document to the Committee of the Whole and that the date of May 8, 1967 be set for hearing on the proposal. Discussion ensued, it being pointed out that early adoption of the plan will justify application for federal assistance for beautification purposes as well as providing the City with the needed Comprehensive Plan. The pending motion carried. Councilman Hulse, Capital Improve- ment Priority Committee Chairman commended Mr. Jan Klippert, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor, and the various departments who worked together in the planning and preparation of the proposal which evidenced much continuity of cooperative effort. A letter was read from Hubert H. Humphrey, Chairman, President's Council on Youth Opportunity, requesting assistance of local leaders in planning for opportunities for youth employment this summer. It was recommended that local municipalities establish a Council on Youth Opportunity to work with the President's Council and with the State Council. A proclamation was attached along with a kit for implementing such a program on the local level. The Mayor will acknowledge the receipt of this material. Association of Washington Cities Convention Bulletin No. 2 was read announcing annual convention dates of June 21, 22 and 23 at the Seattle Center. A letter from N. G. Jacobson & Associates, Inc., Consulting Engineers, 414 Skinner Bldg., Seattle, submitted proposal for an off-street parking feasibility study and comprehensive parking plan for the central business district of the City of Renton, said study to be limited to a six block area bounded by Burnett Avenue South, Houser Way South, Main Avenue South and South Second Street. Estimated total cost of the study is $11,000.00 with the understanding that city personnel will be available for the necessary field data required for on and off-street parking turnover study, traffic volume measurements and inventory of intersections. The Study was broken down costwise as follows: Traffic Engineering Studies and Aizalysis, $ 4,000.00; Parking Facility Analysis, Comprehensive Plan including schematics, $ 6,500.00 and Reimbursible Expense, $ 500.00. The matter had been referred to the Street and Alley Committee upon prior presentation last week and after discussion as to time element involved recess was declared to allow the Committee to meet and make a recommendation, it being pointed out that a specific number of man hours should be inserted which would involve City personnel. Scope of Services was outlined. After the recess roll call was taken as follows: Trimm, Hulse, Schellert, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Garrett, that the absent Council Members be excused. Carried. Perry opposed. Order of business was resumed and Mayor Custer invited verbal report of the Street and Alley Committee. Committee Chairman Garrett reported recommendation that the City Clerk and Mayor be authorized to sign the agreement with the Jacobson Company with specifica- tion that man hours to be rendered by the city personnel be stipulated and also that the cost shall not exceed $11,000.00, and the City Attorney to check for legal conform- ance prior to execution. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the Street and Alley Committee recommendations. Perry pointed out that the cost of the project would in fact exceed $11,000.00 with consideration of hourly rate for use of City personnel, �. and inquired as to this additional cost which Mayor Custer estimated at approximate sum of $2000.00 or less. The motion carried. PROCLAMATION: Mayor Custer declared the week of April 24 through 28, 1967 as Secretaries Week, and Wednesday, April 26, 1967 as Secretaries Day in recognition of efforts made and in tribute to secretaries whose participation in the operation of industry, professions and government have made them truly silent partners in american business. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the Proclamation by the Mayor Carried. Councilman Garrett recalled that it is usual procedure for all those with Secretaries to take them to lunch on Secretaries Day„ -2- 310 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-17-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Councilman Poli, Chairman of the Light and Power Committee, submitted report which was read recommending installation of one 7,000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Light on 115th Avenue Southeast, north of 12th Avenue North. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. New Business: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 7703 through 7884, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be accepted for payment by the Council at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: -s v/.Q. Current Fund 7703 - 7760 and 7881 $ 25;3$31.23 City Street Fund 7761 - 7774 and 7882 16,391.65 Cedar River M. & 1. 7775 - 7780 137.43 Equipment Rental 7781 - 7798 3,396.86 Library 7799 - 7829 4,169.25 Parks 7830 - 7841 & 7884 3,192.13 Waterworks Utility 7842 - 7868 9,700.33 1965 Water & Sewer Con. 7869 - 7871 102.36 Airport 7872 - 7880 7 7883 30,418.91 $ nt614-.13 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Vern Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted for second and final reading proposed emergency Ordinance setting forth funding in sum of $4,410.23,Judgment and Court Costs required by law in the Edwards vs. City of Renton Traffic Signal lawsuit. The document had been submitted for introductory reading on 4-10-67 and hearing was held this date with subsequent return to the Committee. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2321 as read. Roll call vote resulted in unanimous ayes and the motion carried. Proposed Ordinance was read amending Ordinance No. 2072 as amended by Ordinance No. 2271, relating to "Equipment Rental Fund" and establishing additions to the equipment rental rates schedule. (Adding new automotive equipment to schedule) Moved by Morris, ' seconded by Poli, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2322 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. Proposed Resolution authorized transfer of funds to provide for securing of services of consultants to make studies and surveys pertaining to the establishment of off-street parking facilities in the downtown area of the City of Renton, to-wit: From: Current Fund, Off-Street Parking Department 3160/503, $1,500.00 and 605, Capital Outlay, Lot Improvement, $9,500.00, unto: Current Fund, Off-Street Parking Department 3160/314, Consultant Services, $11,000.00. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1442 as read. The motion carried. Since there was no further- business to come before the Council, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. The motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor -3- 4-17-67 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDI ,G PERilIT.`; NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 0094 100.00 The Boeing Company Renton Plant Relocate Guard Shack 0095 1,200.00 John F. Menacher 11405 S.E. 96th Build detached garage 96 1,500.00 A. V. Quincey 10213 108th Ave SE Add'n to residence spur 97 - Sternco Land Company N. of 180th Ave So Grading & filling rd & rr/ 98 10$ 00.00 Renton Village Co 54 Grady Way Finish office space 99 20,000.00 P. S. Shane 11651 SE 100th New residence B 0100 4,800.00 Robert Tongell 711 - 4th Ave Remodel Pizza Pete's 01 500.00 Allen T. Benson 1110 "N" St Erect fence 02 1,000.00 Earl Conlon 3109 5th Ave E Residing of residence 03 1,600.00 Edward Shemiel 423 Morris Ave New foundation/remodeling 04 - J H. Baxter & Co 7635 Lk Wash Blvd. Fill and grading B 0105 161500.00 Herve L. Belisle 9603 112th S.E. New residence 06 400.00 Robinson Lyons Ford 225 Burnett St Build temp orrice 07 500.00 McDonald's Restaurant 73 Rainier Ave So. Sign on Renton Ave Entran. 08 250,00 Dudley Ballard 1307 "J" St Utility shed ELECTRICAL PERMITS 0043 525.00 Terhune GonstruCtion 20812 SE 97th P1 Wire service 44 525.00 Terhune Construction 9617 - 108th S.E. 11 0045 50.00 The Boeing Company Renton Plant Relocate signal controller 46 50.00 Findlandia Sauna 125 Airport Way Wire service 47 120.00 Loren V. Farber 2705 7th Ave No 48 150.00 Robinson Lyon Ford 225 Burnett St 49 50.00 Stanlich 127 Park Ave No MECHANICAL PERMITS M 0044 -- Terhune Construction 9617 108th SE Plumbing installation 0045 -- Terhune Construction 10812 97th P1 SE t, << " 46 -- Valesco 208 Factory Ave N Install wail furnace 47 -- John L. Wilke 641 North Wells,#31 Connect gas 48 -- Vandivort Construction 7th Ave & 87th So Install plumbing fixtures 49 -- City Center Motel 112 So 3rd St Install gas piping 0050 Hetve Belisle 11201 SE 97th Install plumbing fixtures SEWER PERMITS 135 Phillips 66 Station 311 Sunset Blvd N Sewer service 136 -- Stanley Home Products 501 7th Avenue -4-- 31.2 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING April 24, 1967 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Trimm, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry, Poli and Morris. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, that the absent Councilmen be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief o olice, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Gene Coulon, Park Director, and Sven Johnson, Building Director. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of April 17th be approved as written. The motion carried. OPENING OF BIDS: 1967 supply of Water Pipe This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read by the City Clerk. BIDDER AND ADDRESS ITEM UNIT PRICE TOTAL BID Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe 1. 1.907 $ 6,674.50 211 - 6th Avenue North 2. 2.708 4,062.00 Seattle, Washington 98109 3. 3.567 9,274.20 (Bid Bond Enclosed) 4. 6,,802 27 208.00 47,218.70 Sales Tax 4.2% 1,983.19 Total Bid $ 49,201.89 United States Cast Iron 1. 1.945 $ 6,807.50 Pipe and Foundry 2. 2.765 4,147.50 1836 Westlake Avenue North 3. 3.66 9,490.00 Seattle, Washington 98109 4. 7.075 28,300.00 (Bid Bond Enclosed) $ 48,745.00 Sales Tax 4.27, 2,047.29 Total Bid $ 50,792.29 Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to refer the bids to the Fire and Water Committee for recommendation. Carried. OPENING OF BIDS: Talbot Park Shelter Building This being the date set, the following sen.`ed bids were opened and read by the City Clerk: BIDDER AND ADDRESS TOTAL BID Rasmussen Construction (Bid Bond Enclosed) $ 24,150.00 710 Harrison Street Seattle, Wn. 98109 Ricardi Construction (Bid Bond Enclosed) $ 23,012.00 74 - 91st Avenue South Renton, Washington Workman Construction (Bid Bond Enclosed) $ 25,410.00 23608 - 94th Avenue South Kent, Washington Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the bids to the Park Board and Park Director' to report back. Carried. -1- 31.3 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-24-67 PUBLIC HEARINGS: Vacation - Portion of 12th Place between Blocks 40 and 46, Tract C, Corrected Plat of Renton Highlands No. 2. (M. Lotto et al) This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communication from City Engineer Wilson was read reporting no objection to the vacation, this being an un- opened right-of-way and not a part of the City's Comprehensive Street Plan. Since all utilities are existing in the area there is no need to retain a utility easement. Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported Commission recommendation from meeting of April 12th that the vacation be approved as requested. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Mike Lotto stated that when the Plat was accepted some years ago an error was evident in that the street was supposed to run one direction and went another and this vacation would correct the situation and the vacation should hr—c` been asked for 3 or 4 years ago and property deeded to the City for proper right of way as it has now been. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, that the hearing be closed. Carried. The hearing was declared closed and further council action invited. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commiesion granting the vacation. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Vacation of portion of alley South 2nd Street and Logan Avenue South Claudine and George Ames Property This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communications were read from Robert and Betty Putman requesting that the alley not be vacated in the interest of utilizing same for a commercial building which development it was felt would enhance the City by modernizing and architecturally improving the area across from the High School. Letters from Mrs. L. J. Putman and Mary Ann Putman and Colin W. Radford urged that the Council deny the vacation request to allow the commercial development, the alley providing access and egress value to the Putman properties. A letter from City Engineer Wilson reported that the vacation as requested would leave the City with a dead end alley approximately 230' in length which would not be in the City's best interest, although it is doubtful that the alley can be used as platted due to its narrow width and 907. turn. As an alternative the petitioner has offered to deed a new right-of-way out to South 2nd Street along the West side of Lot 5 as a replacement for existing right-of-way so as to consolidate their ownership. This would be preferable to dead ending the alley however unless a portion of Lot 4 could be obtained to develop a turning radius at the 90% bend it would be of doubtful value to the City. A letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director, reported Planning Commission recommendation that the vacation be granted only if a proper turn-around is provided at the Easterly end of the remaining 16 ft. alley. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini that action be taken to close the hearing however discussion disclosed that this would preclude further acceptance of alternate proposals as recommended by the City Engineer and Planning Commission. Attorney Shellan suggested that the hearing be continued or held in abeyance . Garrett spoke against closing the hearing suggesting that the petitioner be advised of the need for the turning radius and not only an additional 16 ft. dedication to relocate the right-of-way which petitioner has offered between lots 4 and 5, the boundary line between the properties. Dahlquist felt the hearing should be closed and action taken on the petition before the Council which is for specific vacation and vote it down and allow a new proposal to be submitted. Vote on the pending motion followed. Motion,by majority no verbal vote, was declared lost. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the hearing be continued to next week's council meeting, May 1st. Dahlquist inquired whether the hearing was to be continued on the vacation of the area petitioned for or something additional that has been presented. Mayor Custer stated that the only thing before the Council is the vacaV`)n of the area as shown on the maps and that is the subject being continued. Schellert inquired whether petitioner has been apprised of the prospect of a turn around or additional alley right of way and The City Engineer replied that petitioner is aware of this wl-ich is why they had proposed to deed an equal amount of right of way on the West side of Lot 5 and later provide turn arround. Mr. Coleman, representative for the property owners, is in San Francisco and unable to be present this evening. Attorney Shellan advised that should the Council wish to relocate the alley notice of public hearing would again need to be given on the relocation or other portion to be vacated as an alternative. Garrett added that the petitioner could come in with a new proposal at the continued hearing and the Council would have to act in accordance with the law but the petitioner may or may not be interested in such revision and this is what the Council . would want to know. The pending motion carried. -2- 314 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-24-67 COMMUNICATIONS : Preliminary meeting with property owner on proposed annexation of property in the vicinity of S .E. 84th Street and Lake Wn. Blvd. was held at this time. There were no communications to be read and property owners present included Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fawcett, Mr. Curt Agren and Mrs. Ditler Berg. Mr. Fawcett was to speak on behalf of the group and Councilman Schellert inquired whether the property owners were willing to assume their pro-rata shares of the City's pre-existing bonded indebtedness upon annexation of their properties. - Mr. Fawcett replied that the owners understand and are willing to accept. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to favorably consider the annexation of this property authorizing the property owners to circulate a proper petition which shall bear statement of willingness to assume the pre-existing ;.ndebtedness as affirmed. Carried. Mrs. Berg inquired whether the zoning placed on their property will remain the same as designated by the County if they annex to Renton and Planning Director Ericksen advised that the area upon annexation is automatically placed into a "holding classification" of "G" or General which is single family residence classification. In order to rezone,an application for rezone would need to be filed with the Planning Commission. It was pointed out that the Berg property adjoins othet multiple use pr6perties and was zoned multiple use by the County at the same time which is more advantageous to them for resale purpose. Mayor Custer advised that the Land Use Map designates the use and rezoning re- quest if not the same would likely not be approved. The map was not available to check present anticipated use but Fanning Director Ericksen recalled that the area is pre- dominantly single family residential insofar as the Comprehensive Plan is concerned. A letter from Renton Aviation Board, C. L. Day, President, reported Board authorization for the President of the Board and the Airport Manager to attend the American Assn. of Airport Executives 1967 Annual Conference in Louisville, Kentucky, May 20 - 24, 1967. Favorable consideration of the Council was requested. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, to grant attendance of Mr. Day and Mr. Grabner as requested. Carried. A letter from Park Director Gene Coulon reported that the Park Board had considered the Balsa Hawks request for space in Cedar River Park for the flying of model airplanes and it had been pointed out that areas presently utilized by this organization are isolated from all other activity areas, one a part of a 450 acre tract at Marymoor and the other part of 140 acres at Carkeeir Park. The Park Board will consider this request in conjunction with future development of areas for park purposes which might be compatible with the activity. Upon inquiry regarding time-Iiness it was noted that the parties were present at the meeting with the Park Board and are aware of the report. A letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, reported that petition filed April 10th for creation of Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. within area bounded by Lake Wn. Blvd, 100th Ave. S .E. S.E. 88th and S.E . 96th Streets was signed by owners representing 55% of the lineal frontage upon the proposed improvement and by 52.34 of the area within the proposed district, which constitutes a valid petition. It was pointed out, however that the proposed 1.I.D. is situated in the Kennydale area which at this time is entirely un- sewered and other areas should be included in any district which might be created. Also, an annexation is presently pending whose petitioners have stated their main reason for annexation to be for purpose of obtaining sanitary sewers. A larger L.I.D. would generally produce a lower individual assessment due to a more favorable bid and a greater sharing capacity of the costs. It was the recommendation of the Engineering Department that the City give consideration to initiating an L.I.D. to include all of the Kennydale area within the City lying Westerly of the Freeway. At the time of hearing the City has the option to delete areas if desirable and proceed with the balance of the district if 60% protest is not filed. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Resolution declaring intent to create the L.I.D. Carried. A letter from Renton Aerie No. 1722, Fraternal Order of Eagles, Ace Jones, Secretary, requested permit to place banner across Third Street from the Eagles Hall, 316 South 3rd Street, to promote the Frontier Days Rodeo, said banner to be displayed from April 24th to May 8th. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to grant the permit with usual provisions. Carried. A letter from City Clerk Helmie Nelson reported necessity for the Street Department to borrow $25,000.00 pending receipt of tax moneys and loan from Cedar River Acquisi- tion Fund.at 3% interest to be repaid no later than June 30, 1967. Also, the Park Department will need to borrow $10,000.00 to operate during April and May and it is recommended the loan be funded from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1689 which has enough cash for such purpose, said loan to be repaid by June 30th, if available for repayment at that time, otherwide to be extended, and interest rate to be 3%. Moved by Poli, and seconded by Schellert, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. -3- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-24-67 COMMUNICATIONS:(Cont.) Loans to Street and Park Department: Councilman Garrett inquired regarding interest rates of invested funds which might be used for loans recommending that the rate to be paid equal the rate being earned at time of the loan. Moved by Perry, seconded by Garrett, the main motlen be amended- w 'h interest at the presently derived rate, but in no event less than 3%. The amendment carried and subsequently the motion as amended. A letter from Mayor Custer recalled prior council action and contract with Olson, Richert, and Bignold, Architects pertaining to construction of a grandstand with expenditure of $75,000.00 allowed therefor, Subsequent action has increased the funds available for the project to a total of $92,106.00 and authorization was now requested to amend the contract accordingly. Moved by Gianini, seconded by Trimm, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. A letter from David A. Johnston of Johnston-Campanella-Murakami & Company, submitted preliminary plans of the new city hall for study and review by the Council so that the Council will be fully apprised and in readiness to approve same on May 1st in order that bid call may be authorized. The plans will be available in the Mayor's office. Moved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, to refer the documents to the Committee of the Whole. The City Hall Building Committee had set May lst as deadline date for presentation of the plans and it was thus fulfilled in preparation for setting bid call. The motion carried. A letter from Mayor Custer requested Council considerations regarding Cedar River Bank improvement in the vicinity of the Civic Center. It was recommended that the City enter into a joint project with the County to riprap along the South bank the entire 700' between Bronson Way and Houser Way; that the City accept suggestion of the County that the $17,500.00 total cost be divided between the two agencies with the City's share not to exceed $8.750,00; the County to provide quarry rock for the project and install same except for area directly under the Library which shall be responsibility of the City; that the County grade the lower portion of the bank to 251 elevation, the City to grade area above that point as a part of the civic center proiect. Riprapping by the County must be accomplished during June through September and the County Flood Control Engineer will initiate all surveys required as to river volume coordinating his work with the City Hall architects. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer submitted petition signed by 58 persons requesting an extension of compulsory retirement date of Mrs. Helen Spencer, Recreation Supervisor at the Liberty Park Community Building. It was noted that Mrs. Spencer has indicated that she will not submit a request for an extension and the Statewide Retirement System has been informed of the Cm's policy which applies in this case. The Petitioners were complimented for honoring Mrs. Spencer in this manner and compliments were added by the Mayor for the many hours devoted by Mrs. Spencer in providing service to the senior ^-tizens of our community. Discussion ensued on intent of the petition, im- possibility of extension without request for same,and in regard for wishes of the signatories, the petition was read which enlarged on contributions and efforts of Mrs. Spencer. It was noted that U.S. Postal employees are allowed optional retire- ment to the age of 70 years and that Mrs . Spencer will be attaining 65 years this summer. After further discussion regarding content and intent of the petition, it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry, that the Mayor write to the Petitioners and remark that th6ir petition is a fine gesture and explain that Mrs. Spencer has not requested an extension and why it cannot be carried out. Carried. A letter from J. L. Despain, King County Engineer, submitted proposed Resolution designating King County as the City's representative to act as contracting agent with the Soil Conservation Service of the U.S. in furthering objectives of the Watershed Work Plans of the West and East sides of the Green River Watershed, acknowledging also; the King County Engineer as administrator of such works, no : financial obligation to be incurred hereby other than heretofore provided. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Dahlquist opposed. Association of Washington Cities message to Municipal Officials announced a workshop to be held in Spokane, Washington, May 20, 1967 to acquaint local public officials and interested persons with the various Federal programs for community development which are available, The pre-registration form was attached along with program agenda. Fee is $10.00. -4- 316 4-24-67 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting COMMUNIC"I !ONS: (Cont.) Letter from Wn. American Public Works Association, G. A. Riedesel, Chairman, Research Committee,reported nationwide effort to solve some of the perplexing public works problems facing governments of cities and urban counties and campaign recently under- taken by the Associatinn toward such solution. Funds will be solicited from the federal government and other soucres to cover most of the research costs, however, money will be needed from the cities and counties for matching and it was requested that the city participate by budgeting a small amount for a particular problem that is of special concern. Response was requested by May 15, 1967. Moved by Morris, and seconded by Perry, to refer this matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Publication from the University of Washington outlined summer institute for attorneys --s and planners and others at the School of Law in cooperation with the Department of Urban Planning, Bureau of Governmental Research and Services and Graduate School of Public Affairs, July 20 to August 25, 1967. The course will be called "Land Use Planning in An Urban Society". Registration form was attached. Fee for each unit is $25.00 and $250.00 for the full program. Moved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Planning Director and the City Attorney. Carried. A letter from Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, requested permission to call for bids for following equipment as provided in the 1967 budget: 1 Power sewer rodding machine, 1 Street Sweeper and 1 2-wheel police motorcycle. Specifications have been prepared and May 8, 1967 was suggested as date for opening of the bids. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation for bid date authorizing the request. The motion carried. A P1^oclamation was read wherein Mayor Custer designated May 1, 1967 as Law Day, U.S .A. in the City of Renton in conjunction with national observance of same. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the Proclamation. Carried. APPOINTMENT: Concurrence was recommended in the appointment of Peter R. Adams and Charles Christenson to permanent position of Fireman in the Renton Fire Department, the six months mandatory probationary period as required by Civil Service rules and regulations having been successfully completed. Recommendation of the Fire Chief M. C. Walls,confirming and approving same was attached, the appointments to be effective as of May 1, 1967. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, to confirm the appointments as read. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: n inis e usiness: Councilman Hulse inquired of the May Creek Flood Control Committee whether any report was at hand at this time. Committee Members Pedersen and Schellert advised that the matter is presently pending since the Legislature is in possession of certain Bills which will affect the proposed financing; the Committee is awaiting outcome thereof. Councilman Pedersen, Property Committee Chairman, reported investigation in connection with request of Mr. Harold Mellor to rent city-owned properties at South 3rd Street in Black River Channel area and it was found that encroachment by adjacent property owners has reached a point where restrictive action has become necessary and the Com- mittee recommended that the owners of Renton Transmission Specialists, 100 - 3rd Street be directed to remove all vehicles from the city property as soon as possible. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to concur. Carried. In regard to Mr. Mellor's request to use the property it was reported that he wishes to fill, clean up and establish a used car lot on the premises. No permanent buildings will be constructed and property will be used for display purposes. Since the City Attorney had advised that you cannot lease city right-of-way (per Supreme Court ruling) nor give exclusive right but may give a use permit, Councilman Pedersen moved that a Revocable Use Permit be granted on a month to month basis at $135.00 monthly rental fee, to be increased when the firm becomes established. The motion was seconded by Gianini. Perry suggested a definite period of time be given in regard to the $135.00 fee, the lower rental being allowed because of the development, clean-up and improvement contribution. It was pointed out that a 30-day cancellation clause will allow the City to give proper notice in event it wishes to utilize the property, and it was agreed to by Mr. Mellor who was in the audience that the rates can be taken care of now being in accord with improvements to be made,with acknowledgment of 6-months notice for city utilization as was mentioned. The pending motion carried. Schellert opposed. New Business.- Council usiness:Council President Trimm announced a Committee of the Whole meeting on Thursday, April 27th at 7:30 p.m. -5- 31_7 N#"tes - Renton City Coune}1 Mpetipg 4-24-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Naw Business: (Cont) Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that City of Renton Vouchers, No, 7885 through 7944, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council for payment at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 7885 - 7914 $ 7,197,06 Cedar River M. & 1 7915 _D .13 Equipment Rental 7916 - 7919 310,77 Water Works Utility 7920 - 7926 3,45576 Airport 7927 - 7929 21193 Firemen's Pension Fund 7930 - 7943 1,487.10 $12,673.75 Councilman Pe^ry requested copies of the Paris and Library Board Minutes of the monthly meetings by mail, Mayor Custer advised he will pass on the suggestion that copes be sent to the Council, others indicating wish to have them also. Councilman Poli made inquiry regarding possibility of avoiding irregular boundaries in subsequent annexations to facilitate the locating of properties by the Fire and Street Departments and suggested that someone follow up the anrexatinn proposals, contacting property owners as may be required to eliminate dog leg sections sc, as to straighten up the lines, Mayor Custer, relinquishing his gavel to Council President Trimm, addressed the Council regarding the problem which is not deterred by the annexation laws, noting that the Council may accept or reject any proposals. Also, a man has been assigned from Engineering and petitioners are encouraged to contact other owners in an effort to square off boundaries, not only for fire, but police, street, for street lighting --4 other general purposes to the best city interest. The City is well aware of the situation and the question is will the majority of the people favor the annexation, arrangment being made to meet 7S% validation requirement but perhaps policy might be instituted that the annexation will not be accepted if the boundary is not squared off, Mayor Custer resumed the Chair and Poli pointed out specifically the Kennydale Island area, Perry noted that perhaps the annexations should be referred to other officials for comment prior to annexation, Schellert proposed such motion suggesting officials report at preliminary meeting with the property owner. There was no second and the motion was declared lacking and dead. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Tern Morris, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, submitted proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton annexing certain territory to the C_ty of Renton located north of 12th Avenue North between P and R Streets , (P;ead-Melis property) After introductory reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2323 as read, Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. The Committee submitted proposed Resolution authorizing the filing of an application with the Public Health Service for a grant under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act; which was read by the C.'erk, Moved by Hulse, seconded by Dah.lquist, to adopt Resolution No. 1444 as read,. Carried. (To secure Federal funds on Lake Wn. Sewers) Proposed Resolution was read authorizing filing of an inquiry with the U.S. :'epartment of Housing and Urban Deveopment for a grant under the various grant programs, which was read by she Clerk, Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1445 as read. Carried. Audience Comment was invited and Fire Chief Walls stated that he has requested a meeting with the Fire and Water Committee to discuss the problems encountered in regard to the city limits line of annexations, a policy being required rather than individual approval of various Departments. Since there was no further business, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The..meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m: There were 28 visitors in the Council Chambers tt. s meeting , Helmie W, Nelson, City Clerk D W Custer.. Mayor -6 318 4-24-67 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 0109 100.00 Elmer Williams 7410 Lake Wash. Blvd. Repairing porch floor 0110 15,000.00 Gilbert Somers 11230 S.E. 108th St New residence 11 - C. H. Rucker 12442 - 132nd S.E. Demolish old house 12 150.00 Dr..E. Sigeti 2342- Wells Ave South Replace sign 13 7,000.00 C. H. Rucker 12442 - 132nd S.E. New residence 14 277,200.00 K. C. Corporation 320 Bronson Way North Bld 24-unit apt bldg B 0115 - Vandivort Construction 440 Southwest 7th St Warehouse/office .:ac""' 16 900.00 SRS Real Estate, Inc. 323 So 3rd St Sign 17 31000.00 George Paavola 2504 5th Ave N Remodel kitchetc,/plbg. 18 222500.00 Brodell & Brodell 14715 130th Place SE New residence 19 192250.00 Brodell & Brodell 14645 130th Place SE New residence B 0120 18,500.00 Brodell & Brodell 14655 130th Place SE New residence 21 15,500.00 Brodell & Brodell 14650 130th Place SE New residence 22 2,300.00 Wally Mack 419 13th Ave So Remodel cabinets,etc. 23 275.00 Marlene Pence 2421-C 7th Ave No Patio roof cover 24 17,500.00 Gemini.C6tistruction 14640 130th P1 SE New residence B 0125 200.00 Buckley D. Bradburn 11607 SE 100th St Erect fence 26 1,900.00 Nick Andrews 2113 10th Place N. Foot. & Conc/blk fdn 27 17500.00 Charles Wilcox 805 "N" Place Alcoa siding 28 - Tom Kerr 221 Park Ave N. Demolish garage 29 900.00 Lakeview Lines Prop.Inc. 1222 Bronson Way N. Install door/storage B 0130 20,000.00 Frank Lansciardi 509 Langston Avenue New residence ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0050 680.00 First Christian Church 15491 116th S.E. Wire service 0051 Void 52 450.00 Fritz Bentler 816 "D" St 53 300.00 Mary E. Henry 355 Bronson Way N. 54 300.00 Kennydale P;et;tecost..Ehut.rh`10064 SE 95th St " MECHANICAL PERMITS M 0051 - Coce 10828 SE 104th Repair septic tank 52 - John Fintowski 10412 114th S .E. Plumbing service 53 - R.Z: Schmalz 311 Sunset Blvd. N. Install oil furnace 54 - George Paavola 2504 North 5th St Install plbg. fixt. M 0055 - Terhune Construction 10812 97th Place SE Install furnace 56 - Terhune Construction 9617 108th Place SE Install gas furnace 57 - Robert Shane 11648 SE 100th SEWER PERMITS 137 - McDonald's Drive-In 73 Rainier Ave. So Sewer connection —7— 319 April Fund Transfers authorized and approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee and the Renton City Council. TO CLAIMS FROM: Current $ 37,982.18 Street 23,730.80 ArterialsStreet 31500.00 !ftW Cedar River M &, M 148.56 Equipment Rental 17,548.62 Park 83154.66 Library 45174.97 Waterworks 753711.52 1965 W & S Construction 17,881.12 Airport 30,643.96 Firemen's Pension 1,487.10 City Hall Construction 48,135.19 $269,098.68 TO PAYROLL: FROM: Current $983350.92 Street 16,083.16 Cedar River M. & I. 535.00 Equipment Rental 33701.90 Library 63036.65 Park 10,832.57 Waterworks 155647.30 Airport 1,717.40 Firemen's Pension 90.84 r.. $$5249904 I �r. 320 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING May 1, 1967 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Trimm, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Dahlquist, the absent Councilman be excused. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Sven Johnson, Building Director and Anne Harker, Librarian. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of April 24, 1967 be approved as written. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Vacation of portion of alley located south of South 2nd Street and West of Logan Avenue - George Ames et ux property. (Hearing continued from 4-2.4-67) This being the date set the hearing was declared continued, however, since petitioners representative had been delayed, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to table the matter until later in the meeting. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Petition for annexation of property in Northerly section of Kennydale Island area was read. The document contained required statement of willingness to assume pro-rata shares of the City's pre-existing bonded indebtedness. (Vicinity of S.E. 84th and Lake Wn. Blvd.) Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to refer the petition to the City Engineer to check validity of signatures. Carried. Letter from Dobson, Houser & Dobson, Attorneys, by John W. Dobson, written on behalf of St. Andrews Lodge No. 35, F. & A.M., appealed Planning Commission decision to deny a rezone of property between "M" and X" Streets on 10th Avenue North, from SR-1 to P-1. Pedersen ubted that the requested zoning was not in accord with the Land Use Map and inquired regarding proper action to be taken. Planning Director Ericksen reported that the area is presently zoned SR-1, single family residential and this is also projected for the future use of the area. City Attorney Shellan advised that the applicants have the right to appeal but the Council cannot legally proceed if the proposed zoning does not agree with the Comprehensive Plan. Planning Director Ericksen stated that the applicants are aware of this fact but wished to submit the appeal with hope that it would result in a study to determine feasibility of their plan to build a facility with Medical-Dental offices on the main floor and Lodge quarters upstairs, which would be allowed under P-1. In discussion it was pointed out that recent appeals had been denied for multiple zoning in the subject area and that the Planning Commission had decided to reject the proposal since it was pretty well defined that it was not acceptable as submitted. Discussion ensued regarding alternate actions which might be taken which included a change in the zoning ordinance to allow permit for private bodges, otherwise, an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan, the former, however not allowing the clinic facili4ies which financial support is needed. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the date of May 15, 1967 be set for hearing on the matter, applicants to be notified that since the request is not in accord with the Comprehensive Plan it likely will not be granted. Hulse pointed out that the Comprehensive Plan is to protect the people and the City and the issue is not how to evade the plan but whether the people are willing and the facility is a proper one for the area. Dahlquist felt it would be an improvement to the present condition of the property and that progress should not be deterred. The Planning Director stated position of the Planning Staff as far a changes are concerned, their advice to applicants being that they can submit a letter to the Planning Commission requesting study or they may make official application and request that the Commission hold this for study and possible change in the Comprehensive Plan, and this is what the present applicants were told, however they wished to make application in order to have this as official action on their part. After further discussion on applicants intent for a study, possible rezone actions and speculation of conclusions and facts a public hearing would bring forth, the pending motion for hearing and notification to applicants carried. _I_ 321 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 5_1_67 :,JLiC HEARING: (Cont.) Since Mr. Ernie Coleman, representing vacation petitioner, arrived, it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the matter of the publichearingon the proposed vacation of alley per petition of '_eorge and Claudine Ames, be taken from the table. Carried. The hearing was declared continued and since the Clerk reported that no additional communications had been received, audience comment was invited. Mr. Ernie Coleman advised that Standard Service Tire Company was the party interested in the vacation since it anticipated expansion of facilities which would require the additional property which lies between their site and the one they plan to acquire. They cannot utilize the lot if it remains separated however and it was noted that this alley is used very little and the property contains a dilapidated run down facility and the im- provement as proposed would be an asset to the City. If the City insists that there be an alley in the proximity to 2nd it was proposed that the alley be allowed to run on the Westerly Si _e of got 5 which would provide the same as now exists, their feeling being however that it has never served any purpose presently being covered over with brush and rose bushes and practically impassable. It was noted that the alley is to no avail without a turn around which might be a hammerhead type which could be pro- vided within a 40 f•;:, radius or the circular type which would require 60 ft. diameter. It was suggested this matter 'buld be resolved and the alley moved at the time the building proposal was submitted to the Building Department. Mr. Coleman . added that if ,, when working faith the City Engineer it was felt the City absolutely had to have such an alley, arrangements would be made for the relocation, a hammerhead being more desirable than backing out, if such provision is to be required. The property cannot be utilized as it presently exists. Mr. Colin Radford, Realtor, speaking on behalf of the Ames Family and Estate, who originally opposed -the vacation, advised that relocation of the alley to the Easterly boundary of their property will-remove their objection and they will go along with the vacation, Upon legality inquiry regarding relocation of an alley, City Attorney Shellan 3vised that an alley can legally be vacated if there is a show that no one is denied access and the City policy requiring 100;0 ownership to sign is met. In this case there would be a vacation and rededication by a deed from the owner of lot 5, dedicating the westerly 16 ft. of lot 5, A public hearing would need to be held because this is re- locating of an alley a;id when the quit claim deed is executed the City would be free to vacate and relocate the alley. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Gianini, that the hearing be closed. Carried. T`- "eating was declared closed. Moved by Garrett, 'that tio-.er be advaeC = I willing to dedicate the 16 ft. alley on the west side of Lot 5, the Cbuncil, upon receipt of dedication document would vacate the portion requested and relocate the alley, Following proper public hearing. Hulse secobded the motion which r_.d• - �a`: _ noted that application would have to be made at the time the party was ready it being pointed out that a new council may be officiating if they wait too long. It was urged that the building presently adorning the premises be removed. CC,NUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for payment Estimate No. 4 due Venture Construction, ine., for Mt. Olivet Booster Pump Station construction, in sum of $13,174.39. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Comm ttee� Carried. Application from 0. A., Maloney, owner of Pat's Tavern, 917 - 3rd Street, requested that American Shuffleboard Sales Corporation be granted required license to operate a coin device pool table, Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to refer the application to the Police and License Comm4ttee withp ower to act. Carried. Letter from Gene . L. Coulon, -ark Director, reported recommendation of the Park Board and himself that the low bid of Ricardi Construction Company in sum of $23,012.00 be accepted for construction of the Talbot Hill Park Shelter Building. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendations. Carried. �-- Letter from J. D. Sweazey appealed ruling of the Planning Commission in denial of application for rezone of property located at 9416 - 108th Place S.E . from G to R-4. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that the date of May 15th be set for hearing on the matter, Carried. A letter from the Renton Historical Society, Prank Storey, Chairman, requested Council consideration in location of temporAry quarters for a museum with Liberty Park Community Center and the present Council Chambers being suggested as future possibilities. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, to refgr the request to the Park Board. Carried. -2- 322 Minutes - Rentbm City Council Meeting 5-1-67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from C. L. Day, President, Renton Aviation Board, requested authorization for Airport Director Grabner to attend the International Northwest Aviation Council,Spring Meeting, in Calgary, Alberta on May 6th with expenses allowed therefor. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the request, Carried, Letter from City Clerk Nelson submitted applications for 1967 Fireworks Stand Licenses. Requests were filed as follows: 1. Explorer Post #493, filed March 14th, 1966 ; Nesika Chapter ##54, 0. E� S. filed March 23; Emblem Club filed March 30; Ace Fireworks, filed March 30; Kiwanis Club of Greater Renton filed April 4; VFW ##1263, filed April 22; Ace Fireworks Co. for Kiwanis Club of Greater Renton, April 22; Renton Junior Chamber of Commerce filed May 2; Renton Lions Club filed May 9; Mrs. E. R. Reed filed September 26; and Kennydale Lions Club filed October 19. In accordance with the present official population, based upon the April 1st Census, only seven licenses may be approved, and Ordinance No. 2298, passed January 23, 1967, provides that those applicants having been issued a licence the previous year shall be entitled to a renewal. These would include: Renton Lions Club; Renton Jaycees; Kennydale Lions Club; Nesika Chapter #$54, O.E.S , , V.F�W. #$1263 and Kiwanis Club of Greater Renton & Explorer Post $#493 which will be eligible under Section 2, Item B of the Ordinance having been the first to file their application. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the applications to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. The Police and Fire Chiefs were invited to be present at the Committee of the Whole discussion. A letter from Mayor Custer requested Council consideration and advice concerning the possibility of an annexation election in the Sierra Heights area to allow a more uniform boundary of the corporate limits line of the City. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Letter from Building Inspector Ruppert requested sign permit be granted to Humble Oil Company for projection of two advertising signs over public right of ways at 351 Park Avenue North, 2 ft. 3 inches and at ?0-,5. Sunset Blvd. E. 2 feet. Motion was offered by Morris to deny the encroachment along Park Avenue since it will not conform to existing use in the block. Schellert concurred stating objective is to reduce the non-conforming signs and not permit any ald --ional in areas where they do not exist at all and seconded the motion. Moved by Perry seconded by Hulse to amend the motion to deny both applications for Revocable Sign Permits. Vote was. taken upon the motion amendment which carried and subsequently on the original motion as amended which also carried. A letter from Mayor Cuter recalled a_letter. of some months ago requesting change in the City's sick leave ordinance to clarify the policy regarding salary payments to employees injured in line of duty at which time a police officer had been injured in an automobile accident. Since the first writing another officer has been seriously injured as reuult of being hit by an auto �l i,i discus!--'rm• with Gity, Clerk Yelsor corc-erri_-v same, It was urged that a policy be formulated in ordinance form so that the City might better provide for victimi of accidents in line of duty, it being present procedure that all available sick leave and vacation time is used in the recovery period and employee reimbursing the City any funds collected from the State in compensation for his injury(since he is paid through the regular payroll) until sick leave and vacation time is exhausted when City salary ceases entirely. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole for discussion and report back. Carried. A letter from Tony Porcello, Renton Business Mens' Association requested that the Council proceed with purchase of up to 30 planter boxes to be placed along the streets in the central business district of the City with understanding that some $10,000.00 has been budgeted for beautification and may be used for purchase of any such boxes. Cement boxes with rock or pebble finish would be preferable and may be purchased for approximately $100 each. If purchases and installed by the City the Association will collect funds to purchase the plants for the boxes,said plants to be approved by the City as to type. Moved by Poli, seconded by Pedersen, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. A letter from Renton Eagles Aerie #1722 requested No-Fee Permit to install second banner at Bronson Way Bridge & Park Avenue to promote their coming Rodeo, said banner to be displayed from May lst through May 8th. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the request with usual Hold Harmless Agreement procedure. Carried. -3- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 5-1-67 1PPOINTMENTS: Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in appointments as follows: Traffic Advisory Commission - Jon Swanson and Robert Wonio, replacing Charles McCarthy and Arthur Scholes who have resigned. Mayor's Youth Guidance Committee - Jerry Allard and Douglas Felker, Mr. Allard replaces John Nicon who has been transferred from the area, Mr. Felker a new appointee Municipal Arts Commission - Gerry Edlund, a new appointee Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the appointments. The motion carried. -- Letter from Mayor Custer requested Council concurrence in the appointment of Richard Geissler to permanent rank of Captain in the Renton Fire Department. Recommendation of Fire Chief Walls was attached and appointment will be effective April 17, 1967. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to concur. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Council President Trimm submitted Committee of the Whole report which was read with Council action taken as follows: Regarding Mayor Custer's letter of 4-24-67 for ,joint project to riprap South bank of the Cedar River for 7001:_from Bronson to Houser tday, -w int h the County and City sharing the total cost of $ 17,500.00, and City's share not to exceed $8,750.00, it was recommended to concur in the recommendations by the Mayor concerning Cedar River Flood Control Project in vicinity of the Civic Center, Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendations of the Committee of the [chole. Carried. Recommended that the carpeting in the new City Hall be restricted to offices of the Department Heads, Elective Officials and machine r6om.119. Hulse noted that this did nct seem to include all the areas talked about intent being to include Mayor's Conference room, V.I.P. room and raised area of the Council Chamber, Perry adding that Council Chamber floor eliminated since cigarettes might be dropped and cause a fire. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. The Committee recommended to accept the City Hall plans as amended and the Clerk be authorized to proceed with publishing a bid call with bid opening to be June 5, 1967. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Perry reported that the Public Relations Committee has been authorized to work with the 4th of July Committee and his first report is that Senator Magnuson will be the Grand Marshall and guest speaker. Bands to be included are the Keith Highlanders and Bag Pipers, Clair Gordon Nile Temple Oriental Band, the Seattle Cossacks Drill Team. Also parading will be the Tennessee Walking Horses who perform very specially.Plans for the program in the park following the parade are being con- firmed and further reports will be made as plans progress. It was noted that this will be one of the highlights of the year and Delaurenti congratulated Mr. Perry urging that everyone give their support. Councilman Delaurenti submitted Fire and Waiter Committee report that the low bid of Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co. in sum of $49,201.89, on the City's 1967 supply of water pipe be accepted. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation of the Fire and Water Committee. Carried. New Business: Council President Trimm requested a meeting of the Committee of the Whole on Thursday, May 11, 1967 at 7:30 p.m. Councilman Hulse moved that City of Renton Vouchers No. 7945 - 8047, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment by the Council at this time. The motion was seconded by Schellert and carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current 7945 - 7987 & 8047 $ 2,704.70 City Street Fund 7988 - 8003 9,866.51 Equipment Rental 8004 - 8019 4,572.90 Parks 8020 - 8029 1,523.91 Water Works Utility 8030 - 8045 33,691.07 1965 Water & Sewer Const. 8046 13,174.39 $ 65,533.48 -4- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 5-4-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: New Business Cont. Councilman Hulse requested a meeting of the Capital Improvement Priority Committee at 7:30 p.m. on May 8th. Councilman Schellert thanked the Special Building Committee for expeditious methods in getting the new city hall plans ready and approved acknowledging efforts and work done with the architects as being especially appreciated. Councilman Schellert expressed enjoyment in attending the Annual Firemen's Ball held this year at the Seattle Police Pavilion, looking forward to next year's event. r Councilman Gianini suggested to President of the Council Trimm, that the Committee of the Whole meetings be scheduled at 6:30 on Mondays and commence with a dinner meeting prior to the Council Meetings instead of on a separate night which might result in better attendance, or just come earlier for Committee of the Whole meetings and then continue on with the Council meetings. Council President Trimm stated he will take the suggestions under advisement following the scheduled meeting. Councilman Pedersen stated he will call a Sanitation Committee meeting, members to be notified by call. Poli inquired regarding apportionment of the I2$ gas tax which went into effect this date. Garrett advised that a Board is to be appointed and it is intended to check the possibility of the City Engineer being put on there, the distribution to be similar to procedure as the 2(f gas tax. It was not known when the first payments might be forth- coming but in discussion with Mr. Biesen of the Association, Mr. . Garrett felt sure that a bulletin would be issued by way of some explanation and public announcement will be given regarding when the funds might be received. Poli inquired regarding formation of districts. Garrett advised there is to be one district per County. Mayor Custer reported that the City is being considered for membership in the Puget Sound Governmental Conference noting we have been put on the mailing list. Also, regarding talk about a Green River City and some planning to be done by the Regional Planning Commission and it was requested that time be reserved on the Committee of the Whole Agenda for discussion of these matters. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted proposed Resolution of the City Amending Agreement of the Watershed Work Plans of the West and East Sides of the Green River Watershed acknowledging King County as representative contracting agent with the Soil Conservation Service of the U.S. with King County Engineer to act as administrator of the Watershed Work Plans. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1443 as read. The motion carried. The Committee submitted a proposed Resolution authorizing loan in sum of $10,000.00 from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1689 to the Park Fund, to be repaid not later than June 30th with interest rate the same as presently derived by the City from investment of moneys in said fund but in no event less than 3%, said loan effective as of 4-24-67. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1446 as read. Carried. Proposed Resolution was read authorizing loan from the Cedar River Acquisition Fund in sum of $25,000.00 unto Street Department Fund, to be repaid no later than June 30th with interest as presently derived from investment but in no event less than 3%, said loan effective as of April 24, 1967. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Resolution No. 1447 as read. Carried. Proposed Ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City of Renton from General Suburban Residence District (GS-1) to Single Residential District (SR-1) (Kenneth Gilbert Property- 4th North and 132nd Ave. S.E.) Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to adopt the Ordinance with deletion of line designating location as vicinity of 6th Place No. and Cemetery Road, to be corrected. Roll call vote was taken with all Council Members voting aye and the motion carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer; Mayor -5- 5-1-67 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS 'TYPE OF WORK B 0009 25,000.00 Union Oil of California 13195 4th Ave No Service station B 0131 190.00 James P. Jones 11613 SE 100th Erect wood fence 32 1,000.00 Pacific Automotive Co 531 Garden Ave No Install U/Gr stor.tanks 33 20.000.00 R. S. Shane 11653 SE 100th St New residence 34 2,000.00 Pasco Lackie,Inc. 12313 4th Ave No Motel unit for R.E.office B 0135 10,000.00 K. V. Gilbert 12413 U32nd SE Fdn for move-in residence 36 200.00 Leroy C. Votgsberger 11626 SE 98th Fence 37 400.00 Juline Evenhus 2418 6th Ave No Patio cover ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0055 50.00 Johathen L. Barkdoll 1306 Shattuck So dire service 56 450.00 Herve Belisle 9691 112th SE 57 450.00 Herve Belisle 9603 112th SE " 58 560.00 John Fintowski 10412 114th SE 59 450,00 P. 0. Hill 7230 LakeWn. Blvd " E 0060 250.00 R. L. Hoskins 830 Riverside Drive " 61 700.00 7th Day Adventist Church 1030 "L" St MECHANICAL PERMITS M 0058 - La Pointe 806 "M" St 59 - Convert butane to gas Crown Builders, Inc. 7220 Lake Wn Blvd SE Install electric furnace M 0060 - Jim Carver 1112 "N" St Install plbg fixtures 61 - Coccione-Sunset Venture 2930 10th Ave N Install fixtures 62 - Ben A. Swenson 817 "0" St 63 Install oil furnace Peoples Natiomal Bank 820 South 2nd " f ixt & 0/furn in bank 64 - Seventh Day Adv. Church 1030 "L" St t' in church addn. -... M 0065 - Lee Hoskins 830 Riverside Dr. Air conditioning units 66 - Ton Arnone G7 - y 242 Meadow� ,lve N Gas space heater Chad-Jensen 407 Grandey Way Convert oil to gas SE14ER PERMITS 138 - Omega Development 11606 112th SE 139 _ Sewer service Omega Development 11612 112th SE 11 11 140 - Omega Development 11618 112th SE 11 It 141 - Omega Development Three add. above Storm sewer 142 - Phillips 66 Station 311Sunset •Blvd No 143 - James Carver 1112 "N" St Sewer service -6- 32G RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S 8:00 P.M. May 8, 1967 AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE N. G. Jacobson & Assoc., Inc. Progress Estimate Payment #1 - Off Street Parking Study and Comprehensive Plan services for April, 1967 $1,101.88 Estimates 5 and 6 due Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield, for consulting engineering services on Mt. Olivet project, $365.41 and Springbrook (Talbot) project $183.83 CITY ENGINEER Vacation Petition of Iril E. St. Clair and Stanley E. Stone - property East of "E" Street .... To determine whether to surplus Renton Hill Water Tank site LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Vacation of portion of Mt. Olivet (Cemetery) Road to Hugh White Code Revision to reflect corrected date on City Seal Park Department transfer of $271.63 from Cumulative 1990 into 6120/417, M. & 0. for lights- ballfield lamps Transfer of $3,825.00 in Firemen's Pension Fund Department 9010/110 to Acct. 510, M. & 0 to cover reimbursement to current fund for disability payments to Firemen Rezones: North Renton Properties (Ella Siegfried), R-2 to R-4 R. L. Edwards - South 7th Street, G to B-1 Jack Wilson - 7th Avenue North, S-1 to R-1 Kenneth Castile, So. 131st & 132nd Streets from 87 to 89th Aves. South, from R-1 to R-4 and R-3 S. J. Vokov, H Street, from R-1 to B-1 POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE Motorcycle Bid PROPERTY COMMITTEE John Racannelo offer to purchase public use properties in the Highlands Renton Hill water tank site-to be determined whether to surplus and sell SANITATION COMMITTEE Sewer Rodder Bids Request of Union Oil et al for Late-Comers Agreement STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Street Sweeper Bids MEETINGS: Committee of the Whole - Thursday, May 11, at 7:30 p.m. 327 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING May 8, 1967 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Trimm, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti and Poli. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Dahlquist, that the absent Councilmen be excused. Carried. -- OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Sven Johnson, Building Director. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of May 1, 1967 be approved as written, and the motion carried. OPENING OF BIDS: Mr. Peter O'Brien, Flexible Pipe Tool Company, stated that he did not feel the wording in the bid invitation was clear as to whether new or used equipment was wanted since new-factory-fresh equipment was not specified. Purchasing Agent Vern Church stated that 1967 Model equipment was called for and no used equipment was mentioned. Mr. O'Brien noted that we were quite a way into 1967, that every item on his bid was new factory fresh machinery. OPENING OF BIDS_ : This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read by the City Clerk with Council action taken as follows: One (1) 1967 Model Police Solo Motorcycle DRAEGER'S HARLEY-DAVIDSON COMPANY (Certified Check enclosed) $ 21353.00 1207 Dexter Avenue Seattle, Washington 98108 Mr. O'Brien requested to withdraw the bids of the Flexible Pipe Tool Company. Upon inquiry the City Attorney advised that this was discretionary with the Council. Delaurenti suggested that if a bid had been entered it should be read. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, to proceed with opening of the bids. Carried. Street Sweeper BIDDER AND ADDRESS NET BID FEENAUGHTY MACHINERY COMPANY (Bid Bond Enclosed) $14,004.48 717 South Michigan Street Add $350.00 for 2-Speed Axle Seattle, Washington 98108 SAHLBERG EQUIPMENT COMPANY (Certified Check Enclosed) $15,533.97 5950 Fourth Avenue South (Add $350.00 for 2-Speed Axle) Seattle, Washington 98108 - $400.00 for broom core and refill Sewer Rodder - 90.00 for rear fenders AIR MAC Basic - $43,099.00+tax $172.16 -trade $150.00 $ 4,121.16 3838 - 4th Av n�l South (Bid Bond Enclosed) Seattle, Wn. 58YS4 v FLEXIBLE PIPE TOOL COMPANY l. 'Model 15HYD (Hydrocket) $ 3,568.00 905 McBrod Avenue, P. 0. Box 22022 $4,000.00 + tax $168.00 Milwaukee, Oregon 97222 - Trade $600.00 2. Model 30-HYD Basic $4,000.00 $ 3,984.80 eon% +tax $184.80 - Trade, $600.00 (Exception-Control Valve 3.Model MR-1, Multi-Rodder $ 4,089.00 Mechanical Unit None Needed) Basic $4,500.00 +tax $189.00 - Trade $600.00 (Exceptions-Control Valve Not 4. Model SCPS-4, Basic $3,996.80 $ 3,564.67 Needed & 5/16"rod in lieu of 3/8" + Tax $167.87 - Trade $600.00 5. Model RRJS-3 Rollerroder $ 3,247.00 (Exceptions-Control Valve Basic $3,500.00 +tax $147.00 Mechanical Unit-None needed) -Trade, $400.00 6. Model RRO-1 (Mod) Rolleroder $ 4,009.82 (Exceptions: Control Valve Basic-$4,136.10 + tax $173.72 None needed-Mechanical Unit) - Trade $300,00 -1- 328 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 5-8-67 OPENING OF BIDS, (Cont.) Sewer Rodder: HALLGREN CO., INC. (Cert. Ck.) Basic $4,531.60 - Trade-In $ 3,752.13 1252 - lst Avenue South $1,100.00 +Frt. $176.40 and Seattle, Washington 98134 sales tax $144.13 (Agent for O'Brien Mfg. Co. - Chicago) Mayor Custer inquired whether Mr. O'Brien wished to comment at thig time and he stated he would still like to withdraw the bids of the Flexible Pipe & Tool Co. Council action was invited and it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, that the Motorcycle Bid be referred to the Police and License Committee with power . to act. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry to refer the street sweeper bids to the Street and Alley Committee to report back to Council. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded ..r by Schellert, to refer the sewer rodder bids to the Sanitation Committee to report back. Perry inquired whether bid forms sent out were for new equipment. Purchasing Agent Church advised that as to his knowledge the City has never specified used equipment and when 1967 Models are designated it would be new. The motion carried. Delaurenti made suggestion that Mr. O'Brien meet with the Sanitation Committee to discuss any problems. Mayor Custer recalled that all previous bids on this piece of equipment had been rejected and any problem should be certainly discussed with the Committee. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed vacation of portion of Mt. Olivet (Cemetery)Rd. to Hugh Whit(, This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Council Members had been all furnished with maps of the subject area. Since there were no communications nor verbal comment Council action was invited. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to close the hearing. Carried. The hearing was declared closed. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurentkr to grunt the vacation with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Upon inquity City Engineer Wilson advised that the vacation would be in t e City s interest UO1 a one-half of the right of way would be acquired by the City and that 50 ft, exid' tg connection is adequate for Mt. Olivet..Rd. with 3rd and-seems to be functioninl*[° Operly as now developed. The motion carried.. PUBLIC HEARJ,NG: Comprehensi v_e.Plarl fdt SeaUtif icattoh of the City of Menton This being de date set, the heart g was declared open. There were fid written mm counicai b s to be presented andgudience comment was invited. Aodb speaking and urging a option of the Plan deluded Randy Rockhill, representative of the Beautification Committee and the Municipal Arts Commission who wish to see Renton as other mdViiring communities, moving along in its beautification efforts with the rest of the Country, wanting to eliminate mistakes by this program of planning to be followed,.ds a basic comprehensive plan for the future, also to be estdblished in event of application for Federal funds. Mr, Felix Campanella on behalf of Allied Arts in the absence of Chairman, Mrs. Bardarson, representing views of the Board and 400 members urged endorsement and acceptance by the Council of this guide to serve in the years to come in the beautification of our community. Mr. David Johnston, Chairman of the County Municipal Art Commission pointed the program out as a place of beginning to be implemented at an e*rly date,to promote the enjoyment of environment deemed to be a deterring factor to mental problems as well as many other problems which will be straightened out when the beautification of environment is straightened out so people might stop to enjoy the beauty. It is said a lot of do-gooders are required to have beautification but if we wait until the large utility problems are resolved it will probably never come about so action should be taken now. The, C�ommittees were commended and it was noted that the County is behind -the program which is catching on all over the State, Mrs. 2appaio, former member of the Governor's Beautification Committee for Century 21 added that in order to get Federal,assistance a functioning plan must be in effect and although there may be room for improvement this is a place to start. Mr. Teegardeni Member of the 5eautification Committee and Planning Commission noted wrrk and efforts of several persons in various aspects of community service and their re- spective capacities in completion of the plan and although there is room for improve- ment it was his recommendation and that of the Planning Commission that the Council approve the Plan, and it was suggested that the approval be unanimous. Councilman H--niy Schellert noted that the Plan is to represent a policy statement for the City toward improvement of environment and since it is to be an official statement,attention was called to the a0ei radix which in effect becomes a Capital Prior*tY _1�rogram involving moneys in the Beautification Cumulative Reserve Fuhdk Mayo' COAter pointed out that the intent of the content does not limit txpetditures to the Cumulative Itabd and in event of securing Federal Aid .the priority list Wbuld be subject to that also and subject to the actinh•cfif•the Council regarding priority dhd whatever fund with sufficient keserVe w Uld be appropriate therefor, Mr. Rockhill added that it was necessary to list Actual pr, ority items for a concrete plan and not just someday that someone do something and it was ex- pected that the Council would naturally adopt- and ' 'roVe the projects. Schellert moved t1lat Vie hearing be closed. The mot,icorn wag seconded by Dahlquist and carried. 329 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 5-8-67 PUBLIC HEARING: (Cont.) Councilman Schellert called attent `11 to wording in the first paragraph of the Introduction of the Beautification Comprehensive Plan, the last sentence of which needed revision since it tends to reflect on the central business district c£ the City. He proposed that a period be inserted after the word City with deletion of the remainder of the sentence "center in a spectacular display of confusion". Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Schellert suggested the minor changes be effected and the Plan adopted as amended to prevent delay by Committee referral, especially in view of the presence of the various persons sponsoring the plan. Perry urged Committee referral since budgeting of funds is to be required. Garrett,opposing delay,urged amendment and adoption at this time. Question was called for on the motion to refer to Committee of the Whole and upon dissenting voice vote roll call was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Dahlquist, Perry, Delaurenti and Poli. No: Trimm, Hulse, Schellert and Garrett , A tie vote was cast and Mayor Custer voted no. The motion lost. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Garrett, to amend the Comprehensive Beautification Plan as suggested by correcting the last sentence of the first paragraph of the Introduction as designated - inserting a period after the word City and deleting remainder of the sentence. The motion carried. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Garrett, that the Comprehensive Plan for Beautification as recommended by the Planning Commission and amended by the City Council be adopted. Dahlquist urged that the Council take another look prior to adoption since there may be need for additional changes and moved to table the matter for two weeks. Perry seconded the motion and upon verbal vote the Chair declared the no vote in majority and the motion as lost. Roll call vote was properly requested and resulted in tie vote as follows: Aye: Dahlquist, Perry, Delaurenti and Poli, with No: Trimm, Hulse, Schellert and Garrett: Mayor Custer voted no and the motion to table was lost. Upon inquiry and discussion regarding designation of moneys and budgeting action to be required, City Attorney Shellan advised that he has prepared a proposed Resolu- tion which would adopt the plan in general as a concept although the plan may require changes from time to time. Since money cannot be spent which has not been budgeted the Resolution does not refer to any funding ,and the only thing before the Council at this time is not how to spend money but whether to adopt the plan as a concept. Vote was taken on the pending motion to adopt the Plan as recommended and revised. The motion carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, to proceed to the next order of business. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Letters were read with Council action taken as follows: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, recommendation for revision to Code to reflect corrected date on City Seal. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recom- mendation with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Gene Coulon, Park Director,requested transfer of $271.63 from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1990 to replace lamps in ballfield lighting system, unto Park Department 6120 Account, M. & 0. 417. It was noted that this is a departure from the ususal method of handling this payment. Upon advice of City Clerk Nelson the change was effected but will require numerous transfer requests since the fund pays for energy as well as lamp replacement,with other Cumulative Funds to be effected as well. It was noted by Mrs. Nelson that although she as well as Mr. Coulon and others would prefer the expenditure being made directly out of the Cumulative Fund since it would much faci- litate the transactions for .all,the State Auditor has ruled otherwise and directed transfer to the parent fund for expenditure. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the fund transfer with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for necessary Resolution. The motion carried. Park Director Coulon stated that the funding for payment to the firm doing the replacement labor will be required, another item being energy which is shared - cost by the City and 1- by participants using the lights which items will all require transfers in this event Cumulative Fund 1990 having been established for such purposes. Schellert questioned the"ose of said Fund for such a small amount of money recalling that it had originally been felt the use of the field would render it self.-sustaining, and moved that the method of funding for the lamp replacement be referred to the Mayor for recommendation. The motion was seconded by Dahlquist and carried. Helmie Nelson letter advising of need to transfer budgetary allocation inadvertently placed in Firemen's Pension Fund Department 9010 Account 110, Salaries and Wages into Maintenance and Operation Account 510 to be classified as "Other Expense" and to contain disability payments made to Firemen which are reimbursed to the Current Fund. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. Carried. -3- 330 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 5-8-67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Statement was read fcr Consulting engiheering services performed by N. GJacobson & Associates, Inc. during April, 1967 on C.AG. 1124-67, Off-Street Parking Facility Study and Comprehensive Parking Plan, in sum of $1,101.88 of which $6.72 was noted as reimbursible expense. Discussion ensued on mode of reporting on Progress Estimates and services rendered within this estimate. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse. to refer the matter to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. It - was noted that the Department Head concerned would ordinarily make a recommendation for payment, thus giving the Council information to pass on in event the public were to make inquiries. The pending motion subsequently carried. City Engineer Jack Wilson submitted Estimate ftJ for engineering services of Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Mel::yfield for the Mt. Olivet Pipeline, Miscellaneous Consulting, approved for paymmt from 1965 Water & Sewer Construction Fund Account 605 in sum of $365.41, services from March 25 through April 24, 1967 .& Progress Estimate #5 for. Consulting engineering services on Talbot Pump Station for the same period, $183.83 Moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, to refer the payments to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act.if': evew.indicates favorably. Carried. John F. Colgrove, Little , Candy, Scott, Palmer & Slemmons, on behalf of Union Oil Co. & Investment Exchange.Corp. requested easement and Latecomer's Agreement in connection with sewer line installation to service properties in vicinity of 132nd Avenue S.E. and S .E. 128th Street where a new service station is to be constructed. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Sanitation Committee and City Engineer to report back. Carried. A letter from The Renton Association for Handicapped Children, Mrs. Frank Pearce, President, requested approval for fund raising booth at the Renton Home Show and donation ticket sale on camping equipment. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to grant the request. Carried. Letter from W. M. Foster, District Engineer, Wn. State Highway Commission, reported receipt of letter from Mayor Custer and copy of the study covering proposed traffic control improvements on Rainier Avenue and hearty concurrence was given with regard to updating the traffic signals involved in this important section of high volume highway. The letter offered the services of the Utilities Engineer and Traffic Engineer in participation on details involved in the program and Mr. Foster gave his assurrance that he would recommend to his higher authority that the State parti- cipate in this work. The proposed asphalt overlay will require additional considera- tion but the matter will be given close attention and further report will be forth- coming. Letter from the Department of Housing and Urban Development, L. R. Durkee, Director for Northwest Operations, acknowledged receipt of Revised Standard Form 101 Preliminary Inquiry WS-6-48-0028, Washington Lakefront Sewer Line. Since part of the project may be eligible for assistance under P.L. 84-660, the Department will refer a copy of the City's inquiry to the Washingtnn State Pollution Control Commission and the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration for their evaluation and will advise as soon as possible as to the decision reached prior to further process of the proposal. A letter from John Racannelo offered to purchase public use properties in the Highlands area adjoining his property at 2806 and 2808-7th Avenue North and also the 12 feet running through this property to 8th Avenue North in event the other adjoining property owners are not desirous of purchasing same. $3,000,00 was offered for the first parcel and $500.00 for the additional strip. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Property Committee and the Park Board for recommendation. Moved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, that the motion be amended to include the Planning Commission. The amendment carried and subsequently the original motion as amended. Planning Director Ericksen submitted Planning Commission recommendations as follows: Preliminary Plat Applications: Vicki's Park Addition, Appl. PP-391-67 located on R Street between 7th Avenue No. and 8th P1. No. app. 1.1 acre; 5 lots proposed for single family residential use, which is in accord with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Poli., seconded by Schellert, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation. The motion carried. (Owned by Jack Wilson) Honey Dew Estates Division 3, Appl. PP-395-67 located on S.E. 116th Street between 132nd Avenue S.E. and 142nd Ave. S,E., app , 2.3 acres, 10 lots with single family resi- dential use proposed which is in accord with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. Rezones: North Renton Properties (Ella Siegfried, owner), Appl. R-387-67, from R-2 to R-4, located between Park and Factory Avenues North from North 3rd Street to North 4th., app. 6.4 acres with multi-family residential use proposed which is in accord with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the rezone. Carried. -4- 31131 Minutes - Rentop City C94ncil �gptifig x_8-6 COMMUNICATIONS. (Eont.'� (Planning Commission Recommendations) Rezones: R� L. Edwards, Appl. R-388-67, from G to B-1, property located on South 7th Street between Rainier Avenue South and 90th Avenue South, app. 10 acres, proposed commercial use, Comprehensive Plan designates Non-Manufacturing Industry which is in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan and approval recommended. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, t-o concur '_n the Planning Commission recommendation- Carried. Jack E. W�1son appl, R-390-67 from S-1 to R-1, property located on R Street between 7th Ave. No, and 8th Pl No., 1.1 acre proposed for single family residential use with approval recommending the request being in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carries? Kenneth Castle appl. R-392-67, rezone from R-1 and S-1 to R-4, located between South 131st and 132nd Streets from 87th Avenue South to 90th Avenue South, app. 4.2 acres proposed for multi-family residential use. Existing zoning R-1 and S-1. Recommended that the area located West of 88th Avenue South be zoned R-4 and the remaining portion to the East be zoned R-3, This reznne would be in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission, Moven by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, that this rezone be tabled one week to give the Council opportunity to visit the area. The motion was voted upon and declared lost. Schellert noted that the Planning Commission recom- mendation was different from the applicant's request and Planning Director Ericksen advised that the applicant had agreed to accept the zoning as proposed. Perry inquired regarding previous request for multiple zoning in the area that was denied and was advised that it was further to the North than the present proposal. The area was shown on the wall map and Mr, Ericksen stated the ommission of consent was inadvertcmtt, Dahlquist stating that the consent of the owner to different zoning than requested was supposed to be submitted in writing, and not by verbal expression. The pending motion to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation for rezone was voted upon and carried. It was noted that the Commission has not met since the subject Planning Commission Minutes were published, S. J. Vukov, appl R- 394--67, from R-1 to B-1 on property located on H Street between Sunset Blvd., and 9th Avenue North, area of 23,116 square feet proposed for commercial use. Approval was recommended the request being in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan, Moved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission with referral of all rezones to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motion carried. — Letter from Green River Chapter of S_P,E.B.S.Q.S-A, requested permit to place a banner over pub!-'c property at Bronson Way, north of Park Avenue, to advertise the Seventh Annual Showcase of Harmony, said banner to be removed by May 16, 1967. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to grant the request. The motion carried. The Street Commissioner was requested to check this installation. Petition for vacation of portion of property located between 10th Avenue No. and 10th Place North lying East of "E" Street was read which was submitted by Stanley E. Stone and Iril E_ St� Claim Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to refer the petition i-- the City Engineer to check signatures for validity Perry reported that the Law and Ordinance Committee is holding a proposed Ordinance providing for certain fees in connection with street vacations in accordance with recently passed legislation. Dahlqust added that the Bill becomes effective the first of June. The pending motion carried. James J. Abraham, O.K. Cab Co., Inc, communication requested transfer of curb telephone stand permitf-irs- an d on the Southwest corner of Wells Avenue South and South 3rd Street, P-AG. 654-61,since he has assumed ownership of the Company and the Permit had been issued to prior owner. If not renewable, a new permit was requested Moved by Trimm, seconded by Garrett, to grant the request f)"Scvch_ Permit. Carried. Letter from Pythian Sisters, Rhododendron No. 30, by Mrs, C. P. Osborn, requested No Fee Permit to place a sandwich type board sign in front of store building at 309 South Wells Avenue to advertise rummage sale, Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, to grant the request, Carried. Approval from the State Archivist for destruction of Business License records, 1952 to 1956, Business rz Occupation Tax Records, 1952 to 1956 , Voter's Signature Poll Books up to and including 1956 and Miscellaneous Vouchers, 1948 to 1955, Note was added requesting tha-;: 'Poll Books prior to 1920, being considered of archival value, be approved for use by the Archives. City Clerk Nelson advised that the Historical Society has indicated a desire to secure certain older documents and Mayor Custer added that they could be advised by the Clerk of the present documents available. -5- 332 N;ipgtps - Rentor} C,�ty Cg4pcj� No@#IRg 5-8-67 COMMUNICATIONS: Writ of Mandate and Temporary Restraining Order, State of Washington Ex.Rel. John P. Pringle, Petitioner vs . The Civil Service Commission of the City of Renton, filed in connection with examination for Lieutenant in the Renton Fire Department and to restrain the City Council from making the permanent appointment of Mr. Ted LaValley to the position until after hearing and determination of the Court. Perry requested to be notified when the matter is heard. Original documents had been transmitted to the City Attorney, COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Council President Trimm called attention to Committee of the Whole meeting to be held on May 11th at 7:30 p,m. C uncilman Perry inquired on possibility cf limitiag number of service stations in the City by taking the one company with the largest number and restricting all other Companys to that amount, Schellert noted that the Law and Ordinance Committee had discussed this matter and Mr. Shellan had suggested possible control in so far as fire zones are concerned. Hulse added that some cities have been successful in establishing a control and limiting the number deeming this type of operation to have a certain kind of hazard. It was noted that under a similar ordinance for control a City was taken to Court and City Attorney Shellan added that it was unconstitutional. Councilman Delaurenti called attention to complaint he had received regarding problems created by horses in a residential area- Mayor Custer requested the Building Director to report regarding his investigation of this matter, Mr. Johnson advised that he has talked to the property owner on several occasions and that he is an avid horseman who does concern himself with training of the animals and it was noted that a mare and foal are considered as one ; owner, feels he is within his limit of animals on the property, understanding at one time that he was allowed three when the area was annexed to the City, and now by an understanding agreement the number to be 5. There has been no written agreement executed; and Mr. Johnson felt the matter needs more research. Delaurenti inquired whether Civil Suit action would be the proper step to be taken and upon inquiry City Attorney Shellan stated that if enough evidence can be produced the complainant might bring civil suit. Upon inquiry by Pedersen it was noted that there is no manure pile in the vicinity . Planning Director Ericksen added that at the present time three horses are allowed on the premises. Delaruenti added that the matter had been called to his attention and as a representative for the district he felt it should be brought to the floor, New Business: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that City of Renton Vouchers #8049 through 8126, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council for payment at this time . Cirried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 8049 - 8086 (8050 Void) $ 12,154.31 City Street Fund 8087 - 8095 8,106 22 Cedar River M.. & I- 8096 591.39 Equipment.Rental 8097 - 8106 822,20 Parks 8107 - 8111 427,79 Water Works Utility 8112 - 8122 5,294.22 1965 Water & Sewer Const, 8123 529.24 Airport 8124 - 8125 11531 City Hall Const- Fund 8126 3,100.00 $ 31,140.68 Councilman Hulse called attention to Senate Bill 545 which allows Cities to borrow money to finance street projects and inquired whether this might be of some help to the City on such projects as the Logan--Smithers proposal. Also, he wished to inquire whether Lake Washington beach park is likely to be developed or started this year. Park Director Coulon advised that he had reported at staff meeting this morning on this matter and he has been to Olympia on a number of occasions and spoke with the project manager on Tuesday of last week and it was admitted that we have done everything required at this point and it is now a matter of some paper work to be done there and they would then go to the Bureau of Reclamation and to Washington, D,C. Mr. Coulon noted prior allocation and if approved on present basis allocation would be in total of $220,000.00.- It was hoped that some work might be started yet this summer. Perry inquired regarding an agreement regarding the road construction at the tracks. Mayor Custer noted that the document has ,just been returned from the Railroad Company and clearance to go has been received from the Trans- portation Commission and now the written agreement is needed to proceed and if everything goes accordingly it could happen within the next year. Park Director Coulon added that the Railroads have both said they would forward the required easement and the signals have been ordered and should arrive in August. Perry urged that matters pending for the railroad be expedited to get like cooperation in securing necessary papers for the crossing. 333 Minutes - Renton City 6ouncil Meeting 5„8-57 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS New Business: (Cont.) Councilman Schellert expressed appreciation for receiving copies of the Minutes from the various Boards and Commissions. Councilman Delaurenti called attention to a matter brought up to City Engineer Wilson and people had brought it to his attention as well and it was regarding water tank off Renton and Beacon Streets no longer being used and offer to purchase. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by -P_o 1 i, to refer the matter to the Property Committee and the City Engineer to determine whether this is surplus property,Which might be sold. The motion carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, vacating a portion of 12th Place in the Renton Highlands as petitioned by the Greater Renton Shopping Center, M. (J. Lotto. President. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried. Moved by Poli, seconded by Trimm, to adopt Ordinance No. 2325 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes. The motion carried. Purchasing Agent Ve m Church reported that he had received a telephone call from O'Brien Manufacturing Corporation of Chicago, T11. advising that a bid was on the way by airmail on the sewer cleaning equipment and in checking with the post office several times during the day and in the evening up until 8:00 p.m, and it had not yet arrived. Shortly after the bids were opened the post office had called and advised that the document had arrived, and it was picked up. The local agent for the company, in the meantime,had submitted a copy of the bid with bid deposit in time for the bid opening. As there was no further business to come before the Council, nor comment .from the audience, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 p.m. Helmie W. Nelson, City erk 1. D. IV. Custer, Mayor nl' -7- 334 5-§,,67 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS N0, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS .YPE OF WORK B 0138 150.00 W. C. Forister 3289 Ct B, Rolling Hills Fence 39 700.00 Williams & Swanson 215 Logan Ave South Erect fence B 0140 2,800.00 Mrs. Alta Nunn 409 Pelly Ave North Brick prtn of home 41 1,200.00 Hungry Wolf 401 Rainier Ave South Dble-faced sign 42 400.00 Christy's Drive-In 604 Rainier Ave South 2 single faced signs 43 400.00 Renton Hearing Aid Cen.1011 So. Third St Install d/f el.sign 44 17,000.00 Gene Flansburg,Inc. 10220 SE 95th Sti New rambler B 0145 17,000.00 Gene Flansburg,Inc. 10222 SE 95th St New residence 46 17,000.00 Gene Flansburg,Inc. 10224 SE 95th St it I1 47 Gene Flansburg,Inc. 10222 SE 95th St Demolish residence 48 200.00 Mrs. Geo. Edsall 329 Pelly Avenue i4o Erect fence 49 4,000.00 Olson-Richert & Assoc. 231 Williams Ave So Remodel office sp. B 0150 1,200.00 Michael W. Lemmon 10869 - 132nd S.E. Convert to Vet hosp. 51 600.00 Humble Oil Co 600 Grady Way Install sign 52 50,160.00 Nick Andrews 1200 10th P1 No 7 Unit apt. bldg. 53 103,360.00 Nick Andrews 1202 10th P1 No 14-Unit apt.bldg. 54 100.00 Renton Golf Range 10600 Lk Wash. Blvd. Moved in shed-stor. B 0155 385.00 John R. Okey 329 Wells Ave No Chain link fence 56 3,000.00 Pacific Northwest Bell 221 Williams Ave So Temp. office partit. 57 VOID 58 49000.00 Globe Investment Co 928 "H" St Remodel store 59 -- J. L. Dimatteo Vic of IT)" & 4th No Demolish fruit std. ELECTRICAL PERMITS 8 0062 300.00 Olson-Richert & Assoc. 231 Williams Ave So Wire service 63 750.00 John Lyman 3311 Ct C, Rolling Hills " It 64 2,300.00 C. 0. Whitaker 518 N. Williams If E 0065 200.00 Pizza Pete 711 South 4th St it 66 240.00 Alice Bartner 405 Williams Ave No If * 67 40.00 Colorcable, Inc. On Park St, btwn 4th N & 3rd N Wire service 68 40.00 Colo rcable,Inc. 2d So In front of Wn.St.Empl. Serv. Wire Sere 69 50.00 A. V. Quincey 10213 108th Ave SE Wire service E 0070 450.00 Williams & Swanson 539 South 3rd St 11 It 71 45.00 Glamourella Salon 319 So Second St It it MECHANICAL PERMITS M 0068 -- P. O: Hill 7230 Lake Wn. Blvd. Inntall septic tank 69 -- Ken Benson 928 "H" St l3stall plbg. f ixt. M 0070 -- Robert S. Shane 11649 SE 100th t, 71 -- Lewis Purcell 11619 SE 105th L'1. IT 11 it 72 Pacific Northwest Bell 221 Williams Ave No Additional fixtures 73 -- Universal Builders 3803 5th Ave No Install plbg. fixt. 74 -- Stanley Home Products 501 SW 7th St Install hts.& ref r. M 0075 -- A. V. Quincey 10213 108th S.E. Install plbg. f ixt. 76 -- Herve Belisle 9601 112th S.E. Gas furnace SE11EP. PER,1ITS 144 -- John Lyman 3311 Ct C, Rolling Hills Sewer Service 145 -- Lewis Purcell 11619 S. E. 105th Pi -8- 335 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING REFERRAL S 8:00 P.M. May 15, 1967 CITY ENGINEER James & Marlene Baker letter of intent to annex property to Renton in vicinity of South 129th Street COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Green River College request to present outline to Council of new Law Enforcement Training Program to be offered during the 1967-68 school year. Appointments: Mark McCorkle - Renton Airport Board Indru Prim.lani - Air Pollution Advisory Council LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Stone - St. Clair petition for vacation of portion of right of way Cumulative Reserve Fund 1894 Fund transfer to Current Fund Account 1920 to cover invoice from Pioneer National Title Insurance Co., $229.76 -- Seattle City Light property Revision to Fireworks Stand License Ordinance Revision to Sick Leave Ordinance to allow 120 days accumulated sick leave Revocable Permit for telephone stand and new taxicab stand - Roger Hokanson, Renton Radio and Yellow Cab Co. Building Department Fund transfer 1800/110 to 1800/606 to provide $1,800.00 for mobile radio units in Bldg. Dep't. vehicles MAYOR To convene Review Board - Kennydale Island area annexation (60 acres) PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE Tree Planting Program or City Beautification ;�- STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Henry C. Towne request that parking lot operator in North Renton improve pedestrian pathway (N.E. corner of 5th & Park Avenue) Proposed Driveway Control Ordinance to be reviewed and recommendation submitted MEETINGS: Committee of the Whole - Monday, May 22nd at 7:00 P.M. Public Hearing on Appeal (Cont.) for St. Andrews Lodge No. 85, F. & A.M. to June 26, 1967 336 MENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING May 15, 1967 8:00 P.M. Office of The City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, May:ar, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Trimm, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Garrett Perry., Delaurenti. Poli and Morris, Moved by ' 'rimm, seconded by Gianini, that the absent Councilmen be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HLADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G M Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C., Walls, Fire Chief; Jack W-_ison, City Engineer, Cordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Sven Johnson, Buildi),�- Director, Anne i-riar:cer, '�- brarian and Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of May 8, 1967 Ibe approved as written- The motion carried. Mayor Custer at -this time presented Mr, John Nicon a City of Renton Certificate of Award for outstanding community service rendered during his term on the Youth Guidance Committee and with other youth activities in the Renton area. Mr. Nicon expressed his enjoyment in serving on the Commission advising that it had been his pleasure serving clientele of the South King County area as well in his capacity with the Juvenile Parole Division of the Department of institutions and that he was being promoted to a position in the Seattle Office thus leaving the area, PUBLIC HEARING: Appeals of Planning Commission decisions on rezone requests. i, St, Andrews Lodge No, 35, F. & A,M. - denial of P-1 zoning. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open, Communication from the Planning Director was read outlining procedures and recommendations by the Commission to date and basis for the denial of the rezone, Moved by Garrett, seconded .by Delaurenti, that the hearing be continued until June 26th which action was requested by the petitioners per Attorney john Dobson, Carried. 2- Sweazey-Werstiuk Enterprises, appeal of denial of R-4 zoning. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communication from Planning Director Ericksen outlined action taken to date noting that the property is located off S .E . 94th Street ~ Easterly of 108th Place S .E - across from the Kennydale Elementary School, extending to the East and then northerly into the May Crcek area Approximately one-third of the property is hillside and unusable for building purposes. The subject property was recently annexed to Renton prior to which the front portion along 108th Place S.E. for approximately 100 ft. was zoned for multi-family residential use (RM-900) by King County, The Commission felt a low density multiple zoning for the upper portion was feasible, the high density development exceeding practical limitations; 300 units as proposed resulting in 80-100 units per acre on the upper portion. The multi-family development was considered premature since sewers are not available to serve the area, also, the problem of access and increased traffic would compound an already critical situation on 108th Place S:E - and S.E, 94th Inclusion of the portion in May Creek area was no', considered feasible . The Commission recommended to the Council that R-2 zoning would be suitable at this time but excluding the Northeasterly portion extending into the May Creek area, Mr. E , A. Sweazey, 9418 - 108th Place SZ addressed the Council advising that the total area of the subject property is bet-ween 71--8 acres, and that it presently looks like a ,jungle in part. Pictures were distributed from various views and Mr. Sweazey recalled that he had been requested to assist in annexing the entire area which annexation was effected and it had been his understanding that he would be permitted equal zoning as allowed by the County Planning Commission and if he had proceeded he would now have the apartments built, however he feels he has approximately 5 acres which may be utilized for apartment use and in discussing the matter of sewers with Mr. Gibbs of Metro it was indicated that if 1200 users were available a line could come up nearly to Honey Creek and they decided to pursue the sewers and have proper service for the project. He did feel he is entitled to equivalent zoning as when the property was annexed- Mr, Brower, Renton Planning Commission Members inquired as to portion which was zoned Multiple by the County and Mr . Sweazey advised that 120 x 550 ft. plus a 20 ft. alley were covered by the County zoning in off the road- Inquiry was made regarding Metro service and Mr. Sweazey noted that Metro had indicated that the more apartments he would be able to get zoning for the more he could sign up towards the 1000-1200 required for bringing in the service and it was his intention to pursue the installation on acceilerated basis upon rezone of his property wh_ch he felt was to the interest of the entre area since -the sewers would be available to present res=_dents as well, 't was noted that 11etro would not serve an area outside the City, and that the City Core would no-t permit septic tank service -1- . 337 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 5-15-67 PUBLIC HEARING: E. A, Sweazey - Werstiuk Enterprises - (cont.) Mr. Sweazey stated he had moved to the area about a year and a half ago and purchased the property to build apartments and hesitated when he viewed the direct picture and decided to proceed with alternate plans to assure service to the best interest of the development Councilman Poli inquired of Planning Director Ericksen as to the use indicated by the Comprehensive Plan and land use map for the subject area. Planning Director Ericksen pointed out the area on the wall map and advised that it is shown as 2-4 family multiple use and in their interpretation it would be a low density multiple use, the Commission having recommended R-2 accordingly. It was noted that under R-2 approximately 60-units could be constructed on the upper portion but the present application is for the entire parcel. Mr. Ericksen stated that the high density zoning proposed would be in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan. Schellert inquired whether under R-2 by Special Permit will they be allowed to go to higher density with approval of the Planning Commission. Mr. Ericksen replied that apartments could be built under R-2 with a Special Permit from the Planning Commission. Mr. Sweazey noted present- R-4 7,oned properties north of Enco three tracts away and it was stated that this area is geographically separated by the steep grade which is why a part of his land was not included in the Planning Commission recommendation, it being considered as two separately distinct areas. Mr. Sweazey stated he had assumed that the R-4 z6ning was the same as the County zoning when he had applied, and that he wished to utilize about 5 acres and reserve three for a green belt and apartment use is a better end=ro reasonablelfor the property and will bring in more taxes than town- houses would be. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to concur with the Planning Commission recom- mendation to deny the zoning as requested. Upon inquiry City Attorney Shellan advised that if the R-4 request is denied and no amendment made by the applicant or Council at this time the matter is closed for six months. If he wants to amend his request at this time the Council can act upon the amended request at this time. Mr. Sweazey was asked whether he wished to amend his application as recommended by the Commission to R-2 except for the northerly portion which extends into the May Creek area. Mr. Sweazey calked attention to the expense of the property and stated his desire to save money by keeping the cost down to where he could rent the units in which event he could not afford the lesser zoning. Garrett noted that the sewer matter should not enter into the Planning Commission consideration of whether R-4 is a ouitable zoning as the apartments cannot be built without a permit which he cannot get at present and it was felt the n-:`Ishould be given further consideration as to the rezone itself and he was not ready to deny the appeal. it seeming to be the highest and best use of the oi$' ,'/ ei4r. Sweazey noted that they could not build at present without the sewer facilities but it was felt if rezoned more direct approach might be made toward resolving the sewer matter. Hulse noted that according to the Planning Director's comments the R-4 is higher density than the land use map indicates. Upon inquiry the Planning Director advised that the Commission had studied the area and the use is definitely low density and that 20 units per acre and 60-80 could be built by R-2 with a Special Permit and he could do that at any time he is willing to amend his application. Vote was taken on the pending motion and upon dissenting voice vote the Mayor declared the no's in majority. Roll call was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Trimm, Hulse, Schellert, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. No: Dahlquist, Gianini and Garrett. The motion carried upholding denial of R-4 rezone, disposing of the matter and concluding any action for six months hence. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from City Engineer Wilson reported,regarding petition for annexation of area in vicinity of S.E. 84th gtreet and Lake Wn. Blvd.,that the petition was signed by owners representing 81.too of the assessed value for general taxation purposes of the property and the parcel contains approximately 60 acres with an assessed valuation of $71,597.00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Mayor to convene the Review Board as required by law. Inquiry was made of City Engineer Wilson regarding new policy to establish reasonably squared boundary lines and it was noted that the subject annexation will reduce the Kennydale Island area by some 60 acres and is an important step in straightening the boundary which will now run two lots Southerly of South 84th Street. The motion carried. A letter from City Engineer Wilson reported regarding Petition for vacation of right- of-way lying East of E Street and South of Sunset Blvd. E., Stanley Stone-Iril St. Clair request, that the signatures represent 1007. of the abutting ownership. . Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Resolution setting date for hearing. Carried. Letter of intent to annex properties to the City was read submitted by James M. Baker and Marlene M. Baker, said property located West of Lot #7 and South of South 129th Street,. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to refer the letter to the City Engineer to check signatures for validity of ownership and to check regarding effect on the City boundary, Cari ed.. _2_ 338 Minute§ _ Rentgn Gity Count COMMUNIGATIONS'I (66t.) " Letter from City Clerk Nelson submitted Invoice No. 816034, Pioneer National Title Insurance Company, in sum of $229.76 and advised that if the Council intends to fund the payment from Cumulative Fund 1894 it will be necessary to transfer funcb to the Current Fund 1920/502, Miscellaneous,and referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee is in that event recommended. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution to effect the transfer. Carried. Letter from Sven A. Johnson, Building Director, requested transfer of Current bunds, Building Department Account 1800/110, Salaries and Wages, into the Current Fund 1800/606 Capital Outlay, Equipment, $1,800.00 for purpose of equipping Building Department vehicles with mobile radio units. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the request. Discussion ensued regarding use of salaries for capital outlay items and it was noted that the funds allocated for a Plans Checker were not adequate to engage a qualified candidate, it being noted also, .a request from the Administrative Department had requested said funds because the Department was in need of help. Discussion ensued as to whether additional funds should be allocated for securing the employee or whether or not the equipment will save the City money by releasing man hours enough to warrant same or if it is a convenience item. It was noted that builders had complained that they did not have timely check to keep their construction ,jobs moving and the radio equipment might aid in time saving enough to cover the requests. The pending motion subsequently carried. (See referral action later in meeting.) It had been noted that investigation could be made in the interim of Resolution presentation. Letter from Building Director Johnson requested permission to attend the International Conference of Building Officials Code Changes Committee on June 7 and 8, 1967 in Los Angeles, California. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to authorize attendance as requested. The motion carried. Green River Community College, Raymond J. Needham, Dean of Instruction, reported the commencement of a Law Enforcement Program during the 1967-68 school year, which program they ;could like to present to the Council during May or before June 9th. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to refer the request to the Committee of the Whole. The motion carried. Letter from John Monson, President, Colorcable, Inc., advised that the firm has no further interest in leasing space in the Highlands Center Tower for a CATV antenna location, investigation finding that it will not serve the purpose intended. Thanks was extended to personnel who assisted in the survey. Letter from The office the the State Auditor, Robert V. Graham, State Auditor, submitted Fifth Examination "A" Class, Municipal Water-Sewer Utility, City of Renton which will be on file in the records of the City Clerk's office. A letter from Mr. Henry C. Towne requested that the City request parking lot operator at N.E. corner of 5th and Park Avenue to improve the muddy path along the side of his property for approximately 600 ft where about 140 cars park monthly per acre @ $7.00 per month and any improvement, gravel, blacktop or concrete or board walk would be of help. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. APPOINTMENTS: Letter from Mayor Custer requested Council concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Mark McCorkle to fill the vacancy created on the Renton Airport Board due to resignation of Mr. Bill Gebenini. Mr. McCorkle is a Renton resident employed by the Boeing Company at Auburn and is available to serve on the Board. Delaurenti opposed the appointment of a Boeing employee to the Airport Board believing that a conflict of interest is involved Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry to confirm the appointment. Schellert in view of attempt to hold to Council policy of reviewing appointments prior to presentation for Council concurrence, moved that the appointment be referred to the Committee of the Whole. The motion was seconded by Dahlquist and carried. Letter from Mayor Custer requested council concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Indru Primlani to fill a vacancy on the Air Pollution Advisory Council created by resignation of Mr, William Grant. Mr. Primlani is a Renton resident with degrees in meheanical and agricultural engineering and is employed by the Boeing Company in Rentnn. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur. Moved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, to refer the appointment to the Committee of the Whole, to follow policy procedure. Carried. -3- r"iinutes - Renton City Council Meeting 5-15-67 APPOINTMENTS: (Cont.) Council concurrence was requested in the appointment of Mr. Jan Klippert to the Regional Planning Commission, to osition vacated ', Ceorge Jarris.It was noted that this appointment had been discussed by the Committee of the Whole and it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the appointment. Carried. Lorris inquired -regarding why report had not come back out of committee and it was noted that there had been no formal referral but request had been made that the Mayor submit proposed appointments so they could be discussed and the Council informed re- garding the appointees. Ntayor Custer advised he would prefer to submit the appoint- mants and then have them referred since some are reappointments and if the Council has no objections then the; may refer or approve as desired. After further discussion regarding procedures and residency requirements, the next item of business was called -- for and letter frcia t,.-_yc_- Custer was read requesting concurrence in the appointment of Ted LaValley to permanent rank of Lieutenant in the Renton Fire Department, the six months probationary period hav_ng been successfully completed, and Fire Chief Walls having recommended the appointment, which will become effective May 17, 1967. The M=ayor advised that no is to be taken at this time as a result of Restraining Order served on the Councl- . City Attorney Shellan,upon inquiry,advised that there __Dg cn appointment is effective with or without written appointment and confirmation but u^.ua ly it would be presumed that if a man has served satis- factorily that he is entitled to permanent appointment. Mr� Shellan stated he did not wish to comment further and that the matter comes up for trial on June 5th. It was noted that the salary --s not effected at this time , PROCLAMATION: Mayor Custer declared Friday and Saturday, May 19th and 20th to be "Poppy Days" in the City of Renton in recognition of the annual sale by the Veterans of Foreign Wars for benefit of disabled and needy veterans and widows and orphans of deceased veterans. Eoved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the Proclamation by the Mayor. Carried, COUNCIL COM14TTTEE REPORTS: nfinished Business Council President Trimn subm _tted Committee of the Whole report which was read with Council actions taken as follows: (Meeting of May 11, 1967) R,-commen ded to review boundary lines of annexations when City Engineer reports on va`6icy of the s _gnatuiec on letters of intent. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur. Carried T, to allow on^ fireworks stand license for each 2,500 population in the City of Renton- Moved by Sch_-U-e 't, seconded by Poli, to concur. Carried. This will permit 9 licenses to be issuea.. Hulse opposed. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper legislation. Carried. -.^co -i,2n .cl� the Sick Dave Ordinance be amended to allow employees to accumulate sick leave at the rate of one day per month- accumulative to 120 days. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance. Carried._ Recommended approval in principle of a street tree planting program for the Central Business District with referral to the Public Relations Committee for report. It was noted this was di.scusced upon receipt of sc,Ccific z'�cuest.(See later action.) Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur intherecommendation. Carried. Council President Tr'nrn advised the Council that there will be a Committee of the Whole meeting on Monday, May 22nd at 7:00 p.m, Councilman Garrett; Street and Alley Committee Chairman, submitted report which was read with Council action taken as follows: regarding request for pedestrian walkway at Honey Dew School by the Honeydew P.T.A. the Committee will hold a meeting with the P.T.A. representatives and School Administra- tor� to discuss walkways in the vicinity of the school and 132nd Avenue S.E. ^egarding request of Renton Radio and Yellow Cab Co., Roger Hokanson, owner, to erect tc7ephone stand pole on sidewalk at So.. 3rd Street and Wells Avenue South, and an additional taxicab sr:.-and at South 3rd Street & Williams Avenue South on the West side of Williams, approval_ was recommended. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur zeferral to - he Lasa ,nr_- Jre. ry-ince Committee. Carried. -4- 1340 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 5-15-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business Cont.) Councilman Perry called attention to referral of tree planting to the Public Relations Committee noting it was his understanding that the Committee would be acting upon the request of the Retail Merchants' Association for plantingsjust in the central business district. Schellert stated the intent of his motion to be inclusive of the whole general matter of street tree planting not the down town Renton area specifically requested by one organization. Perry noted correction to the motion to refer and it had been agreed the discussion was regarding the type of planting to be used down town and the Committee was to work with the Merchants' Association to decide the type of box to be used. Schellert recalled the it had been noted that a box might not be used but rather opening in the sidewalk. Perry reported receiving Minutes of the Park Board meetings,approvin" the i r: being held at a time when visitors could attend,the matter of helping on bond issues being one factor in favor of timely meetings so interested citizens might contribute assistance if they should desire to attend in this regard. Councilman Delaurenti reported that the Police and License Committee has recommended acceptance of the motorcycle bid in sum of $2,353.00. This was referred with power to act and successful bidder is Draegers Harley-Davidson Company. Councilman Poli submitted Power and Light Committee report recommending installation of: 1 - 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor light on 130th Pl. S .E. northerly of S.E. 147th Street; 2 - 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor lights on S.E. 105th Place earsterly of 116th Ave. S.L. 5 - 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor lights on 132nd Ave. S .E. northerly of 4th Avenue North Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendations o ' the Light and Power'Committee. ' 'The motion carried. New Business: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that City of Renton Vouchers No. 8127 - 8265, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council for payment. The motion carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current 8127 - 8177 and 8265 $ 9,233.71 Street Fund 8178 - 8190 10,182. 55 Cedar River M. & I. 8191 - 8194 987.29 Equipment Rental 8195 - 8215 7,221.71 Library 8216 - 8220 571.41 Parks 8221 - 8236 2,007.54 Water Works Utility 8237 - 8257 15,499.53 Airport 8258 - 8262 307.96 City Hall Construction 63 8264 4,957.92 $ 50,969.62 Councilman Schellert referred back to action taken regarding the mobile radio units for Building Department vehicles and moved that the subject be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee to prepare necessary Resolution to effect the transfer. The motion was seconded by Perry and carried. Councilman Morris called attention to Law and Ordinance Committee referral rec6mmendation regarding $60,000 requested by the Park Board to be allocated toward development of Cedar River Park. Although discussed the money did not get into the current budget and the matter had been referred to the Committee of the Whole for action. Mr. Morris presented a letter from the Park Board requesting that the $60,000,00 be allocated to the Park Department toward the development and the communication was submitted to President of the Council Trimm5 for presentation to the Committee of the Whole. Proposed Driveway Control Ordinance had been referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee and the City Attorney and Traffic Engineer ..had suggested this: proposal be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for study before the Law and Ordinance Committee makes a recommendation. The Committee recommended that the Council concur in this action. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Dahlquist that the matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for recommendation. Carried. Councilman Garrett reported that during the last Executive Board meeting for the Association of Washington Cities, May 12th, he had nominated City Engineer Wilson for membership on the Urban Arterial Board which under the new law (House Bill 595) will be set up to provide for distribution of allocations from the gasoline moneys. The Highway Commission will select two Mayors and two City Engineers from Cities over 20,000 population and 1 of each from cities with population under 20,000 . Resolved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to publicly declare and urge support of nominee Wilson to the position urging favorable consideration of the State Highway Commission in selection of this capable and qualifiec'. candidate. Carried and adopted upon unanimous approval of the Council . -5- 341 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 5-15-67 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Councilman Vern Morris, Chairman, submitted proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washingtnn changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from single Residence(R-1)to Business District (B-1) which was read by the Clerk. (S. J. Vukov property) Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Morris, to adopt Ordinance No. 2326 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes except Schellert who abstained from voting. The motion carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman submitted proposed Ordirn nce of the City changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from Single Family residence district (R-1) and Suburban Residence District (S-1) to Apartment Houses and Multiple Dwellings (R-4) and Residence District(R-3) . (Kenneth Castile property) Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the document on its seoond and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Morris, to adopt Ordinance No. 2327 as read. Roll call vote was taken and resulted in all ayes carrying the motion. (Owner's approval of changes confirmed by Ericksen) The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted proposed Ordinance of the City changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from general classification (G) to Business District (B-1) . (Robert L. Edwards property) Moved by Morris, second by Poli, to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to adopt Ordinance No. 2328 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes carrying the motion. The Committee submitted proposed Ordinance of the City vacating a portion of Mt. Olivet Cemetery Road to Hugh White which was read by the Clerk Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to place the document on its seand and final reading. Carried, After the final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Ordinance No. 2329 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes carrying the motion. Proposed Ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from Suburban Residence District (S-1) to Single Residence District (R-1) (Jack Wilson property) Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2330 as read_ Carried. ' Proposed Ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from Residential District (R-2) to Apartment Houses and Multiple h Dwellings (R-4) . (Ella Siegfried et al - Renton Properties) Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried After final reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2331 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes carrying the motion. except Schellert who abstained. Proposed Ordinance was read amending Ordinance No. 1021, establishing a Municipal Seal, and correcting the date of incorporation to Sept-tuber 6, 1901 as read.Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to adopt Ordinance No. 2332 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes carrying the motion. Proposed Resolution was read authorizing transfer of $3,825.00 within the Firemen's Pension Fund No. 9010/110 Salaries and Wages, Unto 510/Maintenance and Operation, Other Expense (To cover disability payments reimbursement to Current Fund.) Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1448 as read. Carried. Proposed Resolution was read authorizing transfer of Cumulative Reserve Fund 1990 funds in amount of $376.62, unto Park Department Fund 6120 as follows: M. & 0. 417, Material & Supplies, $271.63 and 303/Power, $104.99. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Resolution No. 1449 as read. Carried. Proposed Resolution was read accepting a "Comprehensive Plan for Urban Beautification" as submitted by the Beautification Committee of the City of Renton which shall be and constitute a general outline of principles and guidelines for the City in promul- gating and implementing various beautification projects within the City and said Plan may be amended from time to time and shall be subject to such modifications and amend- ments as may be approved by the City Council thereafter. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Resolution No. 1450 as read. The motion carried. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to adjourn, Carried.. The meeting adjourned Pt 10:05 P.M. Mayor City Clerk 34;Z ' PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS 5.15-67 BUILDING PERMITS NO AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 0160 315,000.00 Highlander of Renton 363 Vuemont Place 38-Unit apartment 61 700.00 James F. Denzer 1310-1314 No 3rd St Replace Guttertreshing 62 2,000.00 Joe Welch 11219 114th Ave S.E. Add'n to bldg 63 210000.00 Benson Properties 15920 Benson Road Temporary sign 64 2,000-00 Dwaine L. Thompson 13325 S.E. 115th Add'n to residence B 0165 2,000.00 Russel Eager 321 Thomas St Detached garage 66 175.00 Tony Porcello 10439 108th Ave S.E. Construct storage she, 67 3,000.00 Limmie Winston 13218 S.E. 132nd Add'n to residence 68 6,000.00 City Center Motel 112 So 3rd St Install signs 69 2,000.00 City Center Motel 112 So 3rd St Construct canopy B 0170 23,012.00 City of Renton Talbot Hill Park Park shelter bldg. 71 600.00 Humble Oil Company 3006 Sunset Blvd Ea Install new sign 72 600.00 Humble Oil Company 353 Sunset Blvd No. Install new sign 73 VOID -- 74 900.00 F.H.A. 646 110" St Re-roof dwelling B 0175 19,600.00 Bell & Valdez, Inc. 1800 SE Upland Ct New residence 76 25,270.00 Bell & Valdez, Inc. 2003 SE 18th Ct of it 77 VOID 78 36000.00 Roger I. Lewis 12735 86th Ave So It it 79 1,200.00 Jon A. Nelson 3415 12th No Rebld roof & add room B 0180 50.00 James Holck 513 Pelly Ave No Bid. wood fence 81 5,000.00 Fancher Flyways Renton Air Field Modif. of office bldg. 82 20.00 Renton Auto Sales 98 South 3rd St Install adv. sign 83 200.00 Renton Auto Sales 98 South 3rd St Remodel sales office ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0072 -- Highlander of Renton 363 Vuemont Plaee dire service 73 214.00 K. M. Myers 2207 7th North 74 3,000.00 Pacific Northwest Bell 212 Williams Ave, So " E 0075 550.00 Robert Wroten 3803 5th No " it 76 500.00 Vern Stromberg 10429 - 114th S.E. it to 77 400.00 Gemini Construction 14640 _ 130th P1 S.E. " to 78 200.00 Richard Ramseur 2414 6th Place No of or 79 45.00 Market Basket #93 Highlands Shopping Gtr" it E 0080 750.00 Faneher Flyways Renton Air Field it it MECHANICAL PERMITS M 0077 -- TransAmeriea Deveiopment 1104 Ethier Road Install plbg fiat. 78 -- TransAmerica Development 1201 Thomas Lane It it " 79 -- TransAmerica Dev8lopmpt 1200 Ethier Road to of it M 0080 TransAmerica Developmnt 1204 Ethier Road to it 81 -- TransAmerica Development 1203 Thomas Lane of to 11 82 -- TransAmerica Devglopmgnt 1205 Thomas Lane toif it 83 -- TransAmerica Development 1206 Thomas Lane it " to 84 -- TransAmerjea Developmgnt 120$ Thomas Lane of to to M 0085 -- Ben Bergsma 12413 132nd Ave SE Install oil furnace 86 Universal Builders 3$03 5th Ave No Install gas furnace 87 Joe Boheme 9700 106th Ave SE Install oil furnace 88 _- Gemini Construction 14640 130th SE Install plbg. fixtures 89 -• John Lyman 3311 Court "C" Install gas furnace M 0090 -- Vernon Stromberg 10429 114th SE Install plbg fixtures 91 -- Bob Terhune 10730 S.E. 97th P1 Install septic tank 92 Bob Terhune 9617 108th SE it }I to 93 -- Bob Shane 11648 S.E. 100th it it 94 -- Bob Shane 11649 S.E. 100th M 0095 Lewis Purcell 11629 S.E. 105th Place gas furnace 96 -- James Carver 1112 "N" St to of 97 -- Gemini Construction 14640 130th SE Install oil furnace SEWER PERMITS 146 -- Central Plumbing & Heating 320 So Tobin St Sewer service 147 -- Ray Rosa 620 Langston Road " —7w 343 REM"ON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MET INC, F May 22� 1967 AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE IT-00 recording fee to be forwarded with Deed for recording to Dep't. of Natural Re-sclurces for Deed on Block A, Lake Wn. Shorelands COMITIME OF THE WHOIL Association of teas T-11-9-ton Cities Convention delegates (2) for voting CITY M11GINEER Petition for vacation of portion of McAllister Road (Puget Western & School Dist. 403) 1,AW AND ORDINANCE C01,41IT1,Er 500-00furid transfer to provide travel expense r-..r Library Board request Resolution authorizing application for Federal grant for beautification purposes Transfer and appropriation of $60,000.00 from Cedar River Acquisition to Park Dept PROPEWPI CO4, MITTEE Acr_ui_-_ tion of property to facilittite No. 3rd -4th Street one-way couplet STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE + 1', A. t�torey request or. pedestrian walkway improvement at North Renton Cloverleaf at 405 .11 . ct-Ition for additional access to area other than dead end Street S.E. 148th (Carver-Benner) MEXTINGS & rVENTS _AT_—K T Cc.rrxunity Blood Bank Donors Day - Noon to 3*00 p.m. 6-3-67 Conference at V. of! W. re modernizing King Count-w government APPOINTM'ENTS: RTW�RA-7e=Tney - Clerk-Di spa tche r - Renton Police Department Indro Priolani Air Pollution Advisory Council Mar"k 'McCt.�rk_14., Renton Airport Board 344 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING May 22, 1967 8:00 P.M. Office of The City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Acting Mayor Thomas Trimm, President of the Council. The Pledge of Allegiance to$►e Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROOtL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Trimm, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Gianini, that the absent Councilmen be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gwen Marshall, Deputy City Clerk, Jack Pain, Assistant City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Anne Harker, Librarian, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent and Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of May 15, 1967 be approved as written. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported,regarding letter of intent to annex property to Renton in vicinity of South 130th Street, East of 84th Avenue South, that the area contains 0.20 acres with an assessed value of $704.00, however, signatures on the letter do not represent owners of record as shown in the King County Auditor's Office and the letter of intent is therefore not valid. Petition was read signed by Robert C. King, President, Puget Western, Inc. and H. R. Johnson, Sec., Board of Directors, Renton School Dist. 403, requesting vacation of portion of McAllister Road (County Road ##63) lying between the North line of Section 20, Twp. 23 N., Range 5 E, W.M. and the northerly margin of Puget Sound Power & Light Co�, Shuffleton No. 1 & 2 200 ft. transmission line right of way. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the City Eninee_r to check validity of the petition. Carried, A letter from the Department of Natural Resources called attention to fact that every conveyance of fee title to real property executed by the State shall be recorded at expense of the purchaser. Copy of Deed covering Block A, Third Supplemental Map of Lake Wn. Shore Lands per map on file with Commissioner of Public Lands, Olympia, was attached and approval and execution of the deed copy and return along with $2.00 recording fee was requested. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act Carried. Letter was read from Orrin L. Madison calling attention to various ideas submitted to him for starling control all of which he does not feel are positive or selective, the sure and proven way being noise. It was requested that he be permitted a short time respite from the Ordinance to use his shotgun which he believes to be the most effective method of elimination, and that the Federal Fish and Wildlife Service be invited within the City, the State and Federal Government having advised that the jurisdiction lies with the local government. A letter from the Renton Library Board, Mrs. Fred Hanis, Chairman, requested permission for three Board Members and Mrs. Harker to attend the A.L.A. Convention in San Francisco June 26th through 20th the primary purpose of which is to meet and interview prospective applicants for position of Library Director. It will be necessary that $500.00 be transferred from Library Department Fund 5000, Acct. 110, Salaries & Wages, unto Acct. 504, Travel Expense. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. Carried. Dahlquist opposed. Letter from F. A. Storey requested that the Council assign priority to installation of a pedestrian walkway across Hwy. 405 at the North Renton Clover Leaf where he at some material cost to himself has made such a walkway possible. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee to investigate and report back Carried. -1- 3'45 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 5-22-67 COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, reported recommendation of the Traffic Advisory Commission that the City acquire such right-of-way needed to facilitate the North Third Street-Fourth Street One-[day Couplet, as shown on plan attached. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Perry, to refer the communication and attachment to the Property Committee where this matter has previously been referred. Carried. Letter from the Wn. State Highway Commission, Deptt. of Highways, J. L. Thornton, State Aid Engineer, called attention to revision of statutes whereby it is no longer necessary for cities to match the -� gas tax allocation with 25% funds. It will however, still be necessary to prepare a Prospectus Statement for proposed Arterial Street Projects and to obtain approval from the District Office of the Highway De- partment. The same form will be used as previously less requirement for the matching funds. The approved Prospectus Statement should be available to the State Auditor when the City audit is made. Copy of sample Prospectus Statement was attached. The District State Engineer will be available for guidance in the preparation of the Prospectus Statements as in the past. Letter from Mrs. B. D. Carver and Mrs. G. M. Benner, petitioned the City for an additional access other than the dead end street, namely S.E. 148th, to serve the 17 houses presently existing, 5 presently under construction and 5 additionally to be completed by the end of the-summer. Review by the Street Department was requested. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the request to the Street and Alley Committee to investigate and report back. Carried. Letter from Jan P. Klippert, reported that the City is preparing application for Federal Funds under Title IX, Housing and Urban Development Act, applicable to Urban Beautifica- tion. Resolution from the Council was requested authorizing the Mayor to enter the City into contracts with the U.S. Government for beautification moneys, the grant for 1967 to be requested is $17,500.00. List of proposed beautification program projects was attached. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to refer the request to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. Letter from Renton Aerie No. 1722, F. 0. E. requested that the Council along with the Mayor proclaim May 31, 1967 as Renton Community Blood Bank Donors Day. The King County Bloodmobile will visit Renton and be available to donors at the Eagles Hall, 316 - 3rd Street on Wednesday, May 31st from 12:00 noon until 8:00 P.M. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry, to concur in the request and Proclamation as read. Carried. Letter from the Association of Waohington Cities invited attention to conference on modernizing King County Government to be held Saturday, June 3rd at the Student Union Bldg, U. of W., "County At The Crossroads". Program was attached and copy had been distributed to all Council Members. A letter from Foster & Marshall, Inc. Investment Bankers and Brokers, financial consul- tants to the City, submitted Memorandum to City Officials regarding recent legislation permitting Cities the authority to create Utility Local Improvement Districts. An analysis of the basic differences between U.L.I.D. and L.I.D. financing was attached and it was noted that a representative had outlined same to the Committee of the Whole at a recent meeting, Association of Wn. Cities Convention Bulletin advised of 33rd Annual Convention dates, June 21, 22 and 23, 1967, submitted program of activities and requested the names of two official voting delegates from the City of Renton. Advance Registration form was also attached. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. The motion carried. _. APPOINTMENT Council concurrence was requested by Mayor Custer in letter of appointment of Robert Denney to probationary position of Clerk-Dispatcher in the Rent) n Police Department. Civil Service Certification and recommendation by Police Chief Williams were attached. Appointee will be serving on a three months probationary status since three months have already been served in this capacity pending examination for Clerk-Dispatcher, which has now successfully been passed. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the appointment. Carried. -2- 346 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 5-22-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: President of the Council Trimm presented his Committee of the Whole report which was read with Council action taken as follows: Regarding referral of Park Board request for appropriation of $60,000.00 from the Cedar River Acquisition Fund into the Park Department Fund for improvement of Cedar River Park, it is the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole that this matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper legislation to effect the appropriation into the Park Department 6120 Fund, Account 605, Structures and Improve- ments, as requested. Moved by Perry, seconded by Morris, to concur in the recommenda- tion of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. -Committee recommended to concur in appointments by the Mayor of Mr. Indru Primlani to position on the Air Pollution Advisory Council vacated by resignation of Mr. Wm. Grant and in appointment of Mr. Mark McCorkle to the Renton Airport Board to fill vacancy created by resignation of Mr. Bill Gebenini. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the appointments. Carried. Delaurenti opposed. Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee submitted reports which were read with Council action taken as follows: The Sanitation Committee and City Engineer recommended that Union Oil be granted a Late Comer's Agreement for a Sanitary Sewer Extension at 4th Avenue North, the agreement to run for 71- years and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign such agree- ment after approval by the City Attorney. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. , Recommended by the Sanitation Committee and the Purchasing Agent that the low bid of Flexible Pipe and Tool Company, Milwaukee, Oregon, on the Sewer Rodder, in sum of $3,568.00 be accepted. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommenda- tion. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 8267 - 8341, having been approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be accepted for payment by the Council at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 8267 - 8289 $ 3,426.58 Street Fund 8290 - 8292 149.10 Equip. Rental Fund 8293 - 8296 463.25 Library 8297 - 8316 2,504.58 Parks F317 - 8320 863.50 Water Works Utility 8321 - 8323 500.98 1965 Water & Sewer Const. 8324 - 8325 4,333.88 Airport 8326 - 8327 14.46 Firemen's Pension Fund 8328 - 8341 2038.89 $ 14,895.22 Councilwoman Dahlquist called attention to area on K Street where sidewalks were removed and not replaced during street improvement and noted that children are now playing in the street areas and the older citizens have a difficult walking situation. Street Commissioner TeGantvoort advised that persons in the area are being contacted regarding improvement participation, a sidewalk, curb and gutter program to be proposed. Perry requested to be advised of reactions to L.I.D. suggestions and Dahlquist urged early implementation of the improvement program as safety measure to the children of the area. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton amending Section 1-2501 A of Title I - Administrative, of Ordinance 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton", which was read by the Clerk. (Establishing policy of granting accumulated sick leave to 120 days) Moved by Morris seconded by Delaurenti, to place the proposed Ordinance 'n second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Morris and seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Ordinance No. 2333 as read. Roll call resulted in all ayes carrying the motion. -3- 347 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont. ) 5-22-b 7 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Chairman Morris submitted proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton amending Section 7-505 of Title VII - Fire Regulations, of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled i1Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton' providing for issuance of one license for the sale of fireworks for each 2,500 residents of the City,according to the last official census or State Census Board estimate. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Ordinance No. 2334 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Members voting aye except Hulse who opposed. The motion carried. Proposed Resolution was read authorizing application to be made to Dep't. of Housing - and Urban Development for a grant for urban beautification and improvement of open - space and other public land. Present amount estimated to be $17,500.00, and the Mayor to act as authorized correspondent of the City, furnishing such documents and informa- tion as may be required. Mloved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1451 as read. Carried. Resolution was read declaring intent of the City Council of the City of Renton to construct and install sanitary sewer lines and appurtenances thereto in the Kennydale area of the City of Renton and to create a Local improvement Distract to assess the cost and expense of said improvement against the properties in csch district specially benefitted thereby; notifying all persons who may desire to object to said improvement to appear and present their objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held on July 17, 1967. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Resolution No. 145. as read. Carried. A proposed Resolution was read authorizing and directing the City Clerk to give nota^e that hearing will be held,regarding petition for vacation of portion of right-of-way submitted by =ril St� Clair and Stanley Stone, on the 26th day of June 1967 at 8:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, Renton, Washington. Moved by Poli, seconded by Nulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1453 as read. The motion carried. Proposed Resolution was read authorizing a transfer of $229.76 from Cumulative Fund 1894 veto Current "Fund 1920, Acct, 502, Misc. Expense. (Title premium on civic center property- Sn�ttle City Light) Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution No. 14.54 as read. Carried. Proposed Resolution was read authorizing Fund transfer in sum of $1,800.00 from Current Building Department 1300/110 Salaries, unto 606/Capital Outlay. (For mobile radio units in Bldg. Dep't. vehicles) Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No, 1455 as read. The motion carried. M'r. Tom Lux of Air Mac stated the sewer rodder bidding procedures to be irregular in his opinion, ':in- the City used his machinefor 22 months between bid rejections and new bid award. He expressed thanks at being allowed to demonstrate the equipment how- ever and in participating in the bidding. Since there was no further audience comment nor business to come before the Council, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. (� L'�'-,SCJ����•�,f�..e�.., Gwen Marshall, Deputy City Clerk Tom Trimm, cting Mayor -4- 1348 5-23-67 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPAP.TMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 0134 13,000.00 Gambriell Homes 751 132nd Ave-S.E. New residence 0185 139000.00 Gambriell Homes 741 132nd Ave S.E. New residence 36 13,000.00 Gambriell Homes 755 132nd Ave S.E. " " 87 13,000.00 Gambriell Homes 745 132nd Ave S.E. " It 88 250,000.00 Union Oil Co of Calif 13205 Sunset Blvd E. Constr. of services 89 29,000.00 The Boeing Company 4-20 Building Add platforms B 0190 331000.00 Ronald R. Wylet 11020 - 115th S.; E. Spartan Swim. pool ..r.. 91 50.00 Albert W. Rosenstroi:i 309 Pelly Ave No Garden supply house 92 209000.00 R. S. Shane 11655 SE 100th St Dwelling 93 125.00 Clifford J. Clark 2916 - 6th Ave N. Fence 94 150.00 Puget Sound Power & Light 1111 Lake Wn. Blvd Reroof shop B 0195 500,000.00 Riply Lane Apt House Co Riply Lane 50-Unit Apt building 96 300.00 Ralph Knott 410 Renton St New gutters on res. 97 150.00 First Christian Church 15491 116th Ave S.E. Construct stor. bldg. ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0081 100.00 Kenneth V, Gilbert 22413 - 132nd Ave S.E. Wire service 82 400.00 Morisette 10836 - 110th P1 S.E. '* 83 204,00 Ko 14, MYers 2207 - 7th Ave N. 84 450.00 P., S. Shane 11651 S.E. 100th " E 0085 450400 R# S, Shane 11653 S. E. 100th " 86 2.683090 TransAmerica Development 1204 Ethier Road 87 2,186000 TransAmertGa DWelopment 1104 Ethier Road " 88 411230000 TransAmerica Development 1201 Thomas Lane " 89 40230.00 TransAmerica Development 1200 Ethier Road " C 0090 411230.00 TransAmerica Development 1,203 Thomas Lane " 91 200.00 Renton Engineering 405 Renton Village PI " 92 40.00 Colorcable, Inc. On Morris St - " 93 550.00 Flansburg Construction 10222 S.E. 95th " " Now 94 3,310.00 The Booing Company 10-50,10-51 & 10-56 Bldg " E 0095 773.00 1Cen Benson 928 "H" St " * MECHANICAL PERMITS M 0098 -- Ed Uroten 3803 - 5th Ave No Plumbing fixtures 99 -- R. S. Shane 11653 S.E. 100th It M 0100 C. Ii, Morisette 10836 - 110th S.E. " It 01 Ken Benson 928 "H" St -5- 349 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING June 5, 1967 R E F E R R A I: S AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Progress Estimate #5 payable Venture Construction, Inc. on Mt. Olivet Pump Station Contract; in sum of $8,46468 ARCHITECTS AND CITY HALL BUILDING COMMITTEE Bids on new City Hall CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Summons & Complaint - Emil Ziska Acquisition documents for properties needed to facilitate No. 3rd and 4th Street one-way couplet CITY CLERK To advise Mr. Roger Newton of Council position regarding Civil Service Commission actions To execute Interagency Committee Contract and Assurrance Document for financial aid in development of Lake Wn, Beach Park. To execute Contracts with King County Flood Control for Cedar River Bank improvement To execute acquisition documents for property required for No. 3rd - 4th Street one- way Couplet. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Disposition of public use areas including request of Mr. Racanello to purchase portion thereof. CIVIC SERVICE COMMIQ'SION Requested to send Mr. Roger Newton a more complete letter detailing actions in regard to examinations which were taken for position in the Fire Department .... MAYOR To execute Interagency documents for financial aid re Lake Wn. Beach Park development To execute Contracts with King County Flood Control Division for Cedar River Bank improve- ments To execute acquisition papers for property needed for North 3rd - 4th Street one-way couplet. LAW AND ORDI14ANCE COMMITTEE Park Director's request for transfer of funds from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1689 into Park Department Fund to cover cost of soil test boring and drilling at Liberty Park Grandstand site in sum of $766.00. Vacation of McAllister Road Rezones: Marvin D. Wehrman, G to B-1; Raymond F. Beach, GS-1 to R-2; Dean Ringer et ux, GS-1 to SR-1; Wn. Mutual Savings Bank, R-2 to B-1; Pacific Coast Railroad Co., G to M-P. CITY ENGINEER Petition for vacation of unopend right-of-way in vicinity of North Renton Interchange requested by Puget Sound Power & Light Co. and Frank Storey STREET COMMISSIONER To furnish cost estimates for black top and drainage in vicinity of North 4th & 5th Streets and Park Avenue MEETINGS AND EVENTS: June 8, 1967 - Capital Improvement Priority Committee - 7:30 p.m. June 19, 1967 - Opening of Bids on Rainier Avenue South Traffic Control project June 21-23, 1967 - Ass'n. of Wn. Cities Convention - Seattle Center June 26, 1967 Public Hearing on amended 6 yr. Comprehensive Street Program June 12, 1967 - Street and Alley Committee meeting at 7:30 p.m. 350 RFNTON CITY 60PN61L REGULAR MEETING June 5, 1967 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Acting Mayor Thomas Trimm, President of the Council, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Trimm, Hulse, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry, Poli and Morris. Moved by Perty,seconded by Gianini, that the absent Council Members be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Del Bennett, Assistant City Engineer, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Gene Coulon, Park Director and Jan Klippert, Mayor's Administrative Assistant. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, that the Minutes of the meeting of May 22nd be approved as written. Carried. OPENING OF BIDS: New City Hall - See attached Bid dompilations prepared and certified by Johnston-Campanella-Murakami, Architects for project. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, to refer the bids to the Architects and to the Special Council City Hall BuildingCommittee for recotmrw Wa'tion. Carried, Moved by Dahlquist,seconded by Perry, that report q presented to the Committee of tete Whole prior to coming back to the Council. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from Park Director Coulon requested transfer of $766.00 from Cumulative Reserve Fund No. 1689 unto Park Department Account 6120/314 Maintenance & Operation, to cover cost of soil test boring and drilling on the site of the Liberty Park Grand- stand. Moved by Morris, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motion carried. Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Estimate No. 5 for work completed to date by Venture Construction Co., Inc. on the Mt. Olivet Pump Station Contract in sum of $8,464.68. Moved by Poli, seconded by Morris, to refer the Progress Estimate to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported recommendation of Consultant on the Mt. Olivet Pump Station Contract and request of Contractor, Venture Construction, Inc., for extension of time for completion of this project to July 3, 1967,per provisions of the Contract,which delay is due to a strike at the manufacturing plant for the electrical equipment and supplier's failure to deliver due to Federal Gov't. obliga- tions. Extension will not cause hardship to the City in any way since the pressure line is not completed which the station will be serving, and delay is due to circum- stances beyond Contractor's control. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the time extension as requested. Carried. Letter from Park Director Coulon, in reply to Park Board referral by Council of whether the Bca rd would be interested in public use area for park purposes, replied that the only one they are interested in is the property located adjacent to Sunset Court which the Housing Authority would like to have reserved as a play area for children in that development. It would be open to the public and maintained by the Housing Authority. Discussion ensued regarding how to handle the disposition and it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in reservation of the subject area as per Park Board report. Carried. Discussion ensued regarding remaining areas. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter of the remaining public use areas to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Letter from Planning Director Ericksen advised of Planning Commission review of the property which John Racanello requested to purchase at 2808 - 7th Avenue North and reported no objection to the proposed sale. The Comprehensive Plan indicates this area as potential low density multi-family residential use . Moved by Perry, seconded by Dahlquist to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Interest of adjoining property owners was noted along with prior referral to the Property Committee. Upon dissenting voice vote roll call was properly requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Trimm, Hulse, Garrett, Perry and Morris. No: Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen and Poli. Carried. Planning Director was invited to be present at Committee of the Whole Meeting. -1- 351 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 6-5-67 COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from Harry D. Fletcher, President, Renton Businessmen's Association, requested permit to display banners across Bronson Way at Senior Citizens Club site and across 3rd Avenue in approximate area of the J.C. Penny store, and to display flags on light poles which now contain flag holders along South 3rd Street and Wells Avenue. Also to place three soft drink dispensers in parking spaces in front of the J.C.Penny Store, Tonkin's Toggery and at Santi's Furniture on Wells Avenue, all from July 6 through 8th. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to grant the requests, said signs to be removed no later than July 10th. Carried. Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, reporting on petition for vacation of portion of McAllister Road, as signed by Puget Western, Inc., and Renton School District No. 403, advised that signatures represent 100% of ownership of the property abutting said street. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Resolution setting date for hearing. Carried. Letter from Planning Director Ericksen submitted Planning Commission recommendations from its Public Hearing meeting of May 24th which were read with Council action taken as follows: Preliminary Plat Application for Earlington Industrial Park No. 1; Appl. PP-401-67; Property located in vicinity of SW corner of South 7th Street and 87th Avenue South. Total 48 acres with existing G zoning. Proposed use - industrial and Comprehensive Plan indicates manufacturing use. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation for approval of the preliminary plat. Carried. This is an extension of the present industrial development extending it Westerly. Rezones: Marvin D. Wehrman appl. R-389-67 from G to B-1 on property located South of 4th Avenue North between 132nd Avenue S .E. and "M" Street. Area comprises approximately 5.19 acres with "G" zoning. Proposed use - commercial with Comprehensive Plan - poten- tial commercial use. Perry, noting some question in the Commission Minutes as to whether this zoning is in accord with the Comprehensive Plan, moved that the matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole. The motion was seconded by Hulse. Upon inquiry, Planning Director Ericksen advised that the plan indicates multiple use which he based upon previous actions of the Planning Commission, with B-l- premature,but the Commission had felt the rezone was valid and interpreted the Comprehensive Plan to be indicative of commercial use. Portions of the Planning Commission Mi ttes were read by Perry. Mr. Wehrman displayed a map of the area showing abutting B-1 zonings and relation of proximity to his property noting development trend with three new service stations and new Volkswagen Sales lot and building to be constructed and he felt the B-1 use was appropriately interpreted for the area. Motion for referral was voted upon and upon dissenting voice vote roll call was requested and taken as follows: Aye: Trimm, Hulse, Perry and Morris; No: Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett and Poli. The motion lost. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Discussion ensued regarding compliance to the Comprehensive Plan. City Attorney Shellan advised that there may be honest differences of opinion in interpretation as to when a certain piece of property should be rezoned noting that the Plan is to be good for 20-30 years. The law says the Planning Commission has the responsibility so it is their decision which counts,therefore, if the Commission certifies that the rezone is in compliance with the Comprehensive plan then the Council unless having strong evidence otherwise, should give weight and creditability to the statement. The pending motion was voted upon and declared carried by the Chair. Roll call vote was requested which resulted as follows: Aye: Trimm, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Poli and Morris. No: Hulse and Perry. The motion carried, granting the rezone. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Beach, Raymond F., Appl. R-396-67, rezone from GS-1 to R-3, property located on Sunset Highway and 125th Avenue S.E., with total area of approximately 22,900 sr. ft. Existing zoning GS-1. Proposed use, multi-family residential also shown on the Comprehensive Plan. The Commission recommended R-2 zoning in concern for detrimental effect of R-3 on adjacent properties. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. It was noted by Mr. Eugene Methven, 1234 "M" Street, that the address read was 125th Avenue S.E. and that it should show the location as M Street. Mr. Beach advised that he had lived at the location for 25 years and the address had been changed by the City and should be shown as 1247 - 1309 M Street. It was noted that the appli- cant had been at the hearing and would consent to the revision. Mr. Beach stated he would prefer the R-3 but would accept R-2 if necessary. The application was amended accordingly and Mr. George Johnson, 1222 M Street inquired if R-2 is thereby effective. This was affirmed and the pending motion was voted upon and carried referring the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. -2- 352 Mjnutee - Renton Qity C` vgil Meeting ¢-5-67 COMMUNIGITIONS: (Cont.) Rezone: (Planning Commission recommendations) Dean and Dorothy Ringer, Appl. R-397-67, from GS-1 to SR-1, property located at 1248 Lake Street South with area of app. 18,800 sq. ft. with proposed singly family resident use which complies with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Washington Mutual Savings Bank, Appl. R-399-67, from R-2 to B-1; property located on South 2nd Street between Logan and Burnett, area of app. 20,000 sq. ft. proposed for commercial use as desi.gnatcl in the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Mr. Sam Zerwoodis inquired whether the rezone might be amended to include a lot in the middle of this parcel which was assumed to have been properly zoned and was found to be R-2. City Attorney Shellan advised of legal requirements for petition by owner and public posting of rezone notices and recommended that an amended petition be filed to include the 3rd lot and that proper owners sign and file same with the Planning Commission. The pending motion carried, referring the rezone to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Pacific Coast RR Co., Appl. R-400-67, rezone from G to M-P; located on South 7th Street between 83rd and 87th Avenues South, app. 48 acres. Proposed use - industrial which is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan manufacturing use designation. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to concur in the rezone with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance. Carried. Letter from Puget Sound Power & Light Company, John F. Wallin , Vice-President, submitted Petition signed by Robert C. Wing, P.S.P. L. Real Estate Division, and Frank A. Storey, requesting vacation of 30 ft. unopened road right-of-way lying adjacent to the Southwesterly property line of Tract 289 as platted in C. D. Hillman's Lake Wn. Garden of Eden, Division #4 which is requested due to highway construction at the North Renton Interchange resulting in need for locating a steel tower for transmission power lines on the unopened right-of-way. Quit Claim Deed was attached covering a 60 ft. right-of-way to exchange in replacing the portion to be vacated which will allow the extension of 108th Ave. S.E. and a 30 ft. wide right-of-way for S.E. 112th. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the City Engineer for report back. Carried. Letter from the Air Pollution Council outlined control activities which have resulted to date in sharp reductions of air pollutants. The Council and Air Pollution Control Officer, Sven Johnson, were now desirous of conducting an educational and public relations campaign to inform the citizenry of the progress, goals and mechanics of cooperation in pursuance of the Air Pollution Control Ordinance which achievement cannot be furthered without expenditure. Request was made that the amount of $3,923.00 be appropriated into the budget for use outlined in budgetary proposal deleted from the final budget.for this year. Dahlquist proposed motion to refer the matter to the Mayor which died for lack of second, Perry suggesting that the Air Pollution Control Officer request to make the trip if he desires to attend. Hulse agreed stating that the balance of the request for budgeting of funds e�ould be referred to the Mayor for consideration in the 1968 budget, noting that this is the 5th and the Conference in Cleveland is June 11th through 15th leaving no time for processing an appropriation. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Gianini, that the Building Director be authorized to attend this conference. City Clerk Nelson inquired whether money is available for this use. The motion carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Gianini, to refer the funding to the Ways and Means Committee. City Clerk Nelson reminded the Council that expenditure of funds cannot be authorized from a fund account until some funds are made available nor can a warrant be issued until that time. The motion carried. Park Director Coulon submitted Project Agreement Contract and Project Proposal Assurances document between the City and the Wn. State Interagency Committee For Outdoor Recreation, for development of Lake Washington Beach Park. Council authori- zation for execution by the Mayor and City Clerk was requested in order to proceed with Phase I of the Project. The amounts of money involved have been increased, the City's portion from $55,000.00 to $82,500.00 and the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation will now contribute $110,000.00 rather than $55,000.00 and the State Interagency Committee will furnish $27,500.00, making a total of $220,00.00 for beginning development. The documents otherwise, are identical to those executed by the City on January 24, 1966 and September 22, 1966 requesting assistance in development of the park, except for deletion of need for weekly wage payment statement by Contractor. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to authorize execution of the documents as requested. Carried. -3- 353 Minutes - Renton City Ceuricil Neeting 6-5-67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Notice of receipt of Order Granting Petition was read wherein the City of Renton was granted authority to establish a highway-railway crossing at grade at the intersection of proposed access to Lake Washington Beach Park and tracks owned and operated by the Pacific Coast and Northern Pacific Railroad Companies. The Order from the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission outlined conditions to be observed in the installation of the crossing, and was dated April 24, 1967. Summons and Complaint was filed against the City by Bassett, Donaldson & Hafer, Attorneya, on .behalf of Emil Ziska in pursuance of Judgment connected with sidewalk fall in the vicinity of Hashagens on South Third Street in downtown Renton. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Citi Attorney and Insurance Carrier. The motion carried. y.. Letter from Sven Johnson, Building Director, recommended that Revocable Permit be granted to Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone for transfer of a sign from one side of Williams Avenue to another location across the street at 214 Williams Avenue So., which sign will encroach the public right of way a distance of six feet. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. Letter from Traffic Engineer Del Bennett, requested permission to call for bids on the Rainier Avenue Traffic Control Project, including rebuilding of signal installa- tions at Rainier Avenue South at Airport Way; at Rainier Avenue South at South 2nd Street and Rainier Avenue South at South 3rd Street, at Sunset Boulevard West at Langston Road and Rainier Avenue South at South Grady Way including master controller to improve capacity on Rainier Avenue and Sunset Blvd. June 19th was recommended for date of bid opening. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to concur in the bid call and date for opening. Carried. Letter from Jan Klippert, Mayor's Administrative Assistant, requested authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to enter the City into contracts with the Flood Control Division, King County, to survey the left bank of the Cedar River for bank stabiliza- tion and installation of riprap between the Houser Way Bridge and Bronson Way Bridge, as authorized by Council in action of May lst meeting. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the documents for said Contract Agreement. Carried. Dahlquist opposed. Transmittal letter was read from Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, submitting the 1966 Annual Traffic Report for the City of Renton. The number of accidents and comparative charts reported ratio of increase in accidents to increase in vehicular volume and noted problem locations and implementations resulting in reduction of accidents and outlined traffic control improvements prioritywise accordingly. Thanks were extended to those working closely with traffic control and accident prevention acknowledging the many extra hours spent on traffic safety. Del Bennett added that top priority has been given to the Rainier Avenue area in 1967 where the greatest volume of hazard has been evidenced. Letter from Robert V. Graham, State Auditor, submitted City of Renton Fortieth Examination for the year 1966, which will be on file in the City Clerk's Office. Bulletin from the Association of Washington Cities submitted Program for the Land Use Planning Institute to be held this summer at the University of Washington School of Law in Seattle, July 20 - August 22, 1967. Association of Washington Cities Convention June 21, 22 and 23, Seattle Center Notice was read. Program was attached and card to be returned with delegates names. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: The Committee of the Whole report was submitted by Council President Trimm with the following recommendations and Council actions were taken as shown: Recommended that the Mayor and Council President be selected as voting delegates to the Association of Washington Cities Conuention June 21-23, with Councilmen Hulse and Morris serving as alternates. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to concur in the Committee of the Whole recommendation. Carried. Property Committee Chairman Pedersen submitted recommendation that the City proceed with acquisition of property needed to facilitate the North 3rd & 4th Street one-way couplet. Authorization was requested to have the property appraised, Mayor, Ctty Clerk & Attorney' to sign papers.M`oved by Hulse, Garrett seconchd,'to concur in the recommenda- tions. Carried. Traffic Engineer Del Bennett reported that application has been sub- mitted to the Wn. Transportation and Utilities Commission for crossing to Logan. 354 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 6-5-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS New Business: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 8342 through 8487, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council for payment at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 8343 - 8412 $ 12,962.81 Street 8342,8413 - 8422 2,291.16 Equipment Rental 8428 Void,8423 - 8442 and 8488 13,978.05 Parks 8443 - 8459 1,290.30 Water Works Utility 8450 - 8479 38,321.49 1965 Water & Sewer Const. 8480 - 8481 8,829.38 Airport 3484 Void,8482 - 3483 and 8487 507.53 City Hall Construction 8435 - 8486 656.09 $ 78,836.81 Councilman Hulse requested neeting of the Capital y ovement Priority Committee at 7:30 on Thursday. Someone from the Traffic Department was requested to be present at 7:30 and a Park Department representative at 8:15 p.m., June 8th. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Mor-is, that June 26, 1967 be set as date for hearing on amendment to the Six Year Comprehensive Street Program. Carried. Gianini opposed. Councilman Garrett submitted a letter for reading from Mr. Roger Newton who advised he had taken a Civil Service Examination for position of Fireman in the Renton Fire Department on August 27, 1966 passing with a grade of 79.97% and later passing the agility test in Seattle. Leaving for Europe on September 11, Mr. Newton was not able to appear for the oral examination which was held on September 15, 1967 and the No other persons who passed the tests are now firemen. Mr. Newton applied to take the next examination to be lield on November 22, 1966 and was informed that he could not do so since it had been less than 6 months since the last one was taken. He did not feel this decision was right since he had passed the earlier tests. Upon learning that Jon Bergman had been allowed to take the November examination Mr. Newton decided to make inquiry inasmuch as Mr. Bergman had also taken the August 27th test and failed to pass;v,:�;' ,7s the_ MCS, c:'_F waived in one instance and not his. This Setter was directed to Mr. Noble, Chairman of the Civil Service Commission, and reply by Mary Muir on behalf of Chairman Noble was inserted advising that due to time lapsed in sub- mitting the grievance,further consideration was disallowed. Mr. Newton requested the Council to reply in writing and furnish answers to his questions, and reason for treatment which he received. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, to refer the letters to the Fire and Water Committee, and to the Civil Service Commission. Upon inquiry, City Attorney Shellan advised that the matter is an administrative one and not legislative and noted that the Civil Service Commission is an independent Board and cc no's. conc�:_:i t':e Legislative body r7hich does not have jurisdiction in the matter. It was suggested that the Civil Service Commission be requested to send Mr. Newton a more complete answer and copy of the letter be furnished to the Council. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, that the City Clerk send a letter to Mr. Newton also,explain-_� g poGit.Lon of the Council in the matter, the Civil Service Com- mission being set up by State Law over which the Council does not have jurisdiction. Carried: .c _ncilman Perry requested that the Special City Hall Building Committee when making report on the City Hall Bids, ^dvise how close the bid is to the estimate. Councilman Morris advised of inquiry from residents interested in finding out the cost per running foot of permanent black top including drainage in area of 4th and 5th Avenues North and Park Avenue North and moved that the matter be referred to the Street Commissioner for report. The motion was seconded by Hulse and carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : Councilman Morris, Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman submitted proposed Resolution !1 authorizing transfer of Library Department Fund 5000, Acct. 110, Salaries & Wages in sum of $500,00 unto Acct, 504, Travel Expense, per prior request of the Library Board. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1456 as read. Carried. Proposed Emergency Ordinance was read setting June 12, 1967 at 8:00 p.m. as date for hearing on proposal for appropriation of monies for the Park Department Fund 6120 to be used in improvement and development of Cedar River Park in amount of $60,000.00 from the Cedar River Acquisition Fund. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Law and Ordinance Committee to hold for proper posting and publication, Carried. There was no audience comment and it waa moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried- The meeting was adjourn,2d at 10:00 pm. - Thomas W_ Trmm, Acting Mayor -5- Helmie Nelson, City Clerk 355 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT" 6-5-67 BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 0198 500.00 Hugo H. Fleuter 15520 - 1-19th S.E. Fence 99 50.00 Robert A. Town 11614 SE 100th Fence B 0200 6,000.00 Pac. Northwest Bell 213 Williams Ave So Remove & install part. 01 1;700:00 Herb-ert Mull 819 "L" St Finish basement 02 800.00 Ralph E. Ross 835 "P" St Enclose carport 03 800.00 Gill 's Drivein 603 2nd St So Erect sign 04 600.00 Richfield Oil Co 8930 South 153rd Erect sign B 0205 250.00 W. Fisler 420 Cedar St Refinish interior waLL; 06 900.00 Aubrey Fry 2507 & 2509 12th Ave N New foundation & porchs 07 13,000.00 Lorin Hildebrand 11232 SE 97th St New dwelling 08 138000.00 Lorin Hildebrand 11231 SE 96th St " " 09 13,000.00 Lorin Hildebrand 11233 SE 96th St " B 0210 13,000.00 Lorin Hildebrand 11230 SE 97th St " 11 125.00 Richard W. Farrow 336 Meadow Ave No Fence 12 375.00 K-M Grocery 430 Sunset Blvd No Repair aasonry wall 13 VOID 14 300.00 John Dobson 340 Burnett Avd Interior repair-tavern B 0215 97,000.00 The Boeing Company 4.01 Bldg. , Renton P1.Interior alterations 16 60.00 Carl M. Johnson 3277 R.H. Place So Build fence 17 243,000.00 Chester Biggins 909 "II" St 17-Unit Apt house 18 1,000.00 Hubert E. Watkins 503 13th Ave South Fin. basement, nw res. 19 140,000.00 The Boeing Company 10-50,10-51-10-56 Bld Dem wshroom& construct B-.0220 30,000.00 ?penton Bible Church 11603 132nd SE Addn to church new 21 200.00 Don Clapp 2835 5th No Enclose carport 22 2$ 00.00 George Kritsonin 1138 Q St Bid 14x16 adder for .L.R. 23 21,000.00 dim Tbrr-n 3321 10th Place No. Single family dwellin* 24 6,000.00 Omega Development 11212 116th Ave S.E. Construct swim pool B 0225 50.00 American Conserv-o£ Musim 311 Smithers Ave So Construct sign 26 9,000.00 Lyle Butterworth 615 Williams Ave No Addn to office & shop 27 1,500.00 Wilbur L. Repp 813 North 3rd St Found. for movein res. ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0096 400.00 Pac. Northwest Bell 213 Williams So Relocating fixtures 97 325.00 Harvey Pelling 9104 Lake Mash. Blvd Wire service 98 -- Lorin Hildebrand 11230 - 33 SE 97th it It 99 1,900.00 Talbot Hill Shelter Btim 98 & 100 on S.160tfi I-lire service E 0100 40000 Jim Carver 1112 "N" St Dire service 01 200.00 VOID 02 500.00 Lewis Purcell 11619 SE 105th " 03 550.00 Flansburg,Inc 10224 S.E. 95th 04 16,936.00 Nick Andrews 2200 & 2202 10th No ' 9 Ott 550.00 Flansburg Construction Inc 10220 S.E. 95th MECHANICAL PEP.MITS M 0102 -- K. V. Gilbert 12413 - 132nd S.E. Alteration of drain & water hook up 03 Highlander Investment Co 363 Vuemont Place Install plbg fixtures 04 Gilbert Somers 11230 OE 108th MI 0105 -- Brodell & Brodell 14655 130th SE 06 Brodell & Brodell 14645 130th P1 SE " 07 Brodell Brodell & Brodell 14615 130th P1 SE 08 Brodell & Brodell 14650 130th P1 SE " 09 Gemini Construction 14640 130th Pl S.E. Septic tank _N 0110 Fancher Flyways, Inc. ^enton Air Field Install plbg fixtures 11 Bob Shane 11653 SE 100th Septic tank installation 12 -- Bob Shane 11651 SE 100th It It " 13 -- W. Will 200 Wells Ave No Install gas range 14 Wh itespar Ilomes,Inc. 755-132nd 3E Install plbg fixtures M 0115 Flansburg Company 10224 S.E. 95th 16 -- Flansburg Company 10220 S.E. 95th " 17 -- Hubert Watkins 503 13th Ave So 13 -- Pac. Northwest Bell 213 Williams South 19 Whi.tespar homes,Inc. 3942 7th Ave North " M 0120 -- Nick Andrews 2200. 10th PI No " it —6— X211=5, Cont inued SEWER PERMITS 148 Thomas Racco 2201 10th P1 North Sewer def'vice 149 Pat Bigley 239 Williams it " 150 TransAmerica 301-304 Thunder Hill Apt #2, Ethier Rd. 151 TransAmerica Bldg 300 Thunder Hill Apt #2 " 152 TransAmerica Bldg 302 it #2, Ethier Rd 153 TransAmerica Bldg 305 of #2, " Sewer Serv. 154 -- TransAmerica Bldg 306 #21 May fund transfers approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee and the Renton City Council: TO CLAIMS FROM: Current $ 27,519.30 City Street 28,304.38 Cedar River M & I 1,578.68 Equipment Rental 13,080.06 library 3,075.99 Parks 4022.74 Waterworks Utility 54,985.80 1965 Water & Sewer Const. 18,037.51 Airport 437.73 Firemen's Pension 2,638.89 City Hall Construction 8,057.92 Total Claims $162,539.00 TO: PAYROLL FROM: Current $ 97,780.87 City Street 165636.33 Cedar River M & I 535.00 Equipment Rental 3,701.90 Library 6,136.57 Parks 12025.89 Waterworks Utility 163383.48 Airport 1,252.00 Firemen's Pension 90.84 Total Payroll $154,542.88 r . a P;il D T � jl oCtENERAJ CONTRACT r QEN70N— CITYHAs3{ f> <7f' �11 �uN 1� sg ->' . 8: 04V P, P D. s . T. 1^ T � T .. �o N r �A S i C ALT. �10 A � L. T 1= Q N A T E 3 w ._ f<cG 0. _ 07N51• TIME G ! G2 G3 C4 C5 G(o G1 G8 69 G10 G I I G12 AbSgE.R CONST. CCI. 17 + t t + + t + #� t + � + + 1904 x INDEIN P12. 0/0 651, 00'—* Nei' slo Z,Z90" 1,445 2,138r 1,54 Z0,820 22,079+ 35,000 7,2Zf " 131880 Z,ZZOf G8G " 571-' 1 PUYALL(J n 74 5-9 44 1~f�E rz yA1�TE'z� GAUNT 1>vC. - + + + + + + + + t 1115 N.W. 51ST. St. 5ry/° t3G2, 5020 " NO 1510 2,290 Z,G5G 2, 131 1,4{dy 1405o Z, 531" 3Z,43Z 7,231 13,8 W 11194 340r •I11 7 SEAT7LC SU 4-8544 i WICK CONST. CO. oo ., .. W`o N . O5 T 805, 000 - N a 13! D 2,33G- f,� 2;100" 1,500 22,000 1,970" 34,400" 71310' 14,200" ,100" 450" ud 51.1D 5EA7T LE. ME 2-42�00 a ~ CURISTIAN SEN 51ZOS,, INC. + + + - + t t + + � . + 5 p o 8.19 `1'00 ' Na 151 D Z {ZO" 1?.GO 1 904 1 322 2( 858 ! 895 40`1`13 7 230 !3 $$b 1,000 400*- NO $1C P.t?, Papp 3125 / � i � C � � � i � � 5EAT7LE PA 3- 191-1 NELSE ,MORTENSEI & CO. IN!. 6O � + + t T T + + + + � + i O 21 WESTLAY E AV!*, js4 . �'° O O8,G5� ` 89 ,G50 ' 2,900 2,942 2;440 860 20,3001,750- 3G,,000" -7X0 14,200" 1,1350" 400 ,,250. SEATTLE AT 4.1400 2,SEPT. 1968 I VA N C i V'0Iz-C CONST• ING + + + +- t +; _ .t. + �+ -}- P. O . f5ox too 5°/0 '9;8, 115 °d 915,6.7 5 °° 2,335" 1,r.55 2,115 1,345 " 23,515- 1,`1$5 35,495 7,315 14,155 2,455 3l'S _ MID 8ELL1~VUE GL 4 -5942 31 MAY 1948 COPE CONST, GORt=' .._..� ._.._�..v __...�...._.�..�.._ _._.._ .�, t + '¢' + t t t fi .}. + #;_- .. , 910. R50A Isl5% 92645Gca N© g1D ?300" 3450" UZ5' 1550" ZZ/"- 2150- 37,004 7'250 13890- ?-,ZOO 1 GOO` 1; IS+O- 6ELLEVUE 9Z - a5G 1 CENTUI?7 ( CONST. CO . t t t t t + t + t + + + 11 "1 5c*), .1AC1cSQ� 57. r°/a `�4`�,000 NO P�lD 1,900' 850 2,350" 1,500' 20,700 2,260" 31,000 7,204 14,1300" 1,400•" 400 500_ sEa77LC- EA 4 -GiCoZ 1 'n Q ,nv u` , N U I +.tom �' _.av � cfin .� �` apt 1c„ � � a `,��.�1 �u"�i• General Contract :- Continued BID TABULATION GENERAL CONTRACT RENTON CITY HALL BID OPENING June 5, 1967 8:00 PM P.D. S. T. _ RECEIPT �G13 G14 G15 Giro Gil Gib G15 GZO G21 GZZ GZ3 GZ4 625 G2G G2?� G28 GZ9 ADD1rROWA Ab sh er '1 + + + ... .� ... ._ .� Constr. ' 577 r PO 610 3,019 264 - 1�e - 814' 14,5r,5 1,G83 9ZC)' Z,Gro3" 334 " 5M- 50- 545 - 55'5.." 112 EberharteY 1,13`1 ' ?;�i 1 e 2,859 2.33' 190"` 818' 14,E 11 44G- 850 Z,%O 575- 301 ` 11106 359~ 446 2ZO- Z98~ G1, Z , 3,4 Gaunt wick Const. 9,9 3i D 3,`100' 41200" ZZ5" Z Z5l 8970- 14,8e 1,55Z- 8,800' 21" 300- 350 - C44N6E AOO- 8W- Z50- 460 G1, 2, 3, 4- Christen- + + + .f. -} . . .,. ,,. sen Bros. NO 5117 ,080 3,4%� 301 "- 101" 818' 14-IGN 1,ro8Z 744 2,855 Z41 ' G4Z- `141 " 339' 467` 48 * 194 � G1, 2., 3,, 4- Mortensen IA064,000" 3,150' ZOO- 250" 91Z 14,500 1,800r 850" 2,3',,10 570 a 12 _ 390' 3`15' (50' 200 - v1, 2, 3, 4 r+ & Co. a) Vandivort + + + -F + -- - O -- s e w Const. NO $I9 W0810 x,495' 395' X10 51D 825'' 14,885 1,645- 845" 2515 ` '185" CAANGE 395- 345- 335- 185 226 G1 , 2, . 4. Cope + + + + + + + «- NO Const. 1, 150' NO91lri 2,850 Z15- Z158ZO- 14,610 1,G85' 8030 2,300 CUME G50" Ga50325" ZOO- 100 - NANGE Const. 700 3,900 3,500 270" (GO- 900 14,-700 1, 500✓ 1, 000 3,300" 550' 450 - 4,00 - 500 - 550` Z50- 400 - -j 00.rte °;�4. �� u w )i 3E (V �, = c� +9 t9 c y = '+ } �3 � tl� � ttf N -y 1 1 w 111 1) 0 a g_ d i! 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EM 2.-5100 S °/a 33`;, 982 = 11135' 1$,725' 148' 80' 300' 30 50`x' 2,110'2,035" 1ZOr 360" 215" Z,480'{Z,8Z4 M1,M2 UNivERSiTY MEC1�. ��r`�TR`S.,1NC. 1300 N0r7TN 13014.�1 + + - t + + + + 1 �. + _ + ... SEAT T LE EM 4.9100 9? 339, Z54 '0* 11000" i3,�30 1215" 90" 2`1fJ' 33" 40� 211b0� 1,�115� 1Go�� 340 5"?C� 2,34 3 2,6�# ml -L PUG E7 MECH. CON7125,,1NC. + + + + + + 1 - + - + - " a LW P. p, PCO X 5 3 Co 00 (D KENT UL4-0907 5`Yo 350,410 1,400- 14,100 T94 142 ' 343" i2.12 48.50 Z/9 Z9 303 340 389 1,500 �2,G65 _ _-.-__ ____________ _. _ _ ___ ____-__ __--_�____._ _ _____ ____ ___ _____ ___ _� ._.__ _ 3014. WETMORE AVE . d .j - - EV E rZ E T T AL •2105 5°/4 351,055 -� 55 14,644 ,1,311 35 35 35 35 13,39 84'1 18� 154 317 3,60a 3,000 h11,M2 CIT7 10L . Z 4 TO. , INC + + i + -1- 1 + + + + } - + -- 1 + .� -tg00 gT14 AVE, 'S.W• O 00 ^+ �' r 1i ry SEATTLE RO 3-21t� � l0 351,315 � 1,285 13,85Co , 154-1 1.5 136 11.5ca 1 60 2,95G-! 100 1 {49'1 335 SSC� 3,�5� ; 3,538 iv11,1��{� L.G. MA BS- A R'T' CO. P. 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T C D N T A C T S fZ g Q o R A 3 1 C — . A . L - T e — Q N A 7 S Q� REC'0. PSI D E A> E4 ES aCo E1 Ea aq E10 A17DrrN DUI] -C W AP M.�A N F yL''6 C T RyI C +' _L/y,+.y / /� + " _ — A + _ �± 11 BURNE77 AVE. 5, �U'/� U.15 1.381829 40854 "� Z"500 8,600 r G2s'* GOO r -150- 980 - LGL/ " 140- c G I QENTON AL 5--3408 TOTEM ELECT, pF ,l1J� 2332 JEFFE�54N 52 Vo 141 , 111 °O 4,8G9 3,320 - 11, 000- 1,000" zoo- GOO' X700 300- 900 l I I - F- 1 AVE AVE TACOMA FU 3- I'1 59 RAINIER ELECTRIC CO- + - -. -}- _ ... _ _ + 42S T41f-U AVP-. W. 5 °/o 145, *515b° 5,465`- 2,860 9,-735' 820 600" 1749- "196' ZBG- 934 Z64� �! 5EATTLE AT 4-5090 NORT44WEST ELECT. CO- 4ZO YALE AVE. N . 15 ,0/0 1471 000°* 6,500 ' 3,928" G,00"• 11.074" 850" 300 " 911" !90 " IE1 8EdTTLI— MA 3-2131 P1L1NrE. ELEGT7ZIe. } 5a/o 150 88000 8,100` 4,250 " 10OOCl" 1,0150- G50 " 880-' "750 345' 950'" 300" E1 M 11508 AURORA AVE✓. N • � � �, SEA7Ti,.E LI 6- 2018 w INDUSTRIAL ELECT—SEATTLE,INC � 1Q 38 �A1R�/IEW AVE. E . 5 % 1155 5, 34 " 3,551 10,5132- 3� IiCo " 645" 7,14 3 965" 311 " !,0!o2 156-' -E { 5E A77 LE EA 4- 3260 i _ . l _ ___ _.... # _ WILSON ELECT RIC , INC. 1d9AI + + P-0-o PyC��( 'Z 3 2�j ` 5 °/o 1 a 5, G:3O 5,GSO 4,000 10,300 1„128 ' GOO` "7 20 ” •750- 300 1,0'15" 270" I-= 1 YAKIMA GL 3-5549 a Z A � I �f 711 ! Q ,� y - c� O o z w ti O 40— Wry � L � r � °' Lq in di :r dl wvz { W au V I a Cfl i " W > i W z 111 w }-_. Q }� iii �" w —, lu q 2 10 !- u— 1C`s {1! � ' v17LL { rNQ c� ! , z �'n � � �. RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULIR MEETING June 12, 1967 R E F E R R A L S AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Progress Estimate #2 due Olson-Richert & Associates, Architects, Liberty Park Grandstand plans, $404.50 CiT'! ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Summons & Complaints: Dobson, Houser & Dobson, on behalf of Alicson Little :orbenson, Thatcher, Stevenson & Burns, on behalf of Karen Corbin by Guardian, Lyle Corbin L"W A14D ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Vacation of 30 ft. right-of-way which adjoins Tract 289, petitioned by Puget Sound Power & Light Co. and Frank Storey Fund transfer in sum of $181.30 from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1975 into Library Fund 5000/309 to cover landscaping planters P.S.P.L. request for franchise renewal for 30-yr. term on electricl energy Resolution to declare Beacon Hill reservoir site surplus and for sale T_G' AND POWER COMMITTEE P- ;et Sound Power & Light Co. request for new 30-year franchise for electrical energy POJ:CE AIM LICENSE COMMITTEE Application for Mutual Amusement to be granted license to operate coin-type pool table a-C Melrose Tavern requested by owner, Jim Natucci. T�E'^INGS: CC"��ITTEE OF THE WHOLE - Following this meeting STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE - June 14, 1967 at 7:30 p.m. July 7, 1967 - 32nd Annual Institute of Government - U. of W. RFNTGN CITY 80UNGT'L REGULAR MEETING June 12, 1967 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Trimm, Hulse, Schellert, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Garrett, that the absent Council Members be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Anne Harker, Librarian, Jan Klippert, Administrative Asst. to the Mayor, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant and Barney Ruppert, Chief Building Inspector. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of June 5, 1967 be approved as written. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Ordinance appropriating $60,000.00 from Cedar River Acquisition Fund to the Park Department Fund for development and improvement of Cedar River Park. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. There were no written communications received regarding the matter. Audience comment was invited at which time Park Director Coulon reported that the Park Board is anxious to proceed with the planning for development of this area and will commence the improvement program for the development as soon as possible hereafter. Moved by Morris, seconded by Pedersen, that the hearing be declared closed. Morris pointed out that a proposed Ordinance will be submitted under Committee Report and motion proposed for reading of the document at this time was declared out of order with vote being taken on the original motion to close the hearing,which carried. The hearing was declared closed. COMMUNICATIONS: City Clerk Nelson submitted report of the Review Board on annexation meeting of May 25th at which time annexation of the northerly 60 acres of the Kennydale Island area was proposed, and discussed. It was subsequently moved by Mr. Seppi, seconded by Mr. Grover, that the Board finds the annexation of this area to Renton will be in the public interest and for the public welfare as well as in the best interest of the City and approved the annexation; that notice of such approval is hereby submitted to the City Council for further action by said body; the Minutes of the Review Board meeting to be incorporated in and represent the finding and conclusions of the Board of Review, copy thereof to be filed with the City Council for further action as pro- vided by law. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to accept the findings of the Review Board and the date of June 26, 1967 be set for public hearing on the proposed annexation. The motion carried. Summons and Complaint documents were received from Dobson, Houser & Dobson, on behalf of Alicson Little in connection with a sidewalk fall and by Torbenson, Thatcher, Stevenson & Burns on behalf of Karen Corbin, a minor by guardian Lyle Corbin for injury to said minor who was struck by an automobile at 104th S.E. and S .E. 94th. Moved by Poli, seconded by Trimm to refer the documents to the City Attorney and the City's insurance carrier. The motion carried. Letter from Park Director Coulon submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Estimate No. 2 for work completed to date by Olson-Richert & Associates on the Liberty Park Grandstand plans. Amount due Architect's this Estimate, $402.50. Moved by Trimm; seconded by Pedersen, to concur in the recommendation and to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee. Carried. City Engineer Wilson reported regarding petition for vacation of 30 ft. right-of-way adjoining Tract 289, C. D. Hillman's Lake Wn. Garden of Eden Division No. 4, that the petition submitted by Puget Sound Power and Light Co. and Frank Storey is signed by owners representing 100% of the property abutting said right-of-way, which lies between the Easterly margin of 108th Ave. S .E . and the northerly margin of 12th Ave. No. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to refer the vacation request to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Resolution setting date of hearing. Carried. -1- N ii,utes " Rept an City do4pcll Meetingowtir09 %I COMMUNICATIONS (Cont.) 63 Application was read from Jim Natucci, owner, Melrose Tavern requesting that Mutual Amusement Company be granted license to operate Coin Type Pool Table in said place of business. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from Explor Post 493, Senior Boy Scouts, by David A. Johnson, President, requested no-fee permit to operate concession in the Renton Shopping Center on June 15, 16 and 17th in conjunction with "Family Day Shopping Spree" activity. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gianini, to grant the request. Carried. Letter from M. Blatt, Mgr, Weisfield's Jewelers, 709, South Third Street, requested permission to park a car on the street in front of the store on June 16 and 17th which will be given away in celebration of their 50th Anniversary. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to grant the request. Carried. Letter from the Department of Housing and Urban Development, advised of receipt of Preliminary inquiry for assistance, WS-6-48-0028, Lakefront sewer line and advised that a portion of the project may meet eligibility requirements under P.L. 84-660. It was suggested that a formal application be filed with proposed project also submitted to the Puget Sound Governmental Conference for review and evaluation as to conformance to the area-wide comprehensive plan. It was noted by Mayor Custer that this does not present any problem as far as public hearing which has been scheduled by the City on the proposed L.I.D. and advised that the forms have been filed and the project is moving along as per schedule. Letter from Anne Harker, Librarian, requested transfer of $181.30 from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1975, unto Library Fund 5000/309, to cover cost of planters in land- seapin, of the library grounds. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper legislation to effect the transfer. The motion carried. Letter from Street Commissioner Victor TeGantvoort, reported costs of paving alley from North 4th Street to North 5th Street between Park and Pelly Avenues North. Total area 626 lineal feet; materials (asphalt - standard mix) 94 tons A.C. Cost, in place, $1.10 per lineal ft. and total cost $688.60 with home owners to pay lineal footage of alley abutting their properties. Announcement was read noting Thirty-Second Annual Institute of Government, July 7, 1967 at the University of Washington. Topic, "Tax Reform to Meet the Challenge of Growth" Attendance card was attached and program outlined for the day. Publication received to be on file in the office of the City Clerk contains compilation of Workshop Papers from July 20-23, 1966 session at Alderbrook Inn for Urban Adminis- trators, published by the Bureau of Governmental Research and Services, U. of W. Mayor Custer noted that there were some very good articles included in the Workshop Papers, Letter from the Civil Service Commission commended City Attorney Shellan for his very able presentation of the pleadings on behalf of the City in the Court Case of Pringle vs. Civil Service Commission in Superior Court on June 5 and 6, 1967, adding that the City can well be proud to have such a qualified and capable Attorney to be its repre- sentative. Civil Service Commission letter directed to Mr. Roger Newton was read outlining dates of examinations and grade percentages earned by Mr. Newton, noting that when the Commission called his residence Mr. Newton had left the previous Sunday for a two months European tour and could not be present for the oral examination. The Com- mission had never been advised of Mr. Newton's plans and the other candidates in all fairness could not be held up in their progress of completing the exam. Once a man had defaulted on any part of an examination with no reason given the Commission must disqualify him and proceed to complete the examination. Mr. Newton was invited to ° submit application to become a fireman in the very ry near future when entrance exams will again be given, and to meet with the Commission at any meeting of the lst Thurs. of each month at 7:00 p.m., Room 106, City Hall, Renton, to discuss the matter. Letter from Puget Sound Power & Light Company submitted application for a new 30-year non-exclusive Franchise for the transmission, distribution, and sale of electrical energy within the City, to replace the existing franchise granted under Ordinance 1001. Draft of new proposed Ordinance was attached. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Light and Power and Law and Ordinance Committees. Carried. -2- 8364 Minutes r Renton City Council Meeting 6-12-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business; Councilman Pedersen, Chairman, Property Committee, submitted report recommending that the water reservoir site located between Renton and Grant Streets on Beacon Avenue, be declared surplus,and authorization was requested to have the property appraised for sale. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, to concur in the recommendation and request for appraisal. Carried. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Resolution declaring said property surplus and for sale. Carried. Property Committee Chairman Pedersen reported that the City's Liability Insurance is due for bids and the City is presently operating on a binder with its present carrier. Further information will be submitted in the near future. Councilman Garrett, Chairman, Street and Alley Committee,submitted report recommending that the low bid of Feenaughty Machinery Company for a Wayne 4-Wheel Street Sweeper, be accepted in sum of $14,004.48. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Perry reported referral of some meetings ago regarding planters in the down town area, and meeting of the Public Relations Committee with the Beautification Committee and Merchant's Beautification Committee this evening. Report will be forth- coming with the Committee recommendations. Councilman Perry called attention to the 4th of July celebration which has been planned and invited all Council Members to participate requesting that those who are unable to participate so kindly advise him. New Business: Cauncilrran Trimm requested a Committee of the Whole meeting following this meeting. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Trimm, that City of Renton Vouchers,Nos. 8487 through 8594, having previously been approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment by the Council at this time. The motion carried. Fund breakdown follows; Current Fund 8487 - 8522 $ 17,762.44 Street Fund 8523 - 8534 2,452.41 Cedar River M. & I. 8535 - 8537 62.77 Equipment Rental 8538 - 8551 4,41605 Library 8552 - 8556 382.29 Parks 8557 - 8571 1,910.53 Water Works Utility 8572 - 8586 5,190.32 1965 Water & Sewer Const. $587 62,00 Airport 8588 - 8594 ZVg,,VI $ 32,437.22 Councilman Schellert reported that Councilwoman Dahlquist had called and reported that she was unable to attend the Board of Equalization meeting in Seattle on Thursday and requested that the Council designate an alternate to serve in her place- Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that Councilman Perry be designated as alternate to represent the City of Renton at the Board of Equalization meeting in lieu of Councilwoman Dahlquist. Carried. Schellert commented,regarding the Chicago Conference of the Municipal Finance Officers Association of the U.S . and Canada which he attended, that emphasis was given to the reorganization of government generally and noted strong pressure from the Federal Government for reorganization and tax legislation throughout the nation. The Finance Officers recognize this need, particularly in assessment reform since property taxes represent a strong revenue source to all governments. Home rule is not really the answer in helping cities in keeping balance between revenues and demands for services. It was urged that the City support legislation and Legislators in tax reform and reorganizational measures. Many sessions were attended and the Conference was felt to be very interesting and informative. Ted Bennett, who attended the Conference with Councilman Schellert added that he had been especially impressed with Budgeting and Data Processing since the City of Renton is implementing its program this fall. There is some contention that you hire a programmer &teach him about municipal accounting, but the City of Renton plans to utilize its own people who already know about municipal accounting and teach them the programming. It was stated that it takes two years to train a programmer however, the City plans to be up and running an NCR Data Processing system by October. It was noted that three Washington representatives, including Royce Lawrence, Director of Finance, Walla Walla, Robert Graham, State Auditor and Earle Tinius, City Employees Statwide Retirement System, were on panels at the conference. There were as many as nine concurrent sessions going on with many types of systems +; discussed and the Conference was a busy one. Mr. Bennett thanked the Council for allowing his attendance at this very worthwhile Conference: -3- 365 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 6-12-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS New Business: (Cont. Councilman Gianini announced that the Northwest Tournament planned by the Athletic Committee for June 30th to July 4th will be held from the 30th to July lst or 2nd. Perry inquired whether the Committee might sponsor a game after the festivities the 4th since there would be a good crowd on hand. Gianini advised he will check this possibility. Councilman Garrett requested a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee on Wednesday, June 14th at 7:30 p.m. and requested that the Street Commissioner and Traffic Engineer be present. Councilman Perry requested to be named to position representing the City of Renton on the Puget Sound Governmental Conference at such time as the City is extended invi- tation to join9 being interested in this program and the rapid transit program. Councilman Delaurenti reported attendings American Waterworks meetings (Atlantic City) at which Secretary of the Interior Udall spoke about water conservation in the U.S. Water rates varied greatly and it was noted that Renton is to be commended in its mode of mending water lines it being amazing that New York and Philadelphia, also visited, don't have more law suits. Various sessions attended were outlined and water reclamation program noted where through treatment plants the sludge and bad waters were returned to the system with successful results. Representatives were present from many foreign countries including Thailand, Bangkok, [Jest Indies, and England among others. It was felt that the conference was very beneficial and that the Department will give a better job to the citizens in regard to water production and flow from experiences and insight gained. It was noted also that Renton has the coldest and best water in the country. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted proposed Ordinances and Resolutions read by the Clerk with Council actions taken as follows: Proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton declaring that an emergency exists and appropriating monies for the purpose of providing funds for the Park Department necessitated by such emergency. Introductory reading was held on June 5, 1967 and the document authorizes appropriation of $60,000.00 from the Cedar River Acquisition Fund unto the Park Department Fund 6120/605, Structures and Improvements, for use in development of Cedar River Park as a recreation area. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Ordinance No. 2335 as read. Roll call vote resulted in unanimous ayes and the motion carried. Proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton changing the zoning classification of certain property within the city from General suburban residence District (GS-1) to Suburban Residence District (SR-1) Dean Ringer et ux property located on Lake Street South between 11th and 13th Avenues South. After introductory reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2336 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes carrying the motion. Proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City of Renton from General Classification District (G) to Manu- facturing Park District (MP), was read. (Pacific Coast RR property located on South 7th Street between 80th and 84th Avenues South. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2337 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes carrying the motion. Proposed Ordinance of the City changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City from Residence District (R-2) to Business District (B-1) was read. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2338 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes carrying the motion. (Washington Mutual Savings Bank property located on South 2nd Street between Logan and Burnett Avenues South.) -4- 366 Minutes - Renton City Council ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (Cont.) The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City of Renton from General Suburban District (GS-1) to Residence District (R-2) which was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2339 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. (Raymond Beach property located at "M" Street and Sunset Blvd.) Proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City from General Classification District (G) to Business District (B-1) as read by the City Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2340 as read. Roll call vote resulted as follows: Aye: Trimm, Schellert, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. No: Hulse and Perry. The motion carried. (Wehrman property on 4th Avenue North between 132nd Avenue and "M" Street - East of Greenwood Cemetery, Southerly of 4th Avenue North) Proposed Resolution was submitted authorizing transfer of $766.00 from Cumulative Reserve Fund No. 1689 unto Park Department Fund, M. & 0. Account 314, which was read by the City Clerk. (Cost of boring and drilling for soil test at Liberty Park Grandstand site) . Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1457 as read. Carried. Proposed Resolution fixed the 10th day of July, 1967 at 8:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber, City Hall, Renton as the time and place when the petition for vacating portion of McAllister Road shall be heard and determined. (Puget Western, Inc. and Renton achool District 403 petition) Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1458 as read. The motion carried. (Near Phillip Arnold Park) Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:36 p.m. There were 12 visitors. Helmie—Felson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor -5- PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPTS. BUILDING PERMITS 6-I2,67 NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 0228 15,000.00 John Carl Anderson 1923-25th Ave. So. Single family residence 0229 2,100.00 King Co. Pub.Hosp.Dist.#1 200 Fourth Ave. Alteration for office 0230 2,000.00 C. F. Shane 112 Riviera Drive Foundation for bldg. 0231 5,000.00 Sternco Land Co. 7430 S. 180th Construct foundations 0232 352000.00 The Boeing Co. Renton Const. simulator lab 0233 5,000.00 Trans American 1309 Thomas Lane Add basement apt. 0234 2,700.00 Mr.& Mrs. Arnold Overby 3320-6th N. Addition to residence C235 378.00 Marvin EE. Wilson 3214 Honey Creek Dr. Addn to storage shed 0236 200.00 Alfred J. Chissus 2308-7th Ave. N. Replace fence 0237 250.00 Pacific NW Bell 214 Williams St. Move sign 023- 50.00 George Carli 222 Williams Ave. N. Build bamboo fence 0239 200.00 Norman Luedke 3310-7th Ave. N. New fence 0240 1,000.00 W. T. Sneddon 830 K St. Covered Patio ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0106 900.00 King Co.Pub.Hosp.Dist til 200 Fourth Ave. Install 100 Amp panel 0107 150.00 James Feroe 834 N St. Wire Rec. room addn. 0108 Ronald R. Wylet 11020-115th SE Wire pump & lights 0109 680.00 Lorin Hildebrand 11230 SE 97th wire new residence 0110 680.00 Lorin Hildebrand 11232 SE 97th Wire new residence 0111 680.00 Lorin Hildebrand 11233 SE 96th Wire new residence 0112 680.00 Lorin Hildebrand 11231 SE 96th Wire new residence 0113 Richard Shear•& Co. 7438 S. 180th Temporary Service 0114 Whitespar Homes 665-132nd SE it 0115 Herr Lumber 11230 SE 108th 0116 D. E. Blood 12735 - 86th South 0117 Biggins Const. South of 915 H St. 0118 Transamerica Devel. 1301 Ethier Road to « 0119 Gemini Const. 14640-130th P1. S.E. it 0120 Cecil Whittaker 518 N. Williams << 0121 Bell & Valdez 1800 S.E. Upland Ct. 't 0122 Bell & Valdez 2003 S.E. 18th Ct. It 0123 Transamerica Develop. 1200 Ethier Road 9 1 0124 150.00 Matt Schuchard 10835-111th Ave. S.E. Wire addn. in residence ?CHANICAL PERMITS M 0121 -- Vandivort Const. Co. 440 ST-7 7th St. Install heating unit Ol22 City of Renton Talbot Park Install Plbg. fixtures 0123 - - John C. Fintowski 10412-114th SE Septic Tank Installation 0124 -- Vernon Stromberg 10429-114th S.E. Install septic tank 0125 -- Chet Biggins 909 H St. Install plbg. fixtures 0126 - Transamerica Develop.Co. 1305 Thomas Lane Rough plbg Fixtures 0127 Transamerica Develop.Co. 1300 Ethier Road Rough plbg fixtures 0128 Transamerica Develop.Co. 1306 Thomas Lane Rough plbg fixtures 0129 -- Transamerica Develop.Co. 1304 No name road Rough plbg fixtures 0130 -- Transamerica Develop.Co. 1302 no hame road Install rough plbg. 0131 -- Transamerica Develop.Co. 1309 Thomas Lane Install plbg fixtures 0132 Transamerica Develop.Co. 1307 Thomas Lane Install plbg fixtures 0133 Transamerica Develop.Co. 1301 Thomas Lane Install rough plbg. "X34 -- Herr Lumber 11238 SE 108th Install gas furnace 0135 -- Herr - Belisle 9607-112th SE Install furnace 0136 -- Flansberg Inc. ;0222 SE 95th Install plbg fixtures 0137 -- Flansburg Inc. 10224 SE 95th Install plbg fixtures 0138 -- Oliver R. Wakeham 10429 SE 98th St. Install plbg 0139 Vandivort Const. Inc. 440 SW 7th St. Install sprinkler 0140 -- Ronald R. Wylet 11020-115th SE Plbg for pool 0141 Brodell & Brodell 14655-130th Pi. S.E. Install furnace & tanks 0142 -- Brodell & Brodell 14715-130th P1.S.E. Install furnace & tanks 0143 Brodell & Brodell 14645-130th P1. S.E. Install furnace & tanks 0144 -- Brodell & Brodell 14650-130th P1.S.E. Install furnace & tanks 0145 Vernon Stromberg 10423-114th S.E. Install plbg. fixtures 0146 Loren'Hildebrand 11233-96th S.E. Install plbg. fixtures 0147 -- Loren Hildebrand 11232-97th S.E. Install plbg. fixtures 0148 Loren Hildebrand 11230-97th S.E. Install plbg. fixtures 0149 -- Loren Hildebrand 11231 SE 96th Install plbg. fixtures 0- j -- Matt Schuchard 10835-111th Ave. S.E. Install plbg. fixtures ,151 -- White Spar Homes 12019-132nd Ave. S.E. Install gas furnace -6- 368 PERMITS ISSUED BY BLDG. DEP 'T. (Cont.) MECHANICAL PERMITS : NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORIC M 0152 --- White Spar Homes 3942 - 7th Avenue No. Install gas furnace 0153 --- Mite Spar Homes 3939 - 7th Avenue No. Install gas furnace 0154 --- White Spar Hom s 12015-132nd Ave. S.E. Install furnace 0155 --- Kenneth Hake 511 Airport May Turn on gas service SEWER PERMITS No. 155 --- Wine's Construction 91st Ave So. & So. 128th Storm Sewer 156 --- Ivar Gilbert 15467 Lake Youngs Way Storm Sewer 157 --- Ivar Gilbert 12108 S.E. 154th Street Sewer Service 158 --- Ivar Gilbert 15474 - 119th Ave. S.E. Sewer Service -7- �6 9 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. R E F E R R A L S 6-19-67 AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Progress Estimate 1, Talbot Hill Shelter Building Contract, payable Ricardi Construction in sum of $10,190.86. CITY ATTORNEY & CITY ENGINEER Easement from Pacific Coast R.R. Co. for crossing of spur track for Lake Wn. Beach Park access LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Park Director's request for fund transfers in sums of $85.70 and $137.23 for light globe replacement and energy in Liberty Park ballfield lighting system POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE Application for Canteen Service to operate phonograph at the Band Box STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE AND TRAFFIC ENGINEER Bids on Rainier Avenue Traffic Signal installation ASSIGNMENT BY CITY CLERK OF COUNCIL POSITIONS City Council Positions: #1 Hugh Bruce, #4 Henry Pedersen #2 Dan Poli #5 Bruce Hulse #3 Jeanette Dahlquist #6 Glen Gianini MEETINGS: Committee of the Whole - Monday, June 26, 1967 at 7:00 p.m. APPOINTMENTS: Donald R. Smith - Patrolman, Renton Police Department, effective May 16, 1967 Ted LaValley, Lieutenant, Renton Fire Department, effective May 17, 1967 -770 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING June 19, 1967 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Trimm, Hulse, Schellert, Pedersen, Dahlquist, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Dahlquist, that the absent Councilmen be excused. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Anne Harker, Librarian, Jan Klippert, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Sven Johnson Building Director. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the meeting of June 12, 1967 be approved as written. Carried. OPENING OF BIDS: Rainier Avenue Traffic Signal Installation This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read: BIDDER AND ADDRESS TOTAL BID (See attached for detail of bids) General Service Electric, Inc. $ 142,650.00 P. 0. Box 607 Lynnwood, Washirg ton 98036 Service Electric Co., Inc. $ 143,100.00 P. 0. Box 25637 Seattle, Washington 98125 Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the bids to the Street and Alley Committee and the Traffic Engineer to report back. Carried. ASSIGNMENT OF COUNCIL POSITIONS BY CITY CLERK: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, announced thateach incumbent Councilman would draw.a number, selecting his own council position. City Treasurer Gossett drew a number for Councilman Hugh Bruce who is in the hospital and Mayor Custer selected a number to be assigned to Councilman Gianini who was absent. The box of numbefs was passed and drawings resulted as follows: Council Position #1 - Hugh Bruce ; #2, Dan Poli; #3, Jeanette Dahlquist, #41 Henry Pedersen; #5, Bruce Hulse and #6, Glen Gianini COMMUNICATIONS: A Letter from City Clerk Nelson reported that the City Treasurer has received $153,409.35 in connection with the reformed assessed value receipts from The Boeing Company and the Pacific Car & Foundry Company. The money has not been budgeted at this time and will be invested until such time as the Supreme Court has handed down a final decision. Councilman Schellert, Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee advised that the Committee recommends concurrence with the action taken to invest the funds until final decision has been rendered. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation of .the Ways and Means Committee. The motion carried. A revised petition was presented for annexation of property,as requested by Eidson- Woods. The matter had previously progressed to dispensation proceedings but the right of way had not been incorporated in the legal description. Their petition as amended was now filed and the boundaries being contiguous to the present city limits of Renton, validated, prior City Engineer's report advising of 100% ownership being represented L,y signatures thereon. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to accept the petition as amended with referral to the Mayor to request dispensation of Review Board proceedings, the area being 1.0 acre with assessed valuation of $126.00, and eligible therefor. Carried. -1- '171. Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 6-19-67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from Park Director Coulon submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Estimate No. 1 on the Talbot Hill Shelter Building Contract, due Ricardi Construction in sum of $10,190.86. Total amount of contract, $ 23,012.00. Work completed - 50%, less 15% retained - $ 1,725.90. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Application from Thomas Farmer, Bandbox owner, requested that Canteen Servid6 be granted the required license to operate a coin-type phonograph in said place of buaftiess at 560 Rainier Avenue South. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the request to the Police and License Committee with power to act. The motion carried. Letter from the Pacific Coast R.R. Co., R. M. Boyd, Land and Tax Agent, submitted Easement dated June 14, 1967 from Pacific Coast to the City of Renton for a highway crossing of the Boeing Spur track at North Renton to provide access to the Lake Wn. Beach Park property, as provided for in AG. 1104-67 executed on February 21, 1967. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to refer the docune nt to the City Attorney and City Engineer to check. Carried. Letter from Park Director Coulon requested transfer of funds from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1990 unto Park Department Fund 6120/309, M. & 0., in sum of $85.70, and 303, $137.23, replacement of 26 light globes in the Liberty Park ballfield lighting system, and energy. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. Carried. Requests were read for No-Fee permits to operate concessions at the Renton Aviation Festival from The Renee Guild for Retarded Children, Mrs, Hugh Myron, Sec. and Renton Civitan Club, Lyman Houk, Secretary, July lst and 2nd, 1967. Also, the Renton Down- town Businessmen's Assn. requested permission to operate a calliope on the streets during the sidewalk sale, July 6th through 8th. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, to grant the permit requests as read. Carried. City Clerk Nelson reported receipt of attendance registration cards from the University of Washington "Thirty-Second Annual Institute of Government"to be held July 7th and requested those desiring to attend to advise so that registration cards may be mailed in. APPOINTMENTS: Mayor Custer's letter of appointment was read advising of successful completion of six months probationary period by Donald R. Smith and permanent appointment to position of patrolman in the Renton Police Department. Letter from Police Chief Williams was attached also recommending the appointment. which will be effective May 16, 1967. Moved by Poli, seconded by Trimm, to concur in the appointment. Carried. Letter from Mayor Custer requested council concurrence in the appointment of Ted LaValley . to permanent rank of Lieutenant in the Renton Fire Department, having successfully completed the six months probations period required by Civil Service rules and regulations. The appointment has been recommended by Chief Walls and will become effective May 17, 1967. It was noted that current court case has been concluded during which this appointment had been held. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, to concur in the appointment. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Councilman Hulse submitted City Hall Building Committee Report recommending that the low bids on the City Hall be accepted, along with alternates and deletions as outlined by the Architect in joint meeting with the Committee of the Whole on June 12th. General Contract - Absher Construction Co., Puyallup $851,000.00 deduct earthwork, minor alterations, deleting extra elevator controls -23,000.00 Add Alternates, G7,G8,G12,G13,G15,G16,G17,G18,G19,G20 64,519.00 $ 892,519.00 Mechanical Contract - McKinstry Company, Bellevue 315,837.00 Deduct M9 and M13; Add M4,M5, and M10 alternates 4,546.00 311,291.00 Electrical Contract - Chapman Electric Co., Renton 138,829.00 Add Alternate E4 625.00 139,454.00 $1,343,264.00 Sales tax of 4.5%, $ 60,447 00 and Architect's Fee, $96,000.00,(8% of $1,200,000.00), totals $1,499,711.00 which is within the bond issue limits of $1,500,000.00. -2- , ,72 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 6-19-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont.) Unfinished Business: City Hall Building Committee Report It was further recommended that the following items be financed from sources other than the bond fund: Landscaping; 2nd floor kitchen furnishings the Furniture (including carpets and metal lockers). Council President Trimm submitted Committee of the Whole Report recommending that the Council concur with the Architects and Building Committee in accepting the low bids on the city hall along with alternates and deletions as outlined in the Building Committee report. General Contract - Absher Construction Company, Puyallup; Mechanical Contract, McKinstry Company, Bellevue; Electrical Contract - Chapman Electric, Renton. Further recommended to concur with the Building Committee that the landscaping, furniture, (including carpets and metal lockers), and the 2nd floor kitchen furnishings be finances from other sources than the bond fund. Moved by Poli, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendations of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Dahlquist opposed. Councilwoman Dahlquist, Legislative Committee Chairman, reported that information will be submitted by the Committee relative to the 1% tax paid the State on collections made by the City for Metro. The City Clerk and City Attorney were commended for getting the action commenced to place the matter before the Legislature in Olympia. Councilman Garrett,Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee;requested additional time on the Honey Dew P.T.A. request for pedestrian walkway in school vicinity and asked that the Mayor contact Dr. Hobbs since he has been unable to do so. New Business: Council President Trimm announced a meeting of the Committee of the Whole at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, June 26th. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 8597 through 87 .9, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund #8597 - 8633 $ 9,432.06 Street Fund 8634 - 8643 17,556.08 Arterial Street 8644 - 8645 6,841.87 Equipment Rental 8646 - 8653 2,232.09 Library 8654 - 8676 4,222.43 Parks 8677 - 8690 12056.64 Water Works Utility 8691 - 8704 11,335.90 1965 Water & Sewer Const. 8705 - 8706 280.99 Airport 8707 - 8708 116.02 City Hall Construction 8709 781.50 $ 65,665.58 Councilman Schellert reported that he and Councilman Perry represented the City of Renton at the Board of Equalization Hearing meeting on June 15th and advised that July 5th has been set for hearing on Renton assessments. Councilwoman Dahlquist inquired regarding how soon the corner of North 3rd Street and Sunset Boulevard North was to be completed, in regard for heavy traffic in the area. Street Commissioner TeGantvoort advised that the blacktopping could not be completed until the sidewalks were in and this was accomplished on Friday and the property owner-developer will be responsible for thebalance which can now be completed. Councilman Poli called attention to Resolution endorsing the increase in Federal Income Tax exemption for dependents from $600.00 to $1,000.00 and noting the great expansion in gas stations and the enterprise developments by such corporations made,) suggested that, in view of exemptions they are allowed, perhaps some of the revenue to be lost by exemption increase might be recovered from the Oil Companies and perhaps Legislators and Government Officials should be given such suggestions. Councilman Perry noted that Senator Magnuson will be in Renton for the 4th of July festivities and ayone who wished might have an opportunity at this time to speak with him. -3- 3'73 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 6-19-67 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Vern Morris, Chairman, Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted Resolution setting the 17th day of July, 1967 at 8:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, Renton, as the time and place for hearing on petition for vacation of portion of street right-of-way in vicinity of Eist margin of 108th Ave. S.E. and North line of S.E. 112th, as petitioned by Frank Storey and Puget Sound Power & Light Company. After reading, it was moved by Srhellert, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1459 as read. Carried. Proposed Resolution was submitted for reading declaring Water Reservoir site located on beacon Avenue between Renton and Grant Streets, surplus and for sale at an amount not less than that fixed by appraisal. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Dahlquist, to adopt Resolution No. 1460 as read. Carried. The Committee submitted proposed Resolution authorizing transfer of Cumulative Reserve Fund 1975 moneys in sum of $181.30, unto Library Fund 5000/309, Bl dg . Repair and Maintenance, for payment of ldndscaping planters. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1461 as read. Carried. Dahlquist opposed. As there was .no further business to come before the Council nor audience comment, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk Donald W. Custer, Mayor I how 9J 2 -4- 3'74 PL:ZiSIT`? I,F'U!;D BY MiL CITY BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS 6-19-67 BUILDING PERMITS NO AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 0241 30,000 00 Northwest Avionics Renton Airport Construct hanger 0242 95.00 Glenn Gibson 932 K St. Build fence 0243 20,000.,00 R. S. Shane 11657 SE 100th St. New residence 0244 Autobahn Volkswagen 3833 Fourth Ave. N. Grading permit 0245 2,500.00 Peoples Nat'l Bank 858-2nd Ave. Erect sign 0246 David Jensen Assoc. 13206-10 SE 128th St.Grading permit 0247 180.00 Marion Trunt 12725-86th Ave. So. New fence 0248 50.00 Gem Burger 354 Sunset Blvd. E. Erect sign 0249 49,885.00 Mr.& Mrs. Thomas Kerr 221 Park Ave. N. Five Unit Apt, 0250 800.00 Herbert Nichols 3745-7th N. Residential Addition 0251 25,000.00 Southland Corporation 1175 L St. Const. Commercial Bldg. 0252 1,500.00 L. B. Bennett 9634-108th SE Build garage 0253 30,000.00 Donald W. Custer 1902 SE Taylor Ct. New residence 0254 50.00 Hungry Wolf Restaurant 401 Rainier Ave. S. Addition to sign 0255 100.00 Harry F. Sorenson 10511-113th Ave. SE Back yard fence 0256 81000.00 Richard Wines Latimer's plat Build foundation 0257 50,000.00 Norman Schultz 528-534 Burnett Add second story ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0125 300.00 Pasco Lackie Rlty Fourth N & M St. Change Service Conn.. 0126 390.00 Oliver Wakelam 10429 SE 98th Wire new residence 0127 400.00 Brodell 14630-130th P1. SE Wire new residence 0128 400.00 Katie Fulgosi 330 Cedar Install electric heat 0129 380.00 Jerry R. Kellner 10002 SE 94th St. Install wiring MECHANICAL PERMITS M 0156 -- Vandivort Coast, 440 SW Seventh St. Run gas to new furnai 0157 Herve Belisle 9605-112th Ave.S.E. Install plbg fixture 0158 -- First Christian Church 15491-116th Ave. SE Install plbg fixtures I 0159 -- Bell & Valdez, Inc. 2003 SE 18th Ct. Install plbg fixtures 0160 -- Bell & Valdez, Inc. 1707 SE Urban Ct.. Install plbg fixtures 0161 Northwest Avionics Renton Airport Plbg. & move waterline 0162 Whitespar Homes, Inc. 12025-132nd Ave.SE Install plbg fixtures 0163 -- Whitespar Homes, Inc. 3939 Seventh Ave.N. Install plbg fixtures 0164 -- Nick Andrews 2202-10th P1. N.- Install plbg fixtures SEWER PERMITS 159 -- Lanscardi 509 Langston Road Sewer service 160 Transamerica 205 ThunderHill #2 " It 161 Transamerica 206 Thunderhill #2 " to 162 Transamerica 207 ThunderHill #2 " -5- RAINIER AVENUE TRAFFIC SIGNAL PROJECT BID CALL JUNE 19, 1967 1 . 2. 3, 4. 5. e, 7. BIDDER RAINIER AVE N. INIER AVE N. RAINIER AVE S. S NSET SVD, INIER AVES. STE CO RO L£ CA FOR _ & AIRPORT WAY S. 2ND STREET 3rd STREET & LANGSTON & S. GRADY WAY RAINIER AVENUE RAINIER AVE TOTAL '£NERAI: SERVICE 'LECTRIC. INC. 27 700. 10 $ 20 500.00 $ 7.8,500.00 $ 24,000.00 24,500.00 21 500.00 fi 5 950.00 142 6' 0. Bf>x 607 ,-uyallup, gyri. 98036 'ERVICE rL-FCTRIC,_,y $ 28 000.00 21 500.00 19,p00.00 22 000.00 23 000.©0 24 000.00 600.QQ S1430100.00 'NCORPORATE t) '• 0. Tl!,x 25637 eattle, Wishingtn x 98125 t 3'76 RENTON QJTY 6OUNCiL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S 8;00 P.M. June 26, 1967 AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Progress Estimate No. 7 due Cornell, Howland, Hayes & -Merryfield, $96.01 Mt. Olivet Pump Station Contract and $320.04 on Talbot Hill Pump Station Contract LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE 6-Year Comprehensive Street Program Revision Vacation of portion of right-of-way located East of "E" Street between 10th Ave. North and 10th Place North, per Stone-St. Clair petition. Annexation of northerly section of Kennydale area - app. 60 acres Funding of costs in City Hall General Contract for earthwork $19,050.00 and tax $857.25, to be appropriated from Excess Revenues, Current Fund into City Hall Construction Fund. Resolution urging early completion of improvements by State Hwy. Commission - 116th Ave. S.E. to S.E. 138th Street (North Renton Interchange vicinity) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PRIORITY COMMITTEE Walkways for school children (Subsequently referred to Ways and Means Committee) MAYOR Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency - Operation income - City's share, $2,370.00. PARK BOARD Explorer Post 493 request to operate concession stand in Liberty Park during 4th of July festivities. POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE Elsie's Lunch - Application for Rainier Amusement Co. to be granted required license to operate 2 additional pinball machines in said place of business STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE r Petitions for establishment of street crossings in City of Renton WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Funding for walkways along 116th to 112th S.E. and on S.E. 97th APPOINTMENTS: Temporary appointments - Renton Police Department - 4 Months term pending Civil Service Examinations: Steven D. Bakko, David E. Friedrichs and James A. Sunsvall MEETINGS: Committee of the Whole - Monday, July 3rd at 7:30 p.m. National League of Cities - Boston Mass., July 29 - August 2nd. RENTON OITY 40VNCIL 377 REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. June 26, 1967 Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Trimm, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Poli, seconded by Trimm, that the absent Councilmen be excused.: The motion carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of June 19th be approved as written. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jan Klippert, Administrative Asst. to the Mayor, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, and Vern Church, Purchasing Agent. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Appeal of Planning Commission decision in denial of P-1 zoning - St. Andrews Lodge No. 35, F. & A.M. property. Councilman Delaurenti reported that St. Andrews has with- drawn its appeal. 2. Vacation of portion of right-of-way located between 10th Avenue North and 10th Place North, East of "E" Street, petitioned by Stone-St. Clair. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported having no objection provided a 20 ft. easement for utilities is retained. Discussion ensued regarding new law allowing charges for service by Cities re filing vacation requests,which is effective July lst, such costs not being mandatory but optional. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, that the hearing be closed, there being no audience comment. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to grant the vacation subject to 20 ft. utility easement on existing right-of-way, with referral of the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. 3. Kennydale area annexation comprising 60 acres of northerly section of the "Island" This being the date set,thb hearing was declared open. There were no written communications and audience comment was invited. Mr. Tom Carroli, 8429 - 106th Avenue S.E. inquired whether his property was included in the annexation, stating his objections to the annexation and that he had not signed a petition. It was determined that Mr. Carroli was outside the subject area. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to approve the annexation as proposed with referral to the haw and Ordinance Committee forproper Ordinance. Carried. 4. Revision and updating of Six Year Comprehensive Street Program, as required by State Statute. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Letter was read from Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, advising that the annual revision is submitted to assure that each city shall have advance plans available as per Ch. 83, Extraordinary Session Laws of 1967, it being noted that this report is required to qualify for the 2 gasoline tax allocation and must be projected to six years, . Audience comment was invited. Mr. Richard Stredicke, 3916 - 10th Ct. North, inquired regarding plans and - priority on improvement of 12th Avenue North between 132nd and Sunset Highway and 12th North from "M" Street to 132nd Avenue S.E . which area does not appear for improvement. Mr. Ralph Evans, 3309 - 10th Place North, added that the improvement beyond M Street would seem to be required more than from 12th North from Sunset to M. Traffic Engineer._Beimett stated thtComprehensive Plan is not listed according to priority but that M Street is part of the arterial system upon which the program is based, the State not requiring a priority list. The Capital Improvement Priority Committee would be setting the priority rating. Dahlquist inquired regarding plans on 3rd Avenue extension over 405 to 116th to Sunset, from 116th to 138th. It was noted that apartment construction in the area might stymie use of 12th Avenue North and since Primary Hwy. 5 is State property the State . might finance the completion of this area, to the East City limits on 116th. Mr. Stredicke inquired regarding walkways along 132nd for the school children. Discussion ensued regard- ing creation of a new Review Board to oversee City projects,pursuant to legislative action, and possibility of the City doing improvements in connection with other areas than listed by whatever funds are available within the next year. Dahlquist urgedthat the walkways be put in for the children to use without waiting for certain funding as they are needed now. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, the hearing be declared closed. Carried. The hearing was closed. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to accept the revised Six Year Street Comprehensive Program,. Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, the walkways Mr. Stredicke noted be referred to the Capital Improvement Priority Committee. (12th Ave. No. from Sunset to 132nd Ave, S.E. and Sunset to 4th Ave. o.) Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Delaurenti to include 116th S ,E. to S.E. 97thjWest to the Freeway. The amendment carried and the original motion as amended. 3'78 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 6-26-67 COMMUNICATIONS : Letter from the Wn. Utilities and Transportation Commission submitted -cgpies of Petitions for establishment of street crossings in the City of Renton by the Pacific Coast Railroad Company. It was requested that the City advise if it wishes the petitions set for hearing and if not the Waiver of Hearing Form to be returned to the Commission. City Engineer Wilson upon inquiry advised that these are existing crossings which need the Commission approval to be legalized, and that four crossings in Renton are included. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, that the matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for recommendation. Crossing grades had been discussed it being noted that to crossings were existing when the City acquired them by dedication and grades already established, otherwise they could be established at desired grade. The motion carried. A letter from Renton School DistrietNo. 403, H. R. Johnson, Sec. Board of Directors, gave notice that the School District intends to relinquish Lease on the A. & E. building and surrounding property upon termination thereof which was last renewed on July 1, 1957. (Renton Municipal Airport), and thanks was expressed for cooperation and assistance over the past 20 years to facilitate ability to instruct students. A letter from the Board of King County Commissioners submitted notice of approval of Agreement with Renton for Cedar River bank stabilization project, AG. 1150-67. Request was read from United Airlines Explorer Post 493, David Johnson, President, (Senior Boy Scouts) to operate concession stand in Liberty Park during the 4th of July festival, and to operate concession at the Renton Aviation Festival July 1st and 2nd. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, that the request to use Liberty Park be referred to the Park Board with power to act. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to grant No-Fee Permit for Renton Aviation Festival concession. Carried. Letter from City Attorney Shellan transmitted Superior Court"Agreed Order"No. 67814 pertaining to one phase of the City of Renton vs. Pringle Court Case providing for quash and dismissal of temporary restraining order against the City relative to Mr. LaValley's permanent appointment which employment status is now in order as finalized. Councilman Garrett inquired whether the City has a copy of the Court Reporter's transcript. City Attorney Shellan advised that it would cost several hundred dollars _ .-che.:City wanted a copy. Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported approval of legal description contained in Easement from Pacific Coast Railroad to the City for access to the Lake Washington Beach Park. Copy of the proposed Easemant was attached. Letter from John T. O'Brien, Chairman, Bd. of Directors, Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency, called attention to passage of the 1967 Washington Clean Air Act and adoption of the Agency budget for 1968 and advised that the proportional share of income due from Renton is $2,370.00 which shall be included in the 1968 budget and paid in equal quarterly installments to the Agency Treasurer. This share is equivalent to ten cents per capita as estimated by the State Census Board for 1966. Invitation was extended to review with the Board any air pollution problems in the area of the City. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Mayor for inclusion of costs in his Preliminary Budget. Carried. Letter from Mayor Tollefson of Tacoma, President, National League of Cities, extended invitation to municipal officials to attend the 44th Annual Congress of Cities, to be held July 29 through August 2, 1967 in Boston, Massachusetts. Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for payment Progress Estimate No. 7 for Engineering services due Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield in the sum of $96.01 on the Mt. Olivet Pump Station from April 25 to May 24th and $320.04 on the Talbot Hill Pump Station, per C.AG. 1026-66. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Application from Elsie Beach requested that Rainier Amusement Company be granted license to operate 2 additional pinball machines at Elsie's Lunch, 2123 Sunset Blvd. Moved by Poli, seconded by Garrett, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Hulse opposed. Letter from Wm. F. Davis, Chairman, Renton Insurance Commission, advised that bids had been taken on the City's Liability Insurance .oe June 22, 1967, and it was recommended that the low bid of Great American Insurance Company, presented by Fred Callen, Agent, in sum of $15,998.00 be accepted for the coming year. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, to concur in the bid award as recommended by the Insurance Commission. Carried. -2- 3'79 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 6-26-67 APPOINTMENTS : Letter from Mayor Custer requested Council concurrence in the appointment of the following to temporary position of Patrolman in the Renton Police Department, as provided by Civil Service rules and regulations. Within the 4-month period the Civil Service Examination must successfully be completed to qualify candidates for "probationary" status. The Civil Service certification and recommendation of the Police Chief were attached: Steven D. Bakko, David E. Friedrichs, James A. Sundvall. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the appointments. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinis e Business: Chairman Hulse submitted Capital Improvement Priority Committee Report recommending that the Park Department Capital Improvement program be revised and the list updated ._.. accordingly. (See attachment) It was noted that this was the only Departmental request received by the Committee in its last call for updating of the program. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendations. Carried. Chairman Bruce Hulse, City Hall Building Committee, submitted report advising that the General Contractor has offered a credit of $19,050.00 if the City wished to haul the dirt from the city hall excavation. The Committee recommended that the offer not be accepted and the work be included in the general contract, with the cost plus tax to be funded from excess revenues appropriated from the Current Fund into the City Hall Construction Fund. ($19,050.00 + $857.25),. Consistent with sentiments expressed at the Committee of the Whole meeting of June 12th, the earth excavated will be used to fill the area at the 3rd fire station site in order to expedite completion of the training facilities there. Recommended further that this matter be. referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Ordinance to effect the funding. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendations. Carried. Chairman Dahlquist, Legislative Committee, reported that Section 17 of Senate Bill 255 Chapter 149, Extraordinary Session provides for elimination of the 1% Utility Tax paid by Cities on Metro collections iand%thia-payment will no longer be a burden to the City. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Gianini, to adopt a Resolution to be presented to the Chamber of Commerce,for submission at the Good Roads Assn. meeting,urging early completion of a project as contemplated for improvement of 116th S.E. to S.E. .138th. (North Renton Interchange access'. area; etc.) . The motion carried. Dahlquist called attention to the matter of walkways along 116th Avenue S.E. to 112th and on SE 97th Street and moved that funding for early improvement be referred to the Ways and Means Committee rather than waiting for budgeting for next year and priority rating, hoping that it might be completed in time for beginning of the school term this fall. The motion was seconded by Gianini. It was noted that the matter of crosswalks in vicinity of McKnight School is now in the Street and Alley Committee. Upon inquiry the pending motion was ruled in order and subsequently carried. Motion proposed for holding any further Vacation Petitions until July lst when the new laws allow a charge for services in connection therewith was withdrawn upon advice of City Attorney Shellan that a petition cannot be refused or delay ed and though the law becomes effective July lst an Ordinance would have to be prepared and adopted. Also, an appraisal is required each time and would cost more in some instances to handle than would be received. Consideration should be given to the fee to be charged for incorporaticn in the Ordinance, and it was suggested that the fee might be one-half of appraisal or in any event not less than a fixed amount which may be agreed upon and determined. Councilman Morris reported that the Law and Ordinance Committee is holding the proposed Ordinance in Committee at present and Mayor Custer is taking a survey to ascertain Departmental costs connected with processing of vacations in order that a fee may be determined. Councilman Garrett, Chairman, Street and Alley Committee, requested additional time for consideration of bid award on the Rainier Avenue Traffic Signal installation, noting that the news publication had erroneously reported award of the bid. Mayor Custer at this time presented Mr. Art Scholes a Placque for outstanding service as non-paid public servant and lst Chairman of the Traffic Advisory Commission. Mr. Scholes expressed his pleasure at serving deeming this to have been a rewarding service and hoped that he might be able to serve in some other capacity in the future. -3- 380 Minutes - Renton City Couucil Heeting 6-42b--67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Con.) New Business: . Council Presiderf't Trtmm a miurce-a a Comm tttoo of the Whale meeting on July 3rd at 7:00 p.m. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 8711 through 8782, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment by the Council at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 8711 - 8740 $ 5,529.19 Street Fund 8741 - 8746 2,605.43 Cedar River M. & I. 8747 - 8748 787.24 Equipment Rental 8749 - 8753 479.57 Parks 8754 - 8759 709.57 Water Works Utility 8760 - 8765 626.16 1965 Water & Sewer Const. 8766 96.01 Airport 8767 - 8768 11.18 Firemen's Pension 8769 - 8782 12619.00 $ 12.463.35 Councilman Gianini requested to meet with the Council following this meeting. Councilman Morris reported attendance at the Association of Washington Cities Convention in Seattle as alternate Delegate and noted that the most discussed matter was the distribution of the 22 million dollars allocated to the Cities and Towns of Washington with s'trvrg reComme'ndatio'n for distribution on per capita basis. It was inferred that how this money is used will be a ZetGrmiaing factor in the attitude of the Legislature at the next session. Schellert inquired regarding mode of showing how the fvnds received were applied and Mayor Custer advised that he plavw to ear=*- -fua s f-rcoa. *ki,a AzA=e iu his pre- liminary budget. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Chairman Vern Morris, Lasa and Ordinance tommittee, submitted proposod Resolution authorizing fund transfer from Oxwlative Reserve Fund 1990 in sum .of $85.70 unto Park Department Fund 6120/309, M. & 0., and from Cumulative Fund 1940 in sum of $137.23 unto Park Department Fund 6120/303 9t1lit5b Service-J1<*w AoWd by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution No. 1462 as written. C Vried, Audience comment was invited and Mr. Richard Stredicke inquired regarding various terms of Franchises granted by the City as to number of years recommending that the Puget Power company be required to bury a certain amount of its facilities' in connection therewith. It was noted that his concern is mainly vegardivg -the Imsth of the- term proposed—In prior council actin Puget Sound Power & Light Franchise was referred to the Light and Power Commit tee and the request is for a Non-Excluslw 30-.year rranchise,, Mr. Stredicke stated his opinion that 30 years is not very temporary. Mayor Custer advised that such terms are required to satisfy bonding suppliers, financial and federal institutions. After further discussion regarding obet'ruetioq of view by power lines and franchises held by the Gas Company and others, there being no' further comment from the audience. it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli to adjourn, Carried. The meeting was adjourned`at 10:10 p.m. e mie Niel son, City rk D. W. Custer, Mayor -4- 381 PERM ,jTS ISSUED BY fiflB CITY §UILDIP}G AND EIVGINEERF4 DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO,, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 0258 400,00 George Johnson 3525-6th Ave. E. New roof & gutter 0259 12;000,00 Mobil Oil Co 251 Sunset Blvd., North Service Station Bldg. 0260 200.00 Walf rid Kero 7722 South 147th Construct roof 0261 16,000„00 Les Daniels 14625-130th Pl� SE New residence 0262 100..00 W. E. Bennett 3309 Court "A" Fence 0263 700.,00 R. L., Christensen 3105-5th Ave. E. Finish interior etc. 0264 1,000,00 St.Matthew's Lutheran C 2412-14th Ave. N. Build foundation 0265 50„00 George DalSanto 13003-91st So. New roof on garage 0266 20.,000.00 Frank Pellegrino 10609-108th S„E. New residence 0267 472,000.00 Richard Wines 12810-90th Ave. S. Const. 48 Unit Apt„ 0268 1,500 00 Louis Joe Bertelli 11625 S.E. 103rd St, Foundation for garage 0269 45,000.00 The Boeing Company 10.58/10.56 Building Remodel interior 0270 21,500„00 Cecil E. Wakelam 413 Langston Road New residence 0271 33,000 00 Renton Housing Authority 3018-13th P1. N. Build 4 unit apt. 0272 33,000„00 Renton Housing Authority 3024-13th Pl. N. Build 4 unit apt, 0273 39,000.00 Renton Housing Authority 3030-13th Pl. N. Build 4 unit apt„ 0274 39,000.00 Renton Housing Authority 3036-13th Pl. N. Build 4 unit apt. 0275 33000.00 Renton Housing Authority 3042-13th Pl. N. Build 4 unit apt„ 0276 33,000.00 Renton Housing Authority 3048-13th Pl. N. Build 4 unit apt„ 0277 39,000.00 Renton Housing Authority 3054-13th P1. N. Build 4 unit apt. 0278 39,000.00 Renton Housing Authority 3057-13th P1. N. Build 4 unit apt. 0279 39,000.00 Renton Housing Authority 3051-13th P1. N. Build 4 unit apt. 0280 39,000.00 Renton Housing Authority 3045-13th P1. N. Build 4 unit apt. 0281 70,000..00 Renton Housing Authority 3039-33-27-13th Pl. N. Build Rec.Hall,Shop 0282 39,000.00 Renton Housing Authority 3016-13th Pl. N. Build 4 unit apt. 0283 39,000 00 Renton Housing Authority 3021-13th P1. N. Build 4 unit apt., 0284 Union Oil Co. Of Calif. 13195 Fourth Ave. N. Reissue Permit #$0009 0285 J. E. Holmes 87th & Grady, & 86th SE Demolish buildings 0286 500.00 Union Oil Co. of Calif. SE 128th & 132nd SE Install footing 4/sign 0287 100.00 William Hawkins 11452 SE 106th St. New side fence 0288 21,500.00 William Baxter 13035 SE 147th St.. New residence ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0130 450.00 Robert Shane 11655 SE 119th Wire dwelling 0131 21,000,00 Matt Coccoine 2930-10th N. All electrical work 0132 37950 Vernon Stromberg 10423-114th SE Wire new residence 0133 Void 0134 250„00 First Christian Church 15491-116th SE Electric Heat 0135 7,528.00 Norman Schultz 528-534 Burnett Ave. Wire apartments 0136 22,448,.00 Boeing Bldg. 401 Addition of recpts 0137 8,860„00 Boeing COL F. N2 Bldg. 10-55 Relocate & add recpts 0138 560,00 Wm. T. Graham 9016-104th SE Repair fire damage 0139 50,00 Pacific NW Bell 2239 Maple Valley Hy, Install phone booth 0140 19,700.00 K, C. Corporation 320 Bronson Way N. Wire apartments MECHANICAL PERMITS M 0165 -- Brodell & Brodell 14650-130th Pl�SE Septic tank 0166 Bell & Valdez 2003 SE 18th Court Install gas Furnace 0167 -- Mrs.Ellen L. Beatteay 10227 SE 93rd Replace drain field 0168 -- Norman Schultz 523-534 Burnett Ave.N. Install plbg.f ixtures 0169 -- Boeing Co. Engr. Support Shop Install plbg.,f ixtures 0170 -- Bob Shane 11655 SE 100th Install plbg.£ixtures 6171 -- Richard Stall 11035 SE 75th P1. Septic tank 0172 -- Stanley Home Pdts Co. 501 SW 7th St. Install sprinkler sys. SEWER PERMITS 163 -- Cecil Whitaker 518 N. Williams Sewer service 164 George Janisch 515-4th Ave., W. Sewer service 165 -- Mike's Tavern 11505 Sunset Blvd E. Sewer service 166 -- Transamerica Thunder Hill #2 Sewer service -5 6/26/67 REVISED 6-YEAR PRIORITY :SND CAPITAL BUDGET PROGRAM FOR PARKS ACQU .SITION & DEVELOPMENT YEAR SITE CLASSIFICATION FEATURES SIZE ESTDfATED COST 1967 Lake Washington Beach Major Park Lake Front 22.3 acres $ 450,000 - Development Cedar Raver Park Major Park 1815 acres Development Liberty Park Grandstand 148,163 1968 Highlands Playfield & Swiwiting Pool Playfield Recreation Center 9.4 acres 88,000 - Development* Cascade Park Playfield 10.0 acres 40,000 - Acquisition Sierra Heights Playfield View 15.0 acres 50,000 - Acquisition Talbot Hill Park Playfield 10.0 acres 99,352 - Development 1969 Kiwartis Park Playground 8.25 acres 67,7511 - Development Earlington Playground Playground 5.0 acres 40,000 - Acquisition Lake Washington Beach Addition Major Park Lake Front 5-10 acres 150,000 - Acquisition Kennydale Park Addition Playground 7.0 acres 110,000 - Acquisition Tiffany Park Playground Wooded Area 5.0 acres 4,000 - Acquisition 1970 Philip Arnold Playfield 9.99 acres 79,379 - Development � Heather Doi-ms Park Minor Park View 40.0 acres 90,000 - Acquisition � Maplewood Playground Playground 2.20 acres 30,000 - Development 1971 Hazelwood Park Playfield 10.0 a--res 40,000 - Acquisition Windsor hills Playground 4.55 acres 32,000 - Development 1972 F(-.neydew Park Playfield 10.0 acres 10,000 - Acquisition Nelsen Playfield Playfield 10.0 acres 110)000 -- Acquisition Does not include cost of pool C�2. 383 June fund transfers authorized by the Accounting and Auditing Committee and the Renton City Council. TO CLAIMS FROM: Current $ 45,686.50 Street 24,905.08 Arterial Street 6,841.87 Cedar River M & I 872.27 Equipment Rental 21,106.16 Library 4,604.72 ~" Parks 163,767.04 Water 55,473.87 1965 Water & Sewer Const. 9,268.38 Airport 833.14 Firemen's Pension 1,619.00 City Hall Construction 12437.59 Total Claims - June, 1967 $189,415.62 TO PAYROLL FROM: Current 100,529.99 Street 19,618.02 Cedar River M & I 535.00 Equipment Rental 3,675.25 Library 6096.56 Parks 18,657.41 Water 165806.75 Airport 1,252.00 Firemen's Pension 90.84 Total Payroll - June, 1967 $167,561.82 384 RFNTON PITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING July 3, 1967 RE FF RR � LS: COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Requests for Wes Crews to attend International Assn. of Electrical Inspectors Conference in Boise, Idaho, September 18 - 21, 1967, and Building Director Johnson and Inspector Ruppert to attend conference of International Building Officials in Minneapolis, September 25 through 29th. Valley Regional Planning Commission proposed Resolution of Intent to be considered for endorsement and adoption by the City. .� Puget Sound Governmental Conference invitation to Renton to become a member. New legislation covering health services CITY ENGINEER and SANITATION COMMITTEE Carey & Kramer - Renton application for grant - Kennydale Waterfront Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. BUILDING DIRECTOR AND POLICE DEPARTMENT Display of live steer at McDonald's Hamburger grand opening, July 14, 1967 LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Appropriation of excess revenues to Legal Department, $319.3c and Non-Departmental for printing costs $2,000.00 WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE $1,000.00 to be funded to enjoin City of Renton in litigation with the State against Pennsalt Chemical Corp. et al. LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE Street lighting for newly annexed Kennydale area UTILITY DEPARTMENT AND CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Recommendation regarding tape output for data processing system per NCR letter MEETINGS: Ways and Means Committee - Monday, July 10th at 7:00 p.m. APPOINTMENTS: James D. Smith - temporary positicn as Patrolman in Renton Police Department Valley Regional Planning Commission: Charles McGarrigle; Pat Hogue and Don Cowles RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING July 3, 1967 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Trimm, Hulse, Schellert, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Trimm, that the absent Council Members be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, G. M. Shellan, City _. Attorney, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M.C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jan Klippert, Administrative Asst. to the Mayor, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant and Anne Harker, Librarian. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of June 26, 1967 be approved as written. The motion. carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Letters were read by the City Clerk with Council action as follows: Seattle Westerners, Lodge 9 & 12, requested No-Fee Permit to sell Booster Buttons during the 4th of July Parade, proceeds therefrom to be used for purchase of a bus to transport handicapped children. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, to grant the request. Carried. Letter from Gene L� Coulon, Park Director, submitted Quit Claim Deed for property lying near Kiwanis Park along with Affidavit and Real Estate Tax receipt, which approximate 10,550 square feet was being donated by Mr. Albert Balch for public park purposes. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Perry, to accept the document and file with the City Clerk for recording. Carried. It was suggested that Mr. Balch be sent a letter expressing thanks for his kindly contribution. A letter from Mr. Sven A. Johnson, Building Director, requested authorization for Electrical Inspector, Wes Crews, to attend the International Association of Electrical inspectors` meeting in Boise, Idaho, September 18 through September 21, 1967. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to refer the request to the Committee of the Whole. The motion carried. City Clerk Nelson's communication requested authorization to appropriate $319.30 from excess revenues, Current Fund, into the Legal Department Account, to cover vacation time earned by Mrs. Marie Rupprecht, City Attorneys Secretary, who has terminated. A transfer is required into Account 1600/130, Vacation, Relief, Overtime in sum of $305.30 and into 1600/201, F.I.C.A. in sum of $14.00. Also, since the departmental printing volume has made it necessary to utilize services of additional personnel from the City Clerk's office, it was requested that the sum of $2,000.00 be appropriated from excess revenues, Current Fund into Non-Departmental Account 1920/110, Salaries and Wages to allow for adequate and proper distribution of printing costs of the various departments. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Letter from Building Director Johnson requested permission for himself and Mr. Ruppert to attend the Conference of International Building Officials in Minneapolis on the 25th through 29th of September, 1967. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to refer the request to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Mayor Custer Submitted copy of Minutes of May 25th meeting of the Valley Regional Planning Commission and the proposed "Resolution of Intent" which the Commission has asked each member City to endorse and adopt. It was suggested that the matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole for discussion at an early date so the City might reply. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Letter from Carey and Kramer Consulting Engineers, reported receipt of word that Renton received no allocation of grant money for the Kennydale Lakefront Sewer L.I.D. per its priority rating and advised of possible retroactive grants. After discussion on mode of rating priorities and note that the City's application is still eligible for grant, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Sanitation Committee and the City Engineer to repot back. Carried. -1- 386 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 7-3-67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from Puget Sound Governmental Conference, Merwin W. Parker, Acting Director, extended invitation to the City to become an active participant in planning for the central Puget Sound region. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Morris, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Cost for membership in the Conference is based on per capita @ 72¢. The motion carried. A letter from the National Cash Register Company outlined costs covering the punch paper tape output feature on the 500 Series Computer and the Class 33 Accounting machine in the proposed data processing system. The monthly cost for this additional feature will be $135.00 per month. Councilman Morris suggested that the Utility De- partment and City Clerk's office send the Council a letter making their recommendations upon which the Council will act. Letter from C.S. Williams, Chief of Police, requested authorization for W.E. Frazee to attend Retraining Session of National FBI Academy Graduates in Denver, Colorado r July 16 - 19, 1967. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to grant the request. Discussion ensued regarding policy in differentiating by referral of prior requests and Perry noted that matter of funding and conference dates were reasons for referral. Mayor Custer stated that any requests would not pass his desk unless adequate funds were available. The pending motion carried. West Pacific Advertising Agency requested permission to display the largest live steer in the world in vicinity of Renton and Rainier Avenues on private property during the day of July 14th in connection with the official opening of McDonald's hamburger restaurant. The ribbon cutting ceremony will commence at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, July 13th.. Their display will be well attended and separated from the public by a fence. Moved by Poli, seconded by Garrett, to grant the request. Dis- cussion ensued regarding potential traffic hazard, location and provisions of the Ordinance and it was noted there was not time for a Variance to be considered by the Board of Adjustment and therefore the request was being made to Council. Amended by Morris, seconded by Poli, the Building Director and Police DC,partment supervise the affair. A Revocable Permit was suggested -Further recommended by Belaurenti that the Building Superintendent grant the request under condition that one or two off- duty police officers be hired to assist. The amended motion carried. Letter from the Association of Wn. Cities advised of important new law relating to local health services. Summary of the new legislation was attached. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Letter from Mayor Custer submitted City Attorney Shellan's notice of litigation proceedings, State of Washington et al vs. Pennsalt Chemicals Corp. et al - Civil No. 7201 - W,D. Wash. and inquiry was made as to whether the City wishes to be enjoined as an additional party, having purchased approximately $16,638.10 worth of liquid chlorine between 1955 and 1965, and excess pries being the litigation reason. The suit is being instituted by the U.S. Government againsra number of National con- cerns. Each participant is asked to contribute $1,000.00 toward legal costs and it was noted that if successful the costs and the excessive charges would be recovered. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, that the City join in the litigation as recommended and that the matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for the funding. Carried. APPOINTMENTS: Letter from Mayor Custer requested Council concurrence in the temporary position appointment of Mr. James D. Smith as Patrolman in the Renton Police Department, a Civil Service examination to be taken within the 4-month temporary appointment period as provided under Civil Service rules and regulations. Civil Service and Police Chief's recommendation were attached. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the temporary appointment. Carried. Concurrence was requested in appointment by the Mayor of the. following Renton representatives to the Valley Regional Planning Commission for the period as indi- cated Charles McGarrigle, Chamber of Commerce representative, June 1, 1967 to June 1, 1969. Pat Hogue, representative-at-large, June 1, 1967 to June 1, 1968. Don Cowles, representative-at-large, June 1, 1967 to June 1, 1969. It was recommended that the remaining two positions be filled by a Councilman and a Planning Commissioner from the City of Renton which appointments will be submitted at &uch time as a recommendation is received from each Body. Moved by Poli with the second by Sche'lert,to concur in the appointment. Carried. Moved by Schellert, with second by Hulse, that the Council appointee be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. -2- 387 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 7-3-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Councilman Hulse inquired of the May Creek Flood Control Committee whether they had any report regarding the matter. Chairman Pedersen reported that to their knowledge the project was null and void and that the Committee will check again with the Soil Conservation Agency for verification. Councilman Schellert reported that the Ways and Means Committee will meet next Monday at 7:00 p.m. to discuss the funding of walkways and hopes to get cost estimates from the City Engineer and Traffic Advisory Committee. Perry suggested the Committee also investigate how many people will be using the walkways, 'and it was noted that all factors will be considered by the Committee. Councilman Perry reminded the Council of the 4th of July parade and related activities Scheduled for tomorrow and requested that those planning to participate report at the Renton Shopping Center at 1:45 p.m., the parade to commence at 2:00 p.m. New Business: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 8783 through 8876, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, be approved by the Council for payment at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund ##8783 - 8815 and 8875 $ 1,785.66 Street Fund 8817 - 8826 3,986.00 Arterial Street 8816 65.00 Equipment Rental 8827 - 8843 1,358.02 Library 8844 181.30 Parks 8845 - 8861 and 8876 1,412.30 Water Works Utility 8862 - 8870 32,80.53 Airport 8871 - 8873 253.35 Firemen's Pension Fund 8874 8.00 $ 41,859.16 Councilman Pedersen requested permission to attend the International Conference of Building Officials in Minneapolis, September 25-29th, as Property Committee Chairman. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Trimm, to grant the request. Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, that an Ordinance be drawn to require that all persons henceforth appointed to Boards and Commissions must be residents of the City. Upon oral vote which the Mayor declared lost, roll call was requested and taken as follows: Ayes: Schellert, Pedersen, Perry and Poli. No: Trimm, Hulse, Garrett, Delaurenti and Morris. The motion lost 5 to 4. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Vern Morris, Chairman, Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted proposed Resolution authorizing appropriation of excess revenues, Current Fund, into the City Hall Construction Fund No. 9600, Acct. 602, in sum of $19,907.25, which was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1463 as read. Carried. Proposed Resolution was read, for presentation to the Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce to submit to the State of Washington Good Roads Association for consideration and adoption at its next regular meeting, urging early completion of the North Renton Inter- change by the State and all other parties and governmental agencies concerned. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1464 as read. Carried. Upon inquiry, it was noted that the Interchange was opened to Hwy. 405 for one lane last Thursday. Discussion ensued regarding the ribbon cutting ceremony and the fact that some of the Council Members had not been made aware of the occasion. It is hoped that the additional portion will be completed by this fall. Proposed Resolution was read amending the City's Six Year Comprehensive Street Program as required in keeping with provisions of Ch. 83 of the Extraordinary Session Laws of 1967 with particular reference being made to R.C.W. 3681.121. Moved by Schellert, and seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1465 as read. Carried. -3- 388 Minutes - Rentrmn City Council Meeting 7-3-67 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS:(Cont.) The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton which was read by the City Clerk annexing certain territory to the City of Renton - otherwise known as Northerly portion of "Kennydale Island" area comprising approxi- mately 60 acres. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to place the document on it second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2341 as read. Roll call vote followed and resulted in all ayes. The motion carried. Proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton was read vacating a portion of 10th Place North, Renton, Washington. (Stone-St. Clair petition) Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, that Ordinance No. 2342 be adopted as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes carrying the motion. ttuilding Director Johnson reported that a youngster had come out of Liberty Park with a case of Coke earlier this evening and had tripped and fallen on the case of bottles. Mr. Johnson helped clean up the glass and take care of the youngster and suggested the incident be investigated and legal aspect be covered. Councilman Hulse referring to the annexation of the Kennydale area this evening, moved that the matter of street lights for this area be referred to the Power and Light Committee. The motion was seconded by Schellert, and carried. Since there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. HelmiP W. NeTs—on, City Clerk '1 D. W. Custer, Mayor -4- 389 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS 7-3-67 NO, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 0289 1,000,00 Signal Oil and Gas 1000 Bronson Way Erect ne;v sign 0290 100.00 Lee R. floods 10209 S,E, 95th Ply Remodel entrance 0291 200.,00 Mrs, Lois M. Fosberg 10217 S,E, 94th St. Remodel residence 0292 120.00 Byron R. Knowles 916 F St. Add shed and 20' fence 0293 140,,000,00 K-C Corporation 338 Bronson May No- Construct 12 unit Apt:, 0294 22000,.00 Louis C, Bressman 1374 H St. Addition to residence 0295 29,000.,00 St,.Matthew's Lutheran Cho 2412-14th Ave. N. Addit� to church 0296 500,00 Charles A,_ Ruud 801 Houser Way So. Remodel building -- 0297 2,500.00 King Co, Pub,Hosp.Dist#1 200 South Fourth St, Addition to bldg. ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0141 Transamerica Dev.. Co. 1205 Thomas Lane All Electrical work 0142 6,600.00 Transamerica Dev. Co., 1301 Thomas Lane All Electrical work 0143 2,900,,00 Transamerica Dev. Co, 1208 Thomas Lane All Electrical work 0144 2,900 00 Transamerica Dev. Co. 1206 Thomas Lane All Electrical work 0145 2,900 00 Transamerica Dev. Co. 1302 Thomas Lane All Electrical work 0146 140,00 Herbert Nichols 3745 7th Ave. N, All service panel 0147 300,00 Nellie Tillman 1142 Lake St. S, Install heaters 0148 80,00 Pat Ross 908 Grant St. Change service panel 0149 35000 Muffler Systems & Parts 405 Park Ave. N. Co-1vert service 0150 22100000 Vandivort Construction 440 S[•7 7th Sty Wire Office bldg, 0151 200,00 Renton Aviation Renton Municipal A irp�Install 4 flood lights 0152 194,00 Standard Bldg. 3320-6th N� 13 outlets 2 fans 0153 200.00 Benson Apt. 15920 Benson Road Wire flood lites 0154 50000 Bell & Valdez 3315 Court "C" Wire basement 0155 175.00 Wash,'Jtate liquor Store 928 H St� Hang slimiine fixtures 0156 50000 King Co. Pub, Hosp Dist#1 200 South Fourth St. Wire X-ray office MECHANICAL PERMITS 0173 -- Gene Flansberg Inc. 10220 S.Z. 95th St, Septic tank 0174 -- Gene Flansberg, Inc. 10222 SSE_ 95th Septic tank _. O175 -- Gene Flansberg, Inc„ 10224 S,E., 95th Septic tank 0176 -- E. F. Farber 2705 Seventh Ave„ N,. Install gas fireplace 0177 -- The Boeing Company 1056 Bldg., 'natall plbg„ fixtures 0178 -- Warren Lindell Contr., 219 Wells St. Installp1brf- fixtures 0179 -- Charles Rucker 12442 S-E.. 132nd Install plbg, fixtures 0180 -- Bob Shane 11657 S,E. 100 Install plbg, fixtures SEWER PERMITS 167 -- Bell & Valdez 1707 S.E. Urban Sewer service 168 -- Bell & Valdez 2003 S.E� 18th Court Sewer service 7.69 -- Peoples National Bank 820 So, 2nd St„ SQ-,Ter service -5- 390 i PTNI'ON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING July 10, 1967 R E F E R R A L S COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Payment due John E. Harer in sum of $3,000.00 for filling of drainage ditch along boundary of airport property AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Progress Estimates 2 and 3, due N. G. Jacobson & Associates, Inc. on Off-Street Parking Study and Comprehensive Plan, $8,414.33 LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Vacation of portion or McAllister Road to Puget Western, Inc. & Renton School Dist. Air Pollution Ordinance revisions recommended by Advisory Committee Park Department fund transfer of $194.18 from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1990 to cover costs of energy used for Liberty Park ballfield lighting system Appropriation of excess revenues from Current Fund to cover costs for additional N.C.R. Data Processing equipment Appropriation of excess revenues from Water Works Utility Fund unto Water Maint. Acct. 7120/314, Consultants Fees to enjoin City in lawsuit by State against Pennsalt Chemical Corp. Rezones: Valley General Hospital G9600 to P-1, property located on South 180th between Valley Freeway and 96th Avenue South George Butko, R-1 to R-2, S.E. corner of Earl.ington Street and 4th Avenue West Louise Roccio, R-2 to B-1, N.E. corner of South 2nd Street and Logan Avenue Douth Dominick Delloso, R-1 to R-2, Sth Avenue nest between Earlington Street And Thomas Street PARK BOARD Request of Renton His&rical Society to use portion of Senior Citizens Building to display collection PLANNING COMMISSION Florence Mathieson request to amend application in appeal of Planning Commission rezone denial - Hearing set by Council for August 7th-recommendation of the Commission requested POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE Applications for licenses to operate coin-type pool tables - Koffee Haus Cafe and Pat's Tavern PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE Ke-commendation that 4th of July Parade Committee be given Community Service Award MEETINGS: Sanitation Committee - Following this evening's meeting Committee of the Whole - Monday, July 17th at 7:00 p.m. Public hearings: Appeals of Planning Commission rezone decisions: Emmett J. Donckers and Florence M$thieson APPOINTMENT: Robert A. Anthony - Temporary position as Patrolman-Renton Police Dept. 392 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING July 10, 1967 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Trimm, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Dahlquist, that the absent Councilman be excused. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jan Klippert, Administrative Asstt. to the Mayor, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Sven Johnson, Building Director and Gene Coulon, Park Director. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of July 3, 1967 be approved as written. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Vacation of portion of McAllister Road petitioned by Puget Western, Inc. , Robert C. King, President and H. R. Johnson, Secretary, Board of Directors, Renton School District 403. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communication from City Engineer Wilson advised that the road is a one-lane unpaved area running northerly through unimproved property from vicinity of Tiffany Park to South 7th Street and fails to meet minimum city street standards. No plans are contemplated to improve. the area and as adjacent area develops, new streets will be dedicated which will better serve the property. No utilities exist or are planned within the right of way and there is some question of the existence of said road in the County records at all and vacation was requested to clear the Title. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to close the hearing. Carried. The hearing was declared closed and Council. fiction invited, Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to grant the vacation as requested with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee.:Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Applications for 0. A. Maloney, Pats Tavern, and for Mutual Amusement Co.,Koffee Haus Cafe, to be granted licenses to operate coin-type pool tables. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to refer the requests to the Police and License_ Committee with power to act. Carried. Progress Estimates No. 2 and 3 covering consulting engineering services performed during May and June, 1967 by N. G. Jacobson & Associates, Inc. on Off-Street Parking Study and Comprehensive Plan were submitted in total sum of $8,414.33. (C.AG. 1124-67) Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from Dusalina Cavaletto, President, Renton Historical Society, requested to utilize a portion of the Senior Citicens Building to display collection of Renton historical items. The display would be open to the public with members of the Society present during such hours daily. Offer was made to share cost of any building supervision as may be required. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Dahlquist to refer the request to the Park Board for recommendation. Dahlquist inquired as to disposition of the old library and Mayor Custer advised that the Allied Arts Com- mittee has been working on changes to be made to bring the building up to Code requirements and a request would be again submitted to the Council proposing use. The pending motion carried. Letter from Mrs. Richard Neglay, Secretary, Renton Air Pollution Advisory Council, submitted proposed changes in the Renton Air Pollution Ordinance being recommended for Council consideration. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the amendments with referral to the Law and Ordinance_ Committee. Discussion ensued regarding the referral and whether the proposals encompassed all desirable revisions, after which the pending motion carried. Letter from Park Director Coulon requested transfer of $194.18 from Cumulative Fund 1990 to the Park Department Fund 6120, M. & 0. 303, to cover energy costs in Liberty Park ballfield lighting system, May 29 - June 30, 1967. Moved by Dahlquist, and seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for necessary Resolution. Carried. -1- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 7-10-67 COMMMICAT IONS: (Cont.) Letter from City Clerk Nelson and Dorothea Gossett, Treasurer, reporting on referral of 7-3-67, NCR Coat Analysis for additional Data Processing features, outlined the function of the equipment and advantages of the proposed change in paper tape punch equipment. The total wiring cost will be reduced $800.00 by changing the punch stye and the monthly cost will be increased $135.00, one-half of which will be assumed by the Utility Department. It was recommended that funding for the costs 'Lie provided from excess revenues in the Current Fund for November and December with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee to submit the appropriation Ordinance. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the request. Mrs. Helmie Nelson reported that word had been received from NCR that they were very pleased and impressed by ... the work of Mrs. Varner, of the Clerk's office and Mrs. Geesman, utility Department, in programming the system for adaptation to the City's accounting requirements. The p��nding motion carried. Letter from M. C. Walks, Fire Chief, requested authorization to attend the 6th Annual Pare Department seminar and the 94th Annual Conference of the International Assn. of Fire Chiefs in San Francisco, California, September 8-14� 1967. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, to grant the request. Carried. Letter from Mr. and Mrs. EaLm. ett J. Donckers appealed decision of the Planning Commission in denial of request for rezoning Lots 14, 1.5 and 16, corner of South 11th Street and Morris Avenue South from GS--1 to R-2. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that the date of August 7, 1967 be set for hearing on the appeal. Carried. Letter from Mrs. Florence Mathieson, P. 0. Box 2025, Renton, appealed decision of the Planning Commission in denial of rezone of property from R-1 to R-3, located on Sunset Blvd. North and 316th Avenue S.E. Mrs. Mathieson advised that due to serious illness in the family she w*as unavailable to attend the meeting; and not being aware that she needed to be represented the inquiries of the Commission could not be answered. A revision and amendment of her, application relative to access and rezone to R-2 was proposed and reconsideration by the Planning Commission was requested. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Pedersen, that the date of August 7th be set for hearing on the appeal. Carried. Moved by Schel.lert, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter of proposed revisions and amendment to application by Mrs Hathieson to the Planning .�. Commission for recommendation at the hearing. The motion carried. Letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director, submitted recommendations of the Planning Commission from its public ?gearing meeting of June 28, 1967, as follows: Variance Application, Pacific Coast RR Co. V-409-67 requesting sidewalk and setback variances from subdivision and zoning ordinance requirements for Earl ington Industrial Park No. 1, located in vicinity of SW corner of South 7th Avenue and West of 87th Ave. South. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendations. Conditions were noted and it was pointed out that 172 ft. setback was provided to allow for the cul de sac and Mr. Tjossem, Attorney for the Railroad, pointed out that it was not feasible to install sidewalks within the Plat when the buildings and entrances and egress were not yet determined and would probably warrant breaking up of any sidewalk in construction. It was felt that subsequent developers could install the walkways as might be suitable to any certain buildings which might be constructed in the future, and could be regulated by the City under existing Ordinances as may be desirable. The motion to grant the variances as per Planning Commission recommendations subsequently carried. (See Planning Commission Minutes of June 28, 1967 for details) Rezones: Valley General Hospital, Appl. R-379-67, from G-9600 to P-1, property located on South 180th Street between the Valley Freeway on 'the West and 96th Avenue South on the East. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the rezone with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for necessary Ordinance. Carried. Dutko, George C. , Appl. R-404-67, from R-1 to R-2� on property located S.E. corner of Earlington Street and 4th Avenue West. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motion carried. Louise Rocchio Appl. R-405-67, from R-2 to B-1, property located in vicinity of N.E. ^orner of South 2nd and Logan Avenue South. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the rezone with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motion carried. -2- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 7-10-67 COMMUNICATIONS : (Cont.) Planning Commission Recommendations for rezones: Dominick Delloso, Appl. R-407-67, from R-1 to R-2, on property located on 5th Avenue West between Earlington and Thomas Streets. R-4 had been requested and the Commission had recommended R-2 since the Comprehensive Plan indicates low density multi-family residential. Applicant agreed to amend his application thereto which will allow apartments by special permit. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to concur with the R-2 rezone with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Letter from C. H. Glasford, Sales Representative, King County Medical Service Corp. advised that upon renewal of the contract with the City on February 1, 1968, $4.00 will be added per day to the room and board allowance raising the total to $30.50 for all subscribers and dependents. Due to the cost being excellent for the past year no additional charges are to be made in the coming year for this addition. Cooperation of employees in careful use of the medical plan was noted and acknow- ledged by the increase. Letter from W.E. Bennett, Utility Accountant, in accordance with provisions of Resolution No. 1274, reported that the valuation of the City's Utility properties and assets as of December- 31, 1966 amounted to the sum of $6,850,643.21 which information is furnished to provide a basis for establishment of "rvice charge rates for 1968. Letter from F.A. Grabner, Airport Director, reported that Mr. John E. Hazer has satisfactorily completed all necessary work to install and fill the part of the drainage ditch within the Black River Channel along the boundary ofthe City's airport anj his property and it is recommended that the City's share of the cost in qum of $3,000.00 be paid as provided in Contract Agreement, (C.AG. 1096-67 dated 1/31/671) Discussion ensued regarding funding of the payment and whether the area lies within the airport property boundary and it was moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole until terms of the agree- ment and source of funding is investigated.. Carried. Letter from Park Director Coulon submitted for acceptance and execution by the City Easement R,W. 7146 (W-15502) for public access road to Lake Washington Beach Park across Northern Pacific Railway Company Lake Wn. Belt Line. The City Attorney and City Engineer have approved the document. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Morris, to accept the document and authorize execution by the Mayor and City Clerk. Carried. APPOINTMENT: Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Robert A. Anthony to temporary position of Patrolman in the Renton Police Department during which 4 months temporary period Civil Service examination must be successfully completed to qualify for appointment to probationary status. Civil Service Certification and recommendation of the Police Chief were attached. Moved by Delaurent i, seoonded by Poli, to concur in the appointment. The motion carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Council President Trimm reported Committee of the Whole recommendation that one member from the Building Department be authorized to attend the Conference of Building Officials in Minneapolis, September 25-29, 1967 and one member authorized to attend the Association of Electrical Inspectors meeting in Boise, Idaho, on September 18-21, 1967. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recom- mendation of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Councilman Hulse inquired whether any report was available regarding financing of the May Creek Flood Control program. Councilman Pedersen advised there was no new information regarding the matter andit was moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert that the King County Commissioners be advised that the City has the matter under advisement requesting status of the program as far as the County is concerned.Carried. Councilman Hulse, commended the Council and various City Officials who helped with completion of the City Hall plans and in getting construction on its way, of which accomplishment they might all be proud. Councilman Schellert submitted Committee of Ways and Means report on referral of 7-3-67 for funding of $1,000.00 court costs for City to join the State in a lawsuit against Pennsalt Chemical Corp., It was recommended that the cost be funded by excess revenues in the Water Works Utility Fund with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendations. The motion carried. -3- 395 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 7-10-47 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Councilwoman Dahlquist called attention to hazardous conditions in the Highlands,Sunset at 10th Ave. No. and K - H Streetsan d the parallel road which is being used as a thoroughfare at excessive speeds and the two way turn lane's unsafe feature. It was noted in discussion that the present use is not per.:anent, solution of the problem to involve widening and making of a State Highway in the area, a :. she :rrif E:..Sineer was requested to take a look to see what improvement might be made. Councilman Garrett, Chairman, Street and Alley Committee submitted recommendations which were read with Council action taken as follows: Recommended that the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission be notified that grade crossing proposals as presented in the Hearing Notice u=_e adequate for the existing conditions and the City has no objections, the City to have final approval of any future grade changes of the tracks through the street crossings. if there is any substantial increase in regard to vehicular or train traffic the railroad should be required to modify their crossing control including the installation of automatic signals if warranted. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendations of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Street and Alley Committee report recommended that the low bid of General Service Electric Co., Inc. in sum of $142,650.00 be accepted on the Rainier Avenue Traffic Signal project. Approximately $30,000.00 of this amount will be reimbursed by the State Highway Department as participant in the project. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Regarding Rainier Avenue Resurfacing Project, the City has requested that the State Highway Department consider surfacing of Rainier Avenue from South 3rd Street to the North City Limits providing an additional center turn lane. Estimated cost, $100,000.00, and the State would assume $80,000.00 and the City's participation would be approximately $20,000.00. In order that the proposal may be submitted to the State Highway Commission at its July 24th meeting, the Highway Department has requested that the City provide the necessary preliminary engineering required to prepare an agreement between the State and the City also to substantiate its being established as a non-budgeted project. It was recommended that the Engineered Industrial Systems, Inc., Consulting Engineers, be retained to prepare preliminary engineering for the project. The cost will be in sum of $2,810.00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendations. The motion carried. The State Highway Department has indicated that the easterly approach to the North Renton Interchange, from 116th Ave. S.E . to Interstate Hwy. 405, will be completed by this fall. The traffic signal installation at 116th S.E., the Easterly approach to the North Renton Interchange and existing Sunset Hwy. has been determined to be the responsibility of the City. In order that this project might be completed with the opening of the Easterly approach to the North Renton Interchange, the Street and Alley Committee recommended that Engineered Industrial Systems, Inc., be retained to complete the plan preparation and specifications for this project. The cost of $1.200.00 is payable from the Arterial Street fund. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. Carried, The Street and Alley Committee recommended that the City install pedestrian walkway in vicinity of Honey Dew School as requested by the P.T.A. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Perry called attention to the 4th of July festivities and to the great effort and many hours of time devoted to the project by the Committee who works most of the year in planning the event, and suggested that some sort of award be granted for Community service. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Public Relations Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee had conferred on the matter and it was moved by Perry, seconded by Morris, that the 4th of July Parade Committee be awarded a certificate of merit for its service to the community. Carried. Councilman Poli, Chairman, submitted Light and Power Committee report recommending installations of street lights as follows: Newly annexed Kennydale area 1-7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Light at intersection of S.E. 84th Street and 104th Ave. S .E. 1 @ intersection of S.E . 84th Street and 106th Avenue S .E., 1 @ second pole west of 106th Ave. S.E. on S.E . 84th Street and 1 on Lake Wash. Blvd., northerly of S.E. 84th. In addition it was recommended that two existing 20,000 lumen Mercury Vapor lights be removed and replaced with four 7,000 lumen Mercury Vapor lights on Lake Wash. Blvd. northerly of S.E. 84th Street, Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendations of the Light and Power Committee. Carried. -4- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 7_10.-67 COtNCLL COMMITTEE REPORTS: New Business: Council President Trimm announced a Committee of the Whole meeting on Monday, July 17th at 7:00 p.m. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 8877 through 9011, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council for payment at this time. Carried. The fund breakdown follows: Current Fund No. 8877 - 8920 $ 23,980.36 Street Fund 8921 - 8931 143,610.35 Cedar River M. & I. 8932 - 8935 119.32 Equipment Rental Fund 8936 - 8953 933.79 Library 8954 - 8959 451.44 Parks 8960 - 8977 1,680.11 Water Works Utility 8978,8981,8990, 8992 - 9001 14,549.03 Airport Fund 8980 & 8991,9002 - 9009 & 9011 3,283.67 City Hall Construction 9010 151.51 $ 59,759.58 Councilman Hulse inquired whether any progress has been made insofar as highway 405 beautification is concerned. Discussion ensued wherein Mayor Custer advised that the Highway Department has prepared a plan. Assistant Mayor Klippe-rt added that the plan had been presented to the Municipal Art Commission and the Beautification Committee and will be let for bid in the fall and two years will be approximate completion time. Dahlquist commented that 405 seems to get by-passed when they do any work along the freeway embankments. Hulse inquired regarding pedestrian walkway over 405 at the North Renton Interchange and Mayor Custer advised that he had attended a meeting on the matter on Friday and that the liklihoo d. of an under pass, not a walkway was possible; omnibus bill being passed for study of feasibility of the underpass, through efforts of Mr. Garrett in the Legislature. Councilwoman Dahlquist called attention to 20 ft. strip on each side of Sunset Hwy. which was to have been utilized as a Boulevard per the Comprehensive Plan for the Highlands and urged that the Highway be 4-laned to prevent the accidents now so prevalent in the area since the City owns the area, rather than allow all the gas stations and businesses to utilize the strip. City Engineer Wilson advised that this is a State route not city property and any money spent would be wasted at this time. Councilman Pedersen, Chairman, Sanitation Committee, requested a meeting with the City Engineer and his Committee following this evening's council meeting. Councilman Garrett reported that the Association of Washington Cities Board of Directors had sent a recommendation to the Governor for the appointment to the Statewide City Employees Retirement Board and Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant was named as candidate from Renton as well as an employee of the City of Camas and it was urged that Renton's candidate be promoted if anyone has an opportunity to bend the Governor's ear. Mayor Custer added that Mr. Biesen has requested names for nomination to be sent to thy; Association for new Boards such as Art, Annexations, etc. Councilman Schellert called attention to fact that the Planning Commission will be holding a meeting o#* July 19th to review the Comprehensive Plan and anyone who may be interested should be notified so they may attend. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A proposed Resolution of the City of Renton was read authorizing appropriation of excess revenues, Current Fund, as follows: Into Legal Department Account 1600/130, Vacation, Relief, overtime, $305.30; Legal Account 1600/201, F.I.C.A., $14.00 and Non-Departmental Account 1920/110, Salaries and Wages, $2,000.00. Moved by Poli, seconded by Morris, to adopt Resolution No. 1466 as read. Carried. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor -5- 397 PIRMITS ISSUM BY THu CITY BUILDING AND ENGIRLLRIaQ BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 0298 Alfred E. E rdt 10831 112th Ave S.E. Construct garage 99 4.000.00 Don Mac Whirter 547 J St Construct swimming pool B 0300 50.00 Sy Wallace 2818 Fourth P1 North Tool shed (moveable) 01 21500.00 Bell & Valdez 3315 Court C Finish basement 02 6,500.00 Trans American 1200 Ethier Rd Swim pool for apartments 03 Robert Woods 11648 S.E. 100th St Build fence 04 20,400.00 Eddie Brady 1710 S.E. Upland Court Build family dwelling ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0157 289.00 Whitespar Inc 3939 7th North Wire service 58 289.00 Whitespar Inc 3942 7th North " • 59 1,800.00 national Poultry 615 Wells North B 0160 -- VOID 61 31,033.00 Boeing Airplane Co 10.56/58 62 40.00 Richard L. Christensen3105 Fifth Ave E. 63 250.00 I-lax Miller 12535 Rainier Ave South MECHANICAL PER14ITS M 0181 -- Les Daniels '14625 1304--h 1'1 S.E. Plumbing and fixtures 82 TIM. Baxter 13035 S.E. 147Th 1' 11 11 83 -- L. Hildehrand 11230 S.E. 97th Septic tayilr 84 L. Hildebrand 11232 S. E. 97th l-i 0185 _- L. Hildebrand 11233 S. E. 96th 86 -- L. Hildebrand 11231 S. E. 96th 87 Herve Belisle 9607 - 112th Ave S.E. " *' 88 -- Herve Belisle 9603 112th Ave S.E. .r. 89 -- Rudy Zaputil 3321 10th Place Install plumbing M 0190 R. S. Shane 11651 S. E. 100th St Install gas piping 91 -- R. S. Shane 11653 S. E. 100th St 92 R. S. Shane 11655 S.E. 100th 93 -- Oren Pritchard 9834 116th Ave S.E. -6- 398 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S July 17, 1967 AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Estimate #12, Architectural Fees due Johnston-Campanella-Murakami & Co. on City Hall Plans, $4,884.43 Progress Estimate #3, $1,120.00 due Olsen-Richert, Architects on Liberty Park Grandstand plans Final payment for consulting services on Rainer Avenue Traffic Signal Project due Engineered Industrial Systems, $7,450.00, reimbursement of $1.950.00 to be paid by State Hwy. Deprt. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Proposed amendement to City's Air Pollution Ordinance and Attorneys recommendations to consider new legislation and not revise at this time CITY ATTORNEY AND FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE Agreement with Cornell, Howland, Hayes & Merryfield for engineering services on new Cedar River Park well LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Vacation of 30 ft. right of way adjoining Tract 289 (Storey-Puget Power petition) Amending City Code to adopt "Uniform Building Code, 1967 Edition, Vol. 1, 2nd Printing Fund transfers and appropriations for Arterial Street projects on Rainier Avenue Appropriation of $64,350.00 to complete Liberty Park Grandstand LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE Earle Tinius, Statewide City Employees Retirement System, request for list of names for appointments to Boards and Commissions POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE Application for license to operate coin-type pool table at Snappy Tavern WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Funding for appraisal of down town property for parking study and comprehensive plan $3,000.00 APPOINTMENTS: Gary L. Hills and David N. Smith, Patrolmen, Renton Police Department - 4 month temporary period pending Civil Service Exam Ken Castile - Board of Adjustment to fill vacancy created by resignation of Courtney Roth MEETINGS: Committee of the Whole - Monday, July 24th at 7:00 p.m. Engineer with residents on L.I.D. 256 - Tuesday, July 25th at 7:30 p.m. Continued Hearing on L.I.D. 256 - August 14, 1967 Final Hearing - Annexation - Woods-Eidson property - August 7, 1967 399 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING July l,, , 1967 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. A moment of silence was observed at this time in memory of Councilman Hugh Bruce who passed away this date after a long illness. Funeral services will be held on Wednesday, July 19, at 1:00 p.m., Faull's Funeral Home. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Trimm, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Dahlquist, that absent Councilman Pedersen be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HrADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Jack Pain, Assistant City Attorney, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent., Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M.C. Walls, fire Chief, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Jan Klippert, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Sven Johnson, Building Director. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse, to approve the Minutes of the previous meeting of July 10, 1967 as written. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Vacation - 30 ft. right-of-way adjoining Tract 289, C. D. Hillman's Lake Wash. Garden of Eden Div. No. 4. (Frank Storey & Puget Sound Power & Light Co. petition) This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Letter from City Engineer Wilson was read reporting that the Engineering Department had no objection to the proposed vacation noting that Deeds had been granted the City for right-of-way to replace the portion to be vacated,which exchange will provide for any future road and utility construction which might be needed. It was recommended that the subject area be vacated and deeds accepted from Puget Sound Power & Light Company and Frank Storey, Petitioners, as proposed, Audience comment was invited and since there was none, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, that the hearing be closed. Carried. The hearing was declared closed and Council action invited. Moved by Schellert and seconded by Morris, to approve the vacation with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for necessary Ordinance. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to concur with the re_ommend tion of the City Engineer to accept the deeds for right of way as outlined. Carried. 2. Public Hearing on Preliminary Assessment for proposed Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. ##256, Lake Washington Blvd. & vicinity. Total cost $340,104.38 This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communication from City Engineer Wilson reported that valuation of the property withinthe proposed District, plus 257o of existing improvements is $691,415.00 and that there are no outstanding assessments within the proposed district, said valuation being adequate to support the proposed L.I,.D. As of 5:00 p.m. this date protests from owners bearing 33.06% of total assessments within the district have been received. If 60% or more are received the City is restrained by law from proceeding. Letters of protest were read from the following residents who objected to the burden of costs which many stated were excessive and noted, inability to finance the project due to limited retirement incomes: C. R. Bystrom, Thure G. Agren, John H. McTigue, Petition with 9 signatures, H. M. Nirsch to Alexander Harding, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Stranack, Ernest E . Henry, Kathryn Kirkman, Mrs. M. C. Drew, Dorothy and Duane H. Box, Johanna A, Lee, Elna Howell, Mrs. Reka Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McWilliams, L. Graves, Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Rafanelli, Sanfrey C. Holma, petition bearing 76 signatures beginning with Harry A. Scrichfield and ending with Jerry R. Kelleher, Walter A. Mathis, Vivian Mathis, Arthur Yoder, Harry & Marilyn Scrichfield, Sarah Beckett, Richard J- Morris, Kenneth Gathmann, Mrs. Harold Phinney, Mrs. Chester A. Cullers, Mrs. J. Marenakos, W. J. Hoven, Robert D. Sather, L. C. Walt, Edwin C. Welchko, Mrs. H. W. Craemer and Edwin D. Stride. Many of the letters indicated the need for the Sanitary Sewer line but stated the cost to be above the property value, or inequitable insofar as benefit was concerned. Inclusion of additibhhl area was said to be a reason for protest and Mayor Custer stated that the Public Hearing and notice thereof is part of the legal notification as well as publishing and posting which has been complied with as required, the Seattle Times being the City's Legal Publication Newspaper. The local papers also have carried articles on the proposal which may or may not have been noted by the affected residents. ' Since anyone who may so desire does have the opportunity to voice opinion on the matter, any. audience comment was invited at this time. _ r 400 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 7-17-67 PUBLIC HEARING: L,I�D. #256 (Cont..) Upon inquiry, City Engineer Wilson reported that the City had been petitioned by residents within the subject area for formation of an L.I.D. for Sanitary Sewers bounded by Lake Wn. Blvd. and 100th Avenue on the East, 96th on the South and 88th to the North and an area to the North had indicated interest but had not petitioned.Until 2 years ago none of the area could be serviced with sewers as there were no trunks available, but now Metro has made the trunk available and since the residences were having increasing health problems within the area and much interest had been shown, the L�I.D. was made available to the entire area lying within the city limits, West of the Freeway. In order to get under way this year action as taken was required. It was noted that the assessments may decrease if a good bid were received, the preliminary estimate being on the maximum rather than minimum side, and the cost is the actual amount to be paid for the construction costs, the City making no money on the project. Any delay might prove costly with rapid risme in economics including construction costs. Zone and termini method was used for assessment which involves sectioning each parcel from its frontage into 30 ft, strips and each strip being assessed a percentage of cost, the front portion being 457., next 30 ft, a lesser amount and on to the back portion which would be the least. In checking with Seattle for average assessment it was $10.90 where this one amounts to $10.19 which is not felt to be out of line. The overall cost is somewhat higher due to terrain and cost was divided where properties could not be serviced from the street without additional line. Audience comment was invited and W.J. Hoven advised he was unable to compute the assessments and arrive at the costs derived by the city. It was noted that side sewers might have varied the costs. Mrs. Sally Scott inquired whether a portion of the proposed District might withdraw stating 900, of the protests were from her area.. The Mayor reported the Council may within certain limits change the boundaries but a new L.I,D, may have to be formed. Property could be deleted on the final hearing however, if the people are ever to have sewers they might want to ;uestion whether they want to have their area deleted and when the final assessment roll is prepared they may wish they had stayed in as final costs will never be lower but will certainly be increased at a future date, Mrs. Mark Pugh inquired regarding additional cost of running the line from the residence connection and was advised the City assessment includes the main line and connection to property lines noting that the subject parcel had been recently annexed to the City, Comment from Mr. Strichfield was made regarding notification and further information and explanation was requested prior to inclusion in the L.I.D. Mr. Stride noted that as cost increases so does the income and other values proportionately. City Engineer Wilson added that a larger district provides for a better bid. Mr. Eugene Jensen , Mr. Tom Phinney and Mr. Walter Mathis inquired regarding their individual assessments and inquired regarding recourse, City Attorney Pain advised that if the City Council does by ordinance create this L,I.D. the property owner has 10 days to protest and 607, protest would not allow the L.I.D. to proceed. Also, at time of finalization of the assessment roll property owners may take issue with the final assessment on their individual properties and may carry the matter to the Superior Court. Council action would determine basis for protest as they could drop this L,I.D. and form a new one to help alleviate the health problem which may result in a more costly project. Mrs. Shook noted that the problem areas are benefitting by the present proposal since the cost has been distributed among the entire roll. Upon further inquiries regarding individual assessments it was noted that persons may come in and discuss the assessments with the Engineer and will be shown how their assessment was computed. Inquiry was made as to whether the Engineer would meet with a group and he advised he would be happy to do so, some noting the need for the sewers but wishing further information. Others inquiring regarding individual assessments, mode of payment to be proviled and possibility of a meeting included Nancy Meadows, Ken Smith, Charles Dones, Mrs. Don Patterson, Lavern E. Graves, Bill Walker and Steve Doutrich. It was noted that if the LID were instituted 30 day period would be allowed to pay as much as desired interest free, after which full payment would be accepted with interest or the balance or full amount would be spread on the tax roll for 10 years plus interest of probable 5%. It was subsequently moved by Garrett, and seconded by Hulse, to continue this hearing to August 14th giving the Engineer time to meet with the people. Schellert proposed that the proposed L.I.D. be approved and time would be allowed prior to presentation of the Ordinance for individual adjusttt-=.mts �and additional protests which might render the project dead. The pending motion for continuation carried. Discussion ensued regarding a meeting and upon show of hands that next Tuesday would be an acceptable date, the Council Chambers at City Hall at 7:30 p.m. was scheduled therefor. Recess was declared at this time. After the recess roll call was taken with all Council Members present as previously listed except Dahlquist. -2- 401 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 7-17-67 COMMUNICATIONS: Letters were read by the City Clerk with Council action taken as follows: The City Clerk reported receiving required approval for dispensation of Review Board proceedings regarding annexation petition of Eidson-Woods,w:uch property lies generally East of 132nd Avenue S.E. and South of S.E. 120th Place, Reply of King County Commissioner O'Brien, per Mr. Jean DeSpain, King Co. Engineer and Mayor Custer constituted a majority and it i,aS t::uc in order to set a date for final hearing. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that A,,.g ust 7, 1967 be set as date for public hearing on the matter. Carried. --- Letter from Puget Sounds National Cystic Fibrosis Research Foundation requested per Neil D. Sharp, Executive Director, permit to conduct fund raising drive in Renton during the week of Sept;:.nbel 11th, 1967. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli to grant the No-Yee Permit as requested. Carried. Letter from Sven Johnson, Euilding Director recommended that the "Uniform Building Code" 1967 Edition, Volume 1, Second Printing, Sections 101 - 6002 and the appendix Sections 1313 - 7020, be adopted by the City with exception of Table No. 3-A which relates to fees with the present fee schedule retained per 1964 Edition. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for necessary Ordinance. Schellert suggested a public hearing on the matter, however Mr, Johnson advised those recommendations are results of open hearings of the Chapter at International Conferences and encompass objectives voted upon and approved and will contribute to uniformity with other code enforcing ,jurisdictions. The pending motion carried. A letter from Morris Pitia Company, Inc. called attention to a tract of land close to the City limits of Renton comprising about 160 acres which is being offered for sale @ $3,500.00 per acre on the Cedar River which they feel would be an outstanding recreation area. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Kin County Park Board for review, the property being quite c distance from our corporate limits, Carried. Progress Estimate No. 12 was submitted covering architectural services of Johntton- - Campanella & Murakami & Company on the new City Hall Plans. Balance due, $4,884.43. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from owner of Snappy Tavern, 321 Williams Avenue South, requested license to operate a coin-type pool table in said place of business. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to refer the request to the Police and License Committee with power to act. The motion carried. Letter from Park Director Coulon submitted Progress Estimate No. 3 for work completed to date by Olson-Richert b Associates on the Liberty Park Grandstand plans, C.AG. 1018- 67. Amount due this estimate, $1,120.00. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Petition containing signatures of downtown businessmen -representing twenty business establishments requested that the Council consider obtaining a complete and timely appraisal of portions of the Renton "core" area as recommended by N. G. Jacobson & Associates in their parking study and comprehensive plan for the City of Renton.The estimated cost is $3,000.00 and it was recommended that the Off-Street Parking Acct. fund the cost from present balance with remaining $1,000 advanced against next year's parking revenues. The appraisal and market analysis study is felt necessary before the merchants and landowners can make preparation to form an L.I.D and it was further recommended that the firm of Shorett & Riely be retained to accomplish the study per attached letter from that Company. Mayor Custer added that this information had been presented to Council at a Committee of the Whole meeting and the merchants had met making some slight changes and that the appraisal must be made before they can act further and before the study can be valid. They must know what a new store space is worth in $ to them.. Mayor Custer recommended that the Council give every con- sideration to this request which may mean the difference between a. successful and unsuccessful venture in the downtown area. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the requests with referral to the Ways and Means Committee for funding. The motion carried. It was noted that the appraisal costs could be a part of the L,I.D. -3- 4M Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 7-17-67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from Traffic Engineer Del Bennett, submitted and recommended for payment, final.. billing for consulting services on the Rainier avenue Traffic Signal project rendered by Engineered Industrial Systems, Inc. , C.:1G. 1116-67, ASP #8, in sum of $7,450.00, $1,950.00 of which is to be reimbursed by the State. M ,ved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, to refer the payment t , the Auditing and Accounting Committee withholding the $1,950.00 pending committment � reimbursement from the State. Carried. Letter from Del Bennett requested transfer of funds from Arterial Street Fund 3200/605 ASP #9, $69,535.00 and 3200/605 ASP #10, $12,000.00 unto Arterial Street Fund 3200/605 ASP #3, $ 7,654.50 and 3200/605 ASP #8, Rainier Avenue being the #1 priority project for 1967, having the greatest accident rate. ASP #9 is Talbot Road-Puget Drive control where installation has been accomplished from Traffic Engineering and ASP #10 is the 3rd-4th Street North Couplet which cannot be completed as yet due to inadequate funds. Even though the project will not be completed until the spring of 1968, it is required that funding be provided for the entire project upon letting of the Bid and the total Rainier Avenue Signal bid was $142,650.00 with approximately $30,000.00 to be reimbursed by the State Highway Department upon completion and acceptance. It was further requested that funds be made available for resurfacing of Rainier Avenue from South 3rd Street to -the North City limits which will provide dual left turn lanes at the major intersections of south 3rd and Airport Way as well as to provide a continuous left turn lane in vicinity of the automobile lots which have contributed greatly to the accidents. The estimated cost of this project is $100,000.00 and in negotiating with the State, the Highway Department will pay approximately $80,000.00 with the City to fund approximately $20,000.00. This project could possible be completed by the end of 1967 and it was requested that $80,000.00 be loaned unto the Arterial Street Fund ASP #8, to be repaid from the 2t gasoline tax for 1968. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper documents to effect the funding in concurrence with the recommendations. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that the motion be amended to include loan of money from the Current Fund at 3% interest to be repaid no later than December 31, 1968. The amendment carried and subsequently the original motion as amended. Letter from Mr,: Earle Tinius, Executive Secretary, Statewide City Employees Retire- ment System requested names of nominees to serve on Board of Trustees. It was noted that Mr. Bennett had been named as a candidate for position on the Board and stated that perhaps this would be an eligibility list for future use. Moved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Legislative Committee. Carried. Letter was read from the Wn. State Highway Commission reporting discussion with Mr. Del Bennett, advised it was felt necessary to notify the City of the State's plan for improvement of the Sunset Highway from 116th Avenue S.E. to 138th Avenue S.E. which consists of improving the present street facility and to construct an entirely new alignment. Until determination is made as to which plan is selected it was suggested that the City delay any reconstruction or development in the area. Letter from City Engineer Wilson called attention to the need for additional water in the core area of the City by next summer. Cedar River Park, adjacent to the Maple Valley Interchange appears to be the most desirable location according to utility survey and it was recommended a new well be commenced immediately. It was further recommended that the firm of Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield be contracted to complete necessary engineering services and attached agreement be executed to authorize same. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the document to the CitZ Attorney and Fire and Water Committee for recommendation, and to concur in the recommendations of the 'City Engineer regarding the well site, Carried. Letter from Mayor Custer called attention to rising construction costs and deemed it prudent that city projects be completed wherever possible rather thin only a part one year and remainder in subsequent years, as with the grandstand. Total cost as now determined to complete the Liberty Park grandstand would be $156,510.00. At this time only $92,160.00 has been allotted for the center section. For the additional $64,3S0.00 the two wing sections could be included as part of the original project and completed while the contractor is "on-site". It was requested that the Council consider the joint request of the Mayor and Park Board to transfer some $64,350.00 needed to complete the project which would benefit the City and be in the best interest of the public. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recommenda- tions with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. APPOINTMENTS: Council concurrence was requested in appointment of Mr, Gary L. Hills and Mr. David N. Smith totemporary positions of Patrolmen in the Renton Police Department, Civil Service examination to be successfully completed within 4 months to qualify for probationary status appointments. Police Chief and Civil Certifications were attached. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli; to concur Carried. 403 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 7-17-67 APPOINTMENTS: (Cont.) T etter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Ken Castile to fill vacancy on the Board of Adjustment created by the resignation of Mr. Courtney Roth. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the appointment. The motion carried. COJi'CIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: flew Business: :o:lncil President Trimm announced a Committee of the Whole meeting on Monday, July 24th at 7:00 p.m. �. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 9012 - 9087, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee be accepted for payment by the Council at this time.. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 9012 - 9034 $ 13,157.93 Street Fund 9035 18.06 Arterial Street 9036 - 9044 4,640.68 Cedar River M. & I� 9045 - 5048 481.36 Equipment Rental 9049 - 9056 870.08 Library 9057 - 9058 972.58 Parks 9059 - 9070 4,205.08 Water Works Utility 9071 - 9080 6,084.32 Airport 9081 - 9085 305.59 City Hall Construction 9086 - 9087 5,114 43 $ 35,850.00 Councilman Hulse inquired of the Traffic Engineer if there has been any traffic relief figure since the opening of the new interchange road and Del Bennett advised that no definite count has been made however from observing visually it was very evident throughout town. Mayor Custer advised that one business establishment had reported a drop in business which was evidence for certain. t'_oved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that the Library Board be invited to attend a joint meeting with the Committee of the Whole to discuss the general condition of t'» new library inasmuch as budget time will be approaching. After discussion as to precedent by such a meeting, ~'-max' of say^e andt:.,at these matters have been dis- cassed individually by the Council Members, the pending motion carried. Councilman Schellert inquired regarding dissolution of the May Creek Flood Control ?roject requested by property owners wondering how the money is rebated which has been collected. City Clerk Nelson reported that as directed by the Council the previous week, inquiry has been sent to the County Commissioner and Flood Control information has been requested. Councilman Hulse noted that there is need for some control and in view of the street and highway improvements and developments it appears that some amount of water will be coming down the canyon and question - arises whether the property owners can handle it themselves. Newspaper reports on the matter were discussed and it was noted that the outcome would have to be awaited. Councilman Garrett requested that the Building Director check the Owega Apartment construction insofar as problem per Mr. Ted Meredith, 1057 G Street is concerned .o see if any violation of the City Ordinance provisions exist, as outlined by Mr. GArrett at the Committee of the Whole meeting. Councilman Delaurenti commended City Engineer Wilson for the manner in which he conducted the replies and explained the L.I.D. procedures at the hearing. Councilman Poli commented that he missed the sound of trains in town today, the strike not yet settled Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, reported relative„to -° referral of last week regarding amendments recommended by the Advisory Council to the Renton Air Pollution Ordinance, that opinion of the Attorney had been rendered -j?on request calling attention to the legislation setting up the Air Pollution Control Authority in each County which would supersede any local rules and regulations and the City's effort would be somewhat minimal in enforcing rules and regulations of such authority. inconsistencies were outlined and it was recommended that the Advisory Committee await actions of the authority to be established under the new State Act and study all its rules and regulations before attempting to make any changes in our present ordinance which had been duly approved and recommended by the Air Pollution I -ol Officer of the Seattle-King County Department of Public Health at adoption. ?'oved by Schellert, upon recommendation of the Law and Ordinance Committee, seconded by :'ulse, to refer the ra=tter to the Committee of the Whole, Carried. -5- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 7-17-67 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Vern Morris, ChAirman, Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted proposed Resolution transferring Cumulative Fund 1990 moneys in sum of $194.18 into the Park Department Fund 6120/103, M. & 0. to cover electrical energy, Liberty Park Ballfield lighting. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Resolution No. 1467 as read. Carried. Councilman Morris submitted proposed Resolution of the City authorizing appropriation of $1,000.00 excess revenues in the Water Works Utility Fund unto Water Works Utility Fund 7120/314, M. & 0. $1,000.00. (To enjoin suit with State of Wn. against Pennsalt) Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Resolution No. 1468 as read. The . . motion carried. Chairman Morris submitted proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City from Residence District (R-1) to Residence District (R-2) which was read by the Clerk. (George Butk o, property) Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to place the proposed Ordinance on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, , to adopt Ordinance No. 2343 as read. Roll call resulted in all ayes carrying the motion. The Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman submitted proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton vacating a portion of McAllister Road (Co. Rd. No. 63) which was read by the City Clerk. (Petition of Puget Western, Inc. and Renton School Dist. 403). Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Ordinance No. 2344 as read. Roll call resulted in all ayes carrying the mention. The Committee submitted proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City of Renton from General Classifica- tion District (G-9600) to Public Use District (P-1) as read by the City Clerk.(Valley General Hospital property.) Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2345 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. Councilman Morris submitted proposed Ordinance changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City of Renton from Single Residence District (R-1) to Residence District (R-2) as read by the Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance N6. 2346 as read. Roll: call vote followed with all present voting aye and the motion carried. (Delloso property) The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted proposed Ordinance changing the zoning of certain property within the City of Renton from Residence District (R-2) to Business District (B-1) . (Louise Roccio property) Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to place the proposed Ordinance on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2347 as read. Roll call vote followed with all ayes and the motion carried. Since there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 p.rp. There were 82 visitors in the Council Chambers this evening. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor -6- 4o5 7-17-67 s';s_?NiITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BU ILDIIIG PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADD2E;I'S 'TYPE OF TIJORK B 0305 77v000.00 Mobile Oil Corp 87th Ave South of 160th Grading and earth fill 06 100.00 0. T. Mann 11620 SE 100th Side yard fence 07 VOID 08 VOID 09 239500.00 Kathy Areta 1802 SE Rolling Hill Dr Residence B 0310 159000.00 The Boeing Company Bldg 10 - 55 Construct office 11 32650.00 Fancher Flyways Fancher Flyways Bldg Install two tanks 12 Betty Cook 325 Factory Demolish residence 13 300.00 17. W. Watts 907 "M" St Cover patio 14 21,500.00 Pacific Car & Foundry 1400 id. Fourth Interior remodeling B 0315 50.00 Donald Jones 639 "R" St Charcoal grill 16 550.00 Robert Kingen 423 Airport Way Repair roof & marque 17 19000.00 Wm. R. Bryant 1300 Bronson Way Build incombustible canopy at station 18 139920..00 Bell & Valdez 1700 Alder Pl SE New residence 19 162000.00 it to 1703 Alder PI SE to to ELECTRICAL PEtOlITS E 0164 500.00 Rudy Zaputil 3321 10th Place North Wire service E 0165 475.00 Bell & Valdez 1707 S. E. Urban Ct. toit 66 475.00 if ., 2003 3 , E. 18th Ct itit 67 289.00 t7hitespar Inc. 12025 132nd Ave SE if of 68 289;00 it to 12019 132nd Ave 3E to to 69 200.00 City Center Motel 112 S. 3rd/113 S. 2nd Two new signs E 0170 75,00 Ralph Jones 835 "P" 7t Wire service 71 100.00 Kentucky Fried Chicken 603 South Second St [lire sign 72 175«00 Roger Peterson 547 "J" 5t Ifit 73 650.,00 Fancher Flyways Bldg 901 Wire service r... 74 449.00 Gilbert Somers 11230 SE 108th .Jt to to E 0175 150.00 Charles Rucker 12440 132nd SE of It 76 Held Back 77 130.00 Margaret Kemp 2117 10th 21 No " 78 400..00 Joe 3rc-dell 14655 130th Pl SE 79 450..00 Joe Brodell 14715 130th ?l SE " E 0180 900.00 Renton School District 315 Garden 'St " 81 400.00 Joe Brodell 14645 130th Pl SE " 82 250.00 James Snible 631 Morris ilve S. " It MECHANICAL P'S rd41 VS M 0194 -- McDonald's 73 �;ainier Ave So. Install air condit., M 0195 aalph Ross 835 "P" St Install Plbg & fixt., 96 VOID 97 Bell Contracting Co 820 South Second St Vacuum breakers 98 -- Crestanello 404 Grandey `.lay Install gas furnace 99 Rerbert Nichols 3745 7th N Install plbg & fiat. M 0200 D. %J, Custer 1902 S. E. Taylor Ct. of to it 01 -- Huffman 327 - Earlington togas furnace 2E!•7EV, PE d,]ITS 170 -- Jim Tomas 3321 10th Place 0 Sewer service 1 -- Robert Edwards Penton Shopping Center to to �... 2 -- --teve Gambriel 3939 7th Ave n " 3 -- 11 it12019 132nd S.E. " 4 it 3942 7th Ave N " 175 " to 12025 132nd CE " 6 D. W., Custer 1902 SZ. Taylor Court to to —7— 406 RENTON CITY eOUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S July 24, 1967 AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Progress Payment 2, due Ricardi Construction Co. on Talbot Hill Park Shelter Building in sum of $7,183.49 Progress Payment ##8, due Cornell, Howland, Hayes & Merryfield, Talbot and Mt. Olivet Pump Station Contracts, $165.14 and $ 61.29 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Appointment to vacant council seat CITY ENGINEER Highway Certification of routes to be summarized for report to Council James Baker Letter of intent to annex property to Renton. LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Revision of Precinct Ordinance to incorporate newly created precincts 46,47,48 and 49 Rezone of Northern Pacific Ry. Co. property from G to L-1 (Monster Road) Appropriation of funds for Data Processing Equipment (Resolution 1472 adopted) Declaring Honey Dew Lane Well Site surplus and for sale PLANNING COMMISSION Moser-Waters Rezone - To be returned to Council when matter of access has been resolved. POWER AND LIGHT COMMITTEE Request of Mss. Kenneth Jay for street lighting on 10th Place North WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Funding of $2,942.90 for guard rail on portion of North Renton Interchange under City's jurisdiction PARK DEPARTMENT AND PARK BOARD Harvey Cole request to establish floating restaurant on Lake Washington within inner harbor line. MEETINGS & EVENTS: August 7, 1967 Public Hearings: Proposed Emergency Ordinance for Arterial Street Funding, $80.000.00 and Grandstand, $64,350.00 luu.,s August 12, 1967 at 1:00 p.m. - City Employees Annual Picnic - Lake Sammamish (Alexanders) August 21, 1967 - King County Hearing re May Creek Flood Control District, at 9:30 a.m. Rm. 402, County Courthouse APPOINTMENTS Kenneth J. Pierson, Patrolman - Temporary 4 month appointment pending passage of Civil Service Examination and Vondora B. Leinbach - Clerk-Dispatcher, 4 month temporary appointment - Renton Police Department Ronald Regis - Renton Park Board George Perry - Councilman to represent City as delegate to Regional Valley Planning Commission and Puget Sound Regional Corf-rence RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING July 24, 1967 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D.W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Trimm, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen Perry, Delaurenti and Poli. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Gianini, that the absent Councilmen be excused. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Jan Klippert, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor, Sven Johnson, Building Director and Gene Coulon, Park Director. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of July 17, 1967 be approved as written. Carried. Awards were made by Mayor Custer as follows: Certificate of Merit for Community Service was presented to Mr. Phillip Beckley, Chairman of the Renton 4th of July Parade & Festivities Committee, and efforts of teenagers who were credited with the success of the project were commended. Among those present who had worked for nearly a year on the program were Linda Cook, Lorelie Shaw, Sandy Bowers, Sharon Pilling, Terri Mathewson, Mike Mueller and Mrs. Anne Beckley. Mr. Beckley accepted the Placque expressing his appreciation to the teenagers especially and to all who contributed to the day noting that without the aid of the City Officials and Departments the program could not have been effected. Award for Community Service was presented to Mr. Albert Balch for his donation to the City of land for perk and recreation purposes. Mayor Custer recognized the outstanding service rendered in the dedication of lands for improvement of the Community by Mr. Balch and expressed appreciation on behalf of all citizens. Mr. Balch recalled that since a boy he had felt Renton to be a strategically located area for growth and development outlining the early representations by his present Real Estate Company, Crawford-Conover, Inc.,for Captain Renton and Puget Milk Company, and noting land ownership in Renton and its Suburban area from early days of its existence. Mr. Balch expressed thanks and appreciation for the award and commended the Officials and City Staff for outstanding service}in turn expressing great hopes for the future of Renton. Mr. Harold A. Dodson, representing the Culinary Workers and Bartenders of Local 596 at this time, in commemoration of the passing of "a great man", Councilman Hugh Bruce, presented the City with a check in remembrance,to be used for landscaping at the new City Hall site. Mayor Custer, on behalf of himself,the Council and the City accepted the check advising that it would be used toward the purpose specified and thanking the Local for its expression of recognition of diligent and dedicat71 service of Mr. Bruce. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from Gene Coulon, Park Director, submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Estimate No. 2, payable to Ricardi Construction Co. for work completed on Tallot Hill Shelter Building Contract, C.AG. 1136-67, in sum of $7,183.49. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Estimate No. 8, payable to Cornell, Howland, Hayes & Merryfield on Mt. Olivet and Talbot Springbrook Pump Stations, $165.14 and $61.29, C.AG. 1026-66. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter fm m City Clerk Helmie Nelson reported that it has become necessary to divide City of Renton voting precincts due to large number of voters now registered therein and four new precincts have thus been created., #46, 47, 48 and 49. Authorization was requested to refer the legal descriptions of the new boundaries and revisions of those precincts affected by annexations, and the newly numbered precincts, to the Law and Ordinance Committee for -evision of the present Precinct Ordinance. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee_ as requested. Carried. "�—`-^ Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 7-24_67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont,) Letter from City Clerk Nelson inquired whether the Council desires to have the Council positions balloted upon by machine or paper ballot. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, that mach-:nes be used. Carried. Letter from City Engineer Wilson advised that the State will be installing safety guard rail on porton of the westerly approach to the North Renton Interchange and has requested that the City install guard rail on the portion under its jurisdiction, the price of which will be $2,942.90, It we-: recommended that the City participate _n the project at this time since it would be more costly at a later date. Since no funUs have been bud-e'-ed for this work it will be necessary for the Council to allocate money therefor- 'i-loved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation with referral to the Ways and Means Committee for funding. Carried. Letter from Planning Director Ericksen submitted Planning Commission recommendations from its meeting of July 12, 1967 as follows: Rezone Applications - Ted Moser, M. J, Waters, Appl,. R-398-57 from G-6000 to R-4 and amended to R-3 by applicant, wao agreed to provide proper access, Lesser number of apartments would be allowed under the R-3 w:lich the Commission recommended on that portion of the property lying East of a line 310 feet Westerly of and parallel to the East boundary of the property, with owner to adequately screen north and south property lines to protect adjacent residences. The rezone requested on remainder of the property was denied. The proposed development would be in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan, ':otion was made by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to cor.cur in the recommendations of the Planni:ig Commission. Inquiry was made regarding jurisdiction of the Council in enforcing conditions if the rezone is passed and after discussion regarding the problem of access and inquiry regarding access;.bility for fire fighting apparatus, it was moved by Dahlquist seconded by Perry, to refer the matter back to the Planning Commission Until the matter of access is resolved at which time the Council will take further action on the matter. Carried. "ezo-e was recommended by the Planning Commission on Northern Pacific Railway Co. property located West of 72nd Avenue South (Monster Road), formerly sanitary land fill site located southwesterly of Metro Treatment Plant, from G to H-1 and amended by applicant to L-15 App, 3,5 acres with industrial storage as proposed use. The Commission determined that L-1 would allow the use proposed and would be more suitable !,lith regard to total de-ielopment of the area which zoning to L--1 would be in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan, Moved by Schellert, to concur in the recommendations of the Planning Commission. Carried, Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to refer L.,e matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance, Carried. Letter from Mrs. Kenneth Jay, 2212 - 10th Place North, requested street lights on 10th Place North betwee:. Sunset and "E" Street. Moved by Hulse, seconded by �elaurenti, to refer the request to the Power and Light Committee to investigate and report back. Carried, Publication from the State Highway Commission submitted Certificate of routes of the nrimary 'and Secondary State Hwys. within the limits of incorp-rated cit es and towns Fs of July 1, 1967. The report will be filed in the records of the office of the City Clerk. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the City _engineer to summarize and report backs Carried. Letter from Mayor Custer called attention to public hearing to be held by the Board of County Commissioners for August 21st at 9:30 a,m,, Rm. 402, County Courthouse, in regard to petition for repeal of Resolution No. 28818 and King County Resolution 30888 regarding the May Creek Flood Control District. Councilman Henry Schellert, submitted report of the May Valley Flood Control Committee recommending that the City go on record concurring in the context of the Comprehensive Flood Control Plan for storm drainage as proposed by the County per project Consultant's report. The City Engirp er has recommended concurrence , Councilman Schellert stated that the Coruunittee agrees that the problem exists but cannot make recommendation as to the method of financing the improvement, Recommended further that all future Subdivisions and Plats within the May Valley Flood Control area conform to the Comprehensive Plan. Councilman Hulse stated that it is necessary to concur with the plan prior to giving consideration to financing and moved that the Council concur in the recommendations of the Committee, The motion was seconded by Pedersen and carried. Dahlquist opposed. Hulse noting that the problem of price per acre is yet to be resolved called %."I-tention to the fact that as the countryside is developed the problem becomes greater �E.nd wondered at the amount of water likely to come down anticipating same to be many tames the present flow (See action taken later in the meet: ng under Old Business) -2- 409 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 7-24-67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from W. E . Bennett requested approval to appropriate $1,200.00 from Waterworks Utility excess reven,IF- into Account 7100/606 Capital Outlay, Machinery and Equipment to purchase necessary data processing equipment including ledger card trays and two posting bars. City Clerk Nelson requested appropriation of excess revenues in total of $1,200.00 from Current Fund into Non Departmental(Account 1920/606, $600.00 Capital Outlay, Machinery & Equipment and 1920/417, Material and Supplies, $600.00) for her half of the required equipment. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to approve the requests with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper legislation to effect the funding. Carried. Letter from the Picnic Committee, City Employee's Club, extended invitation to the Mayor, City Clerk, City Treasurer and Council Members and their families, to attend the annual Club picnic at Alexander's Beach, (Lake Sammamish), August 12th, starting at l:p,m. Letter of intent to annex properties to the City of Renton was read from Mr. James Baker, 8424 South 130th Street. Mr. Baker was in the audience and upon invitation outlined area on the map which would square off a City Limits boundary. Documents were submitted w-th regard to Easements for access and sewer facilities. Procedures of law were outlined to Mr. Baker and it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to refer the letter of intent to the City Engineer to check signatures and boundary and make recommendations as to validity and advisability of the annexation. Carried. Letter from Mr. Harvey Cole requested permission to establish a floating restaurant within the Inner Harbor Line along Lake Washington. (Vicinity of Foss Tugboat & Launch property) Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Gianini, to refer the request to the .Park Department and Park Board for recommendation, Carried. APPOINTMENTS: Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in appointment of Kenneth J. Pierson '"o-temporary position of Patrolman and Vondora B. Leinbach to position of Clerk-Dis- patcher in the Renton Police Department also on temporary basis pending successful completion of Civil Service Examination within four-month period allowed by regu- lations. Recommendationsof the Police Chief and Civil Service Certification were attached. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the appointments. The motion carried. Letter from Mayor Custeriequested Council concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Ronald Regis to another term as member of the Renton Park Board. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the appointment. Councilman Hulse stated he would like to see another candidate proposed for this position since he feels new members are needed on the Park Board. Verbal ballot on the motion followed and the Chair ruled the motion carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Council President Trimm submitted Committee report read by the Clerk with Council action taken as follows: The Committee of the Whole recommended that Councilman George Perry be authorized to represent the City as a delegate to the Valley Regional Planning Commission and the Puget Sound Regional Governmental Conference. Moved by Schellert seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. Recommended to concur in payment to Mr. Harer of $3,000.00 for portion oy work completed by City authorization in filling of the airport boundary drainage ditch. Moved by Poli, seconded by Trimm, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Recommended to deny amendments to the Air Pollution Ordinance at this time as proposed by the Renton Air Pollution Control Advisory Committee in concurrence with opinion of the City Attorney regarding jurisdictions of the County under newly passed legislation Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole. The motion carried. Councilman Hulse called attention to pr evious actions taken in regard to the May Valley Flood Control program and advised that persons present affected by the water wished to comment. Mrs . Isabel Xemmer, 11429 S.E. 93rd Street, reported loss of property last fall and again in the spring from the flood waters stating that the City's storm drainage into the creek contributes to the problem and if nothing is done this summer there is'nt going to be much left of the hillside. Even from natural rains the water is cutting deeper and deeper into the proF'_rties and considerable land has been lost. Early action was urged to alleviate the problem _3- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 7-24-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business (Cont.) May Creek Flood Problem: Mrs. McDaniels, 13825 S.E. 116th Place added her comments that May Creek is a natural drainage and excess water is dumped in causing a lot of the problem and the road has been taken out so badly the residents can hardly get through to their property, and the bridge is nearly washed out as well making it unsafe to drive over it. This is erosion taking land away to which the City is contributing and as taxpayers the residents of the area were requesting action by the City in any manner which might of help. Mayor Custer inquired whether diversion of the City's drainage into a pipe would correct the problem and it was pointed out that it would not as this is only a contributing factor. Councilman Hulse noted that with asphalting of the roads and housing developments and drainage being dumped into the creek it will take more than dropping rocks in front to keep erosion from happening and the City should not wait until it is too late to take action. The existence of the problem for years has been acknowledged but the serious effects are now evident of greater-intensity of the problem. Funding of the project was discussed, Dahlquist objecting to the burden of $300.00 per acre assessment proposed. Mrs. McDaniel stated that the cost would not be $300.00 per acre but a percentage of the acre upon which improvement might be required for control, also noting that fire fighting equipment could not get into the area, and the residents have done all they can to no avail. Hulse proposed motion to concur with the $300.00 assessment which died for lack of second, Dahlquist noting extensiveness of the district boundaries within the proposed plan. Mrs. McDaniels added that something should be done while the creek is low. At present it is possible to walk across it but when the rains come it will be a raging torrent of destruction. Councilman Pedersen, Chairman, Property Committee, recalled action of March, 1967 by the Council regarding well site property in proposed Plat of Honeydew Lane which Hallie Smiley had requested to purchase which has now been appraised. It was the Committee recommendation that the property be sold to Mr. Smiley for $4,000.00, under cash terms with restriction being placed on the sale prohibiting developers from use of existing water line which does not meet code requirements. It was noted that Mr. Smiley had sold the site to the City for $4,000.00 and is now r,&questing it back since it is no longer being used, and the City Engineer heretofore reporting intention to abandon same. It was further recommended that the matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee, CiAttorneys Mayor and City Clerk for the preparation and execution o necessary documents. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the Committee recommendations. Carried. New Business: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that City of Renton Vouchers No. 9088 through 9182, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council for payment at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund No. 9088-9117 & 9180 (9097 Void) $ 6,012.53 Arterial Street 9118 5,500.00 Street Fund 9119 - 9123 & 9181(9120 Void) 850.00 Cedar River M. & I. 9124 - 9125 346.38 Equipment Rental 9126 - 9131 22,822.28 Library 9132 - 9154 3,980.05 Parks 9155 - 9164 7,729.45 Water Works Utility 9165 - 9170 1,530.24 1965 Water & Sewer Const. 9171 165.14 Airport 9172 Void 9173&9179 20.94 Firemen's Pension 9174 - 9178 1,356.00 $ 50,313.04 Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that Louis Barei be appointed to fill the vacancy on the Council. Dahlquist stated in her opinion there is no need to fill the seat at this time, the Council having worked for many months without filling the chair, and it especially should not be filled this close to the election, adding that the people should be allowed to elect a person to the chair. Hulse noted Mr. Barei's experience on the Library Board and also the fact that Budget time was approaching and it was felt his experience would be valuable in the Budget Hearings. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole . Schellert urged action on the matter at this time in concern for budgetary assistance. Upon verbal vote the Chair ruled the motion 1-�rt. Two requests were made for roll call vote which was taken as follows: Aye: Trimm, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen and Poli. No: Hulse, Schellert, Perry, and Delaurenti. The motion carried referring the matter to the Committee of the Whole. -4- 4 /I Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 7-24-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: New Business: Cont. Council President Trimm announced a Committee of the Whole Meeting on Monday, August 7th at 7:00 p.m. Councilman Gianini inquired regarding sending flowers to the Gerald Cordell family Planning Commissioner Cordel having passed away this past Saturday. Expression of sympathy will be sent by the Council and Officials. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Perry, Member of the Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted proposed Resolution authorizing transfers of funds from Arterial Street Fund 3200/605, ASP #9, $69,535.00 and 3200/605, ASP #10, $12,000.00, unto Arterial Street Fund, 3200/605, ASP #3, $ 7,654.50 and 3200/605, ASP #8, $73,880.50, which was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1469 as read. The motion carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted proposed Resolution of the City of Renton authorizing loan from the Current Fund unto Arterial Street Fund, (ASP #8) in sum of $80,000.00 to be repaid no later than December 31, 1968 and to bear A interest per annum, as read by the Clcrk. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1470 as read. Carried. The Committee presented proposed Resolution authorizing loan from excess revenues in the Current Fund in sum of $64,350.00 unto the Park Fund, bearing 3% inter,st and to be repaid not later than December 31, 1968. (To complete grandstand) Moved by Schellert, to refer the proposed Resolution to the Committee of the Whole. The motion lost due to lack of second and it was subsequently moved by Trimm, seconded by Delau- renti, to adopt Resolution No. 1471 as read. The motion carried, after inquiry re- garding referral and Attorneys reply that Ordinance follows, the Resolution authorizing fund transfer and the emergency Ordinance appropriating the funds and giving notice of time set for voting thereon. Councilman Perry submitted proposed Resolution of the City appropriating funds from excess revenues into funds as follows for Data Processing Equipment. (Request of Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant and H61mie Nelson, City Clerk) From Current Fund $3,804.14, unto Current Fund, Non-Departmental,(1920/310, Rentals, $1,724.25, 1920/606, Mach. & Equip., $ 879.89; 1920/417, $ 600.00 and 1920/606, Machinery & Equipment, $ 600.00. From Waterworks Utility Fund, $3,804.14, unto Waterworks Utility Fund, Water Administrative,(7100/310, Rentals, $1,724.25; 7100/606, Mach. & Equipment, $ 879.89; and 7100/606, Machinery & Equipment, $1,200.00) Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution No. 1472 as read. Carried. The Committee submitted proposed Ordinance of the City vacating a certain 30 foot right-of-way adjoining Tract 289, C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div. No. 4. (Frank Storey - Puget Sound Power & Light Property) Moved by Trimm, . seconded by Poli, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Ordinance No. 2348 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all members present voting aye, carrying the motion. Councilman Perry submitted proposed Emergency Ordinance of the City appropriating monies for the purpose of providing funds for the park Department and Arterial Street Fund necessitated by emergency. First reading was recommended with August 7th set for hearing . Councilman Schellert objected to the items being combined in one Ordinance since one might oppose one of the items and approve the other. City Clerk Nelson advised that combining the two saves much work, man hours and publication costs and if objecting to a specific item the Council should s6 indicate so that separate documents could be prepared, otherwise normal procedures are followed when the Council concurs in referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. It was moved by Trimm, and seconded by Delaurenti, to concur with the first reading and hearing. Inquiry-was-made by Schellert regarding holding of a hearing on two items and City Attorney Shellan replied"that 1 item can be deleted if desired or may be voted down or the Ordinance may be voted down"in toto", noting that the Budget Ordinance combines numerous accounts and items and this one is combined for cost saving purposes. Discussion ensued regarding whether it takes a majority cr requires 2/3 vote to override and City Attorney Sbellan stated present 7-w requires a majority. The pending motion carried. After final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist to refer the document back to the Law and Ordinance Committee to hold pending proper posting and publication. Carried. -5- 4 Minutes -- Renton City Council Meeting 7-2457 ORDINANCES AND RLSOUTIONS:(Cont.} The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted a proposed Ordinance of the City providing for toe vacation of streets and alleys, establishing a procedure therefor, imposing and flxi.ng a processing fee and authorizing payment of compensation to the City by the abutting owners in an amount not to exceed one-half of the appraised value of the street or alley so vacated. It was the Committee recommendation that the proposed Ordinance be placed on first reading this evening with August 7th set for hearing with copies to be distributed to the Council for information.move atd �y Poll, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendations of the !Committee. Carried. Audience comment was invited, there being no further Council. remarks. Mr. Richard Stredicke, 3916 - 10th Court North, called attention to a public hearing held by the Planning Commission last Wednesday relative to revisions to be proposed to the City's Comprehensive Plan. It was noted that Council Members 'tire tb be given special notice of the orontinuat.cn of the meeting on August 16th at 7:30 p.m., some indicating they did newt know of the previous hearing. Mr. Stredicke expressed his opinion that the vacant Council seat should not be filled by appointment at this time and that he would not accept such an appoint- ment as it would place him at a great advantage over others running and would not be a_ very acceptable action in the eyes of others running. He added that there are many new residents now qualified to run and he felt it would be a mistake to appoint anyone at this time, noting that he has no objection to the candidate having himself - ^fiar€ed ter. &_rei at a prior election time. Mr. Louis Barei, 614 - 12th Place Soutb, advised that he must concur with Mr. Stredicke =.t being his feeling ilso,that it should be left vacant out of honor and sympathy for M" . Bruce, if for no other reason. It would be advantageous he would agree but he also CS7 es with firs. Dahlquist that it is a short time until the election and the Couucil was requested not to consider his name further. He zioted�that he probably will run and would feel it fortunate if he would be able to assume a seat at that time but does not wish to be considered further at this time. Mr. Schel.lert remarked that a gvorm would be expected at budget hearings.- Mrs. Dahlqui.st added that she felt there was much to be learned about the budget and City Departments in order for anyone to be of any great assistance, recalling her first budtet hearings and noted that she had not missed a hearing session but voted alor.P. Since there was no furthrr business nor ccxwent, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Helmie Nelsonp City Clerk 1 • W. Custer, Mayor r 413 7-24-67 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING AIdD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 0320 13,000.00 Renton Village Company 300 ,: zittior -.vc �o Addition to Inn 21 5,500.00 Aldo Zerbato 314 Whitworth So Erect tailor shop 22 1,500,000.00 City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue Build new City Hall 23 300.00 Adolph M. Nyseth 3621..9th Ave No Detached tool shed etc 24 162,000.00 Autobahn Inc. 3883 Fourth Ave No Build auto sales age B 0325 1,800.00 Mrs. Lily Hoyt 220 Park Ave No Replace fdn,extend ria -- 26 900.00 Richard Cusick 703 "R" St Car port & small bdg. 27 12,100.00 Globe Development Inc 940 "H" St Add'n to Hilands Cent. 28 151000.00 Bell & Valdez 1709 Alder Pl SE Dwelling- 29 welling29 16,000.00 Bell & Valdez 1715 Alder P1 SE New residence B 0330 16,000.00 Bell & Valdez 1721 Alder P1 SE New residence 31 -- John T. Wheeler 217 Wells Ave S New front on building 32 John Edwards 2720 Maple Valley Hwy Grading & remove drt. 33 35.00 John Weber 618 "0" St Tool shed in exist.bld 34 1,990.00 F.H.A. 2607 7th North General reconditioning B 0335 3,000.00 Wayne H. Gores 3639 President Park Ct- Adden to home 36 100.00 Adolph M. Nyseth 3621 9th St N Build fence 37 -- Acro General Machine Works 3rd & Sunset Blvd Demolish building 38 -- Oren Dilley 243 Sunset Blvd E " it 39 75.00 Louis Bressman 1376 "H" St Shed on skids ELECTRICAL :?E1nS-1ITS E-0183 300.00 The Boeing Company 7-65-02 building Wire service 84 300.00 FHA Mark Seven Realty 2607 7th Ave N It " E-0185 50.00 W. W. Knepper 517 Bronson Pl " 86 -- Autobahn Inc. 3883 4th Ave N " 87 -- R. H. Mattson & Son 1175 L St " 88 -- Thomas A. Kerr 813 N. Third " 89 John C. Anderson 9650 106th SE " E 0190 -- Glen Ford 221 Park Ave " 91 -- Don Custer 1902 S.E. Taylor Ct " 92 -- Brodell and Brodell 13035 S.E. 147th " 93 -- Brodell and Brodell 14650 130th Pl SE " 94 Wines Construction 12810 90th South " E 0195 -- Enatai Building Co K St & 13th P1 N " 96 -- Transamerica Development 1301 Etheir Rd " 97 Transamerica Development 1200 Ethier Rd " 98 --- Transamerica Development 1200 Ethier Rd " 99 21,000.00 Malisis Skagen & Harris 363 Viewmont G7ay " E 0200 800.00 City Center Motel 112 South Third " 01 150.00 Jess Rowlee 7807 5th P1 N " MECHANICAL PEnsiITS 1,1 0202 -- The Boeing Company 7-65-02 Building Install gas boiler 03 Fred Hebner 11531 84th " It heater 04 -- G. W. Gibson 15629 Springbrook Rd oil tank M 0205 -- The Boeing Company 10.56-58 Bldg Plumbing & fixtures 06 -- Vernon Stromberg 10423 114th Ave SE Septic tank 07 -- Rudy Zapitol 332; 10th P1 N 08 -- Renton School District #403 Kennydale School Plumbing service 09 VOID M 0210 -- James Franklin 2607 7th Ave N Install gas furnace SEWER PERMITS 177 -- Renton Village Co Renton Inn Sewer service 178 - Renton Village Co Penton Inn 179 -- Rupp 813 North 3rd " 180 -- Transamerica 1301-1305 Thomas Ln " 181 -- Transamerica 1307 Thomas Lane " 182 Transamerica 1309 Thomas Lane " 7_ 414 July fund transfers authorized by the Accounting and Auditing Committee and the Renton City Council TO CLAIMS FROM: Current Fund $ 44,936.48 Arterial Street 5,583.06 City Street 245087.03 Cedar River M. & I. 947.06 Equipment Rental 255984.17 Library 5,585.37 Parks 155026.97 Waterworks Utility 545973.12 1965 W & S. Construction 165.14 Airport 35863.55 Firemen's Pension 1,364.00 City Hall Construction 55265.94` Total Claims - July, 1967 $1875781.89 TO PAYROLL FROM: Current Fund $102099.34 City Street 215716.35 Cedar River M. & I. 535.00 Equipment Rental 3,706.33 Library 65578.86 Parks 23020.19 Waterworks Utility 16,605.58 Airport 15252.00 Firemen's Pension 90.84 Total Payroll - July, 1967 $1765304.49 415 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. R E F E R R A L S August 7, 1967 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Park Boar2 recommen ations for budgeting of funds for 1968 budget and use of Senior Citizens Center by Renton Historical Society for display Procedures to be discussed regarding demonstrations or disorder control LAW AND ORDINM CE COMMITTEE Rezones: Emmett Doacrs - GS-1 to R-2 Florence Mathieson - R-1 to R-2 Jay Holmes - G6000 to L-1 Street Vacation procedures - Ordinance 2349 adopted Resolution to be required in connection with application for Federal matching money for L.I.D. 257 Annexation - Eidson-Woods property Ordinance to surplus inventory items from City Hall Cafe Emergency Ordinance appropriating funds for grandstand, $64,350.00 and Arterial Street Project $80,000.00 ASP #8 Ordinance revising City Code to conform to Liquor Control Board regulations & extension of hours for serving liquor. CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim tor Damages - o Martin - uto collision with water meter cover CITY HALL BUILDING COMMITTEE Request by King County for -Justice Court facilities in new City Hall PROPERTY COMMITTEE Recommendation requested regarding surplus of items from City Hall Cafe STREET COMMISSIONER May Creek bank stabilization project MEETINGS & EVENTS Federal Aid Route Hearing - 8/17/67 -- 2:00 p.m., Renton High School Cafetorium Statewide Meeting for First Class and Cities over 20,000 population - 9/13/67, Quay Restaurant, Vancouver - 10:00 a.m. Public Hearing - King County Commissioners, 8/21/67, at 9:30 a.m. May Creek Floors Control Zone District, Rm. 402, King County Court house APPOINTMENTS: Glen Gianini - Chairman, Youth Opportunities Committee Frank Cencovich - Library Board - extension of term Clark Teegarden - Valley Regional Planning Commission (John Sterling, alternate) 416 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR 'MEETING August 7; 1967 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D.W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Trimm, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Jan Klippert, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor, Anne Harker, Librarian, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent and Gene Coulon, Park Director. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of July 24th be approved as written. Carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Kennydale area Lakefront Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. 257 This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Letter was read from Carey and Kramer reporting information as required. for formation of the L.I.D. has been filed with the City, including certification of cost estimate, land valuation of $414,350.00 and assessments against benefitting properties $255,100.00. Written protests were read from Reilly Tar & Chemical Corp., Louis F. Anderson and Margit A. Jackson, Pan Abode, Barbee Mill, Inc., and J. H. Baxter, Inc., and City Engineer Wilson was requested to compute the percentage of protests and report back later in the meeting. Verbal comment was invited. Mr. Wm. Goddard, 8639 Lake Wn. Blvd., stated he did not object to the L.I.D. which is badly needed but questioned the possibility of subsequent condemnation of the properties by the City for a "Green Belt" recreation area as recently discussed by the Renton Planning Commission. Upon inquiry regarding condemnation proceedings, City Attorney Shellan advised that the cost of the L.I.D. improvements would accrue to the value of the property and fair market value would be recovered in event of eminent domain proceedings which is condemnation of the properties. Attention was called to the fact that the green belt is simply a proposal to freeze certain properties and is merely under discussion in the Planning Commission and not before the Council at this time. It was reported for information of interested parties that the Planning Commission will be continuing its discussion on the green belt matter on August 16th if anyone should wish to attend. Mrs. David Martin, 8609 Lake Wn. Blvd., expressed concern for putting any amount of money into the property if the green belt is to be effected and the family cannot retain the property, also protesting assessment on a 15 ft. strip upon which right-of- way easements have been provided for access purposes. Mr. Don Savoy, 5305 Mt. View Drive, objected to the sewers only if a green belt is to be considered, urging that the L.I.D. proceedings be withheld pending determination regarding the green belt. Mr. James Denzer, 8653 Lake Wn. Blvd., having circulated petitions for the L.I.D. spoke in its favor stating it to be imperative that the pollution of the Lake be con- trolled, noting that the industries, now operating on temporary permits from the Pollution Control Agency of the State, along with residences across the road, contribute greatly to the problem. The Health District Officials, the State Highway Department and Metro are aware of the existing health problem. Costs will never be any less and it is time the people get together and do something about it. The matter of a green belt should, how- ever be resolved, it being felt that the City should possibly bear the cost of the improvements if it plans to acquire the properties. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, that this hearing be continued to August 21, 1967. Upon inquiry, City Engineer Wilson reported that the written protests represent 58% of the assessed valuation of the properties to be benefitted, however, since the Health Officer has already made a survey and recommendation in view of existing health hazards, the City may proceed with the L.I.D. Mrs. Martin and Mr. Savoy requested that their protests be recorded and tabulation in the percentage of protest. The pending motion carried continuing the hearing and the additions will be computed and added to the protest percentage. Schellert suggested that the Pollution Control Agencies issuing conditional perms to the industries be advised by the Engineer of the L.I.D. proceedings and protests to see if they might wish to take any action os make recommendations. -1- 417 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 5-7-67 PUBLIC HEARING: Emmett J. Donckers appeal of Planning Commission decision in rezone denial, from GS-1 to R-2, property located at NE corner of South llth Street and Morris Avenue South. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communication from Planning Director Ericksen outlined features studied by the Planning Commission in its review of the matter with outlook to the future development that might be expected in the area, now predominantly single family residential with homes valued from $10,000.00 to $45,000.00. Concern was expressed regarding additional vehicular traffic and access, and although R-2 exists in the block to the west, extension of the R-2 was not considered desirable, it being noted that additional inquiries have been made with reference to existing vacant tracts of land in the area. Other rezone requests are anticipated if this one were granted. The R-2 zoning has existed since 1957 with no multiple construction being effected and the Commission felt that the future development of the area should be single family residential so indicating on the Comprehensive Plan presently under revision. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Donckers, 606-11th Avenue South, advised that the property now complies with Ordinances and the Comprehensive Plan and it would be just if the Council would grant the requested rezone. Mrs. Donckers added that they do have ingress and egress provisions and the area would be enhanced by the updated construction. Further comment was invited and Mr. Tony Mola, 516-11th Avenue South, read his letter of protest to the rezone as presented to the Planning Commission which stated that the proposed duplex would be detrimental to his property valuation and to that of other residences in the area. It was noted that the block in which Mr. Mola resides is zoned R-2 and no request has been filed for R-1 zoning. Inquiry followed regarding the lot size and a sketch was shown of the 12,000 sq. ft. lot with duplex unit and existing residence. It was noted that the Commission had voted unanimously ,for denial of the rezone feeling that 4 or 5 years hence would be a more appropriate timing. Mrs. Donckers inquired as to basis for determination that multiple use is premature or right for the area citing the need for housing for school teachers and others at the present time, deeming it discriminatory that one block is R-2 and the other restricted. Discussion ensued regarding zonings in other areas of the City and the justification of the findings of the Planning Commission in its review of best interest of a whole area rather than a single lot or block. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Morris, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the R-2 rezone request. Hulse noted that it would seem to him to stretch a point to get a multiple unit on the lot along with the present residence and he would uphold the Planning Commission decision. Schellert noted that the Ordinance would need to state compliance of the rezone to the Comprehensive Plan and it was pointed out that the rezone to the zoning of that property across the street was before the Council at this time and not its use. Question was called for on the pending motion to grant the rezone and verbal ayes being in majority, the motion carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance. Carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Florence B. Mathieson rezone request from R-1 to R-3 amended to R-2 on property located in vicinity of the NE corner of Sunset Blvd. North and 116th Avenue S.E. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director, reported review of the revised rezone request by the Commission which felt that the R-2 would be more feasible than R-3 primarily due to the access problem, approval of which was now recommended to the City Council. The proposed use is in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. Dahlquist inquired as to why the R-3 originally requested was not granted when the property is surrounded by the nursing home and 40 unit apartments. Planning Director Ericksen pointed out that the access problem was the main reason Sunset being the only one and with widening of Sunset an even greater problem might result. Applicant had indicated her intent to keep within low density use and the R-2 would therefore suffice. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Poli, seconded by Trimm, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation for R-2 - zoning with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance. Carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Ordinance providing procedure for the vacation of streets and alleys; imposing processing fee and authorizing compensation to the City. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. There were no written communica- tions nor verbal comment and it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. -2- 41� Minutes - Renton City Council 8-7-67 PUBLIC HEARING: Final Hearing - Annexation (Eidson-Woods Property) East of 132nd Avenue S.E. and South of S.E. 120th Place This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. There being no written nor verbal comment on the matter, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse that the annexation be accepted and the area incorporated within the City Limits of Renton with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Emergency Ordinance appropriating monies for Park Department in sum of 64,350.00 for grandstand and Arterial Street Fund, ASP #8, $80,000.00. 1st reading July 24, 1967. Mr. Roger Richert, Architect, reported that the amount to be appropriated for the grandstand will be inadequate, the new cost figure being $186,679.00, representing some $34,000.00 increase over the estimate of last fall. The added costs were attributed,_ to mechanical and electrical costs and labor shortages, increased living costs and State Sales Tax increase. Progress was outlined to.' -late; final details will be presented at the final stage. Mayor Custer advised that some additional funding will be necessary and suggested that monies to be received from the State might be utilized, the project probably not reaching stage of implementation and funding until October at which time the funds will likely be received. It may be possible to budget in the 1968 budget or to fund by time payments. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gianini, the hearing be closed. Carried. Upon inquiry, City Attorney Shellan advised that the appropriation is required at the time the liability is incurred and the actual cost is known,when bids are called. Tlti funds can be carried over and rebudgeted or allocated for the 1968 budget, but the correct amount must be appropriated. Any amount can be appropriated but when actual cost is determined and debt incurred the total must be avdilable. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the document to the Law and Ordinance Committee for presentation later in the meeting. Carried. Moved by �inlse, seconded by Perry, to recess. Carried. Recess was declared, after which roll call was taken with all members present as previously listed,except Dahlquist. COMMUN ICAT IONS: Acknowledgment from the Hugh Bruce family was read expressing thanks for the floral piece and sympathy of the City Officials. Notice from the Department of Health was read advising that the chest xray units will be giving the Double Check Tuberculosis services in Renton at S. 3rd Street&Williams Avenue, August 28th through September 1st fro m 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. and at the Renton Shopping Center, August 21st through September 1st. Claim for damages was read from Mr. Leo Martin in connection with damage to rear floor board of his automtbile from striking water meter cover while backing, out driveway. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the claim to the City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Carried. Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported Planning Commission recommendation from its meeting of July 26th approving rezone of Jay- E. Holmes property from G-6000 to L-1, located on Grady Way between 86th and 87th Avenues South. The proposed use is in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Poli, seconded by Morris, to concur in the Planning Commission recommenda- tion with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Letter from J. C. Ewing, Property Agent, King County, requested that facilities for the Renton Justice Court be incorporated in the plans for the new city hall and if possible that there be provisions for a second courtroom to be available when required. Period of three years was suggested and the Court will furnish furniture and equipment if courtroom fixtures can be installed within the new facility. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to refer the request to the City Hall Building Committee. Carried. Letter from City Engineer Wilson, reporting on letter of Mr. James Baker requesting to annex property in vicinity of South 130th Street, east of 84th Avenue South to Renton, that the letter of intent is signed by owners representing 100% of the assessed valuation of the property. Comment had been requested by the Council regarding the boundary line to be effected by such annexation and City Engineer Wilson stated that a larger annexation would help form a more uniform City Limits boundary. The property is located approximately 400 ft. Easterly of' 84th Avenue South and contains 0.20 acres with an assessed value of $900.00. Mr. Baker addressed the Council advising that the property is a small island surrounded by the City and that he has provisions for access purposes and an easement for access to the sewer line. Contemplating construction of a new home and would prefer annexation rather than having septic tank under County requirements and building wthin 5 ft. of the back line when they can conform to all aiTy rtecj.0 I aTIO NS, -3- 419 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 8.767 COMMUNICATI;,dS: (Cont.) Baker - Annexation Mr. Baker continued that there were only 3 or 4 houses in the area and that they did not have the access to sewers that the location of his house would afford and they did not wish to annex since going clear to 84th would be too costly. Mr. Baker added that they would very much like to be in the City and in putting ;,30,000.00 into a home he felt it to the maximum interest of the City as well as himself to have facilities available at this time, adding that police protection and fire protection are added reasons for wanting to be within the city. . Councilman Schellert inquired whether Mr. Baker would be willing to assume his pro rata share of the Cityyts pre-existing bonded indebtedness in event of annexation and Mr. Baker replied affirmatively. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to accept the annexation proposal and authorize the circulation of proper petition by the property owner. Carried. Letter from Gene Coulon, Park Director, reported Park Board consideration of the request of Mr. Harvey Cole for a floating restaurant in the Lake Wn. Beach Park area,and since development of the area is anticipated to commence in the near future and because the inner harbor line area will be used for swimming, boating and other water activities, it was recommended that the request be denied. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the Park Board recom- mendation and that Petitioner be so notifiUa. Carried. Letter from Park Director Coulon submitted and recommended for acceptance, amendment to Easement of June 14th issued by Pacific Coast Railroad Company in connection with the Lake Washington Beach Park crossing, which document has been approved by the City Attorney. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, to accept the amendment as submitted. The motion carried. Letter from Attorney Roger I. Lewis submitted appeal of Planning Commission denial of rezone of property frem R-1 to R-3 requested by Phil Podvin and Louis Fredric Anderson. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenid, that August 28, 1967 be set for hearing on the appeal. Carried. Letter from Hallie H. Smiley, President, Realty Investors, Inc., appealed Planning Commission denial of rezone of property located on "L" Street between 12th Avenue No. and 11th Place, from R-4 to 8-1. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse, that August 21st be scat for hearing on this matter. Carried. Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported regarding State Highway Certification of Routes through Cities and Towns that no changes have been made from the prior list. Letter from the State Highway Commission advised that a Federal Aid Route Hearing will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 17th, 1967 in the Renton Senior High School Cafetorium.(S.E . 196th Street to Main Avenue South in Renton.) Notice received from Chester Biesen, Executive Director, Asstn. of Wn. Cities, advised that the Association will sponsor a special Statewide meeting for First Class Cities and all Cities above 20,000 on Wednesday, September 13th, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Quay Restaurant, Vancouver, Washington. Card was attached and topic suggestions were requested for the agenda. Perry noted that this meeting was an outcome of the Convention he recently attended and urged that any Council members attend who may be able to. Garrett added that the meeting had been scheduled to deal with the larger cities, the Association Board of Directors having felt that with three or four legislative districts within a City it had been difficult to discuss problems at the District Legislative meetings of just the larger cities. Letter from the Water Pollution Control Commission, Roy M. Harris, Director, reported that consideration had been given to the City's application for a State-Federal Grant to aid in interceptor sewers and it was regretted that funds were not available to honor the request at this time. It was urged that the City complete final engineering plans and develop financing and establish a definite time schedule for construction ._. which progress would place the City in a more favorable position for funds at the next rating period in December. Starting the project will not detract from possibility of gaining retroactive grant in the future. Letter from King County Commissioners, Ralph R. Stender, Deputy, submitted Notice of Hearing to be held in regard to petition for dissolution of the May Creek Flood Control Zone District, in Rm. 402, King County Courthouse, Seattle on August 21, 1967 at 9:30 a.m. -4- 420 Minutes - Renton City Council Meetirg 8-7-67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for approval, execution by the Mayor and City Cleik , after perusal by the City Attorney, application forms for Federal Matching money for portion of'.the proposed Kennydale Lakefront Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. 257. Resolution is also required and it was further recommended that the documents be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for preparation of the necessary legislation. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendations of the City Engineer. Carried. Letter from Mayor Custer recalled request of May Creek residents for bank stabilization along May Creek and reported discussions with King County Flood Control Agency to determine feasibility of the work which involves straightening of 500 ft. of Creek channel, brushing and bulldozing and rock stabilization to decrease soil erosion and prevent flooding and washout of S.E. 92nd Street. The project is in keeping with the May Creek Flood Control Plan and the City's cost for men and materials to complete the work will be $5,500.00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Gianini, to approve the project with referral to the Street Commissioner to proceed with the work. Carried. Letter from Park Director Coulon, reporting on referral of 7-10-67 of request by the Renton Historical Society to use the Liberty Park Senior Citizens' Building for display, advised that the Park Board has allocated wall space for pictures and wall display cases but that use of floor space will cause prob.'ems with the Senior Citizens' program. It was recommended that funds be provided in next year's budget to permit the opening of this building for an additional four hours a day in order to assign 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon to the Historical Society for their program. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to refer the communication to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Letter from Sven A. Johnson, Building Director requested legislation to declare surplus those items which were removed from the City Hall Cafe now in storage in the Highlands Administration Building. The Department is making an inventory and desires to dispose of items which will affect the move to the new City Hall and the Wn. State Patrol as requested additional space which will be provided by the disposition of the items in storage. List was attached. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Ordinance surplussing the items for sale. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconde by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Property Committee for recommendation. Carried. Letter from City Attorney Shellan called attention to Resolution #7 of the Liquor Control Board extending the hours for serving liqu6r noting that Chapter 5, Section 2403 of the City Code regulating the hours is now in conflict. The City may specify earlier or later opening but if the present Ordinance is not changed present regulations would still apply. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to comply with the Liquor Control Board regulations and refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for revision of the City Code. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to amend the motion to delete Sunday opening. The verbal no vote being in majority, the motion lost. The pending motion originally stated was voted upon and carried. Hulse opposed. Mayor Custer at this time called attention to a matter of some concern with respect to potential problem in the context of disturbances which have led to rioting and looting. In the past two or three weeks certain changes have been made in procedures with respect to the handling of firearms for sale or display,which action is deemed prudent under the circumstances, and in event of disorder or violence the Council will be called into session by the Mayor for Counsel or Members may contact the Mayor for such action. It is hoped such problem will not materialize however plans have been made for appropriate action. Discussion ensued regarding laws which covet` emergency, insurrection, riot or loss of control and City Attorney Shellan pointed outh that the right is supreme to maintain law and order, that no new legislation is required. It was noted that persons are transported across State boundary lines for the demonstrations. Perry advised that he had visited riot areas during his attendance at the National League of Cities Convention and would be reporting next week on the subject. Mayor Custer advised upon inquiry that the police department is equipped at the present time within the limits of its man power to handle any such disturbance and lines of communication for aid if required have been established. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, that this matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole for further discussion, it being.noted that any disturbance would come from another area since our own people would not create any disorder. The pending motion carried. 5 421 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 8-7-67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from Ralph Stender, Deputy, King County Commissioners, reported approval by the Commission of the Kennydale Island area annexation boundary descriptions and proper distribution of the Annexation Ordinance No. 2341. (Northerly 60 acres) APPOINTMENTS: Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in appointment of Councilman Glen Gianini to Chairman a Youth Opportunities Committee which is being formed in cooperation with efforts of Seattle and State Committees formed to improve the recreational activities and job opportunities for our teen agers. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the appointment. Carried. Letter from the Mayor requested concurrence in the extension of Library Board Membership for Mr. Frank Cencovich pending his return from Europe. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to approve the temporary extension of appointment as requested. Carried. The term expired on June 1, 1967. Concurrence was requested by Mayor Custer in the appointment of Mr. Clark Teegarden as member of the Valley Regional Planning Commission for two years effective as of June 1, 1967. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur. Carrie d. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Councilman Perry noted information received while in Boston at the National League of Cities Convention regarding the Puget Sound Conference which the City has been invited to join. Mayor Custer advised that he will be submitting recommendation regarding membership. Councilman Hulse inquired regarding meeting with the State Highway Department on the walkway over the North Renton Interchange. Mayor Custer advised he had been asked to write a letter suggesting the possibility of the City donstructing it and bearing the expense. He has received no reply and there was some question whether it could be constructed over the freeway with the limited access. Results of survey to be in an omnibus bill for study as to possible walkway, however, there was some discussion regarding going under the bridge also and problem of the off-on ramp was noted. The matter has not yet been resolved. Councilman Schellert requested more time for the Ways and Means Committee to find funding for the guard rail at the North Renton Interchange. Granted. Perry inquired regarding term of the Special City Hall Building Committee and function of the Property Committee in relation to furnishings requested for the new building. It was noted that the special committee will function until such time as the new City Hall is completed and that suggestions might well come from the Property Committee. Councilman Poli, Light and Power Committee Chairman, submitted recommendation that three 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Lights be installed on 10th Place North just East of Sunset Boulevard. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the Light and Power Committee recommendation. Carried. New Business: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 9183 through 9320, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee be approved for payment at this time by the Council. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 9183 - 9243 $ 16,343.13 Arterial Street Fund (9244 Void) 9320 758.37 Street Fund 9245 - 9254 9,173.22 Equipment Rental 9255 - 9267 7,282.27 Library 9268 56.98 Parks 9269 - 9288 1,565.30 t Water Works Utility 9289 - 9307 43,372.36 Airport 9308 - 9311 818.44 Firements Pension 9312 - 9318 1,671.50 City Hall Construction 9319 4487.42 $ 82,528.99 Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter of assistance to the 4th of July Parade Committee to the Public Relations Committee. It was noted that the City cannot participate in financing but did provide police assistance and Fire Department equipment to display, The motion carried. Mr. Schellert was appointed Pro Tem Member of the Public Relations Committee. -6- 422 Minutes - Renton City Council Keating COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Old Business on . Councilman Morris advised that he will report on attendance at the NLG Convention at a later date. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : Councilman Vern Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordirmce Committee, submitted for second and final reading, proposed Ordinance authorizing appropriation of funds in sum of $80,000.00 from Current Fund unto Arterial Street Fund and sum of $64,350.00 from Current Fund unto Park Fund for grandstand construction. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that the Ordinance be adopted as read. Discussion ensued regarding the fact that the funds were not adequate as appropriated for the grandstand and Councilman Schellert added that he did not feel M as noted during the 4th of July parade, that there would be adequate parking in Liberty Park, moving that the grandstand portion be deleted from the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Hulse. Mayor Custer advised that contact has been established with the highway department for utilization of additional parking facilities. The verbal vote was cast and the Chair ruled the no vote to be in majority. The motion lost. Schellert inquired regarding changes made by the legislature regarding the vote on an emergency ordinance. It previously required a 2/3 majority. City Attorney Shellan advised that under revise d law it has to be one more than the majority of Councilmen elected, but he wished to check whether the new session law amendments might include anything further in this regard. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Committee Chairman Morris submitted proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton providing for the vacation of streets and alleys, establishing a procedure therefor, imposing and fixing a processing fee and authorizing payment of compensation to the City by the abutting property owners in an amount not to exceed one-half of the appraised value of the street or alley so vacated. The Ordinance was introduced and placed on first reading on July 24th and published as a proposed Ordicance on July 27th. The Committee recommended that the fee to be paid upon filing of the petition be set at $100.00 rather than $75.00 previously proposed, and second and final reading be held. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recccmendations. Carries The document was read as revised. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2349 as read. Roll call vote followed with all members present voting aye. The motion carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted proposed Ordiance of the City amending Ch. 7 of Title I (Administrative) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to amendments of existing precinct boundaries and establishing new precincts. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2350 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. Proposed Ordinance was submitted changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from General Classification District (G) to Light Industry District (L-1) as read by the City Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance 2351 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes. The motion carried. City Attorney Shellan advised that he would check the new session laws but that the report he had given was,as of 1965,still in effect and if no amendments have been . ' made to this particular section it was still one more than a majority of elected Councilmen and he will advise further. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Morris seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:25 p.m. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor -7- O.7-4r 423 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 0340 1,500.00 Stanley T. May 3215 ,- 5th St. E. Rebuild attached garage 1 6,500.00 G. H. Morisette 10836 110th PI SE Bld & enclose ex. patio 2 201000.00 Stanford C. Witsoe 11016 115th Ave SE New residence 3 13,000.00 Charles Pohl 10230 108th Ave SE New residence 4 625.00 Douglas E. Holmquist 719 P St Add siding to blk house B 0345 42000.00 Leland F. Staben 636 D St Addition to residence 6 450.00 Trans America 1200 Eithier Rd Accessory bldg for eqpt. 7 10,000.00 Cortina, Inc. 2445 - 10th P1 N. Foundation for apart. 8 400.00 Frank Shelton 11411 - 112th SE Reshingle roof 9 500.00 Charles A. Ruud 801 Houser 'W:iy 0 Add 2 offices in ex. bld. B 0350 150.00 Valu Village 1222 Bronson Way N Add fence 1 45.00 A. S. McElhaney, Jr. 3293 Ct B, Roll.Hills " 2 1,200.00 J. E. Holmes 86th Ave S & Grady Wy " 3 211250.00 R. V. Snowden, Jr. 13005 S.E. 148th Add a recreation room 4 68,000.00 aoy Tutt & Lily Backman 321 & 325 Factory Ave N Bld. 8-unit• apt. B 0355 100.60 Donald B. Henning 8810 S. 126th St Add fence 6 -- VOID 7 220.00 Arthur D. Scholes 15526 120th Ave SE Construct deck 8 -- Sterling Jensen 12852 90th Ave S. Demolish existing res. 9 700.00 Leo Hertz 8440 S. 148th Add siding on house B 0360 -- VOID 1 1,000.00 E. L. Rutledge 812 M Place Remove carport & add adn 2 19095.00 Renton Terrace Conv. Home 8908 S. 133rd Install gas incinerator 3 400.00 The Salvation Army 704 1.. Tobin Ave Remodeling 4 200.00 Safeway Stores Inc. 2725 Sunset Blvd E. Erect sign B 0365 800000 Carl H. Roland 1050 P St Remodel garage Into Bdrm 6 -- David Jensen 12029 - 132nd SE Grading and fill ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0202 500.00 Aldo's Taylor. Shop 314 Whitworth S Wire service 3 50.00 Louis C. Bressman 1376 H St to " 4 4,000.00 Charles Shane 112 Riviera Drive " E 0205 500.00 Alta Nunn 409 Pelly " 6 2,150.00 St Matthews Church 2402 14th N " 7 43,000.00 Housing Authority of Rent. 3039-3033-3027 13th N to & fixtures 8 (see above) Housing Authority of Rent. 3021 - 13th P1 N " of & It 9 " is of to to to 3030 - 13th P1 N of to & of E 0210 " It it It It It 3036 - 13th P1 N " & fixtures 1tt of of of3054 - 13th Pl N of & it 2 " it " " of 3057 -13th P1 N " to & to 3 " •' of " " of 3018 - 13th P1 N " It & to 4 " it3045 - 13th 21 N & E 0215 11 to of it " " 3051 - 13th P1 N to & 6 to it It of It it 3024 - 13th P1 N of & It 7 " It It it " of 3042 - 13th P1 N of It & It 8 to to to It It It 3048 - 13th P1 N of to & is 9 It It " It to " 3016 - 13th PI " of & It E 0220 450.00 Bob Shane 11657 S.E. 100th Wire Service 1 700.00 Frank Lanscardi 509 Langston Rd " 2 -- - VOID 3 350.40 Record Stationary 801 Houser I-lay a 4 5,800.00 R. Tutt 325 Factory E 0225 250.00 Penton School Dist. #403 9435 - 108th P1 SE " 6 -- Renton Inn 800 Rainier Ave S " 7 250.00 C. Morisette 10836 - 110th P1 SE " 8 -- Jim Gotti N.E. Corner S 148 & 87th S Temporary service 9 3,500.00 Thomas Kerr 221 Park Ave Wire Service E 0230 Bell & Valdez 1721 Alder PI SE " 1 it1700 Alder PI SE to " 2 of1703 Alder P1 R.H. It " 3 250.00 Patrick Callahan 3626 10th Ave N It it -9- MECHANICAL PERMITS M 0211 - - Wilbur L. Repp 813 3rd N Plumbing service 2 -- C. H. Morisette 10836 - 110th P1 SE 3 -- R2nton Inn 800 Rainier Ave S " 4 Roy Tutt 325 Factory M 0215 -- Walter C. Cook 15064 89th Ave S Install two sp. heaters 6 -- George Jacobson 2405 - 6th Ave N Install conversion brnr. 7 -- Autobahn, Inc. 3883 - 4th Ave N Install plumbing fixt. 8 -- City of Renton 200 Mill Ave IVt1 9 Charles Shane 112 Riviera Drive It M 0220 -- K. C. Corp 329 Bronson Way N IV " 1 Frank Lansciardi 509 Langston Rd " " "40° 2 -- D. E. Blood 12735 - 85th PI S '• 3 -- St Mathews Luth. Church 2402 14th N '• 4 -- National Poultry Eqpt Co 615 Wells Ave N Install gas heater M 0225 -- F.H.A. 2607 - 7th Ave N Plumbing & fixtures 6 Roger Peterson 547 J St Gas piping for boiler 7 -- Renton Terrace Conv. Home 8908 S 133rd St Install gas furnace 8 -- A. R. Stiles 3633 - 9th Ave N Install gas range 9 -- The Boeing Company Bldg 4-03 Install garbage grinder M 0230 Jerry D. Warren 423 Wells S Install gas water tank 1 -- C. W. Pillon 2104 6th P1 N Install gas outlets 2 -- The Boeing Company Col. K-ll,Bld 10-65 Plumbing f.- vieo- & fixr. ... rr —9— RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S 8:00 P.M. August 14, 1967 AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Progress Estimate #13 due Johnston-Campanella-Murakami & Company in sum of $1,487.42 for architectural services rendered to July 31st on the new City Hall plans Progress Estimate #1 due Absher Construction Company in sum of $32,917.50 on the new city hall construction contract. Statement of N. G. Jacobson & AssociatEs, Inc., Consulting Engineers, in sum of $1,183.79 for services rendered on Off-Street Parking and Comprehensive Plan study. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Demolition of the old library building Library Board request for reclassification of Director CITY CLERK To execute Agreement providing for State Highway Department participation in Rainier Avenue Traffic Signal project CITY ENGINEER A report regarding return of portion of P.S.H. #5, Longacres to Cedar River Bridge by the State on January 1, 1968 LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Northern Pacific Railway Company request for Supplement to Lease to provide for payment of L.I.D. and tax assessments by the City of Renton, specifically relative to L.I.D. 257 for $5,70Q.00 plus $500.00 connection charge. .— Loan of $3,000.00 to be appropriated into Current Fund, Off-Street Parking Department 3160/314 Expert Services to fund appraisal and market study of Off-Street Parking Garage, to be repaid by 12/31/67 @ 3% interest. MAYOR To execute Agreement with State for participation in the Rainier Avenue Traffic Signal project PROPERTY COMMITTEE/ *STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Revision to Elliott Gravel Pit Lease *Pacific Coast Ry. Co. request for Franchise for crossing at Houser Way North in vicinity of North 8th Street. APPOINTMENTS Renton Insurance Commission - Ella M. Conklin, Wm. F. Davis & Louis Gebinini, effective August 1, 1967 for 1 year MEETING Committee of the Whole - Monday, August 21st at 7:00 p.m. tl d7 -6)leerv//v6 Ote _'E�1.03 P 42 (o QW MY 98UNP5 REGULAR MEETING August 14, 1967 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Trimm, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry, Poli and Morris: Moved by Schellert, seconded by Gianini, that the absent Councilmen be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Jan Klippert, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor, Anne Harker, Librarian, Sven Johnson, Building Director and Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of August 7, 1967 be approved as written. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: L. I. D. 256 - Lake Washington Blvd. & vicinity Sanitary Sewers This being the date set, the hearing was declared open for continuation of meeting of July 21st. Communications were read from C. R. Bystrom, protesting excessive cost of the project and requesting readjustment by reason of there being no resident leads to the lots; Mrs. Auge objecting to cost which burden she would be unable to pay without selling land, noting that she has just installed a new sanitary tank; Donald and Barbara Patterson who are not opposed to a sewer system for the area, the need being acknowledged, but objecting to the project as proposed, urging additional area be added, stating that cost is exorbitant for benefit received. They did not feel they had adequate information prior to implementation of the proposed Resolution; James B. Scott did not feel the L.I.D. was required in the dead end area and that the expense is unwarranted; Mike Hilfer objected to the assessment. Petition containing 16 signatures was read protesting the L.I.D. and Petition containing 29 signatures. Letter from Raymond Alexander requested that his signature be withdrawn from the petition of protest, and letters from the following likewise requesting removal of their names: Mrs. Jerry R. Kelleher, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Ventzke, Mrs. Lois M. Fosberg, Mr. and Mrs. Doy E. King, Mel and Dorothy Bunstine, Walt and June Dragin, Jack Scannell and Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Rynning.Letter from Mr. Walter J. Tracey, Jr. reported that signature of Alexander Harding appears with property at 10221 S.E. 94th and 95th Street, Lots 18 and 19, Bl. 13, of which he is the owner and it was requested that the proper address be filed or that the signature and property of which he is not the owner, be deleted from the petition. Upon request, City Engineer Wilson reported that the signatures of protest represent 45.2% of the total assessment against the improvement and that all protests received have been tabulated. 60% is required to stop action on the L.I.D. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Douglas Hoffman, W. J. Hogan, Eugene Jensen, Harry Scritchfield, Lee Peterson and Amos Huseland made inquiry and expressed objection to costs, mode of notification . and various matters pertaining to their individual properties. It was pointed out that the matters relating to particular discrepancies should be discussed in the Engineering Department. Upon inquiry City Attorney Shellan outlined the procedures required by law in formation of an L.I.D. by Petition of the property owners or City initiation by Resolution and he pointed out that the Council usually acts when complaints have been received and requests made for an L.I.D. He advised that the 60% protest is based on cost share of the improvement and not 60y of the persons involved, and that public hearing will again be held when the actual cost is assessed which may be continued until resolved, the actual cost not now being known as bids must be taken which may be rejected if higher than estimated cost. Roberta Hodges inquired regarding addition of areas to the original petition for an L.I.D. which had been validated and City Engineer Wilson advised that upon his recommendation the Council had authorized inclusion of additional territory felt to be in the best interest to the health and welfare of the area and costwise of benefit as well. Mr. Walter Tracey requested that the Council take action on the matter without further meetings or discussion for formation of the L.I.D. Mr. Eugene Jenson inquired whether a portion can be deleted and it was stated that it could by majority of Council action however a new Resolution would be required and it would be necessary to begin anew with the revised boundaries and assessments. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Proposed motion to approve the L.I.D. vi th delation of portion south of S.E. 96th and participation by the City with late-comers provision. The Engineer advised that the Metro connection is involved in this area. The motion was ruled out of order, City Attorney Shellan,noting that boundaries cannot be changed by motion and that the hearing is for informing the people of the proposal and allowing their opinions, and the assessments in such event would not be known by anyone. -1- 2'7 Minutes - Renton City Cour c NQet4ig $.-14-0 PUBLIC HEARING: (Cont.) Recess was requested by motion of Councilman Perry, seconded by Schellert. Carried. After the recess, roll call was taken with all CouncilmQatbers present as previously listed. Upon inquiry, City Engineer Wilson reported that there was no new information and the 45.2% is the correct tabulation of protests on the proposed L.I.D. Council, action was invited and it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Dahlquist, to approve L.I.D. 256. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to amend the motion to add that the City participate in cost of the sewer in S.E. 93rd Street. Discussion ensued and inquiry was made as to whether the City could effect the participation at final assessment roll hearing. City Attorney Shellan advised that legally the City has passed a Resolution which states the cost shall be borne by the L:I.D: This Resolution could be amended and when passing the Ordinance establishing the cost haNe provision for city participation but an amount should be specified. Inquiry was made as to whether Late-Comers Agreement could take care of this. It was;noted that the Late-Comers Agreement provides for developers and would need td be revised. City Attorney Shellan pointed out that there will no doubt be protests and changes required at the final hearing and the Council at that time can determine amounts to be picked up or absorbed as may be required. , Garrett urged that the amendment be voted down and the matter bL taken up at the hearing on the final assessment roll as in the past. Schellert withdrew his amendment to the motion with consent of second. The original motion to approve L.I.D. 2561 authorizing further procedure was voted upon and carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Progress Estimate No. 13 was read payable to Johnston-Campanella-Murakami & Co. in sum of $1,487.42 for architectural services rendered to July 31, 1967 on the new city hall plans. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to refer the payment to the Aud ting and Accounting- Committee with power to act, Carried. Progress Estimate No. 1, due Absher Construction Company,was read covering services on the new city hall construction cont et in sum of $32,917.50. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Statement was read from N. G. Jacobson & Associates, Inc,, Consulting Engineers, C.AG. 1124-67 services rendered on Off-Street Parking Facility Study and Comprehensive Plan. Job Cost Sheet for July was attached and amount due this payment, $1,183.79. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to refer the statement to the Auditing, and Acs counting Committee with power to act. Carried. Petition was read submitted by Marlene and James Baker, 8424 So. 130th Street, for annexation of property to the City of Renton. Upon inquiry, City Engineer 'Wilsbn reported that the petiticn represented signatories of 100y ownership of the assessed valuation of the subject property. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to act favorably on the petition with referral to the Mayor to request dispensation of the Review Board proceedings. Carried. Letter from Mayor Custer reported receipt of donations in memory of Councilman Hugh Bruce which funds will be referred to the City Treasurer for deposit in the City Hall Construction Fund for a suitable memorial. Included in donors to date are City Employees Club, Rainier Veterans of Foreign Wars Club, the Local Culinary Workers Union and several individual contributions. In event of inquiry, donations will be accepted and checks should be made payable to the City of Renton with appropriate notation "Hugh Bruce Memorial Fund". Letter from Sven Johnson, Building Director, recommended that Revocable Permit be granted to Aldo Zerbato, 314 Whitworth Avenue South, for projection of a sign for 4 ft. over public right of way, to be mounted on existing canopy. Morris made inquiry regarding percentage of signs in block encroaching rights of way and Building Director Johnson advised that this sign is in a B-1 area and in this particular case there are no others. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to deny the request. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, to concur in the request granting the sign permit. Verbal vote was dissenting and declared by the Chair to be majority affirmative carrying the motion. Letter from Building Director Johnson recommended that Revocable sign be granted for 18stallation of a pole mounted sign at Ted Gatz Photographic Center, 200 Park Avenue N rth to project 3'4" over public right-of-way. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, that Council not concur in the request it being felt that the sign could be set back the 3 ft. keeping it entirely on private property. Discussion ensued regarding the question of whether hardship exists and enforcement of the regulating ordinance. -2- Miputps Repton QiVy 0oiApct . Moptipo COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Revocable Sign Permit - Ted Gatz Moved -by'Garrett, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur with the recommendation of the Building Director and grant the Permit. The Chair ruled the motion out of order since it is contrary to the original motion which he stated should have also been the ruling on the prior item. Discussion ensued on whether a positive motion had precedent over a negative motion. City Attorney Shellan advised that the intent of the subse- quent motion was not to amend but a direct opposite changing the nature of the original motion which is not permissible. Inquiry was made of the Building Director regarding justification for the recommendation and Mr. Johnson advised that the pole would be within limits set for B-1. areas and inspection reveals that the request is made with regard to the best visibility, having to come before Council because a Revocable Permit is involved which must be approved by the Council. It was noted that the sign is at the intersection of Park Avenue and Second Street in a parking lot. Vote was called for on the motion to deny the request. The motion lost, the ayes prevailing: Attention was called to previous requests which had been denied in the subject area. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Pedersen, to concur in the recommendation of the Building Director and the permit be granted. Carried. Letter from W. E. Bennett, Utility Accountant requested appropriation of $300.00 from excess revenues, Waterworks Utility Fund unto 7100/130 Salaries & Wages, to allow hiring of a part time employee to prepare data for conversion to Data Processing which labor was not contemplated when the budget was prepared. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to grant the request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee.Carried. Letter from Mayor Custer submitted proposed Supplement to Lease Agreement between the City and Mrs. Anna J. Elliott to correct a property description, and it was requested that this matter be referred to the Property Committee for recommendation. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the request. Carried. Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, requested authorization to call for bids on installation of a watermain in 132nd Avenue S .E. southerly from North 4th Street and in an easement between Sunset Blvd. East and "E" Street. September 25th was the date suggested for bid opening. Moved by Poli, seconded by Pedersen, to concur in the bid call and opening date. Carried. Letter from Mr. Phillip L. Beckley, Chairman, Renton Independence Day Committee, requested that the Committee be permitted to hold a dance for high school age students at the Renton Aviation Hangar on Saturday, August 26th from 8:30p.m. until 11:30 p.m. Off-duty police officers will be present and list of adults was attached who will be available for consultation and/or chaperoning. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, that the Council approve the request and recommend to the Renton Aviation Board that this building be made available for this purpose. Carried. Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for approval, proposed Franchise for railroad crossing of Houser Way in the vicinity of North 8th Street. It was recommended by City Attorney Shellan that the Street and Alley Committee and possibly the Property Committee go over this particular franchise request. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, to refer the document as recommended with a report back to Council. Carried. (Pacific Coast Ry. Co. request) Letter from the Northern Pacific Railway Company called attention to lease wherein clause providing for payment of taxes and assessments by the lessee had been crossed out it being assumed the land would be exempt, no rent or other compensation being received. It was requested that supplemental lease be executed providing for payment of assessments on L.I.D. 257 by the City, which assessment appears as $5,700.00 plus $500.00 connection charge. Moved by Perry, seconded by Trimm, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Letter from Sven Johnson, Building Director, reported investigation, along with the Park Director and Architect Dave Johnston, of the old library building and it has been determined unfeasible to repair the building for occupancy since over W% of the structure would be involved, questionable roof support and unreinforced masonry being unable to be renovated to Code requirements. It was recommended that funds be appropriated to effect demolition of the building including removal of the foundation and filling of the excavation. Salvage was not recommended due to length of time the demolition would be unsightly. Permission was requested to call for bids for removal of the building as soon as possible. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to refer this matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Letter from the State Highway Commission advised that on or about January 1, 1968 a portion of old PSH 5 (SR 167) Longacres to Cedar River Bridge, will be returned to the City of Renton. Joint inspection with the City will be made to insure that the rountine maintenance is up to date. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry to refer the matter to the City Engineer for report. -3- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 8-14-67 429 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from the Renton Library Board of Trustees, Angelo P. Righi, Secretary, reported that the Board has appointed Mr. Jack Lowell Jones as Library Director, effective September 1, 1967. It was requested that the present budget be adjusted to enable the Board to fix the salary of the Director at $12,000.00 with the increase to become effective- as of September 1st. The Library Fund has adequate money in the budget for the balance of this year and the reclassification of the Director requested at this time will be reflected in the 1968 budget. Discussion ensued and it was noted that the requests had been made at the Committee of the Whole meeting the Library Board advising it was unable to fill the position with a qualified person for any less money. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Dahlquist urged approval of the referral calling attention to capabilities of the former Director and to her resignation. After further discussion and inquiry regarding intent of the Library Board letter with respect to balance of the year and budgetary salary for 1968, the pending motion was voted upon and carried, referring the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Letter from Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, submitted proposed Agreement for State Highway Commission, by and through the State Highway Director, to participate in the Rainier Avenue Traffic Signal project. The total cost of the improvement is $142,650.00 with $30,541.00 to be reimbursed by the State Highway Department upon completion. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the document upon its approval by the Cly Attorney. Me motion carried. City Clerk Nelson reported receipt of the Green River Valley Transportation Plan which will be on file in the City Clerk's Office. Mayor Custer has copies for perusal in his office also. Councilman Pedersen, Property Committee Chairman submitted letter for reading which has been directed to him from Mayor Custer advising of problem encountered by Mr. Joe Ricardi in attempting to hook up to Renton sewers. Mr. Ricardi is willing to annex his property to Renton but is prohibited by doing so by an existing agreement between the City and the Water District serving that area of Talbot Hill. It was suggested that the City change its policy on allowing connection of outside residents to accommodate any party willing to annex. Councilman Pedersen reported meeting with Mr. Ricardi and the Sanitation Committee feels this is a hardship case. Mr. Ricardi stated he has been circulating a petition for annexation but the agreement whose legality he questioned, prevented the consumation at this time and due to a high water problem he cannot put in a septic tank. Upon inquiry, City Attorney Shellan recalled that the Agreement with the water district had been made so that the district wouldn't be broken up piece by piece or they could not afford to operate, however there is no State Law prohibiting the service to outside residences. It was doubtful that annexation could be effected in view of the existing agreement and there is a possibility that he could get an o.k. from the water district to hook up but not to annex. Moved by Perry, seconded by Dahlquist, that Mr. Ricardi be allowed to hook one residence onto the sewer line. Discussion ensued regarding additional single family residences on 3 lots and it was noted that in making an exception to existing city policy the general policy will not be changed and that one hook-up where hardship exists will be allowed. Opinions were expressed that the City should not deviate from its policy. Upon verbal vote on the pending motion the Chair rules that the ayes prevailed. Roll call vote was requested which resulted as follows: Aye: Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Perry, Poli and Morris. No: Trimm, Schellert and Garrett. The motion carried. APPOINTMENT: Letter from Mayor Custer requested Council concurrence in the appointment of Ella M. Conklin, William F. Davis and Louis Gebenini to one year terms as members of the Insurance Commission for the City of Renton, effective August 1, 1967. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the appointments. Carried. - COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Councilman Schellert, Chairman, Ways and Means Committee, submitted recommendation that $3,000.00 be borrowed fr,a-m tax money paid under protest by The Boeing Co. and Pacific Car & Foundry, for funding of appraisal and market study relative to parking garage in downtown Renton. This money to be appropriated into the Current Fund, Off- Street Parking Department 3160/314, Expert Services, and repaid not later than December 31, 1967 at 3% interest. Moved by Poli, seconded by Garrett to concur in the recommendations. Carried. -4- 430 Minutes - Renton City Coupgil Meeting 5 14-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Councilman Pedersen, Sanitation Committee Chairman, reported meeting with residents of the Honey Creek area regarding Sanitary Sewer services and the residents are to decide whether they want an L.I.D. and report to the Council. Councilman Poli inquired regarding surplus well site property on Beacon Street and it was reported that the Ordinance has been prepared and is now in Committee. Councilman Morris, reported on Workshop attended during the Conference of the National League of Cities in Boston, with regard to Underground Utilities calling attention to presently pending Franchise Agreement being considered for Puget Sound Power and Light Company, and problems encountered by our Water Utility operations in digging pipe trenches in proximity of underground conductors. It was noted that the ideal time for negotiation. is at the time franchises are granted but since most are issued for such long periods it is not always possible. San Francisco is operating under an agreement whereby the City through Planning designates which blocks would be converted, the central business core area being first and working outward from there.. Opinion was expressed that underground facilities are more economical to install and maintain. California City Ordinances require all Subdivision Lto install underground. Colored strips of material are placed above the underground conductor so equipment operators would dig into this before reaching the energized wires, It was anticipated that within a few years the majority of telephone conductors will be underground. In California TV Cable Franchises would require cables to be placed underground at the time the other utilities do so. It was noted that Several California Companies have agreed to a 2% tax on the gross revenue of the residential and business accounts which tax is to be used only for conversion of overhead utility conductors within the corporate limits of the city and the Cities are requesting the industrial electric revenues to also be included in the 2'o tax. The matter of including the industrial revenue is now before the State Utilities Commission, the electric company not being agreeable to inclusion of its industrial accounts. Councilman Morris suggested that the City might consider such a tax to be used for underground conversion and repeal the 3% tax now imposed on customers by the Utility Company. $310,000.00 is the approximate amount of the present tax receipts and the cost for converting to underground for our civic center is estimated at over $50,000.00. The 2% tax would provide appriximately $65,000.00 per year which could be used for underground conversions. New Business: Council President Trimm requested a Committee of the Whole meeting on Monday at 7:00 P.M., August 21st. Councilman Schellert reported attendance at the Institute of Traffic Engineers meeting in Seattle August 7-9th, and highlighted was the explanation regarding the Highway Facilities Act of 1966, it being attempted to establish uniformity throughout the nation with pressures through the Federal Government for compliance. Another highlight noted was the address by Mayor Custer regarding particular traffic problems especially encountered by Renton, budgetary allottments alleviating the problem but solution yet a long way off. Councilman Garrett requested that the Fire and Water Committee and Fire Chief be allowed time on the Committee of the Whole agenda, the hour at present being late, adding that the remarks regarding the Mayor being the key note speaker were mild,appropriately more praiseworthy than denoted,but the -hour was .lat'e.. Councilman Perry advised that he will report to the Committee of the Whole on his convention attendance at such time as the Puget Sound Governmental Conference member- ship is discussed. Moved by Perry, seconded by Gianini, that the salary of the Park Director be taken up at the time the salary of the Library Director is discussed, increasing it to the same amount. The motion lost. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, that City of Renton Vouchers No. 9321 through 9460, having been previously approved by the Auditing and. accounting Committee be approved for payment by the Council at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund - 9322-9359 and 9459, $4,359.92 Airport, 9449 - 9455 183.49 Street Fund - 9360 - 9367 & 9460 6,959.21 City Hall Const. 9456 32,917.50 Cedar River M & I, 9368 - 9370 394.95 Equipment Rental, 9371 - 9387, 925.6 Total $64,687.32 Library, 9388 - 9419 3,333.74 Water Works Utility, 9433 - 9448, 13,546.52 -5- 431 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 8-14-67 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton declaring that an emergency exists and appropriating monies for the purpose of providing funds for the Park Department and Arterial Street Fund from Current Fund unto Arterial Street Fund 3200/605 ASP #8, $80,000.00 and from Current Fund unto Park Fund 6120/605, $64,350.00. The proposed Ordinance was introduced and placed on first reading on July 24th. Moved by Schellert and seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2352 as read. Roll call vote followed with all members voting aye. The motion carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman submitted a proposed Ordinance of the City amending Section 5-2403 of Title V (Business Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to hours of sale of licensed premises dispensing liquor. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Trimm, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Trimm, to adopt Ordinance No. 2353 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes except Dahlquist. The motion carried. Councilman Pedersen inquired regarding Resolution regarding well site for which Mr. Smiley has been waiting and it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Trimm, that the matter be taken from Committee and the document be placed on first reading. Discussion ensued regarding the sale price. The property had been purchased from Mr. Smiley @ $4,000.00 and was now appraised at $5,200.00. Allowance is to be made for the existing pipe not to be utilized by Mr. Smiley and the site is to be returned at the cost of $4,000.00. The motion carried and the document was read. '.'loved by Trimm, seconded by Gianini, that the Resolution be adopted as read. The motion carried. Ordinance proposed regarding vagrancy will be held in Committee for report by the Police Chief and distribution for informational purpose. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 p.m. HeJmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor �-lu-b7 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING A a WGINE43RiNG DUARTMBNTS BUILDDIG PEMMITS ° NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 0367 644,000.00 Renton Village Company 800 a inier Avcnue �o Add'n to inn 8 24,000.00 Eugene Parsons 1903 SE Taylor Ct Erect new residence 9 -- James Wheeler 111 Williams Demolish ex. residence B 0370 3,000.00 Simone Construction Co 10621 Puget Drive Build cyclone fence 1 11,000.00 George Butko 435 Langston Rd Erect. new re sid ence 2 16,000.00 Lewis H. Purcell 11630 SE 105 21 " " " 3 6,000.00 Trans America Develop.Co 1282 Thomas Lane Erect laundry center 4 -- Cecil Wakelam 411 Langston Rd Demolish old house B 0375 146,000.00 Cortina, Inc. 2445 10th P1 N Erect 18-unit apt. 6 -- Harry Haight-Aero Plast.61 Shattuck St Demolish small bldg. 7 17,000.00 G. F. Pomeroy 502 So 13th St New residence ELECTRIC,,'-,L PEP.i.]ITS E 0231 50.00 Renton Terrace Conval 8908 S.' 133rd [dire service E 0235 325.00 City Center Motel 112 3rd Ave " 6 1,200.00 D. W. Custer 1902 S.E. Taylor Ct. " 7 500.00 Roger Lewis 12725 - 86th S " 8 12,000.00 Autobahn Volkswagon Inc 3883 Fourth Ave North " 9 350.00 Ralph V. Snowden, Jr. 13005 S.E. 148th " E 0240 339,000.00 The Boeing Company 10-50 Bldg " 1 2,140.00 Penton Bible Church 11603 132nd Ave S.E. " 2 100.00 Carl Roland 1050 ^P" Street " 3 300.00 M. J. Lackie 227 Langston Rd " MECHANICAL PE71,,ITS m 0233 Glen Ford 221 Park Ave Install plbg fixt. 4 Bell S Valdez 1721 Alder P1 SE " " " ill 0235 Bell Valdez 1715 Alder P1 SE It " 11 6 -- Sherwood Develop4ient Rolling Bills Park " sprinkler syst. 7 menton Terr. Conval Dome 3908 S. 133rd It gas incinerator 8 -- Ed Brady 1710 S.E. U land it Plbg w fiat. 9 -- Canyon Homes 10836 110th P1 S.E. Re route waste line M 0240 Bell & Valdez 1709 Alder Pl S.E. Install gas furnace 1 -- George Butko 435 Langston Rd Install plbg & fist. 2 Bell & Valdez 1715 Alder Pl S.E. Install gas furuaQe 3 -- Bell & Valdez 1721 Alder PI S.E. Install gas furnace 4 -- Larry Krall L�05 Grandey ",lay M 0245 Bell & Valdez 1703 Alder Pl S.E. Install plbg f ixt. 6 -- Bell & Valdez 1709 Alder P1 S.E. 7 -- Bell Valdez 1700 Alder Pl S.E. " SEWED, PEP.i•IITS 183 -- Nick Andrews 2200 S 2202 10th P1 N Sewer service 184 Union Oil Company 3975 4th Ave N 11 " 185 -- Tim Bertozzi 15728 96th Ave S " -7- 433 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S 8:00 P.M. August 21, 1967 AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Progress Estimate #6 due Venture Construction, Inc. in sum of $7,783.67 for work completed on Mt. Olivet Pump Station and Invoice for services rendered by Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield on Engineering for Talbot Hill Pump Station in sum of E137.67 FIRE AND WATER AND POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEES Resignation of Secretary and Board Members of the Civil Service Commission Appointments to Civil Service Commission COMMITTEE OF THE 14HOLE Xerox letter - Matter of duplicating machines to be considered LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Final Plats: Victoria Park #1, TransAmerica Development Co. App. F.P. 413-67 Victoria Park #2, FP 414-67 Earlington Industrial Park #1, Pacific Coast RR Co., Appl. 415-67 FP Resolution 1473 to be amended per Mayor's veto and recommendation providing for $5,000.00 sale price on Well Site #6 to be conveyed to Hallie Smiley (Resolution 1474 adopted) Proposed Regulation I of the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE. Planning Commission recommendation that 87th Avenue South extension be placed on'the'City Six-Year Comprehensive Street Program and that its Renton Junction- Way connection be completed to expedite relief of traffic demands and circulation needs. WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Agreement for State participation in resurfacing of Rainier Avenue with $55,290.00 to be reimbursed to the City upon completion of the project Funding of $50,000.00 for completion of Fire Station #3 site MEETINGS Committee of the Whole - Monday, August 28th at 7:30 p.m. 434 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING August 21, 1967 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Trimm, Schellert, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Gianini, that the absent Council Members be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Jan Klippert, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor, Anne Harker, Librarian and Sven Johnson, Building Director. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of August 14th be approved as written. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Hallie Smiley, Realty Investors, Inc., appeal of Planning Commission R-4 to B-1 - rezone denial at "L" Street between 11th Place and 12th Avenue North. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Letter from Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, reviewed Planning Commission actions which concluded that the best use for the property is multi-family and that a logical cut off for Business zoning in the area is "L" Street there being no B-1 Easterly at present. The existing R-4 zoning is subject to restrictive covenant of 45' ht. as rezoned in 1961 per Ordinance 1922. Total area is 23,560 sq. ft., approximately 100 ft. in depth and 225 ft. long. Adjacent 160 ft- area now zoned R-4 directly abuts single family residential use area. The Comprehensive Plan indicates medium density multi-family residential according t', the interpretation of the Commission and the proposed rezone would be in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan, and the request was therefore denied. Upon request of Mr. Smiley, his letter of appeal was read stating that reasonable intent of the Comprehensive Plan would allow for the proposed use; the property to the West and North are zoned B-1 and adjoining property to .the East and South is owned by the applicant and is zoned R-4. Major use of the entire property is to be multiple family residential however, relief from hardships of excessive cost of development is needed and can come from use of income from B-1 on the "L" Street ground level to help finance the development. Mr. Smiley displayed drawings and plans noting locations of B-1 zoning and how its extension would blend in and be a reasonable use which he felt could be interpreted as that shown. Mr. Smiley advised of delay in the development for several years due to his illness and he outlined present construction costs involved in burying of utilities and complying with f`�re zone requirements. Immediate space for his real estate business office was desired and 10 bays were proposed for future B-1 use the balance to be street level & upper apartments. After all comment was made it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Councilman Poli inquired of the Planning Director regarding statement by the Planning Commission that the rezone would be in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Ericksen stated that the area is on the fringe of the Highlands and the area to the West is B-1, however in its review the Commission noted no B-1 East of L Street and its reasonable interpretation is that the plan indicates multiple residential and "L". Street should remain somewhat of a buffer zone being a logical cut-off. Since it does not comply with the Comprehensive Plan accordingly, by reasonable interpretation, the zoning request was denied. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the Planning Commission recom- mendations upholding denial of the B-1 rezone. Carried. PUBLIC HEARING: L.I.D. 257 (Continued from 8-7-67) Kennydale Lakefront Sanitary Sewers This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Letter from Johnson, Jonson & Insler, Law Office, written by James C. Hanken, on behalf of J. H. Baxter, Inc., Barbee Mills, Inc. and Pan-Abode, Inc. requested information as to what constitutes L.I.D. 257, protesting and objecting to its formation and inquiring regarding costs noting provisions of RCW 35. 43.130 regarding procedures. Letter from Mrs. R. A. Fawcett submitted protest due to the cost compared to benefit to be derived, the placement of the lines service stub, time element and extension across Lake Wn. Blvd. Letter from City Engineer Wilson was read reporting that written protests have been received bearing 60.55% of total estimated cost of the project. This does not include the Fawcett letter. Councilman Pedersen, Sanitation Committee Chairman, reported recommendation that the hearing be continued to allow time to work out some of the problems to see if the project can be made feasible . Petitioner for the Baronovich property advised that she along with several neighbors would be unable to develop vacant properties without the L.I.D. as septic tanks were not allowed. Mr. Phil Podvin, George Howell and Mark Robbins inquired regarding the costs and how their docks would be affected. Consulting Engineer Grimm advised it could go under them and moving of do^k portions might be required. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Perry, to continue the hearing to September 11, 1967. Carried. Permanent structures may not be -1- '435 Hi"utes r Reston City Council Meeting 8.4-1 -67 constructed over the sewer line, as -ound struecvrea hinder main tenane©, If required, Mayor Custer invited persons to come down to the Engineering office to ask questions regarding their assessment or related matters and to go through the project as LID 257 concerns their properties. Schellert inquired regarding formal referral and Sanitation Committee Chairman Pedersen advised his Committee would be making a recommendation after the meeting with the industries concerned which has been set for August 25th at 2:00 p.m. A letter from Planning Director Ericksen was read advising that the Planning Commission is presently conducting hearings on proposed revisions to the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The proposed extension of the Lake Washington Beach Park northward along the waterfront to the J. H. Baxter Company property was discussed at public hearings on July 19th and August 16th and the revised plan under study at this time includes extension to incorporate the industrial properties presently utilized for log dumping and storage, The plan excludes those areas presently developed for single family residential purposes. A southerly extension to encompass several undeveloped lots is also proposed. The plan is for development of a major waterfront recreational -- area and includes existing industrial properties on the lake in the vicinity of the May Creek area, as indicated on the present Renton General Development Plan. The Planning Commission at its August 16th meeting has continued the public hearing on the Comprehensive Plan to September 13, 1967 to allow time for consideration of the requests and comments made by members of the audience. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from City Engineer Wilson, reporting on referral of 8-14-67, advised that the transfer of PSH 5 (SR 167) Longacres to Cedar River Bridge concerns that portion of the East Valley Highway which had to be reconstructed due to the South Renton Inter- change. This section of highway joins the East Valley Highway to South 153rd Street and the transfer as of 1-1-68 per State Highway Commission notification, will return the jurisdiction of all of the old East Valley Highway within the corporate limits to the City. Joint inspection of maintenance standards will be made prior to the conveyance. Letter from Planning Director Ericksen submitted Planning Commission r9cr mendations from its meeting of August 9th as follows: Approval recommended of final Plats: Victoria Park #1, Transamerica Development Company, Appl. FP-413-67; property located generally in the S.E. area of 14th Avenue South and Talbot Road. Total area app. 13.2 acres (49 lots) . existing zoning is SR-1 with Talbot Road as principal access. The proposed use is single family residential which complies with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendations with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Victoria Park #2, Transamerica Development Company, Appl. FP-414-67, property located generally in the S.E. area of 14th Avenue South and Talbot Road, app. 13 acres, (48 lots) same zoning, access and proposed use as #1, and also in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Poli, seconded by Trimm, to concur in the recommendation for approval with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Earlington Industrial Park No. 1, Pacific Coast RR Co. Appl. FP-415-67; property located in vicinity of S.W. corner of intersection of South 7th Street and 87th Avenue South. Total area 48 acres with existing MP zoning. Principal access is South 7th Street. The proposed use is Industrial with the Comprehensive Plan designating Manufacturing. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. The Commission recommended also that the extension of 87th Avenue South between Renton Junction (day and Sunset Highway be placed on the City's Six Year Comprehensive Street Program, the need for street improvement becoming more and more apparent with the development of the Earlington Industrial area. It was further recommended that the southerly extension of 87th Avenue South completing Renton Junction Way connection should be expedited to meet traffic and circulation needs. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee for recommendation. Carried. Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Estimate No. 6 due Venture Construction, Inc. in sum of $7,783.67 for work completed through August 11th on C.AG. 1082-66, Mt. Olivet Pump Station, and estimate for fees due Engineering firm of Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield in sum of $137.67 for services rendered in connection with the Springbrook (Talbot Pump Station) development per C.AG. 1026-66, to be funded from 7150/605, 1965 Water & Sewer Construction Fund. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendations with referral to the Auditing and Accounting Committee. Carried. -2- J1 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 8-21-67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from Mayor Custer submitted veto of Resolution 1473,which had been passed by the City Council on August 14, 1967, and approval and adoption of a new Resolution was requested to include the sale price of $5,000.00, the steel pipe for which a reduction was granted, not being serviceable under the new utility standards. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the subject Resolution to the Law and Ordinance Committee for revision. Carried. (Well Site No. 6, Honey Dew Lane area) Letter from Jan Klippert, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor, submitted proposal of the Wn. State Highway Commission, for highway beautification. Attached prints outlined areas inside and out of the Renton urban limits where acquisition of land is desired as part of the program. All parcels are wooded and would not be utilized for highway construction but are to be preserved in their native state as a green belt and buffer. Before acquistion can begin it is requiredthat each Municipality concerned ;.. sdbtnit a letter of concurrence stating that the proposed program ties into its ultimate ufb n development plan. Mr. I:lippert reported review of the proposal by the Public Works Committee and Council concurrence was recommended. Moved by Schellert, seconded by belaurenti, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. Letter from R.S.Vanderford requested permission to connect to City sewer facilities, the County Health Department having condemned the septic tank and drainfield at his residence and eviction notice having been received because of this. The party is willing to do everything possible to have the area annexed but in the meantime the situation was desperate. Mayor Custer noted that this was adjacent to the Ricardi residence and should have been included in the previous request and that the house had been declared unsuitable until the correction was r:^de. It was noted that the annexation petition has progressed and is making headway toward the annexation. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, that permission be granted for connection to the City sewer facility as requested. carred. Schellert opposed. Letter read from Mr. Don Kirkman submitted appeal of ^_ I.- .,::,7 Adve^+ist Church of Board of Adjustment decisicn in denial of variance for use of thick butt cedar shakes in place of asphalt brick shingles on the church addition at 1030 "L" Street. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, that September 11, 1967 be set for hearing on the appeal. Carried. Letter from the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency, John T. O'Brien, Chairman, submitted proposed Regulation I of the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency, which Agency was formed pursuant to the 1967 Washington Clean Air Act and presently encompasses King, Pierce and Snohomish Counties. It was noted that until the Agency Board of Directors adopts a regulation covering the three county area, existing Ordinances and Resolutions of the component cities and counties remain in effect. The Mayor was requested to make comment and suggestions for improvement of the draft and a public hearing will be held by the Agency Board prior to adoption of the regulation. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Letter from the Washington State Highway Commission, advised of expansion by the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads of its programs for Federal assistance designed to help cities re- duce traffic congestion through traffic engineering improvements. The new approach is called TOPICS for "Traffic Operations Program for Increasing Capacity and Safety". De- tailed information was attached in Instructional Memorandum 21-7-67 dated 2-13-67. It was noted that a limited amount of funds are now available on a 50-50 basis and a comprehensive area wide plan for traffic operation must support any Federal aid program and qualified cities interested in TOPICS were requested to prepare a comprehensive plan in accordance with the instructional memorandum. Each plan shall be submitted via the District State Aid Engineer for coordination and review. Letter from Xerox, Jim Wyman, Representative, requested consideration of the Council in establishment of an efficient and economical reproduction system for the City which will help meet the expanding demands of the City at preser nd in the future with re- sepct to the heavy demand work load in the next few months and future volume distri- bution in the new City Hall location. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, that the matter of reproduction machines be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Letter from Members of the Renton Police and Fire Department Civil Service Commissions submitted resignations, effective immediately, and included signatures of Virginia Busato, Louie Delaurenti and Mary Muir, Secretary-Examiner. Moved by Perry, second by Delaurenti,for for' referral Fire and Water and Police and License Committees. Morris inquired regarding such referral and Perry advised he would like to know the reason behind the resignations recalling the r=^vious Librarian's resignation. Upon verbal vote the Chair ruled the negative vote to be in majority. Roll call was requested by at least two members which resulted as follows: Aye: Schellert, Pedersen, Perry, Delaurenti and Poli. No: Trimm, Gianini, Garrett and Morris, The motion carried, referring the matter to Committees. -3- L -- _` 437 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 8-21-67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Civil Service Commission Letter submitting resignations of Secretary and 2 members. Letter from Mayor Custer requested appointments of Harold Woodin and Floyd Hughes as members of the Fire Department Civil Service Commission, effective this date subject to personal acceptance, be confirmed by the Council at this time to fill vacancies created by the resignation of Mrs. Busato and Mr. Delaurenti. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to refer the appointments to the Fire and Mater and Police and License Committees. Carried. Garrett opposed the referral stating if needed referral should be to Committee of the Whole adding that there is just one member on the Commission at present and no Secretary and neither Commission can function unless someone is appointed to continue the operation. Delaurenti moved that the motion be amended to refer to Committee of the Whole. Mayor Custer advised he would accept a substitute motion. The substitute was seconded by Poli. Perry offered to withdraw his main motion however it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Morris to substitute the motion that the two appointments by the Mayor be con- firmed. Pedersen objected to the ruling accepting substitute motion and the Mayor noted that a 2/3 vote of the Council would override his ruling. Delaurenti stated that his Committee had received a letter from the Mayor requesting recommendations and he did not feel appointments should be made until the Committee had made a recommendation. Mayor Custer advised that he had received resignations and made appointments to the vacancies and the Council can take any action or make any recom- mendations according to its wishes. Verbal vote on the pending motion to confirm was ruled carried by majority aye vote. Roll call was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Trimm, Gianini, Garrett, Poli and Morris. No: Schellert, Pedersen, Perry and Delaurenti. The motion carried. Pedersen noted that resignations had not been accepted and it was pointed out by the Mayor that the people do not want to serve and in view of the resignations appointments were made so the Board could function, noting that he had not yet made any appointments to the Police Civil Service Commission. Morris opposed referral to Committee stating the Commission did its ;yob the best it could and should not be subjected to criticism or harassment. Motion was proposed to refer the matter of the Police Civil Service Commission to the Police and License Committee for recommendation. The motion died for lack of second. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Morris, that the Commission Members who resigned and-.the Secretary-Chief Examiner be sent letters acknowledging the outstanding job done over the years they have served, it being noted that one term had expired. Delaurenti questioned this action' in view of the voting. Garrett stated he would hope none of the Members had construed his vote to not accepting or accepting resignations; as Mr. Shellan has ruled the resignations do not need to be accepted since when anyone quits they are through,and he would certainly not think of voting to remove any of these people from their position or vote against a reappointment. For reasons of their own resignations have been submitted effectively immediately and unless the_City goes -out of the Police and Fire Commission business nothing can be done but go ahead with the confirmation of appointees. He would never vote against reappointment nor vote to replace the members. Delaurenti stated he understood the comment and the only issue he had was that the Committees were not extended the courtesy of their opinion being given when it was asked for. It was noted that Mr. Delaurenti has been on vacation and the letter was sent on the 15th of August. The pending motion was subsequently carried . (See later action and discussion.) Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of James M. Bourasa to permanent position of Sergeant in the Renton Police Department, the required probationary , period having been successfully completed and the Police Chief recommending the appoint- ment. The appointment will be effective as of August 16, 1967. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to m ncur in the appointment. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, reported regarding referral of Railway Company request for Franchise in vicir Y of 8th Avenue and Bronson Way, that. the Committee will need additional time Mr. Boyd, Land Agent for the Railroad advising that their Attorney w4s ill and unable to meet at this time. Councilman Poli, Chairman, Light and Power Committee, submitted report recommending installation of five 20,000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Lights on South 7th Street West of the Gov-Mart and three 20,000 Lumen Mercury Vapor lights on 87th Avenue South directly South of 7th. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommenda- tions. Carried, -4- k k Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 8-21-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Cont.) Councilman Poli, Light and Power Committee Chairman, submitted copies of the Valley Times, July 23rd issue,as Committee report relative to the progress of Colorcable TV Cable service. The article noted 45 miles of system installed in the Renton area where the firm has franchises and pole rights. 300 hook-ups have been installed and 1500 orders are in backlog. It was hoped that from a base in Renton the entire Valley may be served. Rates are $3.95 monthly and the firm has exclusive Canadian rights offering 12 channels. New Business: Councilman Garrett, Chairman, Street and Alley Committee, submitted written report of the Committee and the Traffic Engineer, advising that resurfacing of Rainier Avenue will provide an additional lane from South 3rd Street to the North City Limits to improve access to the businesses and help to curb the accident rate. Additional left turn storage will be provided at Airport Way and South 3rd Street. The total estimated cost of the project is $82,930.00. Agreement for State participa- tion was attached and recommended for approval providing for payment of $55,290.00 toward the project which represents 66 2/3% of the entire project. The total will initially be paid by the City and the $55,290.00 to ''e reimbursed upon completion. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendations with referral of the funding to the Has and Means Committee. Carried. Discussion ensued regarding Civil Service Commission appointments, it being noted that the Police Commission appointments, in the event additional Members ere to serve, have not yet been resolved, and perhaps resignations were rendered due to the work load of serving on both Boards. It was noted that the matter has been referred to Committee and resignations : could be accepted or members asked to serve on the remaining Board. The Committee will report on the matter and it was noted that letters of commendation were to cover past services and referring back to the motion to forward letters vote was taken confirming the action. Councilman Delaurenti, Fire and Water Committee Chairman, orally reported meeting with the Fire Chief regarding the new Fire Station location being completed within the next few months,a year and a half or so being required for settling prior to building the station, and it was determined that $505000,00 would be required to complete the site . - I=t was recommended that the funding for this be referred to the Ways and Means Committee in order to complete the site preparation this fall. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 9461 through 9530, having been gproved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee members present, be approved for payment by the Council at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 9466 - 9494 $ 5,405.06 Street Fund 9495 - 9500 2,608.87 Cedar River M & I 9501 17.39 Equipment Rental 9502 - 9508 2,209.14 Parks 9509 - 9515 1,596.73 Water Works Utility 9516 - 9526 31,285.31 1965 Water & Sewer Const. 9527 - 9528 26,171.70 Airport 952Q 12.46 Firemen's Pension 9461 - 9465 584.10 Cumulative Fund #1990 9530 183.10 $ 70,073.86 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Vern Morris, Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman, submitted proposed Resolution which was read declaring municipal well site ##6 no longer needed for public use and abandoning same to abutting property owner, Hallie Smiley, Better-Bilt Homes, Inc., from whom the City had acquired said parcel, for the cash sum of $5,000,00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1474 as read. Carried. Councilman Morris submitted proposed Resolution of the City appropriating excess revenues from the Waterworks Utility Fund unto Budgetary Waterworks Utility Account 7100/130, Salaries and Wages, Relief for Vacation and Overtime in sum of $300.00. Moved by Poli, seconded by Garrett, that Resolution No. 1475 be adopted as read. The motion carried. -5- gAtANCgS%t Ll� 1ONS: (Cont. V9 The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted proposed Resolution authorizing loan to Current Fund Off-Street Parking Department 3160/314, Expert Services from Current Fund in sum of $3,000.00, to be repaid not later than 12-31-67. (To fund Parking garage appraisal and market value study - downtown Renton) Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution No. 1476 as read. Carried. The Committee Chairman submitted proposed Resolution of the City authorizing the Building Director to secur appraisal of items of personal property heretofore located in the City Hall Cafe which are no longer of public use or benefit and hereby declared surplus and for sale either by soliciting and calling for bids or by entering into negotiated sales of said items. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1477 as read. The motion carried. Councilman Morris submitted proposed Ordinance amending Title VI relating to public safety and morals moving that the document be placed on firc� readi-:g. The r.6tion was seconded by Poli. (Vagrancy Ordinance ) The City Clerk read the proposed Ordi- nance and it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry to hold the second reading up for one week. Carried. Proposed Ordinance was submitted changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City from General Suburban District (GS-1) to Residential District (R-2) which was read by the City Clerk. (Emmett J. Donckers property) Moved by Trimm and seconded by Perry to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Perry, to adopt Ordinance No. 2354 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes carrying the motion. Proposed Ordinance was submitted and read by the Clerk changing and establishing 50ning reclassification of certain properties within the City from General Classification Dis- trict (G-6000) to Light Industry District (L-1) as read by the City Clerk. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2344 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes carrying the motion. The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted proposed Ordinance of the City changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from Single Residence District (R-1) to Residential District (R-2), which was read by the City Clerk.. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2356 as read. Roll call resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. (FW G'Ace Mph��so n �Rop�-rty� Proposed Ordinance was submitte1 by Chairman Morris adopting and establishing by reference a "Uniform Building Code, 1967 Edition, Volume I, '�-_cond Printing", as amended herein, and repealing any and all Ordinances or parts thereof in conflict herewith. The proposed Ordinance was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Poli, and seconded by Schellert, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Trimm, to adopt Ordi- nance No. 2357 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Councilmen present voting aye carrying the motion. The Committee submitted proposed Ordinance of the City annexing certain territory to the City of Renton which was read by the City Clerk. (Eidson-Woods property) Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, that the document be placed on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Trimm, to adopt Ordinance No. 2358 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all aye votes and the motion carried. Council President Trimm announced a meeting of the Committee of the Whole on Monday, August 28th at 7:30 p.m. Mayor Custer reported having received written request from the Park Board to call for bids on the grandstand construction and September 11th had been recommended as date for opening of the bids. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommenda- tions. Carried. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Richard Stredicke, 3916 - 10th Ct. North advised that persons who were granted rezones in the past few weeks were under the impression that they could build within regulations of the new provisions for zoning not yet adopted. Planning Committee Member Schellert suggested that the Planning Commission so advise the persons securing new zoning classifications. Mr. Bob Wray expressed concern regarding walkways which are needed in vicinity of 132nd andl0th No. - 12th No. with school opening fast approaching. It was noted that work is now under way to provide walkways as shown in the Public Works report. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn, Cariied. The meeting adjourned at 10:08 p.m. There were 38 visitors in the Council Chambers. -6 440 8_21-67 PERMITS ISSUED BY TETE CITY BUILDING AND ENGINEER0G DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PEPdIITS 1'17 AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 0378 40,000.00 Puget Sound Power & Light 11011 Lake Gln Blvd. Erect new warehouse 9 2,500.00 Richard J. Samek 10620 - 111 Pl. S.E. Enclose garage B 0380 307000.00 Jim Gotti 8640 So 148th St Parking gar/off ice bldg 1 Jim Gotti 8640 So 148th St Grading and fill 2 450,.00 Gordon Pritchard 436 Smithers So Re-roof residence 3 200.00 Alta Nunn 40918 Pelly Remodel int. of resid. 4 80.00 Robert Kelly 1037 "N" Court Decking & blks forpat' 0385 175,000.00 Pacific Northwest Bell 549 Garden Ave Erect plt oper. cente 6 22,000.00 Gambriell Construction,Inc.517 12th Ave So Single family dwellin 7 23,000.00 Gambriell Construction,Inc.1216 Morris St.So. IT IT IT 8 16,000.00 Leo W. Hyatt 13431 S.E. 116th it of It 9 21,000.00 Lefever Construction Co 1802 S.E. Urban Ct it It IT B 0390 1,700.00 Leonard E. Watson 624 "R" St Erect detached garage 1 -- VOID 2 600.00 Renton Bible Church 11603 132nd S.E. Build fireplace 3 300.00 Williams & Swanson 716 South 3rd St Move exist.sign letters 4 500.00 Standard Oil Company 207 Main Ave So Replace existing sign B 0395 -- Mobile Oil Company 251 Sunset Blvd N. Service station bldg. 6 41000.00 M. S. Chapman 1238 Morris Ave S. Construct swimming pool 7 -- Clinton N. Betz 2420 10th Ave N. Demolish residence 8 85.00 John Scher 223 Meadow Ave N Repair roof 9 350.00 E. T. Edwards 302 Airport Way Install reader bd.sign B 0400 200.00 -Donald B. Henning 8810 S. 126th Cover existing patio 1 500.00 Omega Development Co 11204 116th S.E. Perimeter fence 2 500.00 R. E. 11ilderbrand 1100 R St Fence ELECTRICAL PEP.MITS E 0244 380.00 John Anderson 9650 106th S.E. Wire service E 0245 77,306.00 Penton Village Inc. 800 Rainier Ave S. Wire addition 6 300.00 L. F. Staben 656 D St Wire service 7 9,925.00 The Boeing Company Bldg 10.65 Col Line if " 8 200.00 Stanley May 3215 5th Ave E. Itit 9 -- Frank Lansciarti 509 Langston Rd Temp service7. V 0250 Ed Brady 1710 S.E. Upland It IT 1 Roy Tutt & Lily Bachman 325 Factory it " 2 -- Cortina, Inc. 2445 10th Pl N. It " 3 Charles Pohl 10230 - 108th S.E. it " 4 Kathy A reta 1802 S.E. R.H ills Dr IT " E 0255 -- K - C Construction 320 Bronson Way IT IT 6 Union Oil 3975 Fourth N. it " 7 -- John T. Wheeler 217 & 219 Wells Ave S Rewiring 8 -- Charles A. Pohl 10230 - 108th S.E. Wire service 9 -- TransAmerica Develop. Co 1200 Ethier Rd it E 0260 400.00 Bell & Valdez 1709 Alder P1 S.E. " 1 410.00 Bell & Valdez 1715 A1der ;P1 S.E. " MECI]ANICAL PERMITS M 0248 -- Bell & Valdez 1700 Alder P1 S.E. Install gas furnace 9 -- Bell & Valdez 1703 Alder PI S.E. Install gas furnace 1.1 0250 -- Alta Nunn 409 Pelly N. Install plbg & fixt. 1 -- Union Oil Company 3975 4th Ave No. It It IT 2 -- Housing Authority 3039-3033-3027 13th PI N. IT It 3 -- housing Authority 3018 13th P1 N Install plbg & f ixt. 4 Housing Authority 3016 13th P1 N " It it !,1 0255 Housing Authority 3021 13th P1 N " it IT 6 -- Housing Authority 3024 13th P1 N " It it 7 Housing Authority 3030 13th P1 N " if IT 8 Housing Authority 3036 13th P1 N IT IT to 9 -- Housing Authority 3043 13th Pl N " it IT PI 0260 Housing Authority 3045 13th P1 N It IT 1 -- housing Authority 3048 13th P1 N IT it It 2 -- Housing Authority 3051 13th P1 N it IT It 3 -- 11pusing Authority 3054 13th P1 N it IT 4 -- Housing Authority 3059 13th P1 N IT It IT -7- 441 MEC1-LI1IC,1L PERMITS - Con't. M 0265 -- Ken Benson 940 "H" Street. Install plumbing 6 Hoy Toy 926 "H" Street Install fixtures 7 W. W. Nettleship 7211 Riply Lane " 8 R. S. Shane 11657 S.E. 100th Install septic tank 9 -- R. S. Shane 11655 S.E. 100th " " It M 0270 -- Union Oil Company 15195 - 4th N it oil furnace 1 People's National Bank 820 S. 2nd St Air conditional egpt. 2 -- K. Areta 1802 S.E. Roll.Hills Plbg & fixtures 3 -- Carl Roland 1050 "P" Street Plumbing fixt. SETUER PEPSIITS 186 -- Globe Investment Co 940 "H" Street Sewer service 187 Bell & Valdez 1700 Alder Place SE tv " 188 -- Bell & Valdez 1703 Alder Place SE " '=189 Bell & Valdez 1709 Alder Place SE " ft 190 -- Bell & Valdez 1715 Alder Place SE " 191 -- Bell & Valdez 1721 Alder Place SE it 192 Fred Horvill 3219 5th Ave East " Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor i G E -8- 4.4 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING REVtAAAL6 8:00 P.M. August 28, 1967 AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Final estimate due General Electric, Inc. in sum of $11,807,79 on Rainier Avenue Traffic Signal Contract Final estimate due Ricardi Construction in sum of $3,036.72 on Talbot Hill Shelter Building Contract COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE & CITY ATTORNEY* *Victori:Park Plats 1-6 Drainage Release Ordinance creating Board of Public Works CITY ENGINEER Ivan Gibeault letter of intent to annex property to Renton LA14 AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Appropriation of $486.91, excess insurance settlement revenue unto Equipment Rental Account 3600/506 Park Department request for transfer -of $3.83.10 from il$nulative Reserve Fund 1990 to pay for energy at ballfield for lighting system emergency Ordinance-authorized to loan $65,000,00 from Water Works Utility Fund unto Street fund for resurfacing of Rainier Avenue PLANNING COMMITTEE Phil Podvin appeal of Planning Commission rezone denial TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Request for stop sign at intersection of "K" Street and 10th Avenue North �'-EETINGS AND EVENTS: 9-6-67 Committee of the Whole meeting at 7:30 p.m. 9-11-67 Law and Ordinance Committee meeting at 7:30 p.m. - City Attorney invited 9-11--67 Opening of Bids - Fill for firestation training site 9-18-67 Opening of Bids - 116th Avenue S.E. Traffic Signal Installation 443 RE NTOaV IV'1 � CO" REGULAR l:• E" i,3 August 28, 1957 800 PQM. Offie.e of the City Clerk 1 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council ear,, called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Ila!- was recited in unison. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Trimm, ;Tulse, Scheliert, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Norris. Hoved by Pedersen, seconded by Dahlquist, that absent Councilman Gianini be excused. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMET.T KEADS PRESENT: Helmie Yelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. 14. Shellan, Cay At-tor_ney, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Clarence Williams, Chief o:` Lolica, Pse C. Walls, Fire Chief, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Vic TeU ntvoort, Street Commissioner, Jan Klippert, Administrative Assistant to the i•Tayor, F. : ie '-`.ar:ser, Libraria-n, Sven Johnson, Building Director and Ted Be-_,-nett, Utility f:ccountcant, Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli , that the HiYu;:es of the previous meeting of August 21, 1967 be approved as written. The motic*a carried. Dahlquist questioned action taken by the Council in referring a hatter to Commit-tee t:,e Whole then making appointments for the came thing put ir.to Pcrry noted it was not put into Committee of the Whole s.nd expla red;since N:_s, Da;,lquist was not present at the prior meeting,that the matter being considered iaGs that there is presently a 3- member board and 6 members for the two 2oar43 are to be recommended; the resijna- tions may be accepted or the persons may be reappointed :and may still wish to resign. Dahlquist inquired regarding polis- of br-^nb._.ng appointees before the Committee of the Whole and 14ayor Caster adv-_sed that at a Committee of the Whole meeting the majority did not think this was proper proced!- e. T-,e Mayor advised that there has been a six member board, his ff'.rst appointment having been to appoint the same 3peopl_e to each Oomm`csion c.nd option is now under discussion. Morris noted that with the two appointments to '.:he :lire Civ__l Service Board there are now 3 members already on this Com:nis3io:1. ^arre :noted that there is still a member on the Police �See az s_ ica =gar Committee Reports) PUBLIC HEARING: Phil Po6v :n ap_eal o P n�-,.`, Cc::.: ; ,io^ denial of rezone from G6000 to ..-3, ,.tope::`,, locatcl on Li-,;:.e Wn. Livd. between 86th and 87th SS.reetL;. This being the date se-1 .. th^ r,axing was dec.la_ed cps.:. Cc;mnun_cation from Planning Director Er'c}:sen c- `_lin?d ?'ar.- ` Oc^ _s^_ion action in its determina- tion that the access q-aest c- :sas of ,rsi'� ca nen,,; re, that de-.•elopment of the area as proposed would be de i rir:±.ental c.d'. ^a„L ::end surrounding properties and it would conflict with ';,e h;onipxehencive Tse Pln. Aud ence Comment was invited and Mr. Roger IF Lswlls, Attorney for "r. Podvin and Mr. Anderson advised that the subject prope;.ty suitable �7Dd logical for development as proposed, that the area for some pe:: cd has been re,,^: xertial with some older structures and that this tract co lld i,;e_i be :.p. . ;sec to R-3 wi Llaout being detrimental to the surrounding properties, At":or-cy Le is r aa3 note of Planning Commission Minutes of 7-26-67 wher2i:: .:otion to dojny ;,ad .. F;­_11e-racd by addition of "it being a premature zoni,� r_-2!'Icated upon tine .acs.!sc problem ” - - - Mr. Lewis advised that the problem could be solved relative to both the grade and access and it was requested that the Council ;ron`- na -3 an-d if denied that the matter be referred to Committee of t,- Council cr 'Oc-, to the Pic.rn i_: g Commission to allow for some improvements. Mr. 4lilliain Goddard, 8637 ?jake Wa, Dlvd. S.E. advised that Mr. Podvin had mentioned a change in access which would involve the Goddard property and as proposed would raise the rc' iway and 'eave the Goddard property- without access, He also noted that pe".itioz had been su--mit-ced to the Planning Commission objecting to the rezone. Moved by Poli, seconded by Huise,t"70L- `ne hearing be closed. Upon inquiry Planning Director Ericksen advised the proposed zoning is in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan. Attorney Lewis inauilred whether 1"6000 was another way of designating this as R-1. P'ann4ng Director Er.+^ksen advised that the 06000 is a hold over from the original County zonin in t'-:e ax but that it is essentially equivalent to Single Family Resi.d^aial the County allowing 5000 sq. ft, and ours 6000. When annexed the C or Ce�eral designation is given. Mr. Lewis inquired whether G is uoed when t::e ^o-:- .^^ion is not sure how it is to be used. Mr. Ericksen sta,fed tiic.t all prepe rtes go mento this classification re- gardless of use and ge--rally it would ass-,_-n ': e la_,.i area dos;grttion it had previously in the County. ,,?. p,rickmn :.- tcd that the entire Comprehensive Plan is under study and hearin;a have beer halal in the past few m_--aths and that this particular area located along the inane both on t:ne existing and proposed plan is proposed as Single ^a7ily 7.euide:ntia a ;:P-n) 'The pending motion was voted upon and carried closing the bearing- -I Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 8-28-67 PUBLIC HEARING: Podvin Appeal of Planning Commission rezone denial (Cont.) Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the Planning Commission action be upheld denying the rezone. Moved by Schellert, in regard for Attorneys request, to refer the matter to the Planning Committee for recommendation. The motinn was seconded by Pedersen and carried, Hulse opposed. C044MUNICATIONS: Letter of intent to anr,.ex property located East of 132nd Ave. S.E. and South of 116th Avenue S.E., was submitted by Mr. Ivan Gibeault and read by the City Clerk. Moved by iiulse, seconded by Schellert, to refer the letter to the City Engineer for checking signatures for validity of ownership and for recommendation as to boundaries. Carried. Letter from Vern Church, Purchasing Agent requested appropriation of excess revenue, received from insurance through damage to city automotive equipment settlements, in sum of $486.91, into Equipment Rental Account 3600/506 to bring the budgetary account into proper balance. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for necessary Resolution. The motion carried. Letter from Gene Coulon, Park Director, requested transfer of $183.10 from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1990 unto the Park Department Account 6120/303 M. & 0. to pay for energy used in the Liberty Park ballfield lighting system. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. Carried. Letter from Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, submitted and recommended for payment in sum of $11,807.79, final estimate for work performed by General Service Electric, Inc. on C.AG. 1070-66, Rainier Avenue Traffic Signal System Contract, ASP ##8. The work was completed on 8-25-67 and accepted by the Traffic Engineering Division on 8-28-67 and Council acceptance as of this date was recommended with commencement of the thirty day 7.iPn period. If no liens are filed against the project and upon proof of payment of tax liabilities,the retained amount of $4,434.99 may thereafter be released to the" Contractor. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendations with referral to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from Park Director Coulon submitted and recommended for payment, final estimate for work performed by Ricardi Construction on the Talbot Hill Shelter Contract. Amount due this date, $3,036.72. The work was accepted by the Parks and Recreation Department on 8-25-67 and acceptance by the Council as of 8-28-67 with commencement of the 30-day retention period was recommended. If after 30 days no liens or claims are filed against the project and upon proof of payment of tax liabilities the retained amount of $3,601.95 may be released to Contractor. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur with referral to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. The motion carried. Letter from Del Bennett requested permission to call for bids for traffic signal installation at intersection of 116th Avenue S.E. and -the Easterly approach to the North Renton Interchange. This project is included in the Traffic Engineering Capital Improvement Budget for 1967. September 18th was recommended as date for bid opening. Moved by Del.aurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendations and grant the bid call for 9-18-67. Carried. Petition signed by 34 persons requested installation of stop signs at the intersection of "K" Street and 10th Avenue North. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Traffic Engineer and the Street and Alley, Committee. Carried. Letter from Jan Klippert, Admin. Assistant to the Mayor, reported that the City's H X.D. application for beautification funds through the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development has been withdrawn, no funds being available to the City in 1967. Upon Council recommendation the application will be resubmitted on October 1, 1967 to request consideration for 1968. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the report and to authorize and recommend that the application be resubmitted on October 1st. Carried. Letter from Arvin 0. Basnight, Director, Dept. of Transportation, F.A.A. advised that $15,459.00 has been allocated,under the Federal Aid Airport Program,to the Renton Municipal Airport in response to request for Land acquisition - North Clear Zone. A Representative will be in communication in the near future to outline requirements for establishing a realistic work schedule for the project, delay in undertaking the work causing projects to be revaluated in competition for limited funds available. -2- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 8-28-67 COMMUNICATIONS:(Cont.) Letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director, submitted proposed drainage release document to accompany the Victoria Park Plats improvements which will hold the City of Renton blameless for any damage caused by drainage flow onto the lands owned by Mr. and Mrs, Charles W. Reeves, located Westerly of Talbot Road. The Victoria Plats l through 6, are located easterly of Talbot Road in the vicinity of Talbot Crest. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the (;ommittee of the Whole and the City Attorney. Carried. Letter from Traffic Engineer Del Bennett, .in concern for expediting the Rainier Avenue Resurfacing project requested authorization to retain Engineered Industrial Systems, Inc., to complete final plans, specifications, estimates and field lay-out, including construction inspection at a lump sum price of $4,410.00 which fee is less than that to be paid by the State Hwy, Dept, for engineering in its participation in the project. Bid call will be requested at the next regularly scheduled Council meeting in order that this project might be completed in conjunction with the traffic signal project now under construction. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to grant the request. Carried. Letter from Mayor Custer requested consideration of the Council to make the Public Works Coordinating Committee an official body by ordinance. The committee has been functioning for some months and was established to provide coordination between the several departments concerned with the public works projects. Proposed organizational chart was attached along with proposed Ordinance to establish a Board of Public Works. Moved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole . Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: President of the Council Trimm -reported Committee of-the-Whole recommendation that a ;:new position classification be established on a temporary basis for the Library Director and that the salary be set at $961.00 per month. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the Committee of the Whole recommendation. Carried. Dahlquist opposed. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, reported that Mr. Boyd has not yet contacted him regarding a meeting to discuss the Railroad Company Franchise request and more time will be needed. Granted. Fire and Water Committee Chairman Delaurenti reported that last week the Council approved additional funds for Fire Station Training site and permission was requested to call for bids for the completion of the fill. September 11, 1967 was recommended as date for the bid opening. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the bid call and date for bid opening. r7''ilquist inquired regarding costs for the new site which have included purchase price of $30,000.00 and $7,100.00 for fill and other improvements. Dahlquist noted that property had been offered in this area for the sum of $1.00. Fire Chief Walls advised that the present site was approved by the rating bureau which was the main reason for its location here. It was noted that park property had been received in lieu of the other site offered for the fire station. The pending motion carried. Delaurenti reported orally that in reply to the Mayor's request for recommendation . as to whether to appoint two 3-member Boards for the Civil Service Commissions the Committee concurs with the Mayor's recommendation to have two 3-member Boards to represent the Fire and Police Civil Service Commissions. Hulse inquired whether the action is necessary. Mayor Custer advised that the law allows the alternative of 3 on the Fire and 3 on the Police Civil Service Commission and when he took office there being some vacancies created he appointed three and appointed each to serve on both making it clear and explicit that at a future date he would want to expand but the job was difficult in that new rules were needed and needed badly and it was felt the three could handle it with six later to comprise the Commission. A new set of rules was compiled for the need. The Departments have grown both in number and jobs we have reached a point where three might well serve on each Board in view of the work load. They may meet together but will be separate boards. Resignations received do not need Council acceptance. They may come back if asked but recommendations will still be needed since last week appointments were made only to the Fire Commission and one member is remaining from the previous Board. Schellert commended the Council for 1,7king an active part in the appointments, the law providing for 3 members on the Police and 3 on the Fire and that makes 6 people and the fact that they are expressing concern as to what 3 members are to be on which Board was wonderful and he was glad to see them assert some responsibility, not always shown heretofore in appointments. Morris noted that the Mayor had asked the Police and License Committee for its recommendation. Perry requested that the Committees forward him a copy of the Minutes of the meetings. The pending motion carried approving ,two 3-membe_ Boards, one for the Police and one for the Fire Civil Service Commission- -3- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 8-28-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Councilman Morris requested a meeting of the Law and Ordinance Committee an September 11th at 7:30 p.m. and the City Attorney was requested to be present. Councilman Schellert, Ways and Means Committee Chairman, submitted report which was read by the City Clerk with Council actions taken as follows: Referral of 8-21-67 for funding of $65,000.00 to resurface Rainier Avenue - ASP #9 (State to reimburse $55,290.00 upon completion of the project) Recommended that the $65,000.00 be loaned from the Waterworks Utility Fund to the - Arterial Street Fund 3200/605, Capital Outlay with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for the necessary emergency ordinance to appropriate the funds. Repayment @ 35/o interest is to be made no later than December 31, 1968. Moved by Poli, seconded by Trimm, to concur in the recommendations of the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. Referral of 8-21-67: Funding of $50,000.00 to complete fill on Fire Station Training site. Reccmmended that the Firemen's Pension Board be requested to loan the necessary funds which shall be repaid no later than December 31, 1968. Moved by Schellert, and seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. New Business: Council President Trimm announced a Committee of the Whole meeting on September 6th at 7:30 P.M. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 9531 through 9641, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment by the City Council at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 9531-9535, 9561 - 9597 $ 8,500.68 Arterial Street Fund 9598 11,807.79 Street Fund 9536-9538, 9599 - 9605 1,361.64 Cedar River M. & I. 9539 - 9541 33.35 Equipment Rental 9542-9545, 9606 - 9612 434.42 Library Fund 9545 - 9549 380.73 Parks Fund 9550-9553, 9613 - 9622, 9642 4,089.28 Water Works Utility 9554-9557, 9623 - 9626 1,395.16 1965 Water & Sewer Const. 9630 137.67 Airport Fund 9558 - 9560,9631-9632 143.38 Firemen's Pension Fund 9633 - 9641 1,479.07 $29,763.17 Councilman Schellert, calling attention to the newly formed TOPICS "Traffic Operations Program for Increasing Capacity and Safety" resulting from expansion by the U. S. Bureau of Public Roads of its programs for Federal assistance, noted prohibitive requirements to qualify for participation as far as smaller cities is concerned with special notice of the fact that a Comprehensive Plan must be developed which implementation might well cost as much as any grant requested,making it impossible for small municipalities to compete. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist that the City send a letter to Representative Adams calling attention to the problem resulting for Cities of the size of Renton. Councilman Garrett inquired whether the Council might check with Olympia as he thought perhaps there had been a Chairman appointed at the State Level and the added interpretation of what the people adminstering the program are trying to do may add strength to ours. Dahlquist stated we would just be requesting him to take a look at the program and see how it would concern us. The pending motion carried. Councilman Perry called attention to the traffic storage lane on Sunset Blvd. at "H" Street and lack of adequate turn space the curve being too sharp turning left. After discussion regarding use of the lane, Perry suggested that the Street and Alley Committee make the turn and see how many buttons they miss, concern being expressed for broken automobile axles. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Vern Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted proposed Resolution of the City of Renton adopting final plat of Earlington Industrial Park #1. (Pacific Coast RR Co. property) After the reading by the Clerk, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1478 as read. The motion carried. -4- 447 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 8-28-67 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (Cont.) Proposed Resolution was read authorizing filing of application with the Department of Housing and Urban Development. U.S.A. for a grant under P. L. 89-117 to aid in the financing of sanitary sewer installatinn (257) Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1479 as read. The motion carried. Councilman Morris submitted proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton amending Section 6-177 of Title VI (Police Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" by deleting sub-section (8) thereof, establishing a new section entitled 6-177 A of said Title relating to public safety and morals. The Ordinance had been placed on first reading on 8-21-67. Moved by Perry, seconded by Morris, to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried. Upon inquiry, City Attorney Shellan advised that this matter came about because a portion of the Seattle Ordinance was challenged and ruled out by the Supreme Court. Inasmuch as ours had similar language it had been recommended that it be amended accordingly. The revision is regarding to loitering or"prowling" and provides that as long as a proper explanation is given and it is true an arrest cannot be made, the intent of which is to give officers some guide line upon which arrest can be based. After the final reading, it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2359 as read. Roll call vote was taken and resulted in all ayes carrying the motion. (Vagrancy Ordinance) The Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman submitted a proposed Ordinance of the City Council, of the City of Renton, ordering the construction and installation of certain sanitary sewer lines and other necessary appurtenances in accordance with Resolution No. 1452 of the City Council; creating Local Improvement District No. 256; providing that the cost and expense of each continuous unit of such improvement shall be paid by making special assessments upon properties in the District, payable by the mode of "payment by bonds"; and providing for the issuance and sale of local improvement district warrants redeemable in cash and local improvement district bonds, as read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2360 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Robert Wray noted action of the City in providing walkways along 132nd Avenue in the vicinity of Honey Dew School for the school children xr, and expressed his surprise at the promptness of the City for which parents will be very grateful. Morris commented that the Council and City Administration have been working on this problem for some time. Mr, Tom Carroli called attention to notice received from the City Street Commissioner that payment must be made to the City for improvements made to the sidewalk in front of his property, stating that the City removed the street and sidewalk and should repair it without cost to the property owners, noting payment of 12% road tax. Mayor Custer advised this tax was a County tax and not received by the City. Councilwoman Dahlquist advised that when the people in the Highlands bought their homes the improvements had been put in by the Federal Government and these costs were added to the price of the properties and it was felt they were paid for and when taken out by the City they had already been paid for by the owners. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist that the problem be referred to the Street and Alley Committee with power to act. It was noted that the property owner had been contacted prior to the removal and repair of the sidewalk. (Mrs. Carrolli.) The motion carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor -5- 448 8-25-67 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PE,P.MITS N0, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORT{ B 0403 51000.00 Union Oil Company 13205 Sunset Blvd E Increase size of st'n. 4 VOID B 0405 500.00 Bert Reese 410 Windsor Way Reroo£ residence 6 35.00 Aldo Zerbata 314 Whitworth Ave S Install metal sign 7 -- Lillian Bachman 120 Williams Ave S Demolish residence 8 65,000.00 Elmer Morasch 403 Wells Ave N Build 10-unit apartmei 9 15,000.00 Louise L. Rockey 325 13th Ave S Erect new residence B 0410 52,000.00 Mobil Oil Corp 16355 - 87th Ave S Foundation only 1 2,500.00 Geraldine Free 3610 7th Ave N Addition to rear bdrm. 2 720.00 R. G. Fishel 1073 "Q" St Add room in basement 3 250.00 Ronald Webb 13242 113th Ave SE Reroof carport 4 293.00 J. F. Strnard 2115 10th Ave N Erect fence B 0415 350.00 G. M. Auto Sales 12501 Rainier Ave S Erect electric sign 6 100.00 M. Jack Chapman 1238 Morris Ave S Erect fence 7 1,000.00 Richard J. Samek 10620 111th Pl SE Add double carport ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0262 2,800.00 Union Oil Company 3975 Fourth Ave N Wire service 3 ---- Leo Hyatt 13431 S.E. 116th " " 4 75.00 R. G. Fishel 1073 "Q" St of " E 0265 ---- Boeing Company 1080 Bldg of to 6 13,500.00 Chester Biggins 909 "H" St it It 7 300.00 Roy B. Schultz 2110 8th P1. N It to 8 17,661.00 Sternco 7430 S. 180th to It MECHANICAL PERMITS M 0274 ---- Grinell Fosnough 10813 108th Ave SE Plumbing service & fi: M 0275 ---- Emil Kindle 9633 108th Ave SE " to 6 ---- Gilbert Somers 11230 S.E. 108th " It 7 ---- John Anderson 9650 106th Ave SE " It 8 ---- Stanford Witsoe 11016 115th Ave SE " 9 ---- VOID M 0280 ---- Washington Wholesalers 801 S. Third St " 1 ---- Jim Gotti 8640 S. 148th " 2 ---- Oliver Wakelam 10429 S.E. 98th St " 3 ---- Richard Wines 12810 90th Ave S " —6— 449 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S 8:00 P.M. September 11, 1967 AIRPORT BOARD wetter from Renton Hill residents objecting to low flying aircraft AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Progress Estimate #l, Cedar River Park Criteria Study by Olsen-Richert, & Assoc. in sum of $2,250,00 Progress Estimate #14, due Johnston, Campanella, Murakami & Co. for architectural services rendered on new city hall, $1,487.43 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Seventh Day Adventist Church appeal of variance denial COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Letters and Petition re Liberty Park Grandstand Bldg.. Department request for appropriation of $500.00 (Authorized' ,:t recess meeting) CITY ENGIM ER Letters and Petition re L_I.D. 256 FIRE AND NATER COMMITTEE Bids on Fire Station site fill - 87th Ave. So. and So. 156th Street LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Surplus 4888 sq. ft. of property for sale, located between 7th and 8th Avenues North East of I Street in the Highlands Rezone, G to L-1, Northern Pacific Ry Co. property on 72nd Avenue So. (Monster Rd.) Appropriating $50000 excess revenues into Current Fund, Building Department Account Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, request to surplus and sell air driven hydro hammer S4, Equipment Rental Fund Property *PARK BOARD AND PARK DEPARTMENT' 'Bids on Liberty Park grandstand Expenditures to be estimated for balance of year for ballfield lighting energy and transfer from Cumulative Fund 1990 can be made by one Resolution MEETINGS& EVENTS September 13, noon to 8:00 p,m. - King County Blood Mobile at Eagles Hall September 14, 1967 - Committee of the Whole at 7:30 p.m. September 18, 1967 - Law and Ordinance Committee at 7:30 p.m. October 2, 1967 - Final hearing on Annexation of James Baker Property October 2, 1967 - Opening of Bids, L.I.D. 256 December 11, 1967 - Continued hearing on L.I.D. 257 4.50 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING September 11., 1967 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Trimm, Hulse, Schellert, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Trimm, that the absent Council Member be excused. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, James Ashurst, Asst. Fire Chief, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Jan Klippert, Administrative Asst. to the Mayor, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent and Gene Coulon, Park Director. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of 8-28-67 be approved as written. Carried. OPENING OF BIDS: Liberty Park Grandstand This being the date set, the City Clerk opened the following sealed bids: BIDDER AND ADDRESS BASIC BID CENTURY CONSTRUCTION (Bid Bond Attached) $ 201,000.00 1617 S. Jackson Seattle, Wash. 98144 KNUDSON CONSTRUCTION CO. (Bid Bond) 202,490.00 P. 0. Box 97 Mountlake Terrace, Wash. 98043 MILES CONSTRUCTION (Bid Bond) 207,980.00 P. 0. Box 548 Mercer, Island, Wash. 98040 VENTURE CONSTRUCTION, INC. (Bid Bond) 203,778.00 P. 0. Box 878 Auburn, Washington 98002 Moved by Perry, seconded by Hulse that the item listed on the Agenda pertaining to the grandstand be read at this time. Carried. Petition containing approximately 132 signatures submitted by Jack E. Clarke, Chairman, Renton Recreation Facilities Utiliza- tion Committee, requested the Council and Planning Commission to reconsider the need to construct a new stadium in Liberty Park at an estimated $180,000.00 when the Renton High School Stadium is available, it being felt the money might be used more efficiently in other areas. Mr. Clarke's letter stated that the signatures were secured in a one hour, Sunday afternoon sampling of Renton taxpayer reaction to City Government spending practices. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Gianini, that the Petition and transmittal letter be referred to the Athletic Commission. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, that the motion be amended to refer this to the Committee of the Whole. Mayor Custer ruled such amendment out of order stating that it might be offered as a substitute motion. Discussion ensued regarding Council action in referral of like matters and it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Hulse, that the bids be referred to the Park Board. Discussion ensued regarding the two matters pending, one being the bids and the other the Petition and the motion was ruled out of order. Question was called for on the pending motion to refer to the Athletic Commission and the Chair ruled the nos to have it and the motion lost. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Garrett, that the bids be referred to the Park Board for recommendation. The motion carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, that the letter and Petition and letter be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. OPENING OF BIDS: Fill For Fire Training Site at 87th Avenue So. and So. 156th Street This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read by the Clerk: NAME & ADDRESS OF BIDDER AMOUNT OF BID BLACK. RIVER QUARRY $ 20,900.00 6808 So. 140th, Seattle 98178 -1- 451 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 9-11-67 OPENING OF BIDS: (Cont.) Fill For Fire Station Training Site BIDDER AND ADDRESS AMOUNT OF BID SCARSELLA BROS,, INC. (Bid Bond Enclosed) $ 20,900.00 2207 South 146th Street Seattle 98168 RED SAMM MINING CO., INC. (Bid Bond Enclosed) 28,998.75 P. 0. Box 776 Redmond, Washington BLEVINS COMPANY, INC. (Cashier's Check Enclosed) 21,683.75 Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, that the bids be referred to the Fire and Water Committee to report back. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEA-ING: L.I. D. 257, Sanitary Sewers, Lake Wash. Blvd. & vicinity (Cont. from August 21, 1967) This being the date set,the hearing was declared continued. Councilman Pedersen, Chairman, Sanitation Committee, advised of meetings with the consultants and with the property owners and the Committee recommended that the hearing be continued for 90 days until December 11, 1967. Upon inquiry, City Engineer Wilson advised that the project is a very large one and assessments are quite high and the City has applied for State and Federal grants and during the 90 day interim would be in a position to reduce the assessments, removing much of the opposition to the L.I.D. if some assistance is received„ 1-i effect ng ?.'Lis study for possible cost reduction, in anticipation of possible revenues, the additional time is essential thus the con- tinuation was recommended, it being noted that the persons so desiring may comment at this time in any event. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Carl Jonson, Law Offices of Johnson, Jonson � Inslee 400 Central Bldg. Seattle, having previously filed protest petition for property owners, advised that further statements will be deferred until the continued hearing date,hereby not waiving right of protest, and inquired as to percentage of protests received to date. City Engineer Wilson reported the computation as reported at the prior hearing was 60.5%. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Morris, to corcur in the recommendation of the Sanitation Committee to continue the hearing to December llth. Carried. PUBLIC HEARIriG: Appeal by Seventh Day Adventist Church of Board of Adjustment Denial of Variance to use Cedar shakes on church roof The hearing was declared open. There being no written communications,the Building Director was requested to report. Mr. Sven Johnson advised that in this instance the building is required to be fire resistant throughout and although every opportunity was given to allow the case to be heard there was no way the Variance could be granted. Mr. Don Kirkman, Architect for the project, advised that the City Council meeting was in progress at the time the appellants were to meet with the Board of Adjustment and that the group had Tris,. .'-enly come into the Council meeting and did not appear before the Board of Adjustment on its appeal. Mr. Kirkman noted that the church was under Classification B Occupancy under the Code and Section 1704 states that fire retardant material shall be used on all roofs of this nature, and although as an architect he would not present himself as a person who could interpret the Code Seattle allows B occupancy to use shake shingles as well as Pierce and King Count- es, and adjacent and nearby cities. It was noted that retail stores, wholesale stores., Union 76 and Enco service stations and the Transamerica ,1500 Unit Apartments in Renton have shake shingles and since the church is an isolated building, also in Fire Zone 3 and residences in the area are allowed shake shingles, and many churches in the community have shake shingles. The addition is to be a sanctuary and the shake shingles were for aesthetic effect of the structure. Asst. Fire Chief Ashurst stated that if the shake shingles were allowed a detriment would result not only to life, safety and health of ,,. the people to 000upy it but to the owners who will have to pay higher insurance rates. Also, the City will get deficiency points from the rating bureau for Code Violations, Mr. Johnson, Building Director,called attention to adoption of the 1967 Uniform Building Code and the fact that the City is following the manual as required. Examples of all kinds can justify almost any problem but at this point the building, as designed and specifications presented for a plans check called for asbestos shingle roof and the building permit was issued on that basis. The cedar shingles were installed at the volition of the builder and architect and no change was approved, consequently the construction was stopped. Under the '67 Edition of the Code certain standards for one building and deviation for another is not allowed and heretofore criticism has been made that interpretation is not made consistently for everyone and requirements now are made in an effort to try to for uniformity with the outlying communities so a reasonably uniform set of regul.-:tions can be observed in all circumstances. -2- 452 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 9-11-67 PUBLIC HEARING: (Cont.) Appeal of Bd. of Adjustment decision in Variance denial (Seventh Day Adventist Church) Mr. Kirkman noted that King County has the same Uniform Building Code and allows shakes in this Fire Zone and Tacoma because the Building Department makes the ruling, and noted that pursuing fire safety,double construction of 4 inches thick is used where 5/8" plywood with shakes is permissible. Mr. Richard Stredicke, Planning Commission Member noted that the Commission approves all plans,inquiring regarding other deviations and it was pointed out that there was a setback variation. Planning Director Ericksen advising that the entrance was not maintaining proper setback and report had been made. Mayor Custer. inquired whether the setback was included in the variance and appeal and Building Director Johnson reported that the setback was not in the variance nor appeal and outlined the procedure for inspections wherein the course of which the deviations were noted. Mr. Johnson stated the importance of maintaining complete correlation of interpretations of the Building Codes throughout the State and this was one reason for attending the various meetings so that an understanding and continuity may be developed. The problem was stated not to be one of interpretation but the fact that the one-hour fire resistant requirement is not met with shakes on top of 4" tongue and groove. Mr. Kirkman expressed his opinion that 1 hour fire resistive roof material is not subject to fire restrictive interpretation, the matter is one hour fire restrictive construction, noting that their free standing wall could be moved if in the setback however there was some question regarding location of the property line which would affect this issue. Schellert suggested the appeal of the administrative decision be submitted to the Board of Adjustment for adjudication}there to be determination that hardship exists for variance to be granted. Hulse upheld the adherence to the Code by the Building Department and cautions taken in making decisions such as in past years have created some of our problems noting the improvement with time and additional personnel. Discussion ensued regarding the fact that the roof is 3/4 completed, Mr. Jim Brown, 18211 S .E . 136th, calling attention to the donated labor by church members and decision of the Church Board to put on a better roof even though a bit more costly, being aware of insurance rate increase thereby, and fact that the shake sh'_ngles had been on the site for sometime even before the floor was poured and that it is impossible to remove the shakes without completely wrecking the roof. Garrett inquired whether Mr. Kirkman was aware of the change from asphalt to shake shingles. Mr. Kirkman advised he was but was not aware that it would be denied by the building department. Garrett inquired whether the architect was aware that the change when the shakes were nailed on had not been approved. Mr. Kirkman stated it should have been cleared. Further discussion ensued regarding equity involved and whether coating might be affixed to meet the: fire retardant requirements. Building Director Johnson advised that this requires a pressure treatment and would virtually be impossible when on the structure. Moved by Perry, seconde-' by Gianini, to continue the hearing to September 25th to allow the Church time to look into possible coatings and to refer the matter to the Board of Adjustment to meet in the interim and report back. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS Letter from Park Director Coulon submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Estimate No. 1 on the Cedar River Park Criteria Study by Olson-Richert & Associates, $2,250.00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Progress Estimate No. 14, due Johnston Campanella, Murakami and Co. was read covering services rendered on architectural plans for the new city hall in sum of $1,487.43. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. City Clerk Nelson reported receipt from Johnston-Campanella-Murakami & Co. of the progress schedule of Contractor, Absher Construction Co. on the new City Hall which will be on file in the Clerk's office for reference. Letter from Frank E. Rowan, Adjutant, Treasurer, Disabled American Veterans, requested permission to conduct fund raising drive in Renton from September 19 - 23rd, 1967. Moved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the request. The motion carried. Renton Aerie No. 1722, Fraternal Order of Eagles, Chas. E. Taylor, Blood Bank Chairman, advised that the King County Central Blood Mobil Unit will revisit Renton, September 13, 1967, Eagles Hall, 12 Noon to 8:00 p.m. Donors invited. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry, that September 13th be proclaimed Renton Blood Donor's Day", in accordance with request. Carried. '4.53 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 9-11-67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from James L. Magstadt, Asst. Planning Director, submitted Planning Commission recommendation from meeting of August 23rd that Northern Pacific Railway Co. be granted rezone from G to L-1 on property located on 72nd Avenue South (Monster Road), South- westerly of the Metro Treatment Plant, Total area is 24,000 sq, ft. and proposed use is Industrial which would be in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motion carried. The City Clerk reported receipt of required approval for dispensation of Review Board Hearings on James and Marlene Baker property annexation. Letters authorizing same received from Mayor Custer, John T, O'Brien, Chairman, Board of King County Commis- sioners, and Robert J. Marum, Chief Deputy Sup't., King County Schools. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that October 2nd be set for public hearing on the final annexation proceeding matters- Carried., Letter from the Board of King County Commissioners, Ralph R. Stender, Deputy, reported approval of report regarding annexation of territory to Renton pursuant to Ordinance No. 2358, directing same to be placed on file and distributed to interested County Departments per customary procedure. Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, reported, regarding letter of intent to annex property to Renton submitted by Mr, Ivan Gibeault, t`lat according to King County records the owner of record in the Auditor's file is not listed as shown on the letter of intent. Also, the property as described leaves out S .E. 116th the North boundary of which would be the only point of contact for the parcel to be contiguous. The property is located approximately 405 ft. East of 132nd Ave.. S.E . and contains app. 0.45 acre with assessed value of $490.00. The letter at this time is net valid. Eidson-Woods property Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, that the letter be acknowledged and the property owner advised of problems involved. Carried. Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, submitted Drainage Release for the Plats of Victoria Park and recommended acceptance by the Council and execution by the Mayor and City Clerk. The Release has been rev;_sed per secpm-mendations of the City Attorney and has been signed by parties concerned. Moved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, to (n ncur in the recommendations of the City Engineer, The motion carried. Petition containing 14 signatures of Renton dill residents requested corrective action to prevent low flying of pleasure aircraft over the residential area which practice was felt to be potentially dang,^rous and extremely annoying, 1.cved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, to refer the communication to the Eo3,rd. Carried. Letter from Mr. Wilson, City Engineer, requested authorization to call for bids for the installation of Sanitary Se,�ers in the Kennydale Area,L.I.,D. 256 with October 2nd recommended for bid opening date.. Letter from I9. 1� Gibson registered objection to the proposed sewer because of t're assessment ccmoarad to benefit derived. Letter from Beatrice I. Hunt likewise protested the L.I.D. formation because of the cost, and a Petition read, containing 11 signatures of p-oper_y ownars in the area registered grievances regarding location of the sewer lines requesting that the City absorb costs for property on the north side of S.E. 93rd and S .E, 96th Streets not within the City Limits which are felt to be benefitting properties, and that the City absorb any cost which goes over the estimate already received. Moved by 03chellert, seconded by Delaurenti, that the letters and petition be referred to the City Engineer for tabulation. Carried. Letter from Victor TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, requested permission to attend the American Public Worki Association Convention in 3oston, Massachusetts, September 30th through October 5th, 1967, Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to grant the request. -- The motion carried. Letter from Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, requested that air driven hydro hammer known as S4,belonging to the Equipment Rental Fund, be declaimed surplus and for sale to highest bidder, usage not warranting retaining same,Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, that the request be approved and referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. Carried. Stipulation and Order of Dismissal of Court Cause No. 664045, Time Oil Co., Inc. vs. City of Renton was received from the Superior Court advising of dismissal due to settlement of the matter. Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 9-11-67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from Building Director Johnson requested appropriation of $500.00 from excess revenue received from Plans Check Fees, Current Fund, unto Building Department Account 1800/504, Travel Expense, to cover Association meetings previously authorized by the Council. List of Meetings was attached which the Building Director felt should be attended by Building Department personnel in order that all aspects of building code enforcement might be oriented into the general program as public service. Registration fees of $670.00 and Travel costs of $2,600.00 were listed and excess revenue has been received by the Department to cover the anticipated costs of such attendance. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, to refer the letter to the Committee of the Whole, to give further information and further details. Carried. It was noted by Pedersen that the Conference was authorized and is to be held within the next couple of weeks. Building Director Johnson advised that the first item for appropriation was to cover two meetings, one for the National Electrical Inspectors and the other a Building Officials Building Code Meeting, previously approved by the Council. Mayor Custer noted that the $500.00 appropriation was to cover these meetings and the other list the minimum future consideration recommended. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Gianini, that the Council reconsider the previously passed motion. Verbal vote was taken and the Chair ruled a majority no vote. The motion lost. Garrett noted that meetings had been authorized by previous action and the matters referred to the Committee of the Whole at this time include suggestions by the Building Director for expenses on the trip, it to be noted that the previous authorization for attendance still stands. Upon inquiry by Hulse, the Building Director advised that no funds are available in the Budget without the appropriation. After further discussion next order of business was called for. Letter from the Mayor listed report of Fund Transfers within budget classes made over the period from February 1, 1966 to December 31, 1966, as provided by City of Renton Resolution No. 1232: From: Engineering 3100/609, to 3100/606, $ 73.10; from Treasurer, 1500/402, $43.00 to 2200/315; from Fire 2200/315 to 1400/616, $154.74; from City Clerk 1400/606 to 1400/606, $200.00; from Bldg. Maint. 1800/417, to 1800/402, $60.35; from Waterworks 7100/309 to 7100/203, $115.00; from Central Garage 3600/506 to 3600/203, $240.00; from Airport, 7200/314, to 7200/203, $51.00; From City Clerk 1400/504, to 1400/315, $ 27.36; From Treasurer, 1500/504 to 1500/315, $ 27.36; from Water Maint. 7120/417 to 7120/203, $540.00;from Ikon-Departmental 1920/110 to City Clerk 1400/200, $52.00, 201, $42.00 and 203, $7.87; from Civil Service 1900/310 to 1900/200, $25.00; from Waterworks Maintenance 7120/110 to 7120/130, $1,000.00; from 7120/310 to 311, $200.00; from Building Maintenance, 1800/417 to 306, $300.00; from Street Maintenance 3240/412 to 504, $ 200.00; from Traffic, 3130/315 to 504, $150.00; from Street Maint. 3240/412 to Utility 305, $100.00; from Police 2130/326, to 417, $350.00; from Bldg. Maint. 1800/404 to 504, $500.00; from Police Court 1300/402 to 403, $50.00; from Police 315 to 325, $100.00; from Non-Departmental 1920/314 to 306, $200.00; from Building 1800/404 to 417, $400.00 and 325, $200.00; from City Clerk 1400/308, to 402, $700.00; from 1400/308 to 315, $ 10.00; from 1400/308 to 313, $20.00 and 306, $400.00; from-Airport 7200/310 to 315, $80.85; from 7200/310 to 200, $160.00, 201, $70.00 and 311, ,$20.00;from Bldg. Maint. 1800/200 to 201, $112.00; from 1800/303 to 309, $450.00; from 1800/404 to 305, $783.07; from 1800/200 to 309, $250.00; from Cedar River M & I 3400/310, to 203, $ 18.00; from 3400/310 to 510, $86.77; from Engineering 3100/321,; to 315, $73.79; from 3100/202 to 204, $1.75 and 417, $5.46; from Traffic Engineer 3130/201 to 313/303, $7.60 and 203, $2.98 ; from 3130/504, to 315, $65.00; from Equipment Rental, Central Garage 311 to 325, $11.00, 417, $94.00 and 506, $621.00; from Fire 2200/309; to 315, $20.14; from 2200/404 to 200, $1.48, 325, $35.66, and 401, $20.95; from Firemen's Pension 9010/507, unto 315, $3.00 and 402, $3.12; from Health 2400/314 to 417, $.82; from Legal 1600/314, to 200, $2.37 and 201, $12.11; from Library 204 to 203, $75.00; from 402 to 404, $490.00; from 402 to 303, $17.00, from 504 to 403, $300.00 and from 313 to 403, $35.00; from Municipal Court 1300/202 to 201, $23.94; from Non-Departmental 1920/306 to 507, $21.80; from Off-Street Parking 3520/417 to 303, $15.00; from Parking Control 3150/412 to 315, $29.00; from Parks and Recreation 6120/200, $224.30 and 204, 14.60 unto 203; from Planning 1700/306 to 305, $1.10; from 308 to 305 and 402, $20.00 and $250.00, from 308 to 313, $70.00; from Police 2100/204 to 203, $42.99; from 303 to 312, $131.34; from 321 to 417, $150.00; from Street Maint., 3240/204 to 203, $24.50; from City Treasurer, 1500/200 to 202, $14.30, 203, $3.14 and 204, $3.74. Letter from the Assn. of Washington Cities submitted information regarding the question of a Tax Freeze Election per Tax Freeze Act (Ch. 146,, Laws of 1967, Ex. Sess.) noting to date that many of the legal questions are still unresolved. Summary of the new act was included by the Association in its 1967 Legislative Bulletin (Pg. 33), as presented by the Department of Revenue. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, that letter be directed to the King County Assessor inquiring regarding his intentions in regard to tax increases by blanket rate. Garrett advised that the blanket method is used in small communities but that in King County each parcel must be visited prior to assessments being increased. The pending motion carried. -5- 455 Minutes - Renton City Council Meetin; 9-11-67 COMMUNICATIONS: The City Clerk reported receipt of publication from the Wn. State Census Board, the. last to be prepared since transfer of the Census responsibilities to the newly formed Planning and Community Affairs Agency. "Population Trends, Cities and Towns, State of Washington, 1900 to 1967 will be on file in the Clerk's office. City Clerk Nelson noted that Renton was 12th in population in the State at this publication. Notice was received from the Firemen's Pension Board reporting Resolution passed on September 1, 1967 authorizing loan unto the Current Fund, Fire Department Account 2200/606 in sum of $50,000.00 with interest at 5y per annum to be repaid no later than — December 31, 1968, for funding of fill for improvement contract on Fire Station site at 87th Avenue South and South 156th Street, Councilman Morris, Chairman, Law and Ordinance Committee, reported that a Resolution is in Committee relative to this matter to be presented later in the meeting. Letter from Mr. Richard M. Stredicke submitted resignation from the Renton Athletic Commission and further requested that the Council demand the resignation of Commissioner Gianini. Moved by Perry, seconded by Garrett, to refer the letter to the Public Re- lations Committee for report back to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. APPOINTMENTS: Letter from Mayor Custer requested Council concurrence in the following appointees: Library Board Member - Reappointment of Mrs Frank Cenkovich, 6/1/67 to 6/1/72, 5 yr. term, Moved by Schellert, seconded by Gianini, to refer the appointment to the Committee of the Whole. Discussion ensued regarding policy of referral and acquaintance of the Council members with the appointee. Verbal vote being dissenting, and the motion being declared lost, Roll call vote was properly requested awd resulted as follows: Aye: Hulse, Schellert, Perry and Delaurenti, No: Trimm, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Poli and Morris, The motion lost. Moved by Garrett, sec9nded by Schellert, to concur in the appointment as recommended, and it was suggested that a letter be sent to the appointee congratulat- ing him on the successful completion of hiS term and wishing him like success during the second. The motion carried. - Letter from Mayor Custer requested Council eercurrenee in the appointment of Mr. Wendell L. Forgaard as member of the Rentem Planning Commission to fill vacancy created by the death of Mr. Gerald Cordell ed by Schellert, seconded by Morris, to refer the appointment to the Committee of tWe Whole. Carried. Letter from Mayor Custer requested coneurrence in the appointment of Mr. Jerome Faull and Mr. Don Zwicker as members of the Police Civil Service Commission, effective upon confirmation for a six year term. Moved by Poli, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the appointments. Moved by Schellert, tsecended by Morris, to refer the appointments to the Committee of the Whole. Morris stated that it was his understanding that the new appointments would be referred to Committee and this was his reason for his second to the motion. Discussion ensued regarding prior referrals and Trimm noted that this policy was done away with. Garrett urged the referral motion be voted down,both of the appointees being known to the majority of the Council„ After further discussion the motion to refer to Committee was voted on and declared lost. The original motion to concur was voted upon and carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Council President Trimm submitted Committee of the Whole report with recommendations read and actions taken by the Council as follows: Recommended that the subject of duplicating equipment for the new city hall be referred to the Property Committee for recommendation. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Recommended that the Council concur with the Mayor's request for formation of a Board of Public Works and that the matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper legislation. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Garrett, to concur. Carried. Recommended that the matter of demolition of the old library building be referred to the Property Committee for report back. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, to concur. Carried. -6- 456 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 9-11-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Cont.) Councilman Trimm, Planning Committee Chairman, reported the recommendation that the property between 7th and 8th Avenues North, lying East of I Street in the Highlands, per map submitted, be declared surplus and for sale. This public use area contains 4888 sq. ft. it being recommended that a 12 ft. strip,which adjoins; be retained for possible walkway purposes. The Property Committee had received a bid on the property prior to revision with 12 ft. strip retention,and it was stated by Attorney Shellan upon inquiry by Pedersen,that if the appraisal was secured a year ago it was outdated and a new appraisal is needed. Proved by Poli,. seconded by Schellert, to declare the property surplus and for sale. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Hulse referring back to the need for travel funds by the Building Department, moved to recess and meet as Committee of the Whole to consider the appropriation request of Building Director Johnson. The motion was seconded by Garrett and carried. Recess was declared. After the recess, roll call was taken with all Councilmen present as previously listed. Councilman Garrett, Chairman, Street and Alley Committee, submitted Committee recom- mendation to concur in Planning Commission request for inclusion of 87th Avenue South in the City of Renton Six-Year Comprehensive Street Program and that the improvement of 87th Avenue South be given consideration in the Capital Improvement Program. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee,reported that the Committee is holding a proposed Resolution regarding transfer of $183.10 Cumulative Reserve Fund 1990 money, requested by the Park Department for payment of electric energy costs far the Liberty Park ballfield lighting system, and is recommending that the matter be referred back to the Park Department for estimate of a sum of money in an amount to include expenditure to cover balance of the year. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Council President Trimm reported Committee of the Whole recommendation that $500.00 be appropriated from excess revenues, into the Current Fund, Building Department Account, to cover travel and expenses as requested by Building Director Johnson. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. New Business: Council President Trimm announced a Committee of the Whole meeting on Monday, September 18th at 7:00 p.m. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 9643 through 9816, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council for payment at this timd., Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 9643 - 9702 $ 115180.31 Arterial Street 9703 18.00 Street Fund 9704 - 9716 3,371.78 Cedar River M. & I. 9717 - 9720 409.55 Equipment Rental 9721 - 9756 2,465.99 Library 9757 - 9760 382.89 Parks 9761 - 9784 6,105.14 Water Works Utility 9785 - 9811 38,469.95 Airport 9812 - 9815 90.41 City Hall Construction 9816 1,487.43 $ 63,981.45 Perry inquired of Jan Klippert whether a meeting had been arranged to meet with the Director of the Puget Sound Governmental Conference, noting that the Cities of Kent, Auburn and Puyallup have joined. Mr. Klippertadvised that no definite meeting date has been scheduled, and the Mayor advised that a representative had been in the office today and meeting is to be scheduled, however, other activities and events already scheduled have limited the time that is available. Council President Trimm requested that the Council As A Whole meet on Thursday, September 14th at 7:30 p.m. on this matter. -7- 4,57 Minutes - Renton City Council Meetings 9-11-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: New Business: Cont Councilman Poli submitted Light and Power Committee report which recommended that 2-7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor lights be installed on S .E . 96th Street Easterly of 112th Ave. S.E . Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommenda- tion of the Light and Power Committee. The motion carried. Councilman Morris announced a meeting of the Law and Ordinance Committee at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, September 18th. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee submitted the following Resolutions which were read by the Clerk and adopted by the Council: Resolution Adopting Final Plat of Victoria Park #1, located in S.E. area in vicinity of 14th Avenue So. and Talbot Road. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1480 as read. Carried. Approving Final Plat of Victoria Park #2, S .E. area of 14th Ave. So. and Talbot Rd. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Resolution No. 1481 as read. The motion carried. Authorizing loan of $65,000.00 from Waterworks Utility Fund unto Arterial Street Fund 3600/605, Capital Outlay, to bear interest at 3% per annum, to be repaid not later than December 31, 1968. (Resurfacing and improvement of Rainier Avenue, ASP ##8) Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse,� to',adopt Resolution No. 1482 as read. Carried. Authorizing loan,Firemen's Pension Fund, $50,000.00 unto Fire Department, Capital Outlay, 602, to be repaid at 57o interest per annum, not later than December 31, 1968. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1483 as read. Carried. Appropriating excess revenues unto Equipment Rental Account 3600/506, Current Fund in sum of $486.91 - damage to city property. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, - to adopt Resolution No. 1484 as read. Carried. Proposed Resolution authorizing execution of that certain "Relinquishment of Easement and Quit Claim Deed", labeled Exhibit"A", to .be delivered to the Pacific Coast RR Co., receiving simultaneously therewith an Easement from said Company as described on the attached Exhibit "B", said Easement to be recorded with the King County Auditor's office, thereafter. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1485 as read. The motion carried. Committee Chairman Morris::-submitted proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington recommending first reading only at this time. The Ordinance was read, declaring that an emergency exists and appropriating monies for the purpose of providing funds for the City's Arterial Street Fund and the Fire Department Fund necessitated by such emergency. $65,000.00 unto Arterial Street Fund 3200/605, ASP #8, and $50000,00 unto Fire Depart- ment Account 2200/602, Capital Outlay. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Law and Ordinance Committee to be held pending publication and hearing as provided by law. Carried. Audience comment was invited and since there was none, nor further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:35 p.m. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor -8 f Y 9-11-67 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 0418 100.00 Gerald Otto 3303 6th Ave N Erect side lot fence 19 -- Monterey Club Monterey Dr. & 3rd Ave Revocable sign B 0420 600.00 Milo R. Metzger 3233 Sixth Ave N Enclose carport 21 500.00 I. G. Chapman 718 Renton Ave S Detached carport 22 500.00 Standard Service Tire 205 Logan Ave S 3 signs per plan 23 900.00 Ted Gatz Photographic 200 Park Ave N Revocable ill. sign 24 400.00 E. R. Fritz 1146 Shattuck Ave S Fence in f rnt & back B 0425 -- VOID 26 100.00 Harold Mitchell 2319 7th Ave N Install garage door 27 32,000.00 L. K. Backman 124 Williams Ave S Foundation permit only 28 150.00 Patrick Callahan 1308 "H" Place 120' wire fence 29 1,000.00 Frank Nocolet 519 Shattuck Ave S Swimming pool B 0430 120.00 James D. Palmer 3528 7th Ave N 6' high cedar fence 31 18,490.00 Renton School Dist 403 9435-108th P1 SE Remodel basement 32 400.00 Jerry Bonagofski 509 Williams Ave N Reroof residence 33 20,000.00 R. S. Shane 11661 S.E. 100th New residence 34 750.00 Autobahn, Inc. 3883 4th Ave N Erect sign B 0435 450.00 Gary L. Wulf 10811-111th Pl SE Tool Shed 36 950.00 Albert A. Ames 10739-108th Ave SE Storage building 37 200.00 Mel Mellett 12101 S.E. 154th Wood storage shed 38 100.00 Daniel Winchester 10631-116th Ave SE Extend eaves ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0269 45.00 Bill Bryant 1300 Bronson Way N Wire service E 0270 50.00 Melrose Tavern 819 Houser Way South Wire service 71 1,000.00 Globe Investment 940 "H" St " 72 612.00 Kathy Areta 1802 S.E. Roll.Hills Dr " 73 -- VOID 74 Frank Pelligrino 10609-108th SE " E 0275 300.00 Clyde Barfield 13027 132nd Ave SE 76 200.00 Solari 503 Langston Road " 77 1,365.00 Globe Development Inc. 940 "H" St " 78 185.00 Bert Reise 410 Windsor Way " 79 18,862.00 Pacific Northwest Bell 549 Garden Ave,, " E 0280 459.00 Ed Boady 1710 S.E. Upland Ct " 81 180.00 Holric Storage Co 8650 Grady Way" 82 100.00 William Z iebell 1038 "R" St " 83 9,900.00 K. C. Corporation 338 Bronson Way N " 84 1,500.00 Renton School Dist Renton High School " E 0285 300.00 Clarence Williams 12426-132nd SE " MECHANICAL PERMITS M 0284 Solari 503 Langston Road Install furnace M 0285 Ernest Holip 1327 "J" St Install 2 sp heaters 86 Fay McGrew 814 "M" St It " '? 87 Lisa Foley 8724-8730 S. 150th Septic tank 88 E. Brady 1710 Upland Ct SE Install furnace 89 Monterey Terrace Club Monterey Dr & 3rd Ave Install sprinkler M 0290 The Boeing Co 4-81, 82 Col J-3 Install plbg & f ixt. 91 St Anthony's Parish 406 S. Fourth Remodel plbg " 92 VOID 93 Aldo Zerbato 314 Whitworth Install gas pip.& blr. 94 -- Gerald Pomeroy 1242 Morris St It gas furnace M 0295 Lewis Purcell 11630 S.E. 105th P1 if of 96 -- goger I. Lewis 12735 86th Ave S hot wtr. furnace 97 John B. Pepke 614 12th Ave S oil furnace 98 The Boeing Co Bl 1050, Col 2 M/T Add addit. water supply 99 Geraldine Free 3610 7th Ave N Plbg. & fixtures 459 SEWER PERMITS No. 193 R. S. Vanderford 15750 96th Ave S Sewer service 4 Roger Lewis 12735 86th Ave S itit 195 George Butko 435 Langston Road it to 6 Chet Biggins 909 "H" St of if 7 K. C. Corporation 338 Bronson Way N to if 8 K. C. Corporation 320 Bronson Way N It to 9 -- Autobahn, Inc. 3833 4th Ave N It it August Fund transfers authorized by the Auditing and Accounting Committee and approved by the Renton City Council TO CLAIMS: FROM: Current Fund $ 34,608.79 Arterial Street 12,566.16 City Street Fund 205102.94 Cedar River M. & I. 445.69 Equipment Rental 10,851.39 - Library 3,771.45 Parks 9,500.84 Waterworks Utility 89,599.35 1965 Water & Sewer Construction 26,309.37 Airport 4157.77 Firemen's Pension 3,734.67 City Hall Construction 34004.92 Total Claims for month of August 247,053.34 Current Fund 1055388.44 Street Fund 21,937.08 Cedar River M. & I 535.00 r..+ Equipment Rental 3,710.34 Library 6.908.98 Parks 22,522.69 Waterworks Utility 18,130.22 Airport 1,252.00 Firemen's Pension 90.84 Total Payroll for month of August $180,475.59 F 460 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S 8:00 P.M. September 18, 1967 AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Progress Estimate No. 2 due Absher Construction on new city hall contract $67,621.95 Payment due Cornell, Howland, Hayes & Merryfield for engineering services rendered on Springbrook Watershed Development contract $77.65 Engineered Industrial Systems, Inc., Rainier Avenue resurfacing contract, $8,210.00 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 1968 Preliminary Budget Allied Arts request for cultural activities center Stoneway Lease matters CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PRIORITY COMMITTEE 1967-72 Capital Imrpovement Priority Program and 701 Project Completion Report CITY ENGI14EER Petition for Sanitary Sewer L.I.A. between 7th Avenue North and Lot 6, Harries Garden Home Tracts Petition regarding L.I.D. 256 STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Request of Mrs. Busick for attention to flying dust and dirt from parking area under freeway at North 3rd Street and Mill Avenue South Anticipated cost of new fire station to be determined including site and utilities, etc. PARK BOARD To notify Architects to proceed with revision of plans and specs for grandstand TRAFFIC ENGINEER To report to Street and Alley Committee recommendation on Traffic Signal Bid at 116th Ave. S.E ., $16,400.00 LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE City Clerks request for Resolution establishing temporary voting registration facilities and for fund transfer in sum of $80.00 to replace broken file cabinet Puget Sound Governmental Conference Membership MEETINGS AND EVENTS: October 9, 1967 - Bid opening for Park Department Tractor APPOINTMENT: Mr. Wendell Forgaard - Planning Commission Member 4f1 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING September 18, 1967 8:00 P.M� Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Trimm, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Cianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. OFFICIALS_AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney and John Pain, Asst. City Attorney, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Vic TeGantvoort and Bernard Ruppert, Bldg. Code Enforcement Officer. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the meeting of September 11th be approved as written, Carried,: Transmittal let;-;.r from N--yor Custer submitted, in accordance with RCW 35.33.050, his 1968 Preliminary Budget, balanced at $8,492,586.00 exceeding the 1967 Final Budget by $1,851,560.00. The assessed valuation has increased from $116 million to nearly $173 million while the population has decreased, a 1968 census being recommended in view of the new apartment construction and occupancy. It is recommended that the "Utility Tax" on power, telephone and gas services be reduced by 1/3 which will lower the rate to 2% decreasing annual revenues by approximately $70,000.00. Employee benefits remain intact except that a new fund has been created to allow payment for unused Sick Leave upon retirement or voluntary separation from city employment. Wages have been increased by 55y, "cost of living" increment applied across the board except for deviations due to position reclassifications, In regard for the city's growth and the move to a new City Hall, additional personnel has been allowed including two employees to operate a food service facility and a full time Secretary to the City Council and Mayor's office. Millage has been allowed the Firemen's Pension Fund as determined by actuarial study and the Capital Improvement Program has been followed to extent of money available. Mayor Custer thanked those who helped with the Preliminary Budget including Mrs. Marshall and all Department Heads. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Hulse, that the Preliminary Budget be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Mayor Custer noted that $36,800 for the Health Department is included in Non-Departmental under Expert Services. The pending motion carried. OPENING OF BIDS: Traff`c Signal Installation - 116th Avenue S.E. and Sunset Blvd. in I?orth Renton Interchange area. This being the date set the following sealed bid was opened and read by the City Clerk: GENERAL SERVICE ELECTRIC, 117C., Lynwood, Wash., P. 0. Box 607, $16,400.00. Bid Bond was attached. Engineer's estimate was $19,160.00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, there being no ot'.e:- that the Bid be referred to the Traffic Engineer to report to the Street and Alley Committee,w`la decision returned to Council later in the meeting. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from Planning Director Ericksen and Dayle E. Garrison, Director of the Planning Commission, submitted 1967-72 Capital Improvement Program, the concluding report for the Renton Urban Area "701" Comprehensive Plan Study, expressing hope that the report will be of assistance to the City Council in determining final disposition of projects, and to the public in general. Letter from _'o-rdon Ericksen, Planning Director, presented the "Project Completion Report" which is required for completing the 701 study and which is being submitted to the State of Washington and the Department of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to 701 Comprehensive Planning Project, Renton Urban Area (Washington P-38) . This report summarizes the noteworthy �-_complishments and various changes effected or which are underway in the City pursuant to the Program, reviewing the prospects for a continuing planning program for the future. Letter from Johnston-Campanella-Murakami& Company, Architects, submitted Progress Estimate $#2, due Absher Construction Company in construction contract services for the new City "'Hall. The report verified items and sums and payment in sum of $67,621.95 was recommended, and initial approval by the Mayor was affixed thereon. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. -1- 46;Z Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 9-18-67 COMMUNICATIONS : (Cont.) Councilman Pedersen, referring back to the communications from the Planning Department regarding the "701" Capital Improvement Program, moved that this matter be referred to the Capital Improvement Priority Committee. The motion was seconded by Schellert and carried. Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, submitted and recommended for payment billing for engineer-i,_4 services rendered by Cornell, Howland, Hzyes and Merryfield, in sum of $77.65, in connection with the Springbrook Watershed Development. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, submitted and recommended for payment the final billing for consulting services rendered on resurfacing of Rainier Avenue,from South 3rd Street to South 122nd Street, by Engineered Industrial Systems, Inc., under CAG. 1179-67. Amount due, $2,810.00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur with referral to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. The motion carried. Letter was read from the H)n. Brock Adams, acknowledging Council's inquiry regarding U,S. Bureau of Public Roads expansion program and availability restrictions set forth in application requirements. Representative Adams is contacting the Washington Office of the Bureau to see what can be done for Renton and the City will be advised of any information received further on the matter. Letter from City Clerk Helmie Nelson requested permission to establish temporary voter registration facilities at Pennys in downtown Renton and the Safeway Market in the Highlands pursuant to request of the League of Women Voters for permission to register voters on September 29th and 30th and October 6th and 7th from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance was requested. Also, due to the fact that a file cabinet has broken and suspension no longer holds the drawers closed properly, causing hazard to traffic and apprehension to the Clerk filing, transfer of $80.00 from City Clerks Account 1400/402. M. & 0., unto 1400/606 Capital Outlay was requested in order that the ancient file might be retired and a new one secured, Referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Resolution was requested. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, to concur in the requests of the City Clerk with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper legislation. Carried. Tetter from Sven A. Johnson, Building Director, recommended that Revocable Permit be granted Park Avenue Fashions, 107 Park Avenue North, for installation of a sign over marquee at said business. The sign will be in two parts, the top projecting over the public right-of-way five feet and the bottom four feet with base clearance from the sidewalk of 10 ft. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recom- mendation. Carried. Letter from Mr. and Mrs, C. L. Jennings, 12413 S.E. 142nd Place and Mrs. J. E. Crowell, 12423, S.E. 142nd Place requested that the City take action to keep the street open from the Maple Valley Highway to the railroad trestle which is blocked by persons bringing children down to swim, fishermen and persons staying over night in their cars. Also as a result, the litter is becoming a problem. Discussion ensued wherein it was noted that the street was a private right of way and the City would not therefore have the jurisdiction to take action regarding the use unless it were turned over to the City which apparently was not the desire of the property owners in the area at the time of annexation. Possibility of placing a garbage receptacle in the area was mentioned and since it is State Highway and Railroad Company property it was moved by Dahlquist and seconded by Schellert, to forward copy of the letter to the State Highway Department and the petitioners be so advised we are unable to take further action until the Street becomes City property. Carried. It was noted that consideration was given to residents of this area whose homes were located under power lines with respect to water assessments-: etc. at annexation time. Bulletin from Chester Biesen, Executive Director, Association of Washington Cities, advised of a new low cost group medical insurance program developed by the Association this year which under State insurance Laws requires minimum of 600 enrollees for institution. Card was attached for reporting interest and budgetary provisions accordingly, and the date of October 30th is deadline for returning the card and coverage would be available about January 1, 1968. -2- 463 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 9-18-67 COMMUNICATIONS : Petition was read requesting formation of a Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. between 7th Avenue North and Lot ##8, Harries Garden Home Tracts. Five property owners were represented. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Perry, to refer the petition to the City Engineering Office for report. Carried. Letter from Park Director Coulon, per Park Board instructions, requested permission to call for bids for a new tractor, specifications having been prepared at this time. October 9, 1967 was recommended as the date for bid opening. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the bid call and opening date. Carried. Letter from Mrs. John C. Blasick advised that her home is located practically under the freeway at 320 Mill Avenue Sauth, where she has resided for the past 39 years, witnessing many changes in the City over these years, one being the completion of Interstate 405. Attention was called to the dirt and dust from the highway and of more concern, the dirt corner at South 3rd Street used for a parking area. It was requested that the City assist in seeking improvement of the areas under the freeway where 50 to 60 cars park most every weekday, creating a disgrace to the neighborhood and requiring her front porch and steps to__hg scrubbed once or twice a week .from the dirt and dust flying about. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. It was noted that the area under the freeway is State Highway land and the City upon request was authorized to allow use of the area by the downtown merchants for parking purposes and certain improvements including black- topping and drainage provisions. It was suggested that the merchants be contacted in regard. to further improvement to alleviate the present situation outlined by Mrs. Blasick. The pending motion subsequently was voted upon and carried. Dahlquist opposed. Letter from Mrs. Baird M. Bardarson, President, Allied Arts of Renton, reported great disappointment when being advised of the unsafe condition of the old library building and its possible removal since many plans had been made for a wide range of cultural activities to be presented there, including art exhibits, creative art activities for children, adult art and craft workshops, dance classes, creative dramatics, theatre workshops, rehearsal space and musical activities. Financial resources not being available to rebuild the old library to code standards, it was requested that the City Council budget and make immediate plans for a cultural activities center to be located en the old library site and senior citizens building. It was noted that the City has provided for funding over $180,000.00 to meet the grandstand expense and should not fail to provide cultural facilities as well, in the interest of serving the needs of --all of its citizens. Dahlquist noted the need is for youth activities at present, and it was Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the request to the Committee of the Whole and Allied Arts be invited to discuss the matter with the Committee. Carried. Letter from the City Engineer reported revised letter of intent to annex Ivan Gibeault property to Renton is now in order and the signature thereon represents 1005Y. of the assessed valuation of the property. Mr. Gibeault was present and Councilman Schellert inquired whether the property owner was willing to assume his pro rata share of the City's pre-existing bonded indebtedness. Mayor Custer advised of the present G.O. indebtedness of $2,100,000.00 to be shared by residents at this time. The City Engineer upon inquiry had advised that the area comprised approximately 1/2 acre and would help reduce the gap in the boundary line although this is a small area. Mr. Gibeault stated he would assume his share of the debt as outlined. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, that the property owner be authorized to circulate proper petition for annexation of the property. (Parcel located East of 132nd Avenue S.E. and South of S.E. 116th Street.) Carried. Petition containing 14 signatures was read signifying that said property owners were against Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. No. 256. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to refer the Petition to the City Engineer for tabulation. It was noted that property owners have 30 days from adoption of the Ordinance authorizing the L.I.D. to protest. The motion carried. Letter from Gene. L. Coulon, recommended per Park Board direction, that the bids opened ,,,,,,on September 11th on the Liberty Park Grandstand be rejected and that the architects modify the plans so that bids may be called for as soon as new specifications are completed. (All bids were over the anticipated cost). Petition containing 37 signatures and petition with 82 signatures were read requesting that the grandstand construction be put to a vote of the people on the November ballot in form of G.O. issue. It was noted that there is not time to prepare the documents, adopting an Ordinance, and processing according to law, as 45 days before election 'is the deadline for the last filing for issues for the November election, Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gianini, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole to report back. Discussion ensued on whether the referral included the Park Board bid recommendation it being suggested that this be acted upon separately and the architect could proceed with preparation of the new specs. After further discussion, verbal vote -3- 464 Minutes - Renton City Conneil Meeting 9-18-67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Grandstand was taken on the motion to refer and the Chair ruled that the motion failed. Roll call was requested and was taken as follows: Ayes: Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Perry, Delaurenti and Morris. No: Trimm, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett and Poli. The motion carried 6 to 5. Garrett noted that construction of the grandstand would hereby be delayed and costs could go up. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that representatives of the School District and School Board be invited to attend the meeting at which the grandstand is discussed - to investigate joint use of school facilities. It was noted that some adjustment in the grandstand might allow joint use by the School District and the matter should be discussed. The motion carried. It was noted by Mayor Custer that the Architect will be inquiring whether to proceed. Discussion ensued on whether a week will make a difference, and that un- doubtedly numerous signatures could be secured approving the grandstand construction and that the Council should take definite action one way or another and determine whether to build or not, possible political implication being denoted. It was pointed out that public hearings have been held and the matter has been in progress over 2 years with cost increase resulting. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Gianini, that the Council authorize the Park Board and Architects to proceed with proposed specification and plan revision which can be submitted to the Committee of the Whole. The voica_ vote was dissenting, the Chair ruling the ayes to have it. Roll call was requested which resulted as follows: Aye: Trimm, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Poli and Morris. No: Hulse, Schellert, Perry and Delaurenti. The motion carried, 7 ayes to 4 no votes. Mayor Custer reported that inasmuch as the bidding has exceeded' the estimated cost by 10% the Architect will not be charging any additional fee for the revisions. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed emergency Ordinance appropriating monies for purpose of providing funds for the City's arterial Street Fund and Fire Department Fund in sums of $65,000.00 and $50,000.00. (Resurfacing of Rainier Avenue and Fire Station site fill) This being the date set, the hearing was declared open and there being no written communications audience comment was invited. Dahlquist inquired regarding the 5% interest rate on money to be borrowed from the Firemen's Pension Fund. It was explained that this is a Trust Fund and the moneys to be loaned are presently in- vested at this rate of interest and the Pension Board felt it should secure a like ka rate. Dahlquist felt since the City contributes to the fund it should not pay such a high rate of interest. City Attorney Shellan outlined the requirements of the law for levy of one mill for the Fire Department which can go up to 2 mills, the exact amount determined by an actuarial study which is needed to take care of the particular needs of the Firemen. It is not a City Fund but a separate trust fund and although the people administering are employed by the City they are not acting for the City but as a fiduciary power and as such felt the rate for loan to the City should be the same as they could get on investments. Each City actuarial would be different depending upon the needs of its particular Firemen. The Attorney General has ruled that the millage over the actuarial may be used for other Municipal purposes. Garrett expressed like objection to borrowing from the Cedar River Acquisition Fund at 2% when greater interest could be assessed, Dahlquist objecting again to the 5%. Schellert inquired regarding proposed use of the funds and the pending Ordinance was read appropriating $65,000.00 unto Arterial Street Fund 3200/605, (ASP No. 8), and unto Fire Department f;ccount, Current Fund 2200/602, Capital Outlay, $50,000.00. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Karl Strom, 11444 - 112th S.E. stated that if the City does not wish to pay the 5% interest why it did not get the money elsewhere. It was noted that the Loans had already been authorized heretofore and the Ordinance was to appropriate the money into the budget, Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee for its recommendation later in the meeting. Carried. Dahlquist opposed. PROCLAMATION: Proclamation by Mayor Custer declared the week of October 1 through 7th as SPRING GARDEN PLANTING LEEK in the City of Renton, in concurrence with urging of Mrs. Warren G. Magnuson that citizens contribute toward more beautiful cities by landscaping their properties. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to concur in the Proclamation. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: President of the Council Trimm reported recommendation of the Committee of the Whole that Renton join the Puget Sound Governmental Conference. Moved by Perry, seconded by Gianini, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper legisla- tion� Carried -4_ 465 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 9-18_67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS : Unfinished Business: Cont.) Councilman Trimm reported Committee o- the (thole recommendation that resignation of Mr. Richard Stredicke as Member of the Renton Athletic Commission be accepted. Moved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Garrett requested the minutes to show unanimous aye vote. Dahlquist requested her approval be withdrawn. Dahlquist inquired regarding terms of office for police Civil Service ' ,=!^ission Members, -ppointm.nts- of last week. Mayor Custer advised that the terms of office will be �,ered accora_fng to 1G-.i and since two resignations were received this would be four and two yaars and the cembers would flip for the t^ems and report will be made to Council su'-sequ; ntly. Dahlquist called attention to activities of the Stoneway Dock Co., Inc. in extending use of the river bank beyond a point where it is tolerable, causing unsightly view as well as dirt and dust problems to the city hall and area in general. Inquiry was made as to use provisions and payments to t«e City by the Less^2 and possibie violations of agreement-and report by Property Coan-ittee Chairman Pedersen noted t'-e Committee has been meeting with parties concerned on the matter. It was moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, that the subject of the terms of the Lease and use infringement on City property be referred to the Committee of the {chole. Morris noted the agreement is on file in the City Clerk's office for reference. Mrs. Peggy Shideler, Park Board Member expressed some concern in view of the fact that the Park Board will be assuming ,jurisdiction of the Cedar River Park area upon vacation of the premises and move to the new City '.'all, Architects having been retained to draw up plana for Cedar River Park and they cannot tell what the river bank looks like with all the gravel and if this continues they are wondering if anything will be left to develop. Mayor Custer advised of encroachments by Stoneway and owner to the East and that the matter was reported to the County and State with no action taken to date . Meetings ha been held and a possible plan discussed to allow Stoneway to pave part of the roadway which might be used for part of the park area but the matter is still under consideration. The pending motion to refer to Committee of the [chole was voted upon 'and carried. Dahlquist called attention to appropriation of $50,000.00 for fill at the new fire station site and to costs to be incurred for water, sewer and road to the site inquiring as to wh: ;: the cost of the station is to be which should be determined before going further. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that this matter be referred to the Street and Allcy Committee. Carried. Mayor Custer noted that the new Capital Improvement Program rapert submitted earlier has some figures which might be of interest. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to recess. Carried. Recess was declared. After the recess, roll call was taken with all Council members present as previously listed with exception of Pedersen. Councilman Garrett, Street and Alley Committee Chairman, reported recommendation that the low bid of General Service Electric, Inc., in sum of $16,400.00, for the 116th Avenue S.E. and Sunset Blvd. Traffic Signal Installation, be accepted. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. New Business: Council President Trimm reported recommendation that Council concur in the Mayor's appoint- ment of Mr. Wendell L. Forgaard as member of the Renton Planning Commission to fill the vacancy left by death of Mr. Cordell. Moved by Morris,seconded by Perry, to concur. Carried. D-,'Llquist inquired regarding policy to be followed regarding the Mayor's appointments and Mayor Custer advised that at one point a majority of the Council requested that the Mayor submit appointments to the Committee of the Whole so the Mayor proceeded on this basis. ribs was in regard to those required by law to have approval by the Council, however, not all Council Members attended the Committee of the Whole Meeting and it was subsequently voted by majority that appointments be made to the Council at the regular meetings and if Council then wishes to take more time for questioning the appointees or desires further information it will be referred to the Committee of the Whole and this wish has been followed. Perry noted that appointments not requiring concurrence so state in the Mayor's letters. -5- 466 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 9-18-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: New Business: Cont. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schell.ert, that City of Renton Vouchers No. 9817 through 9927, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment by the Council at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund „9817 - 9845 and 9826 $ 4,113.67 Arterial Street Fund 9846 2,810.00 Street Fund 9847 - 9861 & 9925 12,037.68 Cedar River M. & 1. 9862 - 9864 818.86 Equipment Rental 9865 - 9870 205.55 Library 9871 - 9892 3,818.83 Parks 9893 - 9904 1,535.45 (dater Works Utility 9905 - 9917 & 9927 115046.22 1965 Water & Sewer Const. 9918 77.65 Airport 9919 - 9923 482.21 City Hall Construction 9924 67,621.95 $104,568.07 Councilman Hulse,' Chairmaiof the Capital Improvement Priority Committee, requested Department Heads having recommendations for amendment to the Capital Improvement Priority List to please have them submitted to the Committee by November 14th. Perry inquired regarding the matter of defective water pipe in Tiffany Park, having received inquiry whether they were going to be replaced and if funds have been set aside for this. Mayor Custer recalled that sometime ago a lawsuit had been commenced and it would be somewhat prejudicial to replace the pipe. Upon inquiry, City Attorney Shellan reported that the City had started the lawsuit and has since been joined by a number of parties and the case was placed on the calendar for trial on February 28, 1968. Beale Pipe Co. has been in contact with the City,the element of time being one problem under discussion irs ofar as the Statute of Limitations is concerned with respect to the time the Plat wrs accepted. Some plan is being discussed where the Company might work out provisions for replacing the pipe or giving monetary allowance as to life of the pipe had it not been defective. The matter is pending settlement or lawsuit at this time . Dahlquist requested that Consultants be hired to make a study of the City's Fire Department going on 8 hx. shifts as compared to the 24 on and 48 hrs. off they are now working, not feeling they would be alert during the last hours of the 24 hr. shift. Discussion ensued regarding Physical Examinations for the Firemen. Chief Walls advised that the exams had been administered and turned over to the Civil Service Commission . Dahlquist referred to fires where buildings had burned to the ground with reference to the hardware store and the roller rink. Fire Chief Walls noted that this was some time ago and equipment and operations have greatly been updated calling attention to the fact that the Fire Rating in Renton has been upgraded from Class 6 to 4 in two years, the firsttime any City has accomplished this in such a short period of time, noting that the house recently burning to the ground was done so by the Fire Department in a practice drill; and that most cities are on the same 24, on 48 off duty period as Renton. Discussion ensued regarding 8 hr. shift compared to 24 and effect the T.V. and other fecilities provided for the station might have, Dahlquist adding that the Chief should welcome a study being proud of his Department and its performance of duty. Chief Walls stated he would welcome it and the Department was not above any investigation at any time. It was noted in discussion that an 8 hour day shift would require 1/3 more men, that Seattle and many other cities work split shifts, the Class of City having nothing to do with the hours worked. Dahlquist stated that a study would not cost too much but would satisfy the people and show them we do have a good Fire Department. Fire and Water Committee Chairman Delaurenti stated that Renton at present has the best rating and best equipment and very capable men and that we have never had any serious fire and they have doen an outstanding .job for the citizens and if a survey is desired it would be welcome. Dahlquist proposed motion for such a study which died for lack of second it being noted that the matter might better be referred to the Committee of the Whole and [days and Means Committee to see if funds are available for such a study. It was noted that the Mayor's Preliminary Budget recommended a pay plan study for City Employees and this study might be included if the Council feels it should be done. Dahlquist felt some of the budgeted overtime money might be used and Fire Chief Walls noted that this is budgeted to pay replacements when men are off for disability reasons. Garrett requested that the City Clerk notify Mr. Boyd, Land Agent for the Railroad Company that the Franchise requested cannot be acted upon until a meeting is held with the Street and Alley Committee so that it might report back to the Council. -6- 467 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted for second and final readirg,' an Ordinance which was read by the City Clerk declaring that an emergency exists and appropriating monies for the purpose of providing funds for the city's arterial street fund and the fire department fund necessi4-ated by such emergency. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse, that Ordinance No. 2361 be adopted as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Council Members present voting aye except Dahlquist. Chairman Morris presented proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from General Classification District (G) to Light Industry District (L-1), which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, -- seconded by Poli, to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2362 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Council Members present voting aye and the motion carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted proposed Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk, after appraisal, to dispose of the Public Use Area property, located in Block 26, Renton Highlands No. 2 Correction Plat, comprising 4888 sq. ft. which has been declared surplus, any and all documents required for the conveyance to be executed and delivered for cash in amount not less than the appraisal. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1486 as read. Carried. Proposed Resolution was read authorizing sale of surplus Equipment Rental Fund Air Hammer for not less than $175.00 the appraised price thereof on cash basis, the Purchasing Agent to dispose of same as requested. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution No. 1487 as read. Carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman submitted a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton appropriating excess revenues in sum of $500.00 from Bldg. Dept. Plans Check Fees, Current Fund, unto 1800/504, Travel expense, as read by the Clerk. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the adoption of the Resolution numbered 1488 as read. The motion carried. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Morris and seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk 1 D. W. Custer, Mayor -7- 168 ' 9-18-67 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 0439 23,750.00 Gambriell Construction Inc. 607 12th Ave S New -residence 40 23,700.00 Gambriell Construction Inc. 523 12th Ave S " It 41 5,000.00 Latter Day St's Church 7th No & ' 41, St Foundation 42 16,500.00 Catalina Homes Inc. 12325 132nd SE New residence 43 16,500.00 Catalina ;comes Inc. 12319 132nd SE " 44 16,500.00 Catalina Homes Inc. 12313 132nd SE " B 0445 16,500.00 Catalina Homes Inc. 12307 132nd SE " 46 16,500.00 Catalina Homes Inc 12301 132nd SE ;• 47 1,400.00 Mathew Frochhill 303 Thomas Garage 48 162000.00 Bell & Valdez Inc. 2100 18th PI SE New residence 49 161000.00 Bell & Valdez Inc. 1815 S.E. Birch Ct " to B 0450 16,000.00 Bell & Valdez Inc. 1809 S.E. Birch Ct " 51 16,000.00 Bell & Valdez Inc. 1803 S.E. Birch Ct " 52 1651000.00 Bell & Valdez Inc. 1800 S.E. Birch Ct " 53 16,000.00 Bell & Valdez Inc. 1806 S.E. Birch Ct " 54 16,000.00 Bell & Valdez Inc. 1812 S.E. Birch Ct " B 0455 16,000.00 Bell & Valdez Inc. 2118 18th PI SE " 56 16$000.00 Bell & Valdez Inc. 2200 18th !I SE " 57 169000.00 Bell & Valdez Inc. 2206 18th P1 SE " 58 15:000.00 Bell & Valdez Inc. 1904 S.E. Cottonwood Ct New residence 59 15,000.00 Bell & Valdez Inc. 1910 S.E. Cottonwood Ct New residence 3 0460 151000.00 Bell & Valdez Inc. 1916 S.E. Cottonwood Ct " " 61 15,000.00 Bell & Valdez Inc. 1922 S.E. Cottonwood Ct " " 62 152000.00 Bell & Valdez Inc. 1928 S.E. Cottonwood Ct " " 63 5,000.00 Don Dallas 10026 S.E. 94th Add bathroom & fin. old wk 64 3,336.00 Steve Oliver 403 Bronson Way N Add'n to residence B 0465 500.00 Jerry Kelleher 10002 S.E. 94th Add'n to existing room 66 600.00 J. Edwards 124 S. Tobin Repair work 67 900.00 15 Minute Muffler Service 405 Park Ave No Install sign 68 500.00 Richard Hoskins 830 N. Riverside Dr Repair damage to bldg.' 69 500.00 Homer L. Roberts 3226 6th PI N Add carport & utility B 0470 100.00 Charles Camerini 104 Wells Ave N Bldg screening fence ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0286 400.00 Dale Crampton 325 13th Ave S�: Wire new residence 87 3,500.00 Penton School Dist #4 9435 108th P1 SE Wire service 88 500.00 W. Mach 419 13th S " 89 -- Monterey Club 3rd & Monterey of " E 0290 -- Longacres Race Track Renton Junction #I " 91 300.00 City Center Motel 112 South 3rd " 92 700.00 George Butko 435 Langston Rd " MECHANICAL PEP1,1ITS M 0300 -- Vista View Builders 1903 S.E. Taylor Ct Install plbg & fixt. 01 J. Cowell 520 Morris Ave S Install 2 space heaters 02 -- Louise L. Rockery 325 13th Ave S Install plbg & fixt. 03 -- Lewis Purcell 11630 S.E. 105th PI " it " 04 Ruth Claybo 9817 112th S.E. Install gas heater 1,1 0305 -- Geraldine Free 3610 7th Ave N Install plbg & fixt. 06 -- Clarence Williams 12428 132nd SE Septic tank 07 -- Donald Clapp 2835 5th Ave N Install plbg & fixt. 08 -- G. Pomeroy 1242 Morris Ave S " to it 09 -- J. H. Baxter & Co 7635 Lk tJn. Blvd if it " if M 0310 -- Pacific Northwest Bell 549 Garden Ave " It 11 -- Renton Village Co 800 Rainier Ave SETlE1: PERMITS No.200 -- John L. Sullivan 8424 S. 130th Sewer service 201 -- Louie Malesis 363 Vuemont PI " 1' 202 -- Stoneway Concrete 1915 Maple Way " 11 469 RENTCN CITY COUNCIL 5:00 P.M. REGULAR MEETING September 25, 1967 R E F E R R A L S FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE Bids for Watermain Installation - ?later Projects 11-212 and W-245 CITY ATTORNEY Claim for damages - Reginald Fenton (also to be sent to the Boeing Company) CC111ITTEE OF THE MOLE Revised Comprehensive Plan CITY ENGINEER To check validity of Ivan Gibeault annexation petition. PCLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE (Power to Act) Applicatiors for pinball machine licenses- Rainier Amusement Company - locations, Strato Lanes and Earlington Golf Course STREET CQ%JSSIONER Supervise Banner installation - Renton Downtoim Businessmens Association Presence requeuted at Street and Alley Committee meeting - October 2nd - 7:30 Pa M- TRAFFIC ENGINEER Presence requested at Street and Alley Committee meeting - October 2nd, 7:30 Po11. iEETINGS AND EVENTS New bid call - revised grandstand plans - October 16, 1967 Crdinance Committee meeting - flednesdcy, September 30th, 6:30 P-14. Street and Alley Committee meeting - Monday, C;ctober 2nd, 7:30 P.M. (Street Commissioner and Traffic Engineer requested to attend) 4"70 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 25, 1967 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. 1.1. Custer, Iiayor and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL GF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Trimm, Hulse, Schellert, Gianni, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Hulse, that the absent council member be excused. Carried. CFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, f � City Treasurer; G. M. Shellan, City Attorney; Jack Wilson, City Engineer; Clarence V lilliams, Chief of Police; M. C. 14alls, Fire Chief; Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director; Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant; Vern Church, Purchasing Director; Gene Coulon, Park Director; Jack Jones, Library Director and Jan Klippert, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, that the minutes of the meeting of September 18th be approved as written. Carried. GPENING OF BIDS: - Watermain Installation WATER PROJECT IV-242 - Tie line between E Street and Sunset Boulevard East (south of 6th Avenue North 111= MCJFCT W-24.5 - Watermain in 132nd Avenue S. E. between 4th Avenue North and S. E. �3 th Street. This being tha date set the following bids were opened and read by the City Clerk: BIDDER 1-1--242 - ' All W-245 - iBst Total Bid Frank Colucgio Construction Ga. u 6,134.15 x13,383.84 X19,517.99 Seattle, Wash. 98118 J. C. Frost ConstruGtioan Qo. 9,091.50 8,916.46 18,007.96 Kent, ?dash. 98081 General Pipeline Construction Co. 4v 801.78 16,072.10 20,873.88 Renton, Wash. 98055 National Mechanical Contractors, Inn. V,187.71 19,813.00 30,000.71 Seattle, Wash. R '•;t Robison Construction, Inr,. 120882.76 19,807.98 32690.74 5�-tttle, Wash. 98106 , Shoreline Construction Co. 12,120.62 16,669.01 28,789.63 Seattle, Washington 98125 T and E Construction, Inc. 5,026.45 12,976.29 18,002.74 Seattle Heights, Wash. 98063 Bid bonds were furnished with all hida. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, that the bids be referred to the Fire and Water C2 t' ee for r�Boort back to the Co�1nc� l PUBLIC I�ARIN� (Contiruia_d zy&vo nth Day Adventist Ohurch appeal of Board of Adjustment denial of variance request to use Cedar Shake Ibpofih?, Material. A report from the Renton Board of Adjustment on the reconsideration of the varidnce application was read by the Clerk. The Board reconr&-nds that tyre variance lie granted subject to the following conditions: 1) The applicant to apply a fire retardant material to tite completed section, the remainder of the shakes to be dipped in the firu, retardant =terial, Building Depaetment approval required. 2) The Church Building Committee to conduct periodic inspection of the roof to insure that the required standard is maintained 3) A Hold Harmless Agreement be furnished the City. - 1 - I111TUTES - 2entom Gity Dour qil CgQntinued j 9#25/67 47/ Public Hearing - 7th Day Adventis Church *ariar=5. �C4ntiaued) Upon inquiry by Councilman Morris as to whether this would. now ctxnp�y with the code, ilr. Ruppert, Building Code Enforcement O£ficer,infarmed the Council that the Board of Adjustment considered this to be a practical solution to the problem, although not meeting the strictest interpretation of the code as made by the Building Depart- ment. !loved by Perry, seconded by Delarrenti, that the hearing be closed. Questioned further regarding the durability of the fire retardant material Mr. Ruppert advised that this. would be a test as there was no past experience upon which to make a determin- ation. The Pending Motion carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the��11:Vgomnendat �£ tqe gen�gp Bard of Ad J t�tant to ran4the vaEl n, subAect to �GIfiNN1�A IRS"' ie atn the i y o secure o -Harml9ss reemen arrie . A communication from King County Assessor Allen B. Morgan submitted Certificate of Assessed Valuation of the City of Renton for the year 1967. Limits 1 . . e . .w119,1122446.00 Limits 2 . . . . ♦ . . 53,670,423.00 Total . • • . o .yr172,782,869.00 It was further noted in the transmittal that RCW 84.52.020 directs that officials of all taxing districts, authorized by law to levy taxes, shall certify to the County Assessor, on or before the Wednesday following the first Monday in October of each year, the amount of taxes levied upon the property within the city or district, for city or district purposes. This would make necessary the adoption of the budget oreKaAnoes no later than Tuesday, October 3rd. Council President Trimm was requested to take proper notice. A second communication was read from the King County Assessor's Office, G. P. Granade, Chief Accountant relating to the Tax Freeze Act, Chapter 146, Laws of 1967, Ex.Session. The City was advised that there is no contemplated Change affecting mode of assess- ment and if such a change is made, all taxing authorities will be notified. The City of Renton may continue to levy the full 1.6 mills. Claim for damages filed by Reginald Fenton, 8231 S. 121st St., Seattle, in the sum of 1'W`100,000 was read by the City Clerk. Alleged damage or injury occurred June 23, 1967 approximately 40 feet offshore Lake Ilashington, north of Renton Airport. Clairant states the accident was caused by a Boeing 727 located on lake shore and blasting jet power over lake which force overturned boat. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer r the claim-to the City Attorney arld the Boeing Company. Carried. Letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director submitted recommendation of the Planning &a=nission from their Public Hearing Meeting of September 13, 1967 for adoption of the revised Oomprehensive Plan for the City of Renton. This was the re- sult of months of study and review of the proposed changes at three public hearings held by the Commission during July, August and September, 1967. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, that this recommendation be referred to the Committee of the D-hole- CeTried„ Petition for annexation filed by Ivan Giveault covering property located east of 132nd S. E. 405 feet and south of S. E. 116th Street was read by the Clerk. The petition carried a statement agroei.ng to assume their pro-rata share of the City's pre-existing bonded indebtedness. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the petition to the City.Erwi lleer to chack for validity. Carried. A communication from Gene Coulon, Park Director submitted Park Board request to again call for bids on the construction of a grandstand in Liberty Park, to include varied alternates. Suggeated bid opening date is October 16, 1967. At this time the Committee of the Whole presented their report which recommended concurrence in the request of the Park Board to reject all bids on the grandstand and authorize a new bid call for construction of the center section, With alternates for the side sections. I-loved by Delaurenti, seconded by poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Conmttee of the Whole. Motion carried with Hu1.se apposed. Roved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gianni, to authorize a new bid call for construction of the grandstand center section and alternate bids for the side section, bid opening date to be October 16th. Motion carried with Hulse voting no. An application was submitted from the Earlington Golf Course requesting that Rainier Amusement Company be granted the required license for a pinball machine. A second application requested that Rainier Amusement be granted license for an additional - 2 - ,174 11inutes - Renton City Council (continued) 9/25/67 CGIIiUNICATIONS - (cont.) pinball device at Strato Lanes. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianni, to refer both applications to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A request from the Renton Downtown Businessmen's Association asked permission to hang street banners to advertise their Harvest Bargain Days Sale, banners to be erected on September 29th and remain until Cctober 9th. Moved by Dela.urenti, seconded by Perry to grant the request, installation to be under the supervision of the Street Commissioner. Carried. CCUPICIL COM-1ITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business Councilman Hulse requested progress reports on Highway Beautification and the Talbot Hill Park. Mayor Custer said a proposal for beaut=''ication will be presented for review and recommendation at a meeting scheduled for Tiursday. Park Director Coulon advised that the shelter building at Talbot Park has been completed and when the services of a part-time supervisor have been obtained it will be opened. Councilman Delaurenti submitted Fire and Mater Committee report for award of bids for fill and grading work at Fire Training Site located at S. 156th Street and 87th Avenue South. The committee considered all bids and in deciding between the. two low identical bids of Black River Quarry, Inc. and Scarsella Brothers, Inc. examined the fill material which would be furnished and felt that the fill material offered by the Black River Quarry is more suitable to the requirements. The committee there- for recommended that the low bid of Black River Quarry, Inc. of �r20,900.00 be accepted. IJloved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation of the Fire and ?later Committee. Carried. IIEi! DUSINESS: I1oved by Hulse, seconded by Gianin, that City of Renton vouchers Nos. 992ul through 014 having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee be approved for payment. Payments to be distributed to the following, funds; Carried Current Fund ;`9928 - 9972 ; 12,106.99 Street Fund 9973 - 99CO 9,299.41 Cedar River 11. & I. 9901 6.30 Equipment Rental 992 - 9986 2,294.37 Park Fund 9987 - 9992 698.46 Water Works Utulity 9993 - 9999 4,633 27 Airport 10000 — 0003 1,971.9 Firemen7s Pension 0004 - 0014 1,462.43 Councilman Garrett announced a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee, Monday, October 2nd, 7:30 P.N. He requested the Traffic Engineer and Street Commissioner's attendance. Councilman Perry reported that many citizens have expressed concern and requested information regarding the channelization at the intersection of 116th Avenue S. E. and Sunset Boulevard East, adding that it might be advisable to request the press to carry a sketch and outline of the improvements and modifications in this area. 11r. Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer informed the Council that plans outlining the traffic improvements and modifications can be seen in his office and urged that persons desiring information contact him, further stating that he would furnish the newspapers all available information. Councilman Perry stated that most questions involved the existing Sunset Highway and access to the existing alignment from the new highway. Mr. Bennett pointed out there were provisions for a left turn move- ment onto the existing Sunset Highway. In reply to further inquiry Mr. Bennett advised that the State Highway Department has under consideration two proposals; (a) improvement of the existing facility (northeastee y through the Renton Shopping center to 138th Avenue S. E.)and (b) providing an entirely new and separate align- ment north of the existing facility. The State Highway Department will hold a route hearing at which the City will have an opportunity to express its views on the problem. Various council members suggested this sketch be placed before the council body for study and recommendation. Councilman Perry requested notification of the public hearing. Councilman Morris announced an Crd nlnce Committee meeting will be held 6:30 P,1�4, fednesday, September 27th - 3 - 4'73 Office of the City Clerk Minutes - Renton City Council meeting 9/25t67 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Chairman Morris, Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted a proposed resolution wherein the City of Renton elects to become a member of and be associated with the Puget Sound Governmental Conference pursuant to the Articles of Association and By-Laws of said Conference. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1489 as read. Carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed resolution transferring funds irithin the City Clerks account, #1400, Maintenance and Operational Account ;x402 to Capital O tlay Account "606, in the sum of $80.00. The specified purpose in the Clerk7s request was replacement of a broken filing cabinet. After reading by the clerk, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Resolution ;`1490. Carried. A proposed ordinance was presented by the Committee and introductory reading made by the City Clerk. -The proposed ordinance would establish temporary voter registra- tion facilities at J. C. Penney Company and Safeway Store, Renton Highlands on September 29th and 30th, October 6th and 7th, between the hours of 11:00 A.m. and 5:00 P.M. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the proposed ordinance to the Law and Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The committee recommended placement on second and final reading following which Delaurent moved, seconded by Schell.ert, to Concur in the recommendation. Motion Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2363 as read. Carried, after roll call vote with all present voting ave. Audience Comment was invited and none forthcoming it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. 1_7 11onald IJ. Buster, Mayor Helmie W. Nelson, City C1er1, -4- 474 9-25-67 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PEPSIITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADD P.ESS TYPE OF tTORIC B 0471 --- Standard Service Tire 515 S. Second St Demolish residence 72 3,000.00 Renton Concrete Products So 7th & Rainier S Add'n to exist. bldg, 73 30,000.00 The Boeing Company 1050 Vlt-Renton Plt Structural & bldg alter, 74 320.00 Richard Langdon 3295 Ct "C" Patio cover B 0475 300.00 Safeway Stores, Inc. 209 Third Replace 3 exist. si:�-is 76 51000.00 Robert Strellnauer 12305 Rainier Ave Roof commercial carpo_ . 77 5,800.00 Michael Titbits 2307 7th Ave N Erect ad'n to home 78 175,000.00 Big C Stores Inc. 705 Rainier Ave S Retail small shops bl; 79 16,500.00 Joe Boehme 9693 106th Ave SE New residence B 0480 -- Gerald M. Polack 11211 - 112th SE Demolish residence 81 32,000.00 L. K. Beckman 124 Williams S Naw Bldg for liqu-r st. 82 200.00 Bruce R. Crossett 12111 S.E. 152nd PI Erect storage shed 83 2,100.00 Austin Hendrickson Drugs 301 S. Third St Reroof store 84 200.00 Clinton A. Basmer 2005 S.E. Upland Ct Erect fence B 0485 500.00 Park Ave. Fashions 107 Park Ave N Install 2 rev. signs 86 7,200.00 Sternco Land Co 7430 180th S Bldg control tower 87 850.00 Robert P. Groth 3415 Sixth Ave N Construct garage 88 205,000.00 St. Anthony's Church 505 S. Fourth St Bldg. storage & wshrm ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0293 100.00 Marie 0. Madson 3612 6th Ave N Wire service 94 500.00 Lewis Purcell 11630 SE 105th E 0295 250.00 Wayne Gores 3639 Pres Pk Ct " 96 240.00 Dorothy Bonomi 5392 Shattuck S " 97 50.00 Phillip J. Nangle 614 "0" St " 98 500.00 Leo Hyatt 13431 S.E. 116th " 99 50.00 Milo Matzgar 3233 6th Ave N " M 0312 -- Brodell & Brodell 14655 130th P1 SE Septic tank 13 14715 130th 01 SE " 14 14645 130th P1 SE " M 0315 M. J. Chapman 1238 Morris Ave S Install brnr for pool 16 Frank Lanscardi 509 Langston Road new furnace 17 William Smith 702 "0 ' St gas outlets 18 -- Les Daniels 14625 130th PI Se Septic tank 19 Frank Pellegrino 10609 - 108th SE " It M 0320 Mary Henry 355 Bronson Way N Install gas wall heat^~ 21 Leo Hyatt 13431 S.E. 116th Install plbg & fixt., 22 Catalena Construction Co 12301 132nd SE " " " 23 -- 12307 132nd Ave SE " 24 " 12313 132nd Ave SE " M 0325 " " 12319 132nd Ave SE " 26 12325 132nd Ave SE SEWER PERMITS No.203 -- Lewis Purcell 11630 S.E. 105th Sewer seri:ice 204 Stan Witsoe 11016 115th Ave SE " No.205 Bell & Valdez Inc 1812 S. E. Birch Ct " 206 " " " 1806 S.E. Birch Ct " 207 -- " " 1800 S.E. Birch Ct " 208 1803 S.E. Birch Ct " 209 -- " " 1809 S.E. Birch Ct " No.210 " " 1815 S.E. Birch Ct 211 2100 20th PI SE " -5- 475 September Fund transfers authorized by the Accounting and Auditing Committee and approved by the Renton City Council. TO CLAIMS FROM: Current Fund $ 27,390.36 Arterial Street 2,828.00 City Street 245708.87 Cedar River M. & I. 15234.71 Equipment Rental 4,965.91 Library 45201.72 Parks 83,349.66 Waterworks Utility 53,754.44 1965 Water & Sewer Const. Fund 77.65 Airport 23,544.60 Firemen's Pension 15462.43 City Hall Const. Fund 695109.38 Total September Claims $2005627.73 TO PAYROLL FROM: Current Fund $103,882.73 Street Fund 17,529.67 Cedar River M. & I. 535.00 Equipment Rental 35701.90 Library 8,180.08 Parks 145101.67 Waterworks Utility 175640.84 Airport 1,252.00 Firemen's Pension 90.84 Total September Payroll $166,914.73 t�0 i Uo 476 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S 10-2-67 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Municipal Arts Commission request for $600.00 appropriation for landscaping of traffic islands in front of high school on South Second Street Norman Abrahamson letter regarding grandstand King County Labor Council request that no greenbelt area be estahlished along Lake tan. as proposed in the Comprehensive Plan CITY ENGINEER and SANITATION COMMITTEE Letter of intent to annex property to Renton: Sylvia M. Bogue, Heather Downs Talbot Hill residents at Springbrook and 18 Monterey Community Club request for relief from excessive water pressure and poor water condition. *Bids - Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. 256 ,.I�D. $256, Sanitary sewer - Letters of inquiry and protest SANITATION COMMITTEE Petition for Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. in vicinity of Sunset Blvd, 112th Ave. S.E. and Puget Sound Power and Light Transmission right-of-way CITY CLERK AND MAYOR Authorized to execute Franchise Agreement with State for Sanitary Sewer installation in vicinity of North Renton Interchange FIRE AND WAV. R COMMITTEE Monterey Community Club request re water condition in their area PROPERTY COMMITTEE Aero-Dyne Corporation request re Airport property LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Baker Annexation 1968 Budget and Tax Levies Petition for vacation of portion of J Street Municipal Court request for $1,000.00 fund transfer CHAIRMAN - REVIEW BOARD •van Gibeault annexation - Dispensation request STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Talbot Hill residents-petition for crosswalk at Grady Way and Talbot Road intersection. PLANNING COMMITTEE John M. Teutsch request for waiver of Platting Fee requirement for Tiffany Park MEETINGS: Property Committee - Wednesday, October 4th at 7:30 p.m. with Airport Board and Aero-Dyne Collective Bargaining Conference - Cotober 26, 27 and 28th at Winthrop Hotel in Tacoma APPOINTMENTS: Louise A. Craft - Clerk-Dispatcher, Renton Police Department Youth Guidance Committee - Mr. Robert Trent Municipal Arts Commission - Thomas H. Cooke, James R. Hawkins and Roger Richert 47`7 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING October 2,1967 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the F11g Was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Trimm, Hulse, Schellert, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Trimm that the absent Council Member be excused. The motion carried. - OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, jack Wilson, City Engineer, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Ted Bennett, Utility Accoubtant, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Gene Coulon, •Park Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Com- missioner, Bernard Ruppert, Bldg. Code Enforcement Officer, Jan Klippert, Administrative Asst. to the Mayor, and Jack Jones, Librarian. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of 9-25-67 be approved as written. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Annexation - Final Hearing - James and Marlene Baker Property located at 8424 South 130th Street This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. There were no written communi- cations to be read. Mrs. Baker was present and thanked the Council. There was no further audience comment and it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that the hearing be closed. The motion carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Trimm, to acceptthe annexa- tion with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance. Carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, that the public hearing for fixing the final budget and making the tax levies for 1968 be deferred until later in the evening under Council Committee Reports. Carried. OPENING OF BIDS: L.I.D. 256, Sanitary Sewers, Kennydale Area This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read by the City Clerk: NAME AND ADDRESS OF BIDDER BASIC BID ALTERNATE BID HAROLD KAESER CO. (Bid Bond Enclosed) $243,853.36 No Alternate 3629 - 34th Avenue South Seattle 44, Washington KING CONSTRUCTION CO. (Bid Bond Enclosed) $202,717.98 $206,945.01 4521 Bond Street Seattle 18, [dash. MURPHY BORS, INC. (Bid Bond Enclosed) $296,804.04 No Alternate 4000 Aurora Avenue North Seattle, Wash. 98103 NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION CO. (Bid Bond Enclosed) $303,071.41 $439,824.30 153 South 160th Street Seattle, Wash. 98148 ORALIA, INC. (Bid Bond Enclosed) $291,351.41 $311,273.29 9215 Empire Way South Seattle, Wash. _. SHORELINE CONSTRUCTION CO. (Bond Enclosed) $312,037.00 $312,037.00 12531 - 15th Avenue N.E. Seattle, Wash. 98125 SLEADS SEPTIC SYSTEMS and (Bid Bond Enclosed) $255,476.38 $271,893.33 TONNESON CONSTRUCTION (Joint Bid) Tacoma, Washington Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse, to refer the Bids to the Sanitation Committee and the-City Engineer. The motion carried. - -1- 1478 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 10-2-67 COMMUNICATIONS: The following letters were read by the City Clerk protesting the cost of L.I.D. 256, requesting boundary revision and demanding that work cease since sixty per cent of the assessment valuation has been represented by protest, along with Petitions with 15 ownership representations against and 3 on document for revision of boundaries: Mr. Roy L. Thomas; Lee Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Yoder and Harry Scrichfield; L. J. Keffler, who also sent a Western Union Telegram to protest; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Beuny; Petition beginning with Chas. J. Moore and ending with Mr: and Mrs, Reed Millhuff; and Petition signed by Lee Peterson, Susan Tasca and Mrs. Othmar Warzecha. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, Petiticns&letters be referred to the City Engineer and Sanitation Com— mittee.,. Carried. Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, reported regarding petition of Ivan Gibeault for annexation of property to Renton located at S.E. 116th Street and 132nd Avenue S.E., that the signature represents ownership of lOCY of the assessed valuation and the parcel comprises approximately 0.48 acres with an assessed valuation of $490.00. Discussion followed,on proposed motion to refer to the City Engineer,regarding the fact that the annexations cannot proceed further until such time as the Governor has appoiTted the Board of Review pursuant to action of the Legislature in establishing such Board, and it was subsequently moved by Hulse, and seconded by Perry, upon withdrawal of the prior motion, that the matter be held by the Mayor with referral to the Chairman of the Review Board for dispensation of Review Board proceedings upon his appointment by the Governor. The motion carried. Letters of intent to annex properties to the City of Renton were read from Sylvia M. Bogue, Heather Downs Area, and from seven property owners residing on Springbrook Road and South 180th Street in vicinity of the new Valley General Hospital. Moved by Schellertq seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the letters of intent to the City Engineer for checking' of signatures. Carried. Letter from Municipal Court Clerk, Mary Muir, requested appropriation of $1,000.00 excess parking fine revenues unto Account 1300/402, M. & 0. for maintaining office supply account balance, the increase in citations and operational needs requiring same. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for the proper Resolution. Carried. Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer recommended that the attached Franchise from the State Highway Department be accepted and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute same upon approval of the City Attorney. The document provides for installa- tion of sanitary sewers through the North Renton Interchange area. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendations of the City Engineer. Carried. Letter from Terry Bartley, Secretary, Renton City Employees Club, requested permission to work Election Day, November 7th in exchange for November 24th, the day following Thanksgiving to allow a four-day week end. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the request. Carried. It was noted that employees will onLy be paid for a regular work day and not at holiday rate when working Election day, and that the Legislature had established the day as a holiday so that all Municipal Employees may have an opportunity to get to the polls to vote. It was pointed out that Industry allows the time off to vote in some instances but does not deem it a holiday. The pending motion carried. Petition from residents of. the Talbot Hill area requested that a crosswalk be installed on Grady Way at the Talbot Road intersection. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the request to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. Letter from Northwest Mortgage, Inc., Mr. John M. Teutsch, Jr., Vice-President, representing Govan Investment Trust, owners of Tiffany Park, requested waiver of the requirement to pay platting fees again, initial platting fees having been paid a year ago when petition was submitted for preliminary plat approval. Subsequent legal action had made it impossible to proceed with the development and as the Plat approval had expired re-application was submitted. It was pointed out that they are granting approximately 7 acres to the City for a park within the plat, worth approximately $28,000.00 and have also agreed to provide adequate storm drainage through the donated park land which it is felt should be sufficient consideration to the City for waiver of the entire platting fees. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Planning Committee for recommendation. Carried. Letter from the Monterey Community Club requested relief from the problem of the water condition in the area which is delivered at an uncommonly high pressure resulting also in Its being brackish and staining to porcelain. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Fire and Water Committee and City Engineer to report back. The motion carried. -2- 479 Minutes - Renton City Coimreil Meeting 10-2-67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) A letter was read from Paul W. Houser, Attorney for the Renton Housing Authority, submitting Quit Claim Deed for right-of-way in Block 5, Tracts A and C, and endorsement for right-of-way for street purposes, from the Housing Authority to the City. It was requested that the City accept and record the deed which had been revised in accordance with government instructions, returning three copies to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Housing Assistance Administration. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, that the Deed and endorsement be accepted, recorded and copies returned as requested. The motion carried. Letter from the Municipal Arts Commission requested appropriation of $600.00 from Cumulative Reserve Fund 2283 unto City Street Fund, 3340/605, Capital Outlay, Maintenance Account, Structures and Improvements and to Working Budget, City Street Maintenance Account 3300/12021, Structures and Improvements, for landscaping of the traffic islands in front of the High School on South Second Street. Moved by Perry, seconded by Gianini, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. (See later action following Budget Hearing) Letter from John W. Sweet, Attorney At Law, requested, on behalf of Aero-Dyne Corporation that the Council urge the Airport Board to reconsider its action calling for demolition of the buildings located at the S.E. corner of the airport property formerly used by the school, Acro-Dyne desiring to improve the buildings and negotiate for leasing thereof. Upon inquiry regarding action which might be taken on this matter, City Attorney Shellan pointed out that the Airport Board is an autonomous body and the only control the Council would have is at budget time and at the time the appointments are made, except to make suggestions, request reports or urge certain actions but the Airport Board has under its jurisdiction all buildings and confines within the Airport and although anyone may appeal to the Council it legally cannot overrule any action of the Board which is a self-governed body. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Property Committee to meet with the Airport Board and Aero-Dyne Representative and report back its recommenda- tions. The motion carried. Letter from Mr. Norman Abrahamson, 3304 Honeycreek Drive, outlined pros. and cons regarding the grandstand proposals and advised that 757, of the persons he has contacted favor bringing the matter to a vote of the people ; that no political motive is involved but only a desire to insure expenditure of the tax money for the benefit of the majority and betterment of the community as a whole. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the communication to the Committee of the Whole. It was suggested rather that the matter be discussed during the budget -hearing ater in the meeting. Dissenting voice A vote was registered. The chair ruled for a negative majority. Roll call was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Trimm, Gianini, Garrett, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. No: Hulse, Schellert and Perry. Letter from the King County Labor Council, Chas. IJ. Paddock, Secretary, advised of request from businesses in the Lake Washington area regarding proposed Comprehensive Plan for the City of Renton and it was the opinion of the Council at its meeting of September 26th that the establishment of a greenbelt in the subject area be reconsidered by the City, employment of 250 or more persons at these plants who reside in the area plus the loss of taxes by the City deemed to be reason enough to warrant such action. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to refer the communication to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. -- Letter from the Association of Washington Cities, Chester Biesen, Executive Director, called attention to conference for public officials on the subject of "Collective Bargaining" to be held in Tacoma at the Winthrop Hotel on October 26, 27 and 28th. In view of passage of Ch. 108, Laws of 1967, Ex. Sess. , authorizing public agencies to engage in collective bargaining and requiring , state mediation of local disputes at request of employee groups, the meeting promises to be timely and worthwhile. Registration fee is $60.00. It was suggested that the President of the Council attend if the Mayor is unable to do so and report back. Mayor Custer advised that he does plan to attend and that attendance is not limited but he will notify Mr. Trimm if he is unable to go. Perry noted that this -- matter was on the Agenda of the Boston Conference he attended and urged attendance for an understanding of what the future might hold for Renton. Letter from The Hon. Brock Adams, in further pursuance of the matter concerning TOPICS advised that Mr. Roe Rodgers, 1007 S. Washington Street, P. 0. Box 29, Olympia, Wash. has been alerted and will give the City any assistance he can. Attached was a copy of the Bureau of Public Roads Instructional Memorandum and Representative Adams noted that TOPICS apparently is an internal comprehensive planning program for cities without the necessity of going into the overall regional comprehensive plans. -3- 480 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 10-2-67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported that the Petition for Sanitary Sewer L.T.D. in vicinity of area bounded by Sunset Blvd. Ease, 112th Avenue S.E. and Puget Sound Power and Light Company Transmission Line right-of-way, is signed by owners who represent 70434% of the lineal frontage upon the proposed improvement and by 637. of the owners within the proposed district and the petition is valid. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Sanitation Committee for recommendation. Carried. Petition was filed for the vacation of a portion of "J" Street between 9th Avenue North and 10th Avenue North, signed by Harold R. Bean, for Globe Development Co., Inc., and the Highlands Community Church. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to refer the petitiol to the City Engineer and Street and Alley Committee for recommendation. Carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Resolution setting date for hearing. Carried. PROCLAMATION: Proclamation by Mayor Custer declared the week of October 8 through 14 as Oil Heat Week in Renton, the oil industry representing a major service in the roll of community affairs. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the Mayor's Proclamation. Carried. APPOINTMENTS: Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Louise A. Craft to position of Clerk-Dispatcher in the Renton Police Department, Civil Service Exam to be successfully passed within four-month temporary appointment period. Moved by Perry, seconded by ^elaurenti, to concur in the appointment. Carried. Mayor Custer submitted letter advising of appointment to Youth Guidance Committee of Mr. Robert Trent to fill vacancy created by departure from the City of Mr. Gary Allard former Parole Officer. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to concur. Carried. Letter from Mayor Custer requested appointment confirmation for Thomas H. Cooke, James R. Hawkins and Roger Richert, being reappointed as members of the Municipal Arts Commission for a period of three years. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the appointments. Carried. POUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: ,n inis aBusiness: Council member Trimm, Chairman of the Planning Committee, submitted recommendation that the Phil Podvin rezone appeal be denied since the proposed use is not in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan, upholding action of the Planning Commission in its denial of rezone from R-1 to R-3. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in the Planning Committee recommendation. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee,submitted report recom- mending that Waterline bid W-242, between "E" Street and Sunset Blvd. E., South of 6th Avenue North, be awarded to low bidder,`.Phil Gesner, dfb/a,'General Pipeline Construction Co, .3-11025- 142nd S.E., Renton, in sum of $4,801.78. Further recommended that Water Project W-245 Bid for Watermain in 132nd Ave. S .E. between 4th Avenue North and S.E. 136th Street, be awarded to W. C. Frost Construction Co., 8005 South 222nd Street, Kent, in sum of $8,916.46. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gianini, to concur. Carried. The Fire and Water Committee recommended that the Agreement with Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield,for engineering services on Cedar River Park Well No. 8, be accepted and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute same. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to concur. The motion carried. Councilman Poli, Chairman of the Light and Power Committee, reported that after some months of negotiation an Ordinance has been prepared granting unto the Puget Sound Powe and Light Company a Franchise for operation within the City during a 30 year period. It was recommended that the document be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Move by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. New Business: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 0015 through 0098, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council for payment at this time. Carried. ( Fund breakdown on the following page.) -4- 481 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 10-1-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: New Business (Cont.) Voucher Approval Current Fund 0015 - 0053 $ 4,396.14 Street Fund 0054 - 0059 1,321.56 Equipment Rental 0060 - 0069 143.11 Parks 0070 - 0081 2,102.22 Water Works Utility 0082 - 0096 35,4W.-JI Airport 0097 2.00 Firemen's Pension Fund 0098 16.50 $43,388.94 Councilman Gianini, recalling letter read earlier regarding pros and cons on the grand- stand noted that the Athletic Commission has discussed the possibility of using the facility for North West Square Dancers, boxing, and various types of community programs but cannot formulate anything definite until such time as the grandstand matter is re- solved. Many groups would be using the facility and not merely the "Jets" who pay for the lights and is financed by donations from various service clubs, and a covered grand- stand would allow many athletic and other type functions to be held in the City. Councilman Pedersen, referring to Aero-Dyne request regarding the Airport property which matter was referred to the Property Committee requested a.meeting on Wednesday, October 4th with parties concerned and asked that the Mayor contact the Airport Board if this would be convenient. It was noted that Pacific Coast Franchise request is still pending as the Railroad has not yet acknowledged our request for a meeting date. PUBLIC HEARING: Fixing the Final Budget and Making the Tax Levies for 1968 The hearing was declared open. Communication was read from The Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce recommending that capital improvements be financed from G. 0. Bonds, noting that the assessed valuation of the City has increased at greater rate than population expansion and it was felt the citizens and business community should be afforded a de- crease in taxes thus sharing in the valuation increase. Elimination of the Utility Tax was recommended without increase in any other taxes. It was felt that a 571. cost of living increase was adequate to meet competition of the majority of cities surrounding the area, the reclassification and longevity increases helping to retain employees. Letter from the Pacific Coast RR. Co. requested that funds be included in the 1968 budget to extend Stevens St. to connect with Grady Way which is felt to be essential to the development of the Earlington Industrial Park. Audience comment was invited at this time. Mr. Norman Abrahamson, 3304 Honey Creek Drive inquired regarding additional lighting costs in Liberty' Park as shown in the new budget. It was noted that additional Mercury Vapor lights will be installed to replace some existing lights in the park for better lighting and the lights will be extended to additional areas for purposes of safety at night and some effort is being made to match the new style fixtures in the park and around the new library. Mr. Abrahamson inquired regarding the legality of transferring $156,456.00 for the grandstand as an emergency measure. It was pointed out that the project cost has increased during its inception and the time decision was rendered to build and such additional cost was unforseen at the time the budget was prepared, the Council making determination as to what may constitute emergency '-y collective judgement of the legislative body. Mr. Abrahamson inquired whether it would be possible to file an injunction to prohibit expenditure and City Attorney Shellan further advised that it would need to be shown that the Council had acted fraudulently, arbitrarily or capriciously. Discussion ensued rbgarding Council plan^_r-T over se..6ral yeirs -and with the $201,000.00 bids, the need for emer- gency Ordinance for budgeting of necessary funds. Mr. Robert Korn, 825 P Street, Renton requested on behalf of some of the Highlands residents, that funds be transferred to build a covered swimming pool in Kiwanis Park and that the grand stand be built in Cedar River Park from funds in the Cedar River Acquisition Fund. Thepric e of a covered pool was noted by Mayor Custer to cost between $500,000 and 700,000, proposal having previously been included in preliminary budgets and subsequently excluded, which project might-be budgeted and funds accumulated therefor. Mr. Richard Stredicke, 3916 - 10th Ct. North urged budgeting for such swimming pool and recalled campaign brochures for more and better parks, noting expenditure of capital outlay for parks with no new acquisition. Park Director Coulon called attention to the Capital Improvement Program and to the im- provements planned including Shelter Building at Phillip Arnold Park @ $25,000.00, furnishing of Talbot Hill shelter building so it may be used for recreation purposes, $450,000.00 for Lake Washington Beach Park Development, applications- for financial aid being submitted to the State and Federal Governments. Lighting and resurfacing tennis courts in Liberty Park and resurfacing of the Highlands tennis courts, blacktop of park areas for multi-purpose play areas. A Cumulative Reserve Fund has been set up for acquisition purposes,and(following the Capital Improvement Program,)said funds may be used for matching of Federal funds for acquisition. Discussion ensued wherein it was noted that Court action denied the funds which may have improved Lake Washington Park and t:u-,, further noted that the Council implements financing for recommendations that the Park Board gives but that the grand stand was initiated in the Council. Com- mi.ttment has been made for $110,000,00 and will be matched and the City is applying for additional assistance as well to be used for Lake Wn. Beach Park. -5- 4�r:r Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 10-2-67 PUBLIC HEARING: (Fixing the Final Budget and Making the Final Tax Levies for 1968 Discussion ensued regarding the filing for available funds to assist in Capital Im- provements. Mayor Custer advised the City has applied for funds other than the Lake Wn. Beach Park Project application, noting that if previous park bond issues had passed funds would be available for other projects. Forward Thrust, relatively new Program, if passed in February, would provide a share of County millage by G.O. Bond issue and subsequent benefits would be derived by the City with the development of Park facilities. Regarding other applications, a number have been submitted but Renton being comparatively a rich City has not been granted its requests. priority and basis of need being determining factors. Hulse noted that in calling Renton rich it must be likened to a man with a good salary but with 15 children, so we do not have the money without the problems requiring its expenditure. Mr. Korn inquired regarding joint u.e of school facilities and Park Director Coulon outlined .. athletic programs now being held in the school throughout the summer with City Park personnel recreation leader direction, it being noted that a swimming program has been discussed upon completion of the new school. Also discussed was the use of a stadium and possible location of school Administion facilities within the proposed Civic Center complex. Further audience comments were invited on other aspects of the Budget and Mr. Paul Maxin made inquiry as to why the City Clerk and Mayor did not receive a salary increase. It was pointed out that State Law does not allow an increase in salary during the term of office of elected officials. Inquiry was made regarding differences in budgeted amounts for vehicles for various City Departments and it was noted that one vehicle was more costly as it was a nine-passenger van to be used by the Planning Commission for field trips. Mr. Maxin inquired why the pool was closed from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. and Park Director Coulon advised that the law requires that a complete pool clean up be done and this is done at this time and serves at the same time as a dinner hour for the workers. Mr. Maxin inquired whether the pool could be kept open during this period if additional help were hired and Mr. Coulon advised that this could be done if an employee could be kept for 8 hours. Covering of the pool was discussed, it being noted that the balloon type cover is not considered satisfactory for public type operation with the volume use in the Renton pool, at $6,000.00 but that $100,000.00 to $200,000.00 was a more likely cost figure for a proper cover. The matter of a pool in the Highlands was point of inquiry and Park Director Coulon stated that the Park Board wishes to take note of the impact the new Hazen High pool might have in this area. The matter of a library in the Highlands was discussed, it being noted that the present branch library roof needs repair and thr.t the Library Board makes its recom- mendations to Council as does the Park Board for improvements and for new facilities. - Bob Wray, 1033 R Street, expressed his view that planning for future parks should be put in the budget at this time in looking to the future, such facilites being of much value when annexation benefits are explained to prospective petitioners, and if not done now the future date may be too late. Awaited funds may not be forthcoming, the Applications often lying in a basket and the $825 million dollars for Forward Thrust being a long way from passed. It was pointed out that the facilities heretofore noted do not include recreation facilities for children 5-6-7 years of age of which there are 76 in his block who now go to President Park and Kennydale, playing in the street much of the time, and it is time now for implementing the programs not wait until "tomorrow" . Mr. Maxin requested information regarding funds budgeted for Statewide Retirement and Mayor Custer advised that the retirement program is a contribution program where members and the City both participate and the Departmental amounts are determined by the number of employees,the pay,,rate and ages and may vary greatly accordingly. Schellert,noting reference to $3,300.00 budgeted for Parks in Cumulative Reserve Fund #1689, inquired whether this was the total being appropriated for Park Acquisition. It was noted that $19,000.00 was budgeted in 1967 and with the current amount there will be a total of $36,205.00 accummulated in the acquisition fund. As there was no further comment, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Council President Trimm recalling request from the Municipal Arts Commission for transfer of $600.00 from Cumulative Reserve Fund 2283 for landscaping of the islands in front of the High School on Second Avenue, moved that the money requested be appropriated into the 1968 Budget with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motion was seconded by Hulse . Schellert noted that the matter of the 1968 Budget is before the Council and the matter requested is for 1967 budgetary expenditure. Perry noted that there has been no meeting of the Committee of the Whole and that although som $10,000.00 is now in the fund the request of the Renton Downtown Merchants Association for planter boxes is still pending and the matter needs to be discussed. A vote on the pending motion was taken and being dissenting, with the Chair ruling in affirmative majority, roll call was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Trimm, Hulse, Gianini, Pedersen and Morris. No: Schellert, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti and Poli. The tie was broken by the Mayor's No vote and the motion lost, it being suggested the matter be given consideration for funding from the 1967 budget. -6- Minutes - Renton City CogngJJ Meettpg WS-49 483 PUBLIC HEARING: (Cont.) Fixing the Fi,rial Budget and Making 'fax Leview for 1968 Council President Trimm, submitted the following Committee of the Whole recommendation o Recommended that the 1968 Budget be adopted as presented by the Mayor with ainendments as listed: Increase Legislative Department Account 402, $1,000.00; Increase Legal Department Account 314, $5,000.00; Transfer $50,000.00 from Non-Departmental unto Cumulative Reserve Fund for underground wiring; increase Non-Departmental Capital Outlay Account 606, Furniture, $10,115.00; increase Non-Departmental M. & 0. Account 314, $5,000.00 for Job Study; increase City Treasurer, Capital Outlay Account 606, $275.00 Delete Account 319, Plans Check Fee, Building Maintenance Department, $500.00 and reduce 504 Travel Expense Account from $1,000.00 to $500.00; Delete expenditures for City Hall kitchen, $5,965.00; delete one Secretary-Examiner from Civil Service Budget, $900.00; Allow one full time Librarian I, Grade 21AB and i time Librarian I, Grade 21AB in sum of $10,368.00; increase Library Budget Accounts 200, $648.00, 201, $456.00, 203, $240.002 204, $54.00; reduce Library Capital Outlay Account 606, $1,000.00 for a fan and $2,500.00 for new doorway with recommendation to the Library Board that these items be funded from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1975; Transferred from Parks, Capital Outlay various maintenance items in sum of $10,143.00, budgeting same into M. & 0. Account 417. Delete (Showmobile) from Park Department Capital Outlay Account 606, $12,405.00. Re- classify Utility Accountant to Grade 29C. Reclassify Yard Supervisor to 21E at $684.00 per month; Add longevity increase to crewman's salary, $60.00; increase Account 200, $35.00; Increase Fund Balance of Waterworks Utility (Revenue), $875.00 to maintain proper Utility Budget balance; Add Cumulative Reserve Fund 2372 (Underground Wiring Projects), $50,000.00. Allow increase to Policemen and Firemen of $80.00 for beginning personnel; $85.00 for First Class Firemen -and Policemen and for Police Sergeants and Fire Department Lieuten- ants; $95.00 for Police Lieut. and Captain in Fire Dep't. ; $100.00 for Police Captain and Battalion Chief in Fire Dep't. ; $104.00 for Assistant Chief and $105.00 for Chief. Increase uniform allowance by $25.00 per year. Add 1rl, to non-uniform salary increase,(6%). Reinstate 1% Utility Tax and reduce Park Department Account 610 by $20,579.00, loan repayment, adding $4,000.00 for underground wiring. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recommendations as read, adopting the Preliminary Budget figures with exceptions as outlined. Ted Bennett, on behalf of the Non-Uniformed employees called attention to the request for 10% increase noting that beginning Patrolmen are being raised 14127- and non uniformed employees 6�. It was pointed out that with addition of the ]A Utility Tax at least a 72/ increase could be given. Last year the Employees had been re- quested to go along with the 212% reduction from the 107o so that when uniformed re- classifications were effected they would be separate and there was 2 of 1% difference to which little protest was made however this year the differences range from 5-t -7 and 85yo which is not felt to be a fair. Seattle increases of $80.00 to $85.00 range from 6 to 14% and it was requested that the Council reconsider its action and increase non-uniform personnel salaries by an additional 1V. funding from deletion of the 1% utility tax reduction. Mrz Richard Stredicke asked if the Council had been prepared to pass on the Committee recommendations and completely ignore everything said by the people who came in to be heard on the budget. Having had a call for the vote on the pending motion the Chair accepted the discussions as points of information and if no point was to be raised from question vote was declared to be in order and the motion was voted upon and carried, adopting the 1968 Budget presented by the Mayor with revisions and amendments as listed. Council President Trimm reported recommendation that the 10 Utility Tax be re- instated. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gianini, to concur. Schellert noted he had been given no opportunity to make additional recommendations to the operating portion of the budget; that he would have made some additions putting the budget out of balance and requiring changes on the revenue, it being possible that some Council Members may have wanted to take some action concerning non-uniformed employee salaries and some regarding parks. Perry inquired whether Mr. Schellert had suggestions for funding if the Utility tax were deleted. Schellert said he did; that if $190,000 were available in Cedar Rivcr Acquisition Fund amd Council initiated to change location of the grand stand they would have $156,000 to work with and could balance the budget and still have money to increase non-uniform salaries or park acquisition or towards a covered swimming pool in the highlands. Perry suggested these recommendations be made "- if the motion is voted down. Question was called for and dissenting voice vote was registered with the Chair ruling a negative majority. Roll call was requested by at least two members and resulted as follows: Aye: Hulse, Gianini, Pedersen, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. No: Trimm, Schellert, Garrett, Perry. The motion carried six to four reinstating the 1% Utility Tax. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to transfer the $156,456.00 Capital Outlay Liberty Park Grandstand item to the Cedar River Acquisi- tion Fund, 5010, Grandstand Acquisition. Pedersen questioned the validity of the motion but the Chair ruled it was to be allowed since the actual budget has not been adopted and upon dissenting voice vote roll call was requested and taken as follows: Ayes: Hulse and Schellert, No: Trimm, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. The motion lost. �7- Minutes - RentDn City Council Feting (Cont.) 10..2,.67 Fixing the Final Budget and Making the Tnx Levies for 1968: Suggested motion for fund transfer from Fire Department to Park Acquisition in sum of $10,000.00 lost for lack of sem nd and it was subsequently moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the Budget be adopted as amended with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committe Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to recess. The motion carried. The meeting was reconvened at 11:18 p.m. with all present as previously listed upon roll call. Moved by Schellert, to reconsider the prior adopting action. Motion died for lack of second. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman, Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington adopting an annual Budget for the year 1968, encompassing the following as read by the City Clerk: Salaries and Wages $ 2,550,089.00 Maintenance and Operation 1,891,107.00 Capital Outlay 3,637,107.00 Cum. Rewu*e Fund 1689, Parks 36,205.00 Cum. Reserve Fund 1698, Fire Dept. 58,816.00 Cum. Reserve Fund 1894, Mun. Bldgs. 108,075.00 Cum. Reserve Fund 2104, Park Equip. 3,262.00 Cum. Reserve Fund 2283, Beautification 15,582.00 Cum. Reserve Fund 2373, Underground Wiring 54,000.00 Interest and Bond Redemption Fund 185,112.00 $8,563,853.00 Receipts from sources other than Taxation $ 3,741,652.00 Add surplus carried over from prior year 1,969,954.00 Total to be raised by taxation 2,852,247.00 Total Budget(Expenditures and Receipts) $8,563,853.00 Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gianini, to place the proposed Ordinance on second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Ordinance No. 2364 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes. The motion carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton Washington, fixing the amount of tax levies necessary to raise the amount of the estimated expenditures for the year 1968, less the estimated revenues from sources other than taxation for the general funds and for the payment of principal and interest upon the general bonded indebtedness of the City of Renton for the year 1968; to levy the annual ad valorem taxes of the City of Renton for the Fiscal year 1968 and appropriating same to certain funds for certain purposes as hereinbelow set forth. The proposed Ordinance was read- by the City Clerk and it was moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that the document be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to adopt Ordinance No. 2365 as read. Roll call vote was taken and resulted in all ayes. The motion carried. Councilman Morris submitted proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton which was read by the City Clerk, granting unto Puget Sound Power & Light Company, A Corporation, its successors and assigns, the right, privilege, �authority and franchise to set, erect, construct and maintain poles and wires, underground cables, together with appurtenances thereto, upon, over, under, along, across the streets, avenues, alleys of the City of Renton for the purpose of transmission, distribution and sales of electric energy, for power, heat and light and for any other purpose or purposes for which electricity may be used. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Law and Ordinance Committee to be held 30 days pending proper publication as required by law. Carried. (30 Year Franchise Period) Audience comment was invited and Mr. Stredicke requested the Attorney to advise of statutory requirements for adopting the budget as he felt it should have been held over for consideration of the requests and recommendations made this evening. City Attorney Shellan advised that the law requires a public hearing on the adoption of all governmental budgets whether City State or County with the first hearing date on October 2nd. Two conflicting laws exist, however, one states it must be adopted by Friday the other states the City Clerk must certify to the assessor the tax levy for tax purposes by Wednesday so if not adopted by Tuesday zr:' certified on Wednesday no tax money would be allocated. As to why the Council does not change its budget at the public hearing upon recommendation of 4-5 or 6 persons, this was not a legal matter but a matter of public relations or public opinion. The Preliminary Budget is to establish amount of expenditures and citizens have the right to pressure the legislative body which can transfer at any time of the year and put the money into Parks or elsewhere. Stredicke noted that the evident changes in the budget were made where those groups who had time for strong lobby applied pressures. Discussion ensued regarding the millae and inquiries were made regarding exclusion of the public from Committee of the Whole meetings, Mr. Maxin and Mrs. Margaret Evans advising they were not permitted attendance. Council President Trimm noted that Mr. Maxin was advised that the meeting was just the Mayor's presentation to the Committee -8- 485 Minutes - Renton City Council 4eeting 10-2-67 and that he understood, since the CNxrciI Was, meeting in, the small. Committee room and not the Council Chamber, that Mrs. Evans did not want to sit in the smoke filled room. Mrs. Evans state that she had asked if she might come in and was told there was not enough room and that the meetings are public meetings and that she came because of personal interest. Council. President Trimm advised that the meeting was held in the smaller committee room as the Council Chamber was in use by the Planning Commission. Perry suggested, as had been requested, that the Uniform allowance be paid at the beginning of the year in full, during the month of January. Discussion ensued regarding matter of adding the sum to the annual salary and eliminate the paperwork which seemed to be the problem, however, the money is to be spent only for uniforms and the point was raised as to results when someone terminates and there being some question as to whether this would be permissible for a second class City. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Fire and Water Committee and Police and License Committee for recommendation. Carried. There being no further business to come before the Legislative Body, the motion was made by Pedersen and seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meetin was adjourned at 11;50 p.m. He lmie W. Valsr� City l.er 50 W,. Custer,i Mayor -9- 486 10.2w67 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING AND &W,1NEERING DEPAR11101T BUILDING PERMITS No. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 0489 1,500.00 Bernard Sevener 900 S. Third St Remodel room 1 & 2 B 0490 10.000.00 Seattle Lumber Co So 153d St & 86th So Install pre-engr. roof 91 16,000.00 R. R. Karinen 14815 - 130th nl SE New residence 92 75.00 Adalyne C. Fugitt 10824 - 110th P1 SE Erect wire fence 93 16,000.00 Bell & Valdez 1913 S.E. Cottonwood Ct New residence 94 16,000.00 11 111907 S.E. Cottonwood Ct inn B 0495 -- Robert J. Balcom 7732 S. 153rd Demolish cabins, Jockey 96 2,200.00 Carpenters Union 731 Burnett Ave N Add'n & remodel bldg. ymj 97 802000.00 Washington Jockey Club Longacres Remove/replace prtn of 98 -- VOID bleacher 99 800.00 Leonard Davis 2512 5th Ave N Remdl & add'n to kitchen B 0500 1,000.00 J. C. Eades 11422 S.E. 100th Add'n to residence 01 201000.00 Central Puget Const 715 81st Ave S Fdn only for whse.£acil. ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0300 400.00 Pamco 65th So & S. 164th Wire service 01 500.00 G. Pomeroy 1242 Morris Ave S " 02 21875.00 Transamerica Develop. 1305 Thomas Lane " 03 61577.00 it IV 1306 Thomas Lane " 04 3,237.00 to It 1300 Ethier Rd toit E 0305 3,237.00 It It 1304 Thomas Lane if It 06 -- to It 1303 Thomas Lane If 07 -- it of 1308 Thomas Lane " IT 08 200.00 Nick Andrews 2107 10th P1 N if 09 220.00 Brown 720 High St It to E 0310 50.00 Leonard Davis 2512 - 5th Ave N It It MECHANICAL PERMITS M 0327 Bell & Valdez 1821 S.E. Birch Ct Install gas furnace 28 " " 1908 S.E. Birch Ct "' " it j 29 -- " It 1827 S.E. Birch Ct it It If M 0330 It 1818 S.E. Birch Ct- It it It 31 it 1824 S.E. Birch Ct to it 32 -- It 1902 S.E. Birch Ct IV it 33 -- J. Nordlander 2428 5th N to wall " 34 -- Bell & Valdez 1905 S.E. Birch Ct It gas it M 0335 to of 1907 S.E. Cottonwood Ct of of 36 Is It 1913 S.E. Cottonwood Ct " it 37 It " 1919 S.E. Cottonwood Ct It gas It 38 to 1925 S.E. Cottonwood Ct itto it 39 " to 1931 S.E. Cottonwood Ct Itit it M 0340 " 1937 S.E. Cottonwood Ct it it " 41 1934 S.E. Cottonwood Ct so " 42 -- 1928 S.E. Cottonwood Ct " 43 1922 S.E. Cottonwood Ct 44 " " 1916 S.E. Cottonwood Ct to " " M 0345 it It 1910 S.E. Cottonwood Ct 11 of it 46 it " 1904 S.E. Cottonwood Ct It It 47 -- 2206 18th Pl SE It It ' 48 " 2200 18th P1 SE it 49 " 2118 18th P1 SE if " M 0350 -- It 1812 S.E. Birch Ct to It it 51 -- If of 2100 18th Pl SE to of " 52 -- " to 1815 S.E. Birch Ct It 11 1 53 -- " " 1809 S.E. Birch Ct of it It 54 -- " " 1803 S.E. Birch Ct it It 1.1 0355 " 1800 S.E. Birch Ct to " 56 It 1806 S.E. Birch Ct to It it 57 R. S. Shane 11657 S.E. 100th it " if 58 Gambriel Construction 517 12th Ave S to It It 59 Gov Mart Bazar 705 Rainier Ave S it plbg. & fi.xt. —10— 437 1Qv2a47 MECHANICAL ?E^P1ITS (Continued) M 0360 -- Southerland Corp 1175 "L" St Install plbg. & fiat. 61 -- Sohl 10220 108th S.E. to 11it 62 -- Cortina, Incorporated 2445 10th P1 N it of It 63 Gambriell Construction 517 12th Ave . " to " 64 Frank Pellegrino 10609 108th SE " to of H 0365 -- Allen D. Johnson 641 N [dells Gas line hk-up 66 Record Stationery 801 Mouser [-lay S Install 3 furnaces 67 -- Lily K. Backman 319 S. Second St it Gas hot wtr tank 277-- P.enton School Dist. 142nd S.E. & S.E. 116th Sewer service It It 142nd '".E. & S.E. 116th of " 214 Leo Byatt 13431 S.E. 116th " No.215 Autobahn Inc. 3833 4th Ave N " 216 -- G. F. Pomeroy 1242 Morris Ave S if of 217 -- Bell & Valdez 2118 S.E. 30th PI " 218 to 2200 S.E. 20th 1 " 219 -- 1904 S.E. Cottonwood Ct " No.220 " 2206 S.E. 20th P1 It to 221 -- C. Nation 2204 10th PI N of It -11- RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING October 9, 1.967 REFERRALS: AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Progress Estimate #3 due Absher Construction Co. on new City Hall contract, $33,669.90 AIRPORT BOARD .... Aero-Dyne revised request regarding lease of buildings within confines of airport COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Request for Distributor's License to impose fee for distribution of sales advertisin.," matter from house to house within the Vacation of portion of "J" Street CITY ENGINEER Roy L. Thomas letter regarding cost of L.I.D. 256 LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Petition for vacation of "J" Street (later referred to Committee of the Whole) Rezones: William L. Walker property at 132nd Ave. S.E. between Sunset Blvd. and S.E . 106th Street from 07200 to R-3 J. David Jensen property at 132nd Ave. S.E. between 6th and 7th Avenues North, GS-1 to R-1 PARK DEPARTMENT, PARK BOARD AND PURCHASING AGENT 1968 Tractor Bid POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE L. & L. Dairy Bar application for Shuffleboard license WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Foster & Marshall proposal to purchase L.I.D. 256 warrants al -S4 interest Park Board request for resolution to trnsfer $55,000.00 unto Park Department fxom Cedar River Fund as loan for matching purposes in aid to Lake Wn. Beach Park .4 development and improvement. BID OPENING: October 23, 1967 - Resurfacing of Rainier Avenue and related improvements MEETINGS AND EVENTS: Committee of the Whole - Monday, October 16th at 7:00 p.m. Pacific Northwest Pollution Control Association Annual Meeting - Yakima at Chinook Hotel , October 25 - 27, 1967 3 RENTON CTT'Y COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING October 9, 1967 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Trimm, Hulse, Schellert, Gianini, Pedersen, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Gianini, that the absent Council Members be excused. Carried. i OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, �$ ,City Treasurer, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Frank Henry, Asst. Police Chief, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, '"-'Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Jack Jones, Librarian, Gene Coulon, Park Director and Jan Klippert, Administrative Asst, to the Mayor. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, that,the Minutes of the previous meeting of October 2, 1967 be approved as written. Carried. Mayor Custer announced that the City has been informed that it is to receive some $111,000.00 from the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation which money had been allocated toward improvement and development of Lake Washington Beach Park. Also,-$67,000,00- has been granted the City by the Urban Arterial Board to be used for the North 3rd and_ 4th Street one-way couplet. Councilman Pedersen inquired of the City Attorney regarding negotiations for acquisition of property for widening and channelization of Logan and additional access into and egress from the Couplet. City Attorney Shellan reported the Carpenter Hall Board had agreed to convey the property at the $1.60 per sq. ft. price and were to submit their acceptance in writing which has not yet been received; that Renton Coil Spring had indicated agrement, however Mr. Ray Pepka, the owner was to secure a legal description, there being some question as to the correct boundary. The Tonnelli property owners are not satisfied with the City appraisal and were advised to secure their own for comparison, condemnation proceedings possible to be involved in this parcel which is needed to extend North 3rd Street from Burnett to Logan. Mayor ^uster noted that any allocation from the Urran Arterial Board may be used only for 3 preliminary Engineering studies and right-of-way acquisition. ` OPENING OF BIDS: One 1968 Tractor, Jacobsen G-10 or Equal This being the date set, the following sealed bid was opened and read by the City Clerk: Northwest Mowers, Inc. 57, Certified Check Bid Deposit $3,087.98 1149 North 98th Street enclosed Seattle, Washington 98103 Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to refer the bid to the Park Department, Park Board and Purchasing Agent for recommendation. The motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Certification from Johnston-Campanella, Murakami, and Company, verified wage statement and recommended payment of Progress Estimate #3, due Absher Construction Company, for work completed to 9/30/67 on the new City Hall Contract, C.AG. 1156-67, $33,669.90. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. The motion carried. Application from Phillip S. Lammon, owner of L. & L. Dairy Bar requested that Mutual Amusement Company be granted required license to operate Shuffleboard Device at said business located at 401 - South 3rd Street. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from City Engineer Wilson, reported,regarding letter of intent to annex property to Renton submitted by Sylvina M. f%gue, that the area in vicinity of the Heather Downs Addition contains approximately 54 acres and is assessed at valuation of $29,130.00. The letter was signed by owner representing 47.41% of the assessed valuation. It was noted that the boundaries are very irregular butthe Engineering Department would support any annexation in order that sewers may be extended to help in development of this area. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. There was no representative of the area present for a preliminary meeting and the pending motion carried. -1- Minutes - Renton City CoMxU MeetIng e•6? COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported that letter of intentf�= annexation of Property in vicinity of South 180th Street and Springberook Road was signed by owners representing 100% of the assessed valua'-;:on of the properties involved and that the area containing approximately 13 acres has an assessed value of $13,080.00. There was no representative of the area present and it was suggested that the property owners be advised to be present next Monday for the preliminary meeting required by law. Mayor Custer called attention to the fact that the Boundary Review Board has not yet been appointed and that annexations cannot be finalized at the present time. Letter from Don Morken, Foster & Marshall, Inc., 400 Nortbn Building, Seattle, 98104, advised of proposal to purchase L.I.D. No. 256 warrants to finance construction at interest rate of 5'0.e, providing that insufficient protests have been received to nullify the L.I.D. and if the City determines to proceed with the improvements as outlined in Ordinance No. 2360. Provisions of proposed Agreement were listed. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. Letter from Mr. Roy L. Thomas objected to the cost of the L.I.D. 256 for benefits to be derived, inquiring whether additional improvements of sidewalks, curbs, and underground wiring were being anticipated concurrently with the L.I.D. It was moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to refer the letter to the City Engineer. Jack Wilson, City Engineer noted that the letter had been received after expiration of the 30 day filing date allowed for protest. The pending motion carriedo it being mentioned that additional improvements such as underground wiring would require additional L.I.D. Letter from Edward J. Logan, Deputy Auditor and Supt. of Elections & Registrations, submitted certification of. Primary election in the City of Renton with canvass of returns on September 29th and results filed as follows: Council Position No. l Council Position No, 4 Kenneth D. Bruce, Nominated 902 Thos. R. Edwards Nominated 1102"- Gerald R. (Gerry) Unger 580 Henry C. Pedersen Nominated 1079 Bob Wray, Nominated 923 Council Position No. 2 Council Position No. 5 Louis Barei Nominated 1422 Jack Clarke 479 f George 800de 429 Bruce T. -Hulse Ngminated 906 Dan Poli Nominated 632 Charles -F 'Sharie` Nominated 985 ' f Council Position No. 3 CotricilPosition No. 6 James D. Anderson 545 Glen C. Gianini Nominated 827 Bill Grant 1168 Paul Maxin Nomj`nated 873 Charles M. Hamlin 574 Richard M. Stredicke 771 Letter from Jack Wilson, City Ehgineer reported regarding Petition for vacation of portion of J Street between 9th and 10th Avenues North, that the signatures represent 100% of owner- ship of the properties abutting said right-of-way.. Memo from City Attorney Ste Ilan was read calling for verification by the City Engineer that signatures of all abutting owners are contained on the Petition noting that the City Council shall determine, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2349 whether an appraisal should be secured, one-1half of which appraised amount to be paid by abutting owners for such vacation. Moved by Perry, and seconded by Pedersen, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Letter from Gene Coulon, Park Director, submitted request of the Park Board that the second $55,000.00, appropriated in the 1967 Budget for matching purposes for the Lake Wn. Beach Park development and improvement, be transferred from the Cedar River Acquisition Fund as a loan unto the Park Fund, to be repaid no later than December 31st 1968. Moved by Perry, Trimm, to refer the matter to the Ways and Means Committee, the matter of interest being under discussion. Carried. Letter from Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, requested authorization to call for bids for resurfacing and related traffic improvements to Rainier Avenue from South 3rd Street to 10, the North City Limits, the project heretofore approved and budgeted under Arterial Stre(- Project ##8. October 23rd was suggested for opening of the bids. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur with the bid call and opening date as read. Carried. Letter from City Clerk Nelson requested the Council to consider imposing a new license fee to cover the distribution of sales advertising matter of any kind from house to house within the City. Fees recommended are $20.00 for a "Monthly Distributor's License" and $5.00 for "Weekly Distributor's License. I.D. Cards to be issued to licensee and Title V, Sec. 5-107 of Ordinance 1628 will need to be amended to exempt this license classification from the regular Business License Fee Ordinance. Moved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. 491 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 10-9.67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen submitted Planning Commission recommendations from its Public Hearing Meeting of September 27th and Council action was taken as follows: Rezone approval recommendations: William L. Walker, Appl. R-416-67, G7200 to R-3; property is located on 132nd Ave. S.E. between Sunset Blvd. and S.E. 106th Street and contains 4.1 acres. The proposed zoning is in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in the rezone. Carried. J. David Jensen, Appl, R-422-67, GS-1 to R-1; property located on 132nd Ave. S.E. between 6th Place North and 7th Avenue North and contains 36,435 sq. ft.. Proposed --- zoning is in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation. The motion carried. Preliminary Plat Application: Powell's First Addition to the City of Renton, Appl. PP-421-67; property located on S.E. 108th Street between 112th and 114th Avenues S.E., total area, 5 acres (27 lots), proposed use is in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the Preliminary Plat as recommended. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that the rezones be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for necessary Ordinances. The motion carried. Letter from Mayor Custer advised of donation to the City by Messrs. John Swanson and Hayden Williams of a fountain to be"installed in the Civic Center as per drawings which were displayed upon the wall. It was recommended that the Council accept the project, approve the design and that donors be publicly recognized through presentation of a "Community Service Award" . Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Perry, to concur. The motion carried. Letter from the King County Board of Commissioners, advised of adoption of Resolution No. 34143 setting November 7th as date for an election in the matter of the dissolu- tion of the May Creek Flood Control Zone District. A notice from Chester, Biesen, Executive Director, Association of Washington Cities, gave notice of annual meeting of the Pacific Northwest Pollution Control Association to be held in Yakima, October 25-27, at the Chinook Hotel, which conference it is felt will be especially valuable to those chraged with operation of Municipal sewage treatment plants and facilities. Attached letter was read from the Pollution Control Association urging attendance. Letter from the Automobile Club of Washington submitted to the City of Renton an American Automobile Association Pedestrian Safety Citation, symbolizing an achieve- ment that is daily becoming more difficult and commending the efforts of the Law enforcement and others in the Municipal family who participate in traffic safety efforts, including the active support of the civic leaders in areas of education, engineering and enforcement. The award was for the year 1966,and Mayor Custer. noted that we are on our way in striving again for this award, and . in behalf of himself and the Council acknowledged fine efforts of departments and personnel who are helping to maintain this record. Letter from F. A. Henry, Assistant Police Chief, on behalf of Chief Clarence Williams and the members of the Renton Police Department, offered thanks for the wage increase granted in the 1968 Budget, and the consideration given during the hearings. PROC LAMAT ION: Letter from Mayor Custer proclaimed October 8-14 as Fire Prevention Week for 1967 in the City of Renton. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the Proclamation by the Mayor. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Councilman Schellert, Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee submitted report recommending that the $55,000.00 loan from the Cedar River Acquisition Fund to the Park Department for matching funds in development and improvement of Lake Wn. Beach Park, be authorized at 3% interest. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to concur in the Ways and Means Committee report. Carried. -3- 492 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 109-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE ;DEPORTS: Unfinished Business: Cont.) Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Comm-ittee, submitted recommendation that the request of Aero-Dyne to improve and lease buildings within the confines of the Airport property be referred back to the Airport Board for reconsideration, the Airport Board having determined that the subject buildings were to be demolished. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. Discussion ensued re- garding proposed right of way improvement and related needs in view of receipt of funds to implement the 3rd and 4th Avenue couplet,which information is to be given to the Airport Board. The pending motion carried. Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, reported that the Committee has a Resolution prepared for vacating a portion of "J" Street and recommends that the Council make a determination whether it wishes- to have an appraisal and charge one-half of the appraised amount, the filing fee having been paid upon application as provided by Ordinance.. Discussion ensued regarding value of the property,infotmation needed.for determination, ^et -_^ng of precedent. Morris moved, seconded by Pedersen,to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole, to be held pending notiee by the City Engineer of topoglaphy,square footage, a sketch of the area, whether subject to ease- ments, whether it contains sewers or similar utility lines and if an easement should be retained, all of which,as outlined by City Attorney Shellan, would affect saleability an,' value. Mr. Shellan urged that a procedure be established which should apply to all cases. when petition is submitted, the Engineer or someone in his office furnishing the informa- tion for detcxi-ina-tion as do action to be taken on each individual vacation request. The pending rererral motion carried. It was noted that many Departments might be involved and perhaps the Board of Public Works and Utility Supervisor might review the requests. New Business: Council'President Trimm announced a Committee of the Whole meeting, Monday, Oct. 23rd, a': 7:00 p,m, Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 0099 through 0172, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment by the Council at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 0099 - 0128 and 0173 $ 2,076.57 Street Fund 0129 - 0133 1,875.34 Equipment Rental 0134 - 0144 1,437.96 Parks 0145 - 0159 2,456.92 Water Works Utility 0160 - 0167 577.28 1965 Water & Sewer Const- 0168 4,274.05 Airport 0169 - 0171 170.88 City mall Construction 0172 33,669.90 $ 46,538.90 Councilman Hulse, calling attention to receipt of funds for aid in developing and im- proving Lake Washington Beach Park recalled his attendance in February of 1965 at the Planning Association of Washington at Tacoma and noted session on "Open Space and Parks" after which he made inquiry regarding application by the City for funds, which resulted in the submission of same and upon commendable action of the Council in budgeting so the matching funds could be provided the grant was approved and it was hoped the development would be on its way, the money being put to good use. Perry requested that the requestor of a "Distributor's License" be present at the next Committee of the Whole meeting to discuss the matter with the Council. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman, Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted proposed Resolution which was read by the Clerk, appropriating $1,000.00 excess revenues unto Current Fund, Police Court M. & 0,, Account 402, Office Supplies. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1491 as read. Carried. Councilman Morris submitted proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, annexing certain territory to the City of Renton, located app. 400' E. of 84th Ave. S. and North of S . 130th Street. (James and Marlene Baker property) The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried, After the second and final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2366 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Members present voting aye. The motion carried. Audience comment was invited and since there was none and no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The eting was 2adqJourned at 9:00 p,m, There were 23 visitors in the Council Chambers. D- IJ. Custer, Mayor Helmie IV. Nelson, City Clerk -4- 493 10..9-b7 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS No. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 0502 a 40,000.00 Cascade Vista Free 16005 - 116th S.E. Add'n of new school Methodist Church 03 2,000.00 J. L. Morse 423 Morris Ave S. Repair fdn & roof 04 17,000.00 Warren Lindell 10626 - 111th Pl S.E. New residence B 0505 90.00 Michael W. Lemmon 10869 - 132nd S.E. Erect cedar sign OY 5,000.00 Richard Wines 12810 - 90th Ave S. Install conc. pool 07 1,400.00 Humble Oil Company 351 Park Ave N. Erect sign 08 700,000.00 Mobile Oil Corp. 16355 - 89th Ave S. Bld. bull terminal fac. 09 5,000400 Washington Jockey Club Renton Junction General repair B 0510 809000.00 Charles Shane 2224 Riviera Dr. Tavern-store-laundroipat 11 1,200.00 Walter A. Dalrymple 1211 "J" St Patio roof ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0311 3,960,00 Mobile Oil Corp 251 Sunset Blvd N. Wire service 12 11192.00 Renton School Dist. 3000 Fourth Ave S.E. " 13 75.00 Fred Hebner 11525 - 84th Ave S. " 14 700.00 Eugene Parson 1903 S.E. Taylor Ct " E 0315 50.00 Ed's A irmotive 302 Airport Way " 16 35,00 Eastway Motors 12305 Rainier Ave. " 17 400.00 Pamco Behind Longacres " 18 200.00 Maverick Steak House 74 Rainier Ave S " 19 28,000.00 Big "C" Stores,Inc. 805 Rainier Ave S. " MECHANICAL PERMITS M 0368 --- Donald C. Dvorak 2713 - 8th Ave N. Install space heater 69 --- Cascade Vista Church 16005 - 116th S.E. It plbg & f ixts. M 0370 --- Wm. W. Ziebell 1038 "R" St " wall heater 71 --- M. H. Fakharzadeh 1313 S. 9th St gas furnace 72 --- R. Robberstad 647 "P" St •' gas furnace SEWER PERMITS No.222 --- Gov Mart Baza r 805 Rainier Ave S. Sewer connecti-bns 223 --- Renton Village Inn Renton Village It It -5- j RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S 8:00 P.M. October 16, 1967 AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE. Johnston, Campanella, Murakami and Co. Progress Estimate #15 on Architectural services rendered for new city hall planning, $1,487.43 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Renton Police Officer's Benefit Association Dinner Invitation - Date to be selected King County Labor Council letter opposing use of Lake Washington Industrial areas for Park purposes CITY ATTORNEY AND CITY ENGINEER Letter withdrawing protests to L.I.D. 256 LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Proposed Ordinance creating Cumulative Reserve Fund 2373 for underground. wiring (To be held two weeks) $600.00 fund transfer from Cumulative Reserve Fund 2283 (Beautification) to City Street Maintenance Fund for landscaping design on No. 2nd Street islands Creating Cumulative Reserve Fund for specific purpose of fountain in civic center Civil Service Fund transfer for equipment for new Secretary-Examiner POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE City Clerk's request to impose Distributor's License MAYOR AND CITY CLERK To execute Right-of-Entry Revocable Permit to grant entrance to property privately owned in order to do routine maintenance work on Honey Creek PARK DEPARTMENT AND BOARD Bids on revised grandstand plans PROPERTY COMMITTEE Cost estimate requested for updating city hall building to Code standards To provide information regarding City Leases Dept. of General Administration, Motor Vehicle Division request to renew lease for continued occupancy of Highlands Administration premises Bids on revised grandstand plans SANITATION COMMITTEE Letters withdrawing protests to L.I.D. 256 STREET AND ALLEY COMM'TTEE Tom Carrolli protest to billing from City for sidewalk installation on K Street (JAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Funding for consulting engineer on No. 3rd-4th Street couplet project, $7;500.00 APPOINTMENT: Mrs. Carol 0. Bryan, Secretary-Chief Examiner, Police Civil Service Commission MEETINGS : Street and Alley Committee - October 23rd at 7:00 P.M. Committee of the Whole - Tuesday, October 24th at 7:30 p.m. Continuation of Preliminary Meeting with property owner re annexation of Heather Downs area property of Mrs. Sylvina Pague 495 RENTON CITY C"CIL REGULAR MEETING October 1&, 1.967 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council. was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Plag was recited in unison by tyre. ably. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Trimm, Schellert, Gianini, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard M. S ellan, City Attorney, 'John Pain, Assistant-City Attorney, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Gene Coulon, Park Director and Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, that the minutes of the previous meeting of October 9, 1967 be approved as written. Carried. Mayor Custer welcomed Mr. Leroy Frederick, Instructor, and students from the Renton High School Government classes, who were present as part of their study of Renton Municipal Government,system and organization. Invitation was extended the group to remain after the Council meeting to meet the Council Members personally and make any inquiries they might have in mind. OPENING OF BIDS: Revised Liberty Park Grandstand Plan This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read by the City Clerk: 5% Bid Bond accompanied all bids. BIDDER AND ADDRESS BASIC BID ALTERNATES EXCAVATION CENTURY CONSTRUCTION $ 1182700.00 1, $35,900.00 Rock $ 50.00 cu. yd. 1617 South Jackson St. 2. 34,600.00 Hardpan Ex. 12.00 cu. yd. Seattle 98144 3. 149700.00 Earth 6.00 cu. .yd. Piling lin. ft. 4.00 1. f. KNUDSON CONSTRUCTION CO. 121,287.00 1. 37,136.00 Rock 20.00 cu. yd. P. 0. Box 97 2. 35,816.00 Hardpan 10.00 cu. yd. Mountlake Terrace 98043 3. 170151.00 Earth 3.00 cu.yd. Piling 4.00 1. f. VENTURE CONSTRUCTION 121,942,00 1. 43,990.00 Rock 30.00 cu. yd. P. 0. Box 878 2. 42,660,00 Hardpan 12.00 cu. yd. Auburn, Wn. 98002 3, 20,816.00 Earth 6.00 cu. yd. Piling 4.00 1. f. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the bids to the Park Department and Property Committee to report back, Carried. PRELIMINARY MEETING WITH PROPERTY OWNERS -- ANNEXATIONS Sylvina Pague - He-at'Tier Dbwns area: There being no written communication regarding this annexation audience comment was invited. Mr. Robert Gnapp on behalf of Mzs Pague advised that the annexation was being requested to bring sewers to 77 lots now under development and that no other properties or owners have been included. It was noted that the boundary resulting from this proposed annexation was very irregular and the Council indicated preference to have the additional some 70 lots iftow developed included to establish a more uniform boundary line, the Fire Department and Police Department otherwise'finding'it difficult to determine which lots are within the City. It was noted that the matter has been referred to the Committee of the Whole to discuss the boundary. Councilman Schellert inquired whether the owners would be willing to assume their pro rata shares of the City's pre-existing bonded indebtedness in event of annexation and Mrs. Pague replied affirmatively. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to continue the preliminary meeting until Monday, November 6th. Attention was called to the fact that the reason for continuation is to discuss a more uniform boundary for the City Limits line. Mr. Gnapp advised that they will be removing unsightly brush and debris and adding $ value to the City by this development and that the boundary was laid out by the City Engineer- ing office as the common point of tangency to continue the Citic Limits line which is already irregular. Perry stated that the Committee of the Whole should discuss the boundary with caution to- -avoid , creation of an island. Schellett suggested the Petitioners take note of the date set for Committee of the Whole meeting for discussion of this matter. The ending motion ca ried, setting November 6th for further meeting. (Committee..:meeting;setplater in evening -1- 496 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 10-16-67 PRELIMINARY MEETING WITH PROPERTY OWNERS - ANNEXATION, Springbrook Rd. and So. 180th St. There being no written communications, audience comment was invited. Mr. Lee Margullis advised that annexation to the City of Renton has been desired for some years and it was felt to be advantageous to become a part of the Municipality, and that he would speak on behalf of the Petitioners requesting the annexation. Councilman Schellert inquired whether the owners would be willing to accept their pro rata shares of the City's pre-existing bonded indebtedness of the City in event of annexation. Mr. Margullis replied in the affirmative and it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Gianini, to look favorably upon the proposed annexation and to authorize the property owners to circulate proper petition for annexation to the City indicating thereon willingness to assume the debt as outlined heretofore. Attention was called to the fact that the Boundary Review Board set up by the Legislature 'is not yet functioning . Mayor Custer report6d having written to the Governor and it was noted that appointments have been made however appropriation has not been allocated to allow the body to function. Annexations are being held up and it was suggested perhaps a letter would help to speed up the action on an appropriation. The pending motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from Johnston, Campanella, Murakami & Co. submitted and recommended for payment Estimate No. 15 for architectural services rendered on the new city hall plans. Amount due this invoice, $1,487.43. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in transfer of funds from within the Civil Service Fund, 1900/314, Expert Services, $100.00, 308, Advertising, $350.00 and 328, Physical Exams, $100,00, unto 1900/606, C;,pital Outlay, for purpose of purchasing typewriter, desk and chair for the new Secretary-Chief Examiner to be hired, space to be used in the Mayor's office temporarily. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer,submitted,and recommended acceptance by the Council, of the Right-Of-Entry Revocable Permit which grants the City permission to enter private property to perform routine maintenance work on Honey Creek in vicinity of Sunset Highway and 132nd Avenue S.E., it being required that silt be removed before the winter rains begin. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur and authorize execution of the document by the Mayor and City Clerk. The motion carried. Letters and phone call request were reported from Ernest Henry, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hoven, Edwin T. Welch, Jr., Mr. Richard Morris and Einar Tesch, and Frank Ames, expressing desire to have their names stricken from the protest to L.I.D. 256. Letter from the Firemen's Pension Board was read offering, upon opinion approval of bonding counsel, to purchase L,I.D. 256 warrants. Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported tabulation of all valid protests received by the City on L.I.D. 256, up to a period of 30 days after passage of the Ordinance establishing said district which amounts to 60.6% of cost bearing owners. Three protests were not included since validity of ownership cannot be proven but if included the amount of protest would be 61.6 V,,. Numerous parties have called since bid opening and letters have been received from a number requesting that their names be removed as protestors however the 30 day period has expired and these requeste cannot be considered. Unless the City elects to proceed under the Health and Welfare provisions the project is defeated and no further action can be taken by the City. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, that the letters, except the Firemen's Pension Board letter, be referred to the Sanitation Committee, City Attorney and City Engineer to report back. Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Gianini, that the letter from the Firemen's Pension Board be held until the Committee recommendation is submitted. Carried. Mr . W. J. Hoven, 9829 - 106th Ave. S .E. stated that he was not against the L.I.D. and that 99% of the people were not protesting the installation but the cost and method of advertising. He felt that a selling job would result in little protest at this time. It was noted that the mode of assessment was provided by law as well as the advertising and period cut-off date. Upon inquiry, City Attorney Shellan advised that the law is quite clear, the people having 30 days to protest and only in event of defraud would deviation be allowed and as far as this particular L.I.D. is concerned it is dead. Discussion ensued regarding proceeding under health status and how long the bid could be held. Mr. Walter Tracey, 10227 S .E. 94th Street advised that he would proposed proceeding on health hazard method rather than to see the L.I.D. die and re- quested that the Council take this under advisement. It was noted that the Sanitation Committee will make a recommendation on the matter and that some preliminary groundwork had already been done. -2- 497 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 10-16-67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter read from Jack Wilson, City Engineer recalled that the City's application to the Urban Arterial Board for furIng of the North 3rd-4th Street couplet project was approved on October 5th, and the Urban Arterial Fund will pay 907, of the $476,000.00 total cost. Expenditure of $67,500 has been authorized for the last quarter of 1967 to cover preliminary engineering expenses and right-of-way acquisi- tion and it was recommended that the City take immediate steps to retain a consultant for this project because of its size and that funding be provided in sum of $7,500.00 for this quarter, a total of approximately $47,600 to be required over a one year period. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to concur with referral to the Ways and Means Committee for funding recommendation. Carried. Moved by Schellert, and seconded by Garrett, that the matter of hiring a consultant be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Mayor Custer, for clarification regarding L.I.D. 256 advised that the proper authorities will be requested to make inspection within the boundaries of the L.I.D. and determine whether it can be a matter of public health. Letter from Mayor Custer and City Clerk Nelson recalled authorization for the loan of $50,000.00 to cover cost of fill at the new fire station training site. The City was to repay the loan to the Firemen's Pension Fund in 1968 upon receipt of State moneys. $39,894.48 has just been received as the first quarter share of the state aid funds and report is to be returned by October 20th outlining purpose for which the funds are to be expended. Inquiry was made as to whether the Council would wish to apply these moneys toward the training site project in which event only $10,105.52, or less, will need to be borrowed rather than the $50,000.00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, to concur in the use of funds as outlined and authorize completion and return of the report to the Municipal Committee accordingly. Carried. Letter from Charles E. Talmage, Renton High School, requested permission to install two school election banners, one between the Theaters on Third Avenue, the other on Bronson Way at the bridge, and for portable booths to distribute brochures promoting the school bond issues, near Penny's and Bartell Drugs. Banners to be up from November 1 - 8th and booths to operate on November 4th. Moved by Morris, seconded by Gianini, to concur with execution of the usual Hold Harmless Agreement. Carried. Letter from Gene L. Coulon, Park Director, submitted recommendation of the Park Board and Purchasing Agent that the bid of Northwest Mowers for a 1968 Tractor, per specifi-. cations, be accepted. the bid amount is $3,087.98. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in the bid award. Carried. Bulletin No. 1 from the Association of Washington Cities announced District Meetings, a list of which was . attached. Bremerton's will be held on Tues. October 31st, Hearthstone Cafe at 7:00 p.m., Nick J. Repanich, Mayor, Port Orchard, Host; Sumner, Thursday, November 9th at Anton's Restaurant at 630 p.m., Harold M. Tollefson, Mayor, Tacoma, and Renton on Tuesday, November 14th at Renton Inn, 6:30 p.m. Donald Custer, Mayor Renton, Host. Registration card was attached and Mayor Custer inquired as to attendance and also reminded the Council of the Collective Bargaining Session to acquaint officials with the new laws, to be held at Tacoma next Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Reservations must be made and the registration fee is $60.00. Letter from Hayden Williams and John H. Swanson, advised of their desire to make a contribution to the City for construction and installation of a fountain within the Civic Center complex per plan previously approved by the Municipal Arts Commission and the Mayor and Council. It was requested that the City establish a Cumulative Reserve Fund for the specific purpose of the fountain and a substantial donation will be made this year with the balance to be donated next year, when such fund is officially created. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. Carried. Transmittal letter from the State Employment Security Department submitted publication "Occupational Manpower Projections, Puget Sound Metropolitan Area, results of skill -- survey conducted last year, comprising an analysis of the present manpower supply and an estimate of needs in the future projected specifically to 1968 and 1971. Thanks was expressed for cooperation of the City Curing the survey. Letter from C. W. Ramage, Executive Secretary, King County Labor Council of WashingIon, AFL-CIO, called attention to proposed zoning for a public park along the Lake Washington frontage area from the lake to the highway and extending from the Shuffelton Power Plant to beyond the Baxter Pole Company with the exception of two areas of private homes. It was felt that this action would be very detrimental to the companies to be forced out of business and employees deprived of their jobs as well as taking property off the tax rolls,now paying in excess of $70,000.00 per year. It was urged that another location be secured and the industries not be sacrificed. Moved by Perry, seconded by Morris, to refer the letter to the Committee of the le. Carried. 49� Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 10-16-67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from the International Assn. of Fire Fighters, Larry Weiss, Secretary, Local ##864 . invited the Mayor and Council. Members to the Annual Appreciation Dinner to be held at Kingens Restaurant, 423 Airport Way on October 26th from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. for cocktails and dinner commencing at 7:00 p.m. Letter from the Renton Police Officer's Benefit Association extended invitation to the Mayor and Council Members to attend an appreciation dinner the date being left open and to be selected at convenience of the guests Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to refer the invitation to the Committee of the Whole for setting of a date. Carried. Letter from the Wn. State Highway Commission, acknowledged letter and Petition from the City of Renton relative to litter problem existing in vicinity of S.E. 142nd Place and advised that as result of investigation the area will be cleaned and litter barrels provided to prevent further litter and alleviate the problem. Letter from the Department of General Administration, Motor Vehicle Division, advised of desire to continue occupancy in the Highlands Administration Building and a Lease Renewal form was attached for extension of the existing lease, Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Property Commitee to report back. Carried. APPOINTMENT: Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Mrs. Carol 0. Bryan as Secretary-Chief Examiner for the Civil Service, Police Department, Commission. The Civil Service Commission certification was attached. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the appointment. The mourn carri,e d.The Fire Civil Service Board did not lave a quorum present to certify the qualifications for appointment and this would thus be delayed at this time. Discussion ensued regarding the little response received to advertisements for the position and Schellert requested that the Council be contacted regarding any help they may be able' to give in this regard. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Council President Trim¢i reported recommendation of the Committee of the Whole that the matter of a "Distributor's License be referred to the Police and License Committee for recommendation. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, to concur in the recom- mendation of the Committee. Carried. Regarding landscaping request of Municipal Arts Commission for cost of design fees in sum of $600.00 to be appropriated from the Cumulative Reserve (Beautification) Fund No. 2283, it was recommended that the transfer be authorized unto City Street Fund, Maint. 3340/605, Capital Outlay and working budget account 3300/1202, City Street Maintenance, Structures and Improvements, to be used in landscaping of islands along Second Street in front of Renton High School. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation with referral to the Law and Ordinance for proper document to effect the transfer. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee, submitted report prepared by the City Engineering Department regarding water problem in Monterey Terrace area as per Monterey Community Club complaint-of bad water condition. Ron Olsen, Water Engineer, reported that 39 residents were contacted and it was concluded that two sepa- rate problems existed, one the rusty water and bad taste and possible pressure problem. It was concluded that, since the lines were 15 to 16 years old some deterioriation may exist in the main as well as the private lines although with 65 residents using water there should be plenty of circulation to provide a good,clean supply. The mains are 4" steel and in a looped system although the area is at the end of a trunk main system and it was decided that test samples should be taken to see exactly what condition exists regarding the lines and that a regular program of flushing the hydrants and mains should be commenced until enough information has been obtained to solve the problem. The tast and odor likely from chemical action of the deterioriating pipe rather than not enough circulation. Pressure charts revealed a fairly constant rate of pressure except when the Mt. Olivet Pump station was in operation and of the 6 residents noting high pressure 4 had no pressure reducers in their private systems. Tests revealed that those having high pressures for a short period of time had pressures exceeding the water main pressure indicating that such was likely induced into the system by water hammer and then locked in by the pressure reducer. Mr. Barnes, consultant,offered solution that there should be surge relief tanks installed in back of the pressure reducers. Councilman Delaurenti advised that this is a preliminary report and upon completion of further investigation the final report will be submitted and requested that the Community Club be advised of the action taken to date. -4- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 10-16-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont.) New Business: Moved by Trim, seconded by Gianini, that the absent Council Members be excused. The motion carried. Council President Trimm announced a Committee of the Whole meeting on October 24th at 7:30 p.m. Councilman Schellert, having noted a rat in the hallway of City Hall recently, called attention to the fact that the city hall building was built before the war with sub-standard materials,and since the Park Department is thinking of taking over the building when present offices move to the new city hall, he requested that the subject"bringing the building up to Code Standards and extermination of the rats"be referred to the Property Committee so an estimate of cost might be furnished the Council. Moved by Schellert, seconddd by Perry, to refer the matter to the Property Committee for report back as recommended. Carried. It was noted that the problem of rats is an administrative one and that the Building Department will be able to handle this matter.. Schellert called attention to the lack of funds to operate the Boundary Review Board and moved that the City direct a letter requesting that an appropriation be made in order that the Board might become functioning. The motion was seconded by Garrett and carried. Street and Alley Committee Chairman Garrett announced a meeting of the Committee on October 23rd at 7:00 p.m. at request of Mr. Klippert, to meet with the Committee. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 174 through 314, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment at this time by the City Council. The motion carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 174 - 211 $ 13,727A0 Street Fund 216 - 227 14,394.06 Cedar River M. & I, 228 - 231 50,85 Equipment Rental 232 - 245 975.72 Library 246 - 272 2,098.99 Parks 273 - 284 1,521.69 Water Works Utility 285 - 305+ 2iS- 17,YoO,98 Airport 306 - 313 291.03 City Hall Construction 314 1,487,43 $ 51,947.53 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Vern Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted proposed Resolution of the City of Renton which was read by the Clerk, authorizing loan of $55,000,00 from the Cedar River Acquisition Fund unto the Park Fund to be repaid no later than December 31, 1968 and to bear interest at the rate of three percent per annum. (To be used for matching purposes in receipt of State and Federal assistance in the improvement and development of Lake Wn. Beach Park.) Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Resolution No. 1492 as read, The motion carried. Chairman Morris presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City of Renton from General Classification District (G-7200) to Residential District (R-3), as read by the City Clerk. (Wm. L. Walker property) Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2367 as read. Roll call. vote was taken with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted proposed Ordii.ance of the City of Renton -- changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City of Renton from General Suburban Residence District (GS-1) to Single Residence District (R-2) as read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to place the documetit on its second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2368 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. -5- 0 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 10-16-67 ORDINANCES AND RE30LUTIONS: Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Morris submitted proposed Ordinance of the City creating and establishing a special fund to be known as the "Cumulative Reserve Fund for underground wiring and/or conversion to underground installation and purposes related thereto", which was placed on first reading. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to place the document on second and final reading. Mr. Richard Stredicke inquired from the audience where the Ordinance was originated and the purpose for its introduction tonight. Chairman Morris advised that the origination came from the budget hearing sessions and the document was necessary in order to place the money into a fund as provided in the budget. Mr. Stredicke called attention to a pending Franchise with Puget Sound Power and Light Company and noted that communi- cation should be received, the subject of the Franchise being directly tied in with this matter, in regard to partial payment for fees and expenses connected with the underground installations. He urged that the Council hold further action on the present Ordinance until the proposed Franchise Ordinance is presented. Delaurenti stated that the matter of underground facilities had been discussed as long as two years ago and had no connection with any franchise. Schellert stated his agreement and that funding for this purpose is a real step forward for the City, but that if the member of the public wished to have the passing held over as a valid request he would move to refer the document back to the Law and Ordinance Committee to hold for two weeks. The motion was seconded by Delaurenti and carried. Mrs. Helen Shook, 17022 - 106th Ave. S .E., expressed the hope that the City would not let L.I.D. 256 ji•st drop but that it would pursue the Health Department steps and institute the project. Mr. Tom Carroli stated that he has property on K Street and wished to go on record protesting the fact that he received a billing from the City for sidewalk repair when the area once had a sidewalk which was taken out by the City to renew and enlarge the road and he felt the sidewalk should be replaced free of charge, having been estabablished already and that he should'ut hats tDpay for a second sidewalk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. Mr, Richard Stredicke, 3916 - 10th Ct. No. inquired regarding progress of the Aero Dyne`:,ease at the Renton Airport and was advised that the matter had been referred bake to the Airport Board for reconsideration inasmuch as the Airport is an autonomous body over which the Council does not have jurisdiction. Mr. Stredicke did not feel the Council could not be concerned when City property is involved and was advised that this is established by law. Lease payments were discussed and City Treasurer Gossett advised that the particular lease mentioned was promptly paid and up to date. Mr. Stredicke requested a report regarding the property the City owns and the status of its lease and stated he would be happy to work the report up if the news media does not if the documents can be made available, City Attorney Shellan advised that the Aero Dyne Attorney, Mr. Sweet, has revised the proposal to be presented to the �. Airport Board for lease of airport property and advised that the lease documents are It available in the public records in the City Clerk's office, she being the custodian of same, and any leases`- would be furnished. It was noted that provisions for 10 day termination notices are enacted in the event of payment default and that the leases tirun for various terms, the Boeing Company lease running until the year 2010 with re- 0 negotiation every five years between tenant and lessee , and that Airport Director U1 Grabner could also furnish copies of the Airport leases. Moved by Perry, seconded f' by Schellert that the matter of Airport Leases ba Mr. Stredicke for 0 Z checker with the Airport Board and that the matter of other City Leases be referred to Henry Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Committee, for a report. Carried. Mrs. Margaret Kemp, 2117 - 10th Place No. noted improvement of alley across the Street at the new apartment and reported that it is too narrow for either school buses or fire trucks and that parking does not seem adequate so the tenants are parking around her property. Also excessive drainage prob!Lm exists. to the East of Mr. Zanatta's propert and these problems were hazardous to the welfare of the children in the area. Mayor Custer stated that only z of the alley has been developed and the other portion being a private and undedicated right of way cannot be improved by the City unless it could acquire the property. The drainage problem is recognized and easement for a storm sewer line would be a solution and the City has been working with one of the neighbors inNolved to acquire the grant at no cost in which event the City will proceed to install the line. Mr. Bob Wray, 1033 R Street commended Mr. Coulon for the work dcue in securing funds toward the Lake Washington Beach Park and offered a vote of confidence from the people of the City. As there was no further business, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn, larried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. -6- W. Custer, Mayor Helmie W. Nelson, qty erk 10-16- PERMITS ISSUED RY THE CITY SUI1,1)E3dG AND EN01ME1t1I*6 DEPAFZ1WN .'S BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 0512 � 1,400.00 A. Hoyle 3418 7th Ave No. Add room to ex, house 13 80.00 Metclo Investment Co 203 - 4th Place S. Build fence 14 15,000.00 Bell & Valdez Inc. 1821 S. E. Birch Ct New residence B 0515 16,000.00 1934 S.E. Cottonwood Ct New residence 16 16,000.00 1937 S .E. Cottonwood Ct " 17 162000.00 1931 S.E. Cottonwood Ct " 18 161000.00 " 1925 S.E. Cottonwood Ct " 19 16,000.00 1919 S.E. Cottonwood Ct " B 0520 16,000.00 1818 S.E. Birch Ct " 21 16,000.00 " 1824 S.E. Birch Ct " 22 16,000.00 1902 S.E. Birch Ct " 23 15,000.00 " 1908 S.E. Birch Ct " 24 16,000.00 1905 S.E. Birch Ct " B 0525 163,000.00 1827 S.E. Birch Ct 26 220,000.00 Central Puget Const.Co. 715-721-727-87th So Warehouse distributing facility , 27 501000.00 Reorgan.Latter Day Sits. 705 "M" St New church building`' 28 2,000.00 Frank Warner 11643 S.-E* 100th Comb„ garage boat port ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0320 100.00 A& Hoyle 3418 7th Ave No dire service MECHANICAL PERMITS M 0373 A. Hoyle 3418 7th Ave No Plumbing service 74 --• Fred White 618 4th Wast Oil furnace & tank M 0375 - Scott's Laundry & Cleaners 940 "H" St Plbg. for laundromat 76 The Boeing Company 4-20 and 10-50 Plumbing service 77 - Robert T. Bascom 7732 So 153rd " " 78 - Clarence Williams 12426 132nd S.E. Gas furnace, air Condit, 79 .-- Bob Shane 11661 S.E. 100 Plumbing setj4ze M 0380 --- Carl Storey 526 Wells Ave So Space heater SEWER P EP.MITS No .224 --- Miles Construction 12512 86th Ave So Sewer service No 225 --- Coccione 2930 10th Ave N " " 26 --- Bell & Valdez Inc 1910 S.E. Cottonwood Ct " 27 --- 11 1916 S.E. Cottonwood Ct " 28 --- 1922 S.E. Cottonwood Ct " 29 1928 S.E. Cottonwodd Ct '• No 230 --- 1934 S.E. Cottonwood Ct " 31 --- " 1937 S.E. Cottonwood Ct " 32 --- 1931 S.E. Cottonwood Ct " 33 --- " 1925 S.E. Cottonwood Ct " 34 --- 1919 S.E. Cottonwood Ct " No 235 --- " " 1913 S.E. Cottonwood Ct " 36 --- 1907 S.E. Cottonwood Ct " 37 --- " " 1818 S.E. Birch Ct " 38 --- " 1824 S.E. Birch Ct " 39 --- 1902 S .E. Birch Ct No 240 --- " 1908 S.E. Birch Ct 41 --- 1905 S.E. Birch Ct " 42 --- " " " 1827 S.E. Birch Ct " 43 --- " " " 1821 S.E. Birch Ct " �- 44 --- Central Puget Const. 715 - 87th Ave SW No 245 --- I I I I 1' 715 - 87th Ave SW " 46 --- Robert Balcom 7732 So 153rd -7-