HomeMy WebLinkAboutBook 23 (1/4/1971 -2/7/1972) RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk January 4 , 1971 R E F E R R A L S NNW CITY CLERK To compile report showing all surplus funds and submit to Council by February 1 , 1971 LEGISLATION COMMITTED' Letter from Mr . R . A . Schaeffer requesting revisions to Ordinance No . 2577 relating to Massage Parlors Appropriation of $641 . 52 excess revenue from Cedar River Acquisition Fund unto Budgetary account to fund costs payable on Carco Theatre Resolution concerning removal of railroad tracks in the City; urging negotiations between Burlington Northern and Milwaukee Companies therefor and requesting meeting with railroad representatives and the Council PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Application for license to permit Nelson & Michael to operate amusement device at Strato Lanes , Inc. MEETINGS AND EVENTS 1/4/71 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO COUNCILMAN KEN BRUCE i RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk January 4 , 11971 M I N U T E S PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Avery Garrett led the Flag Salute and called the regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order at 8 :00 p .m . in the Municipal Building Council Chambers . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL GRANT, BRUCE, PERRY, DELAURENTI, SCHELLERT AND CLYMER . Absent : STREDICKE. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE ABSENT MEMBER BE EXCUSED. MOTION CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS Avery Garrett , Mayor , Helmie Nelson , City Clerk , IN ATTENDANCE Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer , G . M. Shellan , City Attorney , Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner , Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director , Gene Coulon , Park Director, C. S. Williams , Chief of Police , and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL_ MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO 12/21/70 AMEND THE MINUTES OF 12/21/70 , PAGE 4 , RESOLUTION 1726 , MOTION TO ADOPT, TO SHOW GRANT VOTING NO AND BRUCE AYE ON ROLL CALL VOTE. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECOND BY SCHELLERT, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE 21ST AS CORRECTED . MOTION CARRIED. 12/28/70 MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES AS WRITTEN. MOVED BY PERRY THE MINUTES BE CORRECTED TO REFLECT THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION TO HOLD THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE,CONCERNING ZONING OF GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC USE PROPERTIES,FOR TWO WEEKS AND NOT THREE, SINCE PLANNING DIRECTOR ERICKSEN HAD REQUESTED THE THREE WEEK PERIOD(IN ORDER TO COINCIDE PLANNING COMMISSION AND COUNCIL ACTION,) BUT THIS WAS NOT THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY GRANT AND CARRIED. CLYMER STATED HE WOULD LIKE THE THREE WEEKS SINCE ONE MEMBER OF HIS COMMITTED; WAS ABSENT AND HIS PRESENCE WAS DESIRED FOR DISCUSSION, AND MOVED WITH SECOND BY BRUCE TO EXTEND THE PERIOD UNTIL TWO WEEKS FROM TONIGHT. PERRY SUGGESTED THIS MOTION BE SUBMITTED UNDER OLD BUSINESS. MOTION WAS WITHDRAWN. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF 12/28/70 AS CORRECTED . CARRIED. (See further action under Old Business) ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS ORDINANCE NO. 2609 Proposed Ordinance amending Sec. 1 -801 of Relating to Holidays Title I (Administrative) of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton " , was presented which had been on introductory reading on 12/28/70. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE DOCUMENT BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. After final reading , it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ . ROLL CALL RESULTED IN UNANIMOUS AYE VOTE. THE MOTION CARRIED. (To conform with Federal Laws passed by Congress in 1967 and with State Laws passed by the Legislature in 1969, "Uniform Holiday Act" . ) MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/4/71 Page 2 . VOUCHER APPROVAL Vouchers Nos . Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported 2140 through 2192 committee approval of Vouchers and MOVED THAT THE COUNCIL APPROVE SAME FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY CLYMER.C60nC1lffiAn Grant called attention to inclusion of travel voucher for Deane Seeger to be funded from the Council 's Budget since no funds are available in the Mayor ' s budget . PENDING MOTION CARRIED. Fund Breakdown Current Fund 2140 - 2162 $ 5 ,245 . 48 •.• City Street Fund 2163 - 2168 735 . 06 Equipment Rental 2169 - 2179 873 . 79 Library Fund 2180 43 . 40 Park Fund 2181 - 2185 1 ,261 . 82 Waterworks Util . 2186 - 2191 449 . 31 Street Fwd . Thr . 2192 607 . 31 Total All Funds $ 9 ,216 . 17 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS Application for Letter from owner of Strato Lanes , Inc . requested Amusement Device license be granted Nelson & Michael to operate License under new amusement device at said business lOCatiOn .R616ase operator from Rainier Amusement stated no objection to the installation . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. MOTION CARRIED. Massage Parlor Letter from Mr. R . A . Schaefer inquired regarding Ordinance Revision provisions of Ordinance #2577 which require two Requested physical examinations for the same position , the King County examining Board requiring one as well as the City with two fees also resulting , the licenseScosting $50 . 00 where Seattle ' s is $2 . 50 in total . Also , it was noted that the 30 day temporary license period is not adequate time to properly school and train the masseuse . MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Firemen ' s Pension Letter from Firemen 's Pension Board Secretary Board Offer to Helmie Nelson reported offer of the Board to Fund LID 272 finance LID 272 , Edmonds Ave . N. E. Sanitary Sewers , in sum of $88 ,262 . 36 at 6% per annum interest , if the LID is legally consumated . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO ACCEPT THE OFFER OF THE FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD AT SUCH TIME AS THE LID IS CREATED. CARRIED. Appropriation Letter from City Clerk Nelson reported need to required for Carco appropriate $641 . 52 from excess revenue in the Theatre Expenses Cedar River Acquisition Fund pinto the Budgetary Account 5010 , Capital Outlay , 605 , for additional costs payable on Carco Theatre project . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE_ FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. MOTION CARRIED. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DEDICATION OF COUNCILMAN KEN BRUCE WAS ACKNOWLEDGED COUNCILMAN BRUCE IN HIS ATTENDANCE THIS EVENINGICOUNCILMAN SCHELLERT URGING IT BE A MATTER FOR RECORD THAT THIS IS HIS BIRTHDAY. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Committee of the Councilman Grant reported meeting of the Committee Whole Report of the Whole this evening with report to be held until next week. Ordinance Revised Councilman Perry advised that revised ordinance re Public Lands has been distributed on each Councilman 's desk concerning use of Public Lands per Planning Director ' s re"ommendat orq for additional amendments . MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/4171 Page 3 . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Paul Godot Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti Complaint reported , regarding complaint of Mr . Godot concerning incident with police officers at public business establishment , that the matter has been resolved to agreement and is now con- cluded. Proposed Ordinance- MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO Use of Government POSTPONE ACTION FOR TWO WEEKS FROM TONIGHT. and Public Use ON PROPOSED ORDINANCE FOR USE OF PUBLIC LANDS. Properties Perry noted the Legislation Committee is ready to present the Ordinance next week and requested meeting for discussion of the matter. PENDING MOTION CARRIED. Removal of Railroad MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, subject of Trackage in Renton trackage removal on Burnett Ave . South be referred to the Legislation Committee for Resolution; and that Council ask Milwaukee to complete negotiations with Burlington Northern for removal of tracks with time designation therefore; also that meeting be held with the Council and the two railroad representatives NEW BUSINESS at a future date . MOTION CARRIED. Report requested MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, A REPORT BE of City Surplus COMPILED BY THE CITY CLERK SHOWING ALL SURPLUS Funds FUNDS FROM 1970 AND THAT IT BE PRESENTED TO THE COUNCIL BY FEBRUARY 1., 1971 . MOTION CARRIED. Pollution Control Councilman Schellert noted article in the Progress in Renton 113171 edition of the Seattle Times entitled Environment - - noting problems of Anmoore , West Virginia with regard to pollution by Union Carbide industry . Noting comments therein by Councilwoman Mrs . Margaret Golden concerning that City 's plight , Mr. Schellert compared the City to Renton noting recent accomplishments here toward solution of the problem and stated his intention to write to the kindred council reporting our progress and suggesting like pursuance by that body . ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ADJOURN. THE MOTION CARRIED . Meeting was adjourned at 8 : 35 p.m. Helmie Nelson , City Clerk OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY`!COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 4, 1971 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Wed. 1/6 7: 30 PM Grant Mayor' s Conf.Rm 6th Floor Community Services Fri . 1/8 4 : 30 PM Clymer Finance Mon. 1/11 Schellert City Clerk ' s Office Legislation Wed. 1/6 7:00 PM Perry Chrmn ' s Council Community Services Office Committee Invited Mon. 1/11 7 :00 PM Personnel & Community Relations Stredicke Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Bruce Transportation Thurs . 1/7 8: 00 PM Grant 4th Fl.Conf. Rm. Special City Shops Committee Mon. 1/11 7: 00 PM 6th Fl.Conf.Rm. J-t 6 - -7 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK January 4, 1971 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2550 $600.00 Neisinger 317 Main Ave. So. Install Suspended Ceiling MECHANICAL PERMIT M 2738 3,000.00 Safeway Stores 2725 N.E. Sunset Blvd. Install Automatic Sprinkler ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3151 1,700.00 Totem Beverages 1520 S.W. Grady Way Increase Service 3152 150.00 Howard West 1208-1210 Jefferson N.E. Wire 2 Dryers 3153 200.00 Clyde Foster 1615 Morris Ave. So. Correct Wiring 3154 5,000.00 City of Renton S. 7th St. & Jones Ave.S.Underground Wiring 3155 640.00 Kampe Construction 3426 Shattuck Ave. S. Wire New Residence 3156 640.00 Kampe Construction 3425 Shattuck Ave. S. Wire New Residence SIGN PERMIT S 116 100.00 B. A. Porter Mouth of Cedar River Install Pole Sign SEWER PERMITS S 1491 R. Braaten 3601 Park Ave. N. L.I.D. 263 1492 R. Braaten 1210 No. 36th L.I.D. 263 1493 Otto Nimtz 3906 Park Ave. N. L.I.D. 263 1494 J. S. Runnels 1208 N. 34th St. L.I.D. 263 7 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk January 11 , 1971 R E F E R R A L S 3 a COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Subject of Regional Library Systems Program i CITY COUNCIL PRESIDENT Y Legislation Committee request to meet to discuss proposed ordinance on revised equipment rental rates Finance Committee request to meet concerning City ' s Data Processing program MAYOR ' S OFFICE To recommend program to demolish old city shop facility MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION Directional Signing to Public Buildings and City Map PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Valley Publishing Company and Johnson/Reisner Associates , Inc. letters concerning public report and communications/Planning Program Directional Signing to Public Buildings and City Map PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Letter from Mr. Storey requesting consideration regarding LID 267 final assessment on Tract 289 the full development of which is prohibitive making assessment excessive err - Request of Renton Concrete Company , et a1 , for Late Comers Agreement to allow future recovery of costs on sewer installation PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Request of James Barei for license to operate coin-type pool table at Barei 's Tavern , 95 S. W. 7th Street TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE James Van Osdell request for permission to remove Kirkland Ave . N. E. parking lot barricade during heavy snow. MEETINGS AND EVENTS I 1/13/71 - Special Training Program Graduation Exercises - Valley General Hospital Dining Room at 8 :00 P .M. 1/18/71 - Public Hearing on L. I. D. 267 Final Assessment Roll (Continued from 1/11/71) r RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Monday , January 11 , 1971 Renton Municipal Building 8 :00 P .M. City Council Chambers M I N U T E S PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Avery Garrett led the Flag Salute and AND CALL TO ORDER called the regular weekly meeting of the Renton City Council to order . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL GRANT, BRUCE, STREDICKE, PERRY, DELAURENTI, SCHELLERT AND CLYMER . CITY OFFICIALS PRESENT Avery Garrett , Mayor , Helmie Nelson , City Clerk, G. M. Shellan , City Attorney , C. S. Williams , Chief of Police , Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Del Bennett , Public Works Administrator , Gene Coulon , Park Director, Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director, Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner , Ted Bennett , Utility Accountant and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director . MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO APPROVE 114171 Meeting THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT . THE MOTION CARRIED. 12121170 Meeting - Stredicke requested and MOVED THAT THE MINUTES Page 5 , Paragraph 7 , OF 12121170 BE CORRECTED TO SHOW ACCEPTANCE BY Bid Award, 1971 THE COUNCIL OF BIDS FOR LEGAL PUBLICATIONS FROM Legal Publications THE RECORD CHRONICLE BASED UPON "PER LINE" AND NOT"PER COLUMN"INCH. MOTION SECONDED BY GRANT AND CARRIED. COMMUNITY AWARD Mayor Garrett , commented on activities of Renton PLACQUE PRESENTED High School Exchange Student , from Nishiwaki , TO EXCHANGE STUDENT Japan , during his year in the U. S. ,and presented FROM NISHIWAKI, JAPAN Shoishiro "Sho" Hasegawa with a placque to take RENTON' S SISTER CITY back to his country , greeting extended Mayor Takase. Honor and pleasure in "Sho 's" presence and accomplishments were expressed. The Mayor introduced Mr . Wyman Dobson , Chairman of "Sister City Citizen ' s Committee" who has visited Nishiwaki with the Lion 's Club, and who has been active in establishing the affiliation and promotion "of the sister city relationship . Student Hasegawa , in English learned during the year , very ably acknowledged with appreciation the help extended him by City Officials and the people of Renton also expressing his pleasure and gladness at having had the opportunity to come here . Mr . Dobson noted this to be the first project of the sister city program and "Sho" our first exchange student , plans now under way for the second and help of any interested parties invited. Mrs . Floyd (Pauline) Shiosaki , whose daughter is presently in Japan as our exchange student , com- mented concerning gratifications received from their experiences in the program. Introduction of Mr . Neal McLean , Editor , Greater Renton News , Member of the soon to be published in Renton, was introduced Press by Councilman Stredicke . Welcome was extended by Mayor Garrett . PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper public notice L.I.D. 267, Sanitary having been published and posted, the hearing was Sewers, vicinity N. opened . Protest letter from Mr. Frank A. and Renton Interchange Johanna R . Storey was read which requested that and FAI 405 special consideration be given to Tract 289, D.C. Hillmans Lake Wn . Garden of Eden #4 , due to the unusual topography and steep elevations prohibiting full development and the assessment in this case working particular hardship . City Engineer 9 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/11/71 Page 2 . PUBLIC HEARING : (Cont . ) LID 267 City Engineer 's Jack Wilson , commented that some 4 acres are Remarks on involved in this tract and it was believed that LID 267 Protest assessment was true for benefit to be derived . Letter 1-:ap was displayed and costs to be assessed noted, future development deemed not to be impossible . Mr . Storey noted only three lots could be developed which resulted in high cost per lot , there being no access to one portion of the property . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR ONE WEEK WITH REFERRAL TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED . ORDINANCES ADOPTED ORDINANCE NO . 2610 Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted Rezone, G to B-1 Ordinance which was read changing the zoning Fire Dist . 25 classification of certain properties within the Property , No . 30th City from General Classification District (G) to Street Business District (B-1) . (Located on N. 30th , between Park Avenue North and the freeway entrance) MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. After final reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE , TO ADOPT THE DOCUMENT AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL AYES. THE MOTION CARRIED ADOPTING THE ORDINANCE . ORDINANCE NO . 2611 Ordinance was read authorizing the City Clerk to Appropriation and provide for appropriation and transfer of $641 . 52 Transfer of Cedar from excess revenue in the Cedar River Acquisition liver Acquisition Fund unto Cedar River Budgetary Account 5010/605 , �"und Excess Revenue Capital Outlay . (Carco Theatre expenses) IT WAS 641 . 52 for Carco MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO AUTHORIZE Theatre expenses SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ . UNANIMOUS AYE VOTE CARRIED THE MOTION. ORDINANCE NO . 2612 Proposed Ordinance was read creating and establishing Creating A Contin- a contingency fund to provide monies with which to gency Fund per meet municipal expenses under certain conditions RCW 35A . 33. 145 as authorized by RCW. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECOND BY GRANT, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO ADOPT THE DOCUMENT AS READ. ROLL CALL RESULTED IN UNANIMOUS AYE VOTE. MOTION CARRIED ADOPTING THE ORDINANCE . Proposed Ordinance Councilman Perry reported receipt of document from on Equipment Rental Ted Bennett requesting revision in equipment rental Rates - Discussion ratesf Mr . Perry requested that the Council President with Committee set up a meeting and Mr . Bennett be invited to attei;d . VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert MOVED THAT THE Nos . 2193 - 2319 COUNCIL APPROVE VOUCHERS AS APPROVED BY THE FINANCE COMMITTEE PREVIOUSLY TONIGHT. MOTION SECONDED BY BRUCE AND CARRIED. Grant noted travel funds being expended from the Legislative Budget as requested by the Mayor. Fund Breakdown Current Fund 2193 - 2242 $ 12 , 869 . 02 City Street 2243 - 2256 9 ,067 . 91 Equipment Rental 2257 - 2271 16 , 708 . 28 Park Fund 2272 - 2294 14 , 786 . 96 Waterworks Utility 2295 - 2304 3,688 . 40 Airport Fund 2305 - 2307 52 . 60 Firemen 's Pension 2308 - 2318 329 . 27 Urban Arterial Fund 2319 204 . 00 Total all Funds $ 57 , 706 . 44 10 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/11/71 Page 3. COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS : Late-Comer Agreement Letter from Mr . Jack E. Adams , President , for Sewer Line to Renton Concrete Products , Inc . , and signed recover $2 , 310 . 00 also by Dorothy L . Wilson , Sec . -Treas . , installation cost Reinhard Distributing Co . , Inc . requested Late-Comers Agreement and Conveyance in order to recover costs for installation of side sewer when utilized by others in the future . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE . The motion CARRIED . Application for Letter from Mr . James Barei requested license Coin-operated pool to operate coin-type pool table at 95 S. W. 7th table license Street , Barei ' s Tavern . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE APPLICATION TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. THE MOTION CARRIED . Graduating Exercises- Letter from Mr . Wm . E . Murray , Administrator , Valley General Valley General Hospital , extended invitation Hospital Special to attend graduation of the first class of the Training Program First Aid Medic Training Program on Wednesday , January 13 , 1971 from 8 : 00 p .m . to 9 : 00 p .m . in the hospital dining room. Firemen from Renton , Kent and Tukwila Districts have been training since last August on trauma and emergency care , now having completed the course . Parking Lot Problem- Letter from Mr . James R . Van Osdell requested Sunset Ventures , permission to move barricade during time of Variance 661-70 heavy snow at the Kirkland Avenue N.E. parking lot entrance to the apartment . MOVED BY CLYMER SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE_. Stredicke noted prior variance action and urged the obstruction not be removed , Bruce having suggested immediate action while problem exists . Grant requested to meet with the Street Commissioner following this meeting to discuss removal during heavy snow. MOTION CARRIED . Public Reports Letter from John L . Fournier , Valley Publishing and Communication- Company offered service in providing quarterly Planning Program public reports for citizen information . noting 1971 Legislative Budget item for such reports . Letter from Johnson-Reisner Associates , Inc . offered communications/planning consultant services and outlined activities and programs which might be included in such program for Renton . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE COMMUNICATIONS TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE . Stredicke requested entry into the record of his remarks that the Committee will make a complete recommendation on bidding procedures in regard to a city report or publication . Fe zequested that copy of the minutes be forwarded to both of these people ,ddvising cney will be invited to bid at regular bidding and that there will be no reaching into the pocket of the people and making money at public expense . Only bare costs would be used in any publication by the City of Renton. Perry urged that the Committee consider pamphlet put out by the Association of Washington Cities on City Reporting. THE RENDING MOTION CARRIED. 11 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/11/71 Page 4 . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Transportation Chairman Grant submitted recommendation that Committee Report the Building Department inform permit seekers of requirements of possible need for future Street Grades street grade improvements . Lighting Information was submitted to the Council that the Traffic Engineering Department is reviewing different types of lighting in the City and will continue installations depending upon need and cost . Access to Talbot Items from prior Transportation Committee Report Hill from the West- (12-7-70) were listed for council information Overpassing Valley it being noted said report had been forwarded to Freeway District 1 Engineer W. C. Bogart with no reply to date concerning joint meeting. Consideration should be given to Talbot Hill and Victoria Park residential communities , to be boxed in on 3 sides if present plan is approved , more access having been promised when the Valley Freeway and FAI 405 were designed.-which has never materialized. Addition consideration to be given for State cooperation with County and City for providing improved East-West corridors between Renton and Kent to ease load on Springbrook (Talbot) Road, Benson Highway and the East Valley Freeway . Metro Transit Wn . Utilities and Transportation Commission report Bus Service regarding reduction in Metropolitan Transit Bus service as of 12/28/70 was considered and it was recommended this item be laid on the table , no affected areas lying within the City of Renton . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED . Signing to Public Recommended additional signing and city map be Bldgs and Map referred to the Personnel and Public Relations Committee and the Municipal Arts Commission . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED . Special City Shops Committee Report Chairman Schellert reported recommendation that to demolish old the abandoned shop facility be demolished and shop facility at that the Mayor 's Office recommend a program to No . 1st St and accomplish same . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY Wms . Ave . No . CLYMER , TO CONCUR . CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Saturday Work President of the Council Grant announced policy Sessions-Committee to hold at least 2 Saturday work sessions per of the Whole month , parties concerned to be invited . Stredicke noted publicly ,announced meetings should be open and urged that the press be invited, it to be under- stood anything transpiring is not official but will require further council action at a regular meeting. Finance Committee Chairman Schellert requested to meet with the Report on Data Council for updating on Data Processing implementa- 6..J Processing tion of programs and progress to date . Regional Library Councilman Schellert called attention to publica- System Proposal tion concerning Standards for Library Systems and proposed Regional Library System and MOVED THAT THE SUBJECT BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BY DELAURENTI, TO 8 :55 P.M. ADJOURN. CARRIED . MEETING WAS ADJOURNED. Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk ti OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 11, 1971 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Executive Committee of the Whole Sat. 1/16 8: 00 AM Grant Renton Inn Breakfast Meeting (2 Sat. per month to be scheduled for meetings) Community Services Fri . 1/15 4. 30 PM Clymer 3rd F1 .Conf.Rm. Finance * Schellert Legislation 4on. 1/18 4 : 30 PM Perry 6th F1.Conf.Rm. Invited to Attend: Community Services Com. , Planning Director, City Personnel & Community Attorney & Park Director Relation, Stredicke Int. 43 to be discussed. Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works led. 1/13 7: 00 PM Bruce 4th F1.Conf.Rm. Transportation qed. 1/20 9 : 30 AM Grant 4th Fl.Conf.Rm. Bimonthly Coordinating Meeting with State Hwy. Dept. PUBLIC MEETING State Highway Commission rhurs . 1/14 10: 00 AM Adm.Offices of Public Design Hearing School District SR-169 , Maple Valley Hwy * Finance Committee Requests Meeting with Committee of the Whole for Data Processing Presentation to Update System Operations 13 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1/11/71 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2551 $2,000.00 MIKE LOTTO 1520 S.W. GRADY WAY ADD INT. PARTITIONS 2552 5,000.00 GROUP HEALTH 275 BRONSON WAY NE REVISE & ADD TO PARKING 2 23000.00 FRANK E. DONOFRIO 2508 JONES AVE. NE CONST. FRAME GARAGE 2 � 600.00 RENTON VILLAGE CO. 35 S GRADY WAY REMOVE & INSTALL PARTITION 2 500.00 JAMES BAREI 95 SW 7TH ST. REMOVE PART. & PANEL WALLS MECHANICAL PERMITS X 2739 1,800.00 D.F. CLARE 1818 JONES AVE. NE INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2740 150.00 DOBI CORPORATION 1431 MAPLE AVE. SW. INST. GAS WALL FURNACE 2741 50.00 GREATER RENTON NEWS 226 MAIN AVE. S INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2742 35000.00 RENTON SCHOOLS #403 754 EDMONDS AVE. NE INST. GAS WTR. HEATERS 2743 590.00 KAMPE CONST. CO. 1206 N 31ST ST. INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2744 240.00 FED. HOUSING AUTH. 3316 SE 6TH ST. INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3157 3036.00 RENTON VILLAGE CO. 15 S GRADY WAY WIRE LIGHTS, ETC. 3158 250.00 FORTE RENTALS 1100 BRONSON WAY N WIRE 6 LIGHTS & PLUGS 3159 250.00 RENTON SCHOOLS #403 3000 NE 4TH ST. INST. METER BASES & STACKS 3160 674.00 DWIGHT SASTEN 1821 ROLLING HILLS SE WIRE FAMILY RESIDENCE 3161 50.00 GREATER RENTON NEWS 226 MAIN AVE. S ADD ONE CIRCUIT 3162 500.00 FHA-MARK SEVEN REALTY 3316 SE 6TH ST. INCR. SERV., HEAT 3163 200.00 RENTON ELKS LODGE 226 MAIN AVE. S WIRE DARK ROOM 3164 590.00 KAMPE CONST. CO. 1202 N 31ST ST. WIRE FAMILY RESIDENCE 3165 21200.00 THE BOEING COMPANY 5015 LK. WASH BLVD. N TEMPORARY WIRING S'. f PERMITS 3 lam" 750.00 JOE REGIS 265 RAINIER AVE. S INSTALL GROUND SIGN 118 45000.00 HAROLD MELLOR 250 RAINIER AVE. S ERECT POLE SIGN 119 2,000.00 ATLANTIC RICHFIELD 101 RENTON AVE. S REPLACE SIGN 120 200.00 MELVIN MAINE 315 S 3RD ST. ERECT PROJECTING SIGN 121 285.00 VARNER REALTY 919 HARRINGTON AVE. NE INSTALL WALL SIGN 3 122 4,800.00 SEATTLE-1ST NATtL 311 WILLIAMS AVE. S INST. POLE & PROJ. SIGN 123 750.00 ROBERT L. EDWARDS 501 RAINIER AVE. S INST. OFF PREMISE SIGN 14 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING January 18 , 1971 City Clerk 's Office 8 :00 P.M. R E F E R R A L S COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Petitions from Rolling Hills residents protesting use by Terhune Construction Company of S. E. 18th as location for business enterpris(s FINANCE COMMITTEE_ To review Per Diem and Expense Reimbursement procedures LEGISLATION COMMITTEE L. I.D. 267 Final Assessment Roll (Ordinance 2614 adopted) Request of Street Commissioner for budget appropriation of LID 265 and LID 267 funds to cover work to be completed in 1971 Fund appropriations to cover costs of demolishing dangerous building at 401 Wells Avenue South MAYOR Reimbursement details from travel vouchers concerning Institute of Traffic Engineers Convention Requested by Council to review letter of 11/24/70 with regard to outline for administrative procedures and legislative actions to have been presented to the Council . Request that written recommendations be furnished concerning utilization of Carco Theatre Recommendations of Urban Affairs Council with specific concern for citizen involvement in government through neighbor councils PARK BOARD Committee of the whole request for written recommendations on utilization of Carco Theatre PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Applications for 4 additional amusement machine licenses for Sahara Tavern , filed by Mr. C. S. Shane (Power to Act) Application of Mr . Andy L. Thuney for Master and Location Music Machine Licenses (Power to Act) Subject of Mini-Theatres TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Request of Industrial Leasing Corp. for Waiver to permit removal of lighting fixtures from public use property under lease by Robinson & Lyon Ford . (LAG 1590-69) LEGISLATIVE REPRESENTATIVES AND DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY Report as concerns Initiative #43 la RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Monday, January 18 , 1971 Renton Municipal Building 8 :00 P.M. City Council Chambers M I N U T E S PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Avery Garrett led the Flag Salute and AND CALL TO ORDER called the weekly meeting of the Renton City Council to order . I ROLL CALL OF CITY GRANT, BRUCE, CLYMER, STREDICKE, PERRY, COUNCIL MEMBERS DELAURENTI AND SCHELLERT. CITY OFFICIALS Avery Garrett , Mayor, Helmie Nelson , City Clerk, IN ATTENDANCE Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer , G . M. Shellan , City Attorney , C. S. Williams , Chief of Police , Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner , Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director , Gene Coulon , Park Director , Ted Bennett , Utility Accountant and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO APPROVE 1111171 Meeting THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT. MOTION CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Nos . 2320 - 2545 MOVED BY SCHELLERT, FINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN, and LID 263 and 271 TO APPROVE VOUCHERS APPROVED HERETOFORE BY THE Cash & Revenue ,. — COMMITTEE EXCEPT NO. 2338 AND EXCEPT 2320 TO BE except No. 2374 , HELD OVER UNTIL NEXT WEEK. MOTION WAS SECONDED Void and 2320 and BY DELAURENTI AND CARRIED . Fund Breakdown : 2338 by Council Action Current Fund 2320 - 2384 $ 30 ,152 . 35 City Street 2385 - 2403 15 ,124 .10 Cedar River M&I 2404 - 2409 214 . 89 bow Equipment Rental 2410 - 2426 3,839 . 56 Library Fund 2427 - 2470 10,054 . 09 Park Fund 2471 - 2505 18 ,107 . 52 Waterworks Utility 2506 - 2528 21 ,199. 64 Street Fwd. Thrust 2529 8 . 30 Airport Fund 2530 - 2542 828 . 69 Urban Arterial Fund 2543 - 2545 444 . 96 Total All Funds $ 99 ,974 . 10 LID 263 Cash and Revenue Vouchers #16 , $689 . 79; #17 , $455 . 00; #18 , $1 ,500 . 00 and #19 , $101 . 61 LID 271 Cash and Revenue Vouchers #3, $4 ,549. 04 ; #4 , $365 . 00 and #5 , $3 ,500 . 00 AWARD PRESENTED TO Mayor Garrett presented former Councilman Bruce MR . BRUCE MCKAY McKay with a Community Service Placque as award for service with the local LEFF Disability Board of which he was Secretary , having served on the Board since inception of the new Law Enforcement and Fire Fighters Retirement System . PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper legal notice LID 267 , Sanitary having been published and publicly posted, the Sewers , Continued continued hearing meeting was opened for discussion . from 1/11171 Request of Mr . Frank Storey for assessment reduction on Tract 289 had been referred to Committee . The Final Assessment Public Works Committee report was submitted by Roll , $156 , 703 . 15 Chairman Bruce and recommended that the assessment as submitted for Tract 289 on City Engineer 's Final Assessment Roll be approved . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THE HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO APPROVE THE FINAL ASSESS- MENT ROLL OF LID 267 WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATIOb COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/18/71 Page 2 . ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS ORDINANCE NO . 2613 Legislation and Community Services Committees Amending Building jointly recommended reading of revised ordinance . Code as concerns MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO zoning controls on CONCUR . CARRIED. Ordinance was read amending government and Sections 4--706 and 4-710 of Title IV, (Building . public use lands Regulations) of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY STREDICKE TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL RESULTED IN UNANIMOUS AYE VOTE. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 2614 Proposed Ordinance was read approving and confirm- Confirming Final ing assessments and assessment roll of L .I. D . 267 Assessment Roll , for improvement of certain area in vicinity of the L. I .D. 267 , San . No . Renton Interchange and FAI Hwy . 405 , by the Sewers , vic. No . construction and installation of certain sanitary Renton Interchq. sewer lines and appurtenances thereto by doing all work necessary in connection therewith ; levying and assessing amounts therefor against the several lots , tracts , parcels of land and other property as shown on said assessment roll as confirmed by the City Council ; and providing for the payment LL of such assessment into the vocal Improvement Fund, Dist . No . 267 of the City as created by Ordinance 0 No . 2549 . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT U N TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. G1 W AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, X D SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO A QP �.S READ . ROLL CALL U z VOTE RESULTED IN SIX AYES, VOTING EXPRESSING OBJECTION TO 6 . 50% INTEREST RATE. THE MOTION CARRIED AND THE ORDINANCE WAS ADOPTED. COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS Waiver Agreement Letter from Industrial Leasing Corp. requested to LAG 1590-69 Waiver from the City (concerning Lease of public right of way property to Robinson and Lyon Ford ; Inc . , ) to provide for removal of lighting fixtures and equipment at time such becomes necessary from the leased area . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. MOTION CARRIED. SR 515 Public Letter from Mr . W. C. Bogart , Dist . 1 Engineer , Meeting 1/20/71 State Highway Dept . , suggested 1;'20/71 to- meet (Benson Hwy. regarding SR 515 , and that concerned residents be Relocation) invited for presentations and discussions , to be held in the City Council Chambers at 7 PM. i40VED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Stredicke urged District 7 be represented also , as well as Victoria Park and Talbot Hill . Request for LID Letter from .Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner, Fund Appropriations requested authorization for appropriation of for street work excess revenues received in the Street Fund from LID 265 and 267, to cover work to be completed in 1971 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Amusement Device Letter from C . S. Shane requested 4 additional coin- License Application type pool table licenses for Sahara Tavern . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT . THE .MOTION CARRIED . 17 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/18/71 Page 3 . COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS (Cont . ) Music Machine Letter from Mr . Andy L . %'huney , Christy ' s Tavern License Request owner , requested license for Master and Location Music Machine licenses for said business. (Presently licensed to Hit Parade Music Co . ) MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE APPLICATION TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT . THE MOTION CARRIED. Additional Items Received after Agenda Prepared Hon . Gary Grant Letter from Representative Grant , directed to Hon . re Resolution Slade Gorton , Attorney General , requested opinion on 1701 , 0 . M . C . Renton Resolution No . 1701 wherein inquiry was made provisions regarding rights of initiative and referendum , and right to determine type of ordinances not subject to referendum . A second letter from the Hon . Gary Grant , State Representative , 47th District , acknowledged receipt of Renton Resolutions Nos . 1717 and 1718 which support revisions proposed to City Employees ' Retirement System. Copies were forwarded by Representative Grant to the Chairman of the Local Government Committee in the House of Representatives and to the Chairman of the Cities and Counties Committee in the Senate , rerly to be requested as to action to be taken by the committees during the present legislative session . Demolition of Letter from Building Director Ruppert requested funds and Dangerous Bldg. , authority to demolish building at 401 Wells Avenue $3 ,000 . 00 to be South , File #23-70 , according to provisions of appropriated for Sec . 4-2114 , Ch . 21 , Title IV of the City - Code , this purpose owners consent to demolition on file and all other .� actions required having been fulfilled . MOVED BY DELAUP.ENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT , TO CONCUR IN THE REOUESTSAS RE1�D.MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO AMEND THE MOTION TO INCLUDE REFERRAL OF THE SUBJECT TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE . AMENDMENT WAS VOTED UPON AND CARRIED. ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED WAS VOTED UPON AND CARRIED . Petition of Petitions signed by approximately 98 residents of Protest to the Rolling Hills area of the City protested the use Business in a of S. E . 18th Court as a business enterprise for The ResidentiaZ area Terhune Construction Co . , Inc . whereby homes on 3 lots of the cul de sac are being used to demonstrate for purpose of home sales in other areas , the traffic and intrusion disturbing the peace and quiet of the neighborhood environment . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE MATTER -0 THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE . After discussion concerning original use as model home on temporary basis and present use for sales purposes fir another area , the cayt 2rnj6ctery in Seattle Times article noted by Mr. Ken Zehm not to be true reflection because of location , and misleading to the public accordinglu; the pending MOTION CARRIED. Stredicke wondered whether or not the Consumer Protection Division of the Attorney -- General 's office should be advised of the problem . D-?Riolition of Letter from Mayor Garrett outlined recommendations old City Shop for demolition of the old city shop building which facility included labor from the State Employment Security program; fencing, use of street department personnel and equipment ; salvaging lumber and brick, usir_g some salvage for temporary car hoist cover; reimburs- ment to Building Dept . Maintenance Accounts for fence, small tools and equipment , $900 . 00 and $300 . 00 , and reimburse Street Dep ' t . accounts for equipment opera- tors and equipment rental from new shop building acct . in sum of $2 , 000 . 00; and Building Dept . to furnish job coordination and supervision . MOVED BY GRANT AND SECONDED BY. BRUCE, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. / 8 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/18/71 Page 4 . COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont) Representative Letter from Hon . A . N. Shinpoch, State Representa- Shinpoch invita- tive , 47th District , extended invitation to the tion to visit Mayor and Council to visit his office in Olympia , him in Olympia Rm. 422 , House Office Building, Ph . 753-7986 , and offered his assistance in any way needed . AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Cenkovich thanks Mr . Frank Cenkovich , 2625 Benson Hwy . So . , thanked to city for traffic those concerned in the traffic control and speed control reduction signs in vicinity of his residence which has helped greatly to alleviate the problem and urged further night speed checks to maintain same . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Committee of the 1 . Council President Grant noted investigation and Whole Report on findings ,concerning Institute of Traffic Engineers ' Travel Vouchers Convention in San Francisco last July, that the Mayor , Jim Magstadt and Del Bennett had attended, none , however being ,listed on final registration and the Mayor included in list of Monday, Noon , July 20 . Details of the reimbursement being the only remaining question , the Committee of the Whole recommended this portion of the subject be referred to the Mayor ' s Office for further investigation . Grant noted material from his findings may be secured from him by anyone wishing to review-same. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO CONCUR . MOVED BY GRANT, AND SECONDED BY STREDICKE , TO AMEND THE MOTION TO INCLUDE REPORT BACK BY THE MAYOR TO THE COMMITTEE OF THF, WHOLE . After some lengthy discussion , THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED. The Committee of the Whole recommended that the Council Finance Committee review per diem and expense reimbursement procedures and report back recommendations to the Committee of the Whole as early as possible . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. 2 . Regarding Mayor 's appointment of Mr . Del Bennett as Public Work's Administrator , the Committee of the Whole suggested the Mayor review his letter of 11/24/70 wherein confirmation of interim appointments was requested and outline was to be forthcoming for administrative procedures and legislative actions to implement changes under the Optional Municipal Code . Since no such report has been received the Council will continue to recognize Mr . Del Bennett as Traffic Engineer and Chairman of the Board of Public Works . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO CONCUR . Stredicke requested, for record, opinion on appoint - ments , there being some question among council members concerning concurrence requirement,prior opinion and if the old legislation carried over to present OMC status . City Attorney Shellan advised his opinion has not changed nor has the law. Some past appointments were given concurrence as a matter of courtesy or goodwill toward appointee , however, no opinions were then requested on concurrence requirements . Some appoint- ments received concurrence according to legislation in effect at time of appointment, ar.d all existing ordinances remain in full force and effect unless inconsistent with the OMC, under which, per RCW 35A .12 . 090 the Mayor has the power of appointment and removal from office-unless Council has reserved the riaht of confirmation or approval by ordinance . Recently the subject was -brought up and the RCW read and during recess an Ordinance was prepared and passed requiring concurrence , existing ordinance beinc in conflict with the OMC . PENDING MOTION CARRIED . r ! 9 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/18/71 Page 5 . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Committee of the Whole Report Cont . ) RECESS - 9 :05 P .M. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO RECESS. CARRIED. After the recess roll call was taken with all councilmen present as previously. Committee of r-he 3 . Recommended,regardinS inquiry by Mr . Whole Report (Cont . ) Frank Gilpen on utilization of the Carco Theatre , that the Mayor and Park Board make Carco Theatre Use recommendations submitted in writing to the +� Committee of the Whole . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . MOTION CARRIED. Annexations Council commended Mr . Deane Seeger , Mayor ' s Administrative Assistant for updated presenta- tion on status of annexations , periodic report on the subject urged . Public Works Chairman Bruce submitted recommendation that Committee Report 5-year Late Comers Agreement be granted to allow Renton Concrete Products , Inc . and the Reinhard Distributing Company recovery of costs ,.from fu':ure connections ,on sanitary sewer extension installed in South 7th Street . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE MATTER, TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE AND THE CI'T'Y ATTORNEY. CARRIED. Initiative 43 The Legislation Committee and Community Services Committee submitted joint report concerning Initiative 43, so-called "Shorelands Protection Act" , granting same to have merit as salt water shoreline areas may be affected but opposing any other than local jurisdiction and control of the regulation of fresh water areas;.andthe Department of Ecology as we?.1 as the House and Senate urged to make appropriate changes in line with the foregoing. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR After some lengthy discussions concerning wording of the report and whether or not an Initiative• might be changed and concerning the Act pro and con . the PENDING MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND BY SCHELLERT , TO REFER THE REPORT TO OUR LEGISLA- TIVE REPRESENTATIVES AND DEPT. OF ECOLOGY. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Snow Conditions Councilman Stredicke complimented the Street and Road Maintenance Commissioner and crews for efficient operation .in sanding maintenan,.P following recent snowstorms . Mini-Theatre Speaking on experiences related to him concerning Mini-Theatre operations in various large cities , and desirability of same being questionable , it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THE SUBJECT OF MINI-THREATRES BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. 1971 Budget Councilman Schellert called attention to the 1971 Availablein City Budget which was distributed by the Clerk 's office Clerk 's Office this date . Mrs . Nelson and Staff were commended for the .good looking aspects as well as early ($2 . 00 per copy completion 2f the publication . Upon inquiry as except exempt to availability City Clerk Nelson reported copies entities) are on file in the Library and others may be obtained 4.n her office as long as supply lasts . Urban Affairs Councilman Schellert called attention to proposals Council Plan For for improvement of local government within the Citizen Involvement State 1+1hch includes national trend for citizen in Government involvement through the formation of neighborhood 20 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/18/71 Page 6 . NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Citizen Involvement (Cont . ) councils or representatives . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE URBAN AFFAIRS COUNCIL RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE MAYOR 'S OFFICE FOR REVIEW. THE MOTION CARRIED. PSGC Report Councilman Perry advised he had distributed copies of current report of the Puget Sound Governmental Conference . He outlined rank of cities with regard to amounts of fund grants approved , Renton being second in the State, and noted further applications are now being processed for additional funds . AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr . Sven Johnson Mr . Sven Johnson , 1520 Index N. E . offered his Citizen Involvement service on a committee under citizen involvement program in regard to review of items offered for inspection by Councilman Grant regarding travel vouchers . Mr . Nigel Adams- Mr . Nigel Adams , 1800 Beacon Way So . spoke against Opposing Neighbor- the proposal for neighborhood councils urging that hood Councils more time and study be given to selection of citizens with good educational background and experience to serve on existing boards , commissions and committees which can accomplish the same purpose. Mr . I . J . Brodell- Mr. I. J. Brodell , 1101 Shelton Ave . S. E. advised Travel Vouchers that his pursuance of the subject of travel vouchers was in the interest of how the tax dollars are spent; that the matter is presently where initiated and it is up to the Mayor and Council to continue from here . Mrs . Pat Seymour- Mrs . Seymour, 2534 Burnett Avenue South , Victoria Citizen Councils Park , responded to the proposal for neighborhood councils with approval stating direct involvement brings awareness and that reactions that follow are healthy . Mr . Ken Zehm Mr. Zehm advised of awareness in his neighborhood Citizen Councils and that it was felt representation to such committees on city level is needed and gives more direct rapport . Mr . Sven Johnson Mr . Johnson added comments involving citizen participation and reactions citing proposed new stadium location ,hls presentation and tax roll question noting also the xroposed Maple Valley Highway expansion will create problems that may well give reason for citizen involvement . Mr . Joe Sporcic Mr . Sporcic , 1316 Harrington N. E . had commented that the Council should be responsive to needs of all people on State issues and not just as may concern the local area . (Initiative 43) Mr. Ray Pearce Mr . Ray Pearce , 2527 Burnett Court commented on SR 515 residents ' approach to the city concerning SR 515 and that cooperation had been fully received and they felt their voice had been heard . Mrs . Seymour added like comment expressing appreciation for the response received Councilman Clymer responded that the the Council itself is a citizens board , Councilman Delaurenti noting fresh ideas and citizen involvement are always welcome . ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO ADJOURN. CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 10 : 45 P.M. HP-7 e W. Nelson . r'i tip C7.— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF January 18, 1971 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Wednesday After Trans Grant Council Chambers Meeting with Mayor concern- 1/20/71 portation ing 21R and Police Guild Committee Contract Meeting Community Services Friday Clymer 3rd. Floor Conf. To discuss Mining, Excava- 1/22/71 4:00 P.M. Room ting, Grading Ordinance Finance Schellert Legislation Monday 4:30 P.M. Perry Councilman 1/25/71 Perry's Office Personnel & Community Wednesday 7:30 P.M. To consider pending Relations 1/27/71 Stredicke Appointments Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Bruce Transportation Wednesday 7:00 P.M. Grant Council Chambers 1/20/71 Bi-monthly Meeting with Wednesday 9:30 A.M. Lith Floor State Highway Meeting 1/20/71 Conference Room Community Council of The Thursday 7:30 P.M. Kiwanis Park Highlands 1/21/71 Rec. Building ti 22 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERX 1/18/7] PERMITS ISSUED BY ThL BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO., AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2556 $200.00 J.W. Dalpay 4221 N.E. Sunset Blvd. Repair Fire Damage 2557 3,310.00 T. Edwardo 320 Williams Ave . N. Repair Fire Damage 2558 3,807.60 Al Meekan 3616 Sunset Blvd. N.E. Repair Fire Damage 2559 80,500.00 Pacific Agro Co. 903 Houser Way W. Construct Warehouse 2560 2,000.00 Charles Shane 2201 Maple Valley Hwy Install Partitions 2561 2,000.00 Kenneth P. Bradley 1309 No. 30th St. Remodel House MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2745 300.00 F.H.A.-Mark 7 Realty 751 Redmond Ave.N.E. Repair Vent Piping 2746 350.00 F.H.A.-Mark 7 Realty 851 Queen Ave. N.E. Alter Vent Piping 2747 700.00 F.H.A.-Mark 7 Realty 455 Bronson Way N.E. Repair Vent Piping 2748 850.00 F.H.A .-Mark 7 Realty 608 Cedar Ave. So. Repair Water & Vent Piping 2749 250.00 F.H.A .-Mark 7 Realty 3324 N.E. 7th Pl. Inst. Plbg. & Fixtures 2750 900.00 Kampe Construction Co.3419 Shattuck Ave. S. Inst. Plbg. • & Fixtures 2751 900.00 Kampe Construction Co.3422 Shattuck Ave . S. Inst. Plbg. & Fixtures 2752 200.00 Paul Fischer 1721 Harrington Ave .N.E. Inst. Gas Hot Water Tank 2753 100.00 Donald W. Custer 212 Wells Ave. So. Gas Piping for Furnaces 2754 150.00 Anthony F. Wenzel 1102 N. 33rd St. Inst. Plbg. & Fixtures 2755 875 .00 Ray Brown Auto Clinic 414 Monroe Ave. N.E. Inst. Oil Fired Boiler 2756 100.00 Charles Shane 2201 Maple Valley Hwy Inst. Electric Water Heate� 2757 85.00 Clyde D. Smith 1008 N. 33rd Pl. Alter Drianage Piping ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3166 50.00 Pacific Agro 903 Houser Way N. Inst. Temp. Service 3167 250.00 J. W. Dalpay 4221 Sunset Blvd. N.E. Rewire & Inst. Elect. Heat 3168 2,800.00 Pac. Car & Foundry 1400 No. 4th St. Wire Paint Shed. 3169 250.00 Renton Village Co. 35 South Grady Way Change Fixtures 3170 250.00 T. Edwardo 320 Williams Ave. N. Rewire burned portion 3171 425 .00 Al Meekan 3616 Sunset Blvd. N.E. Repair Wiring 3172 200.00 Susan J. Kiefner 612 S.W. Sunset Blvd. Inst. New Service 3173 175.00 City of Renton N.E. 12th St. & Harrington N.E. Underground Service 3174 250.00 Charles Shane 2201 Maple Valley Hwy Complete Wiring 3175 372.00 Oehm Kirkman 107 Park Ave. N. Install 200A Service 3176 500.00 F.H.A .Mark Seven Rty. 751 Redmond Ave. N.E. Increase Serv.ice,add Heat 3177 500.00 F.H.A .Mark Seven Rty. 455 Bronson Way N.E. Tncrease Service,add Heat SEWER PERMITS S 1495 Wayne Hills 3506 N. 35th St. L.I.D. 263 1496 Marvin Starkenbaum 1809 N. E. 27th St. L.I.D. 271 1497 James Spencer 3901 Park Ave. North L.I.D. 263 1498 Kompe Construction 1202 N. 31st Street L.I.D. 261 1499 R. E. Walker 2732 Jones Ave. N. E. L.I .D. 271 S 1500 Mr. Gee 1214 N. 34th St. Connect Sewer 1501 Mabel Blank 2216 N. E. 27th St. L.I.D. 271 1502 John Dobson 1007 N.. 33rd Place L.I.D. 263 1503 L. E. McNeely 3810 Park Ave. North L.I.D. 263 23 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk January 25 , 1971 R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY - LEGISLATION COMMITTEE To prepare suggestions for Legislative Amendments to provide for right of initiative and referendum under 'don-Charter Code City, for forward- ing to State Representatives To report if Code needs revision as concerns Commercial Home Sales in residential area - to report back COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE School District 403 Board of Directors , request for City to initiate annexation of Hazen and Lindberg High School areas 21R and Police Guild contracts Qualifications, number of members and length of term for Board of Adjust- ment membership to be determined COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Municipal Arts Commission letter requesting support in establishing permanent museum facility in Renton MAYOR M. L. Jines complaints re Dog Leash Law enforcement City Representation at Insurance Seminar at Doubletree Inn 1/26/71 PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Appointments to another term on the Renton Planning Commission of Mr. John Sterling and Mr. Clark Teegarden PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Application for license to operate amusement device at Spot Tavern PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Protest letters to L.I .D. 265 Lift station substitution in L.I .D. 272 - Report back TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Letters and petitions - SR 515 (Benson Highway relocation) City parking lot operation in view of revenue compared to cost MEETINGS & EVENTS 1/29/71 - Meeting on H.B . 158, Rm. 431, House Office Bldg . , Olympia 1/31/71 to 2/6/71 - CLERGY WEEK G 4 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Monday , January 25 , 1971 Renton Municipal Building 8 :00 P.M. City Council Chambers M I N U T E S PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Avery Garrett led the Flag Salute and AND CALL TO ORDER called the regular weekly meeting of the City Council to order . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL Grant , Bruce , Clymer, Stredicke , Delaurenti , and Schellert . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMAN PERRY WHO HAD REPORTED ILLNESS. THE MOTION CARRIED. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY GRANT, SECOND BY STREDICKE, TO AMEND 1/18/71 Meeting PAGE 2 OF THE MINUTES , LINES 18 AND 19, PARAGRAPH 2 , TO DELETE "STREDICKE VOTING NO" AND INSERTING GRANT VOTING NO, STREDICKE EXPRESSING OBJECTION- MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECOND BY STREDICKE, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AS AMENDED. MOTION CARRIED. CHANGE IN AGENDA MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO SUSPEND THE RULES AND MOVE ITEMS 4 AND 5 TO FOLLOW ITEM 7 ON THE AGENDA . MOTION CARRIED. PROCLAMATION Presented to Dr. Oscar Schmuland and Mr. Ron Marx. Clergy Week - CLERGY WEEK - January 31 through February 6 , Civitan Club . 971 . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, Acknowledgment TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. AWARDS TO CITY FOR Mr. John Swanson and Mr. Hayden Williams , FOUNTAIN AND fund donors for city hall fountain beautifica- ENTRANCE WAY - 1970 tion project and Mr . Dave Johnston , of Johnston Campanella-Murakami & Associates , Architects for City Hall , and Mr. Jerry Bell of Glen Hunt & Assoc- iates , Landscape Architects , (Fountain) were introduced and invited to the podium to accept on behalf of the City , Placques from the Wn . State Nurserymen 's Ass 'n . as awards for Best Environmental Element . Proud acceptance of award for the fountain was declared by Mr . Williams and honor in acceptance expressed by Mr . Bell for Landscaping and City Hall entrance,which placques were in turn pre- sented to Council President Bill Grant . PLACQUE TO EXCHANGE Mayor Garrett presented award placque to Miss STUDENT TO NISHIWAKI, Vicki Shiosaki , Renton High School Exchange JAPAN-VICKI SHIOSAKI student to Renton ' s Sister City , Nishi.waki , Japan , who has just returned after one year . Vicki stated her visit to be very rewarding and enriching noting the warm hospitality of the people into whose homes she was welcomed. Her closing remarks , upon request , were in Japanese . Vicki 's Mother, Mrs . Floyd Shiosaki also partici- pated in the acceptance , Mayor Garrett recalled greet- ing by Vicki , upon his arrival in Japan , noting also that exchange student from Japan Sho Hasegawa had resided with the Shiosaki 's during his year in the U. S. ; the Mayor expressing his great pleasure in making this presentation tonight . COMMUNITY SERVICE Mayor Garrett presented award to Past City Council AWARD PLACQUE TO President , Councilman Henry Schellert , extending PAST COUNCIL PRESIDWNT congratulations deeming this his pleasure being the first past president award to be made as Mayor . Mr . Schellert accepted with thanks and appreciation . MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/25/71 Page 2 . PUBLIC HEARING : LID 265 Final Assessment Roll Kennydale Area This being the date set , and proper legal Sanitary Sewers notice having been published and publicly posted, the hearing was opened . Letter Public Hearing from Elna Howell , owner of Tract 334 , Continued to objected to financial burden at this time February 1 , 1971 in view of depressed economic situation and letter from Gerhard T. Muller objected to assessment which was felt excessive in re- lation to benefit to be derived . Audience comment was invited . There being no response , a.r. -it was MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THE HEARING BE CONTINUED FOR ONE, WEEK WITH REFERRAL OF THE PROTEST LETTERS TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK NEXT WEEK. THE MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Hoven , 2411 Meadow Ave . No . inquired how soon he might be able to pay his assessment and was advised that further action toward consumation would follow next week . COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS Earlington Fire Letter from City Engineer Wilson and Fire Chief Training Site Walls reported completion of CAG 1751-70 on Final Estimate 1/11/71 with Engineering Department acceptance on 1/18/71 . Final payment due the Contractor, L . D. L. Land Development Company , in sum of $9 , 046 . 09 was recommended for approval ,with Council acceptance of the work as of this date and commencement of 30 day lien period, after which , if no liens or claims are filed and upon proof of payment of all tax liability the retainage of $952 . 22 be released . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. ..f Complaints Letter from Mr . M . L . Jines objected to 9 : 00 a .m. concerning Dog- arrival of law enforcement officer in the area Leash Law enforce- dogs being safely back in the houses by then , and ment urged more aggressive approach toward violators and a more strict enforcement of the Ordinance . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE MAYOR . CARRIED. Mr. Jne Sporcic noted problems experienced and related to him by others with regard to animal control code enforcement . Support requested Letter from Mr . Roger Richert , Chairman , Municipal for museum facility Arts Commission , on behalf of the Renton Historical Society ,requested support and encouragement toward possible establishment of permanent museum -for its growing collection of valuable historical relics , the former Holmes Electric Building at 3rd and Mill deemed to have merit in this regard. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE COMMUNITYiSERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIEC . ATTORNEY GENERAL 'S Letter from office of the Attorney General OPINION - O .M.C. acknowledged receipt of letter requesting advice Cities-Initiative as to authority of a non-charter code city to and Referendum in provide for initiative and referendum petitions . ••- Non-Charter Code AGO 1970 No . 8 was attached noting need for the Cities enactment of appropriate legislation granting such powers . For further assistance services of Mr . Donald Foss , Jr . were offered , at extension 2438 . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND LEGISLATION COM- MITTEE FOR SUGGESTIONS TO BE FORWARDED TO OUR LEGISLATIVE REPRESENTATIVES, WHICH WOULD GIVE THE CITY THE RIGHT , IF PROVIDED BY LAW, TO INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM. After some lengthy remarks by Stredicke as to interpretations by council of OMC prior legal opinions by the City Attorneytand rebuttal remarks by City Attorney Shellan replying to points raised and referral to information he had supplied ,the PENDING MOTION CARRIED . Ali MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/25/71 Page 3 . COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS Variance Request Letter from Mr . Jack L . Cosby , NW Dist . Mgr. , for Trailer Office Ben Franklin Income Tax Service , requested a variance for temporary office trailer on the Gov-Mart parking lot .there being no space in the store and time being of essence . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT WITH SPECIAL MEETING TO BE HELD. Dissenting voice vote brought roll call as follows : Aye-3 : Grant , Delaurenti and Schellert. No-3 : Bruce , Clymer and Stredicke . Mayor Garrett voted no . THE MOTION LOST. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY GRANT, THAT COUNCIL TAKE NO ACTION AND THE REQUEST FOLLOW NORMAL PROCEDURES. CARRIED. Final Costs , L.I .D. Letters from City Engineer Wilson reported No . 263, and Pro- LID 263 cost to district of $379,176 . 96 . ject Acceptance Final payment due Coulee Construction Co . , Inc. , in sum of $5 ,955 . 39 was recommended , along with Council acceptance of the project this date , commencement of 30-day lien period and Public Hearing on 311171 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ACCEPT THE PROJECT AND APPROVE THE RECOMMENDATIONS AS READ . THE MOTION CARRIED. Annexation request- Letter from Mr . Roger Lewis , Pres . , Board . of School Dist . 403 Directors , School Dist . 403, urged Council action to annex Hazen and Lindberg High School areas to Renton , fire and police protection of concern . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . CARRIED. Application for Annlication was read for license to operate an Novelty Game - amusement device at 4224 East Valley Hwy . , filed License for Spot by Mr. Robert Troutman . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND Tavern BY CLYMER, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. CARRIED . After discussion regarding addition of items to the agenda , several were noted to be on hand, ordinance providing procedure for additions . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO ALLOW THE ADDITIONAL ITEMS. THE MOTION CARRIED . SR 515 - Benson Letter from Mr . Boris Andreassen submitted pictures Hwy . Relocation of area in vicinity of his home at 1528 Talbot Rd . , and noted destruction of native setting, fish and wildlife by progress , existing dam and pond now threatened with elimination by SR 515 . As a Renton pioneer , not wanting to move away , he opposed the route of SR515, many years being spent in beautifica- tion of the area . Letter from W.F. Murray , Valley Genara7 unarif-m7 Letter- and Petition- urged the construction of SR515 not be delayed . Request for City Letter from Mr. John Swanson , Chairman , submitted approval of SR515 petitions with about 261 signatures of businessmen , merchants and landowners urging Council reconsider its action rejecting plan of SR 515 and to approve same as presented by the State at 1120171 hearing; objections of Victoria Park residents to be given consideration so as to benefit from the new road. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE LETTER AND PETITIONS TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED . Closure of Branch Letter from Mr . Donald Jacobson . Pres . , Board of Library in the Trustees , reported decision to close the Highlands Highlands Area Branch Library in the interest of economy and better utilization of resources . H. B. 158 Letter from Hon.. A .N. Shinpoch, State Representative , Statewide Retire- noted in se to response ment System P petition , that H.B. 158 has his full support . Mayor Garrett noted meeting on the Consolidation with matter 1129171 at 9 : 00 a .m . Rm.. 431 , House Office Public Employees Bldg . in Olympia . (Old Public Health Bldg. ) System MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING Page 4 . VOUCHER APPROVAL Blanket Approval of Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported Vouchers Nos . 1-44 , approval by the committee of vouchers in total and LID Nos . 263 and amount of $141 , 477 . 17 , having received depart- 265 Cash and Revenue mental certification that merchandise and/or Vouchers services have been received or rendered , and LID No . 263 Cash and Revenue Vouchers #20 in sum of $5 ,955 . 39 and LID No . 265 Cash and Revenue Vouchers #15 , in sum of $9 ,541 . 71 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO APPROVE THE VOUCHERS FOR PAYMENT AS REPORTED. THE MOTION CARRIED. Legislation Letter prepared by City Attorney Shellan was Committee Member ' s noted with recommendation by Grant that the Report - Initiative letter be forwarded to other cities in King #43 (Shorelands County and to Committee Chairman and to our Protection Act) Legislative Representatives , to strengthen original letter of last week . MOVED BY GRANT SECONDED BY STREDICKE , TO CONCUR IN THE LETTER AS PREPARED BY THE ATTORNEY WITH REFERRALS AS SUGGESTED. The letter was read affirming the city ' s prior position and urging legislative action to correct existing problems concerning the Initiative . MOTION CARRIED . RECESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO RECESS. 9 :30 p .m. THE MOTION CARRIED. AFTER RECESS ROLL CALL WAS TAKEN WITH ALL PRESENT AS PREVIOUSLY ATTENDING . APPOINTMENTS Municipal Arts Letter from Mayor Garrett reported appointments Commission of Mrs . Adolph Gruhn and Mrs . Phillip Irwin to Appointees another term on the Municipal Arts Commission which-3 year terms will expire January 1 , 1974 . Council confirmation not required . Planning Com- Letter from the Mayor requested concurrence as mission Appointees required in appointments of Mr . John Sterling and Mr . Clark Teegarden to another six-year term each as members of the Renton Planning Commission , to expire January 1 , 1977 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT , TO REFER THE APPOINTMENTS OF PLANNING COMMISSIONERS TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE. THE OLD BUSINESS MOTION CARRIED. Committee of the Council President Grant reported meeting with the Whole Members Mayor , Mr . Brodell and other interested citizens , Meeting regarding on Saturday ,for review of the subject of travel travel vouchers vouchers . The Council last week had referred the matter to the Mayor ' s office and report back to Committee of the Whole is to be forthcoming . Transportation The Transportation Committee met on Wednesday with Committee Report the State Highway Department to discuss SR 515 . Hearing was held in the Council Chambers and the meeting was well attended with all Council Members in attendance . It was felt a fine presentation was made and very good citizen response from the filled Council Chambers . Further meeting is to be requested at which time it is hoped the matter may be resolved to the satisfaction of all concerned. Lb MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1125171 Page 5 . OLD BUSINESS (Cont . ) Complaint Petition- The Community Services Committee reported that Business Operation the model homes which were used for demonstra- in Rolling Hills tion have been sold and the problem has been Residential. area resolved ,as concerned sales operation for buildings to be located elsewhere . (Terhune Construction , Inc. ) Stredicke expressed con- cern over current newspaper ads and the fact that a problem exists with regard to commercial home sales operation in established or residen- tial areas . MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THE SUBJECT, AS PER PETITION FROM ROLLING HILLS AREA RESIDENTS, BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR REPORT BACK D%HETHER CODE CHANGE IS NEEDED. 21R and, Pnlce Councilman Stredicke inquired of the Mayor as Guild Contract to h.is proposals ,received without needed revision Negotiations to contracts with Employees Local 21R and the Police Guild. Mayor Garrett noted his wish to meet with the Council to discuss the subject . Reports distributed were results of negotiations , after Council referral of same , between the Mayor and wage group representatives . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THE POLICE GUILD AND LOCAL 21R CONTRACTS BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. City Attorney Shellan suggested that the opinions given by him to the Personnel and Community Relations Committee recommending amendments and opinion written more recently in regard to certain aspects in conflict with the law or needing clarification , be filed with the Council President so that all will be available at time of review. PENDING MOTION CARRIED. LID 272 , Edmonds Councilman Stredicke advised of receipt of phone ' Ave . N. E. ,Sewers inquiries concerning Edmonds Av . N. E. project proposal., in regard to petitions being circulated' and people being asked to sign on ?iasis of information which may doubtful as to accuraccl as concerned federal funding applications , since trunk lines of 12" or more are required therefor. He noted prior and pending appli- cations ,with dispositions and anticipated action . Attention was called to possibility of utilizing reconstructed lift station at some great savings in cost. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE MATTER OF LIFT STATION SUBSTITUTION TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR INVESTIGATION AND REPORT BACK. THE MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Ben Franklin Councilman Grant felt a firm that had operated in Variance request the City before merits equal consideration as is given others granted permits for trailers , campers , e.Iodcon a temporary basis , regardless of size . CORRECTED-REFER TIS noted extensive improvements installed by permit holders to city property which offset lesser MINUTES OFahl7l fees . Mayor Garrett advised that the Board of Ad- justment plans to hold a special meeting on the variance request . Stredicke felt request could have been filed earlier . Board of Adjustment Councilman Clymer noted that under the Optional Municipal Code the Board of Adjustment becomes the most important appellant board and MOVED THAT, MATTER OF QUALIFICATIONS, NUMBER OF MEMBERS AND TERMS FOR BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEMBERSHIP BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . MOTION CARRIED . 29 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1125171 Page 6 . NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) City Parking Lots Councilman Stredicke outlined revenues derived from City owned parking lots and comparison of operating costs indicating question as to their feasibility , MOVED TO REFER THE SUBJECT TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY DELAURENTI AND CARRIED. Seminar - Municipal Councilman Schellert called attention to an bw Insurance Coverage- insurance seminar to be held at the Doubletree Liability Exposure. Inn on January 26th and suggested that Mr. Roger Davis, City Insurance Commissioner, be urged to attend on behalf of the City . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE MAYOR ' S OFFICE . CARRIED. Regional Crime Councilman Schellert noted newspaper article Report System indicating the City of Renton , because of budgetary reasons ,was not participating in Regional Crime Report System . Mayor Garrett noted like surprise to read this report since the City has executed agreement thro?zgh the Department of Licenses and is participating the same as other cities . City Public Report MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THE MATTER OF A PUBLICATION,- TO BE PREPARED BY THE CITY, BE REFERRED TO THE. PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO ADJOURN. THE MOTION CARRIED. Meeting was adjourned at 10 : 35 p.m. 1� Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk I OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 25 , 1971 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Grant Community Services Fri . 1/29 4 :00 PM Clymer 3rd Fl.Conf .Rm. Mining, Excavating & Grading Ordinance Finance Mon. 2/1 4: 30 PM Schellert lst Fl .Conf.Rm. Legislation Perry Personnel & Community Relations ed. 1/27 7: 30 PM Stredicke 2nd Fl.Conf.Rm. Pending Appointments to Bd. of Ethics & Airport Board Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Mon. 2/1 7: 00 PM Bruce 4th Fl.Conf.Rm. Meet with City Engineer & Street Commissioner Transportation Tues . 2/2 7 : 30 PM Grant 6th Fl.Conf.Rm. Meet/Chamber of Commerce Re Bus Services to Area Joint Hearing - House Finan- cail Inst. & Insurance Com.Fri . 1/29 9 :00 AM tc Sen. G.Fleminc Rm.431 House Proposed 'Consolidation & Senate Pensions & Social 11: 00 AM Rep. Ned Shera Office Bldg. , Retirement- Systems of Security Com. Legislative Olympia Statewide & Public Empl. Bldg. ,Olympia OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1/25/71 PERMITS ISSUED BI THF BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS L AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK Bbw662 $1,500.00 Wayne Goodwin 609 S.W. 4th Place Repair Fire Damage 2563 5,000.00 PAcifiA Car & Foundry 1400 North 4th St. Construct Sand Car Shelter MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2758 250.00 Erren Nordblad 3505 N.E. 6th St. Inst. Gas Furnace 2759 250.00 Fred Callen 446 Windsor Way N.E. Inst. Gas Furnace 2760 200.00 Wayne M. Goodwin 609 S.W. 4th Place Install Septic Drain Field 2761 3,500.00 The Boeing Company 5015 Lake Wash.Blvd.N. Install 100 H.P. Boiler 2762 400.00 Pan Abode, Inc. 4035 Lake Wash.Blvd.N. Install Septic Tank etc. 2763 50.00 Highlands Convalescent Center 1110 Edmonds N.E. Install Gas Piping ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3178 783.00 F.H.A. Mark 7 Realty 851 Queen Ave. N.E. Install New Service 3179 200.00 Wayne Goodwin 609 S.W. 4th Place Rewire outlets 3180 740.00 Revom, Inc. 351 Union Ave. N.E. Three Phase Service SIGN PERMITS S 124 150.00 Bank of the West 2950 N.E. Sunset Blvd. Install Ground Sign 125 2,500.00 Standard Oil Co. 207 Main Ave. S. Erect Pole Sign 126 600.00 Homeland Realty 600 So. 3rd. St. Erect Pole Sign WER PERMITS ■.. S 1504 Kampe Construction 3431 Shattuck Ave. S. Connect Sewer 1505 Kampe Construction 3425 Shattuck Ave . S. Connect Sewer 1506 Kampe Construction 3419 Shattuck Ave. S. Connect Sewer 1507 Kampe Construction 3422 Shattuck Ave. S. Connect Sewer 1508 Kampe Construction 3426 Shattuck Ave . S. Connect Sewer 1509 Gary Trapp 1115 N. 33rd Place L.I.U. 263 vow 32 FUND TRANSFERS APPROVED FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY, 1971 FROM TO CLAIMS FUND Current $ 248 .83 City Street 50.00 Regular & Street Foward Thrust 17,291.66 Urban Arterial 69,619.83 Waterworks Utility 46,692.13 Airport 911.00 Equipment Rental 1,200.41 Firemen's Pension 5,361.0 TOTAL CLAIMS FOR JANUARY $141074.87 FROM TO PAYROLL FUND Current Fund $171,033.92 Parks 28,341.21 Street 36,252.60 Cedar River M & I 730.00 Library 12018 .01 Waterworks Utility 24,183 .93 Airport 1031.00 Equipment Rental 4,837.00 Firemen's Pension 100.00 TOTAL PAYROLL FOR JANUARY $279,727.67 03 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk February 1 , 1971 R E F E R R A L S BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Notice of Public Hearing by Boundary Review Board at County Courthouse on 3/25/71 regarding annexation of territory by the City of Kent COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Surplus Cash Report for period ending 12/31/70 COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Petitions and letters objecting to closure of Highlands Branch Library FINANCE COMMITTEE Dow-Laney Company notice of Insurance Dividend Premium (Standard Insurance Group Policy) and offer to hold at 5-1/4% , and Mayor 's letter accepting proposal until further notification LIBRARY BOARD Petitions and letters protesting closure of Highlands Branch Library City Council request that the Board consider a Free Book Return Say LEGISLATION COMMITTEE_ LID 265 , Kennydale Sanitary Sewer Project (So . of SE 96th) approved and referred for Ordinance confirming Final Roll (Ordinance No . 2616 adopted) Proposed revisions to Curfew Ordinance from Mayor 's Youth Guidance Committee and High School Government Classes MAYOR Mr . R .G. Hansen letter concerning library parking lot problems Legislation Committee request for organizational chart to level of assistant department heads by February 8 , and by February 15 , job descriptions and recommended salaries for those positions Finance Committee request for status report on Capital Improvement Program PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Letter from Mr. M . L. Jines requesting sponsorship support for his family in Green Lake Heart-A-Thon , to be held 2/6/71 Municipal Arts Commission letter requesting support on behalf of the Renton Historical Society of the Holmes Building for Renton Museum PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Applications for Music Machine Licenses : Shakey ' s Pizza Parlor , E1 Picador and Rainbow Cafe PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE_ Request of City Engineer to retain structural engineering consultant for design of Houser Way Bridge Bids received for 1971 supply of water pipe TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Petition requesting safety measures along Royal Hills Drive Petitions and letter concerning SR 515 (Benson Highway Relocation) i APPOINTMENTS Board of Ethics : Dr . Jack Priebe ; Mr . Floyd Hughes; Mrs . Ronald Ringwood and Rev. Ken Underwood Renton Aviation Board : Mr . Gary Dime Renton Planning Commission : Mr . John Sterling and Mr. Clark Teegarden MEETINGS AND EVENT: 2/22/71 - Public Hearing on LID 272 , Sanitary Sewers , Edmonds N.E. , from N:E. 14th to N.E . 27th Preliminary Assessment Roll , continued from 2/1/71 4 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING February 1 , 1971 Renton Municipal Building 8:00 P.M. City Council Chambers M I N U T E S PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Avery Garrett led the Flag Salute and AND CALL TO ORDER called the weekly meeting of the City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL GRANT, SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI, PERRY, STREDICKE , CLYMER AND BRUCE. CITY OFFICIALS PRESENT AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR , HELMIE NELSON, CITY CLERK, DOROTHEA GOSSETT, CITY TREASURER , G . M. SHELLAN, CITY ATTORNEY, C. S . WILLIAMS, CHIEF OF POLICE, JACK WILSON, CITY ENGINEER , VICTOR TEGANTVOORT, STREET COMMISSIONER, GORDON ERICKSEN, PLANNING DIRECTOR , TED BENNETT, UTILITY ACCOUNTANT, M. DEANE SEEGER, ADMINISTRATIVE ASST. TO THE MAYOR AND BERNARD RUPPERT, BUILDING DIRECTOR . MINUTE APPROVAL Clymer requested correction to Page 'S', Line 5 , 1/25/71 Meeting under New Business , Ben Franklin Variance request , should read, "Bruce noted extensive improvements-- rather than Clymer" . Clerk ' s addendum correcting roll call vote , Page 3 , Line 10 , deleting Clymer and adding Schellett to Aye vote was acknowledged. Stredicke felt , regarding Local 21R and Police Guild negotiations , Page 5 , Line 10, that only the subject matter and not the contracts had been referred to Committee of the Whole . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING WITH CORRECTIONS AS NOTED BY CLYMER AND CITY CLERK'S ADDENDUM. THE MOTION CARRIED. BLANKET VOUCHER Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported the APPROVAL_, Nos . 45-148 , approval of Vouchers in total amount of $32,707 . 35 , and LID 263 and 267 and LID No . 263 Cash and Revenue Vouchers #21 , Cash and Revenue $24 ,513 . 59; #22 , $600. 00; #23 , $8 ,500. 00 and Vouchers LID No . 267, Cash and Revenue Vouchers #17, in sum of $11 ,403. 46 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, VOUCHERS AS NUMBERED BE APPROVED BY THE COUNCIL AND AUTHORIZED FOR PAYMENT. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING,LID 265 This being the date set , and proper legal notice Sanitary Sewers, South having been duly published and publicly posted, of SE 96th, Kennydale the continued hearing was opened for further action . area , Final Assessment Protest letters had been referred to the Public Roll , $138,909 . 98 Works Committee and Chairman Bruce submitted (Cont. from 1/25/71) committee findings that the assessments on the Muller and Howell properties were equitable in relation to others of the district and it was recommended that the Final Assessment Roll be approved as submitted by the City Engineer. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. Audience Comment Mr. Gerhard Muller , 2502 Meadow Avenue North, and Engineer 's reply stated his letter was one of inquiry as to why LID 265 assessments are different for L .I .D. 's and not a protest . City Engineer Wilson noted some 80 ft . and not 40 ft . of pipe involved in Mr. Gerhard 's line , advising that each LID has its own individual characteristics , such as depth required , soil con- ditions , etc . , but that all property is assessed on a like basis as it relates to the whole project , type of residence or whether view property having nothing to do with cost . Mr . W. J. Hoven , 2411 Meadow Ave . No. advised that Mrs. Howell , the other protestor, was in California . PENDING MOTION TO AFFIRM ASSESSMENTS CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY BRUCE, TO ACCEPT THE FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL OF LID 265 WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. 0 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/1/71 Page 2 . PUBLIC HEARING : LID 272 , Sanitary Sewers , Edmonds Ave . N . F . Preli.minart, Assessment Roll LID 272 This being the date set and proper legal notices $88 ,262 . 36 having been duly published and publicly posted as Preliminary required bu law, the hearing was opened with reading Assessment of communications . Letter from Mrs . Hilda Peranti , 2409 N.E. 27th Street , opposed the LID being unable to afford the assessment just being able to meet present living costs on her $92 . 00 monthly pension . Letter from Mr . Lawrence M. Bauer, 2417 N. E . 27th Street , protested the sewer noting same to be unwanted , unnecessaru and an excessive expense for many living in the area and under these circumstances , unfair . Letter from Mrs . Rebecca Sargent , 2016 Edmonds Ave . N.E. opposed the LID because of financial problems caused by present economic conditions , for some time having vacant rentals , also objecting to use of pump which will not be necessary in the near future , and to the installation at this time rather than after the Metro trunk lines are in . Letter from Mrs . Nina Huseland summarized reasons for protests of property owners signing petition against the L. I. D. , prior initiation efforts by the city for sewers with protests by these same concerned property owners noted and subsequent majority vote of the Council not to install the sewer and now with the new "unwanted" road construction the engineers want them installed. She questioned city inspection of septic tank installations since most of the petitioners for the sewers have homes built during the past 10-12 years and it was not felt other residents should have to assume the $88 ,262 . 56 cost for a few isolated trouble spots . She noted City Engineers statements that perhaps cross sewers might be installed so that in the event of future installation easements could be utilized and the road would not have to be torn up . Since Mr . Leo Moreles of the Metro Planning Department had advised by phone of installation of the large trunk sewer along May Creek in the spring of ' 71 with later extension to Coal- field it was felt the next section would go past 116th thus the project might be delayed and sewage could then go over the hill to that line via gravity flow eliminating need for lift pump . Attention was called to cost estimate of $10 . 00 per ft . now running as high as $15 . 00 , to to a suggestion by a councilman that perhaps installation can proceed for those favoring the project with Late-Comers Agreement Provided for later connections . Inquiry was made whether the City could apply for federal matching funds for portion of the cost . Cases of 12 individuals were cited along with reasons for their financial hardship three of which have had their property listed for sale for up to two years with no results . The three largest property owners with the most lineal footage on Edmonds are retired people who have owned the land for many years and have their life savings tied up in the property not visualizing that their savings could be wiped out by a quick four to three vote of the council . All three , one a widow, have one or more rentals , part of their daily living expense and estimated assessments of $4 , 000 . 00 to $5 ,000 . 00 are involved in these instances . A No vote on LID 272 was respectfully requested. Letter from Mr . and Mrs . Jack E. Hodge , 2300 Edmonds Ave . N.E. , did not feel the LID was presently needed nor financially feasible since it constitutes no benefit to to them but rather a liability of $4 , 766 . 95 . Informa- tion concerning stubs and side sewers ,and locations , Metro charges and costs compared to other LID was requested. Petition with signatures representing 53 parcels of land objected to creation of the L . I .D . per Resolution 1726 of the City . J0 Page 3. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/1/71 PUBLIC HEARING : L. I.D. 272 Sanitary Sewers (Cont . ) City Engineer's City Engineer Wilson 's report was read estimating Report $88 ,262 . 36 as total cost of LID 272 with the valua- tion of the property within the district plus 25% of existing improvements being adequate to support the proposed district . As of 5 :00 p .m . this date written protests have been received from owners representing 54 . 74% of the estimated cost of the improvement , the protests also represent 51 . 81% of the front footage and 56 . 26% of the area within the proposed district . Audience comments Mr. Bertram Metzger, Attorney representing 22 of re LID No . 272 the 26 protestors , displayed map of the proposed sewer line and outlined further the objections with reasons for Council to defer action until the future , which included future Metro trunk line anticipation to serve the area and no need in that event for lift pump and pressurized line saving costs,as well as new economic situation allowing residents to better afford the costs who are now unemployed. It was felt fair value will not be realized, the project not needed for health purposes , perc tests being perfect . He questioned lack of effort to obtain federal f�:nds , and the inclusion of only a portion of the Living Memorial property and not all which is to benefit , which is unfair to the other property owners . Delaurenti questioned the City Engineer with regard to lift station which might be utilized to save installation of a new one and saving the district some costs which Stredicke noted to be his reason for continuing the hearing also advising that this s project is not eligible to get matching federal funds , those we have being to guarantee interest rates and that only larger lines qualify . Mr . Metzger stated larger lines in this event would be desirable . Discussion ensued concerning possible city participation and whether the protest received was adequate to prohibit further action , it being noted 2/3 vote is required when an ordinance is before the body, the cost bearing owners of 60% required in this instance and they have 30 days after passage to file , however no ordinance now before the body . Unless health hazard is determined and objections overridden.-.thereby 60% protest can kill tha project . All protests to date total 54 . 74% . which majority requires 2/3 vote on an Ordinan&e. but does not kill the project . Mr. Metzger expressed concern for city participation in the LID and putting burden on the taxpayers for something he felt would be of temporary nature , citing the Hanford plant closure as such type spending. Perry noted the City has picked up lift station costs heretofore and this is not uncommon nor a first . Grant inquired if it were possible as had been suggested earlier , to install the sewers now and those wanting them can pay and the rest signing wad late-comers agreements at the time they are able to pay their share . City Engineer noted nothing is im- possible however there must be a source of financing the installation initially which is usually done by developers in any such agreements heretofor allowed. He cautioned that precedent would be set for future LID 'S if such action were considered. Speaking for the improvement Mr. Jim DeVous , 2233 Edmonds N. E. urged installation now which could be done for less money than later in view of the economy and need for work, ecology to require them anyway in the future when costs will be greater. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/1/71 Page 4 . PUBLIC HEARING : LID 272 , Edmonds Avenue N. E. Sanitary Sewers Audience comments (Continued) Speaking for the LID: Mr. William Lightfoot , 2117 Edmonds Avenue N. E. , noted a health problem in his area with no more room for drain fields or ditching and dampness still evident . He felt delay will eat up any savings with costs added for digging up the road. With payment over a period of time he did not feel the difference would be that great but that sewers will increase the property values and of legal significance ;;hould be the fact that a majority of the people on the street wish to have the sewer installed now. Mr . Paul Duke , 2408 N. E . 22nd Street , noted protestors to be multiple home owners and that more individuals are for the project . Upon inquiry City Engineer Wilson noted three parties own more than one tract . Mr. I. J . Brodell questioned financing procedure and bond costs and was advised funding is not to be by bonds but by Firemen 's Pension Fund loan . Mr . Charles Stimson , 2133 Edmonds Avenue N. E. , noted living on corner lot for 11 years with no problems but that his neighbors have gone through a lot and he felt to put the sewer in now would save the majority money , the ground being open for the road and line could be dropped in there now rather than having to tear the road up later . Mr. Metzger noted it may have to be torn up again to make it flow in another direction , Mayor Garrett noting property owner would not have to assume such costs . Spea � :ig against- the LID: Mr . Charles Green noted 22 years in the area with no health problems and protested the assessment because of economics noting any property value increase also brings tax increase . icor Mrs . Nina Huseland, 1916 Edmonds Ave . N. E. , noting remarks made regarding ownerships noted the protestors did not write the law which requires the approval of 50% of lineal ft . or acreage owners and 2/3 vote to pass the ordinance . A petition of 26 persons was filed with the Clerk and the law stands that way with no question of whether anyone has one or two houses . Mrs . Lou Reimund, 2432 Edmonds N. E. noted check with engineers when purchasing her home , concerning septic tank and was assured no sewer was going in . She cannot sell now unless at a loss . Also her house as others , faces so as to have large frontage on Edmonds resulting in greater assess- ment but no greater benefit . Mr. Charles Jennings , 2204 Edmonds N.E . has owned his home for a year with no problems and agrees with protest letter. Mrs . Harry Peery , 2601 Edmonds N. E. owned her home for 10 years with no trouble but feels their savings will be going for this sewer and she works but it will take a year or more to pay these costs and they cannot afford it , their place ruined now by the road work . Mrs . Rebecca Sargent stated she has had vacant rentals all winter which road construction has not helped and she has no septic tank problems , the soil being good as confirmed to her by Health Department man . Mr. Don MacKenzie inquired as to what will be done about hardship costs to people who cannot pay . Mayor Garrett advised the costs will be assessed against the property and in effect will be a lien with payments of 1/10 of the assessment scheduled per year. Stredicke noted this to be a ten year financing program and not one payment which makes quite a difference. (to lady who said she must work a year to pay) Perry noted cost of about $100 to $200 per year . City Engineer Wilson brought points of concern , one being a remark by Mr . Metzger regarding utilization of Metro trunk line as Metro has set no date for any such extension within the foreseeable future to this area , the demand not being great enough , the schedule being to cross the freeway this year and later going North. to Newport area . Also , it is not the intent of the City to tear up and regrade to another area , a new line to serve additional properties in the future to be utilized . MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/1/71 Page 5 . PUBLIC HEARING : LID 272 , Sanitary Sewers , Edmonds Ave . N.E. City Engineer Wilson advised that the reason the engineering department is pursuing the matter is because it is cheaper now and at no time will the cost be less . As to his quote regarding health problems he felt there are not the problems compared with other areas but the fact that a petition was received signed by a majority of the people would indicate there are problems , and also , although there is sand there is hardpan in some areas as borne out by construction . Council action : Stredicke noted past experience of bids coming in from 15% to 25% less than engineering estimate and by utilizing the used lift station a good reduction in the LID cost is indicated. He felt the LID should be surveyed from entire community standpoint and judged as to whether it is a logical expansion of the LID, which he felt it is, adding that he will not be party to any new road charges that result from tearing up for water or sewer lines and will have bumps forever . Clymer recalled protest to the highway installation when first on the council and promise that the city would not push for sewers noting talk of cross lines under the road which could be used later without having to tear up the highway . He noted LID 263 upper properties opposing and lower for it with exclusions and gerrymandering with the LID finally going through and now those people are back , inquiring why the council is persisting. Perry stated he did not recall such promise by the council but it may have been made by individuals. Ages of people involved had been noted a remark made that they would be even older if delayed 4 or 5 years henceforth. Grant noted exclusion of area along NE 27th in prior LID and that the council was aware sewers were not wanted . He urged the LID not be formed at this time inquiring whether 51 . 81% protest would now require 2/3 vote to override which was affirmed, and as to validity of petitions . Mrs . David Caton , 2217 Edmonds N.E. noted attending informational meeting recalling favorable post card survey if sewers were desired and circula- tion of petition thereafter by she and her husband and signing up the majority of the people of the area who do want sewers so nothing being shoved on anyone . Stredicke inquired of legal counsel concerning action which might be taken in event of determination to utilize used lift station and install the line at reduced costs . City Attorney Shellan suggested new notices be sent out and after further inquiries as to procedure and discussion of problems to be encountered by lengthy delay , advised that revised preliminary notices could be sent out indicating revision to the first notices and a new date should be set for continued hearing . Mayor Garrett , as Metro Council Member noted information he received was different from that outlined by Mr . Metzger with regard to Metro trunk line schedule. Mr . Metzger noted information received from Mr . Morales of the Metro Planning Department that the project had to be completed by 1975 but that he had no time date as he had for the first section , the two sections to be completed by 1975 but no decision now as to other formal target date . After further discussion including inquiry concerning cross line ties for future use which the City Engineer did not feel allows for 100% workman ship in location and accurate utilization and remarks concerning whether to proceed to conclusion now or delay for further action , it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONTINUE THE HEARING 3 WEEKS TO FEBRUARY 22, 1971 . After notations that all petitions remain valid and that prime contract will not be adversely affected thereby , the PENDING MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THE CITY ENGINEER REVISE THE PRELIMINARY ROLL TO REFLECT DELETION OF THE $17 ,150 . 00 LIFT STATION COSTS AND THAT REVISED PRELIMINARY NOTICES BE SENT TO ALL PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN THE DISTRICT. It was noted this would result in substitute of used lift station and will include pressure line cost assumption which are included in the $17 ,150. 00. Monthly electric bill (app. $15 . 00) is assumed by the city sewer utility . PENDING MOTION CARRIED. ' 4 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/1/71 Page 6 . ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Recess - 9 :45 P .M . After the public hearing it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE TO RECESS . CARRIED. Following the recess , roll call of Council was taken with all members present except Delaurenti . ORDINANCE NO. 2615 Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted Excess Revenue proposed Ordinance authorizing appropriation j Appropriation to of $9 ,423 . 19 from Excess Revenue in the Street Street Fund for Fund from LID 265 , and $5 ,802 . 86 from LID 267, LID 265 and 267 unto City Streets Acct . 103-542-13-63 , Capital Outlay. (Total $15 ,226 . 05) . After introductory reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO ADOPT AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL PRESENT VOTING AYE. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 2616 Ordinance was read approving and confirming the Affirming Final assessments and assessment roll of LID No . 265 , Assessment Roll of for the improvement of a certain area within L. I.D. No . 265 the City generally known as the Kennydale area (102nd Place S.E. , 104th Avenue S.E. , Lake Wn . Blvd . ) by the construction and installation of certain sanitary sewer lines and appurtenances thereto by doing all work necessary in connection therewith; levying and assessing the amounts therefor against the several lots , tracts , parcels of land and other property as shown on said assess- ment- roll as confirmed by the City Council ; and providing for the payment of such assessment into the Local Improvement Fund , District No . 265 of the City as created by Ordinance No . 2485 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON ITS SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. MOTION CARRIED. AFTER THE FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE FOLLOWED WITH ALL PRESENT VOTING AYE EXCEPT CLYMER WHO VOTED NO. THE MOTION CARRIED . COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Applications for Letters . from owners of Shakey ' s Pizza Parlor, Music Machine El Picador Tavern and Rainbow Cafe , requested Licenses licenses be granted (Master and Location) , for the operation of music machines at said business locations . Former license holder , Mr . George Boode , approved applications submitted for Rainbow and E1 Picador . MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND BY CLYMER, TO REFER THE APPLICATIONS TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. CARRIED. Curfew Ordinance Letter from Mr . Paul W. Houser , Chairman , Mayor 's Youth Guidance Committee requested revision in Ordinance 1492 , in regard to hours specified for Friday and Saturday , now to read throughout the year . In response to referral of the Curfew Ordinance to Renton and Hazen High Schools , the Government Class of Renton High reported concurrence with change of age limit from 19 to 18 and in addition requested change in hours to allow for school activities or other cases which may require time later than that designated. Hazen High School student response was to concur in the age revision and context of the ordinance but only if it is to be enforced, it being the feeling it would otherwise not be effective . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE LETTERS TO THS TL,,EGISLATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRXED. 40 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/1/71 Page 7 . COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS Petition for Petition containing signatures of about 30 Safety Measures residents of Tiffany Park requested guard on Royal Hills rail ,chain link fence, sidewalk and speed Drive bumps along S.E . Royal Hills Drive, problems substantiating the need being outlined which included death of animals which might have been children and accident recently involving stolen vehicle . MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE TRANS- PORTATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED . Petition against Petition from residents of the Highlands area closure of the expressed distress at announced closure of Highlands Branch the branch library ,and requesting reevaluation , Library urged that the effects of such closure be given due consideration . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE PETITION TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. After some proposed motions for substitute referrals, the PENDING MOTION CARRIED. Letter directed to Mayor Garrett by Mrs . Lois LeBlonde ,was submitted by Councilman Stredicke and reading requested. Audience comment was invited prior to the reading and protest to the closure and other comments and remarks were offered by Mrs . Wanda Thompson , 2232 North 9th Place , Mrs . George Johnson , 1300 Monroe Ave . S.E. , Mrs . Lester Bach , 3309 N. E. 7th, Mr. I. J. Brodell , 1101 Shelton S. E. , Mr . Frank Cencovich, 2625 Benson Road South and Mrs . Phillip Beckley , 655 Ferndale Ct. N. E. The letter from .Mrs . LeBlonde was read which noted policy changes by " past Director reasons for decline; with rebuttal to those published in the newspaper as had been given by the Library Board . It was felt the Board is attempting to rid themselves of the branch forcing greater use of the new library, and immediate attention to check of facts was requested. Point of order was raised by Grant during the reading as to whether the letter had been received by noon on Friday and it was MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. Dissenting voice vote resulted in roll call as follows : AYE-3 : Grant , Schellert and Clymer . No-3 : Perry , Stredicke and Bruce . The Mayor voted no and the letter was completed . After Council discussion it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE COUNCIL ASK FOR CONTINUA- TION OF THE HIGHLANDS BRANCH LIBRARY OPERATION UNTIL MEETING OF THE LIBRARY BOARD AND COMMITTEE TO DISCUSS THE SUBJECT. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER MRS. LE BLONDE'S LETTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COM- MITTEE. CARRIED. Mr . Sven Johnson , 1520 Index NE, noted lack of budgetary consideration to be factor in decay of the branch recalling suggestions pro- posed for expansion and use of materials from the old city hall for repairs, which were not heeded . Houser Way Letter from City Engineer Wilson recommended that Bridge Design consultant be retained to design widening of the bridge over the Cedar River to accommodate the four lanes of traffic to result upon Urban Arterial Project improvement of Houser Way,from Main South to Bronson Way, the structural engineering services required in order to meet design standards . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE PU,4LIC WORKS COMMITTEE. CARRIED 41 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/1/71 Page 8 . COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont . ) BRB Notice of Letter from Mr. G . Brice Martin , Chief Clerk, Hearing on Kent King County Boundary Review Board , gave Annexation notice of public hearing on 2/25/71 in Rm. 402 , County Courthouse at 7 :30 p.m . concerning pro- posed annexation of territory to Kent . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE NOTICE TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR RECOM- MENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED . SR-515 (Benson Letter from Mr. Frank J. Cenkovich , 2625 Benson Highway Plans) Rd. So . , urged acceptance of plan as recommended by the State Highway Dist . Engineers rather than utilizing present Benson route for SR515 as he will otherwise be boxed-in . Letter from Mr. Douglas A. Spencer submitted rebuttal to comments of the State Highway Staff at 1/20/71 meeting on SR-515 ,suggesting the data used to determine the present plan is no longer applicable and perhaps updated study may show the facility is not needed, or that different route might be more feasible . MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE COMMUNICATIONS TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. (See additional letter presented later on this matter . ) Representative Letter from the Hon . Gary Grant , $tate Repre- Grant-Response sentative , 47th District , acknowledged letter to Resolutions urging support of Resolutions 1717 and 1718, concerning revisions proposed to Statewide City Employees Retirement System,and advised same were being forwarded to Chairmen of appropriate House and Senate committees . Dow-Laney Co . Letter of acknowledgment from the Mayor was read Notice of In- along with notice from Mr . Patrick Lemon , of the surance Dividend Dow-Laney Company , that dividend of $6 ,900. 00 was available for the City 's use , Group Policy with Standard Insurance Company dividend status having been confirmed; 24-hour call privileges at 5-1/4% interest if kept on account with Standard available thereon which the Mayor had authorized in his acknowledgment . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THE LETTERS BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Complaints - Use Letter from Mr. Robert G . Hansen , 121 Wells of Library Parking Avenue South , noted problem of finding parking Lot space at the library for its patrons during the day his- inquiry revealing use by city employees which condition he requested be corrected very soon . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE MAYOR'S OFFICE. CARRIED. M. L. Jines Letter from Mr. Milt Jines called attention to Heart-A-Thon Wn . State Heart Assn. plans for National Heart participation Month in conjunction with which a Heart-A-Thon is to be held February 6 , at Green Lake in Seattle , noon until 3 :00 p .m. , to publicize the value of exercise for good heart health . Mr. Jines and wife and three children will bike.: pedal in the event and "tax deductible" sponsor- ship was solicited collectively or individually for his family. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE COMMUNICATION TO THE PERSONNEL AND ComMUNTTY RELATIONS COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. 4- 2 MINUTES ^ RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/1/71 Page 9. COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Bid Opening-1971 City Clerk Nelson reported bid opening on Water Pipe Supply 1/l7/71 for annual water pipe supply with two bidders responding , U. S. Pipe and Foundry Company and Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Company as per tabulations attached hereto . MOVED BY STREDICKE AND SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE BIDS TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. SR 515 , Benson Petition containing 65 signatures of residents Highway Relocation of the Talbot Hill area expressed opinion that the State proposal for SR 515 should be approved in the interest of future growth and betterment of the total area . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE PETITION TO THE TRANSPOR- TATION COMMITTEE . CARREID. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Sven Johnson , 1520 Index N. E. , noted filing of communications after agenda deadline and re- quested his letters of 1/21 , and 1/29/71 be the first item of business next week and that the Clerk be authorized to furnish all information as requested in both letters . Branch Library Mrs. Doris Johnson , 1300 Monroe Ave . N. E. Operation inquired whether the branch library is now to be opened on curtailed hours as previously and the closure decision to be reevaluated . Councilman Perry responded that the Library Board is an autonomous body and the Council can only request the continued opening, Grant noting that since that Board has the authority in the matter citizens should be talking to the Library Board for reinstatement . It was confirmed that a hearing meeting will be held on the subject by the Community Services Committee . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COPIES OF THE COMMUNICATIONS CONCERNING THE BRANCH LIBRARY BE REFERRED TO THE LIBRARY BOARD. MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Museum for Renton Community Services Committee Chairman Clymer reported,after much discussion concerning the Municipal Arts Commission letter requesting support of the Holmes Building for a museum, the Committee recommended the subject be re- ferred to the Personnel and Community Relations Committee to meet with principals to see what can be done , this referral felt to have been misdirected . MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Personnel and Com- Chairman Stredicke submitted recommendations for munity Relations appointments as follows : Board of Ethics Report Dr . Jack Priebe representing Board of Directors Renton School District 403, 2 year term. Mr. Floyd Hughes , representing the Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce, 3 year term. Mrs. Ronald Ringwood representing the Renton area for the League of Women Voters , 4 year term . Rev. Kenneth Underwood, representing Fellowship of Ministers , 5 year term. The fifth member to be interviewed this week . Further recommended that the Mayor be asked to convene the Board prior to Friday, February 26 , with each of the members to be forwarded copy of the Code of Ethics Ordinance with copy also to be provided every member of each City Board and Commission , Department .Heade requested to review the ordinande with City employees . MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/1/71 Page 10 . OLD BUSINESS: Appointments to Board of Ethics (Cont . ) Reports of Personnel and MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN Community Relations THE BOARD OF ETHICS APPOINTEES. CARRIED . Committee Renton Aviation Concurrence recommended in reappointment of Board Appointment Mr . Gary Dime to 3-year term on Aviation Board . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Planning Commission Concurrence recommended in reappointments of Appointments Mr. John Sterling and Mr . Clark Teegarden to 6-year terms on the Renton Planning Commission . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Initiative and Stredicke inquired concerning referral of subject Referendum of initiative and referendum and was advised the Legislation Committee is meeting tomorrow. Ambulance Aid Car Stredicke inquired con pending subjects of an Ambulance Aid Car and Franchises referred to the Public Safety and Legislation Committees urging the committees proceed on the topics . Legislation Committee Chairman Perry noted his committee is awaiting Report information and will proceed thereafter . Pending subject of job descriptions and salaries is in committee and not knowing what the Mayor intends concerning appointments , Perry MOVED THE MAYOR PROVIDE THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE, BY FEBRUARY 8 AN ORGANIZATION CHART TO LEVEL OF ASSISTANT DEPT. HEADS AND BY FEBRUARY 15 , JOB DESCRIPTIONS AND RECOMMENDED SALARIES FOR THESE POSITIONS. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY GRANT AND CARRIED. rr� Branch Library Councilman Perry outlined his efforts concerning the branch library over the years noting proposal of Mr . Mike Lotto to donate land for new facility which was not accepted, new library bond issue coming up and Library Board advising after new library was completed the branch would be expanded as need may deem warranted , feeder rooms , books and heat to be provided but people not finding books , to be secured later - is present status and issue not being pursued further . Finance Committee Data Processing meeting for updated progress Report report not to be scheduled before March 1 , the utility billing taking full staff time at present . Available Cash Fund balance was noted to be greater due to Mayor 's Surplus in Tax request for hold the line spending resulting in Supported Funds 90% of total budget expenditures and to receipt Current :$201 ,494 . 35 of extra sales tax which may result in only 11 Street : 56 ,278 . 52 months collections this year,however . MOVED BY Park : 29 ,331 . 92 PERRY, SECOND BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE REPORT Library : 15 ,648 . 61 TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. MOTION CARRIED. Transportation Chairman Grant reported TV Franchises are under Committee Report investigation by the Committee and Traffic Engineer . 'Ir NEW BUSINESS : Free Book Return MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY PERRY, SUBJECT OF Days at Library FREE DAYS FOR RETURN OF BOOKS BE REFERRED TO THE LIBRARY BOARD FOR CONSIDERATION. CARRIED . Mayor 's vacation Stredicke requested opinion of the City Attorney or Absence from in writing as to time off to which the Mayor is the City entitled away from the City if elected to the Presidency of an Organization and attending meetings , if any restriction or regulation and also how much vacation is he allowed . otherwise . -- 44 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING. 2/1/71 Page 11 . NEW BUSINESS Capital Improve- Finance Committee Chairman Schellert thanked ment Program the Mayor for staff time in preparing surplus cash report and requested review of status of the Capital Improvement Program by the Mayor 's staff and presentation of report to the Finance Committee . AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Frank Cenkov.ich , former Library Board member, noted property offered for branch Branch Library library was not adequate in size and was located on West side of the highway which would require people to cross over and be unsafe . He noted also that air conditioning budgetary request had been deleted by council at the time it had been budgeted , some im- provements having been added each year in future actions . Travel Vouchers Mr. I. J . Brodell inquired concerning subject of travel vouchers outlining his actions of pursuance. Mayor Garrett advised that the City Attorney and he had discussed the matter prior this evening ,and City Attorney Srellan advised letter had been forwarded to Mr . Brodell 's Brother-In-Law two or three week ' s ago and no reply has been received to date . ADJOURNMENT_ MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO 11 : 55 P .M. ADJOURN. CARRIED. MEETING ADJOURNED. Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk U OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 2 , 1971 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Wed. 2/3 7 : 30 PM Grant Council Chmbrs Community Services Fri . 2/5 4 : 00 PM Clymer 6th Fl.Conf . Rm. Re Library Bd. closing Highlands Branch Finance 3/1 CANCEL ED Schellert Data Processing Presentation CANCELLED Legislation Tues . 2/2 8 :00 PM Perry 6th Fl .Conf . Rm. C.Attorney-P.Chief Inv. Mon. 2/8 7: 15 PM It Chairman ' s Off . Personnel & Community Relations Wed. 2/3 7 : 00 PM Stredicke 6th FI .Conf. Rm. Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Mon. 2/8 7 : 00 PM Bruce 4th Fl .Conf .Rm. Transportation Tues . 2/2 7: 30 PM Grant 6th Fl .Conf . Rm. Meet Chamber of CommercE Re Bus Services in Valley Area CJT BID TABULATION Page 1 of 2 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 3ID OPENING, JANUARY 27, 1971 2:00 P.M. - First Floor Conference Room FURNISHING OF WATER PIPE FOR ONE YEAR PERIOD BIDDER United States Pipe and Foundry Company 1836 Westlake Avenue North Seattle, Washington 98109 ITEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1. 216 L.F. 4" C. I . (Tyton Joint) Pipe $ 1 . 48 per ft . 319 . 68 2. 1000 L.F. 6" C. i . (Tyton Joint) Pipe $ 2 . 23 " " ; 2 230 . 00 3. -000 L.F. 8" C. I . (Tyton Joint) Pipe $ 3 . 17 " s2'- , 190 . 00 108 L.f . 10" C. I . (Tyton Joint)Pipe $ 4 . 18 $ 451 . 44 5. 8700 L.F. 12" C. I . (Tyton Joint)Pipe $ 5 . 38 " $46 ,806 . 00 6. 108 L.F. 12" Ductile Iron (Tyton Joint)Pipe Class #2 $ 5 . 66 " 511 . 28 7. 108 L.F. 16" Ductile Iron(Tyton „ Joint) Pipe Class #1 $ 8 . 19 8R4 . 52 8. 108 L.F. 24" Ductile Iron (Tyton Joint) Pipe Class #1 $ 12 . 87 $ , 38_9 . 96 9. 198 L.F. 24" Ductile Iron (Tyton Joint, Pipe Class #2 $ 13 . 56 $ 1 ,464 . 48 Sub-Total $ 76 , 347 . 36 NOTE: Above prices are F.O.B. stock piled at 3 ,817 . 37 City Water Department Yard. Please see Sales Tax 5% $ below for strung trenchside prices. TOTAL BID $80 , 164 . 73 ITEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1. 216 L.F. 4" C. I . (Tyton Joint) Pipe $ 1 . 49 per ft .$ 321 . 84 2. :000 L.F. 6" C. I . (Tyton Joint) Pipe $ 2 . 24 " " $ 2 , 240 . 00 3. 7000 L.F. 8" C. I . (Tyton Joint) Pipe $ 3 . 19 " " $ 22 , 330 . 00 4. 108 L.F. 10" C. 1 . (Tyton Joint)Pipe $ 4 . 21 " $ 454 . 68 S. 8700 L.F. 12" C. I . (Tyton Joint)Pipe $ 5 . 41 $ 47 ,06 7 . 00 6. 108 L.F. 12" Ductile Iron (Tyton Joint)Pipe Class #2 $ 5 . 69 " $ 614 . 52 7. 108 L.F. 16" Ductile Iron(Tyton Joint) Pipe Class #1 $ 8 . 22 " $ 887 . 76 8. 108 L.F. 24" Ductile Iron (Tyton 12 . 92 " 1 , 395 . 36 Joint) Pipe Class #1 $ $ 9. 108 L.F. 24" Ductile Iron (Tyton 3 . 62 " " 1 ,470 . 96 Joint) Pipe Class #2 sl $ Sub-Total $ 76 ,782 . 12 Sales Tax 5% $ 3 ,839 . 11 TOTAL BID $ 80 ,621 . 23 . NOTE : Above prices are F .O . B . strunq trenchside , jobsite, Bid Tabulation Jaa .' 19,T14.7 Bid Opening, January 27, 1971 Furnishing of Water Pipe for one year period Page 2 of 2 BIDDER Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Company 211 6th Avenue North Seattle, Washington 98109 ITEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1. 216 L.F. 4" C. I . (Tyton Joint) Pipe $ 1 5.5 Ft . $� X14.28 2. 1000 L.F. 6" C. I . (Tyton Joint) Pipe $ 2.18 Ft . $ 2_,180.00 3. 7000 L.F. 8`.' C. I . (Tyton Joint) Pipe $ 3 .10 Ft. $ 21,700-00 4. 108 L.F. 10" C. I . (Tyton Joint)Pipe $ 4.11 Ft . $ 3 .88 5. 8700 L.F. 12" C. I. (Tyton Joint)Pipe $ 5.27 Ft. $ 45, 849.00 6. 108 L.F. 12" Ductile Iron (Tyton Joint)Pipe Class #2 $�52, Ft. $ 603. 72 7. 'L08 L.F. 16" Ductile Iron(Tyton Joint) Pipe Class #1 $ 7.61 Ft . $ 821.88 �. 108 L.F. 24" Ductile Iron (Tyton Joint) Pipe Class #1 $ 12.69 Ft. $ 1,170. 2 108 L.F. 24" Ductile Iron (Tyton Joint) Pipe Class #2 $ 13.38 $ Sub-Total $ 74,728r .32 Sales Tax S% $ 2 ,736.42 TOTAL BID $ 48 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 2/1/71 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2564 $250.00 ALTA NUNN 443 WELLS AVE. N PANEL & MOVE WALL 2565 21000.00 TED LAVALLEY 2314 NE 27TH ST. MOVE BUILDING MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2764 15,000.00 MOBIL OIL CORPORATION 2801 E VALLEY RD. INST. OIL SEPARATOR S 2765 500.00 PAN ABODE, INC. 4350 LK. WASH. BLVD. N INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2766 4,230.00 PACIFIC AGRO COMPANY 903 HOUSER WAY N INST. HEATERS & FURNACE 2767 300.00 ORVIN NELSON 1154 GLENWOOD AVE. NE INST. GAS RANGE 2768 830.00 D.F. CLARE 1818 JONES AVE. NE INST. FURNACE, WTR. HEATER M 2769 100.00 TONY GOTS 3116 NE SUNSET BLVD. INST. GAS HEATER ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3181 1,192.00 FHA-MARK SEVEN REALTY 608 CEDAR AVE. S INST. NEW SERVICE 3182 50.00 G.T. McDANIEL 2221 NE 31ST ST. REPLACE ELECTRICAL WIRING 3183 50.00 PAN ABODE, INC. 4350 LK. WASH. BLVD. N WIRE HALF BATH 3184 250.00 ALTA NUNN 443 WELLS AVE. N INST. 200 AMP PANEL 3185 465.0o MRS. KATHERINE MURPHY 382 STEVENS AVE. SW REPLACE SERVICE & WIRING E 3186 18,000.00 SAFEWAY STORES 2725 SUNSET BLVD. NE WIRE NEW ADDITION 3187 400.00 HUMBLE OIL COMPANY 3100 BENSON RD. S REMOVE FIXTURES, INST. NLIl 3188 400.00 BETTY COOK 415 CEDAR AVE. S INST. NEW 125 AMP SERVICE 3189 446.00 PARKWOOD HOMES, INC. 807 S 27TH ST. WIRE NEW FAMILY RES. 3190 200.00 WAYNE M. GOODWIN 609 Sw 4TH PL. WIRE UP TO CODE 3191 250.00 RONALD LOVETT 2224 NE 27TH ST. INST. BRKER. BOX & MTR. BS SIGN PERMITS S 127 1,000.00 HONEST CHARLEYIS INC. 419 RAINIER AVE. N INST. POLE SIGN SEWER PERMITS S 1510 GLENN W. SCORE 1010 N 33RD CONNECT SEWER i5i. A. USIBELLI 1016 N 33RD CONNECT SEWER 151.2 ADOLPH BROWN 1319 N 28TH CONNECT SEWER 1513 J.A. ROTCHFORD 3726 LK. WASH. BLVD. N CONNECT SEWER 1514 HOWARD MRS 1808 NE 27TH CONNECT SEWER S 1515 RAYMOND PICKLE 3613 PARK AVE. N CONNECT SEWER 1516 ROY FROCKER 1102 N 37TH CONNECT SEWER 1517 LARRY BROWN 1211 N 32ND CONNECT SEWER 1518 DAVID JOHNSON 1109 N 33RD. PL. CONNECT SEWER 1519 J. WAMBA 1019 N 34TH CONNECT SEWER S 1520 J.B. SCOTT 1405 N 28TH CONNECT SEWER 1521 GLEN C. GIANINI 1311 N 26TH CONNECT SEWER r RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING February 8 , 1971 Office of the City Clerk 8 :00 P.M. Renton Municipal Building R E F E R R A L S COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Recommendation that firm of Arnold and Arnold be retained as consulting engineers for structural design services on Houser Way Bridge Widening COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Petition opposing closure of Highlands Branch Library Allied Arts request for citizens advisory committee cn Carco Theatre Use LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Legislation to effect water rate revision LIBRARY BOARD_ Petitions opposing highlands Branch closure MAYOR Requested to meet in executive session with Committee of the Whole to discuss Police Guild Contract PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Planning Commission Appointment - Mr. Gary Moritz To send Mrs . Margaret Evans , Honorary Council Member., a get-well card PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Application of Mr. G. M. Neisinger for amusement devices licenses at The Players Tavern PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Request of Mr. Arnold Hagen to connect Hagen 's Square Dance Barn and a residence in this vicinity to city sewer facility Recommended rate revision for water consumption , from 94 to 114 per 100 cu. ft MEETINGS AND EVENTS: 2/17/71 - Renton Community Blood Bank Day 2/19/71 - Carco Theater Dedication-Cedar River Park at 7 : 00 p.m. 2/20/71 - Dedication of new Redmond City Hall at 11 :00 a .m. 2/24/71 - Public meeting at Highlands Branch Library re closure of that facility (To be held by Library Board) APPOINTMENT Mr. Sheldon H. Ferguson, Patrolman - 6-months probationary period to commence as of 2/16/71 I� I 50 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING February 8 , 1971 Renton Municipal Building 8 :00 P.M. City Council Chambers M I N U T E S PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Avery Garrett led the Flag Salute and AND CALL TO ORDER called the weekly meeting of the City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL GRANT, PERRY, STREDICKE, CLYMER AND BRUCE . ABSENT : SCHELLERT AND DELAURENTI. .MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO EXCUSE THE ABSENT MEMBERS, BOTH HAVING REPORTED THEY WOULD BE OUT OF THE CITY. MOTION CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS PRESENT AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR , HELMIE NELSON, CITY CLERK, DOROTHEA GOSSETT , CITY TREASURER, G . M . SHELLAN , CITY ATTORNEY, C. S . WILLIAMS, CHIEF OF POLICE, JACK WILSON, CITY ENGINEER , VICTOR TEGANTVOORT , STREET COMMISSIONER , GORDON ERICKSEN, PLANNING DIRECTOR , TED BENNETT, UTILITY ACCOUNTANT , VERN CHURCH, PURCHASING DIRECTOR , M. DEANE SEEGER . ADMINISTRATIVE ASST . TO THE MAYOR AND BERNARD RUPPERT, BUILDING DIRECTOR . , MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY GRANT SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO APPROVE 2/8/71 Meeting THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF 2/8/71 AS WRITTEN AND MAILED OUT. THE MOTION CARRIED . ORDINANCES Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted Ordinance which was adopted by the Council as follows amending equipment rental rates for 1971 . ORDINANCE NO. 2617 Equipment Rental Ordinance was read amending Ordinance No . 2072 , Rate Schedule as amended , and establishing a new schedule of Equipment Rental Rates , effective as of 1/1/71 . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. MOTION CARRIED . now AFTER FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ . ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL PRESENT VOTING AYE, CLYMER ABSENT FROM THE CHAMBER DURING THE VOTE . MOTION CARRIED. COMMUNICATIONS AND Letter from Vern Church , Purchasing Director , CURRENT BUSINESS reported sharp increase in vehicle prices as result of discontinued fleet discounts by the 1971 Dodge Polara automobile manufacturers . Accordingly , it Police Vehicles was recommended, with approval of the Mayor and Police Chief, that order for six vehicles be authorized with State Patrol bid awarded to Valley Motors . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Application for Letter from Mr . Gerald M. Neisinger , owner of Amusement Device The Players Tavern , requested license to operate Licenses 3 coin-type pool tables and 1 shuffleboard device at 317 So . Main Street . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE APPLICATION TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. CARRIED . Petition opposing Petition containing 259 signatures of students Closure of Hi-ghlands and teachers from the Highlands Elementary Branch Library School urged reconsideration regarding closure of the branch library , requesting that it be kept open as they use it . Councilman Stredicke presented petition left with him for presentation ,also objecting to the closure of the branch library with 20 signatures of area residents . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE PETITIONS TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDfb BY GRANT, TO INCLUDE THE LIBRARY BOARD IN THE REFERRAL . AMENDMENT AND MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/8/71 d Page 2 . COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont . ) Opposing route of Letter from Mr . Wolff advised of ownership of SR 515 - A .L . Wolff 4 homes in Victoria Park and financial interest in 3 lots in Division 3 and stated the route as proposed would destroy the value of his lots as well as others on cul de sacs with the unscreened road to abut same . He urged that the route be moved East and that adequate separation and screening be provided potential of the area as an asset otherwise being weakened. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE . MOTION CARRIED. Redmond New City Letter from Hon . Mayor Selwyn L . Young , Redmond , Hall Dedication extended invitation to dedication ceremonies for new city hall facility on February 20 , 1971 at 11 : 00 a .m. Carco Theater Use Letter from Mr . Jack Newell , President , Allied Arts of Renton , requested appointment of a Citi- zens advisory committee to assist in determining the best and most effective use of the new Carco Theater . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COM- MITTEE FOR DISCUSSION WITH THE PARK BOARD. CARRIED. Stredicke opposed urging referral to the Mayor . Request to connect Letter from Mr . Arnold Hagen , 540 Shattuck So . to city sewers by requested authorization to connect Hagen ' s Square Late-Comers method Dance Barn , 11820-148th S.E . and residence in this vicinity to the city sewer facility , requested in view of right granted the school district and also because of like percolation problem . MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. too Kent Annexation Letter from Mr . Del Bennett , Chairman , Board of unopposed by City Public Works , reported no objection to proposed annexation of O'Connell property by Kent said area Boundary Review Bd . beyond potential annexation area of Renton as had Hearing 2/25/71 been previously reported and concurred in by Council . Carco Theater Letter from Mayor Garrett extended invitation to Dedication the Council , Department Heads and citizens to attend the dedication of the Carco Theater in Cedar River Park on Friday , February 19 , at 7 p .m. PROCLAMATION Renton Community Blood Bank Day - February 17 , 1971 from Noon to 8 : 00 p .m. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr . Sven Johnson , 1520 Index Ave . N. E . called attention to his volunteer offer to help investigate the matter of travel vouchers and inquired as to why letters he had written as a result thereof had not been included in the agenda as requested. During discussion it was affirmed that no formal council acceptance had been made of the services offered but that the matter had been referred to the Council President who had reported back and the council then referring the matter to the Mayor where it now remains . Upon inquiry , City Clerk Nelson noted that upon receipt of the letters she had conferred with the Mayor , City Attorney and Council President and it was the concensus of opinion that no legislative act#on was required and the letters were not placed on the agenda but that copies had been distributed to everyone for information ., and she had them in hand if reading were desired by the Council at the present tune . Mr . Johnson inquired when the file would be com- pleted and ready so he could report to the Attorney General ' s Office where he can find o ut who has jurisdiction over what goes on the agenda . / 52 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING Page 3. AUDIENCE COMMENT : (Cont . ) Travel Vouchers During discussion Councilman Stredicke noted the travel voucher subject had been brought to council ' s attention , referred for i.nvesti •- gation with report back of no wrong-doing and referred to the Mayor for any administrative action necessary . If there is a charge it should be filed in court . Mr. Johnson advised his intention was to help the Council get to the bottom of the questions and to insure that another citizen gets his questions answered and he would like the file to take to the Attorney General 's office . Mr. I . J . Brodell commented regarding time element , specifics of correspondence involved , his payment of taxes and fees for records and urged the Council take action of clarification . Closure of the Mrs . George Johnson , 1300 Monroe Avenue N. E . , Branch Library noted petition opposing the highlands branch library closure , read earlier, also contained signatures of teachers in the Highlands School . APPOINTMENTS Letter from flayor Garrett requested concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Gary D. Moritz to fill Planning Commission unexpired term on the Renton Planning Commission Mr . Gary D. Moritz left vacant by residnation of Mr. Earl Bowden . The term expires 1/1/75 . MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER. THE APPOINTMENT TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Police Patrolman Letter from Mayor Garrett requested concurrence Mr . Sheldon H. in the appointment of Mr . Sheldon H. Ferguson Ferguson to position of Patrolman for probationary period of six months , commencing February 16 , 1971 . Recommendation of the Police Chief and Civil Service Commission Certifications were attached. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO CONCUR . Grant noted institution by the Civil Service Commission of psychiatric as well as physical exams with this candidate being one of the first to have had such evaluation . MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Committee of the Council President Grant submitted report with Whole Report recommendations as follows : Equipment Rental The Committee of the Whole reported concurrence Rate Schedule in the Equipment Rental fee schedule revision effective as of January 1 , 1971 and confirmed by adoption of Ordinance No. 2617 earlier this evening. Water Rate - Water Rate-New Schedule recommended with revision Schedule Revision to replace 90 per 100 cu . ft . with 110 per cu . ft . Consultant ' s Recommended that the Consultant ' s report from Report water rate study be referred to the Public Works Committee to report back at an early date . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER AMENDING LEGISLATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. 5•J MINU1'C'S" - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/8/71 Page 4 . OLD BUSINESS: (Cont . ) Committee of the Police Guild - Recommended the Council meet in Whole Report - executive session with the Mayor regarding the Police Guild Police Guild Contract with report back by 2/18/71 . Contract Also recommended that a negotiation procedure policy be drawn up by the Legislation Committee . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS. THE MOTION CARRIED. Public Works Chairman Bruce submitted report recommending Ire Committee Report that the low bid of Pacific States Cast Iron Bid Award 1971 Pipe Company for water main material for 1'971 Water Pipe Supply be accepted in sum of $78 ,464 . 74 . MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. Houser Way Bridge Recommended that Consulting Firm of Arnold , Design Consultant Arnold and Associates , be retained for structural design of the Houser Way Bridge widening, this firm having designed the original structure; also that the City Attorney be authorized to pre- pare a contract document based on the letter pro- posal , the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same . Motion was posed to concur however Stredicke questioned various aspects of cost , utilization and other consulting firm recommendations and it was subsequently MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE MATTER TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. City Engineer Wilson noted this to be an Urban Arterial Project with 4 lanes required to meet the design standards for federal fund grant and extra lanes ,until needed,otherwise to be used for parking, various permits to be required and with schedule for construction , time is of the essence , funding otherwise to be lost . PENDING MOTION SUBSEQUENTLY CARRIED. now Highlands Branch Chairman Clymer reported Community Service Com- Library Closure- mittee meeting with the Library Board regarding Public Meeting the library branch closure , noting the Board had 2/24/71 at 7 : 30p:m. felt it in the best interest because of financial and other problems but will hold a meeting on February 24 ,at 7 : 30 p.m. at the branch library , to hear the people . and discuss the closure . Utility Billing Councilman Stredicke reported complaint received Procedure from Mrs . Ella Siegfried concerning 75,� over- charge on her utility bill with some questions 'as to dates on the billings . Reading and billing procedures were noted by Utility Accountant Bennett , computerized cnange over to' 71 billing noted to have resulted in the additional charge which was ad- justed , annual billings being for 12 months based from reading date to reading date . ITE Convention - Councilman Stredicke recalled referral to the Travel Vouchers Mayor of subject of delegates to the Institute of Traffic Engineers Convention in San Francisco and inquired as to what action has been taken and if anything is yet to be done . Mayor Garrett reported expeditious moves have been taken by him and the City Attorney and it is hoped the matter may be concluded by next week copies of correspondence having been furnished to Mr . Brodell and the Council President in the meantime . City Attorney Shellan , upon request to comment outlined dates and specifies of correspondence on the matter noting his last letter was sent to Mr . Eskelin on 1/20/71 , with request for reply under oath . Answer from Mr . Bernard C. Johnson on 2/5/71 advised they had received the letter and that they considered the matter finsihed . MINUTES RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/8/71 Page 5 . OLD BUSINESS: (Cont . ) ITE Convention City Attorney Shellan stated he recommended Travel Vouchers to the Mayor and Council President that sworn statements be secured from the parties concerned stating they had paid the money and had attended the convention , and until other evidence indicates otherwise that will have to be accepted . Mr. Brodell urged reading of correspondence to clarify specifics of questions posed and answers received. He read newspaper article of Syndicated Dear Abbey Column . He urged reading of the letters and made reference to aspects of receipts filed . Mr . Shellan noted what the receipt looks like and its color is irrelevant the question being if the money was paid and the convention attended. if not satisfied after the investigation is concluded the people should take the informatign to the Prosecuting Attorney and ask him to bring action. Legislation Com- Subject of Initiative and Referendum was discussed mittee Report in committee and it was recommended that Chairman Initiative and Perry request drafting and introduction of a bill Referendum for amendatory legislation which would allow enact- ment of ordinance for Non Charter Code Cities to be subject to referendum by the voters , as per further example set forth in the recommendation . (Perry reported action had been taken and the bill was presently in draft having been submitted by State Representative Gary Grant) Get Well Mrs . Evans MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THE PER- SONNEE AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE SEND A GET WELL CARD TO HONORARY COUNCIL MEMBERS MRS. MARGARET EVANS. THE MOTION CARRIED. Legislative vs . Mr. Sven Johnson ingaired concerning differences Administrative between administrative and legislative matters now coming before the council noting some question of jurisdiction specificly noted tonight and requested that his 3 letters be read at the next regular meeting . AUDIENCE COMMENT Cathy Mitchell inquired whether the library is to Highlands remain open until the meeting of the 24th , and Branch Library was advised that it will not be open in the interim. Mr. John Sargent , 2016 Edmonds N.E. did not think the closure was the sensible thing to do the population seemingly moving to the East and street im.,rovements indicating even greater expansion of the area . He cited. personal exper- iences abroad and his return to the bad economic conditions . Mr . Joe Sporcic stated it is not the answer to the problem to make consensus for closure based on few amount of people using the library , noting State license facility in the same building which the Mayor noted was not city operated. Travel Vouchers Mr. Sven Johnson made further inquiries as to reference on Travel Lowe Invoice from ITE Convention , which referred to the County of Renton, not City; inquiring as to why one travel voucher #2338 had been voided. He restated his insistence that his letters on this subject be read next week .Stredicke suggested a single revised letter be submitted. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ADJOURN. 9 :25 p.m. CARRIED. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED. Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk I i 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 8, 1971 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Sat. 2/13 10 : 00 AM Grant 6th Fl.Conf.Rm. Community Services Clymer Finance Schellert Legislation Sat. 2/13 9 :00 AM Perry 6th Fl.Conf.Rm. Curfew Ordinance with 2 Students , Police Rep., Police Judge , C.Atty. Personnel & Community Relations Wed. 2/10 7 : 30 PM Stredicke 6th Fl.Conf.Rm. Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Bruce Transportation Grant G`� 56 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FEBRUARY 8, 1971 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT' BUILDING PERMLITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B2566 $ 7, 000 .00 LAWRENCE SCHUCKS 3517 TALBOT RD S RPR FIRE DAMAGE 2567 29 ,925 .00 INTERPACE CORP 1500 HOUSER WY S CONSTRUCT OFFICE 2568 275 .00 DOUGLAS R ROWE 3926 NE 12TH ST FINISH BEDROOM 2569 400 .00 WM J NORBERG 1824 EDMONDS WY SE BUILD DECK B2570 375 .00 E T SCHOMBERG 2424 MONTEREY AVE NE CARPORT MECHANICAL PERMITS M2770 247.50 JOHN THOMSON 3719 NE 6TH PL INST GAS WALL HEATER 2771 TOWN HOUSE INC 209 WILLIAMS AVE S NEW SINK 2772 900 .00 PARKWOOD HOMES 765 S 27TH ST PLUMBING & FIXTURES 2773 900 . 00 KAMPE CONSTRUCT 1103 N 31ST ST PLUMBING & FIXTURES 2774 VOID M2775 150 .00 WALTER KERR 3731 PARK AVE N ALTER VENT PIPING 2776 115 . 00 A W DUNCALF 211 GARDEN AVE N INST WATER HEATER 2777 3, 000 .00 H S FERGUSON 903 HOUSER WAY N WATER HTR & FIXT 2778 200 .00 DOUGLAS R ROWE 3926 NE 12TH ST GAS WALL HEATER ELECTRICAL PERMITS E3192 40 .00 TONY GO' S 3116 NE SUNSET BLVD WIRE FOR HEATER 3193 200 .00 RENTON SCHOOL 1220 N 4TH ST FLOODLIGHT & EQUIP 3194 253 .00 CITY OF RENTON AIRPORT SEWAGE LIFT STATION SIGN PERMITS S128 200 .00 PUGET WESTERN 35 S GRADY WAY RELOCATE SIGN rr 129 100 .00 SHERWOOD & ROBTS 501 GARDEN AVE N INSTALL SIGN SEWER PERMITS S1522 NORMAN ROSS 256 STEVENS AVE NW CONNECT SEWER 1523 R L HUNT 3908 LAKE WASH BLD N CONNECT SEWER. 1524 BEATRICE HUNT 3916 LAKE WASH BLD N CONNECT SEWER S1525 L K DODGE 3724 PARK AVE N CONNECT SEWER 1526 RUDY PARHANIEMI 1008 N 35TH CONNECT SEWER 1527 FLORENCE TURNER 3327 NE 12TH ST CONNECT SEWER 1528 D F CLAIRE 1818 JONES AVE NE CONNECT SEWER 1529 THEODORE CLARK 2201 NE 27TH CONNECT SEWER S1530 D E BLOOD 1202 N 37TH CONNECT SEWER 1531 PACIFIC AGRO CO 903 HOUSER WAY N SAN & STORM SEWER 1532 HELEN RANKIN 912 N 33RD PL CONNECT SEWER 1533 GERALD M POLACK 2001 NE 12TH ST CONNECT SEWER 1534 PARKWOOD HOMES 807 S 27TH ST CONNECT SEWER 57 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 2/08/71 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS CURRENT FUND 149 205 $32p426 .63 PARKS AND RECREATION 206 222 $30184 .53 CITY STREET 4 223 239 — s3gts.�3-- CEDAR RIVER M AND I 240 242 $45.20 LIBRARY 243 247 $1P096 .82 REG• ANL; STREET FWD THRUST 248 250 $3♦ 459 .47 URBAN ARTERIAL 251 252 $210174 .25 WATERWORKS UTILITY 253 271 $480546 .59 AIRPORT 272 279 $367 .00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 280 302 $31890 .80 FIREMEN S PENSION 303 312 $30054 .42 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS � ba66f*94 WEi THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCILi HAVINia RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR 6ERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR �-ENDEREDp 00 HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMEKT VOUCHERS NO. 149 THROUGH NO* 312 IN THE AMOUNT OF THIS OF' OF FEBRUARY i 19719 FINANCE COMMITTEE L.I.D. 271 CASH & REV #6 4j.356.86 \�7 14h''`� COMMITTEE ER •-i"-�� airs-•-1111• c01 ITTEE MEMBER ------iii•i iiiiiii•ii-• -ilii• COMMITTEE MEMBER 58 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING February 22 , 1971 City Clerk 's Office 8: 00 p.m. R E F E R R A L S COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Restructure of Boards and Commissions to remove autonomy and increase citizen participation Further development of Capital Improvement Program Preparation of the Agenda COMMUNITY SERVICESCOMMITTEE Petition objecting to closure of branch library in the Highlands Subject of park development Review of Comprehensive Land Use Plan per Planning Commission report FINANCE COMMITTEE Mr. Sven Johnson 's inquiries concerning consultant and attorney fees and office location Proposed elimination of in-Lieu-Of-Tax payments next year now paid by the Utility Fund to the Current Fund Legal Publication Contract LEGISLATION COMMITTEE L. I. D. 271 Final Assessment Roll (Ordinance 2618 Adopted) Revised Water Rate Ordinance MAYOR Request of Mr. Sven A. Johnson for reinstatement as city employee Authorized to work with AWC and Wn . Counties concerning 6-months disability leave legislation which creates hardship on cities Requested by Councilman Stredicke to pay only one-half of billing for legal publication of Ordinance No . 2617 . PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Items of inquiry posed by Mr. Sven Johnson with specific regard for his referral request concerning subject of emergency funding capacity PLANNING COMMISSION Zoning for apartments by special designation in water oriented areas PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Application from Mr. Neisinger for music machine license at Players Tavern PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Proposed elimination next year of In-Lieu-Of-Tax payments by Utility Fund now paid to Current Fund SPECIAL CITY SHOPS COMMITTEE Status of new city shop facility TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Complaint letter of Mr. Wyman K. Dobson concerning streets , alleys etc. Houser Way Bridge project CITY CLERK Requested by Councilman Stredicke to pay one half of publication bill on Ordinance No. 2617 APPOINTMENTS Mr. Glen Gordon and Mr. Keith Steel to permanent positions in the Renton Fire Department LIBRARY BOARD Petition opposing closure of Highlands Library 59 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING February 22 , 1971 Renton Municipal Building 8:00 p. m. City Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance CALL TO ORDER and called the weekly meeting of the City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF CITY GRANT, SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI, PERRY, STREDICKE, COUNCIL MEMBERS CLYMER AND BRUCE . CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR, HELMIE NELSON, CITY CLERK, .� IN ATTENDANCE DOROTHEA GOSSETT, CITY TREASURER , G. M. SHELLAN, CITY ATTORNEY, C. S. WILLIAMS, CHIEF OF POLICE, JACK WILSON, CITY ENGINEER , VICTOR TEGANTVOORT, STREET COMMISSIONER, M. C. WALLS, FIRE CHIEF, VERN CHURCH, PURCHASING DIRECTOR , TED BENNETT, UTILITY ACCOUNTANT, M. DEANE SEEGER, MAYOR 'S ADMIN. ASST. , CLARK PETERSEN, LIBRARIAN, AND B. RUPPERT,BLDG . DIR. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO DELETE 2/8/71 Meeting PORTION OF MINUTES ON PAGE 2 , LAST PARAGRAPH, LAST LINE OF MR. SVEN JOHNSON 'S COMMENT "WHERE HE CAN FIND OUT WHO HAS JURISDICTION OVER WHAT GOES ON THE AGENDA" . CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AS AMENDED. THE MOTION CARRIED . VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported voucher Nos- 149-519 and approval , including payment to Kent for VRPC Railroad LID 271 Cash and Crossing Study , and MOVED THAT THE COUNCIL APPROVE Rev. #6 . (#313-342 VOUCHERS FOR PAYMENT. MOTION SECONDED BY CLYMER AND Void) CARRIED. Fund breakdown attached. PUBLIC HEARING LID 272 , Sanitary Sewers , Edmonds Avenue N. E. and LID No . 272 vicinity (Continuted from 2/1/71 ) Written Protests This being the date set and proper legal notices having been published and publicly posted, the hearing was , continued. Protest letters were read from L. E. Sturman , President , Living Memorial Assn . of Kennydale ; Mr . and Mrs . C. L . Jennings , 3401 S. E. 7th Street , owners of properties at 2204 Edmonda Ave . N. E . and 2524 N. E. 22nd Street ; and Vera Peery , 2601 Edmonds Avenue N. E. Letter Report of City from City Engineer Jack Wilson reported that revised Engineer on notices had been sent to all property owners within revised cost the proposed LID reflecting deletion. of $17 ,150. 00 estimates cost of lift station and appurtenances . To date no owners have requested removal of their names nor had new names been added protests , based on revised cost estimate,, being; front footage , 53. 42% ; area , 56 . 26% , cost 54. 65% , and LID cost reduced from $88 ,262 . 21 to $67 ,134 . 00 . Audience Comment Mr . Bert Metzger, Attorney,representing 22 property owners protesting the LID reaffirmed prior position which he felt was confirmed by no deletion of names from the petition , hardship to be suffered by many if passed, burden of lift station felt unfair to be borne by taxpayers not benefitting, in city i assumption of costs ,and inequity felt to exist in deletion of portion of diving Memorial property . Mrs . Rebecca Sargent noted increases in her taxes and that she could not afford an LID assessment . Council Action MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT , THE HEARING BE CLOSED. Stredicke debated that the Council should consider what is best for the entire community; much of this area unsewered and with new road going in this was a logical extensionlnoting he would not be a party to future LID requiring tearing up the new road. i ( MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/22/71 PUBLIC HEARING: L. I .D. 272 Sanitary Sewers (Cont . ) Council Action Councilman Stredicke inquired of the City Attorney regarding method of L. I.D. paymenr.s and possible action in hardship cases . City Attorney Shellan noted customary procedure that after receipt of Treasurer 's Assessment Notice , a 30 day , no interest period is granted allowing payment of any part or all of the assessment and the balance is then spread over 10 years on an annual payment plus interest basis . With reference to hardship or other cases , the assessment becomes a lien and if payment is not made after a period of years the city would have the right to hold a fore- closure sale and owner having right of redemp- tion , however. Stredicke inquired concerning delayedJbut periodica payment and was advised in such case the city would not foreclose but interest and penalties could amount to quite a bit . Stredicke noted this hearing to be on the preliminary roll and inquired whether the Council , if accepting the L .I.D. tonight , could proceed to call for bids which may be favorable as -to cost and hold a public hearing thereafter at which time residents might be in a better financial position . Mr. Shellan advised such action could be taken and the LID continued or abandoned at that time as desired . QUESTION WAS CALLED FOR ON THE PENDING MOTION TO CLOSE THE HEARING WHICH WAS VOTED UPON AND CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO DROP THE L. I.D. Dissen-�-ing voice vote brought roll call as follows : AYE-5 : GRANT, SCHELLERT , PERRY, DELAURENTI AND CLYMER . NO-2 : STREDICKE AND BRUCE. .■.. MOTION CARRIED. THE L. I.D. WAS CONCLUDED. PUBLIC HEARING : L . I. D. 271 , Sanitary Sewers , N.E. 28th St . , Kennewick L.I. D. 271 -- Place N. E. and portions of N.E. 27th and Jones Ave . NE. Final Assessment Roll , $54 ,161 . 05 This being the date set , and proper legal notices having been published and publicly posted , the hearing was opened. Protest letters were read from Mr . and Mrs . Robert C. Dickinson and Mr . and Mrs . Lee I. Newton who questioned their assessments as compared to neighbors ' and inquired concerning mode of assessment . Audience Comment Mr. Dickenson inquired regarding method of assessing which City Engineer Wilson advised is spelled out by State Lawand this case under Zone and Termini method where property is divided by 30 ft. zones working back from the property line abutting the improvement with lesser amount per zone as you move back on the lot . Experience has shown this to be the method most fair and the square ft . basis of computing does not differ greatly in amount of assessment . Council Action After remarks by Schellert noting one lot in question to benefit greater than smaller lots and calling attention to inclusion of side sewers to the property lines , it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CLOSE THE HEARING. Upon inquiry by Bruce , City Engineer Wilson advised that the final assessments were some 20% below the preliminary estimates . PENDING MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONFIRM THE FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL OF L. I.D. 271 WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR THE NECESSARY ORDINANCE. CARRIED. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/22/71 Page 3. RECESS After inquiry by Stredicke as to possibility 8: 35 P.M. of furnishing a chart to show property owners how assessments are computed on L. I. D. 's , it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO RECESS. CARRIED. RECESS WAS DECLARED. After the recess roll call was taken with all members previously in attendance being present or subse- quently returning to the Council Chambers . ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted RESOLUTIONS proposed Ordinance providing for water rate r.. Proposed Ordinance- revision and updating as concerns special rates for Water Rate Revision retired,low income, disabled persons , first reading and Updating-Copies recommended at this time. THE DOCUMENT WAS READ. to be distributed MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO to affected parties REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COM- MITTEE. CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 2618 Proposed Ordinance was read approving and con- L. I.D. No. 271 , firming the assessment roll of Local Improvement Sanitary Sewers , District No. 271 for the improvement of a certain Kennydale area area in the vicinity of N.E. 28th St . and Kennewick Place N.E. , and portions of N.E. 27th St . , and Jones Avenue N.E. , in Kennydale , Renton , Wn . by the con- struction and installation of certain sanitary sewer lines and appurtenances thereto by doing all work necessary in connection therewith; levying and assessing the amounts therefor against the several lots , tracts and parcels of land and other property as shown on said roll ; and providing for payment of such assessments into the L.I.D. No. 271 Fund of the City as created by Ordinance No . 2580 . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON ITS SECOND AND FINAL READING . CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY ,,... STREDICKE, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. THE MOTION WAS CARRIED, BY UNANIMOUS AYE ROLL CALL VOTE. Curfew Ordinance Stredicke inquired concerning status of the proposed Curfew Ordinance urging public hearing rather than passage on the floor in one night. Councilman Perry noted the document is l;eing held in Committee certain aspects yet under review. RESOLUTION NO. 1729 Proposed Resolution was presented wherein Kent King County Court is designated trustee of funds for distribution Cause No . 54754 to the various cities which have heretofore "Order Deferring contributed toward that certain railroad crossing Imposition of study known as Project IS 69-2001 which was Sentence" (probation) assembled by the consulting firm "Engineered Industrial Systems of Seattle" , said City to make reasonable efforts to provide for collection of said funds toward payment of balance due on such railroad crossing as specified in referenced Superior Court Case , involving a certain Helen Shirley Irwin . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Letters dated January 29 , February 3 and February 17 , 1971 were read from Mr. Sven A . Johnson , the first two concerning review of travel vouchers for ITE Convention in Cali- fornia and investigation of inquiries and events pertaining thereto along with questions concerning conflict of interest status of corpora- tions involving city personnel . The third letter, con- cerned requested reinstatement by Mr. Johnson to position of Building Director, noting his in-terest in positioff- or .Administrator o7 Public Works , which he said had been conveyed to the Mayor heretofore. 62 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/22/71 Page 4. COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont. ) Letters from Mr. Johnson 's letter dated 2/17/71 included Mr. Sven Johnson inquiries concerning undergrounding ordinance and street improvement projects where implementa- tion was or was not required; also subject of occupancy of legal offices in the Municipal Building and fees for legal services , and the subject of emergency funding capability of the City, requested to be referred to the Personnel and Community Relations Committee . Affidavit regarding Councilman Perry submitted document for reading ITE Conference and which was signed by Mr. Delbert C. Bennett and Expenses Reimbursed Mr. James L. Magstadt , outlining details of therefor . flight , arrival , registrations and attendance , with list of persons able to verify their presence at various meetings and functions of the 23rd Annual meeting of the Western Section Institute of Traffic Engineers in San Francisco . The statement reaffirmed under oath that all expenses specified in Vouchers Nos . 9754 and 9788 , dated 8/24/70 were actually expended by each personally in connection with attendance at said conference , detailed account of same being filed with required receipts subsequent to their return . Council action on REFERRING TO LETTEJi FROM MR. SVEN A. JOHNSON, Mr. Johnsonb letters IT WAS MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT THE MATTER OF HIS REINSTATEMENT REQUEST BE REFERRED TO THE MAYOR 'S OFFICE FOR CONSIDERATION AND REPORT BACK. THE MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THE MATTERS OF CONSULTANT AND LEGAL FEES AND OFFICE LOCATION AS REFERRED TO BY MR. JOHNSON, BE REF- FERRED TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER , ALL OTHER ITEMS OF INQUIRY BE REFERRED TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEEP AS PER MR. JOHNSON'S REQUEST, WITH REPORT BACK. THE MOTION CARRIED. Application for Letter from Mr. Gerald M. Neisinger requested Music Machine license to operate a coin type music device License by New at the Players Tavern , 317 Main Ave. South . Owner (Now held by Hit Parade Music Corporation) MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. MOTION CARRIED. Complaint of Mr . Letter from Mr. Dobson , 806 Riverside Drive , Wyman K. Dobson called attention to poor condition of streets , re Streets and curbs and sidewalks in Renton ,and especially Sidewalks in City in the downtown area , generally described as and Reply from Mr. being deplorable , and inquiry was made as to Delbert Bennett whether program is in design to remedy such concerning program conditions . Letter from Mr. Del Bennett , for upgrading same Public Works Administrator, outlined program in present planning stages , to upgrade the downtown area , to include new street lighting system, modernization of traffic signal system total underground wiring, landscaping improve- ments , sidewalk replacement , street resurfacing, and possible mini-malls. Invitation was extended to the next meeting to be held on the matter at 3:00 p.m. , Feb . 22 , 4th floor conference rm. suggestions and ideas welcomed. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE COMPLAINT LETTER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. WI MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/22/71 Page 5 . COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont . ) Petition on Branch Petition of 25 signatures objected to clousre Library Closure of the Highlands library . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE DOCUMENT TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE AND THE LIBRARY BOARD. CARRIED. Mayor 's Fund Letter from Mayor Garrett listed fund transfers Transfer Report within budget classes for period from 11/10/70 through 1/5/71 as required by Resolution 1232. o.. From Planning 1160/308, $100 . 00 , 315 , $125 . 00, 318 , $470 . 00, Unto 1160/314 , $470. 00 and 504 , $225 . 00; From Building 1165/305 Unto 313 , $150 . 00 and From Legislative 1110/504 Unto 402, $500. 00. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Sven A . Johnson , 1520 Index Avenue N. E. , inquired when travel voucher report would be Travel Vouchers ready and Mayor Garrett advised it would be written after review of the affidavit received today and Mr. Johnson will be given a copy . Mr. I. J. Brodell remarked concerning review of Mr. Johnson 's letter by Committee, directing same to Councilman Stredicke and point of order by Schellert stated comments are to be addressed to the body in general . Mr. Brodell commented concerning affiliation of persons listed on travel voucher affidavit , aspects of registration payment and credence of the document , noting his duty as citizen is complete if the council does not intend further pursuance . Mayor Garrett read from Roberts Rules of Order the procedure to be followed by members of the audience in addressing the Council , 5-minute time limit in speaking denoted with remarks to invividuals only when request is made and permission granted by the Chair , comments otherwise to be made to the body as a whole . Mr. Frank Storey recalled incident which was alleviated only when he hired an attorney and brought suit , such action urged in the voucher matter rather than expecting the council to act as a court of law. _Mr. Joe Sporcic commented that services of the City Attorney should be available to every citizen it being clarified that the legal department and attorneys thereof serve to guide the elected and appointed officials in conducting city business . Mr. Sporcic also commented concerning L. I. D. 271 and 272. actions this evening noting majority of Kennydale area as being unsevered. City Attorney Shellan noted violations of the law come under jurisdiction of the Prosecuting Attorney and not the Attorney general 's office which is advisor to the Departments of the State , the Governor and Legislature , and if proof of crime is in hand suit should be filed. Mr. Johnson stated he had gotten advice from the attorney General 's office and recommendations from the Auditor's Office which he feel5will enable him to find the answers to questions posed in his letters . i) 14 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING Page 6 . APPOINTMENTS Permanent Fire Letter from Mayor Garrett requested cop- Department currence in the appointment of Mr. Glen Appointments Gordon and Mr. Keith Steel to permanent positions with the Renton Fire Department, to be effective as of March 1 , 1971 , so recommended by Fire Chief Walls . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Standing Committee Council President Grant submitted Committee Reports of the Whole Report which was read with council action taken as follows : Committee of the 1 . Bridge over Cedar Rilver on Houser Way Whole Report (City Engineers request to retain consultant) Recommended this project be referred to the Transportation Committee and the subject of Park Development be referred to the Community Services Committee , both reports to be back by March 8 , 1971 . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. 2 . Recommended that meeting with the Attorney General and King County Executive Director on the subject of Bingo , be tabled. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR. MOTION CARRIED. 3. MEDICAL COVERAGE PLANS PROPOSED BY THE AWC FOR COMPLIANCE WITH LEFF LAWS. Recommended that Council concur in the present medical plans the City now has in force . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR. MOTION CARRIED. 4 . Elimination of In-Lieu of Tax payments for next year now paid by the Utility Fund to the Current F.und. Recommended this subject be re- ferred to the Finance Committee and the Public Works Committee . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. 5 . Status of new city shop facility - Referral to City Shops Committee recommended . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. 6 . Proposal of Mr. Sven Johnson for traffic flow plan and stadium complex - Recommended the matter be tabled. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT , TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. TV Franchise Councilman Stredicke inquired concerning Color Cable TV Franchise which subject is in the Transportation and Committee Chairman Grant advised the matter is under review. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLER THAT THE MATTER OF PUBLIC TIME FOR CITY USE BE INCLUDED AS A CONDITION FOR FRANCHISE. CARRIED. Theater Operation Stredicke inquired concerning referral of the and Use-Cedar River subject of the Theater use and was advised the Park matter is in the Community Services Committee and has been referred to the Mayor and Park Board for written recommendations . Mention was made by Stredicke of the dedication ceremony which he felt had been very well conducted noting the Hazen High School Stage Band and others participating should be commended , Mayor Garrett advising that letters were being sent to all who had contributed to making the program a success . 65 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2122/71 Page 7 . OLD BUSINESS (Cont . ) Union Avenue Project Councilman Stredicke inquired concerning improvement project planning for Union Avenue and City Engineer Wilson reported that plans are 95% complete and will be submitted to the Forward Thrust Design Committee for approval this week . Bids will be called for early in the spring and will include curbs , gutters and side- walks . Since voltage exceed that contained in the city 's ordinance uhdergrmund wiring will not be included. Some areas are not sewered and a cross over from east to west will be included which will take care of future sewering desired. Part of the area is in the County and an L. I.D. would be difficult at this time . Legislation Chairman Perry submitted report which was read Committee Report with council action taken as follows : 1 . Zoning,. apartments by special designation in water oriented areas - Recommended referral to the Planning Commission for review and recommenda- tion. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR. CARRIED. 2 . Restructure of Boards and Commissions to remove autonomy and increase citizen participation. Referral to Committee of the Whole recommended. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, E RANT, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. 3. Ombudsman - recommended such position not be created at this time . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. 4. Six months disability leave requiring full low salary payment by cities felt to behardship and the Committee recommended that the Mayor be Authorized to work with the AWC and Wn . Counties for presentation to the Legislature of hardship imposed on cities ,and that they recommend that the State assume the financial responsibility . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED RY GRANT, TO CONCUR. Inquiry was made as to whether the Committee in- tends to provide Resolution and during discussion the Mayor noted the prime question to be whether the 6 months leave should be granted or not this being the point causing hardship problems , anter debate and further discussion , the pending MOTION CARRIED. 5 . Letter from Mr. R. A. Schaeffer requesting revision to Ordinance No. 2577 relating to massage parlors : Recommended no changes to the Ordinance as one fee is paid to the City and the other to King County. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. 6 . Resolution concerning removal of railroad tracks in Renton and urging negotiations between Burlington Northern and the Milwaukee Companies „! and requesting meeting with railroad representatives. Recommended no action be taken at this time , the Mayor presently negotiating the matter. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. Public Safety Chairman Delaurenti reported meeting with the Committee Report Chamber of Commerce and Ambulance Company and hosyztal people, investigation of the matter to continue . He noted legislation regulating ambu- lances is coming up in the Legislature but he did not have a copy . Perry advised he would furnish a copy of same . �(A IVUT£,S - RENTON -GI-TY -COU•NCI-L �ABZITING 2/221471 � le 8. OLD BUSINESS: (Cont . ) Local 21R Councilman Schellert inquired if the matter of Local 21R is in Committee of the Whole and was advised that it is . Data Processing Schellert inquired concerning Data Processing Presentation presentation meeting and suggested the. Cobncil President invite other public organizations , school district , Kent and Tukwila City Clerks etc. Development of MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT , THAT Capital Improve- THE MATTER OF THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ment Program DEVELOPMENT, NOW IN ITS FIRST STAGES, BE RE- FERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. City Report Councilman Grant inquired as to status of the City Report . Personnel and Community Relations Committee Chairman Stredicke advised meeting is being held tomorrow on the subject . Code of Ethics Grant inquired concerning status of referral on Committee appointment of the 5th member of the Code of Ethics Committee and was advised appointee was withdrawn since he resides outside the school district and thus does not qualify for membership, and letter will be forwarded to the King County Labor Council for three new names of residents within the district . Stredicke noted the first meeting of the committee is to be held on Wednesday. NEW BUSINESS Agenda Preparation MOVED BY GRANT SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THE PREPARATION OF THE AGENDA BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . THE MOTION CARRIED. Review of Compre- Councilman Stredicke submitted for reading hensive Land Use Planning Commission report of study to be under- Plan taken as concern requests for changes in land use on 3 specific parcels , hearingsto be held in April and recommendations to be forwarded to the Council thereafter. Annual review of future requests is planned in the fall of each year . Stredicke noted the public should be made aware that requests will have to be in to the Commission by the first of September or they otherwise may have to wait another year to be heard . It was noted by the City Attorney that hearings must be held before both the Planning Commission and the Council to effect changes in the plan , the land use being a part of the comprehensive plan , the streets and arterials and community facilities comprising the total plan and hearings on all may be held simultaneously but must be before both , the Planning Commission having periodic duty to review ,the whole plan which should be annually or every six months , perhaps in sections . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY TO REFER THE SUBJECT TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE TO REVIEW. THE MOTION CARRIED. Legal Publication Councilman Stredicke noted check into cost of Costs publication of Ordinance 2617 stating the legal was set over 4 columns when it might have been set in two . He outlined actual billing costs and comparative rates on lesser column basis and asked that the Mayor 's office and City Clerk refuse the billing and reduce payment to $93. 42 which he felt it should have been rather than $169. 56 billed. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT TO REFER THE MATTER OF LEGAL PUBLICATION CONTRACT TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE FOR REPORT BACK. THE MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BY GRANT, TO ADJOURN. / 10:50 p.m. CARRIED. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk 64 WARRANT DISTR18UTION DATE 2/22/71 BEG,:N FNDIN3 TOTAL WARRAr�" wARNANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUM,BER WARRANTS CURRENT FUND o4C *06 $32#354 .36 PARKS AND RECREATION 40:' c>?q 330 835@14 "'N CITY STREET 430 450 *2040y8 #0b LIBRARY 451 451 $17 , 31 REG• AND STREET PWD THRUST 452 +54 426 . 14 URBAN ARTERIAL 455 456 $17 .89 WATERWORKS UTILITY 457 *78 $26#939@18 AIRPORT 479 485 $1x424 .52 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 486 5U5 $31621 -90 FIREMEN S PENSIUN 506 518 $5p5e5 # 92 Tf GAsL GcntrCl Dev�U:S SI9 .5-19 1 IOC^ . OC' TOTAL OF ALL WARRA O S WE$ THE UNDERSIGNED MLMBEHS GF THE �' INANDE COlmITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIGr HAVING RICE IVSD L)EPAF ~1�NTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE ANU/OR SEHvICEE mAVE BEEN kECEIVED CK REN OERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VLJCHERS NJv 3j+3 THROUGH NO• 518 IN THE AMOUNT OF 4.12a THIS 22 OF FEBRUARY i 19719 xu WARRANTS # 313 — 342 VOID (MACHINE FAILURE) FINANCE. COMMITTEE �� rw`i iir.r.�.rrr..rrMrrrrrrrwwrrr cr CK •'S sl•aae a� Vkt�� RIC 4fod� c CO_AK;T-TkE MEMBER w w wi r rlar`t�r w r it i*rr r // CO SIN I T BER rrw �w-wprwmammas rrr COMMITTEE MEMBER OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 22, 1971 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole ------ CANCELLED Location to be set - Sat . 3/6 9 : 00 AM Grant Secretary will advise Branch Library Community Services Wed. 2/24 7 : 30 PM Clymer Highlands Public Meeting/L.Board Fri . 2/26 4: 30 PM 3rd Fl .Conf .Rm. Finance Mon. 3/1 4 : 30 PM Schellert lst Fl .Conf.Rm. Legislation Tues .2/23 7 : 00 PM Perry Curfew & Ambulance Tues .2/23 8: 00 PM Joint/Pers . & Com.Rel .Com Personnel & Community Tues .2/23 7 : 00 PM City Report to Public Relations Tues .2/23 8: 00 PM Stredicke Joint/Leg.Com. Salary Wage Study/B.Clk . Thurs . 3/4 8: 00 PM 6th FI .Conf_ .Rm. Mayor ' s Rep, Historical Public SafetyDelaurenti Soc. Rep re City Museum Tues . 3/2 7: 30 PM 6th Fl.Conf.Rm. Public Works Bruce Transportation Thurs .2/25 Grant 4th Fl.Conf .Rm. Special City Shops Committee Mon. 3/1 7: 00 PM Schellert Chairman ' s Coun Office I 69 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 2/22/71 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOlJN'l NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2571 $590.00 FHA-MARK SEVEN REALTY 2110, 2112 KIRKLAND NE REROOF & INST. GUTTERS 2572 850.00 RENTON VILLAGE CO. 15 S GRADY WAY INST. PARTITIONS 2573 330,000.00 RENTON ELKS #1809 1600 EAGLE RIDGE DRIVE CONST. LODGE BLDG. 2574 3,500.00 iiAROLD BRAND 1029 LYNNWOOD AVE. NE CONST. BEDROOM & BATH 2575 -- L.P. GARDNER 151 SUNSET BLVD. N REMOVE 3 BUILDINGS 2576 300.00 PLAYERS TAVERN 317 ivLlIN AVE. S INST ALUMINUM SIDING P577 12,000.00 DONALD W. CUSTER 212 WELLS AVE. S CONST. INT. PARTITIONS 'A"2578 3,000.00 WASH. JOCKEY CLUB LONGACRES INST. ROOF, SIDING, DOOR 2579 2,500.00 RENTON VILLAGE CO. 35 S GRADY WAY INST. NON BEARING PART. 2580 5,000.00 TORKELSON HEATING 357 RAINIER AVE. N REMOVE BLDG. & REPLACE B 2581 25857.00 RICHARD HAGERTY 2619 NE 9TH ST. ADDITION TO RESIDENCE 2582 280.00 CHURCH OF NAZARENE 244 WELLS AVE. N INST. NON BEARING PART. 2583 15,000.00 ERNESTO BAREI 907 S 3RD ST. REMODEL FRONT, INT. OF BLDG . MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2779 550.00 L. HUFF 3601 LINCOLN AVE. NE INST. OIL FURNACE 2780 155500.00 SAFEWAY STORES, INC. 2725 NE SUNSET BLVD. INST. REF. EQUIPMENT 2781 800.00 FED. HOUSING AUTH. 2310,2112 KIRKLAND NE INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2782 100.00 PARKWOOD HOMES, INC. 765 S 27TH ST. INST. PLBG. FIXTURES 2783 900.00 PARKWOOD HOMES, INC. 783 S 27TH ST. INST. PLBG. FIXTURES M 2784 145.00 ROLLIS HORTON 1533 JONES AVE. NE GAS CONVERSION BURNER 2785 640.00 HOWARD VAN CLEAVE 768 DAYTON AVE. NE INST. GAS FURNACE 2786 500.00 KAMPE CONST. CO. 916 N 31ST ST. INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2787 74,156.00 RENTON ELKS ##1809 1600 EAGLE RIDGE DRIVE INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3195 325.00 MRS. MAY DUNCALF 211 GARDEN AVE. N INST. SERVICE 3196 200.00 TINO CUGINI 205,207 SUNSET BLVD. N INST. 2 DISCONNECTS 3197 80.00 JOHN H. ZALLOCCO 2816 KENNEWICK PL. NE EXTEND SERVICE ENTRANCE 3198 35800.00 RENTON TOYOTA 722 RAINIER AVE. S ADDITIONAL LIGHTING "3199 1,300.00 FED. HOUSING AUTH. 2110,2112 KIRKLAND NE INST. SERVICE & HEAT E 3200 VOID 3201 20,000.00 BOEING COMPANY RENTON PLANT MISC. ELECTRICAL WOR. 3202 430.00 PARILgOOD HOMES, INC. 765 S 27TH ST. WIRE FAMILY RESIDENCE 3203 477.00 PARKWOOD HOMES, INC. 783 S 27TH ST. WIRE FAMILY RESIDENCE 3204 600.00 HAZEL WILLIAms 4904 LK. WN. BLVD. NE INST. SERVICE & WIRING E 3205 590.00 KAMPE CONST. CO. 3419 SHATTUCK AVE. S WIRE FAMILY RESIDENCE 3206 590.00 KAMPE CONST. CO. 3422 SHATTUCK AVE. S WIRE FAMILY RESIDENCE 3207 900.00 FED, HOUSING AUTH. 501 GRANDY NE INST. SERVICE & HEAT 3208 250.00 BEN SWENSON 817 QUEEN AVE. NE WIRE GARAGE SIGN PERMITS S 130 800.00 SEA, 1ST NATIL BANK 311 WILLIAMS AVE. S INST. 2 WALL SIGNS 131 35.00 G.W. JONES 2ND & MILL S INST. 3 GROUND SIGNS 132 100.00 SEA. IST NATIL BANK 1555 4TH AVE. N INST. 2 WALL SIGNS SEWER PERMITS S 1535 A. W. AARHUS 3719 PARK AVE. N CONNECT SEWER 1536 ROBERT AERIS 97.4. N 33RD ST. CONNECT SEWER 1537 RAYMOND DAVIS 1122 N 36TH CONNECT SEWER .538 T. E. REED 7121 N 33RD PL. CONNECT SEWER •539 G. CROTTS 3507 PARK AVE. N CONNECT SEWER S„.,.54o HOWARD BRUNNER 3302 BURNETT N CONNECT SEWER 1541 MATRAUCLT 3818 LK. WN. BLVD. N CONNECT SEWER 1542 HAROLD W. CAMPBELL 901 N 33RD ST. CONNECT SEWER 1543 ELAM JOHNSON 1201 N 33RD ST. CONNECT SEWER 154.4 H. A. ROUCHE 1118 N 33RD PL. CONNECT SEWER S 1545 BRUNO NICOLI 3404 BURNETT AVE. N CONNECT SEWER 1546 A. S. MILONAS 2721 MEADOW AVE. N CONNECT SEWER 1547 R. I. GORNCWICH 907 N 33RD ST. CONNECT SEWER 7 O FUND TRANSFERS 'PPROVED FOR THE MONTH OF FEERUARY, 1971 nom TO CLAIMS FUND Current Fund $ 85,460.81 Parks & Recreation 34,307.53 City Streets 30,368 .45 Cedar River M & I 45 .20 Library Fund 1,114.13 Traffic Control Devices 1,100.00 Regular & Street Foward Thrust 3,485.61 Urban Arterial 28,509.14 Waterworks Utility 78,274.18 Airport 15966.29 Equipment Rental 7,967.63 Firemen's Pension 8,622.24 TOTAL CLAIMS FOR FEBRUARY, 1971 281,221.21 FROM TO PAYROLL FUND Current Fund $172,809.89 Parks & Recreation 29,575.29 City Street 37,520.58 Cedar River M & I 730.00 Library 125061.67 Waterworks Utility 24,866.06 Airport 1,831.00 Equipment Rental 45837.00 Firemen's Pension 100.00 TOTAL PAYROLL FOR FEBRUARY $284,331.79 1 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 1 , 1971 Renton Municipal Building 8 :00 P.M. City Clerk ' s Office R E F E R R A L S CITY CLERK To research records concerning Attorney's litigation regarding Metro .Suit To check travel vouchers as concerns meal receipts Authorized to sign Industrial Leasing Waiver of Lease Document «� COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE_ Minority report of Transportation Committee concerning Houser Way Bridge widening project FINANCE COMMITTEE ASPO Conference attendance , Mar. 27 - Ap. 1 , 1971 in New Orleans (Authorized for.--Councilman Stredicke and Planning Commission Chairman Sterling) Subject of Over- legal-Weight truck permits LEGISLATION COMMITTEE L. I. D. 263 , Kennydale area Sanitary Sewers Proposed Zoning and Sign Code amendments Resolution congratulating new Postmaster on appointment Job descriptions for positions contained in Mayor ' s letter of interim appointments COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Proposed Revisions to Subdivision Ordinance MAYOR Subject of over-legal-weight truck permits Authorized to sign Industrial Leasing Waiver of Lease document PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE I. D. for solicitors Brochures for Public Information on L. I. D. 'S. Job descriptions for other than Mayor 's interim appointees TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Letter from State Highway District Engineer Bogart regarding SR515 Mayor' s letter recommending removal of parking restrictions on the West side of Main Avenue South Comprehensive Arterial Street Plan to be reviewed UTILITY DEPARTMENT To review manner of making out utility bills for more clarification to citizens PROCLAMATION March 14 - 21 , 1971 - International Demolay Week BID OPENING March 15 , 1971 City Report to be opened at 7 : 00 p.m. by Personnel and Community Relations Committee in 6th floor conference room. -(e h M - i RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 1 , 1971 Renton Municipal Building 8 :00 P.M. City Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance CALL TO ORDER and called the weekly meeting of the Renton City Council to order . ROLL CALL OF CITY GRANT , BRUCE , CLYMER, STREDICKE, PERRY, DELAURENTI COUNCIL MEMBERS AND SCHELLERT. 04 CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT , MAYOR , HELMIE NELSON, CITY CLERK, IN ATTENDANCE DOROTHEA GOSSETT, CITY TREASURER , G . M. SHELLAN , CITY ATTORNEY, POLICE LT . BOURASA , JACK WILSON, CITY ENGINEER , VERN CHURCH, PURCHASING DIRECTOR, TED BENNETT, UTILITY ACCOUNTANT , GORDON ERICKSEN , PLANNING DIRECTOR, MIKE BROWN , DATA PROCESSING MGR . , M. DEANE SEEGER , MAYOR ' S ASST. , AND WES CREWS , THE ASST. BUILDING DIRECTOR. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO APPROVE Meeting of 2/22/71 THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT. THE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING Final Assessment Roll , Sanitary Sewer Project , L . I .D. 263 Kennydale Island Area , Fast of Burnett No . and Lake Kennydale area Wn . Blvd . N., and N. of N. 31st Street and vicinity . Sanitary Sewers This being the date set , and proper legal notices having been published and publicly posted , the hearing was opened with reading of communications . Letter from Mrs . Bertha Miller requested segrega- tion of Tract 34 with assessment to be divided between two ownerships , Mr . Fred Miller and herself , as per legal descriptions listed therein . Letter from Mrs . Beulah MacKenzie protested assess- ment being deducted from check ,by First Bank Mortgage ,° when she sold her house last april , refund requested. Letter from Mr. James Spencer and Charles W. Wickland Tracts 86 and 87 , felt their assessments were higher than others in the area and requested re-evaluation . Margueritte Aurit and Eleanor Ambrosch , joint owners of lots 6 , 7 , and 8 , Block 21 , had felt since ease- ment was granted they would not be assessed for the sewer , but would lower the cost to the rest of the district since shorter line could be utilized for neighboring properties up the hill . Letter from Mrs . Mae Dodge objected to amount of assessment as compared to adjacent property noting billings to go to W. F . Hale and R . Lewis . Mr. William Graham , 3326 Park Ave . No . , inquired regarding mode of pay- ment of assessment and was advised that upon approval of the final roll it is filed with the Treasurer who will send out assessment notices after which 30 days are granted to allow payment of any .part or all of the assessment with no interest , the balance of the assessment then spread over ten year period with first payment due one year after receipt of the notice including 5 . 5% interest which is increased to 6% if payment is iate ,and annual payment until pai Council action MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CLOSE THE HEARING . CARRIED. Since the Council sits as a Board of tqualization, Schellert inquired concerning the petitions requesting segregation of assessment, and as to protests . City Engineer Wilson advised that properties can be segregated according to requests ,and outlined mode of assessing where easement was granted the City which is on a lower zone rate, Mr. Wilson noted a brochure prepared to inform the citizens of the methods their property is assessed , ( zone and termini mode outlined as used in this instance ) , was attached to Agenda this evening. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/1/71 Page 2 . PUBLIC HEARING : L. I. D. 263 , Sanitary Sewers , Kennydale area (Cont . ) Councilman Stredicke acknowledged the LID report prepared by Engineering as being helpful and offered services of the Personnel and Community Relations Committee to that Department to assist in eliminating LID confusion urging that material be provided which his committee might mail prior to final L . I.D. hearings and so that questions could be answered in laymen ' s language . City Engineer Wilson noted differences in lot depths and sizes where assessments are compared to others , and reporting 2-14% protest received, invited discussion of assessments in his office at any time . Schellert inquired if all inquiries will receive reply and was advised that Engineering will take care of this . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE , TO CONFIRM THE FINAL ROLL OF L . I.D. 263 in sum of $379 ,176 . 96 WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR ORDINANCE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Zoning and Sign Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported Planning Code Amendments Commission approval of proposed Zoning and Sign Code amendments for updating, rectifying inconsistencies and incorporating measures for streamlining procedures . Council concurrence was recommended. Community Services Committee Chairman Clymer submitted recommendation for concurrence in the revisions , study by his committee recently completed and referral to the Legislation Com- mittee was further recommended for the necessary ordinance . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT , TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: ORDINANCE 2619 Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted documents First reading for council action ,including ordinance previously on first only 2/22/71 reading,with second and final readings in order at this time . Ordinance was read amending Sec. 3-231 of Title Revision to III, (Departments) of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code Water Rate of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" , relating Ordinance to water rates . The Ordinance contains graduated charges with volume over 102 , 900 minimum charge being $0 . 11 per 100 cu ft . on which Councilman Stredicke wished , for the record , to be assured that this is the amount of money it costs the city to produce and distribute the water. City Engineer Wilson advised the rates were developed by consultants after a rate study and were from determined findings of cost and distribution to large mains,according to consumption by large industrial firms, based only on todays cost not projecting any future figures . It was noted that 3 firms now use such volumes of water, and that it did reflect true costs. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL AYES. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. RESOLUTION 1730 Proposed Resolution was read giving full support to �.. plans ,projections and principles in and to "Community Drug Inter- Drug Intervention Program , submitted , as applying vention Program agency , by the Board of Education , Renton School Dis- trict entitled "Project Design for Operational Grant Funds to Develop A School and Community Drug Interven- tion Program" . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR , AND ADOPT THE DOCUMENT AS READ. Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti outlined funding needs and urged wupport of the much needed program. MOTION CARRIED ADOPTING THE RESOLUTION AS READ. %4 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/1/71 Page 3 . ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (Cont. ) RESOLUTION 1731 Resolution was read authorizing transfer of Transfer of Funds $3,000. 00 from the Contingency Fund , #107/519. 70 for Bldg. Code unto the Building Maintenance Code Enforcement Enforcement Account , #011/524 . 20. 42. MOVED BY GRANT, SECOND I BY SCHELLERT, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. Upon inquiries it was noted the dangerous building to be demolished is located at 401 Wells Avenue South and .that concerning city 's cost recovery , this becomes a lien on the property . PENDING MOTION CARRIED. COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: SR 515 (Benson Letter from Mr. W. C. Bogart , P.E. Dist. Engineer, Hwy. Relocation- State Hwy. Dep ' t . , reported meeting with Mr. Wm. Revised route) Grant and Mr. Del Bennett which produced proposals for alignment shift , landscaped berm, fencing and elimination of intersection at So . 27th Street , the City to assume certain obligations in such events . Certain legal interpretations have been requested concerning responsibility for construct- ion of signalization and illumination upon receipt of which further meeting will be held to consumate the matter. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Parking restriction Letter from Mayor Garrett was read recommending and Meter Removal in the removal of restricted parking from the West downtown Renton side of Main Avenue South be referred to the Transportation Committee and that the Council investigate the possibility of removing parking meters from city-ownedand.operated parking lots . Transportation Committee report recommended that meters be removed from the downtown parking lots with two-hour parking restriction posted and en- forced, 89 free parking spaces available thereby . Attention was called to the Civic Center circula- tion plan to result in removal of parking stalls on Main Avenue South and Mill Avenue South , with elimination of 33 stalls on the East side of Mill , between Houser Way and Bronson Way with no parking between South 3rd and South 4th Streets on Main So. It was further recommended that the Mayor be authorized to negotiate a lease or sale of the Griffin Jones parking lot located on the corner of Mill Avenue South and South 2nd Street . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS AND ADOPT THE REPORT OF THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Proposed Revision Letter from Planning Director Ericksen submitted to Subdivision revised draft of Subdivision Ordinance , dated Ordinance 2/19/71 as approved by the Planning Commission, and submitted to the Council for adoption,as part of continuing process to upgrade the Code as it pertains to .urban development in the City . MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. 1971 Planning Letter from Planning Director Ericksen requested Conference in authorization for Mr. John C. Sterling, Planning New Orleans Commission Chairman , to attend American Society of Planning Officials annual conference in New Orleans from March 27 through April 1 , 1971 , and that Mr. Arthur D. Scholes be designated as alterna- te to attend in event the Chairman is unable to do so. Community Services Committee report recommended that Member Dick Stredicke be authorized to attend this conference with referral to the Finance Committee . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCURt WITH REFERRAL TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/1/71 Page 4 . COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Renee Guild Annual Letter from Mrs . Doris M. Ridley , Renee Guild Baloon Sale for Retarded Children , requested No-Fee Permit to conduct annual balloon sale on March 5 and 6 , 1971 , in Renton . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, AND SECONDED BY PERRY TO GRANT THE REQUEST. CARRIED. Nat ' l . Multiple 2e,;-uest of Mr. Arnold R. Thompson , Chairman , Sclerosis Society National Multiple Sclerosis Society , Puget Sound Chapter, for approval to conduct house-to-house campaign in Renton from May 9 , to June 20 , 1971 was read . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR IN THE REQUEST. Stredicke inquired regarding identification being carried by solicitors . Ths City Clerk noted the city usually issues a permit and the agencies provide their I. D. documents in the case of charitable organizations . She does provide cards in regard to regular business license solici- tors , but would not have them in great numbers as might be used in the neighborhood campaigns. PENDING MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE MATTER OF IDENTIFICATION FOR SOLICITORS TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Metro vs . Alderwood Letter from City Attorney Shellan submitted to Water District , et Mayor Garrett , Declaratory Judgment No. 731473 al , Court Case signed by the Honorable David W. Soukup, Judge , the Court holding that the rate increase of Metro charges , as of January 1 , 1971 , is valid. Audience comment Mr. Charles Shane inquired concerning city parti- cipation and legal defense in the Metro court case . City Attorney Shellan outlined proceedings of the test case noting enjoinment of cities, appointment of NEW Attorney for taxpayers and suit brought to court , the increase being ruled valid as most had antici- pated. Parties not appealing, the case is ended. Shane felt forcible litigation had been authorized. axe stated there should be some additional charge to non-member cities who had not contributed to costs of original installations , and also to new residents by late-comers charge rather than their paying the same rate as citizens who had paid for years . It was noted that some cities pay an over- charge penalty being non-members . City Attorney Shellan noted subiect of liticration having to do with installations to upgrade the Metro system to comply with State Lawland late-comer charges and provisions for double rate for outside resi- dents are not related to the Metro case . After further discussion , its was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE CITY CLERK RESEARCH THE RECORDS FOR TRANSCRIPT REGARDING METRO CASE AND REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL ON WHETHER THE ATTORNEY WAS DIRECTED TO PARTICIPATE AND TO WHAT EXTENT. Mr. Sven Johnson remarked that from discussion it appeared that the matter had been judged before trial . Councilman Delaurenti noted the case was open to those interested in attending. PENDING MOTION CARRIED. RECESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO 9 :3.5 p.m. RECESS. THE MOTION CARRIED AND RECESS WAS DECLARED. After recess roll was taken with all Councilmen present as previously . Employment Letter from Mrs . Cecilia M. Partlow, Manager, Security Dep ' t . expressed thanks on behalf of the Employment Security Department for accommodating Appeals Examiners and for cooperative response in accepting ESP applicants for training work . I MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/1/71 Page 5 . Public Safety Councilman Stredicke called attention to Suggestions hazardous condition on South Second Street where pedestrians cross to the unemployment offices in vicinity of the high school and urged additional measures be taken in patrolling, signing to slow down traffic or crosswalks , especially in view of greater volume since work force reductions in the city . The Mayor noted he would check with departments concerned. AUDIENCE COMMENTS Mr< Charles Shane, referring to Water Rate Study Water Rate Study conducted by consulting firm of Cornell , Howland , Hayes and Merryfield, which he had instigated during his term as Councilman , reviewed various aspects of the report and inquired as to council action to implement the findings with specific emphasis on correcting of inequities between commercial and residential accounts . He commented also on responsibilities and functions of city department heads and departments concerning the existing water program and rates and questioned payment by the utility of in lieu of taxes to the Garbage Disposal Current Fund. Events leading to award of the City 's Garbage Disposal Contract were reviewed by him also. Some lengthy discussion ensued concerning time since distribution of the Water Rate report , Public Works Committee Chairman , Bruce and Member Clymer noting they have been actively working on the matter and are awaiting completion of the Compre- hensive Plan on new water lines prior to final action and recommendation . Subjects of Late- comers provision and water system installations by private developers were discussed, Mr. I. J. Brodell commenting on aspects of same which he found inequitable in development of his sub- division . He felt funds should be used for such purposes as this where you get value received rather than for people to take trips such as authorized tonight . Branch Library - Mrs . George Johnson , 1500 Monroe Avenue N. E. , Meeting in Highlands thanked the Council for the time taken to attend Concerning Closure the meeting at the Highlands Branch Library and for the many hours she felt is spent at their jobs , noting that while many come with blood in their eye and with malice she wishes to express appreciation for efforts and time taken in this matter, the problem although not completly resolved being alleviated for the present time . Congratulations Mr. Lennie Hutchens , 1814 Grant Avenue South , to new postmaster called attention to appointment of the new Post- master and urged council acknowledgement of same . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS. MOTION CARRIED. PROCLAMATION Proclamation by the Mayor set forth dates of March 14 - 21 , 1971 for observance as International Demolay Week Demolay Week. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY Mar. 14-21 , 1971 SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Mayor' s letter MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE THAT THE regarding parking MAYOR 'S RECOMMENDATIONS CONCERNING PARKING ON restrictions THE WEST SIDE OF MAIN AVENUE SOUTH BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. 77 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/1/71 Page 6 . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Committee Reports) Transportation Chairman Grant submitted majority report of Committee Report the Transportation Committee recommending the subject of the Houser Way Bridge be referred Houser Way Bridge to the Committee of the Whole . Minority report recommended concurrence in the recommendation of the City Engineer to retain the firm of Arnold and Arnold as consulting firm Ilrr for structural design services on the Houser Way Bridge and that the Attorney be authorized to prepare the necessary contract document with the Mayor and City Clerk authorized to execute same. Recommended that the matter of a walkway and trails system under the Houser Way Bridge be referred to the Planning Department for report back to Council . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE MINORITY REPORT. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE THE MINORITY REPORT BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. MOTION CARRIED. Tiffany Park The Transportation Committee recommended that Petition re Royal council concur in recommendations of the Traffic Hills Drive Engineer that guard rail be installed on the portion of SE Royal Hills Drive between Beacon Ave . S.E. and S.E . Lake Youngs Way . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE , TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. aw Industrial Leasing The Transportation Committee recommended that the Waiver Request Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign Waiver requested by Industrial Leasing Corporation to permit removal of lighting fixtures from city-owned property under lease to Robinson & Lyon Ford Co, at such time as may become necessary. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. Community Services Chairman Clymer reported meeting with the Library Committee Report- Board and citizens of the branch library area Branch Library and the Library Board is going to open the High- lands branch 3 days a week and the citizen friends of the library will aid the library with story hours and advising as to best way of meeting needs of the people , a good example of democracy in action . Legal Publication Councilman Stredicke recalled his request of last Billing week for reduction of amount to be paid by the City with regard to billing for legal publication in view of space utilization , urging appropriate administrative action in the matter. Personnel and Chairman Stredicke reported that Mrs . Margaret Community Relations Evans , Honorary Council Member .has had a bout Now Report with the flu but is now feeling quite well and hopes to be back in the council audience next week. City Report Bid The Personnel and Community Relations Committee Call-3/15/71 Chairman reported that bid call has been authorized on city report with bid opening to be held on March 15 , to be opened by committee at 7 :p.m. that date in the 6th floor conference room, specifications available from the City Clerk or Chairman Stredicke. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE ACTIONS ON CITY REPORT BID CALL. THE MOTION CARRIED. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/1/71 Page 7 . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Committee Reports) Utility Billings Councilman Stredicke displayed his recent utility billing and inquired of the Utility Accountant concerning whether period applied to water, sewer , metro and garbage service or just water. He felt there should be more - explanation of specifics as to what the bill covers . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, *"" TO REFER THE MANNER IN WHICH UTILITY BILLS ARE MADE OUT TO THE UTILITY DEPARTMENT FOR RECOM- MENDATION AS TO CLARIFICATION TO THE PEOPLE. MOTION CARRIED. LID Informational MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO Brochures REFER THE BROCHURES FOR LID INFORMATION, AS SUGGESTED BY COUNCILMAN STREDICKE , TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Remarks by Council - Chairman Perry recalled city garbage disposal man Perry regarding contract award and outlined bidding and award Garbage Disposal events noting specification requirements which Contract led to withdrawal by contractor of the low bid and subsequent award to second low bidder since desire was not exprL-ssed for pursuing the matter further ,by Chairman Shane . Water Rate Study Councilman Perry noted recommendation of the consultants for increase in water rates of which he did not approve at the present time ,noting the report to be under study by the Public Works Committee and it being the duty of committee to go over the report and make evaluation which it «.. is presently doing . VOUCHER APPROVAL Nos . 520-677 and Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported L. I. D. 269 #1 approval of Vouchers Nos . 520-677 in total sum of $34 ,337. 33 and L . I. D. No. 269 #1 , Cash and Revenue Vouchers each in amount of $457 . 50 , and MOVED THAT COUNCIL APPROVE SAME AT THIS TIME FOR PAYMENT. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY DELAURENTI AND CARRIED. ASPO CONFERENCE The Finance Committee recommended authorization TRAVEL APPROVAL be granted Councilman Stredicke and PlanningCp;)�, C'.h0l't-01an Sterling to attend the 1971 Conference of the American Society of Planning Officials in New Orleans . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Travel Expense Councilman Stredicke inquired concerning claims Reimbursement for reimbursement for meals for which he felt receipts should be secured. It was pointed out that Claim Statements are completed under oath as required by State Law and receipts must be -Nov filed on hotel or travel but sundry, as taxa. or meals, by certification with details to be outlined on the claim form. The subject of review of the city 's policy is now in the Finance Committee , Chairman Schellert reporting recommendations to be forth- coming next week. Stredicke urged city policy of requiring receipt to reimburse for meals also. Job Descriptions MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY PERRY, THE JOB DESCRIPTIONS AS CONTAINED IN THE MAYOR 'S LETTER OF INTERIM APPOINTMENTS BE PREPARED BY THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE AND OTHERS BY THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. (� MINUTES - RENTON 'CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/1/71 Page 8. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Attendance of City Councilman Stredicke inquired if policy change Department Heads has been effected with regard to attendance of Department Heads at council meetings . Mayor Garrett advised of no change noting some to be on vacation and others having representatives present in their stead, and others attending other board meetings or events , and some finding no item of concern to their departments and not attending. City Report Personnal and Community Relations Committee Chairman Stredicke suggested that Department Heads advise if they have not received notice concerning publication of the City Report from h s office and to also submit any requests or suggestions regarding the report to him next week before bid opening, and he will be in the buildng most of Wednesday or Thursday . Remarks by Council Councilman Delaurenti objected to personal remarks of criticism directed at Department Heads by Councilmen and others during the open meetings when information can be secured dna problems can bersolved by going to the department and discussing the matter. He outlined his own experiences in this regard noting he has always received cooperation from the departments . Preliminary Report Councilman Schellert noted receipt of preliminary of State Audit Audit Report from the State which approves the financial standing of the city and indicates the work being done by the city departments is being handled in a good and efficient manner . Comprehensive MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT NNW Arterial Street THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE ARTERIAL STREET PLAN Plan BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW. THE MOTION CARRIED. 3iteIIeht Over Legal Weight MOVED BY ""'rrt'�-C-", SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER Truck THE MATTER OF OVER LEGAL WEIGHT TRUCK PERMITS TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE AND MAYOR 'S OFFICE FOR COR;^� ^7-Er)_ REVIEW. CARRIED. Perry requested consideration REF R To be given also to matter of truckers usi:ig resi- "i1NU7`S OF 3f�/ dential streets . AUDIENCE COMMENT City Attorney Shellan reported that the Council had adopted the Ordinance providing for sewer connection charges on property not previously assessed or charged otherwise , on 3116/64 so Late- Comer charges have been in effect for 7 years . An ordinance was passed in 1964 on water rates and installation fees there being some problem with regard to implementation as concerns computerizing. Mr. Shellan read from the State Statutes as concern travel expenses noting support of all expense to be required by Voucher and this carries over to City ordinance and exception is allowed where no receipt .� is given , word then being taken in claim whicn form contains penalty for perjury. Councilman Stredicke requested the Mayor or staff or City Clerk research the last 10 travel vouchers and advise if meals other than an occasional break- fast are supported by receipts . The City Clerk noted all are supported by Voucher and Claim Form approved and signed by claimant and Department Head, as required by law, and same being checked by the auditor 's office in his annual audit and approved ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO ADJOURN. CARRIED. THE MEETING ADJOURNED AT 11 : 35 .m. 80 WARRANT DISTRIBUTIUN DATE 3/01/71 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS CURRENT FUND 520 579 $11x590*52 PARKS AND RECREATION 580 594 5957 .38 CITY STREET 595 604 $8o422*82 CEDAR RIVER M AND I 605 605 $125.00 LIBRARY vclhwmh &11 Veto 606 650 $+3s51�•25 WATERWORKS UTILITY 651 662 $3)928. 17 AIRPORT 663 667 $240.31 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 668 677 $556*88 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $34,t30q•33 WEs THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCILi HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE ANG/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN. RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS MO, 520 THROUGH NO• 677 IN THE AMOUNT OF $34,337 .33 THIS 01 OF MARCH 1 1971 + FINANCE COMMITTEE L.I.D. 269 CASH & REV #1 $457.50 " q � wrmw MITTS M ; BE�---- •. ww .wwwwwwwwsww.w ww C MMITTEE M BER •.www w www w� w w• COMMITTEE MEMBER X _. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 1 , 1971 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION RE1ARKS Committee of the Whole Tues . 3/2 8: 30 PM Grant Traffic Engr, City Engr, Planning & Park Director Additional Meetings Below (Houser Way Bridge) Following Community Services Wed. 3/3 D.P . Meet Clymer CBD-Development Plan -- Consultants Report Fri . 3/5 4 : 00 PM 3rd F1.Conf.Rm. Planning Director & Staff Finance Schellert Legislation Perry Personnel & Community Thurs . 3/4 7: 30 PM 6th Fl.Conf. Rm. Appointments Relations Thurs . 3/4 8 :00 PM Stredicke 6th Fl .Conf.Rm. Historical Soc./Museum Mon. 3/15 7: 00 PM 6th Fl .Conf.Rm. City Report Bid Opening Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Tues . 3/2 7 :00 PM Bruce City Engr. & Utility Transportation Thurs . 3/11 7: 30 PM Grant Place to be ann,Accountant unced Committee of the Whole Wed. 3/3 7 : 00 PM Grant Council Chamber Data Processing Present. (Continued) Sat. 3/6 9 : 00 AM Grant Time & Place to be Announced Wed. 3/10 7: 30 PM Grant Annexations/D.Seeger & Chamber of Com. Rep. Special City Shops Committee Mon. 3/8 7:00 PM Schellert O tJ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 3/1/71 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO AMOUNTS NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2584 $550.00 WARREN CHINN 237 PK AVE NO DEMOLISH RESIDENCE 2585 18,000.00 E WECHSELBEGER 1731 JONES DR SE CONSTR NEW RESIDENCE 2586 VOID 2587 700.00 ANTHOE F. WENZEL 1102 N 33RD ST ENCLOSE CARPORT & POR ` B 2588 800.00 RENTON SCHOOL {#403 710 N 6TH ST INSTALL NON BEARING W MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2788 370.00 HAROLD B RAND 1029 LYNN'W'OOD AVE NE INSTALL PLBG & FIXTURES 2789 1,231.00 PAC CAR & FOUNDRY 1400 N 4TH ST INSTALL HEATER-GAS FIRED 2790 VOID 2791 100.00 TOTEM BEVERAGES 1520 SW GRADY WY INSTALL POST & TANK 2792 117.50 WILLIAM LOWE 626 SHATTUCK AVE SO WATER HEATER (INSTALL) ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3209 350.00 ED DAVIES 3517 TALBOT RD SO REWIRE FIRE DAMAGE WIRING 3210 125 .00 HAROLD BRAND 1029 LYNWOOD AVE NE WIRE ADDITION TO RESIDENCE 3211 600.00 KAMPE CONSTR CO 916 NO 31ST ST WIRE NEW RESIDENCE 3212 200.00 SITE DEVELOPMENT CO 560 HOUSER N REPAIR SERVICE E 3213 250.00 TED C HASTINGS 2201 NE 27TH INSTALL 200 AMP SERVICE 3214 225 .00 WILLIAM LOWE 626 SHATTUCK AVE SO INSTALL NEW SERVICE SIGN PERMIT S 133 1500.00 CENTRA-B-MART 411 RAINIER SO INSTALL POLE SIGN 134 400.00 HERFY'S CORP 641 RAINIER SO ADD TO EXISTING SIGN SEWER PERMIT S 1548 G A PASCO 1900 NE 16TH ST CONNECT SEWER 1549 GEORGE WALMER 2702 JONES AVE NE CONNECT SEWER 1550 T PFEIFLE 2712 ABERDEEN AVE NE CONNECT SEWER 1551 S B JACOBS 903 N 32ND ST CONNECT SEWER S 1552 GLORIA JACOBS 1012 N 36TH CONNECT SEWER 1553 D N BARRETT 1167 ABERDEEN AVE NE CONNECT SEWER 1554 BURTEN SORENSEN 2609MEADOW AVE NO CONNECT SEWER 1555 ALAN CLABOE 1119 N 35TH ST CONNECT SEWER S 1556 LEROY DONALDSON 1202 NO 32ND CONNECT SEWER 1557 L A BOUTWELL 1003 NO 33RD ST CONNECT SEWER 1558 MRS LANCASTER 3741 PARKS AVE NO CONNECT SEWER 1559 LLOYD PETERSON 1007 NO 36TH CONNECT SEWER S 1560 RON ROUTLEY 2314 NE 27TH CONNECT SEWER 1561 WYNE KAMPE 916 NO 32ND CONNECT SEWER 1562 WYNE KAMPE 1103 NO 31ST CONNECT SEWER RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 8 , 1971 Office of the City Clerk 8 :00 P.M. Renton Municipal Building R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY Ambulance Service Agreement with guaranteed fee provision for certain city department-originated calls Opinion requested as to legality of lease or loan of data processing equipment Opinion requested on procedure intent of Resolution 1725 for elected officials and members of Boards and Commissions to secure out of state travel authorization Opinion reuqested as to city liability and cost for operating an emergency aid car and man hours necessary for effective operation of same CITY CLERK Authorized to declare surplus and dispose of equipment no longer used or needed by the City COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Public hearing to be held on Houser Way Bridge widening project Intent concerning freeze on increment raises and motion that the raises be allowed uniformed personnel FINANCE COMMITTEE Request of Data Processing Manager for additional computer memory unit PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Boundary Review Board notice of additional hearing on Bellevue annexation of Newport Hills et a1 areas . POLICE DEPARTMENT To provide Public Safety Committee with specifications covering inspection of ambulance and taxicab vehicles MAYOR Authorized to negotiate ambulance service agreement To check boundaries of proposed annexation by Bellevue as concerns the Renton School District boundaries To contact other governmental agencies for public use of data processing equipment To arrange for a room in the library building for meeting of the Renton Historical Society and Personnel and Community Relations Committee concerning subject of a city museum for Renton , April 8 , at 8 :00 p.m. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Application of C. R . Worthington for Acme Amusement Co . , for Master Music Machine license to operate in Renton TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Parking restrictions recommended by Mayor Garrett for Mill Avenue South Subject of time limit in Off-Street Parking Lots APPOINTMENT Mayor Garrett - Delegate to National League of Cities Congressional Conference in Washington , D.C. for AWC and City of Renton �.. MEETINGS AND EVENTS 3/18/71 - Boundary Review Board hearing on Bellevue annexation , Rm. 402 King County Courthouse at 7 : 30 p.m. Mar. 13-20 , 1971 - Sister City Week 84 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 8 , 1971 Renton Municipc?, Building 8:00 p .m. City Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance CALL TO ORDER and called the weekly meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF CITY GRANT, BRUCE, CLYMER, STREDICKE, DELAURENTI AND 1 COUNCIL MEMBERS SCHELLERT. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO EXCUSE THE ABSENT COUNCILMAN. MOTZ'ON CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR, HELMIE NELSON, CITY CLERK, IN ATTENDANCE DOROTHEA GOSSETT, CITY TREASURER , JACK PAIN, ASST. CITY ATTORNEY, FRANK HENRY, ASST. POLICE CHIEF , VERN CHURCH, PURCHASING DIRECTOR , TED BENNETT, UTILITY ACCOUNTANT, GORDON ERICKSEN, PLANNING DIR- ECTOR, BERT MC HENRY, ASST. CITY ENGINEER , DEL BENNETT, PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATOR, M. C. WALLS, FIRE CHIEF, GENE COULON, PARK DIRECTOR, M. DEANE SEEGER, MAYOR 'S ASST. , AND BERNARD RUPPERT, BUILDING DIRECTOR . MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, THAT PAGE 8 OF THE MINUTES BE March 1 , 1971 CORRECTED (PARAGRAPH 6) , TO REFLECT .SCHELLERT AS MAKER OF THE MOTION CONCERNING OVER-LEGAL WEIGHT TRUCKS RATHER THAN STREDICKE. MOTION SECONDED BY SCHELLERT AND CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AS CORRECTED. THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND REVOLUTIONS ORDINANCE NO. 2620 Legislation Committee Member Bruce submitted L. I .D. No . 263 proposed Ordinance approving and confirming the Sanitary Sewers assessments and aGsessment roll of LID No. 263 , aw Kennydale Island which has been created and established for the Area & Vicinity improvement of a certain area witnin acid without the city limits of Renton , generally known as the Kennydale Area , by construction and installation of certain sanitary sewer lines and appurtenances thereto, and assessing the amount thereof against the several lots , tracts , parcels of land and other property shown on said roll . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE CARRIED THE MOTION UNANIMOUSLY. ORDINANCE NO. 2621 Ordinance was read fixing the amount , form, date , Issuing Installment interest and rate of maturity of installment note , Note to Firemen 's directing the issuance and sale thereof unto the Pension Fund for City of Renton Firemen 's Pension Fund, pertaining L.I. D. No. 267 to Local Improvement District No . 267 . (Sanitary Sewers in vicinity of North Renton Interchange) MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED UPON UNANIMOUS AYE ROLL CALL VOTE. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported No . 678 - 779 and committee approval of Vouchers as certified by L.I.D. 263 Cash Department Heads as to receipt of merchandise and Revenue #24 or rendering of services , and MOVED THAT COUNCIL APPROVE SAME FOR PAYMENT IN TOTAL OF $64,420 .65 AND LID 263 Cash and Revenue Vouchers #24 in sum of $2 ,625 . 75 each . MOTION WAS SECONDED BY GRAIYT AND CARRIED. (See attached Fund Breakdown) 85 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING (Cont . ) 3/8/71 Page 2 . COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS Ambulance Service Letter from Mrs . Peggy Hayen confirmed the Discontinuation cessation of ambulance services by her firm as of March 10 , 1971 since it is no longer possible to operate on commensurate cost basis. Letter from Mayor Garrett recommended , after receipt of the letter and various conferences bow and phone calls , that the Mayor and City Attorney be authorized to negotiate an agree- ment , subject to Council approval , that would provide service for the City and which would guarantee the ambulance operator a set fee on all uncollectible calls originating from a City Department . Such procedure , recommended by our Police and Fire Departments , is now in effect in Seattle . Committee of the Whole Report recommended con- currence in the Mayor ' s request . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR. MOTION CARRIED. Master Music Letter from Mr. C. R . Worthington , Acme Amusement Machine License Co . , Inc. of Seattle , requested license to operate in Renton under a Master Music Machine License . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE APPLICATION TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. THE MOTION CARRIED. BRB Hearing 3/18/71 , Letter from Mr. G. Brice Martin , Chief Clerk, Bellevue Annexation King County Boundary Review Board , advised of meeting on March 18f , Rm. 402 , County Courthouse , at 7 : 30 p.m. for additional hearing on annexation by Bellevue of Newport Hills , et al areas . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELA- TIONS COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER THE NOTICE TO THE MAYOR 'S OFFICE FOR CHECK WHETHER BOUNDARIES CONFLICT AS CONCERN THE RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT BOUNDARIES. MOTION CARRIED. Surplus Equipment Letter from Helmie Nelson , City Clerk , requested Disposal authority to declare surplus and dispose of equip- ment not needed by the City , including NCR 3100 Accounting Machine and Bars , Gestetner Mimeograph, and supply of Addressograph/Multigraph Trays with Locktab Frames . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR IN THE REQUEST OF THE CITY CLERK. MOTION CARRIED. Final Payment Letters from Del Bennett , Public Works Administrator, CAG. 1505-69 recommended acceptance and final payment to Engineered and CAG. 1507-69 Industrial Systems , Inc. , for work performed on the .. Accident Identification and Surveillance Study in sum of $4 ,227 . 00 which includes retained percentage . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. Acceptance and final payment recommended this firm also on Traffic Control De- vices in sum of $3,956 . 00. MOVED BY CLYMER , SECOND BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR. MOTION CARRIED. Stredicke opposed feeling over-signalization on Main South to exist , hawmver,it was noted this was required to meet specs for fund grant . Council President Grant rioted the Report of this Study is in Committee of the Whole and meetings will be held thereon at a lat4r dAtd . MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/8/71 Page 3. COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS (Cont . ) Parking Restrictions Letter from Mayor Garrett recommended posting on Mill Avenue So . of the East side of Mill Avenue South , between South 2nd and 3rd Streets with "No Parking at Anytime" , and the West side with "2 Hour Limit" . MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE TRANSPORTATION COM- MITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. -~ PROCLAMATION Sister City Week PROCLAMATION BY MAYOR GARRET SET ASIDE WEEK OF March 13-20 , 1971 MARCH 13 - 20 , 1971 AS SISTER CITY AFFILIATION mow DAYS, IN OBSERVANCE OF EVENTS TO BE HELD IN CONNECTION WITH RENTON 'S SISTER CITY AFFILIATION WITH NISHIWAKI , JAPAN. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR . MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Committee of the Council President Grant submitted report of Whole Report his Committee recommending public hearing by the Committee of the Whole on the Houser Way Houser Way Bridge Bridge widening project . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR . MOTION CARRIED. Data Processing The Committee of the Whole recommended that Utilization priorities for use of the City 's Data Processing Equipment be reviewed by the Mayor and the Finance Committee with report back of their recommendations . Also recommended that the request of Data Processing Manager Brown ,for additional Computer Memory Unit , be referred to the Finance Committee for report back as to cost and time factors . Further recommended that legality of leasing or loaning data pro- cessing equipment to firms , both public and private , be referred to the City Attorney for opinion , and the Mayor ' Office contact other governmental agencies for public use of the City 's Data Processing Equipment . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Community Services Community Services Committee Chairman Clymer Committee Report reported,regarding Allied Arts Commission sug- gestion for additional citizen committee to Utilization of coordinate use of the Carco Theater, that such Carco Theatre Committees are important , however the Park Board which now has jurisdiction in the matter, is a citizens Board and does have recommendations in regard to the matter. It was felt that action be deferred until such time as Park Board Member- ship as related to the Optional Municipal Code , is before the Council . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. Kalin Construction Councilman Stredicke recalled events and prior Company Project and council action leading to passage of Ordinance Whitman Ct. N.E. authorizing vacation of portion of Whitman Ct . NE, Vacation Ordinance in connection with development by Kalin Construction Company ,with publication of the document being withheld pending fulfillment of certain covenants and title conveyance . He urged consumation of the matter and inquired of present status . It was noted the matter is in the hands of the Community Services Committee and timely action is being taken on the subject, proposed motion for action by next week not being supported as it was not felt proper until the Committee reports its findings , a meeting to be held on Friday of this week. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/8/72 87 Page 4. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont. Special City Shops Chairman Schellert submitted recommendation Building Committee that the Professional Architect Consulting Firm Report of Bindon & Wright , of Seattle , be hired to provide consulting services regarding the new city shop facilities with fees for initial Phase I limited to $500. 00. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. RECESS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO RECESS. 8:45 p.m. CARRIED. After recess , roll call was taken with all Councilmen present or subsequently returning as previously in attendance . NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Travel Authority Councilman Stredicke requested legal opinion concerning procedure for out of state travel authorization for elected public officials and members of Boards and Commissions , calling attention to Resolution 1725 and inquiring if 3 authorizations are required, one by the majority vote of the body , one by the Finance Committee and then final action by the Council . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGAL DEPARTMENT FOR OPINION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Physicals for Councilman Stredicke noted report to be forth- Uniformed Personnel coming next week concerning physicals for the City 's Uniformed Personnel and inquired as to funding. It was noted the matter had been re- ferred to the Finance Committee by previous action of the Council in prior meeting. Emergency Aid Car Stredicke inquired as to status of aid car and r.. outlined prior council actions and budgeting for same in the 1971 Budget . Fire Chief Walls advised the matter is under review, bids of Seattle presently being observed and study in progress as to utilization of the vehicle . Litigation of Councilman Stredicke reported record search had Metro Court Case been made ,as requested by Mr. Shane ,for action on Rate Increase of council authorizing litigation by the City Attorney as ,concerns the Metro Court Case and no motion appears in the record to this effect , the material to be passed on to Mr. Shane . Public Safety Chairman DeZaurenti , submitted Public Safety Committee Report Committee recommendation that the matter of safety inspections for taxicabs and ambulances Vehicle Inspections be referred to the Legislation Committee and that specifications for safety inspections be drawn up by the Police Department with report back to the Public Safety Committee . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. Wage Freeze on Public Safety Committee Chairman DeZaurenti Increment Raises reported meeting last Tuesday with the Inter- Now not intended for national Association of Fire Fighters , Local Uniformed Personnel 864 representatives regarding increment raise freezeland after some discussion it was felt.• 1t was not intended that the freeze applied to in- crement raises for uniformed personnel . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE INCREMENT RAISES FOR UNIFORMED PERSONNEL BE ALLOWED. Schellert , anticipating impact of this action on uniformed and other employees , proposed motion to refer the matter to the Personnel and Community Relations Committee for report back within 2 weeks. (See further action) 88 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/8/71 Page 5 , NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont. ) Public Safety Committee Proposed motion was seconded by Clymer . Report on Increment Stredicke , noting the Personnel and Com- Wage Freeze munity Relations Committee did not make the determination ori the wage freeze , in- crement or merit raises which action was taken at budget time , so it would not know the intent , and it was MOVED BY STREDICKE SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE MATTER AS PER PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT, TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Schellert withdrew prior referral motion . MOTION BY STREDICKE VOTED UPON AND CARRIED. Adverse affect of Councilman Schellert , noting complaints meter removal and concerning meter removal and 2 hour parking 2 hour limit parking restrictions in vicinity of certain businesses implementation to MOVED THAT THE MATTER OF TIME LIMIT IN OFF- beauty salons STREET PARKING LOTS BE REFERRED TO THE TRANS- PORTATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting with Renton Chairman Stredicke , Personnel and Community Historical Society Relations Committee , announced meeting to continue discussion of a museum facility for the City, to be held on April 8 , and it was requested that a room in the library building be arranged for by the Mayor ' s office and that the Mayor , City Attorney and Park Director be in attendance . Aid Car - Legal Councilman Clymer requested that the City Opinion Requested Attorney advise of the city liability cost of an emergency aid car and how many man hours would be needed to operate such vehicle to be effective . Mayor's Report of Mayor Garrett advised of his attendance in appointment As Olympia for Legislative Session honored by Delegate to National address by vice-Presid-nt Agnew. Mayor League of Cities Garrett has been selected to be delegate co Conference the National League of Cities Congressional Conference in Washington , D. C. on March 22-23 , by the Association and expressed desire for pleasure of acting in that capacity also for the City noting there would be no cost to the City . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECOND BY 'SCHELLERT, THE MAYOR BE DESIGNATED AS DELEGATE FOR THE CITY OF RENTON TO THE CONFERENCE. CARRIED . Revisions to Mayor Garrett called attention to improvements Council Chamber effected to achieve better utilization of the Council Chamber area where the officials pre- side , the podium being lowered and set back on the dais to allow better observation and more convenience in assembling visitors and guests . The City Council President reported also that the Building Department has revised the forum at very Little cost , the revisions serving to allow better viewing of the movie screen , the removal of petitions allowing more leg room for the Council , and the set back providing more room for presentation of awards . ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO 9:25 P.M. ADJOURN. THE MOTION CARRIED. Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 3/08/71 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS CURRENT FUND 678 717 $60956.68 1r.. PARKS AND RECREATION 718 726 $727 .55 CITY STREET 727 735 $3s440*61 REQ* AND STREET FWD THRUST 736 736 $165*00 WATERWORKS UTILITY 737 749 $37x642974 AIRPORT 750 751 $59.90 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 752 766 $10090010 FIREMEN S PENSION 767 779 $14x338 .07 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $64j420•65 WE1 THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCILi HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDEREDP DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO• 678 THROUGH NO, Pro 779 IN THE AMOUNT OF 8641420.65 THIS 08 OF MARCH p 1971 * L+i.D. 263 CASH & REV #24 $2625.75 FINANCE COMMITTEE —� COM ITTEE MEMBER mom w.w..w. 'fRMMI T EMBE w.w.. .. ...w.�.......�.w...w COMMITTEE MEMBER r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 8, 1971 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Wed. 3/10 7: 30 PM Grant Council Chambers Annexations discussed w/Chamber of Com. Reps . Community Services Fri . 3/12 4 : 00 PM Clymer 3rd Fl .Conf.Rm. Kalin Const. Co. re Street Vacation Ord. w/Planning Director Finance Schellert Legislation Perry Personnel & Community Mon. 3/15 7: 00 PM Stredicke 6th Fl .Conf. R.m. Bid Open/City Report Relations & Pending Appointments Thurs . 4/8 8 : 00 PM Stredicke Library Bldg. Historical Society re Museum w/Mayor, Atty. , Public Safety Delaurenti Park Director invited Public Works Bruce Transportation Thurs . 3/11 7: 30 PM Grant Time & Place to be Announced 91 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2589 $28,000.00 PAY 'N SAVE CORP 35 So GRADY WAY REMODEL PAINT SHOP &SALES 2590 305000.00 RENTON VILLAGE CO. 800 RAINIER AVE SO REMODEL DINING & BAR i ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3215 9,075.00 PAY 'N SAVE CORP 60SO GRADY WAY CHANGE LIGHTING & RECEPTAC] 3216 2,200.00 INTERPACE CORP 1500 HOUSER WAY SO WORK IN NEW BUILDING 3217 150.00 PAC COMMUNICATIONS 265 RAINIER AVE SO WIRE SIGN 3218 100.00 FRANK KOMAR MENTON AIRPORT CONDUIT & METER POLE BOX 3219 50.00 DAVID WELKER 1609 NE 28TH MOVE METER TO EXTERIOR E 3220 590.00 KAMPE CONSTR CO 1103 NO 31ST ST WIRE NEW FAMILY RESIDENCE SIGN PERMITS S 135 300.00 GOV-MART BAZAR 705 RAINIER AVE SO INSTALL WALL SIGN 136 300.00 RENTON SHOPPING CENTER GARY'S PAINT INSTALL WALL SIGN ■r. r.• 92 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 15 , 1971 City Clerk ' s Office 8 :00 P.M. Renton Municipal Building R E F E R R A L S FINANCE COMMITTEE Funding for additional Municipal Court Employee Municipal Center Parking (appraisal and agent fees) LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Revised Curfew Ordinance (1st reading 3/15/71 ) Transfer to fund salary for Carco Theater Manager House Bill #207 (Legal Publications) MAYOR To affirm to King County Boundary Review Board that the boundaries of School District 403 are anticipated as future city limits of Renton Appointments pending in Personnel and Community Relations Committee and Mayor requested to meet with the Committee Requested by Stredicke I check OMC Bills in legislative "hopper" PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Appointment of Mr. Roger I. Lewis to Police Civil Service Commission PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Applications for amusement and music machine licenses : 3 novelty machines at Players Tavern 1 amusement game at Rainbow Cafe Master and Sub-location license for music machine operation in Renton for General Leasing Corporation Music machine license for operation by General Leasing at Dino 's Bistro TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE TelePrompter Corp. notice of acquisition of T. V. Cable Service operations in Renton and inquiry concerning franchises MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION Requested to design sign for directing motorists and pedestrians to governmental buildings and facility locations throughout the City APPOINTMENTS Councilman Henry Schellert - Delegate to Planners ' Assn . of Wn . , Annual Conference in Yakima , April 2 and 3 , 1971 . Ad Hoc Committee for expert advice on subject of proposed ordinance for emergency vehicle aid services: Mr. Bob Beatteay , Mr. Ken Furseth and Dr. Rudolph Cumberbatch MEETINGS AND EVENTS Committee of the Whole - Second & Fourth Wednesday and First and Third Saturdays of the month Community Service Committee - Fridays at 4 :P.M. , 3rd F1 . Planning office Legislation Committee at 7 :00 p.m. on Mondays during March Personnel and Community Relations - Wednesdays- 4 times per mo . -Wagf study Public Works Committee - First and Third Tuesdays Transportation Committee - Second and 4th Thursdays Wn" 93 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 15 , 1971 Renton Municipal building 8:00 P.M. City Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance THE CALL TO ORDER and called the weekly meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF CITY GRANT , BRUCE, CLYMER, STREDICKE, DELAURENTI, COUNCIL MEMBERS PERRY AND SCHELLERT. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor, HELMIE NELSON, City Clerk , IN ATTENDANCE DOROTHEA GOSSETT, City Treasurer , G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney , FRANK HENRY, Asst. Police Chief, VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Director , TED BENNETT , Utility Accountant , GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director, JACK WILSON, City Engineer . M. C. WALLS, Fire Chief, GENE COULON, Park Director , M . DEANE SEEGER, Mayor 's Assistant and BERNARD RUPPERT, Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO 3/8/71 Meeting APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT. THE MOTION CARRIED. COMMUNITY SERVICE Mayor Garrett presented award placque to Mr. Tom AWARD TO TOM COOKE Cooke for service as member of the Renton Municipal Arts Commission for many years past . Mr. Cooke deemed it a pleasure to have served both under Mayor Garrett and past Mayor Custer offering his further service at any future time . ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Perry presented RESOLUTIONS revised Curfew Ordinance ,outlining revisions , and recommending first reading at this time . Revised Curfew MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO Ordinance - Ages CONCUR IN THE INTRODUCTORY READING . MOTION and Hours Changed CARRIED. The Ordinance was read and during the discussion following it was felt that further action should be withheld pending receipt of Youth Guidance Committee 's report . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE DOCUMENT BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION 1732 Resolution was read declaring personal property Authorizing the of the City to be surplus and no longer needed disposition of and authorizing the City Clerk to dispose of surplus equipment same , including, one #360 Gestetner Mimeograph machine , one NCR #3100 Accounting Machine with one bar included; 16 NCR Accounting Machine Bars , and 8 addressograph trays with Lok-Tab Frames . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported Nos . 780 - 945 and committee approval of vouchers previously LID 263 Cash & Rev. receiving departmental certifications as to Nos. 25 and 26 receipt of merchandise or services , in sum of (Fund Breakdown $127 ,680. 38 , and L. I. D. 263 Cash and Revenue attached hereto) Fund Vouchers Nos . 25 , $3 , 800 . 00 and #26 , in sum of $18 ,119 . 84 , recommending approval of same by Council at this time . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS T. V. Cable Service Letter from TelePrompter Corporation , by Mr. Gregg Operation in Renton Smith , advised of acquisition of NW Cablevision , Inc. and Color Cable , and inquired concerning franchises for menton cable television service as held by the acquired companies . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE . CARRIED. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/15/71 Page 2 . COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont . ) School Election Letter from Mr. James A. Young, Citizens' Committee Banner Permit for the Renton Schools , requested No-Fee Permit to display banners across South Third Street and on Bronson Way , April 5 , to 13 , 1971 to promote the special school levy election on April 13. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR IN THE REQUEST. MOTION CARRIED. I Sea Scout Fund Letter from Mr. Oren Brown , on behalf of Sea .Scout Drive-Ship 936 Ship #936 requested permission to conduct fund drive through the sale of Automobile Safety Flares and Automobile First Aid Kits in shopping center area of Renton Village , commencing April 3 , 1971 . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAVRENTI , TO ALLOW THE FUND DRIVE PERMIT. THE MOTION CARRIED.. Application for Applications were read from Mr. Gerald Neisinger , Amusement Device for 3 novelty devices at Player ' s Tavern , 317 Main Licenses Avenue South , to be operated by Acme Amusement Co. ; letter from Mr . Neil Capoto , requested license for amusement game at Rainbow Cafe , 231,-1/2 Main Ave. So. , to be operated by Nelson and Michael , and letter from General Leasing requested license for Master Music and Sub-Location operation , with request of R . M. Gucinski that sub-music machine license be granted for operation bl General Leasing Corporation at Dino ' s Bistro , 324 Sunset Blvd . No. (Now licensed under Hit Parade) MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE APPLICA- TIONS TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. THE MOTION CARRIED. 1969 State Audit Letter from State Auditor Graham,per Chief Examiner of Water-Sewer Webster , submitted copy of amuel examination report Utility for City of Renton Water-Sewer Utility for 1969 . �. The report will be filed in the records of the City Clerk ' s office and is available for reference . Mrs. Margaret Evans - Honorary Council Member , Margaret Evans was Welcome after Illness welcomed back by Mayor Garrett after her absence from the meetings due to illness . Municipal Court- Letter from Municipal Court Judge Houser requested Additional Employee emergency fund appropriation of $3 ,000 . 00 to fund Requested salary for additional full time help required due to increased work and courtroom time as result of Supreme Court Amendment of Rules on Appeal , December 17 , 1970 . Additional secretarial services also to be required for the new Rehabilitation Committee on Drugs . Letter from Mayor Garrett concurred that the request is justified and recommended appropria- tion for the required salary . MOVED BY DF,LAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE FOR REPORT BACK. MOTION CARRIED. APPOINTMENT Police Civil Letter from Mr . Don Zwicker submitted resignation Service Commission from the Police Civil Service Commission effective as of March 8 , 1971 . Letter from Mayor Garrett ... reported appointment of Mr. Roger I. Lewis , to Police Civil Service Commission membership, to be effective upon confirmation and expiring June 1 , 1973. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER THE APPOINTMENT TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/15/71 Page 3. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Committee of the 1 . Council President Grant submitted report recom- Whole Report mending that $8 ,042 . 58 be made available to the Park Department for Manager/Director of Carco Theatre with funding referred to the Finance Committee for recommendation . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO CONCUR. Stredicke opposed, priority need not being established, noting at budget time it was felt the facility should be .. operational for determining need, and that a request for some 8 thousand dollars should be made at budget time rather than mid-year . THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED. Municipal Center 2 . The Committee of the Whole recommended that the Parking Review subject of municipal center parking (appraisal and agent fees) be referred to the Finance Com- i mittee for recommendation . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . MOTION CARRIED. Transportation $' 1 . Chairman Grant submitted recommendations concerning Committee Report SR 515 (Benson Highway Relocation) , as follows : i, A . Council go on record rescinding Resolution 1723 (Opposing State Hwy . proposals for SR515 route) B. Council go on record asking the Highway Depart- ment for written amendment to original proposal , which included alignment shifting in vicinity of Victoria Park; landscape berm; chain link fence west of the berm and City to maintain land west of the fence . r. Recommended the Council hold in abeyance matter r of elimination of interesection at So. 27th , until April 5 , 1971 . D. The Committee agreed with Victoria Park residents ' concern over matter of adequate screening of lights and traffic light installation at 19th Street . E. All present agreements between the City and the State Highway Department to remain in effect with regard to cul-de-sac of Talbot Road and the pedestrian overpass at the Talbot Hill Park. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR IN THE REPORT OF THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Community Service Chairman Clymer submitted Community Services Committee Committee Report recommendation that committee member Henry Schellert be a Renton delegate to the Planner 's Association of Wn . Delegate to April Conference to be held in Yakima on April 2 and 3 , 1971 . Yakima Conference MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. Personnel and Com- Chairman Stredicke submitted Personnel and Community munity Relations Relations Committee report recommending: 1 . The Mayor 's Committee Report Office reaffirm to the King County Boundary Review Board by letter, that the City is anticipating that boundaries Future City Limit of the Renton School District are reasonable general Boundaries to be boundary for future city limits of Renton , deletion of deleted from such area requested by Bellevue from its proposed annexa- Bellevue annexa- tion and the B.R . B. to be requested to take favorable tion proposal action thereon . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. Pending Appoint- 2 . All appointments pending before the Personnel and ments Community Relations Committee be referred back to the Mayor and that he meet with the committee at its next meeting . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. �w Page 4 . OLD BUSINESS BY c:"OUNCIL (Committee reports continued) Signing to City 3. The Personnel and Community Relations Committee Buildings recommended the Municipal Arts Commission be requested to design a suitable sign for directing motorists and pedestrians to governmental buildings and facilities . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Remarks by Stredicke Councilman Stredicke reported crosswalk installa- tion on South Second Street in vicinity of the State Unemployment Office , some 430 jaywalkers counted in an afternoon following his prior report of the existing hazardous conditions which were in need of some control . He approved the expediate action of city departments on this matter also commending city personnel and departments , including the Traffic Engineer on presentation to downtown businessmen and landowners for upgrading the area ; police for response to Victoria Park area complaint on Springbrook Road speed problem; and the Mayor and those concerned in maintaining ambulance service for the city . Finance Committee Chairman Schellert , in concurrence with Committee Report on Carco of the Whole report and referral , recommended Theater Manager funding of $8 ,042 . 58 for Carco Theater Manager by transfer from the Contingency Fund unto the Park Department Budget , with referral to the Legislation Committee . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR. MOTION CARRIED. House Bill #207 Councilman Stredicke called attention to H. B. 207 , relating to revised procedures for legal publica- tions and urged Resolution be adopted and sent to the Senate Committee Chairman on Cities , Towns and Counties , and that the City Attorney and Legislation Committee review the House Bill . MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR REPORT .BACK NEXT WEEK. MOTION CARRIED. Ambulance Agreement Councilman Stredicke inquired if agreement for ambulance service has been executed and the Mayor advised it has not as yet , some further informa- tion required prior to final consumation , but the city will have an ambulance operating. Legislation Com- Legislation Committee Chairman Perry reported Ad mittee Report - Hoc Committee appointment of Mr. Bob Beatteay , Ad Hoc Committee Mr. Ken Furseth and Dr. Rudolph Cumberbatch for appointments expert advice on emergency vehicle aid ordinance . DMC Bills Stredicke requested the Mayor to furnish informa- tion before next week regarding any Bills "in the hopper" concerning the Optional Municipal Code . Council Committee Council President Grant outlined meeting schedule Meetings for committees to be observed . (See referrals) AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Tom Teasdale , 506 - 15th Ave . So. , remarked concerning SR515 plans cautioning that the Talbot SR 515 Route Hill residents should not suffer trafficwise to accommodate the new residential area of Victoria Park and all aspects of overall impact to the area in improvement as proposed should be considered. Branch Library Mrs . Wanda Thompson noted new paint has greatly improved lighting at the Branch Library and that upstairs area utilization along with larger .rooms brought great story hour response . Councilman Stredicke suggested shifting of State Patrol for additional facilities noting over 40 children in attendance for Mrs . Thompson ' s story telling hour. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ADJOURN. 9 :00 P.M. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting was adjourned. /1 � t t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 15 , 1971 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Tues . 3/16 7:00 PM Grant Hungry Wolf Res. Labor Neg. Firm Rep. 8:00 PM 11 11Local 21R Reps . Sat. 3/20 9 : 00 AM ofTime & Place from Sec. Community Services Fri. 3/19 4: 00 PM Clymer 3rd Flr. Planning Office Finance Mon. 3/22 4 : 30 PM Schellert 1st F1 .Conf.Rm. Legislation Sat. 3/20 1: 00 PM Perry H.B. 207 Mon. 3/22 7 : 00 PM Attorney Invited Personnel & Community Wed. 3/17 7: 30 PM Stredicke 6th Fl.Conf. Rm. Items to be discussed: Relations 1 . City Report/Bids 2 . Sven Johnson's Ltrs 3 . Appointments Mayor or Rep. Invited Thurs . 4/8 8: 00 PM Stredicke Library Meeting w/Historical Soc. , Mayor, City Atty, & Park Director Invited �S OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK v 5, /y 7� PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2591 $10,000.00 THE BOEING CO BOEING RENTON PLANT MISC CONSTR 2592 13,000.00 G HOLMES 1105 N 34TH ST CONSTR ADD TO RESIDENCE 2593 800.00 SHIRLEY J. POST 3708 LK WN BLVD NO CONSTR CAR GARAGE 2594 14,500.00 KAMPE CONSTR 930 N 31ST ST CONSTR -FAMILY RESIDENCE B 2595 ARCADE PLAZA BLDG 1113 NO 30TH ST DEMOLISH FAM DWELLING MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2793 1,500.00 JIM BAREI 2719 MORRIS AVE SO INSTALL PLBG FIXTURES 2794 182.00 PAUL W HOUSER 415 WILLIAMS AVE SO INSTALL GAS MATER ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3221 500.00 RENTON TOYOTA 720 RAINIER AVE SO ADD SERVICE AND WIRE OUTLET 3222 50.00 RICHARD SANTERRG 1444 NO 28TH ST WIRE ROOMS IN BASEMENT 3223 500.00 FHA MARK SEVEN REALTY 950 EDMONDS AVE NE CHANGE CIRCUITS & HEAT SEWER PERMITS i S 1563 DONALD CULVER 2717 JONES AVE NE CONNECT SEWER 1564 J C KIRKMAN 1002 N 35TH ST CONNECT SEWER 9� WARRANT OISTRI8UTION DATE 3/15/71 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTIUN NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS CURRENT FUND 780 840 $23,819.61 PARKS AND RECREATION 841 858 68,F548.64 CITY STREET 859 875 640382.87 CEDAR RIVER M AND I 876 878 $45.20 LIBRARY R79 882 $562972 ACCIDENT LOCATION PRUGR.AM 883 883 *4*227#00 TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES 884 884 63,x956.00 REG- AND STREET FWD THRUST g85 888 $80306.28 URBAN ARTERIAL 889 891 6460251 .54 WATERWORKS UTILITY 892 906 $23,p327.55 AIRPORT 907 915 $212.35 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 916 945 640040.62 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $127*680.38 WE♦ THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS N'0• 780 THRAUGH NO* 945 IN THE AMOUNT OF $127x680.38 THIS 15 OF MARCH 1971 • l� L. I .D. 263 CASH 8 REV #25 3,800.00 FINITA E COMMITTEE L.I.D. 263 CASH 8 REV 026 180119.84 V a • aYsme mama / COMMITTE MBER C MITT MEMBER saw •sem A��Rl�lA•#!llwwA� OMMITTEE MEMBER /00 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 22 , 1971 Renton Municipal Building 8: 00 P.M. City Clerk 's Office R E F E R R A L S LEGISLATION COMMITTEE AND *CITY ATTORNEY *Police Guild Contract and necessary Ordinances Fund transfer of $3 ,000. 00 , from Contingency Fund, for additional Municipal Court employee . Funding for consultant services on new city shop facility from Cumulative Wr" Reserve Fund #1894 CITY CLERK Authorized to sign Police Guild Contract and to provide necessary budget changes as required to effect implementation BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Planning for extension of roadways , zoning, utility and other services as may be required in the future to be projected within scope of the City 's Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map FINANCE COMMITTEE Lease Renewal on occupancy of space in Highlands Administration Building By U. S. Dept . of Agriculture , LAG 1062-66 Exercise of lease renewal option by General Administration of Wn . , Motor Vehicle Division Funding for retention of ESP personnel COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Board of Adjustment recommendations for amendment to Sec. 4-731 of the City Code of Ordinances Letter from Lois LeBlonde et a1 concerning Highlands Branch Library Subject of qualifications , length of term and number of members for the Board of Adjustment memberships Extension of roadways , zoning, utility and other services as may be required in the future , to be projected within scope of the City 's Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map MAYOR Subject of Team investigation of accidents per Engineered Industrial Systems Study of Police Department Formal Agreement for retention of Mr. Don Morkem, of Northwest Securities Corporation , as Financial Consultant for the City in 1971 Retention of ESP personnel Authorized to sign Police Guild Contract and provide necessary budget changes required to implement same PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Application of Mr. G . M. Neisinger for amusement machine license for Players Tavern Engineered Industrial Systems , Inc. recommendations from study concerning Police Escort at funerals; space utilization in Police Dept . and the formation of Police Reserve Squad TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND POLICE CHIEF To submit written recommendations to Committee of the Whole concerning Engineered Industrial Systems , Inc. Study . TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE TOPICS Survey APPOINTMENT E. Joanne Ocker - Clerk-Dispatcher, Renton Police Department , six months probationary period effective April 1 , 1971 . COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Appointment of Mr. Edgar Wooton, Jr. to position of Fire Inspector for the Renton Fire Department for a six-months probationary period beginning April 1, 1971 . 101 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 22 ,> 1971 Renton Municipal Building 8:00 P.M. City Clerk 's Office M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Council President William Grant , Mayor Pro Tem, led CALL TO ORDER the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. r .ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL GRANT, SCHELLERT, PERRY, DELAURENTI, STREDICKE, CLYMER AND BRUCE. CITY OFFICIALS HELMIE NELSON, City Clerk, DOROTHEA GOSSETT, City IN ATTENDANCE Treasurer , G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney , GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director, C. S. WILLIAMS, Chief of Police , JACK WILSON, City Engineer , M. C. WALLS, Fire Chief, GENE COULON, Park Director, VICTOR TE GANTVOORT, Street Commissioner, M. DEANE SEEGER, Mayor 's Assistant , CLARK PETERSEN, Library Director and BERNARD RUPPERT, Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO APPROVE 3/15/71 Meeting THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT. THE MOTION CARRIED. COMMUNITY SERVICE Mayor Pro Tem Grant invited Park Director Coulon AWARD PLACQUE TO to officiate in award presentation . Mr. Coulon, MR. ARCHIE GRAHAM on behalf of the Council and Park Board, presented Community Service Award placque to Mr. Archie Graham, acknowledging dedication of service as a Park Board Member and recognizing accomplishments, along with other members , as concern Lake Washington Beach Park acquisition and development , publicizing, planning for and culmination of Carco Theater, among Now other services. Mr. Graham expressed pleasure at having served noting that involvement in government is very enlightening to the individual and urging such participation of citizens for their own benefit as well as giving service to the community. ORDINANCES AND Proposed Ordinance was submitted for reading which RESOLUTIONS authorized transfer of $8 ,042 . 00 from Contingency Budgetary Fund 107/519 . 70 . 42 unto Parks Administra- ORDINANCE NO. 2622 tion Support Fund. (Salary for Carco Mgr./Director) Fund transfer to After introductory reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, Park Department- SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL Carco Theater Mgr. READINGS. MOTION CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. After discussion con- cerning source of funding, Roll Call vote was taken as follows : AYE-5 : GRANT, SCHELLERT , DELAURENTI, CLYMER AND BRUCE. NO-2 : PERRY AND STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED ADOPTING THE ORDINANCE . ORDINANCE NO. 2623 Ordinance was presented amending Code Sections 6-1102 Curfew Ordinance and 6-1103 of Title VI (Police Regulations) of City Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordi- I nances of the City of Renton" relating to curfew. The proposed legislation was placed on first reading Ir.r on 3/15/71 and no further recommendations were re- ceived by the Committee to date . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. The Ordinance was read. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN SIX AYES, STREDICKE OPPOSING. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 2624 Ordinance was read fixing amount , form, date , interest LID 265 Installment and rate of maturity of installment note , directing Note, $109,509. 01 issuance and sale thereof unto the Firemen 's Pension Fund, pertaining to L. I.D. No . 265 . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, FOR FIRST READING. CARRIED. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/22/71 ORDINANCESAND RESOLUTIONS (Cont . ) Page 2. _ - -- ORDINANCE NO. 2624 After introductory reading, it was MOVED BY LID 265 installment SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO AUTHORIZE THE Note to Firemen 's SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. MOTION CARRIED. Pension Fund After final reading , it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN UNANIMOUS AYES. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 1733 Resolution was read declaring intent to support Supporting H.B. 207 principles and provisions of House Bill No . 207 , urging application State of Washington , 42nd Regular Session, which to O.M. C. Cities would allow savings in .legal publication and related costs ; and requesting the application of H.B. 207 to cities operating under the Optional Municipal Code , Title 35A . MOVED BY STREDTCKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. MOVED BY PERRY, .SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO AMEND TO INCLUDE THAT THE CITY CLERK MAIL COPY OF THE RESOLUTION TO MR . FRANK CONNOR, CHAIRMAN COMMITTEE OF CITIES, TOWNS AND COUNTIES, IN THE STATE LEGISLATURE. AMENDMENT CARRIED AND ORIGINAL MOTION,AS AMENDED,WAS SUBSEQUENTLY CARRIED. Resolution NO. 1734 Proposed Resolution was read incorporating certain Rescinding Resolution recommendations of the Transportation Committee as No. 1723 and urging adopted heretofore by the City Council , regarding construction of State Highway proposals as to location and con- SR 515 as per amend- struction of project SR 515 (Relocation of Benson ed State Hwy . plans Highway) and rescinding Resolution No . 1723 as far and proposals . as its inconsistency with provisions of the present Resolution No . 1834 . MOVED BY STREDTCKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported Nos . 946 - 1027 committee approval of vouchers previously receiving and L.I.D. 269 Cash departmental certifications as to receipt of mer- and Revenue Nos . 2 chandise and/or services , in sum of $49 ,785 . 32 , and (Fund Breakdown L. I.D. 269 Cash and Revenue Vouchers No. 2 in sum attached) of $10 . 00 each . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THE COUNCIL APPROVE SAME FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME. THE MOTION CARRIED. COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS : Easter Seal Society Letter from Sherry Lubin , Field Representative , Fund Raising Event requested permit to conduct Lily sale in Renton on April 3 , to raise funds for the Easter Seal Society for Crippled Children and Adults of Washington . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO GRANT THE REQUEST. THE MOTION CARRIED. Lease Option Letter from the U. S. Department of Agriculture , Exercised-ASCS King County Agricultural Stabilization and Conserva- LAG. 1062-66 tion Committee , requested continuation of lease of space in the east wing of the Renton Highlands Ad- ministration Building, 802 Edmonds Ave . N. E. , MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE LEASE RENEWAL REQUEST TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Lease Renewal per Letter from Mr. W. C. Dillaway , Real Property Option LAG 1280-68 Agent , Dept . of General Administration of Wn . , Dept. Motor Veh. Motor Vehicle division request for le_se renewal for occupancy in the Renton Highlands Administration Building. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE LEASE RENEWAL REQUEST TO THE FINANCE COM- MITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Request for Code Letter from the Renton Board of Adjustment recom- Amendment regarding mended that Section 4-731 of the Municipal Code be Variance procedure amended to provide that variances granted by the Board of. Adjustment shall become null and void if construction is not commenced within two years . 103 Page 3. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/22/71 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont . ) Code Amendment Motion was proposed to refer the Board of Adjust- Recommendation ment request to the Legislation Committee , made by Delaurenti , seconded by Perry , MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER TO SUBSTITUTT 'THE MOTION TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMUNITY SER- VICES COMMITTEE WHICH IS REVIEWING THE BOARD OF AD- JUSTMENT STRUCTURE PER OMC. SUBSTITUTE MOTION CARRIED. License Request- Letter from Mr. G. M. Neisinger requested license Amusement Device to operate an amusement machine at Player's 60 at Players Tavern Tavern . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE APPLICATION TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. THE MOTION CARRIED. Highlands Branch Letter from .Mrs . Lois LeBlonde ,on behalf of -herself, Library Operation- Patricia Johnson, Wanda Thompson , Ann Beckley and Since Reopening Nancy Mitchell , submitted summary of impr6vements and accomplishments since opening of the High�alids Branch Library , it being felt that the community will now take full advantage of the library services . Full time summer opening was requested along with various materials , equipment and building utilization. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. State Audit, Year Letter from the Hon . Robert V. Graham, State Auditor, Ending 12/31/69 reported 43rd Examination of the City of Renton , said report to be on file in the records of the office of the City Clerk for reference . APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Pro Tem Grant requested Council concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Edgar Wooton, Fire Inspector Jr. to position of Fire -Inspector for the Renton Edgar Wooton Jr. , Fire Department for a six-months probationary period Referred to Com- beginning April 1 , 1971 . Civil Service Commission Mittee of Whole Certification of Mr. Wooton to position of Fire In- spector, was read which had been written under date of October 28, 1970. Letter from Fire Chief Walls recommended appointment of Mr. Wooton , effective , zon probationary period of 6 months, as of April 1 , 1971 . After some lengthy discussion concerning lapse of time since Civil Service Certification and appoint- ment recommendations and reasons for such delay, it was moved by D61aurehti , seconded by Perry, to concur in the appointment. After further remarks , it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE APPOINTMENT TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Dissenting voice vote brought roll call as follows : AYE-4 : SCHELLERT, STREDICKE, CLYMER_ AND BRUCE. NO-3: GRANT, DELAURENTI AND PERRY. MOTION CARRIED. E. Joanne Ocker Letter from Mayor Pro Tem Grant requested concurrence Clerk-Dispatcher in the appointment of E. Joanne Ocker to position of Police Dept. - Clerk-Dispatcher in the Renton Police Department , on Confirmed six-month probationary period, effective April 1 , 1971 . Civil Service Commission Certification was attached along with Police Chief Williams ' recommenda- tion for the appointment . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Ken Bechtel commented concerning remarks con- Branch Library- tained in Mrs . LeBlondes ' letter(which noted library Publicity publicityJas sent to various media ,but not appearing in the Record Chroniclej advising that material had not been received or it would have otherwise been printed. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3122/71 Page 4. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Committee Reports) Committee of the Committee of the Whole report_ ,from its meeting Whole Report of 3/22 of March 22 , was read with council action taken thereon as follows : Referrals-Engineered Recommended following items be referred to the Industrial Systems Public Safety Committee : Police escorts for Incorporated Study funerals; utilization and layout of space in the Police Department and formation of a Police Reserve Item 1 : Squad. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION. MOTION CARRIED. Recommended Team investigation of accidents be referred to the Mayor 's office for written recom- mendations back to council . MOVED BY PERRI' AND SECOND BY STREDICKE TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. Recommended-TOPICS survey be referred to the Transportation Committee . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR. Recommended-consolidation of the Municipal and the District Justice Courts be tabled. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR. MOTION CARRIED. Recommended that the Traffic Engineer and Police Chief review the SISI Study and submit written report to the Committee of the Whole . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. Item 2: Recommended subject of elimination of fees at Liberty Park be tabled. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. Item 3: Qualifications , number of members and length of Im term for Board of Adjustment members . Referral to Community Services Committee recommended. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. Item 4: Intent concerning freeze on increment raises was affirmed as to earlier stand being that said freeze was to be effective and continue on merit raises and reclassifications until completion of the wage study. It was clarified that the step from a pro- bationary employee to permanent certified staus is automatic and to be allowed. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER TO RE-REFER TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR FURTHER DISCUSSION. MOTION LOST. ORIGINAL MOTION VOTED UPON AND CARRIED. Committee of the The Committee of the Whole recommended the Mayor Whole Report of and City Clerk be authorized to sign the Police 3/15/71 Meeting Guild contract and to provide the necessary budget changes as required to implement the contract . It was further recommended that copy of the contract be referred to the City Attorney and Legislation Committee_ for necessary ordinances . MOVED BY BRUCE SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR. MOTION CARRIED. r Recess MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO RECESS. THE MOTION CARRIED. After the recess roll call was taken with all council members present as before . Ambu.Zance/aid car Councilman Clymer, commenting on the subject of ambulance/aid car, noted there is no legal require- ment for cities to maintain such equipment and cautioned as to city liability in rendering such services . He suggested since the hospital is a county facility perhaps cities might be covered by uniform legislation drawn by the County Council . 105 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/22/71 Page 5. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Ambulance/aid car Clymer continued that local legislation would not be enforceable and urged meeting with Dr. Cumberbatch , persons from the hospital emergency service , other specialists and perhaps cities prior to further action by the council . Stredicke felt some legislation is better than none at all and noted local regulations requiring taxicab inspections with novo for ambulances . Whether city or county legislation was not in question but perhaps the City might be first and the Countg could subsequently pattern its .legislation after ours . Recognizing some questions in connection with aid car ,he did not feel this was excuse for delay when specifications for bid call had been authorized . Clymer felt it would be an exercise in futility to spend any money on an ordinance that cannot be en- forced , the entire district needing uniform regulation it otherwise being unenforceable . Personnel and Community Rela- Chairman Stredicke submitted report of bid opening, tions Committee on March 15 , for production and distribution of a City Report , specifications and information having been sent to ten printing firms in the Renton-Seattle area with 3 responding, as follows : Bid Prices : Valley Greater Renton News Circulation Valley Publishing Co 16 Page "flexi " No Bid $.1 ,000. 00 $784 . 00 8 Page "flexi " No Bid 773 . 25 570. 00 4 Page Tabloid $ 785 . 55 661 . 50 458 . 00 8 Page Tabloid 1 ,024 . 49 859 . 25 558 . 00 Recommended that the low bid of the Valley Publishing Company in sum of $558 . 00 for production and distri- bution_ of 12 ,500 " tabloid" reports be accepted , to include all costs of composition , press work and distribution to every dwelling unit and business unit in the city including any and all &ha.rges as well as taxes . Publication date to be tentatively set for April 8 , 1971 . MOVED BY SCHEILERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE REPORT. MOTION CARRIED. PENDING BILLS RF, Councilman Stredicke recalled an inquiry of the O.M. C. CITIES NOW Mayor last week concerning his knowledge of bills BEFORE THE LEGISLA- now before the Legislature pertaining to OMC Cities . TURE Copy of reply to Mayors' inquiry to the AWC was received by Mr. Stredicke . He recalled previous legislation when the OMC was adopted which extended the Mayor 's term of office now noting three bills pending which affect the City : 1 . House Bill 670 which by ordinance gives the elector powers of initiative and referendum, introduced by Grant and Zimmerman ; House Bill 478 regarding annexation pro- cedures ; and Senate Bill 678 which provides that the salary of a Mayor could be increased during his term of office in a Mayor-Council Code City as long as the Mayor did not cast a tie-brea.Jeing vote approving the increase introduced by Senator Walgren . Stredicke noted conforming actions by the Mayor . Ambulance/aid car Legislation Committee Chairman Perry reported the Committee has been working with the Chamber of Commerce and three other cities concerning emergency aid service and that the Ad Hoc Committee will be making recommendations for an ordinance which will be brought to the Council for subsequent action . Clymer urged that the Council be informed by the professionals as well as the committee working on the matter , there being unincorporated areas involved to be considered. Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti noted the first aid car is re- placing and updating existing vehicle . MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3122/71 Page 6. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Pending appointment Councilman Delaurenti recalled that a Park Board appointment is presently pending and inquired as to status . Councilman St.redirke noted all appoin-f-ments which were pending in the Personnel and Community Relations Com-ittee were referred hack to the Mayor to meet wi4-h the Committee. Report of the 1 -Chairman Schellert submitted report recommending Finance Committee continued retention of Mr . Don Morkem, of North- West Securities Corporation , formerly with Financial Consul- Foster & Marshall , as financial consultant for tant for 1971 the City in 1971 with referral to the Mayo.- for formal agreement . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIEn. Fund tranGfer 2.Recommanded $3 ,000. 00 be transferred from the for Municipal Contingency Fund into the Municipal Court Court Employee salary budget for additional employee as per request of the Municipal Court and recommenda- tion of concurrence by the Mayor. MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR, After some remarks opposing source of funding, THE voice vote being dissenting, roll call was requested and resulPed as follows : AYE-S : GRANT, SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI, CLYMER AND BRUCE. NO-2r PERRY AND STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED_ MOVED BV SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLRTION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Funding For City 3.Recommended Consultant 's Services for the new Shop Consultant City Shop facility be funded from Cumulative Services Reserve Fund #1894 . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECOND BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR. CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLA- TION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED Expert Services 4 .Finance Committee concurred in Traffic Engineers ' for CBD Recon- request to fund required expert services from struction Progtam budgeted CBD Underground Project account , such services to be used entirely for the CBD Program. Various opinions were expressed as to intent of whether the funds were to be used for strictly undera2-ounding or improvements included under the total plan , it being noted proposed expendi- ture is pertinent to the program, the Traffic Engineer needing services now for presentation the first week of April . No action was taken the report being for informational purposes . NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Extension of City Councilman Stredicke displayed map and called Services Projected attention to area between Union Avenue and 142nd Comprehensive and 128th and 4th North ,extending toward Sunset, Plan acid Land Use expressing concern as to what the City or County Map is doing about zoning and planning for the area. He noted services and utilities to be provided for proposed Apollo School and no plans being so eminently projected for roadways or other facili- ties . He pointed out other areas of anticipated development with no projection by the city for zoning or how to be served by utilities and he felt the areas adjacent to the city should be included when the Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map is updated before the projects are under way with inadequate access , roadways and utilities running through private properties , etc. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE AND BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR STUDY AND RECOMMENDATION AS CONCERNS THE TOTAL SUBJECT MATTER. CARRIED. 107 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/22/71 Page 7. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Retention of Councilman Schellert called attention to report qualified ESP from the Mayor 's Assistant regarding Employment personnel Security Training Program through which some 61 persons are working throughout City Departments with 5 or 6 key persons in administrative levels whose 16 weeks terms of service are near expira- tion and whose continued services would benefit the City . It was noted that letter from Mr. Seeger designated two specifically at which cost of five to six thousand dollars might be retained for the year. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AND THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO AMEND THE MOTION TO DELETE REFERRAL TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AND SUBSTITUTE REFERRAL TO THE MAYOR ALONG WITH THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. After some discussion with caution against using contingency funds which it was argaecl could be replaced 3 y council action at any time in the future , THE AMENDED MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO ADJOURN. 11 :00 P.M. THE MOTION CARRIED. Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk taw F WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DAVE 3/22/71 BEGIN ENDIN0 TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS CURRENT FUND 946 970 810#082904 PARKS AND RECREATION 971 980 :5#31797+ CITY STREET 981 989 $16. 221922 CEDAR RIVER M AND I 990 990 $125900 LIBRARY 991 942271301 WATERWORKS UTILITY 993 1001 9105 02®25 AIRPORT 1002 1007 61,024939 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 1008 1014 x259375 FIREMEN S PENSION 1015 1027 Q;501a2 ;192 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS 049a783932 WEa THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMM TTEE OF TME RENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDEREDd DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NOo 946 THROUGH NOt 1027 IN TME AMOUNT OF *490$5932 THIS 22 OF MARCH ♦ 1971 * L.I.D. 269 CASH & REV 02 $10.00 FINANCE COMMITTEE �`® ae0 wwq wegm®ww�c ars Asa we COMM rT�TEE MEMBER �� mnerwS�u��4•�?aw�.w COMMITT.E MEMBER SAI• •t1* iwwwee�pgwmmwwwm ,mwa /-COMMITTEE `MEMBER f,: 1 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK March 22, 1971 BID OPENING - MARCH 15, 1971 7:00 P.M. - 6TH i-,Lo R CONFERENCE ROOM (All bids include any applicable BID ON ONE TO T= CITY REPORTS FOR CITY OF RENTON FOR 19712 sales taxes) INCLUDING COI,1POSITION, PRESS WORK AND DISTRIBUTION OF SUCH REPORT WITHIN THE CITY 'LIMITS OF RENTON BIDDERS: The Record-Chronicle Valley Circulation Company The Greater Renton News Box 30 641 S.W. 152nd 226 Main Street Renton, Washington 98055 Seattle, Washington 98166 Renton, Washington 98055 EIGHT PAGE TABLOID EIGHT PAGE TABLOID EIGHT PAGE TABLOID A B C D A B C D A B C D COMPOSITION PRESS RUN DISTRIBUTION TOTAL COMPOSITION PRESS RUN DISTRIBUTION TOTAL COMPOSITION PRESS RUN DISTRIBUTION TOTAL -- -- -- $moo 00.00 209.25 37 .00 $ ,925 $360-00 2�T9. 9— 375-00 $1-- .,027 9 ALTERNATE No. 1 ALTERNATE NO. 1 ALTERNATE NO. 1 FOUR PAGE TABLOID FOUR PAGE TABLOID FOUR PAGE TABLOID A B C D A B C D A B C D CO1,1POSITION PRESS RUN DISTRIBUTION TOTAL COMPOSITION PRESS RUN DISTRIBUTION TOTAL COMPOSITION PRESS RUN DISTRIBUTION TOTAL -- -- -- $75$.00 $16o.00 151-50 37 .00 $67T.70 - 200.00 - 210. 375-00 X55 ALTERNATE NO. 2 ALTERNATE NO. 2 ALTERNATE NO. 2 EIGHT PAGE FLEXI EIGHT PAGE FLEXI EIGHT PAGE FLEXI A B C D A B C D A B C D COMPOSITION PRESS RUN DISTRIBUTION TOTAL COMPOSITION PRESS RUN DISTRIBUTION TOTAL COMPOSITION PRESS RUN DISTRIBUTION TOTAL -- -- -- $ 70.00 $160.00 243.25 —375.00 $773.25 No Bid ALTERNATE NO. 3 ALTERNATE NO. 3 ALTERNATE NO. 3 SIXTEEN PAGE FLEXI SIXTEEN PAGE FLEXI SIXTEEN PAGE FLEXI A B C D A B C D A B C D COMPOSITION PRESS RUN DISTRIBUTION TOTAL COMPOSITION PRESS RUN DISTRIBUTION TOTAL COMPOSITION PRESS RUN DISTRIBUTION TOTAL -- -- -- $-7-M—.00 $340-00 310.00 3 x.00 $1,000.00 No Bid O c� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 22 , 1971 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole g Grant Community Services Fri . 3/26 4 :00 PM Clymer 3rd Fl.Conf.Rm. Invited: Planning Dtr. , Bldg. Dtr. , L. Houk & H. Schellert Finance Mon. 4/5 4 : 30 PM Schellert 1st Fl.Conf.Rm. Legislation Perry Personnel & Community Relations Wed. 3/24 7: 30 PM Stredicke 6th Fl .Conf.Rm. If members unable to attend, notify Chrmn. by 3/23 Tues . Mayor invited Public Safety Tues . 3/23 4 : 30 PM Delaurenti Chairman' s Invited: Police Chief Council Office Williams & Ken Furseth Public Works Bruce Transportation Thurs . 3/25 7 : 30 PM Grant 4th Fl .Conf .Rm. LEFF Board Sat. 3/27 9 : 30 AM Bruce Hungry Wolf Res 111 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 3/22/71 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2596 $60,000.00 ALEC BAKAMUS 2817 SUNSET BLVD NE CONSTR PIZZA PARLOR 2597 3,000.00 ALEC BAKAMUS 2817 SUNSET BLVD NE CONSTR FOUNDATIONS 2598 6,300.00 H DONALD GOUGE 505 SO 3RD ST INSTALL PARTITIONS 2599 T J PRITCHARD 2499 NE 4TH ST REMOVE MATERIAL use 2600 7,600,000.00 MUN OF METRO SEATTLE 1200 MONSTOR RD SW ENLARGE TREATMENT PLANT 2601 22,000.00 CHESTER J HARTSOCK 2036 KIRKLAND PL NE CONSTR DUPLEX 2602 375.00 7-11 STORES 3131 NE 12TH ST ADD STORE ROOM 2603 100.00 JAMES D GERARD 1624 ABERDEEN AVE NE REPLACE SECTIONS IN REST MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2795 15.00 RICHARD HAGERTY 2619 NE 9TH ST MOVE PLBG (WASH MACHINE) 2796 1,000.00 RUDOLPH ZAPUTIL 2519 19TH NE INSTALL MISC PLBG 2797 400.00 R SANTERRE 1444 N 28TH ST INSTALL FURNACE 2798 200.00 DONALD HOLM 1008 SO 3RD INSTALL HEATER ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3224 50.00 RICHARD HAGERTY 2619 NE 9TH ST WIRE ADDITION 3225 375.00 MR SANTERRG 1444 N 38TH ST INSTALL 200 AMP 3226 150.00 HAROLD E GROVEN 916 SW 3RD PL INSTALL 100AMP 3227 150.00 SCHOOL DIST 403 710 N 6TH ST INSTALL 200 AMP 3228 600.00 DR BREWER 315 MORRIS AVE SO INSTALL 200AMP SERVICE E 3229 700.00 DONALD GOUGE 505 S 3RD ST REMODLE ELECT AND WIRE SIGN PERMITS 137 3,000.00 LABONTE MOTORS 330 MAIN AVE SO INSTALL MISC SIGNS SEWER PERMITS +rw S 1565 JAMES MARENAKOS 1323 NO 28TH CONNECT SEWER 1566 JOHN WORSLEY 1122 NO 32ND CONNECT SEWER 1567 OSGOOD 1307 NO 28TH CONNECT SEWER 1568 JIM BAREI 2719 PRINCE AVE SO CONNECT SEWER 1569 RUDY ZAPUTIL 2515 NE 19TH CONNECT SEWER S 1570 RICHARD BISIACK 1917 NE 16TH ST CONNECT SEWER 1571 MILTON FIENE 3113 PARK AVE N CONNECT SEWER 1572 MILTON FIENE 1217 N 32N ST CONNECT SEWER vwm 112 FUND TRANSFERS APPROVED FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH, 1971 FROM TO CLAIMS FUND Current Fund $ 52,448.85 Parks & Recreation 15,551.31 City Street 32,467.52 Cedar River M & I 295.20 Library 9,103.98 Accident Location Program 4,227.00 Traffic Survey & Control Development 3,956.00 Regular & Street Forward Thrust 8,471.28 Urban Arterial 46,251.54 Waterworks Utility 75,800.71 Airport 1,836.95 Equipment Rental 5,947.35 Firemen's Pension 19 863.99 TOTAL CLAIMS FOR MARCH $2762221.68 FROM TO PAYROLL FUND Current Fund 173,910.80 Parks & Recreation 29,647.09 City Street 34,843.89 Cedar River M & I 730.00 Library 12,118.77 Waterworks Utility 24,325.89 Airport 1,831.00 Equipment Rental 4,837.00 Firemen's Pension 100.00 TOTAL CLAIMS FOR MARCH 282,344.44 11 :► RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING April 5 , 1971 Renton Municipal Building 8 :00 P.M. City Clerk ' s Office R E F E R R A L S BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS T. V. Cable Franchises - Report back whether provisions of ordinance are being met by existing franchise holders . CITY ATTORNEY T. V. Cable Franchises - Report back whether provisions of ordinance are being met by existing franchise holders . CITY CLERK Notify State Highway Department of action to retain intersection at South 27th Street , SR 515 . Be authorized to sign easement for Puget Sound Power and Light Guy Wires , Cedar River Park . COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Budgetary impact of the SST failure. Appointment of a committee to negotiate wages and employee benefits . State vs . General Motors (Denial of fleet bidding) - City enjoinment recommended. COMMUNITY SERVICES Planning Commission rezone recommendation - Torland property . Mrs . Perrin 's request that Council explore drug rehabilitation program. FINANCE COMMITTEE State vs . General Motors (Denial of fleet bidding) - City enjoinment recommended. - Concerning removal of wall in Police Department at such time extra storage area be needed. LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Review and report back of amendments to Curfew Ordinance recommended by H. R. Caldwell , President of Renton Police Officer 's Guild. Rezone of St . Andrew Presbyterian Church on N.E. 10th Crt . to R-1 . MAYOR Review and analysis of establishing a night court for City of Renton . Authorized to sign easement for Puget Sound Power and Light Guy Wires , Cedar River Park. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Bid opening on 3/22/71 for annual gravel and asphalt supply . Offer by Mr. Brodell of gravel at no cost to the City. PUBLIC SAFETY Application for shuffleboard and two coin-type pool tables for Snappy Tavern. Pending application for Music Machine for Dino ' s Bistro. TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Citizen request for removal of parking on west side of Logan in South 2nd Street vicinity . 114 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING April 5 , 1971 Renton Municipal Building 8 :00 P.M. City Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance and CALL TO ORDER called the weekly meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF GRANT, CLYMER, STREDICKE, PERRY AND SCHELLERT. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT : BRUCE , WHO HAD REPORTED INABILITY TO ATTEND AND DELAURENTI WHO ARRIVED LATER IN THE MEETING. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY,' TO EXCUSE THE ABSENT COUNCILMEN. MOTION CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor, DOROTHEA GOSSETT, City IN ATTENDANCE Treasurer, G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney , GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director, C. S. WILLIAMS, Chief of Police , JACK WILSON , City Engineer, M. C. WALLS, Fire Chief, VICTOR TE GANTVOORT, Street Commissioner, DELBERT BENNETT, Public Works Administrator, VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Director and BERNARD RUPPERT, Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO APPROVE 3/22/71 Meeting THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT. THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted RESOLUTIONS Ordinances and Resolutions adopted as follows : ORDINANCE 2625 Ordinance was read amending Section 4-731 (C) 2 Granting Board of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance of Adjustment No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of full powers the City of Renton" . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED and requiring BY GRANT, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. commencement in CARRIED. After final reading, it was MOVED BY mw 2 years to imple- SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE ment variance . AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN FOUR AYES AND ONE NO, STREDICKE OPPOSING. THE MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION 1735 Perry , opposing source of funding, presented proposed Transfer of Resolution without recommendation . Delaurenti $3,000. 00 from arrived at the meeting at this time . The document Contingency Fund was read authorizing transfer of $3 ,000 . 00 from the to Municipal Court Contingency Fund unto the Municipal Court Budgetary account to provided for additional full time employee . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO ADOPT AS READ. CARRIED. RESOLUTION 1736 Resolution was read authorizing transfer of $500. 00 Retaining Consul- from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1894 unto City Shop tant for new city Construction Fund for purpose of paying for services shop planning of consultants in connection with the new city shop facilities . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. MOTION CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Councilman Schellert , Chairman of the Finance Com- Nos. 1028-1211 mittee , reported committee approval of vouchers (Fund breakdown previously receiving departmental certifications attached) as to receipt of merchandise and/or services , and MOVED THAT THE COUNCIL APPROVE SAME FOR PAYMENT. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY CLYMER AND CARRIED. COMMUNICATIONS AND Letter from the King County Boundary Review Board CURRENT BUSINESS reported Intention of the City of Tukwila to annex B.R.B. Report of territory known as the Stephen Foster Land Grant area . Tukwila annexa- It was noted that this land is some distance from the tion. Temp. File 3 city limits of Renton and the notice is informational . Final Payment , Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recom_ CAG 1711-70 mended for payment final estimate due Coulee Construction Main Ave. So. Company for work on Main Ave . So . , in sum of $14,899. 59. Project acceptance this date ai:2 commencement of 30-day Lien Period were recc>mmended. 115 MINUTES - RL.NTON CITY COUNCIL MEs Tl1 G Page 2 . CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS (Cont . ) Final Payment on MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CAG 1711-70 , Main CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY Avenue South ENGINEER TO ACCEPT THE PROJECT, APPROVE FINAL PAYMENT AND COMMENCE LIEN PERIOD. CARRIED. Final Estimate on Letter from Jack Wilson , City Engineer , recom- CAG 1683-70 , N. E. mended payment of final estimate due Service 4th Street and Electric Co . , Inc. for work completed March 17 Union Ave . N, E. on traffic signal installations on NE 4th Street Traffic Signals and Union Ave. NE. Acceptance and commencement of 30 day lien period were recommended. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT , TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Orthopedic Guild Letter from Sandra Polley , Chairman , Renton area Permit request for Penny Drive , requested permit to solicit funds fund drive in May in Renton for the Orthopedic Hospital and Medical Center on May 1 through 14 , 1971 . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO GRANT THE REQUEST. THE MOTION CARRIED. Easement for PSPL Letter from Park Director Coulon submitted correction Guy Wires, Cedar easement document for transmission line , angle pole River Park guy wires in Cedar River Park. It was recommended by the Park Board that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the new document with prior easement dated 12/22/70 to be vacated and released by Puget Sound Power and Light Company . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Bid Opening - City Clerk Nelson reported bid opening on 3/31/71 Demolition of for demolition of a two story wood framebuilding _.. Dangerous Bldg. at 401 Wells Avenue South . Six bidders responded as per attached tabulations . Letter from B . L. Ruppert , Building Director, recommended that the low bid of J. M. Brown & Son , in sum of $1 ,535 . 00 plus tax , be accepted. (Funding provided by Resolution #1731) MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Bid Opening-1971 City Clerk Nelson reported bid opening on 3/22/71 Supply of Gravel for annual gravel and asphalt supply . Three and Asphalt bidders responded on the gravel bid and one on Class B Asphalt , In Place , as per tabulations attached . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE BIDS TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Sign Code Enforce- Letter from Mr . Roger R. Richert , Chairman , ment Request by Municipal Arts Commission urged full enforcement Municipal Arts of the Renton Sign Code especially with regard to Commission replacement of non-conforming signs to bring them up to standards , September 23 of this year being deadline date for compliance. Mayor Garrett ad- vised that proper administrative action has been taken in regard to the request . Planning Commission Letter from Planning Director Ericksen submitted recommendations Planning Commission recommendation to rezone the for Rezone of St . Andrew Presbyterian Church property , Appl . Properties R-667-71 , located on N. E. 10th Court between Pierce Court N. E. and Redmond Avenue N. E. , from St. Andrew Presby- GS-1 to R-1 , said use in agreement with the city 's terian Church on Comprehensive Land Use Plan . MOVED BY PERRY, AND NE 10th Ct . to R-1 SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR IN THE REZONE. THE MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE REZONE TO THE LEGISLATION COM- MITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. MOTION CARRIED. The Planning Commission recommended rezone of the Arthur N. Torland property located on the South side of Szzn �it Blvd. I. E . between. N.?wport and queen Aver:uc>s N. E. from 3R-1 to F-2 116 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 415171 Page 3. COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS (Cont . ) Planning Commission Proposed use of property is for professional Rezone Recommenda- laboratory by special Permit . Stredicke noted tion-Torland Property future multiple projection , questioned affect on adjacent properties and if spot zoning might result , or other R-2 use. Planning Director Ericksen reported an extensive study by the Commission with subsequent fining of compliance and no detrimental aspects to other properties .It was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR RECOM- MENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Application for Letter from Mr . Fred M. Thompson and Mr. John Shuffleboard M. Smith , new owners of Snappy Tavern , requested Licenses - Snappy licenses to operate a shuffleboard and two coin- Tavern type pool tables at 321 Williams Avenue South . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER THE APPLICATION TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. THE MOTION CARRIED. Report of Fund Letter from Mayor Garrett reported transfer of Transfers by funds within budgetary classifications for Mayor September and October , 1970 as required by Resolution No . 1232 , as follows : From 11101504 Legislative unto Executive 11201504 , $248 . 06 ; from Legislative 11101314 to 11101308 , $147 . 00; From City Clerk 11401308 unto 402 , $500 . 00 ; from Non-Dept . 11411310 unto 417 , $1 ,000 . 00; from Building 11651306 to 504 , $250 . 00; from Street Maintenance 13201306 , to 504 , $199 . 00; from Traffic Engineer 13501130 , and 13601130 , unto 13401130 , $572 . 00 . Annual Financial Letter from City Clerk Nelson submitted 1970 Report for 1970 Financial report for year ending December 31 , 1970 , her transmittal letter :being read. Renton Police Receipt of additional item after preparation Officer 's Guild re of the agenda was noted and it was MOVED BY Curfew Ordinance - GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ALLOW ThE Further Amendments ITEM TO BE ADMITTED TO THE AGENDA FOR READING Recommended AT THIS TIME . CARRIED. The letter written by H. R . Caldwell , President of the Renton Police Officer ' s Guild, reported review of the Curfew Ordinance recently adopted, outlining objections and illustrations of possible problems to result if the amendment stands . List of proposed additional amendments ,as concern age and hours ,. was submitted and consideration re- quested accordingly . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND REPORT BACK. After some lengthy discussion concerning distribution , the Publication and time element during the original review, the PENDING MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mrs . William Staudinger , 10403 Rainier Avenue So . , Curfew Ordinance expressed objection to the existing provisions of the curfew ordinance as concern age and hours and �rw urged proper measures be taken to effect and enforce legislation in order that control might be maintained. Offer of gravel Mr. I. J. Brodell , 1101 Shelton S.E. , noting bid gratis to the City call for gravel reported earlier offered the city a supply which he has on his property at no cost The offer made previously to the park department, and not accepted because black top soil was needed instead , is still availaale , some six hundred yards of pit run grav; involves: . 11 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/5/71 Page 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Cont . Travel Report on Mr. I. J. Brodell requested report to taxpayers ASPO Conference on recent trip to New Orleans authorized for Requested Planning Conference . Noting return of attendees he requested report as to what the money was spent for, what was learned and benefit to be derived by the city . Music Machine Mr. Bob Guicinski noted application in abeyance , License Inquiry filed by him for Music Machine for Dino 's Bistro , since former license holder (Hit Parade Music„ , having 'acquired same, Consideration of his pending application was requested at this time . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Drug Intervention Mrs. William Staudinger questioned Council support Program for School of school administered program "in skeleton form" and Community as concerns Drug Intervention plans noting that proposals for legislation as well as the design program usurps parental consent concerning con- finement and psychological testing. She noted need for some program but would urge action to protect citizens against splitting the family by taking away parental controls . Mrs . Robert Perrins , 8422 South 122nd Street , Seattle , Wn . , added to the comments concerning the program noting pilot program has already been instituted in Renton through the Berry House and no more similar places are desirable , 5 additional and 2 rotating homes being in the new proposal . Various provisions o'f bills before the state legislature for action at present were outlined and objections to sections concerning self committment by children 14 and over, certain Now secrecy guarantees concerning drugs used and confidential protection for pharmacists , counsellors and certain provisions allowing children to dis- appear and parents could not find them; court dis- closures being prohibited, all of which she felt to be frightening. She requested the Council to reconsider what the total program might mean , a lot of things getting by in the name of rehabilita- tion . Mr. Bill Johnson , Renton School Board Member, expressed disappointment at the negative elements directed at a program not yet off the ground. He urged that the new program be given a chance; noting something is better than nothing and ,not condemning present facility now in operation , suggested if betterment is desired the new program may provide same , the school program not contingent on any legislation pending in Olympia or elsewhere. Mr. Bob Perrins added that with enactment of presently pending legislation control will be out of local hands where it now lies. and in the State Welfare Board . He urged attention to the enabling legislation and a hearing where both r.. sides of the subject might be presented. The Perrins urged that the Council read the bills and decide how the city might be affected by the powers being granted. Mr_. Harold Caldwell noted he as one of 14 trustees controls funds and that is where the power lies . Pir. Joe Sporcic, 1316 Harrington Ave . noted observance of local efforts and program now in operation in which sincere attempt is being made toward helping others in situations of need, of which he is well aware having had epilepsy since the age of 8 . He noted California program which had been cited but was not felt adaptable for Washington .'s drug rehabilitatioi program. 11� MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/5/71 Page 5 . AUDIENCE COMMENT (Cont . ) Travel Reports Mr. Brodell pursued his former inquiry regarding report on New Orleans Convention . Councilman Stredicke reported expenditures of more than one thousand dollars and noted less than half will be reimbursed. He stated that mutual problems of cities include the subject of stadium issue and noted he has commenced his written report which will be- c-ompleted by -the end of the week a copy of which will be sent to Mr. Brodell and anyone else desiring a copy . L. w Noting stronger coffee served in New Orleans it was RECESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO .RECESS. THE MOTION CARRIED. RECESS WAS DECLARED. After the recess roll call was taken with all present as previously . PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation by Mayor Garrett set forth the Earth Week- third week in April as Earth Week and urged Third Week in April citizen participation in environmental programs organized and planned in this area for that week . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Renton Schools ' April 13, 1971 was proclaimed by Mayor Garrett Levy Day , April 13 as Renton Schools ' Levy Day . MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Letter from the Mayor requested concurrence in the appointment to the Mayor ' s Youth Guidance Committee of the Hon . George T. Matson , Judge, Renton District Court , Mrs . Clair Kerruish , South District Girl Scouts and Mr. Bernard Jay , Family Counsellor, Youth Service Center, all appointees recommended by Judge Paul Houser , and are for council information . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Transportation Chairman Grant submitted Transportation Com- Committee Report mittee report which was read recommending that 1 . T. V. Cable Franchises be referred to the City T. V. Cable Attorney and Board of Public Works with written Franchises report back as to whether provisions of the ordinance are being met by existing franchise holders ,and that the Transportation Committee be furnished a model franchise ordinance . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. Parking-Main 2 . Recommended the parking restrictions be removed Avenue South from the west side of Main Avenue South with 2-hour parking signs being installed. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. Parking-Off Street 3. Recommended that recently imposed 2-hour parking Lots - 2 hr. limit limitations in Off-street Parking Lots be retained. retained. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. Design Hearing 4 . Recommended that the Committee of the Whole Union Ave. N.E. hold a design hearing on improvements to Union Improvements Avenue N. E. and that the City Engineer and Administration begin preparing the necessary material for the hearing. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR. Date of April 15 , was proposed by City Engineer for the hearing. PENDING MOTION CARRIED. 1 119 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/5/71 Page 6. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCI., (Cont . ) S.R. 515 (Benson Transportation Committee Chairman Grant recalled Hwy . Relocation) action of holding in abeyance the matter of the So. 27th Street elimination of the intersection at S. 27th Street , to be Retained and reported that after meeting with residents a majority vote resulted in decision to retain the intersection . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR AND THAT THE CITY CLERK NOTIFY THE STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT OF THIS ACTION. MOTION CARRIED. New Orleans Councilman Stredicke adding to prior comments Planning Conference concerning ASPO Conference advised that slides were taken by the Planning Directox who will be making a presentation , a Model Code being of special interest , and written report to be forth- coming. Public Safety 1 . Chairman Delaurenti submitted Public Safety Committee Committee Report Report requesting additional time on the matter of police escorts for funerals . MOVED BY STREDICKE AND SECONDED BY GRANT TO ALLOW THE REQUEST. CARRIED. 2 . Recommended , concerning utilization and layout of space in the Police Department , that at such time as space becomes critical , the wall next to the gun range be removed allowing records office to be enlarged and a new storage area be located for which the gun range is presently being used. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR , WITH REFERRAL TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. THE MOTION CARRIED. 3 . Concerning subject of formation of a Police Reserve Squad , the committee feels that due to the Mutual Aid Agreement with the State Patrol , Sheriff' s Department and Seattle Police Department it is not necessary at this time . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Finance Chairman Schellert reported that the Financial Committee Report- Consultant is working on the study with t:ie Utility Utility-Water Rate Accountant and City Engineer and will be making a Study report upon completion . (Mr. Don Morkem) The Liability Insurance Broker is actively engaged in getting program for the city and will have a report before May 20 . Exposure being favorable in the last four years , the carrier has assured he will continue coverage . Report of Mayor Mayor Garrett reported briefly on his trip to the Garrett on Wn . National League of Cities and Congressional Confer- D. C. Conference ences in Wn. D. C. , noting bill not yet introduced proposes 16 billion dollar revenue sharing grant with Model Cities category, and 6 billion dollar direct grant to cities without any strings attached. This would not all go to cities but would be dis- tributed to states on percentage basis according to efforts of local government . There was strong feeling -- by the President , Members of Congress and Chairman Mills of the House Ways and Means Committee , all of the opinion that local governments and cities need additional revenue but there being some differences as to method of distribution . Congress noting the federal government has been taking care of welfare needs of cities , particularly in New York where wel- fare is a liability of the city , not so in our State; and those moneys might otherwise be used for state purposes . Mayor Garrett met with all the Washington State members of Congress except Mrs . Hanson who was nusy on matters in debate regarding appropriations , Mayor Garrett advised he was present on the SST vote . I -)(l MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING Page 7. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Mayor's Report In meeting with Senators Jackson and Magnuson on Wn . D. C. bill was discussed which has been introduced Conference and passed the Senate providing for accellerated public works program which might have meaning for Renton allowing some of projects to be done as submitted heretofore to EDA which were not approved because of shortage of funds . SST failure perhaps helping to affirm need. City Departments are preparing data on projects so it if the bill passes and the appropriation passes to ..w make funds available , we will be able to submit same . .. The :Mayor urged that Council look at the prograns and be prepared to lend support to take advantage of any legislation passed . NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Logan Avenue Councilman Grant reported citizen request for Parking removal of parking on the West side of Logan in South 2nd. Street vicinity . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Revenue Sharing Councilman Stredicke expressed his opinion that Programs revenue should be put into existing programs so money can be used based on need and existing priority rather than departments looking into public works projects to be based on availability of federal funds . He urged updated list be prepared by the committee with all projects in need of funding so that if moneys become available those with priority will be knov_n ,as to council 's wishes . Curfew Ordinance Councilman Perry noted concerned parents are not going to let their children stay out ,noting only 13 youngsters were picked up between October and January indicating parents are doing a good job. Wage and Employee Councilman Perry reported meeting attended with the Benefit Negotiating Mayor and the National Labor Relations people and Committee as result thereof, MOVED THAT COUNCIL APPOINT A COMMITTEE TO NEGOTIATE WAGES, SALARIES AND OTHER BENEFITS, WITH REFERRAL TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. After proposed second, discussion and with- drawal of second , the MOTION WAS SECONDED BY SCHELLERT AND CARRIED. Gravel Offer MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE OFFER OF GRAVEL AT NO COST TO THE CITY BY MR. BRODELL , BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK. CARRIED. State vs . General Councilman Schellert presented letter for reading Motors et al concerning Civil Court Suit No. 4233 , W. D. Wn . , (Denial of fleet Mayor Garrett recommending city enjoinment in said bidding) litigation . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR IN THE MAYOR ' S RECOMMENDATION. MOVED BY STREDICKE TO SUBSTITUTE MOTION TO REFER TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. SECONDED BY DELAURENTI. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADD REFERRAL TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE TO THE SUBSTITUTE MOTION. ` AMENDMENT CARRIED AND SUBSTITUTE MOTION AS AMENDED Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported Finance Committee Recommendation hearing on discussion of impact of Police Guild Contract on the 71 Budget and MOVED THAT THE MATTER OF ESTABLISHING A NIGHT COURT FOR THE CITY OF RENTON BE REFERRED TO THE MAYOR FOR REVIEW AND ANALYSIS AS TO WHETHER APPROPRIATE. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY STREDICKE AND CARRIED. Page 8. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/5/71 1 .?r_1_ NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont .) Special City Shops Councilman Schellert requested permission to Committee Report investigate possibility of intergovernmental shop facility where cooperative maintenance ` program with the school district might be con- sidered. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO AUTHORIZE DISCUSSION BUT NOT COMMITMENIT. THE MOTION CARRIED. Budgetary Impact Finance Committee Chairman Schellert in concern of SST Failure for budgetary impaet in view of SST Failure , MOVED THAT THE 1971 BUDGET BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR REVIEW. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Joe Sporcic commented concerning the drug rehabiliation program in California and various Drug Rehabilitation other states inquiring also as to amount of the school levy soon to be voted upon ,questioning percentage of distribution . It was noted the School Levy levy has been lowered. (Election to be 4/13/71 . ). Stadium Location Mr. Sven Johnson , 1520 Index N.E. , requested the Council to revive the stadium location matter. (See later action) Drug Legislation Mrs. Perrin inquired whether the Council might explore the drug rehabilitation matter further as concerned pending legislation it being her contention as Mr. Perry had stated that most parents are good and the school program is un- necessary at the present time the community need not being that great and urged before giving complete approval ,aspects of empire building under the guise of rehabilitation now becoming a lucrative racket , be duly considered by the Council . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THE REVIEW OF PROPOSED LEGISLATION BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOVED BY PERRY SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO SUBSTITUTE ■.. MOTION TO REFER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Roll call vote was requested upon declaration by the chair of negative majority, and result was as follows : AYE: CLYMER , PERRY, AND DELAURENTI. NO: GRANT, STREDICKE AND SCHELLERT. MOTION WAS DECLARED LOST. VOTE ON THE ORIGINAL MOTION TO REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE WAS TAKEN, AND MOTION WAS DECLARED LOST. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Stadium Location Events concerning stadium matter were recalled by Councilman Stredicke and after some considerable discussion it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, MR . JOHNSON BE GIVEN AN OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE A PRESENTATION TO THE COUNCIL FOR A STADIUM IN RENTON. CARRIED. Pdlice Guild Mr. Harold Caldwell , on behalf of the Renton Police Guild expressed pleasure on council action for a night court to better meet the needs of the citizens. also extending thanks and appreciation for efforts extended on the Police Guild Labor Contract . The Council was requested to reconsider its Curfew Ordinance and amendments proposed by the Guild it being felt an ordinance is needed but some re- vision is in order. Bridle-Trail Mr. Brodell inquired concerning bridle trail and System policing of same noting presentations by the Planning Department . He was advised this is part of proposal of the Cedar River Design Study for total development of the natural assets along the river to allow use and enjoyment by all citizens , brochure being available in the Planning Department. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO ADJOURN. 10:58 p.m. THE MOTION CARRIED. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURN1D.ED. WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 4/05/71 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS CURRENT FUND 1028 1108 *171687911 PARKS AND RECREATION 1109 1120 *11129986 ARTERIAL STREET 1121 1121 *71238970 CITY STREET 1122 1136 $21849948 . CEDAR RIVER M AND I 1137 1137 *300.00 LIBRARY 1138 1166 *51816994 REG* AND STREET FWD THRUST 1167 1170 *507958 URBAN ARTERIAL 1171 1175 *191467992 WATERWORKS UTILITY 1176 1187 $51851926 AIRPORT 1188 1189 *55.41 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 1190 1205 $11399934 FIREMEN S PENSION 1206 1211 $150984 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS *621454944 WE* THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL* HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDEREDI DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS N09 1028 THROUGH NO9 1211 IN THE AMOUNT OF *621454.44 THIS 05 OF APRIL 1 19710 FINANCE COMMITTED r'. 'ri�niirrw.f• r.rrrr..�-rrrw. C MMITTEE MEMBER f COMM I , E MEMBER rrrr.m• r41. rirrr.rrrir.wrrr 7OMMITTEE MEMBER OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 4/5/71 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Wednesday Council Committee of the Whole 4/7/71 8:00 p.m. Grant Chambers Thursday City Engineer to check 4/15/71 8:00 P.M. Design Hearing availability of Kiwanis Pk. Field Hou§e Community Services Thurs. 4/8/71 4:00 p.m. V1y1Rer 3rd. Floor Conf. Kahn Const, matter. Fri. 4/9/71 4100 p.m. Room Regular meeting on items Finance Schellert Legislation Perry Personnel & Community Wednesday Historical Society Relations 4/14/71 7:00 p.m. Stredicke 6th Floor Conf. Re: Museum - Park Director, Instead of Room Mayor & City Attorney 4/8/71 requested to attend. Public Safety De-Lau eni Mayor also to discuss pending Appointments. Public Works Bruce Transportation Thursday ant 4th Floor Conf. 4/8/71 7:30 p.m. Room f 1 2..1 April 5, 1971 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID OPENING, MARCH 31, 1971 2:00 P.M. - FIRST FLOOR CONFERENCE 800111 Provide labor, materials and equipment for demolition of a two story wood frame building on Lot 20, Block 19, known as 1101 Wells Avenue South, Renton, Washington BASIC BID (Not Including BIDDER BID BOND Wash. State Retail Sales Ta_: J.M. Bowen & Son Certified Check $1,535.00 18247 - 8th South Seattle, Washington 98148 Center Dozing Bid Bond $2,431.30 2117 S.W. 7114th Seattle, Washington 98146 Byrom Bulldozing Cashier's Check $2,5110.00 211.408 - 184th Avenue S.E. Renton, Washington 98055 North Pacific Construction Cashierts Check $2,800.00 8670 - 118th S.E. Renton, Washington 98055 Iversen Construction Co. Bid Bond $2,850.00 800 S. Kenyon Street Seattle, Washington 98108 McCann Enterprise Inc. Cashierts Check $11,750,00 131415 S.E. 128th Renton, Washington 98055 April 5, 1971 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID OPENING, MARCH 22, 1971 2:00 P.M. - FIRST FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM Bank Run Gravel - Class A, For One Year Period, April 1, 1971 to April 1, 1972 PRICE PER YARD PRICE PER YARD PRICE PER YARD LOADED IN CITY TRUCKS LOADED IN CITY TRUCKS DELIVERED TO BIDDER WITH VENDORIS EQUIPMENT WITH CITY EQUIPMENT THE CITYfS LOCATION McCann Enterprises Inc. $.50 per cubic yard $.25 per cubic yard $1.00 per cubic yard 13415 S.E. 128th Street (Truck & trailered in) Renton, Wash., 98055 Renton Sand & Gravel $.46 per cubic yard $.38 per cubic yard $1.20 per cubic yard 905 Rainier Avenue South (A11 prices based on P.O. Box 28 truck measure) Renton, Wash., 98055 M.A. Segale Inc. $.65 per ton $.50 per ton $1.45 per cubic yard 18010 Southcenter Parkiaay $1.10 per cubic yard $.85 per cubic yard $.85 per ton Kent, Washington 98031 (Loaded by Segale) (Loaded by City) Stoneway Concrete Inc. $.75 per ton $.65 per ton $1.75 per ton P.O. Box 509 Renton, Washington 98055 Class B Asphalt Per Ton In Place, Within the City Limits of City of Renton For One Year Period, April 1, 1971 to April 1, 1972 PRICE PER TON PRICE PER TON PRICE PER TON PRICE PER TON PRICE PER TON BIDDER 1 - 50 50 - 250 250 - 500 500 - 1000 1000 - 2000 Rainier Asphalt Paving Co. P. o. Box 444 Renton, Washington 98055 $25.00 $15.00 $10.50 $9.50 $9.00 tv C2 126 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4/5/71 Page 1 of 1 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2604 $5,000.00 FLOYD CHASE 2200 ABERDEEN AVE. NE REMODEL GARAGE, ADD BATH 2605 200.00 COLLMAN 312 S 3RD ST. REPAIR GABLE ON OFFICE 2606 1,900.00 LOUIS G. MALESIS 2822 NE 8TH PL. CONST. ADDITION TO RES. 2607 5,000.00 SERVICE LAUNDRY 903 S 4TH ST. CONST. FOUNDATION 2608 575.00 FHA-MARK SEVEN REALTY 2033 JONES AVE. NE DEMOLISH RESIDENCE B 2609 650.00 FHA-MARK SEVEN REALTY 511 SW 12TH ST. DEMOLISH RESIDENCE 2610 33000.00 GEORGE GIST 1025 MONROE AVE. NE CONST. ADDITION TO RE' 2611 --- WEST & WHEELER 603 SW 13TH ST. DEMOLISH BUILDINGS 2612 500.00 ANDY L. THUNEY 308 WELLS AVE. S REMOVE PARTITION 2613 --- ROBERT J. KINGEN 401 & 409 AIRPORT WAY DEMOLISH 3 APARTMENTS B 2614 --- SPARKMAN & Mc LEAN 1005 ABERDEEN AVE. NE DEMOLISH RESIDENCE 2615 27,000.00 ALEC BAKAMUS 2819 SUNSET BLVD. NE CONST. RENTAL SPACE 2616 200.00 RAYMOND PAULUS 909 MONROE AVE. NE BUILD STORAGE SHED 2617 22,800.00 AERODYNE INC. 300 AI=RPORT WAY CONST. HANGER 2618 --- BEN NURBANK 6ol PARK AVE. N DEMOLISH SERVICE STATION B 2619 --- WASH. STATE HWY DEPT. 313 MILL AVE. S DEMOLISH RESIDENCE 2620 --- WASH. STATE H? y DEPT. 314 MILL AVE. S DEMOLISH HOUSE 2621 4,000.00 ROBINSON & LYON 720 RAINIER AVE. S INST. NON-BEARING PARTTTICN MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2799 500.00 E. WECHSELBDRGER 1731 JONES DR. SE INST. GAS FURNACE 2800 21359.00 H. DONALD GOUGE 505 S 3RD ST. INST. FURNACE & AIR COND. 2801 16,7o6_00 GEORGE HARMEL & CO. 72.0 SW 7TH ST. INST. AUTO. SPRINKLER SYS. 2802 2�AJ.00 DR. KOOME 1010 S 2ND ST. INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2803 7.,295.00 E. WECHSELBERGER 1731 JONES DR. SE INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES M 2804 5,800.00 RENTON VILLAGE CO. 800 RAINIER AVE. S INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2805 10,200.00 RENTON VILLAGE CO. 800 RAINIER AVE. S INST. GAS FIREPL., AIRCOND. 280( 589.00 FHA-MARK SEVEN REALTY 409 CEDAR AVE. S INST. GAS FURNACE P J7 1,148.00 LONGACRES CAFE 907 S 3RD ST. INST. HEATER & FANS 2808 1,045.00 G. HOLMES 1105 N 34TH ST. INST. PLBG. FIXTURES M 2809 400.00 FHA-MARK SEVEN REALTY 950 EDMONDS AVE. NE INST. PLBG. FIXTURES 2810 796.00 INTERPACE CORP. 1500 HOUSER WY. S INST. PLBG. FIXTURES 2811 71850.00 PACIFIC AGRO 403 HOUSER WAY N INST. SPRINKLER :SYSTEM 2812 25250.00 ERNESTO BAREI 907 S 3RD ST. INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2813 JAMES BAREI 2719 MORRIS AVE. S INST. GAS FURNACE M 2814 450.00 JAMES RUPPRECHT 2712 NE 6TH PL. INST. METAL FIREPLACE 2815 WALT KONRAD 3233 SUNSET BLVD. NE INST. HOT WATER TANK 2816 200.00 ROBERT N. RATTRAY 3413 NE 7TH PL. INST. GAS DRYER 2817 33500.00 ERNST HARDWARE 60 S GRADY WAY EXTEND SPRINKLER SYSTEM ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3230 1,470.00 LONGACRES CAFE 907 S 3RD EXTEND & ADD CIRCUITS 3231 138.88 KR. KOOME 1010 S 2ND ST. WIRING 3232 450.00 YrIA-MARK SEVEN REALTY 2408 NE 9TH ST. INST. NEW 200 AMP SERVICE 3233 250.00 FHA-MARK SEVEN REALTY 1701 MONROE AVE. N ADD CIRCUITS & HANG FIXT, 3234 100.00 RAY HARTMAN 357 LIND AVE. NW INST. NEW 200 AMP SERVICE E 3235 1,137.00 FHA-MARK SEVEN REALTY 3503 MEADCW AVE. N INST. SERVICE, HEAT 3236 13,830.00 RENTON VILLAGE CO. 800 RAINIER AVE. S WIRE REMODELED DINING RM. 3237 600.00 E. WECHSELBERGER 1701 JONES DR. SE WIRE NEW RESIDENCE 3238 320.00 W. CONRAD & R. NELSON 3233 SUNSET BLVD. NE INST. SERVICE & 4 HEATERS 3239 53700.00 CHICO PIZZA 2817 SUNSET BLVD. NE WIRE NEW BUILDING E 3240 500.00 KAMPE CONST. 930 N 31ST ST. WIRE NEW RESIDENCE 3241 60.00 LOUIS MALISIS 4822 NE 8TH PL. ADD LIGHTS & REPAIR W 73G 3242 200.00 GEORGE GIST 1025 MONROE AVE. NE MOVE SWITCH PANEL & W, ' 3243 989.00 FHA-MARK SEVEN REALTY 3108 SE 6TH REPLACE WIRING & F;;* SIM PERMITS S 138 500.00 RENTON SHOPPING CTR. RENTON SHOPPING C- INST. WALL SIGN 139 30.00 VINCENT D. MILLER 128 SUNSET BLVD. INST. WALL SIGN 3J40 500.00 ROBERT EDWARDS SW 7TH & EDWARD INST. GROUND SIGN SEWER PERMITS S 1573 JOHN KOSNEY 3632 WELLS AVE. CONNECT SEWER 1574 VICTOR SALEMANN 4016 LK. WN. BLV . N CONNECT SEWER 1575 MR. MORASCHE 2717 MEADOW AVE. N CONNECT SEWER 1576 L.G. LARSEN 1909 NE 27TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 1577 A.F. RAYMOND 1.11.9 N 33RD ST. CONNECT SEWER RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING April 12 , 1971 Renton Municipal Building 8 : 00 P .M. Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY Proposed revisions to Sign and Zoning Codes COMMITTEE OF ZHE WHOLE Amendments to ordinance required by reason of Police Guild Contract paid vacation provision LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Rainbow Ambulance Service Inc. , request to meet concerning Ambulance Ordinance for Renton Proposed revisions to Sign and Zoning Codes Rezone of Arthur Torland property from SR-1 to R-2 MAYOR Comments of Mr. Hamilton concerning Boundary Review Board action in Bellevue Annexation To review Capital Improvement Program and submit status report to the Council by April 26th . PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE R. r. Troutman , request that Nelson and Michael be granted required license to operate amusement device at Spot Tavern Marine Patrol Contract TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Letter from Mr. C. A . Eckart regarding Burlington Northern , Inc . rerouting of trains , track removal and related matters Mayor ' s letter and subject of team investigation of accidents per EISI Report MEETINGS AND EVENTS: 4113/71 - Special Election on School Levy 4/17/71 Hazen High Band Benefit Dance - 8 :00 p.m. 4/17/71 Meet at City Hall at 7 :00 a .m. to board bus for Eugene ,Oregon APPOINTMENT Mr. Ed Wooton confirmed to position of Fire Inspector eff. 4/1/71 1.28 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING April 12 , 1971 Renton Municipal Building 8 :00 P.M. City Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance and CALL TO ORDER called the weekly meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF CITY GRANT, BRUCE, CLYMER, STREDICKE, PERRY AND SCHELLERT. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: DELAURENTI, who had reported he would be in Alaska and unable to be present . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO EXCUSE THE ABSENT COUNCILMAN. THE MOTION CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor , GWEN MARSHALL, Deputy City IN ATTENDANCE Clerk , DOROTHEA GOSSETT, City Treasurer , G . M. SHELLAN, City Attorney , GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning rirector, C. S. WILLIAMS, Chief of Police , JACK WILSON, City Engineer, DEL BENNETT, Public Works Administrator , TED BENNETT, Utility Accountant , M. DEANE SEEGER , Mayor 's Assistant and BERNARD RUPPERT, Building Director . MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO AMEND 4/5/71 Meeting THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING ON PAGE 6 , LINE 7 OF PARAGRAPH 4 , BY DELETING WORDS "TO CONCUR" , REFERRAL TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE ONLY BEING THE INTENT. CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AS AMENDED. THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 2626 Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted an Rezone of St . Andrew Ordinance for first reading changing the zoning Presbyterian Church classification of certain properties within the Property to R-1 City from General Suburban Residence District , (GS-1) to Single Family Residential District (R-1) . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO 'a"" AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. MOTION CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT AND SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL RESULTED IN UNANIMOUS AYE VOTE. MOTION CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported Nos . 1212 - 1377 committee approval of vouchers which had received departmental certification as to receipt of the merchandise and/or services and MOVED THAT COUNCIL APPROVE SAME FOR PAYMENT. THE MOTION CARRIED. (Fund breakdown attached) COMMUNICATIONS AND Letter from Mr . Robert F. Troutman , owner of the CURRENT BUSINESS Spot Tavern , requested that Nelson and Michael of Seattle be granted required license to operate an amusement device at said business located at 4224 East Valley Road in Renton . MOVED BY PERRY, AND SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE, WITH POWER TO ACT. THE MOTION CARRIED. Rerouting of trains Letter from Mr. Clark A . Eckart , Vice President , and track removal Burlington Northern , Inc . , reported progress on Now rerouting of Burlington Northern trains through Renton and abandonment and removal of the former Northern Pacific tracks in Burnett Street between South 2nd and 5th Streets and track removal from the bridge East of the Metro sewage treatment plant to vicinity of North 8th Street , depending upon receipt of authority from the Interstate Commerce Commission to abandon the subject track . Permit for crossing of Lake Wn . Blvd. in North Renton and Lind Avenue grossing signal relocation to the Lake Wn . Blvd. crossing location to be consumated . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/12/71 Page 2. COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) Marine Patrol Memo from Police Chief Williams submitted to Contract - 1971 the Mayor, document for marine patrol service for water areas within the corporate limits of Renton for the year 1971 . Funding of annual fee of $1 ,000 . 00 required . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, AND SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE CONTRACT TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND REPORT BACK. It was noted the Council with economy in mind had deleted this item from the proposed budget . THE MOTION CARRIED. Additional letter The Deputy City Clerk noted receipt of a letter admitted to Agenda from the Council President for reading and it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO AUTHORIZE THE COMMUNICATION TO BE ADDED. CARRIED. Rainbow Ambulance Letter from Mr . J. L. Sam Robison , President , Service in Renton Rainbow Ambulance Service , Inc. , advised that station has been established in Renton and service is continuing in the City . Request was made to meet with the Council ,license comptroller and other ambulance services for purpose of pre- paring an ambulance ordinance for Renton . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THIS REQUEST TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Charles Hamilton 63111 - 21st Avenue S. E. , Bellevue , speaking on Bellevue annexation advised Bellevue Annexation the King County Boundary Review Board will be Newport 10 and acting upon a Resolution on Thursday that will Delmar Woods - include Newport 10 area and Delmar Woods ,which Area within Renton is within boundaries of the Renton School District , School District subsequent hearing by the BRB making deletion of Requested to be school district 403 area no longer valid as requested Deleted . at a prior hearing. Bellevue upon request of Renton having requested deletion of that area . Discussion ensued concerning City ' s study in progress along with the Chamber of Commerce and School District as to costs of serving the areas if annexed and eligibility of area annexation by stages and in 3 sections ,or all at once ,still under determination . It was noted that Councilman Stredicke had appeared at the March hearing and made known the City ' s policy as well as Resolution of Policy being forwarded to request deletion of the school district area , Mayor Garrett also requesting deletion in contact with City Manager Joe Miller . City Attorney Shellan upon request outlined the BRB' s legal position noting if ruling is made it is final except that property owner within the area must within 20 days bring suit if ob- jecting.He cited prior court case where 2 petitions could not be overlapping for the same area and .final BRB findings must be certified which include what effect the annexation would have on existing govern- mental services (which includes school district) and that the annexation is in the best interest of the public. Mr . Hamilton noted the BRB is not going to wait and that certain of the Board Members did not accept the verbage as concern School District Bound- aries as a valid term for BRB consideration . MOTION BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER MR . HAMILTON 'S REMARKS TO THE MAYOR FOR FURTHER INVESTI- GATION CARRIED. It was noted correlation of inter- governmental services felt to be important factor of economics as far as savings to taxpayer is concerned. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Committee of the Council President Grant submitted committee recom- Whole Report mendation that the Administration review the present Capital Improvement Program and prepare a status report to be submittedback to the Council by April 26 , 1971 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BY PERRY, TO CONCUR. CARRIED. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/12/71 Page 3. COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS : Committee of The The Committee of the Whole report recommended Whole Report (Cont . ) that Council concur in the Mayor 's appointment of Mr. Ed Wooton to position of Fire Inspector and that the appointment be effective as of April 1 , 1971 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Public Works Chairman Bruce submitted Public Works Committee Committee Report recommendation that low bid submitted by McCann Enterprises , Inc. for 1971 gravel supply @ 250 •.� per cubic yard loaded by city equipment and city trucks , and $1 . 00 per cubic yard delivered to city location , be accepted. Also recommended that the big? of Rainier Asphalt Paving Company for 1971 supply of asphalt , from 4/1/71 to 4/1/72 , be accepted. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR BID AWARDS. Councilman Stredicke requested reading of item 2 prior to vote . Item No . 2 further recommended that the city accept offer of Mr. I. J. Brodell for gravel at no cost to the city subject to his written permission granting the city the right to enter upon private property . Stredicke inquired as to amount to be left for bid award and was advised the quantity available gratis was small and the material could be used only for limited purpose due to composition and would cause no penalty to bidder . PENDING MOTION FOR GRAVEL AND ASPHALT BID AWARDS CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR IN ITEM 2 CONCERNING GRAVEL OFFERED BY MR . BRODELL . After discussion concerning time element it was noted administrative action would be taken by the Mayor and/or City Engineer accorCingly . THE MOTION CARRIED. Community Services Chairman Clymer submitted Community Services report Committee Report recommending that proposed changes to the sign code Sign and Zoning and zoning ordinance as affect signs ih the city Code Revisions be approved with referral to the Legislation Com- mittee and the City Attorney for appropriate legisla- tion . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Rezone , Arthur Upon completing review of proposed rezone request Torland property for property of Arthur Torland , the Committee located on South recommended council concurrence with Planning side of Sunset Blvd. Commission recommendation for rezone from 5R-1 to between Newport and R-2 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO Queen Avenues N. E. CONCUR . CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE REZONE TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. MOTION CARRIED. Sign Code Discussion ensued concerning the sign code and date Enforcement of September 23 , 1971 as deadline for conformance , Questioned by it being noted that full support will be given to Councilman Stredicke th8 ,wilding Director and notices are being given to all parties to be affected, all signs with value of less than $500. 00 to be brought up to compliance or removed. EISI Report - Councilman Stredicke called attention to letter from Team Investigation Mayor Garrett regarding team investigation of accidents of Accidents as suggested in EISI report and MOVED THAT THE LETTER BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Aid Car for Fire Councilman Stredicke questioned ^ost of using fire Department truck in responding to emergency calls noting incident in the Highlands and inquired concerning completion of specifications for bids call for emergency aid vehicle authorized for purchase last June . He urged some action be taken to hasten the matter tpW^X completion . 131 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/12/71 Page 4 . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: (Cont. ) Rainier Avenue Councilman Stredicke inquired as to zoning and Hospital Property tax roll status of old hospital site since new business is to be competing with existing ones which are taxed. He inquired as to possible other properties under lease and not on the tax rolls suggesting perhaps part of the airport might be declared surplus and put back on the r"olls'. He questioned whether management by a real estate or a firm with training in handling of leases might be warranted which can be done for 6% or less . He inquired if updating of the r� airport comprehensive plan is current and urged that council be informed as to what is transpiring and if the present mode of operation is the best budgetwise. Planning Director Ericksen advised the site is zoned B-1 . City Attorney Shellan advised that any property leased from a government agency is carried on the tax roll as leasehold interest and is taxed as is another firm. He noted court ruling and passage of state law where private leasing is subject to taxes and although unimproved land is still owned by the hospital district the use of the land and its improvements will be on the rolls as leashold tax and it will be worth considerable more when improved. Stredicke noted the land is not on the rolls and Shellan advised not physically but leasehold tax is paid in lieu of property tax along with assessment for buildings inventory and personal property which is assessed at a higher rate . Mayor Garrett recalled prior law requiring disposition for cash with no . bidder re- sponding and the Legislature amended the law to provide for sale on time or by lease arrangement hosp- ital still retaingland ownership however . Clymer added that good revenue is derived by the hospital genezal fund which will benefit the taxpayers . Police Guild Con- Council President Grant reported the Police Guild tract-Paid Vacation Contract provides for change in paid vacation , effective as of 1/1/72 and existing ordinance must be amended to comply . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. After discussion on intent of legislation amendment by prior referral and whether entire city staff is to receive like benefits , the MOTION CARRIED. Hazen High Dance Councilman Perry noted invitation by Mr. Yahnke , 4/17/71 Dance Coordinator, extended the Mayor and Council to Saturday night dance at 8 :00 p.m. at Hazen High School , proceeds to buy new band uniforms . School Levy Councilman Schellert noted badge on lapel of Mr . Special Election Frank Storey , Honorary Councilman , and invited remarks . Mr. Storey noted tomorrow to be the 13th wishing it to be unlucky only for those opposing the school levy , and urging support of the levy noted our kids to be the most valued possession in looking to the future . NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL rr Kalin Construction Councilman Stredicke inquired concerning status of the Kalin Construction Co. project and Chairman Clymer of the Community Services Committee reported the matter will come out of committee next week. Eugene , Oregon Upon inquiry, Mayor Garrett advised visit to Eugene Business Mall Visit is scheduled for Saturday and good response has been received from downtown Renton . Mr . Delbert Bennett noted bus will depart from City Hall at 7 :00 a .m. and cost is to be $7. 00 . The bus will seat 33 and those interested should respond. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO ADJOURN. 9 :25 p.m. THE MOTION CARRIED. THE ���MEETING WAS ADJOURNED. 132 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 4/12/71 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRYPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS CURRENT FUND 1212 1274 $18j613931 PARKS AND RECREATION 1275 1298 $4,671903 CITY STREET 1299 1316 $5r226p82 CEDAR RIVER M AND 1 1317 1319 $45*20 LIBRARY 1320 1323 $552.47 REG* AND STREET FWD THRUST 1324 1325 $81562985 URBAN ARTERIAL 1326 1326 $56,554 ®81 WATERWORKS UTILITY 1327 1344 $52x284. 18 AIRPORT 1345 1350 $192931 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 1351 1374 $4,987913 FIREMEN S PENSION 1375 1377 $81900 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $1511771911 WEi THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIO HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO* 1212 THROUGH NO# 1377 IN THE AMOUNT OF $1511771911 THIS 12 OF APRIL 1971 • JFINANCE COMMITTEE �+ -• s+w+s st+ww++sw++� ww+w�+ r -C MITA EE MEMBER w 1•ww++o+swsw+w+w�w +++aw+++w _. COMMITTEE ME1� R COMMITTEE MEMBER 1� � � 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 4-12-71 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Thurs . 4-15 8: 00 PM Grant Council Chamber Re: Improvements - Houser Way Bridge & Union Ave . N.E. Community Services Fri . 4-16 4 : 00 PM Clymer 3rd Fl .Conf. Rm. Finance Schellert Legislation Tues . 4-13 8 : 00 PM Perry 6th Fl.Conf.Rm. Personnel & Community RelationF Wed. 4-14 7 :00 PM Stredicke 2nd Fl .Lunch Rm Invited: Park Director, Mayor & City Attorney 7: 00-Historical Museum Public Safety Delaurenti 8 : 00-Appointments/Mayor 8 : 30-Wage Study Public Works Tues . 4-13 7: 00 PM Bruce 4th Fl .Conf.Rm. Transportation Grant Personnel & Community Relations Wed. 4-21 7: 30 PM Stredicke 6th Fl.Conf .Rm. Bus Trip to Eugene , Oregon Sat. 4-17 7: 00 AM D.Bennett eave City Hall ost $7 .00 per person evamping of downtown Eugene - Inspection G' G.� 134 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4/72/71 Page 1 of 1 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE .BUILDING AND EVGINEE_PuING DEPARTIvENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT FLAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2622 $28,000.00 GENE SARTORE 1403 N 36TH ST. CONST. FAMILY RES. 2623 1,000.00 ANDY THUNEY 3,�8 ,gELLS AVE. S INST. PARTITION & PANEL 2624 150.00 ISSABEL ADAM3 209 LOGAN AVE. S ROOF GARAGE MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2818 300.00 W.F. VAUPEL 711 EDMONDS AVE. NE INST. GAS FURNACE 2819 390.00 FLOYD CHASE 2200 ABERDEEN AVE. NE INST. PLBG. FIXTURES 2820 5.,000.00 ALEC BAKAMUS 2817 SUNSET BLVD. NE INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2821 225.00 ROBERT CIGUSKI 324 SUNSET BLVD. N INST. EXHAUST HOOD & FAN 2822 300.00 FHA-MARK SEVEN REALTY 2408 NE 9TH ST. REMODEL PLBG. FIXTURES M 2823 974.00 FHA-MARK SEVEN REALTY 913 N 33RD ST. INST. OIL FURNACE 2824 500.00 KAMPE CONST. 930 N 31ST ST. INST. PLBG. FIXTURES ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3244 50.00 ED BIGGINS 1417 EDMONDS AVE. NE CHANGE SERVICE 3245 90.00 ANTHONY WENZAL 1102 N 33RD ST. WIRING 3246 3,140.00 PACIFIC ARGO 903 HOUSER W, N INST. LIGHTING & RECEPTS. 3247 28,200.00 RENTON ELKS LODGE 1600 EAGLE RIDGE DR. WIRING 3248 992.00 FHA-MARK SEVEN REALTY 409 CEDAR ST. INST. NEW SERVICE 3249 250.00 K-MART 440 RAINIER AVE. S INST. TEMP. SERVICE SIGN PERMITS S 141 900.00 MIKE LOTTO 1520 GRADY WAY SW ]NST. WALL SIGN aw SEWER PERMITS S 1578 EMERY WESHELLBERGER 1731 JONES DR. SE CONNECT SEWER 1579 PARKWOOD HOMES 765 S 27TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 1580 PAR.KWOOD HOMES 783 S 27TH ST. CONNECT S7,dER 1581 K.H. CRAWFORD 1103 N 33RD PL. CONNECT SEWER 1582 JOHN URCH 2709 JONES AVE. NE CONNECT SEWER 135 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING April 19 , 1971 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Appointment of Mr. Gary Moritz to Planning Commission Subject of Park Board expansion Proposed Ordinance setting forth job descriptions for certain city officials .., COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Proposed Ordinance relating to Board of Adjustment FINANCE COMMITTEE Inquiry by Mr. Buckholz concerning public use area Final payment on CAG 1662-70 , Cedar River Park Development , Stage I , by Algene Construction Company LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Fund transfer from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1894 unto Park Fund for purchase of Carco Theater Stage Equipment Resolution to extend retirement date of City Treasurer Gossett MAYOR D. L . Olsen property clean up (NE. 6th and Blaine N.E. ) To meet with school district representatives regarding Hazen High School summer swim program and possible city support PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE -.. Petition for Sanitary Sewer L. I.D. in vicinity of S. W. 43rd Street and West Valley Highway , from Tukwila to 80th Pl . So . PARK DIRECTOR To meet with school district representatives regarding Hazen High School summer swim program and possible city support APPOINTMENT CONFIRMED D. W. Custer to Membership on Renton Ptlir'*^t3r,(c tJ MEETINGS AND EVENTS April 18 - 24 , Secretaries Week , April 21 , Secretaries Day April 23 - 24 , 1971 , White Cane Days - Lions Club sponsored fund drive May 7 , 1971 - Parks and Recreation Workshop - Queen Anne Recreation Center , 8 : 30 a .m. to 4 : 30 p.m. 136 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING April 19 , 1971 Renton Municipal Building 8 :00 P.M. City Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance CALL TO ORDER and called the weekly meeting of t%ire Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF GRANT, BRUCE, CLYMER , STREDICKE, DELAURENTI, COUNCIL MEMBERS PERRY AND SCHELLERT. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor, HELMIE NELSON, City Clerk IN ATTENDANCE DOROTHEA GOSSETT, City Treasurer, G . M. SHELLAN, City Attorney , C. S. WILLIAMS, Chief of Police , GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director, JACK WILSON, City Engineer, GENE COULON, Park Director , VIC TEGANTVOORT, Street Commissioner. VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Director and BERNARD RUPPERT, Building Director . MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO APPROVE 4/12/71 Meeting THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT. THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS ORDINANCE NO. 2627 Ordinance was read changing the zoning classifica- Rezone of Torland t--'oh of certain properties within the City from property from "Suburban Residence District" (SR-1) to "Residence SR-1 to R-2 . District" (R-2) . (Arthur N. Torland property on South side of Sunset Blvd. N. E. , between Newport and Queen Avenues N. E. ) MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. Councilman Stredicke urged awareness to proximity of Union Avenue which area is anticipated for multiple use and noted that although proposed for commercial laboratory facility permissible by special permit , once zoned the land may be developed for multiple or apartment uses . ROLL CALL RESULTED IN UNANIMOUS AYE VOTE. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 2628 Proposed Ordinance was read fixing the amount , form, Installment Note date , interest and rate of maturity of installment L.I.D. 271 , N. E. note , directing the issuance and sale thereof unto 27th & 28th Sts . the City of Renton Firemen 's Pension Fund, pertain- Sanitary Sewers ing to Local Improvement District No . 271 . MOVED BY Funding by Fire- SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND Men 's Pension Fund AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RE- SULTED IN UNANIMOUS AYES. MOTION CARRIED ADOPTING THE ORDINANCE. ORDINANCE NO. 2629 Ordinance was read amending Sections 4-1902 , 4-1903 Amending Sign Code and 4-1918 of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordi- nances of the City of Renton . (Sign Code) Both the Legislation Committee and Community Services Com- mittee recommended revisions as proposed . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN UNANIMOUS AYES. MOTION CARRIED ADOPTING THE ORDINANCE. PROPOSED ORDINANCE Legislation Committee Chairman Perry reported Board of Adjustment receipt of draft of proposed Ordinance relating to Board of Adjustment and the -Committee recom- mended the document be, referred to the Community Services Committee . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO CON UR . CARRIED. 13i MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/19/71 Page 2. RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION NO. 1737 Resolution was read extending congratulations Greeting New Renton to Mr . William J. Miller , newly appointed Post- Postmaster, Mr. Wm. master of the City of Renton , wishing him success J. Miller and offering assistance of the City as may be concerned with mutual interests or problems of the community . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. MOTION CARRIED. Proposed Subdivision Councilman Perry inquired of the Community Services Ordinance Amendments Committee as to status of the pending Subdivision Ordinance . Chairman Clymer advised the document is being revamped and retyped and will be forthcoming next week . VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported com- Nos . 1378 through mittee approval of vouchers receiving departmental 1537 , $121 ,093. 88 certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services and Council approval was recommended at this time . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO APPROVE THE VOUCHERS FOR PAYMENT AS RECOMMENDED. THE MOTION CARRIED . (Fund breakdown attached) COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Inquiry of C. S. Letter from Mr. Buckholz inquired concerning parcel Buckholz re City of land bounded by Harrington Ave . N. E. , N.E . 5th owned properties Place , Ferndale Ave . N.E. and N. E . 6th Place , (See later action) asking as to maintenance , proposed use and if improvement is planned. Discussion ensued it being noted this is city owned public use property main- tained by the Street Department . MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. Councilman Grant noted memo from City Engineer Wilson as to status of the parcel, and pro- posed motions and actions were TABLED UPUN MOTION BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BY PERRY, PENDING RETURN OF GRANT FROM SECURING COPY OF THE MEMO. CARRIED. Bid Opening 4/14/71 , City Clerk Nelson read bid report , bid extended from Carco Theatre- April 7 by addendum, for Carco Theatre State Equip- Stage Equipment ment . Four bidders responded as per tabulations attached hereto . Letter from the Park Board recom- mended that low bid of Stagecraft Industries , Inc. , in sum of $6 ,093. 15 including tax, be accepted , Transfer of bid amount from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1894 unto Park Fund 101/533/50/63 also recom- mended , this being a 1971 budgeted item . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE BID FUNDING TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR NECESSARY RESOLUTION, MOTION CARRIED. Petition for Petition was read requesting creation by the City LID for Sanitary of a Local Improvement District for construction of Sewers , SW 43rd Sanitary Sewers , filed by owners of property adjacent Street & Vicinity to the West Valley Hwy . and S. W. 43rd Street between Tukwila and 80th Place South , John N. Anderson et al . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE PETITION TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOM- MENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Buckholz inquiry MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THE TABLED on public use ITEM BE TAKEN FROM THE TABLE AT THIS TIME. CARRIED. property-taken Letter from City Engineer Wilson , directed to Council from table President Grant , reported the area to be in Block 19 , Renton Highlands No . 2 , being one of several public use areas platted by the Federal Government which reversionary right was relinquished and sold to the City . The areas are not suitable for park purposes and are now maintained by the city . Residents at one time had requested vacation or sale to abutting owners . In discussion it was noted appraisals had been made however no further disposition was consumated . 13� MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/19/71 Page 3. COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont . ) Public Use Areas- It was proposed perhaps some garden club or other Buckholz Inquiries group or organization might be interested for ecology purposes in planting or developing these small areas . Question was raised whether legisla- tive or administrative action were in order , and early action urged if the City intends to put the areas up for sale to abutting owners . Question was called for and MOTION VOTED UPON AND CARRIED REFERRING THE MATTER TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. ...■ Final Payment , Letter from Gene L . Coulon , Park Director, CAG 1662-70 , reported completion of contract and recommended Cedar River Park acceptance , final payment and commencement of Development hien period , $13, 867 . 91 due Algene Construction Company this date. Upon completion of punch list and warranty items and if after 30 days no liens or claims are filed against the project and upon proof of payment of tax liabilities , retained amount of $33 ,616 . 30 to be released. if punch list and warran tyitems have not been completed within 30 days 10% retainage payment to be with- held further pending completion . MOVED BY DELAU- RENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. CARRIED. Parks and Rec- Invitation was extended to workshop sponsored by reation Workshop the University of Wn , Wn . State University , Inter- May 7 , 1971 agency Committee for Outdoor Recreation , et a1 , to be held on Friday , May 7 , 1971 , 9-4 : 30 at Queen Anne Recreation Center , 1st West and West Howe , Seattle , Wn . White Cane Days Letter from the Renton Lions Club requested fund (Proclamation drive permit and observance of White Cane Days on adopted Page 4) April 23 and 24 , 1971 . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR IN THE REQUESTS. CARRIED. Community Service Mayor Garrett presented City Award Placque to Mr : Award to Mr . C. Y. Charles McGarrigle for community services rendered McGarrigle over the years on the Planning Commission , Advisory Committee farthe Hospital , now serving on the Trans- portation Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and recently the press carrying notice of his retire- ment from Puget Sound Power and Light Company . Mr. McGarrigle expressed appreciation for the award and for opportunity to do his part over the years in the interest of helping the City along where needed . AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Robert J. Leader, 18117 32nd Avenue So . , Seattle , on behalf of Cedar River Barracks . 2093,Veterans of Offer of Flags to World War I, introduced other members , Mr . Rufus be flown in honor Morrison and Raleigh Wagner , and read Proclamation of Veterans adopted by the Barracks whereby flags received by families of men who have lost their lives may be presented to the Barracks and in turn to the City to be flown in his honor as may be desired by the next of kin . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO ACCEPT THE OFFER OF FLAGS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Mr . Frank Storey commented regarding flags flying on ships in the service noting they become pretty weatherworn and two flags are flown , one for public view and the other for duty purposes . Civil Service Mr . Harold Caldwell , Renton Police Officer ' s Guild Commission urged appointment of 3rd Police Civil Service Com- Appointment-Police missioner by April 27 , promotional examinations to be brought up at meeting that date and it being felt full membership should be seated at that time . 139. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/19/71 Page 4. PROCLAMATIONS White Cane Days Proclamation was read declaring April 23 and 24 April 23 and 24 as White Cane Days in Renton , proceeds of the fund drive to finance purchase of split beam optical instrument for the Valley General Hospital and the Lions Club sponsored Eye Bank at the U. of W. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. THE MOTION CARRIED . Secretaries Week Proclamation by the Mayor declared the fourth Apr. 18 - 24 , and week in April to be Secretaries Week and the Secretaries Day , 21st to be Secretaries Day all citizens being April 21 , 1971 urged to recognize and pay tribute to the roll of the secretary in industry , the professions and government making them truly silent partners in American Business . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. RECESS-8 :50 p.m. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO RECESS. THE MOTION CARRIED. Recess was declared. After the recess roll call was taken with all Council Members being present or subsequently returning as previously. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Community Services Chairman Clymer submitted Community Services Committee Report Committee recommendation that Council rescind its Vacation of portion actions on the vacation of Whitman Court and refund of Whitman Court to the fees to the applicant . (Kalin Construction and Kalin Construction Dalpay & Associates . ) MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED & Dalpay & Assoc. BY GRANT, TO ADOPT THE COMMITTEE REPORT. THE Rescinded MOTION CARRIED. Personnel and Chairman Stredicke submitted Personnel and Community Relations Community Relations Committee recommendation Committee Report- by majority vote ; that Council not approve the APPOINTMENTS appointment of Mr . Gary Moritz to the Renton Planning Commission and that the Mayor submit a Planning Commission new name for the position . Appointment-Referred to Committee of the Committee .Member Schellert submitted minority Whole report recommending the appointment ,Mr . Moritz during interview appearing to be sincere and of high moral character and background which could be an asset to the Commission . After proposed motions for confirmation of both reports , it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECOND.FFD BY PERRY, TO REFER THE APPOINTMENT TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. DISSENTING VOICE VOTE BROUGHT RULING OF AYE MAJORITY AND ROLL CALL WAS REQUESTED WHICH RESULTED AS FOLLOWS : AYE: BRUCE, PERRY, DELAURENTI AND SCHELLERT. NO: GRANT, CLYMER AND Committee Report- STREDICKE. MOTION TO REFER CARRIED. Park Board Member APPOINTMENT The Personnel and Community Relations Committee D. W. Custer , recommended concurrence in the appointment of Mr . Confirmed D. W. Custer to the Park Board . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. PARK BOARD MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THE STRUCTURE PARK BOARD STRUCTURE BE REVIEWED FOR POSSIBLE EXPANSION OF MEMBERSHIP AND INCLUSION OF A WOMAN, WITH REFERRAL TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. THE MOTION CARRIED. 140 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/19/71 Page 5 . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: (Cont . ) Health Officer and Councilman Stredicke questioned delays by the Fire/Police Physicals Council Committees and Administration in re- sponding to referrals and inquiries , citing his request of the Mayor for information on February 11 and March 12 , concerning duties and costs of City Health Officer ' s services , with questions still remaining. Recalling actions concerning approval of physicals for all fire and police officers , question was pos6d as to implementa- tion and physician to perform same, Fire Civil Service Commission desiring to eliminate family physician or acquaintance of individual . County services ,also provided in city ordinance to be rendered by the Health Officer,were noted, and cost factor was questioned and whether the Mayor 's budget for 1972 is to reflect this service and cost . Mayor Garrett responded that he had every department knowledgeable in the matter reply , including the Health Officer and the $125 . 00 monthly retainer for services had not changed for many years . He noted the Health Officer is subject to call at any time of day to look after prisoners , also inspect- ing the jail facilities along with other functions per ordinance and as outlined by the various de- partments the recommendations for 1972 to be re- flected upon presentation of his budget . Stredicke stated he had received no lettef from the Mayor and he felt after receipt of memo from the administrative assistant stating check was being made of questions raised , some communication was in order . Legislation Com- Chairman Perry submitted recommendations of the mittee Report Legislation Committee which were read with actions by the Council as follows : Unsightly Property David L. Olson - Notice to clear lot at N. E. 6th and Blaine N.E. , dated 8-24-70. Recommended the matter be referred to the Mayor 's office for investigation and/or code enforcement . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. Metro Summons and Metro Summons and Complaint dated 12-7-70 was Complaint Document referred to the City Attorney and no committee action is required. Curfew Ordinance Due to only 11 violations during 1970 ,by under Revisions per 14 year olds ,it was recommended no further changes Police Guild be made in the recently revised Curfew Ordinance . Some lengthy discussion ensued as to resulting policy decision , Public Safety Committee majority concurring in the report , List of violations , from January 1970 to date ,from Police Records were read and it was subsequently MOVED BY CLYMER , AND SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR IN THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE REPORT. THE MOTION CARRIED . Proposed Ordinances The Legislation Committee recommended that two Setting Forth Job ordinances setting forth job descriptions for the Descriptions for City Clerk , City Treasurer, City Engineer , Director City Officials of Utilities , Purchasing Director , Street Director and Traffic Engineer be referred to Committee of the Whole . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. ( Ordinance for City Attorney , Building Director , Municipal Judge Health Officer and Planning Director to be presented at a later date. ) 141 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/19/71 Page 6 . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont . ) Health Officer Councilman Schellert in regard to earlier and Physicals remarks concerning physicals and the services for Uniformed and costs for a City Health Officer noted that Personnel the Finance Committee has a request for funding of physicals for all uniformed personnel and is awaiting report of the Commissions as to total costs for such program and an acceptable physician to administer the physicals . Relating to Health Officer 's services it was likened to �. buying insurance without which the City would be forced into the County ' s program at a cost in the neighborhood of $100,000 . 00 . NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Swimming Pool Councilman Stredicke noted discontinuation of Operation swim program during the summer at Hazen High School , as result of levy failure , concern beinq ex,pressefl 'by several persons who have offered funds to have the same program continued as last year. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THE PARK DIRECTOR AND MAYOR MEET WITH THE SCHOOL, DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVES TO ASCERTAIN THE POSSIBILITY OF MAINTAINING SWIM PROGRAM AND DETERMINE COST IF THE CITY WERE TO PICK THE PROGRAM UNTIL THE SCHOOL DECIDES WHAT IT IS GOING TO DO. MOTION CARRIED. Foot Patrol by Councilman Perry urged that foot patrol of the Police Officers downtown area be maintained rather than patrol Urged by vehicle it being felt personal contact with kids affords better controls . Visit to Mall Councilman Schellert thanked the Mayor 's staff maw in Eugene , Oregon for a very informative trip to Eugene , Oregon which offered opportunity to discuss the down- town community program with the community leaders . Extension of Mayor Garrett submitted letter advising of receipt Retirement Date by the City Clerk of Notice from Statewide City Employees Retirement System that City Treasurer Dorothea Gossett will attain extended service retirement age by May 1 , 1971 and should retire unless the Council by Resolution requests the State Board to extend the retirement date . The City Treasurer had requested extension by letter and Mayor Garrett reported concurrence with request for Council referral to Legislation Committee for Resolution to grant the one year extension . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR IN THE EX - TENSION WITH REFERRAL TO COMMITTEE FOR PROPER LEGISLATION. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Harold Caldwell , Renton Police Officers Guild, expressed concern for council action in not con- Curfew Ordinance sidering amendments to the Curfew Ordinance as proposed by the Guild and by the Mayor 's Youth Guidance Committee which he felt was doing an injustice to citizens and law enforcement officers alike it being felt mistake was made needing to be rectified as concerns time and age limits . Discussion ensued it being noted wide publicity was given and opinions solicited as well as extension over a period of Lime,pri.or to consumation of action , of study of the matter. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO ADJOURN. 9:50 P .M. CHAIR RULED AFFIRMATIVE MAJORITY IN DISSENTING VOICE VOTE . ROLL CALL WAS REQUESTED AND RESULTED AS FOLLOWS: AYE: GRANT, BRUCE, CLYMER AND SCHELLERT. NO : STREDICKE, PERRY AND DELAURENTI. MOTION CARRIED. MEETING WAS ADJOURVED. // _/ 142 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 4/19/71 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL, WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS CURRENT FUND 1378 1425 $10,930974 PARKS AND RECREATION 1426 1446 S_n 6.4.92 ARTERIAL STREET 1447 1447 *15®002+28 CITY STREET 1448 1468 $15x391982 CEDAR RIVER M AND I 1469 1470 $140600 LIBRARY 1471 1503 *5x225. 15 CEDAR RIVER ACQUISITION FU 1504 1504 $641952 WATERWORKS UTILITY 1505 1517 $50x302999 AIRPORT 1518 1524 $271 .82 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 1525 1537 $3x677934 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS 93� yly WEx THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCILx HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO, 1378 THROUGH N09 1537 IN THE AMOUNT OF $ 21v !08 58 THIS 19 OF APRIL 19719 FINANCE COMMITTEE CO ITTEE MEMBER_COMMITTEE MEN4R COMMITTEE MEMBER +ter I OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4/19/71 COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Grant Council Chambers 4/21/71 or 5th Flr. Conf. Rm. Community Services Friday 4:00 p.m. Clymer 3rd Flr. Conf. l'an. 4/23/71 Finance Monday 4:30 p.m. Schellert 6th Flr. Conf. Rm. City Insurance Program 4/26/71 R. Davis Presentation, Leases - Highlands, Legislation Perry Pending Referrals Personnel & Community Wednesday Re1atic)n:, 4/21/71 7:30 p.m. Stredicke 6th Flr. Conf. Rm. Appointments 1;,/28/71 7:30 p.m. Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Tuesday 7:00 p.m. Bruce 4th Flr. Conf. Rm. 4120/71 Transportation Grant Special City Shops Committee Monday 7:00 p.m. Council Office 4/26/71 C� 144 April 19, 1971 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID OPENING - APRIL 14, 1971 (Extended from April 7, 1971 - Addendum No. 1) 3:00 P.M. - First Floor Conference Room Carco Theatre - Stage Equipment BIDDER BID BOND BASE BID (Not including State Sales Tax) Stagecraft Industries Inc. Bid Bond $5,803.00 1302 N.W. Kearney St. Portland, Oregon 97208 Northwest Interiors, Inc. aid Bond 5,997.50 6015 Maynard Avenue South Seattle, Washington 98108 Factory Direct Draperies, Inc. Certified 6,410.00 8300 Aurora Avenue North Check Seattle, Washington 98103 M & M Electric Co. Cashierts 61833.00 13806 Hiway 99 Check Lynnwood, Washington 98306 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4/19/71 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAM ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2625 -- NEW CASTLE G.R. #17.00 1216 UNION AVE. NE DEMOLISH GRANGE BALL 2626 $10,242.00 iiILDMARD PATTERPIN 803 N 33RD ST. REPAIR FIRE DAMAGE 2627 500.00 NORTHWEST MORTGAGE 1608 FERNDALE .AVE. SE INT. FINISH, DOWN SPOUTS 2628 VOID a 2629 1,400.00 FH_A—MARK SEVEN REALTY 3.503 MEADOW AVE. N REROOF, ADD DOOR & FLOOR 2630 1,900.00 FHA—MARK SEVEN REALTY 913 N 33RD ST. INST. CABINETS, DOORS, ET( 2631 11950.00 FHA—MARK SEVEN &kLTY 409 S CEDAR ST. INST. RAILINGS & REPAIRS 2632 5,000.00 DANIEL WINCHESTER 1625 EDMO.NDS AVE. NUJ CONST. ADDITION 2633 -- RENTON SCHOOLS #403 809 HARRINGTON AVE. NE DD40LISH HIGHLA'TD3 SCH. B 2634 -- RENTON 31-tioOLS #403 2901 KENNEWICK AVE. NE DEMOLISH KENNYDALE SCH. 2635 26,000.00 MARIA, GATTI 311 HARDIEE AVE. NW CONST. FAMILY RES. 2630 21200.00 STD. OIL CO. OF CALIF. 305 GRADY WAY INST. METAL FASCIA MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2825 65. 00 P. BALLATORE 2213 NE 6TH CT. INST. GAS LOG 2826 600.00 FHA—MARK SEVEN REALTY 409 CEDAR AVE. S INST. PLBG. FIXTURES 2827 600.00 FHA—MARK SEVEN -SALTY 1701 M01OZOE AVE. NE INST. FIXTURES & PIPING 2828 450.00 FHA—MAR: SEVEN A& LTY 3503 MEADOW AVE. N INST. FIXTUIUS 2829 330.00 HARRY PoiiL'Ip,N 1613 FERNDALE SE INST. GAS FURNACE M 2830 75.00 SERVICE LAUNDRY 903 S 4TH INST. FLOOR DRAIN 2831 13000.00 AyRO DYNE 300 AIRPORT WAY INST. PLBG. FIXTURES 2832 75.00 RENTON SCHOOLS #403 710 1 6TH ST. EXTEND WATER LINES 2833 200.00 GAYLE HALSEN 1301 S 9TH ST. INST. GAS HOT -WER. TANK 2834 2,200.00 H.S. FURGESON CO. 903 HOUSER WAY N INST. HEATERS & PIPING ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3250 860.00 HILDErIARD PATTERPI9 803 N 331RD ST. REPAIR & REWIRE RES. 3251 90.00 THUBERT 14. LANNGE 1109 N 30TH ST. INST. 200 AMP. SYSTEM 3252 675.00 JIM 3AREI 2719 MORRIS AVE. S WIPLE NEW RES. 3253 1,000.00 MASH. JOCKEY CLUB LONGACRES 'ME FILM BOOTH 3254 3,885.00 PACIFIC N.W. BELL 300 SW 7TH ST. REMODEL OFFICES E 3255 900.00 RENTON SCiOOLS #403 710 N 6TH ST. CONNECT FIXTURES 3255 775.00 G. HOLMES 1105 N 34TH ST. WIRE ADDITION SEWER ?F,'VUTS S 1583 JANETTE SOUTHARD 1171 ABERDEEN AVE. CONNECT S34I R 1584 C.L. FOUTCH 1700 NE 20TH ST. CONNECT S34ER 1585 MR. HALSEN 1401 S 9TH CONNECT 394ER 1586 MZ S. J.A. CORCORAN 2733 JONES AVE. NH�' COM- 'CT S341ER 1587 JOHN L. MOSMAN 3602 LK. WN. BLVD. N CONNECT SEnlER7, RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING April 26 , 1971 8 :00 P.M. Office of City Clerk R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY Subdivision Ordinance COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AND *COUNCIL PRESIDENT *Letter from Mr. Sven Johnson re presentation to council. of his King County Stadium proposal Airport Board and Airport Management Voucher to C. Carey Donworth & Associates for Labor Relations services Status report on Capital Improvement Program COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Rezone of Kampe Construction property from GS-1 to R-1 , located on Pierce Avenue N.E. between N.E. 11th Street and N.E. 11th Place FINANCE COMMITTEE Subject of 1971 budget cuts LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Creation of Sanitary Sewer L. I.D. in S. W. 43rd vicinity Rezone of James Kirkman property from SR-1 to R-2 Proposed Subdivision ordinance MAYOR Letter from Mr. Sven A . Johnson applying for city employment 2971 Budget Cuts To negotiate lease renewal with Dept . of Motor vehicles , LAG 1260-68 for space in Highlands Administration Building Mayor requested not to replace personnel until Finance Committee reviews the vacancy PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Request for authorization for interested Aviation Board Members and Airport Director to attend American Assn. of Airport Executives Convention in Daytona Beach , Fla . May 23 - 26 , 1971 PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Application for Nelson & Michael to be granted license for amusement device at Angelo 's Tavern PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Remove from committee the subject of Mining , Excavating and Grading Ordinance now under study by the Community Services Committee APPOINTMENT Mr . Roger I. Lewis to membership on Police Civil Service Commission MEETINGS AND EVENTS 4/29/71 - Workshop on retarded activities - King County Activity Center Kent , Wn . at 1 :00 p.m. I�Z,7 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING April 26 , 1971 Renton Municipal Building 8 :00 P.M. City Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance CALL TO ORDER and called the weekly meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF CITY Grant , Bruce , Stredicke , Perry , Delaurenti and COUNCIL MEMBERS Schellert . Absent : Clymer who had reported he would be unable to attend. MOVED BY GRANT AND SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO EXCUSE THE ABSENT MEMBER . THE MOTION CARRIED . CITY OFFICIALS Avery Garrett , Mayor , Helmie Nelson , City Clerk , IN ATTENDANCE Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer, G . M. Shellan , City Attorney , C. S . Williams , Chief of Police , M. C. Walls , Fire Chief, Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director , Jack Wilson , City Engineer, Gene Coulon , Park Director, Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner, Vern Church , Purchasing Director, M. Deane Seeger, Asst . to the Mayor and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director . MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO APPROVE 4/19/71 Meeting THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT. THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS ORDINANCE NO. 2630 Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted Amending Zoning Code proposed Ordinance inviting comment from Planning Director Ericksen Wit- reported Planning Commission approval of the revisions . The Community Services Committee members who reviewed the proposals recom- mended introductory reading at this time . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE , TO PLACE THE ORDINANCE ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. The document was read which amends Sections 4-716 (a) , 4-722 and 4-731 of Title IV (Building Regulations of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating ;:o zoning matters , as concerns use of setback area . MOTION BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE AND CARRIED, AUTHORIZED SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. AFTER THE FINAL READING IT WAS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ . ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN UNANIMOUS AYES . THE MOTION CARRIED AND THE ORDINANCE WAS ADOPTED. RESOLUTION NO. 1738 Resolution was read authorizing transfer of funds Fund Transfer for in amount of $6 ,093 . 15 from Cumulative Reserve purchase of Carco Fund 1894 , Acct . 108/518/20 . 63 , unto the Park Theater Equipment Fund Account 101/533/50/63 , for stale equipment at Carco Theater. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ . THE MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO . 1739 Resolution was read extending the c---mpulsory Extending Retirement retirement date of Dorothea S . Gossett , to May 1 , Date of City Treas . , 1972. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO Dorothea Gossett ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ . THE MOTION CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported Nos . 1538 - 1658 committee approval of Vouchers receiving depart- mental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services and MOVED THAT COUNCIL APPROVE SAME FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME. MOTION DULY SECONDED AND CARRIED. (Fund Breakdown attached) 1 . iXy MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/26/71 Page 2 . COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont . ) License for Letter from Mr . Angelo Barei requested that Amusement Device Nelson & Michael be granted license to operate Angelo ' s Tavern amusement device at 205 Airport Way . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. THE MOTION CARRIED. Conference of Letter from Mr. C . L. Day . Pres . , Renton Aviation Airport Executives Board, requested authorization for the Airport Daytona Beach , Fla . Director and interested Board Members to attend the American Ass 'n . of Airport Executives annual Convention at Daytona Beach , Fla . , May 23-26 , 1971 . MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY STREDICKE , TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Work Application Letter from Mr . Sven Johnson filed for position and stadium proposal with the city as Asst . in the Traffic Engineering Department and/or Public Works Administrator noting also , his standing request for reinstatement as Building Director , his resume presently on file . Opportunity was also requested to schedule his King County Stadium presentation on May 3 . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL PRESIDENT. MOTION CARRIED. Planning Commission Letter from Planning Director Ericksen submitted Rezone Recommenda- Planning Commission recommendation for rezone of tions : James C. the James C. Kirkman property , App1 . R-666-71 , Kirkman property from SR-1 to R-2 . (So . side of Sunset Blvd. NE, and Kampe Construc- between Newport Ave . NE and Bonneville Power tion Co . property transmission line easements) . Proposed use is in ► agreement with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR. PERRY OPPOSED. THE MOTION CARRIED. (See Page 4 for referral action) Kampe Construction Co . property , Appl . R-670-71 , GS-1 to R-1 , (Pierce Avenue NE between N.E. llth Street and NE 11th Place) Proposed use is in agreement with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr . Ray Ball , Sr . , 3607 N.E . 12th Street,inquired Subject of concerning the action on the Kampe rezone noting Kampe Rezone delay of time to date , dedications of property to meet right of way standards , and feeling the matter was resolved and ready for conclusion , further re- ferral now questioned. It was noted that some question had been raised by a property owner . Upon request ,Planning Director Ericksen displayed map of the area advising that 4 lots are involved, the area not adequate for requiring sub-division improvements ,but prior platting creating problems as concern rights of way ,resolved by dedications , now desirable over original proposal and approved by the Commission accordingly . It was noted the matter is now in committee and will be reviewed in its entirety with report on recommendations . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Committee of the 1 . Recommended the Mayor refrain from hiring any Whole Report replacement employees until the vacancy has been reviewed by the Council ' s Finance Committee . Personnel Hiring MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. / I9 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/26/71 Page 3. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Committee of the The Committee recommended that all monies for Whole Report the development of the Fire Training Site be Fire Training Site frozen . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, Development freeze TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. 1971 Budget Cuts Recommended that the subject of additional 1971 Budget Cuts be referred to the .Mayor and Finance_ Committee for review and recommendation . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Public Works Chairman Bruce submitted report of t11e Public Committee Report Works Committee advising that Petition for sanitary sewer LID in vicinity of SW 43rd Street Sanitary Sewer LID and West Valley Hwy . to 80th So . , was signed by S. W. 43rd vicinity owners representing 54% of the abutting frontage and 70. 4% of the total area of the proposed dis- trict , which petition is valid . It was recom- mended that the item be referred to the Legislation Committee for Resolution of Intent to Create the requested LID. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Renton Water for Concerning 7/13/70 referral of inquiry as to Talbot Hill Area Talbot Hill being supplied by city produced in Future Plans water, the Committee reported that the Six Year Capital Improvement Program for the water utility contains necessary projects for such conversion from Seattle to Renton water . Hagen request for Request of Mr . Arnold Hagen to connect Hagen 's Late Comers Hook-up Square Dance Barn and residence in the area to Denied sewer facility now serving Apollo Elementary School was investigated and the Committee recom- mended denial , the subject sewer line being under jurisdiction of Water District 90 and existing agreement with the district limited connection for Apollo school only , the State Water Pollution Control Commission approval being based on only allowing service to the new school until small lift station can be abandoned which was constructed with the sewer line extension. MOVED BY PERRY, AND SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR . MOTION CARRIED. Charges for City It was reported that the City ' s Engineering Dep ' t . Engineering In- in most cases , charges for engineering inspection fees spections which are reflected as part of total project cost rather than contractor being charged and bid being adjusted accordingly . This method has proven the best to administer. The new platting ordinance provides for inspection fees to be charged developers for utility and street construction . Restricting of Upon review the Committee finds that existing Trucks on resi- ordinance provides authority to restrict trucks dential streets , from specific streets by posting gross vehicle 10-19-70 Referral weight limit signs , per Sec . 10-117 , of Ord. 1628 , General Code of City Ordinances . Mining, Excavating This matter presently under study by the Community and Grading Ordi- Services Committee ; it was recommended that the nance , referral of subject be removed from the Public Works Committee 12/14/70 to avoid duplication of effort . MOVED BY PERRY AND SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. In-Lieu-Of-Tax The Public Works Committee is gathering information elimination and will again discuss the subject of elimination of In-Lieu-of-Tax payments by the Utility Fund to the Current Fund, at its meeting of May 4 , 1971 . /so MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/26/71 Page 4. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) J. KIRKMAN REZONE MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER SR-1 to R-2 THE REZONE TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Personnel and Chairman Stredicke submitted committee report Community Relations recommending concurrence in the appointment of Committee Report Mr . Roger I . Lewis to Police Civil Service ...r APPOINTMENT OF MR . Commission . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY ROGER I. LEWIS GRANT , TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. CH2M Water-Sewer Councilman Stredicke inquired of the Public Works Study Committee Chairman as to whether the Council will be able to expect a report soon on the water-sewer study and Chairman Bruce advised report will be forthcoming following joint meeting with the Finance Committee . Airport Board and MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THE Management SUBJECT OF THE RENTON AVIATION BOARD AND THE AIRPORT MANAGEMENT BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR DISCUSSION. MOTION CARRIED. Finance Committee Chairman Schellert submitted Finance Committee Report - Lease report recommending that the Mayor' s office be Ag. 1260-68 authorized to negotiate a renewal of the Lease Renewal with the Department of Motor Vehicles for a two-year period as recommended by the Building Department . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Record-Chronicle The Finance Committee recommended amended invoice Invoice of 2/14/71_ of $130 . 41 be authorized for payment . MOVED BY Legal Publication SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . VOICE VOTE WAS DISSENTING AND ROLL CALL WAS REQUESTED AND TAKEN AS FOLLOWS:AYE--2 : DELAURENTI AND SCHELLERT NO- 4 : GRANT, BRUCE, STREDICKE AND PERRY. THE MOTION FAILED. Stredicke recalled history of the inequitable charge as concerns publication of Ordinance 2617 (Equipment Rental Rates) , and MOVED THAT THE CITY OFFER $100 . 00 PAYMENT IN SETTLE- MENT SIJ.-F HE FELL' TH_4' PUBLICATION COULD HAVE BEEN SET SO AS NOT TO EXCEED THIS AMOUNT OF COST . THE MOTION W.iS SECONDED BY GRANT AND FOLLOWING DIS- CUSSION , CARRIED. Voucher for Con- Finance Committee Chairman Schellert noted request sulting Services in of Council President Grant for discussion of Labor Labor Relations - Relations consulting services by C. Carey Donworth C. Carey Donworth and withT:olding of payment for the presenttime , the $519. 55 Committee recommending that the balance due be funded from the Legislative Account . 31 Professional Services . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Disposition of The Finance Committee reaffirmed position that the Public Use Areas City dispose of the public use areas , retaining only alley or utility right of way easements as may be recommended by the Engineering Department . MOVED GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Perry abstained from all action in this matter being an abutting property owner on a public use area . D. L. Olson Mayor Garrett reported that the subject of the property , N.E. Olson lot was investigated and referral to the 6th & Blaine NE Legislation Committee had been withdrawn upon the Building Director§ explanation that the matter had been resolved . MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/26/71 Page 5 . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont . ) Status Report on Letter from Mayor Garrett submitted status report on Capital Improvement the 1967 Capital Improvement Program , copies being Program - Referral distributed to the Council , and his letter pointed of 4/12/71 out the need for annual review in order to better reflect current funding sources . Pre- liminary steps have been commenced toward the development of an updated program to be co- ordinated by Del Bennett to whom inquires on the new CIP may be directed. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THE LETTER AND REPORT BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. THE MOTION CARRIED . Eugene , Oregon Mayor Garrett reported that the trip to the mall visit to view in Eugene , Oregon has been under discussion and Mall in Business the Planning Department has been working up a Area presentation for the Council 's information and it was requested that meeting be scheduled with the Committee of the Whole at 7 :00 p.m. on May 3, for exchange of ideas and suggestions . Community Services Committee Member Stredicke , in the absence of Committee Report Chairman Clymer, submitted report recommending proposed Subdivision Ordinance be approved by the Council and forwarded to the Legislation Committee and City Attorney for proper legisla- tive document . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Inquiry by Stredicke Councilman Stredicke inquired concerning referral regarding swim pro- of last week of summer swim program support if gram at Hazen High the school district finds it is to be discontinued since levy defeat . Park Director Coulon reported meeting with Mr . Ballinger, Manager of Hazen Pool and the matter is to be considered further at such time as the school board takes a definite position regarding the operation . Traffic Signal Councilman Stredicke requested review of the City 's Coordination signalization along Grady Way from Renton Inn to Requested on Main the timing not being coordinated to speed Grady Way limit , volume and traffic flow. He noted his in- and along Park vestigation upon receipt of complaint and having Avenue from North to stor_ at all four lights within the short street Renton Interchange span . Delaurenti noted very good response and problems immediately resolved in this area when reported to the City . Perry urged inspection also of area along Park starting at the bottom of the North Renton Interchange . City sponsored Public Councilman Stredicke reported the successful Report to be Distri- bidder for production and distribution of the City buted April 29 , 1971 Report has assured him the publication will be out on Thursday , May 29th , copies to be available from the Record-Chronicle and Councilman Stredicke . King County Activity Councilman Delaurenti advised of letter he felt Center-Invitation should have appeared on the Agenda , Mayor Garrett to Mayor and Council acknowledging receipt of same , which extended an to attend Workshop invitation to the Mayor and Council to attend a presentation on t1B workshops regarding retarded,to be held at the South King County Activity Center in Kent on Friday , April 30 , at 1 :00 p.m . AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr . Joe Sporcic reported pedestrian hazard due to timing of traffic signal on Edmonds , noting it to Traffic Signal be impossible to cross to the safety island without at T. & R. area running to reach the other side prior to signal change, crossing from T. & R. Market area intersection . 1 5,2. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/26/71 Page 6 . AUDIENCE COMMENT (Cont . ) 1971 Budget Cuts Mr . Joe Sporcic , 1316 Harrington Ave . N.E. , inquired as to affect of budget cuts ,and noting council concern for citizens not in attendance on rezone matter inquired about those not present as may be affected by the budget cuts . Referral to the Mayor and Finance Committee was recalled it being noted by Schellert that cuts would not involve any personnel ,it not being intent to add to the unemployment rolls , but would concern material and supplies , travel , capital improvements , etc. as may be deemed advisable . King County Stadium Mr. Sven Johnson , 1520 Index Ave . N. E. , just arriving , advised of extenuating circumstances preventing his earlier attendance and advised since he was unable to secure findings , the appraisals being awaited, on the King Street Stadium plans , he could not make his presenta- tion to council at this time and postponement was requested it being his hope to be prepared next week . Referral of Mr . Johnson 's letter earlier in the meeting was recalled and it was noted the Council President will get in touch with him to schedule a time for the stadium proposal it being felt the matter should not be presented during the regular council meeting. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY GRANT, TO ADJOURN. 9:20 p.m. THE MOTION CARRIED. The meeting was adjourned. Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 4/26/71 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS CURRENT FUND 1538 1580 0311210.43 PARKS AND RECREATION 1581 1595 $7p226#46 CITY STREET x.596 1608 $151150.82 CEDAR RIVER M AND 1 1609 1610 $131 .53 LIBRARY 1611 1613 $2P176 .66 WATERWORKS UTILITY 1614 1624 $8p632.03 AIRPORT IC-25 1630 $11425.40 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 1631 1645 $1,5998 .95 FIREMEN S PENSION 1646 16F.8 $5,525 .92 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $73o478o20 WEa THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE. COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCILi HAVING RECEIVED UFPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERFD, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS, NO, 1538 THROL16H NO• 1658 IN THE AMOUNT OF $731478 -20 THIS 26 OF APRIL s 1971 • FINANCE COMMITTEE CO MITTFE. MEMBER ,LGL ; COMMITTFE MEMBER ....a.ws...esaw..wwwn.s....w.. COMMITTEE MEMBER OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF April 26, 1971 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Thursday UounciI Uriambers Committee of the Whole 4/29/71 7:30 P.m. Grant or 6th Floor Conf. Room Mayorts request to meet with Monday Presentation on Eugene, Committee of the Whole 5/3/71 7:00 P.M. Oregon visit Community Services Clymer Finance Schellert Legislation Monday 7:00 p.m. Perry 6th Floor Conf. 5/3/71 Room Personnel & Community Meeting 7:30 p.m. 6th Floor Conf. Relations Changed to Stredicke Room Thursday 4/29/71 from 4/28/71 Personnel & Community Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Stredicke 6th Floor Conf. Salary & Wage Study Relations 5/5/71 oom Transportation Grant South King Co. Activity Center Friday 1:00 P.M. Kent Retarded Activity Program 4/30/71 /.s`l s' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4/26/71 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2637 $6,000.00 WASH. JOCKEY CLUB LONGACRES REMODEL TV STUDIO 2638 55000.00 ROYAL HILLS., INC. 3000 ROYAL HILLS BLVD, CONST. P.O. BLDG. '.639 205000.00 BARBEE MILL 4201 LK. Ts ASH. BLVD. N CONST, LUMBER WAREHS. '640 145500.00 N.W. MORTGAGE 1600 FERNDALE AVE. SE CONST. FAMILY RES. ---c641 14 500.00 N.W. MORTGAGE 1550 FERNDALE AVE. SE CONST, FAMILY RES. B 2642 19,800.00 ANGELO FRANCESCHINA 501 S.W. 12TH ST, CONST. WAREHOUSE 2643 1,500.00 MICHAEL W. LEMMJN 1409 UNION AVE. NE CONST. PARKING LOT 264 . 25,200.00 E.R. COLEMAN 1100 N 36TH ST. CONST. NEW RES. 2645 700.00 CAROL DOBSON 821 N 1ST ST. REPAIR GARAGE 2646 -- BERT TACHELL 401 WELLS AVE. S DEMOLISH RES. & BLDG MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2835 200.00 JOSEPH HARKER 2201 NE 6TH PL. INST. GAS WATER TANK 2836 -- WASH. JOCKEY CLUB ,'ONGACRES INST. HEAT & AIR COND. 2837 2,500.00 PACIFIC AGRO CO. 903 HOUSER WAY N INST. TANK & PUMP 2838 112.50 ROGER ANDERSON 926 LYNl`WOOD AVE. NE- INST. GAS WTR. HEATER 2839 700.00 J. OAKEY 329 ,^1ELLS AVE. N INST. GAS FURNACE ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3257 50.00 E.R. COLEMAN 1100 N 36TH ST. TEMP POWER 3258 80.00 FRANK FEMLING , 208 EDMONDS AVE. NE UNDERGRD. WIRING 3259 25.,000.00 BOEING CO. HOEING RENTON PLANT MISC, ELECTRICAL WORK 3260 200.00 CHRISTYIS TAVERN 308 WELLS SOUTH INST. LIGHTING & EXIT 3261 400.00 N.W. MORTGAGE 1600 FERNDALE AVE. SE WIRE NEW RES. E 1262 425.00 N.W. MORTGAGE 1550 FERNDALE AVE. SE WIRE NEW RES. ;263 250.00 FLOYD CHASE 2200 ABERDEEN AVE. NE WIRE ADDITION ;264 249.00 ROBINSON LYON FOR.1-1 270 S 7TH ST. POLE METER & 200 AMP SERV. ..3265 50.00 EDWIN C. DAVIES 3517 TALBOT RD. S TEMP, SERVICE 3266 50.00 H.S. FERGUSON CO. 903 HOUSER WAY N TEMP. SERVICE E 3267 50.00 KAMPE CONST. 1103 N 31ST ST. TEMP. SERVICE 3268 50.00 KAMPE CONST. 950 N 31ST ST, TEMP, SERVICE 3269 50.00 STRAND INC. 2809 NE SUNSET BLVD. TEMP. SERVICE 3270 450.00 N.W. MORTGAGE 1608 FERNDALE AVE. SE WIRE NEW RES. 3271 450.00 FHA.—MARK SEVEN REALTY 913 N 33RZ ST. INCH. SERV.,, ADD CIRCUITS SEWER PERMITS S 1588 A.H. OLOFSON 4401 NE 10TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 1589 KA. PE CONST, 930 N 31ST CONNECT SEWER 1590 IRENE WRIGHT 3504 SHATTUCK AVEC CONNECT SEWER 1591 HOFFMAN 3702 LK. WN, BLVD. CONNECT SEWER 1592 HORMEL Sw 7TH & SENECA AVE. CONNECT SEWER FUND TRANSFERS APPROVED FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL, 1971 FROM TO CLAIMS FUND Current Fund $ 78 ,441 . 59 Parks & Recreation 32 ,537 . 57 Arterial Street 22 ,240 . 98 City Street Fund 38 ,618 . 94 Cedar River M. 7 I. 616 . 73 Library 13, 771 . 22 Reg. & St . Forward Thrust 9 ,070 . 43 Urban Arterial 76 ,022 . 73 Cedar River Acquisition 641 . 52 Waterworks Utility 117 ,070 . 46 Airport 1 ,944. 94 Equipment Rental 12 ,062 . 76 Firemen 's Pension 5 ,757. 76 $ 408 ,797. 63 FROM TO PAYROLL FUND Current Fund 173,815 . 31 Parks & Recreation 30 ,006 . 57 City Street Fund 34 ,818. 02 Cedar River M & I 730 . 00 Library 11 , 796 . 06 Waterworks Utility 23 ,604. 38 Airport 1 ,831 . 00 Equipment Rental 4 ,837. 00 Firemen 's Pension 100 . 00 $ 281 ,538 . 34 157 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING May 3, 1971 Office of City Clerk 8:00 P.M. R E F E R R A L S COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE RIBCO (River Basin Coordinating Committee) request for city participation in Water Pollution Control and Abatement Planning for Sewage Drainage Basins (required to qualify for Federal and State fund grants) Houser Way Bridge Widening, Project - Agreement for retention of Arnold & Arnold as Engineering Design Consultants Kampe Property Rezone , App. 670-71 , GS-1 to R-1 , Pierce Avenue COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE AW— Request of the Epcon Company for permit to locate sign in public right- of-way area at 77 Rainier Avenue South FINANCE COMMITTEE Funding for retention of professional services in connection with CBD Development Plan , $7 ,500 . 00 LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Park Department request for fund transfer from Cumulative Reserve Fund No . 1990 to replace ballfield and tennis court lights Vacation benefits for members of the Police Department to be set forth in separate ordinance MA YOR Recommend to Finance Committee concerning city departmental space needs , including Engineering ,as may affect Highlands Administration Lease renewal to County Agricultural & Soil Conservation Service PARK BOARD Metro notice of land acquisition which might be utilized for linear park , agreement proposed for city execution to enable Renton to participate in fund grant for further development (Former Renton Sewage Treatment Plant site and vicinity) PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Applications for licenses to operate amusement machines at Sahara Tavern , filed by Mr. Patrick Shane , Mgr. , and from Mrs . James Natucci for two coin-type pool tables at Melrose Tavern , recently acquired from present license holder, Regal Amusement Co . PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Attorney Dominick Driano request for release of easement to clear land title Bids for Union Avenue N. E. improvement project Water Resource Planning meeting, 5/24/71 at 1 :30 p.m. , Pacific Science Center, Seattle (Eames Theater) TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Burlington Northern application for city consent f,*;r construction of connecting track over Lake Wn . Blvd. in North Renton area APPOINTMENT Mr. Gary Moritz - Renton Planning Commission PROCLAMATION - NationaLlHospital Week, May 9 - 15 , 1971 , Valley General Hospital Open House RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING May 3, 1971 Office of City Clerk 8:00 P.M. Renton Municipal Building M I N U T E S FLAB SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance CALL TO ORDER and called the weekly meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF CITY Grant , Schellert , Perry , Stredicke , Clymer and COUNCIL MEMBERS Bruce , Delaurenti arriving later in the meeting. CITY OFFICIALS Avery Garrett , Mayor , Helmie Nelson , City Clerk, IN ATTENDANCE Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan , City Attorney , C. S. Williams , Chief of Police , Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director, Bert McHenry Asst . City Engineer , Gene Coulon , Park Director , Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner, Vern Church, Purchasing Director , Ted Bennett , Utility Accountant , M. Deane Seeger , Asst . to the Mayor and Bernard L. Ruppert , Building Director . MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO APPROVE 4/26/71 Meeting THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT. THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE ADOPTED Ordinance was presented by Legislation Committee NO . 2631 - Rezone Chairman Perry and read by the Clerk changing the of James C. Kirk- Zoning Classification of certain properties within man Property , Appl . the City from Suburban Residence District (SR-1) R-666-71 . to Residence District (R-2) . (South side of Sunset Blvd . , between Newport Avenue NE and Bonneville transmission Zine easements) . POVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE FOLLOWED TO-WIT : AYE-4 : GRANT, SCHELLERT, STREDICKE, BRUCE AND CLYMER . NO-1 : PERRY. Delaurenti arrived at the meeting during final vote on the ordinance . VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported Nos . 1659-1721 committee approval of Vouchers which have received except 1664 departmental certifications as to receipt of mer- chandise and/or services and the committee recom- mended authorization of payment excluding Voucher No . 1664 which the Council President requested to be withheld from payment at this time . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS Amusement Device Letter from Mr. Patrick Shane , Mgr . Sahara Tavern, License-Sahara requested license to operate 2 novelty games at Tavern 11205 Maple Valley Highway . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT , TO REFER THE APPLICATION TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT . THE MOTION CARRIED. Park Dept. Fund Letter from Mr. Gene L. Coulon , Park Director , Transfer for light requested transfer of $2 ,482 . 65 from Cumulative replacements on Reserve Fund 19901 111-533-20-63 , (Replacement ballfield and of lighting) unto Park Fund 101-533-20-23 , to tennis courts replace ballfield and tennis court lights . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT TO CONCUR Finance Committee recommending approval , WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER RESOLUTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. (See later discussion of this subject , page 6 . ) 1160Y MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/3/71 Pmge 2. COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont . ) Final Payment , Memo from B. L. Ruppert , Building Director, Acceptance and reported completion of demolitMon contract Lien Period, CAG . project by J. M . Bowen & Son , approved by 1794-71 'Demolition the Building Department on 4/.26/71 . It was of Building recommended that final payment be authorized in sum of $1 ,450 . 57 with Council acceptance on said date and commencement of the thirty day lien period , retained sum to be released if no liens or claims have been filed and upon proof of payment of all tax liabilities there- after in sum of $161 . 18. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDA- TIONS. THE MOTION CARRIED. Request for Sign Letter from The Epcon Company , Mr . Tom Schroeder, Permit and use of Account Executive , requested authorization to place Right-of-way area a sign in public right of way at 77 Rainier Ave . South as per drawings and plans attached . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE APPLICATION TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION . THE MOTION CARRIED. Request for re- Letter prom Mr . Dominick V. Driano , Attorney , lease of easement requested, on .behalf of clients Kenneth Johnson, to clear title and John and Thelma Berridge , release of existing cloud easement abandoned by the city with relocation of water lines outside the subject real property, and required at this time to complete claim on title insurance policy agains Pioneer National Title Insurance Company . Release of Easement document was attached. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY BRUCE , TO APPROVE THE RELEASE UPON CONFIRMATION BY THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE, CITY ENGINEER AND CITY ATTORNEY, OF ABANDONMENT AND ADVISABILITY. CARRIED. Bid Opening on City Clerk Nelson reported bid opening on 4/29/71 Union Ave. N.E. for the improvement of Union Avenue N. E. from Improvement N. E. 4th Street to Sunset Blvd. N. E. Eight bidders responded as per tabulations attached. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER THE BIDS TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOM- MENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. ESP Manpower Letter from Mr. Paul J . Fasser , Jr . , Manpower Program to be Administration , U. S. Dept . of Labor , Wn . D.C. extended in reply to Mayor Garrett 's request for continua- tion and expansion of the Employment Supplement Program in Washington ,advised that it is planned to extend the program, details now being worked out and Regional Administrator to be :in contact with the various program sponsors . Water Resource Letter with joint signature of Mr. Kenneth M. Planning-Meeting Lowthian , Sup ' t . , Seattle Water Dep ' t . , and Mr . May 24 , 1971 Charles Gibbs , Executive Director , Municipality Pacific Science of Metro , advised that demand will eventually Center. exceed currently available water source and it is necessary that a water resources management plan be developed for the future . Their agencies will co-sponsor such study which will provide vital information also to the RIBCO (River Basin Coordina- ting Committee) , CH2M-Hill have been selected to develop thy? plan .Required Federal Grant application .is •being prepared . Meeting has been scheduled at the Eames Theatre (Pacific Science Center) on May 24 , at 1 : 30 p.m . and interested agencies are invited to participate . Confirmation of attendance was requested as to number representing agency . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE COMMUNICATION TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION . THE MOTION CARRIED . f � Go MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/3/71 Page 3. COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS (Cont . ) RIBCO (River Basin Memo from Mr. Deane Seeger, Asst . to the Mayor, Coordinating Com- submitted copy of letter from RIBCO requesting mittee) Request for City of Renton participation in preparation of city participation water pollution control and abatement plans for in Water Pollution the Lake Wn . and Green River Drainage Basins , Control and Abate- cost to Renton projected to be $135 ,400. 00, any ment Planning for matching basis to be "in-kind" by the City as Sewage Drainage no funds are available at this time . History of Basins RISCO formation was outlined ,and 8meetings ,October , 1970 to April 6 , 1971 were noted with firm of Stevens , Thompson and Runyan selected to conduct the study based upon receipt of federal funds . The Federal Government and State of Washington will require , by July 1 , 1974 , evidence of an existing comprehensive water pollution control and abatement plan to qualify for grant-in-aid programs . Resolution and Ordinance and Agreement were attached with May 10 ,being target date set up for return to RIBCOv of which Mr . Seeger is a member. Mr. Ted Mallory , Director of Engineering, Metro , was introduced and added that the development plan is to be projected to the year 2000 in order that grants may be made available to cities and operating agencies in the basins . The 11-member committee of RIBCO ,having the one goal of produc- ing plans for the two basins by deadline date of July , 1974 , will represent a broad cross section of cities , towns and sewer districts with Metro as filing agency . Discussion ensued regarding fund disbursement and distribution to consultants , Metro and participating cities based on costs assumed and it was noted the plan information may be utilized for other studies and purposes . Perry noted if the Puget Sound Governmental Con- ference were to be applying agency cost to the City would be no more than its annual assessment . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. METRO NOTICE Letter from Mr. Charles V. Gibbs , Executive of recreational Director , Metro , reported acquisition of land project fund adjacent to the Renton Treatment Plant in Renton grant applica- and noted steps taken toward developing part of tion the site into a linear park and recreation area . It was proposed that Renton , King County and Metro enter into an agreement to enable Renton to qualify for matching funds for the necessary land acquisition and for park development work to be required therewith . Upon request , Gene Coulon , Park Director, outlined activities over the past several months relative to this project and noted Park Board inclusion within the 6-year plan of provisions to qualify for matching funds as may be available for development of the land within the channel and other areas for various types of recreation purposes . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PARK BOARD FOR RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Houser Way Bridge Proposed Agreement for consulting services of Agreement document Arnold and Arnold to design widening of the Houser Way Bridge was presented. MOVED BY SCHELLERT AND SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE AGREEMENT TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. THE MOTION CARRIED. City Consent for Letter from Mr. R ., Paul Tjossem, Asst . Vice-Pres . connecting rr Regional Counsel , Burlington Northern , Inc. , track over Lake submitted application for consent of the City of Washington Blvd. Renton to construction of a connecting track over In North Renton Lake Wn . Blvd. (Relating to removal of existing railroad tracks from Longacres area to Houser Way South . ) MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE . 161 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/3/71 Page 4 . COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont . ) Application for Letter from Mrs . James Natucci , requested Amusement Device license to operate 2 Coin type pool tables License at Melrose Tavern , purchased from present license holder, Regal Amusement Company . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. THE MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Sven Johnson , 1520 Index Ave . N. E. , Domed Stadium thanked the Council for attention given to his presentation of proposal for a King County domed stadium earlier in the evening. (See later Council action) Flood Control and Mr. I. J. Brodell remarked concerning costs Surface Drainage to subdivision developers for drainage and Studies and costs surface water controls before getting approval for subdivisions ,and inquired who was going to bear costs as concerned various studies per agenda items . Mr. Mallory- outlined the pro- posed studies ; noting no similarity to anything a developer might do but rather to establish for future years priority for water use ; water and pollution control studies to allow intelligent decisions on how land is be developed , and the third item attempting to bring joint use to an area where flood control lands might also be utilized for recreational purposes . Payment to be over a long term by all the people of the area in one way or another, Federal Funds and Soil Conservation and Flood Control , Dep ' t. , Metro and Cities participating. +� Mr . Brodell stated increase in lot size would decrease surface water problems as pavement and house space eliminates seepage and drainage of property resulting in more run-off and flooding problems . PROCLAMATION The week starting May 9, 1971 was declared National Hospital Week and open house will be May 9 - 15 ,' 1971 held through May 15 , by the Valley General National Hospital :iospital , various equipment to be displayed Week - Open House to the public and demonstrated in the lobbies at Valley General by hospital personnel . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, Hospital . SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR IN THE MAYOR ' S PROCLAMATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Committee of the Whole Report 1 . Council President Grant submitted Committee of the Whole recommendation to concur in the Mayor 's City to enjoin suggestion that the City enter into the State of Civil Action Washington TiRN'sui ' against General Motors , Civil Against General Action No . 4233. (Relates to withdrawal of t"leet Motors bidding provisions) MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. 1r� Vacation Benefits 2 . The Committee of the Whole recommended that for Members of the subject of vacation benefits for members the Police Dept . of the Police Department be referred to the Legislation Committee to prepare a covering Ordinance and that the 1972 Budget continue to reflect two separate vacation schedules . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . Discussion and dissenting voice vote ensued ,the vote ruled by the Chair to be in the negative majority , and roll call vote requested and re- sulting as follows : AYW-5 : GRANT, DELAURENTI, BRUC., STREDICKE AND CLYMER. NO-2 : SCHELLERT AND PERR v MOTION CA RR TED. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/3/71 Page 5 . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: (Cont . ) Committee of the 3. The Committee recommended concurrence in the Whole Report — Mayor 's appointment of Mr . Gary Moritz to Planning Commission membership on the Renton Planning Commission . Appointment - Mr . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO Gary Moritz CONCUR . Discussion ensued regarding prior Personnel and Community Relations Committee recommendation for denial and subsequent referral to Committee of the Whole where it was determined, no qualifications being estab- lished., confirmation was to be recommended . Dissenting voice vote brought roll call as follows : AYE-4 : SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI , BRUCE AND PERRY. NO-3 : GRANT, CLYMER AND STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED CONFIRMING THE APPOINTMENT . Annexations 4 . The Committee of the whole recommended any questions by council with reference to annexation per presentation of 41129/71 , be submitted in writing to the proper departments or to the Mayor no later than May 10 , and the Council President to schedule meeting for discussion of the subject prior to May 15 . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Professional 5 . Recommended that Council concur in recommendation Services for CBD of the Administration for Central Business District Plans in Renton and request for $7 ,500 . 00 for professional services be referred to the Finance Committee . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Community Services Chairman Clymer reported in meeting with property Committee Report owner and others it was felt existing problems on Kampe Rezone were to be resolved ,however ,in further consulta- R-1 (Pierce Ave . ) tion with the Engineering Department they - art Vet App. 670-71 unresolved and the subject of rezone of the Kampe property to R-1 was being returned to the Council without committee recommendation. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . After remarks , point of order, legal advice that regu- lations must be based on existing, not future law, and R-1 not under subdivision requirements , and comment noting sub-standard street problems , de- bated as not being before the body the subject being the rezone , whether reasr_nable and in agree- ment with the Comprehensive Plant Mr . Leroy Atwood resident of the area expressed desire to continue present pattern of curbs and gutters and blacktop now existing for several blocks to maintain a good residential area which dirt street now proposed would fail to do . PENDING MOTION CARRIED. Personnel and Chairman Stredicke reported referral of _,irport Community Rela- Board Conference attendance was in error last tions Committee week and MOVED THAT THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE Report-Daytona FINANCE COMMITTEE. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY PERRY Beach , Fla. Con- AND CARRIED. ference. Stadium Proposal- MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE COUNCIL Multi-Purpose GO ON RECORD SUPPORTING SUBURBAN RENTON STADIUM Facility , Cemetery PROPOSALS AS PRESENTED TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Road in Renton BY MR . SVEN JOHNSON EARLIER THIS EVENING , MODEL DISPLAYED WITH PROPOSED CEMETERY ROAD LOCATION, AS OPPOSED TO THE KING STREET SITE. Prior Council actions of record favoring suburban area sites were re^alled with opposition to King Street site confirmed . PENDING MOTION CARRIED. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/3/71 160 Page 6 . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont . ) Public Safety Com- Chairman Delaurenti noted recent activity in a mittee Report on nearby community regarding Mini-Theater applicants Mini-Threatrs and the Public Safety Committee is working with the Police Chief in preparing regulations and controls used elsewhere for any future need in the Renton area . Marine Patrol Additional time requested to prepare report , in- Contract for 1971 formation just being received regarding the opera- tion . Granted . Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported recommendation that Report on Travel three Aviation Board Members be authorized to Request attend the American Ass 'n . of Airport Executives conference at Daytona Beach , Fla . , May 23-26 , 1971 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO CONCUR . Dissenting voice vote brought chair ruling of affirmative majority and roll call vote as follows : AYE-4 : SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI, CLYMER AND BRUCE. NO-3 : GRANT, PERRY AND STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED. Renewal of Lease Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported com- to King Co. Ag. mittee intent to review Park Department needs and & Soil Conserv. requested the Mayor ' s Office to review requirements Service- High- of city departments , including Engineering , and to lands Adm. Bldg. submit report to the Committee which will then report in reply to request for lease renewal , as referenced . Subdivision Grant inquired as to status of proposed Subdivision Ordinance Ordinance and it was recalled the document had been returned to Council by the Community Services Com- mittee and referred to the Legislation Committee . Perry reported questions still in discussion in the Legislation Committee . Light Replacement Stredicke questioned practice of fund transfer Fund Transfer-Park for maintenance item which he felt should have Department been a budgeted item. Park Director Coulon re- called original intent was to replace the globes with funds from fees charged but council over the years decided against charging and account funds remaining were expended for the lights , this trans- action to deplete the fund an transfer no longer to be necessary . City Report Stredicke , reporting City Report distribution to Distributed to be pretty well handled , noted some areas and persons Citizens missed ,requesting to be so advised from residents and that Department Heads respond to questionaire even though paper was received by all personnel . Aroma-Pollution Councilman Stredicke requested the Building and Planning Departments to review the Code as may concern odoriferous pollution ,in and near the West city limits entering Renton , for violation of ordinance and is none , to devise some regula- tion for the offense to this sense ,scent ,smell ! AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. I. J. Brodell reported traffic problem on Traffic Signal corner of Houser Way and Sunset Blvd , forward Problem-Bronson progress to proceed west on Bronson prevented Way at rr corssing, the light turning green and left turn signal remaining green after traffic starts . This was noted to be a State signal but the City will report the problem. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO ADJOURN . THE MOTION CARRIED. MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 9 : 25 P .M. Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk 164 wARRAc,T DISTRTBUTION DATE 5/03/71 6EGIN ENDING TUTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND UESCRI PT IUN qumFkLR NUrBF- R WARRANTS CURRENT FUND 1659 1677 $41311 *78 PARKS ANU RECREA T I Ot• 1678 1686 $019 # 48 ARTERIAL STREET 1687 16€, 7 51j995o00 CITY STREET 166F< 1654 51.. .1 '55 . It1 REG, AND STRE.E'l FWD THRUST 1695 1697 $67e .5 URBAN AHTERIt-L 1698 1658 $27 .61 r1ATERN,ORKS UTILITY 1619 1704 K3 o i2 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 1705 1714 '957o57 FIREMEN S PENSION 1. 715 1721 sEjo37 . 48 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANT ; $14p954 . 60 WEA THE UNDERSIGNEU rlEh3FRc, ` h TIE C'INANCE C-Q%i" ITTEL JF THE PLt\T"N CITY COUNCIL. HAVING RECEIVE',; G-PARTMENTAL CEKTIFICATJON THAT MERCHANDISE ANG/Gk HAV1: :3EEh RECEIVED (1R PEt<GEREDs DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PA rMENT VLUCHE RS i,,O. 165 3 T HRC)UGH yr . 1721 IN THE AMOUN OF $14o954960 THIS IF MAY ) 1971 • FINAJCE COMMITTEE �.� '�rf'w,wr� Lr�i irrMrrrrw :JMMJTTEE MEMBER C04MITTF MBER wsrw�ww ....s+r wr.lrr.rw.iw.w�.s'�wrr�w'r 'MITTEE MEmE� Eir f OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 5/3/71 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Grant Community Services Friday 4:00 P.M. Clymer 3rd F1s. Conf. Rm. 5/7/71 Finance Monday 4:30 p.m. schellert 1st FIs. Conf. Rm. 5/10/71. Legislation Monday 6:30 P.M. Perry 6th FIs. Conf. Rm. City Attorney - 7:00 P.M. 5/10/71 Personnel & Community Wednesday Relations 5/5/71 7:30 P.M. Stredicke 6th FIs. Conf. Rm. Council invited, Mayor & his Assistant & Budget Clerk Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Tuesday 8:00 p.m. Bruce 4th F'1r. Conf. Rm. 5/4/71 Transportation Thursday 7:30 p.m. Grant 4th FIs. Conf. Rm. 5/6/71 Special City Shops Comdttee Tuesday 7:00 P.M. Schellert 5/4/71 C.Ti 1 May 3, 1971 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID OPENING, APRIL 29, 1971 2:00 P.M. - First Floor Conference Room IMPROVEN]ENT OF UNION AVENUE 17E. FROM N.E. 4TH STREET TO SUNSET BOULEVARD N.E. BIDDER BID BOND 31D LDL Land Development Co., Inc. Bid Bond $236,500.00 1529 vest Valley Highway North Auburn, Washington 98002 Pacific Construction Co. Bid Bond $259,772.15 121 South River Street Seattle, Washington 98108 Tri-State Construction, Inc. Bid Bond $2655995.00 3829 Bridgeway North Seattle, Washington 98103 Coulee Construction_ Company Bid Bond $274,043.85 738 Bellevue Avenue East j Seattle, Washington_ 98102 f $2704759 . 00 Bay Construction., Inc. r Bid Bond j $goo 1762 Airport Way South It Bidder ' s Seattle, Washington 98134 � abul a ti on corrected W.C. most Construction Co. Bid Bond $2 H' P31.50 8005 South 222nd Kent, Washington 98031 Moss Construction, Inc. , Bid Bond $3=.:,894.75 Box 89305 Zenith, Washington 98073 i S & T Construction Company, Inc. Bid Bond $324-,055.25 9840 Carr Road Renton, Washington_ 98055 _j r 167 i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 5/3/71 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEIRING DEPARTMENT -3UILDING PERMITS _10. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2647 $600,000.00 K-MART 440 RAINIER AVE. S CONST. BUILDING 2648 3,000.00 ALBERT H. OLOFSON 4401 N.E. 10TH REMODEL 0649 -- VIRGINIA SCHINDLER 3201 PARK AVE. N DEMOLISH RESIDENCE 650 2,200.00 PACIFIC CAR & FDRY. 1400 N 4TH ST. CONST. WOOD SHELTER 651 450.00 RICHARD A. KLEEBERGER 3517 N.E. 7TH PL. UTILITY SHED B""1652 2,000.00 EDWARD R. MELCHER 304 N.W. 2ND ST. ROUGH-IN ROOM ADDN. 2653 20.00 DONALD HOLM 1008 S 3RD ST. INST. TEMP. PARTITION 2654 -- F.H.A. 2020 N.E. 24TH DEMOLISH RESIDENCE 2655 -- F.H.A. 1311 N 28TH DEMOLISH RESIDENCE 2656 75,000.00 MOBIL OIL CORP. 3001 E VALLEY RD. ERECT GAS STORAGE TANK B 2657 12,000.00 TONY J. SCHATZ 485 RAINIER AVE. S ADD SHOW ROOM 2658 -- FLOYD WRIGHT 2305 N.E. 27TH ST. DEMOLISH RESIDENCE 4659 35500.00 CRAIG TAYLOR EQ, CO. 3100 E. VALLEY RD. INST. WINDOWS, PARTITIONS 2660 600.00 LLOYD PETERSON 1007 N 36TH ERECT CARPORT 2661 5,000.00 PACIFIC N.W. BELL 300 S.W. 7TH ST. INST. PARTITIONS MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2840 525.00 ROLLING HILLS POOL 1601 ROLLING HILLS SE INST. BOILER & WTR. HTR. 2841 250.00 A.H. OLOFSON 4401 N.E. 10TH INST, PLBG. FIXTURES 2842 4,230.00 PACIFIC ACRO 903 HOUSER WAY N INST. AIR COND. UNIT 843475.00 FRED PRICE 1130 KIRKLAND N.E. INST. WATER HEATERS 2844 450.00 FHA-14AR.K SEVEN 659 REDMOND AVE. N.E. INST. BASINS & WTR. HTR. M 2845 300.00 CRAIG TAYLOR EQ. CO. 3100 E VALLEY HWY. INST. KITCHEN UNIT & FIXT. 2846 VOID 2847 200.00 TROY L, LAUGHING 1536 VASHON AVE. N.E. INST, GAS CONVERS. BURNER "IECTRICAL PERMITS E x,272 500.00 FHA-MARK SEVE�3 REALTY 3710 N.E. 6th INCREASE SERV. ADD FIXTURES 3273 400.00 REBECCA SARGENT 2016 EDMONDS AVE. N.E. INST. NEW SERV, ADD CIRCTS. 3274 50.00 A.H. OLOFSON 4401 N.E. 10TH WIRE ADDITION 3275 250.00 ROBERT KINGEN CAFE 423 AIRPORT WAY INST. FLOOD LGT. & POLE 3276 250.00 GRIFFIN HOME FOR BOYS 2500 LK, WN. BLVD, INST. LIGHTS E 3277 7,906.00 FABRIC SHOP 2819 SUNSET BLVD. N.E. WIRE NEW BUILDING 3278 167,000.00 K-MART 440 RAINIER AVE. S WIRE SHOPPING CENTER 3279 400.00 FHA-MARK SEVEN 659 REDMOND AVE. N.E. WIRING, FIXTURES & TANK 3280 500.00 RUDY ZAPUTIL 2515 N.E. 19TH ST. WIRE NEW RESIDENCE 3281 100.00 FRED PRICE 1130 KIRKLATD AVE. N.E. WIRE 4 NATER HEATERS SEWER PERMITS S 1593 JOHNSON 1112 N. 33RD PL, CONNECT SEWER 1594 FHA-XARK SEVEN REALTY 1407 N. 26TH CONNECT SEWER 1595 FHA-MARK SEVEN REALTY 1321 N. 28TH CONNECT SEWER 1596 RENTON DODGE 453 RAINIER AVE. N CONNECT SEWER 1597 CHESTER J. KaJAL 1001 N 32ND ST. CONNECT SEWER 1598 FHA 913 N 33RD CONNECT SEWER 168 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING May 10 , 1971 Renton .Municipal Building 8 :00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Compiling various street plans into one document , coordinating with respective departments with report back to Transportation Committee . CITY CLERK Authorized to sign contract documents with L .D .L. Land Development Company for improvement of Union Avenue Authorized to sign release of easement across Block 19 , Lattimer 's Add 'n . , as requested by attorney Driano Marine Patrol Contract for Sheriff 's Boat Patrol , Lake Wn . , authorized CITY ENGINEER Department of Urban Development notice of application approval for water and sewer facility grant . COUNCIL PRESIDENT Meeting requested for Utility Department presentation regarding payment to the Current Fund and the increase in fees for 3/4" water meters Charges to the Utility Fund for Data Processing Services to be reviewed by Council at Budget Hearings COMMUNITY SERVICESCOMMITTEE Proposed changes to Comprehensive Plan - recommendations to be reported at June 7 Public Hearing Letters appealing Planning Commission rezone decision on Helina property filed by Mr . and Mrs . Fawcett and Mr . and Mrs . Agren and Gannon telegram Subject of consumption of alcohol it parks and playgrounds as allowed by new legislation passed by the Legislature as may affect the City FINANCE COMMITTEE Record-Chronicle billing for legal publication of Ordinance 2617 and letter from Mr. Fournier regarding proposed settlement Request of Street Commissioner for appropriation of excess revenues , received in the street department ,into budget to cover LID 263 costs Recommendation of City 's insurance broker , Roger Davis , that lessees provide proof of liability insurance coverage LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Rezone of Service Laundry , Inc. property from P-1 to B-1 (Ord. 2632 adopted) Police Vehicles to be declared surplus and for sale Increase in 3/4" water mete• installation fees Public Use Areas in Block 20 , Highlands Add 'n . , to be declared surplus PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Appointment of Mrs . Maxine Pearman to Board of Ethics PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Purchasing Director 's request to call for bids on first aid car PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Dept . of Housing and Urban Development notice of application approval for water and sewer fund grant MAYOR Authorized to execute : Burlinaton Northern agreement giving City consent for RR track connection across Lake Wn . Blvd. Accident investigations (EISI team investigation not adopted) referred for recommendation Authorized to sign release of easement across Block 19 requested by attorney Driano Authorized to sign contract for Union Avenue improvement with LDL Land Development Co . To proceed with Phase II of plan preparations for City Shop Marine Patrol contract authorized ( Sheriff Boat Patrol of Lake Wn . ) Public Use Areas in Block 20 , Highlands Add 'n . , appraisal and sale PROCLAMATION - May 16-22 , 1971 National Insurance Women ' s Week 169 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING May 10 , 1971 Renton Municipal Building 8 :00 P .M. City Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance CALL TO ORDER and called the weekly meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL GRANT, SCHELLERT, PERRY, STREDICKE, CLYMER , BRUCE, AND DELAURENTI. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor , HELMIE NELSON, City Clerk , IN ATTENDANCE DOROTHEA GOSSETT, City Treasurer , G . M. SHELLAN, City Attorney , C . S. WILLIAMS , Chief of Police , GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director , JACK WILSON , City Engineer , GENE COULON, Park Director , VIC TE GANTVOORT, Street Commissioner , VERN CHURCH Purchasing Director , TED BENNETT, Utility Account- ant , M. C. WALLS, Fire Chief and BERNARD L. RUPPERT, Building Director . MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO APPROVE 5/ 3/71 Meeting THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF May 3 , 1971 AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT. THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted RESOLUTIONS documents which were adopted by the Council as follows : ORDINANCE-REZONE Planning Commission recommendation was read to OF SERVICE LAUNDRY rezone Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners , Inc. PROPERTY (See later property , Appl . R-673-71 , from P-1 to B-1 , said action , Page 2) property located on Main Avenue South between South 4th and 5th Streets , the proposed use in agreement with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO CONCUR �-- WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE . Stredicke expressed concern over the zoning inas- much as a portion was to be used for parking. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO TABLE THE MATTER -,"NT-TL LATER IN THE MEETING WHEN THE PLANNING DIRECTOR , WHO WAS IN THE BUILDING , WAS PRESENT TO REPLY. CARRIED. RESOLUTION 1740 Resolution was read authorizing transfer of Fund transfer to $2 ,482 . 65 from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1990, replace field (Maintenance and Replacement of Field Lights); lights Acct . 111-533-20-63 unto Park Fund 101-53-20-23 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 1740 AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported Nos . 1722-1806 committee approval of Vouchers receiving de- LID 269 Nos. 3 & 4 partmental certification as to receipt of the Fund breakdown merchandise and/or services and MOVED THAT THE attached. COUNCIL APPROVE SAME FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY CLYNtER AND CARRIED. COMMUNICATIONS AND Letter from Mr . Richard R . Clarke , Kiwanis Club CURRENT BUSINESS of Renton , requested permission to install banner Banner Permit- over South Third Street , West of Wells Ave . So . , Kiwanis Fund to promote annual rummage and surplus fund raising Raising Event sale , May 11 - 16 , 1971 display dateland sale on the 14th and 15th . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO GRANT THE PERMIT AS REQUESTED. THE MOTION CARRIED. Valley Publishing Letter from Mr. John L . Fournier, Publisher , Company-Invoice noting offered settlement of $100 . 00 for legal 2/14/71 , Legal publication of Ordinance No . 2617 not equita;,'e , his proposed adjustment deemed fair , willingness ex- pressed to meet with the Finance Committee and to have disinterested party adjudication . Pae 2. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/10/71 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont. ) Record Chronicle Moved by Schellert , seconded by Delaurenti , to Billing for Legal adopt prior Finance Committee recommendation to Publication (Cont . ) approve the billing as adjusted by the Record- Chronicle in compromise settlement . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO SUBSTITUTE MOTION TO REFER THIS TOTHE FINANCE COMMITTEE FOR FURTHER DIS- CUSSION AS SUGGESTED BY MR. FOURNIER . Discussions ensued concerning amounts involved , original bill being $169 . 56 , compromise offer, $130. 41 and City 's offer of $100 . 00; the manner of type-setting , and party who might be eligible to arbitrate . Dissenting voice vote brought chair ruling of negative majority and roll call was requested and resulted as follows : AYE-5 : GRANT, DELAURENTI, PERRY, STREDICKE AND CLYMER. NO-2 : SCHELLERT AND BRUCE. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE 2632 The Planning Director being present , it was MOVED BY Service Laundry GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REMOVE THE SERVICE Property Rezone LAUNDRY REZONE MATTER FROM THE TABLE. MOTION CARRIED. P-1 to B-1 Stredicke inquired concerning zoning the entire parcel B-1 when part was used for parking. Planning Director Ericksen advised the rezone is to extend the plant facility and the rezone does not have Sny parking requirements which are being met othexw-rise by present operation and the laundry does in the future plan to acquire more land for off-street parking. PENDING MOTION TO CONCUR IN THE REZONE AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE CARRIED. Proposed Ordinance was read changing the zoning classifica- tion of this property from Public Use District (P-1) to Business District (B-1) . MOVED BY STREDICKE, AND SECONDED BY GRANT , TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. After final reading, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN UNANIMOUS AYES. MOTION CARRIED ADOPTING THE ORDINNACE. Vehicle Sale by Letter from Purchasing Director Church requested Sealed Bid Call authorization to declare six police vehicles Requested surplus and for sale all having been replaced with new units . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO AMEND THE MOTION TO INCLUDE REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLA- TION COMMITTEE. AMENDMENT CARRIED. ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Bid Call request - Letter from Mr . Vern Church , Purchasing Director, Emergency Aid Car requested authorization to advertise for bids on emergency aid vehicle with May 28 , at 2 :00 p.m. to be bid opening date . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. Discussion ensued concerning specification restrictions and if delay by referral is warranted. Dissenting voice vote resulted in chair ruling for negative majority and roll call vote as follows : AYE-4 : GRANT, SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI, AND PERRY. NO-3 : STREDICKE, CLYMER AND BRUCE . MOTION TO REFER CARRIED. Fund appropriation Letter from Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner , for restoration of requested appropriation of excess street fund revenues streets , LID 263 unto City Street Fund to cover costs of labor and $8 ,500. 00 equipment used in LID 263 street restoration work . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE _FINANCE COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Liability Insurance Letter from Mr. Roger W. Davis , Insurance Broker for by Lessees Recom- the City , urged that all groups leasing or renting mended city owned property or buildings ,and charging a fee to the public, provide the city with proof of liability insurance coverage . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE . MOTION CARRIED. 1 �1 Page 3 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/10/71 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS (Cont . ) Planning Commission Letter from Planning Director Ericksen was read Recommendations - reporting Planning Commission recommendations Comprehensive Land for changes to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan Use Changes to-wit : PLM, Inc. , request for change from Multi- Family Residential to Commercial , property located at 1332 S. W. 16th Street (North of Longacres and South of freeway) ; A . J. Helina request for change from Single Family Residential to Multi-Family Residential on property located on the N.E. corner am of Lake Wn . Blvd. N. and N. 40th Street; Tino Cugini property change from Multi-Family to Commercial , located on SE corner of intersection of NE 4th Street and Index Place NE, extended S'ly . Planning Commission to approve site development . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THAT JUNE 7 , 1971 BE SET FOR HEARING ON THE PROPOSED REVISIONS TO THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COM- MITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATIONS AT THE PUBLIC HEARING. THE MOTION CARRIED. Appeals of Planning Letters from Mr. and Mrs . Robert A . Fawcett and Commission Rezone Mr. and Mrs. Curt L . Agren appealed the decision decision -Helina to revise the Comprehensive Plan from present R-1 rezone status to R-3 in area bounded by Lake Wn . Blvd . on the West , Hwy . 405 on the East , 40th Street on the South and May Creek on the North , all located in North Renton . (A . J. Helina rezone request) It was noted that telegram from Mrs . Genevieve Gannon Bellingham, Wn . voiced objection to multi -family zoning in this area being owner of residence on North 40th Street. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE COMMUNICATIONS TO THE COMMUNITY �. SERVICES COMMITTEE AND TO THE PUBLIC HEARING . THE MOTION CARRIED. Water & Sewer Letter from the Department of Housing and Urban Facility Grant Development reported approval of application of the City for Water and Sewer Facilities Grant in amount of $384 ,159 . 00 . MOVED BY DELAURENTI AND SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE AND THE CITY ENGINEER . THE MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr . Tom Teasdale , 506 South 15th Street , called attention to publicised legislation allowing Mr. Tom Teasdale alcoholic beverages to be consumed in parks and Dispensing of inquired as to effect as may concern the Renton alcohol at parks facilities . Mayor Garrett noted local prohibitive and playgrounds controls for regulation . MOVED BY STREDICKE, AND SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE SUBJECT TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE . CARRIED. Mr. Sven Johnson Mr. Johnson advised of his attendance at the stadium public hearing today which has been con- tinued until next Monday . He thanked the Council for support of his proposal and ;•_r Bechtel of the Record Chronicle for the article in the paper to which he had received response from a number of persons . Most recommendations heard were against the King Street location and it was felt all sites can be considered and it is up to the County Council to approve or reject and action should be taken now to stimulate interest in the Renton site. PROCLAMATION Proclamation was read declaring May 16 , 1971 May 16-22 , 1971 through May 22 , 1971 as National Insurance Women 's Nat 'l . Insurance Week . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO Women 's Week CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION BY THE MAYOR . CARRIED. Page 4 . MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/1B/71 APPOINTMENTS Board of Ethics Letter from Mayor Garrett requested Council Mrs . Pearman concurrence in the appointment of Mrs . Maxine Pearman to membership on the Board of Ethics, as the representative of Labor . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE APPOINTMENT TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RE- LATIONS COMMITTEE . CARRIED. RECESS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO 9 :00 P .M. RECESS. CARRIED . AFTER THE RECESS , ROLL WAS TAKEN WITH ALL PRESENT AS PREVIOUSLY. No OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Initiative and Council President Grant reported the Bill for Referendum Bill Initiative and Referendum rights did not get Defeated out of the House Committee and will be dead as of midnight today at closure of the Legislative Session . O.M. C. Bill giving authority of the Council to raise the salary of the Mayor during his term in office went through successfully although an attempt to attach the initiative and referendum went down to defeat , the Democrats , except for Zimmerman voting for and the Republicans voting against . Transportation The Transportation Committee recommended that the Committee Report Comprehensive Arterial Street Plan , Six-Year Street Combining Street Plan and the Arterial Street Plan be compiled into Improvement Plans a single document and the Board of Public Works coordinate this with the respective departments and report back to the Transportation Committee . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Burlington- Recommended the Mayor be authorized to enter Northern Co . into agreement with the Burlington Northern Inc. Application for for track connection at Lake Wn . Blvd. (relating City Consent to to relocation and removal of existing tracks from Connect RR Tracx Longacres area to Houser Way South) , and that the over Lake Wn . Blvd . matter be referred to the City Atcorney to draw up proper documents . MOVEr BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . MOTION CARRIED. Recommended portion of the SISI Report regarding team investigation not be adopted but that the subject of accident investigations be referred to the Mayor ' s office for recommendation . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE , TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Public Works Chairman Bruce submitted Public Works Committee Committee Report recommendation that Council accept the low bid Union Avenue Bid of L .D. L. Land Development Co . ,in sum of $236 ,500,00, Award to L. D. L. for improvement of Union Avenue N.E. , NE 4th to Land Development Sunset Blvd . NE , and that the Mayor and City Clerk Company be authorized to execute the necessary contract documents . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAU- RENTI , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS . CARRIED. ww pw Release of abandoned Recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be Easement-Requested authorized to execute release of easement across by Attorney Driano Block 19 , Lattimer 's Lake Park Addition . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. City-owned Utility The Public Works Committee, after review of services Tax payments received by the Waterworks Utility Fund from the various city departments in the Current Fund , recom- mended continuation of payment on the same formula as is presently in effect . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, AND SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO CONCUR . MOTION CARRIED. 1i3 Page 5 5/10/71 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Public Works Recommended installation costs for 3/4" meters Committee Report- be increased from $115 . 00 to $140. 00 as of July 1 , 3/4" Water Meter with referral to the Legislation Committee for Installation Fee revision of the Code accordingly. MOVED BY Increased SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR. TF.'E MOTION CARRIED. Data Processing Recommended the separate charge to the Utility Fee. Charged to for Data Processing Service be reviewed by the Utility Council during the 1972 Budget Hearings . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR. TEE MOTION CARRIED. Committee of the Recommended the Council President schedule time Whole requested at a Committee of the Whole meeting for Utility to meet on items Department presentation concerning Utility pay- with Utility Dept . ments to the Current Fund and 3/4" water meter (Finance Committee installation charges . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED approving item 1- BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . Recommendation was questioned Utility payment to since action had been taken on the matters . PENDING Current Fund. ) MCTION CARRIED. Community Services Chairman Clymer submitted recommendation to concur Committee Report in request of the Epcon Sign Company to locate a Sign in right-of-wa.y , sign standard within the public right-of- way at Epcon Sign Co. 77 Rainier Avenue South , subject to provisions of request Sec. 4-1903 (B) and (C) of the Sign Code . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Civil Service Bill- Legislation Committee Chairman Perry noted certain Candidate Selection, legislation proposed wherein any one of three Legislation Committee highest candidates passing civil service exams Chairman 's report might be selected for a position , letter was read as directed to the A . W.C . in support of such change in the law. Grant noted AWC report that the prDposed legislation was dead .and not passed. Public Safety Ch.3irman Delaurenti reported Public Safety Committee Committee Report recommendation that contract be authorized for 1971 Marine Patrol Sheriff ' s Patrol Boat Service with $1 ,000 .. 00 funding Contract-1971 frDm Police Department Budget , Expert Services Acct . , poZice power extending to center of the Lake , rather than within the inner harbor line . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SE:70NDED BY BRUCE , TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Special City Shops Chairman Schellert submitted Shops Building Committee Committee Report & recommendation that the Mayor 's office proceed with Finance Committee Phase II of the plan preparation utilizing city Phase op FlYn staff as much as practical but retaining architect/ Preparations consultant on an hourly fee basis to provide outside expertise necessary . Further recommended that fees for such outside service be limited to $1 ,500 . 00 and said amount to be transferred from Cumulative Reserve Fund $1894 unto the City Shops Construction Fund ,* Also approved by the Finance Committee . MCVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. ,r. Finance Committee Chairman Schellert submitted recommendation that Report-Insurance the City 's Comprehensive General Liability Insurance Bid Award to Great be awarded to the low bidder , Great American Ins . American Insurance Cc . in sum of $43 ,636 . 00 , which includes employers Company ccverage as required by*action of the Legislature ir removing police and firemen from State Industrial Ccverage . * (Resulting from passage of LEFF Act) After discussion concerning bidding procedure the PENDING MOTION BY' .SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR CARRIED. 174 Page 6. 5/10/71 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Finance Committee The Finance Committee recommended concurrence Report-Public Use in Engineering Department suggestion to dispose Area Disposition of public use areas in Block 20 , Highlands Add 'n . by sale to abutting property owners, alley to be dedicated and balance of the property declared surplus . Further recommended that the matter be referred to they Legislation Committee for proper Resolution and to the Mayor 's Office for appraisal x and sale preparation . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO CONCUR . CARRIED. PERRY ABSTAINED. CBD Redevelopment Recommended the Planning Department be authorized Program & Funding to expend up tc $7. 500 . 00 from Traffic Engineer- ing Capital Improvement budgetary account , which is designated for Underground Program , expert service costs being allowed against said project . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLER T, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Ambulance -Aid Councilman Stredicke inquired concerning report Car. Ad Hoc by citizens committee regarding ambulance service Committee and Perry advised of meeting scheduled for May 25 , at 4 : 30 p .m. , 6th floor conference room , inviting attendance of those interested . Board of Ethics Stredicke noted 5-member Board of Ethics could appointment be completed if appointee were confirmed tonight rather than referred to his committee. He re- ported contacting various Locals and receiving names of candidates which he submitted to the Mayor and Mr . Bender with Mrs. Pearman having been selected . He noted qualifications per Ordinance , her local affiliation and Renton residency and urged confirmation at this time . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO RE- CONSIDER THE PRIOR REFERRAL ACTION AT THIS TIME. After point of order as to propriety of action , inquiry as to whether a week delay would matter, and discussion of qualifications and prospective interview , MOTION WAS VOTED UPON AND LOST. NEW BUSINESS Sockeye Salmon run Councilman Schellert called attention to news- in Lake Washington paper article regarding sockeye salmon run in Lake Washington . Access in Renton being the Lake Wn . Beach Park site and Cedar River Boat Launching areas , and it being anticipated that hundreds of boats would be in the launching areas , he inquired as to precautions to handle the situation , local residents possibly to be hard put to use the facilities . Mayor Garrett advised investigation and action to be taken as may be necessary . Police Guild Mr . Harold Caldwell , Renton Police Guild repre- Contract sentative, called attention to portion of the contract setting forth vacation accrual for members effective January 1 , 1972 . He noted intent as discussed with Mr . Conner, to be accrual this year and receive next year. Opinion letter from the City Attorney was read which urged clarifica- tion of intent of this area . Mr . Caldwell requested that the Guild be invited to discuss the interpre- tation . Legislation Committee Chairman Perry re- quested discrepancies be submitted in writing to his committee . ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO ADJOURN. 10:00 P.M. THE MOTION CARRIED. MEETING WAS ADJOURNED. Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk r,1 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 5/10/71 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS CURRENT FUND 1722 1785 $10#542.88 PARKS AND RECREATION 1786 1802 $2#378.64 CITY STREET 1803 1816 $2#858.53 REG. AND STREET FWD THRUST 1817 1819 $14#290.91 URBAN ARTERIAL 1820 1820 $126#601 .48 WATERWORKS UTILITY 1821 1837 $48#071 .60 AIRPORT 1838 1840 $55#51 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 1841 1860 $21577922 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $207#376.77 WE# THE UNCERSIGNEG MEMBEkS rF THE Fl-vANCE CU4MITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVE-0 CEPARTMEMTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES rAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO mom HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VGJCHEkS NO* 1722 THROUGH NO. 1860 IN THE AMOUNT OF $207►376 .77 THIS 10 OF MAY # 1971 • FINANCE COMMITTEE titin � /LA- C M TTEE MEMBER C04MITTE MBER L� COMMITTEE MEMBER r- _ j OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 5/10/71 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Grant 6th Flr. Conf. Rm. 5/11/71 Community Services Friday 4:00 p.m. Clymer 3rd Flr. Conf. Rm. 5/14/71 Finance Schellert Legislation Tuesday 4:30 p.m. Perry 6th Flr. Conf. Rm. Meet with Ad Hoc Coimnittee 5/25/71 et al, Re: Ambulance Ord. Personnel & Community Wednesday 7:30 p.m. 6th Flr. Conf. Rm. Mayorts Asst., Budget Clerk Relations 5/12/71 Stredicke & Council invited. Wage & salary discussion Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Bruce Transportation Grant OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 5/10/71 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 'IUILDING PERMITS 10. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2662 $13,500.00 KAMPE CONST. CO. 814 N 33RD ST. CONST. NEW RESIDENCE 2663 13,500.00 KAMPE CONST. CO. 3201 BURNETT AVE N CONST. NEW RESIDENCE 2664 12,000.00 OLYMPIC PIPE LINE CO. 2929 E VALLEY RD CONST. ADDITIONS 2665 29,500.00 PARKWOOD HOMES INC. 810 S 27TH ST. CONST. NEW RESIDENCE 2666 -- REVOM, INC. 351 UNION AVE. NE INST. TEMP. TRAILER OFF. B 2667 5,000.00 ARTHUR N. TORLAND 3507 NE SUNSET BLVD. REMODEL MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2848 400.00 DOR HURSKAINEN 281 THOMAS AVE SW REMOVE & REPLACE FURNACE 2849 1,500.00 VERN BOE 632 RAINIER AVE INST. PROPANE TANK 2850 750.00 RUDY ZAPUTIL 2515 NE 19TH ST. INET. FURNACE 2851 21612.00 INTERPACE CORP. 1500 HOUSER WY. INST. FURNACE 2852 300.00 INTERPACE CORP. 1500 HOUSER WY. S INST. SEPTIC TNK. & DR. FLD. M 2853 200.00 DARWIN SPRINGSTAEAD 615 MORRIS AVE S INST. GAS WATER TANK 2854 790.00 TOMMY QUES NO. 1 540 RAINIER AVE S INST. HEAT & AIR COND. ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3282 25.00 STANDARD OIL CO. 301 GRADY WY. WIRE & HOOKUP SIGN 3283 150.00 WILLIAM R. CAREY, JR. 35 GRADY WY. INST. SERVICE - VEND. MACH. 284 45.00 CHAS. PACKARD 2100 LK. WN. BLVD. N CORRECT FEED TO MOBILE HM. 285 50.00 ROBINSON LYON FORD 270 S 7TH ST. CONNECT TRAILER TO SERVICE -286 20,000.00 'WILLIAMS & SWANSON S 3RD ST. & LOGAN AVE S WIRE FLOOD LIGHTING E 3287 200.00 ROYAL HILLS APTS. 3000 SE ROYAL HILLS DR. WIRE BUILDING 3288 50.00 TOMMY QUES NO. 1 540 RAINIER AVE. S INST. CIRCUIT SIGN PERMITS S 142 11500.00 STANDARD OIL CO. 301 GRADY WAY INST. POLE SIGN SEWER PERMITS S 1599 VOID 1600 ROLF DRAGSETH 1113 N 38TH CONNECT SES ER 178 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING May 17, 1971 Office of the City Clerk 8 :00 P.M. Renton Municipal Building R E F E R R A L S CITY CLERK To notify Presidents and representatives of wage groups , negotiators Department Heads and parties involved with consideration of salaries , of salary and wage study in progress by the Personnel and Community Relations Committee and anticipated change in salary step pay plan. Requests , suggestions and recommendations in writing requested. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Finance Committee recommendation to concur in suggestion of City ' s Insurance Broker to require evidence of liability insurance from lessees of city property who charge a fee to the public FINANCE COMMITTEE Proposed Ordinance appropriating excess revenues in the street fund into budgetary accounts to cover LID 263 street restoration costs LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Board of Adjustment Ordinance Subdivision Ordinance Speed Limit on Edmonds Ave . N. E. and vicinity Ordinance requesting Continued bus service in Renton until voters decide issue of bus system operation by Metro PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE International Association of Fire Fighters , Local 864 , Mr. Wm. Henry , Jr. , Pres . , request to be included in new vacation ordinance PURCHASING DIRECTOR Authorized to advertise for bids on six 1969 Ford Sedan Police vehicles no longer of use to the city Authorized to advertise for purchase of an emergency aid vehicle TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Municipal Arts Commission letter regarding directional signing to pu1lic buildings and facilities APPOINTMENTS Mrs . Virginia Busato - Police Guild Civil Service Commission , eff. 6/1/71 Mrs . Maxine Pearman - One Year Term on Board of Ethics PROCLAMATION BUDDY POPPY DAYS - May 21 , and 22 , 1971 179 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING May 17 , 1971 Renton Municipal Building 8 :00 P.M. M I N U T E S City Council Chamber3 FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance CALL TO ORDER and called the weekly meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF GRANT, SCHELLERT, PERRY, STREDICKE, CLYMER, COUNCIL MEMBERS BRUCE AND DELAURENTI. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT , Mayor , HELMIE NELSON, City Clerk IN ATTENDANCE DOROTHEA GOSSETT, City Treasurer, G . M. SHELLAN, City Attorney , C. S. WILLIAMS, Chief of Police , GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director , JACK WILSON, City Engineer , VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Director , TED BENNETT, Utility Accountant , GENE COULON, Park Director , M. C. WALLS, Fire Chief, DEANE SEEGAR , Asst . to the Mayor and BERNARD RUPPERT, Building Director . MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO APPROVE 5/10/71 Meeting THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT . THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted RESOLUTIONS documents as follows : ORDINANCE NO . 2633 Ordinance was read amending Section 3-206 of Title Increasing fee for III, (Departments) , of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled installation of "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" 3/4" water meter relating to water service installation charges , effective July 1 , 1971 . (Increasing installation fee of 3/4" water meters from $115 . 00 to $140 . 00) .MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT , TO ADOPT ORDINANCE 2633 AS READ. ROLL CALL RESULTED IN UNANIMOUS AYE VOTE . MOTION CARRIED. PROPOSED ORDINANCE Document was read authorizing appropriation of Appropriating $4 , 000. 00 from excess revenue in the Street Fund Excess Revenues unto City Streets budgetary account 103/542-13-63 in the Street (Capital Outlay) and $4 ,500 . 00 unto 103/542-21 -33 . 02 Fund into Budget (Equipment Rental) . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY Accounts (LID 263 STREDICKE, TO REFER THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO THE Street Restoration ) FINANCE COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION 1741 Resolution was read authorizing disposition ,by the Sale of Six 1969 Purchasing Agent through public bid call ,of 6 motor Ford Sedan Police vehicles no longer suitable for city needs . MOVED Vehicles BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED . RESOLUTION 1742 Resolution was read authorizing transfer of Cumula- Transfer of Funds tive Reserve Fund No . 1894 funds , in sum of $1 ,500 . 00 to City Shop Con- unto City Shop Construction Fund for payments to struction Fund consultants in connection with new city shops . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported Nos . 1861 - 2055 committee approval of Vouchers 1861-2055 receiving (Fund breakdown prior departmental certification as to receipt of attached) merchandise and/or services , and MOVED THAT COUNCIL APPROVE SAME FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY DELAURENTI AND CARRIED . (Total of Vouchers approved , $99, 703. 85). 180 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/17/71 Page 2. COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) Alley Improvement Mrs . Marie D. Del Guzzo inquired by letter if Renton Highlands the alley bordering her property at 902 Sunset Blvd. N. E. might be opened, graded and graveled. Letter from City Engineer Wilson noted opposition by owners in previous requests , problems with re- gard to grade ,t'ie danger to adjacent improvements by cutting and slope easements involved. It was suggested petition for the improvement , signed by a majority of the owners of abutting properties be required . Letter from Mayor Garrett to Mrs . Del Guzzo was read suggesting filing of such petition with the City Council . Fire Fighters Letter from the International Ass 'n . of Fire Assn . rgquest Fighters , Wm. Henry , Jr. , Pres . , Local 864, for added vaca- requested to be included in recent change to tion benefits Vacation Ordinance . Schedule with proposed revision was listed. MOVED BY DFLAURENTI,SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE COMMUNICATION TO THE PER- SONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Municipal Arts Letter from Mr. Roger R . Richert , Chairman , Commission Sign Municipal Arts Commission , submitted suggestion Recommendations that international symbology be applied wherever possible in design of signing for directional purposes in locating government buildings and public facilities . It was proposed that city staff implement the actual design program and samples of international symbols were enclosed. MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Poppy Day Sale - Letter from Mrs . Loma Taylor , Pres . , American May 21 and 22 ,1971 Legion Auxiliary , requested permit to conduct annual fund raising poppy sale May 21 and 22, in Renton . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO AUTHORIZE THE PERMIT, TO INCLUDE THE V.F. W. POPPY SALE AS WELL. MOTION CARRIED. PROCLAMATION Mayor Garrett declared May 21 and 22 , 1971 to Buddy Poppy Days be Buddy Poppy Days and urged support by all May 21 and 22- citizens of the community. MOVED BY STREDICKE, V.F. W. Campaign SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. Suspension of Councilman Schellert having to leave the meeting Rules to Change early , rules of order were suspended to allow Order of Business Finance Committee report at this time . The report Finance Committee was read recommending concurrence in suggestion of Report - Insurance Mr. Roger Davis , City 's Insurance Broker, to require certificate to be Proof of liability insurance by all lessees of city- required of lessees owned property or buildings who charge a fee to the public. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO CONCUR . After discussion as to possible hardship on certain groups to comply and report of assurance by Insurance carriers of availability at minimal cost , it was MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE SUBJECT TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR DISCUSSION WITH THE CITY'S INSURANCE BROKER . DISSENTING VOICE VOTE RESULTED IN RULING BY THE CHAIR OF AFFIRMATIVE MAJORITY. MOTION TO REFER CARRIED . Regular order of Letter from Mayor Garrett requested concurrence in Business Resumed the appointment of Mrs . Virginia Busato to member- APPOINTMENTS ship on the Police Civil Service Commission , eff. Mrs. Virginia June 1 , 1971 , expiring June 1 , 1977 . (Replacing Mr . Busato to Police Al E. Noble) . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY Civil Service GRANT, TO CONCUR. Stredicke opposed deviation Commission from procedure set forth by Ordinance in approving from the floor rather than referring to Committee. After discussion as to factors involved in each appointment , the pending motion CARRIED. 181 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/17/71 Page 3. APPOINTMENTS (Cont . ) Mrs . Ann Beckley- Letter from Mayor Garrett requested concurrence Library Board in the appointment of Mrs . Ann Beckley to appointment membership on the Library Board , eff. June 1 , 1971 and expiring June 1 , 1976 . (Replaces Mrs. Barbara Shinpoch) MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE APPOINTMENT TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RF,LATIONS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. Chairman Stredicke stated he will approve appointments on the floor but will not play political games with appointments and another member will have to call the committee meeting. MOTION TO .-REFER CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Community Services Chairman Clymer submitted report recommending Committee Report that proposed Board of Adjustment Ordinance be referred to the Legislation Committee for prepara- Board of Adjustment tion in legal form. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY Ordinance CLYMER, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Subdivision Recommended the proposed Subdivision Ordinance Ordinance be referred back to the Legislation Committee . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. No action was taken on the Comprehensive Land Use Plan revisions , (PLM, IN,:!!. , Helina and Cugini) , it being felt such would be prejudging in view of forthcoming public hearing. (June 7 , 1971) Personnel and Chairman. Stredicke submitted recommendation that Community Rela- council concur in the appointment of Mrs . Maxine tions Committee Pearman to Board of Ethics . ;One year term) Report- Mrs. Pearman , MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR . Board of Ethics THE MOTION CARRIED. Temporary Agreement- Stredicke inquired concerning agreement proposed Subsidy of Ambu- for subsidy for city originated ambulance calls . lance Service Mayor Garrett noted no claims have been received and no report or recommendation has been :sade . Health Officer 's Councilman Stredicke inquired as to when report Duties - Report will be received from the Mayor 's Assistant con- requested by cerning duties of the City Health Officer and Councilman noted his file had also been loaned for use in Stredicke compiling such report and has not yet been returned. Mr. Deane Seeger, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor , advised that material has been requested and report is presently being prepared which r should be ready in a week or two and file will be returned . Aroma problem Councilman Stredicke acknowledged prompt responses at West City to his inquiry concerning aroma pollution in and Limits being near the West City limits resulting from a dairy resolved operation . r... Salary and Wage Chairman Stredicke reported that the Personnel and Study presently Community Relations Committee is involved in pre- under considera- liminary investigation and study as concerns salary tion. steps and wage study. The City Clerk was requested to notify the Presidents of the Employees Union 21R , the Police Guild and Fire Fighters Local and the Fire Department and anyone involved in negoti =tions or consideration of salaries , to advise the Committee of any suggestions and recommendations , particularly with regard to the 5 step pay plan and possible step revisions which the committee is presently contempla- ting . Department Heads and anyone negotiating or otherwise involved requested to submit requests in writing. t 182 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/17/71 Page 4 . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont . Ad Hoc Meeting Perry announced Legislation Committee meeting re Ambulance place to be changed from 6th floor conference Ordinance room to the Council Chambers , May 25 , 1971 at 4 : 10 p .,m RIBCO - Water Councilman Perry advised that hehas attended Pollution Control '*jL&11-e_ R a s a na_l P-.-a-�gio-vrt«<i s�-en meeting a n d and Abatement Pian discussed proposed contract concerning Ribco for sewage drainage activities and is prepared to give a report to basinsCORRECTED-REFER ' e Committee of the Whole . MINUTES OF_;'� Public Safety Chairman Delaurenti reported recommendation that Committee Report bid call be authorized for emergency aid vehicle Emergency Aid Car as per specifications prepared . MOVED BY PERRY, Bid Call Authorized SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO CONCUR . MOTION CARRIED. Bus Service in Memorandum from the Mayor 's office was read Renton-Metropolitan reporting that Metropolitan Transit Company Transit Company official has advised that application will be filed with the State Utilities and Transportation Commission on May 17 , requesting permission to eliminate bus service to Renton . It was recom- mended that a Resolution be passed requesting the Commission to provide for continued service , until the voters of King County have decided the issue of the Metro Council operating a bus system. MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER RESOLUTION AS RECOMMENDED. Concern was expressed over what might result in complete loss of trans- portation for some residents and discussion ensued regarding anticipated 1972 election on proposition for Metro Council operation of a bus system, with Metro boundaries to be enlarged to include all of King County and increase in Council Membership, it being urged that the Renton area seek ampl repre- sentation in such event . PENDING MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Speed Limit on Councilman Bruce inquired as to speed limit to Edmonds Ave. NE be imposed on Edmonds and Union Aves . , City Engineer Wilson advising 30 - 35 M .P. H. would be posted for the area . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO REFER THE SUBJECT OF SPEED LIMIT Cid EDMONDS AVENUE AND VIC1ff1TY TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr . Sven Johnson , 1520 Index Ave . N. E. , noted school zone in area of Edmonds Avenue regulates the speed limit . He reported about 50 people in Stadium site attendance at the King County Council stadium selected hearing meeting and that the King Street: site had been selected for the stadium location . Mr. Johnson inquired regarding travel voucher issue which he Travel Vouchers had volunteered to help with noting he had not received report of outcome . Mayor Garrett advised copy of statements had been furnished which was , felt to have concluded the matter and another copy would be made available to Mr . Johnson if he did Code of Ethics not have one . Mr. Johnson inquired as to Code of Ethics approach as concerned Park Board appointment , and lawsuit noted in the local paper as same might be regarded with respect to dealing with public funds . Mayor Garrett noted the reference to have nothing to do with City business . Mr . Frank Storey questioned Mr . Johnsons investigating practice . ADJOURNMENT 9 :00 P.M. MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO ADJOURN . CARRIED . THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED. Cadet Girl Scout Troup 209 , Skyway , Bryn Mawr", Lakeridge ,and LE,-.der, Mrs . Arlene Beans were visitors Helmie W. Nelson , City/Clerk 183 WARRANT DYSTRIBUTION DATE 5/17/71 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS CURRENT FUND 1861 19.19 . 6574329992 PARKS AND RECREATION 1920 1938 $44760*92 CITY STREET 1939 1960 6174380982 CEDAR RIVER M AND I 1961 1963 $45920 LIBRARY 1964 2010 654811963 REG9 AND STREET FWD THRUST 2011 2011 654+01 WATERWORKS UTILITY 2012 2029 6104559932 AIRPORT 2030 2037 6298 .60 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2038 2055 03/463943 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS 6994703485 WE4 THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL4 HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED/ DO HEREBY APPRUVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO, 1861 THROUGH NO# 2055 IN THE AMOUNT OF 5994703.85 THIS 17 OF MAY 4 1971 * FINANCE COMMITTEE e rJ�w, ^d'i'r ax arae rw r�w CUM ITT E MEMBER r•w�di�M�k�1tl /I r e � C IT EE E rw�i w rsrwrrw�w� r OMMITTEE MEMBER N OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r.�. COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 17, 1971 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Thurs . 5/20 8: 00 PM Grant Council Chmbrs. Community Services Fri . 5/21 4 : 00 PM Clymer 3rd Fl.Conf.Rm. Thurs .6/24 7 : 30 PM Council Chmbrs . PUBLIC HEARING - Mining, Excavating Ordinance Finance Schellert Thurs . 5/20 7: 00 PM Legislation Mor.. 5/24 7. 00 PM Perry Tues . 5/25 4 : 30 PM Council Chmbrs . Ad Hoc Committee - RE: Personnel & Community (Rescheduled) Ambulance Service Relations Wed. 5/26 7: 30 PM Stredicke (Ch nge in Date) Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Thurs .5/20 7: 00 PM Bruce Council Office Kampe Rezone 6th Floor Transportation Grant R f F t � 185 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 5/17/7- PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT .UILDING PERMITS ■.. NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2668 $550.00 PAN ABODE INC. 4350 LK. oTN. BLVD. is ADD REST ROOM & ENTRY 2669 19,000.00 PARKfiOOD HONES, INC. 818 S 27TH ST. CONST. FAMILY RESIDENCE 2670 101000.00 SERVICE LAUNDRY 903 S 4TH CONST, BOILER ROOM 2671 30,000.00 DARRYL C. BENSON 1801 NE 14 CONST. FAMILY RESIDENCE 2672 950.00 A.V. QUINCEY 2025 JONES AVE. NE REBUILD GARAGE 2673 2,500.00 ERNEST L. B07� ,,T 2234 NE 24TH CONST. ADDN. TO HOME ELECTRICAL PER=S E 3289 50.00 J. FP=I 211.7 INE 23RD WIRE TANK & INST. OUTLET 3290 50.00 EDUARD F. �]ELCHEF 304 NW 2ND AVE. INST. PLUGS, SWITCHES,ETC. 3291 VOID 3292 350.00 ROBERT RIVILEY 41-1 RAINIER AVE. IT INST. NEW SERV., REWIR. SIGN 3293 200.00 DAVE DOBSOTT 955 EDMONDS AVE. NE REWIRE LIV. RM, SIGN PERMITS S 113 VOID SEWER PERMITS I 601 ]KEN11ETH BROW1,1 305 svT 6th CONNECT SEWER "602 :SERO-DYNE 300 AIRPORT `r1AY CONNECT SEWER 186 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING May 24 , 1971 Office of the City Clerk 8:00 P.M. Renton Municipal Building R E F E R R A L S COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Request of the Boeing Company to place temporary sign on public property (Vicinity of 8th and Logan Streets) CITY CLERK_ Authorized to execute L. I.D. 269 Contract Documents with DiOrio Construction Company for Watermain project in vicinity of S . W. 43rd Street FINANCE COMMITTEE_ Subject of Bingo LEGISLATION COMMITTEE RIBCO request for City of Renton participation in study (Water Pollution Control and Abatement Planning for Sewage Drainage Basins) Subject of Bingo MAYOR Authorized to execute contract documents for L . I.D. 269, S. W. 43rd St . Watermain project , awarded DiOrio Construction Company Administration authorized to proceed with annexation of three parcels as proposed to the Committee of the Whole Advised by Council of its intent that $15 , 000 . 00 is to cover the life of the Police Guild Contract Personnel and Community Relations Committee report on hiring of a Cit;, Personnel Director to be filed with the Mayor for 1972 budget Mayor 's Department to prepare material for presentation to Wn . Utilities and Transportation Commission , June 7 , regarding Metro Transit bus service Invited to look over material secured by Councilman Delaurenti at Water Resources Management Planning Program PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Hiring of a Personnel Director - Re:ommendations to be submitted to the Mayor for 1972 budget consideration PLANNING DEPARTMENT Requested by Councilman Schellert to furnish copies of Policy Statement from 1965 Comprehensive Land Use Plan to newer Councilmen PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Meeting requested to discuss Code revisions proposed by Mr. Charles Shane Charles H. Jones request for No-Fee Permit to conduct door-to-door candy sale in Renton Subject of Bingo PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Bids on L. I. D. 269 , S. W. 43rd Street Watermain Project (Awarded to DiOrio---C,:)nstruction Company TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Method of setting speed limits in the City Effect of Maple Valley Highway widening and relocation on trees , etc. APPOINTMENTS Mrs. Ann Beckleu - Membership on the Libraru Board , eff. 611171 to 611176 Mr. D. W. Custer - Membership on the Park Board , 6/1/74 expiration date 187 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING May 24 , 1971 Renton Municipal Building 8: 00 P .M. City Council Chamber M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance CALL TO ORDER and called the weekly meeting of the Renton City Council to order . ROLL CALL OF GRANT, SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI, PERRY, STREOICKE. COUNCIL MEMBERS CLYMER AND BRUCE. -� CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor , HELMIE NELSON , City Clerk, IN ATTENDNACE DOROTHEA GOSSETT, City Treasurer , G . M. SHELLAN, City Attorney , FRANK HENRY, Asst . Police Chief, GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director, VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Director , BERT MC HENRY, Asst . City Engineer , GENE COULON, Park Director , M. DEANE SEEGER , Asst . to the Mayor , and BERNARD RUPPERT, Building Director . MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO APPROVE 5/17/71 Meeting THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF MAY 17 , AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT. MOTION CARRIED. COMMUNITY SERVICE Mr . Don Holm , upon invitation by the Mayor , AWARD PRESENTATIONS escorted Mrs . Muriel Barrett to the podium to receive an award placque for many years Mrs . Muriel Barrett of service on the Mayor 's Youth Guidance Mayor ' s Youth Committee . Admirable work and dedication was Guidance Committee recognized by the Mayor in the presentation , attested to by associate member Holm who acknowledged her outstanding contributions over the past 12 years in talking with and helping some 1200 kids in the Juvenile Court operations as well as other services during her term on the "c:'ay01^ 's 7nuth Guidance Committee . Mrs . Barrett expressed deep appreciation and honor in accepting the award and advised that in doing her job she bec=me very interested in the community which she feels has made manygains through its active mayor 's Committee , Juve-nile Conference Committee , Berry House and other far reaching facilities . Mr. Al Noble- Award was presented to Mr . Al Noble for his many Police Civil years of outstanding service as a member of the Service Commission Police Civil Service Commission . Mr . Noble noted his pleasure in his experiences over 7-1/2 years of service and offered any future assistance in the City 's interest . Introduction of Councilman Stredicke introduced Mrs . Lillian News writer-Mrs . Young, talented writer ,present this evening in Lillian Young representation of the Greater Renton News . ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted RESOLUTIONS proposed Ordinance authorizing appropriation of excess revenues in the street fund into the City Ordinance 2634 Streets Budgetary accounts which had been read and Appropriating referred to the Finance Committee the previous week . excess revenues Committee recommendation was requested at this time . into Street Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported Budgetary Accounts approval of the appropriation ,which was to cover for L. I.D. Street street restoration costs in connection with L . I.D. Restoration Costs 263 Sanitary Sewer project , with further reading recon mended. MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS AND AUTHORIZE THE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. After final reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN UNANIMOUS AYES CARRYING THE MOTION AND ADOPTING :T;.FINANCE No . 2634 . 186 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/24/71 Page 2 . ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (Cont . ) Resolution 1743 Resolution was read appealing to the Utilities and Transportation Commission of the State of Metro Transit Washington to deny request or petition by the Bus Service Metropolitan Transit Company to eliminate , modify , or reduce present bus service schedule to the citizens of Renton and its environs , and to set a hearing on any such petition with all interested parties notified thereof, and that service be continued until such time as other public agencies , including the Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle have undertaken and are furnishing such bus or other vehicular services . 14OVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ.MOTION CARRIED UNANI.40USLY. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT ,MAYORS OF SOUTH KING COUNTY BE FURNISHED A COPY OF THE RESOLUTION ALONG WITH `_rf'FIR STATE REPRESENTATIVES AND SENATORS. THE MOTION CARRIED. Resolution 1744 Proposed Resolution was read providing binder in connection with compliance assurance requirements Binder of City of the Land Acquisition and Relocation Assistance compliance with provisions for Uniform Relocation Assistance and requirements Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 - for Federal (HUD) installation of sanitary sewer collection trunks- Water-Sewer Grant Highlands sewer bypass - N. 6th Street Line - Lake (Relocating persons Washington Sewer - Earlington Gardens - Edmonds whose homes are Avenue N. E. and Eldon Acres Trunk . MOVED BY acquisitioned) SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKEfAllb CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 1744 AS READ. - VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported Nos . 2056 - 2176 committee approval of Vouchers receiving depart- mental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services , in total of $991 ,881 . 35 , and MOVED THAT SAME BE APPROVED BY COUNCIL FOR PAYMENT. MOTION SECONDED BY CLYMER AND CARRIED. COMMUNICATIONS AND Letter from City Clerk Nelson reported request CURRENT BUSINESS of Mr . Charles Shane for Code Revisions as concern Code Revisions amusement device licenses and referral to the requested by Public Safety Committee_ for meeting was requested . Mx C. F. Shane MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Request for No- Letter from Mr . Charles H. Jones requested No-Fee Fee Permit to Permit to conduct door to door candy sales in sell candy house Renton by a group of Seattle youths 14 and 15 years to house in Renton of age . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. MOTION CARRIED. Bid Openings on City Clerk Nelson reported bid opening on May 19 , LID 269 , S. W. 43rd for L. I.D. 269 Watermain project . Six bidders St. & Vic. Water-- responded as per tabulations attached. MOVED BY mains SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE BIDS TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Sign on Public Letter from Mr. W. 0 . Hall , on behalf of the Right of Way - Boeing Company , requested permission to place The Boeing Co. temporary billboard type sign on public property at 8th and Logan A-renue , per drawing attached. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/24/71 189 Page 3 . AUDIENCE COMMENT: Mayor ' s Youth Mr. Donald Holm upon invitation by Mayor Garrett , Guidance Committee introduced other members of the Youth Guidance Members Committee in attendance this evening including Charter Member Mrs . Mary Burns , Mr . Jack Fink and Rev. Wallace Wilson . APPOINTMENT Letter from Mayor Garrett requested concurrence Mr. D. W. Custer, in the reappointment of Mr . Donald W. Custer to Park Board membership on the Park Board which term will ex- pire June 1 , 1974 . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Committee of the 1 . Recommended the Administration proceed with Whole Report annexation of the three land areas as pre- sented by the Administration . MOVED BY Annexation proceeding SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR IN authorized THE RECOMMENDATION . Discussion ensued as to school district boundaries to L,-,e effected and map was requested for display as had been agreed upon in committee . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO TABLE THE MATTER UNTIL ;AP IS SECURED LATER IN THE MEETING . CARRIED . Police Guild 2 . Recommended the Mayor be advised of Council Contract intent that $15 ,000 . 00 will cover the life of the present Police Guild Contract . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. (Request for additional money or comp time anticipated) RIBCO request for 3 . Recommended that RIBCO (River Basin Coordina- City participation ting C;mmittee) request (for city participa- in study tion in Water Pollution Control and Abatement r Planning for Sewage Drainage Basins , 5/3/71) be referred to the Legislation Committee . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. Bingo Legislation 4 . Recommended that the subject of Bingo be Pending referred to the Public Safety Committee , the Finance Committee and the Legislation Committee for recommendations . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BRUCE, TO CONCUR . After discussion as to date effective , veto of portions of legislative docu- ment by the Governor and possible mode of imple- mentation through election, the PENDING MOTION CARRIED. Personnel Director 5 . Recommended that the hiring of a Personnel for City of Renton- Director and a Director of Public Relations Referred for 1972 be referred to the Personnel and Community budget recommendation Relations Committee for recommendation to the Mayor in time for the 1972 budget . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THE POSITION OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC RELATIONS BE STRICKEN AND THAT THE RECOMMENDATION BE AMENDED ACCORDINGL' AMENDMENT CARRIED. MOTION TO REFER MATTER , AS AMENDED,CARRIED. Annexation matter MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, ITEM 1 taken from table OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT BE TAKEN Item 1 . , Committee of FROM THE TABLE. CARRIED. Maps were distributed the Whole Report and displayed with proposed boundaries pointed out by Planning Director Ericksen. Discussion ensued during which time the City Attorney advised that any area presently before the Boundary Review Board or included in annexa- tion proceeding of another Municipality may not be included in a second action . l 4. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/24/71 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont . ) Committee of the MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, if any Whole Report portion of area on map is already under considera- Item 1 , (Tabled tion for annexation , council delete same and the earlier) on Planning Commission redraw the maps accordingly. Annexation During discussion concerning boundaries , it was noted that proposed annexations , by electibn ,comprise 2 , 735 acres and 3,651 persons . Dissenting voice vote on the motion brought roll call as follows : Nos-3 : Stredicke , Clymer and Bruce . Ayes-3 : Schellert , Delaurenti and Perry . Grant Abstained . Mayor Garrett voted no and the motion lost . THE ORIGINAL MOTION TO CONCUR WAS VOTED UPON AND CARRIED. Personnel and Committee member Grant reported majority recommenda- Community Rela- tion to concur in the appointment of Mrs . Ann tions Committee Beckley to membership on the Renton Library Board, Report-Appointment effective June 1 , 1971 and expiring June 1 , 1976 . of Mrs . Ann Beckley MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Public Works Chairman Bruce recommended that low bid of Di Orio Committee Report Construction Company , in sum of $78 ,592 . 50 , be Bid Award, LID 269 accepted on LID 269 Watermain Project , S . W. 43rd S. W. 43rd Street Street and vicinity . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND Watermains BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. Kampe Rezone The Committee requested more time on the Kampe property Rezone matter. Granted Legislation Com- Chairman Perry noted consideration being given mittee Report on to combining in a single ordinance the speed Speed Limits limit for Edmonds Ave . N. E. and vicinity and to include other specially designated speed limits on streets which have been effected by the new grid system name changes . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THE METHOD OF SETTING SPEED LIMITS IN THE CITY BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Comprehensive Lan,1 Councilman Schellert requested that the Planning Use Plan-Policy Department furnish copies of the Policy Statement Statement from the 1965 Comprehensive Land Use Plan to the newer Councilm9n prior to the June 7th hearing. Wn . Utilities and MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE Transportation MAYOR'S DEPARTMENT PREPARE MATERIAL FOR PRESENTA- Commission Hearing TION AT THE JUNE 7 HEARING TO BE HELD BY THE WN. on Bus Service UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION REGARDING METROPOLITAN TRANSIT BUS SERVICE. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Meeting on Water Councilman Delaurenti reported attendance ,with Resources Mangge- City Engineer Wilson ,at meeting at the Pacific went Planning Science Center on Water Resources Management Study , sponsored by Metro and the City of Seattle Water Department . Topics were Need, Ribco , scope of study , type of waters , (ie . storm, navigable , drinking , etc. ,,)and degree of pollution , and the financing. Public Hearings will be held for cities in the two basins ; maintaining supply , pollution control and drainage being of interest to all . The Mayor was invited to look over materials received along with his assistant . Maple Valley Hwy . Loss of trees along Maple Valley Highway in Golf Relocation Course area Was discussed in connection with the Maple Valley Highway widening and relocation project , public hearings on which were attended even though the area is outside the city limits , and it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER THE SUBJECT TO THE TRANSPORTA�'ION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO ADJOURN. 9 :10 P.M. CARRIED. The meeting was adjourned. 1 ��1 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 5/24/71 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS CURRENT FUND 2056 2095 $7* 145.74 PARKS AND RECREATION 2096 2107 $34j936o95 r. CITY STREET 2108 2119 $7j507 .33 CEDAR RIVER r AND I 2120 2120 $125.00 LIBRARY 2121 2121 $98.04 REG. AND STREET FWD THRUST 2122 2124 $82.00 URBAN ARTERIAL 2125 2127 $738900 WATERWORKS UTILITY 2128 2139 $10j308.55 AIRPORT 2140 2143 $928.29 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2144 2163 $24j485 .53 FIREMEN S PENSION 2164 2176 $51526092 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $91P881 .35 WEi THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COIMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCILi HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT "" MERCHANDISE ANO/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS N0• 2056 THROUGH NO• 2176 IN THE AMOUNT GF � sp91,#-881 35 THIS 24 OF MAY i 1971 • f FINANCE COIMITT 1 0 Irl EE MEMBER o \} ColliMITTEE MBER 1� l .wr.lw=nig w�l••.wr.w•.....�rs:. C0 1MITTEE MEMBER CS: OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 24 , 1971 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Thurs.5/27 7 : 30 PM Grant 2nd Fl.Conf.Rm. Community Services Fri. 6/4 4 :00 PM Clymer 3rd FI.Conf.Rm. Finance Schellert Legislation (Ad Hoc Committee Thurs .5/27 4 : 30 PM Perry Council Chamber Ambulance Service Changed from Tues. 5/25 Personnel & Community Wed. 5/26 7 : 30 PM Stredicke 6th Fl.Conf.Rm. Relations Wed. 6/2 7 : 30 PM Stredicke 6th Fl.Conf.Rm. Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Bruce Transportation Grant 5/2V7 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID OPENING, MAY 19, 1971 2:00 P.M. e- First Floor Conference Room L.Z.D. 269 The Furnishing and Installing of a 1911 Ductile Iron Water Maar in S.W. 43rd St. from Oakdale Avenue S.W. to SR181 (West Valley Highway) and SR181 from S.W. 43rd St. North to the City of Renton and Tukwila City Limits. VBID BOND BID onstruction Company Bid Bond $78,592.50 th 200th Washington 98188 in _ Construction Co. Inc. Bid Bond $?9,167.90 r .dge Way S.W. Seattle, Washington 98106 Sa and Construction,, Inc. Bid Bond $80,779.65 P. 0. Box 757 Bothell, Washington 98011. Frank Coluccio Construction Company Bid Bond $88,753..25 7778 Seward. Park Avenue S. Seattle, Washington 98118 ._ ftDonough Construction Company Bid Bond $90,616.05 13249 Northrup Way Bellevue, Walton 98005 Pacific Paving Co., Inc. Bid Bond $93,221.63 121 S. River Street Seattle, Washington 98108 Bids include 5% Sales Tax. /f� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 5/24/71 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS Now N0, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2674 $5,000.00 ANTHONY PORCELLO 955 EDMONDS AVE. NE FIRE DAMAGE REPAIRS 2675 1,900.00 EILEEN COLEMAN 112 S 3RD FIRE DAMAGE REPAIRS 2676 1,100.00 ERNESTO BAREI 316 WELLS AVE. S STONE FRT., FENCE, ASPHALT 2677 665.00 ED DUNN 1507 BROOK ST. DEMOLITION OF RESIDENCE 2678 665.00 ED DUNN 1501 BROOK ST. DEMOLITION OF RESIDENCE B 2679 665.00 ED DUNN 1513 BROOK ST. DEMOLITION OF RESIDENCE 2680 26,000.00 PARKWOOD HOMES, INC. 1922 JONES CT. CONST. RESIDENCE 2681 -- C.J. MARIANI S 7TH & SHATTUCK S DEMOLISH BLDG, ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3294 625.00 AERODYNE, INC. 300 AIRPORT WAY WIRE HANGER 3295 1,200.00 CITY OF RENTON CARCO THEATER INST. DIMMER PANEL 3296 1,500.00 CITY OF RENTON CEDAR RIVER PARK INST. 5 LIGHT POLES 3297 250.00 RUSSELL BAINTER 512 GRANDY WAY NE WIRE NEW SERVICE 3298 -- FHA—MARK SEVEN REALTY 3001 SE 5TH INST. NEW SERV., HEAT E 3299 13,353.00 OLYMPIC PIPE LINE CO. 2929 E VALLY. RD. SUBJECT TO PLANS APPROVAL 3300 200.00 CRAIG TAYLOR EQUIP CO. 3100 E VALLY. RD. INST. FIXTURES 3301 150.00 LABONTE RAMBLER 330 MAIN AVE. S WIRE NEW SIGN 3302 400.00 BERT AMES 1609 JONES AVE. NE NEW SERVICE, BASEMT. 3303 250.00 CITY CENTER MOTEL 112 S 3RD REWIRE FROM FIRE D MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2855 140.00 HILDEGARD PATTERPIN 803 N 33RD ST. INST. WATER HEATER 2856 1,200.00 ATLANTIC RICHFIELD 3123 SUNSET BLVD. NE INST. GASOLINE TANK 2857 11000.00 DARRYL BENSON 1801 NE 14TH INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2858 345000.00 K—MART STORE 440 RAINIER AVE. S INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2859- 1,490.00 GENE SARTORE 1403 N 36TH ]NST. PLBG. & FIXTURES M 2860 900.00 FHA 3301 SE 5TH REMODEL PLUMBING 2861 1,000.00 ALEC BACKAMUS 2813 SUNSET BLVD. NE INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2862 800.00 ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE 707 S 3RD ST. INST. OIL CONVERSION UNIT SEWER PERMITS S 1603 ROALD A. MELVER 2712 JONES AVE. NE CONNECT SEWER 1604 L.B. BENNETT 2616 JONES AVE. NE CONNECT SEWER 1605 DANIEL WINCHESTER 1625 EDMONDS AVE. NE CONNECT SEWER a '. 195 FUND TRANSFERS APPROVED FOR THE MONTH OF MAY, 1971 FROM TO CLAIMS FUND Current Fund $ 79 ,330 . 32 Parks & Recreation 42 ,995 . 99 Arterial Street 1 ,995 . 00 City Street 29 ,502 . 09 Cedar River M & I 170 . 20 Library 5,909 . 67 Street Forward Thrust Fund 14 ,494 . 07 Urban Arterial 127 ,367 . 09 u.. Waterworks 69 ,222 . 59 Airport 1 ,282 . 40 Equipment Rental 31 ,083 . 75 Firemen"s Pension 10,563 . 40 $ 413 ,916 . 57 , FROM TO PAYROLL FUND Current Fund $ 173 ,015. 07 Parks & Recreation 30 ,632 . 48 City Street 34,802 . 98 Cedar River M & I 730. 00 Library 11 ,924. 74 Waterworks 23,593. 83 Airport 1 ,831 . 00 Equipment Rental 4 ,837 . 00 Firemen 's Pension 100. 00 $ 281 ,467 .10 RENTON CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING June 2 , 1971 Renton Municipal Building 8 :00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance CALL TO ORDER and called the special meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF GRANT, BRUCE, CLYMER, STREDICKE, PERRY AND COUNCIL MEMBERS DELAURENTI. ABSENT : SCHELLERT. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY AND CARRIED,TO EXCUSE THE ABSENT COUNCILMAN. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT , Mayor , GWEN MARSHALL , Deputy City IN ATTENDANCE Clerk , G . M. SHELLAN, City Attorney , JACK WILSON, City Engineer , DEL BENNETT, Public Works Adminis- trator, DEANE SEEGER, Manor 's Assistant and WES CREWS , Asst . Building Director . OTHERS PRESENT MR . PAUL CLAYTON , Regional Manager , Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission MR . LARRY COFFMAN, Representative of the Puget Sound Governmental Conference MR . RAY JOHNSON, Executive Director, Renton Chamber of Commerce There were also 42 other citizens present . PURPOSE OF THE Mayor Garrett advised that the special meeting had SPECIAL MEETING- been called to discuss bus transportation for the BUS TRANSPORTA- City in view of request of Metropolitan Transit TION FOR RENTON to discontinue the service . Actions by Del Bennett , and Deane Seeger in pursuance of the matter were noted by the Mayor and written reports were submitted for reading upon MOTION BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE AND CARRIED. Seattle Transit Report of Mr. Bennett advised of discussion with Mr. System Lloyd Graber , Director of Seattle Transit, regarding bus service for Renton wherein it was stipulated that any additional area would need to be subsidized. Possible shuttle system with Metropolitan Transit and pick up at Renton and Henderson Avenues had been a suggestion however , additional buses would be required and the Seattle Transit Commission would not favor increase in its present deficit . Cost to individuals would be 35,� to Seattle in addition to cost Metropolitan charged for service to pick up point . It was concluded that Seattle Transit 's operating costs are higher than Metropolitans and any subsidy would likewise be higher. Greyhound Bus Mr. Seeger ' s report advised of contact with Mr. Company Snyder of the Greyhound Bus Company who advised his company was withdrawing from all commuter type run; throughout the country at present and would not be interested in providing the service as it is too costly . Trailways of Bend , Mr. Seeger 's report indicated contact with Mr. Bill Oregon Niskanan , President of Trailways in Bend , Oregon who was advised they are looking at other areas in the State and will commence service to Bothell on June 7 , however, no plans or studies have been made for Renton or neighboring areas and nothing could be done at this time prior to study , etc. Metropolitan Councilman Stredicke acknowledging presence of Transit Corp. company representatives requested cost verifica- tion for shuttle service as discussed at prior meeting. Mr. Paul Clayton advised he would like a discussion with someone familiar with the City accounting and would need to know what service the City would require and he could then give costs . 197 MINUTES - SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/2/71 Page 2 . BUS TRANSPORTATION FOR RENTON Mr. Clayton noted tentative schedule drawn in haste for the Council was for shuttle service in areas of the Renton Highlands , President Park , Park Avenue and over to Henderson and such operation would be the same cost per day as going on into Seattle . Cost for two buses about $95 . 00 per day each plus driver costs . Revenue was estimated at $100. 00 per day from local trips and $120 . 00 if proceeding on into Seattle with two morning and two after- noon trips but he did feel about a 30% loss of patronage could result due to curtailment of bus service frequency and projections based on 300 persons riding. Commenting on his notes from prior meeting, Councilman Stredicke noted shuttle service estimates of $179. 00 with revenue of $100 . 00 or $79. 00 loss per day or with additional revenue on round trip of $120 . 00 total , loss of $59 . 00 per day. Mr . Clayton noted proposals had been prepared in two hours and were the best possible to be devised within that time limit. He recalled some intra-city service had also been suggested, perhaps to South Center, stating his company could no longer operate on its own and loss estimated at about $59. 00 per day of $3,500. 00 per month . He expressed willingness to work with the City to provide service it may want but noted his company cannot put any more money into the operation . Upon inquiry by Perry as to how costs are determined , Mr. Clayton advised costs are based upon breakdown of revenue and cost of system operation per mile (500 plus driver costs) . He advised that for $185. 00 per day the service discussed can be provided with the City deriving benefit of all revenue that comes in , estimated to be $120. 00 or ?getter per day . Upon city determination of what is desired his company could draw up an agreement within two days , it being desirable that someone from Renton coordinate their responsibility with the City. Councilman Perry noted appropriation for total funding and budgeting thereof must be effected before the city can enter into any contractual service agreement and some in-depth study may be warranted as might concern city operation . Councilman Stredicke admonished the State Utilities and Transportation Commission for decision not to hold a hearing as figures then would have been available for council to see . Bus service a matter of dire importance to some citizens in regard to jobs and homes he noted if immediate service is not provided those persons will find other transportation in which case losses would be greater than $59 . 00 . He cautioned against action without adequate informa- tion inquiring if the school district had been contacted concerning possible lease . Mr. Larry Coffman , representing the Puget Sound Governmental Conference pointed out that State Funding would be available cutting cost figures in half. He felt Mr . Clayton 's estimates were tightly controlled and in advisory capacity , the pSGC not have authority to put service into operation , urged the council to keep in mind the importance of continuity of service which any study might interrupt . Discussion ensued regarding eligibility of municipalities to receive aid under certain conditions . TES - SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING "P g e 3. BUS TRANSPORTATION FOR RENTON (Cont . ) Stredicke noted once service stops customers are lost and there is some question whether the City can regain funds expended for trans- portation without being in the transportation - ., business , assumptions also being based upon '' '„ voter approval of future operation of bus service by Metro. He recalled that Metro has not had a good record in Renton and questioned expending of public funds for a few people even though critical need exists . Delaurenti felt the council must consider the city as a whole having lived here for 50 years and always having had some kind of transporta- tion , whether representing one or 26 thousand he ;,rould hate to lose it entirely now. Grant agreed noting the city provides services of varied nature one concerning humane society contractual services for picking up of dogs and cats . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE MAYOR AND CITY ATTORNEY, WITH WHATEVER HELP NEEDED, GET TOGETHER WITH METROPOLITAN TRANSIT AND PREPARE AGREEMENT PROPOSALS TO PROVIDE BUS TRANSPORTATION FOR THE CITY, AND REPORT BACK TO THE COUNCIL. THE MOTION CARRIED. It was urged by Clymer that Mr. Grabner be asked to assist in this regard , the Mayor advising he was to be contacted. Stredicke inquired of the City Attorney if the motion will involve legal technicalities insofar as the City taking such action and if the County could jointly enter into the operation . City Attorney Shellan advised most actions by the City involve legal complications , the motion being for someone to come up with a concrete proposal to be voted upon by council . Concerning the County jointly operating with the City , the County has requested an Attorney General ' s opinion which takes time to brief and no reply has yet been received . Mr. Shellan proposed the bus company submit various plans as to time pick-up and designation points , intra-city service and responsibility which should provide the best possible service for making it available to the most number of riders , to be based upon past experience- and then Council to make determination whether to have for 12 months , 5 days , or otherwise and then council must determine fares to be charged . Information will then be put into legal form and submitted to council for approval at a regular meeting and referral to Finance Committee for funding . Weeks notice of termination clause to be included . Stredicke suggested if public funds are to be expended full service basis should be considered as well as temporary and limited service program. Discussion ensued concerning number of patrons and location of stops . Metro Transit driver in the audience noted he had made his last stop for 3 persons at 76th and Rainier with 27 persons aboard from Renton and 37 total passengers . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO RECESS THE MEETING UNTIL FRIDAY, JUNE 4 , 1971 AT 4 : 30 P.M. CARRIED. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 8 : 55 P.M. 199 RENTON CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING June 4 , 1971 Renton Municipal Building 4 : 30 P.M. Council Chambers • M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett called the special meeting of the Renton City Council to order noting same to be a continuation of the recessed meeting of June 2 , held for the purpose of discussing bus transporta- tion for the City in view of proposed termination of such service by Metropolitan Transit Corporation as of June 6 , 1971 . ROLL CALL OF GRANT, BRUCE , CLYMER , STREDICKE, PERRY, DELAURENTI , COUNCIL MEMBERS AND SCHELLERT. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor , GWEN MARSHALL , Deputy City IN ATTENDANCE Clerk , G . M . SHELLAN , City Attorney , DEANE SEEGER , Mayor 's Asst . , and DEL BENNETT , Public Works Adm. OTHERS PRESENT The Mayor introduced the Hon . ALBERT N . SHINPOCH, State Representative , 47th Dist . , and also present was MR . KAY JOHNSON, Executive Director of the Renton Chamber of Commerce and a number of citizens . DOCUMENTS READY Mayor Garrett advised that the necessary documents FOR ADOPTION have been prepared to implement continuation of bus service for Renton , including Ordinance appropriat- ing funds/establishing budgetary account ; Lease Agree- ment between the City and Metropolitan Transit Corp. , and Resolution authorizing execution of the agreement . BUS SERVICE Attention was called to letter from Mr . Del Bennett , PROPOSALS transmitting proposed bus schedules developed with Mr . Grabner and Mr. Clayton , providing for full and alternate limited services . CITY OR KING Mayor Garrett called attention to articles in the COUNTY OPERATION Press reporting meetings by King County on bus service , and 4 : 20 p.m . development when call from Mr . Ray Sorenson of Metro confirmed that the County Council will meet in special session on Monday , June 7 , at 9 : 30 a .m. and if Ordinance is passed Metro will continue its present schedule by Agree- ment with King County . Delaurenti inquired as to assurances of County action and the Mayor advised in talking with County Councilman Dave Mooney of Kent and Mr . Collins of Director Spellman 's office , he received anticipated confirmation of passage of the legislation whereby the County will assure the continuation by Metro of the present bus service schedule for all areas . The bus company on its own will run buses on regular schedule on Monday . In view of these current events , Mayor Garrett recommended that the Renton City Council take no further action at this time but await action by the King County Council on Monday and proceed accordingly; as may be required, at the regular Renton City Council meeting of June 7 . Councilman Stredicke recalled his prior assertion that bus service was a regional problem and that the County should therefore assume the major responsibility and urged that the city offer such assistance as may be required . The Mayor noted that every effort is being made to assure the best transportation possible and , outlining actions taken by his office to date , advised of intention that the City be represented at further meetings to offer assistance and to wort: out ar _, problems which may arise . 200 MINUTES - SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 4 , 1971 (Continued from June 2 , 1971 ) Page 2. Bus Transportation MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE MAYOR TO DELAY ACTION UNTIL THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 7 , 1971 . Stredicke requested legal opinion whether City assumption of service would include jurisdiction and control of all service including to Longacres and to the valley , in event the County does not act favorably . Upon request by Schellert audience comment was invited prior to the vote . As there was none , question was called for. PENDING MOTION TO DELAY ACTION CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY SECONDED BY GRANT, TO ADJOURN. Stredicke requested reply to his inquiry concerning service to Longacres and an assurance of service if the County does not assume same . City Attorney Shellan called attention to opinion letter he had written with copies furnished the Council and to agreement an documents to be considered on Monday ,drawn within 24 hours notice , advising he had done no further research than as pertains to those matters , no legal problems further anticipated. He advised with proper lease the city can enter into considerations with other municipalities or parties and the City has the right to lease buses for public transportation intra and inter-city which includes Longacres , it being in the City . THE MOTION TO ADJOURN WAS VOTED UPON AND CARRIED. Meeting was adjourned at 4 :45 p.m. Gw,vn Marshall , Deputy City Clerk 201 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING June 7 , 1971 Office of the City Clerk 8 :00 P.M. Renton Municipal Building - R F P E R R A L S COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Department of Labor and Industries report on Case #0-809 , City vs . Local 21R COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Change of Comprehensive Land use from High Density Multi-Family Res.:: dentia! to Commercial requested by :'r. Tini Cugini for property located at SE corner of NE 4th Street and Index P1 . N. E . , extended southerly FINANCE COMMITTEE Fund participation by the ,ity for bus transportation Purchasing Agent 's recommendations on surplus vehicle bid awards (Concurred) Fees awarded in Dillingham Condemnation Court Case , $55 ,526 . 42 (Lake Wn . Beach Park property acquisition) with $ 3 ,142 . 25 needing appropriation LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Comprehensive Land Use change on P • L M. , Inc . property , 1332 SW 16th St . , from Multi -Family Residential to Commercial Request of Fire Chief for $6 ,000. 00 appropriation of excess revenues into Fire Control budgetary account to maintain departmental manpower MAYOR City financial participation in bus transportation Mail box locations PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE To work with Mayor in filling vacancies resulting from resignation of Mr. Washburn , Fire Civil Service Commission and Mr. Toschi , from the Renton Housing Authority PLANNING COMMISSION Location of mail boxes in the City PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Bids on emergency first aid vehicle (Awarded Valley Motors) APPOINTMENTS AWC VOTING DELEGATES - Mayor Garrett and Councilmen Clymer and Schellert MEETINGS AND EVENTS July 19 , 1971 - Public Hearing on LID 273 , Sanitary Sewers , S. W. 43rd St . 202 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING June 7 , 1971 Office of the City Clerk 8 :00 P.M. Renton Municipal Building M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance CALL TO ORDER and called the weekly meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF GRANT, SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI, PERRY, STREDICKE, COUNCIL MEMBERS CLYMER AND BRUCE. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor , HELMIE NELSON, City Clerk IN ATTENDANCE DOROTHEA GOSSETT, City Treasurer, G . M. SHELLAN, City Attorney , JACK WILSON, City Engineer, M . C. WALLS , Fire Chief, C. S . WILLIAMS , Chief of Police , GORDON ERICKSEN , Planning Director , VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Director , GENE COULON, Park Director , VIC TE GANTVOORT, Street Commissioner , DEL BENNETT, Public Works Administrator , DEANE SEEGER , Mayor 's Assistant , PAUL HOUSER , Municipal Judge and B. L. RUPPERT, Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STRF,DICKE , TO APPROVE Meetings of 5/24 , THE .MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS REGULAR MEETING OF and 6/2/71 5/24/71 AND THE SPECIAL MEETING OF 6/2/71 AS PRE- PARED AND MAILED OUT. THE MOTION CARRIED. COMMUNITY SERVICE The 'on . Albert N. Shinpoch , State Representative , AWARD PLACQUE upon invitation by the Mayor, escorted his wife , Mrs . Barbara Shinpoch , to the podium where an award Mrs . Barbara was presented for services as a member of the Shinpoch , Renton Library Board. Dedicated contribution was reco,g- Library Board nized by the Mayor who expressed regret that the presentation could not be an event of the future . Mrs . Shinpoch expressed sincere thanks noting her 5 year term had expired and that the opportunity of serving had given her an understanding concerning expending of public funds that she had not been cognizant of during her 20 years in political life . She felt the library is in good hands with a good board, staff and director and deemed it her pleasure to have been of service . PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set , and notice having been Revisions to properly posted and published as required by law, Comprehensive the hearing on requests for changes to the City ' s Land Use Plan Comprehensive Land Use Plan was declared open . The Mayor invited Planning Director Ericksen to conduct presentation on the subject . Maps of the areas were displayed and film slides of each specific property and adjacent lands were shown . Planning Commission and study committee recommenda- tions were reviewed along with actions from public hearing meetings of April 14 and 28 , 1971 , copies of which were furnished the Mayor , Council , et al for this meeting. P. L.M. , INC. Slides of the property ,located at 1332 S. W. 16th From Multi-Family Street , and vi�7inity were shown and the specific Residential to area in vicinity of Longacres Race Track pointed um Commercial Use out on wall map. Res•.:me of the history noted same Requested to be north of Longacres and South of the freeway and prior use for Mobile Home Park , now proposed for Commerical use (restaurant) . Two trailers remain which are to be removed. Planning Commission and study committee recommendations to grant the request for change to Commercial use were read and noted to have received unanimous consent of the Commission . This _,se is- felt to allow the area to develop in the most compatible manner with the presently existing uses . 203 ' MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/7/71 Page 2. PUBLIC HEARING : Revisions to Comprehensive Land Use Plan (Cont . ) P.L.M. , INC. Councilman Schellert requested review of PROPERTY the Plan and its purposes . Mr . Ericksen noted the plan encompasses many factors including population study , mapping, land use survey , arterials and streets , community facilities and utilities , etc. When change is proposed it includes looking at the area on a comprehensive basis along with the surrounding properties and after study of the various facets ,determining effect of change on other properties as may concern the future development of the area and the long-range development of the city as a whole . Councilman Stredicke inquired concerning utilities and City Engineer Wilson advised the 8" sewer and 12" watermains should be adequate for any reasonable future development . Audience comment was invited and as there was none , it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CLOSE THE HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR IN THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDA- TION TO APPROVE THE CHANGE TO COMMERCIAL USE AND TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COM- MITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. MOTION CARRIED. HELINA , A .J. - Slides of the property and vicinity were shown , FROM SINGLE FAMILY located at NE corner of Lake Wn . Blvd . N. and RESIDENTIAL TO N. 40t:: Street . Map was displayed indicating MULTI-FAMILY the location and Planning Commission and study committee recommendation ,for granting a medium density multi-family residential designation ,read. The Commission vote was four ayes and 3 nos , Prior petition , representing 23 persons and letters from Mr. and Mrs . Robert A . Fawcett and Mr . and Mrs . Curt Agren and telegram from Mrs . Genevieve Gannon opposing the changes were reviewed , as had been filed at council meeting of 5/10/71 . AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. William Sernacker , 1313 No. 38th Street , expressed opinion that the revision would be detrimental to the area as there are no facilities for apartments and with the two-lane road there would be more congestion , neither are there close schools nor shopping and the need is not there to warrant change . Also rezoning for the non-conform- ing use could be effected without change or en- croachment into the good residential area . Mr. and Mrs . Fawcett in supplement to their prior objections stated any present change would serve no purpose, no new developments compelling revision . Since change of title on the property, owner is not the resident . Mrs . Fawcett noting a small portion of their property is included in the change advised they prefer it remain as is , attention being called to some proposed utilization for recreational or park use by the County , more preferable and no reason existing at present for the proposed change . Mr. Jim Denzer , 3613 Lake Wn . B1vc' . , noted there seemed to be some misconception between zoning and land use . Mr. Curt Agren added he could see no reason for a change at this time . Discussion ensued regarding zoning vs . land use which Mr . Fawcett and others stated they understood . Mr . E. F. Schaefer noting empty rentals for two years so more are not needed. 204 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/7/71 P,age 3. PUBLIC HEARING : Revisions to Comprehensive Land Use Plan (Cont . ) A . J. HELINA LAND Mr . Sernacker asked if it is a legal pre- USE REVISION requisite of zoning to have property comply with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan . Planning' Director Ericksen noted Commission policy if zoning agrees request is considered otherwise it is held for a look at the entire area for possible revision. City Attorney Shellan noted the plan is to give a look to some 10 ,20 or 30 years to the future and determine use as might be projected over a large area and not one or two lots . The Court has held that if a city has a comprehensive plan it cannot rezone until the property complies . Human failings , however , sometimes enter the picture as projections for use are made on the best information on hand and looking to the future , yet may not be in the best interest of that specific area to rezone now or in the future . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CLOSE THE HEARING . CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND BY BRUCE, TO DENY THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION ON THIS PROPERTY. CARRIED. TINO CUGINI Slides of the property , located on SE corner of PROPERTY-From NE 4th and Index P1 . NE, extended southerly , were High Density shown and the adjacent areas , same being pointed Multi-Family out on map. Planning Commission recommendation to Residential approve was noted with 5 aye votes and 2 no votes , to Commercial site dere 7,,pment to require Planning Commission approval . Stredicke inquired as to legal aspect of this provision which the City Attorney advised is superfluous , having nothing to do with the comprehensive plan and enforcement questionable . Schellert inquired as to whether development is to be considered neighborhood (5-20- acres deemed suitable in policy statement) or community shopping center (20-100 acres) , and how it is to be justi- fied with relationship to size . Mr. Ericksen having noted this to be one acre with one and ono-half ad- joining stated sizes do not apply in all cases but this was considered neither one nor the other but an office , real estate/medical-dental type facility . Mr . Louis Peretti noted present designation was the result of a Planning Commission request the area having previously been light industrial with the reduction agreed to and land donated by Mr . Cugini for N. E. 3rd Street . Small barber shop and business stores planned were felt to be better than high density residential use . Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Grant , to close the hearing. Moved by Schellert , seconded by Clymer , to refer the matter to the Community Services Committee for recommendation . Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Perry to include con- tinuing the hearing to June 14 . Question on the motion to refer was voted upon and lost . Motion by Delaurenti , seconded by Bruce , to concur in the planning commission recommendation was voted upon and lost . Moved by Grant , seconded by Stredicke , the Planning Commission recommendation be denied . Attorngy Paul Houser , representing Mr . Cugini , urged that since there seemed to be some confusion on the matter it should be referred to Committee and talked out , the attached restrictions not being desirable to his client and needing to be discussed also . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE MATTER NOW BEFORE THE COUNCIL TO THE COM- MUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. 205 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/7/71 Page 4. RECESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO 9 :30 p.m. RECESS. CARRIED. After the recess , roll call resulted in all Councilmen present as previously . ORDINANCES Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted AND RESOLUTIONS the following Legislation adopted by the Council this date . ORDINANCE NO. 2635 The Legislation Committee recommended first Creating and De- reading. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER , fining Board of TO CONCUR . CARRIED. Ordinance was read Adjustment creating and establishing a "Board of Adjust- ment" , defining its membership and organization , establishing terms of office, prescribing its duties and establishing a new chapter to be known as Chapter 9 of Title II, (Commissions and Boards) of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS . THE MOTION CARRIED. The ordinance was read. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO INSERT DATE OF SEPTEMBER 6 , 1971 IN SECTION III, Page 1 , (deadline for appoint- ments) MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 2635 AS READ. ROLL CALL RESULTED IN UNANIMOUS AYE VOTE AND MOTION WAS DECLARED CARRIED AND THE ORDINANCE ADOPTED. ORDINANCE NO. 2636 Ordinance was read repealing Ordinance No . 2576 Repealing Ordinance regarding vacation of a portion of Whitman Court No . 2576-Whitman N. E. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, Ct . Vacation TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. After final reading , it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DzLAURENTI, TO ADOPT AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN UNANIMOUS AYES. MOTION WAS CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 1745 Resolution of the City was read declaring its Intent to create intention to construct and install sanitary sewer LID 273 , S. W. 43rd lines and appurtenances thereto in the vicinity St. Sanitary Sewers of S . W. 43rd Street and the West Valley Highway , and to crate a Local Improvement District to assess the cost and expense of said improvement against the properties in such district specially benefitted thereby ; notifying all persons who may desire to object to said improvement to appear to present their objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held July 19 , 1971 . MO"F.D BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED, TO ADOPT AS READ. RESOLUTION NO. 1746 Resolution was read authorizing the transfer of Transfer of Guarantee $374 . 41 from the Local Improvement Guarantee Fund Funds into LID 244 unto Local Improvement District No . 244 Fund , to Fund cover deficit resulting by acqusition by emiment domain for highway purposes , all as provided by law. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. Rules Suspended to MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO Revise order of SUSPEND THE RULES AND TAKE UP COMMUNICATIONS AND business CURRENT BUSINESS AT THIS TIME WITH LATER VOUCHER APPROVAL. CARRIED. 206 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/7/71 Page 5 . COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: BUS TRANSPORTATION Legislation Committee Chairman Perry reported the committee is holding legislation concerning bus transportation for the City which will not be presented at this time in view of action by the King County Council with regard to legisla- tion proposed for operation of the bus system for 90 days by that body . The proposed County Ordinance was read granting appropriation of funds to provide for the execution of a contract for bus transportation services in King County for a period not to exceed 90 days . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE QUESTION OF CITY FUNDING BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE AND THE MAYOR 'S OFFICE. MOTION CARRIED. Fund request by Letter from M. C. Walls , Fire Chief, requested, Fire Chief to due to service connected disabilities and illness maintain manpower of firemen , appropriation of $6 ,000. 00 from excess Current Fund revenues into Fire Control Budgetary Account 013 . 522 . 20. 12 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. THE MOTION CARRIED . Final Payment and Letter from Gene L. Coulon , Park Director , recom- Acceptance CAG, mended final payment and acceptance of CAG . 1530-69 1530-69 , Cedar completed by Olson-Richert & Bignold, Architects River Park Design on Cedar River Park Design . Amount due this date , $268 . 93. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS . THE MOTION CARRIED. AWC 37th Annual City Clerk Nelson reported request received from Conference - the Association of Washington Cities for names of Renton Delegates voting delegates to represent the City of Renton at the annual conference in Spokane , June 22-25 . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE 3 VOTING DELEGATES FOR THE CITY BE MAYOR GARRETT, AND COUNCILMEN CLYMER AND SCHELLERT. CARRIED. Resignation of Letters from Mr. J. 0 . Washburn , Fire Civil appointees - Mr. Service Commission , and Mr. Hugo Toschi , Renton J. O. Washburn Housing Authority, filed resignation from member- and Mr. Hugo Toschi ships due to personal and business reasons ex- pressing their pleasure and enjoyment in having served . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE LETTERS TO THE PERSONNEL AND COM- MUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE TO WORK WITH THE MAYOR IN FILLING THE VACANCIES. THE MOTION CARRIED. Unfair Labor Charge Letter from Mr . Willard G . Olson , Mediator, Case No . 0-809,City Department of Labor and Industries , Olympia , Wn . , vs. 21R; AFL-CIO outlined events leading to and charge against employer with opinion holding for the employees . Upon inquiry it was noted appeal deadline is 30 days after final order has been entered . MOVED PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . THE MOTION CARRIED. Bid Opening on City Clerk Nelson reported bid opening on June 4 , Emergency Aid for emergency first aid vehicle . Two bidders Vehicle , June 4 , responded ,as per attached tabulations , including 1971 . Tom Matson ' s Valley Motors , Auburn and Williams and Swanson , Renton . (Sea-Tac cord Truck Sales , Inc. submitting letter reporting no bid.) MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE BIDS TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION . THE MOTION CARRIED. (See later award action) Bid Opening-Sale The City Clerk reported response by five bidders , of City 's surplus as per tabulations attached ,on vehicle sale) in- police vehicles cluding six 1969 Ford , Four-Door Sedans surplussed by the City. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE BIDS TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. (See later award action) 207 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/7/71 Page 6 , COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont . ) School District 403- Letter from Mr. Eugene E. Brown , Transporta- Thanks for courtesy tion Director, Renton School District 403 , during school year thanked the various departments of the City by city departments for excellent cooperation received during the and personnel past school year and expressed p pleasure in having worked with Police , City Engineering, Traffic Engineering, and Street Department specifically named personnel . Senate Resolution Letter from Mr. Sidney Snyder, Secretary of the No. 1971 , Ex. 106 State , Wn . State Senate , transmitted certified copy of Senate Resolution 1971-Ex. 106 , adopted by the Senate May 10 , 1971 , authorizing study by the Legislative Municipal Committee to enable local governments to better meet demands of problems encompassing, but not limited to the control and policing of civil disturbances , campus unrest , narcotics law enforcement and the training of capable and professional law enforcement officers . Assistance to be utilized of the AWC, the Wn . Ass 'n . of Counties , Ass 'n . of Wn . Sheriffs , Assn . of Wn . Chiefs of Police , the Judicial Council , the Law Enforce- ment Officers Training Commission and any similar state or local agency , in the study development . Items added to Letter from Gene L. Coulon , Park Director, Agenda advised of notice received from the Asst . City Attorney that the Supreme Court has denied the City appeal of City 's appeal and upheld Trial Court 's decision Court Costs and in award of attorneys ' fees and appraisal fees Appraisal fees- in City of Renton vs . Dillingham Condemnation Dillingham Corp. Court Case re Lake Wn . Be�F!ch Park acquisition . condemnation Case Attorney fees , $46 ,016 . 00; Appraisal costs , $5 ,000 . 00 and interest @ 8% , 2/27/to 6/8/71 , $4 ,510. 42 . Cash available , $52 ,384 . 17. Balance to require appropriation by the Council , ;x` 3 ,142. 25 . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE . MOTION CARRIED. Recommended bid Letter from Vern Church , Purchasing Director , awards-surplus recommended acceptance of high bids of Mr . W. vehicles G. Swanson , $1 ,127 . 00 on vehicle A-95 , Mr . Glenn Fields , $1 ,009 . 00 for vehicle A-90 and to allow Mr. Tom Gillespie to assume bid on vehicle A - 93t as submitted by Mr. Fields for an alternate bid, in sum of $999 . 00 , agreeable to both parties , and to reject $805 . 00 bid of John Mead on A-94 , with three remaining vehicles to be sold at appraised price of $925 . 00 each . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE BID AWARD LETTER TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. (See later report and award) VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported Nos . 2179-2363 committee approval of Vouchers Nos . 2179-2363 , 2177-2178 Void in total amount of $168 ,945 . 16 , having received departmental certification as to receipt of the merchandise and/or services ,and recommended Council approval at this time . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Proposed Annexation Mr. Charles Shane inquired concerning figures included in preliminary report which was com- piled in connection with proposed annexation by the City . Mr. Shane compared anticipated costs of serving the areas against those of the city 's budgeted operation costs and measured same with population of the city and areas to be annexed. He felt fire insurance rates might be increased as a result of any annexation . Page 7. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/7/71 AUDIENCE COMMENT Annexation In reply to remarks by Mr. Shane , Mayor Garrett noted city departments are now preparing petition for presentation to the Council and hearing will be held where the matters might be discussed rather than at this time . Mr. shane stated the items defined should be factually p*esented. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL COMMUNITY SERVICES Chairman Clymer suLm_tted committee report recom- COMMITTEE REPORT mending approval of request by the Boeing Company Boeing Co . sign to locate a temporary billboard type sign on permit request public right of way at 8th and Logan Ave. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR. ■r MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT , TO INCLUDE TWO YEAR TIME LIMIT IN THE PERMIT. DISSENTING VOICE VOTE BROUGHT ROLL CALL AND VOTE AS FOLLOWS: AYE-3 : GRANT, STREDICKE AND DELAURENTI. NO-4 : BRUCE, CLYMER, PERRY AND SCHELLERT. AMENDMENT LOST. ORIGINAL MOTION TO CONCUR CARRIED. Street Restoration Councilman Stredicke inquired if improvements after sewer LID are planned further for NE 38th east of Park Ave , which was to have been brought up to standards following sewer installation . City Engineer Wilson advised he was aware of none to be done on Park but he could check further for others . Mayor Garrett requested a written report be furnished Councilman Stredicke . LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Subdivision Ordinance-Councilman Perry inquired of the Community Service Committee as to status of the Subdivision Ordinance which has been amended urging that same be checked for content prior to coming to his committee. Salary and Wage Councilman Perry inquired as to status of the Study Salary and Wage Study to have been ready in rough dr=ft in May and to be reviewed in June by other bodies . N.-)t--'ng '.he subject before the N. L.R .B. and request for opportunity to go over the report , Mr. Perry noted he has advised that a meeting will be held with Local 21R to go over the report which he hoped would be ready this month . PUBLIC SAFETY Chairman Delaurenti reported committee recommendation COMMITTEE REPORT that low bid of Valley Motors , Inc. , in sum of Bid award on $4 ,821 . 27 be accepted on purchase of emergency first First Aid Car aid vehicle for the city . MOVED BY SCHELLERT AND SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR . MOTION CARRIED. COUNCIL REMARKS - NEW BUSINESS Mail Boxes along Councilman Schellert called attention to hazard sidewalks of mail boxes on Edmonds along the sidewalk and discussion ensued concerning there being no plans for postal service by foot and like problem in other areas since standards allow smaller walks . The Mayor advised he was to meet with the Post- master and will inquire what might be done . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, LOCATION OF MAIL BOXES BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR RECOMMENDATION . THE MOTION CARRIED. VON Hazen Pool-City Letter from Park Director Coulon outlined the city Swim Program summer swim programs to be offered at Hazen High Kennydale Beach , Lake Wn . Beach and Liberty Park . FINANCE COMMITTEE Chairman Schellert reported committee recommenda- REPORT-Bid Award tion to concur in the bid awards as proposed by Surplus Vehicles the Purchasing Agent . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY DELAURENTI, .gECONDED BY SCHELLERT TO ADJOURN . p.m. CARRIED. o? o / WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 6/07/71 BEGIN ENCING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND OESCRIPTIUN NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS CURRENT FUND 2179 2233 $%40421 +62 PARKS AND RECREATION 2234 2261 55A726 •64 CITY STREET 2262 2278 $211406 .50 CEDAR RIVER M AND I 2279 2281 $45 .20 LIBRARY 2282 2288 $813.48 REG, AND STREET FWD THRUST 2289 2292 $6x687 *06 URBAN ARTERIAL 2293 2295 $55, 611 .32 CTTY SHOP CONSTRUCTION 2296 2296 $500 .00 PARK FORWARD THRUST 2297 2297 54,323.80 LAKE WASH• BEACH 'FWD THHUS 2298 2258 551x202 +62 WATERRORKS UTILITY 2299 2320 551002.09 AIRPORT 2321 ?3i9 $1) 869 °48 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2330 2. 53 $1, 136 .30 FIREMEN S PENSION 2354 2363 $199005 TOTAL OF ALL 6ARRA14TS $168A945 . 16 WEs THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS (, F THE. FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVED OEPARrMENrAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICEV F,4VF BEEN RECEDED OF RENDF_HED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VQUCHEtb NC). 2179 THROUGH N0o 2363 IN THE AMOUNT OF $168; 945 . 16 THIS 07 OF JUNE 1971 • WARRANTS #2177 AND 2178 VOID L.I.D. 269 CASH 8 REV #5 41.65 FIuANCE COMMITTEE L.I.D. 269 CASH S REV #6 20.91 v '.• r �e -rrrr U 1M I T TLE MEMBLR CG MP'17 TF er wrrrrrr- -r.. r-r-rs..�r-rrr OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK O COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF June 7, 1971 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Admin:LstratIve up- Committee of the Whole Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Grant Council Chambers dating progress on CBD 6/15/71 Development Plan and Hazen Annexation Community Services Friday 4:00 p.m. Clymer 3rd. F1r. Conf. Rm Cugini Request on Land Use 6/11/71 and the Subdivision Ordinance Finance Schellert Legislation Monday 7:00 p.m. Perry 6th F1r. Council 6/14/71 Office Personnel & Community Wednesday 7:30 P.M. 6th Flr. Conf. Rm. Mayorts Assistant and Relations 6/9/71 Stredicke Marshall Tuesday 7800 P.M. 6th F1r. Conf. Rm. 6/15/71 Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Bruce Transportation Grant 211 6/7/71 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID OPENING, JUNE 4, 1971 2:00 P.M. - First Floor Conference Room Emergency First Aid Vehicle BID WASHINGTON BIDDER BID BOND EXCLUDING FEDERAL STATE TOTAL EXCISE TAX SALES TAX BID Tom Matsonts Valley Motors Bid Bond Dodge B300 Van 1972 2925 Auburn Way North Serviced & Delivered Auburn, Wash., 98002 $45352.72 $217.60 $4,570.32 Dodge Maxi-Van 1972 $4,591.72 $229.55 $4,821.27 Williams and Swanson No Bid Bond 1971 G-30 Van 617 Third Street South $4,665.71 $233.29 $4,899.00 Renton, Washington 98055 Sea-Tac Ford Truck -- NO BID -- Sales., Inc. 11000 Pacific Highway Seattle, Wash., 98168 IN: H OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK June 7, 1971 BID OPENING, JUNE 4 1971 2:00 P.M - FIRST FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM SURBLUS VEHTCLES FOR SALE BIDDER A-90 A-91 A-92 A-93 A-94 A-95 1969 FORD 1969 FORD 1969 FORD 1969 FORD 1969 FORD 1969 FORD 4-D SEDAN 4-D SEDAN 4-D SEDAN 4-D SEDAN 4-D SEDAN 4-D SEDAN Glenn R. Fields $1, 009.00 $999.00 $1, 109. 00 17040 129th Ave S. E. Renton, Wash. 98055 AL 5-7748 John N. Mead -- -__ $805. 00 604 So. 17th St. s Renton, Wash. 98055 ' W. G. Swanson i $1, 127 . 0 14217 117th N. E. Kirkland, Wash. 98033 i-8 2 2-019 7-- - - -- -� � -- - - ------ Thomas D. Gillespie s $1, 055.00 14407 Maple Valley Hwy. Renton, Wash. 98055 AL 5-4874 Jack Colombi $751. 00 1433 No. 36th St. Renton, Wash. 98055 AT, 5-7662 6 j i n B oes P OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 6/7/71 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2682 $680.00 VALLEY MORTGAGE INC. 222 WILLIAMS AVE. REMOVE WALL, INST. DOOR 2683 3,000.00 DEWEY F. ROSS 2821 NE 8TH PL. CONST. ADDITION 2684 2,500.00 JAMES M. RUPPRECHT 2712 NE 6TH PL. CONST. ADDITION 2685 700.00 WILLIAM Ao BRIERE 2221 NE 6TH PL. BUILD ADDITION TO CARPORT -?686 3,000.00 JAMES N. KIMBALL 1619 MORRIS AVE. S CONST. FOUNDATION & GARAGE B 2687 500.00 LESLIE W. KENDIG 2611 MORRIS AVE. S CONST. DECK 2688 --- ST. ANTHONYtS CHURCH 325 WHITWORTH AVE. DEMOLISH RESIDENCE 2689 250.00 ROBERT HUEBNER 1700 JONES AVE. NE CONST. STORAGE BUILDING 2690 15,000.00 JOHN M. DENNIS, JR. 1201 N 35TH ST. CONST. FAMILY RESIDENCE 2691 11000.00 RUDY HASSON 3601 LK. WN. BLVD. N REPLACE FOUNDATION B 2692 --- LEO L. LAVILLE 301 S 7TH ST. DEMOLISH BUILDING 2693 21,000.00 POWELL HOMES INC. 1618 BLAINE AVE. NE CONST. FAMILY RESIDENCE 2694 1,700.00 FELIX DEVILLAR 554 FEMALE AVE. NE CONST. ADDITION ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3304 100.00 DEWEY F. ROSS 2821 NE 8TH PL. WIRE ADDITION 3305 50.00 JOHN DENNIS JR. 1201 N 35TH ST. INST. TEMP. SERVICE 3306 20.00 TORKELSON HEATING 357 RAINIER AVE. N INST. 3 LIGHTS & 1 SWITCH 3307 600.00 KAMPE CONST. 3301 BURNETT AVE. N WIRE RESIDENCE 3308 600.00 KAMPE CONST. 814 N 33RD ST. WIRE RESIDENCE E 3309 20.00 RUBERT HUEBNER 1700 JONES AVE. NE UNDERGRD. WIRING & STORAGE 3310 1,000.00 RENTON SHOPPING CTR. RENTON SHOPPING CTR. REMODEL FABRIC SHOP MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2863 200.00 F.H.A. 3610 NE 6TH ST. INST. SINK & WATER HEATER X864. 107,000.00 STOTTER & CAPLOW 44.0 RAINIER AVE. S INST. COMPRESSORS, FANS '865 500.00 KAMPE CONST. 3301 BURNETT N INST. PLBG. & FIX'T'URES ?866 500.00 KAMPE CONST. 814 N 33RD ST. INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2867 225.00 MRS. FRANZE 112 S 3RD INST. FURNACE M 2868 200.00 ROBERT L. PENNER 736 REDMOND AVE. NE INST. HEATER 2869 500.00 ANDY THUNEY 308 WELLS AVE. S INST. PLBG. FIXTURES 2870 50.00 AERO DYNE 300 AIRPORT WAY GAS PIPING — 1 OUTLET 2871 300.00 HIGHLAND CONY. CTR. 1116 EDMONDS AVE. NE CONVERSION BURNER SEWER PERMITS S 1606 WILLIAM LARSON 714 HIGH AVE. S CONNECT SEWER 1607 DONALD AXT 2725 JONES AVE. NE CONNECT SEWER 1608 HARRY A. SHERMAN 1114 N 35TH CONNECT SEWER 214 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING June 14 , 1971 Council Chambers 8:00 P.M. Renton Municipal Building R E F E R R A L S COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AND *COUNCIL PRESIDENT Petition for underground wiring L. I. D. in downtown Renton Subject of purchase of Maplewood Golf Course *To check whether forms acknowledging receipt of Code of Ethics Ordinance have been filed by all councilmen FINANCE COMMITTEE Budgetary appropriations as required for additionally approved Urban Arterial street projects Group Health Medical Insurance premium increase for police personnel LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Petition for underground wiring L. I. D. in downtown Renton Budgetary appropriations and revisions as required for additionally approved Urban Arterial street project implementation PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Appointment of Mr. Frank H. Kinney to Fair Housing Commission MEETINGS AND EVENTS 6/21/71 - Continued public hearing on Cugini request for revision to Comprehensive Land Use Plan 7/12/71 - Public Hearing on petition for underground wiring L .I.D. in downtown Renton area APPOINTMENT CONFIRMED Mrs . Barbara Shinpoch - Municipal Arts Commission RENTON CITY COUNCIL 2 1 June 14 , 1971 REGULAR MEETING Council Chambers 8 :00 P.M. Renton Municipal Building M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance and CALL TO ORDER called the weekly meeting of the City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF GRANT, SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI, PERRY, STREDICKE, COUNCIL MEMBERS CLYMER AND BRUCE. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor , HELMIE NELSON, City Clerk , IN ATTENDANCE DOROTHEA GOSSETT, City Treasurer , STANLEY STONE, City Attorney ' s Office , JACK WILSON, City Engineer, C. S. WILLIAMS, Police Chief, GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director , TED BENNETT, Utility Accountant , GENE COULON, Park Director , DEL BENNETT, Public Works Admin . , VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Commissioner, VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Director , PAUL ROUSER , Municipal Judge , DEANE SEEGER, Mayor's Assistant and WES CREWS , Asst . Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO APPROVE 6/4/71-6/7/71 THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF JUNE 7 , AND Meetings SPECIAL MEETING OF JUNE 4 , AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, IN VIEW OF MATTER - Cugini REFERRAL ACTION OF LAST WEEK, THE PUBLIC HEARING, Land Use Change ON THE CUGINI REQUEST FOR COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN CHANGE, BE CONTINUED FOR REPORT OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Chairman Clymer noted committee opinion differences with legal opinion requested and just received, additional time needed to further consider the matter. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING UNTIL JUNE 21 , 1971 . THE MOTION CARRIED GRANTING TIME EXTENSION AS REQUESTED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported the No. 2364 - 2561 approval of Vouchers Nos . 2364 through 2561 in sum of $136 ,175 . 37 which had received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services and recommended council approval at this time to authorize payment . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS Final payment , Letter from Jack Wilson , City Engineer , submitted acceptance and final estimate billing for work completed by Signal lien period, NE Electric on lighting and trenching for underground 28th St. project conversion on NE 28th Street , Kennewick Pl . NE to I-405 . Acceptance of project , final payment in sum of $570 . 06 and commencement of lien period were recommended, retained amount of $422 . 27 to be released thereafter if no liens or claims are filed and upon proof of payment of all tax liabilities . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. Right of way Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted settle- settlement ment statement in sum of $1 ,605 . 00 for acquisition N.E. 27th and damage release on property at 1909 NE 27th St . owned by Mr. and Mrs . Louis Larsen. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. Petition for Letter from Mr . Alex Cugini , Mr. Ed Davis , Mr. Tony Underground Porcello and Mr . Roger Richert , Downtown Steering Wiring LID in Committee submitted petitions for creation of an Downtown Renton underground wiring L . I. D. in downtown Renton . 55 . 6% of property owners in the district boundaries were represented by signatures on the petitions and Council pursuance was requested accordingly . Background on progress was outlined by Mr . Del Bennett , Public Works Administrator w;io noted additional consent also received from governmental agencies and corporations . Ili! 2. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING /14/ /1 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont . LID-Underground MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE Wiring CBD COUNCIL GO ON RECORD SUPPORTING THE L. I. D. WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE AND THAT THE DATE OF JULY 12 , 1971 BE SET FOR PUBLIC HEARING . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO AMEND THE MOTION TO INCLUDE ALSO REFERRAL TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . THE AMENDMENT CARRIED AND SUBSEQUENTLY, THE MOTION AS AMENDED. Additional UAB Letter from City Engineer Wilson , directed Projects Approved to Mayor Garrett ,wa.s submitted for reading advising of availability of Urban Arterial Funds for additional street projects which will require budgetary revision and appropriations prior to any contractual ageement authorizations . 90% being authorized by the UAB in sum of $2,535 ,200 . 00 will need to be appropriated ,with revision of the Street Forward Thrust budget account to provide for additional 10% required,in sum of $281 ,730 . 00, which is available within 3-HH Reserve Account . In order to meet 15 month construction commence- ment it will be necessary to rely on consulting services and some additional temporary help within the Engineering Department which could be budgeted and charged directly to project accounts . Minimum needs for the latter estimated at $27 ,300 . 00 . MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE FINANCE AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEES. THE MOTION CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett requested concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Frank H. Kinney to fill Mr. Frank H. Kinney vacancy on the Fair Housing Commission , term to Fair Housing expire July 1 , 1974 . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY Commission BRUCE, TO REFER THE APPOINTMENT TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Mrs . Barbara Letter from the Mayor requested concurrence in Shinpoch- the appointment of Mrs . Barbara Shinpoch to Municipal Art membership on the Municipal Arts Commission to Commission replace Mr. Donald W. Custer, term to expire January 26 , 1973. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Mail Boxes along Mayor Garrett reported inspection with Councilman Edmonds Ave . N.E . Delaurenti of mail box installations on Edmonds NE , et a1 and letter resulting from meeting with Postmaster Miller was submitted for reading advising that it is not possible at this time to provide door delivery along Edmonds since conditions do not meet requirements of postal regulations for same . Also ,budgetary requests for the .fiscal year have been predicated on motorized delivery . Regulation requirements were outlined and it was noted that in event of condition change in the area through qualification and/or growth ,survey and judgment would again be rendered . (See later discussion) Bus Transportation Mayor Garrett reported a notification has been forwarded to ='_':meg Cnjn_ty Council Director Spellman that a meeting is desired to discuss the bus ism transportation subject . Newspaper Article Councilman Grant called attention to article in the Record Chronicle wherein he had been quoted and requested the record to be clear that he had not intended "rapping" of another Councilman nor saying his story was slanted. He felt that differencesof opinion are good as is a full dis- cussioncf issues and that it is important that the Council and ',Iayor work together for the good of the City and not be invo.ived in publicity as this , which only leads to clashes between the papers . Z/ 7 Page 3. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/14/71 nnQ BUSINESS (Cont . ) Mail Boxes Councilman Delaurenti added to report on mail box inspection that widening of walk had been effected where boxes were located and many were positioned in groups on one side of the street . Other than possible need for deflectors for better visibility purpose he could see nothing detrimental about the installations . Discussion ensued , Stredicke noting Hunts Point and Yarrow Point areas where boxes are not implanted but walk goes around thereby avoiding hazard to the pedestrian traffic and in some areas boxes are grouped in 6 or 8 and set out for ease in reaching. He suggested use of private property for box loca- tion . Grant inquired regarding possible grouping and set back. It was noted some grouping is in effect but according to the Postmaster complaint is registered by those who have to go the furthest distance for their mail in the groupings . NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, MATTER OF Maplewood Golf POSSIBLE CITY PURCHASE OF THE MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE Course Purchase BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Code of Ethics - MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO Receipt Acknowledg- REQUEST THE COUNCIL PRESIDENT TO CHECK TO MAKE ment SURE ALL COUNCILMAN HAVE SIGNED ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT ATTACHED TO THE CODE OF ETHICS ORDINANCE. CARRIED. Discussion ensued , Stredicke inquiring and it being noted only one not signing. Intent of prior council action was questioned Perry asserting the council was well aware of contents where others would not be familiar with the document . Jail Facility Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti sub- Evaluation mitted letter from Wn . Dep' t of Social and Health I� Services transmitting evaluation form and inspection report noting no deficiencies of consequence and extending congratulations to the police department and city for high standard operation . Funding Offer on Upon inquiry by Schellert on status of funding LID 273 accepted of LID 273 , City Engineer Wilson noted that the Resolution passed last week effects the LID creation and the Firemen 's Pension Fund has made offer to finance same ,at estimated cost of $90 ,000 . 00 ,with 6 . 5% interest per year . Council acceptance was recommended . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. Group Health Councilman Schellert recalled receipt of copy Medical Insurance of notice of increase in insurance premiums for police personnel on active duty , and MOVED THAT SUBJECT OF GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUM INCREASE BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. Carried. (Notice forthcoming concerning retired members) AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Ace Jones , 616 Camas Ave . N. E. , inquired con- cerning bingo legislation urging early action to Bingo Legislation implement same for Renton . Referralsto the Public Safety Committee and Legislation Committee were reported, both responding that active work is in progress . Mr. Jones upon inquiry stated 30 days notice would be adequate as implementation time for the Aerie (Eagles) , and was advised that the City 's legislation will be ready by effective date of the State statute , Aug. 9 , 1971 . Annexation Progress Dixie Ann Johnson inquired concerning progress of proposed annexation in vicinity of her residence on 142nd Ave . S.E. She was invited to presentation to be conducted before the Committee of the Whole tomorrow , June 15 in the Council Chambers at 8 : 00 p.m. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, AND CARRIED, TO ADJOURN. Meet 'ng adjourned at 8 :55 p . m. City Clerk OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 14 , 1971 Oq COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS lommittee of the Whole Tues. 6/15 7:00 PM Grant 5th F1.Conf.Rm. Mayor, Park Board Tues. 6/15 8 :00 PM ouncil Chambers Hazen Hi Annexation , C.B.D. Development, Airport Bd. & Management, Houser Way Bridge, 21P., Dept. of Labor & Industries Hearing Community Services Wed. 6/16 4 :00 PM Clymer 3rd F1.Conf.Rm. Re : Tino Cugini Request for Comp.Land Use Change Thurs. 6/17 7 : 30 PPS Council Chambers Mining & Grading Ordinance -- finance Mon. 6/21 4 : 30 PM Schellert 4th F1.Conf.Rm. Meet with Mayor to discuss vacancies in City Legislation Perry Personnel & Community Relations Wed. 6/16 7 : 30 PM Stredicke 5th F1.Conf.Rm. Police Guild - Police Chief or Pep. Re : Wage & (Changed from Salary Study 6/15 7 :00 M) Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Bruce Transportation Grant d s 4J OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 6/14/71 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2695 $3,290.00 ROBERT L. EDWARDS RENTON SHOPPING CENTER REMOVE WALLS & INST. NEW 2696 300.00 JOHN E. NELSON 2224 NE 50TH CONST. DECK 2697 40,000.00 DUNN LUMBER COMPANY 120 FACTORY AVE. S CONST. BUILDING 2698 400.00 JOHN R. HAVERINEN 1533 KENNEWICK NE CONST. DECK & PATIO COVER 2699 14,000.00 ALBERT DOWDA 2006 GLENNWOOD NE MOVE BLDG., CONST. FNDTN. 1-2700 7,900.00 DONALD C. RICHARDS 508 HARRINGTN AVE. NE CONST. ADDITION 2701 15,000.00 THE BOEING COMPANY BOEING RENTON PLANT MISC. CONSTRUCTION 2702 10,000.00 HARLEY ALLEN SHERMAN 1114 N 35TH ST. CONST. RESIDENCE ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3311 200.00 OBIE OUTDOOR 250 RAINIER AVE. S WIRE LIGHTING FOR SIGN 3312 350.00 HOWARD T. BR9n1N 301 EAR.LINGTON SW REWIRE HOUSE — 200 AMPS 3313 50.00 REVOM, INC. 351 UNION AVE. NE ELECT. HOOK—UP FOR TRAILER 3314 2,000.00 JULIAN TORLAND 3507 SUNSET BLVD. NE INST, NEW SERVICE 3315 560.00 NORTHWEST PHOTO 4308 JONES AVE. NE INST. WIRING FOR HEAT PUMP: E 3316 750.00 SERVICE LAUNDRY 903 S 4TH ST. WIRE BOILER ROOM 3317 200.00 RENTON SCHOOL DIST. 2000 NE 4TH ST. INST. IRRIGATION SYSTEM 3318 600.00 HARRY ALLEN SHERMAN 1114 N 35TH ST. WIRE RESIDENCE MECHANICAL PERMITS 4 2872 800.00 GENE SARTORE 1403 N 36TH ST. INST. OIL FURNACE 2873 69.50 WILLIAM LARKEN 1601 NE 24TH ST. INST. GAS WATER HEATER 2874 6,776.00 ALEC BAKAMAS 2809 NE SUNSET BLVD. INST. 2 HEAT PUMPS 2875 1,400.00 E.R. COLEMAN 1100 N 36TH ST. INST. PLUMBING FIXTURES 2876 50.00 JAMES L. HAWK 3020 E VALLEY RD. INST, WATER SERVICE M 2877 11400.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 810 S 27TH ST. INST. PLUMBING FIXTURES 2878 31200.00 FLOWERS & INTERIORS 204 BURNETT AVE. S INST. AIR COND., HEAT & COC 2879 45615.00 THE BOEING COMPANY BOEING RENTON PLANT MISC. PLUMBING WORK --2880 5,000.00 RENTON SCHOOL DIST. 3000 NE 4TH ST. INST. IRRIGATION SYSTEM 2881 500.00 HARRY ALLEN SHERMAN 1114 N 35TH ST. INST. PLUMBING & FIXTURES SIGN PERMITS S 144 60.00 ED JOHNSON 317 MAIN AVE. S INST. SIGN 145 200.00 EARL RICHARDS 321 SUNSET BLVD. N INST. SIGN SEWER PERMITS 3 1609 DARRYL BENSON 1801 NE 14TH CONNECT SEWER 1610 ALEC BAKAMA,S 2819 SUNSET BLVD. NE CONNECT SEWER �9.0 - WARidART DISTRIBUTION DATE 6/14/71 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIF'TIUN NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS CURRENT FUND 2364 2-413 s17p134•48 PARKS AND RECREATION 2414 2437 $10, 137 .68 CITY STREET 2438 2455 *18,675.23 !O LIBRARY . ,�,gpe� alp 2456 2509 *6i7ee969 REG. AND STREET FWD THRUST 2510 2514 *199 .05 URBAN ARTERIAL 2515 2520 *9P666985 WATERWORKS UTILITY 2521 2536 $57p127s64 AIRPORT 2537 2541 *130.28 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2542 2561 *16$383.47 GS TOTAL JF ALL wARRANTS s136, i;-5•37 WEA THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS GF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY CUUNCILi HAVING RtCEIVE(, UEPAFTME'NTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES I,AVr 6EEN RECEIVED UR WENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMEtiT VGJCMERS r,,0. 2364 THROUGH NO• 2561 ISN TWE AMOUNT wF $136, 175 .37 THIS 14 OF JUNE i 1971 • FINANCE COMMITTEE ww w w w w w w iw COM TTEE MEMBER r 1 w � inw w wwwww= ' CGMMITTIL E M R low imwia www w wwwwwwwww CO`1M TEE MEMBER Amd�� RENTON CITY COUNCIL June 21 , 1971 REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers R E F E R R A L S Municipal Building BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Subject of Maplewood Golf Course area (Annexation and/or acquisition) COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Subject of Maplewood Golf Cour:;e area (Annexation and/or acquisition) FINANCE COMMITTEE Subject of Maplewood Golf Cou:rse area (Annexation and/or acquisition) LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Dillingham condemnation court costs , $4 ,500 . 00 additional Comprehensive Land Use Plan revision for Tino Cugini property , from Multi -Family Residential to Commercial (SE corner of intersection Of N. E. 4th and Index Pliace N. E. ) UAB. additionally approved street projects - Funding for temporary employees (Resolution NC.). 1748 adopted) Amendment to Taxicab Zone, Ordinance MAYOR To proceed with negotiated sale of Councilmanic General Obligation Bonds for constructior2 of new city shop facility per 1971 budget allocation To proceed with annexation of Northeast Renton area (Hazen High School , May Creek and Hazelw(Dod areas) POLICE CHIEF To check complaint fr (Dm resident of street bordering Talbot Hill Park that park patrons Else private driveway for parking. If located in the County , Sherifi_ to be requested to investigate . 'MW TRANSPORTATION COMM:[ TTEE Amendment to Taxica 1.) Zone Ordinance Request of Mr. Joe Sciola and Jim Chambers to paint house numbers on curbing Subject of Maplewo ,Dd Golf- Course MEETING 6/25/71 - Preser7,tation by Planning Director at King County Design Commission meeting - Council invited PROCLAMATION June 29 , 1971 - SOROPTIMIST DAY +n.• 22.2 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING June 21 , 1971 Council Chambers 8 :00 P.M. Municipal Building M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance CALL TO ORDER and called the weekly meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF GRANT , Pres . , SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI, STREDICKE, COUNCIL MEMBERS CLYMER AND BRUCE. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO EXCUSE ABSENT MEMBER PERRY WHO IS ON VACATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor, HELMIE NELSON, City Clerk, IN ATTENDANCE STANLEY STONE , City Attorney 's Rep. , JACK WILSON , City Engineer , C. S. WILLIAMS, Police Chief, TED BENNETT, Utility Accountant , VIC TE GANTVOORT, Street Commissioner , GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director , VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Director, DEANE SEEGER , Mayor ' s Administrative Asst . , WES CREWSAsst . Building Director . MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, AND CARRIED, 6/14/71 Meeting TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF JUNE 14 , 1971 AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notice having Tino Cugini been published and posted as required by law, the request for public hearing to consider the Cugini request for Land Use Change revision to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan , from Multi -family residential to Commercial , was con- tinued. (Property located at SE corner of inter- section of NE 4th Street and Index P1 . NE, extended southerly . ) Hearing continued from 6/7/71 . Community Services Committee Chairman Clymer submitted committee report recommending the City accept restrictive covenants on the property as set forth by the Planning Commission in review by committee . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE AND CARRIED, TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT TO ACCEPT THE COVENANTS. Covenants as outlined by Planning Director Ericksen included provisions for certain setback requirements , landscaping, screening and submittal of development plans to the Commission , all offered voluntarily by the applicant . Audience comment was invited. As none was forth- coming, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI AND CARRIED, THAT THE HEARING BE CLOSED. Committee report further recommended concurrence in Planning Commission recommendation of 4/7/71 to change the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, Committee ' s review of the commission ' s findings confirming the revision to be in agreement with the general intent of the City ' s Comprehensive Land Use Plan. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. Stredicke urged caution regard- ing traffic in the area recommending island curbing for better control of movement , it being noted that although the commercial use is in the best interest projections for future development some danger is eminent especiallyas concerns Jefferson Avenue N.E. TIS''' PENDING MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE CHANGE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR REQUIRED ORDINANCE. THE MOTION CARRIED. 22�$ .MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/21/71 Page 2. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS ORDINANCE NO. 2637 Legislation Committee Member Bruce submitted One-Way Streets , Ordinances for adoption which were read with emergency vehicles Council action taken as follows : erection of signs etc. An ordinance of the City amending Chapter 2 of Title X (Traffic) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" .. relating to one way streets , alleys and erection 'we" of signs . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT AND CARRIED, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. After final reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. Upon inquiry City Engineer Wilson advised said , legislation is to bring present code into conformance with existing street patterns and name change program. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS AYE ROLL CALL VOTE. ORDINANCE NO. 2638 Proposed Ordinance was read authorizing fund Authorizing $61000 appropriation in sum of $6 ,000. 00 from Current appropriation from Fund excess revenue , unto Fire Control Budgetary excess revenue -to Account 013. 522 . 20. 1,1,,, for the purpose of pro- Fire Dept . budget . viding continuous fire protections service and maintain manpower therefor in view of service connected disability and illness of firemen . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. THE MOTION CARRIED. After final reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN UNANIMOUS AYE VOTE. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 2639 Ordinance was read amending Section 10-1201 of Fixing Speed Limits Title X (Traffic) of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" , relating to speed limits . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. (To update Code to conform to OMC status and street name change designations) CARRIED. Auer final reading , it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECOND BY SCHELLERT, TO ADOP�L THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN 5 AYE VOTESWITH STREDICKE OPPOSING. CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 2640 Ordinance was read amending the City ' s Cornpre- Comprehensive Land pensive Land Use P1an ,waps and data in conjunction Use Plan , Maps and therewith, relating to property located north of data revision , PLM Longacres Race Track . (N. of SW 16th St . , So. o.:` Property Fai 405 , easterly from Burl . Northern RR Line and westerly of Oakdale Ave. S. W. , owned by P.L.M. , Inc. ) Change from Multi-Family Residential to Commercial Use . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. THE ORDINANCE WAS READ. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO ADOPT AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE , UNANIMOUSLY AFFIRMATIVE, CARRIED THE MOTION. RESOLUTION NO. 1747 Resolution was presented by the Legislation Creating LID 274- Committee and read declaring the city 's intent Underground . Wiring to construct and install underground power and Project , Downtown other utility lines , ornamental street lighting Renton area and system and improvements incidental thereto : To assessing bene- create a Local Improvement District to assess the fitted properties cost and expense of said improvement against the for costs thereof benefitted properties within said district ; and notifying all persons who may desire to object to said improvement to appear and present their objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held on July 12 , 1971 ; and all of such improvements to be located within certain designated streets in the downtown area of Renton . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS 224 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/21/71 Page 3. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (Cont . ) Additional Upon inquiry re Finance Committee referral , Urban Arterial Committee Chairman Schellert submitted recom- Street project mendations that council concur in City Engineer 's approval by UAB requests for approval of the additional UAB street $2,535 ,200. 00 projects and funding; that the Mayor and City Clerk (90%) , City 's be authorized to execute the contract documents ; (10%) $281 ,730. 00 that funds be transferred as requested for salaries for temporary employees and that the matter be re- ferred to the Legislation Committee for Resolution . MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE REPORT OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE AND TO ADOPT ITS RECOMMENDATIONS AS .READ. CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 1748 Resolution was read authorizing fund transfers Fund transfers for within budgetary classifications of the Urban temporary employee Arterial Fund Accounts and from Street Forward salaries , UAB street Thrust Fund Accounts in sums of $26 ,067. 60 and projects $2 ,896 . 40 , respectively . Projects include areas of Grady Way South , (Rainier Ave . S. to Lind Ave. S. ) Rainier Ave . N. & S . , (North city limits to Grady Way S. ) ; Renton Ave . Extension , Airport Way and Logan Avenue; and Sunset Blvd . , N. E. , (Edmonds NE to east city limits) . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECOND BY CLYMER AND CARRIED, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. (Projects to be commenced within 15 months requiring consulting services and temporary help) VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported Nos. 2562 - 2659 approval of Vouchers No. 2562 through 2659 in total amount of $36 ,031 . 74 , which have received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services , and MOVED THAT THE COUNCIL APPROVE SAME FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME. MOTION SECONDED BY CLYMER AND CARRIED. ME Introduction of. Councilman Stredicke introduced Mr. Don Crew, News Reporter Record-Chronicle representative, a long time association with the Kent branch of the news- paper noted. The Mayor extended welcome . COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS Downtown Merchants Letter from Mr. Don Carlock, Pres . , Renton Down- annual sidewalk town Merchants Association, requested permit for sale requests , annual sidewalk sale , July 8 ,9 and 10, including July 8 ,9, and 10. banner display. Insurance certificate was filed along with $2 . 00 No-Permit Fee . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO GRANT THE REQUESTS. CARRIED. Additional letter called attention to $25 . 00 permit fee as provided in the new sign ordinance ,not charged heretofore and felt to be unjustified , waiver of same re- quested. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO WAIVE THE FEE AS REQUESTED. THE MOTION CARRIED. Taxicab Zone Letter from Captain Furseth , Renton Police Dept . Revisions noted issuance of seven additional licenses to new taxicab company requiring amendments and revisions to the presently existing taxi zone code. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE AND THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. (14 taxi licenses now issued, 7 to O. K. Cab Co . and 7 to Far West with 3 presently available , based on one for each 1500 population . ) Request to Letter from Mr . Joe Sciola and Mr. Jim Chambers Paint house # requestedpermission to paint house numbers on on curbs curbing at charge of $2 . 00 per house , proposed as help to curb unemployment problem. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECOND BY SCHELLERT TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE . WITH REPORT BAC.,4 REOUESTED. CARRIED. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/21/71 Page 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Don Carlock Mr . Carlock thanked the Council on behalf of the Downtown Merchants Association for action taken in consideration of sidewalk sale requests . PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation was presented by the Mayor to Mrs . Marge Qualls , wherein June 29 , 1971 was pro- �—SOROPTIMIST DAY claimed Soroptimist Day in recognition of the June 29 , 1971 achievements of the organization . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION ISSUED BY THE MAYOR. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Committee of the Council President Grant submitted report recom- Whole Report mending that the subject of the Maplewood Golf Course (acquisition) be referred to the Trans- Maplewood Golf portation Committee , Community Services Committee Course Finance Committee and the Board of Public Works for recommendation . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Northeast Renton Recommended by Committee of the Whole that the area annexation Mauor and staff be authorized to proceed with proposal Northeast Renton area annexation proposal with submittal of the Notice of Intention to Annex to the King County Boundary Review Board . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Airport Board Recommended that the autonomous ' sta.tus of the Land Director Airport Board be retained. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO CONCUR . President Grant reported decision concerning position of Airport Director is yet under consideration and to be dependent on present Director's actions , same possibly to be assumed by another Department of the City� and the Board having autonomous poweris to make such determination. PENDING MOTION CARRIED. Forward Thrust The Committee of the Whole recommended to concur and Fund request for commend the Planning Director , Public Works Director beautification and city personnel for efforts to secure Forward of CBD Thrust funds to aid in beautification of the central business district . MOVED BY GRANT, SECOND BY BRUCE AND CARRIED, TO CONCUR IN THE REPORT. Council members were invited to attend a King County Design Commission meeting on Friday , June 25 , where formal presentation of beautification design study and request for approval th maximum of $50 ,000 . 00 grant will be made , from 10 :45 a .m. to 11 :15 a .m. , on behalf of the City by the Planning Director and design consultants . Railroad Track Councilman Stredicke inquired concerning status removal and re- of track removal and relocation project wherein ' location certain permits for crossings were to be granted by the City and Burnett Avenue area track removal to be effected. Mayor Garrett reported letter sent by the Attorney had requested addition of certain conditions and telephone conversation has confirmed the documents have been sent to the Minneapolis 1;eadquarters office for signature. When crossing agreements have been consumated , the RR Co . having to secure approval by regulatory agencies for removal , the tracks on Burnett will be taken out. Stredicke expressed hope that the tracks could be out in regard for beautification of the downtown area so parking area might be coordinated into the program along Burnett . MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/21/71 Page 5. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Guard Rail , FAI 405 Councilman Delaurenti inquired regarding State Highway committment to install guard rail on FAI 405 noting second auto landing below on K & M Grocery building. Mayor Garrett noted inquiry will be made but guard rail may not guarantee safety as they may otherwise land in path of oncoming traffic. Finance Committee Chairman Schellert submitted report recom- Report mending ,in concurrence with the Building Department , that Lessees of the Highlands Highlands Adm. Administration Building be notified the City Bldg. Lease intends to cancel present lease , expiring 8/1/71 , and to negotiate new lease agreement with agencies concerned. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. The City Clerk was requested to notify the lessees and results of proposed lease review as received from Mr. Carlson , to be reported to the Committee Chairman and the Mayor. Funding Court Recommended that the remainder of the Dillingham Cost Balance condemnation court costs be appropriated from excess re 7enues in the Current Fund in amount not to exceed $4 ,500. 00 ,with referral to the Legislation Committee_ for Ordinance . MOVED BY STR?'DICKF, "FCONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. Funding new Recommended the Mayor be authorized to proceed city shop with negotiated sale of Councilmanic General Obligation Bonda ,as provided in the 1971 Budget , for construction of a new city shop facility. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Talbot Park Patrons MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THE Parking on private POLICE CHIEF CHECK COMPLAINT FROM RESIDENT OF property STREET BORDERING TALBOT HILL PARK THAT PARK PATRONS USE PRIVATE DRIVEWAY FOR PARKING, AND IF COUNTY AREA, THE SHERIFF BE REQUESTED TO CHECK. THE MOTION CARRIED. Personnel and Chairman Stredicke reported results of wage Community Rela- survey will be on council desks prior to next tions Committee Monday . Signing to Councilman Stredicke urged that signs be Restrooms installed in the Municipal Building to indicate locations of restrooms . UAB Funding Councilman Schellert noted attendance at meeting requires timely with persons involved in UAB fund grants and action getting the job done in time is criteria resulting in fund availability and Renton having need and being able to get the job done to satisfaction gains the advantages . Bingo Survey Telephone survey by the Council Secretary to by Schellert help decide action to be taken by Renton resulted in negative response , report to be distributed. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO 9 :10 P.M. ADJOURN. THE MOTION CARRIED. Meeting was adjourned at 9 :10 p.m. Helmie Nelson , City Clerk 227 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 6/23/71 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2703 $2,000.00 RENTON VILLAGE CO. 35 S GRADY WAY REMODEL FRONT, REVISE INT. 2704 21,000.00 EARLINGTON ASSOCIATES 498 SW 7TH ST. INST. INT. PARTITIONS 2705 15500.00 RICHARD TIBEAU 261 POWELL AVE. SW CONST. GARAGE 2706 3,200.00 EARLINGTON ASSOCIATES 498 SW 7TH ST. INST. INT. PARTITIONS 2707 10,000.00 DICK REIMAN 617 S GRADY WAY CONST. FOUNDATION B 2708 700.00 CLARENCE WILLIAMS 550 UNION AVE. NE REMOVE BURNED LBR. & REPL. ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3319 250.00 SAFEWAY STORES 2725 NE SUNSET BLVD. WIRE COMPACTOR & HOIST 3320 200.00 DAVID OLSON 1209 ABERDEEN AVE. NE REWIRE HOUSE & INST. HEAT 3321 2,000.00 RENTON VILLAGE CO. 15 S GRADY WAY WIRE WALLS & HANG FIXTURES 3322 50.00 VALLEY GENERAL HOSP. 400 S 43RD ST. WIRE ELECTRIC PUMP 3323 750.00 EUGENE SARTORE 1403 N 36TH ST. WIRE NEW RESIDENCE E 3324 250.00 RENTON VILLAGE CO. 35 S GRADY WAY WIRE NEW OUTLETS & FIXTURE; 3325 458.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 818 S 27TH ST. WIRE RESIDENCE 3326 580.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 810 S 27TH ST. WIRE RESIDENCE MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2882 247.50 ROBERT A ANDERSON 1402 MAPLE AVE. SW INST. GAS WALL HEATER 2883 3,863.00 NORTHWEST PHOTO 4308 JONES AVE. NE INST. HEAT PUMPS 2884 1,100.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 818 S 27TH ST. INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2885 350.00 ARTHUR TORLAND 3507 SUNSET BLVD. NE INST. PLBG. FIXTURES 2886 1,400.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 1922 JONES CT. INST. PLBG. FIXTURES M 2887 850.00 E.R. COLEMAN 1100 N 36TH ST. INST. OIL FURNACE & TANK 2888 400.00 VALLEY GENERAL HOSP. 400 S 43RD ST. INST, GAS TANK & PUMP 2889 4070.00 ALEC BACKAMUS 2819 SUNSET BLVD. NE INST. FIRE SPRINKLER SYS. 2890 182.50 L.B. BENNETT 2616 JONES AVE. NE INST. WTR. h7R. & PIPING 2891 600.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 818 S 27TH ST. INST. FURNACE & WTR. TANK M 2892 175.00 TOMMY QIS RESTAURANT 540 RAINIER AVE. S INST. GAS WATER HEATER 2893 850.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 810 S 27TH ST. INST. FURNACE & WTR. TANK 2894 400.00 ARCHIE ROICE 3613 NE 12TH ST. INST. SEPTIC TNK. & DR. FLI 2895 1,250.00 CHESTER J. HARTSOCK 2036 KIRKLAND PL. NE INST. PIPING & FIXTURES SIGN PERMITS S 146 50.00 CITY OF RENTON NE CORNER 8TH & LOGAN INST. BILLBOARD SEWED PERMITS S--.611 E.R. COLEMAN 1100 N 36TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 1612 PARKWOOD HOMES 810 S 27TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 1613 PARKWOOD HOMES 818 S 27TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 1614 PHILLIP CUYKENDA.LL 1924 NE 14TH CONNECT SEWER I 228 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 6/18/71 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS CURRENT FUND 2562 2602 siSP19402 PARKS AND RECREATION 2603 2618 *21490.46 CITY STREET 2619 2632 *101685.63 r CEDAR RIVER M AND I 2633 2634 *175.80 REG. AND STREET FWD THRUST 2635 2635 *262.50 WATERWORKS UTILITY 2636 2644 *31508.90 AIRPORT 2645 2650 *2,771 .06 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2651 2659 *942 .67 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS *361031 .74 WEA THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCILi HAVING RECEIVED DEPAPTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE SEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO - 2562 THRGUGH N0. 2659 IN ThE AMOUNT OF *361031 . 74 THIS 18 OF JUNE 1 1971 • ,/�FINAICE COMMITTEE COM ITTEE MEMBER r.r.�ra.rw.r •r-• - .w.�. COMM , ER r rr w i - COMMITTEE MEMBER RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING June 28 , 1971 Office of City Clerk 8 :00 P.M. Municipal Building R E F E R R A L S COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Reorganization of Public Works , Engineering and Finance operations of the City. Wage and Salary Analysis - Personnel and Community Relations report and recommendations . Police Guild request to reconvene 1971 contract negotiations COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE King County Fair Public Relations Agent - request for permit to display promotional banner and for variance to extend display period from 10 to 14 days . FINANCE COMMITTEE Puget Sound Governmental Conference , Transportation Planning Work , Cities share of cost to be $4 ,000 . 00 Mr. Harold Jordan ' s offer of property for possible park site Request of Councilman Ken Bruce for authorization to attend National American Public Works Congress and Equipment Convention , Sept . 11-16 , in Philadelphia , Pa . LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Appropriation of excess revenue received in the street fund, $16 ,670 . 58 , into Street Capital Outlay Budget accounts to cover street improvement costs completed for the school district and K-Mart . To review Taxicab Ordinance , pursuant to letter from O.K. Cab , Inc. Puget Sound Governmental Conference request for city participation in Transportation Planning Work , $4 ,000 . 00 MAYOR AND *POLICE CHIEF *Request of Rev. Ervin Gerlitz , Sierra Heights Baptist Church , to sponsor youth rally in Highlands Safeway Parking Lot , July 9 at 9 : 30 p.m. Puget Sound Air Pollution Control agency budget request , based on 104' per capita , $2 ,639 . 00 PARK BOARD Mr . Harold Jordan offer of property for park site PROCLAMATIONS: Beginning on July 4 , 1971 "Safe Boating Week" Sunday , July 4 , 1971 "Honor America Day" CONGRATULATIONS TO MAYOR GARRETT ON ELECTION AS PRESIDENT OF THE ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON CITIES d30 RENTON CITY COUNCIL June 28 , 1971 REGULAR MEETING Council Chambers 8:00 P.M. Municipal Building M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance CALL TO ORDER and called the weekly meeting of the Renton City Council to order . ROLL CALL OF GRANT , Pres . , SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI, PERRY, COUNCIL MEMBERS STREDICKE , CLYMER AND BRUCE. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor, HELMIE NELSON, City Clerk, IN ATTENDANCE DOROTHEA GOSSETT, City Treasurer , G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney , JACK WILSON, City Engineer , C. S. WILLIAMS , Police Chief, TED BENNETT, Utility Accountant , GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director, VIC TE GANTVOORT, Street Commissioner , GENE COULON, Park Director , DEL BENNETT, Public Works Administrator, VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Director , DEANE SEEGER , Mayor 's Administrative Assistant , and WES CREWS, Asst. Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO APPROVE 6/21/71 Meeting THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT. THE MOTION CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported Nos . 2660 - 2790 committee approval of Vouchers Nos . 2660 through and LID 269 #7 2790 and L . I . D. 26.9 Cash and Revenue Vouchers Nos . 7 , in respective amounts of $56 ,781 . 53 and 39. 24 each , and same having received departmental certi- fication as to receipt of merchandise and/or services . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO APPROVE THE REPORT AND CONCUR IN DRAWING OF WARRANTS FOR PAYMENT AS LISTED. CARRIED. COMMUNICATIONS AND Letter from King County Fair Public Relations CURRENT BUSINESS Agent , Mr. Lawrence I . Whitmore , requested permission for banner display across South King County Fair Third Street to promote annual "Great Old Banner Display Fashioned King County Fair , "August 18 - 22 , in Request . Enumclaw. Variance was further requested to extend duration of banner display to 14 days rather than usual 10 day display . After discussion , various defeated motions and proposals for action , IT WAS MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE AND CARRIED, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND REPORT BACK. Appeal of Board Letter from Mr. M. J. Lyon , Pres . , Toyota of of Adjustment Renton , Inc. , outlined request for greater size Variance Denial sign than provided by the Code and noted inability to be represented at the hearing which he believed to be a factor in the request being denied . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT JULY 19 , 1971 BE SET FOR HEARING ON THE APPEAL. Discussion ensued concerning new mode of appeal set forth in the new sign ordinancejfor appeals to be made to the Superior Court and OMC function of the Board of Adjustment also called the Board of Apyeals . Notice to applicant by the Board of Adjustment of right to appeal to Council was noted ,along with desire of applicant for rehearing before the Board. MOTION SUBSEQUENTLY CARRIED. (See further discussion under audience comment), Request for Letter from Rev. Ervin Gerlitz , Pastor of gier,ra Church group Heights Baptist Church , requested permission to youth rally sponsor a youth rally in the Highlands Safeway July 9 , 1971 parking lot on Friday , July 9 , 1971 at 9 : 30 p.m. After discussion and various defeated motions , it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE MAYOR AND POLICE CHIEF . THE MOTION CAPRTF,D. 231 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/28/71 Page 2 . COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . O Offer to City Letter from Mr. Harold Jordan called attention of Park site to some 11 acres of property on the Maple Valley Highway ,with 1/4 acre of river front , noted to be a desirable location for a park site . The property , owned .by Mr . Jordan , is tizithin the city limits with water and sewer service available and the city was invited to contact him if interested in the land . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PARK BOARD AND FINANCE COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Appropriation of Letter from Street Commissioner TeGantvoort Funds for street requested appropriation of $16 ,670. 58 received improvement costs in the Street Fund , unto City Streets Capital Outlay Budget to cover work on street improve- ments for the school district and K-Mart . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Former Councilman Mayor Garrett welcomed former Councilman Louis Barei welcomed Barei who stopped in at the meeting at this time. O. K. Cab , Inc. Letter from Mr. J . J . Abraham. Pres . , O. K. Cab , remarks on new Inc. , noted Licensing of seven additional cabs cab company by the City to another company which competition licensing he did not feel was reasonable , present need not justifying same and hiring of impartial party for evaluation of city needs was urged with re-- duction or allowance of licenses thereafter according to results . Interpreting the letter as a challenge to ordinance provisions , it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW OF THE ORDINANCE. After extensive discussion concerning licensing jurisdiction and procedures , the MOTION CARRIED. Puget Sound Air Letter from Mr. Richard Forsgren , Chairman of Pollution Control the Board , Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency-Financial Agency , submitted 1972 budget request for sum Participation of $2 ,669 . 00 as Renton ' s share of cost , based upon 100 per capita , noted by City Clerk Nelson to be correctly $2 ,639 . 00 as per population figure certified to be 26 ,386 , gas of April 1 , 1971 , in most recent notification . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE BILLING TO THE MAYOR FOR INCLUSION IN THE 1972 PRELIMINARY BUDGET. THE MOTION CARRIED. P&l.ice Officer ' s Letter from Mr . Harold R . Caldwell , Fres . , Guild request to Renton Police Officer 's Guild , requested the continue negotia-• wage negotiations for the calendar year 1971 tions on 1971 be reconvened no later than July 1 , 1971 as Contract stipulated by council (pending wage study) prior to signing of the Labor Contract , such negotiations also to include a "Vacation Schedule" for those employees having completed 20 years of service and the subject of "increment pay raises . " (See later action taken on this matter) . Puget Sound Letter from My. Larry Coffman , Transportation Governmental Planning Coordinator , P. S. G .C . , requested action Conference request by the City toward appropriation of $4 ,000. 00 for city support to support development of the Metro Comprehensive of Transportation Public Transportation Plan . Perry noted funding Planning Work proposed to the Transportation Committee of the P. S.G . C. with formula breakdown requested and not yet .received for approval . Mr. Coffman responded with factors involved in formulating costs , and after withdrawal of proposed referral motion , gave a presentation can the subject stressing importance of the, development of a comprehensive transportation plan . 2 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/28/71 Page 3. COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont . ) PSGC request for Mr. Coffman noted cost breakdown is based upon city funding for population , assessed valuation , ability to pay transportation and time spent in the community , smaller cities planning work having to be encompassed within the span to the larger cities and end results felt to be fair and equitable . ( Fund request distributed now in order to meet commitment to the Urban Transporta- tion Commission by July 15 . ) MOVED BY GRANT, AND SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR IN THE FUNDING REQUEST OF THE PUGET SOUND GOVERNMENTAL CONFERENCE ago WITH REFERRAL TO THE FINANCE AND LEGISLATION COM- MITTEES. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Request to attend Letter from Councilman Kenneth Bruce requested Public Works authorization to attend the National American Conference Public Works Congress and Equipment Convention in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , September 11-16 . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr . Jim Lyon - Mr . Jim Lyon inquired concerning action on appeal Toyota appeal of sign variance denial and asked whether the Board of Adjustment might reconsider the matter not having had all information and facts for the original hearing. City Attorney Shellan advised if proper and timely request is made rehearing is granted but if no additional evidence is available for further consideration decision may not change. Discussion ensued concerning circumstances resulting in appeal and setting of hearing before the council , it being noted under recently enacted code appeals will need - o ;-)e piled in Superior Court . PROCLAMATIONS Safe Boating Week Proclamation by the Mayor designated the week Begins July 4th beginning July 4 , 1971 as "Safe Boating Week" . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE AND CARRIED, TO CONCUR . Honor America Day Proclamation by Mayor Garrett designated July 4 , July 4 , 1971 1971 as"Honor America Day" . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE AND CARRIED, TO CONCUR . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Reorganization of MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE AND CARRIED, Public Works , THE MATTER OF REORGANIZATION OF PUBLIC WORKS, Engineering and ENGINEERING AND FINANCE OPERATIONS OF THE CITY Finance operations BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . Personnel and Chairman Stredicke submitted report which outlined Community Relations areas studied in wage and salary survey ,noting Committee Report ten cities were used for comparisons . It was r•enort_ed that job classification inequities needed correction , updating of merit (step-increase) anc 5-step pay plan were warranted with 15 classi- fications resulting in being 10% over average salaries , (47 persons) , per the comparison of like positions in the ten cities . Recommendations of the committee included that the Mayor proceed with reclassification study for the 15 classifications over the 10% above average wage; that merit (step increases) now frozen be paid as of July 1 , 1971; 1972 increases be based on merit and not automatic; 3-step program rather than 5 be implemented , except for uniformed personnel; and that the 1972 budget provide for a Personnel Director, to be considered from within the present staff. After reconsidered motions and cautions by legal counsel , it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE TO REFER ALL ITEMS TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . THE MOTION CARRIED. J c7 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/28/71 Page 4. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Police Guild Request MOVED BY SCHELTYERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE to Reconvene contract LETTER FROM THE POLICE GUILD BE REFERRED TO negotiations for 1971 THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. THE MOTION CARRIED. RECESS - 9: 20 p.m. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO RECESS. CARRIED. After the recess roll call was taken with all subsequently present as previously. b1W All surplus Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported vehicles sold receipt of notice from the Purchasing Agent , Vern Church , that all vehicles declared surplus have now been sold, job well done acknowledged. Downtown Project Mayor Garrett, noting presentation made by the for beautification Planning Director, Downtown Merchants Committee approved , $50,000. 00 and Councilman Stredicke , to the Forward Thrust Design Commission for approval of funds for design-beautification plan , reported receipt of word today of approval and that moneys have been set aside for the project. Mayor Garrett On behalf of the City Council , President Grant elected AWC Pres . extended congratulations to the Mayor on his election to position of President of the Association of Washington Cities . Inter-departmental Councilman Stredicke noted earlier confusion communication on subject of variance decision appeal and called attention to letter received by the Design Commission from the City Engineering Department of which other departments had not been aware which he felt might have jeopardized the citys position with regard to fund grant. He urged that the Mayor request copies of such letters be distributed to all concerned parties and to his office for better communication and coordination of ef-rorts in city hall . Sign Code Councilman Stredicke called attention to the Enforcement new sign code and need for adequate staff for building department inspection of all signs ) and uniform program of enforcement in timely effect to meet deadline date in September . Tow Truck Upon inquiry by Councilman Perry , City Attorney Regulation Shellan noted the state law regulates tow truck operations , also licensing same . Perry noted glass and debris left at accident scene and question was brought up as to responsibility for accident , such being needed to fix liability . Sign Code Councilman Schellert requested that any discrepancy .enforcement discovered during enforcement of the sign code be brought to attention of the council for revision rather than trying to continue enforcement in y spite of problems or weaknesses . M Travel Report- Councilman Qh mi-� called attention to report 61 Aviation Board by Mr. McCorkle on recently attended conference O McCorkle which was very informative as concerned national 'n policies of airport operation . Mayor Garrett M M added his concurrence . m ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO 9:45 p.m. ADJOURN. THE MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned. ` Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk Cllz� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF June 28, 1971 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Wednesday 8:00 pm Grant 6th Flr. Conf. Rm 6/30/71 Community Services 1Y-iday 4:00 pm Clymer 3rd Flr. Conf. Rm. 7/2/71 Finance Monday 4:30 pm Schellert lst Flr. Conf. Rm. 7/12/71 Legislation Perry Personnel & Community Relations Stredicke Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Bruce Transportation Wednesday 7:00 pm Grant 4th Flr. Conf. Rm. 6/30/71 &0 235. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 6/28/71 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME APORESS TYPE OF WORK B 2709 $13,850.00 Harold E. Sanders 1909 Union Avenue N.E. Construct New Residence 2710 VOID 2711 VOID n.s 2712 VOID 2713 6,000.00 1st Methodist Church 2025 N. 4th Street Remodel Church B 2714 6,000.00 Steve Oliver 433 Bronson Way N.E. Construct Garage ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3327 657.00 E. R. Coleman 1100 North 36th St. Wire New Residence 3328 950.00 Mobile Oil Company 4105 N.E. 4th St. Install Control Circuit 3329 50.00 Chotiner & Gumbiner 440 Rainier Ave. So. Temporary Service 3330 50.00 Kampe Construction 3301 Burnett Ave. No. Temporary Service 3331 50.00 CBS Construction Inc. 1600 Eagle Ridge Drive Temporary Service E 3332 50.00 Parkwood Homes 1922 Jones Court Temporary Service 3333 50.00 No. Pacific Construction 1801 N.E. 14th St. Temporary Service 3334 50.00 Parkwood Homes 818 South 27th Temporary Service 3335 550.00 Darryl Benson 1801 N.E. 14th St. Wire New Residence 3336 25.00 A. V. Quincey 2025 Jones Ave. N.E. Wire One Circuit E 3337 500.00 lst Methodist Church 2025 N. 4th St. Wire Conduit for 15 lights MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2896 5,500.00 Jade Lion 309 Airport Way Install Sprinkling System 2897 250.00 Ron Dowda 2006 Glenwood N.E. Install Septic Tank etc. 2898 12000.00 Reiman Motor Parts 617 So. Grady Way Install Plbg. Fixtures 2899 350.00 Sartore 1403 N. 36th St. Install Septic Tank etc. %no SIGN PERMIT S 147 800.00 Mrs. Phyllis Jordan 1100 Blk NE & Park Dr. Install Off Premise Sign SEWER PERMITS S 1615 Fred Schuman 1019 N. 32nd St. Connect Sewer 1616 W. Kampe Const. 814 N. 33rd St. Connect Sewer 1617 W. Kampe Const. 3301 Burnett Ave. N. Connect Sewer 1618 David L. Johnson 1109 N. 32nd Connect Sewer 236 WARkAmT DISTRIBUTION DATE 6/28/71 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUM6ER NUMBER WARRANTS CURRENT FUND 2660 2688 $13#584 . 13 PARKS AND RECREATION 2689 2706 $31246 .62 CITY STREET 2707 2715 $12009.52 CEDAR RIVER M AND 1 2716 2716 $315.00 LIBRARY 2717 2718 $161 #15 REG* AND STREET FWD TF+RUST 2719 2746 $1#424 .72 URBAN ARTERIAL 2747 2747 $127959 LAKE WASH, BEACH FWU THkUS 2748 2748 $10218.89 WATERWORKS UTILITY 2749 2756 $12*780.28 AIRPORT 2757 2763 $4#860. 12 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2764 2777 $1#227 .59 FIREMEN S PENSION 2778 2790 $5#525.92 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS &56#781v53 WE# THE UNDERSIGNEC MEtibERS GP' THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL# HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANUI SE A'qD/OR SE kV ICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED# DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VUUCHERS NO• 2660 THROUGH N0. 2790 IN THE AMOUNT OF $56,781 *53 THIS 28 OF JUNE # 1971a FINANCE COMMITTEE w' - �i�L'w - wrviiw�wwwwwww--� lig 1MI . EE MEMBER COMMITTEE R i - w wwr ww ww�wwwwwww- CO`1 1 TTEE MEMBER z�7 FUND TRANSFERS APPROVED FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE 1971 FROM TO CLAIMS FUND Current Fund $ 60 ,334 . 95 Parks & Recreation Fund 21 ,601 . 40 City Street 63,076 . 88 Cedar River M & I 536 . 00 Library 7,685 . 32 Regular & FWD Thrust Street 8 ,573. 33 Urban Arterial 65 ,405 . 76 rr City Shop Construction 500 . 00 Park Forward Thrust 4 ,323 . 80 Lk. Wash . Beach Fwd. Thrust 52 ,421 . 51 Waterworks Utility 78,418. 91 Airport 9 ,630. 94 Equipment Rental 19 ,690. 03 Firemen ' s Pension 5,724. 97 Total Claims for June $397 ,923. 80 FROM TO PAYROLL FUND Current Fund $172 ,921 . 39 Parks & Recreation 46 ,586 . 49 City Street 37 ,408. 58 Cedar River M & I 730. 00 Library 12 ,134 . 29 Waterworks Utility 23,607 . 00 Airport 1 ,831 . 00 Equipment Rental 4 ,837 . 00 Firemen 's Pension 100 . 00 Total Payroll for June $300 ,155.75 238 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING July 12 , 1971 Council Chambers 8 : 00 P ..'f . R E F E R R A L S Munici;?al Building CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Summons and Complaint Hazel Sutherlin low CITY CLERK Notify Statewide Request Carco Theatre list from Park Board & Director Obtain Attorney General 's Oainion through Representative Shinpoch re Bingo COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Matter of access parking lot 3030 N. E. 10th St . Duties of Health Officer COMMUNITY SERVICES Preservation and care of trees Political Signs as covered by Sign Code Subject of City Design Commission FINANCE Surplus equipment bid opening Uniform personnel withdrawal. from Socia: Secur.- ty & Trust FIRE CHIEF Written report on 3030 N. E. 10t.� St . , access north side of building LEGISLATION L. I .D. 274 Sick Leave for Uniform Personnel Transfer of funds Cedar River M&I Rezone of Revom, Inc . MAYOR 'S OFFICE Earlington Annexation John C. Sterling resignation, PARK BOARD AND DIRECTOR_ Letter from Mike Potoshnik 7r . Provide list of Carco Theatre users wit: fees & insurance PUBLIC SAFETY Mutual Aid Agreement under L . E. F . F. Act Sick leave for Uniform personnel PUBLIC WORKS Protests on L. I . D. 274 RENTON CITY COUNCIL July 12 , 1971 REGULAR MEETING Council Chambers 8:00 P.M. Municipal Building M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance CALL TO ORDER and called the weekly meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF GRANT, Pres . , BRUCE , CLYMER , STREDICKE, PERRY, COUNCIL MEMBERS AND SCHELLERT. Moved by Schellert , seconded by Grant , absent Councilman be excused. Carried. rr.. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor , HELMIE NELSON, City Clerk , IN ATTENDANCE DOROTHEA GOSSETT, City Treas.urer , G . M. SHELLAN, City Attorney , JACK WILSON, City Engineer , C. S. WILLIAMS, Police Chief, GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director, VIC TE GANTVOORT, Street Commissioner , DEL BENNETT , Public Works Administrator , VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Director , DEANE SEEGER, Mayor 's Administrative Assistant , BERNARD RUPPERT, Building Director and M. C. WALLS, Fire Chief. MINUTE APPROVAL Moved by Stredicke , seconded and carried to amend 6/28/71 Meeting Page 4 , Paragraph 10 , strike "Schellert; insert "Stredicke" . Moved by Grant , seconded by Stredicke to approve the minutes of previous meeting as amended. Carried. Mayor Garrett introduced Mr . Gordon Sayler, Director of the Drug Intervention Program, a new organization operating under federal grant applied for in con- junction with Renton School District . Sayler urged community involvement to provide program for a1 .1 young people , reporting his office at School Ad- ministration Building . PUBLIC HEARING Mayor Garrett declared Public Hearing open , with L.I.D. 274 City Clerk reading two petitionsoin favor of L. I. D. Undergrounding received after original petitions . Two letters of Utilities C. B. D. protest were read by City Clerk from Rev. John Schaeffer of St . Luke ' s Episcopal Church , also Favorable Petitions * protest lettersfrom Mrs . Leslie Joseph Putman; from Renton School R. B. Fulton , Chief, Postal Facilities Branch , in District #403 and behalf of Renton Main Post Office; Joseph Arko; Mrs . LaVerne Barnett Mrs . .Mae Burnham; Peoples National Bank in behalf Anna C. Burdulis of Fred C. Brendel and also in behalf of Florence I.O. O.F. Lodge by Swanson ; James V. Duff; and Charles L. Custer. W.R. Kelso , A . G. Letter from Engineer Wilson was read giving total Jennie Beaman estimated cost at $227 , 737 . 00 with protests amounting James Natucci to 5 . 880 of estimated cost of the improvement. Two letters received after 5 :00 P.M. (Fred Hancock Post No . 19 and Marian & Robert Dobson) raised protest to 6 . 30 . Those present at hearing and registering protest were Ace Jones for Renton Eagles Aerie 1722 , Isabell Adams , Clara Adams , Joseph Arko , Dr. Larry Lackie , William and Mary Tomalin , Elmer T. Bergem, raising percentage of protest to 8 . 01 . Presentation with slides given by Public Works Administrator Bennett explaining work and costs , followed by questions from the floor re $50 ,000. Forward Thrust beautification project , Mayor Garrett explaining this was separate project . Project was urged by John Swanson and Ed Davis . Councilman Perry sug- gested adjustment in hardship cases at time of final hearing. Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Grant , hearing be closed. Carried . Moved bg Grant , seconded _Stredicke , Council proceed with LID 274 and refer to Legislation Committee to prepare prover ordinance . Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce , protests be referred to Public Works Committee for evaluation and recommendation . Carried. Councilman Schellert returned to council seat after removing himself dur- ing LID 274 discussion . 240 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/12/71 Page 2. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported Nos. 2791 - 3064 committee approval of Vouchers #2791 through 3064 in amount of $162 , 733 . 27 , same having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services were received. Moved by Schellert , seconded by Stredicke , vouchers be approved for payment as listed. Carried . RECESS Mayor Garrett declared five minute recess . Roll Call showed all present except Grant who arrived shortly . ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted RESOLUTIONS Ordinances and Resolutions for adoption which were read with Council action taken as follows : ORDINANCE NO. 2641 Ordinance was read amending City ' s Comprehensive Comprehensive Land Land Use Plan , maps ; data and reports relating Use Plan , N. E. 3rd to property located between N. E. 3rd St . and N. E. 4th & 4th , Cugini Prop. St . and Harrington N. E. extended southerly owned by Tino Cugini and Emma , his wife , to be designated as "Commercial " . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Clymer , to place on second and final reading. Carried. Planning Director confirmed filing of covenant running with the land . Following final reading , moved by Stredicke , seconded by Clymer , to adopt the ordinance as read . Roll call all ayes . ORDINANCE NO. 2642 Ordinance was read appropriating and transferring Authorizing $16 ,670 . 58 from ^xcess f<evenue , Streets to appropriation from City Streets Account 103-542-13-63. 22 in amount excess revenue to of $4 ,488 . 58 and Account 103-542-13-63 . 31 in City Street amount of $12 ,182 . 00 . Moved by Schellert , seconded Accounts by Bruce , ordinance be placed on second and final reading, carried. After final reading , moved by Schellert , seconded by Stredicke , ordinance be adopted as read. Roll call vote carried with all ayes . Md ORDINANCE NO. 2643 City Clerk read ordinance fixing amount , form , Fixing amount etc. date , maturity and denominations of Local Improve- L. I.D. 263 bonds ment District No . 263 bonds , and providing for and providing for public sale of such bonds (Kennydale area sanitary public sale sewer lines) . Councilman Perry reported Government Bid Opening: is bidding and expected to buy bonds , moving ordi- 8: 00 PM August 16 nance be placed on second and final reading. Seconded Schellert , carried. After final reading , moved by Schellert , seconded by Grant , ordinance be adopted as read . Roll call vote all ayes . Carried. RESOLUTION NO. 1749 A resolution of the Council of the City was read Public transporta- authorizing the expenditure of not to exceed tion planning work $4 ,000 in City General Funds to provide necessary jointly conducted local matching funds for public transportation Puget Sound Govt . planning work . Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Conf. and Metro Bruce , resolution be adopted as read . Carried . See later for additional resolution re annexation. COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS John C. Sterling Letter from John C . Sterling, Renton Planning Com- Resignation mission tenderedresignation effective August 1 , 1971 due to existing and future commitments . Councilman Stredicke commended Mr . Sterling for fine service and moved the matter be referred to Mayor ' s office . Seconded by Grant . Carried. J. R . Van Osdell Letter from J. R . Van Osdell requested review of requests access restriction to parking lot of the Sunset View from Kirkland Ave . Apartments for the purpose of removing restriction for better fire protection to north side of build- ing at 3030 N. E . 10th St . Moved by Schelplert , seconded by Bruce , matter be referred to the ommittee of the Whole (Fire Chief to furnish written report) . Van Osdell , being present , ur�-hPr Pxplai.n-,3 access n—d-3 and motion carried . t 241 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/12/71 Page 3 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Cont . Sick Leave Letter from Mayor Garrett recommendeddrafting of Uniform Personnel ordinance covering sick leave as relates to Police- men and Firefighters attaching information from G. S ellan and Firefighters Local 864 . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Grant to concur in recom- mendation and refer to Public Safety Committee and Legislation Committee to prepare recommended ordinance . Carried . �r Uniform Personnel Letter from Renton Police Officer 's Guild requests request withdrawal opportunity for all uniform personnel to vote on from Social Security withdrawal from social security , and further requestedfunds be put into investment trust on a City/employee matching basis with vesting provi- sions . Moved by Perry , seconded by Stredicke , communication be referred to Finance Committee for recommendation . Motion Carried . Thanks to Park Letter from Mike Potoshnik Jr. thanked Park Department Department of the City , Gene Coulon , John Webley and staff for the fine way the bawl diamonds were fixed for the Renton Invitational Softball Tournament under very wet conditions . Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Bruce , that copy of letter be forwarded to Park Board . City Clerk reported this had been done . Motion carried. Retirement Systems Letter from Mayor Garrett recommended that the Consolidation City Council authorize the Statewide Cities Retirement to completely exhaust all City of Renton released matching funds that are are now or will accrue to the City of Renton ' s account by the end of the calendar year 1971 . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Bruce , concur in recom- mendation of l.'ayor. Motion Carried . Trees - Letter from '4ayor Garrett on behalf of Renton Need for A4unicipal Arts Commission requested City ' s guidelines Legislative Body and the Planning Commission investigate adopting an ordinance insuring res- ervation and care of trees on City as well as private property . _Moved by Schellert , seconded by Grant this communication be referred to the Community Services Committee . Motion carried. Audience Comment Mrs . Margaret Evans requested investigating Re trees committee on trees consider means of cutting back trees to preserve view. Request for Letter from Fenton School District #403 Superin- Annexation - tendent Bewley requests the new Earlington Earlington School be annexed to the City . Moved by Stredicke seconded by Perry , refer to Mayor 's Office with report back. Carried. Northeast Area Letter from King County Boundary Review Board Annexation advised receipt of proposed annexation (Northeast A 71-01 Renton Area) Boundary Review Board File No. 337 , in acceptable form for filing and filed effective June 23 , 1971 . Planning Director Ericksen dis- tributed packets showing complete information on annexation , explaining same and that Resolution of Election must be filed on or before July 30 , with August 26 , date of public hearing before BRB. Audience Comment Mrs . Thomas Waters inquired about bonded indebtedness , Mayor explaining the area can vote toaccept small indebtedness or refuse same . Area _going into Resolution No. 1750 General Zoning area explained . Moved by Grant , Annexation N.E. Area seconded by Perry, Resolution be read . Carried. 242 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/12/71 Page 4 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Cont . Resolution No . 1750 Following reading by City Clerk Nelson , moved by I Continued Grant , seconded by Stredicke , to adopt resolution as read_. Moved by Schellert , seconded by Clymer , to amend resolution to include Community Council . Atty . Shellan explained 5-member community council would serve term of 4 years , be at the expense of the city and could be added to the annexation ballot Audience Comment later . Mr . Tom Waters inquired on fire protection Tom Waters for the 2 ,280 population in proposed annexation , 12220 142nd S. E. receiving explanation of three full time firefighters Renton to be added later with fire districts in area to be contracted and overlapping service for fringe area . MGtion to amend resolution , carried . Motion to adopt resolution as amended , carried. Cedar River Design Letter from Street Commissioner TeGantvoort requested Study transfer by resolution of $1 , 392 . 86 within Cedar River M&I Fund from Professional Services to Personal Services with Social Security and Industrial Ins . , to take advantage of University of Washington work- study program paying 65% of the salary of archi- tectural graduate student for summer to work on Cedar River Design Study . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Perry , to concur in request of Street Commissioner and refer to Legislation Committee for ne:essary resolution . Motion carried . Revom, Inc. Letter from Planning Commission recommended rezone App1 . R-674-71 of Revom , Inc. property located west side of Union Ave . N. E . between N. E. 3rd & 4th St . from G to B-1 commercial . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Stredicke , to concur in recommendation and refer to Legislation Committee for proper legislation . Carried . Bid Opening 6/30/71 City Clerk Nelson presented results of bid opening Surplus Equipment on property declared surplus by council resolution . N. C.R. Bars etc. Moved by Schellert , seconded by Perry , matter be referred to Finance Committee . Carried . Hazel Sutherlin vs Additional item placed on agenda . City of Renton Summons and Complaint served upon City by Hazel Sutherlin for alleged damages caused during sewer line installation by Coulee Construction Co . in the Kennydale area . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Perry , refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier . Motion carried . Audience Comment Mr. Joe Sporcic inquired re Resolution 1749 and Joe Sporcic was informed by Councilman Perry that the $4 ,000 1316 Harrington N. E. was city 's share of $150 , 000 overall study of bus coverage for King County to be presented to county voters next May . APPOINTMENTS Mayor Garrett presentedby letter, the recommendation of Police Chief Williams for permanent appointment of Pa-crolmen James J. Hajny , Roger D. Mathiason and Carl L. Norris having successfully completed their probationary period. Moved by Bruce , seconded by tr Clymer , to concur in appointment to permanent Patrolman . Carried . PROCLAMATIONS_ Proclamation from Mayor Garrett was read proclaiming August 15 , through August 20 , as New Voters Week , New Voters Week encouraging new young voter registration with the 8/15 thru 8/20 enfranchising of 190 ,000 18 , 19 , and 20 year-old citizens by ratification of the 26th Amendment of the U. S. Constitution , July 1 , commencing registra- tion for this state . Moved by Grant , seconded by Stredicke , concur in proclamation of Mayor. Carried. I MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/12/71 � � Page 5 PROCLAMATIONS Renton Blood Proclamation from Mayor Garrett was read declar- Donors Day ing July 21 , as Renton Blood Donors Day. The blood- 7/21/71 mobile unit will be at the Eagles Lodge on 3rd Ave . from noon until 8 : 00 P .M. on July 21 , all citizens urged to donate, as supply is low. Moved bu Schellert seconded by Stredicke , to concur in proclamation of the Mayor. Carried. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Committee of Whole Council President Grant presented Committee of the ,r Report Whole report having reviewed Houser Way Bridge widening Project recommended matter be referred to Houser way Bridge Council floor for discussion and decision . Moved Widening by Grant , seconded by Schellert , concur in Committee of Whole report . Carried. Moved by Clymer , seconded by Stredicke , not to widen Houser Way Bridge . Roll call vote resulted in : 5 Zyes , Bruce No vote . The motion carried not to widen Houser Way Bridge . Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Grant presented Committee Report report announcing special hearing on Wednesday July 14 , 1971 at 7 : 30 P .M. in 4th F1 . Conference Room on Six-Year Street Program - Arterial Streets Plan . Report also recommended request for painting house numbers on curbs be denied. Moved by Stredicke with second by Bruce to concur in committee report . Carried . Bingo Progress report on Bingo was requested by Councilman Clymer , Legislative Committee Chairman Perry report- ed working on the matter with King County Council and planned to present report prior to August 9, also reporting City Attorney advised obtaining Att,!'. General opinion through State Representative . M_nyed by Perry , seconded by Clymer , the City Clerk se:°d n..■ letter to State Representative A . N. Shin_voch_re- questing an opinion from Attorney General on ,behalf of the Council as to the legality of operation of Bingc . Carried. Correction Councilman Stredicke called Clerk 's attention to minutes of flay 17 , requesting correction , Page 4 second paragraph from "Valley Regional Planning Commission" to "Puget Sound Governmental Conference': Emergency vehicle Councilman Stredicke requested progress report on Regulations regulations for emergency vehicles , Perry reporting 15-page ordinance prepared with Ad Hoc Committee meeting Thursday , July 15 , 6th F1 . Conference Room to review this ordinance with Attorney for legal matters at 4 : 30 P.M. Funeral Escort Councilman Stredicke inquired on status of funeral Service escort service report , referred to Public Safety Committee . Committee member Perry reported the recommendation was to continue the present service. Duties of Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Clymer , that the Health Officer matter of duties of the Health Officer be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried . Political Signs Moved by Streeicke , seconded by Clymer , that the under Sign Code matter of the sign code as it relates to political signs be referred to Community Services Committee. Carried . r Carco Theatre Because rent of Carco Theatre for a dance recital Rates was reported in excess of $150 , it was moved by Stredicke , seconded by Grant , that the Park Depart- ment provide complete list of those firms or organi- zations who have used Carco Theatre and include cost of insurance , and schedule of fees . Carried. City Clerk address communication to Park Board and Director. }4AUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING Page 6 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Police Protection Moved by Perry, seconded by Clymer , the Public Review Safety Committee review mutual aid agreement with other cities under the L .E. F.F. Act . Carried. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chairman Schellert recommended Report that the C.; ty acquire additional liability insurance to protect the City in event a uniformed employee Item 1 - Insurance is injured and would sue the City as no longer covered by State Industrial .insurance. Moved to concur by Schellert , seconded Grant , carried. Item 2 - Appraisal Finance Committee recommendedthe fees for the apprai- Now Kill St. Property sal services Mill Street property be paid from Wm. F. Espey-$375 . Legislative Budget , Professional Services Account and this account be reimbursed from the Cumulative Reserve Fund #1894 with referral to the Legislation Committee for the necessary resolution . Moved by Grant , seconded by Bruce , concur in committee recom- mendation . Carried. Item 3 - Conference Finance Committee recommendedauthorization for Public Works Public Works Chairman Bruce to attend the National American Public Works Congress in Philadelphia September 11 , through 16 . Moved to concur by Schellert , seconded by Clymer and carried. Publication Bill Moved by Sclellerc , seconded by Grant , that the Reduced by $39 . 15 council authorizeayment of amended publication bill for Ordinance 2617 in amount of $130 . 17 to Record Chronicle . Discussion ensued. Moved by Grant seconded by Stredicke , to .all for previous question. Roll call vote : Aye Grant , Perry , Schellert , Mayor. No-Bruce , Clymer , Stredicke . Motion failed for lack of 2;13 majoritU . Councilman Stredicke re- iterated position that disinterested 3rd party should have been brought in as indicated by Mr. Fournier on May 6 , Councilman Schellert said he dis- cussed the matter with Record Chronicle , bill had been adjusted by Mr. Fournier as error due to his employee . Motion carried authorizing, payment or amended bill . NEW BUSINESS Committee of the Whole meeting was announced by Council President Grant for Thursday at 8 :00 P.M. Meetings 2nd Floor . Public works Committee Chairman Bruce announced meeting , which he later cancelled. A Personnel and Community Relations Committee meeting was called by Chairman Stre :icke for Wed. July 14 , 7 :00 P. M . Public Hearing called for same night by Transportation Committee Chairman Grant on Six-Year Street Plan at 7 : 30 P.M. 4th Floor Conference Room. Design Commission Moved bu 3rant , seconded by Stredicke , that the subject of City Design Commission be referred to Community Services Committee . Motion carried. Burlington Northern Councilman Stredicke commented on good job done by Agreement Attorney Shellan for agreement with railroads making way for Burnett Street track removal . Meeting Capital Impro-ement Program meeting announced by Capital Improvement Councilman Sc.iellert in his office Monday July 19 , 7 :00 P.M. Bon Voyage Council President Grant extended well wishes on behalf of council and staff to Mayor Garrett , wife and two daughters leaving Sunday , July is , for two-week vacation in England , this being Mrs . Garrett 's first return trip to her native land . ADJOURNMENT Moved by Grant , seconded by Schellert , to adjourn . 11 : 30 P.M. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned . HELMIE W. NELSON, CITY CLERK ` A5 r �. WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 7/12/74 BEGIN ENCING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPM)N N1,jmNEk NUMBER WARRANT' CURRENT FUND 2791 ?656 $38j420.41 PARKS AND RECREATION 2857 2883 $10P178.08 CITY STREET 2864 2909 $371541 .15 CEDAR RIVER M AND 1 2910 2914 $177 .36 LIBRARY 2915 2986 $7p466+49 REG. AND STREET FWD THRUST 2987 2993 $205.20 URBAN ARTERIAL 2994 2998 $382 .25 LAKE WASH. BEACH FWD THROS 2999 2999 5500.00 WATERWORKS UTILITY 3000 3020 563,596 .40 AIRPORT 3021 3029 $541 .24 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3030 3056 53P608*20 FIREMEN S PENSION 3057 3064 $116.49 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS' $162* 733.27 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED MEM3ERS 01' T►,c FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCILP HAVING RECEIVEL DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES SAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR REI,:DERED, DU HERESY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VCJCHFRS V0. 2791 THROUGH NCjs 3064 IN THE AMOUNT OF $162fi733 .27 THIS 12 OF JULY # 1971 • INANCE COMMITTEE CUM IT EE MEMBER 1 w w w �,�.ti �w• C04NITTEE BER w�wsr����wwwwww�ww�ww�w�ww���. C0411TTEE MEMBER ti OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 7/12/71 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Thursday 8:00 p.m. Grant Second Floor 7/15/71 (Location to be determined) Community Services -- -- Clymer Finance Monday 7:00 p.m. Schellert Schellertfs Office Discuss Capital 7/19/71 6th Floor Improvement program : Legislationslat.iLegislation .P • m. Thursday430 Perry6th Fl . Conf.Rm. Ad Hoc Committee 7115171 Emergency Vehicle Ord. Personnel & Community Wednesday 7:00 p.m. 6th Floor Conf. Rm Relations 7/14/71 Stredicke Public Safety -_ __ Delaurenti Public Works Scheduled -- Bruce Meeting Cancelled Transportation Grant Public Hearing Wednesday 7:30 p.m. 4th Flr. Conf. Rm Six Year Street Plan 7/14/71 i July 12, 1971 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID OPENING, JUNE 30, 1971 2:00 P.M. - First Floor Conference Room SALE OF SURPLUS EQUIPMENT Item Bidder Bid 1. One (1) N.C.R. Accounting Machine 3100 No Bid -- 2. Nine (9) N.C.R. 500 Bars/3300 Front Bars (Interchangeable) and Three (3) N.C.R. 3300 Back Bars. No Bid -- 3. One (1) Gestetner Mimeograph Machine (Includes interleaver John N. Mead $250.00 and cards, color changer, silk screen and two (2) inking 604 S. 17th Street rollers. Renton, Wash., 98055 4. Addressograph supplies including fifty-two (52) drawers No Bid with Lok Tab Frames and sixteen (16) drawers only. -A 248 )FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 7/12/71 • PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2715 $160 . 00 T. D. Cubbins 2009 Dayton Ct. S.E. Construct Metal She( 2716 37 ,000 . 00 The Boeing Co. Boeina Renton Plant Misc. Bldg. Work 2717 25 ,000 . 00 Lee Whitley 969 Shelton Ave.S.E.Construct ResidenceNEW 2718 VOID 2719 289 . 00 Marvin E. Wilson 3332 N.E. 17th St. Install Swimming Pool B 2720 3 ,000 . 00 Richard Houghton 1032 Shelton Ave .N.E. Enlarge Utility Room 2721 6 ,000 . 00 Howard Harding 800 No. 6th St. Remodel Offices 2722 1 , 800 . 00 Mr. F. Vanburdurn 1313 No. 28th St. Addition to Residenc- 2723 50 . 00 Henry E. Legere 451 Pelly Ave . N. Repair Front Porch 2724 2 ,000 . 00 Joe Jarek 3805 N.E. 6th P1 . Construct Garage B 2725 10 ,910 . 00 Virgil G. Mudd 1402 Lake Youngs Wy. S.E. Construct Residence 2726 26 ,000 .00 R. Schafer 1912 Rolling Hills Ave .S.E. it If 2727 9 ,000 .00 Tony J. Schatz 485 Rainier Avenue S. Extension of Bldg . 2728 200 . 00 Lloyd V. Collins 806 Grant Ave . S. Build Storage Shed ELECTRICAL PERMITS F 3338 VOID 3339 5 ,960 . 00 Earlinaton Bus .Center 498 S.W. 7th St. Install lights etc. 3340 588.00 Parkwood Homes 1922 Jones Court Wire New Residence E 3341 250 . 00 Arco 221 Rainier Ave . N. Wire Gas Pump 3342 50 ,000 . 00 The Boeing Company Boeina Plant Misc.Electrical Wor'J 3343 150 . 00 Felix Delvillar 554 Ferndale Ave .N.E. Wire Addition 3344 350 . 00 Abrahamson & Keller 1223 & 1225 Kirkland N.E. Install Services 3345 9 , 800 . 00 Rieman Auto Parts 617 So. Grady Way Wire Building E 3346 850 . 00 FHA 441 Windsor Wav Install Electric t 3347 424 . 00 Virgil G. Mudd 1402 Lk.Youngs Way. S.E. Wire Residence 3348 500 . 00 Tony J. Schatz 485 Rainier Ave .S. Wire Remodeled Bldg. 3349 60 . 00 Standard Oil Co. 213 Rainier Ave .S. Wire Sign 3350 50 . 00 Franceschina 501 S.W. 12th St. Temporary Service MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2900 200 .00 McElice 2701 N.E. 20th St. Repair Septic Tank 2901 350 . 00 Felix Del Villar 554 Ferndale Ave .NE Install Plbg. Fixtures 2902 800 . 00 Parkwood Homes 1922 Jones Court Install Gas Furnace 2903 900 .00 Arco 221 Rainier Ave . N. Install Gas Tanks 2904 1 ,500 .00 Howard Harding 800 No. 6th St. Install Plg. Fixtures M 2905 69 . 50 Harry Toshi 2120 Shattuck Ave .S. Install Gas Water Heatex 2906 82 . 00 Williams & Swanson 1007 No. 1st St. Install Gas Water Heatex SIGN PERMITS S 148 Downtown Merchants Assoc . So. 3rd & Morris and No. 1st & Park N. Install Banners 149 495 .00 Renton Village Co. 34 So. Grady Way Install Electrical Sign 150 450 . 00 Renton Village Co. 10 So. Grady Way Install Plastic Sign 151 1,500 . 00 Standard Oil Co. 213 Rainier Ave.S. Install Pole Sign SEWER PERMITS S 1619 Parkwood Homes 1922 Jones Cr_t. SE Connect Sewer r 1620 Reiman Auto Parts 617 So. Grady Way Connect Sewer 1621 Harold Haakenson 1004 N. 33rd Connect Sewer 1622 Williams & Swanson 617 So. 3rd. Connect Storm Sewer 1623 K Mart #4480 440 Rainier Ave . S. Connect Sewer 1624 Hobart 136th Ave. SE & SE 100th Connect Sewer 249 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING July 19 , 1971 Council Chambers 8:00 P.M . Municipal Building R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY Puget Sound Power & Light Company underground conversion agreement documents , L. I. D. 274 Le eas in Block 20 , lands Addition , to be dec are CITY ENGINEER To provide legal description of Public Use Areas , B1 . 20 , Highlands Add 'n. and number of parcels for surplus and disposition CITY'S NEGOTIATOR_ Police Guild requests of June 28th letter COUNCIL PRESIDENT Authorized to designate negotiator for the City labor contract settlements To arrange meeting with City and Community Council representatives from Bellevue to discuss Municipal Community Council operation Councilman Schellert 's request that Committee of the Whole meet with the Capital Improvement Committee COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE_ To meet with automobile dealers concerning proposed revisions to the Sign Code Surplus and Dispositionrecommendations ,Public Use Areas in Block 20, Highlands Addition FINANCE COMMITTEE Temporary access and parking facility for cars with boats and trailers on Foss-Dillingham property adjacent to Lake Wn. Beach Park (now owned by the city) LEGISLATION COMMITTEE L.I. D. 273 , S. W. 43rd Street Sanitary Sewer ordinance to proceed authorized Letter from Mr . H. F. Dalrymple proposing revision to obnoxious weed abatement ordinance Six-year street program and arterial street plan PARK BOARD To determine cost , etc. forarcing facility to accommodate cars with boats and trailers on property owned by the city adacent to Lake Washington Beach Park . PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Letter from Mrs . Dovie Travis regarding CBD L. I. D. Request of Building Director for updating of Uniform Building, Mechanical , Housing and Plumbing Codes Municipal Water Pumping Contract renewal documents with Puget Sound Power & Light Company TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Puqet Sound Power and Liqht Company Underground Conversion Agreement . documents , L.I.D. 274 '- M. M. G. Kampen letter concerning bus service APPOINTMENTS Mrs . Patricia Seymour - Planning Commission membership from 8/1/71 to 1/1/77 Mr. Harold J. Austin - Commissioner, Renton Housing Authority MEETINGS AND EVENTS 8/2/71 - Public Hearing - Access to Sunset View Apartments , N.E. 10th Street and Kirkland Avenue N. E. 7/20/71 - Aviation Board Meeting - Council invited (To be held on Tuesday) 250 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING July 19 , 1971 Council Chambers 8:00 P.M. Municipal Building M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Bill Grant , Mayor Pro Tem, led the Pledge of CALL TO ORDER Allegiance and called the weekly meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF GRANT Pres . , BRUCE, STREDICKE DELAURENTI ! COUNCIL MEMBERS PERRY AND SCHELLERT. ABSENT: CLYMER. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO EXCUSE THE ABSENT MEMBER WHO IS ON VACATION. MOTION CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS HELMIE NELSON, City Clerk, DOROTHEA GOSSETT, City IN ATTENDANCE Treasurer , G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney , C. S. WILLIAMS, Chief of Police , JACK WILSON, City Engineer , GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director , GENE COULON, Park Director , DEL BENNETT, Public Works Administrator, VIC TE GANTVOORT, Street Commissioner , TED BENNETT, i Utility Accountant , VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Director, DEANE SEEGER, Mayor 's Assistant and BERNARD RUPPERT, Building Director . i MINUTE APPROVAL Corrections to minutes of the previous meeting were 7/12/71 Meeting proposed by Stredicke as follows : Page 5 , Paragraph 7 , regarding funeral escort services , in lieu of Public Safety Committee Member Perry reporting, the record should have shown more time requested by the Committee . Also , Page 6 , Paragraph 5 , regarding the payment of legal publication bill , motion to pay was recalled along with move for previous question after no discussion , which motion should reflect second by Schellert rather than Stredicke , who opposed as is indicated in the roll call vote . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING WITH CORRECTIONS AS OUTLINED. THE �r MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having LID 273, Sanitary been duly posted and published according to law, the Sewers , SW 43rd hearing was opened with reading of communications . Street & vicinity Letter from Mr. George C. Oistad and garter in ownership , Mr. John N. Anderson , expressed agreement with the project but not to the route as it applies to Tax Lot 11 , nor easement proposed thereon which it was felt would damage future development of the property . Letter from Jack Wilson , City Engineer reported receipt of no protests to the project as of 5 :00 p.m. this date and that valuation of the district properties plus 25% of existing improve- ments , in sum of $351 ,536 . 00 is adequate to support the district . Estimated project cost is $91 ,480. 20. He noted part of the properties herein are presently included in Water LID 269 . Film slide presentation was given by City Engineer Wilson along with outline of the project history from its inception by petition of property owners , to present status which included pictures of the area and vicinity and plans for the improvement . y Comments were invited and after inquiries by Councilman Stredicke concerning service to certain areas and boundary and line locations , to which the City Engineer responded, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CLOSE THE HEARING . THE MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO PROCEED ON L. I.D. 273 WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLA- TION COMMITTEE FOR THE NECESSARY ORDINANCE. CARRIED. r MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL L_EETING 711917125 1 Page 2 . PUBLIC HEARING : Toyota of Renton appeal of Board of Adjustment Ruling Sign Variance This being the date set and proper notice having Request, V-215-71 been duly published, posted , and mailed, the Denied _ Appealed hearing was opened with reading of appeal letter on 6/28/71 filed by Toyota of Renton , Inc. on June 28 . AUDIENCE COMMENT Comment was invited and Mr. Jim Lyon reported results of luncheon meeting held with automobile dealers of the area and city officials . It was felt the City has an excellent sign program but that it does not fit the automobile business in certain areas . Attention was called to the nature of the business , dealers handling not only sales of new and used cars but also parts , repair and service , etc. and both product and services needing identification by outside display. The business also requires a great deal of land, theirs encompas- sing some 12 acres and others from 3 to 4 acres and signing according to reasonable requirement of franchise as well as State Dealer Laws is a necessity . Sign Code amendment was requested to allow one sign per acre of land and multifaced signs to 600 sq. ft . Mr . Lyon concluded that three signs would be desirable but consolidation into one to allow identification of both products and services is possible by increase in size to 486 ft and if utilization of both sides is permitted. Council consideration of the appeal for variance was requested. Councilman Stredicke inquired if setback require- ments are to be met and Mr. Lyon responded in the affirmative . Mr . Stredicke recalled circumstance of Board of AdJustment notification to petitioner resulting in appeal hearing before the Council rather than the Court and pointed out that no presentation had been made before the Board of Adjustment by the Toyota company therefore full facts and information had not been available on which to deny the variance, on which basis it was suggested the ruling be overturned and variance be granted. As there was no further audience comment nor remarks by council , it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CLOSE THE HEARING . CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE APPEAL BE GRANTED AND THE VARIANCE BE ALLOWED. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THE REQUESTS FOR REVISION TO THE SIGN CODE AS PROPOSED BY THE AUTOMOBILE DEALERS BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE TO MEET WITH THE DEALERS AND REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL WITH RECOMMENDA- TIONS. THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS )RDINANCE NO. 2644 Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted Funding Balance Due proposed Ordinance authorizing appropriation of on Court Costs for $4 ,361 . 14 from Current Fund Excess Revenues into Condemnation of Park Budgetary Account 305/533120/65 , Lake Wn . Beach Property Forward Thrust Fund to pay court costs in con- nection with the Dillingham Condemnation Case . The ordinance was read. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. After final reading , it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED WITH UNANIMOUS AYE ROLL CALL VOTE. ( Councilman Stredicke was absent from the Chamber during the vote .) 252 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/19/71 Page 3. QRDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : (Cont . ) ORDINANCE NO. 2645 Ordinance was read ordering construction and L. I. D. 274 , C. B. D. installation of underground power and other Underground Utilities utility improvements in accordance with Resolution No. 1747; establishing Local Im- provement District No . 274 ; providing the method of assessment ; providing that payment for said improvement be made by special assess- ments upon property in the District , payable by the mode of "payment by bonds" or "notes" in lieu thereof as determined by the City Council ; and providing for the issuance and sale of local improvement district warrants redeemable in cash and local improvement district bonds or notes . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. After final reading, IT WAS MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO SUSPEND THE RULES OF ORDER AND TAKE UP ITEMS OF COMMUNICATION CONCERNING THE MATTER WHICH APPEAR ON THE AGENDA AS ITEM "a" and 'e" . THE MOTION CARRIED. Letter from Safeway Stores , Inc. , by L. Norton Carlson , Real Estate Department , submitted a petition received from Franklin Life Insurance Company , their Lessors , for creation of the LID. Communication from Mrs . Dovie Travis submitted protest to the project due to her limited income . Property located at 88 Logan Avenue South . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE COMMUNICATIONS TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. City Engineer Wilson reported that the property of Mrs. Travis is outside the LID boundaries and therefore tabulations of protest remain unchanged. PENDING MOTION CARRIED. Letter from Puget Sound Power and Light Company , E. L . Carlson , Mgr. -Sup' t . , submitted proposed agreement covering underground conversion in downtown Renton providing for costs payable by the city in sum of $56 , 340. 00 based upon $4 . 50 per ft . , with possible revisions and alterations resulting in increase or decrease as the case may be. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND RECOMMENDA- TION. CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 2646 Ordinance was read changing the zoning classification Rezone of Revom , of certain properties within the City from General Inc. property on Classification District (G) to Business District , Union Ave. N.E. (B-1) . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. .�-. After final reading , it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE FOLLOWED WITH UNANIMOUS AYE VOTE. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 1752 Resolution was read authorizing fund transfer of Cedar River Design $1 ,392 . 86 from Cedar River M. & I. Fund Acct . Study Program. 105/556 . 30 . 31 unto salary accounts to fund personal services of U. of W. Work-Study Program in connection with the Cedar River Design Study. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED. 253 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/19/71 Page 4 . ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (Cont . ) RESOLUTION NO. 1751 Resolution was read authorizing transfer of $375 . 00 from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1894 , Acct . 108/518 . 20 . 63 , unto Legislative Budget Current Fund Account 001/511/10. 31 , to fund Mill Street property appraisal . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. MOTION CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported Nos . 3065 - 3249 approval of Vouchers No . 3065 through 3249 in sum of $205 ,811 . 78 which have received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services and MOVED THAT COUNCIL APPROVE SAME FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY PERRY AND CARRIED. COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS Final Payment Letter from the office of the Park Director CAG 1798-71 su?-mitted and recommended for payment , billing Carco Theatre in sum of $5 ,512 . 85 for stage equipment installed Equipment by Stagecraft Industries , Inc. at the Carco Theatre . Council acceptance this date and com- mencement of 30 day lien period was recommended with release of $580. 30 retained percentage thereafter if no claims or liens are filed and upon proof of payment of all tax liabilities. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS. THE MOTION CARRIED. Updating of Letter from B. L. Ruppert , Building Director, Codes recommended adoption by reference of the 1970 Editions of the Uniform Building Code and Standards , Mechanical Code , Housing Code and Plumbing Code. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE SUBJECT TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION. MOTION CARRIED. National Cystic Letter from Mr. Robert Vukich requested permit Fibrosis Fund to conduct annual fund raising drive in the City Drive of Renton to be sponsored by the National Cystic F_brosis Research Foundation , September 7-11 . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO GRANT THE PERMIT. MOTION CARRIED. Weed Control Letter from Mr . H. F. Dalrymple proposed revision Regulations to obrlcxious week abatement ordinance , recommending one notification to property owner to remain in force and effect so long as that person is owner with an annual deadline date for compliance . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECOND BY STREDICKE, TO REFER, THE LETTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND REPORT BACK. THE MOTION CARRIED. Municipal Water Letter from Mr. D. R . Trafford , Puget Sound Pumping Contracts Power and Light Company , transmitted contract documents for renewal on Lift stations and Wells now served in the City . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE DOCUMENTS TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. The motion CARRIED. M. G. Kampen - Bus Letter from Mr . M . G . Kampen was read which Service Proposals questioned the loss of all Saturday bus service and Inquiries which discontinuation it was felt should first have been a part of the study authorized by King County Ordinance . Various proposals for service were outlined and it was urged that consideration be given to again running buses on Saturday . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE WITH A COPY FORWARDED TO KING COUNTY COUNCIL DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE FORSYTHE . CARRIED. �A1JT$S - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/19/71 Page 5 . COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS (Cont . ) M. G . Kampen - Bus MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THE Service Inquiries COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE 'S ATTENTION BE CALLED TO MATCHING STATE MONIES AVAILABLE FOR BUS FUNDING WHICH MIGHT BE USED FOR SATURDAY SERVICE. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENTS Mr . Joe Sporcic , 1316 Harrington Street N. E. , in support of Mr. Kampen noted that all week bus Bus Service service is available and suddenly on Saturday those depending upon the transportation are stranded and must stay home . He inquired as to accomplishment of the study in regard to the $4 ,000 . 00 authorized as city participation . Councilman Delaurenti responded the study is under way and concerns possibility of ballot by the electorate and operation of the transportation system by Metro . Stredicke felt concern over expenditure prior to election was valid . Mr . James Van Osdell , 3030 N .E. 10th Street noted Mr . Kampen 's concern over lack of ex- pedience in county action and problem in the Highlands area for those depending upon the bus urging all possible assistance by the city to secure Saturday service . Sign Legislation Mr. James Sargent , 2016 Edmonds N.E. inquired concerning prominent sign and question compliance with state and city regulations especially as con- cerns proximity to the highway . City Attorney Shellan advised of 660 ft . requirement from any freeway . Councilman Stredicke responding that the (Ezra Brooks) advertising sign located on 12th North , at the interchange , and Edmonds , does comply both in size and location also meeting the setbacks . He called attention to others along Rainier and noted sign company awareness of the NNW controlling fegulations . Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO RECESS . CARRIED. After the recess , roll call was taken with all Councilmen present as previously . APPOINTMENTS Mrs . Patricia Letter from Mayor Pro Tem Grant requested council Seymour to concurrence in the appointment of Mrs . Patricia Planning Commission Seymour to membership on the Renton Planning Com- mission effective 8/1/71 and expiring 1/1/77. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT. THE MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Harold J. Letter from Mayor Garrett reported for council I Austin - Renton information the appointment of Mr. Harold J. Housing Authority Austin as Commissioner on the Renton Housing Authority . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Committee of the The Committee of the Whole recommended that the Whole Report Council hold a public hearing on August 2 regarding Item 1 . Access to access to Sunset View Apartments ,located at N.E. Sunset View Apts . 10th Street and Kirkland Avenue N.E. and that the adjacent property owners be notified by the City Clerk . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR. CARRIED. Item 2 : Contract Recommended the Policemen 's Guild, Firefighters Negotiations Union and Local 21R be advised that the Council is ready to continue negotiations and that the Council President is authorized to seek out and designate a negotiator on behalf of the City . 14OVED BY SCHELLERT, ^ECOND.ED BY PERRY AND CARRIED, TO CONCUR . 255 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/19/71 Page 6 . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Committee of the Whole Report Cont . ) Item 3 : Police The Committee of the Whole recommended that Officer ' s Guild the four items of request in the Police requests Officer 's Guild letter of June 28 , 1971 be referred to the City ' s negotiator . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR . MOTION CARRIED. Transpox -_ation Report of the Transportation Committee advised Committee Report of public hearing meeting on July 14 , 1971 in the 4th floor conference room on the Six Year Six Year Street Street Construction and Improvement Program and Program and the City ' s Arterial Streets Plan and Committee Arterial Plan concurrence in the Plan as presented . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO CONCUR , WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Legislation The Legislation Committee recommended the subject Committee Report of declaring public use areas (in Block 20 , Renton Item 1 : Public Use Highlands Ass 'n . ) ti:rplus be referred to the Areas , Block 20 , Community Services Committee and to the City Highlands Add 'n . Engineer for correct legal description and area if any , to be retained for utility purposes . Number of parcels for disposition to be determined and immediately abutting owner to be given first consideration . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE AND CARRIED, TO CONCUR . Item 2 : Police Recommended that necessary ordinance to implement Guild Contract vacation benefits for uniformed personnel be presented after the 1972 budget is passed in December. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, _. TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. Stredicke opposed. Item 3 : RIBCO The Legislation Committee recommended that the RISCO request for city participation in Water Pollution Control and Abatement Planning for Sewage Drainage Basins be held in committee until notified as to what cost will be . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. Public Safety Chairman Delaurenti reported that the subject of Committee Report police escorts for funeral is still being under discussion and information for report is to be Funeral Escorts compiled with more time needed at present . Talbot Hill Police Complaint Follow Up Report , by Sgt . W. D. Parking File was read noting parking problem when baseball games are held at the Talbot Hill Park and investi- gation revealing the area to be outside the city limits and in King County and the complaint being forwarded to that municipal jurisdiction . This type of problem , not uncommon in the area will continue until such time as the Talbot Hill Island is absorbed within the City of Renton ,at which time expedient attention and action can be taken upon receipt of a complaint. Capital Improve- Chairman Schellert reported the Capital Improvement ment Committee Program is in final stage of compilation by the Report city administration and the committee hopes to have a preliminary earing with the finally adopted August Preliminary program to be used as a guideline at budget time Program Hearing for the capital expenditures which will be made according to revenues available . Council and City Departments urged to check with Del Bennett for input into the program which it is hoped may be concluded by next week . Stredicke urged that the newspapers publicize the hearing noting 6- year street program hearing/ when pre-hearing notice was carried by the press, was very well attended. 256 7/19/71 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING Page 7 . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: (Cont . ) Remarks by Council- Councilman Stredicke walled attention to Municipal Com- legislation passed last week regarding the munity Council proposed annexation resolution which provided for inclusion of a community council and ex- pressed concern regarding letter from the Mayor which outlined mode of action available in event of desire to change the decision to have the Community Councils . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY SCHELLERT, THAT THE COUNCIL PRESIDENT ARRANGE A COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AND INVITE CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS AND A COMMUNITY COUNCIL MEMBER FROM BELLEVUE TO DISCUSS THE OPERATION OF THEIR MUNICIPAL CO 14t-j ITY COUNCIL. CARRIED. Aviation Board Councilman Stredicke called attention to the Meeting Change' chang3 of meeting day by the Renton Aviation to Tuesday Board which will now be held on Tuesday so the Council may attend. The first meeting will be tomorrow at the control tower . Bus study funds Councilman Perry noted the city cannot expend the $4 ,000 . 00 authorized for the bus study until budgeted and without sufficient money being available it was not going to be approp- r_ated until next year , emergency ordinance to otherwise be required. Meeting with Chairman Schellert requested meeting with the Committee of the Committee of the Whole to discuss the City ' s Whole Requested Capital Improvement program and MOVED THAT DIS- by Capital Im- CUSSION OF THIS SUBJECT BE HEARD AT THE COMMITTEE provement OF THE WHOLE MEETING. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY Committee DELAURENTI AND CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Tom Teasdale , Chairman , Renton Park Board, Mr . Tom Teasdale- reported problem in regard to adequacy of parking w Parking at Lake at Lake Wn. Beach Park , with the sudden heat and Wn. Beach Park the sockeye salmon run bringing out hundreds of swimmers and fishermen with boats and trailers , people had to be turned away . It was urged that access into the adjoining city-owned property be made available . Gene Coulon , Park Director, noted the park has been filled to capacity and recalled requested item deleted for crossing the creek and utilizing of the Foss-Dillingham property for parking of boats with trailers , not anticipating what was going to happen with the fishing influx. Budget item will include the development next year again and problem is anticipated to increase rather than to be alleviated . Stredicke inquired as to estimate for temporary crossing for immediate utilization of the area . It was noted that $10 ,000. 00 had been budgeted for the improvement with a proper bridge . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE AND PARK BOARD TO WORK OUT COST FOR A P:RIING FACILITY AND REPORT BACK RECOMMENDATIONS. Discussion ensued concerning need for installing a temporary bridge to reliela the problem immediately . VOTE ON THE PENDING MOTION WAS DISSENTING AND ROLL CALL WAS PROPERLY REQUESTED RESULTING AS FOLLOWS: AYE-4 : GRANT, PERRY, DELAURENTI AND SCHELLERT. NO-2 : BRUCE AND STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO ADJOURN. 10 :20 p.m. THE MOTION CARRIED. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED. Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk 257 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 7/19/71 BF_GIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS CURRENT FUND 3065 3120 917x940941 PARKS AND RECREATION 3121 3147 39x780+75 CITY STREET 3148 3165 $18x560.51 CEDAR RIVER M AND I 3166 3167 $101 .95 LIBRARY 3168 3169 8539 11 REG. AND STREET FWD THRUST 3170 3179 964,273.09 URBAN ARTERIAL, 3180 3184 572x646 .85 WATERWORKS UTILITY 3185 3199 $100828 .89 AIRPORT 3200 3205 01x224915 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3206 3227 $4x207 .62 FIREMEN S PENSION 3228 3249 55x708.45 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $205x811 +78 WEt THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCILx HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED Oil RENDEREDx D0 HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO. 3065 THROUGH N0+ 3249 IN THE AMOUNT OF $205x811978 THIS 19 OF JULY x 1971 • FINANCE COMMITTEE COIM ITTEE MEMBER COMMITTEE;-ME MBR w�v-vvvv®v-v-ew-v-vvs-v- �f COMMITTEE MEMBER OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CYi COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF July 19, 1971 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Wednesday 8:00 p.m. Grant Council Chambers 7/21/71 2nd Fl-r. Community Services -- -- Clymer Finance Monday 4:30 p.m. Schellert 1st Flr. Conf. Rm. 7/26/71 Legislation Monday 7:00 p.m. Perry Chairmants 6th Flr 7/26/71 Council Office i Personnel & Community -- -- -- Relations Stredicke Public Safety -- Delaurenti -- Public Works -- Bruce -- Transportation -- Grant -- Aviation Board Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Renton Control 1st Tuesday Meeting 7/20/71 Tower Council invited Renton Control Tower Special City Shops Wedne;3day 7:30 p.m. Schellert 6th Flr. Council 7/21/71 Office AD HOC Ambulance Committee Thursday 4:00 p.m. Perry 6th Flr. Conf. 13n. 7/22/71 s 259 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 7/19/71 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPTS . BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 729 $ 3 ,500 .00 Earlington Assoc. 498 SW 7th ST Install Interior Panel .730 500 .00 Warren Kindle 361 Taylor NW Construct Wall 2731 1,600 .00 John Zanatta 1020 Sunset NE Repair Garage 2732 1,680 .00 Seattle Lumber 1431 Maple SW Move building 2733 - - FHA-Mark Seven 1113 N. 33rd ST Demolish Residence 2734 21, 100 .00 Powell Homes 1612 Blaine NE Construct Residence B2735 1,000 .00 Hans W. Nack 2811 Mt. View N Addition 2736 3,500 .00 Ralph Storey 1015 N lst ST Rebuild Rear of House 2737 3 ,000 .00 Ronald Lovett 2224 NE 28th ST Construct Addition ELECTRICAL PERMITS E3351 150 .00 Ernest L. Bozeman 2234 NE 24th Wire Addition 3352 45 .00 John Zanatta 1020 Sunset NE Install lights 3353 48 ,977 . 57 Pacific Car 1400 N 4th ST Renovate Power Plant 3354 4 ,000 .00 Earlington Assoc. 498 SW 7th ST Wire Office Space B'3355 500 .00 Adrian Olson 800 N 6th ST Wire 3 New Offices 3356 200 .00 Paul Houser 500 Williams S Upgrade Wiring 3357 500 .00 Ralph Storey 1015 N lst ST Rewire & Electric Heat MECHANICAL PERMITS M2907 292 . 31 Dixon Long 516 Pelly N Install Gas Furnace 2908 89 . 50 L. I . Gilmore 4000 NE 7th ST Install Water Heater 909 69 .50 Glen Knowle 1709 Monterey Crt NE it i 910 135 .00 Josethe Brown 1601 Newport NE Conversion Burner __911 82 . 50 Dwayne Johnson 3324 NE Sunset Blvd Gas Water Heater 2912 400 . 00 Ralph Storey 1015 N lst S'.^ Relocate Fixtures 260 - RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING July 26 , 1971 Council Chambers i 8 :00 P. M. Municipal Building R E F E R R A L S COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Request of Mr. G. L. Arnold for exclusive right to collect glass in Renton COUNCIL 'S BUDGET COMMITTEE_ i Report by Mr. W. E. Bennett , Utility Accountant , on Utility Plant value (9 ,184 ,465 . 96) to enable establishing service charge for 1972 . LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Tolerance Permits for overweight logging trucks using city streets ` Proposed Ordinance relating to Sick Leave , etc. (Introductory reading f only at this meeting) f Appropriation of $29 , 331 . 92 from excess .revenue in the Park Fund , into Lake Wn . Beach Park Fund to cover costs in connection with Dillingham condemnation court suit . Rezone of Kampe property , R-670-71 , from GS-1 to R-1 Newspaper article and subject of tax dollar use in support of parks PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE — i Agreement with Metro for joint use of Secs . I and II of Cedar River trunkline i TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE I Petition for barricade of Seattle Pipeline Road to prevent through traffic (Tiffany Park area) Tolerance Permits for overweight logging trucks using city streets APPOINTMENTS Renton Police Department - Mr . James Phelan to position of Lieutenant j Harold R. Caldwell , John C. Pavone , Claude Evans , William File and Don Persson to position of Sergeant ; Mrs . Edith Joanne Ocker to position of Clerk-Steno I , all permanent assignments , effective as of 8/1/71 . Michael Magula to six monthb probationary period as Patrolman and Nancy McKern to six month's probationary period as Clerk Dispatcher, both eff. 8/1/71 MEETINGS AND EVENTS Condemnation Suit to begin Tuesday , July 27 , 1971 at 1 : 30 p.m. Dillingham-owned , Scott Pacific properties adjoining Lake Wn . Beach 1 i I 1 261 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING July 26 , 1971 Council Chambers 8 :00 P . M. Municipal Building M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Council President Bill Grant , Mayor Pro Tem, CALL TO ORDER called the weekly meeting of the Renton City Council to order and led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance . ROLL CALL OF GRANT, Pres . , BRUCE, CLYMER, DELAURENTI, COUNCIL MEMBERS STREDICKE, PERRY AND SCHELLERT. CITY OFFICIALS HELMIE NELSON, City Clerk, DOROTHEA GOSSETT, IN ATTENDANCE City Treasurer, G . M. SHELLAN, City Attorney , C. S. WILLIAMS, Chief of Police , M. C. WALLS, Fire Chief, JACK WILSON , City Engineer, GENE COULON, Park Director , DEL BENNETT, Public Works Administrator , VIC TE GANTVOORT, Street Commissioner , TED BENNETT, Utility Accountant , DEANE SEEGER , Mayor 's Assistant , and BERNARD RUPPERT , Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO 7/19/71 Meeting APPROVE THE 14INUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT. MOTION CARRIED. VOUCHERS/WARRANTS Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported Monthly payment implementation of monthly warrant procedure , implemented in lieu as an efficiency move , voucher approval now to of weekly warrants appear only on the third Monday of each month . ORDINANCES AND Leciislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted RESOLUTIONS ordinances for reading with council action to-wit : ORDINANCE NO. 2647 An Ordinance of the City of Renton ordering the L. I. D. 273 , SW 13rd construction and installation of certain sanitary Sanitary Sewers - sewer lines and appurtenances thereto in the vic- Installation and inity of S. W. 43rd Street and the West Valley Hwy . , Assessment Authori- all in accordance with Resolution No. 1745 , estab- zed lishing L. I. D. No . 273 , providing that payment be made by special assessments upon benefitting properties in said district , payable by the mode of "payments o bonds" , or "notes" in lieu thereof and providing for the issuance and sale of Local Improvement District warrants redeemable in cash and Local Improvement District bonds or notes . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. After final reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE , TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ . ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN UNANIMOUS AYE VOTE. MOTION CARRIED. PROPOSED ORDINANCE Ordinance was read, the committee recommending Introductory introductory reading only at this time , amending reading only- Chapter 25 of Title I (Administrative) of Ordi- "Sick Leave" nance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordi- nances of the City of Renton" relating to Sick Leave and matters incidental thereto . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE 2648 Proposed Ordinance was read authorizing approp- UAB approved 4 new riation of $37 ,400 excess revenue from Forward project funding Thrust 3-HH Reserve Funds into expending for street im- budgetary accounts to fund additionally approved provements street improvement projects , Renton Ave . . Airport Way , Logan Ave . from W city limits to N. 4th; Sunset Blvd. NE from Edmonds to east city limits ; Rainier Ave . N & S. from N. city limits to Grady Way and SW Grady Way from Rainier Ave .OS . to Lind Ave . S. W. 2 ( 12 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/26/71 Page 2 . ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (Cont . ) ORDINANCE #2648 MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO j UAB/FWD. THRUST AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. The Ordi- Street Improvement nance was read . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED Projects , $37 ,400 BY PERRY, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN UNANIMOUS AYES . THE MOTION CARRIED. i ORDINANCE #2649 Ordinance was read authorizing appropriation Funding of four of $438 ,990. 00 excess revenues in the Urban additionally Arterial Board Fund , unto budgetary accounts approved street for funding of UAB additional approved street projects by UAB improvement projects . (90% UAB, 10% Forward as listed in Ord. Thrust) MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY 2648. BRUCE, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. I CARRIED. After final reading it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN UNANIMOUS AYES. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION N0. 1753 proposed Resolution was read amending and i Amending 6-year modifying the City 's Six-Year Street Construction Street<CConstruction and Improvement ?rogram and including the City 's Program and Arterial Arterial Street Plan per Exhibits , all as provided Street Plan by law. Public Hearing held on July 14 by and through the Transportation Committee resulted in adoption } modification and amendments of said plans and programs it now being advisable to update same as required by law. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. MOTION CARRIED (AFTER LENGTHY DISCUSSION UPON DUPLICATION OF WORK AS MAY INVOLVE MEETING OF CITY STANDARDS IN THE TALBOT AREA , VICTORIA PARK- BENSON HIGHWAY RELOCATION PROJECT - FOR SAKE OF FUND AVAIL- .,. ABILITY. ) Stredicke opposed . COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS Band Concert Letter from Patricia Ames , 13604-23rd Avenue So . Enjoyment Seattle , expressed appreciation for the summer and concerts and urging continuation of same . Utility Plan In accordance with Resolution No . 1666 the value 12/31/70 City Utility ' s Plant value as of the date of 12/31/70 was reported by Mr. W. E. Bennett , Utility Accountant , to be $9 ,184 ,465 . 96 which information is furnished to enable the council to establish the service charge rate for 1972 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE REPORT TO THE COUNCIL ' S BUDGET COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED. Joint Use with Letter from City Engineer Wildon submitted pro- Metro of Cedar posed agreement providing for joint use of Sec. River Trunkline 1 and 2 of the Cedar River Trunk Line with Metro . Acceptance and execution by city officials was recommended. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE DOCUMENTS TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Petition for Petition containing signatures of 52 residents closure of Pipe- of So. 7th Street , Renton Avenue South and Beacon Line Road way South , expressed concern over traffic volume increased by opening of the City of Seattle Pipe line road near Tiffany Park . Barricade was requested to prevent through traffic with access provided to Phillip Arnold playground facilitu without complete opening. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER THE PETITION TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE FOR INVESTIGATION AND REPORT BACK. MOTION CARRIED. 6 t} MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/26/71 Page 3. COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont . ) Glass Collection Letter from Mr. G. L. Arnold requested for Recycling contract for exclusive right to collect glass in the city for subsequent recycling by Northwestern Glass , such to enable securing of small business loan to finance equipment for the operation . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE . CARRIED. Local 21R vs . City Letter from City Attorney Shellan reported receipt of letter from Mr. Olson , State Labor Mediator, together with copies of Findings of Fact , Conclusions of Law and Decision and Order which superseded prior preliminary order sent to the city prematurely and without notice . There were few substantive changes made in the final order and pursuant to prior instructions of the council a Notice of Appeal will be filed. Welcome to new Mayor Pro Tem Grant extended welcome to new Reporter Don reporter Don Adams and extended thanks to Adams - Farewell Mr . Don Crews who will be returning to Kent, to Don Crews both being representatives of the Record-Chronicle APPOINTMENTS Letter from the Mayor requested concurrence in appointments to positions in the Renton Police Renton Police Department as follows : Department Appointments Mr. James E. Phelan to position of Lieutenant ; effective 8/1/71 Mr . Harold R . Caldwell , Mr. John C . Pavone , Mr . Claude Evans , Mr . William File and Mr . Don Persson to position of Sergeant; Mrs . Edith Joanne Ocker to position of Clerk-Steno I , all permanent assignments . Mr . Michael Magula to six months probationary period as patrolman , subject to passage of physical and psychiatric examination , and Nancy McKern to six month ' s probationary period as Clerk-Dispatcher . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, AND SECONDED EY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR. Approval of the appointments was reported by Finance Committee Chairman Schellert . MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Bingo Legislation Recalling discussion in Committee of the Whole without a referral of the subject of Bingo, and noting prior referrals to the Public Safety and Finance Committees still pending to date , Councilman Stredicke pointed out August 9 is effective date of State Legislation on the subject and urged early action on reporting . Council President Grant noted meeting problems with regard to quorum and stated meetings to be open and Mr . Jones upon request being allowed discus- sion . it was recalled that the Finance Committee had reported its survey of other cities in the State and what action is being taken and that the Legislation Committee is working with the County for uniform legislation that might be adopted for all cities , with action to be recom- mended at that time . as concerns the operation in Renton . Ad Hoc Ambulance Legislation Committee Chairman noted problems Committee-Legisla- with quorum for meetings and noted that a min- tion Committee ority report on ambulance legislation is likely . Public Safety Chairman Delaurenti noted receipt of informatior. Committee Report concerning funeral escorts to be held until his Funeral Escorts committee is apprised of same . 264 MINUTES OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/26/71 �. Page 4. OLD BUSINESS (Cont . ) i Finance Committee Finance Committee Chairman Schellert Court Costs re submitted recommendation for appropria- Dillingham Con- tion from excess revenue in the Park Fund demnation for Park in sum of $29 , 331 . 92 unto Lake Wn . Beach Purposes Fund to cover court costs in connection with condemnation for park purposes . + Further recommended that the matter be referred to the Legislation Committee for Ordinance . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE TO ADOPT THE REPORT OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE AS READ. MOTION CARRIED. Access to Lake Wn . The Finance Committee recommended that park site property access to additional parking adjacent to for parking Lake Wn . Beach Park be included in the 1972 Budget with no action taken further at this time. Disruption to activities and possible danger to salmon at this time were discussed,abutments and filling disturbance required. Stredicke felt temporary installation should be con- structed with overcrowed condition and people being turned away . MOTION BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO ADOPT THE COMMITTEE REPORT AS READ SUBSEQUENTLY CARRIED. Jordan offer of park Finance Committee Chairman Schellert site property reported that the committee has requested further details from the Park Director in regard to offer of Harold Jordan of site near the Cedar River on the Maple Valley Highway for park purposes upon receipt of which the committee will advise further. Request for vacancy The Finance Committee Chairman reported to be filled receipt of request from the Engineering Department to fill an existing vacancy . °he Committee requested engineering to maintain temporary status of the position for the present time . Request of Uniformed The Finance Committee is now compiling Personnel to withdraw information in order to make a decision from Social Security on withdrawal of uniformed personnel from Social Security and will report upon com- pletion of investigation . Public Works Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce Committee Report submitted report which was read recommending that the Kampe rezone request be granted . Kampe Property MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, Rezone , R-670-71 , TO CONCUR . CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , GS-1 to R-1 SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE REZONE TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. THE MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Use of Tax Dollars Councilman Schellert submitted article for for Park support reading from the 7/25/71 issue of the reflected in study Seattle Times concerning park management- hired by County study conducted by King County . Councilman (Outsiders use of Schellert noted the study recognized that Lk. Wn . Beach cause the general tax dollar of the county is of parking problem) being used for urban and neighborhood park programs and expressed concern that the tax dollar in the Renton area is being used to finance neighborhood parks in the county as well asregional parks and schools .He urged the Park Board recommend a policy statement to the Coylnty as to use and operation of the parks with request for outline =�i s_pecific differences in rural and urban areas . MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE ARTICLE AND SUBJECT TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. 265 . MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7126171 Page ,5 . NEW BUSINESS: (Cont . ) Alcoholic The Mayor Pro Tem Grant called attention to Beverages in State Legislation enacted concerning consuming Parks" of Beverages in state parks , and newspaper article on the subject . Stredicke pointed out that this matter had been before the council and has been referred to the Park Board and Community Services Committee. Tolerance Permits Acting Mayor Grant noted additional State for Logging Trucks Legislation enacted and Memo from Mayor Gar- fet was , submitted for reading, which noted Senate Bill 450 (Ch . 2.49, Laws of 1971) Ex. Session , gives authority to cities to issue log tolerance permits for overweight logging trucks using city streets . It was noted the City should have control over routes and it was recommended that the subject be referred to the Transportation and Legislation Committees . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mrs . Dixie Johnson- Mrs . Johnson recalled incident at Lake Wn . Emergency First-Aid Beach Park of near drowning and emergency Vehicle aid by fire truck which could not maneuver into the park readily and firemen having to leave the truck and run the length of the park with the equipment to administer aid . She inquired as to when the new emergency first aid vehicle was to be available . It was noted that bid has been awarded and the delivery date to be approximately 90 days . ..� (Awarded on June 7 , 1971) Court Case to City Attorney Shellan announced that the begin 7/27/71 condemnation suit for acquisition of addition Condemnation for to park property (Dillingham-owned ,Scott- park site of Pacific property interest) will commence at Scott-Pacific 1 : 30 p. m. tomorrow, Tuesday , July 28 , contrary Property to prior notice of 9 : 00 a .m . schedule ; . ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO 10 : 30 p.m. ADJOURN. THE MOTION CARRIED. MEETING ADJOURNED. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 26 , 1971 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Grant Community Services Fri. 7/30 4 :00 PM Clymer 3rd F1.Conf.Rm. Finance Schellert Legislation Mon 8/2 7 :00 PM Perry hr m.Council Of. Meet with Public Safety Committee Personnel & Community Thurs. 7/29 8 :00 PM 5th F1.Co;if.Rm. Relations Stredicke Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Mon. 8/2 6 :45 PM Bruce th Fl.Conf.Rm. Transportation Grant OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 7/26/71 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDIN G AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2738 $1,000.00 Charles J. Lumbert 2508 Dayton Avenue N.E. Construct Detached Garage 2739 130,000.00 Renton School Dis.#403 400 South 2nd. Street Remodel H.S. Bldg. 2740 3,000.00 Toyota of Renton 720 Rainier Ave. So. Construct Canopy, Att'd to Existing Bldg. 2741 26,000.00 Parkwood Homes, Inc. 822 South 27th Rt. Construct Single Family Res. 2742 18,000.00 Parkwood Homes, Inc. 2548 Smithers Ave. So. Single Family Res. B 2743 VOID 2744 113500.00 C.W. Betts 1014 No. 30th Bldg. Detached Garage 2745 18,950.00 North Pacific Const. 1115 North 30th St. Const. Single Family Res. 2746 VOID 2747 --- Marsearch Inc. 77 Rainier Ave. So. Demolish Building 2748 --- U.S. Post Office 308 Williams Ave. So. Demolish Store Building B 2749 --- U.S. Post Office 317 Wells Ave. So. Demolish Store Building 2750 99,000.00 U.S. Post Office 314 Williams Ave. So. Remodel Bank Bldg. & Main P.O. - Resurface Parking Areas Around Existing Bldg. 2751 250.00 Donald L. Slack 1708 S.E. 16th Place Construct Deck on House ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3358 250.00 Gary Childers 1312 North 32nd. St. Alter Wiring to Conform with City Code 3359 VOID 3360 250.00 German J. Winkelman 1125 North 32nd. St. Renew Electrical Wiring .. in two Bedroom House 3361 650.00 J. Kramer 510 South Whitworth Install Electric Heat&150 A Service 3362 3,000.00 City of Renton Lk. Wash.. Bled.& Houser Work on Underground Circuits Way- Stage 3 and Make Repairs 3363 75.00 Van Beurden 1313 North 28th. St. Wire New Addition to Res. 3364 250.00 C.W. Betts 1014 No. 30th. St. Wiring for new Garage MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2913 500.00 Anderson 603 Tacoma Ave. N.E. Install Oil Furnace & Tank 2914 900.00 Mobile Oil Company 251 Sunset Blvd. No. Install Tank & Vents and Backfill. Concrete Pads over Fill Stem & Sumersible Pump 2915 50.00 Gary Childers 1312 North 32nd. St. Repair Drainage 2916 540.00 Dunn Lumber Co. 120 Factory Ave. No. Install Gas Unit Heater 2917 350.00 Dobi Corporation 1431 Maple Ave. S.W. Install Plumbing Fixtures M 2918 200.00 Dobi Corporation 1431 Maple Ave. S.W. Install Temp. Septic Holding Tank 2919 250.00 Dobi Corporation 1431 Maple Ave. S.W. Install Gasoline Tk. & Pump 2920 800.00 Rudy Hasson 3601 Lk. Wash. Blvd. No. Install Oil Furnace & Oil Tk 2921 950.00 Harold E. Sanders 1909 Union Ave. North Install Plumbing & Fixtures 2922 600.00 Canyon Homes 1909 Union Ave. N.E. Install Gas Furnace & Gas Fired Water Heater SIGN PERMITS S 152 1,000.00 Standard Oil Co. 301 Grady Way Install Wall Sign 153 VOID 268 FUND TRANSFERS APPROVED FOR THE MONTH OF JULY, 1971 FROM TO CLAIMS FUND Current Fund $ 56 ,360 . 82 Parks 19,958 . 83 Street 56 ,101 . 66 Cedar River M & I 279 . 31 Library 8,005 . 60 Reg. & Fwd. Thrust Street 64 ,478. 29 Urban Arterial 73 ,029 . 10 Lk. Wn. Beach Fwd. Thrust 500 . 00 Waterworks 74 ,425 . 29 Airport 1 ,765 . 39 Equipment Rental 7 , 815 . 82 Firemen 's Pension _5 , 824. 94 TOTAL CLAIMS FOR JULY $368 ,545 . 05 FROM TO PAYROLL FUND Current Fund $175 ,917 . 45 Parks 58 ,082 . 49 Street 38 ,416 . 18 Cedar River M & I 1 ,171 . 00 Library 11 ,838 . 88 Waterworks 23,723. 42 Airport 1 ,831 . 00 Equipment Rental 4 ,837. 00 Firemen 's Pension Fund 100. 00 TOTAL PAYROLL FOR JULY $315 ,917 . 42 269 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING August 2 , 1971 Council Chambers 8:00 p.m. R E F E R R A L S Municipal Building COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE R. D. Mebust request , on behalf of Bob Rivily , to use portion of public right of way for parking in connection with expansion of B. & B. Auto Parts , 401 -419 Rainier Avenue Height Limitation in Code for multi -story buildings and problem of meeting code parking requirements when condemned building is replaced FINANCE COMMITTEE Request for Aviation Board Members to attend Annual Meeting of Northwest Aviation Council , September 9-11 , in Helena , Montana LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Proposed Ordinance relating to charges for fingerprinting. Revision to code requested by City Engineer to encompass additional streets and arterials approved for funding by outside source To request copy of draft of proposed King County Solid Waste Ordinance and refer same to Community Services Committee for study MAYOR ' S OFFICE Request by Fire Chief Walls to change rank of Training Division position PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Subject of Calendar Tupe City Report (Per Book Publishing Co. concept) PLANNING COMMISSION Height limitation in City Code for multi -story buildings to be reviewed along with problem of meeting code parking requirements when condemned buildings are replaced. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Letter from Mrs . Ruth Newman , 77 Wells Avenue South , advising of limited income and hardship created financially by LID 274 assessments TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE R. D. Mebust request , on be<ialf of Bob Rivily , to use portion of public right of way for parking in connection with expansion of B. & B. Auto parts , 401-419 Rainier Avenue MEETINGS AND EVENTS 8/16/71 - Public Hearing on access to Sunset Apartments ,N. E. 10th Street and Kirkland Avenue N. E. (Continued from 8/2/71) SPECIAL AWARDS Red roses to Mrs . Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer , in recognition of 25th year anniversary in city service Community Service Placgue awarded Mr. John Sterling for service as Member and Chairman of the Renton Planning Commission 270 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING August 2 , 1971 Council Chambers 8 :00 P.M. Municipal Building M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND William Grant , Mayor Pro Tem, led the assembly CALL TO ORDER in the Flag Salute and called the weekly City Council meeting to order. ROLL CALL OF GRANT, Pres . , BRUCE, CLYMER, DELAURENTI, STREDICKE , COUNCIL MEMBERS PERRY AND SCHELLERT. .r CITY OFFICIALS GWEN MARSHALL, Deputy City Clerk , DOROTHEA GOSSETT , IN ATTENDANCE City Treasurer, G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney , C. S. WILLIAMS, Police Chief, M. C. WALLS, Fire Chief, JACK WILSON, City Engineer, GENE COULON, Park Director , DEL BENNETT, Public Works Administrator , VIC TE GANTVOORT, Street Commissioner, TED BENNETT, Utility Accountant , DEANE SEEGER, Mayor 's Assistant , JAMES MAGSTADT, Asst . Planning Director , VERN CHURCH , Purchasing Director and BERNARD RUPPERT, Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO APPROVE 7/26/71 Meeting THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF JULY 26 , AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT. THE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper and legal notice Sunset View Apts . having been published,posted and mailed, the hearing Access Restriction was declared open, to consider the request of Mr. J. R. Van Osdell for removal of access restriction from Kirkland Avenue to parking lot of Sunset View Apartments at 3030 N. E. 10th Street . Improvement for fire protection was cited as prime reason for the request . .rr Letter from Mr. and Mrs . Henry Knight , 1022 Kirkland Avenue N. E. was read advising that they did not favor the Kirkland Avenue access opening. Audience Comment Audience comment was invited. Mr. Glenn Burrelle, 1010 Kirkland Avenue NE spoke in opposition to the proposed Kirkland access objecting to the matter being again reviewed noting late 1970 denial of like request , and inquiring as to its present re- appearance , Kirkland Avenue improvements not being implemented by property owners as were to be done . Mayor Pro Tem Grant noted receipt of letter from Mr. Van Osdell requesting reconsideration of the restriction ,and review of same by the Administra- tion and Committee of the Whole resulting in Council sitting the public hearing to allow full discussion of all aspects. Review by Asst . Upon request , Mr. Jim Magstadt , Asst . Planning Planning Director Director, reviewed the original actions on this property from 1966 rezone , granted subject to condition that there be no access from Kirkland Avenue , in regard for problems anticipated by adjacent owners of single family residential properties and agreed to by applicants further action when barricade removal had been requested due to winter weather conditions causing ingress/egress problems , and prior 1970 request of Sunset Ventures for variance from original commitment which was denied by Planning, appealed to Council , much protested and denied. Mr. Van Osdell , advised Council that the apartment has been sold and requested considera- be given to allow access from Kirkland rather than Jefferson , which access has proven to be inadequate and does not allow proper fire protection to the northern side of the building. 271 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8/2/71 Page 2 . PUBLIC HEARING: Sunset apartment access from Kirkland Avenue N. E. Audience Comment Mr. Van Osdell , 3030 NE 10th Street ,also outlined previous requests and actions noting although owners had agreed to the restrictions , in actual use of the property thereafter ,parking had to be expanded and Zack of adequate access has caused problems . Difficulty in getting fire equipment into the area was also felt to affect safety of the residents . Drawing was displayed of proposed entrance utilizing Kirkland Avenue which it was felt would resolve problems and alleviate hazard of present turn-in from Jefferson , especially in the winter months . Mr. Van Osdell requested the restriction , which was not a covenant , but a condition of rezone , be lifted by council action at this time . Considerable discussion ensued among the Council , property owner and opponent resident , concerning improvements , vacation anticipation of the unim- proved right of way , whether heard again by the Planning Commission and possible impact of lifting the restriction as would affect residents of the property and residents adjacent to the property. Council Actions MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CLOSE THE HEARING . MOTION CARRIED. Hearing continued to August 16 ,1971 MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO DENY THE REQUEST FOR LIFTING OF RESTRICTIONS. The Chair being in doubt , roll call vote was taken and resulted as follows : AYE : GRANT, PERRY AND STREDICKE . NO : SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI, CLYMER AND BRUCE. MOTION WAS LOST. m_ MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE MATTER BACK TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR FURTHER REVIEW. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO RECONSIDER THE PRE- VIOUS ACTION(IN VIEW OF FACT THE HEARING HAD BEEN CLOSED AND THE COUNCIL IS GOING TO TAKE ACTION AT A SUBSEQUENT MEETING) AND REOPEN THE HEARING. CARRLED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONTINUE THE HEARING TO AUGUST 16 , 1971 . CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Proposed Ordinance Proposed Ordinance was read amending Sec. 5-3001 relating to charges of Title V, Business Regulations (of Ordinance No. for fingerprinting 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton " , relating to charges for documents , Introductory Reading etc. (Updating Code to conform to provisions of Only- Referred back State Statutes requested by Police Chief and recom- to Legislation mended by Committee . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY Committee BRUCE , TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION AND TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Before final reading, discussion ensued in regard to possible additional fee revisions which might be incorporated into one publication . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE AND CARRIED, TO REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR FURTHER STUDY. ORDINANCE NO. 2650 Ordinance was read changing the zoning classifiva- Rezone of Kampe tion of certain properties within the City from property , R-670-71 , General Suburban Residence District (GS-1) to GS-1 to R-1 , Pierce Single Family Residential District (R-1) . Kampe Avenue N. E. property located on Pierce Avenue between N.E. 11th Street and NE 11th Place . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY PERRY, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. After final reading , it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY DELAURENTI, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN UNANIMOUS AYES. MOTION CARRIED. 2(2 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8/2/71 Page 3. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (Cont . ) ORDINANCE NO. 2651 Ordinance was read authorizing appropriation Appropriating funds of $29 , 331 . 92 from excess revenue in the Park for court costs-Lake Fund unto Lake Wn . Beach Budgetary Fund Account Wn . Beach Park Site 305/533. 20 . 65 , to cover court costs connected with Dillingham property acquired for expansion and development of Lake Wasy)ington Beach Park. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER AND CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS AYE ROLL CALL VOTE, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. Ordinance No . 2652 Ordinance was presented and recommended for Mode of Fine Payment introductory reading providing for Code in Municipal Court amendment to conform to revisions of State Law. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. The ordinance was read . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. After final reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE AND CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS AYE ROLL CALL VOTE , TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ . Proposed Ordinance Legislation Committee Chairman Perry reported "Sick Leave" that the Sick Leave Ordinance introduced last week will be held for report of Fire Fighters Assn . concerning prior agreement . SPECIAL AWARDS Mrs . Dorothea Gossett was escorted to the podium Dorothea Gossett , by Councilmen Delaurenti and Schellert ,upon in- City Treasurer vitation of Mayor Pro Tem Grant , where she was 25 Yrs . Service presented red roses in recognition of her 25th year anniversary as City Treasurer. John Sterling - Mr. John Sterling was escorted to the podium Planning Commission by Councilmen Clymer , Communit?? Service Committee ... Chairman , and Councilman Stredicke , prior Planning Commissioner , where presentation of Community Service Placque was awarcled in recognition of his service as Member and Chairman of the Renton Planning Commission . COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS Aviation Board Letter from Mr . C . L. Day , President , Renton request to attend Aviation Board requested authorization for Conference Board Members Dime� Kosney and himself to attend the Northwest Aviation Council 's Annual Meeting to be held in Helena , Montana , September 9-11 , with reimbursement from budgeted funds available for Conferences and Special Schooling.MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Code Revision - Letter from City Engineer Wilson listed streets Street & Arterial and arterials to be included in projects eligible Project Inclusion for Forward Thrust and other possible funding sources , and requested amendment to Resolution No . 1616 to encompass same . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Request to use Letter from Mr . R . D. Mebust of Harader, Mebust right of way for Schorr Co . , Architects and Consultants , requested automobile parking on behalf of client Mr . Bob Rivily , Owner , B. & B. Auto Parts . Co , to utilize a portion of city right of way for automobile parking as part of proposed expansion and remodelling of existing compan,i . Site plan was attached with 6-8 ft . of right of way for distance of 167 ' along Rainier Avenue to be involved, 1 ,169 sq. ft . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE AND CARRIED, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE, AND THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE . CARRIED. 27i'3 - MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8/2/71 Page 4. COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS (Cont . ) LID 274 Expense Letter from Mrs . Ruth E. Newman , 77 Wells Avenue a Burden to South stated that she is a widow with limited Widow income and can see no way she could pay for the assessment or expense of bringing the underground wiring from the street to her residence as proposed in LID 274 , CBD Underground Utility project . She approved the beautification of the business streets but opposed assessment imposed thereby on the small home owners . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. RECESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO RECESS . 9 :20 P.M. THE MOTION CARRIED. Recess was declared. Ths meeting reconvened at 9 : 30 p.m. ,roll call following with all Councilman present as previously . AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Joe Sporcic, 1316 Harrington NE , inquired as to Mr. Joe Sporcic progress of the Transit Study . Councilman Perry re- Transit Study sponded that the study application has been filed with the Federal Government and has been approved, according to reports ,but verification not yet announced. The funds are to be forthcoming through the Puget Sound Governmental Conference . Mrs . Dixie Mrs . Dixie Johnson inquired concerning City action Johnson - Bingo relatir_g ': Bingo noting August 9 date approaching when state legislation becomes effective to permit certain opera ;:,;nn ; not-inc news item on Attorney General ' s intent to participate thereafter in Pierce County bingo activity . Discussion ensued wherein it was noted the City is awaiting uniform legisla- tion proposals prior to acting further, steps taken by other cities in requiring registration by the non-profit organizations conducting bingo noted. State Representa- State Representative Albert Shinpoch arrived at tive Shinpoch the meeting and was questioned concerning the subject an, position of the Attorney General . He admitted confusion as to tolerance policy of the law and noted that letter is being prepared ,as requested by the City Council heretofore , to request opinion of the Attorney General , there being some consideration to be given as to content to encompass his personal queries with the City 's . City Attorney Shellan cited question of constitutionality ,lotteries being pro- hibited under the Constitution with no distinction set forth whether profit or non-profit . Stredicke urged action by Council Committees having the subject under consideration via prior referral by Council . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Public Safety Chairman Delaurenti reported recommendation of the Committee Report Public Safety Committee to continue funeral escort Funeral Escort services for the present time . MOVED BY PERRY, Service SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . Discussion ensued, Police Officer Wm. File , Vice-Pres . Police Officers ' Guild , outlining the Guild ' s opposition to continua- tion of the service and problems posed thereby . After some further lengthy discussion concerning public relations aspect ,policy of other cities and inquiry as to whether committee report is in writing, PENDING MOTION TO CONCUR CARRIED. Reclassification The Public Safety Committee recommended concurrence of position-Fire in request of Fire Chief Walls to change rank of Department Lieutenant ' s position in the training division of the Department , to Captain . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER TO REFER THE SUBJECT TO THE MAYOR ' : OFFICE FOR RECOMMENDATIC:: . THE MOTION CARRIED. Yage 5 . MINUTES - RENTON CII'4' COUNCIL NtBi'.ZNG B12171 OLD BUSINESS (Cont . ) City Report Councilman Perry noted budgeting of funds for quarterly report and noting one publication to date inquired concerning further issues . Funeral Escorts Councilman Stredicke noted Police Guild concern over timeliness of notice to the department of need for escort services and urged that mortuaries be advised of the problem. Delaurenti reported such action has been taken in request by the Public Safety Committee to Police Chief Williams . Community Services Chairman Clymer submitted report of the Community Committee Report Services Committee recommending denial of request + Item 1 . Glass of Mr. G. L. Arnold for exclusive contract for collection in collection of glass for recycling, the work being Renton for commended but exclusive collection not feasible . Recycling MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE AND CARRIED, TO CONCUR . Investigation of license status of other collectors was urged. Item 2 . House Bill 876 The Community Services Committee reported that House Alcohol in Parks Bill 876 is not applicable to municipal parks but refers to consumption of alcohol in state parks . City Attorney Shellan added that provisions of the Bill include issuance of Class H Licenses to City Centers administering restaurant services . Labor Relations Council President Grant reported letter agreement Consultant is being prepared by the City Attorney for retentio;: of C. Carey Donworth & Associates , Inc. for labor negotiations . r'uneral Escort Councilman Grant acknowledged noteworthy research Service by the Police Guild on funeral escort service and agreed with suggestion that the city get out of the escort business allowing more time for police work and leave same to private firms . Personnel and Chairman Stredicke reported decision of the Community Relations Personnel and Community Relations Committee to Committee Report - delay publication of City Reports in view of City Publication - marked improvement: in newspaper coverage of City New concept by Hall affairs . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY Book Publishing Co . SCHELLERT AND CARRIED, THE SUBJECT OF CALENDAR of Calendar Type TYPE REPORT BE REFERRED TO THE PERSONNEL AND COM- Report to be studied. MUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. Height limitation Reporting attendance at downtown CBD Steering of buildings and Committee meeting on Underground Wiring LID, lack of parking Councilman Stredicke noted discussion on multi- per Code require- story buildings and Code limit of height . MOVED ment when condemned BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT AND CARRIED, building replaced TO REFER THE HEIGHT LIMITATION OF MULTI-STORY BUILDINGS TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE AND PLANNING COMMISSION FOR REPORT BACK. Possible construction of same in the core area was noted. Lack of parking when condemned building is de- molished and replaced in the core area (per present Code) was also discussed. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI AND CARRIED,TO REFER THIS SUBJECT TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE AND PLANNING COMMISSION. Solid Waste Noting enactment of various legislation on gravel Ordinance operation , mining and grading , excavation , etc. and replacing of natural growth but nothing dealing with solid waste , land fill or garbage disposal , Stredicke noted King County has a draft of a Compre- hensive solid waste ordinance and it was urged that the Legislation Committee secure a copy for the Community Services Committee to study. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO 10 :30 P.M. ADJOURN. CARRIED. Meeting adjourned. GweV Marshall , Deputy City Clerk I i a OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF August 2, 1971 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Grant Community Services Fri. 8/6 4:OOpm Clymer 3rd fl. Conf. Room Finance Schellert Legislation Mon. 8/9 7 :OOpm Perry Chairman' s Council Office Personnel & Community Stredicke Relations Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Wed. 8/4 8:OOpm Bruce 4th fl. Conf. Room Transportation Grant Capital Improvement Mon. 8/9 7:OOpm Schellert V' Committee �( 274 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 8/2/71 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS N0, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2752 $51.,000.00 REIMAN AUTO PARTS 617 S GRADY WAY CONST. METAL PARTS BLDG..,., 2753 13000.00 HARVEY L. SPRACKLEN 1723 SHATTUCK AVE. S REMODEL 2754 11000.00 CREST VIEW MOTEL 330 SW SUNSET BLVD. REPAIR FIRE DAMAGE 2755 70,000.00 HERFYIS CORP. 151 SUNSET BLVD. N CONST, RESTAURANT 2756 1,474.00 CITY OF RENTON CARCO THEATER CONST. OBSERV. PLATFORM B 2757 -- BURL, NORTHERN R.R. 1115 SW 7TH ST. INST. TEMP, TRAILER 2758 900.00 A.K. BECKWITH 1717 ABERDEEN NE CONST. CARPORT 2759 -- REVOM INC. 345 UNION AVE. NE LOCATE 2 TRAILERS ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3365 150.00 PETER J. ROFFEY 977 SW 3RD PL. REPLACE WIRING 3366 300.00 NELS SWANSON 665 FERNDALE PL. NE INST, ELECTRIC HEAT 3367 300.00 NELS SWANSON 662 FERNDALE PL. NE INST. ELECTRIC HEAT 3368 300.00 MELS SWANSON 660 FERNDALE PL. NE INST. ELECTRIC HEAT 3369 300.00 MELS SWANSON 667 FERNDALE PL. NE INST. ELECTRIC HEAT E 3370 7,000.00 TECHNA MACHINING INC. 800 N 6TH ST. SERV. & WIRING FOR MACH. 3371 -- DOBI CONSTRUCTION 1431 MAPLE AVE. SW WIRE GAS PUMP 3372 25.00 RENTON LIGHTING & SUP. 411 RAINIER AVE. N HOOK UP SIGN 3373 50.00 COFFEE AND RENTON SHOPPING CTR, CONNECT AIR CONDITIONER 3374 150.00 VERGIL OLSON 1159 REDMOND AVE. NE REVISE WIRING MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2923 41000.00 JADE LION 309 AIRPORT WAY INST. BOILERS 2924 500.00 RENTON SCHOOL DIST. 400 S 2ND ST. INST. PLBG. FIXTURES omw 2925 650.00 ANGELO FRANCESCHINA 501 SW 12TH ST. INST, PLBG. FIXTURES 2926 2,800.00 U.S. POST OFFICE 314 WILLIANLS AVE. S INST, PLBG. FIXTURES 2927 1,500.00 DUNN LUMBER CO. 120 FACTORY AVE. N INST, PLBG. FIXTURES M 2928 300.00 ROBERT RICHARDSON 405 WELLS AVE. S INST. GAS FURNACE 2929 135.00 PLAYERS TAVERN 317 MAIN AVE. S INST. GAS CONVERS. BURNER 2930 200.00 RONALD LOVETT 2224 NE 27TH INST. PLBG. FIXTURES 2931 1,050.00 POWELL HOMES 1618 BLAINE AVE. NE INST, PLBG. FIXT. & PIPING 2932 850.00 POWELL HOMES 1612 BLAINE AVE. NE INST. PLBG. FIXT. & PIPING SIGN PERMITS s 154 835.00 ROBERT RIVELY 411 RAINIER AVE, N INST. POLE SIGN SEWER PERMITS S 1625 VIRGIL MUDD 1402 LK, YOUNGS WY, SE CONNECT SEWER 277 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING August 9 , 1971 Council Chambers 8 :00 P.M. Renton Municipal Building R E F E R R A L S COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 1971 Budget negotiations and charge of unfair labor practice COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Disposition of surplus property , Blocks 19 and 20, Plat of Renton Highlands ..� Petition opposing Park Avenue as location for Berry House To check into possible utilization of Burnett Street area for park site upon railroad track removal FINANCE COMMITTEE Request for attendance of Mayor and Councilman Delaurenti to attend IAPC Convention in Anaheim, California , September 25-30 , 1971 LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Property Rezones : Tino Cugini property , R-676-71 , located on SE corner of NE 4th Street and Index Pl . N.E. , from G to B-1 Kampe Construction Company property , R-678-71 , located on NE 10th Court between Pierce & Redmond, GS-1 to B-1 Pumps and tamper no longer used by Equipment Rental Fund to be declared surplus and for sale by bid call . Downtown Steering Committee request foz removal of electrification system on Houser Way and Resolution for presentation to owner , Milwaukee RR Co ., citing City 's position of favoring such removal . Renewal by Resolution of contract agreements with Puget Sound Power and Light Company for electrical energy services for 4 pumping units MAYOR Proposed change in rank from Lieutenant to Captain in Fire Training position requested by the Fire Chief and approved by the Mayor Mayor authorized to execute contract agreement documents with Metro for -- joint use of Sections I and II of the Cedar River Trunkline Mayor authorized with City Clerk , upon execution of required Resolutions , to renew Contract Agreements with PSPL for electrical energy serving city ' s water pumping units PARK BOARD To check into possible utilization of Burnett Street area for park site upon completion of railroad track removal PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Mayor 's appointments to Board of Adjustment (Confirmed by later action this meeting) TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE To present Resolution to Milwaukee Railroad Company which reports City 's position of favoring removal of electricification equipment on Houser Way South , per Downtown Steering Committee request . APPOINTMENTS Board of Adjustment : Mr . Felix Campanella , Position 1 , 4-year term Mr . Francis A . Holman , Position 3 , 3-year term Mr. Martin Overmyer, Position 4 , 3-year term Mr . Roger Peterson , Position 5 , 2-year term Mr. Ken Swanigan , Position 6 , 2-year term mo. MEETINGS AND EVENTS Sunday , August 15 , 1971 Old Timers Annual Picnic , Liberty Park , sponsored by the Renton Historical Society Special guests to be present at Committee of the Whole meeting, 8/11/71 at 8 :00 p.m. in Council Chambers , to discuss Community Councils `* 278 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING August 9 , 1971 Council Chambers 8:00 P.M. Municipal Building M I N U T E S • FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Flag Salute and called CALL TO ORDER the weekly meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI, PERRY, STREDICKE, BRUCE, COUNCIL MEMBERS AND CLYMER . ABSENT : GRANT . MOVED BY BRUCE AND SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO EXCUSE THE ABSENT MEMBER. THE MOTION CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT , Mayor , HELMIE NELSON, City Clerk , IN ATTENDANCE DOROTHEA GOSSETT , City Treasurer , G . M. SHELLAN, City Attorney , C. S. WILLIAMS, Chief of Police , JACK WILSON, City Engineer, M. C. WALLS, Fire Chief, GENE COULON, Park Director , TED BENNETT, Utility Accountant , VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent , VIC TE GANTVOORT, Street Commissioner, DEL BENNETT , Public Works Administrator, JAMES MAGSTADT, Asst . Planning Director , DEANE SEEGER, Administrative Asst . to the Mayor and BERNARD RUPPERT, Building Director . MINUTE APPROVAL Councilman Perry requested revision to minutes of 8/2/71 Meeting the previous meeting , Page 3 , paragraph 2 , line 3 , relating to Ordinance No . 2652 , which should read "conform to U. S. Supreme Court ruling" , in lieu of State Law. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ADOPT THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AS AMENDED. THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES `4OW Ordinance No . 2653 Legislation Committee Chairman Perry reported receipt Sick Leave and of letter from the International Association of Fire mattersincidental Fighters , awaited by the Committee prior to final thereto action on proposed Sick Leave Ordinance . (First read- ing 7/26/71) . The committee recommended reading of the letter and that the ordinance be placed on its second and final readings . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . MOTION CARRIED. The letter from Mr. William J. Henry , Jr. , Pres . , Local #864 was read advising of concurrence in the Sick Leave Ordinance as proposed. Ordinance was read amending Chapter 25 of Title I , (Administrative) , of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" , relating to Sick Leave and Matters Incidental Thereto . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED AS FOLLOWS : AYE-5 : SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI, PERRY, BRUCE AND CLYMER. NO-1 : STREDICKE. THE MOTION CARRIED. i Ordinance No. 2654 Councilman Perry noted receipt of Ordinance this Bingo , Raffles and date which the committee had not yet reviewed, and Amusement Ganes recommended reading of communications from City Attorney Shellan and County Executive Spellman , I with first reading of the proposed ordinance there- after. j Letter , directed to the Mayor , from Mr. John D. Spellman thanked Mayor Garrett for agreeing to host j a meeting on August 1.1 , at 10 : 30 a .m . in the Mayor 's office , agenda to include subjects of Metropolitan Transit Corporation, routes and city involvement , and Bingo , Raffles and Amusement Games - proposed uniform ordinance . 279 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8/9/71 Page 2. ORDINANCES (Cont . ) Ordinance No. 2654 , Letter from City Attorney Shellan transmitted Bingo , Raffles and proposed ordinance which generally provides Amusement Games for issuance of certificate of registration to qualified organizations for the operation of bingo , reffles or amusement games , per Ch . 280, Laws of 1971 , 1st Extraordinary Session . Some uniformity as to regulation and enforcement had been hoped for , Seattle and King County however , as yet taking no final action . Careful study of the matter was suggested to determine whether the City desires to provide for registration , prohibit such activities altogether or take no action but let state law control it . The Attorney stated he was not prepared to approve legality of this ordinance , the Constitution stating the Legislature shall never pass any law authorizing a lottery , (elements for constituting same contained in bingo ,) also Attorney General ' s opinion likewise determining that bingo is an illegal lottery pro- hibited by the Constitution . City Attorney Shellan noted he knew of no method to amend the Constitution by mere legislative action without approving vote of the electorate , the recent Legislative action attempt- ing to legalize same being questionable as to legality . Difference of legal opinions were acknowledged along with anticipated challenge in the courts, and City Officials and Departments were cautioned that the City is in no position to give assurance that the described activities are in compliance with the law, applicant to assume risk that such legislation will eventually be upheld by our Supreme Court. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE TO PLACE THE ORDINANCE ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. The ordinance was read and contents out- lined by the attorney who noted registration fee was yet to be set by Council . After discussion as to time element , application to be fully completed prior to issuance of certificate. , possible problems in this regard noted by City Clerk Nelson. anticipa- ted by the Attorney to be resolved without undue delay . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO SET REGISTRATION FEE OF $25 . 00 . MOTION CARRIED. Some lengthy discussion followed concerning fees , presently conducted operation as towhether under state law., and local policy in view of effective date of ordinance which is 5 days after publication . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO PLACE THE ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Further discussion ensued, question posed as to why ordinance is needed if present operations are felt to be under state provisions , response being for reason of local policing power and to repeal existing legislation which prohibits same . Various opinions opposed any fee . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO RECONSIDER PREVIOUS ACTION IN SETTING FEE OF $25 . 00 . CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE TO SUBSTITUTE FEE OF $2 . 00 . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY STREDICKE TO MAKE IT A NO FEE REGISTRA- TION. MOTION LOST. ORIGINAL MOTION SETTING $2 . 00 FEE CARRIED. MOTION TO ADVANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS CARRIED. The Ordinance was read. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKI TO ADOPT AS READ. OMC provision for majority vote of emergency declara- tion to make the legislation effective immediatly upon publication was read . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, AND SECONDED BY CLYMER TO REFER BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK/ LOST. MOTION TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ WITH $2 . 00 FEE WAS VOTED UPON BY ROLL CALL VOTE AS FOLLOWS: AYE-5 : DELAURENTI , PERRY STREDICKE, CLYMER AND BRUCE. NO-1 : SCHELLERT. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE WAS ADOPTED. z�u MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8/9/71 Page 3. ORDINANCES (Cont . ) Proposed Ordinance Legislation Committee Chairman Perry reported relating to fee proposed ordinance regarding charges for finger- for fingerprinting printing will be held inasmuch as the State has revised their fee schedule , there being no other revisions by City Clerk or Police Chief to be incorporated at this time . j RESOLUTIONS I i Resolution 1754 Resolution was read authorizing amendment and Code Revision to modification to City Resolutions No. 1616 and 1624 update and modify to bring current and up to date Forward Thrust Forward Thrust Arterial Improvement Projects specified in King Arterial Projects County Resolution 34569, funding thereof to be provided through Forward Thrust Bond issues . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. MOTION CARRIED. COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS Planning Commission Planning Director Gordon Ericksen submitted Recommendations Planning Commission recommendation for rezone of Tino Cugini property located on S. E. corner Tino Cugini property of intersection of NE 4th Street . and, Index P1 . rezone , G to B-1 ME, extended southerly , R-676-71 , from G to B-1 . NE 4th St . -Index Pl . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO NE . CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR ORDINANCE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Kampe Construction Rezone recommended on Kampe Construction Company Co. R-678-71 ,from property , R-678-71 , located on NE 10th Court , GS-1 to R-1 , NE 10th between Pierce and Redmond Avenues N.E. , from GS-1 Ct. at Pierce and to B-1 . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO Redmond Avenues NE CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR ORDINANCE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Both requests are in agreement with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan . Report on Surplus Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted maps Properties , Blocks and legal descriptions concerning surplus property 19-20 , Plat of in Blocks 19 and 20 , Renton Highlands in prepara- Renton Highlands tion for disposition . Appraisals , referred to the Mayor, to require funding. Discussion ensued it being noted prior appraisals had been made *which property owners had felt to be too high , possible vacation of the property suggested, maintenance being a problem to the City at present . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE SUBJECT TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Change in Position Letter from Mayor Garrett recommended that Council rank - Fire Dept. authorize the rank of Lieutenant in the Fire Train- ing Division to be changed to rank of Captain, as requested by Fire Chief Walls . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE MATTER BACK TO THE MAYOR 'S OFFICE FOR DISCUSSION. CARRIED. Request to declare Letter from Vern Church , Purchasing Agent, requested Equipment Rental authorization to surplus and proceed with bid call Fund properties pumps and tamper no longer of use in the Equipment surplus Rental Fund. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLA- TION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Downtown Steering Letter from the Downtown Steering Committee, signed Committee request by Mr. T. Porcello. E. Davis and R. Richert expressed for removal of pleasure to learn of imminent removal of railroad unsightly electrical tracks along Burnett Avenue South by Burlington equipment from Northern Present concern was expressed for unsightly Houser Way South electrification system on Houser Way owned by the Milwaukee Railroad Company. It was urged that the City take action to make ins favor of removal known . 281 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8/9/71 Page 4. COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont,, . ) Action by Council- _MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER THE Downtown Steering REQUEST TO THE LEGISLATION COPIfITTEE FOR RESOLUTION Committee Request PROPOSING REMOVAL. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO AMEND THE MOTION TO INCLUDE REFERRAL ALSO TO THE TRANSPORTION COMMITTEE FOR MEETING AND PERSONAL PRESENTATION TO THE RAILROAD COMPANY. AMENDMENT AND,SUBSEQUENTLY,ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED WERE CARRIED. Petition opposing Petition containing signatures of 9 residents in Park Avenue location vicinity of 424 Park Avenue North opposed use of for Berry House said premises for use as a Berry House . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE PETITION TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR REPORT BACK. Comments were made by the petitioners and others concerning relocation of present facility due to utilization of existing property by the owner,Renton School District . and pros and cons of need for the facility ,invitation extended to meeting of the Drug Intervention Program Trustees on Thursday at City Hall . PENDING MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENTS Mr . Frank Storey , 1326 Kennewick , extended invitation Frank Storey - to the Mayor ,Council and others interested , to attend Invitation to Old the annual picnic of the old timers , to be held in Timers Picnic in Liberty Park on Su:iday , August 15 , which event is Liberty Park sponsored by the Renton Historical Society . Water and Sewer Mr. Charles Shane , former City Councilman , inquired Rate Inquiries concerning action to implement recommendations of by Mr. Charles Water Rate Study and to eliminate utility tax. He felt Shane . rates are excessive and if city action is not in- stituted he would pursue right of initiative . He further made inquiry concerning retirement benefits that Council may receive . Acticnstaken by the city concerning the study , regarding industry and private -- residences ,were noted in response along with procedures and provisions for retirement , and maintenance of in-lieu-of tax payments for taxpayer ' s benefit , home owners water rates being less that recommended by the consultants . Mr . Shane urged water costs and utility taxes be reduced. APPOINTMENTS Board of Letters from Mayor Garrett requested concurrence Adjustment in appointments to numbered positions on the Board Appointments of Adjustment , effective as of September 6 , 1971 , as follows : Mr . Fexix Campanella , Position 1 for 4-year term. Mr . Francis A - Holman , Position 3 for 3-year term. Mr. Martin Overmyer , Position 4 for 3-year term. Mr. Roger Peterson , Position 5 for 2-year term Mr . Kenneth Swanigan , Position 6 for two year term. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE APPOINTMENTS TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. (See later report) OLD BUSINESS Public Works Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce submitted report Committee Report recommending approval of proposed Joint Use Agreement Item 1 , Joint Use between the City and Metro as concerns Sections I and Agreement with II of the Cedar River Trunk Line . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, Metro for Cedar SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION AND River Trunkline THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN THE CONTRACT AGREEMENT DOCUMENTS. MOTION CARRIED. Item 2 . Renewal of Recommended contracts with Puget Power for pumping Power service con- unit electrical energy service be renewed and Mayor tracts with PSPL and Clerk authorized to do so . MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO LEGISLATION COM- MITTEE FOR PRESENTATION OF NECESSARY RESOLUTIONS. THE MOTION CARRIED. 282 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8/9/71 Page 5. OLD BUSINESS (Cont . ) 1971 Budget and MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE Unfair Labor MAYOR BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN THE CONTRACT WITH Practice Charge 21R AS NEGOTIATED BY THE MAYOR FOR THE 1971 BUDGET , RETROACTIVE TO JANUARY 1 , 1971 , AND SPECIFICALLY REGARDING THE FOUR ITEMS OF DIS- AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE UNION. Schellert called for point of order and recalled opinion from the Judge upon receipt of which the Council was under commitment not to take action and the motion thereby would not be valid. City Attorney Shellan , upon request to comment , advised that Council is in receipt of Order issued by Mr. Olson which was suspended since an appeal was filed which is now before the Department of Labor and Industries . if Council dismisses the appeal it ratifies its guilt and admits that the Mayor has the power to bind the City Council without ratification by the Council . Also , if the appeal is dismissed Mr . Olson ' s Order is reinstated and the Council ' s power at budget time would be questionable . Council has the right to abandon its appeal or the matter could be referred to committee to negotiate and have the union abandon its unfair labor practice charge. Mayor Gaz•rett , in satisfying the point of order,recalled impass conditions in other than city cases where accusations and charges are vehement and upon agreement passivly withdrawn . He noted the motion had been made and seconded and with Council proceeding acceptance is implied. Perry requested the floor and asked for minute entry of his remarks . "Last year when we presented the budget and charges were made , we were asked to negotiate with these people . Mr. Schellert made the statement this could be negotiated and a wage study would be made and completed by July 1 , 1971 . Later he said the City would meet with labor in May or June to discuss the subject . To my knowledge we have not met and here we are in the middle of August getting ready for another budget meeting. How can we go into a meeting with labor with this unresolved for 1971 ? We have money in the budget in the contingency fund and we have a matter of 3 requested items and the 4th being the cost of living; and we have at most $621 . 00 per month to Local 21R . It is just a matter of someone being stubborn and not awarding a cost of living. This is a small amount as to what it cost and what it will cost if we go to court . That is why I feel We should approve this motion and start with the 1972 budget . As far as setting precedent , it is clear now that Council intends to hire a negotiator for the Council so I don ' t know where the union can consider this giving the Mayor the right to bargain . " Councilman Stredicke ,discerning campaign activity , withdrew his second of the motion , reason for the second being to allow Mr. Perry to state his reason for the motion . Mayor Garrett accepted the withdrawal , admonishing procedure , and declared the MOTION LOST FOR LACK OF SECOND. After further council remarks , IT WAS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE SUBJECT OF THE 1971 BUDGET NEGOTIATIONS AND THE CITY BEING CHARGED WITH UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICE BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . THE MOTION CARRIED. Personnel and Com- munity Rela_tior_t-s__,—_.__Prsonnel and Community Relations Committee Chairman Committee Report Stredicke submitted report recommending concurrence Approving Board of in the Mayor 's appointments to the Board of Adjustment, Adjustment Appoint- the remaining two positions to be considered later in ments the week. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. 283 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8/9/71 Page 6 . OLD BUSINESS: (Cont . ) Meeting re Community Councilman Schellert urged the press to give Councils as related attention to the Committee of the Whole to pending annexation meeting regarding Community Councils and the connection as may pertain to proposed annexa- tion by the City , residents of these areas thus being alerted as to possible affect on their interests . Capital Improvement Committee Chairman Schellert gave status report Committee Report - on the Capital Improvement Program advising Status of Program to of completion in about 2 weeks with August 23 date set as target date for report back. Request to Attend Letter from Public Safety Committee Chairman IACP Convention Delaurenti requested authorization for himself in Anaheim, Cal . and Mayor Garrett to attend the International Assn . of Chiefs of Police Convention in Anaheim, California , September 25 through 30, 1971 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE FOR RECOM- MENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Inquiry as to a MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE SUBJECT possible park site OF POSSIBLE UTILIZATION OF THE BURNETT STREET upon RR track re- PROPERTY FOR PARK PURPOSES UPON COMPLETION OF THE moval-Burnett So. RAILROAD TRACK REMOVAL , BE REFERRED TO THE PARK BOARD AND THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO 10 :27 p.m. ADJOURN. THE MOTION CARRIED. The meeting was adjourned. Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk 1 ti OFFICE OF TSS CITY CLERIC COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 8/9/71 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Ned. 811 8 :P.M. Grant � Council _ Guests from Bellevue Chambers to discuss Community Councils Community Services Fri . 8113 4 :P.M. Clymer 3rd F1 . Conf. Rm. Finance Mon . 8116 4 : 30 p.m Schellert Ist F1 . Conf. Rm. Legislation Mon . 8/16 7 :P.M . Perry Chairman 's Office ,6th Fl . Personnel & Community Wed. 8/11 7 :P.M. Stredicke 6th F1 . Conf. Relations Rm. Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Bruce Transportation Grant. ,9peciil City Shops Bldg. Wed. 8111 7:30 RM Schellert 6th F1 . Conf. Rm. 285 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 8/9/71 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING -PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2760 $60,000.00 Marsearch Inc. 77 Rainier Ave. S. Construct Car Wash 2761 2,000 .00 Gordon Broadbent 316 Renton Ave. S. Repair Fire Damage 2762 19,250.00 Parkwood Homes, Inc. 811 So. 27th St. Construct Single Residence 2763 55,000.00 C.Taylor Equip.Co. 3100 East Valley Road Construct Steel Bldg. 2764 300.00 Tony Roberts 520 Whitworth Ave. S. Repair Roof B 2765 900.00 Lucien W. Lemon 1801 Jones Ave. N.E. Build Storage Shed 2766 7,000 .00 Towner A. Jayne 304 Powell Ave. S.W. Addition to Residence 2767 1,000.00 Northwest Mortgage 1630 Ferndale Ave. S.E. Install Nonbearing Walls 2768 300.00 Kenneth Jay 2316 N.E. 10th P1 . Install Storage Shed 2769 ------ Renton School Dist. 3000 N.E. 4th St. Locate Trailer ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3375 130 .00 Gordon Broadbent 816 Renton Ave. S. Rewire 3376 200 .00 Richard Houghton 1032 Shelton Ave. N.E. Wire Addition 3377 6,900.00 Dunn Lumber 120 Factory Ave. N. Wire New Warehouse 3378 200.00 James M. Rupprecht 2712 N.E. 6th Place Install new Service 3379 500.00 Powell Homes 1612 Blaine Ave. N.E. Wire New Residence E 3380 408.00 Powell Homes 1618 Blaine Ave.N .E. Wire New Residence 3381 150.00 Rudy Hasson 3601 Lk.Wash.Blvd. No. Replace Old Box 3382 575.00 John M. Dennis Jr. 1201 No. 35th St. Wire New Residence 3383 250.00 West Coast Lighting Renton Shopping Center Install Temp. Service 3384 800.00 Renton Village Co. 15 So. Grady Way T.O. #47 E 3385 215.00 Renton Village Co. 15 So. Grady Way T.O. #45 3386 26,551 .00 Renton School Dist. 400 So. Second St. Misc. Remodel Work 3387 481 .00 Canyon Homes, Inc. 1909 Union Ave. N.E. Wire New Residence MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2933 165.00 Harold S. Taylor 2407 N.E. 7th St. Convert Furnace to Gas 2934 625.00 John M.Dennis Jr. 1201 No. 35th St . Install Plbg. Fixtures 2935 55.00 Ulf Gorranson 623 So. 27th Court Install Outdoor Gas Grill 2936 VOID 2937 152.50 Carrie Lindberg 2525 N.E. 22nd St. Install Gas Furnace M 2938 200.00 Northwest Mortgage 1630 Ferndale Ave. S.E. Install Plbg. Fixtures SIGN PERMITS S 155 600.00 James E. Banker 405 So. 7th St. Install Lighted Sign SEWER PERMITS S 1626 John Dennis 1201 N. 35th Connect Sewer 1627 Renton CashWay Lbr. Factory N. & N.Brooks Connect Sewer 1628 German Winklman 1125 N. 32nd Connect Sewer 286 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING August 16 , 1971 Council Chambers 8:00 P.M. Municipal Building R E F E R R A L S 1 1 i COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Status report on new city shop building (To meet with Special City Shops i Building Committee) � Subject of Green River Development Plan (For discussion with Planning Department) 1972 Budget requests by Advisory groups and other non-governmental bodies COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITEE Request of Mr. G . Patrick Morris , on behalf of Herfy 's Corporation , to improve and utilize city owned property on Sunset Blvd . and 2nd Ave . S. LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Appropriation of excess revenues unto Police and Fire Department budgetary accounts to fund additional insurance in event of suit by uniformed personnel of the city Appropriation of $1 ,500. 00 , Current Fund excess revenue for Ambulance Calls MAYOR 'S OFFICE Bid of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (5-3/8% per annum) on L. I. D. 263 Bonds . Project No. PFL. Wash-27 , Kennydale Island Sanitary Sewers PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Appointment of Mr. Royal Loomis to Fire Civil Service Commission , term expiring 1/1/75 s APPOINTMENT Mrs . Barbara Lally , Position #7 , Board of Adjustment , 1-year term I EVENTS D.A. V. Forget-Me-Not Sale , August 23-28 , 1971 2b RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING August 16 , 1971 Council Chambers 8: 00 P.M. Municipal Building M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Flag Salute and CALL TO ORDER called the regular weekly meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF GRANT , SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI, PERRY, STREDICKE, COUNCIL MEMBERS BRUCE AND CLYM.ER. CITY OFFICIALS_ AVERY GARRETT , Mayor , HELMIE NELSON, City Clerk, IN ATTENDANCE DOROTHEA GOSSETT, City Treasurer, JOHN PAIN, Asst . City Attorney , C. S. WILLIAMS , Chief of Police , BERT MC HENRY, Asst . City Engineer , M. C . WALLS, Fire Chief, TED BENNETT, Utility Accountant , VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Director , VIC TE GANTVOORT, Street Commissioner , DEL BENNETT, Public Works Administrator , GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director , DEANE SEEGER , Administrative Asst . to the Mayor and WES CREWS, Asst . Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY BRUCE , SECONDED BY PERRY, TO APPROVE THE 8/9/71 Meeting MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF AUGUST 9 , 1971 AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT. THE MOTION CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported Nos . 3250 - 3664 Committee recommendation that payment be authorized and LID 263 Cash for Vouchers No. 3250 through 3664 , in amount of Vouchers 2' :• 28 , $342 ,604 . 10 and L. I. D. 263 Cash Fund Vouchers #27 LID 269 Cash and and #28; L. I. D. 269 Cash and Revenue Fund Vouchers Revenue Vouchets#8 , Nos . 8 and Warrant #1552 previously withheld from and Warrant 1552 payment . All Vouchers have received departmental certification of receipt of merchandise and/or services . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ACCEPT THE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE APPROVING THE PAYMENT OF REGULAR MONTHLY VOUCHERS AND L . I. D. WARRANTS AS LISTED. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted RESOLUTIONS Ordinances and Resolutions which were adopted by the City Council as follows : ORDINANCE NO. 2655 Ordinance was read authorizing change in zoning Rezone , Tino Cugini classification of certain property within the City property , G to B-1 , from General Classification District (G) to Business NE 4th St . and District (B-1) . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY Index P1 . N. E. STREDICKE, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. MOTION CARRIED. After final reading , it was MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI AND CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS ROLL CALL VOTE , TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. (Tino Cugini property) ORDINANCE NO. 2656 Ordinance was read changing the zoning classification Rezone of Kampe of certain properties within the City of Renton from Const. Co. property , General Suburban Residence District (GS-1) to Single GS-1 to R-1 , N.E . Family Residential District (R-1) . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , 10th Ct. at Pierce SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL and Redmond Aves . NE READINGS. THE MOTION CARRIED. After final reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , T^ ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULT-7-- IN ALL AYES . MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO . 1755 Resolution was read declaring certain pumps and plate Declaring Equipment tamper ,no longer needed for any public use or purpose Rental Fund Equip- to be surplus and authorizing the City 's Purchasing ment Surplus and Agent to advertise for sealed bids for selling of same authorizing sale by on a cash basis . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY sealed bid call BRUCE , TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ . MOTION CARRIED. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8/16/71 Page 2 . ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (Cont . ) RESOLUTION NO. 1756 Pursuant to request of downtown steering committee Removal of Electrifi- urging action toward removal of electrical facility cation System along in downtown Renton to further the CBD upgrading Milwaukee tracks project presently under way, Resolution was pre- for beautification sented for reading wherein the City Council goes of downtown area on record supporting removal of electrification system owned and controlled by the Milwaukee Road RR Co. , and said Resolution to be forwarded to the railroad urging that all necessary steps be taken toward removal of the unsightly system. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO ADOPT THE RESOLU- TION AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED. wool RESOLUTIONS-WATER Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted four PUMPING CONTRACTS Municipal Water Pumping Resolutions authorizing re- WITH P. S.P. L. CO. - newal of 10 year contract agreements with Puget RENEWED FOR 10 YRS. Sound Power and Light Company for elecrical . energy serving the facilities. The Public Works Committee recommended presentation of the Resolutions for Council adoption . Documents were read with Council action taken as follows : RESOLUTION NO. 1757 Services covering Windsor Hills Pump, Bronson Way CAG 1832-71 , eff. as and Sunset Highway . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED of 1/19/71 , Acct. No . BY BRUCE ; TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. THE 7101-5200 . 1 MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 1758 Well No. 1 , 12th Avenue North and Sunset Blvd. , and C.A .G. 1830-71 , eff. Renton Housing Authority Reservoir. MOVED BY as of 2/7/71 , Acct. SCHELLERT AND SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO ADOPT THE No. 710103700 RESOLUTION AS READ. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 1759 Lift Station located on the West side of Rainier CAG 1828-71 , eff. Avenue . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI 5/23/71 , Acct . 7101 - AND CARRIED, TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO . 1759 AS READ. 9050 RESOLUTION NO. 1760 Pumping Station South of Maple Valley Highway and CAG 1834-71 , eff. as West of Cottonwood Grove . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, of 11/30/70 , Acct. SECONDED BY BRUCE AND CARRIED, TO ADOPT THE RESOLU- { 7101-3050 TION AS READ. BID OPENING : This being the date set , and proper legal notices 1 LID 263 Bonds having been published and posted , bid from the Project No. PFL- Department of Housing and Urban Development , the Wash-27 , Renton only bid received, was opened and read. The govern- (Kennydale Island ment bid par plus accrued interest at the rate of Sanitary Sewers) five and three-eighths percent (5-3/8%) per annum for the entire issue of the Bonds as advertised, said bid subject to provisions of the Loan Agree- ment in the form of an Offer dated February 5 , 1970 . Bid covers $293,173 . 54 City of Renton LID 263 Bonds as advertised for sale .in The Bond Buyer . Bid dated eleventh day of August , 1971 , and signed by M.D. Majors , Area Director, Region X, Seattle, Wn . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO ACCEPT THE LOW BID FOR BOND PURCHASE AS READ WITH REFERRAL TO" THE MAYOR 'S OFFICE TO COMPLETE NEGOTIATIONS. THE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper legal notices Access to Sunset having been duly published,posted and mailed to View Apartments parties concerned , the hearing was continued. The NE 10th Street request of Mr . Van Osdell for lifting of the re- and Kirkland Ave . striction of no access from Kirkland Avenue was N. E. (Cont . from recalled . The hearing is continued this date 8/2/71) from August 2 , 1971 . Audience comment Mr. John Becker, 1034 Kirkland N.E. noted during Mr. John Becker his 11 years of residency in the subject area, Protesting the his attendance 13 or 14 times at council meetings opening of access with final rezone action resulting in assurance of a buffer and concern for access felt to be resolved, it now being hoped original action might. 2 9 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8/16/71 Page 3. PUBLIC HEARING : Sunset View Apartment ingress/egress from Kirkland Audience Comments Mr. Glenn Burrelle , 1010 Kirkland Ave. N.E. Opposing the lifting noting his presence before the council time of access restriction and again on the subject called attention to to Sunset View Apts . display of architectural drawing of the apart- ment pointing out that prior improvements as promised had not been installed nor an entrance sign and it would likely be the same with this drawing . He recalled 1970 efforts and appearance before council when owner was directed to block off access , finally accomplished. He felt trying to bring traffic around through 4 stop signs would create problems and certain parking by residents also to be eliminated. Audience Comments Mr. Claude Kelly, representing new owners of For removal of the the Sunset View Apartments , outlined reasons for access restriction the request including that parking lot level being sty-ep in grade , makes it difficult to maneuver, especially in winter with snow on the ground, it being logical to have safe ingress, The apartment residents are expected to have certain basic rights just as people in the homes and in the apartment up the street which are afforded ingress/egress from Kirkland. Although the fire truck can get in to provide fair pro- tection as noted by the Fire Chief, maximum pro- tection ideally should be available equally to these residents . In matter of peace and quiet , most of these people go to work. and come home and there is not a great deal of traffic. Council was urged for these reasons to consider granting the ingrass/egress from Kirkland as requested. Mr. J. R. Van Osdell , 3030 N. E. 10th Street , representing owners and residents , stated that the original rezone provided for 93 units but only 31 presently exist . He noted the subject access had been used for 2-1/2 years without accident or problem of safety to children , and the 4-way stops were felt to be more safe than crossing arterial at Jefferson . Access to the same street as enjoyed by other home owners and apartment residents in the area was requested. Minute entry from meeting of 8/2/71 was noted wherein motion to deny had lost which he felt implied consent to approval . Attention was called to subsequent reconsideration of this action , reopening of the hearing with referral to committee and continuation to this date . Council remarks Councilman Bruce inquired as to traffic count pro and con and noted alike regret atview loss which however, denial would not restore . Matter of the problem of winter access was acknowledged and question posed whether access can legally be denied. Councilman Grant expressed sympathy with the residents noting many years of his own effort expended :n trying to get off-site improvement installation :Dy the former owner . Question to be considered by Council at ano this time he felt should be original rezone action wherein property owners consented to the high density apartment across from their homes , Mocking their view and as'%ing only for sidewalks and access restriction from j(irkland. The improvements were not installed and it was felt council should honor former Council action and require those things home owners had been assured of and had to consent to then . Councilman Stredicke felt the project should be viewed the same as any zoning action in which restrictive covenants are filed ,which although it may be a problem for owner, was condition of the rezone , granted with full knowledge of restrictions . MOVED B" DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CLOSE THE HEARING . THE MOTION CARRIED. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8116171 Page 4 . PUBLIC HEARING : Sunset View Apartment Access Restriction MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO DENY THE REQUEST THAT COUNCIL LIFT THE ACCESS RESTRICTION WYICN PROHIBITS INGRESS/EGRESS AT KIRKLAND AVENUE N.E. Comments on the Councilman Stredicke felt once a restriction Question is placed change in ownership or moving away of protestor should not be cause for revision and property owner should not have to come down year after year to be sure the bargain is lived up to . "e stat_el that the apartment would not be there except for agreement to the restrictive covenant . Councilman Perry inquired whether request for vacating Jefferson has been submitted which he anticipated will take away further access , noting if access request is not granted nor vacation and street were improved to fullest , problem of access could be resolved. Planning Director Erickson reported no request for street vacation has been filed. Mr . Van O.sllell requested reading of Memo and letters from the original rezone file and the Planning Director complied , contents of which included notice that no restrictive covenants had been required to legally be filed, agree- ment thereto being understood between the parties ; mention was made of $5 ,000 . 00 bond filed by the applicant as guarantee of off-site improvements ; Traffic Engineering Memo reported no traffic 1 problem created by K street access ; Board of Public works recommending that action be taken at that time 7114170 , to require the improvements . Councilman Stredicke noted minute records of public hearings and meetings before both the Planning Commission and Council with access restrictions and stipulated conditions as agreed to. Councilman Clymer, noting lack of written covenants , felt the fact that only 31 of 93 units had been completed should be significant , times, -ond.itions and trafficpatterns changing and each citizen having right of appeal . He noted the council sitting in judgment in 1971 need not determine that 1966 agreement and council actions should hold. He questioned "homework" activity on the subject and whether future restrictions will be imposed on additional apartments in the area . The Planning Director noted that the original rezone request involved several conditions and compromises , the applicant requesting R-4 and accepting R-3 along with access restriction. Stredicke noted problems were known to t :, owner who had not developed the site to full extent and wrongs were not created by the City , grade of ground for parking, inadequate access and fire protection being cited. In further dis- cussion re financing and ut 'lization of the property and lack of legal .•estrictive covenants with owner , Councilman Grant noted legal opinion a short time ago that minute entry at . a regular council meeting is legally binding without a covenant being drawn . MOTION BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, CALLED FOR THE PREVIOUS QUESTION. CARRIED. MOTION TO DENY LIFTING OF THE ACCESS RESTRICTION FROM KIRKLAND AVENUE N.E. WAS VOTED UPON AND CARRIED. re MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8/16/71 Page 5 . COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS Request to utilize Letter from Mr . G. Patrick Morris , Executive city-owned property Vice President , Herfy ' Corporation , requested for access tc Herfy 's city permission to concrete-asphalt city-owned property on Sunset Blvd . at 2nd Ave. So . , for access and to reduce dust and pollution of area in connection with restaurant being developed on the adjacent property . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Acceptance and Final Letter from City Engineer Wilson recommended Payment , CAG 1810-71 final payment to DiOrio Construction Company LID 269 Water Project for work completed on 12" Watermain Installation , W-343, S.W. 43rd St . on S. W. 43rd street and the West Valley Highway , in sum of $71 ,778 . 67 and Council acceptance of the project this date . Lien period to commence upon acceptance and release of retained amount after 30 days if no liens or claims are filed and upon receipt of proof of all tax liabilities . 14OVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ACCEPT THE PROJECT AND CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PAYMENTS. MOTION CARRIED. Request for No-Fee Letter from Mr . J . A . D. Hulse , Post Commander, Permit , D.A . V. to Disabled American Veterans , Valley No. 12 , Renton , sell forget-me-nots requested No-Fee Permit to sell Forget-Ne-Nots in Renton August 23 - 28 , 1971 . MOVED BY PERRY, AND SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO GRANT THE REQUEST. THE MOTION CARRIED. No-Fee Permit Letter from Mr. Jim Grenfell , Co-Chairman , Renton request from School School District Activity Fund, requested to sell District Activity "Renton Days" tickets for Longacres Race Track Fund Committee activity , to raise funds in order to restore total activity program for students cut back due to special levy failure . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO GRANT THE REQUEST. THE MOTION CARRIED. Grant abstained from voting on this matter. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Frank Cencovich , 2625 Benson Road South , inquired concerning the Berry House relocation Berry House and Mr. Jim Grenfell , former operator of the Location facility , present this evening, was invited to comment . He noted the operation has been through the Youth Services Crisis Interven• ion Center with the purpose of helping people and in dealing with drug problems on a 24 hour basis . Th,a pr_ -ent location , to be utilized for a swimming pool , will eliminate the existing structure , it also being felt the proximity to the school contributes to cutting of classes . No new location has yet been selected , Park Avenue and other sites being looked at , and neighbors will be apprised before it goes ir. . The program has neither city nor school affiliation , but is a Youth Service , designed to help people who don ' t know where to find help. In additional remarks by Mr . Cencovich , Mrs . Raub and Mrs . Morgan , inconvenience , noise , parking problems & Press item indicating Park Avenue site location were noted, it being proposed that the suburbs be location for the facility as with other correctional in- stitutions . Mr . Grenfell noted the suburbs are not readily accessible for many of these people who need the help but have no cars . Canadian Thistle Mrs . Margaret Evans called attention to mass of Problem , Sunset at canadian thistle along Sunset blown in clouds 405 Overpass by Northwest winds creating hazard to drivers and residents and which seed in the hot weather will propagate unless controlled. Mayor Garrett directed Public Works Director Bennett to contact 29�INUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8/16/71 Page 6 . AUDIENCE COMMENTS Sidewalk Improve- Mr. Garry Bryan , 999 Tacoma Avenue N.E. ment problems distributed drawings and outline of proposed revisions for Union Avenue Im- provement project which sidewalk design he did not feel was conducive to ecological aspect desired,the uneven sidewalk felt to bevery poor planning. He noted that the final installation was not as originally planned and inquired concerning the revision without notification to property owners . Councilman Stredicke, residing in the area confirmed tie lack of notification , leaving the podium to speak from the audience as a citizen . He noted removal of shrubs which were to be in the way of the project and then the sidewalk was installed at the edge of the right of way instead, presently leaving a wide patch at the property edge rather than the sidewalk abutting property edge as intended originally , the walk now jogging unevenly back and forth . Engineering Department comments were invited . Mr . Bert McHenry , Asst . City Engineer advised of some necessary changes to relocate the walks and that he would take the necessary steps to adjust any awkward situations usually reported by inspectors, this one not RECESS having come to his attention as yet . 9 : 30 MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO RECESS. MOTION CARRIED. After recess roll call was taken with all present as previously. APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett requested concurrence Mrs. Barbara Lally- in the appointment of Mrs . Barbara Lally to Board of Adjustment Position No . 7 on the Board of Adjustment , eff. 9/6/71 , for a one year term. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR IN THE MAYOR 'S APPOINTMENT. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Royal Loomis Letter from Maycr Garrett requested concurrence Fire Civil Service in the appointment of Mr. Royal Loomis , to fill unexpired term of Mr. Jack Washburn on the Civil Service Commission . Term expires 1/1/75 . MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE APPOINTMENT TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RE- LATIONS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Committee of Council President Grant submitted Committee of the Whole Report the Whole recommendation to concur in the City Attorney ' s opinions concerning the Scott-Pacific Scott-Pacific property acquisition and to appeal the court property condemna- case decision in event new trial motion is denied . tion court case MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT. CARRIED. 21R Negotiations- Council President Grant submitted letter from 1971 and 1972 Labor Mr. Larry McKibben , President , Wn . State Council Contracts of County and City Employees , AFL-CIO , responding to notice that the city is ready to continue nego- tiations , advising they are also ready but will consider only 1971 unresolved items of standby time , improved vacation schedule and improved sick leave program,but not the items concerning the unfair labor practice hearing . Also ready to begin 1972 negotiations, clarification was requested of who is to represent the City and latitude of authority of that representative to negotiate . President Grant 's reply was read advising that Mr. Jim Connor, of C. Cary Donworth & Associates , will represent the City and will be given instructions as to limit of authority , restrictions and latitudes of negotiation . the Council now ready to negotiate the 3 items named and 1972 requests invited. 293 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8/16/71 Page 7. OLD BUSINESS (Cont . ) Finance Committee Finance Committee Chairman Schellert submitted Report - Insurance report recommending Police and Fire Department Item 1 . budgetary appropriations from excess revenue for additional insurance protection for the City in event of suit by Uniformed Personnel with referral to the Legislation Committee for proper Resolution . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Invoice for Marc - Recommended by the Finance Committee that April services of appropriation of $1 ,500 . 00 excess revenues be ambulance via city- authorized from the Current Fund to be placed originated calls in the Police Department budgetary Professional Item 2. Services Account , to fund March and April uncollected ambulance calls per agreement with Shepard Ambulance Co. (Valley Ambulance eo. ) on calls originating from the Police or Fire De- partments of the City . After some lengthy dis- cussion , it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE . MOTION CARRIED. Travel Requests Concurrence recommended in request of Public Item 3. Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti for the Mayor and Council- Mayor and himself to attend the International man Delaurenti , Association of Chief ' s of Police Convention in IACP Convention Anaheim, California , September 25-30 , 1971 . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. MOTION CARRIED. Item 4 . The Finance Committee reported concurrence in Airport Board request of the Airport Board for attendance of NW Aviation Annual Members Day , Dime and Kosney at the Northwest Council Meeting Aviation Council Annual Meeting in Helena , Mont . , September 9-11 , 1971 . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Special City Shops Chairman Schellert requested joint meeting of Building Committee the Special City Shops Committee with the Com- mittee of the Whole and recommended subject of status report be referred accordingly. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE REFERRAL. MOTION CARRIED. Community Councils- Councilman Stredicke recalled Committee of the Remarks by Stredicke Whole meeting with Dr. Howard Wilson and Nancy Rising , from Bellevue , to discuss Community Councils findings therefrom being that such Councils are inexpensive and very helpful to the Cities . Bingo Legislation Councilman Stredicke inquired concerning Bingo Ordinance passed by the City Council last week and disposition of same . City Clerk Nelson reported receipt of letter from Mayor Garrett advising he was letting the Ordinance become law without his signature . It was noted the Ordinance would be published on Wednesday , August 18 , and would become effective on Aug. 23. Further discussion ensued the Mayor noting the limitations imposed by provisions of the new State laws prohibit the activity by small unincorporated groups and organizations unable to meet IRS and other requirements to qualify. He recalled also King County action of prohibiting until August 30 , adv1sii7g that the Attorney General has been asked it this would apply to incorporated areas of the County and ruling is awaited at this time. He cautioned that the public should not be misled noting Superior Court ruling that the activity is unconstitutional, .possibly going to be appealed in Supreme Court so question is yet pending as to legality . MINUTES RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8/16/71 Page 8. OLD BUSINESS (Cont . ) Bus Transportation Councilman Stredicke noted information received, in letter from King County Councilman Forsythe , that Saturday bus service for Renton is dependent upon the city funding of same , matching moneys not being available therefor. Mr. Stredicke called attention to September 1 date for termination of present operation by King County and matter of city participation . He felt the city might again be faced with problem of tentative end of bus service without having cost projections or how pro-rata share is to be paid. He requested the Mayor to comment on his meeting of last Wednesday on this subject . Mayor Garrett advised of plans for 30-day extension of county operation from original period of termination and as result of the meeting held, a letter will be directed' to the various municipali- ties with proposals for continuation and costs . Councilman Perry noted he is directing personal cor- respondence to Councilman Forsythe concerning matching fund applications and otherwise , cost reduction proposals for the bus service operation . Community Services Chairman Clymer submitted Community Services Committee Committee Report recommendation to concur in the request of Mr. R. D. Mebust , on behalf of Bob Rivily , to use city-owned Use of City-owned right of way property for parking and landscaping in right of way on connection with B. & B. Auto parts expansion , 401-19 , Rainier Avenue Rainier Avenue . Transportation Committee Chairman for Parking Grant reported committee concurrence also having this referral .Permission to be granted subject to City Departmental approval and on Revocable Permit basis . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THE SUBJECT Green River OF THE GREEN RIVER DEVELOPMENT PLAN BE REFERRED TO Development Plan THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR DISCUSSION AS REQUESTED BY THE PLANNING DIRECTOR . THE MOTION CARRIED. 1972 Budgetary Noting receipt of fund requests from various appointive Requests by groups and the City Attorney advising that expending Advisory Bodies of funds may be granted in such event only if Council , by enacting legislation , declares such committee , group , commission , etc. to be an official body of the city government ,it was MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE SUBJECT OF FUND REQUESTS BY ADVISORY AND OTHER GROUPS BE REFERRED TO THE COM- MITTEE OF . THE WHOLE . THE MOTION CARRIED. Use of City Councilman Stredicke inquired concerning use of Property city owned properties for ingress , etc. by industry and as to fees and other requirements in connection with such use . In discussion it was noted the Rainier Avenue area had been referred to committee investigated and subsequently referred to the Finance Committee , however with pending development of Rainier as an arterial and designing yet unsettled , further action has been delayed. The Engineering Department is determining future city utilization and or vacation possibilities and will report to the committee . AUDIENCE COMMENTS Mr. Sporcic, 1316 Harrington Ave . N.E. inquired if Bingo bingo subject might be cleared up. The Mayor noted likely resumption 5 days after publication of the City 's ordinance , unless legal rulings deem otherwise and question of constitutional legality still remaining. Bus Service Mr . Sporcic inquired regarding bus service extension . The Mayor noted total of 4 months operation by the County with extension of 30 days ,as noted heretofore, beyond original date of subsidy. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ADJOURN. MOTION CARRIED. The meetina was adjourned at 10 : 30 p.m. I __ ;0�- az2el 295 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 8/16/71 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS CURRENT FUND 3250 3365 8400900#39 PARKS AND RECREATION 3366 3421 $21,007#31 CITY STREET 3422 3464 8650960. 13 MINOR CEDAR RIVER M AND I 3465 3468 8144.72 LIBRARY 9469 3513 860307.00 REG* AND STREET FWD THRUST 3514 3530 8113,827.82 URBAN ARTERIAL 3531 3535 810111 #61 CITY SHOP CONSTRUCTION 3536 3536 810500.00 WATERWORKS UTILITY 3537 3579 8720999#01 AIRPORT 3580 3596 810696946 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3597 3645 860666#23 FIREMEN S PENSION 3646 3664 $100483042 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS 83420604# 10 WE0 THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCILi HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDEREDO DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO. 3250 THROUGH NO* $664 IN THE AMOUNT OF 83420604010 THIS 16 OF AUGUST 0 1971 # L .I.p.�c�3 CASH ►�uNi� #a� ��-Ic�9.a� L,T- b. 4;1,&3 COSH- 1.tN 0 �,J� 4/315, '7�� FINANCE �MMITT ! X71, 77FS•(c / rws r9►nr a wwawe rrsrrsww " IT ER rwwra�1� . ORrrrwiw woe COMMl- T MBER r rww IN IN No L �" MMITTEE MEMBER 296 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 8/16/71 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2770 $350.00 OLIVER GOTTI 810 GRAND AVE. S LOWER CEILING & IVR. PAI 2771 2,000.00 MAX MILLER 515 RAINIER AVE. N MOVE BUILDING 2772 15500.00 JOHN M. DENNIS, JR. 1602 MONTEREY CT. NE CONST, GARAGE 2773 3,500.00 JOHN BEACH 2217 - 8TH AVE. NE CONST. RES. ADDITION 2774 8,000.00 J.O. SPENCER 4LL1 SUNSET BLVD. NE FOUNDATN. & BUILDING B 2775 1,327.00 F.H.A. 441 WINDSOR WAY NE REPLACE DAMAGED MATERIALS 2776 721000.00 TOYOTA OF RENTON 720 RAINIER AVE. S CONST. METAL BUILDING ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3388 2,1800.00 COOKIS QUALITY CARS 62 SW SUNSET BLVD. FLOOD LITE POLES 3389 100.00 DANIEL E. WINCHESTER 1625 EDMONDS AVE. NW WIRE LIVING ROOM ADDITION 3390 25000.00 ROBINSON LYON TRAILERS 750 RAINIER AVE. S INST. FLOODLITE POLES 3391 200.00 ARCO 3123 NE SUNSET BLVD. REPAIR DAMAGED WIRING MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2939 21000.00 CRAIG TAYLOR EQUIPMT. 3100 EAST VALLEY HWY. INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2940 825.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 822 S 27TH ST. INST. FURNACE & WTR. HTR. 2941 150.00 SPROUT CONSULT. ENG. 114 SW 12TH ST. REPAIR DRAINFIELD 2942 1,400.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 822 S 27TH ST. INST PLBG. FIXTURES 2943 850.00 PUGET SD. POWER 620 S GRADY WAY INST. BOILER SIGN PERMITS S 156 900.00 SEATTLE 1ST N:ATiL 311 WILL= AVE. S INST. WALL SIGN � 157 55000.00 SHERATON INN 800 RAINIER AVE. S INST. TWO WAIL SIGNS 158 3,000.00 TOYOTA OF RENTON 720 RAINIER AVE. S INST. POLE & WALL SIGNS SEWER PERMITS S 1629 PAUL REHN 1609 MORRIS AVE. S CONNECT SEWER rr. OFFICE OF� ^'tea CITY CLERK I I COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 8/16/71 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Thurs . Grant 4th F1 . Conf. Reorganization- Mayor and 8/19/71 B:P.M. Rm. Assistant and Public Works Director invited. Community Services Fri . 4 :P.M. Clymer 3rd Fl . Conf. City Attorney , Perry or other 8/20/71 Rm. Legislation Committee member, re subdivision Ordinance,/ City Engineer & Schellert re B1 .19-20 Surplus Property/ Utilization of Burnett for Park , Del Bennett and Gene Coulon invited to attend Legislation Mon . 7 :P.M. Perry 6th Fl . Office 8/23171 of Chairman Personnel & Community Thurs . 7 : 30 PM Stredicke 6th F1 . Office Relations 8/19/71 of Chairman Public Safety Delaurenti. Public Works Thurs . 7:P.M. Bruce 4th Fl . Conf. 8/19/71 Rm. Transportation Thurs . Grant 4th F1 . Conf. 8/19/71 7 :P.M. Rm. Capital Improvement on. 7:P.M. Schellert 6th F1 . Office Committee 8/23/71 of Chairman 298 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING August 23 , 1971 Council Chambers 8 :00 P.M. Municipal Building R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claims for damages filed against the City by John Arthur Chance and Attorneys Hultman and Sullivan re alleged wrongful arrest , etc. CITY CLERK Authorized to execute Underground Conversion Agreements with P. S. P.L. for L . I. D. 274 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE_ Subject of holding daytime council meeting monthly and 5th Monday meetings when holiday falls on subsequent Monday CITY ENGINEER Petition from Mr . Wilks J. Sullivan for Vacation of Gen Sing Avenue COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Recommendation by Stredicke for one-year extension from 9/23/71 for commencement date for Sign Code enforcement LEGISLATION COMMITTEE L. I. D. 269 City reorganization per Committee of the Whole Report Fund Transfer for NCR Data Processing Services MAYOR Authorized to execute agreement with P . S.P .L. for L. I. D. 274 underground conversion , CBD program PARK BOARD AND PARK DIRECTOR_ To consider overnight parking and camping facilities for Lake Wn . Beach and Cedar River Park areas PLANNING DEPARTMENT Directional signing to public buildings per Committee of the Whole Report PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Application of Merle S. Hill for Master Locksmith license for mobile van operation in Rentoh TRAFFIC ENGINEER Directional signing to public buildings per Committee of the Whole Report MEETINGS AND EVENTS 8/26/71 - B.R . B. hearing on proposed annexation to Renton 9/13/71 - Public Hearing - Lifting of Kirkland access restrictions to Sunset View Apartments rrr 299 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING August 23, 1971 Council Chambers 8 :00 P .M. Municipal Building M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Flag Salute and called CALL TO ORDER the weekly meeting of the Renton City Council to order . ROLL CALL OF GRANT , SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI, PERRY, STREDICKE COUNCIL MEMBERS_ AND CLYMER . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, BRUCE ABSENT TO EXCUSE THE ABSENT COUNCIL MEMBER . CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT , Mayor , HELMIE NELSON, City Clerk IN ATTENDANCE DOROTHEA GOSSETT , City Treasurer, G . M. SHELLAN, City Attorney , C. S . WILLIAMS, Chief of Police, JACK WILSON , City Engineer , M. C. WALLS, Fire Chief, TED BENNETT , Utility Accountant , GORDON ERICKSEN , Planning Director , VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Director , DEL BENNETT , Public Works Administrator and BERNARD RUPPERT, Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO APPROVE 8/16/71 Meeting THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT. THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted RESOLUTIONS Ordinances and Resolutions adopted as follows : ORDINANCE NO. 2657 Ordinance was read authorizing appropriation of Funding ambulance Current Fund excess revenues in sum of $1 ,500 . 00 calls originated unto Current Fund , Police Department budgetary from City , and account 521 . 10 . 31 , to fund service calls by otherwise uncol- Shepard Ambulance , originating from the City lectible . and otherwise uncollectible , per agreement providing for not more than $16 . 00 per call . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL AYES . THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO . 2658 Ordinance was read authorizing appropriation of Protection to City $8 ,452 . 00 from Current Fund excess revenue , unto in event of suit by Police and Fire Department budgetary accounts to Uniformed Personnel fund additional insurance protection premiums as concern uniformed personnel of the City . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS . CARRIED . AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER AND CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS AYE ROLL CALL VOTE. ORDINANCE NO . 2659 Introductory reading having been held on 8/2/71 , Amending City Code and revision to proposed fingerprinting charges relating to charges being recommended by the Police Chief to conform for documents to to State revisions to proposed costs , Ordinance conform to State was presented. 1.107%ED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY fees SCHELLERT , TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. MOTION CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL RESULTED IN 5 AYES AND 1 NO , STREDICKE OPPOSING . MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 1761 Resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and Authorizing execu- City Clerk to sign Grant Agreement document with tion of Grant Agree- the Department of Housing and Urban Development , ment Document for for funding in sum of $384 ,159 . 00 , Sanitary Sewer Sanitary Sewer collection trunks at Highlands Sewer By-Pass , Trunks , CAG 1836-71 North 6th Street Line , Lake Wn . Sewer , Earlington Gardens , Edmonds Ave . N. E. and Eldon Acres Trunk . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED. 300 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8/23/71 Page 2 . COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS : i Petition for Street Petition from Mr. Wilks J. Sullivan , applied Vacation-Gen Sing for vacation of Gen Sing Avenue which adjoins Avenue tracts 67 , 68 , 70 and 73 , Plat of C. D. Hill- mans Lake Garden of Eden , Div. No . 1 , lying between easterly margin of Jones Ave . N. E. and the Easterly production of the South line of tract 67. The street is unimproved and was replaced with Jones Ave. N. E. several years ago by King County , this request to eliminate access through private property and j to allow better utilization of said property. $100. 00 filing fee was submitted by applicant . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE PETITION TO THE CITY ENGINEER FOR REPORT AS TO OWNERSHIP AND VALIDITY. CARRIED. L.I. D. 269 , Water Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted Project, SW 43rd list of breakdown on final costs of Water St. & Vicinity ; L . I. D. 269 , along with final Assessment Roll Final Costs and and September 20 , 1971 recommended for public Assessment Roll hearing on said roll . (Total Cost $85 ,667 . 84) MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO ACCEPT RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE REPORT WITH RE- FERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Application for Application from Merle S. Hill requested Master Master Locksmith Locksmith License for M. H. Lockshop, Mobile License Van operation in Renton . MOVED BY PERRY, AND SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE APPLICATION TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. MOTION CARRIED. Civil Service Letter from Mayor Garrett requested concurrence Examination to in provision that promotional examination for be open to the position of Police Chief, at such time as the public examination is held , be open to qualified members of the public rather than being limited only to personnel of the police department . Such pro- cedure has been requested of the Police Civil Service Commission also . MOVED BY GRANT, SECOND BY STREDICKE , TO CONCUR IN THE REQUEST OF THE MAYOR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Report of Bid City Clerk Nelson reported bid opening 8/19/71 Opening on 8/19/71 for reinforced concrete retaining wall on Main Retaining Wall on Avenue South from South 4th Street to Grady Way Main Avenue South South . Ten bidders responded ,per tabulations as attached,with contractor errors in addition corrected as designated . Since the Council does not meet for two weeks and time being of the essence , acceptance of low bid of Stevens Con- struction Company , in corrected sum of $32 ,183 . 00, was recommended by City Engineer Wilson . MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. C. .yme.r urged that attention be given to 4th street dead-ending at I. 405 adjoin4r.g LaBonte Rambler property ,for possible +� vacation or inclusion in this project for city beautification purposes its present state being unsightly . CLAIMS - JOHN Claims for Damages filed againstthe City by Mr. ARTHUR CHANCE John Arthur Chance , Mr. Carl T. Hultman aAd Mr. AND ATTORNEYS Frank L. Sullivan , Attorneys representing Mr. HULTMAN & SULLIVAN Chance , charging alledged wrongful arrest and invasion of right of privacy on or about 4/22/71 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE CLAIMS TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND THE CITY' S INSURANCE CARRIER. THE MOTION CARRIED. 301 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8/23/71 Page 3. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Committee of the Council President Grant submitted recommendation Whole Report - for concurrence in the reorganization of city Reorganization administration, thereby creating an Engineering per O.M. C . Director (who will supervise Design , Street , objectives Traffic and Utility Divisions) and a Finance Director „'who will supervise consolidated offices of the City Clerk and City Treasurer , including Records , Budgeting and Accounting and Purchasing Divisions) . It was further recommended that the proposed ordinances prepared by the administration regarding Public Works Administrator and the Board of Public Works be included in referral to the Legislation Committee . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY GRANT AND CARRIED, TO CONCUR IN THE REPORT. Transportation Chairman Grant submitted Transportation Committee Committee Report recommendations which were read with council actions as follows : Item 1 . Directional Recommended that the matter of directional signing Signing to Public to public buildings be referred to the Planning Buildings and Traffic Engineering Departments for recommenda- tions to the Transportation Committee . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT , TO CONCUR . CARRIED. Item 2 . PSPL Recommended that the Puget Sound Power and Light Underground Con- Company underground conversion agreement document , version Agreement , L . I. D. 274 , be referred to the Magor and City LID 274 , CBD area . Clerk for execution . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER AND CARRIED, TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION . Item 3. Improvement Recommended that portion of 4th Avenue South of 4th Avenue South situated east of Main Avenue South , adjacent to LaBonte Rambler , Inc. be referred to the Trans- portation Committee for recommendations for im- provement . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. Kampe Property Councilman Grant inquired whether off-site im- Rezone - Sub- provements would be required per provisions of Division Ordinance the sub-division ordinance on Kampe property. Off-site Improve- Planning Director Ericksen noted proposed Sub- ment requirements Division Ordinance under consideration which in- cludes short as well as long sub-division develop- ment with off-site improvements to be required in either case and there would however be some question as to requirement for pending applications , it being noted by other remarks that ordinances in effect at time of application are regulating , Councilman Grant having noted withdrawal by Kampe to develop, Planning Director Erickson advised nothing to this effect has been filed to date . Sign Code - Councilman Stredicke proposed that enforcement of Enforcement Date the Sign Code , deadline date of September 23, 1971 now Extension proposed in effect , be extended one year until the economy in the downtown area has improved so as not to create financial hardship on the businessmen who will have to replace existing non-cem forming signs . .MOVED BY :.£CC' LEL BY PERRY , TO ?£FFP THE SUBJECT OF SIGN CODE ENFORCEMENT TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR REPORT BACK. After lengtny discussion pro and con as might relate to CBD program for beautification , and as may concern empty buildings with businesses not presently in operation and as may concern new marquee requirements , the' MOTION CARRIED. 302 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8/23/71 Page 4. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont. ) Reconsideration of Councilman Schellert , reporting presence in denial action the audience of developers and property owners on Sunset View in area of the Sunset View Apartments , recalled Apartment access action last week of denial of lifting of the Hearing set for restriction which prohibits access via Kirkland 9/13/71 Avenue and with view in mind to allow testimony by persons whose property and development thereof is involved in the restriction , MOVED THAT COUNCIL RECONSIDER ITS ACTION OF LAST WEEK IN MOTION TO DENY LIFTING OF ACCESS RESTRICTION AT SUNSET APART- MENT VIA KIRKLAND AVENUE N.E . MOTION SECONDED BY DELAURENTI. Discussion ensued wherein it was noted subsequent action should not be taken without the presence of parties attending previous public hearing; attention called however to the fact that in view of reversion of part of the property more than the apart- ment was involved and more extensive review was warranted; and that in reconsideration the only subject before the body was the request by Mr. Van Osdell for lifting of the restriction . Upon inquiry whether the motion were in order, City Attorney Shellan advised affirmatively and that it could only be reconsidered on the dame day as the action is taken or at the following meeting but not at any later date . PENDING MOTION TO RECONSIDER CARRIED. Mr. Jay Holmes , original owner of the property, since 1957 related history of ownerships , noting the apart- ment to be the most controversial and expensive in the City due to restrictions , and displayed drawing of a proposed shopping center development adjacent to the apartment . Perry called for point of order in- quiring whether -this presentation were concerning property under discussion last week. Mayor Garrett in satisfying the point of order ruled that Council has the right to listen to all information which may be helpful in reaching its decision. Mr. Holmes continued noting provision for a clinic and various low-type shopping facilities which plan included the vacation- of Jefferson N.E. (present apartment access) and improvement to full extent of Kirkland, with curbs , gutters , sidewalks , etc. giving ingress and egress to all residents of the right of way, felt to be a reasonable and rightful request , limiting of the access possible to be otherwise decided by the courts , no legal restrictive covenant existing and right of access not justifiably deniable , especially in view of only 31 units being developed rather than 93 as in originally approved plan . He felt if people want to dictate use of his land they should buy it noting he has the land back due to financial problems of purchaser and he wants to develop it and needs to consumate details prior to final contract commit- ment . Upon inquiry Planning Director Erickson confirmed that new plans must go through the Planning Department and before the Commission at public hearings where controls and conditions will be established, subject to review by Council , some legal technicalities possible in view of reversion . After further discussion pro and con and as to what if anything is before the body , it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT SEPTEMBER 13 , 1971 BE SET FOR FURTHER HEARING ON THE SUBJECT OF LIFTING OF THE KIRKLAND AVENUE N.E. ACCESS RESTRICTION TO THE SUNSET VIEW APARTMENT COMPLEX. TJqE MOTION CARRIED. RECESS VED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO RECESS. 9:55 p.m. #.R MOTION CARRIED. The meeting reconvened at 10 :10 pm all present on calling of the roll , or subsequently ",:returning, as were present previously . MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8/23/71 003 Page 5 . NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) 21R Negotiations Council President Grant reported negotiations and Appeal Brief with Local 21R will be delayed until September 28 due to vacation schedules . Also , the City Attorney reports receipt of notice giving date of September 24 , and not later than October 25 , for submission of Brief on appeal of ruling in- volving unfair labor practice charge . Garage Sales Councilman Stredicke noted Internal Revenue Dept . interest in garage sales and stated with prevalence of this activity in the City and upon receipt of report of home collections and moving from place to place to conduct sales , such might constit6te business enterprise and warrant some restrictions or fees , investigation suggested where one party holds more than one sale . Special daytime Stredicke noted that Council will not be in session and 5th Monday for three weeks inasmuch as a holiday falls on the Council Sessions Monday following a 5th Monday , on which meetings are not held. He suggested September 8 be considered for meeting date . Mayor Garrett noted legal pro- cedure required in event of need arising for such meetings . MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT AND CARRIED THAT SEPTEMBER 8 BE TENTATIVELY SET IN EVENT A MEETING IS WARRANTED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY AND CARRIED, TO REFER THE MATTER TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AS CONCERNS HOLDING ONE DAYTIME MEETING PER MONTH AND WHETHER TO MEET ON 5TH MONDAYS WHEN HOLIDAY FALLS ON THE SUBSEQUENT MONDAY. Hotel Fires and Expressing concern over Seattle newspaper items Fire Code Com- relating to hotel fires ,in view of questionable pliance building conditions in Renton where more than one - family is housed , Councilman Stredicke requested list from Fire and Building Departments as to whether .structure north of South 2nd and one on 3rd Avenue downtown have solid or hollow doors , adequate fire escapes , fire walls , fire alarm and sprinkler systems , deficiency report and evacuation until compliance is met being urged. Overnight parking Noting proposed future development of property and camping for along Lake Washington and lack of overnight parking Lake Wn . Beach and camping facilities without leaving the City and Cedar River Councilman Stredicke urged referral for considera- Park areas tion of such facilities in Liberty Park and the Lake area . MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI ,TO REFER THE SUBJECT OF OVERNIGHT PARKING AND CAMPING FACILITIES IN THE CITY TO THE PARK BOARD AND PARK DIRECTOR FOR CONSIDERATION. CARRIED. City Service- Attention was called to public information brochure Information folder to be distributed to citizens by mail with and Telephone utility billings the Mayor noting same to be also Brochure available at city department counters through the schools and Councilmen in their appearances before public groups . The brochure contains telephone numbers of city offices and departmental services , officials , boards and commissions and general infor- mation numbers , and will be revised from time to time according to changes and suggestions . Data Processing Finance Committee Chairman Schellert outlined ad- ministrative and operative changes proposed by Mayor Garrett to provide continuation of the program for the year in view of resignation of Data Processing Manager , Mike Brown . Fund transfer was recommended to utilize services of NCR on service contract basis which presently budgeted salary funds would cover. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE TO CONCUR 304 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8/23/71 Page 6 . NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Pending Annexation- Councilman Schellert called attention to pending BRB Hearing, King annexation and inquired as to status . Mayor County Courthouse Garrett advised the Boundary Review Board will 8/26/71 be meeting this Thursday , August 26 , at 7 :30 p.m. presentations by the Planning Department are in preparation and Council members were invited to attend review to be held prior to the hearing as well as the hearing meeting. Legislation Com- Councilman Perry announced that the Legislation mittee to meet on Committee , starting September 24 , will meet on Wednesday Fridays and only those ordinances received by the committee by that day will be presented on Monday. Political Signs Councilman Stredicke noted provisions of King County ordinance concerning political signs on private property (by owners signature and to be removed within 10 days after elections) The City sign code regulates political signs only on public right of way and utility poles with no specific removal time period and it was urged that enforce- ment be stringent in the coming election , proposed motion noted by the Mayor not to be necessary, and Stredicke adding that local officials with no city election will not be involved but persons not re- siding in the City will be putting up signs and should be aware of city policies . Fire protection Mr . Mario Tonda , 1307 Beacon Way South , inquired to home owners whether the council in its consideration regarding South of RR tracks fire protection services had given thought to home owners on the South side of the Railroad tracks where there should be another fire station , the city still being 'served by only two stations when the population has increased to over 26 ,000 , and additional police protection on that side of the tracks as well . ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADJOURN. 10 : 35 p.m. THE MOTION CARRIED. The meetin was adjourned . /y Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 8/23/71 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole wed . , 9/8 7 :30pm Grant Council Chmbr. To discuss status of ity Shop Proposal and staff report on CBD and edar River Design Study Community Services Fri . 8/27 4 ; 00pm Clymer 3rd F1 . Conf. room Finance Schellert Legislation Perry Personnel & Community Stredicke Relations Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Bruce Transportation Thurs . Grant To meet with reps . of the 919/71 7 : 30 pm Milwaukee Road G,J C.T� 306 August 23, 1971 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID OPENING, AUGUST 19, 1971 2:00 P.M. - First Floor Conference Room Reinforced Concrete Retaining Wall on Main Avenue South from South 4th Street to South Grady Way. Exempt from Sales Tax BIDDER BID BOND BID on rac or error Stevens Construction Co. Bid Bond --$32 93.ee P. 0. Box 8 Kenmore, Washington 98028 $32,183.00 Correc d Figure Austin Construction Co. Bid Bond 32,918.50 P. 0. Box 547 Bellevue, Washington 98009 Frank Coluccio Construction Co. Bid Bond 34,540.70 7778 Seward Park Avenue Seattle, Washington 98118 Structures, Inc. Bid Bond 35,062.50 17295 15th N.W. Seattle, Washington 98177 Contractor error Kurth Construction Co. Bid Bond -56P29g.ff)- 800 N.W. Canal Street 36,297.50 Correct d Seattle, Washington 98107 Figure Crown General Construction, Inc. Bial Bond 395710.50 9742 12th N.W. Seattle, Washington 98107 Berg & Berg Construction Co. Bid Bond 413073.96 7747 37th Avenue N.E. Seattle, Washington 98115 Contractor error Freigang Construction Co. Bid Bond , -4:66-- P. 0. Box 3407 Tacoma, Washington 98499 44,405.00 CorrectEd Figure I. J. White Bid Bond 47,791.90 17740 12th Avenue N.E. Seattle, Washington 98155 Sea & Shore Pile Driving Co. Bid Bond 57,207.00 9250 Empire Way South Seattle, Washington 98118 307 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 8/23/71 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK F 777 -- FHA-MARK SEVEN REALTY 913 N 33RD ST. DEMOLISH RESIDENCE 778 $450.00 JACOB C. MC COLLUM 1170 CAMAS AVE. NE REPLACE WINDOWS -r?79 800.00 FLOYD FIGGINS 4225 NE 19TH ST. CONST. ADDITION TO RES. 2780 15000.00 RENTON SCHOOLS #403 315 GARDEN AVE. N INSTALL FIRE WALL 2781 25,000.00 CHRISTIAN .SCIENCE 212 WHITWORTH AVE. S ADDITIONS & ALTERATIONS B 2782 -- CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 212 WHITWORTH AVE. S DEMOLISH READING ROOM 2783 1,500.00 WAYNE SIME 1717 MONROE AVE. NE CONST. CARPORT & STORAGE 2784 400.00 JADE LION 309 AIRPORT WAY S CONST. BOILER ROOM ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3392 400.00 JIM FAWCETT 3313 BURNETT N WIRE ADDITION 3393 50.00 OVERLAKE REALTY 4401 LINCOLN AVE. REWIRE LOWER LEVEL 3394 700.00 FHA 3340 SE 5TH ST. INST. HEAT, ADD PLUGS 3395 200.00 RENTON VILLAGE CO. 15 S GRADY WAY WIRING, 2ND FLR. RM. 3396 200.00 FRANK COLUCCIO 1400 SW GRADY WAY INST. TEMP. SERVICE MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2944 25000.00 TECHNA MANUFACT. CO. 800 N 6TH ST. INST. AIR CONDITIONERS 2945 800.00 G. F. POMEROY 1912 ROLLING HILLS SE INST. FURNACE & LOG LIGHTER 2946 310.00 HAL CLASON 3705 MEADOW AVE. N REPAIR DRAINFZELD 2947 8,000.00 MARSEARCH INC. 77 RAINIER AVE. S INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2948 102.00 DOLORES VISINTINE 217 S 15TH ST. INST, WTR. HTR. & RANGE M 2949 360.00 HUGH CARNEY 230 RAINIER AVE. INST. FURNACE & WTR. HTR. 950 350.00 JOE BROWN 3310 NE SUNSET BLVD. INST. GAS FURNACE 951. 700.00 E. MAYNICK 435 RENTON AVE. S INST, GAS FURNACE SIGN PERMITS S 159 30.00 WITLL*lS & SWANSON 617 3RD AVE. INST. PROJECTING SIGN 160 2,500.00 ALEC BAKAMUS 2817 SUNSET BLVD. NE INST. ROOF SIGN 161 50.00 VIRGIL TUNTLAND 229 MAIN AVE. S INST. MARQUEE SIGN SEWER PERMITS S 1630 CHALMER BOWLIN 2712 MEADOW AVE. N CONNECT SEWER 308 FUND TRANSFERS APPROVED FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST, 1971 FROM TO CLAIMS FUND Current Fund $ 40 ,900 . 39 Parks 21 ,007 . 31 City Street 65 ,960 . 13 Cedar River M & I 144 . 72 Library 6 ,307 . 00 Street Fwd. Thrust 113,827 . 82 Urban Arterial 1 ,111 . 61 City Shop Construction 1 ,500 . 00 Waterworks 72 ,999 . 01 Airport 1 ,696 . 46 Equipment Rental 6 ,666 . 23 Firemen 's Pension 10 ,483. 42 Total Claims for August $342 ,604.10 FROM TO PAYROLL FUND Current Fund $177 ,016 . 50 Parks 55 ,304 . 03 City Street 37,939 . 58 Cedar River M & I 1 ,222 . 00 Library 11 ,538. 46 Waterworks 23 , 561 . 68 Airport 1 ,831 . 00 Equipment Rental 4 ,837 . 00 Firemen 's Pension 100. 00 Total Payroll for August $313 ,350 . 25 4 0AG ovel REN'.('ON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING September 13 , 1972 municipal Building 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers R E F E R R A L S BUDGET COMMITTEE Budget requests by Advisory Groups BUILDING_AND/OR _ STREET DEPARTMENTS To check unauthorized dumping of rcfizsc and debri on power line right- of--way just off 4th North at rear of Gulf Station COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE xjeuuar f- -M-W-2-ffig—Cro-u-n-Ty Executive Spellman regarding Metropolitan Transit operation and cost sharing Mayor 's report of expending in full of $15 ,000. 00 police overtime funds and need for appropriation of additional moneys or compensatory time off policy. FINANCE COMMITTEE Request of Historical Society for space in Highlands Administration for Renton Musa-ui-,7 U. S. Departmrnt of Agriculture notice regarding lease rental fee in view of wage-price freeze (High.7ands Administration Building space) LAG 1842-71 LEGISLATION (.'Oi'qMXTTEE Proposed ordinances ,placed on first reading only 9113171 , restructuring city departments , establishing Department of Finance and Department of Engineering and positions related thereto Request for legislation to implement provisions of the Emergency Employment Act � 92-54 STAT. 1,46 . (Ordinance No. 2660 adopted) Public hearing legislation for vacation of Gen Sing Avenue Green River Development Plan concurrence MAYOR Inclusion in preliminary budget the requests of the Renton Historical Society and the Municipal Arts Commission for operating fund assistance PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Appointments : Clarence L. Bunstine to Board of Adjustment and Mrs. Helga Kari an to Fair Housing Commission PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Applications for Shuffleboard licenses filed by owners/operators of The Brass Bull and the Riviera Taverns TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Requests of Mr. Abraham, O. K. Cab Company, for additional cab stand and return to public parking of three unused stands . APPOINTMENT Mr. W. Robert Lally to Municipal Arts Commission - Reappointment to term commencing 515171 extending to 111174 (Prior service since 1965) 310 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING September 13 , 1971 Municipal Building 8 :00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett Zed the Flag Salute and CALL TO ORDER called the weekly meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF GRANT, CLYMER , STREDICKE, PERRY, DELAURENTI AND COUNCIL MEMBERS- SCHELLERT. AGSENT : BRUCE. MOVED BY GRANT AND SECONDED BY PERRY, THE ABSENT MEMBER, WHO IS OUT OF. THE CITY, BE EXCUSED. THE MOTION CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor, HELMIE NELSON, City Clerk, IN ATTENDANCE DOROTHEA GOSSETT, City Treasurer , G . M. SHELLAN, City Attorney , FRANK HENRY, Asst . Chief of Police , M. C. WALLS, Fire Chief, JACK WILSON, City Engineer, GORDON ERICKSON, Planning Director , TED BENNETT, Utility Accountant , GENE COULON, Park Director, DEL BENNETT , Public Works Administrator and BERNARD RUPPERT, Building Director . MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO APPROVE 8/23/71 Meeting THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT. THE MOTION CARRIED. MODEL ON DISPLAY- Mayor Garrett invited public inspection of model New image for of downtown Renton depicting intersection of South downtown Renton Third Street and Williams Avenue South with setting of ornamental and decorative lighting, planter re- ceptacles , new street and sidewalk patterns and a uniform extension of canopies and signs along the building fronts for a tranquil , orderly and aesthetic new image for the downtown business area of Renton as planned in the proposed CBD Improvement Project. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted pro- RESOLUTIONS posed ordinances concerning restructuring of city government , referral back to committee recommended after first readings . PROPOSED ORDINANCE Proposed ordinance was read establishing a Establishing a Department of Finance , providing for the appoint- Department of ment of a Director thereof, specifying duties and Finance , providing responsibilities and qualifications , providing for for a Director, the establishment and operation of divisions within and related matters said department and appointment of supervisors , and matters related thereto , 'and repealing any and all ordinances in conflict therewith . rT WAS MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE DOCUMENT BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE . Stredicke inquired of legal counsel as to the status of the City Treasurer 's position , in view of this legislation , who had run forzoffice and been elected to a four year term, noting he would vote for nothing involving changes in the City Clerk or Treasurer positions while those persons were holding office , after their having run and been elected and having no voice when the city changed the status of their positions . City Attorney Shellan advised that the status of the position of City Treasurer as that of the City Clerk ,upon adoption of the Optional Municipal Code , became appointive rather than elective . The duties of the positions have not changed however the City Clerk position remains on the basis that it is specifically provided for under the OMC. Councilman Delaurenti noted referral to allow discussion of any problems . THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED. Perry called attention to the Legislation Committee meeting next Monday and invited concerned parties to attend so the subject may be reviewed and action taken accordingly . 311 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/13/71 Page 2 . ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : (Cont . ) Proposed Ordinance Proposed ordinance was read establishing and creating a Dept . creating a "Department of Engineering" , pro- of Engineering , viding for the appointment of a Director thereof, providing for a specifying duties , responsibilities and quali- Director , etc. fications , providing for the establishment and operation of divisions within said department , and appointment of su_rervisors , and matters relating thereto . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECOND BY SCHELLERT , TO REFER THE DOCUMENT BACK TO THE LEGISLATION ^OMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Emergency Employment Ordinance was introduced concerning implementa- tion of the Emergency Employment Act of 1971 (Public Law 92-54 , 85 STAT. 146) . Letter from Helmie Nelson , Citg Clerk ,noted federal fund allocation of some $108 ,922 . 00 and requested legislation to create and establish an "Emergency Employment Fund" , appropriation and transfers of funds to cover costs including $44 , 381 . 00 for the remaining four months of 1971 . Contingency Fund appropriation was recommended , same to be reimbursed upon receipt of monies from the U. S. Dep ' t . of Labor and program fund balance to be budgeted in the 1972 budget . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE AND CARRIED, TO CONCUR AND TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 2660 Ordinance was placed on first reading establishing Emergency Employment an "Emergency Employment Fund" in pursuance of the Fund Creation and grant from the Emergency Employment Act of 1971 appropriations there- (Public Law 92-54) ; making an appropriation from for . the City 's "Contingency Fund" unto the "Emergency Employment Fund" ; authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into agreements with United States Department of Labor in connection with said Grant and to fill positions made available by such grant . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. Upon inquiry by Clymer as to status of positons filled under this program, Mayor Garrett advised that the plan was to help the unemployment situ- ation and is a 2-year program to make permanent jobs and at least half of those employed are ex- pected to remain and by some means be enfolded into city government employment , it being felt others would have acquired skills to acquire other positions . The Mayor cited individuals and their placements to date introducing Mr . Jim Fraser , present this evening who is filling one of the Municipal Intern positions and working in capacity of Personnel Director . Granting of 11 positions was currently reported with $108 ,922 . 00 total program assistance . The City Clerk upon request read positions and salary ranges and after some further discussion concerning scope of the program -- and salary averages , the PENDING MOTION CARRIED. The ordinance was read. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, AND SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RFSULTED IN ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED ADOPTING THE ORDINANCE UNANIMOUSLY. RESOLUTION NO. 1762 Resolution was read authorizing transfer of Data Processing Fund $3 , 880 . 00 from Current Fund , Data Processing Transfer for NCR Acct . 008/514/70/11 , Salaries , unto Current Fund services Data Processing Acct . 008/514/70/31 , Professional Services . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED. 312 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/13/71 Page 3. PUBLIC HEARING : Access to Sunset View Apartments , N. E. 10th Street and Kirkland Avenue N. E . This being the date set and proper legal notices having been published and mailed , the hearing was opened with reading of letter from Mr. and Mrs . Henry Knight , 1022 Kirkland Ave . N . E. objecting to access for the apartment or any business from Kirkland Avenue N. E. Audience Mr. J. R. Van Osdell , resident of the apartment , Comment 3030 N . E. 10th Street , stated the construction work had been halted at completion of the 31 unit structure because of economic changes , the owner selling the apartment and relinquishing balance of the property to original owner . He advised that the Kirkland access has been used for 2-1/2 years without incident and the request brought back was for ingress therefrom only . Lacking existence of legal covenants it was felt the 31 families residing in the apartment would like to have the same convenience as other residents of the area . It was recalled that improvements have been installed on 10th and that bond has been posted to insure those on Kirkland , however moving of curbing to the west as shown to leave power pole in the middle of the street . In lo-:king around it was evident that others had not complied with offsite improvement. re- quirements but action against bond implied if Valley View did not comply , Busch apartments , Valley View and Highlander cited a.s lacking . It was felt that traffic hazard from 93 anticipated units was reason for the restriction and noting proximity of residen(tes of pro- testors he did not feel traffic at present volume was any problem to them . The tenants must cross an arterial to get into the parking lot and traffic is heavy on 10th and Jefferson which is unmarked. It was urged that the council allow access to this project as is allowed residents of the Highlander apartments to the North . Mr . Sven Johnson noted receipt of calls concerning the access problem, having been Building Director of the City at the time of the project installation , and enforcement of the verbal agreement . He noted Off-site improvements and access controls were to be effected by Valley Vista and were recorded and equal enforcement by the City for each party was urged. Mr . John Becker, 1034 Kirkland N. E. reaffirmed his prier feeling that access should not be allowed and that the city should respect the wishes expressed at meetings of 1966 that bulkhead buffer be maintained between business and residen,.,es . Mr . Glenn Burrelle , 1010 Kirkland Ave . N. E. recalled that the restriction was the only way the rezone was evor given consideration and he felt the people living in the area had consented only because it had been set up in that way and regard for this aspect should be upheld by the property owner and city at this time . Mr. Jay Holmes , owner of property adjoining the apartment on the West side of Kirkland, acquired in 1957 by bid from the Federal Government noted advice from his attorney to ask for removal of the access restriction presently existing on Kirkland Avenue N.E. Mr. Holmes outlined assessed valuations of various properties in the area totalling one million two hundred forty one thousand, sir hundred fifty dollars , and stated additionally proposed improvements could not be effected without right of access . MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/13/71 313 Page 4. PUBLIC HEARING : Access to Sunset View Apartments (Cont. ) Council remarks Stredicke , upholding protest of residential property owners , acknowledged their right to assume that the area would remain single family residential and that restrictions would remain as placed. 1966 hearings before the Planning Commission were recalled and concessions by owners made to insure highest property values and including restriction whereby apartment zoning was granted. Grant suggested check be made on report of the non-conforming apartment urging Council observance of 1966 access restriction which committment was in the minutes as a matter of record. Perry recalled his opposition to R-3 zoning in 1966 to no avail , with buffer urged between residential and business areas , supporting now- residents who were told the access restri(-tion would be enforced . Audience comment Mr. Roy Goodman noted ownership of a parcel in the center of the area advising he had received no de- fense when Safeway wanted to build and questioned who would prevent a half million dollar development . He did not see how people could be prevented access to their property from a public street . Mr. I. J . Brodell , 1101 Shelton S. E. , cited variances allowed from code requirements and noted revisions to the Constitution by reason of change in conditions and economics . He also questions how access could be denied to a street all people own . Remarks by City City Attorney Shellan pointed out access denial is Attorney , Council possible only if agreed to by property owner who and final action may waive his right , the covenant enforceable only if attached to the land and recorded. Present access restriction affects entire parcel as per plan before the body in 1966 question now being whether it was imposed because it was feared 91 or 93 units would generate so much traffic as to be injurious to the m' abutting property owners , and if lesser amount , when only 31 units were built , would constitute detriment to the same extent , the agreement binning upon future owner if he were aware of it . Clymer felt both residents and business must be protected but when building homes on fringe of a business area growth and expansion could likely be anticipated as progress in inevitable . He did not feel that business should be stifled in one area while helped in another (CBD) , investors to become discouraged thereby . Delaurenti pointed out that no legal covenant exists and that 31 units instead of 93 changes the traffic situation . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. Commencement of discussion brought point of order by Grant that hearing was closed . Council action was invited. Proposed motion to deny brought point of order by Schellert satisfied by ruling that 9/16/71 motion was before the body pursuant to 9/23/71 reconsideration action , said motion being , "MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO DENY THE REQUEST THAT COUNCIL LIFT THE ACCESS RESTRICTION WHICH PROHIBITS INGRESS/EGRESS TO SUNSET VIEW APARTMENTS VIA KIRKLAND AVENUE N . E. " Voice vote r••• was dissenting and roll call vote requested resulting as follows : AYE-3 : GRANT, STREDICKE AND PERRY. NO-3 : CLYMER , DELAURENTI, AND SCHELLERT. MAYOR GARRETT BROKE THE TIE ,VOTING NO, AND THE MOTION LOST. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL FIND CHANGES IN CIRCUMSTANCES REGARDING THE PROPERTY ABUTTING KIRKLAND AVENUE N.E. , AT THE CORNER OF N. E. 10TH STREET & SUNSET HWY. , AND THAT THE ACCESS RE- STRICTION ON KIRKLAND AVENUE N. E. BE LIFTED WITH THE EXCEPTION THAT INGRESS ONLY BE ALLOWED FROM KIRKLAND AND THAT THE NEW VOLUNTARY COVENANT ON PART OF THE PROPERTY OWNER BE REDUCED TO WRITING AND FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK AND TO BE BINDING UPON THE PROPERTY OWNERS, THEIR SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNEES. CARRIED. (See later remarks by Perry) 314 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/13/71 Page 5 . COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS RECESS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO RECESS. 9 :35 p.m. THE MOTION CARRIED. After recess roll call of council resulted in all present as previously. COMMUNICATIONS Letter was read from Mr. F.A . Storey , Pres . , Renton Historical Society , requesting assignment Historical Society of space for a Renton Museum in the Highlands Request for Museum Administration Building. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED Space BY SCHELLERT AND CARRIED, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Bid openings City Clerk Nelson reported September 2nd opening Sale of surplus of bids on surplus equipment sale including pumps pumps and tampers and tampers , two bidders responding as per attached tabulations . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER THE BIDS TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Purchase of 5-yard City Clerk Nelson reported bid opening for 1972 dump truck , 2-1/2 vehicles and five bidders responding as per tabu- ton flatbed trucks lations attached hereto . MOVED BY SCHELLERT AND one with tailgate SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE BIDS TO THE FINANCE lift . COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Applications for Letter from Mr. Charles D. Lumbard, new owner , S.%uffleboard Brass Bull Tavern , 214 Williams Avenue South, Licenses requested license to operate two shuffleboard at said location . (Formerly E1 Picador) Letter from Mr . Robert A . Clayton , Sr. owner, Riviera Tavern , 2231 Maple Valley Highway , requested license to operate three shuffleboards (coin-type pool tables) , at said location . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE APPLICATIONS TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. THE MOTION CARRIED. O.K.Cab Company Letter from Mr . J. J. Abraham, President , D.K. Cab Cabstand Requests Inc. requested assignment of unused taxi zone on the SE corner of South 3rd Street and Wells Avenue South for total of three stands for their seven cabs . It was further requested that the taxi sones on the NW corner of So. 3rd and Wells Ave. So. and the SW corner of So . 3rd and Williams Avenue So. be returned to unrestricted parking for use of the merchants . It was noted that "Farwest Cab Co. " had not been operating in the City for the past 30 days . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. U. S. Dept . of Letter from the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture , by Agriculture - Mitsuo Sato , Chairman , King Co . ASC Committee , LAG. 1842-71 reported receipt of two copies of lease document for rental space in the Highlands Administration Building for the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service . Consequence of President 's Wage-Price Freeze Order was noted to affect the increased rental fee and payments were to follow for August and succeeding months in sum of $78. 90 rather than $120 . 00 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED. Report of City Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported that Engineer on petition for vacation of portion of Gen Sing Petition for Avenue contained signatures representing 100% Vacation of Gen ownership of the property abutting the street . Sing Avenue (Located near May Creek immediately South of NE 36th Street , East of Jones Avenue N.E. ) MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION. MOTION CARRIED. 3/500 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEE.TING 9/13/71 Page 6 . COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS : County-City Bus Letter from Mr. John D. Spellman , King County Operation and Executive , noted extension of Metropolitan Cost sharing Transit operation by the County to October 1 , 1971 , survey indicating that 57 . 1% of ridership was from Renton . July expenses exceeded revenue by $4 ,195 . 99 and under cost sharing formula the share for Renton would have been $2 ,395 . 00. Contract documents for joint operation and cost sharing are being prepared for consideration by ® participating cities and will be forwarded in the near future . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURFNTI, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Police Overtime Letter from Mayor Garrett , in accordance with the Expenditure to provisions of the Police Guild Contract , gave September 15 , 1971 notice to the Council that as of 9/15/71 the sum of $15 ,000 . 00 will have been expended for police department overtime services . Unless additional funds are appropriated by the council , compensatory time off will be in effect for those police officers working overtime . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR MEETING WITH THE MAYOR AND POLICE CHIEF .mf THE MOTION CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Letters of appointment from Mayor Garrett requested Council concurrence irl appointments as follows : BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Mr . Clarence L. Bunstine to Position No . 2 on the Mr. C. L. Bunstine new Board of Adjustment , eff. 9/6/71 .and expiring 916/75 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE APPOINTMENT TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE. CARRIED._ FAIR HOUSING Mrs . Helga Karinen reappointment to Fair Housing COMMISSION APPT. - Commission , effective 9/22/71 and expiring 9/22/74 . Mrs . Helga Karinen (Mrs . Karinen has served since 1966) MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE APPOINT- MENT TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATION COMMITTEE THE MOTION CARRIED. MUNICIPAL ARTS Mr . W. Robert Lally reappointment to Municipal Arts COMMISSION APPT. Commission , effective 515171 and expiring 1/1/74 . Mr. W. R . Lally (Mr . Lally has served heretofore since 1965) . IT WAS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURFNTI, TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT. THE MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS: BY COUNCIL : Committee of the Council President Grant submitted report recommending Whole Report , that the 1972 budget requests of advisory groups be Budget Requests by referred to the Budget Committee , and that the Mayor Advisory Groups , include requests of the Historical Society and the Item 1 . Municipal Arts Commission `in the preliminary budget . After .question as to propriety and context of the recommendation , it was MOVED BY 'DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. ..� Item 2 , Green The Committee of the Whole recommended concurrence River Development in the Green River Development Plan per Planning Plan Director 's presentation , and that letters be sent to the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Depart- ment of Planning, King County Courthouse, advising of Council concurrence in the proposed development concept for the Green River as it affects Renton and adjacent communities . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURFNTI, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOM- MENDATIONS WITH REFERRAL OF THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. 3�6 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/13/71 Page 7. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont. ) Remarks by Clymer Councilman Clymer commended the fire department commending fire personnel for efficiency and courtesies in department connection with fire at his residence which destroyed his garage and car noting check back to insure the fire was permanently extinguished. Community Services Chairman Clymer reported that the Sub-Division Committee Report and Sign Ordinances would be held one week. Sub-Division and Stredicke urged early action and referral to the r Sign Ordinances Legislation Committee to get the new legislation before the body. Multi-Family Units Councilman Stredicke recalled request for check and Fire Code En- of two multi-family structures as to whether Fire forcement Code is being met and inspection was urged and report as requested at an early date . Annexation BRB meeting on the 23rd of the month on proposed Presentation annexation to Renton was noted by Councilman Stredicke . Planning Director Erickson previously having made an outstanding presentation on behalf of the City ,comment by the Boundary Review Board Chairman being that it was the best, in his five years of service, and the Department Head and De- partment to be commended . Mayor Garrett added con- currence to the BRB Chairman 's opinion noting it was the kind of presentation he had hoped it to be. Fire and Police Councilman Perry commended the fire and police action commended personnel for responsive and well -trained action felt to have contributed to the saving of his -- friend 's life who had a series of 7 consecutive heart attacks within an hour, medical training program at valley general hospital attended by the uniformed personnel felt to be invaluable in this and other like cases . Stredicke inquired of the Fire Chief as to status of the Aid Car and Chief Walls advised it is now in production in Detroit . Public Hearing vote- Councilman Perry requested minute entry recorded Access to Sunset of his No vote in regard to lifting of the Kirkland View Apartments Avenue N.E. access restriction to the Sunset View apartments ,which otherwise would not be recorded unless roll call vote had been taken . Annexation Councilman Schellert called attention to the need Presentation for presentation to the voters in order to secure like response, as was received from the Boundary Review Board', on the annexation ballot . New Business by Council Utility Tax - 2% MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THE MAYOR BE INSTRUCTED NOT TO INCLUDE ANY UTILITY TAX AS REVENUE IN HIS PRELIMINARY BUDGET. After some lengthy discussion concerning temporary stat of the utility tax and possible offset by receipt now of one-half of 1% sales tax, and present mill"n dollar out of balance budget , the MOTION FAILED. Dumping of refuse Councilman Stredicke requested investigation by the Building or Street Department of unauthorized dumping in area just off 4th North on the power Zine right-of-way to the rear of the Gulf Station , small ravine filled with debris of all kinds . The Mayor advised it would be checked. Utility Tax Councilman Perry noted the utility tax reduction proposal has been before the Council 7 times for vote during which it was reduced once from 3 to 2%. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 911317`317 Page S. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont. ) Finance Committee Chairman Schellert submitted Finance Committee Report - Bid Awards- recommendation that bids of 9/2/71 for one 1972 on trucks to Robinson 5-yard dump truck, one 1972 1-1/2 ton flatbed & Lyon Ford Company truck with tail gate lift and one 1972 1-1/2 ton flatbed truck be awarded to Robinson & Lyon Ford the low bidder on each item. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR IN THE BID AWARD RECOMMENDATIONS. CARRIED. Bids on sale of Recommended that bid on S-28 Centrifugal Pump ..w. surplus equipment be awarded to Forte Rentals in sum of $50. 00 and that all other bids be rejected and the Purchasing Agent be authorized to sell the remaining equipment at appraised prices . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT As there was no further business, it was MOVED 10 :50 P .M. BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADJOURN. THE MOTION CARRIED. Meeting was adjourned. Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk C4 F� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 911317 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Wed. Grant 2nd Floor 9/15/71 7 :30pm Community Services Fri . Clymer 3rd Floor 9/17/71 4 :00 pm Conf. Rm. Finance Mon . 4 : 30 pm Schellert 9/20/71 Legislation Mon . Perry Chairman ' s 9/20/71 7ouncil Office Personnel & Community Stredicke Relations Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Bruce Transportation Grant Capital Improvement Wed. 7 :p.m. Schellert Priority Committee 9/15/71 319 September 13 , 1971 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID OPENING - September 2 , 1971 2 :00 P.M. City Clerk ' s Office SURPLUS EQUIPMENT CITY BID BIDDER NUMBER Forte Rentals 1954 Sludge Pump 1100 Bronson Way N. $90 . 00 Renton, Wash. 98055 S-9 Forte Rentals 1957 Centrifugal Pump 1100 Bronson Way N. $210 . 00 Renton, Wash. 98055 5-10 Maple Valley Humus 1957 Centrifugal Pump $270 .00 18805 S.E. 170th Renton, Wash. 98055 S-10 Forte Rentals 1961 Centrifugal Pump $50 . 00 1100 Bronson Way N. Renton, Wash. 98055 S-28 Forte Rentals 1961 Telgo Plate Tamper $25 .00 1100 Bronson Way N. Renton, Wash. 98055 5-36 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK September 13, 1971 C Page 1 of 3 BID OPENING - SEPTEMBER 2, 1971 2:00 P.M. - CITY CLERKtS OFFICE ONE 1972 5-YARD DUMP TRUCK BID EQUIPMENT BASE BID SALES TAX LESS TRADE TOTAL BID BIDDER BOND DESCRIPTION (D-23) Bryant Motors Inc. Bid 1600 International $7,553.20 $377.66 $825.00 $7,105.86 1300 Bronson Way Bond with Nelson Renton, Wash., 98055 Equipment Body 1600 International 7,841.20 392.06 825.00 7,408.26 with Sound Truck Body GNB Truck & Coach Div. Cashierts GMC Dump Truck 7,500.00 375.00 700.00 7,175.00 General Motors Corp. Check 600 5th Avenue S. Seattle, Wash., 98104 Robinson & Lyon Ford Cashierts Ford F-600 71298.91 364.94 850.00 6,813.85 750 Rainier Ave. S. Check Dump Truck Box 660 Renton, Wash., 98055 Sea-Tac Ford Truck Sales, Inc. Bid F-600 Ford Chassis 7,489.00 374.45 600.00 7.9263-45 11000 Pacific Highway Bond Dump Truck Seattle, Washington 98168 With Truckweld Body With Anthony Body 7,348.00 367.40 600.00 7,715.40 Optional Equipment Engine 361 Cu. In. H.D. V/8 (add $235.00 to above bids) Tom Matsonts Valley Motors Bid Dodge D-600 with 7,168.90 358.45 650.00 61877.35 Dodge Truck Center Bond Dump P. 0. Box E Auburn, Wash., 98002 See last page for discount if all three vehicles are ordered before 9/15/71. v i t t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK September 13, 1971page 2 of 3 BID OPENING - SEPTEMBER 2, 1971 2:00 P.M. - CITY CLERKtS OFFICE ONE 1972 1-1/2-TON FLAT BED TRUCK BID EQUIPMENT (D-24) BIDDER BOND DESCRIPTION BASE BID SALES TAX LESS TRADE TOTAL, BID Bryant Motors Inc. Bid 1600 International $4,983.10 $249.16 $600.00 $4,632.26 1300 Bronson Way Bond with Nelson Equip- Renton, Wash., 98055 ment Truck Body 1600 International 4,871.10 243.56 600.00 4,514.66 with Sound Truck Body GMC Truck & Coach Div. Cashierts GMC Flat Bed Truck 4,855.00 242.75 500.00 4,597.75 General Motors Corp. Check 600 5th Avenue S. Seattle, Wash., 98104 Robinson & Lyon Ford Cashierts Ford F-500 Flat 4,497.14 224.86 600.00 4,122.00 750 Rainier Ave. S. Check Bed Truck Box 660 Renton, Wash., 98055 Sea-Tac Ford Truck Sales, Inc. Bid F-600 Ford Chassis 41815.00 240.75 450.00 4,605.75 11000 Pacific Highway Bond With Truckweld Body Seattle, Washington 98168 With Nelson Built 4,781.00 239.o5 450.00 4,570.o5 Body Tom Matsonts Valley Motors Bid Dodge D-500 with 4,576.20 228.81 450.00 4055.01 Dodge Truck Center Bond Flatbed P. 0. Box E Auburn, Wash., 98002 Ate.. 13, 1971temrer OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Se p � BID OPENING - SEPTEMBER 2, 1971 Page 3 of 3 2:00 P.M. - CITY CLERKIS OFFICE ONE 1972 1-1/2-TON FLAT BED TRUCK WITH TAIL GATE LIFT BID EQUIPMENT (C-26) BIDDER BOND DESCRIPTION BASE BID SALES TAX LESS TRADE TOTAL BID Bryant Motors Inc. Bid 11660 International $6,077.90 $303.90 $300.00 $6,081.80 1300 Bronson Way Bond with Nelson Renton, Wash., 98055 Equipment Body 1660 International 5,979.10 298.96 300.00 5,978.06 with Sound Truck Body GHC Truck & Coach Div. Cashierts GMC Flat Bed Truck 6,719.00 335.95 400.00 6,654.95 General Motors Corp. Check and Gate 600 5th Avenue S. Seattle, Wash., 98104 Robinson & Lyon Ford Cashierts Ford F-500 Flat Bed 5,594.87 279.74 300.00 5,574.61 750 Rainier Ave. S. Check with Lift Gate Box 66o Renton, Wash., 98055 Sea-Tac Ford Track Sales, Inc. Bid F-600 Ford Chassis 5,999.00 299.95 250.00 6,048.95 11000 Pacific Highway Bond With Truckweld Body Seattle, Wash., 98168 and Heil Lift Gate With Nelson Built 5,870.00 293.50 250.00 5,913.50 Body & Anthony Lift Gate w- Tom Matson's Valley Motors Bid Dodge D-500 with Dodge Truck Center Bond Flatbed and Power P. 0. Box E Tailgate 51716.20 285.81 300.00 5,702.01 Asburn, Wash., 98002 Delivery dates: Bryant Motors - Approximately 120 to 150 days GMC Truck & Coach Div. - Approximately 60 to 90 days Robinson & Lyon Ford - 60 days ARO, Bid Firm - 90 days (Terms - 1% - 10 days) Sea-Tac Ford Truck Sales, Inc. - %: Valley Motors - If all three vehicles are ordered before 9/15/71 the following discount -ill apply: $17,461 30 - Total three vehicles; Less Discount ($300.0 0) ;a Less Three Tr/Ins. ($15400.00) ; Plus 54 s Tax - $858.06 = $16,619.36 Total Amount. 323 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 9/13/71 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B2785 $ 7 ,000 .00 MIKE POTOSHNIK 3403 BURNETT S ADDN RESIDENCE 2786 8, 800 . 00 S T RUPPERT 1725 EDMONDS NE ADDN RESIDENCE 2787 -- MARK 7 REALTY 1333 ABERDEEN NE DEMOLISH RESIDENCE 2788 2 , 000 .00 P H POWERS 1523 INDEX AVE NE GARAGE 2789 1, 500 .00 WMS & SWANSON 255 LOGAN S TEMP SALES BUILDG B2790 5 , 000 .00 E MAYNICK 435 RENTON AVE S REMODEL RESIDENCE 2791 250 , 000 .00 SHELL OIL 2508 W VALLEY RD SW LAND FILL 2792 1, 700 .00 B G MORRISON 2011 MT VIEW N ADDN RESIDENCE 2793 400 . 00 ROGER JOHNSON 200 FACTORY N NEW ROOFING 2794 400 .00 " 204 FACTORY N " B2795 400 .00 208 FACTORY N it 2796 14, 000 .00 W HARTILL 3625 NE 10TH COURT RESIDENCE 2797 1, 750 .00 LEO J PONKE 632 INDEX NE ADDN RESIDENCE 2798 VOID 2799 -- REN-TEN INC 916 N 32ND ST DEMOLISH RESIDENCE B2800 300 .00 EARLINGTON GOLF 1115 SW 7TH ST STORAGE SHED ELECTRICAL PERMITS E3397 580 .00 PARKWOOD HOMES 822 S 27TH ST WIRE NEW RESIDENCE 3398 225 . 00 R B NOBLE 411 RENTON AVE S REWIRE TO CODE RESI;_. 3399 200 .00 MR POHLMAN 1630 FERNDALE SE OUTLETS IN BASEMT E3400 135 .00 COLUCCIO CONST 200 SW 43RD ST TEMP ON POLE/PUMP 3401 75 .00 RENTON SCH #403 3000 NE 4TH ST DRIVER TRAIN SIMULATO: 3402 500 . 00 SEABOARD LMBR 2403 LAKE WASH B NO LOG UNLOAD 3403 200 .00 EUGENE GRAYSON 551 BREMERTON NE REWIRE RESIDENCE 3404 250 .00 WMS & SWANSON 255 LOGAN AVE S WIRE TEMP BLDG E3405 150 .00 BURLINGTON NORTH 625 S 4TH ST INST METERED SERVICE 3406 720 . 00 MARK-7 FHA 668 PIERCE COURT NE ADDNL WIRING 3407 5 ,900 .00 C TAYLOR EQUIP 3100 E VALLEY RD WIRE SHOP & OFFICE 3408 150 .00 EARLINGTON GOLF 1115 SW 7TH ST GOLF OFFICE SERVICE 3409 477 .00 PARKWOOD HOMES 811 S 27TH ST NEW RESIDENCE E3410 200 .00 FRANK COLUCCIC 720 MONSTER RD SW PUMP SERVICE 3411 500 .00 NO PACIFIC CONST 1115 N 30TH ST NEW RESIDENCE 3412 8 ,500 .00 MARSEARCH INC 77 RAINIER S GAS PUMPS & CAR WASH 3413 631.00 RAY SCHAFER 1912 ROLLING HILLS SE WIRING 3414 137. 50 RONALD LEVETT 2224 NE 27TH ST ADDN RESIDENCE MECHANICAL PERMITS M2952 750 .00 NORTH PACIFIC 1115 N 30TH ST PLUMBING & FIXTURES 2953 2 , 700 .00 HORMEL COMPANI 600 SW 7TH ST LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM 2954 1 ,000 .00 R SHAFER 1912 ROLLING HILLS SE PLUMBING FIXTURES M2955 800 .00 KATIE RICHTER 507 WELLS AVE N GAS FURNACE 2956 400 .00 JON BERGMAN 3813 MEADOW N SEPTIC TANK & DRAIN 2957 7 , 500 .00 HERFY ' S 151 SUNSET BLVD. N PLUMBING & FIXTURES 2958 500 .00 OLIVER GOTTI 810 GRANT S FURNACE 2959 247 . 50 S 0 LEE 3332 NE SUNSET BLVD it M2960 1, 400 .00 PARKWOOD HOMES 2548 SMITHERS S PLUMBING & FIXTURES 2961 2 ,000 . 00 MARSEARCH INC 77 RAINIER S GASOLINE TANKS 2962 590 .00 FHA 3410 NE 6TH ST OIL FURNACE 2963 400 .00 R S JOHNSON 2216 NE 10TH ST CONVERSION BURNER 2964 PARKWOOD HOME: €311 27TH SO PLUMBING FIXTURES M2965 200 .00 M POTOSHNIK 3403 BURNETT N PLUMBING FIXTURES 2966 247 .50 WM D HANSARD 660 REDMOND AVE NE GAS FUR,IACE 2967 1, 300 . 00 REIMAN AUTO PTS 617 S GRADY WAY HEATERS SIGN PERMITS S162 8, 000 .00 HERFY ' S CORP 151 SUNSET N PYLON SIGN 163 800 .00 GEO HORMEL & CO 600 SW 7TH ST ';_ "_L SIGN 164 285 .00 C TAYLOR EQUIP 3100 E VALLEY S S165 500 .00 MILK STOP STORE 914 HARF,--11GTON NE 1.OLE SIGN 3z4- I PERMITS CONTINUED 9/13/71 i , SEWER PERMITS i S1631 DARREL BENSON 1115 N 30TH SEWER WORK 1632 TEETER CONST 13604 SE 100th " 1633 HAROLD SANDERS 1909 UNION AVE N " 1634 EARLINGTON GOLD " S1635 COOKE SALES CO 851 HOUSER WAY N CONNECT STORM & SIDE 1636 MARSEARCH INC 77 RAINIER AVE S " 1637 RENTON ELKS 1600 EAGLE RIDGE DR " 1638 MR POMEROY 1912 ROLLING HILLS SE CONNECT SIDE i 1639 STONEWAY MAPLE VALLEY HWY CONNECT STORM S1640 HERFY ' S CORP BRONSON & SUNSET CONNECT STORM & SIDE 1641 WASH JOCKEY CLUB LONGACRES " s i 1 i i i I I 1 I 1 mob J,Z RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING September 20 , 1971 Municipal Building 8 : 00 P.M. Council Chambers R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim of Mr. K. B. Powell resulting from water damage to his property. CITY CLERK To furnish copies of proposed sign code revisions to Mayor and Council . Authorized to dispose of surplus equipment . COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Proposed Contract Agreement for Metropolitan Transit services . Subject of International Association of Fire Fighters , Local 864-not yet certified by the Dept . of Labor and Industries as negotiator, Request of Historical Society for space in the Highlands Administration Building for a Renton Museum . FINANCE COMMITTEE (With Power to Act) Aviation Board request that Member Gary E . Dime be authorized to attend 1971 National Airports Conference in Norman , Oklahoma , Oct . 4-6 , 1971 . LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Final Assessment Roll , L . I . D. 269 , Watermains , SW 43rd Street & vicinity. Commencement of condemnation suit to acquire easement required for completion of Edmonds Ave . N .E . project (L . J . Ernst Property) - Appropriation of $3,068 . 82 from Current Fund Excess Revenue , unto Current Fund budgetary account for Fire Dept . sick leave reimbursement Fund Transfer in sum of $3 , 882 . 00 within Police Department budgetary accounts to cover sick leave reimbursement for medical and service retirees Park Board request for fund transfers to cover costs connected with the acquisition of Lake Wn . Beach Park Addition . Change in meeting time of the City Council from 8 : 00 p.m. to 4 : 30 p.m. on the first Monday of each month . Fire Station Annex . Proposed Subdivision Ordinance MAYOR (ADMINISTRATIVE REQUESTS) Request by Stredicke for information concerning delivery date on specs for emergency aid car and reason for delay • Inquiry by Stredicke as to implementation by Civil Service Commission of physical exams for all uniformed personnel - Request of Mr. Joe Sporcic for investigation regarding sudden increase in water-sewer billing, leak in the line suspected. Mayor requested not to enforce sign code on present deadline date but to await action of the Legislation Committee in revision of the ordinance . PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Application of Mr. Chas . D. Lumbard requesting that Nelson and Michael be granted required license to operate shuffleboard at the Brass Bull . PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Mayor 's appointment of Mrs . Frances Yankeh to Planning Commission . TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Request of Mr . Rufus Sprague for closure of Shattuck underpass to other than vehicular traffic , Disposition of 4th street extension (Main Avenue So . to Freeway) adjacent to LaBonte Rambler. MEETINGS AND EVENTS 10/18/71 - Public Hearing on petition fo Mr. Wilks J. Sullivan for the vacation of portion of Gen Sing Avenue APPOINTMENTS Patrolmen Timothy J. Schlitzer and Bernhard E. Tiege Jr . to six months probationary period per Civil Service rules and regulations j RENTON CITY COUNCIL j REGULAR MEETING September 20 , 1971 Municipal Building 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance CALL TO ORDER and called the weekly meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF GRANT, BRUCE, CLYMER, STREDICKE, DELAURENTI, ,COUNCIL MEMBERS PERRY AND SCHELLERT, CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT , Mayor , HELMIE NELSON , City Clerk , IN ATTENDANCE G . M. SHELLAN , City Attorney , C. S. WILLIAMS, Chief of Police , M . C . WALLS , Fire Chief, JACK WILSON , City Engineer , GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director , DEL BENNETT , Public Works Administrator and BERNARD RUPPERT, Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL Minute revisions and/or approval was invited 9/13/71 Meeting Councilman Schellert requested correction on Page 7 , Paragraph 8 ,. .regarding the 2% utility tax elimination , the minutes showing his second to the motion which should have read "seconded by Perry" . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO ADOPT THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AS CORRECTED. THE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper legal notices LID 269 ,Watermains , having been duly published , posted and mailed, S. W. 43rd & Vic. the hearing was opened . Letter of protest from Mr. and Mrs . George Jonientz was read objecting to final costs , and based upon front footage , compared their assessment to those of neighboring properties and differences felt to be grounds for protest . i Letter from the Chicago, Milwaukee , St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company , Law Department , J. Fred Simpson , Attorney , objected to assessment on right of way land which already has the highest and best use and the highest market value as a part of. the existing- transcontinental right of way . It was felt no increase in market value would result and therefore no special benefit was to be derived by the railroad ' s property and the assessment should- be stricken from the roll . Council discussion and inquiries ensued , the City Engineer confirming assessments by other cities on public utilities not included by the City in the past but benefit proved to be -derived and " added cost incurred having to jack under the rail - road tracks . Another railroad and Puget Sound Power & Light also included in this LID , and it was recommended by the City Engineer the assessment remain on the roll . Mr. Jonientz had used front footage as basis to compute costs and zone and termini method had been used for the L. I. D. as provided by law and propetties in such case can not be compared being different sizes and shapes , his decimals not tablulated far enough also . MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THE HEARING BE CLOSED . CARRIED. Upon inquiry City Engineer Wilson reported 11 . 2% protest . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO APPROVE THE FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL OF LID 269 AS PRESENTED BY THE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED. i MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/20/71 327 Page 2 . ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS ORDINANCE NO. 2661 Legislation Committee Chairman Perry presented Creating "Department for second and final readings ordinance which of Engineering and had been introduced and placed on first reading providing for the on 9/13/71 . The ordinance was read establishing appointment of a and creating a Department of Engineering, pro- Director thereof viding for the appointment of a Director thereof, specifying duties , responsibilities and qualifica- tions , providing for establishment and operation of divisions within said department and appoint- ment of supervisors , etc. related thereto . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY PERRY, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED UNANIMOUSLY AFFIRMATIVE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Chairman Perry reported ordinance pertaining to a Finance Department will be held one week for revision . RESOLUTION NO. 1763 Resolution was read setting October 18 , 1971 as Public Hearing set the date of hearing on petition of Mr. Wilks J. for proposed vaca- Sullivan for vacation of portion of Gen Sing tion of portion of Avenue . (Located South of N.E. 36th Street and Gen Sing Avenue East of Jones Avenue N .E. ) MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ . THE MOTION CARRIED. Proposed Resolution Councilman Grant submitted Resolution as majority regarding charge of report of the Legislation Committee wherein the unfair labor prac- charges by the King County Labor Council were tice and censure of recalled ,however ,only six Councilmen now being action of Council listed as unfair in negotiations with city Member Perry employees . The Council takes exception to the finding and ruled the judgment premature since the matter is presently pending before the Department of Labor and Industries . Also since the Council in committee had voted not to appear before the Labor Council as Renton City Council Members those desiring to be heard to do so as private citizens , censure of Councilman Perry was resolved for appearing in defense of actions as a Councilman ,as evidenced by his picture with Labor Council Secretary Bender in the newspaper and account of his actions leading to subsequent determination he was not unfair. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION. Letter directed to Mr . Bender by Councilman Grant was read declining the invitation extended the City Councilmen to appear and in turn inviting the Labor Council ' s Executive Board to appear before the City Council body to explain its pro- posed actions . (No response received to date .) Councilman Perry questioned why Mr. Stredicke had not been censured as he also had attended the hearing, it being noted he did not seek approval as a Councilman and was still judged unfair along with the rest of the Council . Perry noted he had only submitted minute excerpts showing actions he had taken in the matter. In discussion ensuing Councilman Clymer questioned where on the scale is unfair , fity of Renton employees being the highest paid in the State � for cities this size , actions over past years not based on union negotiations but economically fat or lean years and maintaining equal balance . He inferred perhaps the council is being divided as appears evident in union actions , and urged the Resolution be stricken and the council maintain its stand in unity . DISSENTING VOICE VOTE BROUGHT ROLL CALL ON THE PENDING MOTION. AYE-3 : GRANT, BRUCE AND SCHELLERT. AVO-4 : CLYMER AND DELAURENTI . ABSTAIN : PERRY AND STREDICKE. THE MOTIO'V CARRIED. Council-man Perry asked why he had not been invited to the meeting where censureship was discussed and inquired of the City Attorney wha, recourse h may have as wcvld concern -pis coun;:il position sn(a suit . 0 r ` \ MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/20/71 Page 3. PROPOSED RESOLUTION: (Labor Council Hearing) Grant noted he and Bruce had met earlier tonight . City Attorney Shellan noted the open meeting law passed by the last legislature says if any action is taken on public matters and the meeting is not open then the action is null and void, and that the censureship was simply a reprimand by three Councilman for appearing before the Labor Council as a Councilman rather than as a citizen and that the council position status is in no way affected nor his voting right . Clymer urged reconsideration of the previous motion comparing the action to be the same as was taken by the union noting the Council did not appear for discussion so as not to put the pending appeal in jeopardy. Stredicke noted the action is not going to affect the election and that Mr . Perry understands the position of the j Council and his own abstension was in concern for seriousness of the charge . He felt the Council should continue working together and that the argument is not with Perry so much as it is with the union and reconsideration action should be taken . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REC'ONEIDER THE PRIOR ACTION IN ADOPT- ING THE CENSURING RESOLUTION. CARRIED. THE MOTION NOW BEFORE THE BODY TO ADOPT THE RESOLU- TION WAS VOTED ON AND LOST. Perry noted union support anticipated by him was that of the Teamsters and not that in the action of last week. CORRESPONDENCE AND Letter from Mr. Charles D. Lumbard requested CURRENT BUSINESS that Nelson and Michael be granted required Application for license to operate a Shuffleboard at the Brass Shuffleboard Bull Tavern , 214 Williams Avenue South , Renton . License for Brass MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER Bull Tavern THE REQUEST TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. THE MOTION CARRIED. (Formerly the E1 Picador) Travel Request Letter from Renton Aviation Board President Mr. by Airport C. L. Day , requested that Mr. Gary E. Dime be Board authorized to attend the 1971 National Airports Conference in Norman , Oklahoma, October 4-6, 1971 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. THE MOTION CARRIED. Easement required Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported that for Edmonds Avenue negotiations with property owner were unsuccessful N.E. improvement and recommendedthat commencement of condemnation project suit be authorized to avoid possible delay in the project completion on Edmonds Avenue N.E. , L. J. Ernst easement being the last required. In the meantime negotiations will be continued with hope that agreement can be reached so that the work can be timely with that of the State Highway Department 's improvement of Sunset Blvd . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Appropriation of Letter from City Clerk Nelson reported necessity excess revenue for appropriation of $3 ,068 . 82 from excess for Sick Leave revenue in the Current Fund unto Budget Account reimbursement 017/519 . 90. 13. 07 , Sick Leave Reimbursement . Fire Dept. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Fund transfer for City Clerk Nelson requested concurrence for fund Police medical and transfer between Police Dept . budget accounts service retirees in sum of $3 ,882 . 00 to fund sick leave payments Sick Leave j due medical and service retirees. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECOND BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE REQUEST. TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE . CARRIED. 329 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/20/71 Page 4 . CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS (Cont . ) Park Board request Letter from Park Director Coulon reported for fund transfer Park Board request for transfer of $4 ,459 . 75 to cover Lake Wn . from Cumulative Reserve Fund No. 1689 , Acquisi- Beach Park costs tion and Development of Park Sites , unto the Park Fund, Account 101/533/50/61 , to cover costs in connection with acquisition of the Lake Washington Beach Park addition . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR IN THE REQUEST WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Claim by Mr . K. B. Claim filed by Mr. Kenneth B. Powell in sum Powell - water of $532 . 84 alleged water damages due to broken damages watermain at 5th Avenue North and Garden Street in Renton on May 28 , 1971 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE CLAIM TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND THE CITY'S INSURANCE CARRIER. THE MOTION CARRIED. Metropolitan Transit Letter from Mr. John D. Spellman , County Operation - Contract Executive , transmitted copy of proposed con- Agreement for Cost tract for suburban transit operation and cost Sharing sharing by cities served. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE DOCUMENT TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. MOTION CARRIED. Planning Commission Letter from Mr. Wendell L. Forgaard advised Resignation , Mr. of his resignation from the Planning Commission Wendell Forgaard due to pressing of time by personal matters. He expressed thanks to the Planning Commission and staff noting his four years of service to have been very educational and enjoyable. r.. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Joe Sporcic Mr. Joe Sporcic, 1316 Harrington Ave . N.E. , request for check reported sudden increase in utility billings of meter and line greatly in excess of normal costs and requested due to increase investigation for possible leak, noting his in utility bill neighbor to be experiencing like problem. Mayor Garrett that the matter will be checked. Mr. Rufus Sprague Mr. Rufus Sprague , 628 Shattuck Avenue South , request for closure urged that the Shattuck underpass be limited of Shattuck under- to pedestrian traffic only it now being used pass to vehicles for vehicular route relief and anticipated to be more dangerous when the K-Mart is opened. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE TO STUDY AND REPORT BACK. MOTION CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Letters from Mayor Garrett requested concurrence in appointments with council action taken as follows : Mrs . Frances Appointment of Mrs . Frances Yankeh to membership Yankeh , Planning on the Planning Commission to fill unexpired Commission term of Mr. Wendell L . Forgaard. Term will expire 1/1/73 . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Patrolmen Appointments to six months probationary status Timothy J.Schlitzer as Patrolmen in the Renton Police Department Bernhard E. Teige were read for Mr. Timothy J. Schlitzer and Mr . Bernhard E. Tiege , Jr. , Civil Service Commission Certification and Police Chief's recommendation for appointment, effective October 1 , 1971 . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENTS. MOTION CARRIED. RECESS MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI AND CARRIED TO RECESS . Recess was declared. �)0 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/20/71 Page 5 . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Roll call was taken following the recess with all council members present as previously . Committee of the Council President Grant submitted report Whole Report recommending that the Renton City Council y Item 1 . meet at 3:30 p.m. the first Monday of each First Council month in lieu of a night meeting and that Meeting of each the matter be referred to the Legislation month to be at Committee for the necessary ordinance . 4 :30 p.m. rather MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , than 8:00 p.m. TO CONCUR. After discussion concerning those employed on contractual basis or hourly who would find it difficult to attend, it was MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE TO STRIKE THE TIME OF 3: 30 P. M. AND INSERT THE HOUR OF 4 :00 p.m. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE TO AMEND THE MOTION SETTING THE MEETING TIME AT 4 :30 P.M. SECOND AMENDMENT WAS VOTED UPON AND CARRIED. ORIGINAL MOTION, AS AMENDED CARRIED. Item 2. Fire Station The Council concurs in the request of the Annex Mayor for a fire station annex and requests fund transfer be authorized with referral of the matter to the Legislation Committee for necessary resolution . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR . MOTION CARRIED. i Transportation The Transportation Committee recommended that Committee Report the proposed retaining wall on the East side Extension of of Main Avenue South be extended and that the retaining wall City Engineer be authorized to notify the con- Main Ave. So. tractor as soon as possible . MOVED BY GRANT, to LaBonte SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THE MATTER OF THE DISPOSITION OF THE REST OF THE STREET BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Labor Negotiations- Council President Grant reported that the City.'s Authority granted Labor Consultant , Mr. Jim, Connor of C. Carey Mr. Jim Connor Donworth & Associates , has been meeting with Mr. McKibban , 21R Union Representative and the union requests have been received, all council members being furnished a copy of same, another meeting scheduled durinq the week. MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY BRUCE AND CARRIED, THAT LETTER TO THE UNION REGARDING APPOINTMENT OF A NEGOTIATOR BE READ. Letter to Mr. McKibben from Mr. Grant advised that Mr. Connor is authorized to negotiate on behalf of the City with full authority ,subject to approval and ratification by the Mayor and Council and that Mr. Connor will be instructed as to limitations , restrictions and latitudes of negotiation . The letter noted that the City Council was ready to re-open negotiations on the items mentioned in Mr. McKibben 's letter of August 9 and was also interested in 1972 requests of the union . This letter was dated August 16 , 1971 . Upon inquiry by Stredicke , Grant advised that Mr. Connor would be negotiating with the Police Guild as well , the Mayor noting question as to the Fire Fighters , certification from the Dept . of Labor and Industries that the group has elected to be represented in Labor negotiations by its Local (International Association of Fire Fighters , Local 864) not it g , yet received. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT MR . JIM CONNOR BE AUTHORIZED TO NEGOTIATE WITH THE FIRE FIGHTERS ALSO WITH REPORT BACK FOR RATIFICATION. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT SINCE CERTIFICATION HAS NOT BEEN RECEIVED, THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. THE MOTION CARRIED. 33/ MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/20,171 Page 6 . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Unfair Labor Councilman Stredicke noted he wanted it to Charge be on record just who is to negotiate for the City and authority to be granted that person and groups to be included in the negotiations . He noted newspaper comment indicating he did not understand Labor and he wanted it made clear that he does . Councilman Bruce noted receipt of letter inviting him to appear before the Labor Council which he found on his desk yesterday. He felt the Unfair Labor Practice charge was unfair as he was out of town and unable to attend , the letter saying no charge would be made until the party had personally appeared, however he had been included and resented the unfair labor charge . Community Services Community Services Committee Chairman Clymer Committee Report reported recommendation that the Subdivision Ordinance now be forwarded to the Legislation Subdivision Committee . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY Ordinance DELAURENTI AND CARRIED, THT THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COM- MITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. e y Sign Ordinance Councilman Clymer reported receipt of requested Revisions revisions to the sign code and recommended referral of same to the Legislation Committee for amending legislation . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THE CITY CLERK MAKE COPIES OF THE PROPOSED CHANGES AVAILABLE TO THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO AMEND THE MOTION BY ADDING THAT THE MAYOR 'S OFFICE BE INSTRUCTED NOT TO ENFORCE THE SIGN CODE PENDING ACTION OF THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Emergency Aid Car Councilman Stredicke inquired whether the bid on the aid car contained a delivery date and requested report during the week on status of delivery . Discussion ensued regarding possible reasons for delay including that the vehicle is to be a 1972 model . Union Avenue/Edmonds Councilman Stredicke reported that the response Improvements to complaints regarding sidewalk construction was very pleasing, the new installations and cross walk alignment and signals being a good and welcome improvement to the project, Mr. Bryan conveying his pleasure also . (Union Avenue) Finance Committee Chairman Schellert submitted Finance Committee Report - Bid award report recommending that the high bid of John surplus equipment Mead be accepted for the purchase of the H. & M. duplicator machine and that the City Clerk be authorized to dispose of the balance of the surplus equipment . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECOND BY CLYMER AND CARRIED, TO CONCUR . VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee report recommended approval No. 3667 - 4102 of Vouchers Nos . 3667 through 4102 and L. I.D. and L. I.D. 269 269 , Cash and Revenue Vouchers No . 9 , same Cash & Rev. #9 having received departmental certification as to receipt of service and/or merchandise. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BY DELAURENTI, TO APPROVE THE WARRANTS FOR PAYMENT AS RECOMMENDED. CARRIED. Historical Society MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT Request for Space THE REQUEST OF THE RENTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY FOR for Museum SPACE IN THE HIGHLANDS ADMINISTRATION BUILDING BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. 332 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/20/71 Page 7 . NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Councilman Clymer felt that along the lines of communication it would behoove the council to explain to the public and city employees the situation the city is to be faced with this year in regard to taxes , the taxing laws in the State deemed most complex of any in the U. S. The decline in the Boeing Company during the past year was noted not to affect the first part of the year substantially but the effect now being felt and next year anticipated to get the whole blunt causing concern as to method of explaining the financial problems to be met in establishing a budget . Attention was called to talk about eliminating the utility tax which would be fine if justified by also eliminating expenses but the situation of re- quests by employee groups and increased costs will not justify a decline in revenue which points should be made clear and communicated to the public and employees . In view of what has trans- pired it was iiot�d that we have the best paid employees in the State and yet morale is low. It was suggested that perhaps meeting with the employees for better communication as to the financial situation might warrant initiative action by the Council . Legislation Councilman Perry reminded the Council that the Committee to Legislation Committee will be meeting on Fridays Meet Friday beginning this week , at 4 : 30 p.m. Shorelands Upon inquiry by Councilman Schellert as to Management Act status of the Shorelands Management Act passed by the Legislature , City Attorney advised that an initiative proposal and one passed by the Legislature will be on the ballot in 1972 and the people will have to decide which one to adopt . Unemployment % Councilman Schellert called attention to newspaper Calculations item concerning unemployment and how calculated it being mentioned that persons using up their benefits were no longer on the unemployment rolls and thus not counted in the percentage of unemployed. Mayor Garrett stated that this was not the case and when benefits are exhausted you are not considered back to work and that the statistics of the Department of Labor and Industries are reasonably close to the correct figure , everyone be- ing included who are looking for a job including those who have never worked. Unemployment Mr. Sporcic stated he was going to be distributing Survey a questionnaire concerning the employment status of Renton residents as compiled by Mr. Charles Shane . ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO ADJOURN. CARRIED. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 10 : 30 P.M. am Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk 333 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 9/24/71 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION Nu"IBER NUMBER WARRANTS Warrant #3665 & #3666 VOID - $ .00 -- Machine Breakdown CURRENT FUND 3667 3818 $45r908e95 PARKS AND RECREATION 3819 3855 $11,673981 CITY STREET 3856 3897 $29j296*30 CEDAR RIVER M AND I 3898 3900 $188 .23 LIBRARY 39U1 3947 $4J015*49 REG. AND STREET FWD THRUST 3948 3962 $81:7U4 *46 URBAN ARTERIAL 3963 3969 $15P368 *47 WATERWORKS UTILITY 3970 4010 $70,244 .89 AIRPORT 4011 4024 $1o504e80 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 4025 4074 $7P302e12 FIREMEN S PENSION 4075 4102 $9P635 *83 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $276p843*35 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS CF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RE14TON CITY COUNCILA HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES FAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR PER-DFRED,# DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS No# 3667 THROUGH NG* 4102 IN THE AMOUNT OF $276x843 ,35 THIS 20 OF SEPTEMBERP 1971 * LID 269 Cash & Revenue #9 $3, 927 .71 ', FINANCE COMMITTEE CG`M ITiLE/MEMBER. • L.- wwwww�wtiw+w�f�wwwww ww wwwwwwwwq COM T E MEMBER w ��t wwwl►w•�i �� wwww COMMITTEE M P EFS G4 G.� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK gyp' COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 20 , 1971 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Thurs . 9/23 7: 30 PM Grant 2nd Fl .Conf.Rm. 1 . City Shops Com.Rpt. or Council Chmb 2 . Negotiations - Fire Fighters Union Community Services Fri . 9/24 4 :00 PM Clymer 3rd F1.Conf.Rm. Finance Mon. 9/27 7: 00 PM Schellert Legislation Fri . 9/24 4 : 30 PM Perry Personnel & Community Relations Thurs . 9/23 7 :00 PM Stredicke 6th F1 .Conf.Rm. Pending Appointments Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Thurs . 9/23 7 :00 PM Bruce Bldg . Director ' Office Transportation Grant 335 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 9/20/71 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 32801 $ 1, 500.00 Dobson Bldg. Co. 424 Park Ave N. Instl new roof,etc. 2802 8,000 .00 Wash. Jockey Club Longacres New fndtn & upgrade 2803 80 ,000 .00 Cooke Sales Co. 851 Houser Wy N. Constrct warehouse Bld 2804 14, 000 .00 Pattie K. Varichak 3631 NE 10th Crt. Constrct residence 2805 200.00 William A. Thompson 2408 NE 6th P1. Refoof residence B2806 350 .00 John N. Mead 604 S . 17th St . Constrct fndtn-garage 2807 1,700 .00 Finn Hansen 835 N. 1st St . Constrct addn residenc ELECTRICAL PERMITS E3415 12 ,400.00 Herfy' s Inc. 151 Sunset Blvd N Wire service elect eqp 3416 250 .00 Doy E. King 1103 N. 30th St . Chng meter-Increase 3417 1, 050.00 Renton Village Co. 15 So. Grady Way TO#32-1 n end 4th flr . 3418 200.00 Seattle Water Dept . Jones Ave So.&So. 7th Instl 70 amp 1 220V 3419 375 .00 Mike Potoshnik, Jr. 3403 Burnett Ave N. Wire remodel of residc E3420 800.00 1st Church Christ Sci . 212 Whitworth Ave S . Elect . on addition 3421 150 .00 Walter E. McCurley 3605 Talbot Rd. S . Weather head,braker bx 3422 1, 200.00 Angelo Franceschina 501 SW 12th St . Wire warehouse & offc MECHANICAL PERMITS 42968 700 .00 1st Church Christ Sci . 212 Whitworth Ave S . Plumbng & fixture; ._ 2969 250. 00 Paul R. Utschiniski 211 SW Langston Rd. Gas conversion 2970 400 .00 F . H. A. 3410 NE 6th Install fixtures 2971 300.00 F . H. A. 668 Pierce Crt . NE 1 sink, 1 water htr. 2972 -- F . H. A. 3340 SE 5th St. Sink, watr clst , htr . M2973 300.00 W. D. Long 2711 NE 7th St . Gas floor furnace SIGN PERMITS S166 100.00 Standard Oil 3rd & Burnett So . 2 price signs 167 800.00 Renton Village Co. 800 Rainier Ave So. Wall sign SEWER PERMITS S1642 D. E. Thompson 1725 NE 28th St . Connect sewer 336 RENTON CITY COUNCIL September 27, 1971 REGULAR MEETING Municipal Building 8: 00 P.M. R E F E R R A L S Council Chambers CITY CLERK Authorized to sign contract agreement with King County for City 's share of cost to operate Metropolitan Transit Service . COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Subdivision Ordinance , also to remain in Legislation Committee FINANCE COMMITTEE King County report of $8 . 45 per day cost of maintaining prisoners LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Proposed Ordinance revising time of City Council meetings on first Monday of each month (after October) to 4 :30 p .m. (First reading) Proposed Ordinance amending Sign Code (First reading 9/27/71 only) Subject of Community Councils in annexed areas MAYOR Authorized to sign contract with King County for City 's share of cost to operate Metropolitan Transit service . PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Applications from Brass Bull and Barei 's Tavern for licenses to operate shuffleboard machines in said business places TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Letter from Mr . Richard D . Everett , Asst . Counsel , Pacific Car & Foundry Company , requesting to meet for discussion of possible vacation of portion of Houser Way , factors concerning 6th street spur abandonment and future expansion possibilities for PCF x, JJ7 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING September 27 , 1971 Renton Municipal Building 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Pro tem William Grant , in the absence of CALL TO ORDER Mayor Garrett , led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the weekly meeting of the Renton City Council to order . ROLL CALL OF GRANT, BRUCE , CLYMER, STREDICKE AND SCHELLERT. COUNCIL MEMBERS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEN DELAURENTI AND PERRY. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS HELMIE NELSON, City Clerk, DOROTHEA GOSSETT, City IN ATTENDANCE Treasurer, G . N1. SHELLAN , City Attorney , FRANK HENRY, Asst . Chief of Police , JACK WILSON , City Engineer, GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director, DEL BENNETT, Public Works Administrator, GENE COULON, Park Director , TED BENNETT, Utility Accountant and BERNARD RUPPERT , Building Director . MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY BRUCE , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THE MINUTES 9/20/71 Meeting OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 20 , 1971 BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT . MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Legislation Committee member Bruce submitted the following documents for council consideration . ORDINANCE 2662 Ordinance was read authorizing acquisition of Acquisition of certain property rights by eminent domain ; providing right of way for for the payment thereof; authorizing the City Attorney Edmonds Ave . N. E. to prepare a petition for condemnation in the Superior (L. J. Ernst Court in and for the County of King and the prosecution .. easement) thereof for the acquisition of such property rights for the improvement of Edmonds Avenue N. E. in Renton , Wn . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE , TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON ITS SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. THE MOTION CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE WAS UNANIMOUSLY AFFIRMATIVE . MOTION CARRIED AND ORDINANCE NO. 2662 WAS ADOPTED. PROPOSED ORDINANCE Proposed Ordinance was presented with first reading REVISING TIME OF only recommended at this time. The document was read COUNCIL MEETING ON amending Section 1-503 of Title I (Administrative) of FIRST MONDAY OF Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances EACH MONTH TO of the City of Renton , "relating to time of Council 4 : 30 P .M. Meetings . (First Monday of each month shall be at 4 :30 p.m . rather than 8 :00 P.M. ) MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY STREDICKE , TO REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE SINCE A PUBLIC HEARING HAS BEEN SET FOR 8 :00 P .M . ON THE FIRST MONDAY IN OCTOBER . THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE 2663 Ordinance was read approving and confirming the Confirming LID assessments and assessment roll of Local Improve- 269 Assessment ment District No . 269 for the improvement of a "wwRoll (Watermains certain area within the city in the vicinity of S. W. 43rd St . & S. W. 43rd Street to the easterly margin of Sate vicinity) Hwy . SR181 , between N. P. R/W & 80th Place So . by the construction and installation of certain water mains and appurtenances thereto and by doing all work necessary in connection therewith ; levying and assessing the amounts therefor against the several lots , _tracts , parcels of land and other property as shown on said assessment roll as confirmed by the City Council ; and providing for the payment of such assessment into the Local Improvement Fund, Dist . No . 269 of the City as created by Ordinance No . 2582 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY STREDICKE TO AUTHORI21E SECOND AND FINAL READINGS . THE MOTION CARRIED. 338 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/27/71 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (Cont . ) Page 2 . ORDINANCE N0 . 2663 Ordinance was placed on second and final readings . Authorizing L. I. D. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO 269 Construction ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE (Watermains , S. W. RESULTING IN UNANIMOUS AFFIRMATIVE VOTE, THE 43rd St . & vic. ) MOTION CARRIED ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 2663 AS READ. ORDINANCE NO. 2664 Ordinance was read authorizing appropriation of Appropriation of $3 ,068 . 82 from Current Fund excess revenues unto excess revenue Current Fund Budgetary Account No 017/519 . 90. 13. 07 , to Current Fund Sick Leave Reimbursements for monies paid into Fire Dept . Budget the Current Fund by the Firemen 's Pension Fund Acct. for Sick for one-half sick leave due retired personnel of Leave Reimburse- the Fire Department . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED ments to retired BY STREDICKE, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL RSAD- Fire Personnel INGS. CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE BEING AFFIRMA- TIVELY UNANIMOUS, ORDINANCE No . 2663 WAS ADOPTED. PROPOSED ORDINANCE Proposed Ordinance was presented with first Amending Sign Code reading only recommended at this time . The ordinance was read amending Sections 4-1901 , 4-1902 , 4-1914 and 4-1915 of Title IV, (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton . " MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE DOCUMENT BACK TO COMMITTEE UNTIL THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING TO ALLOW FOR PUBLICITY , WITH SPECIAL NOTE OF INCLUSION OF POLITICAL SIGN REGULATIONS . Stredicke urged immediate adoption rather than referral back to committee . PENDING MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 1764 Resolution was read authorizing transfer of Fund Transfer to $3 ,882 . 00 from Police Administrative-Uniform cover sick leave Medical budgetary account 912/521 . 10 . 13. 04 , for Police Dept . unto Miscellaneous Service Division , Sick Leave medical and service Reimbursement Account 017/519 . 90. 13 . 07 , to pay retirees sick leave due medical and service retirees of the Renton Police Department . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 1764 AS READ . THE MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 1765 Resolution was r�--ad authorizing transfer of Fund Transfer to $4 ,459 . 75 from Cumulative Reserve Fund No . 1689 , Park Budget Acct . Acquisition and Development of Pr.rk Sites , Acct . for Lake Wn . Beach 110/553 . 20 . 61 , unto Park Fund Acct . 101/533 . 50 . 61 , Park Acquisition to cover acquisition costs of Lake Wn. Park Beach Costs addition . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. MOTION CARRIED . CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Application for Letters from owners of the Brass Bull Tavern and Amusement Device Barei ' s Tavern requesed licenses for operation Licenses o-lr Shuffleboard machines in said places of business , located respectively at 214 Williams Avenue South and 95 S. W. 7th Avenue So . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE APPLI- CATION LETTERS TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. THE MOTION CARRIED . Inquiryregar,7ing Letter from Mr . Richard D. Everett , Asst . Counsel , Vacation of Houser Pacific Car & Foundry Co . , inquired whether the Way between 4th Council would meet for discussion of possible and 8th Streets vacation of portion of Mouser Way and factors which may concern 6th Street spur abandonment and future expansion of PCF operations . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE LETTER i TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND REPORT BACK. THE MOTION CARRIED. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/27/71 Page 3. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) Prisoner Cost Letter from Mr . Robert W. Bratton , Deputy Executive of maintenance Office of County Executive Spellman , reported maint- in King County enance costs of $8 . 45 per day for prisoner other Jail , $8. 45 per day than their own and reimbursement required of this amount in contemplated 1972 contracts with other municipalities of King County . MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED. Mayor 's Report Letter from Mayor Garrett reported , as required of 1971 Fund by City Resolution No . 1232 , transfers of funds NOO Transfers within budget classes for period of 1971 year to date as per list attached . Honey Dew School Letter from Mr . Wm. K. Loken , Principal , Honey Dew thanks for safety Elementary School , 800 Union Avenue N. E. , expressed improvements thanks and appreciation for improvements on Union Avenue and especially with regard to the new crossing lights to which students have readily adapted . PROCLAMATION Letter from Mayor Garrett proclaimed October to be Renton Apple Month designated as "Renton Apple Month" in recognition of Renton Kiwanis Club activities in this regard. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO ADOPT THE PROCLAMATION AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Joe Sporcic- Mr. Joe Sporcic, 1316 Harrington N. E. thanked the Utility Billing Utility Department and personnel for letter and investigation into report of sud2en increase in utility billing which received appropriate adjust- ment , apology being rendered for abrupt report at i the previous council meeting . OLD BUSINESS Committee of the Committee of the Whole Member Bruce submitted Whole Report Committee of the Whole report which recommended Item 1 . Labor that the City ' s Labor Consultant , Mr. James Consultant to Connor , be authorized to enter into negotiations negotiate with with the International Association of Fire Fighters , Local 864 , Fire Local #864 for 1972 contract , pending receipt of Fighters certification of the Local by the Department of Labor and Industries and said negotiations to be subject to ratification by the City Council . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO ADOPT THE RECOMMENDATION AS READ. MOTION CARRIED. Item 2 . New City The Committee of the Whole report recommended that Shop Facility the Mayor be authorized to proceed with the sale of Councilmanic bonds for construction of a new city shop facility . Stredicke recalled meeting wherein the Mayor and Building Director recommended funding lesser cost of improving present temporary facility rather than bond sale for new facility in the face of present economic conditions . Proposed motion by Stredicke , seconded by Clymer to refer the recommendation of the Committee for bond sale to the Finance Committee for review was voted upon and lost dissenting discussion ensuing concerning function of the Special city shops tow committee and 'need for study to determine comparison of cos.ts over a period of time . Proposed motion by Schellert , seconded by Clymer emerged to concur in the Committee of the Whole recommendation to proceed with the bond sale . The motion was voted upon and voice vote being in a negative majority , was declared lost . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE , THE COUNCIL NOT PROCEED AT THIS TIME WITH THE COUNCILMANIC BOND SALE AND THAT THE MATTER OF IMPROVEMENT OR CONSTRUCTION BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED TO WIT : AYE-4 : GRANT, CLYMER , BRIZCE AND STREDICKE. NO-1 : SCHELLERT . MOTION CARRIED. SCHELLERT CHANGED HIS VOTE TO AYE, PLANNING RECONSIDERATION ACTION AT THE NEXT MEETING . 34 _ MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/27/71 i Page 4 . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Committee of the The Committee of t;:e Whole recommended that I Whole Report the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign Item 3 . a contract with King County for its share of the Metropolitan Transit operation subject to approval by the City Attorney . !MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION. I THE MOTION CARRIED. Finance Committee The Finance Committee Chairman Councilman Schellert - Report - Travel submitted report concurring with the request of request - Gary the Aviation Board that Mr. Gary E. Dime be Dime of Aviation authorized to attend the 1971 National Airports Board Conference in N---rman , Oklahoma , October 4-6 , 1971 . This report for council information the committee having been given power to act . Status of Sub- Councilman Stredicke inquired regarding status Division Ordinance of the Sub-Division Ordinance at this time . It was noted that copies have been furnished to the Plannirta Commission and Legislation Committee and final draft is now in the City Clerk ' s office for printing and will be distributed next week . Stredicke urged public notification of availability of copies and notice that the council is ready to adopt same ;proposed motion to refer the document to committee of the whole lost for lack of second it not being felt the subject should be removed from the Legislation Committee . Stredicke noted major policy matter with regard to short sub- divisions ,wherein certain imin rovements will be required which have not heretofore been required , must be decided by Council as to whether to in- clude or delete that provision . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE SUB-DIVISION ORDINANCE TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE WITH INTENT THAT IT ALSO REMAIN IN THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED . Annexations and MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO Community Councils REFER THE SUBJECT OF COMMUNITY COUNCILS IN ANNEXED AREAS TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Ambulance Councilman Stredicke noted receipt of various Regulation ordinances by the Legislation Committee concerning regulation and oreration of ambulances and urged that the study of some 10 months be accelerated -Lnd the committee take early action . ADJOURNMENT As there was no further business to come before 9 : 05 P.M . the legislative body , it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLUMER, TO ADJOURN. THE MOTION CARRIED. The meeting was adjourned . y Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk o-11 OF R 4�,V ti �►, O the MAYOR'S OFFICE • RENTON, WASHINGTON Ag I c AVERY GARItM MUNICIPAL BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 BA 8-3310 EXT 205 tifAORT CAPIT10-di l September 27 , 1971 Members of the City Council City of Renton The following constitutes a report of4the transfer of Funds within the budget classes for the year of 1971 to date , as required by the City of Renton Resolution 1232 . FROM: Cedar River M & I 105/556 . 30 . 63 $315 . 00 TO: Cedar River M & I 105/556 . 30 . 64 $315 . 00 FROM: Streets Maintenance 103/542 . 21. 22 $125 . 00 TO: Streets Maintenance 103/542 . 60 . 34 $125 . 00 FROM: Data Processing 008/514 . 70 . 22 $350 .00 TO: Data Processing 008/514 . 70 . 33 $350 . 00 FROM: Planning 010/517 . 20 . 35 $200 .00 010/517 . 20 . 38 $100 . 00 TO: Planning 010/517 . 10 . 33 $300 . 00 FROM: Legal (Attorney) 009/515 . 00 . 13 . 1 $ 90 . 00 TO: Legal (Attorney) 009/515 . 00 . 13 . 6 $ 90 . 00 FROM: Data Processing 008/514 . 70 . 22 $350 . 00 TO: Data Processing 008/514 . 70 . 31 $350 . 00 FROM: Cedar River M & I 105/556 . 30 . 63 $ 94 . 45 TO: Cedar River M & I 105/556 . 30 . 64 $ 94 . 45 FROM: Street Fwd. Thrust 301/542 . 13 . 63 . 2 $262 . 50 TO: Street Fwd. Thrust 301/542 . 13 . 63 . 24 $262 . 50 FROM: Legal (Attorney) 009/515 . 00 . 42 $ 10 . 00 TO: Legal (Attorney) 009/515 . 00 . 36 $ 10 . 00 FROM: Police - Ad. Div. 012/521 . 10 . 21 $300 . 00 TO: Police - Crime Div. 012/521. 30 . 21 $300 . 00 FROM: Data Processing 008/514 . 70 . 22 $ 84 . 00 TO: Data Processing 008/514 . 70 . 31 $ 84 . 00 These transfers were authorized by the Mayor and do not require Council concurrencs. X Avery Ggrrett, Mayor AG/lh G.� COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 27, 1971 1� COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Wed. 9/29 8 : 00 PM Grant 2nd Fl .Council Chambers Community Services Fri . 10/1 4 :00 PM Clymer 3rd Fl.Conf . Rm. Finance Schellert Legislation Perry Personnel. & Cammunity Relations Wed. 9/29 7 : 00 PM Stredicke Yom Kipper and To Discuss Appointees to Boards & Commissions Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Mon 10/4 7 :00 PM Bruce 4th Fl .Conf . Rm. Transportation Grant 343 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 9/27/71 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B2808 $ 150 .00 ELMER POLLACK 810 4TH N DEMOLISH SHED 2809 2 , 000 .00 FON HOLT 505 BURNETT AVE S ADDITION B2810 600 .00 RICHARD RHODES 50 SW SUNSET BLVD REMOVE WALL ETC 2811 200 .00 MRS A BOTNER 234 WILLIAMS N REPAIR FLOORING �... 2812 3, 500 .00 SHELL OIL CO 330 SUNSET BLVD NE ADDITIONS & ALT 2813 630 .00 SAM PELLEGRINO 508 MORRIS AVE S BLACKTOP 2814 2 ,000 .00 GEO HAGEY 1830 SW 43RD ST STORAGE SHED B2815 40 ,000 .00 TEXACO INC 4102 NE4TH ST CONST SERVICE STA ELECTRICAL PERMITS E3423 10 , 000 .00 THE BOEING CO RENTON PLANT MISC ELECTRICAL 3424 7, 497.00 GEO A HORMEL CO 600 SW 7TH ST SMOKE HOUSES E3425 50 .00 FLOYD FIGGINS 4225 NE 19TH ST MOVE METER 3426 440 .00 PARKWOOD HOMES 2548 SMITHERS S NEW RESIDENCE 3427 250 .00 WASH JOCK CLUB LONGACRES REPLACE WIRING 3429 250 .00 R & D TRIPLE X 50 SW SUNSET BLVD WIRE REMODEL 3429 150 .00 G ALLAN WRIGHT 621 HOUSER WY S WIRE GARAGE MECHANICAL PERMITS M2974 650 .00 PARKWOOD HOMES 2548 SMITHERS S INST FURNACE ETC M2955 590 .00 811 S 27TH ST it 2976 2 , 000 .00 K—MART 440 RAINIER AVE S LAWN SPRINKLER 2977 155 .00 JOSEPH BROWN 3310 NE SUNSET WATER HEATER 2978 4 ,615 .00 THE BOEING CO RENTON PLANT PLUMBING WORK 2979 550 .00 KAMPE CONST 3625 NE 10TH ST INST FIXTURES SIGN PERMITS S 168 350 .00 NORTHWESTERN MORTGAGE INVEST 641 WELLS N POLE SIGN SEWER PERMITS S1643 PARKWOOD HOMES VICTORIA PARK CONNECT SEWER 1644 if it of S1645 It if IV 1646 RENTON VILLAGE RENTON VILLAGE It 344 FUND TRANSFERS APPROVED FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER, 1971 FROM TO CLAIMS FUND Current Fund $ 45 ,908 . 95 Parks 11 ,673. 81 City Street 29 ,296 . 30 Cedar River M & I 188 . 23 Library 4 ,015 . 49 Reg. & Fwd. thrust Street 81 ,704 . 46 Urban Arterial 15 , 368. 47 Waterworks 70 ,244 . 89 Airport 1 ,504. 80 Equipment Rental 7 ,302 .12 Firemen 's Pension 9 ,635 . 83 Total Claims for September $276 ,843. 35 FROM TO PAYROLL FUND Current Fund $175 ,686 . 41 Parks 35 ,554. 69 City Street 35 ,363. 66 Cedar River M & I 994 . 00 Library 11 ,393 . 48 Emergency Employment Fund 6 ,127. 10 Reg. & Fwd. Thrust Street 298. 06 Urban Arterial 2 ,682 . 57 Waterworks 23 ,769 . 72 Airport 1 ,831 . 00 Equipment Rental 4 ,837 . 00 Firemen 's Pension 100 . 00 Total Payroll for September $298 ,637 . 69 345 RENTON CITY COUNCIL October 4. 1971 REGULAR MEETING Municipal Building 8 : 00 P.M. Council Chambers R E F E R R A L S BUDGET COMMITTEE Renton Taxpayers ' Committee letter, submitted by Mr . Charles Shane , requesting reduction and/or deletion of 1oca7 taxes and econom szrvey COMMITTEE' OF THE WHOLE Shepard Ambulance , Inc . , request for exclusive right to serve the area and increase in fees to maintain proper service .. Subject of Human Relations Committee Setting of Salary of Fire Inspector , Renton Fire Department CITY CLERK Authorized to execute agreement with Pacific NW Bell Co . for underground wiring project in CBD of the City FINANCE COMMITTEE Out of State travel requests of Councilmen Grant and Stredicke to attend National League of Cities 48th Annual Congress of Cities Convenr` ion November 28 - December 1 , 1971 in Honolulu , Hawaii LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Sign Ordinance (Adopted later in meeting, Ordinance No . 2668) Rezone of Transamerica Development Company property from GS-1 to R - 4 , 3. 67 acres of land on Talbot Road South , North of Puget Drive Updating Code as concerns Health Officer ' s duties , etc. MAYOR Authorized to sign agreement with Pacific NW Bell Co . for underground wiring project in CBD of the City PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE (With power to act . ) Request of Mrs . Oswald for No-Fee Permit to sell candy in Renton MEETINGS AND EVENTS 10/18/71 - Public Hearing on 1972 Millage Levy APPOINTMENTS FAIR HOUSING COMMISSION: Mrs . Helga Karinen and Mr . Frank Kinney Terms both expiring 9/22/74 RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION: Mrs . Carla Yankeh , term expiring 1/1/73 MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION Miss Ethel Telban , Reappointed to 1/1/75 FIRE INSPECTOR : Mr . Edgar V. Wooten , Jr . , Permanent Appointment FIREFIGHTERS: Mr. Dennis L . Robertson and Mr. Kurt Pedersen , 6-months probationary periods required by Civil Service Rules 346 RENTON CITY COUNCIL October 4 , 1971 REGULAR MEETING Municipal Buildiny 8: 00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance CALL TO ORDER and called the weekly meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF GRANT , SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI, PERRY, STREDICKE, COUNCIL MEMBERS CLYMER AND BRUCE. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor , HELMIE NELSON, City Clerk , IN ATTENDANCE DOROTHEA GOSSETT , City Treasurer , G . M . SHELLAN, City Attorney , FRANK HENRY, Acting Police Chief, JACK WILSON , City Engineer , VIC TE GANTVOORT, Street Commissioner , GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director , GENE COULON , Park Director , M. C. WALLS , Fire Chief, TED BENNETT, Utility Director and BERNARD RUPPERT , Building Director . MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO APPROVE 9/27/71 Meeting THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 27, 1971 AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT. CARRIED, PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices being Millage Levy for published and posted as required by law, the public 1972 Budget hearing was declared open and reading of communica- tions was invited . Letter from Mr. Robert B. Dunn , Chairman , King County Council , gave notice to cities of 15-day extension (after date of Assessor's notification of assessed values) for filing of 1972 millage levy requests , extension being granted due to inability of the Wn . Department of Revenue to provide the King County Assessor with Utility Valuations . Letter from Mr . Sven Johnson appearing on the agenda was noted by the City Clerk to have been requested withdrawn until the December Budget Hearing. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT , TO ALLOW THE WITHDRAWAL OF THE LETTER AS REQUESTED BY MR. JOHNSON. THE MOTION CARRIED. Audience comment was invited. None was forthcoming and further council action was requested. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONTINUE THE MILLAGE LEVY HEARING UNTIL THE NEXT CITY COUNCIL MEETING WHICH WILL BE HELD OCTOBER 18 , 1971 . CARRIED. INTRODUCTION OF Councilman Stredicke made introductions of visiting DISTINGUISHED dignitary Hon . Tom Forsythe , King County Councilman VISITORS District 6 , and prior Renton City Councilmen Dan Poli and Bruce McKay . Former Councilman Shane arrived later in the meeting. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS ORDINANCE NO. 2665 Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted Establishing a Ordinance with committee recommendations for amend- Dep ' t . of Finance , ments as concern education and experience qualifi- � a Director thereof, cations b6 be required in positions of "Director Divisions and Super- of Finance" , "Supervisor of Records Division (City visors within the Clerk) " , and the "Supervisor of Purchasing" , as read Department by the City Clerk. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. The ordinance was read . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS . CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY GRANT, AND SECONDED BY PERRY, TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 266.5 AS READ. , ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED. AS FOLLOWS : AYE-5 : GRANT ,SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI, PERRY AND CLYMER. NO-2 : STREDICKE AND BRUCE. MOTION CARRIED .ADOPTING THE ORDINANCE. 34 .7 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/4/71 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : (Cont . ) Page 2 . ORDINANCE NO. 2666 Proposed Ordinance was presented by the Revising time of Legislation Committee which reported recom- Council meeting mendation for second and final reading, the on first Monday of document having been introduced for first each month to reading on 9/27/71 as concerns revision of the 4 :30 p.m. time ,from 8 :00 p.m. to 4 : 30 p.m. ,for meetings the first monday of each month . The Ordinance was read amending Sec. 1-503 of Title I, (Administrative) of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton " relating to, time of Council meetings , as noted. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BY DELAURENTI, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED AS FOLLOWS : AYE-6 : GRANT, BRUCE, STREDICKE, PERRY,DELAURENTI AND SCHELLERT, NO-1 : CLYMER. THE _'LOTION CARRIED. THE ORDINANCE WAS ADOPTED. ORD-TYANCE NO- 2667 Ordinance was presented for reading establishing Regulating Sub- and creating a "Subdivision Ordinance" to be divisions-design known and designated as the Renton Subdivision and development Ordinance , Chapter 11 , Title IX (Public Ways and property) of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled, "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" regu- lating the design and development of subdivisions , prescribing penalties for the violation thereof and repealing Chapter 1 , Title IX (Public Ways and Property) of Ordinance No . 1628 , and any and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict therewith . Planning Director Ericksen , upon request of the Legislation Committee Chairman, outlined the revisions as had been reviewed by the Community Services Committee in its study of the subject , with regard to number of lots in major and minor subdivisions and as concerns delayed improvement procedure . New concept of "short subdivision"is included as concerns 2 or more lots,, the other long type design concerning 5 or more lots or 2 or more blocks . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. After final reading , it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO ADOPT AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN UNANIMOUS AFFIRMATIVE VOTE. MOTION CARRIED ,ADOPTING THE ORDINANCE. PROPOSED SIGN The Legislation Committee presented proposed sign CODE ORDINANCE Ordinance for Council action which was placed on (See action later its first reading on 9/27/71 and returned to in meeting) Committee . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, AND SEeONDED BY STREDICKE , TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. During lengthy discussion which ensued motions as proposed by Schellertand Perry ,to amend the document to delete portions relating to political sign placement , failed to get support and were lost . PENDING MOTION FOR SECOND AND FINAL READINGS CARRIED. The ordinance was read. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED AS FOLLOWS: AYE-3 : GRANT, DELAURENTI AND STREDICKE. NO-4 : SCHELLERT, PERRY, CLYMER AND BRUCE . THE NO VOTE BEING IN MAJORITY, THE MOTION LOST AND THE ORDINANCE WAS NOT ADOPTED. Concern was expressed over pending waiver in regard to mandatory replacement date on non-conforming signs Especially as concerns the central business district where upgrading improvement project is in progress . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT , TO REFER THE ORDINANCE TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. (See later action and adoption of this ordinance) MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/4/71 Page 3. INTRODUCTION OF PLANNING COMMISSIONER Planning Commission Mayor Garrett extended welcome to newly Member, Mrs . Patricia appointed Planning Commission Member , Mrs . Seymour greeted Patricia Seymour , who was present at her first Council meeting visit in capacity as Commission Member . I I CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Shepard Ambulance , Letter from Mr . Lee R . Cox, Executive Vice- Inc. request for President , Shepard Ambulance , Inc . , requested exclusive franchise exclusive rights to serve the area and monthly and new service fee fee increase to $600 . 00 in order that quality ambulance service may be continued . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR DIS- CUSSION AND REPORT BACK. MOTION CARRIED. Legislation Committee Chairman Perry noted meeting to be held Thursday regarding pro;oosed ambulance ordinance . Delegate requests Letters from Council President Grant and for National League Councilman Stredicke requested authorization of Cities 48th to attend the National League of Cities 48th Annual Convention Annual Congress of Cities Convention from Nov. 28-Dec. 1 , Nov. 28 - Dec. 1 , 1971 in Honolulu , Hawaii , 1971 in Hawaii MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE REQUESTS TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE . CARRIED. i King County BRB Letter from Mr. G . Brice Martin , Chief Clerk , Decision re City King County Boundary Review Board, reported of Renton Annexa- favorable decision in regard to proposed annexa- tion (NE area) tion of territory (Northeast area) to Renton . BRB File #337 Proceedings of the BRB hearing and factors per- City File A-71-01 tinent to the resulting decision were attached. Committee of to Whole recommendation to proceed with the annexation as presented by the administra- tion and necessary documents be filed with the King County Department of Public Works, in further pursuance of the annexation, was orally reported by Council President Grant , WHO MOVED TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY STREDICKE. Mr . Noel Wortman , 6017 Hazelwood Lane , Bellevue , representing the 25 residents of the street , suggested that perhaps this most northwesterly street had been included in error noting the houses for the past 20 years have had Bellevue addresses .also being served by Bellevue sewer district facilities and that these residents a1-1 feel more oriented to that City than Renton . His efforts before the Boundary Review Board hearing of 8/26/71 not receiving consideration , the area at present being included within the Ren- ton proposal , plea now entered for city council assistance in being deleted. Petition has been circu- mated for annexation to Bellevue and appeal has been filed with the King County BRB which will be negated if the city will reJ�nese the area . Council discussion ensued pro and con regarding deletion request and alternative procedures of action which RESOLUTION NO. 1768 might be pursued . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY Deleting Hazelwood GRANT, TO AMEND THE ORIGINAL MOTION TO INCLUDE ADOPTION Lanes from NE area OF RESOLUTION #1768;THE CITY ATTORNEY TO FILE LETTER Annexation WITH THE KING COUNTY BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD ADVISING THAT THE CITY HAS NO OBJECTION TO THE DELETION OF PROPERTIES OF THOSE PEOPLE WHO HAVE PETITIONED FOR DELETION FEELING ORIENTED TO- BELLEVUE. A'fENDMENT CARRIED. ORIGINAL MOTION TO PROCEED WITH THE ANNEXA- TION AND FILING OF PROPER RESOLUTION WITH THE COUNTY 30ARD OF PUBLIC WORKS, AS AMENDED, CARRIED. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/4/71 349 Page 4 . CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS (Cont . ) Rezone , GS-1 to R-4 , Letter from Planning Director Ericksen Transamerica , Develop- submitted Planning Commission recommendation ment Co . property for rezone of 3. 67 acres of property , owned by Transamerica Development Co . , Appl . R-681-71 , located on the East side of Talbot Road South , North of Puget Drive South and South 15th St . , proposed use in agreement with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan . MOVED BY STREDICI:E , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR IN THE REZONE . CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO won REFER THE REZONE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION_ COM- MITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Service Retirement Letter from Mr . C. S. Williams , Chief of Police , Notice by C. S. reported that application has been filed with Williams , Chief the LEFF Board in Olympia for service retirement of Police effective as of September 30 , 1971 . Mayor Garrett reported that official notice has been given to Mr. Frank Henry and he has- assumed the duties of Police Chief at this time . Request for Permit Letter from Mrs . Jane K. Oswald requested No-Fee to sell candy in Permit for six elementary school children to sell Renton for 1 week candy bars in Renton , October 7-16 , to benefit the St . Bernadette School activity fund. (Burien) MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. THE MOTION CARRIED . Resignation of Mayor Garrett reported receipt of resignation Board of Adjust- letter from Mr. Martin Overmyer as Member of ment Member the Board of Adjustment and the Council was requested to submit recommendations for new member to him or to Mr . Ruppert . Now AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Lou Caulfield inquired concerning effect Transamerica . of relocation of Benson Highway on the rezone Development Co. approved tonight . Planning Director Ericksen rezone and effect noted study of the relocation (SR515) at the if condemnation Time of _rezone and indication by the Highway for right of way Department of possible 15 ft. to increase curve , in Benson . reloca- being small , was not felt to be of significance . tion is pursued. Councilman Stredicke inquired if the rezone to R-4 would not place a higher and better use ,and therefore price ,as might concern condemnation for the public right of way ,which was confirmed by Attorney Shellan . Renton Taxpayers ' Mr. Charles F. Shane , Co-Chairman , Renton Tax- Committee - request payers ' Committee , submitted letter requesting for reduction in reading of same . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED local taxes and BY PERRY, THE LETTER BE READ . CARRIED. The economic survey letter was read calling attention to goals of the Committee that the real effect of the current economic depression on Renton Citizens be deter- mined by survey and that local government eliminate taxes to relieve the financial burden . It was proposed that the Utility tax on the City 's sewer and water assets and on private utilities be loop eliminated and that consideration be given to the reduction of all fees to $1 . 00 , (i .e . ,builaing permits and licenses . )MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE BUDGET COMMITTEE. Pro and con debate ensued during which Mr. Shane enlarged upon aims and survey of the committee noting also , a petition to be circulated calling for ballot , inquiring of the attorney as to right of initiative and referendum. City Attorney Shellan advised that the initiative and referendum bill did not pass in the Legislature, except as pertained to the Optional Municipal Code adoption . PENDING REFERRAL MOTION SUBSEQUENTLY CARRIED . MATTER WAS REFERRED TO THE BUDGET COMMITTEI 350 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/4/71 Page 5 . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Committee of the Council President Grant submitted Committee Whole Report of the Whole report recommending that the Agreement with Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign Pacific NW Bell Co. an agreement with Pacific Northwest Bell Co . for undergrounding for undergrounding of telephone facilities in of telephone wiring the CBD area of the City . MOVED BY STREDICKE, in CBD of the City . SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR. CARRIED. Item 2 . Updating The Committee of the Whole recommended the Code re Health subject of updating the Ordinance concerning Officer of Renton duties of the City Health Officer be referred to the Legislation Committee . Motion carried . Personnel and Com- Chairman Stredicke submitted Personnel and munity Relations Community Relations Committee report recommending Committee Report confirmation of the following appointments : Appointments to Fair Housing Commission : Mr. Frank Kinney and Fair Housing Com- Mrs . Helga Karinen , both terms to expire 9/22/74 . mission confirmed The Committee further recommended appointment of Mrs . Carla Yankeh to membership on the Renton Planning Commission , this term expiring 1/1/73 . (Replacing unexpired term of Mr. Forgaard) MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENTS AS RECOMMENDED. CARRIED. Council Committee Councilman Stredicke , noting earlier referral Meetings on items of Mr. Shane 's letter with no indication to the referred should be public as 'to time and date of the meeting, timely proposed that future meetings on referrals be held within a month of receipto undue holding in committee felt to exist . Legislation Com- Chairman Perry reported that the subject of mittee Report the Green River Development Plan for King Green River County ,as proposed by the Planning Director Development Plan and referred to the committee to forward or present ,has been forwarded to Mr. Herbert W. Young. Weed Control The Legislation Committee Chairman reported Ordinance that letters have been forwarded to the City Clerk , Street Department , Building Department and Council President regarding disposition of citizen complaint regarding unsightly property , and weed control recommendations . SIGN CODE AMENDMENT- MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE ORDINANCE NO. 2668 COUNCIL AT THIS TIME RECONSIDER ITS PREVIOUS Amending Secs . 4-1901 , ACTION BY WHICH THE SIGN CODE ORDINANCE WAS 4-1902 , 4-1914 and REJECTED. CARRIED. The Chair declared the 4-1915 of Title IV , Ordinance was again before the body and action (Building Regulations) was invited. There being no debate , roll call vote on whether to adopt the ordinance was now taken resulting as follows :AYE-5 :GRANT,DELAUREWTI, PERRY, STREDICKE, AND BRUCE. NO-2 : SCHELLERT AND CLYMER. THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO .2668 WAS ADOPTED. Action was read from the record, upon request, wherein amendments had failed ,and the original ordinance was subsequently adopted in its entirety as submitted for readings this date . Meeting to be Council President Grant noted the Budget timely on Tax- Committee referral will allow Council to payer 's Committee review the request of the taxpayers-' committee requests. to balance it with the Mayor's preliminary budget requests , affirming that timely meeting will be held with the committee and concerned parties will be notified. In proposal to broaden the Fair Housinq Commission , it was Human Relations MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THE Committee SUBJECT OF A HUMAN RELATIONS COMMITTEE BE REFERRED TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . CARRIED. 351 MINUTES - RENTON CITY GOuivCIL MEET- NU 10,14/.71 Page 6 . NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Legislation Chairman Perry announced that the Legislation Committee Committee will meet on Monday .rather than on Meetings Friday hereafter. Federal Fund Grants Upon invitation by Mayor Garrett , presentation E.D.A. Program was given by Mr. Charles Ede , Federal Fund Coordinator for the City ,advising of availability for a limited time , of E.D.A. funds for building construction projects , immediate action being necessary if city participation is desired. The VAN grants will be on an 80%-20% basi-s and the City may not use in-kind services but will need cash to 'cover its 20%. Projects accepted must be commenced by February 15 , 1972 and completed by February 15 , 1973 with October 30 the deadline for filing of applications . in reviewing city needs Mr. Ede proposed fund request application be authorized by resolution , to construct a Street Department Shop facility noting consultant services to be required in preparing estimates and specs . RESOLUTION NO. 17661 MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO ADOPT THE Authorizing E.D.A . APPROPRIATE RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE EXECUTION AND Fund Request for FILING OF APPLICATION ON BEHALF OF THE CITY WITH Street Dept. Shop THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION FOR GRANT TO AID IN FINANCING THE CONSTRUCTION OF A STREET DEPARTMENT SHOP FACILITY. During discussion which followed, Building Director Ruppert outlined the various alternative proposals considered which had resulted in decision to utilize the present site for the facility as presented by Mr. Ede . Costs were projected to some estimated $44 ,000. 00 . PENDING MOTION SUBSEQUENTLY CARRIED. Further dis- cussion ensued concerning projects which may be funded , Schellert inquiring of the Park Director 60 as to needs regarding Shelter Buildings on park properties , Mr . Gene Coulon , Park Director, listing those of top priority in his capital improvement plan. RESOLUTION NO. 1767 MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO AUTHORIZE Authorizing E.D.A . ADOPTION OF APPROPRIATE RESOLUTION AND THE FILING Fund Request for OF PROPER APPLICATION FOR GRANT TO AID IN FUNDING Park Shelter Bldg. CONSTRUCTION OF A PARK SHELTER BUILDING . CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Letters from Mayor Garrett were read with council concurrence in appointments as follows : Municipal Arts Miss Ethel Telban to membership on the Municipal Commission Arts Commission , reappointment to term expiring Miss Ethel Telban 1/1/75 . Miss Telban serving previously since 1965 . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECOND BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. ?ire Inspector - Permanent appointment to position of Fire Inspector Mr. Edgar V. Wooten , in the Renton Fire Department of Mr. Edgar V. Wooten , Jr. , Permanent Jr. , also recommended by Fire Chief Walls . MOVED BY Appointment PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR. CARRIED . New Firefighters Firefighters Dennis L. Robertson and Kurt Pederson Mr. Dennis L. appointed to six months probationary status , subject Robertson and to passage of health standards per Leff Retirement Mr. Kurt Pedersen System requirements . (Effective 10/16/71) MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Salary-Renton Fire MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE MATTER OF Inspector to be set SETTING A SALARY FOR THE FIRE INSPECTOR BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . THE MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr . Leo Lazetti , 428 Shattuck Ave . So . , advised that Request for pick- in cleaning up his vacant property he had cleaned the up by City of brush city lot adjacent requesting that the City arrange to haul the brush away . ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADJOURN. 10:22 P.M. CARRIED. The meeting was adjouxned CJj OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 4 , 1971 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Thurs . 10/7 8 :00 PM Grant Council Chamber Mon. 10/11 7 :00 PM 6th Fl .Conf.Rm. Community Services Clymer Finance Schellert Legislation Thurs . 10/7 4 : 30 PM Ferry Chairman ' s Offi e (Future Meetings to be Held on 6th Fl. Mon. at 4 : 30 PM rather thanFri . ) Personnel & Community Relations Stredicke Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Thurs . 10/7 7 :00 PM Bruce 4th Fl.Conf .Rmn. Transportation Thurs .10/7 7 :00 PM Grant To include Shattuck Ave.S. Underpass Disucssion 353 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B2816 $ 100 .00 FHA (MARK 7) 3340 5TH AVE SE REPAIR FRONT DOOR 2817 VOID 2818 370 .00 ROBERT FLEMING 859 OLYMPIA NE CONVERT TO GARAGE 2819 300 .00 ADOLPH BROWN 1319 N 28TH ST FISH POND ELECTRICAL PERMITS E3430 337.00 FINN HANSEN 835 N 1ST ST WIRE ADDN & REMODEL 3431 50 .00 A L DOWDA 2006 GLENNWOOD NE INSTALL TEMP SERVICE 3432 50 .00 ROBINSON-LYON 750 RAINIER S STUB CONDUIT FOR PIT 3433 650 .00 KAMPE CONST 3621 NE 10TH ST WIRE NEW RESIDENCE 3434 650 ,00 3625 NE 10TH ST if E3435 100 .00 WASH NAT GAS 12TH NE & KIRKLAND TELEMETER 3436 200 .00 B G MORRISON 3011 MT VIEW N WIRE ADDN 3437 250 .00 RENTON VILLAGE 800 RAINIER S WIRE SIGNS ON WALL MECHANICAL PERMITS M2980 744 .68 G A MAGNUSON 1500 ABERDEEN NF INST GAS FURNACE 2981 275 .00 REN-TEN INC 667 REDMOND NE INST WALL HTR 2982 640 .00 TECHNA MACH 800 N 6TH ST INST GAS HTR 2983 565 .00 KAMPE CONST 3631 NE 10TH CRT PLUMBING & FIXTURES 2984 1,000 .00 L WHITLEY 969 SHELTON SE " M2985 147 .50 HEINRICHS KAPA 2502 NE 5TH PL INST WALL FURN SIGN PERMITS 5169 1, 000 .00 TEXACO INC 4102 NE 4TH ST INST POLE SIGN ••-S170 28.00 CITY OF RENTON 2800 BLK E VALLEY DIRECTIONAL SIGN 171 500 .00 J E BANKER 405 S 7TH ST WALL SIGNS 172 1, 000 .00 STANDARD OIL 4020 NE 4TH ST POLE SIGN 173 450 .00 RENTON VILLAGE 35 S GRADY WAY WALL SIGN SEWER PERMITS S1647 POWELL HOMES 1612 BLAINE NE CONNECT SEWER 1648 " 1618 BLAINE NE of 1649 PIETRO GOTTI 311 HARDY NE of 3 4 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING October 18 , 1971 Municipal Building 8 : 00 P .M. Council Chambers R E F E R RA L S COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Letter from Mr . Edward B . Sand , Department of Planning, King County , and proposed Resolution regarding Solid Waste Mane.gement Plan LEGISLATION COMMITTEE 1972 Millage Levy Ordinance (Ordinance No . 2669 adopted) ...t Ambulance Regulation (Emergency Medical Service) Ordinance Request of City Engineer for transfer of fund balances in Traffic Safety Budgetary Accounts to Trannic Engineering Account MAYOR Shepard Ambulance Company letter of September 27 , 1971 Mayor authorized to sign litigation settlement letter regarding share of cost for King County Health Services PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Department of Labor and Industries certification of IAFF Local 864 as bargaining representative for Fire Department personnel Subject of Community Council in NE Annexation area PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Setting of salary for Fire Inspector Application for two shuffleboard machine licenses at Friar Tucks Tavern TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Subject of Human Relations Committee Urban Arterial Board Report of Houser Way Bridge widening and pedestrian walkway plan approval COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE AND PLANNING COMMISSION Subject of Coal Creek Land Fill PUBLIC HEARING MEETING 11/15/71 by Legislation Committee on proposed Ambulance Ordinance , 5 :00 p .:n . in City Council Chambers APPOINTMENTS Mrs . Margaret Rose Anderson , Municipal Arts Commission . Term expiring 1/1/74 Mr . Paul Nunn , Fair Housing Commission , reappointment to new term which expires 9/22/74 Mr . Royal Loomis , Fire Civil Service Commission NEXT CITY COUNCIL MEETING TO BE HELD NOVEMBER 1 , 1971 AT 4 : 30 P .M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS , 2ND FLOOR , RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING .err 1 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING October 18 , 1971 Municipal Building 8: 00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance CALL TO ORDER and called the weekly meeting of the Renton City Council to order. GRANT,SCHELLERT,DELAURENTI.PERRY,STREDICKE ,BRUCE AND CLYMER. ROLL CALL OF AVERY GARRETT , Mayor , HELMIE NELSON , City Clerk COUNCIL MEMBERS DOROTHEA GOSSETT, City Treasurer , G . M. SHELLAN, low City Attorney , FRANK HENRY, Acting Police Chief , AND OITY OFFICIALS JACK WILSON, City Engineer, VIC TE GANTVOORT, Street Commissioner , GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director , M. C . WALLS , Fire Chief, TED BENNETT, Utility Accountant , DEL BENNETT , Public Works Adm. , VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Director and BERNARD RUPPERT, Building Director . MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO 10/4/71 Meeting APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF OCTOBER 4 , 1971 AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. COMMUNITY SERVICE_ Mayor Garrett , in making award presentation to AWARD PLACQUES retiring Police Chief Clarence S. Williams , C.S. Williams , advised the award was representative of double retiring Police purpose , the Chief having also served as a City Chief Councilman . The Mayor noted recent retirement party where the Chief had been paid tribute by friends and associates , many from state and local law enforcement units as well as other agencies of municipal government . Mayor Garrett deemed it his pleasure , on behalf of Renton city officials and citizens , to present retiring Chief Police Williams with a Community Service Award placque at this time . Chief Williams expressed thanks, noting this to be the close of a career of 27 years of service with the city ,which work he had enjoyed and that he was proud to have been a city employee . He felt with the present hard- working Oouncil and progressive Mayor the City is in good hands . Complimentary remarks by Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti followed and the retiring Chief was honored by a standing applause led by Council President Grant . Civil Engineer Ron Letter was read from Mr . Robert E . Leaver , Sec. , Olsen awarded State Board of Certification , American Water Works Certificate of Ass 'n . , Pacific NW Section , transmitting award Competency of Certificate of Competency to Mr . Ron Olsen for successful completion of State Board Examination for promotion to rating of Water Works Manager II. Voluntary interest in the program was acknowledged as being of value to the community , employer and the profession and Mayor Garrett extended congratu- lations in making the award presentation . Mr. Olsen expressed thanks noting pleasure in his work, contemplating continued longtime pursuit of water works program endeavors . VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported committee approval and redommended payment of Vouchers Nos . 4103 City of Renton monthly vouchers Nos . 4103 through through 4612 and LID 4612 in total sum of $279 , 726 . 08 , and LID 263 263 Cash Fund #29 Cash Fund #29 in sum of $344 . 82 and LID No . 273 and LID 273 Cash and Cash and Revenue Nos . 1 , $12 . 30 ea., all having Revenue Nos . 1 . received departmental %ertificat.ion as to receipt of merchandise and/or services . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO APPROVE THE VOUCHERS FOR PAYMENT AS RECOMMENDED BY THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. MIL�& - RENT JN CITY COU.�Cl, AEETINV -LL,, is/11 Page 2. PUBLIC HEARINGS Public Hearing on This being the date set , hearing was continued 1972 Millage Levy- on the 1972 Millage Levy for the City of Renton . See Ord. 2669 below Letter from Mr. Harold D. Tscheu , Chief Deputy (Hearing continued Assessor of King County was read reporting Renton fT _,m 10/4/71) assessed valuations of taxable properties to be $318 ,294 . 903 in Limits 1 and $2 ,648 ,856 in Limits 2 . November 8, 1971 was set as deadline date for cities to file millage levy requests for the 1972 budget and reduction was noted to reflect senior citizens exemptions granted by the 1971 Legislature, Limit 1 assessed valuation thus to be $316 ,565 ,173 and Limits 2 , $2 ,547 ,041 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, AND SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING . CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO AUTHORIZE FULL MILLAGE LEVY AS ALLOWED BY LAW WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR ORDINANCE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Public Hearing on This being the date set , the public hearing was Petition of Mr. opened . Board of Public Works report was read Wilks J. Sullivan advising of proposed development of May Creek ;Park for vacation of and in-process acquisition of lands adjacent to Gen Sing Avenue the area requested to be vacated. In agreement with report of the Planning Director whose department has been in contact with the King County Planning and Park Departments , it was recommended by the Board of Public Works that the vacation of portion of Gen Sing Avenue as requested be denied at this time . Mr. Sullivan 's letter requesting the vacatior for purpose of el,aminating a public road through his property and to allow better utilization of same was read upon request and Public Works Administrator Del Bennett displayed maps of the area under vacation consideration and that of the proposed park site which encompassed a portion of the right of way in question . It was noted Gen Sing is not used for road purposes at present nor was it likely to be at a later time . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING . CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE AND SECONDED BY PERRY, TO DENY THE REQUEST FOR VACATION OF GEN SING AVENUE. It was noted in the ensuing discussion that the City ' s right of way interest upon vacation is conveyed to owners of land abutting either side of the street and that the City does not have fee title interest but only right of public use . After further remarks concerning monetary status if vacated now or at a future date to another municipality, THE PENDING 'OTION CARRIED. VACATION REQUEST WAS DENIED. ORDINANCES AND Legislation :ommittee Chairman Perry submitted the RESOLUTIONS following legislation for council action . ORDINANCE NO. 2669 Ordinance was read fixing the estimated amount of City of Renton tax levies n- cessary to raise the amount of the 1972 Millage Levy estimated ex enditures of the City of Renton for the year 1972 , a required by RCW 84. 52 . 020; authorizing the City Cle k to certify such budget or estimate of the amount t ? be raised by taxation on the assessed valuation of the property located within the City of Renton . MOV_-D BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY DELAURENTI AND SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE WAS UNANIMOUSLY AFFIRMATIVE . MOTION CARRIED AND THE ORDINANCE WAS ADOPTED. Total assessed valuation , $320 ,943 , 759 . Levy of 8 . 000000 mills will raise for Current and other Tax Supported Fund opera- tion , $2 ,567 ,550 and excess millage G .O. Bonds , 1965 , 0:.224756 , $71 ,150. (Excess levy based on assessed valuation of $316 ,565 ,173 due to senior citizen exemptions . 357 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/18/71 Page 3. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (Cont . ) ORDINANCE NO. 2670 Ordinance was read which had been recommended Amending Penal Code by the law enforcement and legal department to relating to Loitering update the code to reflect supreme court de- cision . First reading was authorized and the legislation amends Section 6-177A of Title VI, (Police Regulations) of Ordinance No . 1628 en- titled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton " , relating to Loitering. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO AUTHORIZE THE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS . THE MOTION CARRIED. The ordinance was read . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. THE ORDINANCE WAS ADOPTED. PROPOSED ORDINANCE Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted Emergency Medical proposed ordinance for first reading only with Service Regulations copies to be distributed to all concerned parties (Ambulances and and public hearing by committee to be held prior attendants) to final recommendation . MOVED BY STREDICKE AND SECONDED BY GRANT, THE ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON ITS FIRST READING . CARRIED. The ordinance was read relating to Emergency Medical Service , setting forth regulations for the licensing of ambulance services and medical attendants ; setting forth required equipment ; defining offenses and pre- scribing penalties ; repealing Ordinances in con- flict . During discussion matter of enforcement of ordinance of this nature when confined to a single city was questioned , the restrictions felt to be restraining and prohibitive to the normal conduct of such business . Legislation Committee Chairman Perry noted in many meetings on the sub- ject it was not felt to be too restrictive . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COM- MITTEE FOR FURTHER REVIEW. CARRIED. Attention was called to public hearing to be held on the proposed ordinance on November 15 , 1971 at 5 :00 p .m. in the Council Chambers . RESOLUTION NO. 1769 Resolution was read whereby the City agrees to Compliance Agreement comply with rules and regulations of the EDA, EDA application for and as otherwise imposed by 1aw, in construction project No. B-103 and completion of a Street Department Shop, Project No . B-103 ,for which application for assis- tance from the Economic Development Administration has been filed, at total project cost of $44 , 000 . 00 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 1769 AS READ. MOTION CARRIED. Solid Waste-Regional Letter from Mr . Edward B. Sand , Department of Management Plan Planning , King County , advised of application by King County for grant from the Wn . State Dep' t . of Ecology for funds to enable preparation of a regional solid waste management plan . Resolution from the City concerning participation was requested at an early date to expedite processing of the grant . Perry reported Puget Sound Governmental Conference in-progress study ,questioning duplication of effort . Upon request of the Mayor , City Engineer Jack Wilson noted the regional management plan study is to determine best mode of state law compliance which requires cities to develop a. comprehensive plan for solid waste . 3 alternatives are available ; the city may develop its own plan , participate with cities in a joint plan or authorize the County to prepare a plan including the city in a comprehen- sive county plan . The joint city-county plan has been set forth in proposed resolution . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECOND BY STREDICKE, THE LETTER AND RESOLUTION BE REFERRED TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . CARRIED. 0J� MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/18/71 Page 4. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Application for Letter from Mr. Lyle R. Olson requested that the Shuffleboard License A. B.C. Vending Company be granted required license for Friar Tucks to operate two amusement machines at Friar Tuck 's Tavern , 221 Main Avenue South . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT , TO REFER THE APPLICATION TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. CARRIED. Councilman Schellert left the Council Chambers during action on this matter. Transfer of Funds- Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported satis- Traffic Engineering faction of obligations in budgetary accounts , Department Traffic Safety Identification & Surveillance and Traffic Safety 'Control Devices and requested that fund balances be transferred to Traffic Engineering budgetary account 104/542 . 60. 36 . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR IN THE REQUEST WITH RE- FERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Department of Labor Letter from Mr. George G. Miller , State Labor and Industries Mediator, advised if the City has no disagree- Certification of ment with the bargaining unit petitioned for by Local 864 , IAFF IAFF , Local 864 the Department of Labor and as bargaining rep. Industries would certify same as being the ex- for Fire Personnel clusive bargaining representative for Firemen , Fire Inspector, Lieutenants . and Captains of the Renton Fire Department , the Fire Chief, Asst . Chief, Battalion Chief and all other city employees of the city excluded. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO ACCEPT CERTIFICATION OF IAFF , LOCAL 864 AS EXCLUSIVE BARGAINING REPRESENTATIVE,PER DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES LETTER , COPY OF THE LETTER TO BE REFERRED TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE . MOTION CARRIED. Suburban Mayors Letter from Mr. Wesley Hodge, Hodge & Dahlgren, Inc. , vs. King County reported receipt of firm offer for settlement of Health Dep' t. - litigation concerning suit by cities for local cost Cost of Health sharing of health department services . Two modes Department services of payment set forth formula of costs, and the King County Cause cities were given the choice of selecting either No. 715370 benefits distribution or guidelines formula which- $80 ,000. 00, hich-$80 ,000. 00, 1971-72 ever sum might be smaller, and to make 50% of that payment in 1971 and 50% to be payable in 1972; claims for prior years to be abandoned; restraining order to be dissolved and case dismissed with prejudice. The settlement was felt to be an excellent one and a fair and equitable solution to the problem. Mayor Garrett recommended concurrence in the settlement proposal . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR IN THE SETTLEMENT PROPOSAL AND THAT THE MAYOR BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN THE LETTER AGREEMENT FOR PAYMENT AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED. Notice ,of Attorney Letter from King County Executive Spellman trans- General 's Opinion mitted Wn . State Attorney Generals opinion regarding re contract for question of constitutionality of King County 's pro- Metropolitan Bus posed contract with metropolitan Transit Corporation . Services. It was the finding that King County 's proposed con- tract does nbt conflict with Article 8 of the Wn . State Constitution nor the decision in State ex rel . Navigation Company vs. Pierce County , 184 Wa . (1935). Copies of the opinion have been sent to various city attorneys and the Snohomish County Prosecuting Attorney and it was felt the opinion will enable cities to join with King County in sustaining suburban transit service . Urban Arterial Letter from Mr. H. R . Goff, Chairman, State Urban Board-Houser Way Arterial Board, reported approval of proposed plan Bridge, No. 8-1- to widen existing bridge structure (Houser Way) in 102 (07) Widening addition to constructing a pedestrrian walkway adja- & Walkway cent thereto. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE . CARRIED. 35 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/18/71 Page 5 . CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont . ) Street Department Letter from Mr . David W. Stevens , State of Wn . , Shop Approved by Planning and Community Affairs Agency , reported clearinghouse agency finding that the Street Department Shop Facility as to conformance Project B-103 , File No'. 4-Kg-150-71 , is in con- formance with development plans goals and object- ives as required to date . Lt. James Bourasa Card from J . Ec?gar Hoover , Director, Federal to Graduate from Bureau of Investigation , announced Graduation F. B. I. Academy Exercises of the FBI National Academy on Nov. 3 , saw at 10 : 30 a . m . in the Departmental Auditorium in Washington , D. C. Mayor Garrett acknowledged membership of Lt . James Bourasa , Renton Police Department , in the graduating class . APPOINTMENTS Letters from Mayor Garrett requested Council con- currence in appointments as follows : Mrs . Margaret Rose Mrs . Margaret Rose Anderson to fill unexpired term Anderson , Municipal of Mrs . Philip Irwin on the Municipal Arts Commission . Arts Commission Term expires 1/1/74 . MOVED BY GRANT, SECOND BY PERRY, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Paul L. Nunn , Mr. Paul L. Nunn , reappointment to Fair Housing Fair Housing Commission . Appointed in 1968 and serving since Commission that time , the new term expires 9/22/74 . MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE APPOINTMENT TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. Motion tendered subsequent to proposed motion to concur. Dissenting voice vote brought roll call as follows : AYE : CLYMER AND DELAURENTI, NO : BRUCE, GRANT , STREDICKE, SCHELLERT AND PERRY. MOTION LOST. After procedure discussion , IT WAS MOVED BY GRANT,SECOND BY BRUCE , TO REFER THE APPOINTMENT TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Sven Johnson Mr . Sven Johnson , 1520 Index N.E . , inquired in view inquiry re budget of millage levy authorized this evening , whether the and millage levy , budget is still a million dollars in excess of anti- cipated revenue and if the levy takes care of the deficit . Mayor Garrett advised that he will be pre- senting a balanced budget and that public hearing will be held on the city 's budget prior to final adoption and the millage levy does contribute funds raised by taxation toward the balanced budget . Liability Clause Mr. Johnson inquired whether proposed plans for in Building Plans EDA Grant construction (9�.reet Dep t . Shop) contain a liability clause , noting some documents to contain clause holding public at large responsible and re- leasing city personnel from liability of error in administration of ordinances . He requested review of the Subdivision ordinance by the Legislation Com- mittee as to this aspect . Mayor Garrett asked that Legislation Committee Chairman make note of the request . RECESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO RECESS. 9 :40 P.M. THE MOTION CARRIED. Roll call following the recess and all Councilmen were present as previously . ..,� OLD BUSINESS Committee of the President of the Council Grant submitted Committee Whole Report , of the Whole report with recommendations as follows : Item 1 , Shepard Recommended that the letter from Shepard Ambulance Ambulance Co . Company , dated September 27 , 1971 be referred to the requests Mayor 's office . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Item 2 . Recommended that the matter of setting of a salary Setting of salary for Fire Inspector be referred to the Public Safety for Fire Inspector Committee for report back. 360 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/18171 Page 6 . OLD BUSINESS (Cont . ) Committee of The MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR Whole Report . IN REFERRAL ,OF SUBJECT OF SETTING OF A SALARY (Continued) FOR THE FIRE INSPECTOR ,TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY Item 2. COMMITTEE . Some lengthy discussion ensued con- cerning referral to proper committees according to committee structure and deviations felt to be improper and/or purposely misreferred to stress the point of inaccuracy . Question was called f6r on the pending motion and the voice vote was dissenting resulting in roll call vote as follows : AYE-5 :GRANT, SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI , PERRY AND BRUCE. NO-2 : STREDICKE AND CLYMER. THE MOTION CARRIED. Item 3 . Human The Committee of the Whole recommended that the Relations Committee subject of a Human Relations Committee be referred to the Transportation Committee . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT , TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Public Works Public Works Committee Chairman , Councilman Bruce , Committee Report submitted recommendation of the committee that the 1970 Editions of the Uniform Building Code and Standards , Uniform i-^echanical Code , Uniform Housing Code and Uniform Plumbing Code be adopted and that attached drafts of proposed ordinances to effect same be referred to the Legislation Committee . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE TO CONCUR. CARRIED. Legislation Committee Chairman Perry reported approval of the legislation with committee recom- mendation that the updating legislation be placed on introductory readings . MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FIRST READINGS. CARRIED. PROPOSED ORDINANCES Ordinance was read adopting and establishing by 1970 Edition of reference a "Uniform Plumbing Code" , 1970 Edition , Uniform Plumbing and repealing any and all ordinances or parts of Code ordinances in conflict therewith . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE DOCUMENT BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE UNTIL THE NEXT REGU- LAR COUNCIL MEETING , NO�^_11BER 1 , 1971 . 1970 Edition of Proposed ordinance was read adopting and establishing Uniform Housing by reference a "Uniform Housing Code , 1970 Edition" , Code and repealing any and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict :ievewith . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE DOCUMENT BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE UNTIL THE NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING . THE MOTION CARRIED. Uniform Building Proposed Ordinance was read adopting and establishing Code, 1970 Edition by reference a "Uniform Building Code , 1970 Edition , Volume 1 , together with Uniform Building Code Standards for Volumed , 1970 Edition , and repealing any and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE DOCUMENT TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE UNTIL THE NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. THE MOTION CARRIED. • i Uniform Mechanical Ordinance was read adopting and establishing by Code , 1970 Edition reference a "Uniform Mechanical Code" , (Uniform Building Code Volume 11,) 1970 Edition . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER THE DOCU- MENT TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE UNTIL THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING . THE MOTION CARRIED. Personnel and Personnel and Community Relations Committee Community Relations Chairman Stredicke reported recommendation that Committee Report ,Mr. Council Concur in the appointment of Mr. Royal Royal Loomis , Loomis to Fire Civil Service Commission . MOVED appointment , Fire BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR . THE Civil Service Com . MOTION CARRIED. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/18/71 06 Page 7 . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Con . t) Opening of Building Councilman Stredicke inquired if the Mayor Prior to Meetings might take a new position on opening of the Municipal Building Doors and allow them to be unloc':ed on meeting nights one half hour %_jefore the meeting time . Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted Legislation Committee Report . Item 1 . report recommending that the Council authorize Community Councils two Community Councils for the Northeast Renton annexation area as proposed on Map alternative 2a , with May Creek as the separation point. After various proposed motions and remarks pro and con it was MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE. CARRIED . Item 2 concerning preparation of Iegals for two councils was not presented for action . Ambulance Ordinance- Councilman Perry requested that the City Clerk Public Hearing send copies of the proposed Ambulance Service 11/15/71 Ordinance to the four council members who were not on the Legislation Committee , to the Mayors , Police Chiefs and Fire Chiefs of Renton , Tukwila and Kent , to the Valley General Hospital Administra- tor and Emergency Service Surgeon , along with a note inviting attendance at a public hearing on the matter to be held November 15 , 1971 at 5 :00 p.m. in the Council Chambers . NEW BUSINESS Jaycees present Councilman Stredicke reminded the Council and candidates public of the candidates meeting tomorrow at the Renton High School at 7 :00 p.m. where the two candidates for King County Councilman , Dist . 6 , will be introduced , sponsored by the Jaycees . Coal Creek Land Councilman Stredicke called attention to subject Fill of the Coal Creek Land Fill just to the north of Renton which he felt affects the city as well as Soos Creek and the City should therefore take a position on the matter. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE SUBJECT OF THE COAL CREEK LAND FILL TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE AND THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR RECOM- MENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. (The Mayor noted the Planning Director has information on the matter having conducted in depth study , and that this is not in King County but Snohomish and is to be used for Seattle) Surface Mining Councilman Stredicke urged action to bring the Legislation proposed surface mining ordinance out of committee . (Now in Community Services Committee) Council meetings Councilman Stredicke inquired whether in view of holidays falling on meeting nights and only two meetings being held as a result , the council felt s� this to be adequate , or if additional meetings might be warranted. Grant felt meetings could be held on some holidays which are not observed by all members . The Mayor noted the holidays observed are set by State Law and City Ordinance . Latter may be amended if the Council desired to hold meetings . Next meeting to be Councilman Stredicke reminded the Council and the held 11/1/71 at public that the next city council meeting will be 4 : 30 p.m. held on November 1 , at 4 : 30 p.m. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADJOURN. THE MOTION CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 10 :42 p.m. 6 WARRANT DISTRIKUTION DATE 10/18/71 BEGIN E:hjU1t G TOTAL AARkA14T AR1tANT AHUUtNT OF FUND UESCRIPTIUN INum6liR NUt,Su-R v+ARRANTS ,ZURRENT FUND 41J3 4279 $59.#211 .77 PARKS AND RECPEATI©N 42'3G 43?3 $26.#038 .79 ARTERIAL STREET 4324 4325 $288 .93 CITY STREET 4;326 4370 $42A457 *79 CEDAR RIVER M AND I 4371 4:377 $684 .70 LIBRARY 4378 4442 $6.#084 .47 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT 4443 4448 $478.95 REG• AND STREET Fw7 THa?US7 4449 441)8 $21.#219.37 URBAN ARTERIAL 4459 4465 $22A421 .59 WATERWORKS UTILITY 4,466 4512 $60AC25905 AIRPORT 4' 13 45?9 $2A8U0.07 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 4L,,,1c 4581 $8, 129 .84 FIREMEN S PEp'SION 4582 4612 $9.# 884 .76 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $279.# 726908 WEA THE UNDERSIGNED ME116E,� OF TF,E FINANCE C01111ITTFE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL.# HAVIN RECEIV;:.[, UFPARTtAENTAL CERTIFICATIO�4 Th AT � MERCHANDISE AND/CSR SERVICE5 t-AVC BEP. Rf CEIVEO [)R RENDER"EDA DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMEt.-T V() JCh+E nS t,.J. 4103 THROUGH NO. 4612 IN TME AMOUNT OF $f_ 79A726 •C9 THIS 18 OF ( CTOFsFK A 1971 • L.I.D. 263 CASH FUND 429 344.82 FINANCE COMMITTEE_ L.I.D. 273 CASH & REV 41 12.30 .�wwr+.'R�'r w�yac'iiFr�Aj'.r Jwwww •riww ��M� ITTt.E M ;�iEkk (�-.�w..er rw www�i r�r iwww w�wwrws•www ComVITTEE MF,r,HER , f w.�w r«�ww wKw iw,A����as�rfww ww www CU44ITTTE.E OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 18 , 1971 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Wed. 10/20 8 : 00 PM Grant Council Chamber Community Services Clymer Finance Wed. 10/20 7 : 45 PM Schellert Consider Travel Requests Legislation Mondays 4 : 30 PM Perry 6th F.l.Council Cffice of Chairman Mon. 11/15 5 :00 PM Councii Chambers - Public Hearing - Proposed Ambulance Personnel & Community Service Ordinance Relations Wed. 10/20 7 : 30 PM Stredicke Pending Appointments Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Bruce Transportation Grant G.� G 364 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 10/18/71 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS i NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2820 $250.00 DICK FOLK 210 MAIN AVE. S INST. NEW ROOF 2821 12,000.00 HARRY ALLEN SHERMAN 1120 N 35TH ST. CONST. FAMILY RESIDENCE 2822 VOID 2823 4,300.00 JAMES PEDEGANA 404 S 37TH ST, CONST. ADDITION 2824 200.00 FREDA J. KENNEDY 3910 NE 6TH CONST. PATIO COVER B 2825 20,000.00 J.C. KIRKMAN 1427-29 QUEEN AVE.N CONST. FRAME DUPLEX 2826 20,000.00 J.C. KIRKMAN 1421-23 QUEEN AVE.N CONST. FRAME DUPLEX 2827 102,000.00 1ST PRESBYTER. CHURCH 2620 BENSON RD. S CONST. ADDITION 2828 2,400.00 WILLIAM BYERS 1717 SE 29TH ST. CONST. GARAGE 2829 700.00 RENTON VILLAGE CO. 35 S GRADY WAY INST. DRESSING RMS. B 2830 1,200.00 ALFRED R. NOLLNER 1801 UNION AVE. NE CONST. ENCL. PATIO ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3438 300.00 PIETRO GATTI 311 HARDIE AVE.NW WIRE RESIDENCE 3439 390.00 STANLEY RUPERT 1725 EDMONDS AVE.NE WIRE ADDN., ADD HEAT 3440 480.00 RENTON VILLAGE CO. 15 S GRADY WAY WIRING 3441 500.00 RENTON VILLAGE CO. 15 S GRADY WAY WIRING 3442 7,000.00 TOYOTA OF RENTON 720 RAINIER AVE. S WIRE BODY & PAINT SHOP E 3443 300.00 WILLIAM F. TAYLOR 469 MAPLE AVE.SW INCR, SERVICE, ADD HEAT 3444 800.00 ED MAYNICK 436 RENTON AVE. S REWIRE RES., INST. NEW SERV. 3445 783.00 SHELL OIL CO. 330 SUNSET BLVD. NE INST. FACIA LIGHTING 3446 50.00 FON C. HOLT 505 BURNETT AVE. S INST. OUTLETS & SWITCH 3447 945.00 LEE WHITLEY 969 SHELTON AVE. SE WIRE RESIDENCE E 3448 225.00 JAMES PEDEGANA 404 S 37TH ST. WIRE NEW ADDITION 3449 200.00 WILLIAMS & SWANSON 529 S 3RD ST. INST. CIRCUIT 3450 250.00 WASH. JOCKEY CLUB LONGACRES REWIRE RES. BASEMENT MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2986 500.00 WASH. JOCKEY CLUB LONGACRES INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2987 74,156.00 RENTON ELKS #1809 1600 EAGLE RIDGE DR. INST, 2 GAS FURNACES 2988 300.00 PIETRO GATTI 311 HARDIE AVE. NW INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2989 500.00 CRAIG TAYLOR EQUIP. CO 3100 E VALLEY RD. INST. HOLDING TANK 2990 2,600.00 COOKE SALES CO. 851 HOUSER WAY N INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES M 2991 750.00 MRS. LAING 435 RENTON AVE. S INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2992 310.00 MRS. WM. MORAN 415 WELLS AVE. S INST. GAS FURNACE 2993 247.50 LESTER HAGERTY 3407 NE 7TH PL. INST. WALL FURNACE 2994 2,000.00 CRAIG TAYLOR EQUIP. CO 3100 E VALLEY RD. INST. 2 TANKS 2995 400.00 HARRY GAMBINI 1525 KENNEWICK AVE. NE INST. GAS FURNACE M 2996 600.00 CALVERY BABTIST CHURCH 1032 EDMONDS NE INST. 3 CONVERSION BURNERS 2997 317.50 ARNOLD NYHUSMOEN 650 DAYTON AVE. NE INST. BURNER. & WTR. HEATER 2998 200.00 LA BONTE AMERICAN 330 MAIN AVE. S INST. GAS CONVERS. BURNER 2999 345.00 RAY H. REYNOLDS 925 EDMONDS AVE. NE INST. GAS FURNACE 3000 395.00 LAWRENCE G. JACKSON 1215,1217 KIRKLAND AVE INST. 2 GAS WALL FURNACES M 3001 235.00 RICHARD G. MUNRO 2216 NE 6TH PL. INST. GAS BURNER & WTR. HTR. 3002 490.00 PALMER AASAND 3312 NE 6TH PL. INST. GAS FURNACE SIGN PERMITS no S 174 3,000.00 MARSEARCH, INC. 77 RAINIER AVE. S INST. POLE SIGN 175 150.00 ARCHIE GUSTINE 30 LOGAN AVE. S INST. ROOF SIGN SEWER PERMITS S 1650 KAEM CONST. 3631 NE 10TH CT. CONNECT SEWER 1651 KAMPE CONST. 3625 NE 10TH CT. CONNECT SEWER 365 FUND TRANSFERS APPROVED FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1971 FROM TO CLAIMS FUND CURRENT FUND $ 59,211.77 PARKS 26,038.79 ARTERIAL STREET 288.93 CITY STREET 42057.79 CEDAR RIVER M & I 684.70 LIBRARY 6084.47 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT 478 .95 REG & STREET FWD THRUST 21,219,37 URBAN ARTERIiAL 22021.59 WATERWORKS 80,825.05 AIRPORT 2,800.07 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 8,129.84 FIREMEN'S PENSION 9,884.76 Total Claims for October .280,526.08 FROM TO PAYROLL FUND CURRENT FUND $174,944.33 PARKS 33,636.21 CITY STREET 34,285.17 CEDAR RIVER M & I 730.00 LIBRARY 11,765 .66 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT 7,126.57 REG & STREET FWD THRUST 404.41 URBAN ARTERIAL 3,639.73 WATERWORKS 23,769.85 AIRPORT 1,831.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 4,837.00 FIREMEN'S PENSION 100.00 Total Payroll for October T297,069.93 �.r 366 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING November 1 , 1971 Municipal Building 4 :30 P. M. Council Chambers R E F E R R A L S COUNCIL BUDGET COMMITTEE 1972 Preliminary Budget CITY COUNCIL PRESIDENT To appoint Committee on Committees for discussion of possible Council Committee realignment with regard to responsibilities and duties CITY ATTORNEY AND *INSURANCE CARRIER *Claim filed against City by Attorney Charles H. W. Talbot on behalf of Wm. Pallis and Chas . Nickells alleging unlawful detention of funds Delay to be requested in hearings now set for 11/4/71 before the Dept . of Labor and Industries and to join with Wn . State County and City employees Union in petitioning for continuation . COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE_ Rezone Ordinance , R-681-71 , Transamerica Development Co . , Inc. property , GS-1 to R-4 , located on Talbot Road South , to the north of Puget Drive LEGISLATION COMMITTEE_ Solid Waste Management Plan (Resolution No . 1770 adopted) Fund transfers to provide for 7th Street s-orm sewer project Establishing position of Personnel Director by Ordinance PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Document re lease provisions and City Attorney 's letter regarding Historical Society use of space in Highlands Administration Building for a Museum PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Application for music machine license for Gordy 's Burgers , 526 South `NW 2nd Street APPOINTMENT Mr. Christopher Wright to membership on the Fair Housing Commission , term to 9/22/74 . MEETINGS AND EVENTS 11/3/71 - Meeting at Councilman Stredicke 's home , 1014 Tacoma N.E. , to discuss community councils in annexed areas 11/6/71 - City Council Budget Meeting at 9 :00 a .m . in Council Chamber 11/4/71 - Carco Theatre - Meeting on proposed bus operation by Metro 11/8/71 Social Security Workshop , University Tower Hotel in Seattle 10 :00 a .m. until 2 :00 p.m. 347 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING November 1 , 1971 Municipal Building 4:30 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance CALL TO ORDER and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF GRANT, Pres . , BRUCE, CLYMER, STREDICKE, PERRY, COUNCIL MEMBERS DELAURENTI AND SCHELLERT. Aw CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor , HELMIE NELSON, City Clerk, IN ATTENDANCE DOROTHEA GOSSETT, City Treasurer , G . M. SHELLAN, City Attorney , FRANK HENRY, Acting Police Chief, M. C . WALLS, Fire Chief, VIC TE GANTVOORT, Street Commissioner , JACK WILSON, City Engineer , GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director , GENE COULON, Park Director , TED BENNETT, Utility Accountant , VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Director and BERNARD RUPPERT, Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT 10/18/71 Meeting BRACKETED SENTENCE AT END OF PARAGRAPH 5 , PAGE 7, BE STRICKEN IN ITS ENTIRETY, LOCATION OF COAL CREEK LAND FILL SITE NOT CORRECT. CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF 1011B171 BE APPROVED AS AMENDED. THE MOTION CARRIED. City Council to Mayor Garrett called attention to the new schedule meet at 4 :30 p.m. for council meetings which are to be held at 4 :30 on first Monday p.m. on the first Monday of each month . Request of of the month , press members for agendas of the Council ,Boards and others remaining Commissions , etc . was noted, in order that meetings ...at 8:00 P.M. may be covered , attention being called to open-meeting law. Distinguished Former Mayor Frank Aliment was introduced at this guest present time and welcomed to the meeting. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported com- Nos . 1413-14 mittee approval of Vouchers Nos . 1413 and 1414, both having received departmental certification as to receipt of services and/or merchandise . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO APPROVE THE VOUCHERS AS LISTED AND THAT WARRANTS BE DRAWN FOR PAYMENT. THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Updating Codes by Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted Adoption of 1970 Ordinances updating the Housing, Building, Plumbing Editions . and Mechanical Codes which were placed on first readings on 10/18/71 , second and final readings recommended at this time . MOVED BY SCHELLERT AND SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. )RDINANCE NO. 2671 Ordinance was read adopting and establishing by lniform Housing reference a "Uniform Housing Code" , 1970 Edition, ,.. ode , 1970 Edition and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict therewith . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BY PERRY, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ . ROLL CALL VOTE UNANIMOUS AYES. THE MOTION CARRIED . ORDINANCE NO . 2672 Ordinance was read adopting and establishing by Uniform Building reference a "Uniform Building Code , " 1970 Edition, Code, 1970 Edition Vol . 1 , together with Uniform Bldg. Code Standards for Vol . 1 , 1970 Edition and repealing any and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ . ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL AYES . THE MOTION CARRIED ADOPTING THE ORDINANCE. 361 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING Page 2. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (Cont . ) ORDINANCE NO . 2673 Ordinance was read adopting and establishing by Uniform Mechanical reference a "Uniform Mechanical Code , " (Uniform Code , 1970 Edition Building Code , Vol . II) , 1970 Edition. MOVED BY DELAURENTI AND SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ . UNANIMOUS AFFIRMATIVE VOTE, BY ROLL CALL , CARRIED THE MOTION. ORDINANCE NO . 2674 Ordinance was read adopting and establishing by uniform Plumbing reference , a "Uniform P1umb:ing Code" , 1970 Edition; Code, 1970 Edition and repealing any and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict therewith . MOVED BY SCHELLERT AND SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL AYES. THE MOTION CARRIED. PROPOSED ORDINANCE The Legislation Committee submitted proposed Ordi- Rezone , GS-1 to R-4 , nonce for reading, changing the zoning classifica- R-681-71 , Trans- tion of property located on Talbot Road South , america Dev. Co . north of Puget Drive S. , 3 . 67 acres, owned by the Transamerica Development Company , from General Suburban Residence District , (GS-1) to Residence District , Apartment and Multiple Dwellings , (R-4) . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Document was read. Noting that portion of the land is to be used for highway rather than the purpose provided for in rezone requested , Stredicke urged referral for further review. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO REFER THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE . :•CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 1770 Resolution was presented by the Legislation Committee Solid Waste Manage- and Committee report invited. Committee of the Whole ment Comprehensive recommendation was read concurring in the Mayor 's Plan with King Co . request pertaining to the Solid Waste Management Act , referral to the Legislation Committee_ recommended. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE REPORT. CARRIED. The Resolution was read, authorizing King County to prepare a joint plan for the City 's Solid Waste Management for inclusion within the County Comprehensive Plan and based on joint County-City participation therein . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 1771 Resolution was read authorizing transfer of funds Fund Transfers from for the purpose of closing out Traffic Safety Funds , Traffic Safety Accts . from, Traffic Safety Identification Surveillance Fund to Street Budget Acct . 115/532 . 30 . 31 , $1 , 706 . 40 and Traffic Safety Control Devices Fund Acct . 116/532 . 30. 31 , $738 . 00, unto City Street Fund , Traffic Engineering Acct . , 104/542 . 60 . 36 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Presentation of Mayor Garretts budget letter was read reporting Mayor 's Preliminary the 1972 Budget to be balanced and in accordance Budget for 1972 with RCW 35 . 33. 050 , as amended. ' The Budget totals $14,624 ,128. 00 and includes $7 ,133,969 . 00 for Capital Improvements . The assessed valuation of the City has been certified in sum of $320,943,759. 00 which is a decrease of $10,912 ,214 . 00 from 1971 . The Current census figure is 26 , 386 . Various fund grants , Forward Thrust , Arterial Street and L.I.D. Funds will provide for street construction and improvement projects and the budget also includes a H. U.D. Fund Grant for the Waterworks Utility Local Improvement District . MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/1/71 a69 Page 3. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT, BUSINESS : (Cont . ) Mayor's Budget for The budget includes $970 , 250 . 00 for acquisiton Calendar Year 1972 of property at Lake Washington Beach with Limited G . O . Bond Issue of $300 ,000 . 00 proposed and in- cluded in the budget as the City 's share of the acqu=sition cost . All departments have been held to 1971 allocations or less for operating, school- ing and conference accounts . Reorganization has re- sulted in various reclassifications of personnel and departmental budgetary revisions and the salary portion of the budget includes differential between $30 . 00 across the board increase granted r by Council in 1971 and the Mayor 's 5% recommendation . Merit raises for 1971 and 1972 are included with no provision , however , for a cost of living increase . There are 317 full time employees and 15 permanent part-time employees , which included three new Fire- men and new personnel which are funded through State and Federal Programs . It was recommended that the Uniformed Personnel be under Industrial Insurance with special insurance now provided to be cancelled if approved by the Department of Labor and Industries . Mayor Garrett thanked all involved in formation of the Budget , especially those Department Heads who relinquished certain of their requests for 1972, with special thanks to Mrs . Marshall , Deputy City Clerk for assistance in preparation of the Budget . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE 1972 PRELIMINARY BUDGET TO THE COUNCIL BUDGET COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED. Fire Training Letter from Mayor Garrett recommended that the Position-Rank rank of Lieutenant in the Fire Department Training changed from Division be changed to rank of Captain as had been Lieutenant to previously recommended by Fire Chief Walls , the Captain Public Safety Committee and the Mayor . Referral back to the Mayor on__A_ugust 9 , for further dis- cussion resulting again in request for concurrence . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED . Project Acceptance- Letter from City Engineer Jack Wilson recommended Final Payment , CAG . Council acceptance this date of Union Ave. N.E. 1806-71 , Union Ave . Improvement Project with final payment of $616 . 70 N.E. and commencement of 30-day lien period , retained amount of $19 ,447 . 96 to be released thereafter to Contractor, LDL Land Development Co . , Inc. if no liens or claims are filed and upon proof of pay- ment of all tax liabilities . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE , TO CONCUR . MOTION CARRIED. Fund Transfer to Letter from Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner , provide for storm requested transfer of $2 ,290. 87 from Budgetary sewer on South- 7th Account 103/542 . 13 . 63 unto 103/542 . 1 . 63 to fund Street installation of 24" storm line on South 7th Street to alleviate existing drainage problem . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR AND TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER RESOLUTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Thanks for UGN Letter from Mr. R . A . Schmitt , Pacific NW Bell ram Support Expressed Executive loaned to Renton , extended thanks of to City the United Good Neighbors and himself for efforts by ar_a through the Mayor 's Office renderpd, in supporting the Charity , with special thanks to Mr . Fraser and those . assistina , Mayor Garrett adding thanks to his Secretary, Linda , also helping. Claim by Messrs . Claim filed against the City by Attorney Chas . H. Pallis and Nickells W. Talbot on behalf of Messrs . William Pallis for fund detention and Charles Nickells was read alleging unlawful detention of funds . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY TO REFER THE CLAIM TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER . THE MOTION CARRIED. 3i0 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/1/71 Page 4 . CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS (Cont . ) Application for Letter from Mr. Gordon Caswell , owner of Gordy ' s Music Machine Burgers , 526 South 2nd Street , requested that License at Gordy 's Nelson and Michael Distributing Company be Burgers granted required license to operate a Coin-Type Phonograph at said business location . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE APPLI- CATION TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. THE MOTION CARRIED. APPOINTMENT Letter from Mayor Garrett, requested concurrence in the appointment of Mr . Christopher Wright to Fair Housing Commission , term to 9/22/74 . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . { THE MOTION CARRIED . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL i Committee of the Council President Grant submitted Committee of Whole Report the Whole Report with recommendations and Council actions as follows : i I Historical Society Recommended that the Historical Society be Museum Space given space in the Highlands Administration Building for a Renton Museum and that the matter be referred to the Legislation Committee for necessary documents . Motion was proposed to concur. Letter was read ,from the City Attorney to Mr. Perry , concerning need for affiliation with , or approval by the Wn . State Historical Society or the Eastern Wn . State Historical Society , of organization sponsoring the exhibit . IT WAS MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY PERRY, THE DOCUMENT AND LETTER BE REFERRED TO THE PERSONNEL AND COM- MUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Position of The Committee of the Whole recommended that the i Personnel Director position of Personnel Director be established in i the 1972 budget as recommended by the Personnel I and Community Relations Committee and that the matter be referred to Legislation Committee for ordinance providing for the position , duties and procedures . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED ( ' BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Travel Authoriza- Recommended that Council concur in the Mayor 's tion for Mayor request to attend the FBI Academy graduation f exercises in Washington , D. C. , November 3 ,1971 . i MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. I Stipulated Agreement Stipulated Agreement with Local 21R of Washington with Local 21R State Council of City and County Employees was presented by Council President Grant for reading, the Committee report noting council authorization for the Council President , on 10/20/71 , to sign the stipulated agreement . MOVED BY GRANT, SECOND BY BRUCE, THAT THE CITY ATTORNEY REQUEST A DELAY IN HEARINGS NOW SET FOR 11-4-71 BEFORE THE DEPT. OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES, AND TO JOIN WITH THE WASHINGTON STATE COUNTY AND CITY EMPLOYEES UNION I IN A PETITION FOR CONTINUANCE. Lengthy debate ensued pro and con the proposed action and possible consequences thereof with MOTION BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, CALLING FOR PREVIOUS QUESTION, CARRY`TG AND CUTTING OFF FURTHER DEBATE. ROLL CALL ON THE ORIGINAL MOTION WAS REQUESTED AND THE VOTE RESULTED AS FOLLOWS : AYE-5 : GRANT , BRUCE, PERRY, DELAURENTI AND SCHELLERT. NO-2 : CLYMER AND STREDICKE. THE MOTION CARRIED. 371 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/1/71 Page 5 . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont . ) Committee of the MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THE CITY Whole Report - COUNCIL JOIN IN THE PETITION OF LOCAL 21R TO THE Stipulated Agree- APPROPRIATE FEDERAL GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY FOR A ment. Motions by FAVORABLE RULING PERTAINING TO IMMEDIATE IMPLE- Council President MENTATION OF THE TERMS OF THE STIPULATED AGREE- to implement said MENT REGARDING LOCAL 21R OF THE WASHINGTON STATE agreement COUNTY AND CITY EMPLOYEES UNION. DISSENTING VOICE VOTE BROUGHT ROLL CALL AS FOLLOWS : AYE-5 : GRANT, BRUCE, PERRY, DELAURENTI AND SCHELLEP T. NO-2 : CLYMER AND STREDICKE. THE MOTION CARRIED . Stipulated MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT , THAT THE COUNCIL Agreement Approved APPROVE THE STIPULATED AGREEMENT AS PRESENTED PER COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE RECOMMENDATION AND READ BY THE CLERK EARLIER . Noting 'revisions since 10/20/71 not read by all Councilmen , it was moved by Schellert , seconded by Stredicke , to refer the revised stipu- lated agreement to the Committee of the Whole for discussion . In further discussion it was pointed out by the City Attorney that the changes made were the amount of the wage increase to $37 . 00 figure and the other being added by another attorney which provides for the joint petition to the federal government for approval . Motion was voted on by roll call as follows : Aye-3 : Clymer, Stredicke and Schellert . No-4 : Grant , Bruce , Perry and Delaurenti . Motion lost . Discussion as to intent regarding recipients and affect on step increase followed with subsequent motion calling for the previous question being lost and debate continuing. Question was called for on motion to approve the stipulated agreement with roll call vote resulting as follows : AYE-4 : GRANT, BRUCE, PERRY, DELAURENTI NO-3 : CLYMER , STREDICKE AND SCHELLERT. THE MOTION CARRIED . Petition to MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE COUNCIL President ' s Cost PETITION THE PRESIDENT 'S COST OF LIVING COUNCIL of Living Council OR ANY OTHER FEDERAL AGENCY HAVING JURISDICTION, or other agency TO GRANT THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SAME TERMS OF THE STIPULATED AGREEMENT TO ALL CITY EMPLOYEES. After some questions concerning ratification by others and if all meant inclusion of the City Engineer and Mayor; respond,-_d to affirmatively , THE PENDING MOTION WAS VOTED ON BY ROLL CALL RESULTING AS FOLLOWS: AYE-5 : GRANT, BRUCE, PERRY, DELAURENTI AND SCHELLERT. NO-1 : STREDICKE ABSTAIN-1 : CLYMER. THE MOTION CARRIED. Council President Grant thanked the Council noting , regardless of debate content, independent airing of the subject to be good. Union Avenue Councilman Bruce commended the City Engineer on . Improvement the Union Avenue job . Appointment not The Personnel and Community Relations Committee �7onlirmed-Personnel recommended nomination of Mr. Clarence Bunstine and Community Re- to Position #2 on the new Board of Adjustment lations Committee be denied , inasmuch as appointee is not a home builder and member of the Home Builder 's Ass 'n . , thereby not meeting qualification requirements for membership on the Board. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO CONCUR . MOTION CARRIED. Houser Way Vacation Stredicke inquired as to request of Pacific Car and Foundry Company for discussion concerning possible vacation of portion of Houser Way. It was noted the matter is in the Transportation Committee, 3 7 2mUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/1/71 Page. 6 . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: (Cont . ) Dangerous Building- Councilman Stredicke inquired concerning status of Demolition Status demolition of the Burdulis Building on South 2nd St . and Wells Avenue South . Mayor Garrett noted existing stipulated agreement calls for demolition in the spring , March 1 coming to mind and that the building department quarterly status report of dangerous building code enforcement will confirm exact date . Hazardous curve on Councilman Delaurenti noted public safety problem Highway 405 above to business below Highway curve where many accidents Sunset Hwy . , vic . of have occurred inquiring as to when guard rail will Grocery and Glass be installed . Mayor Garrett recalled reading report Businesses received by the Council President noting a guard rail possibly not felt to be the answer and that grooving was planned, further inquiry to be made with reply to council requested. Public Safety Chairman Delaurenti , Public Safety Committee, Committee Report reported recommendation that pay scale for the Fire Inspector's Fire Inspector be the same as that of the Fire salary Training Officer . MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . Upon point of inquiry by Stredicke concerning rules requiring written committee reports , Delaurenti noted such would be filed with the City Clerk . During ensuing discussion ,January 1 , 1972 was noted to be the effective date ,further questions being raised as to bonus attached to the position , the rank of Captain now attached to Fire Training position upon successful completion of civil service exam, and question of dollar amount not being set forth . Delaurenti noted this could be resolved at budget hearings reporting committee determination after review of Memorandum from the Personnel Director with recommendations on the Fire Inspector 's Salaries . Memo , which indicated present salary, Council recommendation (adding $37 . 00 thereto) and Mayor 's recommendation was read. (See attached) . PENDING MOTION TO CONCUR IN THE REPORT OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE SUBSEQUENTLY CARRIED. Finance Committee Committee Chairman Schellert submitted majority Majority Report report recommending that the travel request of on Travel Request Council President Grant to represent the Renton City Council at the National League of Cities Hawaii convention be authorized. MOVED BY DELAU- RENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. Upon inquiry it was noted that Schellert and Delaurenti had signed the majority report . Minority Report Finance Committee minority report , signed by Delaurenti , was read recommending that Councilman Stredicke be authorized to attend the National League of Cities Convention . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER , THE MINORITY REPORT BE APPROVED . After remarks concerning budgetary fund availability , THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL r 1972 Budget Noting pending close of his term as Council Presi - Hearings dent with task of budget hearings to be consumated theretofore , schedule of meetings Has outlined, to commence Saturday , November 6 , at 9 :00 a .m. and continue through November 27 . Copies of schedule to be available from the Council Secretary . Best wishes were extended to Councilman Perry in his campaign for King County Councilman , Dist . 6 , in tomorrow 's election . i i MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/1/713 70' Page 7 . NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont . ) Community Councils Councilman Stred.icke ,with reference to open to be explained at meeting law announced a meeting to be held at Committee Meeting his home on Wednesday to discuss community 1014 Tacoma NE; councils and noted meeting on Thursday at the Metro Bus Service Carco Theatre at 7 : 30 p.m . with Puget Sound Operation ,meeting Governmental Conference and Metro to discuss at Carco Theatre the subject of Metro operation of bus service. Appointment of MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , Committee on THE COUNCIL PRESIDENT APPOINT A COMMITTEE ON Committees COMMITTEES TO DISCUSS RESPONSIBILITIES AND recommended DUTIES OF THE VARIOUS COMMITTEES AND TO REVIEW .� COMMITTEE MAKE-UP AND POSSIBLE REALIGNMENT. THE MOTION CARRIED . Election Day- Councilman Perry reminded everyone present to Vote 11/2/71 get out and vote tomorrow and to take their neighbor along . Social Security Councilman Schellert called attention to a Workshop at thzT Workshop on Social Security to be held at the University Tower University Tower Hotel on Monday , November 8 , Hotel , Nov. 8 . 10 :00 a .m . until 2 : 00 p .m. Noting the request of the Police Guild to withdraw and questions ftom others , the coverage groups and withdrawal to be on the agenda , attendance of all who could go was urged . Personnel and Committee member Grant requested a meeting of Community Relations the Personnel and Community Relations Committee Committee Meeting following the council meeting this evening. Social Security Mayor Garrett noted the subject of Social subject of debate Security ,and w;iether Municipal Government should be covered ,is being debated more and more and that he plans to attend the discussions . .� ADJOURNMENT As there was no audience comment nor further 7: 30 P.M. business to come before the legislative body , it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO ADJOURN. THE MOTION CARRIED. Helmie W. Nelson , CitV Clerk MEMORANDUM November 1, 1971 TO: Councilman Charles J. Delaurenti FROM: Jim Fraser, Personnel Director SUBJECT : Fire Inspector - Salary Range Per your request, I would recommend what I believe to be an equitable beginning salary status for the position of Fire Inspector. This position would be classified most appropriately between that of Firefighter and Fire Lieutenant within the Fire Department classification schedule. PRESENT Class A B C D E Firefighter 70 801 833 863 896 930 Fire Inspector - 965 Fire Lieutenant 71 1020 COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION Firefighter 70 808 840 870 903 937 Fire Inspector - 972 Fire Lieutenant 71 1027 MAYOR RECOMMENDATION Firefighter 70 810 843 875 909 945 Fire Inspector - 980 Fire Lieutenant 71 1040 As noted in the foregoing, this will establish and maintain an acceptable salary differential between the Firefighter and Fire Lieutenant classification. Subordinate to this will necessitate the appropriate classification number. I hope this wi 1 be of assistance to you in your evaluation of the subj t Sincerely Jim. aser JTF:.mp OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 1, 1971 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Grant Community Services Fri . 11/5 4 :00 PM Clymer 3rd Fl.Conf.Rm. Finance Mon. 11/8 7 :00 PM schellert Council Office of Chairman Legislation Mon 11/8 4 : 30 PM Perry Council Office of Chairman Personnel & Community �1ed. 11/3 7: 30 PM Stredicke 1014 Tacoma N.E Discuss Community Relations. -hurs . 11/4 7 : 30 PM Stredicke Carco Theatre* Councils with residents of proposed annexation * Cont. Meeting PSGC & Public Safety Delaurenti Metro Re Bus System & Community Needs Public Works Bruce Transportation Grant Cat OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2831 $ -- HOLRIC STORAGE 1508 RAYMOND AVE. SW DEMOLISH RESIDENCE 2832 2,000.00 DENNIS RAY OSTER 316 UNION AVE.NE CONSTRUCT ADDITION 2833 15500.00 SHELL OIL CO. 330 SUNSET BLVD. N ADD FASCIA TO CANOPY 2834 500.00 GARY L. CAREER 605 UNION AVE.NE ENCLOSE CARPORT ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3451 170.00 RENTON SCHOOLS #403 435 MAIN AVE. S INST. FIXTURES 3452 250.00 JOHN PEACH 2217 NE 8TH ST. WIRE ADDITION 3453 500.00 RENTON SCHOOLS #403 754 EDMONDS AVE. NE INST. FIXTURES 3454 2,600.00 RENTON VILLAGE CO. 15 S GRADY WAY WIRING 3455 200.00 RENTON VILLAGE CO. 15 S GRADY WAY REMODEL E 3456 809.00 C. W. TARP 1408 N 30TH ST. INST. NEW SERVICE & HEAT MECHANICAL PERMITS M 3003 200.00 E. J. MOULAISON, III 2214 NE 8TH ST. ]NST. GAS FURNACE 3004 VOID 3005 6,800.00 TOYOTA OF RENTON 720 RAINIER AVE. S INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 3006 200.00 CHARIS L. BAACH 1902 KIRKLAND AVE. 14E INST. WTR, TANK 3007 170.00 JOHN CURRY 859 QUEEN AVE. NE INST. WTR, HEATER M 3008 400.00 MUSICIANS1 UNION 126 LOGAN AVE. S INST. GAS FURNACE 3009 247.50 MARGARET A. MORRIS 123 FACTORY AVE. N INST. GAS DRYER. 3010 205.00 THOMAS AUTO REBUILD 36 LOGAN AVE. S INST, GAS CONVERS. B 3011 200.00 JAMES D. LONG 1061 LYNNWOOD NE INST. GAS WTR. HEATER 3012 3,500.00 HERFYIS CORP. 151 SUNSET NE INST. ELECT. FURNACES SIGN PERMITS S 176 100.00 CITY OF RENTON RENTON AIRPORT REPAIR EXISTING SIGN 177 500.00 BROWN BEAR CAR WASH 621 RAINIER AVE. S INST. POLE SIGN SEWER PERMITS S 1652 MRS. J. A. AUGE 1409 N 28TH CONNECT SEWER 1653 DR. R. BOCKAVEN VALLEY EYE CLINIC CONNECT SEWER (SPRINGBROOK RD.) o 377 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING November 8, 1971 Municipal Building 8 :00 P .M. Council Chambers R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION Requested to make presentation before Finance Committee regarding Social Security Workshop of November 8 . CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim filed by Mrs . Myrtle Clymer in connection with automobile accident in Renton LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Proposed Ordinance creating position and specifying duties and responsibliities of Personnel Director Rezone of Tranamerica Development Co. Inc . property on Talbot Road South , from GS-1 to R-4 (Ordinance No. 2675 adopted) R-681-71 Legislation requested to create an Advance Travel Expense Fund Rezone of Highlands Convalescent Center property , R-684-71 , from G-7200 to R-3 Amendment to Curfew Ordinance requested bu Mayor 's Youth Guidance Committee. PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Appointment of Mr. William M. Connor to Board of Adjustment , four-year term, exipring 9/6/75 . TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Burlington Northern letter regarding 6th Street track abandonment APPOINTMENTS Youth Guidance Committee student aembers : Ron .Miller , McKnight School Robert Deppman , Griffin Home , Ron Palmer, Dimmitt School , Roxanne Parpart , Renton High School and Jim Tyler, Nelsen School Council Committee on Committees - Council President Grant , Councilmen Bruce and Clymer I I i RENTON CITY COUNCIL I REGULAR MEETING November 8 , 1971 Municipal Building 8 :00 P .M. Council Chambers i I M I N U T E S I FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance CALL TO ORDER and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ALL OF GRANT Pres . BRUCE CLYMER PERRY, DELAURENTI. ' ROLL C , . � COUNCIL MEMBERS STREDICKE AND SCHELLERT , ABSENT ON ROLL CALL, ARRIVED SHORTLY THEREAFTER . CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT , Mayor HELMIE NELSON, City Clerk IN ATTENDANCE DOROTHEA GOSSETT , City Treasurer , G . M . SHELLAN, City Attorney , FRANK HENRY, Acting Police Chief, JACK WILSON, City Engineer , GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director , VIC TE GANTVOORT, Itreet Commissioner, VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Director , and BERNARD RUPPERT , Building Director . MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO APPROVE 11/1/71 Meeting THE MINUTES OF TUE PREVIOUS MEETING OF 11/1/71 AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT. THE MOTION CARRIED . ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS PROPOSED ORDINANCE Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted Creating Position proposed ordinance establishing and creating the and Duties of a position of "Personnel Director" , specifying duties , Personnel Director responsibilities , and qualifications ; providing for the appointment of Director thereof and repealing any and all ordinances in conflict herewith . The Committee recommended first reading only . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , ,SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR , THF MOTION CARRIED. The ordinance was read . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. I Ordinance No . 2675 This leaislation had been placed on readings on Rezon,� of Property 11/1/71 and referred to committee for recommendation . on Talbot Road S . Community Services Committee Chairman Clymer sub- GS-1 to R-4 , mitted recommendation that Council concur with the R-681 - 71 Planning Commission to rezone the Transamerica Dev- elopment Co . , Inc . property on Talbot Rd. South , lying North of Puget Drive , the Highway Department having enough existing right-of-way for SR-515 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLA- TION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. The Legislation Committee recommended first reading again . The Ordinance was read. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS . MOTION CARRIED . After final reading , it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT , AND SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ . The Ordinance changes the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from General Suburban Residence District (GS-1) to Residence District , Apartment Houses and Multiple Dwellings , (R-4) . ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN 6 AYE VOTES, PERRY VOTING NO. THE MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 1771, Resolution was read authorizing fund transfers from Fund transfer for Budgetary Acct . 103/542 . 13 . 63, Roads and Bridges , S. 7th St . storm Construction , Capital Outlay , Construction Projects line , $2 ,290 . 87 #12 , $192 . 00; #13 , $295 . 53; #15 , $190 . 00; #22 , $936 . 44 ; #26 , $25 .50 and #35 , $651 . 40 , unto Account 13/542 . 1 . 63 , Storm Sewer Construction , Capital Out- lay Project , in total amount of $2 ,290 . 87 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ . THE MOTION CARRIED:. e� c. MINUTES- RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/8/71 Page 2 . VOUCHER APPROVAL Retained % Due- LID 269 Retained percentage due Di Orio Const . Co. Vouchers Nos . Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported 10 , Cash and committee approval of LID 269 Cash and Revenue Revenue Funds , Fund Vouchers in amounts of $7 ,555 . 65 each and LID 269 , SW it was recommended that the Council approve 43rd Storm Line same for payment at this time , proper depart- mental certification having been received. MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO �- ADOPT THE COMMITTEE REPORT AND THAT WARRANTS BE AUTHORIZED FOR PAYMENT AS RECOMMENDED. THE MOTION CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Renton Area Letter from Mr. Tony Franko , Pres . , Renton Jaycees Jaycees request requested permission to install Christmas decora- to decorate for tions in downtown Renton from November 16 through holiday season January 5 , 1972 . Insurance Certificate attached to hold city harmless from liability . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO GRANT THE REQUEST. THE MOTION CARRIED. Salvation Army Letter from Alma I. Crotty , Brigadier requested Christmas Kettles permission to place Christmas Kettles on the city streets during the holiday season from the day after Thanksgiving until the day before Christmas ; Salvation Army fund solicitation . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO CONCUR IN THE REQUEST . CARRIED. Claim filed in Claim against the city was filed by Mrs . Myrtle connection with Clymer for damages and personal injuries alleged auto accident on from automobile accident ,at Sunset Blvd. and No . 8/27/71 3rd Street ,where police officer was directing traffic. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE CLAIM TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND THE CITY' S INSURANCE CARRIER . THE MOTION CARRIED. Advance Travel Letter from the City Clerk , Helmie Nelson , recom- Fund Legislation mended that matter of establishing an Advance Travel recommended Expense Fund , pursuant to RCE 42 . 24 . 130 , Ch . #74 , Session Laws of 1969 , be referred to the Legisla- tion Committee_ for ordinance . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED . Planning Commission Letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen , Planning Director , recommendation for submitted Planning Commission recommendation for rezone of property Council approval of rezone of property owned by of Highlands Conva- the Highlands Convalescent Center , Appl . R-684-71 , descent Center to from G-7200 to R-3 , located on the East side of R-3 from G-7200 Edmonds Avenue N. E. between Sunset Blvd. NE and NE 12th Street, for purpose of future expansion of the Center. The rezone is in agreement with the Compre- hensive Land Use Plan . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECOND BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLA- TION COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED. Burlington Letter from Mr. Clark A . Eckart , Vice-President , Northern report Burlington Northern , advised of problem with city 's on 6th St . track time schedule for track abandonment doting need for abandonment Houser Way to be vacated in order that negotiations with Pacific Car and Foundry might be consumated to provide for relocation of the tracks to eliminate need for the 6th street track . The existing agree- ment obligates the service by that track so long as same is required. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED by BRUCE, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED . 380 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/8/71 Page 3. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS (Cont . ) Request for Curfew Letter from Mr. Paul W. Houser, Chairman, Ordinance Revision Mayor 's Youth Guidance Committee , requested revisions to the City 's Curfew Ordinance No. 2623, to provide that specific ages be set forth individually with time restrictions . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COM- MITTEE . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO AMEND THE MOTION TO ADD THAT COPY OF THE LETTER BE SENT TO THE POLICE CHIEF AND THE POLICE OFFICER 'S GUILD. AMEND- MENT CARRIED. ORIGINAL MOTION, AS AMENDED, WAS VOTED UPON AND CARRIED. Mayor 's Report of Letter from Mayor Garrett , pursuant to City of Fund Transfers in Renton Resolution No . 1232 , submitted report of budget classes fund transfers effected within budget classes from September 27 , 1971 to November 4 , 1971 , as follows : From Building Account 011/581 . 00. 42 , to Account 011/518 . 20 . 23 in sum of $690 . 00 and From Executive Account 003/513 .10. 33 unto Account 003/513 .10 . 42 in sum of $500 . 00. Letter Agreeing Letter from City Attorney Shellan , directed to to Continuance Mayor Garrett transmitted letter from Mr. William of Hearing in 21R C. Jacobs , Director , Dept . of Labor and Industries , Unfair Labor Charge agreeing to the conditional continuance of the Hearing date from November 4 , 1971 to February 3 , 1972, at 2 :30 p.m . APPOINTMENTS Mr. William M. Letter fro-m Mayor Garrett requested Council Connor to Board concurrence in the appointment of Mr . William of Adjustment M . Connor to position No . 2 on the Board of Adjustment . The four-year term will expire on 9/6/75 . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE APPOINTMENT TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED. Mayor' s Youth Letter from the Mayor reported , for information of Guidance Committee , the Council , appointments of students to member- Student Members ship on the Youth Guidance Committee as follows : Ron Miller , McKnight School ; Robert Deppman , j Griffin Home , Ron Palmer, Dimmitt School , Roxanne Parpart , Renton High School and Jim Tyler, Nelsen School . Appointments recommended by Police Judge Houser . AUDIENCE COMMENT Mrs . Margaret Mrs . Margaret Evans , 403 Grandey Way N.E. called Evans-Report on attention to homes vacated by owners and rented neighborhood by real estate firms to persons she would call concerns hippies , causing some concern in her neighborhood, an auto crashing through wall of home last Saturday where wife of the owner was ill in bed. A second item of concern touching one home was the organiza- tion called "Children of God" whose members had threatened parents if they did not let their daughter talk to members of the group, an unlisted phone being installed in the girl ' s residence . Mrs . Evans urged action for any possible controls . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Mayor 's visit to Mayor Garrett reported his attendance in Wn . , D.C. F . B.I. Academy on Tuesday , to attend the F.B.I. Academy Graduation Graduation Exercises where Renton Police Lieutenant James Exercises Bourasa was receiving graduation certificate . The Mayor was very impressed with the ceremony and with special tour of the training laboratory . He noted this to be the next to the last class of 100 a new marine base academy to graduate classes of 500 . each year. 381 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/8/71 Page 4 . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL FBI Academy Visit In speaking with the Training Director the Mayor found it possible that the City may have an opportunity to send additional men for the training. The principal graduation address was delivered by Chief Justice Burger who also introduced Mrs . Martha Mitchell as the most vocal wife . Offices of Senators Magnuson and Jackson were visited and conference held with Representative Mike McCormack, only member of the House Public Works Committee not going ..., to pass on legislation which just cleared the House granting _Metro 30 million dollars for work in this area , some political ramifications and rough going anticipated, Senator Muskie being the sponsor . Police Chief Henry accompanied the Mayor on this trip which was noted to be- both enjoyable and informative . Committee on Report of appointments by Council President Committee Grant was read noting selection of Councilman appointees Bruce and Clymer to Committee on Committees to serve with himself, as provided by ordinance . Requests for serving or changing committee member- ships and/or responsibilities are to be made known to the Committee . NEW PUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Delegates to NLC Councilman Stredicke , having asked to attend the Convention in Hawaii NLC convention in Hawaii , noted it to be his con- viction that delegations of people need not be sent to conventions by the city and since the Mayor and Council President plan to attend he felt additional cost for him would not be in the best interest of the taxpayers thus , he will not be attendina but will anticipate report and material from those attending. Annexation , NE Councilman Stredicke noted likely Wednesday Renton Area meeting for discussion of the NE area annexation , to be held in the Hazelwood area , residents of the area ,,ho might wish to attend to be advised or names given to him so they may be invited. Proposed Ambulance Councilman Perry rem.in:7ad the Council and public Ordinance Hearing of the hearing meeting scheduled for 11/15/71 at 5 :00 p. m. in the Council Chambers to discuss the proposed ambulance ordinance , a secretary being desired to take minutes . Social S--.curity Councilman Schellert rep_ uested summary by the Workshop Report Administration before the Finance Committee at its 11/15/71 meeting , of the Social Security Workshop of November 8 . Committee meets in first floor conference room at 4 : 30 p.m. Police Chief Exam Schellert inquired if status report is to be provided concerning appointment of a Police Chief. Mayor Garrett noted this to be function of Civil Service Commission which has jurisdiction over the exam and will provide eligibility list thereafter . AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr . Joe Sporcic , 1316 Harrington N.E . inquired as Remarks by Mr. to expenditures for bus service study noting many Joe Sporcic re persons are donating time to the Study . Mayor Bus service study Garrett reviewed findings of the study noting the Citu ha,5 expended no funds nor received ansa therefor . ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT , TO ADJOURN. 8 : 45 p.m . CARRIED . THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 8 :45 P.M. Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk w OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK tZ. COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 8 , 1971 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Thurs . 11/11 7 : 30 PM Grant Council Chmbrs . Budget Meeting Community Services Clymer Finance Mon . 11/15 4 : 30 PM Schellert lst Fl .Conf. Rm. Administration to present Social Security Meeting Summary Legislation Mon. 11/15 5 : 00 PM Perry Council Chmbrs . Ambulance Ordinance - Public Hearing Mon. 11/15 Followin Regular Committee Meet. Personnel & Conunu lity Relation:; Wed. 11/10 Stredicke Hazlewood Area Annexation Discussion- To Be Set Please advise committee of any interested party Public Safety Delaurenti to be invited Public Works Bruce Transportation Wed. 11/10 7 : 00 PM Grant 4th Fl .Conf .Rm. SR515 & Houser Wy Vac . With Planning Commission Wed. 11/10 8 :00 PM toCouncil Chmbrs . CBD-Development Plans 21R/Police Guild/Fire Fighters Counter Pro- posals for Union Negotiations 383 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 11/8/71 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2835 $400.00 EDWARD J. BROWN 1116 N 32ND CONST. STORAGE SHED 2836 -- JOHN DENNIS 1208 N 35TH ST. DEMOLISH RESIDENCE 2837 6,720.00 JON K. BERGMAN 3813 MEADOW AVE. N CONST. FAMILY RESIDENCE 2838 1,500.00 DOUGLAS CORE 1828 NE 25TH CONST. GARAGE 2839 5,000.00 KENNEY LUND 618 PARK AVE. N CONST. FOUNDATION B 2840 700.00 MA.XINE GRUBESIC 924 FERNDALE CIRCLE NE CONST. DETACHED GARAGE 2841 -- PAUL SMITH 2301 NE 24TH ST. DEMOLISH RESIDENCE 2842 -- SECURITY SAV. & LOAN 1216 N 32ND ST. DEMOLISH RESIDENCE ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3457 700.00 HARRY ALLEN SHERMAN 1120 N 35TH ST. WIRE RESIDENCE 3458 250.00 HEINRICK KAPA 2502 NE 5TH PL. INST. 200 AMP SERVICE 3459 2,670.00 COOK SALES CO. 851 HOUSER WAY N WIRE WAREHOUSE 3460 500.00 ED BEARD 364 LIND AVE. NE INST. PANEL, ADD CIRCUIT 3461 250.00 LYLE EVANS 3324 SE 5TH ST. INST. NEW SERVICE E 3462 1,000.00 RENTON CONCRETE PROD. 115 S 7TH ST. WIRING, FANS & WELDING 3463 6,800.00 1ST PRESBYTER. CHURCH 2640 BENSON RD. S WIRE CHURCH ADDITION -- MECHANICAL PERMITS M 3013 700.00 FHA MARK SEVEN REALTY 2600 NE 7TH ST. INST. PLBG. FIXTURES 3014 800.00 HARRY ALLEN SHERMAN 1120 N 35TH ST. INST. PLBG. FIXTURES 3015 400.00 CHESTER A.ZIKE 4004 NE 4TH ST. INST. GAS HTR. & RANGE SIGN PERMITS S 178 500.00 PA.SCO-OINEAL REALTY 423 S 3RD ST. INST. POLE SIGN 179 35.00 CITY OF RENTON TALBOT RD., S 15TH ST. INST. DIRECTIONAL SIGN 180 35.00 CITY OF RENTON PUGET DR., BENSON RD. S INST. DIRECTIONAL SIGN 181 35.00 CITY OF RENTON PUGET DR., RLNG. HLS.AV. INST. DIRECTIONAL SIGN 182 35.00 CITY OF RENTON BENSON RD. S, GRADY WY. INST. DIRECTIONAL SIGN S 183 35.00 CITY OF RENTON 1300 BLK., PUGET DR. INST. DIRECTIONAL SIGN 184 35.00 CITY OF RENTON 1900 BLK., BENSON RD. S INST. DIRECTIONAL SIGN SEWER PERMITS S 1654 CHALMER BOWLIN 2712 MEADOW AVE. N CONNECT SEWER 384 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING November 15, 1971 Municipal Building 8 :00 P .M. Council Chambers Ic L F E R .R A L S 1 BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Downtown Merchants ' Assn . request for temporary fill of railroad track on Burnett Ave . So . for use as parkincr acility during -holiday shppping season To investigate advisability of West turn land at S. W. 43rd (S. 180th) and West Valley Highway . COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Housing Authority request for Resolution authorizing application to HUD for 200 leased housing units and 100 unit turnkey project for elderly Subject of naument of merit raises and increments to non-union/non- uniformed employees Councilmanic Bond sale , $300 ,000 . 00 for acquisition of additional Lake Wn . Beach property COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Puget Sound Governmental Conference request for indication of interest of city in options whereby local government might be assisted by PSGC in meeting requirements of the State .Shoreline Management Act . FINANCE COMMITTEE To study matter of withdrawal of city employees from Social Security as a single entity , Police guild withdrawal as individual group not permitted under existing statutes or policies LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Vacation of portion of Houser Way No. ,between N. 4th and N. 8th streets (Resolution No . 1773 adopted setting Decemb er 20 , for public hearinc.` PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Subject of dog, control as per audience comments of Mr. Archie Graham PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE_ Petition for Sanitary sewer L . I . D. along Lake Wn . in Kennydale area School District 403 request for vacation by city of utility easement now located on site of Vocational Institute to allow new building_ Unsafe conditions of railroad track TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE_ Inquiry be Mr . Joe Sporcic whether Saturday bus service for Highlands area especially , might be provided during the holidays MEETINGS AND EVENTS Budget Committee Hearings per schedule as distributed by Council President AWC meeting with 47th Legislative Dist , Nov . 18 , at Double Tree Inn APPOINTMENTS IAFF, Local 864 Bargaining Unit Reps : Jack Colombi , Jerry Nichols , Bruce Phillips , Wm. Henry , Jr . , Larry Weiss , Ken Walls , Gary Newton and David Riggle . Fire Department promotional examination appointments : Bruce H. Phillips and Ted La Valley to Captain William Henry Jr . , to Lieutenant Effective upon approval by President's Wage Boost Board 38� RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING November 15 , 1971 Municipal Building 8 :00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance CALL TO ORDER and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order . ROLL CALL OF GRANT, Pres . BRUCE , CLYMER, PERRY, DELAURENTI, . COUNCIL MEMBERS STREDICKE AND SCHELLERT. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor , HELMIE NELSON, City Clerk IN ATTENDANCE DOROTHEA GOSSETT, City Treasurer, G . M. SHELLAN, City Attorney , FRANK HENRY, Acting Police Chief JACK WILSON, City Engineer , GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director, VIC TE GANTVOORT, Street Com- missioner , VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Director , M.C. WALLS, Fire Chief, DEL BENNETT, Public Works Adm. , and BERNARD RUPPERT, Building Director . MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO APPROVE THE 11/8/71 Meeting MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF NOVEMBER 8 , 1971 AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT . THE MOTION CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance CommitteF Chairman Schellert reported Nos . 4615-5053 committee approval of Vouchers Nos . 4615 through 5053 which had received department certification as to receipt of services and/or merchandise , it being recommended that Council approve same for 2ayne2t_ . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT , TO CONCUR AND THAT WARRANTS BE DRAWN FOR PAYMENT. THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS ORDINANCE NO . 2676 Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted Rezone-Highlands Ordinance which was read changing the classifica- Convalescent Center tion of certain property with-Ln the City from G-7200 Property in the to R-3 , said area owned by the Highlands Convalescent Highlands , G-7200 Center and located on the East side of Edmonds Ave . to R-3 zoning N.E. between Sunset Blvd . NE and NE 12th Street , future expansion of the facility anticipated . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED . THE DOCUMENT WAS READ . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, AND SECONDED BY GRANT , TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 2676 AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE WAS UNANIMOUSLY AFFIRMATIVE ADOPTING THE ORDINANCE. ORDINANCE NO . 2677 Ordinance was read establishing and creating the Creating Office and position of "Personnel Director" ; specifying duties , Duties of Personnel responsibilities and qualifications; providing for Director the appointment of Director thereof and repealing any. and all ordinances in conflict herewith . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL AYES . THE MOTION CARRIED ADOPTING THE ORDINANCE UNANIMOUSLY. Petition for the Prior to submitting legislation ,reading of letter _. vacation of portion petitioning for vacation of portion of Houser Way of Houser Way No . was requested by the Legislation Committee Chairman . Petition was read filed by property owners Pacific Car and Foundry Co . , Burlington Northern , Inc. , and Diamond Parking, Inc. , $100. 00 filing fee having been paidtherewith. Report of City Engineer Wilson noted the petition to be signed by owners repre- senting 95 . 6% of total frontage upon said street which percentage exceedsminimum of 67%, and the petition therefore being a valid one . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE PETITION AND REPORT TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED. 386 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/15/71 Page 2 . RESOLUTIONS (Cont . ) I RESOLUTION NO. 1773 Resolution was submitted by the Legislation Petition for the Committee fixing December 20 , at 8 :00 p.m . ,in vacation of portion the Council Chambers ,as the time and place for of Houser Way No . public hearing on the petition for vacation of portion of Houser Way South , between North 4th Street and North 8th Street, as filed by Pacific Car and Foundry Co . , Burlington Northern and Diamond Parking , Inc. The Resolution was read . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADOPT THE LEGISLATION AS READ . THE MOTION CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Petition for Sanitary Jack Wilson ,City Engineer, reported receipt of Sewer L. I. D. along letters and petitions from owners representing Lake Washington in 52% of frontage and 63% of area within proposed Kennydale area, and LID NO. 270 , requesting Sanitary Sewer installa- Engineer ' s Report tion along Lake Washington in the Kennydale area , which percentages constitute a valid petition . Since the LID would provide matching funds for an approved H. U.D . Public Facilities Grant , early initiation was desired and it was recommended that Resolution be passed creating L. I. D. 270 with method of financing such LID referred to the Finance Committee for recommendation . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR REPORT. THE MOTION CARRIED. i School Dist . 403 Letter from Mr . Shelby Bewley , Supt. of Schools , request for the Renton School Dist . 403 , requested vacation by vacation of 10 ' the city of existing 10 ' utility easement on utility easement , site of present Vocational Technical Institute Recorded per Campus , a new building to be constructed and Aud. File 541648 , easement restricting location . MOVED BY CLYMER Records of King Co . SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE_ FOR REPORT BACK. THE MOTION CARRIED. Housing Authority Letter from Mrs . Tillie Cole , Executive Director , request to apply Housing Authority of the City of Renton , requested for 200 leased units approval by the City, through passage of Resolution , and 100 unit turnkey for additional housing program . The Housing Author- project for elderly ity desires to file application for 200 units of leased housing and to re-submit an application for a 100 unit turnkey proiect for the elderly, no funds being available for units applied for last June , but to be available again in 1972 , according to Mr . Lynn Stowell , Program Manager Seattle HUD Office . MOVED BY SCHEELER2', SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE' COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Final Payment , Letter from City Engineer Wilson recommended final CAG. 1733- 70, payment of $1 ,009 . 12 due Frost Construction Co . , Edmonds N. E. and Contractor on Edmonds Ave . N.E. , N.E. 27th and Vic. Project Kennewick Pl . N.E . CAG . 1733-70, completed on 8/4/71 . Acceptance by Council was recommended and commencement of the 30--day lien period with release of retained amount of $41 ,281 . 78 thereafter if no liens or claims are filed and upon proof of payment of all tax liabilities . MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Renton Downtown Letter from the Merchants ' Assn . requested to be Merchants ' Assn , heard concerning request for utilization of the Bur- request for more lington Northern railroad track area on Burnett parking during Street for parking during the holiday shopping holidays season . MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY PERRY, TO ALLOW REMARKS FROM THE MERCHANT ' S COMMITTEE AT THIS TIME . Carried . Mr. Donald Carlock , Pres . of the Ass 'n . , inquired if the subject area might be filled with temporary material for utilization as additional parking area . MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/15/71' Page 3 . CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont . ) Merchants ' request for MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE additional parking REQUEST TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR RECOM- area during holidays MENDATION. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO AMEND THE MOTION TO INCLUDE THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE IN THE REFERRAL. THE AMENDMENT FAILED. ORIGINAL MOTION CARRIED. Puget Sound Govern-- Letter from Mr . Mart Kask, Executive Director, mental Conference Puget Sound Governmental Conference , presented inquiry re assisting options for ways PSGC could assist local govern- cities to meet State ment in meeting requirements of the State Shore- requirements of line Management Act and possible financing of Shoreline Management option with state matching funds . Indication Act of interest and preference was requested, response sheet available for reply . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. State Hwy . Dept . Letter from Mr. Huntly W. Grant , Dist . State report on safety Aid Engineer, in response to inquiry by Mayor measures to be Garrett , advised of plans presently being com- taken on SR 405 pleted for safety improvement which will include guard rail all along the section of SR. 405 in vicinity of the Sunset Highway Interchange , as well as skid resistance improvement , bid call Planned for December, 1971 . I?3FF, LOCAL 864 Letter from Fireman Larry Weiss , Secretary, bargaining unit of Fire Fighters Local #864 , listed names of members firemen to act as bargaining unit for the year 1971-72 , to-wit : Jack Colombi , Chairman , Jerry Nichols , Co-Chairman , Bruce Phillips , Gary Newton , David Riggle , Ken Walls , William Henry , Jr . and Larry Weiss . rr..r APPOINTMENTS Letter from. Mayor Garrett requested council concurrence in the appointmentsof Messrs . Bruce Mr . Bruce H. Phillips Phillips and Ted La Valley to Captain , and Mr . and Mr . Ted La. Valley William Henry , Jr . to Lieutenant in the Renton to position of Captain Fire Department for a six-months probationary Mr . William Henry , Jr. period , said appointments to fill existing to position of Lieut . vacancies ,as requested by Fire Chief Walls . Civil Service Commission certifications were attached and appointments will be effective upon confirmation by the Council and approval by the President ' s Cost of Living Council . MOVED BY BRUCE . SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr . Joe Sporcic 1316 Harrington N.E. , on behalf Request for Saturday of another resident of the Highlands area , in- Bus Service during quired whether some Saturday bus services might the holidays be provided for that area during the holidays . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE INQUIRY TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED . `. Dog Controls - Bounty Mr . Archie Graham, 408 Index Ave . N.E. noted of $2 . 00 proposed problem of capturing dogs to be the greatest hindrance to enforcement of law and order , rri th which problem the animal control officer is continuously faced. It was requested that the city consider placing a bounty of $2 . 00 on dogs . Some lengthy discussion ensued as to legal city liability which might arise if such system w-3re effected and someone was bitten , bounty laws used only in instances of destructive wild animals , Adequate laws for controls are on the books, dog owners being violators , lack of enough animal control officers , funds therefore, etc. being the problem , a bounty possible to encourage misdeeds . 3�b i MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/15/71 Page 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT : (Cont . ) i Dog Control (Cont . ) Considerable audience and council comment ensued as concerns cost of impound , licensing, owner responsibilities and City/County contract for animal control services . MOVED BY STREDICKE, AND SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE QUESTION OF DOG CONTROL TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE . CARRIED. j RECESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO 9 :00 P.M. RECESS. THE MOTION CARRIED. The meeting was reconvened at 9 :15 p .m. with all Councilmen present upon roll call as previously. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Committee of the Council President Grant submitted Committee of Whole Report the Whole report recommending that money alloca- ted for the Downtown Redevelopment Program be provided for expert services to implement Phase II of the project . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. 1971 Merit and Noting lifting of the wage-price freeze , Council- Increment Raises man Clymer inquired whether non-union/non-uniformed personnel will now receive merit and increment in- creases . Mayor Garrett noted this to be possible if Resolution is passed to transfer necessary funds from the Contingency Fund and certain legal aspects needing to be considered. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE MATTER OF FUND TRANSFER, AS REQUIRED TO PAY THE 1971 MERIT AND INCREMENT RAISES DUE NON-UNION/NON-UNIFORMED EMPLOYEES, TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. Being requested to comment , City Attorney Shellan advised that upon approval by the President ' s Cost of Living Board , customary increases may be allowed i as in the past . They cannot , however be given for the freeze period of 8/15/71 to 11/15/71 and must not exceed the 5 . 5% limit and , approval has not been granted to give retroactively without permis- sion , various opinions as to clarity of all aspects of the matter yet being expressed. Stredicke felt the Council should not act in haste in view of present in-process budget hearings and MOVED THAT THE SUBJECT UNDER DISCUSSION BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. After ^onsiderable debate the pending motion was voted upon resulting in dissent and ruling of negative majority . Roll I call vote was requested resulting as follows : AYE-5 : GRANT, BRUCE, STREDICKE, PERRY AND DELAURENTI. NO-2 : CLYMER AND SCHELLERT. THE MOTION CARRIED. Curfew Ordinance- Legislation Committee Chairman Perry reported Legislation_ committee concurrence in all revisions proposed Committee Report by the Youth Guidance Committee for the Curfew Ordinance with the exception of removal of the 30-minute after end of school sponsored activities restriction which it was felt should remain in force . The Committee would like to have opinions copy of the letter with requested revisions to be 1 distributed to all council members . Finance Committee Finance Committee Chairman Schellert submitted Report-Councilmanic report noting 1972 budgetary inclusion by the Bond Sale Mayor of $300 ,000. 00 from Councilmanic bond sale for acquisition of additional Lake Wn . Beach property with authorization for the sale recom- mended to allow timely consumation . The Committee concurs with the Mayor requesting the subject be placed an the next Committee of the Whole agenda . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN REFERRAL TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. '089 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/15/71 Page 5. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Finance Committee The Finance Committee report advised that Report - Social upon review of request by Police Guild to Security withdraw from Social Security , it finds that the law enabling groups and organizations to withdraw does not allow for separate withdrawal . The committee recommended that the Council con- sider the matter of withdrawal by the entire city as a single entity . MOVED BY SCHELLERT AND SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDA- TION. Discussion ensued concerning initiative having to come in from employees intent!' being investigation by Committee in order that it may be knowledgeable in event of further action , the Police not being able to do it alone . PENDING MOTION SUBSEQUENTLY CARRIED . NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Turn Lane to West- Councilman Grant MOVED THAT THE MATTER OF A Ski 43rd at T.'est TURN LANE GOING WEST ON S. W. 43RD STREET,AT Valley Hwy . THE WEST VALLEY HIGHWAY INTERSECTION,BE REFERRED TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR INVESTIGATION AND RECOMMENDATION. MOTION SECONDED BY SCHELLERT AND CARRIED. Unsafe Condition MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, SUBJECT of RR tracks OF CONDITION OF THE RAILROAD TRACKS FROM BURNETT TO MAIN OR MILL AVE . SO. BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC_ WORKS COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE AND REPORT BACK. MOTION CARRIED. AWC Meeting with Mayor Garrett reminded Council Members of the 47th Legislative meeting to be held on Thursday , November 18 , District the 18th by the Association of Washington Cities with the 47th Legislative District ,at the Doubletree Inn , meeting schedules to be kept in mind accordingly . Wage Discussion Councilman Grant ; noted Wednesday meeting of the Wednesday by Council as A Whole to discuss the merit and incre- Committee of ment wage matter and Councilman Clymer urged that the Whole ,8 :P.M. Non-Union/Non-Uniformed Personnel be present to 2nd Floor , Mun . hear the findings and suggested that if the Labor Bldg. Groups also were represented the unilateral problem might be consumated and opinions made known as to the $7 . 00 increase . Grant noted matter of recom- mendations to labor negotiator for 1972 to be re- solved among other items . Schellert ,concurring with Clymer, noted unanimity representation would allow everything to be done at once . Stredicke questioned actions so close to budget adoption time . AUDIENCE COMMENTS Mr . Joe Sporcic inquired as to Saturday bus service Bus Service the Mayor noting referral to the Transportation Committee which will investigate and report back. Negotiating Inquiries by Local. 864 ilembers as to whether with Unions they were to appear Wednesday when otherwise negotiating with Mr . Connors were anwered both pro and con it being noted 1971 merit and incre- ment raises and effective date to be subjects of concern , other items still negotiable . Further -- discussion included open meeting law provisions . Curfew Ordinance Mr . Dale Collier , Demolay Boys' representative , inquired concerning provisions of the curfew code revisions having arrived after discussion ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY GRANT, TO ADJOURN. 10 :35 P .M. CARRIED. The meeting was adjourned at 10 : 35 p .m. Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C1.� C.fl C) COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 15 , 1971 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole ed. 11/17 8 :00 PM Grant 2nd Fl .Conf. Rm. Employee Wages Sale Councilmanic Bonds City Attorney requested Budget Hearing hurs . 11/18 7 : 30 PM Council Chamber Dept. Heads per 1971 Budget Hearing Schedule Finance Schellert Legislation Mon. 11/22 4 : 30 PM Perry Chairman ' s Off. Ambulance Ordinance 6th Fl . Curfew Ordinance Personnel & Community Relations Stredicke Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works hurs . 11/18 7 : 00 PM Bruce 4th Fl .Conf . Rm. Transportation Grant AWC/W 47th Legislative Dist. hurs . 11/18 Doubletree Inn I f 391 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 11/15/71 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF r'UNU DE:SCKIPTIUN NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS CURRE,J FLNO 4615 4757 642♦ 122*45 PARKS ANO RECREATIUN 4758 4822 $11,660.10 ARTERIAL STkEET 4823 4823 625.75 CITY STr2r E ( 4824 4859 6131547.53 CEDAR RIVER M Ar+D I 4860 4862 $45.20 / 5�-, LIBRARY # A{ 1?091 .,/0I.D 4863 4913 $4 " EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT 4914 4916 $132.30 REG• AND STREET FWU THRUST 4917 4927 $Ilo734 .34 4 �-Ji c4ud-7Yi� ///J/�/ h14/1/ 616- 170 UR6Ata AkTERI4L 4928 4933 $211171 .47 WATERWORKS GTILITY 4934 4971 6691797 .27 AIRPORT 4972 4985 $1, 499.90 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 4986 5029 671011 .20 FIREIEN S PENSION 5030 5053 613j669.95 TOTAL OF ALL w4AkRA,ITS $19-97;p 13-9- * f 4 qr4, wE, THE UNL;EkSIGNED MtMBER!j OF THE FINANCE CO`1MITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY CGUNCILJ hAVING RECEIVED UFPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERC+4ANDISE AND/OR SE;RVICE,S HAVE HEEN RECEIVED OR RENDEREDi DO yG/1/ HEREBY AFPPOVE FOR PAYmENT VOJCHFRS NO• 4615 THROUGH N0. 5053 Ir THE AMJUNT OF $197, 139 .70 THIS 15 OF NOVEMBER P 1971 • /91/ X56. //,o 6gLf15/� * V /0 '�7Sg3�b5' //�l/fir FINANCE CO MITTEE rrir w rrr rrr C MITTEE MEMBER C rhr�low rr `t��T�rrrrrrrr CO`4MITTE ER ----\ 1�ur�irrrrrw•yi •r rrrrrrrsrrrrrr CO t~ TTEE MEMBER JV kICE OF THE CITY CLERK 11/15/71 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2843 $255000.00 ROGER PETERS014 1836 NE 16TH ST. CONST. FAMILY RESIDENCE 2844 25500.00 RENTON BOILER WKS. 535 GARDEN AVE. N CONST. FOUNDATION 2845 525.00 F. TAE ASUMI 819 S 27TH ST. CONST, WOODEN DECK 2846 155000.00 JOHN M. DENNIS, JR. 1206 N 35TH ST. CONST. FAMILY RESIDENCE 2847 15,000.00 JOHN M. DENNIS, JR. 1214 N 35TH ST. CONST. FAMILY RESIDENCE B 2848 2,500.00 STANDARD OIL OF CALIF. 1419 N 30TH ST. INST. NEW FACIA ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3464 883.00 FHA-MARK SEVEN REALTY 2600 NE 7TH ST. INST. NEW SERVICE 3465 1,300.00 NATIONAL POULTRY 615 WELLS N INST. SERVICE FOR WELDER 3466 50.00 1ST PRESBYTER. CHURCH 2620 BENSON RD. S INST, TEMPORARY SERVICE 3467 350.00 SPEARS 3125 SE 6TH ST. INST. NEW SERVICE, WIRING MECHANICAL PERMITS M 3016 100.00 TRIPLE XXX RESTAURANT 50 SUNSET BLVD. SW INST. COMMERCIAL DRYER 3017 1,000.00 CHURCH CHRIST SCIENT. 212 WHITWORTH AVE. S INST. GAS HEATERS 3018 854.00 GENERAL TERRAZO 501 9W 12TH ST. INST. OIL FURNACE & TANK 3019 400.00 PIETRO GATTI 3-111. HARDIE AVE. NW INST. GAS FURNACE SIGN PEfYTITS S 185 300.00 DUNK LUMBER CO. 120 FACTORY AVE. N INST. 2 ROOF SIGNS SEWER PERMITS S 1655 PACIFIC NW BELL 3320 4TH AVE. N CONNECT STORM SEWER 393 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING November 22 , 1971 Municipal Building 8: 00 P.M. Renton , Washington R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER C=m of Mr. Kelly G. Farrell concerning auto collision with police vehicle , July 28 , on Royal Hills Drive FINANCE COMMITTEE Policy Statement to be prepared to provide information to Department Heads and others as concerns monthly warrant issuance and emergency interim approval LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Proposed Curfew Ordinance amending present regulations (First reading only a-nd referred back to committee) L.I.D. No . 270 , Sanitary Sewers along Lake Washington in Kennydale area (Resolution No . 1774 adopted setting public hearing for 2/28/72) Appropriation of $1 ,835 . 00 from Current Fund Excess Revenues , to fund salary and equipment for Drug Rehabilitation Coordinator Councilmanic Bond issue of $300 ,000 . 00 authorized, legal instruments to be prepared as necessary PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE_ Letter from Mrs . F. L. Simmons protesting any dog bounty proposals TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Letter requests of Mr. Ronald C. Goss and Mr . Arthur D.' Scholes for additional lighting in the Tiffany Park area of the City MEETINGS AND EVENTS Public Hearing , February 28 , 1972 , L. I.D. No . 270 , Sanitary Sewer project a1Ang Lake Washington in the Kennydale Area . CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS : CITY COUNCIL BUDGET HEARING DECEMBER 1 , 1971 . THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING FOLLOWING BUDGET HEARINGS WILL BE HELD ON DECEMBER 6 , 1971 , at 4 :30 P.M. 394 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING November 22, 1971 Municipal Building 8 :00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance CALL TO ORDER to the Flag and called the regular meeting of the City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF GRANT, CLYMER , PERRY, DELAURENTI, STREDICKE AND COUNCIL MEMBERS SCHELLERT. ABSENT: BRUCE. MOVED BY GRANT AND SECONDED BY DELAURENTI TO EXCUSE THE ABSENT MEMBER WHO HAD REPORTED HIS POSSIBLE ABSENCE. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor, HELMIE NELSON, City Clerk, IN ATTENDANCE DOROTHEA GOSSETT, City Treasurer, G . M. SHELLAN, City Attorney , FRANK HENRY, Acting Police Chief, JACK WILSON, City Engineer, GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director, VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent , GENE COULON, Park Director, DEL BENNETT, Public Works Administrator, VIC TE GANTVOORT, Street Com- missioner and JIM FRASER , Personnel Director. S MINUTE APPROVAL Councilman Grant requested revision and correction 11/15/71 Meeting to the minutes of the previous meeting noting location for the right turn lane to have been the East Valley Highway rather than the West Valley Highway , Page 5 , Paragraph 2. Also, subject of the unsafe condition of the railroad tracks , Page 5 , Paragraph 3, to have indicated referral to the Board of Public Works rather than the Public Works Committee . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO APPROVE THE AMENDMENTS. CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER, 15 , 1971 AS AMENDED . CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported No . 5054, Special committee approval of Voucher No. 5094, as Police Investiga- required in connection with Police Department tion Program drug investigation program. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI AND CARRIED, TO APPROVE THE VOUCHER FOR PAYMENT. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS PROPOSED ORDINANCE Ordinance was submitted with Legislation Committee "Amending present recommendation for first reading only and referral curfew regulations, back to committee . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY First reading only DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. The proposed ordinance was read . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE_. THE MOTION CARRIED. (Copies to be forwarded to the Police Chief and Police Officer 's Guild) Public Works Public Works -Committee report was read recommending Committee report concurrence in the City Engineer's request that the on LID 270 , Lake city authorize initiation of a sanitary sewer LID Wn . San . Sewers as petitioned by property owners along Lake Wn . , with referral to the Legislation Committee for Resolution of intent and to the Finance Committee_ for funding recommendation . MOVED BY SCHELLERT AND SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR . MOTION CARRIED RESOLUTION 1775 Resolution was read declaring intention of the City L. I.D. No . 270 to construct and install sanitary sewer lines and Sanitary Sewers appurtenances thereto , in the Kennydale area of the in Kennydale area , City and to create a Local Improvement District to Public Hearing set assess the cost and expense of said improvement for 2/28/72 against the property specially benefitted; notifying all persons who may desire to object to appear and present their objections at a meeting of the City Council on 2/28/71 . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/22/71 Page 2 . CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Appropriation of Letter from City Clerk Nelson reported need Excess Revenues for ordinance to appropriate $1 ,835 . 00 from for Drug Rehabili- Current Fun_? Fxcess Revenues unto Municipal tation Coordinator Court Budget to cover salary , fringe benefits and equipment for Drug Rehabilitation Coordinator . The City will be reimbursed by a state grant for these costs at a later date . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR IN THE FUND APPROPRIATION WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. CARRIED. Street Lighting Letters from Mr. Ronald C. Goss and Mr. Arthur Needs in Tiffany D. Scholes called attention to lighting needs Park Area of the Tiffany Park area , specifically requesting 3-lights on Ferndale Ave . S.E. , and others at S . E. 16th Street and Lake Youngs Way and at the S.E. 16th intersection with Glendale Avenue , all being inadequately lighted . MOVED BY CLYMER AND SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE COMMUNICATIONS TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. The motion carried. Cystic Fibrosis Letter from Mrs . Barbara Hicklin , Advisor , Cystic Jr. Auxiliary Fibrosis Juniors and Seniors , requested permit to request to sell sell candy cariesin Renton during the holidays . candy canes during MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR. holidays THE MOTION CARRIED . Protest to Dog Letter from Mrs . F. L . Simmons, 649 Ferndale Pl . , Bounty N. E. , protested any plan for a bounty on dogs that stray , children sometimes forgetting to close a gate and same possibly instigating release to collect the bounty . She noted she has no dog. MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE 'o'er LETTER TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE WHERE THIS SUBJECT HAD PREVIOUSLY BEEN REFERRED. CARRIED . Claim concerning Claim filed by Mr. Kelly Gene Farrell reported auto accident $350 . 00 damages to vehicle in collision with on Royal Hills Dr. a Renton police car ,at Royal Hills Drive entrance to Royal Hills Apartments , on 7/28/71 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE CLAIM TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND THE CITY 'S INSURANCE CARRIER. THE MOTION CARRIED. Board of Public Letter from Mr . Del Bennett , Public Works Adm. , Works Report on reported consideration of various possible plans Referrals by for additional parking on Burnett Avenue South, Council from 11/15 , between South Second and South Fourth Streets . Burnett St. Parking (Requested by Downtown Merchants ' Association) Plan selected will cost approximately $500 . 00 in materials and will include concrete bumper curb and pedestrian walkway . Funds budgeted for 1971 CBD project will be utilized and immediate imple- mentation authorization has been recommended to the Street Commissioner. Right-Turn Lane The subject area proposed for development for from S. 180th St . , right turn lane , SW 43rd St . , onto East Valley .�.. (SW 43rd)- onto Hwy . , is within County jurisdiction .and letter East Valley Hwy . has been directed to the King County District Engineer to request their participation in the modification . Unsafe condition Communication has been directed to Burlington of RR Tracks on Northern calling attention to deteriorated Houser Way South conditions of railroad track area of Houser Way South between Burnett Avenue South and Mill Avenue South with meeting proposed to discuss a more permanent solution to correction of the problem . Subsequent report will be forthcoming following the meeting, 4-196 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/22/71 Page 3. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Committee of the Council President Grant submitted Committee of Whole Report the Whole report recommending that the Mayor proceed Item 1 . with issuance if Councilmanic Bonds in sum of Three Councilmanic Bond Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300 ,000. 00) for the Issuance and Sale acquisition of the Scott-Pacific property on Lake for acquisition Washington . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, and development of TO CONCUR. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY DELAURENTI , additional Lake Wn . TO AMEND THE MOTION BY INCREASING AMOUNT OF BONDS Beach Park property TO $350 ,000 . 00 TO INCLUDE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROPERTY. Voice vote was dissenting and amendment was voted upon by roll call which resulted as follows: NO-4 : GRANT, CLYMER, SCHELLERT AND PERRY. AYE-2 : STREDICKE AND DELAURENTI . AMENDMENT FAILED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO AMEND THE COMMITTEE RECOM- MENDATION TO INCLUDE WORD DEVELOPMENT AS WELL AS ACQUISITION. AMENDMENT CARRIED. ORIGINAL MOTION TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE, WHOLE RECOMMENDA- TION, AS AMENDED, WAS VOTED UPON AND CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR THE NECESSARY LEGAL INSTRUMENTS. THE MOTION CARRIED. Item 2. The Committee of the Whole report recommended Transfer of Funds that the Legislation Committee prepare the for increment necessary Pesolutlon to transfer moneys from raises the Contingency Fund into the budget to provide for payment of increment raises due non-uniformed/ non-union employees , effective as of 11/16/71 . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR . MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO PRESENT THE RESOLUTION. Grant called for point of parliamentary procedure., the referral to the Legislation Committee before the body and proposal now to take the matter from committee without recommendation . The Chair ruled this proposal to be the action taken by the Recess council . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, 8:45 p.m. TO RECESS. THE MOTION CARRIED. RECESS WAS DECLARED. The meeting reconvened at 8 :55 p.m. with all Council Members present for roll call as previously. Schellert withdrew his second to the motion for presentation of the legislation . Stredicke seconded the motion . Lengthy debate ensued as concerned receipt of the document by committee and as to the withholding action . Motion was subsequently voted upon . Voice vote was dissenting; the Chair ruling for affirmative majority. Roll call was requested and resulted as follows : AYE-4 : Clymer, Stredicke , Delaurenti and Schellert . No-2 : Grant and Perry . RESOLUTION NO. 1775 Motion Carried. The Resolution was read authorizing Fund Transfer for transfer of $1 ,965. 00 from the Contingency Fund , Increment Raises Acct . 107/519 . 70 . 42 Unto Budgetary Accounts of City for non-union/non- Clerk , City Treasurer, Data Processing, Planning uniformed personnel Building, Engineering, Parks , Street and Traffic, to pay and disburse unto certain designated employees their annual merit increment , such payment to be effective as of and from November 16 , 1971 to December 31 , 1971 . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED . Burnett Parking Stredicke noted expediate action by the Board of Public Works and the City relative to the Downtown Merchant 's request for additional parking during holiday shopping season and remarked at reaction of the merchants at steering meeting committee in backing the City for moving ahead without delays . City Emblem on Noting new design for the City 's emblem,Councilman Stationery , etc. , Stredicke inquired as to deletions and new styling, revised stating his preference for the former pattern . Mayor Garrett noted he had made some changes in the design . (Airplane picture and "Jet Capital of the World" were deleted ,th4- date of City 's incorpora- tion being inserted . ) 397 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/22/71 Page 4 . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Proposed Ambulance Councilman Perry reported that upon request of Ordinance in Dr . Cumberbatch the ambulance ordinance will be Legislation Com- held in committee for further review as to mittee for Review suggestions of hospital medical authorities for additional amendments . Meeting will be held .for discussion of the legislation and report will be forthcoming thereafter. Conflict in Councilman Stredicke reported conflicting meeting Meetings with Budget Hearings and urged that if majority cannot be present alternate date be set , and that he will otherwise try to be present . Monthly Warrant MOVED BY STREDI.CKE , SECONDED BY CLYMER THAT THE Issuance Policy- POLICY FOR ISSUING WARRANTS BE SET FORTH BY Emergency telephone STATEMENT WITH REFERRAL TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE approval-interim THEREFOR . MOTION CARRIED. action noted. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Mayor to attend Mayor Garrett noted he will be out of the City National League and unable to attend the Saturday Budget Hearing of Cities Con- meeting. He will be attending the National League vention in of Cities Convention and will be a voting delegate Hawaii as AWC for the Association of Washington Cities . He had Voting Delegate thought to delay his departure but since has been requested to join Mayor Ulhman in making a presenta- tion on Sunday , with the Seattle Tourist Bureau ,Seattle to bid .for the 1976 National League of Cities Con- vention , and earlier leave is thus necessitated. He plans to return on Thursday . (Dec. 2nd.) �. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr . Dale Collier , 235 Garden Avenue North , called attention to stop sign at NW corner of Shattuck Shattuck Street Ave . So . and South 4th Street in vicinity of the stop sign new K-Mart complex which sign is blocked by a telephone pole and does not become visible when it normally would . Playor Garrett advised this would be investigated. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADJOURN. CARRIED. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 9 :25 p .m. Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk C4 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 22 , 1971 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Tues . 11/23 7 : 30 PM Grant Council Chmbrs Budget Meetings with Police , Fire , Str.Maint., Cedar River M&I and Library. Sat. 11/27 9 :00 AM ofCouncil Chmbrs Discuss requests of Historical Society, Municipal Arts Com. and Garbage Disposal. Budget Hearing open to motions for Action. Community Services Fri . 11/26 4 :00 PM Clymer 3rd Fl .Conf . Rm. Finance Schellert Legislation Perry Personnel & Community Relations Wed. 11/24 7 :00 PM Stredicke 6th Fl .Conf.Rm. Appointments & Other Matters Pending Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Bruce Transportation Wed. 11/24 8 :00 PM Grant 4th Fl .Conf.Rm. Houser Way Improvement. , Sat. Bus Service , Letter Agreement with State Re SR-515 . 399 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 11/22/71 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 0849 $15,000.00 STANDARD OIL CO. 4020 NE 4TH ST. ADD LUBE BAY, STORAGE AREA 1_850 155700.00 R.S. SHANE 1111 N 33RD ST. CONST. FAMILY RESIDENCE X851 1,200.00 ARTHUR C. BOYD 508 WINDSOR PL. NE CONST. GARAGE 2852 1,800.00 LUCIAN DEPICOLZUANE 966 BREMERTON NE ENCLOSE & EXTEND CARPORT ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3468 50.00 DENNIS E. PRESTEEN 2725 SUNSET BLVD. NE INST. TEMP. FLOOD LITES MECHANICAL PERMITS M 3020 1,500.00 J.C. KIRKMAN 1421523 QUEEN AVE. NE INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 3021 15500.00 J.C. KIRKMAN 1427,29 QUEEN AVE. NE INST. PLBG, & FIXTURES 3022 1.500.00 HENRY L. HANKS 1409 N 32ND ST. INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 3023 5,990.00 1ST PRESBYTER. CHURCH 2640 BENSON RD. S INST, TWO FURNACES 3024 385.00 MARSEARCH, INC. 77 RAINIER AVE. S INST. GAS BOILER M 3025 600.00 WILLIAM C. STONEMAN 3101 MT. VIEW AVE. INST. SEPTIC TANK & DR. FLD. 3026 5,000.00 SERVICE LAUNDRY 903 S 4TH ST. INST. GAS BOILER 3027 38,000.00 K MART 440 RAINIER AVE. S INST. SPRINKLER SYSTEM SIGN Pl=TS S 186 14.00 SUNIN CLEAN CARWASH 77 RAINIER AVE. INST. BANNERS-GRAND OPENING i87 200.00 ANTON SCHATZ 485 RAINIER AVE. S INST. ROOF SIGN 400 FUND TRANSFERS APPROVED FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1971 FROM TO CLAIMS FUND Current Fund $ 42,622 . 45 Parks 11 ,660 . 10 Arterial Street 25 . 75 City Street 13, 547 . 53 Cedar River M. & I. 45 . 20 Library 4 , 711 . 58 Emergency Employment 132. 30 Reg. & Street Fwd,<.Thrust 12 ,351 . 04 Urban Arterial 21 ,171 . 47 Waterworks Utility 69 , 707. 27 Airport 1 ,499 . 90 Equipment Rental 7 ,011 . 20 Firemen 's Pension 13 ,669. 95 Total Claims for November $198,245 . 74 FROM TO PAYROLL FUND Current Fungi $171 ,367 . 00 Parks 35 ,989. 68 City Street 33,644. 11 Cedar River M. & I. 730 . 00 Library 12 ,141 . 07 Emergency Employment 7 ,345 . 45 Reg. & Street Fwd. Thrust 351 . 75 Urban Arterial 3,165. 69 Waterworks Utility 23 ,754. 59 Airport 1 ,831 . 00 Equipment Rental 5,396 . 00 Firemen 's Pension 100 . 00 Total Payroll for month of November $295 . 816 . 82 401 RENTON CITY COUNCIL BUDGET HEARING MEETING December 1 , 1971 Municipal Building 8 :00 P .M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Councilman Ken Bruce , Mayor pro tem, led the Pledge CALL TO ORDER of Allegiance to the Flag and called the public hearing meeting to order. ROLL CALL OF BRUCE, CLYMER , STREDICKE, PERRY AND SCHELLERT. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT : GRANT AND DELAURENTI. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO EXCUSE THE ABSENT COUNCIL MEMBERS. THE MOTION CARRIED . CITY OFFICIALS GWEN MARSHALL , Deputy City Clerk , DOROTHEA GOSSETT, IN ATTENDANCE City Treasurer, G . M. SHELLAN, City Attorney , FRANK HENRY, Acting Police Chief, JACK WILSON, City Engineer , TED BENNETT, Utility Accountant , GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director , GENE COULON, Park Director, VIC TE GANTVOORT, Street Commissioner and BERNARD RUPPERT, Building Director . PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set , and public notice having City of Renton been duly published and posted according to law, Budget for 1972 the special hearing meeting of the Renton City Council was opened. Purpose of Meeting Legal Counsel was invited to comment . City Attorney Shellan advised that under the law the Mayor must file a preliminary budget and the law requires that on December 1 , a public hearing be held before the City Council to consider any modifications to that budget . The meeting is solely for matters of budget content and to allow the public to speak pro and con in order that the Council may take action as may be desired pursuant thereto . The Council may recess from day to day but until no later than December 6 , at which time the hearing will be terminated and the Council must adopt a budget for the City for 1972. COMMUNICATIONS Letter from the International Assn . of Fire Fighters IAFF Wage Committee Local 864 was determined to be a negotiable item Local No . 864 and not one for council determination. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE LETTER FROM THE FIRE FIGHTERS LOCAL TO THE CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR , MR . JAMES CONNOR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Administrative Letter was read, signed by Lt . James E. Phelan , Lt . Police Officers James Bourasa , Lt . John Buff and Capt . K. M. Furseth , Budgetary Request noting their exclusion from Guild negotiations , being considered administration . Percentile pay differentials between ranks for Seattle , Bellevue , King County and the Wn . State Patrol were listed and Council was requested to establish and maintain a pay spread differential between ranks in the Renton Police Department for the 1972 budget . Administrative Letter signed by M. C. Walls , Fire Chief, Richard Fire Fighters Geissler , Asst . Chief and Marvin Sherertz , Battalion Budgetary Requests Chief noted that they cannot be represented by the Local , No . 864 , and requested 12% differential between ranks in the Fire Department be established and same to be maintained on an equal basis with the Police Department . .$175. 00 clothing allowance for 8-hour Fire Department Personnel was also requested for 1972 . Councilman Stredicke noted October 4 millage levy hearing, October 27 Budget presentation by the Mayor with Mayor 's presentation in between and budget talk for some time now by the Council , the letter requests of Nov. 30 and Dec. 1 , felt untimely and wrong at this date to submit new requests when it is time to adopt the budget . 402 MINUTES - PUBLIC HEARING MEETING ON 1972 BUDGET 12/1/71 Page 2. AUDIENCE COMMENT Wage Groups and Chairman Bruce inquired whether anyone was present Others Invited representing Local 21R , the Police Guild or Fire to Comment Fighters Guild or any other city employee or citizens who would like to be heard at this time . Mr. Kay Johnson Mr . Kay Johnson , Executive Director, Renton C . of C . , Chamber of 200 Rainier N. , called attention to proposed amend- Commerce ments to the Mayor ' s Preliminary Budget as listed in repor.t distributed this evening, and inquired if item No . 42 , Budget Pg. 84 , reduction of 3 firemen , meant that the proposed annexation of NE area was to be dropped. It was noted this was not the case and if annexation is approved there will be new requirements for both police and fire services at which time the Council will take such emergency action as may be required , the reduction proposed as a measure to balance the budget as needed upon modification. Mr. Johnson inquired how much of the 15 million dollar budget is revenue derived from State and Federal Grants , noted by Mrs . Marshall , Budget Clerk , to be some five million five hundred thousand dollars to be derived from Federal Urban Arterial , Street Forward Thrust and Arterial Street Programs , a portion also being carry over of capital improve- ment projects . Wage Group Mayor pro tem Bruce inquired as to when meetings Negotiations are scheduled between union groups and the city 's negotiator . Mr . Jim Connor, City Negotiator , advised meeting set for Friday with 21R may have to be deferred until Thursday of next week. Stredicke questioned delayed meetings when budget adoption is scheduled for Monday . Mr . Connor noted some difference between budget laws and union opinions as concern the effective dates noting try was made for the deadline date but agreement had not yet been reached . Stredicke inquired as to specifics of delays and Mr. Connor noted same to be normal in such type negotiations , things happening much quicker at the end of the bargaining periods than in the beginning. Also, disposition of the 21R vs . City dispute and the price freem precluding any negotiations , until Phase II on the latter. RECESS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO RECESS FOR 8 : 35 P.M. 15 MINUTES. THE MOTION CARRIED. Recess was declared . The meeting was reconvened at 8 :45 p.m . with all Councilmen present as previously. AUDIENCE COMMENT The Chairman invited further remarks from Wage group and employee representatives or the public at large. Remarks by Mrs . Mrs . Barkdoll , Talbot Hill area resident , inquired Barkdoll on the regarding proposed amendment from list distributed proposed budget this evening, item no. 56, Budget Page 155 , added amendments expenditures for undergrounding improvementsland city participation, it being her impression that such was the responsibility of the power company . Perry noted expenditure was for undergrounding all lighting along Rainier Avenue and this is the City share of matching funds , a reduction therein being proposed as a measure to balance the budget . Mrs. Barkdoll made inquiry concerning. Item 55 , budget page 147 , citing $20,000 architectural fees for branch library as costly. Clymer noted allocation set aside for future branch library to accumulate from year to year with hope for total of $200 ,000. 00 for the full facility and the architect ,hired basically to look over contracts and insure that specifications are met , usually charges 10 to 12% fee . Mrs . Barkdoll urged 5% fee and hiring local architects thereby perhaps saving costs . Perry noted the law requires bid call and award to low bidder. Bruce noted use of local architects and appraisers for city proj :?cts including the library, mun.icipal building and Carco theatre . 40i'3 MINUTES - PUBLIC HEARING ON 1972 BUDGET 12/1/71 Page 3 . AUDIENCE COMMENT Remarks by Mrs . Discussion ensued concerning agreement to Barkdoll and be reached for a balanced budget , and views Council Members of citizens noted to be welcome and appreciated. Mrs . Barkdoll praised services of the Police Department noting her interest on behalf of herself and others in her area in the budget and city operations . Mr. Joe Sporcic - Mr. Joe Sporcic 1316 Harrington N.E. inquired Inquiry concerning concerning budget imbalance and it was noted budget balancing and that the Mayor must present a balanced pre- legal requirement liminary budget and council likewise must have a balanced budget upon its final adoption . Councilman Stredicke noted the Mayor 's Pre- liminary Budget balance of $14 ,624 ,128 . 00 and at present Council 's proposed revisions will amend to figure of $15 ,530 ,400 . 00 , as per list distributed this evening, resulting from revised departmental requests for newly approved grant projects for Urban Arterials , Water Maintenance and Job Development Man Training program, with sC.*ne proposed changes yet pending before the body and needing to be resolved. Further comments The Mayor pro tem called for further remarks invited from wage group representatives employees and citizens who might wish to comment Ted Bennett , Non- Mr . Ted Bennett , Utility Accountant , on behalf Union , Non-Uniformed of Non-Union , Non-Uniformed employees ,reconfirmed Employee Representa- petition filed with the Council for like con- tive sideration as may be given to those represented by labor groups ,with no preference to be shown to any particular group . but equal consideration requested for all . ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO 9 : 05 P .M. RECESS THE PUBLIC HEARING MEETING UNTIL 4 : 30 P .M. ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 6 , 1971 . THE MOTION CARRIED . The meeting was adjourned. Gw✓nlMarshall , Deputy City Clerk 404 RENT.ON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AND 1972 BUDGET HEAPING December 6 , 1971 Municipal Building 4 : 30 P .M. Council Chambers R E F E R R A L S COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE, Subject of Board of Adjustment membership requirements COUNCIL PRESIDENT 3 To appoint 3-man council committee to work with Library Board as may concern planning and implementation of the new branch facility . (Council library Construction Cnmmittee appointed : Clymer, Ch . , Perry and Stredicke) LEGISLATION COMMITTEE 1972 Budget adopted as amended and referred for effecting legislation . (Ordinance No . 2678 adopted) Fund transfer requested by Park Board from Cum . Res . Fund No . 1689 in sum of $1 ,289 . 10 to cover cost of transcript of court proceeding in Scott-Pacific Property court case !Lake Wn . Beach Park addition) Utility Easement on vocational school site authorized as requested by School District No . 403 $200,000. 00 Councilmanic Bond Issue authorized for new branch library MAYOR Authorized to execute agreement with State Highway Dept . on SR-515 (Benson Highway relocation project) PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Volunteer Firemen 's letter urging support of old fire truck restoration . PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATOR To prepare breakdown of airport revenues PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Bids on No . 6th Street improvement and sanitary sewer project . APPOINTMENTS Mr. William J . Connor - Board of Adjustment , Pos . #2 , expiring 9/6/75 Special Library Construction Committee - Clymer , Ch . , Perry and Stredicke PROCLAMATION_ Blood Donor Week - Dec. 5 - 11 , 1971 and Blood Bank Day, December 8 , 1971 Bloodmobile at Eagles Lodge on 12/8/71 w 405 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AND 1972 BUDGET HEARING December 6 , 1971 Municipal Building 4 :30 p.m . Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance CALL TO ORDER and called the City Council meeting to order. ROLL CALL OF GRANT , SCHELLERT , DELAURENTI, PERRY, STREDICKE , COUNCIL MEMBERS CLYMER AND BRUCE . .� CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT , Mayor , GWEN MARSHALL , Deputy IN ATTENDANCE City Clerk , DOROTHEA GOSSETT, City Treasurer, G . M. SHELLAN, City Attorney , JACK WILSON, City Engineer , FRANK HENRY, Acting Police Chief, GORDON ERICKSEN , Planning Director , GENE COULON, Park Director, VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Director ; M . C . WALLS , Fire Chief, VIC TE GANTVOORT , Street Commissioner , CLARK PETERSEN, Library Director , DEL BENNETT , Public Works Administrator , JIM FRASER , Personnel Director and BERNARD RUPPERT , Building Director . MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO APPROVE 11/22/71 Regular THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF 11/22/71 and 12/1/71 Public AND THE PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF 12/1/71 AS PRE- Hearing, Meetings PARED AND MAILED OUT . THE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING_ The Public Hearing on the 1972 Budget , recessed 1972 Budget-Recessed from 12/1/71 was continued . There being no from December 1 . audience comment , council action was invited at this time . List of proposed amendments as compiled by the budget committee had been dis- Recess tributed and it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES TO ALLOW TIME FOR READING AND REVIEW OF THE PROPOSED AMEND- MENTS TO THE MAYOR 'S PRELIMINARY BUDGET FOR 1972 . THE 1>110TION CARRIED. Recess was declared . The meeting reconvened at 4 :40 p.m . with all Council Members responding to roll call as previously. Council President Grant inquired if persons were present to represent the various wage negotiating groups . Mr . Harold Caldwell responded for the Police Officers Guild and Mr . Bruce Phillips for the Fire Fighters Local , in-process negotiations noted with Mr . Connor and no remarks to be offered , therefore ,on the budget at this time . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING . THE MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ADOPT THE 1972 BUDGET AS PROPOSED BY THE MAYOR , WITH AMEND- MENTS NOS. 1 THROUGH 60 AND AS MAY BE FURTHER AMENDED, SUBJECT TO GOOD FAITH CONTINUED NEGOTIA- TIONS BY THE CITY ' S REPRESENTATIVE WITH DESIGNATED BARGAINING AGENTS , ALL WITHIN LIMITS OF THE TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS SO AS NOT TO EXCEED EXPENDITURES OVER TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES, BUT TO ALLOW TRANSFERS WITHIN THESE LIMITS AS AGREED UPON BY THE PARTIES. Discussion ensued . Councilman Stredicke opposed Item 4 of proposed amendments , Budget Page 9 , increasing Mayor 's salary , citing salary in prior years and increases to date , and advising council to give like consideration to all employees . Opposing Item No . 45 , Budget Page 88 , Fire Prevention Inspector grade change , he inquired as to Civil Service status , rank attached and limit on salary percentage increase . The Chair noted Civil Service Certifications , status of appointment and rank attachment noting Pay Board information that promotional increase is not affected by the limitation . Opposing deletion of $20 ,000 . 00 from budget page 147 , Library Services and Facilities as allocated for branch library plans , he requested further information . Schellert, in his opinionllnoted 406 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING Page 2 . PUBLIC HEARING ON 1972 BUDGET (Cont. ) Amendments to Budget the Library Board felt a Highlands Branch would re Branch Library be needed in event the NE area annexation passed but that it would rather have money to improve the main facility and thus the deletion action with suggested contingency budget to provide for Item 54 , Budget annexation contingency . STREDICKE MOVED, SECOND BY Page No . 155 PERRY, TO FLETE CUM. RES . FUND #2373 BY THE SUM OF $20 ,000 . 00 AND TO PLACE THAT AMOUNT INTO THE BUDGET TO PLAN A BRANCH LIBRARY FACILITY. VOICE VOTE WAS DISSENTING AND ROLL CALL RESULTED AS FOLLOWS: AYE-3 : DELAURENTI, PERRY AND STREDICKE. NO-4 : GRANT, SCHELLERT, CLYMER AND BRUCE . THE MOTION T;O:�T. Councilmanic Bond MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO ADD A Issue for Library BUDGETARY .PROVISION FOR A $200 ,000 . 00 COUNCILMANIC BOND ISSUE FOR A NEW BRANCH LIBRARY. CARRIED. It was noted such costs come from within the 16 mill levy and does not involve expense to the taxpayer additionally . Reclass-Building MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO AMEND ITEM Director to 32B 24 , BUDGET PAGE 50 , BUILDING ADMINISTRATION, BUILDING DIRECTOR , AND CONCUR IN RECLASS TO 32B AS PER MAYOR 'S BUDGETARY RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED . Add to item 9 , Stredicke noted omission of authorized amendment $12 ,000 . 00 Wage as concerns salary study , a typographical error . and Management MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO INSERT THE Study . AMENDMENT TO BUDGET PAGE 9 , A/C 31 , PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, WAGE AND MANAGEMENT STUDY, $12 ,000 . 00 . THE MOTION CARRIED. Reclass - Public MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR Works Administrator IN RECLASS OF PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATOR TO 35C AS PER MAYOR'S BUDGETARY RECOMMENDATION. ITEM 48 , BUDGET PAGE 197 . THE MOTION CARRIED. Howard Cooper Fire MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO ADD Truck Restoration $2,000 . 00 TO THE FIRE DEPARTMENT BUDGET FOR THE (Motion Lost) RESTORATION OF THE CITY'S OLD FIRE ENGINE. Use of the equipment was discussed and if this were a legal expenditure of funds . DISSENTING VOICE VOTE ON THE PENDING MOTION BROUGHT ROLL CALL AS FOLLOWS : AYE-3 : GRANT, DELAURENTI AND BRUCE. NO--4 : SCHELLERT, PERRY, STREDICKE AND CLYMER . THE MOTION LOST. Pay Differential Councilman Bruce inquired concerning request between uniformed of Administrative Police Officers and Fire ranks Fighters that pay spread differential of at least 12% be maintained between ranks . It was suggested that this item is negotiable , attention being called to fact that these parties are not however represented by a Guild or Union Local and had been present personally at budget session with no subsequent council action being taken , some $13,000 . 00 required to effect same . Starting point of differential was noted and question as to, whether to have it needing to be resolves:. Item 54, Cum. Res . Schellert inquired if Item 54 resulted in $24,192 Fund 2373 remaining in that account . Affirmative reply was received. Stredicke commented as to the budget being termed severe noting that the salary increase and travel account allocations by the .council would belie same nor would actions seem to recognize the rate of unemployment in the City . 407 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING Page. 3 . PUBLIC HEARING ON 1972 BUDGET (Cont . ) Amendments to Mayor 's Question was called for on the pending motion . Preliminary Budget Dissenting voice vote brought roll call as (Cont . ) follows : AYE-3 : GRANT, SCHELLERT , AND BRUCE. NO- 4 : DELAURENTI, PERRY, STREDICKE AND CLYMER . THE MOTION LOST . SCHELLERT REQUESTED HIS VOTE TO BE RECORDED AS NO. GRANT AND BRUCE REQUESTED LIKE CHANGE. MOTION FAILED UNANIMOUSLY. Recess-5 :35 p.m. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED . The meeting 4... reconvened at 5 : 50 p.m . with all Councilmen present for roll call as previously . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO RECONSIDER THE PREVIOUS MOTION WHICH HAD JUST FAILED. MOTION CARRIED. Transfer to the MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO Contingency Fund TRANSFER THE $24 ,192 . 00 FROM CUMULATIVE RESERVE FUND NO. 2373 , ITEM 54 , BUDGET PAGE 155 , INTO GENERAL SERVICES CONTINGENCY FUND. To be item #62 , Budget Page 148 . After some lengthy dis- cussion concerning use of money and funds , and Attorney 's comments on difference between Cumulative Reserve Funds which may be only used for purpose stated , and Contingency Fund which may be used for various purposes under certain unforseen conditions , THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED . Proposed cut in MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CUT utility tax rate THE UTILITY TAX TO 1% EFFECTIVE AT THE END OF THE SECOND QUARTER , JUNE 30 , 1972 . (Tax rate presently 2%) THE MOTION LOST- Reduction in Mayor 's MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO - Travel Budget AMEND THE MAYOR 'S TRAVEL BUDGET TO THE AMOUNT OF $2 ,000 . 00 AND THE REMAINING $280 . 00 BE TRANSFERRED INTO THE CONTINGENCY FUND, BUDGET PAGE 148 . THE MOTION CARRIED. 1972 .BUDGET ADOPTED MAIN MOTION WAS VOTED UPON AND DISSENTING VOICE AS AMENDED VOTE BROUGHT ROLL CALL AS FOLLOWS : AYE-4 : GRANT, SCHELLERT, CLYMER AND BRUCE . NO-3 : DELAURENTI, PERRY AND STREDICKE. THE MOTION CARRIED. THE 1972. MAYOR 'S PROPOSED BUDGET WAS ADOPTED,AS AMENDED, SUBJECT TO NEGOTIATIONS AND FUND TRANSFERS AS STATED IN ORIGINAL MOTION. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. Point of inquiry Stredicke called for point of iquiry , questioning change of vote on strength of amendments, after recess ,if accomplishments included only transfer from cumulative to contingency fund and amending Mayor 's travel account . Inquiry was confirmed as correct . PENDING MOTION TO REFER CARRIED . Recess-6 :10 p.m . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO RECESS . THE MOTION CARRIED. Recess was declared. The meeting reconvened at 6 :19 p.m. with all Council Members responding to roll call as were previously in attendance . ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS_: ORDINANCE NO. 2678 Ordinance was placed on its first reading by the Adopting an annual Legislation Committee Chairman , Councilman Perry , Budget for 1972 . adopting an annual budget for the City of Renton for the year 1972 balanced at $16 ,081 ,684. 00 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BY BRUCE , TO ADOPT AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE-5 : GRANT, SCHELLERT , PERRY, CLYMER AND BRUCE . NO-2 : STREDICKE AND DELAURENTI. MOTION CARRIED, 4 MUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1216/71 Page 4. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (Cont . ) ORDINANCE NO. 2679 Ordinance was read amending Sec. 1-802 (A) , Vacation Benefits- (Vacations) , of Title I (Administrative) of Police Guild Only Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of Renton" , relating to vacation benefits . (New schedule affects Police Guild members only , per Guild Contract) . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. THE MOTION CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 2679 AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN SIX AYES AND ONE NO, STREDICKE OPPOSING . THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 2680 Ordinance was placed on introductory reading Excess Revenue authorizing appropriation of $1 , 835 . 00 excess Appropriation to revenues in the Current Fund unto the Municipal Municipal Court Court budgetary accounts to cover salary and Budgetary Accts . equipment costs for Drug Rehabilitation Coordinator. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECOND BY CLYMER, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. THE MOTION CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADOPT THE LEGISLATION AS READ . ROLL CALL VOTE WAS AFFIRMATIVELY UNANIMOUS. THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 2681 Curfew legislation was submitted which had been Curfew Ordinance- on its first reading on 11/22/71 . Second and Amendments final readings were recommended by the Committee , effective date of provisions noted to be 1/1/72. The ordinance amends Ch . 11 of Title VI, (Police Regulations) of Ordinance No . 1628 , entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton " relating to Curfew.MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECOND BY SCHELLERT, TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 2681 AS READ . ROLL CALL RESULTED IN 5 AYES: NO-2 : STREDICKE AND CLYMER . MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 2682 Ordinance was read fixing the amount , form, date , L.I.D. No. 269 interest and rate of maturity of installment note , Installment Note directing the issuance and sale thereof unto the City of Renton Firemen 's Pension Fund, pertaining to Local Improvement District No . 269. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 2682 AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE FOLLOWED AND THE ORDINANCE WAS UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED. CORRESPONDENCE AND Letter from Supt . Shelby Bewley, Renton School CURRENT BUSINESS District 403 , requested withdrawal of petition, Withdrawal of request filed with the City earlier this year ,for action for annexation to to initiate annexation of the Earlington area t6 Renton-Earlington . the City of Renton . Park Board Request Letter from Park Director Coulon requested fund for Fund Transfer transfer from Cumulative Reserve account No . 1689 to cover court in sum of $1 ,289 . 10 to cover cost of transcribing proceeding trans- court proceedings to be used in City ' s appeal of cript case involving Scott-Pacific property . MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR AND TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER LEGISLATION TO EFFECT THE TRANSFER . CARRIED . Volunteer Firemen Letter signed by nine members of the old Renton Urging Support of Volunteer Fire Department urged support in the Old Fire Truck restoring of the old Howard Cooper fire truck Restoration which might be used for emergency purposes as well as historic value if original condition is maintained. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CA,RRTFD . 409 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/6/71 Page 5 . CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) The Kennydale Lions Club-No-Fee Letter from Milton G . Fiene , Chairman , Christmas Christmas Tree sale Tree Sales , Kennydale bions Club , requested city permission to display and sell Christmas Trees on vacant lots at NE 12th Street and Kirkland N. E. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR IN THE REQUEST. CARRIED. Bid Opening Report- The Deputy City Clerk .reported bid opening on N. 6th Street 11/24/71 ,Street Improvement and Sanitary Sewer Improvement and Installation , No . 6th St , Logan Ave . No . to Sewer project Garden Ave . No . , with six bidders responding . (See tabluations attached . ) MOVED BY SCHELLERT SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE BIDS TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. PROCLAMATION Proclamation by the Mayor designated the week of Blood Donor Week December 5 - 11 as Blood Donors Week and December 8 , as Blood Donors Day when the Bloodmobile will be at the Renton Eagles Lodge , 316 So. 3rd Street , for donations . Citizens were urged to visit the King County Bloodmobile and support this worthwhile endeavor. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE MAYOR 'S PROCLAMATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Grant submitted Committee Report report recommending that the Mayor be authorized SR-515 letter to sign letter agreement with the State Highway agreement with Department regarding SR-515 , subject to negotiations State Hwy. Dept . on Paragraph 6 as concerns responsibility for traffic control device's . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR . Letter was read from Del Bennett , Public Works Administrator , recom- mending deletion of paragraph 6 , responsibility being fixed by state law, further illumination and signals otherwise negotiable. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER TO AMEND THE COMMITTEE REPORT TO INCLUDE DELETION OF PARAGRAPH 6 OF THE PRO- POSED LETTER AGREEMENT. AMENDMENT CARRIED . THE ORIGINAL MOTION, AS AMENDED CARRIED. Meeting re possible Transportation Committee Chairman Grant reported closure of portion meeting to be arranged with the Park Board to of Houser Way N. discuss possible closure of Houser Way between Mill Avenue South and Bronson Pay South . Public Works Chairman Ken Bruce submitted Public Works Committee Report- Committee report recommending that the Council Relinquishment of concur in request of the School District for Easement by City relinquishment of easement on the Vocational School site with referral to the Legislation_ Committee .for necessary documents . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED . Airport Revenues MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THE PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATOR PREPARE A BREAKDOWN OF REVENUES AS RECEIVED BY THE AIRPORT. CARRIED. Personnel and Chairman Stredicke submitted Personnel and Com- Community Relations munity Relations Committee recommendation to Committee Report concur in the appointment of Mr. William M. Connor Board of Adjustment to position No . 2 on the Board of Adjustment , term Appointment expiring 9/6/75 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO CONCUR . MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE SUBJECT OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . CARRIED. 410 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1216/71 Page! 6 . OLD BUSINESS (Cont . ) Councilmanic Bonds MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE THAT THE Fnr Branch Library $200 ,000. 00 COUNCILMANIC BOND ISSUE FOR BRANCH LIBRARY FACILITY BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER LEGISLATION. CARRIED. Special Council Committee-Library MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE Construction COUNCIL PRESIDENT APPOINT A 3-MAN COMMITTEE TO OVERSEE THE LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION PLANNING AND TO COORDINATE IMPLEMENTATION WITH THE LIBRARY BOARD. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS COUNCIL PRESIDENT GRANT ANNOUNCED APPOINTMENTS OF Appointment-C—uncil COUNCILMEN CLYMER, CHAIRMAN, AND STREDICKE AND Library Construct- PERRY TO SERVE ON THE SPECIAL LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION ion Committee COMMITTEE. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Joe Sporcic,1316 Harrington N. E. , inquired concerning request for Saturday bus service during j the holidays ,and meetings attended concerning the I subject , noting some 176 persons riding from Renton . Transportation Committee Chairman Grant i advised that the Public Works Administrator is compiling information for the committee as to extent of passenger service rendered and the matter is still being deliberated . ADJOURN14ENT MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ADJOURN . 7 :08 p.m. THE MOTION CARRIED. Meeting was adjourned. Gwen Marshall , Deputy City Clerk 41,E Original FINAL BUDGET AMENDMENTS - December 6, 1971 DELETIONS ADDITIONS Item No. 1. Page 1 - Legislative - Clerk Steno II, Grade 16C reclas- $ -- $ sified to Confidential Secretary, Grade 17B No change in salary 2. Page 2 - Legislative - a/c 33.01 Transportation reduced from $2,800 to $2,100, a reduction of $700 700 3. Page 7 - Judicial - a/c 33.01 Transportation deleted in amount of $100 100 4. Page 8 - Executive - Mayor=s salary a/c 11 Salaries increased from $19,704 to 20,788, an increase �. of $1,084 1,081 5. Page 9 - Executive - Retirement a/c 13.01 increased $65 (Mayor) 65 6. Page 9 - Executive - Add new a/c 31 Professional Services for Wage and Management Study - $112,000 12,000 7. Page 10 - Executive - Transportation a/c 33.01 reduced to $2,000 - Reduction of $280 to be put into Contingency Fund (Page 148 Item 55) 280 NOTE: Items 2-7 (December 3, 1971 Proposed Amendments) Administrative Assistant previously deleted, now reinstated as shown in 1972 Preliminary Budget. ($17,606) 8. Page 11 -Civil Service Commission - Secretary Examiner salary reduction to stay within 5.5%. Salary reduced from $350 (Mayorls recommendation) to $264 per month. Total reduction a/c 11 Salaries $732 732 9. Page 11 - Civil Service Commission - a/c 12 Overtime added in amount of $500 (Secretary-Exa - ner) 500 �• 10. Page 12 - Civil Service Commission - a/c 13.02 FICA reduced by $37 (Secretary-Examiner) 37 11. Page 12 - Civil Service Commission - a/c 13.02 FICA increased $16 (Secretary-Examiner Overtime) 16 12. Page 12 - Civil Service Commission - a/c 33.01 Transportation deleted - $100 100 13. Page 16 - Legislative Records (City Clerk) - Transporta- tion a/c 33.01 reduced to $200, a reduction of $150 150 14. Page 16 - Legislative Records (City Clerk) - Advertising a/c 34 reduced from $4,800 to $4,300, a reduction of $500 500 15. Page 16 - Legislative Records (City Clerk) - Miscellaneous a/c 42 reduced from $2,550 to $2,000, a reduc- tion of $550 550 16. Page 20 - Miscellaneous Services (City Clerk) - Position of Printing Services Clerk established, Grade 16C, a/c 11 Salaries, addition of $324 324 17. Page 20 - Miscellaneous Services (City Clerk) - Reclassi- fication of Clerk I to Clerk Steno I. Grade 14C, a/c 11 Salaries addition of $50 50 18. Page 21 - Miscellaneous Services (City Clerk) - Retire- ment a/c 13.01 addition of $23 (Printing Services Clerk and Clerk Steno I) 23 19. Page 21 - Miscellaneous Services (City Clerk) - FICA a/c 13.02 addition of $19 (Printing Services Clerk and Clerk Steno I) 19 20. Page 32 - Data Processing - Computer Operator Grade 17D reclassified to Programmer Grade 18C. Total reduction from Mayorls recommendation $606 (Correction from 12/1/71) 606 21. Page 33 - Data Processing - Retirement a/c 13.01 reduced $60 (Programmer) 60 Final Budget Amendments - Cont. Page -'- December 6, 1971 Original DELETIONS ADDITIONS Items No. 22. Page 33 - Data Processing - FICA a/c 13.02 reduced $51 (Programer) $ 51 $ 23. Page 34 - Data Processing - Transportation a/c 33.01 reduced $300 leaving $600 300 24. Page 35 - Legal - Reduction of. Salaries a/c 11 in excess of 5.5% - $1,662 1,662 25. Page 35 - Legal - Reclassi.firaldon of Clerk Steno II from Grade 16E t cc Confikiwitial Secretary 17D - No Salary change -- 26. Page 36 - Legal - Addition of a/c 31 Professional Services Salary raises in excess of 5.5% - $1,662 1,662 24. 27. Page 50 - Building Administration - Building Director Grade 32B (Mayor's recomendation) changed to Grade 31C. Changed back to 32B (12/6/71) -- -- 28. Page 52 - Building Administration - Transportation a/c 33.01 reduced from $300 to $200, a reduction of $100 100 29. Page 55 - Building Maintenance - Reduction of a/c 62 Reconstruction of City Shop - $15,000 leaving $10,000 15,000 30. Page 148 - Contingency Fund - Addition of $4,763 to a/c 42 Miscellaneous for one Captain and two Lieutenants in Police Department 4,763 31. Page 73 - Police Crime Prevention - Reduce a/c 64 Machinery & Equipment $5,500 (Compact Cars) 5,500 The Department of Labor, Industrial Insurance Division, did not accept the Uniform Departments. Therefore, the following accounts show an adjustment; 32. Page 61 - Police Administrative - Reduction of a/c 13.05 Industrial Insurance - $300 300 33. Page 62 - Police Administrative - Addition to a/c 36 Insurance $4,570 4,570 34. Page 68 - Police Law Enforcement - Reduction of a/c 13.05 Industrial Insurance - $4,100 4,100 35. Page 71 - Police Crime Prevention - Reduction of a/c 13.05 Industrial Insurance - $1,100 1,100 36. Page 74 - Police Care & Custody of Prisoners - Reduction of a/c 13.05 Industrial Insurance - $100 100 37. Page 77 - Police Records & Communications - Reduction of a/c 13.05 Industrial Insurance - $300 300 38. Page 80 - Fire Administration - Reduction of a/c 13.05 Industrial Insurance - $160 160 39. Page 81 - Fire Administration - Addition to a/c 36 Insurance - $4,000 45 0 40. Page 86 - Fire Control - Reduction of a/c 13.05 Industrial Insurance - $4,200 4,200 41. Page 89 - Fire Prevention - Reduction of a/c 13.05 Industrial Insurance $200 200 42. Page 92 - Fire Personnel Training - Reduction of a/c 13.05 Industrial Insurance $100 100 411 Final Budget Amendments - Cont. Page -3- December 6, 1971 Original Item No. DELETIONS ADDITIONS 43. Page 84 - Fire Control - Reduction of a/c 11 Salaries for deletion of three new Firemen - $29,754 $ 29,754 $ 44. Page 86 - Fire Control - Reduction of a/c 13.01 Retirement - $1,785 1,785 45. Page 86 - Fire Control = Reduction o 'a/c 13.03 Prepaid Medical - $651 651 46. Page 86 - Fire Control - Reduction of a/c 14 Uniform & Clothing - $375 375 47. Page 87 - Fire Control - Transportation a/c 33.01 reduced $300 leaving $300 300 45. 48. Page 88 - Fire Prevention - Inspector changed from Grade 70E to Grade 72E, Grade of Captain. Salary of $1,143 .10 per month, $13,836 per year. Addition to a/c U Salaries - $1,956 1,956 49. Page 89 - Fire Prevention - Addition to a/c 13.01 Retirement $117 (Inspector) 117 50. Page 102 - Engineering Plans & Services - Reduction of a/c 22 Operating Supplies $500 leaving $2,000 500 48. 51. Page 107 - Public Works - Reclassification of Public Works Administrator from 35C (Mayorts recommendation) to Grade 34D - No salary change. Changed back to 35c(12/6/71) -- -- 52. Page 110 - Parks Administration - Park Director changed from Grade 32E to Grade 34D, a/c 11 Salaries r.. addition of $864 864 53. Page 310 - Parks Administration - Carco Theatre Director (Performing Arts Supervisor) - Error in Salary in Preliminary Budget. Reduction of a/c 11 Salaries - $296 296 54. Page Ill - Parks Administration - Addition to a/c 13.01 Retirement - $35 35 NOTE: Page 131 - City Street Maintenance - Previous addition to a/c 64 Capital Outlay of $11,000 for one ten yard dump truck will now be budgeted out of Equipment Rental (See Item 64) . Therefore, City Street Maintenance Budget is reinstated to original 1972 request. NOTE: Page 147 - Library Services & Facilities - Previous addition to Budget of a/c 31 Professional Services of $20,000 has been removed from the regular Budget pending determination of whether this amount can be appropriated through the Northeast Renton Annexation. 55. Page 148 - Contingency Fund - Addition to a/c 42 MW Miscellaneous of $280 from Executive Trans- portation a/c 33.01 (See Item 7) 280 62. 56. Page 148 - Contingency Fund - Addition to a/c 42 Miscellaneous of $24,192 from Cumulative Reserve #2373 (Undergroundi.ng) (See NOTE Page 4) 24,192 57. Page 150 - Cumulative Reserve #1698 (Fixe Equipment) - Restore to a/c 64 Machinery & Equipment - $5,000 5,000 t 4 Final Budget Amendments - Cont. Page -4- December 6, 1971 Original DELETIONS .^DDITIONS Item No. 58. Page 153 - Cumulative Reserve #2104 (Park Equipment) - Restore to a/c 64 Machinery & Equipment the Department request of $33,622, adding back into a/c 64 -- $9,122 $ $ 9,122 54. NOTE: Page 155 - Cumulative Reserve #2373 (Undergrounding) - $57,200 previously added to a/c 63 Improve- ments Other Than Buildings has been reduced, and after above action, there is available for this fund - $24,189 . Action taken 12/6/71 removed $24,189 from Cumulative Reserve #2373 and put this amount into the Contingency Fund (Page 148) (See Item 56) 59. Pages 157A-157B - Phase II Job Development & Vocational Training added in amount of $105,920 105,920 60. Pages 162-163 - Street Forward Thrust (Revised 11/18/71) a deduction from original request of $21,525 21,525 61. Page 165 - Urban Arterial (Revised 11/18/71) - an addition over original request of $1,044,090 1,0445090 62. Page 169 - Water Administration - Omit Utility Clerk II leaving Utility Bookkeeper in Budget at Grade 17C. No salary change. ®- -- 63. Pages 175-176 - Water Maintenance Revised Revision (11/30/71) - an addition of $129,071 more than original request 129, 64. Page 183 - Equipment Rental - a/c 64 Machinery & Equip- ment revised to reflect purchase of one 10 yard dump truck, reducing ;:-,Reserve for Depreciation $11,000 and adding the $11,000 into *1achinery & Equipment and therefore, deleting the $11,000 in Street Budget, Page 131 a/c 64 Capital Outlay, returning Street total Budget to original Preliminary request. -- -_ 65. Addition of 1972 Proposed Library Bond Issue for Branch Library 200,000 REVISED TOTAL CITY OF PENTON 1972 PRELDE=Y BUDGET $16,081,684 (This is an increase of 1,457,556 over Mayor's Preliminary Budget) (Total Capital Improvements from Federal and State Grants, County Forward Thrust Fonds and Bond Issue - $7,612,654) 415 December 6, 1971 Page 1 of 2 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID OPENING, NOVEMBER 245 1971 2:00 P.M. Street Improvement and Sanitary Sewer Installation North Sixth Street from Logan Avenue North to Garden Avenue North BID -- BIDDER BOND BID 1 ALTERNATE BID 2 Dyad Construction Co. Bid Bond $247,846.20 $232,384.95 P. 0. Box 1845 247,956.20:° 232394.95 Bellevue, Washington 98009 , LDL Land Development Co., Inc. Bid Bond 206,924.95 192,760.20 1529 West Valley Hwy. N. Auburn, Washington 98002 Gary Merlino Construction Co. Bid Bond 2411195.90 227,052.65 8630 Fauntlee Cr. S.W. 240 1 6. Seattle, Washington 98116 , 9 30,E 226'053.55% Moss Construction, Inc. Bid Bond 204,507.20 1881376.20 P.O. Box 89305 215,807.20;; 199,676.20;: Zenith, Washington 98073 Pacific Paving Co., Inc. Bid Bond 251,796.70 110,515.30 1215 River St. 236 621.70; P.O. Box 80203 Seattle, Washington 98108 J. E. Work, Inc. Bid Bond 3195186.25 300,552.25 8520 Willows Road Redmond, Washington 98052 318,691.75;: 3005058.75;; (1) MAIN BID - Based on removal of Railroad track and improvement of full street width to be improved under contract. (2) ALTERNATE BID - Based on Railroad tracks to remain with track adjustment and improvement of 151 of franchise area by Railroad company. Engineering Departmentls corrected figures Sales Tax included where applicable. NOTE: The Engineering Department anticipates that the Railroad tracks will be removed therefore, the Alternate Bid would not apply - See attached page for Main Bid Breakdown. December 6, 1971 FP NORTH 6TH STREET Page 2 of 2 Street Improvement G & Sanitary Sewer Installation L.D.L. Moss Const. Merlino Const. Dyad Const. Pacific Paving J . E. Work Auburn Zenith Seattle Bellevue Seattle Redmond BID SCHEDULE I Street Improvement & Drainage Logan Ave. N. to STA 14+50 $137,841 .25 $149,991 .25 $168,706.00 $159,616.75 $159,788.75 $198,293.50 BID SCHEDULE II Street Improvement & Drainage STA 14+50 to Garden Ave. N. $ 18,900.00 $ 23,318.25 $ 23,423 .40 $ 26,154.25 $ 28,025.15 $ 32,093.25 TOTAL STREET IMPROVEMENT & DRAINAGE $156,741 .25 $173,309.50 $192,129.40 $185,771 .00 $187 ,813.90 $230,386.75 BID SCHEDULE III Sanitary Sewer Installation Burnett Ave. N. to Garden Ave. N. Sub Total $ 47,794.00 $ 40,474.00 $ 45,778.00 $ 59,224.00 $ 60,936.00 $ 84,100.00 Sales Tax $ 2,389.70 $ 2,023.70 $ 2,288.90 $ 2,961 .20 $ 3 ,046.80 $ 4,205.00 Total Bid Schedule III $ 50,183.70 $ 42,497.70 $ 48,066.90 $ 62,185.20 $ 63,982.80 $ 88,305.00 TOTAL ALL BID SCHEDULES $206,924.95 $215,807.20 $240,196.30 $247,956.20 $251 ,796.70 $318,691.75 NOTE: Reduction in Street Improvement Bid by Utilizing Corrugated Metal Pipe $ 6,742.75 $ 3,808.00 $ -9- $ 3 ,046.00 $ 170.00 $ 3 ,206.00 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 6 , 1971 COAMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Grant Community Services Fri . 12/10 4 :00 PM Clymer 3rd Fl.Conf.Rm. Mining & Grading Ord. & Sea Coast Mgmt.Act Finance Mon. 12/13 : 30 PM Schellert lst Fl .Conf.Rm. Legislation Mon. 12/13 : 30 PM Perry Chmn' s Office 6th Fl. Personnel & Community Relations7 Stredicke Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Mon. 12/13 :15 PM Bruce 4th Fl.Conf.Rm. Transportation Grant F� 418 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 12/6/71 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPT. BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2853 $10, 000 .00 Ralph Wilson Plastics 727 Lind Ave SW Alt . & Add. to Wrhse 2854 400. 00 Mrs . G. Williams 404 Whitworth S . Reroof & instl g".rs 2855 800.00 Quendall Terminals 4203 Lk. WA Blvd Repairs & instl ,,,,Cr 2856 2 , 000. 00 Arthur C . Boyd 508 Windsor P1 NE Add & work studio 2857 7 , 500.00 Northwest Mortgage 2632 Lk Youngs Way Finish residence B 2858 250 .00 Don Holm 1008 S . 3rd St . Cover walls 2859 4, 700. 00 Rob.i.nson & Lyon 112 So. Grady Wy Pave lot 2860 25 , 000 .00 Kenny Lund 618 Par Ave No. Constr auto body shp 2861 15 , 000 . 00 WA Jo, k--y Club Inc Longacres Constr fndtn addst - 2862 1, 000.00 E & B Et,?_erprises 130 Park No. Constr inter . part ri�- B 2863 2 , 000.00 T. L. Seegmiller 2016 NE 24th Construct addition ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3469 275 .00 Douglas Core 1828 NE 20th St. Rewire garage 3470 50.00 Grant E. Zufelt 1008 S. 3rd St. Add 3 outlets 3471 400 .00 John Dobson 424 Park Ave No. Instl & rewire rooms 3472 50 .00 J. A. Newman 425 Rainier Ave S . Lot lites (temp) 3473 500 .00 Kay Harris 822 Aberdeen Ave Chng service E 3474 520.00 Standard Oil of CA 4020 NE 4th St. Wire addition 3475 50 .00 E. & B. Enterprises 130 Park Ave No. Lower & extnd outlets 3476 240 .00 Mrs . Foster Barnett 1012 No. 2nd St . Install new service 3477 1, 100.00 Quendall Terminal 4203 Lk WA Blvd N. Instl sub feed MECHANICAL PERMITS M 3028 200 . 00 George F . Berringer 429 Windsor Way Hang fireplace (metal 3029 450 .00 Northwest Mortgage 2632 Lk Youngs Wy Instl facilities 3030 VOID 3031 685 .00 Federal Housing Auth. 430 Mill Ave So. Inst , gas furnace 3032 500 .00 Dobson Bldg Co 424 Park Ave No . Inst . oil furnace M 3033 200 .00 Nova Properties 317 So. 3rd St . Inst . gas piping 3034 400.00 Jack Gisvold 1446 Union Ave NE Inst . gas furnace 3035 100.00 Quendell Corporation 4203 Lk WA Blvd N. Inst . fireplace 3036 860 .00 Texaco Oil Co. 4102 NE 4th St . Inst . oil furnace SIGN PERMITS S 188 10, 000. 00 K-Mart 440 Rainier Ave S . Inst . 7 wall , l roof 189 1, 000.00 Standard Oil of CA 1419 SE 30th St. Inst . pole sign 190 50.00 Don Holm 1008 So. 3rd St . Paint wall sign 191 1, 978. 00 Dynasties East 249 Park Ave No . Inst . pole sign SEWER PERMITS S 1656 Mr. Papka 81 Tobin Ave Connect storm sew 1657 Texaco Co. 400 Union Ave NE Connect storm sew 1658 John Dennis 1206 N. 35th St . Connect storm sewer 1659 John Dennis 1214 N. 35th St . Connect storm sewer 1660 Uohn Dennis 1205 N. 35th St . Connect storm server 419 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING December 13, 1971 Municipal Building 8 :00 P.M. Council Chambers R E F E R R A L S COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE_ Letters from Fire Department administrative officers and from Non- Union , Non-Uniformed employee representatives requesting same vacation benefits granted Police Guild Members by Ordinance 2679 . Subject of letters between King County and City of Renton Council Members concerning joint use of facilities by the City , County and School District . Subject of a Regional Airport FINANCE COMMITTEE Refurbishing of Howard Cooper Fire Engine (Added by amendment to minutes of 12/6/71 council meeting) LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Proposed Ordinance creating advance travel expense fund Fund appropriation to Fire Department budgetary accounts to cover costs of service-connected illness and disability salary payments PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE AND *POLICE DEPARTMENT Application requesting that Rainier Amusement Company be granted the required license to operate music machine at Dino 's Bistro *Specifications to be set forth as required in connection with Taxicab Safety Inspections . TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE -- Subject of amending Taxicab zone ordinance as per request of Mr. J. J. Abraham of O. K. Cab Company in letter of 9/1/71 . Subject of Tolerance Permit for overweight logging trucks APPOINTMENTS Renton Aviation Board - Mr. Marcus E. McCorkle, term expiring 11/6/74 Youth Guidance Committee - Karen Huff, Hazen High School Greg Hutchings , McKnight Middle School CITY CLERK NELSON,RECUPERATING AT HOME FROM EMERGENCY SURGERY,, FOR A RUPTURED APPENDIX,WISHES TO THANK EVERYONE FOR THE THOUGHTFUL VISITS, CARDS AND GIFTS AND SHE EXPECTS TO RETURN TO WORK VERY SOON. 12, RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING December 13 , 1971 Municipal Building 8 :00 P .M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance CALL TO ORDER and called the regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI, PERRY, STREDICKE AND COUNCIL MEMBERS BRUCE . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO EXCUSE ABSENT MEMBERS GRANT AND CLYMER . THE MOTION CARRIED. (Both members arrived later) . CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT , Mayor , GWEN MARSHALL , Deputy City IN ATTENDANCE Clerk , G . M. SHELLAN, City Attorney , JACK WILSON, City Engineer , DEL BENNETT , Public Works Adm. , VIC TE GANVOORT, Street Commissioner , TED BENNETT , Utility Accountant , GENE COULON , Park Director , M. C. WALLS, Fire Chief , JIM FRASER , Personnel Director and BERNARD RUPPERT , Building Director. Visiting Students Mayor Garrett expressed pleasure at attendance Welcomed by Mayor of a youth group from St . Andrews Presbyterian Church extending them a welcome and inviting later remarks . MINUTE APPROVAL Councilman Schellert noted omission from minutes 12/6/71 Meeting of previous meeting concerning restoration of the Howard Cooper Fire Truck , Page 2 , Paragraph 6 , see also , Page 4 , Paragraph 7 , which motion should have indicated referral to the Finance Committee as well as the Public Safety Committee . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF 12/6/71 AS AMENDED. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted RESOLUTIONS proposed Ordinance establishing and creating a revolving fund to allow advance payments of travel Proposed fund for expenses for city officials and employees , as pro- advancing travel vided by Ch . 74 , 1969 Session Laws . Motion was expenses proposed for second and final readings , hawever Stredicke requested additional time for review by Council . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE DOCUMENT BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COM- MITTEE TO HOLD FOR ONE WEEK AND COPIES TO BE FUR- NISHED COUNCILMEN IN THE MEANTIME. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE 26SS Ordinance was read providing for the issuance and Limited G .O. Bond sale of $300 ,000 . 00 par value of "Limited General Issue and sale Obligation Bonds , 1972" , of the City , to provide $300 ,000. 00 for a part of the funds with which to pay the cost of Lake Wn . Beach acquiring land for , and developing the City 's so- Park land called Lake Washington Beach Park; specifying the acquisition maturities and fixing the form and maximum effective interest rate of such bonds ; establishing a "Limited General Obligation Bond Fund" ; and providing for the sale of such bonds . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, AND SECOND BY DELAURENTI, TO ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. rafter final i reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE BEING UNANIMOUSLY AFFIRMATIVE, THE MOTION CARRIED. I RESOLUTION 1776 Resolution was read authorizing transfer of Fund transfer $1 ,288 . 80 from Cumulative Reserve Fund No . 1689 to Park Budget unto Park Fund Budgetary Account 101/533. 50 . 61 for Court Costs for transcription of court proceedings . MOVED BY Scott-Pacific DELAURENTI , SECOND BY SCHELLERT, TO ADOPT . MOTION Court Case CARRIED. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 421 Page 2 . CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : Funds for Fire Letter from Fire Chief Walls requested fund Department Illness appropriation of $14 ,000 . 00 from Current and Disability Fund excess revenues unto the Fire Department Payments budgetary salary accounts made necessary due to service-connected illness and disability payments . MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED . Application for Letter from owner of Dino 's Bistro requested Music Machine that Rainier Amusement Company be granted the License required license to operate a music machine at said place of business . MOVED BY CLYMER AND SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE APPLICATION TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE_ WITH POWER TO ACT. THE MOTION CARRIED . Requests for Letters were read from administrative officers Vacation Benefits M. C. Walls , R. Geissler and M. L. Sherertz , granted Police Renton Fire Department and from Ted Bennett and Guild in Ord. Jim Magstadt , Non-Union , Non-Uniformed employee No. 2679 representatives , requesting to be granted like vacation schedule as provided for Police Guild Members in Ordinance No . 2679 passed by Council on 12/6/71 . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE TWO LETTERS TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR REPORT BACK. MOTION CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett requested concurrence Mr . Marcus E. in the appointment of Mr . Marcus E. McCorkle to McCorkle-Renton another term on the Renton Aviation Board, term Aviation Board expiring 11/6/74 . Mr . McCorkle has served on the Board since 1967. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT. CARRIED. Youth Guidance Letter from Mayor Garrett reported appointments Committee Student of student members to the Youth Guidance Committee appointees as follows : Karen Huff, Hazen High School and Greg Hutchings , McKnight Middle School . AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Frank Storey inquired concerning program Frank Storey - whereby student body elective personnel of the Ride along on various schools were permitted to ride along patrol program on patrol with police officers . Mayor Garrett noted this had been initiated with the former Mayor and although the officers may be somewhat less proficient with such riders , the program has not been discontinued nor is it limited to students but upon receipt of requests provision is made for such participation . Joe Sporcic - Mr. Joe Sporcic, 1316 Harrington N. E. , inquired Bus Transportation concerning bus transportation and news articles and Election referring to an election , also expressing his feeling the issue need not be on the ballot with others issues but could stand on its own merit . Mayor Garrett recalled city contribution toward a study , along with other cities , which is to determine factors of operation and election , no date set therefor as yet ,and one reason for not -- putting the issue on a ballot alone - being that costs to be borne by Metro would be prohibitive, which would otherwise be shared by sponsors of other ballot issues . Jeff Parsons Mr. Jeff Parsons , member of student group in Inquiry re attendance ,inquired regarding student appoint- Mayor 's Youth ments to the Mayor 's Youth Guidance Committee . Guidance Committee Mayor Garrett advised appointees were named by Appointments Judge Houser , also recommended by schools , and appointed by the Mayor for membership on the Committee and they make recommendations pertaining to curfew and other matters affecting young people. 4a2uTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING Page 3. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Public Works Chairman Bruce submitted Public Works Committee Committee Report report recommending award to low bidder, L.D.L. on Bid Award Construction Company of Auburn , of No . 6th Street N. 6th Street Improvement and Sewer project , in bid amount of Improvement and $206 ,924 . 95 . Error in news item needing to be Sanitary Sewers corrected (not city 's legal publication paper) was noted , the article indicating bid award. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR IN AWARD OF BID AS RECOMMENDED. MOTION CARRIED. Legislation Chairman Perry submitted Legislation Committee Committee report noting referrals needing action by other Report committees, to whom they had 'also been referred,, requesting return to his committee thereafter. Taxicab Safety Referral to Public Safety Committee and Police Inspections Department for recommendation as to specifications recommended. MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. Amendment to Recommended that no revision be made to existing Taxicab Zone Taxicab Zone Ordinance . Motion was proposed to Ordinance concur . Discussion ensued concerning unused stands in the downtown area which might be used for public parking and request of Mr . Abraham of O. K. Cab Co for additional zone noted. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE MATTER T'O THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Tolerance Permit Recommended that the matter of overweight truck for Overweight tolerance permits be referred to the Transporta- Logging Trucks tion Committee for specific recommendations . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. i News article re The Legislation Committee recommended that no tax dollar use action be taken in regard to newspaper article for parks and use of tax dollar in support of parks where cities are growing and extending around same , news item noting such to be complaint of King County Council . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY GRANT AND CARRIED, TO CONCUR . NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Letters re joint MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, SUBJECT use of facilities OF LETTERS FROM A KING COUNTY COUNCILMAN TO A by City , County RENTON CITY COUNCILMAN, CONCERNING JOINT CITY, and Schools COUNTY, SCHOOL, USE OF FACILITIES, BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . CARRIED. Regional Airport MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THE MATTER OF A REGIONAL AIRPORT BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Dave Douglas , 3325 N.E. 17th Place, noted his attendance along with a group of senior Visiting Students high students whom he introduced at this time : Victoria Wheatley , Jeff Parsons , John Milner, Tammie Hix , John Hanstad, Roger Berglund, Jeff Jones , Karen Holmes , Claire Gander and Rod Olin . Dave noted his enthusiasm over some months of visiting the meetings , curtailed recently by conflicting activities, it being his hope that others will be likewise enthused in watching clock-like workings of city government in action . Mayor Garrett extended invitation to the group to again visit the meetings . ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI AND 8:42 p.m. CARRIED, TO ADJOURN. Meeting adjourned. Gwen Marsha Z1 , Deput77 City Clerk OFFICE q E CITY CLERK I COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 13 , 1971 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Grant Community Services Fri . 12/17 4 :00 PM Clymer 3rd Fl .Conf . Rm. Mining & Grading Ordi- nance to be discussed. Finance Schellert Legislation Mon. 12/20 4 : 30 PM Perry Chairman ' s Off . 6th Floor Personnel & Community Relations Stredicke Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Bruce Transportation w/Park Board Tues 12/14 6 :00 PM Grant 4th Fl .Conf. Rm. To discuss possible closure of Houser Way G.D 424 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPT. BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2864 $2,000.00 City of Renton 635 Park Ave. N. Inst. Drop Ceilings 2865 -- Mike W. Lotto 115 Garden Ave. N. Demolish 2 Duplexes 2866 10,000.00 Washington Jockey Club Longacres Remodel Clubhouse Are 2867 641.00 Mark Seven Realty FHA 579 Bronson Wy. N.E. Repl. , Repr., Remove B 2868 -- Goldie Kauziarich 206 Wells Ave. N. Inst. Vinawall Steel 1 ink 2869 1150.00 Mark Seven Realty FHA 579 Bronson Wy. N.E. Re-roof Residence 2870 778.00 " IT 430 Mills Ave. S. Re-roof & Inst. Gutters 2871 700.00 " " " " 11 It 1f " " IT It Repair Foundation 2872 500.00 " " " " 579 Bronson Wy. N.E. Construct Partition B 2873 800.00 " " " " " 929 Edmonds N.E. Repair Floor Partitions ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3478 50.00 Texaco Oil Co. 4102 N.E. 4th St. Inst. Temp. Service 3479 40.00 Pacific Northwest Bell 3011 Sunset Blvd. N.E. Inst. Serv. for Phone Boot} 3480 120.00 Lucian Depicolzuane 966 Bremerton Crt. N.E. Add Elec. Heat-Add Recept. 3481 1,588.00 Mark Seven Realty FHA 316 Burnett Ave. N. Inst. Serv. Add Elec. Heat E 3482 4,250.00 K-Mart 440 Rainier Ave. S. Showcase Hookup & Lighting 3483 700.00 John Dennis 1214 N. 3rd Wire Sngl. Fam. Dwelling 3484 700.00 John Dennis 1206 N. 35th Wire Sngl. Fam. Dwelling 3485 200.00 Pac. Car & Found. 1400 N. 4th St. Provide Circuit Air Cond. 3486 690.00 Mark Seven Realty FHA 430 Mill Ave. S. Inst. New Serv. E 3487 645.00 Mark Seven Realty FHA 929 Edmonds Ave. N.E. Inst. New Serv. 3488 980.00 " " " " " 655 Redmond Ave. N.E. Inst. New Serv., Elec. Heal 3489 940.00 " " " r< 823 Aberdeen Ave. N.E . Inst. New Serv., Elec. Heal, 3490 1000.00 Jim Kirkman 1427-1429 Queen N.E. Wire Duplex 3491 1,000.00 Jim Kirkman 1421-1423 Queen N.E. Wire Duplex 3492 728.00 City of Renton 1717 Maple Valley Hi-Wy Exchange Entrance Fixe es 3493 349.00 City of Renton 635 Park Ave. N. Repl. Incandescent Fi Flc 3494 900.00 George Mehrens 314 S. Tobin St. Inst. New Serv. 3495 250.00 Robinaon & Lyon Trailor Sales 112 Grady Wy. S. Connect Trailor (Temporary E 3496 150.00 T. L. Seegmiller 2016 N.E. 24th St. Wire Addition to Residence, MECHANICAL PERMITS M 3037 4,500.00 lst. Presbyterian Church 2640 Benson Rd. S. Inst. Plumbing & Fixtures 3038 995 .00 Kirkman Const. Co. 1427-1429 Queen Ave. N.E .Inst. 2 Elec. Furnaces 3039 995.00 Kirkman Const. Co. 1421-1423 Queen Ave. N.E. Inst. 2 Elec. Furnaces 3040 112.00 W. Dixon Long 2936 N.E. 6th St. Relocate Water Heater 3041 600.00 Mark Seven Realty FHA 579 Bronson Wy. N.E. Inst. Plumbing & Fixtures 3042 700.00 Mark Seven Realty FHA 428 Burnett Ave. S. Inst. Plumbing & Fixtures M 3043 275.00 " " " " " 3916 N.E. 6th St. " t1 11 11 11 ,1 3044 500.00 " " " " " 316 Taylor Ave. N.W. " it 11 IT 11 3045 270.00 " " " " " 3717 N.E. 10th St. 3046 240.00 " " " " 512 Whitworth Ave. So. 3047 200.00 " It " " " 316 Burnett Ave. N. Inst. Water Heat. & Drain M 3048 900.00 " " 430 Mill Ave. S. Inst. Plumb. Fix.-Drain. P SIGN PERMITS S 192 225.00 Mrs. Lavina Kessler 719 So. 4th St. Inst. Electric Sign 111 425 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING December 20 , 1971 Municipal Building 8 :00 P.M. Council Chambers R E F E R R A L S COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE International Fire Fighters , Local 864 , letters of May 8 , 1971 and December 15 , 1971 requesting certain vacation benefits , and subject of sick leave abuse Transportation Committee reports , majority and minority , and Park Board recommendations concerning Houser Way improvement in vicinity of ... Liberty Park , including Cedar River underpass . FINANCE COMMITTEE IAFF , Local 864 request that favorable consideration be given request of the Volunteer Fire Fighters .for financial aid in restoring the 1927 Howard Cooper Fire Truck . LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Vacation of portion of Houser Way North as petitioned by Pacific Car and Foundry Company et a1 . Request of Purchasing Director , Vern Church , to declare various types of traffic equipment no longer used by the City as surplus and for sale by sealed bid call . Appropriation of cash surplus from Firemen ' s Pension Fund into the Pension Fund budgetary account PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE IAFF, Local 864 , request for favorable consideration to Volunteer Fire Fighters request for financial aid for Howard Cooper Fire Truck restoration APPOINTMENTS Mr. C. L Day , reappointed to Renton Aviation . Board , term expiring 11/6/74 Department Heads : Jack E . Wilson , Director of Engineering Gerard M. Shellan , City Attorney Bernard L. Ruppert , Building Director Gordon Y. Ericksen , Planning Director William E . Bennett , Acting Finance Director James T . Fraser, Acting Personnel Director ELECTED: Council President for 1972 - Councilman Ken Bruce Council President pro tem - Councilman Earl Clymer 426 RENTON CITY COUNCIL December 20, 1971 REGULAR MEETING 8 :00 P.M. Municipal Building Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett Zed the Pledge of Allegiance CALL TO ORDER and called the regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI, PERRY, STREDICKE, CLYMER COUNCIL MEMBERS AND BRUCE . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO EXCUSE THE ABSENT MEMBER . CARRIED. (Grant arrived during the public hearing shortly after the meeting had convened) , CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor , GWEN MARSHALL, Deputy City IN ATTENDANCE Clerk , G . M. SHELLAN, City Attorney , JACK WILSON, City Engineer, DEL BENNETT, Public Works Adm. , VICTOR TE GANTVOORT, Street Commissioner, GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director , TED BENNETT, Utility Accountant , GENE COULON, Park Director , JIM FRASER, Personnel Director, FRANK HENRY, Acting Police Chief, VERN CHURCH , Purchasing Director and BERNARD RUPPERT, Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY BRUCE , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO APPROVE 12/13/71 Meeting THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF 12/13/71 AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT. MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set , the hearing was opened. Vacation of portion Audience comment was invited. Mr. Dick Everett , of Houser Way North Asst . Counsel , Pacific Car & Foundry Co. , reported unsuccessful efforts of the company to acquire Mr. Dick Everett, property from Diamond Parking, Inc. , being advised . Asst. Counsel , Pac. at 3 : 30 p.m. this date of Diamond 's decision not Car & Foundry Co. not to enter into agreement . City Engineer Wilson reported distribution of maps of the proposed vacation and film slides were shown by Public Works Administrator Del Bennett who designated boundaries of the proposed vacation and pointed out individually owned parcels . Mr. Everett requested amendment to the original petition for vacation of Houser Way North by the deletion of that property owned by Diamond Parking, Inc. Upon inquiry of affect of vacation on parking area to be deleted, Mr. Everett maintained that access will be available at northerly leg with curb cuts the same as presently exist , access otherwise to be from North 4th and North 8th and proposed improvements felt to be in the public interest . Discussion ensued and it was noted that the present right of way will be completely removed, Also, that the case is unusual in circumstances , the efforts Prompted however,by City 's request for abandonment of the 6th street track which will require revision to internal right of way and in-plant trackage and land acquisition in connection with parking of railroad cars and the incoming and outgoing shipments of cars and materials . City Attorney Shellan Upon inquiry , City Attorney Shellan advised that remarks on Procedure under State Law the Council has the right to grant any portion , or all , delete from 4& M 4W the vacation having such perogative so to do. It was discerned that there was no representative present of the businesses to the north of Pacific Car & Foundry , Mr. Everett advising he had made a caucus of all businesses , there being 7 , and 3 had signed statements , one branch manager not allowed to sign for the company but advising closure would not ad- versely affect business, All owners had been advised of tonights meeting and Mr. Diamond being aware of same and conditions of the vacation nrnnn.aa7a 4v7 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/20/71 Page 2. PUBLIC HEARING : Vacation of portion of Houser Way North (Cont . ) Audience comments Ingress/egress problems at the northerly end of and inquiries Houser were noted by Bruce and present use was discussed. Prior conditions recalled by Mr. Frank Storey were noted to be greatly improved since opening of the North Renton Interchange . Mr. Del Bennett reported traffic survey of light volume with many of the vehicles involved in the parking area . He advised this is the lowest class of arterial , being partly one-way and with poor access , especially declining in utilization since am the opening of the Interchange and due to present unemployment conditions . Mr. Everett noted long range planning and acquisition of Burlington property contingent on the vacation and advised that employee parking is to be maintained. Mr. John Salathe Mr. John Salathe, Pacific Car representative, General Manager, noted basic desires concerning the vacation Pac. Car & Foundry including need to extend rail facilities when Company the 6th street area is cut off to handle car out- put of 40-45 per day and incoming materials for such production . Crossing of Houser Way at several points in utilization for in-house access and out- put egress . Past company expansion was noted and future growth and benefits to the city thereby were noted and the vacation requested for purposes of necessity and facility as outlined. Mr. Frank Inquiry by Mr. Tibbels inquired concerning traffic in the event Frank Tibbels Boeing picks up and it was noted same is alleviated by the No. Renton Interchange and one-way directional controls . Mr. Frank Storey recalled congestion in past years and noted Pacific Car to be a community asset and the proposal tobe a seemingly good one . Mr. Bill Robbins , Further slides were shown and proposed use outlined Asst . General Mgr. , by Mr. Bennett which pattern of pian was felt to Pacific Car & be an improvement for the area . Mr. Bill Robbins , Foundry Co. Renton Div. , Pacific Car, reported traffic study revealing that much of the traffic is that of the vehicles utilizing the company parking lot and that as the slides indicated the Diamond lot is used very little . Mr. Everett- Mr. Everett summarized requests including that for Summary of amendment to the original petition by deletion , also Remarks that street vacation fees which may be assessed per Sec. II, Ordinance 2349, be waived. Costs to be incurred in accommodation of the city request for track removal were outlined, the value of Houser Way deemed considerably less , being underlaid with utilities , easement to be granted for same. The transaction will also put property now exempt on the tax rolls which property had originally been given the city by donation . Council and staff Councilman Stredicke pointed out that presentation noted lesser traffic since employment is down but no mention was made of affect of its rising, attention called to later agenda item regarding another area of this right of way and completely reversed approach as to volume to be presented. Councilman Schellert asked for staff comment on the North 6th Street Improvement project. City Engineer Wilson reported in process Urban Arterial project for which bids have been called for and awarded the mode of construction to depend upon Findings and whether or not they have to work around the tracks . Council action It being the finding of the Council that the pro- posed means of access will not substantially affect the interest of owners of the deleted property and it being agreed that a reversion clause along with utility easement be included and said vacation 428 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/20/71 Page 3 PUBLIC HEARING : Vacation of portion of Houser Way (Cont . ) Council Action DFL?IIY'_ THE PROPERTY OF DIAMOND PARKING, INC. Vacation of AND REDUCING THE AREA BY APPROXIMATELY 260 FT. , Houser Way North EXTENDED SOUTHERLY FROM THE ORIGINAL APPLICATION, AND SUBJECT TO FINDINGS AS HERETOFORE STATED. THE MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. THE MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, IN VIEW OF IMPROVEMENTS TO BE IMPLEMENTED TO WAIVE THE VACATION FEE AS REQUESTED. MOTION CARRIED. (Not $100 . 00 Filing Fee) VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported Nos . 5055-5555 committee approval of Vouchers Nos . 5055 through 5555 which have received departmental certifica- tion as to receipt of merchandise and/or '-service , and recommended council approval at this time . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION, APPROVING THE VOUCHERS AND AUTHORIZING PAYMENT THEREOF AS REPORTED. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted RESOLUTIONS ordinance which has been on first reading on 12/13/71 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY ORDINANCE 2684 DELAURENTI, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND Advance Travel AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. The Ordinance Fund was read establishing and creating a revolving fund to allow advance payments of travel expenses for city officials and employees , as provided by Ch . 74 , 1969 Session Laws . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN 6 AYES, STREDICKE OPPOSING. THE MOTION CARRIED. Proposed Ordinance Councilman Perry outlined provisions of proposed Regulating Ambu- ordinance relating to emergency medical services lance Service by ambulance . The Legislation Committee recom- mended first reading and return to committee for two weeks . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BY GRANT, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. The Ordinance was read and a lengthy discussion ensued pro and con opinions being expressed concerning various provisions and enforcement , it being felt some problems not yet resolved . (Returned to Committee) ORDINANCE NO. 2685 Proposed Ordinance was read authorizing appropria- Appropriating Funds tion of $14 ,000 . 00 from Current Fund Excess Revenue to FirO Department unto Fire Department Salary Accounts , to. rover Budgetary Accounts service-connected disabilities and illnesses of Fire Department personnel . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON ITS SECOND AND FINAL READINGS . CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING , ROLL CALL VOTE WAS UNANIMOUSLY AFFIRMATIVE. THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE WAS ADOPTED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Park Board Action- Letter from the Renton Park Board reported Houser Way recommendations ,resulting from joint meeting with the transportation Committee , that Houser Way be improved as a two-lane , two-way street and that consideration be given to widening of the railroad underpass at Houser and Cedar River Park. Also, that parking improvements be given consideration , to begin <at the NE boundary of the baseball field at the same elevation as the roadway, with installation of pedestrian overpass over Houser Way in vicinity of the underpass . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. 429 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/20/71 Page 4. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . Request to surplus Letter from Purchasing Director Vern Church and sell excess requested authorization to declare surplus traffic signal and call for sealed bi05on various types equipment , etc. of traffic signal equipment including con- trollers , generators and radio equipment , 1 Self-propelled crosswalk marker and 1- 1965 International Travelall . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER TO CONCUR IN THE REQUEST WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER RESOLUTION. MOTION CARRIED. Appropriation of Letter from the Firemen 's Pension Board, advised Surplus Cash to of its authorization to appropriate $30 ,670 . 00 Firemen ' s Pension cash surplus in the Pension Fund unto the Firemen ' s Budgetary Account Budget Account 601/514 . 80 . 42 . Concurrence and referral for proper ordinance were requested. MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR AND TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION_ COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. IAFF, Local No. 864 Letter from Mr. Larry Weiss , Secretary ,Local 864 , Request for like International Association of Fire Fighters , vacation benefits referred to letter of May 8 , 1971 which had as granted Police outlined vacation requests for the year 1972 Guild Members per and since no action has been taken on the matter (Ord. No. 2679) as of date , it was requested that the Local .be included in the provisions of that Ordinance recently adopted granting vacation benefits to the Police Guild. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE LETTER OF THE FIRE FIGHTERS LOCAL NO . 864 , TO THE COr,MITTEE OF THE WHOLE . THE MOTION CARRIED. IAFF Local 864 , Letter from Local No. 864 , IAFF, requested that Request for City favorable consideration be given the request of Support of Fire the Volunteer Fire Department members for aid in Truck Restoration financing the restoration of the 1927 Howard Cooper Fire Truck presently quartered at Station No . 2. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY AND FINANCE COMMITTEES. THE MOTION CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett requested concurrence Mr. C. L. Day - in the reappointment of Mr. C. L. Day to the Renton Aviation Renton Aviation Board , term to expire 11/6/74 . Board Member Mr. Day has served as a Board Member since 1965 . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. Mayor 's Appointments- Letter from Mayor Garrett reported appointments Department Heads- of Department Heads in compliance with OMC legis- under Optional lative provisions as follows : Municipal Code Provisions Mr. Jack Wilson , Director of Engineering Mr . Gerard M. Shellan , City Attorney Mr. Bernard L. Ruppert , Building Director Mr. Gordon Y. Ericksen , Planning Director Mr. William E. Bennett , Acting Finance Director Mr. James Fraser, Acting Personnel Director r.w Confirmation requested on permanent appointments at this time . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONFIRM THE APPOINTMENTS AS REQUESTED. Stredicke inquired regarding the Park Director.Mayor Garrett noted appointments of the Park Director, Airport Manager, Library Director , who work for autonomous boards , is within the jurisdiction of such Board and the Police and Fire Chief are appointed by the Civil Service Commission . THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED. MINUTES - RENTON CITY CGuNCIL MEET1ivG Page 5 . OLD BUSINESS Report of the Chairman Grant submitted majority and minority Transportation reports from the Transportation Committee , the Committee - majority report , signed by members Clymer and Houser Way Stredicke recommended that Houser Way not be improved . Minority report , signed by Grant , recommended concurrence in the administrationt proposal for the improvement of Houser Way in the vicinity of Liberty Park and City Hall . MOVED BY GRANT , ,SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE TWO COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. THE MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THE PARK BOARD LETTER BE REMOVED FROM THE TRANSPORTA- TION COMMITTEE WHERE IT WAS REFERRED EARLIER AND BE REFERRED INSTEAD TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Labor Negotiations Council President Grant reported that neVotiations are continuing in good faith with the Police Guild and 21R Representative and the Fire Fighters Local and Mr . Connors will be reporting to the Committee of the Whole concerning both 1971 and 1972 negotiations . Discussion ensued concerning Fire Fighters first contract and subject of the unfair labor charge. and it was noted by President Grant that in- formation received indicates that the Internal Revenue Bureau , the agent , is handling the petition along with 21R and the finding of lifting of the charge is in order and had been sent to the press but was not received in time for current publication (Labor News Magazine) . Mayor Garrett noted phone call received from Mr. McKibben to inquire if the order had been received but it had not to date . +err Fire Fighters MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER Letter of 5/8/71 THE MAY 8 , 1971 LETTER OF THE FIRE FIGHTERS LOCAL, re Vacation requests CONCERNING VACATION REQUESTS, AND THE SUBJECT OF SICK LEAVE ABUSE BE REFERRED 410 THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. THE MOTION CARRIED. y NEW BUSINESS Mayor Garrett reported receipt of telepkojie . sall from Mr. Tjossem, Attorney .for Burlington Northern , Track Removal advising that the petition for track removal has approved been approved by the Transportation Commission . Use of Fire Equip- Councilman Stredicke questioned use of fire trucks ment and Inspection for inspection calls and inspection of rooms procedure normally closed to the public without clearance by store personnel . He also questioned banking transactions during city business hours , which he had recently observed and wished now to point out . Happy Holiday Councilman Schellert wished all a Merry Christmas Wishes extended and happy holiday season . Mayor Garrett added holiday greetings and best wishes extending same to citizens of Renton the State and across the Nation . Election of 1972 Nominations were opened for 1972 Council President . Council President , Grant nominated Ken Bruce . Clymer nominated Stredicke . Councilman Ken Bruce , Secret ballot was requested on Motion by Clymer Earl Clymer elected second by Stredicke , Carried . Nominations were Pres . , Pro tem closed . Ballots were cast . Councilman Bruce was declared e,l:ticted as President for 1972 , the Secretary being directed to cast a unanimous ballot . Grant nominated Stredicke as President pro tem and Bruce nominated Clymer. Secret ballots were cast . Clymer was declared elected and the Clerk was directed to cast a unanimous ballot, ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI TO - nn7nriAAT r4 PR TFT)_ THE MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9 : 45 p.m. I I 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 12120171 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Mon . 7 :P .M. Grant Council 12127171 Chambers Community Services Clymer Finance Schellert Legislation Perry Personnel & Community Stredicke Relations Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Bruce Transportation Grant Library Building Committee Clymer Time and Place to be set with Library Board 432 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 12/20/71 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 2874 500.00 GERALD A. HURST 3619 TALBOT RD. S, REMODEL GARAGE INTO FAMILY RM. 2875 500.00 FHA MARK SEVEN REALTY 316 TAYLOR AVE. N.W. REPAIR FOUND. ON STORAGE SHED 2876 DONOLD A . MORAN 425 WELLS AVE. S. DEMOLISH GARAGE 2877 RENTON SCH. DIST.403 227 SO. TOBIN ST. DEMOLISH RESIDENCE & GARAGE 2878 2000.00 DONOLD A. MORAN 425 WELLS AVE. S. CONSTRUCT GARAGE 2879 50.00 ROYAL HILLS INC. 3000 ROYAL HILLS DR SE CUT HOLE IN WALL BET. APTS. ELECTRICAL PERMITS 3497 200.00 CHARLES E. STAHL 591 S.W. 4TH PLACE INSTALL NEW 125A SERV. PANEL 3498 450.00 FHA MARK SEVEN REALTY 579 BRONSON WY NE INSTALL NEW SERV., CIRCUITS, FX. 3499 600.00 FHA MARK SEVEN REALTY 428 BURNETT AVE N INSTALL NEW SERV., CIRCUITS, FX. 3500 845.00 FHA MARK SEVEN REALTY 3916 NE 6TH ST. INSTALL NEW SERV. ELEC. HEAT 3501 4000.00 TEXACO OIL CO. 4102 NE 4TH ST. WIRE SERVICE STATION 3502 250.00 ROBERT SCHALKLE 664 SUNSET BLVD. NE INSTALL NEW SERVICE MECHANICAL PERMITS 3049 1583.00 RALPH WILSON PLASTICS 727 LIND AVE SW INSTALL PLBG FIXTURES 3050 340.00 LEE WHITLY 969 SHELTON SE INSTALL SEPTIC TANK, DRAIN FLD. 3051 50.00 ROBERT L. HOUSER 411 WILLIAMS AVE. S. INSTALL GAS PIPING 3052 PIONEER DIST. CORP. 722 HOUSER WY. S. GAS SUSPENDED HEATER 3053 645.00 JOHN DENNIS 1206 N 35TH INSTALL PLBG. FIXTURES 3054 645.00 JOHN DENNIS 1214 N 35TH INSTALL PLBG. FIXTURES 3055 170.00 MELVIN G. WHITE 400 CEDAR AVE. S. GAS CONVERSION BURNER 3056 180.00 TIM COOK 150 SW SUNSET BLVD. SUSPENDED UNIT HEATER 3057 4500.00 TEXACO, INC. 4102 N.E. 4TH ST. INSTALL PLMBG. FIXTURES SIGN PERMITS 193 1000.00 A & H DRUGS 2820 SUNSET BLVD. N.E. INSTALL ROOF & WALL SIGN SEWER PERMITS 1661 HARRY ALLAN SHERMAN 1120 N. 35TH CONNECT SEWER 1662 C. L. HARTSOCK 2036 KIRKLAND PL. NE CONNECT SEWER 433 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 12/20/71 BEGIN ENCING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUmBEH NUMBER WARRANTS CURRENT FUND 5U55 5225 $50x402.81 PARKS AND RECREATION 5226 5289 $15192407 CITY STREET 5290 5330 $24,071 .54 CEDAR RIVER M AND I 5331 5334 $505.20 LIBRARY 5335 5382 $3, 179.30 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT 5383 5386 $227•.+23 REG. AND STREET FWD THRUST 5387 5400 $23p969•11 URBAN ARTERIAL 5401 5410 $60P207 .25 WATERWORKS UTILITY 5411 5455 $89,0819059 AIRPORT 5456 5473 $1,8901.58 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 5474 5532 $BA 330900 FIREMEN S PENSION 5533 5555 $5p689 .99 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $284,216.67 WEi THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE. MENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVE[, DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES NAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED,# 00 HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMEPaT VOUCHERS Nos 5055 THROUGH N09 5555 IN THE AMOUNT OF $284,216x67 THIS 20 OF DECEMBER P 1971v FINANCE CO .MITTEE rrrrrswrn. �yysro► rsarorrr �iwrrrr _ CQ 7 TEE MEMBER �1 1 rr�+ E— rrwrr wrwe COMMITTEE M ER i _ir5orrrrrrrs�..is iwrrrrr•rrrr�e COMA TTEE MEMBER 434 RENTON. CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING December 27, 1971 Municipal Building 8:00 P .M. Council Chambers R E F E R R A L S BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Subject of possible diversion of Pipeline Road at intersection of Puget Drive FIRE CHIEF Requested to make presentation to Committee of the Whole concerning deficiency point system and fire rating determinations and upgrade FINANCE COMMITTEE AND CITY ENGINEER Renton Historical Society letter concerning qualification for use of city facilities and proposal for $1 . 00 rental fee for space for a museum, etc. LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Transfer of $40 ,000. 00 authorized from Contingency Fund unto Health Department Budget to cover payment of King County Health Services per CAG 1763A-71 Rezone of property at 1800 S. W. 16th Street owned by J. H. Miller, from G to L-1 Boundary Review Board report on N.E. area annexation . New legal description to be prepared for amending legislation w.r NEXT CITY COUNCIL MEETING TO BE HELD ON MONDAY, JANUARY 3 , 1972 AT 4 :30 P.M. IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING HAPPY NEW YEAR GREETINGS TO ALL Now 435 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING December 27 , 1971 Municipal Building 8 : 00 P .M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance and CALL TO ORDER called the Renton City Council meeting to order. ROLL CALL OF GRANT , SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI, PERRY, STREDICKE , COUNCIL MEMBERS CLYMER AND BRUCE . CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor, HELMIE NELSON, City Clerk, IN ATTENDANCE G . M. SHELLAN, City Attorney , JACK WILSON, City Engineer, GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director , VIC TF GANTVOORT , Street Commi3sioner, DEL BENNETT , Public Works Administrator, TED BENNETT , Utility Accountant , GENE COULON, Park Director, JIM FRASER , Personnel Director , FRANK HENRY, Acting Police Chief, VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Director and BERNARD RUPPERT , Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO APPROVE 12/20/71 Meeting THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF 12/20/71 AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT. THE MOTION CARRIED. Defer to next MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT , TO PROCEED order of business TO THE NEXT ORDER OF BUSINESS, THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN TEMPORARILY OUT OF THE CHAMBER . CARRIED . COMMUNICATIONS AND The City Clerk at this time reported bid opening CURRENT BUSINESS on this date for the 1972 Legal Publications with two bidders responding as per tabulations attached Bid award on 1972 hereto , being The Record Chronicle and the Seattle Legal Publications Post-Intelligencer. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO ACCEPT THE LOW BID OF THE RECORD i CHRONICLE FOR 8 POINT TYPE, 270 PER LINE FIRST PUBLICATION AND 240 PER LINE ADDITIONAL PUBLICATIONS. THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted RESOLUTIONS Ordinance which was read authorizing appropriation of cash in excess of estimated revenue in the ORDINANCE NO. 2686 Firemen ' s Pension Fund, in sum of $30 ,670 . 00 , unto Appropriation of� the Firemens Pension Fund Budgetary Account No . Excess Cash to 601/514 . 80 . 42 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY Budget Account-1971 STREDICKE , TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. Firemen ' s Pension CARRIED. The Ordinance was rea,. MOVED BY Fund. SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 2686 AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE WAS UNANIMOUSLY AFFIRMATIVE . MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE WAS ADOPTED. RESOLUTION NO . 1777 Resolution was read authorizing the Purchasing Authorizing Bid Agent to advertise for the sale of equipment no Call on various longer needed for any public use , and declared types of traffic surplus ,including Traffic Signal Controllers and signal equipment associated parts , Radio equipment , Generators , declared surplus Crosswalk Marker and International Travelall , and no longer of sealed bids to be called for and equipment to be use for public sold on a cash basis . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECOND purposes BY GRANT, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND Letter from City Clerk Nelson reported necessity CURRENT BUSINESS for transfer of $40 ,000 . 00 from the Contingency Fund at this time to Health Department Budgetary Fund transfer for Account 016/562 . 10 . 31 , Professional Services , to payment of King cover the City 's share of the King County Health County Health Service program per CAG 1763A-71 authorized by the Services per Council heretofore . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED CAG 1763A-71 - BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE 1971 Allocation LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER RESOLUTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. 436 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/27/71 Page 2 . CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS (Cont . ) King County Letter from Mr. G . Brice Martin , Chief Clerk , Boundary Review King County Boundary Review Board , reported prior Board report - action rescinded on NE area annexation and the NE area annexation decision reconsidered with modification by File No . 337 , City deletion of certain territory from the annexa- File A01-71, tion . Proceedings were attached along with Hazelwood area instructions for the city to finalize the and Hazelwood Lane proposed revisions . Upon request , Planning deleted Director Ericksen outlined the revisions noting deletion of the Hazelwood area and the Hazelwood Lane ,now carrying Bellevue addresses and thus felt to be more related to that City . He advised of necessity now to file amendment to the City ' s legislation with a new legal descrip- tion . Upon inquiry it was noted about 300 people are involved in the deletion . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR NEW RESOLUTION. After some question as to the BRB action and deletion of the Hazelwood area and school , not requested by the City , and subject of composition of community councils in view of the action , the PENDING MOTION CARRIED . Planning Commission Letter from Planning Director_ Ericksen reported Recommendation for Planning Commission recommendation for council Rezone of Property concurrence in rezone of property owned by Mr . Jay on SW 16th Street H. Miller , Appl . R-675-71 , located at 1800 SW 16th , from G to L-1 the proposed use being in agreement with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE_ FOR ORDINANCE . THE MOTION CARRIED. It was noted .right of way and � other covenants have been filed . Vacation of portion Letter from Mr. Bruce , B. Clibborn , General Mgr. , of Houser Way No. IMI Corp. , advised of no objection to vacation of Houser Way No. , as requested by Pacific Car and Foundry and Burlington Northern , Inc. , which vacation it is felt will not seriously affect business operations of the IMI Corporation . Easter Seal Society Letter from the Easter Seal Society , Sherry Lubin , Fund Raising Events Field Rep . , requested permit for conducting the various events during the annual Easter Seal fund raising campaign to be held in March , 1972 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO GRANT THE REQUEST . THE MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Committee of the Council President Grant reported Committee of Whole Report - the Whole recommendation that the Houser Way Houser Way Project project be approved in concurrence with minority report of the Transportation Committee (12/20/71) and that the Council concur in the Park Board recommendations regarding the improvement . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE �r COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE RECOMMENDATIONS. Stredicke and Clymer spoke against the motion which subse- quently CARRIED, Grant questioning some conflicting recommendations . Mayor Garrett noted the action now amends the record and the improvement will be put in as budgeted and if change is warranted amendment to legislation will be effected setting up a one-way system and widening and overpass im- provements to follow when budgeted. News Item re Councilman Clymer called attention to Editorial Fire Ratings in the Times praising the Seattle Fire Department and setting forth ratings and classifications of 437 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/27/71 Page 3 . OED BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Fire Rating Clymer questioned how rating might be raised News Item to secure better insurance rates for the City . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT COUNCIL REQUEST THE FIRE CHIEF TO PREPARE A PRESENTATION ON DEFICIENCY POINT SYSTEM AND HOW RATINGS ARE DETERMINED. It was requested that 3 weeks notice be given prior to presentation so all Councilmen may be present . MOTION CARRIED. Carco Theatre Councilman Stredicke praised children ' s program Presentations Theatre productions staged during the past week at the Carco Theatre ,very well attended and verbally acclaimed , Mr . Rabon to be given due credit . It was urged that emergency funds be allocated for additional such worthwhile programs . Ambulance Ordinance Legislation Committee Chairman Perry reported to be held until wish to hold the ambulance ordinance until January January 17 , 1971 pending further response from parties contacted, also certain fees to yet be resolved . Lengthy discussion ensued concerning mode of committee endeavors and content of the proposed legislation, the City Attorney c.'arifying same as concerns reference to medical equipment and the training and expertise of attendant . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURF.NTI, TO GRANT THE COMMITTEE EXTENSION OF TIME UNTIL 1/17/72 AS REQUESTED. THE MOTION CARRIED. Pipe Line Road MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE SUBJECT at Puget Drive OF POSSIBLE DIVERSION OF THE .PIPELINE ROAD AT Intersection THE PUGET. DRIVE INTERSECTION, BE REFERRED TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Council President Grant welcomed City Clerk Helmie Nelson back after her absence of several Welcome back to weeks due to surgery . Mayor Garrett likewise Helmie Nelson expressed pleasure at her return . Mrs . Nelson thanked the Mayor and Council for their concern and included all those who sent plants , flowers , gifts and wishes which had contributed to her speedy recovery . Renton Historical Councilman Perry submitted letter from the Society Renton Historical Society , Mr. F. A . Storey , Pres . , reporting membership of the organization in the Wn . State Historical Society now qualifying use of city facilities . $1 . 00 per year charge was proposed as rental fee for space , the society to assume any responsibility for insurance required. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE AND THE CITY ENGINEER. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO SUBSTITUTE REFERRAL TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE IN LIEU OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES�COM- MITTEF, . THE MOTION CARRIED . Legislation Legislation Committee Chairman Perry advised Committee that the committee has been requested by the Report Police Department to investigate and prepare an ordinance dealing with Model Studios and Body Painting and to review the Pawn Brokers Ordinance for possible revision . AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Joe Sporcic, 1316 Harrington N. E . , inquired Refuse Pick-up concerning garbage pick-up service noting com- and Bus Operation plaint and incident of distance and type of refuse remarks by Mr . being involvement of dispute . He questioned the Joe Sporcic bus operation by Metro in comparative respects . ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADJOURN. 9 :10 P.M. THE MOTION CARRIED. The meeting was adjourned at 9 :10 p .m . Mayor Garrett extended New Year ' s greetings to all . tel'/ /7 �� 438 BID OPENING - 1972 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS FOR THE CITY OF RENTON 2 :00 P.M. , December 27 , 1971 THE RECORD CHRONICLE 801 Houser Way South Renton , Wa . 98055 Circulation 26 ,982 Published Sunday , Wednesday and Friday 6 Point Type $2 . 95 per column inch for first publication or 254 per line $2. 65 per column inch additional publications or 224 per line 8 Point Type $2 . 35 per column inch first publication or 274 per line $2 . 10 per column inch additional publications or 244 per line SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER 6th & Wall Streets Seattle, Wa . 98111 Daily and Sunday , 354 per line per day . ,Fourteen 5-1/2 point lines per column inch $4. 90 per column inch per day OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 12/27/71 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ELECTRICAL PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 3503 50.00 HUB TRAILER PK 641 WELLS AVE. N. MOVE SERVICE TO POLE 3504 2200.00 RALPH WILSON PLASTICS 727 LIND AVE. S.W. MOVE FEEDER TO LIGT. PANEL 3505 150.00 RENTON AVIATION 915 W. PERIMETER RD. WIRE TWO GAS HEATERS 3506 1000.00 KENNYS AUTO REBUILD 618 PARK AVE. N. WIRE AUTO REBUILD SHOP MECHANICAL PERMITS 3058 50.00 HUB TRAILER PK 641 WELLS AVE. N. MOVE SERVICE TO POLE 3059 5988.00 PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY 790 GARDEN N. INSTALL 7 TON AIR. COND, UNIT 3060 1200.00 RENTON AVIATION 915 W. PERIMETER RD. INSTALL 2 UNIT HEATERS,BURNER 3061 69.50 HARVEY SANDAHL 836 JEFFERSON N.E. NEW GAS WATER HEATER 3062 3000.00 TEXACO INC. 4102 N.E. 4TH ST. INSTALL TANKS (OIL, WASTE,ETC 3063 700.00 VIRGIL MUDD 1402 LAKE YNGS. WY, SE INSTALL GAS FIRED FURNACE 3064 250.00 HIGHLAND REALTY CO. 3546 N.E . 4TH ST. INSTALL PLBG. & FIXTURES 3065 350.00 BILL TAYLOR 469 MAPLE AVE. S.W. REPAIR DRAIN FIELD 3066 169.50 ROGER L. ALLAN 4008 N.E. 7TH ST. INSTALL GAS WATER HEATER 439 FUND TRANSFERS APPROVED FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER 1971 FROM TO CLAIMS FUND Current Fund $142.541.67 Parks :and Recreation 41597.9.03 City Street 56,375.95 Cedar River M & I 808.75 Library 95767.03 Emergency Employment 1,781.87 Street Forward Thrust 235789.24 -- Urban Arterial 58,588.58 Waterworks Utility 127,258.40 Airport 25580.49 Equipment Rental 30,597.88 Firemen's Pension 16 571.63 512, 0. 2 FROM TO PAYROLL FUND Current Fund $170.278.38 Parks and Recreation 361643.78 City Street 345310.35 Cedar River M & I 730.00 Library 12,098.57 Emergency Emplpyment 75887.90 Street Forward Thrust 444.24 Urban Arterial 3,998.13 Waterworks Utility 23,743.31 Airport 1,831.00 Equipment Rental 4,199.00 Firemen's Pension 100.00 296.7264.66 FROM Cum. Res. 1689 Parks & Recreation (Res. # 1776) 1,288.80 Contingency Fund Current Fund (Fes. # 1778) 40,000.00 City Street Equipment Rental (Nov. Treas. Rec. # 1210 - Damage 5.00 440 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING January 3 , 1972 Municipal Building 4 :30 P.M. Council Chambers R E F E R R A L S COMMITTEE, OF THE WHOLE Police Guild letter concerning labor negotiations LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Legislation to urge federal revenue sharing as requested by Mr . John D. Spellman , Chairman , Citizens Committee Legislation creating position and duties of Public Works Administrator MAYOR Subject of Wage and Management Study Arrangements to schedule picture taking of city officials COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE N. E. area annexation - Community Council aspect FINANCE COMMITTEE Funding of photographs for historical ga.7lery Subject of Wage and Management Study PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE King County Ordinance proposing regulations for taxicabs and for-hire vehicles King County agreement document for prisoner retention PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATOR To inform Council concerning railroad trackage removal as approved by the I. C. C. per Order dated 12./16/71 TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Bids - Traffic signal equipment and illumination , Sunset & Grady Way areas Subject of right turn lane at 12th and Sunset intersection APPOINTMENT Mr. Arthur D. Scholes - Renton Planning Commission . Term to 1/1/78 MEETING Wednesday , January 10 , 1972 at 2 :30 p.m. , Seattle King County public hearing on proposed ordinance regulating taxicabs and for-hire vehicles aw A 4 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING January 3 , 1972 Municipal Building 4 :30 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance and CALL TO ORDER called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF BRUCE, CLYMER , STREDICKE , PERRY, DELAURENTI AND COUNCIL MEMBERS SCHELLERT; GRANT ARRIVED LATER AS INDICATED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor, HELMIE NELSON , City Clerk , IN ATTENDANCE DOROTHEA GOSSETT, City Treasurer, G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney , JACK WILSON, Engineering Director, GORDON ERICKSEN , Planning Director, DEL BENNETT, Public Works Adm. , TED BENNETT, Acting Finance Director , VIC TE GANTVOORT , Street Commissioner, GENE COULON, Park Director, FRANK HENRY, Acting Police Chief, M. C. WALLS, Fire Chief, VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Director and BERNARD RUPPERT, Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO APPROVE 12/27/71 Meeting THE MINUTES OF THE PRTsVIOUS MEETING OF 12/27/71 AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT. THE MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Grant arrived at the meeting. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported No. 5556-5557 and committee approval of Vouchers No . 5556 and 5557 LID 273 Cash and in sum of $5 ,000. 00 and LID 273 Cash and Revenue Revenue Nos . 2 Vouchers Nos . 2 in amount of $232 . 50 each , all having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR IN THE REPORT AND APPROVE THE VOUCHERS FOR PAYMENT AS RECOMMENDED. THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted RESOLUTIONS proposed Ordinance vacating a certain portion of Houser Way North to petitioners Pacific Car and Proposed Vacation Foundry Company and Burlington Northern , Inc. , of Portion of jointly , and reported request for protest remarks Houser Way North by Diamond Parking, Inc. representative. Letter from Mr. Josey: Diamond was read protesting the vacation and resulting loss of access to the Diamond Parking property ,felt to be depreciating to the value of said lot and conferring special privilege to certain businesses and not for public benefit . Meeting procedures were questioned, pursuance of legal action indicated in event the City should continue, it being requested that the matter be set over for public hearing. Attorney Edwin J. Snook from the law office of Lycette , Diamond & Sylvester enlarged on the protest noting Houser Way to be serving as a north-south arterial with substantial traffic, to serve only private interest if vacated and detrimental to Diamond Parking Inc. , if effected. Council was requested to consider factor of just compensation due third party involved and prejuducial effect upon the party if otherwise vacated. Discussion ensued it being pointed out by City Attorney Shella.n the open meeting law does not apply to committee meetings where less than a majority of members are present but that meetings were all open , and held in city hall and the public hearing on this subject had been posted and published and the Mayor had inquired if representatives were present to speak . City Clerk Nelson reported that all parties had been sent notices of the hearing by mail as appearing on the vacation pO-tition , including Diamond Parking, Inc. The City Attorney recalled low volume of count in traffic study testimony and cited 442 ---- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/3/72 Page 2. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (Cont . ) Vacation of Portion statutes as concerned private interests, it of Houser Way South being confirmed that removal of the railroad tracks is of definite public interest and safety and loss of one access point is not felt to be of any substantial damage to the other business properties . in further discussion it was noted that no other- businesses had objected and in review of testim. ,_)ny from the public hearing it was felt the city had not acted arbitrarily nor without proper and legal notification in its proceedings . Substantial abutting owners in favor and absence of any protest resulting in affirmative council action . Proposed Ordinance vacating portion of Houser Way North was read. ORDINANCE 2687 MOVED �Y PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO Vacating certain PLACE THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE ON ITS SECOND portion of Houser READING. CARRIED. The Ordinance was read. Way North MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO AUTHORIZE THE FINAL READING . CARRIED. The Ordinance was read. MOVED BY STREDICKE SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS AFFIRMA- TIVE ROLL CALL VOTE . ORDINANCE NO. 2687 WAS ADOPTED. ORDINANCE 2688 Ordinance was read changing the zoning classifica- Rezone of Jay H. tion of certain properties within the City from Miller property,SW General Classification District (G) to Light 16th Avenue Industry District (L-1) , located at 1800 S. W. 16th G to L-1 ,R 675-71 Street , owned by Mr. Jay H. Miller. MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. The document was read . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAU- RENTI, TO ADOPT ORDINANCE. No . 2688 AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN UNANIMOUS AYES. MOTION CARRIED ADOPTING THE ORDINANCE. RESOLUTION The Legislation Committee Chairman submitted REVISING NE proposed Resolution to amend boundaries of NE ANNEXATION AREA area annexation and reported transmittal without BOUNDARIES recommendation as concerns community councils . The Resolution was read. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. Discussion ensued concerning effect of adoption on status of community councils , it being noted that amendment if timely could effect the number of community councils desired however boundaries would need to be established. After several proposed actions it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO REFER THE SUBJECT OF THE PRIOR MOTION TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION AS TO ASPECT OF COMMUNITY COUNCILS. CARRIED. RESOLUTION 1778 Resolution was read authorizing appropriation Appropriating of $40 ,000. 00 for transfer unto Health Department $40 ,000 . 00 from Budgetary Account to fund professional services Contingency Fund rendered by the King County Health Department per for Health Dept . CAG 1763A-71 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY Services , 1971 BRUCE , TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. MOTION Now Budget Allocation CARRIED. Perry requested no vote to be recorded. Stredicke requested no vote recorded, both object- ing to the payment . CORRESPONDENCE AND Letter from Hon . John D. Spellman , King County CURRENT BUSINESS Executive , transmitted proposed Resolution calling for federal revenue sharing urging that the City Federal Revenue go on record supporting same by adopting and Sharing Request forwarding legislation to the Congressional dele- By John D. gation in Wn , D. C. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED Spellman , Chrmn . , BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE Citizens Committee LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED . MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/3/72 Page 3. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Bid Opening-SW Grady City Clerk Nelson reported opening of bids , Way Improvement on December 30 , 1971 ,for the improvement of SW Grady Way, from Rainier Avenue South to Lind Avenue SW. Seven bidders responded as per the attached tabulations . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE BIDS TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Prisoner Letter from County Executive Spellman submitted Retention proposed contract agreement for prisoner retention Agreement by King County , setting forth fees and insurance requirements in connection therewith. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED,. Removal of railroad Letter from G. M. Shellan , City Attorney, confirmed trackage in Renton approval by the Interstate Commerce Commission of Burlington Nort.hern 's petition for abandonment of portion of trackage in Renton . Copy of Certificate and Order was attached listing service date of 12/16/71 , the Order to become effective 35 days from date of service . (Branch line between milepost 0+2827 and 3+1607 consisting of 2 . 78 miles of track) MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATOR TO KEEP THE COUNCIL INFORMED AS TO PROGRESS. THE MOTION CARRIED. Police Off.icerb Letter from Mr. Harold R . Caldwell , President , Guild re labor Renton Police Officer 's Guild, reported membership negotiations decision that the Council 's 1972 salary proposal was unacceptable and that equitable compromise offered by the Guild and rejected by Council had been amended to the extent possible and is now formally withdrawn . It was .requested that mediation proceedings now be initiated by council as stalemate has been reached, and that payment of merit pay for all Guild Members , retroactive throughout calendar year of 1971 be authorized, Response was requested by 1/10/72 otherwise all requests will be considered rejected and legal and/or labor oriented action will be pursued. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Dis- cussion ensued concerning the negotiations and good faith bargaining reference it being noted the City 's negotiator has yet to report to the Council . THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED. Further remarks and inquiry ensued,3 points noted to be presently in dispute as concerned the Guild 's proposals , point of order called for ,and order of procedure being subsequently resumed at close of discussion as allowed by the Chair:. King County Letter from L. Kraft , Adm. Clerk. , King County Proposed Ordi- Council , transmitted ropy of proposed King County nance regulating Ordinance relating to regulation of taxicabs or taxicabs for-hire vehicles and advising of public hearing to be held 1/3/72 . The document was received by the City too late for Council action. Councilman Stredicke reported his attendance and that the hearing had been continued until Wednesday , January 12 , at 2 :30 p.m. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED. �� 444 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/3/72 Page 4 . APPOINTMENT Mr. Arthur D. Letter from Mayor Garrett requested concurrence Scholes - Renton in the reappointment of Mr. ArL-hur D. Scholes Planning Commission to membership on the Renton Planning Commission . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT. THE MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr . Terry Bartley , President , Z:.ocal 21R , made inquiry regarding retroactive pay as approved Mr. Terry Bartley , by Council , and regarding Internal Revenue Pres . , Local 21R, Service notification of approval which he under- inquiry regarding stood had been received after some questions as retroactive wage to wording having been resolved. City Attorney increases Shellan reported receipt from Mr . McKibben of copy of letter. from Mr . Anderson of IRS to which response had been made in writing questioning certain statements in the letter and requesting clarification , no reply however being received . Upon suggestion by Mr . McKibben the attorney made a telephone call to Mr . Case of IRS who indicated the letter had not been received. A second copy was forwarded and .Mr , Case advised that although the prior letter written by IRS did not fit the particular situation they would confirm and o.k . payment as requested , however, with heavy workload and being shorthanded a written response had not been prepared. Mr . Shellan advised the IRS if they would call when the letter was ready , the City wr.)uld have it picked up and suggested approval letter go to both parties and be stated in plain language so further clarification would not be necessary . Mayor Garrett noted question as concerns the freeze period and that payment awaits the response . Newspaper item concerning penalty for violation was cited and the Mayor noted the City will pick up the IRS approval as quickly as it is ready . OLD BUSINESS Confirmation of Council President Bruce expressed surprise at Appointments newspaper announcement of appointment of a new traffic engineer questioning whether confirmation were required. Mayor Garrett noised under recently enacted legislation the subject position is one appointed by the Engineering Director but that the courtesy of notification is extended if legislative action is in order. Prior resulting discussions were recalled as concerned another appointee in the previous year when notice was sent to homes during the holiday season . Public Safety Chairman Delaurenti reported iters concerning taxi- Committee Report cab safety inspections pending in committee and invited sugryestions prior to making report , copy of proposed regulations to be furnished each council member for review and recommendation : r Inquiry regarding Councilman Grant inquired concerning appointments appointments made by the Mayor and confirmed by council as recently effected and inquired whether acting appointments were temperary . Mayor Garrett advised of status of the acting appointments made due to funding sources for positions or due to juris- diction of Board or Commissions and pending examina- tions , others in fulfillment of Title 35 of the Code . After discussion it was MOVED BY GRANT SECONDED BY .STRRDICKE THE MATTER OF CREATING PORITIOV OF PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATOR BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR ORDINANCE . THE MOTION CARRIED. 445 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING Page 5 . 1/3/72 OLD BUSINESS (Cont . ) Personnel Inquiry Councilman Grant inquired as to status of the employment of Police Captain Frazee. LEFF Board Member Stredicke reported that Mr. Frazee is presently on six-months dis- ability sick leave status which period ex- pired in December. The Board now reviews and if not sufficiently recovered for active duty the employee is then retired on pension . Further information available from LEFF Board files . Right Turn Lane- Motion was proposed by Grant for referral of 12th and Sunset right turn lane at intersection of 12th and Sunset and in need of improvement . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Report of The Chairman Grant submitted Committee on Committees Committee on report naming revised council committee members Committees and abolishing the Personnel and Community Relations Committee , encompassing Personnel with the Finance Committee and suggestion proposed that the Community Relations portion be assumed by the Community Services Committee . (See report attached) MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS AS AMENDED. THE MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO REFER THE REVISED COMMITTEE LIST TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR AMENDMENT TO EXISTING ORDINANCE. Discussion ensued regarding qualifications and length of retention for com- mittee chairmanships , attorney Shellan suggesting provision be included to allow changes within committee structures and memberships from time to time as may be desired by the Council . Pending MOTIOF CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THE ATTORNEY'S RECOMMENDATIONS BE IN- CLUDED IN THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE REFERRAL. THE MOTION CARRIED. Right Turn Lane Councilman Grant inquired as to Board of Public S. W. 43rd Street Works action concerning right turn lane at S. W. 43rd Street and East Valley Hiqhway intersection . Public Works Adm. , Del Bennett,noted this matter had been directed to the Street Department for accomplishment . Street Commissioner Te Gantvoort reported that snow and rainy weather has not permitted implementation to date . 1972 Budget Councilman Stredicke inquired as to status of Preparation publication of the 1972 Budget . City Clerk Nelson reported that same is in preparation with typing about 2/3 completed. Salary and Wage- MOVED BY STREDICKE THAT THE MATTER OF WAGE AND Management Study MANAGEMENT STUDY BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AND THE MAYOR 'S OFFICE FOR RECOMMENDATIONS. THE MOTION CARRIED. Photograph Gallery Councilman Stredicke reported gallery of 11 x 14 pictures on display in the Seattle Administration Building of former and present councils and city officials of some interest when looking back 20 years or so. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE ARRANGEMENT AND SCHEDULING FOR PICTURES OF RENTON OFFICIALS BE REFERRED TO THE MAYOR'S OFFICE AND FUNDING THEREFOR TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. .ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY SCHELLERT,SECOND AY DELAURENTI, TO ADJOURN. CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 9 :15 p.m. Helmie Nelson , City Clerk 446 COA1MITT_EE ON .COMMITTEES REPORT JANUARY 3, 1972 1. BRUCE President of the Council Member, Public Works Committee 2. CLYMER President Pro Tem, Council Chairman, Community Services Member , Transportation Member, Leqislation 3. DELAURENTI Chairman, Public Safety Committee Member , Finance & Personnel Member, Legislation 4. GRANT Chairman, Public Works Committee Member, Finance and Personnel Member, Transportation 5. PERRY Chairman, Legislation Committee Member, Public Works Member, Public Safety 6 . SCHELLERT Chairman , Finance and Personnel Member , Community Services 7. STREDICKE Chairman, Transportation Committee Member, Public Safetv Member, Community Services Chairman WilliaV J. Grant enneth Bruce Ear C ymer WJG:mp 1/3/72 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Bruce Community Services Friday 4:00 P.M. Clymer 3rd. Floor Conf. Meet with owners and/or Jan. 7, 1972 Room representatives of gravel industry to discuss Mining Finance & Personnel Schellert and Grading Ordinance Legislation Monday 5:00 P.M. Perry Chairmants 6th Jan. 10, 19722 Floor Council Off. Public Safety Monday 7:00 P.M. Delaurenti Chairmants 6th Jan. 10, 1972 Floor Council Off. Public Works Grant Transportation Thursday 7:00 P.M. Stredicke 6th Floor Conf. Jan. 6, 1972 Room Library Building Committee Wednesday 8:00 P.M. Clymer Library Jan. 5, 1972 448 January 3, 1972 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID OPENING, DECEMBER 30, 1971 2:00 P.M. - First Floor Conference Room Improvement of Southwest Grady Way from Rainier Avenue South to Lind Avenue Southwest. BIDDER BID BOND BID Pacific Paving Company, Inc. Bid Bond $143,309.60 121 South River Street Seattle, Washington 98108 W. C. Frost Construction Co. Bid Bond $149,850.75 8005 South 222nd Kent, Washington 98031 Moss Construction Company Bid Bond $153,205.90 Box 89305 Zenith, Washington 98188 Dyad Construction, Inc. Bid Bond ---d}6n�%Qn r^ -� P. 0. Box 1845 Bellevue, Washington 98009 $168,280.50 LDL Land Development, Inc. Bid Bond $164,085.00 1529 West Valley Highway North Auburn, Washington 98002 Gary Merlin Construction Co. Bid Bond $176,044.50 8630 Fauntlee Cr. S.W. Seattle, Washington 98116 Austin Construction Company Bid Bond P. 0. Box 547 Bellevue, Washington 98009 $206,884.50 Sales Tax not applicable ;: Engineering Corrections 449 d ICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1/3/72 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 2880 15,200.00 JOHN DENNIS 1205 N. 35th St. Const. Sngl. Fam. Resid. 2881 3000.00 WINCHESTER 3601 N.E. 9th St. Rem. Garage Into Rec Rm.-Reroof 2882 100.00 HILAND REALTY,INC . 3548 NE 4th St. Move Non-Bearing Wall ELECTRICAL PERMITS 3507 500.00 LYLE GRAF 3532 S.E. 5th St. Install New, Electric Heat 3508 1,053.00 FHA (MARK SEVEN REAL.) 316 Taylor Ave. NW Install New, Circ., Elec. Heat 3509 35,000.00 WASH. JOCKEY CLUB Longacres Add, reroute, relocate wiring MECHANICAL PERMITS 3067 247.50 RAYMOND VANDERBUSSE 863 Queen Ave. NE Install 65,000 BTU Gas Wall Furn 3068 200.00 LESTER E. BACH 3309 NE 7th St. Repl. elec. water Heat. with gas 3069 1,200.00 WASH. JOCKEY CLUB Longacres Install. plumbing fixtures I N PERMITS I... 400.00 GREAT. RENTON SHOP. CENT. 2824 Sunset Blvd. NE Install Wall Sign SEWER PERMITS 1663 TEXACO OIL CO. 1408 Bronson Way N. Connect Sewer 450 RENTON CITY COUNCIL January 10 , 1972 REGULAR MEETING Municipal Building 8 :00 P.M. Council Chambers R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER_ Claim of Mr. Don G . C1aar regarding damage to vehicle by sewer ditch CITY LABOR NEGOTIATOR To continue negotiations and to meet with Police Guild as soon as possible COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Subject of Health Care as discussed per Memo from Acting Finance Director and Dow Laney Company letter. CITY CLERK To execute King County Prisoner Retention Agreement upon Attorney ' s approval ENGINEERING DIRECTOR_ Bids opened 1/5/72 on Traffic Signal Equipment and Street Illumination Bids opened 1/10/72 on Improvement of Rainier Avenue from SW Grady Way to South 3rd Street FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Funding of $1 . 50 additional medical premium cost Fund transfer Resolutions as concern Stipulated Agreement and Salary and Wage Adjustments (Resol . No . 1779 and 1780) City Code Revision as concern officials bonds to comply with OMC statues Amount of bonds and who shall file to be determined FAIR HOUSING COMMISSION_ Subject of possible revision of Commission to a Human Relations Commission LEGISLATION COMMITTEE_ Civil Service Commission request for recruitment funds (Ord . 2690 adopted) r, MAYOR Appointment of Mr . Paul Nunn to Fair Housing Commission pending confirmation. To execute King County Prisoner Retention Agreement upon approval by Attorney TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Bids opened 1/5/72 , Traffic Signal Equipment and Street Illumination Bids opened 1/10/72 , Improvement of Rainier Avenue from SW Grady Way to South 3rd Street Public Works Committee report re Pipeline Road realignment at Puget Drive (Concurrence in report recommended) STREET COMMISSIONER To supervise installation of School District Levy Promotion banners APPOINTMENT Mrs . Maxine Pearman to membership on Board of Ethics , expires 12/31/75 r 45 1 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING January 10 , 1972 Municipal Building 8: 00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance and CALL TO ORDER called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF BRUCE , CLYMER , GRANT, STREDICKE, PERRY, DELAURENTI COUNCIL MEMBERS AND SCHELLERT . CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor, HELMIE NELSON, City Clerk, IN ATTENDANCE G . M. SHF,LLAN , City Attorney , JACK WILSON, Engineering Director. , GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director , DEL BENNETT , Public Works Administrator, TED BENNETT , Acting Finance Director , FRANK HENRY, Acting Police Chief, JIM FRASER ,ac:ting Personnel Dir. , VIC TE GANTVOORT , Street Commissioner , DENNIS L. SALTS, Data Processing Manager and BERNARD RUPPERT, Building Director . MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO APPROVE 1/3/72 Meeting THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF January 3 , 1972 AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Chairman Perry submitted the following legislation RESOLUTIONS with readings and Council action taken as recorded herein : ORDINANCE NO. 2689 Proposed Ordinance was read amending Chapter 6 of Council Standing Title I (Administrative) of Ordinance No. 1628 Committee Structure , entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City Revision and/or of Renton" , relating to Committees of the City Re-assignment - Council . (Granting Committee on Committees Discontinuance the right to reorganize and rearrange the membership of standing committees including the discontinuance of any standing or special com- mittee and reassignment of its duties. IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. THE MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT , AFTER FINAL READING , TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 2689 AS READ. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY BRUCE WITH ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTING AS FOLLOWS: AYE-6 : BRUCE, GRANT, CLYMER, PERRY, DELAURENTI AND SCHELLERT, NO-1 : STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED . Civil Service Letter from Father John Schaeffer, Chairman , Commission Request Police Civil Service Commission , requested the for Recruitment adoption of legislation to authorize payment of Funds travel and meal expenses for successful examinees of written tests to attend Oral Board exams , and including meal provisions for candidates , oral board members , commissioners and examiner. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE REQUEST SUBJECT TO THE LEGAL LIMITS IN ACCORDANCE WITH RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE STATE AUDITOR, WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. Af,RIED . ORDINANCE NO. 2690 �Grcainance was read declaring that an emergency Emergency Ord. exists and appropriating monies for the purpose appropriating of implementing a new form of government and funds for the providing funds for the recruitment of personnel . recruitment of MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO AUTHORIZE personnel as per SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. After final Police Civil reading, it was noted by City Clerk Nelson that such Service Commis- emergency legislation is non-debatable and that sion request . neither public hearing nor prior publication is required. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED AS FOLLOWS : AYE-6 : BRUCE, CLYMER, STREDICKE, PERRY, DELAURENTI AND SCHELLERT. NO-1 : GRANT. The vote being equal to a majority plus one, as required on emergency legislation , the MOTION CARRIED. 4p2 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/10/72 Page 2. t ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (Cont . ) t RESOLUTION NO. 1779 Resolution was read authorizing .the City Authorizing Transfer Clerk to transfer $"42.,.509 . 50 from the of Monies from the Contingency Fund unto various Budgetary Contingency Fund Accounts of the City , in furtherance of to cover provisions that certain Stipulated Agreement between of Stipulated the City and Local 21R of the Wn . State Agreement with Council of County and City Employees dated 21R 11/2/71 , and to resolve prior disputes in connection therewith . MOVED BY CLYMER, r SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ . The City Clerk noted in view of recently adopted legislation reorganizing the Budgeting and Accounting Division the reference to City Clerk should be changed to Finance nirector in accord with the new Divisional jurisdictions . The Committee recommended making the funds available but not to be paid until all provisions of the Stipulated Agreement Have been met . Discussion ensued pro and con as concerns determination of whether conditions have been met , IRS confirmation notice, and ability to effect conditions upon such notice . Pending motion was voted upon and declared CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 1780 Resolution was read authorizing $4,590 . 00 Fund transf-r .for transfer from Water Maintenance Account wage adjustments- unto Water Administration and Maintenance Water Maint. . and budgetary accounts and from Equipment Equipment Dental Rental , $1 ,506 . 00 to various accounts of Budgetary Accts . that fund to provide for salary and wage adjustments . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED. Discussion ensued concerning the completion of provisions of the stipulated agreement Implementation of MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE , TO Stipulated Agree- REFER THE TWO PREVIOUSLY ADOPTED RESOLUTIONS ment TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK REGARDING IMPLEMENTATION OF THE STIPULATED AGREEMENT. Dissenting voice vote brought roll call request and vote as follows : AYE-6 : BRUCE, GRANT, STREIDICKE , DELAURENTI AND SCHELLERT . NO-2 : CLYMER AND PERRY. THE MOTION CARRIED . RESOLUTION NO. 1781 Resolution was read ,directed to the President Calling for passage of the U.S. Senate and the Speaker of the House of federal revenue of Representatives and to the Members of the sharing legislation U. S. Senate ands House of Representatives of and notification to the United States , in Congress assembled , Congressional wherein the City of Renton , acting by and through authorities its Mayor and City Councilmen urges the Congress to enact meaningful legislation fox federal revenue sharing by yearly direct allocations .to governments without limiting directly or indirectly the use of such monies for any purpose not inconsistent with any other provision of the Constitution of the United St� ces . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , 70 ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 1781 AS READ. THE T7-3 Ili CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 1782 Resolution was read acknowledging receipt of Accepting and agree- "Offer of Grant" from the Economic Development ing to comply with Administration for construction of a Street Dept . conditions of EDA Shop , Project 07-11-00777 , in sum of $36 ,000 . 00; "Offer of Grant" resolving to accept said offer and further agree- ing to comply with terms and conditions of said "Offer of Grant . " MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. 453 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/10/72 Page 3. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : (Cont . ) Community Council Community Services Committee report was read Recommended for recommending that one Community Council be NE area annexation provided for in the proposed annexation of certain NE area to Renton . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. Resolu- tion read at meeting of 1/3/72 did not contain such reference and proposed amendment was read adding inclusion of one Community Council . The subject was directed to the City Attorney for proper legal verbage and incorporation into the pending legislation . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, TO TABLE THIS MATTER UNTIL THE ATTORNEY IS READY WITH THE REVISIONS. MOTION SECONDED BY STREDICKE AND CARRIED. Matter passed over-see later action. RESOLUTION NO. 1783 Proposed Resolution was read wherein the Renton Supporting Special City Council , expressing vital concern with all School Levies and aspects of community living in Renton , makes urging Citizens known ,as a matter of record,its support of the to Vote Feb. 8. total special school levy , which includes three propositions -and urging each citizen to Vote on Tuesday , February 8 , 1972 . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert Nos . 5558-5572 reported committee approval of City of Renton Vouchers Nos .. 5558 through 5572 , and receipt of Departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered and payment now recommended. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO CONCUR IN THE REPORT AND AUTHORIZE VOUCHER PAYMENT AS RECOMMENDED. MOTION CARRIED . CORRESPONDENCE AND City Clerk Nelson reported opening of bids on CURRENT BUSINESS January 5 , for Traffic Signal Equipment for area Bid Opening-Traffic of Sunset Blvd. NE and Rainier Avenue , four bidders Signal Equipment responding as per tabulations attached hereto. Sunset Blvd. NE and MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER Rainier Avenue - THE BIDS TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE AND THE January 5 , 1972 CITY ENGINEER FOR REPORT BACK. MOTION CARRIED. Bid Opening on The City Clerk reported bid opening on 1/5/72 January 5, for for street illumination equipment for Sunset Street Illumina- Blvd. N.E. , Rainier Avenue, Grady Way and Airport tion, UAB No 's Way , U.A. B. No 's as listed along with four bids as tabulated received as tabulation attached. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE , TO REFER THE BIDS TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE AND CITY ENGINEER FOR REPORT BACK. THE MOTION CARRIED. Bid opening, 1/10/72 Opening of bids was reported by the C.Jerk as held Street Improvement on January 10 , with six bidders respording on Rainier South the bid call for improvement of RainiEr Avenue from SW Grady Way to South 3rd Street, as per tabulations attached. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED ,.� BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE BIDS TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE AND T?IE CITY ENGINEER FOR REPORT BACK. THE MOTION CARRIED. Public Works Letter from Public Works Administrator Del Committee Report Bennett , reported Board of Public Works recom- mendation for revision of alignment of the Pipeline Road at Puget ,Drive Intersection as proposed by the Engineering Director . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. 4 ) MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/10/72 Page 4. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS (Cont . ) School District 403 Letter from the Renton School District Levy Levy Campaign Committee Campaign Committee requested Wavier of Fee to place two banners across Third Avenue at Main Avenue South and Tobin , to be displayed from February 3 , until the 9th, Hold Harmless Agreement to be filed as in the past. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO APPROVE THE BANNER REQUESTS WITH INSTALLATION TO BE UNDER SUPERVISION OF THE STREET DEPARTMENT. CARRIED. Claim for damage to Claim was read as filed by Mr. Don G. Claar, vehicle from sewer for damage to vehicle ,incurred at N.E. 4th ditch and Union Ave. N.E. from sewer ditch across roadway . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE CLAIM TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND THE CITY'S INSURANCE CARRIER. THE MOTION CARRIED . City Official Bonds Letter from City Clerk Nelson noted revision of bonding requirements under the Optional Municipal Code and revision of Title I, Ch. 10, City of Renton Code now noted to be in order, with determination to be made as to persons to be bonded and amounts of such bonds . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Medical Insurance Memo from Ted Bennett , Acting Finance Director, Premium Increase by as follow-up to prior notice to emplog:ees noted King County-Blue premium increase by King County after adoption of Shield Budget ,over the amount which had been budgeted, and outlined action to be taken by the City in this regard. Letter from Dow-Laney Company was read which listed new monthly rates and outlined loss ratio and disparity leading to need for increase . (See attached letters , copies of which were given to Council Members) After inquiries and remarks concerning intent of the city in actions proposed, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE MEDICAL PREMIUM SUBJECT, NOW UNDER DIS- CUSSION, TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Some Recess - 8 :20 p.m. lengthy pro and con discussion ensued including proposed referral to Finance Committee . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO RECESS FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION WITH THE CITY'S NEGOTIATOR. CARRIED. Recess was declared . The meeting was reconvened at 8 :40 p.m. with all Council Members present as prior to recess . Grant withdrew proposed referral. MOTION TO REFER THE SUBJECT OF HEALTH CARE TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE WAS 5VA'T'ED BY THE CHAIR , VOTED UPON,AND CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT THAT THE $1 . 50 FOR NON-COLLECTIVE BARGAINING UNIT MEMBERS AND $7 . 15 FOR THOSE BARGAINING COL- LECTIVELY BE PAID BY THE CITY FOR KING COUNTY MEDICAL . After lengthy discussion regarding need for budgetary allocations , offer and pursuance of proper bargaining and negotiating procedure , it was MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO AMEND THE MOTION TO ADD THAT THE CITY NEGOTIATOR OFFER THE $7. 15 TO 21R THEREBY PAYING THE $18.15 PREMIUM, EFFECTIVE THE DATE THE INCREASE WENT INTO EFFECT . A dissenting voice vote brought roll call as follows: AYE-3 BRUCE, GRANT AND SCHELLERT.. NO-4 : CLYMER , STREDICKE PERRY AND DELAURENTI. AMENDMENT FAILED. Schellert withdrew second to main motion, Next order of business taken up. (See later action) 455 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/10/72 Page 5. APPOINTMENTS: Mrs . Maxine Pearman Letter from Mayor Garrett requested council Board of Ethics , concurrence in the appointment- of Mrs . Four-year term Maxine Pearman to membership on the Board of Ethics . Mrs . Pearman was appointed to a one-yeas term in 1971 and is now being appointed to a four-year_ term expiring on 12/31/75 . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAU?ENTI, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Confidential Councilman Clymer called attention to article matters being in the Record Chronicle wherein items under negotiated in negotiation of confidential nature had been executive session- disclosed,as discussed between an official and made public reporter following executive session of the council , which he felt was a breach of ethics and regretful , the Council trying to do a good job of collective bargaining. Transportation Chairman Stredicke submitted .Transportation Committee Report Committee report which was read with Council action taken as follows : 1 . Bid Award- Recommended that low bid of Pacific Paving Co. , Grady Way Imp . Seattle , in sum of $143, 309 . 60 be accepted on Rainier Ave . S. the improvement of Grady Way . MOVED BY STREDICKE, to Lind Ave . SW SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR IN THE BID AWARD AS RECOMMENDED. THE MOTION CARRED. 2. Rt . Tarn Lane- Recommended no action be taken on turn land since Sunset at N. 12th turning movements are planned in new construction of Sunset ,by the State, full signalization and pedestrian crosswalks included therewith . MOVED _ BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. 3. Taxicab Ordi- Req,?ested more time be granted the Transporation nance (Zones and Committee on taxicab matters and that any pro- Stands) posed legislation be held by the Legislation Com- mittee until the Transportation Committee makes its recommendation. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. 4. Pipeline Rd . Realignment Recommended concurrence in Board of Public Works recommendation to reilign Pipeline road at its intersection with Puget Drive, near Tiffany Park. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. 5 . Tolerance Recommended no action be taken at this time in Permit - Overwt . regard to tolerance permits for overweight logging Logging Trucks trucks using city streets . MOVED BY CLYMER AND SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . MOTION CARRIED. 6 . Human Relations Recommended that the subject of revision of the Committee Fair Housing Commission to a Human Relations Committee be placed before the council for proper referral action it felt to be an error as referred. - MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE SUBJECT NI:4TTER TO THE FAIR HOUSING COMMISSION. THE MOTION CARRIED. (Grant noted AWC information regarding Ord�na.nces of most cities being set up as Human Relations Commission which also handles Fair Housing matters , review requested accordingly . ) 7. Tiffany Park More time requested for review of the requests of Street Lighting Mr. Ronald C. Goss and Mr. Arthur D. Scholes requests . for additional street lighting in Tiffany Park area . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO GRANT THE REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL TIME . THE MOTION CARRIED. 456 Page 6 . MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEE:eING 1/10/72 OLD BUSINESS: Appointment of Councilman Stredicke questioned need for 1 Mr. Nunn to Fair confirmation of appointment pending in Housing Commission defunct Personnel and Community Relations Committee , of lir. Paul Nunn to membership on the Fair Housing Commission . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE MAYOR ' S OFFICE FOR REVIEW. THE MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION 1784 MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED 13Y PERRY, TO TAKE I Annexation - NE THE PENDING ANNEXATION LEGISLATION FROM THE area - Providing TABLE,, WHERE IT WAS PLACED EARLIER IN THE MEETING for Community FOR COUNCIL ACTION AT THIS TIME . CARRIED . W Municipal Council The Resolution was read regarding the annexa- therein ; calling tion to Renton of certain properties located for election among generally Northeast of the City Limits . MOVED qualified voters BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY DELAU.RENTI, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED. Public Safety Chairman Delaurenti submitted committee report Committee Report recommending approval of King County 's new 1 . King County Prisoner Retention Agreement , execution subject Prisoner Retention _..- to- Attorney ' s approval . MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND Agreement BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. 2 . Taxi vehicle Recommended that the Taxicab Vehicle Inspection Inspection Form Report be implemented and completed every ten thousand miles or every six months , whichever occurs first. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE , TO CONCUR. THE M071TON CARRIED. Labor Negotiation Council comments ensued regarding freedom to Discussion be allowed the City 's negotiator in pursuing his tasks , need for Council involvement when offers are rejected and new recommendations are in order . Remarks noted earlier proposals made in hopes to further proceedings in a manner fair to all concerned , attention being called to funding required vs . budgetary allocations , proper and unemotional procedure being urged. it was subsequently MOVED BY GnANT , SECONDED BY PERRY, TO ASK_ THE CITY'S NEGOTIATOR TO CONTINUE NEGOTIATIONS A9D TO MEET WITH THE POLICE GUILD AS SOON AS POSSIBLE . CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO OFFER $16 . 65 FOR MEDICAL PREMIUMS TO ALL EMPLOYEES AND THE $1 . 50 ADDITIONAL, TO MAKE TOTAL PREMIUM OF $18 . 15 , BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE FOR REPORT ON FUNDING SOURCE. MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Perry reported Library Board approval of site on 12th for branch library , noting search Branch Library now underway for architects . Upon inquiry the City Attorney advised of procedure to follow including need for Ordinance , some 4 to 6 month passage anticipated for preparation and hiring of architects , Councilmanic Bond sale to be effected thereafter early sale to result in added interest . AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Harold Caldwell , Pres. , Police Officers Guild , inquired concerning continuing of negot- Labor Negotiations iations and items requested to be separately ""� defined, requesting to be advised of any change in compromise status , the Guild to be forced to take ultimatim action otherwise. The Mayor noted council action directing a meeting as soon as possible it being reasonable to assume there would be instructions given the negotiator for further proceedings . ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO 10 :40 P .M. ADJOURN. CARRIED. The meeting was adjourned. Helmie Nelson , City Clerk 457 1 7f VIARPA�J DTSTRIBUTIOr4 DATE; BEGIN ENDING TOTAL v4ARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTIUN NUMBER t•JIJMBER WARRANTS CURRENT FUND 5558 5636 $53s642o99 PARKS AND RECREATION 5637 5677 $15s820o0g CITY STREET 5678 5703 $15;988o08 CEDAR RIVER M AND I 5704 5705 $13&23 LIBRARY 5706 57(,18 $180476 EMERGENCY EMPL;JYMENT 5709 5711 $145053 REG+ AND STR's:,ET FwD THRUST 5712 F)712 $10025 URBAN ARTERIAL 5713 5711. 3 $92028 WATERWORKS UTILITY 5714 57-45 $21A840 •OO AIRPORT 5736 5742 $289o37 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 5743 5770 $181198017 FIREMEN S PENSION 5771 $ 772 $1Os71600 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $1361936 ®74 Wks THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS CF THE FI`JA�gCE CC`1MITTFE. OF THE PENTON CITY COUNCILo HAVING RECEIVED GEPARTmE��TAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICE: f;AVE BEEN RECEIVED OR pCNDERE.Ds DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO* 5558 THROUGH NG . 5772 IN THE AMOUNT OF $11 36e 936 °74 THIS ltct OF' tY s 19710 LiQA113 Cash tPe.a � � �a.3�.�. �c FINANCE COMMITTEE .e.6n®'wwwesw •�!a.�w+��we�wee Boa sonwww• C(71MTTTF_E ME,MBEI�- _'� D1w Dt wm9 TDS D)w1bl0 lP`.OA RID wTSAwDedw www w4�1 COMMITTEE ME t!iiER v4 D.www/wwsoose���400re'r.oiwwm�wwsww� COMM1'TTEE r1E:MPER 458 FOLLOW-UP MEMORANDUM January 10, 1972 TO: All Employees FROM: Ted Bennett, Acting Finance Director SUBJECT: Medical Insurance Premium Rates Since there seems to be some confusion concerning the prior memo regarding Medical Insurance Premium Increases, we wi,l.l further clarify the matter at this time. We were first notified by King County Medical that the premium for the in- dividual subscriber would be $16.65 per month, effective January, 1972. The Mayor included this amount in the budget he presented to the City Council and which they subsequently amended and adopted. After the City Council adopted the 1972 budget we were notified by King County Medical that the monthly premium for the individual subscriber would be increased an additional $1.50 per month, to $18.15 . We are implementing the 1972 budget for those employees who are not represented by a bargaining unit and the same has been offered to the employees represented by collective bargaining units. As soon as the contracts between the bargaining units and the City have been consummated, we will implement the provisions of such contracts. Medical payments for personnel who are members of L.E.F.F will be paid in full as will the premium for civilian personnel in the Police Department. Attached is a copy of a memo from Dow Laney Company which should clarify the reason for the increase. If at all possible we would appreciate being notified of any changes in coverage by 5 :00 p.m., January 11, 1972. Any delay beyond that date could materially affect the preparation of the January 15th pay roll. �Iz /1 459 333 • 1st AVE. WEST SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98119 • (206) AT 4.6800 D OW ---- LAN EY CO - January 6, 1972 TO ALL EMPLOYEES King County Medical Blue Shield has informed us that the monthly premium charge necessary to maintain the present program of medical coverage for yourself and your dependents has been increased. The new monthly rates being charged by King County Medical are as follows: Employee Male Souse Female Spouse $ 18. 15 $ 18.46 $ 24.97 1st. Child 2nd Child Over Age Child $ 10.94 $ 8. 76 $ 16.40 Firemen and Policemen monthly rates are $19.80. Why the increase? Primarily because the program did a very good job last year of providing you protection from the terrible economic burden of catastrophic medical bills. For instance, the City of Renton and you re- mitted to King County Medical $71 ,000 on you and your dependents' behalf. Hospital, Doctor, and Ancilliary charge; paid by King County Medical were $102,000. In short , every dollar spent, by both the City and you, for your medical protection was returned to you and your dependents in the form of paid medical bills at the rate of $1.44. The year before, the situation was very similar. For each dollar of premium, $1, 30 was returned to the program' s participants in the form of paid medical bills. As you can see, something had to give. The disparity between the former premium charge for medical protection and the actual costs of that protection was too great. INSURANCE BROKERS ­ EMPLOYEE BENEFIT CONSULTANTS January 10, 1972 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID OPENING, JANUARY 5, 1972 C 2:00 P.M. Street Illumination Equipment, Sunset Boulevard N.E., Rainier Avenue, Grady Way and Airport Way GROUP C - Items 6-14 GROUP A - Items 1-4 GROUP B - Item 5 (SODIUM VAPOR LTj=IRES & BIDDER r BID BOND (DANFIT S= LIGHT PODS) (TRUSS STYLE LIGHT POLE) LAMPS PLUS GLARE SHIELDS) - gp .. ..,..-�.�_'�._ --"�'.-24::S�LT:.--y�-;�i'�il�.- �—. �'-"----..�7.-.Y•^wT-vas:--•,,.. � -- . --: — Stusser Electric Co. Bid Bond $58,059.20 $3,598.94 ,) ,391+•59 , 660 South Andover Street Seattle, Washington 98108 $60,658.87 $46,382.111:: Westinghouse Bid Bond $61,553.10 $35666.60 $52,363.48 Electric Supply Company 2233 Sixth Avenue South Seattle, Washington 98134 General Electric Supply ColTany Bid Bond $61,957.11 $33676.05 $46,513.30 1212 First Avenue South P. 0. Box 3705 NOTE: Total Lot Price for Groups A, B, C, Bid Items 1 - 14 Seattle, Washington 98124 $ilo,599.44 $46,982.79;; Automatic Signal Division Bid Bond $78,782.60 $4,305.99 $51,587.11 71726 Aurora Avenue North Seattle: Wash-ington 98133 %consulting Engineer Corrections. BIDS INCLUDE 5% WASHINGTON STATE SALES TAX t r January 10, 1972 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID OPENING, JANUARY 5, 1972 2:00 P.M. Traffic Signal Equipment - Sunset Boulevard N.E., and Rainier Avenue GROUP B - Items 8-21 GROUP A - Items 1-7 (SIGNAL HEADS, FRAMEWORK MOUNTINGS, FBIDDER BID BOND (SIGNAL POLES) PED SIGNAL BEADS., FULL ACTUATED COLM, 071 EFS & CABINETS, & FIRE PRE-EYIPTION EQ-LTI1P1VNT) Automatic Signal Division Bid Bond $33,499.07 $473320.79 11726 Aurora Avenue North $5o.,870-38 Seattle; Wasb-ington 98133 Alternate Bid 4 Singer Traffic Controls Cashierfs $33,609.45 $55,628.55 P. 0. Box 6040 Check Sunnyvale, California 94086 a $55,628.56:s Econolite Bid Bond $33,793.94 $43,493.05 3644 AYbicr Place North $43,913.05- Seattle, Waslrsngton 58103 E $46,224.05 Alternate Bid $46,664.05;: Enerco IJO BID (C) $203747.48 4602 S.W. Rose Street (F) $26,056.28 Seattle, Washington 98116 WASHINGTON STATE SALES TAX (5%) INCLUDED IN BIDS ::Consulting Engineer Corrections. F� 462 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID OPENING, JANUARY 10, 1972 January 10., 1972 2:00 P.M. Street Improvement, Rainier Avenue South from Southwest Grady Way to South 3rd. St. BIDDER BID BOND BID Gary Merlino Construction Company Bid Bond $157,229.75 8630 Fauntlee Cr. S.W. Seattle, Washington 98116 LDL Land Development Co., Inc. Bid Bond $166,770.00 1529 West Valley Highway North Auburn, Washington 98002 Pacific Paving Co., Inc. Bid Bond $174,7142.00 121 South River Street Seattle, Washington 98108 Moss Construction, Inc. Bid Bond $181,985.50 Box 89305 Zenith, Washington 98188 Austin Construction Company Bid Bond $1914,185.00 P. 0. Box 547 Bellevue, Washington 98009 ...► W. C. Frost Construction Co. Bid Bond $1916,250.00 8005 South 222nd Kent, Washington 98031 Sales Tax not applicable. µ 1972 Com,i-' I ree Meeting Calendar ` OFFICE CF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE. MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCi T MEETING OF January 1C , 19-12 COMAITTEE _ ^Dt T3 2IN.E CHAIRMAN Lo(_4TICN REMARkS Committee of the whole Wed. 1/;.2 8 :00 PM Bruce 6th Conf.Rm Community Services F.ri . 1/14 4 :00 PM Clymer 3rd COnf .Rm Mining & Grading Ordinance to be Discussed. Finance and Personnel Mon- 1/17 7 :00 PM Schellert Chrman ' s Council Off Legislation Wed. 1/12 7 :00 PM Perry 6th Chrm.Of Attorney Requested Attend Mon. 1/17 5 :00 PM Chrm.Counci Office Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Grant Transportation Wed. 1/12 7 : 30 PM Stredi.cke 6th Conf.Rm Other 464 OFFICE OF THE CIT' CLERK January 10, 1972 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS 604 NO. AMOUNT TAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 2883 1300.00 HERVE BELISLE 1204 N 36th CONST. STORAGE BLDG. 2881 -- LEWIS PERETTI 1023 N 1st St. DEMO. APT. BLDG. 2885 380.00 MARK 7 REALTY 3916 NE 6th CONST. , REPLACF, RFPR . 2886 253,000.00 WASH. JOCKEY CLUB LONGACRES ADD TO CLUBHOUSE 2887 200.00 JERRY SMITH 21 LOGAN AVE. S. INSTALL NEW DOOR, WIND 2888 1200.00 R. V. SNOWDEN 3905 SE lith St . INST. CABINETS, WINDOW ELECTRICAL PERMITS 3510 VOID 3511 208 .00 STEVE BELL 624 SW LANGSTON RD. REPLACE & REWIRE 3512 250.00 GEORGE BANASKY 411 MORRIS AVE. S. INST. NEW PANEL 3513 100.00 KEN'S AUTO REPAIR 1309 N . 30th ST. REPAIR WIRING 3514 250.00 HOLRIC CO. 317 WELLS AVE. N . INST. 200AMP SERV . MECHANICAL PERMITS 3070 1000.00 KENNEY'S AUTO REBLD. 618 PARK AVE. N. INST. PLBG. FIXTURES 3071 1200.00 RALPH WILSON PLASTICS 727 LIND AVE. SW REVISE SPRINKLER SYST , 3072 1371.00 KENNY'S AUTO REBLD. 618 PARK AVE . N. INST. 3 UNIT HEATS' SIGN PERMITS 195 3000.00 A .BACKAMUS 2809 SUNSET BLVD. NE INST. POLE SIGN SEWER PERMITS 1 OID 1665 25,00 KEN'S AUTO REBLD. 618 PARK AVE. N. CONNECT SEWER ww 465 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING January 17 , 1972 Municipal Building 8 :00 P.M . Council Chambers R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY Summons and Complaint No . 747403 , Vomenici vs . City , et al Police Guild Contract document to be reviewed prior to execution CITY CLERK Authorized to execute contract documents with Dale Jorgensen & Associates for CBD Redevelopment Projects (3 Contracts) in total sum of $13, 000 . 00 . LEGISLATION COM14ITTEE Proposed Ordinance establishing and creating position of Public Works Administrator Proposed Ordinance relating to Pawnbrokers and letter from Mr. Wegodsky requesting revision to allow additional licensee Amendment to City Code to repeal Title I, Ch . 7 , relating to precinct boundaries Code revision to reflect new Bond requirements for Officials . MAYOR Authorized to execute contract documents with Dale Jorgensen & Associates for CBD Redevelopment projects (3 contracts , ) in total sum of $13 ,000 . 00 . LIBRARY BUILDING COMMITTEE Letter from Renton Library Board of Trustees regarding Highlands Branch Library site and planning progress and procedures to be taken by Board TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Bids opened 1/12/72 , Rainier Avenue Extension Bids opened 1/13/72 , Surplus Traffic Signal & related equipment Subject of parking lots at the Municipal Building and Library and updating of ordinances regarding all city parking PLANNING COMMISSION Land use and rezone of properties on Maple Valley Highway - per Councilman Delaurenti APPOINTMENTS Fire Department appointments to six months probationary terms as provided by Civil Service regulations : David Martin Thorson , Gary A. Dawkins , Larry Codiga , Howard A . Hunt , Jr . , Lawrence Eager and William A . White . EVENTS AND MEETINGS RIBCO Public Meetings 1/25/72 - Shaw Rm. , Seattle Center, 8 : 00 p .m. 1/27/72 - Puget Power Auditorium , Renton , 8 :00 p.m. 466 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING" January 17 , 1972 Municipal Building 8 : 00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance CALL TO ORDER and called the meeting of the City Council to order . ROLL CALL OF BRUCE , GRANT , CLYMER , STREDICKE , PERRY AND COUNCIL MEMBERS DELAUP.ENTI . ABSENT : SCHELLERT. MOVED BY BRUCE , SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO EXCUSE THE ABSENT MEMBER . THE MOTION CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT , Mayor , HELMIE NELSON, City Clerk IN ATTENDANCE DOROTHEA GOSSETT , City Treasurer , G . M . SHELLAN, City Attorney , JACK WILSON, Director of Engineering, TED BENNETT, Acting Finance Director , GORDON Y. ERICK.SEN, Planning Director, VICTE GANTVOORT , Street Superintendent , JAMES BOURASA , Police De- partment , DENNIS L . SALTS, Data Processing Mgr. , VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Director and BERNARD RUPPERT , Building Director . MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO APPROVE 1/10/72 Meeting THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF 1/10/72 , AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT. THE MOTION CARRIED. New Reporter For Mayor Garrett at this time introduced and welcomed Record Chronicle Mr . Andy Fuller , new Record Chronicle representative replacing Mr. Don Adams who has been transferred to the Kent office . ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS ORDINANCE NO. 26.91 Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted WAN revised Legislation for first reading regarding the regulation of emergency ambulance services in the City of Renton , outlining the revisions made in the document since prior introduction . The Ordinance was read which relates to licensing and regulation of emergency medical services - ambulances ; setting forth duties of licensees , including drivers and medical attendants; also specifying required equipment and accessories; defining offenses and prescribing penalties and repealing any and all ordinances in conflict there- with . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON ITS SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. THE MOTION CARRIED . After second reading and discussion , with motion to lower age limit from 21 to 18 failing , other remarks and inquiry by Stredicke concerning license revocation and appeal procedure and the continuance of insurance coverage in event of company insolvency , the document was placed on final reading . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT , TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ . ROLL CALL RESULTED IN UNANIMOUS AFFIRMATIVE VOTE CARRYING THE MOTION AND ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO . 2691 . Proposed Ordinance The Legislation Committee presented proposed .rr Re Public Works legislation ,recommending reading in full ,relating Administrator to position of Public Works Administrator of the City of Renton . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO AUTHORIZE READING OF THE ORDINANCE BY TITLE ONLY. THE MOTION CARRIED. The ordinance was read , establishing and creating the position of Public Works Administrator and providing for the appointment thereof; specifying duties , responsi- bilities and qualifications for said position . MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO AUTHdRIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE. ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMTfTTT'`F FOR C117 FEEK. CAPRI77D. 46 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/17/72 Page 2. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (Cont . ) Proposed Revision The Legislation Committee Chairman presented to Pawnbrokers proposed Ordinance revising the City 's Code License of Ordinances regarding licensing of Pawnbrokers . Letter was read from agenda list at this time , written by Mr. Al revision to population break to allow two pawn brokers , rather than one , to operate. in Renton . The ordinance was read . MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. The Ordinance was read. :10V.FD BY CLYME.R, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLA- TION COMMITTEE' TO HOLD FOR ONE WEEK. CAP.PIE.D. MOVED �.BY S` REDXCKE , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THE LETTER FROM MR . WEGODSKY ALSO BE REFERRED, THE MOTION CARPIE'D ,. CORRESPONDENCE AND City Clerk Nelson reported opening of bis on CURRENT BUSINESS 1/12/72 for improvements to Renton Avenue Exten- Bid Openina- Sion from West City Limits to Rainier Avenur� . 1;12/72 , Rainier Five Bidders responded as per tabulations attached Avenue Extension hereto . MOr;7F,D BY CLYME Z, SECONDED BY ;DFL.AUREnI'TI , TO REFER THE B.TD.S TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE FOR REPORT BACK. .THE MOTION CARRIED. Bid Opening- City Clerk Nelson reported bids opened for the 1/13/72, Surplus sale of Surplus Tra 'fic Signa Controllers and Equipment associated Parts and Equipment . Nine bidders responded as ,per tabulations attached. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE BIDS TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED . State Approvals Letters were read from the State of Washington , �... of Sanitary Sewer Division of Health and the Department of Ecology , Project Revision reporting approval of revisions to the 6th ,Street- Burnett Avenue North Sanitary Sewer project . Code Amendment Letter from City Clerk Nelson recommended revision re Voting Precinct to Title I , Ch . 7 , Wards and Precincts , the City Boundaries no longer having jurisdiction aver the boundaries of voting precincts . Referral to the Legislation Committee_ for necessary repealing ordinance was recommended. MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONnE'D BY DELAURENTI , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION . THE MOTION CARRIED. RIBCO - Meeting to Letter from the RIBCO Coordinating Committee ,for Introduce Studies the Water Pollution Control and Abatement Plan for the Lake Washizigton and Green Piver Basins ,gave notice of public meetings to introduce studies and engage citizen participation , to be held on January 25 at 8 :00 p.m. in the Shaw Room of the Seattle Center ; to be repeated on January 27 , 1972 at 8 :00 p .m . in the Puget Power Auditorium in Renton . Consulting Service Contract documents were outlined by Planning Contracts-CBD Re- Director Ericksen as concern design plans for +� Development Project the downtoc.,n reLlevelopm.ent program by Dale Dale Jorgensen & Jorgensen and Associates . Contracts cover Associates Decorative and Ornamental Lighting, $4,800. 00; Curbs , gutters and sidewalks , $3 ,500 . 00 and Beautification , $4 , 700. 00 , a fourth contract to be considered at a later date . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE , THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK_ BE AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE CONTRACTS. THE MOTION CARRIED. 468 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/17/72 Page 3. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS (Cont . ) Final Estimate , Letter from Engineering Director Jack Wilson , CAG 1846-71 , Main submitted and recommended for payment , final Ave . S. Retaining estimate due Stevens Construction on CAG . 1846-71 , Wal 11 due Stevens Main Ave . S. retaining wall , UAB 8-1-102 (09) , in Construction Co. sum of $6 , 335 . 60 . Acceptance this date and com- mencement of 30-day lien period was recommended with release thereafter ,if no liens or claims are filed against the project and upon proof of payment of all tax liabilities by contractor, of retained amount of $3 ,608 . 25 . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDA- TIONS OF THE DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING . CARRIED . Summons and _Summons and Complaint for Injunctive Relief was Complaint 74740." presented , filed by Palma Vomenici , vs . City of Vomenici vs . City Renton et al , as concerns retaining wall along Grady Way and access to lots abutting Grady Way . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE DOCUMENTS TO THE CITY ATTORNEY. CARRIED. Letters regarding Councilman Grant submitted copies of letters for Stipulated Agree- reading, the first from City Attorney Shellan , ment with 21R directed to Mayor Garrett , reported receipt of letter from the IRS which did not provide for payments of the stipulated agreement benefits for all of 1971 , Mr . McKibben's letter requesting exception to cover freeze period evidently not known to IRS , further contact to be made to seek clarification of events and required actions . Letter from Mr . R . L . Anderson , I.R . S . , advised that the city 's contract can be implemented retro- actively , but not dnrin�, the freeze period which will require filing of letter requesting an exception . Agreement between Agreement was submitted for reading wherein the the City and Local City agrees to pay benefits due Local • 21-R Members 21-R re payment retroactive from 1/1/71 through 8/14/71 and from of retroactive November 15/71 through 12/31/71 , both parties to stipulated benefits . continue to obtain exception for payment during wage freeze period of 8/15/71 through 11/14/71 , Order to be submitted to the State Dept . of Labor and Industries dismissing appeal pending and vacating the Findings of Fact , Conclusions of Law and Judgment entered 6/25/71 regardless of decision relating to salaries and step increments for the freeze period . Councilman Delaurenti , Finance and Personnel Committee member , reported committee recom- mendation that the Council President be authorized to execute the Agreement Document . MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE . Durinq �'iscussion ,it was noted all provisions of the stipulated agreement, with exception of the 90 day freeze period question , have been implemented, the City Attorney irldicating receipt of original Motion of Findings and Dismissal to Vacate Findings , letter now needed ,however, to resolve the 90-day matter. Mayor Garrett noted the Resolutions cover a 12-month period and payment could possibly be effected in the final payroll of the month . After some further inquiries and remarks concerning publication in the newspaper and proper signatory for the pending agreement, the MOTION CARRIED . It was urged that letter be secured from Mr . Case, and filed with the City, posthaste, to consumate the implementation of the Stipulated Agreement . 469 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/17/72 Page 4 . APPOINTMENTS : Fire Department Letter from Mayor Garrett requested concurrence Appointees - Public in appointments of fire department personnel as Employment Program follows : (Terms for six months probationary participants periods as required by Civil Service Regulations) David Martin Thorson ; Gary Andrew Dawkins; Larry Vincent Codiga ; Howard Allen Hunt , Jr. , ; Lawrence Eager and William A. White . Civil Service Certifications have been received for four of the candidates , Mr. Eager and White on temporary status pending successful completion of Civil Service Examinations . Effective date of all appointments . January 24, 1972 . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR IN 'HE APPOINTMENTS . THE MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENTS Mr. Larry McKibben , President , Wn . State Council Mr. Larry McKibben, of County and City Employees , AFL-CIO , expressed Stipulated pleasure with action taken by the council this Agreement , evening with regard to Local 21-R and Stipulated Local 21-R Agreement implementation . He reported conversation this date with Mr. Case of IRS who indicated per new ruling,after January 10 , which has also been publicized by the news media , the 90-day .freeze period ruling no longer applies and payment could be made accordingly . He inquired .if his unde.e- standing were correct that payment for the 9-month period had been authorized; and with letter from the I.R . S. , the entire 12 months to be included since money has been appropriated therefor . Mayor Garrett replied affirmatively noting if written Order is received .from Mr . Olson and t1le I .R . S. 7etter, reaarr.'ing the 90-day freeze period, r. payment for the 12 months can be commenced which could be expedited if the letter were picked up, and exemption procedure is not required. Delaurenti inquired concerning Stredicke 's remarks as to publication removing Unfair label , Mr. McKibben advising compliance therewith_ had been intended at Saturday meeting when photographer was invited and pictures in addition to names appeared in the paper showing the City and Union entering into agreement and Resolutions dispelling further the aspersions . Stredicke noted the same type ad should appear disy.iissina the Unfair charge as was placed to denote same . Without furt;,er pursuance of the matter it was noted position is assumed that charges have been absolved. OLD BUSINESS Council President Bruce submitted Committee of the Committee of The Whole recommendation that the subject of the Whole Report parking lots at the municipal building and the Municipal Parking library be referred to the Transportation Commitee . Lots and Public Also recommended that matter of updating the Parking ordinances for all city parking be referred to the Transportation Committee . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE OF too THE WHOLE REPORT . THE MOTION CARRIED. Police Guild Councilman Grant inquired concerning progress Contract of negotiations on the Police Guild Contract and it was noted Mr . Connors has not yet reported whether or not negotiations have been completed. (Grant questioning newspaper item in this regard) Mayor Garrett requested he be advised along with the Police Chief prior to any authorization of execution being consumated, it being stated an offer was accepted, but same not as yet reduced to writing or reported by the City ' s Negotiator . 470 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/17/72 Page 5 . OLD BUSINESS (Cont . ) Police Guild MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE Contract COUNCIL PRESIDENT CONTACT MR . CONNORS FOR A REPORT AND THAT WHEN REDUCED TO WRITING THE CONTRACT BE REVIEWED BY THE CITY ATTORNEY. THE MOTION CARRIED. The Council President noted a meeting with Mr. Connors is to be held on Wed . at 5 :00 p.m. Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Stredicke Committee Report submitted Engineering Director 's bid award recommendations and Committees recommendation Bid awards for concurrence therein as follows , same being Rainier Ave. Imp. , the lowest bids received that conform to the Grady Way to So . bid instructions and specifications : Phase I, 3rd St . Rainier Ave . S. , S. Grady Way to S. 3rd Street : Low bid of Gary Merlino Construction Company in Street Illumination sum of $157 ,229 . 75 . Street Illumination : Low and Traffic signal Bid of Stusser Electric Co , Group A , $60 ,658 . 87 , equipment , Sunset Group B . , $3 ,598 . 94 and Group C , $46 , 382 . 41 , a E, Rainier Ave . , total sum of $110 ,640 . 22 . Traffic Signal equip- Grady Way and ment : Low bid of Automatic Signal Division on Airport Way Group A . , $33 ,499 . 07 and Group B. (Alternate) awarded Econolite in sum of $46 ,664 . 05 . MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO CONCUR IN THE BID AWARD RECOMMENDATIONS . THE MOTION CARRIED. Library Board Councilman Stredicke submitted library Board Action on Highlands of Trustees letter indicating approval of the Library Project proposed Public Use Area site at 2902 N.E. 12th Street for location of the new Highlands Library the Board to proceed with programming and planning , and to interview architects , evaluate proposals , examine drawings and visit other libraries . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE SPECIAL LIBRARY BUILDING COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED . I�_- P, C+2 Historical Society inquired as to action on request of Use of Space the Historical Society for space and was advised CORRECTED-REFER TO of Finance Committee action to be reported in the MINUTES OF 11�411� coming week . Official Bonds Acting Chairman , Finance Committee, Councilman Delaurenti , reported recommendation that Bonds be filed with the City by the Director of Finance in amount of $20 ,000 . 00 , the City Treasurer in amount of $20 ,000 . 00 , City Clerk, $10 , 000. 00 and Chief of Police , $1 ,000 . 00 . MOVED BY GRANT, AND SECONDED BY PERRY TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Joint City/School/ Councilman Stredicke announced meeting on 1/19/72 County Shop at 2 :00 p.m. , 6th floor conference rm. , regarding proposal for joint city shop facility for the City, County and School District , which he felt to be of interest to the Council . Attention was also called to Planning Commission Meeting of Wed. , Jan . 19 , for discussion of Land Use which Council might wish to attend , also RIBCO meetings of 1/25 or 1/27 . Land Use-Maple MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, THE :FATTER Valley Highway OF LAND USE ON CERTAIN PROPERTIES LOCATED ON MAPLE VALLEY HWY. , BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO ADJOURN. 9 :45 p.m. THE MOTION CARRIED . The meeting was adjourned at 9 :45 p.m. Helmie Nelson , City Clerk 1972 Committee Meeting Calendar OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 1/17/72 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the whole Wed. 5 :00 PM Bruce 6th Flr . Executive meeting with 1/19/72 Conf. Rm. Mr . Connors , Re Police Guild Contract , etc. Community Services Clymer Finance and Personnel Schellert Legislation Mon. 5 :00 PM Perry Chrm' s 6th Meet with Mr . Wegodski 1/24/72 Flr . Council (Ames Jewelers) & Police Office Chief , Re Pawnbroker Ordinance Public Safety Delaurenti Public works Grant Bids , Purchasing & Eng. Director to be present or Transportation Tues. 6 :45 PM Stredicke 6th Flr . have written recommenda- 1/18/72 Conf. Rm. tions in. other-Special City Shop Wed 2 :00 PM Schellert 6th Flr . Sharing single Shop Committee 1/19/72 Conf. Rm. Facility - County, School District , and City RIBCO 1/25/72 8:00 PM Shaw Room Seattle Center Green and Cedar River Basin 1/27/72 8:00 PM Puget Sound Power & Lig t Study Auditorium F--+ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK January 17, 1972,E BID OPENING, JANUARY 13, 1972 - 2:00 P.M. g CITY OF RENTON Page 1 of 3 1 SALE OF SURPLUS EQUIPMENT BIDDERS ROBERT H. J. CHAPMAN ECONOLITE ELECTRIC H. FORD, JR. R. GEISSLEF; L.E. KEYSER KING COUNTY CITY OF BACHELLERIE 1818 Morris 3644 Albion CONTROLS INC. 18240 186th SE 619 Blaine 312 NW 50th St. DEPT, PUB, WKS PULLMAN 6417 Ripley Ln Ave. S Place N PO Box 157 Renton, Wn. Ct. SE Seattle, Wn. 900 King Count PO Box 438 Renton, Wn. Renton, Wn. Seattle, Wn. Kent, Wn. 98055 Renton, Wn. 98107 Adm. Bldg. Pullman, Wn. 98o55 98055 98103 98031 98055 5oo 4th Ave. 99163 Battle, Wn. DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT 98104 TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROLLERS AND ASSOCIATED PARTS 1 ERC Emergency Replacement Controller 1.@ $50.00 $75.00 $151.00 2 PT1 Timers 2@ $10.00 ea. 2 PT2 Timers 2@ $51.00 ea. 6 MM3 Controllers No Bid 4 505 Controllers No Bid 2 1826D Controllers 2@ $35.00 ea. 2 1826N Controllers 2@$201.00 ea. $126.00(1) 1 1033B Controller 1@ $50.00 3 14 CKT Tu e F Controllers $95-6b'-ea. Total ) 2 19 CKT Type F Controllers 2@$100.00 ea. ( Bid ) $407.90 1 14 CKT Type F Cabinet 1@ $2 $750.00.00 ( ) 3 19 CKT Type F Cabinets 3@ $30.00 ea. ( ) 1 M Cabinet w/1826 N @ $306.00 Harness, 1 PT2 Harness, 2 LDl Harnesses _ 1 M Cabinet w/1826 N L@ $200.00 Harness, 2 MM3 Harnesses, 1 PT2 Harness 1 M Cabinet (no base) L@ $200.00 w/1826 N Harness, 1 PT2 Harness, 1 MR10 Harness lotY OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID OPENING, JANUARY 13, 19�� - 2:00 P.M. Gary 17, 1972 Page 2 of 3 CITY OF RENTON - SALE OF SURPLUS EQUIPMENT BIDDERS ROBERT H. J. CHAPMAN ECONOLITE ELECTRIC H. FORD, JR. R. GEISSLER L.E. KEY:SER KING COUNTY CITY OF PULLMAN BACHELLERIE Renton, 'run. Seattle, ��1n. CONTROLS INC. Renton, Wu. Rentor_, Wn. Seattle, `ojn. DEPT. OF PUBLIC Pullman, Wn. Renton, Wn. Kent, Wn. /�TL� V1�11i.J Seattle Wn. SCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT ' RADIO EQUIPMENT 2 Vhr 152 Converters_ 1 KARR Conalert Receiver 1 HT9 uallicrafter XMTR $11'95 1 HT20 Hallicrafter XMTR X11.00 2 Motorola T33 AAT �` `"� - 1 Motorola Handi Talkie FPT Rn 1 Motorola. Base Station FSTRU140BY 1 Nbtorola Mobile FMTRU40V 2 Motorola Mobiles T44 AAV s 1 Sonar DC6 Transceiver 2 Gonset Transceivers (1-6 Meter, 1-2 Meter) 2 Gonset Linear Amplifiers _ 1 Hammerlund IIQ140X Receiver $21.00 GENERATORS 1 PE99G - 3KW 120V AC Gen. Unit SIN 266 6-Volt I $6500 Electric Start V 4 Cyl. i Wis. Engine Unit Trailer i Mounted 1 3.3 KW 120V AC Master Gen -..�._..__ $40.00 SIN PD20408 V 4 Cyl. Wis. Hand Crank Unit Trailer Mounted FI, GJ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK January 175 1972 BID OPENING, JANUARY 13, 1972 - 2:00 P.M. Page 3 of 3 CITY OF RENTON - SALE OF SURPLUS EQUIPMENT BIDDERS ROBERT H. CHAPMA��T ECONOLITE ELECTRIC H. FORD, JR. R. GEISSLER L.E. KEYSER KING COUNTY CITY OF PULLMAN BACHELLERIE Henton, Wn. Seattle, Wn, CONTROLS INC. Renton, 1nTn. Renton, Wn. Seattle, Wn. DEPT. OF PUBLIC Pullman, Wn. Renton, Wn. Kent, Wn. WORKS Seattle, Wn. DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT CROSSWALK MARKER 1 1964 MB Self-propelled $75.00 Crosswalk Marker SIN MB310 known as S-43 �..R ]�1..['s.ib.M yam.! wu.arwsnor...rermvys '.+.MYi.aM 9 :a4.y'(TcMryiKYlwWTn;Va'.90.' AvygipWggpi.+.m.�WW. �� . INTERNATIONAL TRAVELALL 1 1965 International $526.00 $487.00 $677.00 Travela.lI S/i. DCL200SB542638B known as B-13 d r; LAWN v 4 Ur-010E OF Tiij� L,Lff CLERK January 17, 19'CL BID OPENING, JANUARY 121 1972 2:00 P.M. Street Improvements to Renton Avenue Extension r from West City Limit to Rainier Avenue BIDDER BID BOND BID LDL Land Development Co., Inc. Bid Bond x1.305907.75 1529 West Valley Highway North Auburn, Washington 98002 Bellevue Bulldozing, Inc. Bid Bond $143,087.55 1503 128th Place N.E. Bellevue, Washington 98005 Pacific Paving Co., Inc. Bid Bond x145,006.80 121 South River Street Seattle, Washington 98108 Gary Merlin Construction Company Bial Bond $155,853.15 8630 Fauntlee Cr. S.W. Seattle, Washington 98116 $1555854.15 W. C. Frost Construction Company Bid Bond x1.619437.20 8005 South 222nd Kent, Washington 98031 a: Consulting Engineer Corrections. Sales Tax not applicable. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1/20/72 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 2889 500.00 MARK 7 REALTY 428 BURNETT AVE N. INST. COUNTER TOP, UTILITY 2890 500.00 MARK 7 REALTY 823 ABERDEEN AVE N.E. REPAIR, REPLACE, REMOVE, ET 2891 500.00 MARK 7 REALTY 512 WHITWORTH AVE S. SHEETROCK KITCHEN WALLS 2892 500.00 MARK 7 REALTY 316 TAYLOR AVE N.W. REPAIR KITCHEN CABINETS 2893 812.00 MARK 7 REALTY 512 WHITWORTH AVE S. REROOF & INST. GUTTERS 2894 400.00 GERALD J. PAULUS 1513 JEFFERSON AVE NE INST. 10 ALUMINUM WINDOWS 2895 1500.00 SEATTLE FIRST NAT. BANK 311 WILLIAMS AVE S INST. TEMP. PARTITIONS OFF. 2896 -- SEATTLE FIRST NAT. BANK 311 WILLIAMS AVE S DEMOLISH BLDG. 2897 750.00 PACIFIC CAP, & FOUNDRY 790 GARDEN AVE N CONST. LADDER & ACCESS-ROOF 2898 65000.00 B & B AUTO PARTS 401 RAINIER AVE N CONST. ADD. TO BLDG. 2899 500.00 GLEN L. SORENSON 504 INDEX AVE NE CONST. PATIO COVER 2900 9000.00 PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY 1400 N 4th ST. CONST. YARD OFFICE 2901 60000.00 PIZZA HAVEN, INC. 739 RAINIER AVE S CONST. RESTAURANT 2902 1000.00 DUNN LUMBER OF RENTON 120 FACTORY N INST. CYCLONE FENCE E "TRICAL PERMITS 3515 241.00 C. W. WIEHOFF 3601 NE 9th ST. INST. ELEC. PANEL-REC. ROOK 3516 500.00 MARK 7 REALTY 3717 NE 10th ST. INST. PANEL, FIXT., CIRCUM 3517 876.00 MARK 7 REALTY 512 WHITWORTH AVE S INST. SERV., ADD ELEC. HEAT MECHANICAL PERMITS 3073 182.00 PLAYERS TAVERN 317 MAIN AVE S INST. GAS WATER HEATER 3074 9615.00 RENTON SCH. DIST. 403 400 S 2nd ST. INST. AIR COND. UNIT 3075 275.00 MARK 7 REALTY 929 EDMONS AVE NE INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 3076 382.00 MARK 7 FEALTY 823 ABERDEEN AVE NE INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 3077 368.00 MARK 7 REALTY 655 REDMOND AVE NE INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 476 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING January 24, 1972 Municipal Building 8 :00 P.M. Council Chambers R E F E R R A L S BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Late-Comers Agreement for sanitary sewer line cost recovery requested by Mr. J. C. Kirkman COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Proposed amendment to Pawnbrokers Ordinance, relating to population Space utilization in the Renton Municipal Building to be reviewed per requests from Judge Gil Duckworth and Public Works Adm. , Del Bennett PARK BOARD_ Space utilization in Renton Municipal Building PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Application for Music Machine Licenses , master and location , for Pat 's Tavern Application for five Shuffleboard Amusement Devices at Player ' s Tavern TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE_ Letter from Attorney Matsen on behalf of client Mr . Jacob Nielsen , requesting gate at Monster Road railroad crossing Talbot Hill Elementary School pedestrian safety MEETINGS AND EVENTS RIBCO MEETINGS - 1/25-Shaw Rm. , Seattle Center, 1/27 , Puget Power Auditorium in Renton , both at 8:00 p. m . TOPICS MEETING - Olympia at 1 : 30 p.m. on Thursday , January 27. ASSESSOR 'S MEETINGS - Feb . 14 , 15 and 16 , First Floor Conference Rm. FOR INFORMATION OF Renton Municipal Bldg. , to discuss property tax ELDERLY exemptions for the elderly PROCLAMATION Wednesday , January 26 , 1972 - SCHOOL NURSES DAY RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING January 24 , 1972 Municipal Building 8 :00 P .M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance CALL TO ORDER and called the meeting of the City Council to order . ROLL CALL OF CLYMER, STREDICKE, PERRY, DELAURENTI AND SCHELLERT. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT : GRANT AND BRUCE. MOVED BY CLYMER,SECONDED - BY STREDICKE , TO EXCUSE THE ABSENT MEMBERS. THE MOTION CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor, HELMIE NELSON, City Clerk, IN ATTENDANCE G. :K. SHELLAN, City Attorney , JACK WILSON, Director of Engineering , TED BENNETT , Acting Finance Director , GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director , FRANK HENRY, Acting ChieF nf Police , DEL BENNETT, Public Works Administrator , VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Director, VIC TE GANTVOORT, Street Superintendent , JIM FRASER, Acting Personnel Director and BERNARD RUPPERT, Building Director . MINUTE APPROVAL_ MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT PAGE 5 , 1/17/72 Meeting PARAGRAPH 4 , OF THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING BE CORRECTED TO DESIGNATE PERRY AS COUNCILMAN WHO MADE INQUIRY CONCERNING REQUEST OF THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY, RATHER THAN STREDICKE. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY PERRY, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PRwVIOUS MEETING AS AMENDED. THE MOTION CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL FINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN SCHELLERT REPORTED Nos . 5773 - 6118 COMMITTEE APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS NOS. 5773 - 5995 FOR 1971 and NDS . 599E - 6118 , FOR 1972 , all ._. having received departmental certification of receipt of services and/or merchandise , and recom- mended council approval for payment at this time . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR IN THE FINANCE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION AND THAT WARRANTS BE DRAWN TO COVER VOUCHERS AS REPORTED. THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted RESOLUTIONS legislation with Council action taken as follows : Ordinance No . 2692 Ordinance was submitted for final reading, first Establishing A and second readings held on 1/17/72. MOVED BY Public Works Ad- STREDICKE , SECONDED BY ))ELAURENTI , TO PLACE THE ministrator and ORDINANCE ON ITS FINAL READING AS RECOMMENDED. specifying duties THE MOTION CARRIED . The Ordinance was read. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE WAS UNANIMOUSLY AFFIRMATIVE . ORDINANCE WAS ADOPTED. Ordinance No . 2693 Ordinance was read repealing Chapter 7 of Title I, Repealing City Code (Administrative) of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled, Relating to Renton Code of Geoveral Ordinances of the City of Renton" Wards and Precincts relating to Wards and Precincts . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. After final reading , it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. THE ORDINANCE WAS ADOPTED. Ordinance No . 2694 Ordinance was read creating and establishing a Establishing A "City of Renton Street Department Shop Construction City Street Dept . Fund" and appropriating excess revenues in sum of Shop Construction $36 ,000. 00 to provide for the shop construction . Fund & appropriat- MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO PLACE ing Funds therefor THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED . 478 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/24/72 Page 2 . ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (Cont . ) Ordinance No . 2694 After final reading , it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , Street Dept . Shop SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS (Continued Action) READ . ROLL CALL AYE VOTE WAS UNANIMOUS. THE NOTION CARRIED ADOPTING THE ORDINANCE . Ordinance No . 2695 Ordinance was read amending Chapter 10 , of Bonds for City Title I, (Administrative) , of Ordinance go . Officials 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to Bonds for City Officials . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS . CARRIED. Ater final reading , it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ . THE MOTION CARRIED. Proposed Ordinance Proposed Ordinance was presented with majority relating to Pawn- committee recommendation reported for final brokers council action . The Ordinance was read. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO AMEND SEC. 5-1202 BY REDUCING , FROM 15 ,000 to 10 ,000 THE POPULATION REQUIREMENT PER PAWNBROKER OPERATION. Motion was debated. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR FURTHER DISCUSSION. CARRIED. Resolution No . 1785 Proposed Resolution was presented relating to Authorizing execu- Police Guild Labor Agreement Addendum. Letter tion of Addendum groin Mr . H. Ray Caldwell , President , Renton to Labor Agreement Police Officer ' s Guild, Inc. , informed the CAG . 1912-72 Mayor and Council that the Guild Members had acknowledged acceptance of the Guild/City com- promise as discussed on 1/10/72 regarding Article V, Sec. 2 of the Stipulated Agreement dated 3/29/71 . (CAG . 1785-71) . The Resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute attached "Addendum to Labor Agreement dated March 29 , 1971 ." Upon request the Addendum - schedule was read. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECOND BY PERRY, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED. Resolution No . 1786 Resolution was read authorizing transfer of Transfer of Funds $10 ,000 . 00 from Building Maintenance budgetary for Street Shop account 011/518. 20 . 60 unto City Street Depart- Account ment Shop Account , 303/518. 00 . 62 , separate bank account and interim financing to be pro- vided by the City . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BY CLYMER , TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED. Resolution No. 1787 Resolution was read vacating and relinquishing, Vacating Utility in favor of King County School District No . 403 , Easement and right that certain "Perpetual Easement issued unto the of way from center- City under date of March 22 , 1962 , and duly of 6th Ave . N. recorded in the King County Auditor 's office (Vocational School in Volume 4261 , Page 575 , No . 5410648 , same Site) no longer necessary or required by the City . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. MOTION CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND Applications from Mr. O. A. Maloney, by Lyle CURRENT BUSINESS C. Kurtz , Mgr. ,requested license to operate Music Machine at Pat 's Tavern , 917 S. 3rd St . , Applications for Application of Vishnu Deo Sherme , new owner of Music and Amuse- the Player 's Tavern , 317 Main So . , requested ment Devices licenses for 5 shuffleboards at said location . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER THE APPLICATIONS TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. THE MOTION CARRIED . MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/24/72 Page 3. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) Retroactive Pay Letter from Mr. R . L . Anderson , Internal Increases allowed Revenue Service , Dep ' t . of the Treasury , reported that new regulations allow wage increases under 7% heretofore prevented by the economic freeze . Letter from City Attorney Shellan confirmed that employers accordingly are allowed to grant pay increase covering the freeze period where funds have { been appropriated therefor,and that the matter pending may now be concluded, Order Vacating prior decision having been signed by Mr . Olson and Mr. Jacobs of the Dept of Labor and Industries so notified ,with dismissal of appeal requested by the City . Letter from Dr. Ernest H. Campbell , Municipal Research and Services Center of Wn . , reported recognition by the Seattle Office of the IRS , that retroactive salary step increases ,frozen during Phase I of the Federal Economic Stabilization program , may be paid , as per Memorandum attached from the Office of Program and Fiscal Management per Mr. Walter C . Howe , Jr . Motion and Order Motion and Order of Dismissal No . 0-809 from the Department of of Dismissal Labor and Industries was read, signed by Mr . Willard G. Olson , State Labor Mediator, it being ordered , adjudged and decreed that the Findings , Conclusions of Law and Judgment are vacated and the pending appeal dismissed, there being complete settlement between Petitioner, Wn . State Council of County and City Employees , Local 21 -R , and Employer, City of Renton. Discussion ensued concerning minutes of Labor Council ' s meeting wherein it was agreed to remove the Council from the Unfair List . Local 21-R Representative John Malgarini advised the Labor Council would provide a letter to this effect for reading at the next Council meeting. Review of Space Letter from Public Works Administrator Del Utilization in Bennett requested to meet with the Council to the Municipal review plans for reorganization of Municipal Building Building space utilization and to discuss request of Judge Duckworth for additional space . CommLnication from Judge Gil Duckworth , Renton Justice Court , was read noting lack of adequate court facility space since the second court has been operating and suggesting proposals for revisions to help the situation . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE SUBJECT OF SPACE ALLOCATIONS TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE TO SET UP A MEETING , AND TO THE PARK BOARD. THE MOTION CARRIED. Late-Comers Letter from Mr. J . C . Kirkman , 1002 N. 35th St . , Agreement for Renton , requested Late-Comers agreement in Sewer Requested connection with sanitary sewer line extension to serve duplexes under construction at Queen Ave . , NE and NE Sunset Blvd. MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. THE MOTION CARRIED. RR Crossing Gate Letter from Matsen , Cory , Matsen & Sprague , Requested at Attorneys , by Joseph R . Matsen , requested on Monster Road behalf of client , Jacob Nielsen , Riverview Farms Operator , that automatic gate be in- stalled at roadway crossing of railroad at Monster Road intersection where a number of serious accidents have occured . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECOND BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE FOR REPORT. THE MOTION CARRIED . 4go MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/24/72 Page 4 . CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS State Utility Letter from the Office of the State Auditor Audit , 1970 submitted copy of ninth examination of 1970 Municipal Water•-Sewer Utility for Renton . Copies are on file in the City Clerk 's Office Utility Office and Office of the Mayor . Metropolitan Letter was read from Mr. Nick Maffeo, Pres . , League of Voters Metropolitan League of voters , submitting Metro-Rapid Transit article concerning state legislative action on Operation Metro-Rapid Transit operation , opposed by the writer. Copies were distributed to all Councilmen . PROCLAMATION Proclamation by Mayor Garrett requested that School Nurse Day recognition be given by all citizens to"School Wed. , Jan 26 , 1972 Nurse Day"on January 26 , 1972 . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Councilman Committee Report Stredicke submitted recommendation for award on Bid Awards - of bid on the Renton Avenue extension project Renton Avenue between the West city limits and Rainier Avenue Extension Project North , to low bidder L.D. L. Land Development Company , in sum of $130 ,907 . 75 . MOVED BY DELAU- RENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Sale of Surplus Councilman Schellert was excused from the Equipment Council Chamber during reading of the bidding awardson sale of surplus equipment . The Trans- portation Committee recommended bid awards as follows : King County Dept . of Public Works , 1 ,ERC Emergency Replacement Controller , $158. 55; Econolite Corporation , Seattle, 2 ,PT1 Timers , $20 . 00 , 2 ,PT2 Timers , $102 . 00 , 2 , 1826D Control- lers , $75 . 00 ; 2 ,1826N controllers , $402 . 00; 1 , 1033E Controllers , $50 . 00 , 1 ,M Cabinet w/1826N Harness , 1 ,PT2 Harness and 2 LD1 Harnesses , $306 . 00; 2 , MM3 and 1 , PT2 Harnesses , $200. 00; 1 ,M Cabinet w/no base , 1 , 1826N and 1 , PT2;1 ,MR10 harness , $200. 00 . City of Pullman , 2 ,19CKT Con- trollers w/cabinets , $407 . 50; 1-KARR Conalert Receiver , $11 . 95 plus tax , $20. 97; Electric Controls , Inc. , Kent , 3 ,14CKT Controllers , Type F, 1 -14CKT and -1 , 19CKT cabinets , Type F, $342 . 00; Electric Controls to provide tax exemption ; Mr. L . E. Keyser, Seattle , 1 , PE99G 120V Generator, $65 . 00 and 1 , 3 . 3 KW 120V AC Generator , $40 . 30 plus tax , $5 . 25 ; Mr. Haston Ford, Jr. , Renton , 1 , 1964 MB Self-propelled crosswalk marker , S-43 , $75. 00 plus tax , $3. 75 . ; Mr . Richard Geissler, 1 , 1965 International Travelall , B-13, $677 . 00 tax to be paid at time of licensing . Recommended OR that 6 , MM3 controllers be scrapped there being no bids submitted , and that surplus radio equipment. be consigned to Amateur Radio Supply Co . of Seattle with the City receiving 80% on everything under $100 . 00 and 85% on items sold over $100. 00 with 60 day limit for disposing of the equipment . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR IN THE BID AWARD AND SALE RECOMMENDATIONS. THE MOTION CARRIED . Bids submitted by the City of Pullman for one He-Aicrafter and 1 Hammerlund receiver were rejected as too low. Councilman Schellert returned to the Council Chambers at this time . MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/24/72 48 1 Page 5 . OLD BUSINESS (Cont . ) Talbot Hill School Councilman Stredicke reported attending a Pedestrian Safety meeting at Talbot Hill School regarding walkways and pedestrian safety . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED. Meeting regarding Councilman Perry called attention to meeting Joint Shop Facility held in the Renton Municipal Building which and Press Release: resulted in calls to him concerning Renton ' s resulting in Calls city street maintenance being taken over by to Councilman the County and raised question as to how such impression had been received . Council- man Stredicke noted no such intent was indicated at the meeting but had apparently been released in report to the press by the County Councilman conducting the meeting. Clipping and Press Release report were discussed. (See later action) Prisoner Retention Finance Committee Chairman Schellert recalled Agreement-Funding prior action authorizing execution of Prisoner Retention Agreement with King County which had not received funding recommendation , it being possible that such may never be required. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT FUNDS FOR PRISONER RETENTION NOT BE APPROPRIATED UNTIL THE NEED ARISES . THE MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINES:9 MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER , THAT THE CITY CLERK NOTIFY KING COUNTY COUNCILMAN Letter directed FORSYTHE OF COUNCIL 'S DISPLEASURE AT INFORMA- to Councilman TION APPARENTLY RELEASED FOR NEWS PUBLICATION Forsythe CONCERNING THE CITY OF RENTON DISSOLVING ITS STREET MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT AND TURNING ITS MAINTENANCE PROGRAM OVER TO THE COUNTY, WHEN MEETING WAS TO DISCUSS POSSIBLE JOINT SHOP �r FACILITY; ALSO TO REQUEST THAT COUNCILMEN BE FURNISHED WITH COPIES OF THE MINUTES OF THE SUBJECT MEETING AND THAT THEY BE INDIVIDUALLY NOTIFIED 7N THE FUTURE OF MEETINGS REGARDING THE JOINT SHOP FACILITY,PRIOR THERETO. In ensuing debate , it was cautioned that dis- cussions should resume on joint shop use , prime concern being possible cost savings to the taxpayers through consolidation and elimination of duplicate services. Press release was dis- cussed, local newsman who was present reporting accurately ,but t-he Seattle dailies ill-advised. Voice vote on the pending motion was dissenting. ROLL CALL VOTE ON THE MOTION RESULTED AS FOLLOWS : AYE : CLYMER , STREDICKE AND PERRY. NO: DELAU- RENTI AND SCHELLERT . THE MOTION CARRIED. CBD Development Councilman Stredicke requested report by the Program Public Works Administrator concerning the CBD Development and meeting to be held in Olympia this week. Mr. Del Bennett reported meeting to be held on Thurseay at 1 : 30 p.m. in Olympia on , TOPICS - with the Headquarters Department and �... Highway Department Officials from Portland to be present and designs ,for funding expected shortly thereafter for the downtown project . Staff officials and some of the Downtown Steering Committee members wi3l. be attending. City Street Councilman Stredicke inquired of the Street Conditions Superintendent as to street conditions at the present time . Mr . Vic TeGantvoort reported about 7 inches of snow had fallen , traffic still moving good but snow removal equipment is ready; frc---eze expected , andth,y11.7 likely phow all night . 482 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/24/72 Page 6 . NEW BUSINESS (Cont . ) RISCO Study Councilman Stredicke reminded the Council Meeting of the RISCO study meeting to be held on Tuesday at the Shaw Room , Seattle Center and on Thursday at the Puget Sound Power and Liqht Auditorium in Renton . Assessor to Councilman Stredicke directed attention of Answer Questions the press to meetings in the First Floor fn Property Tax Conference Room , Feb . 14 , 15 and 16 , to answer questions for the elderly concerning property tax exemptions . King County Councilman Stredicke reported that the Taxicab Ordi - County had adopted its taxicab ordinance nance Adopted this afternoon and felt it could not await further recommendations or delay longer in regard to the problems in other Municipali- ties . Copy will be sent to Mr. Stredicke which he will make available to the Public Safety Committee . The County will be glad to hear recommendations . RIBCO request Legislation Committee Chairman Perry advised for .Ronton that matter of RISCO request for funds had Participation been referred to his Committee for Regolution and the amount of money is needed before the legislation can be prepared . February 7 , 1972 Attention was called to 4 : 30 p. m. council meetinL, 4 : 30 p.m . meeting on February 7 , with bid opening on ttne City 's 8 : 00 p.m. Bid $300 ,000 . 00 Limited G . O. Bond sale to be Opening on G . O . , held at 8 : 00 p. m. as designated in the Notice $300 ,000 . O0 ,Bond of Bond Sale publication , recess for dinner Sale hour proposed. WMV ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO 9 : 30 p .m . J ADJOURN . THE MOTION CARRIED. MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 9 : 30 F . M. Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk low 483 WA �F. ar. T 7I ST RI BUT ION DATE 12/31/71 BEGIN END 1r4G TOTAL WARPANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF Fl vL' L)L CPIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS CURRENT F!_,y0 5773 5831 $38j495.87 PARKS ANL) RE CR. 5832 5853 310,x234 .88 CITY STRL T 9454 5874 $162316 .33 CEDA4 RIvEK r• 4i,v I 5875 5679 $290.32 LISRAPY 5880 5925 86, 406.97 EMF—k"-3E 14CY *rIPLCY`1E JT 5926 5929 312409. 11 RECD. ANC :-Th;-- ;7T F,..: T.,gUST 5930 5935 $159.88 JRIA 4 ARTE-41AL b936 5941 $1,439 .05 4ATEw4JkKt uTIL1TY 5942 5961 $154598 .81 AIRPJkt 5962 5971 $400 .54 Ely JI*'MK r. T 5972 5988 $41069 s 7l FIRE'-'E'4 5989 b995 $16564 TOTAL OF ALL ,AFZRA`dTS $941987 . 11 wEp T"* l:tiC,'tnSlGnEI) —EM6E� OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAVI!„ G ALCFIVEL UEPARTmENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE Ac14(./0r< ,EkVICE'!; r,AVE BEEN! RECEIVE) OR RENDEREUP GO HEREBY APPHOVE FUR PAYML(.T VLUCHERS NO, 5773 THkOUGH NU* 5995 IN THE AMJUNT OF $94, 987 • ll THIS 31 nF UECEmBER , 19710 FINANCE COMMITTEE •srwrr�.wrr. rwr•ww•r�a.wrrr�.•r+�r COMMITTE ” METER M�srww•rwrrwrrwrwrrrwrrww COMMITTEE MEMBER r•wr•rrrwwwwwrw wr r•wr wr•r•w•wr Z04M-'ITTEE MEMBER 484 4AKH:ANT 4ISTRIBUTIU1, DATE 1/24/72 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRA14T WARRANT AMOUNT OF Fl ,vo DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS CUgQENT Fu,ir 5996 6050 $25.#977.78 PARKS AND 4EtacATlUh 6051 6053 $526.22 CITY STREET 6054 6064 $7*569.68 WEG• A'+►C 6TK�e T FW�) Th,RUST 6065 6069 $10922.67 Jk8AA ARTEKIAL 6070 6075 $231639.71 4ATE4wiJl+kti UTILITY 6076 6087 $57♦ 100.16 4IRPORt 6088 6090 $2.0106.98 EA't#IPMtNT RENTAL 6091 6105 $21066.49 FIRE+MEA 6 PENiIUN ' 6106 6118 $51514.33 TOTAL OF ALL *AttRANY6 $126j424.01 WEo THE LiNUERSIGNEU MEMdEPS LF THE FI4ANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY CO(ar.CIL.- tAVIoj WE:CFI'vtll DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MrRCN4�',vISE ANO/OR SERVICES t+AVE BEEN RECEIVE) OR RENUERED, DO rER: Y APNk" vt F,OP4 PArNr,T VOUCHERS Pip. 5996 THROUGH NO* 611$ IN 711E AMUU%l OF $1261424.01 TWIS 24 OF JANUARY r 1972• r FINANCE COM, TT EE r� 'wrrsrws w.r:Gr` wr�rs wri w CGwM TTE"EMBEk 4. iswarwrwwwrrosrsrr�rswrr �i COMMITTEE MEMBER rsrsrrssrssssrsswwwrwrsrrrrsrri COMkITTEE MEMBER ■r$ I 1 I 1972 Committee Meeting Calendar OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 1/24/72 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the whole Wednesday 7:00 P.M. Bruce 6th Floor Pawnbrokerls Ordinance and 1/26/72 Cancelled (Scheduled by Clymer) Conf. Room Pending Items Community Services Friday 4:00 P.M. Clymer 3rd. Floor Mining & Grading Ordinance 1/28/72 Conf. Room Finance and Personnel Monday 4:30 P.M. Schellert lst. Floor 1/31/72 Conf. Room Legislation Monday 5:00 P.M. Perry 6th Floor 1/31/72 Public Safety Tuesday 4:30 P.M. Delaurenti 1/25/72 Cancelled Public Works Grant Transportation Thursday 7:30 P.M. Stredicke 6th Floor 1/27/72 Conf. Room Other CTL 486 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1/24/72 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO . AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B2903 $ 225 .00 FHA--MARK SEVEN 929 EDMONDS NE REROOF RESIDENCE 2904 500 . 00 ted H CULBERTSON 2502 NE 7TH ST ALUM WINDOWS B2905 350 . 00 CLAYTON BRADFORD 2824 BENSON RD S FIRE DAMAGE Mai 2906 550 . 00 A H NEWMAN 1009 N 3RD ST REMODEL 2907 21,000 .00 EDWARD BOWDEN 3939 SE 10TH PL RESIDENCE 2908 500 .00 FHA—MARK SEVEN 316 BURNET AVE N REMODEL ELECTRICAL PERMITS E3518 500 . 00 GEO A HORMEL CO 600 SW 7TH ST PROVIDE POWER 3519 1 ,600 . 00 PACIFIC CAR & FNDRY 1400 N 4TH ST WIRE YARD OFFICE E3520 410 . 00 A H NEWMAN 1009 N 3RD ST ELEC HEAT 3521 250 . 00 MALCOLM CAMPBELL 3640 SE 6TH PL NEW PANEL 3522 200 . 00 HERVE BELISLE 1204 N 36TH ST CHANGE SERVICE MECHANICAL PERMIT M3078 295 .00 GENE B ROTHROCK 913 JONES AVE S GAS CONVERSION 3079 1 ,100 . 00 FHA—MARK SEVEN 803 DAYTON AVE NE PLUMBING & FIX M3080 W H CULBERTSON 2502 NE 7TH REPLACE FIX 3081 575 . 00 CLAYTON BRADFORD 2824 BENSON RD S OIL FURNACE 3082 275 .00 A H NEWMAN 1009 N 3RD ST PLUMB & FIXTURES 3083 345 . 00 JAMES R SEARS 3407 NE 6TH PL GAS FURN & WH 3084 247 . 30 DAVID W CATON 2217 EDMONDS AVE GAS WALL HTR M3085 214 . 50 RICHARD HARRISON 211 S 15TH ST GAS WTR HTR SIGN PERMIT S 196 1,500 . 00 WMS & SWANSON 255 LOGAN S INST POLE SIGNS i 487 FUND 'TRANSFERS APPROVED FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY 1972 FROM TO CLAIMS FUND Current Fund $ 25,977.78 Parks & Recreation 526.22 City Street 7,569.68 Reg & Street Fwd Thrust 1,922.67 Urban Arterial 23,639.71 Waterworks Utility 57,100.15 Airport 2,106.98 Equipment.jRental 2,066.49 �°- Firements Pension 5 514.33 2226,42 .01 FROM TO PAYROLL FUND Current ,-Fund 189,585.57 Parks & Recreation 41,j43.81 City Street 39,782.50 Cedar River M & L 814.00 Library 15,750.68 Emergency Employment 115932.10 Street Forward Thrust 598.02 Urban Arterial 5,382.23 Waterworks Utility 29,938.05 Airport 21023.00 Equipment Rental 5,530.00 Firements Pension 200.00 3 2 Z 79.9 FROM Current Fund City of Renton Street Res #1786 10,000.00 Dept Shop Construction Contingency Fund Current Fund Res #1779 18,602.50 Contingency Fund Parks & Recreation Fund Res #1779 12,143.00 Contingency Fund City Street Fund Res #1779 7,434.00 Contingency Fund Library Res #1779 4,330.00 466 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING February 7 , 1972 Municipal Building 4 .• 30 P . _I, Council Chambers R E F E R R A L S BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Metro Agreement documents for water line extension and relocation in connection with Renton treatment plant expansion , prior agree- ment to be negated as concerns abandoned line CITY CLERK Authorized to execute contract documents with Moss Construction , Inc , on Houser Way North improvement project Authorized to return good faith deposits on Limited G. O. Bond bids COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Letter from Mr . McKibben regarding 1972 negotions for 21R ENGINEERING DIRECTOR Petition of Dunn Lumber Company and Burlington Northern , Inc . , for vacation of portion of Houser Way North between Bronson Way and Brooks Avenue North FINANCIAL CONSULTANT AND ACTING FINANCE DIRECTOR_ Bids on $300 , 000. 00 Limited G. O . Bonds , 1972 (Awarded to Marshall & Meyer) FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Reappointment of Mr . James Denzer to membership on the Renton Planning Commission LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Proposed Ordinance relating to Second -Hand Dealers Code amendment , Sec . 4-2102 , 4-2103 , Dangerous Buildings 12% Differential between ranks above Sergeant in Police Department authorized Vacation benefits for the ranks above Sergeant granted as received by other personnel of the Police Department per Guild Contract MAYOR Metro Agreement documents for water line extension and relocation in connection with Renton treatment plant expansion , prior agree- ment to be negated as concerns abandoned line . Authorized to negotiate with King County concerning additional courtroom space on the 5th floor of the Renton Municipal Building Authorized to execute contract documents with Moss Construction for Houser Way Improvement project POLICE DEPARTMENT AND STREET SUPERINTENDENT Renton Downtown Merchants banner installations over S . 3rd and 2nd Streets in promotion of Washington ' s Birthday Sale APPOINTMENTS Renton Police Department - Permanent Employee Status : James E. Phelan, Lieutenant , Harold R. Caldwell , Sergeant , John C . Pavone , Sergeant , William D. File , Sergeant , Donald Persson , Sergeant , Claude Evans , Sergeant , Michael Magula , Patrolman and Joanne Ocher , Clerk-Steno , I-E . 4 19 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING February 7 , 1972 Municipal Building 4 : 30 P .M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance CALL TO ORDER and called the meeting of the City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF BRUCE , CLYMER, STREDICKE , PERRY AND DELAURENTI . COUNCIL MEMBERS MOVED BY BRUCE , SECONDED BY CLYMER TO EXCUSE ABSENT MEMBERS SCHELLERT- AND GRANT . CARRIED. (Both Councilmen arrived later in the meeting) CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT , Mayor, HELMIE NELSON, City Clerk , IN ATTENDANCE DOROTHEA GOSSETT , City Treasurer , G . M. SHELLAN, City Attorney , JACK WILSON , Engineering Director, TED BENNETT , Acting Finance Director , GORDON ERICKSEN , Planning Director, DEL BENNETT, Public Works Administrator , FRANK HENRY, Acting Police Chief , GENE COULON , Park Director , M. C . WALLS , Fire Chief , VERN CHURCH , Purchasing Director, VIC TE GANTVOORT , Street Superintendent, JIM FRASER, -Personnel Director and BERNARD RUPPERT, Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL_ MOVED BY BRUCE , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO APPROVE 1/24/72 Meeting THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF 1/24/72 AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT. THE MOTION CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Member Delaurenti submitted L. I .D . 273 , Cash L. I .D. No . 273 Cash and Revenue Vouchers Nos . 3 , and Rev. #3 in sum of $3 . 00 each and council approval for payment was recommended at this time . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR AND THAT wu.e PAYMENT BE AUTHORIZED TO COVER THE VOUCHERS . MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted RESOLUTIONS proposed ordinance recommending introductory i Proposed Ordinance reading and return to Committee for one week . relating to Ordinance was read providing for the licensing Second Hand and regulating of certain Second Hand Dealers , Dealers imposing license fees , and providing penalties for the violation thereof . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE , TO REFER THE PROPOSED ORDI- NANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR REPORT BACK NEXT WEEK. THE MOTION CARRIED. Proposed Ordinance MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT THE relating to Pawn- PROPOSED PAWNBROKERS ORDINANCE , REFERRED TO THE brokers COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE LAST WEEK, BE PLACED ON THE FLOOR AT THIS TIME ALONG WITH REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE. ', CARRIED . Committee of the Whole recommendation was reported by Council President Bruce , to concur in the amendment to provide one pawnbroker' s license for each 10 , 000 persons , the population to be based upon the official City of Renton Census . MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR IN THE `r... RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO TABLE THE MOTION FOR ONE WEEK WHEN A FULL COUNCIL IS PRESENT . VOICE VOTE DISSENTING , ROLL CALL VOTE WAS REQUESTED , FZESULTING AS FOLLOWS : AYE : BRUCE AND DELAURENTI . NO : CLYMER, STREDICKE AND PERRY. MOTION FAILED . MAIN MOTION WAS VOTED ON. ROLL CALL WAS REQUESTED ,THE VOTE BEING DISSENTING, RESULTING AS FOLLOWS : AYE : BRUCE , CLYMER AND STREDICKE . NO : PERRY AND DELAURENTI . MOTION CARRIED, ADOPTIFG THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE RECOMMENDATION FOR AMENDMENT AS CONCERNS POPULATION. 490 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/ 7/72 Page 2 . ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (Action on Pawnbrokers Ordinance) Second and Final MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO Readings - Pawn- ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS AMENDED. ROLL CALL bxokers- Ordinance FOLLOWED DISSENTING VOICE VOTE : AYE-3 : BRUCE , tabled one -week CLYMER AND STREDICKE . NO-2 : PERRY AND DELAURENTI . Debate ensued concerning adoption without three readings , the City Attorney noting privilege of Council to determine its own rules , no legal requirement for three readings existing. MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECOND BY BRUCE , TO PLACE THE ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS . CARRIED . THE ORDINANCE WAS READ. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, THE VOTE BE TABLED UNTIL NEXT WEEK. The Chair ruled for affirmative majority. Roll call vote was requested , resulting as follows : AYE-3 : BRUCE , PERRY , AND DELAURENTI . NO-2 : CLYMER AND STREDICKE . MOTION CARRIED. MATTER WAS TABLED ONE WEEK. Mayor Garrett read from Ordinance 2406 , Sec . 1-516 ,Procedures adopted by the Council , "At the time of adoption of an ordinance or resolution , it shall be read in full unless , after the reading of the title thereof , the further reading thereof is waived by a majority vote of the Councilmen present . Such consent may be expressed by a statement by the Presiding Officer that if there is no ob- jection , further reading of the ordinance or resolution may be waived. " CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Late-Comers Agree- Letter from Mr. Del Bennett reported Board of ment , J. C . Kirkman , Public Works recommendation that Late-Comers Sanitary Sewer Agreement be granted Mr . J . C . Kirkman , for a Line , NE Sunset , ten year period of time , do connection with Queen Anne NE sewer line installation to serve properties along N.E . Sunset Blvd. and Queen Anne Avenue N.E . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Grant arrived at this meeting during this action . Petition for Petition of Dunn Lumber Co . of Renton , Inc . , vacation of portion owner of Lots 1 to 13 , inc. , Block 9 , Car of Houser Way works addition to Renton , endorsed by Burlington Northern , Inc , Richard D . Larson , owner of the 75 ft paralleling and adjoining entire length of Houser Way, requested the vacation of Houser Way N. , between Bronson, and Brooks Aves . N. $100. 00 filing fee was receipted. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO REFER THE PETITION TO THE ENGINEERING DIRECTOR TO CHECK THE PETITION FOR OWNERSHIP VALIDITY. CARRIED. Building Code Letter from Mayor Garrett reported concurrence Amendments in Board of Adjustment recommendation that the a Council amend Sections 4-2102 and 4-2.103 of the Dangerous Building Cod.e , and recommended referral to the Legislation Committee . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO CONCUR IN THE REFERRAL AS RECOMMENDED. CARRIED . Police Department Letter from Mayor Garrett reported necessity Salaryspread for for Council action ,in order that the payroll may be ranks above Sgt. timely set up , to authorize the same provisions for ranks above Sergeant , as established by Resolution No . 1785 and Addendum thereto for Police Department Personnel , Clerk-Steno through Sergeant . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY GRANT , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/7/72 Page 3 . CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) Salary Differential Debate ensued concerning time element if etc . , ranks above delayed in committee .. Dissenting voice Sergeant-Police vote on the pending motion brought roll Dep ' t . Personnel call , resulting a:, follows : AYE-3 : GRANT , (See later action PERRY AND DELAURENTI . NO--3 : BRUCE , CLYMER on this matter) AND STREDICKE . MOTION FAILED . MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY BRUCE , 12% DIFFERENTIAL BE AUTHORIZED BETWEEN POLICE DEPARTMENT RANKS ABOVE SERGEANT . Discussion ensued wherein questions were. raise<t as to amount of money and number of persons involved. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT , TO POSTPONE ACTION UNTIL THE END OF THE AGENDA TO ALLOW INFORMATION TO BE SECURED AS PJi:P' QUESTIONS RAISED. CARRIED. Delaurenti was excused from the balance of the meeting having another commitment. Acting Police MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY STREDICKE , THAT Chief - Salary THE ACTING POLICE CHIEF RECEIVE A LIKE SALARY AS adjusted to that PAID THE CHIEF , RETROACTIVE TO THE DAY THAT HE of Chief ASSUMED THE DUTIES OF CHIEF . CARRIED . Street Lighting Letter from the First United Methodist Church , Improvements 2201 N.E . Fourth Street , expressed thanks for a much needed street lighting improvement in- stalled in vicinity of the church . Metro-Water Line Letter from Metro submitted proposed agreement Extension and Re- documents for incorporation of new water line location /Treatment into the City system, extension and relocation Plant expansion required in connection with Renton treatment Plant expansion , previous agreement to be negated as concerns abandoned water line . MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO REFER THE DOCUMENTS TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND THE T^^YOR' S OFFICE . THE MOTION CARRIED . A Bid Opening, Feb. City Clerk Nelson reported opening of bids on 3 , 1972 , Houser February 3 , for street improvements to Houser Way Improvement Way , from Bronson Way North to Main Avenue So . , (See later action with seven bidders' responding as per tabluations authorizing con- attached hereto . Transportation Committee one desired Chairman Stredicke inquired if an tract execution) q Y to review the bids in committee ,noting receipt of Engineering Director ' s recommendation to award to low bidder, Moss Construction , Inc . MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY GRANT , TO ACCEPT THE LOW BID IN SUM OF• $167 , 698 . 00 . CARRIED. Renton Downtown Letter from Bill Santi , Pres . , Renton Downtown Merchants ' request Merchants ' Ass ' n. , requested permit and fee for banner permit waiver for placement of canvas banners over South Third Street and on South Second Street to promote annual Washington ' s Birthday Sale , February 18 - 21 . MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED x TO CONCUR IN THE REQUESTS WITH WORK TO BE UNDER SUPERVISION OF THE STREET SUPERINTENDENT AND THE POLICE DEPARTMENT . CARRIED . Local 21R Contract- . Letter from Wn. State Council of County and City Larry McKibben Employees , AFL-CIO , Larry McKibben , Pres . , ad- Report on progress vised of no progress to date on 1972 negotiations noting no response from Council concerning 21R offers and counter/offers of meeting held over 3 weeks ago , problem noted also in regard to time allocated by Mr . Connors for meetings . Council letter was requested to confirm that all negotiations were to be retroactive . The Mayor noted receipt of word that Mr. Connors had had a skiing accident . Union Representative John Malgarini noting snheduled meeting for Thursday At Sheraton Inn to no avail if action + T t MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/7/72 Page 4 . CORRESPONDENCE AND CU SENT BUSINESS (Cont . ) Local 21R has not been taken by Council on the proposals Negotiations from the prior meeting , retroactive letter of importance and needing to be considered also. MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY CLYMER, THE LETTER FROM MR. MC KIBBEN BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . In discussion it was noted that proposals had been prepared for the Council but had not yet been discussed at the last meeting due to ti:t+e factor , City negotiations now completed with the Firemen and 21R the only union left , prompt consu- mation urged of its contract negotiations . (See later discussion at close of meeting) THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED . Salary for Ranks Acting Finance Director Ted Bennett reported above Sgt . in some $2 , 500. 00 in costs and 6 persons to be Police Dept. involved in Police Dept . salE.rykdifferential deferred earlier in the meeting to end of the agenda . MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECINDED BY PERRY , MOTION BE PLACF,3.0N THE FLOOR FOR CONSIDERATION AT THIS TIME TO AUTHORIZE 12% DIFFERENTIAL BETWEEN RANKS ABOVE SERGEANT IN THE POLICE DEPARTMENT . CARRIED . MOTION WAS VOTED -)N AND CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO AMEND THE CODE TO INCLUDE VACATION BENEFIT FOR RANKS ABOVE SERGEANTS AS GRANTED TO OTHER + POLICE DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES IN THE GUILD CONTRACT . CARRIED . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY CLYMER, j TO REFER THE SUBJECT OF PREVIOUS MOTIONS TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED . APPOINTMENTS from Mayor Garrett reported completion Police Lieutenant , Letter robationary position status by Sergeants ,Patrolman , of 6-months p Clerk-Steno- To police department personnel , and recommendation Permanent Status thereof for permanent appointment by Acting Chief Henry . Council concurrence was requested in the appointment of the following accordingly : Lieutenant , James E . Phelan , Sergeant Harold R. Caldwell , Sergeant John C . Pavone , Sergeant William D . File , Sergeant Donald Persson , Ser- geant Claude Evans , Patrolman , Michael Magula and Clerk-Steno , I-E . Joanne Ocker . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO� CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENTS . THE MOTION CARRIED. Planning Commission Letter from Mayor Garrett requested concurrence Member Jim Denzer in the reappointment of Mr . James Denzer to Reappointed membership on the Renton Planning Commission. Mr. Denzer has served on the Commission since 1963 and his new term , effective January 1 , 1972 expires on December 31 , 1977 . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE , TO REFER THE APPOINTMENT TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED . AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. John Malgarini , Wn. State Council of County and City Employees , AFL-CIO , 21R negotiator , 21R Negotiations inquired whether meeting is to be held with Mr. Connor prior to Thursday . Mr . Jim Fraser , Acting Personnel Director , reported that meeting will be arranged theretofore , Council President Bruce confirming same predicated on Mr. Cffnnors ' physical condition in view of ac.ci-Lent. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Additional Space Council President Bruce reported icommittee of for Courtroom the Whole recommendation that thf Myour be authorized to initiate negotiatic•ns with King Ccunty for additional courtroom /space on the f 493 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING I/Jr/72 Page 5 . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont. ) County Courtroom fifth floor of the Renton Municipal Building. Space needs MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT . CARRIED . Fire Fighters Councilman Stredicke inquired regarding 1972 Contract completion of negotiations with the Fire Fighters and whether contract document is before the Council . Council President Bruce reported that the written document has not been received although agreement has been reached. Mr. Jim Fraser advised that Mr.. Connor is presently drafting the firm proposals and should have same within a few days . Houser Way Bid MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY BRUCE , THAT Award Contracts _ THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO Execution Authorized EXECUTE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS WITH MOSS CON- STRUCl'ION CO. , INC . , ON THE HOUSER WAY IM- PROVEMENT PROJECT AWARDED EARLIER IN THE MEETING. CARRIED. Civil Service Councilman Stredicke expressed concern that Minutes and information regarding civil service pro- Examination ceedings and Minutes of the meetings was not procedures and more readily available to the Council in brochures order that the Council might answer questions more intellectually . He urged that Minutes be posted in the Civil Service Office , posing questions needing answer as concerned brochure provided for job applicants. on miles to be .� travelled from homes for the test and matter of medical examinations to be given here . Bond Prospectus Councilman Schellert expressed opinion that Information the information supplied in the prospectus , prepared in connection with the Limited G. O. Bond Sale , reflected the City to be progressive , and financially well-managed , the Mayor and Finance Department commended accordingly. Inquiries regarding Councilman Grant questioned procedure of payroll procedure payroll in regard to charge of vacation or in hazardous snow sick leave to regular employees sent .home or conditions unable to report for work due to snow conditions when public Employment Program workers were not penalized , also noting problem for workers who have not yet accumulated vacation or sick leave benefits . Mayor Garrett noted that City Hall was open and those arriving were paid � day , others taking sick leave or vacation for time lost , Pep persons not having to give up any benefits or wages under their work programs ; and the Street Department and Police and Fire Dep ' ts . working that daly would otherwise be penalized . Possible legislation was discussed for emergency leave with no supporting action taken on the matter . H.J.R. 82 and Councilman Schellert noted tax reform bills, S .J. R. 119 State Legislature, pending in committee and "Tax Reform" needing responsive action ,in making thoughts known to Legislators for an acceptable tax program. Legislation Committee Chairman Perry noted receipt of AWC notices after the matters had come up advising of inability to qet down to Olympia as yet . It was suggested that perhaps the Resolutions might be studied and Council position be established. 494 �2 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING Page 6 . NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL INTRODUCTIONS Mayor Garrett introduced Mr. Jack Lynch , soon dministrative to be working for the City in capacity of A Asst . to Mayor Administrative Assistant to the Mayor . Seattle Times Councilman Stredicke introduced Mr. Paul Newsman Andrews , of the 'Seattle Times , present to cover the meeting tonight . RECESS MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY PERRY , TO 5 : 55 P .M. RECESS UNTIL 8: 00 P .M. THIS DATE . CARRIED . I The meeting was recessed . CALL TO ORDER AND Mayor Garrett , called the recessed meeting to PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE order at 8 : 00 p .m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance . Councilmen responding at roll call were Bruce , Clymer , Stredicke , Perry and Delaurenti . Announcing a quorum, the Mayor directed proceedings to item 11 of the Agenda , Bid Opening. Mr. Don Morken , the City ' s Financial Consultant, was introduced at this time . BID OPENING, Limited Sealed bids were opened and read by the City G. O . Bond Sale , Clerk as tabulated and attached hereto , five $300 , 000 . 00 for the bidders responding , to-wit : Marshall and Meyer , acquisition and Inc . , Seattle Northwest Securities Corp . , Seattle development of Lake First National Bank , Seattle Trust and Savings Wn . Beach Park area and National Bank of Commerce . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY PERRY , TO RECESS WITH REFERRAL OF THE BIDS TO THE ACTING FINANCE DIRECTOR AND FINANCIAL I CONSULTANT FOR REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. RECESS FOR BID REVIEW Recess was declared. BID AWARDED TO The meeting reconvened at 8 : 35 p.m. with all MARSHALL & MEYER Councilmen present as previously . Mayor Garrett invited report. Acting Finance Director Ted Bennett reported recommendation of the Consultant and himself , that the low bid of Marshall & Meyer Inc . , be accepted at total interest of $87 , 925 and net interest rate of 4 . 470 . Further recommended that the City Clerk be authorized to return all other good faith deposit checks . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO CONCUR. CARRIED. Mr . Don Morken expressed extreme pleasure at the unexpected low interest rate . Railroad trackage MOVED BY PE,+RY , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , THAT THE removal - ICC CITY OF RENTON SUPPORT A MOTION TO INTERVENE IN removal order and THE PRESENT I . C . C. MATTER AUTHORIZING THE ABANDON- stay order MENT OF THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD TRACKS IN THE CITY OF RENTON AND TO REQUEST THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION TO REINSTATE ITS PRIOR ORDER APPROVING SUCH ABANDONMENT AND TO VACATE ITS STAY ORDER OF JANUARY 20 , 1972 . THE MOTION CARRIED. Stredicke requested record entry that he feels there has been more than sufficient notice of this action prior to filing with the ICC and that the general newspapers carried more than adequate notice regarding the development of the downtown area and it had preceded the request by Burlington for abandonment of these tracks . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT THE COUNCIL GO ON RECORD AS ADOPTING RESOLUTION FOR REINSTATEMENT OF PRIOR ICC ORDER APPROVING RAILROAD LINE ABANDONMENT IN RENTON AND THE CITY ATTORNEY AUTHORIZED TO NOTIFY THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION AND CONGRESSMEN REGARDING THE MATTER. THE MOTION CARRIED . SCHOOL LEVY ELECTION Councilman Stredicke introduced Richard and Diane TOMORROW Stredicke , Honey Dew Elementary School Students in the audience ,to benefit from levy support at the polls tomorrow. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO ADJOURN . 8 : 35 P . M. CARRIED . Meeting was adjourned at 8 : 35 p .m. ;Ll'x FIe1m Nelson C tv Clerk February-7, 1972 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID OPENING, FEBRUARY 3, 1972 2:00 P.M. S�xJ:-eet Improvements on Houser Way from Bronson Way North to Main Avenue South ASPHALT PAVING, STORM TRAFFIC SIGNALS, BIDDER BID BOND DRAINAGE, CURB & GUTTER, STREET LIGHTING TOTAL, BID ETC., AND RELATED WORK AND RELATED WORK i�ioss Cor�structio?? Z�c. Bid Bond $138,727.50 $28,970.50 $167,698.00 Box 89305 Zenith, Wash., 98188 Shaffer Construction & Bid Bond X1.463297.50 $33,162.50 $179,460.00 ").0.V-� �`�__� Company %o:C 838 Jcre'rett, Wash., 98206 <:"ac-.-P-i- PaTr-;—r Co., Inc. Bid Bond $116,850.00 $32,860.00 $179.,710-00 1.21. South r Street s P. 0. Bc_� 80203 Seat+.Ta, Wash., 98108 Bellevue Bulldozing, Inc. Bid Bond $146,865.00 $35,145.00 $182,010.00 1.503 128th Place N.E. Wash., 98005 $146,815.00-; $181,960.00:: LDL Land Development Co., Inc. Bid Bond $157,156.00 $30,616.50 $1875772.50 1529 West Valley Highway N. Auburn, Wash., 98002 West Coast Construction Co.,Inc. Bid Bond $157,852.25 $30,146.25 $187,998.50 835 N.W. 48th Street Seattle, Wash., 98107 Dyad Construction, Inc. Bid Bond $1895439.25 NO BID $189,439.25 P. 0. Box 1845 Bellevue, Wash., 98009 Exempt from Sales Tax aagineerts Corrections CJT rebruary 7, 1972 , CITY OF RENTON OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID OPENING, FEBRUARY 7, 1972 8:oo P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS For purchase of $300,000.00 par value of 'Limited General Obligation Bonds, 1972 of the City of Renton, Washington, authorized to be issued by Ordinance No. 2683 for strictly ' municipal purposes, for the purpose of providing a part of the funds to pay the cost of acquiring land for and develop- ing the Cityts Lake Washington Beach Park and paying the cost of the issuance of such general obligation bonds. BID BOND INTEREST BIDDER BID DEPOSIT NOS. MATURITIES AMOUNTS RATE Marshall and Meyer Inc. it $15,000.00 Good' 1-5 1974 $25,000 4-1/2% ;a 1705 Norton Building Faith Check 6-1-1 1975 30,000 4-1/2% Seattle, Wash., 98104 12-17 1976 30,000 4-1/2% Attn: Mr. Harry C. DeRitis 18-23 1977 30,000 4-1/2% 24-30 1978 35,000 4.10% 31-37 1979 35,000 4.30% Total Interest - $85 155.00 38-W4 1980 35,000 4-1/2% Interest Rate - �.47% 45-52 1981 140,000 4.6o% 53-60 1982 40,000 4.6o% Seattle-Northwest Securities1- 2 0 $15,000.00 Good1. 1 5 19714 $ 5,000 4.5 % Ccrporation %%` Faith Check 6-11 1975 30,000 4.50% 500 Union Street 12-17 1976 30,000 4.50% Seattle, Wash., 98111 18-23 1977 30,000 4.50% Attn: Mr. Frederick W. Britt, 24-30 1978 35,000 4.50% Vice President �31-37 1979 35,000 4.50% 38-44 1980 35,000 4.60% � Total Interest - $87,925.00 145-52 1981 40,000 470% ij Interest Rate - 4.61548% 53-60 1982 40,000 4.80% Seattle-F,_* National Bank Bank Investment Division $15,000.00 Good, 1-5 1974 $25,000 4.70% (Blyth & Co.., Inc.) :.11;11; Faith Check 6-7.1 1975 30,000 4.70% ! 1001 Fourth Avenue 12-17 1976 30,000 4.70% !� P.O. Box 3586 18-23 1977 30,000 4.70% Seattle, Wash., 98124 24-30 1978 35,000 4.70% Attn: Mr. Dean J. Torkelson, 131-37 1979 35,000 4070% Asst. Vice President 138-44 1980 35,000 4.70% i) Total Interest - $91,455.00 145-52 1981 4o,000 4.90% ?'rit9rest Rate - 4.8007% 153-60 1982 14o,000 5.00% t Seattle Trust & Savings Bank $15,000.00 Goodf 1-5 I 1974 $25,000 5-1/4% I (Foster & Marshal ) Faith Check 6-11 1975 30,000 5-1/4' I 100 South Grady Way �12-17 1976 1 30,000 5-1141%. Renton, Wash., 98055 ► 18-23 '1977 30,000 1 4-3/4% 11 Attn: MLn. Duane R. Guggermos,' 24-30 1978 35,000 4.30% Asst. Vice President 31-37 1979 35,000 4.5o% Total Interest - $91,630.00 38-44 1980 35,000 14.70% Interest Rate - 4.80997% 145-52 1981 1.0,000 1�,9oio �111553-60 1982 1!0,000 5.00% i I� The National Bank of Commerce $15,000.00 Good. 1-5 1974 $25,000 5.5o% of Seattle :, Faith Check 6-11 1975 30,000 5.5o% Second Avenue at Spring St. 12-17 1976 30,000 4.0010 P. 0. Box 3966 18-23 1977 30,000 4.00% Seattle, Wash., 98124 24-30 I 1978 35,000 4.30% Attn: Mr. John R. Atwi7l, III- 31-37 7979 35,000 430% Asst. Vice President 38-44 1980 35,000 4.6o% 45-52 1981 40,000 4.6o% Total Interest - $86,505.00 53-60 1982 40,000 4.75% Interest Rate - 4.5409% 1111 Bonds Delivered in 40 Days Bonds Delivered in 45 Days ='� Bonds Delivered March 17, 1972 1972 Commit ieeting Calendar OFFICE OF T !'TY CLERK 1 07 COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING. OF 2/7/72 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Bruce 6th Floor 2/9/72 Conf. Room Community Services Thursday 4:00 P.M. Clymer 3rd Floor 2/10/72 Conf. Room Finance and Personnel Monday 4:30 p.m. Schellert lst Floor 2/14/72 Conf. Room Legislation Monday 5:00 p.m. Perry 6th Floor 2/14/72 Council Off. Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Grant Transportation Thursday 7:30 P.M. Stredicke 6th Floor 2/10/72 Other 498 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 2/7/72 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS N0. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 2909 $2,000.00 MUSICIANS LOCAL #360 126 LOGAN AVE. S. R21ODEL BATHROOY9 2910 3,250.00 DEWARD D. EADES 2319 N.E. 27TH ST. ADD. TO EXIST. RESID. 2911 MARK 7 REALTY 512 1,:tIIIT6-tORTIi AVE. S. DR-IOLISTI GARAGE 2912 5,000.00 GARY A. GLOVER 2509 FERNDAI.:E AVE. N.E. ADD. TO EXIST. RESID. 2913 24,500.00 J.UlES C. KIRI11i'AN 1433-11;55 QUEEN AVE. N.E. CONST. NE',,t DUPLEX 2914 24,500-00 JAMES C. KIR124AN 1439-11!1�1 QUEEN AVE. N.E. CONST. NEW DUPLEX 2915 3,000.00 SEA. SPORTING GOODS STORE 5013 S. 'ID ST. BLD. VALANCE ec REMM. ;.?16 23,000.00 GERALD F. POr-Ul]ROY 1800 KFMME'.ti'CIAI CT. S.E. CONST. NEIl RESID. ET_,ECTRICAL PER14ITS 3523 40.00 FLOYD FIGGINS 4225 N.E. 19Th ST. INST. OUTLETS 3524 1,000.00 KENNYIS AUTO REBLD. 618 PARD AVE. N. INST. FIXTURES 3525 100.00 BEN FRANKLIN INCOME TAX 705 RAINIER AVE. S. INSTL OUTIETS 3526 200.00 MARTIN REGGIARDO 310 MORRTS AVL. S. BRING ELEC. SYST. UP 3527 250000 RENTON SCH. DIST. #403 400 SO. 2ND. ST. CONY—ECT FREE7ER BOY 3528 10,000.00 THE BOEING CO. BOEING RENTON PLANT MISC. ELECT. WORK P-ECTIA:"TICAL PERMITS 3086 247.50 KNUTE A. BECKSTROM 2028 N.E. 7TH ST. INST. GAS WALL HEATER 3087 700-CO ROGER PETERSON 2.836 N.E. 16TH ST. INST. PLRC.. 8c FIY RAE 30"1 600.CO ROGER PETERSON 1836 N.E. 1-6TH ST. INST. HOT V,'TR.. B 3089 600.00 NEW MOOTT RESTAURANT 811 SO 'RD ST. INST. PLS. FIX 13 1000 800.00 MUSICIANS LOCAL #360 1 S LO('.:^,?, AVI-E- S. I" ST. . 1% FL STG"I PERIMIT 197 21000.00 KENN7fIS AUTO REBLD. 61.8 PARK AVE. N. INST. POLE SIGN