HomeMy WebLinkAboutBook 45 (11/22/1993 - 10/24/1994) AGENDA _ RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING November 22, 1993 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 15, 1993 .. 6. PROCLAMATION: National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Court Case in an undetermined amount of personal injury and vehicle damages, filed by Marc L. Siiverman, attorney, I I I 1 Third Ave., Seattle, 98101, on behalf of Claudia A. Milam (Stach) for injuries allegedly sustained in a traffic incident on November 9, 1990. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. b. Pl:,.nning/Building/Public Works Department submits a proposed intergovernmental agreement with the Washington State Department of Community Development allowing a City of Renton employee to pa_-tiripate in the DCD's loaned personnel program for a six-month period. Council concur. (See 9.a. for resolution.) c. Planning/Building/Public Works Department submits a proposed 1994 Service Agreement with Kirg County for a Growth Management grant in the amournt of$58,139. Council concur. (See 9.b. for r� lotion.) r.. 7. COFR)nSPONDENCE 8. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Committee ofthe Whole: 1994 Budget* b. Planning and Development Committee: Cedar View Garden Masoleum Appeal; Parker Property PUD and Proposed Zoning Changes c. Transportation (Aviation) Committee: Reciprocal Annexation Agreement with Tukwila*; NE 3rd Consultant and Project Agreements*; Bronson Way N. Consultant and Project Agreements* d. Finance Committee: Collection Agency Contract; Golf Course Loan*; Renewal of Property & Casualty Insurance; Reclassification of Office Assistant II, Solid Waste Utility; Vouchers 9. CR?`Ir ANCES AND RESOLUTIONS `7rdinance for second reading and adoption: a. 1993 Mid-Year Budget Adjustments (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) i' Resolutions: a. Interlocal Cooperative Agreement with the Washington State Department of Community Development reimbursing the City for loaned personnel (See 6.b.) b. Interlocal Cooperative Agreement with King County for the distribution and administration of Washington State Department of Community Development Growth Management Act grant funds in the amount of$58,139 (See 6.c.) c. Interlocal Cooperative Agreement with the City of Tukwila regarding reciprocal annexations (See 8.c.) d. Agreement with the Transportation Improvement Board accepting funding in the amount of $102,425.58 to conduct the design of NE 3rd St. (See 8.c.) e. Agreement with the Transportation Improvement Board accepting funding in the amount of$62,400 for the widening of Bronson Way North (See 8.c.) f. Authorizing a loan from the Firemen's Pension Fund to the Parks Department for a one-year period for capital improvement (See 8.d.) 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Conunittee agenda topics - call 277-4430 for recorded information) 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) COUNCIL CHAMBERS 6:30 p.m. 1. 1994 Budget rrl RENTON CITY COUNC1 l�Tovember X2, 199 ce Referrals CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE SERVICES CRT-93-007, Milam (Stach) v. City of Renton MAYOR AND CITY CLERK CAG-86-046, Letter of Understanding Modifying the Reciprocal Annexations Agreement with City of Tukwila CAG-93-120, Agreement with Transportation Improvement Board for NE 3rd St Widening Funds CAG-93-121, Consultant Agreement with ALPHA Engineering for NE 3rd St Widening Project CAG-93-122, Agreement with Transportation Improvement Board for Bronson Way Widening Funds CAG-93-123, Consultant Agreement with ALPHA Engineering for Bronson Way Widening Project .Agreement with Renton Collection Inc. for collection services Agreement with Washington State Department of Community Development reimbursing the City for loaned personnel Agreement with King County for GMA Services involving State GMA grant funds ORDINANCES FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING (12/06/93) 1993 Mid-Year Budget Adjustments 1994 Budget , 1994 Property Tax Levy PUBLIC MEETING 12/13/93 - Winsper 10% Notice of Intent toAnnex Petition, area located on the east side of Talbot Hill PUBLIC HEARING 1/17/94 - Comprehensive Plan Errata Request, Lake Terrace Estates, #E-33, rezone northern quarter of site at 2100 Lake Washington Blvd. from Multi-Family Infill (MF-1) to Trailer(T) (continued from 11/15/93) Jl� RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 22, 1993 Municipal Building; Monday, 7:30 p.m. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF BOB EDWARDS, Council President; RICHARD STREDICKE; KATHY COUNCILMEMBERS KEOLKER-WHEELER; JESSE TANNER; TONI NELSON; NANCY MATHEWS; TIM SCHLITZER. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; DAN KELLOGG, Assistant City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Utility Systems Director; BEVERLY NELSON GLODE, Personnel Director; VICTORIA RUNKLE, Finance Director; SAM CHASTAIN, Community Services Administrator; FIRE CHIEF A. LEE WHEELER; IWEN WANG, Accounting & Budget Director; LIEUTENANT DENNIS GERBER, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES THE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 15, 1993, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Clymer was read declaring the month of December, National Drunk and 1993 to be National Drunk and Drugged Driving Awareness Month, Drugged Driving recognizing the importance of applying comprehensive community-based Awareness Month strategies to prevent impaired driving. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Councilwoman Mathews accepted the proclamation on behalf of the Suburban Cities Association. AUDIENCE COMMENT Marjorie Richter, 300 Meadow Avenue North, Renton 98055, thanked the Citizen Comment: Richter many people who helped install holiday lighting along South 3rd Street last - Downtown Holiday weekend. She noted that various groups were represented by the volunteer ..1 Lighting workers, including the Downtown Renton Association, residents, merchants, the City administration, members of Local 21-R, TCI Cablevision, Forte Rentals, and others. Citizen Comment: Gafour Abdoul Gafour, 4200 Pasadena Pl. NE, Seattle, 98105, said while he was.glad - Strike by Local 21-R that contract talks between the City and the Union have resumed, it appears that progress has been very slow. He urged the City to accelerate the pace of negotiations and end the strike. Citizen Comment: Neale Frothingham, 10900 NE 8th St., Suite 900, Bellevue, 98004, thanked Frothingham - Utility Council and the Mayor for their time and efforts spent studying the utility Rates rate issue. While he agreed there are no simple answers, he suggested that the City could have better communicated with residents and business owners regarding the expected rate increases, particularly as a greater amount of public input would have been valuable to the process. Mr. Frothingham was especially concerned that proposed water rate increases are three times the inflation rate. He concluded by asking for suggestions on how citizens and merchants can best help control utility costs to avert similarly large increases in the future. November 22, 1993 Renton City Council Minutes Page 517 Citizen Comment: Warden Patti Warden, 365 Maple Ave. NW, Renton, 98055, said as the City has well- Strike by Local 21-R qualified, award-winning staff, it should fairly compensate and reward them. She commented on the importance of retaining quality workers and emphasized that City employees work for Renton citizens. Saying she holds both the Mayor and Council accountable for the City's response to the strike by Local 21-R, she demanded that the Council exert its influence to help reach a credible contract with employees. Citizen Comment: Hill - Bonnie Hill, 2109 Talbot Road S., Renton, 98055, claimed that although the Strike by Local 21-R City's Administration and management requested the Ewing Study (salary VMN comparisons with other jurisdictions), and Council approved it, members of Local 21-R paid for it. She asked for concrete substantiation of the projected increases in medical and dental benefit costs, and suggested that rather than continue its self-funded benefit program, the City should instead consider joining a pooled insurance co-op such as that offered by the Association of Washington Cities which has experienced no increase in costs over the last three years. Mrs. Hill also felt that the City should not have hired an outside consultant to represent it in contract negotiations. She concluded by saying that the question is not "Who is the best negotiator?" but "What is fair?". Council President Edwards commented that the benefit package offered by the AWC is substantially less liberal than the one provided by the City. Citizen Comment: Wagner Rich Wagner, 2411 Garden Ct. N, Renton, 98055, said that while he was - Strike by Local 21-R pleased that negotiations are continuing, he was concerned that the strike has negatively affected construction activity in Renton by delaying the processing of several project applications. Noting that a review of the City's budget and other information related to the contract negotiations has convinced him of the credibility of the City Administration's position on this issue, he added that Aenton residents get their money's worth from the salary paid to Executive Assistant Jay Covington, who works harder than any other City employee. Citizen Comment:e t. Maconie Bob Maconie, 119 Pershing Ave., Carbonato, WA, 98323, spoke as a member - Strike by Local 21-R of Local 21-R regarding the importance of preserving and promoting equity .n.. in the workplace. He questioned the reality behind the City's purported financial situation, saying that although the Administration has claimed a decrease in revenues, its actions have belied these claims because the City has continued to hire and promote during a time of supposed financial straits. Mr. Maconie also questioned the City's decision to proceed with renovation of the Council Chambers at this time, and expressed concern that the Administration seems uninterested in reaching a solution to the contract dispute. Suggesting that the City's tactics represent an attempt to test the Union's strength, he concluded that the Union is prepared to make sacrifices to ensure equity, but he felt the City is not. Councilman Stredicke arrived at 7:52 p.m. Citizen Comment: Al Dieckman, 1837 NE 29th Ct., Renton, 98056, felt that the amount of time Dieckman - Strike by devoted to contract negotiations over the last week was inadequate. He urged Local 21-R the City to engage in serious, constructive talks to reach a solution. Citizen Comment: Linda Igelmund, 3602 Lake Washington Blvd., Renton, 98056, spoke against Igelmund - Lifeguards at the proposal to discontinue lifeguard services at Kennydale Beach, saying the Kennydale Beach City should not endanger the safety of the many swimmers who use this park. She added that the presence of City workers at the beach also helps discourage rowdy and otherwise inappropriate behavior. y. 51 November 22 1993 Renton City Council Minutes Page 518 CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. At Council request, item 6.b. was removed for separate consideration. Court Case: CRT-93-107, Court Case for an undetermined amount, of personal injury and vehicle Milam (Stack) v. City of damages filed by Marc L. Silverman, attorney, 1111 Third Ave., Seattle, Renton 98101, on behalf of Claudia A. Milam (Stach) for injuries allegedly sustained in a traffic incident on November 9, 1990. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. CAG: 93-124, GMA Planning/Building/Public Works Department submitted a proposed 1994 Service Agreement with Service Agreement with King County for a Growth Management grant in the "no King County, 1994 amount of $58,139. Council concur. (See page 523 for resolution.) MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT CALENDAR AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Separate Consideration Planning/Building/Public Works Department submitted a proposed Item 6.b. intergovernmental agreement with the Washington State Department of Personnel: Loan of Community Development allowing a City of Renton employee to participate in Planning Employee to the DCD's loaned personnel program for a six-month period. Council concur. WSDCD (See page 523 for resolution.) Responding to Councilman Stredicke, Executive Assistant Covington explained that the State has asked Mary Lynne Myer, Renton's Senior Planner, to spend the next six months training cities and counties in GMA and SEPA procedures. Ms. Myer will continue to be employed by the City and receive her regular pay, but the State will reimburse her salary as well as City costs incurred for temporary work that will be contracted for in Ms. Myer's absence. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 6.b. AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Neale Frothingham, 10900 NE 8th St., Suite Citizen Comment: 900, Bellevue, 98004, regarding proposed utility rate increases. Councilwoman Frothingham - Utility Mathews noted a previous letter from the Administration in response to Mr. Rates Frothingham's concerns on this issue. Citizen Comment: Benoit - Correspondence was read from Michael Benoit, 12734 SE 163rd St., Renton, Strike by Local 21-R 98058, who wrote as a City employee and a member of Local 21-R. Mr. Benoit expressed concern about the manner in which contract negotations have been handled, saying the City is obligated to lead by example but has not done so. Noting that negotiating involves give and take, he questioned what the City has offered to give up in an effort to compromise and reach settlement. OLD BUSINESS Committee of the Whole Chair Edwards presented a report recommending Committee of the Whole adoption of the proposed 1994 Budget. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED Budget: 1994 BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See pages 522 and 523 for 1994 Budget and Property Tax ordinances.) Planning and Development Referred 9/20/93 - Planning and Development Committee Chair Stredicke Committee presented a Majority Report on the Parker development issue, as follows: Rezone: Parker PUD The properties involved in this matter are commonly referred to as Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4. Lots 1, 2 and 3 are proposed for zoning as large lot, November 22, 1993 Renton City Council Minutes Paize 519 single-family (SF-L). The Committee recommends that Council schedule a public hearing for rezone of these lots to SF-L. With respect to Lot 4, the Committee reviewed a proposal brought forth by the developer. The Committee recommends that Council support the new development proposal in concept and send it to staff for further site plan review and SEPA review, as necessary. Staff will then report back to Council before Council is asked to authorize the City Attorney to negotiate a contract rezone, after which Council will establish a public hearing date for the rezone. Pending further input from staff, the °11r Committee recommends that the appropriate zone upon which the contract rezone should be applied is Multi-Family (MF). Moved by Stredicke, seconded by Mathews, Council concur in the Majority Report.* Committee Vice-Chair Keolker-Wheeler spoke against the motion, saying that while Council had specifically directed the Committee to consider a proposal that was more single family in nature, the developer brought back a plan that was unchanged except for splitting a few buildings in half. Adding that a proper environmental review was necessary, she felt that this project should be considered according to today's regulations rather than according to those in place 13 years ago when the development first came before Council. Councilwoman Mathews spoke in favor of the motion, saying that while further review is required, the majority report provides for this in the form of both site plan review and SEPA review. She said current Code regulations will be applied to this project, and felt that the applicant has successfully addressed numerous concerns of neighboring residents. Noting that rezoning this property to single family would likely result in the type of bulky buildings that the City is trying to avoid, she concluded that the current proposal represents a good compromise position and Council should approve the concept. Council President Edwards spoke against the motion, suggesting that had this project not received Council approval in the past, the current Council would probably not support multi-family zoning on this site. He felt it was not appropriate to continue to approve an early-'80s style project, given the City's vision of Renton's future according to the Comprehensive Plan. *Roll Call: 3 Ayes: Stredicke, Tanner, Mathews; 4 Nays: Keolker-Wheeler, Nelson, Schlitzer, Edwards. Motion failed. Planning and Development Committee Vice-Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Minority Report on the Parker development issue, as follows: I both concur and dissent from the Majority Report. I concur that Lots 1, 2 and 3 should go to public hearing for rezone to large lot, single family (SF-L). I dissent from the Committee's recommendation with respect to Lot 4. This matter was remanded to the Committee from the full Council with directions to seek a design that was more single-family in nature. The proposal is not single-family in nature at all. The size of Lot 4 would permit 240 single-family homes, although that number may be constrained by power line corridors and other site constraints. The project, both as originally and as presently proposed, contains entirely too much impervious surface for a site located immediately adjacent to steep slopes. Ow November 22 1993 Renton City Council Minutes Page 520 j i The new configuration, as proposed by the owner of Lot 4, was presented :I to the Committee at last week's meeting with no chance to review it ahead of time and with absolutely no staff review. Extensive review is 1 necessary as a number of City rules and regulations have changed since the last approval on this project. There is no current site plan review or environmental review, both of which needs to be performed before Council can take a position on this project. At the November 2, 1993 meeting, the owner proposed that the City give back the property that had been donated from Lot 4. Staff has reviewed the donations on a preliminary basis and finds that they are not necessary. .r► If Council is to take action at this time, it would be my recommendation that the Council authorize reconveyance of the donations back to the property owner, leave the zoning as it stands (PNR), and allow the property owner to use the process to properly prepare and present a fully documented and reviewed proposal to Council. The present PNR zone gives the owner substantial flexibility in designing a project for this site. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE MINORITY REPORT. ROLL CALL: 4 AYES: KEOLKER-WHEELER, NELSON, SCHLITZER, EDWARDS; 3 NAYS: STREDICKE, TANNER, MATHEWS. MOTION CARRIED. Appeal: Cedar View Referred 10/18/93 - Planning and Development Committee Chair Stredicke Garden Masoleum, CU- presented a report recommending that Council affirm the Hearing Examiner's 93-011 decision on the Cedar View Garden Masoleum conditional use project as there is no error of fact or law. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utility: Contamination at Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler requested information on the recent Texaco on Bronson Way N contamination incident at the Texaco gas station on Bronson Way North. Gregg Zimmerman, Utility Systems Director, agreed to report back as soon as additional sampling tests have been conducted. Transportation Committee Referred 11/15/93 - Transportation Committee Chair Tanner presented a CAG: 93-120, NE 3rd St report regarding the contract for the widening of NE 3rd from SR-900 to Widening, TIB Funds Monterey Dr. NE and recommended concurrence with staff's recommendation CAG: 93-121, NE 3rd St that Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the resolution and Widening, ALPHA Transportation Improvement Board Agreement for the allocation of the Urban Engineering Arterial Trust Account (DATA) funds of $148,800, and to execute the Consultant Agreement with ALPHA Engineering Group, Inc., for design of the NE 3rd Street widening project. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 523 for resolution.) CAG: 93-122, Bronson Referred 11/15/93 - Transportation Committee Chair Tanner presented a Way Widening, TIB Funds report regarding the contract for the widening of Bronson Way North from CAG: 93-123, Bronson Houser Way to Sunset Blvd. and recommended concurrence with staff's Way Widening, ALPHA recommendation that Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Engineering the resolution and Transportation Improvement Board Agreement for the allocation of the Urban Arterial Trust Account (UATA) funds of $62,400, and to execute the Consultant Agreement with ALPHA Engineering Group, Inc., for design of the Bronson Way North widening project. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 523 for resolution.) November 22, 1993 Renton City Council Minutes Page 521 CAG: 86-046, Reciprocal Referred 11/8/93 - Transportation Committee Chair Tanner presented a Annexations Agreement report recommending concurrence with staffs recommendation that Council with Tukwila authorize the Mayor to sign the proposed Letter of Understanding with the City of Tukwila modifying the July 7, 1986 Interlocal Agreement regarding reciprocal annexations. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 523 for resolution.) Finance Committee Referred 11/15/93 - Finance Committee Chair Mathews presented a report Finance: Property/Casualty recommending Council concurrence in the property and casualty insurance ., Insurance Premium renewal premiums for 1994/1995 in the amount of $394,482. MOVED BY Renewals MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance: Agreement with Finance Committee Chair Mathews presented a report recommending Council Renton Collection Inc. for concurrence in the Finance Department's recommendation to select Renton Collection Services Collection, Inc. as the Department's new collection agency, subject to approval by the City Attorney. The Committee also recommended that Council authorize the Mayor and city clerk to sign the contract for services. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance: Fire Pension Finance Committee Chair Mathews presented a report recornmending Council Fund Loan to Golf Course concurrence in the Fire Pension Board's approval of a Fire Pension Fund loan Fund to the Golf Course Fund for the period of one year. The Golf Fund will pay interest of 4.15%, and the loan will be repaid with budgeted capital proceeds. The loan will be presented in a final ordinance of 1993 adjustments. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 523 for resolution.) Personnel: Reclassification Referred 10/25/93 - Finance Committee Chair Mathews presented a report of Office Assistant to recommending approval of the request from the Planning/Building/Public Solid Waste Program Works Department to reclassify the Office Assistant II position in the Solid Specialist Waste Utility to a position titled Solid Waste Program Specialist, and compensate the reclassified position at salary grade 13. Based on the duties of vow the position, the recommendation of the Personnel Department is to reclassify the position to salary grade 13. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance: Vouchers Finance Committee Chair Mathews presented a report recommending Council approval of voucher payments for the period through November 19, 1993, as follows: claims in the amount of $2,962,100.96; and payroll in the amount of $1,825,650.04. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the 12/06/93 Council meeting for final reading and adoption: Budget: 1994 An ordinance adopting the annual budget for the year 1994 in the total amount of $108,418,494, as amended by the City Council; adjusting park fees; and adjusting animal license fees. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE TO THE 12/06/93 COUNCIL MEETING FOR FINAL READING AND ADOPTION. CARRIED. rr� November 22, 1993 Renton City Council Minutes Page 522 Budget: 1994 Property Tax An ordinance fixing the estimated amount of tax levies necessary to raise the Levy amount of estimated expenditures for the year 1994 as required by RCW 84.52.020; authorizing the city clerk to certify such budget or estimate of the amount to be raised by taxation on the assessed valuation of the property located within the City of Renton, Washington. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE TO THE 12/06/93 COUNCIL MEETING FOR FINAL READING AND ADOPTION. CARRIED. Resolution #3017 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Personnel: Loan of interlocal cooperative agreement with the Washington State Department of Planning Employee to Community Development, reimbursing the City for loaned personnel. WSDCD MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3018 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an CAG: 93-124, GMA interlocal cooperative agreement for the distribution and administration of Service Agreement with certain Washington Department of Community Development grant funds under King County the State of Washington Growth Management Act of 1990, and approving the joint regional strategy and allocation formula. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER„COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3019 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an CAG: 86-046, Reciprocal interlocal cooperative agreement with the City of Tukwila, modifying that Annexations Agreement certain interlocal agreement dated July 7, 1986 (CAG-86-046) regarding with Tukwila reciprocal annexations by modifying the transportation sections thereof to take into account legal, physical and fiscal restraints. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3020 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an CAG: 93-120, NE 3rd St agreement with the Transportation Improvement Board for the preparation of Widening, TIB Funds plans and specifications and for right-of-way appraisals and acquisition for the widening of NE 3rd Street from SR-900 to Monterey Drive. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3021 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an CAG: 93-122, Bronson agreement with the Transportation Improvement Board for preparation of Way Widening, TIB Funds plans and specifications and for right-of-way appraisals and acquisition for the widening of Bronson Way North between Houser Way and Sunset Boulevard. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3022 A resolution was read authorizing a $95,000 loan at 4.5% interest from the Finance: Fire Pension Firemen's Pension Fund to the Parks Department for a one-year period of Fund Loan to Golf Course time for capital improvements. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY Fund NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Responding to Councilman Stredicke, Mr. Covington agreed to provide Transportation: Ramp information on the survey the City planned to perform in cooperation with Metering Survey, WSDOT the State on ramp metering. I i i November 22, 1993 Renton City Council Minutes Page 523 AUDIENCE COMMENT Ben J. Stark, PO Box 98638, Seattle, 98198, asked that Council reconsider its Citizen Comment: Stark - action this evening rejecting his appeal of the Cedar View Garden Masoleum Cedar View Garden conditional use project. His primary concern was that the masoleum will be Masoleum CU Appeal built only seven feet from his property line. He stated that the crux of the issue is whether or not the rear of the building--or one of its sides--will face his property, because this determination will establish the necessary setback requirement. Mr. Stark concluded that the new building will front Monroe Ave. NE, not NE 4th St. as has been alleged. Councilman Stredicke replied by commenting on the difference between a building and a lot, explaining that a rear yard is determined according to the orientation of the lot to the street rather than according to the orientation of the building to the lot. He was convinced that the property located between Mr. Stark's lot and the masoleum constitutes a sideyard, therefore requiring only a seven-foot setback. Citizen Comment: Rogers MikE Rogers, 3 Lake Bellevue Dr., Bellevue, WA, 98005, co-owner of the - Parker PUD/Rezone Parker property, questioned Council's action earlier this evening on the Parker Rezone proposal, saying that the City cannot simply give back land that was donated in return for certain development rights. He feared that Council was acting according to concerns voiced in September by Falcon Ridge residents, despite the fact that the Falcon Ridge community now supports the proposal to construct multi-family housing on Lot 4. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler responded that the City Attorney drew up the minority report adopted by Council on this issue, including the language proposing the return of the donated land. Citizen Comment: Seville Vic Seville, 2220 SE 8th Pl., Renton, 98058, a Falcon Ridge resident - Parker PUD/Rezone previously opposed to this project, stated that Falcon Ridge residents had been primarily concerned about Lots 1, 2 and 3, particularly Lot 2, which they felt should not be developed to more than four homes per acre. The property owner has agreed to limit development on Lot 2 to one home per acre. Additonally, better management control of Lot 4, including a secured entrance to the development, has made the proposal to have multi-family housing on this site more acceptable to Falcon Ridge residents. Mr. Seville concluded by suggesting that signalization be required at the intersection of Puget Drive/Lake Youngs Road/Royal Hills Drive to help alleviate traffic problems, which remain a concern. Citizen Comment: Roger Blaylock, 855 - 106th Ave. NE, Suite 203, Bellevue, WA, 98004, Blaylock - Parker requested a clarification of Council's action on the Parker Rezone. He PUD/Rezone commented on the difference in impacts between single family and multi- family developments, suggesting that the impacts of a single family development on this site would be greater than those generated by a multi- family development since the single family zone permits higher density development than the applicant proposes. Citizen Comment: John Thompson, 330 Cedar Ave. S., Renton, 98055, President of Local 21-R, Thompson - Strike by asked that Council seriously consider the offer brought forth this evening by Local 21-R the Union and settle the strike. November 22, 1993 Renton City Council Minutes Pan 524 Citizen Comment: Kent Anderson, 855 - 106th Ave. NE, Bellevue, 98004, reminded Council that Anderson - Parker its September direction regarding the Parker property specified not that the PUD/Rezone development for Lot 4 be more single family in nature, but only more single family in density. He stated that the current proposal for this project has a density below single family, at 5.1 net dwelling units per acre rather than 5.6 units per acre. EXECUTIVE SESSION MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONVENE INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS LABOR NEGOTIATIONS. CARRIED. Time: 9:13 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Council reconvened into regular session; roll was called; all members present. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 10:29 p.m. MARILYN J. PETERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 11/22/93 +�I CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 22, 1993 **NO CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/29/93 (FIFTH MONDAY)** COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE NO MEETING 11/29 OR 12/06 (Edwards) COMMUNITY SERVICES 11/23 MEETING *CANCELLED* (Keolker-Wheeler) FINANCE (Mathews) PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT TUES., 11/30 Errata Process and Phase II of r i (Stredicke) 4:00 p.m. Comprehensive Plan PUBLIC SAFETY r. (Nelson) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) (Tanner) UTILITIES TUES., 11/23 Cost of Service and Rate Design (Schlitzer) 4:00 p.m. *5th Floor* NOTE:Committee of the Whole meetings are held in Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the 6th floor conferenoe room (unless otherwise noted). J� AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING December 6, 1993 j Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL I 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 22, 1993 •.w 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: WSDOT I-405 S-Curve Project Update I 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. City Clerk submits ordinance ordering construction of LID 336, Burlington Northern Railroad Crossing, N. 37th St. and Lake Washington Blvd.; and staff recommendation regarding inclusion of staff engineering costs. Refer to Transportation Committee. b. Parks Department submits CAG-93-071, Senior Center Greenhouse; and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount to Sharp & Son, Inc., contractor, if all required releases have been received. Council concur. c. Finance& Information Services Department requests authority to borrow up to $2.3 million from various governmental funds and park projects in the Open Space Fund to purchase the NARCO property prior to receipt of all County and State grants. The loan will be repaid by December 31, 1994. Refer to Finance Committee. d. Transportation Division requests approval of a consultant contract with INCA Engineers for design work on the replacement of the Monster Road Bridge. Total contract cost is $70,000; Federal funds will provide $56,000 and the City's share is $14,000. Council concur. e. Transportation Division submits proposed City position regarding the role of SCATBd and the nature of its relationship with the Eastside Transportation Plan (ETP), and recommends that Council establish the Chair of the Transportation Committee as Renton's representative to SCATBd and the Vice-Chair as the alternate. Refer to Transportation Committee. f. Transportation Division submits list of consultants selected for annual contract services in Transportation Planning, Transportation Design and Structural Design. Refer to Transportation Committee. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Utilities Committee: Cost of Service and Rate Design b. Planning and Development Committee: Errata Process and Phase II of Comprehensive Plan (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) I 1 _ d 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinances for second reading and adoption: a. 1993 Mid-Year Budget Adjustments b. 1994 Budget c. 1994 Property Tax Levy 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics - call 277-4430 for recorded information) 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT „ 12. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) CANCELLED y RENTON CITY COUNCIL' December........ 6 .1...993 City;Clerk's Ow. Referrals ' COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE SCATBD Mission Statement and 1994 Representatives South King County Drug& Alcohol Recovery Center Allocation Emergency Economic Conditions FINANCE COMMITTEE NARCO Property Acquisition TRANSPORTATION (Aviation Committee) LID 336 Staff Costs Transportation Division Annual Consultant Contracts ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING(12/13/93 1993 Mid-Year Budget Adjustments PUBLIC MEETING 12/13/93 - Winsper 10%Notice of Intent to Annex Petition, area located on the east side of Talbot Hill PUBLIC HEARING 1/17/94 - Comprehensive Plan Errata Request, Lake Terrace Estates, #E-33, rezone northern quarter of site at 2100 Lake Washington Blvd. from Multi-Family Infill (MF-I) to Trailer (T) (continued from 11/15/93) i 1 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 6, 1993 Municipal Building Monday, 7:30 p.m. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF BOB EDWARDS, Council President; NANCY MATHEWS; TONI COUNCILMEMBERS NELSON; JESSE TANNER; KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER; RICHARD STREDICKE. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEMBER TIMOTHY SCHLITZER. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; ZANETTA FONTES, Assistant City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Utility Systems Director; MEL WILSON, Transportation Systems Director; ROD SCHINDLER, Engineering Specialist; PAUL LUMBERT, Engineering Specialist; VICTORIA RUNKLE, Finance Director; LT ROB SOFIE, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL COUNCIL MINUTES APPROVE THE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 22, 1993, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. SPECIAL Rick Dempsey, Assistant Project Engineer, Washington State Department PRESENTATION of Transportation, reported that the I-405 S Curve project is one week WSDOT: I-405 S- behind schedule due to bad weather, and the contractor has used 23 noise Curve Project Update nights of the total 122 allowed for the project, with three being used last weekend. Cedar Avenue will be paved on 12/19/93, and the overpass will be open prior to Christmas, but will close after the holiday to allow construction of the second half of the bridge. WSDOT is coordinating the connection of the pedestrian bridge to the trail with the Parks Department, and the footpath along CARCO Road will be rerouted to improve pedestrian flow. Maple Valley Highway was closed last weekend and NE 3rd and SR-900 will be partially closed during the next few weeks to allow demolition of the final section of the original I-405 overpass. Marjorie Richter, 300 Meadow North, and Versie Vaupel, P.O. Box 755, Renton, complained regarding construction noise last weekend, and requested construction of noise walls similar to those installed through Bellevue and Mercer Island. Ms. Richter also inquired about the mud problem near the pedestrian path, and asked that potholes on the freeway be monitored and repaired immediately. Mr. Dempsey explained that at the request of the Parks Department, the pedestrian path will be rerouted to eliminate the problem. Mr. Dempsey also advised that two noise walls are included in the contract and along the side of the freeway there is a three-foot barrier wall. Locations for additional noise walls can be reviewed with the project designer. Vow December 6. 1993 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 530 Councilman Stredicke asked about plans for snow removal by WSDOT, if needed. Mr. Dempsey replied that both sand and salt are available for use by WSDOT in the event of snow. I Responding to a question from Councilman Stredicke regarding planned warning of traffic diversion on Third Avenue, Mr. Dempsey explained that there is a traffic diversion plan which was coordinated with the state, contractor, and City. Councilman Edwards discussed the sound standards used by WSDOT, x asked if there is a plan to eventually extend the barriers along I-405 into 1ru�1 Renton, and inquired how this would fit in with the current project. Mr. Dempsey replied that he will refer the comments to the district office for evaluation and response. SPECIAL Mayor Clymer read a letter from Auburn Mayor Bob Roegner, and PRESENTATION presented a Key to the City Auburn to Councilwoman Mathews in SCA: Nancy Mathews appreciation for her years of devoted public service to the City of Honored Renton, and as past President of the King County Suburban Cities Association. Mayor Roegner commended Councilwoman Mathews' leadership and civic service to her colleagues, both in the City of Renton and throughout the region. AUDIENCE Roger Blaylock, 855 - 106th Avenue NE, #203; Bellevue, WA 98004, COMMENT referenced the Council meeting on 11/22/93 regarding reconsideration of Citizen Comment: Parker PUD. Noting that information regarding traffic issues had been Blaylock - Parker inadequate, he requested William Popp and Associates to conduct a new PUD traffic study on 11/30/93 at the intersection of S. Puget Drive/Edmonds Avenue SE/Royal Hills Drive. The study showed a 9% decrease in traffic volumes at this key intersection since 1989. A copy of the study was distributed for Council review. Citizen Comment: Ralph Evans, 3306 NE 11 th Place, Renton, WA 98056, referenced recent Evans - 1994 Budget Valley Daily News article regarding the 1994 Renton budget, and agreed and Boat Launch Pass that taxes should not exceed the services offered. He questioned how the budget can be trimmed by cutting 11.4 full-time positions which were unfilled in the first place. Regarding information in the article concerning issuance of a $50 non- resident boat launch pass that allows non-residents unlimited use of Gene Coulon Park, Mr. Evans noted that anyone can continue to use the boat launch for a fee of $5.00 per launch and $2.00 for parking even without a pass, and commented that enforcing the rules could incur more cost to the City than the $50.00 boat launch passes would generate. He asked whether the fee would be $50 per family, per vehicle, or per boat; and whether the pass would be transferable. (See later discussion.) Citizen Comment: Galen Barbee, 2025 SE 8th Drive, Renton, 98055, current president of the Barbee - Parker PUD Falcon Ridge Homeowners' Association, clarified that the Association is still opposed to the rezone of parcel 4 of the Parker PUD to multifamily classification. He disputed Mike Rogers' statement in the November 22 Council minutes that the Falcon Ridge community now supports the proposal to construct multi-family housing on Lot 4. Mr. Barbee noted that he and the Association's Board of Directors are the only official representation of Falcon Ridge Homeowners Association and community, and the comments expressed by other residents represent their own personal views. I I December 6. 1993 Renton Citv Council Minutes Page 531 Mr. Barbee asked if parcels 1, 2 & 3 are part of the Parker PUD. He stated that a developer informed him recently that parcel 4 was part of the Parker PUD but not the other three parcels. He noted that parcel 2 abuts Falcon Ridge property, and the Association maintains that owners of the Parker property have no right of access. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. At Council request, item e. was removed for separate consideration. r.. LID: 336, Burlington City Clerk submitted an ordinance ordering construction of LID 336, Northern Railroad Burlington Northern Railroad Crossing, N. 37th St. and Lake Washington Crossing Blvd.; and staff recommendation regarding inclusion of staff engineering costs. Refer to Transportation Committee. CAG: 93-071, Senior Parks Department submitted CAG-93-071, Senior Center Greenhouse; and Center Greenhouse, requested approval of the project in the total amount of $19,014.00, Sharp & Son, Inc. authorization for final pay estimate, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount to Sharp & Son, Inc., contractor, if all required releases have been received. Council concur. Finance: NARCO Finance & Information Services Department requested authority to borrow Property Purchase up to $2.3 million from various governmental funds and park projects in the Open Space Fund to purchase the NARCO property prior to receipt of all County and State grants. The loan will be repaid by December 31, 199 . Refer to Finance Committee. CAG: 93-128, Transportation Division requested approval of a consultant contract with Monster Road Bridge INCA Engineers for design work on the replacement of the Monster Road Design, INCA Bridge. Total contract cost is $70,000; Federal funds will provide $56,000 Engineers and the City's share is $14,000. Council concur. Transportation: Transportation Division submitted roster of consultants selected for annual Annual Consultant contract services in Transportation Planning, Transportation Design and Contracts Structural Design. Refer to Transportation Committee. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED. CARRIED. Separate Consideration Transportation Division submitted recommendation regarding the role of Item e. SCATBd and the nature of its relationship with the Eastside SCATBD: Mission Transportation Plan (ETP), recommending that Council establish the Chair Statement and 1994 of the Transportation Committee as Renton's representative to SCATBd Representatives and the Vice-Chair as the alternate. Councilman Edwards explained that the Transportation Division recommends that the chair of the Transportation Committee be Renton's representative at SCATBd, and the vice chair serve as alternate. He noted that since this is a regional issue, it should be discussed by the Committee of the Whole. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THIS TOPIC TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. December 6 1993 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 532 OLD BUSINESS Finance Committee report was presented recommending approval of Finance Committee claims vouchers #106629 - #107225 and two wire transfers in the total Vouchers amount of $1,308,956.99. And approval of payroll vouchers of #122521 - #122938 and 512 direct deposits in the total amount $1,037,881.43. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Plannine and Referred 9/20/93 - Planning and Development Committee report was Development presented regarding the Errata Process and Phase II of the Comprehensive Committee Plan. The Committee reviewed and concurred with the report from the i Planning: Errata Planning/Building/Public Works Department, dated November 8, 1993, Process and Phase II which recommended that the errata process be closed, effective this date. of Comprehensive Future requests for Comprehensive Plan/Zoning Code text changes or Plan Land Use/Zoning Map amendments should be referred to the annual "Comprehensive Plan Amendment" process beginning in January, 1994. The Committee also recommended that applications be submitted on separate forms for each type of amendment, and that no fee be required for these applications. The draft ordinances submitted by staff have been deferred for further study. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee report was presented recommending concurrence with Utility: Utilities Rates the staff recommendation for cost of service and rate design for the and Design utilities. The recommendations will be effective January 1, 1994: 1. The City should gradually move toward cost of service in rates for the utilities. 2. The first step will be to create two new classes of water utility customers: single family/duplex and multi-family/ commercial/industrial. 3. The meter charges for all water customers will be adjusted to more closely reflect the capacity of the meter. The Committee further recommended that meter rates be reviewed each year, with the rate adjustments, until the relationship of meter capacity to meter rates is achieved. 4. Further steps toward cost of service should be reviewed periodically, as recommended by the Planning/Building/Public Works Department. 5. Rates for the residential class will be designed with an inverted block structure, where the second block of water consumption will be at a slightly higher rate, to encourage conservation. The size of the first block is established at zero (0) to one thousand (1000) cubic feet of water per month at a rate of $1.68 per hundred cubic feet. The second block is any consumption above the first block, at a rate of $1.78 per hundred cubic feet per month. 6. The consumption rate for the multi-family/ commercial/industrial class will be $1.68 per hundred cubic feet. Overall rates will increase on the average of 8.4% for water and 13% for wastewater. In order that the January 1994 utility bills can be prepared and mailed on schedule, the Committee further recommended that the rate ordinance be place on first reading, and advanced to second and final reading and adopted. I �I December 6. 1993 Renton City Council Minutes Page 533 Upon request for further information regarding the proposed rates by Councilmembers Stredicke and Tanner, Utility Systems Manager Gregg Zimmerman explained that the broad answer to the question on utility rates is that the average water rate would increase by 8.4%. This percentage represents an average because there are slight variations which are introduced by the standard monthly meter fee. The meter charge depends on the size of the water meter and reflects the difficulty in maintaining and reading those meters. Meter rate increases are not always a uniform 8.4%; in fact, the larger the meter is, the percentage tends to go up higher than 8.4%. Likewise, on the inverted block for r.. residential water use, residential water use water would cost $1.68 per 1000 cubic feet, and above 1000 cubic feet per month the level goes up to a slight increase of $1.78. These variations result in an average of 8.4%. Responding to Councilman Stredicke's questions regarding his latest water bill, Councilwoman Mathews explained that although actual water useage is reflected on the utility bills every other month, a monthly avaerage can be calculated by averaging two consecutive bills together. Mr. Zimmerman added that the October bill may be higher since it reflects August/September yard watering consumption. Councilman Edwards observed that the increase in the cost for water service is evident throughout the region. In Bellevue, a citizens' commission has made recommendations to the Council on sewer rates that are 20% higher and water rates that are 5% higher to meet Federal mandates. Mr. Zimmerman explained that in Renton's rate study, the first part identified the revenue requirements needed to run the utility, and the second part determined customer classes and the amount of the charge to pass on to those classes. Speaking against the Utilities Committee report, Councilman Tanner objected to adopting a mechanism or model which would effect an automatic percentage increase in rates each year. Responding to Mr. Tanner, Mr. Zimmerman agreed that that the model includes projections of future rate increases to the year 2000, which is based on planned w. capital improvement projects. But he noted that the rate increase for any given year is subject to Council approval and the rated can easily be changed by means of deferring or deleting capital improvement projects. The intent of the proposed program is to ensure sufficient operating funds in the Capital Improvement Fund to reduce the debt service during the next seven years, and prevent debt service from driving rates to the current extent. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler supported the Committee report, noting rn that the recommendation changes the direction in which the City now ►- does business. She indicated that if the recommendation is not approved, tr 4. the City will continue to have debt service requirements, rates will be LL driven up, and funding will not be available for new capital }u improvements. In reviewing 1994 rates, it was apparent that debt service LL was the majority of the increase. Mr. Zimmerman explained the standard yA,� Q principle in which rates are intended to fund maintenance/replacements, cn and growth programs should be financed by debt service which can be W H deferred to a time when future customers benefiting from the programsa: z can join in paying the debt. do s v MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE REPORT. ROLL V i December 6. 1993 Renton City Council Minutes Page 534 CALL: 4 AYES: EDWARDS, MATHEWS, NELTON, KEOLKER- WHEELER. 2 NAYS: TANNER, STREDICKE. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The following ordinances were presented for second reading and adoption: Utility: Water and An ordinance was read amending subsections 8-4-24.17 and 8-4-31.A of Sewer Charges Title VIII and 8-5-15 A and D, Health and Sanitation, of City Code relating to water and sewer charges. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADVANCE THIS ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance #4427 Following second reading of the aforementioned ordinance, it was Utility: Water and MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL Sewer Charges ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 4 AYES: EDWARDS, MATEHWS, NELSON, KEOLKER-WHEELER. 2 NAYS: TANNER, STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED. Budget: 1993 Mid- An ordinance was read providing for 1993 mid-year budget adjustments. Year Adjustments (First reading 11/15/93.) MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL POSTPONE ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE TO 12/13/93 COUNCIL MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance #4428 An ordinance was read adopting the annual budget for the year 1994 in Budget: 1994 the total amount of $107,654,682 as amended by the City Council; adjusting park fees; and adjusting animal license fees. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ.* Councilman Edwards requested an amendment to the budget to reinstate funding in the amount of $20,000 for Kennydale Beach lifeguards from funding generated from the Coulon Beach restaurant. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL AMEND THE MOTION TO REINSTATE FUNDING FOR THE KENNYDALE BEACH PARK LIFEGUARDS. ROLL CALL: 3 AYES: EDWARDS, NELSON, STREDICKE. 2 NAYS: MATHEWS, KEOLKER-WHEELER. Councilman Tanner abstained. CARRIED. Responding to a question from Councilman Stredicke about resident and non-resident fees at Coulon Beach Park, Finance Director Victoria Runkle explained that boat launch passes are currently available to residents for $10.00 a year, but not to non-residents. Under the new budget proposal, non-residents will be able to buy a yearly pass for $50.00. However, if they launch their boat only a few times a year they can continue to pay the daily $5.00 to launch their boat and $2.00 to park, if parking is available. Councilman Edwards stated that the City has a policy that establishes guidelines to provide that the operating costs of specific programs are recovered through fees. In this case; there'will be no additional costs to run the program. The City will be recovering more fees from the people who use Coulon and are not residents of the City. The fees rarely fund the full cost of a program, including capital and operating expenses, and almost every program is subsidized by general taxes from the City. In regard to control of the boat launch passes, some process requiring identification will be used so the pass cannot be transferred. December 6. 1993 Renton Citv Council Minutes Page 535 Ralph Evans, 3306 NE 11 th Place, Renton 98056, asked whether the pass would be in the form of a sticker for the boat, tow vehicle, or trailer, or carried by the holder. Councilman Edwards preferred that the pass have identification requirements associated with the pass itself. The proposal will be provided at a later date. *ROLL CALL ON ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED: 5 AYES: EDWARDS, MATHEWS, NELSON, KOELKER-WHEELER, STREDICKE; 1 NAY: TANNER. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance #4429 An ordinance was read fixing the estimated amount of tax levies Budget: 1994 Property necessary to raise the amount of estimated expenditures for the year 1994 Tax Levy as required by RCW 84.52.020 in the total amount of $13,222,256; authorizing the city clerk to certify such budget or estimate of the amount to be raised by taxation on the assessed valuation of the property located within the City of Renton, Washington (total assessed valuation $3,407,827,283). MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL King County: South REFER CORRESPONDENCE FROM THE SOUTH KING COUNTY King County Drug DRUG AND ALCOHOL RECOVERY CENTERS TO COMMITTEE OF and Alcohol Recovery THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Councilman Edwards cited information in Centers the letter indicating that only 8.2% of total funding is allocated to South King County. Streets: Taylor Councilman Tanner asked whether crews working in Taylor Avenue NW Avenue NW Project are employed by the City or one of the utility companies. Mr. Zimmerman agreed to investigate and report back. Finance: Emergency Councilman Edwards commented that the commercial vacancy rate in the Economic Conditions City of Renton is currently at 29%, and potentially rising to 39%-50% when Boeing and other businesses vacate existing space. To provide flexibility with regard to densities specified Comprehensive Plan, Mr. Edwards suggested that the subject of economic emergency be referred to the Committee of the Whole for further discussion. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Council: December 27 Councilman Edwards announced that due to the holiday, the regular Meeting Cancelled Council meeting on December 27, 1993, is cancelled. Building: Signs for Councilman Stredicke requested a report from the Administration relative Forrest Creste PUD to the large signs that were supposed to be installed on the Forest Crest property containing information about proposed development. Council: Election of MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL OPEN Officers, 1994 NOMINATIONS FOR 1994 COUNCIL PRESIDENT AND NOMINATE COUNCILMAN RICHARD STREDICKE. CARRIED. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL OPEN NOMINATIONS FOR 1994 COUNCIL PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE AND NOMINATE COUNCILMAN TIM SCHLITZER. CARRIED. December 6 1993 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 536 Council: Committee Councilman Stredicke announced that the Committee on Committees will on Committees be comprised of himself and Councilmembers Edwards and Schlitzer, and the Council committee assignments will be determined at a Committee on Committees meeting on 12/14/93 following the Utilities Committee meeting. AUDIENCE Ralph Evans, 3306 NE 11th Place, Renton 98056, asked whether it is COMMENT legal in the City to put a well in his yard. Mayor Clymer replied that he Citizen Comment: is not sure if the City of Renton has an ordinance to that effect, but he Evans - Water Rights stated that water rights are controlled and approved by the State to be able to use water on your own property. Councilman Edwards commented that owners of single family lots have been able to drill wells recently along May Creek. Mr. Zimmerman added that there are different classes for single use wells and wells with multiple users, depending on how many customers are served. It is much easier to obtain water rights for a single family use than it is for shared uses. Citizen Comment: Roger Blaylock, 535 Williams Avenue N. Renton, suggested that the City Blaylock - Utility save costs by converting to a bi-monthly utility billing system. Billing Policy Citizen Comment: Versie Vaupel, P.O. Box 755, Renton, 98057, inquired whether the Vaupel - Building subject of building setbacks has been scheduled for discussion by the Setbacks Planning and Development Committee. Committee Chair Stredicke indicated that the matter has not yet been scheduled. Citizen Comment: On a second issue, Ms. Vaupel questioned whether the resolution Vaupel - Emergency authorizing the City to enter into emergency contracts during the strike Contract Expiration would be repealed. Mayor Clymer agreed to check on the matter and report back. EXECUTIVE SESSION MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONVENE INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS COMPENSATION FOR NON-REPRESENTED EMPLOYEES, PENDING LITIGATION, AND LABOR NEGOTIATION UPDATE. CARRIED. Time: 9:10 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Council reconvened into regular session; roll was called; all members were present, except Schlitzer, excused. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 10:18 p.m. i i MARILY 7. TiETERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: DeAnna Fricke 12/06/93 ..i CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 6, 1993 COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 27, 1993 CANCELLED COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 12/13 Economic Development Issues; South (Edwards) 6:30 p.m. King County Recovery Center Allocation; SCATBd Mission Statement and 1994 Representative COMMUNITY SERVICES (Keolker-Wheeler) FINANCE MON., 12/13 Interfund Borrowing to close NARCO (Mathews) 3:00 p.m. Property Acquisition PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT TUES., 12/7 Zoning on North Side of NE 12th Street, (Stredicke) 4:00 p.m. West of Union Avenue NE (Council Chambers); LaPointe Request for Multi- family Zoning at 3722 NE 12th Street PUBLIC SAFETY MON., 12/13 Banker's Auto Rebuild Fire Hydrants; (Nelson) 3:15 p.m. Exotic Animals Regulations; DWI Standard TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) THU., 12/9 LID 336 Costs; Annual Contract Services (Tanner) 4:00 p.m. UTILITIES (Schlitzer) OTHER MEETINGS: LEOFF Board WED., 12/8 8:00 a.m. NOTE:Committee of the Whole meetings are held in Council Chambvrs. All other committee meetings are held in the 6th floor conference room unless otherwise noted). w AGENDA _ <> RENTON CITY CQUNCIL REGULAR MEETING December 13, 1993 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF DECEMBER 6, 1993 4. PUBLIC MEETING: Winsper 10% Annexation Petition - 26 acres bounded by SR-515, Talbot Road South, South 31st Street and Carr Road; and concurrent rezone to single family residential and mixed residential 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Mayor Clymer recommends Municipal Arts Commission reappointments to three year terms expiring 12/31/96 for Lois Albee, 7109 S. Taft, Seattle; Marghee Baldridge, 19920-92nd Avenue S., Kent; Karen Lunder, 506 Stevens Ct. NW, Renton; Michael O'Halloran, 44420 SE 4th Street, Renton; and Stephen Saunders, 3419 48th Ave. SW, Seattle. Council concur. b. Transportation Systems Division requests approval of annual contract with Tudor Engineering Co. for engineering services, and approval of task order #1 in the amount of $73,678 for design engineering for North Renton Liveable Streets Programa Refer to Transportation Committee. c. Transportation Systems Division submits Interim Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan. Refer to Transportation Committee. d. Utility Systems Division requests removal of sewer moratorium for South Highlands, Heather Downs and Maplewood Basins, effective December 31, 1993. Refer to Utilities Committee. e. Utility Systems Division requests approval of annual consultant roster for sanitary/water/surface water; hydraulics/geohydrology; hydraulics/hydrology; and soils/geotechnical engineering services. Refer to Utilities Committee. f. Utility Systems/Solid Waste Utility requests authorization to execute King County's City Optional Program Interlocal Agreement for Special Recycling Events, 1994; $11,598 provided by King County. Refer to Utilities Committee. 7. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Marty J. Ryberg, 2312 Vashon Ct. NE, Renton 98059, requests connection of rental home located at 10102 130th Avenue SE to City sewer system due to health emergency; declaration of emergency issued by Seattle-King County Department of Public Health. Refer to Utilities Committee. I (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) p 8. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the ypast week. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. Items marked with (*) include legislation (ordinance or resolution). a. Committee of the Whole reports: Economic development issues; South King County Recovery Center allocation; SCATBd Mission Statement and 1994 representative b. Finance Committee report: NARCO property acquisition interfund loan* c. Planning & Development Committee report: Zoning on north side of NE 12th Street, west of Union Avenue NE d. Public Safety Committee reports: Banker's Auto Rebuild requests regarding fire hydrants; Exotic Animals Ordinance; lowering DWI standard e. Transportation (Aviation) Committee reports: LID 336 staff costs (Lake Washington Boulevard Crossing)*; approval of annual consultant roster 9. ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS Ordinance for second and final reading: 1993 Mid-Year Budget Adjustments (1st reading 11/15/93) Ordinances for first reading: a. Formation of LID 336 and ordering construction, Lake Washington Boulevard railroad crossing b. Comprehensive Plan Errata Changes to Interim Zoning Code approved for Moore (E-16), Black River Corporate Park (E-18), Renton Village Associates (E-19), Huerter (E-28), Nicolay (E-29), Hamilton (E-30), and Anderson (E-32); and summary ordinance. Resolution NARCO property purchase interfund loan 10. NEW BUSINESS 11. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) 1. Economic Development Issues 2. South King county Recovery Center allocation 3. South County Area Transportation Board mission statement and 1994 City of Renton representative �lrf�i ........... ;........ <!5?':"i.2' i:E> iyr i`'ift£ii%.'•? <':::'::i i::i':i:5`i:`ii i i%:i:i:< :1i iiii:::Pi::C'ii ii:rfiiiii:;: :.i:7:y...::':'iii:S:•ii;:'.::":i:;::::::::iii:::::::.:::;,:;:y,.:. TTN: T . ...... .:.. :::::::.::..::::::.::::::::::::::::::::. Re'ferrais ADMINISTRATION Information on the maximum allowable height of development on the Highlands Community Church site TRANSPORTATION (Aviation Committee) Annual contract with Tudor Engineering Co. for engineering services/Approval of task order#1 for design engineering for North Renton Livable Streets Program Interim Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan UTILITIES COMMITTEE Annual consultant roster for utilities design and engineering services Interlocal Agreement with King County for Special Recycling Events Optional Program Removal of sewer moratorium for South Highlands, Heather Downs and Maplewood Basins ORDINANCES FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING(12/20/93) Ordering construction of LID 336, Lake Washington Boulevard railroad crossing Adopting Errata changes to the Interim Zoning Code PUBLIC HEARING 1/17/94 - Comprehensive Plan Errata Request, Lake Terrace Estates, #E-33, rezone northern quarter of site at 2100 Lake Washington Blvd. from Multi-Family Infill (MF-I)to Trailer (T)(continued from 11/15/93) 1/17/94 - LID 337, Dayton Avenue NE sanitary sewer and trunk line 1/23/94 - Zoning on north side of NE 12th St west of Union Ave. ..r RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 13, 1993 Municipal Building Monday, 7:30 p.m. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF BOB EDWARDS, Council President; TIM SCHLITZER; NANCY MATHEWS; ..� COUNCILMEMBERS TONI NELSON; JESSE TANNER; KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER; RICHARD STREDICKE. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; DAVID DEAN, Assistant City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; VICTORIA RUNKLE, Finance Director; MARK PYWELL, Senior Planner; JIM CHANDLER, Building Official; DAVE CHRISTENSEN, Engineering Specialist III; CHIEF ALAN WALLIS, Police Department, APPROVAL OF MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL MINUTES COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 6, 1993, WITH THE FOLLOWING CORRECTION AS REQUESTED BY MRS. KEOLKER- WHEELER: CHANGE THE SECOND SENTENCE OF THE FIFTH PARAGRAPH ON PAGE 533 TO READ "(Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler) indicated that if the recommendation is not approved, the City will continue to have increasing debt service requirements . . .". MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC MEETING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published Annexation: Winsper 10% in accordance with City policy, Mayor Clymer opened the public meeting to Notice of Intent to Annex consider the Winsper 10% Annexation petition and concurrent rezone to single Petition family and mixed residential classification. Mark Pywell, Senior Planner, reviewed the background of this issue, explaining that the proposed annexation area is located south of the City limits off of Talbot Road and just north of Carr Road. The original application, •� submitted by the Winsper Homeowner's Association, proposed the annexation of about 26 acres made up of the Winsper subdivision and several adjacent parcels. Staff recommends that the City expand the annexation area to include an additional 100 or so acres to the south of the subdivision. The City has covenants supporting annexation of approximately 15 acres located within the Winsper subdivision. Additional covenants on six parcels (approximately 31 acres) south of the subdivision in the proposed annexation area are also dedicated to supporting annexation. Continuing, Mr. Pywell noted that the primary reason for the annexation is so that Winsper residents, who receive water service from the City, will no longer be assessed the 50% non-resident surcharge for this service. The existing zoning under King County is residential (both single family and multi-family). According to Renton's Comprehensive Plan for this area, the City would zone approximately two-thirds of the area situated to the west as single family and the remainder as Mixed Residential (MR). Although the Winsper subdivision already receives utility service from Renton, the -emainder of the proposed annexation area is served by the Soos Creek Water District. Soos Creek would continue to provide utility service to this area until it became economically feasible for the City to assume these December 13 1993 Renton City Council Minutes Paae 542 services. Fire service is currently provided by King County Fire District 40; upon annexation, the City would provide this service via Station 13. Mr. Pywell reviewed the decisions before Council this evening, noting the Administration's recommendation that Council accept the 10% Notice of Intent to Annex Petition and authorize circulation of the 60% annexation petition. The Administration further recommends that Council require simultaneous imposition of City SF/MR zoning on the property at the time of annexation, and that all property owners be required to assume a proportional share of the City's bonded indebtedness. Responding to Councilman Stredicke, Mr. Pywell confirmed that the proposed annexation area is mostly vacant; what little has been developed so far has been single family. In response to Council President Edwards, Mr. Pywell said it is most likely that the vacant area is zoned single family under the County, although the maps do not indicate this. Mr. Pywell added that, as far as future construction, those who own property in the proposed annexation area will generally be allowed the same development densities under the City as they enjoyed under the County. Councilman Stredicke preferred that the entire annexation area be zoned single family, with no Mixed Residential as he felt that additional multi- family development was not needed in this area. Noting that the MR area would require a 50% single family component, Mr. Pywell said one reason MR is proposed is because it would serve as a buffer for the single family areas located to the west. Responding to Councilwoman Mathews, Mr. Pywell said the final determination on zoning for this area will not be made until after the public hearing on the 60% Annexation Petition is held; however, Council input regarding the zoning would be appropriate at this time. Doug Gibbs, 10828 SE 176th, Renton, 98059, spoke as the Fire Chief for King County Fire District 40 in opposition to the proposed annexation. Chief Gibbs was concerned that an annexation of this magnitude would result in less revenues to Fire District 40, possibly as much as $112,000 annually, which would require the District to lay off three firefighters and otherwise reduce its services. Saying that the District is expected to receive a Class Three rating from the Washington Survey and Rating Bureau next year, which would result in lowered insurance premiums for residents and businesses within the area it serves, Chief Gibbs said revenue cuts due to annexation would hinder this attempt. John Skochdopole, 9905 S. 168th Pl, Renton, 98059, asked whether the City already has sufficient covenants in support of the annexation to achieve it, which Mr. Pywell confirmed. Responding to Mr. Skochdopole, Mr. Pywell said tax rates between the City and the County in this area differ by approximately 1%*; a complete financial analysis will be performed prior to the public hearing on the 60% Annexation Petition. Mr. Skochdopole noted that Renton police regularly patrol the Winsper subdivision and in fact are more of a presence in this area than are King County police. *Figure corrected later. Betty Plano, 17250 - 98th Ave. S., Renton, 98059, spoke against the annexation, saying she did not want to pay increased taxes, particularly on utilities. Adding that the County provides more than adequate police protection to this area, she indicated that Renton charges to transport residents to the hospital although Fire District 40 does not. She opposed increased now i 4V2 December 13, 1993 Renton City Council Minutes Page 543 density in the area, noting that the existence of mine shafts makes any further development potentially detrimental to existing homes. Joe Herr, 10019 SE 168th Ct., Renton, 98059, questioned why the proposed annexation area was expanded outside the original application boundary which contained primarily just the Winsper subdivision. Mr. Pywell replied that as a matter of City policy, Council has requested that areas adjacent to proposed annexations be reviewed to determine the feasibility and appropriateness of annexing these at the same time in order to straighten boundary lines. Mr. Herr spoke in favor of annexation, saying that residents do not want to pay the 50% non-resident utility surcharge any longer. Stan Moe, 14810 SE Petrovisky Road, Renton, 98058, spoke as the Fire Marshal for King County Fire District 40. He commented on the concern of some Winsper residents that they may be on record as supporting the annexation effort when, in fact, they do not. Reviewing the various services District 40 provides to area residents over and above fire and emergency medical, Mr. Moe added that the response time from Renton's Station 13 to the proposed annexation area will be slower than that currently provided due to traffic congestion and the travel route taken by emergency vehicles. Mr. Moe noted that Fire District 40 is able to boast having no fires or injuries attributable to fireworks in 1993 since fireworks were banned. He agreed with Chief Gibbs that revenue reductions to District 40 would greatly affect the services the District is now able to provide to the community. Michael Croce, 9908 S. 168th Pl., Renton, 98059, stated that some Winsper residents do not support the annexation as they do not want higher property taxes or the inconvenience of having to change addresses. He felt it would be easier to conserve water in an effort to offset the effect of the 50% non- resident utility surcharge than it would be to get property taxes reduced, and since the County provides good police and fire service, he saw no logical reason for the annexation to be approved. Responding to Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler, Mr. Pywell confirmed that at the time of development and in exchange for utility services from the City, the original property owner of the Winsper subdivision had agreed that the entire subdivision area would support any future annexation effort. Cheryl Trapp, 10026 SE 168th Ct., Renton, 98059, stated that as one of the annexation organizers, she has submitted 12 signatures from Winsper residents for the 10% Notice of Intent to Annex Petition as well as 51 signatures for the future 60% Annexation Petition. She said that taxes are projected to increase by only 0.01%, not 1%, and Winsper residents would benefit by paying less for water and garbage services while simultaneously receiving the opportunity to recycle at a lower cost. She concluded that Renton will be able to provide a higher concentration of police officers in the area than is available from the County, resulting in faster response times. Gary Hill, 26663 - 216th Ave. SE, Maple Valley, 98059, owner of vacant property in the proposed annexation area, spoke in favor of annexation. Richard Johnson, 10032 SE 169th Pl., Renton, 98059, expressed dissatisfaction with the level of service provided to the annexation area by King County police. He added that the non-resident surcharge on water service makes maintaining Winsper's extensive greenbelt area costly. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC MEETING. CARRIED. December 13 1993 Renton City Council Minutes Page 544 MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION TO: ACCEPT THE 10% NOTICE OF INTENT TO ANNEX PETITION AND AUTHORIZE CIRCULATION OF THE 60% ANNEXATION PETITION; REQUIRE SIMULTANEOUS IMPOSITION OF CITY SF/MR ZONING ON THE PROPERTY AT THE TIME OF ANNEXATION; AND REQUIRE THE PROPERTY OWNERS TO ASSUME A PROPORTIONAL SHARE OF THE CITY'S BONDED INDEBTEDNESS.* Councilman Stredicke spoke against the motion, saying the proposed MR zoning on the property would not be appropriate, particularly as the existing street system could not sufficiently handle the increase in traffic. He preferred annexing only the Winsper subdivision at this point. Council President Edwards noted that, although Council is being asked to give preliminary direction as to the property's zoning this evening, final zoning will not be adopted until the 60% Annexation Petition is accepted and the annexation approved. *MOTION CARRIED. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler requested that additional information on the zoning of this area be provided prior to the hearing on the 60% annexation petition; specifically, the existing County zoning and a map reflecting the City's Comprehensive Plan designations for this area. AUDIENCE COMMENT Bob Gevers, 900 Kirkland Ave. NE, Renton, 98056, expressed extreme Citizen Comment: Gevers concern regarding the height of the new addition to the Highlands Community - Highlands Community Church, saying that although residents had been assured that the new building Church Addition, CU-88- would be no taller than the existing gymnasium, it has now become apparent 003 that the new construction is, in fact, higher than promised. Noting that he was particularly upset because the increased height will block his view of the mountains, Mr. Gevers stated he had been informed that the City had no recourse because staff had approved the drawings and the building is being constructed according to engineer-approved specifications. He concluded by questioning the validity and effectiveness of the City's public hearing process, and asked for a full-blown investigation of this issue. Jim Chandler, Building Official, explained that the drawings presented to the Hearing Examiner on this project were based on as-built drawings of the original gymnasium. The intention was that the new building be the same height as the existing building; however, elevations noted on the as-built drawings for the gymnasium were in error. Evening up the floors between the gym and the addition to make them contiguous so they could be connected required elevating the new building by 12-5/8 inches. After issuing a Stop Work Order last Friday so Mr. Gevers' complaint could be investigated, the Administration determined this morning that the deviation was minor and construction should be allowed to continue. Councilman Stredicke was disappointed that he had not received a response from staff on this issue although he had specifically requested to be kept informed. He agreed that if the Hearing Examiner's report called for the applicant to submit a concrete proposal, this should be viewed as mandatory. Mr. Chandler replied that during the environmental review process for this project, the height of the building was not discussed. Although this aspect was addressed during the public hearing before the Hearing Examiner because ..r .5-vs December 13. 1993 Renton City Council Minutes Page 545 of concerns voiced by residents regarding their views, a strict limit on height was never placed as a condition of the project. Responding to Councilman Stredicke, Mr. Chandler said a concrete drawing of the project was submitted at the time of application. Noting that Council heard this appeal and issued a report at that time, Councilwoman Mathews questioned how Council's report on this project addressed the height issue. Councilwoman Nelson said regardless of whether a specific height determination was made, the agreement was that the new building would not be taller than the existing gymnasium. She added that .., although twelve inches' difference may seem minor, the additional elevation will affect views, and allowing it would send a bad message. David Dean, Assistant City Attorney, stated that because the decision to lift the Stop Work Order was made administratively, an appeal of the decision is filed with the Hearing Examiner, not to the Council. Councilwoman Keolker- Wheeler added that a Hearing Examiner decision on such an appeal would only be appealable to Superior Court. Councilman Tanner agreed that the prior record on this matter should be confirmed before discussion continues. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL RECESS FOR TEN MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 8:53 p.m. At 9:08 p.m., the meeting was reconvened; roll was called; all Councilmembers present. Having reviewed the official conditional use file on this issue, the City Clerk confirmed that Council's action on this project, made in the form of an approval of the Planning and Development Committee's report, did not specifically limit the height of the building. Council did discuss the height issue, and it was noted that the Hearing Examiner's report made reference to the fact that the new building would meet height requirements and be no higher than the current building because of the slope of the property. However, a height limit was not imposed as a condition of approval. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler referred to the criteria for the conditional use +... permit, significant because the permit was granted on the basis that the proposal met the criteria. She quoted from the Department of Planning/Building/Public Works preliminary report to the Hearing Examiner, which stated that "The proposed addition will not exceed the height of the existing structures. The proposed height of the addition is 25 feet." Later, the report reiterated that "The proposed addition will not exceed a height of 25 feet, which is compatible with the other two-story buildings in the area." Councilwoman Mathews noted that the Hearing Examiner's decision dated March 12, 1992 stated that the applicant shall comply with conditions imposed by ERC. The City Clerk verified that the environmental review conditions do not address the height issue. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler emphasized that nowhere does the documentation for this project reference a height proposal of anything other than 25 feet. Councilman Tanner noted that the proposed height was based on as-built drawings that were found to be in error. He emphasized that no height limitation was stipulated either by the Hearing Examiner or Council. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler argued it was a matter of principle, because Council had clearly intended, and the public had been assured, that the height would not be greater than 25 feet. This specification, in fact, was used to gain approval for the conditional use permit. December 13 1993 Renton City Council Minutes Paize 546 Responding to Councilwoman Mathews, Mr. Chandler said the additional 12- 5/8 inches will not change the floor area or the square footage of the new building, only the height between the first and second floors. Citizen Comment: Young David Young, 19131 SE May Valley Road, Issaquah, 98038, spoke as a - Highlands Community representative of Highlands Community Church and as the chair of the Church Addition, CU-88- Church's Building Committee. He stated that no agreement regarding this 003 project was made with area residents who consistently opposed the proposal from the beginning. Rather, the Hearing Examiner made a decision which Council affirmed. Mr. Young explained how the height of the new building came to be more than was expected, saying the construction plans were revised to meet handicapped requirements and for access between buildings. He emphasized that the Church is not being granted any additional square footage whatsoever due to the increased height. He felt that, while obviously a mistake, the extra 12-5/3 inches was not an important deviation because it will not, nor was it intended to, expand the use. Responding to Councilman Stredicke, Mr. Young said the deviation was not known to anyone except the architect until last Friday. Construction of the second floor is two-thirds complete at this point. Councilwoman Mathews agreed with Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler that the conditional use criteria refers very specifically to a height limitation of 25 feet. Responding to inquiries from Councilmembers, the City Clerk confirmed that an appeal of an administrative decision must be filed within 14 days of the written decision, accompanied by a $75 fee. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL TABLE DISCUSSION ON THIS ISSUE TO LATER IN THE MEETING. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Vaupel Versie Vaupel, P. O. Box 755, Renton 98057, commented on the need for the - Economic Development public to have confidence in the integrity of government if it is to have faith in City in the democratic process. Referring to the discussion by the Committee of Id the Whole earlier this evening regarding economic development in the City, she noted the importance of soliciting community group input on this issue since it is something that affects everyone, not just the Chamber of Commerce. Citizen Comment: Hoshide Lloyd Hoshide, 833 Kirkland Ave. NE, Renton, 98056, reiterated comments - Highlands Community made earlier by Mr. Gevers that residents had opposed allowing the vacated Church Addition, CU-88- portion of Jefferson St. to be used for anything other than parking, but 003 Council granted the request from the Highlands Community Church that the use not be so limited. Mr. Hoshide stated that during the process for the Church addition, staff gave considerable testimony that the new building would not be higher than the existing gymnasium. He questioned why residents should have to police the mistakes and errors that have perpetrated this situation. Responding to an earlier question from Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler, Assistant City Attorney Dean stated that Council can waive the $75 fee for appeal of the administrative decision, but cannot itself appeal. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL REMOVE THE ISSUE OF THE HIGHLANDS COMMUNITY ..r December 13. 1993 Renton City Council Minutes Page 547 CHURCH ADDITION FROM THE TABLE TO CONTINUE DISCUSSION. CARRIED. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL DIRECT THAT, SHOULD AN APPEAL BE FILED OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION MADE TODAY REGARDING THE HEIGHT OF THE HIGHLANDS COMMUNITY CHURCH ADDITION, THE $75 FEE BE WAIVED AND THE HEARING EXAMINER BE INSTRUCTED TO EXPEDITE THE APPEAL ON AN EMERGENCY BASIS. CARRIED. r..r MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL DIRECT THE ADMINISTRATION TO PROVIDE INFORMATION REGARDING THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE HEIGHT OF DEVELOPMENT IN THE COMMERCIAL ZONE AS IT APPLIES TO THIS PROPERTY AS WELL AS ANY EXISTING HEIGHT RESTRICTIONS THAT MAY PERTAIN TO THIS PROPERTY ACCORDING TO PREVIOUS DEVELOPMENT APPROVALS. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. At Council request, item 6.d. was removed for separate consideration. Board/Commission: Mayor Clymer recommended Municipal Arts Commission reappointments to Municipal Arts three-year terms expiring 12/31/96 for Lois Albee, 7109 S. Taft, Seattle; Commission Marghee Baldridge, 19920 - 92nd Ave. S., Kent; Karen Lunder, 506 Stevens Reappointments Ct. NW, Renton; Michael O'Halloran, 44420 SE 4th St., Renton; and Stephen Saunders, 3419 - 48th Ave. SW, Seattle. Council concur. CAG: 90-078, Tudor Transportation Systems Division requested approval of annual contract with Engineering, Annual Tudor Engineering Co. for engineering services, and approval of task order #1 Contract Extension in the amount of $73,678 for design engineering for the North Renton Livable CAG: 90-078, Tudor Streets Program. Refer to Transportation Committee. Engineering, N Renton Livable Streets Program Comprehensive Plan: Transportation Systems Division submitted the Interim Transportation Element Interim Transportation of the Comprehensive Plan. Refer to Transportation Committee. Element Utility: Annual Consultant Utility Systems Division requested approval of annual consultant roster for Roster sanitary/water/surface water; hydraulics/geohydrology; hydraulics/hydrology; and soils/geotechnical engineering services. Refer to Utilities Committee. Garbage: 1994 Special Utility Systems/Solid Waste Utility requested authorization to execute King Recycling Events County's City Optional Program Interlocal Agreement for Special Recycling Agreement with King Events, 1994; $11,598 provided by King County. Refer to Utilities County Committee. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED. CARRIED. Separate .Consideration Utility Systems Division requested removal of sewer moratorium for South Utility: North Highlands Highlands, Heather Downs and Maplewood Basins, effective December 31, Sewer Moratorium 1993. Refer to Utilities Committee. Councilman Stredicke commented that the Administration should be commended for meeting the deadline for expiration of the moratorium. '1 December 13 1993 Renton City Council Minutes Paste 548 MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER; COUNCIL APPROVE CONSENT ITEM 6.d. AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Marty J. Ryberg, 2312 Vashon Ct. NE, Citizen Comment: Ryberg Renton, 98059, requesting connection of rental home located at 10102 - 130th - Request for Emergency Ave. SE to the City's sewer system.due to health emergency; declaration of Sewer Connection emergency issued by Seattle-King County Department of Public Health. Noting that staff has reviewed and recommended approval of the request, it was MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE SIDE-SEWER CONNECTION, WITH CONDITIONS, AND DIRECT STAFF TO EXPEDITE MR. RYBERG'S REQUEST. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Finance Committee Chair Mathews presented a report recommending Finance Committee concurrence of the staff recommendation to borrow various governmental Finance: NARCO Open funds for the purchase of the NARCO Open Space. The funds will be repaid Space Purchase and from King County Open Space and state grants. The borrowing will be for a Borrowed Funds period not to exceed one year, and interest will be paid on the loan. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. Responding to Councilman Tanner, Victoria Runkle, Finance Director, confirmed that the County has agreed to reimburse the City with open space grants. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Public Safety Committee Public Safety Committee Chair Nelson presented a report regarding the following three issues: Fire: Placement of Fire James E. Banker, Banker's Auto Rebuild, request for placement of two Hydrants at Banker's Auto additional fire hydrants on his property prior to construction (referred Rebuild 4/26/93). The building is under construction and the issue has been resolved. The Committee recommends this item be removed from its referral list. Police: Exotic Animals Determine City regulations of exotic animals and sufficiency of staff level Regulations to respond to enforcement of such (referred 10/11/93). Exotic animal violations can be cited under State law and both the Code enforcement and Police Department are available to respond to complaints. The Committee recommends no additional legislation is needed at this time. Police: DWI Standard Lowering DWI standard to 0.08% from 0.10% (referred 10/18/93). The Committee does not recommend that Renton lower the standard to 0.08% at this time, but recommends that Council support efforts to lower the standard state-wide. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation Committee Transportation Committee Chair Tanner presented a report regarding the Building: Evergreen petition from Evergreen Terrace residents for more parking spaces. The Terrace Request for Committee determined that additional parking spaces could be provided; Additional Parking however, due to current budget constraints, funding :s not available from the City of Renton. The Renton Housing Authority was advised of the Committee's determination and suggested that the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) might provide financing. Mr. Ladner, Executive Director, Housing Authority City of Renton, wrote the Committee that since December 13, 1993 Renton City Council Minutes Page 549 the parking complies with current City codes, HUD funds would not have any priority. The Committee recommended that this item be removed from its referral list and could be submitted for consideration during the next budget review; MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. LID: 336, Burlington Transportation Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending Northern RR Crossing concurrence with staff's recommendation that Council adopt the buildable lot assessment method for LID 336 (Burlington Northern Railroad Crossing at 3700 block Lake Washington Boulevard) and determine that the City's .� participation shall be one buildable lot. The recommendation is based upon City use of the crossing to maintain Kennydale Beach Park. It is estimated that the City uses the crossing less than a typical homeowner. The Committee also concurred with staff in recommending that the ordinance ordering design and construction of LID 336 be adopted. City staff time incurred to date on the project will be included in the final cost assessment roll to be divided equally among all LID participants. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation: Annual Transportation Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending Consultant List concurrence with the list of consultants selected to provide on-call services for the Transportation Design and Transportation Planning sections. Contracts and Task Orders in excess of $50,000 will be brought to Council for separate action. The consultant selections do not obligate the City to contract with the selectees. TRANSPORTATION PLANNING Transportation Modeling: David Kline & Associates, Rao Associates Growth Management: Henigar & Ray, Inc., W&H Pacific, Robert Bernstein, P.E. Traffic Engineering Studies: Transportation Planning & Engineering, H.W. Lochner, Inc. ... Air Quality and Noise Studies: Jones & Stokes, Environalysis Intermodal Facility Development: Alpha Engineering Group, David Evans & Associates Origin-Destination Studies: David Evans & Associates, Inc., H.W. Lochner, Inc. Transit Planning: KJS Associates, Inc., Alpha Engineering Group Transportation Management: Transportation Planning & Engineering, Entranco Engineers, Inc. Parking Studies: David Evans & Associates, Inc., W&H Pacific TRANSPORTATION DESIGN Transportation Design: CH2M Hill, Entranco Engineers, Inc., Inca Engineering, Alpha Engineering Group, Tudor Engineering, Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade & Douglas Inc., ABAM Engineers, Transportation Planning & Engineering, Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Structural Design: ABKJ, HNTB, Alpha Engineering Group, Inca Engineering MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. .�56ct December 13 1993 Renton City Council Minutes Page 550 Planning and Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Stredicke presented a report Committee regarding the zoning on the north side of NE 12th Street, west of Union Planning: Zoning at NE Avenue NE, and the LaPointe request for multi-family zoning at 3722 NE 12th St and Union Ave 12th Street. After review of these issues, the Committee recommended that NE Council hold a public hearing to reconsider the zoning of the area north of NE 12th Street from the east line of the transmission line right-of-way to Union Avenue NE, including the portion of the LaPointe property which falls within this area. Three zoning alternatives should be considered: 1) maintain the existing zoning adopted by Council on June 7, 1993; 2) revise the land use plan to Single Family to Four Units (SF/4) and the zoning to Mixed Residential (MR); and 3) revise the land use plan and zoning to create a tier ...r of single family zoning north of NE 12th St. The Committee recommended that Council concur and set a date for the public hearing. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT AND SET THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR JANUARY 24, 1993. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The following ordinance was presented for second reading and adoption: Ordinance #4430 An ordinance was read providing for 1993 mid-year budget adjustments; total Budget: 1993 Mid-Year adjustment is $8,022,809; total amount of the 1993 amended budget is Adjustments $123,206,737. (First reading 11/15/93.) MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 12/20/93 for second reading and adoption: LID: 336, Burlington An ordinance was read ordering the construction and installation of Northern RR Crossing improvements to the Burlington Northern Railroad Crossing located at approximately the extension of N. 37th St. to consist of a public turnaround, a retaining wall, asphalt paving, drainage pipe and all necessary appurtenances, all in accordance with Resolution No. 3006 of the City of Renton establishing Local Improvement District No. 336 and the approximate cost thereof, providing assessments upon the property in said district in the total amount of $148,000, and providing for the issuance and sale of local improvement warrants, bonds, notes or other financial means as provided by law and establishing a special fund (LID 336). MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE TO THE COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 20, 1993, FOR FINAL READING AND ADOPTION. CARRIED. .nr December 13, 1993 Renton City Council Minutes Page 551 Comprehensive Plan: An ordinance and summary ordinance were read adopting Errata changes to Errata-based Changes to the Interim Zoning Code; amending Section 4-31-2, Definitions, by amending Interim Zoning Code; E- the definitions of story, yard and yard requirement; subsections 4-31- 16, Moore; E-18, Black 11.2.B.3.c and 4-31-12.B.3.c allowing outside storage of vehicles as an River Corporate Park; E- approved storage material type as an accessory use in the IM and IH zones; 19, Renton Village subsection 4-31-16.B.1 by adding subsection h) vesting property in the CO Associates; E-28, Huerter; zone with prior O-P zoning regulations if the property has an existing site E-29, Nicolay; E-30, plan approval in the O-P zone or similar approval and establishing a deadline Hamilton; E-32, Anderson for'the vesting; subsection 4-31-16.B.2 by deleting subsection b) day care center, and by adding subsections m) to allow in the CO zone existing retail _. land uses to be conforming and to allow the expansion of new retail buildings on the same site as existing retail buildings, subject to site plan reivew, and n) to allow indoor storage if part of a mixed office/light industrial or mixed office/manufacturing complex, and subsection 4-31-16.B.4 to allow child day care uses to locate in free standing buildings in the CO zone, to allow espresso carts and other temporary food vendors in the CO zone as an administrative conditional use and deleting the fee for administrative conditional use permits, allowing outdoor storage limited to 35 feet in height in the CO zone, allowing as a conditional use accessory indoor storage and parking garages larger than the accessory indoor storage parking garages presently limited to 33% of gross floor area, of chapter 31, Interim Zoning Code, of Title IV (Building Regulations), of City Code. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE TO THE COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 20, 1993, FOR FINAL READING AND ADOPTION. CARRIED. Resolution #3023 A resolution was read authorizing a loan in the amount of up to $2,300,000 at Finance: NARCO Open 3.25% interest from the General Fund and Street Fund to the Parks Space Purchase and Department for interim financing of a property purchase (NARCO property). Borrowed Funds MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. EXECUTIVE SESSION MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONVENE INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS ONE PERSONNEL ITEM AND LABOR NEGOTIATIONS. CARRIED. Time: 10:28 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Council reconvened into regular session; roll was called; all members present. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 10:42 p.m. MARILY E ERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 12/13/93 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 13, 1993 COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 27, 1993 CANCELLED COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE NO MEETING 12/20 (Edwards) ..r COMMUNITY SERVICES TUES., 12/14 Della Shane Request for "Homeless (Keolker-Wheeler) 3:30 p.m. Prevention" Fund; other referrals *5TH FLOOR* FINANCE MON., 12/20 Vouchers (Mathews) 7:15 p.m. PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT TUES., 12/21 Comprehensive Plan Errata Process: #E- (Stredicke) 4:00 p.m. 15, Gray request for rezone from P-1 to *1 ST FLOOR* CA(Lake Ave S); #E-37, Cellular One request for definition of wireless base station; #E-39, Chevron USA request to allow car wash in CC zone as accessory use to a gas station(N 30th St& I-405); #E-41, Ballestrasse request for Class A nonconforming use (12th and 13th Streets); #E-42, Ekins request to raise maximum allowable lot coverage in MF infill zone from 35%to 45% (270 Bronson Way NE); #E-43, Divelbiss request to change zoning back from CA to EL (1150 Raymond Ave SW) PUBLIC SAFETY (Nelson) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) THUR., 12/16 Interim Transportation Plan;North Renton (Tanner) 4:00 p.m. Livable Streets Program UTILITIES TUES., 12/14 Interlocal Agreement with King County (Schlitzer) 4:00 p.m. for Special Recycling Events; Removal of *5TH FLOOR* Sewer Moratorium; Annual Consultant Roster; Randall South Petition regarding Utility Rates NOTE:Committee of the Whole meetings are held in Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the 6th floor conference room (unless otherwise noted). No *REVISED* AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING December 20, 1993 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE r.. 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF DECEMBER 13, 1993 4. PROCLAMATION: Honoring Councilwoman Nancy Mathews 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Mayor Clymer reappoints Kameron Cayce, Frank Davidson, Charles Delaurenti, Gary Faull, Richard Jackson, Robert McBeth, David Tracy and Roderick Stephens to one-year terms as Municipal Court Judge Pro Tem to expire December 31, 1994. Council concur. b. Mayor Clymer reappoints Judge Roger Lewis as Municipal Court Judge for a two-year term to expire December 31, 1995. Council concur. c. Police Department submits proposed interlocal agreement with the City of Mercer Island for Emergency-Only Marine Patrol Services, and requests that the resolution be adopted authorizing the Mayor to sign the agreement. Council concur. (See agenda item 10 for resolution.) ... d. Transportation Division submits CAG-93-065, 1993 Street Overlay Project, and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of$4,715.00, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$8,101.29 to M.A. Segale, Inc., contractor, if all required releases have been received. Council concur. e. Transportation Division submits proposed second addendum to CAG-92-075, 1994 Valley Com Contract, for communications and electronic services provided to Valley Com by City Transportation Maintenance crews. The proposed 1994 expenditure and revenue of$68,058.50 is based on 1994 labor and equipment cost estimates. Council concur. f. Utility Systems Division, Wastewater Section, submits proposed Local Improvement District (LID) 337, Dayton Ave. NE sanitary sewers and trunk lines, and requests adoption of the related resolution declaring the City's intent to form the LID, and fixing the hearing date on the formation of the LID on January 17, 1994. Council concur. (See agenda item 10 for resolution.) 7. INFORMATION ITEM a. City Clerk submits certification of election results and official King County General Election canvass, 1993. 8. CORRESPONDENCE (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 9. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Committee on Committees: 1994 Committee Appointments b. Committee of the Whole: City of Renton SCATBd Representation in 1994 c. Utilities Committee: Interlocal Agreement with King County for Special Recycling Events*; Removal of Sewer Moratorium; Annual Consultant Roster; Randall South Petition regarding Utility Rates d. Finance Committee: Vouchers e. Transportation Committee: Interim Transportation Plan; North Renton Livable Streets Program f. Planning and Development Committee: Puget Power Talbot to Berrydale Transmission Line 10. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinances for second reading and adoption: a. Formation of LID 336 and ordering construction, Lake Washington Boulevard railroad crossing b. Comprehensive Plan Errata Changes to Interim Zoning Code approved for Moore (E-16), Black River Corporate Park (E-18), Renton Village Associates (E-19), Huerter(E-28), Nicolay (E-29), Hamilton (E-30), and Anderson (E-32); and summary ordinance. Resolutions: a. Authorizing an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Mercer Island for Emergency Marine Patrol Services (see 6.c.) b. Declaring the City's intent to form LID 337, Dayton Ave. NE sanitary sewers and trunk lines, and fixing the public hearing date on the formation of the LID (see 6.f.) c. Authorizing an Interlocal Agreement with King County for 1994 Special Recycling Events (see 9.c.) 11. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics - call 277-4430 for recorded information) 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) CANCELLED ,5, RENTON CITY COUNCIL December 20, 1993 City Clerk's Office Referrals MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Interlocal Agreement with King County for City Optional Program Special Recycling Events Interlocal Agreement with City of Mercer Island for Emergency Marine Patrol Services Adopt City Position regarding role of SCATBd PUBLIC HEARINGS 1/17/94 - Comprehensive Plan Errata Request, Lake Terrace Estates, #E-33, rezone northern quarter of site at 2100 Lake Washington Blvd. from Multi-Family Infill (MF-I) to Trailer(T) (continued from 11/15/93) 1/17/94 - LID 337, Dayton Avenue NE sanitary sewer and trunk line 1/23/94 - Zoning on north side of NE 12th St west of Union Ave. (LaPointe and Dalpay) 4R_1' RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 20, 1993 Municipal Building Monday, 7:30 p.m. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TIM SCHLITZER; NANCY MATHEWS; TONI NELSON; JESSE TANNER; COUNCILMEMBERS KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER; RICHARD STREDICKE. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCIL PRESIDENT EDWARDS. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; BEVERLY NELSON GLODE, Personnel Director; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Utility Systems Director; MIKE BENOIT, Engineering Specialist; FIRE CHIEF A. LEE WHEELER; FIRE BATTALION CHIEF GLEN GORDON; LIEUTENANT JOE PEACH, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES THE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 13, 1993. CARRIED. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Clymer was read honoring Councilwoman Mathews Council: Proclamation and thanking her for faithfully serving the citizens of Renton as a Honoring Councilwoman councilmember for 12 years. The proclamation declared the week of Nancy Mathews December 19-25 to be Nancy Mathews Week in recognition of Mrs. Mathews' contributions to the City of Renton. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR UNANIMOUSLY IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Mayor Clymer commended Mrs. Mathews for her excellent work over the last twelve years, saying she has had an illustrious career and served her rim community well. He added that Mrs. Mathews has consistently earned the respect and praise of officials from other jurisdictions for her participation and leadership in various regional organizations. Councilwoman Mathews expressed thanks for both the opportunity to serve, and the faith shown in her ability to do so. AUDIENCE COMMENT Versie Vaupel, P. O. Box 755, Renton 98057, clarified that the quote she Citizen Comment: Vaupel referred to last week regarding public involvement in the democratic process - Utility Rates; NARCO came from the Washington Spectator, not the American Spectator which has Purchase had some publicity the last few days. On another subject, she commented that the three-month utility bill for her vacation home in Missouri was approximately one-third that charged by the City of Renton for a comparable amount of water. Responding to Mrs. Vaupel's question regarding the NARCO property purchase, Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney, said it is likely that both the interfund loan amount and its interest will be paid in full from grant money. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. December 20, 1993 Renton City Council Minutes Page 557 Appointment: Municipal Mayor Clymer submitted reappointments of Kameron Cayce, Frank Davidson, Judge Pro Tem 1994 Charles Delaurenti, Gary Faull, Richard Jackson, Robert McBeth, David Reappointments Tracy and Roderick Stephens to one-year terms as Municipal Court Judge Pro Tem to expire December 31, 1994. Council concur. Appointment: Municipal Mayor Clymer submitted the reappointment of Judge Roger Lewis as Court Judge Municipal Court Judge for a two-year term to expire December 31, 1995. Reappointment, 1994-95 Council concur. Police: Marine Patrol Police Department submitted proposed interlocal agreement with the City of Services Agreement with Mercer Island for emergency-only marine patrol services, and requested that Mercer Island the resolution be adopted authorizing the Mayor to sign the agreement. Council concur. (See page 561 for resolution.) CAG: 93-065, 1993 Street Transportation Division submitted CAG-93-065, 1993 Street Overlay Project, Overlay Project, M.A. and requested approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in Segale, Inc. the amount of $4,715.00, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $8,101.29 to M.A. Segale, Inc., contractor, if all required releases have been obtained. Council concur. CAG: 92-075, Second Transportation Division submitted proposed second addendum to CAG-92- Addendum to 1994 Valley 075, 1994 Valley Com Contact, for communications and electronic services Com Contract provided to Valley Com by city transportation maintenance crews. The proposed 1994 expenditure and revenue of $68,058.50 is based on 1994 labor and equipment cost estimates. Council concur. LID: 337, Dayton Ave NE Utility Systems Division, Wastewater Section, submitted proposed Local Sanitary Sewers and Trunk Improvement District (LID) 337, Dayton Avenue NE sanitary sewers and Lines trunk lines, and requested adoption of the related resolution declaring the City's intention to form the LID, and fixing the hearing date on the formation of the LID to January 17, 1994. Council concur. (See page 561 for resolution.) MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. INFORMATION ITEM City Clerk submitted certification of election results and official King County Council: 1993 Official General Election canvass for 1993, as follows: Position No. 1: Randy Election Results Corman, 4,999 (elected), Jeff Lukins, 4,288; Position No. 2: Bob Edwards, 6,871 (elected); Position No. 6: Tim Schlitzer, 5,033 (elected), Frank Carson, 4,017. OLD BUSINESS Referred 6/14/93 - Planning and Development Committee Chair Stredicke P1aYfnine and Development presented a report regarding the Puget Power Talbot to Berrydale transmission Committee line. King County and Puget Power are now well underway with preparation Utility: Puget Power of the EIS for the subject project. Given the current progress, the Committee Talbot to Berrydale recommended this item be removed from its referral list. MOVED BY Transmission Line STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report recommending Utility: 1994 Annual concurrence in the Planning/Building/Public Works Department's Consultant List recommendation that Council authorize inclusion of the list of proposed consultants into the roster of annual consultants to be used by the Utility Systems Division for the year 1994, as follows: �5 December 20 1993 Renton City Council Minutes Page 558 Soils and Geotechnical Engineering: RZA AGRA, Inc., Dames and Moore, Inc. Water/Sanitary/Surface Water: RI-12 Engineering, R.W. Beck and Associates, SvR Design Company, Parametrix, Inc., Economic and Engineering Services, Inc. (EES), HDR Engineering Company, Hammond, Collier, Wade- Livingstone, Inc., CH2M Hill, Brown and Caldwell Hvdraulic/Hydrology: Nothwest Hydraulics Consultants, Inc., Harza Northwest, Inc., Entranco Hydraulic/Geohydrology: RI-12 Engineering, Pacific Groundwater Group, Golder Associates, Inc., CH2M Hill. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utility: Expiration of Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report recommending North Highlands Sewer concurrence with the Planning/Building/Public Works Department's Moratorium recommendation that the sewer moratorium established for the South Highlands, Heather Downs, and Maplewood Basins areas be allowed to expire as currently scheduled on December 31, 1993. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Garbage: Agreement with Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report recommending King County for Special concurrence in the Planning/Building/Public Works Department's Recycling Events in 1994 recommendation that Council adopt a resolution authorizing the Mayor and city clerk to execute the King County City Optional Program Interlocal Agreement for Special Recycling Events between the County and the City of Renton, and that the Solid Waste Utility be authorized to receive revenues from King County for implementation of Special Recycling Events. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 561 for resolution.) Utility: 1994 Rates, Referred 8/9/93 - Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report Randall South Letter and regarding the letter and petition received from Randall South concerning Petition utility rates. In that the aforesaid petition was specifically addressed during a publicized working session of the Utilities Committee on September 28, 1993, during which a staff presentation was made and the petitioners were invited to speak to their issues, and in that the rate issues addressed in the petition have been considered by Council as a part of the Utilities Rate increase deliberations, the Utilities Committee recommends concurrence in staff's reocmmendation that this item be stricken from the Committee's referral list. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Mathews presented a report recommending approval Finance: Vouchers of Claims Vouchers #107226 - 107852 and 2 wire transfers in the total amount of $2,488,853.11. And approval of Payroll Vouchers #122939 - 123291 and 370 direct deposits in the total amount of $1,006,073.18. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. December 20, 1993 Renton City Council Minutes Page 559 Transportation Committee Transportation Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending Transportation: Annual concurrence in staffs recommendation that Council approve the Tudor Contract with Tudor Engineering Company annual contract and Task Order #1. Council agrees Engineering Co. that if the North 3rd Street project, in conjunction with the Cedar River CAG: 93-138, North Trunk Line Relocation project, is unable to complete North 3rd Street from Renton Livable Streets Factory Avenue going east to Sunset Boulevard, then that portion of North Program, Tudor 3rd Street east of Factory will be completed under another project at a later Engineering Co. time. Task Order #1 is for the design of North 3rd Street which will be constructed under the same contract that relocates the Cedar River Trunk Line. The sewer line is being designed by METRO, and construction of both contracts will be administered by METRO. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation: Interim Transportation Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending Transportation Element, concurrence with staffs recommendation that Council adopt the Interim Comprehensive Plan Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Renton, with the following modifications: 1) Clarification to indicate that references to downtown (Central Business District) parking restrictions and/or removal apply only to commuter/employee parking and not to business patron/customer parking; 2) Deletion of references to a street utility fee or tax as a City of Renton funding source. The Committee further recommended that the Mayor and city clerk be authorized to execute the related resolution. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Responding to Councilman Stredicke, Councilman Tanner explained that the first suggested modification to the Plan is meant to ensure that sufficient business patron and customer parking is provided downtown Renton; otherwise, the area will never be a viable economic entity. Given that the State's Commute Trip Reduction Plan calls for the removal of parking spaces, the Committee recommends that any parking space reductions in the downtown apply to,commuter or employee parking only. In response to Councilman Stredicke, Councilman Schlitzer confirmed that the '~ Interim Transportation Element, as recommended for Council's adoption, will not affect the exemption currently enjoyed by downtown businesses regarding parking for new construction or expansion. Responding to Councilwoman Mathews, Councilman Tanner said the Committee does not support replacing the current employee head tax, the proceeds of which are dedicated to transportation improvements, with a street utility tax or any other tax. *ROLL CALL: 4 AYES--SCHLITZER, NELSON, TANNER, KEOLKER- WHEELER; TWO NAYS--MATHEWS, STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED. Committee of the Whole Councilman Stredicke presented a report on behalf of absent Council President SCATBD: City Position Edwards, Chair of the Committee of the Whole. The report recommended and 1994 Representative concurrence with staffs recommendation that Council authorize the Mayor and city clerk to adopt a position to: 1) Recommend the reduction and consolidation of subregional transportation groups by providing direct links between the subregional transportation forums of SCATBd and the Eastside Transportation Plan with the county, regional and State bodies without filtering by subcommittees or staff and by establishing the authority of SCATBd and ETP to represent those subregions on regional transportation issues; 2) Establish that the City of Renton representative(s) to SCATBd be 1r�• J�o 0 December 20 1993 Renton City Council Minutes Page 560 from the Transportation Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Responding to Councilman Tanner, Councilwoman Mathews assured that the language in the Committee report does not in any way intend or indicate that SCATBd will have independent authority to make recommendations on transportation issues without the concurrence of its member jurisdictions. *MOTION CARRIED. Committee on Committees Committee on Committees Chair Stredicke presented a report recommending Council: 1994 Committee Council concurrence in the following committee chairmanships and committee Appointments assignments for the Council in 1994: Community Services: Toni Nelson, Chair; Jesse Tanner, Vice-Chair; Kathy Kcolker-Wheeler, Member. Finance: Jesse Tanner, Chair; Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Vice Chair; Bob Edwards, Member Planning and Development: Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Chair; Bob Edwards, Vice-Chair; Randy Corman, Member Public Safety: Randy Corman, Chair; Toni Nelson, Vice-Chair; Timothy J. Schlitzer, Member Transportation: Bob Edwards, Chair; Timothy J. Schlitzer, Vice-Chair; Toni Nelson, Member Utilities: Timothy J. Schlitzer, Chair; Randy Corman, Vice-Chair; Jesse Tanner, Member MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The following ordinances were presented for second reading and adoption: Ordinance 04431 An ordinance was read ordering the construction and installation of LID: 336, Burlington improvements to the Burlington Northern Railroad Crossing located at Northern.RR Crossing approximately the extension of North 37th Street to consist of a public turnaround, a retaining wall, asphalt paving, drainage pipe and all necessary appurtenances, all in accordance with Resolution No. 3006 of the City of Renton establishing Local Improvement District No. 336 and the approximate cost thereof, providing assessments upon the property in said district in the total amount of $148,000, and providing for the issuance and sale of local improvement warrants, bonds, notes or other financial means as provided by law and establishing a special fund (LID 336) (first reading 12/13/93). MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance #4432 An ordinance and summary ordinance were read adopting Errata changes to Comprehensive Plan: the Interim Zoning Code; amending Section 4-31-2, Definitions, by amending Errata-based Changes to the definitions of story, yard and yard requirement; subsections 4-31- Interim Zoning Code; E- 11.2.B.3.c and 4-31-12.B.3.c allowing outside storage of vehicles as an 16, Moore; E-18, Black approved storage material type as an accessory use in the IM and IH zones; River Corporate Park; E- subsection 4-31-16.B.1 by adding subsection h) vesting property in the CO 19, Renton Village zone with prior O-P zoning regulations if the property has an existing site Associates; E-28, Huerter; plan approval in the O-P zone or similar approval and establishing a deadline E-29, Nicolay; E-30, for the vesting; subsection 4-31-16.B.2 by deleting subsection b) day care Hamilton; E-32, Anderson center, and by adding subsections m) to allow in the CO zone existing 5('0( December 20. 1993 Renton City Council Minutes Page 561 retail land uses to be conforming and to allow the expansion of new retail buildings on the same site as existing retail buildings, subject to site plan review, and n) to allow indoor storage if part of a mixed office/light industrial or mixed office/manufacturing complex, and subsection 4-31-16.B.4 to allow child day care uses to locate in free standing buildings in the CO zone, to allow espresso carts and other temporary food vendors in the CO zone as an administrative conditional use and deleting the fee for administrative conditional use permits, allowing outdoor storage limited to 35 feet in height in the CO zone, allowing as a conditional use accessory indoor storage and parking garages larger than the accessory indoor storage parking garages presently limited to 33% of gross floor area, of chapter 31, Interim Zoning Code, of Title IV (Building Regulations), of City Code (first reading 12/13/93). MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE SUMMARY ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARARIED. The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: Resolution #3024 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and city clerk to sign an Police: Marine Patrol interlocal agreement with the City of Mercer Island for emergency marine Services Agreement with patrol services. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, Mercer Island, CAG-93- COUNCIL APPROVE THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 137 Resolution #3025 A resolution was read declaring the City's intention to construct and install LID: 337, Dayton Ave sanitary sewers and trunk lines and appurtenances thereto in and near Dayton Sanitary Sewers and Trunk Avenue NE, Renton, King County, Washington, as more particularly described Lines herein, and to create a local improvement district to assess the cost and expense of said improvement against the properties in such district specially benefited thereby; notifying all persons who may desire to object to said improvement to appear and present their objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held on January 17, 1994. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE RESOLUTION AS ftw PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3026 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and city clerk to enter into an Garbage: Agreement with interlocal cooperative agreement with King County regarding City optional King County for Special program special recycling events. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY Recycling Events in 1994 KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3027 A resolution was read adopting the Interim Transportation Element of the Transportation: Interim Comprehensive Plan. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, Transportation Plan COUNCIL APPROVE THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Stredicke requested the- Administration to investigate complaints Building: Complaint of regarding a residence at 3605 Talbot Road or 409 South 36th Street, as it Illegal Dumping, 409 S appears that dirt and other materials are being allowed to accumulate in an 36th St/3605 Talbot Rd unsightly manner that might constitute illegal dumping. Mayor Clymer agreed to have a code compliance officer assess the situation. EXECUTIVE SESSION MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONVENE INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS LABOR NEGOTIATIONS. CARRIED. Time: 8:18 p.m. 5 b�. December 20 1993 Renton City Council Minutes Page 562 ADJOURNMENT Council reconvened into regular session; roll was called; all members present. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:40 p.m. MARILY J. ERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 12/20/93 M 4 i CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 20, 1993 COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 27, 1993 CANCELLED COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 1/03 Alcohol &Drug Treatment Services, (Stredicke) 6:30 p.m. South King County Dept. of Public Health Any other referrals COMMUNITY SERVICES (Nelson) FINANCE MON., 1/03 Vouchers (Tanner) 6:15 p.m. PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT TUES., 12/21 Comprehensive Plan Errata Process: #E- (Stredicke) 4:00 p.m. 15, Gray request for rezone from P-1 to *I ST FLOOR* CA(Lake Ave S); #E-37, Cellular One request for definition of wireless base station; #E-39, Chevron USA request to allow car wash in CC zone as accessory use to a gas station (N 30th St& I-405); #E-4.1, Ballestrasse request for Class A nonconforming use (12th and 13th Streets); #E-42, Ekins request to raise maximum allowable lot coverage in MF infill zone from 35% to 45% (270 Bronson Way NE); #E-43, Divelbiss request to change zoning back from CA to IL (1150 Raymond Ave SW) PUBLIC SAFETY (Corman) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) (Edwards) UTILITIES (Schlitzer) OTHER MEETINGS SCATBd TUES., 12/21 9:00 a.m., City of Kent Firemen's Pension Board TUES., 12/21 3:30 p.m., 5th Floor Conference Room NOTE:Committee of the Whole meetings are held in Municipal Court Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the 6th floor conference room (unless otherwise noted). 5�� RENTON CITY COUNCIL MINUTE INDEX 1994 January - December Airport 1994 Amendments for Transportation Improvement Benair Aviation Lease Transfer to Action Aviation 28,43 Projects 235, 236 Boeing Employees Flying Association (BEFA) Assignment 1994 Animal License Fees 70, 79, 125, 128, 137 of Lease/Loan Extension 173 1994 Animal License Fees, Vaupel 130 VASI Equipment Donation 6, 20 1994 Fund Transfer from Park Ave N Sewer Interceptor Master Plan Update Process 376 to CBD Sanitary Sewer Replacement 301 Mindemann's Restaurant Lease,Daykin 266 1994 Home Business and License Fees 116 Mindemann's Restaurant Lease, S.Mindemann 266 1994 Low-Income Seniors/Disabled Citizens Utility Rates Mindemann's South Shore/Specialty Restaurants Lease, 147, 217, 247, 289, 291,302 LAG-76-007 256, 269,358 1994 Mosquito Abatement Program 226, 253, 256, 272 Northwest Seaplanes 10-Year Lease Extension,LAG-91- 1994 Non-Resident Low-Income Senior/Disabled Utility 005 328,359 Rates 329, 349,361,458, 461, 473, 485, 497 Northwest Seaplanes: Sublease from BHC Inc. and 1994 Renton River Days Insurance Costs 206, 216 Operating Permit, LAG-93-004 252, 290 1994 Sewer Rates for Duplex Customers 78, 86,89 Puget Sound Helicopters Lease Assignment from Plane 1994 Solid Waste Utility Tax Effective Date 215, 241, Space Investments, LAG-84-006 215, 238, 250, 255 436 1994 Surface Water Utility Rates 67, 70, 80 Puget Sound Helicopters Lease, Hlavka 390, 494 1994 Utility Rates 10, 105 Puget Sound Helicopters Lease,Hoyt 250 1994 Volunteer Meal Allowance Increase 228 Puget Sound Helicopters Lease, Williams 237 1994, King Conservation District Surface Water Utility Schedule of Leases 72 Funding, CAG-94-141 519, 520 Annexation 1995 (including Parks Fees) 427, 452, 481, 495, 497, 606 Burnstead, SE 128th St 436, 467 1995 CDBG Funds 357,371 HB 2799 58 1995 City Attorney Services Agreement 514 Informational Brochures from Other Jurisdictions 514 1995 Mosquito Abatement Program 428 Marshall/G alusha Zoning, NE 4th/Duvall Ave NE 303, 1995 Property Tax Rates 497, 506 363 1995 Utility Rates 418,494, 497, 505 Marshall/Galusha,NE 4th/Duvall Ave NE 85, 112, 115, 1995 Utility Rates,Roper 492 267, 298,302,361 1995,Resident Tax Burden,McDonald 439 Marshall/Galusha,Trudnowski 298,300 1995,Revised Land Use Fee Schedule 518, 521, 531 Marshall/G alusha, Wilcock 299,300 1995, Vaupel 470 Stonegate, 148th Ave SE/May Valley Road 457,479, 529 1996 Proposed Spending Plan 418, 427,452 Winsper(Talbot Hill) 70, 96, 123, 357,386, 388,399, Building 400, 429 1994 Non-Residential Energy Code& Fees 179 Win per Talbot Hill), Johnson 387 50% Remodel Cost Rule 273 Winaper Talbot Hill), Woods 401 Abitare Fence Variance,McGatlin 9 Winsper Zoning (Talbot Hill) 388, 430 American Memorial Services Bankruptcy Filing 528 Appeal Bryant Motors Conditional Use/Rezone Appeal,Richter Bryant Motors Conditional Use/Rezone, Richter 513 513 Bryant Motors Conditional Use/Rezone, Vaupel 513, 521 Bryant Motors Conditional Use/Rezone Appeal,Vaupel Enterprise Rent-a-Car, CU-93-130/AAD-94-084 493 513, 521 Enterprise Rent-a-Car,Lutz 504 Bryant Motors Parking Violations, Bryant 283 Enterprise Rent-a-Car,McCutcheon 493 Bryant Motors Parking/Zoning Code Violations 9, 17, 70, Fred Meyer/Renton Center, SA-93-151 251, 281 89, 125, 130, 137, 155, 165, 287 Highlands Community Church,AAD-93-158, R-90-048 Bryant Motors Parking/Zoning Code Violations, Vaupel 95 27, 31,40, 230, 249, 283,388 Highlands Community Church, Gevers 5, 66 409 Cedar Ave S,Possible Illegal Duplex 268, 364 Highlands Community Church, Hoshide 54,66, 78, 95 409 Cedar Ave S, Possible Illegal Duplex, Webb 389 Highlands Community Church, Ralston 66 Cedar River Court Apts. Fire Mitigation Fees 428, 459 Highlands Community Church, Swanson 78 Class A Nonconforming Use Process 194 Highlands Community Church, York 95 Construction Act_vity Hours 10 Imperials Bingo Conditional Use Permit, CU-93-139 41, Construction Hours Complaint,Logerquist 482 54 Development Signage 349,360 Lee Short Plat,NE 10th/Anacortes Ave NE, SHP-94-017 Extension of Land Use Approvals and Development 300,328 Permits 96,97 Ryan's Addition Short Plat, 1614 Hoquiam PI NE, SHP- 251 Factory Ave N Building Permit 94, 182, 228, 269, 94-080 410,416 274,364 Ryan's Addition Short Plat,Moore 416 251 Factory Ave N Building Permit, Fortun 266 Appointment 251 Factory Ave N Building Permit, Richter 135, 138, Board of Adjustment 375, 391 356 Civil Service Commission 237 251 Factory Ave N Building Permit, Vaupel 135, 138 Human Rights&Affairs Commission 375 Fred Meyer/Renton Center Project,Deferral of SUCC Library Board 457,472 Charges 116 Municipal Court Judge 359 Fred Meyer/Renton Center Site Plan Appeal, SA-93-151 Park Board 202, 435, 460 251 Planning Commission 55, 390 Galaxy Lounge Variance Request, Bruk 178 Board/Commission Guide Sign Policy Demonstration Project 410,460 Appearance of Fairness Concerns, Smith 419 Highlands Community Church Landscaping Requirements Municipal Arta Commission, Sign Code Public Art 505 Exemption,Escher 529 Highlands Community Church Addition, R-90-048, Park Board Expansion from Five to Seven Members 202, AAD-93-158 5, 11, 54,95 216, 218, 227 Highlands Community Church Addition, Gevers 5, 66 Budget Highlands Community Church Addition, Hoshide 54, 66, 1994 Amendments 136, 156, 157, 166, 504, 519, 421, 531 78,95 Highlands Community Church Addition, Ralston 66 1 RENTON CITY COUNCIL MINUTE INDEX 1994 January - December Highlands Community Church Addition, Swanson 78 93-100,Reimbursement for Local Hazardous Waste Highlands Community Church Addition,York 95 Program,King County 390, 398,401 Highlands Community Church Appeal Fee Waiver,AAD- 93-101, Houser Terrace Fencing 41 93-158 95 93-102, Houser Terrace Expanded Parking, GMT Inc. Highlands Community Church Site Height Limit 128 327 Illegal Dumping at 409 S 36th St 71 93-103,Lift Stations, Lake Washington No. 2 and Illegal Dumping at N 28th Pl, Gibson 206 Cottonwood,Omega Contractors 154 Imperials Bingo Conditional Use Permit, CU-93-139 41, 93-129, Houser Terrace Brick Cleaning/Sealing,Kirtley- 54 Cole Associates,Inc. 346 105 Lake Ave S Complaint,Martin 328 94-,Broker of Record for Benefits (Raleigh, Schwarz, Land Use Fee Schedule Revisions 471, 518, 521, 531 Powell) 397 Mining/Excavating/Grading Ordinance Language Change 94-, Broker of Record for Insurance,Arthur J. Gallagher 495 397,436 Mission Hill Development Violation 53, 129 94-, Station Area Planning Agreement,Regional Transit Mt Olivet Landfill 349 Authority 291 Parkside Apartments Tenant Displacement 436 94-006,Maplewood Well Nos. 10 and 12, Holt Testing, Regulation Enforcement,Vaupel 58 Inc. 67, 87 Safeway Traffic Mitigation/Parking, NE 4th/Union Ave 94-013,Maplewood Transmission Mains, Grant NE 173, 229 Construction 78,87 SEPA Regulations 531 94-017, NE 5th PI Storm Sewer, Gary Merlino Const. Co. Sign Code Change for Large Retail Businesses 225, 238, 95, 327 241, 302 94-029,Park Ave N Improvements, Scoccolo Const. Inc. Sign Code Public Art Exemption, Escher 529 179 Signage for Forrest Create/Orchards Developments 70 94-031,Houser Way Pump Station 179 Signs on Public Right-of-Way 9 94-036,East Renton Sewer Interceptor, Westcon South End Auto Wrecking Class A Nonconforming Use Construction 225 Request 418, 530 94-038, Dayton Ave N Sanitary Sewers (LID 337), Gary Variance Fee Waiver Request,Buyce 102, 126 Merlino Const. Co. 193, 376 Way-Back Inn Homeless Shelter Permit Fee Waivers 165 94-055,Marine Patrol Services,Mercer Island 180, 182 CAG 94-062, Honey Creek Access Road Interim Repair Phase 1995 City Attorney Services Agreement 514 2,Southworth& Sons 266, 289 85-030,Maplewood Golf Course Concessionaire, Charlie 94-064,Maplewood Golf Course Cart Path Paving, Stewart 427,460 Lakeside Industries 267,471 88-053, Soil Conservation Service Agreement, 94-072, Park Ave N Engineering Services, Entranco 239 Amendment No.3 164, 172 94-073, 1994 Chip Seal, City Transfer Inc. 286 90-033, East Side Green River Watershed Plan, 94-074,Park Ave N Undergrounding,Puget Power 226, Addendum No.9 164, 172 239 90-066, Houser Way Pump Station Consultant Services, 94-075, Walk Program/Bus Zone Accessibility,Metro R112 Engineering 398 239, 240 90-079, Sewer Telemetry/Data Logger Replacement, R112 94-076,Mosquito Abatement Services, Whitworth Pest Engineering 328 Control,Inc. 226 91-002, East Renton Interceptor,Addendum No. 6, RH2 94-077, 1994 Renton Jail Medical Health Services, King Engineering 238 County 237, 253, 255 91-009, Boeing Payment of EIS Services,Addendum No. 94-079,King County Fire District 25 1995 Contract 252, 7 251, 271 265 91-087, Boeing Longacres Office Park EIS,Addendum 94-080, Maplewood Golf Course Clubhouse/Driving No.4 251, 271 Range Site Work, KLB Construction 300 91-095, Senior Housing/Houser Terrace 55 94-083,1-405 Box Culvert/P-1 Channel Improvement 91-111, 490 Zone Pump Station 226 Project, Natural Resource Conservation (aka SCS) 92-073, Cedar River Delta 55 238, 254, 436, 504, 520 92-082, Houser Way Relocation, WSDOT 346,348 94-084, S. 3rd St.Mid-Block Planters Removal, Gary 92-102, Maplewood Golf Course Master Plan Feasibility Merlino Const. Co. 217 Study, Cal Jordan&Associates 78,87 94-085, 1994 Slurry Seal,Blackline Inc. 287, 428 93-011, Windsor Hill Pump Station Electrical 94-087, NARCO Demolition/Salvage, Gaston Bros. 237 Rehabilitation, Lumin Electric 504 94-088,Talbot Rd S Improvements, Gary Merlino Const. 93-032, Highlands Sanitary Sewer Replacement, Virginia Co. 458 L. Seitz Const. Co. 357 94-088, Talbot Rd S Improvements, Gary Merlino Const. 93-048, Sierra Heights Watermain Replacement Phase 2, Co. 346, 458 Grant Construction 103 94-090, 1994-95 Grant for South King County Narcotics 93-052, N 33rd/N 34th Streets A.C. Watermains, Task Force 252 Paramount Pacific Corp. 347 94-092, Gene Coulon Overflow Parking,Boeing 251 93-062,Maplewood Golf Course Phase II 41 94-093,Liberty Park Playground Equipment,Parkwood 93-064, HOME Investment Partnership, King County Services 357 418, 419 94-095, Houser Way Pump Station Schedule B, Omega 93-066, CDBG Funds, King County 418,419 Contractors, Inc. 376 93-074, Senior Center Roof Replacement, CRJ Roofing 94-097, Talbot Hill Phase I Water Mains Replacement, 95 Gary Merlino Const. Co. 376 93-075, CBD Sanitary Sewer Replacement, King 94-098, 1994 Street Overlay Program, Lakeside Industries Construction 301, 330 367 93-084,Airport Way/Rainier Ave S Resurfacing,M.A. 94-101, Highlands Library Roof Replacement,Holloway Segale 346 Roofing 376, 391 93-092, Cedar River Interpretive Park Signage,Doty& 94-103, Bus Zone Accessibility Improvements, Kodo Associates 346 Construction 375,391 93-094, Council Chambers Remodel, Cope Construction 94-104,Flexible Benefit Plan,Benefit Administration 428 Company 253 2 RENTON CITY COUNCIL MINUTE INDEX 1994 January - December 94-105,Maplewood Golf Course Remodeling Project, Brumfield - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #G-22 Edlund Associates 390 325 94-106,Maplewood Golf Course Irrigation Project, Bryant - Bryant Motors Parking Violations 29, 283 Frontier Landscaping 390 Butler- Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #B-6 319 94-107,Logan Ave S Watermain Replacement, Sound Buyce - Variance Fee Wavier Request 102, 126 Utilities 390, 483, 485 Callen -Mixed Commercial (CM) Zone Changes 283 94-110,Liberty Park Restrooms,E.M. Castillo Callen - WSDOT I-405 S-Curve Project 284 Construction 397 Campen - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #T-3 309 94-112,Rainier Ave N Emergency Repair Project,KOHL Carlton - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #F-31 314 Excavating 513 Carson - Mosquito Abatement Program 190 94-114,Cedar River Flood Control Project,U.S.Army Chapin - Lee Short Plat, SHP-94-017 328 Corps of Engineers 300,329,331 Clapham - SW 16th St Vacation,The Boeing 94-117,I-405 Box Culvert/East Side Green River Company/RE-94-003 280 Watershed P-1 Channel, Golf Landscaping Inc Clements - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #C-18 504, 519 318 94-119,Duvall Ave NE/Shattuck Ave S Sanitary Sewers, Collins - Dogs in Gene Coulon Park 406 Pivetta Bros. 417 Corman - NE 23rd/Harrington PI NE Right-of-Way 94-120,Maplewood Golf Course Clubhouse& Driving Dedication (Honey Creek PUD) 376 Range, Spee West Const. Co. 482 Creegan - Sewer Hook-up Request 268 94-121,Liberty Park/City Shops Air Conditioning, G&M Cugini - Comprehensive Plan Errata,Lake Terrace Mechanical Contractors 457,472 Estates Rezone, 2100 Lake WA Blvd, #E-33 64 94-122,Monster Road Bridge Replacement,Inca Dalpay - Comprehensive Plan Errata, Dalpay (#E- Engineers 287 21)/LaPointe (#E-24) Rezone Requests, NE 94-131,Transit Shuttle Study,Parsons Brinckerhoff et al 12th/Union Ave 38,320 458,484 Davy - Home Occupations for LMPs 203 94-141, King Conservation District Funding for Surface Daykin - Restaurant Lease at Airport (Mindemann's) Water Utility Capital Programming 471, 519, 520 266 94-143,HOV Improvements Funding(Boeing Dennis - Sewer Connection Request, UC-94-001 7 Reimbursement),Metro 458, 483,484 Dentler - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #G-6 322 Maplewood Creek Fish Passage Channel,Harza NW 529 Divelbiss - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #E-43 Citizen Comment 321 Alexander,D. - Alexander's Auction Washout 212, 249, Dobson - Service Club Recognition 104 265 Donahue - Comprehensive Plan Errata,Dalpay (#E- Alexander, G. - Alexander's Auction Washout 212 21)/LaPointe (#E-24) Rezone Requests,NE Alexander,L. -Alexander's Auction Washout 213 12th/Union Ave 38 Alexander, S. -Alexander's Auction Washout 212 Donnelly - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #G-11 Allingham - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #G-13 323 323 Doyle - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #F-31 315 Amandus - Highlands Community Church,R-90-048 54 DRA - Lake Ave S Street Vacation, Safeway/VAC-94- Ames - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #C-8 316 005 337 Anderson - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #C-18 Dudley - Alexander's Auction Washout 212 317 Durocher- Renton School District Sewer Hook-up Anderson - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #G-22 Request 268 324 Egan - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #C-8 and Arnold - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #F-9 313 #G-6 316, 322 Arnold - Zoning on Factory Avenue North 115 Eglick - Bryant Motors Rezone, CU-94-088 343 Ayers - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #C-18 318 England - Park Ave N Improvement Project 379 Baker - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #C-3 315 Escher- Sign Code Public Art Exemption 529 Barei - Lake Ave S Street Vacation (Safeway/VAC-94- Evans - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #D-1 310 005) 338 Evans - Zoning on North Side of NE 11th PI 114 Bartlett - Alexander's Auction Washout 212 Fahey - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #F-31 314 Beck - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #G-27 326 Fairbanks - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #G-23 Beckstrom - LID 337, Dayton Ave NE Sewers 26 325 Beckwith - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #C-18 Fortun - Building Permit at 251 Factory Ave N 266, 274 317 Free - S 11th St Vacation,VAC-94-001 263 Bentley - City Beautification 328 Freeman - Zoning at 303 Factory Ave N 56 Bentley - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #C-8 316 Gale - Extension for Land Use Approvals and Berry - Fred Meyer/Renton Center Site Appeal 280 Development Permits 79 Bielinski - Home Occupation Ordinance Revisions 527 Gardner- Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #F-6 313 Biggins - Request for Nonconforming Use, 907 Harrington Gevers - Employee Conduct 470 Ave NE 146 Gevers - Highlands Community Church Court Case 406 Bishop - Pedestrian Passage,Maple Valley Hwy 287 Gevers - Highlands Community Church,R-90-048 5,66 Bitney - Griffin Home Program 189 Gibson - Employee Compensation Change 178 Blaylock - Comprehensive Plan SEPA Process 5 Gibson - Illegal Dumping at N 28th PI 206 Bonnell - Commercial Setbacks 514 Goble - Comprehensive Plan Errata, Dalpay (#E- Booker- Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #G-6 323 21)/LaPointe (#E-24) Rezone Requests, NE Boren - Comprehensive Plan Errata, Lake Terrace 12th/Union Ave 38,320 Estates Rezone, 2100 Lake WA Blvd, #E-33 65 Goeres - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #C-11 317 Boyd - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #G-2, #G-15 Goods - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #B-6 319 and #G-18 321 Groening -Mosquito Abatement Program 191 Brock - Lake Ave S Street Vacation, Safeway/VAC-94- Groh - Rottweiler Attack 104 005 338 Hagadorn - Maple Valley Hwy Improvements 507 Brown - Alexander's Auction Washout 218 Halinen - AnMarCo Monterey Terrace Development 483 Brown - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #C-9 316 Halinen - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #G-19, Bruk - Galaxy Lounge Variance Request 178 #G-20 and #G-21 324, 325, 345 3 RENTON CITY COUNCIL MINUTE INDEX 1994 January - December Halinen - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #T-11 310 McComber- Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #G-23 Halinen - Street Standards 154 325 Halstead - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #B-5 318 McCutcheon - Enterprise Rent-a-Car Appeal, CU-93- Handly - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #G-10 323 130/AAD-94-084 493 Hanken - Comprehensive Plan Errata,Lake Terrace McDaniels - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #13-2 Estates Rezone, 2100 Lake WA Blvd, #E-33 27, 318 64 McDonald - 1995 Budget/Resident Tax Burden 439 Hanken - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #G-21 324 McDonald - Downtown Homeless Population 45 Harer- Comprehensive Plan Errata,Lake Terrace McDonald - Regional Transit Authority Proposal 507 Estates Rezone, 2100 Lake WA Blvd, #E-33 64 McDowell - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #G-19 Hayward - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #G-3 321 324 Hendricks- Comprehensive Plan Errata,Lake Terrace McLaughlin - Request for Nonconforming Use, 907 Estates Rezone, 2100 Lake WA Blvd, #E-33 65 Harrington Ave NE 146 Hess - Sierra Heights Sanitary Sewers SAD 345, 375 Meddaugh - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #C-12 Hlavka- Puget Sound Helicopters 390, 494 317 Hogan - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #D-2 311 Meyers - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #G-6 322 Hoshide - Comprehensive Plan Housing Element 103, Miller/Russo - Noise Complaints re Tony Go's 10 171, 183,345,375, 406 Millett - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #G-22 325 Hoshide - Comprehensive Plan SEPA Process 5, 16, 252 Mindemann - Restaurant Lease at Airport 266 Hoshide - Development Impact Fees/Regulatory Reform Moeller - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #B-6 319 138 Monaghan - S 11th St Vacation, VAC-94-001 263 Hoshide - Highlands Community Church Addition, R-90- Moore - Ryan's Addition Short Plat, 1614 Hoquiam PI 048 54,66, 78,95 NE, SHP-94-080 416 Hoshide -Master Site Plan Draft Ordinance 526 Moss - Water/Sewer Utility Rates 67, 129 Hoshide - Public Use (P-1) Suffix Assimilation 503 Mostoller - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #F-1 312 Hoshide - Willing/Village on Union Residential Murray - Imperials Bingo, CU-93-139 54 Demonstration Project 513 Nickels/Laing - RTA Regional Transit Plan 483 Hoyt - Puget Sound Helicopters Lease 250 Oakes - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #B-6 319 Hubbard - Sue Carlson Commendation 493 Olson - Extension for Land Use Approvals and Hulse - Rezone Request, NE 31st/Lincoln DR NE 172 Development Permits 79 Igelmund - CA Zone Amendments 339 Parietti - Council Executive Session 356 Igelmund - Friends of Youth Griffin Home 527 Parkside Apartment Tenants - Tenant Displacement 436 Jacobson - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #C-8 316 Patruska - Comprehensive Plan Errata, Dalpay (#E- Johnson - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #B-7 319 21)/LaPointe (#E-24) Rezone Requests,NE Johnson - Winsper Annexation, Talbot Hill 387 12th/Union Ave 39, 320 Jones - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #G-27 326 Pearson - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #C-18 317 Kelly - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #F-5 313 Peck - Directional Signage for Churches 410 Kennedy - Way Back Inn Fee Waiver Request 154 Petett - LID 335, Sierra Heights Sanitary Sewers 373 Key -Mission Hills Development 53 Petition from Lake Terrace Mobile Home Park Residents Kolby - Emergency Sewer Hook-up 377 re Zoning at 2100 Lake Wash Blvd, #E-33 103 Korda - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #G-22 325 Petition Requesting Undergrounding on Park Ave N 128 Kunstle - S 11th St Vacation, VAC-94-001 263 Petterson - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #C-9 316 Langdon - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #G-6 322 Pfeiffer - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #C-3 315 Larson - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #G-6 322 Phillips - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #C-3 315 Larson - S 11th St Vacation,VAC-94-001 263 Pinz - Sewer Line Assessment 10 Larson - WSDOT I-405 S-Curve Project 171, 178, 190, Piper - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #G-6 322 Now 201, 213, 250, 388 Preston - Comprehensive Plan Errata#E-39, Chevron LaRue - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #C-5 315 USA 53 Lee - Dog Kennel Restrictions 398 Price - Cedar River Court Fire Mitigation Fees Lemke et al - Possible Illegal Duplex, 409 Cedar Ave S Exemption Request 428 268, 364 Quesenberry - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #F-14 Lensegrav - "Seeds for Success" Trade Show 94 and #C-8 314,316 Lensegrav - Appreciation for City Council 85 Ralston - Highlands Community Church, R-90-048 66 Lensegrav - Bryant Motors Parking Violations 27, 41 Rand - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #E-20 320, Lensegrav - Economic Development in City 249 375 Lensegrav - Tree Cutting on Houser Way/8th St 77 Ravessen - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #C-3 315 Lindberg - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #C-11 Raveston - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #G-6 322 316 Reynolds - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #D-3 311 Little - Comprehensive Plan Errata, Gray/Little Rezone, Richter - 1995 CDBG Funds 372 105 S Lake St, #E-15(b) 52 Richter - Bryant Motors Parking Violations 27,31,40, Logerquist - Legality of Construction Hours 482 513 Luckous - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #T-4 309 Richter - Building Permit at 251 Factory Ave N 94, 135, Lukowski - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #D-2 311 138, 274, 356 Lutz - Enterprise Rent-a-Car Appeal,AAD-94- Richter- CA Zone Changes to Landscape Requirements 084/LUA-93-140 504 192 Magnuson - Class A Nonconforming Use Request, South Richter - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #F-10 313 End Auto Wrecking 457 Richter - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #F-19 and Malesis - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #F-1 and #F-20 314 #T-4 309,312 Richter - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #T-1 and Manzin - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #G-24 326 #T-4 308, 309 Mapili - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #C-18 317 Richter- Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #T-8 and Martin - Noise Complaint at 97 S Tobin/Other #T-13 310 Complaint at 105 Lake Ave S 328 Richter - Friends of Youth Griffin Home 190, 224, 283, Maxwell - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #D-3 311 527 McBee - Utility Rates 248 4 RENTON CITY COUNCIL MINUTE INDEX 1994 January - December Richter - Ivar's Christmas Show/Bryant Motors Appeal Vaupel - Building Permit at 251 Factory Ave N 135, 138, 513 274 Richter- Planning&Development Committee Meeting Vaupel - CA Zone Amendments 236, 266 Schedule 206 Vaupel - Cedar River Regional Park Property Richter- Vehicles Parking at Sartori Park 242 Condemnation 507 Richter- Zoning in North Renton 115 Vaupel - City Dump Truck Purchase 249,364 Robinson - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #C-7 315 Vaupel - Comprehensive Plan Transportation Element Robinson - SR-169 Visual/Noise Barrier 301 527, 531 Roper - Utility Rates 492 Vaupel - Comprehensive Plan SEPA Process 6 Ruprecht - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #F-22 Vaupel - Environmental Review Committee 65, 72 314 Vaupel - Friends of Youth Griffin Home 218, 283, 292 Ryan - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #T-4 and Vaupel - Introduction of Boy Scout 225 #F-1 309,312 Vaupel -Mid-Block Planters on S 3rd St 97 Ryan - Emergency Sewer Hook-up Request,UC-94-002 Vaupel - North Renton Comprehensive Plan Amendments 136 300 Saldano - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #G-21 324 Vaupel - Ombudsman/Citizen Representative 253 Santos - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #F-31 314 Vaupel - Permit Expedition 85 Schroeder-Mosquito Abatement Program 191 Vaupel - Sartori Playfield Equipment 242 Secrest - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #D-2 311 Vaupel - Strike by Local 21-R 10 Shaw - Rottweiler Attack 104 Vaupel - Tree Cutting on Houser Way/8th St 77 Sheely - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #D-3 311 Vaupel - Utility Rates 482 Siemion -Maple Valley Hwy Improvements 506, 507 Wagner - Lake Ave S Street Vacation, Safeway/VAC-94- Skura- Mosquito Abatement Program 191 005 338,345, 359 Smith - Lake Ave S Street Vacation, Safeway/VAC-94- Wagner- Request for Nonconforming Use, 3979 Lk Wash 005 338,357 Blvd N 136 South - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #F-1 and Ward - Rottweiler Attack 104 #F-2 312 Warren - Development Fees/Affordability Issues 136 South - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #F-3 and Webb - Complaint of Illegal Duplex at 409 Cedar Ave S #F-4 313 389 South - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #T-4 and Webb - Renton Hill Alley Improvements 165, 237 #T-8 309, 310 Webb - WSDOT I-405 S-Curve Project 179, 213, 225, Sove - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #C-3 315 283, 286,406, 417 Spencer- LID 337,Dayton Ave NE Sewers 26 Wendling - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #D-2 311 Steiner- Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #E-20 320 Wilcock - Marshall/G&lush&Annexation 299,300 Sterbank - Bryant Motors Parking Violations 39,41 Wilcox-Mosquito Abatement Program 191 Stewart - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #G-5, #G- Williams - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #G-6 322 9 and #G-12 321 Williams -Mosquito Abatement Program 191 Stewart/Mano - Sewer Hook-up Request,UC-94-003 Williams - Puget Sound Helicopters Lease 237 216 Willing- Willing/Village on Union Residential Stoloff- Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #G-25 326 Development Demonstration Project Stoloff- Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #T-3 309 (Comprehensive Plan Amendment #G-27) 326, Sung - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #G-6 322 529 Swanigan - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #G-27 Winston - CM Zone Amendments 339 326 Wong(TCI) - TCI Cable Rates 347 Swanson - Highlands Community Church Addition, R- Wood - Comprehensive Plan Errata,Dalpay (#E- 90-048 78 21)/LaPointe (#E-24) Rezone Requests,NE Taylor- Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #13-3 318 12th/Union Ave 39,320 Texiera - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #G-19 324 Woodcock - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #E-21 Tharp - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #G-3 321 320 Thornton - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #G-6 323 Woods - Winsper Annexation, Talbot Hill 401 Thorpe - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #B-2 318 Wright - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #G-23 325 Tibbils/Maresh - Blaine Ave NE Speed Limit 10 Wyatt - Renton/King County Library Systems Reciprocal Tjossem - SW 13th St Vacation,Maple/Lind Aves SW, Use 462 VAC-94-004 298 York - Highlands Community Church, R-90-048 95 Tonda - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #F-2 313 Zahn - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #13-5 318 Trover- Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #G-6 322 City Clerk Trudnowski - Marshall/Galusha Annexation 298, 300 1993 Washington State Audit Report 287 Truhan - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #G-26 326 Agenda Process 86 Turnbull - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #E-21 and Bidding and Contract Procedure 42 #E-24 320 Government Access Channel 380 Urbaniak - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #E-6 319 Official Annual 1994 City Population 268 Valberg- Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #G-22 325, Quarterly Contract List, October- December, 1993 17 398 Quarterly Contract List,January - March, 1994 147 Vanderford - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #B-5 Quarterly Contract List,April - June, 1994 268 318 Quarterly Contract List,July - September, 1994 435 Vaupel - Comprehensive Plan Amendments, #F-1 to September 1994 Primary Certification 417 #F-23 312 Volunteer Meal Allowance Increase 228 Vaupel - 1995/1996 Budget 470 Community Event Vaupel - Animal License Fees 130 "Seeds for Success" Trade Show, Lensegrav 94 Vaupel - Bryant Motors Rezone/Redevelopment 1993 United Way Campaign Recognition 77 Proposal, CU-94-088 349,356,359, 513, 521 Chamber of Commerce Tour on Development Issues 228 Vaupel - Bryant Motors Parking Violations 27, 31, 40, Ivar's Christmas Lights Show, Richter 513 230, 249, 283,388 Renton River Days Insurance Requirements 206, 216 Vaupel - Building Department Regulation Enforcement Renton River Days Permit Fee Waiver 146, 155 58 5 RENTON CITY COUNCIL MINUTE INDEX 1994 January - December Comprehensive Plan Willing/Village on Union Residential Development 1994 Amendments and Concurrent Zoning 288, 308,390, Demonstration Project 154, 181,360, 361, 514 437,438, 513 Comprehensive Plan Amendments/Concurrent Rezones Annual Amendment Process 68 #13-2,McDaniels, Thorpe 318 Auto Mall Zone, Grady Way 267 #B-3, Taylor 318 Bryant Motors Rezone/Conditional Use Permit, CU-94- #B-5,Halstead,Vanderford, Zahn 318 088 341 #B-6, Goods, Butler,Moeller, Oakes 319 CA Zone Amendments (Light Manufacturing/Auto Body #B-7,Johnson 319 Shops) 237, 271, 272,327,339,348 #C-3,Baker, Pfeiffer,Phillips,Ravassen, Sove 315 CA Zone Amendments,Igelmund 339 #C-5, LaRue 315 CA Zone Amendments, Vaupel 266 #C-7,Robinson 315 CA Zone Landscape Requirement Changes 172 #C-8,Ames,Bentley,Egan,Jacobson, Quesenberry 316 CC Zone Changes 267, 288,327,339, 349,363, 377,379 #C-9,Brown,Peterson 316 Cemetery Road/NE 4th Zoning 180, 229 #C-11, Goeres, Lindberg 317 Class A Nonconforming Use Status Review Process 55 #C-12,Meddaugh 317 CM Zone Changes 251, 283, 327,339,348,360 #C-18,Anderson, Ayers,Beckwith, Clements,Mapili, CM Zone Changes, Callen 283 Pearson 317, 318 CM Zone Changes, Winston 339 #D-1, Evans 310 CO Zone Changes (Auto Dealerships/Repair Shops) 346 #D-2, Hogan,Lukowski, Secrest, Wendling 311 Development Fees/Affordability Issues, Warren 136 #D-3, Maxwell,Reynods, Sheely 311 Downtown/Duplex Parking Requirements 9 #E-6, Urbaniak 319 Economic Development Policies 398, 410 #E-20, Rand 320,375 Errata,Ballestrasse #E-41 8 #E-20, Steiner 320 Errata, Cellular One #E-37 7, 52,80, 88 #E-21, Dalpay, Goble,Petruska, Turnbull, Wood, Errata, Chevron USA#E-39 8, 53,80, 88 Woodcock 320, 521, 531 Errata,Dalpay (#E-21)/LaPointe (#E-24) Rezone #E-24, Turnbull 320 Requests,NE 12th/Union Ave 37, 38, 39, 320, #E-43, Divelbiss 321 521, 531 #F-1,Malesis,Mostoller,Ryan, South 312 Errata,Divelbiss#E-43 8, 321 #F-1-#F-23, Vaupel 312 Errata,Ekins#E-42 8 #F-2, South,Tonda 312,313 Errata,Freeman,303 Factory Ave N 129 #F-3-#F-4, South 313 Errata, Gray/Little Rezone, 105 S Lake St, #E-15(b) 7, #F-5, Kelly 313 51,80,88 #F-6, Gardner 313 Errata, Lake Terrace Estates Rezone, 2100 Lake WA #F-9,Arnold 313 Blvd, #E-33 26,63, 227, 241 #F-10, Richter 313 Errata,NE 12th St Rezones (Blanco et al, #E-21) 521, #F-14, Quesenberry 314 531 #F-19-#F-20,Richter 314 Errata, Sunset Blvd NE/Edmonds Ave NE, #E-40 56 #F-22,Ruprecht 314 303 Factory Ave N Zoning,Freeman 56 #F-31 314 Factory Ave N Zoning,Arnold 115 #F-31, Carlton, Doyle,Fahey 314,315 Highlander Development (Parker PUD) 360 #G-2, #G-15 and #G-18, Boyd 321 Highlander Development (Parker PUD), Valberg 398 #G-3,Hayward,Tharp 321 Home Occupations for Licensed Massage Practitioners #G-5, #G-9 and #G-12, Stewart 321 271 #G-6, Booker,Dentler,Egan, Langdon, Larson,Meyers, Housing Element 105, 399 Piper,Raveston, Sung, Thornton, Throver, Housing Element, Hoshide 103, 171, 183,345,375, 406 Williams 322,323 NE 11th Pl Zoning 114, 115 #G-10, Handly 323 Nonconforming Use Request, 3979 Lk Wash Blvd N, #G-11,Donnelly 323 Wagner 136 #G-13,Allingham 323 North Renton Amendments, Vaupel 300 #G-19 324 Parking Ordinance 56 #G-19, Halinen,Texiera 324 Parks Mitigation Fee and Policy 327,331 #G-20, Halinen 324 Phase II Schedule 67, 70,80, 203 #G-21,Hanken, Saldano 324 Public Use Assimilation/P-1 Suffix 202, 216, 360, 459, #G-22,Anderson, Brumfield,Halinen, Korda,Millett, 490, 520 Valberg 324,325 Rezone Request,NE 31st/Lincoln Dr NE,Hulse 172, 229 #G-23,Fairbanks,McComber, Wright 325 SEIS/Staff Support Agreement with Huckell/Weinman #G-24,Manzin 326 Associates, Inc. 6, 19 #G-25, Stoloff 326 SEPA Ordinance Amendments 71 #G-26,Truhan 326 SERA Process,Blaylock 5 #G-27,Beck, Jones,Swanigan, Willing 326 SEPA Process, Hoshide 5, 16 #T-1, Richter 308 SEPA Process, Vaupel 6 #T-3, Campen, Stoloff 309 Setbacks in Residential and Commercial Zones 57, 129 #T-4,Luckous,Malesis,Richter, Ryan, South 309 Surface Water Utility Comp Plan Policy Directions 78, #T-8,Richter, South 310 87 #T-11, Halinen 310 Transportation Element 328,493, 528, 530 #T-13, Richter 310 Transportation Element, Vaupel 527, 531 Council Urban Center Boundary 103, 117 1994 Legislative Priorities 17,44 Urban Growth Boundary/East Renton Interceptor SAD 1994 Retreat 80 Area 206 1995 Committee Assignments 529 Utility Element 329 1995 Election of Officers 506 Wetlands Management/Variance Procedures 429, 430, 1995 Priorities 104 438 Cablecasting of Council Meetings 273 Willing/Village on Union Residential Demonstration Cancellation of 8/8/94 Regular Meeting 273 Project, Hoshide 513 Committee of the Whole Agenda Schedule 89 6 RENTON CITY COUNCIL MINUTE INDEX 1994 January - December Committee on Committees 521 Cablecasting of Council Meetings 273 Correspondence Procedure 138, 496 City Investment and Financial Policies 116, 125, 530 Economic Development Tour 256 Department Reorganization/Employee Reclassifications Executive Session,Parietti 356 427,436 General,Lensegrav 85 Duplex Customer Sewer Rates 78,86, 89 Kidd Valley Restaurant 10 Financial Reporting Award 16 Puget Sound Leadership Conference Attendance, 10/94 Fire Mitigation Funds for Valley Station #14 42, 529 379 Golf Course Improvement Bonds 215, 226, 228, 241 Ramp Metering 419 Golf Course Improvement Fund 28,42,44 Recognition Award, 1993 Council President 4 Health Benefit Task Force Recommendations 6 Renton Report Request for Information 530 Land Use Fee Schedule Revisions 471, 518, 521, 531 Service Club Recognition 104 Land Use Review Supervisor, Limited Term Funding 165 Swearing-In of Newly Elected Members 4 Limited Term General Obligation Bonds ($980,000) 483, Valley Medical Center Proposed Levy 411,418 484, 485 Court Case Low-Income Seniors/Disabled Citizens Utility Rates 147, CRT-94-001,Jacobson et al.vs. City of Renton 103 217, 247, 289, 291, 302 CRT-94-002,Thyrian vs. City of Renton 103 Non-Resident Low-Income Senior/Disabled Utility Rates CRT-94-003, Gevers v. City of Renton (Highlands 303,329,349,361,458, 461,473, 485, 497 Community Church) 154 PACCAR Sewer Bill Credit 69 CRT-94-004,Iszley v. City of Renton 215 Property and Casualty Claim Reviews 267, 301 94-006, Sherman et al v. City of Renton et al 471 Public Safety Bond Issue 29, 193, 237, 253, 256, 272, 358, 94-007,David R.Magarrell v. City of Renton 493 361, 411 CU Reclassifications and Compensation Changes 164, 180 93-130, Enterprise Rent-a-Car,AAD-94-084 493 Renton Emergency Assistance Program,Utility Billing 68 93-130,Enterprise Rent-a-Car, Lutz 504 Renton River Days Insurance Requirements 206, 216 93-130,Enterprise Rent-a-Car,McCutcheon 493 Solid Waste Utility Tax Effective Date Change 215, 227, 93-139,Imperials Bingo 54 241, 255 94-088,Bryant Motors Rezone 341 Surplus Items Declaration 179 94-088, Byrant Motors Rezone, Eglick 343 TCI Cable Rates 145,347,348,376, 401 DRA TCI Cable Rates, Wong (TCI) 347 1994-95 Work Plan and Budget 471 Utility Billing Cycle Changes 268, 272, 291 Chamber of Commerce Publication on Renton 58 Vouchers 20,42,69,88, 105, 126, 147, 165, 180, 203, 227, Downtown Renton Revitalization Plan 78, 105, 155 254, 271,301, 347,378,399,418,437,472, 496, Lake Ave S Vacation, Safeway/VAC-94-005, Krauss 337 519 Removal of Mid-Block Planters on 3rd St, Gary Merlino Winsper Annexation Area Utility Rate Rebate 399 Const. Co. 85,86, 88,96, 217 Fire Street Sweeping in the Downtown 349 1994-1996 Battalion Chiefs Labor Agreement, Local 864 ERC 6 Environmental Review Committee,Vaupel 65, 72 Cedar River Court Apts. Fire Mitigation Fees 459 Sign Code Revisions for Large Retailers 225, 238, 241, Code/Plans Reviewer Promotional Classification Series 302 457, 472 Executive CRT-94-002,Thyrian vs. City of Renton 103 Chamber of Commerce Publication on Renton 58 Junior Taxing Districts/Valley Medical Center Levy 364, IKEA Store 218 411,418 Renton Center Business Relocations 128 King County Fire District 25 1995 Contract 252, 255 Finance NE 8th St Parking Problem 418 1993 Washington State Audit Report 287 Public Safety Space Needs 153 1993-1996 Compensation for Non-Represented Staffing Levels 137 Management Employees 57 Texaco Contamination Incident 71 1994 Animal License Fees 70, 79, 125, 128, 137 Valley Station #14 Fire Mitigation Funding 28, 42, 529 1994 Animal License Fees, Vaupel 130 Franchise 1994 Budget Amendments 136, 156, 157, 166 Cablecasting of Council Meetings 273 1994 Budget Amendments for Transportation City of Seattle Preemption of Regular Public Access Improvement Projects 203, 217, 236, 236 Program 173 1994 CDBG Funds Reallocation 162, 163 TCI Cable Rates 124, 145, 347, 348,376,401 1994 Energy Code& Fees,Non-Residential 179, 194, 205 TCI Cable Rates, Wong(TCI) 347 1994 Healthcare Plan 19 TCI Channel (STARZ) Billing Procedure 57, 128 1994 Home Business and License Fees 116 H&HS 1994 Mosquito Abatement Program Funding 226, 253, 1994 CDBG Funds Reallocation 146, 162, 163 256, 272 1995 CDBG Funds and Policies 146, 163, 164,357,371, 1994 Surface Water Utility Rates 67, 70,80 372 1994 Utility Rates 10, 105 1995 CDBG Funds, Richter 372 1994 Water/Sewer Revenue Bonds 427, 437, 438,439 CDBG Funds,King County, CAG-93-066 418,419 1994 Year-End Adjustments 504, 519, 521, 531 Cities in Schools Program 256, 269, 359 1995 Budget (including Parks Fees) 427,452,481,495, Friends of Youth Griffin Home 230 497, 506 Friends of Youth Griffin Home,Bitney 189 1995 CDBG Funds 163, 164,357 Friends of Youth Griffin Home,Igelmund 527 1995 Property Tax Rates 497, 506 Friends of Youth Griffin Home, Richter 190, 224, 283, 1995-2000 Six-Year Transportation Improvement 527 Program 203, 217, 235, 236 Friends of Youth Griffin Home, Vaupel 218, 283, 292 1995/1996 Budget,Vaupel 470 HOME Investment Partnership, King County, CAG-93- 1996 Spending Plan 427,452 064 418, 419 Authorized Signatures for Banking Purposes 327,331 Houser Terrace Senior Housing Award 63 Banking Services Award to U.S. Bank 193, 203, 205 Parkside Apartments Tenant Displacement 436 BETA Testing Staffing 193, 203, 205, 217 7 RENTON CITY COUNCIL MINUTE INDEX 1994 January - December Renton Area Youth& Family Services (RAYS) 337,Dayton Avenue NE Sewers,Public Works Trust Agreement 136, 156 Fund Agreement 155, 157 Renton Emergency Assistance Program 68 METRO Renton Housing Authority Acquisition (Cedar Park Apts) Commute Trip Reduction Services 55, 79 505 Five-Year Water Reuse Project 17, 30, 31 Summer Lunch Program,Dept of Agriculture Grant 226, High Capacity Transit Grant, Central Subarea Plan 17, 240 20 Way Back Inn Fee Waiver Request 154 HOV Improvements Funding (Boeing TDM Hearing Examiner Reimbursement), CAG-94-143 458,483,484 Judith Bendor Appointment as Hearing Examiner Pro N 3rd St/North Renton Livable Streets Program Project Tempore 327 376,391 Zoning Code Clarification Request 42 Municipal Court King County Code Changes re Municipal Court Regulations 103, 125, 1993 Regional Conservation Futures Acquisition Funds 128, 137 17, 29,30 Judge Lewis Reappointment, 1996-1998 347 1994 General Election Results 504 Parks 1994 Optional Business Recycling Program 6, 30 1993 Regional Conservation Futures Acquisition Funds 1994 Renton Jail Medical Health Services, CAG-94-077 17, 29,30 237, 253, 255 1995 Fees 497, 506 CDBG Funds, CAG-93-066 418,419 At-Risk Youth Program 118, 144, 183 Commute Trip Reduction Agreement/State Grant Funds Cedar River Interpretive Park Signage, Doty & 96, 117 Associates, CAG-93-092 346 County-wide Planning Policies 439,459,484 Cedar River Regional Park Property Condemnation 504, DDES Relocation to One Renton Place 148, 157, 183 506 HOME Investment Partnership, CAG-93-064 418,419 Cedar River Regional Park Property Condemnation, Household Hazardous Waste Program Billing 401 Vaupel 507 Lake Washington Vistas Conservation Futures Levy Cedar River Regional Park Land Donation, Cedar River Funds 116, 126, 127 Bluff Partnership 482, 495 Local Hazardous Waste Program Reimbursement, CAG- Cedar River Sports Complex Open Space Grant, IAC 93-100 390, 398, 401 Funding 116, 126, 127 May Creek Basin Plan Agreement 96, 105, 106 Cedar River Trail Master Plan 97 May Creek Conservation Futures Levy Funds 115, 126, City Beautification,Bentley 328 127, 482, 496 Council Chambers Remodel, CAG-93-094, Cope Springbrook Trail Conservation Futures Levy Funds 115, Construction 428 126, 127, 482,496 Department Reorganization 482, 496 Walk Program/Bus Zone Accessibility 226 Development Impact Mitigation Policy and Fees 41,68, Latecomer Agreement 69,327,331 Campbell/Storybook Termination 56 Gene Coulon Beach Park Overflow Parking Agreement, Extension of Latecomer Agreements in Moratorium Area Boeing 251, 271 164,204 Highlands Library Roof Replacement, Holloway Roofing, Regulations for Private Agreements 117, 127 CAG-94-101 376,391 Lease Houser Terrace Fencing, CAG-93-101 41 LAG-76-007,Mindemann's South Shore/Specialty Houser Terrace Brick Cleaning/Sealing, Kirtley-Cole Restaurants 358 Associates, Inc., CAG-93-129 346 LAG-84-006,Plane Space Investments Lease Assignment Houser Terrace Expanded Parking, GMT Inc., CAG-93- to Puget Sound Helicopters 215, 238, 250, 436 102 327 LAG-91-005,Northwest Seaplanes Lease Extension 328, Houser Terrace Senior Housing Award 63 359 Houser Terrace Senior Housing, CAG-91-095 55 LAG-93-004,BHC Inc. Sublease to Northwest Ivar's Christmas Lights Show, Richter 513 Seaplanes/Northwest Seaplanes Operating Permit Ivar's Proposed Expansion 104 252, 290 Kidd Valley Restaurant 10 Legal Lake Washington Trail,Boeing Phase 2, IAC Funding 1995 Agreement for City Attorney Services 514 147, 156, 157 American Memorial Services Bankruptcy Filing 528 Lake Washington Vistas Open Space Grant, King County City Holidays 55, 57, 70 Conservation Futures Levy Funds 116, 126, 127 Criminal Code and Penalty Updates 267, 288, 292,302 Liberty Park Playground Equipment, Parkwood Services, Exempting K-9s from Leash Laws 292,302 CAG-94-093 357 Highlands Community Church Court Case, Gevers 406 Liberty Park Restrooms, E.M. Castillo Construction, Municipal Court Regulation Code Changes 103, 125, 128, CAG-94-110 397 137 Liberty Park/City Shops Air Conditioning, G&M Public Defender Agreement,Kameron C. Cayce 193, 216 Mechanical Contractors, CAG-94-121 457, 472 Signs on Public Right-of-Way 9 Library Systems Reciprocal Use (Renton/King County), Uniform Controlled Substance Act 493,497 Wyatt 462 Washington Model Traffic Ordinance Adoption 225, 227, Maplewood Golf Course Clubhouse& Driving Range, 240 Spee West Const. Co., CAG-94-120 482 Washington Natural Gas Lawsuit,Talbot Hill Watermain Maplewood Golf Course Concessionaire, Charlie Stewart, Failure 252, 289 CAG-85-030 427,460 LID Maplewood Golf Course Clubhouse/Driving Range Site 329,Parcel Nos. 1&2 Segregation (Valley Medical Center) Work, KLB Construction, CAG-94-080 300 483,484 Maplewood Golf Course Irrigation Project, Frontier 335, Sierra Heights Sanitary Sewers 300, 301, 346,348, Landscaping, CAG-94-106 390 373,379, 400 Maplewood Golf Course Remodeling Project, Edlund 335, Sierra Heights Sanitary Sewers, Petett 373 Associates, CAG-94-105 390 337, Dayton Ave NE Sanitary Sewers, Gary Merlino Maplewood Golf Course Improvement Bonds 215, 226, Const. Co., CAG-94-038 25, 57,69, 193 228, 241 8 am RENTON CITY COUNCIL MINUTE INDEX 1994 January - December Maplewood Golf Course Improvements 28,42,44 Self-Insurance for Employee Health Benefits 390, 399, Maplewood Golf Course Cart Path Paving Project, 401 Lakeside Industries, CAG-94-064 267,471 Street Maintenance Crew Commendation 439 Maplewood Golf Course Master Plan Feasibility Study, Sue Carlson Commendation,Hubbard 493 CAG-92-102, Cal Jordan&Associates 78,87 Third-Party Administrator Agreement 116, 125 Maplewood Golf Course Phase II, CAG-93-062 41 WRPA Awards to Renton Employees 189 May Creek Open Space Grant,King County Conservation Planning Futures Levy Funds 115, 126, 127,482,496 1994 Comprehensive Plan Amendments/Concurrent Municipal Campus Master Plan Update& Consultant Zoning 288,308, 390,437,438, 513 Services 195, 204 1994 Energy Code&Fees,Non-Residential 194, 205 NARCO Demolition/Salvage, Gaston Bros. Excavating AnMarCo Monterey Terrace Development,Halinen 483 237 Auto Mall Zone 267, 530 NARCO Property 17, 20,30 Boeing Longacre, Office Park EIS, CAG-91-087, Open Space Bond Issue Project Update 95, 102 Addendum No.4 251, 271 Park Board Membership Expansion 216, 218, 227 Boeing Payment of EIS Services, CAG-91-009, Renton Housing Authority Acquisition (Cedar Park Apts) Addendum No. 7 251, 271 505 Bryant Motors Rezone/Conditional Use Permit, CU-94- Renton School District Agreement for Use of Service 088 341 Areas/Facilities 67,87 Bryant Motors Rezone,Eglick 343 Riverview Park Naming (Maple Valley/Cedar River) 435, Bryant Motors Rezone,Vaupel 349,356, 359 460 Burnstead Annexation, SE 128th St 436, 467 Sartori Park Vehicle Parking,Richter 242 CA Zone Amendments (Landscape Requirements) 172, Sartori Playfield Equipment,Vaupel 242 182, 192, 205 Senior Center Roof Replacement, CAG-93-074, CRJ CA Zone Amendments (Landscape Requirements), Roofing 95 Richter 192 Springbrook Trail Open Space Grant, IAC Funding and CA Zone Amendments (Light Manufacturing/Auto Body King County Conservation Futures Levy Funds Shops) 237, 271, 272,327, 339, 348 115, 126, 127, 482,496 CA Zone Amendments (Light Manufacturing/Auto Body Waterfowl Relocation Interlocal Agreement 66, 87,88 Shops), Vaupel 236, 266 WRPA Awards to Renton Employees 189 CA Zone Amendments,Igelmund 339 Personnel CC Zone Amendments 267, 288, 327, 339, 349,363, 377, 1993 Police Employees of the Quarter and Employee of 379 the Year 77 Cemetery Road/NE 4th Zoning 229 1993-1996 Compensation for Non-Represented Cemetery Road/NE 4th Zoning 180 Management Employees 57 Class A Nonconforming Use Status Process 55, 194 1994 Healthcare Plan 19 CM Zone Changes 251, 283,327, 339,348,360 1994-1996 Battalion Chiefs Labor Agreement, Local 864 CM Zone Changes, Callen 283 6 CM Zone Changes, Winston 339 1994-1996 Police Commissioned Employees Contract 155 CO Zone Changes (Auto Dealerships/Repair Shops) 346 1994-1996 Police Guild Labor Contract 42 Commercial Front Setbacks,Bonnell 514 Appearance of Fairness Concerns, Smith 419 Comprehensive Plan Transportation Element 493, 528, BETA Testing Staffing 193, 203, 205, 217 530 Broker of Record Contract (Raleigh/Schwarz/Powell) Comprehensive Plan Transportation Element, Vaupel 397 527, 531 Broker of Record for Insurance,Arthur J. Gallagher 397, Comprehensive Plan Annual Amendment Process 68 436 Comprehensive Plan Economic Development Policies 398, City Holidays and Employee Vacations 55, 57, 70 410 Employee Community Service Recognitions 526 Comprehensive Plan Errata, Ballestrasse #E-41 8 Employee Compensation Change, Gibson 178 Comprehensive Plan Errata, Cellular One #E-37 7, 52, Employee Conduct, Gevers 470 80, 88 Employee Parking Restrictions 85, 96, 97, 106 Comprehensive Plan Errata, Chevron USA#E-39 8, 53, Employee Recognition/Service Awards 37 80,88 Finance Department Reorganization/Employee Comprehensive Plan Errata,Dalpay (#E-21)/LaPointe Reclassifications 427,436 (#E-24) Rezone Requests, NE 12th/Union Ave Fire and Police Staffing Levels 137 37,38,39,320, 521, 531 Fire Code/Plans Reviewer Promotional Classification Comprehensive Plan Errata, Divelbiss #E-43 8,321 Series 457, 472 Comprehensive Plan Errata, Ekins #E-42 8 Flexible Benefit Plan, Benefit Administration Co., CAG- Comprehensive Plan Errata, Freeman,303 Factory Ave N 94-104 226, 253 129 Flexible Work Schedule Program 267,301 Comprehensive Plan Errata, Gray/Little Rezone, 105 S Health Benefit Task Force Recommendations 6 Lake St #E-15(b) 7, 51, 52,80,88 Labor Negotiations 118 Comprehensive Plan Errata, Lake Terrace Estates Land Use Review Supervisor,Limited Term Funding 165 Rezone, 2100 Lake WA Blvd, #E-33 26, 27, 63, Local 21-R Contract 17 64,65, 103, 227, 241 Local 21-R Strike, Vaupel 10 Comprehensive Plan Errata, Sunset Blvd NE/Edmonds P/B/PW Promotions 255 Ave NE, #E-40 56 P/B/PW Staff Position 17 Comprehensive Plan Errata,NE 12th St Rezones (Blanco Parks Department Reorganization 482,496 et al, #E-21) 521, 531 Police Jail Supervisor Position 410, 428 Comprehensive Plan Housing Element 105, 399 Principal Planner Interim Position 154 Comprehensive Plan Housing Element,Hoshide 103, 183, Property and Casualty Claim Reviews 267 375,406 Public Safety Space Needs 153 Comprehensive Plan Phase II Schedule 67, 70,80, 203 Publications Secretary Salary Grade Change 287 Development Fees/Affordability Issues, Warren 136 Reclassifications and Compensation Changes 164, 180 Development Impact Fees/Regulatory Reform, Hoshide 138 9 RENTON CITY COUNCIL MINUTE INDEX 1994 January - December Development Signage 360 SEPA Process, Hoshide 5, 16, 252 Dog Kennel Restrictions,Lee 398 SEPA Process,Vaupel 6 Dog Kennels in Residential Neighborhoods 429 Setback Amendments (Residential, Commercial, Downtown Renton Revitalisation Plan 78, 105, 155 Industrial) 57, 129,483 Downtown/Duplex Parking Requirements 9 Sign Code Change for Large Retail Businesses 225, 238, Emergency Economic Conditions and Regulatory Reform 241,302 116 South End Auto Wrecking Class A Nonconforming Use Enterprise Rent-a-Car Appeal, CU-93-130/AAD-94-084 Request 530 493 South End Auto Wrecking Class A Nonconforming Use Enterprise Rent-a-Car Appeal, Lutz 504 Request,Magnuson 457 Enterprise Rent-a-Car Appeal,McCutcheon 493 Special Assessment District Regulations 128 Environmental Review Committee,Vaupel 65, 72 Staff Position 17 303 Factory Ave N Zoning,Freeman 56 Stonegate Annexation, 148th Ave SE/May Valley Road Factory Ave N Zoning,Arnold 115 457,479, 529 Fred Meyer/Renton Center Site Plan Appeal, SA-93-151 Stratford Heights Preliminary Plat,3900 NE 19th St,PP- 281 94-057 376 Fred Meyer/Renton Center Site Plan Appeal,Berry 280 Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan 328 Group Home Regulations 418, 505, 514 Urban Center Boundary 103, 117 Hearing Examiner Zoning Code Clarification Request 42 Urban Growth Boundary Change (East Renton Highlander Development (Parker PUD) 9, 56, 137, 147, Interceptor SAD Area) 206 360 Utility Element of the Comprehensive Plan 329 Highlander Development (Parker PUD), Halinen 345 West View Preliminary Plat,Aberdeen Ave NE/NE 12th Highlander Development (Parker PUD), Valberg 398 St, PP-94-116 513, 530 Highlands Community Church Addition, R-90-048 5, 11, Wetlands Management (Buffer Widths/Variance 54 Procedures) 397,429,430, 438 Highlands Community Church, Gevers 66 Willing/Village on Union Residential Development Highlands Community Church,Hoshide 66, 78 Demonstration Project 154, 181,360,361, 514, Highlands Community Church,Ralston 66 529 Highlands Community Church, Swanson 78 Willing/Village on Union Residential Demonstration Home Occupation Ordinance Revisions 271, 527 Project,Hoshide 513 Home Occupation Ordinance Revisions,Bielinski 527 Winsper Annexation (Talbot Hill) 70,96, 123, 357,386, Home Occupations Ordinance Revisions, Davy 203 388, 400,429 IKEA Store 218 Winsper Annexation Talbot Hill Johnson 387 Jacques Short Plat, Queen Ave NE Street Dedication 346 Winsper Annexation (Talbot Hill Woods 401 King County County-wide Planning Policies 439,459, Winsper Annexation Zoning (Talbot Hill) 388, 430 484 Plat Land Use Approval and Development Permit Extensions Lee Short Plat,SHP-94-017 328 78, 79,96,97 Ryan's Addition Short Plat, 1614 Hoquiam PI NE, SHP- Land Use Review Supervisor, Limited Term Funding 165 94-080 410,416 Lee Short Plat,NE 10th/Anacortes Ave NE,SHP-94-017 Ryan's Addition Short Plat,Moore 416 300 Stratford Heights (Preliminary), PP-94-057, 3900 NE Marshall/G alusha Annexation Zoning, NE 4th/Duvall 19th St 376 Ave NE 85, 112, 115, 303,363 Summit Park (Preliminary), 5110 Talbot Rd S,PP-93- Marshall/Galusha Annexation, NE 4th/Duvall Ave NE 157 251 85, 112, 115, 267, 298, 302, 361 Sunset Hills (Final),NE 24th St/Jones Ave,FP-94-040 Marshall/Galusha Annexation,Trudnowski 298,300 225, 227 Marshall/Galusha Annexation, Wilcock 299,300 Warren's Addition (Final), 2226 NE 20th, LUA-93-143, Master Site Plan Draft Ordinance,Hoshide 526 FP-93-143 67,69 NE 11th PI Zoning 114, 115 West View (Preliminary),Aberdeen Ave NE/NE 12th St, Nonconforming Use Request, 3979 Lk Wash Blvd N, PP-94-116 513, 530 Wagner 136 Willing,Village on Union 154, 181,360, 361 Nonconforming Use Request, 907 Harrington Ave NE, Police Biggins/McLaughlin 146 1993 Employees of the Quarter and Employee of the Year North Renton Comprehensive Plan Amendments, Vaupel 77 300 1994 Renton Jail Medical Health Services, King County, North Renton Zoning,Richter 115 CAG-94-077 237, 253, 255 Parker PUD (see Highlander Development) 1994-95 South King County Narcotics Task Force Grant Parking Ordinance 56 252, 289, 291 Parks Development Impact Mitigation Policy and Fees 1994-96 Guild Commissioned Employees Labor Contract 68, 69,327,331 42, 155 Permit Expedition, Vaupel 85 Animal Control Complaint,350 Maple Ave SW 166, 172, Petition from Mobile Home Park Residents 103 183 Principal Planner Interim Position 154 At-Risk Youth Program 118, 144 Private Latecomer's Agreement Regulations 127 Blaine Ave NE Speed Limit,Tibbils/Maresh 10 Public Use (P-1) Suffix Assimilation,Hoshide 503 Bryant Motors Parking Violations 9, 17, 70, 89, 125, 130, Public Use Assimilation/P-1 Suffix 202, 216, 360,459, 137,287 490, 520 Bryant Motors Parking Violations, Bryant 29 Rezone Request,NE 31st/Lincoln Dr NE,Hulse 172, 229 Bryant Motors Parking Violations, Lensegrav 27,41 Ryan's Addition Short Plat, 1614 Hoquiam PI NE, SHP- Bryant Motors Parking Violations, Richter 27, 31,40 94-080 410, 416 Bryant Motors Parking Violations, Sterbank 39, 41 Ryan's Addition Short Plat,Moore 416 Bryant Motors Violations,Vaupel 27,31,40, 230, 249 SEIS/Staff Support Agreement with Huckell/Weinman Bryant Motors, City Vehicle Parking 216 Associates,Inc. 6, 19 Citizen Certificates of Appreciation 526 SEPA Ordinance Amendments 71, 531 Criminal Code and Penalty Updates 267, 288, 292,302 SEPA Process,Blaylock 5 D.A.R.E. Donation 356 10 RENTON CITY COUNCIL MINUTE INDEX 1994 January - December Dogs in Gene Coulon Park, Collins 406 Street Sweeping in the Downtown 349 Downtown Homeless Population,McDonald 45 Talbot Hill Phase I Watermains Replacement, Gary Exempting K-9s from Leash Laws 292, 302 Merlino Const. Co., CAG-94-097 376 Firearm Regulations/Reduction Programs 20, 71 Texaco Contamination Incident 71 Forfeited Firearms Disposal 417,429, 430, 438 Tree Cutting on Houser Way/8th St,Lensegrav 77 Friends of Youth Griffin Home 230 Tree Cutting on Houser Way/8th St,Vaupel 77 Hit-and-Run Fatality of Bicycler 439 Windsor Hill Pump Station Electrical Rehabilitation, Jail Supervisor Position 410,428 Lumin Electric, CAG-93-011 504 Marine Patrol Services Agreement,Mercer Island, CAG- Release of Easement 94-055 172, 180, 182 Longacres Park,Boeing/RE-94-002 346, 472 NE 8th St Parking Problem 418 SW 16th St,Boeing/RE-94-003 346, 461 NLC Support of Anti-Crime Legislation 136, 137 SW 34th St/East Valley Hwy,Trillium Corp. 267,378 Noise Complaint at 97 S Tobin,Martin 328 Rezone Noise Complaints re Tony Go's 10 Bryant Motors, CU-94-088 341 Public Safety Bond Issue 193, 237, 253, 256, 272,358, Bryant Motors, Eglick 343 361,392,411, 504 Bryant Motors,Vaupel 349,356 Public Safety Space Needs 146, 153 Burnstead Annexation,SE 128th St 436 Rottweiler Attack (Press Release) 104 Dalpay/LaPointe Errata,NE 12th/Union Ave, #E-21 Rottweiler Attack, Citizen Comments 104 and #E-24 37, 38,39, 320, 521, 531 Staffing Levels 137 Gray/Little Errata#E-15(b), 105 S Lake St 51, 52, 80, Transient Trespass, U.S. Post Office 72 88 Uniform Controlled Substance Act 493, 497 Highlander Development (Parker PUD) 9, 56, 137, 147, Volunteer Recognition 435 360 Washington Model Traffic Ordinance Adoption 225, 227, Highlander Development, Halinen 345 240 Hulse Request, NE 31st/Lincoln Dr NE 229 Public Works Lake Terrace Estates Errata#E-33, 2100 Lake WA Blvd Aquifer Protection Ordinance Changes, Vaupel 359 26, 27, 63,64,65, 227, 241 Aquifer Protection Ordinance Status Report 96 Marsh all/G alusha Annexation,NE 4th St/Duvall Ave NE CBD Sanitary Sewer Replacement, King Construction, 85, 112, 115 CAG-93-076 301, 330 NE 12th St (Blanco et al), Comprehensive Plan Errata City Dump Truck Purchase, Vaupel 249,364 #E-21 521, 531 City Hall Campus 490 Pump Station, CAG-91-111 203, Willing/Village on Union Residential Demonstration 226 Project 614 City Vehicle Parking, Bryant Motors 216 Winsper Annexation (Talbot Hill) 123,357,430 Duvall Ave NE/Shattuck Ave S Sanitary Sewers, Pivetta Risk Management Bros., CAG-94- 417 Graduated Liability Insurance Limits for Contracts 457, East Renton Interceptor/Urban Growth Boundary 472 Change 206 RTA Highlands Sanitary Sewer Replacement, Virginia L. Seitz Personal Rapid Transit System Briefing 503 Const. Co., CAG-93-032 357 Rapid Transit Proposal,McDonald 507 Houser Way Pump Station Consultant Services,RH2 Regional Transit Plan 410,473 Engineering, CAG-90-066 398 Regional Transit Plan Ballot Measure 531 Houser Way Pump Station Schedule B, Omega Regional Transit Plan,Nickels/Laing 483 Contractors, Inc., CAG-94-095 376 SCA Houser Way Pump Station, CAG-94-031 179 Appointments to King County Regional Committees 128, I-405 Box Culvert/P-1 Channel Project, Golf 136, 137 Landscaping Inc, CAG-94-117 519 Bob Edwards Appointment as Growth Management I-405 Box Culvert/P-1 Channel Project,Natural Committee Chair 529 Resource Conservation Service (aka SCS), CAG- Committee Appointments 179 94-083 238, 254, 436, 520 DOE Moderate Risk Waste Team Award 474 Lift Stations, Lake Washington No. 2 and Cottonwood, Edge City/Urban Growth Boundary Issues 20, 31, 71 CAG-93-103, Omega Contractors 154 SCATBD Maplewood Transmission Mains, CAG-94-013, Grant 1994 Appointments 58 Construction 78 Solid Waste May Creek Basin Plan Agreement,King County 105, 106 1994 Optional Business Recycling Program, King County Mt Olivet Landfill 349 6, 30 N 33rd/N 34th Streets A.C. Watermains, Paramount DOE Moderate Risk Waste Team Award to SCA 474 Pacific Corp., CAG-93-052 347 Household Hazardous Waste Program Billing, King NE 5th PI Storm Sewer, Gary Merlino Const. Co., CAG- County 401 94-017 327 Local Hazardous Waste Management Program NE 23rd/Harrington PI NE Right-of-Way Dedication Reimbursement Funds, King County, CAG-93- (Honey Creek PUD/Corman) 376 100 390,398, 401 Private Latecomer's Agreement Regulations 117 Solid Waste Program Funding, Department of Ecology Rainier Ave N Storm Water Line Emergency Repair, 86,88 KOHL Excavating, CAG-94-112 328, 331, 513 Special Assessment District Sierra Heights Sanitary Sewers (LID 335) 300, 301, 346, East Renton Interceptor 78,86 348,373,379,400 East Renton Interceptor Urban Growth Boundary Change Sierra Heights Sanitary Sewers (LID 335), Petett 373 206 Sierra Heights Sanitary Sewers, SAD-92-05 300,461, Regulations 117, 128 473,485 SAD-92-05, Sierra Heights Sanitary Sewers 300, 461, Sierra Heights Sanitary Sewers, SAD-92-13 300, 461, 473,485 473, 485 SAD-92-13, Sierra Heights Sanitary Sewers 300, 461, Sierra Heights Sanitary Sewers SAD, Hess 345,375 473,485 Special Assessment District Regulations 117, 128 Sierra Heights Sanitary Sewers, Hess 345, 375 Staff Position 17 11 RENTON CITY COUNCIL MINUTE INDEX 1994 January - December Streets Comprehensive Plan Transportation Element 528, 530 1994 Street Overlay Program,Lakeside Industries, CAG- Comprehensive Plan Transportation Element, Vaupel 94-098 357 527, 531 Airport Way/Rainier Ave S Resurfacing,M.A. Segale, Employee Parking Restrictions 85,96,97, 106 CAG-93-084 346 Guide Sign Policy Demonstration Project 410,460 Arterial Street Classifications, WSDOT 484 Houser Way Relocation Stage 2,Phase III,ENTRANCO Blaine Ave NE Speed Limit,Tibbils/Maresh 10 179, 194 Boeing Master Street Use Permit 41, 56 Houser Way Relocation, WSDOT, CAG-92-082 78, 79, Garden Ave N Temporary Closure (PACCAR) 225, 239, 346,348 240,267, 290 HOV Improvements Federal Grant Agreement, WSDOT Garden Ave N,PACCAR Consent Decree with DOE for 228, 239, 240 Excavation 228 Intra-City Intermodal Transportation Program, WSDOT Houser Way Relocation Stage 2,Phase III,ENTRANCO Grant 29, 43, 44 179, 194 Lake WA Blvd Ped/Bike Facility,ALPHA Engineering Houser Way Relocation, WSDOT (see Transportation) 29,43 Lake Ave S Vacation, Safeway/VAC-94-005 286, 291, Maple Valley Hwy Improvements, Hagadorn 507 337 Maple Valley Hwy Improvements, Siemion 506, 507 Lake Ave S Vacation,Barei 338 Maple Valley Hwy Pedestrian Passage,Bishop 287 Lake Ave S Vacation,Brock 338 METRO Commute Trip Reduction Services 55, 79 Lake Ave S Vacation,DRA 337 METRO High Capacity Transit Grant, Central Subarea Lake Ave S Vacation, Smith 338, 357 Plan 17, 20 Lake Ave S Vacation, Wagner 338, 345, 359 Metro HOV Funding (Boeing TDM Reimbursement), Lake WA Blvd Ped/Bike Facility,ALPHA Engineering CAG-94-143 458,483, 484 29,43 Monster Road Bridge Replacement,Inca Engineers, Logan Ave S Temporary Closure 328, 347, 348, 483, 485 CAG-94-122 287,328 Longacres Park Release of Easement,Boeing/RE-94-002 N 3rd St Liveable Streets Program Project,Metro 376, 346,472 391 Main St Temporary Closure 419 N 8th St ISTEA Funding, WSDOT 267, 272 Maintenance Crew Commendation 439 N 8th St/Houser Way RR Crossing Improvements, NE 8th St Parking Problem 418 WSDOT 376,391,392 NE 23rd St Right-of-Way Dedication 376,460 Park Ave N Improvements, ENTRANCO, CAG-94-072 Park Ave N Condemnations 44 226, 239 Park Ave N Improvements, Entranco 226, 239 Park Ave N Improvements,England 379 Park Ave N Improvements,TIB Funding 67, 79, 194 Park Ave N Improvements, Scoccolo Const.Inc., CAG- Park Ave N Right-of-Way Acquisitions 29,43 94-029 179 Park Ave N Undergrounding Request 45, 128 Park Avenue N Improvements,TIB Funds 67, 79, 194 Park Ave N Undergrounding,Puget Power, CAG-94-074 Personal Rapid Transit System Briefing 503 226, 239 Ramp Metering 419 Queen Ave NE Right-of-Way Dedication,Jacques Short Ramp Metering Survey, WSDOT 20, 71 Plat 346 Regional Transit Authority Station Area Planning Rainier Ave N Emergency Repair Project, KOHL Agreement 267, 291 Excavating, CAG-94-112 513 Regional Transit Plan 147, 166, 183, 410, 473 Rainier Ave/SW 7th Intermittent Right-Turn Only 506 Regional Transit Plan Ballot Measure 531 Renton Hill Alley Improvements 165, 229, 237 Removal of Mid-Block Planters on 3rd St, Gary Merlino S 11th St Vacation (Grant/Jones Aves S), VAC-94- Const. Co. 85,86,88, 96, 217 001/Free Monaghan et al 225, 227, 262, 263, 504, Removal of Mid-Block Planters on S 3rd St, Vaupel 97 520 Renton Hill Alley Improvements, Webb 165, 229, 237 Street Overlays,ISTEA Grant, WSDOT 203, 217 Safeway Traffic Mitigation/Parking, NE 4th/Union Ave Street Standards Revisions 124, 154, 155 NE 229 SW 13th St Vacation,Maple/Lind Aves SW SR-167/SW 27th St HOV Project, WSDOT Grant 116, (Pierre/VAC-94-004) 251, 255, 297 136, 137 SW 13th St Vacation (VAC-94-004/Tjossem) 298 SR-169 Visual/Noise Barrier, Robinson 301 SW 16th St Release of Easement (Boeing/RE-94-003) Traffic Mitigation Fees 531 237, 240, 280, 346, 461 Transit Shuttle Study, Parsons Brinckerhoff et al„ CAG- SW 16th St Release of Easement (RE-94-003), Clapham 94-131 458,484 280 Transportation Element, Comprehensive Plan 328 SW 34th St Release of Easement, East Valley Hwy, Walk Program/Bus Zone Accessibility,METRO, CAG- Trillium Corp. 267,378 94-075 226, 239, 240 Talbot Rd S Improvements, Gary Merlino Const. Co., WSDOT I-405 Project and Noise Variance Request 401 CAG-94-088 346, 458 WSDOT I-405 S-Curve Project 4, 51, 58, 79,94, 129, Talbot Rd S Improvements,R.W. Scott Const. Co., 138, 179, 183, 201, 229, 274, 279, 284, 330, 363, CAG-94-088 458 398, 407,417, 419, 425,454, 505, 512, 531 Transportation WSDOT I-405 S-Curve Project, Callen 284 1994 Budget Amendments for Transportation WSDOT I-405 S-Curve Project,Larson 171, 178, 190, Improvement Projects 203, 217, 235, 236 213, 250,388 1994 Chip Seal, City Transfer Inc., CAG-94-073 286 WSDOT I-405 S-Curve Project, Webb 179, 213, 225, 1994 Slurry Seal,Blackline Inc., CAG-94-085 287, 428 283, 286, 406 1995-2000 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan WSDOT State Highway Routes Annual Certification 301 (TIP) 203, 217, 235, 236 Utility Boeing TDM Reimbursement, CAG-94- 458 1994 Rates 10, 105 Bus Zone Accessiblity Improvements,Kodo Construction, 1994 Sale of Surplus Water to Seattle 252 CAG-94-103 375, 391 1994 Surface Water Rates 67, 70,80 City Hall Parking Lot Designation Changes 85, 86, 96 1994 Water/Sewer Revenue Bonds 437, 438,439 Commute Trip Reduction Agreement/State Grant Funds, 1995 Rates 418,494, 497, 505 King County 96, 117 1996 Rates 418 12 RENTON CITY COUNCIL MINUTE INDEX 1994 January - December Alexander's Auction Washout, Bartlett 212 Sewer Hook-up Request,Maplewood Heights Elementary Alexander's Auction Washout,Brown 218 School 268, 377 Alexander's Auction Washout,D.Alexander 212, 249 Sewer Hook-up Request, Stewart/Mano,UC-94-003 216, Alexander's Auction Washout,Dudley 212 330 Alexander's Auction Washout, G.Alexander 212 Sewer Hook-up Request, Creegan 268,330 Alexander's Auction Washout,L.Alexander 213 Sewer Hook-up Request, Dennis, UC-94-002 7 Alexander's Auction Washout, S.Alexander 212 Sewer Hook-up Request,Ryan,UC-94-001 136, 172 Aquifer Protection Ordinance Status Report 96 Sewer Hook-up Requirements 357,363, 379 Billing Cycle Changes 268, 272, 291 Sewer Line Assessment, Pinz 10 Carco Road Watermain (I-405), WSDOT 154, 156 Sewer Moratorium Area Latecomer Agreement Extensions Cedar River Delta, CAG-92-073 55 164, 204 Cedar River Flood Control Project,U.S.Army Corps of Sewer Moratorium Exemption Request, Northward -~ Engineers, CAG-94-114 300, 329, 331 Construction 69 Dayton Ave NE Sanitary Sewers (LID 337), Gary Merlino Sewer Telemetry/Data Logger Replacement, R112 Const. Co., CAG-94-038 193, 376 Engineering, CAG-90-079 328 Dayton Ave NE Sanitary Sewers (LID 337) 25, 26, 57, 69 Sierra Heights Watermain Replacement Phase 2, CAG- Dayton Ave NE Sewers (LID 337) Public Works Trust 93-048, Grant Construction 103 Fund Agreement 155, 157 Skyway Water/Sewer District Boundary Agreement 164, Duplex Customer Sewer Rates 78, 86, 89 204, 205 East Renton Interceptor Special Assessment District 78, Soil Conservation Service, CAG-88-053 164, 172 86 Surface Water Utility Comprehensive Plan Policy East Renton Interceptor,Addendum No. 6 to CAG-91- Directions 78,87 002,RH2 Engineering 238 Utility Element, Comprehensive Plan 329 East Renton Interceptor, CAG-94-036, Westcon Utility Line Relocation,I-405 and Maple Valley Highway, Construction 225 WSDOT 154, 156 East Side Green River Watershed Plan, CAG-90-033 Washington Natural Gas Lawsuit, Talbot Hill Watermain 164, 172 Failure 252, 289 Emergency Repair to Storm Water Line,625 Rainier Ave Washington State Energy Office Energy Code Contract N 328,331 29,30 Fred Meyer/Renton Center Project,Deferral of SUCC Water Meter Malfunctions 379 Charges 116, 127 Winsper Annexation Area Rate Rebate 399 Garden Ave N Excavation,PACCAR Consent Decree Vacation with DOE 228 Lake Ave S, Safeway/VAC-94-005 286, 291,337 Honey Creek Access Road Interim Repair Phase 2, Lake Ave S, Safeway/VAC-94-005, Barei 338 Southworth& Sons, CAG-94-062 266, 289 Lake Ave S,Safeway/VAC-94-005,Brock 338 King Conservation District Funding for Surface Water Lake Ave S, Safeway/VAC-94-005,DRA 337 Capital Programming, CAG-94-141 471, 519, 520 Lake Ave S, Safeway/VAC-94-005, Smith 338,357 LID 329 Segregation,Parcel Nos. 1&2,Valley Medical Lake Ave S,Safeway/VAC-94-005, Wagner 338,345, Center 483, 484 359 Logan Ave S Temporary Closure 347,483, 485 S llth St at Grant/Jones Aves S,VAC-94-001/Free Logan Ave S Watermain Relacement, Sound Utilities, Monaghan et al 225, 227, 262, 263, 504, 520 CAG-94-107 390 S 11th St,VAC-94-001,Monaghan 263 Low-Income Senior/Disabled Citizens Rates 147, 217, S 11th St, VAC-94-001,Free 263 247, 289, 291,302 S 11th St,VAC-94-001, Kunstle 263 Maplewood Creek Fish Passage Channel, Harza NW, S 11th St,VAC-94-001,Larson 263 CAG- 529 SW 13th St,Maple/Lind Aves SW (Pierre), VAC-94-004 Maplewood Transmission Mains, CAG-94-013, Grant 251, 255, 297 Construction 87 SW 13th St,Maple/Lind Aves SW, VAC-94-004, Maplewood Well Nos. 10 and 12, CAG-94-006,Holt Tjossem 298 Testing,Inc. 67,87 WSDOT May Creek Basin Plan Agreement, King County 96 1994 Street Overlays,ISTEA Funds 217 METRO Five-Year Water Reuse Project 17, 30, 31 Arterial Street Classifications 484 Mosquito Abatement 204, 226, 230, 253, 256, 272, 428 Carco Road Watermain Agreement (I-405) 154, 156 Mosquito Abatement, Carson 190 Houser Way Relocation, CAG-92-082 78, 79,346,348 Mosquito Abatement, Groening 191 HOV Arterial Program,Federal Grant 239, 240 Mosquito Abatement,Schroeder 191 I-405 Project and Noise Variance Request 401 Mosquito Abatement,Skura 191 I-405 S-Curve Project 4, 51, 58, 79,94, 129, 138, 179, Mosquito Abatement, Whitworth Pest Control, Inc. 226 183, 201, 229, 274, 279, 284,330, 363,398,407, Mosquito Abatement, Wilcox 191 419,425,454, 505, 512, 531 Mosquito Abatement, Williams 191 I-405 S-Curve Project, Callen 284 NE 5th PI Storm System, CAG-94-017, Gary Merlino I-405 S-Curve Project,Larson 178, 190, 213, 250,388 Const. Co. 95 I-405 S-Curve Project, Webb 179, 213, 225, 283, 286, Non-Resident Low-Income Senior/Disabled Utility Rates 406,417 303,329,349,361, 458,461,473,485,497 Intra-City Intermodal Transportation Program Grant 29, PACCAR Request for Sewer Refund 41,69 43,44 Panther Creek Wetlands/SR-167 Cross Culverts, Main St Temporary Closure 419 WSDOT 254 Maple Valley Hwy Improvements,Hagadorn 507 Public Works Trust Fund Agreement, Sanitary Sewer Maple Valley Hwy Improvements,Siemion 506, 507 Main Grouting 155, 156 N 8th St ISTEA Funding 267, 272 Rates,McBee 248 N 8th St/Houser Way RR Crossing Improvements 376, Rates,Moss 67, 129 391, 392 Rates,Roper 492 Panther Creek Wetlands/SR-167 Cross Culverts 254 Rates,Vaupel 482 Ramp Metering 419 Sewer Hook-up Request, Kolby 377 Ramp Metering Survey 20, 71 SR-167/SW 27th St HOV Project Grant 116, 136, 137 13 RENTON CITY COUNCIL MINUTE INDEX 1994 January - December SR-169 Visual/Noise Barrier, Robinson 301 State Highway Routes Annual Certification 301 Utility Line Relocation,I-405 and Maple Valley Highway 154, 156 Zoning 1994 Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Concurrent Zoning 308 Auto Mall Zone 530 Commercial Front Setbacks,Bonnell 514 Convenience Commercial (CC) Zone Changes 363,379 ^� Dog Kennels in Residential Neighborhoods 429 Group Homes Regulations 505, 514 Mixed Commercial (CM) Zone Changes 360 Public Use Assimilation/P-1 Suffix 202, 216, 459, 490, 520 Setback Amendments (Residential, Commercial, Industrial) 483 Winsper Annexation Area, Talbot Hill 400 The 1994 index supersedes all quarterly indices issued during the year. For further assistance in using the index, please contact the City Clerk's Office, 235-2604. s II 4 I i 14 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING January 3, 1994 Monday, 7:30 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF DECEMBER 20, 1993 4. SWEARING-IN CEREMONY: Councilmembers Bob Edwards, Tim Schlitzer and Randall Corman (four-year terms) 5. AWARD: Honoring 1993 Council President Bob Edwards 6. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: WSDOT I-405 S-Curve Project Update 7. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed Fve minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period 'ater on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 8. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Personnel Department submits the Health Benefit Task Force recommendations for implementation of ten modifications to the City's existing self-insured medical plan. Refer to Finance Committee. b. Planning and Technical Services Division submits proposed consultant agreement with Huckell/ Weinman Associates, Inc., for preparation of a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) and for additional technical staff support for the Comprehensive Plan. Refer to Planning and Develonme�:� C=-ir`ce. c. Transportation Division requests Council authorization to donate Visual Approach Slope Indicator ow (VASI) equipment to the State Department of Aeronautics for use at a general aviation airport within Washington State. Refer to Transportation Aviation) Committee. d Solid Waste Utility submits proposed interlocal agreement with King County for funding of the City's 1994 Optional Business Recycling Program. Refer to Utilities Committee. 9. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence from William and Jeni Davis, 13604 SE 136th St., Renton, 98059, requesting connection to the City's sewer system. Refer to Utilities Committee. 10. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with asterisk(*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Committee of the Whole: South King County Department of Public Health Alcohol & Drug Treatment Services b. Finance Committee: Vouchers c. Planning and Development Committee: Comprehensive Plan Errata Process: #E-15, Gray request for rezone from P-1 to CA(Lake Ave S); #E-37, Cellular One request for donation of wireless base station; #E-39, Chevron USA request to allow car wash in CC zone as an accessory use to a gas (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) +a.r station(N 30th& I-405); #E-41, Ballestrasse request for Class A nonconforming use (12th and 13th Streets); #E-42, Ekins request to raise maximum allowable lot coverage in MF infill zone from 35% to 45% (270 Bronson Way NE); #E-43, Divelbiss request to change zoning back from CA to IL (1150 Raymond Ave SW) 11. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 12. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics - call 277-4430 for recorded information) 13. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT a. Referred 9/13/93 -Errata Request#E-17, Fred Callen request to allow duplex with necessary parking in area where lots are too small to meet interim zoning requirements. b. Referred 9/20/93 -Parker PUD Contract Rezone; rezone request denied; development issues returned to the Administration and the Planning and Development Committee for study and report. c. Referred 10/25/93 -June McGatlin request to install 8-foot fence at Arbitare Apartments, 1300 S. Puget Dr., to secure parking area from vandalism and theft. d. Referred 10/25/93 - Council suggestion that the Economic Development Coordinator work with Ivar's to locate a Kidd Valley restaurant in Renton. e. Referred 10/25/93 - Council request for analysis of alternatives to proposed utility rate increases that would consider one, two or three-percent reductions in rates by delaying capital improvements. f. Referred 11/1/93 - Correspondence from Mr. and Mrs. Alan Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Russo reporting noise complaints regarding Tony Go's Restaurant in NE Renton. g. Referred 11/1/93 - Council question whether City Code prohibits construction activity before 7 a.m. and after 7 p.m. h. Referred 11/1/93 - Correspondence from Frank Tibbils and Grace Maresh requesting 15-20 MPH speed limit on Blaine Ave NE. i. Referred 11/1/93 - Correspondence from Raymond H. Pirz objecting to a sewer assessment placed on his property. j. Referred 12/6/93 - Inquiry from Versie Vaupel regarding whether the resolution authorizing emergency services during the strike by Local 21-R should be repealed. k. Referred 12/13/93 - Council direction that Planning Division determine the applicability, if any, of height restrictions in the Commercial Center Zone on the Highlands Community Church property. 14. AUDIENCE COMMENT 15. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) MCJNICTPAL COURT CHAMBERS 6:30 pm. 1. South King County Department of Public Health Alcohol & Drug Treatment Services R A RENTON CITY COUNCIL January 3, 1994 iCt � y Clerk's Office Referrals ADT'vuNISTRATION Extend Public Comment Period for Proposed Changes to SEPA Process FINANCE COMMITTEE Health Benefit Task Force Recommendations PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Proposed changes to SEPA process Consultant Agreement with Huckell/Weinman Associates, Inc. for SEIS preparation and additional Comprehensive Plan staff support TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Visual Approach Slope Indicator Equipment Donation UTILITIES COMMITTEE Agreement with King County for 1994 Optional Business Recycling Program PUBLIC.HEARINGS 1/17/94 - Comprehensive Plan Errata Request, Lake Terrace Estates, #E-33, rezone northern quarter of site at 2100 Lake Washington Blvd. from Multi-Family Infill (MF-I) to Trailer(T) (continued from 11/15/93) 1/17/94 - LID 337, Dayton Avenue NE sanitary sewer and trunk line 1/23/94 - Zoning on north side of NE 12th St west of Union Ave. (LaPointe and Dalpay) 2/07/94 - Comprehensive Plan Errata Process: #E-15, Gray request for rezone from P-1 to CA(Lake Ave. S.); #E-37, Cellular One request to include "wireless base stations" in the "Utilities, Small" definition in the Zoning Code; and #E-39, Chevron USA request to allow car wash in the CC zone as an accessory use to a gas station(N 30th and I-405) %W RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting January 3, 1994 Renton Municipal Court Monday,.7:30 p.m. Municipal Court Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. 1 ROLL CALL OF RICHARD STREDICKE; KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER; RANDY COUNCILMEMBERS CORMAN; JESSE TANNER; TONI NELSON; BOB EDWARDS; TIM SCHLITZER. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City*Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Utility Systems Director; MIKE BENOIT, Engineering Specialist; PAUL LUMBERT, Engineering Specialist; JIM SHEPHERD, Facilities Director; FIRE CHIEF A. LEE WHEELER; LIEUTENANT BRIAN WILSON, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL MINUTES COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 20, 1993 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. SWEARING-IN City Clerk Marilyn Petersen administered the oath of office to Councilman CEREMONY Bob Edwards, who was re-elected in November, 1993 for a second four-year Council: Swearing-In of term to expire 121/31/97; Councilman Tim Schlitzer, initially elected in Newly Elected Members November, 1991 to serve the unexpired two-year term of former Councilman John Reed, and re-elected in November, 1993 for a four-year term to expire 12/31/97; and Councilman Randy Corman, who was newly elected in November, 1993 for a four-year term to expire 12/31/97. Mr. Corman introduced members of his family who were present for the ceremony. RECESS MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL RECESS FOR 20 MINUTES FOR A RECEPTION TO HONOR NEWLY ELECTED OFFICIALS. CARRIED. Time: 7:37 p.m. The Council meeting reconvened at 7:55 p.m.; roll was called; all members present. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Council: Recognition Mayor Clymer presented an award to Councilman Bob Edwards in recognition Award, 1993 Council of his outstanding service as Council President in 1993. President WSDOT: I-405 S-Curve Tom Madden, Project Engineer for the I-405 S-Curve Project, Washington Project Update State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), stated that inclement weather in December has put the project about two weeks behind schedule, although the contractor is continuing to make good progress. Eight noise nights occurred last month, leaving 94 available for the remainder of the project. Although the last major demolition work has been accomplished, Cedar Avenue, expected to open before Christmas, will now not open until January 10th. Renton Avenue will close immediately after, allowing the second half of the bridge to be built. Flyers will be distributed to local residents keeping them informed of the changes. Mr. Madden responded to questions raised last month regarding noise walls, saying that, at the City's request, the wall along Mill Avenue was modified to January 3. 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 5 act not only as a retaining wall but as a noise attenuation wall as well. Any requests for additional noise walls would be subject to the same funding and prioritizing as other requests in the District. Councilman Stredicke said many residents want noise walls, including Talbot Hill residents who feel these are needed to help mitigate impacts from SR- 167. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler commented that although Renton Hill residents appreciated the sanding performed during recent icy conditions, they would like to have the potholes which frequently appear at the bottom of the "■"' hill repaired without having to call in and complain about them. AUDIENCE COMMENT Roger Blaylock, 535 Williams Ave. W., Renton, 98055, asked for clarifications Citizen Comment: on the draft State Environmental Protection Act (SEPA) ordinance, which Blaylock Comprehensive appears to refer to the City's old Comprehensive Plan and solid waste Plan SEPA Process management program. He noted that such references and inconsistencies should be investigated before the ordinance is adopted as they could create confusion. Citizen Comment: Gevers Bob Gevers, 900 Kirkland Ave. NE, Renton, 98056, commented on the - Highlands Community importance of public disclosure laws and claimed that staff has been Church Addition, CU-90- uncooperative with regard to his search for information on the Highlands 048 Community Church conditional use project. Additionally, Mr. Gevers stated that while he was told the church had voluntarily offered to stop work on the project until the issue relating to the building height is resolved, the roof has since been completed. He objected to the fact that the church recently applied for a conditional use permit for the already-built basement, especially as the original conditional use permit allowed only a crawl space. He said although the major excavation done for the basement should have required a permit, none was applied for or issued, and soil,was deposited on a vacant portion of the lot even though it may have been contaminated and could have posed a danger to the aquifer. Mr. Gevers concluded by requesting that the Administration reinstate the stop work order on this project because of the illegality of both the basement and the excavation and fill work. l"' Citizen Comment: Hoshide Lloyd Hoshide, 833 Kirkland Ave. NE, Renton, 98056, commented on the - Comprehensive Plan proposed changes to the SEPA process and the Determination of Non- SEPA Process Significance (DNS) issued on this proposal. He asked that the comment period on this issue be extended as it was scheduled during the Christmas and New Year's holidays, and may not have been adequately publicized. Responding to Councilman Tanner, Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney, explained that the proposal has already undergone SEPA review, but public comment is now being solicited before Council takes formal action. Additional SEPA review would not be necessary unless the proposal were substantively changed by Council prior to adoption. Councilman Stredicke commented on the proposed changes to the exemptions and the threshold determinations, and said it would be appropriate for Council to monitor all the proposed changes. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL REFER THIS ITEM TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AND DIRECT STAFF TO PROVIDE COUNCIL WITH COPIES OF THE STAFF RECOMMENDATION ON THIS ISSUE. CARRIED. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL STRONGLY URGE THE ADMINISTRATION TO EXTEND THE PUBLIC COMMENT IF 0 January 3 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Paige 6 PERIOD ON THE PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE SEPA PROCESS FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Vaupel Versie Vaupel, P.O. Box 755, Renton 98057, questioned how the proposed - Comprehensive Plan changes to the SEPA process were determined to be non-significant, as she SEPA Process felt they were major and should have Council input. She was concerned that the City not abandon good laws in times of economic downturn, and cautioned against granting a single administrator authority for all SEPA decisions. Mrs. Vaupel urged Council to exercise its legislative prerogative of initating policy to guide the City Administration. Emphasizing that Renton has many special features and thus should not be treated the same as any other city in the state, she concluded that while economic considerations are important, they cannot and should not be allowed to determine the outcome of an EIS. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Personnel: Health Benefit Personnel Department submitted the recommendations of the Health Benefit Task Force Task Force for implementation of ten modifications to the City's existing self- Recommendations insured medical plan, including: establish audit of large medical claims; increase prescription co-pays; implement co-pays for some emergency room and doctor's office visits; and establish maximum annual deductibles and co- pays. Refer to Finance Committee. Planning: SEIS/Staff Planning and Technical Services Division submitted a proposed consultant Support Agreement with agreement with Huckell/Weinman Associates, Inc. in the amount of $70,000 Huckell/Weinman for preparation of a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) and Associates, Inc. for additional technical staff support for the Comprehensive Plan. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Airport: Donation of VASI Transportation Division requested Council authorization to donate salvaged Equipment 1973 Visual Approach Slope Indicator (VASI) equipment to the State Department of Aeronautics for use at a general aviation airport within Washington State. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. Garbage: 1994 Optional Solid Waste Utility submitted a proposed interlocal agreement with King Business Recycling County for matching funding in the amount of $29,377 for the City's 1994 Program, King County Optional Business Recycling Program. Refer to Utilities Committee. Personnel: 1994-1996 Personnel Department submitted an agreement by and between the City of Battalion Chiefs Labor Renton and Renton Battalion Chiefs, Renton Firefighters Local 864, governing Agreement, Local 864 hours of wages and terms and conditions of employment through 1996. The agreement allows a 1994 2% base wage increase, and longevity increases of 10% for 20 years and 12% for 25 years. Council concur. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT CALENDAR AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Responding to Councilman Stredicke, Jay Covington, Executive Assistant, confirmed that while the Police Department has not formally approved the recommendations of the Health Benefit Task Force, negotiations are continuing. Jangary 3. 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 7 CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from William and Jeni Dennis, 13604 SE 136th St., Citizen Comment: Dennis King County, requesting emergency sewer hook-up to the City's sewer system - Sewer Connection as their private septic system has failed. The Seattle-King County Department Request of Public Health has informed the Dennises that they must either repair the septic system or connect to a sewer system, if possible. Staff has reviewed the situation and recommends that the Dennises be allowed to connect to the City's sewer system, with the following conditions: 1. The Dennises sign and record restrictive covenants agreeing to support any annexation that includes their parcel; �. 2. The Dennises comply with City codes, standards and policies for connection; 3. The Dennises obtain required permits, including but not limited to a City side sewer permit and King County right-of-way permit; 4. The Dennises pay an LID assessment of $2,620.81, the sum paid by adjoining City properties within Heather Downs for construction of sewer mains under Local Improvement District 279;"and 5. The Dennises pay utility rate for non-residents (one and one-half the standard rate). -* eexwc-er'io.✓:a9*7 MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO ALLOW THE DENNISES TO CONNECT TO THE CITY'S SEWER SYSTEM, WITH CONDITIONS. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Planning and Development Committee Chair Stredicke presented a report Plannine and Development regarding the Errata process and application numbers E-15(b), E-37, E-39, E- f—om1pi ake 41, E-42 and E-43. A. REFERRED FOR PUBLIC HEARING: The Planning and Development Committee has reviewed the following requests: E-15(b), E-37, E-39 and E-43, and has referred them to a public hearing and for Council consideration. i, Comprehensive Plan: 1. E-15(b) Mary Gray/Barbara Little request to rezone a 10,000 square foot Errata, Gray/Little, 105 parcel at approximately 105 Lake Avenue South from the Public Use (P- Lake Ave S, #E-15 1) zone to the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone. Planning and Development Committee Review: This request is consistent with the recent rezone of two adjacent Public Use zoned parcels to Commercial Arterial (Errata E-15, Hsue/Wilson, Ordinance 4421 of October 18, 1993). The Committee reviewed the staff recommendation and is of the opinion that a public hearing should be held so the full Council can consider the request as stated above. Action: Council schedule a public hearing for February 7, 1994, to consider the applicant's request. Comprehensive Plan: 2. E-37 Ross Baker (Cellular One) request to include "wireless base stations" Errata, Cellular One #E- in the "Utilities, Small" definition in the zoning code. 37 Planninp, and Development Committee Review: The Committee reviewed the staff recommendation and is of the opinion that a public hearing should be held so the full Council can decide whether "wireless base stations" shall be defined as "Utilities, Small," "Utilities, Medium," or "Utilities, Large" in the definitions section of the Zoning Code (4-31-2). Small utilities are Primary Permitted uses in all zones. Medium utilities January 3 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 8 are Administrative Conditional Uses in all zones. Large utilities are Hearing Examiner Conditional Uses in all zones. Action: Council schedule a public hearing for February 7, 1994 to consider the applicant's request. Comprehensive Plan: 3. E-39 Chevron U.S.A. Products request to allow gas stations in the Errata, Chevron USA #E- Convenience Commercial (CC) zone to have a self-service drive-through 39 car wash. Planning and Development Committee Review: Gas stations with mini- marts and/or auto repair are currently Administrative Conditional uses. The following language is proposed to allow gas stations to have one self- service drive-through car wash in the Convenience Commercial zone. Existing language in 4-31-10.5, B., 4. Administrative Conditional Uses, a), will be replaced with "a) Gas Stations with one or more of the following associated uses - mini-mart, auto repair, one self-service drive- through car wash." Action: Council schedule a public hearing February 7, 1994 to consider the applicant's request. Comprehensive Plan: 4. E-43 Charles L. Divelbiss request to rezone a parcel located at 1150 Errata, Divelbiss #E-43 Raymond Avenue Southwest from Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning and Employment Area - Commercial land use designation to a zoning and land use designation which accommodates previous and planned future industrial uses. Planning and Development Committee Review: This rezone request would require a change in the land use designation from Employment Area - Office and Employment Area - Commercial to Employment Area - Industrial. The staff recommendation would encompass an area larger than the applicant's property, remove the nonconforming status of other uses (e.g. Cummins Diesel) and address the land uses in a more comprehensive fashion. The Committee is of the opinion that a public hearing should be held on this request jointly with all other Comprehensive Plan amendments generated by the Errata and the Comprehensive Plan update process. Such a hearing would be held prior to adoption of the Comprehensive Plan in July, 1994. Action: Council concur in scheduling a public hearing for this request, jointly with all other proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments, prior to the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan in July, 1994. B. OTHER COMMITTEE DECISIONS Comprehensive Plan: 1. E-41 Arthur and Edith Ballestrasse request for Class A Nonconforming Errata, Ballestrasse #E-41 Use status for eight residential structures located at 125, 201, 209, 220 Southwest 12th Street, and 200, 208, 212 and 220 Southwest 13th Street. Planning and Development Committee Review: The Committee recommends the applicants' request be granted. Action: Council concur. Comprehensive Plan: 2. E-42 Donald E. Ekins request to increase the base allowable lot coverage Errata, Ekins #E-42 in the Multifamily - Infill (MF-I) zone from 35% to 45%. January 3. 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 9 Plannin¢ and Development Committee Review: The Committee recommends no change in lot coverage requirements in the Multifamily- Infill zone. The applicant was directed to the Hearing Examiner Review process which could allow his proposal under existing Multifamily - Infill zoning regulations. Action: Council concur. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Stredicke reiterated his request for a report on the legal status of Public Works: Legal Status the temporary parking lot at Bryant Motors. He added that Councilwoman of Temporary Parking Lot Keolker-Wheeler had requested information on the spill at Texaco, and at Bryant Motors Councilman Tanner agreed that staff should provide continuing updates on this situation until pollutants are no longer detected. Utility Systems Director Gregg Zimmerman agreed to provide such updates. Legal: Signs On the Public Councilman Stredicke commended last year's Council candidates for their Right-of-Way conscientious removal of campaign signs after last November's election. He objected, however, to signs advertising a church that have been placed in the public right-of-way along Sunset Highway and Park Avenue. City Attorney Warren replied that last year's court decision addressing free speech rights and involving the placement of signs in the public right-of-way apparently did not limit this right to political free speech, but may extend k to other forms of speech as well. Councilwoman Nelson commented that, earlier in the day, she had been pleased to see the City's compliance officer removing signs illegally attached to utility poles. ADMINISTRATIVE Referred 9/13/93 - Errata Request #E-7, Fred Callen, approved by Council; REPORT staff to prepare recommendation on how to allow duplex with necessary Comprehensive Plan: parking in area where lots are too small to meet interim zoning requirements. Downtown/Duplex Parking Requirements Memorandum from Lynn Guttmann, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator, requested that any change to the City's Parking Ordinance or to the Commercial Mixed Zone addressing Mr. Callen's concerns be postponed to the Phase II Zoning Code rewrite, scheduled to begin in February, 1994. Planning: Parker Referred 9/20/93 - Parker PUD contract rezone denied; development issues PUD/Contract Rezone for the property returned to the Administration and the Planning and Development Committee for study and report back to full Council. Memorandum from Lynn Guttmann, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator, explained the staff recommendation for the Parker PUD, as follows: donated properties be returned to their previous owners; the existing zoning of Planned Neighborhood Residential (PNR) be retained, with densities no higher than those allowed in the contract rezone (307 dwelling units); and the zoning issue be reviewed in Phase II of the Comprehensive Plan update process. Building: Abitare Fence Referred 10/25/93 - June McGatlin, manager of Arbitare Apartments, 1300 S. Variance, McGatlin Puget Dr., requested permission to install an eight-foot fence to secure parking area from vandalism and theft. Referred to Administration for review and preparation of agenda bill if needed. r.r Y® January 3 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 10 Lett6r from Lynn Guttmann, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator, explained how Ms. McGatlin could apply for a variance from the City's fence regulation through the Board of Adjustment. Council: Kidd Valley Referred 10/25/93 - Councilman Stredicke suggested that the Economic Restaurant Development Coordinator work with Ivar's to locate a Kidd Valley Restaurant in Renton. 4 Memo from Sue Carlson, Economic Development Specialist, referred to her letter to Ivar's encouraging them to consider siting a Kidd Valley Restaurant in Renton. Utility: 1994 Rates Referred 10/25/93 - Councilman Tanner requested analysis of alternatives to utility rate increases that would consider one, two, or three percent reductions in proposed rates by delaying capital improvements. Memorandum from Lynn Guttmann, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator, described several CIP budget reduction alternatives and how these additional reductions in the CIP budget would affect the utilities. Police: Noise Complaints Referred 11/1/93 - Correspondence from Mr. & Mrs. Alan Miller, 1311 re Tony Go's Jefferson Ave. NE, 98056; and from Mr. & Mrs. Paul Russo, 1217 Jefferson Ave. NE, 98056, reporting loud noise from a live band at Tony Go's Restaurant five nights per week, 9:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. Letters from Mayor Clymer thanked M/M Miller and M/M Russo for their correspondence and informed them that Tony Go's was cited for a violation of the City's noise ordinance on October 29th. Building: Construction Referred ll/l/93 - Councilman Stredicke questioned whether the City Code Activity Hours still contained a provision prohibiting construction noise before 7:00 a.m, and after 7:00 p.m. Memorandum from Lynn Guttmann, Planning/Building/Pubic Works Administrator referred to Sections 8-7-1 through 8-7-8 of the City's Code and to Title 13 of the Washington Administrative Code, which set forth noise level regulations. Streets: Blaine Ave NE Referred 11/1/93 - Correspondence from Frank Tibbils and Grace M. Speed Limit, Maresh, 1408 Blaine Ave. NE, 98056, requesting 15-20 MPH speed limit on Tibbils/Maresh Blaine Ave. NE. Letter from Mayor Clymer described the results of a speed study performed at this location from November 29 to December 6, 1993, which suggested that lowering the speed limit on Blaine Ave. NE is not warranted at this time. Utility: Sewer Line Referred 11/1/93 - Correspondence from Raymond H. Pinz, 2000 Dayton Assessment, Pinz Ave. NE, 98056, objecting to an assessment placed on his property by the City in connection with a sewer line installed along 20th Street NE in 1982. Letter from Gregg Zimmerman, Utility Systems Director, explained the procedure for a Special Assessment District and how assessments are determined and paid for. Personnel: Strike by Local Referred 12/6/93 - Versie Vaupel asked whether the resolution authorizing 21-R, Vaupel emergency contracting during the strike should be repealed. January 3. 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pajae 11 Memorandum from Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney, explained that when the strike ended and the emergency was thereby eliminated, the resolution had no further force or effect. Planning: Highlands Referred 12/13/93 - Motion adopted requesting that the Planning Division Community Church respond to Council relative to any height restrictions in the Commercial Addition, CU-90-048 Center (CC) zone in the Renton Highlands on the Highlands Community Church property. Memorandum from Lynn Guttmann, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator, stated that a review of the applicable Comprehensive Plan and r.. Zoning designation revealed that the addition currently under construction on this property, as proposed and as revised at the time that the building permit was issued, is consistent with height limits adopted by ordinance. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:50 p.m. MARILYN J: PE ERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 1/03/94 12 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 3, 1994 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 1/10 Legislative Issues (Stredicke) 7:00 p.m. COMMUNITY SERVICES (Nelson) FINANCE MON., 1/10 Health Benefits Task Force (Tanner) 6:30 p.m. Recommendations for 1994 Plan; Vouchers PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT TUES., 1/04 Consultant Agreement for Supplemental (Stredicke) 4:00 p.m. EIS and Additional Technical Staff Support for Comprehensive Plan TUES., 1/11 P-1 Zone 4:00 p.m. *5th Floor* PUBLIC SAFETY (Corman) TRANSPORTATION(AVIATION) THURS., 1/06 Disposition of Visual Approach Slope (Edwards) 4:00 p.m. Indicator Equipment UTILITIES (Schlitzer) NOTE:Committee of the Whole meetings are held in Municipal Court Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the 6th floor conference room (unless otherwise noted). AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING January 10, 1994 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF JANUARY 3, 1994 r.. 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Certificate Award for Achievement in Excellence in Financial Reporting 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. City Clerk submits 1993 Quarterly Contract List (October-December), and recommends that the contract process newly instituted in 1993 be continued. Refer to Finance Committee. b. Community Services Department submits proposed interlocal agreement with King County for 1993 Regional Conservation Futures levy funds for property acquisition(Cedar River Trail and Springbrook Trail open space bond issue projects). Refer to Community Services Committee. c. Community Services Department recommends that Council declare the recently-acquired NARCO property as surplus, allowing existing building materials to be salvaged without going to public bid. Refer to Community Services Committee. d. Executive Division submits proposed 1994 Legislative Priorities for Council adoption, and recommends that Council authorize the Administration and Council representatives to represent the City's position before the Legislature. Refer to Committee of the Whole. ... e. Planning/Building/Public Works Department submits request to temporarily increase the working hours of the Office Assistant I position in the PB/PW Department from half-time to full-time for a period of 90 working days in the beginning of 1994. Council concur. f. Transportation Systems Division submits proposed Central Subarea Transportation Plan Agreement with METRO for a high capacity transit grant that will be used for identification of high capacity transit (rail), connector bus service, and related facilities in central Renton. Council concur. (See agenda item 9 for resolution.) g. Utility Systems Division submits proposed interlocal agreement with METRO for a Five-Year Reuse Water Demonstration Project. Refer to Utilities Committee. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with asterisk(*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Committee of the Whole: Legislative Issues b. Planning and Development Committee: Consultant Agreement for Supplemental EIS and Additional Technical Staff Support for Comprehensive Plan c. Finance Committee: Health Benefits Task Force Recommendations for 1994 Plan; Vouchers d. Transportation (Aviation) Committee: Disposal of Visual Approach Slope Indicator Equipment (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 14 9. ORDINANCES.AND RESOLUTIONS Resolution Interlocal Agreement with METRO for a High Capacity Transit Grant (see 6.f.) 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics - call 277-4430 for recorded information) 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) MUNICIPAL COURT CHAMBERS 7:00 pm. 1. 1994 Legislative Priorities 'RENT ' Jar><uary;lQ, ].994 pity Clerk's'Office Referrals ADMINISTRATION Report on whether the City can participate in private firearm reduction programs r.. CONINIUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Interlocal Agreement with King County for 1993 Regional Conservation Futures levy funds Declaration of NARCO property as surplus FINANCE COMMITTEE 1993 Quarterly Contract List MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Agreement with Huckell/Weinman Associates, Inc. for Supplemental EIS and staff support related to the Comprehensive Plan Agreement with METRO for a grant for high capaciy transit planning POLICE DEPARTMENT Report on whether the City can participate in private firearm reduction programs UTILITIES COMMITTEE Agreement with METRO for Five-Year Water Reuse Project PUBLIC HEARINGS 1/17/94 - Comprehensive Plan Errata Request, Lake Terrace Estates, #E-33, rezone northern quarter of site at 2100 Lake Washington Blvd. from Multi-Family Infill (MIF-I)to Trailer (T) (continued from 11/15/93) 1/17/94 - LID 337, Dayton Avenue NE sanitary sewer and trunk line 1/24/94 - Zoning on north side of NE 12th St west of Union Ave. (LaPointe and Dalpay) 2/07/94 - Comprehensive Plan Errata Process: #E-15, Gray request for rezone from P-1 to CA(Lake Ave. S.); #E-37, Cellular One request to include "wireless base stations" in the "Utilities, Small" definition in the Zoning Code; and #E-39, Chevron USA request to allow car wash in the CC zone as an accessory use to a gas station (N 30th and I-405) %W 16 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting January 10, 1994 Renton Municipal Court Monday, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Court Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD STREDICKE; KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER; RANDY COUNCILMEMBERS CORMAN; JESSE TANNER; TONI NELSON; TIM SCHLITZER; BOB EDWARDS. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; ZANETTA FONTES, Assistant City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; LYNN GUTTMANN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; VICTORIA RUNKLE, Finance Director; PAULA HENDERSON, Senior Budget & Financial Analyst; SUE CARLSON, Economic Development Specialist; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Utility Systems Director; MIKE KATTERMANN, Senior Planner; CAPTAIN DON PERSSON, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL COUNCIL MINUTES APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JANUARY 3, 1994 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. SPECIAL Mayor Clymer announced that the City has received a Certificate Award for PRESENTATION Achievement in Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance: Excellence in Finance Officers Association of the,.U.S. and Canada. The award honors the Financial Reporting City's efforts in financial reporting for the year ended December, 1992. Paula Award Henderson, Senior Budget & Financial Analyst, accepted the certificate on behalf of the Finance and Information Services Department. AUDIENCE COMMENT Lloyd Hoshide, 833 Kirkland Ave. NE, Renton, 98056, thanked Council and Citizen Comment: Hoshide the Administration for extending the public comment period for one week on - Comprehensive Plan the declaration of environmental non-significance (DNS) issued for the SEPA SEPA Process ordinance. Explaining that he was most disturbed by the proposal to raise the exemption level to the maximum allowed by the State, he said the only reason for doing so would be to shorten development times. Mr. Hoshide commented on his years of employment with Boeing, saying that although the pressure to meet deadlines was enormous at times, shortcuts were not permitted as the gatekeepers--the company's quality control officers--kept workers honest. He felt that, in a similar manner, SEPA rules act as gatekeepers to ensure that today's leaders will pass on a good environment to the next generation. He concluded by emphasizing that it will not be possible to fulfill this duty if the SEPA exemptions are too liberal. Council President Stredicke objected to the fact that although Council had specifically directed staff to provide it with copies of the proposed SEPA changes, these have not yet been distributed. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Item 6.h. was added to the consent agenda with Council's concurrence, and the recommended action on item 6.d. was changed from "Refer to Committee of the Whole" to "Council concur." January 10. 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 17 City Clerk: 1993 Quarterly City Clerk submitted 1993 Quarterly Contract List (October-December) and Contract List recommended that the contract process newly instituted in 1993 be continued. Refer to Finance Committee. Parks: 1993 Regional Community Services Department submitted a proposed interlocal agreement Conservation Futures Levy with King County for 1993 Regional Conservation Futures levy funds for Funds property acquisition (Cedar River Trail and Springbrook Trail open space bond issue projects). Refer to Community Services Committee. Parks: NARCO Property Community Services Department recommended that Council declare the recently-acquired NARCO property as surplus, which would allow existing building materials to be salvaged without going to public bid. Refer to Community Services Committee. Council: 1994 Legislative Executive Division submitted proposed 1994 Legislative Priorities for Council Priorities adoption, and recommended that Council authorize the Administration and Council representatives to represent the City's position before the Legislature. Rafe �o-Eoixrrrittee e€-tfi� kole Council concur. Personnel: P/B/PW Staff Planning/Building/Public Works Department submitted a request to Position temporarily increase the working hours of the Office Assistant I position in the P/B/PW Department from half-time to full-time for a period of 90 working days in the beginning of 1994. Council concur. Transportation: METRO Transportation Systems Division submitted a proposed Central Subarea High Capacity Transit Transportation Plan Agreement with METRO for a high capacity transit grant Grant, Central Subarea that will be used for identification of high capacity transit (rail), connector Plan bus service, and related facilities in central Renton. METRO will provide $50,000, and the City's contribution will be $12,500. Council concur. (See agenda item 9 for resolution.) Utility: METRO Five- Utility Systems Division submitted a proposed interlocal agreement with Year Water Reuse Project METRO for a Five-Year Reuse Water Demonstration Project. The City's upfront cost in the design and construction of the project would be $50,000, paid over a five-year period, and Renton would reimburse METRO for 70% rr of the City's rate revenues from selling the effluent reuse to retail customers. Refer to Utilities Committee. Added Personnel Department submitted an agreement by and between the City of Personnel: Local 21-R Renton and AFSCME AFL-CIO, Local 21-R, governing wages, hours of work Contract and terms and conditions of employment. The three-year agreement includes a 1994 wage increase of 1.5%, a 1995 wage increase of 2.0%, and a 1996 wage increase of 2.5%. Council concur. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Stredicke referred to a memo received from Public Works: Bryant Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Lynn Guttmann regarding the Motors Parking Lot legal status of a temporary parking lot at Bryant Motors. Quoting the memo, which stated that the parking is in violation of the City's zoning and parking ordinances, he questioned whether it would be more appropriate to change the regulations or issue a temporary permit instead of allowing the violation to continue. Mayor Clymer replied that the Administration agrees with the staff recommendation that the City pursue the possibility of resolving this issue through mediation between Bryant Motors and neighboring residents. He n.. January 10 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 18 noted that Bill Bryant, owner of Bryant Motors, has indicated he will relocate outside Renton if this situation cannot be resolved to his satisfaction. Mayor Clymer added that, should this happen, the City would lose a significant amount of tax revenues. Council President Stredicke reiterated that the activity constitutes a light industrial-like use in a business zone, which is unlawful. He spoke against allowing concerns about tax revenues to determine this type of decision, and he questioned the assertion that the loss of this parking area would drive Bryant Motors out of business or force it to relocate. He felt that an attempt to mediate this issue between neighbors and the business was not the answer. Councilman Tanner agreed that the City should not be willing to mediate situations like this where someone is clearly breaking the law. He felt the law should either be changed or enforced. Responding to Councilman Edwards, Mayor Clymer emphasized that the Administration would like to encourage an amicable solution to this problem. He noted that Mr. Bryant's business has grown over the years, and while he has purchased all the available property in the area for his operations, he still lacks adequate space. Responding to Council President Stredicke, Mayor Clymer said it may be possible for Bryant Motors to remain within the aquifer protection area if certain safeguards are taken. In response to Councilman Corman, Mayor Clymer said violators are given 30 days' notice to comply with the law. Councilwoman Nelson commented that, given the importance of economic development, it would not be appropriate to force Mr. Bryant to leave the place where he has long conducted business simply because he has been successful. She preferred trying to reach some kind of agreement by which Bryant Motors could remain in Renton, particularly if issues related to the aquifer can be resolved. She suggested that Council may want to delay action on this issue for one week to allow everyone to consider all the options in greater depth. Responding to Council President Stredicke, Ms. Guttmann stated that the City cannot issue a temporary permit for an illegal activity. She emphasized the need to move beyond the current non-constructive approach to this situation, adding that the City previously attempted a mediated forum for the Boeing North study which, while difficult, was successful. Suggesting that the vehicles could be parked elsewhere, Councilman Tanner again questioned the propriety of mediating a situation waere a business is deliberately and blatantly violating the law. Ms. Guttmann replied that mediation could be used to approach this issue holistically rather than piecemeal, and would allow possible solutions to be considered in an orderly fashion. She added that most cities perform some type of selective enforcement of their laws and regulations. Councilman Edwards noted that, although the parties to this issue cannot be forced to participate in mediation efforts, they would have an incentive to do so because of the fact that, in the absence of a negotiated settlement, Council could issue a decision more favorable to one party than to the other. Councilman Tanner urged Council not to approve the proposal without the agreement of the affected parties, since they cannot be forced to enter into mediation. January 10. 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 19 Responding to Councilwoman Nelson, Ms. Guttmann said the 12-week mediation process for the Boeing North study cost approximately $5,000. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE ADMINISTRATION'S RECOMMENDATION TO ENCOURAGE REPRESENTATIVES FROM ALL INTERESTED PARTIES TO THE NORTH RENTON/BRYANT MOTORS ISSUE TO MEET WITH A FACILITATOR AND AGREE ON A MEDIATION PROCESS.* Responding to Council President Stredicke, Ms. Guttmann explained that, am according to the proposal, the participants would choose their own mediator with the help of a facilitator. Councilman Corman agreed with Mr. Tanner that several issues need to be resolved before proceeding on this matter. One question relates to a projected timeframe for the negotiations and how the parking violation would be addressed during this period; another is whether the City could, by proposing mediation in this instance, be setting a precedent for others who violate the law. Councilman Tanner added that the Administration should return with a more concrete proposal, coordinated with the City Attorney, prior to Council giving direction on this issue. *MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL TABLE ACTION ON THE MOTION FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Planning and Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Committee report regarding the proposed contract with Huckell/Weinman Associates, Inc., Planning: for a Supplemental EIS. Huckell/Weinman Associates, Inc. SEIS The Planning and Development Committee has reviewed the contract and Contract revisions to the contract with Huckel/Weinman Associates, Inc. The revisions tie dates to the completion of milestones, clarify that the budget for each task will be determined through individual task orders, and grant either party the right to terminate with a minimum 10 days notice. r� The Committee recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the contract with Huckell/Weinman Associates, Inc., for completion of the Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and technical studies related to the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan. The Committee further,recommends that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Responding to Council President Stredicke, Mike Kattermann, Senior Planner, assured that this contract was in no way prompted by the North Renton residents' lawsuit. *MOTION CARRIED. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler invited Councilmembers to provide staff with any specific comments they may have on the proposed tasks by next week. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending approval Finance: 1994 Healthcare and implementation of changes and modifications to the 1994 City's healthcare Plan plan as presented by the Healthcare Task Force for all employee groups except the Police Commissioned unit of the Police Guild. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Mir January 10 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 20 Finance: Vouchers Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending approval of Claims Vouchers #107853- 108475 and 4 wire transfers in the total amount of $1,909,303.32. And approval of Payroll Vouchers #123292 - 123609 and 371 direct deposits in the total amount of $1,013,598.23. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation (Aviation) Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Edwards presented a report Committee recommending approval of the donation of Visual Approach Slope Indicator Airport: VASI Equipment (VASI) equipment to the Washington State Department of Aeronautics for use at another Washington State airport. The VASI equipment is excess to the needs of the Renton Airport as a result of its replacement by Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) equipment. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolution #3028 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Transportation: METRO interlocal cooperative agreement with the Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle High Capacity Transit (METRO) to establish the terms and conditions to accept a grant for high Grant, Central Subarea capacity transportation planning. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY Plan EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, Police: Firearm Reduction COUNCIL DIRECT THE ADMINISTRATION AND THE POLICE Programs DEPARTMENT TO PROVIDE A REPORT ON WHETHER THE CITY CAN PARTICIPATE IN PRIVATE PROGRAMS GEARED TOWARD REDUCING THE NUMBER OF FIREARMS ON THE STREETS. CARRIED. Parks: NARCO Property Responding to Council President Stredicke regarding the NARCO property, Community Services Committee Chair Nelson assured that the Committee will consider the importance of preserving, for historical purposes, any appropriate structures and/or materials that may'exist on this site. Transportation: WSDOT Council President Stredicke reiterated his request, originally made November Ramp Metering Survey 22, 1993, for information on the ramp metering survey the City was to perform in cooperation with WSDOT. SCA: Urban Growth Councilman Edwards commented on last week's Suburban Cities Association Boundary Issues board meeting at which a sub-committee of the Growth Management and Transportation Committee was authorized to discuss edge city issues, particularly local control of the urban growth boundary. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:38 p.m. MARILY P ERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 1/10/94 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 10, 1994 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 1/17 Municipal Space (Stredicke) 6:30 p.m. Schedule for Phase II of Comprehensive Plan Process (information only) Letter regarding Council retreat COMMUNITY SERVICES TUES., 1/11 Washington State Energy Code Contract (Nelson) 3:30 p.m. 1993 Regional Conservation Futures *5th Floor* Acquisition Program NARCO Property Acquisition Declaration of Surplus Property FINANCE (Tanner) PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT TUES., 1/11 P-1 Zone (Keolker-Wheeler) 4:00 p.m. *5th Floor* r. PUBLIC SAFETY (Corman) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) (Edwards) UTILITIES THURS., 1/13 King County/City Optional Business (Schlitzer) 4:00 p.m. Recycling Program Renton/METRO Five-Year Water Reuse Demonstration Project OTHER MEETINGS LEOFF Board WEDS., 1/12 6th Floor 8:00 a.m. NOTE:Committee of the Whole meetings are held in Municipal Court Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the 6th floor conference room (unless otherwise noted). Ire 22 *REVISED* AGENDA RFNTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING January 17, 1994 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL "'r' 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF JANUARY 10, 1994 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS: a. Local Improvement District #337, Dayton Avenue NE sanitary sewers b. Rezone request for the northern quarter of Lake Terrace Estates Mobile Home Park(2100 Lake Washington Boulevard) from Multifamily-Infill (MF-I) to Trailer(T). (Steve Harer Errata request #E-33; hearing continued from 11/15/93) 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Finance Department submits proposal allowing the Community Services Department to begin accumulating project costs for golf course improvements. Refer to Finance Committee. b. Fire Department requests authorization to use $288,000 from the Fire Mitigation Fund for planning and design of Valley Fire Station#14. Refer to Public Safety Committee. c. Transportation Division submits recommendation that Council: approve the assignment of a portion of Benair Aviation's month-to-month lease to Action Aviation; authorize Action Aviation to operate aircraft tie-downs on the new premises on a month-to-month basis until a new lease rate is established; provide Action Aviation first right of refusal of the continued leasing of the premises upon establish- ment of the new lease rate; and authorize the Airport Manager to establish an itinerant aircraft parking area on the remaining area to be vacated by Benair Aviation. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. d. Transportation Division submits recommendation that Council accept the right-of-way acquisition for the Park Avenue North project and authorize: the expenditure of funds; the recording of the deed and possession & use agreements; and condemnation proceedings. Refer to Transportation Committee. e. Transportation Division submits recommendation that Council authorize the Mayor to execute the proposed consultant agreement with Alpha Engineering Group for design of the Lake Washington Boulevard Pedestrian/Bicycle Facility. Refer to Transportation Committee. f. Transportation Division submits recommendation that Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a proposed interlocal agreement with the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT)to receive $80,000 in federal grant funds for the study of an intra-city intermodal transportation program. The City's match will be $20,000. Refer to Transportation Committee. 7. CORRESPONDENCE (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 23 8. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with asterisk(*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Community Services Committee: Washington State Energy Code Contract*; 1993 Regional Conservation Futures Acquisition Program*; NARCO Property Acquisition Declaration of Surplus Property* b. Utilities Committee: King County/City Optional Business Recycling Program*; Renton/METRO Five- Year Water Reuse Demonstration Project* 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolutions: a. Authorizing an agreement with the Washington State Energy Office for grant funding (see 8.a.) b. Authorizing the 1993 Conservation Futures agreement with King County (see 8.a.) c. Declaring the NARCO property surplus and authorizing its disposition (see 8.a.) d. Authorizing an agreement with King County for a Business Recycling Program (see 8.b.) e. Authorizing an agreement with METRO for a Five-Year Water Reuse Demonstration Project (see 8.b.) 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics - call 277-4430 for recorded information) 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) MUNICIPAL COURT CHAMBERS 6:30 pm. 1. Municipal Space 2. Schedule for Phase II of Comprehensive Plan Process (information only) 3. Letter regarding C:wncil retreat 24 RENTOx'CITY COUNCIUL January 17 19~94 Caty C`lerk's Offcc. XX Referrals 4 ADMINISTRATION $100 expenditure to Suburban Cities Association for its Edge City sub-committee, along with any necessary staff support FINANCE COMMITTEE Accumulation of project costs for golf course improvements MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Energy Code Contract with Washington State Energy Office 1993 Regional Conservation Futures agreement with King County Agreement with King County for City Optional Business Recycling Program Agreement with METRO for Joint Reuse Water Project PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Use of Fire Mitigation Funds for Valley Fire Station 914 TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE ;Hair Aviation Assignment of Lease to Action Aviation Park Avenue North Right-of-Way Acquisition ALPHA Engineering Contract for Lake Washington Blvd. Ped/Bike Facility ',-SDOT Grant for Intra-City Intermodal Transportation Program PUBLIC HEARINGS 1/24/94 - Zoning on north side of NE 12th St west of Union Ave. (LaPointe and Dalpay) 2/07/94 - Comprehensive Plan Errata Process: #E-15, Gray request for rezone from P-1 to CA(Lake Ave. S.); #E-37, Cellular One request to include "wireless base stations" in the "Utilities, Small" definition in the Zoning Code; and#E-39, Chevron USA request to allow car wash in the CC zone as an accessory use to a gas station (N 30th and 1-405) 2/14/94 - Comprehensive Plan Errata Request, Lake Terrace Estates, #E-33, rezone of property located at 2100 Lake Washington Blvd (continued from 1/17/94) .J 25 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting January 17, 1994 Renton Municipal Court Monday, 7:30 p.m.,. Municipal Court Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD STREDICKE, Council President; KATHY KEOLKER- ... COUNCILMEMBERS WHEELER; RANDY CORMAN; TONI NELSON; TIM SCHLITZER; BOB EDWARDS. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEMBER JESSE TANNER. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Acting Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; MIKE KATTERMANN, Senior Planner; MICHAEL BENOIT, Engineering Specialist; Lt. Dennis Gerber, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL MINUTES COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JANUARY 10, 1994 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARINGS This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published LID: 337, Dayton Ave NE in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Clymer opened the public Sanitary Sewers hearing to consider the proposed Local Improvement District (LID) 337 for installation of Dayton Avenue NE sanitary sewers in the total proposed amount of $144,761.95. Michael Benoit, Engineering Specialist, provided a brief history of the LID, noting the proposal affects residences along Dayton Avenue NE from NE 20th to NE 22nd as well as those on NE 22nd from Dayton to Edmonds Avenues. Staff received a valid petition last April from property owners requesting the aw. installation of sanitary sewers. In May, staff applied for a State Public Works Trust Fund Loan for the project, which, if approved, would substantially reduce the interest rate charged for the LID. Legislative approval of the loan is expected by this April, after which the project will be sent out to bid and construction started. Staff recommends that the most equitable methodology for distributing the project's cost is to assess a flat unit cost per parcel, since all involved lots are single family and approximately the same size, and each will receive essentially the same benefit. Staff has prepared a preliminary and final design for the project. Commenting on the parcel located on the northwest corner of Edmonds and 22nd Street, Mr. Benoit said although this property was not involved in the original LID petition, the new sewer main on Dayton Avenue could potentially provide a benefit to this parcel. Therefore, staff recommends that the parcel either be included in the LID or in a Special Assessment District (SAD). Responding to a comment by an audience member that Edna Douglas, the owner of the parcel, passed away recently, Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney, recommended that Council either allow this parcel to pass into a Special Assessment District or assess it as only one unit for the LID although r January 17 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 26 it has the potential for two houses. Mr. Benoit suggested the former alternative. In response to Councilman Stredicke, the city clerk stated that no protests were received in response to the LID proposal. Councilman Edwards questioned how the Douglas property would be treated in the future if a sewer main were installed along Edmonds Avenue NE. Mr. Benoit explained that while the hill sloping west from Edmonds to Dayton is rather steep, it is possible that the Douglas property could connect to an Edmonds sewer main instead of the one installed along Dayton if the Edmonds sewer main was constructed deep enough for this purpose. In any case, the parcel would be assessed either for one LID or the other, not for both. Citizen Comment: Lloyd Beckstrom, 2108 Dayton Ave NE, Renton, 98056, questioned whether Beckstrom - LID 337, the property owners of all the involved parcels were charged $525 for the use Dayton Ave NE sewers of the West Kennydale interceptor. Mr. Benoit explained the areawide charge assessed previously for the interceptor, saying that because the SAD boundaries drawn for this purpose ended at NE 22nd Street, lots 17, 18 and 19 were not assessed this charge. Citizen Comment: Spencer Scott Spencer, 2105 Dayton Ave NE, Renton, 98056, asked whether an LID - LID 337, Dayton Ave lien could transfer along with the property upon the sale of a house. Mr. NE sewers Warren replied that, while the charge can be transferred to the new homeowner, many mortgage companies require that it be paid off at the time the house is sold. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE LID AND REQUEST THAT AN ORDINANCE BE PREPARED FOR COUNCIL'S NEXT MEETING FORMING THE LID. CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. TIME: 7:55 p.m. At 8:00 p.m. the meeting was reconvened; roll was called; all Councilmembers present. Comprehensive Plan: This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published Errata, Lake Terrace in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Clymer opened the public Estates #E-33 hearing to consider the Comprehensive Plan Errata Process request for rezone of the northern quarter of Lake Terrace Estates Mobile Home Park (2100 Lake Washington Boulevard) from Multifamily-Infill (MF-I) to Trailer (T) (Steve Harer Errata request #E-33). The hearing was continued from November 15, 1993. Correspondence was entered on this issue, the first letter from James Hanken, attorney for Lake Terrace Associates, setting forth three objections to the process on this issue, involving specifically: an alleged deficiency in the hearing notice; a concern that no notice of possible down-zoning was provided to the property owners; and a statement that the City and the property owners had previously contracted for a rezone of this property for the public benefit. The second letter was received from Gerard Shellan, a representative of Lake Terrace Associates, providing various reasons why the property owners believe January 17, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 27 their request to have the entire property zoned Multi-Family Infill (MF-I) should be granted. Mike Kattermann, Senior Planner, requested continuance of the hearing to February 14, 1994, in response to several legal and technical questions raised regarding this subject. Noting that this is the second time the public hearing on this subject has been continued, Councilman Edwards suggested that Council take testimony this evening from interested parties. Testimony would also be taken on February wr. 14th. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, THE PUBLIC HEARING BE RESCHEDULED TO FEBRUARY 14, 1994 BUT TESTIMONY WILL BE ALLOWED ON THIS ISSUE TONIGHT WITH THE PROVISO THAT THERE WILL BE A SUBSEQUENT HEARING.* In the interest of preserving appearance of fairness, City Attorney Warren disclosed a business relationship with Gerard Shellan, representative of Lake Terrace Associates, and asked if anyone present objected to his continuing to advise the City Council on this issue. No objections were raised. Citizen Comment: Hanken James Hanken, 3500 US Bank Center, 1420 - 5th Ave., Seattle, stated the - Comprehensive Plan applicant's primary concern is that the notice sent out for the public hearing Errata, Lake Terrace on this issue does not reflect his request. Rather, the notice reflects the Estates #E-33 recommendation of Council's Planning and Development Committee, which is exactly contrary to what the applicant requested. Mr. Hanken suggested that a new notice be prepared reflecting the applicant's request and the Planning and Development Committee's recommendation on this issue. *MOTION CARRIED. Seeing no one else wished to address Council on this issue tonight; it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. r. AUDIENCE COMMENT Versie Vaupel, P.O. Box 755, Renton 98057, asked that Council postpone Citizen Comment: Vaupel action on the proposed mediation efforts regarding Bryant Motors' parking - Bryant Motors Parking violations for one week to allow for consideration of tonight's citizen Violations testimony and correspondence on this issue. Questioning how the City can ask residents to mediate illegal activities, she presented a letter to the Council that suggested four alternatives to the negotiation process. Mrs. Vaupel also presented a letter from Peter Eglick, attorney for the North Renton/Kennydale Neighborhood Defense Fund, which set forth various conditions to be met before residents would be willing to consider a proposal for mediation of this issue. Citizen Comment: Richter Marjorie Richter, 300 Meadow Avenue North, Renton 98055, said residents - Bryant Motors Parking have, on numerous occasions, approached both staff and Council with their Violations concerns regarding the parking violations occurring at Bryant Motors, but without success. She emphatically opposed allowing the violations to continue, saying the City's laws are enacted for everyone and that they do not, in and of themselves, unfairly and specifically target this business. She emphasized that the City should enforce its parking, traffic and zoning laws completely and without exception, and make Bryant Motors comply with every regulation. r.. 28 January 17 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 28 Citizen Comment: Denny Lensegrav, speaking as a representative of the Renton Chamber of Lensegrav - Bryant Commerce, 300 Rainier Ave. N., Renton, 98055, commended Council for Motors Parking Violations pursuing the innovative idea to have a mediator assist in settling the zoning and parking issues regarding Bryant Motors. He supported looking to creative solutions to resolve various issues pertaining to businesses and their operations, and urged Council to proceed with the recommended mediation process. Council President Stredicke asked whether the City received payment for fines issued against Bryant Motors in July, 1993. Jay Covington, Executive Assistant, replied that, rather than pay fines, Mr. Bryant apparently chose to comply by vacating the area cited in the violation. Referring to Bryant Motors as the largest single sales-taxpayer in Renton, Mayor Clymer added that the loss of $600,000 in annual revenues would result in the City's having to lay off 12 to 14 City employees. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REMOVE THE MOTION MADE LAST WEEK ON THIS ISSUE FROM THE TABLE. CARRIED. The following motion was then before Council: MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE ADMINISTRATION'S RECOMMENDATION TO ENCOURAGE REPRESENTATIVES FROM ALL INTERESTED PARTIES TO THE NORTH RENTON/BRYANT MOTORS ISSUE TO MEET WITH A FACILITATOR AND AGREE ON A MEDIATION PROCESS. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL AGAIN TABLE ACTION ON THE MOTION FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Councilman Corman reiterated his concerns on this issue, saying it should not appear as though the City is granting residents the authority to allow Bryant Motors to violate the law. He wanted assurance that it will, in fact, be possible to reach a compromise solution that would allow Mr. Bryant to continue to operate and maintain a successful business within the confines of the law. Mayor Clymer replied that the primary problem for Mr. Bryant appears to be a lack of sufficient commercial zoning for his business. Although Mr. Bryant owns additional property in this area, it is zoned for and restricted to single family use. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Parks: Golf Course Finance Department submitted proposal allowing the Community Services Improvement Fund Department to begin accumulating project costs for golf course improvements prior to bond sale in late 1994. Refer to Finance Committee. Fire: Valley Station #14 Fire Department requested authorization for fund transfer of $288,000 from Planning/Design the Fire Mitigation Fund to an expenditure account of the General Fund for planning and design of Valley Fire Station #14. Refer to Public Safety Committee. January 17. 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 29 Airport: Benair Aviation Transportation Division requested approval of the assignment of a portion of Lease Assignment to Benair Aviation's month-to-month lease to Action Aviation; authorization for Action Aviation,LAG- Action Aviation to operate aircraft tie-downs on the new premises on a 85-003 month-to-month basis until a new lease rate is established; granting Action Aviation first right of refusal of the continued leasing of the premises upon establishment of the new lease rate; and authorization for the Airport Manager to establish an itinerant aircraft parking area on the remaining area to be vacated by Benair Aviation. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. Transportation: Park Ave Transportation Division requested acceptance of the right-of-way acquisition N Right-of-Way for the Park Avenue North project and authorization for expenditure of 1O" Acquisition funds; recording of deed and possession & use agreements; and condemnation proceedings. Refer to Transportation Committee. Transportation: ALPHA Transportation Division requested authorization for the Mayor to execute the Engineering, Lake WA proposed consultant agreement with Alpha Engineering Group in the amount Blvd Ped/Bike Facility of $121,900 for designof the Lake Washington Boulevard Pedestrian/Bicycle Facility. Refer to Transportation Committee. Transportation: WSDOT Transportation Division requested authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk Grant for Intra-City to execute a proposed interlocal agreement with the Washington State Intermodal Transportation Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to receive $80,000 in federal grant Program funds for the study of an intra-city intermodal transportation program. The City's match will be $20,000. Refer to Transportation Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. CARRIED. CORRESPONENCE Correspondence was read from William Bryant, Bryant Motors, 1300 Bronson Citizen Comment: Bryant Way N., Renton, 98055, expressing Mr. Bryant's willingness to participate in - Bryant Motors Parking the proposed mediation process involving his business. Violations OLD BUSINESS Committee of the Whole Chair Stredicke presented a report recommending Committee of the Whole that Council authorize staff to proceed with the development of a citizen's am Finance: Public Safety group to determine both the need and the support for a Public Safety Bond Bond Issue Issue. The group is to examine alternatives and report back to Council with recommendations regarding the bond issue. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Community Services Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report Committee recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation that Council approve Utility: Washington State an Energy Code Contract with the Washington State Energy Office. The Energy Office Energy Committee further recommended that the resolution authorizing the Mayor Code Contract and City Clerk to execute the contract be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Parks: 1993 Regional Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report Conservation Futures recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation that Council approve Acquisition Funds an interlocal agreement with King County for the 1993 Regional Conservation Futures Acquisition Program. The funds will be utilized for the Cedar River Trail and Springbrook Trail Open Space Bond Issue projects. The Committee further recommended that the resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. w.. 34 January 17 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 30 Parks: NARCO Property Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation that Council declare the salvageable materials contained within the buildings on the NARCO site as surplus, and that the salvageable materials be sold on the most advantageous terms for the City which the Parks Department can negotiate. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report recommending Utility: Joint Reuse Water concurrence in the staff recommendation that Council approve an agreement Project, METRO with METRO for a Joint Reuse Demonstration Project for Class A Effluent, and that the Water Utility be autohrized to contribute $50,000 over a five- year period ($10,000 per year) toward the cost of design and construction of the pilot plant. Funding for the project will come out of the Water Utility's Water Resource Planning/Region/Reuse account. The Committee further ' recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utility: King County/City Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report recommending Optional Business concurrence in the staff recommendation that Council approve an agreement Recycling Program with King County for a City Optional Business Recycling Program, and that the Solid Waste Utility be authorized to receive $29,377 in revenues from King County for implementation of the program. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolution #3029 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Utility: Energy Code interlocal cooperative agreement with the Washington State Energy Office to Contract with Washington receive grant funding in the amount of $12,435 to acquire equipment and State Energy Office provide training and enforcement to comply with the Energy Code. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3030 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the 1993 Parks: 1993 Regional Conservation Futures interlocal agreement with King County for purchase of Conservation Futures open space properties. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, Acquisition Funds COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3031 A resolution was read declaring salvageable materials contained within the Parks: NARCO Property building on the NARCO site as surplus and authorizing the Parks Department to dispose of that property, valued at less than $5,000. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. f. K January 17. 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 31 Resolution #3032 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Utility: City Optional interlocal cooperative agreement with King County regarding City Optional Business Recycling Program for Business Recycling Programs. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, Program SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3033 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Utility: Joint Reuse Water interlocal cooperative agreement with METRO for a joint demonstration Project, METRO project for reclaimed water. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Edwards commented on the "Edge City" sub-committee of the SCA: Edge City/Urban Suburban Cities Association's Growth Management Committee, formed to Growth Boundary Issues develop recommendations on urban growth boundaries for presentation to the Growth Management Planning Council (GMPC). Referring to a map showing King County's urban growth boundary as determined by the County Council, he noted that Renton's urban growth boundary, as defined in the City's Comprehensive Plan, differs significantly from that set forth by the County. Mr. Edwards explained that approximately 12 cities along the urban growth boundary had little or no input into how the lines were drawn, even though the boundaries are significant because no city will be allowed to annex across them. The Edge City sub-committee, created to address the concerns of the affected jurisdictions, will eventually present its recommendations to the GMPC. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE ADMINISTRATION TO EXPEND $100 TOWARD THE COST OF MAPPING MATERIALS NEEDED BY THE SCA'S EDGE CITY SUB-COMMITTEE AND TO CONTRIBUTE ANY NECESSARY STAFF TIME TO SUPPORT COUNCILMAN EDWARDS' PARTICIPATION IN THIS PROCESS. CARRIED. Responding to Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler, Mr. Edwards said the process should not take longer than 60 days as the committee wants to have its recommendations ready in time to influence the draft supplemental EIS being prepared for the county-wide planning policies. AUDIENCE COMMENT Versie Vaupel, P. O. Box 755, Renton 98057, thanked Council for postponing Citizen Comment: Vaupel a decision on the Bryant Motors parking violations/mediation issue for one - Bryant Motors Parking week. She questioned whether allowing Mr. Bryant to park vehicles at the Violations Don-a-Lisa Motel site would solve the problem, since even this extra space has failed to provide him with sufficient parking. She felt that by purchasing residential property in this area on the chance that it might be rezoned for commercial use, Mr. Bryant took a speculative risk. She questioned the assertion that Bryant Motors provides approximately $600,000 in annual revenues to the City and suggested that this figure be verified. Citizen Comment: Richter Marjorie Richter, 300 Meadow Avenue North, Renton 98055, stated that - Bryant Motors Parking residents would like the City to enforce its laws and ensure that Bryant Violations Motors is made to pay its fines. low January 17 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 32 ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:18 p.m. J MARILY P TERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 1/17/94 33 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 17, 1994 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 1/24 Executive Session(Labor Relations); King (Stredicke) 6:30 p.m. County Drug& Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers; Comprehensive Plan Process, Phase II COMMUNITY SERVICES (Nelson) FINANCE MON., 1/24 Contract Procedure; Golf Course Project (Tanner) 6:00 p.m. Costs; Vouchers PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT (Keolker-Wheeler) PUBLIC SAFETY THUR., 1/20 Use of Fire Mitigation Funds for Valley (Corman) 3:30 p.m. Fire Station#14 .r. TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) MON., 1/24 Benair Aviation Lease Transfer; Interlocal (Edwards) 4:00 p.m. with WSDOT for Transit; Guaranteed Ride Home Program (briefing only); Park Avenue North Right-of-Way Acquisition; Lake Washington Blvd/ALPHA Contract; Ramp Metering Study Update (briefing only) UTILITIES (Schlitzer) OTHER MEETINGS LEOFF Board THURS., 1/20 6th Floor 4:00 p.m. NOTE:Committee of the Whole meetings are held in Municipal Court Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the 6th floor conference room (unless otherwise noted). AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING January 24, 1994 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF JANUARY 17, 1994 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Employee Recognition/25- and 30-Year Service Awards 5. PUBLIC HEARING: Comprehensive Plan Errata Process revisions for zoning on the north side of NE 12th Street, west of Union Avenue NE (Dalpay; Errata request #E-21) and for rezone of property located at 3722 NE 12th Street (LaPointe; Errata request #E-24) 6. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be.removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. City Clerk submits appeal of Hearing Examiner's decision regarding conditional use permit for Imperial Bingo, appeal filed on 1/18/94 by Greg D. Murray, LUA;CU-93-139. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. b. Community Services Department submits CAG-93-101, Houser Terrace Fencing project, and requests app.-Oval of the protect, autherization for final pay estimate, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$296.31 to Anchor Fence Company, contractor, if all required releases have been received. Council concur. c. Community Services Department requests approval of proposed Parks Mitigation fees. Refer to Community Services Committee. d. Cor_muni+.y Services Department submits+CAG-93-062, Maplewood Golf Course Phase II Construction, and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of$59,577.08, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$19,128.10 to Evans-Hall, Inc., contractor, if all required releases have been received. Council concur. e. Development Services Division requests that Council approve the renewal of the Boeing Airplane Company Master Street Use Permit with conditions. Refer to Transportation Committee. f. Wastewater Utility submits request from PACCAR for a $3,226.86 refund on its sewer utility bill as water had been lost to a leak over a four-month period and consequently was not released into the sewer system. Refer to Utilities Committee. 8. CORRESPONDENCE Letter received from Fred Kaufman, Hearing Examiner, requesting clarification of Zoning Code language regarding density requirements, citing recent decision issued for Giard Short Plat, File No. Shp. 93-084. (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 35 9. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with asterisk(*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Committee of the Whole: King County Drug& Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers; Comprehensive Plan Process, Phase II b. Finance Committee: Contract Procedure; Golf Course Project Costs; Vouchers c. Public Safety Committee: Use of Fire Mitigation Funds for Valley Fire Station#14 d. Transportation(Aviation) Committee: Benair Aviation Lease Transfer; Interlocal with WSDOT for Transit*; Park Avenue North Right-of-Way Acquisition; Lake Washington Blvd/ALPHA Contract 10. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolution: Authorizing an interlocal agreement with WSDOT for grant funds to study an intra-city intermodal transportation program (see 9.d.) 11. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics - call 277-4430 for recorded information) 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) MUNICIPAL COURT CHAMBERS 6:30 pm. 1. Executive Session (Labor Relations) 2. King County Drug& Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers 3. Comprehensive Plan Process, Phase II RENTON CITY COUNCIL January 24, 1994 City Clerk's Ofrice Referrals ADMINISTRATION Petition for Undergrounding on Park Avenue North CITY ATTORNEY Park Avenue North Petition for Condemnation COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Parks Mitigation Fees MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Interlocal Agreement with WSDOT for Grant Funds for Intra-City, Intermodal Program PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Imperial's Bingo Parlor Appeal Hearing Examiner Request for Zoning Code Clarification TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Boeing Master Street Use Permit UTILITIES COMMITTEE PACCAR Sewer Issue PUBLIC HEARINGS 2/07/94 - Comprehensive Plan Errata Process: #E-15, Gray request for rezone from P-1 to CA (Lake Ave. S.); #E-37, Cellular One request to include "wireless base stations" in the "Utilities, Small" definition in the Zoning Code; and #E-39, Chevron USA request to allow car wash in the CC zone as an accessory use to a gas station (N 30th and I-405) 2/14/94 - Comprehensive Plan Errata Request, Lake Terrace Estates, #E-33, rezone of property located at 2100 Lake Washington Blvd (continued from 1/17/94) RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting January 24, 1994 Renton Municipal Court Monday, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Court Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD STREDICKE, Council President; KATHY KEOLKER- Taw COUNCILMEMBERS WHEELER; RANDY CORMAN; JESSE TANNER; TONI NELSON; TIM SCHLITZER; BOB EDWARDS. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; DAN KELLOGG, Assistant City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Acting Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; MIKE KATTERMANN, Senior Planner; CAPTAIN GARRY ANDERSON, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL MINUTES COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JANUARY 17, 1994, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. SPECIAL Mayor Clymer and Executive Assistant Covington presented awards to the PRESENTATION following employees for 30 or more years of service: Thomas Bingaman (34 Personnel: Employee years); Ray Barrilleaux (32 years); and Raymond Saude, Gary Morrison and Recognition/Service Ronald Olsen, each with 30 years. The following employees received awards Awards for 25 years of service: Paul Lumbert, Dennis Breznikar, Roger Newton, Robert Vestre, James Foust, Robert Leyerle, Clinton Morgan, Bradley A. Tofthagen, Tollie Hill and James Hanson. PUBLIC HEARINGS This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published Comprehensive Plan: in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Clymer opened the public Errata, Dalpay (#E- hearing to consider the proposed Comprehensive Plan Errata process revisions 21)/LaPointe (#E-24) for zoning on the north side of NE 12th Street, west of Union Avenue NE Rezone Requests, NE (Dalpay; Errata request #E-21) and for the rezone of property located at 3722 12th/Union Ave NE 12th Street (LaPointe; Errata request #E-24). Mike Kattermann, Senior Planner, provided background information, describing the subject area as north of NE 12th and south of the Dalpay rezone to the north which was approved on November 12, 1993. Part of the property is owned by James Dalpay, part of it is owned by Albert LaPointe, and the remaining parcels are owned by five or six other property owners. Mr. Kattermann presented three alternatives for consideration. The first alternative would maintain the Neighborhood Commercial (CN) zoning adopted on June 7, 1993. The second alternative would change the land use designation to Single Family/Up to Four Units Mixed, and the zoning to Mixed Residential (MR). The third alternative would change the land use designation to Single Family Residential and the zoning to Single Family (SF). All three alternatives would require a land use change that could be achieved during the Comprehensive Plan amendment process scheduled to conclude in July, 1994. Councilman Tanner was concerned that the rezone request was not initiated by any of the property owners. January 24 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 38 Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler explained that when this matter came before the Planning and Development Committee last December, many questions were raised regarding Council's action in June and whether this had achieved Council's intended zoning for these properties. As the maps being used at that time were unclear, the Committee decided it would be appropriate to hold another public hearing in the interest of clarifying these issues. Correspondence was read from Julie Moore, 1216 Pierce Pl. NE, Renton, 98056, in support of changing the zoning for properties along NE 12th back to single family. The letter stated that if these properties are left commercial or even rezoned to SF/4 (MR), the City should require the installation of curbs and walkways on both sides of NE 12th from Union to Kirkland Avenues NE to help mitigate impacts on neighboring residents. Correspondence was read from Peter Turnbull, 1316 Queen Ave. NE, Renton, 98056, opposing commercial zoning on NE 12th and expressing a preference for the third alternative, which would rezone the properties along NE 12th Street to single family (SF). Correspondence was read from Lawrence Wood, 1155 Shelton Ave. NE, Renton, 98056, suggesting that the properties designated as half single family (SF)and half Neighborhood Commercial (CN) in the third alternative should all be rezoned SF/4 (MR) as this would make them more compatible with the neighborhood. Mr. Kattermann added that Mr. Wood had submitted a petition on December 6, 1993, supporting retention of single family zoning on NE 12th Street. Citizen Comment: Dalpay- James Dalpay, PO Box 2436, Renton, 98056, requested that the zoning remain Comprehensive Plan: Neighborhood Commercial (CN) as approved on June 7, 1993, which was Errata, Dalpay (#E- unopposed by neighbors. He added that property owners who live north of 21)/LaPointe (#E-24) NE 12th Street had initially requested the rezone. Rezone Requests, NE 12th/Union Ave Citizen Comment: Nick Patruska, 1174 Shelton Avenue NE, Renton, 98056, stated that although Patruska - Comprehensive he had been assured that the zoning along NE 12th would remain residential, Plan: Errata, Dalpay (#E- it was changed in June without notification to area property owners. Noting 21)/LaPointe (#E-24) that residents have submitted various petitions over the years in an attempt to Rezone Requests, NE maintain the area's residential character, he emphasized that the zoning along 12th/Union Ave NE 12th should not be changed to accommodate commercial uses. Of the three alternatives identified by staff, he preferred the third, which recommended single family zoning. Citizen Comment: Wood - Lawrence Wood, 1155 Shelton Avenue NE, Renton, 98056, questioned why Comprehensive Plan: area residents were not notified of the potential zoning change prior to Errata, Dalpay (#E- Council's action in June. Mr. Kattermann replied that the June 7, 1993, 21)/LaPointe (#E-24) public hearing on Comprehensive Plan amendments was for an areawide Rezone Requests, NE rezone and Interim Land Use Plan adoption. Because the hearing was not 12th/Union Ave limited to a specific site rezone, a city-wide notice was published. Referring to the third zoning alternative, Mr. Wood commented on the proposal to split existing, large residential lots located along NE 12th into two zones, single family and neighborhood commercial. Mr. Kattermann stated that the proposal would allow the northern portion of these properties to develop at a density higher than single family, but it would also retain the buffer of single family along NE 12th. Responding to January 24. 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pa¢e 39 Councilman Corman, Mr. Kattermann said access to the northern portion of these properties would be reviewed as part of each individual development request. Responding to Councilman Edwards, Mr. Kattermann said the land use designation SF/4 (MR), a category which provides transition between single family and high density multi-family or commercial uses, allows multi-family and single family units up to four units per structure. Twelve to 15 units per acre are allowed in the mixed residential zone. r,.. Mr. Wood stated that NE 12th is unsafe for pedestrians, particularly children, due to traffic volumes and speeding. Citizen Comment: Goble - Edwin Goble, 3924 NE 12th Street, Renton, 98056, property owner, opposed Comprehensive Plan: the third alternative which would split his property in half between single Errata, Dalpay (#E- family and neighborhood commercial zoning. He agreed that curbs and 21)/LaPointe (#E-24) sidewalks should have been installed along NE 12th years ago, along with Rezone Requests, NE drainage improvements. He stated he would not object to either neighborhood 12th/Union Ave commercial or SF/4 (MR) zoning. Council President Stredicke commented that Council may choose to adopt one of the three alternatives presented to it or propose and approve one of its own. Saying that NE 12th experiences too much traffic already, he felt that additional multi-family or commercial uses on this street would only exacerbate the problem. Citizen Comment: Thomas Donahue, 3900 NE 11 th Place, Renton, 98056, opposed commercial Donahue - Comprehensive development along NE 12th, saying that while that Sunset Boulevard is Plan: Errata, Dalpay (#E- becoming increasingly commercialized, NE 12th should remain single family. 21)/LaPointe (#E-24) He agreed with previous speakers that many drivers speed along NE 12th, Rezone Requests, NE creating a safety hazard. 12th/Union Ave MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REZONE THE PROPERTIES AS DRAWN ON THE ALTERNATIVE #2 MAP TO SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONE (SF). CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Bob Sterbank, Suite 1212, Bank of California Building, Seattle, WA, 98164, Citizen Comment: spoke as an attorney representing the Vaupels and the North Renton/ Sturbank - Bryant Motors Kennydale Neighborhood Defense Fund. Parking Violations Responding to Mr. Sterbank, Gregg Zimmerman, Acting Planning/Building/ Public Works Administrator, stated that, with the exception of one change, staff continues to recommend the proposed mediation process previously suggested to resolve the Bryant Motors/North Renton issue. Mr. Sterbank asked to reserve his comments following staffs presentation to Council on the proposed change to the mediation process. 40 January 24 1994 Renton Citv Council Minutes Page 40 Citizen Comment: Vaupel Versie Vaupel, P.O. Box 755, Renton 98057, said although the City has tried - Bryant Motors Parking to excuse Bryant Motors' illegal activities on the basis that revenues are Violations declining, the City had excused these activities even in better economic times. Commenting on specific violations she personally has witnessed, she said the City has continued to tolerate these activities although Bryant Motors is clearly and consistently breaking the law. Saying she had never heard of a mitigation or mediation process for land use, she felt that the City would be setting a bad example if it pursues this proposal. She did not believe that mediation would lead anywhere except to court, where residents would be able to ask for damages, because it is improper to attempt to mitigate illegal uses. She favored pursuing a formal, established process conducted under oath, such as that provided through the Hearing Examiner. Mayor Clymer said the Administration'''s proposal for mediation on this issue was made in the spirit of trying to make the area a decent place both for Mr. Bryant to conduct his business and for residents to live. Mrs. Vaupel reiterated that residents have nothing to negotiate; they only ask that the City enforce its laws. Citizen Comment: Richter Marjorie Richter, 300 Meadow Avenue North, Renton 98055, stated that if - Bryant Motors Parking Bryant Motors contributes $600,000 in sales tax to the City, as has been Violations asserted, it can afford to be clean, be legal, purchase a parking area away from residences, and modify the business so that it does not encroach upon area residences or other businesses. She said the Hearing Examiner and former Councilmembers have consistently refused expansion onto residential lots, and cited a staff report which stated that residential lots should not be rezoned for commercial or industrial uses. She opposed allowing Mr. Bryant additional time in which to pay his accumulated fines, and questioned why the City has continued to waste time and money on this illegal matter. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REMOVE THE MOTION TABLED LAST WEEK ON THIS ISSUE FROM THE TABLE. CARRIED. The following motion was then before Council: MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE ADMINISTRATION'S RECOMMENDATION TO ENCOURAGE REPRESENTATIVES FROM ALL INTERESTED PARTIES TO THE NORTH RENTON/BRYANT MOTORS ISSUE TO MEET WITH A FACILITATOR AND AGREE ON A MEDIATION PROCESS. Council President Stredicke opposed any process which would determine to what extent an illegal use should be allowed to continue. Councilman Tanner agreed that North Renton residents are not guilty of a violation and that the proposed negotiation is inappropriate. He opposed mediation on this issue because it appears as though the City is asking parties to agree that it would be acceptable for Bryant Motors to break the law. Mayor Clymer replied that the City has been enforcing the laws to the limits of its ability, which include the limits of available police officers and staff. Councilman Schlitzer opposed the motion since it recommends mediating direct violations of the law. Councilman Edwards commented on the zoning in this area and the persistent problem of Bryant Motors' parking violations. He preferred to have both parties reach a solution acceptable to them and to the Council. January 24. 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 41 Councilwoman Nelson emphasized the importance of communication to achieve a goal. She felt that an agreement could be reached which would improve the neighborhood and allow the City and area residents to be proud of Bryant Motors. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL PERMANENTLY TABLE ACTION ON THIS ISSUE. ROLL CALL: FOUR AYES (STREDICKE, CORMAN, TANNER, SCHLITZER); THREE NAYS (KEOLKER-WHEELER, NELSON, EDWARDS). MOTION CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Bob Sterbank, Suite 212, Bank of California Building, Seattle, WA, 98164, Sterbank - Bryant Motors legal counsel representing the Vaupels and the North Renton/Kennydale Parking Violations Neighborhood Defense Fund., questioned whether Council would have a legal basis for rezoning properties zoned residential not many months ago without demonstration of changed circumstances, which are required by State law. Citizen Comment: Denny Lensegrav, representative of the Renton Chamber of Commerce, 360 Lensegrav - Bryant Rainier Ave. N., Renton, 98055, suggested that Bryant Motors zoning could be Motors Parking Violations changed if adjacent property owners were mutually interested. Mr. Lensegrav urged Council to pursue a flexible and innovative process that would resolve this situation, appease area property owners, and benefit the city at large. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Appeal: Imperial's Bingo City Clerk submitted appeal of Hearing Examiner's decision regarding Conditional Use Permit, conditional use permit for Imperial's Bingo location, appeal filed on 1/18/94 CU-93-139 by Greg D. Murray, File No. CU-93-139. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. CAG: 93-101, Houser Community Services Department submitted CAG-93-101,.Houser Terrace Terrace Fencing Fencing project, and requested approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $296.31 to Anchor Fence Company, contractor, if all required releases have been received. Council concur. Parks: Mitigation Fees Community Services Department requested approval of proposed parks mitigation fees. Refer to Community Services Committee. CAG: 937062, Maplewood Community Services Department submitted CAG-93-062, Maplewood Golf Golf Course Phase II Course Phase II construction, and requested approval of the project, construction authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of $59,577.08, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $19,128.10 to Evans-Hall, Inc., contractor, if all required releases have been received. Council concur.. Transportation: Boeing Development Services Division requested that Council approve the renewal of Master Street Use Permit the Boeing Airplane Company Master Street Use Permit with conditions. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. Utility: PACCAR Request Wastewater Utility submitted a request from PACCAR for a $3,226.86 refund for Sewer Refund on its sewer utility bill as water had been lost to a leak over a four-month period and consequently was not released into the sewer system. Refer to Utilities Committee. January 24 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 42 Added Item Personnel Department requested approval of an agreement reached between Personnel: 1994-1996 the City and the non-commissioned employees of the Renton Police Guild for Police Guild Labor a 1994-1996 labor contract governing hours and wages, and terms and Contract conditions of employement. Council concur. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Fred Kaufman, Hearing Examiner, requesting Hearing Examiner: Zoning clarification of Zoning Code language regarding density requirements, citing Code Clarification Request the recent decision issued for Giard Short Plat, File No. Shp. 93-084. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THIS ITEM TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Public Safety Committee Chair Corman presented a report recommending Public Safety Committee concurrence in the Fire Department's request for authorization to use a Finance: Fire Mitigation portion of the Fire Mitigation Funds for planning and design of Valley Fire Funds for Valley Station Station #14. The intent is to hire an architectural firm to begin work on site #14 development and construction plans for this project. The Committee further recommended that Council approve and direct staff to transfer $288,000 from Fire Mitigation Fund #105.464.09.594.22.65.904 to an expenditure account of the General Fund. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report regarding the bidding and City Clerk: Bidding and contracting policy and procedure #250-02. On June 21, 1993, the City Contract Procedure Council approved changes to the Bidding and Contracting Policy and Procedure which increased the cost threshold from $10,000 to $50,000 for Council review of professional service contracts, task orders, and contract extensions; and as an alternative, required that a quarterly report listing all contracts executed during the previous three-month period be placed on the Council agenda as an information item. The Council had requested that the new procedure be evaluated at the end of 1994. The Committee has evaluated the new procedure and recommends that it be continued. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE r COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance: Vouchers Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending approval of Claims Vouchers #108476-108843 and two wire transfers in the total amount of $1,640,991.05. And approval of Payroll Vouchers #123610-123925 and 373 direct deposits in the total amount of $1,012,643.42. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Parks: Golf Course Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending Improvements concurrence in the staff recommendation to begin work on the golf course renovations, incurring and accumulating costs that will later be repaid with the issuance of debt. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 44 for resolution). January 24. 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 43 Transportation (Aviation) Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Edwards presented a report Committee recommending that Council: 1) approve the assignment of Benair Aviation's Airport: Benair Aviation month-to-month lease, currently held by Ms. Elizabeth Donworth dba Benair Lease Transfer Aviation, to Mr. Bill Wiles, dba Action Aviation, for approximately 97,511 square feet of Apron C premises; 2) authorize Action Aviation to operate aircraft tie-down storage on the newly defined premises on a month-to-month basis until the new lease rate is established by negotiation/arbitration during 1994; 3) authorize Mr. Wiles to have the first right of refusal of the continued leasing of the premises upon the establishment of the new lease rate; and 4) authorize the Airport Manager to establish an itinerant aircraft parking area r.. on the 41,610 square foot area to be vacated by Benair Aviation. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHL ITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Council President Stredicke and Councilman Tanner requested that staff provide Council with an up-to-date list of all airport leases, including rates and beginning/ending dates. Transportation: WSDOT Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Edwards presented a report Grant Funds for Intra- recommending that Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the City Intermodal Program interlocal agreement with the Washington State Department of Transportation to receive $80,000 in federal grant money with a local match of $20,000 to be used for the intra-city intermodal transportation program, which includes study of a workable dial-a-ride and/or intra-city shuttle bus system. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for, reading and adoption. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 44 for resolution.) Transportation: Alpha Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Edwards presented a report Engineering Contract for recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation that Council Lake Wash. Blvd. Design authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the consultant agreement with Alpha Engineering for $121,900 for the design of the Lake Washington Boulevard Pedestrian/Bicycle facility. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. r. CARRIED. Transportation: Park Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Edwards presented a report Avenue North Right-of- recommending acceptance of the Park Avenue North right-of-way on behalf Way Acquisitions of the City and authorization of: expenditure of funds to satisfy deeds and possession & use agreements; recording of deeds and possession & use agreements; and condemnation proceedings for properties where negotiations have not been satisfactory. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading, advanced to second and final reading, and adopted. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 44 for ordinance.) Responding to Councilman Tanner, Gregg Zimmerman, Acting Planning /Building/Public Works Administrator, agreed to provide information on h-)w long Lake Washington Boulevard will be closed for construction work near the entrance of Gene Coulon Beach Park. January 24 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 44 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolution #3034 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City C1 rk to enter into an Transportation: WSDOT interlocal agreement with the Washington State Department of Transportation 4 Grant Funds for Intra- for the receipt and use of grant monies for the study of an intra-city, City Intermodal Program intermodal transportation program. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3035 A resolution was read designating a City official to declare the official intent Parks: Golf Course of the City respecting interfund loans pending the issuance of bonds or other Improvements obligations on behalf of the City of Renton, Washington. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and immediately advanced for second reading and adoption: Transportation: Park An ordinance was read authorizing the acquisition of certain property and Avenue North property rights by eminent domain and providing for the payment thereof; Condemnations authorizing the City Attorney_ to prepare a petition for condemnation in the Superior Court in and for the County of King, and for the prosecution thereof for the acquisition of such property and property rights for roadway purposes (improvement of Park Avenue North). MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING.* Responding to Council President Stredicke, Councilman Edwards said the right-of-way purchases for this project are located in the vicinity of North 6th Street and Park Avenue North. *MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance #4433 Following second reading of the aforementioned ordinance, it was MOVED Transportation: Park BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Avenue North ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Condemnations NEW BUSINESS Council President Stredicke recommended that Council approve two additions Council: 1994 Legislative to the City's 1994 legislative priorities as suggested by the Administration. Priorities MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADD THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGE TO ITS LIST OF 1994 LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES: 1. Support legislation that provides more local flexibility in the creation, administration, and funding of open space, recreation and stewardship programs. 2. Support legislation that repeals taxes on city recreation programs, and on property acquisition to government agencies." MOTION CARRIED. January 24, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 45 Streets: Request for Councilman Edwards submitted a petition containing 19 signatures requesting Undergrounding on Park undergrounding of utilities on Park Avenue North. The petition, dated Avenue North September 19, 1993, had been delivered to the Transportation Committee in conjunction with the Park Avenue North right-of-way acquisition issue. Mr. Edwards said although the petition was submitted to the City's Traffic Division last November, it had not been forwarded to the City Clerk or the Council. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THIS ITEM TO THE ADMINISTRATION. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Sarah McDonald, PO Box 1825, Renton, 98055, thanked Councilwoman Nelson Citizen Comment: for her comments earlier this evening on the Bryant Motors issue. On another McDonald - Downtown subject, Ms. McDonald expressed her concern that homeless people are using Homeless Population the downtown post office entrance to relieve themselves. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:34 p.m. MARILYN J. T SEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 1/24/94 46 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 24, 1994 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 2/7 Vision 20/20 Update (Stredicke) 6:30 p.m. COMMUNITY SERVICES TUES., 1/25 Update on Downtown Renton Association (Nelson) 3:30 p.m. Projects; *5th Floor* Park Mitigation Fees FINANCE (Tanner) PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT TUES., 1/25 Comprehensive Plan Errata Process: (Keolker-Wheeler) 4:30 p.m. Florer/Agabian request#E-40 for change *5th Floor* in zoning from MR to MF (northwest corner of Sunset/Edmonds Blvd NE); Imperial's Bingo Parlor Appeal PUBLIC SAFETY (Corman) TRANSPORTATION(AVIATION) MON., 2/7 Boeing Master Street Use Permit Renewal (Edwards) 4:00 p.m. UTILITIES THURS., 1/27 PACCAR Sewer Issue (Schlitzer) 4:00 p.m. NOTE:Committee of the Whole meetings are held in Municipal Court Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the 6th floor conference room (unless otherwise noted). ADDENDUM RENTON CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 24, 1994 Correction on Page 41, paragraph two: Replace motion with the following: MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, THAT THE MOTION THAT IS BEFORE THE COUNCIL BE TABLED PERMANENTLY. ROLL CALL: 4 AYES: STREDICKE, CORMAN, TANNER, SCHLILTZER. 3 NAYS: KEOLKER-WHEELER, NELSON, EDWARDS. CARRIED. Marilyn J. to sen, City Clerk r AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING February 7, 1994 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF JANUARY 24, 1994 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS: a. Gray/Little request for rezone at 105 Lake Ave. S. from Public Use (P-1)to Commercial Arterial (CA); Comprehensive Plan Errata request #E-15(b) b. Cellular One request to add definition in Zoning Code for wireless base stations; Comprehensive Plan Errata request #E-37 c. Chevron USA Products request to modify Convenience Commercial (CC) zone to allow location of service stations with drive-through car wash; Comprehensive Plan Errata request #E-39 5. AUDIENCE COMIVIENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Mayor Clymer recommends Planning Commission reappointment to a three-year term expiring 1/31/97 for Glenn Garrett, 1006 S. 30th rt., Renton. Council concur. b. Community Services Department submits CAG-91-095, Senior Housing/Houser Terrace project, and requests approval of project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of$5,631.32, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$266,497.33 to Kirtley-Cole Associates, Inc., contractor, if all required releases have been obtained. Council concur. c. Personnel Department requests removal of section 1-8-2, Vacations, from the City Code and adoption of policies covering vacations and holidays for employees. Council concur. (See 9.b. for ordinance.) d. Surface Water Utility Division submits CAG-92-073, Cedar River Delta project, and requests approval of project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of$37,802.38, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$51,969.01 to A.H. Powers, Inc., contractor, if all required releases have been obtained. Council concur. e. Transportation Division requests authorization to execute interlocal agreement with METRO for the provision of planning and implementation activities required of the City by the Washington State Commute Trip Reduction Act. Refer to Transportation Committee. f. Planning and Technical Services Division submits proposed application form and review process for Class A Nonconforming Use Status requests. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. g. City Clerk recommends City Attorney prepare rezone ordinance for Parker property, classifying Lots 1, 2 and 3 as Single Family, Low Density (SF-L.). Council concur. 7. INFORMATION ITEM a. City Clerk reports termination of Campbell/Storybook Homes latecomer agreement, effective 12/31/93, due to failure of applicant to meet the City's requirements for execution of the agreement and payment of processing fee. (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 8. CORRESPONDENCE 9. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with asterisk(*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Community Services Committee: Park Mitigation Fees b. Planning and Development Committee: Comprehensive Plan Errata Process: Florer/Agabian request #E-40 for change in zoning from MR to MF (northwest corner of Sunset/Edmonds Blvd NE); Imperial's Bingo Parlor Appeal c. Transportation (Aviation) Committee: Boeing Master Street Use Permit Renewal d. Utilities Committee: PACCAR Sewer Issue MW 10. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinances for first reading: a. Ordering construction and installation of LID #337 (Dayton Ave NE sanitary sewers) b. Modifying list of legal holidays and deleting vacations from the City Code (see 6.c.) 11. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics - call 277-4430 for recorded information) 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) MUNICIPAL COURT CHAMBERS 6:30 pm. 1. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Vision 2020 Update from Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) 50 . RENTON CITY COUNCIL February 7, 1994 City Clerk's Office Referrals ADMINISTRATION Letter from Robert and Rosemary Key, 1008 Anacortes Ave NE, regarding Missions Hills development Correspondence from Scott Freeman, 18115 - 110th SE, regarding zoning at 303 Factory Avenue N. Residential and Commercial Zone Setbacks CITY ATTORNEY Parker PUD Rezone Ordinance (Lots 1, 2 and 3) MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Boeing Master Street Use Permit PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Class A Nonconforming Use Status Review Process Review of the City's Parking Ordinance TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Interlocal Agreementwith METRO for Commute Trip Reduction Services ORDINANCES FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING(2/14/94) LID 337, Dayton Avenue NE Sanitary Sewers City Holidays and Employee Vacations PUBLIC HEARINGS 2/14/94 - Comprehensive Plan Errata Request, Lake Terrace Estates, #E-33, rezone of property located at 2100 Lake Washington Blvd (continued from 1/17/94) RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting February 7, 1994 Renton Municipal Court Monday, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Court Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD STREDICKE, Council President; BOB EDWARDS, TIM COUNCILMEMBERS SCHLITZER, TONI NELSON, JESSE TANNER, RANDY CORMAN, �r.. KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Acting Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; VICTORIA RUNKLE, Finance Director; SUE CARLSON, Economic Development Specialist; MIKE KATTERMANN, Planning and Technical Services Interim Director; PAUL LUMBERT, Engineering Specialist; RON STRAKA, Civil Engineer; JENNIFER HENNING, Senior Planner; LIEUTENANT BRIAN WILSON, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL MINUTES COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JANUARY 24, 1994, WITH ADDENDUM. CARRIED. SPECIAL Tom Madden, Project Engineer for the I-405 S-Curve Project, gave a brief PRESENTATION update on the status of the construction. He noted that Cedar Avenue opened WSDOT: I-405 S-Curve to traffic last week with a temporary configuration. Project Update Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler expressed concern with the restricted width of the new access road, noting that vehicle turns from Main Street onto Cedar are dangerous because very little clearance area is available. Saying this situation should be somewhat alleviated by the end of this week through re- striping, Mr. Madden also noted plans to eventually widen Cedar by four feet r and install a new sidewalk. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler asked about the sign prohibiting left turns from Main Street onto Cedar from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., and Mr. Madden stated this was installed by the City. Ms. Keolker-Wheeler requested a "No Outlet" sign on Cedar for the benefit of those unfamiliar with the area, and Mr. Madden agreed to provide one. Ms. Keolker-Wheeler was also concerned about the lack of signage directing drivers from Renton Avenue to Cedar, and Mr. Madden agreed to inquire whether detour signs can be installed. Ms. Keolker-Wheeler relayed comments that the view of the construction area from the south is unsightly. Mr. Madden stated that once the concrete settles, a new facade will be installed which will match the existing walls adjacent to the freeway. Landscaping plans are still preliminary at this time. Council President Stredicke commented that the treatment of the cement walls with aggregate surface is pleasing. PUBLIC HEARINGS This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published Comprehensive Plan: in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Clymer opened the public Errata, Gray/Little hearing to consider the proposed Comprehensive Plan Errata request for Rezone, 105 S. Lake St., rezone of property at 105 Lake Avenue South from Public Use (P-1) to #E-15(b) Commercial Arterial (CA), Mary Gray/Barbara Little Errata request #E-15(b). 52 February 7. 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 52 Mike Kattermann, Planning and Technical Services Interim Director, explained the request is to rezone a vacant parcel so it is compatible with the adjacent parcels owned-by Kwai-Shung Hsue and Gladys Wilson, which were rezoned from P-1 to CA on October 18, 1993. The Planning and Development Committee recommended that Council approve the rezone request consistent with Ordinance No. 4421. Citizen Comment: Little - Barbara Little, 264 Maple Ave. NW, Renton, 98055, requested that Council Comprehensive Plan approve the rezone request as she and her sister wish to sell the property, but Errata, Gray/Little this will be difficult until the zoning is compatible with that of adjacent Rezone, 105 S. Lake St., properties. #E-15(b) MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REZONE PROPERTY LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 105 SOUTH LAKE STREET FROM PUBLIC USE (P-1) TO COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL (CA) AS REQUESTED. CARRIED. Comprehensive Plan: This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published Errata, Cellular One in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Clymer opened the public #E-37 hearing to consider the proposed Comprehensive Plan Errata request from Cellular One to add a definition in the Zoning Code for wireless base stations (Errata request #E-37). Planning and Technical Services Interim Director Kattermann explained the request to add wireless base stations to the definitions section of the Zoning Ordinance under the "Utilities, Small" definition. The Planning and Development Committee did not issue a recommendation on this request. Given the distinctions between small and medium utilities, staff suggested it would be more appropriate to define wireless base stations as medium utilities. Mr. Kattermann noted that a height variance would be required in any case where a public utility antenna would exceed the allowed height in a zone. Councilman Tanner opposed defining such a facility as a "small utility," saying it would not be appropriate to permit 150-foot towers in all zones without some type of administrative or hearing examiner review. Responding to Councilman Edwards, Mr. Kattermann gave the Zoning Code definitions of "Medium Utilities" and "Small Utilities." "Medium Utilities: Moderate scale facilities serving a sub-area of the city, including power lines, water transmission lines, sewer collectors and pump stations, sub-regional switching stations (115 kv), and similar structures." Medium utilities are subject to administrative conditional uses in all zones. "Small Utilities: Small scale facilities serving a local area, including power lines, water and sewer lines, storm drainage facilities, transformers, pump stations and hydrants, switching boxes, and other structures normally found in a street right-of-way to serve adjacent properties." Small utilities are primary permitted uses in all zones. Responding to Councilwoman Nelson, Mr. Kattermann said wireless base stations can either be freestanding or attached to existing structures. Either way, and whether defined as "small' or "medium," a permit would be required February 7. 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 53 to construct such a facility regardless of its location. Councilman Corman asked about ground security for these stations, and Mr. Kattermann replied this concern is addressed through the environmental review process. Audience comment was invited. Since there was no response, it was MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADD "WIRELESS BASE STATIONS" TO THE DEFINITION OF "MEDIUM UTILITIES" CONTAINED IN THE ZONING CODE. CARRIED. Comprehensive Plan: This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published Errata, Chevron USA in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Clymer opened the public #E-39 hearing to consider the proposed Comprehensive Plan Errata request of Chevron USA Products to modify the Convenience Commercial (CC) zone to allow location of service stations with a self-service drive-through car wash (Errata request #E-39). Planning and Technical Services Interim Director Kattermann explained that the Convenience Commercial (CC) zone now allows gas stations with an associated auto repair and/or minimart as an administrative conditional use. The Planning and Development Committee suggested that the language be changed to allow 'one or more of the following uses - minimart, auto repair, one self-service drive-through car wash." An administrative conditional use would still be required. Responding to Councilman Tanner, Gregg Zimmerman, Acting Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator, said the water used in drive- through car washes is disposed of in the City's sanitary sewer system. Citizen Comment: Preston Jim Preston of Robert H. Lee & Associates, 1137 N. McDowell Boulevard, - Comprehensive Plan: Pelaturnes, CA, representing Chevron USA Products, encouraged Council to Errata #E-39, Chevron approve the change as requested. In response to Councilman Edwards, Mr. USA Preston said Chevron is aware of the need to minimize the noise impacts of low the car wash, considering the site's proximity to a residential area. For example, the car wash dryer could have a smaller horsepower capacity than usual, and be situated well inside the facility to further reduce noise. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE REQUEST TO MODIFY THE CONVENIENCE COMMERCIAL (CC) ZONE TO ALLOW LOCATION OF SERVICE STATIONS WITH A SELF- SERVICE DRIVE-THROUGH CAR WASH. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Robert Key, 1008 Anacortes Ave. NE, Renton, 98056, expressed concern with Citizen Comment: Key - illegal dumping and questionable youth activity taking place at the Mission Mission Hills Development Hills development on NE 10th Avenue. He also objected to the moving of a vacant house from the development to another property in the neighborhood, explaining that although residents had complained to the City about this activity, the response of the Building Department was not timely; consequently, foundations had already been poured before a stop work order and condemnation notice were issued. Mr. Key concluded by asking that the City enforce its rules and apply appropriate penalties to the responsible parties to expedite removal of the vacant house, which is an eyesore, from the area. .r February 7 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 54 MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THE CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED ON THIS ISSUE FROM MR. AND MRS. KEY TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR A RESPONSE. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Jim Amandus, 20560 SE 159th, Renton, 98059, representing Highlands Amandus - Highlands Community Church, said the Church has proceeded with the design and Community Church, CU- construction of its new addition in good faith, and all actions taken have been 90-048 appropriate and legal. He asked that Council not act on audience comments presented at Council meetings, but instead let the formal appeal process run its course. He briefly described various programs the Church sponsors and other ways in which the Church contributes to the Renton community. Responding to Council President Stredicke, Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney, stated that the Hearing Examiner's recent decision on this issue remanded the appeal of the Stop Work Order to the Building Department after the Examiner determined that a violation of the conditional use permit had occurred concerning the structural slab in the basement of the new building. The Examiner also found that the SEPA. appeal had no merit. Council President Stredicke felt that even if the additional height on the new building occurred as the result of a mistake on the architect's part, the Church should still abide by the City's regulations. He noted the original reason for limiting the building height was to protect residents' views. Council President Stredicke requested information on the height restrictions of the commercial property owned by the Highlands Community Church in front of its existing structures as well as a report on the allowable height of commercial buildings throughout the Highlands area. Responding to Councilman Tanner, City Attorney Warren stated that the action of the hearing examiner on administrative appeals is final unless within 20 days from the date of the decision, a writ is filed with King County Superior Court. Citizen Comment: Hoshide Lloyd Hoshide, 833 Kirkland Ave. NE, Renton, 98056, felt that the additional - Highlands Community height on the new building at the Highlands Community Church site resulted Church, CU-90-048 from the failure of the City's Building Department to determine that the construction drawings did not agree with the conditional use permit. Mr. Hoshide said while the City must be held responsible for ensuring that the rights of developers are fulfilled per the specifications of conditional use permits, the City is likewise and equally obligated to ensure residents that any conditions imposed to protect the neighborhood are also fulfilled. Citizen Comment: Murray Greg Murray, 253 - 129th Ave. NE, Bellevue, 98006, representing Imperials - Imperials Bingo, CU- Bingo, asked that Council grant the appeal of the Hearing Examiner's 93-139 conditions on this project. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL SUSPEND ITS RULES AND ADVANCE TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT ON THE IMPERIALS BINGO APPEAL. CARRIED. Plannine and Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Committee report regarding the Imperials Bingo application for conditional use permit CU: 93-139, Imperials (CU-93-139) and the appeal from the decision of the Hearing Examiner. The Bingo subject property is located at 3100 East Valley Road. The applicant seeks a February 7. 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 55 conditional use permit to construct a 20,000 square foot building and parking lot for a bingo hall. The Planning and Development Committee met on January 25, 1994, to consider the appeal of Imperials Bingo from the Hearing Examiner's decision. The meeting on this appeal started after 5:00 p.m. and after determining there was no other appeal filed with the City Clerk. After hearing staffs summary of the record and satisfying itself that there was no evidence of any impact on residential areas by this conditional use, the Committee determined as follows: that the Hearing Examiner committed a substantial error of law in his finding number 23 wherein he found that the application of the City's parking ordinance would impose a maximum of 200 ftw stalls allowed for this facility; and that the Hearing Examiner committed a substantial error of law by applying the Trip Reduction Act to a service provider. That act applies to employers. The Committee found that the intent of the parking ordinance was to apply the requirements therein as a minimum rather than a maximum. Therefore, the Committee recommended that Council amend condition number 3 of the Hearing Examiner's decision to require a minimum of 200 parking stalls. The Committee further recommended that the City Council amend condition number 3 of the Hearing Examiner's decision to read as follows: "The applicant shall provide the number of parking stalls as proposed in the current site plan submitted to the City of Renton, and in no event, less than 200." MOVED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the. listing. Board/Commission: Mayor Clymer recommended Planning Commission reappointment to a three- Planning Commission year term expiring 1/31/97 for Glenn Garrett, 1006 S. 30th Ct., Renton. Reappointment Council concur. CAG: 91-095, Senior Community Services Department submitted CAG-91-095, Senior Housing/Houser Terrace Housing/Houser Terrace project, and requested approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of $5,631.32, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of .... $266,497.33 to Kirtley-Cole Associates, Inc., contractor, if all required releases have been obtained. Council concur. Personnel: City Holidays Personnel Department requested removal of section 1-8-2, Vacations, from the and Employee Vacations City Code, and adoption of policies covering vacations and holidays for employees. Council concur. (See page 57 for ordinance.) CAG: 92-073, Cedar Surface Water Utility Division submitted CAG-92-073, Cedar River Delta River Delta project, and requested approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of $37,802.38, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $51,969.01 to A.H. Powers, Inc., contractor, if all required releases have been obtained. Council concur. METRO: Commute Trip Transportation Division requested authorization to execute an interlocal Reduction Services agreement with METRO for the provision of planning and implementation activities required of the City by the Washington State Commute Trip Reduction Act. Refer to Transportation Committee. Planning: Class A Planning and Technical Services Division submitted proposed application form Nonconforming Use Status and review process for Class A Nonconforming Use Status requests, to exempt Review Process these uses from the provisions of the Interim Zoning Code. Refer to Planninp, and Development Committee. .r 56 February 7 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 56 Planning: Parker City Clerk recommended that the City Attorney prepare rezone ordinance for PUD/Rezone Parker property, classifying Lots 1, 2 and 3 as Single Family, Low Density (SF-L). Council concur. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. INFORMATION ITEM City Clerk reported termination of Campbell/Storybook Homes latecomer Latecomer Agreement: agreement, effective 12/31/93, due to failure of the applicant to meet the Campbell/Storybook City's requirements for execution of the agreement and payment of the Termination processing fee. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Scott Freeman, 18115 - 110th SE, Renton, Citizen Comment: regarding the zoning of his property at 303 Factory Avenue North. MOVED Freeman - Zoning at 303 BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL REFER THE Factory Ave N CORRESPONDENCE TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR A RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Edwards presented a report Transportation (Aviation) recommending that Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Committee Boeing Master Street Use Permit renewal with imposed conditions. Boeing has Transportation: Boeing agreed to pay a one-time permit preparation cost of $2,000 plus $2,268 Master Street Use Permit annually thereafter for a period of ten years. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Plannine and Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Committee report regarding the City's parking ordinance. The Committee met on January Planning: Parking 25, 1994, to consider the appeal of Imperials Bingo. During the course of that Ordinance appeal hearing, some questions were raised regarding the intent of the City's parking ordinance, especially in light of changes to the Comprehensive Plan. As the Committee found that there may be confusion regarding the applicatiop_ of the City's parking ordinance, the City recommended that Council refer to the Planning and Development Committee the review of the parking ordinance to ensure clarity. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Comprehensive Plan: Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Errata, #E-40, Sunset report regarding Comprehensive Plan Errata Request #E-40, request for Blvd NE/Edmonds Ave Multifamily-Infill (MF-I) zoning on a site currently zoned Mixed Residential NE (MR) located on the northwest corner of Sunset Boulevard NE and Edmonds Avenue NE. The Committee recommended the applicant's request be denied. The Committee further recommended that the Land Use designation on the site remain Single Family/Up to Four Units Mix and the zoning remain Mixed Residential (MR). The Committee wished to encourage the applicant to continue to market the site as having potential for a wide range of possible land uses. The reason for such encouragement is that the Committee recognized the difficult nature of the site and the applicant's history of earnest attempts to develop it. The oNportunity to propose a Comprehensive Plan Amendment and concurrent rezone is open to all City of Renton property owners. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. February 7. 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 57 Committee of the Whole Council President Stredicke presented a report recommending that Council Personnel: 1993-1996 adopt the compensation proposal submitted by the Mayor for non-represented Compensation for Non- management employees. The proposal includes a one-time $800 payment in Represented Management lieu of a cost-of-living increase for 1993; a 2.0% cost-of-living increase for Employees 1994 and 80% of the Seattle area CPI-W, mid-year index for 1995 and 1996; enrollment in a long-term disability plan with a benefit equal to 60% of base salary; elimination of sick leave cashout for employees hired after January 1, 1993; and elimination of bonus day off for sick leave usage of 40 hours or less. The annual health care incentive bonuses will be held in trust to offset future health insurance increases in lieu of a monetary payment. MOVED BY ,.,. STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The following ordinances were presented for first reading and advanced to the Council meeting of 2/14/94 for second reading and adoption: LID: 337, Dayton Ave NE An ordinance was read ordering the construction and installation of sanitary Sanitary Sewers sewers and appurtenances thereto in and near Dayton Avenue NE, between NE 20th and NE 22nd Streets, as more particularly described herein in accordance with Resolution No. 3025 of the City Council of the City of Renton, establishing Local Improvement District No. 337 in the total amount of $144,761.95; providing assessments upon property in said district, payable by the mode of "payment of bonds", or "notes" in lieu thereof as determined by the City Council; providing for the issuance and sale of local improvement district warrants redeemable in cash and local improvement district bonds or notes. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 2/14/94. CARRIED. Legal: City Holidays An ordinance was read amending Chapter 8 of Title I (Administrative), of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" by modifying the listing of legal holidays and deleting vacations from the Code book. r.. Noting this issue has not been before any Council committee, it was moved by Council President Stredicke, seconded by Nelson, Council refer this subject matter to the Committee of the Whole for a recommendation. Motion failed. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 2/14/94. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL REFER Planning: Residential and THE SUBJECT OF RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL ZONE SETBACKS Commercial Zone Setbacks WHERE THESE ZONES ARE ADJACENT TO EACH OTHER TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR A RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Franchise: New TCI Cable Noting that TCI Cable is offering a new channel, Council President Stredicke Service asked for assurance that subscribers will be required to specifically sign up for the new channel if they wish to receive it, rather than automatically receiving it and being charged unless they notify TCI that they do not want it. February 7. 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 58 Executive: Chamber of Council President Stredicke praised the new publication, designed to promote Commerce Publication on Renton's unique characteristics and attributes, which was issued by the Renton Renton Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the City and the Downtown Renton Association. Annexation: HB 2799 Council President Stredicke called attention to proposed State House Bill 2799, which would prohibit jurisdictions from requiring that property owners in unincorporated areas who hook up to a city's sewer system subsequently support any future annexation of their property by the city. SCATBD: 1994 MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL Appointments DESIGNATE TIM SCHLITZER AS THE CITY'S REPRESENTATIVE TO ""r THE SOUTH COUNTY AREA TRANSPORTATION BENEFIT DISTRICT (SCATBD) AND APPOINT TONI NELSON AS THE ALTERNATE. CARRIED. WSDOT: I-405 S-Curve Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler requested that her concerns stated earlier this Project evening regarding the I-405 S-Curve project be referred to the City's representatives on the coordinating committee, and that the Administration respond to her concern about the prohibition of left turns from Main Street onto Cedar Avenue between 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. AUDIENCE COMMENT Versie Vaupel, P. O. Box 755, Renton 98057, felt that the City's Building Citizen Comment: Vaupel Department is overly lenient in some situations. She cited in particular Building Department problems with illegal conversions, the failure to follow up on conditions Regulation Enforcement imposed by the Hearing Examiner, and unsafe buildings. Responding to Mrs. Vaupel, Sue Carlson, Economic Development Specialist, said the City contributed $2,200 to the printing of the Chamber of Commerce publication on Renton. EXE'CUTIV'E SESSION MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADJOURN INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS ONE ITEM OF PENDING LITIGt..TION. CARRIED. Time: 8:52 p.m. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:37 p.m. �Q MARILY J P TERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 2/07/94 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 7, 1994 L COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 2/14 *CANCELLED* (Stredicke) MON., 2/21 Legislative Issues; 6:30 P.M. Regional Issues COMMUNITY SERVICES TUES., 2/08 "Homeless Prevention Fund" - Renton (Nelson) 3:30 p.m. Utility Bills; *5th Floor* Park Mitigation Fees FINANCE MON., 2/14 Vouchers (Tanner) 7:15 p.m. PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT TUES., 2/08 SEPA Ordinance Amendments; (Keolker-Wheeler) 4:00 p.m. Phase II Comprehensive Plan Process *5th Floor* Ordinance Amendment; Application Form& Review Process for Non-Conforming Use PL 3LIC SAFETY (Corman) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) (Edwards) UTILITIES THUR., 2/10 Final Utility Rate Study; (Schlitzer) 4:00 p.m. PACCAR Sewer Issue (continued from 1/27/94 meeting); Northward Construction Request for Revision to Sewer Moratorium OTHER MEETINGS L.F_OFF Board THUR., 2/10 5th Floor Conference Room 4:00 p.m. Suburban Cities Association WED., 2/09 Renton Vocational Technical College 6:30 p.m. NOTE:Committee of the Whole meetings are held in Municipal Court Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the 6th floor conference room (unless otherwise noted). AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING February 14, 1994 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 7, 1994 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Honorable Mention Award to Houser Terrace for Excellence in Seniors Housing 5. PUBLIC HEARING: Comprehensive Plan Errata Request, Lake Terrace Estates 4E-33: Applicant requests rezone of southern three-quarters of mobile home park site at 2100 Lake Washington Boulevard from Trailer designation (T) to Multifamily-Infill (MF-I) zoning category. Existing zoning on the northern quarter of the site is Multifamily-Infill (MF-I). On 10/25/93, the City Council recommended that a public hearing be held to consider a rezone of the northern quarter of the site from Multifamily-Infill (MF-I) to Trailer(T) designation to create a consistent zoning classification for the entire site. 6. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. City Clerk reports bid opening on 1/31/94 for Maplewood Well Nos. 10 and 12 Drilling, Developing and Testing (CAG-94-006); 3 bids; engineer's estimate $178,730.17; and submits Utility Division recommendation to award contract to the low bidder, Holt Testing, Inc., in the amount of $114,670.36. Council concur. b. Community Services Department submits proposed interlocal agreement for joint funding for the translocation of key waterfowl species and continuation of a trial egg addling program and study. Refer to Community Services Committee. c. Community Services Department submits a proposed agreement with the Renton School District for reciprocal use of service areas and facilities. Refer to Community Services Committee. d. Hearing Examiner submits Final Plat for Warren's Addition, a 16-lot subdivision located at 2226 NE 20th Street, File No. LUA-93-143, FP, and requests approval with conditions. Council concur. (See 10.a. for resolution.) e. Transportation Division submits proposed agreement for construction grant funds in the amount of $2,929,000 from the Transportation Improvement Board for Park Avenue North improvements. Refer to Transportation Committee. f. Utility Division submits proposed revision to 1994 surface water rates for City streets in compliance with the 1994 adopted budget. Council concur. (See agenda item 10 for ordinance.) 8. CORRESPONDENCE (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) � I 9. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Community Services Committee: "Homeless Prevention Fund" - Renton Utility Bills; Park Mitigation Fees* b. Finance Committee: Vouchers c. Planning and Development Committee: Phase II Comprehensive Plan Process Ordinance Amendment d. Utilities Committee: Final Utility Rate Study; PACCAR Sewer Issue (continued from 1/27/94 meeting); Northward Construction Request for Revision to Sewer Moratorium 10. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS `Resolutions: a. Approving the Warren's Addition Final Plat (see 7.d.) b. Adopting a Park and Recreation Facilities Mitigation Policy and Fee and Declaring it a SERA Policy (see 9.b.) Ordinances for second reading and adoption: a. Ordering construction and installation of LID 4337 (Dayton Ave NE sanitary sewers) b. Modifying list of legal holidays and deleting vacations from the City Code Ordinance for first reading: Amending Surface Water Utility Services (see 7.e.) 11. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics - call 277-4430 for recorded information) 12. ADNM,;ISTRATIVE REPORT a. Referred 9/27/93 - Council request for investigation of possible illegal parking violations on lots owned by Bryant Motors b. Referred 12/6/93 - Council request for a status report on the large signs that were to be placed on the Forrest Creste and Orchards developments indicating the proposed land uses c. Referred 12/13/93 - Council request for information comparing the current King County zoning with the City's proposed zoning for the proposed Winsper annexation d. Referred 12/20/93 - Council request that possible illegal dumping at 409 S. 36th Street and unscreened outdoor storage at 3605 Talbot Road be investigated e. Referred 1/3/94 - Council motion recommending that the Administration extend the comment period for the Determination of Non-Significance on the proposed changes to the SEPA ordinance for one week due to the holiday schedule f. Referred 1/3/94 - Council request for response from the Administration on Bryant Motors parking lot and for updates to the report already provided on the Texaco spill g. Referred 1/10/94 - Council request for information originally asked for 11/22/93 on ramp metering survey h. Referred 1/10/94 - Council request that the Administration clarify the City's position on proposed State legislation amending local control of firearms regulations (destroying confiscated weapons, toys for guns programs, higher local standards than State law) i. Referred 1/17/94 - Council authorization for Mayor to provide $100 and necessary staff time over the next 60 days to assist Councilmember Edwards with urban growth boundary map j. Referred 1/24/94 - Sarah McDonald, PO Box 1825, Renton, 98055, concern over homeless/transient use of downtown Post Office lobby as shelter without adequate restroom facilities over weekend of January 2nd k. Referred 1/24/ 94 - Council request for schedule of all airport leases, showing terms, rates and scheduled termination dates 13. AUDIENCE COMMENT 14. ADJOURNMENT "COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING FOR 2/14/94 IS CANCELLED" RENTON CITY COUNCIL February 14, 1994 Clerk's Office . :.:..:::.: : ...:.........:.......:..:. Refer'raIs ` > << `' ' > : .. >'? . ADMINISTRATION Letter from E. Moss, 2403 SE 8th Pl, Renton, 98055, regarding increasing utility rates COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Waterfowl Translocation Agreement Renton School District Agreement for Service Areas/Facilities FINANCE COMMITTEE 1994 Animal License Fee Increases TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE TIB Funds for Park Avenue North Improvements UTILITIES COMMITTEE CAG-94-006, Maplewood Well Nos. 12 and 12, Bid Award to Holt Testing, Inc. i ORDINANCES FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING (2/21/94) 1994 Surface Water Utility Rates Comprehensive Plan Phase II Schedule RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting February 14, 1994 Renton Municipal Court Monday, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Court Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD STREDICKE, Council President; BOB EDWARDS, TONI COUNCILMEMBERS NELSON, JESSE TANNER, RANDY CORMAN. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEMBERS SCHLITZER AND KEOLKER-WHEELER. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Acting Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; SAM CHASTAIN, Community Services Administrator; WILLIAM HUTSINPILLER, Parks and Recreation Director; SUE CARLSON, Economic Development Specialist; MIKE KATTERMANN, Planning and Technical Services Interim Director; DAVE CHRISTENSEN, Engineering Specialist; LIEUTENANT BRIAN WILSON, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES THE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 7, 1994, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. SPECIAL Sam Chastain, Community Services Administrator, announced that the PRESENTATION National Council on Seniors Housing presented an "Honorable Mention Award" Parks: Houser Terrace to the City's Houser Terrace project for excellence in seniors housing. Mr. Senior Housing Award Chastain introduced Tony Ladner, Director, and Kay Johnson, Ernie Tonda and Paul Houser of the Renton Housing Authority. He also introduced Coral DeWilliams from the architectural firm of ORB Organization, Inc., who nominated the project for the award. PUBLIC HEARINGS This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published Comprehensive Plan: in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Clymer opened the public Errata, Lake Terrace hearing to consider the Comprehensive Plan Errata request for rezone of Estates Rezone, 2100 Lake property at 2100 Lake Washington Boulevard from Trailer (T) to Multifamily- WA Blvd, #E-33 Infill (MF-I), Steve Harer/Lake Terrace Estates, Errata request #E-33. Mike Kattermann, Planning and Technical Services Interim Director, explained the request is to rezone the southern three-quarters of the mobile home park site at 2100 Lake Washington Boulevard from Trailer (T) to Multifamily-Infill (MF-I). Existing zoning on the northern quarter of the site is already Multifamily-Infill. A contract rezone was performed on the property in 1983 from Trailer to Multifamily-Infill, but no multi-family development occurred on the site. The property was rezoned last year to Trailer for consistency with the zoning of other trailer parks in the City. The Planning and Development Committee recommended that, rather than rezone the larger portion of the site to Multifamily-Infill as the applicant has requested, the smaller portion now zoned Multifamily-Infill should be changed to Trailer. Mr. Kattermann concluded that retaining the Trailer zoning on the site would require a land use amendment, whereas changing the zoning to Multifamily-Infill would not as the underlying land use designation is multi- family. February 14 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 64 Citizen Comment: Hanken Jim Hanken, 3500 U.S. Bank Center, Seattle, representing Lake Terrace - Comprehensive Plan Associates, the partnership which owns Lake Terrace Estates, explained the Errata, Lake Terrace applicant's request that the property be returned to its previous Multifamily- Estates Rezone, 2100 Lake Infill zoning which was in place from 1983 to 1993. He noted that because WA Blvd, #E-33 the City's land use designation for this site is multi-family, the Trailer zoning on the property contradicts the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Hanken commented on the contract rezone which changed this site's zoning to Multifamily-Infill in 1983, saying that the owner gave up certain rights at that time by agreeing to restrict the property's density in exchange for multi-family zoning. The owner had further agreed to not develop east of a certain line designated by the elevation of 105 feet, and had additionally paid the City $6500 pursuant to the restrictive covenants agreed to at that time. Mr. Hanken referred to a notebook, copies of which were previously distributed to all Councilmembers, which described the chronology of events that occurred at the time of the contract rezone. He urged Council to approve the Errata request for all Multifamily-Infill zoning on the site, saying this would benefit the City and be fair to the property owner. Noting it is adjacent to an apartment complex, Mr. Hanken said this site is suitable for multi-family use. He emphasized that the property owner had not been given any notice that Council was considering rezoning the site from Multifamily- Infill to Trailer, which he considered a denial of due process, and reiterated that this rezone action was, in fact, inconsistent with the City's own Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Hanken concluded that the issue before Council is one of basic fairness. Although there are no plans to develop the property right away, the applicant would like to preserve the development rights accorded in the 1983 contract rezone. Citizen Comment: Harer - Steve Harer, 11326 Rainier Ave. S., Seattle, 98178, representing Lake Terrace Comprehensive Plan Associates, commented on his extensive experience in the manufactured/ Errata, Lake Terrace mobile home industry. He said while Lake Terrace Estates was built over 30 Estates Rezone, 2100 Lake years ago to standards acceptable at that time, the streets are too narrow and WA Blvd, #E-33 the lots are too small by today's standards. Most of the spaces at Lake Terrace cannot accommodate the larger, multi-section mobile homes that are popular today, and it is even difficult to site single-wide homes because the lots are too short. Mr. Harer said because Lake Terrace is now functionally obsolete, the best use of this site is not trailer but multi-family. Responding to Council President Stredicke, Mr. Hanken said the City's Comprehensive Plan designation for this site has been multi-family since at least the 1960s. Citizen Comment: Cugini Alex Cugini, 611 Renton Ave. S., Renton, 98055, representing Lake Terrace - Comprehensive Plan Associates, emphasized that the property owner entered into a contract with Errata, Lake Terrace the City relating to the zoning on this site. Lake Terrace Associates has since Estates Rezone, 2100 Lake complied with all the terms of that contract, and it asks that the City do the WA Blvd, #E-33 same by changing the zoning back to Multifamily-Infill. Mr. Cugini agreed with Mr. Hanken that Lake Terrace Estates is reaching the end of its useful life. Citizen Comment: Cugini Norma Cugini, 611 Renton Ave. S., Renton, 98055, said the Lake Terrace - Comprehensive Plan Estates site is too valuable a piece of property to develop as anything other Errata, Lake Terrace than multi-family use. Estates Rezone, 2100 Lake WA Blvd, #E-33 i t. February 14, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 65 Citizen Comment: Boren - Maxine Boren, 2100 Lake Washington Blvd. #60, Renton, 98056, stated that Comprehensive Plan most residents of Lake Terrace Estates support Trailer zoning on this property. Errata, Lake Terrace She feared that being forced to relocate their homes to make room for a Estates Rezone, 2100 Lake multi-family development would be an extreme hardship and a prohibitive WA Blvd, #E-33 cost for Lake Terrace Estates residents. Citizen Comment: Sara E. Hendricks, 2100 Lake Washington Blvd. #88, Renton, 98056, Hendricks - presented two petitions containing a total of 64 signatures of Lake Terrace Comprehensive Plan Estates residents who oppose changing the site's zoning from Trailer to multi- Errata, Lake Terrace family. Estates Rezone, 2100 Lake WA Blvd, #E-33 Responding to Council President Stredicke, Mr. Kattermann said Trailer zoning is consistent only with the Comprehensive Plan designation of single family, not multi-family. Mr. Kattermann added that the City rezoned the property Trailer last year because this zoning is consistent with its current use, and during the adoption of the Interim Zoning Code Council had directed that nonconforming uses not be created. Councilman Edwards confirmed that, at the time the zoning was changed to Trailer, Council had intended to have the site's underlying land use designation match it. Councilman Tanner stated that it appears it had not been appropriate to rezone the site Trailer, since this action greatly diminished the property's economic value. Councilmen Edwards and Corman expressed interest in referring this issue back to the Planning and Development Committee for investigation of possible alternatives to zoning this site either Trailer or Multifamily-Infill, but Council President Stredicke and Councilwoman Nelson spoke against this option and supported Multifamily-Infill zoning on the site. Mr. Stredicke added that the City has not demonstrated a compelling reason why this site should not be multi-family. ~�- MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Moved by Edwards, seconded by Corman, Council refer the question of the zoning and the appropriate Comprehensive Plan land use designation for this property to the Planning and Development Committee for study and review of the past record on both the zoning issue and the Comp Plan designation for the purpose of making a recommendation back to the full Council. Roll call: two ayes (Corman, Edwards); three nays (Stredicke, Tanner, Nelson). Motion failed. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL REZONE PROPERTY LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 2100 LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD FROM TRAILER (T) TO MULTIFAMILY-INFILL (MF-I) AS REQUESTED. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Versie Vaupel, P. O. Box 755, Renton 98057, reiterated her suggestions that Citizen Comment: Vaupel the City's Environmental Review Committee be expanded to include other - Environmental Review members in addition to the current three members, and that the responsibility Committee for this group not fall solely to the Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator as the function requires a broader view than any one person can provide. She objected to the fact that the City's Economic 66 February 14 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 66 Development Specialist and Development Services Director are allowed to attend ERC meetings although these are closed to the public, explaining her fear that the interests of developers are being represented while the interests of citizens and the general public are not. Citizen Comment: Gevers Bob Gevers, 900 Kirkland Ave. NE, Renton, 98056, commented on the report - Highlands Community issued by the Hearing Examiner on the Highlands Community Church Church, CU-90-048 conditional use issue after an appeal was submitted regarding the height of the Church's new building. Responding to Councilman Tanner, City Attorney Warren stated that the Hearing Examiner remanded the issue of the building height back to the Building Department. An application for a conditional use permit for the basement, which was constructed in violation of the original conditional use permit, will be heard by the Hearing Examiner in March. The Development Services Director is expected to issue his decision on the matter of the building height in the near future; at the time this decision is issued, the appeal period will begin. In response to Councilman Edwards, Mr. Warren confirmed that because the decision of the Development Services Director will constitute an administrative decision, it will be appealable to the Hearing Examiner and thus could be appealed either as part of the ongoing appeal or separately. Mr. Gevers noted his disappointment with the sequence of events regarding this matter, saying the City should give equal protection to citizens. Citizen Comment: Hoshide Lloyd Hoshide, 833 Kirkland Ave. NE, Renton, 98056, echoed Mrs. Vaupel's - Highlands Community concerns regarding the Environmental Review Committee and the Church, CU-90-048 participation of non-committee members in the proceedings. On the subject of the Highlands Community Church addition, Mr. Hoshide felt that the City has sided with the applicant rather than residents. He urged the Mayor to be fair in the resolution of this issue. Responding to Council President Stredicke, Executive Assistant Jay Covington stated that the Environmental Review Committee is made up of Fire Chief A. Lee Wheeler, Community Services Administrator Sam Chastain, and Acting Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman. The ERC secretary is Development Services Director Jim Hanson, and on occasion, other staff members attend the meetings. ERC meetings are not open to the public, but the Committee's decisions are published and are appealable to the Hearing Examiner. Citizen Comment: Ralston Dick Ralston, 14221 W. Lake Kathleen Dr. SE, Renton, 98059, representing - Highlands Community Highlands Community Church, expressed concern that the integrity of the Church, CU-90-048 Church's actions has been criticized by residents. Saying the Church truly believes it has not broken any laws, Mr. Ralston added that the Church voluntarily stopped work on the project three weeks ago to allow the appeal issue to be resolved. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. At Council request, item a. was removed for separate consideration. Parks: Waterfowl Community Services Department submitted a proposed interlocal agreement Translocation Agreement for joint funding for the translocation of key waterfowl species and continuation of a trial egg addling program and study. Refer to Communitv Services Committee. i i February 14, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 67 Parks: Renton School Community Services Department submitted a proposed agreement with the District Agreement for Renton School District for reciprocal use of service areas and facilities. Refer Service Areas/Facilities to Community Services Committee. Plat: Final, Warren's Hearing Examiner submitted Final Plat for Warren's Addition, a 16-lot Addition, 2226 NE 20th, subdivision located at 2226 NE 20th Street, File No. LUA-93-143, FP, and LUA-93-143 requested approval with conditions. Council concur. (See page 69 for resolution.) Transportation: TIB Funds Transportation Division submitted a proposed agreement for construction grant ._ for Park Ave N funds in the amount of $2,929,000 from the Transportation Improvement Improvements Board for Park Avenue North improvements. Refer to Transportation Committee. Utility: 1994 Surface Utility Division submitted a proposed revision to the 1994 surface water rates Water Rates for City streets in compliance with the 1994 adopted budget. Council concur. (See page 70 for ordinance.) MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED. CARRIED. Separate Consideration City Clerk reported bid opening on 1/31/94 for Maplewood Well Nos. 10 and Item a. 12 drilling, developing and testing (CAG-94-006); 3 bids; engineer's estimate CAG: 94-006, Maplewood $178,730.17; and submitted Utility Division recommendation to award contract Well Nos. 10 and 12, Holt to the low bidder, Holt Testing, Inc., in the amount of $114,670.36. MOVED Testing, Inc. BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THIS ITEM TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from E. Moss, 2403 SE 8th Pl., Renton, 98055, Citizen Comment: Moss - questioning the fairness of the City's utility rate structure whereby all single Water/Sewer Utility Rates family homes are assessed a flat rate unit charge, regardless of the amount of water and sewer use. The letter also questioned the justification behind recent utility rate increases. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL REFER THE CORRESPONDENCE TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR A RESPONSE. CARRIED. Councilman Tanner commented on his belief that utility costs are increasing at far too great a rate, saying the utility infrastructure is expanding at a rate nearly three times that of the projected population growth. He felt that current residents should not have to pay for infrastructure that will not be needed or used in the near future. OLD BUSINESS Planning and Development Committee Vice Chair Edwards presented a report Plannine and Development regarding the Phase II schedule of the Comprehensive Plan Process. The Committee Housing, Utilities and Capital Facilities Elements will be coming to the Comprehensive Plan: Council over the next few months in preparation for adoption of the Phase II Schedule Comprehensive Plan by July, 1994. In addition, there could be revisions to the Interim Land Use and Interim Transportation Elements to ensure the overall consistency of the Comprehensive Plan. There is the potential for devoting a significant amount of Committee time to reviewing each of these Elements and forwarding them on to the City Council. In addition, the Elements raise issues that could more appropriately be addressed in the Committees with that area of interest. Finally, by referring these items to specific Committees now, the Council referral process can be expedited and make better use of the time for review and discussion of the issues in Committee. February 14 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 68 For these reasons, the Planning and Development Committee recommended that the Elements of the Comprehensive Plan be referred directly to the following Committees as they are forwarded from the Planning Commission: Housing Element -- Community Services Committee Utilities Element -- Utilities Committee Capital Facilities Plan -- Finance Committee Land Use Element amendments -- Planning and Development Committee Transportation Element amendments -- Transportation Committee. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Comprehensive Plan: Planning and Development Committee Vice Chair Edwards presented a report Annual Amendment regarding the Comprehensive Plan annual amendment process. The Growth Process Management Act provides for amendments to the Comprehensive Plan once each year. Staff has proposed that the annual amendment process begin this year with applications for amendments accepted through March 31, 1994. These amendments would be folded into the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan in July. The proposed annual amendment process requires revisions to sections of the Renton Municipal Code relating to Planning Commission duties and the process for reviewing and amending the Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Commission has reviewed the amendments to the Renton Municipal Code and recommends adoption. The Planning and Development Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this item be presented for first reading. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Community Services Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report regarding the Committee proposed homeless prevention fund. At its February 8, 1994 meeting, the H&HS: Renton Emergency Committee reviewed a proposal called the Renton Emergency Assistance Assistance Program Program that would give Renton residents an opportunity to voluntarily contribute to a fund providing financial assistance for emergency housing and water utilities. Flyers announcing the program will be distributed through the City's utility billing function approximately six times per year with donors mailing contributions directly to the implementing agency. Cost of the program is approximately $504.00 and will be paid for with General Funds. The Committee recommended approval of the program. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Parks: Development Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report Impact Mitigation Policy recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the and Fees proposed Development Impact Mitigation Policy for park and recreation facilities. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Council President Stredicke noted his preference for encouraging developers to donate park and open space property in lieu of funds. February 14. 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 69 Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending approval Finance: Vouchers of Claims Vouchers #108844 - 109451 and three wire transfers in the total amount of $3,200,844.94. And approval of Payroll Vouchers #123926 - 124262 and 484 direct deposits in the total amount of $1,170,703.86. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Vice Chair Corman presented a report recommending Utility: PACCAR Sewer concurrence with the staff recommendation that PACCAR receive a credit on Bill Credit its sewer utility bill for water lost to leakage that did not enter Renton's wastewater system. Said credit will be based upon staffs recommended adjustment of 38,000 cubic feet per month. The Committee further recommended concurrence with the staff recommendation that the cost of city staff time associated with developing the credit be deducted from the amount to be credited to PACCAR, and that the City request METRO to credit the METRO utility fee to PACCAR. PACCAR'S credit on the City portion of its utility bill, prior to the deduction for staff time, will be approximately $5,900. There will be no refund. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Public Works: Northward Utilities Committee Vice Chair Corman presented a report recommending Construction Sewer concurrence in the staff recommendation that the Northward Construction Moratorium Exemption Company's request for revision to the sewer moratorium exemption be Request removed from the Committee's referral list in that the aforesaid request is no longer necessary as a result of the lifting of the sewer moratorium effective January 1, 1994. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolution No, 3036 A resolution was read approving the final plat for Warren's Addition, 16 lots Plat: Final, Warren's located at 2226 NE 20th; Evans Real Estate Company, FP-93-143. MOVED Addition, 2226 NE 20th, BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE FP-93-143 RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution No. 3037 A resolution was read adopting a Park and Recreation Facilities Mitigation Parks: Development Policy and Fee and declaring it a SEPA policy. MOVED BY NELSON, Impact Mitigation Policy SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS and Fees PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading: Ordinance No. 4434 An ordinance was read ordering the construction and installation of sanitary LID: 337, Dayton Ave NE sewers and appurtenances thereto in and near Dayton Avenue NE, between Sanitary Sewers NE 20th and NE 22nd Streets, as more particularly described herein in accordance with Resolution No. 3025 of the City Council of the City of Renton, establishing Local Improvement District No. 337 in the total amount of $144,761.95; providing assessments upon property in said district, payable by the mode of "payment of bonds", or "notes" in lieu thereof as determined by the City Council; providing for the issuance and sale of local improvement district warrants redeemable in cash and local improvement district bonds or notes. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. February 14, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 70 Ordinance No. 4435 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 8 of Title I (Administrative), of Personnel: City Holidays Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of and Employee Vacations Renton, Washington" by modifying the listing of legal holidays and deleting vacations from the Code book. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 2/21/94 for second reading and adoption: Utility: 1994 Surface An ordinance was read amending Subsection 8-2-3.E of Chapter 2, Storm and Water Rates Surface Water Drainage, of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" relating to surface water utility services. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 2/21/94. CARRIED. Comprehensive Plan: An ordinance and summary ordinance were read amending Sections 2-10-6.13 Phase II Schedule and 2-10-7 of Chapter 10, Planning Commission, of Title II (Commissions and Boards), Sections 4-3-2, 4-3-3, 4-3-4.A. and 4-3-5 of Chapter 3, Comprehensive Plan, of Title IV (Building Regulations), of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" relating to the policies supporting the Comprehensive Plan, the contents of the Comprehensive Plan and the process for reviewing and amending the Comprehensive Plan. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE AND THE SUMMARY ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 2/21/94. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Corman discussed recent increases in animal license fees, and Finance: 1994 Animal expressed concern that owners who already license their animals would License Fee Increases shoulder the responsibility for those who do not. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL REFER THE ISSUE OF ANIMAL LICENSE FEE INCREASES TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE FOR DETERMINATION OF WHETHER THESE WILL RESULT IN LESS REVENUES DUE TO DECREASED COMPLIANCE. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Referred 9/27/93 - Council request for investigation of possible illegal REPORT parking violations on lots owned by Bryant Motors. Police: Bryant Motors Parking Violations Memorandum from Lynn Guttmann, former Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator, recommended that representatives from all interested parties to the Bryant Motors issue meet with a facilitator and agree upon a mediation process. Building: Signage for Referred 12/6/93 - Council request for a status report on the large signs that Forrest Creste/Orchards were to be placed on the Forrest Creste and Orchards developments indicating Developments the proposed land uses. Memorandum from Gregg Zimmerman, Interim Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator, stated that the signage for the Orchards development will be installed prior to the issuance of any building or land development permits; for Forrest Creste, final signage plans must be approved prior to the issuance of permits. Annexation: Winsper Area Referred 12/13/93 - Council request for information comparing the current Zoning King County zoning with the City's proposed zoning for the proposed Winsper annexation. February 14, 1994 Renton Citv Council Minutes Page 71 Memorandum from Gregg Zimmerman, Interim Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator, explained that the proposed zoning would allow for a level of development similar to the development envisioned by existing and proposed County regulations. Building: Illegal Dumping Referred 12/20/93 - Council request that possible illegal dumping at 409 S. at 409 S 36th St 36th Street and unscreened outdoor storage at 3605 Talbot Road be investigated. Memorandum from Gregg Zimmerman, Interim Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator, stated that the current resident has agreed to take corrective action. Staff will continue to monitor the situation to ensure conformance. Comprehensive Plan: Referred 1/3/94 - Council motion recommending that the Administration SEPA Ordinance extend the comment period for the Determination of Non-Significance on the Amendments proposed changes to the SEPA ordinance for one week due to the holiday schedule. Memorandum from Gregg Zimmerman, Interim Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator, stated that the comment period for the DNS on the SEPA Ordinance was formally extended for one week. Public Works: Texaco Referred 1/3/94 - Council request for response from the Administration on Contamination Incident Bryant Motors parking lot and for updates to the report already provided on the Texaco spill. Memorandum from Gregg Zimmerman, Interim Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator, provided an update on the Texaco contaminination incident. WSDOT: Ramp Metering Referred 1/10/94 - Council request for information originally asked for Survey 11/22/93 on ramp metering survey. Transportation Committee report addressed the status of the City of Renton/WSDOT/Tukwila ramp metering study. The ramp metering plan work is scheduled to resume after July, 1994. Police: Firearms Referred 1/10/94 - Council request that the Administration clarify the City's Regulations position on proposed State legislation amending local control of firearms regulations (destroying confiscated weapons, toys for guns programs, higher local standards than State law). Memorandum from Police Chief Alan L. Wallis explained that the State now allows cities to sell, trade or destroy handguns, but they must still sell or trade rifles and shotguns to licensed gun dealers. Chief Wallis also noted that the State prohibits cities from passing individual gun laws that are more restrictive than State laws. SCA: Edge City Sub- Referred 1/17/94 - Council authorization for Mayor to provide $100 and Committee necessary staff time over the next 60 days to assist Councilmember Edwards with urban growth boundary map. Memorandum from Gregg Zimmerman, Interim Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator, stated that the funds were made available and Rebecca Lind, Interim Principal Planner, was assigned to provide the requested staff assistance. February 14 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 72 Police: Transient Trespass, Referred 1/24/94 - Concern by Sarah McDonald, PO Box 1825, Renton, U.S. Post Office 98055, over homeless/transient use of downtown Post Office lobby as shelter without adequate restroom facilities over weekend of January 2nd. Memorandum from Police Captain Garry Anderson stated that postal workers have been asked to notify the Police Department of these types of problems in the future. Airport: Schedule of Referred 1/24/94 - Council request for schedule of all airport leases, showing Leases terms, rates and scheduled termination dates. Chart provided describing all airport leases as of February 1, 1994, including start dates, expiration dates, annual rent per square foot, monthly rent, and any comments. AUDIENCE COMMENT Versie Vaupel, P. O. Box 755, Renton 98057, suggested that the meetings of Citizen Comment: Vaupel the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) be opened to the public, if only - Environmental Review for observation. Committee ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 10:00 p.m. i � 1 MARILYN T. UTERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 2/14/94 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 14, 1994 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA CO-I'i1MITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 2/21 Legislative Issues; (Stredicke) 6:30 P.M. Regional Issues COMMUNITY SERVICES (Nelson) FINANCE (Tanner) PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT (Keolker-Wheeler) PUBLIC SAFETY (Corman) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) MON., 2/21 Interlocal Agreement with METRO for (Edwards) 4:00 p.m. Commute Trip Reduction activities; Transportation Improvement Board Grant for Park Avenue North Improvements UTILITIES (Schlitzer) OTHER MEETINGS Firemen's Pension Board TUES., 2/15 5th Floor Conference Room 4:00 p.m. NOTE:Committee of the Whole meetings are held in Municipal Court Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the 6th floor conference room (unless otherwise noted). AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING February 21, 1994 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 14, 1994 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: a. United Way Citation for Renton Employee Contributions to South County Campaign b. Police Department 1993 Employees of the Quarter and 1993 Employee of the Year 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. City Clerk reports bid opening on 2/10/94 for Maplewood Transmission Mains, Schedule D (CAG-94- 013); 16 bids; engineer's estimate $794,578.00; and submits Utility Division recommendation to award contract to the low bidder, Grant Construction, in the amount of$660,450.20. Refer to Utilities Committee to discuss multi-year cost phasing. b. Community Services Department submits proposed Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to CAG-92-102, contract with Cal Jordan& Associates for Maplewood Golf Course Clubhouse and Driving Range Master Plan Feasibility Study, to complete plans and specifications in preparation for bid. Refer to Communitv Services Committee. c. Development Services Division recommends a one-year extension to December 31, 1994, of the period of validity of land use approvals and development permits. Refer to Planning; and Development Committee. d. Planning and Technical Services Division requests adoption of Interim Policies for the Downtown Renton Revitilization Plan. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. e. Surface Water Utility requests approval of proposed Surface Water Utility Comprehensive Plan policy directions. Refer to Utilities Committee. f. Transportation Systems Division requests that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute Supplement No. 2 of the agreement with WSDOT for Phase III design of the Houser Way Relocation project. Council concur. (See agenda item 9. for resolution.) g. Wastewater Utility Division requests approval of the East Renton Interceptor Special Assessment District (SAD) and authorization to proceed with establishment of the final SAD upon completion of the East Renton Interceptor Project. Refer to Utilities Committee. h. Wastewater Utility Division submits recommendation that the duplex class of sewer customers be returned to the Base Charge Plus Usage Category in lieu of the Flat Rate Unit Charge currently in place. Refer to Utilities Committee. 7. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Stephen L. Gale, Manager of Real Estate for Home Base Warehouse, supporting the recommendation of the Development Services Division for a one-year extension to December 31, 1994, of the period of validity of land use approvals and development permits. (See agenda item 6.c.) (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) '7S 8. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Transportation (Aviation) Committee: Interlocal Agreement with METRO for Commute Trip Reduction Activities*; Transportation Improvement Board Grant Agreement for Park Avenue North Improvements 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolutions: a. Authorizing agreement with WSDOT for funding of the Houser Way Relocation project (see 6.f.) b. Authorizing agreement with METRO for Commute Trip Reduction activities (see 8.a.) Ordinances for second reading and adoption: a. Amending Surface Water Utility Services b. Amending Chapter 10, Planning Commission, of Title II (Commissions and Boards) and Chapter 3, Comprehensive Plan, of Title IV (Building Regulations); and summary ordinance for reading and adoption Ordinances for first reading: a. Changing the zoning of property located at 105 S. Lake St. from Public Use (P-1) to Commercial Arterial (CA); Errata request #E(b); Council approved 2/7/94 b. Amending the Zoning Code to include a definition for wireless base stations; Errata request #E-37,- Council E-37;Council approved 2/7/94 c. Amending the Zoning Code to allow gas stations in the Convenience Commercial (CC) zone to have a self-service drive-through car wash; Errata request #E-39; Council approved 2/7/94 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics - call 277-4430 for recorded information) 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION 13. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) MUNICIPAL COURT CHAMBERS 6:30 pm. 1. Legislative Issues 2. Regional Issues I RENTON CITY COUNCIL February 21, 1994 City Clerk's 0115ce Referrals COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Supplemental Agreement No. I to CAG-92-102, contract with Cal Jordan& Associates for Maplewood Golf Course Clubhouse and Driving Range Master Plan Feasibility Study -- Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan (referred 2/14/94 tel► FINANCE COMMITTEE Capital Facilities Plan of the Comprehensive Plan (referred 2/14/94) MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Agreement with WSDOT for funding of Houser Way relocation project Agreement with King County to implement the Washington State Commute Trip Reduction Act PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE One-year extension to 12/31/94 for period of validity of land use approvals and development permits Interim Policies for Downtown Renton Revitalization Plan Land Use Element Amendments of the Comprehensive Plan (referred 2/14/94) PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Animal License Fee Increases TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Transportation Element Amendments of the Comprehensive Plan (referred 2/14/94) UTILITIES COMMITTEE CAG-94-013, Maplewood Transmission Mains Bid Award to Grant Construction Surface Water Utility Comprehensive Plan policy directions East Renton Interceptor Special Assessment District (SAD) Recommendation to return duplex class sewer customers to Base Charge Plus Usage rate category Utilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan ORDINANCES FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING(2/28/94) Adding definition of wireless base stations to Zoning Code (Cellular One) Allowing gas stations in the CC zone to have a self-service drive-through car wash (Chevron USA) Changing the zoning of property located at 150 Lake St. from P-1 to CA(Gray/Little) . i RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting February 21, 1994 Renton Municipal Court Monday, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Court Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD STREDICKE, Council President; BOB EDWARDS, TIM COUNCILMEMBERS SCHLITZER, TONI NELSON, JESSE TANNER, RANDY CORMAN, KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; DAVID DEAN, Assistant City Attorney; ATTENDANCE MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Interim Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; SAM CHASTAIN, Community Services Administrator; SUE CARLSON, Economic Development Specialist; VICTORIA RUNKLE, Finance Director; TERRY HIGASHIYAMA, Recreation Manager; SHAWN DALY, Senior Services Coordinator; LESLIE BETLACH, Resource Coordinator; DAVE CHRISTENSEN, Engineering Specialist; POLICE CHIEF ALAN WALLIS; CAPTAIN DON PERSSON, Police Department; CAPTAIN GARRY ANDERSON, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES THE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 14, 1994, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. SPECIAL Mayor Clymer presented a citation from United Way, expressing that PRESENTATION organization's appreciation for the contributions made by City of Renton Community Event: 1993 employees to the 1993 South County United Way campaign. Mayor Clymer United Way Campaign noted that Renton's pledged contributions from 200 employees in the amount Recognition of $18,491.00 for 1994 represent an 82.7% increase over 1993 pledges. Terry Higashiyama, Recreation Manager, and Shawn Daly, Senior Services Coordinator, accepted the award on behalf of the City's United Way Campaign Coordinating Committee. Police: 1993 Employees of Police Chief Al Wallis presented awards to Gay Boyer, Lead Police Services the Quarter and Employee Specialist, Sergeant Russ Olson, and Audrey Moore, Community Program of the Year Coordinator, each of whom was chosen as a 1993 Police Department Employee of the Quarter. Chief Wallis also presented an award to Jailer Guy Nelson who, in addition to being selected as a 1993 Employee of the Quarter, was also honored as the 1993 Police Department Employee of the Year. AUDIENCE COMMENT Denny Lensegrav, 319 S. 3rd St., Renton, 98055, representing Puget Power, Citizen Comment: commented on the recent tree cutting on Houser Way at North 8th Street, Lensegrav - Tree Cutting which was performed as part of a project to replace a power line. The on Houser Way/8th St project underwent SEPA review in 1992. Noting the additional impacts relating to a current City project to realign Houser Way and to WSDOT requirements for the I-405 project, Mr. Lensegrav added that transmission poles are also being relocated at this time to accommodate a future sidewalk and bike path. Puget Power intends to replant this area with three types of seedlings in April. Citizen Comment: Vaupel Versie Vaupel, P. O. Box 755, Renton 98057, also spoke regarding the removal - Tree Cutting on Houser of trees on Houser Way, saying that the swath which was cut seems Way/8th St exceptionally wide and broader than necessary. Mrs. Vaupel was especially concerned with the removal of several madrona trees, and questioned if some of the smaller trees could have been relocated elsewhere. 1~.. �18 February 21 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 78 Responding to Mrs. Vaupel, Mr. Lensegrav said Puget Power took precautions to prevent erosion on the steep slopes in this area, primarily by leaving the stumps of the removed trees in place. Citizen Comment: Swanson John Swanson, 152 Monterey Pl. NE, Renton, 98056, representing Highlands - Highlands Community Community Church, affirmed the integrity of the Church's boardmembers and Church Addition, CU-90- pledged support for the development rules set forth by the City. 048 Citizen Comment: Hoshide Lloyd Hoshide, 833 Kirkland Ave. NE, Renton, 98056, commented on the - Highlands Community Highlands Community Church addition, noting that the current controversy Church Addition, CU-90- regarding this project began when neighbors discovered that the height of the 048 new building is not the 25 feet that had been represented at the conditional use permit hearing, but 29 feet instead. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. CAG: 94-013, Maplewood City Clerk reported bid opening on 2/10/94 for Maplewood Transmission Transmission Mains, Grant Mains, Schedule D (CAG-94-013); 16 bids; engineer's estimate $794,578.00; Construction and submitted Utility Division recommendation to award contract to the low bidder, Grant Construction, in the amount of $660,450.20. Refer to Utilities Committee. CAG: 92-102, Maplewood Community Services Department submitted proposed Supplemental Agreement Golf Course Master Plan No. I to CAG-92-102, contract with Cal Jordan & Associates for Maplewood Feasibility Study, Cal Golf Course Clubhouse and Driving Range Master Plan Feasibility Study, to Jordan & Associates complete plans and specifications in preparation for bid. Refer to Community Services Committee. Planning: Extension of Development Services Division recommended a one-year extension to Land Use Approvals and December 31, 1994, of the period of validity of land use approvals and Development Permits development permits. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Planning: Downtown Planning and Technical Services Division requested adoption of Interim Renton Revitalization Plan Policies for the Downtown Renton Revitalization Plan. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Utility: Surface Water Surface Water Utility requested approval of proposed Surface Water Utility Utility Comprehensive Comprehensive Plan policy directions. Refer to Utilities Committee. Plan Policy Directions WSDOT: Houser Way Transportation Systems Division requested that the Mayor and City Clerk be Relocation Funding authorized to execute Supplement No. 2 of the agreement with WSDOT for Phase III design of the Houser Way Relocation project. Council concur. (See page 79 for resolution.) Special Assessment Wastewater Utility Division requested approval of the East Renton Interceptor District: East Renton Special Assessment District (SAD) and authorization to proceed with Interceptor establishment of the final SAD upon completion of the East Renton Interceptor Project. Refer to Utilities Committee. Utility: Wastewater Rates Wastewater Utility Division submitted recommendation that the duplex class for Duplex Customers of sewer customers be returned to the Base Charge Plus Usage Category in lieu of the Flat Rate Unit Charge currently in place. Refer to Utilities Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 7q February 21, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 79 CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Stephen L. Gale, Manager of Real Estate for Citizen Comment: Gale - Home Base Warehouse, and from Brad C. Olson, Property Manager for the Extension for Land Use Seattle Times, supporting the recommendation of the Development Services Approvals and Division for a one-year extension to December 31, 1994, of the period of Development Permits validity of land use approvals and development permits. Citizen Comment: Olson - MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL REFER Extension for Land Use THESE ITEMS OF CORRESPONDENCE TO THE PLANNING AND Approvals and DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FOR CONSIDERATION DURING ITS Development Permits DISCUSSION OF THIS ISSUE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler reiterated her requests for information on the Transportation: WSDOT I- sign prohibiting left turns from Main onto 4th during 3:00 to 6:00 p.m., and 405 S-Curve Project on the need for a sign directing drivers from the old road, which has been closed off, to the new road accessing Renton Hill. Finance: Animal License MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL Fee Increases REFER THE ISSUE OF ANIMAL LICENSE FEE INCREASES TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FROM THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Transportation Committee Transportation Committee Chair Edwards presented a report recommending King County: Commute that Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the interlocal Trip Reduction Services agreement with King County/METRO for $41,516 for Commute Trip (METRO) Reduction Act planning and implementation services. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. (See later this page for resolution.) MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation: Park Ave Transportation Committee Chair Edwards presented a report recommending N Improvements, TIB concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the project agreement for Funding construction proposal with the Washington State Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) for the construction of the Park Avenue North improvement project, and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the ••• agreement. The Committee further recommended authorizing the Transportation Systems Division to bear the expenses for the project from the 317 account until grant reimbursement funds are available from the TIB's Urban Arterial Trust Account on July 1, 1995, as required by the agreement. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: Resolution No. 3038 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an WSDOT: Houser Way interlocal cooperative agreement with the Washington State Department of Relocation Funding Transportation for funding of the Houser Way Relocation project. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution No. 3039 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an King County: Commute interlocal cooperative agreement with King County (METRO) to implement Trip Reduction Services the Washington State Commute Trip Reduction Act. MOVED BY EDWARDS, (METRO) SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. February 21 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 80 The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading: Ordinance No. 4436 An ordinance was read amending Subsection 8-2-3.E of Chapter 2, Storm and Utility: 1994 Surface Surface Water Drainage, of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) of City Code Water Rates relating to surface water utility services. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance No. 4437 An ordinance and summary ordinance were read amending Sections 2-10-6.13 Comprehensive Plan: and 2-10-7 of Chapter 10, Planning Commission, of Title II (Commissions and Phase II Schedule Boards), Sections 4-3-2, 4-3-3, 4-3-4.A. and 4-3-5 of Chapter 3, Comprehensive Plan, of Title IV (Building Regulations), of City Code relating to the policies supporting the Comprehensive Plan, the contents of the Comprehensive Plan and the process for reviewing and amending the Comprehensive Plan. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AND THE SUMMARY ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 2/28/94 for second reading and adoption: Comprehensive Plan: An ordinance was read amending section 4-31-2 of Chapter 31, Zoning Code, Errata, Cellular One of Title IV (Building Regulations), of City Code to include a definition for #E-37 wireless base stations. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE TO THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 2/28/94 FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Comprehensive Plan: An ordinance was read amending subsection 4-31-10.5.B.4(a) of Chapter 31, Errata, Chevron USA Zoning Code, of Title IV (Building Regulations), of City Code to allow gas #E-39 stations in the CC zone to have a self-service drive-through car wash. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE TO THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 2/28/94 FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Comprehensive Plan: An ordinance was read amending the Interim Zoning Map and changing the --� Errata #E-15(b), zoning classification of property located at 105 Lake Ave. S. from P-1 (Public Gray/Little Rezone Use) to CA (Commercial Arterial) (Mary Gray/Barbara Little, #E-15(b)). MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE TO THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 2/28/94 FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Council President Stredicke announced that Council will hold its annual retreat Council: 1994 Retreat on Friday, February 25th, from 1:00 to 7:30 p.m. at Renton Technical College. EXECUTIVE SESSION MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS PROPERTY ACQUISITION. CARRIED. Time: 8:19 p.m. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:50 p.m. 1 - MARILYN( . PEtERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 2/21/94 ,) d CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 21, 1994 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 2/28 Executive Session (Stredicke) 6:30 p.m. COMMUNITY SERVICES TUES., 2/22 Waterfowl Relocation Agreement; (Nelson) x:30 p.m. Renton School District Facility Use *5th Floor* Agreement; Golf Course Contract Amendment FINANCE MON., 2/28 Vouchers (Tanner) 6:15 p.m. PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT TUES., 3/01 Hearing Examiner Request for Zoning (Keolker-Wheeler) 4:00 p.m. Code Clarification (Density *5th Floor* Requirements); One-Year Extension of Validity of Land Use Approvals and Development Permits; Nonconforming Use Form& Review Process PUBLIC SAFETY No Meeting (Corman) TRANSPORTATION.(AVIATION) No Meeting (Edwards) UTILITIES THUR., 2/24 East Renton Interceptor Special (Schlitzer) 4:00 p.m. Assessment District (SAD); Maplewood Transmission Mains Bid Opening; Maplewood Well Nos. 10 & 12 Bid Opening; Wastewater Collection Methodology for Duplex Customers; Surface Water Utility Comprehensive Plan Status Report NOTE:Committee of the Whole meetings are held in Municipal Court Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the 6th floor conference room (unless otherwise noted). AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING February 28, 1994 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 21, 1994 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 5. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Development Planning Division submits Marshall/Galusha 60% Annexation Petition of approximately 14.1 acres located south of NE 4th Street in the vicinity of Duvall Avenue NE, and requests a public hearing be scheduled 3/21/94 to consider the petition and the concurrent rezone to Community Commercial (CB) and Mixed Residential (MIR). Council concur. b. Transportation Systems Division submits proposal to remove mid-block planters on South 3rd Street in cooperation with the Downtown Renton Association (DRA). Refer to Transportation Committee. c. Transportation Systems Division submits proposal for changes to the parking stall designations in the main City Hall parking lot to increase carpool parking and provide additional public parking. Refer to Transportation Committee. d. Transportation Systems Division submits recommendation that vehicles displaying City employee permit parking be restricted from parking in time-limited stalls in the Municipal Campus, Liberty Park and Community Center parking lots, except for 30-minute stalls. Refer to Transportation Committee. e. Solid Waste Utility Division submits proposed 1994-1995 Coordinated Prevention Grant Agreement for $76,225 in funding from the Washington State Department of Ecology for waste reduction education and organic collection and composting programs. The City's match is $50,817. Council concur. (See agenda item 8. for resolution.) 6. CORRESPONDENCE 7. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Community Services Committee: Waterfowl Relocation Agreement*; Renton School District Facility Use Agreement; Golf Course Contract Amendment b. Finance Committee: Vouchers c. Utilities Committee: East Renton Interceptor Special Assessment District (SAD); Maplewood Transmission Mains Bid Opening; Maplewood Well Nos. 10 & 12 Bid Opening; Wastewater Collection Methodology for Duplex Customers*; Surface Water Utility Comprehensive Plan Policy Directions (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 8. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolutions: a. Authorizing an agreement with the Washington State Department of Ecology for solid waste program grant funding (see 5.e.) b. Authorizing an interlocal agreement for waterfowl relocation (see 7.a.) Ordinances for second reading and adoption: a. Changing the zoning of property located at 105 S. Lake St. from Public Use (P-1)to Commercial Arterial (CA); Errata request #E-15(b); 1st reading 2/21/94 b. Amending the Zoning Code to include a definition for wireless base stations; Errata request#E-37; 1st reading 2/21/94 c. Amending the Zoning Code to allow gas stations in the Convenience Commercial (CC) zone to have a self-service drive-through car wash; Errata request #E-39; 1st reading 2/21/94 Ordinance for first readine: Revising the wastewater collection methodology for duplex customers (see 7.c.) 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics - call 277-4430 for recorded information) 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) MUNICIPAL COURT CHAMBERS 6:30 pm. 1. Executive Session on Labor Negotiations (closed to public) Lj i 34 R.ENTON CITY COUNCIL February 28, 1994 City Clerk's Office Referrals MAYOR AND CITY CLERK p CAG-94-006, Maplewood Transmission Mains, Grant Construction CAG-94-013, Maplewood Well Nos. 10 and 12, Holt Testing, Inc. Agreement with State Department of Ecology for Solid Waste Program Grant Funding Interlocal Agreement for Waterfowl Relocation TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Removal of Mid-Block Planters on South 3rd Street City Hall Parking Stall Designation Changes City Hall Employee Parking Restrictions 9 PUBLIC HEARING 3/21/94 -- Marshall/Galusha 60% Annexation Petition and Concurrent Rezone RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting February 28, 1994 Renton Municipal Court Monday, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Court Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD STREDICKE, Council President; BOB EDWARDS, TIM COUNCILMEMBERS SCHLITZER, TONI NELSON, JESSE TANNER, RANDY CORMAN, KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; DAN KELLOGG, Assistant City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; RON OLSEN, Interim Utility Systems Director; LINDA KNIGHT, Solid Waste Coordinator; DAVE CHRISTENSEN, Engineering Specialist; LIEUTENANT ROB SOFIE, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES THE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 21, 1994, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Denny Lensegrav, 319 S. 3rd St., representing the Chamber of Commerce, Citizen Comment: complimented Council for its ability to reasonably balance various competing Lensegrav - Appreciation interests. He also thanked it for: understanding the City's need for economic for City Council development, responding to concerns ­o?ced by Renton businesses and residents, and being open to new ideas. Citizen Comment: Vaupel Versie Vaupel, P.O. Box 755, Renton 98057, asked whether the City will - Permit Expedition solicit public comment on the proposal to expedite development and land use permits prior to any Council actior_ �p this matter. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the lasting. .-- Annexation: Development Planning Division submitted Marshal l/Galusha 60% Annexation Marshall/Galusha 60% Petition of approximately 14.1 acres located south of NE 4th Street in the Petition, NE 4th/Duvall vicinity of Duvall Avenue NE, and requested a public hearing be scheduled NE 3/21/94 to consider the petition and the concurrent rezone to Community Commercial (CB) and Mixed Residential (MR). Council concur. Transportation: Removal Transportation Systems Division submitted proposal to remove mid-block of Mid-Block Planters on planters on South 3rd Street in cooperation with the Downtown Renton 3rd St Association (DRA). Refer to Transportation Committee. Transportation: City Hall Transportation Systems Division submitted proposal for changes to the parking Parking Stall Designation stall designations n the main City Hall parking lot to increase carpool parking Changes and provide additional public parking. Refer to Transportation Committee. Transportation: Employee Transportation Systems Division submitted recommendation that vehicles Parking Restrictions displaying City employee permit parking be restricted from parking in time- limited stalls in the Municipal Campus, Liberty Park and Community Center parking lots, except for 30-minute stalls. Refer to Transportation Committee. February 28 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Paye 86 Garbage: Solid Waste Solid Waste Utility Division submitted proposed 1994-1995 Coordinated Program Funding from the Prevention Grant Agreement for $76,225 in funding from the Washington Department of Ecology State Department of Ecology for waste reduction education and organic collection and composting programs. The City's match is $50,817. Council concur. (See page 88 for resolution.) MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Stredicke commented on the proposal to remove the mid- Transportation: Removal block planters on South 3rd Street, noting bis disagreement with the view that of Mid-Block Planters or. these are outdated. Saying that very few businesses have added private 3rd St parking downtown, he added that many downtown property owners have also failed to improve the appearance of their storefronts. Mr. Stredicke said the greenery provided by the planters helps the downtown look more presentable, and he urged the Transportation Committee to recommend that their removal, if any, be limited. He added that if the revitalization of Renton's downtown is to be a true partnership between the City and the Downtown Renton Association, the DRA should pay all the costs incurred for removing any of the planters. Transportation: City Hall Commenting on the proposal to change the designation of some stalls in the Parking Stall Designation municipal campus main parking lot, Council President Stredicke said City Changes employees would not be inconvenienced or otherwise negatively affected if they are made to park two blocks away. He felt that City Hall employee parking should be restricted to carpools, especially in view of the State's commute trip reduction requirements. City Clerk: Agenda Council President Stredicke complimented the City Clerk's Office and the Process Council Secretary on recent improvements to the Council agenda process. Mr. Stredicke said the changes made over the last two years have substantially facilitated the public's access to information. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report recommending Special Assessment concurrence in staff's recommendation that preliminary approval be given for District: East Renton the East Renton Interceptor Special Assessment District (SAD). The Interceptor Committee further recommended that Council direct staff to proceed with establishment of the final SAD upon completion of construction of the East Renton Interceptor project. MCVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utility: Sewer Rates for Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report recommending Duplex Customers concurrence in staff's recommendation that the duplex class of sewer customers be returned to the Base Charge Plus Usage category (same as multi- family, commercial and industrial) in lieu of the Flat Rate Unit Charge currently in place. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance implementing this re-ision be presented for both first and second reading to allow Utility Billing '.)z-isio-i staff adequate time `_o )egir 'he process of crediting duplex custcrr_F-s prix- to the nex* billing ,,,cl,. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. February 28, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 87 Utility: Surface Water Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report recommending Comprehensive Plan concurrence with the Planning/Building/Public Works Department's Policy Directions recommendation that Council authorize the Surface Water Utility to proceed with developing the detailed information associated with the implementation of the proposed policy directions for future review and consideration as part of the Surface Water Utility Comprehensive Plan adoption process. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Responding to Councilman Edwards, Councilman Tanner explained the Committee's recommendation that Council direct staff to determine the projected costs of implementing the proposed policies before these are formally approved. *MOTION CARRIED. CAG: 94-006, Maplewood Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report recommending Transmission Mains, Grant concurrence in the staff recommendation that the contract for the Maplewood Construction Transmission Water Mains be awarded to the low bidder, Grant Construction in the total amount of $660,450.20. The Committee further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the construction contract with Grant Construction. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. CAG: 94-013, Maplewood Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report recommending Well Nos. 10 and 12, Holt concurrence in the staff recommendation that the contract for Maplewood Testing, Inc. Well Nos. 10 and 12 Drilling be awarded to the low bidder, Holt Testing, Inc., in the total amount of $114,670.36. The Committee further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the construction contract with Holt Testing, Inc. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Community Services Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report Committee recommending Council concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve CAG: 92-102, Maplewood the amendment to the contract with Cal Jordan & Associates in the amount of Golf Course Feasibility $297,040.00 to complete plans and specifications for the Maplewood Golf Study, Cal Jordan & Course clubhouse and driving range. P40VED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY Assoc. TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Parks: Renton School Community Services Committee Chai* Nelson presented a report District Facility Use recommending Council concurrence in the acceptance of the Facility Use Agreement Agreement between the City of Renton and the Renton School District. This agreement will ensure first priority scheduling of park and recreation programs in all school district facilities. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Parks: Waterfowl Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report Translocation Agreement recommending Council approval of the resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Interlocal agreement with Mercer Island, Bellevue, Redmond, Seattle, King County, Tukwila, Kirkland, Bothell, Mountlake Terrace and the University of Washington for waterfowl translocation. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 88 for resolution.) February 28 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 88 Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending approval Finance: Vouchers of Claims Vouchers #109452 - 109872 and two wire transfers in the total amount of $1,286,901.34. And approval of Payroll Vouchers #124263 - 124642 and 374 direct deposits in the total amount of $1,046,136.32. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation: Removal Councilman Tanner said while he agreed with Council President Stredicke of Mid-Block Planters on regarding the appearance of downtown storefronts, he felt that the mid-block 3rd St planters should be removed because they are not user-friendly. Mr. Tanner suggested that all the planters along South 3rd Street be removed, noting this would allow angled parking on one side of the street. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: Resolution No. 3040 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Garbage: Solid Waste agreement between the City of Renton and the State of Washington Program Funding from the Department of Ecology to provide grant funding to implement waste reduction Department of Ecology education programs as well as organics collection and composting programs. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution No. 3041 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Parks: Waterfowl interlocal agreement for waterfowl (Canada goose) management program. Relocation Interlocal MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Agreement RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading: Ordinance No. 4438 An crdinance was read amending section 4-31-2 cf Chapter Zoning Code, Comprehensive Plan: of Title IV (Building Regulations), of City Code to include a definition for Errata, Cellular One wireless base stations. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, #E-37 COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL EYES. CARRIED. Ordinance No. 4439 An ordinance was read amending subsection 4-31-10.5.B.4(a) of Chapter 31, Comprehensive Plan: Zoning Code, of Title IV (Building Regulations), of City Code to allow gas Errata, Chevron USA stations in the Convenience Commercial (CC) zone to have a self-service #E-39 drive-through car wash. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #4440 An ordinance was read amending the Interim Zoning Map and changing the Comprehensive Plan: zoning classification of property located at 105 S. Lake St. from P-1 (Public Errata #E-15(b), Use) to CA (Commercial Arterial) (Mary Gray/Barbara Little, #E-15(b)). Gray/Little Rezone MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER: COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and advanced for second reading and adoption: I / February 28, 1994 Renton Citv Council Minutes Page 89 Utility: Sewer Rates for An ordinance was read amending subsections 8-4-24.F and 8-4-31.A of Title Duplex Customers VIII and 8-5-15 A and D (Health and Sanitation) of City Code, relating to water and sewer charges. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance No. 4441 An ordinance was read amending subsections 8-4-24.F and 8-4-31.A of Title Utility: Sewer Rates for VII and 8-5-15 A and D (Health and Sanitation) of City Code, relating to Duplex Customers water and sewer charges. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Council President Stredicke asked for follow-up information on the notice Building: Bryant Motors given Bryant Motors on February 4th, which gave that business 15 days to Parking Violations comply with Code regulations regarding parking of heavy vehicles on property zoned residential and Arterial Commercial (CA). Mayor Clymer agreed to investigate and provide a response. Council: Committee of the Council President Stredicke suggested that department heads give presentations Whole Agenda Schedule to the Committee of the Whole at meetings for which no other matter is scheduled for discussion. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:07 p.m. MARILYN ERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 2/28/94 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 28, 1994 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 3/07 1995 Priorities (Stredicke) 6:30 p.m. COMMUNITY SERVICES (Nelson) FINANCE (Tanner) PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT TUES., 3/01 Hearing Examiner Request for Zoning (Keolker-Wheeler) 4:00 p.m. Code Clarification (Density *5th Floor* Requirements); One-Year Extension of Validity of Land Use Approvals and Development Permits;Nonconforming Use Form& Review Process PUBLIC SAFETY (Corman) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) MON, 3/07 Parking Lot Changes: (a) Time-Limited (Edwards) 4:00 p.m. Stalls; (b) Stall Designation Changes; Removal of Mid-Block Planters on South 3rd Street UTILITIES (Schlitzer) NOTE:committee of the Whole meetings are held in Municipal Court chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the 6th floor conference room (unless otherwise noted). C1 *REVISED* AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 7, 1994 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE r� 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTESOF FEBRUARY 28, 1994 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: WSDOT I-405 S-Curve Project Update 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. City Clerk reports bid opening on 2/22/94 for NE 5th Place Storm System Replacement (CAG-94- 017); 27 bids; engineer's estimate $126,058.41; and submits Surface Water Utility Division recommendation to award contract to the low bidder, Gary Merlino Construction Co., in the amount of $94,720.44. Council concur. b. Community Services Division submits CAG-93-074, Senior Center Roof Replacement project, and requests approval of project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of$9,974.04, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$483.24 to CRJ Roofing and Construction, Inc., contractor, if all required releases have been obtained. Council concur. WO c. Community Services Division schedules special presentation at 3/14/94 regular Council meeting on Open Space Bond Issue Projects (Black River Riparian Forest, Cedar River Trail, Honey Creek, May Creek, Lake Washington Vistas and Springbrook). Council concur. d. Development Services Division submits Winsper 60% Annexation Petition of approximately 115 acres located east of Talbot Hill Road, south of the existing City boundary, and generally north of the parcels located along South 175th Street, and requests a public hearing be scheduled 3/28/94 to consider the petition and the concurrent rezone to Single Family Residential (SF) and Mixed Residential (MR). Council concur. e. Surface Water Utility Division submits proposed interlocal agreement with King County for development of the May Creek Basin Plan. Refer to Utilities Committee. f. Transportation Division submits proposed interlocal agreement with King County for the acceptance of matching State technical assistance grant funds in the amount of$93,658 for commute trip reduction activities. Refer to Transportation Committee. g. Water Utility Division submits status report on the implementation of the Aquifer Protection Ordinance. Refer to Committee of the Whole. 7. INFORMATION ITEM 8. CORRESPONDENCE Memorandum from Hearing Examiner regarding the appeal of Cornelus Gevers on the Highlands Community Church addition height issue, requesting approval of appeal fee waiver. (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) "W i 9. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Committee of the Whole: Cedar River Trail Master Plan b. Planning and Development Committee: One-Year Extension of Validity of Land Use Approvals and Development Permits* c. Transportation Committee: City Hall Parking Lot Changes: (a) Time-Limited Stalls*; (b) Stall Designations; Removal of Mid-Block Planters on South 3rd Street 10. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolution: Extending the period of validity of land use approvals and development permits (see 9.b.) Ordinance for first reading: Restricting City employee parking from Municipal Campus time-limited stalls (see 9.c.) 11. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics - call 277-4430 for recorded information) 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) MUNICIPAL COURT CHAMBERS 6:30 pm. 1. 1995 Budget Priorities �3 RENTON CITY COUNCIL March 7, 1994 City Clerk's Office Referrals ADMIMSTRATION Marge Richter letter regarding recent building permit granted at 251 Factory Ave. N. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Status report on implementation of Aquifer Protection Ordinance TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Interlocal Agreement with King County for State grant funds for commute trip reduction activities UTILITIES COMMITTEE Interlocal Agreement with King County for May Creek Basin Plan ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING Restricting City employee parking from time-limited stalls (first reading 3/7/94) PUBLIC HEARINGS 3/21/94 --Marshall/Galusha 60% Annexation Petition and Concurrent Rezone (NE 4th St/Duvall Ave NE) 3/28/94 -- Winsper 60% Annexation Petition and Concurrent Rezone (Talbot Road) RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 7, 1994 Renton Municipal Court Monday, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Court Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pro tempore Stredicke led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. 0,0 ROLL CALL OF RICHARD STREDICKE, Council President; KATHY KEOLKER- COUNCILMEMBERS WHEELER; RANDY CORMAN; JESSE TANNER; TONI NELSON; TIM 40 SCHLITZER; BOB EDWARDS. CITY STAFF IN JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the Mayor; LAWRENCE J. ATTENDANCE WARREN, City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Acting Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; SUE CARLSON, Economic Development Specialist; PAUL LUMBERT, Engineering Specialist; CAPTAIN DON PERSSON, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL COUNCIL MINUTES APPROVE THE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 28, 1994, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. SPECIAL Correspondence was read from Tom Madden, former Project Engineer for the PRESENTATION WSDOT I-405 S-Curve project, explaining his transfer to the First Avenue WSDOT I-405 S-Curve South project in Seattle effective 2/16/94. An interim project engineer has Project been assigned, and WSDOT expects to appoint Mr. Madden's replacement by the end of March. The letter additionally noted progress made on the S-Curve project during February. The Cedar Avenue ramp has opened, and the second half of the Renton Avenue bridge over the freeway, including the access ramp, should be finished early this summer. Work will continue on the new southbound bridge over the Cedar River through the spring and summer in anticipation of another traffic switch that will move the southbound lanes to their permanent alignment. The project is expected to be substantially completed in October of this year. AUDIENCE COMMENT Denny Lensegrav, 319 S. 3rd St., representing the Chamber of Commerce, Citizen Comment: invited Councilmembers to attend the "Seeds for Success" trade show to be Lensegrav - "Seeds for held Thursday, March 10th from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. at Three Renton Place. Success" Trade Show Mr. Lensegrav gave several examples of businesses that will be represented at the show's 57 booths, explaining that event coordinators hope the show will encourage businesses to locate in Renton. Citizen Comment: Richter Marjorie Richter, 300 Meadow Avenue North, Renton 98055, expressed - Building Permit at 251 concern regarding a building permit recently issued for a structure at 251 Factory Ave N Factory Avenue North. She listed thirteen specific reasons why the permit should not have been granted, and requested an administrative determination as to whether the project complies with the City's zoning code, particularly with respect to the provisions on non-conforming uses, the legality of the building overhang on the eastside, and setback requirements. Mrs. Richter also asked that Council recognize the need for public notification of permits and other actions. March 7, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 95 MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THIS ISSUE TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR INVESTIGATION AND A REPORT BACK TO THE COUNCIL. CARRIED. Mayor Pro tempore Stredicke commented that this building appeared, on a recent drive-by, to be unsecured. Jay Covington, Executive Assistant, offered to investigate this concern. Citizen Comment: Hoshide Lloyd Hoshide, 833 Kirkland Ave. NE, Renton, 98056, encouraged Council to - Highlands Community approve the appeal fee waiver requested by Cornelus Gevers regarding the Church, CU-90-048, Highlands Community Church addition height issue. AAD-93-158 MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADVANCE TO THE ITEM OF CORRESPONDENCE ON THIS ISSUE. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from the hearing examiner requesting Council Appeal: Highlands confirmation that Cornelus Gevers is entitled to a subsequent hearing of the Community Church Highlands Community Church height issue under Council's original waiver of Addition, AAD-93-158, the appeal filing fee on this matter, approved 12/13/93. CU-90-048 Responding to Councilman Edwards, Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney, said if the issue currently being appealed is the same issue for which the original appeal fee waiver was granted, the fee waiver approved in December would also apply to the current appeal. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REAFFIRM THE APPEAL FEE WAIVER REQUESTED BY CORNELUS GEVERS ON THE HEIGHT ISSUE OF THE HIGHLANDS COMMUNITY CHURCH ADDITION. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: York - Larry York, 14527 SE 23rd, Renton, 98059, representing Highlands Highlands Community Community Church, thanked Council for its open forum and the opportunity Church, CU-90-048, to observe the Council in action. He expressed hope that the issue regarding AAD-93-158 the Church's building permit would be resolved soon. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. CAG: 94-017, NE 5th PI City Clerk reported bid opening on 2/22/94 for NE 5th Place Storm System Storm System, Gary Replacement (CAG-94-017); 27 bids; engineer's estimate $126,058.41; and Merlino Const. Co. submitted Surface Water Utility Division recommendation to award contract to the low bidder, Gary Merlino Construction Company, in the amount of $94,720.44. Council concur. CAG: 93-074, Senior Community Services Division submitted CAG-93-074, Senior Center Roof Center Roof Replacement, Replacement, and requested approval of project, authorization for final pay CRJ Roofing estimate in the amount of $9,974.04, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $483.24 to CRJ Roofing and Construction Inc., contractor, if all required releases have been obtained. Council concur. Parks: Open Space Bond Community Services Division requested a special presentation be scheduled for Issue Projects 3/14/94 regular Council meeting on Open Space Bond Issue projects (Black River Riparian Forest, Cedar River Trail, Honey Creek, May Creek, Lake Washington Vistas and Springbook). Council concur. March 7 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 96 Annexation: Winsper 60% Development Services Division submitted Winsper 60% Annexation Petition of Petition, Talbot Road approximately 115 acres located east of Talbot Hill Road, south of the existing City boundary, and generally north of the parcels located along South 175th Street, and requested a public hearing be scheduled 3/28/94 to consider the petition and the concurrent rezone to Single Family Residential (SFR) and Mixed Residential (MR). Council concur. Utility: May Creek Basin Surface Water Utility Division submitted proposed interlocal agreement with Plan Agreement with King King County for development of the May Creek Basin Plan. Refer to County Utilities Committee. Transportation: State Transportation Division submitted proposed interlocal agreement with King Commute Trip Deduction County for the acceptance of matching State technical assistance grant funds Grant Funds, King in the amount of $93,658 for commute trip reduction activities. Refer to County Transportation Committee. Utility: Aquifer Protection Water Utility Division submitted status report on the implementation of the Ordinance Status Report Aquifer Protection Ordinance. Refer to Committee of the Whole. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Transportation Committee Chair Edwards presented a report recommending Transportation Committee approval of proposal to remove the mid-block planters on South 3rd Street Transportation: Removal with public funding available as part of the CBD Transportation and of Mid-Block Planters on Streetscape Project. The Downtown Renton Association will also participate S 3rd St through cash and in-kind contributions, and further Council review will occur prior to bid acceptance. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation: City Hall Transportation Committee Chair Edwards presented a report recommending Parking Stall Changes Parking Stall Changes that Council approve the changes to the parking sta City Hall parking lot in support of the commute trip reduction program. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation: Employee Transportation Committee Chair Edwards presented a report recommending Parking Restrictions that Council present the ordinance for first reading restricting vehicles displaying City employee parking permits from parking in time-limited stalls in the municipal campus, Liberty Park and Community Center parking lots. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 97 for ordinance.) Plannine & Development Planning & Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Committee report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the Planning: Extension of one-year extension to December 31, 1994 of the period of validity of land use Land Use Approvals and approvals and development permits. The Committee further recommended Development Permits that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 97 for resolution.) 97 March 7, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 97 Committee of the Whole Council President Pro tempore Schlitzer presented a report regarding the Parks: Cedar River Trail Cedar River Trail Master Plan. The Committee of the Whole met on August Master Plan 9, 1993, to review and discuss the update of the Cedar River Trail Master Plan. A motion was passed to adopt the Master Plan as presented. The Committee recommended that Council formalize its adoption of the Cedar River Trail Master Plan. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolution #3042 A resolution was read extending the period of validity of land use approvals Planning Extension of and development permits to December 31, 1994. MOVED BY KEOLKER- Land Use Approvals and WHEELER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Development Permits RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the 3/14/94 Council meeting for second reading and adoption: Transportation: Employee An ordinance was read amending Section 10-10-4.H of Chapter 10, Parking Parking Restrictions Regulations, of Title X (Traffic), of City Code by adding subsection 8 relating to the restriction of City employee parking permitted vehicles from municipal campus time-limited stalls. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 3/14/94. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Versie Vaupel, P.O. Box 755, Renton 98057, expressed disappointment with Citizen Comment: Vaupel Council's decision to approve the removal of the mid-block planters on South - Mid-Block Planters on S 3rd Street in advance of any building rehabilitations in this area. 3rd St ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADJOURN, CARRIED. Time: 8:07 p.m. MARILY P ERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 3/07/94 �r CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 7, 1994 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 3/14 Ivar's Proposed Expansion 3 (Stredicke) 6:00 p.m. *Tour of Site* COMMUNITY SERVICES TUES., 3/08 Housing Element of the Comprehensive (Nelson) 3:30 p.m. Plan *5th Floor* FINANCE MON., 3/14 Vouchers (Tanner) 5:45 p.m. PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT TUES., 3/08 Draft Downtown Plan (Keolker-Wheeler) 4:30 p.m. *5th Floor* PUBLIC SAFETY THUR., 3/10 Animal License Fees (Corman) 3:30 p.m. TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) (Edwards) UTILITIES THUR., 3/10 May Creek Basin Plan Interlocal (Schlitzer) 4:00 p.m. Agreement; Final Utility Rate Study; Latecomer Ordinance OTHER MEETINGS LEOFF Board THUR., 3/10 5th Floor 4:00 p.m. NOTE:Committee of the Whole meetings are held in Municipal Court Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the 6th floor conference room (unless otherwise noted). .rr AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 14, 1994 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF MARCH 7, 1994 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Community Services Department Presentation on Open Space Bond Issue Projects 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. City Clerk submits petitions containing 73 signatures from residents of Lake Terrace Mobile Home Park, 2100 Lake Washington Blvd., expressing objection to the Multi-family Infill zoning approved by Council for this site on 2/14/94. Refer to Official File. b. Court Case claiming a lien against the bond and retainage on the Renton Senior Housing Bond Issue project CAG-91-095, filed by Christine M. Mrak, attorney, 1325 Fourth Avenue, Seattle, 98101, on behalf of David Jacobson et al. for alleged unpaid wages for work performed between May 1992 and August 1992. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. C. Court Case in an undetermined amount filed by John B. Farver, attorney, 10900 NE 8th St., Bellevue, 98004, on behalf of Margaret and Frank Thyrian, husband and wife, seeking compensation for injuries and damages allegedly incurred 5/7/91 when plaintiffs car was struck by a City of Renton aid unit. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. d. Municipal Court requests revisions to City Code, Chapter 4, of Title III, relating to the Municipal Court, to: reflect the judicial position as full-time; change Judge Pro Tem eligibility to county-wide; and change or delete portions that are no longer applicable. Refer to Public Safety Committee. e. Planning and Technical Services Division requests changes to the southern portion of the proposed Urban Center boundary to remove employment areas located generally south of S. 7th St. and to add adjacent residential uses located on the western edge of the mixed use core. Refer to Transportation Committee. f. Water Utility Division submits CAG-93-048, Sierra Heights Watermain Replacement Phase 2, and requests approval of project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of$59,743.48, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$12,100.85 to Grant Construction, contractor, if all required releases have been obtained. Council concur. 7. CORRESPONDENCE (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 8. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Committee of the Whole: Ivar's Proposed Expansion b. Community Services Committee: Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan c. Finance Committee: Vouchers d. Planning and Development Committee: Draft Downtown Plan e. Public Safety Committee: Animal License Fees f. Utilities Committee: May Creek Basin Plan Interlocal Agreement*; Final Utility Rate Study; Latecomer Ordinance 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolution: May Creek Basin Plan Interlocal Agreement with King County (see 8.e.) Ordinance for second reading and adoption: Restricting City employee parking from Municipal Campus time-limited stalls (1st reading 3/7/94) 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics - call 277-4430 for recorded information) 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) 6:00 pm. 1. Ivar's Proposed Expansion: *Tour of Site* RENTON CITY COUNCIL March 14, 1994 City Clerk's Office Referrals ADMINISTRATION Adoption of specific time period for recognizing the contributions of service clubs in the City CITY ATTORNEY& INSURANCE SERVICES CRT-94-001, David Jacobson et al. v. City of Renton CRT-94-002, Margaret and Frank Thyrian v. City of Renton COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Draft Downtown Plan Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Richard Buyce request for waiver of$500 variance fee to construct 8-9 foot fence at 274 Thomas Ave SW MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Interlocal Agreement with King County for May Creek Basin Plan OFFICIAL FILE Petitions from residents of Lake Terrace Mobile Home Park, 2100 Lake Wash. Blvd., regarding MF-I zoning on this site PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE City Code revisions relating to the Municipal Court TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Changes to southern portion of Urban Center boundary PUBLIC HEARINGS 3/21/94 --Marshall/Galusha 60% Annexation Petition and Concurrent Rezone (NE 4th St/Duvall Ave NE) 3/28/94 -- Winsper 60% Annexation Petition and Concurrent Rezone (Talbot Road) RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 14, 1994 Renton Municipal Court Monday, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Court Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD STREDICKE, Council President; KATHY KEOLKER- COUNCILMEMBERS WHEELER; RANDY CORMAN; JESSE TANNER; TONI NELSON; TIM SCHLITZER; BOB EDWARDS. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Acting Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; SAM CHASTAIN, Community Services Administrator; LESLIE BETLACH, Resource Coordinator; LIEUTENANT DENNIS GERBER, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL COUNCIL MINUTES APPROVE THE MINUTES OF MARCH 7, 1994, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. SPECIAL Sam Chastain, Community Services Administrator, introduced the special PRESENTATION presentation on open space bond issue projects by thanking the Mayor and the Parks: Open Space Bond Council for their commitment to the open space program over the last four Issue Project Update years. Mr. Chastain also recognized the efforts of Larry Warren, City Attorney, and Dan Kellogg, Assistant City Attorney, particularly in the critical negotiation processes, as well as the vision of John Webley, past Community Services Administrator. Saying that Renton is to be congratulated for its many successes in this area, City Attorney Warren also thanked the Mayor and Council for supporting this program. Leslie Betlach, Resource Coordinator, narrated a slide show describing the following open space bond issue projects: Black River Riparian Forest, Cedar River Trail, Honey Creek, May Creek, Lake Washington Vistas and Springbrook. The presentation explained past and future acquisitions, development plans, amenities, and revenue sources for each project. Councilman Corman questioned if some of this information could be made available to the public, and Council President Stredicke requested that staff provide Council with information on the grant funds received for each project. Mr. Chastain commented that the City has been able to leverage nearly $10 million in grant funds with less than $4 million in matching funds. Mr. Warren added that Renton now owns wetlands that had been identified in 1980 or 1981 as a high priority for acquisition. AUDIENCE COMMENT Richard Buyce, 274 Thomas Ave. SW, Renton, 98055, stated he lives adjacent Citizen Comment: Buyce - to Earlington Park and would like to construct a fence on his property to Variance Fee Wavier screen his residence from park-goers. He explained that because the park Request property is approximately three feet higher than his lot, to afford any privacy the fence will have to be more than six feet tall. Mr. Buyce asked that 103 March 14, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 103 Council waive the usual $500 variance fee for a fence of eight to nine feet in height. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER MR. BUYCE'S REQUEST TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilman Edwards commented that Council had previously expressed interest in reducing the process and/or fee for variances sought for smaller projects like this one, and Gregg Zimmerman, Acting Planning/Building/ Public Works Administrator, confirmed that staff will bring this proposal before Council shortly. Citizen Comment: Hoshide Lloyd Hoshide, 833 Kirkland Ave. NE, Renton, 98056, said although the City - Comprehensive Plan must, by State law, begin to allow accessory units (or mother-in-law Housing Element apartments) in single family areas, it should limit the number of units that will be allowed in order to reduce impacts on the City's residential neighborhoods. For example, the city of Boulder, Colorado restricts such apartments to 10% of residential units within 300 feet of each applicant. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Citizen Comment: Petition City Clerk submitted petitions forwarded from the Planning Commission from Lake Terrace Mobile containing 73 signatures from residents of Lake Terrace Mobile Home Park, Home Park Residents re 2100 Lake Washington Blvd., expressing objection to the Multi-family Infill Zoning at 2100 Lake Wash zoning approved by Council for this site on 2/14/94. Refer to Official File. Blvd Court Case: CRT-94-001, Court Case claiming a lien against the bond and retainage on the Renton Jacobson et al. vs. City of Senior Housing Bond Issue project CAG-91-095, filed by Christine M. Mrak, Renton attorney, 1325 Fourth Avenue, Seattle, 98101, on behalf of David Jacobson et al. for alleged unpaid wages for work performed between May 1992 and August 1992. Refer to City Attornev and Insurance Services. Court Case: CRT-94-002, Court Case in an undetermined amount filed by John B. Farver, attorney, Thyrian vs. City of 10900 NE 8th St., Bellevue, 98004, on behalf of Margaret and Frank Thyrian, Renton husband and wife, seeking compensation for injuries and damages allegedly incurred 5/7/91 when plaintiff's car was struck by a City of Renton aid unit. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. Legal: Code Changes re Municipal Court requested revisions to City Code, Chapter 4, of Title III, Municipal Court relating to the Municipal Court, to: reflect the judicial position as full-time; change Judge Pro Tem eligibility to county-wide; and change or delete portions that are no longer applicable. Refer to Public Safety Committee. Planning: Urban Center Planning and Technical Services Division requested changes to the southern Boundary portion of the proposed Urban Center boundary to remove employment areas located generally south of S. 7th St. and to add adjacent residential uses located on the western edge of the mixed use core. Refer to Transportation Committee. CAG: 93-048, Sierra Water Utility Division submitted CAG-93-048, Sierra Heights Watermain Heights Watermain Replacement Phase 2, and requested approval of the project, authorization for Replacement Phase 2, final pay estimate in the amount of $59,743.48, commencement of 30-day lien Grant Construction period, and release of retained amount of $12,100.85 to Grant Construction, contractor, if all required releases have been obtained. Council concur. March 14 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 104 MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Wyman Dobson, 821 N. 1st St., Renton, 98055, Citizen Comment: Dobson suggesting that the City formally recognize the many good works and - Service Club activities of service clubs in Renton. Recognition MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT INDIVIDUAL RESOLUTIONS RECOGNIZING THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF SERVICE CLUBS IN THE CITY OF RENTON AND FURTHER RECOMMEND THAT THE ADMINISTRATION ADOPT A SPECIFIC TIME PERIOD FOR SUCH RECOGNITION. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Groh - Correspondence was read from Jane Groh, 3829 E. Ames Lake Drive NE, Rottweiler Attack Redmond, 98053; Andrea C. Shaw, 3825 E. Ames Lake Drive NE, Redmond, Citizen Comment: Shaw - 98053; and Peggy J. Ward, PO Box 615, Kirkland, 98083, expressing concern Rottweiler Attack for the welfare of the two Rottweilers involved in the recent death of a five- Citizen Comment: Ward - year-old child in Renton. Rottweiler Attack Police: Rottweiler Attack A press release from the City of Renton's Police Department was read stating (Press Release) that the two Rottweiler dogs being held in conjunction with the death of a five-year-old were euthanized by a private veterinarian on March 10, 1994, in compliance with the applicable State laws. OLD BUSINESS Council President Stredicke presented a report regarding Ivar's expansion Committee of the Whole plans. The Committee of the Whole met on March 14, 1994, to visit the Ivar's Parks: Ivar's Proposed site at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park and review preliminary plans for Expansion expansion and improvements. The Committee recommended concurrence with the staff and Park Board recommendations to work with Ivar's on plans for renovation to its existing location at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park and expansion to the area formerly occupied by Goodsport Boat Rental. The Community Services Department will monitor these plans as they develop and make necessary approvals. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Council: 1995 Priorities Council President Stredicke presented a report regarding 1995+ priorities. The Committee met on March 7, 1994, to review draft priorities for the City of Renton for the next several years. These priorities are based on those adopted by the Council in 1992, and were refined by the Council and staff during subsequent workshops. The Committee of the Whole recommends that Council adopt the following list of priorities as those areas the Administration and Council will emphasize: 1. Strengthen the City's financial condition 2. Develop and implement annexation strategy 3. Implement the City's Capital Improvement Program 4. Improve internal and external communications 5. Improve operational efficiency 6. Implement the Downtown Development Plan 7. Develop training/supervisory program for all managers 8. Develop programs for youths at risk 9. Develop and maintain a leadership role in regional issues 10. Address outstanding planning issues 11. Intergovernmental relations; and 12. Continue emphasis on open space acquisitions and development. March 14, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 105 MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning & Development Planning & Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Committee report regarding the Downtown Renton Revitalization Plan, The Planning Planning: Downtown Commission approved the draft Downtown Renton Revitalization Plan Renton Revitalization Plan (Downtown Plan) in December 1993, and forwarded it to Council with a recommendation for adoption as interim pending final adoption of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The Planning and Development Committee concurred in the Planning Commission recommendation. However, because the City Council has placed a high priority on revitalizing the Downtown, the Committee felt the entire Council should be briefed on the content of the policies before these are placed on the agenda for action. The Committee thus recommended that Council refer this item to the Committee of the Whole. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending approval Finance: Vouchers of Claims Vouchers #109873 - 110337 and two wire transfers in the total amount of $2,470,919.51. And approval of Payroll Vouchers #124643 - 124974 and 376 direct deposits in the total amount of $1,008,443.79. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Community Services Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report Committee recommending that the Housing Element be sent to the Committee of the Comprehensive Plan: Whole for briefings. The Element would be returned to the Community Housing Element Services Committee for deliberation and a recommendation after the briefings. The Committee members felt that the Housing Element briefings are of a technical nature and that all Council members would benefit from hearing the information presented. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report recommending Public Works: May Creek concurrence with the Planning/Building/Public Works Department's Basin Plan Agreement, recommendation to approve the resolution authorizing the Mayor and City King County Clerk to enter into an interlocal agreement with King County for the development of the May Creek Basin Plan. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. The City of Renton's funding contribution to the basin plan under this interlocal agreement is $310,167 (41%). King County's contribution to the plan is $446,338 (59%). Funding share amounts were determined on the basis of the percent of total impervious area attributable to each jurisdiction within the May Creek Basin. Renton's share includes adjacent unincorporated area within the urban growth boundary. The portion of the basin attributable to King County includes the Newport Hills incorporation area. City staff are co-managing the project and providing technical review of reports and interim basin plan products. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 106 for resolution.) Utility: Final 1994 Rate Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report recommending Study concurrence with the staff recommendation to adopt the Final Utility Rate Study, January 1994, for the water, wastewater, and surface water utilities. The report details the decisions and findings of the rate studies which were completed in 1993. Adoption of this report provides a framework and basis March 14 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 106 from which to work in future years. While adopting the findings in the report, the Council is not bound by the revenue requirements reflected in the report for future years. The principles and policies may need adjustment to meet acceptable rate levels in any given year. The policy recommendation to include the equivalent of annual depreciation from current year rates for capital improvements has not been approved. In addition, the Committee recommended concurrence in the staff recommendation to adopt modifications to the City's financial policies for the utilities, listed on page 20 of the 1993 budget document. The modifications are as follows: a. For policy (A), in order to maintain the long-term solvency and viability of the City utilities, the status of this policy shall read "A minimum target of 1.5 debt service coverage will be maintained." b. For policy (E), the policy will be revised to read "Fund balances in enterprise funds shall be maintained at levels equal to a target of 45 days, with a minimum of 30 days, of O&M expenses which are necessary to meet operating, capital, and contingency requirements." MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Councilman Edwards questioned why the policy recommendation to include the equivalent of annual depreciation from current year rates for capital improvements was not included for Council adoption. Acting Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Zimmerman assured Mr. Edwards that the Finance Department tracks depreciation for the utilities on an annual basis, usually based on a 50-year service life for capital facilities. Mr. Zimmerman added that, typically, any unspent operating funds at the end of each year are rolled over into the capital improvement fund. The policy recommendation would have determined a specific goal of rate contributions to the CIP equal to 100°x6 of yearly depreciation; however, the Committee felt this was not needed at this time. *MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolution #3043 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Public Works: May Creek interlocal cooperative agreement with King County for the development of the Basin Plan Agreement, May Creek Basin Plan. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY King County STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading: Ordinance #4442 An ordinance was read amending Section 10-10-4.H of Chapter 10, Parking Transportation: Employee Regulations, of Title X (Traffic), of City Code by adding subsection 8 Parking Restrictions relating to the restriction of City employee parking permitted vehicles from municipal campus time-limited stalls. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. EXECUTIVE SESSION MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR 10 MINUTES TO DISCUSS LITIGATION. CARRIED. Time: 8:50 p.m. 107 March 14, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 107 ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:00 p.m. �2�1 - �'� ) �I ARILYN J: ET RSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 3/14/94 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 14, 1994 COMMITTEE/CHAHZMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 3/21 Aquifer Protection Ordinance (Stredicke) 6:30 p.m. Implementation; Status Report on Museum Program COMMUNITY SERVICES (Nelson) FINANCE (Tanner) PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT (Keolker-Wheeler) PUBLIC SAFETY (Corman) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) MON., 3/21 Interlocal Agreement with King County (Edwards) 4:00 p.m. for Commute Trip Reduction Funds; Proposed Urban Center Boundary Amendment UTILITIES (Schlitzer) NOTE:Committee of the Whole meetings are held in Municipal Court Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the 6th floor conference room (unless otherwise noted). AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 21, 1994 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF MARCH 14, 1994 4. PUBLIC HEARING: Marshall/Galusha 60% Annexation Petition and Concurrent Rezone for 14.1 acres located at NE 4th Street and Duvall Avenue NE 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Community Services Department requests approval of grant application for May Creek King County Conservation Futures Levy funds. Refer to Community Services Committee. b. Community Services Department requests approval of grant application for Springbrook Trail King County Conservation Futures Levy funds. Refer to Community Services Committee. C. Community Services Department requests approval of grant application to Washington State Department of Natural Resources for IAC funding for Springbrook Trail. Refer to Community Services Committee. d. Community Services Department requests approval of grant application to Washington State Department of Natural Resources for IAC funding for Cedar River Regional Park. Refer to Community Services Committee. e. Finance Department submits proposed City investment policies. Refer to Finance Committee. f. Transportation Division submits proposed interlocal agreement with the Washington State DOT to receive $344,000 in Federal grant funds for preliminary engineering for the SR-167/SW 27th Street high occupancy vehicle (HOV) project. The City's match is $53,688. Refer to Transportation Committee. g. Utilities Division submits recommendation to defer assessment of sewer Special Utility Connection Charges (SUCC) associated with tenant improvements linked to the Fred Meyer project in Renton Center. Refer to Utilities Committee. h. Community Services Department requests approval of grant application for Lake Washington Vistas King County Conservation Futures Levy funds. Refer to Community Services Committee. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Committee of the Whole: Aquifer Protection Ordinance Implementation b. Transportation Committee: Interlocal Agreement with King County for Commute Trip Reduction Funds*; Proposed Urban Center Boundary Amendment (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 110 c. Utilities Committee: Special Assessment District Ordinance*; Latecomer Ordinance* 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolution: Commute Trip Reduction Act Interlocal Agreement with King County (see 8.b.) Ordinances for first readinp-: a. Special Assessment District Ordinance (see 8.c.) b. Latecomer Ordinance (see 8.c.) 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics - call 277-4430 for recorded information) 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT 12, ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) MUNICIPAL COURT CHAMBERS 6:30 p.m. 1. Aquifer Protection Ordinance Implementation 2. Status Report on Museum Program RENTON I CII. . March 21 199 ; City Clerk's Office R e f e r r a ADMINISTRATION Notice of Intention Package re: Marshall/Galusha Annexation for King County Boundary Review Board COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Grant applications: King County Counservation Futures Levy Funds (May Creek, Springbrook Trail, Lake Washington Vistas) and Washington State Department of Natural Resources IAC Funding (Springbrook Trail, Cedar River Regional Park) FINANCE COMMITTEE City Investment Policies Third-Party Administrator agreement MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Interlocal Agreement with King County for Commute Trip Reduction Grant Funds PLANNING DEPARTMENT Review property in area of Marshall/Galusha annexation proposed for Mixed Residential (MR) zoning Concern from Ralph Evans, 3306 NE 11th Pl., regarding zoning change from single family to MR TRANSPORTATION (AVIATIONI COMMITTEE WSDOT grant for SR-167/SW 27th Street HOV project UTILITIES COMMITTEE Deferral of SUCC fees for Fred Meyer project in Renton Center ORDINANCES FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING Latecomer Ordinance Special Assessment District Ordinance PUBLIC HEARINGS 3/28/94 -- Winsper 60% Annexation Petition and Concurrent Rezone (Talbot Road) 112 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 21, 1994 Renton Municipal Court Monday, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Court Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD STREDICKE, Council President; KATHY KEOLKER- COUNCILMEMBERS WHEELER; RANDY CORMAN; JESSE TANNER; TONI NELSON; TIM SCHLITZER; BOB EDWARDS. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; ZANETTA FONTES, Assistant City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Acting Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; MIKE KATTERMANN, Acting Planning and Technical Services Director; MARK PYWELL, Senior Planner; SUE CARLSON, Economic Development Specialist; ALLAN JOHNSON, Associate Planner; LIEUTENANT RICK STODDARD, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL COUNCIL MINUTES APPROVE THE MINUTES OF MARCH 14, 1994, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published Annexation: in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Clymer opened the public Marshall/Galusha, NE 4th hearing to consider the Marshall/Galusha 60% Annexation Petition requesting St/Duvall Ave NE the annexation of approximately 14.1 acres located at the intersection of NE 4th Street and Duvall Avenue NE. Mark Pywell, Senior Planner, briefly reviewed the history of this annexation proposal, which involves 14 parcels and was initiated by applicants Gary Marshall and Richard Galusha. The property proposed to be annexed is assessed at approximately $1.4 million. The area's existing zoning under King County is a combination of B-N-P, a neighborhood commercial designation, and SR-15000, a single family designation. Staff recommends Community Commercial (CB) zoning for the area currently zoned B-N-P, and Mixed Residential (MR) for the southernmost parcel currently zoned single family. Mr. Pywell added that Renton's Comprehensive Plan indicates that, upon annexation, this area is to be developed as COMMC (Community Center) and SF4 (Single Family to Four Units/Mix). These designations are consistent with the recommended zoning of CB and MR. Continuing, Mr. Pywell noted plans for utility service to this area, including an additional sewer line off of NE 4th Street that will be constructed later this year. A fiscal analysis prepared by staff for the annexation shows that the annual net revenues to the City from the area's current development would be $8,216; at full development, this could increase to $43,298. (Voter-approved bonds and levies are not included in these figures.) Mr. Pywell briefly reviewed individual evaluations of the annexation proposal that were submitted by various affected City departments such as transportation and police. Each reviewing department has indicated that the annexation represents a logical extension of its services. Mr. Pywell added 113 March 21, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 113 that the annexation is also a logical extension of the City's boundary, and the area is inside both Renton's sphere of influence and the urban growth boundaries. Concluding, Mr. Pywell said staff recommends that Council: accept the Marshall/Galusha annexation as proposed by certifying the 60% Annexation Petition; authorize the Administration to prepare a Notice of Intention package for submission to the King County Boundary Review Board; agree to simultaneously impose Community Commercial (CB) zoning on the majority of the annexation area except for the southernmost parcel, imposing Mixed Residential (MR) zoning on this portion; and require the property owners to assume their proportional share of the City's bonded indebtedness. Council President Stredicke objected to changing the southernmost parcel from its current County zoning of single family to Mixed Residential, which strives for a 50/50 split between single family and multi-family development up to four units per structure. Mike Kattermann, Acting Planning and Technical Services Director, explained that under the City's Comprehensive Plan, the parcels closest to NE 4th Street have been designated for Community Center (commercial use). The area immediately adjacent to this, designated SF4 and proposed for Mixed Residential zoning, is meant to serve as a buffer between the commercial area to the north and the purely single family residential area to the south. Audience comment was invited. Paul Lindberg, 13836 SE 131st St., Renton, 98059, representing the owners of nearly six acres south of the proposed annexation, said he and his family moved to this area because of its quiet and peaceful single-family nature. He objected to additional intense commercial development in the area, including high-density multi-family housing, and asked that this be limited for the sake of current and future residents. Tom Trudnowski, 13901 SE 139th St., Renton, 98059, also feared additional development on 138th and agreed with Mr. Lindberg that residents are concerned about preserving their quality of life. Commenting on rumors that 2400 multi-family units are planned in this area, he emphasized his desire that the community remain semi-rural and quiet. Mr. Trudnowski concurred with Council President Stredicke that the Mixed Residential zoning proposed for the southernmost parcel should instead be single family, Brian Welch, 13512 - 138th Ave. SE, Renton, 98059, also expressed concern with this area's potential for higher density development, noting that more intense uses typically increase an area's crime rates. Responding to Council President Stredicke, Executive Assistant Jay Covington said the City's Comprehensive Plan proposes Mixed Residential zoning as far south as SE 132nd Street. Mr, Stredicke reiterated his objection to changing the current single family zoning on the southernmost parcel to Mixed Residential, and Councilman Corman concurred that extending multi-family uses into this area would change its character. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler suggested that the annexation issue be considered separately from the question of land use designations for this area, saying that although these issues are related, the zoning for the one specific parcel being discussed could be taken up again when more information is received on current uses in this area. 114 March 21 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 114 Councilman Edwards questioned whether staff could submit a Comprehensive Plan amendment request for the purpose of considering this area in greater detail, particularly the parcels proposed to be zoned Mixed Residential. Mr. Kattermann agreed this was an option. Mr. Pywell added that Council could decide to proceed with the annexation as recommended except for the parcel designated SF4, or it could choose to proceed with the annexation as recommended, including this parcel, but direct that the entire area recommended for MR zoning be reviewed as part of an area-wide Comprehensive Plan amendment. Ray Griffin, 14306 - 144th Ave. SE, Renton, 98059, expressed concern with the amount of storm water runoff this area experiences and the need to protect the aquifer from the potentially negative impacts of increased runoff. He felt that additional multi-family housing in this area would exacerbate this problem, and was also concerned about the potential for increased silt and gravel on the golf course. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Moved by Stredicke, seconded by Corman, Council accept the annexation as recommended except that the zoning for the southernmost parcel be changed from Mixed Residential (MR) to Single Family (SF). A substitute motion was MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE ANNEXATION AS RECOMMENDED AND SIMULTANEOUSLY IMPOSE COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (CB) ZONING ON THE MAJORITY OF THE ANNEXATION AREA EXCEPT FOR THE SOUTHERNMOST PARCEL, IMPOSING MIXED RESIDENTIAL (MR) ZONING ON THIS PORTION WITH THE PROVISO THAT ALL PROPERTIES PROPOSED FOR MIXED RESIDENTIAL (MR) ZONING UNDER THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN IN THIS AREA BE FURTHER CONSIDERED AT A LATER TIME. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE MARSHALL/GALUSHA ANNEXATION AS PROPOSED BY CERTIFYING THE 60% ANNEXATION PETITION; AUTHORIZE THE ADMINISTRATION TO PREPARE A NOTICE OF INTENTION PACKAGE FOR SUBMISSION TO THE KING COUNTY BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD; AND REQUIRE THE PROPERTY OWNERS TO ASSUME THEIR PROPORTIONAL SHARE OF THE CITY'S BONDED INDEBTEDNESS. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Ralph Evans, 3306 NE 11 th Pl., Renton, 98056, expressed concern that his Citizen Comment: Evans - property had been rezoned from single family to Mixed Residential last year Zoning on North Side of along with all other properties on the north side of NE I 1 th Place from NE 11th PI Monroe to Olympia Avenues NE, although property owners had not received any notification of this change. Although he intends to file a Comprehensive Plan amendment request as suggested by staff in the hope of reversing this change, he was also concerned about other issues such as setbacks between single family and other uses. He also questioned whether the King County Assessor's Office is notified of all zoning changes. 115 March 21, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 115 Citizen Comment: Arnold Mark Arnold, 311 Factory Ave. N., Renton, 98055, objected to the recent - Zoning on Factory change of zoning on three lots he owns on Factory Avenue North from multi- Avenue North family to single family. Commenting on various multi-family and commercial uses in the immediate area, he said vacant parcels can be developed effectively only if they are zoned to their highest and best uses. Saying that property owners had not been notified of the change to single family zoning, Mr. Arnold questioned whether Comprehensive Plan amendment requests received by the deadline of March 31, 1994, will be given serious consideration. Responding to Councilman Edwards, Mr. Kattermann said staff has encouraged property owners and residents to submit applications for Comprehensive Plan amendments, and has tried to notify them of the opportunity to do so. Mr. Kattermann explained the public hearing and Council review process for land use revisions that will occur annually after the Comprehensive Plan is adopted this July. Noting the Planning Department recently instituted a process by which computer-generated zoning maps become official land use documents upon their adoption by Council, Mr. Evans cautioned that mistakes could occur very easily. For Mr. Evans' benefit, Council President Stredicke noted that staff will issue a recommendation to Council in the near future on setback requirements between single family and other areas. Citizen Comment: Richter Marjorie Richter, 300 Meadow Ave. N., Renton, 98055, said although - Zoning in North Renton residents of North Renton had attended neighborhood meetings on the Comprehensive Plan, they were not notified of the end results affecting the North Renton/West Hill area after the process was completed. Annexation: MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL DIRECT Marshall/Galusha, NE 4th THAT THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT: 1) REVIEW THE PROPERTY St/Duvall Ave NE PROPOSED FOR MIXED RESIDENTIAL (MR) ZONING IN THE AREA OF THE MARSHALL/GALUSHA ANNEXATION AND RETURN WITH A Planning: Zoning on North RECOMMENDATION TO COUNCIL; AND 2) REVIEW THE REQUEST OF Side of NE IIth PI MR. EVANS REGARDING ZONING ON THE NORTH SIDE OF NE 11TH PLACE BETWEEN MONROE AND OLYMPIA AVENUES NE AND RETURN WITH A RECOMMENDATION TO COUNCIL. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council President Stredicke noted the addition of one item, 6.i., regarding the property and casualty claims contract. Parks: May Creek Open Community Services Department requested approval of the grant application Space Grant, King County for May Creek King County Conservation Futures Levy funds. Refer to Conservation Futures Levy Community Services Committee. Funds Parks: Springbrook Trail Community Services Department requested approval of the grant application Open Space Grant, King for Springbrook Trail King County Conservation Futures Levy funds. Refer County Conservation to Community Services Committee. Futures Levy Funds Parks: Springbrook Trail Community Services Department requested approval of the grant application Open Space Grant, IAC to the Washington State Department of Natural Resources for IAC funding for Funding Springbrook Trail. Refer to Community Services Committee. 116 March 21 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 116 Parks: Cedar River Community Services Department requested approval of the grant application Regional Park Open Space to the Washington State Department of Natural Resources for IAC funding for Grant, IAC Funding Cedar River Sports Complex. Refer to Community Services Committee. Parks: Lake Washington Community Services Department requested approval of grant application for Vistas Open Space Grant, Lake Washington Vistas King County Conservation Futures Levy funds. King County Conservation Refer to Community Services Committee. Futures Levy Funds Finance: City Investment Finance Department submitted proposed City investment policies. Refer to Policies Finance Committee. Transportation: SR- Transportation Division submitted proposed interlocal agreement with the 167/SW 27th St HOV Washington State DOT to receive $344,000 in Federal grant funds for Project, WSDOT Grant preliminary engineering for the SR-167/SW 27th Street high occupancy vehicle (HOV) project. The City's match is $53,688. Refer to Transportation Committee. Utility: Fred Utilities Division submitted recommendation to defer assessment of sewer Meyer/Renton Center Special Utility Connection Charges (SUCC) associated with tenant Project, Deferral of SUCC improvements linked to the Fred Meyer project in Renton Center. Refer to Charges Utilities Committee. Added Item Personnel Department recommended approval of the renewal of services from Personnel: Third-Party third-party administrator Giesy, Greer & Gunn to administer the City's self- Administrator Agreement insured plan covering auto, general liability and property claims. Refer to Finance Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Stredicke presented a Committee of the Whole report Committee of the Whole regarding home business and license fees. Staff reviewed the possibility of Finance: 1994 Home increasing emphasis in the area of home business and license fees as part of its Business and License Fees 1994 budget process. Staff recommended that no additional emphasis be placed in this area over the already-approved 1993-94 program of increased business auditing. The Committee of the Whole recommended this item be deleted from the referral list. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning: Emergency Council President Stredicke presented a Committee of the Whole report Economic Conditions and regarding emergency economic conditions. The Committee of the Whole Regulatory Reform would like to review this topic, which consists of regulatory reform and developing increased flexibility in the City's ordinances and codes, in more detail with the Council as well as allow for greater review by the business community. Part of this topic is now before the Planning and Development Committee and future components will be referred to the appropriate committee. The Committee of the Whole recommended this item be deleted from its referral list. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. 117 March 21, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 117 _Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report concurring with the Public Works: Private recommendation of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department that Latecomer's Agreement Council allow separation between the City-Held latecomer process and the Regulations Private Developer-Held latecomer process and therefore the creation of one Public Works: Special new ordinance (Special Assessment District Ordinance - SADs) and revision to Assessment District the other (Private Developer Latecomer Ordinance). The Utilities Committee Regulations further concurred with the recommendation of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department and recommended that Council accept the two latecomer ordinances as submitted and that Council request both latecomer ordinances be adopted. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See later this page for ordinances.) Transaortation Committee Transportation Committee Chair Edwards presented a report recommending Transportation: Commute that Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the interlocal Trip Reduction agreement with King County to receive approximately $93,658 in State Agreement, King County Technical Assistance grant money to be used for the implementation of Renton's commute trip reduction plan. (Renton's allotment for the first year of the State 1993-1995 biennium is $46,829; the second year's actual allotment is based on the number of affected worksites in Renton as of March 31, 1994.) The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See later this page for resolution.) Comprehensive Plan: Transportation Committee Chair Edwards presented a report recommending Urban Center Boundary concurrence in the staff recommendation to amend the boundaries in the Amendments southern portion of the Proposed Urban Center to remove employment areas located generally south of South 7th Street and to add adjacent residential uses located on the western edge of the Mixed Use Core. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Mr. Edwards explained that this action reduces the total housing density requirements for the Urban Center. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolution #3044 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Transportation: Commute interlocal cooperative agreement with King County entitled "Commute Trip Trip Reduction Reduction Act Interlocal Agreement." MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED Agreement, King County BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 3/28/94 for second and final reading: Public Works: Private An ordinance was read amending Chapter 5, Latecomer's Agreements, of Title Latecomer's Agreement IX (Public Ways and Property) and subsection 5-1-1.13.1 of Chapter 1, Fee Regulations Schedule, of Title V (Finance and Business Regulations) of City Code relating to private latecomer's agreements. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 3/28/94. CARRIED. Public Works: Special An ordinance was read amending Title IX (Public Ways and Property) by Assessment District adding Chapter 16 entitled "Special Assessment Districts," of City Code Regulations establishing the authority, procedure, and rate of interest for Special Assessment Districts. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 3/28/94. CARRIED. lar March 21 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page I18 NEW BUSINESS Councilman Tanner commented on a program sponsored by the Renton Police Parks: At-Risk Youth Department and the Parks Department for at-risk youth that included a Program basketball game for 7th and 8th graders between the hours of 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. Given the ages of the youth involved, he asked for a response from staff on the appropriateness of the scheduled time and whether additional activities such as this are planned. EXECUTIVE SESSION Council President Stredicke announced that Council had held an executive Personnel: Labor session earlier this evening on labor negotiations from 6:00 to 6:20 p.m. Negotiations ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:58 p.m. MARILYN J /PE ERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 3/21/94 119 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 21, 1994 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 3/28 City Shops Maintenance Management (Stredicke) 6:30 p.m. System COMMUNITY SERVICES TUES., 3/22 Grant Applications: King County (Nelson) 3:15 p.m. Conservation Futures Levy Funds (May *5th Floor* Creek, Springbrook Trail, Lake Washington Vistas) and Wash. State Dept. of Natural Resources IAC Funding (Springbrook Trail, Cedar River Regional Park); Rich Buyce Fee Waiver Request FINANCE MON., 3/28 Renewal of Services for City's Self-Insured (Tanner) 6:00 p.m. Plan; City Investment Policies; Vouchers PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT TUES., 3/22 SEPA Process (cont.) (Keolker-Wheeler) 4:00 p.m. *5th Floor* PUBLIC SAFETY THURS., 3/24 Municipal Court Ordinance Amendment; (Corman) 3:00 p.m. Animal License Fees (cont.) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) (Edwards) UTILITIES THURS., 3/24 Fred Meyer Project (defer SUCC fees; use (Schlitzer) 4:00 p.m. as pilot project); Utility Element of Comprehensive Plan OTHER MEETINGS Surface Water Utility 3/23/94 Highlands Neighborhood Center, 800 Comprehensive Plan 7-9 p.m. Edmonds Ave NE Public Workshops 3/30/94 Renton Senior Center, 211 Burnett Ave N 7-9 p.m. NOTE:Committee of the Whole meetings are held in Municipal Court Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the 6th floor conference room (unless otherwise noted). 120 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 28, 1994 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF MARCH 21, 1994 4. PUBLIC HEARING: Winsper 60% Annexation Petition and Concurrent Rezone for approximately 115 acres located east of Talbot Hill Road, south of the existing City boundary, and generally north of parcels located along South 175th Street 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Development Services Division submits proposed revisions to street standards. Refer to Committee of the Whole. b. Finance& Information Systems Department requests Council schedule a public hearing for 4/11/94 to receive comments on TCI Cablevision's proposed rates, which will be retroactively effective from 10/01/93. Council concur. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Committee of the Whole: City Shops Maintenance Management System b. Community Services Committee: Grant applications--King County Counservation Futures Levy Funds (May Creek, Springbrook Trail, Lake Washington Vistas) and Washington State Department of Natural Resources IAC Funding (Springbrook Trail, Cedar River Sports Complex)*; Rich Buyce fee waiver request c. Finance Committee: Renewal of services for City's self-insured plan; City investment policies; Vouchers d. Public Safety Committee: Municipal Court ordinance amendment*; Animal license fees e. Utilities Committee: Deferral of SUCC fees for Fred Meyer/Renton Center project 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolutions: a. King County Conservation Futures Levy Funds for May Creek (see 8.b.) b. King County Conservation Futures Levy Funds for Springbrook Trail (see 8.b.) c. King County Conservation Futures Levy Funds for Lake Washington Vistas (see 8.b.) (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) d. Wash. State Dept. of Natural Resources IAC Funding for Springbrook Trail (see 8.b.) e. Wash. State Dept. of Natural Resources IAC Funding for Cedar River Sports Complex (see 8.b.) Ordinances for second and final reading: a. Latecomer Ordinance b. Special Assessment District Ordinance Ordinance for first reading: Amending sections of Chapter 4, City Code, relating to the Municipal Court (see 8.d.) 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics - call 277-4430 for recorded information) 11. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT a. Referred 1/24/94 - Petition for undergrounding on Park Ave N b. Referred 2/7/94 - Review billing procedure for new STARZ channel (22) to ensure that customers will be given the option to subscribe before charges are added to the monthly billing c. Referred 2/7/94 - Council request for a report regarding the allowable height of commercial buildings in the Highlands area so there can be a maximum height if the Highlands Church property is rezoned d. Referred 2/7/94 - Letter from Robert & Rosemary Key, 1008 Anacortes Ave NE, 98056, regarding abandoned house moved onto the Mission Hills site e. Referred 2/7/94 - Council request that various issues on the S-Curve project be referred to the City's Steering Committee representative f. Referred 2/7/94 - Council request for recommendation on setbacks in residential and commercial zones g. Referred 2/7/94 - Correspondence from Scott Freeman, 18115 - 110th SE, 98055, regarding zoning of property at 303 Factory Ave N h. Referred 2/14/94 - Letter from E. Moss, 2403 SE 8th Pl, 98055, complaining about water rates and asking for an investigation and retroactive settling of accounts i. Referred 2/21/94 - Council reiteration of request regarding Renton Hill problems with no left turn from Main onto 4th and the need for signs directing traffic to the new access J. Referred 2/28/94 - Council request for a status report on the citation issued to Bryant Motors on 2/4/94 for parking heavy vehicles on residential and commercial arterial property 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) MUNICIPAL COURT CHAMBERS 6:30 p.m. 1. City Shops Maintenance Management System l �.a RENTON CITY COUNCIL March 28, 1994 City Clerk's Office Referrals ADMINISTRATION Notice of Intention Package re: Winsper Annexation for King County Boundary Review Board Resolution ratifying Suburban Cities Association subcommittee appointments to the King County Council COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Proposed revisions to street standards ORDINANCES FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING Changes to City Code re: Municipal Court Animal license fees PUBLIC HEARINGS 4/11/94 — TCI Cablevision's proposed rates -123 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 28, 1994 Renton.,Municipal Court Monday, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Court Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. r... ROLL CALL OF RICHARD STREDICKE, Council President; KATHY KEOLKER- COUNCILMEMBERS WHEELER; RANDY CORMAN; JESSE TANNER; TONI NELSON; TIM SCHLITZER. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEMBER BOB EDWARDS. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; DAN KELLOGG, Assistant City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; VICTORIA RUNKLE, Finance Director; JIM HANSON, Development Services Director; MARK PYWELL, Senior Planner; LIEUTENANT BRIAN WILSON, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL COUNCIL MINUTES APPROVE THE MINUTES OF MARCH 21, 1994, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published Annexation: Winsper 60% in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Clymer opened the public Petition, Talbot Road hearing to consider the Winsper 60% Annexation Petition requesting the annexation of approximately 115 acres located east of Talbot Hill Road, south of the existing City boundary, and generally north of parcels along South 175th Street. Mark Pywell, Senior Planner, briefly reviewed the history of this annexation m effort, noting it was initiated by the Winsper Homeowners Association and includes the Winsper subdivision in addition to several other properties for which the City possesses covenants supporting an annexation. Winsper residents have pursued annexation because, as non-City residents receiving their utility service from Renton, they pay a 50% surcharge. The assessed value of the total annexation area is approximately $23 million. Mr. Pywell briefly reviewed existing land uses in the area, which are primarily single family, and noted that Renton's Comprehensive Plan designates the area as mostly Single Family with some SF/4 (Single Family/Up to Four Units Mix) along the eastern boundary of the annexation. Mr. Pywell explained that although the Winsper subdivision receives its water and sewer service from Renton, the majority of the proposed annexation area is served by Soos Creek Water District. The City and Soos Creek have reached an agreement whereby Soos Creek will continue to provide services to this area until the City finds it economically advantageous to assume them. Continuing, Mr. Pywell reviewed the projected fiscal impacts of the annexation, based on anticipated revenues and expenditures identified within the City's budget process. He also referred to individual department evaluations of the annexation proposal, noting that although no department indicated any significant problems with the annexation, the Police Department 1r 124 March 28 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 124 did state that, based on the projected annual increase in public safety calls, 1.09 additional officers would be needed. The cost of this service was included in the fiscal analysis. Council President Stredicke inquired if Renton could provide the annexation area with sewer service from existing lines located on Talbot Road. Mr. Pywell confirmed this would be possible. Responding to another question from Mr. Stredicke, Mr. Pywell said no commercial zoning is proposed for the annexation area itself although some businesses currently operate at the intersection of Carr Road and Talbot Road. Audience comment was invited. LeAnn Stranne, 17420 - 98th Ave. S., Renton, 98055, opposed the annexation for several reasons, saying the area already experiences severe water drainage problems that would be exacerbated by further development. Adding that she did not believe Renton police would adequately patrol the area if it were annexed, she questioned the results of the physical impact evaluation referred to earlier by Mr. Pywell. Mrs. Stranne noted that while residents of the Winsper subdivision want to be annexed so they will no longer have to pay the non-resident utility charge for services from the City of Renton, those who will continue to receive utility services from the Soos Creek Water District will not receive a similar benefit. Shirley Fraidenburg, 17014 Springbrook Rd. S., Renton, 98055, concurred with Mrs. Stranne's comments objecting to the annexation. Responding to a question posed by Mrs. Stranne, Mayor Clymer said the City of Renton owns and operates a fire station on Benson Road near the intersection with 108th Ave. SE (aka 515). MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE WINSPER ANNEXATION AS PROPOSED BY CERTIFYING THE 60% ANNEXATION PETITION; AUTHORIZE THE ADMINISTRATION TO PREPARE A NOTICE OF INTENTION PACKAGE FOR SUBMISSION TO THE KING COUNTY BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD; AGREE TO SIMULTANEOUSLY IMPOSE SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (SF) ZONING ON THE MAJORITY OF THE ANNEXATION AREA AND MIXED RESIDENTIAL (MR) ZONING ON THE EASTERN BOUNDARY OF THE ANNEXATION AREA; AND REQUIRE THE PROPERTY OWNERS TO ASSUME THEIR PROPORTIONAL SHARE OF THE CITY'S BONDED INDEBTEDNESS. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Streets: Revisions to Street Development Services Division submitted proposed revision to street standards. Standards Refer to Committee of the Whole. Franchise: Cable Rates Finance & Information Systems Department requested that Council schedule a public hearing 4/11/94 to receive comments on TCI Cablevision's proposed rates, which will be retroactively effective from 10/01/93. Council concur. 125 March 28, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 125 MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Responding to Council President Stredicke, Jim Hanson, Development Services Building: Byrant Motors Director, confirmed that Bryant Motors was cited on 3/l/94 for parking heavy Parking Violations vehicles on residential and commercial arterial property. A court date will be scheduled to hear this matter. Explaining his concern that Bryant Motors not be given an opportunity to argue - and perhaps be granted - a nonconforming use, Mr. Stredicke urged the Administration to adequately document the continuing violations. Public Safety Committee Public Safety Committee Chair Corman presented a report recommending Legal: Municipal Court amendments to the Municipal Court Ordinance. The Committee reviewed the Regulations proposed changes to the Municipal Court Ordinance with the Court Administrator and the City Attorney. The changes are largely to conform the ordinance to existing laws and practice. For example, the municipal court judge is described in the existing ordinance as part-time, when the position is now full-time. One substantive change to the ordinance is to allow the court to use pro tem judges from throughout King County and not limit these pro tem judges to those living or operating an office within the City of Renton. Because of the increased caseload in the municipal court, particularly jury trials, it is difficult to obtain a sufficient number of pro tem judges. The Court Administrator has indicated that the list of pro tem judges to be used will still be provided to the Council for annual appointments so that Council oversight can be maintained. The Committee recommended that the ordinance regarding the proposed changes be presented for first reading. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 128 for ordinance.) Finance: Animal License Public Safety Committee Chair Corman presented a report recommending that Fees effective July 1, 1994, animal license fees be as follows: Altered Cat, $3.00; Unaltered Cat, $5.00; Altered Dog, $7.00; Unaltered Dog, $13.00. The 1994 animal license fee increase is $1.00 per animal in each category. The Committee also recommended that the Finance Department examine the costs and benefits of a proactive animal license program. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 128 for ordinance.) Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report regarding the proposed Finance: City Investment investment policies for the City. The Committee has reviewed the proposed Policies investment policies and concurred these should be the primary principles and goals of the City's investment strategy. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Personnel: Third-Party Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending Administrator Contract concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the renewal of services of third-party administrator Giesy, Greer & Gunn to administer the City's self- insured plan to cover auto, general liability and property claims. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. March 28 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Paye 126 Finance: Vouchers Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending approval of Claims Vouchers #110338 - 110759 and two wire transfers in the total amount of $1,385,324.25. And approval of Payroll Vouchers #124975 - 125325 and 372 direct deposits in the total amount of $1,032,312.80, less check #1106 10 to Renton Civic Theatre. Mr. Tanner explained that the Finance Committee is withholding approval of check #1106 10 until the Administration can determine whether the funds were included in the 1994 budget. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Community Services Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report Committee recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the Parks: Grant Application applications for funding assistance for King County Conservation Futures for King County Levy Funds for the following projects: Conservation Futures Levy Funds, May Creek Trail 1. May Creek Trail. Match monies will be derived from previously- Parks: Grant Application committed Open Space Bond Issue Funds and Reserve Park Funds for this for King County acquisition grant application. Conservation Futures Levy 2. Springbrook Trail. Match monies will be derived from Open Space Bond Funds, Springbrook Trail Issue Funds and King County Fee-in-Lieu of Funds for this acquisition Parks: Grant Application grant application. for King County 3. Lake Washington Vistas. Match monies will be derived from Open Space Conservation Futures Levy Bond Issue Funds and Reserve Park Funds for this adquisition grant Funds, Lake Washington application. Vistas The Committee further recommended that the three resolutions regarding these matters be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 127 for resolutions.) Parks: Grant Application Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report for IAC Grant Funds, recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to authorize the Cedar River Sports applications for funding assistance for IAC grant funds for the following Complex projects: Parks: Grant Application for IAC Grant Funds, 1. Cedar River Sports Complex. Match monies will be derived from Open Springbrook Trail Space Bond Issue Funds and General Funds for this development grant application in the Local Parks Category. 2. Springbrook Trail. Match monies will be derived from Open Space Bond Issue Funds, King County Conservation Futures Levy Funds and King County Fee-in-Lieu of Funds for this acquisition project in the Local Parks Category. The Committee further recommended that the two resolutions regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 127 for resolutions.) Building: Variance Fee Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report regarding the Waiver, Buyce request from Rich Buyce for a variance fee waiver. The Committee reviewed the subject of fees for "minor variances." Given the fact that the Council will shortly be considering a staff proposal to reduce the process and/or fee for variances that would require significantly less staff review, the Council considered the possibility of waiving this particular fee. The Committee recommended that it is appropriate at this time to waive the subject variance fee since future application fees of this kind may be significantly reduced by Council action. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. } 127 March 28. 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pane 127 Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report recommending Utility: Deferral of SUCC concurrence with the staff recommendation to defer imposition of the sewer Fees for Renton Center SUCC fees associated with the Renton Center tenant improvement projects Project related to the Fred Meyer project until such time as the building and/or construction permits are issued for the major Fred Meyer facility. The Utilities Committee further recommended concurrence with the staff recommendation to use the Fred Meyer project as a "pilot project" for application of the draft redevelopment SUCC Fee Credit for the sewer SUCC fees triggered by the development. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. Wma CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolution #3045 A resolution was read authorizing application for funding assistance for an Parks: Grant Application acquisition project (May Creek Trail) to King County as provided by the for King County King County Conservation Futures Levy Fund Acquisition Program. MOVED Conservation Futures Levy BY NELSON, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Funds, May Creek Trail RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3046 A resolution was read authorizing application for funding assistance for an Parks: Grant Application acquisition project (Springbrook Trail) to King County as provided by the for King County King County Conservation Futures Levy Fund Acquisition Program. MOVED Conservation Futures Levy BY NELSON, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Funds, Springbrook Trail RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3047 A resolution was read authorizing application for funding assistance for an Parks: Grant Application acquisition project (Lake Washington Vistas) to King County as provided by for King County the King County Conservation Futures Levy Fund Acquisition Program. Conservation Futures Levy MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Funds, Lake Washington RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Vistas Resolution #3048 A resolution was read authorizing application for funding assistance and Parks: Grant Application identifying the source of matching funds for an outdoor recreation project for IAC Grant Funds, (Cedar River Sports Complex) to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Cedar River Sports Recreation as provided by the Marine Recreation Land Act. MOVED BY Complex NELSON, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3049 A resolution was read authorizing application for funding assistance and Parks: Grant Application identifying the source of matching funds for an outdoor recreation project for IAC Grant Funds, (Springbrook Trail) to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation as Springbrook Trail provided by the Marine Recreation Land Act. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading: Ordinance #4443 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 5, Latecomer's Agreements, of Title Planning: Private IX (Public Ways and Property) and subsection 5-1-1.B.1 of Chapter 1, Fee Latecomer's Agreement Schedule, of Title V (Finance and Business Regulations) of City Code relating Regulations to private latecomer's agreements. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. 128 March 28 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 128 Ordinance #4444 An ordinance was read amending Title IX (Public Ways and Property) by Planning: Special adding Chapter 16 entitled "Special Assessment Districts," of City Code Assessment District establishing the authority, procedure, and rate of interest for Special Regulations Assessment Districts. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for reading and referred to the Council meeting of 4/4/94 for second reading and adoption: Legal: Municipal Court An ordinance was read amending Sections 3-4-1.A, 3-4-3, 3-4-4, 3-4-7, 3-4- Regulations 8, 3-4-9 and 3-4-10 of Chapter 4, Municipal Court, of Title III (Departments) of City Code relating to the Municipal Court. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 4/4/94. CARRIED. Finance: Animal License An ordinance was read amending subsection 5-4-2.A. of Chapter 4, Animal Fees Licenses, of Title IV (Finance and Business Regulations) of City Code by establishing fees for animal licenses and adjusting the 1994 adopted budget. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 4/4/94. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Responding to Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler, Executive Assistant Jay Executive: Renton Center Covington confirmed that the Economic Development Specialist is encouraging Business Relocations small businesses currently operating in the Renton Center to relocate to the downtown core while the Renton Center property is undergoing construction. SCA: King County Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler explained that jurisdictions belonging to the Council Regional Suburban Cities Association have been asked to ratify the SCA appointments Committee Appointments to the Regional Committees of the Metropolitan King County Council. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL DIRECT THE ADMINISTRATION TO BRING FORTH A RESOLUTION NEXT WEEK RATIFYING THE SCA APPOINTMENTS TO THE REGIONAL COMMITTEES OF THE METROPOLITAN KING COUNTY COUNCIL. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Petition submitted by Harold Adams for undergrounding on Park Avenue REPORT North. Utility: Request for Undergrounding on Park Letter from Mayor Clymer to David H. Israel, A&H Drug, 200 S. Third St., Ave N Renton, 98055, explained that the petition cannot be honored for various reasons, including the fact that City Code requires property owners to be responsible for all private undergrounding conversion costs. Franchise: TCI Channel Council request that staff review billing procedure for new STARZ channel (STARZ) Billing (22) to ensure that customers will be given the option to subscribe before Procedure charges are added to the monthly billing. Memo from Victoria Runkle, Finance & Information Services administrator, stated that, according to correspondence received from TCI, cable customers will not be automatically billed for the new STARZ premium channel. Building: Height Limit on Council President Stredicke requested a report from the Administration as to Highlands Community the height of commercial buildings in the Highlands area so there can be a Church Site maximum height if the Highlands Church property is rezoned. 129 March 28, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 129 Memo from Gregg Zimmerman, Acting Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator, stated that because the Highlands Community Church property is adjacent to a residential zone, any future construction would be limited to 45 feet in height. Building: Mission Hill Letter from Robert & Rosemary Key, 1008 Anacortes Avenue NE, Renton, Violation 98056, regarding abandoned house moved onto the Mission Hills site. Memo from Gregg Zimmerman, Acting Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator, stated that the property owner was issued a citation regarding this matter, and the street has been closed per the request of the Police r.. Department. Transportation: I-405 Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler requested that the following issues on S- S-Curve Project curve project be referred to the City's Steering Committee Representative: a. Width of new road b. No left turn from new road onto Main from 3-6 p.m. C. Installation of "No Outlet" signs on Renton Avenue d. Installation of signs directing traffic to new road e. Appearance of roadway from City Hall side of hill f. Installation of landscaping. Memo from Gregg Zimmerman, Acting Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator, reported the comments of the Steering Committee in response to each of Mrs. Keolker-Wheeler's questions. Planning: Setbacks in Setbacks in residential and commercial zones referred to the Administration Residential and for recommendation. Commercial Zones Memo from Gregg Zimmerman, Acting Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator, stated that the issue of setbacks within residential and commercial zones will be considered during the Phase II revisions to the Interim Zoning. This issue will go before the Planning and Development Committee in May. Planning: Freeman Errata Letter from Scott Freeman, 18115 - 110th SE, Renton, 98055, owner of Request, 303 Factory Ave property at 303 Factory Avenue N., regarding Errata process request referred North to Administration for recommendation. Memo from Gregg Zimmerman, Acting Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator, stated that a letter was sent to Mr. Freeman on February 28, 1994, outlining the Comprehensive Plan review process. Mr. Freeman's request will go to the Planning Commission in April or May before coming before the City Council. Utility: Citizen Complaint Letter from E. Moss, 2403 SE 8th Pl., Renton, 98055, complaining about on Water Rates water rates and asking for an investigation and retractive settling of accounts. Memo from Gregg Zimmerman, Acting Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator, stated that a letter was sent to Mr. Moss explaining the City's water rates. Transportation: I-405 Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler reiterated her request regarding Renton Hill S-Curve Project (2/7/94) problems with no left turn from Main onto 4th; need for signs at the bottom of the old road directing traffic to the new road. r..r 130 March 28 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 130 Memo from Gregg Zimmerman, Acting Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator, reported the response of the Steering Committee to these issues and noted that temporary guide signs will be installed at four locations to direct motorists to the new access road. Building: Bryant Motors Council President Stredicke asked for a status report on the citation issued to Parking Violations Bryant Motors on 2/4/94 for parking heavy vehicles on residential and commercial arterial property. Memo from Gregg Zimmerman, Acting Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator, stated that three citations were issued to Bryant Motors on - March 1, 1994; as a result, Bryant Motors will be summoned to the Municipal Court on a schedule to be determined by court appearance. AUDIENCE COMMENT Versie Vaupel, P.O. Box 755, Renton 98057, disapproved of the City's animal Citizen Comment: Vaupel license fee schedule which charges less to license cats than dogs. She felt - Animal License Fees these fees should be the same, particularly as cat owners tend to let their pets run loose while dogs are, generally, better controlled. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:23 p.m. MARILY ,'P ERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 3/28/94 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 28, 1994 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 4/04 Housing Element of the Comprehensive .� (Stredicke) 6:30 p.m. Plan COMMUNITY SERVICES (Nelson) FINANCE (Tanner) PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT (Keolker-Wheeler) PUBLIC SAFETY (Corman) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) MON., 4/04 SR-167/SW 27th Street HOV Project (Edwards) 4:00 p.m. (Interlocal Agreement with WSDOT) UTILITIES (Schlitzer) NOTE:Committee of the Whole meetings are held in Municipal Court Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the 6th floor conference room (unless otherwise noted). 132 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCH, REGULAR MEETING April 4, 1994 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF MARCH 28, 1994 4. PROCLAMATIONS: a. Building Safety Week, April 10— 16, 1994 b. Earthquake Awareness Week, April 10— 16, 1994 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. City Clerk submits request from the National League of Cities to adopt a resolution supporting congressional action on anti-crime legislation. Council concur. (See 9.a. for resolution.) b. City Clerk submits request from the Suburban Cities Association(SCA) to adopt a resolution ratifying SCA appointments to the Metropolitan King County Regional Committees and approving the appointment method and SCA bylaws. Council concur. (See 9.b. for resolution.) c. Finance and Information Services Department submits proposed 1994 Budget amendments. Refer to Finance Committee. d. Housing and Human Services Division submits proposed agreement with Renton Area Youth &Family Services (RAYS) to provide various services for City of Renton residents. Refer to Community Services Committee. 7. CORRESPONDENCE a. Letter from Mary Ryan, owner of property at 16443 Benson Road, Renton, 98057, requesting emergency hook-up to the City's sewer system due to a malfunctioning septic system. Refer to Utilities Committee. b. Letter from Richard L. Wagner, Baylis Brand Wagner Architects, 1750 - 112th Ave. NE, Bellevue, 98004, requesting approval for a Class A nonconforming land use at 3979 Lake Washington Blvd. N. (restoration of existing cottage). Refer to Planning and Development Committee. 8. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Transportation Committee: Interlocal Agreement with WSDOT for SR-167/SW 27th Street HOV Project* (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolutions: a. Supporting congressional action on anti-crime legislation (National League of Cities) (see 6.a.) b. Ratifying Suburban Cities appointments to the Metropolitan King County Regional Committees (see 6.b.) c. Interlocal agreement with WSDOT for SR-167/SW 27th Street HOV project (see 8.a.) Ordinances for second and final reading: a. Amending sections of Chapter 4, City Code, relating to the Municipal Court (1st reading 3/28/94) b. Animal license fees (1st reading 3/28/94) -Ordinance for first reading: Parker property rezone from Resource Conservation (RC) to Single Family, Low Density (SF-L) (Council approved 11/22/93) 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics - call 277-4430 for recorded information) 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) MUNICIPAL COURT CHAMBERS 6:30 p.m. Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan RENTON CITY COUNCIL April 4, 1994 City Clerk's Office Referrals COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Agreement with Renton Area Youth& Family Services (RAYS) FINANCE COMMITTEE 1994 Budget amendments Council correspondence MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Interlocal Agreement with WSDOT for SR-167/SW 27th Street HOV project funds PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Building permit issued at 251 Factory Avenue North PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Staffing of Police and Fire Departments UTILITIES COMMITTEE Emergency sewer hook-up request from Mary Ryan for property at 16443 Benson Road, 98057 ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING Parker property rezone from Resource Conservation (RC) to Single Family, Low Density(SF-L) PUBLIC HEARINGS 4/11/94— TCI Cablevision's proposed rates RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 4, 1994 Renton Municipal Court Monday, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Court Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD STREDICKE, Council President; BOB EDWARDS, TIM COUNCILMEMBERS SCHLITZER, TONI NELSON, JESSE TANNER, RANDY CORMAN, KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; DAVID DEAN, Assistant City Attorney; ATTENDANCE MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Acting Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; NEIL WATTS, Plan Review Supervisor; SUE CARLSON, Economic Development Specialist; CAROLYN SUNDVALL, Housing & Human Services Manager; CHIEF ALAN WALLIS, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES THE MINUTES OF MARCH 28, 1994, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PROCLAMATIONS A proclamation by Mayor Clymer was read declaring April 10 - 16, 1994, to Building Safety Week be Building Safety Week in appreciation of those who promote, adhere to and/or enforce health and safety regulations designed to make buildings safe for others. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Earthquake Awareness A proclamation by Mayor Clymer was read declaring April 10 - 16, 1994, to Week be Earthquake Awareness Week and urging citizens to learn earthquake preparedness and safety measures that will greatly reduce the loss of life and property in the event of an earthquake. MOVED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Battalion Chief Ray Barilleaux accepted the proclamation on behalf of the Fire Department. AUDIENCE COMMENT Marjorie Richter, 300 Meadow Avenue North, Renton 98055, commented on a Citizen Comment: Richter building permit issued for a structure at 251 Factory Avenue North, a matter - Building Permit at 251 she had initially brought to Council's attention on March 7th. Mrs. Richter Factory Ave N stated specific concerns regarding the encroachment of the structure's garage over the adjoining single family residence, the overhang over the public sidewalk, the number of curb cuts, the existence of oiled floors, the problem with sight distance from the property, and the purported cost of the remodeling project. Citizen Comment: Vaupel Versie Vaupel, P.O. Box 755, Renton 98057, echoed Mrs. Richter's concerns - Building Permit at 251 regarding the validity of the information provided to the City in the Factory Ave N application for the building permit that was granted at 251 Factory Avenue north. Mrs. Vaupel particularly objected to the fact that the appraisal used was based on the structure's replacement value rather than its present value, and she doubted whether $34,000 - the remodeling cost estimated by the applicant - would be sufficient to renovate the building and render it habitable. April 4 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 136 Citizen Comment: Warren Dana Warren, PO Box 88050, Tukwila, 98138, spoke regarding the Housing - Development Element of the Comprehensive Plan, saying that one reason many residents Fees/Affordability Issues cannot afford to own their own homes is because of the costs incurred by developers for new construction. Mr. Warren said assessment and mitigation fees can total $4,000 to $5,000 per unit, which can constitute the difference between a project being feasible or infeasible. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Police: NLC Support of City Clerk submitted request from the National League of Cities to adopt a Anti-Crime Legislation resolution supporting congressional action on anti-crime legislation. Council concur. (See page 137 for resolution.) SCA: Appointments to City Clerk submitted request from the Suburban Cities Association (SCA) to King County Regional adopt a resolution ratifying SCA appointments to the Metropolitan King Committees County Regional Committees and approving the appointment method and SCA bylaws. Council concur. (See page 137 for resolution.) Budget: 1994 Amendments Finance and Information Services Department submitted proposed 1994 Budget amendments in the total amount of $38,617,070, increasing the 1994 amended budget to $146,271,752. Refer to Finance Committee. H&HS: Renton Area Housing and Human Services Division submitted proposed agreement with Youth & Family Services Renton Area Youth & Family Services (RAYS) to provide various services for (RAYS) Agreement City of Renton residents. Refer to Community Services Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Mary Ryan, owner of property at 16443 Citizen Comment: Ryan - Benson Road, Renton, 98057, requesting emergency hook-up to the City's Emergency Sewer Hook- sewer system due to a malfunctioning septic system. MOVED BY up Request EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL REFER THIS REQUEST TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Wagner Correspondence was read from Richard L. Wagner, Baylis Brand Wagner - Request for Architects, 1750 - 112th Ave. NE, Bellevue, 98004, requesting approval for a Nonconforming Use, 3979 Class A nonconforming land use at 3979 Lake Washington Blvd. N. Lk Wash Blvd N (restoration of existing cottage), owned by Robert Cugini. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE REQUEST FOR A CLASS A NONCONFORMING USE AT 3979 LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD NORTH FOR RESTORATION OF AN EXISTING STRUCTURE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Transportation Committee Chair Edwards presented a report recommending Transportation Committee that Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the interlocal Transportation: SR- agreement with the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) 167/SW 27th HOV Project to receive $344,000 in federal grant money with a local match of $53,688 to Agreement, WSDOT be used for preliminary engineering for an HOV interchange at SR-167/SW 27th Street, and for HOV lanes (one lane in each direction) along SW 27th Street. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 137 for resolution.) 137 April 4. 1994 Renton Citv Council Minutes Pane 137 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: Resolution No. 3050 A resolution was read urging Congress to pass legislation aimed at stopping Police: NLC Support of crime and violence in our cities and towns. MOVED BY EDWARDS, Anti-Crime Legislation SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution No. 3051 A resolution was read ratifying the Suburban Cities Association appointments SCA: Appointments to to regional committees, the appointment method, and the SCA bylaws. King County Regional MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, Committees COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution No. 3052 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Transportation: SR- interlocal cooperative agreement with the Washington State Department of 167/SW 27th HOV Project Transportation for funding of preliminary engineering for high occupancy Agreement, WSDOT vehicle lanes on SW 27th Street from SR-167 to Oakesdale Avenue SW. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second reading and adoption: Ordinance No. 4445 An ordinance was read amending Sections 3-4-1.A, 3-4-3, 3-4-4, 3-4-7, 3-4- Legal: Municipal Court 8, 3-4-9 and 3-4-10 of Chapter 4, Municipal Court, of Title III (Departments) Regulations of City Code relating to the Municipal Court. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance No. 4446 An ordinance was read amending subsection 5-4-2.A. of Chapter 4, Animal Finance: Animal License Licenses, of Title IV (Finance and Business Regulations) of City Code by Fees establishing fees for animal licenses and adjusting the 1994 adopted budget. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and advanced for second reading and adoption: Rezone: Parker Property An ordinance was read amending the Interim Zoning Map and changing the zoning classification of property located at approximately the 2800 block of Royal Hills Drive within the City of Renton from Resource Conservation (RC) to Single Family, Low Density (SF-L) (Parker rezone; public hearing held 9/20/93). MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 4/11/94. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS In response to Council President Stredicke, Mayor Clymer said the City's Building: Bryant Motors enforcement actions against parking violations occurring at Bryant Motors are Parking Violations undergoing the due process of law. Police: Staffing Levels Addressing the matter of a proposed public safety building and fire training Fire: Staffing Levels center, it was MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL DIRECT STAFF TO PROVIDE AN UPDATE ON THE STAFFING LEVELS OF THE POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENTS TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. April 4 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 138 Council: Correspondence Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler questioned the process by which Council correspondence is handled. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THE ISSUE OF COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Transportation: WSDOT I- Council President Stredicke requested that a letter received from Len Cozza, 405 S-Curve Project 433 Cedar Ave. S., Renton, 98055, be forwarded to Joe Scanlon, WSDOT's newly-appointed manager of the I-405 S-Curve project. ' AUDIENCE COMMENT Lloyd Hoshide, 833 Kirkland Ave. NE, Renton, 98056, responded to Citizen Comment: Hoshide comments made earlier in the evening regarding impact fees charged to new - Development Impact developments, saying that, to some extent, these are justified and help ensure Fees/Regulatory Reform that the economic impacts of new development are not placed on the shoulders of residents. Mr. Hoshide also commented on regulatory reform, explaining his preference that public input on a project be welcomed at the proposal stage (as it is for a conditional use) and not restricted to an after-the-fact position, as it would be in an appeal of an administrative decision. Citizen Comment: Richter Marjorie Richter, 300 Meadow Avenue North, Renton 98055, continued her - Building Permit at 251 comments regarding the building permit granted for 251 Factory Ave. N., Factory Ave N suggesting that the City may want to require more than one appraisal for such permits since the one submitted with this particular application appears erroneous. Citizen Comment: Vaupel Versie Vaupel, P.O. Box 755, Renton 98057, said although residents would Building Permit at 251 like the structure at 251 Factory Ave. N. to be improved, they question the Factory Ave N propriety of this specific plan. She was especially concerned with the fact that no public notice had been required, and said a posting of the intent of the application or of the building permit would have informed residents of the proposal. Acting Planning/Building/Public Works Director Zimmerman confirmed there is no public notice requirement for building permits approved for tenant improvements, of which the City issues hundreds. Noting that the letter submitted by Mrs. Richter this evening had raised issues not addressed in previous correspondence on this matter, Councilmember Corman requested that the Administration provide a response to the new issues. Responding to Mr. Corman, Mr. Zimmerman stated that administrative determinations can be appealed within 14 days following the date the determination was issued. In this case, the issuance of the building permit on 10/28/93 constituted the administrative determination; therefore, the appeal period has expired. Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler felt that this situation, which involves the renovation of a structure that had been abandoned for a long period of time, was very different from a building permit issued for a normal remodel of a home because of the greater impact on the neighborhood. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THIS ISSUE TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE TO CONSIDER THIS SPECIFIC SITUATION AND WHETHER REVISIONS TO THE CODE NEED TO BE ADOPTED. CARRIED. 139 April 4. 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 139 ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:35 p.m. MARILYN . P T SEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 4/04/94 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 4, 1994 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 4/11 Downtown Revitalization Plan (Stredicke) 6:30 p.m. COMMUNITY SERVICES (Nelson) FINANCE MON., 4/11 Finance Department's Vision Briefing (Tanner) 6:00 p.m. 1994 Budget Adjustments Vouchers PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT (Keolker-Wheeler) PUBLIC SAFETY (Corman) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) (Edwards) UTILITIES (Schlitzer) NOTE:Committee of the Whole meetings are held in Municipal Court Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the 6th floor conference room (unless otherwise noted). tw.A AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING April 11, 1994 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE r.. 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF APRIL 4, 1994 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Community Services Department—Youth at Risk Program 5. PUBLIC HEARING: TCI Cablevision Proposed Rates 6. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Executive Department requests waiver of fees for permits during 1994 Renton River Days, and permission to install River Days windsocks and banners on street poles from July 6 to August 15. Refer to Community Services Committee. b. Housing& Human Services Division requests adoption of 1995 Community Development Block Grant Policies, acceptance of estimated Block Grant pass-through dollars for 1995, and establishment of a public hearing on April 25, 1994, to receive public input"on this issue. Refer to Community Services Committee. c. Housing &Human Services Division requests acceptance of proposed reallocation of 1994 Community Development Block Grant funds and establishment of a public hearing on April 25, 1994, to receive public input on this issue. Refer to Community Services Committee. d. Police Department submits report from the citizens' committee formed to address Renton's public safety space needs. Refer to Committee of the Whole. e. Utilities Division submits recommendation on low-income senior rates for City utilities. Refer to Utilities Committee. 8. INFORMATION ITEM: 10ty Clerk submits Quarterly Contract List for January 1 —March 31, 1994. 9. CORRESPONDENCE LP+'er from Olive Biggins, 2611 NE Sunset Blvd., 98056, requesting approval for a Class A nonconforming , se for the Biggins View Apartments located at 907 Harrington Ave. NE, 98056, due to recent rezone of this property to Community Commercial (CB). 10. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with asterisk(*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Finance Committee: 1994 Budget Adjustments*; Vouchers (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 11. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinance for first reading: 1994 Budget Amendments (See 10.a.) Ordinance for second and final reading: Parker property rezone from Resource Conservation (RC) to Single Family, Low Density (SF-L) (1st reading 4/04/94) 12. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics - call 277-4430 for recorded information) 13. AUDIENCE COMMENT 14. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) MUNICIPAL COURT CHAMBERS 6:30 p.m. 1. Downtown Revitalization Plan Now 143 RENTON CITY COUNCIL April 11, 1994 City Clerk's Office Referrals ADMINISTRATION Resolution regarding King County's reluctance to lease office space in a building located in Renton COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Public safety space needs COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Cable rates 1995 CDBG policies and pass-through funds Reallocation of 1994 CDBG funds Lake Washington trail grant application PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Proces for considering requests for Class A nonconforming uses UTILITIES COMMITTEE Low-income senior rates PUBLIC HEARINGS 4/25/94 — 1995 CDBG policies and pass-through funds 4/25/94 —Reallocation of 1994 CDBG funds 144 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 11, 1994 Renton Municipal Court Monday, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Court Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD STREDICKE, Council President; BOB EDWARDS, TIM COUNCILMEMBERS SCHLITZER,,TONI NELSON, JESSE TANNER, RANDY CORMAN, KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; ZANETTA FONTES, Assistant City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; SAM CHASTAIN, Community Services Administrator; BILL HUTSINPILLER, Parks & Recreation Director; NEIL WATTS, Plan Review Supervisor; PHILIP JEWETT, Information Systems Director; JERRY RERECICH, Recreation Supervisor; TERRY HIGASHIYAMA, Recreation Manager; BILL HIGGINS, Recreation Specialist; SANDY CHASTAIN, Community Relations Specialist; LON HURD, Cable Television Consultant; LIEUTENANT JOE PEACH, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL COUNCIL MINUTES APPROVE THE MINUTES OF APRIL 4, 1994, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. SPECIAL Sam Chastain, Community Services Administrator, introduced staff involved in PRESENTATION the City's at-risk youth program. Parks: Youth at Risk Program Terry Higashiyama, Recreation Manager, stated that the City's youth at risk program was established last year in response to numerous societal factors, such as escalating violence, and the fact that many youth and young adults benefit from recreational and after-school programs. Over 200 activities have thus far been offered in cooperation with the School District, various City departments, and the business community. Jerry Rerecich, Recreation Supervisor, commented on the goals and objectives of the at-risk youth program, emphasizing the City's attempts to ensure that the activities are, above all, safe. Noting that the program has had positive results ranging from interaction with police officers to increased cultural awareness, he commented in particular on the new "Cities in Schools" program which will bring together the City and the School District in addition to other organizations such as the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts in an effort to pool resources for the betterment of the community's youth. Responding to Councilmember Tanner, Mr. Rerecich said youth transportation to late-night basketball games is worked out in advance via parent notification. Bill Higgins, Recreation Specialist, narrated videos highlighting two of the programs (the Royal Hills summer program and Nelson Middle School after- school activities). He noted that outreach efforts in the Royal Hills community, which have included parenting and first aid classes as well as youth-oriented activities, have had the effect of lowering the crime rate for that area. 145 April 11, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 145 Jafar Rosemont, Hillcrest, and Yamoren Jamal, McKnight Middle School, related their appreciation of the program, specifically the teen nights on Fridays and Saturdays and the field trips offered during the summer months. Concluding that the Parks Department's employees are committed to this program, Community Services Administrator Chastain asked for Council's continued support. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published Franchise: TCI Cable in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Clymer opened the public Rates hearing to consider the proposed rates for TCI Cablevision. Philip Jewett, Information Systems Director, provided a brief overview of recent cable regulation history, explaining that legislation passed by Council last year authorized the City to license rates. The new cable rates adopted for the City will be retroactive to October 1, 1993. Mr. Jewett commented on the national average, or "benchmark" rates established by the Federal Communications Commission last year, noting that Renton's current basic rate is about $0.61 per channel, and the FCC's permitted rate is $0.60 per channel. Staff recommends that this issue be referred to the Community Services Committee for further evaluation. Responding to Councilmember Tanner, Lon Hurd, consultant from 3-H Cable Communications Consultants, explained that channel capacity is tied to the upgrading of the system, which is scheduled for completion by 1996 but expected to be finished much earlier. Although the upgraded analog technology will increase the number of available channels to about 80 in late 1995, the conversion to digital technology will greatly expand this capacity. Mr. Hurd added that the rate-setting process will begin again this June 15th when TCI is required to submit its justification for yet another tier of rates. Audience comment was invited. Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Ave. S., Renton, 98055, expressed concern that TCI is requesting owners of multi-unit properties to sign a 15-year agreement for a right-of-entry that would allow TCI's workers to install a new fiber optics system. Noting past dissatisfaction with service received from TCI, Mr. Webb said previous contact with the cable company has indicated it is not responsive to complaints. He was concerned that, according to the agreement, TCI could abandon its facilities at any time without removing them. Mr. Webb questioned if the City has seen or approved this agreement. Gary Hokinson, General Manager of TCI Cablevision South, concurred that TCI is rebuilding its fiber optic system to meet FCC specifications, and in doing so will rewire all apartment complexes as well as some private residences. In response to Councilmember Corman, Mr. Hokinson said the agreement referred to by Mr. Webb includes the right-of-entry provision because some owners of rental units do not live on-site. He added that TCI will individually contact those who live in single family residences, and said the company is not asking for carte blanche to gain entrance into anyone's house. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. April 11 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 146 MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ISSUE OF CABLE RATES TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Bill McLaughlin, 20417 - 94th Ave. S., Kent, 98031, requested that the letter Citizen Comment: from Olive Biggins be discussed. McLaughlin - Request for Nonconforming Use, 907 MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL SUSPEND Harrington Ave NE THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO THE ITEM OF CORRESPONDENCE ON THE AGENDA. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Olive Biggins, 2611 NE Sunset Blvd., 98056, Citizen Comment: Biggins requesting a Class A nonconforming use for the Biggins View Apartments - Request for located at 907 Harrington Ave. NE, 98056, due to recent rezone of this Nonconforming Use, 907 property to Community Commercial (CB). Harrington Ave NE Mr. McLaughlin stated that his mother-in-law, Olive Biggins, is requesting the Class A nonconforming use for this property because the building is a condominium, and under the current Class B nonconforming use, only 50% of the units could be rebuilt in the event a fire or other catastrophe totally destroyed the building. Mr. McLaughlin referenced photographs of the adjacent properties included with the letter which demonstrate that the current use is compatible with existing uses in the immediate area. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL GRANT THE REQUEST FOR A CLASS A NONCONFORMING USE AT 907 HARRINGTON AVENUE NE. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THE SUBJECT OF THE PROCESS FOR CONSIDERING CLASS A NONCONFORMING USE REQUESTS TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council President Stredicke noted the addition of one item, 7.f., regarding a grant application for Lake Washington Trail. �,.. Community Event: Renton Executive Department requested waiver of fees for permits during 1994 River Days Permit Fee Renton River Days, and permission to install River Days windsocks and Waiver; Banners banners on street poles from July 6 to August 15. Refer to Community Services Committee. H&HS: 1995 CDBG Housing & Human Services Division requested adoption of 1995 Community Policies and Pass-Through Development Block Grant Policies, acceptance of estimated Block Grant pass- Funds through dollars for 1995, and establishment of a public hearing on April 25, 1994, to receive public input on this issue. Refer to Community Services Committee. H&HS: 1994 CDBG Funds Housing & Human Services Division requested acceptance of proposed reallocation of 1994 Community Development Block Grant funds and establishment of a public hearing on April 25, 1994, to receive public input on this issue. Refer to Community Services Committee. Police: Public Safety Police Department submitted report from the citizens' committee formed to Needs address Renton's public safety space needs. Refer to Committee of the Whole. April 11, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 147 Utilities: Low-Income Utilities Division submitted recommendation on low-income senior rates for Senior Rates City utilities. Refer to Utilities Committee. Added Item Community Services Department requested approval of the grant application Parks: Grant Application to the Washington Department of Natural Resources for IAC funding for the for IAC Grant Funds, Lake Washington Trail, Phase 2. Refer to Community Services Committee. Lake Washington Trail MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED. CARRIED. .� INFORMATION ITEM City Clerk submitted the quarterly contract list for the period of January 1 City Clerk: Quarterly through March 31, 1994, in the total amount of $2,345,568.50. Contract List, January - March, 1994 OLD BUSINESS Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending approval Finance Committee of Claims Vouchers #110760 - 111247 and two wire transfers in the total Finance: Vouchers amount of $1,963,290.74. And approval of Payroll Vouchers #125326 - 125664 and 378 direct deposits in the total amount of $1,081,411.66. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The following ordinance was presented for second reading and adoption: Ordinance #4447 An ordinance was read amending the Interim Zoning Map and changing the Rezone: Parker Property zoning classification of property located at approximately the 2800 block of Royal Hills Drive within the City of Renton from Resource Conservation (RC) to Single Family, Low Density (SF-L) (Parker rezone; public hearing held 9/20/93). MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Schlitzer asked for Council input on the proposed Phase I Transportation: Regional Regional Transit Plan options for presentation at this Friday's Eastside Transit Plan Transportation Plan meeting and next week's SCATBd meeting. Council President Stredicke questioned why Option B does not include a transit line to Renton, and Executive Assistant Jay Covington explained that the Regional Transit Authority (RTA) has limited funds and some of the more costly transit options reduce the likelihood that rail will be available in certain areas. Mr. Covington added that a Metro study had determined that a commuter rail line in Renton would be the most cost-effective line of any proposed. Noting that a public meeting will be held on April 26th at the Senior Center to discuss the proposals, Mayor Clymer suggested that Council may want to wait and hear from its constituents before making any recommendations on this subject. Responding to Mayor Clymer's concern regarding the County's intention to adopt a transit plan by May 2nd, Councilman Edwards added that the accepted strategy for planning land use and transportation improvements holds that regional land use planning ought to determine where transportation investments are made. The problem is that the county-wide planning policies and local comprehensive plans will not be adopted until this summer. Aril 11. 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 148 Saying that Council should send a strong message to the RTA on this issue, including adoption of a resolution, it was MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL GO ON RECORD AS OPPOSING ANY PROPOSAL FROM THE REGIONAL TRANSIT AUTHORITY THAT DOES NOT SERVE RENTON. CARRIED. Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler emphasized the importance of publicizing the April 26th meeting on this subject and encouraging the public to attend. Mr. Edwards concurred, noting that the transit system will be paid for by all residents of the region although not every jurisdiction will be directly served by it. King County: DDES Councilman Tanner commented on the reluctance of the King County Council Relocation to Renton to relocate its Department of Development and Environmental Services (DDES) to a site in Renton despite the considerable cost savings that would be realized. Although the County has indicated its reluctance stems because of the building owners' ties to Singapore and the current controversy regarding human rights in that country, he felt the County's position was much more harmful to the City of Renton than to the country of Singapore. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL DIRECT THE ADMINISTRATION TO PREPARE A LETTER TO THE KING COUNTY COUNCIL TO BE SIGNED BY ALL COUNCILMEMBERS AND A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING OPPOSITION TO THE COUNTY'S RELUCTANCE TO LEASE OFFICE SPACE IN A BUILDING LOCATED IN RENTON PURPORTEDLY BECAUSE OF CONCERNS ABOUT HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUES. CARRIED. Mayor Clymer added that the ludicrousness of the County's position has been clearly stated in the local media. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:15 p.m. MARILYN P'E—TERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 4/11/94 . t l CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 11, 1994 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 4/18 Proposed Revisions to Street Standards (Stredicke) 6:30 p.m. Public Safety Space Needs Continued Review of Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan COMMUNITY SERVICES TUES., 4/12 Renton River Days Fee Waiver (Nelson) 3:30 p.m. RAYS Contract *5th Floor* 1994 CDBG Funds Reallocation of 1994 CDBG Dollars FINANCE MON., 4/18 Finance Department's Vision Briefing (Tanner) 6:00 p.m. 1994 Budget Amendments PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT CANCELLED (Keolker-Wheeler) PUBLIC SAFETY CANCELLED (Corman) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) CANCELLED (Edwards) UTILITIES THUR., 4/14 Low Income Senior Rates for City Utilities (Schlitzer) 4:00 p.m. Utilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan OTHER COMMITTEES: LEOFF BOARD THUR., 4/14 4:00 p.m. *5th Floor* EASTSIDE TRANSPORTATION FRI., 4/15 Bellevue City Hall PLAN 7:30 a.m. NOTE:Committee of the Whole meetings are held in Municipal Court Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the 6th floor conference room (unless otherwise noted). AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING April 18, 1994 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF APRIL 11, 1994 4. PROCLAMATION: Professional Secretaries Week, April 25 - 29, 1994 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Public Safety Space Needs Committee Status Report 6. AUDIEI�TCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Court Case filed by Cornelus T. "Bob" Gevers v. City of Renton in the matter of Highlands Community Church three-story addition, R-90-048/AAD-93-158 (CRT-94-003). Refer to Cit Attorney and Insurance Services. b. Development Services Division requests limited term funding in the amount of$54,617.00 for Land Use Review Supervisor(Principal Planner)to 12/31/94. Refer to Finance Committee. c. Development Services Division requests approval of ordinance temporarily amending the Subdivision and Zoning ordinances to allow approval of a special residential development demonstration project. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. d. Utility Systems (Water Utility)Division requests approval of an agreement with WSDOT for 90% reimbursement in the amount of$28,765.46 for construction of a watermain in Carco Road to accommodate I-405 project improvements. The City's share will be $2,686.69. Council concur. (See 10.a. for resolution.) e. Utility Systems (Water Utility) Division requests approval of an agreement with WSDOT for 90% reimbursement in the amount of$16,552.70 for relocation of utility lines near 1-405 and Maple Valley Highway. The City's share will be $1,705.30. Council concur. (See 10.b. for resolution.) f. Utility Systems (Wastewater Utility) Division submits CAG-92-103, Lift Station Improvements Lake Washington No. 2 Lift Station and Cottonwood Lift Station; and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of$26,572.30, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$21,812.20 to Omega Contractors, contractor, if all required releases have been received. Council concur. g. Utility Systems (Wastewater Utility) Division requests approval for Sanitary Sewer Main Grouting and Rehabilitation Public Works Trust Fund Construction Loan Agreement in the amount of$600,000. The City's match will be $150,000. Council concur. (See 10.c. for resolution.) h. Utility Systems (Wastewater Utility) Division requests approval for Dayton Avenue NE Sanitary Sewer (LID #337)Public Works Trust Fund Construction Loan Agreement in the amount of$139,677. The City's match will be $36,000. Council concur. (See 10.d. for resolution.) 8. CORRESPONDENCE (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) nr/ 1.51 9. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Committee of the Whole: Proposed Revisions to Street Standards; Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan; Downtown Revitalization Plan b. Community Services Committee: Renton River Days Fee Waiver; RAYS Contract; 1995 CDBG Funds; Reallocation of 1994 CDBG Dollars; Lake Washington Trail Grant Application* c. Finance Committee: 1994 Budget Amendments* 10. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolutions: a. Agreement with WSDOT for I-405/Carso Road watermain (see 7.d.) b. Agreement with WSDOT for I-405 utility relocation (see 7.e.) c. Public works trust fund loan for Sanitary sewer main grouting and rehabilitation (see 7.g.) d. Public works trust fund loan for Dayton Avenue NE sanitary sewers (see 7.h.) e. Lake Washington Trail grant application (see 9.b.) Ordinance for first reading: 1994 Budget Amendments (see 9.c.) 11. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics - call 277-4430 for recorded information) 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) MUNICIPAL COURT CHAMBERS 6:30 p.m. 1. Proposed Revisions to Street Standards 2. Continued Review of Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan 152 RENTON CITY COUNCIL .:;, pi18 ' 9 City Clerk's Office CITY ATTORNEY& INSURANCE SERVICES Court case filed by Cornelus T. 'Bob" Gevers v. City of Renton re: Highlands Community Church COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Advisory Committee Report on Public Safety Space Needs FINANCE COMMITTEE Kennedy -Way Back Inn Fee Waiver Request Interim Principal Planner Position MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Interlocal Agreement with WSDOT for Carco Road waterline Interlocal Agreement with WSDOT for utility relocation on I-405, Maple Valley Highway Public Works Trust Fund agreements for sewer grouting and Dayton Avenue NE sewers PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Special Residential Development Demonstration Project TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Proposed Revisions to Street Standards ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING Finance: 1994 Budget Amendments PUBLIC HEARINGS 4/25/94 —Reallocation of 1994 Community Development Block Grants Adoption of 1995 Community Development Block Grant Policies and Acceptance of Block Grant Pass-Through Funds for 1995 in the amount of$384,222 i RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 18, 1994 Renton Municipal Court Monday, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Court Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD STREDICKE, Council President; BOB EDWARDS, TIM _, COUNCILMEMBERS SCHLITZER, JESSE TANNER, RANDY CORMAN, KATHY KEOLKER- WHEELER. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL EXCUSE COUNCILWOMAN TONI NELSON. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; ZANETTA FONTES, Assistant City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; VICTORIA RUNKLE, Finance Director; BEVERLY NELSON GLODE, Personnel Director; JIM SHEPHERD, Facilities Director; CAROLYN SUNDVALL, Human Services Manager; MICHAEL KATTERMANN, Interim Planning Director; SUE CARLSON, Economic Development Coordinator; CHIEF ALAN WALLIS, CAPTAIN GARRY ANDERSON, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL COUNCIL MINUTES APPROVE THE MINUTES OF APRIL 11, 1994, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Clymer was read declaring the week of April 25- Professional Secretaries' 29, 1994, to be Professional Secretaries' Week, recognizing the vital role Week secretaries play in the work force. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. SPECIAL Norma Cugini, representing the Public Safety Space Needs Advisory few PRESENTATION Committee, presented a report on the findings of the committee. Meetings Police: Public Safety Space were held each week from February 10 through March 30, 1994, to review Needs and make recommendations on future space needs of the Police Department and the Municipal Court. Two options were presented: short term--convert City Hall to public safety building and lease space for other city departments (estimated cost - $8,152,220); and long term--construct new public safety building (estimated cost - $14,634,050). Upon Council inquiry, Mrs. Cugini discussed various options considered by the committee to expand the existing municipal campus. She also introduced members of the committee in attendance, and indicated that if the Council decides to place a public safety bond issue on the ballot, the committee is willing to work towards passage of the measure. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THE PUBLIC SAFETY SPACE NEEDS ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE, AND REQUEST THE COMMITTEE TO REMAIN INTACT. CARRIED. Council requested additional information regarding the City's bonding capacity for both of the two options. April 18 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 154 AUDIENCE COMMENT Larry Kennedy, 1301 Thomas Lane #8, Renton, representing the Way Back Citizen Comment: Inn, explained that the organization provides accommodations for homeless Kennedy - Way Back Inn families with children ages 14 and under. Way Back Inn has recently acquired Fee Waiver Request a house donated by St. Anthony's Church and will be moving it on May 15 to a vacant site behind the Renton Shopping Center. Explaining the organization's financial need, Mr. Kennedy welcomed any donations and/or waiver of City fees associated with the project. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Halinen David Halinen, 10500 NE 8th, Suite 1900, Bellevue, supported the proposed - Street Standards revisions to the street standards discussed at the Committee of the Whole meeting this date, and requested that the proposal be adopted quickly to allow pending developments to proceed. Executive Session MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONVENE INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR TEN MINUTES TO DISCUSS LABOR NEGOTIATIONS. CARRIED. Time: 8:02 p.m. Council reconvened into regular session; roll was called; all members present. Time: 8:09 p.m. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Item 7.i. was added regarding contract with Renton Police Guild commissioned employees. Court Case: Gevers, Court Case filed by Cornelus T. 'Bob" Gevers v. City of Renton in the matter Highlands Community of Highlands Community Church three-story addition, R-90-048/AAD-83- Church, CRT-94-003 158 (CRT-94-003). Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. Planning: Interim Principal Development Services Division requested limited term funding in the amount Planner Position of $54,617.00 for position of Land Use Review Supervisor (Principal Planner) to 12/31/94. Refer to Finance Committee. Planning: Special Development Services Division requested approval of ordinance temporarily Residential Development amending the Subdivision and Zoning ordinances to allow approval of a Demonstration Project special residential development demonstration project. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Utility: WSDOT Utility Systems (Water Utility) Division requested approval of an agreement Agreement for Watermain with WSDOT for 90% reimbursement in the amount of $28,765.46 for in Carco Road (I-405) construction of a watermain in Carco Road to accommodate I-405 project improvements. The City's share will be $2,686.69. Council concur. (See page 156 for resolution.) Utility: WSDOT Utility Systems (Water Utility) Division requested approval of an agreement Agreement for Utility with WSDOT for 90% reimbursement in the amount of $16,552.70 for Line Relocation, I-405 relocation of utility lines near I-405 and Maple Valley Highway. The city's and Maple Valley share will be $1,705.30. Council concur. (See page 156 for resolution.) Highway CAG: 93-103, Lift Utility Systems (Wastewater Utility) Division submitted CAG-93-103, Lift Stations, Lake Washington Station Improvements for Lake Washington No. 2 Lift Station and Cottonwood No. 2 and Cottonwood, Lift Station; and requested approval of the project, authorization for final pay Omega Contractors estimate in the amount of $26,572.30, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $21,812.20 to Omega Contractors, contractor, if all required releases have been obtained. Council concur. 155 April 18, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 155 Utility: Public Works Utility Systems (Wastewater Utility) Division requested approval of Sanitary Trust Fund Agreement, Sewer Main Grouting and Rehabilitation Public Works Trust Fund Sanitary Sewer Main Construction Loan Agreement in the amount of $600,000. The City's match Grouting will be $150,000. Council concur. (See page 156 for resolution.) Utility: Public Works Utility Systems (Wastewater Utility) Division requested approval for Dayton Trust Fund Agreement, Avenue NE Sanitary Sewer (LID #337) Public Works Trust Fund Construction Dayton Avenue NE Sewer, Loan Agreement in the amount of $139,677. The City's match will be LID 337 $36,000. Council concur. (See page 157 for resolution.) Added Item: Personnel Department submitted 1994-1996 labor agreement with Renton Personnel: Renton Police Police Guild commissioned employees which provides a 3% base wage increase Guild Commissioned for 1993, and increases equal to 100% of the CPI for 1995 and 1996 with a Employees Contract, minimum of 2% and a maximum of 5% on the CPI formula for 1996. The 1994-1996 agreement also provides for changes to sick leave cash out, new pay schedule for employees hired after 1/1/94, adoption of health care task force changes, and revised deferred compensation plan. Council concur. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL REFER Transportation: Street THE MATTER OF PROPOSED REVISIONS TO STREET STANDARDS TO Standards Revisions TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Committee of the Whole Council President Stredicke presented a report regarding the downtown DRA: Downton Renton revitalization plan. The Planning Commission approved the draft plan Revitalization Plan in December, 1993, and it was forwarded to the Council with a recommendation for adoption in the interim pending final adoption of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The Planning and Development Committee concurred with the Planning Commission recommendation and referred the matter to Committee of the Whole for a briefing on the content of the policies prior to final action. The Committee of the Whole concurs in the recommendations of the Planning Commission and the Planning and n.. Development Committee to adopt the policies as amended to serve in the interim pending final adoption of the City's Comprehensive Plan. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Councilman Tanner requested that his "no" vote be recorded. Building: Bryant Motors Upon Council inquiry, Mayor Clymer and Attorney Fontes indicated that they Zoning Code Violation have not yet received information on whether a court date has been set to consider the citation issued to Bryant Motors for violation of the zoning code. Council President Stredicke indicated his displeasure with delay of the matter and the uncooperative activities of the owner. Community Services Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report Committee recommending concurrence in the request to waive all permit fees for the Community Event: Renton 1994 Renton River Days. The estimated value of permit fees is approximately River Days Permit Fee $100. The Committee further recommended approval to locate the ornamental Waiver; Banners River Days windsocks and banners on City light poles for approximately one month. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. t April 18 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Paye 156 H&HS: RAYS Agreement Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report regarding an agreement with Renton Area Youth & Family Services. At its April 12, 1994, meeting, the Community Services Committee reviewed an agreement with Renton Area Youth & Family Services for ongoing family support for services to Renton residents. The agreement, in the amount of $66,592, will provide counseling and assessment, case management and advocacy for low-income children and families. The Community Services Committee recommended approval of the agreement. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Parks: Lake Washington Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report Trail Grant Application recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to authorize the application for funding assistance to the Interagency Committee on Outdoor Recreation for grant funds for the Lake Washington Trail (Boeing - Phase 2) project. Match monies will be derived from block grant funds and the Boeing trail construction account for this development grant application in the Boating Facilities Program (Initiative 215 funds). The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See 157 for resolution.) Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report regarding the 1994 Finance: 1994 Budget budget adjustments. The Finance Committee recommended concurrence in Amendments the staff recommendation to amend the 1994 budget by $38.6 million. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See for ordinance.) ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: Resolution #3053 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Utility: WSDOT interlocal cooperative agreement with the Washington State Department of Agreement for Watermain Transportation to pay for the actual cost of removal, relocation or construction in Carco Road (I-405) of a 24" waterline in Carco Road necessitated by State work on SR-405. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3054 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Utility: WSDOT interlocal cooperative agreement with the Washington State Department of Agreement for Utility Transportation concerning preliminary engineering work for utility relocation Line Relocation, I-405 on SR-405, south Renton to Sunset Boulevard (HOV). MOVED BY and Maple Valley SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Highway RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3055 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Utility: Public Works interlocal cooperative agreement entitled "Public Works Trust Fund Trust Fund Agreement, Construction Loan Agreement" for sanitary sewer main grouting and Sanitary Sewer Main rehabilitation. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY TANNER, Grouting COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. : .' April 18, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 157 Resolution #3056 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Utility: Public Works interlocal cooperative agreement entitled "Public Works Trust Fund Trust Fund Agreement, Construction Loan Agreement" for installation of the Dayton Avenue NE Dayton Avenue NE Sewer, sanitary sewers (LID #337). MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY LID 337 TANNER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3057 A resolution was read authorizing application for funding assistance for an Parks: Lake Washington outdoor recreation project to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Trail, Boeing Phase 2, Recreation as provided by the Marine Recreation Land Act (Lake Washington wor IAC Funding Trail, Boeing Phase 2). MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and advanced to the 4/25/94 Council meeting for second reading and adoption: Finance: 1994 Budget An ordinance was read providing for 1994 Budget amendments in the amount Amendments of $38,617,070; thereby increasing the total amount of the 1994 City of Renton Budget to $146,271,752. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 4/25/94. CARRIED. Mayor Clymer clarified that the majority of the funds have been carried forward from 1993 to fund specific capital expenditures. NEW BUSINESS Council President Stredicke presented a letter signed by Mayor Clymer and all King County: DDES Councilmembers urging King County Council Chair Kent Pullen to resolve the Relocation to One Renton issue of relocating the County's Department of Development & Environmental Place, Grady Way Services (DDES) to One Renton Place, an office building complex in Renton. Accompanying a letter was a resolution expressing the Council's concern, which was presented for reading and adoption: Resolution #3058 A resolution was read strongly encouraging the Metropolitan King County King County: DDES Council to accept the lease offered by One Renton Place for relocation of the Relocation to One Renton County's DDES. The best overall interests of the county will be served since Now Place, Grady Way the proposal will save the taxpayers at least $752,000, and is superior to the Bellevue alternative site in parking, internal layout of space, fire safety features, and commercial services within easy walking distance. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:34 p.m. MARILY . P TERSEN, CMC, City Clerk 4/18/94 158 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 18, 1994 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 4/25 Continued Review of Housing Element of (Stredicke) 6:30 p.m. the Comprehensive Plan Kennedy-Way Back Inn Fee Waiver Request COMMUNITY SERVICES (Nelson) FINANCE MON., 4/25 Limited Term Funding for Land Use (Tanner) 6:00 p.m. Review Supervisor Reclass List Vouchers PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT (Keolker-Wheeler) PUBLIC SAFETY (Corman) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) (Edwards) UTILITIES (Schlitzer) OTHER COMMITTEES: SCATBd TRANSPORTATION TUES., 4/19 WSDOT Building, Kent 9:00 a.m. FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD TUES., 4/19 Regular meeting 4:00 p.m. *5th Floor* TRI-CAUCUS WED., 4/20 Mercer Island Community Center 7:30 a.m. REGIONAL TRANSIT THUR., 4/21 Meydenbauer Center, Bellevue AUTHORITY ROUNDTABLE 8:00 a.m. REGIONAL TRANSIT PLAN TUES., 4/26 Renton Senior Center ROUNDTABLE 4-6:00 p.m. NOTE:Committee of the Whole meetings are held in Municipal Court Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the 6th floor conference room (unless otherwise noted). AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING April 25, 1994 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 'r 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF APRIL 18, 1994 4. PROCLAMATION: Greater Puget Sound Safe Boating Week, May 1-7, 1994 Renton Mayor's Prayer Breakfast, May 5, 1994 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Reallocation of 1994 Community Development Block Grant Funds; 1995 Community Development Block Grant Policies and acceptance of estimated Block Grant pass-through funds for 1995 6. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Personnel Department submits recommendations for classification and compensation changes. Refer to Finance Committee. b. Utility Systems/Surface Water Division submits Addendum No. 9 for CAG-90-033, the East Side Green River Watershed Plan (ESGRWP), and Amendment No. 3 to Soil Conservation Service (SCS)/City of Renton agreement CAG-88-053. Refer to Utilities Committee. c. Utility Systems/Wastewater Division requests approval of the proposed Sanitary Sewer Service Boundary adjustment with Skyway Water and Sewer District. Refer to Utilities Committee. d. Utility Systems/Wastewater Division requests approval of extension of eight (8) Water and Sanitary Sewer Private Developer Held Latecomer Agreements within the Sewer Moratorium Area. Refer to Utilities Committee. 8. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Sanford E. Webb, 430 Mill Avenue South, Renton, regarding alley public safety improvements, located between Mill Avenue South and Cedar Avenue South, from South 4th to South 6th Streets. 9. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with asterisk(*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Committee of the Whole: Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan b. Community Services Committee: Reallocation of 1994 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)Funds; 1995 Community Development Block Grant Program c. Finance Committee: Limited Term Funding for Land Use Review Supervisor; Reclass List; Vouchers; Development Fee Waiver Request (Way Back Inn) (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 10. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinance for second and final reading: 1994 Budget Amendments Resolutions: a. Resolution Opposing any Regional Transit Authority Proposal Which Does Not Serve Renton b. Resolution Rescinding Res. No. 2872 and Establishing Certain Policies Regarding Fringe Benefits for Positions Not Covered by a Collective Bargaining Agreement (see item 7.a.). 11. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics - call 277-4430 for recorded information) 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) MUNICIPAL COURT CHAMBERS 6:30 p.m. 1. Continued Review of Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan 161 RENTON CITY COUNCIL April 25, 1994 City Clerk's Office Referrals ADMINISTRATION Letter from Sandy Webb, 430 dill Ave. S., 98055, requesting status report on improvements to alley on Renton Hill '4a FINANCE COMMITTEE Classification and compensation changes UTILITIES COMMITTEE Addendum No. 9 for CAG-90-033, East Side Green River Watershed Plan Amendment No. 3 to Soil Conservation Service agreement, CAG-88-053 Sanitary sewer service boundary adjustment with Skyway Water and Sewer District Sewer moratorium area latecomer agreements ate. rr.r RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 25, 1994 Renton Municipal Court Monday, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Court Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD STREDICKE, Council President; BOB EDWARDS, TIM COUNCILMEMBERS SCHLITZER, TONI NELSON, JESSE TANNER, RANDY CORMAN, KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; BRENDA FRITSVOLD, Deputy City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; JIM HANSON, Development Services Director; CAROLYN SUNDVALL, Human Services Manager; SUE CARLSON, Economic Development Coordinator; CAPTAIN DON PERSSON, OFFICER BRAD TOFTHAGEN, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL COUNCIL MINUTES APPROVE THE MINUTES OF APRIL 18, 1994, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PROCLAMATIONS A proclamation by Mayor Clymer was read declaring the week of May 1st to Greater Puget Sound Safe 7th, 1994, to be Greater Puget Sound Safe Boating Week, and encouraging all Boating Week, May 1st- citizens to become aware of the potential hazards of boati_ag and to recognize 7th the importance of safe boating. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Renton Mayor's Prayer A proclamation by Mayor Clymer was read declaring May 5, 1994, to be the Breakfast, May 5th date of the first annual Renton Mayor's Prayer Breakfasi and identifying this event as a time for the rededication of the individual and the Nation to God. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Dave Andresen from 40 Rentals accepted the proclamation on behalf of the breakfast's organizers. SPECIAL Police Captain Don Persson introduced Officer Brad TofthaLen and the newest PRESENTATION member of the Police Department's K-9 unit, a 17-month-old German Police: K-9 Unit shepherd who will begin training next month. Captain Persson explained that the Police Department's four canines are used for tracking, evidence searches, and public relations. PUBLIC HEARINGS This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published H&HS: Reallocation of in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Clymer opened the public 1994 CDBG Funds hearing to consider the reallocation of 1994 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds. Carolyn Sundvall, Housing & Human Services Manager, explained that any , time CDBG funds are reallocated, HUD requires that a public hearing be held to inform the public of this intent. Ms. Sundvall outlined the proposed reallocations of $23,262 in funds from the North Highlands Walkways and the Vision Needs Special Housing projects to the Liberty Park Restrooms, Phase II and the North Highlands Library ADA projects. 163 Aoril 25, 1994 Renton Citv Council Minutes Page 163 Audience comment was invited. Seeing no one wished to address Council on this issue, it was MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADVANCE TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT ON THIS ISSUE. CARRIED. Community Services Community Services Committee Vice Chair Tanner presented a report Committee regarding the reallocation of 1994 Community Development Block Grant H&HS: Reallocation of (CDBG) funds. The Community Services Committee, at its April 12, 1994 1994 CDBG Funds meeting, reviewed the proposed reallocation of $23,262 in 1994 CDBG funds. The North Highlands Walkways project is complete and has a balance of $14,262. Vision Needs Special Housing was allocated $9,000 to acquire transitional housing contigent on the agency receiving funds from other sources to acquire and operate a home. The agency is unable to meet the requirements. Liberty Park Restrooms, Phase II, will, be allocated an additional $15,000 for construction costs, and the North Highlands Library ADA project will be allocated an additional $8,262 to meet accessible ADA requirements. The Community Services Committee concurs in the recommendation that Council accept the reallocations as proposed. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. H&HS: 1995 CDBG Funds This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published and Policies in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Clymer opened the public hearing to consider the 1995 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) policies and acceptance of estimated block grant pass-through funds for 1995. Carolyn Sundvall, Housing & Human Services Manager, explained that each year, the City is required to hold a public hearing prior to accepting its share of CDBG funds allocated through the King County Consortium. The City must also adopt program policies that will guide the selection of projects to be funded for the following year. Renton's share of 1995 CDBG funds is estimated to be $384,222, based on the size of its low- and moderate-income populations. Noting that the proposed 1995 CDBG policies are consistent with past program efforts, Ms. Sundvall briefly reviewed each of the eight policy statements. She added that the CDBG funding application process begins April 29, 1994 for the 1995 funding cycle. Responding to Council President Stredicke, Councilman Tanner said because CDBG funds generally require a 20-year commitment, this funding source is probably not suited for the Way-Back Inn homeless shelter project. Councilman Edwards suggested that the City might want to develop a policy regarding in-kind contributions such as that requested last week by the Way- Back Inn. Council President Stredicke added that the Human Services Advisory Committee should consider the issue of available shelter for the homeless in Renton. Audience comment was invited. rr April 25 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 164 Seeing no one wished to address Council on this issue, it was MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADVANCE TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT ON THIS ISSUE. CARRIED. Community Services Community Services Committee Vice Chair Tanner presented a report Committee regarding the 1995 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, H&HS: 1995 CDBG Funds specifically the acceptance of pass-through dollars and adoption of local and Policies policies. The Community Services Committee, at its April 12, 1994 meeting, reviewed the proposed local policies for the 1995 CDBG program. The policies will guide the allocations of the CDBG pass-through funds and have been recommended by the Renton Human Services Advisory Committee. The City of Renton's share of the 1995 CDBG pass-through funds is approximately $384,222. The maximum available amount of $49,474 will be set aside for public service activities. The maximum allowable ceiling of $41,749 will be set aside for planning and administrative activities. The maximum available amount of approximately $292,999 will be set aside for capital projects, including any housing repair programs. The Community Services Committee concurred in the recommendation that Council accept the recommended policies and the estimated 1995 CDBG pass-through funds as proposed. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Personnel: Classification Personnel Department submitted recommendations for classification and and Compensation compensation changes affecting the following positions: Planning and Changes Technical Services Secretary 1I; Community Services Department Desktop Publishing Operator and Office Assistant I; Municipal Court Judge; non- represented (non-union) clerical positions; Police Department Chief, Captains, Lieutenants, Staff Services Manager, and Administrative Secretary II; Fire Department Chief and Deputy Chiefs; Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; and Personnel Department Director. Refer to Finance Committee. CAG: 90-033, East Side Utility Systems/Surface Water Division submitted Addendum No. 9 for CAG- Green River Watershed 90-033, the East Side Green River Watershed Plan (ESGRWP), and Plan Amendment No. 3 to Soil Conservation Service (SCS)/City of Renton CAG: 88-053, Soil agreement CAG-88-053. Refer to Utilities Committee. Conservation Service Utility: Boundary Utility Systems/Wastewater Division requested approval of the proposed Adjustment, Skyway sanitary sewer service boundary adjustment with the Skyway Water and Sewer Water and Sewer District District. Refer to Utilities Committee. Latecomer Agreement: Utility Systems/Wastewater Division requested app:-o-?.'. of eight water and Sewer Moratorium Area sanitary sewer private developer held latecomer agreements within the sewer Agreements moratorium area. Latecomer agreement holders are: King County Department of Public Works; Pioneer Federal Savings Bank; Fairfield Developments, Inc. (two agreements); Lyle Barger; Miriam G. Holmquist; Crown Point Ltd. Partnership; and Windsor Place Associates. Refer to Utilities Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 165 April 25, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 165 CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Sanford E. Webb, 430 Mill Ave. S., requesting Citizen Comment: Webb - information on the status of the recommended public safety improvements to Improvements to Alley on the alley located between Mill and Cedar Avenues South extending from South Renton Hill 4th to South 6th Streets. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE ADMINISTRATION. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Stredicke commented that the original court date for the Building: Bryant Motors Bryant Motors Zoning Code violation has been rescheduled to July 19, 1994. Zoning Code Violation He asked to be advised if this date is changed. wr Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending approval Finance: Vouchers of Claims Vouchers #111248 - 111703 and two wire transfers in the total amount of $1,646,809.75. And approval of Payroll Vouchers #125665 - 125980 and 369 direct deposits in the total amount of $987,219.39. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning: Limited Term Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending Funding for Land Use concurrence in the staff recommendation to establish the principal planner Review Supervisor position (land use review supervisor) as described and to approve an appropriation from the ending fund balance to provide funding for this position for the remainder of the year at Grade 32. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Building: Permit Fee Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending Waivers for Way-Back Inn concurrence with the staff recommendation that Council approve the request Homeless Shelter made by Way-Back Inn to waive City permit fees associated with moving a house from St. Anthony's Parish to a vacant lot located at 3rd Place SW and Maple SW for use as a shelter for homeless people, subject to the following conditions: 1. Waived fees apply to City permits and expenses only. 2. Dollar amount of waived fees and expenses not to exceed $5,000.00. •• 3. Owner of the subject lot be required to record a restrictive covenant against the property stating that the dollar amount of the waived City permit fees and expenses will be returned in full to the City in the event that the lease with Way-Back Inn to shelter homeless people on the property expires within five years of the date upon which the lease was executed. 4. Permit fees for any tenant remodels shall not be waived by this action. 5. In the future, any funding requests from Way-Back Inn will follow our established procedure, and be considered relative to the many other requests the City receives from social service agencies. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The following ordinance was presented for second reading and adoption: Ordinance #4448 An ordinance was read providing for 1994 Budget amendments in the amount Finance: 1994 Budget of $38,617,070; thereby increasing the total amount of the 1994 City of Amendments Renton Budget to $146,271,752. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. April 25 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 166 The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: Resolution #3059 A resolution was read opposing any Regional Transit Authority proposal Transportation: Regional which does not serve Renton. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY Transit Authority Plan CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Tanner requested that the Administration investigate a menacing Police: Possible Vicious and possibly vicious dog at the residence located at 356 Maple Avenue. Dog at 356 Maple Avenue Mayor Clymer agreed to have the Animal Control Officer look into this. , ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:18 p.m. BRENDA FRITSVOLD, Deputy City Clerk 4/25/94 167 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 25, 1994 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 5/02 Public Safety Space Needs (Stredicke) 6:30 p.m. Regional Issues r COMMUNITY SERVICES *CANCELLED* (Nelson) FINANCE (Tanner) PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT *CANCELLED* (will meet 5/03) (Keolker-Wheeler) PUBLIC SAFETY THURS., 4/28 Staffing levels of Police and Fire (Corman) 3:30 p.m. Departments w.. TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) MON., 5/02 Boeing Employees Flying Association (Edwards) 4:00 p.m. business loan extension UTILITIES THURS., 4/28 Ryan request for sewer ccnnection, (Sch.litzer) 4:00 p.m. Eastside Greer.Rover Watershed Plan; Low-income seni:-!ves (continued from 4/14 meeting); Utilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan OTHER MEETINGS Regional Transit Plan Public Hearing TUES., 4/26 Renton Senior Center 4-6:00 p.m. NOTE:Committee ofthe Whole meetings are held in Municipal Court Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the 6th floor conference room (unless otherwise noted). AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING May 2, 1994 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF APRIL 25, 1994 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 5. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Planning & Technical Services Division submits proposed amendment to Commercial Arterial (CA) zone landscape requirements along state routes and freeways. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. b. Police Department submits interlocal agreement with the City of Mercer Island for Marine Patrol Services. Refer to Public Safety Committee. 6. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Mary Hulse, 1041 Grandview Ave., Boulder, CO, 80302, requesting an exemption to the 3/31/94 deadline for submitting a Comprehensive Plan rezone application for three acres of property located in the May Creek area (general vicinity of NE 31 st St. near Lincoln Dr. NE) as these parcels were rezoned to Resource Conservation (RC) without her knowledge. 7. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Committee of the Whole: Public Safety space needs b. Public Safety Committee: Staffing levels of the Police and Fire Departments c. Transportation Committee: Boeing Employees Flying Association business loan extension d. Utilities Committee: Mary Ryan request for sewer connection; East Side Green River Watershed Plan 8. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 9. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics - call 277-4430 for recorded information) 10. AUDIENCE COMMENT 11. ADJOURNMENT (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 169 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) MUNICIPAL COURT CHAMBERS 6:30 p.m. 1. Public Safety space needs r 2. Regional Issues RENTON CITY COUNCIL May 2, 1994 City Clerk's Office Referrals ADMINISTRATION Ruthie Larson, 714 High Ave. S., Renton, concern regarding proposed Renton Hill stairway accessing Cedar Avenue bridge Council direction to request that WSDOT's S-Curve Project Director continue providing regular monthly reports Letter from Mary Hulse, 1041 Grandview Ave., Boulder, CO, requesting rezone of three acres in the May Creek area from Resource Conservation (RC) to Single Family, Low Density (SF-L) MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Amendment No. 3 to CAG-88-053, Soil Conservation Service agreement Addendum No. 9 to CAG-90-033, East Side Green River Watershed Plan Boeing Employees Flying Association Assignment of Lease/Consent and Agreement of Landlord PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Commercial Arterial (CA) Zone landscape requirement changes PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Marine Patrol service agreement with Mercer Island RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 2, 1994 Renton Municipal Court Monday, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Court Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD STREDICKE, Council President; KATHY KEOLKER- COUNCILMEMBERS WHEELER; RANDY CORMAN; JESSE TANNER; TONI NELSON; TIM SCHLITZER, BOB EDWARDS. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; SUE CARLSON, Economic Development Specialist; CAPTAIN DON PERSSON, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL MINUTES COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF APRIL 25, 1994, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Lloyd Hoshide, 833 Kirkland Ave. NE, Renton, 98056, urged Council to place Citizen Comment: Hoshide a limit on the number of accessory units that will be allowed in single family - Accessory Units/ neighborhoods according to the Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan. Housing Element of Mr. Hoshide feared that, without a limit, many homeowners would be Comprehensive Plan attracted to the economic benefits such units can provide and, as a result, the nature of the City's single family neighborhoods would change to mixed use over the next 30 to 40 years. Citizen Comment: Larson Ruthie Larson, 714 High Ave. S., Renton, 98055, expressed concern regarding - WSDOT I-405 S-Curve the elevated stairway to be built on Renton Hill accessing the Cedar Avenue Project bridge adjacent to the I-405 retaining wall. Saying that the stairway is ,. unnecessary and will be unsightly, Mrs. Larson added it will also be unsafe as the planned railings will be only 2'10" in height and the bars spaced 6.5" across. Questioning whether these characteristics meet Code requirements, she also asked whether the City has approved this proposal. Noting he shares Mrs. Larson's concerns regarding the stairway's safety, Gregg Zimmerman, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator, offered to look into this proposal further. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THIS ISSUE TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR A RESPONSE AT NEXT WEEK'S COUNCIL MEETING. CARRIED. Mrs. Larson also asked whether the prohibition on left-hand turns from Main onto 6th can be lifted on weekends, and Mayor Clymer agreed to provide a response to this question as well. Council President Stredicke commented on his concern with WSDOT's failure in the last two months to send a representative to report to the Council on issues such as these. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL DIRECT THE ADMINISTRATION TO NOTIFY WSDOT THAT IT WOULD LIKE THE REGULAR REPORTS FROM THE S-CURVE PROJECT DIRECTOR, PREVIOUSLY PRESENTED May 2 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 172 TO COUNCIL ON THE FIRST MONDAY OF EACH MONTH, TO CONTINUE. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Planning: CA Zone Planning & Technical Services Division submitted proposed amendment to the Landscape Requirement Commercial Arterial (CA) zone landscape requirements along state routes and Changes freeways. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Police: Marine Patrol Police Department submitted interlocal agreement with the City of Mercer Service Agreement, Island for marine patrol services. Refer to Public Safety Committee. Mercer Island MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Mary Hulse, 1041 Grandview Ave., Boulder, Citizen Comment: Hulse - CO, 80302, requesting a rezone of property located in the vicinity of NE 31st Rezone Request, NE and Lincoln Drive NE from Resource Conservation (RC) to Single Family, 31st/Lincoln DR NE Low Density. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR A RESPONSE TO THE LETTER-WRITER. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Councilman Tanner thanked the Administration for its prompt response to his Police: Animal Control concern stated last week regarding the apparently vicious dog residing at 350 Complaint, 350 Maple Ave Maple Ave SW (rather than 356 Maple Ave SW). Mr. Tanner requested that SW the Animal Control Officer revisit the residence as a portion of the fence surrounding the property is down and the dog has been seen running loose. He also advised that the dog barks continuously. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report concurring in staff's CAG: 88-053, Amendment recommendation that approval be given for the Mayor and City Clerk to No. 3 to Soil Conservation execute Amendment No. 3 to the Soil Conservation Service (SCS)/City Project Service Agreement Agreement CAG-88-053. The Utilities Committee also concurred in staff's recommendation that approval be given for the Mayor and City Clerk to CAG: 90-033, Addendum execute Addendum No. 9 to consultant contract CAG-90-033 with R.W. Beck No. 9 to East Side Green and Associates for the East Side Green River Watershed Plan in the amount of River Watershed Plan $299,821. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utility: Ryan Request for Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report regarding the Emergency Sewer Hook- emergency sewer hook-up request from Mary Ryan for property located at up 16443 Benson Road. The Utilities Committee recommended that this item be removed from referral and dropped from consideration. Because of the projected requirements to extend sewer to the property and the high cost associated with those improvements, the applicant has decided to withdraw the request. The applicant is working with the Seattle-King County Department of Health (Health Department) to bring the property into compliance with their requirements for on-site sewage disposal. If the on-site system cannot obtain the approval of the Health Department, the applicant may resubmit the request. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. May 2, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 173 Transportation (Aviation) Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Edwards presented a report Committee regarding an assignment of lease by the Boeing Employees Flying Association Airport: BEFA (BEFA). The Boeing Employees Flying Association requested that the City of Assignment of Lease/Loan Renton approve a new Deed of Trust and execute a Consent and Agreement Extension of Landlord and related documents pertaining to the assignment to SeaFirst Bank of the Boeing Employees Flying Association's lease. This request was initially submitted to the Transportation (Aviation) Committee on October 25, 1993. The Committee recommended, and the Council approved, the taking of no action until completion of the lawsuit between the City and certain airport tenants then in progress. The lawsuit has been completed and the court's ruling is that the BEFA does not have to renegotiate its land rental rate until 1995. The Transportation (Aviation) Committee recommended that the City Council: (1) approve the Consent and Agreement of Landlord and other related documents; and (2) authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Consent and Agreement of Landlord and other related documents. At Council President Stredicke's suggestion, section (2) of the final sentence of the Committee report was amended as follows: "(The City Council) authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Consent and Agreement of Landlord and other documents following review by the City Attorney." MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT AS AMENDED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Council President Stredicke requested a report on Safeway, Inc.'s proposal to Building: New Safeway construct a new store at NE 4th Street and Union Avenue NE adjacent to the Store at NE 4th/Union existing Safeway store. Mr. Stredicke specifically wanted information on: the Ave NE parking requirements for the project; how these were adjusted by the Environmental Review Committee; and how they relate to the project's transportation impact fee which was negotiated from an original estimate of $1.7 million to $113,960. Franchise: City of Seattle Responding to Council President Stredicke, the City Clerk explained last Preemption of Regular week's preemption of Renton's public/government access channel by the City Public Access Program of Seattle for a program on youth violence. r. EXECUTIVE SESSION MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADJOURN INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS LITIGATION AND PROPERTY ACQUISITION. CARRIED. Time: 8:12 p.m. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:55 p.m. MARILY TERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 5/02/94 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 2, 1994 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA 77771 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 5/09 Housing Element of the Comprehensive (Stredicke) 6:30 p.m. Plan COMMUNITY SERVICES (Nelson) FINANCE MON., 5/09 Budget Calendar (Tanner) 6:00 p.m. Council Correspondence Policy Reclassification List Vouchers PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT TUES., 5/03 Commercial Arterial (CA) Zone (Keolker-Wheeler) 3:30 p.m. Amendments to Landscape Requirements; *5th Floor* Special Residential Development Demonstration Project PUBLIC SAFETY THURS., 5/05 Staffing levels of Police and Fire (Corman) 3:30 p.m. Departments; Marine Patrol Service Contract with Mercer Island TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) (Edwards) UTILITIES (Schlitzer) NOTE:Committee of the Whole meetings are held in Municipal Court Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the 6th floor conference room (unless otherwise noted). AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING May 9, 1994 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF MAY 2, 1994 4. PROCLAMATION: May, 1994, "Older Americans Month" and May 9-13, 1994, "Senior Center Week" 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. City Clerk reports bid opening on 4/13/94 for CAG-94-029, Park Avenue North Improvements; engineer's estimate $3,995,000; and submits Transportation Systems Division recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Scoccolo Construction, Inc., in the amount of$2,992,381.06. Council concur. b. City Clerk reports bid opening on 4/26/94 for CAG-94-031, Houser Way Pump Station, engineer's estimate $758,982.97; and submits Water Utility Division recommendation that the City reject each of the 15 bids received as all exceeded the engineer's estimate and they do not represent the value of this facility to the City. Staff further recommends that the project be redesigned at an estimated cost of $40,000, with potential re-bid savings of$250,000. Council concur. c. Development Services Division submits the 1994 Non-Residential Energy Code and proposed ,.� reimbursable fees. Refer to Planning & Development Committee. d. Finance Department requests declaration of certain items as surplus so they may be auctioned on May 21, 1994. Council concur. e. Transportation Division requests that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute an agreement with ENTRANCO to conduct the Phase III design of the Houser Way Relocation Stage 2 project. Refer to Transportation Committee. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Committee of the Whole: Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan b. Public Safety Committee: Staffing levels of the Police and Fire Departments; Marine Patrol Service Contract with Mercer Island* c. Planning & Development Committee: Commercial Arterial (CA)Zone amendments to landscape requirements; Special Residential Development Demonstration Project d. Finance Committee: Budget Calendar; Council Correspondence policy; Reclassification list*; Vouchers (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) r.. 9, g^10 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolutions: a. Marine Patrol Service contract with Mercer Island (see 8.b.) b. Reclassifications (see 8.d.) 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics - call 277-4430 for recorded information) 11. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT a. Referred 3/7/94 -- Motion adopted referring matter of building permit application and safety issues regarding the new use at 251 Factory Avenue N to the Administration for investigation and report back to Council (Richter/Vaupel letter) ,.i b. Referred 3/21/94 -- Councilmember Tanner request for report from Parks Department regarding the scheduling between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. of the At-Risk Youth Corp. basketball tournament, and any subsequent events for young teens c. Referred 4/4/94 -- Request for copy of letter from Len Cozza and letter about kids throwing rocks on cars to be sent to Joe Scanlon, WSDOT I-405 Project Manager d. Referred 4/11/94 -- Motion directing the preparation of a letter and resolution opposing any Regional Transit Authority proposal that does not serve Renton e. Referred 4/11/94 -- Motion directing the preparation of a letter to be signed by all Councilmembers and a resolution to be adopted by Council opposing the King County Council's policy of raising human rights issues to preclude relocation of the King County DDES division to Renton f. Referred 4/25/94 -- Councilmember Tanner request that the Administration investigate possible vicious dog at 350 Maple Avenue 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13, ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) MUNICIPAL COURT CHAMBERS 6:30 p.m. 1. Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan 2. Public Safety space needs (this topic to be discussed following the regular Council meeting) 177 RENTON CITY COUNCIL 1Via 9�194 City Clerk`s Qtfice Refe'rr��s ADMINISTRATION Ruthie Larson, 714 High Ave. S., Renton, concern regarding proposed Renton Hill stairway accessing Cedar Avenue bridge MAYOR AND CITY CLERK CAG-94-055, Marine Patrol Services Agreement with City of Mercer Island PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 1994 Non-Residential Energy Code and Fees TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Houser Way Relocation Stage 2, Phase III, ENTRANCO agreement I� ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING Arterial Commercial (CA) Zone amendments to landscape requirements for auto dealerships iWr RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 9, 1994 Renton Municipal Court Monday, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Court Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD STREDICKE, Council President; RANDY CORMAN; JESSE COUNCILMEMBERS TANNER; TONI NELSON; BOB EDWARDS. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEMBERS TIM SCHLITZER AND KATHY KEOLKER- WHEELER. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; ZANETTA FONTES, Assistant City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; VICTORIA RUNKLE, Finance & Information Systems Administrator; SUE CARLSON, Economic Development Specialist; MIKE KATTERMANN, Interim Planning Director; CHIEF ALAN L. WALLIS and CAPTAIN DON PERSSON, Police Department. APPROVAL OF Amendment requested on page 171, paragraph 6, to delete the words COUNCIL MINUTES "unnecessary and" in Ruthie Larson's comments regarding the Renton Hill/Cedar Avenue pedestrian bridge stairway. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF MAY 2, 1994, AS AMENDED. CARRIED. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Clymer was read declaring the month of May, 1994, Older Americans as "Older Americans Month," and the week of May 9 through 13, 1994, to be Month/Senior Center "Senior Center Week" in the City of Renton, recognizing a special debt of Week gratitude to older citizens who possess both a reservoir of experience and a depth of knowledge that have enriched, and continue to enrich, our great nation. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT M.L. Gibson, 1215 N. 28th Pl., Renton, 98056, stated his objection to Citizen Comment: Gibson bestowing a $6,000 per year raise on a City employee who supervises only five - Employee Compensation people. Change Citizen Comment: Bruk - Elena Bruk, PO Box 203, Renton, 98057, representing the Galaxy Restaurant Variance Request for & Lounge, requested that the business be granted a variance that would allow Galaxy Lounge it to have dining and dancing after 2:00 a.m. until 3:30 a.m. on Fridays and Saturdays. Ms. Bruk stated that security at the Galaxy has been tightened and the music format changed to discourage inappropriate activities. She felt that the extended hours would benefit the downtown area by increasing revenue, and emphasized that alcohol service would cease at 2 a.m. Citizen Comment: Larson Ruthie Larson, 714 High Ave. S., Renton, 98055, questioned if staff has - WSDOT 1-405 S-Curve prepared a report responding to her concerns raised last week regarding the Project proposed Renton Hill stairway accessing the Cedar Avenue pedestrian bridge. Gregg Zimmerman, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator, explained that because the I-405 coordinator was absent last week, this report will not be issued until next Monday. 179 May 9, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Papae 179 WSDOT: I-405 S-Curve MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL GRANT Project STAFF ONE MORE WEEK TO PROVIDE A REPORT ON THE WSDOT I- 405/S-CURVE PROJECT SUBJECT SPECIFICALLY REGARDING THE PROPOSED RENTON HILL/CEDAR AVENUE PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE STAIRWAY. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Webb - Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Ave. S., Renton, 98055, stated that Renton Hill WSDOT I-405 S-Curve residents are looking forward to the proposed stairway previously mentioned Project by Mrs. Larson. Saying this access will be useful for those who do not own r.a cars, Mr. Webb agreed that its safety is of utmost importance. Councilmember Nelson noted that the severity of the stairway's slope is at issue, not whether or not it should be constructed. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. CAG: 94-029, Park Ave N City Clerk reported bid opening on 4/13/94 for CAG-94-029, Park Avenue Improvements, Scoccolo North Improvements; engineer's estimate $3,995,000; and submitted Const. Inc. Transportation Systems Division recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Scoccolo Construction, Inc., in the amount of $2,992,381.06. Council concur. CAG: 94-031, Houser Way City Clerk reported bid opening on 4/26/94 for CAG-94-031, Houser Way Pump Station Pump Station; engineer's estimate $758,982.97; and submitted Water Utility Division recommendation that the City reject each of the 15 bids received as all exceeded the engineer's estimate and they do not represent the value of this facility to the City. Staff further recommended that the project be redesigned at an estimated cost of $40,000, with potential re-bid savings of $250,000. Council concur. Building: 1994 Non- Development Services Division submitted the 1994 Non-Residential Energy Residential Energy Code Code and proposed reimbursable fees. Refer to Planning & Development & Fees Committee. Finance: Surplus Items Finance Department requested declaration of certain items as surplus so they Declaration may be auctioned on May 21, 1994. Council concur. Streets: Houser Way Transportation Division requested that the Mayor and City Clerk be Relocation Stage 2, Phase authorized to execute an agreement with ENTRANCO in the amount of III, ENTRANCO $479,739 to conduct the Phase III design of the Houser Way Relocation Stage 2 project; 80% of these costs to be reimbursed by a federal grant. Refer to Transportation Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Stredicke presented a report regarding Renton liaisons for Committee of the Whole Suburban Cities committees. The Suburban Cities Association (SCA) has SCA: Committee asked every city to appoint a member of its Council as a liaison for each of Appointments the four SCA committees. The Councilmember should be someone who is not already an active member of that committee, but who can attend meetings occasionally and serve as an information conduit.between the Council and SCA staff. The Committee of the Whole recommended the following appointments: �r 180 May 9 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 180 Human Services: Councilmember Toni Nelson; Regional Water: Councilmember Tim Schlitzer; Growth Management & Transportation: Councilmembers Bob Edwards and Tim Schlitzer; Regional Issues & Services: Mayor Earl Clymer and Council President Dick Stredicke. MOVED BY STREDYCKE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning: Zoning at Council President Stredicke asked for information on the zoning status of the Cemetery Road/NE 4th Balch/Lexington property located between Cemetery Road and NE 4th. Assistant City Attorney Fontes offered to provide a report back to Mr. Stredicke on this issue. Public Safety Committee Public Safety Committee Chair Corman presented a report recommending that CAG: 94-055, Marine Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Marine Patrol Patrol Services, Mercer Services Interlocal Agreement with Mercer Island. The City is owed a rebate Island of $12,042. The cost of full services for 1994 (prorated for the time the City did not have the service) is $12,609. Mercer Island has agreed to resume the service at no additional cost to the City. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 182 for resolution.) Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending approval Finance: Vouchers of Claims Vouchers #111704 - 112136 and two wire transfers in the total amount of $1,921,758.28. And approval of Payroll Vouchers #125981 - 126335 and 370 direct deposits in the total amount of $1,021,121.37. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Personnel: Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report regarding classification Reclassifications and and compensation changes. The Committee recommended that Council Compensation Changes approve the following classification changes in accordance with City Policy and Procedure #300-12: 1. Planning/Building/Public Works Department: a. Reclass Secretary II position to Administration Secretary I retroactive to I/1/94 at a 1994 cost of $1,770. b. Reclassify P/B/PW Administrator position from grade 46 to 43 effective 4/1/94 at a 1994 savings of $14,540. 2. Communitv Services Department: Move Desktop Publishing Operator position from grade 6 to 12, and reclass Office Assistant I to Office Assistant II retroactive to 1/1/94 at a total 1994 cost of $3,222. 3. Executive Department: Reclass Office Assistant II position to a new classification, Publications Secretary, at grade 7, retroactive to 1/1/94 at a 1994 cost of $1,452. 4. Municipal Court: Move Municipal Court Judge position to step E of grade 42, retroactive to 1/1/94 at a 1994 cost of $6,292. 5. Non-Represented (non-union) Clerical Positions: Determine that non- represented clerical employees hired before 1/1/93 will continue to receive a payment equal to 50% of accumulated sick leave upon termination, retirement or death to a maximum payment of 480 hours. 6. Police and Fire Departments: Link fringe benefits and wages for the Police Department's Administrative Secretary II position to those 181 May 9, 1994 Renton Citv Council Minutes Paize 181 negotiated by the non-commissioned members of the Police Guild retroactive to 1/1/94 at a 1994 cost of $397. Additionally, implement the following changes effective 5/l/94 at a 1994 cost of $53,542: a. Move Police Captains from grade 37 to 38, Police Lieutenants from grade 33 to 36, and Police Staff Services Manager from grade 30 to 34. b. Provide the Police Chief, Police Captains, Police Lieutenants and Police Staff Services Manager with the uniform allowance, educational incentive pay and longevity benefits granted to commissioned members of the Police Department. C. Provide Police Lieutenants with overtime compensation at the rate of eight hours paid at time and a half for every seven days' CDO coverage. d. Change the title of Police Captain to Police Deputy Chief and Police Lieutenant to Police Commander. e. Maintain the minimum pay differential of 4% between the salary of the Fire Deputy Chiefs and the salary of Battalion Chiefs. f. Provide Fire Deputy Chiefs with the same uniform allowances, educational incentive pay and longevity benefits as those negotiated by Firefighters' Local 864. g. Provide the Fire Chief the same uniform allowance, educational incentive pay and longevity benefits granted to Fire Deputy Chiefs. 7. Personnel Department: Upgrade the position of Personnel Director to grade 43 and re-title it Human Resources and Risk Administrator, effective 5/1/94 at a 1994 cost of $4,102. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Councilmember Tanner responded to a comment made earlier by a member of the audience, saying that the compensation changes as submitted do not r� include a $6,000 pay increase. Planning & Development Planning & Development Committee Vice Chair Edwards presented a report Committee regarding the Residential Development Demonstration Project. The Planning Planning: Special and Development Committee met on May 3, 1994, to consider whether the Residential Development City should explore a new development approach in the Single Family (SF) Demonstration Project and Mixed Residential (MR) zones. A developer has proposed a concept that would be new to Renton. The City's current development regulations (e.g., Zoning Code and Subdivision Ordinance) constrain the achievement of many of the Residential Policies approved as part of the 1993 Interim Land Use Element. A demonstration project would allow evaluation of alternative zoning and subdivision standards. The subject project would involve an expedited process for review, approval and construction and could be used to analyze new types of development standards and processes for inclusion in the updates to the Zoning Code and Subdivision Ordinance. The proposal cannot be developed under the current Zoning Code provisions due to conflicts between the development standards of the Interim Zoning Code and the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan. The Committee determined that the proposed site is ideal for the demonstration project as it is of sufficient size and currently has a Mixed Residential zoning designation that is intended to act as a buffer between single family and multi-family uses. May 9 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 182 The Committee further determined that the review of this project should remain with the Council rather than the Hearing Examiner. The Committee recommended that the Administration direct staff to prepare an ordinance to facilitate the necessary changes to the Interim Zoning Code as well as to the Hearing Examiner ordinance to allow the subject demonstration project to move forward as described. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. While he supported the concept of a demonstration project, Council President Stredicke was concerned that the project would be commenced without prior adoption of development regulations, and he also objected to oversight responsibility begin given to the Council rather than the Hearing Examiner. Planning: CA Zone Planning & Development Committee Vice Chair Edwards presented a report Amendments to Landscape concurring in the staff recommendation to amend the Arterial Commercial Requirements (CA) Zone landscaping requirements for automobile sales. The amendment would remove the site-obscuring requirement and provide for a modification procedure on the remaining landscaping requirements. The Committee recommended that Council concur with the staff-recommended amendment and place the related ordinance on the agenda for first reading. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See later this page for ordinance.) ORDINANCES AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution #3060 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign an Police: Marine Patrol interlocal agreement with the City of Mercer Island for Marine Patrol Services Agreement, Services. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL Mercer Island, CAG-94- ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 055 The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 5/16/94 for second reading and adoption: Planning: CA Zone An ordinance was read amending subsection 4-31-10.4.D.6. of Chapter 31, Amendments to Landscape Zoning Code, of Title IV (Building Regulations), of City Code by removing Requirements the "site obscuring" requirement for automobile dealers and providing a modification procedure on the landscaping requirement when site conditions make it impractical in the Arterial Commercial (CA) zone. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 5/16/94. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Referred 3/7/94 - Motion adopted referring matter of building permit REPORT application and safety issues regarding the new use at 251 Factory Ave N to Building: Permit at 251 the Administration for investigation and report back to Council Factory Ave N (Richter/Vaupel letter). Memorandum from Jim Hanson, Development Services Director, responding to each of the thirteen concerns raised by Mmes. Richter and Vaupel. 183 May 9, 1994 Renton Citv Council Minutes Pape 183 Parks: At-Risk Youth Referred 3/21/94 - Councilmember Tanner request for report from Parks Program Department regarding the scheduling between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. of the At- Risk Youth Corp. basketball tournament, and any subsequent events for young teens. The Parks Department made a special presentation to Council at its 4/11/94 meeting regarding the City's youth recreational program. WSDOT: I-405 S-Curve Referred 4/4/94 - Request for copy of letter from Len Cozza and letter about Project kids throwing rocks on cars to be sent to Joe Scanlon, WSDOT I-405 project ■., manager. Letter from Paul Lumbert, Chair, I-405 S-Curve Steering Committee, to Joe Scanlon, WSDOT S-Curve Project Manager, relating Mr. Cozza's concerns. Transportation: Regional Referred 4/11/94 - Motion directing the preparation of a letter and resolution Transit Plan opposing any Regional Transit Authority proposal that does not serve Renton. Letter signed by Mayor Clymer and Council President Stredicke, and resolution adopted by Council, expressing the City's position on this issue. King County: DDES Referred 4/11/94 - Motion directing the preparation of a letter to be signed Relocation to Renton by all Councilmembers and a resolution to be adopted by Council opposing the Metropolitan King County Council's policy of raising human rights issues to preclude relocation of the County's DDES division to Renton. Letter signed by Mayor Clymer and all Councilmembers, and a resolution adopted by Council, stating the•City's position on this issue. Police: Animal Complaint, Referred 4/25/94 - Councilmember Tanner request that the Administration 350 Maple Ave investigate possible vicious dog at 350 Maple Avenue. Memorandum from Police Chief Alan L. Wallis stating that the City's Animal Control Officer has investigated the situation and is satisfied that the dog is not vicious, dangerous or potentially dangerous according to Renton City Code r. provisions. AUDIENCE COMMENT Lloyd Hoshide, 833 Kirkland Ave. NE, Renton, 98056, encouraged Council to Citizen Comment: Hoshide place a limit such as 10% on the number of accessory units that will be - Accessory Units/ allowed in single family neighborhoods according to the Housing Element of Housing Element of the the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Hoshide suggested that a limit could always be Comprehensive Plan raised later should Council deem it too restrictive. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:30 p.m. MARILYN E ERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 5/09/94 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 9, 1994 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 5/16 Housing Element of the Comprehensive (Stredicke) 6:30 p.m. Plan COMMUNITY SERVICES *MEETING CANCELLED* (Nelson) FINANCE (Tanner) PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT TUES., 5/10 Class A Nonconforming Use Process; (Keolker-Wheeler) 4:00 p.m. 1994 Non-Residential Energy Code; *5th Floor* 251 Factory Ave. N. Building Permit and Code Review PUBLIC SAFETY *MEETING CANCELLED* (Corman) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) MON., 5/16 Street Improvement Standards; (Edwards) 4:00 p.m. Houser Way North Relocation (Stage 2, Phase III) UTILITIES *MEETING CANCELLED* (Schlitzer) OTHER MEETINGS Suburban Cities Association WED., 5/11 Woodmark Hotel, Kirkland LEOFF Board THURS., 5/12 5th Floor Conference Room 4:00 p.m. NOTE:Committee of the Whole meetings are held in Municipal Court Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the 6th floor conference room (unless otherwise noted). RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 9, 1994 Renton Municipal Court Monday, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Court Chambers ADDENDUM TO MINUTES Or Page 180, Finance Committee report on Classification and Compensation Changes, third paragraph should read: 2. Community Services Department: Move Desktop Publishing Operator position from grade 6 to 12, and reclass Office Assistant I to Office Assistant III retroactive to 1/1/94 at a total 1994 cost of $3,222. MARILYW P TERSEN, CMC, City Clerk how 186 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING May 16, 1994 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF MAY 9, 1994 4. PROCLAMATION: American Legion Auxiliary Poppy Sales Days 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Washington Recreation Parks Association awards to City of Renton Community Services staff 6. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. City Clerk reports bid opening on 5/10/94 for CAG-94-038, Dayton Ave N Sanitary Sewers (LID #337); 11 bids; engineer's estimate $142,704.44; and submits Wastewater Utility Division recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Gary Merlino Construction Co., in the amount of$106,794.48. Council concur. b. Executive Department submits proposed agreement with Kameron C. Cayce for public defender services for the Municipal Court. Refer to Public Safety Committee. c. Finance& Information Services Department requests authorization to transfer $43,415.00 from the General Fund for a temporary full-time position and other staff costs associated with completing BETA testing and implementing a new financial system. Refer to Finance Committee. d. Finance& Information Services Department reports bid call on 3/15/94 for banking services; six bids received; and submits staff recommendation to award the contract to U.S. Bank for $130,550. Refer to Finance Committee, 8. CORRESPONDENCE 9. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Planning&Development Committee: Class A Nonconforming Use Process; 1994 Non-Residential Energy Code*; 251 Factory Ave N Building Permit & Code Review b. Transportation Committee: Street Improvement Standards; Houser Way N Relocation, Stage 2 Phase III (ENTRANCO) (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 10. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolution: Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) funds for Park Avenue North/SR-900 project (Council approved via Transportation Committee report adopted 2/21/94) Ordinance for second reading and adoption: Arterial Commercial (CA) Zone amendments to landscaping requirements for auto dealerships (first reading 5/9/94) Ordinance for first readiniz: 1994 Non-Residential Energy Code and Fees (see 9.a.) 11. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics - call 277-4430 for recorded information) 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) MUNICIPAL COURT CHAMBERS 6:30 p.m. 1. Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan r.. NOW RENTON CITY COUNCIL May 16, 1994 City Clerk's Office` Referrals ADMINISTRATION Citizen comments re: Friends of Youth Griffin Home (2500 Lake Washington Boulevard) Investigation of short-term solution to mosquito abatement problem Ballot title ordinance and ballot title for the September, 1994 primary election for Public Safety Bond Issue FINANCE COMMITTEE General Fund transfer of$43,415 for staff costs associated with BETA testing for a new financial system Bid award to U.S. Bank for banking services in the amount of$130,550 Architectural services for update of municipal campus master plan MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Agreement for Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) funding for Park Ave N project PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Ordinance regarding changes to Arterial Commercial (CA) zone landscape requirements for auto dealerships PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Agreement with Kameron C. Cayce for public defense services UTILITIES COMMITTEE Investigation of both long- and short-term solutions to mosquito abatement problem (Talbot Hill) ORDINANCES FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING Amendments to Commercial.Arterial (CA) zone landscaping requirements for auto dealerships (1 st reading 5/9/94) 1994 Non-Residential Energy Code and fee schedule (1st reading 5/16/94) F RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 1.6, 1994 Renton Municipal Court Monday, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Court Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD STREDICKE, Council President; KATHY KEOLKER- COUNCILMEMBERS WHEELER; RANDY CORMAN; JESSE TANNER; TONI NELSON; TIM SCHLITZER; BOB EDWARDS. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; SAM CHASTAIN, Community Services Administrator; MIKE KATTERMANN, Interim Planning Director; BILL HUTSINPILLER, Parks & Recreation Director; TERRY HIGASHIYAMA, Recreation Manager; JIM SHEPHERD, Facilities Director; ABDOUL GAFOUR, Civil Engineer; JIM CHANDLER, Building Official; DAVID CHRISTENSEN, Engineering Specialist; NEIL WATTS, Plan Review Supervisor; STEVE ELLIOTT, Recreation Program Coordinator; PATRICIA BENSON, Recreation Supervisor; LIEUTENANT RICK STODDARD, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL COUNCIL MINUTES APPROVE THE MINUTES OF MAY 9, 1994, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PROCLAMATIONS Proclamations by Mayor Clymer were read declaring the days of May 20 and American Legion 21 to be American Legion Auxiliary and Veterans of Foreign Wars Poppy Auxiliary Poppy Sales Sales Days, recognizing that the proceeds of these worthy fundraising Days campaigns are used exclusively for the benefit of disabled and needy veterans and their families as well as the widows and orphans of deceased veterans. Veterans of Foreign Wars MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR Poppy Sales Days IN THE PROCLAMATIONS. CARRIED. rr Eugenia Swanson accepted the American Legion Auxiliary proclamation on behalf of the Auxiliary. SPECIAL Sam Chastain, Community Services Administrator, introduced Jim Webster, PRESENTATION Executive Director of the Washington Recreation Parks Association (WRPA). Parks: WRPA Awards to Mr. Webster presented the following awards to Renton employees: an Arts Renton Employees and Humanities Award, given by the Pacific Northwest Regional Council of the National Recreation Parks Association in recognition of outstanding cultural arts, to Steve Elliott, Recreation Program Coordinator, and Patricia Benson, Recreation Supervisor, for the City's annual summer teen musical program; a Citation of Merit for Professionalism from the WRPA to Terry Higashiyama, Recreation Manager; and the WRPA's prestigious Honor Fellow Award, the organization's highest commendation, to Bill Hutsinpiller, Parks & Recreation Director. AUDIENCE COMMENT Jonell Bitney, 2727 Mountain View Ave. N., Renton, 98056, asked for an Citizen Comment: Bitney update on the Griffin Home located at 2500 Lake Washington Blvd., - Griffin Home Program specifically regarding: the number of boys living at the Home; their ages, places of origin and reasons for being there; the Home's sources of funding; the type of supervision and security provided at the Home; and the amount of freedom granted to its residents. Mnr 190 May 16 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 190 Citizen Comment: Richter Marjorie Richter, 300 Meadow Avenue North, Renton 98055, discussed the - Griffin Home Program Friends of Youth Griffin Home for Boys. Remarking on the funding the City provides for this program and how these funds are allocated by the Home, she questioned the propriety of contributing public funds to this use. Additionally, she was concerned that youth with felony or sexual offense records are being housed at the Home, and she posed several questions about this issue for which she asked the Administration to provide replies. Councilmember Edwards commented that members of the City's Human Services Advisory Committee and staff made an on-site visit to the Home last week in anticipation of the need for a report on this issue. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THESE QUESTIONS TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR A REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL ON THIS ISSUE. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Larson Ruthie Larson, 714 High Ave. S., Renton, 98055, restated her concerns - WSDOT I-405 S-Curve regarding the Cedar Avenue bridge stairway, emphasizing that this facility's Project proposed design is unsafe and should include lighting. She added that Renton Hill residents would be better served if the stairway were constructed elsewhere, perhaps at the end of Renton Ave. S. where a pathway already exists. Gregg Zimmerman, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator, said the proposed handrail, at 2'10" in height, conforms with OSHA and WSHA safety standards. The Uniform Building Code calls for 34" in handrail heights except for landings, at which 42" high guardrails are required with handrails between 34-38". Mr. Zimmerman noted that, assuming a 34" handrail would meet all required safety standards, WSDOT might be reluctant to install a higher rail. Mrs. Larson also asked about lifting the "no left turn" prohibition from Main onto 6th on the weekends. Councilman Tanner noted the distinction between a handrail and a guardrail, saying it seems reasonable to install handrails at the lower height, given their intended use. He urged staff to consider safety requirements aside from handrail requirements. Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler requested information on information on how the pro design, noting her agreement with Mrs. Larson that it would be more appropriate to build it somewhere else. Citizen Comment: Carson Frank Carson, 1737 Lake Ave. S., Renton, 98055, objected to the City - Mosquito Abatement discontinuing funding for the mosquito abatement program previously Program conducted in the Panther Creek wetland area on Talbot Hill. Saying that poor engineering design of Highway 167 prompted drainage problems that resulted in the swampy area referred to as wetlands, he emphasized that the mosquitoes pose a health risk to area residents. Mr. Carson urged Council to reallocate the funds necessary to resume the treatment, and claimed that the Department of Ecology permit for this program does not expire until 1996. He concluded by asking for a copy of staff's estimate of the costs of this program. As Chair of the Utilities Committee, Councilman Schlitzer recalled that last year Council had decided to continue and even expand the larvae-destroying portion of the program. Mr. Zimmerman concurred that staff had asked for, and Council approved, additional funding last year for another application of chemicals to the water. Mr. Zimmerman added that the SEPA permit which allowed the City to conduct the abatement program was in force for five May 16, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 191 years; because it expires this year, the City would need to undergo additional environmental review. Staff had recommended during budget discussions last fall that this program be eliminated from the 1994 budget because its cost was likely to skyrocket this year, given the necessary environmental review that would required for it to continue. Mr. Zimmerman estimated that an EIS could cost as much as $100,000, with another $40,000 needed to resume the treatments. Obtaining the necessary funds, then, would require the equivalent of raising storm water rates by 6.5%. Additionally, staff remains somewhat dubious of the program's effectiveness. WSW Responding to Council President Stredicke, Mr. Zimmerman explained that forming a mosquito control district would permit residents to conduct abatement measures themselves. He explained the State-mandated methodology for forming such districts, which are authorized by county councils. In response to Councilmember Edwards, Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney, said a SEPA permit would be required to resume spray treatments, and that permit application process can be quite lengthy. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THIS ISSUE TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE FOR STUDY OF BOTH AN IMMEDIATE AND A LONG-TERM SOLUTION. CARRIED. Councilmember Schlitzer suggested that the City should inspect the culverts located under SR-167 to determine maintenance measures which the State should take. Responding to Council President Stredicke, City Attorney Warren stated that Renton owns approximately half of the area referred to as the Panther Creek wetlands. The remainder is owned by Puget Power and individual property owners, although it is the City's intention to eventually acquire these pieces. Citizen Comment: Williams Velicia M. Seraile Williams, 2332 Talbot Crest Dr., Renton, 98055, urged - Mosquito Abatement Council to act quickly to resume mosquito treatment in this area as the warm rr Program weather season is approaching and the insects are already present. Citizen Comment: Mark Groening, 1731 Lake Ave. S., Renton, 98055, emphasized that Talbot Groening - Mosquito Hill residents want and need a long-term solution to this problem. He Abatement Program suggested either draining the wetlands or raising the water level to make it a suitable habitat for larvae-eating fish. Citizen Comment: Greg Schroeder, 2331 Talbot Crest Dr., Renton, 98055, said the proliferation Schroeder - Mosquito of mosquitoes effectively prevents Talbot Hill residents from using their own Abatement Program yards. He emphasized that this problem has persisted for too many years. Councilmember Edwards commented that the County Health Department has a program for mosquito abatement for extreme problems which have been determined by the Secretary of Health to constitute a public health hazard. Citizen Comment: Skura - Pat Skura, 1934 Shattuck Ave. S., Renton, 98055, asked that Council look at Mosquito Abatement the design of this as well as being part of the liability or payment Program methodology used to meet those costs. Citizen Comment: Wilcox D.E. Wilcox, 1814 Shattuck Ave. S., Renton, 98055, encouraged Mayor Clymer - Mosquito Abatement to personally resolve to attend to this issue. Mayor Clymer pointed out that Program the responsibility to allot funding rests with the City Council. Mr► 192 May 16 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 192 MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL REFER THIS ISSUE TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR INVESTIGATION OF A SHORT-TERM SOLUTION. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Richter Marjorie Richter, 300 Meadow Ave. N., Renton 98055, suggested an - CA Zone Changes to amendment to the ordinance scheduled to be presented for second reading and Landscape Requirements adoption this evening regarding changes to landscape requirements in the Arterial Commercial (CA) zone. She specifically suggested that anyone needing CA zone landscape modifications, not just those involved in automobile sales, should be required to undergo a variance procedure. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second reading and adoption: Planning: CA Zone An ordinance was read amending subsection 4-31-10.4.D.6. of Chapter 31, Amendments to Landscape Zoning Code, of Title IV (Building Regulations), of City Code by removing Requirements the "site obscuring" requirement for automobile dealers and providing a modification procedure on the landscaping requirement when site conditions make it impractical in the Arterial Commercial (CA) zone.* Council President Stredicke noted his agreement with correspondence received on this issue which suggested the provisions of this ordinance should be tied to a specific geographic area such as that bounded by Lind Avenue, Rainier Avenue, I-405 and Grady Way. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THIS SUGGESTION TO THE CITY ATTORNEY TO DETERMINE THE PARAMETERS OF THIS ORDINANCE.*. Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler spoke against acting on such a substantive change this evening, saying it should receive staff and legal review. Mr. Corman commented on his concern that the ordinance language may be overly broad and could, as written, be construed to apply to various uses throughout the City. He felt it should be specifically and clearly limited to automobile sales. City Attorney Warren replied that the ordinance adds a subsection of the Code to the Code section that refers only to automobile sales. Executive Assistant Jay Covington added that the legislation is intended to treat automobile dealers throughout the City uniformly, recognizing that any given location might experience unique circumstances that would require site-specific modifications. *SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY TANNER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FOR FURTHER REVIEW AND A REPORT BACK ON THE ISSUES THAT HAVE BEEN RAISED. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. 193 May 16, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 193 CAG: 94-038, Dayton Ave City Clerk reported bid opening on 5/10/94 for CAG-94-038, Dayton Avenue N Sanitary Sewers (LID North Sanitary Sewers (LID #337); 11 bids; engineer's estimate $142,704.44; 337), Gary Merlino Const. and submitted Wastewater Utility Division recommendation to award the Co. contract to the low bidder, Gary Merlino Construction Co., in the amount of $106,794.48. Council concur. Legal: Public Defender Executive Department submitted proposed agreement with Kameron C. Cayce Agreement, Kameron C. for public defender services for the Municipal Court. Refer to Public Safety Cayce Committee. low Finance: BETA Testing Finance & Information Services Department requested authorization to transfer Staffing $43,415.00 from the General Fund for a temporary full-time position and other staff costs associated with completing BETA testing and implementing a new financial system. Refer to Finance Committee. Finance: Banking Services Finance & Information Services Department reported bid call on 3/15/94 for Award to U.S. Bank banking services; six bids reeived; and submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to U.S. Bank in the amount of $130,550. Refer to Finance Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Stredicke presented a report regarding a bond issue for Committee of the Whole construction of a new public safety building, purchase of new equipment, and Police: Public Safety Bond property acquisition. On January 17, 1994, the Committee of the Whole Issue authorized staff to assemble a citizens group that would determine whether there was a need and public support for a public safety bond issue. The citizens group examined alternatives that ranged from doing nothing (operating the police and court functions as is), to leasing space elsewhere, to constructing a new public safety building. On April 4, the citizens committee delivered a report of its findings to the Council. Among its findings, the committee offered two solutions for the Council to consider: 1) convert City Hall to a public safety building and lease space for other City departments as a short-term solution; and 2) build a new public safety building as a long-term solution. After receiving further input from the committee and staff, and after some deliberation, the Committee of the Whole recommended the option of constructing and equipping a new public safety building to house the police and municipal court functions on or near the existing municipal campus, and acquiring whatever property is necessary to meet building and parking requirements. The Committee of the Whole further recommended that the Administration be directed to prepare a ballot title ordinance and the ballot title for the September primary election. The ballot title will ask voters for authority to build a new public safety building and to provide for the necessary equipment and property purchase. The cost of the bond issue will be limited to $14.8 million. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Councilman Tanner clarified he does not approve of a specific plan or acquisition prior to the public vote occurring on this issue; rather, his approval is restricted to placing this subject on the ballot for a decision by the voters. 4rir 1 A 1 Q.7 May 16, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 194 Planning & Development Planning & Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Committee report regarding the process for Class A nonconforming uses. The Planning Planning: Class A and Development Committee has been working with staff to resolve several Nonconforming Use legal and planning issues related to the granting of Class A nonconforming use Process status. The Committee would like to continue to work through these issues with staff; in the meantime, there are several pending requests that require a response. The Committee recommended that all future requests for Class A nonconforming use status, including those directed to Council, the City Clerk, Planning or another department, be referred to the Planning and Development Committee in order for staff to conduct an analysis before the Committee forwards a recommendation on each request to the Council. In addition, the Committee recommended that it continue to work with staff on resolving the other issues before bringing a final process before the City Council. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning: 1994 Energy Planning & Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Code & Fees, Non- report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to adopt the Residential 1994 Non-Residential Energy Code and fee schedule. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See later this page for ordinance.) Transaortation Committee Transportation Committee Chair Edwards presented a report recommending Transportation: House: that Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Houser Way Way Relocation/Stage 2, Relocation/Stage 2, Phase III design consultant agreement with ENTRANCO Phase III Design, in the amount of $479,739. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY ENTRANCO NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT, CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution #3061 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a Transportation: Park project agreement for construction proposal with the Washington State Avenue North Project, Transportation Improvement Board (Park Avenue North/SR900 from Bronson TIB Funds Way North to North 10th Street). MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 5/23/94 for second reading and adoption: Planning: 1994 Energy An ordinance was read amending Section 4.24.3.E of Chapter 24 (Uniform Code & Fees, Non- Building Code) of Title IV (Building Regulations), of City Code relating to Residential the 1994 Non-Residential Energy Code. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE AS AMENDED TO ADD THE WORDS "AND FEE SCHEDULE" IN THE TITLE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 5/23/94. CARRIED. May 16, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 195 NEW BUSINESS Community Services Department requested authorization to hire an Parks: Municipal Campus architectural consultant to update the existing municipal campus master plan Master Plan Update to study and make recommendations regarding campus layout, siting, and preliminary design of the major structures, including the proposed public safety building. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL REFER THIS ITEM TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:28 p.m. wr MARILYN .,\P ERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 5/16/94 +`r vim 196 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 16, 1994 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE WEDS., 5/18 Comprehensive Plan Housing Element (Stredicke) 4:00-7:00 p.m. *North Highlands Neighborhood Center* MON., 5/23 MEETING CANCELLED 6:30 p.m. COMMUNITY SERVICES (Nelson) FINANCE MON., 5/23 Banking Services Bid Award; (Tanner) 7:00 p.m. BETA Testing Costs; Golf Course Bonds (briefing only); Vouchers; Architectural Services for Municipal Campus Master Plan PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT MON., 5/23 Arterial Commercial (CA)Zone Changes (Keolker-Wheeler) 6:30 p.m. to Landscape Requirements Ordinance PUBLIC SAFETY (Corman) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) (Edwards) UTILITIES TUES., 5/17 Sewer Service Boundary Adjustment with (Schlitzer) 3:00 p.m. Skyway Water/Sewer District; *5th Floor* Extension of Eight Latecomer Agreements in Moratorium Area; Comprehensive Plan Utilities Element Mosquito Abatement Program NOTE:Committee of the Whole meetings are held in Municipal Court Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the 6th floor conference room (unless otherwise noted). g RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 16, 1994 Renton Municipal Court Monday, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Court Chambers ADDENDUM TO MINUTES Page 190, the sixth paragraph (regarding the Renton Hill stairway accessing the Cedar Avenue pedestrian bridge) should read: Councilman Tanner noted the distinction between a handrail and a guardrail, saying it seems reasonable to install handrails at the lower height, given their intended use. He urged staff to consider safety requirements aside from handrail requirements. Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler requested information on how the proposed stairway was incorporated into the project design, noting her agreement with Mrs. Larson that it would be more appropriate to build it somewhere else. Page 191, discussion regarding the mosquito abatement program, insert between the fourth and fifth paragraphs: Noting that municipalities are bound by state and federal regulations, Councilmember Keolker- Wheeler explained that the City is constrained from a simple resolution to this problem since it cannot allocate the $40,000 needed to resume spraying without also undergoing a state-mandated EIS, the cost of which has been estimated at $100,000. While she agreed with the suggestion to refer this matter to the Utilities Committee for investigation of a short-term solution, Mrs. Keolker-Wheeler added that the community should make a concerted effort to address this +u.r problem at the state and federal levels to ease the regulations that make continuing the abatement program both difficult and expensive. BRENDA FRITSVOLD, Deputy City Clerk 198 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING May 23, 1994 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF MAY 16, 1994 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 5. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Mayor Clymer recommends Park Board reappointment to a four-year term expiring 6/1/98 for Joan Moffatt, 3709 Meadow Ave. N., Renton. Council concur. b. Community Services Department requests concurrence with the recommendation of the Park Board to expand its membership from five to seven members. Refer to Community Services Committee. c. Planning Division submits recommendation to eliminate the P-I zone and rezone properties currently zoned P-1 to other use designations. Refer to Planning&Development Committee. d. Transportation Division announces the annual update of the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and associated mid-year budget adjustments, and requests a public hearing be scheduled for 6/20/94 to receive public comments on these issues. Refer to Transportation Committee. e. Transportation Division requests approval of an ISTEA grant in the amount of$306,000 for pre- construction engineering, administration and construction costs associated with the City's street overlay program. The City's match is $47,757.23. Refer to Transportation Committee. f. Water Utility Division submits recommendation to locate a 490 pressure zone pump station on the east side of the City Hall campus. Refer to Utilities Committee. 6. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from John A. Davy, L.M.P., 420 Lind Ave. NW, Renton, 98055, requesting changes in the zoning ordinance for home occupations that would allow massage therapists to have home-based practices. Refer to Planning &Development Committee. 7. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk(*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Finance Committee: Banking Services Bid Award*; BETA Testing Costs*; Vouchers; Architectural Services for Municipal Campus Master Plan b. Planning&Development Committee: Arterial Commercial (CA)Zone amendments to landscaping requirements for auto dealerships* c. Utilities Committee: Sewer Service Boundary Adjustment with Skyway Water& Sewer District*; Extension of Eight Latecomer Agreements in Moratorium Area; Mosquito Abatement Program (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 199 8. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolutions: a. Designating the Demand Deposit Account Depository (Banking Services Bid Award; see 7.a.) b. Authorizing a Sewer Service Boundary Adjustment with the Skyway Water& Sewer District (see 7.c.) Ordinances for second reading and adoption: a. Arterial Commercial (CA) Zone amendments to landscaping requirements for auto dealerships (first reading 5/9/94; see 7.b.) b. 1994 Non-Residential Energy Code and Fees (first reading 5/16/94) Ordinance for first reading: Authorizing $43,415 for completing the BETA testing of the new financial system (see 7.a.) 9. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics - call 277-4430 for recorded information) 10. AUDIENCE COMMENT 11 ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) *MEETING CANCELLED* wr r.. 200 Rr. rry! r co>rxca, Mai 23, 1994 City Clerk's 4fficel Refecrts COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Renton River Days insurance requirements COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Park Board proposed expansion from five to seven members MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Agreement for consultant services for Municipal Campus Masterplan update Agreement for banking services with U.S. Bank Agreement with Skyway Water& Sewer District establishing service boundaries PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Elimination of P-1 Zone and subsequent rezones John A. Davy request for zoning revisions to allow home occupations for licensed massage practitioners STAFF (Plannin uildinw?ublic Works Department) Renton Hill Stairway: notify WSDOT of interest in pursuing alternate options; return to Council with alternate design concepts 6/06/94 TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) ISTEA grant for street overlays UTILITIES COMMITTEE City Hall campus 490 pressure zone pump station ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING Authorizing funds for BETA testing staffing (1st reading 5/16/94) 201 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 23, 1994 Renton Municipal Court Monday, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Court Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD STREDICKE, Council President; KATHY KEOLKER- ""` COUNCILMEMBERS WHEELER; RANDY CORMAN; JESSE TANNER; TONI NELSON; TIM SCHLITZER; BOB EDWARDS. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; BRENDA FRITSVOLD, Deputy City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; DAVE CHRISTENSEN, Engineering Specialist; SUE CARLSON, Economic Development Specialist; MIKE KATTERMANN, Interim Planning Director; LIEUTENANT BRIAN WILSON, Police ` Department. PRESS Jean Parietti, valley Daily News APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL COUNCIL MINUTES APPROVE THE, MINUTES OF MAY 16, 1994, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Ruthie Larson, 714 High Ave. S., Renton, 98055, quoted from the draft EIS Citizen Comment: Larson for the I-405 S-Curve project, which states that "A new connection would - WSDOT I-405 S-Curve cross through the park area on fills ranging in height from 30' and would Project divide the existing Interstate 405 sit-in park, making portions too steep to reconstruct or be accessible." Mrs. Larson questioned why WSDOT is now considering building a stairway in this area if it was once considered too steep to be accessible. She encouraged relocating this stairway to the end of Renton Avenue South with the cooperation of the Parks Department, further suggesting that the "sit-in park" also be located there if anywhere. Referring to a memo from staff on this issue, Councilmember Keolker- Wheeler reviewed the four options presented for Council's consideration of this matter. Saying that she favored pursuing the fourth option, Mrs. Keolker-Wheeler added that WSDOT has indicated its receptivity to this alternative as well. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL DIRECT THE ADMINISTRATION TO COOPERATE WITH WSDOT AND THE CITY'S PARKS DEPARTMENT TO CONSTRUCT A WALKWAY OFF OF RENTON AVENUE SOUTH CONNECTING WITH THE NARCO PROPERTY AND THE CEDAR RIVER TRAIL SYSTEM IN LIEU OF BUILDING THE CURRENTLY PLANNED STAIRWAY ACCESSING THE CEDAR RIVER PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE. Councilman Edwards expressed concern about acting on this matter before a specific plan for relocating the pedestrian access has been presented to Council. Saying that the stairway proposal was prompted by someone's desire to see it built, he felt that the City should provide an opportunity for any stairway proponents to argue for retaining this facility. Saying the stairway was not included in the EIS, Councilmember Keolker- Wheeler added that this facility was not wanted or requested by Renton Hill +`r 202 May 23 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 202 residents. She feared its construction would make the City liable for any injuries that might occur in connection with it, and urged Council to pursue an alternate access while the State is willing to negotiate. Noting that one Renton Hill resident spoke in favor of the stairway at a recent Council meeting, Councilman Tanner wanted assurance that stairway proponents would be satisfied with the proposed alternative. Mrs. Keolker- Wheeler pointed out that Mrs. Larson is president of the Renton Hill Homeowner's Association, and Mr. Tanner stated he would be satisfied with a vote by the Homeowner's Association in favor of relocating the walkway. Responding to Mr. Edwards, Mrs. Keolker-Wheeler said the primary issue is that building the stairway as proposed would not be appropriate because of serious safety concerns. Council President Stredicke specifically recalled more than one person speaking in favor of the proposed stairway because of the access it would provide from Renton Hill to the downtown area. Mr. Stredicke added that redirecting the walkway towards the NARCO property would not provide this same access. Mrs. Keolker-Wheeler commented that the S-Curve project has already improved access to Renton Hill by opening up the road at 4th and Main. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL DIRECT STAFF TO NOTIFY WSDOT OF ITS INTEREST IN PURSUING AN ALTERNATIVE TO THE CURRENT PROPOSAL TO CONSTRUCT A RENTON HILL STAIRWAY ACCESSING THE CEDAR RIVER PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE; STAFF ALSO TO RETURN WITH ALTERNATE DESIGN CONCEPTS AT THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING.* Councilman Corman noted his agreement with Mr. Edwards that it would be valuable to have both sides presented on this issue before making a final decision. Mrs. Nelson emphasized that ensuring the safety of the stairway at its currently planned location would require an undetermined amount of City funds. *SUBSTITUTE MOTION CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Boards/Commissions: Park Mayor Clymer recommended Park Board reappointment to a four-year term Board Reappointment expiring 6/1/98 for Joan Moffatt, 3709 Meadow Ave. N., Renton. Council concur. Boards/Commissions: Park Community Services Department requested concurrence with the Board Expansion From recommendation of the Park Board to expand its membership from five to Five to Seven Members seven members. Refer to Community Services Committee. Planning: Elimination of Planning Division submitted recommendation to eliminate the P-1 zone and P-1 Zone; Subsequent rezone properties currently zoned P-1 to other use designations. Refer to Rezones Planning & Development Committee. May 23, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 203 Transportation: Six-Year Transportation Division announced the annual update of the Six-Year TIP Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and associated mid-year budget adjustments, and requested a public hearing be scheduled for 6/20/94 to receive public comments on these issues. Refer to Transportation Committee. Transportation: ISTEA Transportation Division requested approval of an ISTEA grant in the amount Grant for Street Overlays of $306,000 for pre-construction engineering, administration and construction costs associated with the City's street overlay program. The City's match is $47,757.23. Refer to Transportation Committee. w.. Utility: City Hall Campus Water Utility Division submitted recommendation to locate a 490 pressure 490 Pump Station zone pump station on the east side of the City Hall campus. Refer to Utilities Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from John A. Davy, L.M.P., 420 Lind Ave. NW, Citizen Comment: Davy - Renton, 98055, requesting changes in the zoning ordinance for home Home Occupations for occupations that would allow massage therapists to have home-based practices. LMPs MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Responding to Council President Stredicke, Mike Kattermann, Interim Comprehensive Plan: Planning Director, stated that the City is approximately two months behind on Update Schedule its schedule for updating the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Kattermann added that Valley Medical Center has a masterplan, but this has not been brought before Council for approval. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending Finance: Banking Services concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the banking services Award, U.S. Bank award to U.S. Bank for $130,550 for a three-year banking services contract from 1994-1997. The Committee recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the agreement. The Committee further %W recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 205 for resolution.) Finance: Vouchers Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending approval of Claims Vouchers #112137 - 112605 and two wire transfers in the total amount of $1,671,104.79. And approval of Payroll Vouchers #126336 - 126681 and 377 direct deposits in the total amount of $1,028,484.56. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance: BETA Testing Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending Staffing concurrence of the staff recommendation to approve a budget amendment of $43,415 for the purpose of hiring a limited term employee and providing for other costs associated with the implementation of a new financial computer system. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 205 for ordinance.) May 23, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 204 Finance: Consultant Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending the City Services for Municipal Council appropriate $25,000 from the capital improvement fund for the Campus Masterplan purpose of updating the municipal campus masterplan. The Committee Update further recommended the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute an agreement with a consultant to provide professional services required to perform this work. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report recommending that the Utility: Mosquito Surface Water Utility take immediate action to implement land treatment Abatement Program measures for the abatement of mosquitoes in the area adjacent to and upland of the Panther Creek Wetland. The Committee further recommended that the funding for the Mosquito Abatement Program which was eliminated from the City of Renton 1994 Annual Budget be restored. The Committee recommended that the Surface Water Utility inspect the condition of each of the culverts through SR-167 from the Panther Creek Wetland to ensure that they are functioning properly. The Committee further recommended the Washington State Department of Transportation be requested by letter to perform any identified maintenance in a timely manner and to provide an updated schedule for the installation of the proposed 54" culverts under SR- 167 at SW 23rd Street (P-1 Channel) being done as part of the SR-167 HOV Lane Project. The Utilities Committee recommended that more information be provided on the following alternatives for future mosquito control: establishment of a Mosquito Control District; mosquito control by natural predators; and mosquito habitat control through a Flood Control Project. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Responding to Councilman Edwards, Gregg Zimmerman, Planning/Building/ Public Works Administrator, said a separate request for restoring this program's budgeting will go before the Finance Committee. Mr. Zimmerman estimated the 1994 cost will be in the range of $20,000. Utility: Extension of Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report recommending Latecomer Agreements in concurrence with the Planning/Building/Public Works Department's Moratorium Area recommendation to authorize extension of eight eligible latecomer agreements within the sewer moratorium area, because the moratorium suspended the elective rights of the agreement holders to connect to City sewer for the 1628 days the moratorium was in effect. The Committee further recommended that Council authorize the Administrator of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department to execute and record the City Attorney-approved extension document with King County. A recording of this document will effectively extend the subject latecomer agreements listed on Exhibit "A" of the recording document, for the period of time specified for each. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utility: Boundary Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report recommending Agreement with Skyway concurrence with the Planning/Building/Public Works Department's Water/Sewer District recommendation to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement defining the long-range sanitary sewer boundary between the City of Renton and the Skyway Water and Sewer District. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 205 for resolution.) 205 May 23, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 205 Planning & Development Planning & Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Committee report regarding amendments to the Arterial Commercial (CA) Zone. The Planning: CA Zone Committee had previously recommended adoption of amendments to the CA Amendments to Landscape Zone to exempt automobile sales from the site-obscuring landscaping Requirements requirement. The proposed amendment also provides for a modification of the landscape requirement for automobile sales. Questions were raised by the public about whether the requirements apply solely to automobile sales or to all uses in the CA Zone. The Committee has confirmed and clarified that the amendments apply solely to automobile sales. The Committee recommended that Council concur in the proposed amendment to the CA Zone, as clarified, and place the ordinance regarding this matter on the agenda for second and final reading. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See later this page for ordinance.) ORDINANCES AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution #3062 A resolution was read designating the demand deposit account depository and Finance: Banking Services authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement therefor. Award to U.S. Bank MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3063 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Utility: Boundary interlocal agreement with the Skyway Water and Sewer District establishing Agreement with Skyway service boundaries. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY TANNER, Water/Sewer District COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second reading and adoption: Ordinance #4449 An ordinance was read amending subsection 4-31-10.4.D.6. of Chapter 31, Planning: CA Zone Zoning Code, of Title IV (Building Regulations), of City Code by removing Amendments to Landscape the "site obscuring" requirement for automobile dealers and providing a Requirements modification procedure on the landscaping requirement when site conditions make it impractical in the Arterial Commercial (CA) zone. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance #4450 An ordinance was read amending Section 4-24-3.E of Chapter 24 (Uniform Planning: 1994 Energy Building Code) of Title IV (Building Regulations), of City Code relating to Code & Fees, Non- the 1994 Non-Residential Energy Code and establishing fees. MOVED BY Residential KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 6/06/94 for second reading and adoption: Finance: BETA Testing An ordinance was read authorizing the expenditure and transfer of $43,415.00 Staffing from the unallocated fund balance to the capital projects fund for the purpose of completing the BETA test of the new financial system. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 6/06/94. CARRIED. `r May 23 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 206 NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, Community Event: Renton COUNCIL REFER THE ISSUE OF RENTON RIVER DAYS INSURANCE River Days Insurance REQUIREMENTS TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR Requirements CONSIDERATION AND RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Comprehensive Plan: Referring to the East Renton Interceptor Special Assessment District (SAD), Urban Growth Councilman Edwards distributed information showing that the boundary of Boundary/East Renton the SAD includes part of an area outside Renton's urban growth boundary. Interceptor SAD Area Mr. Edwards explained that the City is prohibited from extending sewer services beyond the urban growth boundary except for the purposes of public health and safety. For this reason, he suggested that the City request the Growth Management Planning Council (GMPC) to revise Renton's urban growth boundary from 148th Ave. SE eastward to 156th Ave. SE to include the approximately 78 acres in the vicinity of the Morrison property on the north side of SE 128th St. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL SEND A LETTER TO THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLANNING COUNCIL (GMPC) REQUESTING A MODIFICATION OF RENTON'S URBAN GROWTH BOUNDARY TO INCLUDE THE ENTIRE AREA OF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR THE EAST RENTON INTERCEPTOR. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Marjorie Richter, 300 Meadow Avenue North, Renton 98055, requested that Citizen Comment: Richter the Planning and Development Committee postpone its consideration of the - Planning & Development building permit issued at 251 Factory Ave. N. since she will not be able to Committee Meeting attend the 5/24/94 meeting. Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler, as Chair of Schedule the Planning and Development Committee, agreed to reschedule this matter. Citizen Comment: M.L. M.L. Gibson, 1215 N. 28th PI., Renton, 98056, commented on a letter he had Gibson - Illegal Dumping delivered to City Hall earlier in the day addressed to the Mayor and at N 28th PI Councilmembers. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:32 p.m. BRENDA FRITSVOLD, Deputy City Clerk 5/23/94 207 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 23, 1994 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 6/06 Renton River Days Insurance; (Stredicke) 6:30 p.m. Regional Issues COMMUNITY SERVICES TUES., 5/24 Park Board Membership Expansion (Nelson) 3:30 p.m. *5th Floor* FINANCE (Tanner) PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT TUES., 5/24 Elimination of P-1 Zone, and Subsequent (Keolker-Wheeler) 4:00 p.m. Rezones *5th Floor* PUBLIC SAFETY THURS., 5/26 Public Defender Services for Municipal (Corman) 3:30 p.m. Court TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) MON,, 6/06 Mid-Block Planter Removal Bids; (Edwards) 4:00 p.m. Street Overlay Program/ISTEA Grant; Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and Budget Adjustments UTILITIES THURS., 5/26 Utilities Element of the Comprehensive (Schlitzer) 4:00 p.m. Plan; Low-Income Senior Rates NOTE:Committee of the Whole meetings are held in Municipal Court Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the 6th floor conference room unless otherwise noted. 08 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 23, 1994 Renton Municipal Court Monday, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Court Chambers ADDENDUM TO MINUTES Page 202, the motion regarding the Renton Hill stairway accessing the Cedar Avenue pedestrian bridge which reads: SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL DIRECT STAFF TO NOTIFY WSDOT OF ITS INTEREST IN PURSUING AN ALTERNATIVE TO THE CURRENT PROPOSAL TO CONSTRUCT A RENTON HILL STAIRWAY ACCESSING THE CEDAR RIVER PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE; STAFF ALSO TO RETURN WITH ALTERNATE DESIGN CONCEPTS AT THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING. had the following roll call vote: ROLL CALL: 4 AYES: STREDICKE, CORMAN, TANNER, EDWARDS. 3 NAYS: KEOLKER-WHEELER, NELSON, SCHLITZER. SUBSTITUTE MOTION CARRIED. BRENDA FRITSVOLD, Deputy City Clerk 209 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING June 6, 1994 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF MAY 23, 1994 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 5. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Court Case in an undetermined amount filed by Norman W. Cohen, attorney, 500 Union St., Seattle, 98101, on behalf of Kazia Iszley, alleging failure to repair public sidewalk resulted in personal injuries to plaintiff. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. b. Finance and Information Services Department requests authorization for the sale of revenue bonds for improvements to the Golf Course. Refer to Finance Committee. c. Finance and Information Services Department requests authorization to change the effective date of the Solid Waste Utility Tax from January 1, 1994 to August 8, 1994. Refer to Finance Committee. d. Hearing Examiner submits final plat for Sunset Hills, a 29-lot subdivision located at NE 24th Street east of Jones Avenue, File No. LUA-94-040, FP, and requests approval with conditions. Council concur. (See agenda item 8. for resolution.) e. Transportation Division requests approval of assignment of lease from Plane Space Investments to Puget Sound Helicopters, and approval of associated operating permit for flight instruction and aircraft too charters and maintenance. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. 6. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from John Stewart, 8223 S. 132nd St., Seattle, 98178, and Tosh Mano, 8074 S. 132nd St., Seattle, 98178, requesting hook-up to the City's sewer system. Refer to Utilities Committee. 7. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Committee of the Whole: Renton River Days Insurance b. Community Services Committee: Park Board Membership Expansion* c. Planning& Development Committee: Elimination of Public Use (P-1) Zone, and Subsequent Rezones d. Public Safety Committee: Public Defender Services for Municipal Court e. Transportation Committee: Mid-Block Planter Removal Bids; Street Overlay Program/ISTEA Grant; Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and Budget Adjustments f. Utilities Committee: Low-Income Senior/Disabled Citizen Rates 8. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolution: Approving Sunset Hills Final Plat (see 5.d.) (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) Ordinance for second reading and adoption: Authorizing $43,415 for completing the BETA testing of the new financial system (1st reading 5/23/94) Ordinance for first reading: Park Board membership expansion (see 7.b.) 9. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics - call 277-4430 for recorded information) 10. AUDIENCE COMMENT 11. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) MUNICIPAL COURT CHAMBERS 6:30 p.m. 1. Renton River Days Insurance 2. Regional Issues 211 .. ...: +: ..... ..::'...................:................................:.. ::::..,, :. .::::.::::::::::::.�:::::::::::.::::::::.�:.:..::.:.:::........:.....::.....:......:...:.::::::::: une19Q4 ::.:.::.:;:;:.;:.::.;:.;;:>;;:::<,>;:::;.;::.:;;;:.;::•::::.:'::;>:>:;::;::.;:::.:;:;;<.<;:<'::.::::;<::;:>:<Ct...:::CCe Rof r e rats ADMINISTRATION Washout at Alexander's Auction on 5/16/94 CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE SERVICES CRT-94-004, Iszley v. City of Renton COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Renton Hill access from end of Renton Ave. S. to Cedar River trail system FINANCE COMMITTEE Golf Course revenue bonds Solid Waste Utility Tax effective date MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Agreement with Kameron C. Cayce for public defender services Contract with Gary Merlino Const. Co. for removal of mid-block planters on S. 3rd St. Agreement with WSDOT for grant funds for street overlays (Grady Way, Talbot Rd. S., N. 4th St.) �.. TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Airport lease assignment from Plane Space Investments to Puget Sound Helicopters UTILITIES COMMITTEE John Stewart, 8223 S. 132nd St., and Tosh Mano, 8074 S. 132nd St., Seattle, request for sewer hook-up PUBLIC HEARINGS 6/20/94 -- 1995-2000 six-year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) & budget adjustments 6/27/94 -- Low-income senior and disabled citizen utility rates ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING Park Board membership expansion (1st reading 6/06/94) 212 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 6, 1994 Renton Municipal Court Monday, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Court Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD STREDICKE, Council President; BOB EDWARDS, TIM 1 COUNCILMEMBERS SCHLITZER, TONI NELSON, JESSE TANNER, RANDY CORMAN, ' KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; SUE CARLSON, Economic Development Coordinator; DON ERICKSON, Principal Planner; PAUL LUMBERT, Engineering Specialist; LIEUTENANT JOE PEACH, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL COUNCIL MINUTES APPROVE THE MINUTES OF MAY 23, 1994, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Doris Alexander, 3209 NE 4th, Renton, 98056, reported on a washout that Citizen Comment: D. occurred at Alexander's Auction on NE 4th Street during a severe rainstorm Alexander - Alexander's on May 16, 1994. Saying an iron plate had been blown off a sewer opening Auction Washout during the storm by the force of rushing water, Mrs. Alexander said the resulting gush of water rushed across the Auction's lot, washing out land and sending a motorcycle, trailer and five cars into a nearby ravine. She distributed copies of pictures taken of the damage incurred and asked for Council's assistance in this matter, saying that the incident occurred because the street was not engineered properly and because the storm drainage system in this area is insufficient. Citizen Comment: Dudley Roy Dudley, 3209 NE 4th, Renton, 98056, spoke as an employee of - Alexander's Auction Alexander's Auction regarding the washout that occurred May 16th during the Washout rainstorm. He asked that Council provide assistance to those who were affected by this event. Citizen Comment: G. Greg Alexander, 3209 NE 4th, Renton, 98056, said similar events such as the Alexander - Alexander's May 16th rainstorm and washout had occurred in January of 1990 and again Auction Washout in 1992, adding that such events have created a financial hardship for the Alexander family. Stating that the May 16th rainstorm cut a six-inch rut through the property, he noted this was not due to improper berming on the property. Mr. Alexander emphasized that resolving this situation will require addressing the issue of street engineering. Citizen Comment: S. Shari Alexander, 3209 NE 4th, Renton, 98056, stated that she owns four of Alexander - Alexander's the vehicles washed out during the rainstorm previously mentioned. Adding Auction Washout that this incident resulted in a great loss to the family, she asked for Council's assistance in this matter. Citizen Comment: Bartlett Fred Bartlett, 2812 NE 12th St., Renton, 98056, stated that as a volunteer of - Alexander's Auction Alexander's Auction he witnessed the events relating to the May 16th Washout rainstorm and washout. 213 June 6, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 213 Citizen Comment: L. Loralyn Alexander, 401 - 37th St. SE, Space 10, Auburn, 98002, said even on Alexander - Alexander's moderately rainy days, Alexander's Auction experiences water running across Auction Washout its property which contributes to the erosion of the land. Noting that nearby development has exacerbated this problem, she emphasized that this situation must be resolved as soon as possible. Although the family has tried to remedy this problem by themselves, the way in which the street is engineered causes the water to run across their property instead of flowing into the storm drainage system as planned. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL REFER `OW THE ISSUE OF THE WASHOUT AT ALEXANDER'S AUCTION TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR INVESTIGATION, INCLUDING ANY CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES AND/OR ANY INDICATION OF PAST PROBLEMS EXPERIENCED WITH FLOODING AND/OR THE DRAINAGE ON THIS SITE. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Webb - Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Ave. S., Renton, 98055, commended WSDOT and WSDOT I-405 S-Curve Atkinson Construction, contractor for the I-405 S-Curve project, for the Project timely job done on this project. Regarding the subject of the proposed Renton Hill staircase accessing the Cedar Avenue pedestrian bridge and the efforts by some community members to see this facility relocated, Mr. Webb disputed the assertion that the staircase was not included in early project plans, saying it was requested by the public and was considered to be a natural extension of the pedestrian corridor which should be preserved. Noting that WSDOT has committed itself to providing this staircase for Renton Hill residents, he said now that the State has additionally pledged to meet Uniform Building Code requirements for this facility, it should be built. Mr. Webb opposed any alternative that would abandon the Cedar Avenue staircase plan in lieu of constructing a trail access to the NARCO property, saying this would not serve the original purpose of the stairway, which was to provide access to the downtown. Mr. Webb concluded by suggesting that higher handrails and/or a screen could be used to improve the stairway's safety. Citizen Comment: Larson Ruthie Larson, 714 High Ave. S., Renton, 98055, spoke regarding the - WSDOT I-405 S-Curve proposed Renton Hill staircase accessing the Cedar Avenue pedestrian bridge. Project She said over the last two weeks she received 16 phone calls, held a meeting attended by 14 people, had 11 visitors, and spoke with 17 non-Renton Hill residents regarding this issue. Of the 58 total people she spoke to, 31 reviewed the plan for the staircase as well as the alternative presented by the Parks Department. Not one person supported constructing the stairway as now proposed, as they judged it to be unsafe in design, not weather-safe, and ugly. On a related subject, Mrs. Larson noted that the EIS for the S-Curve project referred to a "sit-in park" to be reconstructed west of the new alignment. She asked for more information from the WSDOT project manager on this park. Gregg Zimmerman, Planning/Building/Public Works Director, commented that the WSDOT S-Curve project manager has declined to resume monthly presentations to the City Council on this project except for special activities. Mrs. Larson asked about the project's landscaping plans, and Paul Lumbert, Engineering Specialist, stated that the design process for the landscaping is just beginning. WSDOT is working with the City's Parks Department on this aspect of the project, on which the State expects to spend approximately $1.1 million. 'ws 4±w June 6, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 214 Mrs. Larson concluded that the consensus of the 58 people she spoke with regarding the proposed staircase is that the Renton Hill Association would prefer that the stairway be relocated to the end of Renton Avenue South as shown in the alternative provided by the Parks Department. She added that the City should not accept liability or maintenance responsibilities for the structure as proposed. Council President Stredicke strenuously objected to the response received from the WSDOT I-405 S-Curve project manager by which he declined to resume monthly reports on this subject to the City Council. Although Joe Scanlon, S- Curve project manager, has indicated that the bi-weekly meetings with staff on this issue are valuable, Mr. Stredicke noted that such meetings are not accessible to the public. Adding that monthly presentations had been promised at the beginning of this project, Mr. Stredicke said it would have been helpful to have WSDOT respond to questions raised on the stairway issue and on the plans for landscaping. He emphasized that WSDOT owes this courtesy to the City and its residents, and characterized Mr. Scanlon's response on this matter as unacceptable. Saying that Council has sufficient information to render a decision on this issue, it was MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, THAT COUNCIL DIRECT WSDOT NOT TO PROCEED WITH THE PROPOSED RENTON HILL STAIRCASE ACCESSING THE CEDAR AVENUE PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE, BUT INSTEAD PURSUE THE ALTERNATIVE ACCESS OFF OF RENTON AVENUE SOUTH AS PRESENTED BY THE PARKS DEPARTMENT.* Responding to Councilman Edwards, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Zimmerman said it is important to get a decision on this issue fairly quickly as any new option would have to be designed. If modifications are to be made to the existing proposal, the timeframe for revisions is likely even shorter. Councilman Tanner inquired about the projected cost of each of the alternatives, and Mr. Zimmerman replied that the projects are probably very close in terms of expense. In response to Councilman Edwards, Mr. Zimmerman said the State will likely cooperate with the City on this issue, particularly considering Renton's position that it will not accept an unsafe facility in a turnback agreement. i Councilman Corman asked if the alternate accesses would serve different ! purposes, and while Mr. Zimmerman agreed that this was true, he added that both Cedar and Renton Avenues have sidewalks which also provide pedestrian access. Responding to Councilmember Nelson, Mr. Zimmerman said staff has been unable to determine when the stairway first appeared in the project plans, although it is mentioned in 1991 documents. Mr. Webb interjected that, in a conversation he had earlier in the day with S-Curve project manager Joe Scanlon, Mr. Scanlon had referenced a letter dated 1985 from the City on this subject. Noting that the responsibility for the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) belongs to the State, Mayor Clymer asked if, by modifying the plan at this point, the City would effectively assume a portion of the State's responsibility for the EIS. City Attorney Lawrence J. Warren explained that, regardless of whether the staircase was included as a mitigation measure for the lost access to and from Mill Ave. S., the safety of the facility's design is of primary importance. If the facility contains a design defect, the State will retain primary responsibility but the City will incur a considerable maintenance 215 June 6, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 215 problem. Mr. Warren added that if the facility is determined to be unsafe, the City will have two alternatives: either repair it or close it. Councilman Tanner noted that if the alternate access is built in lieu of the Cedar Avenue staircase, the mitigation granted for the closing of Mill Avenue would be lost. He emphasized that it is not impossible to ensure the safety of the staircase at its present location. Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler said the mitigation involving pedestrian access was proposed not for the closing of Mill Avenue, but for the extension of Cedar Avenue. She added that the staircase showed up only in 1991 plans and was not in the EIS nor in the original project plans. She felt that constructing the staircase would not greatly improve access, whereas the alternate proposal would create an entirely new third Renton Hill access that would link up with the Cedar River trail system. Noting there are advantages to both alternatives, Councilman Edwards suggested that the City might be able to construct the access to the trail system at a later date. *SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL PURSUE A REDESIGN OF THE PROPOSED STAIRWAY THAT WILL ENSURE SUFFICIENT SAFETY MEASURES; COUNCIL ALSO REFER THE IDEA OF CONSTRUCTING AN ADDITIONAL ACCESS OFF OF RENTON HILL TO THE CEDAR RIVER TRAIL SYSTEM TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. ROLL CALL: 4 AYES (STREDICKE, CORMAN, TANNER, EDWARDS); 2 NAYS (KEOLKER- WHEELER, SCHLITZER); 1 ABSTENTION (NELSON). CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council President Stredicke noted the removal of item 5.d. (Sunset Hills final plat) pending receipt of required covenants. Court Case: Iszley, CRT- Court case in an undetermined amount filed by Norman W. Cohen, attorney, 94-004 500 Union St., Seattle, 98101, on behalf of Kazia Iszley, alleging failure to fw repair public sidewalk resulted in personal injuries to plaintiff. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. Finance: Golf Course Finance and Information Services Department requested authorization for the Revenue Bonds sale of revenue bonds for improvements to the Golf Course. Refer to Finance Committee. Finance: Solid Waste Finance and Information Services Department requested authorization to Utility Tax Effective Date change the effective date of the solid waste utility tax from January 1, 1994 to August 8, 1994. Refer to Finance Committee. Airport: Plane Space Transportation Division requested approval of an assignment of lease from Investments Lease Plane Space Investments to Puget Sound Helicopters, and approval of Assignment to Puget associated operating permit for flight instruction and aircraft charters and Sound Helicopters, LAG- maintenance. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. 84-006 MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED TO REMOVE ITEM 5.d. CARRIED. 1wr June 6 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 216 CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from John Stewart, 8223 S. 132nd St., and Tosh Citizen Comment: Mano, 8074 S. 132nd St., Seattle, 98178, requesting hook-up to the City's Stewart/Mano - Sewer sewer system and advising that covenants to annex have been signed by both Hook-up Request property owners. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Stredicke presented a report recommending that Council Committee of the Whole reinstate the $10,000 festival contribution for Renton River Days for 1994. Community Event: Renton The Committee further recommended that the funds for the contribution be River Days Insurance transferred from the self-insurance fund. The Committee also recommended that any future contribution request be considered as part of the City's regular budget process. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning & Develoament Planning & Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Committee report recommending that staff proceed with the assimilation of the Public Planning: P-1 Zone Use (P-1) Zone into existing zones. The Committee also recommended that staff continue to work with all interested parties to address concerns of the Planning Commission and the Planning & Development Committee related to preserving the public trust and revising the development standards related to these uses. This action will allow staff to proceed in a timely manner with amendments to the Comprehensive Plan related to these public uses. The Committee will continue to work with staff on the remaining issues and report back to the City Council prior to adoption of the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code amendments. The Committee recommended that Council concur in this report. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Public Safety Committee Public Safety Committee Chair Corman presented a report recommending Legal: Public Defender concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the agreement between Agreement, Kameron C. the City of Renton and Kameron C. Cayce for public defender services for Cayce the Renton Municipal Court. The agreement will be reviewed on an annual basis. The Committee further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the agreement. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Public Works: City Vehicle Councilman Tanner requested information responding to a complaint received Parking, Bryant Motors alleging that City-owned dump trucks were parked in the vicinity of Bryant Motors in a manner which violated the City's parking regulations. Community Services Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report Committee recommending concurrence with the recommendation of the Board of Park Board/Commission: Park Commissioners to increase its membership from five to seven members. The Board Membership Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be Expansion presented for first reading. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 218 for ordinance.) 217 June 6, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 217 Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report regarding low-income Utility: Low-Income senior/disabled citizen utility rates. The Committee has been evaluating Senior/Disabled Utility changes to the low-income senior/disabled citizen utility rates. Before Rates finalizing a recommendation, the Committee concurred with the staff recommendation to hold a public hearing on June 27, 1994, regarding adjustments to the low-income senior and disabled customer utility rates. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation Committee Transportation Committee Chair Edwards presented a report recommending Transportation: Street that Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Federal Aid Overlays, WSDOT/ISTEA Project Prospectus and the City/WSDOT agreement for the street overlay Funds program (Grady Way, Talbot Road South, and North 4th Street). The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See later this page for resolution.) Council President Stredicke requested information on when Union Avenue is scheduled to receive an overlay or related maintenance. Transportation: S. 3rd St. Transportation Committee Chair Edwards presented a report recommending Mid-Block Planters that Council award the contract for the removal of the mid-block planters on Removal, Gary Merlino South 3rd Street to Gary Merlino Construction Co., Inc., in the amount of Const. Co. $31,075. The Committee further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract documents. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation: 1995-2000 Transportation Committee Chair Edwards presented a report recommending Six-Year TIP that Council refer the 1995-2000 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) and associated budget adjustments to a public hearing on June 20, 1994. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: Resolution #3064 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Transportation: Street interlocal cooperative agreement with the Washington State Department of Overlays, WSDOT/ISTEA Transportation for the receipt and use of grant monies for the street overlay Funds program for Grady Way - SR-167 to SR-515, Talbot Road South - South 23rd Street to South 27th Place, and North 4th Street - Logan Avenue North to SR-900. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second reading and adoption: Ordinance #4451 An ordinance was read authorizing the expenditure and transfer of $43,415.00 Finance: BETA Testing from the unallocated fund balance to the capital projects fund for the purpose Staffing of completing the BETA test of the new financial system. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 6/13/94 for second reading and adoption: June 6 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 218 Board/Commission: Park An ordinance was read amending Section 2-0-2 of Chapter 9, Park Board Membership Commission, of Title II (Commissions and Boards), of City Code by increasing Expansion the number of Board members. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 6/13/94. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Council President Stredicke complimented Mayor Clymer and Sue Carlson, Executive: IKEA Store Economic Development Specialist, for their successful efforts in persuading IKEA to locate its new store in Renton. i AUDIENCE COMMENT Versie Vaupel, P. O. Box 755, Renton 98057, objected to the possibility that Citizen Comment: Vaupel the City may be conducting business with Bryant Motors, a company that has - Griffin Home been cited repeatedly for violating City laws. Regarding the Friends of Youth Griffin Home at 2500 Lake Washington Boulevard, Mrs. Vaupel expressed concern that this facility houses youths who are convicted felons, with half of these being sexual offenders. She felt that the City should not allocate pass- through HUD funds to this facility but instead use these monies for other Renton-based non-profit groups. Citizen Comment: Brown Larry Brown, 261 SW 41st St., Renton, 98055, the real estate agent acting on - Alexander's Auction behalf of the sellers of the Alexander's Auction property, asked that Council Washout expedite the matter relating to the property damage incurred during the rainstorm on May 16, 1994, to complete the transaction with McDonald's Corporation in a timely manner. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:12 p.m. MARILY".(PVrERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 6/06/94 219 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 6, 1994 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 6/13 *NO MEETING* (Stredicke) COMMUNITY SERVICES (Nelson) FINANCE MON., 6/13 Sale of Revenue Bonds for Golf Course; (Tanner) 6:00 p.m. Solid Waste Utility Tax Effective Date; Vouchers PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT (Keolker-Wheeler) PUBLIC SAFETY THURS., 6/09 *MEETING CANCELLED* (Corman) a.. TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION (Edwards) UTILITIES THURS., 6/09 490 Zone Pump Station Siting Study; (Schlitzer) 4:00 p.m. Utilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan OTHER MEETINGS LEOFF Board THURS., 6/09 5th Floor Conference Room 4:00 p.m. NOTE:Committee of the Whole meetings are held in Municipal Court Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the 6th floor conference room unless otherwise noted. AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING June 13, 1994 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL aj 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF JUNE 6, 1994 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Lobby Volunteer Service Awards 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. City Clerk submits letter from Municipal Research Center indicating the need to readopt the Washington Model Traffic Ordinance, WAC 308-330, by reference prior to July 1, 1994. Council concur. (See 9.a. for ordinance.) b. City Clerk submits petition for vacation of portion of South 11th Street between Jones and Grant Avenues South, VAC-94-001 (Free, Monaghan, Kunstle), and requests a public hearing be scheduled on this issue. Refer to Utilities Committee; adopt resolution setting public hearing on 7/11/94. (See 9.b. for resolution.) c. City Clerk reports bid opening on 5/17/94 for CAG-94-036, East Renton Sewer Interceptor; 7 bids; engineer's estimate $3,537,959.31; and submits Wastewater Utility Division recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Westcon Construction, in the amount of$2,578,840.96. Council concur. d. Development Services Division reports request from the Trammell Crow Company for signage for the Ikea Home Furnishings store that would exceed the regulations prescribed by the Sign Code, and submits Executive Department recommendation to adopt a new section of the Sign Code specifically addressing the needs of large (450,000+ sf) retail centers . Refer to Committee of the Whole. e. Development Services Division requests that Council authorize a three-month closure of Garden Avenue North between North 4th and North 5th Streets beginning August 1994 through October 1994 to allow PACCAR to comply with required remediation of contaminated soils in this area. Refer to Transportation Committee. f. Hearing Examiner submits final plat for Sunset Hills, a 29-lot subdivision located at NE 24th Street east of Jones Avenue, File No. FP-94-040, and requests approval with conditions. Council concur. (See 9.a. for resolution.) g. Housing& Human Services Division requests acceptance of a grant from the Department of Agriculture to underwrite a summer lunch program that will provide free lunches to low income youth in the City. Refer to Community Services Committee. h. Personnel Department requests approval of an agremeent with Benefit Administration Company to provide administrative services for the City's flexible benefit plan. Refer to Finance Committee. i. Surface Water Utility Division requests authorization for fund transfer of$23,000 from the General Fund ending balance for the 1994 mosquito abatement program in the vicinity of the Panther Creek wetlands. Refer to Finance Committee. (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 6. CONSENT AGENDA (continued from previous page): j. Surface Water Utility Division requests authorization to use Whitworth Pest Control, Inc., as a sole source provider of entomologist and pest control services, and approval of a contract for such services in the amount of$14,500. Council concur. k. Transportation Division requests approval of an interagency agreement with King County for $75,000 in grant funding for the pre-construction engineering, administration and construction of bus zone accessibility improvements. The City's match is $10,000. Refer to Transportation Committee. 1. Transportation Division requests approval of an agreement with Entranco in the amount of$47,700 for consultant construction services for the Park Avenue North improvements project. Refer to Transportation Committee. in. Transportation Division requests approval of an agreement in the amount of$75,626.50 with Puget Sound Power& Light Company for the conversion of undergrounding of power on Park Avenue .w North from the 700 block to North 10th Street in conjunction with the Park Avenue North improvements project. Refer to Transportation Committee. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Finance Committee: Sale of Revenue Bonds for Golf Course; Solid Waste Utility Tax Effective Date; Vouchers b. Utilities Committee: 490 Zone Pump Station Siting Study 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolutions: a. Approving Sunset Hills Final Plat (see 61) b. Setting a public hearing on 7/11/94 to consider street vacation on South 11th Street (see 6.b.) Ordinance for second reading and adoption: Park Board membership expansion (1st reading 6/06/94) Ordinances for first reading: a. Adopting the Washington Model Traffic Ordinance (see 6.a.) b. Lake Terrace Estates rezone from Trailer (T) to Multifamily (MF-I); Council approved 2/14/94 a.. 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics - call 277-4430 for recorded information) 11. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT a. Referred 4/4/94 - Letter from Marge Richter, 300 Meadow Ave. N., regarding Johnson Grocery Store and additional items. b. Referred 4/25/94 - Motion adopted referring correspondence from Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Ave. S., regarding public safety improvements to the alley located between Mill and Cedar Avenues to the Administration. C. Referred 5/2/94 - Motion adopted referring the matter of the Renton Hill staircase to the Administration. d. Referred 5/2/94 - Motion adopted requesting that the monthly I-405 S-Curve project status report to Council be resumed by WSDOT. e. Referred 5/2/94 - Correspondence from Mary Hulse, 1041 Grandview Ave., Boulder, CO, 80302, referred to the Administration for response and an explanation of the Comprehensive Plan update process. f. Referred 5/2/94 - Matter of reduced traffic mitigation fees and parking requirements for the proposed Highlands Safeway referred to the Administration for a report. g. Referred 5/2/94 -Ruthie Larson, 714 High Ave. S., request for a modification to the "no left turn" sign on Main and Cedar to allow left turns on weekends. h. Referred 5/9/94 - Council President Stredicke request for a status report on the Balch property located between Cemetery Road and NE 4th Street. (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) rir 222 11. ADMIMSTRATIVE REPORT (continued from previous page): i. Referred 5/16/94 -Motion adopted referring matter of solutions for short-term mosquito control to the Administration for a report. j. Referred 5/16/94 -Motion adopted referring matter of the Griffin Home for Boys to the Administration for investigation and a report (number of boys, types of crimes, and funding sources). 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) MUNICIPAL COURT CHAMBERS 6:30 p.m. *MEETING CANCELLED* 223 R� raxrr + ur ::.. :.::. .:::: .. ::: ::. .. .... JuneX3, 1984 Clec's €Ce :' ::: Referrals r COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Sign Code revisions for large retailers r.. COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Grant for summer lunch program FINANCE COMMITTEE Agreement for services from Benefit Administration Co. $23,000 transfer from General Fund for mosquito abatement program MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Amendment to consent decree between PACCAR and the State DOE (re: Garden Ave N right-of-way) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Temporary closure of Garden Ave N for PACCAR remediation of contaminated soils Agreement with King County for walk program/bus zone accessibility Agreement with ENTRANCO for consultant services for Park Ave N improvements project Agreement with Puget Power for undergrounding on Park Ave N Agreement accepting a $86,500 Federal grant for HOV improvements UTILITIES COMMITTEE Application for street vacation on S 11th St (Free, Monaghan, KunstleNAC-94-001) PUBLIC HEARINGS 6/20/94 -- 1995-2000 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) & budget adjustments 6/27/94 -- Low-income senior and disabled citizen utility rates 7/11/94 -- Street Vacation on South 1 lth St. (Free, Monaghan, Kunstle/VAC-94-001) ORDINANCES FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING Adoption of Washington Model Traffic Ordinance (1st reading 6/13/94) Lake Terrace Estates rezone, 2100 Lake Washington Blvd. (1st reading 6/13/94) Golf course improvement bond issuance (1st reading 6/13/94) r.. 224 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 13, 1994 Renton Municipal Court Monday, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Court Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD STREDICKE, Council President; TIM SCHLITZER, TONI COUNCILMEMBERS NELSON, JESSE TANNER. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEMBERS BOB EDWARDS, RANDY CORMAN AND KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; DAVID DEAN, Assistant City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; SUE CARLSON, Economic Development Coordinator; NEIL WATTS, Plan Review Supervisor; CAPTAIN GARRY ANDERSON, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES THE MINUTES OF JUNE 6, 1994, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. SPECIAL Marilyn Petersen, City Clerk, introduced the eight City Hall lobby PRESENTATION information desk volunteers: Agnes Blake (9 years of service and 2,153 Lobby Volunteer Service volunteer hours), Mary Breda (10 years/4,235 hours), Lena Church (1.5 years), Awards Ann Grinolds (9 years/3,736.5 hours), Ethal Keirn (6 years/1,744 hours), Helen Kent (10 years/2,498 hours), Bert Nord (9 years/1,786 hours) and Erma White (10 years/2,298 hours). Ms. Petersen explained that the City's lobby volunteer program began in 1984. Over the years, the volunteers have ensured that everyone who phones or visits City Hall receives immediate assistance. Noting that these knowledgable and experienced volunteers receive minimal compensation in the form of a $5 per shift meal allowance, Ms. Petersen expressed the City's appreciation for their generous contributions of time and dedicated service. She commended them in particular for their pleasant and courteous manners and for helping to greatly improve public relations at City Hall. Mayor Clymer thanked the volunteers for their assistance and service to the City. (See later action on page 228.) MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL RECESS FOR 15 MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 7:53 p.m. At 8:05 p.m., the meeting was reconvened; roll was called; four Councilmembers present. i AUDIENCE COMMENT Marjorie Richter, 300 Meadow Avenue North, Renton 98055, expressed ! Citizen Comment: Richter dissatisfaction with the staff response to concerns raised regarding the Friends - Friends of Youth of Youth Griffin Home located at 2500 Lake Washington Boulevard. She felt Griffin Home the report provided was incomplete relative to the safety of the public and of Griffin Home residents, saying it failed to address the questions posed regarding security at the Home. Mrs. Richter suggested that this subject be referred to the Police Department and/or to the Public Safety Committee. 225 June 13, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 225 Citizen Comment: Vaupel Versie Vaupel, P.O. Box 755, Renton, 98057, introduced Daryl McCormick, a - Introduction of Boy member of the Boy Scouts of America. Mrs. Vaupel explained that Daryl is Scout seeking a merit badge, and one of the requirements he must fulfill entails obtaining a copy of the City's published budget. Jay Covington, Executive Assistant to the Mayor, replied that copies of the budget are available on the first floor of City Hall at the Finance Department. Citizen Comment: Webb - Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Ave. S., Renton, 98055, thanked Council for its WSDOT I-405 S-Curve decision last week retaining the Renton Hill staircase accessing the Cedar Project Avenue pedestrian bridge. Noting that one Councilmember had asserted that this facility was not in the original project plans but showed up only in 1991, Mr. Webb produced a copy of a letter dated October 1985 from former Council President John Reed to WSDOT which states, in part, that "Maintaining adequate pedestrian access to Renton Hill dictates making additional improvements to those shown on the model. The installment of stairways on one of the access roads would provide access from Renton Hill to City Hall, Renton Library, and Liberty Park." The letter also refers to "mitigating measures to compensate for the impacts (of the S-Curve project)" and to "the linkage between Renton Hill and downtown." CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Police: Washington Model City Clerk submitted letter from Municipal Research Center indicating the Traffic Ordinance need to readopt the Washington Model Traffic Ordinance, WAC 308-330, by Adoption reference prior to July 1, 1994. Council concur. (See page 227 for ordinance.) Vacation: S 11th St, Free, City Clerk submitted petition for vacation of portion of South 11th Street Monaghan, Kunstle, between Jones and Grant Avenues South, VAC-94-001 (Free, Monaghan, VAC-94-001 Kunstle), and requested a public hearing be scheduled on this issue. Refer to Utilities Committee; adopt resolution setting public hearing on 7/11/94. (See page 227 for resolution.) CAG: 94-036, East City Clerk reported bid opening on 5/17/94 for CAG-94-036, East Renton Renton Sewer Interceptor, Sewer Interceptor; 7 bids; engineer's estimate $3,537,959.31; and submitted Westcon Construction Wastewater Utility Division recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Westcon Construction, in the amount of $2,578,840.96. Council concur. Building: Sign Code Development Services Division reported request from the Trammell Crow Revisions for Large Company for signage for the Ikea Home Furnishings store that would exceed Retailers the regulations prescribed by the Sign Code, and submitted Executive Department recommendation to adopt a new section of the Sign Code specifically addressing the needs of large (450,000+ sf) retail centers. Refer to Committee of the Whole. Transportation: Garden Development Services Division requested that Council authorize a three-month Ave N Temporary Closure closure of Garden Avenue North between North 4th and 5th Streets beginning August 1994 through October 1994 to allow PACCAR to comply with required remediation of contaminated soils in this area. Refer to Transportation Committee. Plat: Final, Sunset Hills, Hearing Examiner submitted final plat for Sunset Hills, a 29-lot subdivision NE 24th St/Jones Ave, located at NE 24th Street east of Jones Avenue, File No. FP-94-040, and FP-94-040 requested approval with covenants and conditions. Council concur. (See page 227 for resolution.) June 13, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 226 H&HS: Summer Lunch Housing & Human Services Division requested acceptance of a grant from the Program Department of Agriculture in the amount of $4,116 to underwrite a summer lunch program that will provide free lunches to low income youth in the City. Refer to Community Services Committee. Personnel: Flexible Benefit Personnel Department requested approval of an agreement with Benefit Plan, Benefit Administration Company to provide administrative services for the City's Administration Co. flexible benefit plan. Refer to Finance Committee. Utility: 1994 Mosquito Surface Water Utility Division requested authorization for fund transfer of Abatement Program $23,000 from the General Fund ending balance for the 1994 mosquito 094 abatement program in the vicinity of the Panther Creek wetlands. Refer to Finance Committee. Utility: Mosquito Surface Water Utility Division requested authorization to use Whitworth Pest Abatement Program, Control, Inc., as a sole source provider of entomologist and pest control Whitworth Pest Control, services, and approval of a contract for such services in the amount of Inc. $14,500. Council concur. Transportation: Walk Transportation Division requested approval of an interagency agreement with Program/Bus Zone King County for $75,000 in grant funding for the pre-construction Accessibility engineering, administration and construction of bus zone accessibility improvements. The City's match is $10,000. Refer to Transportation Committee. Transportation: Park Ave Transportation Division requested approval of an agreement with Entranco in N Improvements, Entranco the amount of $47,700 for consultant construction services for the Park Avenue North improvements project. Refer to Transportation Committee. Transportation: Park Ave Transportation Division requested approval of an agreement in the amount of N Undergrounding, Puget $75,626.50 with Puget Sound Power & Light Company for the conversion of Power undergrounding of power on Park Avenue North from the 700 block to North 10th Street in conjunction with the Park Avenue North improvements project. Refer to Transportation Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report recommending Utilities Committee concurrence of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department's Utility: 490 Zone Pump recommendation that the future 490 Zone Pump Station be located on the east Station, CAG-91-111 side of the future City Hall campus. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report concurring with the staff Finance: Golf Course recommendation to sell bonds in the amount of $5,000,000 to pay for Improvement Bonds improvements to the City's Golf Course, costs of issuance and other associated costs. The bonds will be repaid with revenue generated from the Golf Course beginning in 1995. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 228 for ordinance.) 227 June 13, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 227 Utility: Solid Waste Tax Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report concurring with the staff Effective Date Change recommendation to change the effective date of the utility tax on solid waste handling facilities from January 1, 1994 to August 8, 1994 to accommodate an understanding of the tax as well as implementation issues. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance: Vouchers Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending approval of Claims Vouchers #112606 - 113188; three wire transfers in the total W amount of $3,035,045.75; approval of Payroll Vouchers #126682 - 127045; and 431 direct deposits in the total amount of $1,225,573.94. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: Resolution #3065 A resolution was read approving the final plat of Sunset Hills upon application Plat: Final, Sunset Hills, of the Johnson Contractors Corporation (7.32 acres located at NE 24th Street NE 24th St/Jones Ave, east of Jones Avenue, File No. FP-94-040). MOVED BY STREDICKE, FP-94-040 SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3066 A resolution was read setting July 11, 1994, as the hearing date for the Vacation: S 11th St, Free, request to vacate a portion of South 11th Street between Jones Avenue S. and Monaghan, Kunstle, Grant Avenue S. (Free, Monaghan, Kunstle/VAC-94-001). MOVED BY VAC-94-001 STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second reading and adoption: Ordinance #4452 An ordinance was reading amending section 2-9-2 of Chapter 9, Park Boards/Commissions: Park Commission, of Title II (Commissions and Boards) of City Code by increasing sr.. Board Expansion the number of board members from five to seven. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 6/20/94 for second reading and adoption: Police: Washington Model An ordinance was read amending section 10-12-1 of Chapter 12, Traffic Traffic Ordinance Code, of Title X (Traffic), of City Code by adopting the Washington Model Adoption Traffic Ordinance. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 6/20/94. CARRIED. Rezone: Lake Terrace An ordinance was read amending the interim zoning map and changing the Estates, 2100 Lk Wash zoning classification of property located at 2100 Lake Washington Boulevard Blvd, #E-33 in the City of Renton from T (Trailer) zone to MF-I (Multifamily-Infill) (Lake Terrace Estates/Steve Harer, #E-33). MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 6/20/94. CARRIED. June 13 1994 Renton Citv Council Minutes Page 228 Finance: Golf Course An ordinance was read providing for the issuance of $5,000,000 in principal Improvement Bonds amount of Golf System Revenue Bonds, 1994, of the City for purposes of obtaining the funds with which to construct improvements to the existing City's Maplewood Golf Course including a new clubhouse (including pro shop, restaurant and meeting rooms), practice range and course improvements, capitalize a portion of the interest on the bonds, and capitalize a reserve for those bonds; fixing the date, form, maturities, interest rates, terms and covenants of such bonds; establishing a bond redemption account and related sub-accounts therein; establishing a revenue account and related sub-accounts therein; and approving the sale and providing for the delivery of those bonds to Piper Jaffray Inc., of Seattle, Washington. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 6/20/94. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER TO Transportation: HOV THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT Improvements Grant ACCEPTING A $86,500 FEDERAL GRANT FOR THE PURPOSE OF Agreement PERFORMING EVALUATION, PRIORITIZATION AND COST ESTIMATES FOR ARTERIAL HIGH OCCUPANCY VEHICLE IMPROVEMENTS. CARRIED. Community Event: Council President Stredicke announced a Chamber of Commerce tour on area Chamber of Commerce and economic development to take place June 27th from 11:00 to 2:00. Mr. Tour on Development Stredicke noted the tour is sponsored in part by the City. Issues City Clerk: Volunteer Saying that the meal allowance of the lobby's volunteers should be increased, Meal Allowance Increase it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL DIRECT THAT THE MEAL STIPEND FOR THE VOLUNTEERS OF THE CITY'S LOBBY INFORMATION DESK BE TIED TO THE CITY'S STANDARD LUNCH PER DIEM AMOUNT (CURRENTLY $10). CARRIED. Utility: PACCAR Consent Neil Watts, Plan Review Supervisor, explained that this summer, PACCAR Decree with DOE for will excavate and remediate contaminated material from underneath Garden Excavation on Garden Avenue between North 4th and 6th Streets. Since this work will be performed Ave N in the City's right-of-way, PACCAR's consent decree with the State Department of Ecology needs to be amended as the City will have to stipulate as to future uses of the Garden Avenue right-of-way in this location. Noting that the amended consent decree has been approved in form by Renton's city attorney, Mr. Watts said staff recommends that Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the amended consent decree with PACCAR and the State DOE as explained. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE THE AMENDMENT TO PACCAR'S CONSENT DECREE WITH THE WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY REGARDING A PORTION OF THE GARDEN AVENUE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Referred 4/4/94 - Letter from Marge Richter, 300 Meadow Ave. N., REPORT regarding Johnson Grocery Store and additional items. Building: Permit at 251 Factory Ave N Memo from Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman responded to each of the six issues raised in Mrs. Richter's letter. } 229 June 13, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 229 Transportation: Renton Referred 4/25/94 - Motion adopted referring correspondence from Sandy Hill Alley Improvements Webb, 430 Mill Ave. S., regarding public safety improvements to the alley located between Mill and Cedar Avenues to the Administration. Memo from Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman stated that Transportation Operations has investigated the alley in question. If, after analyzing the results of this investigation, the Transportation Division recommends switching to a one-way traffic flow, it will submit a plan to Council for approval to implement this change. �• WSDOT 1-405 S-Curve Referred 5/2/94 - Motion adopted referring the matter of the Renton Hill Project staircase to the Administration. Memo from Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman set forth three alternative actions for this issue, any of which the Administration would deem acceptable. WSDOT: I-405 S-Curve Referred 5/2/94 - Motion adopted requesting that the monthly I-405 S-Curve Project project status reports to council be resumed by WSDOT. Memo from Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman referred to a letter written by Paul Lumbert, Chair, I-405 S-Curve Steering Committee, to Joe Scanlon, WSDOT I-405 S-Curve Project Manager, relating this request. Rezone: Hulse Request, Referred 5/2/94 - Correspondence from Mary Hulse, 1041 Grandview Ave., NE 31st/Lincoln Dr NE Boulder, CO, 80302, referred to the Administration for response and an explanation of the Comprehensive Plan update process. Memo from Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman referred to a letter sent to Mrs. Hulse and added that this item is being referred to the Comprehensive Plan amendment process at no cost to Mrs. Hulse. Building: Safeway Traffic Referred 5/2/94 - Matter of reduced traffic mitigation fees and parking Mitigation/Parking, NE requirements for the proposed Highlands Safeway referred to the 4th/Union Ave NE Administration for a report. Memo from Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman explained how the traffic mitigation fees were calculated according to the provisions of the Transportation Benefit Zone. The memo also related the Hearing Examiner's finding and decision on the proposed parking. WSDOT: I-405 S-Curve Referred 5/2/94 - Ruthie Larson, 714 High Ave. S., request for a Project modification to the "no left turn" sign on Main and Cedar to allow left turns on weekends. Memo from Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman stated that the subject left turn restriction sign has been modified to include the words "Except Sat. & Sun." to allow left turns during all hours of the day on weekends. Planning: Cemetery Referred 5/9/94 - Council President Stredicke request for a status report on Road/NE 4th Zoning the Balch propoerty located between Cemetery Road and NE 4th Street. Memo from Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman explained that when the interim Land Use Element and interim Zoning Code were developed, this property was zoned R-4. The interim zoning designation fir. June 13 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pane 230 of multifamily-infill (MF-I) is the closest designation consistent with the interim Land Use Element. Utility: Mosquito Referred 5/16/94 - Motion adopted referring matter of solutions for short- Abatement Program term mosquito control to the Administration for a report. Memo from Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman stated that the Council's Utilities Committee recommended to resume spraying (land treatment) as a short-term mosquito control solution. H&HS: Griffin Home Referred 5/16/94 - Motion adopted referring matter of the Griffin Home for Program Boys to the Administration for investigation and a report (number of boys, types of crimes, and funding sources). Memo from Sam Chastain, Community Services Administrator, reported on the history, operation and funding of this facility, and concluded that this agency addresses three of the City's funding priorities contained in the Human Services Policy and Plan (special needs housing, counseling, and at-risk youth). AUDIENCE COMMENT Versie Vaupel, P.O. Box 755, Renton, 98057, commented on a City-owned Citizen Comment: Vaupel dump truck that was parked near Bryant Motors on May 27th at least as early - Bryant Motors as 9:00 a.m. She questioned if this truck was purchased from Bryant Motors. Violations Mayor Clymer said while he was unsure if the truck was purchased from Bryant Motors, the vehicle was being serviced under its warranty and it did receive a traffic citation. Mrs. Vaupel added that violations at this location, including the performance of mechanical work on City streets, are continuing. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:43 p.m. MARILYV(51ERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 6/13/94 231 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 13, 1994 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 6/20 Ikea Home Furnishings Store Signage (Stredicke) 6:30 p.m. h1� TUES., 6/21 Housing Element of the Comprehensive 3:30 p.m. Plan *COMMUNITY CENTER, ROOM B* COMMUNITY SERVICES TUES., 6/14 Summer Lunch Program Grant (Nelson) 3:30 p.m. *5th Floor* FINANCE (Tanner) PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT TUES., 6/14 *MEETING CANCELLED* (Keolker-Wheeler) 4:00 p.m. PUBLIC SAFETY (Corman) t r... TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) MON., 6/20 Puget Sound Helicopter Permit Lease; (Edwards) 4:00 p.m. Closure of Garden Ave. N.; Walk Program; Consultant Services for Park Ave. N. Improvements; Puget Power Undergrounding Agreement for Park Ave. N.; Briefing on Commute Trip Reduction Activities; Interlocal Agreement for Grant for HOV Improvements UTILITIES (Schlitzer) NOTE:Committee ofthe Whole meetings are held in Municipal Court Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the 6th floor conference room unless otherwise noted. REVISED* AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING June 20, 1994 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 4 .r� 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF JUNE 13, 1994 4. PUBLIC HEARING: 1995-2000 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) *and Budget Adjustments 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Mayor Clymer appoints Gerald H. Nichols, 1118 Olympia Ave. NE, Renton, 98056 to the Civil Service Commission to complete the unexpired term of Barbara Little which expires 12/31/98. Council concur. b. City Clerk submits petition for vacation of portion of SW 16th Street south of I-405, VAC-94-003 (The Boeing Company), and requests a public hearing be scheduled on this issue. Refer to Board of Public Works for recommendation on the vacation; adopt resolution setting public hearing on 7/18/94. (See 9.a. for resolution.) c. Finance and Information Services Department requests adoption of an ordinance establishing a special election date on 9/20/94 for a public safety bond issue in the amount of$14,800,000. Refer to Finance Committee. d. Parks Department requests approval of contract award for the NARCO demolition and salvage project to Gaston Brothers Excavating Inc. in the amount of$42,467.41. Council concur. e. Planning and Technical Services Division submits proposed amendments to the Arterial Commercial (CA)Zone to add two uses, Light Manufacturing and Auto Body Shops. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. f. Police Department requests approval of annual contract in the amount of$53,071 for services from the King County Department of Public Health for 1994 Renton Jail Medical Health Services. Refer to Public Safety Committee. g. Surface Water Utility Division requests approval of a project agreement and an operation and maintenance agreement with Soil Conservation Service in the amount of$517,713.44 for the I-405 Box Culvert/P-1 Channel Improvement Project (Springbrook Creek). The City's share is $143,538.11. Refer to Utilities Committee. h. Wastewater Utility Division requests authorization to execute Addendum No. 6 to CAG-91-002 with RH2 Engineering in the amount of$165,766 to perform construction engineering services on the East Renton Interceptor Project. Council concur. 7. CORRESPONDENCE (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 233 8. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Committee of the Whole: IKEA Home Furnishings Store Signage* b. Community Services Committee: Summer Lunch Program Grant* c. Transportation (Aviation) Committee: Puget Sound Helicopter Permit Lease; Closure of Garden Avenue North*; Walk Program*; Consultant Services for Park Ave. N. Improvements; Puget Power Undergrounding Agreement for Park Ave. N. Improvements*; Interlocal Agreement for Grant for HOV Improvements* 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolutions: a. Setting a public hearing for 7/18/94 to consider street vacation on SW 16th Street (see 6.b.) b. Accepting a grant for the summer lunch program (see 8.b.) c. Authorizing the temporary closure of Garden Ave. N. (see 8.c.) d. Walk program (see 8.c.) e. Agreement with Puget Power for undergrounding on Park Ave. N. (see 8.c.) f. Interlocal Agreement for grant for HOV improvements (see 8.c.) Ordinances for second reading,and adoption: a. Adopting the Washington Model Traffic Ordinance (1st reading 6/13/94) b. Lake Terrace Estates rezone from Trailer (T) to Multifamily-Infill (MF-I) (1st reading 6/13/94) c. Golf Course Revenue Bonds (1st reading 6/13/94) Ordinances for first readine: a. Solid Waste Utility Tax effective date (Finance Committee report 6/13/94) b. Amending the Sign Code relating to signs for large scale retail businesses (see 8.a.) 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics - call 277-4430 for recorded information) 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT b COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) MUNICIPAL COURT CHAMBERS 6:30 p.m. 1. IKEA Home Furnishings Store Signage RENTON CITY:COUNCIL JuRe20, 1994 City Clerk's ,.lice RelferrxXs BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS SW 16th Street vacation petition(The Boeing Company/VAC-94-003) f COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Puget Sound Helicopter lease& operating permits FINANCE COMMITTEE September 1994 Public Safety Bond Issue MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Agreement with ENTRANCO for engineering services for Park Ave N project Agreement with Puget Power for undergrounding on Park Ave N Agreement with METRO for design and construction of bus zone accessibility improvements Agreement with WSDOT accepting federal grant funds for HOV arterial program PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Changes to Arterial Commercial (CA)Zone to add Light Manufacturing and Auto Body Shops PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE 1994 Renton Jail Medical Health Services agreement with King County UTILITIES COMMITTEE Agreement with Soil Conservation Service for I-405 Box Culvert/P-1 Channel Improvements PUBLIC HEARINGS 6/27/94 — Low-income senior and disabled citizen utility rates 7/11/94 — Street Vacation on S 11th Street (Free, Monaghan, Kunstle/VAC-94-001) 7/18/94 — Street Vacation on SW 16th Street (The Boeing Company/VAC-94-003) ORDINANCES FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING Solid waste utility tax effective date(1st reading 6/20/94) Sign Code change for large retail centers (1st reading 6/20/94) 235 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 20, 1994 Renton Municipal Court Monday, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Court Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. low ROLL CALL OF RICHARD STREDICKE; Council President; BOB EDWARDS, TIM COUNCILMEMBERS SCHLITZER, TONI NELSON, JESSE TANNER, RANDY CORMAN, KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; ZANETTA FONTES, Assistant City Attorney; ATTENDANCE MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; SUE CARLSON, Economic Development Coordinator; NEIL WATTS, Plan Review Supervisor; MEL WILSON, Transportation Systems Director; VICTORIA RUNKLE, Finance & Information Services Administrator; PAULA HENDERSON, Senior Budget & Financial Analyst; CAROLYN SUNDVALL, Housing & Human Services Manager; MIKE KATTERMANN, Planning Director; LEE HARO, Program Development Coordinator; LIEUTENANT ROB SOFIE, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL COUNCIL MINUTES APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JUNE 13, 1994, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published Transportation: 1995-2000 in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Clymer opened the public Six-Year Transportation hearing to consider the 1995-2000 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Improvement Plan (TIP) & Program (TIP) and 1994 budget adjustments for transportation improvement 1994 Budget Amendments projects. Lee Haro, Transportation Systems Program Development Coordinator, r�.. provided a brief overview of the annual update of the City's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Mr. Haro explained that the TIP, a multi-year work and funding plan for the City's transportation improvements, is mandated by State law and must be updated each year. The TIP is reviewed by a citizens' transportation advisory committee as well as by staff from all City departments. Mr. Haro explained that TIP decisions are based primarily on the goals contained in the City's Mission Statement, which calls for healthy work and residential environments. He reviewed the five TIP program categories, which attempt to respond to the following priorities: preservation of the existing infrastructure; neighborhood protection and livability (projects include Park Ave. N. and Houser Way N.); projects serving multi-modal and transportation demand management (TDM) purposes (transit and HOV lane improvements, and bicycle and pedestrian facilities); promotion of economic growth and new development (particularly in the Central Business District and the Valley commercial industrial area); and operations and safety concerns (including intersection improvements and other traffic engineering concerns such as improving the City's computer and electronic transportation systems). Each TIP project responds to at least one of these goals. Referring to a table summarizing each project's financial status, Mr. Haro said the total amount funded for each project includes previously budgeted City wr.r June 20 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pane 236 funds, approved grants, and projectable funding sources such as business license fee, vehicle license fee and gas tax revenues. He noted the City's success in obtaining grants for such projects as the Lake Washington Boulevard bridge at May Creek, street overlays for high priority arterials, the reconstruction of North 8th Street, and the Monster Road Bridge. Mr. Haro explained the proposed 1994 budget amendments for transportation projects, noting these reflect mainly adjustments between accounts. No new funds are requested or projected with the exception of grant funds, for which a net gain of $361,550 is expected this year over the previously budgeted amount. ..ri Responding to Council President Stredicke, Mr. Haro said 85% of the City's $1.7 million in revenues from business license fees are spent for transportation improvements. Audience comment was invited. Seeing no one wished to address Council on this issue, it was MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL PRESENT FOR READING AND ADOPTION THE RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 1995-2000 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AND THE ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR 1994 BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS RELATING TO TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTS. CARRIED. Resolution #3067 A resolution was read adopting the City's Six-Year 1995-2000 Transportation Transportation: 1995-2000 Improvement Program (TIP). MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY Six-Year Transportation CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. Improvement Program CARRIED. (TIP) Transportation: 1994 An ordinance was read providing for 1994 budget amendments for Budget Amendments for transportation improvement projects in the amount of $702,350, bringing the Transportation total amended TIP budget to $15,818,222. MOVED BY EDWARDS, Improvement Projects SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #4453 Following second and final reading of the aforesaid ordinance, it was MOVED Transportation: 1994 BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Budget Amendments for ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Transportation Improvement Projects AUDIENCE COMMENT Versie Vaupel, P.O. Box 755, Renton, 98057, expressed concern regarding the Citizen Comment: Vaupel proposed lease assignment to Puget Sound Helicopters at the airport. On - Changes to CA Zone another subject, Mrs. Vaupel said the proposed changes to the Arterial Commercial (CA) zone that would add two uses, Light Manufacturing and Auto Body Shops, would impact the north Renton residential area. She objected to ongoing revisions to the CA zone, particularly those with potential detrimental effects to north Renton residents, and suggested that this process be resolved. s i, 237 June 20, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 237 Citizen Comment: Webb - Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Ave. S. #3, Renton, 98055, related his disappointment Renton Hill Alley with the staff response to his proposal for safety improvements to the alley Improvements located between Mill and Cedar Avenues on Renton Hill. Noting that staff had initially responded favorably to his suggested circulation plan that would improve traffic safety at this location, he added that staff has recently issued a report citing concerns such as the topography of this area and steep grades on South 5th and 6th. Staff has also recommended that Mr. Webb be asked to submit a written petition, signed by all abutting property owners, stating the neighborhood preference of traffic flow in the alley. Emphasizing this is a safety issue, Mr. Webb questioned why residents of neighboring properties WW would voluntarily limit their right of access to the alley, given that the impacts are most seriously experienced by those living in the 400 to 500 block. Mr. Webb concluded by requesting that he be provided with any data used by staff to formulate opposing arguments to his proposal. Citizen Comment: Williams Helen Williams, 10878 Rainier Ave. S., Seattle, 98178, spoke against the - Puget Sound Helicopters proposed lease assignment to Puget Sound Helicopters. She stated that aircraft Lease currently fly too low over the south end of lake, agitating the water and posing a danger to swimmers in this area. Adding that the noise from these aircraft is also a nuisance, Mrs. Williams said if the helicopter operator agreed not to take off over the lake, she would have no objection to the assignment of lease. Councilman Edwards explained that the Transportation Committee had discussed this matter during its meeting earlier today, and the proposed lessee has agreed to hold a demonstration of its operations later this week, after which the Airport Manager will collect citizen comments on this issue. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Appointment: Civil Mayor Clymer appointed Gerald H. Nichols, 1118 Olympia Ave. N., Renton, Service Commission 98056, to the Civil Service Commission to complete the unexpired term of Barbara Little to 12/31/98. Council concur. Streets: SW 16th Vacation, City Clerk submitted petition for vacation of a portion of SW 16th Street Boeing, VAC-94-003 south of I-405, VAC-94-003 (The Boeing Company), and requested that Council refer this issue to the Board of Public Works for a recommendation on the vacation, and also adopt a resolution setting the public hearing on this issue on 7/18/94. Council concur. (See page 240 for resolution.) Police: Public Safety Bond Finance and Information Services Department requested adoption of an Issue, September 1994 ordinance establishing a special election date on 9/20/94 for a public safety bond issue in the amount of $14,800,000. Refer to Finance Committee. Parks: NARCO Parks Department requested approval of contract award for the NARCO Demolition/Salvage, demolition and salvage project to Gaston Brothers Excavating Inc. in the Gaston Bros. Excavating amount of $42,467.41. Council concur. Planning: CA Zone Planning and Technical Services Division submitted proposed amendments to Changes (Light the Arterial Commercial (CA) Zone to add two uses, Light Manufacturing and Manufacturing/Auto Body Auto Body Shops. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Shops) Police: 1994 Renton Jail Police Department requested approval of annual contract in the amount of Medical Health Services, $53,071 for services from the King County Department of Public Health for King County, CAG-94- 1994 Renton jail medical health services. Refer to Public Safety Committee. 077 fes► June 20, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Paize 238 Utility: I-405 Box Surface Water Utility Division requested approval of a project agreement and Culvert/P-I Channel an operation and maintenance agreement with Soil Conservation Service in the Improvements, Soil amount of $517,713.44 for the I-405 Box Culvert/P-1 Channel Improvement Conservation Service Project (Springbrook Creek). The City's share is $143,538.11. Refer to Utilities Committee. CAG: 91-002, Addendum Wastewater Utility Division requested authorization to execute Addendum No. No. 6, East Renton 6 to CAG-91-002 with RH2 Engineering in the amount of $164,766 to Interceptor, RH2 perform construction engineering services on the East Renton Interceptor Engineering Project. Council concur. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Stredicke presented a report recommending concurrence in Committee of the Whole the staff recommendation to authorize a new section to the Sign Code that Planning: Sign Code specifically addresses the needs of large (450,000 square feet or more) retail Change for Large Retail centers. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding Centers this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 241 for ordinance.) Transportation (Aviation) Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Edwards presented a report Committee regarding the assignment of lease and operating permit for Puget Sound Airport: Lease Assignment Helicopters, Inc. Plane Space Investments, Inc. has requested that the City from Plane Space Council approve the assignment of its lease for land at the south end of the Investments to Puget airport to Puget Sound Industries, Inc. The assignment will be made in Sound Helicopters, LAG- connection with the sale of the improvements (hangar and office building) on 84-006 the leasehold property to Puget Sound Industries. Plane Space will retain a security interest in the lease as collateral. Puget Sound Industries, Inc. will subsequently sublease the leasehold property, the hangar building and the office building to Puget Sound Helicopters, Inc. for aviation-related activities including flight instruction, aircraft charters and maintenance of aircraft. Since the City does not have direct leases with Puget Sound Industries, Inc. or Puget Sound Helicopters, Inc., permits for the operation of aviation-related activities on the Renton Airport have been prepared for both businesses. As a result of citizen concerns regarding helicopter operations, the Committee requested a demonstration of typical operations. The proposed lessee has planned such a demonstration for the evening of Wednesday, June 22 between 6 and 7 p.m. The Airport Manager will collect citizen comments. It is the Transportation Committee's recommendation that this item be referred to the Committee of the Whole on Monday, June 27 for a final recommendation. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Responding to Council President Stredicke, Assistant City Attorney Zanetta Fontes said the City can stipulate in the lease agreement what type of aircraft the lessee will be allowed to operate. Councilman Tanner added that only the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has the authority to regulate flight paths, although this agency is usually amenable to working with local airports to establish acceptable flight paths. June 20, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 239 *MOTION CARRIED. Transportation: Puget Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Edwards presented a report Power Undergrounding on recommending that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Park Ave. N, CAG-94-074 underground conversion agreement with Puget Power for the Park Avenue North improvement project. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation: Walk Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Edwards presented a report Program/Bus Zone recommending that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Accessibility), METRO, interlocal cooperative agreement with the Department of Metropolitan Services CAG-94-075 of King County (METRO) for the walk program/bus zone accessibility improvements program. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 240 for resolution.) Transportation: Park Ave Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Edwards presented a report N Engineering Services, recommending that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the ENTRANCO, CAG-94- construction engineering services contract with ENTRANCO for the Park 072 Avenue North improvement project. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation: Garden Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Edwards presented a report Ave N Temporary Closure recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation for a three-month closure of Garden Ave. N. between N. 4th and 5th Streets from August to October 1994 for PACCAR's soil remediation project. The Committee further recommended that the resolution authorizing the street closure be presented for reading and adoption. The Committee also recommended that PACCAR provide a ten-day advance written notice of the planned closure to all businesses located in the vicinity of Houser Way N., and that pedestrian access be maintained at all times. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY am NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Responding to Council President Stredicke, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman stated that PACCAR is funding this project, which will be performed under the supervision of the Department of Ecology. *MOTION CARRIED. (See page 240 for resolution.) Transportation: Federal Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Edwards presented a report Grant for HOV Arterial recommending that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Program, WSDOT interlocal agreement with the Washington State Department of Transportation to receive $86,500 in federal grant funds with a local match of $13,500 to be used for the city-wide HOV arterial development program. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 240 for resolution.) +ir June 20, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 240 Community Services Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report regarding the Committee grant for a summer lunch program. The Community Services Committee, at H&HS: Summer Lunch its June 14, 1994 meeting, reviewed the proposed resolution authorizing the Program, Dept of acceptance of a grant for a summer food service program. Start-up funds of Agriculture Grant $4,116 have been awarded to the City contingent on the City providing the program for three years. The City of Renton will be reimbursed by the Department of Agriculture for the operation of the program. The Committee recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See later this page for resolution.) ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: Resolution #3068 A resolution was read setting a hearing date for July 18, 1994, to consider Streets: SW 16th Vacation, vacating a portion of S.W. 16th Street (The Boeing Company/VAC-94-003). Boeing, VAC-94-003 MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3069 A resolution was read accepting a grant for a lunch program from the H&HS: Summer Lunch Superintendent of Public Instruction. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED Program, Dept of BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. Agriculture Grant CARRIED. Resolution #3070 A resolution was read authorizing the temporary closure of Garden Avenue Transportation: Garden North for soil remediation work. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY Ave N Temporary Closure STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3071 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Transportation: Walk interlocal cooperative agreement with the Department of Metropolitan Servies Program/Bus Zone of King County (METRO) for design and construction of bus zone Accessibility, METRO, accessibility improvements. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CAG-94-075 NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3072 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Transportation: Federal interlocal cooperative agreement with the Washington State Department of Grant for HOV Arterial Transportation (WSDOT) for the receipt and use of grant monies for the study Program, WSDOT of a city-wide high occupancy vehicle (HOV) arterial development program. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. In response to Council President Stredicke, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman agreed to research whether Renton has formally established how many people in a car constitute a carpool for the purpose of city-wide HOV lane use. The following ordinances were presented for second reading and adoption: Ordinance #4454 An ordinance was read amending section 10-12-1 of Chapter 12, Traffic Police: Washington Model Code, of Title X (Traffic), of City Code by adopting the Washington Model Traffic Ordinance Traffic Ordinance. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, Adoption COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. June 20, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 241 Ordinance #4455 An ordinance was read providing for the issuance of $5,000,000 in principal Finance: Golf Course amount of Golf System Revenue Bonds, 1994, of the City for purposes of Improvement Bonds obtaining the funds with which to construct improvements to the existing City's Maplewood Golf Course including a new clubhouse (including pro shop, restaurant and meeting rooms), practice range and course improvements, capitalize a portion of the interest on the bonds, and capitalize a reserve for those bonds; fixing the date, form, maturities, interest rates, terms and covenants of such bonds; establishing a bond redemption account and related sub-accounts therein; establishing a revenue account and related sub-accounts therein; and approving the sale and providing for the delivery of those bonds �r to Piper Jaffray Inc., of Seattle, Washington. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS AMENDED TO CHANGE THE FIGURE OF THE AMOUNT PAID INTO THE BOND REDEMPTION PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST SUB-ACCOUNT, AS REFERRED TO ON PAGE 13, SECTION VIII, PARAGRAPH (a), FROM $276,846.43 TO $276.860.45. ROLL CALL: 6 AYES: STREDICKE, EDWARDS, NELSON, TANNER, CORMAN, KEOLKER-WHEELER; ONE NAY: EDWARDS. CARRIED. Councilman Edwards explained that, while he agreed with the City's previous decision to purchase the golf course, he felt that before accumulating further debt with which to make improvements to this facility, it would be more appropriate to first repay the original debt that was incurred for the purchase of the golf course. Ordinance #4456 An ordinance was read amending the interim zoning map and changing the Rezone: Lake Terrace zoning classification of property located at 2100 Lake Washington Boulevard Estates, 2100 Lk Wash in the City of Renton from T (Trailer) zone to MF-I (Multifamily-Infill) Blvd, #E-33 (Lake Terrace Estates/Steve Harer, #E-33). MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 6/27/94 for second reading and adoption: 1° Utility: Solid Waste Utility An ordinance was read amending Subsection 5-11-1.H. of Chapter 11, Utility Tax Tax, of Title V (Finance and Business Regulations) of City Code, relating to the effective dates of the solid waste utility tax. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 6/27/94. CARRIED. Planning: Sign Code An ordinance was read amending sections 4-20-12.A. and 4-20-12.C. of Change for Large Retail Chapter 20 Sign Code, of Title IV (Building Regulations), relating to signs for Centers large-scale retail businesses. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 6/27/94. CARRIED. Council President Stredicke opposed the ordinance and objected to modifying the Code to accommodate one specific development. He preferred that a variance be pursued for this building's signage instead, explaining his concern that the Code change could result in oversized signage and billboards throughout the City. Responding to Councilman Edwards, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman said the Sign Code revision will require SEPA review, which will allow for public comment. June 20 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 242 AUDIENCE COMMENT Versie Vaupel, P.O. Box 755, Renton, 98057, commented on past citizen Citizen Comment: Vaupel efforts to gain use of the Sartori playfield and on subsequent attempts to - Sartori Playfield obtain some equipment for this facility. She asked whether the Equipment Administration has been able to look into this yet, and Mayor Clymer indicated he is awaiting an answer from staff. Citizen Comment: Richter Marjorie Richter, 300 Meadow Avenue North, Renton 98055, added that the - Vehicles Parking at City should also provide a chain restricting vehicles from parking on the Sartori Park grassy area at Sartori Park. Councilman Tanner urged the Administration to strongly consider improving this facility. EXECUTIVE SESSION MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR 20 MINUTES TO DISCUSS LITIGATION. CARRIED. Time: 8:49 p.m. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:18 p.m. Z- MARILYNCf. E ERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 6/20/94 243 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 20, 1994 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE TUES., 6/21 Housing Element of the Comprehensive (Stredicke) 3:30 p.m. Plan ,w.. *COMMUNITY CENTER, ROOM B* MON., 6/27 Puget Sound Helicopter Lease& 6:30 p.m. Operating Permits; Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan (if needed) COMMUNITY SERVICES (Nelson) FINANCE MON., 6/27 Public Safety Bond Issue; (Tanner) 6:00 p.m. Flexible Benefits Program; Mosquito Abatement Program Funding; Vouchers PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT (Keolker-Wheeler) �.► PUBLIC SAFETY THUR., 6/23 Renton Jail Health Services Agreement (Corman) 3:30 p.m. TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) (Edwards) UTILITIES THUR., 6/23 Utilities Element of the Comprehensive (Schlitzer) 4:00 p.m. Plan; South 11th Street Vacation; I-405 Box Culvert/P-1 Channel Improvement Project; Mosquito Culvert Inspection Report; Stewart/Mano Sewer Connection Request NOTE:Committee of the Whole meetings are held in Municipal Court Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the 6th floor conference room unless otherwise noted. AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL, REGULAR MEETING June 27, 1994 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. MIN OF JUNE 20, 1994 APPROVAL OF COUNCILN 4. PUBLIC HEARING: Utility Rates for Low-Income Seniors and Disabled Citizens 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. City Clerk submits appeal of Hearing Examiner's decision regarding Fred Meyer/Renton Center site plan approval, appeal filed on 6/20/94 by Fred Meyer, Inc.; SA-93-151. Refer to Planning_& Development Committee. b. City Clerk submits petition for vacation of portion of SW 13th Street between Maple Avenue SW and Lind Avenue and a portion of Maple Ave SW, VAC-94-004 (Pierre), and requests a public hearing be scheduled on this issue. Refer to Board of Public Works for recommendation on the vacation; adopt resolution setting public hearing on 7/25/94. (See 9.a. for resolution.) C. Community Services Department submits proposed agreement with Boeing to provide overflow parking to the public using Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park on the weekends and holidays. Refer to Community Services Committee. d. Fire Department submits proposed 1995 contract with King County Fire District 25. Refer to Public Safety Committee. e. Hearing Examiner submits preliminary plat for Summit Park, a 25-lot subdivision located at 5020 & 5110 Talbot Road South, File No. PP-93-157, and requests approval with conditions. Council concur. f. Planning & Technical Services Division submits proposed amendments to the Mixed Commercial (CM) zone to: remove the requirement for ground floor pedestrian-related retail activities except for specific areas; extend the boundary of the exempt area for parking, setbacks, lot coverage and landscaping requirements to the west side of Logan Ave., and add existing single family residence as primary use. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. g. Planning & Technical Services Division submits proposed Addedum No. 4 to CAG-91-087, a consultant agreement for preparation of the Boeing Longacres Office Park Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), and proposed Addendum No. 7 to CAG-91-009, an agreement with The Boeing Company for payment of EIS consultant services. Refer to Planning,& Development Committee. h. Police Department requests approval of a 1994-95 multi jurisdictional narcotics task force grant in the amount of$220,503 to renew federal funding of the South King County Narcotics Task Force. Refer to Public Safety Committee. i. Transportation Division requests approval of sublease from BHC, Inc. to Northwest Seaplanes (LAG- 93-004) for operation of an aircraft maintenance facility. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. j. Transportation Division requests approval of operating permit for Northwest Seaplanes to operate a seaplane maintenance facility and storage space for aircraft. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) i w�/ 245 k. Water Utility Division requests authorization to negotiate the sale of surplus, non-peak water to the City of Seattle on an interruptable basis during the summer and fall shortage period of 1994. Refer to Utilities Committee. 1. Water Utility Division requests authorization to pursue legal action against Washington Natural Gas to secure compensation for damages resulting from the failure of a 16-inch watermain on Talbot Hill caused by stray current from WNG's cathodic protection system. Refer to Utilities Committee. 7. CORRESPONDENCE a. Letter from Lloyd Hoshide, 833 Kirkland Ave. NE, Renton, 98056, regarding the proposed changes to the SEPA process (this matter referred to the Planning & Development Committee 1/03/94). Refer to Planning& Development Committee. b. Letter from Versie Vaupel, P.O. Box 755, Renton, 98057, requesting that the City appoint an ombudsman or other staff to represent citizen concerns. 8. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Committee of the Whole: Puget Sound Helicopter Lease & Operating Permits b. Finance Committee: Public Safety Bond Issue*; Flexible Benefits Program; Mosquito Abatement Program Funding*; Vouchers c. Public Safety Committee: Agreement with King County for Renton Jail Health Services* d. Utilities Committee: South 11th Street Vacation; I-405 Box Culvert/P-1 Channel Improvement Project; Mosquito Culvert Inspection Report; Stewart/Mano Sewer Connection Request 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolutions: a. Setting a public hearing for 7/25/94 to consider street vacation on SW 13th/Maple SW(see 6.b.) b. Agreement with King County for Renton Jail Health Services (see 8.c.) Ordinances for second reading and adoption: a. Solid Waste Utility Tax effective date (1 st reading 6/20/94) b. Amending the Sign Code relating to signs for large scale retail businesses (1st reading 6/20/94) Ordinances for first reading: a. Public Safety Bond Issue, 9/20/94 (see 8.b.) Mr b. Mosquito Abatement Program Funding (see 8.b.) 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics - call 277-4430 for recorded information) 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) MUNICIPAL COURT CHAMBERS 6:30 p.m. 1. Puget Sound Helicopter Lease& Operating Permits 2. Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan (if needed) nNTON CITY!::COUNCIL June`27, i94 City Clerk's +Office Referr!ais >' .. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS SW 13th/Maple St. SW request for street vacation (Pierre/VAC-94-004) CITY ATTORNEY Written opinion on RCW 74.38.070 re: utility rate discounts to low income seniors& disabled citizens COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Letter from Versie Vaupel requesting an ombudsman/citizen representative (1995 Budget Meetings) Restaurant lease at Municipal Airport Cities in Schools program COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Agreement with Boeing for Gene Coulon Beach Park overflow parking MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Operating permits for Puget Sound Industries, Inc. and Puget Sound Helicopters, Inc. Agreement with SCS for I-405 Box Culvert/P-1 Channel improvement project Quit Claim Deed to Puget Western for interest in land near I-405, SW Grady Way and Oakesdale Ave SW Agreement with King County for 1994 Renton jail medical health services Agreement with King County Fire District 25 for calendar year 1994 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Fred Meyer/Renton Center appeal, SA-93-151 Mixed Commercial Zone amendments Addend. #4 to CAG-91-087 and Addend. #7 to CAG-91-009, re: Boeing Longacres Office Park EIS Correspondence from Lloyd Hoshide regarding proposed changes to the SEPA process PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE 1994-95 grant for South King County Narcotics Task Force TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE BHC Inc. sublease to Northwest Seaplanes, LAG-93-004 Northwest Seaplanes operating permit UTILITIES COMMITTEE Low income seniors and disabled citizens utility rates 1994 sale of surplus water to Seattle Legal action against Washington Natural Gas for Talbot Hill watermain failure PUBLIC HEARINGS 7/11/94— Street Vacation on S 11th Street (Free, Monaghan, Kunstle/VAC-94-001) 7/18/94— Street Vacation on SW 16th Street (The Boeing Company/VAC-94-003) 7/25/94 — Street Vacation on SW 13th/Maple SW (Pierre/VAC-94-004) ORDINANCES FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING Public Safety Bond Issue, September 1994 (1st reading 6/27/94) Funding for 1994 mosquito abatement program (1st reading 6/27/94) 247 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 27, 1994 Renton Municipal Court Monday, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Court Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. wr ROLL CALL OF RICHARD STREDICKE, Council President; BOB EDWARDS, TIM COUNCILMEMBERS SCHLITZER, TONI NELSON, JESSE TANNER, RANDY CORMAN, KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; DAN KELLOGG, Assistant City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; FIRE CHIEF A. LEE WHEELER; GAIL REED, Airport Manager; BEVERLY NELSON GLODE, Personnel Director; PRISCILLA PIERCE, Administrative Analyst; RON STRAKA, Civil Engineer; DEPUTY CHIEF DON PERSSON, Police Department. PRESS Jean Parietti, Valley Daily News APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL COUNCIL MINUTES APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JUNE 20, 1994, AS AMENDED TO CORRECT THE ROLL CALL VOTE ON ORDINANCE NO. 4455 (Golf Course Revenue Bonds), PAGE 241, AS FOLLOWS: SIX AYES (STREDICKE, SCHLITZER, NELSON, TANNER, CORMAN, KEOLKER- WHEELER); ONE NAY (EDWARDS). CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published Utility: Low-Income in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Clymer opened the public Seniors and Disabled hearing to consider low-income seniors and disabled citizens utility rates. Citizens Rates �•► Priscilla Pierce, Administrative Analyst, Planning/Building/Public Works Department, explained that the rates to be considered for low-income seniors and disabled citizens are for the City's four utilities: water, sewer/wastewater, drainage/stormwater, and solid waste (garbage, recycling and yard waste). Noting that the low-income rates currently in place were established over 30 years ago, she added that a rate study conducted by a consultant last year concluded that the City should review both the subsidy level for these rates and the eligibility income thresholds. Ms. Pierce referred to a chart comparing Renton's subsidy level for utility rates with that of neighboring jurisdictions (Kent, Auburn, Tukwila, Seattle and Bellevue). Renton's subsidy is 98%; the subsidy provided by the other jurisdictions ranges from 30% to 75%. Additionally, Renton has a much larger discrepancy between its single occupant eligibility threshold and its double occupant threshold than do the other jurisdictions. After discussing the various alternatives brought forward by staff, the Utilities Committee recommended establishing a new, two-tiered rate system for low-income seniors and disabled citizens. Ms. Pierce noted the other recommendations of the Committee, as follows: 1. All recipients of senior/disabled rates will be subject to the regular annual rate adjustments. June 27, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 248 2. The new rates will be implemented over a ten-year period for customers currently receiving subsidies. The intent of this extended implementation period is to avoid severe rate shock to existing customers. 3. Newly eligible customers will be established at the rate subsidy as set out by the new rate policy. 4. The eligibility thresholds will be adjusted annually over the ten-year period until both single and double occupancy households have the same two-tiered rate (households with 35% and below the median income for the City of Renton will receive a 75% subsidy, and households with 36% to 50% of the median income for the City of Renton will receive a 40% subsidy). 5. The overall subsidy from other rate customers will be monitored (approximately $85,000 in 1994) with the intent to have it remain at relatively the same level as currently exists. 6. The low-income senior and disabled citizen rates will apply to customers throughout the City's utility service area per RCW 74.38.070. Ms. Pierce explained charts showing the existing and proposed monthly utility rates for low-income seniors and disabled citizens, identified by utility type. The overall utility cost per month for a person currently in the 75% subsidy category would increase from $3.00 to $3.75. Customers in the 40% subsidy category would experience an overall rate increase per month from $3.00 to $5.35. Ms. Pierce also explained the proposed new income eligibility thresholds, which are based on the $36,459 median household income in the City of Renton as determined by 1990 census data which showed a median income of $32,393 in the City (this figure has been increased by 3% for each subsequent year). Responding to Council President Stredicke, Ms. Pierce said the City's income eligibility thresholds for this program have, in the past, been increased by the Consumer Price Index (CPI); however, this adjustment by itself has not raised the eligibility thresholds to an appropriate level. Audience comment was invited. Citizen Comment: McBee Scott McBee, 13208 Renton Ave. S., Renton, 98055, strenuously objected to - Utility Rates the Council's policy by which non-Renton residents who are served by Renton utilities pay 150% of what in-City residents pay for the same service. Explaining that he is a senior citizen with a limited, fixed income, Mr. McBee added that he considers this non-resident surcharge nothing more than a "donation" to the City. Saying that all senior citizens in the service area should receive utility rate discounts, he concluded by requesting that the policy regarding the non-resident surcharge be changed. Responding to Councilman Edwards, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman explained that according to RCW 74.38.070, "Any reduction in (utility) rates granted in whatever manner to low income senior citizens or low income disabled citizens in one part of a service area shall be uniformly extended to low income senior citizens or low income disabled citizens in all other parts of the service area." Thus, if the City offers a reduction to citizens within the City limits, it must offer the same reduction to those living outside of the City limits within the service area. Councilman Edwards interpreted this to mean that the City can continue to assess the 150% non-resident surcharge on utility rates as long as it offers the same discount to all low income senior and disabled citizens within the service area. A customer qualifying for a subsidy outside of the City limits, then, would have the discount applied to a bill containing the 150% surcharge. June 27, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Paye 249 Councilman Edwards suggested that, rather than establishing low-income senior and disabled citizen rates for customers throughout the City's utility service area, Council instead direct that the previously-mentioned percentage discounts be applied throughout the service area. Councilman Schlitzer, as Chair of the Utilities Committee, concurred that this was the Committee's intention. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REQUEST A WRITTEN OPINION FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY REGARDING RCW 74.38.070, RELATING TO THE APPLICATION OF RATE REDUCTIONS AND/OR DISCOUNTS TO LOW INCOME SENIOR AND DISABLED UTILITY CUSTOMERS OUTSIDE OF THE CITY LIMITS. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THIS ISSUE BACK TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Denny Lensegrav, 300 Rainier Ave. S., Renton, 98055, speaking as Chair of Citizen Comment: the Board for the Renton Chamber of Commerce, thanked Council for hiring Lensegrav - Economic an economic development coordinator last year, saying this position benefits Development in City not only the business community but Renton citizens as well. He said healthy neighborhoods result from a healthy economy; a healthy economy, in turn, is produced by a healthy business environment. He considered recent economic development efforts, including an aggressive recruitment strategy, to be vitally necessary if the.City and its citizens are to maintain the quality of life to which they have become accustomed. Mr. Lensegrav commented on a recent suggestion that the City appoint an ombudsman or citizen advocate, saying that public forums such as City Council meetings have always been available and effective means for citizens to voice their concerns to government officials. I Citizen Comment: Vaupel Versie Vaupel, P.O. Box 755, Renton, 98057, inquired about the sufficiency - Bryant Motors/City of parking enforcement in the area of Bryant Motors. On another subject, Dump Truck Purchase Mrs. Vaupel referenced the Open Public Records Act, which requires prompt responses to requests for public records, in relating the difficulty she has experienced in attempting to get information on the City's purchase of a dump truck. Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman offered to provide Mrs. Vaupel with information on this matter tomorrow. Citizen Comment: Doris Alexander, 3209 NE 4th, Renton, 98056, submitted a letter regarding Alexander - Washout at the damage incurred by Alexander's Auction on May 16th of this year when a Alexander's Auction City storm sewer backed up during a severe rainstorm. She asked for assistance from the City in repairing the damage caused by the washout, emphasizing the imperativeness of re-engineering the Monroe side of the road so future storm water does not pose the same hazard to her property. She added that the adjacent Segale pit should also be reconstructed. Executive Assistant Jay Covington said a report will be provided to Council on this matter by the next Council meeting. Council President Stredicke asked that staff include information on the slopes allowed for the Segale pit, which he considered excessively steep. "W June 27, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pane 250 Citizen Comment: Larson Ruthie Larson, 714 High Ave. S., Renton, 98055, presented a petition signed - WSDOT I-405 S-Curve by 66 Renton Hill residents indicating their opposition to building a stairway Project from S. 4th and Mill Ave. S. accessing the Cedar Ave. pedestrian bridge. Petition signers instead preferred either building a stairway from Renton Hill to the NARCO property or not constructing any stairway. Mrs. Larson explained that residents were concerned with the safety of the proposed stairway, especially considering the effects of rain and/or snow and the need for clear visibility of the walkway to deter crime and allow prompt response to accidents. Citizen Comment: Hoyt - Christopher Hoyt, Puget Sound Helicopters, Inc., 300 Airport Way, Renton, Puget Sound Helicopters 98055, spoke regarding the proposed assignment of lease and operating permit Lease for Puget Sound Helicopters, Inc. Mr. Hoyt requested that the company be allowed to operate seven rather than five helicopters. He also asked that language be added to the Transportation Committee report on this issue stating that approval of the permits "shall not be unreasonably withheld." Responding to Council President Stredicke, Mr. Hoyt said Puget Sound Helicopters generally operates helicopters of approximately 3,000 pounds in size and would not object to a restriction prohibiting them from operating aircraft in excess of 12,500 pounds without prior Council approval. Councilmember Nelson related citizen concerns that increasing the number of helicopters could result in a proliferation of flights that would infringe on nearby residential neighborhoods. She noted that the operator does not have immediate plans to enlarge the fleet from the current three instructional helicopters. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADVANCE TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT ON THIS ISSUE. CARRIED. Committee of the Whole Council President Stredicke presented a report regarding the approval of the Airport: Lease Assignment assignment of lease and operating permit for Puget Sound Helicopters, Inc. from Plane Space Plane Space Investments, Inc. has requested that the City Council approve the Investments to Puget assignment of its lease for land at the south end of the airport to Puget Sound Sound Helicopters, LAG- Industries, Inc. The assignment will be made in connection with the sale of 84-006 the improvements (hangar and office building) on the leasehold property to Puget Sound Industries. Plane Space will retain a security interest in the lease as collateral. Puget Sound Industries, Inc. will subsequently sublease the leasehold property, the hangar building and the office building to Puget Sound Helicopters, Inc. for aviation-related activities including flight instruction, aircraft charters and maintenance of aircraft. Since the City does not have direct leases with Puget Sound Industries, Inc. or Puget Sound Helicopters, Inc., permits for the operation of aviation-related activities on the Renton Airport have been prepared for both businesses. A demonstration of typical helicopter operations was held between 6:00 and 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 22 in response to resident concerns and a request by the Transportation Committee. Five telephone comments were received by the Airport Manager between the conclusion of the demonstration and noon Thursday. The Committee of the Whole recommended that the City Council: June 27, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 251 1. Approve the sublease by Plane Space Investments, Inc. to Puget Sound Industries, Inc.; 2. Approve the sublease by Puget Sound Industries, Inc. to Puget Sound Helicopters, Inc.; 3. Approve the permits between the City of Renton and Puget Sound Industries, Inc. and Puget Sound Helicopters, Inc. for the operation of up to and including a total of five-(5) seven (7) helicopters and aviation-related activities on the Renton Airport. The introduction and route use of more than €i�(5) seven (7) helicopters will require City Council approval. Helicopters will be limited to 12,500 pounds in size. 4. Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the two Operating Permits upon their approval by the City Attorney. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT AS AMENDED TO ALLOW FOR THE OPERATION OF SEVEN RATHER THAN FIVE HELICOPTERS, AND TO STIPULATE THAT THE HELICOPTERS WILL BE LIMITED TO 12,500 POUNDS IN SIZE. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Appeal: Fred City Clerk submitted appeal of Hearing Examiner's decision regarding Fred Meyer/Renton Center, Meyer/Renton Center site plan approval, appeal filed on 6/20/94 by Fred SA-93-151 Meyer, Inc.; SA-93-151. Refer to Planning & Development Committee. Vacation: SW 13th/Maple City Clerk submitted petition for vacation of portion of SW 13th Street SW (Pierre), VAC-94-004 between Maple and Lind Avenues, and a portion of Maple Avenue SW, VAC- 94-004 (Pierre), and requested a public hearing be scheduled on this issue. Refer to Board of Public Works for recommendation on the vacation; adopt resolution setting public hearing on 7/25/94. (See page 255 for resolution.) Parks: Agreement with Community Services Department submitted proposed agreement with Boeing Boeing for Gene Coulon to provide overflow parking at Boeing parking lot #6 for use by patrons of Mr Overflow Parking Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park on the weekends and holidays. Refer to Community Services Committee. Plat: Preliminary, Summit Hearing Examiner submitted preliminary plat for Summit Park, a 12-acre, 25- Park, 5110 Talbot Rd S, lot subdivision located at 5020 & 5110 Talbot Road South; and variance to PP-93-157 reduce street right-of-way width from 50 to 40 feet; File Nos. PP/V-93-157, and requested approval with conditions. Council concur. Planning: Mixed Planning & Technical Services Division submitted proposed amendments to the Commercial Zone Mixed Commercial (CM) zone to: remove the requirement for ground floor Amendments pedestrian-related retail activities except for specific areas; extend the boundary of the exempt area for parking, setbacks, lot coverage and landscaping requirements to the west side of Logan Avenue; and add existing single family residences as primary use. Refer to Planning & Development Committee. CAG: 91-087, Boeing Planning & Technical Services Division submitted proposed Addendum No. 4 Longacres Office Park to CAG-91-087, a consultant agreement for preparation of the Boeing EIS, Addendum No. 4 Longacres Office Park Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), and proposed CAG: 91-009, Boeing Addendum No. 7 to CAG-91-009, an agreement with The Boeing Company Payment of EIS Services, for payment of EIS consultant services. Refer to Planning & Development Addendum No. 7 Committee. June 27, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 252 Police: 1994-95 Grant for Police Department requested approval of a 1994-95 multi-jurisdictional South King County narcotics task force grant in the amount of $220,503 to renew federal funding Narcotics Task Force of the South King County Narcotics Task Force. Refer to Public Safety Committee. Lease: BHC Inc. Sublease Transportation Division requested approval of sublease from BHC, Inc. to to Northwest Seaplanes, Northwest Seaplanes (LAG-93-004) for operation of an aircraft maintenance LAG-93-004 facility. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. Airport: Northwest Transportation Division requested approval of operating permit for Northwest Seaplanes Operating Seaplanes to operate a seaplane maintenance facility and storage space for Permit aircraft (LAG-93-004). Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. Utility: 1994 Sale of Water Utility Division requested authorization to negotiate the sale of surplus, Surplus Water to Seattle non-peak water to the City of Seattle on an interruptable basis during the summer and fall shortage period of 1994. Refer to Utilities Committee. Utility: Washington Water Utility Division requested authorization to pursue legal action against Natural Gas Lawsuit, Washington Natural Gas to secure compensation for damages resulting from Talbot Hill Watermain the failure of a 16-inch watermain on Talbot Hill caused by stray current Failure from WNG's cathodic protection system. Refer to Utilities Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED TO REMOVE ITEM 6(d) FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION. CARRIED. Separate Consideration Fire Department submitted proposed 1995 contract with King County Fire Item 6.d. District 25; contract renegotiated due to loss of Station #17 to City of Fire: 1995 Contract, King Bellevue. County Fire District 25 Noting that King County has already approved this contract, which is advantageous to the City of Renton, it was MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE PROPOSED 1995 CONTRACT WITH KING COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT NO. 25.* Responding to Councilman Tanner, Fire Chief A. Lee Wheeler explained that the City of Bellevue will accept up to twelve firefighters currently employed by Renton at Fire Station 17 due to the transfer of this station to Bellevue as of January 1, 1995. Renton's Station 16 will continue to provide the same level of service to King County District 25 as it has in the past. In response to Council President Stredicke, Chief Wheeler said the clause in the contract which references salaries relates to payoff of formerly accrued sick leave. The contract requires that these accruals be paid off within five years at a specified rate. *MOTION CARRIED. (See page 255 for resolution.) CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Lloyd Hoshide, 833 Kirkland Ave. NE, Citizen Comment: Hoshide Renton, 98056, regarding the proposed changes to the SEPA process. - SEPA Process Changes MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. 253 June 27, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 253 Citizen Comment: Vaupel Correspondence was read from Versie Vaupel, P.O. Box 755, Renton, 98057, - Ombudsman/Citizen requesting that the City appoint an ombudsman or other staff to represent Representative citizen concerns. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR CONSIDERATION DURING THE BUDGET HEARINGS. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Public Safety Committee Chair Corman presented a report recommending Public Safety Committee concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the agreement with the Police: 1994 Renton Jail Seattle-King County Department of Public Health for Renton Jail Medical Medical Services, King Health Services for 1994. The Committee further recommended that the County, CAG-94-077 resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 255 for resolution.) Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending Utility: 1994 Mosquito concurrence with the Planning/Building/Public Works Department's Abatement Program recommendation to approve an ordinance authorizing the appropriation of $23,000 from the City's General Fund ending fund balance to fund the 1994 Mosquito Abatement Program in the vicinity of the Panther Creek Wetland. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 256 for ordinance.) Personnel: Flexible Benefit Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending Plan concurrence in the staff recommendation to continue the Section 125 benefit plan that provides employees with the opportunity to pay for dependent care or medical expenses through tax-free payroll deductions. The Committee also recommended that the City enter into an agreement with Benefit Administration Company to provide administrative services for Section 125 flexible benefit plan effective with the new plan year on July 1, 1994. First- year costs for set-up, conducting employee orientation meetings and preparation of materials is $1,500. The annual fee for subsequent years is $500. In addition, Benefit Administration Company charges a $6 monthly participant fee which would be offset by the collection of employee participation fees, FICA tax savings and elimination of internal administration +rte, costs. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Police: Public Safety Bond Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report regarding the ordinance Issue providing for the submission to the voters at a special election on September 20, 1994 a proposition authorizing the City to incur indebtedness in general obligation bonds not to exceed $14.8 million for the construction and equipping of a public safety building. 1. The Finance Committee concurred with staff to place on the September 20, 1994 primary election ballot a request of the voters for approval of $14.8 million in bond indebtedness for the purpose of constructing, equipping, and purchasing necessary property for a public safety building. 2. The Committee amended Section I of the ordinance to read: "Description of the Project. The City shall construct and equip a public safety building and acquire real property for Fela4ed City purposes related to public safety which may include, at the future discretion of the City Council, provision for parking, all or part of a building site, campus design and development or other considerations as deemed appropriate for the new facilities ("The Project") . . .". 3. The Committee further amended the Ballot Title on Page 4 of the ordinance to read as follows: "Shall the City of Renton, Washington i �r June 27 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Paye 254 borrow $14,800,000 to construct and equip a public safety building and acquire real property for r-elated City purposes related to public safety by selling general obligation bonds therefor maturing within twenty years and levy annual excess property taxes necessary to pay and retire the bonds, as provided in Ordinance No. TO 4. The Committee further recommended the Finance Department ensure this language is correct with bond counsel prior to second and final reading. 5. The Committee recommended the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 256 for ordinance.) Finance: Vouchers Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending approval of Claims Vouchers #113189 - 113679; two wire transfers in the total amount of $1,538,747.16; approval of Payroll Vouchers #127046 - 127413; and 379 direct deposits in the total amount of $1,070,766.82. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report regarding the Panther Utility: Panther Creek Creek Wetlands/SR-167 cross culverts. Based on the findings of a June 21, Wetlands/SR-167 Cross 1994 report on the conditions of the Panther Creek wetlands/SR-167 cross Culverts, WSDOT culverts, the Utilities Committee recommended that staff prepare separate letters from the Mayor and from the City Council addressed to the Secretary of the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) regarding the SR-167 HOV lanes project. The letters are to strongly state that the City of Renton expects WSDOT to perform the following actions as part of the SR- 167 project in Renton: 1. Clean and regrade the existing SR-167 west roadside ditch to restore positive drainage to the existing SR-167 cross culverts; 2. Clean and maintain the existing SR-167 cross culverts to ensure the culverts operate at full capacity as originally designed; 3. Install the new twin 54" SR-167 cross culverts at SW 23rd Street as proposed in the SR-167 project plans and permit documents; and 4. Install a new SR-167 cross culvert for upper Springbrook Creek at South 192nd Street as previously requested by City staff. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utility: 1-405 Box Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report recommending Culvert/P-1 Channel concurrence with the Planning/Building/Public Works Department's Improvement Project, SCS recommendation to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the project agreement with the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) providing federal grant funding for the construction of the I-405 Box Culvert/P-1 Channel Improvement project. The total estimated cost of the project is $536,073. Under the project agreement, SCS will provide up to a maximum of $436,545 for the actual costs of constructing the project. The City's share of the total estimated cost required under the project agreement is $156,500. The City budget to meet the required cost share is $210,000. The Utilities Committee also concurred in the staff recommendation that approval be given for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Operation and Maintenance Agreement with the Soil Conservation Service for the I-405 Box Culvert/P-1 Channel Improvement project. j June 27, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 255 The Utilities Committee additionally recommended concurrence with the Planning/Building/Public Works Department's recommendation to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Quit Claim Deed to Puget Western to convey any interest the City may have in two areas of land totalling 551 square feet lying jointly within or between the described boundaries of adjacent Puget Western and City parcels situated between I-405 and SW Grady Way and adjacent to the westerly margin of Oakesdale Avenue SW. In exchange, Puget Western will quit claim to the City any interest Puget Western may have in an area of land totalling 572 square feet also lying between the described boundaries of the adjacent Puget Western and City parcels. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Responding to Council President Stredicke, Ron Straka, Civil Engineer, confirmed that this project includes a pedestrian trail that will be constructed between Grady Way and SW 16th Street on the west side of Springbrook Creek in cooperation with the Parks Department. *MOTION CARRIED. Personnel: P/B/PW Mayor Clymer announced the appointments of: Gregg Zimmerman as Promotions Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator effective 4/01/94; Ron Olsen as Utility Systems Director effective 5/23/94; and Mike Kattermann as Planning & Technical Services Director effective 6/01/94. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: Resolution #3073 A resolution was read setting a hearing date for July 25, 1994, to consider Vacation: SW 13th/Maple vacating a portion of S.W. 13th Street and Maple Avenue S.W. (Pierre/VAC- SW (Pierre), VAC-94-004 94-004). MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 1r Resolution #3074 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Police: 1994 Renton Jail interlocal agreement with the Seattle-King County Department of Public Medical Health Services, Health for provision of health needs to the City jail. MOVED BY CORMAN, King County SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3075 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Fire: 1995 Contract, King interlocal cooperative agreement with Fire District No. 25 for the City of County Fire District 25 Renton to provide fire and emergency medical services to Fire District No. 25 for calendar year 1994. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second reading and adoption: Ordinance #4457 An ordinance was read amending Subsection 5-11-1.H. of Chapter 11, Utility Utility: Solid Waste Utility Tax, of Title V (Finance and Business Regulations) of City Code, relating to Tax the effective dates of the solid waste utility tax. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. rr. June 27 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 256 The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 7/11/94 for second reading and adoption: Police: Public Safety Bond An ordinance was read providing for the submission to the voters of the City Issue at a special election to be held therein on September 20, 1994, in conjunction with the State primary election to be held on the same date, of a proposition authorizing the City to incur indebtedness by issuing its general obligation bonds in a par amount not to exceed $14,800,000, payable by annual property tax levies to be made in excess of regular property tax levies, for the purpose of paying the costs of constructing and equipping a public safety building and acquiring real property for related City purposes and to levy those excess property taxes. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 7/11/94. CARRIED. Utility: 1994 Mosquito An ordinance was read providing for 1994 budget amendments in the amount Abatement Program of $23,000 for the mosquito abatement program. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 7/11/94. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL REFER Airport: Restaurant Lease THE ISSUE OF THE RESTAURANT LEASE AT THE AIRPORT TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Council: Economic Council President Stredicke requested that the Administration organize an Development Tour economic development tour for the City Council, similar to that recently organized by the Chamber of Commerce. H&HS: Cities in Schools MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER Program THE ISSUE OF THE CITIES IN SCHOOLS PROGRAM TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:12 p.m. MARILY : P TERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 6/27/94 257 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 27, 1994 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 7/11 Cities in Schools Program; (Stredicke) 6:30 p.m. Restaurant Lease at Airport; Executive Session (Litigation) COMMUNITY SERVICES TUES., 6/28 Agreement with Boeing for Coulon Park (Nelson) 3:30 p.m. Overflow Parking *5th Floor* FINANCE MON., 7/11 Utility Billing Cycle Change (Briefing (Tanner) 5:45 p.m. Only); Vouchers; Council Correspondence PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT TUES., 6/28 Building Permit at 251 Factory Ave N; (Keolker-Wheeler) 4:00 p.m. Massage License Zoning Revision *5th Floor* Request; Willing Demonstration Project; CA Zone Amendments; Boeing Contract Amendment for Longacres Office Park PUBLIC SAFETY (Corman) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) (Edwards) UTILITIES (Schlitzer) NOTE:Committee of the Whole meetings are held in Municipal Court Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the 6th floor conference room unless otherwise noted. 258 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING July 11, 1994 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF JUNE 27, 1994 4. PUBLIC HEARING: Request for Street Vacation, South 11th Street between Jones and Grant Avenues South(Free, Monaghan, Kunstle, Allen/VAC-94-001) 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. City Clerk reports bid opening on 6/28/94 for CAG-94-062, Honey Creek Access Road Interim Repair Phase 2; 2 bids; engineer's estimate $122,769.13. Refer to Utilities Committee. b. City Clerk reports bid opening on 6/22/94 for CAG-94-064, Maplewood Golf Course Cart Path Paving Project; 3 bids; engineer's estimate $118,740.00, and submits staff recommendation to award the bid to the lowest qualified bidder, Lakeside Industries, in the amount of$101,212.44. Council concur. c. City Clerk submits Trillium Corporation request for release of City-held easement north of SW 34th Street and west of East Valley Highway (Glacier Park Short Plat), RE-94-001. Refer to Utilities Committee and to Board of Public Works. d. Development Services Division submits the King County Boundary Review Board approval of the Marshall/Galusha annexation, 14.1 acres located at Duvall Ave. NE and NE 4th St., and requests a second public hearing be set on 7/25/94 to consider the recommended zoning to Community Commercial (CB) and Mixed Residential (MR). Council concur. e. Finance and Information Systems Department submits proposed changes in the utility billing cycle to enhance billing accuracy and reduce customer service requests prompted by the current system. Council concur. (See 10.a. for ordinance.) f. Legal Department submits ordinance changes updating various sections of the City's criminal code and penalties, specifically to: amend penalties for violations of criminal laws; create an exemption to the leash law for police animals; adopt the Uniform Controlled Substance Act, in part, by reference; and amend the ordinance on infraction on penalties. Refer to Public Safety Committee. g. Personnel Department requests approval of a flexible work scheddle program that includes alternative work schedules and flex-time for employees to accomplish the goals of the Commute Trip Reduction Act. Refer to Finance Committee. h. Personnel Department submits request for periodic reporting of property and casualty claims to the Finance Committee. Refer to Finance Committee. i. Planning and Technical Services Division submits proposed amendments to the Convenience Commercial (CC) Zone to add professional and personal offices not exceeding 3,000 square feet per site as Administrative Conditional Uses. Refer to Planning&Development Committee. j. Planning and Technical Services Division submits proposal to develop an Auto Mall Zone along Grady Way. Refer to Planning& Development Committee and the Planning Commission. k. Transportation Division submits agreement with WSDOT for $272,000 in ISTEA funding for the pre- construction engineering, administration and construction of North 8th Street. The City's share is $43,000. Council concur. (See agenda item 10. for resolution.) - (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) d .d 1. Transportation Division submits proposed interlocal agreement with the Regional Transit Authority (RTA) to conduct commuter rail station area planning work for Phase I of the Regional Transit Plan. Refer to Transportation Committee. 7. INFORMATION ITEMS a. City Clerk submits Quarterly Contract List for April 1 - June 30, 1994. b. City Clerk reports official annual 1994 population for the City of Renton, as of 4/1/94, is 43,970. 8. CORRESPONDENCE a. Letter from Becky& Randy Lemke, 415 Cedar Ave. S., Renton, 98055, et al, requesting clarification of City Code as it applies to the apparent operation of a duplex at 409 Cedar Ave. S. Refer to Administration and to Planning&Development Committee. b. Letter from Michael Creegan, 8055 S. 130th, Seattle, 98178, requesting hook-up to the City's sewer system. Refer to Utilities Committee. c. Letter from Jan Durocher, Facilities Planning Manager for the Renton School District, requesting that Maplewood Heights Elementary be connected to the new City sewer on 138th Avenue SE. Refer to Utilities Committee. 9. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Committee of the Whole: Committees in Schools Program; Restaurant Lease at Airport b. Community Services Committee: Agreement with Boeing for Coulon Park Overflow Parking c. Finance Committee: Utility Billing Cycle Change* (Briefing Only); Council Correspondence; Vouchers d. Planning & Development Committee: Building Permit at 251 Factory Ave N; Massage License Zoning Revision Request; Willing Demonstration Project; CA Zone Amendments*; Boeing Contract Amendment for Longacres Office Park EIS 10. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolution: Agreement with WSDOT for funding for engineering and reconstruction of North 8th Street (see 61.) Ordinances for second reading and adoption: a. Public Safety Bond Issue, 9/20/94 (1st reading 6/27/94) .. b. Mosquito Abatement Program Funding (1st reading 6/27/94) Ordinances for first reading: a. Amending utility interest and penalty charges (see 6.e.) b. Adding light manufacturing and auto body shops to the Arterial Commercial (CA) Zone (see 9.d.) 11. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics - call 277-4430 for recorded information) 12. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT a. Referred 6/6/94 -Motion adopted directing the Administration to pursue alternative#1 for the staircase on Renton Hill with improved safety features, and at the same time refer to the Community Services Committee the subject of connecting Renton Hill with the trail system and the Community Center as shown on alternative #3. 13. AUDIENCE COMMENT 14. ADJOURNMENT (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) 260 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) MUNICIPAL COURT CHAMBERS 6:30 p.m. 1. Cities in Schools Program I Restaurant Lease at Airport 3. Executive Session (Litigation) J 's RENTON iCITY COUNCIL> July 11, 1294 City Clerk's Office Referrals ADMINISTRATION Letter from Becky& Randy Lemke, et al, re: possible illegal duplex at 409 Cedar Ave. S. Investigate cost of renovations occuring at 251 Factory Ave N via independent contractor BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Release of Easement request from Trillium Corp. for SW 34th/East Valley Hwy, RE-94-001 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Cablecasting of Council meetings COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Cities in Schools Program FINANCE COMMITTEE Flexible Work Schedule Program (Flex-Time) Periodic Property and Casualty Claim Reports HUMAN SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE Cities in Schools Program MAYOR/MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Letter of agreement with Boeing for Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park overflow parking Addend. #4 to CAG-91-087 and Addend. #7 to CAG-91-009, re: Boeing Longacres Office Park EIS Agreement with WSDOT for ISTEA funds for N 8th St PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Sec. 4-10-11.B. of City Code (Mining/Excavating/Grading), to consider language change fr "may" to "shall" Convenience Commercial (CC) Zone amendments Auto Mall Zone along Grady Way 50% remodel cost rule PLANNING COMMISSION Auto Mall Zone along Grady Way PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Criminal Code and penalty updates TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Station Area Planning Agreement, Regional Transit Authority Restaurant lease at Municipal Airport (Mindemann's South Shore) Pedestrian access during PACCAR temporary closure of Garden Ave N UTILITIES COMMITTEE Bid opening for Honey Creek Access Road Interim Repair Phase 2, CAG-94-062 Release of Easement request from Trillium Corp. for SW 34th/East Valley Hwy, RE-94-001 Michael Creegan, 8055 S. 130th, Seattle, sewer hook-up request Renton School District sewer hook-up request for Maplewood Heights Elementary PUBLIC HEARINGS 7/18/94 — Street Vacation on SW 16th Street (The Boeing Company/VAC-94-003) 7/25/94— Street Vacation on SW 13th/Maple SW (Pierre/VAC-94-004) 7/25/94 — Marshall/Galusha Annexation zoning (NE 4th/Duvall Ave NE) ORDINANCES FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING Utility Billing Cycle Change (Ist reading 7/11/94) Arterial Commercial (CA) Zone Amendments (Light Manufacturing/Auto Body Shops)(lst reading 7/11/94) 262 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 11, 1994 Renton Municipal Court Monday, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Court Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD STREDICKE, Council President; KATHY KEOLKER- COUNCILMEMBERS WHEELER, RANDY CORMAN, JESSE TANNER, TONI NELSON, TIM SCHLITZER, BOB EDWARDS. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; MIKE KATTERMANN, Planning & Technical Services Director; BOB FULMER, Risk Management Coordinator; NEIL WATTS, Plan Review Supervisor; DAVE TIBBOT, Technical Services Manager; SUE CARLSON, Economic Development Specialist; LIEUTENANT RICK STODDARD, Police Department. PRESS Jean Parietti, Valley Daily News APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL COUNCIL MINUTES APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JUNE 27, 1994, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published Vacation: S 11th St, VAC- in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Clymer opened the public 94-001 hearing to consider the request that the City vacate a portion of South 11th Street between Jones Avenue South and Grant Avenue South (Free, Monaghan, Kunstle, Allen/VAC-94-001). Dave Tibbot, Technical Services Manager, gave a brief background of this vacation request while routing an exhibit made up of several pictures of the area for Council's perusal. He reviewed the objections of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department to the vacation, noting these involve the presence of City-owned and operated utility lines in the proposed vacation area. Both staff and the Board of Public Works recommended that the vacation request be denied as they felt it was not in the long-term interests of the City; however, after reviewing the petition for vacation, the Utilities Committee recommended that it be approved with conditions. Noting that this portion of South 11 th Street is undeveloped, Mr. Tibbot said granting the vacation request would provide approximately 18,300 square feet of property to be divided among the four petitioners. If the vacation is approved, the property to the south of South 11 th has no vested right in the right-of-way. The City Clerk read two letters from vacation petitioners on this issue into the record. The first letter, from William Free, 1012 High Ave. S., stated that the petitioners would agree to any conditions the City felt necessary to maintain access to the water line contained in South 11th Street. The letter added that the petitioners would like to adjust their property lines and improve the appearance of the property with lawn and shrubbery, which could be dug up in the event the City needed access to the water line. The second letter, July 11, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 263 signed by all four petitioners (Donald Monaghan, 1009 High Ave. S.; William Free, 1012 High Ave. S.; Ewald Kunstle, 1015 Jones Ave S.; and Sheila Allen, 1006 Grant Ave S.), stated that the primary purpose behind the vacation request is to allow the petitioners to clean up an unsightly area. The petitioners pledged not to build any structures or plant any trees over the water line contained in South 11 th Street. Responding to Councilman Edwards, Mr. Tibbot confirmed that when the plat was originally divided, the right-of-way was acquired only from the properties on the north side of South 1 I th Street. Therefore, the property to tow the south has no vested right in the right-of-way. Audience comment was invited. Citizen Comment: Don Monaghan, 1009 High Ave. S., Renton, 98055, stated that residents have Monaghan - S 11 th St maintained this property, although City-owned, since 1968. He commented Vacation, VAC-94-001 on the blackberry vines that had proliferated in the past before the petitioners removed them, adding that the petitioners would willingly grant the City an easement to maintain the water line contained in the street. Citizen Comment: Free - S William Free, 1012 High Ave. S., Renton, 98055, noted that the City currently Ilth St Vacation, VAC- has no plans to develop South Ilth Street. He emphasized the maintenance 94-001 that petitioners have performed on this property, including removal of blackberry vines and trash and the mowing of grass they've planted. Pointing out that the petitioners are highly motivated to see that this area is well-kept, he added that they would not object to a strongly-worded easement for City access to the water line. Mr. Free concluded that the petitioners also would not object to the City retaining the intersection of High Ave. S. and S. Ilth St. Citizen Comment: Kunstle Ewald Kunstle, 1015 Jones Ave. S., Renton, 98055, noted his concurrence - S 11 th St Vacation, with the comments of the previous speakers. VAC-94-001 Citizen Comment: Larson Ruth Larson, 714 High Ave. S., Renton, 98055, spoke as president of the law - S 11 th St Vacation, Renton Hill Community Association in support of the proposed vacation, VAC-94-001 saying that Renton Hill residents do not want any through traffic on the Hill. Adding that the petitioners have done a good job of maintaining this property over the years, she asked that Council grant the vacation as requested. Since there was no further comment, it was MOVED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADVANCE TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE REPORT ON THIS ISSUE. CARRIED. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report regarding the request Vacation: S Ilth St, VAC- for street vacation for a portion of South Ilth Street between Grant Avenue 94-001 South and Jones Avenue South (VAC-94-001). Following further review and clarification, the Utilities Committee recommended that it is in the City's best interests to grant the vacation, and it recommended the vacation subject to the following conditions being met: July 11, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 264 1. The petitioners will ensure that easem.ens for an existing watermain and surface water facilities are granted. The wording of the City-held easement is to be as restrictive as deemed necessary to protect the City's interests, and will be reviewed as to legal form by the City Attorney. 2. The petitioners' request for vacation shall contain one twe exclusions. Those portions of South 11 th Street which intersect with High Avenue South and Jones Avenue South will be excluded to allow for operation of the water valves at both intersections. VH4 -vaeatien Fequest-will additionally-exaMe-that-portion-e€-South-444h-Street-which-4ies-wester4y of44te-eastefly-line-a€-6-raat-Aveaxe-Southeix*nded-nor-Oie 1-y-fiem--the south-4ine-o€-the•lariat-o€-H4ghkmdd-Addition-to-a-terfakR o-en-the-seuth lifte-ef-h;et:--2a-ef paid-plat--Th 4s•last-exelitsiea-is-neeressar-y-to-mainta-i*a 60-€oot-wide-A&-e€-wa r-€of4he-sou tefly-eX4ensiOn-e€-Gant-Avenue 8exth.* 3. The petitioners will pay one-half the appraisal value of the right-of-way. 4. Upon Council granting the proposed vacation, the petitioners shall place with the Administrator of Planning/Building/Public Works a $600.00 fee as deposit for securing an appraisal of the subject vacation site. (Also required at the time Council grants the proposed street vacation site is a processing fee in the amount of $250.00). Further, Council should direct the Administrator of Planning/Building/Public Works to obtain an independent appraisal of the fair market value of that portion of the street to be vacated. The cost of the appraisal is to be borne by the applicant. The Utilities Committee chose to recommend approval of the vacation petition because it believed that after listening to and evaluating the petitioners' comments, it is in the best interests of the City to vacate. Presently, at their own expense, the petitioners clear the area of tree stumps and blackberry vines and keep others from using the street right-of-way as a dumping site. The petitioners are seeking the vacation for purposes of beautification of the subject right-of-way. In addition to mowing, the petitioners would like to plant flowers and shrubs. They would prefer improving property they owned, and they have no plans to build anything on the subject right-of-way. They are aware,of the existing watermain and agree that a City-held utility easement is necessary. In addition, as stated in a June 16, 1994 letter to the Mayor and City Councilmembers, if the vacation petition is approved, the petitioners want to consider lot line adjustments for their properties. The recommendation by the Utilities Committee to approve the vacation petition does not concur with the June 1, 1994 recommendation of the Board of Public Works. The Board members agreed with staff to recommend to Council that the vacation be denied based on staff's determination that it is not in the long-range interests of the City. The staff recommendation to deny was based on comments from the Water Utility, Surface Water and Maintenance Divisions: 1. The Utility Systems Division recommended that the subject right-of-way not be vacated because of the existing 8-inch City watermain located within the right-of-way and the possible lack of access for maintenance, repair and operation of the watermain if the vacation were allowed. 2. The Maintenance Division is concerned about the maintenance of a `- natural creek running through the right-of-way. 265 July 11, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 265 3. The Surface Water Utility notes the presence of existing surface water 'facilities and considers the subject right-of-way necessary for future surface water facilities. Direct and immediate access to these facilities is a concern. 4. Puget Power initially asked that no vacation be granted until they secured easement rights. In a June 17, 1994 memo, Puget Power stated it has no facilities affected by the proposed vacation and therefore it does not require easement rights. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.** *Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler questioned the need to exclude from the vacation request that portion of South 11 th Street which lies westerly of the easterly line of Grant Avenue South extended northerly from the south line of the Plat of Highland Addition to a terminus on the south line of Lot 27 of said plat. Noting that the Committee report states this last exclusion is necessary to maintain a 60 foot wide right-of-way for the southerly extension of Grant Avenue South, she questioned why the City would consider it necessary to maintain this portion of the right-of-way. Following receipt of consent from the petitioners to include this portion of South IIth Street in the vacation, it was MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL AMEND THE COMMITTEE REPORT TO STRIKE THIS EXCLUSION FROM THE VACATION. CARRIED. **MAIN MOTION CARRIED AS AMENDED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Doris Alexander, 3209 NE 4th, Renton, 98056, spoke regarding the washout Citizen Comment: that occurred at Alexander's Auction on May 16th of this year during a severe Alexander, D. - Washout rainstorm. Saying that the City's sewer line in this area is inadequate as it at Alexander's Auction ends uphill and drains into gravel, she added that Alexander's has experienced three washout problems since 1990. Noting her interest in obtaining City assistance in repairing the damage incurred by the Auction, she questioned when the City Council will place this issue on its regular agenda for isw discussion. Referring to section 4-10-11 of City Code which contains a portion of the Mining, Excavation and Grading Ordinance, Council President Stredicke noted paragraph B. states that "Engineered grading sites may be required to have a peripheral area a maximum of seventy five feet (75') in width which shall be retained in its natural topographic condition." Mr. Stredicke suggested that the City might want to change the "may" wording in this section to "shall." MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THIS ISSUE TO THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Responding to Mr. Stredicke, Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney, explained that the claim submitted by the Alexanders regarding this matter is being reviewed by himself and by the City's Risk Management Office. He noted the salient question is whether the City knew or should have known that the storm water system was going to fail. While the City has tried to identify a significant source of City negligence or liability in this matter, it has so far been unable to do so, and the claim will likely be denied. iftw July 11 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pane 266 Citizen Comment: Vaupel Versie Vaupel, P.O. Box 755, Renton, 98057, thanked Rod Pfeifle, Vehicle & -CA Zone Amendments Equipment Maintenance Supervisor, for assisting her last week in response to her request for information on the City's purchase of a dump truck. Mrs. Vaupel requested further information from the City regarding its bidding processes. On another subject, Mrs. Vaupel commented on the proposal to add two uses (light manufacturing and auto body and paint shops) to the Arterial Commercial (CA) zone. Saying this zone is already overused, she questioned what type of activity consitutes light manufacturing or minor finishing work. She felt that the proposed ordinance should distinguish between an "auto" and an "automobile," perhaps by limiting vehicles by weight. She disagreed with allowing one person's request to affect a City- wide rezone and suggested that Council reread 4.31.22.B of the City Code which relates to the process for changing uses allowed in City zones. Citizen Comment: Daykin John Daykin, 4213 S. Brandon, Seattle, 98118, spoke as executive director of - Restaurant Lease at "Operation Results," an anti-crime organization he founded in 1990. Noting Airport (Mindemann's) he is an acquaintance of Steve Mindemann, who operates the restaurant at Renton's municipal airport, he urged Council to expedite a remedy to the lease situation at this location and support Mr. Mindemann in his efforts to discourage illicit activities at the restaurant. Citizen Comment: Steve Mindemann, 1011 W. Perimeter Rd., Renton, 98055, suggested that Mindemann - Restaurant Council verify the information received from airport staff on the subject of Lease at Airport the restaurant lease at the airport, saying it may not be accurate. Noting this issue has been going on for well over two years, he urged its resolution. Citizen Comment: Fortun Tryg Fortun, 16019 Inglewood Rd. NE, Bothell, 98011, spoke as the owner of - Building Permit at 251 the building located at 251 Factory Ave. N. regarding the recent controversy Factory Ave N over this building's rehabilitation. Explaining his experience of rehabilitating various buildings in the Puget Sound area, he distributed pictures of several of these as examples of his work. Noting he has a permit for the renovation taking place at 251 Factory, he added that all necessary inspections have been conducted. Mr. Fortun addressed the "50% rule" contained in section 4-31-23.B.2 of City Code, as follows: "A nonconforming building or structure may be altered, improved or reconstructed in compliance . . . with City Code . . . (provided that) the cost of the alterations is not to an extent exceeding an aggregate cost of fifty percent (50%) of the value of the building or structure, unless (it) is changed to a conforming use by the alterations." Mr. Fortun said this provision of the code does not apply to the rehabilitation of 251 Factory Ave. N. since this was an unsafe structure and these are exempted from the rule according to City Code. He posed several questions, asking which costs are included in determining what constitutes 50%, whether this rule is applied per permit or to overall projects, and what is done about cost overruns. He noted other concerns that the rule could encourage demolitions over restorations, or = result in shoddy work. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. At Councilman Tanner's request, item 6.e. was removed for separate consideration. Utility: Honey Creek City Clerk reported bid opening on 6/28/94 for CAG-94-062, Honey Creek Access Interim Repair Access Road Interim Repair Phase 2; 2 bids; engineer's estimate $122,769.13. Phase 2, CAG-94-062 Refer to Utilities Committee. 267 July 11, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 267 Parks: Maplewood Golf City Clerk reported bid opening on 6/22/94 for CAG-94-064, Maplewood Course Cart Path Paving Golf Course Cart Path Paving Project; 3 bids; engineer's estimate $118,760.00; Project, Lakeside and submitted staff recommendation to award the bid to the lowest qualified Industries, CAG-94-064 bidder, Lakeside Industries, in the amount of $101,212.44. Council concur. Release of Easement: SW City Clerk submitted Trillium Corporation request for release of City-held 34th/East Valley Hwy, easement north of SW 34th Street and west of East Valley Highway Trillium Corp. (Burlington Northern Railroad Final Plat/FP-78-176), RE-94-001. Refer to Utilities Committee and to Board of Public Works. i.. Annexation: Development Services Division submitted the King County Boundary Review Marshall/Galusha, NE Board approval of the Marshall/Galusha annexation, 14.1 acres located at 4th/Duvall Ave NE Duvall Ave. NE and NE 4th St., and requested a second public hearing be set on 7/25/94 to consider the recommended zoning to Community Commercial (CB) and Mixed Residential (MR). Council concur. Legal: Criminal Code and Legal Department submitted ordinance changes updating various sections of Penalty Updates the City's criminal code and penalties, specifically to: amend penalties for violations of criminal laws; create an exemption to the leash law for police animals; adopt the Uniform Controlled Substance Act, in part, by reference; and amend the ordinance on infraction on penalties. Refer to Public Safety Committee. Personnel: Flexible Work Personnel Department requested approval of a flexible work schedule program Schedule Program that includes alternative work schedules and flex-time for employees to accomplish the goals of the Commute Trip Reduction Act. Refer to Finance Committee. Personnel: Property and Personnel Department submitted request for periodic reporting of property Casualty Claim Reports and casualty claims to the Finance Committee. Refer to Finance Committee. Planning: CC Zone Planning and Technical Services Divi$ion submitted proposed amendments to Amendments the Convenience Commercial (CC) Zone to add professional and personal offices not exceeding 3,000 square feet per site as Administrative Conditional Uses. Refer to Planning & Development Committee. Planning: Auto Mall Zone, Planning and Technical Services Division submitted proposal to develop an Grady Way Auto Mall Zone along Grady Way. Refer to Planning & Development Committee and the Planning Commission. Transportation: ISTEA Transportation Division submitted agreement with WSDOT for $272,000 in Funding for N 8th St, ISTEA funding for the pre-construction engineering, administration and WSDOT construction of North 8th Street. The City's share is $43,000. Council concur. (See page 272 for resolution.) Transportation: Station Transportation Division submitted proposed interlocal agreement with the Area Planning Agreement, Regional Transit Authority (RTA) to conduct commuter rail station area RTA planning work for Phase I of the Regional Transit Plan. Refer to Transportation Committee. Added Item Development Services Division recommended Council approval of PACCAR's Streets: PACCAR request for eliminating the requirement for pedestrian access along Garden Temporary Closure of Ave. N. during the approved temporary street closure. Refer to Garden Ave N Transportation Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED. CARRIED. Ir July 11 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Paye 268 Separate Consideration Finance and Information Services Department submitted proposed changes in Utility: Billing Cycle the utility billing cycle to enhance billing accuracy and reduce customer Change service requests prompted by the current system. Noting that the Finance Committee had mpt earlier this evening to discuss this item, it was MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADVANCE TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT ON THE UTILITY BILLING CYCLE CHANGE. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending changing Utility: Billing Cycle the current utility billing day composition (collect cycle) from due in 30 days Change with a 15-day grace period to due in 25 days with a 20-day grace period and deletion of interest charges associated with delinquent charges. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 272 for ordinance.) INFORMATION ITEMS City Clerk submitted Quarterly Contract List for April 1 to June 30, 1994; 63 City Clerk: Quarterly contracts executed in the total amount of $8,661,975.56. Contract List, 4/94 to 6/94 City Clerk: Official City Clerk reported the official annual 1994 population for the City of Annual 1994 City Renton, as of 4/1/94, is 43,970. Population CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Becky & Randy Lemke, 415 Cedar Ave. S., Citizen Comment: Lemke Renton, 98055, et al, requesting clarification of City Code as it applies to the - Possible Illegal Duplex apparent operation of a duplex at 409 Cedar Ave. S. MOVED BY Operation at 409 Cedar EDWARDS, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL REFER THIS Ave S CORRESPONDENCE TO THE ADMINISTRATION.* Responding to Council President Stredicke, City Attorney Warren agreed it is difficult to establish the existence of an illegal duplex as the burden is on the City to provide evidence of the violation, and probable cause is required before a search warrant can be obtained for inspecting the premises. *MOTION CARRIED. Executive Assistant Jay Covington offered to report on any legislative efforts that would make it easier for jurisdictions to investigate allegations of illegal duplexes. Planning and Technical Services Director Mike Kattermann agreed to respond to Councilman Tanner's question regarding whether the City is now required by State law to allow accessory units (mother-in-law apartments) in single family areas. Citizen Comment: Creegan Correspondence was read from Michael Creegan, 8055 S. 130th, Seattle, 98178, - Sewer Hook-up Request requesting residential hook-up to the City's sewer system. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Correspondence was read from Jan Durocher, Facilities Planning Manager for Durocher - Renton School the Renton School District, requesting that Maplewood Heights Elementary be District Sewer Hook-up connected to the new City sewer on 138th Avenue SE. MOVED BY Request EDWARDS, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. 269 F July 11, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Paye 269 OLD BUSINESS Council President Stredicke presented a report regarding Mindemann's South Committee of the Whole Shore Restaurant. The Committee of the Whole recommended that Council Airport: Restaurant Lease refer the information provided by Mr. Mindemann to the Transportation (Mindemann's) (Aviation) Committee for consideration and recommendation. The Committee is asked to consider the subjects of rental rates for the restaurant, accessibility from the restaurant to the airport and waterfront, and directional/ informational signs. The Committee is also asked to review these three issues in the broader context of the Airport Master Plan update. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Committee of the Whole Council President Stredicke presented a report regarding the Cities in Schools H&HS: Cities in Schools program. The Committee of the Whole recommended that Council refer the Program subject of financial support for the Renton Cities in Schools program to the Human Services Advisory Committee for a recommendation back to the Council Community Services Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Plannine & Development Acting Planning and Development Committee Chair Corman presented a Committee report regarding the renovation of the building at 251 Factory Ave. N. The Building: Permit at 251 Committee met on June 28, 1994, to consider the Richter/Vaupel complaint Factory Ave N regarding the renovation of the building located at 251 Factory Ave. N. At the Committee meeting, complainants advised Committee members of the nature of the renovation that was being conducted at the subject site. City Code allows that a building undergo construction without the requirement that it meet current codes as long as the cost of construction is less than fifty percent (50%) of the value of the building. City staff had obtained an appraisal from an independent contractor regarding the value of this property, which was approximately $75,000. Complainants, as well as Committee members, found it hard to believe that the nature of the renovation would cost less than fifty percent (50%) of the estimated value of the property. Therefore, it was determined that the Committee recommend to the Council that the Administration direct staff to investigate the cost of renovations at 251 Factory Ave. N. through an independent contractor. This independent evaluation should be expedited as there is construction going on daily, and a report made back to Council as soon as it is completed. W-4t-is-4e-ter-nrixed by-the-f ndepe ndent-oortraetor-th-at-the estimated-eest-o€-t-he--Feaevatiort-woAd be-greater--than-fi#'ty-pereeM+54) e 44fH3•-v$Itie-of-the-Ixxo�fy-a-stop-wor-k er-der--s heald-issu-t-, * Also referred to the Committee was the issue of what process will be used by staff to notify members of the community of such renovation permit requests. However, that issue will remain in Committee at this time. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.** Executive Assistant Jay Covington presented a memo from the Mayor's Office outlining the Administration's concerns on this issue. He explained that the concerns involve: setting a precedent for conducting independent audits of building permit values; the definition of factors to be included in determining the cost of the rehabilitation; obtaining access to the building; and the conflicting priorities of streamlining the City's permitting and regulatory process while protecting and enforcing its statutory and community interests. 270 July 11, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Paye 270 Mr. Covington said the City has treated this permit like any other, and it will continue to inspect this project as regulations require. Councilman Tanner was concerned that the City not appear lax in enforcing its own regulations for the sake of expediting projects. Responding to Mr. Covington's remarks, Councilman Schlitzer said the request of the Planning & Development Committee for an independent cost estimate represents an exception to the City's normal procedures as this project appeared to be a gross violation of the City's regulations. Mr. Schlitzer added that the rehabilitation costs include materials, labor and all necessary permits. He felt that a knowledgable contractor could assess the work from the outside of the building and provide a reasonable determination as to its estimated cost. Mr. Schlitzer concluded that the City is obligated to investigate activities such as this which may be unlawful. Saying that the 50% rule is somewhat arbitrary, Councilman Edwards added that it is the Administration's responsibility to enforce the City's regulations while Council, on the other hand, is responsible for setting policy. Noting the effect on the total cost of the project due to the owner's performing some of the work himself, Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler was concerned about setting a precedent with the proposed investigation of this project and suggested that the Administration voluntarily take it upon itself to determine whether any laws are being violated. She agreed with Mr. Edwards that Council should not become involved in this type of enforcement action. Councilman Corman noted his concerns with the Administration's response on this issue, saying that if the 50% rule is difficult to enforce due to vagueness, perhaps it should be more specifically defined. He questioned the equity of not including work performed by the building's owner as part of the cost of rehabilitation in determining adherence to the 50% rule, saying that those who lack construction skills would be negatively affected by such an interpretation as their projects would necessarily include the cost of hired labor. Reiterating the Administration's commitment to enforcing the City's regulations, Mr. Covington added that the Building Code does not specify the costs to be considered in determining adherence to the 50% rule. *MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL AMEND THE THIRD PARAGRAPH IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT AS FOLLOWS: Therefore, it was determined that the Committee recommend to the Council that the Administration direct staff to investigate the cost of renovations at 251 Factory Ave. N. through an independent contractor. This independent evaluation should be expedited as there is construction going on daily, and a report made back to Council as soon as it is completed. Ii=it-is•deter-mined by-the-independent-oc*tfaetor-that the-estimated eest-o€-flJ&feaevafien-wcxrld be-gr-&Mer--than-fifty-pereem-(-50-0/6}o€-the--velee-of-the-p operty,-a-step-work er-der-sheu4d-iss-ue: CARRIED. **MAIN MOTION TO ADOPT THE COMMITTEE REPORT AS AMENDED CARRIED. Mod July 11, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 271 CAG: 91-087, Boeing Acting Planning and Development Committee Chair Corman presented a Longacres Office Park report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation that Council EIS, Addendum No. 4 authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Addendum No. 4 to the CAG: 91-009, Boeing consultant agreement for preparation of the Boeing Longacres Ofice Park Payment of EIS Services, Environmental Impact Statement (CAG-91-087), and Addendum No. 7 to the Addendum No. 7 agreement between the City of Renton and the Boeing Company for payment of EIS consultant services (CAG-91-009). MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning: CA Zone Acting Planning and Development Committee Chair Corman presented a Amendments (Light report regarding amendments to add two uses to the Arterial Commercial (CA) Manufacturing/Auto Body Zone. The Planning and Development Committee recommended that the Shops) Arterial Commercial (CA) Zone be amended to add two uses under Hearing Examiner conditional uses: 1. Light Manufacturing that includes assembly and warehousing of finished products and prefabricated parts, also including minor finishing work as part of the assembly process. 2. Automobile body shops, including painting, when conducted entirely within an enclosed structure. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. ROLL CALL: 5 ayes (Keolker-Wheeler, Corman, Nelson, Schlitzer, Edwards); 2 nays (Stredicke, Tanner). MOTION CARRIED. (See page 272 for ordinance.) Planning: Home Acting Planning and Development Committee Chair Corman presented a Occupations for Licensed report regarding correspondence from John A. Davy requesting zoning Massage Practitioners revisions to allow licensed massage practitioners to have home-based practices. The Committee recommended that staff prepare an issue paper and recommendation on this request. It is further recommended that staff draft a proposed ordinance making the necessary changes in the zoning code to allow home occupations with limited amounts of client and/or customer visits to a residence. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending approval Finance: Vouchers of Claims Vouchers #113680 - 114115; two wire transfers in the total amount Finance Committee Chair of $2,304,628.08; approval of Payroll Vouchers #127414 - 127823; and 379 Tanner presented a report direct deposits in the total amount of $1,085,633.33. MOVED BY TANNER, Finance: Vouchers SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Community Services Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report regarding the Committee letter of agreement for the use of a Boeing parking lot. The Committee Parks: Agreement with recommended Council concurrence in the staff recommendation to authorize Boeing for Gene Coulon the Mayor to sign a letter of agreement with Boeing to provide overflow Beach Park Overflow parking at Boeing parking lot #6 for use by patrons of Gene Coulon Memorial Parking Beach Park on weekends and holidays. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: July 11 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Paye 272 Resolution #3076 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Transportation: ISTEA interlocal cooperative agreement with the Washington State Department of Funding for N 8th St, Transportation for funding in the amount of $272,000 for engineering and WSDOT reconstruction of North 8th Street. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second reading and adoption: Ordinance #4458 An ordinance was read providing for the submission to the voters of the City Police: Public Safety Bond at a special election to be held therein on September 20, 1994, in conjunction Issue with the State primary election to be held on the same date, of a proposition authorizing the City to incur indebtedness by issuing its general obligation bonds in a par amount not to exceed $14,800,000, payable by annual property tax levies to be made in excess of regular property tax levies, for the purpose of paying the costs of constructing and equipping a public safety building and acquiring real property for related City purposes and to levy those excess property taxes. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #4459 An ordinance was read providing for 1994 budget amendments in the amount Utility: 1994 Mosquito of $23,000 for the mosquito abatement program; 1994 amended budget total is Abatement Program $28,325,837. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 7/18/94 for second reading and adoption: Utility: Billing Cycle An ordinance was read amending Subsections 8-1-8.A.l.a and A.Lb of Changes Chapter 1, Garbage, 8-2-1.A.1 and 1.A.2; 8-4-33.A and B; 8-4-34.A. and 8- 5-16.A and B of Chapter 2, Storm and Surface Water Drainage, of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) of City Code as they relate to utility penalty and interest charges. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 7/18/94. CARRIED. Planning: CA Zone An ordinance was read amending Subsection 4-31-10.4.B.5 of Chapter 31, Amendments (Light Zoning Code, of Title IV (Building Regulations), of City Code by adding light Manufacturing/Auto Body manufacturing and auto body and paint shops to the list of Hearing Examiner Shops) conditional uses in the Arterial Commercial (CA) zone. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 7/18/94.* Councilman Corman was concerned that the proposed ordinance would simply allow "auto body and paint shops" in the CA zone, while the Planning & Development Committee had recommended the approval of "Automobile body shops, including painting, when conducted entirely within an enclosed structure." Councilmember Nelson explained that, under current regulations, these types of business operations must be completely enclosed. Council President Stredicke opposed the ordinance and preferred that these uses be confined to light industrial and manufacturing zones. Mr. Corman responded that these uses will not be allowed outright in the CA zone since a conditional use permit will be required. wo July 11, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 273 Mike Kattermann, Planning & Technical Services Director, explained that the request to add the light manufacturing use to the CA zone came from Harper Engineering, the owner of which has been prevented from expanding his business because it is a legal nonconforming use in the CA zone. Under the Hearing Examiner conditional use process, a public hearing would be held and mitigation measures could be imposed for negative impacts such as noise. Mr. Kattermann added that Harper Engineering primarily assembles small airplane parts, which are fabricated elsewhere. Councilmen Edwards and Tanner suggested it might have been appropriate to !r have held a public hearing on the proposed changes. Council President Stredicke reiterated his opposition to effecting City-wide zoning changes to accommodate specific businesses that could have been accommodated by variances instead. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL AMEND THE ORDINANCE TO INCLUDE THE LANGUAGE CONTAINED IN THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT ON THIS ISSUE; SPECIFICALLY, SECTION 4-31-10.4.b.5.z SHALL READ "Automobile body shops, including painting, when conducted entirely within an enclosed structure." CARRIED. *MAIN MOTION CARRIED TO REFER THE ORDINANCE, AS AMENDED, FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 7/18/94. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CANCEL Council: Cancellation of ITS REGULAR MEETING AND THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 8/8/94 Regular Meeting MEETING SCHEDULED FOR AUGUST 8, 1994. CARRIED. Council: Cablecasting of Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler expressed surprise at a recent staff memo Council Meetings stating that a video production vendor will soon be selected to handle the video taping for broadcasting Council meetings on the government access channel. She said although Council had approved the installation of cable during the current remodel of the Council Chambers so this facility would be cable-ready in the event that Council decided to begin broadcasting its +� meetings, Council has not yet made the decision to spend the funds to do so. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL DIRECT THAT ALL EFFORTS TO SECURE VENDORS FOR THE PURPOSE OF CABLECASTING COUNCIL MEETINGS STOP IMMEDIATELY AND THAT THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE*. Council President Stredicke recalled that Council had previously stated its intention to prepare the Council Chambers for the purpose of televising its meetings. He added that the 3% fee charged to the cable company which was estimated to amount to $470,000 over a five-year period was, in fact, implemented for this specific purpose. *MOTION CARRIED. Building: 50% Remodel MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER Cost Rule THE ISSUE OF THAT,SECTION OF THE CITY CODE THAT ALLOWS REMODELING OF NONCONFORMING STRUCTURES TO COST UP TO 50% OF THE VALUE OF THE BUILDING TO THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. 1r July 11 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 274 CITIZEN COMMENT Marjorie Richter, 300 Meadow Avenue North, Renton 98055, referred to a Citizen Comment: Richter memo dated March 31, 1994 from Development Services Director Jim Hanson - Building Permit at 251 regarding the building overhang onto the public sidewalk at 251 Factory Ave. Factory Ave N N., saying it is clear that this part of the structure is not an eave, awning, or marquee. She emphasized that City policy regarding such issues should be sufficiently clear to enforce. Citizen Comment: Fortun Tryg Fortun, 16019 Inglewood Rd. NE, Bothell, 98011, said as the owner of - Building Permit at 251 the building at 251 Factory Ave. N. he is willing to compromise on the Factory Ave N overhang issue and eliminate the 22" of the building that protrudes into the public right-of-way. Mr. Fortun emphasized that, in his view, this remodel is exempt from the 50% rule because it was an unsafe structure and, due to the remodel, the use will now be conforming rather than non-conforming. He concluded that the Building Department is adequately enforcing the City's regulations with respect to this project. Citizen Comment: Vaupel Versie Vaupel, P.O. Box 755, Renton, 98057, referred to the overhang onto - Building Permit at 251 the public right-of-way at 251 Factory Ave. N., saying there is no such thing Factory Ave N as adverse possession over public property. She interpreted the 50% rule as referring to the value of the improvements made, and commented on the problems experienced on lower Renton Hill and elsewhere in the City with illegal multi-plexes. ADMINISTRATIVE Referred 6/6/94 - Motion adopted directing the Administration to pursue REPORT alternative #1 for the staircase on Renton Hill with improved safety features, WSDOT: 1-405 S-Curve and at the same time refer to the Community Services Committee the subject Project of connecting Renton Hill with the trail system aand the Community Center as shown on alternative #3. Letter from Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman to John Johnson, Washington State Department of Transportation, stating that Council approves of the location of the Cedar Avenue/Mill Avenue staircase but recommends a 48" high guardrail be installed the full length of the staircase with a handrail at 34", and that the gap between the vertical bars be limited to 4" per the Uniform Building Code. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 10:30 p.m. MARILYN E ERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 7/11/94 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 11, 1994 *REVISED* COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 7/18 Public Safety Building Master Plan (Stredicke) 6:30 p.m. COMMUNITY SERVICES TUES., 7/12 Renton Hill Staircase Alternative#3 (Nelson) 3:30 p.m. *5th Floor* FINANCE (Tanner) PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT TUES., 7/12 Comprehensive Plan Amendment (Keolker-Wheeler) 4:00 p.m. Procedure; *5th Floor* Fred Meyer Appeal; Mixed Commercial Zone Amendments (time allowing); Convenience Commercial Zone Amendments (time allowing) PUBLIC SAFETY THURS., 7/14 1994-95 Multi-Jurisdictional Narcotics (Corman) 3:30 p.m. Task Force Grant; Leash Law Amendment for Police Animals TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) MON., 7/18 Street Improvement Standards; (Edwards) 4:00 p.m. BHC Sublease to Northwest Seaplanes; Northwest Seaplanes Operating Permit; Interlocal Agreement with METRO for Station Area Planning; Pedestrian Access during closure of Garden Ave. N. UTILITIES THURS., 7/14 Legal Action Against Washington Natural (Schlitzer) 4:00 p.m. Gas for Watermain Failure; Emergency Sale of Water to Seattle; Honey Creek Access Road Interim Repair Bid Opening; Michael Creegan Sewer Hook-up Request; Senior/Disabled Citizen Discount Rates; Utilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan NOTE:Committee of the Whole meetings are held in Municipal Court Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the 6th floor conference room unless otherwise noted. 276 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL *REVISED* REGULAR MEETING July 18, 1994 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF JULY 11, 1994 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: WSDOT I-405 S-Curve Project Update 5. PUBLIC HEARING: Request for Street Vacation, 7800 block of SW 16th Street (The Boeing Company/VAC-94-003) 6. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME, 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. City Clerk submits petition for vacation of portion of Lake St. extending south from S. 2nd St. to the mid-block of S. 3rd St. (Wagner/VAC-94-005) (Safeway). Refer to Board of Public Works; adopt resolution setting public hearing on 8/15/94. (See agenda item I La. for resolution.) b. City Clerk reports bid opening on 7/07/94 for CAG-94-073, 1994 Chip Seal; 2 bids; engineer's estimate $59,927.25; and submits staff recommendation to award the bid to the lowest bidder, City Transfer Inc., in the amount of$52,665.10. Council concur. c. City Clerk reports bid opening on 7/07/94 for CAG-94-085, 1994 Slurry Seal; 1 bid; engineer's estimate $48,982.05; and submits staff recommendation to award the bid to the only bidder, Blackline, Inc., in the amount of$43,916.56, as staff has determined this bid to be qualified and competitive. Council concur. d. Personnel Department submits revision to 5/09/94 Finance Committee report on classification and compensation changes to correct the salary grade for Publications Secretary from grade 7 to grade 8 as the grade was erroneous in the report. Council concur. e. Transportation Division submits proposed contract with Inca Engineers in the amount of$182,167 for the final design of the Monster Road Bridge replacement project. Total cost for this phase of the design is $200,000, with the City's match being $40,000. Refer to Transportation Committee. 8. INFORMATION ITEM City Clerk submits the 1993 Washington State Audit Report, and notes that no anomalies were found as a result of the annual audit. 9. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Tim& Eileen Bishop, 3629 SE 5th St., Renton, 98058, requesting a safe pedestrian passage across Maple Valley Highway in the vicinity of the new Interpretive Park near Maplewood. (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) .r 10. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. 9. Community Services Committee: Renton Hill Staircase Alternative#3 Planning& Development Committee: Comprehensive Plan Amendment Procedure; Fred Meyer Appeal; Mixed Commercial (CM)Zone amendments; Convenience Commercial (CC) Zone amendments c. Public Safety Committee: 1994-95 Multi-Jurisdictional Narcotics Task Force Grant*; Criminal Code and penalty updates*; Adoption of the Uniform Controlled Substance Act* d. Transportation(Aviation) Committee: Proposed Revisions to Street Standards; BHC Sublease to Northwest Seaplanes;Northwest Seaplanes Operating Permit; Interlocal Agreement with METRO for Station Area Planning*; Pedestrian Access during temporary closure of Garden Ave N low e. Utilities Committee: Legal Action against Washington Natural Gas for Talbot Hill watermain failure; Emergency sale of water to Seattle; Honey Creek Access Road Interim Repair Phase 2 Bid Opening; Michael Creegan sewer hook-up request; Senior/Disabled Citizen Discount Rates*; Utilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan 11. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolutions: a. Setting a public hearing on 8/15/94 to consider street vacation in 7800 block of SW 16th(see 7.a.) b. 1994-95 Multi-Jurisdictional Narcotics Task Force Grant (see 10.c.) c. Regional Transit Authority agreement for station area planning (see 10.d.) Ordinances for second reading and adoption: a. Amending utility interest and penalty charges (1st reading 7/11/94) b. Adding light manufacturing and automobile body shops to the Arterial Commercial (CA)Zone (1st reading 7/11/94) Ordinances for first reading: a. Low-income senior and disabled citizens utility rates (see 10.e.) b. Criminal Code and penalty updates(see 10.c.) C. Adopting the Uniform Controlled Substance Act by Reference (see 10.c.) 12. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics - call 277-4430 for recorded information) 13. AUDIENCE COMMENT 14. ADJOURNMENT t COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) MUNICIPAL COURT CHAMBERS 6:30 p.m. 1. Public Safety Building Master Plan w.r lei..:<' 'lir July 1.8,1994 :: :::::»::;: ..:. ADMINISTRATION Negotiations w/WSDOT re: Renton Hill staircase issue Tim&Eileen Bishop request for pedestrian passage across Maple Valley Highway near Interpretive Park BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Request for street vacation; Lake St. from S. 2nd to S. 3rd (Safeway/VAC-94-005) CITY ATTORNEY Lawsuit against Washington Natural Gas for Talbot Hill watermain failure COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Planning Commission report and recommendations on Comprehensive Plan amendments MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Operating permit for Northwest Seaplanes (LAG-93-004) 1994-95 Multi-Jurisdictional Narcotics Task Force Grant (South County Narcotics Task Force) Agreement with Regional Transit Authority for commuter rail station area planning TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Agreement w/Inca Engineers for Monster Road Bridge replacement project final design PUBLIC HEARINGS 7/25/94 — Street Vacation on SW 13th/Maple SW (Pierre/VAC-94-004) 7/25/94 — Marshall/Galusha Annexation zoning (NE 4th/Duvall Ave NE) 8/01/94 — Comprehensive Plan amendments 8/15/94 — Street Vacation on Lake Ave. S. (Safeway/VAC-94-005) ORDINANCES FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING Low-income senior/disabled citizen utility rates Exempting K-9s from leash law; adopting Uniform Controlled Substance Act Criminal Code and penalty updates RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 18, 1994 Renton Municipal Court Monday, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Court Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD STREDICKE, Council President; KATHY KEOLKER- '"� COUNCILMEMBERS WHEELER, RANDY CORMAN, JESSE TANNER, TONI NELSON, TIM SCHLITZER, BOB EDWARDS. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; MIKE KATTERMANN, Planning & Technical Services Director; NEIL WATTS, Plan Review Supervisor; DAVE TIBBOT, Technical Services Manager; PAUL LUMBERT, Engineering Specialist; RON OLSEN, Utility Systems Director; SONJA FESSER, Engineering Specialist; JAE LEE, Civil Engineer; BEVERLY NELSON GLODE, Personnel Director; SUE CARLSON, Economic Development Specialist; LIEUTENANT BRIAN WILSON, Police Department. PRESS Jean Parietti, Valley Daily News APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL MINUTES COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JULY 11, 1994, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. SPECIAL Joe Scanlon, Project Engineer for the WSDOT 1-405 S-Curve project, gave a PRESENTATION brief update on current activities related to the project, including projected WSDOT: I-405 S-Curve off-ramp and lane closures. Noting that the next major traffic switch is due Project to occur in mid-August, Mr. Scanlon added that, following the re-opening of Renton Ave. S., Cedar Ave. will be closed in October for paving. The S- `� Curve project will be substantially finished by the end of October, with only minor work and clean-up tasks remaining. Council President Stredicke requested information on the decibel levels required to justify the installation of acoustic walls, and Mr. Scanlon offered to provide a response describing the Department's noise standards. Councilman Edwards questioned if and how the proximity of residential homes affects decisions to install these amenities, noting apparent discrepancies in how these are apportioned between jurisdictions. Responding to Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler, Mr. Scanlon said the wall on Cedar Ave. will be installed in the near future, and the project's $1.1 million landscaping will be accomplished via a follow-on contract sometime next year. In response to a question from audience member Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Ave. S., Renton, 98055, Paul Lumbert, Engineering Specialist, said after its completion, Cedar Ave. will be the same width as the bridge. Mr. Lumbert added that the current jersey barriers will be replaced with standard curbs. 280 July 18, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 280 PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published Vacation: 7800 block of in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Clymer opened the public SW 16th St (The Boeing hearing to consider the petition to vacate a portion of Southwest 16th Street in Company/VAC-94-003) approximately the 7800 block (The Boeing Company/VAC-94-003). Dave Tibbot, Technical Services Manager, gave a brief background of the vacation request. The petition requests the vacation of the southerly 15-foot- wide remnant of the old 77th Ave. S. which adjoins the northerly right-of- way margin of SW 16th St. in the approximately 7800 block. The vacation was held in reserve by the City for the future right-of-way needs of SW 16th St. The Board of Public Works concurred with staff in the recommendation that the vacation be approved. Since the subject street right-of-way is no longer needed, the Board of Public Works further recommended that Council consider not requiring Boeing to pay monetarily for the right-of-way with the exception of the fees required to process the vacation. Boeing is also being required to dedicate an additional twenty-foot right-of-way on the south side of SW 16th St. for the purposes of installing future street improvements. Explaining that Boeing is seeking the vacation to maintain a uniform street right-of-way from an ownership standpoint along the northerly right-of-way line of SW 16th St., Mr. Tibbot concluded that the remaining right-of-way would be adequate for roadway needs and purposes for now and in the foreseeable future. Audience comment was invited. Citizen Comment: Andrew Clapham, MS 6H-LT, The Boeing Company, stated the reasons Clapham - SW 16th St Boeing feels the requested street vacation should be approved. He noted that Vacation (The Boeing Boeing recently upgraded 1,000 linear feet of SW 16th St. near its Customer Company/VAC-94-003) Services Training Center, providing a three-lane roadway with curbs, gutters, bike lanes, sidewalks, and street lights even though its property fronts only two-thirds of the improved area. Mr. Clapham concluded by asking that the vacation be granted to ensure clear delineation of ownership and maintenance responsibilities. Since there was no further comment, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL VACATE THE REQUESTED RIGHT-OF-WAY SUBJECT TO THE PROPER TRANSFER AND DEDICATION OF THE NEW RIGHT-OF- WAY AS PROPOSED BY THE APPLICANT. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Don Berry, 3800 SE 22nd Ave., Portland, OR, representing Fred Meyer, Citizen Comment: Berry - requested advancement to the Fred Meyer/Renton Center site appeal (Planning Fred Meyer/Renton and Development Committee report, Old Business). Center Site Appeal MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADVANCE TO THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT ON THIS ISSUE. CARRIED. July 18, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Paw 281 Planning & Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Committee report regarding the appeal of Fred Meyer, Inc. The Planning and Appeal: Fred Development Committee heard this appeal on July 12, 1994. Fred Meyer Meyer/Renton Center, appealed condition nos. 5, 6 and 12 of the Hearing Examiner's report and SA-93-151 decision dated June 6, 1994, File No. LUA-93-151, SA/ECF. Those conditions are individually discussed below. Condition No. 5 (regarding noise complaints) is in error when it states "Reasonable complaints shall not be limited to legal definitions or clinical meter readings." The City has no standards against which to measure noise complaints without legal definitions and clinical meter readings. Therefore those words shall be stricken from the condition and there shall be added the following language: "If there are reasonable complaints, the applicant shall conduct noise tests to determine whether facility operations are in compliance with the City's noise ordinance. If there is a violation of the City's noise ordinance, then the applicant shall take steps to eliminate the violation. If there is no violation of the City's noise ordinance, the applicant shall review its operating procedures to determine if there is a reasonable accommodation that can be made which will lessen the noise impact without unduly impacting the applicant's operations. The review, in such a situation, shall be mandatory, but the alterations to operations shall be voluntary on the part of the applicant." Condition No. 6: This condition requires a restrictive covenant that backup beepers not disturb the residents' reasonable expectation for sleep and that trucks making deliveries to the facility in the evening be equipped with "ambient sensitive backup beepers." This condition is in error. The applicant cannot compel its vendors and others to equip their delivery trucks with this type of device. Additionally, there may be a safety concern if the type of backup warning device is changed from that with which workers are normally familiar. State and federal standards largely determine the type of backup warning device needed. Finally, the term "ambient sensitive backup beepers" is not defined and is �.• ambiguous. For these reasons, condition no. 6 should be stricken and in its place the following language shall be inserted: "Backup beepers shall be installed and operated so as to comply with the City of Renton's noise control regulations." Condition No. 12: This condition requires a restrictive covenant that: (1) except for unusual circumstances, all large truck deliveries shall be between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday; and (2) all waiting trucks shall be queued on the east side of the complex. Apparently this condition is a mitigation condition aimed at minimizing noise from waiting trucks. To the extent that the appeal requests an extension of operating hours from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., it should be unconditionally granted. The City's noise ordinance allows a higher decibel reading until 10:00 p.m. The extension from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. also would have operations continuing during what is traditionally rush-hour, normally a loud time. Additionally, the condition concerning waiting trucks queuing on the east side of the complex can be modified to read as follows: "All waiting trucks which must be kept running and whioh arrive at hours other than 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. or stay after those hours will be queued on the east side of the complex." +�w July 18 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pan 282 The last remaining portion of the appeal of this condition is to permit deliveries one hour earlier, that is, starting at 6:00 a.m. The City's noise control regulations require a ten decibel reduction in permissible noise from that permitted during the normal daytime hours. The applicant has already taken measures to provide noise attenuation including proposing to build a berm with significant landscaping. The applicant should be permitted the opportunity to try and operate within the City's noise control regulations. Therefore, the condition should be changed to reflect hours of operation bewteen 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. However, if there are reasonable noise complaints, the applicant will be required to conduct a noise test to determine whether the truck delivery operations are in compliance with the city's noise ordinance. If a violation is found, the applicant shall be permitted to modify its operations to eliminate the violation. If this proves to be impossible, then the applicant shall limit its truck deliveries by not accepting or making deliveries before 7:00 a.m. The Planning and Development Committee therefore recommended that the Hearing Examiner condition nos. 5, 6 and 12 be modified to read as follows: Condition No. 5: If there are reasonable complaints about noise from neighboring residents, the applicant shall conduct noise tests to determine whether facility operations are in compliance with the City's noise ordinance. If there is a violation of the City's noise ordinance, then the applicant shall take steps to eliminate the violation. If there is no violation of the City's noise ordinance, the applicant shall review its operating procedures to determine if there is a reasonable accommodation that can be made which will lessen the noise impact without unduly impacting the applicant's operations. The review, in such a situation, shall be mandatory, but the alterations to operations shall be voluntary on the part of the applicant. Condition No. 6: Backup beepers shall be installed and operated so as to comply with the City of Renton's noise control regulations. Condition No. 12: The applicant shall execute covenants specifying that: (1) except for unusual circumstances, all large truck deliveries shall be between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday; and (2) all waiting trucks which must be kept running and which arrive at hours other than 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. or stay after those hours will be queued on the east side of the complex. If there are reasonable noise complaints, the applicant will be required to conduct a noise test to determine whether the truck delivery operations are in compliance with the city's noise ordinance. If a violation is found, the applicant shall be permitted to modify its operations to eliminate the violation. If this proves to be impossible, then the applicant shall limit its truck deliveries by not accepting or making deliveries before 7:00 a.m.* MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.** Council President Stredicke expressed concern about allowing deliveries from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. Councilman Corman noted that the City's noise control regulations require that the noise level be ten decibels less at 6:00 a.m. than that permitted at 7:00 a.m. Mr. Corman added that no public testimony was received on this issue. Responding to Mr. Stredicke, Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney, stated that 45 decibels are allowed at 6:00 a.m. and 55 decibels are allowed at 7:00 a.m. w/ July 18, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 283 (as measured from the receiving property line). Mr. Stredicke commented that 6:00 a.m. seemed too early to allow the operation of backup beepers in proximity to a residential area. *At Councilman Tanner's suggestion, it was MOVED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CLARIFY CONDITION NO. 12 BY INCLUDING THE LANGUAGE CONTAINED IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT REGARDING THE PROCEDURE TO BE FOLLOWED IF REASONABLE NOISE COMPLAINTS ARE RECEIVED. CARRIED. i1w **MAIN MOTION CARRIED AS AMENDED. Citizen Comment: Richter Marjorie Richter, 300 Meadow Avenue North, Renton 98055, expressed - Friends of Youth displeasure with the City's response to resident concerns regarding convicted Griffin Home felons and sexual offenders living at the Friends of Youth Griffin Home. Mrs. Richter reiterated her request that the subject of security at the Home be referred to the Police Department to determine its adequacy. Mayor Clymer replied that this subject had been referred to the Police Department, and a report from the Chief of Police was provided to the Council. Citizen Comment: Bryant Bill Bryant, representing Bryant Motors, 1300 Bronson Way N., Renton, - Bryant Motors Parking 98055, commented on the problem of inadequate parking at his business. Mr. Violations Bryant pledged to remove all the vehicles from his nearby motel lot as a temporary solution, even though not using this property for parking will pose a hardship for him, and he emphasized his intention to work with the City to resolve this situation. Citizen Comment: Webb - Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Ave. S., Renton, 98055, expressed hope that the WSDOT 1-405 S-Curve Council would reaffirm its previous decision to construct the Renton Hill Project pedestrian walkway off of the Cedar Avenue bridge. Citizen Comment: Vaupel Versie Vaupel, P.O. Box 755, Renton, 98057, commented on the addition of a - Bryant Motors/Griffin second shift at Bryant Motors about a year and a half ago, and suggested that Home this business would be less intrusive if it were better screened from adjacent properties. Regarding the Griffin Home, Mrs. Vaupel said juveniles who commit adult crimes should be treated as adults. Noting this facility houses convicted felons, she said it is the City's responsibility to ensure reasonable efforts for the safety of its residents. Citizen Comment: Callen - Fred Callen, 300 Renton Ave. S., Renton, 98055, questioned if Council has Mixed Commercial (CM) reached a decision on the proposed changes to the Mixed Commercial (CM) Zone Changes Zone. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADVANCE TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT ON THIS ISSUE. CARRIED. Plannine & Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Committee report recommending the Mixed Commercial (CM) zone be amended to Planning: Mixed include existing single family dwellings under Primary Permitted Uses. Commercial (CM) Zone Development regulations for the CM Zone should be revised to remove the Changes requirement for ground floor retail in all areas but the pedestrian corridors identified in the Downtown Plan. The Committee further recommended extending the parking, landscaping, setback and lot coverage exempt area to July 18 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 284 the lots immediately west of Logan Avenue South between South 2nd Street and Airport Way. This will entail amendments to both the Parking and Zoning Ordinances. The Committee recommended that the ordinance regarding these matters be presented for first reading following the expiration of the environmental review comment and appeal periods. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Responding to Council President Stredicke, Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler said these changes, which will achieve consistency with the adopted Downtown Plan, will retain retail services on the floor level of buildings located in the pedestrian corridor. Mike Kattermann, Planning & Technical Services Director, added that ground floor retail uses will still be required along South 3rd between Main and Burnett, and on Wells Ave. between S. 2nd and Houser Way. *MOTION CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Callen - Fred Callen, 300 Renton Ave. S., Renton, 98055, questioned whether Council WSDOT I-405 S-Curve had reached a decision on the Renton Hill pedestrian walkway issue, noting Project his support for the alternate stairway off of Renton Avenue down to the Narco site since that route is already being used as an informal trail by many. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADVANCE TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT ON THIS ISSUE. CARRIED. Community Services Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a memo from staff on Committee the subject of the Renton Hill staircase alternative #3 (Renton Avenue/Narco WSDOT: I-405 S-Curve trail stairway). The Administration was directed by Council during the June Project 6, 1994 City Council meeting to request that the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) proceed with installation of the staircase from Cedar Avenue down to Mill Avenue, with improved safety features. The Administration responded to this request by sending a letter to WSDOT so advising it of the Council's decision. WSDOT has agreed to construct the t staircase with the requested safety improvements. The Administration was .r also directed by Council on June 6th to present to the Community Services Committee options on extending a trail/stairway from Renton Avenue to the proposed Narco trail system. Options for this trail/stairway were presented before the Community Services Committee on July 12. This item is being returned to the Council without a Committee recommendation. Concern has been expressed by Committee members about the advisability of constructing two stairways, and the Administration shares this concern. However, the Administration stands ready to take action on this issue as directed by Council. Should Council direct the Administration to construct the Renton Avenue to Narco trail stairway, staff recommended that this work be rolled into the WSDOT 1-405 S-Curve landscaping project. This will potentially reduce costs to the City and also help ensure that the structure is incorporated into the landscaping plan. Several plans were provided showing different concepts of the Renton Avenue/Narco trail stairway. The preferred plan shows elongated landings which could be designed to accommodate benches. Since the vertical drop is approximately 64 feet, and the stairway includes around 140 steps, benches would be a needed amenity. A landscaped rendering of the preferred stairway alignment is now available, although this rendering was not provided to the July 18, 1994 Renton Citv Council Minutes Pape 285 Community Services Committee. The drawings provided are schematic in nature, and would be subject to revision in the final design process. Staffs conservative cost estimate for this alignment is in the range of $50,000 to $80,000 (not including the costs of engineering, intermediate lighting or widened landings for benches). By comparison, Atkinson Construction, the State's contractor on the I-405 S-Curve project, has mentioned an estimated cost of $60,000 to $70,000 for the Cedar Avenue staircase in the WSDOT plans. Atkinson has not given staff an exact cost because the staircase is incorporated into several line items of their project bid, and therefore the precise cost is not readily identifiable. Thus, the costs of the two alternatives are roughly the same. Staff has been informed by Atkinson that fabrication of materials for the Cedar Avenue staircase has been underway since the middle of June, 1994. Fabrication was begun after the receipt of the June 9th letter from the City, referenced beforehand. Construction of the staircase is slated for September of this year. Should Council direct the Administration to proceed with the Renton Avenue/Narco trail stairway, staff proposed that a design team be formed consisting of members from the City's Planning/Building/Public Works and Parks Departments, and also from WSDOT. Input should also be sought from the Renton Hill community. A concern that has been expressed is that if this project is rolled into the WSDOT landscaping project for I-405, the cost of the stairway might be deducted from landscape plantings, thereby decreasing the aesthetic value of the approximately $1.1 million landscape project. It is recognized that the proposed design team would need to be sensitive to this issue. Aesthetic concerns must be balanced against the financial commitment which the City may wish to make to this project. WSDOT has informed staff that construction of the landscape project will most probably be in the spring or fall of 1995. Staff is awaiting Council's r.r direction before discussing incorporating the Renton Avenue/Narco trail stairway into the landscape project with WSDOT. Councilman Corman said while he favored the design for the alternate stairway, he was worried about the potential cost to the City of constructing it. He felt it would be unfair to have the funds for this project come out of general City revenues to which all Renton residents contribute, since only Renton Hill residents will benefit. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL DIRECT THE ADMINISTRATION TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS WITH WSDOT TO DETERMINE IF THE STATE IS WILLING TO CONSTRUCT THE ALTERNATE STAIRWAY; IF SO, THE ADMINISTRATION IS ALSO DIRECTED TO DETERMINE THE COST TO THE CITY, IF ANY, THAT WOULD RESULT.* Mr. Corman clarified the intent of the motion is that if WSDOT is amenable to constructing the alternate staircase and the City so decides to proceed, this access will be built instead of the original stairway off of Cedar Avenue. Mr. Corman announced that he personally canvassed those areas of Renton Hill that would be most affected by the proposed stairways to seek resident input on this issue. Of the perhaps 50 households he polled, only five to ten percent favored the original proposal to build a staircase off of Cedar Avenue, rwr July 18 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pan 286 while the vast majority preferred constructing the access down to the proposed Narco trail system. Mr. Corman added that convenience and access to the river and to the Community Center appeared to be primary reasons for this preference, although safety concerns regarding the original stairway were also cited. Commending Mr. Corman for his efforts, Councilman Edwards noted that the alternate staircase seems to offer a slightly greater benefit to a larger number of Renton Hill residents. Council President Stredicke was concerned that the funds for the alternate access not come out of the S-Curve project's landscaping account, and Mr. Corman assured him that, under his proposal, the alternate staircase would be funded from an earlier phase of the S-Curve project and the landscaping funds would not be affected. Councilman Edwards noted that if WSDOT refuses to construct the alternate stairway, the access on Cedar Avenue will be built as planned and originally directed. Councilman Tanner wanted assurance that abandoning the planned staircase would not use up a considerable amount of funds that the State has allocated to this project, as this might result in the City failing to obtain either access. Citizen Comment: Webb - Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Ave. S., Renton, 98055, emphasized that a commitment WSDOT I-405 S-Curve had been made for the original stairway off of Cedar Avenue, and that Project residents had not only requested this access, they had fought for it. Saying this access is considered to be a natural extension of the existing pedestrian corridor and therefore should be preserved, he urged the Council not to substitute a nicety (the stairway to the Narco trail system) for a need (the access off of Cedar Avenue). Councilman Corman said while he appreciated Mr. Webb's efforts to acquire the original stairway, he believed that the pedestrian access would be more useful with the alternate proposal. *MOTION CARRIED AS CLARIFIED TO BE THAT IF WSDOT IS AMENABLE TO CONSTRUCTING THE ALTERNATE STAIRCASE AND THE CITY SO DECIDES TO PROCEED, THIS ACCESS WILL BE BUILT INSTEAD OF THE ORIGINAL STAIRWAY OFF OF CEDAR AVENUE. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Vacation: Lake St City Clerk submitted petition from Richard Wagner, Baylis Brand Wagner (Safeway/VAC-94-005) Architects, Inc., 1750 - 112th Ave. NE, Bellevue, 98004, for vacation of portion of Lake Ave. extending south from S. 2nd St. to the mid-block of S. 3rd St. (Safeway/VAC-94-005). Refer to Board of Public Works; adopt resolution setting public hearing on 8/15/94. (See page 291 for resolution.) CAG: 94-073, 1994 Chip City Clerk reported bid opening on 7/07/94 for CAG-94-073, 1994 Chip Seal; Seal, City Transfer Inc. 2 bids; engineer's estimate $59,927.25; and submitted staff recommendation to award the bid to the lowest bidder, City Transfer Inc., in the amount of $52,665.10. Council concur. ( July 18, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 287 CAG: 94-085, 1994 Slurry City Clerk reported bid opening on 7/07/94 for CAG-94-085, 1994 Slurry Seal, Blackline Inc. Seal; 1 bid; engineer's estimate $48,982.05; and submitted staff recommendation to award the bid to the only bidder, Blackline, Inc., in the amount of $43,916.56, as staff has determined the bid to be qualified and competitive. Council concur. Personnel: Publications Personnel Department submitted revision to the 5/09/94 Finance Committee Secretary Salary Grade report on classification and compensation changes to correct the salary grade Change for Publications Secretary from grade 7 to grade 8 as the grade was erroneous in the report. Council concur. Jnr Transportation: Monster Transportation Division submitted proposed contract with Inca Engineers in Road Bridge Replacement, the amount of $182,167 for the final design of the Monster Road Bridge Inca Engineers replacement project. Total cost for this phase of the design is $200,000, with the City's match being $40,000. Refer to Transportation Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. INFORMATION ITEM City Clerk submitted the 1993 Washington State Audit Report, and noted that City Clerk: 1993 no anomalies were found as a result of the annual audit. Washington State Audit Report CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Tim & Eileen Bishop, 3629 SE 5th St., Renton, Citizen Comment: Bishop 98058, requesting a safe pedestrian skywalk across Maple Valley Highway in - Pedestrian Passage the vicinity of the new Interpretive Park near Maplewood. MOVED BY Across Maple Valley Hwy NELSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE ADMINISTRATION. CARRIED. Mayor Clymer commented that the Administration has, in cooperation with Maplewood residents and the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), already begun to evaluate this problem and seek potential solutions. RECESS MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL WSW RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 9:04 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:10 p.m.; roll was called; all Councilmembers present. OLD BUSINESS Responding to Council President Stredicke, City Attorney Warren explained Building: Bryant Motors that, in the City's experience, issuing multiple citations for a repeated Parking Violations violation usually does not further efforts to resolve the situation underlying the violation. This is why the City is interested in pursuing adjudication in the Bryant Motors case before issuing additional citations. Mr. Stredicke supported enforcement of City ordinances, with fines doubled or otherwise increased for continued and/or multiple violations. Mr. Warren agreed that the City could consider filing an additional charge in this case due to the court delay and to the possibility of ongoing violations, explaining that an additional charge might increase the potential penalty against Bryant Motors. He cautioned, however, that it may not be practical to repeatedly cite the business for continued violations as doing so could overburden the Court. July 18 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 288 Planning & Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Committee report recommending that Council convene a public hearing on August 15, Planning: Convenience 1994 to receive community input regarding the inclusion of office uses under Commercial (CC) Zone Administrative Conditional Use in the Convenience Commercial (CC) zone. Changes (Office Uses) The CC zone was written to include small scale uses to serve the immediate neighborhood only. Since few office uses serve a small geographic market area, adoption of this amendment may alter the intent of the zone. Therefore, the Committee recommended deferring action until after a hearing. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Comprehensive Plan: Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Amendment Process report regarding the Comprehensive Plan amendment process. The Committee considered the following review schedule and the agenda for the public hearing: Review Schedule 7/25 City Council Committee of the Whole 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Planning Commission presentation of recommendations. Staff briefing on major issues. 8/01 City Council public hearing. 8/16 Tentative Committee of the Whole special meeting for deliberations. Discussion of amendments. 8/17 to 9/15 Produce Comprehensive Plan document and new maps for Comprehensive Plan and Zoning. 9/19 Council public hearing on Land Use, Housing, Transportation, CFP and Utilities. Public Hearing, Agenda Text Amendments Area D (North Highlands/East Kennydale) Area F (North Renton/Lake Washington/Kennydale) Area C (Cemetery Road/Highlands/Presidents Park) Area B (Talbot Road) Area A (Green River Industrial Valley) Errata Applications Area G (West Hill/Downtown/Black River Valley) The Committee recommended that: 1) The Planning Commission report be presented to the Committee of the Whole on July 25, 1994; 2) a public hearing before Council be set for August 1, 1994; and 3) the Planning Commission report be referred to the Committee of the Whole for deliberation. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Public Safety Committee Public Safety Committee Chair Corman presented a report regarding the Legal: Criminal Code and amendment to the leash law for police animals. The Committee met on July Penalty Updates 14, 1994, to consider two new ordinances. The first ordinance would amend certain sections of Chapter 3, of Title I; Title VI; and several sections of Chapter 12 of Title X. It was determined by the Committee that these changes were merely housekeeping. The Committee also considered a proposed new ordinance that would amend Chapter 6, Title VI, which would exempt police animals from the City's leash law, and Chapters 12 and 13 of Title VI regarding drug sales and drug July 18, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 289 paraphernalia. It was determined by the Committee that the exemption of police animals from the leash law requirements would allow the police dogs to do their jobs without being in violation of a City ordinance. The changes regarding drug sales and drug paraphernalia were merely housekeeping. Therefore, the Committee recommended that these ordinances be placed on the agenda for first reading. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 292 for ordinances.) Police: 1994-95 Multi- Public Safety Committee Chair Corman presented a report recommending Jurisdictional Narcotics renewal of the Multi-Jurisdictional Narcotics Task Force Program (South King Task Force Grant County Narcotics Task Force). The Committee also recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract documents. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for adoption. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 291 for resolution.) Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report recommending Utility: Lawsuit Against concurrence with the Planning/Building/Public Works Department's Washington Natural Gas recommendation that the City Council authorize the City Attorney to file suit (Talbot Hill Watermain against Washington Natural Gas for compensation for damages to the 16-inch Failure) Talbot Hill watermain. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. CAG: 94-062, Honey Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report recommending Creek Sewer Line Access concurrence in the Utility Systems staffs recommendation that the Honey Road Interim Repair Creek Sewer Line Access Road Interim Repair Phase 2 be awarded to the low Phase 2, Southworth & bidder, Southworth & Sons, Inc., in the amount of $133,590.34. MOVED BY Sons SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utility: Low-Income Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report regarding low-income +r.r Senior/Disabled Citizens senior/disabled citizen utility rates. The Committee has reviewed proposed Rates adjustments to the low-income senior/disabled citizen utility rates. After holding a public hearing, the Committee concurred with the following recommendations regarding low-income senior and disabled citizen utility rates: 1. All recipients of senior/disabled rates will be subject to rate adjustments other customers receive, with the intent of keeping the subsidy level constant. 2. Establish a new, two-tiered utility assistance rate for low-income rates for senior and disabled citizens. 3. Implement the new rates over a ten-year period for existing customers currently on the low-income senior/disabled citizen rate. The intent of this extended implementation period is to avoid severe rate shock to existing customers. 4. Establish newly eligible customers at the rate subsidy as established by this new rate policy, as described below. 5. Adjust the income eligibility annually over the ten-year period, until both single and double occupancy households will have the same two-tiered rate of a 75% subsidy for households with an income of 35% or below the median household income for the City of Renton, and a 40% subsidy for households with an income of 36% to 50% of the median household income for the City of Renton. w► July 18 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pan 290 6. Monitor the overall subsidy from other rate customers (approximately $85,000 in 1994) with the intent to have this subsidy remain at relatively the same level. 7. Apply the low-income senior and disabled citizen utility discount to customers throughout the City's utility service areas, per RCW 74.38.070. The committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be placed on the agenda for first reading. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Responding to Councilman Edwards, Councilman Tanner stated that the low- income senior and disabled citizen rates will be applied across the City limits into Renton's non-resident service areas so that those receiving subsidies outside of the City will pay no more than those receiving subsidies inside the City. Mr. Edwards was concerned that this will lessen the incentive of some non-residents to live within the City's limits, and Mr. Tanner replied that staff had recommended this alternative to simplify the billing procedure. *MOTION CARRIED. (See page 291 for ordinance.) Transportation (Aviation) Transportation (Aviation) Committee Vice Chair Schiltzer presented a report Committee recommending removal of the condition placed on the PACCAR Garden Ave. Transportation: Garden N. street closure approval requiring pedestrian access. The construction area Ave N Temporary Closure will be a hazardous waste treatment site requiring limitations on access by (PACCAR) untrained people. The Transportation Committee recommended that PACCAR and City staff work to restore pedestrian access as soon as possible, within the confines of OSHA requirements and construction limitations. The traffic control plan for the street closure should also include advance warning for pedestrians notifying them of the closure and alternate routes. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation Committee Chair Edwards explained that although he signed the Committee report, he opposes construction projects that do not accommodate pedestrian access. Airport: BHC Inc. Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Edwards presented a report Sublease to NW regarding the sublease by BHC, Inc. to Northwest Seaplanes, Inc. and the Seaplanes/NW Seaplanes operating permit for Northwest Seaplanes, Inc. BHC, Inc. requested that the Operating Permit, LAG- City Council approve the sublease of a portion of the 850 building to 93-004 Northwest Seaplanes, Inc. for use as office area and the operation of an aircraft maintenance facility. Aircraft maintenance will be performed in the east end of the 850 building and will be available to the public, with offices located in the west end of the building for the conduct of sublessee's commercial aircraft services. Since the City does not have a direct lease with Northwest Seaplanes, Inc. for the operation of the aviation-related activities, an operating permit has been prepared. The Transportation Committee recommended that Council: 1) Approve the sublease by BHC, Inc. to Northwest Seaplanes, Inc.; 2) Approve the operating permit between the City and Northwest Seaplanes, Inc. for the use of the 850 building premises for the providing of seaplane maintenance services available to the general public, and the conduct of commercial aircraft services as provided in the permit; and 3) Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the operating permit upon approval by the City Attorney. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. q/ July 18, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 291 Transportation: Station Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Edwards presented a report Area Planning Agreement, recommending that Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Regional Transit interlocal agreement between the City,of Renton and the Regional Transit Authority Authority to conduct station area planning work. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See later this page for resolution.) ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS "W The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: Resolution #3077 A resolution was read setting August 15th, 1994, as the hearing date to Vacation: Lake St consider vacating a portion of Lake Avenue South (Safeway, Inc./VAC-94- (Safeway/VAC-94-005) 005). MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Council President Stredicke asked the Administration to provide a written response before the public hearing as to whether a change in the traffic pattern in this area is anticipated that would require retaining the area to be vacated. Resolution #3078 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign an Police: 1994-95 Multi- agreement between the State of Washington Department of Community Jurisdictional Narcotics Development and the City of Renton for funding for the Multi-Jurisdictional Task Force Grant Narcotics Task Force program for 1994-1995. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3079 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Transportation: Station interlocal agreement between the Regional Transit Authority and the City of Area Planning Agreement, Renton for planning for siting and design of commuter rail stations for the Regional Transit Tacoma-Seattle commuter rail project. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, Authority SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second reading and adoption: Ordinance #4460 An ordinance was read amending Subsections 8-1-8.A.l.a and A.l.b of Utility: Billing Cycle Chapter 1, Garbage, 8-2-1.A.1 and 1.A.2; 8-4-33.A and B; 8-4-34.A. and 8- Changes 5-16.A and B of Chapter 2, Storm and Surface Water Drainage, of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) of City Code as they relate to utility penalty and interest charges. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 7/25/94 for second reading and adoption: Utility: Low-Income An ordinance was read amending Subsection 8-1-9.A.2 of Chapter 1, Garbage; Senior/Disabled Citizens Subsection 8-2-2.G of Chapter 2, Storm and Surface Water Drainage; Rates Subsections 8-4-31.C.1, 3 and 4 of Chapter 4, Water; and Subsection 8-5- 15.13.4 of Chapter 5, Sewers, of Title VIII, Health and Sanitation, of City Code, relating to annual income eligibility thresholds and rates for low-income seniors and disabled customers. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL DIRECT THAT THE LANGUAGE IN THE ORDINANCE REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF LOW-INCOME rn. July 18 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 292 SENIOR/DISABLED CUSTOMER DISCOUNTS BEYOND CITY LIMITS BE CONFIRMED AND, IF NECESSARY, CORRECTED PER THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE REPORT PRIOR TO SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 7/25/94. CARRIED. Legal: Criminal Code and An ordinance was read'amending Section 1-3-1 of Chapter 3, General Penalty Updates Penalty, of Title I (Administrative); Title VI (Police Regulations); and Sections 10-12-25.B. and 10-12-27 of Chapter 12, Traffic Code, of Title X (Traffic), of City Code relating to definition of crimes and penalties for crimes. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 7/25/94. CARRIED. Police: Exempting K-9s An ordinance was read amending Section 6-6-5 of Chapter 6, Animals and from Leash Laws; Fowls at Large, by adding a new subsection exempting police animals from Adopting Uniform regulation; repealing Chapter 13, Drug Sales or Use; and amending Chapter Controlled Substance Act 12, Drug Paraphernalia, of Title VI (Police Regulations) of City Code by adopting the Uniform Controlled Substance Act by reference. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 7/25/94. CARRIED. CITIZEN COMMENT Versie Vaupel, P.O. Box 755, Renton, 98057, asked to be provided with a Citizen Comment: Vaupel copy of the memorandum to Council from Police Chief Wallis regarding the - Friends of Youth Friends of Youth Griffin Home. Griffin Home ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:56 p.m. MARILYN PE ERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 7/18/94 9 No CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 18, 1994 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE TUES., 7/19 Council Economic Development Tour (Stredicke) 3:30 p.m. (City Hall front steps) rn. MON., 7/25 Joint Meeting with the Planning 6:00 p.m. Commission re: the Comprehensive Plan *Senior Center* (Regular Council Meeting will be at 7:30 p.m. at Renton Municipal Court) COMMUNITY SERVICES (Nelson) FINANCE MON., 7/25 Property& Casualty Claims; (Tanner) 5:15 p.m. Employee Alternative Work Schedules *Senior Center* (Flex-time); Council Correspondence; Vouchers PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT (Keolker-Wheeler) PUBLIC SAFETY (Corman) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) (Edwards) UTILITIES (Schlitzer) NOTE:Committee fthe Whole meetings are held in Municipal Court Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the 6th floor conference room unless otherwise noted. 'IIIc' AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING July 25, 1994 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF JULY 18, 1994 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS a. Street Vacation: SW 13th St between Maple& Lind Avenues SW (Pierre/VAC-94-004) b. Marshall/Galusha Annexation zoning, NE 4th St/Duvall Ave NE 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. City Clerk reports bid opening on 7/20/94 for CAG-94-080, Maplewood Golf Course Future Clubhouse and Driving Range site work; 6 bids; engineer's estimate $410,766.20; and submits staff recommendation to award the bid to the lowest bidder, KLB Construction, Inc., in the amount of $353,814.00. Council concur. b. City Clerk submits appeal of Hearing Examiner's decision regarding Lee Short Plat, 3 lots located at NE 10th and Anacortes Ave NE; appeal filed on 7/14/94 by Richard U. Chapin; File No. SP-94-017. Refer to Planning & Development Committee. C. Surface Water Utility Division submits proposed Feasibility Cost Share Agreement (FCSA) in the amount of$798,000 with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for the Cedar River Section 205 Flood Control project to establish the scope, costs and schedule for a study of alternatives to provide flood control along the lower Cedar River channel. The City's share is $399,000. Refer to Utilities Committee. d. Wastewater Utility Division requests a public hearing be scheduled for August 22, 1994 to discuss the adoption of Special Assessment District Nos. 92-05 and 92-13 (Sierra Heights Sanitary Sewers). Council concur. e. Wastewater Utility Division requests a public hearing be scheduled for August 22, 1994 to consider the final assessment roll for LID 335 (Sierra Heights Sanitary Sewers). Council concur. (See agenda item 10. for resolution). f Wastewater Utility Division submits CAG-93-075, CBD Sanitary Sewer Replacement; and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of$2,164.00, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$31,631.91 to King Construction, contractor, if all required releases have been obtained. Staff also requests the transfer of $80,000 from the Park Avenue North sewer interceptor project to this project. Refer to Utilities Committee. 7. INFORMATION ITEM City Clerk submits the annual certification of State highway routes within the Renton city limits, received from the Washington State Department of Transportation. 8. CORRESPONDENCE (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 9. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Finance Committee: Property& Casualty Claims; Employee Alternative Work Schedules; Council Correspondence; Vouchers 10. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolution: Setting a public hearing for 8/22/94 for the final assessment roll of LID 335 (Sierra Heights Sanitary Sewer) (see 6.e.) rr.. Ordinances for second reading and adoption: a. Low-income senior and disabled citizens utility rates (1st reading 7/18/94) b. Criminal Code and penalty updates (1st reading 7/18/94) C. Adopting the Uniform Controlled Substance Act by Reference (1st reading 7/18/94) d. Amending Sign Code for large scale retail businesses (1st reading 6/20/94; SEPA review completed) Ordinances for first reading: a. Adopting the Marshall/Galusha annexation (NE 4th St/Duvall Ave NE) (see 4.b.) b. Adopting the zoning for the Marshall/Galusha annexation (see 4.b.) 1 1. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics - call 277-4430 for recorded information) 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA `ow (Preceding Council Meeting) SENIOR CENTER* 6:00 p.m.* 1. Joint Meeting with the Planning Commission regarding the Comprehensive Plan (*Note meeting location and time change; the Senior Center is located at 211 Burnett Ave S) The Regular Council meeting at 7:30 p.m. will be held in the Renton Municipal Court Chambers, 200 Mill Ave. S., Renton, 98055. 296 .Tuly 25,1994 pity terk OiflticX. e Rf . . &. ADMINISTRATION Formation of citizens' committee to consider comprehensive annexations in the NE Highlands area PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Formation of citizens' committee to consider comprehensive annexations in the NE Highlands area Appeal of Lee Short Plat, NE 10th/Anacortes Ave NE (SHP-94-017) UTILITIES COMMITTEE Agreement with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for Cedar River flood control project Finalization of CAG-93-075, CBD sewer replacement project, and transfer of funds from Park Ave N sewer replacement project to this project Possibility of extending a utility rate discount to low-income senior citizens who live beyond the City limits PUBLIC HEARINGS 8/01/94 — Amendments to the Interim Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan and concurrent zoning 8/15/94 — Street Vacation on Lake Ave. S. (Safeway/VAC-94-005) 8/15/94 — Changes to Arterial Commercial (CA), Convenience Commercial (CC), and Mixed Commercial (CM)Zones 8/22/94 — Sierra Heights sanitary sewers Special Assessment District Nos. 92-05 and 92-13; and final assessment roll for LID 335, Sierra Heights sanitary sewers i RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 25, 1994 Renton Municipal Court Monday, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Court Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD STREDICKE, Council President; KATHY KEOLKER- rr�s COUNCILMEMBERS WHEELER, RANDY CORMAN, JESSE TANNER, TONI NELSON, TIM SCHLITZER. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEMBER BOB EDWARDS. CARRIED. Mr. Edwards arrived at 7:34 p.m. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; DAN KELLOGG, Assistant City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; MIKE KATTERMANN, Planning & Technical Services Director; NEIL WATTS, Plan Review Supervisor; DAVE TIBBOT, Technical Services Manager; RON OLSEN, Utility Systems Director; SONJA FESSER, Engineering Specialist; MARK PYWELL, Senior Planner; MICHAEL BENOIT, Engineering Specialist; SUE CARLSON, Economic Development Specialist; CHIEF ALAN L. WALLIS, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL MINUTES COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JULY 18, 1994, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARINGS This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published Vacation: SW 13th St in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Clymer opened the public (Maple/Lind Aves SW), hearing to consider the petition to vacate a portion of SW 13th Street between VAC-94-004 Maple Avenue SW and Lind Avenue SW, and a portion of Maple Avenue SW between SW 13th and SR-405 (Pierre/VAC-94-004). Dave Tibbot, Technical Services Manager, gave a brief background of this �•r matter, explaining that the applicant is requesting the vacation to consolidate multiple properties into one parcel upon which an automobile dealership is proposed to be built. After considering the petition for vacation, the Board of Public Works concluded that the public will recognize several long-term benefits from its approval, including reduced public exposure to liability and the elimination of public funding for street maintenance. The Board recommended that the vacation be approved with the following conditions: 1. The petitioner will maintain needed easements for existing water mains, stormwater facilities, gas lines, overhead power lines, telephone facilities and telecommunication facilities. 2. The petitioner shall dedicate sufficient property to allow for a 60-foot right-of-way at the intersection of SW 13th Street and Maple Avenue SW. Noting that the vacation would provide an additional 34,638 square feet for the planned auto dealership, Mr. Tibbot reviewed comments received from City departments and select outside agencies--including Puget Power, US West and Washington Natural Gas--regarding the need for various utility easements should the vacation be granted. July 25, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pane 298 Councilman Tanner questioned if Block #27 is part of the property consolidation, but Mr. Tibbot was not able to provide an answer without verification of the parcel's ownership. Responding to Councilman Tanner, Neil Watts, Plan Review Supervisor, said the access to the dealership will be off of Maple and/or SW 12th, but not Lind as the elevation of Lind is too high at this location. Audience comment was invited. Citizen Comment: Tjossem Bob Tjossem, 1313 Market St., Kirkland, 98033, representing Jaime Pierre, - SW 13th St Vacation encouraged Council to approve the vacation as requested. (Maple/Lind Aves SW), VAC-94-004 Since there was no further comment, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE REQUESTED STREET VACATION WITH THE TWO CONDITIONS RECOMMENDED BY THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. CARRIED. Annexation: This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published Marshall/Galusha, NE in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Clymer opened the public 4th/Duvall Ave NE hearing to consider the zoning for the Marshall/Galusha annexation, 14.1 acres located at NE 4th Street and Duvall Avenue NE. Mark Pywell, Senior Planner, gave a brief background of the annexation, noting that the first public hearing to consider the proposed zoning and the 60% annexation petition was held March 21, 1994. On June 9th, the King County Boundary Review Board approved the annexation. Staff recommends that the majority of the annexation area be zoned Community Commercial (CB) with the southernmost parcel zoned Mixed Residential (MR). Responding to Council President Stredicke, Planning & Technical Services Director Mike Kattermann confirmed the existence of a pending request for a Comprehensive Plan and zoning change to the north of this area. Explaining that the proposed zoning would continue the Mixed Residential (MR) buffer around the Community Center (CB) area as recommended by the Planning Commission, Mr. Kattermann added that MR zoning allows detached single- family residences or up to four attached units with no more than ten dwelling units per acre. Audience comment was invited. Citizen Comment: Tom Trudnowski, 13901 SE 139th St., Renton, stated that the prior widening Trudnowski - of the intersection at NE 4th and Duvall has led to increased crime, traffic Marshall/Galusha and pollution in this area. He objected to approval of annexations in a Annexation, NE piecemeal fashion instead of being coordinated, and he expressed concern 4th/Duvall Ave NE about what he perceived to be a declining quality of life for residents in the area. Mr. Trudnowski asked that the proposed multi-family zoning be denied as he opposed the building of more apartments in the Highlands. He was also concerned about the effect.that new development would have on this area's wildlife, given that its natural habitat is steadily being destroyed. 299 July 25, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 299 Citizen Comment: Wilcock Everett Wilcock, 11830 - 164th Ave SE, Renton, agreed with Mr. Trudnowski - Marshall/Galusha that it would be more appropriate to annex areas in a coordinated fashion Annexation, NE rather than one by one. He commented on projects to which residents in this 4th/Duvall Ave NE area have objected, including the Stonegate and Morrison developments. Mr. Wilcock asked that the zoning decision on the subject site be postponed so the entire unincorporated area extending to Renton's urban growth boundary can be reviewed comprehensively in cooperation with interested residents. Since there was no further comment, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. ■.. CARRIED. In response to Council President Stredicke, Mr. Pywell explained that when the Marshal l/Galusha 10% petition for annexation was presented to Council in October of 1993, Council had directed staff to determine whether it would be appropriate to include the southernmost parcel in the annexation effort since the owner of this property had expressed interest in annexing to the City. Subsequently, at the presentation of the 60% annexation petition in March of this year, Council had accepted the MR zoning for the southernmost parcel with the proviso that all properties proposed for MR zoning in this area would be considered during the City's Comprehensive Plan update. Adding that this matter was addressed in the information packet transmitted from the Planning Commission to the Council earlier this evening, Mr. Kattermann said the Planning Commission has recommended that the proposed MR zoning be retained in this area to provide a buffer between the commercial and single family areas. , Responding to Mr. Stredicke, Mr. Kattermann confirmed that multi-family housing up to 20 units per acre can be built in the Community Commercial (CB) zone. Mr. Stredicke opposed annexing the parcel proposed to be zoned MR, saying that Council has not yet had an opportunity to review the Planning Commission's recommendation on this subject. In response to Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler, Mr. Pywell said the current County zoning on this property is single family. Mr. Kattermann added that the property owner has requested MR zoning. Councilman Edwards asked about the process for changing Comprehensive Plan designations in this area, which Mr. Kattermann explained. Noting that Council's acceptance of this annexation and the application of the area's zoning must occur at the same time, Mr. Pywell added that Quality Food Centers, Inc. has postponed a decision on the potential development of a grocery store at this location until the annexation is finalized. Saying that the ordinances regarding this matter could be placed on first reading with second and final reading delayed until August 22, 1994, so Council will have had an opportunity to consider the Comprehensive Plan update, particularly as it pertains to this area, it was MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE PROPOSED ZONING FOR THE MARSHALL/GALUSHA ANNEXATION.* Councilman Corman questioned the propriety of imposing MR zoning on property that is currently single family, and preferred retaining single family zoning to be consistent with the existing County zoning. *MOTION CARRIED. July 25 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 300 Responding to Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler, Mr. Kattermann said Burnstead Development has approached staff with a proposal to annex property it owns to the east of this area. Burnstead has tentatively scheduled a public meeting for August 4, 1994 to solicit public input on this issue. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL DIRECT THAT THE SUGGESTION OF FORMING A CITIZENS' COMMITTEE FOR CONSIDERING ANNEXATIONS IN THIS AREA BE REFERRED TO THE ADMINISTRATION AND TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Versie Vaupel, P.O. Box 755, Renton, 98057, commented on the number of Citizen Comment: Vaupel Comprehensive Plan amendments proposed for the North Renton area, saying - North Renton that considering the large number of lots located in this area, the number of Comprehensive Plan requested changes is not significant. Amendments Citizen Comment: Wilcock Everett Wilcock, 11830 - 164th Ave SE, Renton, asked that the potential - Marshall/Galusha annexation area to be considered by the citizens' group be widened from May Annexation Valley southward as a broader approach is needed to ensure positive input on this issue. Mr. Wilcock was assured this was the intent of the motion to form a citizens' committee. Citizen Comment: Tom Trudnowski, 13901 SE 139th, Renton, urged Council to consider the Trudnowski - effect that high density development and clear-cutting can have on the quality Marshall/Galusha of life for residents. Annexation CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. CAG: 94-080, Maplewood City Clerk reported bid opening on 7/20/94 for CAG-94-080, Maplewood Golf Course Golf Course Future Clubhouse and Driving Range site work; 6 bids; engineer's Clubhouse/Driving Range estimate $410,766.20; and submitted the staff recommendation to award the Site Work, KLB bid to the lowest bidder, KLB Construction, Inc., in the amount of Construction $353,814.00. Council concur. Appeal: Lee Short Plat, City Clerk submitted appeal of the Hearing Examiner's decision regarding the NE 10th/Anacortes Ave Lee Short Plat, 3 lots located at NE 10th and Anacortes Ave NE; appeal filed NE, SHP-94-017 on 7/14/94 by Richard U. Chapin; File No. SHP-94-017. Refer to Planning & Develonment Committee. Utility: Feasibility Cost Surface Water Utility Division submitted proposed Feasibility Cost Share Share Agreement (Cedar Agreement (FCSA) in the amount of $798,000 with the U.S. Army Corps of River Flood Control), Engineers for the Cedar River Section 205 Flood Control project to establish Corps of Engineers the scope, costs and schedule for a study of alternatives to provide flood control along the lower Cedar River channel. The City's share is $399,000. Refer to Utilities Committee. SAD: 92-05, Sierra Wastewater Utility Division requested a public hearing be scheduled for Heights Sanitary Sewers August 22, 1994 to discuss the adoption of Special Assessment District Nos. SAD: 92-13, Sierra 92-05 and 92-13 (Sierra Heights Sanitary Sewers) in the total assessed amount Heights Sanitary Sewers of $359,758.06. Council concur. LID: 335, Sierra Heights Wastewater Utility Division requested a public hearing be scheduled for Sanitary Sewers August 22, 1994 to consider the final assessment roll for LID 335 (Sierra Heights Sanitary Sewers) in the total assessed amount of $293,402.62. Council concur. (See page 301 for resolution.) 301 July 25 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pan 301 CAG: 93-075, CBD Wastewater Utility Division submitted CAG-93-075, CBD Sanitary Sewer Sanitary Sewer Replacement; and requested approval of the project, authorization for final Replacement, King pay estimate in the amount of $2,164.00, commencement of 30-day lien Construction period, and release of retained amount of $31,631.91 to King Construction, Inc., contractor, if all required releases have been obtained. Staff also requested the transfer of $80,000 from the Park Avenue North sewer interceptor project to this project. Refer to Utilities Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL r.. APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. INFORMATION ITEM City Clerk submitted the annual certification of State highway routes within Transportation: WSDOT the Renton city limits, received from the Washington State Department of State Highway Routes Transportation. Annual Certification CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Nicola Robinson, 3110 SE 5th St., Renton, Citizen Comment: 98058, requesting a visual and noise barrier along the north side of SR-169 Robinson - SR-169 bordering the Maplewood community. Visual/Noise Barrier OLD BUSINESS Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending Finance Committee concurrence in the staff recommendation that periodic reporting of property Finance: Property and and casualty claims occur on a quarterly basis; i.e., at the first Finance Casualty Claim Review Committee meeting following January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1 of each year. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Personnel: Flexible Work Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending Schedule Program concurrence in the staff recommendation to implement a flexible work (Employee Flex-Time) schedule program that includes alternative work schedules and flex-time for City of Renton employees to accomplish the goals of the Commute Trip Reduction Act. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, j COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance: Vouchers Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending approval of Claims Vouchers #114116 - 114604; one wire transfer in the amount of $1,573,766.23; approval of Payroll Vouchers #127824 - 128248; and 385 direct deposits in the total amount of $1,101,052.03. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: Resolution #3080 A resolution was read fixing August 22, 1994, for a hearing on the final LID: 335, Sierra Heights assessment roll for Local Improvement District No. 335 in the total assessed Sanitary Sewers amount of $293,402.62, and directing that notice thereof be given in the manner required by law. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second reading and adoption: G SS * 5 F July 25, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 302 Ordinance #4461 An ordinance was read amending Subsection 8-1-9.A.2 of Chapter 1, Garbage; Utility: Low-Income Subsection 8-2-2.G of Chapter 2, Storm and Surface Water Drainage; Senior/Disabled Citizens Subsections 8-4-31.C.1, 3 and 4 and Section 8-4-32 of Chapter 4, Water; and Rates Subsection 8-5-15.D.4 of Chapter 5, Sewers, of Title VIII, Health and Sanitation, of City Code, relating to annual income eligibility thresholds and rates for low-income seniors and disabled customers. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #4462 An ordinance was read amending Section 1-3-1 of Chapter 3, General Legal: Criminal Code and Penalty, of Title I (Administrative); Title VI (Police Regulations); and Sections Sao Penalty Updates 10-12-25.B. and 10-12-27 of Chapter 12, Traffic Code, of Title X (Traffic), of City Code relating to definition of crimes and penalties for crimes. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #4463 An ordinance was read amending Section 6-6-5 of Chapter 6, Animals and Police: Exempting K-9s Fowls at Large, by adding a new subsection exempting police animals from from Leash Laws; regulation; repealing Chapter 13, Drug Sales or Use; and amending Chapter Adopting Uniform 12, Drug Paraphernalia, of Title VI (Police Regulations) of City Code by Controlled Substance Act adopting the Uniform Controlled Substance Act by reference. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #4464 An ordinance was read amending Sections 4-20-12.A and 4-20-12.0 of Planning: Sign Code Chapter 20, Sign Code, of Title IV (Building Regulations) of City Code Change for Large Retail relating to signs for large scale retail businesses. MOVED BY EDWARDS, Businesses SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED.* Responding to Council President Stredicke, Sue Carlson, Economic Development Specialist, said only retail businesses of 450,000 square feet or larger will qualify for the oversized signs under the new Code language. A building or contiguous development of this size requires a site of 40 to 50 acres; by comparison, the Payless site on Rainier Ave. is about 17 acres and the Fred Meyer/Renton Center site is 25 acres on which approximately 311,000 square feet of retail will be developed. Ms. Carlson assured Mr. Stredicke that no site in the City other than that owned by IKEA has currently accumulated enough property to be eligible for the larger signs. *ROLL CALL: SIX AYES (KEOLKER-WHEELER, CORMAN, TANNER, NELSON, SCHLITZER, EDWARDS); ONE NAY (STREDICKE). CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 8/22/94 for second reading and adoption: Annexation: An ordinance was read annexing 14.1 acres located south of NE 4th Street at Marshall/Galusha, NE Duvall Avenue NE in the City of Renton (Marshall/Galusha annexation; File 4th/Duvall Ave NE No. A-93-001). MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 8/22/94. CARRIED. July 25, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 303 Annexation: An ordinance was read establishing the zoning classification of certain Marshall/Galusha Zoning, properties annexed to the City of Renton to CB (Community Commercial) and NE 4th/Duvall Ave NE MR (Mixed Residential) (Marshall/Galusha annexation zoning designation). MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 8/22/94. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER Utility: Rate Discount for TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE THE MEMORANDUM FROM UTILITY Non-Resident Low- SYSTEMS STAFF REGARDING THE POSSIBILITY OF EXTENDING Um Income Seniors DISCOUNT RATES TO NON-RESIDENT LOW-INCOME SENIORS WHO DO NOT QUALIFY FOR THE CITY'S LOW-INCOME ASSISTANCE PROGRAM. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:55 p.m. MARILYN ERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 7/25/94 lir+ 304 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 25, 1994 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 8/01 Municipal Space Master Plan(Briefing) (Stredicke) 6:30 p.m. *Senior Center* COMMUNITY SERVICES TUES., 7/26 Cable Rates (Nelson) 3:30 p.m. *5th Floor* FINANCE (Tanner) PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT TUES., 7/26 Lee Short Plat Appeal; (Keolker-Wheeler) 4:00 p.m. Public Use Suffix (Briefing) *5th Floor* PUBLIC SAFETY THURS., 7/28 *MEETING CANCELLED* (Corman) 3:30 p.m. TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) MON., 8/01 Monster Road Bridge Replacement; (Edwards) 4:00 p.m. Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan UTILITIES THURS., 7/28 Cedar River 205 Flood Control Project; (Schlitzer) 4:00 p.m. CBD Sewer Replacement, Stewart/Mano/Creegan Sewer Hook-up Requests, Utilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan NOTE:Committee of the Whole meetings are held in Municipal Court Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the 6th floor conference room unless otherwise noted. 305 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING August 1, 1994 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL r.. 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF JULY 25, 1994 4. PUBLIC HEARING: Amendments to the Interim Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan with Concurrent Zoning 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Mayor Clymer appoints Judith Bendor as Hearing Examiner Pro Tempore to serve in Fred Kaufinan's absence. Council concur. b. Community Services Department submits CAG-93-102, Houser Terrace Expanded Parking project; and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of$7,959.00, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$669.96 to GMT Inc., contractor, if all required releases have been obtained. Council concur. c. Finance and Information Systems Department requests approval of authorized signatures or depository relationships and electronic fund transfers on behalf of and in the name of the City of Renton. Council concur. (See 9.a. for resolution.) um d. Legal Department requests readoption of the Parks mitigation fee resolution, subsequent to SEPA review, to ensure its validity. Council concur. (See 9.b. for resolution.) e. Planning& Technical Services Division requests a public hearing be scheduled for August 15, 1994, to consider proposed Zoning Code amendments to the Arterial Commercial (CA), Convenience Commercial (CC), and Mixed Commercial (CM) Zones. Council concur. f. Planning & Technical Services Division submits proposed amendments to Renton's Wetlands Ordinance to establish one set of standard wetland buffer widths that would vary depending on the wetland class. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. g. Surface Water Utility Division submits CAG-94-017, NE 5th Place Storm Sewer Replacement project, and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of$98,705.92, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$4,561.27 to Gary Merlino Construction Co., Inc., contractor, if all required releases have been obtained. Council concur. h. Transportation Division requests approval of Addendum No. 3 to LAG-91-005, which would authorize a ten-year lease extension for Northwest Seaplanes. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. i. Water Utility Division requests approval of a three-month closure of Logan Ave S from S Tobin St to S 2nd St from mid-August to mid-November, 1994, to allow the City and The Boeing Company to replace aging and substandard water mains. Refer to Transportation Committee. j. Wastewater Utility Division requests approval of Addendum No. 1 in the amount of$60,106, to Task Order No. 9 for CAG-90-079, RH2 Engineering, to perform an engineering evaluation and to prepare plans and specifications for the Sewer Telemetry and Data Logger Replacement project. Council concur. (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) ■.r 306 k. Wastewater Maintenance Division requests an emergency declarat:- . of the subsidence and collapsed 24-inch storm water line at 625 Rainier Ave. N. to allow immediate excavation and repair. Council concur. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk(*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Community Services Committee: Cable Rates* b. Planning and Development Committee: Lee Short Plat Appeal c. Transportation(Aviation) Committee: Monster Road Bridge replacement d. Utilities Committee: Cedar River 205 Flood Control Project*; CBD Sewer Replacement; Stewart/Mano/Creegan sewer hook-up requests 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolutions: a. Authorizing signatures for banking services (see 6.c.) b. Readopting the Parks mitigation policy and fee (see 6.d.) c. Establishing cable television rates and charges (see 8.a.) d. Cedar River Section 205 Flood Control Project (US Army Corps of Engineers) (see 8.d.) 10, NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics - call 277-4430 for recorded information) 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) SENIOR CENTER* 6:30 p.m. 1. Municipal Space Master Plan (briefing) (*Note meeting location change; the Senior Center is located at 211 Burnett Ave S) The Regular Council meeting at 7:30 p.m. will also be held in the Senior Center. 307 RENTON CITY''COUNCM August 1, 1994, City>Clerk's Office. Referrals ADMINISTRATION Negotiations w/WSDOT re: Renton Hill staircase Letter from Shirley Martin, 105 S Tobin St, re: noise complaint at 97 S Tobin and other complaint at 105 Lake Ave S r.. TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Northwest Seaplanes 10-year lease extension(LAG-91-005) Logan Ave S temporary closure for water main repair MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Agreement with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for Cedar River flood control project PUBLIC HEARINGS 8/15/94 — Street Vacation on Lake Ave. S. (Safeway/VAC-94-005) 8/15/94 — Changes to Arterial Commercial (CA), Convenience Commercial (CC), and Mixed Commercial (CM) Zones 8/22/94 — Sierra Heights sanitary sewers Special Assessment District Nos. 92-05 and 92-13 9/12/94— Final assessment roll for LID 335, Sierra Heights sanitary sewers �r 308 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 1, 1994 Renton Senior Center Monday, 7:30 p.m. Renton, Washington MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD STREDICKE, Council President; BOB EDWARDS, TIM COUNCILMEMBERS SCHLITZER, TONI NELSON, JESSE TANNER, RAND': CORMAN, mod KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; MIKE KATTERMANN, Planning & Technical Services Director; PETER HASOPOPOLOUS, Associate Planner; PAUL COHEN, Senior Planner; RON STRAKA, Civil Engineer; REBECCA LIND, Senior Planner; 1`",EIL WATTS, Plan Review Supervisor; SUE CARLSON, Economic Development Specialist; LIEUTENANT JOE PEACH, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL COUNCIL MINUTES APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JULY 25, 1994, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARINGS This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published Comprehensive Plan: 1994 in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Clymer opened the public Amendments and hearing to consider 102 proposed amendments to the Interim Land Use Concurrent Zoning Element of the Comprehensive Plan and concurrent zoning. Mike Kattermann, Planning & Technical Services Director, noted that the Planning Commission also held a public hearing on these proposed changes and has forwarded its recommendations to Council. Mr. Kattermann added that the purpose of tonight's public hearing is strictly to receive testimony on the proposed changes; the Council will hold a special meeting at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 16th to deliberate on this subject. Final action will be taken later when the Council adopts the Comprehensive Plan. Testimony was invited on each of the following requests: Text Amendments (requests to change wording in Comprehensive Plan policies): #T-1: Allow up to six units per lot in the Single Family/Up to Four Units Mix (SF4) designation with Mixed Residential (MR) zoning. Citizen Comment: Richter Marjorie Richter, 300 Meadow Avenue North, Renton, &A the lots in North - Comprehensive Plan Renton, most of which are 40' to 50' by 100' long, are much too small for six Amendments/Concurrent units per iot. Rezones, #T-1 #T-2: a) Allow theaters and farmers' markets as permitted uses in the Community Commercial (CB) zone; b) Add outdoor recreation as an administrative conditional use in Employment Area - Commercial (EAC) designation with Commercial Office (CO) zoning. No ccmments were received regarding these proposed changes. August 1. 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Paae 309 #T-3: a) Make density only requirement in Planned :neighborhood Residential (PNR); do not include lot size requirement; b) Remove requirement for sidewalks on both sides of street in PNR. Citizen Comment: Campen Lila Campen, 4908 Talbot Rd. S., Renton, supported the proposed changes as - Comprehensive Plan she fest the policies in the PNR zone were overly restrictive and not Amendments/Concurrent conducive to development. Rezones, #T-3 Citizen Comment: Stoloff Correspondence was read from Judy Stolhoff, 2235 Fairview E., Seattle, Comprehensive Plan 98102, supporting the text amendment change as proposed by staff and Amendments/Concurrent explaining this was prompted by an interest in developing property owned by Rezones, #T-3 the Burnsteads on Talbot Road. The letter noted Ms. Stoloff's intention to work with staff and others to make the PNR zone more flexible, and therefore more like traditional neighborhoods. #T-4: a) Allow parking in front yard of multi-family structures in the Mixed Residential (MR) zone; b) Reduce or remove minimum area per dwelling unit in MR; c) Increase allowable impervious surface on pre-existing legal lots in MR. Citizen Comment: Richter Marjorie Richter, 300 Meadow Avenue North, Renton, felt that allowing - Comprehensive Plan parking in the front yard of multi-family structures would be inappropriate in Amendments/Concurrent single family residential areas. Rezones, #T-4 Citizen Comment: South - Randal South, 518 Williams Ave. N., Renton, presented a petition signed by Comprehensive Plan 15 residents of North Renton expressing opposition to proposed Amendments/Concurrent Comprehensive Plan amendment Nos. T-1, T-3, T-4, T-8, T-9 and T-13. Rezones, #T-4 The petition stated that the opposition is based on the desire to: preserve existing single family zoning; limit noise, crime, pollution, congestion; and preserve the tax base of the local school district while not placing additional strain on public services such as police and fire. Citizen Comment: Luckous George Luckous, representing Louis Malesis, explained that the request was rr.. - Comprehensive Plan prompted by the desire to develop a single legal lot into a small multi-family Amendments/Concurrent development. Current regulations allow up to four wiits of multi-family Rezones; #T-4 housing, but each dwelling unit must meet a specific minimum area requirement. Mr. Lucker felt that other restrictions such as limits on lot coverage and the amount of impervious surface allowed would be sufficient controls on such developments. Citizen Comment: Malesis Louis Malesis, 8208 S. 124th St., Seattle, felt it was unlikely that any single - Comprehensive Plan family homes would be built in North Renton, so any new residential units Amendments/Concurrent gained will necessarily be triplexes and fourplexes. Adding that growth is Rezones, #T-4 needed from North 7th to South 7th to combat what he perceived as a state of ongoing decay in this area, he emphasized that new construction would breathe new life into North Renton. Citizen Comment: Ryan - Mary Ryan, PO Box 336, Renton, explained that Mr. Malesis would like to Comprehensive Plan build a multi-family development on Burnett Ave. N.. Emphasizing this is Amendments/Concurrent one single lot, and saying that almost all of downtown Renton is built out, she Rezones, #T-4 added that Mr. Malesis' property is probably one of ten vacant lots in North Renton and one of the very few with a current multi-family designation. #T-6 (Amend Arterial Commercial (CA) zone to include unspecified percentage of offices and administrative space, and unspecified proportion of retail to wholesale to mail order); and #T-7 (Increase allowable accessory 'err August 1 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 310 storage of products from 33% to 50% of gross floor area in the Community Commercial (CB) zone.) No comments were received on these proposed changes. #T-8: Allow duplex construction on pre-existing legal lots under 6,000 square feet in MR. Citizen Comment: Richter Marjorie Richter, 300 Meadow Avenue North, Renton, said duplex - Comprehensive Plan construction on pre-existing legal lots under 6,000 square feet in the MR zone Amendments/Concurrent has already occurred in the 300 block of Meadow Ave. N. where a duplex has Rezones, #T-8 been converted into a fourplex. Citizen Comment: South - Randal South, 518 Williams Ave. S., Renton, opposed the requested change, Comprehensive Plan saying that a certain amount of land is required so people are not made to live Amendments/Concurrent in what he termed claustrophobic situations. He questioned the motives of the Rezones, #T-8 property owners who asked for this change, suggesting they are interested only in extracting a maximum profit per square foot. Mr. South added that zoning decisions should not be based on reasons such as this, but should instead be made in the interests of protecting residents who live in a certain area. #T-9: a) Add recreation vehicle parks as permitted uses in Community Commercial (CB); b) Add recreation vehicle parks as permitted uses in Arterial Commercial (CA); c) Provide for transitional uses in all zones of the City. No comments were received on these proposed changes. #T-11: Eliminate provision of alleys as a part of the predominant street pattern in subdivisions. Citizen Comment: Halinen David Halinen, 10500 NE 8th St., Bellevue, stated he represents several clients - Comprehensive Plan who, although they are interested in developing subdivisions in Renton, are Amendments/Concurrent concerned about the requirement that alleys be part of the predominant street Rezones, #T-1 I pattern. Saying this amounts to double-fronting the lots, he said this would add an unnecessary expense to each of the properties unc.er consideration for development. Mr. Halinen suggested that, in all affected zones, the alley provision should be an option for development rather than a requirement. #T-13: Changes to various policies in SF/4 which guide the MR zone. Citizen Comment: Richter Marjorie Richter, 300 Meadow Avenue North, Renton, protested the proposed - Comprehensive Plan changes to policies in the SF/4 designation and MR zone, emphasizing that Amendments/Concurrent residents want and need resolution of these issues. Rezones, #T-13 Map Amendments (requests to change land use and/or zoning designations): #D-1; north side of 11th Pl. between Monroe & Olympia Avenues NE. Citizen Comment: Evans - Ralph Evans, 3306 NE 11th PI., Renton, representing several homeowners Comprehensive Plan along the north side of NE 11th Pl., supported the Planning Commission Amendments/Concurrent recommendation to approve the requested change from SF/4 and MR to single Rezones, #D-1 family designation with concurrent single family zoning. #D-2; 1160 Camas Ave. NE. 311 August 1, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 311 Citizen Comment: Hogan - Marie Hogan, 3611 High St. NE, Auburn, owner of the property, supported Comprehensive Plan the proposed change in application #T-1 and asked that the existing Amendments/Concurrent designation of single family/up to four units mix (SF/4) with mixed Rezones, #D-2 residential (MR) zoning be changed to multi-family with a concurrent rezone to multi-family infill. Citizen Comment: David Lukowski, 1164 Camas Ave. NE, Renton, owner of the lot next door to Lukowski - Ms. Hogan's property, explained that this street is a 300-foot long cul-de-sac. Comprehensive Plan He questioned how placing additional multi-family units on Ms. Hogan's lot Amendments/Concurrent would benefit neighboring residents, noting he suppo-ts the Planning rr� Rezones, #D-2 Commission recommendation to deny the requested rezone. Responding to Councilman Edwards, Mr. Lukowski said the only access from any development on Ms. Hogan's lot would be off of Camas Ave. NE. Citizen Comment: Fred Wendling, 2331 NE 12th, Renton, also opposed the requested change as Wendling - he felt this property, located on a dead-end street on which many children Comprehensive Plan play, should remain single family. Amendments/Concurrent Rezones, #D-2 Citizen Comment: Secrest Virginia Secrest, 1165 Camas Ave. NE, Renton, also opposed the proposed - Comprehensive Plan rezone from single family. Amendments/Concurrent Rezones, #D-2 #D-3; NE 14th St. just west of Edmonds Ave. NE (vacant site). Citizen Comment: Sheely - Adrian Sheely, 1312 Dayton Ave. NE, Renton, re-submitted a letter originally Comprehensive Plan provided to the City Council in November of 1992 regarding the zoning on Amendments/Concurrent the west side of Edmonds Ave. immediately north of 12th St., as well as a Rezones, #D-3 1981 Hearing Examiner report which concluded that this property should remain single family. Mr. Sheely opposed rezoning these properties from R-1 to SF/4, saying that residents who would be affected by a zoning change object to the continual attempts to rezone this property. Mr. Sheely concluded two that failure to develop this property would be attributable to an economic problem, not a zoning problem. Citizen Comment: Greg Reynolds, 1308 Dayton Ave. NE, Renton, also opposed rezoning this Reynolds - property to multi-family, now or in the future. Comprehensive Plan Amendments/Concurrent Responding to Council President Stredicke, Mr. Kattermann said the City's Rezones, #D-3 regulations currently allow one rezone request per ye-",r per property. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler added this is authorized by the State's Growth Management Act. Citizen Comment: Tim Maxwell, 2305 NE 13th Pl., Renton, agreed that this property should Maxwell - Comprehensive remain single family, in view of the fact that area residents are already Plan impacted by a nearby multi-family development. Amendments/Concurrent Rezones, #D-3 #D-4; 3308-3310 NE Sunset Blvd. No comments were received on this application. #D-5; Edmonds Ave. NE and NE 12th St. (McKnight Middle School). Responding to Council President Stredicke, Mr. Kattermann explained that the Planning Commission did not agree with the staff recommendation for Mixed vow August 1. 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 312 Residentiai zoning on this property. The Commission preferred retaining the Public Use zoning, if possible, or a similar less intense designation such as single family. #F-1; 505 Williams Ave. N. and 912 N. 2nd St. Citizen Comment: Vaupel Correspondence was read from Versie Vaupel, P.O. Box 755, Renton, stating - Comprehensive Plan that the matrix distributed at the City Council Committee of the Whole Amendments/Concurrent meeting which reflected the number of comments received on specific Rezones, #F-1-#F-23 Comprehensive Plan amendment proposals was incorrect. Saying that these numbers should be higher, Mrs. Vaupel emphasized that the large amount of public testimony on these issues indicates the level of concern which North Renton residents have regarding many of the proposed changes. Citizen Comment: Fred Mostoller, 912 N. 2nd St., Renton, said selected areas of North Renton Mostoller - have recently been downzoned from mixed residential to single family, Comprehensive Plan including two of his own properties. Saying he is sincere about aesthetics and Amendments/Concurrent providing comfortable and convenient living spaces, he added that attempts to Rezones, #F-I encourage people to live close to public transportation, parks, health care, shopping, and recreational areas should be promoted. Mr. Mostoller concluded by requesting that the rezones to 912 N. 2nd St. and 505 Williams Ave. N. be approved. Citizen Comment: South - Randal South, 518 Williams Ave. S., Renton, said Williams Ave. S. is already Comprehensive Plan congested and the Fire Department has recommended that this one-way street Amendments/Concurrent be converted into a two-way street. Adding that Williams is probably one of Rezones, #F-1 the most dense streets in all of Renton, Mr. South asked that Council consider the effects to the City's tax base and school system which increasing the density would have. Citizen Comment: Malesis Louis Malesis, 8208 S. 124th St., Seattle, reiterated that unless properties in - Comprehensive Plan this area are allowed to develop into triplexes or fourplex-s, no new Amendments/Concurrent construction will be accomplished. Rezones, #F-1 In response to Councilmember Nelson, Mr. Kattermann explained that the Planning Commission's recommendation that staff draft a Conservation District Overlay for this area was prompted due to the creation of several nonconforming uses in this area by last year's adoption of the Interim Zoning Code. Staff suggested, and the Planning Commission concurred, that some type of overlay such as Neighborhood Conservation be pursued that would address some of those nonconforming uses. Responding to Councilman Edwards, Mr. Kattermann sai3 Class A nonconforming status is conferred only on properties that were legal conforming uses prior to adoption of the Interim Zoning Code. Properties with Class A nonconforming status can rebuild according to their current uses if their present structures are destroyed. Citizen Comment: Ryan - Mary Ryan, PO Box 336, Renton, emphasized that the approval process for Comprehensive Plan Class A nonconforming use status needs to be quick and simple to help Amendments/Concurrent potential buyers obtain financing. Rezones, #F-1 #F-2; 518 Williams Ave. N. Citizen Comment: South - Randal South, 518 Williams Ave. S., Renton, opposed nonconforming uses on Comprehensive Plan his street. He further suggested that zoning changes be limited to every three, Amendments/Concurrent five or ten years rather than every year. Rezones, #F-2 313 August 1, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 313 Citizen Comment: Tonda - Ernie Tonda, 528 Edmonds Ave. NE, Renton, urged approval of his rezone Comprehensive Plan request to multi-family for property located at 518 Williams Ave. N. Amendments/Concurrent Rezones, #F-2 #F-3; 530 and 435 Williams Ave. N. Citizen Comment: South - Randal South, 518 Williams Ave. S., Renton, noted his opposition to this Comprehensive Plan application. Amendments/Concurrent Rezones, #F-3 #F-4; 910-916 N. 5th St. Citizen Comment: South - Randal South, 518 Williams Ave. S., Renton, noted his opposition to this Comprehensive Plan application. Amendments/Concurrent Rezones, #F-4 #F-5; 331 Factory Ave. N. (vacant lot). Citizen Comment: Kelly - Nancy Kelly, 13125 SE 151st, Renton, explained that this property was Comprehensive Plan formerly zoned for a fourplex but has since been do,vnzoned to single family. Amendments/Concurrent She felt there was little chance that the lot would be developed for single Rezones, #F-5 family use, and expected that property taxes would be lowered as a result of the downzone. #F-6; 337 Factory Ave. N. Citizen Comment: Gardner Ronald Gardner, 337 Factory Ave. N., Renton, asked that Council approve his - Comprehensive Plan request for a zoning change back to SF/4 for this site, explaining it is located Amendments/Concurrent within 100 yards of PACCAR, across the street from a commercial garage and Rezones, #F-6 in between current multi-family dwellings. He purchased the property when its zoning was mixed residential, and would not likely improve it unless its zoning is changed from single family. #F-7 (320 Meadow Ave. N.); #F-8 (325 Factory Ave. N.). No comments were received on these applications. #F-9; 311 Factory Ave. N. Citizen Comment: Arnold Mark Arnold, 311 Factory Ave. N., Renton, urged approval of the requested - Comprehensive Plan rezones to Mixed Residential on Factory Ave. N. He said allowing new Amendments/Concurrent construction of fourplexes on this street would bring higher rents and improve Rezones, #F-9 the neighborhood. #F-10; 300 and 300-1/2 Garden Ave. N. and 1304, 1308, 1310 and 1314 N. 3rd St. Citizen Comment: Richter Marge Richter, 300 Meadow Ave. N., Renton, commented on problems - Comprehensive Plan experienced with rental properties in the North Renton area, emphasizing the Amendments/Concurrent City's stated commitment to preserve the single family character of this Rezones, #F-10 neighborhood. Saying that most North Renton residents want this area to remain primarily single family, she disputed the contention that this neighborhood is in transition. #F-11 (1210 and 1212 N. 3rd St.) and #F-13 (829 N 1st St.). No comments were received on these applications. #F-14; 446 Wells Ave. N. �r August 1 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 314 Citizen Comment: Steve Quesenberry, 425 Argyle Ave., Friday Harbor, supported staff's Quesenberry - recommendation to create a conservation zone in the North Renton area. Comprehensive Plan Commenting that achieving Class A nonconforming use status is not a sure Amendments/Concurrent thing, he added that problems with parking and setback requirements would Rezones, #F-14 still affect how structures could be rebuilt. Mr. Quesenberry said creating a conservation district would encourage better maintenar.ce of properties while allowing property owners to secure financing and insurance even for nonconforming uses. #F-15 (537 Williams Ave. N.); #F-16 (Northwest corner of N. 4th St. and Garden Ave. N.); #F-17 (Southwest corner of N. 4th St. and Garden Ave. N./Sartori School site); and #F-18 (303 Factory Ave. N.). No comments were received on these applications. #F-19; 1522 N. Brooks. Citizen Comment: Richter Marge Richter, 300 Meadow Ave. N., Renton, noted her opposition to this - Comprehensive Plan application. Amendments/Concurrent Rezones, #F-19 #F-20; 203 Meadow Ave. N. Citizen Comment: Richter Marge Richter, 300 Meadow Ave. N., Renton, noted her opposition to this - Comprehensive Plan application. Amendments/Concurrent Rezones, #F-20 #F-22; 200, 204 and 214 Park Ave. N. Citizen Comment: Whitney Ruprecht, 2381 Yale Ave. E., Seattle, representing Dr. and Mrs. Ruprecht - Atesher, briefly described the history of these properties, saying they had Comprehensive Plan been commercial since they were developed in the late 1940s. Adding it Amendments/Concurrent would be cost-prohibitive to convert these buildings for residential use, he Rezones, #F-22 asked that the zoning be changed back to commercial. In the alternative,Mr. Ruprecht said the property owners would also support an overlay of a conservation district in this area. #F-23 (Liberty Park); #F-24 (Gene Coulon Park); #F-25 (1300 Lake Washington Blvd. N.); #F-26 (1321 N. 30th St.); #F-28 (713 N. 33rd St.); and #F-30 (865 - 901 Rainier Ave. N.). No comments were received on these applications. #F-31; S. 115th Pl. and 84th Ave. S. (outside City limits). Citizen Comment: Santos - Correspondence was read from Ronnie Santos, 11505 - 84th Ave. S., Seattle, Comprehensive Plan opposing the proposed zoning change at 115th Pl. S. and 84th Ave. S. as he Amendments/Concurrent felt such a change would constitute spot zoning. Rezones, #F-31 Citizen Comment: Fahey - Ellen-Marie.Fahey, 8251 S. 114th, Seattle, said this property is currently Comprehensive Plan single family and should remain so. Amendments/Concurrent Rezones, #F-31 Citizen Comment: Carlton Kenneth Carlton, 8420 S. 115th Pl., Seattle, agreed with Mr. Santos that a - Comprehensive Plan rezone of this property to multi-family would constitute spot zoning as there Amendments/Concurrent is no multi-family within the immediate area. He concurred with the Rezones, #F-31 Planning Commission's recommendation to deny the rezone request. 315 August 1, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 315 Citizen Comment: Doyle - Charles Doyle, 607 Williams Ave. S., Renton, commented on the growth Comprehensive Plan projected for this area over the next few years and the impacts this will have Amendments/Concurrent on the Renton airport and Valley Medical Center, among other businesses and Rezones, #F-31 services. Expressing confidence that Council will continue to ensure the same quality of life and public safety services that have been standard for the City of Renton, he encouraged consideration of the effects that multi-family zoning decisions will have on future residents. RECESS MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL �.. RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 8:47 p.m. At 8:55 p.m. the meeting was reconvened; roll was called; all Councilmembers present. #C-3; 3200-3500 blocks of SE 7th St., Citizen Comment: Phillips Judy Phillips, 3405 SE 7th St., Renton, requested that the Cedar River - Comprehensive Plan Summer Homes site be rezoned back to single family from Resource Amendments/Concurrent Conservation (RC), since residents object to the nonconforming use status of . Rezones, #C-3 their properties. Citizen Comment: Pfeiffer Mavis Pfeiffer, 23831 - 148th Ave. SE, Kent, concurred in the staff - Comprehensive Plan recommendation to rezone these properties back to single family. Amendments/Concurrent Rezones, #C-3 Citizen Comment: Baker - Dale Baker, 3405 SE 7th St., Renton, stated these properties are fully Comprehensive Plan developed, and all the owners wish to have the zoning returned back to single Amendments/Concurrent family. Rezones, #C-3 Citizen Comment: Edith Ravessen, 3321 SE 7th St., Renton, asked that Council return the zoning Ravessen - Comprehensive on these properties back to single family. Plan Amendments/Concurrent Rezones, #C-3 thnr Citizen Comment: Sove - Karen Sove, 3413 SE 7th St., Renton, stated she has lived in this development Comprehensive Plan since 1966 and asked that its zoning be returned to single family. Amendments/Concurrent Rezones, #C-3 #C-4 (south side of Cedar River/former NARCO site). No comments were received on this application. #C-5; 2505 Maple Valley Highway. Citizen Comment: LaRue Phyllis LaRue, 2505 Maple Valley Hwy., Renton, concurred in the Planning - Comprehensive Plan Commission recommendation to approve this requested change to correct a Amendments/Concurrent mapping error. Rezones, #C-5 #C-7; north of Maple Valley Highway and southeast of Mt. Olivet Cemetery (gravel pit). Citizen Comment: Nicola Robinson, 3110 SE 5th St., Renton, re-submitted a letter she had Robinson - originally provided to the Planning Division in February of this year regarding Comprehensive Plan this matter. Noting that the property under consideration borders on the Amendments/Concurrent south side of a conservation zone, she was concerned that the proposed Rezones, #C-7 development not have a negative effect on the existing wildlife habitat. 316 August 1 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 316 #C-8; bounded by NE 3rd St., Monterey Dr. NE , Mt. Olivet Rd. and Blaine Ave. NE. Citizen Comment: Bentley Edwin Bentley, 115 Monterey Pl. NE, Renton, submitted a petition containing - Comprehensive Plan 68 signatures of Monterey Terrace residents concurring with the Planning Amendments/Concurrent Commission's recommendation to deny the requested zoning change from Rezones, #C-8 single family to multi-family. Mr. Bentley explained that any development on this property, which is extremely steep, could affect the stability of the land. Citizen Comment: Ames - Addison Ames, 188 Monterey Pl. NE, Renton, also supported the Planning Comprehensive Plan Commission's denial of this request and suggested the City purchase the Amendments/Concurrent property under consideration. He explained his concert with increasing Rezones, #C-8 traffic problems in this corridor. Citizen Comment: Steve Quesenberry, 425 Argyle Ave., Friday Harbor, agreed that NE 3rd, a Quesenberry - busy arterial street, has fairly steep slopes along its right side which preclude Comprehensive Plan the building of single family residences. The requested zoning change to Amendments/Concurrent multi-family is being sought so the owner can build one or two small Rezones, #C-8 apartment buildings. Mr. Quesenberry said any access from the development would be off of NE 3rd, adding that other multi-family developments exist adjacent to this property. He encouraged Council to consider the geography of this site in making its decision. Citizen Comment: Egan - Brendan Egan, 327 Stevens Ave. SW, Renton, disputed Mr. Quesenberry's Comprehensive Plan contention that, while it would be possible to build multi-family housing on Amendments/Concurrent this site, it would not be possible to build single family homes on the same Rezones, #C-8 property. Citizen Comment: Nancy Jacobson, 170 Monterey Pl. NE, Renton, also supported the Planning Jacobson - Comprehensive Commission's recommendation to deny this application, saying this property Plan has extremely steep terrain and that NE 3rd St. is already dangerous due to Amendments/Concurrent the visibility problem caused by the location of a traffic light beyond a curve Rezones, #C-8 in the road. #C-9; 2800 block of NE 3rd St. on the south side of NE 3rd. Citizen Comment: Dick Petterson, 1401 Lincoln Ave. NE, Renton, supported the staff Petterson - Comprehensive recommendation for light industrial (LI) zoning on this property. Mr. Plan Petterson said because this property is nearly surrounded by light industry, Amendments/Concurrent institutional and business uses, it would not be appropriate for residential Rezones, #C-9 development. Giving examples of current uses in the area, he asked that Council approve the application for LI. Citizen Comment: Brown Larry Brown, 261 SW 41st St., concurred in the staff recommendation to - Comprehensive Plan rezone this property to light industrial instead of mixed residential. He noted Amendments/Concurrent an existing shortage of LI-zoned sites in the City. Rezones, #C-9 #C-10 (3811 NE 3rd St. and the parcel directly to the south). No comments were received on this application. #C-11; the area bounded by the City limits on the west; 140th Ave. SE on the east, and partially by SE 132nd St. on the south. Citizen Comment: Paul Lindberg, 13836 SE 131st, Renton, representing five lots in this area, Lindberg - Comprehensive asked tnat rural atmosphere be preserved and that these properties not be Plan rezoned to allow multi-family. He opposed any changes, including rezoning Amendments/Concurrent or the installation of sewers, that would increase the density in this area. Rezones, #C-11 317 i August 1. 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 317 Citizen Comment: Goeres Karl Goeres, 13116 - 138th Ave. SE, Renton, presented two letters, one from - Comprehensive Plan Michael & Linda Hampshire and Clara Hagerman, and another from Donald & Amendments/Concurrent Mary Ellen Hamblin, emphasizing that these property owners want single Rezones, #C-11 family designations and zoning only for this area. Mr. Goeres noted there are currently no multi-family uses in this area. #C-12; the northwest and northeast corners of SE 1:8th St. and 142nd Ave. SE. Citizen Comment: Dan Meddaugh, 14013 SE 128th St., Renton, stated he does not want Meddaugh - condominiums built on this property but would prefer low-density single Comprehensive Plan family homes. Amendments/Concurrent Rezones, #C-12 #C-14 (408 Grandey Way) and #C-17 (850 and 870 Monroe Ave. NE). No comments were received on these applications. #C-18; the area bounded by May Creek on the south, the City limits on the east, and by NE 33rd St. (unopened) on the north. Citizen Comment: Correspondence was read from Jim and Jeanie Beckwith, 326 Edmonds Ave. Beckwith - NE, Renton, opposing the requested zoning change and citing concerns such Comprehensive Plan as preserving the area's wildlife as well as the quality of life currently enjoyed Amendments/Concurrent by neighboring residents. Rezones, #C-18 Citizen Comment: Pearson Correspondence was read from William N. Pearson, 3330 Edmonds Ave. NE, - Comprehensive Plan Renton, opposing the requested change in zoning from one home per ten acres Amendments/Concurrent to one home per acre. Mr. Pearson expressed concern regarding the steep Rezones, #C-18 slopes in this area and the potential for contamination of May Creek. Citizen Comment: Correspondence was read from Dawn and Mike Anderson, 3336 Edmonds Anderson - Ave. NE, Renton, opposing the requested rezone, cit'.ng concerns such as the Comprehensive Plan property's steep slopes and the existence of wildlife in the area. Mr. and Mrs. ■.. Amendments/Concurrent Anderson feared that an increase in the number of homes per acre on this Rezones, #C-18 property would result in excessive tree cutting and the need to build more roads and install septic systems, which would erode the hillside and possibly pollute May Creek and its feeder stream. Citizen Comment: Mapili Chuck Mapili, 4309 SE 1st Pl., Renton, agreed that the zoning on this - Comprehensive Plan property should not be changed. He cited concerns with increased runoff Amendments/Concurrent from the hill, and with preserving the abundant wildlife surrounding May Rezones, #C-18 Creek. Citizen Comment: Jeanie Beckwith, 3326 Edmonds Ave. NE, Renton, concurred with the Beckwith - Planning Commission's recommendation to deny this rezone request. Comprehensive Plan Amendments/Concurrent Rezones, #C-18 Citizen Comment: Mike Anderson, 3336 Edmonds Ave. NE, Renton, also supported a denial of Anderson - this rezone request. Comprehensive Plan Amendments/Concurrent Rezones, #C-18 August 1 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 318 Citizen Comment: Paul Clements, 11431 SE 89th Pl., Renton, also supported the Planning Clements - Comprehensive Commission's recommendation to deny this rezone request, citing concerns Plan such as this property's steep terrain and the need for massive grading should Amendments/Concurrent new roads have to be constructed in this area. He commented on the Rezones, #C-18 importance of preserving wild places for animals and human residents as well. Citizen Comment: Ayers - Marilyn Ayers, 728 S. 231st St., Des Moines, property owner of 3429 Lincoln Comprehensive Plan Dr. NE, Renton, also supported a denial of this rezone request, noting her Amendments/Concurrent enjoyment of this area's quiet and its wildlife. She cautioned that the Rezones, #C-18 character of the soil in this area is very soft. Now #C-19 (King County Health Department building on NE 3rd) and #C-20 (the southeast corner of NE 4th St. and Monroe Ave. NE/funeral home). No comments were received on these applications. #B-2; 4827 Talbot Rd. S. Citizen Comment: Thorpe Correspondence was read from Robert W. Thorpe and Gareth V. Roe, R.W. - Comprehensive Plan Thorpe & Associates, Inc., 705 Second Ave., Seattle, asking that the 1.69 acre Amendments/Concurrent parcel located at 4827 Talbot Road be designated as Employment Area Office Rezones, #13-2 (EAO) and rezoned Commercial Office (CO) as the owner wishes to construct a medical/dental clinic at this site. Citizen Comment: Dr. Mark McDaniels, 23028 - 130th Pl. SE, Kent, owner of the parcel located McDaniels - at 4827 Talbot Road, Renton, asked that Council review his specific Comprehensive Plan application regarding this rezone request before making a final decision. He Amendments/Concurrent commented on the PNR zone and the problems experienced by the smaller Rezones, #B-2 landowners in this zone, suggesting these would be best alleviated by a rezone to Commercial Office (CO). #B-3; 851 Carr Road. Citizen Comment: Taylor Kirman Taylor, 344 - 18th Ave. E., Seattle, appreciated the Planning - Comprehensive Plan Commission's recognition of the need for professional office services in this Amendments/Concurrent area. Mr. Taylor added that the site characteristics have clearly demonstrated Rezones, #13-3 that this use has no adverse impacts on neighboring properties. #B-4 (between the Valley freeway and Talbot Rd. S. north of S. 192nd St.). No comments were received on this application. #B-5; 614 and 618 S. 15th St. Citizen Comment: Robert Vanderford, 5021 Ripley Lane N., Renton, suggested that approving Vanderford - this rezone request to allow duplexes would result in capital improvements Comprehensive Plan being made that would enhance these properties and be advantageous for the Amendments/Concurrent neighborhood. Rezones, #B-5 Citizen Comment: Greg Halstead, 420 S. 15th St., Renton, asked that the rezone request be Halstead - Comprehensive denied and the existing single family zoning retained. He said that increasing Plan the density would add to traffic and parking problems and bring residents Amendments/Concurrent who would not be as committed to the neighborhood as those who currently Rezones, #13-5 live there. Citizen Comment: Zahn - Dwain Zahn, 513 S. 15th St., Renton, also asked that this request be denied Comprehensive Plan per the Planning Commission's recommendation. Amendments/Concurrent Rezones, #B-5 319 August 1. 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 319 #B-6; east of Benson Road between s. 27th St. and S. 29th St. and west of Benson Rd. between S. 27th St. and SE 166th St. Citizen Comment: - Correspondence was read from Doug and Susan Goods, 16602 - 106th Ave. Comprehensive Plan SE, Renton, urging Council to deny the requested rez)ne to multi-family as Amendments/Concurrent they did not want to be affected by the high traffic volumes and increased Rezones, #B-6 crime rates associated with this use. Citizen Comment: Butler - Don Butler, 10502 SE 166th St., Renton, asked that this rezone request be Comprehensive Plan denied in accordance with the Planning Commission recommendation. ftw Amendments/Concurrent Rezones, #B-6 Citizen Comment: Oakes - Robin Oakes, 16612 - 106th Ave. SE., Renton, also asked that this rezone Comprehensive Plan request be denied, noting this property is entirely surrounded by single family Amendments/Concurrent neighborhoods and several schools. She added that tfaffic in this area is Rezones, #B-6 already a problem, particularly traffic cutting through the neighborhoods, and expressed concern that allowing multi-family use would result in increased crime and transient residents. Citizen Comment: Moeller Lorraine Moeller, 16606 - 106th Ave. SE, Renton, asked that this zoning - Comprehensive Plan remain single family and that the rezone request be denied. Amendments/Concurrent Rezones, #B-6 Citizen Comment: Oakes - Steve Oakes, 16612 - 106th Ave. SE, Renton, also asked that this rezone Comprehensive Plan request be denied. Amendments/Concurrent Rezones, #B-6 #B-7; east side of the Winsper annexation, west of 104th Ave. SE (outside City limits). Citizen Comment: Johnson Richard Johnson, 10032 SE 169th Pl., Renton, representing the Winsper - Comprehensive Pian Homeowners Association, asked that the Planning Commission's Amendments/Concurrent recommendation be approved to maintain the majority of single family Rezones, #B-7 housing in this area and limit the multi-family growth. #B-8 (2116 Talbot Road S.); #A-1 (bounded by SW 23rd, SW Lind, SW 27th and East Valley Road); #A-2 (Green River Valley/soath end of Raymond Ave.); #A-4 (bounded by SW Lind, SW 21st and SW 23rd); #A-5 (2233 East Valley Road); and #E-2 (420 SW Sunset Blvd.). No comments were received on these applications. #E-6; southwest corner of NE 43rd St. and Lincoln Ave. NE. Citizen Comment: Roger Urbaniak, 4112 - 78th SE, Mercer Island, exp!ained the proposal to Urbaniak - build a driving range at this location, saying this would constitute a desirable Comprehensive Plan use of this property. Amendments/Concurrent Rezones, #E-6 #E-12 (west side of East Valley Road north of 41st St.) and #E-19 (Renton Village Shopping Center/S. Grady Way and Shattuck). No comments were received on these applications. #E-20; two parcels north of SW Victoria St. between Hardie Ave. SW and Hayes Ave. SW. mow August 1 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 320 Citizen Comment: Rand - Larry Rand, 1204 NE 105th Pl., Seattle, stated it is imperative that the Comprehensive Plan property owners construct a multi-family development on this site. Adding Amendments/Concurrent that this property was already downzoned to Mixed Residential, and now the Rezones, #E-20 Planning Commission is recommending Arterial Commercial (CA), Mr. Rand said it was his understanding that CA zoning would allow multi-family development up to 20 units per acre. He requested a bonus for developing multi-family which would allow the owner to construct up to eleven units on this site. Citizen Comment: Steiner Fred Steiner, 321 Rainier Ave. S., Renton, asked that Council approve the - Comprehensive Plan staff recommendation and that he be involved in any changes to R-12.1 and Amendments/Concurrent R-12.3, which affect development bonuses. Rezones, #E-20 #E-21; property along the north side of NE 12th St., two parcels west of Union Ave. NE. Citizen Comment: Dalpay Jim Dalpay, PO Box 2436, Renton, 98056, briefly reviewed the history of - Comprehensive Plan zoning on this property, saying that zoning should be imposed which would Amendments/Concurrent place Neighborhood Commercial (CN) on the north half and Mixed Rezones, #E-21 Residential (MR) on the south half. Citizen Comment: Nick Petruska, 1174 Shelton Ave. NE, Renton, supported the Planning Petruska - Comprehensive Commission's recommendation that this property be zoned single family. Mr. Plan Patruska also asked that Council deny the application *.'E-24 that seeks to Amendments/Concurrent change the single family zoning of property at 3722 NE 12th St. Rezones, #E-21 Citizen Comment: Wood - Lawrence Wood, 1155 Shelton Ave. NE, Renton, also asked that single family Comprehensive Plan zoning be approved for this property as well as for that to be considered Amendments/Concurrent under #E-24. Mr. Wood commented on the influx of multi-family Rezones, #E-21 developments in the surrounding area and on residents' concerns with increasing traffic on NE 12th. Citizen Comment: Goble - Edwin Goble, 3924 NE 12th St., Renton, objected to single family zoning for Comprehensive Plan this property. Amendments/Concurrent Rezones, #E-21 Citizen Comment: Lewis Woodcock, 3916 NE 12th St., Renton, also opposed single family zoning Woodcock - for this property, saying this would more appropriately be zoned for multi- Comprehensive Plan family due to noise from nearby Sunset Boulevard. Amendments/Concurrent Rezones, #E-21 Citizen Comment: Peter Turnbull, 1316 Queen Ave. NE, Renton, opposed any zoning other than Turnbull - Comprehensive single family for this property. Noting his primary concern is the potential Plan for increased traffic on NE 12th, which has no sidewalks, he was also Amendments/Concurrent concerned with commercial uses along Sunset Boulevard. Rezones, #E-21 #E-24; 3722 NE 12th St. Citizen Comment: Peter Turnbull, 1316 Queen Ave. NE, Renton, opposed the requested rezone Turnbull - Comprehensive from single family to either multi-family or commercial, and.noted the Plan predominant single family uses in the area. Amendments/Concurrent Rezones, #E-24 #E-43; 1150 Raymond Ave. SW. 321 August 1. 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 321 Citizen Comment: Correspondence was read from Dr. Charles Divelbiss, 4300 Talbot Rd. S., Divelbiss - Comprehensive Renton, concurring with the staff recommendation that the property at 1150 Plan Raymond Ave. SW be zoned to allow the current Industrial Medium (IM) Amendments/Concurrent activities. Rezones, #E-43 #G-2 (northeast corner of Oakesdale Ave. SW and SW Grady Way); #G-15 (southwest corner of SW Grady Way and Oakesdale Ave. SW); and #G-18 (northwest and northeast corners of S.'Grady way and Burnett Ave. S.) Citizen Comment: Boyd - Bob Boyd, 14101 Serene Way, Lynnwood, stated that chis property is 90% Comprehensive Plan impacted by high-voltage power lines which constrain potential development. Amendments/Concurrent He felt that if the zoning remains Commercial Office, it will stay an Rezones, #G-2, #G-15 undeveloped eyesore; however, if it were changed to Arterial Commercial and #G-18 (CA) as requested, it could be developed and provide an economic benefit to the City. Mr. Boyd also spoke to #G-15 and #G-18, sites owned by Western Pacific and Puget Western, Inc., for which the owners are also requesting CA zoning. Councilman Edwards asked for more information on the Planning Commission's recommendation to deny these requests, and Mr. Kattermann noted that the minutes from the Commission's meetings on this subject will be available. #G-3; 808 SW 4th Pl. Citizen Comment: Correspondence was read from Richard and Elvalene Hayward, 916 SW 4th Hayward - Comprehensive Pl., Renton, asking that Council retain single family zoning at 808 SW 4th Pl. Plan as it was important to them that their neighborhood of relative safety and Amendments/Concurrent good family values be preserved. Rezones, #G-3 Citizen Comment: Tharp - Correspondence was read from Juliet R. Tharp, 359 Thomas Ave. SW, Renton, Comprehensive Plan protesting the proposed rezone as she feared that the character, vitality and Amendments/Concurrent appearance of her Earlington Hill neighborhood would be negatively affected Rezones, #G-3 should the requested multi-family zoning be permitted. Saying she did not want to further the types of dwellings that would attract a lower socio- economic, unstable and transient segment to her community, she concluded that another poor quality multi-family use would be unlikely to attract individuals possessing pride of ownership. #G-4 (421 S. 7th St.). No comments were received on this application. #G-5; 8223 S. 132nd St. (outside of City limits). Citizen Comment: Stewart John Stewart, 8223 S. 132nd St., Seattle, commented on application numbers - Comprehensive Plan G-5, G-9 and G-12 regarding the desire of these prcperty owners to acquire Amendments/Concurrent City sewer service for their properties. These sites aie currently zoned low- Rezones, #G-5, #G-9 and density multi-family in the County, up to 12 units per acre, but Renton's #G-12 proposed zoning would allow only eight units per acre. Stating that the property owners would like to retain the current dent ity of these properties, Mr. Stewart submitted several pictures of the neighborhood that illustrated what he felt to be the area's slow decline. #G-6; 319 Stevens Ave. r.e August 1. 1994 Renton Cid Council Minutes Page 322 Citizen Comment: Trover Correspondence was read from Connie Trover, 316 Earlington Ave. SW, - Comprehensive Plan Renton, asking that the requested rezone be denied for several reasons, Amendments/Concurrent including concerns regarding increased traffic and the safety of pedestrians, Rezones, #G-6 particularly children. The letter added that multi-family zoning would be out of character for this neighborhood. Citizen Comment: Sung - Tony Sung, 7332 - 32nd Ave. S., Seattle, speaking as the property owner of Comprehensive Plan this site, requested Council approval of the requested change. Amendments/Concurrent Rezones, #G-6 mr1 Citizen Comment: Egan - Brendan Egan, 327 Stevens Ave. SW, spoke on behalf )f Kathy Frazier, 327 Comprehensive Plan Stevens Ave. SW; and Kelly and Linda Bowen, 315 SW Langston; and Mrs. Amendments/Concurrent Mary Cook, 354 Stevens Ave. SW. Mr. Egan opposed any change in the Rezones, #G-6 current zoning from single family and asked that the requested rezone to multi-family be denied. He also asked that the City carefully monitor this parcel for any violations, specifically those requiring short-platting to achieve underground utilities. Citizen Comment: Elaine Raveston spoke for herself, Sam Belmondo, and Kathleen and Harry Raveston - Comprehensive Morrison in opposition to any zoning changes in this neighborhood, saying Plan that residents are already impacted by nearby multi-family developments. Amendments/Concurrent Rezones, #G-6 Citizen Comment: Dentler John Dentler, 302 Earlington Ave. SW, Renton, spoke on his own behalf as - Comprehensive Plan well as for Olga Konsevage. He said Earlington Hill, an older and fragile Amendments/Concurrent neighborhood, is a quiet and beautiful place to live and residents want to Rezones, #G-6 preserve its safety and security. Citizen Comment: Larson Shannon Larson, 516 SW 3rd Pl., Renton, commented on changes in this - Comprehensive Plan neighborhood and the impacts from increasing density. She asked that the Amendments/Concurrent zoning of this area remain single family. Rezones, #G-6 Citizen Comment: Meyers Sheila Meyers, 405 SW Langston, Renton, adamantly opposed this rezone - Comprehensive Plan request and asked that Council deny it in accordance with the Planning Amendments/Concurrent Commission's recommendation. Rezones, #G-6 Citizen Comment: Sylvia Langdon, 312 SW Langston, Renton, asked that Council deny this Langdon - Comprehensive request for multi-family zoning, saying she did not want increased traffic in Plan this area, particularly on SW Langston which is already heavily trafficked. Amendments/Concurrent Rezones, #G-6 Citizen Comment: Williams Ken Williams, 314 Earlington Ave. SW, Renton, stated he appreciated the - Comprehensive Plan single family character of this area and consequently i✓as opposed to the Amendments/Concurrent requested rezone. He noted that this area also has very steep terrain which Rezones, #G-6 would not be appropriate for intense development. Citizen Comment: Piper - Robin Piper, 264 Earlington Ave. SW, Renton, strongly opposed the requested Comprehensive Plan rezone as he saw no advantage to the surrounding neighborhood. Amendments/Concurrent Rezones, #G-6 i 323 August L 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 323 Citizen Comment: Booker Sue Booker, 525 SW Langston, Renton, commented on problems with water - Comprehensive Plan runoff and increasing traffic in this area, saying she opposed the requested Amendments/Concurrent zoning change. Rezones, #G-6 Citizen Comment: Larry Thornton, 285 Earlington Ave. SW, Renton, expressed strong opposition Thornton - to the requested rezone to multi-family, saying that Earlington Hill is a Comprehensive Plan tranquil neighborhood and residents would like it to remain so. Amendments/Concurrent Rezones, #G-6 %W #G-7 (620 S. Grady Way) and #G-8 (32 SW Victoria St.). No comments were received on these applications. #G-9: see #G-5. #G-10; 620 SW Sunset Blvd. Citizen Comment: Handly Linda Handly, 620 SW Sunset Blvd., said although this property is currently - Comprehensive Plan zoned single family, it has never been used as such as it was originally built as Amendments/Concurrent a fourplex and has been used for thirty years for professional offices. She Rezones, #G-10 said Neighborhood Commercial (CN) zoning would be appropriate for this site, and asked that the Planning Commission recommendation be reconsidered. #G-111; 636 Shattuck Ave. S. Citizen Comment: Mike Donnelly, 636 Shattuck Ave., stated this property has been zoned for Donnelly - Comprehensive office use since 1984. Noting he operates a dental office at this location, he Plan expressed concern that new zoning imposed last year has now made this use Amendments/Concurrent nonconforming. He stated that a denial of his requested change back to Rezones, #G-I l commercial zoning would create a financial hardship since, in the event of structural damage, he could lose his business as well as any equity in the property. Responding to Councilmember Edwards, Mr. Kattermann confirmed that Mr. �r Donnelly has applied for Class A nonconforming use status for this property. #G-12: see #G-5. #G-13; 36 Logan Ave. S. Citizen Comment: Correspondence was read from William D. Allingham, PO Box 48117, Seattle, Allingham - expressing concern with the request for a zoning change at 36 Logan S. to Comprehensive Plan Light Industrial (IL), saying that some of the uses permitted in that zone are Amendments/Concurrent not compatible with this site's location and its surrounding parklike setting. Rezones, #G-13 #G-14; 13601 Beacon Coal Mine Road S. No comments were received regarding this application. #G-15: see #G-2. #G-17 (S. 138th St. and 71st Ave. S.). No comments were received on this application. #G-18: see #G-2. #G-19; south side of Martin Luther King Jr. Way S. and 80th Ave. S. (outside City limits). Yrrr August I 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 324 Citizen Comment: Texiera Correspondence was read from Patrick Texiera, 1013 SW 3rd Pl., Renton, - Comprehensive Plan opposing the requested rezone for several reasons, primarily the environmental Amendments/Concurrent aspects of the property, the surrounding residential zoning and the need to Rezones, #G-19 retain low density zoning for this site. Mr. Texiera feared the effects of heavy industrial noise, pollution, and the threat to the -nvironment of adjacent areas. Citizen Comment: - Jim McDowell, 7605 S. 135th, Seattle, 98178, asked that the rezone be denied Comprehensive Plan in accordance with the Planning Commission's recommendation. Mr. Amendments/Concurrent McDowell stated that this area is already noisy due to the heavy traffic, and Rezones, #G-19 further development would require installation of a traffic signal to handle the increase in cars. Citizen Comment: Halinen David Halinen, 10500 NE 8th, Bellevue, representing the applicant, stated that - Comprehensive Plan the County zoning for this property is light manufacturing. The applicant is Amendments/Concurrent requesting CA zoning as he is interested in developing this property for Rezones, #G-19 restaurant and office use. Mr. Halinen noted this site abuts commercial office zoning to the south, the Black River Quarry site to the southwest, and a high- density multi-family development. He concluded that this property is not conducive to single family subdivision development as access would not be appropriate off of Martin Luther King Jr. Way, and staff has recommended it be zoned CA/CO. #G-20; 1100-1900 Maple Valley Highway (Stoneway). Citizen Comment: Halinen David Halinen, 10500 NE 8th, Bellevue, representing the applicant, noted no - Comprehensive Plan objection to the staff recommendation given the changes to the staff proposal Amendments/Concurrent for the POD designations as set forth in Jim Hanken's 7/20/94 letter to staff Rezones, #G-20 on this issue. #G-21; Barbee Mill/Port Quendall along Lake Washington. Citizen Comment: Hanken James Hanken, 3400 U.S. Bank Center, Seattle, supported staff's - Comprehensive Plan recommendations for text changes affecting the POR designations at the Amendments/Concurrent Stoneway Quarry and Port Quendall sites, with the modifications suggested in Rezones, #G-21 his 7/20/94 letter to staff on this issue. He explained the intent is to ensure that each property owner is responsible for masterplanning their own property. Citizen Comment: Saldano Liz Saldano, 2505 Second Ave., Seattle, 98121, representing Intrawest and the - Comprehensive Plan J.H. Baxter Company, stated she had no objections to the staff's Amendments/Concurrent recommendations for the POD designation and that she too supported Mr. Rezones, #G-21 Hanken's letter dated 7/20/94 on this issue. Ms. Salda 7o added that should this flexibility not be granted, the applicants would be unable to proceed with development. #G-22; located south of the Cedar River and north of the Royal Hills Apartments (site is vacant). Citizen Comment: Dennis Anderson, 1806 Pierce Ave. SE, Renton, supported the Planning Anderson - Commission's recommendation to deny the requested rezone, saying that any Comprehensive Plan high-density development in this area would increase traffic through nearby Amendments/Concurrent Tiffany Park. Rezones, #G-22 .rt 325 August 1. 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 325 Citizen Comment: Halinen David Halinen, 10500 NE 8th, Bellevue, representing Richard Butco, president - Comprehensive Plan of B&E Financial Inc. (Parker PUD site), briefly commented on the history of Amendments/Concurrent development attempts on this site, saying the property owner has recently Rezones, #G-22 retained an architectural and planning firm to formulate an alternate development proposal which the City might find more to its liking. He asked that this issue be referred to the Council's Planning it Development Committee so the applicant has an opportunity to explain this proposal in greater detail. Citizen Comment: Susan Brumfield, 1517 Rolling Hills Ave. SE, Renton, asked that Council Brumfield - consider the impact on the schools in this area when it evaluates the potential Comprehensive Plan development of this property, which she would prefer remain Planned Amendments/Concurrent Neighborhood Residential (PNR). Rezones, #G-22 Citizen Comment: Valberg Norma Valberg, 1724 Olympia Ave. SE, Renton, speaking as president of the - Comprehensive Plan Tiffany Park Homeowners Association, supported a denial of multi-family Amendments/Concurrent housing in this area. Rezones, #G-22 Citizen Comment: Millett Gayle Millett, 1602 Olympia Ave. SE, Renton, supported denial of this - Comprehensive Plan project. Amendments/Concurrent Rezones, #G-22 Citizen Comment: Korda - Margie Korda, 1732 SE 16th Pl., Renton, expressed concern regarding the Comprehensive Plan amount of traffic in the Tiffany Park area, particularly on Puget Drive, and Amendments/Concurrent said that allowing multi-family housing on this property would only Rezones, #G-22 exacerbate the current traffic problem. #G-23; area bounded by Union Ave. NE, NE 4th St., Monroe Ave. NE, and partially by NE 6th St. Citizen Comment: Wright Kenneth Wright, 3560 NE 4th, Renton, representing C.C. Driskell, noted his - Comprehensive Plan suppo:t for the staff recommendation on this application. Saying that this %W Amendments/Concurrent proposal would alleviate some of the pressure on downtown Renton, he added Rezones, #G-23 that businesses in this area support downtown Renton and the outer Seattle area in their industrial uses. He noted that the companies involved have worked well with surrounding neighbors regarding this issue. Citizen Comment: Howard McComber, 925 - 116th Ave. NE, Bellevue, 98004, said while he did McComber - not oppose industrial zoning where this use is already occurring, he was Comprehensive Plan concerned that properties not be downzoned where :t would not make sense to Amendments/Concurrent do so. Mr. McComber specifically opposed changing the zoning on Monroe Rezones, #G-23 Ave. NE from commercial to multi-family, noting that the current Community Commercial (CB) zone already allows multi-family development. He suggested that all the affected properties from Olympia Ave. west should stay commercial. Citizen Comment: Nita Fairbanks, 13831 - 38th Ave. S., Seattle, spoke in favor of changing the Fairbanks - zoning to light industry, and agreed with Mr. McComber that the properties Comprehensive Plan identified by him should remain CB. Amendments/Concurrent Rezones, #G-23 #G-24; approximately NE 6th St. and Duvall Ave. NE. Mrr August 1, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 326 Citizen Comment: Manzin Andrea Manzin, 2044 - 23rd Ave. E., Seattle, explained that the property - Comprehensive Plan under consideration is a five-acre lot which he would like to be designated Amendments/Concurrent for light commercial use. Saying he expects the area surrounding this Rezones, #G-24 property to be developed in the near future, Mr. Manzin said the new residents who will live in this area will require many neighborhood and professional services. #G-25; area bounded by 146th Ave. SE, 13th St. SE and SE 128th St. Citizen Comment: Stoloff Judy Stolhoff, 2235 Fairview E., Seattle, stated that the owners of the - Comprehensive Plan property under consideration support the staff and Planning Commission moo Amendments/Concurrent recommendations to increase the density on this site by designating the Rezones, #G-25 southern half as single family and leaving the northern half low-density single family. The recommendation also proposes that the low-density designation allow housing at one to four or five units per acre. Ms. Stoloff submitted a letter on this issue, which asked that the terms of the 'ow-density single family designation and zoning be changed to allow this specified density. The letter also asked that the necessary mapping work be p;rformed to differentiate between resource areas and low-density areas. #G-26; 1419 N. 30th St. Citizen Comment: Truhan James ,.ruhan, 1513 - 3rd Pl., Kirkland, representing Chevron USA, endorsed - Comprehensive Plan staff's support of the proposed project. Amendments/Concurrent Rezones, #G-26 #G-27; generally bounded by Union Ave. NE, NE 6t}• St., Queen Ave. NE and the Crown Pointe Apartments. Citizen Comment: Beck - Ruby Beck, 3618 NE 6th Pl., Renton, stated her opposition to the number of Comprehensive Plan single family residences proposed for this parcel and to any additional multi- Amendments/Concurrent family units in this area. Rezones, #G-27 Citizen Comment: Willing Jack Willing, 500 - 108th Ave. NE, Bellevue, 98004, speaking as the property - Comprehensive Plan owner, explained that the preliminary plat to be submitted on this site will be Amendments/Concurrent for 78 single family lots and 15 townhomes. This plat will soon come before Rezones, #G-27 Council in the form of a demonstration project. Currently, the south half of this property is zoned MR and the north half is zoned single family. The proposal is for single family detached homes on the entire site, including that portion zoned MR, except for 5 triplexes to be built along NE 6th. Citizen Comment: Kenneth Swanigan, 559 Union Ave. NE, Renton, opposed the staff's Swanigan - recommendation that would change this property's single family designation to Comprehensive Plan multi-family. Stating that the ambient noise level in this area has risen Amendments/Concurrent substantially over the years, he added that NE 6th has no sidewalks which Rezones, #G-27 creates a hazard to this street's pedestrian traffic. Mr. Swanigan said this property should remain single family and be developed as such, emphasizing that allowing multi-family at this location would have a negative impact on residents in the immediate area. Citizen Comment: Jones - Brian Jones, 537 Union Ave. NE, Renton, said Union Ave. NE is already Comprehensive Plan heavily-trafficked and noted his concern with the pot,ntial impacts from Amendments/Concurrent adding 98 more homes at this location. He asked about the options being Rezones, #G-27 considered for alleviating traffic problems in this area. Responding to Councilman Edwards, Rebecca Lind, Senior Planner, explained that the property's zoning is currently split with single family on the north 327 August 1. 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 327 and multi-family on the south. The applicant proposes, and staff recommends, that he be allowed to build single family residences on the majority of the property with 15 multi-family units o-i the north portion. Because the north portion is currently zoned for single family, the proposal would change the zoning on the entire site to Mixed F esidential (MR). Ms. Lind noted that one reason the applicant proposes building the multi-family along NE 6th rather than on the south side of. the property is because he feels that the larger townhome structures would be better paced along the street as opposed to the smaller single family homes. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler noted that the Council's Planning and Development Committee will discuss this project proposal August 18th for the purpose of making a recommendation to the full Council. There being no further public comments, it was MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. RECESS MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 11:05 p.m.. At 11:10 p.m. the meeting was reconvened; roll was called; all Councilmembers present. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Hearing Examiner: Judith Mayor Clymer appointed Judith Bendor as Hearing Examiner Pro Tempore to Bendor Appointment as serve it Fred Kaufman's absence. Council concur. Hearing Examiner Pro Tempore CAG: 93-102, Houser Community Services Department submitted CAG-93-102, Houser Terrace Terrace Expanded Expanded Parking project; and requested approval of the project, Parking, GMT Inc. authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of $7,959.00, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $669.96 to GMT Inc., contractor, if all required releases have been obtained. Council concur. Finance: Authorized Finance and Information Systems Department requested approval of authorized Signatures for Banking signatures for depository relationships and electronic fund transfers on behalf Purposes of and. in the name of the City of Renton. Council -oncur. (See page 331 for resolution.) Parks: Mitigation Fee and Legal Department requested readoption of the Parks mitigation fee resolution, Policy subsequent to SEPA review, to ensure its validity. Council concur. (See page 331 for resolution.) Planning: CA, CC and CM Plann.;.ng & Technical Services Division requested a public hearing be Zone Amendments scheduled for August 15, 1994, to consider proposed Zoning Code amendments to the Arterial Commercial (CA), Convenience Commercial (CC), and Mixed Commercial (CM) Zones. Council concur. CAG: 94-017, NE 5th Pl Surface Water Utility Division submitted CAG-94-017, NE 5th Place Storm Storm Sewer, Gary Sewer Replacement project, and requested approval of the project, Merlino Const. Co. authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of $98,705.92, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $4,561.27 to Gary Merlino Construction Co., Inc., contractor, if all required releases have been obtained. Council concur. rr. August 1 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pan 328 Lease: LAG-91-005, Transportation Division requested approval of Addend am No. 3 to LAG-91- Northwest Seaplanes Lease 005, which would authorize a ten-year lease extension for Northwest Extension Seaplanes. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. Public Works: Logan Ave Water Utility Division requested approval of a three-month closure of Logan S Temporary Closure for Ave. S. from S. Tobin St. to S. 2nd St. from mid-August to mid-November, Water Main Repair 1994, to allow the City and The Boeing Company to replace aging and substandard water mains. Refer to Transportation Committee. CAG: 90-079, Sewer Wastewater Utility Division requested approval of Addendum No. 1 in the Telemetry/Data Logger amount of $60,106 to Task Order No. 9 for CAG-90-079, RH2 Engineering, Replacement, RH2 to perform an engineering evaluation and to prepare plans and specifications Engineering for the Sewer Telemetry and Data Logger Replacement project. Council concur. Public Works: Emergency Wastewater Maintenance Division requested an emergency declaration of the. Repair to Storm Water subsidence and collapsed 24-inch storm water line at 625 Rainier Ave. N. to Line, 625 Rainier Ave N allow immediate excavation and repair. Council concur. (See page 331 for resolution.) MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Richard Chapin, 777 - 108th Ave. NE, Citizen Comment: Chapin Bellevue, attorney for Marion Lee, stating that the applicant has formally - Lee Short Plat, SHP-94- withdrawn the variance request and short plat applicat_on known as the Lee 017 Short Plat, File No. SHP-94-017. Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler asked that the Administration vigorously pursue the Code violations existing on this property, including a foundation that was illegally poured and a house that was subsequently moved onto it. Citizen Comment: Bentley Correspondence was read from Pat Bentley, 115 Monterey Pl. NE, Renton, - City Beautification suggesting that Council consider beautifying the City as a funding priority. Citizen Comment: Martin Correspondence was read from Shirley Martin, 105 S. Tobin St., Renton, - Noise Complaint at 97 S describing the problem with excessive noise emanating, almost every evening Tobin/Other Complaint at from the Celebration Hall at 97 S. Tobin St., which has been rented to the 105 Lake Ave S Lighthouse Christian Church. Ms. Martin also described problems with the Randle Trout Distributors Processing Plant located at 105 Lake Ave. S., primarily involving improper handling of fish waste and the resultant odor. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE ADMINISTRATION. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Transportation Committee Chair Edwards presented a report recommending Transaortation (Aviation) approval of the contract with Inca Engineers to prepare the plans, Committee specifications and estimate for the construction of the Monster Road Bridge Streets: Monster Road Replacement. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, Bridge Replacement COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Comprehensive Plan: Transportation Committee Chair Edwards presented a report recommending Transportation Element approval of the Draft Final Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan in order to meet the requirements of the Growth Management Act and to solicit public comment prior to final adoption. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. 329 August 1. 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pan 329 Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report regarding a surcharge Utility: Non-Resident exemption for senior customers outside the City limits who qualify for the Senior Citizen Discount State's property tax exemption. The Utilities Committee recommended that Rates utility customers outside Renton City limits who qualify under RCW 84.36.381.5(a) for property tax exemption can apply to the City for an exemption from the utility surcharge of 50% for customers outside City limits. These customers will be age 62 or over, to be consistent with other rate assistaace programs the City provides. Per RCW, the household will have a combined disposable income of $28,000 or less. The applicants will also be required to sign a covenant to annex into the City. '''he Committee further recommended that the ordinance for this policy be placed on first reading on August 15, 1994. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Councilman Edwards expressed reservations about this policy change, noting that the City already has a program for extending discount utility rates to low-income seniors. Saying that one of the advantages to living within the City limits has traditionally been that those who do not are assessed a premium for utility service, he added that this proposal could result in assistance being given to some who may not truly require it. Councilman Schlitzer replied that several areas outsi(:e of the City which are served by Renton utilities will not, for various reasons, be annexed any time in the near future. He added that this proposal will help those non-resident seniors who pay the 50% surcharge but who do not qualify for the city's low- income senior rates. *ROLL CALL: 4 ayes (Schlitzer, Tanner, Corman, Keolker-Wheeler); 3 nays (Stredicke, Edwards, Nelson). MOTION CARRIED: Utility: Cedar River Flood Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report recommending Control Project, U.S. concurrence with the Planning/Building/Public Works Department's Army Corps of Engineers recommendation for Council approval of a resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a feasibility cost share agreement with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for the Lower Cedar River Section 205 Flood wr.r Control Project. The total estimated cost of the project agreement is $798,000. The City's share of the project agreement cost is $399,000 (50%). The 1994 Surface Water Utility Capital Improvement Program project budget is $110,000 with an additional $300,000 to be approved by Council in the 1995 Surface Water Utility Capital Improvement Program budget. The Utilities Committee further recommended that Council commit to the appropriation of the additional funding ($300,000) in the 1995 Surface Water Utility Capital Improvement Program budget for the Lower Cedar River Section 205 Flood Control Project. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Comprehensive Plan: Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report recommending City Utility Element Council adoption of the Utility Element of the Coml,rehensive Plan concurrent with the adoption of other elements of the Comprehensive Plan following the public hearing. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. August 1 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 330 Utility: Sewer Hook-up Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report recommending that the Requests, City not grant sewer service at this time to parcels owned by John Stewart, Stewart/Mano/Creegan Tosh Mano and Michael Creegan. It is the Utilities Committee's recommendation that these parcels annex to the City in order to obtain sewer service. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utility: CBD Sewer Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report recommending Replacement, King concurrence in the staff recommendation to: 1) approve the CBD Sewer Construction, CAG-93- Replacement project and final pay estimate in the amount of $2,164.00; 2) 075 approve the release of retainage, if after thirty (30) days, no liens or claims are filed against the project; and 3) transfer $80,000 from the Park Avenue North Sanitary Sewer Interceptor project to the CBD Sewer Replacement project. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. WSDOT: I-405 S-Curve Summarizing a memo from Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Project Gregg Zimmerman regarding the Cedar Avenue staircase, Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler stated that the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) has said it will construct the alternative staircase off of Renton Avenue at a cost of $194,000. Saying that the State does not appear eager to construct the alternative staircase, given its seemingly high cost estimate, Mrs. Keolker-Wheeler explained that Community Services Administrator Sam Chastain has indicated that if Public Works and Parks Department staff cooperated to design the Renton Avenue staircase, the City could then build this facility at an estimated cost of only $75,000. Adding that WSDOT is offering a $35,000 credit for deleting the Cedar Avenue staircase, which may come in the form of a credit for funds owed by the City to the State for Mill Street improvements, it was MOVED BY KEOLK_ER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL DIRECT THAT THE $35,000 CREDIT BEING OFFERED BY WSDOT FOR NON- COMPLETION OF THE CEDAR AVENUE STAIRCASE ON RENTON HILL BE OBTAINED AND THAT THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ALTERNATIVE STAIRCASE OFF OF RENTON AV-':-,NUE, IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE NARCO SITE TRAIL IMPROVEMENTS, BE APPROVED UP TO A COST OF $75,000.* Councilman Edwards clarified that Council must direct WSDOT to proceed one way or another lest the City run the risk of incurring additional costs for the Cedar Avenue staircase, should this facility be built. The deadline given by the State for a final Council decision on this issue is August 12th. Responding to Mr. Edwards, Mrs. Keolker-Wheeler suggested that the remaining $40,000 needed to construct the Renton Avmue staircase could be obtained either from funds that might be available depending on the final cost of the Narco trail system bid, or, alternatively, these monies could be taken out of the $1.1 million WSDOT will expend next year for landscaping the I- 405 S-Curve project. Councilman Tanner was concerned that the memo from the State on this subject specifically states that "Federal aid participation in the stairway construction would be limited to . . . $35,000. There would be no . . . Federal participation in any throw-away . . . costs." He suggested this meant that the Federal government would not participate in any costs incurred should the Cedar Avenue stairway not be completed. 331 � August 1. 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 331 Mrs. Keolker-Wheeler replied that the $35,000 deletion for the non- completion of the Cedar Avenue stairway could be considered a credit as this represents the amount of money the State would spend on this facility should the City so direct. Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman agreed that the City could try to negotiate with the State to credit the $35,000 saved by not building the Cedar Avenue staircase to the money owed for the Mill Street improvements. This would free up $35,000 of City transportation funds that could then be applied to the alternative staircase. VW Mr. Edwards suggested, and Mrs. Keolker-Wheeler accepted as a friendly amendment to the main motion, that Council direct the Mayor to attempt to negotiate the $35,000 credit with the State but, if unsuccessful, that the State be authorized to proceed with the Cedar Avenue staircase and that such authorization be given before the August 12th deadli_ze after which the City would incur greater costs for this facility. Responding to Mrs. Keolker-Wheeler, Mr. Edwards said if these negotiations fail to result in the City's constructing the alternative staircase, this facility could be considered for funding in the future from the City's Capital Improvement Program. *ROLL CALL ON THE MOTION AS AMENDED: 5 AYES (EDWARDS, SCHLITZER, NELSON, CORMAN, KEOLKER-WHEELER); 2 NAYS (STREDICKE, TANNER). MOTION CARRIED. Mrs. Keolker-Wheeler requested telephone notification from the Administration regarding these negotiations prior to the August 12th deadline on this issue. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: r. Resolution #3081 A resolution was read authorizing signatures for depositories and electronic Finance: Authorized fund transfers on behalf of and in the name of the City of Renton. MOVED Signatures for Banking BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Purposes RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3082 A resolution was read adopting a Park and Recreation Facilities Mitigation Parks: Mitigation Fee and Policy and Fee, and declaring it a SEPA policy. MOVED BY KEOLKER- Policy WHEELER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3083 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a Utility: Cedar River Flood feasibility cost sharing agreement with the United States Army Corps of Control Project, U.S. Engineers for the Cedar River Section 205 Flood Control Project Feasibility Army Corps of Engineers Study. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3084 A resolution was read declaring an emergency created by the failure of a 24- Public Works: Emergency inch storm water pipeline crossing Rainier Avenue North at approximately 625 Repair to Storm Water Rainier Ave. N. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, Line, 625 Rainier Ave N COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Irr� August 1 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Paye 332 ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 11:49 p.m. MARILYN P ERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 8/01/94 333 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 1, 1994 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 8/15 Municipal Space Master Plan (Stredicke) 6:30 p.m. TUES., 8/16 Comprehensive Plan Amendments and 3:30 p.m. Concurrent Zoning COMMUNITY SERVICES TUES., 8/16 Cities in Schools Program (Nelson) 3:00 p.m. *5th Floor* FINANCE MON., 8/15 Vouchers (Tanner) 6:15 p.m. PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT THUR., 8/18 Class"A" Nonconforming Use Process; (Keolker-Wheeler) 4:00 p.m. Willing Demonstration Project and *5th Floor* Ordinance; Public Use Suffix(Briefing) PUBLIC SAFETY THURS., 8/11 *MEETING CANCELLED* (Corman) 3:30 p.m. gar TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) MON., 8/15 Logan Ave. S. Temporary Closure (Edwards) 4:00 p.m. UTILITIES THURS., 8/25 Renton School District Sewer Hook-up (Schlitzer) 3:00 p.m. Request OTHER MEETINGS Firemen's Pension Board TUES., 8/16 4:00 p.m., 5th Floor Conference Room LEOFF Board THUR., 8/11 4:00 p.m., 5th Floor Conference Room NOTE:Committee ofthe Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the 6th floor conference room unless otherwise noted. F *REVISED* AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING August 15, 1994 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL 1VIlNUTES OF AUGUST 1, 1994 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS: a. Street Vacation, Lake Ave. S. from S. 2nd St. to mid-block of S. 3rd St. (Safeway, VAC-94-005) b. Zoning Code Amendments to the Arterial Commercial (CA), Mixed Commercial (CM) and Convenience Commercial (CC)Zones c. Proposed rezone of property at 129 and 125 Meadow Ave. N./1300 Bronson Way N. from Mixed Residential (MR) to Arterial Commercial (CA); Bryant Motors/LUA-94-088 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Mayor Clymer appoints Judge Roger Lewis to an additional two-year term from 1996 to 1998. Council concur. b. City Clerk reports bid opening on 8/04/94 for CAG-94-088, Talbot Rd. S. improvement project; 6 bids; engineer's estimate $498,530.71; and submits staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Gary Merlino Construction Co., in the amount of$423,777.80. Council concur. c. City Clerk submits request from The Boeing Company for release of City-held easement in SW 16th St. (Washington Jockey Club/VAC-94-003). Refer to Utilities Committee and Board of Public Works. d. City Clerk submits request from The Boeing Company for release of City-held easement in SW 16th St. (Broadacres/VAC-94-002). Refer to Utilities Committee and Board of Public Works. e. City Clerk requests the public hearing to consider the Final Assessment Roll for LID 335, Sierra Heights Sanitary Sewers, be rescheduled to 9/12/94. Council concur. (See 9.a. for resolution.) f. Community Services Department submits CAG-93-092, Cedar River Interpretive Park interpretive signs, and requests approval of the project; authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of $5,323.44; commencement of 30-day lien period; and release of retained amount of$246.00 to Doty& Associates, contractor, if all required releases have been obtained. .Council concur. g. `'immunity Services Department submits CAG-93-129, Houser Terrace brick cleaning and sealing ::o Fc:, and requests approval of the project; authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of $15,000 00; commencement of 30-day lien period; and release of retained amount of$750.00 to Kirtley- Associates, Inc., contractor, if all required releases have been obtained. Council concur. h. Planning a_ Technical Services Division submits proposed amendments to the Commercial Office (CO) Zone to allow automobile dealerships and associated repair shops as a secondary use subject to conditions. Refer to Planning; and Development Committee. i. Planning and Technical Services Division requests acceptance of a five-foot street right-of-way dedication adjacent to Queen Ave. NE in relation to the Jacques Short Plat. Council concur. j. Transportation Systems Division requests approval of Addendum No. 3 in the amount of$304,000 to CAG-92-082, an agreement with WSDOT for the Houser Way relocation project. The supplemental funding is needed to acquire necessary right-of-way. Council concur. (See 9.b. for resolution.) (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 335 k. Transportation Systems Division submits CAG-93-084, Airport Way/Rainier Ave. S. resurfacing project, and requests approval of the project; authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of $152,341.27; commencement of 30-day lien period; and release of retained amount of$8,257.96 to M.A. Segale, Inc., contractor, if all required releases have been obtained. Council concur. 1. Water Utility Division submits CAG-93-052, N. 34th and N. 33rd Streets A.C. watermains, and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of$8,514.00; commencement of 30-day lien period; and release of retained amount of$7,736.98 to Paramount Pacific Corporation, contractor, if all required releases have been obtained. Council concur. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk(*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Community Services Committee: Cable Rates* b. Finance Committee: Vouchers C. Transportation (Aviation) Committee: Logan Ave. S. temporary closure* 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolutions: a. Rescheduling the public hearing on the final assessment roll for LID 335 to 9/12/94 (see 6.e.) b. Agreement with WSDOT for Houser Way relocation project (see 6.j.) c. Establishing cable television rates and charges (see 8.a.) d. Authorizing the temporary closure of Logan Ave. S. (see 8.c.) Ordinance for second and final readin : Amending the Arterial Commercial (CA)Zone to include light manufacturing and automobile body shops, including painting (1st reading 7/11/94; section 4-31-10.4.B.5.z has been modified per Council direction) Ordinances for first reading: a. Amending the Mixed Commercial (CM)Zone by: removing the requirement for ground floor retail, with exceptions; extending the exempt area to the west side of Logan Ave.; and adding existing single- family residences as a primary use (see 4.b.) b. Amending the Convenience Commercial (CC)Zone by adding professional and personal offices to the list of administrative conditional uses (see 4.b.) �r.. c. Utility surcharge exemption for non-resident senior customers who qualify for the State's property tax exemption (Utilities Commitee report adopted 8/01/94) 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics - call 277-4430 for recorded information) 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA Precedin Council Meeting) COUNCIL CHAMBERS 6:30 p.m. Municipal Space Master Plan SPECIAL COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING Tuesday, 8/16/94 at 3:30 p.m. Council Chambers Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Concurrent Zoning fir► 336 RENT N I O U O__ C_ _ C SIL ::'<:'::;:.;;<:>>: >::::> August151994 d. cc Referrals BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Boeing Company request for street vacation on SW 16th St (Washington Jockey Club/VAC-94-003) Boeing Company request for street vacation on SW 16th St (BroadacresNAC-94-002) COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Possible modification to the Aquifer Protection Ordinance to authorize special operating permits COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Municipal Court Judge reappointment MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Agreement with WSDOT for Houser Way Relocation(Addendum No. 3 to CAG-92-082) PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Proposed changes to Commercial Office (CO) zone to allow auto dealerships and associated repair shops UTILITIES COMMITTEE Sierra Heights sanitary sewers Special Assessment Districts (Patricia Hess assessment; SAD interest rate) Boeing Company request for street vacation on SW 16th St (Washington Jockey Club/VAC-94-003) Boeing Company request for street vacation on SW 16th St (BroadacresNAC-94-002) ORDINANCES FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING Changes to Mixed Commercial (CM) Zone Changes to Convenience Commercial (CC)Zone Non-resident low-income senior utility rates PUBLIC HEARINGS 9/12/94 — Final assessment roll for LID 335, Sierra Heights sanitary sewers 337 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 15, 1994 City Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. Renton Municipal Building MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD STREDICKE, Council President; JESSE TANNER, TIM VOW COUNCILMEMBERS SCHLITZER, RANDY CORMAN, BOB EDWARDS, TONI NELSON, KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; MIKE KATTERMANN, Planning & Technical Services Director; NEIL WATTS, Plan Review Supervisor; DAVE TIBBOT, Technical Services Manager; SONJA FESSER, Engineering Specialist; VICTORIA RUNKLE, Finance & Information Services Administrator; SAM CHASTAIN, Community Services Administrator; JIM PAXTON, CIP Coordinator; PHIL JEWETT, Information Services Director; DAVE CHRISTENSEN, Engineering Specialist; MICHAEL BENOIT, Engineering Specialist; SUE CARLSON, Economic Development Specialist ; LIEUTENANT RICK STODDARD, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL COUNCIL MINUTES APPROVE THE MINUTES OF AUGUST 1, 1994, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARINGS This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published Vacation: Lake Ave S, in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Clymer opened the public Safeway/VAC-94-005 hearing to consider the petition for vacation of Lake Avenue South extending south from South 2nd Street to the mid-block of South 3rd Street (Safeway/VAC-94-005). moo► Citizen Comment: DRA - Correspondence was read from Barbara Krauss, president of the Downtown Lake Ave S Street Renton Association, stating that the DRA's Board of Directors endorses the Vacation (Safeway/VAC- proposed vacation with the understanding that the City will conduct further 94-005) studies of traffic flow in the downtown and present the findings of such studies to the DRA. Dave Tibbot, Technical Services Manager, gave a brief background of this matter, explaining that the following applicants have requested the vacation: Safeway, Accord Inc., Frank Tonkin, Marion Carney, and First Interstate. If the vacation is granted, the adjacent property owners plan to redevelop this property into a retail center that will serve the needs of downtown workers and area residents. The vacation would provide an additional 18,340 square feet for the proposed development. After considering the petition for vacation, the Board of Public Works recommended it be approved as the public would benefit from the proposed development and from the reduced exposure to liability. The Board also recommended that Council pursue a vacation of the remaining right-of-way to S. 3rd Street. Mr. Tibbot briefly reviewed comments received from various departments on the proposed vacation, including concerns regarding the retainage of utility easements should the vacation be granted. i fir•► August 15 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 338 Council President Stredicke inquired about the possibility of changing South 2nd Street to two-way traffic, and Mr. Tibbot replied that because the intersection of Rainier Ave. S. and S. 2nd St. is heavily trafficked, it would be difficult to ensure the safety of an intersection at Lake Ave S. and S. 2nd. Responding to Councilman Tanner, Mr. Tibbot replied that the abutting property owners would have first right of refusal should the City decide to vacate the entire street. Mr. Tanner questioned if the vacation would be full or partial, and Mr. Tibbot replied that although Council could approve a partial vacation as originally requested to the mid-block of S. 3rd St., staff recommends the full vacation of Lake Ave. S. from S. 2nd to S. 3rd. Iwo Audience comment was invited. Citizen Comment: Barei - Jim Barei, 2719 Morris Ave. S., Renton, 98055, owner of property at S. 2nd Lake Ave S Street and Lake Ave S., objected to the proposed vacation and to the notification Vacation (Safeway/VAC- process by which only property owners within a certain distance of the 94-005) proposed vacation received notice. He noted that this change would affect more than just abutting property owners. Adding that Safeway had previously rejected an opportunity to purchase available land in this area for its expansion, Mr. Barei said the City should not relinquish ownership of this property but instead consider leasing it. Citizen Comment: Brock - Jennifer Brock, 205 S. Tobin St., Renton, 98055, also opposed the vacation Lake Ave S Street petition and suggested that the City could vacate a portion of the right-of- Vacation (Safeway/VAC- way but not the entire area. Noting that this property is used by pedestrians, 94-005) she was also concerned about the possible relocation and upsizing of this area's utility system since the existing storm drains are inadequate. Citizen Comment: Wagner Rich Wagner, Baylis Brand Wagner, 1750 - 112th Ave NE, Bellevue, 98004, - Lake Ave S Street representing Safeway, stated that although Safeway would not directly benefit Vacation (Safeway/VAC- from the vacation, the company is in contact with adjacent property owners 94-005) who support the vacation and with whom Safeway hopes to work to develop the property. Mr. Wagner noted that because Safeway does not abut the right-of-way, it would not have first right of refusal to purchase any of the property. Citizen Comment: Smith - Gary Smith, 5021 Ripley Lane N. #4, Renton, 98056, owner of property at Lake Ave S Street 100/108 S. 3rd St., stated that he and another property owner had considered Vacation (Safeway/VAC- petitioning for this vacation some years ago since they were concerned about 94-005) interruptions to their businesses. Mr. Smith feared that this vacation would be granted, if only because the City stands to benefit financially from its approval. Commenting on what he perceived to be the motives of the parties directly involved, he added that staff had stated in the mid-1970s that this length of Lake Ave. S. could not be partially vacated. Mr. Smith concluded by questioning who would be responsible for the required utility upgrades for this property. Since there was no further comment, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL DENY THE VACATION REQUEST.* In response to Councilman Edwards, Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney, explained that property to be vacated is offered to the current owner of the property from which the original right-of-way was acquired. Thus, the City 339 AuguSt 15, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 339 would have to determine the rights of the involved property owners. Mr. Tibbot added that the lease for the Subaru dealership on the corner of S. 3rd St. and Rainier Ave. S. expires this October and contains, in any effect, a 30- day reversion clause. Saying he would prefer a full vacation to a partial vacation, given that the City could not use a portion of the property for a street, Mr. Edwards questioned the effect of a full vacation on property owners who may not desire it. Mr. Warren said in some cases, vacations deemed to be in the public interest have been made without compensation. On the other hand, the City could decide not to vacate if it it failed to receive compensation from some of the property owners. *MOTION CARRIED. Planning: CA, CM and CC This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published Zone Amendments in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Clymer opened the public hearing to consider Zoning Code amendments to the Arterial Commercial (CA), Mixed Commercial (CM), and Convenience Commercial (CC) zones. Citizen Comment: Winston Correspondence was read from Mr. and Mrs. Robert Winston, 103 Logan Ave. - CM Zone Amendments S., Renton, 98055, urging Council to approve the proposed amendment that would add single family residences as a permitted primary use in the Mixed Commercial (CM) zone. Citizen Comment: Correspondence was read from Darrell Igelmund, 3602 Lake Washington Blvd., Igelmund - CA Zone Renton, President, North Renton/Kennydale Neighborhood Defense Fund, Amendments supporting the staff recommendation for single family in the area of N. 1st St. and Riverside. Mr. Igelmund expressed concern about allowing more uses in the CA zone, especially light manufacturing and auto body/paint shops, and was also concerned that this zone is allowed near residential areas on which it can have a tremendous impact. Mike Kattermann, Planning & Technical Services Director, explained the proposed changes, as follows: Mixed Commercial (CM) Zone: 1. Remove the requirements for ground floor pedestrian-related activities except for the pedestrian corridors identified in the Downtown Plan. 2. Extend the parking/setback/lot coverage and landscaping exempt area of the downtown core to the west side of Logan Ave. S. between Airport Way and S. 2nd. 3. Add existing single family residences to the list of primary uses. Mr. Kattermann noted the Planning Commission recommended that single family residential not be allowed as a permitted use in the CM Zone as it feared this would make conversion to higher density residential and commercial uses more difficult. The Commission also recommended that "street frontage" for the pedestrian corridor designation be re-defined to extend not less than 30 feet of the building depth, and that the language of multi-family residential be revised to state that 'Residential uses shall not be located along the street frontage within 10 feet of the perimeter grade in the pedestrian district." Responding to Council President Stredicke, Mr. Kattermann explained that ground-floor pedestrian-related uses would still be required along S. 3rd between Main and Burnett Aves. and along Wells Ave. between S. 2nd and August 15 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Paye 340 Houser Way. Mr. Stredicke felt this should also include-portions of Bronson Way where key commercial properties exist. Arterial Commercial (CA) Zone: 1. Add light manufacturing and automobile body and paint shops to the list of Hearing Examiner conditional uses. 2. Remove the "site obscuring" requirement for automobile dealers and provide a modification procedure on the landscaping requirement when site conditions make it impractical. (Council approved this change 5/23/94 and is only being asked to reaffirm that action this evening following the close of the public hearing.) The Planning Commission recommended that light manufacturing uses up to 10,000 square feet be allowed as an administrative conditional use. Uses larger than 10,000 square feet would be Hearing Examiner conditional uses. The Commission also recommended that the Hearing Examiner be given more guidance to require an appropriate landscaped buffer for outdoor storage of automobiles needing painting and/or repair, particularly adjacent to residential areas. Saying the City should not permit too many more auto body and paint shops in commercial zones, Councilman Tanner asked that possible violations such as inadequate ventilation be investigated at one such business operating on the corner of Burnett Ave. S. and S. 2nd St. While she agreed that the specific business cited by Mr. Tanner was unattractive, Councilmember Nelson pointed out that these uses would not be permitted outright in the CA zone but would go to the Hearing Examiner as a conditional use. This process would, therefore, afford some protection to the surrounding area. Councilman Edwards added that auto body and paint shops must abide by stringent federal regulations regarding airborne emissions. Convenience Commercial (CC) Zone: Allow limited, small-scale personal and professional office uses as administrative conditional uses. The Planning Commission recommended limiting these uses to 2,000 square feet, whereas staff suggested their size be limited to 3,000 square feet. The Commission also felt that parking should be limited to one space per 500 square feet of use. Audience comment was invited. Since there was no comment, it was MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE ARTERIAL COMMERCIAL (CA) ZONE TO ADD LIGHT MANUFACTURING AND AUTO BODY AND PAINT SHOPS TO THE LIST OF HEARING EXAMINER CONDITIONAL USES.* Council President Stredicke reiterated his opposition to effecting City-wide Zoning Code changes to accommodate one business or property owner. He also reiterated his request for setback conditions where CA-zoned property abuts a residential area. *ROLL CALL: 4 AYES (SCHLITZER, EDWARDS, NELSON, KEOLKER- WHEELER), 3 NAYS (STREDICKE, TANNER, CORMAN). MOTION CARRIED. (See page 348 for ordinance.) 341 August 15, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 341 MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE MIXED COMMERCIAL (CM) ZONE. CARRIED. (See page 348 for ordinance.) MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CONVENIENCE COMMERCIAL (CC) ZONE TO ALLOW PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL OFFICES UP TO 3,000 SQUARE FEET AS AN ADMINISTRATIVE CONDITIONAL USE.* !. Noting that the Planning and Development Committee had expressed reservations that this change could alter the intent of the CC zone, Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler requested that, should this use be added, staff monitor its impacts to determine their effect on the CC zone. Councilman Corman noted his concern that this change might attract inappropriate businesses to this zone, emphasizing that its primary purpose is to provide convenience to the immediate neighborhood. Mrs. Keolker- Wheeler commented that no large businesses will locate in the CC zone because it is not conducive to exposure. *MOTION CARRIED. (See page 349 for ordinance.) MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REAFFIRM ITS ACTION TAKEN 5/23/94 BY WHICH IT REMOVED THE "SITE OBSCURING" REQUIREMENT FOR AUTOMOBILE DEALERS AND SIMULTANEOUSLY PROVIDED A MODIFICATION PROCEDURE ON THE LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENT WHEN SITE CONDITIONS MAKE IT IMPRACTICAL IN THE ARTERIAL COMMERCIAL (CA) ZONE. CARRIED. CU: 94-088, Bryant This being the date set and proper notices having been mailed to parties of Motors Rezone record, Mayor Clymer opened the public hearing to consider the request by Bryant Motors for a rezone of property located at 129 and 125 Meadow Ave. N. and 1300 Bronson Way N. from Mixed Residential (MR) to Arterial Commercial (CA). The applicant has also requested a Zoning Code text %W amendment to allow the operation of a truck/bus sales and repair facility in the CA zone. A conditional use permit is also under consideration for the operation of the existing business on the entire site. Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney, explained that the applicant, Bryant Motors, has requested that the Comprehensive Plan designation and zoning for this property be changed. He has also requested a change to the zoning text for the CA zone and the issuance of a conditional use permit. Mr. Warren informed the Council that an appeal was filed last Friday on the environmental determination of non-significance concerning this application. Explaining the public notice that was provided for tonight's hearing, Mr. Warren said notification for each of the applicant's requests was adequate except for the conditional use permit. Therefore, he recommended that Council remand the matter of the conditional use permit back to the Hearing Examiner. Mr. Warren briefly reviewed the history of this property and the many complaints received over the years regarding the operation of this business. He characterized the proposal before Council this evening as an attempt to begin to answer those concerns. "W August 15 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 342 Robert Thorpe, 705 Second Ave., Seattle, 98104, representing R.W. Thorpe & Associates, briefly explained the proposal to improve the property, which includes using site-buffering landscaping and screening to address noise and light issues. The water quality facilities would also be improved. Saying that part of the proposal is to demolish the Don-a-Lisa motel, Mr. Thorpe added that a consultant is currently working on a plan to ensure protection of the City's aquifer. Other mitigation measures address employee parking and include sealing some of the doors on the north and northwest sides of the building for noise attenuation. Additionally, hours of indoor and outdoor operation would be limited. RECESS MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL •■I RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 8:58 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:06 p.m.; roll was called; all Councilmembers present. City Attorney Warren reviewed the staff recommendations on the various issues relating to this application, as follows: 1. Do not change the Comprehensive Plan designation as this is not necessary to support the application. 2. Deny the zoning text amendment as the applicant can use the conditional use and/or special permit processes to accomplish the proposal. 3. Grant a rezone for portions of the property so the entire property is zoned CA. Condition the rezone so that no CA use is allowed on the rezoned property until a conditional use permit has been granted. 4. Remand the conditional use permit to the Hearing Examiner for consideration concurrently with the environmental appeal that has been filed. 5. Refer the application to the Committee of the Whole for consideration along with all other Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Code, and rezone requests being considered as part of the City's Growth Management Act process. Mr. Warren emphasized that the success of this proposal hinges on Council's willingness to amend the Aquifer Protection Ordinance to allow special operating permits. He briefly reviewed the proposed conditions for the rezone and the associated conditional use permit. Noting that the proposed conditions for the conditional use permit require that Council modify the Aquifer Protection Ordinance, Councilman Tanner questioned how the Hearing Examiner could consider a conditional use permit that contained such conditions before Council has decided whether it is willing to modify the Ordinance. Mr. Tanner also expressed concern with the third condition under Phase I, which would require that the business's regulated substance inventory be reduced "to the diminimus levels as defined in the Aquifer Protection Ordinance or to the required operating levels" (that would allow operation of the business in an efficient and effective manner). Mr. Tanner interpreted this provision as exempting Bryant Motors from the Aquifer Protection Ordinance. Mr. Warren replied that Council may indeed want to do so under the restrictions of a special operating permit. Council President Stredicke felt that no action should be taken on this matter until the court case regarding violations by Bryant Motors is heard and resolved. The court case is scheduled for September 19, 1994. Mr. Stredicke questioned what recourse the City would have if the conditional use permit were granted and subsequently violated, and Mr. Warren suggested this could be approached via sanctions in much the same manner as the Victoria Hills a 343 ° August 15, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 343 project was. Although he was hopeful that this situation had the potential to be resolved, Mr. Stredicke stressed that the City must be able to impose monetary fines for violations. Mr. Tanner strongly objected to the suggestion that the City modify its Aquifer Protection Ordinance, which was designed to protect the City's water supply, and that Council exempt from its provisions a business that has repeatedly violated City ordinances. He feared this could set a precedent for exempting other businesses as well. Mr. Warren explained this suggestion was made because staff does not believe that Bryant Motors can meet the current v4„ provisions of the Ordinance. Councilman Schlitzer agreed that the crucial issue before Council at this point is whether it is willing to modify the provisions of the Aquifer Protection Ordinance. He suggested referring this question to the Committee of the Whole for deliberation and decision. Mr. Tanner asked for information on the amount of regulated substances stored and utilized by Bryant Motors, Mr. Warren said this information has been requested and should be available soon. Audience comment was invited. Citizen Comment: Eglick - Peter Eglick, 1325 Fourth Ave., Seattle, 98111, representing the North Bryant Motors Rezone, Renton/Kennydale Neighborhood Defense Fund, questioned the propriety of CU-94-088 the process taken on this application and whether it adheres to the process set out in the City Code. RECESS MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL RECESS FOR 1~IVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 9:40 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:46 p.m.; roll was called; all Councilmembers present. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ALLOW THE SPEAKER TEN ADDITIONAL MINUTES FOR HIS COMMENTS. CARRIED. Continuing, Mr. Eglick also questioned the propriety of the City Attorney's involvement in this matter and suggested that Council direct that this application be processed according to the City's regulations and without the advocacy of the City Attorney. Mr. Eglick denied that the recommended mitigation measures for this proposal were developed in conjunction with his clients. He concluded that when businesses outgrow their sites, it is preferable to relocate the offending business rather than change existing regulations to accommodate the use. Responding to Councilman Edwards, Mr. Warren explained staff's suggestion that this rezone be considered with the rest of the Comprehensive Plan and zoning requests. Emphasizing that Council is not being asked to take final action tonight, Mr. Warren said according to a recent court decision, site- specific rezones can be considered legislative and not quasi-judicial under the Growth Management process. Audience comment resumed. The following individuals spoke in opposition to the proposal: Versie Vaupel, P.O. Box 755, Renton, 98057 Marge Richter, 300 Meadow Ave. N., Renton Sally Porter, 1218 N. 2nd St., Renton r�r August 15 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 344 Mary Wolfgram, 204 Meadow Ave. N., Renton Mary Ellen Hamblin, 13025 - 138th Ave. SE, Renton The speakers' comments focused on several areas of concern, as follows: City Attorney involvement in the proposal; the failure of Bryant Motors to adhere to regulations and/or keep promises; a lack of enforcement of City regulations and the residents' subsequent disbelief that this situation will be satisfactorily resolved; continuing violations at the subject site; the proximity of this type of use to single family residences and a park; the proposed vacation of a portion of Meadow Avenue; the possibility that this business might install a diesel emission testing facility; and potential harm to the aquifer. The following individuals spoke in support of the proposal: Dixon Long, 131 Garden Ave. N., Renton, 98055 Kathryn Ernst, 131 Garden Ave. N., Renton, 98055 Comments in support of the proposal expressed a commitment to this area and stated that the plan would greatly improve the neighborhood without harming other properties. Correspondence was read from: Warren and Versie Vaupel, PO Box 755, Renton, 98057 (oppose); Ralph Robertson, 235 Garden Ave. N., Renton (oppose); Dixon Long et al, 131 Garden Ave. N., Renton (support); and Warin L. Gross, 115 Factory Ave. N., Renton (support). Since there was no further comment, it was MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL REFER THE ISSUE OF POSSIBLE MODIFICATION TO THE AQUIFER PROTECTION ORDINANCE TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. In response to Councilman Corman, City Attorney Warren assured Council that the City has made no pre-agreement with Bryant Motors regarding the citation that is now pending before the Municipal Court. Responding to Councilman Edwards, Mr. Warren said although Council could assume jurisdiction of the conditional use permit from the Hearing Examiner, doing so would make this issue quasi-judicial. Councilman Tanner urged Council not to take any action on this issue pending the outcome of the DNS appeal currently before the Hearing Examiner. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL TABLE ACTION ON THE REZONE APPLICATION OF BRYANT MOTORS PENDING OUTCOME OF THE DNS APPEAL CURRENTLY BEFORE THE HEARING EXAMINER AND THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DECISION ON MODIFICATION TO THE AQUIFER PROTECTION ORDINANCE. CARRIED. 345 Aup�ust 15 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 345 AUDIENCE COMMENT Lloyd Hoshide, 833 Kirkland Ave. NE, Renton, 98056, complimented the City Citizen Comment: Hoshide on the recently completed renovation of the Council Chambers, saying that the - Comprehensive Plan sound system in particular appears to be excellent. Regarding the Housing Element Comprehensive Plan Housing Element, Mr. Hoshide said he opposed the adoption of these policies as currently proposed because they do not limit the number of accessory units (mother-in-law apartments) allowed in single family areas, and therefore fail to protect such neighborhoods. Citizen Comment: Hess - Patricia Hess, 3714 NE 19th, Renton, 98057, expressed concern regarding the Sierra Heights Sanitary assessment to be placed on her property in relation to the Sierra Heights Sewers SAD sanitary sewer project. Although she had petitioned to be removed from the associated Local Improvement District (LID 335) in 1992, she has now been assessed under the Special Assessment District provisions. Mrs. Hess questioned the assessment figures for the zone front footage of her property, and asked that the 10% interest to be imposed on the assessment be waived as she has no plans to develop the property while it is in her ownership and thus will not benefit from the sewer project. Responding to Councilman Corman, Michael Benoit, Engineering Specialist, explained that special assessments are not due to be paid until the affected properties are developed; however, according to City Code, they do accrue interest until that time. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THE ISSUE OF MRS. HESS'S ASSESSMENT AS WELL AS THE ISSUE OF THE INTEREST RATE TO BE IMPOSED FOR ALL THE ASSESSMENTS TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. At staffs request, it was MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CANCEL THE PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULED FOR 8/22/94 ON THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS FOR THE SIERRA HEIGHTS SANITARY SEWERS PROJECT. CARRIED. If protests of proposed assessments are received by the City, a public hearing will be rescheduled. In response to Council request, Mr. Benoit agreed to provide information on the average assessment per buildable lot for the entire special assessment district. Citizen Comment: Halinen David Halinen, 10500 NE 8th St., Bellevue, 98004, representing Richard - Parker PUD Butco, owner of the Parker PUD site, asked that Council refer the subject of Development Proposal the amended Parker PUD development proposal to the Committee of the Whole for consideration. Mike Kattermann, Planning & Technical Services Director, noted that this item will be discussed during the 8/16/94 special Committee of the Whole meeting on the Comprehensive Plan amendments and concurrent rezones. Citizen Comment: Wagner Rich Wagner, Baylis Brand Wagner, 1750 - 112th Ave NE, Bellevue, 98004, - Lake Ave S Street explained why some property owners did not support the proposed vacation of Vacation (Safeway/VAC- Lake Ave. S. Noting his agreement with Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler 94-005) that some questions remain to be answered on this issue, he asked that Council reconsider its denial of the vacation and refer this issue to committee for more information. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. At Council President Stredicke's request, item 6.a..was removed for separate consideration. 3410 August 15 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 346 CAG: 94-088, Talbot Rd S City Clerk reported bid opening on 8/04/94 for CAG-94-088, Talbot Rd. S. Improvements, Gary improvement project; six bids; engineer's estimate $498,530.71; and submitted Merlino Const. Co. staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Gary Merlino Construction Co., in the amount of $423,777.80. Council concur. Vacation: SW 16th St., City Clerk submitted request from The Boeing Company for release of City- Boeing/VAC-94-003 held easement in SW 16th St. (Washington Jockey Club/VAC-94-003). Refer to Utilities Committee and Board of Public Works. Vacation: SW 16th St., City Clerk submitted request from The Boeing Company for release of City- Boeing/VAC-94-002 held easement in SW 16th St. (Broadacres/VAC-94-002). Refer to Utilities Committee and Board of Public Works. LID: 335, Sierra Heights City Clerk requested that the public hearing to consider the Final Assessment Sanitary Sewers Roll for LID 335, Sierra Heights Sanitary Sewers, be rescheduled to 9/12/94. Council concur. (See page 348 for resolution.) CAG: 93-092, Cedar Community Services Department submitted CAG-93-092, Cedar River River Interpretive Park Interpretive Park interpretive signs; and requested approval of the project, Signage, Doty & authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of $5,323.44, Associates commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $246.00 to Doty & Associates, contractor, if all required releases have been obtained. Council concur. CAG: 93-129, Houser Community Services Department submitted CAG-93-129, Houser Terrace Terrace Brick brick cleaning and sealing project; and requested approval of the project, Cleaning/Sealing, Kirtley- authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of $15,000.00, Cole Associates, Inc. commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $750.00 to Kirtley-Cole Associates, Inc., contractor, if all required releases have been obtained. Council concur. Planning: CO Zone Planning and Technical Services Division submitted proposed amendments to Changes (Auto the Commercial Office (CO) Zone to allow automobile dealerships and Dealerships/Repair Shops) associated repair shops as a secondary use subject to conditions. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Streets: Queen Ave NE Planning and Technical Services Division requested acceptance of a five-foot Right-of-Way Dedication, street right-of-way dedication adjacent to Queen Ave. NE in relation to the Jacques Short Plat Jacques Short Plat. Council concur. CAG: 92-082, Houser Way Transportation Systems Division requested approval of Addendum No. 3 in the Relocation, WSDOT amount of $304,000 to CAG-92-082, an agreement with WSDOT for the Houser Way relocation project. The supplemental funding is needed to acquire necessary right-of-way. Council concur. (See page 348 for resolution.) CAG: 93-084, Airport Transportation Systems Division submitted CAG-93-084, Airport Way/Rainier Way/Rainier Ave S Ave. S. resurfacing project; and requested approval of the project, Resurfacing, M.A. Segale authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of $152,341.27, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $8,257.96 to M.A. Segale, Inc., contractor, if all required releases have been obtained. Council concur. i I 347 August 15, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 347 CAG: 93-052, N 33rd/N Water Utility Division submitted CAG-93-052, N. 34th and N. 33rd Streets 34th Streets A.C. A.C. Watermains; and requested approval of the project, authorization for Watermains, Paramount final pay estimate in the amount of $8,514.00, commencement of 30-day lien Pacific Corp. period, and release of retained amount of $7,736.98 to Paramount Pacific Corporation, contractor, if all required releases have been obtained. Council concur. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED TO REMOVE ITEM 6.a. FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION. CARRIED. %w Separate Consideration Mayor Clymer appointed Judge Roger Lewis to an additional two-year term Municipal Court: Judge from 1996 to 1998. Council concur. Lewis Reappointment, 1996-1998 In response to Council President Stredicke, Jay Covington, Executive Assistant to the Mayor, explained that current state law requires municipal court judges be appointed to four-year terms. Although Judge Lewis was recently reappointed to a term expiring in 1996, this two-year term was not in compliance with state law. The new appointment would appoint Judge Lewis to a full four-year term and thus satisfy state law. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending approval Finance Committee of Claims Vouchers #114605 - 115218; four wire transfers in the total amount Finance: Vouchers of $3,312,516.49; approval of Payroll Vouchers #128249 - 128680; and 387 direct deposits in the total amount of $1,102,367.75. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation Committee Transportation Committee Chair Edwards presented a report recommending Streets: Logan Ave S concurrence with the Planning/Building/Public Works Department's Temporary Closure recommendation that the City Council authorize the three-month closure of Logan Ave. S. between S. Tobin St. and S. 2nd St. from August 20, 1994 am through November 20, 1994 for the purpose of water main repair. Limited access shall be provided for pedestrian, local and emergency traffic only. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 348 for resolution.) Community Services Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report Committee recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to adopt a resolution Franchise: TCI Cable establishing basic cable television rates and charges for Renton customers of Rates TCI of Seattle, Inc., retroactive to September 1, 1993, and directing TCI of Seattle, Inc. to refund any overcharges from September 1, 1993 as a result of this rate change. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Citizen Comment: Wong Deanna Wong, 2233 - 112th Ave. NE, Bellevue, 98004, representing TCI West, (TCI) - TCI Cable Rates stated that TCI has already voluntarily reduced its rates, and the equipment rates it now charges may be too low. She explained the need for TCI to capture equipment costs as well as the rate of return allowed by the FCC, and was concerned that the proposal before Council for Renton-area customers would require TCI to refund service-related overcharges, but would not allow it to capture equipment-related undercharges. August 15 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 348 Responding to Council questions, Phillip Jewett, Information Services Director, explained that the City is adjusting only those rates that currently fall outside (FCC) rate guidelines. He added that TCI is free to pursue the question regarding whether credit should be given for rates that were less than the FCC-allowed maximum. Noting that a public hearing was held on the proposed rates and that staff has met with TCI to discuss the company's concerns, Mr. Jewett explained that the proposed change would require TCI to refund approximately $0.18 per month to each of its basic rate customers for the time period from September 1993 to July 1994. Councilmember Nelson agreed the Community Services Committee felt this proposal was fair. *MOTION CARRIED. (See later this page for resolution.) ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: Resolution #3085 A resolution was read rescheduling the time and placing for hearing on the LID: 335, Sierra Heights final assessment roll for Local Improvement District No. 335 (Sierra Heights) Sanitary Sewers to 9/12/94, and directing that notice thereof be given in the manner required by law. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3086 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an CAG: 92-082, Houser Way interlocal cooperative agreement with the Washington State Department of Relocation, WSDOT Transportation for funding of the Houser Way relocation project. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3087 A resolution was read establishing cable television rates and charges. MOVED Franchise: TCI Cable BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT Rates THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3088 A resolution was read authorizing the temporary closure of Logan Avenue Streets: Logan Ave S South for utility replacement and road restoration. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, Temporary Closure SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second reading and adoption: Ordinance #4465 An ordinance was read amending subsection 4-31-10.4.B.5 of Chapter 31, Planning: Arterial Zoning Code, of Title IV (Building Regulations) of City Code by adding light Commercial (CA) Zone manufacturing and auto body and paint shops to the list of Hearing Examiner Changes conditional uses in the Arterial Commercial (CA) Zone. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: 4 AYES (SCHLITZER, EDWARDS, NELSON, KEOLKER-WHEELER), 3 NAYS (STREDICKE, TANNER, CORMAN). CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 8/22/94 for second reading and adoption: Planning: Mixed An ordinance was read amending section 4-14-3.0 of Chapter 14, Parking and Commercial (CM) Zone Loading, and section 4-31-10.1 of Chapter 31, Zoning Code, of Title IV Changes (Building Regulations) of City Code by removing the requirement for ground floor retail in all but the pedestrian corridors identified in the Downtown Plan; extending the parking, landscaping, setback and lot coverage exempt area to the west side of Logan Avenue; and adding existing single-family 349 August 15, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 349 residences as a primary use in the Mixed Commercial (CM) Zone. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 8/22/94. CARRIED. Planning: Convenience An ordinance was read amending section 4-31-10.5.B.4 of Chapter 31, Zoning Commercial (CC) Zone Code, of Title IV (Building Regulations) of City Code by adding professional Changes and personal offices to the list of administrative conditional uses in the Convenience Commercial (CC) Zone. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 8/22/94. CARRIED. fir• Utility: Non-Resident An ordinance was read amending subsection 8-4-31.0 of Chapter 4, Water; Low-Income Senior Rates subsections 8-5-15.C.4 and 8-5-15.D of Chapter 5, Sewers; of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) of City Code relating to annual income eligibility thresholds and rates for low-income seniors and disabled customers. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 8/22/94. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Responding to Council President Stredicke, Planning/Building/Public Works Public Works: Mt Olivet Administrator Gregg Zimmerman provided a brief update on the negotiations Landfill involving the Mt. Olivet landfill, reminding Council that the owner wishes to sell this property to the City. Staff has estimated that the closure of the landfill and maintenance costs over the next 30 years would cost $1.3 to $1.5 million. Because of the non-compliance with the industrial waste permit and closure of the landfill, staff has offered the help of City crews to provide remedial maintenance on the site. This offer, however, has been declined by the property owner. Councilman Tanner asked if the property owner assumed responsibility for this site's clean-up when he purchased the property, and City Attorney Warren explained that the question is whether the owner is personally liable or if the responsibility is held by the corporation whose sole asset is the landfill. Mr. Warren added that the City has no proof of pollutants on the site that would come under regulation of either the federal superfund act or the State's X11° model *oxics act. Mr. Warren agreed with Councilman Edwards that the prior owner may also have some responsibility, and Mr. Edwards added that the City should be aggressive in pursuing this matter. Building: Major Signing Council President Stredicke asked that staff provide recommendations for Regulations informational signage on properties proposed for development such as The Orchards to help notify the public and to set standards for developers. DRA: Street Sweeping in Councilmember Nelson requested that the City inform the Downtown Renton the Downtown Association of the City's street sweeping schedule for information of business owners. AUDIENCE COMMENT Versie Vaupel, P.O. Box 755, Renton, 98057, said if staff presents changes to Citizen Comment: Vaupel the Aquifer Protection Ordinance based in part on the aquifer plan being - Bryant Motors Rezone, prepared by a consultant of Bryant Motors, this report should be made public. CU-94-088 Mrs. Vaupel asked Council to direct that all documents related to this issue and to the proposed redevelopment of Bryant Motors be made available to the public. August 15 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Paye 350 Responding to Councilman Corman, City Attorney Warren said any documents received by the City in the course of an application are public record. EXECUTIVE SESSION MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR FIVE MINUTES TO DISCUSS LEASE NEGOTIATIONS. CARRIED. Time: 12:10 a.m. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 12:15 a.m. - MARILYN . P TERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 8/15/94 351 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 15, 1994 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE TUES., 8/16 Comprehensive Plan Amendments and (Stredicke) 3:30 p.m. Concurrent Zoning MON., 8/22 Regional Transit Authority Update on 6:30 p.m. Commuter Transit Proposals COMMUNITY SERVICES TUES., 8/16 Cities in Schools Program; (Nelson) 3:00 p.m. Municipal Court Judge Reappointment *5th Floor* FINANCE (Tanner) PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT THUR., 8/18 Class "A" Nonconforming Use Process; (Keolker-Wheeler) 4:00 p.m. Willing Demonstration Project and *5th Floor* Ordinance; Public Use Suffix (Briefing); Amendment to Commercial Office Zone to Allow Auto Dealerships PUBLIC SAFETY err► (Corman) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) MON., 8/22 Northwest Seaplanes 10-Year Lease; (Edwards) 6:00 p.m. 1994 Street Overlay program (briefing only) UTILITIES THURS., 8/25 Renton School District Sewer Hook-up (Schlitzer) 4:00 p.m. Request OTHER MEETINGS Suburban Cities Association WED., 8/24 6:00 p.m., Renton Council Chambers NOTE:Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the 6th floor conference room unless otherwise noted. *REVISED* AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL *Revisions noted with asterisks REGULAR MEETING August 22, 1994 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF AUGUST 15, 1994 *4. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Renton D.A.R.E. Program Donation 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. City Clerk reports bid opening on 8/15/94 for CAG-94-093, Liberty Park playground equipment installation; one bid; engineer's estimate $72,000; and submits staff recommendation to award the bid to Parkwood Services in the amount of$80,068.35. Council concur. b. City Clerk reports bid opening on 8/18/94 for CAG-94-098, 1994 Street Overlay program; three bids; engineer's estimate $159,303.25; and submits staff recommendation to award the bid to the low bidder, Lakeside Industries, in the amount of$165,664.75. Council concur. c. Development Services Division submits the amended 60% petition for the Winsper annexation (115 acres located east of Talbot Hill Road, south of the existing City boundary, and generally north of the parcels located along South 175th Street), and requests a public hearing be scheduled 9/19/94 to consider the amended petition and the concurrent rezone to Single Family (SF) and Mixed Residential (MR). Council concur. d. Finance and Information Services Department requests adoption of an ordinance that would resubmit the Public Safety Bond Issue for a vote on the General Election ballot on 11/8/94 should it not pass 9/20/94. Refer to Finance Committee. e. Housing& Human Services Division requests approval of the proposed distribution for the 1995 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds and recommends reallocation of previous CDBG capital funds. Refer to Community Services Committee; set public hearing for 9/12/94 to consider the proposed distribution of 1995 CDBG Funds. f. Wastewater Utility Division requests change to City sewer connection requirements to reflect new Washington Administrative Code language requiring that any existing premise that has temporarily repaired a septic system be connected to the public sewer system when the system becomes available. Council concur. (See agenda item 9. for ordinance.) g. Wastewater Utility Division submits CAG-93-032, Highlands Sanitary Sewer Replacement project; and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of$5,149.23, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$40,054.91 to Virginia L. Seitz Construction. Co., contractor, if all required releases have been obtained. Council concur. * h. Planning/Building/Public Works Department submits proposed changes in the lease agreement with Mindemann's South Shore/Specialty Restaurants for the operation of the restaurant at Renton Municipal Airport. Council concur. (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 353 7. CORRESPONDENCE a. Letter from Versie Vaupel, PO Box 755, Renton, 98057, requesting that the public and interested parties be notified of the existence of any proposed changes to the Aquifer Protection Ordinance. The letter also asks for information on the existence of all documents relating to the Bryant Motors redevelopment proposal. * b. Letter from Richard L. Wagner, AIA, Baylis Brand Wagner Architects, 1750 - 112th Ave. NE, Bellevue, 98004, requesting that Council reconsider its denial of the proposed Lake Ave. S. street vacation(Safeway/VAC-94-005). 8. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Community Services Committee: Cities in Schools Program; Municipal Court Judge Reappointment * b. Planning& Development Committee: Willing Demonstration Project and Ordinance*; Public Use Suffix c. Transportation (Aviation) Committee: Northwest Seaplanes 10-Year Lease d. Utilities Committee: Renton School District sewer hook-up request 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinances for second and final reading: a. Amending the Mixed Commercial (CM)Zone by: removing the requirement for ground floor retail, with exceptions; extending the exempt area to the west side of Logan Ave.; and adding existing single- family residences as a primary use (1 st reading 8/15/94) b. Utility surcharge exemption for non-resident senior customers who qualify for the State's property tax exemption (1st reading 8/15/94) c. Adopting the Marshall/Galusha annexation (NE 4th St/Duvall Ave NE) (1st reading 7/25/94; Council postponed second reading to 8/22/94) d. Adopting the zoning for the Marshall/Galusha annexation (1st reading 7/25/94) * Ordinances for first reading and advancement to second and final reading: a. Amending the Convenience Commercial (CC)Zone by adding professional and personal offices to the list of administrative conditional uses (revised from original first reading on 8/15/94) b. Willing Demonstration Project (ordinance and summary ordinance) (see 8.b.) Ordinance for first reading: Requiring certain properties to connect to the public sewer system as outlined in the Washington Administrative Code (see 6.f.) 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics - call 277-4430 for recorded information) H. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT a. Referred 6/27/94 - Versie Vaupel request for information related to a City dump truck purchase. b. Referred 7/11/94 - Petition from Becky&Randy Lemke et al regarding apparent conversion of single- family home to duplex. c. Referred 7/11/94 - Council request for an independent evaluation of remodeling work at 251 Factory Ave. N. and a report back as soon as completed. 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. EXECUTIVE SESSION 14. ADJOURNMENT %W COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) COUNCIL CHAMBERS 6:30 p.m. Regional Transit Authority Update on Commuter Transit Proposals SPECIAL COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING Tuesday, 8/23/94 at 1:00 p.m. Council Chambers Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Concurrent Zoning (Continued from 8/16/94) i . 355 L Au.gust.22 1994: ;>.... Re ` ADMINISTRATION Matter of setting compensation during the term of a sitting municipal court judge Large signs for staged and mixed developments COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Proposed development for Parker PUD property COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE 1995 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Addendum No. 3 to LAG-91-005, ten-year lease extension with Northwest Seaplanes, Inc. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Convenience Commercial (CC)Zone change PLANNING COMMISSION Public Use Suffix/P-1 Zone assimilation ar ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING Sewer connection requirement changes PUBLIC HEARINGS 9/12/94— 1995 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds 9/12/94 — Final assessment roll for LID 335, Sierra Heights sanitary sewers 9/19/94 — Winsper amended 60% Annexation Petition (Talbot Hill) fin. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 22, 1994 City Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. Renton Municipal Building M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD STREDICKE, Council President; JESSE TANNER, TIM COUNCILMEMBERS SCHLITZER, RANDY CORMAN, TONI NELSON, KATHY KEOLKER- WHEELER. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMAN BOB EDWARDS. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON; Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; ZANETTA FONTES, Assistant City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; MIKE KATTERMANN, Planning & Technical Services Director; JIM SHEPHERD, Facilities Director;.DAVID STANDAART, CIP Coordinator; NEIL WATTS, Plan Review Supervisor; MARK PYWELL, Senior Planner; LENORA BLAUMAN, Senior Planner; SUE CARLSON, Economic Development Specialist; SANDRA MEYER, Transportation Planning Supervisor; MEL WILSON, Transportation Systems Director; TANYA HANKS, D.A.R.E. Officer; LIEUTENANT ROB SOFIE, Police Department. PRESS Jean Parietti, Valley Daily News APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES THE MINUTES OF AUGUST 15, 1994, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. SPECIAL Ben and Nancy Remak, coordinators of the "Return to Renton" Benefit PRESENTATION Cruise-In, an annual event equally benefiting the Renton Police Department's Police: D.A.R.E. Donation D.A.R.E. program and M.A.D.D. of King County, presented a check for $2,250 to the Police Department from the proceeds of this year's event. Mr. and Mrs. Remak cited other businesses and organizations who contributed to the benefit's success, including Stoneway Concrete, Pasha Enterprises, vat Evergreen Muscle Car Supply (Kent), Art Brass Plating (Seattle), State Farm Insurance Company, and 97.3 KBSG. .D.A.R.E. Officer Tanya Hanks and Lieutenant Rob Sofie accepted the check on behalf of Police Chief Alan L. Wallis and the Police Department. AUDIENCE COMMENT Jean Parietti, Valley Daily News, spoke regarding the Renton Hill Cedar Citizen Comment: Parietti Avenue staircase issue. Encouraging Council to discuss this subject in open - Council Executive session, she requested that, should an executive session be held on this matter, Session it be restricted to discussion that legally meets one of the exemptions under the Open Public Meetings Act. Citizen Comment: Vaupel Versie Vaupel, P.O. Box 755, Renton, 98057, asked for confirmation that each - Bryant Motors Rezone, Councilmember received a copy of a letter from the counsel for the North CU-94-088 Renton/Kennydale Neighborhood Defense Fund on the proposed Bryant Motors redevelopment/rezone issue. Citizen Comment: Richter Marjorie Richter, 300 Meadow Avenue North, Renton 98055, objected to any - 251 Factory Ave N assistance the City might be providing Tryg Fortun, owner of the building at Building Permit 251 Factory Ave. N., relating to remodeling estimates for this structure. Mrs. Richter emphasized that the remodeling activity should not be occurring if it is in any way illegal. 357 August 22, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 357 Citizen Comment: Smith - Gary Smith, 5021 Ripley Lane N. #4, Renton, 98056, commented that Lake Ave S Street although Council last week denied the proposed Lake Ave. S. street vacation, Vacation (Safeway/VAC- the applicant has now requested that this matter be reconsidered. Mr. Smith 94-005) said it was inappropriate for the proponent of this matter to be represented by a member of the City's Planning Commission as he felt this arrangement lent itself to an appearance of fairness conflict. Mr. Smith questioned whether the vacation proponents would be able to obtain the necessary amount of support for a full vacation, and asked who would be responsible for the needed utility upgrades should the vacation be granted. He concluded by challenging the ��.. assertion that his property would not be affected by a vacation of this street. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. At Council request, items 6.d. and 6.h. were removed for separate consideration. CAG: 94-093, Liberty City Clerk reported bid opening on 8/15/94 for CAG-94-093, Liberty Park Park Playground playground equipment installation; one bid; engineer's estimate $72,000; and Equipment, Parkwood submitted staff recommendation to award the bid to Parkwood Services in the Services amount of $80,068.35. Council concur. CAG: 94-098, 1994 Street City Clerk reported bid opening on 8/18/94 for CAG-94-098, 1994 street Overlay Program, overlay program; three bids; engineer's estimate $159,303.25; and submitted Lakeside Industries staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Lakeside Industries, in the amount of $165,664.75. Council concur. Annexation: Winsper Development Services Division submitted the amended 60% petition for the (Talbot Hill), Amended Winsper annexation (115 acres located east of Talbot Hill Road, south of the 60% Petition existing City boundary, and generally north of the parcels located along South 175th Street); and requested a public hearing be scheduled 9/19/94 to consider the amended petition and the concurrent rezone to Single Family (SF) and Mixed Residential (MR). Council concur. H&HS: 1995 CDBG Funds Housing & Human Services Division requested approval of the proposed distribution for the 1995 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) maw Funds in the total amount of $426,541 and recommended reallocation of previous CDBG capital funds. Refer to Community Services Committee; set public hearing for 9/12/94 to consider the proposed distribution of 1995 CDBG Funds. Utility: Sewer Hook-up Wastewater Utility Division requested change to City sewer connection Requirements requirements to reflect new Washington Administrative Code language requiring that any existing premise that has temporarily repaired a septic system be connected to the public sewer system when the system becomes available. Council concur. (See page 363 for ordinance.) CAG: 93-032, Highlands Wastewater Utility Division submitted CAG-93-032, Highlands Sanitary Sewer Sanitary Sewer Replacement project; and requested approval of the project, authorization for Replacement, Virginia L. final pay estimate in the amount of $5,149.23, commencement of 30-day lien Seitz Const. Co. period, and release of retained amount of $40,054.91 to Virginia L. Seitz Construction Co., contractor, if all required releases have been obtained. Council concur. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED TO REMOVE ITEMS d. AND h. FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION. CARRIED. August 22, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 358 Separate Consideration Finance and Information Services Department requested adoption of an Finance: Public Safety ordinance that would resubmit the Public Safety Bond Issue for a vote on the Bond Issue General Election ballot on 11/08/94 should it not pass 9/20/94. Councilman Tanner questioned the appropriateness of this proposal, fearing it indicated a lack of confidence that the bond issue will pass. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler explained the timing problem inherent in this matter, as the primary will be held September 20th and the deadline for submitting November general election ballot items is September 23rd. Mr. Tanner felt that any presupposition that the bond issue might fail would constitute poor strategy, adding that, should the bond issue not pass, it might not be appropriate to advance it to the general election ballot in November. Councilman Corman agreed, but noted it was conceivable that the bond issue could fail in September solely because of inadequate voter turnout. In such a case, Council might agree to place it on the November ballot. Council President Stredicke felt that, should the bond issue be defeated in September, it would not be appropriate to forward the same, unchanged proposal to the November ballot. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONSIDER THIS MATTER AT THIS TIME RATHER THAN REFER IT TO COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL RESUBMIT THE PUBLIC SAFETY BOND ISSUE FOR A VOTE ON THE GENERAL ELECTION BALLOT ON 11/08/94 SHOULD IT NOT PASS 9/20/94. CARRIED. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL PLACE THIS ORDINANCE REGARDING THIS MATTER ON THE AGENDA FOR FIRST READING.* Responding to Councilman Corman, Executive Assistant Jay Covington explained that Council could decide to set a special meeting to consider this ordinance, such meeting to take place after the primary on 9/20/94 but before the 9/23/94 deadline for submitting November ballot issues to the County. Mr. Corman favored this alternative as it would allow the Council to consider the outcome of_the primary election, including the turnout, and whether the bond issue proposal should be restructured or simply moved forward to the general election. Substitute motion by Corman, seconded by Keolker-Wheeler, Council set a special meeting for 9/22/94 to consider the subject ordinance to resubmit the public safety bond issue for the November general election ballot. Roll call: 3 ayes (Schlitzer, Corman, Keolker-Wheeler), 3 nays (Stredicke, Tanner, Nelson). Mayor Clymer broke the tie with a dissenting vote. Motion failed. *MAIN MOTION CARRIED. (See page 361 for ordinance.) LAG: 76-007, Planning/Building/Public Works Department submitted proposed changes in Mindemann's South the lease agreement with Mindemann's South Shore/Specialty Restaurants for Shore/Specialty the operation of the restaurant at Renton Municipal Airport. Council concur. Restaurants At the suggestion of Executive Assistant Covington, Council concurred in the proposed changes to the lease agreement as amended to add the following language to the last sentence in the first paragraph of the staff recommendation: ". . . with a letter indicating that the outstanding debt has i i Aup,ust 22, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 359 been resolved subject to confirmation that sublease conditions regarding capital equipment and facilities replacement reserve are met." MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE LEASE AGREEMENT AS CLARIFIED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Versie Vaupel, P.O. Box 755, Renton, 98057, Citizen Comment: Vaupel requesting that the public and interested parties be notified of the existence of - Bryant Motors any proposed changes to the Aquifer Protection Ordinance. The letter also Redevelopment asked for information on the existence of all documents relating to the Bryant Proposal/Request for Motors redevelopment proposal. Information MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL DIRECT THAT ALL MATERIAL PERTAINING TO PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE AQUIFER PROTECTION ORDINANCE BE MADE AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Wagner Correspondence was read from Richard L. Wagner, Baylis Brand Wagner - Lake Ave S Street Architects, 1750 - 112th Ave. NE, Bellevue, 98004, requesting that Council Vacation (Safeway/VAC- reconsider its denial of the proposed Lake Ave. S. street vacation 94-005) (Safeway/VAC-94-005). OLD BUSINESS Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report regarding the Community Services Cities in Schools program. The Committee reviewed the request to participate Committee in the funding of the Renton Cities in Schools program for 1994-1995. This H&HS: Cities in Schools proposal was also reviewed and approved by the Human Services Technical Program Advisory Committee. The Community Services Committee recommended that Council match the School District's financial commitment with a one-time contribution of up to $20,000. It is anticipated that this funding will help provide a coordinator position, employed by the State Cities in Schools organization and answerable to the local Board. It is further anticipated that this position, along with Board members, will work to secure ongoing financial resources. The City's one-time commitment will come from savings within the Executive Department's insurance budget (actual claims versus budget). No financial commitments have been suggested beyond the one-time start-up costs, and any ongoing requests will be processed through the City's regular 1995-1996 budget process. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Appointment: Municipal Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report Court Judge recommending that Council appoint Roger Lewis to a four-year term as Municipal Court Judge ending December 31, 1998. This appointment is in compliance with RCW 3.50.040. The Committee also recommended that Council request the Administration to research the authority to set compensation during the term of a sitting judge. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation (Aviation) Transportation (Aviation) Committee Vice Chair Schlitzer presented a report Committee regarding the extension of the lease to Northwest Seaplanes, Inc. Northwest LAG: 91-005, Northwest Seaplanes, Inc. has requested approval of an option for a ten-year extension of Seaplanes 10-Year Lease the lease (LAG-91-005), such option to become effective upon the completion Extension of construction of an aircraft hangar building with the requirement that the hangar be constructed prior to December 31, 1994. The basis for the request by Northwest Seaplanes, Inc. is the cost of extending a water main, storm and sanitary sewer from West Perimeter Road to the construction site and the August 22 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pau 360 installation of a fire hydrant. The ten-year optional period is requested to permit recovery of the cost of extending the utility services and the installation of the hydrant. The Transportation (Aviation) Committee recommended that the City Council: 1) approve the option for a ten-year extension of the Northwest Seaplanes, Inc. lease; 2) authorize the option for the ten-year extension to become effective upon the construction of an aircraft hangar building, with the requirement that the hangar be constructed prior to December 31, 1994; and 3) authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to approve Addendum No. #3 to LAG-91-005 (Northwest Seaplanes, Inc.). MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR 1N THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning & Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Committee report regarding the public use suffix/P-1 zone assimilation. Because the Planning: Public Use disposition of publicly-held properties can impact surrounding areas as well as Suffix/P-1 Zone have financial implications for other agencies, changes affecting ownership, Assimilation use and occupancy are deemed to be in the public interest and warrant special notification of surrounding residents and businesses as well as other parties of record, including other public agencies. Likewise, because such uses are typically special (or secondary) uses in those zones where they are allowed, they typically require special development standards to fulfill their public purpose. Therefore, the Planning and Development Committee recommended that the Council request the Administration to direct staff to forward the proposed special development standards and change of use/notification procedures that are intended to be used with properties granted a Public Use (P) suffix to the Planning, Commission for its review and recommendation. The Committee further recommended that this matter be returned to it by the Planning Commission for final review and recommendation to the Council. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning: Residential Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Development report recommending that Council adopt the proposed Residential Demonstration Project Development Demonstration ordinance in order to allow the Village on Union (Willing), Village on to proceed as a demonstration project. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, Union SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 361 for ordinance and summary ordinance.) Planning: Parker MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL REFER PUD/Rezone THE PROPOSAL FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE PARKER PUD PROPERTY TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Building: Development MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL REFER Signage THE SUBJECT OF LARGE SIGNS FOR STAGED AND MIXED DEVELOPMENTS TO THE ADMINISTRATION. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The following ordinances were presented for second reading and adoption: Ordinance #4466 An ordinance was read amending section 4-14-3.0 of Chapter 14, Parking and Planning: Mixed Loading, and section 4-31-10.1 of Chapter 31, Zoning Code, of Title IV Commercial (CM) Zone (Building Regulations) of City Code by removing the requirement for ground Changes floor retail in all but the pedestrian corridors identified in the Downtown Plan; extending the parking, landscaping, setback and lot coverage exempt area to the west side of Logan Avenue; and adding existing single-family residences as a primary use in the Mixed Commercial (CM) Zone. MOVED BY KEOL KER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT 361 August 22, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 361 THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: 5 AYES (TANNER, SCHLITZER, CORMAN, NELSON, KEOLKER-WHEELER), 1 NAY (STREDICKE). CARRIED. Ordinance #4467 An ordinance was read amending subsection 8-4-31.0 of Chapter 4, Water; Utility: Non-Resident subsections 8-5-15.C.4 and 8-5-15.13 of Chapter 5, Sewers; of Title VIII Low-Income Senior Rates (Health and Sanitation) of City Code relating to annual income eligibility thresholds and rates for low-income seniors and disabled customers. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. too The following ordinances were presented for first reading and immediate advancement to second and final reading: Planning: Residential An ordinance and summary ordinance were read amending Title IX (Public Development Ways and Property) of City Code by adding Chapter 17 which adopts a Demonstration Project demonstration project for purposes of developing methods to meet the intent (Willing), Village on of the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan as well as the City's Union development objectives. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE AND SUMMARY ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #4468 Following second and final reading of the aforementioned ordinance and Planning: Residential summary ordinance, it was MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED Development BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AND SUMMARY Demonstration Project ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. (Willing), Village on Union Finance: Public Safety An ordinance was read providing for the resubmission to the voters of the Bond Issue City at a special election to be held therein on November 8, 1994, in conjunction with the State general election to be held on the same date, of a proposition authorizing the City to incur indebtedness by issuing its general obligation bonds in a par amount not to exceed $14,800,000, payable by ftw annual property tax levies to be made in excess of regular property tax levies, for the purpose of paying the costs of constructing and equipping a public safety building and acquiring real property for related City purposes and to levy those excess property taxes. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #4469 Following second and final reading of the aforementioned ordinance, it was Finance: Public Safety MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Bond Issue ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: 5 AYES (TANNER, SCHLITZER, CORMAN, NELSON, KEOLKER-WHEELER), 1 NAY (STREDICKE). CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading, having been first read at the City Council meeting of 7/25/94: Ordinance #4470 An ordinance was read annexing approximately 14.1 acres located south of NE Annexation: 4th Street at Duvall Avenue NE to the City of Renton (Marshall/Galusha Marshall/Galusha, NE annexation; File No. A-93-001).* 4th/Duvall Ave NE Responding to Council inquiry, Planning & Technical Services Director Mike Kattermann advised that Council has previously discussed and directed that the zoning on the southernmost parcel of this annexation be changed from August 22 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Paye 362 Mixed Residential (MR) to Single Family (SF) classification. He reiterated the staff recommendation that MR zoning be adopted concurrent with the annexation at this time, and upon adoption of the Comprehensive Plan at the end of the year, both the land use and zoning categories will be changed to single family designation. Mr. Kattermann also confirmed that the property owner has been notified that during the Comprehensive Plan amendment process currently underway, the Planning Commission recommended to the Council that single family zoning be approved for the southernmost site. Upon further Council inquiry regarding impact to the affected property owner if Council approved SF zoning in lieu of MR zoning at this time, City Attorney Fontes suggested that if the property owner opposes the change in zoning to SF, he could withdraw his signature in support of the annexation from the 60% petition, and the withdrawal would not affect the sufficiency of the petition. Council expressed concern that if MR zoning is temporarily approved at this time, the southernmost property would have the potential to develop to MR standards before the end of the year when the property is reclassified to SF zoning. Such development would result in the creation of a small island of MR development. RECESS MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 8:47 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 8:52 p.m.; roll was called; all Councilmembers present. Mr. Kattermann suggested that if Council approves a change in zoning on the southernmost parcel from MR to SF, the zoning ordinance should be presented again for first reading. Although this change would make this parcel's zoning inconsistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, the Land Use Element is interim and Council has made clear its intention that the Comprehensive Plan designation for this property will be changed when the Plan is adopted later this year. *Moved by Schlitzer, seconded by Tanner, Council adopt the annexation ordinance as presented. Roll call: 2 ayes (Tanner, Schlitzer), 4 nays (Stredicke, Corman, Nelson, Keolker-Wheeler). Motion failed. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL RECONSIDER THE ORDINANCE ANNEXING THE AREA KNOWN AS MARSHALL/GALUSHA. CARRIED. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Regarding the zoning on the annexation parcel, Ms. Fontes noted that at the March 21, 1994 public hearing held to consider the 60% annexation petition, Council had directed that MR zoning be imposed on this parcel "with the proviso that all properties proposed for Mixed Residential (MR) zoning under the City's Comprehensive Plan in this area be further considered at a later time." Upon Council inquiry, Ms. Fontes stated that the Council could legally change the zoning on the southernmost parcel to SF this date. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL PRESENT AN ORDINANCE IMPOSING COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (CB) ZONING ON THE MAJORITY OF THE AREA CONTAINED IN THE MARSHALL/ 363 August 22, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 363 GALUSHA ANNEXATION EXCEPT FOR THE SOUTHERNMOST PARCEL, IMPOSING SINGLE FAMILY (SF) ZONING ON THIS PORTION. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and immediate advancement to second and final reading: Annexation: An ordinance was read establishing the zoning classification of approximately Marshal l/Gal usha Zoning, 14.1 acres located south of NE 4th Street at Duvall Avenue NE annexed to the NE 4th/Duvall Ave NE City of Renton to CB (Community Commercial) and SF (Single Family) (Marshall/Galusha zoning designation). MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #4471 Following second and final reading of the aforementioned ordinance, it was Annexation: MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT Marshall/Galusha Zoning, THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: 5 AYES (STREDICKE, NE 4th/Duvall Ave NE SCHLITZER, CORMAN, NELSON, KEOLKER-WHEELER), 1 NAY (TANNER). CARRIED. Council directed the Administration to send a letter to the property owner of the southernmost parcel to inform him of Council's action on this matter. The letter should include information on past Council discussions of this issue. The following ordinance, which was revised after first reading at the Council meeting of 8/15/94, was again presented for first reading: Planning: Convenience An ordinance was read amending sections 4-31-10.5.A and 4-31-10.5.B.4 of Commercial (CC) Zone Chapter 31, Zoning Code, of Title IV (Building Regulations) of City Code by Change adding professional and personal offices to the list of administrative conditional uses in the Convenience Commercial (CC) zone. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING.* Councilman Tanner objected to the suggestion that the CC zone's purpose �" statement be amended to delete the language limiting the market area of any use ip this zone to a one-half mile radius. He felt that this modification would effectively equate the CC zone to the Arterial Commercial (CA) zone. *SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THIS ISSUE BACK TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 9/12/94 for second reading and adoption: Utility: Sewer Connection An ordinance was read amending subsection 8-5-3.E of Chapter 5, Sewers, of Requirements Title VIII (Health and Sanitation), of City Code relating to compulsory connection to the public sewer system as outlined in the Washington Administrative Code. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 9/12/94. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Tanner noted his agreement with the Valley Daily News WSDOT: 1-405 S-Curve representative that the subject of the Renton Hill Cedar Avenue staircase Project should be discussed in open session. Assistant City Attorney Fontes replied that, while the factual update of this matter could be discussed in public, any legal ramifications should be reserved for executive session. the August 22, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 364 Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman explained that the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) has discovered a reference to the staircase in the mitigation section of the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) prepared for the S-Curve project. Specifically, the document states that "Access from Renton Hill would be provided by a more direct pedestrian route to downtown. A sidewalk along the north side of the Cedar Avenue South connection would be interconnected to the (sit-in) park by a stairway." Councilman Tanner noted that, two months ago, a citizen interested in this project had produced a copy of a letter written in 1985 to WSDOT from then- Council president John Reed that referred to the need for "additional improvements" such as "installment of stairways on one of the access roads (to) provide access from Renton Hill to City Hall, Renton Library and Liberty Park." Saying that no staircase was shown in figures III-S-3 and III-S-4 of the EIS, Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler added that the sit-in park which was mentioned in this document was not provided. She said the stairway location in the diagram provided is different from the location currently proposed. Mr. Zimmerman replied that because the State has concluded that the stairway referred to in the EIS is the same as that being discussed, it may no longer be willing to delete it from the project. While he agreed with Mrs. Keolker- Wheeler that the existing dechlorination building and the bypass structure were built without having been described in the EIS, Mr. Zimmerman added that WSDOT has plans to landscape and provide other amenities in this general area which Council may or may not view as a "sit-in park." Fire: Junior Taxing Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler asked staff to provide more information on Districts the proposed levy issue for Valley General Hospital and how this could affect other junior taxing districts such as fire districts. Noting that this matter is currently being negotiated between the hospital and the fire districts, Executive Assistant Covington agreed to provide an update on this subject at the September 12th Council meeting. ADMINISTRATIVE Referred 6/27/94 - Versie Vaupel request for information related to a City REPORT dump truck purchase. Public Works: City Dump Truck Purchase Letter from Jack Crumley, Maintenance Director, to Mrs. Vaupel invited her to peruse the City's file on the 1991 International dump truck purchased in June of 1993. Building: Possible Illegal Referred 7/11/94 - Petition from Becky & Randy Lemke et al regarding Duplex, 409 Cedar Ave S apparent conversion of single family home to duplex. Memorandum from Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman stated that although the City has been unable to gain entrance to the residence, an Order to Correct was issue on 7/25/94 requiring compliance by 8/04/94. Staff will continue to monitor the situation and will initiate appropriate enforcement should proof of violation become evident. Building: Permit at 251 Referred 7/11/94 - Council request for an independent evaluation of Factory Ave N remodeling work at 251 Factory Ave. N. and a report back as soon as completed. 365 August 22, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Paye 365 Memorandum from Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman stated that the Administration has determined that the revised remodeling costs submitted by the owner comply with the 50% cost to value limit rule provided in the City Code for non-conforming structures. Thus, the building permit remains valid subject to modification per the revised estimate. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 10:08 p.m. rr. MARILYN JVP SEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 8/22/94 I !r CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 22, 1994 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE TUES., 8/23 Comprehensive Plan Amendments and (Stredicke) 1:00 P.M. Concurrent Zoning MON., 9/12 Housing Element of the Comprehensive 6:30 p.m. Plan COMMUNITY SERVICES TUES., 8/23 1995 Community Development Block (Nelson) 3:30 p.m. Grant Funds *5th Floor* FINANCE MON., 9/12 Vouchers , (Tanner) 6:00 p.m. PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT TUES., 8/23 Class "A" Nonconforming Use Process; (Keolker-Wheeler) 4:00 p.m. Amendment to Commercial Office Zone to *5th Floor* Allow Auto Dealerships; Amendment to Commercial Convenience Zone to Add Professional/Personal Offices as Administrative Conditional Uses PUBLIC SAFETY THUR., 8/25 Fire Department Briefing on Current (Corman) 3:30 p.m. Issues TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) (Edwards) UTILITIES THURS., 8/25 Renton School District Sewer Hook-up (Schlitzer) 4:00 p.m. Request; Trillium Corp. Release of Easement i NOTE:Committee ofthe Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the 61h floor conference room unless otherwise noted. 367 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING September 12, 1994 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF AUGUST 22, 1994 r.. 4. PROCLAMATIONS: a. September, 1994 as "Stop the Violence/Save Our Kids" Month b. September 18-24, 1994 as "Adult Day Care Center" Week c. October 1, 1994 as "Day of Concern for the Hungry" 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS: a. 1995 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds and reallocation of 1992 and 1994 funds b. Final assessment roll for Local Improvement District #335, Sierra Heights sanitary sewers 6. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Mayor Clymer reappoints Alvin Reevis, 455 Edmonds Ct. NE, Renton, 98056, and Marguerite Robinson, 3412 SE 5th St., Renton, 98058, to the Human Rights& Affairs Commission for two-year terms ending 9/19/96. Council concur. b. Mayor Clymer reappoints Lee G. Connel, 520 Raymond Ave. NE, Renton, 98055, and Dennis Dochnahl, 2006 Redmond Ave. NE, Renton, 98056, to the Board of Adjustment for four-year terms .. ending 9/06/98. Council concur. c. Mayor Clymer appoints King Parker, 4601 NE 24th St., Renton, 98059, to the Board of Adjustment to fulfill the unexpired term of Barbara Lally, who resigned 7/26/94. This term expires 9/06/96. Refer to Community Services Committee. d. City Clerk reports bid opening on 9/07/94 for CAG-94-103, Bus Zone Accessibility Improvement Project; one bid; engineer's estimate $60,848.00. Refer to Transportation Committee. e. City Clerk reports bid opening on 8/29/94 for CAG-94-101, Highlands Library roof replacement; 8 bids; engineer's estimate $30,000; low bid $36,177.75. Refer to Community Services Committee. f. City Clerk reports bid opening on 8/23/94 for CAG-94-097, Talbot Hill Phase I Water Mains Replacement; 6 bids; engineer's estimate $352,275.40; and submits staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Gary Merlino Construction Co., in the amount of$299,681.54 Council concur. g. City Clerk reports bid opening on 8/23/94 for CAG-94-095, Houser Way Pump Station Schedule B; 5 bids; engineer's estimate $685,649.33; and submits staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Omega Contractors, Inc., in the amount of$496,298.25. Council concur. h. Finance& Information Services Department submits proposed new TCI cable television basic rates for the time period from 9/01/93 to 7/14/94. Refer to Community Services Committee. i. Hearing Examiner requests approval of the Stratford Heights Preliminary Plat, PP-94-057, a 13-lot single family subdivision located in the 3900 block of NE 19th St. Council concur. j. Planning& Technical Services Division submits proposed amendments to the Manufactured Home Park Zone (T/Trailer), and a proposal to create a new zone called the Manufactured Housing Subdivision Zone (MHS). Refer to Planning and Development Committee. (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) k. Transportation Division submits proposed Airport Master Plan update process. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. 1. Transportation Division recommends that Council approve the selection by Metro of the lowest qualified bidder for the Metro/Renton North 3rd Street Liveable Streets Program project. Refer to Transportation Committee. m. Transportation Division submits proposed agreement with WSDOT for $118,500 in grant funds for safety improvements to the railroad crossing on N. 8th St. near Houser Way N. The City's share is $1,500. Refer to Transportation Committee. n. Wastewater Utility Division submits CAG-94-038, LID 337 Dayton Avenue sanitary sewers project; and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of$3,492.68, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$4,819.07 to Gary Merlino Construction Co., contractor, if all required releases have been obtained. Council concur. 8. CORRESPONDENCE a. Letter from Randal and Catherine Corman, 2216 Harrington Pl. NE, Renton, 98056, requesting that Council approve a five-foot dedication of right-of-way to the City along the south side of NE 3rd St. at Harrington Pl. NE to shift emergency access improvements for Honey Creek PUD. b. Letter from Frank Kolby, 16427 Benson Rd. S., Renton, 98058, requesting emergency hook-up to the City's sewer system. 9. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Community Services Committee: 1995 Community Development Block Grant Funds b. Finance Committee: Vouchers c. Planning& Development Committee: Amendment to Commercial Office Zone to allow auto dealerships*; Amendment to Commercial Convenience Zone to add professional/personal offices as administrative conditional uses* d. Utilities Committee: Renton School District sewer hook-up request; Trillium Corporation request for partial release of easement 10. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinance for second and final reading: Requiring certain properties to connect to the public sewer system as outlined in the Washington Administrative Code (1st reading 8/22/94) Ordinance for first reading and advancement to second and final reading: Amending the Convenience Commercial (CC) Zone by adding professional and personal offices to the list of administrative conditional uses (see 9.c.) Ordinances for first readins: a. Adopting the final assessment roll for LID 335, Sierra Heights sanitary sewers (see S.b.) b. Amending the Commercial Office (CO) Zone to allow auto dealerships (see 9.c.) 11. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics - call 277-4430 for recorded information) 12. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 13. AUDIENCE COMMENT 14. ADJOURNMENT .J 369 w COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) COUNCIL CHAMBERS 6:30 p.m. Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan SPECIAL COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING Wednesday, 9/14/94 at 2:30 p.m. Council Chambers Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Concurrent Zoning (Continued from 8/23/94) 370 IL : :<:::::RENTON CITY COUNC September 12, 1994 €► 1er1 `s6#'fc < Referrals COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Rand/Steiner Errata request#E-20 COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Board of Adjustment appointment Highlands Library roof replacement TCI cable television basic rates MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Trillium Corporation partial release of easement TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE CAG-94-103, Bus Zone Accessibility improvement project N 3rd St Liveable Streets program project (METRO) Airport Master Plan update process N 8th St/Houser Way N Railroad Crossing improvements (WSDOT) Corman request for right-of-way dedication at NE 3rd St/Harrington PI NE (Honey Creek PUD) ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING Final assessment roll for LID #335 (Sierra Heights sanitary sewers) PUBLIC HEARINGS 9/19/94 — Winsper amended 60% Annexation Petition(Talbot Hill) { 371 ro RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting September 12, 1994 City Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. Renton Municipal Building MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD STREDICKE, Council President; KATHY KEOLKER- COUNCILMEMBERS WHEELER, TONI NELSON, BOB EDWARDS, RANDY CORMAN, TIM SCHLITZER, JESSE TANNER. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant'to,the ATTENDANCE Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; MIKE KATTERMANN, Planning & Technical Services Director; RON OLSEN, Utility Systems Director; DAVID CHRISTENSEN, Engineering Specialist; MICHAEL BENOIT, Engineering Specialist; CAROLYN SUNDVALL, Housing & Human Services Manager; LIEUTENANT BRIAN WILSON, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL MINUTES COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF AUGUST 22, 1994, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PROCLAMATIONS A proclamation by Mayor Clymer was read declaring September, 1994 as "Stop Stop the Violence/Save the Violence/Save our Kids Month" and urging all citizens to take part in our Kids Month positively addressing the causes of the gang and drug crises of the 1990s. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Adult Day Care Center A proclamation by Mayor Clymer was read declaring September 18-24, 1994, Week as "Adult Day Care Center Week" and urging all citizens to recognize the many worthy organizations who provide adult day care. MOVED BY r..e EDWARDS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Day of Concern for the A proclamation by Mayor Clymer was read declaring October 1, 1994, as "Day Hungry of Concern for the Hungry" and urging all citizens to join with the Emergency Feeding Program to help feed those who are hungry. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Arthur Lee accepted the proclamation on behalf of the Emergency Feeding Program. PUBLIC HEARINGS This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published H&HS: 1995 CDBG Funds in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Clymer opened the public hearing to consider the 1995 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds and reallocation of certain 1992 and 1994 funds. Carolyn Sundvall, Housing & Human Services Manager, explained that the federal government, through its Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), annually appropriates community development block grants for the benefit of low-and moderate-income citizens. Last April, Council approved an estimated 1995 pass-through amount of $384,222; since that time, the City's allocation has increased to $426,541. After careful rrir+ September 12 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pave 372 consideration of all the funding applications, the Human Services Advisory Committee recommended allocations based on CDBG policies and the Human Services Policies and Plans priority list. The Advisory Committee also recommended a contingency plan for the allocations as actual CDBG appropriations typically differ somewhat from what is expected. Ms. Sundvall added that the Advisory Committee and staff also recommend the reallocation of funds for the Kiwanis picnic shelter and Community Clinic restroom projects as these no longer qualify for CDBG funding. She briefly reviewed the proposed recommendations for 1995 grant allocations as well as the suggested contingency plan should the allocation amount increase or decrease. Responding to Council President Stredicke, Ms. Sundvall confirmed that last year's allocation proposal had also included a contingency plan. She added that any increase in the projected 1995 pass-through funds would be allocated equally to the human services programs funded, except for the library reading machine. Audience comment was invited. Citizen Comment: Richter Marjorie Richter, 300 Meadow Avenue North, Renton 98055, stated that the - 1995 CDBG Funds City should not provide any funding or in-kind financial assistance to the Way Back Inn as this organization has illegally renovated a house in the North Renton neighborhood for use as a homeless shelter. She was concerned that this residence, located at 1009 N. 3rd St., will revert back to its original owner later this year. There being no further comment, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADVANCE TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT ON THIS ISSUE. CARRIED. Community Services Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report regarding the Committee 1995 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program and reallocations H&HS: 1995 CDBG Funds of previous years' funds. The Community Services Committee, at its August 23, 1994 meeting, reviewed the recommendations of staff and the Human Services Advisory Committee regarding proposed 1995 CDBG allocations, a contingency plan for increases and decreases in funds, and the reallocation of previously funded projects. 1995 Community Development Block Grant Programs Planning & Administration 71,749 Public (Human) Services 60,106 Apple Parenting Program 5,000 Emergency Feeding Program 5,888 Connections (Adult Day Care) 9,888 Senior Activity Center Transportation 16,960 Visting Nurse Services (Senior Center) 16,370 City of Renton Library Reading Machine 6,000 Capital 294,686 Housing Repair Assistance Program 152,100 Lake Washington ADA, Phase I 122,586 orf 373 4 September 12, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 373 Deferred Home Loans 20,000 Total Estimated 1995 CDBG Pass-Through Funds: 426,541 Reallocation of Funds Kiwanis Picnic Shelter (1994 Project) 25,000 Community Clinic Restrooms (1992 Project) 4,767 low Funds from the Kiwanis Picnic Shelter and the Community Clinic Restrooms would be reallocated to the Lake Washington Boathouse ADA project. Contingency Plan Any increase to the pass-through funds would be allocated equally to the human services programs funded, excluding the City of Renton library reading machine. Any increase in capital funds would be allocated to the City of Renton Lake Washington Boathouse ADA and guardrails and to the Housing Repair Assistance Program. Any decreases to the human services funded program would be prioritized as listed: 1. Renton Library Reading Machine. 2. If the decrease is more than $6,000, the Emergency Feeding Program, Senior Activity Center Transportation and Visiting Nurse Services would share equally in the decrease. Any decrease to the capital funds would be to the Lake Washington Boathouse ADA project. The Community Services Committee accepted the recommendations and referred the subject to Council for action after closure of the September 12th public hearing. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER- WHELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT AND APPROVE THE BLOCK GRANT ALLOCATIONS AS RECOMMENDED. CARRIED. ~" LID: 335, Sierra Heights This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published Sanitary Sewers in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Clymer opened the public hearing to consider the final assessment roll for Local Improvement District (LID) #335, Sierra Heights sanitary sewers, located in the vicnity of Union Ave. NE, Redmond Ave. NE, Queen Ave. NE, and NE 22nd and 21st Streets. Citizen Comment: Petett - Correspondence was read from Ronald and Lola May Petett, 2015 Union Ave. LID 335, Sierra Heights NE, Renton, 98056, requesting that three parcels owned by them be allowed Sanitary Sewers to enter the LID at this time under the same conditions as the lot on which their home is located. Mr. Petett also suggested that the City invite owners of the other 26 parcels identified as potentially benefiting from the collector lines to reconsider entering the LID at this time. Responding to Council President Stredicke, Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney, said the LID can be expanded to encompass additional parcels at this point, but only with the approval of the property owner(s). Michael Benoit, Engineering Specialist, briefly reviewed the background of the LID, the formation of which was approved by Council in August of 1992. Construction began that fall and was completed in July of 1993. Mr. Benoit explained that the purpose of tonight's hearing is to consider the finalization of the LID and to set the final assessments for the properties located in the LID. September 12 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 374 Mr. Benoit stated that the cost of the entire sewer project was $976,085. A grant in the amount of $322,924 was received from the State Department of Ecology, which reduced the cost to $653,161, $300,979.83 of which will be assessed on properties contained within the LID. The remainder of the assessments will affect properties located in the Special Assessment District (SAD) that surrounds the LID. Funds for the construction of the sewers were obtained via a low-interest loan from the Department of Community Development with a local match from the City's Wastewater Utility Fund. Staff has recommended that an additional 1/2°x6 be added to the loan's interest rate to cover the City's administrative costs of managing the records, mailing the annual billings, and processing payments. Explaining that the assessments are based both on zone front footage (according to the width and depth of each parcel) and on unit charges, Mr. Benoit concluded that the median assessment in the LID is $4,388.18. Responding to Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler, Mr. Benoit explained the difference between a parcel being in the LID or the SAD, saying that LID parcels are required to connect to the sewer immediately while SAD parcels are not. However, LID payments can be financed over twenty years whereas SAD assessments are due in full at the time connection is made to the sewer. In response to Council President Stredicke, Mr. Benoit said the estimated assessments for the three parcels owned by Mr. Petett are $6,003, $6,932 and $12,245. These figures, however, could change depending on whether the lots are subdivided, in which case additional unit charges would be imposed. Mr. Benoit added that Mr. Petett has been apprised of these amounts. Audience comment was invited. Citizen Comment: Hess - Pat Hess, 3714 NE 19th St., Renton, 98056, asked whether the question of the LID 335, Sierra Heights assessment to be placed on her property, which is located in the Special Sanitary Sewers Assessment District, will be taken up this evening. Councilman Tanner stated this subject will not be considered until the September 29th meeting of the Utilities Committee. Responding to Council, Mr. Benoit said adding the three additional Petett properties to the LID would require amending the ordinance that will be adopted. Mr. Warren confirmed that these changes could be made without a great deal of difficulty. Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler questioned how many of the SAD parcels are within or outside the City limits, which Mr. Benoit displayed on a map. In response to Councilman Edwards, Mr. Benoit said Council could, by motion, allow the three additional Petett properties to enter the LID. The final assessment roll could then be approved as amended to add these parcels. Since there was no further comment, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR LID #335 AS AMENDED TO INCLUDE THE THREE ADDITIONAL PETETT-OWNED PARCELS AS REQUESTED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER. CARRIED. (See page 379 for ordinance.) �.wi 375 °- September 12, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 375 Council President Stredicke requested that, in the future, presentations such as these include maps showing applicable City limit lines to facilitate Council's consideration of the issue at hand. AUDIENCE COMMENT Larry Rand, 1204 NE 105th PI., Seattle, 98125, distributed handouts Citizen Comment: Rand - explaining his position on Comprehensive Plan Errata request #E-20, which Comprhensive Plan Errata involves undeveloped property located north of 140 Hardie Ave. SW and #E-20 owned by himself and Fred Steiner. Mr. Rand objected to the proposed downzone of this property, explaining he would prefer Arterial Commercial +r.. (CA) zoning as this would allow the construction of a three-story structure containing up to seven townhomes. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR CONSIDERATION DURING ITS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT DELIBERATIONS. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Hoshide Lloyd Hoshide, 833 Kirkland Ave. NE, Renton, 98056, reiterated his concern - Comprehensive Plan regarding the accessory unit provision contained in the Comprehensive Plan Housing Element Housing Element, saying if such units are allowed in single family areas the City should adopt restrictions which limit the number that will be allowed. Mr. Hoshide cautioned that Council's decision on this issue will significantly affect Renton's single family neighborhoods into the future. Mike Kattermann, Planning & Technical Services Director, noted that the Comprehensive Plan policies do not address the issue of accessory units, although this subject will be taken up later this year with the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments. Mr. Hoshide suggested that the Comprehensive Plan policies should, at the least, acknowledge the need for some type of limit on the number of accessory units in single family areas. Responding to Council comments that it might not be appropriate to allow accessory units if these are not required by State law, City Attorney Warren agreed to research this question and provide a response. Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler suggested that Council not act on the Housing Element until this issue is resolved. �.r CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council President Stredicke noted the withdrawal of item 7.j. at staff's request. Appointment: Human Mayor Clymer reappointed Alvin Reevis, 455 Edmonds Ct. NE, Renton, Rights & Affairs 98056, and Marguerite Robinson, 3412 SE 5th St., Renton, 98058, to the Commission Human Rights & Affairs Commission for two-year terms ending 9/19/96. Council concur. Appointment: Board of Mayor Clymer reappointed Lee G. Connel, 520 Raymond Ave. NE, Renton, Adjustment 98055, and Dennis Dochnahl, 2006 Redmond Ave. NE, Renton, 98056, to the Board of Adjustment for four-year terms ending 9/06/98. Council concur. Appointment: Board of Mayor Clymer appointed King Parker, 4601 NE 24th St., Renton, 98059, to Adjustment the Board of Adjustment to fulfill the unexpired term of Barbara Lally, who resigned 7/26/94. This term expires 9/06/96. Refer to Community Services Committee. CAG: 94-103, Bus Zone City Clerk reported bid opening on 9/07/94 for CAG-94-103, Bus Zone Accessibility Accessibility Improvement Project; one bid; engineer's estimate $60,848.00. Improvements Refer to Transportation Committee. September 12, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 376 CAG: 94-101, Highlands City Clerk reports bid opening on 8/29/94 for CAG-94-101, Highlands Library Roof Replacement Library Roof Replacement; eight bids; engineer's estimate $30,000; low bid $36,177.75. Refer to Community Services Committee. CAG: 94-097, Talbot Hill City Clerk reports bid opening on 8/23/94 for CAG-94-097, Talbot Hill Phase Phase I Water Mains I Water Mains Replacement; six bids; engineer's estimate $352,275.40; and Replacement, Gary submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Gary Merlino Const. Co. Merlino Construction Co., in the amount of $299,681.54. Council concur. CAG: 94-095, Houser Way City Clerk reported bid opening on 8/23/94 for CAG-94-095, Houser Way Pump Station Schedule B, Pump Station Schedule B; five bids; engineer's estimate $685,649.33; and Omega Contractors, Inc. submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Omega Contractors, Inc., in the amount of $496,298.25. Council concur. Finance: TCI Cable Finance & Information Services Department submitted proposed new TCI Television Basic Rate cable television basic rates for the time period from 9/01/93 to 7/14/94. Schedule Refer to Community Services Committee. Plat: Stratford Heights, Hearing Examiner requested approval of the Stratford Heights Preliminary Preliminary, PP-94-057, Plat, PP-94-057, a 13-lot single family subdivision located in the 3900 block 3900 NE 19th St of NE 19th St. Council concur. Airport: Master Plan Transportation Division submitted proposed Airport Master Plan update Update Process process. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. Transportation: N 3rd St Transportation Division recommended that Council appove the selection by Liveable Streets Program Metro of the lowest qualified bidder for the Metro/Renton North 3rd Street Project, Metro Liveablr, Streets Program project. Refer to Transportation Committee. Transportation: N 8th Transportation Division submitted proposed agreement with WSDOT for St/Houser Way RR $118,500 in grant funds for safety improvements to the railroad crossing on N. Crossing Improvements, 8th St. near Houser Way N. The City's share is $1,500. Refer to WSDOT Transportation Committee. CAG: 94-038, LID 337 Wastewater Utility Division submitted CAG-94-038, LID 337 Dayton Avenue Dayton Ave NE Sanitary sanitary sewers project; and requested approval ofthe project, authorization Sewers, Gary Merlino for final pay estimate in the amount of $3,492.68, commencement of 30-day Const. Co. lien period, and release of retained amount of $4,819.07 to Gary Merlino Construction Co., contractor, if all required releases have been obtained. Council concur. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED TO REMOVE ITEM 7.j. CARRIED. Councilman Corman excused himself from the Council Chambers for the next item. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Randal and Catherine Corman, 2216 Citizen Comment: Corman Harrington Pl. NE, Renton, 90856, requesting that Council approve a five- - NE 3rd/Harrington Pl foot dedication of right-of-way to the City along the south side of NE 3rd St. NE Right-of-Way at Harrington Pl. NE to shift emergency access improvements for the Honey Dedication (Honey Creek Creek PUD. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, PUD) COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE TRANSPORATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilman Corman returned to the Council Chambers. i 377 September 12. 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 377 Citizen Comment: Kolby - Correspondence was read from Frank Kolby and Sen Kolby, 16427 Benson Emergency Sewer Hook- Rd. S., Renton, 98058, requesting emergency hook-up to the City's sewer up system as their septic system has failed. David Christensen, Engineering Specialist, asked that, given the urgency of this matter, Council consider this request tonight rather than refer it to the Utilities Committee. Mr. Christensen explained that the Kolby property is located in King County adjacent to Renton's city limits. It is also adjacent to two of the City's sewer lines. Staff recommends that the Kolbys be allowed to connect to Renton's sewer system, with conditions, as follows: 1. Execution of a restrictive covenant agreeing to support any annexation that includes this property; 2. Connection must be made consistent with City codes, standards and policies; 3. All required permits must be obtained and paid for; and 4. Payment of one and one-half standard utility rate for non-residents. Councilman Edwards concurred with Council President Stredicke that maps showing the location of the property being considered, including City limits and adjacent properties, should be provided for Council's information in reviewing these types of requests. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL APPROVE STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION TO ALLOW SEN KOLBY, 14627 BENSON RD. S., RENTON, 98058, TO CONNECT TO THE CITY'S SEWER SYSTEM WITH CONDITIONS. CARRIED. Council President Stredicke asked that his "no" vote be recorded. OLD BUSINESS Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a PlanninE & Development report recommending that the Purpose Statement of the Convenience Committee Commercial (CC) Zone be amended to remove the limitation of a one-half Comprehensive Plan: mile market area about the zone for retail and service establishments. The Convenience Commercial Committee further recommended adding language stating that uses serving a (CC) Zone Amendment larger area may be appropriate providing they serve the immediate area and rr fit the scale and character of the neighborhood. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding these matters be presented for first and second reading. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 379 for ordinance.) Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report recommending Utility: Sewer Hook-up, concurrence with the Planning/Building/Public Works Department's staff Maplewood Heights recommendation that the City allow Renton School District No. 403 to connect Elementary School the Maplewood Heights Elementary School to the City's sanitary sewer system with the following conditions: 1. The School District will engineer and construct the sewer extension so that it may service the entire area that this extension would logically serve. 2. The School District will pay all engineering and construction costs. 3. The sewer system will be built to meet current City standards at the time o: construction. 4. The School District will pay non-resident sewer rates. 5. The School District shall pay for all permits and fees, City and other agencies, required for the sewer extension. 6. The School District, at the time of application for permit, executes and records a covenant agreeing to support any annexation that includes the Maplewood Heights Elementary School parcel (if the City Attorney September 12 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 378 determines that such an agreement is valid and appropriate for a School District property). The Utilities Committee further recommended that, if the School District does choose to connect to the City of Renton's sewer system, preliminary sewer design plans will be submitted to the Council for review. Because there are unresolved issues in the long-range planning of this portion of the City, it is the Committee's desire to review the plans to ensure itself that the School District's design of the sewers is appropriate for the vision Council has for this area. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Council President Stredicke suggested adding another condition prohibiting any residential lots outside the City limits from connecting to this sewer line. Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler noted that, if the line belongs to the City, anyone residing outside the City limits would have to obtain specific approval from Council prior to connecting. Mayor Clymer added that if the sewer is built as a tight-forced line, it would belong to the School District but could not accommodate additional hook-ups. *MOTION CARRIED. Public Works: Release of Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report recommending Easement, Trillium concurrence with the recommendation of staff and the Board of Public Works Corporation that the City Council release a portion of an easement located in the Burlington Northern Industrial Park of Renton, Division 1, contained and described under King County Recording number 7809250902. The Utilities Committee also recommended concurrence with the recommendation of the Board of Public-Works that the City Council determine the classification of the subject easement to be Class B, which states: "All City of Renton easements for which no public funds have been expended in the acquisition, improvement or maintenance of same or easements originally dedicated or otherwise conveyed to the City by the present petitioner for the release of said easement for which no public expenditures have been made in the acquisition, improvement or maintenance thereof." Therefore, if Council determines the easement classification to be Class B, the City shall receive no further compensation other than the easement release filing fee which has been paid, and the processing fee, which is now due and payable. The Utilities; Committee further recommended that Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the partial release of easement document and that the City Clerk record the document with King County. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending approval Finance: Vouchers of Claims Vouchers #115219 - 115718; two wire transfers in the total amount of $1,424,648.55; Payroll Vouchers #128681 - 129107; and 387 direct deposits in the total amount of $1,125,495.05. And approval of Claims Vouchers #115719 - 116116; two wire transfers in the total amount of $2,747,728.41; Payroll Vouchers #129108 - 129515; and 385 direct deposits in the total amount of $1,080,933.05. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The following ordinance was presented for second reading and adoption: aril 379 September 12. 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 379 Ordinance #4472 An ordinance was read amending subsection 8-5-3.E of Chapter 5, Sewers, of Utility: Sewer Connection Title VIII (Health and Sanitation), of City Code relating to compulsory Requirements connection to the public sewer system as outlined in the Washington Administrative Code. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and advancement to second and final reading: Planning: Convenience Following second and final reading of the aforementioned ordinance, it was Commercial (CC) Zone MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL Change ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #4473 An ordinance was read amending sections 4-31-10.5.A and 4-31-10.5.B.4 of Planning: Convenience Chapter 31, Zoning Code, of Title IV (Building Regulations) of City Code by Commercial (CC) Zone adding professional and personal offices to the list of administrative Change conditional uses in the Convenience Commercial (CC) zone. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. The fallowing ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 9/26/94 for second reading and adoption: LID: 335, Sierra Heights An ordinance was read approving and confirming the assessments and Sanitary Sewers assessment roll of Local Improvement District No. 335 for the improvement of a certain area in and near Sierra Heights by doing all work necessary in connection therewith, levying and assessing the amounts therefor against the several lots, tracts, parcels of land and other property as shown on said assessment roll as confirmed by the City Council; and providing for the payment of such assessments into the Local Improvement Fund, District No. 335, of the City of Renton, Washington, as created by Ordinance No. 4368. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, r�.► COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 9/26/94. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Council President Stredicke commented on a letter from the Water Utility to Utility: Water Meter the owner of Service Linen Supply regarding a potentially faulty water meter Malfunctions at this business. Jay Covington, Executive Assistant, assured Mr. Stredicke that any citizen who suspects the water meter on their residence might be malfunctioning can request a City investigation into the matter. Council: Puget Sound MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL Leadership Conference AUTHORIZE COUNCILMAN SCHLITZER TO ATTEND THE PUGET Attendance, 10/94 SOUND LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE IN VANCOUVER, B.C. FROM OCTOBER 20 TO OCTOBER 22, 1994. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: England Council President Stredicke commented on correspondence received from Dick - Park Ave N England, 251 Seneca Ave. NW, Renton, regarding the current street Improvement Project construction occurring on Park Ave. N. Mr. England questioned whether the traffic delays and associated problems caused by this activity can be alleviated. September 12 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 380 City Clerk: Government Council commended Lori Wood, Micrographics Technician in the City Clerk's Access Channel Office, for her excellent work entering information onto the City's government access channel, noting in particular Ms. Wood's attention to detail and accuracy. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:57 p.m. ARILYN ERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 9/12/94 .n1 381 , CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 12, 1994 COMMITTEE/CHAII2MAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE WEDS., 9/14 Comprehensive Plan Amendments and (Stredicke) 2:30 p.m. Concurrent Zoning MON., 9/19 Capital Facilities Plan 6:30 p.m. COMMUNITY SERVICES TUES., 9/13 Cable Television Basic Rate Order; (Nelson) 3:30 p.m. Highlands Library Roof Repair; *5th Floor* Board of Adjustment Appointment FINANCE (Tanner) PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT TUES., 9/13 *CANCELLED* (Keolker-Wheeler) 4:00 p.m. PUBLIC SAFETY (Corman) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) MON., 9/19 North Renton Liveable Streets Program (Edwards) 4:00 p.m. (N. 3rd St.); Airport Master Plan; N. 8th St. Railroad Crossing Improvement; Bus Zone Accessibility Improvement Project UTILITIES (Schlitzer) OTHER MEETINGS SCA Growth Management WEDS., 9/28 Renton Community Center 7:00-9:00 p.m. NOTE:Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the 6th floor conference room unless otherwise noted. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting September 12, 1994 Renton Municipal Court Monday, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Court Chambers ADDENDUM TO MINUTES Page 375, fourth paragraph, first sentence, should read: Mike Kattermann, Planning & Technical Services Director, noted that the Comprehensive Plan policies do not address the issue of limiting accessory units, although this subject will be taken up later this year with the proposed Zoning Code amendments. MARILY J. P TERSEN, CMC, City Clerk AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING September 19, 1994 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 12, 1994 "W 4. PROCLAMATION: Special Recognition of Denny Lensegrav 5. PUBLIC HEARING: Winsper Annexation, 60%Petition and concurrent zoning to Single Family (SF) residential and Mixed Residential (MR); approximately 115 acres located at Talbot Road, south of the existing City boundary and north of S. 175th St. 6. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Mayor Clymer reappoints Richard Wagner, 2411 Garden Ct. N., Renton, 98055, to the Planning Commission for a three-year term expiring June 30, 1997. Council concur. b. City Clerk reports bid opening on 9/09/94 for CAG-94-106, Maplewood Golf Course Irrigation Project; six bids; engineer's estimate $124,702.44; and submits staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Frontier Landscaping, in the amount of$121,701.20. Council concur. c. City Clerk reports bid opening on 9/09/94 for CAG-94-105, Maplewood Golf Course Remodeling "W Project; five bids; engineer's estimate $270,370.16; and submits staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Edlund Associates, Inc., in the amount of$230,817.62. Council concur.. d. City Clerk reports bid opening on 9/14/94 for CAG-94-107, Logan Ave. S. Watermain Replacement; three bids; engineer's estimate $290,199.00; and submits staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Sound Utilities, Inc., in the amount of$231,077.98. Council concur. e. Personnel Department submits proposed resolution encouraging State administrators, legislators and Congressional representatives to support continuation of local government's authority to elect to self- insure employee health benefits under either state or federal health care reform. Refer to Finance Committee. f. Solid Waste Utility Division submits proposed Memorandum of Understanding between the Seattle- King County Department of Public Health and the City of Renton for receipt of$15,989 in reimbursement for the City's Local Hazardous Waste Management Program. Refer to Utilities Committee. 8. CORRESPONDENCE 9. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Committee of the Whole: Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan; Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Concurrent Zoning (referral to Planning & Development Committee) (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) b. Community Services Committee: Highlands Library Roof Replacement; Board of Adjustment Appointment c. Transportation (Aviation) Committee: North Renton Liveable Streets Program (N. 3rd St.);N. 8th St. Railroad Crossing Improvement; Bus Zone Accessibility Improvement Project 10. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinances for first reading: a. Adopting the Winsper annexation(Talbot Hill) (see agenda item 5.) b. Adopting the zoning for the Winsper annexation 11. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics - call 277-4430 for recorded information) 12. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 13. AUDIENCE COMMENT 14. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) COUNCIL CHAMBERS 6:30 p.m. Capital Facilities Plan 385 ... .. . .... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ...... ... ......... ......... .............. RENTON CITY COUNCIL September 19, 1994City Clerk's Office Referrals ADMINISTRATION Information on mitigation factors and associated agreements for I-405 S-Curve project FINANCE COMMITTEE Local government authority over health care reform/self-insurance election for employee benefits MAYOR AND CITY CLERK CAG-94-101, Highlands Library roof replacement CAG-94-103, Bus Zone Accessibility improvements Agreement with WSDOT for N. 8th St. Railroad Crossing improvements PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Status of mitigation plans for I-405 S-Curve project TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Letter from Rick Hlavka, 402 S. Tobin St., Renton, 98055, regarding Puget Sound Helicopters lease UTILITIES COMMITTEE Rollback of 50% non-resident utility rate surcharge for Winsper annexation area residents r.. ORDINANCES FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING Final assessment roll for LID #335 (Sierra Heights sanitary sewers) Winsper annexation Zoning for Winsper annexation area 386 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting September 19, 1994 City Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. Renton Municipal Building MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD STREDICKE, Council President; KATHY KEOLKER- COUNCILMEMBERS WHEELER, TONI NELSON, BOB EDWARDS, RANDY CORMAN, TIM SCHLITZER, JESSE TANNER. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; ZANETTA FONTES, Assistant City Attorney; ATTENDANCE MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; SUE CARLSON, Economic Development Specialist; MIKE KATTERMANN, Planning & Technical Services Director; JIM SHEPHERD, Facilities Director; DAVID STANDAART, CIP Coordinator; MARK PYWELL, Senior Planner; CHIEF ALAN L. WALLIS, Police Department. APPROVAL OF Councilman Corman requested a correction to the September 12, 1994 Council COUNCIL MINUTES minutes, page 376, last paragraph, the reference to NE 3rd St. should read NE 23rd St. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 12, 1994 AS AMENDED. CARRIED. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Clymer was read declaring September 19, 1994 as a Day of Special day of special recognition for Denny Lensegrav, Puget Sound Power and Light Recognition for Denny Business Manager, and noting the many outstanding contributions Mr. Lensegrav Lensegrav has made to the Renton community over the last seven years. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Mr. Lensegrav accepted the proclamation, commenting on the need for the City and civic and other groups to continue working together for the betterment of the community. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published Annexation: Winsper, in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Clymer opened the public Talbot Hill hearing to consider the amended 60% petition for the annexation of the Winsper area, approximately 115 acres located on the east side of Talbot Hill Road, north of Carr Road and south of the existing City limits. The public hearing will also consider the concurrent rezone of this area to Single Family (SF) and Mixed Residential (MR). Mark Pywell, Senior Planner, explained that the 60% annexation petition has been revised to address some legal shortcomings discovered in the original petition that was presented to Council on March 28, 1994 as the result of a challenge to the King County Boundary Review Board by Fire District 40. The signatures on the petition now represent over 60% of the property owners in the annexation area, and the revised petition has been approved by the Boundary Review Board. Mr. Pywell noted the proposed zoning has also been revised to reduce the amount of Mixed Residential (MR) zoning along the eastern boundary of the annexation area. Rather than extending north to S. 31st St., it will now end at September 19, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 387 S. 172nd St. Mr. Pywell explained this proposal will better coordinate with the higher density multi-family zoning which exists to the east of the annexation area. Audience comment was invited. Citizen Comment: Johnson Richard Johnson, 10032 SE 169th Pl., Renton, 98055, speaking as president of - Winsper Annexation, the Winsper Homeowner's Association, requested Council's approval of the Talbot Hill annexation. Mr. Johnson explained that Winsper residents would like to annex to Renton for several reasons, including enhanced police protection and low reduced utility rates as non-residents are required to pay a 50% utility surcharge. Noting that they had expected to be annexed during the first quarter of 1994, Mr. Johnson said the delay in the annexation's approval has created a hardship for Winsper residents and the Homeowner's Association. In view of this delay, he asked that the 50% non-resident utility rate surcharge be rolled back to June or July for residents and the Homeowner's :Association. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THIS REQUEST TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Noting that King County Fire District 40 had challenged this annexation before the Boundary Review Board, Assistant City Attorney Zanetta Fontes stated that although the Board approved the annexation, the.Fire District has until October 9, 1994 to file an appeal of the Board's decision, and has announced its intention to do so. Ms. Fontes explained that once an appeal is filed, the City Council would be prohibited from taking any further action to proceed with the annexation until the appeal was resolved. Councilman Tanner questioned whether the City should take action to roll back the 50% utility rate surcharge for Winsper residents unless and until the annexation is finalized. There being no further comment, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. wir CARRIED. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL: ACCEPT THE WINSPER ANNEXATION PETITION AS PROPOSED; AGREE TO SIMULTANEOUSLY IMPOSE SINGLE FAMILY (SF) RESIDENTIAL ZONING ON THE MAJORITY OF THE ANNEXATION AREA AND MIXED RESIDENTIAL (MR) ZONING ON THE EASTERN BOUNDARY OF THE ANNEXATION AREA NORTH TO SOUTH 172ND STREET; REQUIRE THE PROPERTY OWNERS TO ASSUME THEIR PROPORTIONAL SHARE OF THE CITY'S BONDED INDEBTEDNESS; AND BRING FORTH ORDINANCES ADOPTING THE ANNEXATION AND THE ZONING FOR THE ANNEXATION AREA. CARRIED. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND BRING FORTH THE ORDINANCES ADOPTING THE ANNEXATION AND THE ZONING FOR THE ANNEXATION AREA FOR FIRST AND SECOND READING. CARRIED. Discussion was held regarding possible legal ramifications if the ordinances are adopted, published and effective prior to expiration of the appeal period established by the King County Boundary Review Board. Following discussion, it was determined that the ordinances be placed on first reading 38� September 19 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 388 and held for one week to allow the City Attorney to prepare a legal opinion on the matter. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 9/26/94 for second reading and adoption pending the advice of the City Attorney on this issue: Annexation: Winsper, An ordinance was read annexing approximately 115 acres in the Talbot Hill Talbot Hill area to the City of Renton, commonly known as the Winsper annexation. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 9/26/94. CARRIED. Annexation: Zoning for An ordinance was read establishing the zoning classification of certain Winsper Area, Talbot Hill properties annexed to the City of Renton to SF (Single Family residential) and MR (Mixed Residential) (Winsper annexation). MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 9/26/94. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Versie Vaupel, P.O. Box 755, Renton, 98057, commented on the municipal Citizen Comment: Vaupel court case involving Bryant Motors which was heard earlier in the day, - Byrant Motors Parking explaining that the City had elected to dismiss two of the charges and Violations continue sentencing on the other, to which Bryant Motors pleaded no contest, for six months. Mrs. Vaupel questioned the City's reasons for proceeding in this manner, saying it seemed at odds with Council's previous directive that this issue be resolved. Responding to Councilman Corman, Mrs. Vaupel said the third charge to which Bryant Motors pleaded no contest involved a claimed illegal conversion of a parking lot. Saying that matters of prosecution cannot be decided at the legislative level, Ms. Fontes assured Council that the prosecutor's office handled this case as it handles all other infractions, as not doing so would deny equal protection. Ms. Fontes said the first two charges were dismissed because the City felt the violations might be difficult to prove. Councilman Tanner strenously objected to the dismissal of these charges, noting that Council had asked the Administration to enforce the law in this matter. Given that two of the charges were dismissed, Council President Stredicke asked for information on the ordinances under which Bryant Motors was initially cited to determine if these contain enforceable regulations or if they should be repealed. Citizen Comment: Larson Ruthie Larson, 714 High Ave. S., Renton, 98055, commented on letters she - WSDOT 1-405 S-Curve submitted to the Mayor and Councilmembers last month regarding the Project apparent dismantling of the "sit-in" park on Renton Hill that was to be provided by WSDOT in conjunction with the I-405 S-Curve project. Saying that residents were originally promised over three acres of new parkland on the hill, Mrs. Larson doubted whether the park will now comprise even one- quarter acre. Noting that since the State has unilaterally discontinued its monthly public presentations to the Council on this project, which effectively denies the public its only opportunity to address WSDOT on these issues, Mrs. Larson requested that the City take up the subject of the sit-in park with WSDOT. September 19, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pajae 389 Responding to Councilman Tanner, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman said WSDOT has acknowledged that the full land area planned for the park is likely no longer available because of the added dechlorination building and detention ponds. WSDOT will, however, provide some landscaping to enhance this area. Councilman Corman suggested that the City should determine whether WSDOT is fulfilling its responsibility to provide the mitigation components that were promised and expected for the S-Curve project. ftw Mayor Clymer explained that the detention ponds were added because of the City's concern about environmental effects on the river and the aquifer. Noting his agreement with Mr. Corman that WSDOT should not arbitrarily diminish or eliminate any of the promised mitigation factors, Council President Stredicke urged the City to challenge any failure on the State's part to follow through on its commitments. I Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman explained that the two detention ponds will fulfill two purposes: manage storm water runoff and prevent contamination of the aquifer. Saying that the sit-in park will now be 15 feet wide and 100 feet long, Mrs. Larson added that if the City agreed to the installation of these ponds, residents should have been informed. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL REFER THESE ISSUES TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE.* Councilmembers expressed interest in attending the next City of Renton/WSDOT staff meeting, which Mr. Zimmerman said will be held Thursday, September 22 at 10:00 a.m. *SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY NELSON, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL REFER THE VARIOUS ISSUES DISCUSSED TONIGHT REGARDING THE I-405 S-CURVE PROJECT TO THE NEXT AVAILABLE COUNCIL COMMITTEE, SPECIFICALLY, THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL REQUEST THE ADMINISTRATION TO PROVIDE SPECIFIC INFORMATION ON HOW THE DETENTION POND, SIT-IN PARK AND OTHER MITIGATION FEATURES CONTAINED IN THE ORIGINAL EIS FOR THE I-405 S-CURVE PROJECT COMPARE WITH CURRENT PROPOSALS FOR THESE FEATURES. COUNCIL ALSO DIRECT THAT IT BE PROVIDED WITH ANY SUPPLEMENTAL EIS FOR THIS PROJECT OR ANY POST-EIS AGREEMENTS RELATED TO THE PROJECT. COUNCIL ADDITIONALLY REQUEST INFORMATION ON THE STATUS OF THE RENTON HILL PROPERTY BELONGING TO THE CITY OF SEATTLE ON WHICH IS SITED A DECHLORINATION BUILDING. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Webb - Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Ave. S., Renton, 98055, objected to the complaints Complaint of Illegal received by the City regarding a possible illegal duplex at 409 Cedar Ave. S. Duplex at 409 Cedar Ave Hinting that other residential homes along this street have also illegally S converted to this use, Mr. Webb felt that the aforementioned complaints reflected discrimination since this particular residence is inhabited by persons of a racial minority. Mr. Webb suggested that the City reconsider the land use designations for Mill Ave. S. and the west side of Cedar Ave S., saying 9r September 19 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Paye 390 that the absence of appropriate designations can itself provoke non- compliance with City regulations. Specifically, he felt that allowing duplexes on the west side of Cedar Ave. S. would create a logical buffer between the more dense uses on Mill Ave. S. and the single family residences higher on the hill. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Appointment: Planning Mayor Clymer reappointed Richard Wagner, 2411 Garden Ct. N., Renton, Commission 98055, to the Planning Commission for a three-year term expiring June 30, 1997. Council concur. CAG: 94-106, Maplewood City Clerk reported bid opening on 9/09/94 for CAG-94-106, Maplewood Golf Course Irrigation Golf Course Irrigation Project; six bids; engineer's estimate $124,702.44; and Project, Frontier submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Landscaping Frontier Landscaping, in the amount of $121,701.20. Council concur. CAG: 94-105, Maplewood City Clerk reported bid opening on 9/09/94 for CAG-94-105, Maplewood Golf Course Remodeling Golf Course Remodeling Project; five bids; engineer's estimate $270,370.16; Project, Edlund Associates and submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Edlund Associates, Inc., in the amount of $230,817.62. Council concur. CAG: 94-107, Logan Ave City Clerk reported bid opening on 9/14/94 for CAG-94-107, Logan Ave. S. S Watermain Replacement, watermain replacement; three bids; engineer's estimate $290,199.00; and Sound Utilities submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Sound Utilities, Inc., in the amount of $231,077.98. Council concur. Personnel: Health Care Personnel Department submitted proposed resolution encouraging State Reform/Local administrators, legislators and Congressional representatives to support Government Authority continuation of local government's authority to elect to self-insure employee health benefits under either state or federal health care reform. Refer to Finance Committee. Garbage: Local Hazardous Solid Waste Utility Division submitted proposed Memorandum of Waste Management Understanding between the Seattle-King County Department of Public Health Program Reimbursement and the City of Renton for receipt of $15,989 in reimbursement for the City's Funds Local Hazardous Waste Management Program. Refer to Utilities Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Rick Hlavka, 402 S. Tobin St., Renton, 98055, Citizen Comment: Hlavka regarding the lease recently granted to Puget Sound Helicopters, Inc. and Puget Sound Helicopters associated safety issues. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, Lease COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Stredicke presented a report regarding Comprehensive Plan Committee of the Whole amendments. The Council Committee of the Whole has met in several sessions Comprehensive Plan: to review and deliberate on the Comprehensive Plan amendments. The Amendments and Committee has completed its work on all but a few of the requests. In order Concurrent Rezones to bring the Comprehensive Plan amendment process to closure and allow for timely analysis and adoption of the Comprehensive Plan, the Committee of the Whole recommended that the items on which the Committee has completed its work be forwarded to the Supplemental EIS for analysis. The Committee 391 September 19, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pale 391 further recommended that the remaining items, as follows, be referred to the Planning and Development Committee for its review and recommendation to the full City Council: Comprehensive Plan amendment application nos. D-5, F-17, F-23, F-24, C- 19, C-20 and all P applications (applicant for each of these is the City of Renton); #C-10 (Heidi/Mastro/Koon/3811 NE 3rd Ct.); #G-20 (AnMarCo/1915 Maple Valley Hwy.); #G-21 (James Hanken/Quendall Terminals); #G-24 (Northward Properties/NE 6th and Duvall Ave NE); and. #G-27 (Willing/NE 6th and Shelton Ave NE). w. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Community Services Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report Committee recommending concurrence in the Mayor's appointment of King Parker to the Appointment: Board of Board of Adjustment to fulfill the unexpired term of Barbara Lally. This Adjustment term expires 9/06/96. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. CAG: 94-101, Highlands Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report Library Roof recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to accept the bid Replacement, Holloway amount of $36,177.75 by Holloway Roofing, Inc. and that the Mayor and City Roofing Clerk be authorized to enter into a formal agreement. The Committee further recommended authorization to use up to $2,000.00 from the general services maintenance and repair account to cover the additional expenditures required to complete this project. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation (Aviation) Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Edwards presented a report Committee recommending that the Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to enter WSDOT: N 8th St Railroad into an interlocal agreement with the Washington State Department of Crossing Improvements Transportation for the North 8th Street Railroad Crossing Improvements. Nor MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 392 for resolution.) Metro: N 3rd St/North Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Edwards presented a report Renton Livable Streets recommending approval of the lowest responsive bidder for the Metro/Renton Program Project North Third Street project. Metro will determine and make the recommendation, and award the contract subject to review of all the bids that were submitted on September 14, 1994. Staff has reviewed the three lowest bids and each bid, in conjunction with a cost sharing agreement with Metro, is within the amount budgeted for this project. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. CAG: 94-103, Bus Zone Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Edwards presented a report Accessibility recommending that the City Council award the contract to Kodo Construction, Improvements, Kodo Inc. for the Bus Zone Accessibility Improvement project in the amount of Construction $55,998.00. The Committee further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract documents. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. 392 September 19 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 392 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: Resolution #3089 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an WSDOT: N 8th St Railroad interlocal cooperative agreement with the Washington State Department of Crossing Improvements Transportation (WSDOT) for the North 8th Street railroad crossing improvement project. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Council President Stredicke noted that the newly incorporated City of Newport Hills has invited Councilmembers to attend its first open house on Saturday, October 1st from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. at Lake Boren Park. Police: Public Safety Bond Council President Stredicke commended Tim Rasmussen from Vision Video on Issue Informational Video the excellent informational video he produced for the City's public safety bond issue, which is being shown on the cable television government access channel. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:20 p.m. MARILYN ERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 9/19/94 393 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 19, 1994 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 9/26 Burnstead Annexation Briefing; (Stredicke) 6:30 p.m. Downtown Renton Association 1994-95 Mrr Work Plan & Budget TUES., 9/27 Burnstead Annexation Public Meeting 6:30 p.m. (Maplewood Heights Elementary School) COMMUNITY SERVICES (Nelson) . FINANCE MON., 9/26 Vouchers; (Tanner) 6:00 p.m. Self-Insurance for Employee Health Benefits PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT (Keolker-Wheeler) r.r PUBLIC SAFETY THUR., 9/22 Status of Mitigation Plans for I-405 (Corman) 3:00 p.m. S-Curve Project TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) (Edwards) UTILITIES THUR., 9/22 Reimbursement for Local Hazardous (Schlitzer) 4:00 p.m. Waste Management Program OTHER MEETINGS Firemen's Pension TUES., 9/20 5th Floor Conference Room 4:00 p.m. NOTE:Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the 6th floor conference room unless otherwise noted. 394 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING September 26, 1994 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 4. PROCLAMATION: October, 1994, Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Month 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. City Clerk reports bid opening on 9/19/94 for CAG-94-110, Liberty Park Restroom Project; six bids; engineer's estimate $100,000.00; and submits staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, E.M. Castillo Construction, Inc., in the amount of$105,958.19. Council concur. b. Personnel Department submits proposed contracts with Arthur J. Gallager as Broker of Record for the City's property and casualty insurance and with Raleigh, Schwarz and Powell as Broker of Record for employee health benefits. Refer to Finance Committee. c. Planning& Technical Services Division submits proposed amendments to the Wetlands Management Ordinance to establish one set of standard wetland buffer widths that would vary depending on the wetland class. Refer to Planning and Develot)ment Committee. d. Water Utility Division submits proposed Addendum No. 4 to CAG-90-066, agreement with R112 Engineering, in the amount of$62,927.00 for consultant services during construction of the Houser Way Pump Station. Council concur. 7. CORRESPONDENCE a. Letter from Suzanne H. Lee, 3300 NE 6th Pl., Renton, 98056, regarding zoning restrictions on dog kennels in residential neighborhoods. b. Letter from Norma M. Valberg, President of the Tiffany Park Homeowners Association, 1724 Olympia Ave. SE, Renton, 98058, regarding proposed Highlander Development (formerly Parker PUD). 8. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Committee of the Whole: Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan b. Finance Committee: Vouchers; Self-Insurance for Employee Health Benefits* c. Public Safety Committee: Status of Mitigation Plans for I-405 S-Curve Project d. Utilities Committee: Reimbursement for Local Hazardous Waste Management Program*; Winsper Annexation Utility Rate Rebate (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 395 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinance for first reading and advancement to second and final reading: Amending Ord. No. 4368 to expand the boundaries of LID 335, Sierra Heights sanitary sewers (boundaries were changed per Council direction of 9/12/94) Ordinances for second and final reading: a. Adopting the final assessment roll for LID 335, Sierra Heights sanitary sewers (first reading 9/12/94; ordinance has been revised to include the three additional Petett-owned properties) b. Adopting the Winsper annexation (Talbot Hill) (1st reading 9/19/94) c. Adopting the zoning for the Winsper annexation (1 st reading 9/19/94) Resolutions: a. Requesting clarification of the authority of local governments to self-fund healthcare benefits (see 8.b.) b. Agreement with Seattle-King County Department of Public Health for Hazardous Waste Plan Reimbursement (see 8.d.) 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics - call 277-4430 for recorded information) 11. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) COUNCIL CHAMBERS 6:30 p.m. Burnstead Annexation Briefing SPECIAL COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING Tuesday, 9/27/94 Maplewood Heights Elementary School 13430 - 144th Ave. SE Public Meeting on Burnstead Annexation 396 RENTON CITY COUNCIL. September 26, 1994 City Clerk"s Office Referrals COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Economic Development Policies FINANCE COMMITTEE Broker of Record Contracts (Gallagher; Raleigh, Schwarz, Powell) MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Memo of Understanding with Seattle-King County Dept. of Public Health for Local Hazardous Waste Program Reimbusement PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Amendments to Wetlands Management Ordinance Letter from the president of the Tiffany Park Homeowners Association opposing the Highlander Development (formerly Parker PUD) PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Letter from Suzanne Lee, 3300 NE 6th, Renton, 98056, regarding zoning restrictions on dog kennels in single family neighborhoods 397 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting September 26, 1994 City Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. Renton Municipal Building MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. •.• ROLL CALL OF RICHARD STREDICKE, Council President; KATHY KEOLKER- COUNCILMEMBERS WHEELER, TONI NELSON, BOB EDWARDS, RANDY CORMAN, TIM SCHLITZER, JESSE TANNER. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; MIKE KATTERMANN, Planning & Technical Services Director; RON OLSEN, Utility Systems Director; REBECCA LIND, Senior Planner; MARK PYWELL, Senior Planner; DAVE CHRISTENSEN, Engineering Specialist; LIEUTENANT JOE PEACH, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL COUNCIL MINUTES APPROVE THE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 AS PRESENTED, CARRIED. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Clymer was read declaring October, 1994 as Domestic Violence Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Month and encouraging all Awareness and Prevention residents to recognize the importance of everyone's participation in ending Month, 10/94 such violence. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Linda Rasmussen, Executive Director of D.A.W.N. (Domestic Abuse Women's Network), accepted the proclamation on this organization's behalf, explaining that D.A.W.N. provides crisis services to women and children suffering from �. domestic violence. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. CAG: 94-110, Liberty City Clerk reported bid opening on 9/19/94 for CAG-94-110, Liberty Park Park Restrooms, E.M. Restroom Project; six bids; engineer's estimate $100,000.00; and submitted Castillo Construction staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, E.M. Castillo Construction, Inc., in the amount of $105,958.19. Council concur. Personnel: Broker of Personnel Department submitted proposed contracts with Arthur J. Gallagher Record Contracts as Broker of Record for the City's property and casualty insurance and with (Gallagher; Raleigh, Raleigh, Schwarz and Powell as Broker of Record for employee health Schwarz, Powell), CAG- benefits. Refer to Finance Committee. 94- and CAG-94- Planning: Wetlands Planning & Technical Services Division submitted proposed amendments to the Management Ordinance Wetlands Management Ordinance to establish one set of standard wetland Amendments buffer widths that would vary depending on the wetland class, and to transfer approval of category 3 variances to the Planning/Building/Public Works Administration from the Hearing Examiner. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. 1rr 393 September 26, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 398 CAG: 90-066, Houser Way Water Utility Division submitted proposed Addendum No. 4 to CAG-90-066, Pump Station Consultant agreement with RH2 Engineering in the amount of $62,927.00 for consultant Services, RH2 Engineering services during construction of the Houser Way Pump Station. Council concur. Added Item Planning & Technical Services Division submitted proposed Economic Planning: Economic Development Policies for adoption as an element of the Comprehensive Plan. Development Policies Refer to Committee of the Whole. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Suzanne H. Lee, 3300 NE 6th Pl., Renton, Citizen Comment: Lee - 98056, regarding zoning restrictions on dog kennels in single family residential Dog Kennel Restrictions neighborhoods. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. s Citizen Comment: Valberg Correspondence was read from Norma M. Valberg, President of the Tiffany - Highlander Development Park Homeowners Association, 1724 Olympia Ave. SE, Renton, 98058, (Parker PUD) expressing concern about the proposed Highlander Development(formerly known as the Parker PUD). MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Public Safety Committee Chair Corman presented a report recommending that Public Safety Committee Council take the following actions regarding the mitigation plans for the WSDOT: I-405 S-Curve Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) I-405 S-Curve Project project, with special emphasis on mitigation plans associated with the I-405 "sit-in" park: 1. Request the Mayor to send a letter to Sid Morrison or Ron Anderson of the Washington State Department of Transportation requesting them to attend the October 3, 1994 Renton City Council meeting to respond to the issues raised in the August 29, 1994 letter by Ruthie Larson. The WSDOT representative should also address the question of why WSDOT is no longer attending City Council meetings on a monthly basis. 2. Request the Administration to determine whether a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was ever prepared by WSDOT to address changes to the mitigation plans proposed within the Final EIS for the project. If such a document was prepared, a copy of it shall be obtained for Council review. 3. Pending the outcome of item nos. I and 2 above, the Council will take appropriate follow-up action. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report recommending CAG: 94-, Reimbursement concurrence in the Planning/Building/Public Works Department's . for Local Hazardous Waste recommendation that the Council adopt a resolution authorizing the Mayor Program, King County and City Clerk to execute the Memorandum of Understanding between the Seattle-King County Department of Public Health and the City of Renton, which authorizes the City's Solid Waste Utility to receive $15,939.00 in funding from the Local Hazardous Waste Management Plan for Seattle-King County. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding 399 September 26, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 399 this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 401 for resolution.) Annexation: Winsper Area Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report recommending Utility Rate Rebate concurrence with the Administration's recommendation that the 50% rate surcharge applied to utility customers outside the Renton City limits be temporarily rebated for those residents of the Winsper Annexation area who receive City water service. Rebate of the 50% rate surcharge shall be effective retroactive to July 1, 1994 and shall extend for one year or until such time as the pending appeal to the annexation is resolved, whichever comes first. Over-payment shall be credited to future water billings. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Responding to Councilman Tanner, City Attorney Lawrence J. Warren said the City has not yet received notification that an appeal has been filed on the Boundary Review Board's decision to approve the Winsper annexation. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending approval Finance: Vouchers of Claims Vouchers #116117 - 116515; two wire transfers in the total amount of $1,666,516.97; approval of Payroll Vouchers #129516 - 129878; and 385 direct deposits in the total amount of $1,049,949.24. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Personnel: Self-Insurance Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending for Employee Health concurrence in the staff recommendation to adopt a resolution encouraging Benefits State administrators and legislators and Congressional representatives to support the continuation of local government's authority to elect to self-insure employee health benefits under either state or federal health care reform. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 401 for resolution.) Committee of the Whole Senior Planner Rebecca Lind pointed out the most recent changes made to the -- Comprehensive Plan: draft Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan for Council's information. Housing Element The first change, contained. in policy HE 2.3 on page 15 of the document, provides that single family infill parcels of one acre or less be allowed to develop at 9.6 units per acre to accommodate the 4,500 square foot minimum lot size. Additionally, the density bonuses have been deleted per direction received from the Committee of the Whole. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE DRAFT HOUSING ELEMENT DATED SEPTEMBER 23, 1994 FOR THE PURPOSE OF COMPLETING THE DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT.* Councilman Tanner was concerned with Chapter 5, which he felt inappropriately portrayed accessory units in a near-total positive manner. Specifically, he noted that although the chapter purports to list advantages and disadvantages of such dwelling units, the disadvantages are followed by language directly refuting them. Ms. Lind stated that the discussions preceding the policies were included to provide a context of the policies for the EIS review. She suggested that these sections could be deleted in the final policy document. **MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL AMEND THE MOTION TO DELETE CHAPTER FIVE REGARDING "SPECIAL September 26, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pame 400. HOUSING TYPES" AS WELL AS POLICY NOS. HE-8.0 THROUGH HE-8.7 THAT REFER TO ACCESSORY UNITS. Saying that Council has not yet determined whether it wants to allow accessory units in single family neighborhoods, Councilmember Keolker- Wheeler added that so far, it is unclear whether these units are required under State law. Councilman Edwards suggested it might be preferable to leave the language regarding accessory units in the draft element for the purpose of the environmental review. He felt that deleting the language would be easier than adding it back in, in which case it would have to undergo a separate environmental review. Councilman Corman recalled that Council had previously directed staff to omit all references to accessory units from the draft housing element. Mr. Tanner agreed that Council had judged it best not to address the issue of accessory units unless and until the State requires the City to do so. ' **MOTION ON THE AMENDMENT CARRIED. *ORIGINAL MOTION CARRIED AS AMENDED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The following ordinance was presented for first reading and advancement to second and final reading: LID: 335, Sierra Heights An ordinance was read amending Ordinance No. 4368 expanding the Sanitary Sewers boundaries of Local Improvement District No. 335, Sierra Heights, to add three parcels (Petett). MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #4474 Following second and final reading of the aforementioned ordinance, it was LID: 335, Sierra Heights MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT Sanitary Sewers THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading, having first been read at the 9/12/94 Council meeting: Ordinance #4475 An ordinance was read approving and confirming the assessments and LID: 335, Sierra Heights assessment roll of Local Improvement District No. 335 in the total amount of Sanitary Sewers $326,161.61 for the improvement of a certain area in and near Sierra Heights by doing all work necessary in connection therewith, levying and assessing the amounts therefor against the several lots, tracts, parcels of land and other property as shown on said assessment roll as confirmed by the City Council; and providing for the payment of such assessments into the Local Improvement Fund, District No. 335, of the City of Renton, Washington, as created by Ordinance No. 4368. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Annexation: Winsper, City Attorney Warren recommended that Council postpone adoption of the Talbot Hill Winsper area annexation and zoning ordinances until the appeal period on this matter has expired or, should an appeal be filed, until that issue is resolved. 401 September 26, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 401 MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THE WINSPER AREA ANNEXATION AND ZONING ORDINANCES TO THE CITY CLERK TO HOLD UNTIL THE APPEAL PERIOD ON THIS MATTER HAS EXPIRED. CARRIED. The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: Resolution #3090 A resolution was read requesting State and Federal legislation to clarify the Personnel: Self-Insurance authority of local governments to exercise the option of self-funding health for Employee Health care benefits. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, Benefits COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3091 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a CAG: 94-, Reimbursement Memorandum of Understanding with the Seattle-King County Department of for Local Hazardous Waste Public Health regarding hazardous waste plan implementation. MOVED BY Program, King County SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Referring to a notice that the Board of Public Works will hear a request from WSDOT: I-405 Project and the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) for a 38-day Noise Variance Request noise variance for night work on I-405 from NE Park Drive to the northern City limits, Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler was concerned that the survelliance control and drive information system mentioned in the noise variance application from WSDOT might refer to ramp metering, which Council has steadfastly opposed on numerous occasions. King County: Household Mrs. Keolker-Wheeler commented that the Seattle-King County Department Hazardous Waste Program of Public Health has been billing suburban cities for non-billable items related Billing to household hazardous waste programs. Additionally, it appears that some ineligible items such as "tobacco vending" are being billed as basic health services under contracts for public health services. Franchise: TCI Basic City Attorney Warren announced that the City has received an appeal before Cable Rates the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) from TCI regarding TCI's basic cable rates. He suggested that the outcome of such an appeal will likely be a stay of the City's recently adopted resolution on TCI rates. AUDIENCE COMMENT Jerry Woods, 17712 SE Petrovisky Rd., Renton, 98058, stated that Winsper Citizen Comment: Woods - area residents are reluctant to appear before Council in support of the Winsper Annexation, proposed annexation for fear of retaliation from King County Fire District 40. Talbot Hill He noted that the Fire District has expressed opposition to the annexation and may file an appeal of such with the Boundary Review Board. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:50 p.m. Ci'f ✓ .C��%4.��✓ MARILYN E ERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 9/26/94 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 26, 1994 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA i COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE TUES., 9/27 Burnstead Annexation Public Meeting (Stredicke) 6:30 p.m. (Maplewood Heights Elementary School) MON., 10/03 Economic Development Policies x 6:30 p.m. COMMUNITY SERVICES TUES., 9/27 *NO MEETING* (Nelson) FINANCE (Tanner) PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT TUES., 9/27 Comprehensive Plan Amendments and (Keolker-Wheeler) 3:30 p.m. Concurrent Rezones *5th Floor* PUBLIC SAFETY (Corman) TRANSPORTATION(AVIATION) MON., 10/03 Regional Transit Authority Update (Edwards) 4:00 P.M. UTILITIES THUR., 9/29 Sierra Heights Sanitary Sewers Special (Schlitzer) 4:00 p.m. Assessment District: Patricia Hess Assessment and SAD Interest Rate NOTE:Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the 6th floor conference room unless otherwise noted. r� 403 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING October 3, 1994 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 26, 1994 4. PROCLAMATION: Halloween Safety Week, October 24-31, 1994 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: WSDOT I-405 S-Curve Project— Status of Mitigation Plans 6. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. City Clerk submits appeal of Hearing Examiner's decision regarding Ryan's Addition Short Plat, 4 lots located at 1614 Hoquiam Pl. NE; appeal filed on 9/23/94 by Dana L. Vana; File No. SHP-94-080. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. b. Police Department requests authorization to leave a currently vacant segeant's position unfilled and create a non-commissioned Jail Supervisor position in its place. Refer to Public Safety Committee. 8. CORRESPONDENCE a. Letter from Andrew J. Peck, 14104 - 10th Pl. SE, Renton, 98059, requesting that the City provide directional signage for churches. 9. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Committee of the Whole: Economic Development Policies b. Utilities Committee: Sierra Heights Sanitary Sewers Special Assessment District (Patricia Hess Assessment and SAD Interest Rate) 10. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 11. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics - call 277-4430 for recorded information) 12. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 13. AUDIENCE COMMENT 14. ADJOURNMENT (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) COUNCIL. CHAMBERS 6:30 p.m. Economic Development Policies 04 405 RENTON CITY COUNCIL October 3, 1994 City Clerk's Office Referrals ADMINISTRATION Noise walls along 1-405 Information dissemination for Public Safety bond issue, Nov. 8th COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Valley Medical Center proposed levy PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Ryan's Addition Short Plat, 1614 Hoquiam PI NE, SHP-94-080 PUBLIC SAFETY' COMMITTEE New Jail Supervisor position in Police Department TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Letter from Andrew Peck, 14104 - 150th Pl. SE, Renton, 98059, requesting directional signage for churches Renton Hill access safety issues 406 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 3, 1994 City Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. Renton Municipal Building MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor pro tem Stredicke led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TIM SCHLITZER, Council President pro tem; JESSE TANNER, BOB COUNCILMEMBERS EDWARDS, TONI NELSON, KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMAN RANDY CORMAN. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the Mayor; LAWRENCE J. ATTENDANCE WARREN, City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; PAUL LUMBERT, Engineering Specialist; CHIEF ALAN L. WALLIS, Police Department. PRESS Jean Parietti, Valley Daily News APPROVAL OF MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL COUNCIL MINUTES APPROVE THE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 26, 1994, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Clymer was read declaring the week of October 24- Halloween Safety Week, 31, 1994, as "Halloween Safety Week" and encouraging all residents to 10/24/94 to 10/31/94 emphasize the necessary safety skills that allow children to enjoy a safe and happy Halloween. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Kevin Carlson accepted the proclamation on behalf of the students of Hazen High School. AUDIENCE COMMENT Bill Collins, 420 Cedar Ave. S, Renton, 98055, commented on a photograph Citizen Comment: Collins published in the newspaper that showed pet owners walking their dogs at - Dogs in Gene Coulon Gene Coulon Park, even though dogs are prohibited in the park. Park Citizen Comment: Gevers Bob Gevers, 900 Kirkland Ave. NE, Renton, 98056, distributed copies of - Highlands Community correspondence between his legal counsel and the City Attorney's office Church Court Case regarding the timing of a brief filed on his behalf. Mr. Gevers clarified that the brief, relating to the Highlands Community Church appeal, had been filed in a timely manner. Citizen Comment: Webb - Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Ave. S, Renton, 98055, related his concern regarding WSDOT I-405 S-Curve the intersection of Cedar and Mill Avenues South, saying the current Project configuration of the intersection is unsafe and should be changed from a three-way stop to a four-way stop. Mr. Webb also asked for signage directing motorists from Cedar Ave. S. to Mill Ave. S. for the benefit of those unfamiliar with the area. Citizens Comment: Lloyd Hoshide, 833 Kirkland Ave. NE, Renton, 98056, thanked Council for Hoshide - Comprehensive its action last week which deleted all references to accessory units (mother-in- Plan Housing Element law apartments) from the Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Hoshide said while he recognized that the issue of accessory units is likely to 407 October 3, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 407 resurface, Council's decision on this matter was astute and in the best long- term interests of the City and its citizens. SPECIAL Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman introduced PRESENTATION the discussion on the status of mitigation plans for the I-405 S-Curve project WSDOT: I-405 S-Curve by explaining a handout that contrasted the "sit-in" park as it had been Project proposed in the Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for this project with the current proposed configuration. Mr. Zimmerman noted that although the stormwater detention pond was originally intended to be smaller in size and have a natural dirt bottom, the pond will actually be larger and made of concrete to ensure protection of the City's aquifer. The increased size of the pond assumes some of the space previously meant for the sit-in park. Mr. Zimmerman introduced Ron Anderson, Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Northwest Regional Administrator. Mr. Anderson apologized for WSDOT's failure to sustain its original commitment to send a representative to Council meetings on a regular basis to respond to Council and resident questions regarding the S-Curve project. He guaranteed that a WSDOT representative will be present at the City's request, asking in return that the City provide some advance indication regarding the specific issues to be taken up. Noting that Council has been provided with copies of his letter responding to correspondence received from Renton Hill resident Ruthie Larson on this project, Mr. Anderson acknowledged differences between the original EIS and current plans and construction. He assured Council there had been no attempt to deceive the City or its residents as the EIS proposal was developed into final design plans, saying WSDOT had openly and honestly communicated with both staff and the Mayor's office over the length of the project. Responding to Councilman Tanner, Mr. Anderson said that although WSDOT is concerned about the potentially high cost of the proposed stairway from Renton Ave. S. to the Narco site and is additionally unable to guarantee funding for such a facility, the Department is willing to explore all available options. Noting her concern regarding the reduced size of the sit-in park, Councilmember Nelson suggested that redesigning the stormwater detention pond to be longer and narrower could free up more open space for landscaping that would help soften the overall effect of the project. Mr. Anderson replied that the City might also be interested in reducing the width of the portion of Mill Ave. S. that is no longer in use, noting this would allow extending some of the landscaping into this area. Saying that the sit-in park was supposed to be a genuine enhancement that would help relieve the impacts of the freeway, Councilmember Keolker- Wheeler was concerned that the area available for this amenity has been reduced to the point where the intended effect of the park has been taken away. She was also concerned about the safety of the bridge structures, particularly during adverse weather conditions. Saying that the Cedar Ave. staircase does not resemble anything in the EIS or in the model or the documentation previously provided, she added that the original intent of this facility was to connect Renton Hill to the downtown via a sit-in park and some stairs. October 3, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 408 Mrs. Keolker-Wheeler said if the State is committed to building the Cedar Ave. staircase because the EIS refers to a staircase, it should commit to other aspects of the EIS as well and not allow construction of items not contained or shown differently in the EIS. Mr. Anderson replied that an EIS is an initial planning document that sets out the concepts for a project. After the EIS for the S-Curve project was developed, a more detailed design report was prepared in cooperation with all governing bodies, including the City of Renton, that attempted to match the concepts contained in the EIS with specific project components. Finally, plans and specifications were prepared in the form of construction drawings for the project. Mr. Anderson added that staff was aware that the dechlorination building was being required by the City of Seattle and would be built. In response to Mrs. Keolker-Wheeler's comments regarding the Cedar Ave. staircase, Mr. Anderson said the handrails and materials have already been ordered and the shop drawings approved for this facility. Deleting the staircase from the project at this point, then, would incur a cost that would have to be reimbursed to the contractor nevertheless. Responding to Mrs. Keolker-Wheeler, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman concurred that Council had requested the State to divert the $35,000 that could be saved by deleting the Cedar Ave. staircase into the future landscaping project to cooperatively achieve an alternative staircase from Renton Ave. to the Narco site. The State's response was that since the Cedar Ave. staircase was required by the EIS, it was not at liberty to delete it from the project. Councilman Edwards echoed concerns regarding the loss of most of the area intended for the sit-in park, saying that the City should receive mitigation for the detention pond's increased size. Noting that a portion of 1-90 over Mercer Island is lidded, he suggested that perhaps the detention pond could be covered. Reiterating that the detention pond is the minimum size necessary to meet requirements for the projected stormwater runoff and to ensure protection of the aquifer, Mr. Anderson said typically these cannot be covered as their primary function is to collect water. Audience comment was invited. Ruthie Larson, 714 High Ave. S., Renton, 98055, briefly described events that led to the construction of the Cedar Ave. staircase. Noting that she had sent a letter to WSDOT in August requesting answers to specific questions, she said she has yet to receive answers to all of these. She contested the assertion that the relocation of the City of Seattle's waterlines caused the relocation and redesign of the stairway or the reduction in size of the sit-in park. Mrs. Larson agreed with Councilmember Nelson that the detention pond could be made longer and narrower, which would allow it to be placed in its original location approximately thirty feet from the S. 3rd ramp. She questioned the need for a 50' by 60' turnaround covered in cement, and suggested this could be relocated. She concluded by requesting a redesign in keeping with the EIS and that Renton Hill residents be informed of each step taken with regard to the sit-in park. Jim Gardin, 400 Cedar Ave. S., Renton, 98055, said although he has notified the City of his concerns regarding water runoff on the hill during the construction of this project, he has yet to receive a satisfactory response or see any action taken regarding this issue. He felt that failure on both the City and the State's part to address this relatively simple problem was indicative of 409 October 3, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pau 409 the broader criticism that the concerns of Renton Hill residents are not being considered. B.J. Neilly, 806 Grant Ave. S., Renton, 98055, stated that the lack of visibility at 4th and Main has made this intersection prone to accidents. Becky Lemke, 430 Cedar Ave. S., Renton, 98055, agreed that the 4th/Main and Cedar/Mill intersections are both dangerous, noting that she witnessed a three-car rollover accident at the former intersection. Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Ave. S., Renton, 98055, suggested that removing the large bluff would enhance visibility at the intersection of 4th and Main. He added that it might also be appropriate to eliminate the free right turn from 4th onto Main. Rosemary Grassi, 425 Cedar Ave. S., Renton, 98055, said WSDOT has failed to maintain faith with residents regarding this project, which she felt has reduced property values for some of those who live on Renton Hill. Saying that the detention pond does not constitute landscaping, she added that this facility should be attractive as well as functional. She additionally felt that the Cedar Ave. staircase will be unsafe, particularly in the winter. Responding to Mayor pro tem Stredicke, Mr. Zimmerman stated that the detention pond was designed according to the State's criteria, which dictated the volume of the pond but not necessarily its design. Executive Assistant Jay Covington commented that the site clearance of the intersection of 4th and Main is scheduled for improvement after completion of the Renton Ave. ramp. Saying that the visibility at this intersection is deplorable and its improvement cannot be delayed, Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler suggested exploring the possibility of a left-turn lane that was mentioned in the EIS. She asked again whether a supplemental EIS was done on this project, adding that the intersection of Cedar and Mill Avenues also requires improvement. Mrs. Keolker-Wheeler was additionally concerned about children walking along the top of the railings along Cedar Ave. over the freeway, and stated for the record that as far as she was aware Council had never voted to delete the sit- in park or reduce its size in any fashion. Mr. Anderson said WSDOT will respond to concerns and issues raised this evening in a letter to Council. Mrs. Keolker-Wheeler asked that this include the matter of the Cedar Ave. staircase, as well as issues raised by Mrs. Larson in her letter to WSDOT and concerns voiced by other Renton Hill residents this evening. Noting that the cities of Bellevue and Redmond have received noise walls as mitigation for State highway projects, Mayor pro tem Stredicke asked for information on the warrants for these, which Mr. Anderson agreed to provide. Mrs. Keolker-Wheeler requested a copy of the proposed landscaping plans for the project. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THE ISSUE OF NOISE WALLS TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR A REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL. CARRIED. October 3 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 410 MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER RENTON HILL ACCESS SAFETY ISSUES TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Mayor pro tem Stredicke asked that WSDOT send a representative to the October 17th Council meeting as follow-up to tonight's meeting. WSDOT appearances will thereafter be scheduled on an as-needed basis. RECESS MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 8:56 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:02 p.m.; roll was called; all Councilmembers present. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Appeal: Ryan's Addition City Clerk submitted apeal of Hearing Examiner's decision regarding Ryan's Short Plat, 1614 Hoquiam Addition Short Plat, four lots located at 1614 Hoquiam Pl. NE; appeal filed on PI NE, SHP-94-080 9/23/94 by Dana L. Vana; File No. SHP-94-080. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Police: New Jail Police Department requested authorization to leave a currently vacant Supervisor Position sergeant's position unfilled and create a non-commissioned Jail Supervisor position in its place. Refer to Public Safety Committee. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Andrew J. Peck, 14104 - 150th Pl. SE, Renton, Citizen Comment: Peck - 98059, requesting that the City approve and provide directional signage for Directional Signage for churches. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL Churches REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President pro tem Schlitzer presented a report recommending approval Committee of the Whole of the draft Economic Development Policies, as amended. The Committee Comprehensive Plan: further recommended that the policies be included in the Comprehensive Plan Economic Development of the City of Renton and adopted as an element of that Plan upon Policies completion of the environmental review and after a public hearing. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation Committee Transportation Committee Chair Edwards presented a report recommending Transportation: Regional that the City Council approve the following position with respect to the Transit Plan Regional Transit Plan: 1. Support of a Regional Transit Plan that supports a target of economic development for Renton and the region. 2. Recognition that the City is in the process of negotiation to achieve the target of economic development. 3. Approval of the City's current position with respect to the Regional Transit Plan to include the extension of light rail between Tukwila and Overlake/Redmond via Renton along the I-405 corridor. An intermodal station should provide for connections to the north/south commuter rail spine. This choice must include light rail along Interurban Avenue with skip-stop operation to assure there will be no increase in travel time from Seattle to Federal Way due to the Interurban route. Limited or no all day parking should be provided i II October 3, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 411 at the Tukwila intermodal station. The light rail should be financed by over-programming to attract more federal dollars. Have a system whereby first come/first served. Until the light rail is constructed, there should be bus service along I-405 and a transit center developed downtown. 4. Any change from this position should be consistent with the economic development target and would be referred back to the City Council for approval. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL Council: Position on REFER THE ISSUE OF THE VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER PROPOSED Valley Medical Center LEVY TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR DISCUSSION AT ITS Levy OCTOBER 10 MEETING. CARRIED. Police: Public Safety Bond Councilmembers discussed various ideas of how to encourage residents to vote Issue on the upcoming public safety bond issue, including holding neighborhood meetings whereby voters could get their questions on this subject answered. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR FURTHER ACTION. CARRIED. City Attorney Warren noted that although Council is prohibited from expending funds to promote or oppose a ballot proposition, it can take a position as a body for or against a proposition and it can also authorize expenditures for the dissemination of information that is of a neutral nature only. The extent of such dissemination of information is up to the City's discretion. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:31 p.m. �r MARILYN E ERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 10/03/94 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 3, 1994 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 10/10 Valley Medical Center Bond Issue; (Stredicke) 6:30 p.m. Personnel Issues(Executive Session) COMMUNITY SERVICES (Nelson) FINANCE MON., 10/10 Broker of Record Contracts; (Tanner) 6:00 p.m. Vouchers PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT TUES., 10/04 Ryan's Addition Short Plat Appeal; (Keolker-Wheeler) 3:30 p.m. Home Occupations Zoning Revision *Council Chambers* PUBLIC SAFETY (Corman) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) (Edwards) UTILITIES (Schlitzer) NOTE:Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the 6th floor conference room unless otherwise noted. 413 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING October 10, 1994 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF OCTOBER 3, 1994 4. PROCLAMATIONS: a. October 1994, National Arts and Humanities Month b. October 1994, Head Injury Awareness Month c. October 16-22, 1994, Character Counts Week 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. City Clerk submits official King County election certification and canvass for the September 1994 primary election. b. Housing & Human Services Division requests approval of resolutions authorizing the Mayor to enter into amendments to the 1994-1996 Interlocal Cooperative Agreements with King County for the HOME Investment Partnership (CAG-93-064) and Community Development Block Grants (CAG-93-066). Council concur. (See agenda item 9. for resolutions.) c. Legal Department submits proposed ordinance providing for the destruction of forfeited firearms. Refer to Public Safetv Committee. d. Wastewater Utility Division requests that the contract for the Duvall Ave. NE and Shattuck Ave. S. sanitary sewer installation projects be awarded to the low bidder, Pivetta Brothers Construction, Inc., in the amount of$33,820.07. Council concur. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Finance Committee: Broker of Record Contracts; Vouchers b. Planning& Development Committee: Ryan's Addition Short Plat Appeal; Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Concurrent Rezones 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolutions: a. Amending 1994-1996 agreement with King County for CDBG funds (see 6.b.) b. Amending 1994-1996 agreement with King County for Home Investment Partnerships Program (see 6.b) (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 414 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics - call 277-4430 for recorded information) 11. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13'' ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) COUNCIL CHAMBERS 6;30 p.m. 1 Valley Medical Center proposed levy 2. Personnel issues (Executive Session) 415 RENTON CITY COUNCIL October 10, 1994 City Clerk's Office Referrals ADMINISTRATION South End Auto Wrecking fire incident WSDOT response to Council request for information on I-405 noise wall warrants MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Amendment to CAG-93-064, HOME Investment Partnership, KingCounty Amendment to CtNG-93-066, 1994-1996 CDBG Funds, King County PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Destruction of forfeited firearms UTILITIES COMMITTEE 1995-1996 proposed utility rates ORDINANCES FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING Winsper Annexation, Talbot Road (1st reading 9/19/94) Zoning for Winsper Annexation (1st reading 9/19/94) 416 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 10, 1994 City Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. Renton Municipal Building MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD STREDICKE, Council President; TIM SCHLITZER, JESSE COUNCILMEMBERS TANNER, RANDY CORMAN, BOB EDWARDS, TONI NELSON, KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; ZANETTA FONTES, Assistant City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; CAROLYN SUNDVALL, Housing & Human Services Manager; MARK PYWELL, Senior Planner; LIEUTENANT ROB SOFIE, Police Department. PRESS Jean Parietti, Valley Daily News APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES THE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 3, 1994, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PROCLAMATIONS A proclamation by Mayor Clymer was read declaring the month of October National Arts and 1994 to be National Arts and Humanities Month, recognizing the effect that Humanities Month, 10/94 the arts and humanities have on every aspect of American life. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Head Injury Awareness A proclamation by Mayor Clymer was read declaring the month of October Month, 10/94 1994 to be Head Injury Awareness Month, and asking that all citizens recognize and support the worthwhile efforts of the Washington State Head Injury Foundation. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Character Counts Week, A proclamation by Mayor Clymer was read declaring the week of October 16- 10/16/94 to 10/22/94 22, 1994 to be Character Counts Week,' recognizing the importance of making conscientious efforts to help young people develop the ability for moral decision-making and conduct. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Ryan Moore, 1607 Ilwaco Ave. NE, Renton, 98059, inquired whether Council Citizen Comment: Moore - has reached a decision regarding the Ryan's Addition Short Plat appeal. Ryan's Addition Short Plat, 1614 Hoquiam P1 MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, NE, SHP-94-080 COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT ON THIS ISSUE. CARRIED. Planning & Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Committee report regarding the Ryan's Addition Short Plat appeal, File No. SHP-94-080. Appeal: Ryan's Addition The Planning & Development Committee met on October 4, 1994 to consider Short Plat, 1614 Hoquiam the appeal of the decision of the Hearing Examiner dated August 29, 1994. PI NE, SHP-94-080 The subject property is located at 1614 Hoquiam Place. The applicant, Manfred Duske, seeks approval of a short plat in order to subdivide a 0.62 r.ri 417 October 10, 1994 Renton Citv Council Minutes Page 417 acre parcel into four lots. A variance is requested to construct a private road. The Hearing Examiner found, among other things, that a three-lot plat would fall short of the Zoning Code requirements. Density of the three-lot plat with a private road would be 5.6. Without the road it would be 4.9. The Code requires between 5.6 and 8 dwelling units per acre. The Hearing Examiner approved the variance subject to several conditions. The appellant, Dana L. Vana, appealed numerous conclusions and findings including the Hearing Examiner's finding that a granting of a variance will not materially harm either the general public or other properties in the vicinity of the site. The Committee found that the Hearing Examiner committed substantial error in finding no material harm to other properties in the vicinity. The record indicated that the applicant would be unable to develop homes that would maintain continuity of the surrounding neighborhood. Therefore, the Committee found that the parcel should be subdivided into three lots rather than four. Having so found, the Committee then addressed the issue of whether or not to have a private road. Without a private road, the density would be outside the range described in our Code. However, the Committee found there are access constraints to the three parcels that would make access through a private road more dangerous than access from three separate private driveways. Therefore, the Committee recommended that the City Council: reverse the decision of the Hearing Examiner and deny the variance for a private road; amend the decision of the Hearing Examiner to approve a short plat to subdivide the parcel into three lots; and require all of the conditions imposed by the Hearing Examiner except condition No. 3 as it relates to the construction of a private road. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Webb - Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Ave. S., Renton, 98055, commented on various issues WSDOT I-405 S-Curve associated with the status of mitigation plans for the 1-405 S-Curve project, Project saying that the purpose of the Cedar Ave. staircase has always been to provide a substitute for the more direct route once provided by Mill Ave. S. Mr. Webb posed several questions regarding the storm water detention pond, the sit-in park, and safety measures on both the Cedar Ave. overpass and the South 4th/Main Ave. S. and Cedar Ave. S./frontage road intersections. Saying that the City and the Council have been kept fully informed of changes made w... on this project since the EIS, Mr. Webb encouraged cooperation betwe City and WSDOT on these concerns to ensure the greatest benefit for Renton and its citizens. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. At Council request, item 6.b. was removed for separate consideration. City Clerk: September City Clerk submitted official King County election certification and canvass 1994 Primary Certification for the September 1994 primary election. Information. Police: Destruction of Legal Department submitted proposed ordinance providing for the destruction Forfeited Firearms of forfeited firearms. Refer to Public Safety Committee. CAG: 94-, Duvall Ave Wastewater Utility Division requested that the contract for the Duvall Ave. NE/Shattuck Ave S NE and Shattuck Ave. S. sanitary sewer installation projects be awarded to Sanitary Sewers, Pivetta Pivetta Brothers Construction, Inc., in the amount of $33,820.07; this Bros. contractor was the lowest bidder in response to telephone solicitations. Council concur. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED TO REMOVE ITEM 6.b. FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION. CARRIED. 418 October 10. 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pane 418 Separate Consideration Housing & Human Services Division requested approval of resolutions CAG: 93-064, HOME authorizing the Mayor to enter into amendments to the 1994-1996 Interlocal Investment Partnership, Cooperative Agreements with King County for the HOME Investment King County Partnership (CAG-93-064) and Community Development Block Grants (CAG- CAG: 93-066, CDBG 93-066). Funds, King County Responding to Councilman Edwards, Carolyn Sundvall, Housing & Human Services Manager, explained that the first amendment will consolidate two advisory committees into one, which will have the effect of providing greater suburban city representation in the funding recommendations made to the County Executive. Renton will not experience a change in the amount of funding it receives; however, the second amendment will allow the County's administrative funds for the CDBG program to be used more equitably. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE AMENDMENTS TO CAG-93-064 AND CAG-93-066 AS PROPOSED. CARRIED. (See page 419 for resolutions.) OLD BUSINESS Noting complaints of insufficient parking at a group home located in a cul- Planning: Group Homes in de-sac at NE 10th Ct. and Redmond Ave. NE, Council President Stredicke Residential Areas requested an investigation by the Code enforcement officer and an opinion from the City Attorney as to whether these facilities can be restricted in single family residential areas. Fire: Valley Medical MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL Centcr Proposed Levy CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE RECOMMENDATION NOT TO TAKE A POSITION ON THE LEVY PROPOSED BY VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER. CARRIED. Fire: South End Auto MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER Wrecking Fire Incident THE MATTER OF SOUTH END AUTO WRECKING RECONSTRUCTION TO THE ADMINISTRATION TO DETERMINE WHETHER THE NON- CONFORMING USE CAN BE REBUILT AFTER A RECENT FIRE. CARRIED. Utility: 1995/1996 Rates MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER OF THE PROPOSED 1995 AND 1996 UTILITY RATES TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending approval Finance: Vouchers of Claims Vouchers #116516 - 116994; one wire transfer in the total amount of $2,779,568.09; approval of Payroll Vouchers #129879 - 130217; and 388 direct deposits in the total amount of $1,057,703.12. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCURN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Streets: Parking Problem Councilman Schlitzer commented on correspondence and a petition received on NE 8th St by the City regarding a parking problem experienced by residents on a privately-owned portion of NE 8th St. located next to a frequently used school playfield. Noting that the Police Department was unable to provide assistance since the road is private, he suggested that the City help affected residents explore other options to alleviate the problem such as signage, curbing, or fire lane marking. Mayor Clymer agreed to look into this issue. 419 October 10, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 419 WSDOT: I-405 S-Curve Councilman Edwards expressed his dissatisfaction with correspondence Project received from WSDOT in response to a Renton Councilmember's request for noise wall warrants on various State highway projects, saying that the letter from WSDOT clearly failed to provide a satisfactory answer on this issue. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL DIRECT THE ADMINISTRATION TO CONTACT WSDOT REGARDING THE LACK OF SATISFACTORY RESPONSE RECEIVED FROM THE STATE ON THE ISSUE OF NOISE WALL WARRANTS. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution #3092 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an CAG: 93-066, CDBG amendment to the interlocal cooperative agreement with King County to Funds, King County obtain funds from the King County Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program during the 1994-1996 funding years. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3093 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an CAG: 93-064, HOME amendment to the interlocal cooperative agreement with King County for the Investment Partnership, purpose of participating in the HOME Investment Partnerships Program. King County MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL AGAIN Transportation: Council GO ON RECORD AS OPPOSING RAMP METERING ON I-405 THROUGH Opposition to Ramp RENTON. CARRIED. Metering Transportation: Temporary Commenting on signs announcing the temporary evening closure of Main St., Closure of Main St Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler noted that provisions will have to be made to ensure uninterrupted access to Renton Hill. AUDIENCE COMMENT Gary Smith, 5021 Ripley Lane N., Suite 4, Renton, 98056, was concerned Citizen Comment: Smith - with the potential for appearance of impropriety that could arise if members Appearance of Fairness of City boards or commissions are allowed to act as proponents on projects or Concerns other matters. Noting that it is not just propriety that must be preserved, but also the appearance of such, Mr. Smith suggested that these situations would best be handled through an intermediary so it would not appear as if one party were benefiting, even inadvertently, from inside information or contacts. Council President Stredicke agreed that preserving the appearance of fairness is of sufficient importance that even if a Councilmember, City employee or board member did not have any interest in a matter, that person should excuse himself or herself from participating if it could appear that he or she stood to somehow benefit. He emphasized that it is not enough to maintain fairness, but that actions should be judged on whether or not they appear to be fair. Mayor Clymer noted that the person referred to by Mr. Smith had appeared before Council in a professional capacity removed from his role as a volunteer commissioner for the City. EXECUTIVE SESSION MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR ONE HOUR TO DISCUSS PERSONNEL ISSUES. CARRIED. Time: 8:35 p.m. 420 October 10, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 420 ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:35 p.m. MARILYNJ. UtERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 10/10/94 421 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 10, 1994 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 10/17 Executive Session(Pending Litigation) (Stredicke) 6:30 p.m. t. COMMUNITY SERVICES TUES., 10/11 *NO MEETING* (Nelson) FINANCE MON., 10/17 Broker of Record Contracts (continued (Tanner) 6:00 p.m. from 10/10/94) PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT TUES., 10/11 Home Occupations Zoning Revisions (Keolker-Wheeler) 3:30 p.m. (continued from 10/04/94); *5th Floor* Wetlands Management Ordinance; Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Concurrent Rezones PUBLIC SAFETY THURS., 10/13 Dog Kennels in Residential (Corman) 3:00 p.m. Neighborhoods; Jail Supervisor Position; Destruction of Forfeited Firearms i taw TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) MON., 10/17 Rick Hlavka letter re: Puget Sound (Edwards) 4:00 p.m. Helicopters Lease/Safety Issues; Corman request for Right-of-Way Dedication on NE 23rd St. UTILITIES THURS., 10/13 Long-term Mosquito Abatement; (Schlitzer) 4:00 p.m. 1995 & 1996 Proposed Utility Rates OTHER MEETINGS LEOFF Board THURS., 10/13 3rd Floor Conference Room 4:00 p.m. NOTE:Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the 6th floor conference room unless otherwise noted. 42,2", ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................: ': REGULAR MEETING October 17, 1994 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF OCTOBER 10, 1994 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: WSDOT I-405 S-Curve Project 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Community Services Department requests approval of addendum to extend Maplewood Golf Course concession contract with Charlie Stewart until 9/30/95 following completion of new clubhouse. Refer to Community Services Committee. b. Finance Department submits proposal for department reorganization and employee reclassifications. Refer to Finance Committee. c. Finance Department presents 1995 City of Renton budget and 1996 spending plan establishing 1995 property tax rates, new fee schedule for Parks and Public Works Departments, and utility rates; and requests that the Council set public hearings on November 7 and 21, 1994, to consider this topic. Refer to Committee of the Whole. d. Finance Department submits ordinance providing for the issuance of $3,570,000 in water/sewer revenue bonds to be repaid from rates over the next 20 years. Refer to Finance Committee. e. Transportation Division submits CAG-94-085, 1994 Slurry Seal project; and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of $43,408.56, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $2,170.43 to Blackline, Inc., contractor, if all required releases have been received. Council concur. 7. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Earl Price, dba Construction Distributors, 8746 South 113th Street, Seattle, WA 98178, requests exemption from fire mitigation fees for the Cedar River Court Apartments. Refer to Plannin¢ and Development Committee. 8. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. Items marked with (*) include legislation (ordinance or resolution). (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 423 a. Finance Committee report: Broker of Record Contracts c. Planning & Development Committee report: Wetlands Management Ordinance* d. Public Safety Committee reports: Dog Kennels in Residential Neighborhoods; Jail Supervisor Position; Destruction of Forefeited Firearms* e. Transportation (Aviation) Committee reports: Rick Hlavka letter re: Puget Sound Helicopters Lease/Safety Issues; Corman request for R/W Dedication on NE 23rd Street f. Utilities Committee reports: Long-term Mosquito Abatement; 1995-1996 Proposed Utility Rates r� 9. ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS Ordinances for second and final reading: a. Winsper Annexation (1st reading 9/19/94) b. Winsper Zoning (1st reading 9/19/94) Ordinances for first reading: a. Wetlands Ordinance Amendments b. Forfeited Firearms Destruction 10. NEW BUSINESS 11. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA 6:30 p.m. (Preceding Council Meeting) f Topic: Pending Litigation (Executive Session - closed to the public) 1rr err 424 *ENT CITY COUNCIL Otolaer 1 , 24 Gty Clerk's Qffice . `: ' . lei:i > ; .:..: :... COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 1995/1996 budget and spending plan COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Extension of Maplewood Golf Course concessionaire contract (CAG-85-030) FINANCE COMMITTEE Finance Department reorganization/employee reclassifications Water/sewer revenue bond issuance PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Letter from Earl Price requesting exemption from fire mitigation fees for Cedar River Court Apts. ORDINANCES FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING Wetlands Management/buffer widths and variance procedures (1st reading 10/17/94) Disposal of forfeited firearms (1st reading 10/17/94) 425 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 17, 1994 City Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. Renton Municipal Building MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor pro tem Stredicke led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. 11rr ROLL CALL OF TIM SCHLITZER, Council President pro tem; JESSE TANNER, RANDY COUNCILMEMBERS CORMAN, BOB EDWARDS, TONI NELSON, KATHY KEOLKER- WHEELER. CITY STAFF IN JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the Mayor; DAN KELLOGG, ATTENDANCE Assistant City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; MIKE KATTERMANN, Planning & Technical Services Director; SUE CARLSON, Economic Development Specialist; PAUL LUMBERT, Engineering Specialist; MARK PYWELL, Senior Planner; DEPUTY CHIEF DON PERSSON, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL COUNCIL MINUTES APPROVE THE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 10, 1994, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. SPECIAL Joe Scanlon, Project Engineer for the WSDOT 1-405 S-Curve project, gave a PRESENTATION brief update on the project's construction status, noting that the southbound WSDOT: I-405 S-Curve Cedar Ave. bridge is now complete, with northbound traffic still being Project rerouted. Resurfacing on Main St. has been delayed because of adverse weather, but should be finished this week. Additionally, the Renton Ave. connection will not be complete until next month due to the necessary construction of a wall required by the redesign of the storm water detention pond and sit-in park area. After Renton Ave. is opened, Cedar Ave. will be closed for approximately one month to accomplish its ultimate configuration. 1rr Bob Dyer, WSDOT District One Assistant Engineer, referred to a letter from WSDOT Northwest Region Administrator Ron Anderson, which responded to questions concerning the S-Curve project that were raised by Council and the audience at the October 17, 1994 Council meeting. Mr. Dyer explained the proposal to maximize the area available for the sit-in park by relocating the storm water detention pond 40 feet to the north, and by reducing the maintenance turn-around pad from 44 to 25 feet in length. These two changes would enlarge the sit-in park by an estimated 59 feet. Noting that the location and configuration of the detention pond is largely dictated by its size and by the constraints of the site, particularly those relating to topography, Mr. Dyer said any attempt to move the pond further to the north would require the construction of additional retaining walls. Adding that the southern end of the pond has a 5:1 slope and the remaining sides have 3:1 slopes, Mr. Dyer said the former is necessary to allow for pond maintenance and the latter are needed for safety measures. The pond will also be completely fenced. Councilman Edwards commented that a sufficiently secure fence would prevent unauthorized access to the pond and thus eliminate the need for sloping all but the southern end of the pond. Mr. Dyer replied that replacing the other three sloped sides with vertical sides per Mr. Edward's suggestion wrn 426 d October 17 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 426 could reduce the size of the pond up to 25-30°x6 and allow it to be moved perhaps 20 to 30 feet further to the north. Adding, however, that this would necessitate a complete redesign of the pond to ensure it will be impermeable to water, Mr. Dyer said WSDOT does not recommend making the pond longer and narrower as this would not substantially increase the amount of usable green space for the park. Questioning whether Renton Hill residents have been adequately represented in discussions regarding redesigning and/or relocating the pond, Councilmember Nelson emphasized the need for input from the community on these issues. Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler requested that, in conjunction with the redesign of the pond, WSDOT and City staff also reconsider the matter of pedestrian access to the sit-in park via Cedar and Renton Avenues. Councilman Corman noted his preference that the fence around the pond be made of a material such as iron rather than chain-link, and Mr. Dyer said WSDOT will likely propose that it be plastic-coated chain-link rather than galvanized, as a colored plastic coating would help make the fence less intrusive. Continuing, Mr. Dyer stated that two re-evaluations of the project were performed to determine whether a supplemental EIS was warranted, but it was not. He added that the EIS did recognize that the sit-in park would be smaller than originally envisioned. Mrs. Keolker-Wheeler noted that these re- evaluations did not consider the addition of the dechlorination building, which further reduced the size of the sit-in park. She asked if parties of record who had commented during the EIS were provided with copies of these re- evaluations. Noting WSDOT's position that a left-turn lane is not warranted at 4th and Main according to traffic counts conducted at this location, Mrs. Keolker- Wheeler questioned the validity of traffic counts that were apparently performed prior to the opening of 4th St. She commented on the specific problem of sight distance for those travelling west on 4th who are trying to turn north onto Main St., saying that visibility is impaired not by the retaining wall but by a pole. Adding that she would like to see the design for safety railings on the Renton and Cedar Avenue bridges, she also requested information on what the final slope of Renton Ave. will be, as well as its curve. Responding to previous Council questions regarding noise walls, Mr. Dyer apologized for WSDOT's failure to provide a satisfactory answer on this issue and committed to furnishing one within the next two weeks. Councilman Edwards clarified that Council's interest regarding noise walls goes beyond the S-Curve project and involves the seeming disparity with other jurisdictions receiving these amenities while Renton has not. Councilman Tanner asked that in two weeks the State also provide information on whether it plans to implement ramp metering on I-405 within Renton's city limits. Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler inquired how the State is addressing the problem of mud on Cedar Ave., and Mr. Scanlon said although WSDOT has attempted to have the contractor sweep this area as needed, these efforts may have to be intensified. 427 October 17 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Paye 427 Audience comment was invited. Jim Gardin, 400 Cedar Ave. S., Renton, 98055, stated that the mud coming off the hill onto Cedar Ave. does not get swept off the road, although he has repeatedly contacted the City regarding this problem. Saying that the only way to absolutely ensure the safety of the detention pond would be to cover it with a lid, he questioned how safe this structure has to be given the community's desire to maximize the area for the sit-in park. Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Ave. S., Renton, 98055, reiterated his concern fto regarding the sight distance at the intersection of Mill and Cedar Avenues, saying this poses a more serious safety problem than the State may recognize. Scott Rhodes, 714 Shelton Ave., Renton, 98055, felt that the detention pond should have sloped sides for safety's sake. Mr. Dyer agreed that the State feels the gain in the size of the pond, should it be built with vertical walls, would not be worth the potential risk that children or others could not pull themselves out of it. Councilman Edwards asked that Council be provided with a drawing of how the detention pond and sit-in park would appear, given the current proposals to minimize the maintenance pad and relocate the pond, and assuming that the 3:1 slopes on all but the southern end of the pond were changed to vertical walls. Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler added that this drawing should also consider the pedestrian access issue she mentioned earlier. Rosemary Grassi, 425 Cedar Ave. S., Renton, 98055, suggested that the sides of the pond be curved rather than angled. Noting a problem with speeding vehicles on Cedar Ave., she felt that installing a stop sign on this street would improve safety. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. CAG: 85-030, Maplewood Community Services Department requested approval of an addendum to Golf Course extend the Maplewood Golf Course concession contract with Charlie Stewart Concessionaire, Charlie until 9/30/95 following completion of the new clubhouse. Refer to Stewart Community Services Committee. Personnel: Finance Finance Department submitted proposal for department reorganization and Department employee reclassifications. Refer to Finance Committee. Reorganization/Employee Reclassifications Budget: 1995 and 1996 Finance Department requested that public hearings be set on November 7 and Spending Plan 21, 1994 to consider the 1995 City of Renton budget and the 1996 spending plan establishing 1995 property tax rates, new fee schedules for the Parks and Public Works Departments, and utility rates. Refer to Committee of the Whole. (The 1995 budget document will be filed with the City Clerk on 10/24/94.) Finance: Water/Sewer Finance Department submitted ordinance providing for the issuance of Revenue Bond Issuance $3,570,000 in water/sewer revenue bonds to be repaid from rates over the next 20 years. Refer to Finance Committee. or• 42 October 17 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 428 CAG: 94-085, 1994 Slurry Transportation Division submitted CAG-94-085, 1994 Slurry Seal project; and Seal Project, Blackline Inc. requested approval of project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of $43,408.56, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $2,170.43 to Blackline, Inc., contractor, if all required releases have been obtained. Council concur. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Earl Price, dba Construction Distributors, 8746 Citizen Comment: Price - S. 113th St., Seattle, 98178, requesting exemption from fire mitigation fees in Cedar River Court Fire the amount of $38,412.00 for the Cedar River Court Apartments. MOVED Mitigation Fees BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THIS Exemption Request CORRESPONDENCE TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Stredicke presented a report recommending that the City Committee of the Whole Council Chambers remodel be deleted from the City Council referral list. The Parks: Council Chambers Committee understands the project is nearing completion and will be included Remodel, CAG-93-094, in the normal project close-out process when the City formally accepts the Cope Construction work performed under Phase I of the Municipal Building Renovation. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report regarding long-term Utility: Mosquito mosquito control options for the Panther Creek wetlands area. The Committee Abatement Program recommended that Surface Water Utility staff conduct a public information campaign to inform citizens of actions that may be taken to repel or abate mosquitos on private property. Citizens shall be provided with information on the following mosquito control actions: the elimination of mosquito breeding places; the encouragement of natural predators; the use of mosquito repellant devices such as bug lights, mosquito repellants, and netting; and a project description that includes information about the multiple benefits (i.e. flood control, water quality, aquatic habitat and mosquito control) that the proposed re-established Panther Creek project will provide. The Committee also ..rt recommended that the Surface Water Utility continue to work toward implementation of the re-established Panther Creek (P-9 Channel) capital improvement project. This project will improve drainage within and downstream of the Panther Creek wetland. The project will allow for the movement of surface water through and the fluctuation of water levels within the wetland, which will reduce mosquito breeding habitat. The Committee further recommended that the City of Renton's 1995 budget include a contingency fund for spraying of insectides should it be determined that mosquito populations are not being adequately abated through private control actions. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Public Safety Committee Public Safety Committee Chair Corman presented a report recommending Police: Jail Supervisor concurrence in the staff recommendation to create the position of a non- Position commissioned jail supervisor. Further, the Committee recommended the position of a police sergeant remain unfilled at this time. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. IN 429 October 17, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 429 Planning: Dog Kennels in Public Safety Committee Chair Corman presented a report recommending Residential Neighborhoods concurrence with the Administration's recommendation to leave intact the City Zoning Code provisions limiting the amount of animals in the single family (SF) zone to three animals per residence (Zoning Code 4-31-5.B.3.b), and to allow hobby kennels for between four and eight animals in SF neighborhoods only on lots over thirty-five thousand (35,000) square feet (Zoning Code 4- 31-5.B.4.a). This action will preserve the provisions in the Zoning Code which prohibit Ms. Suzanne Lee from building dog kennels and owning more than three animals at her residence at 3300 NE 6th Place. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE "" COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Police: Destruction of Public Safety Committee Chair Corman presented a report recommending Forfeited Firearms concurrence in the staff recommendation to enact an ordinance providing for the destruction of firearms. Further, the Committee recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be placed on the agenda for first reading. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL .CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 430 for ordinance.) Planning & Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Committee report regarding wetland buffer widths in shoreline management areas and Planning: Wetlands wetland variance procedures. The Committee considered this item at its Management/Variance regular meeting on October 11, 1994, and made the following Procedures recommendations: 1. That the Council amend Section 4-32-3.F., Standard Buffer Zone Widths, of the City's Wetlands Management Ordinance (Chapter 32, Title IV of the City Code) to delete cross references to the City's Shoreline Master Program and, specifically, that the City have one set of standard wetland buffer widths that would vary depending upon whether a wetland was a Category 1 (highest quality), Category 2, or Category 3 (lowest quality) wetland. 2. That the Council amend Section 4-32-5.H., Wetland Variance Procedures, to provide that wetland variances for Category 3 (lowest VAMW quality, e.g. degraded or emergent) wetlands be decided by the Planning/Building/Public Works Department Administrator rather than by the Hearing Examiner. These amendments will make Renton's Wetlands Management Ordinance more consistent with those of King County and surrounding jurisdictions in terms of its buffer width requirements for Category 1, 2 and 3 wetlands. Likewise, amending the variance procedures for Category 3 wetlands will shorten the review time for these very low value wetlands and make better use of existing human resources. The Committee recommended that Council concur in its report and place the ordinance regarding this matter on the agenda for first reading. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT, CARRIED. (See page 430 for ordinance.) ORDINANCES AND The following ordinances were presented for second reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Ordinance #4476 An ordinance was read annexing approximately 115 acres located at Talbot Annexation: Winsper, Road, south of the existing City boundary and north of S. 175th St., to the Talbot Hill City of Renton (commonly known as the Winsper annexation). MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. October 17, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Paye 430 Ordinance #4477 An ordinance was read establishing the zoning classification of approximately Annexation: Zoning for 115 acres located at Talbot Road, south of the existing City boundary and Winsper Area, Talbot Hill north of S. 175th St. and annexed to the City of Renton to SF (Single Family residential) and MR (Mixed Residential) (Winsper annexation). MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED, The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the 10/24/94 Council meeting for second reading and adoption: Planning: Wetlands An ordinance was read amending subsections 4-32-3.F and 4-32-5.H of Management (Buffer Chapter 32, Wetlands Management, of Title IV (Building Regulations), of City Widths/Variance Code relating to Shoreline Management Program buffer widths and wetland Procedures) variance procedures. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 10/24/94. CARRIED. Police: Disposal of An ordinance was read amending Chapter 18, Penal Code, of Title VI (Police Forfeited Firearms Regulations), of City Code by adding a new section relating to the disposal of firearms. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 10/24/94. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:56 p.m. MARILYN RSEN, CMC, City Clerk a Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 10/17/94 .431 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 17, 1994 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 10/24 1995-1996 Budget (Stredicke) 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. (to be continued following regular Council meeting) COMMUNITY SERVICES (Nelson) FINANCE MON., 10/24 Vouchers; (Tanner) 5:30 p.m. Water/Sewer Revenue Bonds; Finance Department Reorganization; Broker of Record Contracts (potentially) PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT (Keolker-Wheeler) PUBLIC SAFETY (Corman) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) (Edwards) UTILITIES (Schlitzer) NOTE:Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the 6th floor conference room unless otherwise noted. 432 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING October 24, 1994 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF OCTOBER 17, 1994 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Police Department Volunteer Recognition for 500 Service Hours 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Mayor Clymer appoints Timothy J. Searing, 4510 NE 19th, Renton, 98059, to the Park Board to fill the unexpired term of Robert Larsen (term to expire 06/01/97); and appoints Cynthia M. Burns, 2007 NE 12th St., Renton, 98056, and Michael G. O'Donin, 423 Pelly Ave. N., Renton, 98055, to fill two added positions on the Park Board for four-year terms expiring 10/01/98. Refer to Community Services Committee. b. City Clerk submits Quarterly Contract List for July 1 - September 30, 1994; 56 contracts; total amount $6,947,145.92. c. Community Services Department submits recommendation of the Renton Park Board to name the newly completed park along Maple Valley Highway and the Cedar River Trail "Riverview Park." Refer to Community Services Committee. VMd d. Planning and Technical Services Division requests a public hearing be scheduled for 11/14/94 to consider acceptance of the 10%Notice of Intent to annex approximately 226 acres located in the vicinity of S.E. 128th St. (commonly known as the Burnstead annexation). Council concur. e. Surface Water Utility submits proposed Addendum No. 1-94 to CAG-94-083, I-405 Box Culvert/P-1 Channel Improvement Project, to extend the expiration date of the agreement and to clarify project work, bid items and the City's share of the project cost. Council concur. f. Transportation Division submits proposed Addendum No. 3-94 to LAG-84-006, lease agreement with Plane Space Investments, to document: new legal descriptions for the leased parcels, an increase in total ground lease area, and the effective date of the adjustment to the rental payment. Council concur. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk(*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Committee of the Whole: Comprehensive Plan Amendments b. Finance Committee: Vouchers; Water/Sewer Revenue Bonds*; Finance Department Reorganization; Broker of Record Contracts (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) l .moi 433 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinances for second and final reading: a. Wetlands management ordinance amendments (1st reading 10/17/94) b. Forfeited firearms destruction (1st reading 10/17/94) Ordinance for first reading and advancement to second and final reading: Water/sewer revenue bond issuance (see 8.b.) 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics - call 277-4430 for recorded information) r..r 11. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) COUNCIL CHAMBERS 6:30 p.m. 1995/1996 Budget ftw �r 43 RENTON CITY COUNCIL October 24, 1994 City Clerk's Office Referrals ADMINISTRATION Letter from Dick Pado et al regarding hit-and-run fatality of bicycle rider COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Park Board appointments (Timothy J. Searing, Cynthia M. Burns, Michael G. O'Donin) Park Board recommendation regarding naming of Maple Valley/Cedar River Park PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE City requirements for notification of destruction of living units King County county-wide planning policies PUBLIC HEARINGS 11/07/94 -- 1995/1996 Budget 11/14/94 -- 10% Notice of Intent to Annex petition re: Burnstead annexation (SE 128th St) i 435 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 24, 1994 City Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. Renton Municipal Building MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD STREDICKE, Council President; JESSE TANNER, TIM WSW COUNCILMEMBERS SCHLITZER, RANDY CORMAN, TONI NELSON, KATHY KEOLKER- WHEELER. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEMBER BOB EDWARDS. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; BRENDA FRITSVOLD, Deputy City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; MIKE KATTERMANN, Planning & Technical Services Director; SUE CARLSON, Economic Development Specialist; CLARK PETERSEN, Library Director; VICTORIA RUNKLE, Finance & Information Services Administrator; SAMUEL CHASTAIN, Community Services Administrator; JIM SHEPHERD, Facilities Director; WILLIAM HUTSINPILLER, Parks & Recreation Director; TERRY HIGASHIYAMA, Recreation Manager; CAROLYN SUNDVALL, Housing & Human Services Manager; PRISCILLA PIERCE, Administrative Analyst; CHIEF A. LEE WHEELER, Fire Department; CHIEF ALAN L. WALLIS, Police Department; DEPUTY CHIEF DON PERSSON, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL COUNCIL MINUTES APPROVE THE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 17, 1994, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. SPECIAL Police Chief Alan L. Wallis presented a plaque of appreciation to Maxine PRESENTATION Boren, who has provided 500 hours of volunteer service to the Police Police: Volunteer Department since 1992. Chief Wallis noted that so far this year, volunteers in Recognition the Police Department have contributed 3,862 hours worth an estimated $81,330. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Appointment: Park Board Mayor Clymer appointed Timothy J. Searing, 4510 NE 19th St., Renton, 98059, to the Park Board to fill the unexpired term of Robert Larsen (term to expire 6/01/97); and appointed Cynthia M. Burns, 2007 NE 12th St., Renton, 98056, and Michael G. O'Donin, 423 Pelly Ave. N., Renton, 98055, to fill two added positions on the Park Board for four-year terms expiring 10/01/98. Refer to Community Services Committee. City Clerk: Quarterly City Clerk submitted Quarterly Contract List for July 1 - September 30, 1994; Contract List, 7/94 to 56 contracts; total amount $6,947,145.92. Information. 9/94 Parks: Maple Valley/Cedar Community Services Department submitted the recommendation of the Park River Park Naming Board to name the newly completed park along Maple Valley Highway and (Riverview Park) the Cedar River Trail 'Riverview Park." Refer to Community Services Committee. 4 436 October 24 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 436 Annexation: Burnstead, SE Planning and Technical Services Division requested a public hearing be 128th St scheduled for 11/14/94 to consider acceptance of the 10% Notice of Intent to annex approximately 226 acres located in the vicinity of SE 128th St. (commonly known as the Burnstead annexation). Council concur. CAG: 94-083, I-405 Box Surface Water Utility submitted proposed Addendum No. 1-94 to CAG-94- Culvert/P-1 Channel 083, 1-405 Box Culvert/P-1 Channel Improvement Project, to extend the Improvement Project, SCS expiration date of the agreement and to clarify project work, bid items and the City's share of the project cost. Council concur. Lease: LAG-84-006, Plane Transportation Division submitted proposed Addendum No. 3-94 to LAG-84- Space Investments 006, lease agreement with Plane Space Investments, to document: new legal descriptions for the leased parcels, an increase in total ground lease area, and the effective date of the adjustment to the rental payment. Council concur. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from tenants of Parkside Apartments, 900 - 6th Citizen Comment: Parkside Ave. N., stating that they are being required to vacate their building as it is Apartment Tenants - scheduled for demolition. The letter added that this situation has created an Tenant Displacement immediate financial hardship for most of the tenants. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL REFER THE QUESTION OF NOTIFICATION OF DESTRUCTION OF LIVING UNITS TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending Finance Committee concurrence in the Human Resources and Risk Management Department's Personnel: Broker of recommendation that a contract be approved for Arthur J. Gallagher as Broker Record for Insurance, of Record for property and casualty insurance. The recommendation follows Arthur J. Gallagher response to and evaluation of Request for Proposals for property and casualty. Arthur J. Gallagher has been the property and casualty broker for the City since 1983. Based on their experience with municipal business and their knowledge of the City of Renton, it was determined they were the best choice to continue service to the City. The contract will be effective January 1, 1995. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance: Department Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report regarding the request of Reorganization/Employee the Finance and Information Services Department for a reorganization of the Reclassifications department. This reorganization will eliminate a Budgeting and Accounting Manager, create a Senior Systems Analyst position, upgrade the Accounting Assistant series, reclassify two lead positions to supervisors, eliminate the titles Cash Management Assistant and Lead Accounting Assistant, upgrade the Programmer Analyst positions to a Systems Analyst series, create a Principal Analyst position, upgrade the managers of the departments, and create another grade in the Accounting Assistant series. The positions have been reviewed by the Personnel Department and all the upgrades conform to the City's policy of being within the 60 percentile of comparative positions in like organizations. In 1994 the savings from the Budgeting and Accounting Manager position will be used to offset the costs. No new appropriation will be required. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. 437 October 24, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 437 Finance: Vouchers Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending approval of Claims Vouchers #116995 - 117469; three wire transfers in the total amount of $2,101,118.90; approval of Payroll Vouchers #130218 - 130549; and 390 direct deposits in the total amount of $1,024,448.40. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance: 1994 Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report concurring with the sale Water/Sewer Revenue of $3,570,000 in water and sewer revenue bonds for a 20-year term to meet Bonds the costs of capital construction, as identified in the 1994 budget, for the Water/Wastewater Utility. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 438 for ordinance.) Planning & Develoament Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Committee report regarding Comprehensive Plan amendments. The Committee considered Comprehensive Plan: 1994 the following Comprehensive Plan amendment applications and made Amendments recommendations to the City Council as noted: 1. #D-5, City of Renton (McKnight Middle School), Single Family with Single Family/public use suffix zoning. 2. #F-17, City of Renton (Sartori School), Single Family to Four Units with Mixed Residential/public use suffix zoning. 3. #F-23, City of Renton (Liberty Park), Employment Area Commercial with Arterial Commercial/public use suffix zoning. 4. #F-24, City of Renton (Coulon Park), Low Density Single Family with Single Family Low Density/public use suffix zoning. 5. #C-10, Heide/Mastro/Koon, Community Center with Community Commercial zoning. 6. #C-19, City of Renton (King County Health Dept.), Institution Center with Arterial Commercial/public use suffix zoning. 7. #C-20, City of Renton (Greenwood Funeral Home), Employment Area Commercial with Arterial Commercial zoning. 8. #G-20, AnMarCo (Stonway Concrete, etc.), recommendation pending 11/8/94 Planning and Development Committee meeting. 9. #G-21, Hanken (Port Quendall), recommendation pending 11/8/94 Planning and Development Committee meeting. 10. #G-24, Orchards (additional property not previously considered), Planned Neighborhood with Planned Neighborhood Residential zoning. 11. #G-27, Willing, Single Family up to Four Units with Mixed Residential zoning for the entire site unless the demonstration project falls through, then Single Family up to Four Units/Single Family split as existing. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Responding to Council President Stredicke, Planning & Technical Services Director Mike Kattermann explained that all properties recommended for the public use zoning suffix were previously zoned P-1, or public use. Mr. Stredicke noted his concern regarding the proposed mixed residential zoning for Sartori School, and Mr. Kattermann assured him that the public use suffix attached to this property indicates that it is designated for public use, and that it will remain so designated unless specific procedures are followed to change either the use of the property or its user or ownership. In response to Mr. Stredicke's comments on the proposed zoning for the Willing residential demonstration project, Councilman Corman said while he, too, had been initially opposed to approving mixed residential zoning for the �s 40o October 24 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 438 whole site, he now feels that adequate protections are in place such that if the project falls through, the zoning will revert back to single family. Mr. Corman added that approving mixed residential zoning increases flexibility for the site and could allow for the incorporation of accessory units, which Council might determine desirable. Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler noted that the developer may yet opt to develop the entire site as single family. Mr. Kattermann commented that the demonstration project requires Council approval, and City Attorney Warren added that the City is considering requiring protective restrictive covenants for this site that would guard against potential problems foreseen by Mr. Stredicke. *MOTION CARRIED. Committee of the Whole Council President Stredicke presented a report recommending approval of the Comprehensive Plan: 1994 recommendations relating to Comprehensive Plan amendments as listed under Amendments the last column (1994 Council Recommendations) of the attached matrix, with the following three amendments: #C-19, City of Renton/King County Health Dept. on NE 3rd St., approve as institutional land use with CA-p suffix zoning; #B-7, approve SF-4 as shown on revised land use map; and #G-27, approve SF-4 for the entire site unless the demonstration project falls through, then SF-4/SF split as existing. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT AS AMENDED. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following ordinances were presented for second reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Ordinance #4478 An ordinance was read amending subsections 4-32-3.F and 4-32-5.1-1 of Planning: Wetlands Chapter 32, Wetlands Management, of Title IV (Building Regulations), of City Management (Buffer Code relating to Shoreline Management Program buffer widths and wetland Widths/Variance variance procedures. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY Procedures) NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #4479 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 18, Penal Code, of Title VI (Police Police: Disposal of Regulations), of City Code by adding a new section relating to disposal of Forfeited Firearms firearms. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and advanced to second and final reading: Finance: 1994 An ordinance was read relating to the waterworks utility of the City, Water/Sewer Revenue including the sewerage system as a part thereof; specifying and adopting a Bonds system or plan of additions to and betterments and extensions of the waterworks utility; providing for the issuance of $3,570,000 par value Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1994, of the City for the purpose of obtaining a part of the funds with which to pay part of the cost of carrying out that system or plan; fixing the date, form, denominations, maturities, interest rates, terms and covenants of those bonds; creating a special bond redemption account to provide for the payment of the bonds; and approving the sale and providing for the delivery of the bonds to Piper Jaffray Inc. of Seattle, Washington. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. October 24 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Pape 439 Ordinance #4480 Following second and final reading of the above-referenced ordinance, it was Finance: 1994 MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Water/Sewer Revenue ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Bonds NEW BUSINESS Council President Stredicke complimented the City's street maintenance crew Streets: Maintenance Crew for the good job done of laying new asphalt and re-striping in the Highlands. Commendation King County: County- Noting the November 21st deadline for responding to King County regarding wide Planning Policies the proposed County-wide planning policies, it was MOVED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THE PROPOSED COUNTY-WIDE PLANNING POLICIES TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Police: Hit-and-Run Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler noted correspondence received from Dick Fatality of Bicycle Rider Pado, Dottie Smith and Rodger Herbst regarding the hit-and-run fatality of a bicycle rider on October 13th. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE ADMINISTRATION (POLICE DEPARTMENT) FOR A RESPONSE WITH A COPY BACK TO COUNCIL. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Sarah McDonald, PO Box 1825, Renton, 98057, stated that her property taxes Citizen Comment: have increased more than five-fold since 1986, and doubted whether she could McDonald - 1995 afford a similar increase in the future. Adding that the City's Police Budget/Resident Tax Department deserves passage of its November public safety bond issue, she Burden questioned, however, whether residents will be able to sustain the financial impact. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:12 p.m. BRENDA FRITSVOLD, Deputy C ty Clerk i i I i r(� ►P O CITY OF RENTON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATIONS November 8, 1994 1 Boldface indicates a Planning Commission recommendation amending maps or policies. FILE# APPLICANT REQUEST PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC COMMENT 1994 COUNCIL NAME RECOMMENDATION FROM CITY COUNCIL FINAL RECOMMENDATION MEETING 8-1-94 T- 1 Bautista, Ron Allow up to 6 units per lot in SF4/MR Deny 16 - against' Deny T-2 Seelig, 1. Allow theaters and farmer markets as permitted uses in 1. Refer request to zoning code 1. Refer request to zoning code Howard & CB 2. Add outdoor recreation as an administrative amendments for approval. amendments for approval. 2. Martin conditional use in EAC/CO 2. Deny Deny T- 3 Burnstead, 1. Amend (PNR) Comp Plan and zoning code to make 1. Do not amend Plan to exclude 2 - support 1. Do not amend Plan to exclude Fred density only requirement, remove lot size lot size as a devel. std. Amend 15 - against' lot size as a devel. std. Amend or 2. Remove requirement for sidewalks on both sides of or delete policies with references delete policies with references to street. to specific lot sizes specific lot sizes 2. Deny 2. Deny 'T-4 Malesis, Louis 1. Allow parking in front yard of multi-family structures in 1. Deny 16- against' 1. Deny MR. 2. Reduce or remove minimum area per dwelling unit in 2. Remove references to min. lot 3 - support 2. Remove references to min. lot MR. 3. Increase allowable impervious surface on pre- area per d/u. Policies R7.5& area per d/u. Policies R7.5& existing legal lots. R8.6 R8.6 3. N/A 3. N/A *T-6 Skacel, Hans Amend CA to include unspecified percentage of offices and Maintain Policy EA-9.2 as Maintain Policy EA-9.2 as written. E. administrative space, an unspecified proportion of retail to written.Amend Policy 10.5 to Amend Policy 10.5 to read.• wholesale to mail order. read:Development standards Development standards should should emphasize retail and emphasize retail and service uses service uses over other uses in over other uses in EAC EAC T- 7 McClincy, Tim Increase allowable accessory storage of products from 33% Refer the request to zoning code -- Refer the request to zoning code to 50% of gross floor area in CB amendments amendments •T-8 Peterson, Kim Allow duplex construction on pre-existing legal lots under Remove references to min. lot 16 against' Remove references to min. lot Farrell, Kelly 6,000 sq. feet in MR area per d/u Policies R7.5&R8.6 area per d/u Policies R7.5& R8.6 T-9 Blaylock, 1. Add recreation vehicles parks as permitted uses in CB 1. Deny 15 - against' 1. Deny Roger 2. Add recreation vehicle parks as permitted uses in CA 2. Deny 2. Deny 3. Provide for transitional uses in all zones of the City 3. Direct staff to research code 3. Deny amendments to list specific uses, their development standards and time limitations. T- 11 Kersten Co Eliminate provision of alleys as a part of the predominant Deny 1 - support Remove alley requirement street pattern in subdivisions but encourage 'T- 13 City of Renton Amendments to various policies in SF4 which guide MR Approve 16 - against' Approve zone CITY OF RENTON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATIONS November 8, 1994 2 * Boldface indicates a Planning Commission recommendation amending maps or policies. FILE # APPLICANT SITE REQUEST PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC COMMENT 1994 COUNCIL FINAL NAME RECOMMENDATION FROM CITY COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION MEETING 8-1-94 *D-1 Jettner/Britt/ North Side 11th PI / Monroe Request: SF/SF SF/SF 1 -support Approve Evans to Olympia Av NE Existing: MR/SF4 D-2 Hogan, Marie 1160 Camas Ave NE Request: MF-I/MF Deny 1 - support (ap.) Deny Existing: MR/SF4 3 - against D-3 Seko/Warren SE Dayton NE and NE 14th Request: MR/SF4 Deny 3 - against Deny St Existing: SF/SF D-4 Alvestad, L& 3308-3310 NE Sunset Blvd Request: MF-C/COMMC Deny Deny L Existing: MR/SF4 D-5 City of Renton Edmonds and NE 12th St. Request: MR(p)/SF/4 Deny - SF/SF (McKnight Middle School) Existing: P-1/INST *F-1 Mostoller, F.C. 505 Williams Ave. N. Request: MR/SF-4 Deny. Direct staff to draft 2 - support (1-ap.) Deny. Direct staff to draft 912 N. 2nd St. Existing: SF/SF Conservation District Overlay 2 - against Conservation District Overlay 1 - non-conforming use be determined *F-2 Tonda, Ernest 518 Williams Ave. N. Request: MR/SF-4 Deny. Direct staff to draft 1 -against Deny. Direct staff to draft and Lila Existing: SF/SF Conservation District Overlay 1 - support (ap.) Conservation District Overlay *F-3 Chan, Grace 530 and 435 Williams Ave. Request: MR/SF-4 Deny. Direct staff to draft 1 - against Deny. Direct staff to draft N. Existing: SF/SF Conservation District Overlay Conservation District Overlay *F-4 Hardin, John 910- 916 N. 5th St. Request: MR/SF-4 Deny. Direct staff to draft 1 - against Deny. Direct staff to draft Existing: SF/SF Conservation District Overlay Conservation District Overlay *F-5 Kelly, Nancy 331 Factory Ave. N. Request: MR/SF-4 Deny. Direct staff to draft 1 -support (ap.) Deny. Direct staff to draft Existing: SF/SF Conservation District Overlay Conservation District Oveday *F-6 Gardner, 337 Factory Ave. N. Request: MR/SF-4 Deny. Direct staff to draft 1 - support (ap.) Deny. Direct staff to draft Ronald Existing: SF/SF Conservation District Overlay Conservation District Overlay *F-7 Gobright, Jack 320 Meadow Ave. N. Request: MR/SF-4 Deny. Direct staff to draft Deny. Direct staff to draft Existing: SF/SF Conservation District Overlay Conservation District Overlay *F-8 Lee, Pooy 325 Factory Ave. N. Request: MR/SF-4 Deny. Direct staff to draft -- Deny. Direct staff to draft Existing: SF/SF Conservation District Overlay Conservation District Overlay *F-9 Mark Arnold 311 Factory Ave. N. Request: MR/SF-4 Deny. Direct staff to draft 1 support (ap.) Deny. Direct staff to draft Existing: SF/SF Conservation District Overlay Conservation District Overlay *F-10 Bosteder, 300 and 300 1/2 Garden Request: MR/SF-4 Deny. Direct staff to draft 1 - against Deny. Direct staff to draft Darwin Ave. N. and 1304 N 3rd St. Existing: SF/SF Conservation District Overlay Conservation District Overlay N L� CITY OF RENTON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATIONS November 8, 1994 3 Boldface indicates a Planning Commission recommendation amending maps or policies. FILE # APPLICANT SITE REQUEST PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC COMMENT 1994 COUNCIL FINAL NAME RECOMMENDATION FROM CITY COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION MEETING 8-1-94 *F-11 Ramsey, 1210 and 1212 N. 3rd St. Request: MR/SF-4 Deny. Direct staff to draft - Deny. Direct staff to draft Walter Existing: SF/SF Conservation District Over/ay Conservation District Overlay F-13 Gross, Warin 829 N. 1 st St. Request: MR/SF-4 Deny. Deny. Existing: SF/SF *F-14 Shane, Daniel 446 Wells Ave. N. Request: MF-I/MF Deny. Direct staff to draft 1 - create Deny. Direct staff to draft Existing: SF/SF Conservation District Overlay conservation zone Conservation District Overlay *F-15 Franklin, 537 Williams Ave. N. Request: SF/SF Approve -- Approve Beverly Existing: MR/SF4 *F-16 City of Renton NW corner of N. 4th and Request: IL(p)/EAI Approve. - Approve. Garden Ave. N. Existing: CO/EAO *F-17 City of Renton SW corner of N. 4th and Request: MR(p)/SF4 Approve. -- Approve. Garden Ave. N. Existing: P-1/SF F-18 Freeman, 303 Factory Ave. N. Request: CA/EAC Deny. - Deny. Scott Existing: SF/SF F-19 Forrester, 1522 N. Brooks Request: CC•/EAO Deny. 1 against Deny. Michael Existing: SF/SF *F-20 Bosteder, 203 Meadow Ave. N. Request: MF-I/MF Deny. Direct staff to draft 1 against Deny. Direct staff to draft Darwin Existing: SF/SF Conservation District Overlay Conservation District Overlay F-21 Bryant Motors 4 lots south of n. 2nd, E and Request 1 -Zoning/Land Use: Defer to City Council public Tabled W of Meadow Ave N CA/EAC hearing - 8/15/94 Existing: MR/SF4 F-21 Bryant Motors 1300 Bronson Way N. Request 2: Amend zoning code Defer.to City Council public Tabled to allow truck and bus sales in hearing - 8/15/94 CA *F-22 Ateser, Mrs. 200, 204 and 214 Park Ave. Request: CA/EAC Deny. Direct staff to draft 1 -support (ap.) Deny. Direct staff to draft Coskun N. Existing: MR/SF4 Conservation District Overlay Conservation District Overlay *F-23 City of Renton Liberty Park Request: CM(p)/MU Approve. -- Deny Existing: P-1/EAC *F-24 City of Renton Gene Coulon Park Request: SFL(p)/LDSF Approve. - Approve. Existing: P-1/SF *F-25 Schumsky, 1300 Lake Washington Blvd. Request: CN/NC Amend Comp Plan to -- Amend Comp Plan to designate Don N. I Existing: SF/SF designate site as CC/CC site as CC/CC CITY OF RENTON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATIONS November 8, 1994 4 " Boldface indicates a Planning Commission recommendation amending maps or policies. FILE# APPLICANT SITE REQUEST PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC COMMENT 1994 COUNCIL FINAL NAME RECOMMENDATION FROM CITY COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION MEETING 8-1-94 •F-26 Marel,Virginia 1321 N. 30th St. Request: Remainder of lot as Approve. - Approve. CC/CC Existing: SF/SF & CC/CC F-28 Maher, Mark 713 N. 3rd St. Request: CC/CC Deny. - Deny. Existing: SF/SF •F-30 Edgerton, 865 -901 Rainier Ave. N. Request: CO/EAO Approve. -- Approve. Janene Existing: CA/EAC IPS Comm. Prop) F-31 Parpart, R. U. S. 115th PI. and 84th Ave. Request Land Use: MF Deny. 4- against Deny. S. (County) I Existing Land Use: SF •C-3 Cedar River 3200-3500 Block of SE 7th Request: SF/SF Approve 5 - support Approve Summer Street, Existing: RC/LDSF Homes •C-4 City of Renton South Side of Cedar Request: RC/LDSF Approve -- Approve River/POR area Existing: POR/OR •C-5 LaRue, Phyllis 2505 Maple Valley Hwy Request: POR/OR Approve 1 support (ap.) Approve Existing: RC/LDSF •C-7 AnMarCo/Sega North of M.V. Hwy and SE Request Zoning: SF Approve 1 - against Approve le of Mt. Olivet Cemetery Existing Zoning: T C-8 Shane, Dan NE 3rd, Mntry Dr. NE, Mt. Request: MF-I/MF Deny 71 - against`• Deny Olivet Rd., Blaine Existing: SF/SF 1 -support C-9 T and E 2800 Block NE 3rd St. Request: IL/EAI Deny 2-support Deny Investment Existing: MR/SF4 •C-10 Heide/Mastro/ 3811 NE 3rd Court Request: MF-I/MF CB/COMMC - CB/COMMC Koon Existing: MR/SF4 •C-11 City of Renton Area South of Marshall - Existing: MR/SF4 Approve 5 - against Deny Galusha annexation Review existing and expanded Designate or SF zoning/land use •C-12 Ribera, Casey North Side at 128th and Request: SF/4 Approve 1 - against Approve and Diana 142nd SE Existing: SF F� �P �P CITY OF RENTON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATIONS November 8, 1994 5 ' Boldface indicates a Planning Commission recommendation amending maps or policies. FILE # APPLICANT SITE REQUEST PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC COMMENT 1994 COUNCIL FINAL NAME RECOMMENDATION FROM CITY COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION MEETING 8-1-94 C-14 Anderson, 408 Grandey Way Request: MF or SF/4 Deny - Deny Doris Existing: SF/SF C-17 Broeffle, 850 & 870 Monroe Ave NE Request: RC/LDSF Deny -- Deny Geraldine Existing: SF/SF C-18 Hulse, Mary NE 33rd to NE 31 st Request: SFL/LDSF Deny 8 - against Deny Existing: RC/LDSF 'C-19 City of Renton King Co Health Dept on NE Request: CA(p)/EAC Approve -- Approve as INST. with 3rd Existing: P-1/INST & CA/COMMC CA—public suffix zoning ^* 'C-20 City of Renton SE Corner of NE 4th and Request: CA/EAC Approve - Approve Monroe Ave NE Existing: P-1/SF B-2 McDaniels 4827 Talbot Rd South Request: INST or EAO Deny 2 -support (ap.) Deny Existing: PNR/PN •B-3 Taylor, Kirman 851 Carr Road S Request : CO/EAO Approve 1 support (ap.) Deny Existing: SF/SF B-4 Tynes, John Between Valley Fwy and Request: MF-I/MF Deny Deny and Linda Talbot Rd S, N of S192nd Existing: PNR/PN & SFL/LDSF B-5 Vanderford, 614/618 S 15th Street Request: MR/SF4 Deny 1 -support (ap.) Deny Robert Existing: SF/SF 2-against B-6 Rosa, James E of Benson Rd, S of South Request : MR/SF4 Deny 5 - against Deny 27th Street Existing: SF/SF '13-7 City of Renton East side of Winsper Land Use: MR/SF4 Approve SF4 as currently Homeowners Assoc. Approve SF4 as taaPmh* nWnw Annex., W of 104th Ave Review existing zoning/land use shown on Land Use Map against on Land Use Map SE(outside city limits) Lrevised B-8 Stark, Carl 2116 Talbot Road S Request: RC/LDSF Deny Deny Existing: SF/SF *A-1 Puget Western Bounded by SW 23rd, SW Request : IL/EAI Approve -- Approve Lind, SW 27th, E Valley Rd Existing: CO/EAO •A-2 Winmar Green River Valley Request: IL/EAI Approve - Approve Company S end of Raymond Ave Existing: CO/EAO •A-4 Seelig, Martin Bounded by SW Lind, SW Request: IL/EAI Approve - Approve and Howard 21st, and SW 23rd 1 Existing: CO/EAO CITY OF RENTON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATIONS November 8, 1994 6 Boldface indicates a Planning Commission recommendation amending maps or policies. FILE# APPLICANT SITE REQUEST PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC COMMENT 1994 COUNCIL FINAL NAME RECOMMENDATION FROM CITY COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION MEETING 8-1-94 *A-5 Shurgard 2233 East Valley Road Request: IL/EAI Approve 1 Approve Capital Existing: CO/EAO Group *E-2 Simon, 420 SW Sunset Blvd. Request: SF/SF Approve Approve Michael Existing: CA/EAC E-6 Urbaniak, SW corner of NE 43rd St & Amend CB to permit golf course Deny 1 - support (ap.) Deny Roger Lincoln NE driving ranges and batting cages Existing: CB/COMMC *E-12 City of Renton E Valley Rd, N of 41st St Request: CA/EAC Approve - Approve Home Base on west side Existing: CA/EAI Site *E-19 Renton Village Renton Village Shopping Request: CA/EAC Approve -- Approve Associates Center, S Grady Existing: CO/EAO Way/Shattuck *E-20 Steiner, Fred 2 parcels N of SW Victoria Request: MF-1/MF Amend Comp Plan to EAC and 2 -support (ap.) Amend Comp Plan to EAC and St. between Hardie SW& Existing: MR/SF4 Zoning to CA for entire block. Zoning to CA for entire block. Hayes SW Amend policies R12.1 &R12.3 Amend policies R12.1 &R12.3 *E-21 City of Renton Property along N side of NE Request: MR/SF4 Amend Comp Plan to SF/SF 3 - support (1-ap.) Amend Comp Plan to SF/SF (Dalpay) 12th St, 2 parcels W of Existing: CN/NC Union Ave NE E-24 City of Renton 3722 NE 12th St, Request: CN/NC or MF/MF-I Deny 3 - against Deny (Lapointe) Existing: SF/SF *E-43 Divelbiss, 1150 Raymond Ave SW Amend Comp Plan&rezone to Approve/M/EA/for expanded 1 support (IM zone) Approve/M/EA/for expanded Charles accommodate existing&future use area. area. Existing Zoning/Land Use: CA/EAC G-2 Puget Northerly margin of Grady Request: CA/EAG Deny. _ 1 support (ap.) Deny. Western, Inc. Way, at the Oakesdale Existing: CO/EAO intersection G-3 Losey, Robert 808 SW 4th Place Request: MF-I/MF Deny. 2 - against Deny. F. Existing: SF/SF G-4 Castagno, 421 S. 7th Street Request: IL/EAI Deny. -- Deny-designate as EAC/CA Gary Existing: CO/EAO CITY OF RENTON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATIONS November 8, 1994 7 • Boldface indicates a Planning Commission recommendation amending maps or policies. FILE# APPLICANT SITE REQUEST PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC COMMENT 1994 COUNCIL FINAL NAME RECOMMENDATION FROM CITY COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION MEETING 8-1-94 G-5 Stewart, John 8223 S. 132nd Street Request Land Use: MF Deny. 1 - against Deny. (County) Existing Land Use: SF G-6 Sung, Tony 319 Stevens Avenue South Request: MF-I/MF Deny. 19 - against Deny. and Vivian Existing: SF/SF 1 - support (ap.) "G-8 Lazor, Mike 32 SW Victoria Street Request Zoning: CA Approve rezone. -- Approve rezone. Existing Zoning: SF G-9 Mano, Toshio 8074 S. 132nd Street Request Land Use: MF Deny 1 against Deny and Tomi (County) Existing Land Use: SF G-10 Handly, Rod 620 SW Sunset Blvd. Request: CN/NC Deny. 1 support (ap.) Deny. Existing: SF/SF G-11 Donnelly, 636 Shattuck Avenue S. Request: CA/EAC Deny. 1 support (ap.) Deny. Michael Existing: MF-U/MU G-12 Creegan, 8055 S. 130th (County) Request Land Use: MF Deny. 1 -against Deny. Michael Existing: SF G-13 Veness, John 36 Logan Avenue South Request: IL/EAI Deny. 1 - against Deny. Existing: CM/MU 'G-14 AnMarCo Along Beacon Coal Mine Request: IH/EAI Approve. -- Approve. Road S. (County) Existing: SF/SF G-15 Western Between Grady Way and I- Request: CA/EAC Deny. 1 - support (ap.) Deny. Pacific 405, east of Oakesdale Ave. Existing: CO/EAO SW. •G-17 AnMarCo Portion of Stoneway "Black Request Land Use: EAI Approve. -- Approve. River Quarry" Existing Land Use: LDSF `G-18 Puget Several properties north of Request: CA/EAC CO/EAO south of S 7th 1 - support (ap.) Deny - CA/EAC south of S. 7th Western, Inc. Grady Way near Talbot Existing: CO/EAO CM/MU north of S 7th, west CO/EAC north of S 7th. of Grady G-19 AnMarCo Area along the south margin of Request Land Use: EAC Deny. 2-against CA/EAC SR-900, north of S. 140th St. Existing Land Use: SF — 1 -support (ap.) (County) G-20 AnMarCo Stoneway Site - 1915 Maple Request Text Changes to No recommendation due to 1 - support (ap.) Pending Valley Highway density, height, bonuses. lack of Quorum G-21 Hanken, Quendall Terminals Request Text Changes to No recommendation due to 2 - support change to Pending James minimum density and code lack of Quorum. POR per letter dated language. 7-20-904 CITY OF RENTON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATIONS November 8, 1994 8 Boldface indicates a Planning Commission recommendation amending maps or policies. FILE # APPLICANT SITE REQUEST PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC COMMENT 1994 COUNCIL FINAL NAME RECOMMENDATION FROM CITY COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION MEETING 8-1-94 G-22 B and E North of Royal Hills Dr. SE. Request: MF-I/MF Deny. 5 - against Deny. Financial (AKA Parker PUD) Existing: PNR/PN 1 -support (ap.) •G-23 Bettinger, 460 Olympia Ave. N. Request: IM/EAI Approve lL&/M/EA/,•Adjust 2 - support (1-ap.) Deny Steve Existing: CB/COMMC Center Boundary with SF4& 1 - against (should MF-1 remain commercial) Driskell, C.C. 3550 and 3560 NE 4th Request: IL/EAI Approve lL&/M/EA/,•Adjust Deny Street Existing: CB/COMMC Center Boundary with SF4& MF-1 Huebner, 400, 410, 420, 430 Request: IM/EAI Approve/L&/M/EA/;Adjust Deny Robert Olympia Ave. NE. Existing: CB/COMMC Center Boundary with SF4& MF-1 •G-24 Northward Approx. NE 6th and Duvall Request: PNR/PN Approve. Manzin-support (ap.) Approve. Properties/ Ave. NE. Existing: MF-C &CB/COMMC, (Deny Manzin MR/SF4). (Deny Manzin MR/SF4). Manzin, MF-I/MF (Manzin SF/SF4 Antonio MR/SF4) 'G-25 Bumstead/ South of SE 128th St., Request Land Use: SF LDSF north half. 1 -support (ap.) LDSF north half. Ribera between 148th and 152nd Existing Land Use: LDSF SF south half. SF south half. Aves. SE `G-26 Robert Lee 1419 North 30th St Request: CC/CC for remainder of Approve. 1 -support (ap.) Approve and Assoc for lot. Chevron USA Existing: SF/SF& CC/CC G-27 Willing, Jack Between NE 6th St., Shelton Request: MR/SF-4 for the entire Deny 2- against -6Eriy pprove SF-4 or Ave NE, NE 5th and Queen site. 1 - support (ap.) entire site unless the *� Ave I Existing: SF/SF & MR/SF4 demonstration project rails through; t en SF-4/SF split as existing 8 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 24, 1994 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 11/07 Port of Seattle Presentation: Waterfront (Stredicke) 6:30-7:30 p.m. Expansion and Airport Master Plan (to be continued following regular Following adjournment of Council Council meeting) meeting: 1995/1996 Budget COMMUNITY SERVICES TUES., 10/25 Maplewood Golf Course Concession (Nelson) 3:30 p.m. Contract; *5th Floor* Naming of New Park; Park Board Appointments I FINANCE (Tanner) PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT TUES., 10/25 Cedar River Court Apartments Fire (Keolker-Wheeler) 4:00 p.m. Mitigation Fees; *5th Floor* Public Use Suffix PUBLIC SAFETY *NO MEETING* (Corman) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) MON., 11/07 Puget Sound Helicopters; (Edwards) 4:00 p.m. Andrew Peck Request for Directional Signage for Churches; Corman Right-of-Way Dedication; Street Standards UTILITIES THURS., 10/27 Pat Hess SAD Assessment (Sierra Heights (Schlitzer) 4:00 p.m. Sanitary Sewers); Boeing Release of Easement Request (SW 16th St) NOTE:Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the 6th floor conference room unless otherwise noted. I 'I I